Class __E5A£. Book ^m3- ROSTER IlNETy-SlITH REGIMENT, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. 1S62 TO ISO COMPILED P,Y ROBT. P. BARTLETT, i| PERMANENT SErRETARY OF THE REUNION ASSOriATION OF THE REGIMENT, BY DIRECTION OF THE ASSOCIATION. SOUVENIR EDITiON. COLUMBUS, O. : Press of Hann it Adair, 1895. ^ ^ -^ ORGANIZATION. The 96tli Regiment O. V. I. was organized at Camp Dela- ware, Ohio, August 14 to 19, 1862, to serve three years, and was mustered into the service of the United 8tates August 19, 1862» by Captain Charles C. Goddard, 17th Infantry, U. S. A., and mustered out at ]Mobile, Alabama, July 7, 1865, and finally discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio, July 29, 1865. All enlistments were for three years, except a few of the recruits enlisted for one year, which are shown. November 18, 1864, the Regiment was consolidated into a battalion, and Captain E. B. Campbell and seventy-five men of the 42d O. V. I. were transferred to the 96th. The following is a list of the raids, battles, sieges, etc., in which the Regiment bore an honorable part : Dallas Raid, Louisiana, December 25th and 26th, 1862. (8ee official records of the War of the Rebellion, in Vol. XVII,, part 1, page 605, et seq.) Chickasaw Bayou, Mississippi, December 28th and 29th 1862. (See records AVar of Rebellion, Vol. XVII., page 605 €t seq. ) Arkansas Post, Arkansas, January 11, 1863. (See records AVar of the Rebellion, Vo\. XVII., part 1, page 700, et seq.) 3 Expedition to Greouville, Mississippi, February 14th to 27th, 1.S03. (See Rebellion records, Vol. XXIV., part 1, i>ages 34'> to 353, and Vol. XXIV., part a, paj;e H30. ) Vieksbur^, sie^a* of, ^NEississippi, Ma^' ISth to July oth, 1S68. (See Rebellion records, Vol. XXIV., part 1, page 137. •'^ .sv?^., and 1249 to 2Vlo. ) Jackson, Missis.sippi, July 9th to lOth, 1SH3. (See Rebellion records, Vol. XXIV., part 2, pages old, o^j'2 and o93, ef se.q. ) Expedition from New Orleans to New River, Louisiana, September 25th to 29th, 1S(33. Grand Coteau, Louisiana, November 8, ISGS. (See Rebel- lion records. Vol. XXVI., part 1, page 859, et seq.) Sabine Cross Roads, Louisiana, Ai>ril 8,1^64. (See Rebel- lion records, Vol. XXXIV, part 1, pages 2(;4, 2HS, 290 to 295 and 301 to 808. ) Monett's Bluft" or Cane River, Louisiana, April 28, 1.S64. I. See Rebellion records, VOL XXXIV., part 1, page 294.) Fort Gaines, Alabama, August 5th to 7th, 1864. iSee Rebellion records. Vol XXXIX., part 1, pages 402, 418 to 45«.) Fort Morgan, Alabama. August 8th to 23d, 1804. (See Rebellion records. Vol. XXXIX., part 1, pages 402, 419 to 456.) Spanish Fort, Alabama, March 26th to Ai>ril 8th, 1865. F'ort Blakely, Alabama, April 9, 1865. Mobile, siege of, Alabama, March 26th to April 12th, 1S(>5. AVhistler's Station, Alabama, April 18, 1865. FIELD AND STAFF. Colonel Joseph AV. Vance. Age 47; date of eomiDissiou August 12, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post Vicksburg, Jackson ; July 80, 1863, home ou furlough ; returned to Regiment November 6, 1863, at New Iberia, Louisiana; Sabine Cross Roads, where killed April S, 1864; buried at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. He commanded a brigade during the greater portion of his service. His children are at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. TjIEUTenant-Colonel Albert H.Brown. Age 37; date of commission August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, 8abine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort INIorgan, Spanish Fort, M'here injured by explosion of shell and hearing of left ear impaired ; Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. He led the Regiment in nearly every battle. (See pages 100 to 108 and 137 to 130, and page 157 regimental history.) Mustered out with Regiment July 7, 1865. Colonel Brown also served as private in C'ompany C, 3d Regiment Ohio Volunteer Militia, in the Mex- ican War, enlisting June 6, 1846, at the age of 20 years, and discharjL^ed June 18, 1847, at New Orleans, Louisiana; also as Captain of Company K, 4th Regiment O. V. I., from April 18, 1861, to June 9, 1862. Member of 69th and 70th General Assemblies of Ohio. Bloomfield, Ohio. Major Charles H. McElroy. Age32; date of commission and muster August 8, 1862; resigned July 5, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg, Fort Donel- son and Shiloh ; also served as Captain Company D, 20th O. V. I., from September 10, 1861, to July 12, 1S62, when discharged to accept promotion as Major of the 96th. Lawyer, Delaware, Ohio. Major Joseph Leonard. Date of commission July 21, 18()2, as Captain of Company B; promoted to JNIajor July 13, 1864, aud mustered out Noveiriber 2o, 1.SH4, by reason of coDsoli- datiou of Regiment. Battles: C.'hiekasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg (as oflficer of the picket he received General Bowen and Colonel Montgomery, rebels, under the flag of truce at the front picket line, July 3, 1S()8), Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Koads, Cane Elver, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. He also served in Company B, 2d Regiment O. V. I., in Mexi- can War, from May 27, 1846, to June 2H, 1847. Died at 8an Diego, California, in 1885. Surgeon David W.' Henderson. Age 38; date of com- mission and muster August 19, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post. Resigned April 2, 1863; also served as private in Company K, 4th Regiment (). V. M., Mexican War, from May 12, 1847, until July 18, 1848. Physician, Marysville, Ohio. Surgp:on John F. Hess. Age 32 ; date of commission as Assistant Surgeon August 14, 1862 ; on detail with 13th I. U. S. A., from December, 1862, until April 1, 1863, when returned to Regiment ; promoted to Surgeon, and commission dated April 2, 1863, and mustered September 29, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau Sabine Cross Roads, where captured and on duty with Union wounded in rebel hospitals ten weeks, at ^Fansfield, Louisiana; exchanged and returned to Regiment June 19, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort and Fort Blakel^^ Mobile and Whistler. (See regimental history, page 138.) Mustered out with the Regiment July 7, 1865. Great Bend, Kansas. Assistant Sur(jeox William J. Sullivan. Age 38; date of commission and muster August 19^ 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Resigned February 28, 1863; also Surgeon of 132d Regiment (). V. I. Urbaua, Ohio. Assistant Surgeon Georcje W. Ram age. Date of com- mission .June 2d, and muster June 12, 18()3 ; detailed as Surgeon in charge of 1st Louisiaua Volunteers, September 24, 1863. Dis- charged for disability December 12, 1864. Battles: Vicksburg and Jackson. Jennings, Louisiana. Adjutant Georcje N. Clark. Age 48; date of commis- sion August 18, and of muster August 10, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Resigned February 24. (See Company E; also see page 180 of regimental history.) (irAH'l'EK.MASTEK-SEK(;EANT J^EN.IAMIN J. WIM.IAM8. Age2<»; enliste4. See Adjutant. Second IjIel tenant Daniel N. Cooper. Age 22; en- listed August 2, 1862; appointed Corporal August 1, 1862; promoted to Third Sergeant April 14, 1868, and to Second Jiieutenant December 19, 1860. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Forts (iaines, Morgan, Spanish, Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Begiment July 7, I860. Fayette C H., Alabama. First Sek(;eant Wm. Boberts. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862; appointed Second Sergeant and promoted to First Sergeant April 14, 1868. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou. Arkansas Post, Vicksburg ( July 5, 1863, absent sick until March h, 1864 ), Sabine Cross Boads, Cane Biver, Forts Gaines, Morgan, Spanish and Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mus- tered out with Begiment July 7, 1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Ser(tEant John M. Ewalt. Age 22; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged March 25, 1868, on certificate of disability. >rt. Vernon, Ohio. SERCiEANT George Trone. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1rorrow County, Ohio. Cask, Aakon. Age 29; enlisted August 4, 1862: (letaileat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died .January 16, 1863, of wounds received at latter battle. Buried at Mem- phis, Tenn. Jackson, John W. Age 31; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau and Sabine Cross Roads. jNIustered out May 12, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, by order of War Department. IMt. Lib- erty, Ohio. Kakrar, Henkv. Age 18; enlisted October 3, 1864, for one year. Battle: Spanish Fort. Transferred July (>, 1865, to Company C, 77tii Regiment O. V. V. I., and mustered out October 3, 1865, at Brownville, Tex. Dublin, Ohio. Keleer, Jojix. Age 18; enlisted August !», 1862. Battles: Chickasaw l^ayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Forts Gaines, Morgan and Spanish. Mustered out July 7, 1865, with thi' Company. Died in 1879. Kirk, .Ioiin E. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862; pro- moted to Quartermaster-Sergeant March 10, 18<)3, which see. 18 KiRBY, Eben B. Age 28 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Died at CuviugtoD, Kentuclvy, October 11, 1862, and buried in Sec- tion B, grave 56, Linden Grove Cemetery, Keutuclvy. Knode, IVIcNeil. Age 18; enlisted August 2, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged by order of Geo. E. O. C. Ord. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Kking, Isaac. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Died July 2, 1863, in hospital in rear of Vicksburg and buried at Vicks- burg, in Section G, grave 5. TjAMSON, Alvin. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862; pro- moted to Corporal June 7, 1863. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau and Sabine Cross Eoads. Died at Chicago, Illinois, August 18, 1864, and buried in grave A, Rose Hill Cemetery. Lauderbaugh, Hugh. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company, July 7, 1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Lawton, Peter. Age 18; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, April 30. 1863, and buried at Vicksburg Na- tional Cemetery, Section E, grave 54. Magaw, John. Age 20 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles : Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and parolled De- cember 25, 1863, and exchanged May, 28, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort ^Morgan, Spanisii Fort and Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Han- nibal, Missouri. Martin, Joel R. P. Age 22; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau (taken prisoner and exchanged May 28^ 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. JNIustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died October 28, 1888, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 19 ]\rc"GRAw, W.M.. Age IS ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou ( detailed to Pioneer Corps of 13th Army Corps, February' 5, 18H3 ), Port (iibson, Champion Hills and Vicksburg. Taken prisoner on march to Jackson, Mississippi. Supposed to be dead. Maktin, Wm. V. Age 31 ; enlisted July 31, 18(32. Bat- tles: Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 28, 1864; Forts Gaines, Morgan, Spanish and Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Newark, Ohio. McCuLLOCH, Barney F. Age 18 ; enlisted August 2, 1892. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner and exchanged October 2S, 1864, and Spanish Fort. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Bushsylvania, Ohio. McElroy, John. Age 18; enlisted March 31, 1864. Died July 20, 1864, at Baton Rouge, La. :S[cGrady, Daniel W. Age 18; enlisted July 28, ls62. BattJes; Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Forts Gaines, Morgan, Spanish and Blakely, Mobile and AVhistler. Mustered out w^ith Com- l)any July 7, l8()o. Avondale, Ala. McGrew, Wm. a. Age 23 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Ba^'ou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 28, 1864, and Fort Spanish. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Mace- donia, Iowa. Meeker, Norton A. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where wounded ; Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where again wounded ; Sabine Cross Roads, Forts Gaines, Morgan, Spanish and Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died ^Fay 24, 1890, at Portland, Ind. Mrs. N. A. Sleeker, widow, Portland, Ind. ;METZ(iAR, Chas. K. Age 18; enlisted October 3, 1864. Transferred to Company C, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 20 1865. Mustered Out October 3, 1864. Died in New York City; date unknown. Moody, John R. Age 22; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau ; absent, sick ; discharged April 8, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, on certificate of disability. Died April 7, 1894, at Cleveland, Ohio. Physician. Mrs. Eudora A. Moody, widow, Centerburg, O. Moore, Aaron B. Age 20; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 2, 1864 ; Forts Gaines, Morgan, Spanish and Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Penrose, Henry. Age 37 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Rat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, March 5, 1863, and buried at Vicksburg cemetery. Phillips, Thomas R. Age 28; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Discharged at Columbus, Ohio, December 3, 1863, on certificate of disability. Newton, Iowa. Pierce, Isaac. Age 43; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged March 18, 1863, by order of General McCleruand. Died at Centerburg, Ohio, in 1886. Mrs. Isaac Pierce, widow, Centerburg, Ohio. Pitkin, Ebenezer. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, February 1, 1863, and buried at Vicksburg. Porter, William. Age 26; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack, son, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died. Pruner, Philo. Age»27 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, Ft. Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, and Fort Blakely, Mobile and 21 Whistler. MustertMl out with Company July 7, I860. Mt. Vernou, Ohio. Rkjlek, (tEOKcje. Age 20; enlisted August 5, 1802. Dis- charged April 16, 1868, at Memphis, Tennessee ; also served in Company I^, 4th O. V. I., from April 20, 1861, until August 21, 1861. KizoK, BEN.rAMiN. Age 20; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died at Young's Point, Louis- iana, January 26, 1863. Buried at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Robertson, Jesse P. Age 80; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Wounded at latter battle. Discharged September 10, 1868, at Memphis on certificate of disability. Mt. Liberty, Ohio. RouPK, George. Age 21; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Transferred to Company G, 21st Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, February 15, 1864, by order of War Department. Dead ; date not known. RouPE, Jacoh. Age 26; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at St. Louis, Mis- souri, July 18, 1868. Buried in section 6, grave 29, Jeflferson Barracks. Roi'PE, Michael. Age 24; enlisted August 7, 1862. l^at- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Mustered out of service at Cincinnati, Ohio, Ma^^ 80, J 865, by order of War Department. Galloway Ohio. Smale, Samuel. Age 18; enlisted February 28, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Jilakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865; mustered out with Company March 8, 186(), at Brownsville, Texas. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Spekrv, Wilmot. Age 18; enlisted August 5, 1862; pro- moted to Corporal March 1, 1863, and reduced to private on consolidation of Regiment November 18, 1864. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, (irand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged ]May^8, 18(54; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 18()5 Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Sprague, Braley. Age 21; enlisted August 19, 1862 Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 28, 18H4; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ]Mobi]e and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 18()5. Pottersburg, Ohio. Rtulj., George W. Age 18; enlisted February 29, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort INIorgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ]Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865; mustered out with Company March 8, 1866, at Brownsville, Texas. Perry sville, Ohio. Tarr, John. Agp 22, enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Died at latter place July 11, 1863, of sunstroke ; buried at Vicks- burg. Tathwell, Edwin E. Age 18; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son and Grand Coteau ; shot in arm at latter place— ex section of the humerus. Discharged March 10, 1864, at New Orleans by reason of said gunshot wound. Springville, Iowa. - Taylor, John W. Age 18 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery, April 1, 1863), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Charge at Vicksburg and Siege of Vicksburg (returned to Company May 23, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Dunkirk, Ohio. Thompson, Eugene I. Age 18; enlisted July 30, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery April 1, 1863), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Charge of Vicksburg and Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (returned to Company April 8, 1864), Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Cochranton, Ohio. Trimble, Thos. H. Age 21 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, 23 Fort GaiDes, Fort IMorgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, INIobile aud Whistler. Mustered out with C'onipany July 7, 1865. Mt. Veruon, Ohio. Vance, Harvey. Age 20 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tle: C'hickasaw Bayou. Died INIareh 9, 1863, at Memphis, Tennessee ; buried same place. Ward, Jonah. Age 20; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, Marcli 2, 1863, and buried at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Warden, ("has. H. Age 19; enlisted August 9, 1862. Discharged April 9, 1863, by order of Captain Albert Dod- Athens, Ohio. Welch, Jos. B. Age 19; enlisted March 29, 1864. Died on transport " Jno. H. Groesbeck" September 22, 1864. W ATKINS, Nathaniel D. Age 21 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged March 18, 1863, on certiticate of disability; also served in Company D, 145th Regiment O. V. I. Farwell, Mich. AVhitney, Walter S. Age 21 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Vicksburg. Taken prisoner on tbe march to Jackson, Mississippi. Williams, Lewis H. Age 24 ; enlisted January 2, 1864. Battles: Sabine Cross Roads and Spanish Fort. Transferred to Company D, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865. :Mus- tered out August 19, 1865, by order of War Department, at Columbus, Ohio. Melrose, Ohio. Woods, Josiah. Age 21; enlisted July 30, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died at Milliken's Bend, La., March 19, 1863, and buried at Vicksburg. AVright, (iEOR(!E. Age 18; enlisted August 9, 18()2. Died at Memphis, Tenn., December 1, 1862; buried at same place. Wkkjjit, Joseph P. Age 27; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battle: Arkansas Post. Transferred to 13th Comi)any, Sec- ond Tiattaliou Veteran Reserve Cori)s, PVbruary 21, 1865, from 24 which discharged May 29, 1805, at St. Louis Mo. Died June 18, 1891, at Monroe, Iowa. Zimmerman, Andrew J. Age 18; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat tles : 'r Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Ooteau (wounded at latter battle), Sabine Cross Roads and Cane River. Detailed as Clerk at headquarters 13th Army Corps, February 20, 1865. Mustered out with Company. July 7, 1865. Great Falls, Mont. COIflPANY B. Recruited in Knox County, Ohio. Captain Joseph Leonard. Commission Dated July 21. 1862; promoted to Major July 13, 1864, which see. First Lieutenant Henry P. Bennett. Date of com- mission August 12, 1862; promoted to Captain Company A, March 3. 1863, which see. First Lieutenant George McClurg Age 37 ; enlisted August 9, 1862; appointed Sergeant from Corporal May 1, 1863; promoted to second Lieutenant to date March 3, 1863 ; to First Lieutenant May 25, 1864; transferred to Company C Battalion November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company C, July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River (home on furlough June 15 to August 31, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Greersville, Knox county^ Ohio. First Lieutenant Charles G. Oldfield. Age 28 ; enlisted July 26, 1862, in Company C; appointed Sergeant and promoted to Second Lieutenant January 26, 1863, and to First Lieutenant Company B, July 13, 1864; mustered out with Com- pany B, July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgau, Si)auish Fort, Fort Klakely, Mobile aucl Whistler. C'antou, Ohio. Second Likx'tenaxt William S. Wing. Date of com- luissiou July 24, 1S()2; pronioted to First LieuteDaut March 1, iNOa, but not mustered ; resigned March 1 , 1868. ( rarabier, Ohio. Second Lieutenant Jacoh AV. Daleymple. Age 21 ; enlisted August 5, 1862, in Conapauy C ; appointed Corporal and promoted to Sergeant March 27, 1863, and First Sergeant April 30, 1864, and Second Lieutenant of Company B, November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company B, July 7, 1865, at Mobile. Battles: Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort (Raines, Fort iSIorgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^Fobile and Whistler. ]Sroutrose, (*olorado. First Sergeant Phineas A. Fawcett. Age 28; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas l*ost. Died February 28, 1863, at Young's Point, Louisiana, and buried at Vicksburg. First Sergeant William R. Age 22; enlisted August 12, 1862; promoted from private April 1, 1863. Battles : Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where wounded in the hand, and after that carried the banner through the l)attle: Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Sick at Nicholasville, Kentucky, from November 11, 18<)2, until February 7, 1.S63, when returned to Regiment; mustered out by consolidation of Regiment November 24, 1864. Gambler, Ohio. Sergeant Murray J. Bennett. Age 26; enlisted Au- gust 15, 1862. Left sick in hospital at New Albany, Ind.; discharged at Columbus, Ohio, April 1, 1863. Also served in Company B, 4th Regiment O. V. L, from April 20, 1861. until August 21, 1861. Died J.-uiuary 30, 1888. Mrs. Mary E. Ben- nett, widow, Columbus, Ohio. Ser(;eant Henky L. Badcjer. Age 21; enlisted .July 25, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sent from Young's Point, La., sick to hospital Louisville, Ky., January 23, 1863, and discharged February 26, 1863, on Sur- geon's certificate of disability. Portsmouth, O. 26 Sergeant Geo. W. Loke. Age 23; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Forts Gaines, Morgan, Spanish and Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Taken prisoner at Grand Coteau and exchanged May 9, 1864; transferred to Company C, November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company C, July 7, 1865. Died December 23, 1877, at Kilbuck, Ohio. Mrs. Sada V. Lore, widow, Cameron, Mo. Sergeant Wm. H. Mast. Age 21 ; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sent to hospital February 23, 1863, and discharged at Memphis, Tenn., April 3, 1863. Dead ; date unknown. Sergeant Joseph T. Jacobs. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862; appointed First Corporal August 11, 1862, and pro- moted to Sergeant April 4, 1863. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged December 25, 18(53 ; Sabine Cross Roads. Discharged to date September 21, 1864, to accept pro- motion to First Lieutenant Company A, and January 1, 1865, promoted to Adjutant 178th Regiment O. V. L, from which hewas mustered out with the Regiment June 29, 1865. Battles : Siege of Murfreesboro, Wise's Fork, Surrender of General Joe Johnston's army, at Charlotte, N. C. Ann Arbor, Mich. Sergeant Wm. H. Scarbrough. Age 20 ; enlisted August 12, 1862; promoted from private to Corporal April 11, 1863, and to Sergeant December 22, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Grand Coteau, where wounded; Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C Battalion November 18, 1864, and mustered out with C\)m- pany C July 7,1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Sergeant Jacob Young. Age 26; enlisted August 1 1 , 1862; promoted from private to Corporal March 1, 1863, and to Ser- geant May 15, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau, and killed at latter battle November 3, 1863. Buried at Chalmette, La., and re- interred at Fredericktown, Ohio. 8ERGEANT JoHN T. Truesdell. Age 21 ; eiilistedlAugust 11, 1862; promoted from private to Corporal August 11, 1S62, aud to Sergeaut May 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkausas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabiue Cross Roads, Caue River. Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1SH4, and nmstered out with Company C July 7, 1885; also served in Company G, 20th Regiment O. V. I., from April 23 to August 28, 1.S61. Fredericktown, Ohio. Corporal David Bonar. Age 25; enlisted August 11, 1862. l^attle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died at Arkansas Post, January 14, 1863. Corporal Henry B. 8nediker. Age 18; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles: C'hickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post. Died March 3, 1863, at Young's Point, Louisiana. Corporal Daniel G. Anderson. Age 22 ; enlisted July 25, 18(52. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post. Sent from Young's Point, sick, to Louisville, Kentucky, January 22, 1863; transferred to Company- K, 12th Regiment Veteran Re- serve Corps, May 1, 1864, from which mustered out at Wash- ington, D. C., July 28, 1865, by order of War Department. Died in 1882. Corporal John A. Peoples. Age 23 ; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Sent from Young's Point to St. Louis, sick, January 22, 1863, and died February- 3, 1863. Buried at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Corporal Wm. E. BuRKK. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged April 4, 1863, at St. Louis, Missouri, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Washington, D. C. Corporal Daniel Keeper. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862; promoted from private to Corporal March 1, 1863. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, .Jackson, Grand Coteau Sabine Cross Roads, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, on consolidation, and mustered out with Company C as private, July 7, 1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 28 CoRPOKAL Frederick S. Burrows. See Sergeaut Major. Corporal Orrin L. Walter. Age 22 ; enlisted August 11, 1862; promoted from private to Corporal January 1, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, and Sabine Cross Roads; and killed at lat- ter battle April 8, 1864. Corporal Geo. W. Tish. Age 19; enlisted August 11, 1862; promoted from private to Corporal March 1, 1863. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, New River (where wounded), Grand Coteau (where taken prisoner and exchanged May 9, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Trans- ferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company C July 7, 1865. St. Elmo, Illinois. Corporal Thomas J. Ball. Age 22 ; enlisted August 11, 1862; left sick at New Albany, Indiana, November 18, 1862, to February 9, 1863. Battles : Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Promoted from private to Corporal October 1, 1864; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company C July 7, 1865. Chicago, Illinois. Wilson S. McGinley, Musician. See Principal Mu- sician. Columbus D. Popham, Musician. Age 20; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Left sick at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, April 14, 1863; mustered out June 14, 1865, at Cairo, Illinois, by order of War Department. Parnell, Kansas. William H. W^right, Wagoner. Age 20; enlisted August 11, 1862 ; on duty with Company the entire service and present at all the battles ; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bangs, Ohio. 29 PRIVATES. Ball, John X. Age 18; enlisted August 18, 1862.- Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou aud Arkansas Post. Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, February 19,1863; buried at Vicksburg in section C, grave 155. Barkkr, Pattkrsox. Age 19; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Sent to hospital at ]\remphis, Tennessee, July 12, 1868, and died there July 31, 1863; buried in section 1, grave 70, Mem- phis, Tennessee. Barker, Ziba B. Age 28; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Left sick at Millikeu's Bend, Louisiana, April 14, 1863, aud discharged at Columbus, August 25,1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability'. Gallon, Ohio. Barnes, Wilbert E. Age 25; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler, Transferred to Company C November is, 1864, aud mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Killbuck, Ohio. Barnes, Wilson. Age 19; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. ♦Sent to hospital at Memphis August 20, 1863, and transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; mustered out May 17, 1865, at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, by order of War Department. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Beck, Jonas. Age 24; enlisted 'August 12, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. No further record found. Beers, Theodore L. Age 19; enlisted August 13, 1862. Left sick at Covington, Kentucky, October 8, 1862, and dis- charged December 24, 1862, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Bennett, Jaivfes. Age 23; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died on hospital boat, D. A., January, at Nashville, Tennessee, March 8, 1863, and buried same place. 30 Black, Lyman W. Age 27; enlisted August 9, 18()2. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Sick in hospital; transferred to Company B, 5th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, February 15, 1864. Mustered out July 5, 1865, at Indianapolis, by order of War Department. Danville, Ohio. Black, Thornton F. Age 24; enlisted August 9, 1862. transferted to Company C November 18, 1864, and to Company €, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865. Buchanan, Ohio. Calhoun, Andrew. Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died April 12, 1868, on hospital boat D. A. January. Carpenter, Evan. Age 32; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Transferred to Company I, 4th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, and from which mustered out July 15, 1865, at Rock Island, Illinois, by order of War Department. Dead. Craven, John H. Age 27; enlisted August IJ, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son (sent home October 3, 1863, on sick furlough for sixty days, and returned December 14, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out wiih Company July 7, 1865. Elyria, Kansas. CoLWELL, William H. Age 21 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Died at field hospital, Vicksburg, July 30, 1863, and buried at same place. Craig, Nathan. Age 28; enlisted August 11, 1862. Died on hospital boat J. C. Swon, January 29, 1863. C'RAFt, Frank. Age 18 ; enlisted August 1 1 , 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Sick in Division Hespital from July 7 to November 28, 1863. Transferred to C^ompany C November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Coving- ton, Kentucky. 31 Davis, Norman. Age 18; enlisted August 10, 1862; left sick at Delaware September 1, 1S62. Never returned to P^egi- ment. DiCKEKSON, Alfred J. Age 20 ; enlisted August 12, 1S()2. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg; Au- gust 20, 1808, home on thirty days' furlough ; returned to duty December 3, 1863; Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to (-onipany C November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company .July 7, 1865. Cherryvale, Kansas. DowDS, Wm. B. Age 24; enlisted August 11, 1862; left sick at Covington October 8, 1862; discharged April 4, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. DrRBiN, Bfi^N.FAMiN. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died P\bru- ary 3, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. DusH, Calvix. Age 19; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged at Van Buren's Hospital, Milliken's Bend, La., April 23, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Also served as Corporal and Sergeant in C^ompany A, 178th Regiment O. V. L, from August 4, 1864, to June 29, 1865. Battles: Siege of Murfrees- boro, Wise's Fork, and Surrender of General Joe Johnston's Army in North Carolina. Dead ; date and place unknown. EiKrAR, Jesse K. Age 43; enlisted August 12, 1862 ; left sick at Memphis, December 19, 1862, and discharged same place March 28, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Dead, and widow dead. EcjGLESTON, Hiram. Age 23; enlisted August 11, 1862. liattles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. July 4, 18()3, sent to Division hospital in rear of Vicksburg; died July 27, 18()3, af St. Louis, Mo.; buried in section 32, grave 25, Jefferson Barracks Cejnetery, Mo. Farquhar, Valentine. Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bavou. ^farch 6, 1863, sick on hospital boat. Discharged November 17, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Gambier, Ohio. Feaster, Jacob. Age 18; enlisted August 13, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jack- son (sick at CarroUton, Louisiana, October 3, 1863, and re- turned to duty November 22, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, where w^ounded by cannon ball in right hip and captured April 8, 1864; died of wounds June 12, 1864, at Blair's Landing, Lou- isiana. Greenlee, Barnet B. Age 19 ; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. July 4, 1863, sent sick to Division Hospital ; discharged No- vember 21, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Oberlin, Ohio. Harden, Job. Age 19; enlisted July 26, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged March 24, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana. Gambier, Ohio. Harden, John. Age 17 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery, April 1, 1863), Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Black River (returned to Com- pany June 17, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort^ Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864 ; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Gambier, Ohio. Harden, Solomon. Age 24; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 29, 1863, on hospital boat " J. C. Swon." Hardinger, George. Age 32 ; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 24, 1863, on steam- er " Fanny BuUit." Henry, Daniel. Age 29; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg (de- tailed to Pioneer Corps of 13th Army Corps September 3, 1863), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads (returned to Company July 13, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865.. Died August — , 1889, at Gann, Knox county, Ohio. 3 33 Hess, John H. Age 27 ; eulisted August 9, 1802. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson, (irand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort (Raines, Fort ^[organ, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Trans- ferred to Company C November 18, 1804, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Hess, Samuel A, Age 23 ; enlisted August 12, 18(52. J^>at- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Iloads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^Mobile and AVhistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with com- pany July 7, 1865. Brownstown, Illinois. HiBBiTTS, Thomas. Age 81 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Dit¥i at Young's Point February 15, 1863, and buried at Vieksburg. Hill, Franklin. Age 19; enhsted February 2, 1864; died June 13, 1864, at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and buried same place. HoBBS, Samuel jNI. Age 18 ; enlisted August 11, 1862 ; left sick at Covington, Kentucky, October 8, 1862; discharged March 18, 1863, at Cincinnati, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Huveler, George W. Age 24; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Left sick at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, April 14, 1863; died April 28, 1868, and buried at Vieksburg. Ireland, David D. Age 28; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg and Jackson. Sent home on sick furlough August 20, 1863; trans- ferred to 125th Company, 2d Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, from which discharged :May 20, 1865, at Covington, Kentucky. Edison, Ohio. Kring, William. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg (sent to hospital June 23, 1863, and returned to Regiment February, 1864), Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in battle; Fort (iaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company E Novem- ber 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Lima, Ohio. 34 Lafever, William P. Age 19; enlisted August 10, 1862. Battles; Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jaeksou (seut to lio3- pital August 20, 1863, and returned to Company December 15, 1863 ; on detached duty at New Orleans from March 13, to May 26, 1864), Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Com- pany D November 18, 1864 ; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Utica, Ohio. Lafferee, William McH. Age 41 ; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicks- burg. Left sick at Carrolton, Louisiana, October 3, 1863; dis- charged December 8, 1863, at New Orleans ; died April 24, 1888, Knox county, Ohio. Lem^iar, George. Age 30; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau (where taken prisoner and exchanged December 25, 1863), Sabine Cross lloads (again taken pris- oner and exchanged October 23, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Maple Ridge, Michigan. Lewis Milford. Age 18 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged March 24, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Indian- apolis, Indiana. Link, William. Age 23; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg (sent to hospital in rear of Vicksburg, June 23, 1863, and returned to Company November 22, 1863), Sabine Cross Boads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Port, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864. Mustered out at Mobile June 6, 1865, by order of War Depart- ment. Newark, Ohio. Myers, James. Age 19 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, February 21, 1868, and buried at Vicksburg, Mis- sissippi. MiNARD, Nathan W. Age 26 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau (where taken prisoner and exchanged May 9, 1864), Fort Gaines and 35 Fort Morgan (transferred to Company E November 18, 1864), Spaui&ih Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company E July 7, 1865. Richlaud, Kansas. Morrison, 8amuel. Age 18 ; enlisted August 13, 1862. IJattles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Left sick at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, April 14, 1863. Discharged Decem- ber 14, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Died ^lay 14, 1892, at Andrews, Morrow county, Ohio. OxLEY, Jeremiah. Age 20; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, and Vicksburg; promoted to Corporal March 1, 1863. Died at Division Hospi- tal in rear of Vicksburg, July 9, 1863, of congestive chills, and buried in section G, grave 940, Vicksburg. Parker, Thomas. Age 23; enlisted August 12, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 16, 1863, of typhoid fever at Young's Point, Louisiana, and buried at Vicksburg. Penrose, Morris. Age 27 ; enlisted August 12, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged ^lay 9, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, :Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Phillips, Ira M. Age 20; enlisted August 12, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw^ Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg (sent to hospital in rear of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863, and returned to Company December 9, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort ^Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864; mustered out with the Company, July 7, 1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Rhodes, Benjamin. Age 21 ; enlisted August 2, 1862 ; left sick at Nicholasville, Kentucky, November 11, 1862; died January 26, 1863, at Lexington, Kentucky, and buried same place in section 6, grave 274. Redding, Marquis d'L. Age 24 ; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw ]5ayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, P'ort Morgan, Si)anish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. 36 Transferred to Comi)any C November 18, 1864 ; mustered out with Company and Regiment, July 7, 1S65. Kansas City* Missouri. Reynolds, John P. Age 32 ; enlisted July 25, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and e^xchauged May 9, 1864; Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864; detailed as printer of the Army of the Southwest, February 16, 1865; mustered out July 18, 1865, at Camp Chase, Ohio, by order of the War Department. Toledo, Iowa. Rice, John. Age 25 ; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 8, 1863, on hospital boat D. A. January, and buried at Vicksburg in section C, grave 146. Robinson, Squire. Age 18; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw^ Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 23, 1863, on hospital boat J. C. Swon, and buried at Vicksburg. Rowley, John R. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, ( left sick at Mil- liken's Bend, April 14, 1863; returned to Company June 1, 1863), Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company C No- vember 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler, .Mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Martinsburg, Ohio. Severns, Henry H. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Sent to general hospital at Fort Gaines, August 27, 1864; tranferred to Company C November 18, 1864; returned to Company May 15, 1865. Mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Died at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, in 1882. Mrs. Henry H, Sev- erns, widow, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Severns, Loring L. Age 34; enlisted August 9, 1862, Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads ( transferred to Company C No- vember 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company and Regiment, July 7, 1865. Died , 18—. 37 Shirr, Benjamin. Ap:e 20; enlisted August 13, 18(52. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery, April 1, 1863), Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau. Returned to Com- pany, September (>, 1864; transferred to Company I) Novem- ber 18, 1864. Muckered out with Company July 7, 1S6">. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Slayman, John. Age 22; enlisted August 12, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jack- son. Sent to hospital at Memphis, sick, August 20, 1868 ; died, September 1, 1863. Buried in section 1, grave 35, Mem- phis. Smith, John G. Age 21 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Left sick at Xicholasville, Kentucky, November* 11, 1862; died November 13, 1862, at same place. Buried at Camp Nelson, Kentucky. Stillky, Robert S. Age 20; enlisted August 12, 1862. Left sick at Covington, Kentucky, October 8, 1862 ; returned to Company June 6, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Sunbury, Ohio. Stokes, Samuel. Age 26; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansaw Post and Vicksburg (sick and sent to hospital June 23, 1863, and returned to Com- pany November 8, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner and exchanged October 23, 1864 ; transferred to Com- pany E November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Berwick, Ohio. Thayer, Alfred A. Age 24; enlisted August 18, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson (sick and sent to hospital at Memphis August 2<>, 1868, and returned to Company December 1, 1863; March 16, 1864, again sick and sent to hospital at New Orleans, and returned to Company September (J, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Died in 1878 at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Mrs. Alfred A. Thayer, widow, ]Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 38 Thayer, Isaiah J. Age 28; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died Septem- ber 2, 1862, at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, and buried in section F, grave 36, Vicksburg. Tress, Charles. Age 28 ; enlisted J uly 25, 1 862, Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 28, 1863, on hospital steamboat J. C. Swon. Tressel, John C. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson (on detail at Berwick City, October 8 to November, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads (where taken prisoner and exchanged Octo- ber 22, 1864; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Sick in hospital at Mobile April 19 to June, 1865. Returned to Com- pany and mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Physician, Cleveland, Ohio. Walker, John W. Age 19; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sick and sent to hospital at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, April 14, 1863. Died at St. Louis, Missouri, June 25, 1863, and buried in section I, grave 176, Christ Church Cemetery. Weirick, George. Age 23 ; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Sick in hospital at Fort Gaines, August 9, 1864 ; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864 ; mustered out June 19, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, by order of War Department. Buckeye City, Ohio. Walters, George A. Age 21 ; enlisted February 11, 1864. Battle: Sabine Cross Roads. Sick and sent to hospital at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 20, 1864; transferred to Com- pany D November 18, 1864, and to Company A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out with Company and Regiment, March 8, 1866, at Brownsville, Texas. Frederick- town, Ohio. Walters, John W. Age 18; enlisted January 19, 1864. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company E November 18, 1864, and to Com- pany A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. L, July 6, 1865. Battle Creek, Michigan. 39 Wheatcrakt, Cyrenus. Age 19 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 28, 1863, on bo.spital steamer J. C. 8won ; grave unknown. Workman, Zachariah. Age 27 ; enlisted August 12, 1862; left sick at Covington, Kentucky, October 8, 1862; returned to Company .January 29, 1863. Battles : Vicksburn;, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 9, 1864 (in hospital at New Orleans from July 30, 1864, to January — , 1865; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864); Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. ^Slusiered out with Company C and Regiment July 7, 1865. Briukhaven, Ohio. Wright, David. Age 36 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 24, 1863, on board steamer Louisiana; grave unknown. Wright. William A. Age 19 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 10, 1863, on hospital boat D. A. January ; grave unknown. COIWPAr^JY c. Recruited in Morrow County, Ohio. Captain Levi Reichelderfer. Age 34; Commission dated July 23, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkan- sas Post. Resigned March 26, 1863, for disability; also served in Company E, 4th Regiment O. V. I., Mexican AVar, from May 15, 1847, until July 20, 1848. Lima, Ohio. Captain Jonas C. Cline. Promoted from First Lieuten- ant Company K, which see. (,'APTAiN Thomas L. Evans. Age 24; promoted to Cap- tain from First Lieutenant Company K, July 13, 1864. Bat- tles : Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company, July 7, 1865. Decatur, Illinois. 40 First Lieutenant Thomas E. Shunk. Age 25; com. mission dated August 9, 1862. Battle: Ciiickasaw Bayou. Died March 27, 1868, at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, and buried at Cardington, Ohio. Widow remarried, Mrs. W. H. Sander- son. Son, Harry C. Shunk, actor, Cardington, Ohio. First Lieutenant John W. Godman. Age 19; enlisted July 24, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant and promoted to First Lieu- tenant, March 27, 1863, vice Shunk, deceased. Battles : Chick- asaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau (where taken prisoner and exchanged December 27, 1863 ; transferred to Company E November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany and Regiment July 7, 1865; also served in Company G, 20th O. V. L, as private first three months' service. Died at Callao, Peru, South America, in 1867. First Lieutenant David A. Stark. Age 28 ; promoted to First Lieutenant and Adjutant, which see. Second Lieutenant Charles O. Oldfield. Age 28; promoted to First Lieutenant Company B, which see. Second Lieutenant Simon Geisseman. Age 31 ; en- listed August 9, 1862; promoted from private Company E to Sergeant March 1, 1863, and to First Sergeant May 1, 1864, and to Second Lieutenant Company C November 18,1864. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau ( February 24, 1864, sick in hospital ; returned to Company April 9, 1864 ), Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany C and the Regiment July 7, 1865. Sandusky, Ohio. First Sergeant Morris Burns. Age 23 ; enlisted August 8, 1862 ; taken sick January 3, 1863, and discharged on Sur- geon's certificate of disability March 11, 1863. November 9, 1863, re-entered service as Clerk of Subsistence Department, and continued with 1st and 20th Army Corps on staffs of Gen- eral J. S. Robinson and A. S. Williams; was in Atlanta Cam- paign and on Sherman's March to the Sea, and thence to Raleigh, North Carolina, Richmond, Virginia, and Washington, D. C\, and was in the Grand Review, May — , 1865. (Gallon, Ohio. 41 Sergeant George M. Scott. Age 41 ; enlisted August 7, 1862; promoted from Corporal to Sergeant and' to Chaplain, which see. Sergeant Jacob W. Dalrymple. Promoted to Second Lieutenant, Company B, which see. Sergeant Hugh G. Rogerh. Age 81 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Jan- uary 13, 1863, sick and sent to hospital at St. Louis, Missouri ; discharged February 10, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of dis- ability. Member 71st Creueral Assembly of Ohio. Chester- ville, Ohio. Sergeant Eli B. Miner. Age 30 ; enlisted July 26, 1862. Promoted from Corporal ; Color Sergeant from August to Oc- tober 8, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. January 8, 1863, sick and unable for duty; sent to hospital. Discharged No- vember 24, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Knoxville, Tennessee. Sergeant Harrison Doty. Age 21 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (promoted from Corporal to Sergeant March 1, 1863; on detail with Pio- neer Corps), Port Gibson, Black Kiver, Siege of Vieksburg, Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; Sabine Cross JRoads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, where he planted the flag of the Regiment; Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864 ; mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865; died at Ashley, Ohio, February 10, 1881. Mrs. :Mary E. Doty, widow, Ashley, Ohio. Sergeant Amos Fell. Age 21 ; enlisted July 24, 1862; appointed Corporal and promoted to Sergeant August 1, 1863, and Color Sergeant from September - , 1863. Battles : Siege of Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B as Corporal November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Vera Cruz, Indiana. Sergeant DpAVitt C. Sankord. Age 34; enlisted August 15, 1862; October 8, 1862, left sick in hospital near Covington, Kentucky; returned to Company February 7, 1863; appointed 42 Corporal from private March 15, 1863. Battles : 81ege of Vicksburg (July 5, 1863, sick in hospital with bilious fever; August 5, 1863, promoted to Sergeant), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Mus- tered out November 18, 1864, at mouth of White river, Arkansas, by reason of consolidation of Regiment. Mt Gilead, Ohio. Sergeant John Kehravecker. Age 24; enlisted July 24, 1862; promoted from Corporal September 20, 1862; Color Sergeant from October 8, 1862, to July 8, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Siege of Vicksburg. Died at Division hospital in rear of Vicksburg July 17, 1863, and buried in section G, grave 942, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Sergeant George S. Singer. Age 24 ; enlisted July 25, 1862 ; appointed Corporal and promoted to 5th Sergeant June 24, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson (July 27, 1863, taken sick and sent to Memphis to hospital and returned to Company November 30, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, where he was detailed to and carried the regimental colors, and on the retreat, after repeated de- mands by the pursuing rebels to give them up, and amid a fusilade of bullets, in which he was shot through his clothiug, but uninjured, he safely brought off' the colors; Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, as Corporal ; discharged May 24, 1865, at Mobile, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Manufacturer, Cardington, Ohio. Corporal Robert P. Demuth. Age 19 ; enlisted July 26, 1862 ; died February 17, 1863, at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, and buried at Cardington, Ohio. Corporal Clifton M. Wood. Age 25 ; enlisted August 7, 1862; transferred to 68th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, December 10, 1863 ; died at Winfield, Kansas, July 6, 1890. Malinda J. Wood, widow, Winfield, Kansas. Corporal Chester Thompson, age 18; enlisted August 7, 1862; appointed Corporal March 15, 1863. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson (absent, sick). Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company B, as private, November 18, 1864. Mustered out July 7, 1865, with Company and Regiment. Grellton, Ohio. 43 Corporal Gilbert Cronk. Age 28; eulisted August 7, 1862 ; taken sick at Memphis ; returned to Company April 3, 1863; promoted from private to Corporal October 18, 1863. Battles: Siege of Vicksburg (July 5, 1863, sick in hospital; returned to Company November 15, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded. Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, as private, and mustered out June 8, 1865, at Greenville, Mississippi, by order of War Department. Cam" bridge, Iowa. WiLiiER F. Barr, First Musician. Age 22 ; enlisted Aug- ust?, 1862; left sick and discharged January 10, 1863, at New Albany, Indiana, for disability. Bloomfield, Ohio. John G. H. Metzner, Second Musician. Age 28; en- listed July 28, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (absent, sick from January 17, 18(53, to November 9, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. Mustered out July 7, 1865, with Company and Regiment. Cardingtou, Ohio. Jacob R. Lyon, Wagoner. Age 33; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : On Red River Expedition, Spanish Fort and Siege of Mobile ; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Climax, Ohio. I'RIVATES. Aldrich, Reuben. Age 29 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Left sick at Covington, Kentucky, October 8, 1862; transferred to 87th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, May 29, 18(j3, from which mustered out August 21, 1865, at Camp Den- uisou, Ohio, on expiration of service. Westrteld, Ohio. Barber, David. Age 25; enlisted July 27, 18<)2. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 22, 1863, at Young's Point, Louisiana, and buried at Vicksburg. Barber, Tjiomas. Age 41 ; enlisted August 8, 1862; dis- charged January 14, 1864, at New Orleans, for disability. Died at Marengo, ISIorrow county, Ohio, May 15, 1864, and there buried. 44 Barge, Robert T. Age 25 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles : Siege of Vicksburg, where wounded ; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. 707 S. Sixth street, Atchison Kansas. Barnhard, George W. Age 18; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battle: Arkansas Post. Died February 8, 1863, at Young's Point, Louisiana, and buried at Vicksburg. Barnhard, William D. Age 21 ; enlisted August 15, 1862 ; died December 28, 1862, near Vicksburg. Barrett, Smith. Age 20; enlisted August 7, 1862; dis- charged December 19, 1862, at Camp Chase, Ohio, for disability. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Battey, Alfred J. Age 24; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicks- burg, Jackson and Grand Coteau, where wounded by gunshot in right shoulder. Transferred to 164th Company, Veteran Re- serve Corps, March 19, 1864, and promoted to Sergeant January 15, 1865, and from which mustered out July 17, 1865, at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, by order of War Department ; also served from April 23, 1861, until August 28, 1861, in Company G, 20th O. V. I. Cardingtou, Ohio. Battey, Peter. Age 19 ; enlisted 'August 9, 1862 ; Novem- ber 13, 1862, left sick at Nicholasville, Kentucky ; returned to Company March, 1865. Battles : Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Little River, Kansas. Beach, Newton M. Age 27 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Sick and sent to hospital, and transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps December, 1864, and guarded rebel prisoners at Chicago until July, 1865, and then discharged. La Grande, Oregon. Bennett, John F. Age 21 ; enlisted August 8, 1862; dis- charged January 15, 1863, at Memphis, Tennessee, for disability ; died at home January 30, 1863, and buried at Bethel, near Card- ington, Ohio. 45 BooHEK, Spencer. Age 24; eulisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, 8iege of Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort (^aines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864; mustered out July 7, 1865, with Company and Regiment; died in ^Missouri, August 24, 1873. Brexizer, Cicero H. Age 20 ; enlisted July 28, 1862 ; dis- charged October 10, 18()2, at Camp Chase, Ohio, for disability ; also served as Sergeant in Company A, 174th Regiment, O. V. I. Prospect, Ohio. Brokaw, Joshua. Age 24; enlisted August 7, 1862; died at Bowling Green, Kentucky, January 20, 1863; buried at Nashville, Tennessee. Rrown, Hampton. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862; died Januarj^ 1, 1863, on Yazoo river, Mississippi. Bunker, Henry S. Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, which see. • BuRDiNE, John F. Age 30; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads ( where taken prisoner and exchanged October 23, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, ^Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Trans- ferred to Companj^ B November 18, 1864. Mustered out with the Company and Regihient July 7, 1865. Keswick, Iowa. Cakhart, Elliott. Age 34 ; enhsted August 9, 1862. Absent from the Company ; returned under President Lin- coln's Proclamation, and mustered out May 12, 1865, at Colum- bus, Ohio, by order of the War Department. Carls, Albert G. Age 19; enlisted August 15, 1862. Died near Cairo, Illinois, December 11, 1862, and buried at ]Mound City, 'Illinois. Clark, James W. Age 21 ; enlisted August 19, 1.S62. Battle: Chickasaw liayou. Discharged March 11, 1863, at Young's Point, for disability. DeadV Date and place un- known. Click, John H. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at Milli- 46 ken's Beud, Louisiana, April 26, 1862, and buried at Vicks- burg. CooMER, Albert S. Age 19; enlisted August 6, 1862, Died January 12, 1862, at Arkansas Post, and buried same place CooMER, James H. Age 22; enlisted August 4, 1862 Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died April 2 1863, at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, and buried at Vicksburg Conrad John. Age 20 ; enlisted February 17, 1864. Bat ties : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Mor gan. Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Com pany A, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out to date March 6, 1866, by order of War Department. Died in 1884 at Spencerville, Ohio. Mrs. John Conrad, widow, Spencerville, Ohio. Crowell, Lewis C. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Siege of Vicks- burg. July 8, 1863, sick with fever, and sent North to hos- pital. Transferred to llOtli Company 2d Battallion Veteran Re- serve Corps, November 27, 1863. Discharged at McDougall general hospital August 19, 1865. Borne on the roll as Lewis C. Crowl. Chesterville, Ohio. Conway, Benson H. Age 19 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged March 25, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Died on steamer near Helena, Arkansas, April — , 1863, on his way home, and buried at Bloomfield, Morrow county, Ohio. Cratt, Jacob P. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 9, 1863, at Young's Point, Louisiana, and buried at Vicksburg. Cunningham, James A. Age 18; enlisted July 29, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died April 10, 1863, at Memphis, and buried in Mississippi River Cemetery. CuRREN, George W. Age 21 ; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battles : Chicksaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wounded and died of said wound January 26, 1863, at Columbus, Ken- tucky. Buried at Mound City, Illinois. CuRREN, Francis M.. Age 19; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg (July 80, 1863, home on furlough), Fort Gaines, Fort ISIorgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^lobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company D November LS, 18(54. Mustered out with Com- pany and Regiment July 7, 18()5. Westtield, Oliio. Devore, CvKUS. Age 18; enlisted August 14, 1862. Bat- tles : Chiekasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Killed in battle at latter place January 11, 1863, and buried on battlefield. EvEKTS, Elisha. Age 18; enlisted August 14, 1862. Bat- tle : Chiekasaw Bayou. Died at Arkansas Post January 10, 1863, and buried at same place. Faris, William. Age 34; enlisted July 24, 1862. Bat- tles : Chiekasaw Bayou, Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson • wounded in line of duty in leg by explosion of shells on steam- boat City of Madison, at Vicksburg, August 19, 1863. Dis- charged for said wound June 9, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio. Died in 1881 at Ellsworth, Kansas; his widow dead; children at Ellsworth, Kansas; also served in Company I, 3d Regiment O. V. I., from April 25th to August 22, 1861. Frost, Edwin B. Age 23 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Died at Memphis December 30, 1862, and buried same place. GiLKLsoN, James J. Age 44; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles: Cliickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau and Sabine Cross Roads. Killed in last battle April 8, 1864, and buried by the rebels. Green, Henry S. Promoted to Hospital Steward, which see. Harris, Francis M. Age 23; enlisted August 14, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau (where wounded and sent to hospital at New Orleans), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. ^Mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865; also served in Company G, 20th (). V. I., from April 23 to August 28, 1861. Sparta Ohio. Harris, Jefferson. Age 21 ; enlisted August 8, 1862 ; discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio, December 23, 1862 ; also served in Company M, 3d Regiment O. V. C, from August 24, 1864, until May 5, 1865. Marits, Ohio. 48 Hart, Andrew. Age 22; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged December 25, 186;i; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864 ; mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Perry, Kansas. Harvey, Oscar N. Age 26; enlisted August 19, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864; absent, sick at Vicksburg, Mississippi, since June 24, 1863. No further record found. Henry, George W. Age 19 ; enlisted August 6, 1862 ; dis- charged at Columbus, Ohio, July 2, 1863, for disability. Card- ington, Ohio. HoBBS, Larkin. Age 36; enlisted August 14, 1862. Battle: Siege of Vicksburg. Sick in hospital at Millike)? 's Bend, Louisiana ; discharged August 8, 1863, at Vicksburg for disa- bility ; died November 16, 1890, at Rich Hill, Bates county, Missouri. HoLLiNGSWORTH, CoLEMAN. Age 24 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864; discharged March 7, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability. Wirt, Iowa. Howard, Josiah T. Age 23; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battle ; Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 29, 1863, at Young's Point, Louisiana, and buried at Viclvsburg. Hudson, Jesse H. Age 21; enlisted August 11, 1862; absent, sick from November 11, 1862, to July 22, 1863, and from October 3 to December 10, 1863. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Cardington, Ohio. Idleman, Silas E. Age 26 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles : Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged December 25, 1863; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, 4 49 Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 18G4,and mustered out with Company July 7, ISHo. J^rospect, Ohio. .Jamison, Geok(;k T. Age 2i» ; enlisted August 7, l.S(ii>; discharged January 81, lsii3, atCampCnase, Ohio, for disability. Salina, Kansas. .Jones Charles. Age 2:2; enlisted August 8, 1862. Sick and sent North to hospital. Discharged April 3, 1S()3, at Ke- okuk, Iowa, for disability. Stratton, Nebraska. Kemeker, Samuel D. Age 21 ; enlisted August 12, 1SH2. Absent (sick) from November 20, 1802, to December 1, 1804. Battles: Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and acted as Chaplain from December 15, 1864. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Hector, ^Minnesota. Lawhead, Leroy. Age 19; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged for disability ^larch 22, 1863, at Milliken's Bend. Lee, George B. Age 21 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. J5at- tles: Chickasaw Baj^ou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (where captured and exchanged May 1, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whist- ler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Lewis, Chauncey. Age 18; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau (where captured and exchanged May 1, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 18(55. Killed in a well near Ottawa, Kansas, in 1875. LiNDER, Daniel. Age 24; enlisted July 29,1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Killed at latter l)attle January 11, 18()3, and buried on battlefield. Losee, Lyman. Age 29; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Baj'ou and Arkansas Post. Died April 28, 1863, at Milliken's 15end, Louisiana, and buried in section A, grave 24, Vicksburg. 50 McC^LARY, Daniel. Age 28 ; enlisted July 26, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand C'oteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines Fort Morgan. Was captured by the enemy and taken to An- dersonville prison. Lost by burning of steamboat Sultana April 28, 1865, near JSIemphis, Tennessee. Marvin, David C. Age 25; enlisted August 7, 1862. February 15, 1863, absent, sick ' several months. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Auburn, Indiana. May, John B. Age 22 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Wliistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Waterloo, Indiana. Metheny, Joseph. Age 30; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at James' plantation, Louisiana, May 25, 1863. Miller, James N. Age 18; enlisted December 28, 1863. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and to Company A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out with Company March 8, 1866, at Brownsville, Texas. Died in 1867 at Indianapolis, Indiana. Miller, Levi. Age 20; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau (where captured and exchanged May i, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company E November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Brownstown, Illinois. Myers, John W. Age 43; enlisted January 5, 1864. Died at Morgan City, Louisiana, March 9, 1864, and buried at Chal- mette, Louisiana. 51 Phillips, Oliver P. Age It); eulisted August 8, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died P'ebruary o, 1868, at St. Louis, aud buried at Davis ("eiiietery, near Mareugo, Ohio. Purvis, Pele(; }i. Age 20 ; eulisted August 4, 1868. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou aud Arkausas Post; sent uorth Feb- ruary, 1868, sick, aud discharged May 7, 1868, at St. Louis, Missouri, for disability. Cardingtou, Ohio. Reed, Andrew .1. Age 30; enlisted .January 4, 1864. transferred to 0th Company, 1st Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, June 17, 1864. Died .July Ki, 1S64, at Xew Orleans, Louisiana. Rogers, Obed. Age 21 ; enlisted July 20, 1862. Battles: C'hickasaw Bayou aud Arkansas Post. Died May 17, 1868, at INIilliken's Bend, Louisiana, and buried in section H, grave 186, Vicksburg. Sanderson, William Henry. Age 17; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicks- burg, Jackson (at last battle he carried the regimental banner), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company and Regiment July 7, 1865, at ]Mobile, Ala- bama. Died at Columbus, Ohio, January 24, 1805, and buried at Cardingtou, Ohio. ^Nlrs. Eunice K. Sanderson, widow, Cardington, Ohio. ScHOFiELD, Alpheus. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862; absent ; sick. Battles : Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mol)ile and Whistler; transferred to Company B November is, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died at Cardington, Ohio, February 6, 1S74, and buried at Westfield, Ohio. Ann M.Schofield, widow, Cardington, Ohio. Sellers David. Age 10 ; eulisted August 8, 1862. Sherman, Fortunatus. Age 30 ; eulisted August 11, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, February 13, 1863, and buried at Vicksburg. Shreve, Ezra D. Age 21 ; enlisted July 80, 1862. Battles : Siege of Vick-burg, (irand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane 52 River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan and ISpanisli Fort. Trans- ferred to Company D November IS, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1805. Millerton, Kansas. 8t. Clair, Richard A. Age 19 ; enlisted August 1, 1862; discharged November 3, 1862, at Camp Chase, Ohio, for disa- bility. Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Smith, Matthew D. Age 20; enlisted August 4, 1862; left sick at Perkin's plantation April 30, 1863, on Vicksburg campaign; returned to Company July 22, 1863, and July 30 .sent home on furlough, and returned to Company March 7, 1864, and disabled at Brashear City. Battles : Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Marits, Ohio. Underwood, Andrew. Age 18, enlisted August 4, 1862; discharged March 20, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, for disability. Skalkaho, Montana. Underwood, Caleb. Age 20; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 9, 1863, at Young's Point, liOuisiana, and buried at Vicksburg. Waits, John. Age 36 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. Napoleon, Ohio. Weaver, William. Age 25; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged May 1, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Trans- ferred to Company B November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Peerless, Ohio. Wells, Henry C. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg and Jackson, where severely injured while tearing up railroad, and sent to hospital. Was on Red River expedition, but unable for duty ; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864; on expedition to Mobile in March, 1865, but unfit for duty, and again sent to hospital ; mustered out May 24, 1865, at New Orleans, by order of War Department. Physician. Tiffin, Ohio. 53 Whkelf:r, William H. Age 20; eulisted July 28, 18(i2. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vioksburg, Jaeksou and (iraucl Coteau, Louisiana. Killed in latter battle Novembers, 1863. White, Albert I). Age 2J); enlisted August 7, 18(i2. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, :\[arch 22, 1808, and Iniried at Vioksburg. White, Elias. Age 46; enlisted August 1, 1862; died ]\rarch 21, 1865, at St. Louis, Missouri, and buried in Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. Wilson, Peter D. Age 29 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detailed to Pioneer Corps), Port Gibson, Black River, Champion Hills, Vicksburg (captured by the enemy near Edward's Station and escaped), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Boads, where wounded in right shoulder by minnie ball, and again taken prisoner, and ex- changed October 28, 1864 (transferred to Company B Novem- ber 18, 1864) ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company B July 7, 1865 ; died SepteiLiber 21, 1890, at Westfield, Ohio. Mrs. Peter D. Wilson, widow, West- field, Ohio. Wolf, George W. Age 19; enlisted July 29, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, P'ort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Com- pany B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Comi)any July 7, 1865. Kenton, Ohio. Wood, Julius V. Age 23 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau, where wounded November 3, 1868, by gun- shot in right elbow, and right arm amputated same day on the battlefield. Discharged for said wound and amputation, Jan- uary 10, 1864, from University Hospital, New Orleans, Louis- iana. Chesterville, Ohio. 54 COMPAISY O, Recruited, Seventy=five Men in Morrow County, and Twenty= five in Marion County, Ohio. Captain William M. Dwyer. Age 39; date of com- mission July 23, 1862 ; resigned January 26, 1863 ; also served as Sergeant in Company D, 15th Regiment O. V. I., from August 30, 1861 to May 10, 1862, when discharged for disability. Westerville, Ohio. Captain John B. Williams. Date of commission as Second Lieutenant August 8, 1862; promoted to First Lieuten- ant August 19, 1862; and to Captain January 26, 1863. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Siege of Vicks- burg. July 5, 1863, sick and unable for duty. Discharged October 21, 1863, for'disability on certificate of Board of Sur- geons, by order of Secretary of War. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Captain Jopin M. Godman. Age 23 ; enlisted July 29, 1862 ; appointed First Sergeant and promoted to First Lieuten- ant January 26, 1863. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson ( home on sick furlough from July 30, 1863, to March 1 , 1864 ; promoted to Captain November 1, 1863 ), Sabine Cross Koads, Caue River, Fort Gaines and Fort ]Morgan. Mustered out November 23, 1864, at White River, Arkansas, by reason of consolidation of Regiment. Also served in Com- pany H, 4th O. V. I., in first three months' service. 380 East Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Captain Eli L. Baird. Age 23; date of commission as Second Lieutenant Company H, July 29, 1862. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou (promoted to First Lieutenant March 3, 1863), Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau ( where captured and exchanged December 26, 1863 ; on detached duty at camp of paroled prisoners at New Orleans, from March 8 to June 9, 1864; promoted to Captain of Company D July 13, 1864 ), Fort 55 (iaiues, Fort Mortrau, Spanish Fort, Mobik*, Fort Blakely and AVliistler. Mustered out with Company T> July 7, 1865. Died at Chicago, Illinois, January 18, 1890, and buried at Bellefou- taine, Ohio. Mrs. ^Margaret F. Baird, widow, 8200 Forest Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. First Likutknant Lyman S. Huntley. Transferred from Company (i November 18, 1864, which see. Second Lieutenant Thomas Litzenburg. Date of oonmiission July I'o, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Re- signed for disability March 22, 1868. Died at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, April 26, 1886. His widow died February 15, 1891. Second Lieutenant David Bacheeder. Age 28 : en- listed August 4, 1862; appointed Sergeant; promoted to Second Lieutenant March 28, 1868, and to First Lieutenant May 25, 1864, and to Captain November 18, 1864, but not mustered as First Lieutenant or Captain. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Mustered out November 23, 1864, by reason of consolidation. Gallon, Ohio. Second Lieutenant Peter Marmon. Transferred from Company H, which see. First Sercjeant Robert F. Bartlett. Age 22 ; enlisted August 2, 1862; appointed Sergeant from private August 20, 1862, and promoted to First Sergeant January 26, 1868. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( where wounded in head by shell), Siege of Vicksburg. July 7, 1868, sick with fever and sent to Division hospital, and returned to Company July 25, 1863), Grand Coteau ( where wounded in left forearm and elbow by gunshot wound, and also taken prisoner and exchanged November 4, 1863). Left arm amputated Decem- ber 8, 1868, at St. James Hospital, New Orleans, and discharged January 25, 1864, for wound and amputation, at same place. Mt. (aiead, Ohio. First Serc^eant Barclay F. Irwin. Age 19; enlisted August 14, 1862; appointed Corporal August 20, 1862, and pro- moted to Sergeant February 28, 1868, and" to First Sergeant February 28, 1864. P»attles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where visor of his cap was shot off; Siege of Vicksburg, 56 Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Mustered out to date Novem- ber 18, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio, as supernumerary, by reason of consolidation. Americus, Kansas. Sergeant John W. Hanmer. Age 28; enlisted August 11, 1862; December 20, 1862, sick and left in hospital at Mem- phis, Tennessee ; discharged at Columbus, Ohio, October 27, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Killed January 12, 1882, at Bucyrus, Ohio, by railroad accident — coupling cars. His widow died January 17, 1890, at Andrews, Ohio. Sergeant John Sillik. Age 35; enlisted x\ugust 11, 1862; October 25, 1862, taken sick at Paris, Kentucky; dis- charged Februarj^ 25, 1863, at Keokuk, Iowa, on Surgeon's cer- tificate of disability ; also served in Company 1, 136th Regiment O. V. I. Chester, Michigan. Sergeant Abraham B. McGowan. Age 22; enlisted July 29, 1862; appointed Corporal and promoted to Sergeant August 20, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and AVhistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Wellsville, Kansas. Sergeant David R. Bender. Age 20 ; enlisted August 8, 1862 ; appointed Corporal from private September 23, 1862, and promoted to Sergeant February 25, 1863. Battles: Chick- asaw^ Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Trans- ferred to Company I, 17th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, January 15, 1864, from which mustered out June 30, 1865, at Indianapolis, by order of War Department; also served in Company C, 15th Regiment O. V. I., from August 30, 1861, to May 5, 1862. Butler, Ohio. First Corporal William W. Reed. Age 22; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery March 31, 1863), Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River and Vicksburg, where wounded in right arm and head June 3, 1863, the ball passing from side to side through upper ]3art of the face, and discharged for said wounds September 5, 1863, at Memphis, Tennessee; died, as immediate result of said head wound. February 22, iwa, at Mt. (iik-ad, Ohio. Mrs. Sarah Heed, widow, ChiUicothe, Ohio. Corporal William H. Messencjer, Ao^e 23; enlisted August 5, 1862; mustered out jNIarch 12, 18(33, to re-enlist in General Alfred W. Ellett's iSlississippi Marine Brigade, V)y order of War Department, and from which mustered out . ( ORPOKAL John W. Cok. Age 22 ; enlisted August V», 1862 ; promoted from private to Corporal January 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, 8iege of Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864; mustere3; ]\hirch 31, 18B3, sick and unable for duty on Red River expe; enlisted August 7, 1862; died at Keokuk, Iowa, 18(53. Blanchard, George. Age 20; enlisted August 7,1862. Battles : Chickasaw^ Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicks- burg, Jackson (appointed Corporal) and Graud Coteau, where shot through the heart and killed November 3, 1863, and buried on battletield and reiuterred at Chalmette, Louisiana. Blow, George. Age 34 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 26, 1863, at Millikeu's Bend, Louisiana, and buried in section F, grave 53, Vicksburg, Mississippi. BoYNTON, Charles. Age 32; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died August 14, 1863, at Vicksburg, and buried there. Breese, Le^[Uel H. Age 18 : enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (sick January 1, 1863, to April 14, 1863),Siegeof Vicksburg (sick July 6, 1863, and sent to hospital). Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; 8abine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Trans- ferred to Company B November 18, l.s64, and mustered out with Company and Regiment at Mobile, Alabama, July 7, 1865. Mt. (lilead, Ohio. Brkjgs, WiLLL\M H. Age 20; enlisted August 2, 1862; left sick at Nicholasville, Kentucky, November 11, 1862, and transferred to hospital at Covington, Kentucky, and on duty as clerk there and at (General Burnside's headquarters in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Transferred to 61st Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, November 28, 1863, from which dis- ()0 charged at CoviDgtoD, Kentucky, June 5, 1865, on ^Surgeon's certificate of disability. Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Brown, George. Age 27; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (where wounded by gunshot in right thigh), Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson ( where injured by shells ), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with the Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Bruce, Oswald. Age 16 ; enlisted July 29, 1862 ; rejected by Examining Surgeon August — , 1862 ; afterward served in Company B, 10th Regiment O. V. C, as private from October 10, 1862, until July 13, 1865. Battles : Lovejoy, Siege of At- lanta, Jonesboro. Wounded in neck at Campbelltown, and taken prisoner September 10, 1864 ; in prison at Macon, Griftin, Andersonville and Millen, Georgia; paroled at Savannah, Georgia. Walnut, Iowa. Busby, Ryla W. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862 Bat- tles: Cliickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died July 16, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Missouri, and buried in section 1, grave 205, Jefferson Barracks. Butler, David. Age 39 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau ( where captured and exchanged De- cember 25, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company E November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died at Corsica, Ohio, August 22, 1876, and buried in Bloominggrove Cemetery. Campbell, John C. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862; left sick at Memphis, December 25, 1863. Battles : Vicksburg and Grand Coteau, where mortally wounded in left shoulder, and died of wounds November 4, 1863. Interred at Chalmette, Louisiana. Campbell, William. Age 19 ; enlisted January 5, 1864. In hospital at Memphis, Tennessee, from January to July, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company 61 B November 18, 18G4, aud to Company A, 77th Regiment (). V. V. I. July 6, 18<)5, and mustered out with Coaipauy March 8, 1866, at Brownsville, Texas. Died October 21, 18tMJ, at Marits, iSIorrow county, Ohio. Mrs. AVilliam Campbell, widow, INIarits, Ohio, Clakk, Nathan. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wounded in knee and leg, and discharged April 18, 1863, for said wounds. Died December 15, 1884, at La Rue, Ohio. Mrs. Victoria Clark, widow, La Rue, Ohio. CoLMERY, David. Age 82; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 186'), Died September 8, 1891, at Iberia, Ohio, and there l)uried. Cooper, Hiram O. Age 26 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. V>iit- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 26, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, and buried in section F, grave 52, at Vicks- burg, Mississippi. Crow, John F. Age 23 ; enlisted August 9, 18()2, Deserted November 23, 1.862, at Shawneetown, Illinois. Dakan Alexander. Age 21; enlisted August 12, 1862, Sent north; sick. Died January 10, 1863, at Keokuk, Iowa, and buried at same place, Dalrymple, Wm, W, Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Discharged at St, Louis, Missouri, ^May 25, 1863, on Surgeon's certiflcate of disability, and died October 6, 1865, and buried at Mt, Gilead, Ohio. Davis, Albert. Age 18; enlisted August 10, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg (he was on duty on the advance picket July 3, 1863, at Vicks- burg, and challenged the bearer of the flag of truce from the enemy, who preceded General Bowen and Colonel Montgomery, aud called Major Leonard, the otticer of the picket, and said rebel officers were conducted blindfolded to General S. G. Bur- bridge's Ueadquarter's), Jackson, Fort Gaiues, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Died 1877. Mrs. Jennie Davis, widow, Austin, Texas. Dennis, Abnek J. Age 18; enlisted August 13, 18G2. l^attles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died at Young's Point, Louisiana, February 7, 18«)3, and buried at Vicksburg. Dennis, William F. Age 20; enlisted August 13, 1862. Abseut, sick; returned to Company February, 1863. Died April 4, 1863, at Milliken's Beud, Louisiana, and buried at Vicksburg. Devolt, Joseph. Age 20 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Died January 1, 1863, on steamer Duke of Argyle, on Yazoo River, and buried at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana. DeWitt, Isaac M. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicks- burg (July 5, 1863, detailed to nurse J. N. Geyer at Division Hospital), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort INIorgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Derning, James. Age 23 ; enlisted October 3, 1863. Bat- tles : Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and to Company A, 77th Regi- ment O. V. V. 1., July 6, 1865, and mustered out with Com- pany March 6, 1866 ; died in 1884. Eager, John C. Age 21 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Easterday, Simon P. Age 20; enlisted August 10, 1862. Battle: ChickasaM^ Bayou. Sent to St. Louis sick January 13, 1863; discharged at St. Louis, Missouri, February 12, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Sparta, Ohio. Feerer, Henry. Age 19; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg and Grand Coteau, where wounded by gunshots through both knees. Left leg amputated on battlefield and right leg ampu- tated at Universitj^ Hospital, New Orleans, November 17, 1863, and died same day of his wounds received November 3, 1863 ; buried at Chalmette. 63 FER(iUSOX, David. Age 18; enlisted August 8, J862; died January 17, 18G3, ou steamer Hiawatha, and buried iu section Q, grave 117, Napoleou, Arkansas. Geyer, John A. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Siege of Vicks- burg, where wounded June 80, 1868, by shell in the head while asleep iu his tent, and died July 1(5, 18()8, at Division Hosi)ital, in rear of Vicksburg, of said wound, and buried in section G, grave 939, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Halderman, Alfred. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862; left sick at Delaware, Ohio, September 1, 1862; discharged April 29, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disa- bility ; also served iu Company I, 136th Regiment O. V. I. Steam Corners, Ohio. Hall, Isaac. Age 48 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Spanisli Fort, Fort Blakely, ^Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November Is, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Iberia, Ohio. Harper, Abel M. Age 21 ; enlisted August 1(>, 1862. Absent, sick ; transferred to Company H, 5th Regiment Vet- eran Reserve Corps, November 27, 1863. Died October 23, l.s87, at Belle Plain, Iowa. Mrs. Abel M. Harper, widow, Irving, Iowa. Henney, .) AroB H. Age 82 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Arkansas Post (detailed to Pioneer Corps, February 5, 1863 ), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Siege of Vicksburg, (^rand Coteau, Sabine Cross, Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, ^Mobile, Fort Blakely and AVhistler. Transferred to Company B Noveml»er is, 1864, and mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Died in 1890, at Gerkey, Barry county, Michigan. HiNAMAN, John. Age 25; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Sent North, sick, ^larch — , 18«)3, and discharged at St. Louis, Missouri, June 28, 1864. Jasper City, Missouri. Jones Georcje H. Age 16; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, CIrand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort 64 Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, ]Ntobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with CV)m])any July 7, 1865. Decatur, Illinois- Kellek, Edmund. Age 28 ; enlisted August 7, 1862 ; left sick at Memphis, Tenn., December 20, 1862. Battles: Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged May 1, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Caledonia, Ohio. Kendall, Charles H. Age 25 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (absent, sick, about one year) and Sabine Cross Roads. Killed April 8, 1864, in said latter battle and buried by the enemy. Kennedy, Benjamin. Age 25; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 6, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Kile, Nicholas. Age 29 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 26, 1863, on steamer J. C. Swon and buried at Vicksburg. LoGSDON, Joseph. Age 19 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Trans- ferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Raymond, Kan. Lynch, James. Age 23 ; enlisted August 5, 1862; deserted November 23, 1862, at Shawneetown, 111. Lynch, John. Age 18 ; enlisted August 18, 1862 ; deserted November 23, 1862, at Shawneetown, 111. Lynch, Joseph. Age 21 ; enlisted August 12, 1862 ; deserted November 23, 1862, at Shawneetown, 111. McDonald, Benjamin W. Age 22; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 15, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. McDonald, Royal D. Age 23; enlisted August 5, 1862; left sick at New Albany, Ind., November 20, 1862; returned to 5 65 Conipauy and Keginiont April 25, 1S64. Battles: Fort Ciaines, Fort >[or^au, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1805. T.awyer, Ottawa, Tils. Maii>en, Thomas. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died February 10, 1863, at Young's l*oint, Jia., and buried in section A, grave 223, \Mcksburg, Miss. Mann, Maf.achi. Age 23; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Ba^'ou. Died :^[arch 22, 1863, on steamer Nashville, near Milliken's Bend, I^a., and buried at Vicksburg. Mrs. Catharine ^Mann, widow, ^Earits, Ohio. Marvin, James M. Age 20; enlisted August lo, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Wounded at latter battle and died of wounds January 18, 1863, and buried at Memphis, Tenn. May, Daniel. Age 24; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wounded in right arm, and arm amputated and discharged for same September 21, 1863. Shickley, Neb. Myles, Cyrus R. Age 23 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, where w^ounded in head, and Grand Coteau, where wounded in the left thigh. Incurred rheumatism January 1, 1864 (after recovery from wounds), in cotton press quarters, Algiers, La., and was returned to hospital and subsequently detailed as clerk ; died at Cedar Vale, Kan., ^farch 11, 1883. Mrs. Mary E. Myles, widow. Cedar Vale, Kan. Miracle, Isaac N. Age 20; enlisted August 12, 1862; died near Memphis April 11, 1863, and buried at ^Memphis, Tenn. Moore, James. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post. Died January 29^ 1863, at Young's Point, and buried at Vicksburg. Montgomery, George W. Age 21 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg. Discharged September 16, 1863, at New Orleans^ La., on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Died at Mt. Gilead, 66 Ohio, June 3, 1868, and there buried. Widow remarried, and son George H. Mt. (lilead, Ohio. Numbers, Simon A. Age 26; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Grand Coteau ( where captured and exchanged December 25, 1863; detailed to Pio- neer Corps, February 5, 1863), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Span- ish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Died at Paola, Kan., in 1883. O'Neil, George P. Age 18; enlisted February 15, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, as musician), Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company D, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out with Company March 8, 1866. Parker, William H. F. Age 21 ; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vieks- burg. Discharged August 8, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Pike, Asa. Age 25 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged at Milliken's Bend, La., March 21, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Trufant, Mich. PiNYARD, Isaiah. Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg ( absent, sick), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Trans- ferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with the Company, July 7, 1865. Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Ramey, Alonzo. Age 20 ; enlisted August 10, 1862. Left sick at Covington, Ky., September 8, 1862. Discharged at St. Louis, March 24, 1863. Mt. Liberty, Ohio. Reed, Alexander. Age 22; enlisted August 4, 1862, Died December 4, 1863, at Memphis, and buried in section 2, grave 225, Mississippi River Cemetery, Memphis. Reed, Alexander D. Age 30 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Discharged September 20, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo. Dead. Reed, Joseph A. Age 27; enlisted August 2, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 12, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vieksburg. 67 Reid, David W. Ago 20 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. J5attles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau, where mortally wounded in right groin on the advance picket, and taken prisoner and died November 4, 186.3, in the hands of the enemy, at the house of Mrs. Rogers, about fifteen miles northwest of Lafayette, La., and buried on the lawn in front of Mrs. Rogers' house. RoiiEKTS, William. Age 26; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Rayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Discharged September 15, 1863, at New Orleans, La. La Rue, Ohio. Russell, William \V. Age 24; enlisted August 12, 1862; left sick at Paris, Ky., October 28, 1862, and returned to Com- pany March 1, 1863. Battles: 8iege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged ^lay 1 , 18()4 ; Fort Gaines and Fort ^NEorgan. Sent home on sick furlough Decem- ber 15, 1864, and returned April 15, 1865; transferred to Com- pany B November 18, 1864, and nmstered out June 12, ]8«)5, at Fort Gaines, Ala., by order of War Department. Andrews, Ohio. Shield, Madison. Age 18; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sick and sent to hospital, and died April 19, 1863, at St. Louis, and buried in section 1, grave 64, Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. Shoffxer, John. Age 26 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. liat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Sick and sent to hospital, and died August 25, 1863, at Memphis, and buried in section 1, grave 65, Mississippi River Cemetery. SiMFSOX, Geor(tE. Age 18; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sick January 24, 1863, and sent North from Vicksburg and discharged Feb- ruary 17, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo.; died at Hastings, Mich., Sep- tember 29, 1890. ^Frs. George Simpson, widow, Hastings, Mich. Slick, George W. Age 20; enlisted August 6, 1862; sick and sent to hospital, and transferred to Company B, 23d Regi- ment Veteran Reserve Cori)s, from which mustered out July 13, 1865, at Clinton, la., by order of War Department. Iron- dale, Ohio. 68 .Smith, Daniej. L. Age 32; enlisted August 11, 1S62; left sick at Memphis December 20, 1862, and died at same place April 25, 1863, and buried in Mississippi River Cemetery. Smith, Henry J. Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862; left sick at Memphis December 20, 1862. Battle : Siege of Vicks- burg. Again sick July 8, 1863, and sent North from Vicksburg and transferred to Company G, 22d Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, September, 1863, from which mustered out as Corporal July 3, 1865, at Camp Chase, by order of AVar Department. Onega, Kan. Smith, Joseph A. Age 30 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Lost his voice for several months. Absent from Company and from hospital. First dishonorably discharged, and afterwards honorably discharged. Died at Clyde, Ohio, date unknown. Mrs. Matilda Smith, widow, Clyde, Ohio. Talmage, Melville B. Age 18; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post; April 2, 1863, sick and sent to hospital steamer Nashville, and trans- ferred to city hospital Vicksburg, August 1, 1863, and returned to Company December 13, 1864, at Matagorda Island, Tex.; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Mt. Gilead, Ohio. ToTTiNGHAM, Chauncey. Age 23; enlisted September 23, 1 863. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to C'ompany B November 18, 1864, and to Company C, 77th Regiment O. V. V. ]., July 6, 1865; dis- charged August 30, 1865, at Brownsville, Tex., on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Vannata, Wm. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864; Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Knobnoster, Mo. ViRDEN, Bethuel A. Age 23 ; enlisted August 13, 1862; left sick at Memphis December 20, 1862. Battle: Siege of 69 Vick.sburg. July 8, 1.SG8, sick aud seut north to hospital ; trausferred to CompaDy B November 18, 1864, aud discharged November 80, 1864, at mouth of White River, Ark., on .Sur- geon's certificate of disability. Also served in Company H, 4th Regiment O. V. I., first three mouths as private. Dead; date aud place unknown. Watson, Thomas A. Age 36; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Siege of Vicksburg, (irand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged December 25, 1863; sick and seut North and transferred to Company C, 8th llegimeut Veteran Reserve Corps, from which mustered out June 12, 18()5, at Chicago, III. Bloomville, Ohio. YouNCi, John M. Age 19; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou aud Arkansas Post. Died on steamer Nashville, March 12, 18(53, near Young's Point, La. COI^IPABJY E. Original Enlistments From Marion County, Ohio, and Cap= tain E. B. Campbell and Seventy=five Men From 42d Regiment O. V. I., Transferred November 18, 1864. Captain Samuel Coulter. Age 24; date of commission July 24, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson ( absent, sick^ on furlough from July 30, 1863, to December 20, 1863 ), Sabine Cross Roads, wliere wounded in right knee by miuuie ball, taken prisoner and right leg ampuated ; died in Rebel hospital at Mansfield, La., of said wounds, April 28, 1864, aud buried in section 2l>, grave 11, Alexandria, La. Also served as First Sergeant in Company K, 4th Regiment O. V. I., from April 18, 1861, to August 24, 1861. Widow remarried and lives at Columbus Grove, Ohio. Captain Kdw^vhd 15. Campbell. Age2o; enlisted Sep- tember 19, 1861, in C'ompany G 42d Regiment; promoted to Second Lieutenant from First Sergeant, March 20, 1862; to 70 First Lieutenant June 6, 1862. Battles: Middle Creek, Ky., Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson ( where wounded ), Vicksburg, Jackson, Opelousas, La., Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Wliistler. Transferred to Company E, 96th Regiment O. V. L, November 8, 1864, and mustered out witli Company and Regiment July 7, 1865. Also served in English army in the Crimea, and gazetted for bravery ; awarded a gold medal. 138 Lawrence St., Cleveland, Ohio. First Lieutenant Minard J. Lefever. Age 32 ; date of commission July 25, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Resigned July 28, 1863, for disability. Also served as First Lieutenant in Com- pany K, 4th O. V. I., first three months' service. Died August 29, 1894, at National Military Home, Dayton, Ohio, and buried in Home Cemetery. First Lieutenant Valentine Lapham. Age 20 ; en- listed July 26, 1862; appointed First Sergeant and promoted to Second Lieutenant August 19, 1863, and to First Lieutenant September 1, 1863, and to Captain July 25, 1864, but not mus- tered as Captain. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, .Jackson, Grand C'oteau, Sabine Cross Roads (where wounded through the neck), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan. Discharged November 23, 1864, as supernumerary on consolida- tipn. Care of C. S. Burkholder, 232 Oakwood Boulevard, Chi- cago, 111. First Lieutp:nant John W. Godman. See Company C. Second Lieutenant Henry T. Van Fleet. Age 25; date of commission July 25, 1862. Resigned February 4, 1863. Died at Marion, Ohio, November 26, 1891. Mrs. H. T. Van Fleet, widow, Marion, Ohio. Second Lii:utenant James De Wolfe. Age 18 ; enlisted July 26, 1862; appointed Sergeant and promoted to Second Lieutenant February 4, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Siege of Vicksburg. Resigned August 10, 1863, for disability. 1117 Oak Street, Columbus, Ohio. Second Lieutenant John E. Kirk. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862, as private in Company A; promoted March 10, 1863, to Quartermaster Sergeant, and to Second Lieutenant Company E November 18, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, 71 Arkansas Post, Vicksbuig, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Si)anish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^lobile and AVhistler. Mustered out with Company K July 7, 18()o. Died at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, in 187o. Mrs. John K. Kirk, widow, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. First Sek(;eant William M. Coulter. Age 21 ; enlisted July 24, 1862; ai)pointed Sergeant, and promoted to Second Lieutenant September 1, 1863, but not mustered. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( February — , 1863, sick, and sent to hospital ), Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, and Sa- bine Cross Roads, where killed in battle, April 8, 1864. Buried by enemy. Grave unknown. First Sergeant Simon Geisseman. See Second Lieu- tenant Company C. First Sergeant Adix \V. Dirkee. Age 27; enlisted May 20, 1861, in Company D, 23d Regiment O. V. I.; appointed F'irst Sergeant and promoted to Second Lieutenant July 23, 1861, and resigned December 26, 1862. Battles: Carnifax Ferry, Sewall Mountain, and Princeton, W. Va., and South Mountain and Antietam, Md. (enlisted in Company K, 42d Regiment, January 27, 1864; on Red river expedition; trans- ferred to Company E, 96th Regiment O. V. I., November 18, 1864, as Corporal, and appointed Sergeant and First Sergeant), Cometi River, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ISIobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and from which mustered out July 25, 1865. Co- lumbus, Ohio. Ser(jeant Benjamin Little. Age 24; enlisted July 31, 1862. Sergeant Josi ah V. Stevenson. Age 29 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; appointed Corporal February 4, 1863, and Sergeant April 1, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, (irand Coteau and Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded by minnie ball in left arm and humerus re- sected, and taken prisoner, and exchanged June 16, 1864. Transferred to Comimny C November 18, 1864, and discharged July 31, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, on Surgeon's certificate of disability; died at Schuyler, Neb., in 1894. IMrs. Josiah V. Stevenson, widow, Schuyler, Neb. SERGEA^T Bj.oomfip:lt) U. Martin. Age 37; enlisted August 4, 1862; left sick at Covingtou, Ky., October 8, 1862; discharged March 27,|1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Westfield, Ohio. Sergeant Thomas H. Carter. Age 24 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; appointed from Corporal February 4, 1863. Battles: C'hickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Transferred to Com- pany K, 5th Regiment Veteran Corps, March 15, 18(54, and mustered out Julj^ 5, liS65, at Indianapolis, Ind. Sergeant William R. Whitmarsh. Age 22; enlisted July 24, 1862; appointed from Corporal March 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where captured, and exchanged October 23, 1864; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out Avith Company July 7, 1865. Chicago, 111. Sergeant Ap.ial D. Atkinson. Age 38 ; enlisted August 8, 1861, in Company H, 42d Regiment ; re-enlisted as a Veteran ; on detached duty in Ambulance Corps ; transferred to Com- pany E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864; mustered out to date July 7, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio. Battles: Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Sergeant Franklin R. Mantz. Age 29; enlisted August 10, 1862, in Company K, 42d Regiment ; appointed Corporal April 21, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Raymond, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, ( -ometi River, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler's Station. Transferred to ('ompany E, 96th O. V. I., Noveml)er 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Campbellviile, Ky. Sergeant David R. Rathrock. Age 32 ; enlisted August 22, 1862, in Company A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Com- pany G. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Raymond, Black River Bridge, Vicks- burg, Jackson (November 18, 1864, transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. I.), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whis- tler. Mustered out with Company E Julj^ 7, 1865. Detroit, ISrich. .SEKCiPLVNT Cvius A. l{i( KAKDS. Age 19; eulifsted Au- gust 20, 1862, in CorapaDy K, 42d Regiment O. V. 1., promoted to Commissarj' Sergeant September 14, 1804; transferred to Company E, 9()th Regiment O. V. f., November 18, 1864. ]5attles: Chickasaw J*>ayou, Arkansas Post, Port (libson, Champion Hills, Raymond, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Conieti River, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler's Station. Mustered out with Company K .July 7, 1865. Chatham Center, Ohio. COKPOKAL John W. Fkihley. Age 20; enlisted July ;>1, 1862; died December 27, 1862, in hospital, Memphis, Tenn. Buried at Marion, Ohio. CORPORAI. Samuel Tekpanv. Age 87; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 28, 1868, at Young's Point, T.a., and burie and exchanged October 25, 1863 ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, :Mobile and Whistler. North Eaton, Ohio. Brown, Absalo.^[. Age 26; euHsted August 11, 1.S62, in Company B, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and died November 30, 1864, at mouth of White river, Ark. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Ray- mond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg and Jackson. Brown, Franklin A. Age 18 ; enlisted August 20, 1862, in Company K, 42d O. V. I., and transferred November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company B July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Cometi River, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whis- tler's Station. Onaga, Kan. Brown, Samuel G. Age 24; enlisted June 18, 1862, in Company H, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company C, and then to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out July 18, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg and Jackson, ISIiss. Absent, sick. Buchanan, Isaac. Age 24; enlisted August 15, 1862, in Company H, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865 Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Sullivan, Ohio. Bunker, Justin H. Age 35; enlisted August 5, 1862. Died January 29, 1863 on board steamer J. C. Swon, at Island No. 82 in Mississippi River. Buried at Island No. 35, Missis- sippi River. Mrs. Eva D. Bunker, widow, 321 Clay street, Topeka, Kan. Burt, John F. Age 24 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (May 20, 1863, sick and sent to hospital at St. Louis, Mo. ; returned to Regiment December 25, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan; trausferred to Company C Novoniber 18, 18(U. Discharged for disability ^lay li, IHiJo, at hospital >.e\v Orleans, La. Chancy, Ills. Bi'HT, Matthew, H. Age 2(1; enlisted August (>, l.s<)2. l^attles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Killed by musket ball in right temple January 11, 18(58, at latter battle and buried on battlefield. Mrs. Kva F. P>urt, widow, Mt. (iilead, Ohio. Camm, l^KXJAMiN. Age 21 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. liattles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged .July 2l>, 18()8, at Milliken's Bend, La., for disability. >rarion, Ohio. Cham F.KHS, John. Age 36; enlisted August (i, 1862. Dis- charged February 18, 1863, at St. Louis for disability. Died February — , 1863, at Marion, Ohio. C*HKSTKR, Chas. E. Age 18; cuHsted August 12, 1862, iu Company E, 42d Regiment O. V. I. ; transferred to Company (i, and thence to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company' July 7, 1865. Battles : Chick- asaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Ilaymond, Champion Hills, where taken prisoner and exchanged October 25, 1868; ►Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Clapp, Gko. T. Age 21 ; enlisted August 20, 18()2, iu Com- pany K, 42d O. V. I. ; trausferred to Company E, <)()th O. V. I., November 18, 18(i4, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port (lib- sou, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Cometi River, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^lobile and Whistler. Grand Rapids, Mich. Coon, Matthew. Age 18; enlisted August 12, 1862, in Company E, 42d Regiment O. V. I., and transferred to Com- pany G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, f)6th O. V. I., and mustered out August 12, 1865, at St. Louis, ISIo. COKN, Maiuon F. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died February 10, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., and buried at Marion, Ohio. Also served in Company H, 4th iRegiment O. V. I., first three months' service. 80 CoRWiN, Nathan. Age 22 ; enlisted July 26, 1862. Died March 28, 1863, at Ht. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 65, grave 111, Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. Crial, Royce S. Age 18; enlisted June 18, 1862, in Com- pany C, and transferred to Company H, and thence to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, ►Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Ashland, Ohio. Davis, Wm. Z. Age 23 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged February 24, 1863, for disability. Also served as Corporal in Company H, 4th O. V. I., first three months' service. Marion, Ohio. DiCKERSON, John. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died April 16, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried in section A, grave 162, Vicksburg, Miss. DiCKERSON, Silas. Age 20; enlisted August 6, 1862. Discharged August 15, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., for disability. Agosta, Ohio. DiCKERSON, Wesley. Age 21 ; enlisted August 14, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died Febru- ary 6, 1863, at Young's Point, J^a., and buried at Vicksburg. DuMBLE, Samuel R. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Taken sick at Milliken's Bend, January 14, 1863, sent to hospital and dis- charged at St. Louis, Mo., March 30, 1865, for disability. Also served in Company B, 136th O. V. I., as Corporal. Died March 6, 1895. Mrs. Lizzie A. Dumble, widow, Marion, Ohio. DuRFEE, Geo. B. Age 21 ; enlisted August 5, 1862; sent home on sick furlough and died February 13, 1863, at Marion, Ohio, and there buried. Etherton, Ingle B. Age 33; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Marion, Ohio. 6 81 P:vans, Daniel W. Age 18; enlisted March 25, 1862, in Company B, 42d O. V. T., and transferred to Company K, and thence to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out May 4, 1865, at Mcintosh Bluft", Ala., by reason of expiration of service. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou, where wounded. Finch, Cornelius. Age 19 ; enlisted December 15, 1861, in Company A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. I., Novem- ber 18, 1864, and mustered out December 19, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio. Fields, Charles W. Age 20 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company C Novem- ber 18, 1864; died March 3, 1865, at New Orleans, La., and buried at Chalmette. Fink, Samuel. Age 28; enlisted July 28, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died February 7, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. FiNKER, Henry. Age 27 ; enlisted June 17, 1862, in Com- pany B, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out June 10, 1865, at New Orleans, La., by order of War Department. FiNLEY, Joseph (No. 1). Age 23; enlisted November 8, 1862, in Company H, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. L, November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Ashland, Ohio. Fleming, Henry. Age 18; enlisted September 30, 1863, in Company A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and thence July 6, 1865, to Company B, 77th O. V. V. I., and mustered out with Company March 8, 1866. 82 FoLLETT, David. Age 29; enlisted August 4, 1862; dis- charged December 24, 1862, at Camp Dennison, Ohio, for disa- bility. Cleveland, Ohio. Foster, James H. Age 31 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whist- ler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Marion, Ohio. Fry, John W. Age 19 ; enlisted August 5, 1862, in Com- pany H, 42d Regiment O. V. I., and transferred November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th Regiment O. V. L, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Cometi River, Opelousas, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler, Ala. Para- dise, Hill, Ohio. Garvin, Wm. Age 27 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Lee's Summit, Mo. GiER, Edwin. Age 18; enlisted August 1, 1862, in Com- pany B, 42d Regiment O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence to Company E, 96th Regiment O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou, where wounded. Creston, Ohio. Glenn, Henry. Age 18; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whist- ler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bellevue, Ohio. GocHENOUR, Amos. Age 24; enlisted July 30, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Transferred to Company F, 5th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, February 15, 1864, from which mustered out July 14, 1865, at Indianap- olis, Ind, Caledonia, Ohio. 83 Goodrich, Henry S. Age 28; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jack- sou, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads and Cane River. Died July 25, 18(54, at Balou Rouge, La., and buried same place. Grindle, P^lzy W. Age 18; enlisted December 31, 1863. Battles: Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, IMobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July <>, 1865, and mustered out with Comj)any March 8, 1866. Harvey, Edgar (). Age 20; enlisted November 3, 1863, in Companj^ B, 42d Regiment, transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Compan3^ E, 96tli Regiment O. V. I., and July 6, 1865, to Company A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., and mustered out with Company March 8, 1866. Battles : Cometi River, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Doylestown, Ohio. Hathaway, William F. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company E, 42d O. V. I.; promoted to Hospital Stew- ard September 17, 1864 ; transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, as private. Discharged May 28, 1865, for disability. Hawk, Samuel. Age 34; enlisted August 11, 1864, for one year in Company G, 42d O. V. I., and transferred Novem- ber 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and nmstered out to date March 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Heckert, Daniel P. Age 22; enlisted August 2, 1862, in Company B, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died , 18—. Heffelbower, George M. Age 25 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau. Absent, sick in hospital. Mustered out May 25, 1865, at New Orleans, by order of War Department. Heiser, Edmund I. Age 18 ; enlisted August 14, 1862, in Company C, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company H; thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles : Chicka- saw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion 84 Hills, Black River, Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss.; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler, Ala. Haysville, Ohio. Henderson, Frank 8. Age 25 ; enlisted August 2, 1862, in Company A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G; thence November, 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I.; dis- charged June 21 , 1865, for disability. HoBBS, Richard B. Age 19; enlisted August 21, 1862, in Company A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out July 14, 1865, at New Orleans, by order of War Department. HoTCHKiss, Henry C. Age 18; enlisted August 10, 1862, in Company B, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I. ; mustered out July 7, 1865, with Company. Howard, Edward. Age 18 ; enlisted October 9, 1862, in Company B, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and to Company C, 77th O. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out Feb- ruary 1, 1866, at Galveston, Texas. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and W^histler. Howard, Oren T. Age 25; enlisted August 14, 1862, in Company C, 42d O. V. I., and transferred November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg? Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Hudson, Moses. Age 39 ; enlisted August 11, 1864, for one year in Company G, 42d O. V. I., and transferred November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Huff, William K. A^e 38 ; enlisted July 30, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. January, 1863, sick and unable for duty; discharged March 21, 1863, for disa- bility at Milliken's Bend, La. W^oodview, Ohio. Huffman, Michael. Age 28; enlisted August 6, 1862; discharged May 2, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., for disability; died at Marion, Ohio. Humphrey, David J. Age 21; enlisted August 1,1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arlvansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- sou, Sabine Cross Roads and Cane River. Transferred to Com- pany A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Lima, Ohio. Irey, Harrison H. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. ]Marion, Ohio. Irey, Israel. Age 28; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner, and ex- changed June 16, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Com- pany C November 18, 1864 ; mustered out at Mobile with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Agosta, Ohio. Irey, Leaxder. Age 21 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died April 30, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La , and buried at Vicksburg. James, Walter. Age 25; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Baj^ou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (transferred to Signal Corps x\pril Id, 1863), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely and Mobile. Mustered out of Signal Corps July 4, 1865, at New Orleans, La. Bakerslield, Cal. Jenkins, Matthew. Age 26; enlisted August 4, 1862. Jeffrey, Edward. Age 25 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whis- tler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. St. Joseph, Mo. Johnson, Sylvanus L. Age 32; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged at Vicksburg August 1, 1863, for disability. Died 18—. Kelley, John A. Age 20; enlisted August (>, 1862. 8() Kemper, Chahles W. Age 22 ; enlistediAugust 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died Feb- ruary 20, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried in section C, grave 201, Vicksburg. Kent, William G. Age 18; enlisted September 1, 1862, in Company E, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. KiBLER, Daniel. Age 19; enlisted August 2, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wounded. Died July 14, 1863, at Young's Point of disease, and buried at Vicksburg. King, Charles A. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died Feb- ruary 20, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Knapp, James W. Age 28 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (appointed Corporal February 4, 1863), Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau and Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in right hip and taken prisoner, and in prison hospital at Mansfield, La., and paroled June 16, 1864 ; furloughed home and discharged December 20, 1864, at Camp Dennison, Ohio, for wounds. Mier, Ind. Knowles, George W. Age 23; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River. Killed by the enemy May 16, 1864, near Marksville, La., and there buried. LooMis, Leander. Age 19 ; enlisted August 17, 1862, in Company G, 42d O. V. I., and transferred November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. McMuRRAY, Wm. Age 23 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged April 13, 1863, for dis- ability. Ashland, Ohio. Mc Williams, Robert. Age 26; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Discharged 1863 for disability, and died November 7, 1863, at Marion, Ohio. 87 Maklow, Isaac. Age 21 ; euli^ted August 13, 1862, iu Company D, 42d O. V. I., aud transferred to Company I, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out Avith Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chicka- saw^Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port (iibson. Champion Hills, IMack River Bridge, Vleksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Kennonsburg, Ohio. MiLLUiAN, John. Age 19; enlisted August 11, 1862, iu Company D, 42d Regiment O. V. L, and transferred to Com- pany I, and thence, November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th Regiment O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gib- son, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Shoals, Ind. Mills, Richard T. Age 21 ; enlisted August 5, 1802. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Sick from December 80, 1862, and sent to hospital. Discharged at Vicksburg July 29, 1863, for disability. Died April 1, 1893, at Cardington, Ohio. Mrs. Lottie T. Mills, widow, Cardington, Ohio. Monroe, Andrew. Age 33; enlisted August 2, 1862. Discharged August 16, 1863, at Vicksburg for disability. Died November 8, 1863, at Marion, Ohio. Mouser, Isaac N. Age 24; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Baj-ou. Died March 6, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Marion, Ohio. Naylor, Edmoxd. Age 19; enlisted August 14, 1862, in Company H, 42d Regiment O. V. I., and transferred to Com- pany E, 96th Regiment O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles : Chicka- saw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and AVhistler, Ala. Meriden, Kan. Nixon, Levi A. Age 27; enlisted August 6, 1862; de- tailed to mortar fleet in April, 1863, for short time; sick and sent to hospital. Transferred to 120th Company, 2d I5attalion Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15, 1864. Mustered out June 29, 1865, at Evansville, Ind. Trenton, Mo. 88 NoRTHRUP, Alvin M. Age 18; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Transferred to Company I, 4th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, December 22, 1863, from which discharged — . Died — . Oliver, Anderson. Age 23 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Payne, Henry H. Age 26 ; enlisted August 4, 1862 ; ab- sent, sick. Battle : Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded by minnie ball in left leg, and taken prisoner and exchanged June 16, 1864. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1861, and discharged to date October 26, 1864, at Columbus, for wounds aforesaid. Died April 26, 1873, at National Soldiers' Home, Dayton, and buried and Home cemetery. Phelps, Geo. L. Age 37 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaiues and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864; discharged at Columbus, Ohio, March 16, 1865, for disa- bility. Marion, Ohio. PocoCK, Elljah J . Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company H, 42d O. V. I., transferred to Company E, 96th O* V. I., November 18, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Ar- kansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond (where captured May 12, 1863, and exchanged October 23, 1863 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler's Station. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Polk, Ohio. Prouty, Luther (-. Age 24; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company B, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles : Chicka- saw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort^ Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Lodi, Ohio. Queen, Asa. Age 33 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Discharged December 24, 1862, at Memphis, for disability. Died in 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, and there buried. Rapelje, George. Age 18; enlisted January 5, 18(54, in Company F, 42d O. V. I.; transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and to Company D, 77th O. V. V. I., 89 July H, 1865. Battles: Spauish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Rathrock, William H. Age 24; enlisted August 22, 1862, in Company A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I. and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chick- asaw 15ayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Ri\ymond, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and W^histler's Station. Akron, Ohio. Ray, Samuel D. Age 19; enlisted December 10, 1861, in Comi>auy A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out December 19, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio. Rhoades, Benjamin F. Age 41 ; enlisted August 6, 1862 ; sick in hospital; transferred to Company E, 11th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, November — , 1864, and mustered out June 8, 1865, at Readeville, Mass. Died May 17, 1888, at Powell, Delaware countj^ Ohio. Rickard, Fletcher G. Age 28 ; enlisted August 20, 1862, in Company K, 42d O. V. I., and transferred November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkan- sas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mo- bile, Whistler and Cometi River. Sparta, Mich. Rogers, Jonathan. Age 20 ; enlisted February 11, 1864, Battles : Sabine Cross Roads ( where captured and exchanged October 23, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and W^histler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and to Company D, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865. Elk City, Kan. Riley, Isaac J. Age 19; enlisted July 26, 1862. Died ^larch 6, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. RoLPH, Charles G. Age 18; enlisted February 29, 1864, in Company A, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and July 6, 1865, to Company D, 77th O. V. V. I., and ap- pointed Corporal December 15, 18(55, and mustered out with the Company ^larch 8, 1866. 90 ScRiBNER, Francis M. Age 18 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Wounded in latter battle, and right arm amputated January 11, 1863, and discharged March 10, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., for said wound and amputation ; died February 22, 1879, at Marion, Ohio. Widow (remarried) and children at Marion, Ohio. Shepherd, Henry J. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862; transferred to Signal Corps March 28, 1863 ; discharged March 28, 1864 ; died Showers, Charles. Age 27; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- sou, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gfaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Marion, Ohio. Shute, William G. Age 23; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sick and sent to hospital at St. Louis, Mo.; transferred to Company D, 17th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, October 27, 1863 ; discharged July 7, 1865. Marion, Ohio. SiCKMAN, Daniel. Age 20; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company K, 42d O. V. L; captured and paroled October 23, 1863, near Opelousas, La ; transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Hutchinson, Kan. Smith, James M. Age 20; enlisted August 27, 1862, in Company E, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Valley Springs, Cal. Smith, Stokes. Age 35 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Snyder, Peter C. Age 19 ; enlisted July 26, 1862. Bat- tles : Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish P'ort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C-D November 18, 1864, and mustered out June 10, 1865, at New Orleans, b^^ order of the War Department. Downing, Mo. 9! Sower, Harrison S. Age 21 ; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company B, 42d O. V. T. ; transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, jNIobile and Whistler. Wadsworth, Ohio. Sowers, Henry. Age 22; enlisted August 1, 1862. Died of disease January 11, 186 i, at Arkansas Post, and buried at same place. Sql'ib, George W. Age 19; enlisted August 5, 1862; Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Boads, where captured and exchanged October 28, 1864 ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company C November is, 1^64, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Scott, Ohio. Squib, William W. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 4, 1863, at Young's Point, and buried at Vicksburg, Miss. Stephens, Nathan. Age 21 ; enlisted August 13, 1861^, in Company D, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company I, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles: Chicka- saw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Cometi River, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Senecaville, Ohio. Styre, Samuel. Age 18; enlisted July 2, 1862, in Com- pany K, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company E, 96th O. V, I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. River Styx, Ohio. Sult, Joseph. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles; Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Morgan ; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out at Greenville, La., May 25, 1865, by order of War Department. Washington, lud. « 92 SwALLEY, John M. Age 26; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company C, 42d Regiment O. V. I., and transferred to Com- pany H, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss. ; on Red River Expedition, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. No. 8543 Morgan street, S. Englewood, Chi- cago, 111. SwiNEFORD, Curtis. Age 18 ; enlisted November 15, 1861, in Company H, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss. ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Sullivan, Ohio. SwiTZER, John B. Aged 39; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company C, 42d O. V. I. ; transferred to Company H, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Battles : Chicka- saw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Rowsburg, Ohio. Sykes, Ralph F. Age 30 ; enhsted July 30, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou ; absent in hospital sick. Discharged May 2, 1864, at Rochester, N. Y., for disability. Oxford Mills, la. Sypher, Wm. a. Age 18; enlisted August 22, 1862, in Company A, 42d Regiment O. V. I., and transferred to Com- pany G, and thence, November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Cham- pion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg (July 5, 1863, sick and unable for duty), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Seneca, Kan. Tranger, Paul, Age 20; enlisted December 8, 1861, in Company C, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company H, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out December 19, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio, on expi- ration of service. 93 TucKKK, Ika. Age 32 ; enlisted August 6, 1862 ; died May 2, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried at Vicksburg. TrcKKR, William H. Age 30; enlisted August 6, 1S62. Vannatta, CtEokge. Age 19; enlisted August 4, 1862. Van Buskirk, Henry. Age 35; enlisted July 30, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where captured, and exchanged October 23, 186-4 (transferred to Company C Novem- ber 18, 1864); Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Stockton, ]Slo. Wade, John. Age 21 ; enlisted August 2. 1862 ; died March 1, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. WoTRiNCi, Jacob A. Age 21 ; enlisted March 25, 1862, in Company B, 42d O. V. I,, and transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out May 4, 1865, at Mcintosh Bluff, Ala. Battles : Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. W^ASS, John H. Age 44; enlisted August 2, 1862, in Com- pany B, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company K, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Port Gibson, where wounded, and discharged March 17, 1865, for wounds. Died in 1890 at Medina, Ohio. W^ATSON, James A. Age 30; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau and Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded by minnie ball April 8, 1864, and taken prisoner, and died of wounds May 5, 1864, in rebel hospital at Alexandria, La., and there buried. Welter, Joseph. Age 23; enlisted August 14, 1862, in Company E, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Company G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. WERLENBURCiHER, ISAAC. Age 21 ; enlisted November 26, 1861, in Company H, 42d O. V. I., and transferred to Com- pany E, 96th O. V. I., November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. West Salem, Ohio. 94 West, James M. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865; died at Liberty Center, Ind., August 20, 1886. Mrs. Sarah C. West, widow, Mier, Ind. Wilcox, Oscar. Age 32; enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company E, 42d Regiment O. V. I., and transferred to Com- pany G, and thence November 18, 1864, to Company E, 96th Regiment O. V. I., and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. WiLKiNS, Christopher B. Age 29; enlisted Julj- 29, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company A Novem- ber 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Kingman, Kan. Wilson, Isaac F. Age 40; enlisted October 24, 1863. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and to Company D, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and discharged for disability August 15, 1865, at Mobile, Ala., as of Company C, 96th Regiment O. V. I. Died August 17, 1888, at Waverly, Ohio ; interred at Cardington, Ohio. WoRTMAN, Jacob G. Age 21; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Elk City, Kan. 95 COM PAIS Y^ F. Recruited in Delaware County, Ohio. Captain Solomon B. Weiser. Age 39 ; date of commis- sion July 28, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou, Resigned for disability March 17, 1863. Died at Delaware, Ohio, 1883. First Lieutenant John N. Dunlap. Age 25; date of commission July 21, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 17, 1863, at Young's Point, and buried at Yicksburg, Miss. First Lieutenant Levi Siegfried. Age 30 ; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Baj^ou. Appointed Ser- geant and promoted to First Lieutenant March 1, 1863, and died July 26, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried in section B, grave 28, Yicksburg, Miss. First Lieutenant John A. F. Cellar. Age 31 ; enlist- ed August 7, 1862 ; appointed Sergeant August 19, 1862; pro- moted to Second Lieutenant March 17, 1863. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou (January 7, 1863, disabled by injury to foot), Yicks- burg (July 3, 1863, sick in hospital two weeks ), Grand Coteau ( where captured and exchanged December 25, 1863 ), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River ( promoted to First Lieutenant July 13, 1864 ), Fort Gaines, Ft. Morgan, Spanish Fort, FortBlakely, jNIobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out July 7, 1865. Prospect, Ohio. Second Lieutenant Henry C. Ashwell. Age 29; date of commission August 20, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post. Promoted to First Lieutenant March 1, 1863, but not mustered. Resigned for disability March 17, 1863 ; also served as Sergeant in Company I, 3d Regiment O. V. I., from April 30, to August 22, 1861, and as Colonel of 145th O. Y. I. Ottawa, Kan. 96 First Sergeant Benjamin F. Williams. Age 29 ; en- listed July 29, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Appointed First Sergeant August 19, 1862. Died January 28, 1863, at Louisville, Ky., and buried in Cave Hill Cemetery. First Sergeant Jacob L. Klein. Age 22 ; enlisted July 31, 1862. Appointed Sergeant from private April 1, 1863, and promoted to First Sergeant March 1, 1864. Battles : Chicka- saw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( reduced to Ser- geant by consolidation, and transferred to Company A No- vember 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Mustered out with Company A July 7, 1865. 826 S. 6th street, Kansas City, Kan. Sergeant Benjamin F. High. Age 25 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Killed at latter battle January 11, 1863, by a shell and buried on battlefield. Sergeant John Hipple. Age 20 ; enlisted August 5, 1862 ; appointed Corporal August 19, 1862, and promoted to Sergeant May 10, 1863. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Findlay, Ohio. Sergeant George White. Age 26; enlisted August 7, 1862; appointed Corporal August 19, 1862, and Sergeant April 4, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Reduced to Corporal by consolidation and transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Mead, Neb. Corporal George Diven. Age 26; enlisted August 5, 1862; appointed Corporal August 19, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died on hospital boat City of Memphis June 28, 1863, and buried at Memphis, Tenn., in section 2, grave 147; also served in Company I, 4th Regiment O. V. I., in first three months' service. 7 97 Corporal David DEPrEX. Age 19; enlisted July 30, 1862; appointed Corporal August 19, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Discharged August 15, 1863, at Vicksburg for disability ; also served in Company I, 4th Regiment O. V. I., in first three months' service; died in Dela- ware county, Ohio. Corporal Marion Mecay. Age 22; enlisted August 13, 1862. Corporal John A. Harter. Age 34 ; enlisted July 29, 1862; appointed Corporal August 19, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where injured by shell, and in hospital and absent, sick, until December 12, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Corporal James A. Miller. Age 27 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; appointed Corporal October 26, 1862. Battles : Chickasa\v Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau, where wounded by gunshot in left groin. Transferred to 164th Company Vet- eran Reserve Corps ]\Iarch 19, 1864; discharged June 1, 1865, at New Orleans, La. Milford Center, Ohio. Corporal James P. Brynds. Age 21 ; enlisted August 29, 1862; appointed Corporal September 1, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864 ; Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Absent in hospital at Mobile, Ala., since April 17, 1865. Discharged at Columbus, Ohio, about August 1, 1865. Loup City, Neb. Corporal George C. Cellar. Age 25; enlisted July 26, 1862 ; appointed Corporal April 4, 1864. Battles : Chicka- saw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where wounded in leg, knee and ankle by shell ; Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Com- A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Westerville, Ohio. Alfred Gorden, Musician. Age 17; enlisted February 29, 1864. Absent, sick, and discharged May 17, 1864, at Baton Rouge, La., for disability as Alfred Jordan. Sunbury, O. 98 Albert L. Weiser, Musician. Age 13; enlisted July 20, 1862- Delaware, Ohio. Wm. H. Gosline, Wagooer. Age 29 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. On duty witli Regiment its entire term of service; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and to Com- pany E March 1, 1865, and mustered out with Company E July 7, 1865, at Mobile, Ala. New Castle, Neb. PRIVATES. Abrams, Marion. Age 18; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died May 1, 1863, on hospital boat Nashville. Ayers, Wm. Age 28 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Discharged at Columbus, Ohio, February 24, 1863, for disability. Baker, Samuel H. Age 25; enlisted August 3, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Transferred to 88th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, October 31, 1863. Luctor, Kan. Bell, Thos. B. Age 20; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou (absent, sick). Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Middlepoint, Ohio. Breese, John. Age 18 ; enlisted August 14, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Vicksburg. Transferred to 35th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, December 1, 1863, from which mustered out July 17, 1865, at St. Louis, Mo. Deunquat, Ohio. Braumiller, Samuel. Age 42 ; enlisted August 6, 1862, Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 16, 1863, at Young's Point, and buried at Vicksburg. Burroughs, Albert M. Age 23 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died June 1, 1863, at iMilliken's Bend, La., and buried in section H, grave 61, Vicksburg. Burroughs, Daniel. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862. Discharged April 1, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability ; also Company E, 145th O. V. I. Delaware, Ohio. BuKROUGHS, Jekomk AV. Age IS; eulisted August 6, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died ^larch 0, 1863, on hospital boat Nashville. CAMPJJE1.L, Ban.som. Age 34; eulisted July 31, Ls62 De- tailed as regimental carpenter August 12, 1862, and on duty and present with Keginient during entire service, and acted as issuing clerk in Commissary Department. Battles: Chicka- saw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort ^Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company A November IS, 1864, and mustered out with Company at Mobile July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Carney, Thos. L. Age 18 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou, where wounded. Died January 31, 1863, at Young's Point, and buried at Vicksburg. Carpenter, John J. Age 20; enlisted Januar3^ 4, 1864. Battle : Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in right forearm, and discharged for said wound September 26, 1864, at Colum- bus, Ohio. Indianapolis, Ind. Croy, Matthias. Age 20 ; enlisted July 30, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died June 13, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried in section H, grave 27, Vicksburg. Cruikshank, Irwin B. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where killed in battle April 8, 1864. CuNNiNGHAiNi, GEORGE W. Age 27; enlisted August 7^ 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 20, 1863, ou hospital boat City of Memphis. DuTCHER, John H. Age 30; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged June 13, 1863, at Vicksburg for disability. Lewis Center, OhiO' DuTTON, James M. Age 20; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died July 13, 1863, at ISIemphis, Tenn., and buried same place. Eddleblute, AVilliam. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died August 13, 1863, at Vicksburg, and buried in section L, grave 548. 100 EuELMAN, Anthony. Age 20 ; enlisted August 18, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jack- son, Grand C'oteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Faris, George A. Age 18; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 21, 1863, at Milli- ken's Bend and buried at Vieksburg. Faris, James H, Age 20; enlisted August 6, 1862; dis- charged April 22, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability. Medford, Oregon. Felkey, Sidney. Age 18 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where wounded in right thigh by gunshot ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865; died in Delaware county, Ohio. Fleming, Joseph D. Age 38 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where wounded by shell ; Vieksburg (absent, sick). Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and to Veteran Reserve Corps December 21, 1864, and discharged at New Orleans, La., in June, 1865; died June 18, 1889, at Eden, Dela- ware county, Ohio. Lydia A. Fleming, widow, Kilbourne, Ohio. Freese. Burroughs. Age 36; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged April 1, 1863, at Milliken's Bend for disability ; died Freese, Le^vis. Age 21 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 13, 1863, on hospital boat Nashville. Fryman, Thomas A. Age 18; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Richwood, Ohio. 101 Gray, Oliver T. Age 19; eulisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw I^ayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 13, 1868, at Millikeii's Beud aud buried in section F, grave 29, Vicksburg. Harrison, Ja:sies H. Age 41 ; enlisted July 23, 1862. Absent, sick. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads aud Cane River. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864. Absent, sick in hospital; mustered out June 8, 1865, at New York City. Died in 1889, at St. Paul, Neb. Havens, Ansel D. Age 18; enlisted August II, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged March 13, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn. Chebause, 111. HoLLENBAUGH, Henry. Age 19; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas l*<)st, Vicksburg, Cham- pion Hills, Black River (on detail as teamster; returned to Company July 22, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Com- pany A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died in 1873. Houseworth, George. Age 19 ; eulisted July 30, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and Jiiustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died at Richwood, Ohio, in 1876. Howard, Frank D. Age 25; enlisted August 4, 1862. Accidentally' wounded in hand December 1862, at Memphis. Battles : Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and W^histler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Hummel, Henry. Age 24, enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau (where captured aud exchanged Decern ber 25, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Aforgan. Transferred to Com- pany A November 18, 1864, aud mustered out June 13, 1865, at Fort Gaines, Ala., by order of War Department. Delaware, Ohio. 102 Jones, Samuel D. Age 22 ; enlisted July 30, 1865. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( wounded, contusion by explosion of shell ; left sick at Vicksburg, August 25, 1863 ), Vicksburg, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely, and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Cardington, Ohio. Jones, Wm. W. Age 21 ; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wounded in left hip and sent to hospital. Transferred to 35th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, August 18, 1863 ; discharged for wounds December 10, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo. Rich wood, Ohio. Keeler, Ford. Age 32 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged May 28, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Chesaning, Mich. Kelchner, Isaac W. Age 28; enlisted August 7, 1862. Died at Covington, Ky., October 24, 1862, and buried in Linden Grove Cemetery. Lear, Wm. A. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where captured, and exchanged May 28, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whist- ler; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Findlay, Ohio. McKiNNiE, Wm. Age 26 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Died November 16, 1862, at Nicholasville, Ky., and buried at Camp Nelson, Ky. Main, Henry B. Age 24 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 28, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Mecay, Alexander. Age 19; enlisted July 30, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- 103 son and (Jrand Coteau, where killed November 3, 1863, in bat- tle and buried at Chalniette, La. Mec'AY, CtEo. W. Age 19 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Hayou, Arkansas Post and Vieksburg. Discharged December 31, 1863, at Memi)his, Tenn., for dis- ability. Topeka, Kan. Mecay, James P. Age 18; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansiis Post (detailed November 1, 1863, to 17th Ohio Battery), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged ^lay 28, 1864; transferred to Com- pany A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler's Station. Chicago, 111. Mecay, Jesse B. Age 26 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas l*ost and Vieksburg. Sick and sent to hospital ; discharged April 18, 1864, at New Orleans, La., for disability; died at Eden, Ohio. Mecay, Josei»hus. Age 19 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Bat- tles : (Absent, sick) Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865; died at Springfield, Ohio, April 3, 1877. Morgan, George W. Age 18; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged ]May 28, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Rich- wood, Ohio. Moses, Perry. Age 18 ; enlisted July 29, 1862 ; on duty at Division Headquarters. Battles: Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded by minnie ball in left groin and hip and captured, and exchanged June 1(5, 1864; Fort (iaines. Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, iVrobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company .July 7, 1865. Vale, la. MuKKiELD, Wilijam. Age 20; enlisted August 4, 1862; 104 died February 7, 1S63, at Memphis, and buried in section 2, grave 184, Memphis, Tenn. Oldham, Joshua G. Age 27; enhsted August 11, 1862; left sick at Memphis, December 20, 1862, and returned to Regi- ment at Matagorda Island, Tex. Battle : 8abine Cross Roads, where wounded by gunshot in right shoulder April 8, 1864. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and to 124th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, and discharged February 1, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, for wounds received April 8, 1864. Delaware, Ohio. OvERTURF, Wesley. Age 20; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865; died in 1894 at King, I. T. Mrs. Emily J. Overturf, widow. Dale, Okla. Olmstead, Charles F. Age 20 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Discharged August, 1862, at Camp Delaware for disability. Pettit, Jacob F. Age 37 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged May 28, 1864 ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Com- pany A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died November 20, 1882, at Eden, Ohio. Mrs. Sarah M. Pettit, widow, Wheatfield, Ind. Plunkett, Isaac H. Age 19 ; enlisted July 28, 1862 ; Bat- tles: Chickasaw^ Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where wounded in right thigh and taken prisoner, and ex- changed November 4, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whist- ler ; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865; also served in Company I, 4th O. V. I., in first three months' service. St. Louis, Mo. Powers, Martin A. Age 29; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged May 28, 1864 ; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, 105 aud mustered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Hedges, Ohio. Primmek, James P. Age 18; enlisted August 7, 1862. Died at Nicholasville, Ky., November 18, 1862, and buried at Camp Nelson, Ky. Robinson, Loking L. Age 25 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Died January 27, 18a3, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Rogers, Samuel. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg aud Grand Coteau, where wounded by gunshot in right hip, and discharged March 10, 1864, at New Orleans, La., for said wounds. New Dover, Ohio. ScHNOKE, Amos. Age 20 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Died March 1, 1863, at Memphis, and buried in section 3, grave 272, same place. Shep:ts, Ezra. Age 19; enlisted August 5, 1862. Died March 1, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., and buried same place. Sheets, William H. Age 18; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out August 15, 1865, at St. Louis, Mo,, by order of War Department. Marion, Ohio. Sherman, David. Age 20. enlisted July 28, 1862. Ab- sent, sick. Battle : Sabine Cross Roads ; transferred to Com- pany A November, 1864. Died January 25, 1865, at mouth of White River, Ark., and buried in section Q, grave 43, Vicks- burg, Miss. Sherman, James. Age 24; enlisted July 29, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg (absent, sick). Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whist- ler ; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Iowa City, la. Stinar, Abraham.- Age 38; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (absent, sick). Grand Coteau, where wounded in both thighs, and discharged for wounds June 20, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio. Blufftou, Minn. 106 8TRAWSER, George. Age 86; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Grand Coteau, 8abiue Cross Roads and Cane River; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and to Veteran Reserve Corps December 21, 1864, at New Orleans, and discharged at same place. Killed June 16, 1877, in railway accident at Delaware, Ohio, and buried at Horseshoe Baptist Cemetery. Mrs. George Strawser, widow, Delaware, Ohio. SuLTS, Peter. Age 36 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Dis- charged at Louisville, Ky., January 21, 1868, for disability. Huntington, Ind. Thompson, Solomon W. Age 30 ; enlisted August 17, 1862. Died December 15, 1862, at Memphis, Teun., and there buried. Thrall, Irwin. Age 30; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wounded in right forearm, and discharged for said wound April 6, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo. Alum Creek, Ohio. Traxler, John W. Age 26; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 3, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 65, grave 193, Jefferson Barracks. Trickey, Christopher. Age 38; enlisted August 6, 1862. Died January 10, 1863, at Bowling Green, Ky., and buried in section N, grave 300, Nashville, Tenn. Troutman, Daniel. Age 20; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died April 1, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 1, grave 5, Jefferson Barracks. Walbert, Benevel. Age 21 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Grand Coteau, w^here taken prisoner and exchanged May 28, 1864 ; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Dela- ware, Ohio. AValdron, Cornelius. Age 21 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles : Vieksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to 107 Company A November 18, 1864, and nmstered out with the Company July 7, 1865. Kilbourne, Ohio. Ward, Silas T. Age 25; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Received injury and unfit for duty, and detailed by Colonel Vance as hospital nurse. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864 ; dis- charged February 25, 1865, for disability of eyes and hernia, at Columbus, Ohio. No. 4115 E. Sixth St., Kansas City, INIo. Waters, Wesley. Age 27 ; enlisted July 30, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 12, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg, Miss. Webster Joseph P. Age 38; enlisted August 7, 1862. Died March 27, 1863, on hospital boat Nashville. Webster, Wm. H. Age 27; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg (absent, sick), Sabine Cross Iloads, Cane River, Fort (raines. Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Hyattsville, Ohio. Welch, Age 20; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau ( where wounded in left leg and taken pris- oner and exchanged November 4, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Transferred to Company A No- vember 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died July 19, 1882, at Delaware, Ohio ; buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. WiciTON, William P. Age 24; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Killed at latter battle January 11, 1863, and there buried. Wilcox, Joseph E. Age 19 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Killed at latter battle January 11, 1863, and there buried. Williams, Eben. Age 18 ; enlisted July 30, 1862. Williams, William H. Age 20 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau (where taken prisoner and exchanged, May 108 28, 1864; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. New California, Ohio. Wise, Cyrus N. Age 23; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (where wounded in left forearm ), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Mobile, Fort Blakely and W^histler. Transferred to Company A November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died in 1865. COMPANY G, Recruited in Delaware County, Ohio. Captain Joseph H. Kimball. Age 34 ; date of commis- sion July 28, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and ex- changed December 26, 1863; Sabine Cross Roads and Cane River. Left sick at New Orleans July 30, 1864; resigned August 3, 1864, on account of protracted ill health. Sunbury, Ohio. First Lieutenant Henry J. Jarvis. Age 42; date of commission July 21, 1862; died December 2, 1863, at Camp Elm wood, Memphis, Tenn., and Buried at Delaware, Ohio. Mrs. H. J. Jarvis, widow, Kilbourne, Ohio. First Lieutenant Emery M. Eastman. See Captain Company A. First Lieutenant Oscar W. Chamberlain. Age 42; date of commission August 6, 1862; appointed Sergeant August 18, 1862, and promoted to First Sergeant January 1, 1863, and to First Lieutenant March 19, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Furlough July 30, 1863; home from Vicksburg; died August 22, 1863, at Mt. Vernon. Ohio. 109 First Lieutenant Lyman S. Huntley. Age 24; en- listed August 6, 1862; appointed Sergeant August 18, 1862, and promoted to Second Lieutenant December 2, 1862, and to First Lieutenant November 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Baj'ou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and promoted to Captain, but not nms- tered), Spanisli Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company D July 7, 1865. Chariton, la. First Sergeant Alfred H. Bardwell. Age 24; en- listed August 6, 1862; appointed Corporal October 10, 1862, and Sergeant January 1, 1863, and First Sergeant May 1, 1863. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where wounded and taken prisoner and ex- changed November 4, 1863, and sent to hospital at New Orleans (returned to Company March 6, 1864); Sabine Cross Roads, where again taken prisoner and exchanged October 23, 1864 (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864); Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany D July 7, 1865. Ellsworth, Kan. Sergeant John M. Cryder. Age 23 ; enlisted July 30, 1862; appointed Sergeant August 18, 1862; left sick in hospital November 18, 1862, at New Albany, Ind , and returned to Company January 28, 1863 ; detailed to mortar fleet and in- jured by shell ; again left sick April 15, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La.; lost use of his voice tor several months. Battle: Grand Coteau. Mustered out to date December 19, 1864, at Little Rock, Ark., by reason of consolidation ; died at Delaware, Ohio, March 24, 1894. Mrs. Mary A. Cryder, w idow, Delaware, Ohio. Sergeant Herbert CtREGory. Age 23 ; enlisted August 4, 1862; appointed Sergeant August 18, 1862. Left sick in hos- pital at Memphis, Tenn., December 20, 1862. Died February 8, 1863, at same place, and buried at Berkshire, Ohio. Sergeant James Harbottle. Age 22 ; enlisted August 8, 1862; appointed Corporal August 18, 1862, and Sergeant Feb- ruary 14, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (sent home to enlist recruits December 6, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and 110 mustered out with ('ompany July 7, 1865; also served in Com- pany I, 4th Regiment O. V. I., from April 21 to August 22, 1861. Peerless, Ohio. Sergeant Charles R. Arnold. Age 23 ; enlisted Aug- ust 6, 1862 ; appointed Corporal February 14, 1863, and Sergeant May 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Home on sick leave August 20, 1863 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps January 14, 1864. Died 1885. Mrs. L. M. Arnold, widow, 19 East Fourth avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Sergeant Irwin B. Arnold, Age 18; enlisted August 6,1862; appointed Corporal November 1, 1862, and Sergeant April 1, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (sick at Arkansas Post), Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken pris- oner, and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; returned to Company January 26. 1864; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River (acting First Sergeant for several months). Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company D July 7, 1865. See page 5, regimental history. Findlay, Ohio. Corporal George L Sackett. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7,1862; appointed Corporal August 18, 1862. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sick and sent to hospital. Discharged August 15, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability. Member of Sixty -sixth and Sixty-seventh General Assemblies of Ohio. West Berlin, Ohio. Corporal Joseph P. Landon. Age 24 ; enlisted August 7, 1862 ; appointed Corporal August 18, 1862. Left sick at Lex- ington, Ky., November 6, 1862. Discharged January 22, 1864, at Camp Nelson, Ky., for disability. Died October 26, 1889, at Sunbury, Ohio. Mrs. Joseph P. Landon, widow, Sunbury, Ohio. Corporal George Steyer. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; appointed Corporal August 18, 1862. Sick on steamer Hiawatha. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died in hospital at St. Louis February 7, 1863, and buried at Sunbury, Ohio. Corporal Henry Barnes. Age 22 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Appointed Corporal August 18, 1862. Battle : Arkan- 111 sas Post, with 17th Ohio liattery. I^eft sick on steamer, Ohio Belle, at YouDg's Point, January 22, 1863, and sent to hospital at 8t. Louis, ]\Io., and died at same place March 10, 1868, and buried at Jefferson Barracks. Corporal Lucius A. Carhart. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862; appointed Corporal February 22, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand ( oteau, 8abine Cross Roads, Cane River ( transferred to Com- pany I) November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mo- bile and AVhistler, Mustered out with Company D July 7, 1865. Galena, Ohio. Corporal John L. Davy. Age 26 ; enlisted August 8, 1862; appointed Corporal February 14, 1863. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (sent to hospital on steamboat at Young's Point, March 6, 1863, and returned to Company June 19, 1863 ), Vicksburg ( October 2, 1863, sent home on sick fur- lough for 60 days ; detached to Pioneer Corps March 11, 1864), Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Sunburj', Ohio. Corporal Josephus Gregct. Age 20 ; enlisted August 7, 1862; appointed Corporal October 1, 1862. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Left sick at hospital April 15, 1863. Died May 20, 1863, near Cairo, 111., on his way home on sick leave, and buried at Delaware, Ohio. Corporal Lemuel Roloson. Age 20; enlisted August 7,1862; appointed Corporal October 1, 1862. Sent to hospital sick. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged August, 15, 1863, for disability, and died soon after at Columbus, Ohio. Corporal Seth L. Hoover. Age IS; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson (appointed Corporal April 1, 1864), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile, and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company D Julj- 7, 1865. Columbus, Ohio. Corporal Michael L. Slattery. Age 18 ; enlisted July 23, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (taken pris- oner January 30, 1 863, near ]Srilliken 's Bend; paroled February 28, 112 and then escaped and sent to Camp Chase in July 1863, and exchanged September, and returned to Company November 28, 1863 ; appointed Corporal April 1, 1864 ), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transrerred to Company D November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company D July 7, 1865. Also served in 11th Regiment U. S. A. from July 11, 1866, to 1869. Discharged at Waco, Texas. Lewis Center, Ohio. Corporal Wm. C. Garey. Age 20; enlisted August 8, 1862; appointed Corporal February 14, 1863. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged March 17, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., for disability. Seneca, Kan. Simon Wilcox, Musician. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 23, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicks- burg. James H. Chamberlain, Musician. Age 16; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. CtEO. G. Patrick, Wagoner. Age 45 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; detached as brigade farrier by order of General Bur- bridge. Discharged March 10, 1863, at Young's Point, La., for disability. Sunbury, Ohio. PRIVATES. Allen, Heman W. Enlisted August 7, 1862. See Hos- pital Steward. Atkinson, David. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where wounded and sent to hospital. Died September 1, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., and buried there in section 1, grave 89. Baker, Daniel. Age 32 ; enlisted July 29, 1862; sick on steamboat from December 26, 1862, until January 28, 1863. Battles : Vicksburg (sent to hospital sick June 23, 1863, and returned to Company May 20, 1864), Fort Gaines and Fort 8 113 Morgau. TraDsferred to Compauy D November 18, 1864, and mustered out May 18, 1865, at Camp Deunison, Ohio, by order of War department. Delaware, Ohio. Berry, Jamf:s. Age 27 ; enlisted August 30, 1862 ; de- tached from Company March 1, 1863, as brigade wagoner- returned to Company December 21, 1864. Battles: Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, :\robile and Whistler. Tranferred to Company D November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died at Cardington, Ohio, in 1865, and there buried. Blaney, Edwin R. Age 18; enlisted August 8, ls62. Died February 14, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo., and buried at East Liberty, Ohio. BocKOVER, Charles O. Age 19; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Lost his voice about February 20, 1863; sent home on sick leave July 30, 1863; discharged September 30, 1863, at Colum- bus, Ohio, for disability; died September 13, 1883, at Condit, Ohio, and buried at Suubury. Widow remarried— Mrs. Amy Haley, Sunbury, Ohio. Boston, Andrew. Age 20; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Medaryville, Ind. Brooks, Rufus C. Age 28 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detached to 17th Ohio Battery), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (mustered out of 96th Regi- ment December 1, 1863, to re-enlist as a veteran in 17th Ohio Battery ; order revoked and he returned to Company for duty), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Wymore, Neb. Brown, Fletcher L. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862; left sick in hospital November 6, 1862, at Nicholasville, Ky.; discharged January 6, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., for disability. Sandusky, Ohio. 114 Carnes, Emmitt Age 18; enlisted January 22, 1864. Bat- tles: Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and to Company A, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out with Com- pany March 8, 1866. Kingston Center, Ohio. Carnes, William. Age 18 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. July 30, 1864, sick and sent to hospital ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864; mustered out May 29, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, by order of War Department; died July 2, 1890, at Delaware, Ohio. Case, George. Age 24 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Vicksburg and Jackson. Sent home July 30, 1863, on thirty days' sick leave and returned to Company November 6, 1863 ; died February 28, 1864, on steamer St. Mary, at Pass Cavallo, Tex., and there buried. Case, Oscar J. Age 22 ; enlisted August 4, 1862 ; detached as Brigade teamster December 28, 1862; returned to Company November 19, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Powell, Ohio. CoNKLiN, Cicero. Age 18 ; enlisted July 29, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Sick at Arkansas Post and sent to hospital boat and died January 31, 1863, on steamer J. C. Swon on Mississippi river, and buried at Island No. 21. CONROY, Robert. Age 21; enlisted August 8, 1862; de- tached as Brigade teamster January 14, 1863. Battles : Vicks- burg (sick and sent to Division Hospital and returned to Com- pany November 23, 1863 ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Powell, Ohio. Courter, Emmons. Age 24 ; enlisted August 4, 1862 ; left sick at Nicholasville, Ky., November 6, 1862, and discharged April 11, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability. Downs, Kan. Courter, Peter. Age 20 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson 115 (August lii), I860, sent to hospital at ^Memphis and from there home on sick furlough ; returned to Company October 19, 1863), Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 28, 18«)4; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Jilakely, ^Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Comx)any July 7, 1865. Win- field, la. Dicks, Derostus F. Age 37 ; enlisted December 23, 1863. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Companj^ D November 18, 1864, and to Com- pany A, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out Sep- tember 1, 1865, at St. Louis, Mo., as of Company D, 96th O. V. I.; died March 30, 1894, at Peerless, Ohio. Dixon, Franklin. Age 26; enlisted August 7, 1862; de- tached as Brigade teamster January 14 and returned to Com- pany March 31. 1863. Battles: Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Fort INIorgan. Detached as ambulance driver March 16, 1865 ; trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died Dunham, Samuel H. Age 34; enlisted August 8, 1862. Left sick at Nicholas ville, K3\, November 6, 1862; returned to Company December 15, 1862, but was never fit for duty. Died February 28, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicks- burg. Widow, Mrs. Samuel H. Dunham, Marengo, Ohio. Elliott, Patrick M. Age 19; enlisted August 2, 1862. November 7, 1862, detached to duty in hospital at Nicholasville, Ky. ; returned to Company August 18, 1863, Battle : Grand Coteau, where wounded and sent to hospital at New Orleans, La., and died there of wound November 28, 1863, and buried at Sunbury, Ohio. EvARTS, George W. Age 19; enlisted July 29, 1862, Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. January 9, 1863, sick in hospital. Died January 30, 18(53, on steamer J. C. Swon, on Mississippi Riveir, and buried at Island No. 21. Farrier, David G. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Taken sick February, 1863, on Greenville Raid. Died March 25, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo., and buried at Sunbury, Ohio. 116 Farris, William H. H. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Left sick in hospital, and discharged at Memphis December 27, 1863, for disability. Farrisville, Kan. FiNLEY, David A. Age 19 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: (December 27, 1862, sick on steamboat) Vicksburg, Jackson (September 1, 1863, detached to Pioneer Corps, and served one year), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864. June 1, 1865, sent to hospital sick. Discharged June 10, 1865, at New Orleans, La., by order of War Department. Kilbourne, Ohio. Flagg, Melville C. Age 20; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (Februaiy 6, 1803, detached to Pioneer Corps), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, where taken prisoner and paroled ; re- turned from parole camp September, 1863 ; detached on duty with Medical Director at Corps Headquarters ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. West Berlin, Ohio. Flagc^, William C. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Stryker, Ohio. Freshwater, Jacob. Age 26; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( with 17th Ohio Battery), Vicksburg, Jackson (sent home on sick leave Aug- ust 20, 1863, and returned to ( ompauy November 29, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads ( where wounded by minnie ball in thigh and taken prisoner, and in Rebel hospital at Mansfield, La., and exchanged .June 17, 1864 ), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company D November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Reid, Ohio. Fuller, Henry M. Age 27; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- 117 son, ({raDd C'oteau (where taken prisoner and exchanged De- cember 25, 1803 ), 8abine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort ^Mort^an t transferred to Company D November LS, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died June 14, 1894, at Cadil- lac, Mich. ^Mrs. Henry M. Fuller, widow, Cadillac, Mich. Galloway, James H. Age 19 ; enlisted August 8, 1862* Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 25, 1868, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Gammill, Samuel 8. Age 27 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (sick in hospital from January 1, 1863, to March—, 1863), Vicksburg, Jackson (July 30, 1863, went home on furlough and returned to Company September 15, 1863), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and AVhistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Sunbury, Ohio. Griggs, Joseph G. Age 28; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, (sick at Arkansas Post ), Vicks- burg (sick and sent to hospital at Memphis, August 20, 1863 ), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died March 15, 1890, at Olena, Ohio. Mrs. Anna A. Griggs, widow, Olena, Ohio. Grummon, Fowlek. Age 18; enhsted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D Noveniber 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Hall, Watson. Age 23 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. J5attle : Chickasaw Bayou. Sick at Arkansas Post and sent to hospital January 27, 1863, at Young's Point ; transferred to Company G, 22d Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, September 1, 1863, and mustered out July 7, 1865, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Rush Creek, Ohio. Heli'jirkv, Hkzekiah H. Age 19; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died 118 April 11, 1868, at Millikeu's Bend, La., aud buried at Vicks- burg. Hoover, Joseph. Age 23; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River (transferred to Company D Novem- ber 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Republic City, Neb. Hoover, Oscar F. Age 23; enlisted August 7, 1862; on detached duty with Quartermaster; returned to Company April 15, 1865; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865 ; died January 14, 1875. Mrs. Mary T. B. Hoover, widow, Gretna, Duchess county, N. Y. HoRNBECK, Norton. Age 24 ; enlisted July 28, 1862 ; de- tailed as Regimental butcher; sick and in hospital at Young's Point from March 6 to May 5, 1863. Battles: Vicksburg, Jackson, where wounded (September 22, 1863, home on fur- lough ; returned to Company March 5, 1864) ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Humphrey, Gilson. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 26, 1863, on steamer J. C. Swon, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Jackson, James W. Age 21; enlisted July 29, 1862; de- tailed, October 1, 1862, as Regimental blacksmith; taken pris- oner at Grand Coteau, La., November 3, 1863, and exchanged June 6, 1864; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and discharged for disability December 12, 1864. Stanwood, la. Jenkins, Erastus. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Died April 5, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 5, grave 7, Jefferson Barracks. Jennings, Benjamin. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Left sick in hospital at Milliken's Bend, La., April 13, 1863. Discharged June 30, 1863, at St. Louis for disability. Died ; date unknown. 119 Johnston, Anthony. Age 22; eulisted August (>, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou (sick at Arkansas Post), Vicksburg, Jackson, Graud Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Ciaines, Fort ISIorgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely and Mobile. April 12, 1865, sick and sent to ]Mobile to hospital. ^Mustered out June 11, 1865, at New Orleans, La., for disability. Lewis Center, Ohio. Johnson, Thomas. Age 19; enlisted Augusts, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson (left sick at New Orleans October 3d, and returned to Company November 23, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died September 11, 1891, at Jefferson, la. Mary A. Johnson, widow, Jefferson, la. Kelsey, Philander P. Age 25 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (detailed to Pioneer Corps Feb- ruary 6, 1863), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg (returned to Company December, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Mhere wounded in neck ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1064),' Span iirh Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died September 9, 1874, at Blendon, Ohio. Mrs. Elizabeth Kelsey, widow, Victor, Davison county, S. Dak. Ke.aipton, Charles. Age 19; enlisted August 2, 1862. Died November 27, 1862, in hospital at Nicholasville, Ky., and buried at Sunbury, Ohio. Layman, David. Age 22; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou (sick at Arkansas Post), Vicksburg (absent, sick), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort ^NForgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort IMakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company Julj' 7, 1865, Hector, Ind. Littick, Henry. Age 21 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (December 27, 1863, sick and sent to hospital at New Carthage, La. ; returned May 2, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in lung by minnie ball, and died of wound April 9, 18(U, and buried at Mansfield, La. 120 Longshore, Jasper W. Age 21 ; enlisted July 31 , 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (sick at Arkansas Post), Vicks- burg (left sick at New Orleans October 3, and returned to Com- pany December 16, 1863), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865; died March 10, 1867, at Condit Ohio. LowREY, James C. Age 29; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg (October 6, 1863, detailed as Ambulance driver) and 8abine Cross Roads. Sick and in ambulance and captured April 8, 1864, at last battle, and exchanged in June, 1864 ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864; died in March, 1865, near Fort Morgan, Ala., and buried at Mobile, Ala. McDonald, William. Age 16; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in neck (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864) ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, INIobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Enlisted in Custer's Command, United States Cavalry, and was killed with General George A. Custer in the Little Big Horn massacre June 26, 1876. McFarland, Adolphus W. Age 39; enlisted August 8, 1862; detailed as Division wagoner October 7, 1862, and on duty at Division Headquarters. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Aarkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Nafus, William C. Age 24; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detailed to guard prisoners to St. Louis ; returned to Company September 1, 1863), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Newkirk, Cyrus. Age 24; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (with 17th Ohio Bat- tery ; detailed as teamster April 22, 1863, by order of General S- 121 G. Burbridge; transferred to Corapaoy D November 13, 1864) Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Lewis Center, Ohio. Olney, Joel. Age 31 ; enlisted August 5, 1862 ; detailed as Division teamster October 7, 1862; returned to Company in July, 1864. Battles : Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakelj', Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Olney, Levi. Age 24; enlisted August 5, 1862. Detailed as Brigade teamster by order of General Ikirbridge, April 19, 1863. Battles : Fort CiJaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Com- pany D November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, JNlo- bile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865 ; also served in Company C, 4th O. V. I., first three months' service. Odabolt, Iowa. OSBORN, Samuel. Age 28; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Baj'ou, Arkansas Post ( detailed to 11th Ohio Battery), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, P'ort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1862), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Radnor, O. Pace, Isaac. Age 23; enlisted July 81, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 7, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo , of wound received in battle of Arkansas Post, January 11, 1863, and buried at Sunbury, Ohio. Pace, Nathan. Age 18; enlisted August 1, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, where wounded and discharged June 19, 1863, at Memphis, for said wound. Rush- sylvania, Ohio. Parmer, Charles. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Sick on steamer Hiawatha from December 25, 1862, until Jan- uary 23, 1863, and died February 5, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, ]Mo., and buried at Delaware, Ohio. Patrick, Nathan K. Age 23; enlisted August 6, 1S02. October 7, 1862, detailed as Brigade wagoner; left sick in hos- piUil December 20, 1862, at Memphis, and discharged May 6, 1863, at Mound City, 111., for disabiUty. Sunbury, Ohio. 122 Rader, John. Age 20 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( absent, sick, March to Sep- tember 1863, in hospital), Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Coldwater, Kan. Ramsey, James S. Age 24 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, ( transferred to Company D November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Roberts, Giles H. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (with 17th Ohio Battery) and Vicksburg. June 23, 1863, sick and sent to Division Hospital and thence to St. Louis, Mo.; transferred January 22, 1864, to Company D, 17th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, from which mustered out June 30, 1865, at Indianapolis, Ind. Ottawa, 111. RoLosoN, Orlando H. Age 33 ; enlisted August 6, 1862 ; on detached duty at Brigade and Division Headquarters as blacksmith ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864 ; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Berkshire, Ohio. Smith, Charles. Age 19; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. On detached duty; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864; nmstered out with Company July 7, 1865. Anondaga, N. Y. Smith, George W. Age 19 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, and with 17th Ohio Battery at Arkansas Post. Died August 25, 1863, in hospital at Memphis, Tenn., and buried in section 1, grave 36. Smith, Horace F. Age 23; enlisted July 28, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Captured Jan- uary 30, 1863, in action while foraging near Milliken's Bend, La.; exchanged in September, 1863; in hospital sick and dis- charged from Marine Hospital, New Orleans, La., April 11, 1864, for disability. Lewis Center, Ohio. Smith, John. Age 31 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkanass Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand 123 Coteau, whero taken prisoner and exchanged; Fort Gaines Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1804), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Delaware, Ohio. Smith, WiLLiA>r. Age 24; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, and at Akansas Post with 17th Ohio Battery (on detail as clerk January 21, 1863, until January 11, 1865) ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864; sick and sent to hospital at Mobile, Ala., June 1, 1865, and mustered out June 10, 1865, at New Orleans, by order of War Department. Died— date unknown. Stockard, William R. Age 19 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou (sick at Arkansas Post), Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River (August, 1864, sick in hospital at New Orleans ; transferred to Company D Novem- ber 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Beloit, Kan. TowxLEY, William W. Age 19 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles; ChickasaAv Bayou (sick at Arkansas Post), Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken jirisoner, and exchanged December 25, 1863; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864; Spanish Fort, where wounded ^Nlarch 29, 1865; Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Sunbury, Ohio. Van Fleet, Merritt. Age 25; enlisted August 7, 1862. Detailed as teamster September, 1862; June, 1864, home on sick furlough ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864. Mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died October 22, 1890, Oakwood, Ohio. Van Wormer, Abram. Age 18; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, where wounded July 1, 1863, in shoulder by gunshot ; Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Died May 21, 1877, at Pierceton, Ind., and buried at South Whitley, Ind. Warner, Josiah. Age 20; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- 124 ties: Chickasaw Bayou (at Arkansas Post with 17th Ohio Battery), Vicksburg (sick iu hospital), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1866. Died ; date unknown. White, Isaac K. Age 21 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau. Killed at latter battle November 3, 1863, and buried at Chalmette, La. WiLLEY, Ethan A. Age 28; enlisted August 28, 1862. December 27, 1862, sick on boat for a week and unable for duty ; transferred to 120th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, from which mustered out June 29, 1865; also Sergeant Company I, 4th O. V. I., in first three months' service. Lima, Ohio. Williams, George M. Age 22 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Left sick iu hospital at Milliken's Bend, La., April 15, 1863 ; transferred to Company G, 21st Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, from which mustered out July 6, 1865, at Clinton, N. J., by order of War Department. Powell, Ohio. COMPA3VY H, Recruited in Logan County Ohio. Captain William B. Niven. Date of commission July 29,1862. Resigned April 15, 1863, on account of ill health. Also Captain of Company B, 132d Regiment O. V. I. Belle, Fontaine, Ohio. First Lieutenant James G. Hamilton. See Regimental Quartermaster. First Lieutenant Eli L. Baird. See Captain Com- pany D. Second Lieutenant Peter Marmon. Age 24 ; enlisted August 4, 1862; appointed First Sergeant, and promoted to 125 First Lieutenaut July 25, 1864, but not mustered, aud to Sec- ond Lieutenant, and transferred to Company D November 18, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (where wounded), Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau ( where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakeh', Mobile and Whistler. Mus- tered out with Comi)any D July 7, 1865. Greeuleaf, Kan. Sergeant Isaac Ivins. Age 31 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack son, (Trand Coteau ( where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864 ), Fort Gaines, Fort JNIorgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company D Novem- ber 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died December 16, 1893, at Bellefontaine, Ohio. Harriet N Ivins, widow, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Sergeant Daniel Roof. Age 41 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan. Discharged November 28, 1864, at mouth of White River, Ark., for disability. Died at Bellefontaine, Ohio, December 7, 1889. Hannah L. Roof, widow, Bellefon- taine, Ohio. Sergeant John Ewing. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1862; appointed Sergeant September 23, 1862. Battles: Chick- asaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, ( transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865 Corsi- cana, Texas. Sergeant Stephen H. ]Moore. Age 25; enlisted August 8,1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Feb- ruary 1, 1863, sick and sent to hospital, and transferred to Vet- eran Reserve Corps, September 30, 1863, from which mustered out. Died at Princeton, Ind., April 11, 1871. Mrs. Matilda J. Moore, widow, Vassar, Mich. Sergeant George W^. Sanders. Age 3«) ; enlisted August 11,1862. Detailed to Pioneer Corps, February 5, 1863; dis- charged June 19, 1863, at St. Louis, for disability. Died in 1877, at Xenia, 111. 126 Sergeant Wm. McClure. Age 23 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( appointed Corporal January 23, and Sergeant August 30, 1863), Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau ( where taken prisoner and ex- changed May 1, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, where wounded in hand March 27, 1865. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Corporal Edward H. Brown. Age 27 ; enlisted August 4, 1862 ; November 1, 1862, detailed to Commissary Department and returned to Company in 1863. Battles : Vicksburg, Jack- son ( detached to Pioneer Corps in September, 1863, and return- ed to Company ), Sabine Cross Roads, Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan ( transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Barclay, Kan. Corporal Thomas Rosebrough. Age 41 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Sick and sent to hospital and discharged June 19, 1863, at Camp Denuison, Ohio, for disability. Monegaw Springs, Mo. Corporal Robert Huston. Age 39 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; detailed as nurse in hospital; discharged February 20, 1863, at St. Louis for disability. Tecumseh, Neb. Corporal Eli Hostetler. Age 26 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 17, 1863, on steamer Louisiana and buried in section Q, grave 118, Vicks- burg, Miss. Corporal Hiram Underwood. Age 22 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and escaped from the enemy at Alexandria, La., December 13, 1863, and reached Union gun boats on Mississippi river December 24, 1863, and rejoined Regiment at De Crow's Point, Tex., January 23, 1864; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Payne, Ohio. Corporal Cyrus Emery. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 18, 1863, on hospital boat on Arkansas River. 127 Corporal William J. Horn. Age 19 ; enlisted August 14, 1862. Battle: Vicksburg. Detached to Ambulance team; died October 9, 18(>8, at Carrolton, La., and buried at Chal- mette, La. Corporal Abel T. Ueames. Age 123 ; enlisted August 11, 1S62. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged ^fay 1, 1864 ; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (appointed Corporal November 15, 1864, and trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ISIobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Richland, la. Enos Ward, Musician. 8ee Principal Musician ; see Non- commissioned Staff. R. Cook James, Musician. Age 21 ; enlisted August 14, 1862; transferred to Company D (on state roster as James Cook) ; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865 ; died Wm. H. Cockrill, Wagoner. Age 82; enlisted August 11, 1862. On duty with Regiment during entire service. En- gaged in battles at Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan, Ala. Trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bellefontaine, Ohio. PRIVATES. Alexander, Matthew M. Age 40 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Sick and sent to hospital October 8, 1862, at Covington, Ky., and returned to Company February — , 1863, at Young's Point, La., and again sick and sent north and died on passage to St. Louis, Mo., on hospital boat. Amspoker, Wm. John. Age 26; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, and wounded at latter battle in left leg, and same amputated above knee. Died January 23, 1863, on hospital boat " D. A. January," of said wounds and amputation. Anderson, David. Age 26; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died on hos- pital boat Jariuary 31, 1863, on Mississippi River. Baldwin, James M. Age 18; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw 15ayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg (sick and sent to hospital at latter place and returned to Company 128 November 5, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blaliely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Kenton, Ohio. Baldwin, Stephen H. Age 25 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Discharged at Milliken's Bend March 23, 1863. Stantontown, Ohio. Beach, Andrew H. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862; detailed to division headquarters. Discharged September 30, 1863, at Carrollton, La., for disability. Died June 29, 1885, at Chicago, 111. Brinset, Harvey. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862. Died at Cairo, 111., January 24, 1863, and buried at Mound City, 111. Brinser, Samuel. Age 31 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Sent to hospital at Camp Dennison October 8, 1862. Transferred to Company D November 18, 1864. No further record found. Dead. BuRKHART, John. Age 22 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jack- son. Discharged January 19, 1864, at Camp Chase, Ohio, for disability. DeGraff, Ohio. Collins, John. Age 19; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Zanesfield, Ohio. Cooper, John E. Age 23 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged May 1, 1864; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and nmstered out with Company July 7, 1865. Huntsville, Ohio. Dailey, Simon W. Age 32; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Belle- fontaine, Ohio. 9 129 Deardorff, Samuel. Enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Baj^ou and Vicksburg. Discharged August 8, 1863, at Vicksburg for disability. Payne, Ohio. , Dennis, John W. Age 2(l ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Dis- charged December 23, 1862, at Covington, Ky., for disability. Breckenridge, Mo. Detrick, Peter, Jr. Age 19; enlisted August 9, 1862. Sick and sent to hospital April 15, 1863, from Milliken's Bend, La., and discharged July 30, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, for disa- bility. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Eades, Isaac, Jr. Age 30; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg (sick in hospital), Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner, and exchanged October 23, 1864; Spanish Fort, P^ort Blakely, :\robile and AVhistler; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died January 3, 1877, at Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mrs. Eliza Eades, widow, Belle- fontaine, Ohio. Earley, William J. Age 30; enlisted August 11,1862; detailed as teamster; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864; mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Ridgeway, Ohio. Edw^ards, Frank J. Age 30; enlisted August 11, 1862; discharged at St. Louis, Mo., March 13, 1865, for disability; died September 28, 1883, at DeGrafF, Ohio, and there buried. Mrs. Lydia Edwards, widow, DeGraff, Ohio. Edwards, John. Age 24 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tles : Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Kings- ton, Mo. Elliott, Harmon. Age 26; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery April 1, 1863), Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (returned to Com- pany June 14, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Odor, Logan county, Ohio. 130 Ely, Amos. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou aud Vicksburg. Died in hospital August 10, 1863, in rear of Vicksburg, and buried in section Q, grave 294, Vicksburg, Miss. Emery, John C. Age 30 ; enlisted August 8, 1862 ; died at Young's Point, La., P'ebruary 28, 1863, and buried at Vicksburg. Paris, Peter. Age 38; enlisted August 11, 1862; trans- ferred to 125th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, December 18, 1863, from which mustered out. Ridgeway, Ohio. Garwood, Thomas W. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862; discharged March 19, 1863, at Cincinnati, Ohio, for disability. Big Springs, Ohio. Hamsher, Martin L. Age 20; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort INIorgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. DeGraff, Ohio. HoUTS, Michael L. Age 18; enlisted August 11,1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau ( where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. No 712 N. Main street, St. Louis, Mo. Harbaugh, Henry. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wound- ed, and died February 4, 1863, of said wounds at Memphis, Tenn., and there buried. Harner, George S. Age 23; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 14, 1863, in camp at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg, Miss. Heffner, Anthony. Age 21; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 7, 1863, at mouth of White River, Ark., and buried at Vicksburg. HiGGiNS, James M. Age 27 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Died February 15, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 131 65, grave loS, Jettersou liarracks. Mrs. Mary E. Higgius, widow, Bellefontaiue, Ohio. HosTpyrLER, Samuel M. Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg. Sick and sent to hospital June 27, 1868. Transferred September 30, 1868, to Company G, 21st Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, from which mustered out July 6, 1865, at Trenton, X. J. ¥A Paso, 111. Jenkins, William. Age 28; enlisted August 9, 1862. Appointed (Corporal September 23, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg and Jackson. Died August 5, 1863, in camp at Vicksburg, and there buried. Kautsman, Daniel. Age 36; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle : Siege of Vicksburg. Died June 18, 1863, at Vicksburg, and buried in section G, grave 4. Kirk, Edward. Age 22; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, where mortally wounded in abdomen by minnie ball, and died in Rebel hospital at Mansfield, April 9, 1864, of said wounds, and buried at Mansfield, La. Lamb, James D. Age 22 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Vicksburg. Discharged August 15, 1863, at Vicksburg for disability. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Leymaster, Cornelius, Age 24 ; enlisted August 4, 1862, Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakelj', Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Compauj- July 7, 1865. Anita, la. Leymaster, Vp^nango. Age 22 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died ]March 16, 1868, on floating hospital, Nashville. McAry, Thomas Wm. Age 19; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 21, 1868, on hos- pital boat Hiawatha, near Young's Point, La. McAtee, Jonathan W. Age 26; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- san, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan 182 Ctransferred to Company D November 18, 3 864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Zanesfield, Ohio. McAtee, Thomas. Age 18 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 27, 1868, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg, Miss. McCracki:n, Geo. C. Age 18 ; enlisted August 9, 1862- Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 2, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. McLain, Samuel. Age 18 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Sick and sent to hospital at Camp Dennison, Ohio, October 8, 1862j and discharged March 2, 1863, for disability. Butler, Ind. Moore, Cyrus A. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged January 31, 1863, and mustered into Ellett's Mississippi Marine Brigade. Dead. Moore, Joseph M. Age 26; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died April 17, 1863, on floating hospital steamer D. A. January, near Milliken's Bend, La. Nash, Henry C. Age 22; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died March 12, 1863, on hospital steamboat, near Young's Point, La. Packer, William H. Age 22; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Vicksburg. Sent North sick and died October 28, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, and buried in Greenlawn Cemetery. Paxon, Charles. Age 21 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Dis- charged August 31, 1862, at Camp Delaware tor disability. Prater, Salathiel. Age 19; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Lakeview, Ohio. Raley, James. Age 23; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner and exchanged October 25, 1864 (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, 133 IMobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, ]86o. West Middleburg, Ohio. Rarick, Nathaniel F. Age 24 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (detached with Pioneer Corps), Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company!) November 18, 1.S64), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Schuyl- kill county, Pa. Reames, Jerry. Age 26; enlisted August 15, 1862. Died April 27, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried in section A, grave 111, Vicksburg, Miss. Rife, John B. Age 80 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, absent sick in hospital ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaiues (transferred to Company D Novem- ber 18, 1864), Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Died November — , 1868, at Bellefontaiue, Ohio. Rochelle, James L. Age 27; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Defiance, Ohio. RosEBROOK, Robert. Age 19; enlisted August 9, 1862; died August 1, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried at Vicksburg, Miss. Seaman, John W. Age 17 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Discharged April 27, 1863, at Perkins' plantation for disabilitj^; also Second Lieu- tenant Company B, 132d Regiment O. V. I. Loveland, Colo. Seaman, William H. Age 26; enlisted August 9, 1862; on duty in the Quartermaster's Department ; transferred to Company D November 18, 1864, and mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Bellefontaiue, Ohio. Sessler, Uihsal V. Age 19; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw liayou and Arkansas Post. Killed at latter battle January 11, 1863, and there buried. 134 Shawver, Jacob W. Age 32; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross "Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Com- pany D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Shoals, Ind. Shepherd, Hiram B. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 21, 1863, on hospital boat on Mississippi River. Shigley, Lewis. Age 27; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battle. Vicksburg. Discharged August 15, 1863, at Vicksburg for dis- ability. DeGralT, Ohio. Shuler, Daniel. Age 18; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 11, 1863, on hospital boat on Mississippi River. Sloxecker, Davii> B. Age 18; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where wounded in thigh ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D Novem- ber 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler, mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. New Jerusalem, Ohio. Stanfield, Jesse. Age 31 ; enlisted July 31, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (appointed Corporal January 23, 1863), Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau. Killed at latter battle November 3, 1863, and buried at Chalmette, La. Stanton, James D. Age 21 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. No further record found. Stevenson, Joseph V. Age 20; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( April 15, 1863, de- tailed to 17th Ohio Battery), Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (returned to Regi ment June 1, 1864), Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines. Sick January 1, 1865, and sent to hospital at Memphis, Tenn Mustered out May 18, 1865, at Memphis. Bellefontaiue, Ohio Stratton, Elias. Age 1 8 ; enlisted August 1 1 , 1862 : Bat ties: Chickasaw Bayou, Askansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson 135 (jJraud Coteau, where taken prisouer aud exchanged May 1, 1864; i^'ort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blal^ely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Lake- view, Ohio. 8CHWYHART, Marion. Age 17; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau, Sabine Cross Koads, where wounded in right hip by minnie ball and taken prisoner and sent to rebel hospital at Mansfield, La., and exchanged August 21. 1864; Fort Morgan, ( transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, ^lobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- jiany July 7, 1865. Civil Bend, ]\ro. Stevenson, Wm. R. Age 26; enlisted August 9, 1862. Died December 31, 1862, at Yazoo River, Miss., and buried at Vieksburg. Taylor, Thomas O. Age 21 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Vieksburg. Discharged August 15, 1868, for disability, at Vieksburg. Youngstown, Ohio. Titus, James D. Age 19; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jackson» Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. l^ig Springs, Ohio. Vanmeter, John. Age 19; enlisted August 11, 1862. Discharged February 10, 1863, for disability, at Columbus, Ohio. Ut. Liberty, Ohio. Watkins, John W. Age 18; enlisted August 12, 1862. Discharged August 30, 1862, at Camp Delaware, Ohio. Picker- elltown, Ohio. AVeatherby, David. Age 26 ; enlisted August 11, 1862* liattle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 2d, 18<)8, on hospi- tal boat on Mississippi River. Wilcox, Edward B. Age 33 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Died September 3, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., and buried in sec- tion 1, grave 33, Mississippi River Cemetery. 136 WiLKiNS, Joseph. Age 23; enlisted August 11, 1862. Died May 23, 1863, at Milliken's Bend La., aud buried at Vicks- burg, Miss. Williams, Enos B. Age 23; enlisted August 11, 1862. Discharged December 9, 1862, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability. Kenton, Ohio. AViLLiAMS, Nicholas. Age 20; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, where wounded in right arm, and discharg- ed for said wounds June 14, 1864, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Rush- sylvania, Ohio. Wright, Harrison. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 30, 1863, on hospital boat on Mississippi River, and buried in section 65, grave 156, Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. Wright, William E. Age 26; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Welch, John T. Age 18 ; enlisted June 29, 1864. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company A as Musician November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler; transferred to Company D, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and discharged November 15, 1865, at Brownsville, Tex., for disability. Yates, Andrew. Age 37 ; enlisted August 8, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. January, 1863, sick and sent to hospi- tal. Discharged March 14, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, and died on his passage home March 19, 1863. 137 COMPAXY I. Recruited in Logan County, Ohio. Captain William W. Beatty. A^e 41 ; date of cora- inission July 31, 1862; resigned August 29, 1862; died August 18, 1898, at Bellefoutaine, Ohio. iSIrs. Jane Beatty, widow, Huntsville, Ohio. Captain Franklin Kendall. Date of commission as First Lieutenant July 30, 1862; promoted to Captain August 29, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Vicksburg. Dis- charged August 7, 1863; died July 10, 1874, at Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Marietta Kendall, widow, Portsmouth, Ohio. (\\PTAiN William H. Chandler. Age 26; enlisted August 5, 1862 ; appointed Second Lieutenant August 23, 1862, and promoted to First Lieutenant August 29, 1862, and to Cap- tain August 7, 1863 ; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where captured and exchanged De- cember 25, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out witli Company B July 7, 1865. Bellefontaine, Ohio. First Lieutenant George W. Kline. Age 26; enlisted August 15, 1862; promoted to Second Lieutenant August 29, 1862, and to First Lieutenant April 11, 1863, and to Captain July 13, 1864, but not mustered ; appointed Quartermaster November 1, 1864, which see. First Sergeant James H. Richards. Age 25; enlisted August 1, 1862; discharged September 8, 1863, for disability at Columbus, Ohio. Died First Sergeant William M. Bell. Age 32; enlisted 138 August 14, 1862 ; appoiuted Fifth Sergeant August 28, 1862, and promoted to First Sergeant September 24, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (absent, sick in hospital). Fort Gaines a)id Fort Morgan. Died at Fort Gaines, Ala., August 25, 1864. First Sergeant Cyrus W. Humphrey. Age 27 ; enlisted August 5, 1862; appointed Sergeant August 23, 1862, and pro- moted to First Sergeant November 1, 1864. Battles : Chicka- saw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company B July 7, 1865. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Sergeant Andrew Vance. Age 23 ; enlisted August 5, 1862; appointed Sergeant August 23, 1862. Battles: Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company B Novem- ber 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whist- ler. Mustered out with Company B July 7, 1865. Visalia, California. Sergeant William Black. Age 26 ; enlisted August 13, 1 862 ; appointed Sergeant August 23, 1862. Battles : Chick- asaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company B July 7, 1865. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Corporal John H. Beatty. Age 16; enlisted August 7, 1862; appointed August 23, 1862. Sick in hospital, and dis- charged April 15, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability. Re- enlisted February 25, 1864. Battles : Spanish Fort, Fort Blake- ly, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company B Novem- ber, 1864, and to Company A, 77th O. V. V. L, July 6, 1865, and mustered out February 19, 1866. Garnett, Kan. Corporal Samuel B. Martin. Age 33; enlisted August 5, 1862; appointed August 23, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Went home on sick furlough, and died at his home in Logan county, Ohio, May — , 1864. Corporal John Campbell. Age 33 ; enlisted August 5, 139 1 H62; ai)poiuted August 23, 1862, Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkausas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where wounded through both legs, and discharged April 25, J 864, at New Orleans, La., on account of said wounds. Died .Septem- ber 25, 1885, at Yelvertou, Ohio. ^Nfrs. John Campbell, widow, Silver Creek, Ohio. Corporal (tEorgh W. I^igby. Age 25; enlisted August 5, 1862; appointed August 23, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg ( absent, sick in hospital ), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company 15 November 18, 18d4 ), Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. ^Mustered out with Company Julj^ 7, 1865. Pendleton, Oregon. Corporal AVm. H. Wish art. Age 25 ; enlisted August 10, 1862; appointed Corporal August 23, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw^ Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sent north sick and discharged September 21, 1863, at Mound City, 111., for dis- ability. Died in 1885, at Huntsville, Ohio. Mrs. Wm. H. AVishart, widow, Columbus, Ohio. Corporal Gp:o. W. Davls. Age 39; enlisted August 8, 1862; appointed August 23, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Sick and sent to hospital ; transferred to 138th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, April 10, 1864, from which mustered out August 9, 1865, at Albany, N. Y. Fostoria, Ohio. Corporal Martin V. B. Ducker. Age 23 ; enlisted Au- gust 6, 1862; appointed Corporal August 23, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where wounded by three gun shots — in right wrist and twice in left hand — in hospital until April 30, 1864; trans- ferred to Company B November 18, 1864; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakeley Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company B July 7, 1865. Huntsville, Ohio. Corporal John P. Wishart. Age 26; enlisted August 5, 1862; appointed Corporal August 23, 1862. Battles: Chicka- saw Bayou, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mus- tered out with Company J5 July 7, 1865. Plain view. Neb. Corporal Robt. Jacobs. Age 19; enlisted August 11, 140 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (appointed Corporal and transferred to Company E November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company E July 7, 1865. Huntsville, Ohio. private:s. Andrews, Hugh. Age 30; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 16, 1863, at mouth of White River, Ark. Widow remarried, Mrs. Mary Dow, Belle- fontaine, Ohio. Akbuckle, Samuel R. Age 29 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Absent, sick in hospital. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Findlay, Ohio. BiCKHAM, John. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Grand Coteau, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Black, Joseph M. Age 39; enlisted August 13, 1862. Appointed Sergeant September 24, 1862. Absent, sick. Dis- charged February 11, 1863, at Memphis, for disability; also Captain of Company E, 132d Regiment O. Y. I. Died August 11, 1891, at Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mrs. Eleanor J. Black, widow Bellefontaine, Ohio. Black, William H. H. Age 21 ; enlisted August 12, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Bottles, Perry. Age 27 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Appointed Sergeant March 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, where again taken prisoner, and exchanged October 23, 141 1864; transferred to Company B November 18, 1864; absent, sick, and mustered out May IS, 1865, at Camp Dennison, Ohio, by order of War Department. Counersville, lud. Brown, John W. Age 32 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Brown, Lilburn. Age 25 ; enlisted August 22, 1862. Brunson, Robert. Age 37; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Absent, sick, from August 29, 1863, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and Madison, lud.; transferred to 110th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, November 27, 1863, from which mus- tered out August 23, 1865, at New York City. DeGraff', Ohio. Brunner, John G. Age 21 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 6, 1863, at Gaines' Landing, Miss. Carr, Henry C. Age 18; enlisted August 7, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine "Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. ^Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Caserolt, John. Age 18; enlisted August 14, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died January 21, 1863, at Young's Point, on steamer J. C. Swon. Catron,- Henry F. Age 22 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Cole, Shadrach A. Age 25 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. DeGraff, Ohio. CooKSTON, Joseph C. Age 22; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died at Young's Point, February 21, 1863, and buried at Vicksburg, ^Miss. Cooper, Isaac A. Age 21 ; enlisted August 16, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son and Grand Coteau, where killed in Battle November 3, 1863, and buried at Chalmette, La. 142 Cox, John. Age 31; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (sick and sent to hospital), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane Biver, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865; died at Bloom Center, Ohio. Mrs. John Cox, widow, Maplewood, Ohio. Cross, Benjamin B. Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died February 1, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Davis, Ervin F. Age 25 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Dis- charged January 3, 1868, for disability. Garwin, la. Davis, William A. Age 30; enlisted August 2, 1862. Discharged May 5, 1863, at Cincinnati, for disability. Died at Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. William A. Davis, widow, Toledo, Ohio. Edgington, Henry S. Age 22; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died May 24, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 1, grave 141, Jef- ferson Barracks Cemetery. Faler, Henry. Age 36 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 27, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Fisher, Felix. Age 36; enlisted August 12, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died April 17, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 6, grave 5, Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. FoLTz, George. Age 33 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. GiRARD, Lewis. Age 21 ; enhsted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery April 6, 1863), Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau (returned to Company June 1, 1864), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died May 9, 1891. Mrs. Lewis Girard, widow, Carey, Ohio. GiRARD, William. Age 18 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasawi Bayou. Died January 31, 1863, at Young's Point, La., on steamer J. C. Swon. 143 Hazel, Hexry. Ago 21 ; eulisted August 20, 1862. Hill, Henry. Age 18; enlisted August 18, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Died August 8, 1863, at Vicksburg, and there buried. Hopkins, Almon. Age 22; enlisted August 9, 1862. Died March 2, 1863, at his home in Logan county, Ohio. Hunt, Jonathan. Age 40; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Absent, sick ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 1, 1863. Died at West Lib- erty, Ohio. Johnston, James W. Age 45; enlisted August 8, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg (trans- ferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. ]SIustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died November 4, 1887, at National Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio, and buried in Home cemetery. ]Mrs. James W. Johnston, widow, Huntsville, Ohio. Jones, Milton. Age 20; enlisted August 22, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died ^lay 31, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried at Vicksburg, Miss. Kline, Samuel L. Age 24; eulisted August 15, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged April 10, 1863, at ]Milliken's Bend, La., for disabilty. ("assopolis, Mich. Knox, Wm. Age 43; enlisted August 25, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged ^Nlarch 10, 1863, at Young's Point, for disability. Died March 7, 1881, at National Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio. ^Mrs. Wm. Knox, widow, Springfield, Ohio. Lambert, James R. Age 19; enlisted August 22, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksl)urg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Marks- ville, where captured May 16, 1864, and exchanged October 23, 1864, and transferred to Company B November 18, 1864 ; Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Belle Center, Ohio. Lingo, Louis, Jr. Age 25 ; enlisted August 10, 18«>2. LiN(JO, Matthew. Age 19; enlisted August 10, 1862. 144 LiPPENCOTT, Curtis. Age 24; enlisted August K^, 1862. Absent, sick, and discharged at Columbus, Ohio, March 20, 1863, for disability. Died August 12, 1890, at Bloom Center, Ohio. Mrs. Curtis Lippencott, widow, Bloom Center, Ohio. McKiNNEY, Thos. Age 21 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died at Providence, Miss., Jan- uary 19, 1863. Mattox, Philip. Age 19 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. May, John W. Age 33 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Vicksburg. Discharged Septem- ber 17, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio, for disability. Soldiers' Home, Sandusky, Ohio. Mefford, Andrew H. Age 18 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Miller, James. Age 18 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( absent, sick), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( trans- ferred to Company B November, 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Jump Station, Ohio. Miller, John. Age 25; enlisted August 11, 1862. Bat. ties : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died July 14, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 7, grave 38, Jeflferson Barracks Cemetery. MiLLiGAN, Montgomery G. Age 18; enlisted August 18, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 20, 1863 at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried in section F, grave 54, Vicks- burg, Miss. Moots, Daniel L. Age 21 ; enlisted August 9, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau ( where wounded in left arm and taken prisoner, and exchanged November 4, 1863 ), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company B November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Died May 14, 1865, in hospital at Mobile, Ala., and there buried in section 1, grave 20, Mustain, James B. Age 21; enlisted August 14, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post ( sick and sent to hospital ), Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan. Transferred to Com- 10 145 pauy B November 18, 1864. Mustered out with CompaDy July 7, 1865. Springfield, Ohio. Nichols, Ninian D. Age — ; enlisted August — , 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort ^Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company- July 7, 1865; died March 5, 1894, at Eustis, Neb. ISlrs. N. D. Nichols, widow, Eustis, Neb. Patrick, Samuel J. Age 21 ; enlisted August 14, 1862 ; discharged Februarj^ 20, 1863, at Keokuk, la., for disability. Lewistown, Ohio. Pence, Maktin. Age 20; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 7, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo , and buried in section 65, grave 19, Jefferson Bar- racks Cemetery. Petty, Reuben H. Age 36; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Baj^ou, Arkansas Post, Yicksburg, Jack- son, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort ^Nlor- gan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakelj^ Mobile and Whistler. ^Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bowlusville, Ohio. PoYSELL, James M. Age 21 ; enlisted August 7, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou (January 7, 1863, sick and unable for duty), Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged ^Nlay 1, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Mor- gan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. ^Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Urbana, Ohio. Rairdon, George W. Age 24; enlisted August 15, 1S62. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Died July 28, 1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in Logan county, Ohio. Rairdon, John W. Age 22; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son and Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864; died in hospital at New Orleans, La., and buried at Chalmette, La. Reed, Lemuel. Age 23; enlisted August 15, 1862. 146 Row AND, Alfred. Age 21 ; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg and Jackson. Died November 25, 1863, at U. S. Hospital, New Orleans, La., and buried at Chalmette, La. Shugh, Harvey A. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Transferred to Company B November 18, 1864. Battles: Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler ; transferred to Company C, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865. West Liberty, Ohio. Shull, James G. Age 24 ; enlisted August 15, 1862. Shumate, George F. Age 23 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner, and exchanged October 23, 1864 (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. West Liberty, Ohio. Shumate, James F. Age 20; enlisted August 14, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Died August 22, 1888, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. Belle Shumate, widow, Urbana, Ohio. SowLES, David N. Age 20; enlisted August 8, 1862. Sick and in hospital. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads and Cane River ; transferred to Company A November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Clay City, 111. Stevenson, Charles W. Age 26; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. St. Paul, Neb. Stockmyer, John. Age 25; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Pierceton, Ind. 147 Stone, Mahble F. Age 19; enlisted August 7, 1.SH2. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died May 18, 1863, at Millikeu's Bend, La., aud buried iu Section A, grave 127 Vicksburg, Mias. SwAKTZ, Noah. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 7, 1868, at St. Louis, Mo., aud buried iu section 6o, grave 128, Jetterson Barracks Cemetery. Taylok, James. Age 29; enlisted August 4, 1862. Taylor, James M. Age 23 ; enlisted August 1, 1862. Died January 10, 1863, at Keokuk, Iowa, and there buried. Taylor, Solomon. Age 21 ; enlisted August 11, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross lloads ( where taken prisoner and exchanged October 28, 1864; trans- ferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Prairie City, Oregon. Taylor, Wallace. Age 18; enlisted August 9, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau ( where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864 ; transferred to Com- pany B Noveml)er 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. West Liberty, Ohio. Thompson, Alexander. Age 32 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. :\rus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Had sunstroke, June 25, 1863, at Yazoo Landing. Belle Center, Ohio. Vanness, Harrison. Age 27; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died March 17, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried at Vicksburg, ^liss. Watt, John A. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862. liat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and W^histler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died 1874, at Huntsville, Ohio. Mrs. Anna ^I. Watt, widow, Hunts- ville, Ohio. 148 Williams, Alfred L. Age 21 ; eulisted August 6, 1862. Wood, Samuel P. Age 33 ; enlisted August 13, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River ( transferred to Com- pany B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865; died in 1876, in Logan county, Ohio. Mrs. S. P. Wood, widow, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Workman, Henry H. Age 30 ; enlisted August 22, 1862. Wright, Joseph J. Age 24; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau, where taken prisoner and exchanged May 1, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bloom Center, Ohio. Wright, Martin M. Age 18; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Co- teau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Bloom Center, Ohio. ZiEGLER, Cyrus L. Age 18; enlisted August 15, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Absent, sick» and transferred to Company F, 5th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, September 1, 1863, from which mustered out July 14, 1865, at Indianapolis, Ind. Died December 11, 1890, at W^est Liberty, Ohio. Mrs. Cyrus L. Ziegler, widow, AVest Liberty, Ohio. Ziegler, Daniel. Age 22; enlisted August 1, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company B November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died January 11, 1878, at West Liberty, Ohio. Mrs. Daniel Ziegler, widow, West Liberty, Ohio. 149 COIUPAI^Y K. Recruited in Union County, Ohio. Captain Horatio C. Hamilton. Age 32 ; date of com- mission July 7, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Resigned August 9, 1863. Rich wood, Ohio. Captain Jonas Cline. Age 38 ; date of commission as P'irst Lieutenant August 7, 1862 ; promoted to Captain Company C March 26, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson and Grand Coteau. Resigned on account of ill health March 5, 1864. Pottersburg, Ohio. Captain Thomas L. Evans. Age 24 ; date of commission as Second Lieutenant August 7, 1862 ; promoted to First Lieu- tenant March 26, 1863, and to Captain Company C July 13, 1864. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau and Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner and confined at Camp Ford, Tyler, Tex., and ex- changed October 23, 1864. See Company C. First Sergeant Mike G. Mains. Age 23; enlisted July 21, 1862; sick and in hospital at Memphis, Tenn.; discharged for disability March 9, 1863. Oberlin, Ohio. First Sehoeant William H. Turner. Age 18; enlisted August 22, 1862; appointed Corporal November 1, 1862, and Sergeant December 20, 1862, and First Sergeant March 9, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Died June 1, 1863, at ]Milliken's Bend, La., and buried at Vicksburg, Miss. First SERCiEANT Robert A. Liggett. Age 17 ; enlisted August 4, 1862; appointed Corporal March 1, 1863, and Ser- geant August 19, 1863, and First Sergeant September 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, .Tack- loo son, Grand Coteaii (absent three months on recruiting service)^ Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler Mustered out with Com- pany C July 7, 1865 ; Captain of Detroit Light Guards; on staff of Governor of Michigan, with rank of Colonel ; died June 7, 1887; interred in Elmwood Cemetery, Detroit, Mich. His widow remarried and resides in Paris, France. Son, Russell Liggett, Detroit, Mich. Sergeant William D. Laughead. Age 24; enlisted August 6, 1862; died November 28, 1862, at Nicholas ville, Ky., and buried at Camp Nelson, Ky. Sergeant Andrew J. Smith, Age 28; enlisted August 6,1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicks- burg, Jackson and Grand Coteau. Absent sick, in hospital. Mustered out November 23, 1864, as supernumerary by reason of consolidation of Regiment. Died August 21, 1870, in Union county, Ohio. Widow remarried. Mrs. Andrew Taylor, Ma- rysville, Ohio. Sergeant Jacob Painter. Age 35; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (where wounded in leg ), Vicksburg, Grand Coteau (detached to Pio- neer Corps), Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Sabine Cross Roads and Marksville, La. Mustered out November 18, 1864, as su- pernumerary by reason of consolidation. Mound City, 111. Sergeant Abram Cobb. Age 23 ; enlisted July 28, 1862 ; appointed Corporal and promoted to Sergeant March 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son and Grand Coteau, where killed November 3, 1863, and buried at Chalmette, La. Sergeant George J. Brown. Age 26 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; appointed Corporal November 1, 1862, and Sergeant December 25, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post. Died June 22d, at hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in- terred in Spring Grove Cemetery. Sergeant John M. Tucker. Age 17 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post aiid Vicks- burg. Appointed Sergeant from private July 1, 1863, and July 5, 1863, sent to Division hospital, sick, and discharged for dis- ability August 18, 1863. Gallon, Ohio. 151 Sergeant Levi Hill. Age 34 ; enlisted August 1, 18G2. Kedueed to ranks December 21, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou ( absent, sick). Grand Coteau, where wounded in head by minnie ball; in hospital at New Orleans; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864. Mustered out June 10, 1865, at Columbus, Ohio, by order of War Department. Died in 1885 at Raymond, Ohio Sergeant James H. Tanner. Age 23; enlisted August 6, 1862; appointed Corporal March 1, 1863, and Sergeant No- vember 1, 1863. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jack- son, (irand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads ( where captured and exchanged October 25, 1864 ; transferred to Company C, as Corporal, November 18, 1864 ), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company C July 7, 1865. Delta, Iowa. Corporal George Mitchell. Age 20; enlisted July 28, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, as pri- vate), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Plain City, Ohio. Corporal George Butler. Age 27; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou (taken sick on Greenville Raid February, 1863, and sent to hospital ; returned fo Com- pany April 9, 1864), Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort ^Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Rush Center, Kan. Corporal Michael W. Judy. Age 30 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Absent, sick in hospital. Discharged March 24, 1863, for disability. Peoria, Ohio. Corporal David Edwards. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862. Discharged February 20, 1863, for disability. Findlay, Ohio. Corporal William Smith. Age 44; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Discharged April 14, 1863, for disability. Marysville, Ohio. Corporal Elisha Dobiuns. Age 37 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Appointed Corporal March 1, 1863, and Sergeant Novem- 152 ber 4, 1864. Battles : C'hickasaw Bayou, Vickbbiirg, Jackson, Graud Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C as Corporal November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died in 1872. Mrs. Elisha Dobbins, widow, N. Lewisburg, Ohio. Corporal Bartlett T. Steubert. Agel9 ; enlisted Aug- ust 6, 1862, Appointed Corporal October 20, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner, and exchanged October 23, 1864 (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864) ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Cincinnati, Ohio. Corporal John Blake. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Appointed Corporal August 6, 1862. Died April 5, 1863, at Milliken'sBend, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Matthew M. Griffin, Musician. Age 31 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, (transferred to Comimny C as private November 18, 1864), Spanish P'ort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. West Carroll ton, Ohio. David H. Woodburn, Musician. Age 18 ; enhsted Feb- ruary 29, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (trans- ferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out with Company March 8, 1866, at Brownsville, Tex.; died D. cember 19, 1878, at Marysville, Ohio. Widow remarried, Mrs. Rolla Howard, Marysville, Ohio. Henry P. McAdams, Musician. Age 23 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicks- burg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (trans- ferred to Company C as private November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Mancelona, Mich. William Walker, Wagoner. Age 26 ; enlisted August 6, 1862; transferred to 160th Company, 2d Battalion Veteran 153 Reserve Corps, from which mustered out Juue 30, 1S65, at Nashville, Tenu. Columbus, Kau. PRIVATES. Armstrong, Wellington. Age 22; enlisted December 30, 1863. Battles : Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Ft>rt, P'ort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and to Company A, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 7, 1865; mus- tered out with CoTupany C March 8, 1866; died April 14, 1882, at Marysville, Ohio. Mrs. Wellington Armstrong, widow, Marysville, Ohio. Barnes, Isaac H. Age 21 ; enlisted August 2, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas l^ost (detailed to 17th Ohio Battery April 1, 1863), Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Rushmore, Ohio. Barnes, John W. Age 23 ; enlisted July 28, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company A November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakel3^ Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Marysville, Ohio. Beem, Stephen G. Age 19; enlisted July 22, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post, where wounded by gun shot in arm and died January 17, 1863, of wounds re- ceived January 11, 1863, at Arkansas Post, and buried at Mem- phis, Tenn. Beltz, Frederick. Age 17; enlisted August 6, 1862. Absent, sick. Battles: Vicksburg, Jackson, Cxrand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany J ul^' 7, 1865. North Lewisburg, Ohio. Beltz, Lewis. Age 18; enlisted August (5, 1862. Dis- charged March 16, 1863, for disability. Also private in Com- pany K, 132d Regiment O. V. I. Died in 1889 at Milford. Ohio. 154 Blue, Samuel. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862. Died February 11, 1863, of measles, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vieksburg, Miss. Blue, Wilson. Age 20; enlisted August 6, 1862. Died January 13, 1863, of measles, on steamer J. C. Swon. Bowie, Benson. Age 29 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Dis- charged February 16, 1863, for disability. New Dover, Ohio. Bowie Reason. Age 38; enlisted August 6, 1862. Dis- charged February 24, 1863, for disability. Died March, 1863, on Mississippi River on his way home. BoYLES, William. Age 33; enlisted July 26, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vieksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out June 21, 1865, at New Orleans, La., by order of War Department. National Military Home, Dayton, Ohio. Burroughs, James N. Age 21 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mus- tered out with Company July 7, 1865. Antwerp, Ohio, Carter, Joseph R. Age 19; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (June 18, 1863, taken prisoner while foraging and exchanged March, — , 1864 ), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, ( transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Columbus, Kan. Clark, Reuben. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Absent, sick, and died June 9, 1863, and buried in section H, grave 58, Vieks- burg. Cline, Francis Marion. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vieksburg, ( absent, sick ), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ( transferred to Company C November 18, 1864 ), 155 Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Compauy July 7, 1865. Hutchinsou, Kau. ('OLE, Thompson O. Age 21 ; enlisted February 29, 1864. Battles: Fort Oaiues, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blake- ly, ]\robile and Whistler. Transferred to C'ompauy C Novem- ber 18, 1864, and to Company A, ~7th Regiment (). V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out to date JNIareh 8, 1866, by order of War Department. Great Bend, Kan. CooLiDGK, Aaron. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. Appointed Corporal March 1, 1863. Died April 16, 1863, at Milliken's Bend, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Croy, David R. Age 21 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 30, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo., and buried in section 65, grave 147, Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. Culver, Joseph. Age 19; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died of measles January 27, 1863, on steamer J. C. Swon. Eaton, Edward. Age 23 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Died February 23, 1863, at Greenville, Miss. Widow remarried. Mrs. Eflfie Barnes, Haven, Ta. Elliott, John R. Age 19 ; enlisted August 4, 1862. Dis- charged February 16, 1863, for disability. Dead. Epps, John W. Age 19; enlisted August 6, 1862. Died July 10, 1863, at Vicksburg, and there buried. Epps, Wm. Age 21; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine ('ross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (trans- ferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. ]\rustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Marysville, Ohio. FiNLEY, Joseph. Age 32; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, (irand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company E November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, jNIobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Milford Center, Ohio. 156 FiNLEY, Robert D. Age 26; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles: Vicksburg, Jacksou, Grand Coteau, 8abine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company E November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Peoria, Ohio. Gibson, Napoleon. Age 18; enlisted August 21, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in right shoulder and taken prisoner. Died in rebel hospital at Mansfield, La., April 18, 1864, of said wounds received April 8, 1864, in battle of Sabine Cross Roads, and buried at Alexandria, La., in sec- tion 5, grave 64. GiiADHiLL, Mordecai. Age 27 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner and exchanged December 25, 1863 ; Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (had sunstroke at New Orleans), trans- ferred to Company A November 18, 1864 ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died at South Pueblo, Col., December 26, 1887. Mrs. Laura Mason, daughter, No. 3, Block S, Corona Park, Pueblo, Colo. GosNELL, Jasper N. Age 19 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in right hip. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and discharged December 8, 1864, on account of wounds received April 8, 1864. Marysville, Ohio. GoAVENS, Alexander D. Age 18 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. Center View, Mo. Grow, James. Age 22 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. No further record found. Green, William J. Age — ; enlisted February 23, 1864. 157 Battles : Sabiue Cross Roads and Caue River. Drowned July 23, 1864, at Algiers, La. HoBERT, Leander. Age 80; enlisted February' 29, 1S64. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan ; transferred to Company D November, 1864. Mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, ^Nlay 81, 1865, by order of War Department. HoBERT, Lorenzo. Age 32 ; enlisted February 15, 1864. Battles: Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whister; transferred to Company E November 18, 1864, and to Company A, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and mustered out to date March 8, 1866. Watltins, Ohio. HoMANS, Ira. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, where taken prisoner, and exchanged May 1, 1864; Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company D November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Gleenwood, Ta. HoMANS, Joseph A. Age 20; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Sick and discharged March 16, 1868, for disability. Died at Memphis, Tenn., April, 1863. HowsMAX, William T. Age 28 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau. Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner, and ex- changed October 23, 1864 ; transferred to Company C Novem- ber 18, 1864; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. St. Paul, Neb. Johnson, Robert. Age 32; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Discharged August 8, 1868, for disability. Died December IS, 1880, at National Soldiers' Home. Johnson, Silas L. Age 25 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post and Vicksburg. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and to Veteran Reserve Corps December 30, 1864. Died in 1881. Widow de- ceased. Also served in Company F, 18th Regiment O. V. I., from April 25 until August 25, 1861. Kent, William. Age 27; enlisted August 6, 1862. Dis- charged December 24, 1862, for disability. 158 KiGHTLiNGER, AsHLEY. Age 26 ; enlisted Auujust 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Grand Coteau (where taken prisoner, and by a ruse exchanged Novem- ber 4, 1863), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Com- pany July 7, 1865. See Regimental History, pages 151 to 154. Lockland, Ohio. KiGHTLiNUER, WiLLiAM. Age 26; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sa- bine Cross Roads, Cane River, Ft. Morgan (transferred to Com- pany C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. From disability contracted in the army he has become totally blind. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. See Regimental History, pages 151 to 154. Marysville, Ohio. Kinney, Charles H. Age 17 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg (transferred to Com- pany C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Lincoln Nebraska. Lentz, Absalom. Age 28 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle : Chickasaw Bayou. No further record found. Lentz, Balaam. Age 30 ; enlisted August 6, 1 862. Bat- tles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post; transferred to Com- pany C November 18, 1864. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Lentz, Samuel. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862. Died of measles January 27, 1863, on steamer J. C. Swon. Liggett, Alfred P. Age 24; enlisted August 4, 1862, and discharged August — , 1862, for disability, and re-enlisted February 11, 1864. On Red River Expedition, Sabine Cross Roads, and Cane River. Taken sick May, 1864, and sent north on sick leave. Died September 15, 1864, at home in Monmouth, 111. Liggett, Wm. M. Age 17; enlisted February 29, 1864, for three years. Battles: Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan, Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, 159 and to Comi)any A, 77th O. V. V. I., July 6, 18(>5; appointed C'orporal December 5, 1865. Mustered out with 77th Reginieut March s, 1866, at Brownsville, Tex. At muster out was oftere; enlisted August 4,1862. Battle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 2(1, 1863, on hospi- tal steamer Louisiana and buried at Vicksburg. Perry, Jesse N. Age 17; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died January 9, 1863, on board steamer Hiawatha on Mississippi River. Reed, Lewis J. Age 18 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 2, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Reed, Thomas. Age 16 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battle : Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 24, 1863, at Young's Point, La., and buried at Vicksburg. Reuhlen, George W. Age 18; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jackson. Absent, sick. Died October 4, 1864, at Baton Rouge, La. Shearer, James F. Age 28; enlisted August 5, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg; transferred to Com- pany E November 18, 1864. Mustered out June 22, 1865, at Camp Chase, Ohio, by order of War Department. Dead. Shinneman. Harvey. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou (absent, sick in hospital), Fort Gaines, Fort INIorgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely. Died July 1, 1865, at Cairo, 111., and buried at Mound City, 111. Shirk, Benjamin. Age 23; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post (taken prisoner June 18, 1863, while foraging, and exchanged March, 1864), Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River (absent, sick ; transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. ^Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Died March 1, 1866, at Milford Center, Ohio. Mrs. Brittania Shirk, widow, Milford Center, Ohio. Smith, George B. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862. De- tailed as Division Teamster; returned to Regiment February 1, 1864. Battles: Sabine Cross Roads, where wounded in left foot by minnie ball and taken prisoner, and ten weeks in rebel hospital at Mansfield, La., and exchanged 1864, and discharged 162 October 27, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio, for said wounds received at Sabine Cross Roads April 8, 1864. Died about 1870, near Logansport, Ind. Spain, Enoch. Age 37 ; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Pottersburg, Ohio. Spain, Philander. Age 41 ; enlisted October 26, 1863. Transferred to Company C November 18, 1864, and to Company C, 77th Regiment O. V. V. I., July 6, 1865, and discharged August 5, 1865, at Vicksburg, Miss., for disability. Also served from October 25, 1861, until January 30, 1862, in Company F, 66th Regiment O. V. I. Vera, 111. Spain, Wm. D. Age 25; enlisted August 6, 1862. Bat- tle: Chickasaw Bayou. Died February 21, 1863, on hospital steamer, Louisiana, near Young's Point, La., and buried in Spain Cemetery at N. Lewisburg, Ohio. Mrs. Wm. D. Spain, widow, Delaware, Ohio. Stephenson. Jackson. Age 28 ; enlisted August 5, 1862. Died March 20, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., and there buried. Sterling, Wm. F. Age 22; enlisted August 6, 1862. Battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg and Jackson. Trans- ferred to Company E November 18, 1864 Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Middlepoint, Ohio. Stone, Alvin. Age — ; enlisted February 29, 1864. Died at Memphis, Tenn., March 27, 1864. Turner, Aquilla. Age 22; enlisted August 4, 1862. Battles : Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, where taken prisoner and exchanged October 23, 1864, at mouth of Red River (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864) ; Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler. Mustered out with Company July 7, 1865. Marysville, Ohio. Turner, Asbury. Age 18; enlisted August 4, 1862. Bat- tles': Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg and Jack- son, Miss., where killed in battle by cannon ball (solid shot), July 10, 1863. See records of the Rebellion, Vol. XXIV., part 2, page 594. Buried in section O, grave 685, Vicksburg, Miss. 163 TuKNEK, Ekwin. Age 27; enlisted August 6, 18()2. Dis- charged July 27, 1863, for disability. W. Liberty, 111. AVkhh, Matthew D. Age 18 ; enlisted February 12, 1864. liattles : Sabine Cross Koads, Cane River, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan (transferred to Company C November 18, 1864), Span- ish Fort, Fort Blakely, Mobile and Whistler, and transferred to Company A, 77th O. V. V. I., July (>, 1865, an