[post free: -J Kfl UR In Great Britain only J ««» 15 CENTS <* srr* MM PSfe. Jl E« I III ■ r=SAS J ^A^3- 1 ^V^Jl ffFRENGH'S ACTING filffi 1 THE BURGLAR & THE GIRL (MATTHEW BOULTON) The AMATEUR FEE for each representation of this piece is !|^s. payable in adyance ti> SAMUEL FRENCH, Ltd., 26, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C. liOWDOU t HAMTJKL FRHNCH, Ltd., PDBLIKHRKM, 8S, SOUTHAMPTON STKKTCT. STRAND NrfW Toil*: SAMUEL FftKNcH, J'DBLISHBB, «8, WKST 38th HTKEK'P, BELFAST- 3. N'ICHOLSOW, 26. Church Lane. BIRMINGHAM- Ja hks Gpwst, 12. Sf»ow Hill W H. Smith* Sow 3J Union Ac BRADFQRD- VV. it. smith A »«•». 0, Dale Street. BRISTOL- B. ToLKMAjr, 2, Rupert Street. DUBLIN- M>»b how's I,ibrary,12. Nassau SI. EDINBURGH- II Kohitson, ftl-115, Lelth St. GLASGOW- Wm. JiUTB. 221, Argvle Street. LEEDS- |{ J acksob, 18, Comnvreial St. LIVERPOOL— J. Buhkinshaw A Sons, 28 30, OoI — ^* o % < ►3 fU 0* H a O 2 Burglar. Yer mean it, miss, you re gom to let me off ? Girl. Yes. Burglar. You're a good sort, miss. I 11 never forget yer. Will yer— will yer shake 'ands just once afore I go ? It'll sort o' 'elp me to keep straight. Will yer" miss ? Girl (holds out hand, smiling). Good-bye and good luck! Burglar (taking hand). God bless yer! 1— (There is a quick satin?. Burglar gets revolver and covers the Girl who retreats to curtains l.u.e.) (Triumphantly.) Now then, me little beauty, I've got yer set ! Move yer little finger and I'll drop a bit o' lead into ver. Thought you'd come it over me, didn't ver ? Yer must 'ave thort me a soft sort of mug ! Now, it's my turn to be funny, ain't it ? But I ain't got no time to waste— I'm goin' to 'ave them jools and 'op it quick. Girl. You won't get far. Burglar (menacingly). What d'yer mean? Girl. Listen to me ; I'm not done yet. My hana is on the bell-rope ; one sharp pull will rouse the house ; my father's bedroom overlooks the lawn. He keeps a pistol handy— you wouldn't have much chance of getting away. ' He couldn't miss you on a night like this. Burglar. None of ver bluff with me. Girl {desperately). It isn't bluff. If you don t keep still, I swear I'll pull the rope. Burglar. If you do. I'll shoot. Girl. I don't care. Burglar. What's to prevent me shooting you now — juick — before you pull the rope ? THE BURGLAR AND THE GIRL. 15 Girl. Nothing. But if you do the rope will be pulled as I fall ! Whatever you do now, you're bound to rouse the house. Burglar. 'Struth, you're a plucky gel — a damned plucky gel, an' I admire yer for it. But 1 mean to 'ave them jools and I mean to get away with 'em. They're worth a bit o' risk, an' I'm goin' to take it. Nar then, let go that rope quick, or you're done for. Girl. I won't. Burglar. We'll see about that. (Creeps towards her levelling pistol.) Let go that rope, I tell yer — damn you, let it go ! (Gets right ub to Girl, she drops the bell-rope.) Burglar. Little bit o' bluff, eh ? Not quite so plucky, after all. Mar then, you keep quiet, me little spitfire, or it'll be the worse for yer. (Girl pulls handkerchief from bosom of her dress end sobs.) Cryin' now, are yer ? Bet you'll leave yer dad to tackle the next burglar that comes along — oh, stop yer snivellin' ! (Girl puts handkerchief and both, hands behind her She thakes out a small phial, removes cork and empties contents on to handkerchief, watching the Burglar all the. while. Drops phial. Burglar backs towards cabinet.) Now, jes you keep quiet while I gets this little job over, an' I reckon I'll 'ave you this side of the room. (Girl gasps suddenly.) What's the matter ? Girl (shrilly). Look ! — the police ! (Burglar turns. Quick as lightning she throws one arm round his neck and with the other presses her chloroformed handkerchief to his nostrils. He gasps MAY 3 1913 ^ 16 THE BURGLAR AXD THE GIRL. and struggles for a moment, then falls to the floor, unconscious. Girl removes handkerchief, looks at him swiftly.) He's safe for half an hour at least. I'm glad I had that chloroform with me. (Goes across stage and picks up long dustcoat and motor bonnet which she has hidden behind the side- board. Puts them on hurriedly.) Thank goodness, that's over ! I never told so many lies in my life. The fool never guessed I was after the jewels myself. (Goes to the cabinet.) The left-hand vase ! (Takes pearls out, places them on lop of cabinet.) A little panel just under the vase ! (Takes diamonds out, holds pearls in other hand, smiling.) A nice little haul— a very nice little haul ! (Puts jewels in coat-pockets, switches off lights and goes softly to the window, turns and looks at Burglar. Thanks for your assistance— my first-class criminal. (Lets herself out of window and closes it carefully. Disappears along balcony. The moonlight shines in on the prostrate Burglar. The church clock chimes a quarter past two.) Slow Curtain. Printed by Butler & Tanner, Frome and London. 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