m ^^ <^ ?^/ ^'^ ^% ^yis^^' v^ ^^ • <&■ t o " » * ^.* .L*^^ % •* ^°^^^'"°- .^^^'^i^-^. ^°^:^B>^'- .^^ -^iX (TV .<» ^/ ^v V*. •» ^ 'bV" ^^-^^^ ^•l'^^ • A-^ * •J'. 35Tn Congress, \st Session. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. U.s.c. 01/l.O^i Report No. 308. •. Cdl. ,k^. , :vv WILLIAM HOWELL. (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 513.] April 17, 1858. Mr. Jewett, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, made the following REPORT The Committee on Invalid Pensions, to tvJiom toas referred the papers of William Howell^ of the State of Tennessee, asking an invalid pension^ for injuries sustained in the war of 1812, report: That it appears from the evidence filed, that said William Howell enlisted on the 15th July, 1812, for eighteen months, under Captain Martin Hawkins, in the 27th regiment of infantry ; was transferred shortly after to the company of Captain Thornton S. Posey, in the same regiment. Whilst on his way from Fort Knox to Fort Harri- son, with a load of provisions tor the army, he was shot in the left breast by a ball fired from a gun in the hands of an Indian ; from the effects of said wound he has never recovered, but is now wholly disabled from obtaining a living by manual labor. William Hargiss and Abraham Dye, who were in the same company with him, swear to the fact of his having received the wound whilst in the line of his duty. D. B. Cliff" and S. S. Mayfield, who are certified to be physicians of good standing in Franklin, Williamson county, Tennessee, certify that he is now disabled one half or more. The committee are of opinion that he is entitled to relief, and there- fore report a bill. £7 3s-<^ 46 I . A*: S*?-;' -AT ^ J. o • V ■!<' % =•^0%'^^ . V-^^