> * s &W ■4* : 1. *& & &* / 4/ A .1 "> Galls dLivd Insects Producing Them By Melville Thurston Cook, A. M. r ■ ■ '-* • • 9 Presented to the Faculty of the College of Arts, Philosophy and Science, Ohio State University, as the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. June 1904. • Cs MAR Contents Part I. The Morphology of Leaf Galls. Part II. Apical Bud Galls. Part III. Lateral Bud Galls. Part IV. Stem Galls. Part V. Development of Galls. Part VI. Flower and Fruit Galls. Part VII. Root Galls. Part VIII. Histology of Galls. Part IX. The Ovipositors and Mouth Parts of Gall Producing Insects. Appendix. P^K^ Parts I and II published in Ohio Naturalist Vol. II. pp 263-278. 1902 Parts III. IV. V. published in Ohio Naturalist Vol. III. pp 419-436. 1903. Parts VI. VII. VIII. IX and appendix published in Ohio Naturalist Vol. IV pp 115-147. 1904. [Rkprinted from Ohio Naturalist, Vol. II, pp. 263-27S, 1902.] GALLS AND INSECTS PRODUCING THEM. Melville Thurston Cook. Part i. The Morphology of Leap Gales. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of cellular activity of the plant under peculiar animal stimulus ; to compare the effects of the two sets of insect organs, mouth parts and ovipositors, and to throw additional light on the classi- fication. The statements made in this paper are based on a large number of collections. The collection of stem galls was too incomplete to draw conclusions and is therefore reserved for a future paper. No attempt was made to follow the development of the galls but rather to make a comparison of the structure of the various forms of galls. My paper was practically complete before I received the papers of H. Fockeu. After receiving his paper I reviewed my own to determine wherein my results agreed with or varied from his conclusions. Experiments such as are described by H. Fockeu to ascertain the cause of the gall formation were not attempted. Fockeu' s studies were grouped according to the plants affected ; my own studies were grouped with reference to the insect pro- ducing the galls. METHODS. For the killing and fixing, several fluids were used, but the most successful were Chromo-acetic and Picric-alcohol. A num- ber of different stains were used, but Delafields-Haemotoxylon proved very satisfactory for most work. For the drawings a Bausch & Lomb microscope and camera lucida were used ; for the normal leaf, a i-inch ocular and a ^-inch objective, and for the galls a i-inch ocular and a ^3-inch objective. Since it was unnecessary to make drawings of the entire galls, drawings were made from one or more parts to show the characteristic structure, and this part is indicated on the small diagrammatic drawings. Since the galls were so variable in size, it was practically impossible to make the diagrammatic drawings on a definite scale. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION. As a matter of convenience the following temporary classifica- tion, based on location of the galls was adopted for this and other 264 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. II, No. 7, papers now in preparation: A. Stem galls; B. Leaf galls; C. Bud galls, a. Terminal buds, b. Lateral buds ; D. Root galls. Leaf galls may in many cases be classed as bud galls if we con- sider that the egg in some orders of insects is deposited while the leaf is in the bud, but in the above classification the term applies to the developed gall, and the ' bud gall ' applies to a distortion of the entire bud. i. The Normal Leaf Structure and Its Variations. The normal leaf structure may be said to consist of a single layer of epidermis on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf ; next to the upper epidermis is the usually single layer of palisade or columnar cells, placed with their long axis at right angles to the surface of the leaf ; between the palisade cells and the lower epi- dermis is the mesophyll, made up of many layers of irregular cells, between which are the large air spaces connected with the outside by the stomata in the lower epidermis ; running through the leaf are the fibro-vascular bundles noticable to the naked eye as the venation. Although the above may be said to be a description of a typical leaf, it must be kept in mind that leaves are subject to great variation and this must be taken into consideration in a discus- sion of the variation of the gall structure from the normal leaf. The structure of the gall must be compared with the structure of the normal leaf of the plant on which the gall is found, not with the typical leaf. A brief study of the normal leaves of the plant will serve to emphasize the preceding points. Hicoria ovata ( Mill. ) Britton (Fig. i), Uhiuis americana L. (Fig. 4), and Tilia americana L. (Fig. 6) may be considered as typical and yet in themselves show minor differences. In Vitis vulpina L. (Fig. 3) the palisade is not so pronounced as in the preceding and the mesophyll is more compact. In Quercus alba L. (Fig. 7) and in Acer saccharin um L. (Fig. 5) the palisade is typical, but the mesophyll is very compact. In Sah'x cordata Muhl. (Fig. 2) the mesophyll while distinct from the palisade has assumed palisade characters. The differences in structure between the normal leaves of Hicoria ovata (Fig. 1) and Salix cordata (Fig. 2), members of two related families, are as great as those differences frequently found between a normal leaf and the galls occurring upon it, e. g., H. ovata (Fig. 1) and the simpler Phylloxera galls (Figs. 16-20). 2. Phytoptus Galls. This discussion is based not only on the four galls described below, but from observations of several others. However, the following will illustrate all the points observed : The Phytoptus galls are small and may extend on either or both sides of the leaf. The outer surface of the galls show the normal epidermis and below this cells which are not palisade but May, 1902.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 265 which are elongated with the surface of the gall, i. ya-eaidis Fitch of Hickory ovata was studied very carefully from a very complete series of specimens. The material, especially the younger galls, did not cut well, and so was not satisfactory for drawings. However, the development and struc- ture were of the typical Phylloxera type corresponding very closely with that just described for P. c.-fallax. The only marked peculiarity was the close association with fibro-vascular bundles, the galls always occurring on very young green twigs, on mid-rib or on prominent veins of the leaf. Pemphigus populi-transversus Riley (Figs. 55, a, b, and 56, a, b) and P. p.-caulis Fitch (Figs. 57, a, b, c, and 58, a, b, c) of the Populus are galls growing on the petiole ; the former at some point between the blade and stem, the latter at the base of the leaf. In both cases the attack is made from the outside, the same as in other Aphididae galls and in the Acarina galls. A careful 426 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. Ill, No. 7, study of an excellent series of both galls shows a cell structure and development very similar to other Aphididae galls ; i. e., a large number of small, irregular cells. In P. p.-transversus (Fig. 55, a, b) the gall originates as a swelling on the petiole and within this swelling is a large cavity opening to the outside through a slit. In the P. p.-caulis the same condition is true but the attack of the insect causes a one-sided growth, resulting in the petiole being twisted at right angles to the blade (Figs. 57, a, b, c, and 58, a, b, c). A careful examination of the cell structure of P. p.-transversus (Fig. 56, a, b) and a comparison with the unaffected petiole (Fig. 54, a, b) indicated a very rapid growth, resulting in the very large number of small, irregular cells. The character of the young and of the mature gall was practically the same, and not different, as in the more highly developed galls of other orders. The fibro-vascular bundles were very slightly affected. P. p.-caulis showed the same cell structure and development, and, judging from these points alone, one would be unable to separate these two galls. 3. GALLS OF PSYLLIDAE. In Pachypsylla celtidis-mamma Riley (Figs. 59 and 60, a, b, c) of the Celtis occidentalis the youngest galls did not show a cavity, but showed a modification of the leaf by which there is formed a large number of small, irregular cells which can be readily sepa- rated into two zones ; the upper made up of small, and the lower of somewhat larger cells (Fig. 59). I was unable to secure speci- mens intermediate between this stage and a later stage, showing the true form of the gall (Fig. 60, a, b, c) The youngest galls, showing the true form, exhibited four well-defined zones: (1) epidermis, (2) zone of large, irregular-shaped cells, (3) zone of elongated cells, (4) zone of irregular-shaped cells next to the larval cavity. Adjacent to zone (3), but derived from zones (2) and (4), are cells which even in very young galls show schleren- chyma characteristics. As the gall approaches maturity this tissue increases until in the mature gall it may be found in great abundance. This gall is undoubtedly the most highly developed of any of the Hemiptera galls which I have studied. 4. GALLS OF CECIDOMYIA Although I have a large number of Cecidomyia leaf galls, I have succeeded in getting a series of only two species. Since the Cecidomyia show by far the greatest variation in structural char- acters and the smallest number of typical group characters, two species are not sufficient to draw a very definite conclusion. In Cecidomyia gleditsiac O. S. (Fig. 61, a, b) the two halves of the leaflet never have an opportunity to unfold, but there is a May, 1903.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 427 growth of cells allowing the leaflet to enlarge and form the larval chamber between the two halves. The cells are at first normal, but gradually lengthen in an axis at right angles to the mid-rib. This can be readily observed by comparing the section of the very young gall (Fig. 61, a, b) with the section of the mature gall (Part I, Fig. 22). In Cecidomyia verrucola O. S. (Figs. 62 and 63) the youngest showed a condition in which the mesophyll part of the leaf was reduced or entirely removed by the larva. The upper epidermis and palisade cells, the lower epidermis and cells next to it, form the upper and lower walls of the larval chamber while the inter- mediate mesophyll is removed. The inner layers of cells, i. e., the cells next to the larval chamber, now grow and divide very rapidly, gradually filling almost the entire cavity and reducing the size of the chamber (Part I, Fig. 24). At the same time the gall is increasing rapidly in size. 5. GALLS OF THE CYNIPIDAE. Although a large amount of material was collected, only three species were sufficiently complete to enable a satisfactory study. However, several mature galls of species not described in Part I of this series were examined, and all agreed with the statements made concerning the general structural character of this group of galls. CallirkyHs papillatus O. S. (Fig. 64) was especiallj- difficult to collect because of its very small size and close resemblance in external appearance to other small Cynipidous galls. Examina- tion of young Cynipidous forms, which I am reasonably certain belong to this species, show all the zones in contact (Fig. 64). As the gall develops the protective zones and parenchyma zones separate but remain connected by elongated parenchymatous cells (Parti, Fig. 30). Dryophanta palustria O. S. (Fig. 65, a, b) appears as the leaves unfold from the bud. The youngest galls collected were not over two millimeters in diameter but showed the four zones well devel- oped, with the second and third zones in contact, thus verifying the views expressed in Part I. The cells of the innermost, or nutritive, zone were large and very granular. Evidently this zone was almost completely reduced by the larva in the specimen from which Fig. 29 of Part I was drawn. In the next, or protective, zone the cell walls were very thick. In the parenchyma zone the innermost cells were small and numerous and the walls were thin, and in both cases the long axis of the cells were at right angles to the surface of the gall. As the gall grows older the intercellu- lar spaces may become prominent among the cells of the paren- chyma zone (Fig. 65, b). Careful examination of a large number of specimens gave conclusive proof that the separation occurs 428 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. Ill, No. 7, between the protective and parenchyma zones, thus leaving the two inner zones as a small sphere rolling free within the larger sphere which is formed by the two outer zones. In Diastrpphus siminis Basset (Figs. 66, a, b; 67; 68, a, b, c, d; 69 ) we have a Cynipiclous gall occurring on Nepeta glechoma. I secured a very complete series of this gall and made a very careful study of its development. In the youngest gall (Fig. 66,^, b) we have the cell character of the leaf transformed into a mass of small, irregular cells which can be readily divided into two zones, the outer of which has the larger cells. At this time the cells are very compact, but as the gall grows older intercellular spaces are developed, the entire structure becomes loose and spongy and the cells become larger. As the galls grow older a well-defined zone of flattened cells is developed in the parenchyma near the epidermis, and fibro-vas- cular bundles ( f . v. b. ) are developed at right angles to the sur- face (Fig. 67). Up to this time the cells are small, irregular and compact. The epidermis (ep) and parenchyma (pa) zones are well defined, but the distinctiion between protective and nutritive zones cannot be made. As the gall grows older a cleavage plane is formed in the paren- chyma just inside the zone of flattened cells (Fig. 68, a). A careful examination of the parts thus cut off and surrounding the larval chamber (1. c. ) shows two well-defined zones which corre- spond to the nutritive and protective zones described in Part I. At this time there is no marked difference in the amount of food supply of the tw r o zones. In the outer part formed by this cleav- age plane we have the parenchyma (pa) and epidermal (ep) zones (Fig. 68, c). Connecting the parenchyma and protective zones we find fibro-vascular bundles ( f . v. b. ) surrounded by par- enchyma cells (Fig. 68, d). The character of these connecting strands is very similar to that described for H. centricola (Part I, Fig. 27) and A. inanis (Part I, Fig. 28), but contains more par- enchyma tissue than either. However, the parenchyma cells are not so elongated as in C. papillatus (Part I, Fig. 30). As the gall grows older the cells of the protective zone become clear and the cell walls of the nutritive zone gradually thicken (Fig. 69), many undergoing complete degeneration, while others assume the character of the sclerenchyma. CONCLUSIONS. 1 . All conclusions given in Part I are emphasized by the study of the development of the galls. 2. In the formation of all leaf galls except the Cecidomyia galls, the normal cell structure of the leaf is first modified by the formation of a large number of small, compact, irregular-shaped cells. In the galls of Acarina and Aphididae this is followed by May, 1903.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 429- a development of trichomes, especially the former. In all galls the mesophyll is subject to the greatest modification. Many small fibro vascular bundles are formed in this modified mesophyll. 3. The Acarin may be considered the lowest group of galls, the Aphidid the next higher, the Cecidomyia galls the next higher, and the Cynipidous galls the highest. However, many of the Cecidomyia galls are lower than the Aphidid galls. 4. The galls of Acarina and Aphididae show the greatest resemblance. In these cases the method of attack is very similar and is first directed against the epidermal or adjacent layer of cells. 5. In some of the Cecidomyia galls (e. g. C. verrucola) the larva appears to make its entrance into the mesophyll before there is any pronounced modification of the cell structure. However, the Cecidomyia galls are too varied and the study too incomplete to make a positive conclusion. 6. Both Adler and Fockeu consider that after the first stages of formation, the gall becomes an independent organism growing upon the host plant. This is probably true in the highly devel- oped galls of Aphididae, Cecidomyia and Cynipidae, but the writer is very doubtful if this is true of the less complex galls of Acarina, Aphididae and Cecidomyia. This work was pursued during the year 1902-03, in the Biolog- ical Laboratory of DePauw University, but was under the super- vision of Professor Herbert Osborn, of the Ohio State University, to whom I am indebted for many valuable suggestions. I am also indebted to two of my former students, Miss S. Emma Hick- man and Miss Margaretta S. Nutt, for aid in preparing slides and making drawings. Drawings made by these two ladies are marked with their initials. I also wish to express my thanks to my many friends who have called my attention to, or have collected material for, these investigations. LITERATURE. New literature will not be cited at this time, but a more com- plete list will be given in connection with later papers upon this subject. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. In making the drawings a Bausch & I,omb microscope, with No. 2 ocular and }4 objective, and a B. & L camera lucida were used. The drawings are, therefore, larger than those used in Parts I and II, and the reduction not so great. The diagrams are not made upon a definite scale. Drawings 34, a, b, c ; 35, a, b; 37, 38, 55, a, b ; 57, a, b, c, and 58, a, b, c, were made from nature, and are very little smaller than the original. The num- bering of the drawings is continuous with Parts I and II. 43° The Ohio Xaturalist. [Vol. Ill, No. 7, ABBREVIATIONS. ep. — epidermal zone. pa — parenchyma zone. pr. — protective zone. nu. — nutritive zone. f. v. b.— fibro-vascular bundles. 34, a. Bud of Hicoria ovata. 34. b. c. Holcaspis globulus on H. ovata. 35, a. Andricus semiuator gall and two buds on O. alba. 35. b. Andricus seminator gall and bud scar on Q. alba. 36, a, b. Section of Andricus seminator gall on Q. alba. 37- Cecidomyia gall on A. negundo. 38. Pachsylla c -gemma on C. occidentalis. 39. Cross section of stem of Solidago. 40. Trypeta solidaginis on Solidago. 41. Gelechia gallae solidaginis on Solidago. 42. Cecidomyia rigidae on Salix. 43. Phytoptus quadripes on A. saccharinum. 44- abnormis on T. Americanura. (Two larval chambers.) 45- " acericola on A. saccharinum. 46. Petiole of Juglans nigra. (Cross section.) Erineum anomalum on J. nigra. Young gall 48, a. b. Erineum anomalum on J. nigra. (Mature gall.) 49, a, b. Pemphigus ulmi-fusus on U. Americana. 50, a, b. Colopha Ulmicola on U. Americana. 51, Phylloxera carya-fallax on H. ovata. 52, '• 53- carya-globuli on H. ovata. 54, a, b. Cross section of petiole of Populus monilifera. 35, a. Pemphigus populi-transversus on petiole of P. monilifera. (Yotmg gall.) 55, b. Same in section. 56, a. P. p.-transversus. Part of gall near opening into larval chamber. 56, b. P. p.-transversus. Section back of chamber and showing one fibro-vascular bundle of the petiole. 57, a. P. p.-caulis. Young gall ; ventral surface. 57. b. Young gall; dorsal suiface 57. c- " Young gall ; open. 58, a. Ventral surface. 58, b. Dorsal surface. Open. 59, Paehypsylla celtidis-mamma on C. occidentalis. (Young gall. £0, a. P. c. -mamma. Diagram. 60, b. Section of dorsal part. (2 and 3.) 60, c. Section of ventral part. (3 and 4.) 61, a. b. Cecidomyia gleditsiae on G. triacauthos. 62, verrucola on T. Americana. 1 Young gall.) 63. 64. Callirhytis papillatus on Q. palustris. 65. a. b. Dryophanta palustris on O. palustris. 66. a, b. Diastrophus siminis on X. glechoma. 67. •• - •• ' •• 68. a. " " Diagram. 68, b. " Nutritive and protective zones. 68, c. Epidermal and parenchyma zones. ■68, d. " Strand connecting protective and parenchyma zones. •69- " Nutritive zone in gall almost mature. May, 1903.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. Ohio Naturalist. 43i Plate 13. Cook on "Galls and Insects Producing Them. £* Cook on "Galls and Insects Producing: Them. May, 1903.] Galls and Insects Producing Them Ohio Naturalist Cook on "Galls and Insects Producing Them." 434 Ohio Naturalist. The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. Ill, No. 7, Plate 16. Cook on " Galls and Insects Producing Them. May. 1903.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. Ohio Naturalist. Cook on "Galls and Insects Producing 1 Them. 436 Ohio Naturalist. The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. Ill, No. 7, Plate iS. Cook on -Galls and Insects Producing Them." [Reprinted from Ohio Naturalist, Vol. IV, No. 6.] GALLS AND INSECTS PRODUCING THEM. Melville Thurston Cook. Part VI. Flower and Fruit Galls. Galls affecting flowers and fruits are not so abundant as those affecting leaves, but in many cases the insect which produces flower or fruit galls also produces leaf galls. No sharp line of distinction can be drawn between flower and fruit galls, since the gall may form and mature without indication of fruit or ma3 T form in the flower and mature as the fruit develops. Thus far I have collected five species of flower and fruit galls representing three orders of insects. I. GALLS OF THE ACARINA. Phytoptus sp. — on Euphorbia corallata L. (Figures 70 ; 71a, b ; 72a, b). This mite produces galls on both leaf and flower. The structure of the gall is the same in both cases and is identi- cal with Phytoptus galls, previously described in Part I, (Figures 8-1 1). All my specimens of this gall were well advanced. The structure of the leaf of E. corallata (Fig. 70) is typical. When attacked by the Phytoptus the leaf becomes very much modified by thickenings, ridges and convolutions (Figures 71a, b). The palisade cells divide so that it is impossible to distinguish them from the mesophyll, and the intercellular spaces are obliterated as the result of the rapid cell division. The new cells are small and very rich in protoplasm, but gradually become filled with tannin as the gall approaches maturity. The tannin first forms in the outer and most exposed cells of the gall while the inner layers of cells retain their protoplasm very late. The Phytoptus restricts its attacks to these inner and more protected parts. From a study of these galls it is apparent that the Phytoptus is not working on -Contributions from the Department of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State Univer- sity, under the direction of Prof. Herbert Osborn, No. 17. n6 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, all parts of the gall at the same time, but gradually moves out- ward over the surface of the leaf, thus increasing the size of the gall and drawing its food supply from the newer part thus formed. When the attack is made upon the flower we have a mass of distorted tissue which is structurally the same as that produced in the leaf gall (Figures 72a, b). The floral envelopes are the first to suffer from the attack, the ovary with its contents is the next greatest sufferer, while the stamens are frequently unaffected. It is evident that the attack upon the flower must be made very early in order to cause complete destruction. Very frequently the floral envelopes will be very much deformed and the ovary and the stamens very slightly affected. In other cases the ovary will be very much enlarged and its chambers practically obliter- ated. It is evident that the attack upon the ovary must be made very earl}' to produce a great deformity. The partial immunity of the stamens is probably due to their being very nearly mature before the opening of the bud. 2. GALLS OF CECIDOMYIA. Cecidomyia anthophila O. S. — on Solidago cauadense L. (Figs. 73a, b), makes the attack early and completely prevents the open- ing of the bud. The gall is in the form of a hollow cone. The transformation is so complete that the location is the only evidence that the gall is produced from a flower bud. A section of the gall shows the nutrient layers of the cells next to the larval chambers, large parenchyma cells near the outer epidermis, and a number of rather weak fibro- vascular bundles. Cecidomyia sp. — on Ratibidapinnata Barnhart (Figs. 74a, b, c). The entire bud is transformed into a gall with the larva in a chamber in what was originally the ovary. All the floral parts have become modified and united to form the gall. A section of the gall (Fig. 74c) shows that the cells are more uniform in size than in the preceding galls and that the fibro-vascular bundles are practically obliterated. Cecidomyia sp. — on Prunus virginiana L,. (Figs. 75a, b). My specimens of this gall were mature. I am unable to say at what time the gall originates, but it reaches its maturity with the fruit. The gall is somewhat larger than the fruit, but otherwise resem- bles it closely. The larva makes its exit through an opening at one side of the stem. The larval chamber is very large, thus giving the gall a bladder-like character. The cuticle is well developed and the parenchyma cells below it are very large, while the cells next to the larval chamber are much smaller. Weak fibro-vascular bundles are also present. The wall of the gall (Fig. 75b) is much thicker than the wall of the fruit at this time (Fig. 75a), and parenchyma cells are much larger. The charac- teristic stone (sclerenchyma) of the fruit is never developed in the gall. April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 117 3. GALLS OF LEPIDOPTERA. I gathered a number of Lepidopterous galls on Rudbeekia laciniata L. which I was unable to determine. These galls occur on both leaf and flower and are very large and fleshy. In fact they were so fleshy and juicy that it was very difficult to secure sections. The parenchyma cells were very large, and small fibro- vascular bundles were numerous. The larval chambers were numerous and each contained a single larva or pupa. In my specimens the larvae were far advanced, many of them in the pupa stage, but the cells next to the chambers were very rich in food supply. Part VII. Root Galls. Amphibolips radicola Ashm. (Figs. 76a, b). — on Quercus alba Iv. was the only root gall that I collected. The galls were borne just under the surface of the ground at about the point of transi- tion from stem to root. The)' were produced in great numbers and so closely packed together as to assume the shape of figs. Those nearest the surface of the ground and therefore slightly exposed to the light were of a rich, red color, while those deeper in the ground were almost white, slightly tinged with yellow. Each gall contained from one to five larval chambers. The younger galls showed four zones well defined (Fig. 76a). The inner or nutritive zone was thick and the cells contained abund- ance of protoplasm. The protective zone was thin and the cells fibrous in character rather than sclerenchymatous. The paren- chyma zone was thick and composed of large parenchyma cells. The epidermal zone was relatively thick and the cells firm. As the insects approach maturity the nutritive and protective zones are entirely destroyed (Fig. 76b). The insect eventually makes its escape through an opening in the side of the gall. Part VIII. Histology of Galls. Many of the histological characters of galls have been referred to in the preceding parts. This part has been introduced at this time for the purpose of adding a few additional facts which were not clear at the time of the writing of the preceding parts. A. Internal Stiucturcs. I. galls of acarina. These galls have been sufficiently discussed and need very little attention at this time. In general these galls may be thrown into three groups : (1) Those galls in which there is very little distortion, but a modification of the epidermis, as in the case of the Phytoptus on the beech ; (2) Convolutions of the parts as in the case of P. ulmi (Fig. 8), P. abnormis (Figs. 9, 44), P. quad- n8 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, ripes (Figs. 10, 43), and P. acericola (Figs, n, 45). These con- volutions result in the formation of a more or less well defined cavity, and trichomes are developed in great abundance in the younger stages ; (3) Thickening of the parts which become cov- ered with an abundant growth of trichomes as in the case of E. anomalum (Figs. 47, 48). The Phytoptus galls show two fairly well-defined zones, the outer made up of rather large cells and the inner of much smaller cells, which are very rich in protoplasm and which supply nour- ishment for the young animal (Fig. 77). As the galls approach maturity the protoplasm disappears, first from the outermost cells and lastly from the cells on the inner surface. As the protoplasm disappears the tannin accumulates in great abundance (Fig. 78). 2. GALLS OF THE APHIDIDAE. Many of the Aphididae galls produce trichomes which soon disappear. At first all the cells contain protoplasm and divide rapidly, but as the galls approach maturity the tannin increases in abundance. Schizoneura americana Riley (Fig. 12), Colopha ulmicola Fitch (Fig. 13), and Hormaphis hamamelis Fitch (Fig. 15) have been considered in Part I. In Pemphigus populi-transversus (Figs. 55, 56) and P. p.-caulis (Figs. 57, 58) the thickness of the walls of the galls is much greater than any other members of this famity and the cells are more uniform in character. These galls are especially well sup- plied with fibro-vasular bundles and are very dense. In P. vagabundus (Fig. 112) we have a gall in which many of the cells are elongated similar to C. ulmicola and H. hamamelis. Its close structural resemblance to C. ulmicola and H. hamamelis and unlikeness to P. p.-transversus and P. p.-caulis is due to the fact that P. vagabundus, C. ulmicola, and H. hamamelis are formed on the blades of the leaves, while P. p.-transversus and P. p.-caulis are formed on the petioles which are made up largely of fibro-vascular tissue. My specimens of these galls were mature, and I am therefore unable to say anything concerning their early stages. In the Phylloxera galls all the cells are at first rich in pro- toplasm and the tannin does not form in abundance until very late. The two zones are. fairly prominent. In P. c.-caulus Fitch on H. ovata, a gall which forms on both blade and petiole of the leaf and also on young stems large intercellular spaces are formed near the surface. 3. GALLS OF f-SVLLIDAE. Pachypsylla c. -mamma Riley has been described in Part V (Figs. 59, 60). April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 119 4. GALLS OF CECIDOMYIA. These galls have been described in Part I (Figs. 22, 23, 24), in Part V (Figs. 61, 62, 63), in Part VI (Figs. 73, 74, 75), and in the Appendix (Figs. 114-119). In these galls the two zones are usually fairly well defined, but the galls of this genus are so different in character that it is difficult to give a definite descrip- tion. The time for the formation of the tannin is variable, but it is usually produced late and in great abundance. 5. GALLS OF THE CYNIPIDAE. All these galls are very similar. The majority show the four zones and in most cases these zones are well defined. The outer zone is the epidermal which will be described later (Figs. 84-91). The second is the parenchyma zone ; the third is the protective zone made up largely of sclerenchyma, and the fourth or inner- most is the nutritive zone. In many cases the second and third zones become partially or entirely separated. This separation, however, is not between the second and third zones as previously stated by me in Parts I and V, and by Fockeu, but rather a sep- aration of the tissues of the second or parenchyma zone, the greater part of this zone clinging to the epidermal zone and a few cells remaining attached to the protective zone. Diastrophus siminis Bassett (Figs. 66-69) has been described in Part V. The four zones are distinct and each shows the char- acter previously referred to. Diastrophus nebulosus O. S., described in the Appendix (Figs. 129a, b), is a stem gall in which the zones are well defined, the protective zone being especially well developed. Each zone shows the characters previously referred to. In Amphibolips confluentus Harris (Figs. 121a, b, c) the first and second zones are well developed, but the distinction between the third and fourth is not so pronounced. In Amphibolips inanis O. S. (Fig. 28) the four zones are well defined. In the young gall (Fig. 79) the cells of the nutritive zones are very rich in protoplasm and there is very little or no distinction between the nutritive and the protective zone, but as the galls approach maturity the cells of the protective zone become very thick and are soon converted into sclerenchyma (Fig. 80). In Callirhytis papillatus O. S. we have the four zones well defined (Fig. 30). As the gall approaches maturity the cells of the nutritive zone lose their protoplasmic contents and become very much shriveled, the protective zone is made up usually of only two or three layers of cells. Next to the protective zone are two or three layers of cells which are in reality a part of the parenchyma zone. The large intercellular spacts formed in this i2o The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, zone are bridged by long unicellular threads, but no fibro-vascular bundles (Fig. Si) Dryophanta palustris O. S. galls show the four zones well defined (Figs. 29, 65). When mature the contents of the cells of the nutritive zone has been entirely used by the insect. The protective zone consists of only two or three layers of sclerenchyma cells, to which are attached a few cells of the parenchyma zone (Fig. 82). Andricus petiolicola Bassett (Fig. 124) produce a very hard petiole or mid-rib gall which shows the four zones well defined. There is no separation between the second and third zones. The nutritive zone is at first very prominent, but it is reduced as the gall approaches maturity. The protective zone developes its sclerenchyma character rather late (Fig. 83) and gradually merges into the two adjacent zones. B. Epidermal Structures. The epidermal cells vary in the size and in the thickness of the cell walls. The galls may be smooth, pubescent or covered with spiny structures. The amount of pubescence depends somewhat on the natural pubesence of the host plant. Galls on such smooth plants as Populus deltoides Marsh show very few and very small trichomes, while galls on plants that are naturally pubescent are likely to be pubescent. These trichomes vary in shape and gen- eral character and are very prominent when the gall is young. As the gall approaches maturity the trichomes usually disappear. When these trichomes drop off their place of former attachment is marked by a small mass of small cells, usually containing tannin and from which imperfect rows of cells seem to radiate (Figs. 84-90). I. GALLS OF CYNIPIDAE. Dryophanta palustris O. S. is very pubescent when young (Fig. 84a). In the mature gall the cells are much larger, the trichomes have disappeared and their point of attachment is made visible by the accumulation of tannin (Fig. 84b). All my specimens of Amphibolips inanis O. S. were fully developed, but the points where the trichomes had evidently been attached were very prominent (Fig. 85). These points are the large, black spots so prominent on these large bladdery galls. In Diastrophus siminis Bassett the trichomes are very large (Fig. 86") and drop off very readily. In Diastrophus potentillae Bassett the trichomes are very numerous and each is at the apex of a very small elevation (Fig. 87). Examination of the epidermis of Acraspis eriuacei Walsh show that its spines were due to similar but much more prominent elevations. April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 2. GALLS OF THE APHIDIDAE. Galls belonging to this family are usually less pubescent than those belonging to the Cynipidae. The triehomes are usually much shorter and frequently less numerous. Each trichome is usually made up of a single cell (Fig. 88). The place where these triehomes were attached is marked by an accumulation of tannin, the same as in the Cynipidous galls (Figs. 89, 90). Examination of the galls of the Phylloxera spinosa Shinier show that the spines were due to the same cause as in the Cynipidous galls (Fig. 87). Galls of Pemphigus p.-transversus Riley (Fig. 91) and P. p.- caulis Fitch were perfectly smooth, but the cell walls were much thicker than in any other galls studied. conclusion. 1. The inner layer of cells (i. e., those next to the larva) are always supplied with nutriment until the insect is mature. 2. The development of the other layers of cells is for the pro- tection of the larvae. These protective devices reach their highest development in the Cynipidous galls. 3. In the very young galls there is usually little or no distinc- tion between the nutritive and protective zones. The time of the differentiation of the protective zones varies in different species. 4. The fibro- vascular bundles are most prominent in galls on the petiole and mid-rib. 5. Most galls are covered with triehomes which disappear as the galls approach maturity. The number of triehomes is varia- ble in proportion to the pubescence of the host plant. 6. Spines are due to elevations composed almost entirely of epidermal cells. Part IX. Ovipositors and Mouthparts. One of the most prominent questions concerning the formation of galls which presents itself to the students of entomology and botany and even to the most casual observer, is the exciting factor in gall production. Is the stimulus from the ovipositor or mouth- parts ? Is it mechanical or chemical ? The author believing that the logical method of solving this problem was to first make a careful study of the morphology and development of galls has published the preceding parts of this paper. The author does not claim to have found a complete solution of the problem, but is hopeful that some of the facts stated in this series of papers ma}- lead to more thorough and satisfactory studies of the prob- lem. The problem presents many difficulties ; the parasites and inquiliues which are usually present are frequently difficult to distinguish from the real gall- maker ; this is especially true when the study is confined to the larvae. In the following studies the author is reasonably certain that the determinations are correct. The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, OVIPOSITORS. Gall-making insects deposit their eggs by two methods, either on the surface of the plant or within the tissues. Those insects which deposit their eggs on the surface usually have mouthparts developed for sucking, while those which deposit their eggs within the tissues usually have mouthparts developed for biting. Those which deposit their eggs on the surface of the plant are the Acarina, the Hemiptera, and the Diptera. Those which deposit their eggs within the tissues are the Hymenoptera and the Lepidoptera. In this paper we have made a careful study of the ovipositors of Cecidomyia gleditsiae, of Nematus sp — , Dry- ophanta palustris, Amphibolips radicola, Andricus cornigerous, A. seminator, and Rhodites radicum. A number of others were examined, but because of the uncertainty as to determination are not figured. The Cecidomyia ovipositor (Fig. 92) is not suited to punctur- ing tissues. The gall is never formed until after the hatching of the larva. In this case it is evident that the stimulus, whether mechanical or chemical, is produced by the larva. Insects belonging to the genus Nematus deposit their eggs either on the surface of the plant or in slits made by the ovipositor (Figs. 93a, b). It is said that the galls are formed from these wounds before the larva escapes from the egg, and in these cases it is claimed that the irritating cause is a drop of fluid secreted by the parent insect. Westwood claims that the egg increasing in size is a result of imbibing sap from the wound in the plant. It is well known that the eggs of some insects increase in size as a result of the growth of the embryo within the egg. I have so far been unable to make any satisfactory observations upon the Nematus galls, but it is probable that the eggs increase in size from the growth of the embryos and not as a result of the absorp- tion of plant sap. It is also possible that the gall may be the result of the mechanical irritation of the ovipositor or the enlarge- ment of the egg or both. The wound caused by the ovipositor of the Nematus is very much more severe than the wounds caused by the ovipositors of the Cynipidous insects. Adler, after a careful observation on Nematus Vallisnierii, says: "This fly, which is armed with a finely serrated terebra, cuts into the tender leaves of the end of the shoot of the Salix amyg- dalina, and inserts her egg into the open wound, frequently plac- ing several in the same leaf. At the same time the glandular secretion flows into the wounded leaf. A few hours after this injury the leaf surface presents an altered appearance, and new 7 cell formation begins freely, leading to a thickening of the sur- rounding leaf surface. After the lapse of about fourteen days the green and red-shaped gall is fully grown. If it be now April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 123 opened the egg can still be seen lying within the cavity. The embryonic development is as yet unfinished and three weeks elapse before the larva emerges from the egg to find around it the material prepared for its nutriment. In this case the wound caused by the fly is the immediate exciting cause of cell activity, and leads to gall formation." M. W. Beyerinck, in a paper regarding the growth of the gall of Nematus caprea on Salix amygdalina holds a similar view. I have not seen this paper, but an abstract* of it says: "The production of the gall is undoubtedly due to the matter secreted by the poison gland, which is, consequently, homologous with the poison of Hymenoptera aculeata ; when the insect does not deposit an egg in the wound which it makes, the quantity of albuminous matter poured into the vesicle is always less than when an egg is deposited ; by careful observation it is possible to assure oneself that the size of the gall is always proportional to the size of the wound and the quantity of albuminoid matter introduced. By an experiment in which a deposited egg was punctured by a fine needle, it was shown that the gall is due to the parent and not to the egg ; but, of course, in such a case the gall remains small ; neither the egg nor the larva are necessary for its production, though their presence exercises a certain influ- ence on the regularity of their development." The ovipositors of the Cynipidae vary in length and in the amount of coiling within the abdomen. All present the same general characters. So far I have been unable to detect any relationship between the length and character of the ovipositors and the location and complexity of the galls (Figs. 94 to 98). Adler claims that the egg is always deposited in or near the Cambium layer of the plant. I am inclined to accept this state- ment, but have made no special effort to verify it. If Adler' s observations are correct the length of the ovipositor would be associated not with the depth of the Cambium from the surface of that part of the mature plant affected, but with the location of the Cambium at the time of oviposition and with the difficul- ties which the insect would experience in forcing the ovipositor to the desired point. Oviposition usually occurs before the buds are open, and the eggs may be placed in three positions (1) in the stem, as in the case of Rhodites radicum O. S., R. globulus Beut., Andricus cornigerous O. S. ; (2) in the apex of the incipient stem as in Andricus clavula Bassett, and Holeaspis globulus Fitch ; or (3) in the leaves of the bud as in Rhodites bicolor Harris, Amphi- bolips confluentus Harris, A. inanis O. S., A. ilicifoliae Bassett, Neuroterus irregularis O. S., A. seminator, Callirhytis tumifica 'Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc, 1887, p. 746. 124 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, O. S., Holcaspis centricola O. S., Dryophanta palustris O. S., and Callirhytis papillatus O. S. In these cases it is evident that the force necessary to penetrate the bud may be as great or even greater than the force necessary to penetrate a stem. Adler's observations demonstrate that great force is used to penetrate the buds and reach the desired point for depositing the eggs. Beyerinck has demonstrated that the fluid ejected by the ovi- positor of the Cynipidae is very different from the fluid ejected from other Hymenopterous insects ; that it is without taste or smell and does not irritate when injected under the skin. Adler has demonstrated that this fluid cannot be considered as the stim- ulus to gall production. It is probable that it may serve to attach the eggs, or as an antiseptic, or as a seal for the wound. Since the gall does not form until after the hatching of the larva it is evident that oviposition does not furnish the stimulus unless it may be that there is cell division but no swelling of the plant tissues previous to the hatching of the larva. The author has made no observations upon this point. Adler, in discussing this question, says, in regard to Trigonaspis : " This fly pricks the leaf in May, but months pass before any trace of gall forma- tion can be seen. It has tolerably strong ovipositor with which it cuts into the veins of the leaf, and in this way a distinct mark is left wherever an egg has been inserted. Guided by these marks it is easy to find the egg, but it is not until September that the larva leaves the egg, and then gall formation begins." MOUTH PARTS. Since oviposition does not give an explanation of the stimulus causing the formation of the gall it is necessar}' for us to turn our attention to the mouthparts. For convenience the insects may now be divided into two groups, those with mouthparts for sucking, which make their attacks upon the outside, and those with mouthparts for biting, which make their attacks from the inside. Under the former are included the Acarina, the Hemiptera and the Diptera ; under the latter are included the L,epidoptera and the Hymenoptera. I. HEMIPTERA. The Hemipterous insects which produce galls may be placed in the following order, with reference to the complexity of their galls, beginning with the lowest : Schizoneura, Colopha, Horma- phis, Phylloxera, Pemphigus and Pachypsylla. Mouthparts of the following were carefully examined : Schizoneura americana Riley, Colopha ulmicola Fitch (Fig. 99), Hormaphis hamamelis Fitch, Phylloxera carya-fallax Riley, P. c.-globuli Walsh, P. c.-spinosa Shinier, P. vastatrix Planchon, Pemphigus populi- transversus Riley, P. p.-caulis Fitch, P. vagabundus Walsh, April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 125 Pachypsyllaceltidis mamma Rile)' (Figs. 100a, b), and P. c. -gemma Riley. The study of these mouthparts gave no new anatomical facts. The different genera showed considerable variation as to length of beak and setae. In general it may be said that the setae tend to increase in the distance they may be protruded beyond the tip of the beak as the galls approach complexity. This, however, cannot be considered an exact rule, since the S. americana, C. ulmicola and H. hamamelis have setae of practically the same length, although the gall produced by S. americana is much simpler than the galls produced by either C. ulmicola and H. hamamelis (Part I, Figs. 12, 13 and 15). It was impossible to make exact measurements of the distance the setae protruded be3^ond the tip of the beak, since it was impossible to tell whether the setae were full}' extended or partial^ retracted. The above conclusions were reached after the examination of a large number of specimens. So far as I have been able to determine the insects do not remain attached to any one point for a great length of time. The P. c. -mamma (Figs. 100a, b) has a gall of the greatest complex- ity, and the insect has setae which protrude farther beyond the point of the beak than any other examined ; a large number of these galls were opened and the position of the insect noted. The insect was never found attached and apparently had no definite point of attack. The preceding observations emphasize Conclusions 6 and 8 of Part I and a statement in the first of Part V. That is, the modi- fication of the plant tissue to form the gall is purely mechanical, being a continuous effort on the part of the plant to heal the wound produced by the repeated puncturing of the cells by the insect. When a branch is cut from a tree a growth is produced which tends to cover the wound. In this case a single wound and a single stimulus which is purely mechanical but which pro- duces rapid growth for the purpose of covering the wound. In the case of Aphididae and the Psyllidae galls the wounds are more slight but repeated rapidly, the stimulus is mechanical and the growth rapid, tending to cover the injury. It is possible that the setae of the various genera may stimulate different tissues and thus cause galls of varying complexity, but upon this question I am not ready to give a definite statement. 2. DIPTERA. The Cecidomyid galls occur upon a greater variety of hosts than any other group of galls, and as previously stated in Part V, show by far the greatest variation in structural characters and the smallest number of typical characters. 126 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, The mouthparts of a number of larvae were examined (Figs. 101, 102), and all were practically the same; salivary or other gland structures could not be demonstrated. I am inclined to believe that the Cecidomyid galls are due to purely mechanical stimuli and that the great variations are due to the different tissues upon which the larvae feed. Mr. W. A. Cannon,* in discussing a Cecidomyid gall on the Monterey pine, says that the "larvae take their food only by absorption through the surface of the body," also that " there is no indication that the hypertrophy is either caused or affected by any substance deposited with the eggs." 3. HYMENOPTERA. We now come to the galls of greatest complexity and also to those with which we have the greatest difficulty. These galls are so very generally infested with parasites and inquilines that it is difficult to decide which larva is the true gall producer. A careful study of these shows that the insects have a very strong pair of mandibles (Figs. 103 to 108), each working upon two pivotal points. Some of these mandibles appear to have an opening at the tip (Figs. 104, 105), and some showed what appeared to be sacs or glands at the base (Figs. 104, 106b). In one case at least (Fig. 104) these glandular sacs appeared to be connected with the opening. The question that naturally pre- sents itself is, are these openings for the purpose of pouring out a fluid or are they suctorial as in the case of Chrysopa and other families? In only two species was it possible to demonstrate these structures. Some light is thrown upon this by Part VIII, in which it was shown that the cell walls of the inner or nutritive zones were not destroyed, but that the contents of the cells were removed, causing them to shrivel. The teeth of the mandibles are never on the same plane and the mandibles become more and more chitinous as the larvae approach maturity. The strength of the mandibles appears to depend upon the density of the tissue through which the insect works its way to the outside In A. inanis (104) and A. con- fluentus (Fig. 105) the strength of the mandibles is practically the same and the character of the galls very similar. In D. sim- inis (Figs. 106a, b) the mandibles are stronger and the tissues of the gall correspondingly denser. C. petiolicola (Fig. 103) is by far the strongest of those studied, and the tissues through which the insect must work its way the densest of the leaf galls (Fig. 124). A study was made of the larvae from galls of C. papillatus. This is a small, rather dense leaf gall. Farvae of two species "Cannon, W. A. "The Gall of the Monterey Pine." The American Naturalist, Vol. XXXIV, No. 406 (Oct., 1900), p. Soi. April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 1 2 7 were found (Figs. 107, 108). A careful study of the mouth- parts lead me to consider No. 107 as a true gallmaker and No. 108 as a parasite. The mouthparts of the one which I consider a true gallmaker were as strong as those of C. petiolicola (Fig. 103). The mandibles of the parasite (108) were equally strong and showed what appeared to be rudimentary gland structures. Holcaspis globulus Fitch was the only bud (i. e., incipient stem gall, Part III, Fig. 34) gall examined. In the young larvae the mouthparts are weak, but as the larvae approach maturity the mandibles become very strong (Fig. 109) and well fitted to cut the opening for the escape of the insect. However, the mouthparts were not so strong as in the case of C. petiolicola, but the gall of H. globulus is not so dense as the gall of C. petiolicola. The mouthparts of Nematus poraum Walsh (Fig. no) were very similar to those of the Cynipidae. I am not inclined to con- sider the apparently glandular-like structure observed in a few species of any great importance. They may be suctorial or they may be degenerate organs. I consider the stimulus as purely mechanical. The character of the gall may depend upon the location, which would result in difference in tension in different parts of the plant on which the gall may be located and also upon the laws of natural selection, which will be considered in the latter part of this paper. It would be interesting to know the exact time that cell divi- sion begins in the formation of a gall, but it is very difficult to make satisfactory observations upon this point. Adler has made successful observations upon this stage in Neuroterus laviusculus and Biorhiza aptera. He says: "The moment the larva has broken through the egg covering and has for the first time wounded the surrounding cells with its delicate mandibles, a rapid growth begins. This goes on so quickly that while the posterior part of the larva is still within the covering a wall of like growth of cells has already arisen in front. This rapid cell increase can be easily explained because the irritation set up by the emerging larva is exerted upon highly formative cells which collectively possess every condition of growth. The cells which are primarily around the larva cannot be distinguished from the parenchymatous cells from which they proceed." 4. LEPIDOPTKRA. A careful study was made of the mouthparts of the Gelechia solidaginis Fitch (Fig. in) and upon an undetermined species found upon Rudbeckia laciniata (Part VI). The mandibles are larger and much stronger than in any of the Hymenopterous galhnakers which I examined. The gall is also much stronger than any of the Hymenopterous galls whose larvae were studied. No glandular structures were observed. i28 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, CONCLUSION. i. The fluid secreted by the ovipositor is not an irritant, and therefore cannot be the stimulus for gall production. 2. Since the gall does not form, excepting the Nematus galls, until the appearance of the larvae, it is improbable if oviposition is a stimulus for gall production ; and in those insects in which the egg is not deposited within the tissues of the plant it is impossible. 3. Glandular structures were observed in only a few of the Hymenopterous larvae and these were of doubtful character. 4. Since it has so far been impossible to demonstrate the presence of a chemical stimulus except in Nematus, we must consider that the stimulus is usually mechanical. As previously stated (Part I, Conclusion 3) the morphological characters of the gall depend upon the genus of the insect producing it rather than upon the plant upon which it is produced. The early history of all galls except the Cecidomyid is practically the same ( Part V, Con. 2). The shape and external character of the gall probably depends upon the following : ( 1 ) The plant upon which the attack is made; (2) Upon the part upon which the attack is made ; (3) Upon the tissues affected ; (4) Upon possible results of natural selection. SUMMARY OF PARTS. Next in importance to the problem of a stimulus giving rise to a gall is the explanation of specific external characters. This question is not easily answered and at the present time any explanation must be largely theoretical. The gall-producing insects are found in six orders, as follows : 1. Arachnida (mites); 2. Hemiptera (Aphidae and Psyllidae); 3. Diptera (Cecidomyidae and Trypetidae); 4. Hymenoptera (Cynipidae and Tenthrenidae); 5. Uepidoptera, and 6, Coleop- tera. The gall-producing habit must have originated independ- ently in each of these orders and in some orders (Diptera and Hymenoptera) it must have originated independently in each of the two families represented. The formation of the gall is due to two primary factors ; a ' stimulus, usually mechanical, given by the insect, and nourish- 1 ment furnished by the plant. Conclusions reached as results of previous studies and bearing on this subject are as follows : 1. "Galls maybe classified into two general groups, viz.: those produced by mouthparts and those produced by oviposition. Those produced by oviposition may be considered the more highly developed." (Part I, Con. 1.) April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 129 2. " The gall does not form until the appearance of the larvae. Therefore all galls are produced by mouthparts." (Part VIII, Con. 1.) The Nematus galls are an exception. 3. "The morphological character of the gall depends upon the genus of the insect producing it rather than upon the plant on which it is produced." (Part I, Con. 3.) 4. ' ' Within each family we find certain morphological resem- blances." (Part I, Con. 4.) 5. "The families show parallel lines of development from a low form of gall structure up to a high form." (Part I, Con. 5. ) 6. " The presence of at least two zones, of which the inner may be considered nutritive." (Part I, Con. 7. ) 7. "The formation of the gall is probably an effort on the part of the plant to protect itself from an injury which is not sufficient to cause death. Both Adler and Fockeu consider that after the first stages of formation the gall becomes an independ- ent organism growing upon the host plant. This is probably true in the highly developed galls of Aphididae, Cecidomyia, and Cynipidae, but the writer is doubtful if this is true in the less complex galls of Acarina, Aphididae and Cecidomyia." (Part I, Con. 8 and Part V, Con. 6.) 8. "In the formation of all leaf galls except the Cecidomyia galls the normal cell structure of the leaf is first modified by the formation of a large number of small, compact, irregularly shaped cells. In the galls of Acarina and Aphididae this is followed by a development of trichomes, especially in the former. In all galls the mesophyll is subject to the greatest modification. Many small fibro-vascular bundles are formed in this modified meso- phyll." (Part V, Con. 2.) 9. "Trichomes are far more common in galls produced by mouthparts than in those produced by oviposition." (Part V, Con. 9, and see Summary 2.) 10. "Variation in galls is due to their being produced by insects of different orders, to their working upon different parts of the plant and upon different tissues of these parts." (Part III, Con., and Part IV, Con. 1.) I. ARACHNIDA. The Arachnida galls are of four types : (1) A modification in the epidermis of the leaf as in the Phytoptus galls on maple and elm ; (2) A fold in the plant tissue causing a cavity filled with trichomes. among which the parasites live, as in the case of many Phytoptidi (Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11, 43, 44, 45, Parts I and V) ; (3) A swelling with an exposed surface covered with trichomes, among which the parasites live, as in the case of Erineum i3° The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, anomalum (Part V, Figs. 47, 48); (4) The witehbroom forma- tion, as in the case of the Phytoptus sp , and Sphaerotheca phytoptophila Kell. and Sw. on Celtis occidentalis. The author has studied only the second and third types. The difference between these two may be accounted for by the fact that the Phytoptus attacks the blade while the Erineum attacks the petiole, mid-rib or larger vein. The part affected undergoes a curvature in each case in the direction of the least resistance. 2. HEMIPTERA. The method of attack by the Hemiptera is practically the same as in Arachnida, i. e., by sucking mouthparts. The galls present a complete serial line of development, the lowest form being a simple curling of the leaf as in the case of Schizoneura americana, the next higher, a simple folding of the leaf, as in the case of Colopha ulmicola, the next higher is a more complex structure, such as the Phylloxera galls and H. hamamelis, the next higher, the slightly more complex, as in the case of the Pemphigus galls (Figs. 12 to 21, and 49 to 58). The galls of the Pachypsylla (Figs. 59, 60) are the most highl) 7 developed of the entire series. Although in this case we have a complete series, it is difficult to understand how this development has been produced. It may be that the different forms are due to the attack being made upon different tissues in each case, or to the degree in which the tissues are injured. Upon this point we have no direct proof. However, there is very little doubt that the stimulus is entirely mechanical. 3. DIPTERA. As previously stated, the Cecidomyid galls are far more varied in location and in morphological structure than any other group of galls and show less number of characters peculiar to them- selves alone. There is not sufficient data to draw even theoretical conclusions concerning the influencing causes in their devel- opment. 4. HYMENOPTERA. As previously stated, the Cynipidous galls are the most highly developed and show a greater number of morphological structures peculiar to themselves than any other group (Part I, Con. 2 ; Part V, Con 3). Since the gall does not begin to develop until after the hatching of the larvae, oviposition cannot be an important factor except in so far as it is necessary to have the egg placed in certain tissues. Examination of the mouthparts show few, small and insignifi- cant gland-like structures the character of which is doubtful. It is therefore probable that the stimulus is purely mechanical except in the Nematus. But how are we to account for the s:reat mini- April, 1904.] Galls and Bisects Producing Them. 1 3 1 ber of specific external characters ? Fet us first review the struc- tural characters of the leaf galls, since these galls show the most uniform line of development. Considering Neuroterous irregu- laris the gall of greatest simplicity, we can formulate the following diagram : — C. papillatus. — A. confluentus. -. — H. centricola. - — A. inanis. N. irregularis — C. tumifica. -D. palustris. -A. petiolicola. Iii N. irregularis the zones are not so well developed as in C. tumifica. In C. tumifica the zones are perfect, but in contact. In C. papillatus the protective and parenchyma zones are sepa- rated, but connected by long parenchyma cells. In H. centricola and A. inanis the protective and parenchyma zones are connected by fibro-vascular bundles. In A. confluentus they are connected both by fibro-vascular bundles and by parenchyma cells (Fig. 121). In D. palustris the parenchyma and protective zones are not connected. In A. petiolicola the zones are in contact, but the tissues are very dense, due to location in the petiole of mid- rib of the leaf. If galls become independent structures they are undoubtedly subject to the same laws of natural selection as any other group of organisms, or if they be considered as parts of the plant they must also be subject to the same laws of natural selection as any other part of the plant on which they live. How, then, have these laws affected the gall ? It may be a protective coloration against birds and rodents, and other insects, but this cannot be very important since man}- species of galls are very conspicuous. Furthermore, animals make but very little use of galls for food. So far I have observed other animals using galls for food but once and then birds were tearing open the large galls of Pemphi- gus vagabundus and eating the insects. The tannin which devel- ops in such abundance in all galls as they approach maturity is probably a great protection against insectivorous animals. The greatest insect enemy with which the gall insect has to contend is the great number of parasites. The size, shape and character of the epidermal covering of the gall may be a protec- tion against this numerous enemy. The thickness of the gall and the density of the tissues, especially the protective zone, is an 132 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, important protective device. The large intercellular chambers in the parenchyma zone place the larvae at a great distance from the surface of the gall without increasing the amount of work neces- sary for the mature insects to accomplish before reaching the outside ; this is undoubtedly a great protection against parasites, since it increases the difficulties for the parasite in reaching the larvae with the ovipositor, The development of these protective devices is probably the result of natural selection. Since the character of the gall depends upon the insect, many variations in the gall may also depend on variations in the stimuli given by the insect. If these variations in character of epidermis, in thickness of parenchyma zone, in the formation of large intercellular spaces, in thickness and density of protective zone, are advantageous to the insect in protecting it from the numerous parasites, these characters may be perpetuated in succeeding generations and the gall may increase in complexity. Natural selection is a reasona- ble explanation. It should be remembered that the plant is making an effort to resist a parasite from which it cannot escape. The gall-maker derives its nourishment without destroying its host and at the same time strives to protect itself as far as possible from the great number of parasitic enemies. The food supply first becomes a part of the gall and upon this supply which, in the case of the Cynipidae, is stored in the nutritive zone, it feeds. Any irritation, such as the cutting or puncturing of plant tis- sues, may and usually does cause excessive growth. It is proba- ble that the primitive galls were of a type similar to the simplest of the Phytoptus galls, i. e., a peculiar growth of the epidermal cells. The next step in the evolution of the gall may be repre- sented by a type similar to Schizoneura americana, in which case the stimulus is greater, resulting in a curling of the leaf. The next step may be represented by a type similar to the more com- plex Phytoptus galls, H. hamamelis, C. ulmicola, the Phylloxera, the Pemphigus and the most complex of the Pachypsylla galls in which we find a series of more or less complex folds in the leaf up to the increase in amount and differentiation of the tissue as in the case of P. p. -mamma. In the Cynipidous galls we have the greatest complexity, but also a factor somewhat different from that in the forms to which we have referred, i. e., the placing of the egg below the surface and in those tissues upon which the larva is expected to feed. It is impossible to say whether this habit of placing the egg below the surface was acquired before or after the gall-making habit, but it must be a great advantage to the insect. These galls, as previously demonstrated, show the more complex serial line of development of any of the galls, but even the simplest of these is more complex than the most complex gall produced by any other April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 133 order of insect. This very complex development is due to an early acquirement of the gall-making habit or to more rapid evo- lutionary development as a result of the deposition of the egg below the surface. The greater part of the work connected with Part IX of this series was conducted at the Eake Laboratory of the Ohio State University at Sandusky, Ohio, and I am very much indebted to the Director, Professor Herbert Osborn, for valuable assistance. I also wish to express my thanks to the many friends who have collected material and otherwise aided in these studies. This series of papers will be presented to the Faculty of the College of Arts, Philosophy and Science, of the Ohio State University, as the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, June, 1904. LITERATURE. Continuous with the bibliography published with Parts I and II. 24. Adler, Dr. H. " Eege-Apparat und Eierlegen der Gal 1- wespen." Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift XXI. 1877, Heft II. 25. Beyerinck, Dr. M. W. " Beobachtungen uber die ersten entwicklungsphasen einiger Cynipideugallen." Veroffentlicht durch die Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Amster- dam, 1882. 26. Beijerinck, M. W. " Bydrage tot de Morphologie der Plantegallen," 1877 27. Beijerinck, M. W. " De Gal van Cecidomyia aan Poa nemoralis," Overgedrukt uit het Maandblad voor Natuurwet- enschatten, 1884, No. 5. 28. Beijerinck, M. W. " Ueber Gallbildung und Genera- tionswechsel bei Cynips calicis und uber die Circulansgalle," Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, 1894. 29. Beijerinck, M. W. " Sur la Cecidiogenese et la Genera- tion Alternante chez le Cynips calicis. Observations sur la galle deL/Andricus circulans," Extrait des Archives Neerlandaises, T. XXX, p. 387-444- 30. Busgeu, M. "Der Honigtau Biologische Studien an Pflanzen und Pflanzenlausen. ' ' Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft. Bd. XXV. 31. Busgen, M. " Zur Biologie der Galle von Hormomyia Fagi Htg. " Forstlich-naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Jan- uar, 1895. 32. Courchet, M. L. " Etude sur less Galles Causees par des Aphidiens." Akademie des Sciences et Eettres de Montpellier. Memoires de la section des sciences. 33. Derbes, M. " Observations sur les Aphidiens qui fontles Galles des Pistachiers." 134 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. IV, No. 6, 34. Eckstein, Dr. Karl. " Pflanzengallen und Gallenthiere. " 35. Fockeu, H. " Etude sur Quelques Galles. " Paris, 1897. 36. Heim, Dr. F. " Observations sur les Galles produites sur Salix babylonica par Nematus salicis." 1893. 37. Kessler, Dr. H. F. " Die Entwicklungs und Eebens- geschichte der Gallwespe Cynips calicis Brgst. und der von derselben an den weiblichen Bluthen von Quercus pedunculata Ehrh. horvorgerufenen Gallen, Knoppern genannt." Cassel, 1897. 38. Eacaze-Duthiers, M. Recherches pour servir a E'His- toire des Galles." Extrait des Annals des Sciences Naturelles, Tome XXIX. 39. Molliard, Marin. ' ' Recherches sur les Cecidies Florales." 1895. 40. Nabias, Dr. B. " Ees Galles et leurs Habitants." Paris, 1886. 41. Tschirch, A. " Ueber durch Astegopteryx, eine neue Aphidengattung, erzeugte Zoo-cecidien auf Styrax Benzoin Dryan." Deutschen Botanischen Gesell-schaft. 1890, Band VIII, Heft 2. 42. Rubsaamen, Ew. H. " Uber Zoocecidien von der Balkan- Halbinsel." 43. Paszlavszky, Jozsef. "A Rozagubacks Fejlodeserol." Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek, Vol. V, Parte II-IV. Budapest, 1882. 44. Paszlavszky, Jozsef. " Beitrage zur Biologie der Cynipi- den." Wiener Entomologische Zeitung II. 1883, Heft 6. 45. Prilleieux, M. Ed. " Etude sur la Formation et le Devel- opment de Quelques Galles." 46. Pierre, M. l'abbe. " Ea Mercuriale et ses Galles." Extrait de la Revue scientifique du Bourbonnais et du Centre de la France, Juin, 1897. EXPLANATION OF PLATES IX-XII. The drawings were made with a Bausch & Lomb microscope. For Figs. 70-76 and Figs. 84-91 and Fig. 93b, a Number 2 ocular and ye objective. For Figs. 77-83, a Number 2 ocular and ^ immersion objective. With Figs. 92-98 and Figs. 106a, no and in, a }± ocular and 2 ; objective. For Fig. 93 a Number 2 ocular and %' objective. The reduction is not so great as in the preceding parts and therefore the figures are proportionately slightly larger. The diagrams were not made upon a definite scale. The numbering of the drawings is continuous with the preceding parts. Abbreviations : e. epidermis. 1111. — nutritive zone. ep. — epidermal zone. f. v. b. — fibro-vascular bundles, pa. — parenchyma zone. 1. c. — larval chambers, p. — protective zone. sc. — sclerenchyma. FLOWER AND FRUIT GAIvLS. 70. Section of leaf of Euphorbia corollata. 71a. Diagram of section of Phytoptus sp gall on leaf of E. corollata. 71b. Section of 71a. 72a. Section of lower part of ovary of E. corollata affected by Phytoptus sp . April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 135 72b. Section of upper part of flower of E. corollata affected by Phytoptus sp . 73a. Diagram of cross section of Cecidomyid bud gall on Solidago canadense. 73b. Section of same. 74a. Diagram of longitudinal section of Cecidomyid gall on Ratibida pinnata. 74b. Diagram of longitudinal section of Cecidomyid gall on Ratibida pinnata. 74c. Section of 74b. 75a. Section of unaffected fruit of Primus virginiana. 75b. Section of Cecidomyid gall developed in fruit of P. virginiana. ROOT GALL. 76a. Section of young gall of Amphibolips radicola. 76b. Section of mature gall of A. radicola. HISTOLOGY. 77. Section of young gall of Phytoptus quadripes. 78. Section of young gall of Phytoptus abnormis. 79. Section of nutritive zone of young gall of Amphibolips inanis. 80. Section of mature gall of A. inanis. 81. Section of mature gall of Callirhyt is papillatus. (Nutritive, protective and part of parenchyma zones.) 82. Section of mature gall of Dryophanta palustris. (Nutritive, protective and part of parenchyma zones.) 83. Section of mature gall of Andricus petiolicola. SURFACE SECTIONS OF 84. Dryophanta palustris. (Very young gall.) 84b. Dryophanta palustris. (Mature gall.) Amphibolips inanis. 86. Diastrophus siminis. 87. Diastrophus potentilla. Pachypsylla c.-mamma. Colopha ulmicola. 90. Phylloxera c.-globuli. 91. Pemphigus p.-transversus. OVIPOSITORS OF 92. Cecidomyia gleditsiae. 93a. Nernatus salicis-ovum. 93b. Nernatus salicis-ovum. 94. Dryophanta palustris. 95. Amphibolips radicola. 96. Andricus cornigerus. 97. Andricus seminator. 98a. Rhodites radicum. 98b. Rhodites radicum. MOUTHPARTS OF 99. Colopha ulmicola. 100a. Pachypsylla c.-mamma, with setae extended. 100b. Pachypsylla c -mamma, with setae retracted. 101. Cecidomyia gleditsiae. 102. Cecidomyia pellex. 103. Andricus petiolicola. 104. Amphibolips inanis. 105. Amphibolips confluentus. 106a. Diastrophus siminis. 106b. Diastrophus siminis. 107. Callirhytis papillatus. 108. Parasite from gall of C. papillatus. 109. Holcaspis globulus, no. Nernatus pomum. in. Gelechia gallae-solidaginis. J 3 6 The Ohio Naturalist. Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, Plate IX , Cook on "Galls and Insects Producing Them. April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them Ohio Naturalist 76' " V79~ Cook on "Galls and Insects Producing Them." i38 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, Ohio Naturalist. Plate XI. Cook on " Galls and Insects Producing Them." April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 139 Ohio Naturalist. p iate v// Cook on "Galls and Insects Producing Them. 140 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. IV, No. 6, APPENDIX I. GALLS AND INSECTS PRODUCING THEM. Melville Thurston Cook. Part I. Morphology of Leaf Galls. I. GALLS OF THE APHIDIDAE. The gall of Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh (Fig. 112) is evi- dently formed as a result of the distortion of a large number of bud leaves. My specimens of these galls were mature, so I was unable to follow its development. Small fibro-vascular bundles were numerous and tannin was formed in great abundance. The structure was so modified that the leaf characters were lost ; the cells were uniform in character, but were slightly smaller near both the exterior and interior surfaces. The galls of Pemphigus rhois Fitch (Fig. 113) are large, blad- dery and evidently the pocketing of a single leaflet of the host plant, Rhus glabra or R. typhina. My specimens of these galls were fully mature, and I was therefore unable to follow the line of development. The leaf structure was modified into the char- acteristic Aphididae gall structure. Fibro-vascular bundles were numerous and near the inner surface of the gall. Opposite each bundle was a large cavity filled with some substance which I was unable to determine. 2. GALLS OF CECIDOMYIDAE. The galls of Cecidomyia pellex O. S. (Figs. 114a, b) are formed by a thickening of the petiole, giving it the appearance of a long fleshy bean pod with a slit along the upper side. This gall shows three well defined zones ; an inner nutritive zone of small cells, a parenchyma zone of larger cells and the epidermal zone. The fibro-vascular bundles are numerous and are located between the nutritive and protective zones and arranged around the larval cavity and opening, the largest one just below the larval chamber and corresponding to the mid-rib of the leaflet. Cecidomyia impatientis O. S. (Fig, 115) is a fleshy gall occur- ring on the leaves of Impatiens fulva. Some of my specimens had the appearance of deformed flower buds, but upon this point I was unable to decide. This gall showed two well defined zones ; a zone of small cells lining the larval chamber and making up about one half the thickness of the gall, and an outer zone of large cells. Small fibro-vascular bundles were formed between the zones. The galls of Cecidomyia holotricha O. S. on Hicoria ovata (Figs. 116a, b, c) are small and very firm. My specimens were April, 1904.] Galls and Insects Producing Them. 141 mature, but the cells lining the larval chamber were well supplied with protoplasm, and numerous short trichomes were developed from the dorsal surface and extended into the chamber. Tannin was very abundant. The gall of Cecidomyia tubicola O. S. on Hicoria ovata (Figs. 1 17a, b, c) is very similar to C. holotricha, except that the amount of tannin is not so great. The upper wall of the gall is much thicker than either the side or lower wall. The point of attach- ment is not so large, but the gall is protected by a growth pro- ducing a cup-shaped cavity in which the gall is developed (Fig. 117a). The inner layers of cells are very rich in protoplasm. The cells are elongated in the long axis of the gall and fibro- vascular bundles are more numerous than in C. holotricha, but are very small. The cup-shaped structure (117c) in which the gall is formed is composed of elongated cells. The palisade cells in that part of the leaf opposite the gall are unaffected. Cecidomyia viticola O. S. (Fig. 118) has the same general character as C, tubicola, but is much longer. Sciara ocellaris O. S. is one of the simplest of the Cecidomyidae galls. The larva does not penetrate the tissues of the leaf, but confines its attack to the outside, causing an indentation on one surface of the leaf and a corresponding elevation on the opposite surface (Fig. 119a) and also causing a very slight thickening. The structure (Fig, 1 19c) when compared with that of the normal leaf (Fig. 119b) shows the palisade transformed into ordinary mesophyll and the intercellular spaces entirely obliterated. It therefore corresponds in structure to the simple leaf-curl galls produced by some of the Aphididae (e. g., Schizoneura Ameri- cana Riley, Part 1, Fig. 12). 3. GALLS OF THE CYNIPIDAE. My specimens of Rhodites bicolor Harris (Fig. 120) were well developed when collected. I was therefore unable to determine the early structural characters. The structure in these galls evi- dently does not show the four well defined zones so characteristic of this family. The inner cells are well supplied with nourish- ment for the large number of larvae. The galls of Amphibolips conflueutus Harris are very large and have a single larval chamber in th*r "V ^^. ^ **> DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING ST. AUGUSTINE /^S^v FLA. 32084 31