Gqpgfofl?- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT* PAST AND PRESENT BIRTHDAY BOOK. >j£:^f>€#*- THE HOWES MFG. and PUB. CO., DENVER, COLO. V .•:Go&Ejt3ji? , 't8S9. ; TW<5'.e£<". :: '.; •"•i'-i^ ♦ • • » • • ■ ' « ' < ' -# LIVES OF GREAT MEN ALL REMIND US WE CRN MAKE OUR LIVES SUBLIME. AND DEPARTING, LEAVE BEHIND US FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME. —Longfellow. -* *- -* JANUARY. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE GARNET. CONSTANCY. Come, ye cold winds, at January's call. On whistling wings, and with white flakes bestrew The earth. — Buskin. JANUARY 1 I dare do all that may become a man : Who dares do more is none. — Shaks. PftUL Revere, 1735 Distinguished American Patriot. -*■ JANUARY 2. "Now God be praised ! I die in peace." —Wolfe's last words. Jahes Wolfe, 1727 Famous English General. JANUARY 3. The name, that dwells on every tongue. No minstrel needs.— Longfellow . flARCUS TULL1US ClCERO, 106 5. C. Celebrated Ro«an Orator. * # JANUARY 4. vw Forever haltless hurries Time, the Durable to gain. Be true, and thou shalt fetter Time with everlasting chain. — Schiller. Isaac Fithan, is 13 Inventor of Phonography. JANUARY 5. Fame is the fragrance of heroic deeds. — Longfellow. Stefman Decatur, ur , 1779 Famous American Admiral. -* JANUARY 6. Prodigious actions may as well be done By weaver'.- issue, as by prince's son. — Dr% Joan of Arc. 1412 Celebrated French Heroine. JANUARY 7. Honor and shame from no condition rise : Act well your part, there all the honor lies.— Pope. Millard Fillmore, isoo Thirteenth President of the United States. -* JANUARY 8. the fiercest grief can charm. isaim. — Pope. Hans G. von Bulov, ■:: : 3 E b y B H 3 : X P D 5 f =». . JANUARY 9. a is by industry achir :he swift course of time.— 5:= Henrt Bessemer. r EEL JANUARY 10. He has done the work of a true man, — Crown him. honor him, love him. — Whittier. Ethan Allen, 1737 Noted Revolutionary Commander. JAMUARY 1 Statesman, yet friend to truth ! of soul sincere. In action faithful, and in honor clear. — Pope. Alexander HflniLTON, 1757 American Patriot and Statesman. *- * * JANUARY 12. My angel.— his name is Freedom,— Choose him to be your king. — Emerson. John Hancock. 1737 Distinguished American Strtesmhn. JANUARY 13. A Daniel come to judgment : yea. a Daniel ! wise young judge, how I do honor thee. — Shaks Salmon P. Chase.. iaoe Chief Justice U. S. -*• JANUARY 14. If T shall be condemn \1 Upon surmises; all proofs sleeping else. But what your jealousies awake, I tell you, 'Tis rigor, and not law. — Shahs. Matthev F. Maury, i806 American Naval Officer and Hydrograpmer. JANUARY 15. There is a pleasure in poetic pains, W Inch only poets know. — Cowper. Jean Baftiste Moliere, \ezz French Dramatist and Poet. * >£ : * — * JANUARY 16. The strawberry grows underneath the nettle : And wholesome berries thrive and ripen best Neighbor' d by fruit of baser quality. Nicholas longvorth. i7sz Ffinous Horticulturist. JANUARY 1 7. Who can in reason, then, or right, assume Monarchy over such as live by right His equals, if in pow'r and splendor less. In freedom equaVl— If ilton. Benjamin Franklin, noe Fmilosopher and Statesman. *- * JANUARY 18. Speech is reason s brother, and a kingly prerogative of man. -Tuppt r. Daniel Webster, \iqz Famous Orrtor rnd Lawyer. JANUARY 19. vw Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow ; He who would search for pearls must dive below. —Dryden, Edgar Allen Foe. iso9 Celebrrted Americr.n Poet. * if i. JANUARY 20. is the golden harvest that ! 5ring of thought. — Tupper. Richard h. Lee, 1732 - HEfi :-• STATESMAN BUD ORATOR. JANUARY 21. My fortune Lea Is to Traverse realms alone. And tin J no spot of all the world my own.— JOHfl C. FREHOiTT.'THE PATHFINDER. 1813 Noted RnERicRfl Pioneer had General. -* JANUARY 22. Time, place, and action, may with pains be wrought, But genius must be born, and never can be taught. — Dry den. Lord Byron, i788 English Poet. JANUARY 23. To wake the soul by tender strokes of art, To raise the genius and to mend the heart.— PojJ( BENOIT COQUELIN, 1641 TSoted French Actor. * * * JANUARY 24. He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one ; Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuading. — Shaks. Charles James Fox, 1749 Celebrated English Strtesk.v JANUARY 25. Nature, despairing e'er to make the like. Brake suddenly the mould in which 'twas fashion 'd. — Massinger. Robert Burns. 1759 CELE3RRTED SCOTCH POET. "* JANUARY 26. Muse not that I thus suddenly proceed :■ For what 1 will, I will, and there an end.— Shahs. R. B. Woodward, isza- Noted Californian. JANUARY 2 7. Some to church repair, Not for the doctrine, but the music there. — Pope. JOHANN HOZART. 1756 Celebrated Gerhan Composer. JANUARY 26. Attempt the end, and never stand to ionbt, Nothing's so hard but search will find it ont. — Hit SIR R05ERT McCLURc. 1807 ::5::.r = = ^ H . W . F n 5 5 = a = . JANUARY 29. The purest treasure mortal times I- spotless reputation: that away, Men are hut gilded loam, or painte 1 cla: WILLIAM MCKINLEY. = = 5 S I 2 z N T J n I T r Z STATES * JANUARY 30. All, that in this world is great or gay, Doth, as a vapor, vanish and decay. — Spenser. Felix Faure, 154- President French Republic JANUARY 31. Yet hold it more humane, more heav'nly, first. By -winning words, to conquer willing hearts. And make persuasion do the work of fear. — Milton. James G. Blaine, 1530 AMERICAN STATESMAN. *- FEBRUARY. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE AMETHYST. SINCERITY. I did but dream. I never knew What charms our sternest se \son wore. Was never yet the sky so blue, Was never earth so white before.— Whittier. FEBRUARY 1 Tis not in mortals to command success : But we'll do more. Sempronius— we'll de.-erve it. — Addison. John F. Kehble, 1757 Celebrrtel Tragedian. ►B — — *& $ * FEBRUARY 2. To those who know thee not, no words can paint ! And those who know thee, know all words are faint. Hannah More Hannah Hoke. 1745 English Author. FEBRUARY 3. And shouldst thou ask my judgment of that which hath most profit in the world. For answer take thou this. "The prudent penning of a letter." — Tupper. Horace Greeley, 1511 American Journalist. *- FEBRUARY 4. What is strength, without a double share Of wisdom? Vast, unwieldy, burdensome. — Milton. JOSIAH QUINCT. 1772 American Statesman and Orator. FEBRUARY 5. Music can noble hints impart. Engender fury, kindle love. — Addison, OLE BORNEHANN BULL, 1610 NORWEGIAN VIOLINIST. *- FEBRUART 6. Nature, in her productions slow, aspires, By just degree- to reach perfection'- height. —Somerville. Sir Henry Irving, i836 Celebrated English Actor. FEBRUARY 7. TVhat is excellent. As God lives, is permanent. — Emerson. Charles Dickens, is 12 Famous English Novelist. FEBRUARY 8. A giant among pigmies, a - a giant ! — Dickens. * John Ruskin. is 19 Eminent Art Critic. FEBRUARY 9. With grave Aspect lie rose, and in his rising seemM A pillar of state. — Milton. William H. Harrison, 1773 9th President U- S. -* * FEBRUARY 10. His place ye may not well supply. Though ye among a thousand try. With vain endeavour. — Lamb. Charles Lamd, 1775 Noted English Essayist and Humorist. FEBRUARY 1 By viewing Nature, Nature's hand maid, art. Makes mighty things from small beginnings grow. — Dryden. Thos. A. Edison, 154-7 Celebrated American Inventor* *- * -# FEBRUARY 12. vw Hold, warriors, councillors, kings ! All now give place To this dear benefactor of the .Race. — Stoddard. Abraham Lincoln, ieo9 16tm President U. S. FEBRUARY 13. wv When I'm not thank'd at all. I'm thank'd enough: I've done my duty, and I've done no more. — Fielding. Marquis of Salisbury, 1630 Prime Mininter of England. -* * FEBRUARY 14. No duty could overtask him, No need his will outrun. — Whittier. VlLLIAtt GOODELL, 1792 American Missionary. FEBRUARY 15. When she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music.— Longfelloir. Susan B. Antony, 1520 Advocate Woman's Rights. * FEBRUARY 16. He lives in fame that died in virtue's cause. — Slicks. GflSFflRD DE COLIG/iT, 15 17 Celebrated French Huguenot Leader. FEBRUARY 1 7. Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see. Thinks what ne'er was. nor is, nor e'er shall be. — Pope. MflWS G. KNOBELSDORFF, 1699 FHMOUS GERMAN ARCHITECT. * * * * FEBRUARY 18. Hut he who loves his kind does, tirst and late, A work too great for fame. — Mary Clenmier. Geo. Peabodt, 1795 American Philanthropist. FEBRUARY 19. God sent his Singers upon earth With songs of sadness and of mirth. — Longfellow. ADEL1NA PATTI. 1543 NOTED SOPRANO SlNOEK. * FEBRUARY 20. Form'd by thy converse happily to steer From grave to gay, from lively to severe.— Pope Joseph Jefferson, 1529 C£LE3RATcD AMERICAN flCTOR. FEBRUARY 21 Peace hath her victories. No less renowned than war.— Milton. Cardinal Newman. ieo English Theologian. * * * FEBRUARY 22. Washington's a watchword such as ne er Shall sink while there's an echo Left to air, — Byron. George Washington. 1732 FEBRUARY 23. A third interprets motions, looks, and eyes : At every word a reputation dies. — Pope, Samuel Fefts. 1633 English Politician and Diarist. * * * FEBRUARY 24. Music can soften pain to ease. And make despair and madness please. — Pope. Friedrich Handel, i665 CELE5RRTED GERMAN COMPOSER. FEBRUARY 25. —As in a building Stone rests on stone. — Longfellow. CHflS E. FlCKNET, 1746 Aember Nrt. Constitution Ass-n of 1787. * * FEBRUARY 26. Whate'er he did was done with so much ease, In him alone 'twas natural to please.— Drpden. Victor M. Huoo, 1502 Celebrated frencm Novelist. FEBRUARY 2 7. The soul of music slumbers in the shell, Till wak'd and kindled by the master's spell. — Roger He/sky V. Longfellow. ieo-7 Famous American Poet, * FEBRUARY 26. S many greedy looks of young and old Through casements darted their desiring — Shahs. Adah Forefaugh, i83i Q BEAT HJ1EB1CHJ1 . - : FEBRUARY 29. Ah ! what would the world be to us If the children were no more? We should dread the desert behind us Worse than the dark before. — Longfellow. CHAS. L. DODGSON, (LOUIS CARROLL.) ■ 1632 Ffl«cus Writer of Children s Stories. MARCH. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE BLOODSTONE. COURAGE. All, March ! we know thou art Kind-hearted, spite of ugly looks and threats. And, out of sight, art nursing April's violets. —Helen Hunt. MARCH Correct with spirit, eloquent with ease. Intent to reason, or polite to please.— Pope. GEORG EBERS, 1537 Germrn Egyptologist rnd Novelist. -* * i b nARCH 2. w=v Seems to caress the city that he loves. And crowns it with the aureole of a saint. — Longfellow. Leo XIII, i3io Pope Since 1878. MARCH 3. vw Be thy sleep Silent as night is, and as deep. — Longfellow . GEO. M. PULLHftN, 1631 Introduced Palace Sleeping Cars. m £, MARCH 4. A brave man struggling in the storms of fate, And greatly falling with a falling state.— Pope. Casiher Pulaski, i7*s Polish Patriot. MARCH 5. In framing an artist, art hath thus decreed, To make some good, but others to exceed. — Shaks. Antonio Correggio, 1494 Famous Italian Painter. * :-. = = ::-! ■:. E r : ~ i 5-;- - iir r . z r : ? ran: ] 133! EREL MARCH 7. By Ms life alone, jracions an -ywas shown. — Whittier. ird P. Roe, is3^ ~ * MARCH 8. Sacred interpreter of human thought, How few respect or use thee as they ought. ( 'owper. VlLHELM H. Bl_EEK, 1827 Noted African Linguist. HARCH 9. What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet. — Shaks. Amerigo Vespucci. 1451 Rftek Whom America Was Named. -* — * MARCH 10. There is a moral of all human tales ; 'Tisbut the same rehearsal of the past.— Byron. WlLLIAtt ETTY, 1767 English Historical Painter. MARCH 1 1. Tis pleasing to be school 'd in a strange tongue By female lips ami eyes. — Byron, Madame Efinat, 1726 French Author. -# * HARCH 12. A sculptor wields The chisel, and the stricken marble grows To beauty. — Bryant. Jean R. David, i 759 Famous French Sculptor. MARCH 13. I would not have a slave to till my ground. To carry me. to fan me while 1 sleep. And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That sinews bought and sold have ever earn'd.— Cowpt r. Charles, 2nd Earl Grey. 1764 Carried a Bill Abolishing Slavery in British Empire. 1833. *■ * HARCH 14. How has kind heaven adorn'd the happy land. And scatter'd blessings with a wasteful hand. — Addison. Humbert I. 18*4 Reigning King of Italy. MARCH 15. Each petty hand Can steer a ship becalm 'd ; but he that will Govern and carry her to her ends, must know His tides, his currents, how to shift his sails. — Ben. Jonson. Andrew Jackson, 1767 7th President u. S. -* MARCH 16. For forms of government let fools contest, Whate'er is best administered is best. -Pope. JAMES HADlSOfi, 175 1 ^vtm President U. S. MARCH 1 7. WV Making their lives a prayer. — Whittier. Thomas Chalmers. i78o Eminent Scottish Divine. * nflRCH 18. Their loftiest peaks most wrapt in cloncls of snow. — i -OH. MARCH 19. It: v.?. :::: :- -::i .^11 . loir.* William J. Bryan, MARCH 20. Hut what am II An infant crying in the night : An infant crying for the licrlit: And with no Language but a cry.— Tennyson. Henrik Ibsen. lezs .tfOTED NORWEGIAN DRAMATIC POET. MARCH 2 Music resembles poetry : in each Are nameless graces which no methods teach. And which a master hand alone can reach.— Pope. JOMANN S. BACH, 1685 Celebrated German Composer. *- MARCH 22. Beauty. like wit, to judges should be shown : Both are most valued where they best are known. —Lyttleton. Rosalie Bonheur, is23 C;^2RnTr: PfilNTER OF RNIHRL L: c = MARCH 23. Unmoved though witlings sneer, and rivals rail : Studious to please, vet not ashamed to fail. — Dr Frank Leslie. isz Introducer := Illustrated Journalism intc Rherich. * HARCM 24. Statesman, yet friond to truth : of soul sincere, In action faithful, and in honor clear. — Pope. Rufus King, 1755 American Statesman rnd Diplomat. MARCH 25. What is station high? 'Tis a proud mendicant : it boasts, and begF. — Young. JOCHIM. MURAT, 177 1 French Marshall and King of Naples. — — * ttflRCH 26. live upon the living- light Of nature and of beauty ; they - FURGflRET M. Davidson. 1523 [CHJ1 r : e _ HARCH 2 7. I do but sing because I must. And pipe but as the linnets sing.— T< Genevieve Ward. 1533 Rmeb : : Singer she n :" ess. HARCH 25. War is honorable In those who do their native rights maintain. — Baillie. Wade Hampton, is is American General and Politician. MARCH 29. Who broke no promise, served no private end, Who gain'd no title, and who lost no friend.— Pope. John Tyler, 1790 iOtm President U. S. "* nmcu 30. By music, minds an equal temper know. N or swell too high, nor sink too low.— Pope. Sir John Hawkins, 1719 English Writer on Music. HfiRCH 31. Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast. To soften rocks, or bend the knotted oak. — Oongreve. Joseph Haydn, 1732 Celebrated German Composer. -* -* APRIL. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE DIAMOND. INNOCENCE. Again the blackbirds sing; the streams Wake, laughing, from their winter dreams, And tremble in the April showers The- tassels of the maple flowers. — Whittier. APRIL I have done the state some service and they know it. — Shahs. Prince Bisn/mrc, iai5 Famous German Statesman * APRIL 2. Chosen for large designs, he had the art Of winning with his humor, and he went Straight to his mark, which was the human heart. — Stoddard. TnonA5 Jefferson, 1743 3rd President u. S. APRIL 3. All that's bright must fade.— The brightest still the fleetest. — Moore. Washington Irving, 1753 Celebrated American Author. * APRIL 4. Parts that become thee happily enough, And in such eyes as ours appear not faults. — Shaki Lawrence Barrett. 1535 Famous American Actor. APRIL 5. vw Life's a vast sea That does its mighty errant without fail. — George Eliot. Marcus Aurelius, ise Romrn Emperor. if- * APRIL 6. Brave conquerors 1 for so you are, That war against your own affections, And the huge army of the world's desires —Shaks. General Booth, isz9 Founder of the Srluation Army. APRIL 7. wv Words are things : and a small drop of ink, Falling like dew upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. — Byron. ViLLiArt Wordsworth, 1770 Celebrated English Poet. * — # APRIL 8. To have your best success asci ibed to fortune, \ml fortune's failures all ascribed to yen. ■Hannah More. Christian IX. ieie KlrtQ OF DENMRRK. APRIL 9. For Kings have cares that wait upon a crown. -\n: P C ■ E T MAT 8. My won!.- By up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts, nevei to heaven go. Shaks. Alighieri Dante, 1265 Famous Italian Poet. hay 9. Or ever our lips could ask him. His hands the work had done. — Whittier. John Brovn, iaoo Of OssflWAToniE. % * * * HAT 10. So in human life Each action rest? on the foregoing event. — Longfellow. John Sherman, 1523 Celebrated American Statesman. MAT 1 1 . Oh, woman ! in our hour of ease. Uncertain, coy, and hard to please. "When pain and anguish wring the brow. A ministering angel thou ! — Scott. Florence Nightingale. iszo Celebrated Hospital Nurse. "* * * HAY 12. To-morrow comes, and we are where . Then Let us Live bo-day. Schiller. ROBT. C. WlNTHROP, 1809 American Author and Senator. > HAT 13. %~^v What will not woman, gentle woman, dare, When strong affection stirs her spirit up. — Southey. Haria Theresa, 1717 Famous Archduchess of Austria. * * — * hay 14. Foul cankering rust the hidden treasure frets, But gold that's put to use, more gold begets.— Shaks. Jules Polignac. 1750 Celebrated French Diplomatist. MAT 15. And his brow clear'd. but not his troubled eye : The wind was down but still the sea ran high. — Byron. Thos. ti. Stevens. 1519 Rerr Admiral U. S. R. H* HAY 16. It is good To Lengthen to the last a sunny mood. Lowell. Honore Balzac. 1799 Celebrated French Novelist. HAY 1 7. Think nought a trifle, though it small appear; Small sands the mountain, moments make the year : And trifles life. — Young. ALFHONSO XIII, 1886 King of Spain. *— * -* MAT 18. If we are marked to die, we are enow To do our country loss ; and if to live. The fewer men the greater share of honor. — Shaks. Ethan A. Hitchcock, 1793 American Soldier and Author. MAT 19. One science only will one genius fit. So vast is art, so narrow human wit.— Pope. JOHANN G. FTCHTE, 1762 Celebrated German /Ietaphysicihn. ^ ^ MAT 20. Economy, the poor man's mint. Tupper. John Stuart Mill, iso6 Distinguished Economist. HAY 2 Oh, deem not they are blest alone Whose lives a peaceful tenor keep. — Bryant. Elizabeth G. Fry, i7so Noted Promoter of Prison Reform. MAT 22. Blessings be with them, and eternal ais Who gave us nobler love? and noil Alexander Poee. 5;: Celebebted English Poet MAT 2 3. ^ - -Pope. Samuel Warren, 1507 English Nouelist had Writej?. MAT 24. Broad based upon hei people's will, And compassed by the inviolate sea.— Tennyson. Queen Victoria, 1619 Of Great Britain. HAT 25. Bosom up my counsel. You'll find it wholesome. — Shahs Ralph V. Emerson. 1503 Celebrated American Author. * # HAY 26. *Tis not a lip or eye we beauty call, But the joint force, and full result of all —Pope. HUDERT HEKKOHER, 1549 Celebrated German Painter. MAT 27. And lo ! th Q fulness of the time has come. And over all the exile's Western home. From hapDy— Angels A re happier than mankind, because they're better. — Eoive . Francesco Petrach, 1304 Famous Italian Poet. JULY 21 Nobles and heralds, by your leave, Here lies what once was Matthew Prior, The son of Adam and of Eve : Can Bourbon or Nassau claim higher? — Prior. Hatthev Prior. 166^ Celebrated English Poet. # JULY 22. .. :he actions of the just blossom in their da - Clement XI. 164-9 7 :=z : - -r- JULY 23. s [chose — . subject fair and free THs yours — 'tis mine— 'tis public pr Charlotte S. Cushhan. isie = I ERICE z : =5 s * JULY 24. Then Freedom sternly said: "I shun No strife nor pang beneath the sun, When human rights are staked and won. —Whittier. Simon Bolivar, 17Q3 Liberator of Bolivia. JULY 25. Fame is the shade of immortality. And is itself a shadow. — Young. Arthur Jahes Balfour. isa-s Celebrated English Statesman. — * JULY 26. There are more things in heaven and earth. Horatio. Than are dreamt of in our philosophy,— S Robert Fulton, 1765 f RMOUS flNERICflN INVENTOR. JULY 27. Ti- the sunset of life gives me mystical lore. And coming events cast their shadows before. —Campbell. Thomas Campbell. 1777 Celebrated Scottish Poet. -* JULY 28. A garden, sii . Wherein all rainbowed Bowers were heaped together. — Kingsley. Alexander Dunns, isza- Distinguished French Novelist. JULY 29. Its overpowering presence made you feel It would not be idolatry to kneel. — Byron. Hiram Powers, isos Celebrrted American Sculptor. >£_ q. * iff JULY 30. True wit is nature to advantage dress'd, What oft was thought, but ne'er so well express'dL —Popr Robert J. Burdette, ie^ "HAVKEYE MftN. - ' JULY 3 1 And tho' I hope not hence unscath'd to go. Who conquers me. shall find a stubborn foe. — Byron. John Ericsson, ieo3 • Inventor of the "aonitor." * q. * AUGUST. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE MOONSTONE CONJUCAL FELICITY- Rejoice ! ye fields, rejoice ! and wave with gold, When August round her precious gifts is flinging ; Lo ! the crushed wain is slowly homeward rolled : The sunburnt reapers jocund lays are singing. — Ruskin. AUGUST Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, And all thy hues were born in heaven. — Drake. Francis Scott Ret, neo Author "star Spangled Banner." * * AUGUST 2. The living stream lies quick below. And flows, and cannot cease to Hove.— Byron. F. /Iarion Crawford. 1554 Celebrated American Novelist. AUGUST 3. How sweet must be the lips that guard that tongue ! Farquhar. Christine Nilsson, 1543 Noted Swedish Singer. * ^ AUQUST 4. 1 bese children of the meadows, bom Of sunshine and of showers.— Whittier. Percy B. Shelley, 179Z Celebrated English Poet. AUQUST 5. Weep over him, tears of woman, Stoop manliest brows above him ! — Whittier Jeremy Taylor, 1613 Eminent English divine. * — * AUGUST 6. May flowers blooming around him Fragrant, filling the air with a strange and wonderful sweetness. — Longfellow. Alfred Tennyson, ieo9 Celebrated Poet Laureate. AUGUST 7. Hard was their lodging, homely was their food, For all their luxury was doing good.— Garth. TtiottAS Telford, 1757 Famous Civil Engineer and Road Builder. -* — * AUQUST 8. Turn to the press Its teeming sheets survej . Hii, r with the wonders of each passing day. Sprague. CHAS. A. DANA, 18 19 Noted American Journrlist. AUQUST 9. Waller was smooth : but Dryden taught to join The varying verse, the full resounding line. The long majestic march, and energy divine.— Pope. John Dryden, 163 Celebrated English Poet. *- *■ AUGUST What can daunt lis, what to death by such as 10. can turn us, led hef—Kingsley. — * Sir Charles Napier, 1762 Distinguished British General. AUGUST 1 1. w^y My work is mine, And, heresy or not, if my hand slacked. I should rob God— since he is fullest good. — George Eliot. Robt. G. INGERSOLL, , 1633 Celebrated American Lecturer. #— * AUGUST 12. A tiling of beauty is a joy forever : Its Loveliness increases. — Keats. Robert Southey, 1774 Famous English Poet. AUGUST 13. As timid violets lade the ambient air With their heart's richest fragrance, unaware The fragrance whispers that the flower is there. —Green. Eliz. Stuart Phelfs, \q^ Celebrated American Writer. £ * I AUGUST 14. He, who surpasses or sub. lues mankind, Must look down on the nate of those below. — Byron Briton Reviere, le^o English Fainter. AUGUST 15. Your deeds are known In words that kindle glory from the stone. — Schiller Napoleon Bonaparte. 1769 Celebrated f - ^ brhl = nd Empercr. * * AUGUST 16. In playing tricks with nature, i- r i\ ing laws To distant world-, and trifling in their own. —Cowpt r. Catherine T. Cockburn. 1679 DRRMRTIST RND PM1LOSOPMICRL WRITER. AUGUST 1 7. My prime of life in wandering spent and care : Impell'd, with steps unceasing 1 , to pursue Some fleeting good, that mocks me with the view. — Goldsmith. David Crockett, 1786 Celebrated Rmericrn Pioneer. *- AUGUST 18. Heaven knows I had no such intent : But that necessity so bow'd the state. That I and greatness were compell'd to kiss. —Shaks. Lord John Russell, 1792 Eminent English Statesman. AUGUST 19. Know then this truth, (enough for man to know.) Virtue alone is happiness below.— Pope. Richard P. Bland, 1335 American Congressman. -* AUGUST 20. Let qoI the cooings of the world allure thee; Which of her lovers ever found her true? — Young. Benjamin Harrison, 1533 23f?D President U. S. AUGUST 21. "Let there be Light!" said God -.—Milton. VM. MURDOCK, 1754 INTRODUCED LIGHTING BY GRS. * AUGUST 22. Great truths are portions of the soul of man : Great souls are portions of Eternity.— Lowell. Dr. Edward B. Fuset, isoo Celebrated Rnglicra Dm AUGUST 23. He is ours. T' administer, to guard, t' adorn the state, But not to warp or change it. — Cowper. Cornelius G. Max, i840 Parous Historical Fainter. * AUGUST 24. To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tea] -. Wordsworth. Vn. T. MONCRIEEF. 1794 Famous English Dramatist. AUGUST 25. Oh ! blest with temper, whose unclouded ray Can make to-morrow cheerful as to-day.— Pope. Francis Bret Harte, 1539 Noted American Humorist. *- AUQUST 26. True wisdom, laboring to expound, lieareth others readily ; False wisdom, sturdy to deny, closeth up her mind to argument.— Tupper. Sir Robert Valfole, 1676 Famous English Statesman. AUQUST 2 7. Let Hercules himself do what he may. The cat will mew, and dog will have his day. —Shaks. Hannibal Hftnun, 1809 RttERICHN STRTESMAN. -* AUGUST 26. Ti in- art finds beauty everywhere. In the street, in the hovel, it gathers food for the hive of its thoughts.— Lytton. Count Leo Tolstoi, Famous Russian Novelist. AUGUST 29. Man's rich with little, were his judgment true; Nature is frugal, and her wants are few. — Young. Oliver V. Holies. 1609 Celebrated American Rutmor. -* AUQUST 30. Again the shadow raoveth o'er The dial plate of time ! — Whittier. Alexander H. Rice, is is Governor of Mass. AUGUST 31. Can imagination boast. Amid its gay creation, hues like these? — Thomson. Charles Lever. isoe Celebrated Irish Nouelist. SEPTEMBER. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE SAPPHIRE. ANTIDOTE TO MADNESS. September sunsets, changing forests, moon rise and cloud, sun and rain. — They fill my heart with a sense of beauty. — Whittier. SEPTEHBER 1. Trade hardly deems the busy day begun, Till his keen eye along the sheet has run. Sprague. Jahes Gordon Bennett, 1795 Founder /Sew York Herald. * SEPTEMBER 2. Darker and darker The black shadows fall: Sleep aud oblivion Reign over all. — Longfellotc. Henry George. 1539 Famous American Political Writer. SEPTEHBER 3. wv Of all those arts in which the wise excel. Nature's chief masterpiece is writing well. —Sheffield. Anton Gindelt, 1529 Fa no us German Historian. -* SEPTEMBER 4. Welcome ever smiles, And Farewell goes out sighing. Shake. Christen h. Pram, 1756 Danism Poet. SEPTEMBER 5. Oh ! 'tis only music's strain Can sweetly soothe, and not betray.—- Moore. Gmcono Meyereeer, 1791 Celebrated German Composer. * - SEPTEHBER 6. The arms are fair. When the intent for bearing them is just.— Shaks. Marquis de Lafayette, 1757 Revolutionary General. SEPTEMBER 7. What peremptory eagle-sighted eye Dares look upon the heaven of her brow. That is not blinded by her majesty 1 ?— Shaks Queen Elizabeth, 1533 OF Grert britihn. -* SEPTEMBER 8. One crowded hour of glorious life I- worth an age without a name. Scott. George Crook. iqzs Famous American Soldier. SEPTEMBER 9. Who pants for glory finds but short rep< A breath revives him. or a breath overthrows, —Pope. Sir Philip Brooke, \ii6 Celebrated English Rear Admiral. * * SEPTEMBER 10. Great things thro' greatest hazards are achieved. And then they shine.— Fletcher. John Soane. 1753 Noted English Architect. SEPTEMBER 1 1. God is ever present, ever felt. In the void waste as in the city full. — Thomson. James Thomson. 1700 C=Lr5R~TED fOET. "* SEETEHBER 12. Blesl be the grracious Power, who taught mankind To stamp a Lasting ima abbe. Richard M. Hoe, is i z IKVENTOR ROTARY PRINTING PRESS. SEPTEMBER 13. Be noble ! and the nobleness that lies In other men. sleeping, but never dead. Will rise in majesty to meet thine own. — Lowell. ViLLifln Cecil. 1520 Celebrated English Statesman. * — * SEPTEMBER 14. Did noble things, not dreamt thein. all day long : And so made life, death, and that vast forever. One grand, sweet song.— King si ey. F. Chateaubriand. 1766 Famous French Statesman. SEPTEMBER 15. "Tis his alone, to please, instruct, advise. Ages remote and nations yet to rise. — Crabbe. J. FENIttORE COOFER, 1 7S9 Celebrated American Novelist. -* SEPTEMBER 16. The poets who on earth have made us heirs Of truth and pure delight, by heavenly lays. —Wordsworth. John Cat, i683 Famous English Poet. SEPTEMBER 1 7. For lie who is honest is noble, Whatever his fortunes or birth. — Alia John Foster, 1770 Celebrated Essayist. -* SEPTEMBER 18. Claim leads to claim, and power advances power; Till conquest unresisted ceases to please. — Johnson. Samuel Johnson, 1709 Eminent Author hnd Essayist. SEPTEMBER 19. Speak of me as I am ; nothing' extenuate. Nor set down aught in malice. — Shaks. Lord Henry Brougham. mi Celebrated English Statesman. * SEPTEMBER 20. Satire or sense, alas ! can it feel .' \\ ho breaks a butterfly upon a wheel? — Pope, David R. Locke, 1533 American Political Satirist. SEPTEMBER 21. Who does not act is dead : absorbed entire In miry sloth, no pride, no joy he hath.— TAomson. John T. Macadam. 1756 Inventor System Macadamizing Roads. SEPTEMBER 22. Blessings on Science ! when the earth seem'd old. Twas she discovered that the world was young. And taught a language to its lisping tongue. — Mackay. Michael Faraday, 1791 Discoverer Magneto-Electric Currents. SEPTEMBER 23. Do what he will, he cannot realize Half he conceives. — Rogers. Karl T. Koerner, 1791 Celebrated German Lyric Poet. -* SEPTEMBER 24. Fame is a public distress, none enjoy-. Hut, more or less, his rival's peace destroys. —Young. Zachart Taylor, 1734 izth President u. S. SEPTEMBER 25. For as one star another far excei 5 souls in heaven are placed by their deeds- — Greene. Louis Rene Rohan, 1734 French Cardinal and Statesman. *- SEPTEMBER 26. He that respect- himself is safe from others : He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce. —Longfel Daniel V. Voorhees. \qzi CELE3RATED RMEBICHN SEHHTOB SEPTEMBER 27. Painting is welcome ! The painting is almost the natural man.— S 1 norms Nasi. is^o 3D S C HRICH1 " S I , SEPTEMBER 28. Against diseases here the strongest fence' Is the defensive virtue abstinence. — Herrick. Frances E. Villard. 1339 Celebrated Temperance Reformer. SEPTEMBER 29. Fame is the fragrance of heroic deeds. —Longfelloic. Viscount Horatio Nelson, 1755 Famous English Admiral. * — * SEPTEMBER 30. vw The day is done : and slowly from the scene The stooping sun up.gathers his spent shafts, And puts them hack into his golden quiver. —Longfellmo. Samuel S. Cox. 1824 American Politician and Diplomatist. *- OCTOBER. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE OPAL- HOFE AND FAITH. October turned my maple's leaves to gold : The most are gone now : here and there one lingers : Soon these will slip from out the twig's weak hold. Like coins between a dying miser's fingers. — Aldrich. OCTOBER 1. And. proud his mistress' orders to perform. Rides in the whirlwind, and directs the storm. — P<>j><:. H. St. John Bolinqbroke. 1675 Celebrated English Strteshrn. OCTOBER 2. How sweetly sounds the voice of a good woman I It is so seldom heard, that, when it speaks. It ravishes all senses. — Massinger. Elizabeth R. Montagu. 1720 Celebrated E>:c-ltsh Rutmor. OCTOBER 3. WV He's true to God who's true to man— Lowell. George Bancroft. isoo Celebrated RnERiCAN Historian. OCTOBER 4. Who docs the best his circumstance allows, Does well, acts nobly— angels could no more — Young. Rutherford B. Hates, 1822 19tm President U. S. OCTOBER 5. What's fame? a fancied life in others' breath, A thing beyond us, even before our death.— Pope. Chester Allan Arthur, i830 zist President U. S. *- * * OCTOBER 6. The devil hath not in all his quiver's choice. An arrow for the heart like a sweet voice.— Byron. Jenny Lind, 1820 Famous Swedish Singer. OCTOBER 7. One master passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. — Pope. WILLIAM MULLER, 1794 Celebrated German lyric Poet. * q. * OCTOBER 6. Without the smile from partial beauty won. Oh ! whaf were man?— a world without a sun. — Campbell. EDHUND C. STEDMflN. 1833 JSoted American Poet and Critic. OCTOBER 9. There's one whose fearless courage yet has never failed in fight ; Who guards witn zeal our country's weal, our freedom and our right.— Cook. Winfield S. Schley, 1539 Celebrated American Admiral. * -* OCTOBER 10. The more thou damm'st it up, the more it burus : The current that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st being stopp'd, impatiently doth rage. —Shaks. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. 156 1 Famous Hectic Exploeer. OCTOBER 1 1. There's more than passion goes to make a man, Or book, which is a man too. — Browning. Richard B. Kimball, iaie Noted American Author. -# OCTOBER 12. " But happy they ! the happiest of their kind ! Whom gentle Btars unite, and in one fate Their heart.-, their fortunes, ami their beings blend. — Thomson . Columbus Discouered America, 1492 OCTOBER 13. Verily, man. with truth for thy theme, eloquence shall throne thee with archangels.— Tupper. Benjamin li. Brewster, is i 6 Eminent American Jurist. * * OCTOBER 14. All was - now, the hope, and the fear, and the sorrow. All the dull, deep pain, and constant angui- patience. — Longfell VlLLIfln FENN. 1644 Founder of Penmstl _.-.m = OCTOBER 15. I awoke one morning: and found myself famous. — By\ Allan Rahsat. 1686 Pahous Scotch Poet. * OCTOBER 16. Men ever had, and ever will have, leave, To coin new words welJ suited to the age. — Roscommon. Noah Webster, 1758 Celebrated American lexicographer. OCTOBER 1 7. Faery elves, Whoso midnight revels by a forest-side. Or fountain, some belated peasant sees. — Milt on. Henri E. Abbet, . ie^6 American Theatrical Hanaqer. *- -* j — * OCTOBER 18. Unbounded power and height of greatness give To kings that lustre which we think divine. The wise that know them, know they are but men. — Bo i re, Mrs. Jackson, (pseudonym, h. - 153 1 American Poet and Novelist. OCTOBER 19. I profess not talking: only this, Let each man do his best. — Sha.ks. -Jean B. Regnault, 175^ French Historicrn Fainter. -* OCTOBER 20. There's beauty all arotmd our paths, if but our watchful eyes Can trace it 'midst familiar things, and through their lowly guise. — Mrs. Hemans, Christopher Wren, i63z Celebrated English Architect. OCTOBER 2 Though lost to sight, to memory dear Thou ever wilt remain.— Linley. William tt. Carleton, i845 Famous American Poet. * OCTOBER 22. wv Yet graceful ease, and sweetness void of pride. Might hide her faults, if belles had faults to hide. —Pope. Sara Bernhardt. \q^ Celebrated French Actress. OCTOBER 23. We live not to ourselves, our work is life. — Bailey, Adlai E. Stevenson, 1835 flOTED American Statesman. * ^ * OCTOBER 24. When'er a aoble deed is wrought, When'er is spoken a aoble thought, Our hearts, in glad surprise. To higher level- rise. Longfellow. Sir Hoses Hontifiore. i784 Famous Jewish Philanthropist. OCTOBER 25. I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano ; A stage, where every man must play a part.— Shaks. THOS. B. MACAULAY, 1800 Celebrated English Historian. * * OCTOBER 26. Let fame, that all hunt after in their live.-. Live register'd upon our brazen tomb>- Shaks. HELnUTM K. MOLTKE, 1800 FhKCus Frussirn Field FIrrshal. OCTOBER 27. With various wonders feasts his sight : What stranger wonders does he write.— Gay. Captain James Cook, 1723 Celebrated Nruigrtor. *- * OCTOBER 25. And when a lady's in the case, You know all other things give place. Gay. Anna E. Dickinson, is^z Celebrated American Lecturer. OCTOBER 29. Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow. — Pope Thos. Francis Bayard, isze Famous American Statesman. *- OCTOEER 30. What is the end of fame? 'tis but to till A certain portion of uncertain paper.— Byron. John Adahs. 1735 : : President u. S. OCTOBER 31. Words, however, are thing-. — Me edith. •John Evelyn. 1620 CELE5RRTED ENGLISH AUTHOR. * NOVEMBER. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE TOPAZ. FIDELITY. In rattling showers dark November's rain. From every stormy cloud, descends amain. — Ruskin. NOVEMBER 1. Sculpture is more divine, and more like Nature. That fashions all her works in high relief. — Longfellow. Antonio Canova, 1757 Famous Italian Sculptor. * * NOVEHBER 2. vw Some liken it to climbing up a hill. Whose summit, like all hills, is lost in vapor. —Byron. Jahes K. Folk. 1795 1 1TH PRESIDENT U. S. NOVEMBER 3. O Scotia ! my dear, my native soil ! For whom my warmest wish to heaven is sent. — Burns. John Watson, ohh ^clare*.) isso Celebrated Scotch Rutmor. -* * NOVEMBER 4. Silence often of pure innocence Persuades; when speaking Pails. Shdks. Stratford Canning, 1786 Eminent English Diplomatist. NOVEMBER 5. A little breath, love. wiue, ambition, fame. Fighting, devotion, dust,— perhaps a name.— Byron. Benjamin F. Butler, ie is Distinguished Soldier and Politician. * NOVEHBER 6. In vain they'd teach us, at the latest breath. To smile serene amid the pangs of death. — Falcone Charles Stewart. 1778 Celebrated Rear Admiral U. S. ft. NOVEMBER 7. Talk what you will of taste, my friend, you'll find. Two of a face as soon as of a mind. — Pope. Fritz Reuter. 1510 Qermfin Novelist and Poet. -* NOVEHBER 8. O ! 'tis an easy thing To write and sing; But to write true, unfeigned verse Js very hard.— Vaughan. ED. R. BULVER LTTTON, meredith.) 163 Distinguished Author and Statesman. NOVEHBER 9. And, to that dauntless temper of his mind. He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valor. To act in safety.— Shaks. Albert Edward, isv Prince of Wales. NOVEMBER 10. To me more dear, congenial to my heart. One native charm, than all the gloss of art- —Goldsmith. Joaquin Miller, 134- 1 CELEBRATED AMERICAN FOET. NOVEMBER 1 1 Sound judgment is the ground for writing well. To proper subjects rightly understood, Words from your pen \vill naturally flow.— Roscommon . Jomann Schiller. 1759 Famous German Foet. NOVEMBER 12. I have 1 bored, And with no little study, that my teaching And the strong course of my authoi Lty Might go one w&y.—Shaks. Elizabeth C. Stanton, 1515 Prominent Advocate Woman's Rights. NOVEMBER 13. Long: shall we seek his likeness,— long in vain. Sighing that nature form'd but one such man. — Byron. Robert Louis Stevenson, i85o Celebrated English Novelist. "* * * NOVEMBER 14. 'With unsuspected eloquence can move. And manage all the men with secret art. — Addison. HEINRICH L. DORN, 1804 Famous German Composer. NOVEMBER 15.. He stood, as some inimitable hand Would strive to make a Paul or Tully stand. —Cowper. WiLLifln Pitt, 1708 Distinguished English Statesman. *~ % NOVEMBER 16. Oft the hours From morn to eve have stol'n unmark'd away, While mute attention hung upon his lips. — Akenside. John Bright. Celebrated Statesman and Orator. NOVEMBER 1 7. To have, when the original is dust, A name, a wretched picture, and worse bust. —Byron. ETIENNE MflCDONALD, 1765 Distinguished French Marshal. -^ _ . . q. , * - — # NOVEHBER 18. Well— well, the world must turn upon its axis. And all mankind turn with it. head or tails. — Byron. Friedrich Werner, i76s Famous Gerhrn Poet. NOVEHBER 19. Caesar-like the sun Gathered his robes around him as ho fell.— Smith. James A. Garfield, 153 1 zOth President U. S. ^ ■ _ __ ^ * NOVEMBER 20. 1 thought of Chatterton, the marvellous boy, The sleepless soul that perish'd in his pride. — Wordsworth. Thomas Chatterton. 1752 Celebrated English Poet. NOVEMBER 2 This world is all a fleeting show. For man's illusion given.— Moo re. Francois M. Voltaire. 169a- Famous French Author. * — q* ifr * NOVnriBER 22. We're born a restless, needy crew ; Show me a happier man than you. — Gay. Robert C. de la Salle, 1643 Discoverer of the Ohio River. NOVEMBER 23. Who grasp'd at earthly fame, Grasp'd wind. — Pollok. Franklin Fierce, iso4 14-TH PRESIDENT U. S. * % NOVEMBER 24. Tln v atmosphere Breathes real and comfort, and the many chambers Seem full of welcomes. Longfellow. Frances H. Burnett, 1549 Celebrated American Writer. NOVEMBER 25. Blessings on Science, and her handmaid Steam ! They make Utopia only half a dream.— Mackay. Arthur Sevall, 1635 American Ship-builder and Politician. * — « NOVEMBER 26. Full many a flower is born to blush unseen. And waste it? sweetness on the desert air. THOttAS GRAY. 17 16 Celebrate:: Ehgush = :=~ NOVEMBER 27. Our joys below it can improve. And antedate the bliss above.— J Sir Julius Benedict. isoa- Fnnous Gekhhh Z anp oser. -* *- - NOVEMBER 25. Oil ! what can sanctify the joys of home. Like hope's gay glance from ocean'- troubled foam. Byron. John Drake Sloat, i7so Distinguished Admiral U. S. N. NOVEHBER 29. A woman mixed of such tine elements That were all virtue and religion dead She'd make them newly, being what she is. —George Eliot- Louisa M. Alcott, i63z Celebrated Nurse and Author. *- NOVEMBER 30. Pray what is lighter than a feather? 1 - my frien I, in summer weather.- Samuel L. Clemens. '.MHRK TWAIN. 53r Ncif : = . :•: = = : : ? ;- - -* * * DECEMBER. BIRTH-STONE LANGUAGE TURQUOISE. PROSPERITY. Only the sea intoning - , Only the wainscot-mouse, Only the wild wind moaning Over the lonely house. — Aldrich. DECEMBER 1 Loveliest of women ! heaven is in thy soul. Beauty and virtue shine for ever round thee. Brightening each other !— Addison. Alexandra, 1844 Princess of Wrles. * DECEHBER 2. Come one. come all ! this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I.— -Scott. Richard Montgomery, 1735 Famous Revolutionary General. DECEMBER 3. Tis the soldiers' life, To have their balmy slumbers wak'd with strife. —Shaks. Geo. B. McClellan, i826 Distinguished American General. -* DECEMBER 4. Praising \\ hal is Lost . Makes the remembrance de&r.—Shaks. THOMAS CARLYLE, 1795 Celebrated English Essayist. DECEMBER 5. Yet I doubt not thro' the ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widen'd with the process of the suns. — Tennyson. Martin Van Buren, \iqz 8th President u. S. * * DECEHBER 6. Not ro know me argues yourself unknown,— Milton. FRIEDRICH MAX MULLER. 1S23 Fafious English Fhilolcgist. DECEMBER 7. Heaven bless thee ! Thou hast the sweetest face I ever looked on. Shaks. Mart Stuart, \5^z Queen of Scots. * DECEMBER 8. Oh popular applause ! what heart of man Is proof against thy sweet, seducing charms? —Cowper. Quintus Horace, 65B.c. Distinguished Roman Poet. DECEMBER 9. For what is glory but the blaze of fame. The people's praise, if always unmixed? — Milton. John Milton, i608 Pnnous English Poet. *- DECEMBER 10. ZftCHflRiAH Chandler, ; : ~:s-::{:v.;-5: 'J. 5. Sr:-- _ :~. DECEMBER - of honor a 1 1 not tc his worth. Who is himself an honor ro his titles.— J i HORNTON fl. Jenkins, iei i Rear Admirhl U. S. N. ~* DECEHBER 12. For just experience bells, in ev'ry soil, That those who think must govern those that toil. — Goldsmith. John Jat. 1745 1st Chief Justice U. S. DECEMBER 13. Noble by birth, yet nobler by great deeds. — Lonc/felloir. Sully, Baron De Rosnt, 1560 Distinguished French Statesman. J> DECEMBER 14. The mind doth shape itself to its own wants. And can bear all things. — Baillie. Charles Volee. 1791 English Poet. DECEMBER 1 5. Can svich things be. And overcome us like a summer's cloud. Without our special wonder?— Sh a Jcs. David Teniers, 1610 flOTED FLEMISH PRINTER. * DECEMBER 16. The Power who pities man hath shown A blessing for the eyes that weep. — Bryant. George Vhitefield, 1714 Famous Pulpit Orator. DECEMBER 1 7. Who soweth good seed will surely reap : The year grows rich as it groweth old : And life's latest sands are its sands of gold.— Dorr. John G. Vhittier, 1807 Celebrated American Poet. * DECEflBER 18. Rumor cloth double like the voice and echo. The numbers of the fear'd.— Shaks. Geo. D. Prentice, 1502 Rmericrn Journalist and Poet. DECEHBER 19. And you. brave Cobham ! to the latest breath, Shall feel your Ruling- Passion strong in death. —Pope. William E. Parry. 1790 Distinguished Arctic Explorer. DECEHBER 20. Let such teach others, who themselves excel. And censure freely, who have written well. Friedrich Dubner, Noted German Classical Critic. 1802 DECEMBER 21. I'd serve my prince. I'd serve him with my fortune here at home, Die for him, as ev'ry true-born loyal subject ought. —Otway. Benjahin Disraeli, (L0 B R E D flcoriSHELD.;) leo^ Distinguished English Statesman. * * iff , — —^ DECEMBER 22. Pride in their port, defiance in their eye. I see the lords of humankind pass by.— Goldsmith. Mayflower Pilgrims Landed at Plymouth Rock, 1620 DECEMBER 23. Lest men suspect your tale untrue, Keep probability in view.— Gay. Joseph Smith. 1805 Mormon Prophet. -* DECEMBER 24. Alone o'er steeps and foaming falls to lean ; This is not solitude ; 'tis but to hold Converse with nature's charms, and * Lew her si unroll'd. —Byron. Kit Carson, iso9 Famous American Frontiersman. DECEMBER 25. Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night, God said "Let Newton be !" and all was light.— Pope. Sir Isaac Nevton. \§m Celebrated English Scientist. "* DECEMBER 26. If the heait of a man is depressed with cares. The mist is dispelTd when a woman appears.^ Mrs. Ennfi Southvorth. is is Noted Rkericra Novelist. DECEMBER 27. :ernal jewels of the short-lived night. — Dodge. . ' rtflNH KEPLER, 1571 ^ELEBRHTEI }ERlIflll ASTBOHOHEB i DECEMBER 26. And to add greater honors to his age Than man could give, he died fearing Qod.—Shaks. JOHANN RENCHL1N, 1 455 Celebrated German Humanist. DECEMBER 29. Would I could duly praise you, that eacli deed Your foes might honor, and your friends might read. — Crabbe. Andrew Johnson, 1506 !7tm President U. S. * * * -* DECEMBER 30. A little nonsense, now and then. Is relished by the wisest men— Anon. Rudtard Rifling, 1565 Celeerrted English Novelist. DECEMBER 31. Enough of merit has each honored name To shine untarnished on the rolls of fame. —Humphreys. Jules Simon. is i a- Distinguished French Statesman. * *