Book_ L_ GpigM? COFiRIGHT DEPOSIT. CHRISTIANITY IN THE KITCHEN. PHYSIOLOGICAL COOK BOOK, BY MRS. HORACE MANN " There 's death in the pot." — 2 Kings, iv. 40. In that day, every pot in Jerusalem, and in Judah, should be holiness unto the Lord of hosts." — Zechariah, xiv. 21. BOSTON: TICK NOR AND FIELDS. MDCCC LVIII. X Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by Maky Mann. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Cambridge: thurston axd torry, printers. INDEX Adulterations Albumen Almond pudding Alcohol . Alexis St. Martin Apple dumplings " Indian puddin " cream . " minced pies " pies " pie, dried . " sauce «* jelly . Arrowroot cream " pudding Asparagus . B. Batter pudding . . 67, 73 Beaumont's digestion table 27 Page 14,32 . 34 63 . 28 26 . 72 73 . 100 77 . 78 79 . 93 . 108 . 114 62 . 160 . 119 Beef tea boiled, corn soup steak pie olives stuffed and briskets bouilli . pickled 128 38 128 128 129 132 133 133 134 135 Page 157 128 125 123 72 Beef, essence Beans " baked Beets Birds nest pudding Blanc-mange, isin- glass Blanc-mange moss . Blanc-mange, Cooper's } ^ isinglass Blanc-mange 102, 116 carageen ) 102 corn starch 'calf's feet " •« Russian isinglass . Blanc-mange, farina " " rice . Bran mixings, Bread . . 15,17,49 " pudding . 61 " sauce Broccoli . Brioche rolls Biscotine Browning Beverages, orgeat . *•' raspberry " of herb . " figsand apples " fig "lemonade Buckwheat cakes Butter [in] 104 105 105 105 114 48 ,50 ,67 92 122 184 157 176 187 188 188 188 188 56 21 IV INDEX. Page Page 0. Cream cakes 59,89 Cake 3 . 84 " syrup . 45 t« lemon 89 " pie 79 <( sponge . . 84 " pink . 115 « Providence sponge " white lemon 115 a New York sponge . 85 " imperial . 100 <( Boston sponge 85 " Italian 105 it Ohio sponge . . b5 " lemon . 89 tt ground rice 86 " tea 100 " cup . 86 " clouted . . 183 «< frosting 86 Cranberries 108 a kiss . . 86 Cranberry pudding . 66 tt snow 87 " tarts . 78 a batter . 90 jelly . 109 cc Shakespeare 88 " sauce . 93 tt Aunt Hannah . 88 " and rice . . 114 <« almond 88 Currie sauce 93 Calf s feet soup . 139 Currant shrub . 151 (( head . 174 Custard, soft 97