tiffiffi ■ N, 4 4 ::V': : .:: 1 II* •/ V rNTENDED TO ELUCIDATE THE CAUSES OF THE CHANGES COMING UPON ALL THE EART A T THIS p R ES ENT T I M E AMI THK NATURE OF Tin-: CALAMITIES THAI - AUK Si) KAPIIU.V A I" 1' li O A < ' II I \ ( ! BT JOSHUA, CUVIER, FRANKLIN, ETC., ETC GIVEN THROUGH A LADY, WII > WROTE " Com m uukationg from the Spirit ISTorlb." "'-further Communications from the BBforlb of Spirit?." SOLD BY D. APPLETON & COM PAW. 443 AND 44'. BROADWAY, NEW YoKK. ,-■ V Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1861, By John Mayer, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. "2. M / CONTENTS. PAGE. ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION. By Benjamin Franklin, 11 ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. By Cuvier, 19 ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. Signed, Paul the Martyr, 24 ON ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, Signed, Thomas Paine, 45 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES INTO WHICH THE SPIRITS OF MEN MUST GRAVITATE. Signed, Jesus the Christ, 74 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES, Ac- Part II. Signed, Thomas Paine, 99 ON THE STARRY HEAYENS. Signed, Joshua the Son of Nun, 125 ON THE OFFICE OF MEDIUMS. Signed, Washington, 156 ON MAN AND HIS RELATIONS. Signed, Joshua the Son of Nun, 160 SONG OF TRIUMPH. By the Inspired Penman, Isaiah, 190 A FEW REMARKS ON THE PRESENT CON- TEST, Signed, Washington, 192 PREFACE. We have, my friend-, here presented you with an- other series of Essays, carrying you on still deeper into the mysteries of spiritual life, and of man's onward and final destiny. We have laid before you much original matter for your contemplations, and shown you, plainly, the sad series of events that must be the precursors of the final happiness, peace, and holiness lie is destined to attain, at no very distant period, while on your earth- sphere. We have shown you how man can aid in bringing these desirable results to pass by his good works, and by his kindly reception of the spirits 1 teachings ; and also how he still helps, all unwittingly to himself, when he is fomenting, encouraging, and partaking in the strifes and contentions that are now so rife among you. All these tilings are subserving the purposes of the spirits, and aiding the cause of progression — the devel- opment of the human family. We shall now take our leave of you for the present ; though, probably, for only a very short time, as events will tread so closely, one upon another, that we feel sure. 6 PREFACE. before many months have elapsed, men will be looking quite as eagerly to the spirits to aid them, and to their mediums for counsel and comfort, as they now fly to arms to repair their fancied injuries. When they find that wars only bring famine, disease and death in their train, they will be quite as anxious to bring them to a termination as they have been ready to engage in them. But, alas ! it will not be quite as easy to rectify the mischief they have done as it was to do it. No one knows where an evil, once set afloat, may stop its deleterious course, nor how far and wide its ramifi- cations may extend. You people of America know not when the ball of contention vou have set in motion mf may stop rolling — when its poisonous influences may cease to act. But, happily for the whole human family, as well as your nation individually, there is an overrul- ing Power that acts for you, and that will not suffer these evils to go on longer unchecked. The world must be subdued by suffering, and the time is now at hand ; but, though many may perish off its face, by the different calamities in store for you, many will be left ; and they will be left to learn the better way — the truer light — the higher knowledge we bring. As we have explained to you, in these writings, man has a great purgation to pass through. He has to be purified, cleansed, sancti- fied ; and this will be the spirits' work. They will baptize him afresh with heavenly magnetism ; they will pour into his soul the light that shall awaken the God- principle slumbering within him ; and they will stir up every good and virtuous feeling so long lying dormant. PREFACE. 7 But wc refer you to the book itself, where you will find these things fully explained, as also the law that governs and regulates every part of creation with rela- tion to man. We trust that many will find the food they desire, in the following pages. They have been written with care and attention by the spirits controll- ing. Many have had a hand in the work, for many are anxious to help to redeem the human family— their rela- tions of earth— and. therefore, gladly contributed their aid in furthering the progress of this true spiritual knowledge among them. No particular spirit has been deputed to write par- ticular Essays, excepting in the case of the two short ones at the commencement, by Franklin and Cuvier. It was intended, when they were given, that the medium should write a short series on strictly philosophical sub- jects ; but her health gave way for a time, and when she was able to resume writing again, events were crowding so fast to their accomplishment, that the pur- port of her writings was changed, in some degree, to bring them more into accordance with the times now bearing upon you. The Essays in this book have been, each of them, the united efforts of several spirits, one taking up one part of the theme, another spirit another part, when he could bring the ideas with greater facility to the medium. She has no proof of this, excepting in the changes of hand-writing which occurred as the different influences took the control. The spirits, however, who have most generally written have been Joshua, Cuvier, 8 PREFACE. Franklin, Fox, Luther and the Apostle John. Just as the nature of the subject was more nearly in rapport with a particular spirit's magnetism, was that spirit drawn to give the influence. You will observe in the short Essay on Mediums, signed Washington, that although he commences and ends it, some other spirit takes the control in the mid- dle. Our last series of Essays were given much in the same way, though we did not think it necessary to enter into any explanation, at that time, as we had not then brought our system of communicating through this medium to so much method as we have at present. My friends, we feel sorry to bid you adieu, even for a short time. It is pleasant to us to bring you these great truths, which we trust that you will profit by. You may rest assured, my friends, we have told you no lies. A great tribulation is at hand, and men must prepare for it. The intelligence that we bring you of its na- ture and advent is not to be slighted, for it is the last warning appeal we shall make. We have shown you what you must expect from the sickness that is coming over everything, and how you may escape its effects. Therefore, be prepared, my friends. Do not act as did the people in the days of Noe. He, you know, was permitted to warn his countrymen of the calamity that threatened them, but they laughed at his exhortations to repentance ; yet, my friends, the flood did come, the people were punished. And so it ivill be now. Spirits are warning you, through mediums ; and by PREFACE, Bigns and wonders they are striving to awaken y< attention ; but you do not heed, Yon pjo on, still, in your wickedness ; and the day of retribution will 01 take you. as it did the people of Noe's day.* We have said before, that we have brought you no false statements : no highly wrought pictures. \V< have laid plainly before you the law that rules in heaven and in earth, and the consequences that n result from the continued abuse of it. Now, my friends, we take our leave, trusting that our teachings may carry a power of Holy Spirit with them into the hearts of every one who peruses what we have written ; and that they may be to them an a to shield them from danger ; and a purifying and bles- sed means of leading them to develop the beautiful flowers and fruits of their (at present) unawakened. better natures— the divine principle of Deity within them. For the circle of spirits controlling, John the Apostlk. Mat 4, 1861. * We do not wish to be misunderstood, in regard to the Flood called '•Noah's Flood." We explained, in our former writings, that this was b partial disaster, not universal ; but that does not ignore the fact of Noah and his family being saved ; nor of his repeated warnings to his wicked neighbors. Noah was a medium, and a much better per- son than his contemporaries, in that region : and he was permitted to know what was to come upon them if they continued on in their wick Such judgments have always been necessary, at times to purge the moral as well as the physical atmosphere. This great judgment that is coming upon the earth now. is the final, and by far the most important one. It will be no partial, but a thorough cleans- ing of all impurities from the whole face of nature and of man. Gko. Fox. ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION- I, Doctor Benjakim Franklin, a spirit in the fourth sphere, well acquainted with the laws that govern the movements of matter on your earth (and which laws I find take their rise, or rather originate here in the spheres above with a higher and more intelligent cause to regulate and direct them than I, as a man, or you, as men, can have the slightest idea of), am now commencing to write to you, my friends of earth, through a new medium; and we hope, conjointly, to bring to you some new truths in regard to the philoso- phy of motion, and various other themes that I shall, from time to time, select as I may sec them to be for your advantage and improvement in all knowledge. I am not, myself, so far ascended beyond your plane but that I can still take an interest in what was for- merly my chief source of delight. I yet like all subjects connected with Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astrono- my and so forth ; and I shall take great pleasure in making known to you some things I have learnt since I ascended into the spheres. My fondness for these philosophical enquiries has been, rather, a hindrance to my progression in what is called higher knowledge, and 1 still retain many of my old foibles and weaknesses, they were so connected with my pursuit of scientific subjects. But you must not under- stand, from what I say, that I am a low and undeveloped spirit, for such is not the case. I am what is termed 1.2 ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION. a philosophical spirit : and spirits with these tastes generally locate in the sphere I am now in ; that is, if they are sufficiently good, spiritually and morally, to ascend so high. It is a very happy place, my friends, and I am quite contented to remain there for a time longer, as I can* from thence, bring many new teachings to earth direct, that I should be unable to give, except at second hand, if I went higher. I am bound to help the human family, in my way, as much as the higher intelligences, and lower intelligences are determined to work for it in theirs. We are all necessary in the great field of labor that is now open for us ; and you must divest your minds of all prejudice and prepossessions about names and stations in heaven, and get all the good you can from every spirit that comes to teach and aid you. We must work, in every variety of way, to meet the minds and dispositions of the various characters we have to deal with. Some want signs and tokens — physical manifestations as you term them ; and for these the spirits near your earth are the best adapted. Others, again, want Bible teachings ; they are on the religious plane : and for them suitable manifestations are provided from higher or lower sources, as they may be developed "to receive them. Again, others want the philosophical spirits (the teachings of those who loved to look into the deepest recesses of nature and enquire into the hidden laws that govern it, while yet they remained in the mortal form), and for such en- quirers, I, and many others are always ready to make ourselves useful. We know how anxiously, yet how blindly, we strove after light ; and we sympathize with, and love to assist such enquirers as are following on the same track ; and to whom we can be of so much service if they will look to us for help. ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION. L3 This is a considerable preface to the main objeci of our work, but we wish to Have things clearly under. Btood : we w;ini all to know the position we arc in. and the dependence that may be placed on what we write. The fourth sphere is, more particularly, the abode of inquiring and enlightened minds devoted to the instruc- tion of the human family in all Learning, distinct from the wisdom thai comes direct from Deity, and which is more particularly calculated to develop the soul. Our teachings are tor the mind — the human being's • human faculties, which he has cultivated and enlarged by slow degrees, and which hewill always find pleasure in cultivating. Originating, as these faculties did in the first place, from brute instincts, they have now at- tained, in some races, to a great height of development : and we wish to bring them nil to perfection. So yon Bee all are useful in their sphere. Vmi could not become perfect and harmonious spirits without us. You might be happy, contented ; but it would not hi' highest kind of happiness. Every faculty, every endowment that Ood gives you should, by rights, have its full play — none should slumber in inaction, for all arc a part of an harmonious whole ; and the more equally they are brought into exercise the more per- tly developed is the individual possessor of them. I wish to write to you in a very simple, and easily-to- be-understood manner, my friends. I wish to clothe my ideas in the plainest and clearest language ; and while 1 may l»e telling you, perhaps, some of the highest truth- in philosophy, I would bring them in Buch a form that a child can understand mymeaning. I would also premise, further, that my amanuensis, or medium, is no great lover of philosophy ys), and quite unac- quainted with the subject upon which I have chosen to write to you. But I think, before we have done, you 14 ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION. will say that we get along very well together. She has patience, and I have learning and a thorough knowl- edge of my subject ; and I feel sure we shall give you some things, by our joint efforts, that you will very much appreciate. "The law that governs motion" shall be our first theme. You have learnt, from former Essays written through this lady, that light, heat, and motion produce worlds ; therefore, you may naturally infer that mo- tion is a very important component of matter. It is, indeed, the originator of the life-principle in all the vari- ous changes it assumes. You can see its effects in this way, now, at any time. New creations are continually being brought into existence by this power of motion. What is motion, then ? and what is the law that gov- erns it ? Can you tell me ? Can you give the slightest guess as to what causes the wonderful results that pro- ceed from this power ? I think not. Man must ascend into the spheres, or have educated spirits come to him, to tell him these things. I know what causes motion, and produces the effects that you so much wonder at. It is the force of gravitation or attraction which par- ticles of light and heat have for each other. They are all, originally, evolved from the same Divine Source — • the God-principle ; but they each have their different missions to fulfill. Light is the developer of matter or substance out of darkness ; heat condenses or expands — changes, in various ways, the materials thus produced ; and motion brings them into use and action. We have now got to explain more clearly to your comprehension, if possible, these things. Light, as you have been taught, is an emanation or essence of Deity ; it is something more than the medium through which objects may be viewed ; it is a substance in itself ; and ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION. 15 darkness is also a substance. Those two, brought into rapport with each other, develop another and denser sub- stance, partaking of the natures of both, and generating a third substance, by their contact, called heat. This latter changes again the nature of the material now in being in a tangible form, and causes, by these changes, motion in the whole. At first only a -light fermentation and excitement would be observable; then greater disturbance in the mass would be perceived, till a general rushing to and fro of the different particles would be the result, each one seeking its most congenial or attractive mate. This is a slight sketch of what we intend to enlarge on more fully. We have got the principle, the idea to you ; and now we will work it out clearly and con- cisely. ^ You must always bear in mind, my friends, that these high subjects are not to be judged by the same laws as those which obtain on your earth. Your world was developed much in the manner I am speaking of. The only difference is, that it was an off-shoot from your sun, or central luminary. The particles thrown off from that immense body of light, heat, and motion in its rapid gyrations, were abundantly sufficient to form all the planets that surround it and compose yonr uni- verse. And, in like manner, other universes were and are created. The Deity contains, within himself! the reproductive power over these things. He is Him- self, the fountain from whence the stores originate that are to become future worlds in space ■ He can form them out of His own Almighty mind; He can develop them out of the fullness of His treasury of wisdom. To say, and it were done, would be easy to the Lord ; but He prefers working by rules that we 16 ON THE PHILOSOPHY OP MOTION. can all see and appreciate, and ice do fully understand and realize how worlds are framed by Him — how every seeming impossibility can be made clear. When we say to you that motion is the attraction that particles have for each other, you naturally wish to kno^ what is the cause of this attraction ; and we say to you that this is caused by the essence, or God- principle latent in the substances evoked by light out of darkness. "When the light penetrates into the dark- ness and forms new creations, it loses its own identity to the outward seeming ; but, the essence, or thought of God still remains in the material and continues to work, though in another way, for the still further de- velopment of matter. It acts in a new form and in quite a different manner ; but it is still the thought, or mind of Deity developing higher results out of its new creations. First it separates into different stratas the various degrees of density produced ; then it tears them to pieces again and reunites them in an improved form. One change after another is produced by this power, and each one develops some advance towards perfec- tion. After the mud and slime of the . first formations had run their course, and, by this power of motion con- stantly working in them, had developed sand and even stone ; then, new changes commenced. The sand united in solid bodies ; the law of motion, or attraction held the particles in such close sympathy that they finally adhered together and began the wonderful process that, after a time, developed your beautiful earth, and everything that it bears on its surface. The Jaw of motion, then, which I hope you now under- stand, is a part of the same thought of Deity who first sent out His light and bid it work. Motion is THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION". 17 the continuous action of that thought : it has worked, and it must continue to work through every thin"-'. The granite rock, the gigantic trees, the animal, the vegetable, and the minora] worlds are all pervaded by this unseen power. It is so quiet, so imperceptible in its effects, that you are as unconscious of its presence as are the, so-called, inanimate objects around you. You do not realize that you are yourselves attracting and repelling- particles of matter from the air, the water, the earth every moment of your lives • and that thev, in like manner, attract, or repel from you. You do not realize that there is this same power at work in the stones, the rocks, the metallic substances. And yet, this law of motion, change, or attraction, is constantly going on in them as much as it is in you. It is the same in the vegetable and in the animal king- doms ; change is ever taking place. There is no ces- sation. Motion, untiring and never-ending motion is continually at work. This principle is the developer of the life-principle in men and animals ; but when the former came into existence, higher and far more valuable gifts were be- stowed with it. An immortal spirit and a soul were added to make men complete and God-like; on which Bubject we BhaU probably treat inanother Essay. At pre- sent we would confine ourselves to the consideration of the immediate object of our theme ; for we do not in- tend to crowd our teachings upon you in so hasty a manner that you will not be able to digest them. No, my friends, we want to enlighten you on this and many other points; and you must have patience with us, and try to understand what is the true meaning of what we are laboring to give you. The law of motion, then, on which we have been treating is entirely different from what you understand 18 THE PHILOSOPHY OF MOTION. when you use that term. Motion with you is the move- ment of any body caused by some extraneous power, or by the volition of the party moving. Motion, in its extended and truest sense, is the thought of Deity per- vading everything and causing the attraction of suit- able parts to their affinities, so as to produce the beau- tiful creations, the varieties of formations, and the pro- gressive development of everything on the face of the earth, from darkness up to the present glorious and wonderful manifestations of His power, as exemplified in men, plants and animals, together with all other created things. Ben. Franklin. February 5, 1861. ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. I, CuVTEB, a naturalist, living in France during a part of the last and presenl century, and devoting my time and talents to researches and discoveries in the animal kingdom, more especially, am now commissioned by the spirits, who form our scientific circle, to throw Borne light on statements made by higher intelligences, through this medium, in some of her former Essays re- specting the origin and development of man and animals from the lower creations. Men, with Buch decided tastes and pursuits as myself, naturally carry these tastes with them to another sphere, and cultivate and enlarge their knowledge on such subjects to the fullest extent. We become fdlcd, to overflowing, with light and information from the foun- tain head : and. on this account, I have been selected as the most competent to enlighten you, my friends, on this branch of science, which may be called Natural Philosophy, though the term is scarcely an appropriate one, as you will perceive when we enter into our sub- ject fully. My friends, you have had a good deal told you, and more hinted at, in the former writings of this medium, respecting the gradual progression of all things in nature ; from the first tiny forms of animal life up to man, the terminator of the ascending scale. You now know also that motion was the agent used by Deity in developing the life-principle in all these thing 20 ON NATUKAL PHILOSOPHY. By the life-principle we are not now speaking of the life of the spirit in man, but the life-principle that pre- vades the trees, the stones, the animals and men — totally distinct and separate from the immortal soul — a prin- ciple which is not destroyed by what you term death, but remains still with the body, or the tree, and goes on working, without any cessation, making other crea- tions, other forms of life from the apparently dead, but really living, body. This great principle of motion, or life, as you may more correctly term it, was the great agent used by Deity in developing His numerous creations. After He had, by His light or essence, pervaded the darkness and developed by the combination, not only a substance more dense than your atmosphere, but also heat, or electricity, He went on to form a new combination from these and produced motion, or life. The inert mass became animated by a moving power, and the work of creation went rapidly forward. Electricity and motion combined, soon worked won- ders in the state of things. More solid formations were now developed by the attracting and repelling power of these two agents ; and when, after a time, matter suitable to the work had been evolved by the va- rious combinations these powers had put it through, then higher forms of life, more delicate creations, began to make their appearance. The infant mollusca and infusoria— pigmy ancestors of all animal life — were the first grand development into existence of a new principle — a newer and more intelligent phase of the effects of motion. Hitherto it had been confined to rocks, stones, &c. Now a new organ was to be given with it — the sense of feeling was to be imperceptibly added. This gift was produced by the refining process the ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 21 elements, of which the animal was composed, had gone through. As other format ions made their appearance, some were endowed in one way, some in another, till all the organs of Bense were evoked from chaos. Hearing, Boeing, smelling and tasting were added to feeling — all evolved, or worked ont, by this mighty power of motion, bringing into existence new combinations, new forma- tions of matter continually. This intelligent principle, which our friend the Doctor told you yesterday was the form which the thought, or light, or essence of Deity assumed after it had become united with darkness and done its allotted work in developing matter, continued on its never-ceasing work of progress. It pervaded all parts of nature, it worked in all. While in one part of creation trees, roots and herbs were produced, in gradually ascending delicacy and refinement of formation, in another the rocks and Btones had changed, by its magic power, into soils, metals, minerals, as the case might be ; while still in another, the tiny and almost imperceptible life of the first animated beings had developed the fish, the ani- mal and the man. This is a wonderful subject for thought, my friends. Men are too apt to say that nature did all this — that the wonders of creation they see around them are the works of chance. But they little know the power that called them into action by wise and judicious laws, and imperceptible gradations of improvement. Nothing was originally as you see it now. Every atom in existence has progressed in the same slow and wise manner. The mind of God formed the design, originally, as it was to be; but His thought, pervading everything, works it out by slow and all 1 nit imperceptible degrees. Deity knew from the first, when lie originated yow world, the time it would take to bring Bifi creation to 22 ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. its present perfection, and how much longer it will be before the refining and developing process, man has to pass through, shall bring him to the state of harmony with Himself which He intends him finally to arrive at. Men have now, by gradual progress, ascended the intellectual plane almost to its topmost round ; but they have not cultivated, to the same extent, their spiritual faculties. Now, they must turn over a new page, in progression, and develop them; they must leave the animal instincts, passions, and tastes — the faculties of the mind also, which all originated from the same source, and find a newer and higher object of study and inquiry, namely, the spiritual part of their beings — that divine principle implanted, in each one, at his birth • and which, if he cultivate it aright, can bring him into rapport with higher intelligences, and higher knowledge, and greater teachings than all the learning and drudgery of your schools and colleges can bestow. Neither will it deprive you of any earthly wisdom, for what you now have has all been given to you from above ; but it will be the means of bringing it to } T ou in a far more simple form. "Without the labor and research that men now use, they shall find that " all these things shall be added unto them." Their intui- tions will be so correct, their spirit-communion so well established, that all kinds of teachings they may desire shall be theirs. Wisdom and knowledge shall be poured into* their souls from on high. Spirits only wait for men to seek them aright ; they wait for them to lay aside the animal and baser instincts of their natures, and develop a purity of soul and life that shall make them fit receptacles for such teachings. My friends, you must now see clearly that it is the Spirit of God, working under various forms, that really originates everything, and you individually. We may OX NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 23 give you the philosophy of the method by which Be works, but we can do no more. There is no other urce than the mind of Deity for every creation in the universe. You can analyze, as I have done, and ex- amine into the various and wonderful designs lie lias originated in His creations ; you may trace the ascend- ing process in the animal, the vegetable, or the mineral kingdoms, but you can find no other method, no other cause for their origin and subsequent progression, than this All-wise, Unseen, Unknown Deity. We do not come into any more immediate contact with Him than you do ; but, our spiritual eyes being now fully opened, we can trace, with accuracy and facility, the methods He employs to do His work. We see the workings of the laws we attempt to explain to you, and which are no longer hidden from our Bight as they are from yours ; and, therefore, we can vouch for the truth of what we give you, and which we are try- ing, so hard, to make you understand and realize, so that it may bring forth good effects in your souls ; for our coming to teach you, as we do, is only another link in the great law of progression that was first formed in the Almighty mind. Farewell, my friends ; I will return again at a future time. Cuviek. February 6th, 1861. ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. God — the Supreme Ruler, Creator, and Orderer of all things, is the fittest theme for our consideration in commencing our new labors through this medium. As He is the highest, greatest and most glorious, so He should be the first and foremost in our thoughts ; and to know and understand Deity aright should be the de- sire and aim of every one. When men begin to think at all on these spiritual subjects — these hidden mysteries, they naturally first inquire into the nature of this divine Being from whom they originate ; they try to realize something of His greatness, something of His mighty power ; but how feeble and vain are their attempts — how inadequate are their efforts ! Their tiny aspirations, and their puny conceptions are no more on a par with the glorious Being they contemplate, than is the mote to the mid-day sun. Men, in general, have no higher realization of the true nature of God, than this mote has of the sun in which it is obliterated ; and it is a bold and daring venture of ours to come to you and say that we will give you clearer views of this wondrous and unknown power ; but we come not in our own strength and might ; we come not trusting in our own knowledge ; we are filled with light from the celestial spheres, where God is more fully known, more truly realized than even with us. There He is no longer an invisible power ; there His wisdom and glory are fully displayed ; and I DIGNITY OF Tin: GOD-HEAD. 25 the bright and glorious hosts, that surround Him, dwell in Hi> fullness, revel in the lighl of his pi Sim as 11" is— they become [ike unto Eim m wis- dom : and they can come to ue and instruct as on this wondrous theme, bo thai we, also, gradually progr into Bis light, and are enabled to carry down th< nigh teachings to the hearts of those on your earth readj to receive them. I, the Father of all created thin divine ginator of all good, is a being dwelling in the Light Be, Himself, isthegreal creatorof; it emanate Him : it is a part of Himself, and wheu . thai Bpirits become like Him, we mean you to understand that they also, in consequence of their advance in spir- ituality, <-an approach this lighl ; they can dwell in it. and arc filled with the fullness of all knowledge, love and wisdom, even from the Coil-head. I, the Father of all. i al ( lod, a image a man, and yet He is an exi separate and apart of Himself. lie is possessed of, and devel in Himself, every principle <>f wisdom, every germ of knowledge, and every idea of love ami harmony. He ha- [gin of all within Him, and He can -Midi 1 . forth as 1 1 He is H Imself a grand com- bination of all t!,- i that go t<> form the whole. ! I • : -. He was, 1 1" alv • - will l"' ; but it i- alv. ■poir with Him. Your future and your pasi are one open page to His all-seeing < > with all other world-. I . not go on progressin do. The Deity is the fullness of all pro a— the embodiment of all knowledge, wisdom and love. Hen and angels may continue to advance in all thin all eternity; they may dwell in Hi light; theyn Inxurii but they can nevi 26 ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. the fountain from whence they derive their many bless- ings. Spirits may become like unto God ; but they cannot ever be God. They may dwell in His light ; they may even emulate His acts, and become, in lapse of time, equal to the task of creating a world ; but they will do it with the wisdom they derive from Him. They will still be the recipients of all they possess. They may draw largely ; but still, they must draw. The great First Cause is still the great Cause ; and to it they must apply. "Wonderful ! most wonderful ! is this great God-prin- ciple. While every thing is indebted to it for its ex- istence — while every thought of man or spirit is an emanation from it ; how little is it recognized — how little appreciated ! Nay, so far from being appreciated ; man, in his blind assumption, takes credit to himself, and thinks that he is, himself, the author of his few ideas — that he has developed them ; and that he, with them, can measure all things, even God ! We cannot do this with our superior light and knowledge, and we are far more conscious of the extent and magnitude of His works. We are permitted to see clearly the workings of His power on your terrestrial plane, and in it we realize so much more wisdom than we could have conceived of, that we are lost in wonder and ad- miration. Tke spirits of the celestial spheres see yet more clearly ; they overlook us, and read the Almighty mind in its operations on us; they can take in a wider and grander view of the divine intentions; and as they see further, they realize more fully the nature of the great Deity.* In this way only can God be ever truly known. The more elevated the being or spirit becomes, the more en- larged will be his conception of this mighty power — * This part of the Essay was written by Cuvier OX THE NATURE AXD DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAP. 21 the more he will Bee and appreciate it ; for, as men rise or develop, all that they have passed from is made dear to them, and they can see all the workings of Deity in the retrospective view they arc enabled to take. My friends, those Wise and harmonized spirits who have long cast aside all of earth and its surroundings, are now so Idled with the lighl and glory of the Deity, that they may truly lie said to lie merged in Him ; and yet, in another view they are not so ; for they are distinct and individual realities, each one possessing his own con- sciousness, his own faculties, his own tastes and disposi- tions, which influenced him in life for good, or for his pleasant pastimes. Nothing of the evil of their na- tures adheres to them, for that, being only a result of perverted good, could not remain when all is brought into harmony and divine parity. It is hard my friends, as we said before, to make you clearly comprehend what we widi to convey to you without giving Borne wrong impressions, coming aa we do, through a mortal medium ; and it is only by making you clearly understand what God really is. that we can prove to you that the things we assert are correct, accord- ing to His law-. Therefore be patient with us, and do not complain if we seem to repeat ourselves sometimes; for we must use our forces as best we can to enlighten you, and gradually evolve one idea out of another. God, having been so long looked upon as a Being, with parts and a form, must now be changed to your mind's eye. and recognized as a great originating Prin- ciple, or Cause of all. He must not be confounded with man's attributes in your conceptions of Him ; but con- sidered as the source, or originator of them. Do is the great motive power of the universes — a mighty mind — an enormous thought from whence all other 28 ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OP THE GOD-HEAD. thoughts "proceed. God is not a man ; neither is He like any created thing ; and yet He originated them all ; and sustains them from His life-giving "bosom. We fail in our attempts to convey to you an idea of this great principle of Deity, so far, so very far is He above mortal comprehension. We can only look hum- bly and gratefully up to Him and receive from Him all the blessings, all the benefits we enjoy. Why did we attempt to write to you on this all-important theme ? We ought to have known our incapacity to do it justice ; but still we did think that we could have described our great Father more gloriously than we have done. Angels and spirits bow down in humble adoration be- fore Him, and praise and glorify Him for His countless and enduring gifts, His untiring goodness, His un- failing blessings. God, the great Father, Mother, Friend — all in one-^-the originator of the countless myriads, that now bless His name, and the myriads that shall yet be brought to do so, is the great theme of their songs and the fountain from whence they draw their happiness. Let mortals also look up to the same great source for their blessings — none are too humble, too lowly to approach Him ; for He is in their midst at all times, only waiting to be inquired for. Though God's seat is in the highest heavens, His throne is also on the earth — His eye is everywhere — His ear is always open ; and the faintest cry of an awakened spirit is heard by Him. This is the way in which you, while mortal, must seek to know Him. Let your aspirations and desires go up to Him. Feel that He, being the great Father of all, pervading all space, is as near to you as He is to us, or the higher intelligences ; and that He can always aid and strengthen you in holy desires if you ask Him. This is the true way to realize the Deity — a Being that OX THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. Sffl pervades every part of Hia creations — that is accessible to all who seek Iliin aright : and yet is constantly em- ployed, forming, creating and organizing now worlds — new universes. This great God-principle never made anything amiss. All came from Him perfect in the unity and harmony of their parts ; hut, that greater happiness, greater development might be enjoyed by His creatures, they were permitted to tread the ascending scale of progress by slow, and sometimes painful degrees. In this up- hill work many had to bear the penalty of the painful conditions brought into existence by the natural develop- ments that must of necessity occur, as man was elevated from the lower animals. This apparently incongruous and unequal state of things, which, to your finite minds, appears so terrible, is r in reality, only for the develop- ment of good; it will soon pass away ; a new state of progression will displace it. Men will ascend out of all their low and depraved conditions, and. throwingaside the animal parts of their natures, what you call sin and evil will disappear from the earth. Evil, it.s<[i\ is not. The bad passions, the rude inharmonies of your natures that lead to murders, rapine and bloodshed, and all the ills under which man labors, are not the product of evil implanted in you, but the results of over-indulged passions and inclinations, good in themselves^ originally, but hurtful when carried to excess. Therefore, when they can be subdued and harmonized to their proper standard; when each one shall occupy its legitin- position assigned to it in the divine economy of crea- tion, the things you now classify as evils will cease to obtain among you ; the purposes of Deity will have been accomplished, and man, purified, strengthened and enlightened by the Bufferings he has gone through, will be able to realize and appreciate, more fully than he has 30 ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. ever yet done, the wisdom and love that ruled in his formation. Without this experience, this suffering, men would never have risen to the position they have now attained. Out of the seeming evil ? good has been evoked, and it is always so, or it would not be permit- ted. The over-indulgence of some passions and pro- pensities brought out the evil results that we have alluded to. Similar indulgence of other and higher sentiments developed the nobler and better instincts of the human being. Such irregularities must necessarily occur in all states of progression. One faculty or taste would pre- ponderate in one man, another would be the ruling passion of others. Gradually all would be brought into action. Then individuals would possess many com- bined ; they would not, in the early stages of men's development, know how to use them aright. Some would overbear and rule the others ; the weak must sub- mit to the strong, the timid to the brutal ; but, gradually, these faculties have come into more harmonious action ; and finally, when man has progressed to a still more de- veloped condition, they will all act in perfect unison, and, then, you will see the glorious results that, will follow. When men have come to this stage of development they will require little assistance in their upward pro- gress ; they will be harmonized while here, and be fitted to take their places among the glorified and redeemed when they pass to a higher and more sublimated plane. All this, my friends, is the work of the great Deity who created you. The wisdom of the Almighty mind saw the necessity of these gradual stages of advancement, and the evil to the few was permitted for a time, that great good to the whole might result hereafter ; for you must not forget our former teachings, viz., " that men are punished only in proportion to the light they OX THK NATURE AND DIGNITY OP THE GOD-HEAD. 31 hare received." As the intellect and capacity ie veloped. bo more is expected from them ; but still, when they pass away, they are their own judges. No dread- fa] devil, no scourging ingel is there to goad them in their torments ; their own consciences, the God-nature, or principle implanted in them that they have, them- selves, outraged and abased, is their only accuser. The passions they have allowed to master them while herei and which, properly guided, would have been blessings, an- their greatest tormentors. We would vindicate the justice and wisdom of the Deity in these matters : and we want you, also, to these things clearly, that you may know for yourselves in what relation you stand to God, and to your own in- dividual entities. God made all things, originally, per- fect ; that is, as far as they were developed at the com- mencement. The various changes produced in their formation-, by the laws of unceasing motion always at work, diversified the positions of the different particles of matter ami formed new combinations, perfect, too, in their way ; but still, leading the way for those other, 1 greater change- that, finally, resulted in the physi- cal sentient life of man. These new beings, when they ventured on this stage of existence, had farther benefits conferred upon them ; they were made only a lit lie lower than the angel-, as the Bible Bays, by the implant- ing in them of the soul, or seat of God — the place to which He could come and commune with Biflcreatnn ami He did come and hold communion with them, in aJJL ages, Bince man pt 1 this living principle of Deity. He has always been near, and ready to enlighten them ; and the proof of this is found in the progress man has made beyond the races he originally developed out of. God never works without an object. His aim ta to do good; and it was for this end lie endowed man with 32 ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. his soul, and so many other gifts. If God is the great fountain of thought, and love, and wisdom, has He not disseminated these blessings to all His creatures that could receive them ? Most assuredly He has. He com- menced His great works, if I may so say, with the full knowledge of the results that must follow, and with the full determination of making all happy in the end. If some suffer pam and privations, during their develop- ment, on your earth-sphere, will they not have an eter- nity of happiness in the future ? If some, are, by force of circumstances, plunged into crime, sensuality, brutish- ness, will they not, finally, overcome these enemies and be purified from all such grossnesses ? To you the the time of punishment and probation may seem long ; but compare it with the eternity of enjoyment that awaits them in the future. My friends, God works by and through His instru- ments. He, like a wise leader, plans His mode of ope- ration — forms His design in His own Almighty mind ; and then He carries out His ideas, and perfects what He plans. All work under Him — all receive guidance', instruction, advice from Him ; but you may rot see, yet, how this is effected — how so many millions of intelli- gences are directed and controlled by the one positive mind of Deity ; and I fear I can hardly make it clear to you ; for the workings of His power, as we see them, are so entirely different to anything on your earth- plane. Our whole atmosphere is pervaded with His light and knowledge ; our beings are filled with it ; we draw in, with every breath, the wisdom, love or har- mony that we need. We see the workings of these ele- ments, with which God constituted worlds on all sides of us ; we feel their action upon us, and we draw in, as we respire, spiritual sustenance. The light and elec- tricity that pervades us is a part of the God-principle <>\ THK NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THH GOD-HEAD. 88 diaeeminated among as. We are now so spiritualized, that we feel, we realize all its healing, soothing, enlight- ening effects ; and the higher we progress, the more and more plainly will ii be felt and appreciated by as, and the more lined shall we be to cany out the designs His infinite wisdom planned in regard to the human family, On every Bphere. We Bee and know that this light, that pervades us, is the healing or harmonizing principle so much wanted on your earth ; we know that if we can succeed in bringing it to you. even in small proportions al Bret, it will soften and sulidue the hard and stub- born hearts of the people. We also know, that when this Boftening process i- effected, higher light and fur- ther magnetism will be given ; and men will then be able to discriminate for themselves between good and evil. The dead conscience will be awakened, the slum- bering Deity within will be aroused, and they will raise lip their eye- ami their hands, and entreat for fart] outpourings of the Spirit of Wisdom. God, the great Father, will respond to their cry ; light will be poured down abundantly, and each one shall take all that he require We shall now enter upon another branch of our theme, viz.. the power of God as exercised in the hu- man family. God, having implanted Bimself in the BOUl of every human being, has done BQ f>r some wise purpose, lb- did not endow men with consciences, sen- sitive and tender, without Mime aim — otne object. That object was certainly not to benefit Himself— to in- crease Mi- own glory; that could not be the cause. What. then, think you. \v:i- His motive in coming into the hearts of every one of you? Love, my friend-, love of the purest, most heavenly kind : for it was made up entirely of the de-ire to render all happy, by endow; them with a portion of His own all-abounding, all-per- 34 ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. vading goodness. This soul, this part of Divinity with- in you, is your great saviour from ultimate annihilation. It can never die — never cease to be what it always was — a part of perfection or Deity. It comes to you at your birth, and it remains with you always — keeping up, by its presence, your union and sympathy with the great Father of all. Through it a connection is established with this divine principle ; a chain, invisi- ble to mortal sight, unites you with Deity ; a chord of magnetism, never broken, binds God to His creatures. This link of attachment may be unused and neglected by men for ages, even after they have passed from your sphere, but it is never severed. The time will come when they will feel the joy in its possession that ought to be its natural and universal effect ; and they will then pull upon the chains of sin that bind them down, and break their fetters. They, too, will rise to the life immortal, and realize that they are made in the like- ness of God. This indwelling principle of Deity is the originator of all human aspirations — all human desires after good. When once it is empowered to act — when once the man or woman awakes to a sense of its true nature and office, they go on progressing in the light and know- ledge of the higher spheres ; they become irradiated with the brightness of God's own Spirit while on earth ; their souls, continually stretching out unto Him, for fur- ther sustenance, are never sent away empty. More light, more wisdom is daily drawn down through the electric chord of sympathy that unites the soul to its great Father ; and blessed, indeed, is such man or such woman. While some few are thus progressing and wisely using their best privileges, how many, many are there who never think upon their souls at all ; who might, from ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. 35 the little care or anxiety they evince in the- matter, be "as the animal, without understanding.' 7 To them, so nu- merous and so lost to their best interests, we spirits are often sent to awaken their dormant natures, and to show them what they lose by neglecting to cultivate this, their highest gift. We attack them in every con- ceivable manner ; we work around them untiringly and without ceasing, and try to impress upon their minds what they lose by their neglect ; but it is hard, indeed, to convince them or arouse them from their apathy. The earthy nature obscures the heavenly, and they go on, contented, in their indifference, while their poor souls languish for their proper nourishment ; and, as it were, die out. This, however, is not the case — the soul cannot die ; but, closely buried in its shell, it bides its time when the spirit-body, having thrown off its sur- roundings, and man having no longer the power to gratify his animal passions, begins to see that there is a something beyond all this — a higher and nobler purpose for which he was created. Then the soul begins to as- sert itself — the God-principle is aroused, and shows to the poor unfortunate his many errors, his many short, comings, his indulged passions, his vile propensities that have brought him to his present wretched condition ; and places, clearly, before him his duties and obliga- tions, as they should have been performed. Pity it is, that this is so often deferred to another sphere — that man does not, while yet in the mortal form, enjoy the blessings he is lawfully entitled to, and live, while yet a man, as if in the presence of his Father, God. What benefits, what privileges might he not draw down upon himself and his offspring! A child of Deity — he neglects and disregards the tie ; he allies himself, in preference, with the lowest and most depraved of the spirit- world ! 36 ON THE NATURE AND DIGNITY OF THE GOD-HEAD. and, too frequently, drags his children and his children's children down after him. But the dignity and power of the God-head must, finally, be asserted ; the evil must have an end, and good, universal good must take its destined place. Though men may fight against the light and knowledge within them, and determine to follow out their own plans, their own inclinations, they cannot always strive with God. Limits are set that man and spirit can never pass. A period is put to their wanderings, and the beneficent hand of Deity is stretched out to save. He must recall His lost sheep — He must restore to Himself the children He has created, and ultimate happiness and peace will be their portion. The progression of the undeveloped spirits will, however, occupy a long period of time 5 cycles of ages may and will have passed before some are redeemed ; and suffering and sorrow, long and deep, will be the por- tion of many. We grieve for this, my friends. We mourn when we see men throwing away their happiness in the careless, indifferent manner too many now do. We know they do not realize the dreadful penalty they will have to pay ; but still, we cannot but think, that after all the teachings and experiences they have had, they might know better ; they might know that all the warnings and advice that have been given to them they are expected to profit by. But it does seem as though a real Satan had blinded their hearts and sealed up their understandings. While so keen and far-reaching in worldly matters, how dead and inert are they to their spiritual interests ! So that the things of the world go on well around them, they never raise their thoughts or aspirations higher. They ignore a future ; or if it ever crosses their minds, they think it o\ Tin-: KATUBJ5 AND DIONTTT OF THE GOD-HEAD, 37 may take care of itself — " sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." This, my friends, would be all very well, if this life were the only one : if death were the finale of all your schemes— your ambitions. Bui you Bee it is not so. This world is, really, only a preparatory school for all educate and develop their souls and spirits in. for a future that will never end. and that will be most materi- ally influenced for you, by the way in which you educate yourselves here lor it. K the schooling is good — if wisdom rules, and you develop wisely in all the quali- ties of your natures implanted by Clod — if you give each one its legitimate bearing — neither encouraging tins too much, or neglecting that, but employing all in their proper proportion to make yourself and your fel- low-creatures happy ; then you will be prepared to enter on a new state of being, where all the progr you have made, all the spirituality you have attained, will tell for your unspeakable happiness. You will not then require teachers to instruct you in what you could have better learned on earth — you will find no blackness of darkness to surround you — no conscience, with its painful thoughts and reproachful voice, remind- ing you of what you might have been, and might have done ; but you will be tilled with higher light, higher knowledge, from the same great source, from whence you derived the former — you will feel the union existing between you and Deity in its perfect fullness — you will repo.f this person— the Bphere of thai —tin- iufluenc I down from above, and the influences drawn up from below. T various ways in which tins universal, and until lately, unknown. <>r rather unrecognized power acts, is flection and com ersation w itih tli- 1 more advanced minds of your community. No rer like this, that pervades all space, and that ran bring Buch varied ami contradictory effects to bear <>n human beings, and, indeed, on all material objects, must i bject well worthy of your attentive i earnesi ideration : and we propose to -how you how it First, then : from whence does this power originate ? This question 1. Proi eat First < the I )( ity it is developed. M I ism i- o ill-* original elements in the construction of worlds. When told that M < tod sent His light into other way of ?aj ii Hifl magnetism, or light, penetrated the dark ind brought it inl with I 46 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. elements of heat and motion, which were generated by the contact of the light with the darkness. When this had been accomplished, it still continued to perform its allotted part in the organization and regulation of the chaotic particles that were, by its aid,- in conjunction with heat and motion, to form all the beautiful uni- verses in His boundless realms of glory. Magnetism is the life-giving element in plants and animals ; it is the spirit, or essence, of the stone and the water. Deprived of it they would be dead, inert mat- ter, incapable of change or progress. Life, or elec- tricity, is as necessary to the plant, or the stone, as to man ; they are continually undergoing new formations, new transmutations, as this vital principle works through them ; and they will continue to do so, and far higher and more beautiful developments will be evolved from the present ones ; for, as man is spiritualized and purified, all his surroundings will become proportionately exalted. He will cease to crave the coarse and heavy diet and drinks, with which he now sustains life ; and nature will be prepared to meet his necessities. Plants and animals will have progressed in refinement, in the same ratio with himself, and be ready to supply his wants. You will see, my friends, from this and some former teachings, given through this medium, that there are two very important elements constantly at work in every part of creation — motion, which produces all the various changes and diversities you are constantly witnessing, and electricity, or magnetism, which gives vitality or life to the various forms evoked into existence by the former power ; for, when we say that motion developed life, we mean you to understand that the constant fric- tion and attrition of the particles, brought into contact with each other by motion, developed the presence of a ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. 47 third party, namely, electricity. This electricity is of various degrees of refinement, according to the nature of the rabstancea that call it into their beings. It is quite different in the rocks from what it is in the plants ; and it varies very much in these latter accord- ing to their natures and comparative refinement. So it is in men and animals ; it pervades all, but it varies in each according to the individual's conformation and elevation of spirit. Now, this subtile essence, or magnetism, is so impal- pable, so refined, even in the grossest and coarsest substances, that it is vain for chemist or philosopher to attempt to detect its presence by experiments, or by his mortal vision. And why is this ? Simply because it is of the spirit, spiritual ; and it is only when the Spiritual vision is opened — when man's soul is more developed and his animal nature purified, that he will be able to test, by actual sight, the presence of this mighty force that pervades everything in creation. In the meantime, however, he is beginning to realize, very forcibly, that there is a something — a power, an agent, through which mighty works may be done. He begins to feel that, as yet, he is but a babe in knowledge ; he cannot, with all his researches, fathom this great sub- ject ; he cannot reconcile, with all his skill and all his logic, the phenomena daily presenting themselves to his notice, with the theories he has been taught. He feels, deny it as he may, that there is something yet to learn, something that will require more than man's wisdom to find out. This is a state of mind we like to induce ; it leads to wisdom. When this interest is excited, in a right feelimr person, he does not throw the matter aside with disdain or contempt, ; but quietly and persevcringly endeavors to gain some light and information upon it. 48 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. We think the time has now arrived, when sufficient curiosity and inquiry has been developed on this sub- ject, to make it desirable for spirits to give out some information that will enable the people to understand this important element of their natures better — that they may see what a power there is latent in them and in everything ; and also, how important it is that they use it aright themselves, and carefully avoid those per- sons and those influences, that may have an injurious effect upon either their bodies, or their spirits. Magnetism, or electricity, in man, is the essence of the person's own spirit ; it is formed by what he attracts to, and gives out from his own nature. It is also the essence of the mineral, the plant, the animal, and of course varies in each ; but all equally derive fresh sup- plies of this vital principle from their surroundings — from the light, the air, but more especially, from the sun. This great luminary is, indeed, the more especial generator of life and health. He blesses and he heals by his presence, and deprived of his beams man lan- guishes and fades. We do not mean you to understand that the sun and the air bring this magnetism to you. No ; they do not possess it in the same form that you do ; but they bring into contact and rapport with you, one of the com- ponent parts which, meeting the other in your system, they unite and form this essence. Unless the constant renewal and invigoration of this vital principle always goes on, man becomes infirm and weak — energy, anima- tion, life itself dies out in him. He can no longer exert either his bodily or mental faculties, and a most painful state of prostration ensues. This is one of the minor evils resulting from ignorance on this important subject, and may easily be remedied by proper attention to the OS i rv OR M LONETISlf. >f health, and by the u ■ , l \ [[ \ Ill:i Bui there are many oth< - in which magne- made an instrument, either for grei or the rei I must, however, defer what I have to j on this part of <>ur Bubject till i haw entered more fully into the aature and ose of this principle. Till to- morrow, ■ .' V7e continne onr Bnbjecl this morning in good health and harmi . < lurmedium has been refreshed and invigorated in various waj ,n, ;,, con . profit by the healthy conditions induced by •I wiili the outer air ; and still more, by the c mnnings she has enjoyed with Bpirits of a higher and more harmonized Bphere (than wo poor philosophers of earth, and of philosophy in heaven, arc yei en- ed ap m), to give our teachings more clearly i fluently, if possible. w " e fully into ire of this principle of magnetism, and also i1 We will i leavor to do 30. And first I magnetism of plants and animals is, if iv, their dispositi el hidden roe of their peculiaritie . [ts c inter ishidden deeply plant, yei it pervades it in its quality, its di In some it is noxious and unwh : | n others it :i "«l grateful to mnan organi ain, it : it is loathsome to the *bi] plant is beautiful to the . So it ' are combined in the different p] ;l ~ 1 forms as in 'l led with this sub- invisible power of i 1 p r od lltS. With the animal I .,. j t U 50 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. same. Each individual has his own peculiar magnet- ism, similar to animals of the same species, "but still, varying in quality, as the disposition of the animals might vary. This quality, so generally diffused and so important in its effects, is the action of God's thought in ;another form ; it displayed its effects, first, in producing motion ; and when this power commenced its opera- tions, then, the thought or mind of Deity went on to develop higher principles of wisdom in His formations. He did not wish to make worlds without sensation or feeling. Everything that emanates from Him must be, in some degree, impregnated with the God-principle ; and this life, this magnetism of the plant, the animal, and the man, is the result. It is the connecting link with Deity, who formed and sustains the whole of what you call animate and inanimate matter by this life- giving essence of Himself. Plants cannot use means of their own to sustain this connection with God. But by the attracting and repelling power of the principle of motion their needs are supplied, their magnetisms are Tenewed day by day. You may see the effects of a loss •of this supply in the way plants languish and die when placed in uncongenial situations. We have said that the magnetism of the plant is its disposition, and you may wonder at this expression, but it is correct ; and when you go more deeply with us into the subject you will understand our meaning more clearly. At present we must pass on to another part of our theme, viz., the magnetism of men. This is not just the same thing as the magnetism of plants ; it is, in its nature, more refined, and in its effects more ex- tended ; for, whereas, the plant cannot remove from its sphere to do good or evil, man can do both. He can disseminate, from his person, what may make the hap- piness or the misery of thousands. This force, which OX EI.KCTRTCITY OR MAGNETISM. 51 pervades him and emanates from him on all occasions, is a mighty instrument for good, or the reverse, in his hands. He lias much in his own power in regard to it. True, he may have inherited bad and unwholesome magnetism from his parents ; hut, still, education and surroundings would modify this influence, and his sphere might be brightened and improved, most mate- rially, by his own efforts. If a man is ill, does he not take medicine ? Why is this, but to purify and restore his natural equilibrium? So it is with a man's magnetism. If it is bad, or if it is diseased, let him purify and physic his soul, his immortal spirit, which is suffering from his guilt. The magnet- ism you throw off is a sure test of what you are ; it is the essence or aroma of your spirits. Let it, for your own sakes and for the sakes of your friends, your com- panions, and the world itself, be <> them : but as a general rule, it is far better to develop ir own spirits, unmixed with outside influences. The best and truest mediums we .can find, are those who have associated little with the world at large, during their development ; but quietly and patiently followed 54 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. the leadings of the spirits given by intuition to them — who have watched and waited for the promised gifts, and have aided and assisted in obtaining them by their own earnest desires and aspirations for them. Mediumship may be cultivated to almost any extent. Any one who has the earnest desire for this gift, and who is willing to submit himself to the restrictions it imposes, will soon produce that state, or condition of the bodily organs, which will enable spirits to work at will through them. But it is a state that should not be lightly entered upon. It is not to be trifled with. Once a medium, always a medium, remember ; and, therefore, should you, by self-denial, abstinence, and the various other necessary requirements, produce this changoin your physical temperament, take care that you use it wisely and well. Do not debase or contaminate your mediumship to unholy purposes. Let your con- stant aspirations go forth for true wisdom, true teach- ings ; for, if you profane your great privilege to any low and improper purposes, you will draw around you a class of spirits that will, indeed, make "your last state worse than the first." Having once drawn spirits into such close rapport with you, as mediums necessarily do, you are an open vessel for any to fill ; and, if you know anything of spiritual teachings, you must be aware that where bad passions or tempers rule, there low spirits will be drawn. My friends, I do not advise all, indis- criminately, to cultivate this gift. In the present state of man/s development it would lead to great confusion, and a very unpleasant state of affairs among you ; but I will tell you for your comfort, and to encourage you in well-doing, that as the world advances in morality and self-knowledge, this faculty will be a part of your being — men will be born mediums as some few are now ; and the cause of this will be the improvement that OX BLECTBICITY OB MAGNETISM. 56 will have taken place in the moral and spiritual stand- ard of the human family. They will have gradually and quietly progressed from tin 4 animal on to the spiritual plane ; and refinement and purity will bring them into constant rapport with their. unseen friends in Bpirit-life. We have entered fully into this subject that you may understand it perfectly ; it is a part of our theme, though we may seem to have gone on a little too fast ; but we will now return to our more immediate subject. Wo have said, in the former part of our Essay, that plants and trees, stones and minerals, animals and rep- tiles, in met the whole earth and all that it contains, are pervaded by this life-principle. We think perhaps it may be as well to tell you how it acts in some in- stances. It is no novel idea to assert that plants and trees have dispositions, likings and dislikings. That they can be improved and developed into new beauty and usefulness, by proper cultivation and training, you all know ; but do you know why it is that one thing flourishes where another would decay? You may say. because the soil is unsuited to its nature. True : so it is ; but what constitutes its nature? Is it not its dis- position ? It likes and dislikes, as palpably as you do ; it flourishes and blooms in congenial surroundings ; it withers and decays when placed in unhealthy places. What causes this ? The essence or life that it sends forth to draw in its congenial magnetism cannot find its affinity, and the plant fades. This is carried on in precisely the same manner as is the working of your own spiritual development, only that in the plant it is a fixed law or principle, from which it cannot deviate. It mud send forth it3 aspirations while man is a free agent. The consequence of this is, that man has ne- glected to work for his development in the same orderly manner that the plants and animals do ; and, by this 56 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. neglect, he has disarranged and disturbed the equi- librium that should be observed in all things, according to the wise regulations of the Creator. By this disturb- ance he has generated noxious and hurtful gases on the earth. He has injured the qualities of the soil, the fruits, the roots — everything in nature, during this long period of man's progression, has been more or less hurt by his delinquencies. The injury he has done, by the bad magnetism he has generated, has told upon the qualities and dispositions of animals, birds and fishes. The extent to which we can carry your researches on this subject is truly wonderful ; and yet, when ex- plained, all seems simple and natural, and you are sur- prised that you never thought of these things before. It is a received and fixed fact, I may say, in all your minds, that lions, tigers and bears — eagles, vultures and sharks — serpents, toads, etc. — were all developed, ori- ginally, with the vile and ferocious dispositions they now possess — that they were, from the first, the ene- mies of man ; and it has often puzzled the brains of philosophers and philanthropists to account for such destructive and useless creatures being permitted. My friends, the first living denizens of your sphere were not of this character. They were mild and inof- fensive in their temperament - they did not prey upon one another. You have the remains now of some ani- mals of a former era — large, gigantic in their propor- tions — adapted to the nature of the herbage and con- dition of matter upon the earth at the time they lived ; but they were not carniverous ; they had not fiery pas- sions in proportion to their bulk. They were simple and unoffending in their dispositions ; their food was the abundant and gigantic herbage prepared for them ; and, having fulfilled their part in the development of the world, by their huge masticating and digestive ON ELECTRICITY OR HAGNETISM, 57 power? refining vegetation and the magnetism of its sur- roundings, they disappeared, to be succeeded by ani- mals more suited to the then condition of the earth's development. When man, the last in order, appeared, he was not greeted by the roars of devouring lions, or the cries of hungry wolves ! Animals there were, in plenty, of these scriptions ; but their natures were entirely different • they were not carnivorous ; they were not ferocious! Beautiful, playful, lively, easy to be controlled, they knew not of the evil passions that now deform their natures. Man owes a heavy debt to the poor world and its inhabitants for the evil he has caused to them. AVe must carry you back to a far more remote period than you have any idea of, to show you when and how this evil commenced to work. As we said before, when man became a sentient being,hc was left, comparatively, a free agent ; he could do as he liked. With animals and plants, this was not so. They were under a law of magnetism, as we may say, that necessitated them to do thus and so. Previous to man's advent among them, this law had always worked in regular order— undisturbed by any outside influences. Each animal and each plant found the congenial food provided for it that harmonized with ite being, and assimilated with its magnetism. But when men had developed (and the first races. 1 would say. were large, uncouth, and very hairy), they— feeling this power of soul, or spirit within them, giving them new ideas, new feelings— were intoxicated, as it were, with the possession, and knew not how to control themselves aright They lorded and domineered over the brute creation ; they indulged in animal excesses ; they allowed the instincts, now become faculties, to rule them ; they killed and they destroyed, without remorse, 58 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. the innocent denizens of the forest ; and, in process of time generated, by their over-indulged passions, a mag- netism that was fatal to the animal and vegetable king- doms. All this did not take place in one century, or in many ; but in long process of years. Gradually the poisonous magnetism, inhaled by the animals, told upon them ; new passions, new tastes were originated ; the stately, intelligent, and at the same time gentle and playful lion became a man-hater — a man-eater ! So with the other savage animals. You will say, why did not all change ? why did not all suffer ? They did suffer, to some extent ; and they continue to do so now. But the reason why all did not deteriorate in the same ratio, was the difference of the life-principle implanted in them, which drew a dif- ferent material from their surroundings. Some were of more positive and determined characters ; and these would, of course, suffer more than the milder and more phlegmatic temperaments ; but all felt, and still feel, the influence of man's corruption in the varied ills it has engendered for them. The air was the first thing to suffer by man's errors ; and this containing such a large amount of the life- principle from which animals and vegetables draw their magnetism, its deleterious effects were soon visible in the changed natures of the plants, and the dispositions of the animals. Gradually as all these things work, a time came when all were literally cursed for man's sake. Instead of the ground yielding her increase spontane- ously, and only producing such things as were benefi- cial, labor and toil were necessary in many regions ; and in those countries where a more luxurious vegeta- tion prevailed, it was so mixed with poisonous and deadly herbs and fruits, that man feared to use the bounties provided for him. Thorns and thistles are ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. 59 now the spontaneous growth of the soil in many coun- tries ; in others, poisonous and deadly roots and fruits ; while in the animal kingdom, fierce passions were en- gendered by the magnetism of the polluted atmosphere, and God's creatures learned to destroy and prey upon each other. Fishes and birds participated in the injury, and all animated life became timid and fearful of man, whom their instincts told them to slum. The earth itself, during the long period of years that has elapsed since man appeared upon it, has gradually imbibed more and more of this magnetism, and is now, inconsequence, surrounded by dense darkness to the spirit eye. This extends to some distance beyond your atmosphere; and in that darkness the spirits of those who, when on earth, neglected to improve their opportunities and develop their spiritual natures, are enclosed, as in a net, and cannot escape unless light is brought to them. I know that many very pertinent objections will be raised to the theory we have advanced ; but, my friends, you must remember that we see that which we assert. We realize, by actual inspection, how these things have been worked out ; and the divine Mind saw it from the beginning, and sees also how all shall be made right again, even to human comprehension. You may say that " man could not have produced these wide-spread disasters ; for you know that animals and birds of prey are formed, by divine Wisdom, with such organizations, such weapons of strength in their claws and their teeth, that they were always intended, that is self-evident, to prey on each other, or on animal life." To your finite minds, and merely worldly knowledge, this may appear true ; but have you never reflected that organs arc de- veloped as the necessity for them occurs? that they are also modified, changed, or gradually die out, in the organization when they have been idle for several gen- 60 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. erations ? When the passions of the lion, for instance, were stimulated by the exciting magnetism he generated from the impure atmosphere, different feelings were aroused, gradually. Just as slowly as organs, or facul- ties neglected fall into desuetude, just so slowly do fresh ones originate. There is no hurry, no confusion in nature's laws. A wise and just power rules and regu- lates. The lion (for we will return to him) did not, for many ages, become a carniverous animal. Gradually he became ferocious, quarrelsome — he essayed his strength, in battle, with other animals likewise suffering under increasing discords generating in their systems. The lion found his strength enabled him to conquer most of his opponents. Sometime or other, wounds were in- flicted — the lion tasted blood ; it was agreeable to his inflamed passions at the time, and he returned again to the indulgence at a future opportunity. The taste was created, and fanned into more decisive liking by the never-ceasing, always-increasing bad magnetism he was imbibing from man. Now, my friends, having shown you the injury man has caused to the animal and vegetable kingdoms, by his ignorance and self-indulgence, let me carry your ideas a little further, and point out to you how the evil has reverted to himself, and how Jw, who caused the disease, must supply the remedy. The bad passions, appetites and dispositions he indulged in at first, and which changed the face of the earth, have now produced so much that is injurious to the growth and development of nature, that it is constantly showing its effects in blights, rots and tornadoes. Your lands are threat- ened with famine, your people with sickness. The sea- sons are changing, the whole earth is in commotion. The animals placed upon it by the All-wise, for man's gratification and pleasure, have many of them long been OX ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. Gl a terror to him. The very passions in them, which he has been the means of evoking into existence by his misguided conduct, arc become a torment and a terror to himself; and he tlees before the creatures that should be his innocent and beautiful sources of recreation. Storms and tempests by sea and land disfigure and de- stroy the face of nature. Discord and contention among the peoples — discord and contention among the ele- ments — rule. Instead of peace, harmony, and love reigning among yon, wars, riot and bloodshed are in the ascendency — desire for wealth and station are the high- aims of the most elevated, while lower and more debasing passions rule the multitudes. In this awful state of things, man must be his own saviour j lie must in himself find the remedy for the dis- eases he lias engendered. As he had within him the power to do so much wrong, so he has the power to do proportionate good. Seeing that he generates in his own body what he throws off — seeing that it is poison- ous or otherwise, according to his life and conduct — can- not he see also, that by improving his conduct, devel- oping his soul, purifying his spirit, elevating his moral- ity, checking his inordinate desires, and showing love, kindness ami good-will to all men, he will bring forth flowers of tip' spirit that will, by their sweet aroma. ir love-distilling essence, purify and brighten this dark atmosphere of sin that surrounds him? Truly. my friends, this is the only way in which your earth can be redeemed. This is the only way in which man Can rectify tie 1 wrongs done by him, in all ages, to the things committed to his charge. In this manner, and in this only, will the bad passions of the animals, the poisonous natures of plants and serpents, the noxious the foetid atmosphere, and the disgusting insect, or, rather, vermin tribes generated by tilth and un- 62 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. cleanness, be exterminated from your earth. Time will be required to work this change. It will not be accom- plished in one century, or in two. But let a beginning commence. Let a start in the right direction be made, and a change for the better will soon be perceptible. Men must work, each one for hims*elf, boldly and fear- lessly, no matter what opposition or opprobrium may be cast upon him by the ignorant or prejudiced ; and he will not be unaided ; for the spirits who have passed from your sphere, and who now see so clearly the injus- tice and oppression that rules there, and who were themselves participators in the wrongs committed, are banded together to assist men in their great work. They will aid them all in their power, and thej will strengthen and support them " in the day of their ca- lamity, when great fear cometh." For, my friends, it is no idle tale we have been telling you of the state of your planet ; it is, really, in that lamentable condition when, surfeited to repletion with the bad magnetism engendered by men's vices, it can no longer perform its allotted work as formerly ; and various and distressing calamities will be the consequence. Famine and pesti- lence will be added to the horrors of war and civil com- motions ; and they who refuse to listen to our warning voice now, and to take heed to their ways, will be awak- ened to a sense of their condition by a far more pain- ful process. We have, however, said enough on' this subject, and pass on to the effects of magnetism in the spheres, where those who have left your planet now locate. Till to-morrow, vale ! We are now entering on a branch of our subject quite as important to you, my friends, as our former division; viz.: "The uses and adaptations of magnetism in spirit-life." Man passes from this sphere to live again. He carries with him to his next abode the dispositions, OX ELECTRICITY OR MACXETISM. 63 the passions, the appetites he bae cultivated in this. Those dispositions form his magnetism, Ids robes, as it were, in which the spirit, divested of its mortal cover- ing, clothes itself for immortality. Just as he has de- veloped himself, while here, in holiness, purity and love —just in proportion as he has cultivated true wisdom, true knowledge— just so much and no more, does he at- tract to himself the beautiful element of magnetism of which those virtues are composed. The different vir- tues and aspirations are represented by the different colors of this subtile essence— this thought, or emana- tion from the Deity. And man is bright, in spirit, and bright in his spiritual habiliments, exactly in proportion to his progression in holiness— his nearness to tho Divin- ity in his thoughts and feelings. This is a grand and ele- vating thought, my friends. Pause over it, and consider well if you are carrying out this development of your spirits ; if you are attracting to you this pore and holy magnetism of your heavenly Father. You may safely question and examine yourselves ; for you will find when you pass away from this earth, no secrets of your true condition can be hidden. Your spirit, divested of its clayey covering, will be open to the inspection of all. Your good, or your evil passions will be revealed to every eye. Your magnetism will tell, precisely, what you are, and where you are the most fitted to locate. Spirits do not require language to tell them. Thcv can see, by your appearance, what are your feelings— your desires; and to that sphere where such desires— such feelings rule, there you must, of necessity, gravitate. When highly developed and purified spirits pass away from their bodies, their spirit-form is already in exist- ence ; they have developed or created it while here, by their aspirations, and purifications of their mortal tene- ment. The soul, or essence, of the Deity, implanted in 64 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. each one at his birth, quietly possesses itself of its new mansion, and clothes itself in raiment bright and lovely as its thoughts. This raiment is, as I said, formed from the rays of the magnetism it attracts to itself by its aspirations, and varies in different individuals, just in proportion as they are more attracted to one virtue or to another. Exactly as they are, so they receive it ; for the different colors are formed by something within themselves, brought into rapport with what it attracts from the atmosphere around them. Now, my friends, you see from this, that there can be no concealment, no disguise wkh us. No spirit can make himself better, or worse, than he is at the time being. Truth reigns supreme among us ; for all is open and unveiled to the sight. But if this is the case among the higher spirits ; if every secret thought is revealed, how must this law affect the lower spheres ? How must it act among those poor undeveloped ones who would hide every thought of their hearts if it were possible. This part of our subject is a sad and gloomy one ; but we must take you, for a time, into those lower regions where dwell the murderers,. the adulterers, the defrauders and the midnight robbers. We must show you some- thing of their state, that we may awaken, in some of you, feelings of pity for them, and compunction that this sad state of things has been, induced, upon your earth, by the misdirected, misapplied passions and talents of men. The lowest spheres are filled with those who have indulged their animal and debased passions, to the exclusion of all good. They have been, generally, besotted in their crimes, impervious to the light and teachings of the spirit ; and, consequently, the magnet- ism they draw around them is dark and unpleasant, in ON ELECTRICITY OR MA<;XKTI>M. G5 proportion to tin W darkness. No light from Deity can reach them. The only connecting link is the soul, con- fined in its dark prison-house of sin, and unable, for the present at Least, to get any help to draw it up to light again. These miserable wretches, living, existing in this atmosphere generated of hate, lasciviousncss. murders, blasphemy and all uncleanness. are still under the dominion of the passions that formed it, and which continue to develop it. They are still the same in heart and feeling ; but there are no tangible bodies there for them to work their spite and malice upon. They may quarrel, threaten and revile each other, but they are impotent for further mischief. What a state is theirs ! What a hell must be their feelings ! For, when sunk so low, they still delight in indulging their evil passions, although they find no vent for them. My friends, this is the lowest state of a degraded spirit — loving evil, for evil's sake — delighting in the misery they would cause, if they could. What a society to dwell in ! What an abode for the pure spi- ritual part implanted in them by their heavenly Fa- ther ! It is long before remorse stirs in such bosoms ; it is the first step in progression when this feeling is awakened. When they realize what they are, and that what they do is sinful, they may be said to enter another sphere — not much happier, my friends, but more hope- ful. When their consciences arc once aroused, they see plainly pictured before them what they Jxi.ve been, what they arc — light first comes to them in this way — they know themselves. This is a very great and important step. Sorrow and Buffering is their portion — self-correc- tion, self-improvement their hard task; and often this is retarded by the gibes and sneers of their late B£ ciates, from whom they are not yet sufficiently removed to be freed from such attacks ; but still, the first effort 66 ON ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. has been made ; the first step in progression taken ; and, after this, there is more hope, more courage to persevere. Gradually, the hill of progress is ascended. Gra- dually, they leave behind thein, or rather develop out of one bad passion, one unholy disposition after another. Each one conquered makes the light clearer to see the next one by. A concatenation, or chain of evil passions has bound them in their low estate ; but the chain once broken, link by link is torn out of their hearts ; and, through much suffering and tribulation they gradually rise to higher and brighter spheres. This is but a short account of the way in which the light is brought to these poor spirits ; for the action of the magnetism is different, as the different dispositions, tastes, and follies of the individual. But each one must rise by his own efforts ; his own awakened soul is the great motor-power that leads to his cure. When once that can be stirred into action, then there is hope of that man's condition, and then it is that some little assistance can be rendered by higher spirits. The feeble aspirations it first sends out never pass unre- garded. It is very difficult, nay, sometimes impossible, for the higher spirits to respond to his cry at once, in consequence of the dense darkness that surrounds his sphere ; but let him only persevere, and ways will be found to reach him, after a time. His desires will make the way plainer ; and God's messengers of mercy are always ready to take advantage of any open- ing that may offer. These poor, unhappy spirits, while in this state of progression, developing, but yet bound by many chains of sin, are the ones who most frequently approach your earth, and influence, for good or evil, as the case may be, the mortals with whom they come in contact. We OX ELECTRICITY OR MAGNETISM. 67 have told you before that low spirits arc drawn to the earth, itself, by its magnetism. Now, you can under- stand how this is, and why the earth has this attraction for them. But, for Tear that sonic of TOU may not. have read our Essay r irit'a lit*'- after it has passed into the spheres of pi- •!. We ''an tell you l.ut little on this sub- ject. Every spirit has its own individual tastes and inclinations; and, to an} extent la 1 can gratify them— always remembering, however, that in proportion a- he I, so will his jpirations be, in a like ratio, elevated also. In some spheres dwell those who love t«> cultivate till the soil, who delighted in its natural beauties, its iteful products ; and, as long as these are their great- est pleasures, bo long can they attract to themselves the means of gratifying them. You know the earth i- com- •d of matter formed, originally, from the magnetism, or thought of Deity acting through space and develop- ing motion, light, heat ; these were the original compo- nents by which your universe came into being; therefore, you need feel no surprise, no hesitation, in believing that this magnetism, or (nought, or essence of Deity, can act in a Mill more perfect and (to you) inexplicable manner, on higher spheres, where it is 30 much more pure, much more refined, than it i< on your Lower Bphere. Tin*-; magnetism, my friends, pervades all Bpace j and from it spirits can draw to them whatever they desire, fields, houses, horses, dogs, they can have them. The magnetism of their own thoughts goes forth into the sp and them and develops what they as- pire after; for you must not forget that they gravitate, wend to that sphere, that plane, that peculiar m, tk, that h most agreeable that is their affinity, and from whence it naturally results, t ; what they affect, or desire most, can be drawn. Do you understand this? I fear not, and jei we h. • it * 88 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. very plainly. Man lives in the spheres with all his tastes and fancies. If he could not gratify them it would be no happiness to him to be there. Now, you know, that after he has purified his spirit, in the sphere of remorse, and can begin to rise, he is, so to speak, happy. He may have dark moments of regret and sorrow — the dark spot on his soul may still be seen ; but still, he is capable of considerable enjoyment, and this, to be, really, enjoyment, must accord with his natural taste. So, as I said, if his pleasure consists in cultivating science, art, nature, or the development of his soul, he will be placed in a condition, or sphere of magnetism, in which he will find everything congenial to pursue his work. Should his pursuits be numerous, varied, opposite to each other, there is no difficulty ; the means are always at hand, and from this same power they are derived. But after we have said all, and explained all to your satisfaction, you must still look up to Deity, as the great Giver of everything you receive. It is the thought of God that meets your wishes, your thoughts— and gives you all. My friends, I might multiply to you examples as to how this power of magnetism works ; but it is our aim to give you the principle on which it acts in, and through, all things ; and then leave you to apply it to the various accounts of spirit-life and spirit experience you have received through different trust-worthy mediums. Often their descriptions and opinions have conflicted— often disputes and contentions have arisen on these subjects, in consequence of the mediums having been shown different, but equally true, phases of spirit- life ; and they, not understanding the laws that rule in these things, believed that there was truth only in what they saw themselves. Now, my friends, in so new a study — so new a science as spiritualism may be called, ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 89 it is better not to assert or deny anything too positively. Let each one have a candid hearing, and a quiet and sensible examination, when he or she asserts that things they see are entirely different to what arc seen by another. Both may be, undoubtedly, right ; both might, and doubtless did see what they described ; but their minds were probably of different orders, or their iiie- diumistic powers of a different kind, or the spirits who controlled were on a different mission, or were them- selves, perhaps, of different classes or spheres ; and any one of these, and other conditions we might name, would cause a difference in the scenes, in spirit-life, presented to the mediums' vision. There have been many arguments and controversies, lately, as regards the existence of animals in the spheres. Now, my friends, this is all idle nonsense. If you had generously confided in some of your most trust-worthy and enlightened-seeing mediums, you could not have doubted this fact. To many, heaven would not be heaven, without them. They are beautiful, innocent creatures intended to conduce to the happiness of man ; and how many are there who would, on their entrance into another state, regret their absence. How would the Indian of your continent enjoy his hunting-grounds were he deprived of the animals that contributed to his gratification while on earth ? Indians do not always require them ; they rise above these tastes by degrees. Sc; do men of more cultivated natures ; but till they do feel a desire for higher pleasures, or rather till this taste dies out (for it can be combined with higher pursuits) they will be enabled to enjoy it. So with any other passion that reigns in the human breast, all can be in- dulged in ; but according as they are elevated, or the reverse, does the spirit rise into higher and purer spheres. 90 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. I would like to make this subject clearer to you, if possible. I would like to show you how this wonderful power of magnetism works through all creations, so that you could realize for yourselves, how such things can be, but language fails me. I may say, however, before leaving the subject, that the spirit, or life-princi- ple of the animals who die on your earth, does not re- main there. That infinitessimal portion of Deity ascends into the next higher sphere, and there combines with and forms the atmosphere, or magnetism from which the spirits draw the animals they wish to possess. Thus, you see, all things work together in this same beautiful harmony, and regular order. The horses, the dogs, every being that has ever existed possesses, though perhaps only in the most minute proportion, a particle of the Deity ; and this must ascend again ; it cannot remain buried in the earth ; it goes upwards, not downwards ; it passes into the sphere of magnetism which contains the elements appropriate to the forma- tion, or development of similar, but spiritualized crea- tions ; and after being called into being, as horses, dogs, etc., in another sphere ; their particles being still more sublimated by the man or woman's spirit who has called them into existence again, when no longer needed, die, as it were, to mix with a still higher condition of magnetism. The magnetism, of which the animal was formed, cannot again be developed into the same class of animals ; it will appear next in a higher stage $f matter, or magnetism ; for magnetism is, as you now see, the matter, or substance of which the heavens are composed. We have opened for you, this morning, a wide field of thought, my friends. Many things may now be made plain to you, if you will examine them through the lights we are bringing to you. ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 01 Gradually, bul rarely, spirits work, wlio come to the earth to teach men these hitherto unknown mysteries. Soon all will be made clear to the far-reaching mind of the enlightened man. lie will sector himself, com- paring spiritual things with spiritual, how wisely, how beautifully, how grandly was the plan laid, the design conceived, of bringing worlds and peoples into being; and. while endowing them with every gift— every bh ing accessary to produce their happiness and enjoyment — allowing them to choose the evil and resist the good — to follow their own devices to the uttermost bound-;, and then, waking up in them the God-spirit again, by ways and mean- they knew not — bringing them to a >f their true state, their true position, and puri- fying and redeeming them from the quagmires and iilth into which they had fallen, carrying them triumphantly upward on the ascending plane of progress ; till, all tlnar iniquities having been cast aside— their garments washed— their Bpirits purified and their souls raised to an exalted and ennobled condition, they shall be en- abled to pass from earth to heaven, and scarcely know the change. Earth, BO corrupt— so fallen— so degraded by the sins of her peoples Bhall, once more, raise her head in reno- vated beauty. Her animals, her plants, her flowers, her fruits. Bhall be spiritualized and purified. Men and maidens .-hall walk as angels among them, and there shall he no discords, contentions, famines, pesti- lences or battles — all shall be peace, harmony, love, joy and rejoicing. This sphere shall only be the prelude to another and a higher, " and they shall not hurt, or destroy in all my holy mountain." This earth is tin' mountain spoken of by the prophet. Long ago as Isaiah lived was this state of harmony and bliss foretold. Jt is coming — it is rapidly coming now. 92 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. Men and angels will work for it ; spirits and mortals will unite, and then who can resist them ? Shall the wicked tempers and dispositions of men or spirits op- pose us ? They may try, but they cannot succeed. A band is coming — is come — is now at hand — against whose resistless might mortals will strive in vain. The power they bring is from the Highest ; and it will be manifested in such a way as to strike terror into the souls of the guilty. My friends, we would not leave you in this abrupt manner, but our medium is tired. Perhaps we may be enabled to continue this subject to- morrow ; and, if so, we will show something further of the workings of this spirit-power that is now hovering over you. Men and angels are banded together, we have said, to effect this mighty change upon your earth. Every man, woman, or child even, who is striving now for the benefit and redemption of his species from their sins and vices — the miseries and degradations with which they are bound — is our agent, our assistant. The inspi- ration to work comes from on high ; and though it shows itself in many diversified forms, that is caused only, by the workings of our spirit-power, adapting it- self to the various organizations and individualities with which it is brought into contact. Many, who have no idea of spirit-communion, are our most powerful agents. We work on every passion — we touch on every string. Further and further are we penetrating into the minds of the peoples. Much longer the light cannot be re- sisted ; the instinctive fear in the hearts of the guilty, the holy aspirations in the minds of the more elevated, are equally appealed to by our unseen efforts, and a univer- sal feeling of a near approaching change is expressed by many — felt by all, in the more enlightened nations. This power of the spirit, which men have laughed at ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 93 ninl derided, will be found an engine of terror to the guilty sinner. He will flee from the faces of his fellow- men, when he finds hia crimes branded on his forehead by unmistakable signs which all may read. Or, if a different feeling is aroused in him — if remorse takes the place of bravado and fear — will he not repent and reform ? Sin. my friends, cannot much longer remain hidden as it has (lone. As spiritualism prevails — as a right and purifying spirit-influence comes to you more fully and more generally — the minds prepared to receive it will be BO elevated, sublimatcd'by its power, that they will detect your most hidden, most secret transgressions. To some extent this faculty is possessed even now. Mediums can be taken, in spirit, to your houses, to your most secret resorts, and shown how crime works among i. They can be made to sec the secret inharmonies in your family circles — the secret guilt of the husband, or the transgressions of the wife. If it is thought ne- isary, your whole domestic as well as public life can be laid out as a map before them. This power has not •u used much hitherto, excepting in cases where it has been important to show mediums or relatives the sad ^tate of things existing, that they may be prepared to act Without fear in the work of reform they have to do. Again, mediums are often shown the condition of a person's sphere . that Is, the state his mind and body are in at the time he conies to them. This, I may say, h very frequently the case now ; but soon it will be iera] — universal. No outside gloss will deceive the unwary. Soul will read soul, and mind mind, almost without the intervention of words. The good and pure will then be able to choose, for themselves, sur- roundings in accordance with their tastes. The vicious 94 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. must quit their vicious practices — their low pursuits. The miser must expand his soul, and share of his abun- dance liberally. All will see themselves as others see them ; they will learn their true estimate — their true position ; and they will fear to do wrong. At first, from the knowledge they have that they cannot do it undetected ; that, perhaps, the next passer-by may be able to read their guilt, in the effects it produces on their countenances, and the sphere they form around them ; and, after a time, from their own better natures being aroused and determined to improve. This state of things, my friends, is rapidly coming among you. You have very little idea, now, that spir- its can, by their power, unveil your most hidden prac- tices to eyes prepared, by communion with spirits, to see them. None of you are secure from this supervis- ion. You may be acting out the worst and most unde- veloped part of your natures, in the most secret man- ner, and spirits can convey to your presence the mind of a medium (of a sister, or of a wife, perhaps), and while she is, to all outward appearance, quietly pursu- ing her occupations in some far-away place, her spirit may be observing and noting, with sadness, pity, or in- dignation, your employment. This phase of spiritual- ism is not yet so general as it will soon become. It is, in fact, only a preliminary development, previous to the. general and diffused light that will be brought to all, so that men may, as I before said, read the thoughts and the desires in the countenances of those with whom* they are brought into connection for business or other purposes. Think what a revolution in all your social life and institutions, my dear friends, when man can read man as he really is ! What secrets will be unveiled ! what a difference observed in choosing your associates ! You ON THE NATURE OF THE BPHEBES. 95 will not then look at the length of a man's purse— the beauty and grandeur of his house — the style of his equip- ments. No : the bright, pure and intelligent soul will be your firsl object of attention. You will seek for truth, for wisdom, for love, for purity, in those with whom you have to deal. You will not then despise one because his condition in this world is lowly ; you will look only at his spirit's growth : and if that is large and developed in good, you will respect him far more than you will his unprogressed, though perhaps much richer neighbor. Hut, my friends, both rich and poor will benefit by the light we bring. We come to do good to all — to make all happier — better, more fitted for another state of existence ; and we see no difference. The whole human family is our care ; ami we will work for, and redeem the whole before wo cease from our labor of love. The sinful and depraved are our especial charge. Many of the most guilty, to the worldly eye. arc, really, less sinful than others who carry a fair-seeming out- wardly. But we shall come into the hearts — our work is there. We shall soften, subdue, convince, elevate, purify the most guilty. We cannot be prevented. We conn 1 in the power of the spirit, and nothing can resist us. We may, however, be greatly aided by men's efforts, and we urge their co-operation with us. They can do much to bring the spirits down to earth. Their aspirations — their desires — feeble though they may seem to be, to their own sight, yet tell, wonder- fully, in this case : for they are working in a good cause, and in a right direction ; and when such is the re, they are sure to be attended with success. It is true, that there are some that understand what they are asking for better than others, but .-till, all help. Your awakening preachers, with their heart-stirring sermons, 96 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. are doing our work, though they know it not. Your lecturers on reforms, on temperance, and on science, are all aiding us. Everything that leads men to think — to reflect on the unequal and unfair conditions that ob- tain, as regards the distributions of the gifts of God to His children — every movement that leads to the ameli- oration of that condition is a part of our work j and is carrying on our great scheme of redemption for the hu- man family. But most important — most efficacious in this progressive movement is the labor the spirits are carrying on, through their mediums, in enlightening the minds of the people to the true nature of their beings — the high and exalted happiness they may strive for; and which they will certainly attain, while here, if they only seek it in a right manner. The knowledge that spirits are continually bringing to men, of the high capabilities of their natures — of the unheard-of progression they may make, while yet on this earth, in holy and happy and elevated living — cast- ing aside their grossnesses, their carnal appetites, their animal excesses, and becoming pure, holy and undefiled while yet in the earth-form — is the great lever with which we work. We know the hearts of the children of men ; we know their sorrows ; we know their temp- tations ; and we, also, know that there is, in every one, a well-spring of purity and holiness, if it is properly sought and brought into. play. Therefore, though we chide and censure the faults generated in them by uncon- genial surroundings, unwholesome atmosphere and vari- ous vitiated and debased causes, we still look upon them with love, pity, and an earnest desire to aid. Spirits come, now, to carry out this desire ; they come, now, strong in the might of Jehovah Jirah — the Lord God of Hosts — He is our stay — He is our support. He will OX TUB NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 97 aid us with His mighty spirit-power to drive away the darkness from all hearts — the sin from all people. lie will aid us in our work of purification. He will send down His streams of love, and light ; and, with it, we will penetrate and subdue all of you. Pray for us, my poor friends of earth ! Pray for your spirit guardians, your spirit deliverers, that they may come soon ! Your prayers will greatly aid the cause. The earnest de- sires of one loving and waiting soul will draw down mighty strength. Are you fearful that your sins may be revealed — your guilt made manifest? Dread not that ; rather be glad that they, being made clear to you here, you will be spared so. much greater suffering here- after. Are you fearful that your earth-friends may know you as you really are ? Purify yourselves, at once. Cleanse your own spirits ; and then you need not dread the inspection of man, or angel. My dear and much loved friends of earth, earnestly and con- stantly are spirits working for your redemption. What mast, what can cause, this anxiety on our part? We desire your advancement, your progression it is true ; but there is something more than all this. There is a something in the (to you unknown, untried) future, that we would save you from, if we possibly could. We would spare you the dread passage through those lower spheres (where so many now pine in anguish, and where so many seem bent on going,) if it is possible. This can only be accomplished by your uniting your efforts to ours to aid you. I need not tell you of the superior joys and pleasures you will have, even, while on earth, for we have already described them ; but I would entreat you, by the love we bear you, and by the love you should feel for yourselves, and for mankind at large, to aid U3 by your own efforts, in our great work ; 98 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. for, surely, to raise man from his fallen condition to happiness and peace ; to raise the earth, the air, the vegetable, and the animal kingdoms to their legitimate and beautiful state ; and to bring all into harmony and unity with the spheres above, is a great and noble work, well fitted for spirits and mortals to unite in. For the circle of spirits controlling, Jesus the Christ. April 9, 1861. ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. PAST II. We intend to cany your researches still further into the spirit-world, and into the nature of the conditions there. Our medium is, at present, unable to see for her- self any of these tilings ; and we must depend entirely upon the control we can obtain over her organs to give you a clear insight into them. But we are not afraid ; and, first, we will again take you to the lower spheres — the parts to which spirits are generally attracted on first leaving the body. These spheres are various as arc the different tendencies and inclinations of indivi- duals. In our last Essay — of which this may be consid- ered as a continuation — we spoke more in detail of the condition of the lowest order of spirits who pass from your earth, and gravitate into the sphere of animal enjoyment and sensual pleasures. We did not enter into the condition of a very numerous body of spirits who, like them, continue to live out their earth-lives, tinattv/h /i< / man may possess — whatever may be his opinions of a future state — whether he expects to be happy or miserable in proportion to his faith, his wi>ri:<, or his sacrifices ; his actions will always be guided by the divine law of love ; his life will be the exemplifica- tion of the Spirit's teachings, which are given to all, ami to tin- members of all creeds, if they will receive them. The same rule of love, charity, and forbearance will be the guide of each. Their desires will go forth to benefit and assist their brother man — to purify and harmonize themselves. Think you, that such men can remain in darkness, because they did not bow the knee to the same God you call Lord ? Think you, that your meaningless professions of faith — your cold and lifeless worship — your lack of aspiration and your many ut- tered, but unfelt, prayers can be put in comparison with their deeds of active kindness — their love and good-will to their fellow-men, even though they should bow the knee to Baal ? No, my friends, the true heart- worship lead- to the same results in all. It develops all their kindlier, better feelings — it elevates — it puri- fies — it refine-. And, though there may be and arc, in all creeds, many errors ; when the heart is right with 110 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. God — when it is filled with His holy Spirit, these trivial mistakes of the judgment -are soon cleared away — a new heaven and new ideas are opened to them, and whether Christian, Pagan, or Unbeliever, if he has de- veloped the God-principle in his soul, he is soon en- lightened on these secondary points. We would like, before closing this branch of our subject, to add, however, that we do not mean you to understand us to say that all creeds are of equal purity and value. This is not so. The enlightened Christian possesses the best and highest code of morals extant — given to him in the teachings of Christ. We only wish you to bear in mind that the true spirit can, and does penetrate through the darkness of other creeds, and manifests itself, occasionally, by its fruits ; and when it does do so, that enlightened and good man, be he of what creed he may, rises to as high and elevated a posi- tion in the spheres as the Christian who develops in the same ratio. There is no question with regard to the superior beauty of Christ's teachings. , They con- tain the most elevating and the purest wisdom and love. The only difficulty is, that men have always evaded the practice of them. If they had lived them out, as it tvas intended they should do, there would have been no necessity for spirits to come to you now, and urge them upon you. Think you that the world of men, and the world of matter would have been in the deplorable state they now are, if they had been the rule and guide of men's conduct from that time to the present ? No, my friends, both would have been spiritualized and re- fined to an extent that would appear fabulous to you if we should attempt to describe their condition. But now, there is no longer a choice about the matter. Men must reform — they must repent. The scourge of justice is about to bring them to a knowledge of them- ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. Ill selves as they really arc. The arm of the avenger of many an outraged law, divine and human, is raised, and it will not spare. Crimes long indulged in, secret sins, long hidden from any but the perpetrators of them, must come to light. No bolt from heaven — no angry Deity is at hand to punish a rebellious and backsliding people. Xo, my friends, from your own crimes, your own misdirected passions, your self-indulgence, selfish" nesa and cruelty to those beneath you, shall the whip be formed that is to scourge you. The arrow, that is to enter deep into your souls has been applied to the string ; the bow is bent ; the shaft is speeding to its destination. " Woe ! woe ! my people, woe must follow. This com- mencement of a civil war among you is but the begin- ning of sorrows. Dire famine, cruel pestilence will ravage my country. Oli ! my people, my people, why do ye these things? Why have ye cast God so far from you ? Why have ye shut off from you the light of his countenance, and allowed wicked passions, cruel and deceitful men to rule in the land hallowed and sanc- tified by the blood of so many noble martyrs, so many wise and loving hearts, who continued to watch over you, and would have guided vou in true wisdom if vou would have listened to their spirit- promptings ? Now the time has come that they can no longer aid you, no longer avert the coming sorrow. The time has come when the iniquities of my people have raised up a wall of parti- tion between us and them. They must reap as they have sown. Woe to my country ! her land will be deso- late. Corruption and ambition, pride, avarice and con- tention reign in the land of my birth — the country of my adoption. Oh ! my people ! my people ! to what does all this tend ? to what do you look forward ! Could my feeble words have power with you, I would 112 ON THE NATURE OP THE SPHERES. jet strive with you ; but sinful passions rule, and good and true spirits, that could and would have saved you this direful calamity, were not permitted to approach you. Farewell, my country ! farewell, my people ! In the time of your calamity, when fear cometh, then I may be found ; when the suffering heart calls for me I may be near ; but it must be through weary trials and sor- rows that my people must pass before they will realize their need of a deliverer." The above is written at the urgent entreaty of the spirit formerly known as Washington. He joined our circle a few minutes since, sad and depressed for his people ; and we willingly allowed the insertion of his thoughts, as, by so doing, we relieved the spirit of a great load of anguish, borne for his former and still dearly-loved charge. Pity it is that they have proved so recreant to the principles of love, justice and honor, he so earnestly strove to inculcate in them. We cannot bring the subject of our present Essay to a close without some attempt at enlightening you in re- gard to the spheres of light and bliss in which the pro- gressed and elevated spirits of the higher class dwell. They, like the denizens of the lower planes, have still their work — their employments — that tend to conduce to the further elevation and enlargement of the spirits' comprehension and powers of spirit-vision. They go on developing in all wisdom and knowledge ; they pro- gress in purity, in love, and in all the celestial attributes of the Deity. They see things as they really are. They understand matter as it really is. Their spirits become enlarged, purified from all the remains of the grossn esses of earth, and they find themselves nearing, by gradual approach, to the God-principle ; they feel its influence daily more powerfully exercised in them, in the access of wisdom and love that is brought to them ; ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 113 and they realize, the more they know, the more highly they develop, how impossible it is for them ever to know all— ever to exhaust the great fountain of wisdom from whence they draw such constant and beautiful supplies. These high spirits are never contented, my friends, to remain in a quiescent state. They are always reaching after something more, or endeavoring to give, to those less elevated, of what they have received. They draw in wisdom from above, and they delight in giving it again to those who are less progressed. These high and holy intelligences, so full of light and glory, might naturally be taken for gods by the less-progressed ones • for they carry in them and around them so much of the light and beauty of the highest spheres that no dark spi- rit, no evil passion can exist in their presence ; they must flee before such purity ; but, though they drive such feelings from them, by the magnetism of their sphere, they do not despise or contemn the unfortunate spirits who still delight in such things. By the superior wis- dom and light they have attained to, they havo learned only to feel a higher, a more thorough love and kind- ness for the poor sufferers in the bondage of their own tempers and inclinations ; they, from their higher spheres of wisdom, where so much knowledge has been poured upon them, can feel more true pity, more lenient judg- ment, more anxious sympathy for the lowest and vilest, the most brutal, treacherous and debased — as the people of the world describe them — than the kindest and most benevolent man lias the slightest conception of. Their love goes forth in earnest efforts to benefit them ; their work is to try to cleanse, purify and enlighten them ; to show them the beauty of that life of holiness they have hitherto cast from them. These spirits cannot come to earth direct. They 114 ON THE NATURE OP THE SPHERES. would scorch it up with their brightness, but they send their influence down through every available means. They, give, of their wisdom and strength, to the spheres •of spirits below them, and they, in like manner, commu- nicate what they have received from above, to the -spheres below them. By observing this method the light is enabled to penetrate without overwhelming the recipients of their teachings, and each sphere of spirits, through which it travels, is benefited by its transit through them. The light is dimmed when it reaches its ultimate destination ; but what it has lost to the lowest, >or earth plane, has been absorbed by the spheres it has passed through. Each one has received some new truths — some higher teachings. When spirits attain to the elevated condition we are now describing, you may naturally suppose that the pleasures and amusements of earth have long passed from their remembrance — that is, they have long ceased to take an interest in them. Higher thoughts, higher aims, have entirely superceded them ; and they are now, devoted to the more ennobling and elevating task •of reform. They see so much need of a change in the habits and conditions of men — they see so much empti- ness and vanity in their present pursuits — so much time mis-spent, talents wasted, that they have taken this work of reformation into their hands with a firm determina- tion to carry it through. When they first passed to the spheres, earth pleasures — earth remembrances still held .some control over them; they loved to recall in in- creased beauty, the flowers, the fruits, the beautiful scenery, or the exciting pleasures they had delighted in ; but, gradually, all these things ceased to charm. Philosophy, science, earth knowledge, earth wisdom as well as earth pleasures, faded into nothingness. They ascended more and more the paths of progres- ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 115 sion — they realized more and more fully the nothing- ness of these things compared to the higher wisdom they could draw to them from above — the purer and more perfect love they could develop in themselves by looking upward. They found, as all must find, that the highest happiness, the highest progression consists in the greatest freedom from selfishness — the greatest love and desire for the happiness of others; that heaven is indeed heaven, only when spirits arc so elevated in feeling that they never think of themselves or their own individuality ; but arc continually striving to bring the blessings they enjoy, the knowledge and wisdom they receive from above, to others less fortunately situated. This, my friends, is the heaven of the higher spirits — this is their work. See you not the beauty of it? See you not the state of progression they must have attained to when they can lose their individuality, as it were, in their anxiety to benefit their less fortunate brethren of earth, and the lower spheres ? — when they can forget themselves so entirely that the joys of heaven are laid aside and their whole beings absorbed in this great object ? My friends, can you not see from what wc say — can you not understand from what wc have written — that spirits, so highly developed as they must be, must be so pervaded — so filled — so surrounded by the God-princi- ple— the essence of Deity, that they are really and truly living in Him — that they are one with Him? Are not their thoughts — their desires God-like? Is not their work God-like ? Is not their beauty and glorious brightness God-like ? Truly it is. And yet, my friends, they are not God. They are not Deity. Deity, the great Principle — the Fount— the Source— the essential Essence of all things, is still Himself alone. 116 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. He is still the source from whence they can continue to draw, and to receive. He will never fail in the supply. However high — however holy — however bright, good, pure, loving, and filled with wisdom a spirit may be- come, in the countless ages of eternity ; and here lan- guage fails to carry out our idea — still there will be the same overruling power, the same wise principle of Deity always ready — always willing — always anxious, if I may use such a term in speaking of Him, to give fresher and higher, and still more elevating teachings. What may not man — what may not spirits attain to? Can you conceive of these things? Can you carry your thoughts with me into the far regions of space, and into far distant ages ; and picture to yourselves a state of being so high — so holy — so developed ? No evil — no grossness — no passions. Purity, wisdom, and love reigning triumphant in the illuminated spirit. Men developed into gods, walking the spheres of light, each one drawing from the great central light — the Deity, Father, Creator, Originator — still further streams of light and wisdom. What can man's finite mind know of this ? How can he comprehend it ? How can he be made to understand, that it was to heighten his en- joyment in this future state of being — to prepare and develop his faculties for it, that he was placed upon this earth, and subjected to trials, temptations, and sor- rows? How can he understand that the most sinful, the most vile, have that within them — that seed, that essence of Deity that can never be taken from them, that can never be lost ; but that will, finally, ultimate in such glorious results ? How can he be made to see that all men are, equally, the care of God ? — that He will not allow one to perish j but intends, for every one, these glorious results, from his progression and trials here ? ON TI1E NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 117 Men have done wickedly— #-they have tampered with and defaced the beautiful gifts they have received — they have called good evil and evil good — they have been misled and misgoverned by their passions, their tempers and their appetites. But all this must have an end ; they have not yet seen, as they will soon do, the errors they have been led into by these excesses. But let right teachings come to them — let a right spirit be brought to them — let them be shown their folly and wickedness in a proper manner — let them be made aware that the only sins men arc born in are caused by the errors and ignorance of their predecessors, which have developed, by slow degrees, the evil passions and loathsome diseases from which they suffer ; and still further, that they have no inherent sin to contend against, and they will raise up their heads and their spirits also, in renovated vigor, and with courage and a will to overcome what is amiss in thcmsclv When no longer depressed and cast down by the miserable teaching of the churches, " that they can do no good thing ! not even think a good thought ! that their natures are so depraved in consequence of Eve's transgression that, when they do a good deed, it is so tainted by her sin that, unless it is washed and purified in t lie blood of Christ, it is, really, to be counted an evil deed /" — when the minds of the people can be dis- abused of these fallacies, so depressing and degrading to the natural mind, then will people begin to rise, to exert themselves with hope and energy. Many a good and beautiful spirit has been crushed by these teach- ings — many an ardent and impetuous one has been led into wickedness and vice — constantly told of their sin- ful natures, and of the inefticacy of good works to save them, what encouragement was there for them to pro- gress? None. My friends, if you would elevate and im- 118 ON THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. prove mankind you must encourage and support them — you must fan into flame every. little spark of aspira- tion — you must point out to them the good, not the evil traits in humanity, and you must show them, individ- ually, what they must curb that is too impetuous in their natures, what they must bring into more developed ac- tion. Tell them not that this or that vice is a sin hateful and odious to the Lord ; but rather point out to them that they are only sinful and vicious when car- ried to excess — when reason, judgment and good feel- ing are sacrificed to their indulgence. Every one has some qualities more in excess than others. Show them this, and point out the importance, the necessity of endeavoring to harmonize the whole — of bringing all into action ; but not allowing one or more to govern while the others lie dormant. Show them, also, the importance of a thorough and searching examination of their own spirits. Teach them to look within for a guide to their daily walk — a monitor that will never fail them, if they will faith- fully and unreservedly confide in it. At first it may be difficult for them to understand this, they have heard so much on this subject, in theory, and seen so little of its practical workings ; but you can assure them, from your own experience, many of you, that in this way men may obtain a light and wisdom that will never fail to meet their necessities. The spirit or the mortal who has learned to look within, to find God, will not be disappointed. He can call in the depths of his own soul to the Father for help and strength and guidance — he can cast his cares, his temptations, his backslidings down before Him in humility and self-abasement, feeling that he wants the help of something higher, holier, better than he now sees himself to be ; and so surely as he asks in faith, so OX THE NATURE OF THE SPHERES. 119 surely shall he receive. So surely as his desires, his aspirations, his intentions to reform himself are pure aud true— so surely shall he be strengthened and assisted by the higher powers. At first he may not realize this ; he may be often cast pirations ascend, the more light, and wisdom, will they draw down.* * Different persons may have different ways of seeking for these gifts. Some may prefer looking up to Deity direct : others, again, may feel their spirit-friends, or guides, more near to them ; and have more satisfaction in applying to them. It Is immaterial, my friends, which way y