F 523 D75 opy 1 Bee Breeding BEE-BREEDING A Little Monograph on a Neglected Subject By STEPHEN N. GREEN Copyright, 1907 I LIBRARY of COMB RES? Two CoDles Received AUG 26 190/ Copynrht Entry iOcf/Z /f07 I CUSS/^ XXc, No. PREFACE. BEE The honey-bee has not been improved in BREEDING a systematic way. New methods of handling, new kinds of hives, appHances, etc., by the score, but as yet there is very little effort toward a better bee. New races, it is true, have been introduced, but these do not fill the requirements. What we desire is a bee highly and scientifically de- veloped to meet specific needs. Bee-keepers are surely behind the times in this phase of the development of their industry. Animal breeding to-day is an exact science. Plant-breeding within the past ten years has made marvelous ad- vances. With the results of researches of the kingdoms of life above and below that of the bee, before us, bee-breeding simply demands intelligence and time to advance to a state of perfection hardly dreamed of to-day. Bee-breeding is not bee or queen-rearing ; hence I am not to take up the discussion of many of the new or old methods of culture. It's not a question of more bees alone, but better bees. Science is progressive. This little work is not perfect or complete. It is merely a start in the right direction. Medina, Ohio, June, 1907. Published by THE A. I. ROOT CO. Medina, O. CONTENTS THE IDEAL BEE ... 9 The necessity of a fixed standard. THE PROBLEM . . . • i3 Going into details of the question. ENVIRONMENT . . , • iQ The basic law. HEREDITY 22 An important subject briefly touched. SELECTION 26 How to attain your ideals. CROSSING 28 Making clear some points. NUTRITION . . • . 35 Explaining how development is effected. CORRELATION .... 39 Explaining how to judge un- seen qualities. HONEY-PLANTS .... 41 A closely related problem. / ^1 THE IDEAL BEE. We cannot all agree as to the qualities of this bee. Every bee-keeper has his own ideal. He has in mind his own particular needs, and the bee that meets these require- ments is to him the standard. To know exactly what you want, and then proceed with this ideal in view, is the first requirement of successful breeding. However, to make the most rapid prog- ress as a whole, bee-keepers need a "stand- ard of excellence." This standard may be a "scale of points," or a "pedigree"— a registry, or record of performance. In constructing a scale of points it is im- possible to please every one ; for, as we have said, ideals vary so that there would be almost as many scales as there are bee- keepers. We must have in mind the most BEE general requirements, and build with these BREEDING in view. The use of a scale of points is mainly for the beginner. It is to train his judgment. When he has once a clear ideal of the re- quirements of an ideal bee he can, like the veteran, lay the scale aside. Also in award- ing prizes, when there is a number of a cer- tain class in competition, a scale of points is necessary for a fair treatment of all — that is, there must be some known standard to judge by. Below is a suggestion, revised and modi- fied by a number of authorities, which meets fairly well the requirements for a strain of bees adapted to the production of extracted honey : Prolificness 30 points Non-Swarming 10 points Gentleness 10 points Working abilities 15 points Size of bee 15 points Comb-building 5 points Hardiness 15 points The perfect bee 100 points For a bee desired for the exclusive pro- duction of comb honey we must change our scale to meet these different requirements. For instance, as the control of swarming is 10 more difficult when running for comb ^^^ riTisir honey, the better bee is the one least in- BREEDING clined to swarm. Here is a suggested scale : Prolificness 25 points Non-swarming 15 points Gentleness 10 points Working abilities 20 points Size of bee 5 points Comb-building 10 points Hardiness 10 points Color 5 points The perfect bee 100 points Now, when we proceed to judge a colony of bees — for instance, one run for comb honey — we start in with prolificness. As- suming that the colony under observation is very strong, but still there is room for improvement, we will credit them with 20 points out of the possible thirty. Taking up the next and then the next requirement until we reach the end, we add the figures. Suppose the sum is 80 points, our strain needs improvement until the 100 points are reached. The systems of registry amony cattle- breeders is familiar with all having a slight knowledge of this subject. These same reg- istries are maintained to a greater or less II ■o-g-g degree among all live-stock breeders. In ■RREEDING *^"^^ bee-keepers will find it profitable, pos- sibly, to establish among themselves like records. However, so much preliminary work is to be done before this point is reached, it is hardly necessary to enter into the discussion of this subject now, so we must hasten to the next. 12 THE PROBLEM. The reader has certain rights ; and among them is the privilege of summing up the case. If I happen to be wrong — ^why, put me straight. It is self-evident that the life of the bee is governed by the same biological laws as is all life, whether it be in the plant or animal kingdom. There can be no differ- ence in purely fundamental principles. Un- fortunately the limited space of this book forbids going into details regarding the many wonderful and beautiful examples and illustrations of these laws, only to define briefly some of the main ones directly affect- ing bee-breeding. Many consider one force primarily ac- countable for all forms of life. We call it environment. Another section of this law, 13 BEE seemingly different, we call heredity. With BREEDING these as fundamental, man with his reason- ing powers uses another force which we will call selection; then progresses further in controlling mating, which we call hybridizing, or crossing. To further his ideals still more, he regulates nutrition and uses to his advantage cerrelation. These are the main factors we shall deal with in the progress of this book. There is a very large amount of purely scientific and technical work to be accom- plished before bee-breeding reaches the perfection possible, and is placed in the fore- front with plant and animal breeding. It is, for instance, well known that the bee itself varies greatly; but before we can use these differences to advantage we must have before us the tabulated results of many researches. Every careful bee-keeper has noted the remarkable lack of uniformity of yield be- tween his various colonies, even when they are of the same apparent strength. This may be from two or more reasons or a com- bination of them. First, the colony may lack enough bees of the right age for gath- ering; or, second, it may be in the nature of the bee itself. As the first reason deals 14 in the management of the colony to the BEE greatest extent, we cannot discuss it here. BREEDING The second reason, however, deserves our serious attention. From stastitics, which may be as representative as we can now ob- tain, I have found the variations averaging over 50 per cent, between the ten highest and the ten lowest yields of apiaries in the same State. We need more reliable figures along this line; and when bee-keepers will fully realize the difference of stock, the question of breeding will receive nearly as much attention as management does now. It is hardly necessary to argue why the bee should be scientifically bred. Nature will hardly develop a better bee, for she has altogether different aims from man. Most of us wish a more profitable bee. We all know that, of each colony reached the high standard sometimes reached by a single colony, the honey crop would often be dou- bled. Careful breeding will accomplish this, and with it reduce in proportion the cost of all management, and this means better profits. There are many points to breed for. One is color. Color may not be necessary, but let us have beautiful bees if possible. Beauty is a stimulant to best endeavors ; so, 15 BEE breed for beautiful bees, but combine it BREEDING with endurance and industry. We can do it. When we are breeding for certain points we will often run against traits that are al- most a part of the bee itself; and to change then nearly means nearly making the bee over. For example, let us take the swarm- ing impulse or the desire to increase. We can remove many of the conditions that tend to produce swarming, and by presist- ent breeding reduce this tendency to as low a point as is desirable. As the queen is the foundation of the col- ony, we must have better queens. Cheap queens are a detrimental factor. As long as consumers insist on paying a low price for their stock, so long must they be content with the result of queens reared without proper care. There is too much tendency now to see how many queens can be raised, rather than how good queens. A good queen should command a good price, and a dollar is not enough. We are all familiar with the fabulous prices paid for prize-winning trotting horses. Similar prices are paid for beef and milk cattle. Coming down to an industry which is often thought of in connection i6 with bees — poultry. Single specimens have BEE sold more than once for over $1000. Choice breeding stock always commands a very high price; but with bees the prices paid for the best breeders rarely exceed $25.00, with a common level of $10.00 for the best specimens our breeders can produce. This is all out of proportion to value of queens. We can see how horses can earn large sums and be worth the prices paid, and horses and cattle are limited in their repro- ductive powers. The same way with poul- try. Now, aside from breeding purposes a hen can very rarely exceed 200 eggs a year; and these, at the average price of i 1-2 cents each, amount only to $3.00, and from this amount you must deduct the heavy ex- penses. We will now consider a good queen-bee. From her eggs you could rear an immense number of other queens in a year. But in common practice you are doing well in rear- ing 1000; and these queens, at the low price of 50Cts. each, will be worth $500. Again, to place the queen beside the hen in produc- tive value, comparing eggs with honey. This queen at the head of a colony will pro- duce 100 to 300 pounds of honey; this, 17 BREEDING BEE BREEDING valued at locts. per pound, would bring $10.00 to $30.00, which is 10 per cent, inter- est on $100 to $300. And the life of the queen is as long as the hen's in usefulness. Yet we are willing to pay only $1.00 to $10.00 for a queen capable of such value. It is small wonder that, with so many years of what we call modern culture be- hind them, American bees have made little or no marked advance. In animal and plants, enormous strides have been made, and we must advance the bee. 18 ENVIRONMENT. Before going further into this subject I may as well explain that my views are Neo- Lamarckian. Though this theory is nearly a century old, a remarkable revival of it has occurred within the past five years. Our most advanced scientists believe this to be the most reasonable theory of the subject. Of course, there are many other theories, but we can not stop here to deal with them. If you are interested there are many books which will argue one way or another. From the first simple cells to the present multitude of complex forms of life there is an immense span. Yet one force is respon- sible for all this change, to which all life eternally adapts itself — environment. We 19 BEE BREEDING use this word often, but do not half compre- hend its full meaning. This law of environment grinds slow, but grinds exceedingly fine. Its results are most certain. Hence in bee-breeding we can not afford to overlook it. We can not expect the highest develop- ment of the bee unless the conditions and culture are the best. The environment must be the most favorable to the change we de- sire. Just what effect climate has on the habits of the bee, we can not tell, as we have no data ; but it must be along the same lines as with other life. My own experience with strains of honey-bees long bred in warm cli- mates show, that, as a rule, they are in- clined to be less vigorous workers, and very irritable, while strains bred in cooler climes seem to be more gentle and industrious. Gentleness may depend on handling. If you maltreat an animal, for instance a dog, you will soon have a vicious beast. Again, if you are kind, a savage one may be made docile. While the bee is of a lower order, and thus not so easily affected, right hand- ling must tend to produce a more gentle bee. It's a point worth considering. Small hives or brood-nests restricted in any way tend to produce a less prolific queen 20 by retarding development ; and this, in turn, affects her offspring. Just to what extent this is injurious we can not say ; but doubt- less the tendency of present conditions of the hive is unfavorable. The queen must be allowed sufficient amount of comb space if we are to profit by the law of environ- ment to produce better and more polific queens. It is true that many contend that ac- quired characteristics are not transmitted to offsprings, and still others contend that they are the only ones that are. As this point as well as others leads only to an end- less discussion of various theories, we will stop here. Environment, in another sense, play, a part in the mating of the queen, which is so im.portant a matter. Since we can not yet absolutely control this matter, we can, for instance, restrict the flight of drones by is- land or prairie apiaries. As we take up this subject a little further on we need only mention it here. In brief, environment, the effect of forces within and without, are as constant as grav- itation, and surely influence the individual, and, by the law, we next take up the off- spring directly. 21 BEE BREEDING ^P HEREDITY. All life is but the continuation of life which gave it birth. We call heredity that force which has to do with the transmis- sion of certain qualities from parent to off- spring. It has been put in other words, "heredity is the sum of all past environ- ment." As we have said before, heredity is so closely connected with environment it is impossible to separate it fully. Hence it is doubtless true that all qualities that are in- herited have once been acquired. With this in view we can see how important this law is to practical bee-breeding. The importance of the ancestry of the stock from which the bee-keeper desires to breed are of greatest consequence, and must not be overlooked. Bees, like other forms of life, are inclined to certain traits; and if these are desirable they should be en- 22 couraged; and if undesirable they must be p.pp, suppressed. One characteristic seems to be -D-DppT^Tvrp inherited entire, independent of another, making things uncertain; but every point must be taken advantage of by the skillful breeder. The constitution of various strains of bees varies greatly; and as this is a vital point the wise breeder will alv/ays have it in view. A good constitution insures long life, and swiftness and strength of wing, — little consequence in the individual bee, but of great importance in the final results of the work of the colony. All qualities may be inherited, whether good or bad — color, size, disposition, etc. One question yet uninvestigated in bees is the part heredity plays in the transmis- sion or resistance of disease. In animal life this subject is widely discussed. In plant life, breeding for disease resistance is common. Coming still closer to bees, with insects, the silkworm, for instance, is known to transmit through her eggs disease which is fatal. With this question answered, some preplexing problems will be solved for the bee-breeder. Nearly fifty years ago a monk in Austria, Mendal by name, discovered a law by which 23 ggg he could predict the results of crossing two BREEDING ^i^^^^'^^t varieties. This law he worked out in a most remarkable manner, and to the minutest details. His discovery created no stir until recent years, when it was redis- covered by others. If Mendal's law be true, v/e may regard all animal and plant organisms as m.ade up of a number of unit characters— lo, loo, 1000, etc.; and these units behave somev/hat like chemical reactions. The subject is very technical and com^plex in nature, and hard to explain to anybody not having considerable knowledge of special nature. This law is fully worked cut in plant-life, and recently applied to animal. It now re- mains for the bee-keeper to apply it to the bee. It doubtless can be done, and the sub- ject will be given the great attention it de- serves, for the subject of heredity is a vital one. At best the problem of heredity is very complex, and difficult to solve. A volume would hardly be enough to explain its work- ing, and cite examples. However, bee- breeders should be familiar with at least its first principles, so as to understand other- wise unreasonable and discouraging occurr- ences that are sure to come. 24 SELECTION. Variation is the only constant force in life. Acknowledging this fact the bee-keeper should always be on the alert to improve his stock by the selection of the desirable qualities of this stock as they appear, and make them a part of this strain. Natural selection fits only for natural environment, and can never be depended upon to produce a bee adapted to the artificial needs of the bee-keeper. Variations occur in every colony of bees. These variations, of course, are less marked in a strain of bees less carefully bred than in one carelessly maintained. The truth is, there can never be two colonies exactly alike. It is necessary to produce the best results in your apiary that every queen rear 25 g£jg bees near a uniform excellence, and the BREEDING ^ig^^^ ^^^s standard, the better. As we have seen, variations are con- stantly occurring. You have seen bees cap their cells to perfection while another does not. If you are running for fancy, other things being equal, breed from the former queen and drones. Colonies of bees differ in pollen-gathering and propolizing. They vary in their hours of laboring and the man- ner of ripening honey. They differ in cold and heat resisting, as well as resisting dis- ease. The polificness of queens is often marked, as well as the tendency to swarm. In judging these points we must bear in mind any artificial conditions that may in- terfere with the natural course of things. All of these points, and many we have not named, though they appear very minute, must be kept in mind by the breeder, as they afford basis for the improvement of this stock. An example of selection with bees which has been attempted in a spasmodic way is selecting for long tongues. Doubtless we can create a bee having a much longer ton- gue than the one wc now have. Plant and animal breeding abound in examples of re- sults gained that are far more difficult than has been attempted in bee-breeding. The 26 tongue-reach of the bees is important, and BEE breeding for this point should not be aban- BREEDING doned by any means. Another example is the "yellow-from-tip- to-tip" bees. This plainly illustrates what can be done in the color line when proper care is taken. To begin the work of selection you should have the best possible stock for foundation. It is foolish to start with inferior bees v/hen better can be obtained, even though this stock should come high. The time and la- bor lost in working with inferior bees more than repays any first cost. Final results are often half gained or entirely ruined in making the start. Breed from the very best of a very large number. One quality is often gained at the expense of another. This should be kept in mind, and the colony averaging the highest num- ber of points should be the one to breed from, in the majority of cases. It is a splendid ideal, if not almost neces- sary, for the bee-keeper to keep a profit- and-loss account of every colony of bees un- der trial for selection. This will aid in de- termining which colony excels in reality and not from a personal view. Variation, while bringing to light quali- ties, also exposes bad ones. Eternal vigil- ance is the price of a superior strain of bees, 27 CROSSING. From a scientific standpoint it is to be re- gretted that the mating of the queen can not be controlled absolutely. From a prac- tical view it is not so necessary, and pre- vents certain abuses. Still we can mate queens to a reasonable certainty. The more the radius of the flight of the queen becomes knov^^n, the less it grows, and especially so when drones are abundant. By rearing many drones within the apiary, from select hives we can expect a high percentage of our queens to mate with desired drones. When more than one strain of bees are raised in the same yard, undesirable drones can be suppressed by cutting brood or by the use of drone-traps; also it is a fact that a queen rarely lays drone eggs when less than a year old, which, too, is a valuable point for the honey-raiser to consider. A cross, as we have previously defined, is the result of the mating of two separate 28 varieties. We will also discuss under this BEE head the closer mating, taking up first the BREEDING mating of less related bees to the much closer union of related colonies. For examination, let us look back at the most common cross — an Italian queen with a native black drone. The offsprings we call "hybrids." Almost invariably these bees are of an irritable temper. However, by reversing the parentage, mating the na- tive queen with an Italian drone, we may obtain bees as gentle as could be desired. This fact has been proven again and again. Just what qualities are inherited from either parent is a mooted question. How- ever, some breeders say it can be predicted with reasonable safety that color, for exam- ple, is from the female, and the disposition from the male side. There have been and can be made hundreds of different crosses between different varieties and strains of bees. If the results of these were collected and tabulated and presented to us in con- crete form, the problem of breeding bees would be greatly simplified. Referring again to a common cross-black with Italian, or vice versa, some crosses of this nature in plant and animal life are noted for their vigorous constitutions, so that they 29 BEE can resist disease and unfavorable condi- BREEDING tions better than either of their parents. On account of these desirable qualities many bee-keepers, from results of actual exper- ience, champion the "hybred" bee, much to the astonishment of the rearers of pure stock. This constitutional vigor is not a mystery under certain conditions for it is in accordance with a law well known among animal and plant breeders. In making the above statement it must be limited strictly to pure "hybrids." De- generate stocks of hybrids, or run-out pure strains, are most liable to disease. A first cross between strains is good, but a first cross between native and foreign stock is the best. The union of native stock and foreign blood, in many circumstances where the en- vironments have been radically different, produces an energetic offspring as well as oftimes the offspring of foreign parents in new environments. In other words, it is an introduction of new blood. Introduce new blood as long as it results in anything bet- ter. Such "hybrids" should be carefully ex- perimented with, and, where valuable, should be made a commercial asset. For the above reasons I would strongly urge the attention of queen-rearers to the 30 sale of virgin queens. There is no obstacle BEE in the way except common prejudice, allow- BREEDING ing, of course, for any errors in judgment that are liable v/hen a new plan is tried. Virgins can be cheaply produced, as it re- lieves the queen-bearer of the most expen- sive part of the operation. They can be mated, usually, up to twenty-five days, which is an ample margin above mailing re- quirements, excluding foreign shipments. There is much less liability of injury of vir- gins in the mails. In fact, I do not think bee-keepers generally realize the extent that laying queens are injured during their jour- ney, and these injuries are doubtless the cause of much dissatisfaction that often arises. A laying queen is a highly organ- ized and delicate creature; and the sudden stoppage of her duties is dangerous. Aside from the item of probable crossing with na- tive drones, and thus invigorating the stock, the sale of virgins at a low price would induce bee-keepers to restock often, as the best time of a queens life is her first year, and it is advisable to replace a queen for commercial purposes that has lived one full season. Crossing disturbs the slow sluggish flow of life, and renders the clay plastic so we 31 BEE can work it. By crossing, desirable com- BREEDING binations can be made, characteristics sup- pressed, blended, or made dominant. In fact, almost any change can be made if time and patience are combined with skill. Crossing also has its dark side. We have disturbed nature, and often, though some- times without the cause of crossing, the characteristics that dominate are those of remote or original ancestors, and usually very undesirable. When such a state of af- fairs occur, either under normal or abnor- mal conditions, we speak of it as being due to the law of atavism, the reversion to the primative types, the cause of which we lit- tle understand. In bee-breeding it is not advisable to breed from hybrid stock, as we can not con- trol mating enough to make sure of points which must be observed to produce desir- able results. It closes to the bee-breeder a wide field of action which is being richly worked by the plant and animal breeder, of which we now speak briefly. The question of in-and-in, line, or close breeding, have not (fortunately or unfortun- ately, as you choose), on account of uncon- trollable mating, ever received attention from the hands of the bee-breeder as it de- 32 serves. In-and-in breeding is necessary BEE when building up a strain from a few indi- BREEDING viduals, or fixing certain qualities. Line breeding is used to maintain a pedigree. Both of these systems are like sharp tools: in the hands of the unskilled they are dan- gerous, but the experienced operator can use them to great advantage. In close breeding, care should always be taken in mating individuals that have no bad but only good qualities in common, as the common qualities are usually intensified. Close breeding, if carried to excess, is sure to cause degeneration, and the only remedy is the introduction of new blood. In a gen- eral way, bees long raised in a certain local- ity are affected with the ills of close breed- ing. Nature abhors continual close breed- ing. Introduce new stock. True hybrids, as we have stated before, are the offspring of the union of two separ- ate species. As yet this question in bee- breeding has not been touched. Species are arbitrary divisions made by man, and may or may not be valid. Even true divi- sion may not be a barrier to hybridization. One noted plant-breeder has been quoted as saying, "Given any two species of plant life, I can, if I live long enough, produce a 33 BEE union between them." This merely illus- BREEDING trated the common ancestry of all life. There are two possible hybrids which might tend toward a better bee. The Apis Dorsata is a large-bodied bee, and a larger honey-bee within certain limits would be a good thing. The great variety of the genius Melipona, or stingless bee, might afford the chance of creating a stingless bee, of com- mercial possibilities. In closing this chapter we must, as in other points, confess our ignorance of many things. 34 NUTRITION. This subject has been given a separate chapter on account of its importance and the tendency of the bee-breed to overlook it. It is vital, as is directly affects the results of his works. The subject might have been dealt with under "Environment" or "Her- edity," in fact, it touches every where. It is as cement that binds the blocks. The effect of food supply upon the life of the bee is immediate, and through heredity it effects future generations. As the breed- er can control the food supply to a great extent, he can see the power he holds in his hands. Honey as we all know, is a highly con- centrated food upon which the bee depends for life. When we substitute candy or syr- up we run the risk of checking the develop- 35 BEE ment of the bee, especially the queen and BREEDING ^^°"^' t^^rough malnutrition and by the adultrants or chemicals used in the manu- facture of commercial sugars. It can not be urged too strongly to limit your feeding to pure honey — more strongly when you are engaged in the actual work of bee-breeding. Some feed their larvae much more liber- ally than others. This is a habit, and the honey-flow is not entirely responsible. Bees properly and liberally fed must, by the law of nutrition, develop better than the starved ; hence we may expect bees better constituted for honey-gathering and disease resistance, and long life. Colonies showing this valua- ble trait should be jealously watched and increased. The most important single factor in the life of the colony is the queen. We must in- sist that the development is unchecked and her needs fully supplied. By the very na- ture of things, swarming time is the best season to rear the finest queens. They are always liberally fed and lavishly cared for. Queens reared out of season are apt to be stunted and not fit to perform the duties which demand such remarkable vitality. If you wish to verify the above state- ment, carefully compare the size of queen- 36 cells reared in swarming season with those BEE artifically stimulated out of season on syrup BREEDING or those reared in starving or discouraged colonies. You can almost every time detect the queen reared under the later conditions by her small size ; and if you have patience you will see her inferiority later in the colony. The development of the drone is affected in the same way. A drone starved or ill fed is hampered in the development of his spe- cial organs, and the quantity of sperm must be less. Mating by chance, this drone is re- sponsible for the failure of the queen in time to produce worker bees, upon which her usefulness depends. To develop to the highest standard we must attend to nature's ways. Queens reared out of swarming season are ill fed from lack of young bees and other ways, and are apt to mate with poor drones, as any experienced queen-breeder will tell you. Your breeding stock must be reared under every favorable condition, and commercial stock reared the same way should com- mand a high premium. While not exactly under this subject, we can take it up here. I refer to the matter of the size of the cell as related to the dfevel- 37 BEE opment. It has been recently shown by BREEDING some foreign observers that the cells of all bees are not the same. The size of the de- generate bee is the smallest; next to it, the common stock and largest, is the highest- developed five-banded Italians. This natur- ally raises the question, "Why not increase the size of the cell in foundation, and in- crease by spacing the width of comb, and thus increase the size of our bees?" This same principle is applied to plants and ani- mals with success. By unrestricted devel- opment, superior strains are produced. Variations produced in this way are much slower than those induced by crossing, or another phrase of this same subject — changed environment. We must not expect to produce a giant bee in a summer this way. There is danger all along the road. You increase the diameter of the cell a few hundreths of an inch. The bee would na- turally more fully develop along the line of least resistance. The abdomen would en- large before the thorax. You would stand the risk of raising a crop of fertile workers if the bees could be induced to accept foun- dation too large. We must go slow. We must experiment. 3& CORRELATION. Adapted to bee-breeding, correlation could be defined as ''the correspondence or relation which exists between different or- gans, or parts, as to form or uses." To un- derstand the laws of correlation unables a bee-breeder to judge an unseen quality by the relation it must bear to one which can be seen. For example, long tongues may be indicative of superior honey-gathering qual- ities. Correlation, too, is the basis upon which most divisions of life are made, as genius, species, etc. To a biologist certain forma- tions of a bone would place that animal un- der a certain division, and thus we have our varied classification. One important part of correlation that af- fects directly the problem of breeding is that one quality is not developed except at the risk of reducing an opposite related quality. In cattle-breeding this law is nicely illustrated from the fact that the 39 ^^g highest type of beef animal is a poor milker, BREEDING ^^^ ^^^^ versa. In bee-breeding we can hardly expect to increase the size of the bee without a cor- responding decrease of another quality. In making a gentle bee we may produce one less inclined to protect its stores from rob- ber bees. Thus we see that nature always tries to strike a balance, and to raise this level is a really great work. When judging this law of correlation in mind we should be careful to rule out any accidental cause which may have been the cause rather than the working of the law. A black queen need not always be of black stock, as a queen chilled during a critical stage of her development is often very dark, while others from the same stock may be of the brightest yellow. Bees may not always be irritable, as a colony without stores you will notice is often cross, and can not be subdued with any amount of smoke. In the care of breeding colonies, the prac- tice of swapping combs should never be al- lowed, as it destroys almost every record from which we judge a queen. Breeders should ever be on the outlook for these little points of correlation, and record them, as they may later prove ex- tremely valuable, not only to himself but to another breeder. Bee-breeding consists of a multitude of little things vv^hich m.ake up the grand total. 40 HONEY PLANTS. In the company of nature the bee plays an important part in the fertilization of flowers. Plants and bees by mutual evolu- tion have become dependent up each other. The bees need the nectar for their nourish- ment, and the flowers need the bees for aid in accomplishing its circle of life. Why, then, should not the bee-breeder be interested in the other form of life so re- lated to his specialty? As we have shown before, the needs of man are not those of nature; and to accomplish his ends man must interfere, and direct the currents to his own advantage. Bee-breeding and plant-breeding hold so much in common that the bee-breeder is not a loss when he crosses the boundary. One of the most important problems of the bee-keeper is that of pasturage. As the 41 BEE country becomes more settled, the bee- BREEDING keeper must depend more and more upon artificial pasturage. As the wild flowers de- crease, those of cultivated plants become a greater source of honey, and he should give his attention to their honey-producing qual- ities. It should concern him what kinds of crops his neighbors plant. Red clover, it seems to me, should interest the bee-breeder, for it presents the greatest value when improved in the direction de- sired by the bee-man. Every head contains a large amount of honey beyond the reach of the honey-bee. Can not its tubes be shortened? Yes, just as soon as the work is seriously undertaken by someone. Buckwheat is an important source of honey in certain localities, but the product is injured by reason of its color and flavor. Why not breed a plant yielding a nectar which, gathered and stored by the bee, would be white and mild-flavored? Impos- sible? No, but it would take time. Many of these suggestions could be named. It is up to the bee-breeder to inter- est himself in these questions, and to co-op- erate heartily with his plant-breeding bro- ther and with his neighbors. 42 Breeding- Queen A good queen is an absolute essential to the successful queen-breeder. When you have a queen-mother whose daughters make good you have something worth while— she is worth her weight in gold. The surest way to get such a queen is to pur- chase the best stock . Never mind the first cost. Our stock is famous the world over for its ex- cellence. We offer breeding-queens as follows : Select tested queen $3.00 Breeding-queen 5.00 Select breeding-queen 7.50 Extra select breeding-queen, 1 yr. old 10.00 Many queen-rearers like fresh stock to breed from. Imported stock is preferred by many, so we offer direct importation . We save you time, trouble, and expense. Fair imported queen $3.00 Best imported queen 5.00 We can furnish all other races. When you want a queen par excellence, costing from $25 to $50, we can often supply you. The A. I. Root Company, Medina, Ohio, U. S. A. lOOth Thousand No other bee-book has had the sale of the A B C of Bee Culture. It sells because it meets the needs of the bee-keeper. The subject matter is arranged in an encyclopedic form so that any in- formation desired can be found in- stantly. Beginner or veteran will find the volume of greatest value. Con- stant revision has brought it entirely up to the times, and it is written to meet the conditions of the bee-keeper everywhere. For sale by all bee-supply dealers, and most booksellers. Price $1.00. If wanted by mail, add 20c for postage. TKe A. I. Root Co., Medina, OHio. It's to Your Ad- vantage ! If you are interested in bees— to subscribe to Gleanings in Bee Culture. Read Gleanings to learn how to make bee- keeping pay. It tells how to produce the maximum results with minimum of effort, making your work profitable as well as a pleasure. Bee-keeping is one of the most fascinating pursuits. It is a fine hobby for all ages and conditions. Gleanings is fully illustrated with beauti- ful half-tones. It gives its readers over a thousand pages of matter annually; semi- monthly. Subscription price $1.00 a year. Foreign postage, Jf.8 cts. extra. Six months' trial sub- scription, 25 cts. Is found in all important club lists. May we not enter your name ? Gleanings in Bee Culture, Medina, Ohio. Swart hm o re Books j^ j^ INCREASE. This little book interests all who are anxious for profitable increase. Second edition. Price 25cts. BABY NUCLEI. Tell from 20 years' experience of mating queens with a handful of bees. Price 50 cts. COMMERCIAL QUEEN-REARING. Cell-getting by the Swarthmore labor-saving devives, fully described and illustrated. 50 cts. Forcing Queens to I^as^ B^ifs in S'wartliinore Cups. Price 25 cents. FolloMring BooRs in Preparation Ho-wr to MaKe Hives of Paper. Also Nucleus Shipping-cases and Honey- houses. In preparation. Price 25 cents. S'wairtHinore Coinb«Hoz\ey Devices. Which entirely do away with close-fitting holcers, etc. In preparation. Price 25 cents. Be a Bee-Breeder Have you identified yourself in the move- ment for a better bee ? You should join the American Breeders' Associa- tion. A special committee on "Breed- ing Bees and Other Insects, " as follows: Dr. L. O. Howard, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, Chairman. Dr. Herbert Osborne, Columbus, Ohio. E. F. Phillips, V/ashington, D. C. S. N. Green. Medina, Ohio. J. P. Moore, Morgan, Ky. G. M. Doolittle, Borodino, N. Y. Also many other committees devoted to different problems in plant and animal breeding. Annual dues, $1.00 a year, which includes a copy of Year-book worth five times that amount. Address = PROF. W. A. HAYS,= Sec. Amer. Breeders' Ass'n, Washington, - - - D. C. AVk 26 i«07 Root's Goods The name of ''Root" when applied to bee- supplies, means as much as * ' Elgin ' ' when applied to watches. When you buy "Root's goods "you are sure of goods made by skilled workmen, from the best material. You are never disappoint- ed by receiving goods inaccurately cut, rough- ly made from inferior stock. There is nothing that an apiarist needs that v/e can not furnish, from a complete outfit to the smallest single article. We began the manufacture of bee-supplies forty years ago, with an increasing trade each year, until now we are the largest con- cern of the kind in the world. Our prices are right. You can buy our goods near at home. Write for catalog and name of agent nearest you. The A. I. Root Co., Medina, O. New York Chicago Philadelphia Washington LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I mill Hill mil mil mil mil mil mil mil mil Hill II i 002 841 703 2 •