321 R22 o. 4 opv 1 321 P22 lO . 4 opv 1 (Administrativa Circular No. 4.) THE Alabama Historical Society. General Headquarters at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I. GENERAL INFORMATION. II. PERSONAL AND PRESS ENDORSEMENTS. III. LIST OF MEMBERS. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: W. M. ROGEK.S A CO., PKINTHR."*. 1899. 11 l>RlM Gift Tlae Society (?>fftors f0r 1898-99- •President: His Excclloucy, Joseph PoRNrisy Johnston, Governor, Mont- gomery. William LeRoy Broun, President A. A M. College, Auburn. Col Martin Luther Stansel, Carrollton. Edward Lafayette Russell, Esq., Mobile. Thomas Chalmers McCorvey, Professor of History and Phil- osophy, University of Alabama. Peter Joseph Hamilton, Esq., Mobile. Secrctarg and Trrasorer: Thomas McAdory Owen, Esq., Carrollton. gxEcuttue CanimtttEB: (In addrtion to the above officials ) Dr. William Stokes Wyman, Professor of Latin, University of Alabama. Dr. James Knox Powers, President of the University of Ala. Dr. Eugene Allen Smith, State Geologist, University of Ala. Dr. Joshua Hill Foster, Tuscaloosa. James Harris Fitts, Esq., Tuscaloosa. Judge James Jefferson Ma yfield, Tuscaloosa. You are cordially invited to membership, for which there are no qualifications except interest in the work. You are also urged to use your influence iu building up the Society by securing other members and by contributions. Donations to the Society, both of money and contributions to the library, are respectfully solicited. Annual dues '1*2.00, which can be sent any time during the year at the convenience of the applicant. Remit by regis- tered mail, or by money order, as there are no local banking facilities. Address all communications and send all contributions to THOMAS M. OWEN, Secretary and Treasurer, Carrollton, Alabama. t^ui^li fjt^iji J (i) -JJK'I ifl !»• ■ II 1. (Sentrnl 4nf0rmatt0n. ©rganizcitton. " On July 8, 1850, a number of gentlemen met in the city of Tuscaloosa, and after enthusiastic consultation formed them- selves into The Alabama Historical Socikty. A constitu- tion, prepared by Dr. Basil Manly, who was the chief promoter of the organization, was adopted. Chancellor Alexander Bowie was elected President, with a full list of other officials. Among the distinguished men who assisted in forming the Society were Bishop N. H. Cobbs, Col. A. J. Pickett, Dr. L. C. Garland, E. D. King, Esq., Hon. Washington Moody, Dr. Joshua E. Foster, J. T. Wallace, Esq., Judge J. J. Ormond and Prof. M. Tuomey. ©hjcrts. As declared in the Constitution, "The object of the iSociety is to discover, procure, preserve and diffuse whatever may re- late to the natural, civil, literary and ecclesiastical history of the State of Alabama, and of the States in connection with her." " The plan of our operations is one of vast magnitude, and the materials to be collected of almost endless variety. No one department of human research confines our system. It covers every subject of the natural history of the State in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. It spreads its wide embrace to receive the record of every important event, either past, or now transpiring, in our civil, religious, social and individual history," etc., etc. (Executive Committee's Report, 1851.) Htstorj). The first annual meeting was held July 14, 1851, at the University of Alabama, and for about ten years, with more or less regularity, these meetings were held chiefly during the commencements. In 1852 it was incorporated by Act of the Legislature. Durmg the four years of the war all work was suspended, and many of the papers taken away and destroyed. It was not until 1874, under the inspiration of Dr. Joshua H. Foster, who had been the first Secretary, that a revival was effected. For some time there was great interest, and in this period the Alabama Historical Reporter had a brief existence. 6 THE ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Enthusiasm, however, did not long continue, and recently very little has been done except to keep up a nominal organ- ization. Excepting the Reporter, which consisted of twenty- nine numbers, 1879-1885, the entire issues of the Society comprise but seven pamphlets, 1850-1898. '" Tttbltmttnn ; Sppnal Itlnrk. ■ As the publication of work is regarded as the most im- portant matter to be accomplished by. the Society, it is the intention of the management to use all possible means in this direction. The Annual Series, to contain the yearly proceed- ings and papers, will be maintained. As soon as possible a Miscellaneous Series, to be issued at irregular intervals, and to consist principally; of original or special material, will be commenced. Competeut persoi^ will be sought out and in- duced to undertake the pre pa ration of Reminiscences, County and Town Histories, Biographies, (genealogies, and Institu- tional Studies. Direct effort' will be made to induce the formation of local or special historical societies in various parts of the State. Special steps will be taken to secure the !if)reparation of histories of the various commands from Ala- bama in all wars. Correspondence with Learned and other Societies, and Educational Institutions, will be had, inviting co-operation and the encouragement of historical work and researches among their members and students. Plans will also be perfected for ultimately securing a fire proof home for the Society and its collections. " ^. ' THE MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER: "Its work, if properly encouraged can but be highly entertaining and instructive to the present and future citizens of the State. ^^ * a * We heartily and earnestly commend the objects of this Society to our readers, and hope it will receive the assistance and encouragement it deserves." THE BIRMINGHAM NEWS: "A commendable eii'ort is now being made to revive interest in the work of the Alabama Historical Society and place the organi- '/ation upon a high plane as one of the necessary institations of the State. * * " The movement is one which appeals to every Ala- t>^f' bamian for support." THE EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE, BiriTiingham: ' 'The Society announces that before any extensive plan can be definitely announced, a i)aid membership mvist be secured and in- terest aroused in every quarter of the State. It is a Society in which every intelligent and patriotic citizen of Alabama can feel and take an interest, and such are earnestly requested to become members. Contributions in money or books for the library are earnestly solicited. Old, odd books, are of especial value, and it may be that man}' people in Alabama can present to the Society a valuable collection of something that is old, but yet valuable." THE TUSKALOOSA GAZETTE: "Help preserve the history of Alabama by becoming a substan- tial supporter of the Historical Society." THE BESSEMER WEEKLY: "L:l)eral-minded ■' nd enterprising citizens should identify them- selves with the work." TH-; SOUTHERN HOME, Livingston: "The Alabama Society would be glad to have sent to its library and archives all old newspapers, books, documents, relics and any thing that will assist in collating the history of the State." THE RANDOLPH LEADER: "The benefits of such an institution are obvioiis, and it should have the encouragement of every citizen." THE ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. H m l^ist 0f mitmhtxs. The old Register has in some way been displaced, and it is therefore impossible to make anything approximating a complete list of the members. , , , i, i.i Of the names below, those starred (*) are old members; all others have been enrolled since June 21, 185)8. IWMemhcrs into wliosc hantU this list may come are requited to at once notify the Secretary of errors, and in all cases to fomHa-d pillnarnes ana titles, xchere not given beloic. , ^cstrl:ent mitmh^xs, Adams. Rev. Innes OA'erton St. James' Chnroh, Eufaula. Aldrich, Tnimau H., M. E • - .Bmuingham. Allen, Rt. Rev. Edward P., Bishop of Mobile. ...'.. .V, 5°^\ Anderson, Dr. W illiani H* .; • ., " ;.u ' ' " u' c i^?^°^'^^- Andrews, Rev. William F* .M. E. Church, S. , Florence. Austin, Huriosco, Esq •••••••••••■••.•-.• ^^ ,V Bankhead, John Hollis. M. C. 6th Alabama Distnct Fayette. Banks, James Jones, Esq Birmmgham. Barron, Joseph Day, Esq* • • ■ .Montgomery. Beard, Rev. Thomas J., LL. D ^ ' v;.- • ■ Birmingham. Benagh, Miss Elizabeth 1«11 South mh ^t,. Birmingham. Bestor, Daniel P.. Esq ^t . '^°^'^'^- Bibb, William Crawford, Esq. . . . ... ..... ;,• • • Montgomery. Blake. Dr. Wyatt Heflin .K'.!. ■.': .'. Montgomery. Bowen, W. H , Esq .....•.•.-.•.:.. ^^ ?T''^- Bowie, Sidney J. , Esq .-..-•• Jalladega. Brandon, Maj. William Woodward, Adj. Gen. Ala Tuscaloosa. Brewer, Samuel Blount, Esq ^Annistou. Brewer, Willis*, M. C. 5th Alabama Dist ■■ • ■ ^ Hayneyille. Brockman, Jesse Kilgore, Esq* ^ ^- \r ' Birmingham. Broun, William LeRoy, LL. D., Pres. A. & M. College. ... . . Aubuni. Brown, Henry H. , Esq* Birmingham. Brown, Wm. G., State Senator ,., . ^, SIS' Brown, Wilson, Esq •"•••'' -tt ••••• -V ■" f!?^^!" Brownell, George G., Ph. D ■ • • University ot Alabama. Bruner, P. M. , Esq .Evergreen. Bryce, Mrs. Ellen P ' ,.,,.... Tuscaloosa. Burgett, James Rallston. Esq. (T'H^r'.'r mf-'r, Tuscaloosa Burton. Montgomery Inge, Esq* •.•,•, R,^f^„„u° „; Bush, J. W.. Esq*. ....... .,..,, :,f,,,, ^;rYi--.-.f^. -iU ■■ ^'Tnnlsto^' Bush. Thomas Green, Esq .... . .'.'. •....• Anmston. Caffee A. E., Esq., Railroad Commissioner of Alabama. ... Manon. Caffey Francis G., Esq ^ ■ ■ • .^- • • - Montgomerj-. Caller Miss Mary A Ala. Conf. Female College, luskogee. Carmichael. John C. Chancellor Bii-mingham. Case, D. C, Esq., State Senator, - -.• • ■ ■ •. ; • , , Lebanon. Christenberry, Prof. D. P.* Southeni University. Greensboro. Clark, Thomas Harvey, Esq* .. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Clayton, Henry De La Mar, M. C. 3d Alabama Distnct ■'^"S^^^" Clements, Prof. Merritt King • ■ • • • Athens. Cleveland. Rev. W. C* ^:?^"'"^'''"f Clinton, Thomas P., Esq Tuscaloosa. 12 THE ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John, Rev. Joseph Francis Grace Church, Anniston. John, Samuel Will, Esq* Birmingham. Johnston, Hon. Jc'^eph Forney, Governor of Alabama. . . . Montgomerj-. Johnston, Gen. Robert Daniel Birmingham. Cobbs, Rev. Richard Hooker, D. D St. Paul's Chiirch, Greensboro. Cofer, W. T., Esq Cullman. Cook, Charles, Esq . • Anniston. Coleman, Judge Augustus A* Birmingham. Coleman, Phares, Esq., Supreme Court Reporter Montgomery. Coleman, Thomas Wilkes, Sr., Esq.*.. ...... .......'.. Eutaw. Coleman, Thomas Wilkes, Jr. , Esq ••-:,- •' • ' •< • » • Anniston. Cory, Chappell, Esq '.'. .Montgomery. Cowan, Rev. John R M. E. Church, S. , Gordo. Cox. Samuel L. , Esq Carrollton. Crook, James, Esq Montgomery. Culver, Maj. Isaac F., State Comm'r. of Agriculture. . . Montgomery. Cunningham, Mrs. Robert Public Schools, Birmingham. '-^Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, LL. D- Wasiiington, D. C. Davis, Charles N. , Esq Tuscaloosa. Davis, William C. , Esq Hamilton. Denson, William H. , Esq* ... Birmingham. Dill, Prof. J. M.* Livingston. Dill, Rev. J. S* Fredericksburg, Ya. Doster, Howard Slaton, Esq Prattville. Dowdell, James Render, Esq., Asso. Jus. Sup. Ct. of Ala. .Montgomery. DuBose, John Witherspoon, Esq Birmingham. Duggar, Dr. Reuben H Gallion. Dunklin, Col. Daniel G* Greenville. Durr, John W.* . . Montgomery. Eddins, Alexander, Esq Tuscaloosa. Eldridge, Edwin R. , LL. D. , Pres. Normal College Troy. Elmore, Benjamin Franklin, Esq.* Demopolis. Farnham. G. R. , Esq. * Evergreen. Finnell, Woolsey, Esq Tuscaloosa. Fitts, James Harris, Esq.* Tuscaloosa. Fitts, Miss Sophia Girls Industrial School. Montevallo. Foster, Prof. Edwin Hardy Howard College, East Lake. Foster, Henry Bacon, Esq Tuscaloosa. Foster, Joshiia Hill, LL. D* Tuscaloosa, Foster, Prof. J. H. , Supt. Public Schools Tuscaloosa. Foster, Wilbur F., Esq* , ., Tuskegee. Fulghum, Frederick Almet, Esq ... ...'"::'. ... .CaiToUton. Gaddis, William P. , Esq . Wetumpka. Garber, Alexander, Esq Talladega. Garrett, Thomas G., Esq., Sec. office, U. S. Senate. Washington, D. C. Gibson, J. B. . Esq Birmingham. Graham, Prof. John Y. , Ph. D Universitj' of Alabama. Guild, Walter, Esq.* Tuscaloosa. Haley, Miss Elizabeth M., Girls' Industrial School Montevallo. Hallett, Robert Wilson, Esq Mobile. Hamilton, Peter Joseph, Esq.* Mobile. Hamner, George Washington, Ph. D* Washington, D. C. Hardaway, Col. Robert A.* Macon, Ga. Harris, Rev. J ohn James* Tuscaloosa. Harwood, Bernard, Escj •■. .*|- •, Eutaw. Hayes, Prof. Andrew Wilson* \i. .^f Woodstock. Hill, Prof. I. W., Supt. Public Schools, , .'. .V. Gadsden. Houston, Daniel W. , Esij Jonesboro. Jackson, Rt. Rev. Henry Melville, Asst. Bishop of Ala. .Montgomery. Jemison, William C, Esq., Maj'or* Tuscaloosa. Jenkins, Samuel C, Esq., State Senator Camden. THE ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 18 elones, Moreran D. , Esq Andalusia. Jones, Ex-Gov. Thomas Goode, Esq Montgomery. Jones, Virginius W,, Esq* .... Camden. Kennedy. Miss Annie Girls Industrial School, .Montevallo. Kennedy, J. R. , Esq* Tuscaloosa. Kinij. Hugh M. . Esq* Evergreen. Kinkham, Rev. Henry Trinity Church, Florence. Kirk, James T. , Esq Tuscumbia. Knox, John Bowie. Esq Anniston. Lane. Gen. James H A. & M. College, Auburn. Lapslej', James Woods, Esq Selnia. LaTaste, Lucien V. . E.sq .•••.• . .Montgomery. Lee. Lawrence Haywood. Esq Clayton. Lipscomb, La^^Teuce Yancey, Esq Bessemer. Little, Prof. James Biickner* Montgomery. Lomax. Tennent. Esq Montgomery. Long, Thomas A. , Esq Jackson. Lowe, W. T., Esq fiv Moulton. Lyman, Edward S., Esq .].!}''. Montevallo. McAdory, Cliambers. Esq* Bessemer. McClellan, Thomas C, Esq Athens. McCorvey, Prof. Thomas Chalmers'' University of Alabama. McDavid, Robert Patton, Esq., Secretary of State Montgomery. McQueen, Joseph Pickens, Esq- Eutaw. McQueen, John, Esq* Birmingham. Manly, Miss Louise . . . Judson Institute, Marion. Marechal, Edward L. , M. D Mobile. Massey, John, LL. D Ala. Conf. Female College, Tuskegee. Maj'field, Judge James Jefferson Tuscaloosa. Meek, Dr. Benjamin Franklin* University of Alabama. Mell, Prof. Patrick Hues Ph. D. . Auburn. Merrill, J. B., Esq Edwardsville. Mickle, William E, , Esq Mobile. Mitchell, John Jackson, Esq Florence. Mobley, Green P. , Esq ..;■.. Eutaw. Moody, Frank S., Esq* .'. Tuscaloosa. Moore, Col. M. V Auburn. Murfee, Col. James Thomas Marion Military Institute, Marion. Norman, James D . . Esq Union Springs. Nunnelee, James, Esq Selma. O'Brien, Francis Patrick, Esq Birmingham. Ockenden, Mrs. Ina May Porter Montgomery'. Owen, Miss Dorothy Williams Jonesboro. Owen, R. B., Esq* Mobile. Owen, Thomas McAdory, Esq* . . : CarroUton. Owen, Mrs. Thomas McAdory CarroUton. Palmer, Prof . Thomas W* University of Alabama. Parker, George H., Esq Cullman. Perkins, John W. , Esq Montgomery. Persons, Prof. Archibald A University of Alabama. Persons, Dr. Henry Standford Montgomery. Pettus, Francis L. . Esq Selma. Phillips, John Herbert, Ph. D, Supt. Public Schools* . . . .Birmingham. Pillans, Harry, Esq Mobile. Pinckard, Wi'lliam P., Esq* Birmingham Powe, Miss Wilda Jackson. Powell, D. M. , Esq Greenville. Powers, James Knox, LL. D* President University of Alabama. Pnade, James Oscar, Esq* Tuscaloosa. Pulley, Ed. L., Esq Huntsville. Puiif oy. Francis Marion, Esq University. lar THE ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Richardsou, Dr. Warfield Creath* „^»^ • 'tl- • -Tuscaloosa. Riggs, Junius, Esq., Librarian Supreme Ooiirtf . . ^,' ,„t. Montgomeiy. Riley, Dr. Benjamin Franklin .'. » ' , Athens, Ga. Riley, Prof. Franklin L., Ph. D. . , j?!." .' . . '.*."-. University, Miss. Robinson, Edv/ard Murphy, Esq . .'\ .'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'. .' , ,^.j Mobile. Rogers. C. P. , Sr. , Esq . . .'.'.'.' i. L'i.^. ... Letohatchie. Roquemore, John D. , Esq* .'. ' Montgomery. Rosser, Prof. Levin Vinson, Principal High School . . Carrollton. Russell, Edward Lafayette, Esq Mobile. Quarles. William Washington. Esq* Selma. Saff old, William Beruey, Ph. D University of Alabama. Samford, v^ illiam J. , Esq . Opelika. Sanders, Dr. W. H., State Health Officer Montgomery. Sanders, W. T , Esq Athens. Sanford, John William Augustine, Esq* Montgomery. Sayre, Judge A. D . . . . Montgomery. Say re, Prof. Herbert A. . Ph. D University. Scott, Sutton S. , Esq ... Auburn. Searcy, Dr. James Thomas*, Supt. Ala. Bryce Ins. Hpsp. . . TiTscaloosa. Seymour, Wm. Henry, Esq Livingston. Shackelford, Prof. Edward M Normal College, Troy. Slaton, Prof. S. T Hamilton. Smith, Eugene Allen, Ph. D., State Geologist . Universitj' of Alabama. Smith, Prof. Otis D A. & M. College, Auburn. Smith, Ross, Esq Birmingham. Snow, John. Esq* Ukiah, Cal. Somerville. Hon. Henderson Middleton* r- • m -New York, N. Y. Sprott, Judge Samuel H* . . . ., f-l- ^ ! :[■ ■ ■ Livingston. Stallworth. ISTicholas, Esq* V.". . . Evergreen. Stallworth, Nicholas Eugene, Esq Mobile. .Stausel, Col. Martin Luther* Carrollton. Stickney, Rev. William A Faunsdale. Stubbs, Mrs. W. C Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. Tait. George G. , Esq Canton Bend. Tait, Felix, Sr* Rock West. Taliaferro, Mrs. E. T Pollock-Stevens Institute, Birmingham. Tarrant, Mrs. Susan F. Hale , Oxmoor. Tayloe, William H., Esq ..v..,.;./. ;,,..,., ,, . ., Uniontown. Taylor, Hon. George Washington. . . . .M. C. Ist Ala. Dist., Demopolis. Taylor, Hon. Hannis Mobile. Thach, Prof. Charles C ..y^./L..&M. College, Auburn. Tomlinson, John W., Esq , .'♦^,,»j. ^ ,■ < • • • Birmingham. Toulmin, Judge Harry T ■tprprHrVV v Mobile. Tucker, Rev. Joseph L., D. D ■••■:: •' Mobile. Vandegraft, A. S. , Esc^* . . /.'.'..'. Tuscaloosa. Verner, Prof. William H* . . Tuscaloosa. Ward, William C. Esq Birmingham. Weatherly, James, Esq Birmingham. Webb, James Edward, Esq* Birmingham. Weiss, Jacob, Esq Mobile. West, Rev. Anson, D. D., P. E. M. E. Church S* ..Decatur. Wetmore, Richmond Pearson, Esq Birmingham. Whitaker, Rev. Walter C Christ Church, Tuscaloosa. White, Rev. Greenough University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. White, Henry Kirk, Esq (j^.;^ . . kj.'. .... Birmingham. Williams, Gesner, Esq Demopolis. Wilmer, Rt. Rev. Richard Hooker, Bishop of Alabama Mobile. Wood, Rev. Morgan B* ^ Huffman. Worthington, John Warren, Esq Birmingham. Wyman, William Stoke-, LL. D* University of Alabama. Yerby, Prof. John D Supt. Public Schools, Mobile. THE ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 15 Allstou. Judge A. A Claytou Arrington, Thouias Mann, Esq., Montgomery. Barnett, Albert Edward, Es(i Opelika. Graves, Eugene Lewis, Esq Enfaula. Little, Dr. George Tuscaloosa. McCain, John R. , Esq ... Ashland. McQueen, Rev. Stewart Montgomery. Parker, William, LL. D University of Alabama. Paterson, Wm. Burns Montgomery. Peach, George Washington, Esq Clayton. Smith, Mac A. , Esq Prattville. Scott, D. M. , Es(i Selma. Windham, Walter D. , Esq Stone. (Eurrespundtnu "-fUniibrrs. Adams, Herbert Baxter, Ph. D., LL. D., Prof. Johns-Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Battle, Kemp Plummer, LL. D., Prof. Univ. of N. C. ; Pres. N. C. Hist. Soc, Chapel Hill. Brock, Robert Alonzo, LL. D. .Sec. Southern Hist. Soc. Richmond, Va. Cole, Theodore Lee, Esq Washington, D. C. Durrett, Reuben Thomas. LL. D.. Pres. Filson Club, Louisville, Ky. Fairbanks, George Rainsford, Esq Fernandina, Fla. Garrett, William R., Ph. D., Prof. Peabody Normal College, Nashville, Tenn. Halbert, Prof. Henry Sale Crawford, Miss. Harrison. Thomas P.. Ph. D. .Prof. Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. Jameson, James Franklin, Ph. D. .Prof. Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. Jones, Charles Edgeworth, Ph. D Augusta, Ga. King, Miss Grace Secy. Louisiana Hist. Society, New Orleans. Meriwether, Colyer, Ph. D Sec. South. Hist. Asso., Washington. D. C. Nelson, William, Esq Sec. New Jersej' Hist. Society. Paterson. Pittman, Thomas M., Esq Henderson, N. C. Perry, Gen. William F Bowling Green, Ky. Rivers, Flonmoj-, Esq Pulaski, Tenn. Roosevelt, Theodore, Esq Governor of New York, Albany. Smith, Mrs. William M. Easby..l22 E. Capitol St. Washington. D. C. Thruston, Gen. Gates P Cor. Sec. Tenn. Hist. Society, Nashville. Twaites, Reuben Gold, Sec. and Supt. State Hist. Societ}' of Wisconsin, Madison. Weeks, Stephen Beauregard, Ph. D. , Bureau of Edu.Wa.9hington, D. C. Wilson, Woodrow, Ph. D Prof. Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. Wright, Gen. Marcus J., Agent for Collection Conf. Records, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Clopton, Mrs. Virginia Clay Gurley, Ala. Darling, Gen. Charles William, A. M. , Cor. Sec. Oneida Hist. Society, Utica, N. Y. Gould, John McKee, Esq Boligee, Ala. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 540 082 n LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 540 082 A" Hollinger Corp. pH8.5