ch.. l-d/yy/ Book. /Cf/O u. vUXJL.i^'^'N. ^ TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES ISSUED JNDER GENERAL STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS By HARLAN UPDEGRAFF SPECIAUST IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF EX)UCATION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 \^ A. -TABLE SHOWING THE PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF ALABAMA. [General Public School Laws of Ala., 1908, pp. 23-27; 1909. pp. 3-10 (passed at the special session of the legislature).] Name of certificate. Issued by — Valid in— Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. State superintend- ent and secre- tary board of ex- aminers. do do State do do Life First-grade certifi- cate. Second-grade cer- tificate. Third-grade certifi- cate. Temporary certifi- cate. Local certificates 6. . do .do 6years 4 years Nonrenewable. do do .do.. . .do 2 years do State board of ex- aminers. County specified. do Next exami- nation re- port. Second can not be issued un- less regular c e r t i flcate has been re- ceived dur- ing interim. ARIZONA. [Ariz. School Laws, 1907, pp. 8-10, 14, 76-80.] Life diploma . Educational diplo- ma. First-grade (certifi- cate: Upon examina- tion. Territorial board of education. .do. .do. Territory. .do. Any. .do. Life. . . . G years . (Jrammar schools. 4 years. Nonrenewable For 4 years by action o f board if holder has ta u g h t 2 years. a References are given only to printed books and circulars; letters and memoranda from the various state olHccs, which constitute the sole authorities for many statements, are not cited. The material regarding each State except three has been corrected by the respective state education offices. NOV 23 1910. o^ ^ TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES IN THE VARIOUS STATES." ^ ALABAMA. a {General Public School Laws of Ala., 19C8, pp. 23-27; 1909, pp. 3-10 (passed at the special session of the legislature) .] Experience required. 5 years under Ala- bama first-grade certificate. None. .do. .do. .do. Questions prepared by- State board of ex- aminers. .do. .do. .do. Papers exam- ined by — Scholarship requirements. .do No examination required State board of ex- High degree of proficiency and professional aminers. attainment as shown (1) by sketch of his school work during any five years while holding a first-grade certificate, and (2) by discussion of questions involving history of education and theory and practice of teaching based on two or more books previously announced. Examination in subjects required for sec- ond giade and in algebra, natural philosr ophy, plane geometry, school law, and theory and practice of teaching, with a minimum average of 75 per cent and grade of 50 per cent. do ! E-xamination in subjects required for third- grade certificate and in arithmetic, his- tory of Alabama, United States history, English grammar and composition, and intermediate geography, with minimum average of 75 per cent and grade of 50 per cent. Examination in orthography, reading, pen- manship, grammar, arithmetic (through fractions), primary geography, elemen- tary principles of physiology and hy- giene, and agriculture, with minimum average of 75 per cent and grade of 50 per cent. Recommendation of city or town superin- tendent or chairman of board of district trustees, approved by county superin- tendent; applicant must have been either not a resident of Alabama or ill at time of last examination. .do ARIZONA. [Ariz. School Laws, 1907, pp. 8-10, 14, 76-80.] 10 years, 1 in Ari- zona on first- grade certificate. 5 years, 1 in .Ari- zona on first- grade certificate. None. Board of examin- ers. Board of examin- ers. No examination required. Board of examin- ers. Board of examin- Examination in subjects required for a ers. second-grTjde certificate and, in addition, algebra and natural philosophy, with an average of 80 per cent and minimum as in second grade below. 6 Local certificates aregranted by "separate districts" having 2,000 population or over. No detailed pro- visions in law. Examination in pedagogy, history of edu- cation, school economy, school govern- ment. Nonespecified. teachers' cebtificates. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' ARIZONA— Continued . Name of certificate. Issued by — Valid in— Duration. Renewal. ! Territory. Schools. First-grade certifi- ca'e— Cont'd. Without exami- nation. Second-grade cer- tificate. Special certificate, commercial branches. Manual training, domestic science, certificate with- out examination. Manual training, domestic science, certificate upon examination. Territorial board of education. . Territory . . do Grammar schools. Primary and as- sistant in gram- mar schools ex- cept in eighth grade. Commercial sub- jects. Subjects named . . . 4 years 3 years 4 years do For4 years by action of board if holder has taught 2 years. Nonrenewable Renewable if holder has taught 3 years under certificate. do do do do do. do do do do ARKANSAS. [Digest of School Laws, 1910, pp. 14-15, 25-28, 35-38.] State certificate a. . . State superintend- ent. P r o f e .s sional li- cense.o First-grade certifi- cate. Second-grade cer- tificate. Third-grade certifi- cate. County superin- tendent. .do. State ' Any. .do. .do. County do. .do. .do. .do. Life. 6 years . 2 years. 1 year. 6 months. . May be re- newed in- definitely.!) .do. Twice. Once. a Those students of the State Normal School of Arkansas who have been given the degree of licentiate of instruction are authorized to teach for 6 years, this degree being in all respects the equivalent of a pro- fessional license. At the close of this 6-year period the licentiate diploma "may be converted into a life certificate" by the state .superintendent. STATE LAWS AXD REGULATIONS. cettificates in the various States — Continued. ARIZONA— Continued. Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Sfholarsliij) requirements. (1) Graduation from university or college having 4 years' course based on 4-year high-school course; (2) 1 year's work in education in a normal school, college, or university; (3) submission of diploma, recommendation of professors of educa- tion, and other papers. Condition (2) may be satisfied by passing examination in subjects required for life diplomas. Examination in geography, history and civics, physiology, hygiene with special reference to the nature and eti'ects of alco- holic drinks, etc., orthography, defining, penmanship, composition, reading, meth- od of teachmg, grammar, arithmetic, and the school laws of ,\rizona, with an aver- age of 81) per cent, no grade less than 70 per cent in grammar, orthography, or arithmetic and not less than 50 per cent in any other subject. Examination in spelling, arithmetic, gram- mar, composition, writing, bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, and commercial law, unless a holder of a territorial certifi- cate, in which case first five may be omitted. do . Board of examin- ers. do Board of examin- ers. do do 1 year's experience in teaching sub- ject. None Board of examin- ers. Board of examin- ers. science school. Such examination as required if conditions as above set forth can not be met. ARKANSAS. [Digest of School Laws, 1910, pp. 14-16, 25-28, 35-38.] None. .do. .do. .do. State superintend- ent. -do. -do. .do. .do. State superintend- ent. .do. County superin- tendent. -do. .do. Examination in subjects required for a first-grade county certificate, and, in addition, algebra, geometry, physics, rhetoric, mental philosophy, general history, Latin, natural history, botany, and geology. Examination in subjects required for a first-grade covmty certificate, and, in addition, algebra, plane geometry, gen- eral history, and rhetoric. Examination in subjects required for a second-grade certificate, and, in addi- tion, civil government and elementary algebra. Minimum average, 85 per cent; minimum grade, 70 per cent. Examination in subjects required for third- grade, and, in addition, history of Arkan- sas, physiology, and theory and practice. Mininumiavei-age,75percent; minimum grade, G5 per cent. Examination in spelling, reading, penman- ship, English grammar, arithmetic, geog- raphy, United States history, elementary agriculture and horticulture. Minimum average Coper cent; minimum grade, 60 per cent. 6 All renewals based on a requirement that the holder of any certificate must attend the "summer insti tutes." TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers* CALIFORNIA. [School Law of Cal., 1909, sees. 1503, 1521, 1771-1775, 1778, 1787-1793.] Name of certificate. Issued by- Life diploma: High school ! S late board of ed- ucation. Grammar school . Kindergarten- primary. Special kindergar- ten-primary life diploma. Permanent certifi- cates: Secondary .do. .do. .do. Valid in- Territory. Grammar o r elementary. Kindergarten- primary. Special County board of education. .do. .do. .do. Secondary-s c h o o 1 certificate. County board of education (on credentials only). Grammar or ele- mentary school certificate. County board of education. Kindergarten - pri- mary certificate. .do. .do. .do. .do. County, or city and county. .do. County. .do. .do. Schools. Duration. Any Grammar and pri- mary schools. Kindergarten . . . . , Branches and grades named. Any . Grammar or pri- mary. Kindergarten Branches and grades named. Any Elementary. Kindergarten . Life. .do. .do. .do .do. .do. 6 years. .do. Renewal. At option of board; sec- ond renewal permanent . Permanent certificate may be giv- en at time of first renewal .do. At option of board. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. certificates in the various States — Continued. CALIFORNIA. [School Law of Cal., 1909, sees. 1503, 1521, 1771-1775, 1778, 1787-1793.] Experience required. 8 months, 21 in California certi- fied by three- fourths of coun- ty board. .do. .do. 5 years; 20 months in high school in same county. 5 years in same county. do do None . . .do. .do. Questions prepared by- No examination given. County board education. Papers exam- ined by- County board of education. No exammation; granted on creden- tials only. Scholarship requirements. Must have held and still hold a valid county or city and county certificate of same grade. Do. Do. Do. Holder of secondary school certificate or state diploma. Holder of elementary certificate or state diploma. Holder of kindergarten-primary certificate or state diploma. Holder of special certificate or state di- ploma. One of following: (1) Holder of credentials approved by state board of education. Minimum requirements as follows: Equivalent of graduation from Univer- sity of California, satisfactory evidence of takmg the mjnunum amount of peda- gogy prescrilied by state board of educa- tion of California, and recommendation for a high-school certificate from the fac- ulty in which pedagogical work was taken. (2) Holder of special credentials from state board of education. To ob- tain these it is necessary that applicant shall have taught 20 months and possess equivalent of requiremeats given under (1). (3) Holders of high-school certifi- cates issued by other counly boards. One of following: (1) Examination in read- ing, writing, grammar and advanced com- position, English and American literar ture, orthography and defining, vocal music, bookkeeping, arithmetic, algebra to quadractics, plane geometry, geog- raphy (physical, political, and indus- trial), elementary physics, physiology and hygiene, history" of the United States, civil government, history (an- cient, medieval, and modem), school law, methods of teaching. (2) Holder of life diploma or certificate of any State de- clared by state board to be equivalent to requirements forelementary life diplomas. (3) Holder of normal-school diploma from state school and those declared of equal rank by state board. (4) Holder of diploma from University of California or Leland Stanford Junior University when said holder has completed six months' tramlng in one of state normal schools or has had eight months' successful experi- ence m pul>lic schools of State after graduation. (5) Grammar school or grammar grade certificate of any other county of California. One of following: (1) Holder of diploma of graduation from the kindergarten depart- ment of any state normal school. (2) Holder of credentials showing profes- sional kindergarten training in institu- tion approved by state board of educa- tion and also general education equiva lent to that required for graduation from kindergarten department of state normal school. (3) Holder of kindergarten cer- tificate issued by any other county board. s TEACHERS CERTIT'ICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers^ CALIFORNIA— Continued . Name of certificate. Issued by- Valid in— Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. Special certificates. . County board of education. County — Branches and grades named; limited to draw- ing, music, phy- sical culture, commercial, technical, and industrial work. 6 years At option of board. Sec- ond renewal permanent. City, or city and county certifi- cates: Grammar Board of education . do. do .do Grammar or pri- mary. Same as county special. do do At option of board. Sec- ond renewal permanent. do COLORADO. [School Laws of Colo., 1909, pp. 33-36, 96-98. Sess. Laws, 1903, chap. 165, p. 421; Sess. Laws, 1909, chap. 165, p. 369.] State diploma: Without exami- nation. Upon examina- tion. Without exami- nation. Temporary certifi- cate. First-^rade county certificate. Second-grade county certificate. Third-grade county certificate. School district cer- tificate (districts of first class). State board of education. .do. .do. .do. County superin- tendent. .do. .do. School district board. State. -do. .do. do... County a . do.. do.. District. Any. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 5 years. .do. .do. do. 3 years. 18 months. 9 months. . Varies Renewable for 5 years in discretion of state board of education, then renew- able for life. .do. .do. Nonrenewable Renewable once. .do. .do. Determined by district board. a County superintendent in emergency may recognize county teachers' certificates issued in another county or another State by indorsing same as "Good until next county examination." County superintendent may issue a like grade certificate to a teacher holding a similar first-grade cer- tificate of another county, good during life of certificate upon which it was issued. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. certificates in the various States — Continued. CALIFORNIA— Continued . Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. None County board of education. City board of ex- aminers. do County board of education. City board of ex- aminers. do Board must satisfy itself by examination or Prescribed by city board of ex- aminers. do credentials of special fitness to teach suh- jects, and also of proficiency in English grammar, orthography, defining, and methods of teaching. Prescribed by city board of e.xaminers. Do. COLORADO. [School Laws of Colo., 1909, pp. 33-3(i, 96-98. Sess. Laws, 1903, chap. If5, p. 421: Sess. Laws, 1909, chap. 165, p. 369.] 24 months . .do. 6 years' eminent educational serv- ice in Colorado. None .do. .do. .do. Varies . State board of ex- aminers. State board of ex- aminers. No examination required State superintend- ent. .do. .do. County superin- tendent. .do. .do. Determined by district board Graduation from a Colorado college main- taining standard 4-year course and re- quiring 4-year standard high-school course or equivalent for admission. Professional training equivalent to one- sixth standard 4-year course in at least three of these (one being No. 4): (1) General and educational psychology; (2) history of education; (;"?) science and principles of education; (4) practice teaching and special methods; (5) or- ganization and management of schools; (6) philosophj-, sociology, and anthro- pology. Acadernie and professional attainments equivalent to above. Equivalent to qualifications described above for state diploma. Examination in orthography, reading, writing, aritlunetic, English grammar, geography, history and Constitution of United States and the constitution of Colorado, civil government, physics, natural sciences, theory and practice of teaching, and school law of Colorado. If applicant is to teach in high school, examination shall extend to such addi- tional branches as are to be pursued in such school. Same as first class, but lower percentage is required. Do. Determined by district board. 10 TEACHERS CEBTIFICATES. A.. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' CONNECTICUT, ^^''.'^'''.ff™^ to schools (1909), sees. 4, 118, 195, 210, 211. Conn. School Documents No. 21, 1909, sees. 4 67 l^Jl ,li- ^^Port of the board of education of the State of Conn, to the governor, together with the report of the secretary of the board July 14, 1904-July 14, 1905, pp. 226-244.] Name of certificate. Supervisor's certifi- cate (1). Supervisor's certifi- cate (2). Honor certificate. Elementary eertifi- cate.o Issued bj'- State board of edu- cation. .do. Valid in- Territory. State. .do. .do. .do. Statutory certifi- cate. Kindergarten cer- tificates Kindergarten hon- or certificate. Certificate of spe- cial preparation. Certificate of spe- cial excellence. Local high .school certificates. Local public school certificate. .do. .do. .do. .do. State board of ed u- cation. High school com- mittee. School visitors, school commit- tee, or board of education. .do. Schools. Any. .do. .do. Duration. At the pleas- ure of the board. Varying terms. Renewal. Successful ex- perience as supervisor. Not longer than 2 years. Subjects named in do. certificate. Town spec- ified. State. -do. .do. State. Town or district. .do. Kindergartens. Subject named.. . Subjects named . . High school, bran c h e s named. Any specified school in branch- es named. Not longer t h a n 1 year. Not longer than 2 years. 1 year 1 or 2 years. Upon e V i - dence show- i n g holder has taught and man- a g e d suc- cessfully. -do. 1 or 2 years. Indefinite. .do. Success f ul teaching. .do. At discretion of commit- tee. o A holder of an honor certificate may obtain a "certificate of special exceUence" in any subject covered therem by submittmg a satisfactory thesis in that subject. . STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 11 certificates in the various States — Continued. CONNECTICUT. [Laws relating to schools (1909), sees. 4, 118, 195,210, 211, Conn. School Documents No. 21, 1909, sees. 4, 67, 118, 210-212. Report of the board of education of the State of Conn, to the governor, together with the report of the secretary of the board July 14, 1904-July 14, 1905, pp. 226-244.] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. 5 years' supervi- sion of 6 schools, giving entire time to super- vision. Experience is re- quired; no def- inite amount fixed. Indefinite amount. No examination required . .do. None. Must demonstrate ability to teach and manage by actual exercises in teaching. .do. No prescribe minimum. At discretion of committee. State board of edu- cation. .do. .do. State board of edu- cation. .do. -do. .do. do do. Examination is required only when original q.xamination shows some deficiency. State board [ State board High school com- mittee or com- mittee appoint- ed by it (when e X a m i n a t ion given). Authorities named in column 2; or special com- mittee. High school com- mittee or com- mittee appoint- ed by it (when e X a m i n a t ion given). Authorities named in column 2; or special com- mittee. At discretion of state board of education Issued by special vote of board. Examination in school law, organization of public schools, courses of study, history of education in Connecticut, supervision, qualifications of teachers; also academic examination required for elementary cer- tificate unless candidate (1) is a graduate of a college, university, or normal school, (2) holds a state elementary or honor cer- tificate, or (3) has a high school education and has had 5 years successful experience as a supervisor, giving entire time to supervision. Examination showing sound elementary knowledge in subjects required for ele- mentary certificate, including examina- tion upon preliminary papers, and, in addition, examination in art of teaching by actual demonstration, showing ability to teach and manage. Examination showing elementary knowl- edge and special preparation for teaching in writing, English (including reading, writing, spelling, and grammar), arith- metic, elementary science (including physiology), geography, history, and civil government. Satisfactory prelim- inary papers must be submitted previous to admission to examination, showing evidence of professional study. Candi- date must show in examination (oral) practical knowledge of subject-matter of these papers, numbering 22 in all. Examination must show "tolerable aca- demic acquaintance" with reading, spell- ing, writing, arithmetic, English, gram- mar, rudiments of geography. United States history, physiology, and duties of citizenship. Twenty preliminary papers in subjects named below, showing evidence of pro- fessional study. Examination upon these papers and in kindergarten gifts and oc- cupations, nuisic. drawing, English (in- cluding reading, spelling, grammar, Eng- lish literature), penmanship, elementary science (including physiology), and his- tory. Same as for honor certificate. \ thesis on the special subject not included in honor or elementary certificates may be required. Examination may also include actual exercises in teaching. Holder of honor certificate or approval of board of education in lieu thereof. Skill in teaching demonstrated by actual class exercises, as well as accurate knowledge, must be shown. At discretion of committee. Examination in reading, writing, arith- metic, grammar, rudiments of geography and history, and rudiments of drawing if requiied.6 6 No teacher may teach classes above third grade who has not passed a satisfactory examination in hygiene, including the effects of alcohol and narcotics on health and character. Other branches may be specified on certificate. 12 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' DELAWARE. [School Laws for the Free I'ubhc Schools of Del., 1908-9, pp. 6, 23-25. 37-40, 55.] Name of certificate. Professional certifi- cate. First-grade certifi- cate. Issued by- County superin- tendent . Second-grade cer- do . tificate. Temporary certifi- I do. cate. I Valid in- Territory. Cotmty a. do... Schools. Any. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Duration. 10 years . 5 years . . 2 years. 1 year. . Renewal. .do. -do. On authority of state board. FLORIDA. Digest of School Laws of the State of Fla., 1909, pp. 2fi-34, 97. Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Fla., 1908, pp. 228-245.) Life certificate. . State certificate. Special certificate. Primary certificate, life. Primary certificate. First-grade life cer- tificate: Upon examina- tion. Without exam- ination. First-grade certifi- cate. Second-grade cer- tificate. Third-grade cer- tificate. Temporary certifi- cate. State superintend- ent. .do. .do .do. -do. County superin- tendent. .do. .do. State. .do. .do .do. .do. County. State Any. .do. Branches specified Kind ergarten, first, second, and third grade. Any .do. .do. County; may be indorsed by other county superin- tendents. .do .do. Life 5 years Upon reexami- nation. do do Life 4 years Upon reexami- nation. Life County . .do. .do. .do. Elementary. Life in ! county. I 5 years Upon reexami- nation. 4 years. .do. 2 years do Until next examina- tion. Nonrenewable; one only to same person. oMay be countersigned by superintendent of any other county. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 13 certificates in the various States — Continued . DELAWARE. (School Laws for the Free Public Schools of Del., 1908-9, pp. 6, 23-25, 37-40, 55.] Experience required. None . . do. .do. .do. Questions prepared by- State board education. 6 .do. .do. Papers exam- ined by — Scholarship requirements. No examination required County superin- Applicant must answer 90 per cent of ques- tendent. tions asked in subjects specified under ! certificate below. do i Applicant must answer 90 per cent of ques- tions in each of following subjects: Or- i thography, reading, writing, mental arithmetic, written arithmetic, geogra- phy, physiology and hygiene with spe- I cial refei-ence to the effects of stimulants j and narcotics, United States history, I United States and Delaware constitu- tions, pedagogy, and grammar: and 75 I percent of questions on such other sub- j jects as are specified by the state board of education. do ! AppHcant must answer 75 per cent of ques- tions asl^ed in all subjects required for first-grade certificate. "Diploma or certificate of graduation from any respectable normal school or college." FLORIDA. [Digest of School Laws of the State of Fla., 1909, pp. 2(>-34, 97. Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Fla., 1908, pp. ^8-245.] 30 months under Florida state cer- tificate. 24 months;8 under Florida first grade. None No examination . . Must be a teacher in a high school or college in State and present satisfactory indorse- ment of eminent ability in teaching from three persons holding life certificates. Examination in geometry, trigonometry, physics, botany, zoology, Latin, rhetoric, English literature, psycJiology, and gen- eral history: minimum average of 85 per cent and grade of 60 per cent. Testimonials of peculiar fitness for teaching any subject not included in requiremfnts for second-grade certificate; and exami- nation with minimum grade of 90 per cent in such branches as are prescribed by state superintendent. (State certificate examination questions are given.) Satisfactory evidence of successful experi- ence. .Accomplished by indorsement of primary certificate. Examination in primary studies, prescribed by state superintendent, with minimum average of so per cent; and testimonials of peculiar fitness for prunary work. State superintend- ent. . .do State superintend- ent. .. .do 4 years under pri- mary certificate. None 20 years; 9 years under certificate since 1894. 6 years under first- grade with aver- age of 90 per cent. None No examination re State superintend- ent. No examination re( do quired State superintend- ent. juired . . and disciplinarian. " Accomplished by indorsement of first-grade certificate. Holder of first-grade certificate. Examination in all subjects required for third-grade certificate and in algebra and physical geography, with a minimum average of 85 per cent and grade of 60 per cent. Same examination as for third-grade; mini- mum average of 75 per cent and grade of 60 per cent. Examination in orthography, reading, geography, arithmetic, geometry. United States history, physiology, theory and practice of teachiiig, composition, and agriculture. Same as for third grade certificate. State superintend- ent. do Grading conunit- tee of county. do do do do .do. do do . .do.. * County superintendent may prepare questions when so decided by state board. 14 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — -Table showing the principal features of teachers' GEORGIA. [Compilation of laws and decisions relating to the common-school system, 1910, p. 37-40.] Name of certificate. Issued by- VaUdin— Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. Permanent license. . State school com- missioner. County board of education. do State County; may be i ndorsed by other county c mmis- sioners. County ; can not be in- dorsed. Any elementary school. do Life First, second, and 3, 2, and 1 years^ re- spectively. UntU next e X a m i- nation. Upon same conditions as original. No provision. third grade li- ■ censes. Temporary license. IDAHO. [School Laws 1909, p. 5, and Chaps. 34 and 36.] Life diploma State board of public instruc- tion. State Any Life ptate certificate: Upon examina- do do do 8 years do....... tion. Without exami- do do do .do nation. ■First-grade certifi- cate: Upon exami- County superin- tendent. State when filed in county. do 5 years .. .do nation. Without exam- do do do . ination. Profes.sional pri- mary certificate. County superin- tendent when directed by state superintendent. do Lower 4 grades 4 years Once only Second-grade cer- County superin- tendent. do Any 3 years Nonrenewable tificate. Third-grade certifi- do County . 1 year do cate. a Less experience is requirc'd of graduates of courses in chartered institutions covering five years above the eighth grade. STATE LAWS AND KEGULATIONS. 15 certificates in the various States — Continued. GEORGIA. [Compilation of laws and decisions relating to tJie common-school system, 1910, p. 37-40.) Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. State school com- missioner. . .do State school com- missioner. County school commissioner. . . .do If, in the judgment of the county school commissioner, any of the papers for first, second, or third grade licenses "exhibit unusual merit," he shall forward them "together with certificate of good moral and professional character of the appli- cant" to the state school commissioner, who may issue permanent license if in his opinion the papers exhibit "a sufficient degree of merit." Examination in orthography, reading, writing, geography, grammar, arith- metic, agriculture, science and practice of teaching, and physiology and hygiene, including nature and effects of alcohol, etc. Minimum averages as follows: First grade, 90 per cent: second grade, SO per cent; third grade, 70 per cent. Examination must be ordered by county board and only to meet an emergency'. None ... .do County school commissioner. IDAHO. [School Laws 1909, p. 5, and Chaps. 34 and 36.] 5 years, 2 in State. State board of public instruc- tion. 3 years" 1 do. None, or 5 years. See last coiim:m. None State superintend- ent. 18 months, part of which within 2 years. 2 years. None. State superintend- ent. .do. State board of I Holder of valid Idaho state certificate, and public instruc- ! examination in political economy, plane tion. geometry, psychology, history of educa- tion, chemistry. do Holder of a valid first-grade county certifi- cate and examination in physics, litera- ture, botany, geology, zoology. Holder of B. A. or B. S. from University of Idaho finishing 2-year course in de- partment of pedagogy, or having taught 5 years in State. State superintend- ent. State superintend- ent. -do. Examination in branches required for second-grade and in addition algebra, general history, and rhetoric. Minimum average, 90 per cent; minimum grade, 75 percent. Holders of second-grade with average above 90 per cent mav take ad- ditional subjects and receive first grade. To graduates of state normal schools of other States holding life diplomas in such States and to gradujites of those colleges the A. B. degrees of which are recognized by the universities of the Slates in which they are situated, when issuance of cer- tificate is authorized by the state board. Holder of second-grade" certificate, and completion of 1 year's work in profes- sional primary training in an Idaho state normal school or complelion of an ap- proved primary professional course in a state normal school of another State. Examination in orthography, reading, writing, grammar, arithraelic, geography, United States history, civil government, physiology and hygiene, with particular reference to eflfects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and narcotic^, theory and practice of teachine, state consiitution, and school law. Minimum average, 80 per cent; minimum grade, 75 per cent. Can not have previously held third-grade certificate. Examination of subjects re- quiied for second-grade with average of 75 per cent, no branch below 60 per cent. 16 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' ILLINOIS. [The School Law of 111., 1909, pp. 4, 48-49, Circular No. 42, office of superintendent of public instruction Nov. 1, 1909.] Valid in— Name of certificate. Issued by- Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. General certificate . . State superintend- ent. State Any Life... . i i State elementary do do .\ny elementary school. do school certificate. State high school do do Any high school. . . do certificate. State supervisory do .. As principal or superintendent, any district. do certificate. State special cer- do do One subject named . do tificate. (Vocal, music, drawinK, manual training, or household arts only.) First-grade eertifi- County superin- tendent. County 2 years At discretion of county su- perintendent. cate.o Second - grade cer- do do... . .do 1 year do tlflcBt*. Special certificates. do do Branches named . . Not fixed by law. do (Music, drawing, penmanship, bookkeeping. German or any flther subject.) o In any county in which a .county normal school is established, the diplomas of graduates, when directed by the county board of edn6atibn, may be accepted by the county superintendent as sufficient evidence of qualifiration of first-grade certificate. (Page 4.S.) STATE LAWS AND EEGULATIONS. 17 certificates in the various States — Continued. ILLINOIS. [The School Law of 111., 1909, pp. 4, 48-49, Circular No. 42, office of superintendeni of public instruction ' Nov. 1, 1909.] Experience required. 3 years. 1 year. .do. 2 years of teaching or supervision. None. .do. .do. .do. Questions : Papers exam- prepared by — i ined by — State superintend- ent. .do. State superintend- ent. Scholarship requirements. .do. .do. .do. .do. County superin- County superin- tendent, tendent. .do. .do. .do. .do. Examination in educational psychology principles and methods of teaching, Eng lish, European and United States history algebra, civics, plane geometry, biological science, and physical science; Latin or a modern language: and a satisfactory thesis on one of the subjects listed by the state superintendent. Minimum aver- age, 75 f er cent; grade, (55 per cent. Graduation from a state nonnal school or completion of an equivalent course, and an examination in flrst 3 subjects named above and a satisfactory thesis as above. Standings as above. Graduation from an approved high school, university, or other institution otTering 4 years of work beyond a 4-j'ear high-school course and examination and thesis as for state elementary certificate. Thesis must be upon a secondary school subject. Standings as al)ove. Graduation from an approved college or normal school, or 10 years successful su- pervision in lieu thereof, and examination in English, educational psychology and history of education. Thesis, as above, on a problem of school administration. Standings as above. Graduation from a 4-year high-school course , 2 years of worlc in special subject in an approved institution, and same examina- tion and thesis as required for state ele- mentary certificate, the thesis to be on the educational value of the special subject. Standings as above. Examination in subjects required for a sec- ond-grade certificate, and in addition, in elements of the natural sciences and physi- ology and laws of health. No standings named . Examination in orthography, reading, pen- manship, arithmetic, grammar, modem geography, ci\1cs. United States history, and history of Illinois. No standings named. Examination only in special subject or sub- jects which applicant desires to teach. 63200—10- 18: TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the jyrincipal features of teachers^ INDIANA. [School Laws of Ind., 1907, pp. 20-29, 72-91, 228, 250, 2G2, 2 J5. Indiana Teachers' Licenses, Robert J. Aley , 1910 (pamphlet). J Name of certificate. Life state license (regular). Issued by- State board of education. Life stale license do . (special for col- lege graduates), i I^fofessional license. do. Valid in- Territory. Schools. State I Any. .do. -do. State Normal School diploma. «0-months' high school license. Board of trustees. .| do. State superintend- do . ent. Duration. ' Renewal. Life. .do. .do. do. 8 years . . Life. Upon exami- nation only. Designated sub- jects in any high school; common branches in any ' public school. 60 months...! Upon exami- I nation only. 3(>-m onth high- State siipprintctid- ent. 24-m onth high- .school license. .do. Designated sub- jects in any high school. .Stimonths.. .j Upon exami- nation only. .do. .do I 24 months. "See note o, p. 21. f> In all literature examinations the manuscript is graded from to 7'> on correctness of answers and from to 2a on the quality of u.sed. I STATE LAWS AND KEGULATlOxNS. 19: vcrbificntcs in thf various Stntts — CJoiitinued. INDIANA. (School of Ind,, 1 907, pp. 20-29, 72-91, 228,250, lt;2, 2H5. Indiana 'rcachcrs' Licenses, Kobint J. .\iey, 19 10 (pamphlet).] K.xperiiMicc (questions required. j prepared by- 48 months State board of ed-iieation. ;^o montlis: lo in do Indiana. ! Papers exam- ined bv — State board education. 48 moiUlis do. .do. 2 years' sut-i-essful experience after graduation. 3 years' experience prior to August, 1908, or .3 years for teachers in classes .\ and R.o No e.xamination required. State board of education. 3 years. (See scholarship re- quirements.) State board of ed- ucation. Stale superintend- ent. State superintend- ent. 1 year. (Seeschol- do. arship require- | ments.) i -■scholarship reciuircnicnts .\pplicant mnsi have held two 3(i-months', a ofi-moiil lis' and a (iO-nionths' , or two (iO- months' licenses. Kxaininalion in rliet- oric, .geometry, general history, English literature, pli'ysical geography, and two of toUowini;: Clu'iiiistry, geology, and zoology. Mininnun general average, 85 per ceiit: minimum grade, 75 per cent. (Iraduation from a standard ap))roved col- lege: holder of one or more (iO-montlis- licenses or a professional license, and ex' >amination in any ihree of following sub- jects: (ieneral history of education, the school system and (lie school law of In- diana, educaiioual psyi'hology, experi-, mental jisycliulogy and child study, lead-* ing school svstems of linrope and Amer- ica, and principles and methods of in- ' struction. Same grades as above. Same as for regular state license e.xeept subjects of examination, which are as fol- lows: .Mgelira, civil government, Amer- can lileralnre, science of education, and two of following six: Pliysics, l)Otany, (iennan, French. Spanish", and Latin.' Oraduation from Indiana Slate Normal School. Applicant must have had '.i years' experi- ence previous to .\ugust, 190S, or be a teacher in class .\ or H with 'A years' ex- perience and 'i years" normal training in an accredited scliool « .\ examination asfoUows: Division!. Common branches (see ;!(i-months' common school license), with minimmn average of 95 per cent and grade of 85 per cent. Division II. — (1) Literature and composition: (2) algebra or geometry, one required: (3) botany, zoology, cliemislry, physics, or physical geography, one required: (4) history and civics, Latin, (iennan, French, or Span- ish, one required: (.I) another subject to be selected from (2), V-i). or (4). Mini- mum averace, 85 per cent: grade, 75 per cent. Divisions must be taken sepa- rately, but both within one calendar year. .Additional subjects may be iaken. Same as for OO-month high-school license, except examination, which is as follows: Applicant must pass successfully (mini- mum average 95 per cent, grade 85 per cent) in five of following: Latin, German, French, Spanish, literature and compo- sition, history and civics, physical geog- raphy, commercial geography, zoology, botany, phy.sics, chemistry, commercial arithmetic, algebra, geometry, bookkeep- ing, and stenography. 6 Applicant must have had 1 or more years' experience previous to August, 1908, or be a Class An teacher of 1 year's experience and 24 weeks' normal training in an ac- credited school, and must also pass suc- cessfully (minimimi general average 90 per cent, grade SO per cent) in five of sub- jects named in requirements for rsfi- month high-school certificate. 20 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table shoiving the frincifol features of teachers^ INDIANA— Continued . Name of oertLftcate. Issued by- VaUd in— Duration. i Renewal. ! 1 ■1 Territory. Schools. ri-month high- school certificate. State superintend- ent. State Designated sub- , 12 months... jectsinauyhigh school. Upon exami- j nation only. | 1 ."{ti-m o n t h com- mon-school cer- tificate. (io do Connnoa liraiiches hi; months. .. j do do .do do do mon-sc h I li- cense. do do do do mon-school li- cense. Sti months' primary- school license. 24 months' primary- school license. 12 months' primary- school license. Kindergar ten 1 i - cense. do do ... .do (First, second , \ third, and fourth ( grades. Kindergarten 36 months... • 24 months... 12 months... 12 months . . do Kindergarten di- ploma. Supervisor's license in music , art, manual training;, sewing, and cooking. Indorsed by state superintendent. State superintend- ent. ... .do do Life do Supervisor or teacher of spe- cial subject ill any public school. 12 months... Upon e.xami- nation only. c (irades in writing and spelling are determined from the manuscripts. Grammar and literature are graded from to 90 on correctness of answers and from to 10 on quality of English used. In determining the " success grade " ot each teacher in service the city, town, ana county superintendents are required by law to use the following scheme: (1) Teachmg power, 45 per cent; many items enter into this, but llie principal ones are preparation of lesson, sVill in presentation, and results attained; (2) go''eni- ment, Ab per cent ; t he teacher's power in government is shown in the general spirit of the school, and in the attitude the pupils take toward their daily tasks, toward each other, and toward the school property; (3) general characteristics, 20 per cent; under this head the personality of the teacher, his professional and com- rnvinity interest, and all those qualities that make for the best c'itizen.ship should be considered. (Froni Indiana Teachers' Licenses, Robert .1. Aley.) STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 21 certificates in the various States — Continued. INDIANA— Continued . Experience required. None. (See scliol- arsliip require- ments.) Same as for 30- month h i g h - school certificate. Questions prepared by — State board of ed- ucation. I'apers exam- ined by — Scholarship rcquircinenls. Same as for 24 I . months' high- | school certificate.! None; same as for 12 months' high- school certificate. I (Same as for respec- ;.! tive com m o n- i [ school license. do do ... .do. State superintend- Applicant must have been a teacher prior ent. to August, 1908, or a graduate of a com- missioned or certified high school with at least 12 weeks of normal training in an accredited school, and must also pass suc- cessfully (minimum average 85 per cent, grade 75 per cent) in a majority of the subjects attempted of those named in re- quirements for a 3t)-montli high-scliool certificate. do Same as for 3(i-month high-school license- except omission of division II of exami; nation, common branches are as follows: Arithmetic^ grammar. United States his- tory, physiology and scientific temper- ance, geography, reading, writing, spil- ing, literature, science of education, draw- ! ing, and music. Drawing and music are i optional except in counties where they are specifically required. Examination in I reading-circle books for current year may I be susbtituted for examinations" in analo- gous subjeds. Minimum average 95 per cent, grade So per cent. A teacher hold- ing this license is in Class C." do Same as for 24 months' higii-school certifl- j cate, e.xcepl examination, which is in same I sulajects as for .31) months' common-.<;chool I certiiicate. Minimum average, 90 per I cent; grade, 80 per cent. A teacher hold- 3 t ing this license is in class B.a .do ! Same as for 12 months' high-school certlfl- I cate, except examination, which is in I same subjects as for 3ti months' common- school certificate. Minunum average, 85 per cent; grade, 75 per cent. A teacher holding this license is in class A. [Same scholarship requirements as for re- spective grades of common-school license, exce))! (hat special primary questions are given in arithmetic, reading, grammar, and science of education. .do. None. .do. None; same as for 12 months' common-scho o 1 license. No examination required . State board of ed- ucation. State superintend- ent. .do Any person eligible to any other examina- tion is eligible to this, which is in kinder- garten theory and practice, mu.sic, draw- mg, and English. Minimum average, 85 per cent; grade, 75 per cent, flradnalion from an approved kindergarten training school. Same as for 12 months' li- cense except examination, which is in special subject (minimum grade, 85 per cent) and iii literature and composition, arithmetic. United States history, and physiology, and scientific temperance ; (minimurii average, 85 per cent; grade, : 75 per cent). Courses in approved ; 1 schools in special subject will be ac- i i cepted in lieu of norma! training. a Class -1.— .V teacher without experience: Shall be a graduate of a hi.di school or its equivalent; shall have had not less than one term of 12 weeks' work in a school maintaining a professional course for (he train- ing of teachers: shall have not less than a 12 months' license. Class B.— A teacher with 1 year's experience: Shall be a graduate of a high school or its equivalent; shall have had not less than two terms of 24 weeks' work in a school maintaining a professional course for the training of teachers or the equivalent of such work; shall have not less than a 2 years' license; shall have a success .grade. Class C— .\ teacher with 3 or more years' successful experience: Shall be a graduate of a high school or its equivalent: shall be a graduate from a school maintaining a professional course for the training of teachers, or its equivalent; shall have a 3 years' license or its equivalent; shall have a success grade. Provided, That for teachers already in the service successful experience in teaching shall be accepted as an equivalent for high school and professional training, as required by all the above classifications.— (From l^aws, 1907, ch. 101, sec. 2.1 22 •ika('hi:k8 certificates. A. — Table showing thf prinripal featnr.'s of tcachfrx' INDIANA— Continued . Valid in- Name of cerlificate. Issued bV' Territory. Special liceuse (ru- | State board of ed- State . ral and town j tication. schools). ' Schools. Rural and town schools ; c o m - men branches. County high school: 36 months j County superin- i County tendent. 24 months 12 months 3 years I Upon exami- I nation only. ' j"* , I [•Same a.s for corresponding license issued by .state do do. . . County common school: 36 months [ do . 24 months [ do. . 12 months ' do. . County primary: 36 months ' do . . 24 months do.. 12 months do.. Exemption license do. . .do. .do. .do. do do do do [•Same as for corresponding license Issued by state Same as for corresponding license issued by state Any So long as holder re- mains con- tinuously in service. IOWA. [Code of Iowa. Sec;. 2629-2631, 2634, 2734. State diploma. State board of ex- i State Any i For life. aminors. i State certificate: di Without exami- nation. I'pon exaniin;!- tion). Primary teachers" state certificate. Special state cer- tificate (includ- ing kindergarten). First-grade county certificate. Second-grade count y certifi- catr. lo I First, .second, and I do . third grades. .do Any, in subjects do. or depanments named, .do do 3 vears. 2 years. Same as for state certifi- cate. Upon proofs of successful teaching and profes- sional study during life of certificate. I f markings are as high as required for first- grade, same as for first- grade. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 28 certificates in the various States — Continued. INDIANA— Continued . Kxperience , Questions Papers exam- required, prepared by — ' ined by — None - Sfliolarshi p " i-eq u irotiients . State board of ed- ■ State board of ed- ucation, ucation. superintendenl superinieudpnl superintendent I I 6 years Completion of special 2 years' course for teachers in accredited schools. Holders of this license who have no experience are in class A; those with one or more years' experience are in class B." I County superin- '1 ieiidcnv I Same as for corresponding license issued' do I by state superintendent. do .do. .do. do. .do. .do. .do. No examination required Holder uf a :'.(. inuiiths I license. Loinnion-school IOWA. [Code of Iowa. Sees. 2629-2631, 2634, 2734.] 5 years . State board of ex- aminers. State board of ex- aminers. 2 years . State board of ex- aminers. None . . . . 36 weeks. None. .do. State board of ex- aminers. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. In addition to branches required lor a state certificate, e.xamination in geometry, trigonometry, chemistry, zoology, geol- ogy, astronomy, political economy, Eng- lish literature, and general history. Gradtiation from state university, normal schools, and colleges of agriculture, and other educational institutions in the State having regular collegiate courses of equal rank. The record must show at least semester hours in psychology and 14 in education. Examination in orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, bookkeeping, physiology, his- torj^ of United States, algebra, botany, physics, drawing. United States civics, Iowa civics, school laws of Iowa, didactics. Examination in psychology of the child, school management, history of education, school laws of Iowa, drawing, primary methods, plant study, vocal music, phys- ical culture. Same as for special county certificate. E.xamination in reading, orthography, writing, arithmetic, geography, gram- mar. United States history, music, phys- iology and hygiene with reference to effects of stimthlants and narcotics, ele- mentary civics, elementary economics, elementary physics, and elementary algebra. Same as for first-grade county certificate, except that an examination in the last four subjects named above is not re- quired. Lower average required. oSee note p. 21. 24 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers^ IOWA— Continued. Name of certificate. • Issued by- VaUdin— Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. Thiid-grade count y certificate. Provisioual county certificate. Special county cer- tificate (incluci- inj; kindergarten). State board of ex- aminers. do do State do do Any in subjects or departments named. Limited to county for which is- sued. Any, in subjects or departments named. monthis 3 years Not renewa- b 1 e. Not more than two may be issued to same person. Not renewa- ble. Same as for first-g r a d e county. KANSAS. [Laws rolatiJig to the common schools of Kans., 1909, pp. 18-24, 27-34, 115, 129-130, 143. Manual of the Board of Education, State of Kans., 1910, pp. 5-38.] Life diploma . Life certificate. 3 - year renewable certificate (upon complete exami- nation to non- graduates'). - year renewable certificate [upon partial examina- tion to graduates (professional examinat ion course)]. State board of \ State, education. .do. .do. Any. Life. .do. .do. 3 years . Lapses if holder is not school work for 3 years. Life certificate granted if 2 years of suc- cessful e X - perience. .do. .do. 3 -year renewable do. certificate [with- | out examination to graduates (arts]. .do do .do. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 25 certificates in the various States — Continued. IOWA— Continued. Experience required. Questions prepared by- None. Papers exam- ined by — State board of ex- State board of ex- aminers, aminers. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Scholarship rccpiin^inonts. Examination in the same subjects required for a second-grade county certificate. Ivower average required. E.xamination in the same subjects required for a third-grade county certificate. Lower minimum grade accepted. Examination in the suliject or group of subjects for which a certificate is sought. Some rank as first-grade county or regular state certificates. Examination in pro- fessional subjects also required. KANSAS. I Laws relating to the common schools of Kans., 1909, pp. lS-24. 27-34, 115, 129-180. 143. Board of Educa.ion, Slate of Kans., 1910, pp. 5-38.] .Manual of the 5 years; ^2 in State. 2 years under 3- year renewable certificate. 1 year. State board education. State board education. No examination required. Examination in all subjects required for a 3-year certificate and, in addition, in political economy, zoology, and Latin, German, or French. Mininuun average, 85 per cent; minimum grade, 70 fer cent. Holder of 3-year renewable certificates. State board education. State board education. of None. . . .do. Examination in first 12 subjects named under professional certificate, and in ad- dition orthoepy, comrosition, plane and solid geometry, physical geography, me- diaeval and modern history, civil gov- ernment, including the government of Kansas, botany, general psychology, his- tory of education, school law, methods of instruction, chemistry, drawing, and music. For any 2 of the last 3 named, any 2 of the following 3 may be sub- stituted: Zoology, political economy or Latin, including Caesar and Virgil. Standings as under life di] loma. do Graduation from an educational institu- tion in the United States whose is accredited as "etficient" as the 4-year courses of study in the Kansas state nor- mal school entitles apj^l leant to credit in those subjects of tlie examination which were completed in such institu- tion. In addition, examination is re- quired in the following 5 professional subjects: Philosophy of education, his- tory of education, school laws, methods of teaching, and school management. Standings as under life diploma. Graduation from the arts course, including the course in education, of the Univer- sity of Kansas, or of any other accredited institution in the State maintaining same or equivalent entrance require- ments and a regular 4-year course includ- ing a department of education, provided the course in education includes all sub- jecls required for a teacher's diploma from the university. 26 KACH KKS CKHTIFIC'ATES. \. - I'ltfdc .shoirnii/ tlw jin iici juil /cut urcx n/ Icafhcn KANSAS -('(nitiuued. N;uiu' ol t-prli(icate. ' Issued by— .'{-year noiiicucwa- Slalc board of ed b 1 e cerlificale ticarion (normal practice leaching course). Indiisuial ccrlifi- calcs: Manual training. I'pon cxami- nafion. Valid in- Territory. ' Schools. ' ed- State , Any Duration. 3 years ^\■ilhoul I'xain- . ination. Domestic science. I'pon exanii- . nation. Wilhuul exam- . ination). Normal training . certificate. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do Any seliool in sub- j e c t s 'named, t provided holder has also a valid j Kansas teacher's I certificate: ; I do ■ do. do I do. Any I 2 years . Count V ceriificaies: I'rofe ■-sional cer- tifi( ate. County 4)oard of examiners. County, ex- cept in cities of first and s e c n d class. May be i n dorsed in other counties for unex- p i r p d time. .do. .do 2 years . Renewal . N o n-r enewa- ble. May se- cure renew- able certifi- cate by pass- ing exami- nation in professional subjects. 2 years if ex- perience is satisfactory; otherwise 1 year. do .do. .do. 2 years at a time; indefi- nitely. For :3 years without ex- am ination, provided certain con- ditions are met . b Upon e.xami- nation. Kirst-grade tificatp. Second-grade cer- do . tiflcate. a The stale board of education lias established I he following rules governing the renewal of normal-training certificates: First. Evidence of successful experience and professional interest on the part of holders of such certifi- cates satisfactory to the stale board of education. Second. Holders shall attend 2 county teachers' ins'titutes, provided that attendance at an approved summer training .school for 2 .summers sliall be accepted in lieu of such institute attendance. Third. Holders shall pursue such a course of professional reading as shall be outlined by the state board of education Fourth. Holders shall have taught 1 year of at least 20 weeVs out of the 2 years, provided that attendance at a recognized institution of higher learning for 2 years shall be accepted in lieu of the required teaching experience. It is expected Hint holders will attend 1 of the 2 institutes required before beginning to teacli. STATE LAWS AND KKtail^A TIONS. 27 certijiciitcx in the idridus Stales — Conlinued. KANSAS- Coiitimied. i Experience Questions i Papers exam- ' required. prepared by— ' ined by— 20 weeks of prac- No e\aniinatioii requireil tice teaching. i State board of ed- ucation. State board of ed- ucation. do do do i State board of ed- ucation State l)oard ol ed- ucation. do ... - Stale boanl of ed- ucation. Examiners ap- pointed by state lioard of "edur'a- tion. :il' school months County board of examiners. Scluilarslup rc(|uirciiicms. Graduation from tlie normal course of 1 of certain Kansas institutions whose courses of study include all subjects required for the 0-year certificate and has received the approval of the slate boanl of educition. Examination nuisl show ability to teadi both theory and laboratory work in clay modeling, "cardboard construction, bas- ketry, joinery, furniture making, wood turning, andmechanical drawing in ele- mentary and high schools. Craduation from accredited course in a manual-training institution. Examination must show ability to teach sewing and cooking in eleme'ntary and high schools. Same as for manual-training certificale (without examination). The applicant must be agraduate of a 4-year high-school course approved by the state board of education. That course must include a prescribed course in normal training. 'I'he applicant is examined in arithmetic, grammar, geography, read- ing, .\merican history, psychology, methods of instruction, and si'liool man- agement. Miuiminn average, ^o per cent; mininuim grade, (iO per cent. Examinations in orthography, reading, writing, grammar, geography, arithme- tic, history of Kansas, rnited States history, Constitution of United States, tiookkeeping, physiology and hygiene, theory and praci ice of teaching, elements of physics, algebra, English literature, and general history, with minimum average of 90 per (*!it anil luiiiinium grade of s.t per cent. 12 months do , do : E.vaminalion in all subjects rc([uircd for I I professional certificate except general ' ! ' history and physi s. Minimum stand- I i j ings 90 ])er cent and 70 per cent. Smonths do do I Examination in all subjects rc(iuired for I ' f^rst grade except bookkeeping and litera- I tare. Minimum standings so per cent and CO per cent. 6 Conditions are as follows: (1) No uonleaching period of more than 2 years; (2) attended 90 per cent of I of last 3 county institutes; (3) a regular and active member of county teachers' association; (4) a sub- scriber to an educational ioiu'nal: and (5) does such professional work as .state or county superintendent may direct. 28 TEACH EKS C EKT 1 F lO AXES . A. Table shov ing the priiidy.nJ fcdivres of ledvlurx' KANSAS— Continued . Naineof cer iflcate. Issued b}'— County c e r t i f i • cates— Cont'd. Third-grade cer- tificate. Upon exami- nation. Special Temporary tiflcate.s. Local certiiicates: Cities of first and Examining com- | City second class. [ inittee Common-school district having over 10 teachers. County high school. Institute cer- tificates: Conductor's j State board of ed- ! State [ Institutes j 1 year. ucation. Instructor 5 years to holder of c onductor's c e r t i ficate who has suc- cessf ully con ducted one i n s 1 1- tute. Syearstohold- er vfho has taught suc- cessfully in one insti- tute. 1 year STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 29 '■/rtijicates in the various States — Continued . KANSAS— Continued. Kxporience "required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship ref|iiircnient.s. None . State board of ed- ; County board of i Examination in all subjects required for ucation. examiners. second grade except algebra. Minimum standings SO per cent and f'.O per cent. ■ .do. County superintendent when exanii- j Upon written request of a district board, nation is required. * j county superintendent may issue certifi- I I eateif he believes the applicant possesses "the necessary qualifications of a teacher." Varies . do. Examining committee when examina- tion is required. I ...!.do .do. 8 years as a teacher. No examinal ion required . . 5 years as a teacher do Not fixed . Varies; as determined by each local board. Must be judged competent to teach in department named. f)o. Musi ha\ e taught siucessfuUx' under cer- tificate in three normal institutes, not more than two of which were in the same year. This rule may be w^aived in the case of applicants of high professional standing and long experience in educa- tional work. Holder of state certificate or life diploma or one whose professional experience and abilitv warrants. .do •' Board must be satisfied as to special qual- 1 ifications." 30 I'KACH EKS ("EKTIFJCATKS. A. — Table ahoiriiu/ the jir'mri pal fcdliireH iif tearhers' KENTUCKY. C'oiiiiiion Sclidol I.nws of Ky.; 1910, pp. 12, 27-33, 133-134, 158, IGli. Biennial Report of Stale Superin- tendent of I'ublic Instruction o IKy., 1908-9, pp. 28-29.) Valid in- Name of certificate. : Issued by — I — Territory, i Schools. State diploma State board of ox- j State. aminers. ,\11V St ate cert ificat e .... I do .do. -do. University diploma (B. A. in educa- tion). -\ d V a n e e d uni- versity and nor- mal school certifi- cates. Intermediate uni- versity and nor- mal school cer- tificate. Elementary uni- versity and nor- mal school certifi- cate. Kentuckj' Normal and Industrial Institute certifi- cates. First-class county certificate. Second-class county certificate. Third-class comity certificate. Board of trustees (approved by state siiperin- lendent). Board of trustees of univ., board ofref,'ents of nor- mal schools, sub- ject to approval of state superin- tendent. do . «.do. .do.. .do. Life, unless holder fails to teach 2 successive years. 8 years, un- less holder fails to teach 2 successive years. Life Original p e - riod on rec- o m m e n - d a t i n of county board of ex- aminers. 3 vears. .do I 4 years . .do. .do : 2 vears. For life upon evidence of succes s f u 1 teaching and ap- proval of state super- intendent. Nonrenewable. .do. Board of truslecs. Colored schools ' Life. County board of | County examiners. .do. .do. .\n v 4 vears . .do. .do. 2 years . 1 year. . May be re- neveed a n - nually for 4 years if holder has taught 8 con- sec u t i V e years under first grade certificate. Nonrenewable Not issued more than once to same person. STATE LAWS AND ItKGULATIONS. 31 verii.ficates u) the various States — Continued. KENTUCKY. ICommon School Laws of Ky.; 1910, pp. 12, 27-33, 133-134, loS, ItiCi. Uieimial Keporl of State Superiii- tendenl of Public Instruciion of Ky.. 1908-9, pp. 28-29.] !■■. xpericncc required. Questions prejiarod by Papers exam- ined liv- Scholarsliip rcipiiremenls 2 years in State ... State board of ex- aminers. State board of ex- aminers. Examinalion in subjects required for a state eertificate and, in addition, in ge- ometry, physios, and elementary Latin I with niiiiimum average of 90 per cent and fjrade of 7i> per ceni'. 2 years | do j do Rxaminalion in subjects required for county certifica1^^s and in English litera- ture, algebra, higher arithmetic, and psychology, with a minimum average of (tn'per cent and grade of 70 per cent, and recommendation of county board of ex- aminers. None I I Bachelor of Arts in education I'rom state university. ConipleUon of :5 years' worl; ii^departmenl of education of state university or in state normal schools. r'pl 2 years' woik. .do. Same, except I year worU. .do (Jradualion from iiislilulion. State board of ex- Coimty boaid of Examination in spelling, leading, writing, aminers. ' examiners. grammar, geography, arithmetic. United States liistory, history of Kentuclcy, composition, physiologv and hygiene, including nature" and elt'ects of alcoholic drinks, etc., with minimum average of 8.5 per cent and grade of (i.'i per cent. .do. .do. .do Same, except minimum average of 75 per cent and grade of 5.5 per cent. .do Same, except minimum average of fl.5 per cent and grade of 50 per cent. 32 TEACHERS CEETIFICATES. A. — Table shoii'iin/ ffir prinri pnl features of teachers' LOUISIANA. [Sixth Compilation of the Laws or La. relating to public schools, 1908, pp. tJ5-69, 122, 146, 147.) Name of certificate. Issued by^ Stat* certificate . , . . State board of ex- aminers. Valid in— Territory. Duration. Schools. State Any. 10 years. First-grade certifi- cate. Parish board of exaininers. Second-grade cer- tificate. .do. Parish; pa- pers may be sent to anot her parish superin- tendent upon his request. .do. 5 years . .do 3 years. .do. Third-grade certifl- do. cate. Normal-school di- Institutions State do. ploma j named in last ! column. Special certificate..! Parish e.xamining [ Parish | Special academic committee. j 1 department ; named. 1 year. 5 years. Renewal. May be re- newed by board. Extended 1 year for at- tendance state sum- mer normal school for 9 weeks or more. Extended 1 year tor at- tendance state sum- mer normal school 9 weeks. 1 year if sum- mer school is attended 9 weeks. 4 years For 4 years by authority is- I s u i n g "d i - ploma.o No n renew- able. a State superintendent may renew for graduates of Peatody Normal School. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 33 rertificates in the various States — Continued. LOUISIANA. [Sixth compUation of the Laws of La. relating to public schools, 1908, pp. 65-69, 122, 146, 147.] Experience required. None. .do. Questions prepared by — Papers exam- ined by — State board of ex- ' State board of ex- aminers, aminers. State superintend- ent. .do. Parish board of examiners. .do. .do. .do. .do. State superintend- ent. Parish examining committee. Scholarship requirements. Examination in subjects required for first- grade certificate and also in literature, chemistry, bookkeeping, Latin, general history, botany, history of education, psychology, and school administration. Completion of course in any subject by a graduate of any institution in Louisiana authorized by law to issue diplomas certi- fied to by the president of such institu- tion secures credit of satisfactory exami- nation in that subject; this does not ap- ply to subjects in the field of ed\ication. Examination in higher algebra, physics, geometry, penmanship and drawing, theory "and art of teaching, English grammar and composition, arithmetic (written and mental), political and physical geography. United States his- tory, and agriculture; if applicant holds a third-grade certificate, also in reading, constitutions of Louisiana and of the United States, and spelling. An appli- cant who holds no certificate nor is a graduate of an institution authorized to issue diplomas must, in addition to the first-grade subjects, take the third-grade e.xamination in physiology and hygiene and the second-grade examination in constitutions of Louisiana and of the United States and spelling. Examination in grammatical analysis, physical and political geography, ele- mentary algebra, theory and art of teach- ing, arithmetic. United States history, agriculture, reading, constitutions of Louisiana and United States, and spell- ing; if applicant does not hold third- grade certificate, also in penmanship and drawing, and physiology and hygiene. Minimum average 80 per cent, minimum grade ,50 per cent; average of 70 per cent entitles applicant to third-grade certifi- cate. Examination in spelling, reading, penman- ship, drawing, arithmetic, English gram- mar, geography, United States history, constitutions of United States and of l>ouisiana, physiology and hygiene with special reference to the etfecis of stimu- lants and narcotics, and theory and art of teaching. Minimum average, 75 per cent; minimum grade, 48 per cent. Diplomas from Peabody Normal School; State Normal School; City Norma! School, New Orleans; Department of Philosophy and Education, Louisiana State University, Teachers' College of Tu- lane University. Examination in subjects to be taught. Note.— General average obtained upon examination is increased 15 per cent for attendance upon state summer normal schools for 9 weeks. Examination must be taken within one year from date of attendance 63200—10 3 34 TEACHEES CERTIFICATES. A. — Tnhlc ahoiriiKi Ihc jirinripal /(Hitwes of teacher h' MAINE. IMaine School Laws, 1909, p. 13, 38. Circular " Kxamination for state certificates," 1904.) Name of certificate. Issued by- State certificates: Upon examina- tion. Public - school grade. Ura miliar or common school grade. Common-school grade. T r i 111 a v y or com m o n school grade. Without exami- nation. Town certificate State superintend- ent. .do. Valid in— Territory. Schools. Any. do. do. do. -do. -do. .do. -do. Common schools . .do. -do. Duration. Life, 5, 3, or 1 vear.o Renewal. One renewal without re- I examination. -do. -do. .do. (a) Town superintend- ent. Town Branches upon which exam- ined. do. 1 year . .do. -do. .do. Without ex- amination. »< a The period for which the certificate is granted is determined primarily bv facts of experience as stated •on reverse of certificate. For a life certificate, as determined by these facts alone, the candidate must have actually taught at least 18 terms; for a 5 years' certificate, at least 9 terms; and for a 3 years', at least 5 terms ior any less than 5 terms of actual teaching the 1 year's certificate is gi-anted. The force of these facts is however, modified, first by graduation from normal school, such graduation counting as the equivalent of an actual experience of 3 terms; second, by conditions of rank in wTitten examination, a verv low rank in one or more subjects as compared with average rank reducing the term on the assumption that the candi- date will desire to attain higher rank and thus a higher grade of certificate, and so will wish the sooner to take a reexa-nination; third, by extent of professional reading, the candidate who has evidently read little in this direction being granted certificate of shorter term than might otherwise have been granted On the ■Other hand especial excellence in ranks attained in examination or in estimates of references, will serve as ■an equivalent for some small lack of experience. A 5 years' certificate, for example, may thus be granted when the number of terms taught is only 7 or 8 instead of the full number required primarily STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 35 certificates in the various States — Continued. MAINE. [Maine School Laws, 1909, p. 13, 38. Circular " Examination for state certificates," 1904.] Experience required. Questions prepared by — Papers exam- ined by — Scholarship requirements. 18, 9, 5, or terms.o State superintend- State superintend- Written examination in reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geography, English ent. ent. granmiar. United States history, physi- ology and hygiene, elementary science or nature study, civil govermnent, theory and practice of teaching, and school law; minhnum average 90 per cent, minimum grade 70 per cent; also graduation from college or full college-preparatory course of first-class seminary or exceptionally high rank with ability to teach college preparatory studies, including at least one ancient and one modern language, and a recommendation for high school work given by references. Reports of refer- ences are taken into account,'' also statements contained in preluninary examination, c do ,. do do Examination in same subjects; minimum average 80 per cent, minimum grade 70 per cent. Account also taken of state- ments of references and of preliminary examination.'' '■ do do do Same, except mijiinium average and grade 70 per cent and 50 per cent.h <■ do do do Same, e.xcept no minimum average is stip- ulated, and minunum grade is placed at 35 per cent. do do do Graduation from a Maine state normal school. rf As determined by Town superintend- Town superintend- Examination in reading, spelling, gram- town superin- ent. ent. mar, geogi-aphy, history, arithmetic. tendent. civil govermnent, bookkeeping, physi- ology with special reference to effect of alcoholic drinks, stinuilants, and nar- cotics, elements of the natural sciences, especiaUy as applied to agriculture and such other branches as superintending school committee desires to introduce into the public school, particularly into the school for which he is examined. 6 The applicant is required to furnish the names of 5 references, to 3 of whom are sent circular letters asking each to estimate the applicant's fitness as excellent, good, fair, poor, or very poor in each of the following points except the last named: Moral character, success in gaining cooperation of pupils and parents, tact in directing and controlling pupils, interest in work, energy, enthusiasm, skill in instructing, power in stimu- latiag pupils to do their best, influence over pupils out of school, efforts for self-improvement, extent of geaeral reading, manners as influencing those of pupils, capacity for work, for what kind of school would you recommend the candidate. These statements are then graded by the state superintendent according to the following scale: E.xcel- lent, 90 to 100 per cent; good, 70 to 90 per cent; fair, 50 to 70 per cent; poor, 30 to 50 per cent ; and very poor, 1 to 30 per cent. The average of the 3 reports determines the rating for each element of fitness. « The preliminary examination consists of filling out a blank form concerning the life, education, experi- ence, special preparation, and reading of the applicant and other facts bearing upon his probable ability as a teacher. The names of 5 references are also required. d Graduates of state normal schools are admitted to all classes of state certificates. In determining the grade of certificate to be given to each graduate, consideration is given to the grade of .work done by the student during the course, experience in teaching, if any, before entrance to the course, and rank attained in examination. 36 TEACHERS CEETIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal fedf.ures of lenchers' MARYLAND. [The Publiu School Laws of 1910, pp. 12, 24, 2t), 31-32. By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the I'ublio School System of Maryland, 1908, pp. 18-21.] Name of certificate. Issued by- Life certificate: Without examin- ation. State l)oard of edu- cation. Upon examina- ; do. tion. State nonnal di- ploma. State normal certi- ficate. University, college, and normal di- plomas. County certificates: First grade First class Second class Second grade First class Second class .do. Principal of school and state board. Indorsed by state superintendent. County superin- tendent. Valid in- Territory. Schools. State. . . .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. County. Duration. Life. -do. .do. 5 years . Varies: may be for life. 6 months after elec- tion to a pos i t i o n within 15 months after date of issuance. Renewal. For life, upon 2 years' ex- perience and recommen- dation of county su- perintendent. For 5 years if county su- perintend- ent is satis- fied of hold- er's fitness to teach and govern. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 37 certificates in the various States — Continued. MARYLAND. [The Public School Laws of 1910, pp. 12, 24, 26, 31-32. By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Public School System of Maryland, 1908, pp. 18-21.] E.\perience Questions required. prepared l)y- 7 years, 5 in Mary- land. .do. State superintend- ent subject to approval of i state board. 1 year i No examination required None do. Papers e.xam- ined by — State superintend- ent. Varies; lefttojudg- ' do. ment of state superintendent. None I County superin- 1 tendent. County superin- tendent. Srholarship requirements. Holder of first-class certifleate: unanimous recommendations of county board of school commissioners; satisfactory proof of liberal education and professional study, equivalent to graduation from some reputable college. Same as above; board of eduoation may re- quire any applicant to pass a satisfactory examination. Graduation from a state noniial school of Maryland or of the normal department of Washington College. None specified . Graduation from approved higher institu- tion in Maryland, including completion of 2 years' professional course prescribed by state board of education. /Examination for first grade same as that for second grade except the omission of the history of Maryland and the addition of bookkeeping, algebra (without limita- tions), natural philosophy, plane geom- etry (4 books), and general history. Ex- amination for second grade in "orthog- raphy, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography. United States history, his- tory of Maryland, grammar, Constitutions of tjnited "States and Maryland, algebra ( (to quadratics), theory and practice of teaching, physiology, and laws and by- laws of the public school system of Mary- land. The grade of certificate is deter- mined by the scholastic qualifications as shown iti the examination. The class of certificate under each grade is determined by a consideration of the (a) scholarship, (ft) executive ability, (c) personality, and (d) teaching power' of the applicant, and of such other points as the state board of education may approve. 38 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal feaf.ii res nf teachers' MASSACHUSETTS. Name of certificate. Issued by — Valid in— Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. Union superintend- ent's certificate. Local certificates . . . State board of edu- cation. School committee. State Town . . Superintendent... From 1 to 5 years. 1 year, usu- ally. At pleasure of board; may be renewed if record is satisfactory. Very variable practice. MICHIGAN. (School Laws, 1909, sees. 59, 165, 177, 287, 301, 334. Public Acts of Michigan, 1903, eh. 213; 1905, chs. 24, 148; 1907, chs. 112, 125; 1909, ch. 165.] University of Regents of univer- sity. State board of ed- ucation. do State do Any Life Michigan certifi- cate. State life certificate. do do College certificate . . do do 4 years Life For life after 3 years' ex- perience. Advanced State do do do Normal College, Central Normal, Northern N o r - mal, or Western Normal certifi- State Normal Col- do do 3 years do By state board of education, for 3 years after 3 years' s u c c e ssful teaching. do lege, Central Nor- mal, Northern Normal, or West- ern Normal cer- tificate. State Normal Col- do do In rural schools lege, Central Nor- mal, Northern Normal, or West- ern Normal rural school certificate. a As determined by state board of education. b Qualifications of certain superintendents of schools determined by the state board of education. c As determined by school committee. ^Sec. 28. It [The school committee] shall select and contract with the teachers of the public schools, shall require full and satisfactory evidence of their moral character, and shall ascertain by personal examina- tion their qualifications for teaching and their capacity for the government of schools; or in lieu thereof, may accept the diplomas granted by the state normal schools of this Commonwealth to their graduates. Sec. 29. Every teacher shall, before he opens any public school, obtain from the school committee a certificate, in duplicate, of his qualifications, one of which shall be deposited with the selectmen, or, in a city, with the auditor or treasurer or with any officer who may be prescribed on the charter, before any pay- ment is made to him on account of his services. (Mass. School Laws, 1909, p. 24.) The authority and duty of the school committee of a town are not confined to ascertaining by e.xamina- tion the literary qualifications of teachers and their capacity for the government of schools, but they are the sole judges of their quafifleations in all respects to teach and govern the schools for which they are selected. (9 .Mien, 94.) The school committee have the whole power to examine teachers. (Bachelder v. City of Salem, 4 Cush., 599.) The committee are to find such teachers [good teachers] by examination. The most satisfactory exami- nation will be made by observing a teacher at his work. If this can not be done, the candidate may be e.xamined by questions which shall test his ability to teach the branches of learning to be pursued in the schools, also his ability to organize and control a school. [Note in Mass. School Law, 1892, p. 42, and repeated for several years.] Chaf)ter 215, acts of 1904, provides as follows: In all the superintendency unions in which any part of the expense of the superintendent is borne by the Commonwealth the state board of education shall determine, by examination or otherwise, the quali- fications of candidates for the position of superintendent of public schools; and, after the first day of Janu- ary, in the year nineteen hundred and five, no per.son shall be elected to such position who does not hold a certificate of fitness and competency from said board: Provided, however, That this act shall not apply to any superintendency union in which one town does not receive aid from the Commonwealth for expense of a superintendent until the termination of the contract, if any, existing between such towns at the time of the passage of this act. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 39 certificates in the various States — ("ontinued. MASSACHUSETTS. Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by— Scholarsliip requirements. (a) Co) («) (») See footnote 6. See footnote d. [School Laws, 1909, sees. . MICHIGAN. 3, 165, 177, 287, 301, 334. Public Acts of Micliigan, 1903, ch. 213, 1905, chs. 2*, 148; 1907, chs. 112, 125; 1909, ch. 165.] None No examination required . 2 years. None. . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Possession of bachelor's, master's, or doc- tor's degree, and also a teacher's diploma for work done in the science and the art of teaching in the university or in equal institution. Eminent scholarship and ability shown by examinations in every study required for such certiflcate.o Possession of bachelor's, master's, or doc- tor's degree of approved college, with at least a 1-year course in science and art of teaching and observation of actual school work. Two years' normal course after 4 years' high school or 4 years' course after tenth grade. One year's normal work after 4 years high school. Two years' normal work and 1 term if no high-school credits. a Algebra, botany. United States history, civil government, arithmetic, literature, chemistry, general history, geography, geology, Latin, geometry, orthography, theory and art of teaching, rhetoric, zoology, German, English grammar, school law, pemnanship, physiology, and physics. 40 TEACflEES CERTIFICATES. A. — Table sho-ivivg the prinripd/ j/ritmes of tcacheri MICHIGAN— Continued . Name of certificate. Certificate of teach- er of agriculture. Kindergarten teachers' certifi- cate. Certificate for teachers of music or drawing. First-grade county certificate. Second-grade coun- ty certificate. Third-grade county certificate: Class A Class B County normal training class di- ploma. County special cer- tificate. Issued by- State board of ag- riculture. State superintend- ent. Valid in- Territory. -do. County board of exarhlners. .do. .do. do do. County normal do . board. County commis- sioner. State -do. .do. County (State, if e o unter- signed by state su- p e r In- tendent). County b. .. -do. Spec ifled district. Schools. In rural schools . . Kindergarten and first grade. Subject named. Duration. Renewal. 3 years Nonrenewable. .do. .do. Primary depart- ment! Any Any school hav- ing not over 2 teachers. 4 years. 3 years. 1 year. .do. -do. Until next public ex- a m 1 n a - tion. Without ex- amination, if average is above 85 per cent in 2 ex- aminations, and continu- ous teaching. do .do. («) Option of county nor- mal board for 3 years. Nonrenewable. b Examination papers may be sent to another county on request of applicant; new certificates may be issued thereon; valid in theother county for life of original certificate. c Without examination, if average is above 85 per cent in 2 examinations, and continuous teaching; not more than 3 to same person. STATE LAWS AND KEGULATTONS. 41 certificates in the various States — ('outinucd. MICHIGAN— Continued . I'^.xperienco required. ■ Questions prepared by- I'apers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirement'^. None do do No examination n do do quired County board of school examin- ers. do Graduation from 4-year course in agriculture in the Michigan Agricultural College, with a course of at least a half year in pedagogics. Graduation from approved kindergarten training school and possession of a teach- er's certificate, or diploma from a college or a high school with a 4-year course. Completion of at least 2 years' course in music in state university, a state normal school, or an incorporated college; or completion of at least 1-year course in drawing in same or equal mstitution. Examination in orthography, reading, writing, granmiar, geography, arithme- tic, theory and art of teaching. United States history, civil government, physi- ology and hygiene, physics, general his- tory", botany, and algebra. Examination in subjects required for third- grade certificate, and in addition two of the following: General history, botany, physics, and algebra. Examination in writing, orthography. 1 year State superintend- ent. do 3 years in primary department of graded schools. None do .. .do do .do. . . reading, grammar, arithmetic^ geogra- phy, United States history, ci\al govern- ment, theory and art of teaching, physi- ology and hygiene, with special reference to the effect upon the human system of alcoholic drinks, stmiulants, narcotics, and the causes and prevention of dan- gerous communicable diseases. Same as for third grade, Class A. Graduation from county normal training class (1-year course). Personal examination by county commis- sioner in third-grade branches. do No examination re County commis- sioner. do County commis- sioner. 42 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table shnvnnr/ the principal features of teachers^ MINNESOTA. (State laws of Minn., 1907, pp. 113-119. Laws of Minn., 1909, chap. 455. Circular of information, relating to examinations, etc., department of public instruction, 1908.] Name of certificate. First-grade profes- sional certifi- cate: Upon examina- tion. Without exami- nation. Second-grade pro- fessional certifi- cate. Professional permit. First-grade certifi- cate: Upon diploma . . . Upon normal ele- mentary diplo- ma. Issued by- State superintend- ent. VaUdin- Territory. President of uni- versity and state superintendent. State superintend- ent. .do. .do. .do President of school j do. and state super- intendent. State normal board; do. Upon examina- State and county do. tion. superintendent. Schools. Any. .do. Elementary grades Same as c o r r e - spending profes- sional certificate. Elementary grades -do. .do. Second-grade tificate. ft Limited second- grade certificate. Third-grade certifi- cate. Special certificates. . .do. County; in other counti e s when in- dorsed. do .do. .do. County superin- I District tendent. [ specified. State superintend- ! State ent. do Branches named. Duration. Limited number of years at first. For life after 10 years' suc- c e s s f u 1 teaching. Renewal. See duration . Life or 2 years. Same as first- grade pro- fessional. One vear. See duration . . Nonrenewable Two years. 3 years . For life on 2 years' suc- cessful teach- ing. 3 years; com- pletion of ad- ditional year in state nor- '• mal school. 5 years Conditions pre- scribed b y state super- intendent. 2 years do 1 year 5 months' ex- perience; all grades above 70 per cent. do ... Upon exami- } nation. c Term of Limited (2 y ears or years).d life. o Laws, p 111, sec. 272. The written answers for the scholastic examination shall be read and marke 1 uaier ths directioa of the state superinteadent. Markings for the professional requirements shall be ?ivei by the courity superinteadent, who shall also be the judge of skill in teaching and moral character of applicants. (1351.) Superinteodents of public instruction may limit first and second grade teachers' certificates to one year in certain instances.— (Douglas, Aug. 24, 1899.) STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 43 certificates in the various States — Continued. MINNESOTA. [State laws of Minn., 1907, pp. 113-119. Laws of Minn., 1909, chap. 455. Circular of information, relating to examinations, etc.; department of public instruction, 1908.] Experience required. Questions prepared by — Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. Permanent teach- State superintend- State superintend- Examination in the branches required for a ers of successful ent. ent. first-grade certificate; also all the branches experience, in- included in subdivision 1 (following); eluding 9 months two in subdivision 3; two in subdivision in Minnesota. 4; and 3 in each of the other subdivisions, namely (1) educational science, including history of education, psychology, general pedagogy, and school organization; (2) mathematics, including higher algebra, soUd geometry, trigonometry, plane and spherical; (3) English, including English and American literature and rhetoric; (4) history, ancient, medieval, English, and American; (5) science, including botany, chemistry, geology, and physio- graphy, astronomy, zoology, and politi- cal 6.cienc6. 2 years for life cer- No examination re quired Graduates of the University of Minnesota from its college of education or from col- tificate; none for 2-year certifi- lege of science, literature, and art, or from cate. college of agriculture, who have taken specified courses in college of education. Same as first-grade State superintend- State superintend- Examination in all branches included in professional. ent. ent. examination for first-grade certificate and in subdivision 1 (above), and in 6 branches included in the other subdivi- do do do sions. Teachers lacking not more than 3 of the branches required for a professional cer- tificate. None No examination re [juired Graduates of the 'state normal school or of the teachers' course in the department of agriculture in the state university. do do Completion of course in a Minnesota state normal school prescribed for elementary diploma. 8 months State superintend- ent. State superintend- ents.o Examination in reading, spelling, arithme- tic, grammar. United States history, composition, geography, physiology, civil government, and practical "hygiene, also algebra, geometry physical geography, and -physics. Other branches may be substituted by state superintendent for the last three. Music, drawing, and lan- guages are optionals. 5 months do do. Examination in reading, spelling, writing, arithmetic, grammar, United States his- tory, composition, geography, physiology. civil government, and practical hygiene. None do do Do. do County superin- tendent. County superin- tendent. Do. 2 years for life cer- State superintend- State superintend- Examination in branches to be taught. tificate. ent. ent. with those required for a second-grade certificate. t> Certificates showing completion of 2 years' prescribed work in state normal schools may be indorsed by state superintendent, giving them the effect of second-grade certificates. c Not more than 2 certificates to same person in same county. d Certificate may be renewed after 2 years' successful experience. 44 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A, — Table shotving the principal feul ares of teachers^ MISSISSIPPI. [School laws of Miss., 190(5, pp. 20-26.] Name of certificate. Professional license. State license. First-grade license. Second-grade license. Tliird-grade license. Issued by- State board of edu- cation. State board of ex- aminers. County board of examiners. .do. Transfer license .do. State board of e.x- aminers. Valid iq- Territory. State. .do. County. .do. .do. County designat- ed by ap- plicant. Schools. Any. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Duration. Life. Renewal. 1, 2, or 3 May be re- years, ac- n e w e d by cording to reexamina- standing. tion. Hold- er of second 3 years' li- cense ex- empt from ' further ex- amination. I, 2, or 3 I Second 3 years' years. See license last col- umn. 1 year. .do. U n expired time of original. newable so long as hold- er continues to teach. Nonrenewable. Same as for original li- cense. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, 45 certificates in the various States — Continued. MISSISSIPPI. [School laws of Miss., 1906, pp. 20-26.] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. Varies State board of ex- aminers. do State board of ex- aminers. do To teachers of recognized ability, moral .. character, and scholarly attainments who shall pass a satisfactory written ex- amination in algebra, geometry, rheto- ric, English literature, botany, chemis- try, science of teaching, civil govern- ment, Caesar and Virgil. Subjects required for first-grade certificate. Examination in subjects required for sec ond-grade certificate, except no examina- tions are "elementary," and also in his- tory of Mississippi, agriculture, and civil government, with minimiun average of 75 per cent and grade of 50 per cent for 1- year certificate; minimum average of 85 per cent for 2-year certificate; and 90 per cent for 3-year certificate. Examination in spelling, reading, mental arithmetic, practical arithmetic, elemen- tary geography, elementary English, grammar and composition", primary United States history, primary physiol- ogy and hygiene, with special reference to the effects of narcotics and stimulants, with a minimum average of 75 per cent and grade of .50 per cent. Same as for second grade, except minimum average of 60 per cent and grade of 40 per cent. Holder of any license may direct a county superintendent to forward his papers and license to state board of examiners. If grading of county board is sustained the transfer license is issued. None for 1 year; months for 2 and 3 year certificate. None State superintend- ent. do County board of examiners. do « do do do do See scholarship re- quirements. State board of ex- aminers. 46 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' MISSOURI. (Rev. School Laws of Mo., 1909, sees. 10920, 10940-10942, 10948, 11073. Circular of Dept. of Ed., "Require- ments for state certificates, 1910."] Name of certificate. Life certificate: Upon examina- tion. Upon diploma , Missouri normal di- ploma. Limited state cer- tificate: Upon examina- tion. Upon diploma. Missouri normal certificate. First-grade county certificate. Second-grade coun- ty certificate. Third-grade coun- ty certificate. Special county cer- tificate. Issued by- Valid in- Territory. State superintend- State. ent. -do. Board of regents. State superintend- ent. -do. -do. -do. .do. Board of regents. . . I do. . County superiu- 1 County, tendent. 1 .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Schools. All public schools of State. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Duration. Life. .do. .do. 5 years. .do. 2 years . 3 years . 2 years . 1 year. . Until next regular ex- amination. Renewal. Yes. .do. No. Unlimited number of times, pro- vided holder has taught 4 months in 2 years pre- vious, or has made a sat- isfactory record in an approved summer school. Twice only Once only. Nonrenew- able. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 47 certificates in the various States — Coutinued. MISSOURI. [Rev. School Laws of Mo., 1909, sees. 10920, 10940-10942, 10948, 10973. Circular of Dept. of Etl., " Require- ments for state certificates, 1910."] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. 40 months State superintend- State superintend- The same as o-year limited cert ificat e, and in ent. ent. addition history of education, psychol- ogy, and a thorough examination along some special line of educational or peda- gogical work, as mathematics, English history, foreign languages, or science. do do do Graduation from an institution holding membership in the "Missouri College Union" or an institution of equal rank, and examination in history of education, and two of tlie following: Primary teach- ing and kindergarten, grade and rural teaching, supervision. Missouri school system. 10 months in train- No examination re luired Completion of advanced course, which ad- ing school. mits to junior year in the university. 12 months State superintend- State superintend- One branch of each of following divisions: ent. ent. (1) ancient history, medieval and modern history. English history and government, American history and government, gen- eral economic history: (2) rhetoric, his- tory of English language, history of American and English literature, Latin (Caesar and Cicero), German (2 years): (.3) biology, botany, zoology, physical geography, geology: (4) physics, chem- istry, higher algebra, plane and solid geometry, manual training: (5) primary teaching" and kindergarten, grade and rural teaching, supervision, Missouri school system. do do do Graduation from an institution holding membership in the "Missouri College , Union" or an institution of equal rank and examination in pedagogy, psychol- ogy, and four common-school branches to be selected by examiner. 5 months in train- No examination re [quired Course of study, elementary pedagogy, aca- demic, equal to 2 years in liigh school. ing school. 1 vear State superintend- ent. County superin- tendent. Examination in same l)ranches as for sec- ond-grade county certificate, with addi- tion of one division of history, either ancient, modern, or English, and one branch of science, either ))hysical geog- raphy, elementary physics or'elementary biology relating to agriculture. Mini- mum average of 90 per cent. None do do Examination in same branches as third- grade county certificate, with addition of algebra and literature. Minimum aver- age of So per cent. do do Examination in spelling, reading in Eng- lish, penmanship, language lessons. • geography, arithmetic, English grammar. LTnited States history, civil government (including state government), physiol- ogy and hygiene, pedagogy, elementary agriculture. Minimum average of 80 per cent with no branch below 60 per cent. do County superin- do Same as for third-grade county certificate. tendent. 48 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal fed.' iiresi nf leaeher't' MONTANA. [School laws of Mont, 1909, pp. 21, 132-138.] Valid in— 1 1 Name of certificate. Issued by- Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. i Life diploma State board of ed- State Any Life ucation. State certificate .... do do do years .3 years Renewable Life diploma granted Normal school di- do do do ploma. ■ graduate of 4 - y e a r , course after 1 year's ex- ~ perience; graduate of 3 - y e a r course after 2 year's ex- perience. Professional certifi- County board of examiners. County ; valid in do Not less 10 months un- 1 cate. than 4 der certifi- any other years. cate, as long c o"u n ty as holder upon in- c n t i nues dorse- teaching ment. and gives county su- p e r intend- | ent satisfac- 1 r y evi- dence of progress and efficiency. First-grade certifi- cate. do do Any, except in high schools and Not less do than 3 as principal of years. school of more than two de- partments un- 1 less holder is a graduate of a 1 reputable col- 1 lege, university, 1 or normal 1 school. ! Second-grade certi- cate. do County do 2 years Renewable. ... Third-grade certifi- do do do 1 year Not more than cate. twice to same person. Special certificate ( 1) e n m a n s hip, do District Special branches named. 3 years Rene \v able. No definite Satisfactory evidence of efficiency and success as superintendent, supervising principal or principal of school employing 5 teachers or equivalent. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 57 ceHificates in the various States — Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. School board School board., Examination in studies prescribed by law — physiology and hygiene with spe- cial reference to effects of alcoholic stimu- lants and of narcotics, humane treat- ment of lower animals, United States and New Hampshire Constitutions — and by school board for particular school or grade in which teacher desires to teach. NEW JERSEY. [N. J. School Laws, 1908 (includes rules and regulations of state board of education], pp. 2,3,9-11,149-162 5 years 6. 2 years . . State board of ex- aminers. do State board of ex- aminers. do None (see scholar- s h i p require- ments). None State board of ex- aminers. State board of ex- aminers. 2 years . None, or 2 years (see scholarship requirements). None. .do. -do State board of ex- aminers. 2 years. State superintend- ent. State board of ex- aminers. .do. County board of examiners. Satisfactory examination in subjects re- quire d for second-grade state certificate. Examination in subjects required for third grade state certificate, and In chemistry, science of education, manual training physical training, or alternatives.c A diploma of a normal school whose course is equivalent to that of the New Jersey nor- mal schools, or a pennanent state certifi- cate of any other State whose require- ments are equivalent to a New Jersey state certificate may be indorsed, pro- vided the other State grants reciiirocal privileges. When original diploma or certificate is indorsed, it has same force and effect as if issued in New Jersey. Exammation in subjects required for first- grade county certificate, and in psy- chology, plane and solid geometry, litera- ture, botany, free-hand drawing, or alternatives.c Completion of former elementary normal school course and examination in physics, chemistry, literature, geometry, history of education, science of education, school laws of New Jersey, or alternatives. c Completion of post-graduate course in a New Jersey state normal school, or completion of 3-year course in a New Jersey state nonnal school, and 2 years' successful ex- perience after graduation. Completion of 3-year course in a New Jersey state norinal school. Same as for special county certificates ex- cept (1) following additional subjects re- quired, history of education and psy- chology; and (2) substitution of plane geometry for concrete or inventional geometry in examination for certificate in drawing, and addition of drawing for a certificate in manual training. County boards do not issue certificates in physical training. c Examination in subjects required for sec- ond grade, and in algebra, plane geome- try, physics, general history, history of education, and free-hand drawing or alternatives therefor. c c In any examination the diploma of a university or college authorized to confer degrees may be accepted in lieu of examination for those subjects which have been taken in a course approved by the state board of examiners. Correspondence courses may not be approved. A minimum grade of 70 per cent is required for all certificates issued in the State. 58 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' NEW JERSEY— Continued. Name of certificate. County c e r t i f i - cates — Cont'd. Second grade Third grade. Professional certifi- cates, first, second, and third grades. Special certificates: Kinder garten and ancient or modern lan- guages. Manual training, drawing, and music. Commercial liranches. Provisional certifi- cate. City certificates (gradcsprescribed by city boards of examiners, in- cluding special and provisional). Permanent foreign evening school certificate. Temporary foreign evening school certificate. Provisional foreign evening school certificate. Prison school cer- tificates. Issued by — County board of examiners. .do. .do. .do. do. do. do. City board of ex- aminers. State board of examiners. -do. .do. Prison board education. Valid in— Territory. County. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. City. State. .do. Schools. School named. State. I'rincipal, with 1 or 2 assistants; teacher of pri- mary or gram- mar grades. Teacher in un- graded school or primary depart- ment. Same as above for each grade. Subjects specified .do. .do. Grade specified. As prescribed by city boards of examiners; can not be less than requirements for c o r r esponding grades of county certificates. Evening -do. School named. Duration. 3 years . 2 vears . Same as above for each grade. 3 vears . .do. .do. Renewal. («) (<=) Without reex- amination. .do. First day of month sue ceed- ing next e xamina- tion. Life. 2 years. Fu-st of month fol- lowing next ex- amination. Discretion of state board of educa- tion. .do. .do. Can not be re- n e w e d or extended. May not be renewed or extended. do o If average T."! per cent and pass examination in theory and practice and history of education, or in additional subjects required for first grade certificate. 6 In any examination the dinloma of a university or college authorized to confer degrees may be ac- cepted in lieu of examination for ihose subjects which have been taken in a course approved by the state board of examiners. Correspondence courses may not be approved. A muiiumum grade of 70 per cent is required for all certificates issued in the State. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, 59 certificates in the various States — Continued . NEW JERSEY— Continued. Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by— Scholarship requirements. State superintend- ent. Coimty board of examiners. Examination in subjects required for a third grade certificate, and in composi- tion, physiology, elementary algebra, school law of New Jersey, and bookkeep- do do Exaraination in orthography, reading, penmanship, geography, arithmetic, grammar, composition, United States history, civics, temperance physiology, theory and practice of teaching. 6 Holder of first, second, or third grade See scholarship re- quirements. No examination re quired county certificate with minimum aver- age of S5 per cent and grade of 75 per cent. Must, in judgment of county superintend- ent after careful personal supervision and inspection, be a teacher of exceptional skill in organization, management, and advancement of a school. State super- intendent must approve granting of cer- tificate, which, when issued, will be ac- cepted in lieu of an examination in any of the subjects covered. None State superintend- ent. do County board of examiners. do Diploma from a high school or any teach- do er's certificate, which is valid in New Jersey or which has been in force within one year, and examination in theory and practice of teaching, school law of New Jersey, subject to be taught, and, for kindergarten certificate, drawing. Examination in school law, subjects to be .do do do taught, and, for drawing certificate, con- crete or inventional geometry. Examination in school law, bookkeeping, commercial arithmetic, stenography, the- ory and practice of teaching, and business practice. Depends upon grade taught. County board of examiners. .. do City board of ex- aminers. City board of ex- aminers. Requirements may not be less than those for county ceriificales. Certificate of graduation from a city normal or training school may be accented as a certificate to teach if the course of study is approved by the state board of examiners. 1 year in evening schools. None State board of examiners. .do. State board *of examiners. do Examination in subjects required for a temporary certificate and in naturaliza- tion laws of United States, immigration laws of United States, election laws of New Jersey, general criminal laws of New Jersey, form of government of New Jersey, and form of government of mu- nicipalities. Examination in English language, United States history. Constitutions of United States and of New Jersey, and civil government. At discretion of state board of examiners. do do State board of examiners. State board of examiners. Examination in penmanship, orthography, English, and reading. c Two times if average 75 per cent and pass examination in theory and practice and school law, or in additional subjects required for second grade coimty certificate. 60 TEACHERS CEETIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers^ NEW MEXICO. tActs of 1907, chap. 97, p. 224, and Regulations of Territorial Board of Education in Report of Supt. of Public Instruction for biennium ending June 10, 1908, pp. 21-29.] Name of certificate. Professional: Lifeeertifleate... 6-year certificate. Valid in- Issued by— 3-year certificate. Temporary permits First-grade certifi- cate. Second - grade cer- tificate. Third-grade certifi- cate. Temporary permits. City certificates. c Territorial board of education. .do. Territory. Territory. . . .do. State superintend- ent. Territorial board of education. .do. .do. County superin- tendent. .do. .do. do... Territory. .do. .do. County. Schools. Any. Duration. Renewal. Life. .do. .do. .do. 5 years . 3 years . Any. -do. .do. .do. Until next e X amina- tion. 3 years 2 years . 1 year. Until next e.xami na- tion. 3 years if holder did not pre- viously hold a pro- fessional 3- year certifi- cate (which see). Granted 5-year c e r t i ficate upon com- pletion of 3 years' expe- rience. Nonrenewable. County super- i n t e ndent may renew once with- out exami- nation if ap- proved by Territorial s u perin- tendent. Nonrenewable. .do. Not twice in s u c c ession to same per- son. a Honorary life certificates are granted in recognition of scholarship and long and efficient service in New Mexico public schools, and to persons unable to furnish transcripts of college records. c City certificates may be issued by city board of education. " Each city is a law unto itself in the matter of certificating its teachers, but certificates issued by a city board are legal only in the city where issued." STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 61 certificates in the various States — Continued. NEW MEXICO. [Acts of 1907, chap. 97, p. 224, and Regulations of Territorial Board of Education in Report of Supt. of Public Instruction for biennium ending June 10, 1908, pp. 21-29.] Experience required. 5 years. None if sufficient credits are pre- sented in obser- vation and prac- tice. (See schol- arship require- ments.) .do. None. None. .do. .do. .do. Questions prepared by- State superintend- ent when exam- ination is re- quired. .do. .do. Territorial super- intendent, when examination is necessary. .do. .do. Papers exam- ined by- State superintend- ent when exam- ination is re- quired (see last column. No. 2). .do. .do. Territorial super- intendent, when examination is necessary. (See scholarship re- quirements.) .do. .do. Scholarship requirements. (1) Life certificate of another State accept- able to territorial board of education, or (2) examination in subjects constituting four credits in group II additional to those required for 5-year certificate and all in group I (see below, 5-year cer- tificate), or (3) satisfactory credits in these subjects.!! (1) Certificate of another State acceptable to territorial board of education, or (2) ex- amination in subjects constitutiQg four credits in group II and all in group 1,6 or (3) satisfactory credits in these subjects, or (4) holder of 3-year professional certifi- cate with 3 years' experience. (1) Certificate of another State acceptable to territorial board of education, (2) exami- nation in subjects constituting four credits ui group II and all in group I ex- cept last two (substitutions allowed in any subject e.xcept the five subjects im- mediately preceding these last two), or (3) satisfactory credits in these subjects. Holder of credentials deemed sufficient to meet the requirements of the law. (1) Indorsement by territorial board of un- expired certificate of other States; (2) completion specified courses in specified schools, including graduation from full course at St. Michael's College; (3) pres- entation of credits in subjects required; or (4; examination in subjects required for second-grade certificate, and, in addition, civil government, elements of pedagogy (more advanced), applied psychology, and one of following: Algebra, botany, zoology, physics, or bookkeeping, with a minimum average of 90 per cent and grade of 70 per cent. (2) or (3), as above, or examination in sub- jects required for third-grade certificate, and, in addition. United States history and elementary course in teaching and school management, with an average of 76 per cent and a minimum grade of 50 per cent. (2) or (3), as above, under first grade or ex- amination in reading, penmanship, or- thography, English grammar and com- position, geography, physiology, and arithmetic. Percentages not named — lower than required for second grade. As in temporary permit issued by Terri- torial superintendent. b Group I. — Arithmetic review (1), geometry (1), zoology (4), algebra (1), English grammar review (1), composition and rhetoric (1), history of English literature and English and American classics (2), United States history (J), civics (i), general history (1), J)hysiology and hygiene (J), botany (i), physical geog- raphy (i), psychology (l),'history of education, including a general knowledge of the following school sys- tems: The German, the French, the United States, and the New Mexico [sic] (J), school management ("§), general method (*), special method in reading, geography, language, spelling, and primary arithmetic (1), observation (*), practice (1). Substitutions; are allowed for any subject except the seven last named, twenty-seven months' teaching being considered the equivalent of the last two. Group //.—Latin (2, 3, or 4), Spanish (2), German (2), Greek (2), trigonometry (J), sociology (J), ethics (i), geology (J), astronomy Q), commercial law (J), English history (J), chemistry (1), bookkeeping (j), physics (1), calculus (J). Substitutions are allowed for any credit in this group. Grades must accom- pany all applications for acceptance of credits. 62 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' NEW YORK. {Laws of N. Y., 1910, ch. 140, being ch. 10 of the Consolidated Laws, sees. 551-555. Handbook?, September, 1909. Regulations relating to teachers' certificates.] Name of certificate. Issued by — Valid in- Terrltory. Schools. Duration. Renewal. College graduate professional cer- tificate. College graduate professional pro- visional certifi- cate. College graduate certificate: Permanent Commissioner of education. State. Any. Life. .do. .do. .do. 3 years. Limited. Normal diplomas.., State life certificate. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Commissioner of education, chair- man and secre- tary of local board, and prin- cipal of normal school. Commissioner of education. .do. Any except pri- mary or gram- mar grades. Any. Life.... 2 years . Life. .do. State limited cer- tificate. Special certificate do. Without exami- | nation (in elo- cution, sewing, cooking, man- ual training, vocal music). Upon examina- do. tion (in kinder- garten, draw- ing, commercial branches, ste- nography). .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 5 years. State (sub- ject to ch. 140, sec. 551, Laws, 1910). Subjects named. 3 years . .do. .do. .do. Nonrenewable. 1 year; upon passing ex- amination in psychology, history of educati o n , principles of educat ion, and meth- ods. Nonrenewable; if remaining 5 subjects are passed in one examination life certifi- cate will be issued. 5-year periods after 2 years' experience. .do. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 63 certificates in the various States — Continued. NEW YORK. [Laws of N. Y., 1910, ch. 140, being ch. 10 of the Consolidated Laws, sees. 551-555. Handbook 7, September 1909. Regulations relating to teachers' certificates.] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by — Scholarship requirements. 3 years under pro- visional college graduate profes- sional certificate None No examination required . 3 years under lim- ited college grad- uate certificate. None .do. None; 600 periods of practice teach- ing and observa- tion. 2 years. Commissioner of education. .do. .do None; applicant must satisfy commissioner he is qualified to teach the sub- ject. do Commissioner of education. Commissioner of education. .do. Commissioner of education. Holder of a college graduate professional provisional certificate. Graduation from an approved college course including education. Graduation fiom an approved college. Diploma from a New York state normal school or New York state normal college. Examination in subjects required for ele- mentary certificate with a minimum grade of 75 per cent, S subjects, and examina- tion in following subjects: Group II, with an average of 75 per cent and mini- mum gi'ade of (JO per cent, composition, English, and American literature, a foreign language (French, German, Span- ish, Latin (Caesar)), plane geometry, phj'sics, chemistry, botany or zoology, physical geography, history (ancient, European, or Great Britain and Ireland), civics, bookkeeping, drawing, history of education, principles of education, methods and school management, school law. Examination in all of Groups I and II re- quired for state life certificate and in following of Group III: Physics, civics, drawing, and 10 additional counts. Graduation from approved high school or equivalent and from approved profes- sional institution wherein the course of study in special subjects has been com- pleted. Request from a city or district superintendent after position has been assured candidate. Same as above, and in addition examina- tion as follows: (1) For kindergarten certificate, training-school examination in history of education, psychology, prin- ciples of education, school management, primary methods, kindergarten methods; (2) for drawing certificate, in drawing; (3) for commercial certificate, in advanced bookkeeping, business arithmetic; (4, for stenographer's certificate, in stenog- raphy and typewriting 64 TEACHEES CEBTIFICATES. A. — Tablf showing the principal fentures of teachers' NEW YORK— Continued. Name of certificate. Issued by- Valid in— Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. Training school cer- Commissioner of State Any elementary 3 years 10-year periods tificate. education. school. on evidence ' of 2 years' succe s s f u 1 experience. Training class cer- School commis- School com- Any school not do 5-year periods tificate. sioner. missioner's maintaining an ' on evidence dist r i c t; academic depart-; of 2 years' must be ment. After 3 j succes s f u 1 i n d orsed years' experience experience. by any inay teach in other com- suba c a d e m i c missioner, grades of school unless he maintaining an can give academic de- valid rea- partment, pro- son for re- vided holder en- 1 fusing. tered training j class on aca- demic diploma. ^ Rural school re- do do Any school not , 10 years maintaining an | 10 years, on ev- newable certifi- idence of 5 cate. academic de- partment. years' suc- cessful expe- rience. First-grade certifi- School commis- School com- Any elementary do 10-year peri- cate (will not be sioner or city su- missioner, school. ods, on evi- issued after Jan. perintendent. district or dence of 5 1, 1911). city. In- dorsed as above by com m i s- years' suc- cessful expe- rience. sioner or s u p e rin- tend e n t, except in certain cities, un- der special . acts. Academic certifi- School commis- Particular school approved by 2 years Nonrenew- cate. sioner. school commissioner not maintaining an academic department. able. May be extended 1 year for e a' c h 18 counts earn- ed in ex- aminations while certif- icate is in force to- ward a life certificate. Elementary certifi- cate. do do 1 do May be ex- 1 tended 1 1 1 year for each 1 8 counts of academic work com- pleted while in force. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 65 certificates in the various States — Continued . NEW YORK— Continued. Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by — Scholarship requirements. Same as for nor- mal diploma. Commissioner education. Commissioner education. None; in training class have had opportunity to observe work of critic teacher in grades at least twice each week and have been required to teach occasion- ally. .do. .do. 2 years. .do. .do. -do. None. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. Graduation from a 4-year academic course required for admission to training school. Graduation from the 2-year professional course of training school and examination in arithmetic; geography; language, com- position, and grammar; physiology and hygiene; nature study; American history, with civics; drawing; methods in read- ing, writing, and spelling; psychology; history of education; and school man- agement. Examination in subjects required for a rural school renewable certificate, ex- cept omission of algebra and one branch of history other than American; substitu- tion of language, composition and gram- mar, including methods in same, for first- year English, and of methods in read- ing, writing, and spelling for methods in teaching. In addition, examination is required in psychology, and the questions in arithmetic and geography include questions in methods in those subjects. Examination in penmanship; spelling; arithmetic; geography; first-year Eng- lish; algebra; physiology and hygiene; nature study and agriculture; drawing; American history with civics; either ancient, European, or English and Irish history; history of education; school man- agement; methods of teaching; and school law. Examination in subjects required for ele- mentary certificate and, in addition, in algebra, physics, civics, bookkeeping, history of education, school manage- ment, school law, and either ancient or European history, or history of Great Britain and Ireland. Minimum grade, 76 per cent. Holder of a regents' academic diploma. Issued only after engagement to teach has been made. Examination in writing, spelling, arith- metic, geography, elementary United States history with civics, first-year Eng- lish, physiology and hygiene, drawing Mininium grade of 75 per cent. Issued only after engagement to teach has been made. 63200—10- 66 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' NEW YORK— Continued. Name of certificate. Issued by- Valid in— Duration. Renewal. Territory. Schools. Temporary license. School certificates.o Commissioner of education. Schoolcom- mission- ers' dis- t ric t , school district, or city. Any Not to ex- ceed 1 year. Nonrenew- able. NORTH CAROLINA. [Public School Law of N. C, 1909, pp. 67-68.] State certificate. High-school certifi- cate. Special high-school certificate (for as- sistant teachers). County certificates, first, second, and third grades. State board of ex- aminers. .do. .do. County superin- tendent. State. .do. do.., County. Any. .do. Branches named. Any elementary school; third grade as assist- ant teacher only. 5 years. 3 years. .do. 2, 1, and 1 year. Upon reexam- ination. .do. .do. First grade at discretion of county su- perintend- ent; second and third grade can be renewed upon reex- amination. a Local certificates are issued according to authority conferred in special acts or in city charters or as may be authorized by the regents' general rules. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 67 certificates in the various States — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. Experience required. Questions prepared by — Papers exam- ined by — Scholarsliip requirements. None. No examination required . Issued at discretion of commissioner of education to meet emergencies. NORTH CAROLINA. [Public School Law of N. C, 1909, pp. 67-68.] 1 year. None. .do. .do. State board of ex- aminers. .do. .do. County superin- tendent (state board prepares uniform exami- nation questions which county superintendent may obtain upon application). State board of ex- aminers. .do. .do. County superin- tendent. Certificate of county superintendent that appUcant holds a first-grade certificate and has taught 1 year successfully. Examination in same subjects as re- quired for county certificate. Minimum general average, 90 per cent. (1) Graduation from college of high rank and examination in English, theory and prac- tice of teaching, and scliool law. (2) Ex- amination in above subjects and also in history (State, national, including ci^^cs, English, and general); advanced arith- metic; algebra; geometry; one of following language.s— Latin (Caesar, Cicero, Virgil), Greek (Anabasis), French, orGerman; and one of the following sciences — physical geography, physics, agriculture, chem- istry, or botany. Examination in subjects under above and in. such branches as appUcant desires to teach. Examination in spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, drawing, language lessons and composition, grammar, geography, his- tory of North CaroUna, United States history, agriculture, physiology and hygiene, including nature and effects of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, and theory and practice of teaching. Minimum averages as follows: First grade, 90 per cent; second grade, 80 per cent; third grade, 70 per cent. 68 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' NORTH DAKOTA. [Laws of N. Dafc., 1905, Ch. 107; 1909, Ch. 96. General School Laws, 1909, pp. 77-83.] Issued by- Valid in— Duration. Renewal. Name of certificate. Territory. Schools. Life professional certificate. State superintend- ent. State . Life Do do .do do do State certificate: .do do do 5 years Satisfactory evidence of continuous successful experience and profes- sional spirit. do . . .do do 3 years do Special certificate (for music, draw- do .. . .do... . Subjects named... do do ing, kindergarten, primary subjects, manual indus- trial training, do- mestic science, nature study, or elementary agri- culture). First-grade county certificate. do County (may be Any do (1) 2 months' teaching un- indorse d der certifi- by other cate, (2) 6 county weeks' at- s u perm- tendance at tendents). a teachers' training school, or 2 years' read- ing circle work. Sub- sequent re- newals de- pendent up- on attend- a n c e at training school. Second-grade county certificate. do do .do 2 years do Temporary license. County superin- tendent. Until next N n r e n ew- exami- able. nation. a Nine months, if applicant have a diploma from the normal college of state university or a North Dakota normal school, which is equivalent to a state certificate of the second class. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 69 certificates in the various States — Continued . NORTH DAKOTA. [Laws of N. Dak., 1905, Ch. 107; 1909, Ch. 96. General School Laws, 1909, pp. 77-83.] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. 5 years State superintend- ent. No examination re State superintend- ent. do State superintend- ent. juired Examinations in all branches taught in common and high schools of State, with pedagogics and such other branches as state superintendent may direct; or pos- session of degrees in hberal arts granted by approved college or university. Graduation from normal college of tlie Uni- 18 months o State superintend- ent. do versity of North Dakota or from a state normal school. Graduation from normal college of state university or an approved normal school or college. State superintendent may examine in his discretion. Graduation from an approved normal .do do do school, or a North Dakota college or uni- versity, with one year study of peda- gogics. State superintendent may exam- ine in his discretion. Detennined l)v state superintendent (no .do do examination required of graduates of state normal and industrial schools, to teach manual and industrial training). Examination in branches of common Eng- None . do lish education, reading, writing, orthog- raphy, language lessons and English granimar, geography, United States his- tory, civil government, physiology and hygiene, physical culture, and theory and practice of teaching; and in addition, physical geography, physics, psychology, alg'el)ra, and geometry. Minimum aver- age, S.'i; minimum grade, 75. Same as first grade, excepting the last 5 do do do branches. Minimum average, 80; mini- mum grade, 70. Satisfactory evidence of qualification. 70 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' OHIO. [Ohio School Laws, 1906, pp. 167-179. Sess. Laws 1908, pp. 350-353, and 1910, pp. 305-306, 317-319.] Name of certificate. Issued by- Valid in- Territory. Schools. Duration. Renewal. High-school life cer- tificate: Plan I Plan II. State board of school examin- ers. .do. State. Common-school life certificate: Plan I .do. Plan II. .do. Special life certifi- cate; Plan I .do. Plan II do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Provisional high- State commis- do. school certificate. '. sioner. Any. Life. .do. Any for branches named. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Any. 4 years. Eligible after 24 months' e X p erience for high- school life certificate. a Examination for any kind of a certificate issued by the state board requires a minimmn average of 8n per cent and a minimum grade of SO per cent. STATE LAWS AND KEGITLATIONS. 71 certificates in the various States — Continued. OHIO. [Ohio School Laws, 1906, pp. 167-179. Sess. Laws 1908, pp. 3r)0-353, and 1910, pp. 306-306, 317-319.] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by— Scliolarship requirements. 50 months. (1) 24 months for holder of provi- sional certificate of same kind is- sued to college and normal- school graduates by state com- missioner. (2) 10 years for holder of profes- sional certifi- cate of same grade issued by a city or county board of exami- ners. State board of school examin- ers. .do. Same as "high- school life with- out examina- tion." 50 months. .do. None. State board of Examination in subjects required for com- school examin- mon-school life certificate and, in addi- ers. tion, in geometry, rhetoric, civil govern- ment, advanced algebra, advanced phys- ics, Latin, psychology, history of educa- tion, science of education, and three of following: Chemistry, botany, zoology, astronomy, trigonometry and its applica- tions, logic, Greek, German, and political economy.o do (1) Holder of provisional high-school certifi- cate issued by state commissioner and examination in theory and practice of teaching, history of education, and science of education. o (2) Holder of pro- fessional high-school certificate issued by county board of examiners and examina- tions in same subjects. .do. .do. .do Examination in orthography, reading,writ- ing, arithmetic, elementary algebra, geog- raphy, physical geography, English grammar and composition. United States history including civil government, gen- eral history, English literature, physi- ology and "hygiene, including effects of alcohol and narcotics, elementary phys- ics, theory and practice of teaching, scien- tific temperance, and such other branches, if any, as they may elect. o .do (1) Holder of provisional elementary-school certificate issued by state commissioner and examination in theory and practiced (2) Holder of professional elementary cer- tificate issued by county board and ex- amination in theory and' practice. .do. .do. State department . do Examination in .special branches in which certificate is desired and in physiology and hygiene, including effects of alcohol and narcotics, psychology, theory and practice, history of education, and science I of education as prescribed for high-school life certificates. o do ' (1) Holder of provisional special certificate issued by state commissioner and exami- nation in theory and practice and in spe- \ cial branch. (2) Holder of professional special certificate issued by county board and examination in same subject. State department .' Graduation from any approved normal school, teachers' college, college, or uni- versity in a four years' academic and pro- fessional course requiring for entrance graduation from a high school of first grade and including actual secondary teaching under supervision in a training school. Examination in .same subjects as for teacher's high-school certificate.a 72 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' OHIO— Continued. Naineof cerlificate. Provisional elemen- tary-school cer- tificate. Provisional special certificate. Teachers' h i g h - school certifi- cate: Professional Pro\i.sioinU6. Teachers' elemen- tary school cer- tificate: Professional Issued by- State c m m i s - sionor. .do. County or city board of school examiners. .do. .do. Provisional 6 do. Teachers' special certificate: Professional Valid in- Territory. State. .do. State cer- tificates issued by city board, valid in cities only. County 6.. State. (See profes- sional h i g h - school c e r t i fl- ea te.) County b. -do. Provisional 6. Temporary certifi- cates. .do. .do. Stale. (See profes- sional h i g h - school c e r t i fl- cate.) County 6.. . County or city. Schools. Any for branches named. .do. High schools. .do. Elementary schools. .do. Branches named . -do. As designated. Duration. 4 years . do. 5 or 8 years. . 1, 2, 01 years. 5 or 8 vears. . 5 or 8 vears. 1, 2, or 3 years. Until next examina- tion. Renewal. Same, except common- school life certificate. Same, except special life certificate. Without ex- amination, unless hold- er has not taught dur- ing 4 years preceding. («) Same as pro- f e s s i o n a 1 high -school certificate. («) Same as pro- f e ssional high school. Same as pro- visional ele- mentary. Nonre new- able. I a Examination for any kind of a certificate issued by the state board requires a minimum average of 85 per cent and a minimum grade of 80 per cent. t> County and city boards of examiners may issue certificates without examination to holders of like cer- tificates granted by other county and city boards of examiners. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 73 certificates in the various States — Continued . OHIO— Continued. Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. None State department. . . .do State department. do Graduation from a 2-year academic and pro- do fessional course in approved normal school, college, or university based on graduation from high school of fu-st grade, including practice teaching under super- vision and examination in same subjects as for teacher's elementary-school cer- tificate. Completion of special course in institutions named above, including practice teaching and examination in same subjects as for teacher's special certificate.a Examination in literature, general history, algebra, physics, physiology including narcotics, theory and practice of teach- ing, and fourof following: Latin, German, rhetoric, civil government, geometry, physical geography, botany, and chem- istry. Mmimum average, 92 per cent; minimum grade, 85 per cent. These standings do not apply to city certificates. Examination in same subjects; average and grade required not stipulated.ii Examination in orthography, reading. 40 montlis; does not apply to city certificates. None State superintend- ent. do County board of examiners. do 40 months. . . do do do None . .do writing, arithmetic, English grammar and composition^, geography, history of United States, mcluding civil govern- ment, physiology including narcotics, literature, theory and practice of teach- ing. Minimum average, 92 per cent; mmimum grade, 85 per cent. These standings do not apply to city certificates. Examination in same subjects: standings 40 montlis do do not stipulated. <* Examination in subjects to be taught and None do do Coimty board of examiners when examination is required. in theory and practice of teaching with a minimum average of 92 per cent and grade of 85 per cent. These standings do not applj' to city certificates. Same examination: no standings stipu- do County examin- ers wlien exam- ination is re- quired. lated. Examination at discretion of countv board of examiners. c Discretion of board. If holder has taught 5 years continuously renewable by passing examination in theory and practice. i County boards of examiners may issue provisional certificates without examination (except in theory and practice and science of education) to graduates of schools for training of teachers having a two-year course who have also previously graduated from a first-grade high school. 74 TKAc 1 1 ERS <:; JO \v.\n v i c a'J'ios. A. 'I'lihlr .shoiriiif/ llic priiici jxil fcuhtrcft of Icarhers* OKLAHOMA. yiiws 111 III O pi Minus I'oi- I, 111' itoijiil.iiiuii and SiipiJorLof lli(( (loiiiiiioii ScIiooIm, li)l).s, Articles III and XXV ; luio, Ailli^lc W. okliilioiiiii I'ydiUMilioniU Directory and lieciiiircnicnts for State Cerlillcales, pp. 101- 105. IJIennlai Koport of tlie Department of I'liblic I n.s traction, lilOH, pp. ia-J-146.] Valid in - NaiMc'of cfilidciile. I/lfi' diploinan. S u perlnlcndcnCs ciMtHlcate. iN^ui'd l)y State board ofedu- i 111 ion. State. .do. HlRlKscliool certin- cate. .do... (traniniar .school corl ideate. .do. Dnratioii. Any. Life. Superintend o r Life, Id, or I eacli any .school. ij years. Any lilK'h, school... I Life, 10, or f) years (soo last colimin). First to oightli grade, inclii.sivo. Life. I{ene\val. Nonrenewable. .do. II Dlplimias from educational inslilution.s constitute certificates, as follows: ^(r) Krom stale normal .school, llfecertiflcate good for any school; (h) from State University (at Norman), life certidcate wl\<>n i-oimter,si,i,'ned by state superintendent; may be countersi(;n(>d upon expiration of 14 months' teaehlni; after praduation. Two years pcil;\iro;;y and practice teaclilns; accepted in lieu of expe- rience; ((•) from Colored .\i;riculltnal and Normal I'iiivcrsity, Ti-ycar certillcate; (.(/) from Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechaniial rollej;<", permanent certilicatc of graiie nuist be granteil by state super- iiilenilont. STATE LAWS AND RECiUF.ATIONy, 75 certificates in the variovs iStaics — ("ontiniicd. OKLAHOMA. (Laws and Opinions for tho Uogulatlon and Support of thoOonuiion Schools, 1908, Arl.iclctill] ujid XXV; 1910, Article XV. Oklahoma Kducational Uiri'Ctory and Ucqnirotiionts for SLato Ccrtllicates, pp. 101- 105. Uionnial Report of tho Dopartinont of Tubllc Instruction, 1908, pj). 134-140.] Experience required. 10 years. 10 years, 5 years, or 1 year. One year for 5-J year certificate, or 1 year's work, 10 hours per week, in peda- KORy, one-third of time In actual teaclilng in trairdng school; for 1 0-year certi- ficate, 5 years; for life certifi- cate, 10 years. Samp, except al- ternative of ped- agogy course is omitted. (See last column.) Questions prepared by State board of ed- ucation. .do. .do.. Papers exam- ined by - Scholarship requirements. State board of ed- ucation. .do. .do... Issued only to university or coUcgi! gradu- ates who are teachers of ox('<'|il ionally suc- cessful experience, to supcrinlciKlcnts. presidents of liistltiitioiis of Icuriiirig, and to others of eminent standing, wlio pre- sent the (jualifications for high school or grammar certificates. Examination in arithmetic, elcnientary algebra, agriculture, Ijookkceping, coin- posllion and rhetoric, civics, domestic scieru^e, drawinfj, geography, nliysical geography, English grammar, history of education. United Slates history, liistory of (Oklahoma, peneral liistory, English literature, musK^ niircotics and .stimu- lants, orlliograpliy, penmanship, physi- ology and hygiene, pliysics, psychology, reading, school law, school sujicrvlsion, and theory and practice, with an average of 90 percent and minimum of 70 percent. Examination in suljjects required for a grammar-school certificate, and in addi- tion, one branch each of (Iroiips I, IV, V, VI, and VII and twoof firon|)s 1 1 and HI: (Oroup I. Astronomy, calculus, plant!, solid, and sjiherical geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry. Oroup //.— .\dvanced agriculture, botany, chemistry, geology, mineralogy, zoology. Oroup III. — Ancient history, medi'.nval history, English liistory, modern history, economic history, logic or etiiics, polill- cal economy, sociology. Oroup IV.- — Oklahoma school law, philoso- phy of education, primary leaching, Kiridergarten training,. school supervision. Oroup K- Two years' work in French, Greek, 'icmian, Latin, or iSpanlsh. Oroup VI. English novelists, English es,says, English drama, history of Eng- lish language, rlietoric (advanced;. Oroup VII.- Mechanical drawing, domes- tic art, elo(Mjtion, history of art, military science, physical culture, manual train- ing. Oraaiv.ff.—Vor life certificate average of 90 per cent, minimum 80 per cent; for 10- year certificate average of H!i per cent, minimum 75 per cent; for .5-year certifi- cate average of 80 per cent, minimum 70 jier ('cnt. Holder of first-grade county certificate or graduate of a reputable college and exami- nation in subjects required for superin- tendents certificate, except history of education, psychology, school law and school supervision. Orading.—k?, in high-school certificate above. 76 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing the principal features of teachers' OKLAHOMA— Continued. Name of certificate. Issued by- Valid in— Territory. Scliools. Duration. Renewal. Primary certificate. State board of ed- ucation. State . First to fourth grade, inclusive. Life. Nonrenewable. -do. .do. Kindergarten cer- tificate. Special certificate (drawing, manual training, physical culture, ancient and modern lan- guages, English history and civ- ics, mathematics, science, music, commercial, tech- nical, and indus- trial subjects). Elementary certi- | do flcates (first, sec- ond, and third grade). County certificates: First grade .do. Kindergarten. .do. .do. .do. Branches and grades named. .do. .do. .do. Second grade. Third grade. Temporary certifi- cate. County board of examiners. State in- dorse- m e n t c o mpul- sory. Elementary grades Any. Same as corresponding grade of county certificates. 3 vears . .do. -do. County and ad- joining counties. County .do. -do. County superin- tendent. District d es ig- nated. 2 years. 1 year. Until next e X amina- tion. For original period if holder has attended 75 per cent of sessions of i n s t i tutes and has taught 3 months each year and has av- erage of 75 per cent. do Not more than two to same per- son. Not given a second time. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 77 certificates in the various States — Continued . OKLAHOMA— Continued . Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by — Scholarship requirements. Same as for gram- mar certificate. State board of ed- ucation. State board of ed- ucation. .do. Not granted on examination. Satisfactory stand- ing as a teacher. Same as first, sec- ond, and third grade county certificates. 12 months State board of edu- cation. State board of ed- ucation. 3 months . .do None .do. State board of edu- cation. Board of county examiners. .do. .do. do No examination required . Holder of first-grade county certificate or graduate of a reputable college who by examination shows familiarity with the methods of teaching the following: Music, numbers, nature study, drawing, reading, language, permianship, physiology, hy- giene, narcotics and stimulants, agricul- ture, geography, history, domestic science; also how to originate busy work and industrial occupations. Grading.— As in high-school certificate above. Graduation from the kindergarten training department of Oklahoma state normal schools and other schools on accredited list. Applicant must satisfy board as to his scholarly attaiiunents. "Candidates for a special high-school certificate must be a graduate of a reputable college and have had not less than eight years of high- school and college work and must also have had not less than three years of special advanced training in subjects for which certificate is desired, including not less than half a year of post-graduate work in some accredited university;" however, as an equivalent, board may consider any evidence of scholarship, education, experience, training, travel, or culture that may be offered. Same as corresponding grades of county certificates. Examination in subjects required for sec- ond grade and, in addition, bookkeeping and the elements of natural philosophjr, with an average of 90 per cent and mini- mum of 70 per cent. Examination in subjects required for third grade and, in addition, civics, with an av- erage of 80 per cent and a minimum of 60 per cent. Examination in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, composition, geography, arithmetic, United States history, physiology and hygiene, theory and practice of teaching, agriculture, do- mestic science, drawing, music, and his- tory of Oklahoma, with an average of 70 per cent and a minimum of 50 per cent. Upon request of district; fitness determined by examination. Applicant must not have failed at any regular examination. 78 TEACHEES CERTIFICATES, A. — Table showing the princijyal features of teachers' OREGON. jOreg. Sdiool Law-., WOfi, compiled and annotated by J. H. Ackerman, pp. 5-8, 21-26, 108.) Name of certificate. State diploma. State certificate. Special certificate. (See last column for subjects.) Permit First-grade certifi- cate. Second-grade cer- tificate. Third-grade certifi- cate. Primary certificate. Temporary permit. Issued by- State board of edu- cation. .do. .do. Board of county examiners. .do. .do. .do. County superin- tendent. Valid in- Territory. State. .do. School dis- trict. State. County; valid in any other county when in- dorsed by county superin- tendent. County .do. .do. .do. Schools. Any. .do. Any; subject named. Any. .do. .do. Life. 5 years . Life. 3 years . 2 years . .do. 1 year. Not above third ! 3 years grade, except as j assistant teacher in graded schools. Any Until next examina- tion. Renewal. Nonrenewable Nonrenewable Only upon re- examination Non renew- able; not more than one to same person un- less not suf- ficient ex- perience for first- grade certificate. do Only upon re- exammation, Only 2 to each person in same coim- ty. o Graduates of colleges and universities and of the Oregon state normal school "are entitled to teach, in any high school "upon registration of diploma with coimty superintendent.— School Laws, 1909, p. 108. STATE LAWS AND EEGULATIONS. 79 certificates in the various States — Continued. OREGON. [Oreg. School Laws, 1909, compiled and annotated by J. H. Ackeniian, pp. 5-8, 21-26, 108.] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements. 60 months, 15 in State; graduates from state and equivalent nor- mal schools in Oregon and from colleges in State whose courses include 5 years beyond eighth' grade "may ap- ply" upon "com- pletion of 30 months' experi- ence after grad- uation." (1)30 months, 9 in State; indorse- ment by county superintendent of 3 years' work i m m e d i ately preceding, un- less requirement is waived by board. (2) None If graduate of one of above schools. a None See scholarship re- quirements. 12 months. 3 months. None 12 months. None. State board of ex- aminers. State board of ex- aminers. .do. .do. Examination in subjects required for state certificate, and, in addition, botany, plane geometry, and general history, with average of So per cent and minimum of 70 percent. Sixty per cent of questions based upon text-books adopted by State; those in theory and practice upon texts announced one year previous. Examination in subjects required for fijst- grade certificate and, in addition, algebra, bookkeeping, composition, physical ge- ography, physics, psychology, and Eng- lish literature, with" average of 85 per cent and minimum of 70 per cent. Ques- tions based upon state texts as above. No examination required 1 Upon request of local board of directors board may issue at its discretion without examination to teachers of music, for- eign languages, drawing and painting, manual traming, and penmanship. Ap- plicant must present to state board cre- dentials showing special training for subject he wishes to teach or evidence of more than one year of successful teaching in said subject. Holder of diploma or certificate issued by another State "of the grade and kind equivalent to a state certificate" (se- cured through examination), but who has not had requisite experience for a state certificate in Oregon. Examination in subjects required for a second-grade certificate and, in addition, English literature and physical geogra> phyj with average of 90 per cent and minimum of 70 per cent. Questions based on state texts as above. .do. State board of ed' ucation. .do. .do. .do. Board of county examiners. .do. .do. .do. County superin- tendent, when necessary. (See last colunm.) County superin- tendent, when necessary. (See last column.) Examination in orthography, reading, writing, written arithmetic, English grammar, geography. United States his- tory, theory of teaching, physiology and hygiene, civil government, "and Oregon school law, with average of 80 per cent and minimum of 60 per cent. Examination in same subjects as for second grade, with minimum average of 75 per cent and grade of 60 per cent. Examination in reading, writing, orthog- raphy, arithmetic, physiology, language, geography, and theory and" practice of teaching, with average of 85 per cent and minimum of 70 per cent. (1) Holder of a certificate of another county or another State, or (2) an examination equivalent to that required for a third- grade certificate. Can not be issued to person who failed at last regular exami- nation. 80 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table showing th§ principal features of teachers' PENNSYLVANIA. [The Common-School Laws of Pa., 1909, pp. 76, 124, 129-130, 133-135, 137-138, 153.] Name of certificate. State teachers' per- manent certifi- cate (college). Practical teacher's state certificate. Master's normal di- ploma. Normal elementary certificate. Permanent certifi- cate. Professional certifi- cate. Provisional certifi- cate. Special certificate . Issued bv- State superintend- ent. Valid in- Territory. State. Board of nonnal- do . school principals-! -do. .do. State superinten- dent. County, city, or borough super- intendent. .do. County, city, or borough super- intendent, when approved by state superin- tendent. .do. .do. County, city, or b rough named." .do. .do. .do. Schools. Any. Any school in branches named. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Branches named . . Not specified Life. -do. .do. 2 annual school terms; not neces- sarily c n s e c- utive. Life o 1 year be- yond offi- cial term of officer issuing cer- tificate. 1 year Renewal. Nonrenewable. Upon reexam- ination. Not .specified. a A permanent certificate is valid in any other county, city, or borough for one year. If at the end of that time it is indorsed by the superintendent of that county, city, or borough it has full force and effec t of permanent certificate in the new territory. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 81 certificates in the various States — Continued . PENNSYLVANIA. [The Common-School Laws of Pa , 1909, pp. 76, 124, 129-130, 133-135, 137-138, 153.] Experience required. Questions prepared by- Papers exam- ined by- Scholarship requirements . 3 full annual terms in Pennsylvar nia. do No examination re Board of normal- school princi- pals. do Graduatioa froja a literary or scientific col- Board of normal- school princi- pals. do lege legally empowered to confer the bachelor's and master's degrees and hav- ing a course of 4 years. Same examination as required of graduates 2 years' teaching after graduation. of normal schools for master's normal diploma; other subjects may be added to certificate. Original thesis on profes- sional subject, not less than 6 folio pages. Credentials warranting credit in "practice .do do of teaching." Examination reqnii-ed by board of normal- 3 years under cue board which cer- tifies to success. County superin- tendent must countersign cer- tiJieate. Successful expe- rience. No defi- nite minimum. Little or no expe- rience. Examining com- mittee of 3 ap- pointed by state superintendent. County, city, or borough super- intendent. -do Examining com- mittee of 3 ap- pointed by state superintendent. County, city, or borough super- intendent. do school principals, covering all subjects in the normal-school course or their equiv- alents. Holder of professional certificate. Exami- nation must be satisfactory to committee and to state superintendent, to whom questions and answers must be forwarded. Applicant must be examined in subjects required for a professional certificate, and may be examined in such other subjects as he desires. Thorough knowledge of branches named for provisional certificate. Fair Icnowledge of orthography, reading. No e-xaminalion re writing, geography, gi'anunar, mental and vvritten arithmetic, United States history, and theory of teaching. None specified. 63200—10- TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. ■\.. — Table showing the pri nripal features of teachers' RHODE ISLAND. [Laws of R. I., relating to education, 1910, chap. 68, p. 25. R. I. Education Circulars, Examination and Certification of Teachers, June 30 and July 1, 1910.] Name of certificate. Issued by — First-grade certifi- cate: Upon examina^ tion. State board of ed- ucation. Without exami- nation. Second-grade cer- tificate: Upon examina- | do . tlon. I Without exami- do nation. I Third-grade certifi- I cate: Upon examina- do tion. Without exami- | do nation. i b'ourth-grade eer- j do tlficate. Temporary certifi- I do cate. 1 ,E vening-school cer- tificate: First grade .do. Third grade I do. Fourth grade j do. Valid tn- Territory. Schools. State I Any. Each local board makes its own regulations i regarding grade , of certificate for its ovni schools. .do. Duration. .3 years . Renewal. 6 years first and second time; third time may be permanent. .do. .do j 2 years . 1 .do . .1 do i do j do I .do 1 do. 4 years first time; 9 years second time; third time may be per- manent. .do. .do. do. 4 years first thne; 6 years second time. do I R e n e w a ble ' only as a fourth-grade evening school for 4 , years. 1 yearorun- Nonrenewable, til next ex- 1 amination. .do I Evening schools. .do I do 3 years . 2 years . .do j do .do Subjects named . . Same as for same grade of regular cert ificate, except no p e rmanent certificates. 2 years ! Same as for 1 second grade. Special certificates do ("any special branch," includ- I i ing kindergarten). ,1 CoDoitional certifi- do do Same as for first | Same as tem- 1 Nonrenewable, cates. ! ' ; grade. porary STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. certificates in the various States — Continued. RHODE ISLAND. I Laws of R. I., relating to educatiou, 1910, chap. OS, p. 25. R. 1. KdiualiDii Cinuilars, E.xainiuaiion and Certification of Teachers, June 30 and July 1, 1910.] Experience required. None under regu- lar rules. Some- times required in special cases not under an or- dinary rule. Questions prepared by- State board of ed- ucation. Papers exam- ined by- Stale board of ed- ucation. .do. State board of ed- ucation. State board of ed- ucation. Scholarship reqiiirenicntj^ Must ha\(' held a .second-grade cerltficale and have passed examination for the same, and in addition examination in the following subjects: Solid and spherical geometry, trigonometry, geology and mineralogy, chemistry," history of me- diaeval and modern Europe, Latin or French, advanced algebra or analytical geometry, pliysics, political and constitu- tional history of the United States or English history, botany or zoology, Greelc or German, history of" education, educa- tional psychology, philosophy of educa- tion, methodology, school management, and .'school law. Certification of comple- tion of requirements in any subject in an approved institution may be accepted. Graduation from approved university or college, and satisfactory course in pro- fessional subjects or .5 years' successful ex- perience. Must have held a third-grade certificate or have passed examination for the same, and in addition examination in the fol- lowing subjects: Algebra, plane geom- etry, elements of physics, elements of chemistry, botany or zoology, rhetoric, English literature, civics, pohtical and eonslitutional history of United States or (ircck history to death of Alexander, commercial geography or Roman history to the death of Marcus Aurelius, and in professional subjects required for first- grade certificate. College work accepted as above. Graduation from an approved normal school. .do. State board of ed- ucation. State board of ed- ucation. .do. State board of ed- ucation. State board of ed- ucation. Successful experi- ence. None... No examination required . Issued mainly upon examination in arith- metic, language, geography, history, physiology, reading, spelling, penman- ship, methods, school management, and school law. Graduation from normal schools not quite up to tl\(> st aiidard for .second grade. Also upon long and successful experience, with worlc in summer schools and the like. Simple examination in the same subjects as for the third grade, except professional subjects. College graduation without qualification in professional subjects or successful expe- rience. Also Lssued at times "in excep- tional cases." 1 State board of ed- ucation. I Graduates of approved colleges and uni- versities. Same conditions as for third grade, except professional subjects not required. None. I I Issued only as a renewal of a fourth-grade I j certificat^e. No examination required ; Upon prosenfafion of satisfactory evidence '[ of preparation in specialty. Kindergar- , ten certificates ]nay be made valid for j first and second grades. State board of ed- State board of ed- i Granted to candidates who fail to pass in ueation. ucation. I one or two subjects, but whose general average is good. 84 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Tabic shtnving the principal features of teachers^ SOUTH CAROLINA. [General School Law of S. C. (containing regulations of state board of education), 1909, pp. 19-23, 57-63.] Name of i-ertificate. State certificate. . Licentiate of In- struction di- ploma. County certificate (first, second, and third grade). County certificates without exami- nation. Valid in— Issued bv— Territory. Governor and state superin- tendent, con- j firmed by state i board of "educa- tion. I (Joverning board I of institution. County board of education. .do. Schools. Any. .do. County; registrar tion in any other county permit- ted. .do. .do. Duration. 2 years . -do. .do. .do. Optional . .do. First and sec- ond grade at option of board if in- stitutes at- I tended; ^ third grade can not be renewed. ; Optional South Dakota. (See page 86.) TENNESSEE. [ Public School Laws of Tcmi., pp. 6, 21. Memorandum of state supt. of public instruction.] Secondary certifi- cate: Upon e -x. a m i - nation (first County superin- tendent. Anv 1 year Successful teaching; and second keeping up grades). reading -cir- cle course. (bounty superin- tendent (see last do .do Every vear nation (1). (see last during life column). column). of holder. do .do do do Every vear nation (2). ■ for 4 years, orforQj'ears if "state sec- ondary cer- tificate" is renewed (see last column). Primary certificate: Without exami- County superin- County Only iu schools do Renewable if nation. tendent (see last ■ (see last teaching com- "state pri- column). column). mon branches named in last column (upon examination). mary" is re- newed (see last column). Upon examina- County superin- County do do Same as sec- t ion (third tendent. ondarv cer- grade). ' tificate upon examination. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 85 certificates in the various States — Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA. [General School Law of S. C. (containing regulations of state board of education), 19C9,pp. 19-23,57-03.) Experience required. None. .do. .do. Questions prepared l)y- Papers exam- ined by — No examination required . Suliolurship requirenienl- Diploma of gradnalion from reputable uni- versity or college in some oilier State of as high rank as the leading colleges within the State or completion of 9 courses at state sunmier school. do. State board of ed- ucation . County boardof ed- education. Course of study of institution must have received approval of state board of edu- cation. Examination in lollowing subjects: .Alge- bra, arithmetic, United States history, civics and current events, grammar, physiology, geography, pedagogy, and agriculture. Minimum averages and grades, respectively, us follows: First grade, 80 per cent arid 50 per cent; second grade, 70 per cent and -15 per cent; third i grade, 60 per cent and 4 per cent. No examination required Completion of 9 courses at county or district summer schools. Diploma of graduation I from accredited higher institution within i the State. i^outh Dakota. (See page 86.) TENNESSEE. (Public School Laws of Tenn., pp. (i, 21. Memorandum of state supt . of public instruction.] None. .do. No examination requii-ed . -do. County superiu- i County superin- ' E.vainination in subjects required for pri- tendent. tendent. j mary certificate and, in addition, in ele- j ments of algebra, plane geometry, book- I keeping, rhetoric, civil government, I physics, geology of Tennessee, and agri- 1 culture. If general average is 85 per cent • or above, certificate is called first grade; i if general average is from 85 per cent to 70 per cent, certificate is called second grade. Holder of degree of licentiate of instruction from Peabody Normal College is en- titled to a secondary certificate in any county in the State." .do Holder of "state secondary certificate." This certificate is issued upon examina- tion. The questions are prepared in the state office and the papers are graded by the state institute instructors. The holder is entitled to a secondary certifi- cate in any county in the State. Its du- I ration is 5 years, renewable for 5 years I upon 15 days institute attendance. a >■-- Territory. Schools. Permanenl certifi- Coimty siiperiu- teniient or state County or state. Pa- Any Good behar cate. vior. Void siirienntendent. pers may be f r- warded to state board of exam- i n e r s . They rec- m iu end i s s u anee of same grade of certificate if papers are satis- factory. if holder withdraws from school work for 3 years. Firstrgrade certifi- eate. do do." do 4 years and e years (see Original pe- riod provided ' last col- holder has at- i 1 umn). tended coun- ty institute each year and summer normal insti- tute each al- ternate year, has averaged above 75 per : per cent, and has taught each year. First-grade certifi- State superintend- State do 2 years (") cate. ent. Second-grarle certi- County siiperin- Same a s do 3 years and Same as for ficate. tendetit. for perma- nent cer- tificate. .5 years (see last c 1- umn). first grade. Third-grade certi- do County do 1 year 1 year; leach- ficate. ing during year; at- tendance city or coun- ty institute, o" days, and summer nor- mal 20 days. City certificates: Pennanent(high school, 6rst- City board of ex- aminers. City As board of trus- During good behavior. Varies tees desires. grade, prima- ry). Temporary (high school, first- do do do Not more As determined than 4 by board of grade, .secon porintendent. i taught m any town in 1 year may be taught under permits, provided total terms must not exceed five. 96 TEACHERS CERTIFICATES. A. — Table shoiving fhe j rinrij (.1 featwex. Certificates. — A holder of a life diploma issued by state authority is granted a first- grade certificate. (Regulations of territorial board of education, in School Laws, 1907, p. 80.) ARKANSAS. Diplomas. — None. Certificates. — None. CALIFORNIA. Diplomas. — "No credentials shall be prescribed or allowed unless the same in the judgment of said [state] board [of education] are the equivalent of a diploma of gradu- ation from the University of California and are satisfactory eAddence that the holder thereof has taken an amount of pedagogy equivalent to the minimum amount of pedagogy prescribed by the state board of education of this State. * * * "The said board shall also consider the cases of individual applicants who have taught successfully for a period of not less than twenty school months, and who are not possessed of the credentials prescribed by the board under the provisions of this section. The said board, in its discretion, may issue to such applicants special cre- dentials upon which they may be granted certificates to teach in the high schools of the State. In such special cases, the board may take cognizance of any adequate evidence of preparation which the applicants may present. The standards of qualifi- cation in such special cases shall not be lower than that represented by the other credentials named by the board under the provisions of this section." (School Laws, 1909, pp. 12-13.) Certificates. — See diplomas. COLORADO. Diplomas. — Grades given for work in ediicational subjects accepted the same as grades from the state institutions of Colorado, provided the applicant has taught two years. (Memorandimi from state office.) Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state superintendent.) 114 CONDITION FOR RECOGNITION OP DIPLOMAS. 115 CONNECTICUT. Diplomas. — None. (Letter from secretary of state board of education, dated Sept. 12, 1910.) Certificates. — None. (Letter from secretary of state board of education, dated Sept. 12, 1910.) DELAWARE. Diplomas. — May be issued at the discretion of the county superintendents upon presentation of "diplomas or certificates of graduation from any respectable normal school or college." (School Laws, 1908-9, p. 55.) Certificates. — None. FLORIDA. Diplomas. — None. (Letter from state office, Sept. 14, 1910.) Certificates .—N one . (Letter from state ofiice, Sept. 14, 1910.) GEORGIA. Diplomas. — Strictly forbidden. (Laws, 1910, p. 39.) Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) IDAHO. Diplomas. — A county superintendent may, when authorized by the state board of education, issue a special first-grade certificate to a graduate of an advanced course of a state normal school who holds a life diploma or to a graduate of a chartered college, the bachelor's degree of which is accepted by the state university of the same State, if the applicant has taught eighteen months, provided part of this experience has been within two years preceding date of application. (School Laws, 1909, p. 45.) The state board of education has placed upon the accredited list twenty-two uni- versities, state and private, located in sixteen States, and sixty-two state normal schools, located in twenty-four States. The following are the conditions for the granting of authorizations to county superintendents to issue certificates: " Life diplomas of the highest grade, only, from the above state institutions will be recognized. "Applicant must have had at least three years' successful experience. "Application must be accompanied with copies of three credentials of successful experience. "Applicants must not have been out of school for more than a year at date of appli- cation." (Ninth Biennial Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Idaho, 1907-8, p. 76.) Certificates. — None. ILLINOIS. Diplomas. — Graduates from approved colleges, universities, and normal schools are admitted to examination on the same basis as graduates of like institutions within the State. (Circular, department of public instruction. No. 42, p. 4, Nov. 1, 1909.) Certificates. — Holders of life certificates from other States, the requirements of which are equal to those of Illinois, may enter the examination for any one of the certificates under Plan II, which requires an examination in three professional subjects and a thesis. (Circular, department of public instruction. No. 42, p. 4, Nov. 1, 1909.) INDIANA. Diplomas. — -Graduates of apjiroved universities, colleges, and state normal schools are eligible for licenses in Indiana upon the same basis as graduates of like institutions within the State. "A state normal diploma that represents three full years' normal-school work pre- ceded by four years' high-school work may be countersigned by the superintendent of 116 TEACHEES' CERTIFICATES. public instruction, provided the holder of it has taught successfully for two years since graduation. When so signed it becomes valid for life in any of the public schools of the State. "A diploma from a kindergarten training school that has been approved by the state board of education may be countersigned by the superintendent of public instruction and made a valid life license for kindergarten work." (Indiana Teachers' Licenses, Robert J. Aley, 1910, p. 9; School Laws, 1907, pp. 20-21.) Certificates. — A life certificate from another State that has been granted upon exam- ination and is equivalent to the life license examination in Indiana may be counter- signed by the superintendent of public instruction. When so signed it becomes valid for life in any of the public schools of the State. (Indiana Teachers' Licenses, Robert J. Aley, 1910, p. 9.) IOWA. Diplomas. — None. (School Laws, 1907, p. 11.) Certificates. — The state educational board of examiners is empowered "to validate certificates issued by state departments of education in other States where such certifi- cates were issued upon evidence of scholarship and experience equivalent to that required for like certificates" under the laws of Iowa. (School Laws, 1907, p. 9.) KANSAS. Diplomas. — Graduates of the arts course in accredited colleges and universities may receive the three-year renewable certificate upon passing an examination in five professional subjects and upon presentation and approval of transcript of grades in scholastic subjects. The basis of grading institutions prescribed by state law is the four-year course of the Kansas State Normal School. The courses of other institutions are required to be as "efficient" as the course in this institution. In the accrediting of colleges the state board of education has limited the accredited schools to those situated in States with which reciprocal relations have been established in the recog- nition of certificates. The state normal schools of some States with which reciprocal relations do not exist are accredited. (Manual of Board of Education, State of Kansas, 1910, pp. 7, 30, 34-35, 37; letter from state superintendent of public instruction, dated Sept. 27, 1910.) Certificates. — The law provides that when the state board of education is satisfied that any resident of Kansas holding a state certificate of another State secured the same by passing an examination equivalent to that given by said board, it may issue to said person a state certificate. The practice of the board is to issue a three-year renewable certificate to persons holding state life certificates or certificates which may be renewable into state life certificates, from those States whose offices extend recipro- cal relations. (Manual of Board of Education, State of Kansas, 1910, p. 37; letter from state superintendent of public instruction, dated Sept. 27, 1910.) Beciprocal relations. — Reciprocal relations covering the indorsement of the highest grade of life certificates have been established without limitation with six States, as follows: Iowa, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Virginia. The following limitations have been placed upon indorsements of certificates and diplomas issued in other States: Indiana, Missouri, and Oregon, if issued on examina- tion; North Dakota, if applicant is a graduate of a normal school, college, or university; Michigan, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Utah, each case is considered on its merits; Washington, option of state board. Forty-four colleges, located in sixteen different States, have been placed upon the accredited list. Reciprocal relations have been established without limitation in the recognition of the highest grade of state normal-school diplomas with the following nine States: Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South CONDITION FOR RECOGNITION OF DIPLOMAS. 117 Dakota, and Virginia. Limitations are imposed as follows: Michigan, Rhode Island, and Utah, each case is considered on its merits; North Dakota, the course must cover the Kansas requirements; Arizona, professional examination is required; Vermont, may consider certain cases; Washington, option of state board. (Manual of the board of education, 1910, pp. 35, 37-38.) KENTUCKY. Diplomas. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) LOUISIANA. Diplomas. — None, except from Peabody Normal College. (Laws, 1908, p. 68.) Cei'tificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) MAINE. Diplomas. — No exemption from examination and other requirements. Diplomas are given weight in the determination of the grade of certificate to be issued upon the same basis as graduates of institutions within the State. (Memorandum from state office.) Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) MARYLAND. Diplomas. — The state superintendent may, with the approval of the state board of education, recognize and indorse diplomas of state normal schools and of other normal schools, and of colleges with a department of pedagogy when he is satisfied with the character of the instruction given and the length of time that has been spent in such institution by the applicant. (School Laws, 1910, p. 12.) Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) MASSACHUSETTS. Diplomas. — Diplomas of standard pormal schools, colleges, and universities are generally recognized, except in cities, as sufficient warrant for the granting of local certificates. (Memorandum from state office.) Certificates. — School committees, except those in certain cities, generally recognize certificates issued in other States and issue certificates based upon them. Practice varies greatly as to the grades of certificates that are thus recognized. (Memorandum from state office.) MICHIGAN. Diplomas. — The state board of education may indorse normal school diplomas or certificates "if it be shown to the satisfaction of said board that such certificates are for life and that the * * * examinations required or courses of study pursued are fully equal to the requirements of this State." (School Law, 1909, p. 140.) Certificates. — The state board of education may indorse state teachers' certificatas granted upon examinations or other state certificates granted in other States "if it be shown to the satisfaction of said board that such certificates are for life and that the examinations required or courses of study pursued are fully equal to the requirements of this State." (School Law, 1909, p. 140.) MINNESOTA. Diplomas. — Graduates of accredited universities, colleges, and of advanced courses of state normal schools are placed upon the same basis as graduates of institutions • within the State. The basis for determining whether a college or university shall be placed upon the accredited list is the University of Minnesota including its depart- ment of pedagogy. (Pamphlet issued by the department of public instruction, 1909, Certification and employment of teachers, p. 5.) 118 teachers' ceetificates. Seventj--six universities and colleges outside of Minnesota, located in 21 different States, and 49 state and private normal schools, located in 23 different States, have been placed upon the accredited list. (Pamphlet issued by the department of public instruction, 1909, Certification and employment of teachers, pp. 6-8.) Certificates. — None. (Pamphlet issued by the department of public instruction, St. Paul, Minn., June, 1908, entitled " Circular of information relating to examina- tions, certificates," etc., p. 7.) MISSISSIPPI. Diplomas. — None, (Memorandum from state office.) Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) MISSOURI. Diplomas. — Diplomas from colleges and universities of equal rank to those in the "Missouri College Union" are placed on the same basis as graduates of those institu- tions. (See scholarship requirements, Table 1.) Some concessions are made to gradu- ates of state and private normal schools in other States. (Memorandum from state office; letter from state office, dated Sept. 30, 1910.) Certificates. — The state superintendent will recognize certificates fi'om other States with which reciprocal relations have been established, provided the certificates are equal to those issued in Missouri, and provided further, applicant has had experience in teaching. (Memorandum from state office, and cu-cular, "Requirements for state certificates. 1910.") MONTANA. Diplomas. — The law proiides that state or life diplomas may be granted to graduates of educational institutions without the State upon conditions established by the state board of education. The board grants to graduates of reputable colleges, universities, and the advanced courses of normal schools certificates without examination when such graduates have had eighteen months' successful experience after graduation and have become resident teachers of Montana. (Laws, 1908, p. 16; report of state superin- tendent of public instruction, 1908, p. 51; letter from state office, Sept. 29, 1910.) Certificates. — None . NEBRASKA. Diplomas. — Professional state certificates may be granted to any person who is a graduate of a college or university of good standing and who has had three years' suc- cessful experience in Nebraska and who holds a first-grade county certificate. The same certificate may also be granted to the holder of a life diploma from a state normal school of another State. (Laws, 1909, p. 75.) Certificates. — A professional state certificate may be granted at the discretion of the state superintendent to the holder of a professional state certificate from another State. (Laws, 1909, p. 75.) NEVADA. Diplomas. — "Graduates of universities, colleges, and normal schools approved by the state board of education shall be permitted to submit their credentials from such institutions, and to the extent that these credentials give e^ddence of scholarship and professional preparation they shall be accepted in lieu of examination." (School Laws, 1909, p. 20.) Certificates. — "Any teacher holding a life certificate from another State shall be permitted to submit such certificate as evidence of his or her fitness for teaching, and if the state board of education shall be satisfied that the State which issued such cer- tificate maintains a high professional standard, said board may issue a certificate for teaching in this State of such grade as it shall deem proper." (School Laws, 1909, p. 20.) I CONDITION" FOE RECOGNITION OF DIPLOMAS. 119 NEW HAMPSHIRE. . Diplomas. — Graduates of colleges, universities, and normal schools outside the State are treated upon the same basis as graduates of colleges and private normal schools within the State — that is, credits are accepted for subjects in group 3, exami- nation for high-school certificates. See Table A. (Memorandum from state office.) Certifi,cxites . — None. (Memorandum from state office.) NEW JERSEY. Diplomas. — "11. In any examination for a teacher's certificate the diploma of a university or college authorized to confer degrees may be accepted in lieu of an exami- nation in the subjects prescribed for such examination: Provided, That the course of study covered by said diploma shall include said prescribed subjects or their equiva- lent, shall not have been pursued through correspondence, and shall have been approved by the state board of examiners." "14. The state board of examiners may grant a second-grade state certificate, valid for two years, to the holder of a diploma of any normal school or teachers' college, or a permanent certificate to teach in another state and valid as a state certificate therein, when the course of study of such normal school or teachers' college or the requirements for such certificate shall be, in the judgment of said board, equivalent to those required for a state certificate to teach in this State: Provided, That such other State shall grant reciprocal privileges to those holding similar diplomas or certificates issued in this State. After the expiration of said two years the said normal school diploma, teachers' college diploma, or permanent state certificate * * * may be endorsed by the state board of examiners: Provided, The holder thereof shall have taught not less than two years in this State, shall have given satisfactory evidence of efficiency and success as a teacher, and shall file approved testimonials. A¥hen so endorsed such diploma or certificate shall have the same force and effect as if issued in this State. Normal school diplomas issued in States not having a state system of certification * * * may be endorsed as hereinabove provided." (Rules and regulations of state board of education, in School Laws, 1908, p. 151-152.) Certificates. — See last paragraph above. Reciprocal relations have been established under rule 14 with Canada and with 11 States, as follows: Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. (Letter from state superintendent, Sept. 27, 1910.) NEW MEXICO. Diplomas. — The state board of education is authorized to issue certificates "to per- sons whom it may deem qualified . " It appears from this that credits may be accepted for studies irrespective of graduation. (School Laws, 1909, p. 202.) Certificates. — The territorial board of education is "empowered to officially indorse teachers' certificates granted in States and other Territories, under such rules as it may prescribe." No regulations have as yet been printed. The acts of the state board as found in the reports of the territorial superintendent of public instruction make it appear that as a rule only certificates of the highest grade are recognized and only from those States with which reciprocal relations have been established. (School Laws, 1909, p. 202; report of the territorial superintendent of public instruction for biennium ending June, 1908, p. 28.) The territorial board of education has taken the following actions regarding the recognition of certificates and diplomas issued in other States: Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Texas, and Vermont. — Consid- eration given transcripts submitted from educational institutions. Michigan and Missouri. — Reciprocal relations covering life certificates. 120 teachers' certificates. Minnesota, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. — Certificates equivalent to New Mexico pro- fessional certificates and county first-grade licenses indorsed for full time in New Mexico. Reciprocal relations established. Wyoming. — Wyoming certificates higher than county first grade indorsed as county first grade. Wyoming indorses New Mexico professional certificates. (Report of superintendent of public instruction, 1907-8, pp. 28-29.) NEW YORK. Diplomas. — The commissioner of education may in his discretion indorse diplomas of approved colleges and normal schools. Graduates of colleges approved by the education department, in a com"se approved by that department, may be granted a limited certificate, valid for two years. If the course taken by the applicant includes a course in education under the regulations of the education department, he may be granted a college graduate professional provisional certificate, valid for three years. Life certificates are granted after three years' successful experience. (Handbook 7, education department, 1909, pp. 26-29. Education Law, 1910, p. 120. Bulletin 474.) "The commissioner of education 'may also, in his discretion, indorse a diploma issued by a state normal school or a certificate issued by a state superintendent or state board of education in any other State, which indorsement shall confer upon the holder thereof the same privileges conferred by law upon the holders of diplomas or certificates issued by state normal schools or by the commissioner of education in this State.' " This discretion will be exercised on evidence that the standards on which such diplomas and certificates were based are equal in value to standards in this State and that the applicant has proved to be a successful teacher for at least two years." (Handbook 7, education .department, July, 1908, p. 26.) Certificates. — See last two paragraphs above. NORTH CAROLINA. Diplovias. — Graduates of institutions outside the State are placed upon the same basis as graduates of institutions within the State, examination being required of all without concessions. (Memorandum from state office.) Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) NORTH DAKOTA. Diplomas. — Recognition of diplomas granted by institutions outside of State placed on the same basis as those within. A normal school must have a reputation "for thoroughness;" a college or university must be "of recognized standing;" and the applicant must have taught for at least eighteen months after graduation. If these requirements are met, a first-class state certificate may be issued. (School Laws, 1908, p. 78.). Certificates. — None. (Memorandum from state office.) OHIO. Diplomas. — The law makes no distinction between Ohio institutions and those of other States. "The diploma of any normal school, teachers' college, college or university approved by the state commissioner of common schools shall entitle the holder thereof when he or she has successfully passed the examination approved in section 5 of this act to a professional elementary school certificate. * * * Provided, said diploma is granted only to such students as have taken a full two-year academic and professional course, entrance to which shall require graduation from a high school of the first grade." If the course is a four-year academic and professional course, a provisional high- school certificate may be issued. It is required that each of these courses shall include actual teaching under supervision in a training school, including elementary or CONDITION FOR RECOGNITION OF EUPLOMAS. 121 secondary grades respectively. A memorandum from the state office states, how- ever, "no diplomas honored." (Session Laws, 1910, p. 317; memorandum from state office dated Sept. 19, 1910.) Certificates. — "Life certificates known as professional state certificates issued by other States may be recognized by the board under the following conditions: "The applicant for recognition of a certificate issued by another State shall register in the regular form. "He shall attend the examination at which his case is to come before the board. "He shall file the certificate to be honored with the grades in the branches covered by the certificate and a copy of the questions upon which certificate filed was granted. "He shall take the examination in the branches required in Ohio not covered by his certificate." (Leaflet from Ohio state board of school examiners, respecting date of examination, etc.) OKLAHOMA. Diplomas. — The state board of education accepts grades received in subjects required in an examination from those state institutions which appear on its accredited list; it does not issue certificates upon diplomas. (Circular issued by state superintendent.) Certificates. — The state board of education accepts grades which appear upon state certificates issued by other States, or which are certified to by the state superintendent; it does not issue a certificate upon a state certificate from another State. Grades from a first-grade county certificate and reading circle grades will be accepted also, provided they are of the required average. (Circular issued by state superintendent.) OREGON. Diplomas. — Credits from institutions outside the State are placed upon the same footing as credits from institutions within the State. No concessions are made. (Memorandum from state office.) Certificates.— "The state board of education may, at its discretion, grant without examination state certificates and state diplomas to persons presenting authentic papers from other States of grade and kind like those granted by the state board of education in this State: Provided, That the state board of education is satisfied that said papers were secured by passing an examination equivalent to that given by the state board of education of this State for state papers." (Oregon School Laws, 1909, p. 6.) PENNSYLVANIA. Diplomas. — The superintendent of public instruction is authorized by law to indorse normal school diplomas and permanent certificates granted to teachers in other States, provided they are valid and accompanied by recommendations showing holder has taught successfully within two years. When so indorsed they have the same force and effect as certificates of like grade issued by the state superintendent of public instruction of Pennsylvania. In practice the state superintendent indorses life certificates and normal school diplomas from States which accept or indorse life certificates and normal school diplomas of Pennsylvania. (Pennsylvania School Laws and Decisions, 1909, p. 137 — Letter of state superintendent of public instruction dated Sept. 13, 1910.) Certificates. — See diplomas above. RHODE ISLAND. Diplomas. — Each case considered on its merits. No discrimination against out- side diplomas. (Memorandum from commissioner of public schools.) Certificates. — Each case considered on its merits. Qualifications for each certificate considered. When approved, apparently full recognition and no discrimination against outside certificates. (Memorandum from commissioner of public schools.) 122 teachers' certificates. SOUTH CAROLINA. Diplomas. — Diploma of graduation from reputable university or college situated in another State and of as high rank as leading colleges in the State are accepted upon the same basis as diplomas from these colleges. A state certificate may be issued upon such a diploma without examination. (Regulations of board of education in School Laws, 1909, p. 58, rule 10.) Certificates. — Recognition accorded certificates from such other States as grant sim- ilar recognition to certificates in South Carolina. (Memorandum from state office.) SOUTH DAKOTA. Diplomas. — A diploma fi-om an approved university or college giving four years' work above a foui'-year high-school course is accepted in lieu of subjects required for a life diploma, provided one-fourth of such university or college course for eighteen months was devoted to professional training. If a less amount of time was given to professional subjects, these subjects may be passed by examination. A diploma from any approved state or private normal school having a two-year course of study above a four-year high-school course may likewise be accepted aa above. (Laws, 1909, p. 5.) Certificates. — The state superintendent may validate certificates issued by other departments of education which are of the rank of the life diploma, state certificate, and first and second grade certificates issued in South Dakota, provided the require- ments upon which they are based are equivalent to the requirements for corresponding certificates in South Dakota. (Laws, 1909, p. 6.) TENNESSEE. Diplomas. — None. Certificates. — None. TEXAS. Diplomas. — "Sec. 103. Certificates based on college degrees. — Any person who holds a diploma conferring on hmi the degree of bachelor of arts, or any equivalent bachelor's degree, or any higher academic degree, from any college or university of the first class, and who has completed four full courses in education and pedagogy may receive from the state superintendent of public instruction a permanent state certificate, which shall be valid anywhere in this State during good behavior: Provided, That any person who holds a diploma conferring on him the degree of bachelor of arts, or any equivalent bachelor's degree, or any higher academic degree, from any college or university of the first class, who has not had four full courses in education but who has taught three years in the State, may receive from the state superintendent of public instruc- tion a permanent state certificate which shall be valid anywhere in this State during good behavior. The institutions to be recognized as colleges or universities of the first class shall be determined by the state superintendent of public instruction upon the recommendation of the state board of examiners." (School Laws of Texas, 1909, pp. 40-41.) Certificates. — None . ^ UTAH. Diplomas. — "The state board of education has the power to accept credits, cer- tificates, and diplomas from other States and from institutions of learning in lieu of examination." (Circular letter signed by state superintendent of public instruction.) Certificates. — "Life diplomas issued by state boards in other States and shown to be of equal rank mth those issued by the state board of this State may receive equal recognition after the holders acquire two years' successful experience in schools of this State. TMien countersigned by the state superintendent of public instruction under the direction of the state board, such diplomas shall have equal validity with CONDITION FOR RECOGNITION OF DIPLOMAS. 123 those of corresponding rank issued by the state board." Temporary certificates are issued to those who lack experience in Utah. (School Law, 1909, p. 5.) See also diplomas, above. VERMONT. Diplomas. — Graduates of institutions outside of the State are treated upon the same basis as graduates from institutions within the State. Graduates from approved colleges and normal schools are required to have less experience in the granting of all certificates than those persons who are not graduates. (Act 1908, ch. 37.) Certificates. — The holder of any certificate that is valid for two or more years is eligible to a special third-grade or one-year's certificate. (Letter from state super- intendent, Sept. 29, 1910.) VIRGINIA. Diplomas.— ^'^ Vox schools and colleges outside Virginia the state board of examiners may accept any certificate that would be accepted by the state authorities of the State from which the certificate comes and may issue a Virginia certificate of such grade and life as may seem warranted by conditions attending the individual case." (Regulations state board of education, School Laws, 1907, p. 12.) Certificates. — The state board of examiners endeavors to grant the same recognition to certificates from other States as is extended Virginia certificates of like grade by the department of public instruction of those particular States. (Letter from E. H. Russell, Sept. 14, 1910.) WASHINGTON. Diplomas. — The state board of education is authorized to grant certificates without examination, except in the State Manual of Washington, to graduates of those normal schools, colleges, and universities, and other institutions of higher education which have been approved by it, provided the entrance and graduation requirements of these institutions must be equal to those of the University of Washington or of the advanced course of the state normal schools of Washington. (Laws, 1909, p. 13.) Certificates. — ^The state board of education is authorized to issue certificates without examination, except in the State Manual of Washington, to the holders of state life certificates, the requirements of which have been found by them to be equal to the requirements for a life certificate in Washington. (Laws, 1909, p. 13.) WEST VIRGINIA. Diplomas. — "The state board of education may also issue certificates to teachers coming from other States when such teachers hold certificates or diplomas of equal value with those issued under this act: Provided, That the States which issue such certificates likewise recognize those issued in this State." (School Laws, 1908, p. 58.) Certificates. — See diplomas above. WISCONSIN. Diplomas. — The holder of a diploma of a university or college whose regular college courses are fully and fairly equivalent to corresponding courses of the University of Wisconsin, or the holder of a diploma granted by a state normal school whose courses of study are fully and fairly equivalent to the courses of study in the Wisconsin normal schools and who has had two years' experience after the date of issuance of such diploma, may, if recommended favorably by the state board of examiners, be granted an unlimited state certificate; if the holder of the diploma is lacking in experience, he may be granted a special license valid for two years. (School Laws, 1909, pp. 83-84.) Certificates. — The holder of a life certificate in another State, the requirements for which are equivalent to those of the unlimited certificate in Wisconsin, who has had 124 teachers' certificates. two years' experience in Wisconsin subsequent to the date of the foreign certificate, may be granted an unlimited certificate ; if he is lacking in experience, a special license may be granted him valid for a period of two years. (School Laws, 1909, pp. 81-82.) WYOMING. Diplomas. — " Exemption certificates granted to graduates of the State Normal School and other schools of the University of Wyoming may be granted to the graduates of other normal schools and colleges of equivalent rank. The state board of examiners shall be the judge of equivalency." (School Laws, 1909, p. 127.) These certificates are made valid for such a period as is necessary to give the holder the experience required for a life certificate. Certificates. — "Certificates granted in other States and of as high rank as the first or second class certificates having requirements equivalent to those in this State may be given the same validity in this State. The state board of examiners shall be the judge of equivalency." (School Laws, 1909, p. 127.) Under this regulation, recognition is not limited to "state" certificates. o