SF i G0&A5 tM7 If fpjAA^i \ ti^l T §wfciM 'M ifrfy j^r^^n. '1 ( Class Book. I°IA7 Cheyenne's Golden Anniversary and Twenty-First Annual Frontier Days Six Big Days July 23 to 28 ♦Sfe' cSW +Sfl r$e> fJS *$C* *&* *$C> ril* *fo r$t* Vfi Vg* «<{V Vgt Vf\i Jft Jf\t %i$4 ch as rinderpest, hoof and mouth disease, pleuro pneumo- nia, anthrax or Texas fever among bovines, glanders among horses, and anthrax among sheep. For the or- dinarv contagious diseases not in their nature fatal. LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 7 such as scab or hoof-rot in sheep, and epizootic influ- enzas in Horses, no indemnity shall be paid. The rignt to indemnity shall not exist, and payment of such shall not be made in the following cases: p irst — For animals belonging to the United States. Second — For animals tnat are brought into the state contrary to tne provisions of this ciiapter. Third — For animals that are found to be diseased or tnat are destroyed because they have been ex- posed to disease before or at the time of their arrival in tne state. .fourth — When an animal was previously affected by any otner disease which from its nature and devel- opment was incurable and necessarily fatal. Fifth — When the owner or person in charge shall have knowingly or negligently omitted to comply with the provisions of the last two preceding sections. Sixth — When the owner or claimant at the time of coming in possession of the animal knew it to be dis- eased, or received the notice specified in the first clause of the last preceding section. Sec. 201. Shall pay arbitrators. Each member of boards of arbitration formed and acting under the pro- visions of this chapter shall receive for their services the sum of five dollars per day for each day they may be actually engaged and employed in the investigation of any claim, and shall be paid by the state veterina- rian out of the "veterinarian contingent fund." Sec. 202. (As amended by Ch. 12, S. L. 1913.). Com- pensation — Deputy. The State Veterinarian shall re- ceive for his services the sum of $2,400.00 per annum together with his actual necessary traveling expenses when in the performance of his duty, provided said actual necessary traveling expenses shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum. The veterinarian is hereby authorized in his dis- cretion to appoint a deputy, for the performance of whose duties the veterinarian shall be responsible, and who shall exercise such powers as may be deputed to him by the State Veterinarian. Such deptuy shall re- ceive not exceeding five dollars per day for the time actually employed. The appraisers herein provided for, shall each receive five dollars per day or part of day they may be actually employed as such, which shall be paid from their county fund upon the certifi- cate of the justice who summoned them. The justice shall receive his ordinary fee for issuing a summons, to be paid out of the county fund. The members of the board of health, veterinarians, physicians, or stock owners, called in consultation by the Veterinarians, shall receive five dollars for each day or part of day they may actually be so employed, and ten cents per mile, mileage for the distance actually traveled, which rums shall be paid from the Veterinarian's contingent fund hereafter provided. For this and other incidental expenses, connected with his work, and made his duty by this chapter, such as his traveling expenses, causing a imals to be slaughtered and their carcasses burned, and disinfecting infected premises, the veterinarian shall have at his disposal the sum of six hundred dol- lars, which shall be known as the Veterinarian's Con- tingent Fund. Before entering on the discharge of his duties, he shall give good and sufficient bond in the sum of five thousand dollars for the proper manage- ment of the same. He shall make a sworn statement semi-annually to the Governor, supported sy full vouchers of the amount disbursed; and any part of the six hundred dollars not used shall be covered into the state treasury." Sec. 2(Kt. Cla*ros rejected by veterinarian to be ar- bitrated. The state auditor shall pay no claim for indemnity under this chapter which shall have been rejected by the state veterinarian, unless, the same shall have been submitted, as hereinbefore provided, to a board of arbitration and by such board decided to be legal and just. If any claimant shall refuse to submit his or her claim which shall have been rejected by the state veterinarian; to a board of arbitration as herein- before provided, such refusal shall be deemed conclu- sive evidence of a waiver of all claim for indemnity under the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 204. Inability of state limited to appropria- tion. The liability of the state for indemnity for ani- mals destroyed under the provisions of this chapter, in any two years, is limited by and shall in no case exceed the amount especially appropriated for that purpose and for that period. Sec. 205. Quarantine requested. Whenever any person who is a taxpayer of this state and is the owner LIVE STOCK LAWS,, WYOMING of domestic animals located therein, shall notify the state veterinarian that he has reason to believe said animals, or any of them are suffering from any conta- gious or infectious disease, the said veterinarian shall immediately proceed to the locality where said animals are located and shall investigate and determine the nature of said disease, and if contagious or infectious shall proceed in the manner prescribed by the provi- sions of this chapter to quarantine and destroy all such diseased animals. See. 20G. Payment of expense. For the purposes, of the preceding 1 section there is hereby appropriated out of any fund in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be known as "the veterinarian's contingent fund" and to be used in paying the actual and necessary travel- ing and incidental expenses of the state veterinarian while performing the duties herein imposed, Provided,. That nothing in this section contained shall be con- strued to authorize the payment, from the appropria- tion hereby made, of any expense or charge relating to the office or duties of state veterinarian other than such as immediately pertains to the investigation of contagious and infectious disease of domestic animals, made under the provisions of this chapter. See. 207. Report to governor. On or before De- cember tenth, prior to the meeting of the legislature, the state veterinarian shalLmake a report to the gov- ernor of the duties performed by him under the provi- sions of this chapter and shall include, in said report, a statement, showing the number of requests for his services filed with him during the preceding two years, the number of such requests complied with by him, the names of the persons or corporations making such requests; a full statement of the result or nis said investigations, including a statement of the expense of performing the duties herein imposed. CHAPTER 42, LAWS, 1917. Sec. 1. Emergencies, In case of a serious out- break of a contagious, infectious, or epizootic disease among live stock in this state — the checking of which cannot be accomplished without additional funds, the State Veterinarian shall present such fact to the Gov- ernor of this state, who may then authorize the in- curring of a deficiency to meet the emergency. CHAPTER 77, LAWS, 1917. THE TUBERCULIN TEST LAW. See. 1. Tuberculin test of dairy cattle. Penalty. All cows in the State of Wyoming supplying milk or cream in cities or towns, or to creameries in tins state, shall be tuberculin tested for tuberculosis; and all bulls which are known to have been exposed to such cows, shall also be tested as above. If necessary, Lie. State Veterinarian may order the quarantine of such animals as suspected of being diseased with tubercu- losis; and any person, persons, firm, association, or corporation violating such quarantine shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. See. 2. Appointment Special Deputy State Veter- inarian. Duties. Salary. Other assistants. The State Veterinarian, by and •with the advice and con- sent of the Governor, is hereby authorized to appoint a qualified person, to be known as a special deputy state veterinarian, who shall act under the direction of the State Veterinarian in carrying out the provi- sions of this act, who shall take an oath for the faith- ful and efficient performance of all duties required of him and who shall give satisfactory bond to the State of Wyoming in the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). The special deputy state veterinarian shall receive a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per annum, together with all actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred while en- gaged in the performance of his duties. The State Veterinarian is further authorized to employ such other assistants as may be deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. See. 3. Certificate or permit. Penalty. No dairy, association, person, or persons engaged in the busi- ness of selling milk or cream in cities or towns or to creameries in this state, may sell such milk or cream unless they possess a certificate or special permit from the State Veterinarian, as hereinafter provided. Any dairy, association, person, or persons violating LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and snail upon conviction thereof be fined not less man ten nor more than one hundred dollars, tor each offense. sec. 4. Certificate., Permit. On completion of the tuberculin test upon all uairy cattle as above, owned uy any dairy, association, Arm, corporation, person, or persons, the State Veterinarian shall cause a certificate to be issued to such owner or owners, snowing tnat all such cattle are free from tubercu- losis; or, if all animals were not found free from tu- berculosis, a certificate showing- that proper disposi- tion (.as lequired uy mwj nas ueen made of diseased animals, and that the remaining- animals in the herd or herds are free from tuoerculosis, so far as may be determined by the tuDerculin test. Such certificate shall be the owner's authority for selling milk or cream as above. As the tuberculin- testing of ail dairy cattle in this state cannot begin immediately upon the date that this act becomes effective, the State Veterinarian is hereby authorized to issue spe- cial permits to owners of such cattle as remain untested while the provisions of this act are being carried out, for the selling of milk or cream in cities or towns or to creameries in this state, without certificate as above provided. These special permits shall be effective only for the period from the date that this act becomes effective, until proper test and issuance of certificate as above provided. Sec. 5. Notice to owners. The State Veterina- rian, or his duly authorized agent shall ascertain the names and addresses of all owners of dairy cattle in this state and shall notify them, in writing, of the provisions of this act, — obtaining acknowledgement, from owner, of receipt of such notice. No person, persons, firm, association, or corporation owning dairy cattle shall be considered as violating the pro- visions of this act, who has not been officially notified of its provisions. The owner notified shall make ap- plication to the State Veterinarian for a special per- mit as above provided, — to be used as his authority for selling milk or cream in cities or towns, or to creameries in this state, until such animals shall have been tuberculin tested and certificate issued as above provided. See. 6. Ear tasrs. Record. Each animal tested with tuberculin under the provisions of this act, which passes the test satisfactorily to the State Vet- erinarian, shall have an ear-tag inserted in its ear. The State Veterinarian shall see that a correct record is kept of all cattle tested, the date and place of testing, the names and addresses of owners, and the number of the ear-tag inserted in the ear of each animal, and shall report this information in his reg- ular biennial report. Sec. 7. Dairy cow defined. A "dairy cow" within the meaning of this act, shall be any cow the milk or milk products from which is sold for human con- sumption. Sec. 8. Fees. The first tuberculin test of all cat- tle of owners selling milk or cream in cities or towns or to creameries in this state, shall be made without charge to such owners; but for subsequent tests, at owners' request or other-wise (except as hereinafter provided) a fee of one dollar per head shall be charged and collected by the veterinarian making the test. Sec. 9. Tuberculosis eradication fuud. The fees collected in compliance with the preceding section, shall be immediately transmitted to the State Veteri- narian who shall deposit same in the State Treasury to the credit of the "Tuberculosis Eradication Fund" hereby created; such fund shall be under the control of the State Veterinarian and any salaries or expenses connected -with bovine tuberculosis eradication work in this state may be paid by the State Treasurer from such fund, upon presentation of State Auditor's voucher properly approved. Sec. 10. Re-tests of cattle. Whenever the State Veterinarian shall have reasons to suspect that the disease tuberculosis exists, or has been introduced by imported dairy cattle, among any herd or number of dairy cattle in this state, he shall order the retesting of same, — regardless of former tests made, if any. Sec. 11. Accredited herds. Any owner or owners of dairy cattle in this state, who shall cause same to be officially tested for tuberculosis at least once each year, for three years, shall be the owner or owners of an "Accredited Herd"; provided the premises and buildings where such animals are kept, pass a sani- 10 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING tary inspection required by regulations (hereby au- thorized; of the State Veterinarian. Accredited herds shall be advertised as such, at least once each year, in the official county newspapers of the counties wherein such animals are assessed for taxation, and in other ways; and cattle from accredited herds shall be accepted without special tuberculin test for ship- ment to all states of the Union recognizing such herds. Sec. 12. Insanitary premises. Penaity. The State Veterinarian or other person acting under his author- ity may order any insanitary dairy barns or premises, cleaned and disinfected. Such cleaning and disinfect- ing shall be at the expense or the owner or owner. If, after a reasonable length of time, insanitary barns or premises ordered cleaned and disinfected by the State Veterinarian or other person acting under his authority, are not cleaned and disinfected as ordered, then such owner or owners shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, for each offence. Sec. 13. Cities may require test. The Mayor or Board of Commissioners of any city or town of this state shall have the power by ordinance duly enacted, to require the owner or owners of dairies or dairy herds, or persons selling or offering for sale any milk or its products within such city or town, to compel such owners of dairies or dairy herds, to have all ani- mals in such herds tested for tuberculosis, once each year; and to prohibit the sale of milk or its products in such city or town unless all cows from which such milk is obtained have passed the test for tuberculosis within the past year. Sec. 14. Hindering test. Penalty. Any person who intentionally interferes with or hinders the work of the State Veterinarian or his employes under this act, or who attempts to defeat the object of the tu- berculin test by a previous injection of tuberculin, commonly known as ''plugging", or in any other way attempts to prevent an accurate and truthful deter- mination of the condition of the cattle tested, shall be. fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offence, or by imprisonment in the county jail of not more than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. CHAPTER 100, LAWS, 1917. Sec. 1. Authority for co-operation with U. S. Bu- reau of Animal Industry. The state hereby gives its consent and indicates its willingness that the bureau of animal industry, of the nited States Department of Agriculture and its employes shall come within the State of Wyoming for all purposes connected with the importation and exportation of diseased live stock, and for all purposes connected with the eradication, suppression and control of dangerous, infectious and contagious diseases of live stock. The State Veteri- narian is hereby authorized to appoint as deputies, all employes of the above federal bureau, working within the State of Wyoming as above. CHAPTER 112, LAWS, 1917. STALLION AND JACK REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT. Sec. 1. Certificate. Every owner or keeper of any stallion or jack in this state, who uses such ani- mal for public service, or who represents such animal as being fit for public service, shall procure a certifi- cate as hereinafter provided, and keep same or an exact copy thereof posted in a conspicuous place within every barn, shed, or building where such stal- lion or jack is kept for service, and shall mention the same in all advertisements as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. How to obtain certificate. In order to obtain such certificate, there shall be presented to the State Veterinarian, an affidavit, signed by a qualified veterinarian who is not interested in the buying or selling of horses or mules, to the effect that he has personally examined such stallion or jack and that to the best of his knowledge and belief said stallion or jack is free from any hereditary, infectious, conta- gious, or transmissable disease, or serious defects in general conformation. If such stallion or jack is pure- bred, there shall be presented to the State Veterina- rian for examination and comparison, a certificate of registration of such stallion or jack, issued by a for- eign stud book or by an association recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture. Sec. 3. Forms of certificate. The certificates shall be of two forms, — one for pure-breds and one LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 1.1 for grades. Each certificate shall state the name of the animal and give a complete description of same. If pure-bred, certificate must show the registered number of the animal and name of stud-book or as- sociation in which such stallion or jack is registered. Each certificate shall bear the name of the importer or breeder, the name of the present owner, a descrip- tion of animal as to color and general conformation, the year foaled, and the inspector's statement as to whether the animal is sound or unsound. If un- sound, the certificate shall contain the names of the diseases and weak points of the animal. Each certifi- cate shall bear the signature of the veterinarian making the examination, and the State Veterinarian. (A grade shall be defined as a stallion or jack whose owner presents an affidavit of two persons that said grade has either a sire or dam of pure-breeding.) Sec. 4. Examination. Fees. Fund. Any gradu- ate veterinarian practicing in compliance with the veterinary practice law of this state shall be author- ized to make examinations of stallions and jacks for application for certificate as above provided, and such examination shall be at the expense of the owner or owners of such animals. For each original certificate issued by the State Veterinarian there shall be charged ■ a fee of one dollar ($1.00); a fee of one dollar ($1.00) each for certificates of transfer of ownership; and a fee of fifty (50) cents each for duplicates. Any cer- tificate or duplicate may be revoked at any time if owner is using same in violation to the provisions of this act, or if same is being used by any person or -persons other than owner without transfer having been made. or. if stallion or jack is found to be affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, ,or serious defect in general conformation. All money collected by the State Veterinarian in com- pliance with the provisions of this act, shall be turned in to the state treasury to the credit of the "Stallion Registration Fund" hereby created, and such fund is hereby appropriated for the use of the State Veteri- narian in carrying out the provisions of this act. Sec. 5. Advertising-. No owner or keeper of any stallion or jack not of pure breeding shall permit the printing, publishing, or circulating of any bill, poster, card, newspaper advertisement, or other advertise- ment calling attention to said stallion or jack as a breeder, unless the same shall have the words "Grade Stallion" or "Grade Jack" in 48 point type immedi- ately preceding the same. Sec. 6. Record. Report. It shall be the duty of the State Veterinarian to see that a correct record is kept of all certificates, and the issuance, refusal, or revocation of same. Such record shall be kept in the office of the State Veterinarian and all information contained therein shall be reported to the Governor on January 1st of each year. Sec. 7. Clerk. Compensation. To assist in car- rying out the provisions of this act, the State Veter- inarian is hereby authorized to employ a clerk, who shall receive a salary of not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month, and such salary shall be paid from any available contingent or fund under the control of the State Veterinarian. Sec. 8. Transfer. If the owner of a stallion or jack shall sell/ exchange, or transfer the same, the State Veterinarian shall upon receiving the certificate and all duplicates in force at the time of such sale, transfer, or exchange, issue the new owner a certifi- cate of transfer of ownership. Sec. 0. Penalty. Any person persons, firm, asso- ciation, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than twen- ty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the dis- cretion of the court. GENERAL, LIVE STOCK LAWS. Sec. 2546. Drover's liability. Any person who shall drive any herd of horses, cattle or flock of sheep over any portion of any road or highway, so desig- nated as not for horses, cattle or sheep as aforesaid, after such designation and the posting of notices as aforesaid, and after the provision of another reason- able highway for cattle, horses and sheep in lieu thereof as aforesaid, shall be liable to the county in which is situated such mountain road or highway, for 12 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING any and all damages done thereto, by driving- over the same, such flocks or herds of cattle, Horses or sheep. Sec. 2578. (Amended by chapter 78, W. S. L., 1917. > The following shall be a lawful fence in the State of Wyoming: A fence made of tubular wrougnt iron fence posts or sound wooden posts and four spans of barbed wire with a wooden rail on top, and said posts, so used to be tubular wrought iron fence posts, with cast iron base to be twenty-two inches in length, or wooden posts at least four inches in diameter, set firmly in the ground at least twenty inches deep, either side of said posts, so used, to be placed at no greater distance apart than thirty-three feet with iron, or wooden stays between the posts, said stays to ue placed equal distance apart from themselves and the post on either side; a post and board fence made of sound posts, not less than four inches in diameter, set substantially in the ground not more than ten feet apart, with three boards of one inch lumber, eight inches wide, and not more than ten inches apart, or four boards one inch thick and six inches wide, not more than eight inches a.part securely fastened with nails or otherwise, a three pole fence with round poles, not less than two inches in diameter, at the small end, with either upright or leaning posts, not more than twenty-two feet apart, and securely fastened with nails, wires, or otherwise; Provided, That all other fences made and constructed of boards, rails, poles, stones or hedge plants, or other material except wire, which, upon evidence, shall be declared to be as strong and as well calculated to protect en- closures, and shall be as effective for resisting breach- ing stock as. those hereinbefore described, shall be considered a lawful fence; Provided, That none of the fences above described shall be considered lawful if less than four feet high, except within the corporate limits of an incorporated city or [or] town; and Pro- vided further. That any fence enclosing any hay cor- ral situate outside of any field enclosed by a lawful . fence, shall not be less than six feet high and shall be constructed of boards, poles or ■wire, or partly of boards, poles or wire, and the posts shall not be more than eight feet apart and set twenty -four inches in the ground, and if such fence is constructed ot barbed wire there shall not be less than seven spans of wire, and all wires shall be kept properly stretched, and all gates in any .of said fences shall be constructed of boards or poles. Sec. 253'!). Owner defined. Any person or persons occupying, using, enjoying, maintaining or having the charge of any enclosure, shall be considered the owner thereof, in any action commenced .under the provi- sions of this chapter. Sec. 25S0. Maintenance of partition fence. The owner or owners of any lawful fence which may be- come a partition fence by virtue of being used to en- close some field or lot belonging to some other person, company or corporation, may require any such person, company or corporation to pay for one-half of what it would actually cost to construct that portion of such partition fence, so used by any such person, company or corporation, and in case of refusal any such owner or owners may have and maintain a civil action against any such person, company or corpora- tion so refusing, and shall be entitled to recover one- half of what it would actually cost to construct that portion of such partition fence so used by any such person, company or corporation, and cost of suit. Any such person, company or corporation acquiring an interest in any such partition fence by purchase or otherwise, shall have an understanding with such fence they shall maintain and keep in repair respect- ively, and each party shall thereafter keep in good repair his portion of such fence and neither party shall abandon his part of such partition fence, or re- move the same or any portion thereof, except by giving to the other party at least one year's notice of his intention so to do, or by obtaining the written consent of all parties interested therein. Sec. 2581. Damage by breachy animals — Arbitra- tion. Any person or persons owning or having in his or her or their possession or charge any horses, mules, cattle or any one of such animals which shall breach over or under or breach into any lawful enclosure be- longing to any person or persons other than the owners of such animal or animals, shall be liable to the party or parties sustaining such injury for all elamages he, she or they may have sustained by rea- LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 13 son of such breaching as aforesaid, to be recovered in a civil action before any court having jurisdiction thereof, or by arbitration, each party to select a prop- erty holder, and the two arbitrators to select a third, and said arbitrators, before entering upon their duties, shall be first sworn before a justice of the peace, and it shall be the duty of the arbitrators to carefully ex- amine the fence, its condition and assess the damage done; -the arbitrators shall examine witnesses under oatu, one of them to administer said oath to the wit- nesses; they shall make a written report signed by at least two of the arbitrators, to any justice of the peace in the county in which such damage is sus- tained. The finding of the arbitration, as pravided for in this section, shall, within three days after the same shall have been rendered, be filed with any justice of the peace in the county where said trespass shall have been committed, who shall enter the cost upon his docket and proceed to issue execution therein as in other cases originally commenced before him. Sec. 2582. Notice to owners when damage done. The party sustaining the damage shall notify the owner or person having in charge such offending ani- mals, of such damage, and the probable amount there- of; Provided, He knows to whom such animal or ani- mals belong, and that such owner or keeper resides within the county where the damage was committed. Sec. 2583. Retention of animals to secure payment. The person suffering such damage done by animals as mentioned in Sec. 2581, may restrain and keep in cus- tody as many of such offending animals as are equal in value to the damage done, until the finding of the court or arbitration be ascertained, unless, before such suit, the amount of his claim and expense or Keeping such animals be tendered him. Sec. 2584, Proof and judgment for damage. If, upon the trial of .any action under the provisions of Sec. 2581 it shall appear by competent testimony, that the plaintiff's enclosure is a lawful fence under the provisions of this chapter, he shall be allowed to prove the amount of damage sustained; and (if he has retained in custody the animals committing such dam- age.) the amount of the expense incurred for keeping such animals, and any judgment rendered for dam- ages, costs and expenses against the defendant, shall be a lien upon the animals committing the damage. But if it shall appear upon the trial that the plain- tiff's enclosure is not a lawful fence, or that no dam- age was sustained, judgment shall be rendered against the plaintiff, for costs of suit and damages sustained by defendant. See. 2585. Proceedings when defendant is un- kiiown. If, upon the trial, it appears that the defend- ant is not the owner, or the person in charge of such offending animals, he shall be discharged from the action with his costs, and the suit may proceed against the defendant whose name is unknown; and if, at the commencement of the action, the plaintiff does not know the name of the owner, or keeper of such offend- ing animals, he may bring suit against the defendant unknown, in which case service shall be made by posting copies of the summons in three of the most public places within the county, not less than ten days previous to the day of trial, which posting may be done by the proper officer, or by any voter of the county. Sec. 2588. Penalty for destroying fences. Any person who shall wilfully or negligently leave open, break down or destroy any bars or gate, made and provided for the use and convenience of the public, or shall wilfully tear down, throw down or destroy in any manner any lawful fence, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction, be pun- ished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by confinement in the county jail not more than three months, or by both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2587. Failure to make unlawful fence lawful — Penalty. The owner or owners of any unlawful wire fence, who shall have been convicted of con- structing or maintaining the same contrary to the provisions of this chapter, shall, within thirty days after such conviction, reconstruct such -wire fence into •a lawful wire fence, and in case of a refusal or failure so to do, every such owner or owners shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall again be punished as provided in Sec. 2588 and each and every period of thirty days thereafter that such owner or owners refuse or neglect to reconstruct 14 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING such unlawful fence, shall be considered a separate offense and be subject to like punishment. See. 25SS. Liability tor constiux*tmi£ unlawful fence. Any person or persons, company or corpora- tion who snail construct or maintain, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, any unlawful wire fence, shall be liable in a civil action for all damages to ani- mals that may occur by reason of such unlawful en- closure, and the owner or owners of any such unlawful wire fence shall, moreover, be dee.ned guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than Ave dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, and for each subsequent of- fense, the, line shall not be less than twenty-five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 25.S9. Unlawful tence may Jie Jtiade lawful — Penalty. The owner or owners of any unlawful wire fence shall reconstruct the same into a lawful wire fence, and in case of refusal or failure so to do, he. or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in Sec. 2588. Sec. 2590. Fences across roads — Penalty. All fences which shall hereafter be constructed across any- road leading to any watering place, or which may be constructed across any road which has been used as a public road, shall, at the point where such fence inter- sects^ or crosses any such road, be constructed of boards or poles extending for a distance of not less, than eight feet on each side of the middle of any such road, and in case of a failure so to do, the owner or owners of any such fence shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished as provided in Sec. 258S. Sec. 2591. Fencing public roads. The board of county commissioners may authorize the erection of a lawful fence upon the right of way of roads estab- lished under the provisions of chapter 168, at the ex- pense of the petitioners for the establishment of such roads, or as may be agreed upon between petitioners* and the board of county commissioners; Provided, The said board shall locate and cause to be constructed gates at such intervals as it may deem necessary for the convenience of the public. Such gates shall be marked "county gates," and with further notice of the penalty for any damage for leaving open, prescribed by Section 2586. Sec, 2592. Duty county surveyor. It shall be the duty of the county surveyor of each county to file a copy of a plat of legally established county roads in the United States land office of the district in which the said roads are located. Sec. 2593. Railroads shall fence. All railway cor- porations, owning or operating- a line of railway within the state, shall construct, maintain and keep in repair on each side of the track thereof, a sufficient fence, so connected with suitable cattle guards at public road crossings as to prevent stock from getting on the rail- road track of said corporation, and such fence when of barb wire to consist of four wires securely fast- ened t'o posts set not more than thirty-two feet apart, with stays not more than ten feet apart. Such fence shall be constructed within nine months after the com- pletion of any railroad track or any part thereof, and in the case of railroads now constructed and in oper- ation, within three months after the approval of this chapter; Provided, That railway corporations shall not be required to construct and maintain a fence within the boundaries of any incorporated city or town. Sec. 2594. Liability in damages. Any corporation operating a railway and failing to fence the same and to construct and maintain suitable cattle guards as required by the preceding section, shall be liable to the owner or owners of any live stock killed or irir jured by reason of its failure to construct or keep in repair such fence or cattle guard in the manner pro- vided in the preceding section, for the full amount of the damage sustained by the owner on account thereof, and to make a prima facie case for recovery, it shall only be necessary for such owner to prove the loss or injury to his property; Provided, That no corporation operating a railroad shall be liable for any damage oc- casioned. by the wilful act of the owner or of his agent or employees or for stock killed or iniured on public road crossings unless negligence on the part of such corporation, its agents, servants or employes can be shown. LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 16 CHAPTER 173. OWNERSHIP, BRANDING AND RANGING. Sec. 2596. Stock owner defined. Every person who owns neat cattle, horses, mules, asses, sheep or goats is a stock owner. see. 2597. Live stock defined. Neat cattle, horses, mules, asses, sheep and goats are live stock. Sec. 2598. Live stock on open range shall be branded. Every stock owner who allows his live stock over six months old to range upon the open range or without an enclosure, or to run at large or mingle with live stock other than his own, shall have and adopt a brand and shall brand his live stock with such brand, which shall be recorded in the office of the county clerk in each county in which said live stock ranges. Sec. 2599. Duty of secretary — Brand book. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the state board of live stock commissioners to procure a suitable book, to be known as the state brand book, in which shall be recorded the brand and the definite place of the brand upon the animal, used for tne branding of horses and cattle, sheep, mules and other live stock in this state. Sec. 2600. Copy, of brand record — Where. On or before the first aay of January, 1910, every person, association or corporation, using any brand or brands in this state, for the purpose of branding horses or cattle, or other live stock, shall forward to the secre- tary of the state board of live stock commissioners a copy of such brand or brands, duly certified by the clerk of the county in which such brand or certified by the clerk of the county in which such brand or brands is or are recorded. The said clerk shll furnish such certificate without charge therefor, to the owner of any such brand, and the secretary of the state board of live stock commissioners shall, upon receipt, record the same without charge. "Sec. 2601. As amended by chapter 126 Session Laws, 1913. Recording fee. Any person, company, firm, association or corporation, desiring to adopt any brand or marks to be used for the branding or mark- ing of horses, cattle and sheep or other live stock in this state, shall before using the same, forward to the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commis- sioners, a facsimile of such brand or mark stating the range and counties, on and in which, the stock are to be grazed, together with the fee of one dollar to pay for the recording of the same, which sum shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the inspection fund. Upon receipt of such facsimile and fee, the Sec- retary of the State Board of Live Stock Commission- ers, shall immediately record the same in the state record, unless said brand or paint mark, has already been recorded in the said record on behalf of some other person, company, firm, association or corpora- tion, in which latter case the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners shall return such facsimile and fee to the party by whom the same was forwarded to him with suggestions of brands or marks that can be recorded; Provided, that the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners shall not record any brand or mark which in his discretion would conflict with any brand or mark of record in the same locality." Sec. 2602. As amended by chapter 126 Session Laws, 1913. Certified record. Upon the recording of any such brand, brands or mark, as provided in Para- graph 2600 and 2601, the owner thereof shall procure from the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock 'Commissioners, a certified copy of such brand or mark, paying therefor the sum of fifty cents, which fee shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the inspection Fund; Provided, that not more than one brand or one mark and brand shall appear on one certified copy; and provided, further, that if more than one mark and brand appear on one certified copy, the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Com- missioners shall charge the sum of fifty cents for each additional mark or brand. Sec. 2. Evidence of ownership. "The certified copy thus secured in the foregoing section shall be prima facie evidence of the ownership of such animal or animals by the party -whose brand or mark it might be and shall be taken as evidence of onwership in all suits of law or in equity, or in any criminal proceed- ings, when the title to the animal is involved, or 16 LIVE STOCK LAWS. WYOMING proper to be proved, when such claim is sustained and corroborated with other evidence." Sec. 2603. As amended by chapter 126 Session Laws, 1913. Unlawful to record brand. From and after (the day on which this Act is approved), it shall be unlawful for any county clerk in this State to re- cord any brand, mark or bill of sale of any brand or mark. Sec. 2604. As amended by chapter 126 Session Laws, 1913. Brand is property — May be assigned or sold. Any brand or mark recorded in accordance with the requirements of this chapter shall be considered as the property of the person causing such record to be made, and shall be subject to sale, assignment, transfer, device and descent, the same as personal property. Instruments of writing- evidencing any such sale, assignment or transfer must be acknowledged as deeds to real estate are now regarded by law to be, and must be recorded in the office of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, in a book to be, by the said State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, respectively kept for that purpose, which shall be properly in- dexed. Recording of such instrument shall have the same force and effect as to third parties, as the record- ing of instruments affecting real estate, and the ac- knowledgment of same shall have the same force and effect as the acknowledgment of deeds to real estate, and a certified copy of the record of any such instru- ment, duly acknowledged, may be introduced in evi- dence the same as is now provided for certified copies, of instruments affecting- real estate. Sec. 2605. As amended by chapter 126 Session Laws, 1913= Brand Book. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners to publish a brand book, in which shall be given a facsimile, or copy, or all brands and marks recorded in the office of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, to- gether with the owner's name, postoffice addresses and the county or counties wherein the brand was orig- inally recorded; which names, brands, and marks shall' be arranged in the most convenient form for reference- Said book shall be bound in good and substantial binding; one copy of which shall be forwarded to the County Clerk of each county, in whose ortice it shall be kept open for the inspection of all persons inter- ested. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, quarterly, after the publication of such brand book, to furnish each County Clerk with a list of the brands and marks- recorded in his office during the preceding three months, and yearly thereafter to issue supplements of all brands and marks recorded in his office during the preceding year. The Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners is authorized to publish, if he deem best to do so, a limited number of such brand books, and sell same for such price as he may consider reasonable and proper, which price shall not be less- than the actual cost of same. Sec. 2. Brand Book. "The fees thus secured in the foregoing section shall be deposited in the Statfe Treasury to the credit of the Inspection Fund." Sec. 2606. Failure to record — Deemed abandon- ment. On and after the first day of January, 1910, no person, company or corporation shall claim or own any brand or mark which has not been recorded in the office of the secretary of the state board of live stock commissioners in accordance with this chapter, and any failure to so record a brand or mark on or before the first day of January, A. D. 1910, shall be deemed an abandonment of the same; Provided, That no per- son, company or corporation shall be at liberty to claim or use any such abandoned brand or mark until after he has caused the same to be recorded in com- pliance with the terms of this chapter. Sec. 2607. As amended by chapter 126 Session Laws. 1913. Brands recorded every tenth year. Irr the year 1915 and every tenth year thereafter, every owner of a brand or mark used by him shall ie-record the same, and any failure to so re-record in the office of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners any such brand or mark then in use by such live stock owner, shall be deemed an abandonment of same. Sec. 2. At the expiration of each re-recorfin^ pe- riod, the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, shall notify by registered mail, at t'->e sriven addresses as on the record kent by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, the party bavins- such brand, brands or marks on record the year of such re-recording period, to the effect that the brand LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING IT or mark has not been re-recorded and the same must oe re-reeorueu witnin ninety days from the date of tms notice or said brand or mark will be declared abandoned, and will be allowed to other applicants. see. Zoom. As amended oy chapter 12 Session Laws ot is»Aa. bees, ±< or re-recoruing any old brand or marK, tne Secretary of tne State board of Live atoc-K Commissioners, snail charge the same as pro- vmeu in Sections ;s60i and 2t>0z. i'or recording' a bill ot sale tne sum ot one dollar for the first State re- coraeu brand or mark therein descriued and twenty- 11 /e cents ror eacn additional recorded brand or mark tjien 01 record to tne party or parties executing suci,i bill of sale, which fee shall be deposited in the State Treasury to tne credit of tne Inspection Fund. See. 2009. As amended by chapter 12©' Session Laws of lt»±3. iiiarnl may be sold. Any recorded brand or mark may be conveyed to another by a bill of sale executed by the vendor which shall be properly acknowledged, but said conveyance shall not be com- plete nor snail the title to said brand or mark vest in tne vendee until tne Bill of Sale shall have been filed for record in the ofhee of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners; Providing, that the Bill of Sale shall not transfer tlie right to use such brand, brands or mark from the county or counties in which they were originally recorued to any otner county or counties wnere the same brand or mark or one in conflict tnere- wltfa; may be recorded in the name of another party under a previous law. All such certificates of transfer must contain tne permission of the Secretary of tne State Board of Live Stock Commissioners to such transfer. See. 2. Location of brands. It is hereby made the duty of tne Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, at any convenient time he may choose before tne nr&t day ot January, 1915, to notify all per- sons, associations, companies or corporations, who ha\re aaopteu and recorued a brand or mark as pro- vided in section iii>01, and wao have not designated tlie particular place wnere such brand or mark is to be placed on nis- live stock, and also all persons, com- panies, associations or corporations, who have hereto- fore adopted and recorded a brand or mark, designat- ing tiiat such brand or mark may be used on any part of tne animal, or upon one or more than one part of the animal, to select and designate one particular part upon wnicn said brand shall thereafter be placed. Sec. 2610. Record of brands. The Board of Live Stock Commissioners shall keep an accurate record of all the stock brands and the names of the owners, and their postoffice addresses, of all the brands certified to it, as provided in this chapter, which record shall be open to the inspection of the public. Sec. 2611. Stock drover defined. Any person driv- ing live stock through any county in Wyoming is a stock drover. Sec. 2612. Stools drover to brand stock. Every stock drover must have all live stock by him driven branded. If he turns loose for grazing purposes any of such live stock, he shall lay before the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners a statement of the brands on such live stock, and if in the judgment of the secretary of the said board such brands conflict with any brand previously recorded in the office of the State Board of Live Stock Commis- sioners, the owner of said live stock shall brand them with a brand that the said secretary shall consider different from all brands then recorded in said office. . Sec. 2613. Stock drover shall keep stock sepa-* rated. Every stock drover shall keep his live stock separate and distinct from other live stock, and if by any chance his livestock becomes mixed with other live stock the stock drover shall forthwith separate the same; and every stock drover shall prevent his live stock from trespassing upon the property of another, and from injuring any irrigating ditch or any public ■works. Sec. 2614. Unlawful to drive from home ranse. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive live stock away from its home range without authority from the owner of- said live stock. See. 2615. Only branded cattle to be slaughtered. No person shall purchase or slaughter any head of neat cattle until the same is distinctly branded. Ev- ery person engaged in slaughtering cattle shall keep a record of all cattle so slaughtered, naming the per- sons of whom such cattle were purchased, his place of residence, the age, sex and brands of the neat cattie LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING so slaughtered, which record shall at all times be open for the inspection of any parson. Sees. 2616, 2617, 2618. Repealed by chapter 111 Session Laws 1913. Chapter 111 Session Laws 1913 as amended and re-enacted by Chapter 103 Session Laws 1915. Sec. 1. Beef peddler's license. Any person or per- sons hereafter engaged in tne business of peddling beef in this state shall first obtain from the County Clerk, Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff, a peadler's licence to carry on such business, and snail pay tnerefor the sum of one dollar, said payment to ue made annually in ad- vance, and said license fee wnen collected snail be, covered into the general fund of the county. This provision of this section shall not apply to any pel son who may kill beef in good faith for nis own use. See. 2. Peddling- without license. Any person found peddling beef without first having outained t.ie, license provided for in Section 1 of this Act shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty - five dollars ($25.00) nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00). See. 3. Record of inspection of hides. Said ped- dler shall have the hide of each beef tagged with a numbered metal tag by the inspector or nis deputy, or the sheriff or his deputy, before the beef -is peddled or offered for sale and upon demand, must produce such hide or inspector's certificate of inspection. Said inspector or sheriff shall keep a record of the ped- dler's name, the number on the tag or tags used, tne brands on the hide or hides, and the date of inspection, and the officer making such inspection shall roi'warl a record of all inspections made, on or before tne first day of each month, to the Secretary of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners and the County Clerk of his county, which said record of inspection shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, and with the County Clerk, and must be advertised in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners and in the official paper of the county. Sec. 4. Hides of cattle slaughtered for beef. Any person who may kill cattle for beef must produce on demand (of any person) either the hide of such ani- _mal or animals so killed for beef, or a certificate of inspection of the hide issued- by the live stock inspec- tor or his agent, or the sheriff or deputy sheriff. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a felony and shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) or more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Sec. 5. Repeal. Chapter 111 of the Session Laws of 1913, and all acts in conflict therewith are hereby repealed. Approved February 26, 1915. Sec. 2619. Inferior staliion not to run at large. No mustang or other inferior stallion over the age of twenty-four months shall be permitted to run at large, nor shall any stallion over the age of twenty-four months be permitted to run at large within three miles of any town, city or village. It shall be lawful for any person to castrate or cause to be castrated, any such animal or animals found running at large con- trary to the provisions of this section. Stallions pos- sessing one-fourth mustang or broncho blood shall be deemed mustang or inferior stallions. Sec. 2620. Inferior stallions may be taken up— When. Any person who shall find any stallion run- ning at large, as described in the next preceding sec- tion may take up such animal and keep the same in some secure enclosure, and take good care of such animal; and it shall be the duty of such person to immediately notify the owner of such animal, if such owner is known, and if said owner is unknown to said person, to immediately give notice by publication in some newspaper in the county in which such animal shall have been taken up, for a period of four succes- sive weeks, and which notice shall contain a full de- scription of all marks and brands, if any there be on such animals, and that unless the owner of such ani- mal makes claim for the same within six weeks from the date of its first publication, said animal will be castrated. The notice shall be signed by the person or persons having taken up the same. Said notice, keep- ing and caring for such animal shall be paid for by the owner of such animal, and until paid the person taking up the same shall have a lien upon such animal for his or their claims; and in case of said owner re- LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 19 fusing or failing- to pay for such notice, keeping and caring for, witnin a reasonable time, the person having such claim shall be entitled to recover the same in tne same manner as an agistor's lien. Sec. 2621. Unlawfully castrating stallions. If any person snail castrate any stallion and it shall, on proper evidence before a competent court, be proven to tne satisfaction of said court tnat such animal was not of a class of stock prohibited from running at large by tne next two preceding- sections,, said persons snail be liable for damages to tne amount of treDle tne value of said animal so castrated," and costs of suit. sec. 2022. bogs running live stock. Dogs run- ning live stock against the wish of the owner of such live stock, may be killed in cases where the live stock has been injured or is threatened with injury thereby; and the person killing any such dog shall not be liable to the owner thereof where the vicious charac- ter of the dog, or the damage or danger of damage, is shown; Provided, however, that when live stock is trespassing- upon property, the owner thereof may use dogs to drive and keep off live stock from said prop- erty. See. 2323. Penalty. Any person violating or fail- ing to comply "with any of the. foregoing provisions of this chapter shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding- sixty days, or shall be fined not exceeding- one hundred dollars, or both. See. 2o'24. Unlawful to obtain service from bull — When. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owner, to take possession of any bull found running at large upon the open range and to confine the same in any enclosure for the purpose of obtaining service therefrom, where there is no in- tent on the part of said person so taking said bull to steal the same. And in any trial for violation of the provisions of this section, upon proof on the part of tne state that any person has taken possession of such bull, upon the open range, and has confined the said bull in any enclosure with cows, such -fact may be considered by the jury as bearing upon the question of the intent of such person, to secure unlawfully the ser- vice of such bull. Any person violating any of the ■ provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not to exceed one hundred dollars, nor less than twenty-five dollars, or impris- oned ill' the county jail not to exceed three months, or both. CHAPTER 5, LAWS 1913. Sec. 1. Number of bulls required. Any person al- lowing or permitting cows of which he is the owne:, or agent of the owner, to run at large upon the public ranges of the state shall provide, and furnish at least one (1) bull to turn on range not later than July 1st of each year and to take said bull off range not later than January 1st of the following year, of not less than eighteen months of age, or registered or high grade, of the beef breed except in communities where dairy cows predominate, for every twenty-five (25) head she cattle one year of age or over, or fraction thereof, over ten head so permitted to run at large in this state; Provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to any person owning or permitting to run at large less than twenty (20) cows. See. 2. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act. shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. Approved February 13, 1913. CHAPTER 174. LIVE STOCK COMMISSIONERS. Sec. 2625. Board — How appointed. The governor, at each session of the legislature, shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, ap- point a board of commissioners to be known as the "Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Wyoming." Sec. 2626. Number of members — Qualifications. Said board of live stock commissioners shall be com- posed of three members who shall be actual owners of live stock, or the owners of stock in a company or corporation, having live stock running at large upon the public lands of the state, and who shall be resi- dents of the state. See. 2627. Term of office. Said live stock commis- sioners shall hold their offices for the terrrr of two years, and until their successors shall lie duly ap- pointed and shall have qualified. CHEYENNE'S GoldenAnniversary and The Twenty -First Annual Frontier Days Celebration Cheyenne, aged 50, and her Frontier Days Show, 2 1 , will celebrate their birth- days together on July 23rd to 28th inclu- REMEMBER THE DATES! July 23 to 28, Inc. 1917 GREATER AND GRANDER, BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE! SIX BIG DAYS Cowboys, Cowgirls, and Indians galore! Every kind of animal that bucks! Cow- pony races, relay races, novelty races, wild horse races, steer roping, steer bulldogging, and hundreds of thrills. Spectacular pa- rades. Hundreds of contestants. The big- gest show of its kind in the world. RESERVE ROOMS Contestants, get in your entries early. Plenty of money in purses. Day money in the steer roping, — other new features that will interest you. Remember the dates — JULY 23rd to 28th inclusive, 1917. For detailed information wire or write T. Joe Cahill, Secretary Frontier Committee, Cheyenne, Wyoming. LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 21 Sec. 2628. Oath. Said commissioners shall, before entering upon their duties, take the oath of office pre- scribed by. the state constitution. Sec. 2629. Vacancies — How fiiled. Any vacancy which shall occur in such board of live stock commis- sioners, during- the recess of the legislature, snail be filled by appointment by the governor, which appoint- ment shall be for the unexpired term. Sec. 2630. Officers of board. The board of live stock commissioners shall elect a president ana a sec- retary. The president shall be elected from the mem- bers of the commission. The office of secretary may be filled by a person not a memoer of the commission, who may be elected by the commission, and whose salary shall be fixed by the board in any sum not to exceed the amount hereinafter specified. Sec. 2631. Rules. Said commission may make such rules and regulations for the transaction of its busi- ness, and for the government of its employees and ap- pointees, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, as may be deemed necessary and expedient. Sec. 2632. Quorum. A majority, of such ooard of live stock commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a full record of its proceedings shall be kept by the secretary thereof. Sec. 2633. Meetings. It shall be the duty of the live stock commissioners to hold at least two regular meetings each year, one upon the first Monday in April, and the other at such time as the commission may direct. No session or meeting of the said board of live stock commissioners shall exceed in duration five conseutive days. "Sec. 2634. As amended Wyoming Session Laws 1917. Members of said board shall receive the sum of six dollars ($6.00) per day while actually engaged in the performance of their duties, together with their actual expenses. The said Board of Live Stock Com- missioners shall pay its expenses out of such sum as may be from time to time appropriated therefor, in the same manner and under the same restrictions as other liabilities of the state are paid." ''Sec. 26S5. As amended Session Laws 1917. The Secretary of the Commission shall receive for his ser- vices as such secretary, a yearly salary to be fixed by the said commission not to exceed twenty-four hun- dred dollars ($2400.00) to be paid to him in twelve monthly installments, out of any appropriation made tty law for that purpose. Sec. 2636. Eond of Secretary. The Secretary of the Board of .Live Stock' Commissioners shall give a bond to the state in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, with two or more sufficient sureties, to be ap- proved by the governor, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties, which bond shall be filed in the office of- the secretary of state. Sec. 2637. Term of Secretary. The Secretary of the commission shall hold his office for the period of two years subject to removal at any time by the board of commissioners, or a majority of them, for neglect, incompetency or failure to perform his duties, or for such other cause as may be deemed sufficient by the commission. In case of a vacancy arising in the office of secretary, the commission shall select a secretary for the balance of the unexpired term. Sec. 2638. Seal. The board of live stock commis- sioners shall have a seal upon which shall be engraved the words, "Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Wyoming." Sec. 2639. Uuty of board. The'board of live stock commissioners shall exercise a general supervision over, and so far as may be, protect the live stock of the state from theft and disease, and shall recommend from time to time such legislation as in their judgment will foster said industry. Sec. 2640. Annual meeting of stock owners. It shall be the duty of said live stock commissioners to call a meeting at the capital of the state of all stock owners of the state on the first Tuesday of April of each year for the purpose of recommending to the said commissioners the laying out of several round-up dis- tricts, and the time and place of beginning the round- uos upon the same, and to recommend the appointment of persons for commissioners for the round-up dis- tricts. See. 2641. Meeting for creating round-up districts. It shall be the duty of the board of live stock commis- sioners, on or before the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday of April for each year, and before ten o'clock a. m. of that day, to set apart, designate and 22 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING divide the state into round-up districts, describing: each by number and giving- its boundaries. Sec. 2642. Round-up commissioner. The board of live stock commissioners is hereby authorized, and it is made their duty, on or before the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday of April of each year, to ap- point one commissioner for each of the several round- up districts, so set apart, described and designated by the live stock commissioners, winch commissioner .shall be known as round-up commissioner, and snail be an owner of live stock, or of stock in a company or corporation having cattle running at large within such district, and who shall also be a resident of such district. See. 2643. Inspection fund. It shall be the duty of the state treasurer to keep a separate accovint of all moneys received by him under this .chapter, J;o be known and designated as an "inspection fund," and to- pay all warrants properly drawn as provided in this chapter out of said fund, and said fund shall not be used for any other purpose than the expenditures con- templated by this chapter. Sec. 2044. Fund controlled by board. The inspec- tion fund created by this chapter shall ae under the- control of the board of live stock commissioners, to be expended by it in such a manner as shall best pro- mote and protect the live stock interests at the state; and in conformity with the provisions of law, and for no other purpose. Sec. 2645. Incidental expenses — How paid. All necessary expenses incurred by the commission in the matter of advertising-, books, maps, stationery, office rent, fuel, telegraphing, and incidental office expendi- tures, not to exceed the sum of one thousand dollars in any one year, shall be paid out of the inspection- fund by the state treasurer, upon warrants drawn by said auditor upon duly sworn bids certified to by the : secretary and under the seal of the commission, which certificate shall state the items of such indebtedness or expenses, that the same are just and were necessarily* incurred, and have not been paid. j Sec. 2646. Warrants of auditor for indebtedness or expense. For any indebtedness for expense incurred by the board of live stock commissioners in carrying- out the provisions of chapters 174 and 175, the state auditor shall draw his warrant on the state treasurer in the name of the person or persons to -whom such money is due and payable, upon a statement or sworn- bill of account rendered by such person or persons, when duly audited and accompanied by- a certificate signed by the president and secretary, and under the seal of the commission, which certificate shall state that such items of indebtedness or expense were neces- sarily incurred, that the same are just and have not been paid; ,the warrants so issued shall state that the same be paid out of the inspection fund. Sec. 2647. Duty of person slii'twiii'-; estrays. It shall be the duty of all persons shipping- estrays at once upon the sale thereof to remit to the secretary of the live stock commission the proceeds received for each and every estray, the ownership of which shall be unknown to the inspector, to whom a receipt for the same was given. If any inspector shall at any time sell an estray shipped from this state, he shall imme- diately remit the proceeds thereof to the secretary of the live stock commission. Sec. 2648. Estray fund. All moneys received by the secretary of live stock commission from the sale of estrays shall be*;ept by such secretary in his hands separate from any other fund, and shall be known as the "estray fund," and shall be so held by said secre- tary until so paid over to the owners of such estrays, or paid over to the state treasurer as hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 1. The secretary of the live stock commission shall semi-annually, during- the last week of June and December of each year, send two lists of all unclaimed estrays, for which he has received payment, to the county clerk of each county, who shall post one copy in a conspicuous place in the court house, and place one copy on file in his office. It shall also be the duty of said secretary to cause such estray list to be adver- tised in the official paper of the board of live stock commissioners during the month of June and Decem- ber of each year. Sec. 2. Section 2649 of chapter 174 Compiled Stat- utes of Wyoming for 1910 is hereby repealed. All a"ts and parts of acts in conflict with the provision of this; act are hereby repealed. (S. L. of Wyo., 1917.) Do You Raise Hogs If So, This Will Interest You THE DENVER HOG RANCH COMPANY has maintained a herd of 5,000 hogs for several years with practically no loss from cholera, at their ranch near Denver. This has been accomplished by the use of "Anti- Hog Cholera Serum" made and prepared by us. During the last two years we have fur- nished Anti-Hog Cholera Serum for the vaccination of several thousand hogs. Many of the largest breeders and feeders in the state of Colorado are our patrons. We have recently completed at great ex- pense and have opened for serum produc- tion one of the most modern, up-to-date and thoroughly equipped serum plants in the United States. It is under government supervision, having been granted License No. 115. You are invited to -inspect this plant, its methods and equipment. WE SAVE OUR HOGS WHY NOT SAVE YOURS? We practice and preach that the only "Hog Insurance" on earth is to immunize your hogs. We supply you with the same kind of serum made and used for years on our own hogs. CONSULT YOUR VETERI- NARIAN AND INSIST ON OUR SERUM. All inquiries given courteous and prompt attention. Anti-Hog Cholera Serum Department The Denver Hog Ranch Co. Government License No. 115 5030 York St., Denver, Colorado. Western Serum for Western Stock Patronize Home Industry LIVE STOCK LAWS, WI'OMING Sec. 2650. Payment to owner for estray sold. The secretary of the live stock commission, upon satisfac- tory proof of the ownership of any estray sold as above provided, and for which he has received the money, shall pay such owner the amount received from the sale of such estray or estrays; Provided, that such ownership shall be proven within one year after the publication of the notice of sale of said estray or es- trays, as above provided. Proof of the ownership shall be by affidavit of the owner with at least one creaiole corroborating witness. See. 2051. When money in estray fund paid iJtto treasury. On the first Monday of January and the first Monday in July of each year, all moneys remain- ing- in the estray fund in the hands of the secretary of the live stock commission, which shall have been in the hands of said secretary for more than one year after the publication of a notice as above provided for, shall be paid to the treasurer of the state", and shall go to the general fund of the state. See. 2652. Report of board. It shall be the duty of the commission, at least ten days prior to each reg- ular session of the legislature, to make a full and com- plete report to the governor of all proceedings, and of all the receipts and expenditures, and of the condi- tion of the live stock interests of the state. Sec. 2653. Treasurer to give duplicate receipts for money. Whenever any money shall be paid into tne state treasury, under the provisions of chapters 174 and 175, it shall be the duty of the treasurer to issue dupli- cate receipts therefor, one of which snail be immdei- ately deposited with the state auditor by the secretary of the commission, and thereupon the auditor shall charge the treasurer with the money so paid into the treasury. Sec. 2654. Fees and salaries paid out of inspection fund. All fees, salaries, compensation and expenses incurred under the provisions of chapters 174 and 175, shall be paid out of the inspection fund, as hereinbe- fore provided; and no fee, salary, compensation or ex- pense incurred under the provisions of said chapters* shall ever, under any circumstances, be paid out of any fund other than the said inspection fund. Sec. 2855. Unlawful to ship stock of others — Where. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to drive or ship, or cause to be driven or shipped, or to consign, or to cause to be consigned, any estray cattle (without authority from tie owner thereof) from any place within this state, except through or to a point or place where an inspector or inspectors are located, by the said board of live stock commissioners. CHAPTER 175. STOCK INSPECTORS. Sec. 2H56. Appojutmeut of inspectors. The board of live stock commissioners is hereby authorized, and it is made its duty to appoint such stock inspectors as it may deem necessary for the better protection of tiie live stock interests of the state, and to distribute them at such point or places within or without the state as will, in their judgment, most effectually prevent the violation of any and all laws of the state for the pro- tection of stock. Sec. 2657. Bond of inspectors. Said inspectors shall each make and execute a bond, with two suffi- cient sureties, to the state in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the full and faithful perform- ance and discharge of their duties, said bond to be approved by the board of live stock commissioners and to be filed in the office of the secretary of state. Sec. 265S. Compensation of inspectors. Said in- spectors shall receive for their time of actual service such salary or compensation as shall be fixed by the board of live stock commissioners, in no case to ex- ceed the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per month to any one person, to be paid by the treasurer out of any appropriation made by law for that purpose as herein provided. Sec. 2659. Penalty for receiving bribe. Any in- spector or other employee who shall receive any bribe, or who shall receive for the services required of him any compensation or reward other than is provided in this chapter, shall be immediately dis- charged and forever barred from employment by the commission, and be subject to the punishment pro- vided for bribery. See. 2660. Inspectors to be furnished with brand record. The secretary of the live stock commission shall keep a brand record in a book in wnicn ne shall enter all brands sent him for record by the owners of LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 25 live stock within the state. He shall send or deliver to eacn inspector a full and complete list o£ such brands. Sec. 2661. Record of estrays to be kept by inspec- tors. .All inspectors snail Keep a record oiT ail estrays wnich tney may nnd in any suipment of cattle or horses in transit from tnis state, and snail take a re- ceipt for tne same from the snipper, or ni default ol sucn receipt, shall take such estray from such ship- ment, giving' tne shipper, a receipt for tne same on benaif of tne live stock commission. Sec. 2662. fieport. Said inspector shall make a report every thirty days of all sucn estrays not here- totore reported to the secretary of the live stock com- mission, giving a description of the same, stating any brands or otner marks by which tne same may be identified, fcjaid secretary shall keep a record of all such estrays reported to nim as aforesaid, which shall at all times be open to the public for inspection. Sec. 2663. as amended by Cnapter 58, Session Laws, 1915. Swine, Elk and Goats. Sec. 1. Not to run at large. That Section 2663 of Wyoming Compiled Statutes, 1910, be amended and re-enacted to read as follows: See. 2663. It shall be unlawful for any owner or owners of any swine, goats or domestic eik to allow the same to run at large within the State of Wyoming. Sec. 2. Pena.ty tor violation. fnat Section z6ol of the Wyoming Compiled Statutes, 1910, ue amended and re-enacted to read as follows: See. 2664. Any person violating the preceding section, after twenty-four hours' written notice by a proper officer, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. Notice to owner. Taat Section 2665 of the Wyoming Compiled Statutes, 1910, be amended and re-enacted to read as follows: See. 2665. It shall be the duty of every sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, marshal or policeman in tnis state, upon ascertaining by his own Knowledge, or by notice, verbally or otherwise given, that any swine, g-oats, or domestic elk are running at large, to imme- diately give said written notice to the owner or own- ers of said swine, goats or domestic elk, or to the agent or manager of the business of said owner or owners, and if the owner or owners of said swine, goats or domestic elk are to said officer unknown, said officer may impound said swine, goats or domestic elk until claimed by the owner thereof, and may charge a fee of twenty-five cents per day for the keeping of each and every swine, goat or domestic eiK, and ten cents each for impounding, but such impounding shall not exonerate from the said penalty. Sec. 2666. Repealed by Chapter 58, Session Laws. 1915. Sec. 2667. As amended by Chapter 58, Session Laws, 1915. Duty of sheriffs, constables, marshals, and policemen. It shall be unlawful for any owner or owners of swine, goats, or domestic elk to allow the same to run at large within the limits of any county, city or town within the State of Wyoming. And it shall be the duty of every sheriff, deputy sheriff, con- stable, marshal or policeman in said state, upon no- tice that any swine, goat or domestic elk are so run- ning at large, to immediately give written notice as- certaining by his own knowledge, or by notice verbally or otherwise given to the owner or owners of said swine, goats or domestic elk, or to the agent or man- ager of the business of the owner or owners; or if the owner or owners of said swine, goats or domestic elk are to the said officers unknown, then in either case said officers shall impound said swine, goats or domes- tic elk, until claimed by the owner thereof, and may charge a fee of twenty-five cents per day for the keeping of each and every swine, goat or domestic elk, and ten cents each for impounding; but such im- pounding shall not exonerate from the said penalty. Sec. 2f?6S. As amended by Chapter 58, Session Laws, 1915. Sale of impounded animals. If said swine, goats or domestic elk, are not claimed within seven days, the impounding officer shall nost at leasl three notices in conspicuous places within the city, town or village, or settlement where they are im- pounded, stating that the said swine, goats or do- mestic elk will be sold to the highest bidder at public sale, such notices to specify a day of sale not less than three days later than the day of posting such no- 26 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING tices, and the said swine, goats or domestic elk shall be sold at such time, and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting lawful expenses, shall be paid into tne public school fund; Provided, that the owner may at such sale claim and receive such net proceeds of sale, or that he may at an earlier date prove property and receive the same on paying the accrued charges ac- cording to the terms of this and preceding section. Sec. 2660. As amended by Chapter 58, Session Laws, 1915. Bill of sale. The impounding officer shall make the sale provided in the preceding section, and shall furnish the purchaser a bill of sale for such ani- mal or animals sold, which bill of sale shall constitute valid title to the same. CHAPTER 28. PROVIDING FOR SELLING OF IMPOUNDING ANI- MALS; PROHIBITING THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF LIVE STOCK, ETC. Sec. 1, S. L. 1911. Additional powers granted to cities and towns. That in addition to the powers pro- vided and given by law to the various cities and towns in the State of Wyoming, each and every city or town in the State of Wyoming, whether incorporated under a special chatter or act, or under the general law for the incorporation of cities or towns, shall have power to regulate, restrain and prohibit the running at large within the limits of said city or town, of cattle, horses, hogs, mules, sheep, goats, dogs and other animals, and to provide for the empounding of any such animals that may be running at large contrary to any ordi- nance of such city or town, and that such animals may be sold to discharge the cost and penalty pro- vided for the violation of such prohibition or regula- tion and the expense of empounding and keeping the same and of such sales; to provide for the erection of all needful pens and pounds for the use of such city or town within or without the town or city limits; to appoint and compensate keepers thereof, and to es- tablish and enforce rules governing the same. Chanter 177. Estrays. Chapters 2670, 2671, 2672, 2673, 2674, 2675, 2676, 2677, 2678, 2679 of the Wyoming Compiled Statutes of 1910. Repealed by Chapter 125, Session Laws 1913. Chapter 125, Session Laws 1913. Estrays. Sec. 1. Definition of estray. An}' bovine animal, horse, mule or ass, found running at large upon pub- lic or private lands, either fenced or unfenced in the State of Wyoming, whose owner is unknown in the section where found, or the owner of which cannot with reasonable diligence be found, or that is branded with two or more brands the ownership of which is disputed, neither party holding a Bill of Sale, shall be known as an Estray, and it shall hereafter be unlaw- ful for any person, persons, firm, company, association or corporation or their employees or agents to take up any such estray and retain possession of same, ex- cept as herein provided. Sec. 2o How taken uu. No person shall take up an estray animal except in the county where he re- sides and is a freeholder, nor unless the same be found in the vicinity of his residence. When any per- son shall take up an estray, he, she, or they, shall thoroughly inspect the brand or brands of such estray or estrays in the presence of two witnesses, and shall within five days thereafter make out a written de- scription of such animal or animals as the case may be, setting forth all marks or brands, and other marks of identity, such as color, age, sex, and forward same by mail to the Secretary of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners. Nothing in this section shall be con- strued so as to amend Section 2647, Chapter 174 of the Revised Statutes of 1910. Sec. 3. Penalty for taking- up estrays. Any per- son, persons, firm, company, association or corporation who shall take up or retain in his or their possession any estray as provided in Section 1 of this Act, with- out the owner's knowledge or consent, or who shall in any manner restrain from liberty for the puprose or purposes of using or making use of any such ani- mal or animals without the knowledge and consent of the owner, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or may be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding sixty days, or punished by both such fine and imprisonment for each offense, in the discre- tion of the court. Sec. 4. Board may return to owner., Upon re- LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 27 ceiving notice of the taking up of any estray animal or animals, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners to make, or cause to be made, an examination of the State Brand Records, and if from this record the name of the owner or probable owner can be determined, he shall forthwith notify him of the taking- up of such estray or estrays and upon said owner proving- to the satis- faction of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners that the estray animal or animals are lawfully his, the said Board, shall issue to him an order to receive same, upon payment of any reasonable charges which may have been incurred in the care of said animal or animals so taken up; Provided, however, that no charge of more than ten cents per day, per head, shall be made or allowed for the care of any estray animal; and provided, further, that upon receipt of notice of the taking up of any estray animal or ani- mals, the Secretary of the Board of Live Stock Com- missioners may require a closer examination of the brands and marks, as set forth, in the notice, and may require a State Inspector to examine same before ad- vertising. Sec. 5. Chapter 125, Session Laws 1913, amended and re-enacted by Chapter 59, Session Laws 191&. If the Secretary of the Board of Live Stock Com- missioners shall be unable to determine from the rec- ords and description who is the owner or probable owner of such estray or estrays, he shall at once cause an advertisement to be published in the official news- paper of the county and in the newspaper published nearest the place where estray was taken up, once each week, for four consecutive weeks, and for one issue in the official paper of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, giving a description of said animal or animals, stating when and -where the same were taken up, and giving notice that unless the same are claimed by the legal owner within ten days after the last pub- lication of said notice, then the same shall be sold by the Board of Live Stock Commissioners for the bene- fit of the owner if found within the time now specified by law. Within ten days after the first publication of said notice, three copies thereof shall be posted in three public places in the vicinity of the place where said animal or animals were taken up. Sec. 6. Sale of estvay. If said animal or animals shall not be claimed within ten days after the last publication of said advertisement they shall be sold by the sheriff or other person acting as agent of the Board of Live. Stock Commissioners in such manner- 's the Board may direct. It shall be the duty of the person making such sale to give a bill of sale to the purchaser from the Board of Live Stock Commission- ers, signed by himself as agent of said Board, which bill of sale shall be legal evidence of the owners-hip of said animal or animals by the purchaser thereof, and shall be a legal and valid title to said animal or animals. Sec. 7. Proceeds of sale in estray fund. The per- son making the sale of such estray or estrays shall return the proceeds of such sale to the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, who shall pay the expenses in- curred in taking up, holding, advertising and selling such animal or animals, and place the balance in the estray fund of the said Board, making a record of same, showing the marks and brands and other means of identification of said animal or animals, and giving the amount realized from the sale of same, which said record shall be open to the inspection of the public and shall also be advertised as is now provided by law for advertising estrays. Should the lawful owner of any estrays which have been sold as provided herein be found within one year after the sale of such animal or animals, the net amount received from the sale of such estray or estrays less the sum of one dollar for each estray, to be retained by the Board ot Live Stock Commissioners, shall be paid to said owner upon his proving ownership to the satisfaction of the said Board of Live Stock Commissioners. If at the end of one year the proceeds from the sale of estrays remain unclaimed, same shall be disposed of as is now provided by law. Sec. S. Taker up must hold. Upon taking up any estray animal or animals and sending description of the same to the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, as provided in Section 2 of this Act, said taker up shall be entitled to hold the same lawfully until re- lieved of their custody by the said Board of Live Stock Commissioners. Should a claimant for said ani- 2& LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING mal or animals apply to the taker up for possession, of the same the said taker up shall at once notify the said Board of Live Stock Commissioners in writing of such application, and should the said Board be sat- isfied that said applicant is the lawful owner, it shall forthwith issue an order by the Secretary, authorizing said taker up to deliver said estray or estrays to the owner who may be required to pay the charges made by the taker up as provided in Section 4. Sec. 9. Penalty for not repoitiug. It shall be un- lawful hereafter for any person other than an autnor- ized agent of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners to take up or retain possession of any estray animal or animals, except as herein provided, and any person who shall take up and retain possession of any estray or estrays, without notifying the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, within the time as provided by this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction may be fined not more than one hundred dol- lars ($100.00) or by sixty days' imprisonment in the county jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each and every offense. Sec. 10. Animals that escape from custody. II any animal, after having been taken up by any per- son under the provisions of this Act shall escape, or be taken from the possession or custody of such per- son before the same shall have been disposed of under the provisions of this Act, then such person shall have the right to recover the same wherever the same may be found, to be held by., him until disposed of as pro- vided for in this Act. Sec. 2680. Estray stallions and packs. If any horse or ass not gelded, two years old or upwards, shall be found running at large, it shall be lawful for any person to take up such horse or ass, and forth- with give notice to the owner or keeper, if he be known to the taker up, and if the owner or keeper do not appear within six days thereafter and pay to the said taker up, five dollars, as compensation for his trouble, the taker up shall proceed to advertise said horse or ass, and the same proceedings shall " be had in every respect as hereinbefore provided in the case of estray horses and mules; Provided, That the taker-up may, after the expiration of thirty days from the time of advertising, geld, or procure to be gelded, the said horse or\ass, which shall be done at the risk and expense of the owner, except when such horse or ass is in the owner's herd, or in care of the owner's herder. Sec. 2681. Liability for death of estray. Should any animal taken up as an estray, die while in the possession of the person taking it up, he shall not be liable for the loss, unless its death was the result of mistreatment or wilful neglect. CHAPTER 178. STATE BOARD OF SHEEP COMMISSIONERS. See. 2682. As amended by Chapter 68, Session Laws 1917. Appointment — Qualifications. The gov- ernor with the consent of the senate, is hereby di- rected and empowered to appoint a board of sheep commissioners, to consist of three members. Two members to be appointed for a term of two years and one member to be appointed for a term of four years, and every . two years hereafter one member shall be appointed for a term of two years and one member for a term of four years. They shall hold office as here- tofore specified or until their successors are appointed, and qualified, and in case of a vacancy in said board from death, resignation or otherwise, the governor must fill the vacancy by appointment. Each member of said board shall be a qualified elector of the county from which he is chosen, and an owner of sheep within the state, and must reside during his term of office within such county which must be a part of the district from which he was appointed. See. 2683. Oath — Term of office. Members of said board before entering upon their duties shall each take the oath of office prescribed by the constitution, which must be filed in the office of the secretary of state. They shall hold office for a term of two years, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. and in case of a vacancy in said board from death, resignation or otherwise, the governor must fill such vacancy by appointment. Sec. 2684. As amended by Chapter 107, Session Laws 1915. Organization — Secretary's bond. The board must organize by electing one of its members as president, and the board is authorized to appoint Tagg Bros. & Moorhead Live Stock Commission Agents UNION STOCK YARDS OMAHA Especially Experienced in Handling & Selling RANGE STOCK Education and Service Wyoming's stock interests look to the Agricultural College Experiment Station Extension Division UNIVERSITY of WYOMING For information see your County Agricul- tural Agent, or write to the Dean of the Agricultural College, Laramie, Wyoming. Gold-Stabeck Loan and Credit Company Minneapolis, Minnesota. Established 1893. Capital & Surplus $650,000.00 Ioney to Loan on Ranches and Live Stock. George W. Daiber The Store for Men and Young Men 1 7th and Carey, Cheyenne Our Windows Tell the Styles PERFECT IDENTIFICATION There can never be any question about owner- ship, when an animal shows a "PERFECT" EAR TAG, with number of animal and name and address of owner stamped thereon. And any owner who neglects to so identify his stock, has no one to blame for losses except himself. The return of one good steer will pay for "Per- fect" tagging- 2000 nead. The "PERFECT" TAG should be.,used be- cause it is the ligiitest tag manufactured; ma ie of aluminum; non-corrosive and non-poisonous. It can be attached to an animal's ear instan- taneously, in one operation. No danger of scpieezing the ear or causing inflammation. This ear tag is endorsed by stockmen all over the United States. Send for FREE sample tag and prices today. Salt Lake Stamp Co. Salt Lake Utah BEST BUYERS-SELLERS o^ cattle I I hogsahdsheep STOCK YARDS0MAHA§ Denver The Live Stock Market of the West Denver is showing greatest growth in re- ceipts of live stock of any market in the United States, having handled in the year 1916, 602,000 cattle, 1,409,000 sheep and lambs, 466,000 hogs and 52,000 horses. Denver has proven an especially good market for a'l classes of live stock from Wyoming and it is hoped that receipts from Wyoming will continue to if crease as they have in the past few years. Extensive improvements in stock yard and packing house facilities have been made in the last year and more are being added for 1917. Boost Your Own Business By Shipping to Denver A. J. Nisbet, Pres. Alfred B. Bell, Sec. A. E. deRicqles, Gen'l Mgr. —the— American Live Stock and Loan Company Capital and Surplus - $1,000,000 (Incorporated 1901) 819 17th Street Denver, Colorado Loans money on Live Stock and loans money on improved ranches, in connection with Live Stock. Also furnishes young steers for spring delivery for Northwestern Ranches. —the— American Commission Co. at the Denver Union Stock Yards Owned by The American Live Stock and Loan Company. A high class concern for selling live stock on commission. A. W. French, D. V. S. E. F. Kinsley, D. V. S. State Veterinarian Deputy State Veterinarian state veterinarian office at star stables n , w, • Phone 56 RED Lheyenne - - Wyoming Residence Phone 26S J. R. Bond, D. V. M. Assistant State Veterinarian Gardiner B. Jones Veterinarian Phone 78 Buffalo, Wyo. H. R. Millard, D. V. M. Dr. H. C. Hughes Secretary State Board of Sheep Commissioners Deputy State Veterinarian Cheyenne - - - Wyoming Graduate Veterinarian Wyoming- Deputy Office 4 and K St. Scottsbluff. Nebr. Dr. S. W. Service Late Senior Veterinary Surgeon United States Army, has located and opened a veterinary in- firmary at Spring Hill Ranch — near A r v a d a, Wyoming. B. F. Davis, D. V. S. Graduate Veterinary Phy- sician and Surgeon Denuty Commission No. 85 State License No. 20 Consulting Veterinarian; Douglas Wyoming Dr. H. C. Eliot Veterinary Surgeon Office and Hospital 33" East Brundage St. Phone 230 Sheridan, Wyo. B. J. Baker, D. V. S. Wyoming License i\o. .26 Deputy State Veterinarian of Wyoming Mitchell - - - Nebraska Wm. F. Pflaeging, D. V. S. Veterinary Surgeon Office— Allen's Barn Douglas - - Wyoming W. A. Robertson, M. D. C. Deprty State Veterinarian Lander, Wyoming Phone 173- P or 69-W Dr. W. L. Scofield W. B. Hobson, V. M. D. Deputy State Veterinarian Cody, Wyoming Cheyenne, Wyo. Denutv State Veterinarian Phone 18 & 731-W H. D. Port Graduate Licensed Vet- erinarian State Deputy Sundance - - Wyoming Good & Carroll, D.V.M. Graduate Veterinarians Office Phone 29 Wheatland Wyoming 30 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING a secretary-treasurer, which secretary-treasurer shall receive sucn compensation as may be allowed by said boaru. rue members of said board snail receive tne sum of si ^ uoiia-rs per uay while actually engaged in tne periuniiiUKe 01 tneir duties, togetner wim tneir actual expenses. Tne secretary-treasurer shall give a bond to tne State of wyoming in tne sum 01 nve tnousand dollars, with good anu sunicient sureties. sec. 2t>%5. as amended by Cnapter 10 (, Session Laws 191o. districts — inspection. Tne state is Hereby divided into tnree aistricts for inspection and' other purposes, as tonows: District No. l, or tne southern district, snail comprise the counties of Platte, Gosnen, Laramie, Albany, Carbon, bweetwater, Uinta and Lin- coln; District mo. z, or the central district, shall com- prise tne counties of Fremont, Hot Springs, Wash- akie, Natrona, Converse and Niobrara; .District No. 3, or the northern district, shall comprise the counties of Crook, Weston, Campbell, Sheridan, jonnson, Big Horn and Park. The board may appoint such inspec- tors as it may deem necessary, in tne manner and as the said board may provide by its rules and regula- tions, which said inspectors shall be subject at all times to tne command of tne said board. Tne board snail exercise an exclusive supervision over, and do and cause to be done all tilings practicable to protect tne sheep interests of the state from theft and uisease, and it snail prepare and promulgate in pampnlet or circular form such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the quarantining and dipping of sneep infected with scab and all otner contagious and infectious diseases, detrimental to sheep, or tnat nave in any manner been exposed to such infectious and contagious diseases, and for the speedy and effective suppression and extirpation of disease among sheep as are not in conflict with the provisions of this enactment. It shall be the duty of tne board to devise and recommend from time to time such legislation, as snail foster and develop the sheep industry of the state. The board is also given power to subpoena wit- nesses* in prosecutions of alleged violations of tnis enactment. Tne board shall convene at least once a year, or as frequently as it shall deem necessary. The manner of the transaction of its business and the duties of its officers shall be prescribed by the board by appropriate by-laws. Sec. 2086. Expenses of administration. It is the duty of the board to audit all bills for expenses in- curred in the protection or fostering of the sheep in- dustry incurred under the provisions of this enact- ment, and if found correct to certify the same to the state auditor, who shall draw a warrant on the state treasurer in favor of the party or parties ^entitled to such compensation in the sum so certified, payable out of the "Sheep Inspection and Indemnity Fund," or any other funds at the disposition of the board. Sec. 2(58?'. Report. The board must make an an- nual report, in writing, to the governor, on the thir- tieth day of November of each year. Such report must give a complete statement of the transactions of the board during the year. See. 268S. Expenses of board — How paid. The said board of sheep commissioners shall pay its ex- penses out of such sums as may be from time to time appropriated therefor, or said expenses shall be paid from the sheep inspection and indemnity fund, in the same manner and under the same restrictions as other liabilities of the state are paid. Sec. 2<>8JJ. Sheep inspectors — Oath — Bond. Each sheep inspector shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take the' oath required by the constitution for other officers, unless he be a representative of the bureau of animal industry of the United States, and shall give a bond to the State of Wyoming in the sum of five thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sur- eties, which shall be approved by the commissioners of the district from which tire said inspector is ap- pointed, also by the president of the board of sheep commissioners, and which bond shall be conditioned, that such sheep inspector shall well and faithfully perform the duties of his office, as prescribed by law, and faithfully account for and turn over to the secre- tary-treasurer of the state board of sheep commission- ers all funds collected by the said inspector. See. 2690. Bond may he sued upon Xry injured person. Such bond with the oath endorsed thereon, shall be recorded in the office of the state board of sheep commissioners, and shall also be recorded and filed in the office of the secretary of state, and such CHICAGO >' ? P* m §oopeps» nay SHIPPING fiOWDE! THE ONLY DIP THAT KILLS ALL TICKS ONE DIPPING ASK YOUR DEALER Be sure it's Cooper's — then dip Sole Manufacturers Willm. Cooper & Nephews Cooper Building, 125-154 W. Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois. 32 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING bond may be sued upon by any person injured by the unfaithful performance of duty of such inspector, and a copy of said oath and bond certified by the secretary of state shall be received as evidence of its contents in all courts of the state; Provided, however, Tnai where, in the enforcement of quarantine regulations, owners of property are injured tnereoy, the person, corporation or company responsible for the necessity of such quarantine, and all tnose exercising owner- ship over the sheep so quarantined shall be liable for all damages and injuries occasioned thereby. See. 2691. As amended by Chapter S-U, Session Laws 1917. Duty of inspector. Scab quarantine. Whenever, upon examination by a sheep inspector, any flock of sheep, kept or herded in the State of Wyo- ming, shall be found to be infected with scab or any other contagious or infectious disease detrimental to sheep, or that have been exposed in any manner to any such disease, such inspector shall forthwith take charge of and treat said sheep by dipping or other- wise for said diseases, as soon as possible, and witnin a period of not less than ten days, nor more than fifteen days immediately succeeding said first dipping or treatment, to again dip such sheep; also to keep said sheep from contact with other sheep by such means as he may specify, until such time as such in- spector is satisfied of the complete eradication of such scab, or other infectious or contagious disease, and such inspector shall then in writing issue a permit to the owner or controller of said sheep releasing said sheep from quarantine, and such inspector shall have the power to give such notice as in his judgment the conditions in each case may require that such sheep are quarantined within certain limits to be by him. fixed and specified, and that such other sheep owners shall not enter upon such quarantine grounds with their flocks of sheep until further notice; and should any flock of sheep free from scab or any other infec- tious or contagious disease enter or intrude upon any ground embraced within the limits set apart for such quarantine, or upon any ground or within any enclosure where infected, diseased or exposed sheep have been, then such sheep shall be subject to the same regulations and treatment as sheep infected with scab or other infectious or contagious diseases detri- mental to sheep. Where sheep must be dipped in the immediate vicinity of said quarantine and no prep- arations have been made upon the part of the owner or owners thereof to provide suitable dipping works, inspector is authorized to prepare such dipping works as may be necessary at the expense of the owner. If the said sheep cannot subsist upon range forage until they have been treated, the inspector shall then pro- vide feed at the owner's expense. All expenses for so doing, including the expenses and per diem of such inspector as hereinafter provided, for every day or part of a day in which the inspector may be engaged in treating such sheep, shall become and be a lien upon the said sheep until the same is paid and if the same be not paid within ten days after such treatment has been completed, he shall collect the same, together with the cost and expenses of collection, by advertis- ing and selling said sheep, or so many thereof as may be necessary in the manner provided by law for the sale of personal property on execution; provided, however, that no person, company or corporation shall be required to dip a flock of ewes, or any part of them, in which there are ewes with lambs, at any time from the fifteenth day of April until the first day of July in any year, but all such ewes with lambs in- fected with scab or other infectious or contagious dis- eases, or that have in any manner been exposed to any such disease, must be held in quarantine and kept separate from sound sheep. It shall also be the duty of the inspector to require the owner or owners of such ewes with lambs while held in quarantine, dur- ing the above periods of exemption to spot and hand dress all sheep in the flock that show scab or any infectious or contagious disease, with some of the dips recognized by the Bureau of Animal Industry; and the inspector shall have power to enforce spotting or hand dressing during the periods of exemption above referred to, the same as he has power to enforce dipping at any other period of the year. All sheep which are kept or herded within the limits of the State of Wyoming, shall, between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of November of each year, be dipped under the supervision of an authorized sheep inspector in one of the dips which have been recom- LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING mended by the state board of sheep commissioners, said dip to be used at a strength sufficient to eradi- cate scabies. The owner or controller of said sheep so dipped, shall, within twenty days after the comple- tion of such dipping file with the authorized sneep inspector or the state board of sheep commissioners the afndavit of two persons who were present and assisted in said dipping, which affidavit shall state tne number of sheep or bucks dipped, kind of dip used, and the manner, time and place of such dipping. Tiie per diem and expenses of the inspector to be paid by. the owner or controller of tne sheep so dipped. "The state board of sheep commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to take charge of and dip as soon as possible after the first day of November of each year, all sheep kept or herded witnin the limits of the State of Wyoming, not previously dipped within the period required by this section, and all tne expenses for so doing, including the per diem and ex- penses of an authorized sheep inspector, shall be paid by the owner of said sheep and the same shall become and be a lien upon such sheep until paid and snail be collected within the time and in the manner heretofore provided in this section for the collection of the ex-- penses and per diem of such inspector incurred in the dipping or treating of diseased or tick-infested sheep. All loss or damage which results from the enforcement of this section is to be paid by the owner of the sheep. "The state board of sheep commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations as they deem necessary relative to the administration of this section. "Any person who is the owner or controller of any sheep within the State of Wyoming violating tne pro- visions of this section, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)." Sec. 20U2. Governor may issue Quarantine procla- mation — Penalty. Whenever the governor of the state shall have good reason to beneve tnat any disease covered by tnis enactment has become epidemic in a certain locality in any state or territory, or tnat con- ditions exist tnat render sheep liable to convey dis- ease, or whenever the coard of sheep commissioners snail certify to tne governor tnat conditions exist that render sneep likely to convey disease, the governor shall forthwith by proclamation schedule such locality or localities and prohibit the importation from them of any sheep into this state until such time_ as the said quarantine proclamation shall be raised by the gover- nor. Any person, company or corporation or any agent, servant or employe thereof, who after the publication of such proclamation shall knowingly receive in charge of any sheep from any of the prohibited districts and transport, convey or drive the same within the bound- aries of any county of this state, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a term of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both, and further, shall become liable for any and all damages and loss that may be sustained by any person or per- sons by reason of the importation or transportation of such prohibited sheep; Provided, however, That noth- ing herein contained shall prohibit the transportation of sheep from such district through the state by rail- road trains; Provided, Such sheep are not unloaded within this state. See. 26S)3. Unlawful to bring: infected sheep into the state. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- pany or corporation or any agent, servant or employe thereof, to bring into this state any sheep infected with scab or other infectious or contagious disease, or that have in any manner been exposed to such dis- ease. Any person, company or corporation, or any agent, servant or employe thereof, violating the pro- visions of this section, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a term of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both. Sec. 2694. As amended by Chapter 1?2, Session Laws 1913. Provisions — Penalty. Any person, com- pany or corporation, or any agent, servant or employe thereof, intending to bring or cause to be brought from any other state or territory, the District of Columbia, or from any foreign country, any sheep or bucks into the State of Wyoming, in any manner, except by ship- 34 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WSTOMING ping the same through the state by railroad train, snail, ten days beiore crossing tne state line, notuy tne secretary-treasurer of tne state board of sheep commissioners at Cueyenne, Wyoming, of such pro- posed action, wnicli notice snail set forth the numoer of sneep or bucks, the urands or marks tnereon, the name of the owner thereof, and tne locality from wnicu sneep came and through which they have been driven, and accompany such notice with a tee equal to the sum of three cents per head for tne total number of sneep and twenty-five cents for tne total number of Iducks embraced witnin the notice, and all fees so col- lected shall ue paid into the state treasury to tne credit of sneep inspection and indemnity fund, wnich fund is hereby created, and shall be available for any of the lawful expenses of tne board; Provided, however, That sheep trailing into the state from adjoining- states for immediate interstate shipments and sheep and bucks shipped or trailed into tins state for show and exhibition purposes, sheep and bucits grazing along and across state lines, and sheep snipped from any part of this state to feed yards in any other part of the state, when shipment is made by inter-state route, shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the state board of sheep commissioners. If any person, company, or corporation, or any agent, ser- vant or employe thereof, snail be guilty of violation or evasion of the provisions of this section, said per- son, company, or corporation, or any agent, servant, or employe thereof, shall upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a term of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 3. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 1, 1913. Sec. 2»a1 In- dustry. The state hereby gives its consent and indi- cates its willingness that the Bureau of Animal Indus- try of the United States and its employes shall come within the State of Wyoming for all purposes con- nected with the exportation of diseased sheep and for the suppression and extirpation of pleuro-pneumonia and other contagious and infectious diseases among- domestic animals. Sec. 2704. Inspectors may call for assistance. All 36 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING federal authorities authorized as aforesaid, and the various inspectors of this state, shall have the power to call upon any constable, sheriff or peace officer in any county in Liis state to assist tnem in the discharge of their duties in carrying' out the provisions of this chapter, and of the act of congress aforesaid, and it is hereby made the duty of said officers to assist them when so requested, and the said federal inspector shall have the same power to enforce the laws of this state as the various inspectors of the state when authorized as aforesaid and engaged in the discharge of their official duties; Provided, That any person, company or corporation refusing to comply with the orders of such officer or federal inspector, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a term of not less than thirty days, or more than six months, or by a fine of not less than fifty dollars or more than five hundred dollars, or by both. See. 2705. Board may employ attorneys. When- ever the board of sheep commissioners shall deem it necessary they may employ special attorneys to assist in the prosecution of violators of any of the sections of this chapter, and to render such other assistance as the board may deem necessary, such services to be paid out of any funds in the state treasury available for the use of the board. Sec. 2706. Board may call on state veterinarian lor assistance. Whenever the board of sheep commission- ers shall deem it necessary it may call upon the state veterinarian for his assistance in the examination and investigation of specific infectious diseases of sheep, and while engaged in such services, the state veteri- narian shall at all times act under the direction and control of the said board of sheep commissioners. CHAPTER 179. INSPECTION OF CATTLE. Sec. 2707. Road brands. Any person or persons engaged in buying cattle to oe driven out of Liis stale shall, before driving or removing said cattle from the piaee of purchase, properly idenUfy them with a suffi- cient and proper road brand made with hot iron or paint. Sec. 2708. Notice requesting- inspection. Any per- son or persons engaged in buying cattle to be driven out of the state, shall, before driving said cattle from this state, report to the nearest jubtice of the peace his or their intention so to do, and request the ap- pointment of an inspector to inspect said cattle. Sec. 2709. Justice to appoint inspector. It shall be the duty of every justice of the peace to whom such application is made, to immediately appoint a capable person to inspect said cattle, and said inspector shall thereupon inspect the said cattle, and if satisfied that the person claiming ownership thereof is entitled to the possession of said cattle, shall give to the agent in charge thereof a certificate of inspection, and shall make due return to the justice of the peace by whom he was appointed, showing the number of cattle in- spected, the brands thereon, the ownership thereof, and the date of such inspection, together with such other facts as he deems necessary. Sec. 2710. Owner shall pay lees. The fee for ap- pointment of inspector shall be one dollar, which shall be paid to the justice of the peace by the person ap- plying for such appointment. The fee for inspecting cattle shall be ten cents per head, which shall be paid to the inspector for his services, and which shall, until pai.d, be a lien on the cattle inspected; Provided, how- ever, That the minimum fee for inspecting any herd of cattle shall be two dollars and fifty cents, and the maximum fee shall be ten dollars. Sec. 2711. Penalty. Any person or persons en- gaged in buying cattle and driving the same out of this state, who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, or confined in the county jail for not more than sixty days, or both, in the discre- tion of the court; Provided, however, That nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed as in any manner affecting the laws now in force respecting t^e larceny of live stock; and, provided further, that this chapter shall not be construed to apply to persons ranging or herding cattle on lands along, adjacent to, or traversed by state lines, where such persons are not engaged in buying cattle in this state to be driven out. LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 37 CHAPTER. 180. HORSE AND MULE INSPECTION. Sec. 2712. Duty of shippers. It shall be the duty of every person or persons, firm, corporation, or asso- ciation, shipping- or driving- any horses or mules out of the state, to hold the sane at so.ne convenient place for inspection as hereinafter provided by this chapter, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, corporation or association to ship, trans- port, drive, or in any manner remove beyond the. boundaries of this state any herd, band or carload of horses or mules until the same shall have been duly inspected as hereinafter provided for. Sec. 2713. Liability of railroads — Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any railroad or transportation com- pany to receive for transportation beyond the hound - aries of this state any herd, bard, or carload of horses or mules, until such railroad or transportation com- pany shall have been furnished with a certificate by a duly authorized inspector of the county from which the shipment is to be made, showing that the brands upon such horses or mules have been duly' inspected as re- quired by this chapter, and any railroad or transporta- tion company, or any officer, agent or servant of any railroad or transportation company who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, and not more than five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2714. Sheriffs are inspectors. The sheriff of each county shall be an inspector of horses and mul°s under the provisions of this chapter, and it is hereby made the duty of the sheriff of each county to perform the duties hereinafter provided as such inspector, and he shall keep a record of all inspection made, sriving the name of the owner and shipper of any horses or mules, the several brands, the number of the car. and the destination of the shipment. He shall file with tbe hoard of county commissioners of his county On the first day of each month a complete report of all inspec- tions made during the month and shall also furnish a copy of each inspection as soon as made to the official newspaper of the county, which report shall he pub- lished once at the expense of the county, in the first issue of said newspaper published after its rec:ipt and the publisher of such paper shall forward a copy of his paper containing such report to each of the sheriffs of the state free of charge. Sec. 2j'15. Horses iriul mules must be inspected. Every person, firm, association or corporation or their or either of their agents, servants c'r employes having charge of any horses or mules destined for transporta- tion by rail or to be driven beyond the limits of this state, shall make application to the sheriff of the county in which such stock is located, or to his duly authorized agent, to inspect the brand or brands of any such horses or mules, stating- in such application the time and place when and where said horses or mules will be ready for inspection, and it shall be the duty of such sheriff or his deputy so notified, to attend without unnecessary delay, at the time ard place desig- nated in such application and inspect said norses, or mules, make the necessary record and give the neces- sary certificates required by the provisions of this chapter, the actual and necessary expenses of the sher- iff or his deputy in making such inspection to be al- lowed and paid by his county. In all cases where horses or mules are to be shipped out of the state by rail, the place of inspection shall be at some stock yard near the proposed point of shipment of said horses or mules from the state, and if the owner or person in charge of said horses or mules shall cause any unreasonable delay or loss of time to a sheriff or his deputy so notified to attenrt, such owner or person in charge of any such horses or mules shaM pay the expense and sala" v of such sheriff or his deputy during such delay or lo?s of time not to exceed five dollars per day. Sec. 2710. "Duty of sheriff. It shall be the duty of the sheriff or his deputy to demand proof of ownership from the person, persons, or corporation presenting horses or mules for inspection, by brand ^e^orri. 1 ill of sale, or t.ir> vouchers of at least two responsible per- sons residing in the state and said ' nroof of Qwnorsh'p must be at the satisfaction of the inspecting sheriff or his deputy. Sec. 2717. False certificate — Penalty. Any shv iff 38 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING or his deputy who shall knowingly make any false certificate under the provisions of this chapter, and who snail knowingly swear falsely as to the truth of any report made by him to the board of county com- missioners, or wno shall accept any bribe or compensa- tion for tne performance or failure to perform the duties prescribed by this chapter, shall upon conviciton thereof, be guilty of a felony, and be fined in a sum not exceeding- one tnousand dollars or imprisonment in the state penitentiary not exceeding Ave years, or both, at the discretion of the court. See. 2718. Failure to inspect — Felony. Any person or persons who snail violate any of the provisions of sections 2712, 2715, 2716, or who shall remove any band, herd, or carload of horses or mules beyond the limits of this state without having the same inspected as required by the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than five hundred dollars, and not more than five thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the state penitentiary of this state for a period not less than one year nor more tnan three years, or both such fine and imprisonment. But nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed as in any manner affecting the laws now in force respect- ing the larceny of live stock. See. 2219. Inspection fee — Paid by owner. A fee of fifteen cents per head shall be charged on all horses or mules inspected under the provisions of this chap- ter, which fee shall be paid by the owner or person in charge of such horses or mules, and shall be a lien upon the horses or mules inspected until the same snail be paid. Said fee shall be collected by the sher- iff or his deputy performing the service, and shall be in full compensation for the service rendered in mak- ing such inspection, and all fees so collected for such inspection shall be paid into the county treasury to tne credit of the general fund of the county at the time of tne filing of the monthly report hereinbefore provided for; Provided, however, tnat said sheriffs are hereby authorized to seize and sell all unclaimed horses or muies which shall come into tneir posses- sion while in the discharge of tiieir duties as such inspectors, such sale to be conducted in tne manner and form now prescribed for tne advertising and saie of estrays and the proceeds of any such sale, less the actual expense of advertising, care, and keeping of such unclaimed horses or mules shall be paid into tne county treasury to the credit of the general fund of the county; Provided, further, that if the ownership of such estrays shall be establisned to the satisfaction of the board of county commissioners of the county in which such animals are sold within one year after date of notice of sale of such unclaimed animals, it shall be the duty of the board of county commission- ers to cause a county warrant to be issued against the general fund of the county in favor of the owner or owners of such unclaimed horses or animals in the amount of the net pr/jceeds derived from such sale. Proof of ownership shall be by affidavit of the owner or owners corroborated by at least two creditable witnesses. CHAPTER 73, LAWS 1915. LIVE STOCK INSPECTION. Sec. 1. Section 1 of Chapter 73 of the Session Laws of 1915 is hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows: (Chap. 43, S. L. 1917.) "See. 1. It shall be tne duty of every person or persons, firm, corporation, or association, shipping any horses, mules, or cattle interstate or intrastate, to hold the same at some convenient place for inspection, until inspected, as provided by this chapter; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, corporation, or association, to ship, trail, or in any other manner remove, interstate, or intrastate from their natural home ranges, any horses, mules, or cat- tle, until the saem shall have been duly inspected as hereinafter provided for; Provide:!,' That the provi- sions of this chapter shall not apply to cattle con- signed to any market at whit[c]h there now is an inspector commissioned by the board of live stock commissioners of this state; and provided further, that cattle billed to feed in transit to markets where an inspector is commissioned as provided above, if sold or in any other manner disposed of before reach- ing- such market center, that the shipper or owner must notify by telegraph or letter the county live stock inspector at the original loading point. Any LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 3D person or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall ue guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, in the discretion of the court.". Sec. 2. Violations by transportation companies. It shall be unlawful for any railroad or transporta- tion company to receive for transportation, interstate or intrastate, any horses, mules or cattle, excepting such as are consigned to a market at which there now is an inspector commissioned by the board of live stock commissioners of this state, until such railroad or transportation company shall have been furnished with a certificate of a duly authorised inspector, from the county from which the shipment is originally made, showing that the brands upon such horses, mules or cattle, have been inspected as required by this chapter; and any railroad or transportation com- pany, or any officer, agent or servant of any railroad or transportation company who violates the iDrovisions. of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thou- sand dollars, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. County inspector — Unties. The county live stock inspector hereinafter provided for, shall be an inspector of horses, mules or cattle under the provi- sions of this chapter and it is hereby made the duty of the inspector hereinafter provided for, if such a one shall be appointed in any county, to perform the duties hereinafter provided, and said officer making such inspections shall forward a record of all inspec- tions made, giving the name of the owner and shipper of any horses, mules, or cattle; the number of the same together with all brands, the number of the car and the destination of the shipment, on or before the first day of each month, to the secretary of the state board of live stock commissioners and to the county clerk of his county, which said record of inspections shall be placed on file with the secretary of tie board of live stock commissioners and with the county elTk, ami must be advertised in the official paper of the board of live stock commissioners, and in a paper of general circulation in the county. Sec. 4. Application to inspector. Every person, persons, firm, corporation or association-, or their or either of their agents, servants, or employes having charge of any horses, mules, or cattle, destined for transportation by rail or otherwise re.noved interstate or intrastate, except those consigned to market cen- ters having an inspector commissioned by the board of live stock commissioners of this state shall make application to the live stock inspector hereinafter provided for, if there be such a one in the county in which the said stock is located, or his duly authorized agent, to inspect the brand or brands of any such horses, mules, or cattle, stating the time and place, when and where said horses, mules or cattle will be ready for inspection; and it shall be the duty of said live stock inspector or his deputy so notified to attend without unnecessary delay and inspect said cattle, horses or mules, making the necessary record and giving the necessary certificate required by the pro- visions of this law; the actual and necessary expenses of the inspector or his deputy in making such inspec- tion to be allowed and paid by his county. ?ec. 5. Drty of inspector.. It shall be the duty of the live stock inspector, or his deputy, making such inspections, to demand proof of ownership from the person, persons, firm, corporation, or association pre- senting horses, mules, or cattle for inspection, by brand record, bill of sale, or the vouchers of at least two responsible persons residing in the state, and said nroof of ownership must be to the satisfaction of the inspecting officer before he shall issue the cer- tificates, as hereinbefore provided. See. 6. False certificates — Bribery. Any officer who shall knowingly make f»iy false certificate under the provisions of this chapter and who shall know- ingly swear falsely as to the truth of any report made by him, to the secretary of the board of live stock commissioners or the county clerk, or who shall accept any bribe or compensation for the performance or failure to perform the duties prescribed by this chap- ter, shall, imon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a felony and be fined in a sum not exceeding one thou- sand dollars or imprisonment in the state penitentiary not exceeding five years, or both, in the discretion of the court. 40 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING See. 7. County live stock inspector — Appointment. When a petition, signed by twenty-live or more tax paying stockmen in any county as appears from the last assessment roll, snail be presented to the county commissioners of any county, the said commissioners may appoint a county live stock inspector, whose ap- pointment to be in force shall be confirmed by tne state board of live stock commissioners, and whose duties shall be as hereinafter defined; provided, that wiienever the county commissioners of two or more counties deem it advisable they may co-operate in tne employment of 'one 'inspector and shall equally bear the expense. In counties not employing- a live stock inspector, the sheriff or his deputy shall perform the duties set forth in this enactment. Sec. 8. Qualifications of inspector. The person to be appointed by the said board shall have had actual experience in the live stock industry and shall satisfy the said commissioners that he knows and can read brands. Sec. J). Terra of ottice — Deputy. Said inspector so appointed by the said board snail hold ottice for a period of two years, unless sooner removed by the Loard of county commissioners, and the board of county commissioners shall have power to appoint a deputy inspector if necessary. Said deputy inspector shall be paid while so employed at the rate of three dollars a day, from the same source and in the same manner as county officers are now or hereafter ma.y be paid. Sec. 10. Authority of inspector. Said inspector so appointed and his deputy shall have the power and authority to make an a>rest as now conferred upon sheriffs in this state. He snail also act as special live stock inspector for the state board of live stock com- missioners. see. II. Dt ties of inspector. Tne duty of said inspector shall be to ride the ranges and pastures w itnin. tne boundaries of the county in wuich he is appointed anu to protect the live stock of such county from depredation and tneft and to arrest any person or persons found guilty of committing such depreda- tions or thefts. Re shall also enforce all laws of the state relating to and for the protection of the live stock industry and shali inspect ri.eat cattle before be- ing slaughtered at any local slaughter nouse. Sec. 12. Salary. Tne person appointed inspector, as hereinbefore provided, shall be paid a salary of not to exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly, from the sa.ne source and in the same manner as county officers are now or hereafter may be paid; provided that the said person so appointed inspector shall provide such horses or other transportation as may' be necessary to carry out the duties imposed upon him by the law; and he shall receive no other for further compensation by way of salary or reimbursement for expenses incurred, ex- cept that the said live stock inspector shall receive bis actual and necessary traveling expenses when called to inspect any horses, mules, or cattle, as provided in sections four and five of this Act — said amount to be paid by this county in the same manner and from the same source as such expenses are now paid by the county to county officers; provided, that before enter- ing upon the duties of his ottice the said inspector shall give good and sufficient bond in the sum of two thousand dollars, to be approved by the board of county commissioners. Sec. 1S5. May hold suspected shipment for inspec- tion. The ' provisions of this Act, shall not be con- strued as limiting the power and authority of any inspector of live stock, when he has knowledge or information, that a theft of live stock has been or is about to be committed, and in such cases he may re- quire any shipment of live stock to be held for inspec- tion before loading, whether the same is being shipped to markets where state inspectors are commissioned or not. CHAPTER 181, DOGS. See. 2720. Dogs irade personalty. Dogs shall be deemed to be personal property and the subject of larceny, the same as other personal property, the value thereof in any criminal prosecution to be determined as in other cases, but in all such prosecutions the evi- dence of the assessor or collector of taxes,, as to the amount for which dogs are returned, shall be admiss- ible in evidence as tending to show- va-lue, but the same shall not be conclusive thereof. Every person 1878 1917 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm Bushneli, Illinois America's oldest and largest Importers of Shire, Percheron, Belgian, Suffolk and Hackney Stallions and Mares Write for our new illustrated catalogue. BRANCHES: Metropolitan Hotel, Cheyenne, Wyo. Northern Hotel, Billings, Montana. The Hereford Corporation of Wyoming Cheyenne, Wyoming Successor to Wyoming Hereford Association Registered Hereford Cattle Anxiety Bred Some of the best blood lines of the breed in the herd. Wyoming scale and bone. RAYMOND S. HUSTED Manager W. J. ROSSMAN Ranch Supt. Long Distance Phone Altvan, Wyo. 42 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING keeping or harboring a dog shall be deemed the owner thereof. Sec. 2721. Measure of damages for loss of dog'. The owner of any dog, listed for taxation, killed or maliciously injured, contrary to law, or carried or en- ticed away from the premises of the owner, or har- bored for the purpose of being- killed, injured, or stolen, may recover from the person so killing, injur- ing or stealing the same, as exemplary damages, any sum not exceeding that sum for -which such dog stands returned for taxation. CHAPTER 2. PROHIBITING THE CHASING OF CATTLE BY DOGS. See. 1, S. L. 1913. Misdemeanor aud penalty. Any person who shall permit or direct any dog owned by him or in his possession or in the possession of any employee of such person to chase or run any cattle or other live stock of which he is not the owner and of which he is not in control, farther than one hundred yards from his land, upon government lands, or away from any watering place upon the open range, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction there- of shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars. CHAPTER 30. REGULATING MEASURING OF HAY TO DETER- MINE TONNAGE. See. 1, S. L.. 1911. Legal measurement for hay in stags. That from and after the passage of this law, unless otherwise agreed to between the contracting parties, the following shall constitute the legal meas- urement for hay in stack in the State of Wyoming: Four hundred and twenty-two (422) cubic feet shall constitute a ton of clean, native, blue joint hay, after thirty (30) days up to three (3) months settle- ment in stack. As to all other kinds of hay, after the same shall have been settled in stack from sixty (60) days and up, five hundred and twelve (512) cubic feet shall constitute a ton of alfalfa or rough slough grass, after the same shall have been in the stack thirty (30) days and up to one (1) year, four nundred and fifty (450) cubic feet shall constitute a ton of clean timothy and clover, after the same shall have been in the stack thirty (30) days, and up to one.(l) year. Making measurements of hay in stack, the follow- ing is hereby made the legal method of measurements, to-wit: The width and length of the stack snail be measured, and the distance from the ground against one side of the stack to the ground against the other side of the stack, directly over and opposite, shall be taken in linear feet and inches, and then the width shall be subtracted from the measurement over the stack, as above indicated, the result divided by two, and the result so obtained multiplied by the width, and the result thus obtained multiplied by the length, which will give the number of cubic feet contained in the stack, and the tonnage shall thereupon be deter- mined by dividing the total number of cubic feet by the number of cubic feet allowed under the provisions of this act for a ton. CHAPTER 21. RELATING TO SALE OF LIVE STOCK AT AUCTION. Sec. 1, S. L,. 1911. That Section 2839 of- Chapter 187, Compiled Statutes of Wyoming, of 1910, be amend- ed and re-enacted to read as follows: "Sec. 2839. No auctioneer, peddler or other person or persons, company or corporation, shall be permitted to sell, vend, barter or retail, either at private sale or public auction, any wares, goods or merchandise without first having obtained a license therefor; pro- vided, that no license shall be required of auctioneers for the sale of live stock at auction in cities and towns, or public sales of live stock, implements and agricul- tural products, held upon the farm. CHAPTER 202. PROTECTION OF ANIMALS. Sec. 2086. Cruelty — Penalty. Every person who overdrives, overloads, drives when overloaded, over- works, tortures, torments, deprives of necessary sus- tenance, unnecessarily or cruelly beats, or needlessly mutilates or kills, or carries in or upon any vehicle, or otherwise in a cruel or inhuman manner any animal, or causes or procures it to be done; or who, having the charge and custody of any animal, unnecessarily fails to provide it with the proper food, drink or pro- tection from the weather, or cruelly abandons it shall LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 43 upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year or Dy tine not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by both. Sec. 30S7. Animals must be fed while impounded. Every person who shall impound, or cause to be im- pounded in any pound or corrai, under tiie laws of this state, any animal, shall supply to the same during such confinement a sufficient quantity of good and wholesome food and water, and in default thereof shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days oi> fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, or both. Sec. 3088. Food niay be furnished. In case any animal shall be at any time impounded as aforesaid, and shall continue to be without necessary food or water for more than twelve successive hours, it shall be lawful for any person from time to time and as often as it shall be necessary, to enter into and upon any pound or corral in which any such animal shall be confined, and to supply it with necessary food and water so long as it shall remain so confined; such per- son shall not be liable to any action for such entry, and the reasonable cost of such food and water may be collected by him of the owner of such animal; and the said animal shall not be exempt from levy and sale upon execution issued upon a judgment therefor. Sec. 3089. Keeping' fowls or animals together for sport. Every person who shall keep any place where any fowls or any animals, by his consent, are suffered to fight upon exhibition, or for sport upon any wager, shall be imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days or fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, or both. Sec. 3090. Fine to be paid to treasurer of Wyo- ming Humane Society. Any justice of the peace in the county in which any of the offenses defined in this chapter is committed, may, upon his own knowledge, or upon the oath of any competent person, issue a war- rant to any proper officer of his county ror the arrest of any person charged with such offense, and upon the arrest of such person, the justice of the peace before whom such person is brought for trial shall have jur- isdiction to hear and determine the cause, and, if he find the accused guilty, shall assess the fine or fix the term of imprisonment, or both, as prescribed in this chapter; Provided, The accused may have a trial by a jury of six lawful jurors, or, if he shall insist on a full jury, by twelve, who shall be summoned to try the cause; and if the jury shall find the accused guilty, they shall assess and state the amount of the fine, or the term of imprisonment, or both; upon which the jus- tice of the peace before whom the trial shall be had, shall give judgment accordingly, and proceed to collect such fine and the costs of trial; and when such fine shall be collected, the same shall be paid to the treas- urer of the Wyoming Humane Society, who shall give his receipt therefor, which said receipt shall be filed with the justice of the peace, after which the said fine shall be subject to the control of said society in aid of the benevolent objects for which it was incor- porated. Sec. 3091. Officers of Humane Society. Any officer or any agent of the Wyoming Humane Society may lawfully interfere to prevent the perpetration of any act of cruelty upon any animal in his presence, and every person who shall interfere with or obstruct or resist any such officer or agent in the discharge of his duty, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days. Sec. 3092. L.ien of agent of Humane Society on animals and vehicles. When any person arrested un- der any of the provisions of this chapter is, at the time of such arrest, in charge of any vehicle drawn by or containing any animal cruelly treated, any agent of said humane society, having been authorized by the sheriff of the county to make arrests in such cases, may take charge of such animal and of such vehicle and its contents, and the animal or animals drawing the same, and shall give notice thereof to the owner if known, and shall provide for them until their owner shall take charge of the same, and such agent shall have a lien on such animals and on said vehicle and its contents for the expense of such care and provi- sion; or fie said expense of any part thereof remain- ing unpaid may be recovered by such agent in a civil action. Sec. 3093. Expenses for care of aninwl taken. 44 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING Any officer or agent of the said humane society may lawfully take charge of any animal found abandoned, neglected or cruelly treated, and shall thereupon give notice to the owner thereof, if known, and may care and provide for such animal until the owner snail take charge of the same, and the expenses of such care and provision shall be a charge against the owner of such animal and collectible from such owner by said humane society in an action therefor. See. 3084. Further iien of Humane Society. When said humane society shall provide neglected and aban- doned animals with proper food, shelter ana care, it may detain such animals until the expense of such food, shelter and care is paid, and shall have a lien upon such animals therefor. See. 30S>5. Destruction of diseased animals. Any agent or officer of said humane society may lawfully destroy or cause to be destroyed any animal in nis cnarge when, in the judgment of such officer or agent, and by the written certificate of two reputable citi- zens called to view trie same in his presence, one of whom may be selected by the owner of said animal if he shall so request, such animal appears to be injured, disabled, diseased past recovery or unflit for any useful purpose. Sec. 30SMS. .Liens — How enforced. Any person or corporation entitled to a lien under any of the provi- sions of this chapter may enforce the same by selling the animals and other personal property upon vviiicn such lien is given, at public auction, upon giving written notice to the owner, if he be known, of the time and place of such sale, at least five days previous thereto, and by posting three notices of the time and place of such sale in three pu lie places within trie county, at least five days previous thereto; and if the owner be not known, then such notice shall be posted at least ten days previous to such sale. See. 3097. Certificate for officers and assents of Humane Society. Officers and' agents of said humane society shall be provided with a certificate by said society that they are such officers or agents, in such form as the directors of said society may choose, or with a badge bearing the name or seal of sa.d society, and shall, if requested, show such certificate or badge when acting officially. Sec. SODS. Authority of members of the Wyoming Humane Society. Any memoer of the Wyoming hu- mane Society may require the sheriff of ar.y county, the constable of any precinct, or the marshal or any policeman of any town or city, or any agent of said society authorized by the sheriff to make arrests for the violation of this chapter, to arrest any person found violating any of the provisions of this chapter, and to take possession of any animal cruelly treated in their respective counties, cities or towns, and de- liver the same to proper officers of said society, and for such service, and for all services rendered in car- rying out the provisions of this chapter such officers and agents of said society shall be allowed and paid such fees as are allowed for like services in other cases, which shall be charged as costs and reim- bursed to the society by the person convicted. Sec. 30£'». Definitions. In this chapter the word "animal" shall be held to include every living dum.j creature; the words "torture," "torment," and "cruelty" shall be held to include every act, omission or neglect whereby unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffer- ing is caused, permitted or allowed to continue when there is a reasonable remedy or relief; and the words "owner'" and "person" shall be held to include cor- porations, and the knowledge and acts of agents and employes of corporations in regard to animals trans- ported, owned, employed by or in custody of a cor- poration shall be held to be the knowledge and acts of such corporation. See. 3100. Dehornhisc eattle. Nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed so as to prohibit the dehorning of cattle. See, 3464. Protection of live stock from miuini; shafts — Penalty for failure to protect. Every person, persons, company or corporation, who have already sunk mining shafts, pits, holes, inclines, upon any mining claim, or on any mineral property, ground or premises, or who may hereafter sink such openings aforesaid, shall forthwith secure such shafts and open- ings against the injury or dest-uctiin of live stock rim ring at large upon the public domain, by securely covering such shafts and other oneniners, as aforesaid, in a manner to render them safe against the possi- Blackleg Losses Can be completely eliminated bv using BLACKLEG IMMUNO— (The Kansas Germ Free Vaccine). Superior to all other Blackleg remedies. BECAUSE — -One treatment gives permanent immunity. No chance to introduce the disease in your herd. It is absolutely Germ-Free. Being a liquid it is quickly absorbed in the system. (Worked out by our Dr. Haslam and asso- ciates at the Kansas State Agricultural College.) Send today for free book- let, "Blackleg and Its Pre- vention." Made under United States Veterinary License. Purity Biological Laboratories SIOUX CITY, IOWA Dept. C. W. J. Kennedy, Pres. & Mgr. We make good on any claims made for our goods — we refund on any purchase not absolutely satisfactory to you. There is no quibble or argument; there is no time wasted, or money lost to you. Trade here, and if we do not please you, tell us. We will satisfy you at any cost to ourselves. Agents for Black Leaf 40 Dip, Kreso Dip, Blacklegoids and depot for Big Horn Sul- phur Co. A. £. Roedel 312 W. 17 Phone 94 The Rexall Store 46 LIVE STUCK LAWS, WYOMING bility of live stock falling into them, or in any manner becoming injured or destroyed thereby; or by forth- with making a strong, secure and ample fence around such shafts and other openings aforesaid. Any per- son, persons, corporation of company that shall fail or refuse to fully comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- viction thereof, shall be liable for any damages sus- tained by injury or loss of live stock thereby. Sec. 3754. Agistors and stable keepers. Any ranchman, farmer, agistor, or herder of cattle, tavern keeper, or livery stable keeper, to whom any horses, mules, asses, cattle or sheep, shall be entrusted, for the purpose of feeding, herding, pasturing, or ranch- ing, shall have a lien upon said horses, mules, asses, cattle or sheep, for the amount that may be due, for such feeding, herding, pasturing or ranching, and shall be authorized to retain possession of such horses, mules, asses, cattle, or sheep, until the said amount is paid; Provided, That the provisions of this section shall not be construed to apply to stolen stock. Sec. 755. Stable keeper not to use animals with- out consent of owner. If any person keeping a public ranch or stable, shall use, or allow to be used, without the consent of the owner, any horse, ox, mule, or ass, that shall be left with him to be ranched, or fed, he shall forfeit to the owner, all ranch or stable fees that may be due upon such animal used, and the additional s.um of five dollars for each day such animal may have been used: to be collected in the same manner as other debts. CHAPTER 252. BREEDERS' LIENS. Sec. 771. Cn mare and co.t. The owner of a stal- lion shall have a lien upon any 'mare bred to such stallion, and also upon any colt begotten by such stallion, for the sum stipulated to be paid for such service. Sec. 3772. Form of notice. A notice of such lien shall, within six months after the day of such service, be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the mare or colt is held or pastured, or sua- ject to taxation, and said notice shall be in the fol- lowing form, to-wit: NOTICE OP BREEDER'S LIEN. The State of Wyoming County of , ss. I, being first duly sworn, upon my oath depose and say that I am the lawful owner (or duly authorized agent of the lawful owner) of (description of Stallion.) That on (or between) the day «f , A. D. 19 . . . and the day of A. D...., the services of said stallion were had upon the following described mare or mares, to-wit: That said services were rendered at the request of (for and on behalf of . . ), the lawful owner. . . of said mares: That the fee agreed upon for said service was dollars. That there is now due to from said for said services, the full and complete sum of dollars. That six months have not elapsed since the dati of such services, and claim a breeder's lien on said property for said amount. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this day of A. D. 19 . . . Notary Public. My commission expires The County Clerk, on presentation, shall ' file such instrument in his office, and index the same in the chattel mortgage index in the same manner as chattel mortgages are required to be indexed, and he shall collect therefor a fee of twenty-five cents. All breeders' lien shall be released in the same manner as chattel mortgages, and the county clerk shall collect therefor a fee of fifteen cents tor each release. If the owner of the stallion does not wish to take advantage of Sec. 3774, he may renew said lien in the same manner in which chattel mortgages are renewed, and the county clerk shall collect therefor a fee of fifteen cents for each renewal. LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING Sec. 3773. Takes precedence of all other incum- brances except for taxes. The lien herein g-iven shall be prior to and take precedence of any lien or in- cumbrance given or arising - subsequent to such ser- vice, except the lien for taxes. Sec. 774. Taking' possession by lieu holder. At any time after default of payment of such service, and within one year after sucn service, the owner of sucn lien may take possession of any mare or colt upon which lien exists in accordance with law, and sell tne same as is hereinafter provided. Sec. 377 5. Sale of property under lien. Such sale shall be made at public auction, tne lien holder first giving ten days' notice thereof in some newspaper published in the county wnere tne notice of lien is filed, and if no newspaper be published in such county, then said notice shall be posted for two weess in at least tiiree public places in the county, one of whicn shall be at the front door of the bunaing used as a court house; such notice shall describe tne animal or animals to be sold, and state the amount of money claimed to be due thereon and when the services weve rendered; the exact time and place of such sale shah also be stated. If for any good reason it shall be necessary to adjourn the sale, new notices shall be given as in the first instance required. A lien holder shall not be debarred from purchasing at sucn sale, because of his owning the lien on tne animal sold. The purchaser shall take from the person selling such mare or colt a bill of sale w T iiich shail contain the substance of the notice of sale and the date of sale and consideration therefor, and such bill of sale shall be filed in the office of the county clerk where the no- tice of lien was filed. Sec. 3776. Colt shall be sold first. In case a mare and her colt are taken under a lien, the colt shall be sold first and if the proceeds thereof are sufficient to pay the expense incurred in taking possession under the lien and the filing fee and costs of notices, then the mare shall not te sold. After deducting tne said expense from the proceeds of any sale, the residue, if any, shall be returned to the person entitled thereto. The lien herein given shall not debar any nolder of a lien from abandoning the same and recovering the. amount due him for such service, by an action at law. Sec. 3777. Consent of lien holder to sell property. Any owner of a mare, or colt, upon which a lien exists under this lhapter, who shall sell or otherwise dispose of such mare or colt before said lien expires or is sat- isfied, or who shall remove such mare or colt out of the county in which said notice of lien is filed, with intent to deprive such lien holder of his lien, or with intent to damage an innocent purchaser, without first having obtained the consent of the lien holder to such disposition or removal, shall be deemed g'ulity of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof he shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not more than three months. Sec. 4206. Company to notify owner of injury to stock. Any such corporation injuring or killing 'any live stock by running any engine, car or cars, over or against any such live stock, shall within ten days thereafter, notify the owner or owners of such live stock, so killed or injured, of the fact; Provided, That if the ownership of such stock so killed or injured, is unknown, such corporation shall file in the office of the county clerk of the county in which such live stock was so killed or injured a full description, in- cluding the number, classes and brands, of such live stock, naming the locality where such stock was so killed or injured; and such corporation shall also cause a notice of the injuring or killing of any such live stock to be immediately posted up in a conspicu- ous place on the station house or section house which is nearest to the place of killing or injuring, which notice shall specify the date and place of such injury or killing, the kind and number of animals killed or injured, the colo^- and brands or marks of such ani- mals, and the owner's name, if known. The carcass of any animal so killed shall not be buried until three days after the posting of such notice. A copy of the notice so posted shall, in all cases, be immediatelv mailed bv the section foreman to the owners of such animal, if such owner be known to him. and this notice s^ail be in addition to that named in the first part of tMs section. And any corporation failino- to comnly with the requirements of this section shall be liable to the owner or owners of such live stock, so 48 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING killed or injured, in double the amount of the damages sustained by the owner or owners of such stock, by reason of the said killing or injuring. Sec. 4207. Owner to make sworn statement of value. Any person or persons owning any live stock which shall be killed or injured snail, within six months after the said person or persons is, or are, notified of the said killing or injuring, as provided in the last preceding section, furnish the corporation having so killed or injured live stock, through its nearest agent, sworn evidence of the value of said live stock. Sec. 5832. Stealing- live stock. Whoever steals any horse, mule, sheep or neat cattle, of value, or re- ceives, buys or conceals any such horse, mule, sheep or neat cattle which have been stolen, knowing the same to have teen stolen, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be impris- oned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than ten years. Sec. 5833. Misbranding- live stock. Whoever brands or alters or defaces the brand of any horse. mule, sheep or neat cattle, of value, the property of another, with intent thereby to steal the same or to prevent the identification thereof, is guilty of a felony and shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than five years. Sec. 5834. Killing live stock. Whoever wilfully and maliciously kills any horse, mule, sheep, goat, or neat cattle, the same being the property of another, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not more than fourteen years. Sec. 5870. Injuring live stock. Whoever mali- ciously or mischievously injures in any manner any horse, jack, mure, ass, sheep, goat, neat cattle, dog or hog, of another, shall be fined in any sum not more than one hundred dollars, to which may be added im- prisonment in the county jail not more than three months. Sec 5872. Taking and using property without consent of owuer. Every person who shall unlawfully take without the consent of the owner, any horse, mare, gelding, foal or filly, ass or mule, or any buggy or other vehicle or otner personal property from the stable, lot, house, premises or pasture of another, or from a hitching post or rack, or any other place as aforesaid, having been lawfully placed there, with in- tent to set at large, injure or wrongfully use the animal or vehicle so taken, shall be guilty of crim- inal trespass, and upon conviction fined in any sum not more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a term" not more than three months, or both, and shall also be liable to the party injured in double the amount of damages sustained. Sec. 5885. Unlawful appropriation or itorse or mule on open range. Any person who shall wilfully and without the consent of the owner take possession of any horse or mule found running at large upon the open range for the purpose, or with the intent of working, riding or driving the same, where there is no intent on the part of said person to steal the same; or shall drive any horses or mules not his own, off or away from any range where the same may be found, except to the nearest corral for the purpose of separating them from horses or mules belonging to such person, and who shall nexlect, after so separat- ing the same, to drive such horses or mules back to the locality where they were found irisimediately after separating them, whenever such animals have been so driven for more than five miles, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, and not less than twenty-five dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than three months, or both. Sec. 588S. Neglect to close gates. Every person who opens and who wilfully or carelessly neglects to close gates or replace bars in fences which cross pri- vate roads, passing over lands owned or leased by any resident, citizen, company or corporation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00. Sec. 5J>82. Failure of owner to remove or bury dead animal. It shall be the duty of the owner, or person having charge of any animal which may die in this state, to remove the carcass to a distance of not less than half a mile from the nearest human habitation, or to bury it with not less than two feet Casper Oil Brokerage Company OIL SECURITIES Lynch Building Casper, Wyoming When in need of high class Hereford Bulls at Reasonable Prices Address John E. Painter & Sons, Roggen, Colo. who have the leading herd of Herefords in the West. OTTO FULSCHER, Holyoke, Colo. (Quality My Aim — Inspection Invited) Beau Aster No. 412145 heads the herd, assisted by Prince Domino No. 499611. 120 Breeding cows with quality and size. Breeder of Pure Bred Hereford Cattle SEND US YOUR HIDE FOR TANNING Ede Safety Tan makes larger robes — lighter coats. Guaranteed for life. Write for catalog. Dubuque. Iowa. St. Paul, Minn. Omaha. Nebr. Des Moines, Iowa. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. EDES ROBE TANNING CO. CHEYENNE STEAM LAUNDRY and HAWKEYE CLEANING COMPANY Parcels Post Business Solicited. Phones 20 and 21 510-518 W. 18th S t. To get Full Market Value for your HIDES, PELTS OR WOOL Communicate with CHICAGO HIDE, FUR & WOOL HOUSE "The Square Deal House" at DOUGLAS, WYOMING The Lowell Pure Bred Cattle Company Carload Lots a Specialty Registered Hereford and Shorthorn Bulls and Heifers Room 9 Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yards DENVER. COLO. The Intermountain Poultry Advocate COLORADO SPRINGS tells, you reliable information about care and management of Poultry and Pet Stock for Profit or Pleasure, mention this ad and get free sample copy. 50c a year. 50 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING of soil over it; and every person failing to remove or bury such carcass for more than forty-eight hours shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not more than one hundred dollars. And should such animal be the property or in charge of some person passing through this state, then any peace officer may (with- out warrant) detain the owner or person in charge of such animal or of the hock or herd from which it died, as soon as such owner or person shall have shown an intention not to so bury or remove said car- cass, by removing from it, or removing such liock or herd from it a distance of half a mile or more, a rea- sonable time, not more than two days, until a warrant can issue upon an information duly sworn to. * See. 5959. Cruelty to animals. Any person or persons who may be deemed guilty of over-driving or riding, except in cases of sickness or necessity, any mare, gelding, mule or ass, or other domestic animal, or by over-loading the same, or abuse by beating or otherwise punishing the above animals, whereby dam- age is done or sickness or death may ensue, the said person or persons, upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace (or any other court of justice) of this, state shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense, or imprisoned in the county jail for not less than one month, nor more than three months or both. See. 6021. Registration of false pedigrees. Ev- ery xjerson who, by false pretenses, shall obtain from any club, association, society or company for improv- ing the breed of cattle, horses, sheep, swine or other domestic animals, the registration of any animal in the herd register or other register of any such club, association, society or company, on a transfer of any such registration, and every person who shall know- ingly give a false pedigree of any animal and thereby injure or defraud any person, corporation or associa- tion shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or both.- Sec. (5040. '"Neat cattle" defined. The words "horse" and "mule" and "neat cattle," in addition to severally including the plural and singular, shall also severally include animals of both sexes and of all ages. Sec. 6177. Ownership of lie stock. In any in- dictment the description of any kind or class of neat cattle shall be deemed sufficient, if described as neat cattle, and the proof of the brand thereon shall be deemed sufficient to identify all classes of live stock, and proof of the ownership of such brand shall be prima facie evidence of the ownership of such live stock. A bill for an Act to submit to the qualified voters cf the State of Wyoming an amendment to the Consti- tution, to be known as Section Fifteen or Article Fif- teen, providing for the levying of a special tax on the live stock of the state for the purpose of raising fun'ds for stock inspection, stock protection and stock in- demnity. Jan. 31, 1917. Read first time. Referred to Com- mittee No. 2. Jan. 31, 1917. Referred to Printing Committee. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming. Sec. 1. The following constitutional amendment shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the State of Wyoming at the next general election, for their approval or rejection, and when ratified by a majority of the voters voting at said election the same shall be valid as a part of the constitution, and shall be known as Section Fifteen of Article Fifteen, to-wit: "Sec. 15. It shall be lawful for the legislature to provide for a special tax to be levied exclusively upon all the live stock of the state for the purpoes of rais- ins money to aid in stock inspection, stock protection and stock indemnity." Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 19, 1917. LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 51 INDEX TO WYOMING STOCK LAWS. bee. Agistors and Stable Keepers 3 V 54 May Not. Use Animal Without Owner's Consent 3755 Animals, Orueity to — Definitions 3099 Diseased, Destruction of 309 5 Expenses for Care 3093 Fighting Animals for Sport, Penalty 3089 Fines, .Disposition of 3090 Food May Be Furnished 3088 Humane Society Members, Authority 3098 Humane Society Officers 3091 Humane teociety Officers' Certificates. ... 3097 Liens, How Enforced 3096 Lien on Animals Seized 3092 Must Be Fed While Impounded 3087 Penalty , 30S6 Arbitrators Shall Receive Pay 201 Beef Peddler's License 1 Failure to Obtain, Penalty for 2 Breachy Animals — Damage by 2581 Notice to Owners 2582 Owner Unknown, Proceedings When 2o85 Proof and Judgment 2584 Retention of to Secure Payment 2583 Breeders' Liens — Colt Shall Be Sold First 3776 Form of Notice 3772 Holder's Consent Necessary to Sell 3777 On Mare and Colt 3771 Possession May Be Taken by 3774 Precedence of Other Incumbrances 3773 Sale of Property Under 3775 Bulls — Number Required 1 Service from Unlawfully, When 2624 Cattle — Branded Only May Be Slaughtered 2615 Dehorning 3100 Inspection of, Road Brands 2707 Inspector, How Appointed 2709 "Neat" Denned 6040 Notice Requesting Inspection 2708 Owner Shall Pay Fees 2710 Penalty for Violation 2711 Claims- Approved of. Arising from. Slaughter of Diseased Animals 200 To Be Arbitrated When Rejected by Vet- erinarian 203 Cruelty to Animals 5969 Dead Animals, Failure to Remove and Bury.. 5962 Dogs- Loss of, Measure of Damages for 2721 Made Personalty 2720 May Not Chase Cattle 1 Running Live Stock 2622 Penalty for 2623 Drover — ■ Denned _, 2611 Liability ' 2546 ' Must Brand Stock 2612 Shall Keep Stock Separated 2613 Emergency Fund — • Stock Diseases Chap. 42, 1917 Estrays; — ■ Advertising of 5 Animals That Escape from Custody 10 Definition of 1 Duty of Person Shipping 2647 Funds from Sale Kept Separate 2648 Liability for Death 2681 Lists of 2649 Payment to Owner for Estray Sold 2650 Penalty for Not Reporting 9 Penalty for Taking Up 3 Proceeds of Sale of 7 Return to Owner, Manner of 4 Sale of 6 Stallions and Jacks 2680 Taker Up Must Hold 8 Unlawful to Ship 2655 Examination of Animals — Seizure of Diseased 199 False Pedigrees, Registration of 6021 Federal Co-Operation— 52 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING Stock Diseases Chap. 100, 1917 Fences — Destroying, Penalty for 2586 Lawful, Denned - 25 < 8 Lawful, l 1 ailure to Make 258 t Partition, Maintenance of 2580 Plat of, County Surveyor Shall Pile 2592 Railroad Rights -of -Way 2593 Liaoility in Damages 25y4 Roads, on Public 2591 Unlawful, Liability for 2588 H.ay, Legal Measurement of 1 home rtMge, Unlawful to Drive from 2614 Horses and Mules — Duty of Snippers 2 712 False Certificate, Penalty 2717 Felony for Failure to Inspect 2718 Inspection Fee Paid by Owner 2719 Inspectors Shall Be Sneriffs 2714 Liability of Railroads, Penalty 2713 iv_ust he Inspected 2715 Ownership, Duty of Sheriff 2716 . Unlawful Appropriation of 588u Importation of Stock May Be Restricted 197 Inspection of Hides, Record of 3 Must Produce Record on Demand 4 Live Stock — ■ Application for Inspection 4 County Inspector, Duties 3 How Appointed 7 Term of Office — Deputy 9 Qualifications 8 Duty of Inspector 5, 11, 438 False Certificates, Bribery 6 May Not Run at Large 1 Killing of 5870 Misbranding of 58o3 Must Be Inspected Before Shipment 1 Violations 2 Ownership of 6177 Protection of 3464 Salary of Inspector 12 Saie at Auction of 2839 Shipment Suspected May Be Held 13 stealing of 5832 Live Stock Commission — Annual Meeting .2640 Appointed, How 2625 bond of Secretary 2636 Commissioner for Each Round-Up-District 2642 Compensation of Board 26o4 Duties 2639 Expense Shall Be Paid by Warrant 2646 Fees and Salaries, How Paid 2654 Incidental Expenses 2645 Inspection Fund 2643 Meetings- 2633 Number of Members 2 826 Oath of Office 2628 Officers of 2630 _ Quorum 2 632 Report Shall Be Made to Legislature 2652 Round-Up Districts 2641 Rules 263i Salary of Secretary 1 Term of Office 2627 Term of Secretary 2637 Vacancies, How Filled 2629 Live Stock, Injury to — • Company to Notify Owner- 4206 Owner Must Swear to Value 4207 Penalty 5870 Live Stock — ■ Tax on — Const. Amendment Chap. 86, 1917 Neglect to Close Gates 5888 Ov ner Defined 2579 Ownership, Branding and Ranging — ■ Brand Book, Secretary Shall Keep 2599 Disposition of Fees. 2 State Board Shall Publish 2605 Brand, Certified Copy of 2602 Evidence of Ownership 2 Unlawful for County Clerk to Record. 2603 Brand, Failure to Record Deemed Aban- donment 2605 Brand. Fee for Re-Recording 2608 Brand, Location of 2 Franrt, Mav Be Assigned or Sold 2604 Brand, May Be Sold 2609 Kreso Di (Standardized) The Dependable Dip Easy to Use — Efficient — Economical. FOR SHEEP AND ALL LIVE STOCK KILLS SHEEP TICKS, Lice, Mites, Fleas, Etc. For the treatment of Sheep Scab, Mange, Ringworm and other skin troubles. Helps the rapid healing of Shear Cuts, Scratches and Wounds. A Dip That Does the Work Without Injury to the Animal or Fleece. No burning of the Wool Fibres, no Stain- ing, no Poisoning, no Sickening. Lambs go to the mother immediately after dipping. Equally Good for AH Live Stock. A Sani- tary Protection Against Hog Cholera and Other Contagious Diseases. Blacklegoids A PROTECTION FOR CATTLE AGAINST BLACKLEG. No dose to measure. No liquid to spill. No string to rot. Just a little pill of vaccine ready to inject under the animal's skin. Write for Free Instructive Booklets. r Parke-Davis & Co. Dept. Animal Industry DETROIT MICH. 54 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING Brand, Record, Copy of, Where 2600 Brand, Recording- Fee 2601 Brand, Record of 2610 Brand, Shall Be Re-Recorded 2607 Live Stock Defined 2597 Live Stock on Open Range Shall Be Branded 2598 Property Used Without Owner's Consent. .5872 Stock Owner Defined 2596 Quarantine — ■ Expense of 206 May Be Requested 205 Scab in Sheep 2691 Proclamation, Governor May Make 2692 Sheep — - Compensation of Inspectors 2701 Imported, Must Be Dipped 2695 Infected, Unlawful to Bring Into State. . . .2693 Penalty 2694 Inspectors May Call for Assistance 2704 In Transit, Laws Governing 2696 Owners, Who Deemed s699 Action, Where Brought 2700 Scab Reports 2698 Traveling Permit- — Penalty .2697 Sheep Commission — Appointment — Qualifications 2682 Districts — Inspection 2685 Expenses of Administration 2686 Expenses of Board 2688 'May Employ Attorneys 2705 Oath — Term of Office 2683 Organization — Secretary's Bond 2684 Report to the Governor 2687 Rules 27 02 Sheep Inspectors — Oath — Bond 2689 Bond May Be Sued Upon 2690 State Veterinarian May Be Asked to Assist ' 2706 Stallions — Castrating Unlawfully, Liability for 2621 May Be Taken Up, When 2620 May Not Run at Large 2619 Stallion Registration Law Chap. 112, 1917 State, Liability Limited 204 Stock Inspectors — Appointment of 2656 Bond of 2657 Bribe, Penalty for Receiving 2659 Compensation of 2658 Reports Shall Be Made by 2662 To Be Furnished With Brand Record 2660 To Keep Record of Estrays 2661 Swine, Elk and Goats — Impounded Animals May Be Sold 2668 Notice to Owner 2665 Penalty . 2664 Running at Large Unlawful 2663 Tuberculin Test Law Chap. 77, 1917 Veterinarian — ■ Annual Report 196 Appointment — Qualification 190 Authority to Quarantine 193 Compensation 202 Diseased Animals to Be Slaughtered 194 Burning of Carcass 195 Deputy 202 Notice of Disease to — Penalty for Conceal- ment 198 Report to Governor 207 Term of Office 191 REftUIRMENTS FOR IMPORTATION OF LIVE STOCK. The shipment or movement of any live stock into the State of Wyoming from any other state, not under federal quarantine for foot-and-mouth or other dis- eases, and also from the free area of any state as in- dicated by the orders of the United States secretary of agriculture, is hereby permitted (except cattle from states hereinafter enumerated); provided all such shipments are made in strict compliance with the or- ders of the United States secretary of agriculture as far as foot-and-mouth or other diseases are concerned; and provided further, that all shipments are made in compliance with the health regulations of the State of Wyoming, as follows: Horses. Horses, mules and asses will be admitted into LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 55 the State of Wyoming from any state in the Union, when accompanied by proper health certificate. Shipments of horses, mules or asses will be al- lowed to stop in the State of Wyoming, en route from one state to another, through Wyoming, for feed, water or rest, in transit, if such shipments comply with the health regulations of the state of destination. Cattle. Neat cattle must be accompanied by a health cer- tificate. All dairy cattle and all bulls must be ac- companied by a health certificate, including the tuber- culin test. All female cattle, registered or pure-bred, over six months old, must be accompanied by health certificate, including the tuberculin test. (Bulls under six months old, health certificate.) All cattle originating in the states of New York and Wisconsin must be accompanied by FEDERAL, health certificate and tuberculin test chart. Swine, All swine imported into the State of Wyoming- must be accompanied by a certificate of health, show- ing that they are free from all infectious, contagious, or communicable swine diseases, or exposures there- to, — certifying that no swine disease has existed in the locality from which said shipment originates, within a period of six months; otherwise certificates must show that they have been immunized by the Dorset-McBride- Niles serum alone method, not more than thirty days prior to date of shipment, and dipped or sprayed in a 3% solution of cresol compound U. S. P. Railroad stock yards are considered infectious and no hogs yarded or loaded through them will be accepted into the State of Wyoming for any purpose other than im- mediate slaughter (48 hours). Hogs for immediate slaughter will be accepted into this state when ac- companied by a letter or telegraphic permit issued by the state veterinarian. Hogs which have been simultaneously treated may come into this state after the expiration of at least thirty days from time of administration of such treat- ment, and health certificate must bear notation to this effect. HOG CHOLERA SERUM. All anti hog-cholera serum sold within the State of Wyoming, or imported into the state for sale, dis- tribution or use, shall be produced under license granted by the United States Department of Agricul- ture, Bureau of Animal Industry. HOG CHOLERA VIRUS All serum manufacturers are hereby prohibited from shipping any virulent blood or hog cholera virus into the State of Wyoming, unless written permission to do so is granted by the state veterinarian. WHO MAY INSPECT OR TEST LIVE STOCK. Horses, Cattle and Swine. Federal veterinarians, state veterinarians, assist- ant state veterinarians, deputy state veterinarians and other veterinarians; provided they are graduates of veterinary schools or colleges recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry and their competence and reliability are certified to by the au- thorities in charge of live stock sanitary control work in the state of origin of shipment. HEALTH CERTIFICATES AND TEST CHARTS. All health certificates and test charts must be made within thirty days of date of stock entering state. They must be made, in triplicate; the original must be attached to waybill of shipment; the duplicate must be sent to the state veterinarian of the' state of origin of shipment; and the triplicate must be sent to the state veterinarian, Cheyenne, Wyoming, in time to reach him before the arrival of stock. Tuberculin test charts must show that at least three pre-injection temperatures were taken — two or three hours apart — and five after-injection temperatures — two hours apart — beginning- ten hours after injection of tubercu- lin. All health certificates and test charts must show- that animals are free from all infectious, contagious and communicable diseases. Official — State veterinarian, Cheyenne, Wyo. SHEEP. Send 10 days' notice to secretary state board of sheep commissioners, Cheyenne, Wyoming, inclosing 3 cents for each sheep and 25 cents for each buck. All sheep to be dipped twice at destination within 15 days after arrival in a dip prescribed or recognized by the state board of sheep commissioners for scabies. 56 LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING Who may inspect. — Federal or state inspectors. Official. — Secretary-treasurer state board of sheep commissioners, Cheyenne, Wyo. QUARANTINE PROCLAMATION To prevent the importation into the State of Wyo- ming', of dogs or other animals of the canine species, which may be infected with disease rabies. WHEREAS, The fact has been determined by the state veterinarian and he has informed me that the disease rabies is now known to exist in many of the western states to an alarming extent, and WHEREAS, There is danger of this disease being introduced into Wyoming through importations of ani- mals of the canine species: NOW, THEREFORE, Under ,the provisions of Chapter 21, Section 197, Wyoming Compiled Statutes, 1910, and for the protection of human health and the live stock interests of the State of Wyoming. IT IS ORDERED That no dogs or other animals of the canine species originating in any of tne following named States may be shipped or otherwise imported into Wyoming, while this quarantine proclamation is in effect: — THE STATES OF UTAH, NEVADA, ARIZONA, IDAHO, WASHINGTON, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. Dogs or other animals of the canine species may be shipped or otherwise imported into the State of Wyoming from all states other than the above, and from the territories and the District of Columbia, if accompanied by a statement from a state or federal health officer or any state or federal veterinarian, to the effect that the disease rabies has not existed for the past nine months within the county of origin of shipment; and also by a statement from the owner or shipper of the animal or animals that such animal or animals are to the best of their knowledge, free from disease and have been in the locality from which shipped, since birth or for a period of at least nine months, prior to date of shipment from such locality. A copy of these statements must be forwarded to the state veterinarian, Cheyenne, Wyoming. This regulation does not apply to animals for show purposes or performing animals for temporary stay in Wyoming. TO RAILROAD AND EXPRESS COMPANIES: — These regulations are adopted by authority of Chap- ter 21, Section 197, Wyoming Compiled Statutes,- 1910, which provides a penalty for violation of a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 for each offense and a further liability for any loss or damages which may be sustained by reason of the importation of such prohibited animals. This quarantine proclamation shall take effect and be in force from and after the twenty-fifth day of February, A. D. 1917, to and including the first day of April, A. D. 1918, unless sooner revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wyo- ming to be affixed at Cheyenne, this 17th day of Feb-, ruarv. A. D. 1917. (SEAL) JOHN B. KENDRICK, Governor. By the Governor: "FRANK L. HOUX, Secretary of State. Address all communications to the state veteri- narian, Cheyenne, Wyoming. STUD BOOKS AND ASSOCIATIONS Recognized by the state veterinarian, for state regis- tration of stallions and jacks used or advertised for public service in the State of Wyoming. Belgian Draft: Studbook des Cheveaux des Trait Beiges. Societe le Cheval de Trait Beiges; Chevalier G. Hynderick, secretary, Brussels, Belgium. Clydesdale: Clydesdale Horse Society of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; Archibald Mac- Neilage, secretary, 93 Hop street, Glasgow, Scotland. French Draft: Studbook des de Trait Francais. Society des Agricultures de France; Henri Jpha- net, secretary, 8 Rue d' Athenes, Paris. France. Hackney: Hackney Studbook. LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING 57 Hackney Horse Society; Frank P.- Euren, secre- tary, 12 Hanover South London, W. England. Percheron: Studtaook Percheron de Prance. La Societe Hippique Percheronne de Prance; E. Lamarie, secretary, Nogent de Rotrou, France. Shetland Pony: Shetland Pony Studbook.. Shetland Pone Studbook Society; R. W. Walker, secretary, 3 Golden Sq., Aberdeen, Scotland. Shire: Shire Horse Studbook. Shire Horse Society; J. Sloughgrove, secretary, 12 Hanover Sq., London, W. England. Suffolk: Suffolk Studbook. Suffolk Horse Society; Fred Smith, secretary, Ren- delsham, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. Thoroughbred: Australian Studbook; General Studbook. W. C. Yuille & Sons, Melbourne, Australia; Weath- erby & Sons, 6 Old Burlington street, London, W. England. Welsh Pony and Cob: Welsh Pony and Cob Studbook. The Welsh Pony and Cob Society; John R. Bache, secretary, Knighton, Randnorshire, Wales. Belgian Draft Canadian. Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Clydesdale: National. Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Hackney: Records. Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Shire': Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Suffolk: Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. Welsh Pony and Cob: Canadian National, Records; Secretary, Ottawa, Canada. The studbooks and signatures of the authorized officers of the following American Horse and Jack Pedigree Registration Associations, Societies or Com- panies: Arabian: ' Studbook of the Arabian Horse Club of America. Arabian Horse Club of America; H. K. Bush- Brown, secretary, Newburgh, N. Y. Belgian Draft: American Register of Belgian Draft Horses. American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses; J. G. O'Connor Jr., secretary, Wabash, Ind. Cleveland Bay: American Cleveland Bay Studbook. (Cleveland Bay Society of America; R. P. Stericker, secretary, Oconomowoc, Wis. French Draft: National Register of French Draft Horses. National French Draft Horse Association of Amer- ica; G. E. Stubbs, secretary, Fairfield, Iowa. Clydesdale: American Clydesdale. American Clydesdale Association; R. B. Ogilvie, secretary, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Hackney: American Hackney Studbook. American Hackney Horse Society; Gurney C. Gue, secretary, 308 W. 97th street, New York City. French Coach: French Coach Studbook. French Coach Society of America; Duncan E. Wil- lett, secretary, Maple Ave. and Harrison street, Oak Park, 111. German Coach Oldenburg: German Hanoverian and Oldenburg Coach Horse Studbook. German Hanoverian and Oldenburg Coach Horse Association of America; J. Crouch, secretary, Lafayette, Ind. r,s LIVE STOCK LAWS, WYOMING Jacks and Jennets: American Jack Stock Studbook. American Breeders' Association of Jacks and Jen- nets; J. W. Jones, secretary, Columbia, Tenn. Percheron: The American Breeders' and Importers' Percheron Register. The American Breeders' and Importers' Percheron Registry Company; John A. Forney, secretary, Plainfield, Ohio. Percheron: Percheron Studbook of America. Percheron Society of America; Wayne Dinsmore, secretary, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Percheron: Percheron Register. The Percheron Registry Company; Chas. G. Glenn, secretary, 1319 Wesley Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Shetland Pony: American Shetland Pony Club Studbook. American Shetland Pony Club; Miss Pulia M. Wade, secretary, Lafayette, Ind. Shire: American Shire Horse Studbook. American Shire Horse Association; Chas. Burgess Sr., secretary, Wenona, 111. Suffolk: American Suffolk Horse Studbook. American Suffolk Horse Association; Alexander Galbraith, secretary, DeKalb, 111. Thoroughbred : American Studbook. The Jocky Club; W. H. Rowe, registrar, 571 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Welsh Pony and Cob: Welsh Pony and Cob Studbook. The Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America; John Alexander, secretary, Aurora, 111. American Trotter: American Trotting Register. American Trotting Register Association; Wm. H. Knight, secretary, 137 South Ashland boule- vard, Chicago, 111. Morgan: American Morgan Register. American Morgan Register Association; T. B. Boyce, secretary, Middlebury, Vermont. Saddle Horse: American Saddle Horse Register. American Saddle Horse Breeders' Association; i. B. Hall, secretary, Louisville, Ky. Jacks and Jennets: Standard Jack Studbook. Standard Jack (and Jennet Registry; Wm. K. Morton, secretary, Kansas City, Mo. Dakd£J^m E r LiveStock s Ervic£ THE Livestock De- partment ol ihe Da- kota Farmer wants to be of service to you. If you are i» the market for any kind of stock, grades or pure- breds, we will locate the kind you want and the closest to you. Our live- stock representatives are constantly traveling .all over this and adjoining states and aim to keep in touch with every breeder. This service is free. Tell us what you want and we will inform you where you can buy such stock or will make the purchase for you if you desire. The Dakota Farmer is the leading livestock and farm paper of the northwest. Established in 1881 it has always kept closely in touch with conditions in its territory and maintained a service organization that made it invaluable to its readers. The subscription price is $1.00 a year. $2.00 for 3 years, $3.00 for 5 years. Sample copies gladly sent on request. Wyoming Stockman Farmer The only live stock and farm paper published in Wyoming. Every Stockman and Farmer should read it. Send in your subscription now and speak to your neighbors about it When you have anything to advertise send it to the Stockman-Farmer. Published monthly on the fifteenth of the month. 25 cents a year — 5 years $1.00. —THE— Stockman-Farmer Co. with the same conscientious care that we employ in preparing and ; standardizing "BLACK LEAF 40" 40% NICOTINE as a remedy for Cattle Scab Cattle Lice Sheep Scab Sheep Lice Sheep Tick Your Money Is Well Invested Kills the insect — not the animal. Does not stain nor injure wool. Permitted in official dippings. For sale at all cattle and sheep centers. We offer a Nicotine Dip, Uniform and Positively Effective. Write us. The Kentucky Tobacco Product Go. INCORPORATED Louisville, Kentucky I ■ : I i It PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 844 188 5