TOWNSEND GENEALOGY Allaben Genealogical Series 13 mo., Cloth BEATTY-ASFORDBY, By Mrs. Rudolph Samuel Turk. Illustrated with 17 Coats of Arms. Price, $4.00 net; postage, 15 cents. COLVER-CULVER GENEALOGY, By Frederic Lathrop Colver. Price, $5.00 net; postage, 15 cents. JESSE SMITH: HIS ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS, By L Bertrand Smith. With frontispiece — an engraving of Coat of Arms. Price, $4.00 net; postage, 15 cents. MARY JANE'S QUARTERINGS, By One of Her Victims. Illus- trated. As entertaining as a novel. Price, $2.00 net; postage, 15 cents. STEPHENS-STEVENS GENEALOGY, By Plowdon Stevens. Illus- trated. Price, $5.00 net; postage, 15 cents, TOWNSEND GENEALOGY. By Cleveland Abbe and Josephine Genung Nichols. Price, $2.00 net; postage, 10 cents. FRANK ALLABEN GENEALOGICAL COMPANY THREE WEST FORTY-SECOND ST.. NEW YORK Townsend Genealogy A RECORD OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN TOWNSEND, 1743-1821, AND OF HIS WIFE, JEM MA TRAVIS, 1746-183 2 c!leve;lano abbe ASSISTED BY JOSEPHINE GENUNG NICHOLS FRANK ALLABEN GENEALOGICAL COMPANY NEW YORK MOCCCCIX m- !.n^^ ^> COPYRIGHT. 1909. BY FRANK ALLABEN GENEALOGICAL COMPANY PREFACE From early boyhood the writer has found pleasure in collecting items relative to the history of the family of each of his beloved grandparents, and from these his rela- tive, Mrs. Josephine Genung Nichols, has compiled the present little volume on the genealogical relations of the descendants of John Townsend and Jemima Travis. After fifty years of fruitless search for his or her parent- age, or the date and place of their marriage, we have concluded that it is wisest to publish at once, and stimu- late all to further search in that direction. It may be worth while to mention the traditions, that John Townsend was of Oyster Bay, that he had a brother Thomas, that two of his sisters married Tompkins and Appleby, that he came into Putnam county from the east (viz. Connecticut?), that he was related to Penn Townsend or to Piatt Townsend, that he came from the Society of Friends, that the family had gone to Rhode Island with persecuted Friends from Long Island, and that the ancestor was one Christopher Townsend. But these are vague statements and uncertain traditions, depending on the memory of persons advanced in age, and are liable to need much correction, so that we ought not to include them in a history that is generally based on reliable documentary evidence. Such items preferably go in foot notes or appendices. All that is definitely known of John Townsend's early life comes from entries in a family Bible in the possession of his Ganong descendants in Wayne Co., Mich., which states the birthplace of his daughter, Elizabeth (No. i-nL'l 6 PREFACE 412), as Southeast. Dutchess County. X. Y.. and the place of her marriage to Jeremiah Ganong as Fredericks, N. Y. These statements bear out many of the tradition- ary localities. We have examined many collections of church records, cemeren.- inscriptions, census and probate records, land transfers, and the hke, but nothing is found that satisfies us. There were h\'ing. at the same period, many John Townsends, and the names. Elijah and Gilbert, as well as other names in this family, were veiy common among the F^itnam and Dutchess County fami- lies of Townsends. but there is no positive proof of their connection with this particular John Townsend. His son. Gilbert Townsend (Xo. 4). was one of the early ^ settlers in Delaware Count v. X. Y.. and Hved near the ^^ 1^ large tract of land taken up by Piatt Townsend, of the f^. ^^ Long Island ancestry, but dihgent search in the rec- j>^^ g \ ords of that locality, and of Piatt Townsend's family, fail - - '* : to give evidence of relationship between the two families- 70r tS After a few years in Delaware County. Gilbert Townsend migrated with his family further westward, to the 'Lake Country." and there, at the settlement named Town- sendville in his honor, he was joined by his father. John Townsend, and his brother. Elijah. From this point as a center, many generations of their descendants have spread in all directions. The old homestead is still in the possession of the family, and a younger Elijah Townsend (Xo. 406) is now hving near the site of the original house, and of the old Townsend^ille Methodist Church, in which so many of the family have been leaders, and near the cemetery where so many of the family have been buried. The records of Ehjah Townsend (,Xo. 273) and Eliza- beth Townsend (Xo. 412). with their descendants, and advins the Ganons ancestrv back to Jean Guenon, the I^REFACK 7 Huguenot, are alno to ho fourifJ in the Oenung-Oanong Genealogy (1906), conripiled by J-.. Nelson and Jonephine Genung Nichols. Large collections have also been made by the writer of data concerning other branches of the "^l^ownsend family, but it does not belong to our intention to publish these fragments; on the contrary they are put at the disposal of those other searchers to whom they may bo most useful. They will probably be deposited eventually in the archives of the Xew York Genealogical and Biographical Society. I hope all who are descended from our Jolin Town- send and Jemima Travis will contriljute facts and data additional to what is here published, and thus enablo Mrs. Nichols to prepare for a second edition, if ever any- one is so fortunate as to discover the history of the family to which the founders of our branch belong. CLEVELAND ABBE, United States Weather Bureau, / ^ Washington, D. C. OUTLINE OF FIRST FOUR GENERATIONS (1) John Townsend, 1743-1821. (4) Gilbert Townsend, 1764-1843. (8) Horace Townsend, ^ , ^. ^ ,. ,tt •, (9) Hiram, (10) William C, (16) Carolme, m. Ward, (11) Lorenzo D., (12) Onaldo, (32) Lavinia Maria, m Barnes, (13) Emory O., (65) Horace Gilbert, (14) Orlando, (75) Herman, (106) Charlotte Lavinia, m. Holden. (114) Tammah Townsend, m. 1st, Wagner, 2nd, Buck. (115) Amanda Wagner, (116) Emeline Wagner, m. 1st, Howth, 2nd, Kusee, 3rd, Stone, (117) Eciwm S. Buck, (118) Mary Ann Buck, m. Howth, (119) Eudora Buck, m. Whitfield. (120) Louisa Townsend, m. Wamsley. ,,^,, -^ (121) William C., (125) Gilbert T., (134) Lourina, m. Crisfield, (122) Ann, m. Kinch, (123) Abigail, m. Clarkson, (124) Edwin. (140) Ira Townsend, ,. . .s t i, oi, (141) Amanda Ann, m. Ray, (144) Jacob Shaver, (150) Lourina, m. Fortmeyer, (142) Ehzabeth, m. Ray, (156) Abram Shultz, (143) Bowles Colgate. (164) Travis Townsend, (165) Jemima, m. Dayton, (16G) Mary, (167) Charlotte Amanda, m. Barnes, (168) Jane Buck, m. Predmore, (169) Sarah, m. \ an Vleet. (170) Lourina Townsend, m. Colgate. (173) Charlotte Colgate, m. Abbe, (190 Abigail Colf^ate, m. Baker, (171) Maria Colgate, m. Judd, (211) Charles Carroll Colgate, (216) Harriet Colgate, m Lord, (233) John Henry Colgate, (172) Frances Colgate, (238) Stephen Bowles Colgate. (246) Jeremiah Townsend, .^.r.x -m t (247) Gilbert Colgate, (248) Orville, (249) Eveline, m. Godfrey, (250) Jane, (251) Ann, m. Greeley. (252) Sarah Townsend, m. Kinch. ,or.N o i, a (253) Abigail Kinch, m. Kmch, (254) Sarah A. Kinch, m. Finney, Ruth Kinch, William Kinch. (5) Clara, m'. Tertullus D. Townsend (338). (6) Miranda, m. Jedediah Townsend (312). (257) Ann, m. 1st, Buckbee, 2nd, Newcomb (258) John Buckbee, (259) Charles Alvah Buckbee, (260) Ann Newcomb, (261) Charles Newcomb. (262) Amanda, m. Sprague. , _ , c. /oaK\ (263) Gilbert Sprague, (264) Parker Sprague, (265) James Sprague, (266) Bowles C. Sprague, (267) Peter H. Sprague, (268) Laurina Sprague, m. Kaufman, (269) Louisa Sprague, (270) Andrew J. Sprague, Thomas J. Sprague, James M. Sprague. (7) Lorenzo, 10 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY (1) John Townsend, 1743-1821. (273) Elijah Townsend, 1767-1862. (274) Jeremiah Townsend, (277) Rachel Townsend, m. Cole. (278) Sallie Cole, m. Shannon, (286) Asenath Cole, m. Meeker, (293) Emeline Cole, m. Smith, (279) Elijah T. Cole, (298) David Cole, (280) Gilbert M. Cole, (302) Cornelius Cole, (281) Lourina Cole, m. Severns, (282) Joseph Warren Cole, (283) George W. Cole, (284) Martha A. Cole, m. Burke, (285) Mary A. Cole, m. Stewart. (312) Jedediah Townsend. (313) TertuUus, (314) Elijah, (315) Amy, m. Van Houten, (327) Martha Ann, m. Miller, (316) Jeremiah, (334) Elizabeth, m. Coleman, (317) Jedediah, (318) Elmira, (319) Charlotte, (320) Alfred, (321) Gilbert, (322) Ann, (323) Francis C, (324) Delia, m. Goodsell, (325) Charles O., (326) Jessie, m. Rogers. (338) Tertullus Dickerson Townsend. (339) Cole, (340) Washington, (341) Jackson, (342) Augustus, (343) John, (344) Converse, (345) Rachel. (346) Jemima Townsend, m. Van Vleet. (348) Peter Van Vleet, (356) Townsend Van Vleet, (359) Isaac Van Vleet, (347) Ezekiel Blue Van Vleet, (362) Martha Van Vleet, m. Sanford, (366) Emeline Van Vleet, m. Kase. (370) Gilbert Townsend. (371) Maria, m. Sears, (372) Augustus C. (373) Orvilla, m. Updike, (379) Martha, m. Terry, (388) Delos H. (397) Mary Townsend, m. 1st, Van Vleet, 2nd, King. (400) Maria Van Vleet, m. Neal, (398) Elijah Van Vleet, (401) Floretta Van Vleet, m. Neal, (399) Melissa King. (275) Sarah Townsend, m. Campbell. Harriet Campbell, John Campbell, Elijah Camp- bell, Henry Campbell. (276) Martha Townsend, m. King. Jerome H. King, Ann King. (402) John Townsend. (403) Martha, m. Kelsey, (404) Elizabeth, m. Coleman, (405) Lewis Meeker, (406) Elijah, (407) Sarah Meeker, m. Cole, (408) Helen, (409,) Robert Hogeboom, (410) John Meeker, (411) Ida, m. Clark. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 11 (1) John Townsend, 1743-1821. (412) Elizabeth Townsend, m. Ganong. (415) Charlotte Ganong, m. Darling. (416) Jesse DarHng, (417) Sarah Darling, m. Pickering, (418) David Darling, (426) Jeremiah Darhng, (419) Hector Darling, (420) Ezra Darling, (421) John Darling, (422) Elizabeth Darling, m. Allman, (423) George Darling, (424) Hannah Darling, m. Bates, (425) Gilbert Darling. (434) William Ganong. (442) Elizabeth Ganong, m. Swegles, (451) Rachel Ganong, m. Sims, (435) William Ganong, (494) Jeremiah Root Ganong, (436) Charles Ganong, (437) Joshua Ganong, (438) Orpha Ganong, m. Cole, (439) Sally Ganong, (440) Jane Ganong, m. Cole, (501) Esther Ganong, m. Cross, (441) John Ganong. (510) Lavinia Ganong, m. Townsend. (511) Stephen Townsend, (512) Jeremiah Townsend, (513) Gideon Townsend, (514) Sarah Townsend, m. Sherman, (515) Emeline Townsend, m Swicks, (516) Elizabeth Townsend, m. Pierce, (517) John Townsend, (518) Abigail Townsend, m. Ruff (413) Elizabeth Ganong, m. Quick. Martha Quick. (414) Sarah Ganong. (519) John Ganong. . _ , (520) Joel Ganong, (521) Esther Ganong, m. York, (522) David Ganong, (523) George Ganong. (524) Abigail Ganong, m. 1st, McLaughry 2nd Vining. (525) Marilda McLaughry, m. Smith, (526) Jeremiah Vining, (527) Lovina Vining, (528) Adazila Vining, m. Tinkham. (529) Jeremiah Ganong. ,ro.x ixm- n (530) Jane Ganong, m. Terry, (531) William C Ganong, (532) James Madison Ganong, (533) Brunson Ganong, (534) Nelson Ross Oanong, (535) Ruth Ganong, (536) Anah Ganong, (537) Dalmanutha Jewel Ganong, (538) Oscar W. Ganong. (539) Gilbert Townsend Ganong. ,_,, ,r *t, (540) Jerome Willard Ganong, (541) Monmouth Hartguen Ganong, (542) Henrietta Willard Ganong, m. Smith, (543) Francis Marion Ganong, (544) Stella Alecia Ganong. 12 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY (1) John Townsend, 1743-1821. (545) John Townsend, 1772-1865. (546) Jesse W. Townsend. Polly, m. Gault. (547) Thirza Townsend. (548) Deborah Ann To-masend. (549) Elijah Townsend. (550) Eliza Ann TowTisend, m. Losey. Elizabeth Losey. m. Dickson, Sarah, Nicholas. (551) Polly Townsend. (552) (son). (553) Lewis Townsend. Fred. (554) George W. TowTisend. Fred, John Albert. (555) John Cowen Townsend. (556) Fred, (557) Sewall, (558) Amanda, m. 01m- stead , (559) CorneHa, m. Buchanan. (560) Andrew B. Townsend. (561) William, (562) Mary, (563) Carrie, m. Wellman. (564) William K. Townsend. (565) Elizabeth H., m. Ackerman, (566) Jesse W. Townsend. ^ '■ (2) Rebeckah Townsend, m. Wilson. (567) Sarah Townsend, m. Miller. (568) Elizabeth Tvliller, m. Gilbert Townsend (370). (569) Mary Ann Miller, m. McNulty. Ida McNulty, m. Charles O. Townsend (325) Helen C. McNulty, m. John Meeker Townsend (410), (son). (3) Jemima Townsend, m. 1st Cowen, 2nd, Van Vleet. Abigail Cowen. ^V«"^ yj-^ TOWNSEND GENEALOGY I JOHN TOV/NSEND, Born in 1743, possibly on Long Island, lived later in Southeast, Dutchess Co., N. Y., perhaps in Connecticut or in Peekskill, N. Y., and after 1800 (or 1815), in Seneca Co., N. Y., where his sons had previously founded the settlement known as Townsendville. Died in Town- sendville, Sept. 17, 1821. Married to Jemima Travis, Born in 1746 at Peekskill or Poughkeepsie, N. Y., died in Townsendville, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1832. Children : 4 Gilbert, 1764-1843. 273 Elijah, 1767-1862. 412 Ehzabeth, 1769-1837. 545 John, 1772-1865. 2 Rebeckah, b. probably in Putnam (then part of Dutchess Co.), N. Y., lived two miles east of Townsendville, N. Y. Married Daniel Wilson and had two sons who went to Holland Patent, N. Y. 567 Sarah. 3 Jemima, died at Lodi, N. Y., 1846. Married, 1st, George Cowen (had child, Abigail, who m. and had a daughter, Marilda, who m. Stephen B. Smith) , and 2nd, George Van Vleet, brother of Peter Van Vleet (see No. 397). No children. 4 GILBERT TOWNSEND (son of 1), Born Apr. 5, 1764, in Putnam (then Dutchess Co.), N. Y., went to Delaware Co., N. Y.f in 1790, then to Seneca Co., N. Y., where he settled in 1800 in what is now known as Townsendville. Was a great singer in his youth and was prominent in the M. E. church. Was known as "Judge Townsend.'' Died Feb. 10, 1843, and was buried in the cemetery at Townsendville, which was formed on the homestead, and where so many of the descendants of t*^ 14 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY this line have been buried. Married about 1780 to Abigail Mead, Born June 7, 1765, probably in Connecticut, near the New York line. Died in Townsendville, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1839. Her brothers and sister were: (1) Philip, m. Townsend and lived at Jordan, N. Y.; (2) Benjamin, lived at Bull's Head, Dutchess Co., N. Y.; (3) Anna, m. Nathaniel King and lived near Trumansburg, N. Y. She is also said to have been closely related to Mrs. Daniel Drew and Mrs. Thomas Drew, who were daughters of Jeremiah and Anor (Ballard) Mead. Children: 8 Horace. 1782-1831. 114 Tammah, -1859. .^^Jl^ ^ 120 Louisa or Lovisa, 1786-1876 (?). ^^ i^^jLLTs^ 140 Ira, 1788-1835. ^^ ^.^ 164 Travis, 1790-1876 (?). ' 170 Lourina, 1791-1868. 246 Jeremiah, 1793 or 4-1842 or 6. 252 Sarah, 1796-1893. 5 Clara, b. in Delaware Co., N. Y., lived in 1880 at Waukegan, Lake Co., 111., m. ^Tertullus ^'^^ Dickerson Townsenc^' See No. 338. '^ L^(^,f%^^ 6 Miranda, b. Mav 5, 1802. in Delaware Co., N. Y., d. Jan. 10. 1854, buried at Townsendville, N. Y., m. Jedediah Townsend. See No. 312. 257 Ann, 1805-1839 (?). 262 Amanda. 7 Lorenzo, married and had six children. 8 HORACE TOWNSEND (son of 4). Born 1782 in Putnam Co., N. Y.. lived in Delaware Co., N. Y., Jefferson Co., N. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y., and later in Seneca Co., N. Y., where he died Apr. 17, 1831. Sergeant in 76th N. Y. Militia, 1812. Buried at Townsendville. N. Y. Married at Walton, Delaware Co., N. Y., 1801 to Rebecca Corn well or Cornell, Born June 7, 1778, in Fort Scoharie, N. Y., died in Jersey City, N. J., about 1860 or 1862. Daughter of WilUam Cornell and Hannah Finch. Wilham Cornell was a soldier in the Continental Army under Col. Harper, and TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 15 later Major at Fort Scoharie. His father, John Cornell; was a captain in the Revolution. Children (order doubtful): 9 Hiram, lived in Michigan, had a large family. 10 William C, was at one time considered the finest penman in the United States. Was Secretary of State in Iowa. Died in Jersey City, N. J., 1886. Married Julia who is now dead. Child: William, not married, probably dead. 16 Caroline, 1806-1870. 11 Lorenzo D., died young. 12 Onaldo, was a sea captain and was probably lost on a voyage. Not married. 32 Lavinia Maria, 1809-1879. 13 Emory O., died when a young man, not married. 65 Horace Gilbert, 1812-1885. 14 Orlando, died young, 75 Herman, 1817-1906. 106 Charlotte Lavinia, 1819-1887. 15 Homer, was a soldier in the Civil War, died in Penn Yan, N. Y. Married and had a daughter, Mary, who married and lives in or near Penn Yan. 16 CAROLINE TOWNSEND (dau. of 8), Born in Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Feb. 5, 1806, died Apr. 1, 1870. Married 1829 to James Madison Ward, Born in Allentown, Pa., died Dec. 22, 1836. Children : 17 John Horace, 1830- 25 Lavinia Maria, 1831-1901. 17 JOHN HORACE WARD (son of 16), Born in New York City, Apr. 3, 1830. Secretary and treasurer of Nelson and Ward Co., fire and plate glass insurance. Married Jan. 1, 1856, to Harriet P. Spencer. Children : 18 Harriet AmeHa, b. Jan. 4, 1859. 19 Marie Antoinette, b. Sept. 26, 1862. 16 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 20 John Horace, b. Sept. 18, 1864, m. June 14, 1888, Jennie E. Bloom. Children: (1) Ehza, b. Mar. 16, 1889; (2) Lois, b. Oct. 18, 1893; (3) Janet, b. Sept. 2, 1900. 21 Caroline Louisa, b. Oct. 8, 1865. 22 Ada May, b. May 16, 1866. 23 Lavinia Maria, b. Jan. 10, 1870. 24 Charlotte Townsend, b. Oct. 7, 1875, m. June 14, 1894, Dr. John Edward Rowe. Children: (1) John Edward, b. Mar. 31, 1895; (2) Attahe Lizette, b. Sept. 15, 1898. 25 LAVINIA MARIA WARD (dau. of 16), Born Apr. 1, 1831, in Easton, Pa., died July 3, 1901. Married July 4, 1852, to Solomon Brewer McGown, Died Dec. 2, 1905. Children : 26 John Horace, b. Apr. 17, 1853, in Jersey City, N. J., lives in Jersey City, m. Nov. 5, 1879, Anna Brown, b. in New York City, May 17, 1854. Children (all born in Jersey City) : (1) Lulu, b. Oct. 21, 1880; (2) Wallace, b. Oct. 30, 1882, d. July 5, 1887; (3) Ehzabeth Lavinia, b. Dec. 13, 1884; (4) Margretta Haring, b. Aug. 4, 1888; (5) Ethel Brewer, b. Apr. 11, 1893; (6) Raymond, b. Apr. 9, 1895, d. Apr. 10, 1895; (7) Alberta Sarah, b. Apr. 10, 1897. 27 (Daughter), lives in Jersev Citv, N. J., m. D. Miller. 28 Emma, lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. 29 Charlotte L., b. Oct. 13. 1864, lives in Jersey City, N. J., m. June 1, 1907, Patrick J. Hogan, b. Dec. 11, 1859. 30 Clarissa B., b. June 11, 1871, lives in Jersey Citv, N. J., m. June 2, 1890, Edward R. Bush, b. Nov. 11, 1853. Children: (1) Herbert R., b Jan. 2, 1892; (2) Lester W., b. Apr. 9, 1893. 31 (Daughter), lives in Jersey City, N. J., m. George Parepp. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 17 32 LAVINIA MARIA TOWNSEND (dau. of 8), Bom in Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Oct. 25, 1809, lived in New York and Jersey City. Was an earnest worker in M. E. church and vSunday Schools and was said to have been the first infant class teacher in the United States. Died Oct. 3, 1879, buried in New York Bay Cemetery, Jersey City, N. J. Married Nov. 8, 1832, to William Edward Barnes, Born Mar. 10, 1810, in London, Eng., died July 17, 1862. Was a wholesale grocer in N. Y. and Jersey City. Buried in New York Bay Cemetery. Children (first seven born in N. Y. City): 41 Lavinia Maria, 1833-1905. 33 Wilham Edward, b. Sept. 21, 1834, lived in Ocean Grove, N. J., d. Oct. 10, 1888, m. Oct. 4, 1860, Lydia Herrick Ogden who is living in Ocean Grove. Children: (1) Wilham Edward, b. Nov. 11, 1865, m. Sept. 9, 1890, Mary Agnes Robbins, lives in New York City; (2) Laura Louise, b. June 14, 1867, lives in Ocean Grove; (3) Edward Vander- poel, b. Dec. 3, 1868, d. July 31, 1869; (4) Lydia Herrick, b. July 7, 1870, d. Aug. 16, 1870; (5) Charles Francis, b. May 28, 1872, d. July 7, 1872. 34 Charles Randall, b. Feb. 2, 1836, Methodist Episcopal minister, Doctor of Divinity, lives in Hoboken, N. J., m. July 6, 1864, Carohne Darrow, b. Aug. 5, 1841. Children: (1) Maria McKenzie, b. Jan. 5, 1866, d. Mar. 1, 1867; (2) Mary Grace, hves in Hoboken, N. J., m. Jan. 2, 1900, Willard B. Force, b. Nov. 13, 1870, has child Virginia, b. Feb. 5, 1904; (3) Margharetta Van Home, b. Mar. 16, 1874, d. Mar. 28, 1904; (4) Florence Carolyn, teacher in Hoboken. 35 Emily Ellen, b. Aug. 25, 1837, lived in Jersey City, N. J., d. about 1878, m. George Washington Whiting who is now dead. His first wife was Smith, by whom he had a daughter, Anna, who lives in May wood, N. J., m. 1st Dr. Hilliard Lockwood, had a son, Richard, m. 2nd Gustave Blumhart. By a third marriage with Josephine Cooper he had two daughters, Adelaide and Lucy 2 Ig TOWNSEND GENEALOGY Virf^inia, who live in Jersey City, N. J. Children: (1) Emily Ellen, b. Jan. 17, 1865, lives in May- wood, N. J., m. 1st, Apr. 2, 1896, William Martin Klink and had a child Kenneth, b. July 5, 1897, m. 2nd, Aug. 18, 1906, Henry Charles Mabie, no children; (2) George Walter, born Sept. 3, 1867, lives in Summit, N. J., manufacturer of parasols and umbrellas, m. June, 1891, Louise Tiffany, b. Apr. 9, 1865, daughter of Edward and Deborah (Wood) Tiffany, has four children, (a) Helen Barnes, b. Aug. 25, 1892, (b) Edward Tiffany, b. Sept. 16, 1894, (c) Mildred Wood, b. Sept. 23, 1896, (d) Walter B., b. Jan. 9, 1899. 36 Ann Eliza, b. 1840, d. young. 37 Samuel Townsend, b. Aug. 8, 1841, farmer, lives at Moore's, N. Y., m. Sarah Elizabeth Favill, b. July 12, 1842 in England. Children: (1) Frederick Marshall, b. Apr. 3, 1866, lives in Jersey City, N. J., is in sash and blind business with his uncle, James Barnes, m. June 2, 1889, Emma Herbst, b. Sept. 8, 1867, has three children, (a) Florence Elizabeth, b. Feb. 28, 1890, (b) Frederick Marshall, 1). Dec. 26, 1895, (c) Ralph Townsend, b. Oct. 18, 1897; (2) Homer Townsend, b. Mar. 3, 1872, m. Maria , lives in Brooklyn; (3) Byron, died young; (4) Carlotta Lavinia Viola, b. Dec. 22, 1878, m July 1901, Frederick Seamans, has four children, ' (a) Helen Rebecca, b. 1902, (b) Samuel Townsend. b. Mar., 1904, (c) Ina Lavinia, b. Nov., 1906, (d) Clifford Mortimor, b. Dec, 1907. 50 Francis Colgate, 1843-1901. 38 Horace Gilbert, b. Apr. 18, 1846, in Jersey City, d. Sept., 1848. . ^ 39 Priscilla Lourina, b. Oct. 28, 1847, m Jersey City, d. Sept.. 1848. 59 Charlotte Louise, 1849- 40 James Thomas, b. July 16, 1851, born and hves y in Jersey City, N. J., manufacturer of sash and blinds, m. May 24. 1876, Adelaide Mary Flatt, b. Sept. '28, 1856. Children: (1) Raymond Flatt, b. Apr. 7, 1877, coal dealer in Brooklyn, N. \., m. TOWNSBND GENEALOGY 19 Nov. 4, 1903, Grace Adline Weeber; (2) Mary Adelaide, b. Nov. 29, 1879; (3) James Carroll, b. Mar. 15, 1884; (4) Helen Elizabeth, b. Sept. 11, 1886. 41 LAVINIA MARIA BARNES (dau. of 32), Born Aug. 28, 1833, lived in Rahway, N. J., d. Mar. 27, 1905. Married Aug., 1860, to William Valentine McKenzie, Born Feb. 14, 1832, lives in Rahway. Was connected with castor oil and camphor business in Jersey City, died Dec. 3, 1908. Children : 42 WiUiam Valentine, b. May 10, 1861, d. Feb. 13, 1903, physician, lived in Metuchen, N. J., m. June 15, 1887, Adele Woodruff, b. Oct. 19, 1862, is now living in Metuchen. Children: (1) Elizabeth Woodruff, b. June 29, 1888; (2) Lavinia Maria, b. Feb. 10, 1891; (3) Wilham Valentine, b. Apr. 9, 1896; (4) Robert Abbe, b. Sept. 28, 1898; (5) Adele, b. Nov. 5, 1900. 43 Wilham Edward, b. May 8, 1863, d. aged 5 weeks. 44 Charles Thomas, b. Jan. 18, 1865, dairy manager in Rahway, N. J., m. Oct. 10, 1889, Florence Townsend (not a relative), no children. 45 Raphael Munroe, b. Apr. 12, 1867, professor in Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa, m. Apr. 12, 1901, Winnifred Hopple. Children: (1) Virginia, b. Mar. 31, 1902; (2) William H., b. May, 1903. 46 Lavinia Maria, b. Mar. 21, 1869, Uves in Rahway. 47 Charlotte Louise, b. Sept., 1870, d. aged 9 weeks. 48 Edward Townsend, b. Sept. 29, 1873, physician in New York City, m. Jan., 1905, Olga Gunschell. Child: Lavinia Louise, b. Jan. 26, 1908. 49 Joel Barlow Lang, b. Oct. 16, 1876, Hves in Rahway, is connected with camphor works in Jersey City, m. Apr. 21, 1906, Sarah High Morse, b. Oct. 14, 1886. Child: Joel Barlow, b. Dec. 21, 1907. 20 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 50 FRANCIS COLGATE BARNES (son of 32), Born July 22, 1843, lived in Jersey City, N. J., was buyer for Walton and Co., paper dealers, died Apr. 23, 1901. Married Nov. 29, 1867, to Charlotte Amanda Townsend (dau. of 164), See No. 167. Children: 51 Coleman, b. June 20, 1867, is in paper bag and wrapping paper business in Hoboken, N. J., m. Queenie Noble. Child: Duncan. 52 Charlotte Amanda, b. May 16, 1869, lives in New York City. 53 Mary Augusta, b. July 15, 1871, lives in Trumansburg, N. Y., m. Irving Stover, son of James H. and Martha (Coleman) Stover (see No. 335), hardware merchant. No children. 54 Francis Colgate, b. Feb. 10, 1874, real estate dealer in Jersey City, N. J., m. Jennie . Children: (1) John Francis; (2) Marian Townsend. 55 Cecil Eugene, b. July 19, 1876, manager of farm at Lodi, N. Y., m. Minnie Covert. Children: (1) Carman Travis; (2) Charlotte Frances. 56 Harold Townsend, b. Sept. d. aged 3 years. 57 Olive Claire, d. aged 2 months. 58 Lavinia Mabel, b. July 21, 1879, lives in Trumansburg, N. Y. 59 CHARLOTTE LOUISE BARNES (dau. of 32), Born in Jersev City, Nov. 28, 1849, lives in Rahway, N. J., member of D. A. R. and Daughters of 1812. Married June 7, 1871, to Francis Ward Langstroth, Born Mar. 26. 1846, son of Christopher Ingram Langstroth, b. Apr. 15, 1821, d. Oct., 1892, and Sarah Matilda Haulen- beek, b. Apr. 16, 1824, d. Aug. 23, 1871. Dealer in harness and saddlery in New York City. Children : 60 Charlotte Louise, b. in Rahway, Mar. 28, 1872, d. Apr. 2, 1872. 61 Charlotte Louise, b. in Rahway, Aug. 16, 1874, TOWNSENH GENEALOGY 21 lives in McKee, Ky., m. June 1 , 1898, Rev. Isaac Messier, a missionary of the Dutch Reformed Church. Children: (1) Charlotte Louise, b. Aug. 29, 1901; (2) Cornelius, b. Feb. 25, 1907. 62 Francis Ward, b, in Bloomfield, N. J., June 8, 1878, physician in New York City, m. Jan., 1907, Frances Butler Parker. He has compiled a genealogy of the Langstroth family in America, not yet published. Child: Frances Butler, b. Nov. 28, 1908. 63 Clifford, b. in Rahway, Jul}^ 1, 1884, mechanical engineer in Pottsville, Pa. 64 Beatrice, b. in Rahwaj^, June 3, 1890. 65 HORACE GILBERT TOWNSEND (son of 8), Born in Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Mar. 2, 1812. In 1834 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, where he engaged in business as a wholesale and retail grocer and western buyer for the house of Colgate & Co., of New York City. Died Dec. 21, 1885. Married July 8, 1836, to Eliza Ann Thornton, Daughter of Waterman and Annie (Benton) Thornton of Watertown, N. Y. Died Aug. 24, 1858. Children : 66 Horace Thornton, b. Apr. 20, 1837, d. Dec. 7, 1876, m. May 23, 1860, Emma Thornton, daughter of William and Jane (Cummings) Thornton of Racine, Wis. She is now dead. Child: William Thornton, b. Dec. 25, 1861, d. Dec. 23, 1864. 67 Charles, b. 1839, d. 1841. 68 Gilbert, b. 1841, d. 1843. 69 Annie Lavinia, b. Feb. 17, 1844, lives in Chicago, m. Feb. 18, 1867, Lewis Lodowick Davis, son of Lewis Lodowick and Cynthia (Lewis) Davis of Cleveland, Ohio. No children. 70 Frank, b. Aug. 7, 1846, drowned Aug. 7, 1867. 71 WilUam Roselle, b. July 29, 1848, Hves in San Francisco, m. 1867, Ahce Allen, daughter of Isaac and A. (Patten) Allen of San Francisco. No children. 72 George, b. Aug. 11, 1851 (twin with Corneha), 22 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY lives in Chicago, promoter of electric railroads. Not married. 73 Cornelia, b. Aug. 11, 1851 (twin with George), lives in Chicago. 74 Edward Waterman, b. Feb. 10, 1855, in Cleve- land, Ohio, lives in Upper Montclair, N. J. Society editor of New York Sun. Author of the following works: Chimmie Fad den, 1895; A Daughter of the tenements, 1896; Near a whole cityful, 1897; Days like these, 1901; Lees and leaven, 1903; A summer in New York, 1903; Reuben Larkmead, 1905; Our Constitution, 1906. Candidate for Mem- ber of Congress in 1908. IMarried in San Francisco, April 16, 1882, Annie Lake, daughter of Delos and Myra Clark (Morse) Lake. Child: Ruth Morse, b. Mar. 5, 1894, in New York City. 75 HERMAN TOWNSEND (son of 8), Born 1817 near Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., lived in Canton, Pa., and New York City. Merchant, M. E. clergyman, manufacturer and real estate dealer. Captain in 132nd Pa. reserves, performed distinguished service at the battle of Antietam in Civil War. Died Aug. 3, 1906, buried at Tarry town, N. Y. Married in New York City, Oct 31, 1838, to Mrs. Mary Ann (Sharp) Moore, Born in New York City, Aug. 9, 1814, daughter of Luke Sharp and Elizabeth Mansfield. She was the widow of John Moore by whom she had two children; (1) Elizabeth, m. Curns, and (2) Sarah, m. Mallory. Died Dec, 1906 or 1907, buried at Tarrytown, N. Y. Children of Herman Townsend: 77 Woodford, 1841-1904. 82 Charlotte, 1843- 87 Gabrielle, 1845- 94 Joseph Longking, 1849- 76 Mary Mansfield, b. at Canton, Pa., July 16, 1851. Playwright and poet under pseudonym "Townsend Allen." Lived in St. Louis, Mo., now ^ TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 23 at Fort Washington Park, New York City. Married in Kidder, Mo., Nov. 2, 1869, to William LeBaron Gibbs Allen. No children. Has published: A Twentieth Century Girl and other novels ; several tragedies, comedies, monologues; The Magic Isle, an opera; librettos and many poems. 77 WOODFORD TOWNSEND (son of 75), Born in New York City, May 3, 1841. Practiced law at Danville, 111., until 1876, then moved to Pueblo, Col., where he resumed practice of law, later engaged in real estate business. Served in the Civil War in Co. G, 6th Regt., Penn. Vols., then 35th Regt., later as captain rising to the rank of major in the 196th Ohio Vol. Inf. He was prominent in pubUc affairs, full of patriotism and a public speaker of more than average ability. Died at Pueblo, Col., Mar. 10, 1904. Married Mar. 26, 1866, to Margaret R. Withrow, Died Feb. 29, 1876. Children: 78 Fulton A., b. Dec. 31, 1866, railroad contractor, present residence (1908), Kansas City, Mo. Married Oct. 10, 1889, Grace Ann Heaton. Child: LeRoy Heaton, b. Feb. 10, 1895. 79 Samuel Withrow, b. Dec. 25, 1868, is in newspaper business, treasurer of the Pueblo Chieftain, Pueblo, Col. Married at Pueblo, CoL, Oct. 10, 1894, Edith Alice Dickson. Children: (1) Morris Dickson, b. Apr. 3, 1899; (2) Marion, b. Nov. 7, 1900; (3) John Woodford, b. June 29, 1903; (4) Samuel Alan, b. Mar. 3, 1907. 80 Virginia Ethel, b. Dec. 21, 1870, at Danville, 111., lives in Denver, Col., m. at Pueblo, Col., Dec. 23, 1890, John Charles Obermyer, who was born at Somerset, O., Apr. 15, 1866. Adjutant-general of the state of Colorado. Children (born at Pueblo): (1) John Woodford, b. Oct. 3, 1892; (2) Margaret Townsend, b. Sept. 18, 1894. 81 St. Elm,o, b. Mar. 22, 1875, d. July 18, 1875. » 24 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 82 CHARLOTTE TOWNSEND (dau. of 75), Bom Mar. 17, 1843, lives in Denver, Col, Married in Canton, Pa., Dec. 22, 1859, to John W. Landon, Born June 28, 1837. In government employ in lumber business. Children: 83 Herman D., b. Aug. 13, 1860, m. Nov. 27, 1883, Ida Putnam, who was born June 10, 1866. Children: (1) Louis, b. Dec. 30, 1884; (2) Raymond, b. Jan. 23, 1887; (3) John Herman, b. Dec. 18, 1889; (4) Charlotte E., b. May 19, 1891; (5) Inez May, b. May 31, 1893. 84 Lurinda, b. June 6, 1864 (twin with Helena), lives in Denver, m. May 31, 1887, William G. Taylor, who was born Aug. 28, 1860. Child: Beulah, b. May 14, 1888. 85 Helena, b. June 6, 1864 (twin with Lorinda), lives in Denver, m. Dec, 1894, John Waters who was born in Cornwall, Eng., Mar. 22, 1863. Children: (1) Lita, b. Apr. 22, 1896; (2) John Landon, b. Mar. 30, 1898; (3) Carol, b. Nov. 28, 1901. 86 AVilham B., b. Aug., 1877, served as a soldier in the PhiUipines, m. Nov. 23, 1904, Willetha Reed, who was born Apr. 13, 1886. 87 GABRIELLE TOWNSEND (dau. of 75), Born June 25, 1845, lived in Cleveland, Ohio, now at Fort Washington Park, New York City. Was president of Cleveland Sorosis, Member of Daughters of American Revolution, Daughters of Ohio. Cabinet head of home- makers' department of National Council of Wom.en. Married Jan. 4, 1866, to Newell Coe Stew^art, Born July 10, 1842. Son of Thomas and Margaret (Porter) Stewart. Was director of music in Cleveland (Ohio), schools. Was founder and has been president of National Music Teachers' Association, also president of Musical Department of National Education Association and State Associations, and of Music Department of TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 25 Chicago's World's Fair. Has compiled many books of music. Children : 88 Esther Cocilla, b. Jan. 4, 1867, d. Jan, 1894. Married Jan. 4, 1891, in Cleveland, O., to Harry Brown Ferine. He married again and lives in Seattle, Wash. Child: Esther Stewart, b. Jan., 1894. Lives in Seattle. 89 Gabrielle Townsend, b. Oct. 24, 1868. Grad- uate of law department, Ohio State University, 1900, admitted to Ohio bar, 1900, to N. Y. bar, 1903. Lawyer in New York City. Member of Daughters of American Revolution, Daughters of Ohio, National Arts Club, Women Lawyers' Club, Women's Bar Association, Womxen's Republican Club and other societies. Married Sept. 26, 1904, Walter Girdwood Mulliner of Leamington, War- wickshire, Eng., who is now in real estate business in New York City. 90 WiUiam Godman, b. Mar. 16, 1869. Baritone opera singer, manager of his own opera company in Buffalo (1908), formerly with Castle Square Opera Co. Was founder and head of American School of Opera in New York City. Married in New York City, 1895, Helen Bryant. Children: (1) Childe Harold, b. 1895, d. 1907; (2) William Edgar, b. 1898. Married, 2nd, Hattie Fox. 91 Newell Coe, Jr., b. Oct. 1, 1872, lives in Buffalo, N. Y., electrical construction engineer. Was in Brazil for some time and built the first electric railroad in Brazil. Married in Toledo, O., 1898, Ruth Lucille Griffin. Children: (1) Newell Coe, (2) Ruth Lucille. 92 Mary Amanda, b. Mar. 22, 1876, lives at Fort Washington Park, New York City, married Aug. 9, 1906, Alvin J. Tuck, designer and artist, in real estate business. Children: (1) Alvin J., and (2) Mary Stewart, twins, born Mar. 28, 1907; (3) Richard Townsend and (4) Robert Flazard, twins, b. Aug. 29, 1908. 93 Samuel Townsend, b. Dec. 25, 1879, in real 26 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY estate business, New York City. Enlisted in Spanish-American War as a member of naval reserves, is now a member of crack cavalry troop in signal corps of Troop A. 94 JOSEPH LONGKING TOWNSEND (son of 75), Born in Canton, Pa., Aug. 9, 1849, lives in Payson, Utah. Druggist. Married in Salt Lake City, May 3, 1875, to Alta Maria Hancock, Born in Payson, Utah, Sept. 20, 1857. Children : 95 Amy, b. July 13, 1876, m. June 21, 1898, George Henry Huish. Child: Verryl, b. Oct. 3, 1899, d. July 13, 1901. On Sept. 11, 1902, she obtained a divorce and Oct. 17, 1903, m. Thomas S. Haynes. 96 Bertram Hancock, b. Nov. 22, 1877, m. Aug. 14, 1901, Effie E. Douglass. Wholesale drug business, Salt Lake Citv. 97 Coral, b. Dec. 13, 1880, d. Oct. 8, 1881. 98 Zoe, b. Feb. 19, 1882, m. July, 1904, Wood D. Hicks. Child: Pansy Virginia, b. 1905. 99 George Herman, b. Oct. 1, 1883, d. Apr. 11, 1886. 100 Raynham Lynn, b. July 18, 1885, m. Jul}^ 18, 1905, Lilly Walling. Child: Raynham, b. June, 1906. loi Gabriella, b. June 28, 1887, d. Aug. 3, 1887. 102 Altan Leigh, b. Jan. 4, 1889, d. Mar. 12, 1890. 103 Joseph Capstone, b, Apr. 5, 1892. 104 Juha Marie, b. May 6, 1895. 105 Villiers Stewart, b. Mar. 21, 1898. 106 CHARLOTTE LAVINIA TOWNSEND (dau. of 8), Born in New York City, Aug. 31, 1819, d. at Geneva, O., Oct. 2, 1887, where she had lived for 42 years. Was a writer of poems of considerable sweetness and merit. Married at Cleveland, 0., May 14, 1841, to EHjah Dunton Holden, Born at St. Albans, Vt., Nov. 15, 1813, d. at Geneva, O., Jan. 3, 1888. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 27 Children : 107 Herman Townsend, b. at Cleveland, O., June 10, 1843, d. July 18, 1905, in Ashtabula, O., where he had Uved for the past five years, buried at Geneva, O. Married at Monticello, Iowa, Aug. 17, 1865, Helena Norcross, b. May 10, 1845, Hves in Terre Haute, Ind. Child: Carrie, d, in infancy. 108 Louisa, b. at Cleveland, O., May, 1845, d. May, 1849, bd. at Geneva, O. 109 Ella Louisa, b. at Geneva, O., Nov. 15, 1850, went upon her marriage to live at Allegan, Mich., d. Jan. 12, 1875, bd. at Geneva, O., m. at Geneva, O., Oct. 9, 1870, Henry James Leggett. Child: Daughter, d. in infancy, buried with the mother. no Ida Adeha, b. at Geneva, O., Dec. 17, 1857 (twin with Inez), has lived in Erie, Pa., since 1878, m. at Geneva, O., Feb. 13, 1876, Dr. E. B. Fletcher, b. at Cortland, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1854, was graduated from Cleveland (O.), Medical College, 1878, phy- sician and owns a drug store in Erie, Pa. Children : (1) Clyde Warren, b. at Geneva, O., Feb. 9, 1877, was graduated from the Cleveland (O.), Pharma- ceutical College in 1902, and has an interest in Fletcher's Drug Store at Erie, Pa.; (2) Clarence Frederick, b. at Erie, Pa., Nov. 19, 1882, d. July 29, 1883; (3) Ethel Beatrice, b. at Erie, Pa., July 8, 1887. 111 Inez Marie, b. at Geneva, O., Dec. 17, 1857 (twin with Ida), lives in Waterville, N. Y., m. at Erie, Pa., May 27, 1896, Chester Clark Moore of CHnton, N. Y., proprietor of a paper and paint store at Waterville. No children. 112 Charles WilUs, b. at Geneva, O., Mar. 31, 1859, has lived in Belvidere, 111. since about 1896, m. at Geneva, O., 1888, Ida Schifferstine. No children. 113 Anna Lavinia, b. at Geneva, O., Dec. 9, 1860, d. July 31, 1905, while visiting friends in James- town, N. Y., bd. in Hillside Cemetery, Geneva, O., m. at Cleveland, O., Dec. 1, 1891, Charles A. 28 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY Johnson, who lives in Cleveland and is a member of the firm of Burrows Bros. & Co. Child: Frederick, d. in infancy. 114 TAMMAH TOWNSEND (dau. of 4), Born in Putnam Co., N. Y. Died at Chapel Hill, Texas in 1859, buried in Masonic cemetery there. Married to AVagner (or AYaggoner), Children : 115 Amanda, died in Kentucky, m. and had children. 116 Emeline, lived in Galveston, Tex., m. 1st, Dr. Walstun Howth, brother of W. E. (See 119) ; m. 2nd, William Kusee; m. 3rd, Absalom B. Stone. She died in 1874, buried in a private ground on Stone plantation, Austin, Texas. No children. Tammah Townsend was married 2nd to David S. Buck. Children: 119 Mary Ann, 1818-1887. 117 Edwin Simpson, b. Feb. 15, 1827, d. i\Iar. 4, 1865, m. Dec. 20, 1854, Mary Ehzabeth Shaw, d. May 3, 1903. Lived in Texas, bd. in Masonic cemetery at Chapel Hill, Washington Co., Texas. Children: (1) Mary Cole, d. 1905, m. 1872, J. F. Cochran, d. 1873, no children; (2) Arabella Jane, b. 1857, lives in Dallas, Texas, m. 1875, Dr. Elisha L. Day and had five children, James Cochran, lives in Brenham, Texas, Edwina, d. 1904, Bradford Pier, Ehsha Little, and Arabelle; (3) James Whitworth, m. Eugenia Rubenstein, lives in St. Louis, Mo., no children. 118 Eudora (or Jane), b. 1823, m. Whit- field, was living in Mich., 1903. Lives in Owosso, Mich. 119 MARY ANN BUCK (dau. of 114), Born in 1818, lived in Howth, Texas, cl. Jan., 1887. Married in Detroit, Mich., 1838, to William E. Howth, TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 29 Children (born at Howth, Texas): Ophelia Ann, b. Aug., 1842, m. 1st, 1862, William F. Anderson, who died 1865, no children, m. 2nd, 1867, Dr. Robert C. Watson, lives in Altaloma, Texas. Children: (1) Bettie, b. Jan., 1870, lives in Altaloma, Texas, m. 1886, Walter Kilpatrick, and has three children, Robie, Opheha and Tommie; (2) Robert C, b. Dec, 1871, lives in Galveston, Texas; (3) WilUam Howth, b. Apr., 1874, hves in St. Louis, Mo. William Edwin, b. Jan., 1845, lives in Allen- dale, N, J., m. in Hempstead, Texas, 1867, Leonora De Lyon. Children: (1) James De Lyon, b. May, 1869, in business in New York City, not married; (2) William Edwin, b. Sept., 1871, m. Apr. 30, 1903, Joy Johnson; (3) Clarence Watson, b. June 3, 1874, lives in Beaumont, Texas, m. and wife died; (4) Leonora De Lyon, b. Sept., 1877, lives in Galveston, Texas, m. in Staatsburg, N. Y., Mar., 1903, Gaston H. Wilder, has two children, (a) Gaston Howth, b. May, 1906, and (b) Leonora De Lyon, b. Aug., 1908,^ (5) Robert Wilham, b. Jan., 1882. Edwin Simpson, b. Mar., 1849, lives in Galves- ton, Texas, not married. Mary 0., b. 1851, d. 1903, m. Mar., 1867, Major A. B. Stone. Children: (1) Warren Walton, b. June, 1868, m. Edna Sherard, had child Mary, b. 1896, d. May 28, 1897; (2) Stella, b. Jan., 1878, lives in Palestine, Texas, m. Benjamin Gay; (3) Delia, b. Jan., 1878, lives in Yaleta, Texas, m. WilUam Curry; (4) Eula, b. 1883, lives in Cor- sicana, Texas; (5) Robert, b. 1890, lives in Cor- sicana, Texas. Emma O., b. July, 1853, lives in Galveston, Texas, m. 1871, William T. Andress. Children: (1) William Thomas, b. Jan., 1872, m. 1905, Stella Frankenstein, lives in Cincinnati, O.; (2) Zola O., b. Dec, 1874, lives in Galveston, Texas, m. 1897, William M. Selkirk, has three children, (a) Wilham Andress, (b) Thomas Andress, (c) Zola. 30 TOITKSBKD eSBSRAJJOGT no LOUISA TOWXSEXD (dra. ef ^. IfidL Muned Maiy 22. IS. Biin Mat IS. ITST. DkdOdL^' <' CloUbm (aft bocn al T6wi N. Y.): C K Jvat -- -^1,\ mow! to Ba|HdSv MfelL^ d. ISIS-.. hl Mirv Travis. 12S CSBbst T^ 1S1^1S91. latLooiis^ 1S17>1S9S. rzi Abb^ b Arr 22. 1S21. m. Tr:ivis Kmcii. ClaiisML i > Y zh<^ 1906 a5 >LiriocL Ki^r _, ^ X. Y.: (3) Edward: ^-kl Sir:ih_ 124 Edvin. b. Feb. 20. ISSI. d. Apr. 3L 1S3CL nS GILBERT T. WAMSLEY rsoa of 120>. Bom >Iiv S 1S14. d Jcne 15, ISS^I. IiY«d in Steab«fr Ccx, X. Y. Mameii Jan. 13. 15^. to >£irv JiTLe Aiitii. Died June 29. lSo7 CliBdreii: n6 MiTtkii E.. K Jiihr 19. 1SI5l d Jaa. la. ISTL E17 Her?eiieL b. JuKaO^ IS^ d. Aug; 5l 190S. hl Jime. 1574. Cat heiit ffickmiB wlio fires &i; >It. 1S71. DuKll^taiBer. daUbren: A :r 2 Co»: ^?) MaiT. «L 1886^ bl Albert 1 il X. Y.. and kid two dan^Aczs. £ M.^v: T29 LoQ^ Ann. K Oct 14. lSo3. m> Ajx ? 1ST6. LeciueJ Ferns wiio cfied Juhr 2S. li^^l. Lives ac Dun^iee. X. Y. CkOdreit: (1) ^-" - K. b. Apr. IS. ISTT. m. Oct. 30. 1S92. - H. HaumsoB. fi[¥W at Fusled Ft^. X. Y cUd, Buold EogBM;. K Mav ix iS9!S: ;: TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 31 H., b. Mar. 0. 1880, m. Feb. 17, 1904, duirlottc Taylor, lives at Corning, N. Y., has a child, Alton H., b. July 0, 1906; (3) Mary J., b. Mar. 20, 1885, ni. Aug. 18, 1907, William Perry, lives at I'ainted Post, N. Y.; (4) James Lemuel, b. Jan. 18, 1888, Dundee, N. Y.; (5) Sarah Louisa, b. Dec. 24, 1891, Dundee, N. Y. 130 Frances Lourina, b. Aug. 11, 1855, d. Mar. 29, 1885, m. 1879, John Drake. Child: May, b. Dec. 2, 1883. 131 Marv Jane, b. June 29, 1857, d. Feb. 20, 1883, m. 1878, Abideau Mullhollen. Child: William, b. 1880. Gilbert T. Wamsley, married 2nd Apr. 8, 1858 to Margaret Deck, Died Apr., 1896. Children : 132 Gilbert Robert, b. Oct. 25, 1860, lives in Alfred, N. Y., m. Nov. 29, 1902, Emma Jones, who died Sept. 25, 1907. Child: Delos H., b. Mar. 8, 1906. 133 Menzo, b. Aug. 22, 1863, lives at Alfred Station, N. Y.. m. 1882, Hattie Green who died Oct. 1, 1904. No children. 134 LOURINA WAMSLEY (dau. of 120), Born Mar. 3, 1817, lived in Lodi, N. Y., died 1893. Married in 1831 to John Crisfield, Born 1808, died 1884. Children: 135 Gilbert, b. 1834. farmer, Lodi, N. Y., d. Aug. 6, 1908, m. 1st, Rachel Miller and had son, Elmer, b. 1861, lives in Los Angeles, Cal., m. Alice Pred- more. Gilbert Crisfield m. 2nd, Aug. 24, 1887, Martha M. Boyer, b. Dec. 26, 1863. Children: (1) John G., b. Apr. 15, 1890; (2) WilUam B., b. Oct. 22, 1892. 136 Philip, b. 1836, d. 1866. Minister. Not married. 137 Ann Louise, b. in Lodi, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1840, 32 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY d. Sept. 27, 1870, m. in Lodi, Mar. 9, 1859, Peter W. Swarthout. farmer, b. in Lodi, Dec. 13, 1833, d. Feb. 2, 1908. Children (born in Lodi): (1) Laura A., b. May 16, 1861, lives in Lodi, m. Dec. 13, 1882, Clarence F. Smith, b. in North Hector, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1859, son of Edwin and Sally Ann ( ) Smith, and has seven children born in Lodi; (a) Claude S.; (b) Clyde E. (twin with Claude S.), b. Oct. 31, 1883; (c) AnnaM., b. June 30, 1886; (d) Edwin, Jr., b. Nov. 27, 1888; (e) Fred, b. May 28, 1891; (f) Alice Lott, b. Nov. 15, 1895; (g) Darwin Covert, b. Mar. 19, 1900; (2) Minnie F., b. Nov. 3, 1868, Hves at 71 Puritan Road, Swampscott, Mass., not married. 138 James Edward, b. 1851, d. 1905, physician, m. Elizabeth Grav who lives in Toronto, Canada. Children: (1) Abba, b. 1877; (2) Louise, b. 1881. 139 Henrietta, lives in Lodi, N. Y., m. Feb. 16, 1876, Lewis M. Smelzer, farmer and fruit grower, b. Lodi, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1850. Children: (1) John, m. Mar. 20, 1901, Nellie Townsend, b. Mar. 3, 1877, and has three children: (a) Philip Townsend, b. Apr. 6, 1902; (b) Loraine Cynthia, b. Feb. ' 11, 1904; (c) Dorothy Grace, b. Mav 18, 1906; (2) Sarah M., b. Apr. 8, 1887. 140 IRA TOWNSEND (son of 4), Born in Putnam Co., N. Y.. Apr. 15, 1788, died in Hector (then Tompkins Co.), N. Y., June 29, 1835. Married at Newark, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1814, to Rhoda Smith, Born on Long Island, July 22, 1795, died Feb. 9, 1857. Children : 141 Amanda Ann, lived in New York, now dead, married John Ray who is also dead. Children: (1) Hester; (2) Mary, lives in Cranford, N. J., married Stephen Cox and has a son, Stephen; (3) Jane. 144 Jacob Shaver, 1817-1878. 150 Lourina, 1818-1886. 142 Elizabeth, lived in New York City, married TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 33 John Ray whose first wife was her sister, Amanda Ann (see above), both now dead, leaving no children. 156 Abram Shultz, 1834-1903. 143 Bowles Colgate, minister, died, married Calista Barry who lives in Hoboken, N. J. Children: (1) Harriet, died; (2) Annie, lives in Hoboken. 144 JACOB SHAVER TOWNSEND (son of 140), Born Aug. 31, 1817, lived in New York City. Died May 3, 1878. Married Mar. 22, to Ehza Ann Cipher, Born July 15, 1820, died Jan. 23, 1898. Children: 145 Mary, b. Nov. 30, 1845, in New York City, lives in Buffalo, N. Y., 168 Lexington Ave., m. 1st, Nov. 2, 1865, Henry F. Horn, b. in Florida, 1835, d. 1875. Child: Henry Whitmill, b. June 9, 1867, m. and has child, Helen Julia, b. 1898. Mary Townsend m. 2nd, Oct. 7, 1879, Charles Maddock Graves, b. at Martinsburg, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1842. Children (born in Buffalo) : (1) Charles Maddock, b. Aug. 14, 1882; (2) Mary E., b. Jan. 11, 1885; (3) George M., b. Jan. 2, 1888. 146 Walter, b. — d. 147 Edward Jacob, b. Feb. 27, 1853, died. Married Sarah N. Udell. Child, Edward, married. 148 Ida Radford, b. Jan. 25, 1859, lives at 226 Second Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., m. June 18, 1879, Samuel Ackerly Swart, b. Feb. 14, 1849. He had a son by a former marriage, Harold Arthur Swart, b. Nov. 26, 1878. Children by this mar- riage: (1) CHfford Townsend, b. Sept. 15, 1881, m. June 12, 1907, Olive Grace Whittle; (2) Samuel Ackerly, b. Aug. 5, 1884. 149 Arthur Russell, b. June 3, 1861, lives at 1067 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y., m. 1879. Children: (1) Ida, d.; (2) Mary, b. Sept. 14, 1881, d.; (3) Walter. 34 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 150 LOURINA TOWNSEND (dau. of 140), Born Oct. 30, 1818, lived in or near New York City, died Nov. 24, 1886. Married July 18, 1838, to Frederick Fortmeyer, Born Mar. 4, 1814, died in winter of 1866-7, buried in Ohio. Children : 151 George William, b. Apr. 20, 1839, ass't manager National Lead Company of New York City, lives in East Orange, N. J., m. Feb. 19, 1863, Phoebe Augusta Deas, b. Aug. 9, 1838. Children: (1) Florine Augusta, b. June 26, 1864; (2) Ella, b. June 27, 1867; (3) Edith, b. Jan. 31, 1872; (4) George Rollinson, b. June 16, 1874, d. Oct. 10, 1876; (5) Frederick William, b. Aug. 17, 1877; (6) Lourina Adelaide, b. Aug. 31, 1879, d. June 2, 1893. 152 Rhoda Townsend, b. Aug. 30, 1841, lived in New York City, d. Oct. 14, 1869, m. Apr. 22, 1857, Judge Theodore J. Fonda, b. July 28, 1825. Children: (1) Bayard, b. Dec. 14, 1857, m. Apr. 18, 1896, Mary A. Tomkins; (2) Howard, b. Jan. 18, 1860, m. Oct. 18, 1893, Charlotte Rose, b. Oct. 6, 1872; (3) Laura R., b. Apr. 14, 1861, m. May 4, 1899, Arthur Ward Benedict who was born Feb. 15, 1846, and died Feb. 18, 1902, had child, Rhoda Fonda, b. July 10, 1902; (4) Nelson, b. Feb. 28, 1864, d. May 16, 1866; (5) Irving, (t^vin with Nelson), b. Feb. 28, 1864, d. April 6, 1866; (6) Theodore CHnton, b. Apr. 1, 1865, m. Nov. 6, 1893, Lena Young, b. Feb. 16, 1877, and has two children, Ira Fortmeyer, b. Aug. 11, 1894, and Theodore Clinton, b. July 29, 1897. 153 Ira Townsend, b. June 9, 1844, m. June 9, 1870, Mary V. C. Sharp, b. Mar. 17, 1852. Child: Mary Sharp, b. Sept. 22, 1871, m. Dec. 4, 1907, Francis Alexander Stoneback, b. Dec. 31, 1871. 154 Ella, b. Oct. 22, 1848, m. Apr. 16, 1868, John P. B. Deas, b. Dec. 13, 1842, brother of Phoebe Augusta Deas who married George W. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 35 Fortmeyer (see above). Children: (1) Clarence Read, b. Dec. 26, 1868, m. Dec. 5, 1894, Jeanie Dickerson, b. Feb. 9, 1867, has three children, Deha Schifer, b. Oct. 4, 1895, Harold, b. Nov. 3, 1897, and Ella Lourina, b. Mar. 27, 1901; (2) Ella Lourina, b. Nov. 21, 1870; (3) Florence, b. Jan. 18, 1873, d. Feb. 6, 1873; (4) Ebenezer, b. Dec. 16, 1875, m. May 12, 1907, Elizabeth Carlisle, b. Jan. 2, 1869; (5) Laura, b. Jan. 11, 1878, m. Nov. 12, 1904, Gerald Bertram Wadsworth, b. May 10, 1877; (6) Rhoda, b. July 20, 1880; (7) Florine Augusta, b. Feb. 3, 1883; (8) John Clifton, b. Oct. 2, 1891. 155 Frederick, b. July 29, 1853. 156 ABRAM SHULTZ TOWNSEND (son of 140), Born in Tompkins Co., N. Y., Aug. 14, 1834, lived in Orange, N. J., d. Mar. 6, 1903. Was connected with ''Atlantic White Lead" works. Married Mar. 29, 1864, to Mary EUzabeth Everett, Born Oct. 11, 1843, daughter of Richard John and EUzabeth (Reynolds) Everett of New York. Children: 157 Helen Elizabeth, b. June 19, 1865, lives in Trenton, N. J., m. June 11, 1885, George B. Yard, b. Oct. 20, 1858. Children: (1) George B., Jr., b. Aug. 15, 1887; (2) Abram Townsend, b. Sept. 27, 1888. 158 Everett, b. Dec. 17, 1866, m. Oct. 23, 1890, Venetta Adele Harrison, b. Sept. 10, 1871. Children: (1) Muriel, b. Aug. 22, 1891; (2) Helen, b. Apr. 14, 1898. 159 Rhoda, b. Aug. 27, 1870, lives in Trenton, N. J., m. Oct. 11, 1892, Robert K. Bowman, b. June 4, 1868. Children: (1) Oliver Otis, b. Apr. 13, 1894; (2) Robert Townsend, b. Apr. 18, 1898; (3) Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1902. 160 Marion Louise, b. Oct. 15, 1872, d. Sept. 13, 1873. 161 Ira Austen, b. Apr. 11, 1870, d. Feb. 20, 1879. 36 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 162 George Richard, b. Feb. 23, 1877, m. June 4, 1901, Mabel Currv Marc)^ Child: Rhoda, b. Nov. 19, 1906. 163 Abram Shultz, b. Oct., 1880, d. Jan. 16, 1886. 164 TRAVIS TOWNSEND (son of 4), Born in Putnam Co., N. Y., June 16, 1790, lived later on a farm near Townsendville, N. Y. Died May 5, 1850, buried at Townsendville. Married to Mary Smith, Born 1788, sister of Rhoda Smith who married Ira Townsend (No. 140). Died Apr. 30, 1839. Children : 165 Jemima, m. Abram Dayton of Ohio, both now dead. Lived in VandaUa, 111. Children: (1) Mary; (2) Travis; (3) Abram; six others Uved in Ohio. Travis Townsend married 2nd, July 1, 1839 Mrs. Annice Johnson Finnev, Born May 8, 1806, died May 15, 1849. Children (all born at Townsendville, N. Y.): 166 Mary, b. Nov. 1, 1840, Uves in New York City. 167 Charlotte Amanda, b. July 14, 1842, d. Apr. 5, 1907, married Francis Barnes. vSee No. 50. 168 Jane Buck, b. Oct. 28, 1844, lives in Lodi, N. Y., m. Oct. 12, 1864, Robert Predmore of Ovid, N. Y., b. Jan. 8, 1840, retired farmer. Children: (1) Annice Townsend, b. Apr. 10, 1866, m. Dec. 30, 1897, Frank Van Vleet, b. 1870, lives at Inter- laken, N. Y., farmer, has daughter b. Nov. 4, 1908; (2) Walter, b. Dec. 30, 1868, Hves in Geneva, N. Y., overseer of stock farm. 169 Sarah, b. Sept. 17, 1846, m. Dec. 23, 1863, Jabez Van Vleet, b. Oct. 3, 1838, farmer at Lodi Centre, N. Y. Child: Francis L., b. Dec. 28, 1864, d. Apr. 20, 1895, m. Nov. 15, 1886, Ella DooUttle, b. Aug. 3, 1855, and had child, Minnie Louise, b. Feb. 14, 1890. Travis Townsend married 3rd, Apr., 1850, Weed. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 37 170 LOURINA TOWNSEND (dau. of 4), Bom Dec. 29, 1791, in Middletown, Delaware Co., N. Y., near Delhi, lived later in New York City. She was greatly interested in the history of the family and to her we owe the tradition that Christopher was the Town- send ancestor, as well as many other items about the Townsends. Died Aug. 15, 1868, buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y. Married in Delhi, N. Y., by Esquire Lloyd, Oct. 8, 1812, to Bowles Colgate, Born Jan. 14, 1789, at Shoreham, Kent, England, son of Robert and Sarah (Bowles) Colgate. He with his brother WilKam were founders of the Colgate Soap Company in 1806. Died Aug. 20, 1845, at 59 E. 16th St., New York City. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Children (three died early in Delaware County ^ New York) : 173 Charlotte, 1817-1885. 197 Abigail, 1819-1881. 171 Maria, b. Oct. 31, 1820, d. Mar. 1, 1849 (?), m. Oct. 8, 1846 (?), Rev. Orrin B. Judd. Lived in New York City. No children. 211 Charles CarrJll, 1822-1880. 216 Harriet, 1824-1854. 233 John Henry, 1826- 172 Frances, b. Aug. 7, 1829, d. July 12, 1843. 238 Stephen Bowles, 1834-1904. 173 CHARLOTTE COLGATE (dau. of 170), Born Mar. 23, 1817, in New York City, died Feb. 19, 1885, in New York City, buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Married in New York City, Jan. 19, 1837, to George Waldo Abbe, Born Oct. 26, 1811, son of Moses Cleveland and Talitha (Waldo) Abbe of Windham, Conn. Settled in New York City about 1825. Dry goods merchant. Active philanthropist and trustee of public schools. Died Sept. 25, 1879. Children: 176 Cleveland, 1838- 180 Walter, 1841- 38 TOWN SEND GENEALOGY 186 William Colgate, 1843-1879. 188 Charles Colgate, 1849- 174 Robert, b. in New York City, Apr. 13, 1851. Was graduated from College of City of New York, A. B., 1870; College of Physicians and Surgeons, M. D., 1874. Instructor in City College 1870-72; professor of didactic surgery. Woman's Medical College for two years; professor of surgery at N. Y. Post-Graduate Medical School. 1889-97; lecturer on surgery at Columbia Medical School since 1898, Surgeon at St. Luke's Hospital since 1884; surgeon Roosevelt Hospital since 1897. Surgeon in New York City and specialist in the >0* use of radium. Has written many scientific articles for publication. Married Nov. 14, 1891, Catherine Amory Bennett,^ widow of Cortland -^^^^ Palmer. She has been president of the City ^^ Histor}^ Club for many 3'ears. No children. "^193 Helen, 1853- 175 Harriet Colgate, b. July 17, 1855, lives in New York City. 176 CLEVELAND ABBE (son of 173), l^orn in New York City, Dec. 3, 1838. Meteorologist in Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C, since Jan., 1871. Was graduated from College of City of New York, A. B., 1857; A. ]\L, same, 1860. At University of Michigan 1858-9. Received degree LL.D., University of Michigan, 1886. At Harvard 1860-4 and received degree B. S. *'as of 1864." Assistant, U. S. Coast Geodetic Surv^ey, 1860- 67;.U. S. Naval Observatory. 1867-68; Director Cincin- nati Observatory, 1868-73. Astronomical Observatory, Poulkova, Russia. 1864-66. Received degree LL.D. from Glasgow University 1896 (Kelvin Jubilee). Was instru- mental in introducing the system of weather forecasts now issued by the Weather Bureau. Started the reforms known as '^Standard Time Meridians." Editor of the ''Monthly Weather Review" and author of many scientific treatises. Special lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and founder of its meteorological library. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 39 Married in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 10, 1870, to Frances Martha Neal, Born Jan. 16, 1844, near Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio. Daughter of David Neal, b. 1783 at Southington, Conn., and Calista Lane, b. 1800 at Burhngton, Vt. Died in Canton, N. Y., July 24, 1908, buried in Burlington, Vt. Children (born in Washington, D. C): ^ 177 Cleveland, b. Mar. 25, 1872. Geologist. * > ^ Graduate of Harvard, ^1894; A. M., 1896; Ph. D. ^ ■ Johns Hopkins, 1898. Was acting professor of ^ natural science at Winthrop Normal and In- dustrial College of Science, 1899-1900. Studied geology in Vienna, Austria, for two years. Was for some years in geological survey. Assistant ^ editor in U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. ^n C. Married at Wolfenbuttel, Brunswick, Germany, jt^ "" \ O'* Apr. 15, 1903, Frieda Dauer of that place. Child: -..*/' Ernst, b. in Washington, D. C, Aug. '22, 1905. 178 Truman, b. Nov. 1, 1873. Physician and surgeon in Washington, D. C. Graduate of < Harvard, A. B., 189§; M. D., N. Y. College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1899. Won silver medal 11^^ for his exhibit of radium at the Jamestown Ex- ' position."' Married at Providence, R. I., Apr 2%, 1905. Ethel ^^'^rown. Child:' Truman Waldo, b. June -^ 1906, in Washington, v 179 William, b. June 20, 1877. Patent Attorney in New York City, lives in Plainfield, N. J., graduate of Harvard, 1900; LL.B., Columbia, 1902; LL. M., George Washington University. Married in . Wayne, Pa., Apr. 21, 1904, Louisa Hart Howson. •"^'wv.., ^J Children: (1) Frances Martha, b. Feb. 20, 1905, in Washington, D. C; (2) Charles Howson, b. 1907 (?) in Plainfield, N. J., (3) W^ilHam Cleveland, b. Oct 20, 1908, in Plainfield, N. J. ;, , .^v .- ^ "' I' 180 WALTER ABBE (son of 173), Born June 20, 1841. Lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Served in N. Y. Vols, in Civil War. Was for many years chemist with Atlantic White Lead Works. 40 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY ^ Married in New York Cit}", Jan. 27, 1881, to Ida Beulah Patten, Children : i8i Charlotte F., b. Jan. 24, 1882, d. June 13, 1883. 182 Alfred P., b. Mar. 30, 1883. In business in New York City. t^^-M^^w.uo— "YvJvvf'AAsC^ 183 Walter, b. Dec. 16, 1884. Student of engineer- -V^ ing at Rensselaer Polytechnic, '^^i^t P^ZM^jW^ tf^,t ftiif/** >. 184 Elizabeth K, b. June 25, 1888. Student at Smith College. - "Jji^^tAvi- 185 Harriet Colgate, b. Mar. 7, 1890. Will enter Smith College 1909. wM^ 186 WILLIAM COLGATE ABBE (son of 173), Born June 9, 1843, died May 19, 1879. Served during the last three years of the Civil War and was badly wounded at Gettysburg. Travelling salesman for Colgate & Co. Died in New Brunswick, N. J.M'>^^tJ•*>- »^^ Married in New Brunswick, Feb. 9, 1870, to EHza M. Martin, 9^ Tti^)^i^'9'^ Lives in New Brunswick. Child: 187 (i^on), died young. 188 CHARLES COLGATE ABBE (son of 173), Born Feb. 12, 1849. Mechanical engineer and inventor. Lives in Essex Fels, N. J. Married 1st in New London, Conn, July 28, 1875, to Addie Potts, Born Jan. 17. 1850, died Jan. 12, 1884^ at Des Moines, Iowa. 4«kt^P*^f Children: ^ 189 George Christopher, b. June 8, 1876, in W^ash- ington, D. C, m. Apr., 1906, Bessie Taylor. Lives at Lansdowne, near Philadelphia, is draughtsman in the Baldwin Locomotive Works. Child : Rich- ard Taylor, b. Dec. 5, 1908. ^-cTW^ 190 Helen Louise, b. Dec. 28, 1877, in Washington D. C. Trained nurse in Washington. 191 Grosvenor, b. July 25, Hb883|. d. Dec. 16, 1883. Born and died in Des Moines, lowK^"^ -n ana aiea m JJes Momes, iowa. ^ 1 Ikn TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 41 /^^^i:Jp:/ ; ;^^ Charles C. Abbe was married 2nd, m Bee-'Mome s, Oct. 28, iQ&^ to Minnie H. Spring, /^^6" Born Apr. 3, 1856, in New York City. Child: /§-8-^ 192 Mary Lathrop, b. Mar. 21, t88^', in Brooklyn, ^ N.Y. .^4. ^^ , ,^^ ^J^^^^^^'^h 193 HELEN ABBE (dau. of 173), ^ Born June 15, 1853. Lives at 489 West End Ave., New York City. Married in New York City, Nov. 17, 1885, to Hubert Howson, yi>vKcik«^ Born Aug. 6, 1856, in Giggleswick, England. Patent ' Attorney. Children : 194 Marjorie, b. Sept. 13, 1886. Student at Vassar and at the head of the class of 1909. 195 Helen Ehzabeth, b. Oct. 3, 1891. >/^J^v*^^*^ ^Z' 196 Hubert A., b. Apr. 26, 1893. ^(w^tl^fi*^ 197 ABIGAIL COLGATE (dau. of 170), Born Feb. 14, 1819, died Sept. 5, 1881. Lived in New York City. Married Mar. 27, 1837, to John Baker, Was president of an insurance companv in New York City. Died Aug. 22, 1886. Children: 200 Colgate, 1838-1903. 203 Louise, 1842-1884. 206 Chnton Gilbert, 1850- 198 Carrie, b. Dec. 1, 1852, died in London, Eng., Dec, 1908, m. 1st, Jan. 19, 1871, Bayley Doane, of New York City who died Nov. 3, 1873; m. 2nd, Oct. 25, 1882, Howard Lockwood, pub- Hsher of New York City, who died Nov. 4, 1892; m. 3rd, Apr. 23, 1895, Lionel Oswald Alers-Hankey, who died in London, May 16, 1905. 199 Sperry, b. 1854, d. 1855. 200 COLGATE BAKER (son of 197), Born Nov. 14, 1838, died in California, Sept. 7, 1903. 42 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY Graduate of College City of New York, 1856. Was em- ployed by the firm of A. A. Low and Co., tea merchants, and established b}- them in Yokohama, Japan, as a tea taster. Married Apr. 10, 1871, to Mary Elizabeth Lynde, Widow of John F. Harper. Died in San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 17, 1890. Children: 201 Colgate, b. Jan. 15, 1872, lives in New York City, m. Sept. 2, 1900, Freda Gilleck. Two children. 202 Kathleen, b. Dec. 17. 1874, lives in Milwaukee, m. June. 1893, John Clark Finnev. Child: Kath- leen Baker, b. Aug., 1899. 203 LOUISE BAKER (dau. of 197), Born June 9, 1842, lived in New York Citv, died June 19, 1894M^ Married Dec. 20, 1864, to ^loffman Atkinson, Died Jan., 1901. Civil engineer. Children: 204 Mary R., b. Dec. 16, 1865, d. Nov. 25, 1890. 205 Louise, b. Aug. 22, 1867, d. May 1, 1883. 2o6 CLINTON GILBERT BAKER (son of 197), Born Oct. 14, 1850. Lived in Caldwell, N. J., now New York City. Married May 26, 1874, to Frances Isabel S«iall, S S'h-v*-^ Children: 207 Edith, b. Mar. 25. 1875, d. Julv 25, 1875. 208 Elma, b. July 25, 1876, m. June 12. 1907, Alfred Bennett Phillips, lives in New York City. 209 Hilda Colgate, b. Oct. 20, 1878. 210 Caryl Gilbert, b. Apr. 12, 1886. 211 CHARLES CARROLL COLGATE (son of 170), Born Aug. 21, 1822, died Jan. 7, 1880. Lived in New York City, succeeded his father in firm of Colgate & Co. Married Mar. 4, 1845, to Frances Perego, Daughter of Ira Perego of New York City. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 43 Children : 212 Bowles, b. Jan. 13, 1846, d. Apr. 21, 1902, lived in New York City, was member of firm of Colgate & Co. Married Oct. 21, 1869, Annie A. Shields, who spends much of her time in Paris but has a residence in New York City. Children: (1) Florence, b. Jan. 18, 1873, lives in Paris and New York City; (2) Lathrop, b. Feb. 2, 1877, lives near Bedford, N. Y., m. June 27, 1903, Edith C. Leonard and has a child, Edith Frances, b. Aug. 14, 1907. 213 Charles, b. Jan. 23, 1848 (?), lives in Mass- achusetts. 214 Joseph Oscar, b. Dec. 10, 1850, d. June 12, 1851, in New York City. 215 Lathrop, b. July 31, 1858, d. Sept. 20, 1866. 216 HARRIET COLGATE (dau. of 170), ^ Born Aug. 11, 1824, died July 18, 1852. Lived" New York City. Married Oct. 8, 1846, to Samuel Perkins Lord, Born Aug. 19, 1819, died Apr. 25, 1890, in Melbourne, Australia. Member of firm owning sailing vessels, yachts, and steamships between New York and Melbourne, Australia. Went to Melbourne 1854, where he married 2nd, Oct. 22, 1856, Laura Mary Home by whom he had 13 children: (1) Laura Mary, d. in infancy; (2) William Henry, d. in infancy; (3) Annie Gertrude, b. 1861, m. 1885, Charles E. Graham; (4) Arthur Frederick, b. 1862, m. Evelyn Burton; (5) Charles Edward, b. 1864, d. unm., 1895; (6) Laura Mary, b. 1866, m. 1889, Ulick Arthur Daly; (7) WiUiam Henry; (8) Minnie Ethel, b. 1870, d. unm. 1896; (9) Percy, b.^ 1872, d. unm. 1888; (10) Ella, b. 1873; (11) Alfred Ernest, b. 1875, d. 1882; (12) Henry Mailler, b. 1877; (13) Caroline Mabel, b. 1879, d. in infancy. Children of Harriet Colgate and Samuel P. Lord: 218 Frances Colgate, 1847- 217 Samuel, b. Feb. 1850, died in Australia, Oct. 24, 1896. Not married. 230 Harriet, 1852- €c 44 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 2i8 FRANCES COLGATE LORD (dau. of 216), Born Aug. 15, 1847. Has lived in New Zealand, but now in Melbourne, Australia. Married in Melbourne, Sept. 29, 1868, to Andrew Newell, Born Dec. 26, in Cambridge, Mass. Merchant. Children: 219 tiarriet Grace, b. July 12, 1869. Killed by a car Aug. 27, 1895. Not married. 220 Eva Helen, b. Dec. 6, 1870, m. at Wellington, New Zealand, Mar. 30, 1904, Robert Arnold Fuller of Palmerston North. Child: Margaret Grace, b. Aug. 14, 1906. 221 Albert Henry, b. Mar. 17, 1872. 222 Francis Sargent, b. Aug. 25, 1873, in Boston, Mass., m. at Melbourne, Apr. 15, 1903, AUce Waterhouse of Castlemaine, Victoria. Children: :) Andrew Brough, b. Feb. 28, 1904; (2) Lucy Colgate, b. Sept. 28. 1906. 223 Walter Colgate, b. Sept. 7, 1875, m. at Perth, West AustraUa, July 5, 1902, Violet Edith Moore of Kew, Melbourne. Children: (1) Daisy Frances, h. May 6, 1903; (2) Lawrence Colgate and (3) Launcelot Huntley (twins), b. Mar. 11, 1906. 224 Andrew Valentine, b. Aug. 7, 1877, m. at Brighton, Victoria, Mar. 30, 1904, Edith Liliati Charlotte Scott. Child: Valentine, b. Nov. 7, 1905. 225 Frederick Lord, b. Dec. 15, 1878. 226 Eugene Cosmo, b. Sept. 27, 1881. 227 Edward WilUams, b. Oct. 29, 1883. 228 Abbie Marie, b. Nov. 30, 1885. 229 CUnton, b. Sept. 1, 1888. 230 HARRIET LORD, (dau. of 216), Born July 1, 1852. Lives in Hastings, Sussex, England. 1 Married Nov. 2, 1882, to ^>»^ Peter T. I. Parfitt, 1^1*1 18^ Represents in London the Bank of New Zealand. .^^ Children: ■^ 231 Mary Helen, b. Apr. 20, 1891. 232 Ida Frances, b. Apr., 1894. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 45 233 JOHN HENRY COLGATE (son of 170), Bom Mar. 16, 1826. Lives in New York City. Went to California ''Around the Horn" in 1849 and came back over the Isthmus in 1853. Studied law at Harvard and practiced for some years in New York City, was later with Colgate & Co. Married Aug. 19, 1853, to Frances Griggs, VVv\ Died Jan. 5, 1870. Sister of/iS. C. Griggs, publisher of ^ Chicago. ^ \ Children : 234 Sedgwick, b. June 14, 1854, d. Jan. 27, 1860. 235 Sidney Doane, b. June 23, 1856, lives at Townsendville, N. Y. Farmer. Married Mar. 29, 1892, Mary Helen Coleman (see No. 337). 236 Sargent Bagley, b. Oct. 26, 1859, lives in •y^^Ji^^ujt. New York City. Collector for Colgate & Co. 237 Grace, b. June 24, 1866, d. Mar. 2, 1867. 238 STEPHEN BOWLES COLGATE (son of 1>0), Born Jan. 11, 1834, d. Feb. 9, 1904. Was with Colgate & Co. Lived at Orange, N. J. Married Jan. 19, 1854, to Susan Black, Born Jan. 5, 1832, died Aug. 10, 1901. Children: 239 Carroll, b. Nov. 18, 1854, d. Dec. 8, 1858. 240 Melancthon Starr, b. Aug. 25, 1856, broker, New York City, m. Adelaide Angevine. Children: (1) Louise, b. Mar. 28, 1880, m. L. L. Pendrell; (2) Russell A., b. Nov. 10, 1889, hves in New York City. 241 Marion, b. Mar. 21, 1859, lives in East Orange, N. J. 242 Helen Minton, b. Dec. 1, 1860, lives in Mont- clair, N. J., m. Dec. 16, 1880, Thomas H. Craig, b. Sept. 14, 1852, Unen merchant. Children: (1) Florence, b. July 16, 1882, m. Feb. 7, 1906, Arthur Whitney and has a child, Margaret Craig, b. Jan. 2, 1907; (2) Thomas H., b. Jan. 9, 1892; (3) Colgate, b. Jan. 18, 1899. 243 Irving, b. Feb. 10, 1864, d. Jan. 14, 1900, 46 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY lived in New York City, m. Feb. 9, 1893, Mary Wright, b. Aug. 17, 1865, lives in Montana. Child: Emily Irving, b. Nov. 16, 1893. 244 Lourina, b. Nov. 16, 1865, lives in Brooklyn, N. Y., m. Nov. 2, 1899, Edward Meeker, b. Dec. 5, 1865, connected with Pullman Car business. Child: Ruth, b. Aug. 22, 1892. 245 Gertrude May, b. May 23, 1871, lived in Orange, N. J., d. May 3, 1906, m. Aug. 25, 1894, Charles Potter who died soon after marriage. 246 JEREMIAH TOWNSEND (son of 4), Born Apr. 11, 1794, in Delaware Co., N. Y., lived in Hector, N. Y., died Jan. 30, 1842. Married to BeUnda , Born 1801, died Nov. 14, 1874. She married 2nd Derick Boughyear. Children : 247 Gilbert Colgate, lived in Lodi, N. Y., married Elizabeth . Children: (1) Anna, m. Charles Bennett; (2) John; (3) Jennie L., m. James H. Gould, b. 1854, general merchant at Lodi, N. Y., has child, Nelhe; (4) Herbert; (5) Mahlon Coleman, died unmarried; (6) Edgar. 248 Orville (or Oswald), hves in Hector, Schuyler, Co., N. Y., married. Children: (1) Evehne; (2) EHzabeth, lives in Watkins, N. Y., m. Dr. King and has two sons; (3) Ella, hves in Ithaca, N. Y., m. H. W. Simpson and has four children, one of whom is Mabel ; (4) Minnie, m. Charles Smith; (5) and (6) died young. 249 Evehne, lives in North Hector, N. Y., m. Prof. John McNamara, name changed to John Godfrey. Children all died young. 250 Jane, not married. 251 Ann, married Greeley. Children: (1) Horace, married and has several children; (2) Wallace, married and has several children; (3) John, married and lives at North Hector, N. Y., married and has two children, one a son. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 47 252 SARAH TOWNSEND (dau. of 4), Born in Delaware Co., 1796, died 1843. Married to Squire Heth P. Kinch, Son of Robert lunch. He was married three times after 1843. His second wife was Mrs. Attix, mother of Magdalen Attix who married William Kinch (see No. 256). Children : 253 Abigail, m. Walter Kinch, a cousin. 254 Sarah Ann, m. Porter Finney, lives in Cali- fornia, has a son. 255 Ruth, m. a widower with two children. 256 William, lived at Jackson, Mich., died, m. 1st, Magdalen Attix; 2nd, — Wilson, his cousin. Had two children. 257 ANN TOWNSEND (dau. of 4), Born Jan. 18, 1805, in Delaware Co., N. Y. According to one account, she was 39 years old when she died, July 22, 1839, in Lodi, N. Y. Married to Dr. John Buckbee, Children: 258 John, lived in Chicago and Minneapolis, died. Married Melanie Sears and had three daughters and two sons, some of whom are living in California. 259 Charles Alvah, minister, lived in San Francisco, Cal., died. Married Laura Griggs. Children: (1) John, lives in Minneapolis, married Margaret Evarts, daughter of Dr. Evarts, and had two children, Ruth, died young and Charles Alvah who lives in MinneapoUs; (2) Lillie May, lives in Dixon, California, married Robert Currey and has daughter Edith and two other children, none married; (3) Spencer Case, lives in San Francisco, Cal., married Emma , no children; (4) Samuel Griggs, lives in San Francisco, married Julia Crocker and has two children; (5) Annie Simms, lives in San Francisco, not married. Ann Townsend was married 2nd, Sept. 25, 1833, to Dr. George W. Newcomb, Born Dec. 14, 1809, lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. 48 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY. Children : 260 Ann, was a cripple, died, unmarried. 261 Charles, said to have married and had two children. 262 AMANDA TOWNSEND (dau. of 4), Settled in Delaware Co., near Andes, N. Y. Married at age of 15 to Peter Sprague, Children: 263 (lilhert, married and had several children. 264 Parker, lived in Chicago, married Pamclia Johnson. Chiklren: (1) Clara, m. Dr. Curtis, d., no children; (2) Leota, m. and lives in Michigan; (3) Ellen, San Reno, Nev., m. Keith, no children; (4) "William, died young. 265 James. 266 Howies Colgate, lives in Seattle, m. 1st. Susan Ivelley. b. 1850, d. 1876, dau. of John Kelley by second marriage. Children: James and two others who died. He married a second time. 267 Peter H. 268 Laurina, married Kaufman. Children: (1) Charles, lives in Kingston, N. Y., m. and has two children ; (2) Everett, lives in Yonkers. N. Y. ; (3) Frank, lives in Margaretville, N. Y. ; (4) Andrew; (5) Waldron; (6) Louisa, lives in Margaretville, N. Y. ; (7) Addie. 269 Louisa. 270 Andrew Jackson. 271 Thomas Jefferson. 272 James Madison. , V 1 • ^ u 273 ELIJAH TOWNSEND (son of 1), Born Feb. 8, 1767, probably in Putnam, then Dutchess Co., N. Y. Moved about 1810 to Townsendville, Seneca Co., N. Y., where he was one of the leading citizens until his death, Mar. 17, 1862. Buried at Townsendville. Married probably near Peekskill, Dutchess Co., 1787, to Martha Gannung or Genung, aughter of John Gannung of Lake IMahopac, N. Y TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 49 See also No. 412. Bom June 2, 1769, probably in Dutchess Co., N. Y. Died at Townsendville, Sept. 2, 1844, or Sept. 4, 1846. Buried at Townsendville. Children: 274 Jeremiah, b. July 1, 1788, or July 10, 1789, d. Aug. 14, 1808, or Aug. 2, 1820, d. and bd. at Townsendville, N. Y., m. Sally Wilson, no children. 277 Rachel, 1790-1863. 312 Jedediah, 1793-1871. 338 Tertullus Dickerson, 1794-1843. 346 Jemima, 1796-1863. 370 Gilbert, 1799-1886. 397 Mary, 1801-1860. 275 Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1803, d. at Greenwood, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1840, m. Luther Campbell. Children: Harriet, John, Elijah, Henry. 276 Martha, b. July 4, 1805, lived at Kingtown, between Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, N. Y., then at Battle Creek, Mich., d. about 1882, m. Mar. 10, 1825, Nathaniel King, b. at Trumansburg, N. Y., May 30, 1800, d. Sept. 29, 1879, son of Nathaniel and Anna (Mead) King (see No. 4). Children: Jerome H., b. May 2, 1829, m. at Fort Hill, 111., Oct. 22, 1850, Harriet Plum; Ann, b. May 15, 1837, m. in California, Sept. 23, 1859, WilHam K. Ish and has seven children. 402 John, 1810-1882. 277 RACHEL TOWNSEND (dau. of 273), Born Apr. 29, 1790, lived in Lodi, Seneca Co., N. Y., and in Tompkins Co., N. Y., died at Trum.ansburg, N. Y., June 9, 1863. Buried at Trumansburg. Married Apr. 19, 1808, to David Cole, Born Mar. 30, 1788, in Hunterdon Co., N. J., son of Captain David Cole, a Revolutionary soldier of Dutch descent, and Effie Van Zant, went with his father to Seneca Co., N. Y. in 1800. Served in war of 1812. One of first trustees of Townsendville (N. Y.) M. E. Church in 1836. Died Nov. 5, 1862. Tombstone records give dates: b. Apr. 29, 1788, d. Nov. 5, 1857. 50 TOWNSEXD GENKAT.QGY Children: 278 Sallie, b. Nov. 25, 1809. A at Hector. N". Y., Mar. 27. 1856. m. July 9. 1827. to William. SIiannocL Child: Elvira, m. Pine Sears and had a ion, William, who is marrieTie, Mich., later Detroit. Married Louisa . Xo children. 447 John. dead. Lived in Wayne, Mich. Wife died 1890. Had eight children among whom are William, lives in Provo City, L'tah, m. and has two children; Matthew, lives in Ypsilanti, Mich., m. and has three children; the youngest, TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 71 a son born about 1890, was adopted by John's sister Annie. Married a second time. 448 Annie, b. 1849, Wayne, Mich. Married, 1865, to John B. Wallace. 449 Harriet, b. 1851, Charlevoix or Ironton, Mich., married in 1868 to Lawton Allen and has three children. 450 Charles, b. 1855, Wayne, Mich., married and has five children. 451 RACHEL GANONG (dau. of 434). Born near Dansville, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1815, lived near Wayne, Mich. Died June 1, 1892. Married in fall of 1833 to Samuel Sims, Born in Somerset, Eng., Feb. 28, 1807. Stock raiser and farmer. Died May 4, 1888. Children (all born on homestead near Wayne, Mich.): 458 Marv, 1835-1903. 468 Harriet, 1838- 478 Rachel, 1840-1900. 452 EHzabeth, b. Feb. 23, 1843, died Mav 12, 1872. Married Sept. 19, 1862, to Thomas Benton Snell, b. in Louisville, Ky., Nov. 10, 1844. Farmer. Married a second time and hves in Muncie, Ind. Children by first wife: (1) Byron, b. Nov. 21, 1864, married at Hartford Citv, Ind., to Sophia Schisler, b. Apr. 2, 1873, in Hartford Citv, has child Dorothy, b. Sept. 17, 1900, in Hartford City; (2) Samuel R., b. May 24, 1867, Hves in Muncie, Ind., married Sept. 12, 1899, to Susan P. Craighead, b. June 8, 1875, in Muncie, has child, Margaret EHzabeth, b. July 4, 1901; (3) Robert B., Oct. 8, 1869, miarried in Hartford City, Ind., to Pearl Manor, b. May 28, 1878, in Cam- bridge Citv, Ind. 453 Jane M.. b^ Mar. 31, 1845, d. Jan. 27, 1907. Lived near Wayne, Mich. Married Apr. 24, 1863, to John J. Edmonds, b. Aug. 9, 1840. Farmer. Chi dren: (1) Frank W., b. Aug. 9, 1869, mer- chant at Inkster, Mich., married Sept. 6, 1893, to 72 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY Lizzie B. Steinhauer, has children, Lawrence, b. May 28, 1895. and Lucile, b. Nov. 14, 1902; (2) Willard, b. Sept. 3, 1872, seaman on lake steamers; (3) George P., b. Mar. 26, 1880, principal of Escanaba (Mich.) High School. 487 John, 1847- 454 Charles, b. Apr. 11, 1850, d. Oct. 11, 1884, lived near Wayne, Mich. Married in 1872 to Emma Vandevorte, b. about 1855, d. 1901. No children. 455 WilUam, b. May 18, 1852, d. Jan. 3, 1874. Farmer, Wa^me, Mich. 456 Nelson Allen, b. Mar. 8, 1855. Farmer, near Wayne, Mich. Married Oct. 5, 1875, to Sarah Sackett, b. Sept. 6, 1855. Children: (1) Jennie, b. Feb. 9, 1877, married Dec. 15, 1897, to John \ Freeman and has two children, both dead, Harold J., b. Aug. 11, 1899, and Nona May, b. Mar. 27, 1902; (2) Bell, b. Feb. 6, 1879, d. Mar. 9, 1879; (3) Mav, b. Mar. 9. 1880, Wayne, Mich., married Dec. 15, 1896, to Homer Hubbard, b. May 29, 1875, clerk, has two children, Russell, b. Aug. 7, 1899, d. Oct. 1, 1899, and Homer, b. Feb. 9, 1901; (4) Nelson, b. Oct. 27, 1883; (5) Robert Wilham, b. June 26, 1887; (6) , b. and d. Sept. 9, 1889. 457 Samuel, b. Dec. 21, 1858. Flardware merchant in Detroit, Mich. Married Jan. 1, 1880, to Georgia V. Harrison, b. at Inkster, Mich., Nov. 10, 1862. Children: (1) Mina A., b. June 4, 1881, d. Oct. 30, 1900; (2) Samuel M., b. Aug. 23, 1883; (3) Bertha V., b. Mar. 7, 1886; (4) Edith B., b. Nov. 24, 1888; (5) Vera M., b. Jan. 15, 1892, d. Feb. 10, 1901; (6) Georgie V., b. Aug. 28, 1895; (7) Harrison, b. Mar. 21, 1899, d. July 8, 1900. 458 MARY SIMS (dau. of 451), Born Aug. 18, 1835, died Sept. 20, 1903, lived at Inkster, Mich. Married June 19, 1853, to Allen Butler, Born in Ohio, Apr. 25, 1825, farmer and carpenter. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 73 Children (born in Nankin township, Wayne Co,, Mich.) : 459 Samuel, b. May 2, 1855, d. Sept. 13, 1878. Teacher. 460 Alfred, b. Feb. 22, 1857. Farmer near Wayne, Mich. Married Dec. 7, 1881, to Rhoda Harrison, b. at Inskter, Mich., June 10, 1859, has children: (1) Vina Mae, b. June 25, 1886; (2) Milo Allen, b. Sept. 23, 1888; (3) Clara Gladys, b. Oct. 18, 1898. 461 Cordelia, b. Jan. 27, 1859. Lives near Wayne, Mich. Married Jan. 18, 1882, to Hiram W. Akans, b. Feb. 24, 1851, near Inskter, Mich. Children: (1) Alta, b. Oct. 9, 1882, d. Feb. 17, 1898; (2) Ruth, b. July 14, 1891; (3) Blanche, b. Mar. 3, 1894, d. Jan. 5, 1895. 462 Mary E., b. Nov. 5, 1860. Lives in town of Romulus, Wayne Co., Mich. Married Apr. 9, 1879, to Louis Koch, b. June 22, 1857, farmer and stockraiser. Children: (1) Edith, b. Sept. 26, 1880, m. Nov., 1902, to Stephen Prouty, b. Nov. 22, 1874, farmer near Inskter, Mich.; (2) FeUx, b. July 6, 1883, d. Aug. 22, 1884; (3) Alma, b. Nov. 10, 1884; (4) Clarence, b. Aug. 15, 1886; (5) Rose, b. July 30, 1890; (6) Mary Winnifred, b. Jan. 22, 1897, d. Nov. 3, 1903. 463 James Madison, b. Apr. 11, 1863. Farmer and stock dealer near Inkster, Mich. Married June 24, 1884, to Emma Abbott, b. Feb. 25, 1865. 464 Charles, b. Mar. 12, 1865, hves near Wayne, Mich., m. July 5, 1886, Nelhe Walker, b. Sept. 23, 1871, has children: Ralph, b. Apr. 17, 1889; Pearl, b. Apr. 29, 1891; Ina, b. Jan. 19, 1893, d. June 28, 1893. 465 Rachel, b. Mar. 8, 1867, hves near Inkster, Mich., m. Mar. 7, 1888, Charles D. Tyley, b. Aug. 17, 1866, farmer, had children: Vera, b. July 13, 1889, d. Mar. 18, 1890; Frank D., b. July 1, 1892, d. Nov. 21, 1892; Nelson, b. June 9, 1869, lives near Wayne, Mich., m. Dec. 27, 1888, Anna Lamoreaux, b. Nov. 5, 1870, has children, Samuel, 74 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY b. Nov. 10, 1889, Earl, b. Apr. 17, 1892, Ethel, b. Aug. 15, 1893. 466 Jennie, b. Oct. 10. 1870, m. Jan. 11, 1892, Edward Baker, b. Sept. 27, 1871, farmer and stock dealer near Inkster, Mich., has children Alfred, b. Oct. 17, 1893; Richard, b. Sept. 1, 1896 Flossie, b. Nov. 27, 1897; Edna Myrtle, b. Julv 9, 1899; Chester Allen, b. Oct. 14, 1902. 467 Emma Edith, b. June 2, 1878, lives near Wayne, Mich., m. June 19, 1895, to John W. Potter, b. Mar. 16, 1873, farmer, has children: Leah Mildred, b. Nov. 15, 1898, and Herald Leslie, b. Oct. 24, 1900. 468 HARRIET SIMS (dau. of 451), Born Jan. 19, 1838. Lived at Vassar, Mich., then at Reese, Mich. Married in Nankin township, Wayne Co., Mich., Dec. 25, 1855, to William Gunnell, Born in Lincolnshire, Eng., Feb. 3, 1830, came to America, 1850. After living in N. Y. state for a year went to Mich., where he and his father settled in Arbela township, Tuscola Co., 1852. In 1890 moved to Vassar, Mich., where he died. Children: 469 Mary Jane, b. Nov. 12, 1856, at Inkster, Mich., lives at West Plains. Mo., m. at Vienna, Mich., Dec. 31, 1876, Thomas P. Smith, b. Mar. 3, 1845, at Chatham, Canada, son of John G. and Elizabeth ( ) Smith, farmer. Adopted child: Harry Richard, b. Nov. 1, 1883. 470 Euretta Ann, b. Dec. 22, 1858, in Arbela township, Tuscola Co., Mich.; lives at Westplains, Mo., m. Feb. 9, 1882, Devello C. Davis, b. Jan. 16, 1847, in Arcade, N. Y., farmer. Children: (1) Elsie, b. Oct. 14, 1882, in FUnt, Mich. ; (2) Rhoda, b. Mar. 31, 1884, in Millington, Tuscola Co., Mich.; (3) Mable L., b. July 20, 1890, in McDonald, Carter Co., Mo. 471 Edward L., b. Jan. 10, 1861, lives near Vassar, Mich., m. Julv 3, 1886, Dora A. Hall, b. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 75 May 11, 1864. Children: (1) Retta E., b. Sept. 22, 1887; (2) Hazel Mae, b. Dec. 29, 1895. 472 Carrie E., b. Oct. 26, 1865, in Arbela town- ship, Tuscola Co., Mich., lives near Vassar, Mich., m. Mar. 27, 1889, James Van Patten, b. Jan. 4, 1857, in Denmark township, Tuscola Co., Mich., brother of Nicholas Van Patten (see No. 473), farmer. Children: (1) Meta, b. May 13, 1895, in Vassar township, Tuscola Co., Mich.; (2) Howard, b. May 28, 1901, in Denmark township, Tuscola Co., Mich. 473 EUza A., b. Sept. 22, 1867, in Arbela township, Tuscola Co., Mich., m. at Vassar, Mich., Sept. 4, 1886, Nicholas Van Patten, b. Jan. 9, 1856, in township of Denmark, Tuscola Co., Mich., brother of James Van Patten (see No. 472), farmer. Children (b. in Denmark, Tuscola Co., Mich.): (1) Jacob, b. June 21, 1887; (2) Harriet E., b. Apr. 21, 1889; (3) Rebecca J., b. Mar. 1, 1891; (4) Stella May, b. Oct. 17, 1893; (5) Chester Nelson, b. Jan. 2, 1896; (6) Nicholas, b. Apr. 15, 1898; (7) V/ilham H., b. Oct. 11, 1900; (8) Orwin D., b. Feb. 25, 1903. 474 WiUiam J., b. Apr. 16, 1869, farmer, m. Oct. 25, 1892, Jennie Crosby. Children: (1) Harry Rosen, b. May 25, 1894; (2) Esther May, b. Sept. 28, 1895; (3) WiUiam Jennings, b. Dec. 9, 1896; (4) Mary Jane, b. Sept. 15, 1898; (5) Bernice Anna, b. July 18, 1901. 475 Nelson C, b. Mar. 17, 1871, in Arbela town- ship, Tuscola Co., Mich., teacher in Tuscola and Wayne Cos., Mich., m. Oct. 5, 1899, to Mary Akans, b. May 19, 1880, in Taylor township, Wayne Co., Mich., Child: Norris, b. Sept. 7, 1900. 476 Cora A., b. Mar. 10, 1873, in Arbela township, Tuscola Co., Mich., m. Albert Gulliver, b. Mar. 17, 1870, runs threshing machine, hay press and well borer. Children: (1) Basil, b. May 2, 1893; (2) Lillie G., b. Mar. 31, 1895; (3) Anna, b. Aug. 16, 1897, d. Aug. 9, 1900; Harriet Edith, b. Oct. 31, 1899. 76 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 477 Edj-th H.. b. Dec. 3. 1876; owns and conducts a millinery store at Reese. Mich. 478 RACHEL SIMS (dau. of 451). Born Feb. 16. 1840, in Nankin township. Wavne Co.. Mich. Died at Romulus. Mich.. :\Iar. 5. 1900.' Married at Bellville. July 4. 1859, to James Madison Orr, Farmer and justice of the peace. Served in Civil War. Lives at Wavne, Mich. Children: 47Q Harriet, b. Sept. 5. 1860. AVavne. Mich. 480 WilUam. b. May 20. 1866. d. Aug. 18. 1866. 481 Samuel, b. Dec. 29. 1867. clerk for Michigan Central R. R. at Dearborn. Mich., m. June 28. 1893. Ida Howard. Children: (1) Howard, b. Mav 28. 1894: (2) Ed\Wn, b. Apr. 28. 1898. 482 James M.. b. Jan. 6. 1870, m. Dec. 6. 1899. Jennie Miller. Child: Cora. b. 1901. 483 John J., b. May 19. 1873. m. Dec. 25, 1895. Blanche Foster. Children: (1) Foster, b. June 11, : (2) Rov Milton, b. Mav 13. : (3) Charles Robert, b. Mar. 24. 1903.' 484 Edward A., b. Nov. 25. 1876, m. Mar. 17" 1899. Martha Menutt. Children: (1) Hazel; (2) James M. 485 Mav C. b. Aug. 9. 1880. Wayne, Mich., m. Julv 3. 1901. Cha^ies Foster, farmer. Child: Marian, b. Feb. 8. 1903. 4S6 George E., b. July 14, 1884. d. Aug. 10. 1890. 487 JOHX SIMS (son of 451). Born Oct. S. 1847. Farmer near Wayne. Mich. Married 1865 to Hattie Thomson. Children : 488 Frank, b. Aus;. 24. 1867. Railroad conductor, died in Peoria. 111.^ about 1900. m. Feb. 22. 1900(?). Jennie Crosby, who married again after his death, Child of Frank Sims: Mabel. 489 Edward, b. Feb. 6, 1869. Laborer in Detroit. Mich. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 77 490 Mae, b. June 3, 1872, d. Mar. 20, 1873. 491 Harry, b. June 1, 1874, d. Feb. 22, 1895. 492 Charles, b. Mar. 2, 1876. Brakeman, lives in Detroit, Mich., married and has one child. 493 Anna, b. Mar. 1, 1878, Dearborn, Mich. Married Fred Forrester, a painter and decorator, and has three children. 494 JEREMIAH ROOT GANONG (son of 434), Born in Steuben Co., N. Y., Oct., 1820, or Nov. 14, 1817. Lived in Wayne Co., Mich. Died in 1867 or Jan. 18, 1866. Married to Mary Ann Wooden. Children: 495 Ellen Margaret, musician, St. Joseph, Mo., m. Simon Harris. 496 Frances A., Detroit, Mich., m. Wm. F. Hormig, Captain of lake steamer Griffin. Jeremiah R. Ganong was married 2nd, 1849, to Mary Jane Smith, Born in Canada, 1830, died 1856. Children: 497 James Owen, b. May 25, 1851. 498 Harriet Elizabeth, b. June 10, 1853. Lived at Ypsilanti, Mich., till 1902, then in Union City, Mich. Married at Ypsilanti, Mar. 7, 1870, Henry J. O. Morey, b. in Wayne Co., Mich., 1835, soldier in Civil War. Children: (1) Minnie May, b. May 8, 1873, living in Ypsilanti, Mich., m. Sept. 20, 1893, Herbert C. Snidecor, b. Jan. 25, 1872, in township of Superior, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Has children, Ida Caroline, b. Oct. 3, 1894; Beryl Lucinda, b. Feb. 21, 1896; Courtland Dean, b. Aug. 13, 1898; Rhea Irene, b. Apr. 18, 1901; Carol Harriet, b. July 22, 1903; (2) Albert Edwin, b. Nov. 18, 1874, m. Sept. 30, 1894, Cora Marvin, b. Sumpter township, Wayne Co., Mich., May 26, 1876, has children, Albert Irwin, b. Oct. 23, 1896; Ralph Owen, b. Nov. 16, 1898; Helen Ethel, b. Oct. 9, 1900; Lester Lynn, b. Oct. 29, 1902; (3) Mildred Mabel, b. Dec. 7, 1877, lived in Ypsilanti, 78 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY Mich., till 1902, then on a farm at Onaway, Mich., m. Oct. 26, 1897, Charles Herbert Hutchinson, b. Mar. 29, 1876, has child, Frank James, b. July 18, 1898; (4) Florence Marguerite, b. May 15, 1882, m. Apr. 8, 1907, Wallace Clyde Palmer of Battle Creek, Mich. Jeremiah R. Ganong was married 3rd, to Jane Lockwood, Children : 499 Elmer, died about 1900. 500 May, Muskegon, Mich. Married Feighner, a druggist. 501 ESTHER GANONG (dau. of 434), Born Sept. 26, 1834, hves at Preston, Wayne Co., Mich. Married July 4, 1855, to Elihu S. Cross, Born May 5, 1833, son of Saxton and Miranda (Delaney) Cross. Died Nov. 15, 1901. Children: 502 Gilbert Norman, b. May 6, 1856, in Romulus, Mich., where he now Hves, m. Dec. 23, 1884, Martha V. Tinkham, b. June 9, 1861 (see No. 528). 503 Orpha Jane, b. Oct. 1, 1857 in Romulus, Mich., d. Aug. 14, 1884, m. Mar. 2, 1876, Orson Wilbur Bird, farmer near Inkster, Mich. He married 2nd, Esther Miranda Cross (see below). Children: of Orpha Jane Cross: Charles Edgar, b. Feb. 14, 1877; Ernest Leslie, b. Sept. 25, 1879; Maurice, b. Apr. 13, 1884. 504 Elsie Margaret, b. June 30, 1859, in Romulus, Mich., hves near Preston, Mich., m. Feb. 12, 1880, Elhs Bird, farmer and milk producer, brother of Orson W. Bird (see above). Children: (1) Mary Ethel, b. June 19, 1882, m. May 8, 1900, Joseph Zimmerman, b. Aug. 12, 1878, farmer, and has children, Kenneth S., b. Nov. 11, 1901, and Cecil E., b. Jan. 6, 1903; (2) Robert Nelson, b. Sept. 20, 1884, m. Alma Cook who died 1906; (3) Charles Ellsworth, b. July 2, 1889; (4) Nina June, b. June 24, 1891. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 79 505 Esther Miranda, b. Nov. 14, 1861, lives in Romulus township, Wayne Co., Mich., m. Apr. 7, 1886, Orson Wilbur Bird (see above). Children: (1) Frank Wilbur, b. Sept. 17, 1889; (2) Orpha May, b. May 1, 1896; (3) Burnice June, b. June 12, 1898, d. May 21, 1901. 506 Nancy Ann, b. Aug. 7, 1863, lives in Romulus township, Wayne Co., Mich., m. Mar. 2, 1887, Columbus G. Laura, b. Aug. 12, 1863, farmer and fruit raiser. Child: Gilbert C, b. June 26, 1890. 507 Mary Frances, b. July 29, 1865, in Romulus, Mich., lives near New Boston, Mich., m. Jan. 25, 1890, Lambert W. Baisley, b. Sept. 15, 1864, farmer. Child: Esther E., b. Jan. 18, 1895. 508 Hiram Nelson, b. Apr. 11, 1868, teacher at Romulus, Mich., d. Jan. 25, 1902, m. Apr. 20, 1893, Hattie Sundberg, b. Sept. 15, 1874. Child: Henry Elihu, b. Apr. 19, 1895. 509 Ella Maria, b. Sept. 28, 1869, in Romulus township, Wayne Co., Mich., lives near Preston, Mich., m. Sept. 20, 1889, Alfred L. Bower, b. Aug. 22, 1867, farmer. Children: (1) Nelson L., b. May 21, 1890; (2) Floyd W., b. Sept. 25, 1892; (3) Ethel Margaret, b. Jan. 22, 1901. 510 LAVINA GANONG (dau. of 412), Born Feb. 23, 1792. Went from N. Y. State to W^ayne Co., Mich., about 1832. Married Dec. 31, 1812, to Henry Townsend, Born May 18, 1791. Children: 511 Stephen, b. Jan. 11, 1814, m. Oct. 13, 1833, Mary Pitcher, went to Michigan to live. Farmer and blacksmith. Daughter, Rosette, m. Julius Elliott, lives in Monroe Co., Mich,, near Lake Erie. 512 Jeremiah, b. Sept. 7, 1816, m. Sept. 8, 1840, Eliza Reed. 513 Gideon, b. Dec. 5, 1818. Probably the Gideon Townsend who lived in Romulus, N. Y., and died Mar. 31, 1847, leaving wife Avis and children: Harriet, James, Henry, Alexander, John, Louisa and Gideon. 80 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 514 Sarah, b. Sept. 14, 1821, m. Mar. 25, 1837, David Sherman. 515 Emehne, b. Nov. 25, 1823, m. Dec. 25, 1840, Peter Swicks. 516 Ehzabeth, b. Nov. 16, 1825, m. Jan. 13, 1843, George Pierce. 517 John, b. Dec. 13, 1827, m. Aug. 25, 1850, Charlotte Freeman. 518 Abigail, b. Feb. 25, 1830, m. June 13, 1849, James Ruff. Children: (1) Frances, b. May 7, 1850, m. John Daley and has four children; (2) Adelle, b. Sept. 3, 1852, m. Mosier and has four children: (3) Edgar, b. Aug. 19, 1854, killed by a car about 1868; (4) Jane, b. Oct. 3, 1855, m. Sullivan and has nine children; (5) Boston, b. Mar. 17, 1858, killed by a car about 1880; (6) Henry, b. Mar. 18, 1861, farmer in Wayne Co., Mich., m. Lydia Steinhour and has one child; (7) WiUiam, b. Nov. 19, 1862, m. Kittie Forbes and has twins; (8) Nettie, b. Feb. 25, 1874, d. young. 519 JOHN GANONG (son of 412), Born Aug. 10, 1797, in Delaware Co., N. Y., hved in Lodi, Seneca Co., N. Y., till 1833 when he went to Ohio; died Jan. 28, 1860 near Pl3^mouth, Huron Co., Ohio. Married Dec. 20, 1815, to Abigail Sherwood, Born in Connecticut, Oct. 18, 1795, d. May, 1874. Children (all born in Lodi, N. Y.): 520 Joel, b. July 11, 1817, lived on a farm in Ohio till about 1870, removed to Charlotte, Mich, where he remained for ten years, then went to Angola, Ind. ; in 1882 he went to Texas and engaged in sheep raising for about five years; returned to Michigan and died at Quincy, Mich., Mar. 28, 1894; m. Apr. 18, 1844, to Rachel T. DeVoe, b. near Plymouth, O., Nov. 27, 1824, daughter of Levi and Hester (Brand) DeVoe, d. at Angola, Ind., Sept. 7, 1882. Children: (1) Ruhamah, b. Feb. 24, 1845, near Plymouth, O., lives in Washington, D. C, m. June 24, 1868, George B. Fleming, b. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 81 near Plymouth, O., Aug. 3, 1S45, soldier in Civil War, druggist at Charlotte, Mich., after 1867; postmaster, editor at Fort V/ayne, Ind., and elsewhere, since 1885 Special Examiner and clerk of Pension Bureau; had two children, both of whom died young; (2) Helen D., b. 1853, d. 1853; (3) John Brann, b. near Plymouth, O., Aug. 13, 1858, plumber and manager of Quincy (Mich.) Theatre, m. Apr. 18, 1880, Effie Pow, b. at Angola, Ind., Nov. 15, 1862, had a son, George B., b. June 15, 1883, d. Aug. 30, 1884, and an adopted son, Theo. B., b. May 15, 1883. Joel Ganong married 2nd, about 1887, Mrs. Eliza Green. No children. 521 Esther, b. July 4, 1820, d. in Plymouth, O. Oct. 27, 1886, m. May 12, 1841, Abraham York, b. Dec. 23, 1819, son of Wilham and Fannie (Forest) York, stock dealer, d. in Cleveland, O., May 27, 1885. Child: CedeHa, b. July 12, 1843, lives in Plymouth, O., m. Feb. 22, 1862, James Gillespie, b. in Bellville, O., produce dealer. No children. 522 David, b. June 3, 1822, d. Oct. 5, 1852, not married. 523 George, b. Apr. 1, 1825, farmer, Plymouth, O., m. Mar. 10, 1859, Frances Moore, b. in Attica, Seneca Co., O., Feb. 12, 1841, d. at Plymouth, O., Oct. 12, 1898. Children: (1) Frank, b. Mar. 12, 1866, lives in Plymouth, O., m. Oct. 16, 1888, Ahce F. Croy, b. Sept. 28, 1866, has an adopted daughter; (2) May E., b. Feb. 12, 1873, lives in Plymouth, O., m. Aug. 9, 1893, Dr. Charles H. McLaughlin, b. Sept. 26, 1871, in Attica, O., has two children, Frances Anita, b. Mar. 24, 1900, and George Ganong, b. Apr. 30, 1902. 524 ABIGAIL GANONG (dau. of 412), Born June 3, 1800. After her second marriage she went from New York State to Wayne Co., Mich. Died Aug. 14, 1878. Married to McLaughry, Died before 1820. 82 T.-;;^Z.;; ^z.:z^:..-OT Cldid: 52s lls3iK b. June ^ 1^1^ " faflkd two sooff^ Joim :lz in l^e^ Yo^SUte. Abigaii Ganong Jofen Yhtfwy Bom Ju^ 1!^. ITVA cfied Xc 1^ 1^^ CMrL 526 b Junel 1822 d. Oakland Co-^ -J.: Jamesy Ifinc 27 l«^. bd. : 527 - 528 Ao^izna, J&-_ Apr. 2-_: . .' -:S. m. Jan. 2. 1>^j ' "" - -" 1816. *-enn :■ > Wavne Co.. Chi-'iren: ('1 . ■ -. 16. :- - : :>i^. Wiy- _ A, W ' : ^.. o. Au^ lo. i>xo. j- Dec. 25. l^io. - ^m. b. XoT. 25. l^i". Evps in Wivne. :5'L.i :j:. JiZL 31. 1871. Z^.:^ E. Davi?:' 5 V: - v.. b. June 9. 1861. lives at Eomiliif. Dec. 23. 1^84, GiTo^STt Xorman Crc-es. b. j-Lj-j o. IS06 <'=€e Xo. 502). no cMLdren: ^6; Weffii^zi. b. Dec. 15. IS60. m. Xov. '25. I88a, AikfieM. HosDrer. 529 .JEREMIAH G. GAXOXG rson of 412). a-.m in Delaware Co., X. Y.. Jnly 8, 1802L Wenn to Jfidiigaa in 1835 and settled in Wairoe Co. Died in WatCTford, Ifirfi.. ilar. 20. 1891. Buried in Waterford. il^rried in X. 1. State. July 8. 1822. to Rebecca Cole. Bom in Sn^ex Co.. X'. J.. Jan. 25, 18G3. <^asfi in Waterford. Miek. 3Iar. 11. 1S86. Children: 530 Jane. b. J'ine 19. 1824. in LodL X. Y.. a. in Waterford. Mich.. Ma- 28. l85o. m. yo. Wavne. >I:eh.. J-iii.. 1>U. Elia.-?" Terrv. b. Sept. 3. 1822. TOWNSEXD GENEALOGY 83 d. Sept. 3, 1890. farmer, soldier in Ci\'il War. Children: (1) Son, d. in infancy: (2) Jereniiah Ganong, b. Oct. 14, 1846. druggist. Detroit. Mich.: (3) James, b. Sept. 26, 1848, d. 1850; (4) Isabel Rebecca, b. May 9, 1850, trained nurse, Uved at Detroit, Mich.,'' till 1903, then at Waterford, Mich.; (5) Devereaux, b. Aug. 7, 1852, d. Mar. 12, 1854; (6) Isaiah C, b. Jan. 26, 1854; (7) Kellev J., b. Mav 28, 1855, d. Feb. 10, 1891. 531 William C, b. May 25, 1826. in Lodi. X. Y.. d. in Wayne, Mich., Dec. 14, 1846. 532 James Madison, b. Aug. 30, 1828, in Lodi, X. Y., blacksmith at Waterford. Mich., m. at Waterford. Dec. 31, 1852, Elizabeth Mott Wilhams, b. Sept. 22, 1834, d. July 17, 1883. Children: (1) Isabel, b. Mar. 5, 1854, d. Sept. 20, 1856; (2) Theodore, b. Aug. 30, 1856, d. Apr. 25, 1859; (3) Florence Phebe. b. Feb. 14, 1859, m. 1st, Feb. 15, 1878, Ir\'ing Beardslee, d. Oct. 1878. m. 2nd, Dec. 1. 1880. Ruel H. Cooper, has child, Eugene, b. Mar. 1, 1882; (4) Elmer, b. Feb. 7, 1861, d. Feb. 28, 1865; (5) Violet, b. June 17, 1865, d. May 10, 1885, m. July 10, 1884, Clarence E. Bradley, had child, Forest Eugene, b. Apr. 28, 1885, who was adopted by Wilham and Anna Wright and bears the name Wright. James Madison Ganong was married 2nd. Dec. 6. 1888. to Hannah Wright, b. Apr. 30. 1852. 533 Brunson, b. Oct. 3, 1831, in Lodi, X. Y., farmer at Wayne, Mich., m. Feb. 24, 1857, at Clarkston, Mich., Ursula Browne, b. Mar. 5, 1835. Xo children. 534 Xelson Ross, b. Sept. 1, 1833, in Lodi, X. Y., farmer, hved in Waterford, Mich., and died there Jan. 18, 1892, m. at Waterford. Mich.. Dec. 3, 1857. Anna Marrs, b. Mav 14, 1835. Child: Eliza D., b. Oct. 23, 1858, lives in Buffalo, X. Y.. m. Sept. 10, 1879 to Peter Erb. 535 Ruth. b. Aug. 6, 1835, at Wayne, Mich., d. at Waterford, Mich., Jan. 25, 1892, not married. 536 Anah, b. Julv 25, 1839, at Wayne, Mich., d. May 28, 1840, at Wayne. 84 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 537 Dalmanutha Jewel, b. Jan. 18, 1843, at Wayne, Mich., farmer at Waterford, Mich. Married at Fourtowns, Mich., Jan. 1, 1868, Eliza Olmstead, b. Aug. 27, 1843, d. at Waterford, Apr. 25, 1885, no children. Dalmanutha J. Ganong was married 2nd, at Clarkston, Mich., Aug. 23, 1893, to Grace Narrin, b. May 16, 1869, d. at Waterford, Apr. 14, 1903. no children. 538 Oscar W., b. Jan. 17, 1847, d. Feb. 16, 1847, at Wayne, Mich. 539 GILBERT TOWNSEND GANONG (son of 412), Born Aug. 6, 1805, in Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y., Hved in Lodi, N. Y., 1826-1837. then in Ohio, d. Nov. 17, 1884, in Orange township, Delaware Co., Ohio. Married in Covert, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1825, to Maria Coryell, Born in Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 9, 1806, d. in Orange township, Delaware Co., Ohio, Feb. 18, 1897. Children: 540 Jerome Willard, b. in Lodi, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1826, d. in Orange township, Delaware Co., Ohio, June 28, 1881, m. in Geneseo, 111., Catherine Harper, b. Mar. 5, 1834. Child: Maud, b. Oct. 12, 1868, Uved at Barrington, 111., d. Dec. 30, 1903, in Chicago at Iroquois Theatre fire, m. Dec. 25, 1888, Frederick E. Smith, superintendent of schools at Barrington since about 1892, had one child, Maurine W., b. Nov. 25, 1891, d. Dec. 30, 1903, a victim of Iroquois Theatre fire in Chicago. 541 Monmouth Hartguen, b. July 24, 1830, in Lodi, N. Y., removed to Fort Atkinson, Wis., in 1859, and engaged in business, postmaster 1866-1885, died at Fort Atkinson, Aug. 7, 1898, m. in New York City, Nov. 11, 1857, Harriet Prentiss, daughter of William and Fanny (Benton) Prentiss of Pultene}^ Steuben Co., N. Y., lives in Fort Atkinson. Children: (1) WiUiam Gilbert, b. Apr. 15, 1861, in Fort Atkinson, Wis., Hves Chicago, m. Sept. 17, 1901, Mrs. Jennie Reynolds; (2) Fanny Maria, b. Aug. 9, 1863, d. May 27, 1865, TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 85 in Fort Atkinson; (3) Lillian Augusta, b. July 25, 1866, in Fort Atkinson, where she now lives, m. June 12, 1895, James Gilbert Bailey. 542 Henrietta Willard, b. in Lodi, N. Y., June 28, 1832, lived in Columbus, O., died while on a visit to her parents in Orange township, Delaware Co. O., Apr. 10, 1876, m. in Keuka, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1854, Lewis Henry Smith, has lived in New York City since about 1875. Child: Meta Maria, b. in Columbus, O., Feb. 5, 1859, lives in N. Y. City or East Orange, N. J., m. J. O. Crane and has child, Lewis. 543 Francis Marion, b. in Townsendville, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1837, d. in Columbus, O., Aug. 25, 1896, m. in Delaware Co., O., Feb. 14, 1861, Mary Susanna Chambers, who lives in Columbus. Children: (1) Ellsworth, married and has two children; (2) Henrietta Willard, Columbus, Ohio. 544 Stella Alecia, b. in Townsendville, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1849, lives in Columbus, 0. 545 JOHN TOWNSEND (son of 1), Born July 4, 1772, in town of Southeast (then Dutchess Co.), N. Y. Bought land in Ovid, N. Y., 1801, moved from there to Parma Corners, near Rochester, N. Y., and later to Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y. Captain in war of 1812. Justice of peace in Seneca Co., appointed Apr. 2, 1804. Collector and sheriff for three terms in Tompkins Co., N. Y. (?). Died Jan. 18, 1865, at Kendall, N. Y. Married Dec, 1793, to Elizabeth Cowen, Born in town of Southeast, N. Y., June 13, 1773. Died Jan. 13, 1865, at Kendall, N. Y. Children (order uncertain): 546 Jesse W., born about 1796 in Ovid, N. Y., was in Monroe Co., N. Y. census of 1850, aged 50, died in Hastings, Barry Co., Mich. Married Elizabeth Lum whose age was 53 in Monroe Co. census, 1850. Their daughter, Polly, m. Gault, lived in Kalamazoo, Mich., and had a son, William, who lived there also. 547 Thirza. 86 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 548 Deborah Ann, b. 1800, d. May 3, 1838, at Parma, N. Y., buried at North Parma. 549 EHjah, b. in Ovid, N. Y., about 1805. Farmer in Monroe Co. census of 1850, aged 45. Married Clarissa , aged 52 in census of 1850. 550 Eliza Ann, b. 1806, d. July 7, 1854, at Parma, N. Y., buried at North Parma. Married Losey. Children: (1) Elizabeth, m. John Dickson; (2) Sarah, not married; (3) Nicholas, married, lives in Michigan. 551 Polly, lived in Wisconsin, married more than once. 552 , (son), died of consumption, aged 25. 553 Lewis, born in Ovid, N. Y., lived near Pontiac, Mich., or La Pierre, Mich. Married and had children. Son Fred lives in state of AVashington. 554 George W., born in New York State, Oct. 16, 1812, died at La Clede, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas, Sept. 12, 1904. Married at Galva, Henry Co., 111., June 24, 1855, Eliza J. Henderson, born at Coldwater, Mich., Nov. 9, 1826, died at La Clede, Kansas, Dec. 29, 1904. Child: Fred, died aged 13 months. John Albert Apelgren, b, in Galva, 111., Nov. 25, 1857, d. Mar. 1904, was taken by George Tow^nsend and wife when a baby and fully adopted b}^ them when two years old. taking the name John Albert Townsend. He married at La Clede, Kansas, Sept. 3, 1879, Emma , b. in Knox Co., Ohio, Jan. 11, 1860, lives at Onaga, Kansas. Children: (1) Estella Mav. b. Oct. 8, 1880; (2) George Lewis, b. Mar. 26, 1882; (3) Mabel Edythe, b. July 26, 1885; (4) Albert Ray, b. Mav 29, 1889; (5) Verne Ethel, b. Aug. 8, 1891; (6) Leland Earl, b. Sept. 15, 1893; (7) Lloyd Carroll, b. July 9, 1895; (8) Howard Grant, b. Apr. 18, 1901. 555 John Cowen, 1816-1893. 560 Andrew B., 1818- 564 Wilham K., -1882. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 87 555 JOHN CO WEN TOWNSEND (son of 545), Bom in Ovid, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1816, died in Henry, 111., Apr. 20, 1893. Captain in Civil War. Married in Monroe Co., N. Y., Jan. 29, 1837, to Betsey Sophia Merrill, Born in Penobscot Co., Maine, Apr. 2, 1818, died in Henry, 111., Mar. 18, 1904. Children : 556 Fred, lived at Benson, Cal. 557 Sewall, lived at Henry, 111. 558 Amanda, b. Apr. 28, 1848, in Peoria Co., 111., m. in Marshall Co., 111., Feb. 20, 1866, Major Royal 0. Olmstead, b. Sept. 7, 1838, in Jefferson Co., N. Y., lives at 1506 So. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Col. Children: (1) Bessie, b. Mar. 9, 1867, in Marshall Co., 111., hves in Nardin, Okla., m. in Marshall Co., 111., Dec. 2, 1888, James H. Croft, b. in Marshall Co., Ill, Aug. 21, 1860. By a first marriage he had a son, Isaac N., b. Sept. 16, 1883; by this marriage five children, Royal O., b. in Harper Co., Kan., Aug. 3, 1892; HaUie E., b. in Kay Co., Okla., Nov. 6, 1894; Iris R. b. in Kay Co., Okla., July 3, 1897; James S., b. in Kay Co., Okla., Feb. 3, 1899 and Arthur H., b. in Grant Co., Okla., Apr. 2, 1905; (2) Emily CorneHa, b. in Marshall Co., 111., Sept. 27, 1868, lives in Henry, 111., m. Dec. 31, 1887, George Edgar Pace, b. in Morris Co., N. J., Nov. 15, 1864, two children: Kittie Amanda, b. at Henry, 111., Mar. 30, 1889, and Herbert Austen, b. at Henry, 111., Feb. 10, 1897; (3) Edwin J., b. Aug. 20, 1872, lives at 1212 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, Col., m. and has two sons and a daughter, who died aged 10 months; (4) John C, b. Aug. 22, 1873, d. Mar. 22, 1877. 559 Cornelia, b. in Saratoga township, Marshall Co., 111., Mar. 28, 1853, m. in Henry, 111., Apr. 19, 1883, Elbridge L. Buchanan, b. in Ohio, Jan. 8, 1851, lives in Lacon, 111. Child: John Lee, b. at Lacon, III, Jan. 29, 1884, lives in Schenectady, N. Y. 88 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 560 ANDREW B. TOWNSEND (son of 545), Born July 29, 1818. Married July 1, 1839, to Mary Ann Hart, Born 1822, died May 15, 1841. Child: 561 W^illiam, b. May 12, 1841, d. Andrew Townsend was married 2nd, Apr. 16, 1843, to Rebecca Ann Malcolm, Died Mar. 23, 1884. Children : 562 Mary, b. Oct. 13, 1846, d. July 23, 1863. 563 Carrie, b. Apr. 10, 1865, m. Dec. 30, 1886. Harry E. Wellman, b. May 2, 1865, son of Irving E. and Jane (Elwell) Wellman, lives in Kendall, N. Y. Children: (1) Edith Blanche, b. Mar. 31, 1889; (2) Anna Rebecca, b. Feb. 18, 1892. Andrew Townsend was married 3rd, Apr. 17, 1887, to Carrie Barnum, Died Jan. 17, 1907. 564 WILLIAM K. TOWNSEND (son of 545), Born in Ovid, N. Y. Lawyer. Died in Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1882, buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Married Dec. 24, 1844, (?) to Mary G. Higgins. Children: 565 Ehzabeth Hannah, b. Oct. 4, 1845, m. Oct. 1, 1864, Dr. James O. Ackerman of Fond du Lac, Wis. Children: (1) Mabel C, b. Sept. 22, 1865, in Byron, Wis., d. Mar. 13, 1897; (2) Jessie E., b. Oct. 13, 1867, in Bvron, Wis., m. Charles E. Brown; (3) George W., b. Feb. 15, 1875, in May- ville. Dodge Co., Wis., m. Helen Sullivan and has three children, James O., b. Nov. 28, 1899, Jesse E., b. Mar. 13, 1900, and John W., b. May 28, 1906. 566 Jesse W\, b. Aug. 21, 1849, m. Aug. 21, 1873, Myra Warren of Rochester, N. Y. Children (born in Rochester): (1) WilHam K. b. Oct. 30, 1876; (2) Henry A., b. Oct. 5, 1878. TOWNSEND GENEALOGY 89 567 SARAH TOWNSEND (dau. of 1), Born probably in Putnam (then Dutchess Co.), N. Y. Died in Townsendville, N. Y. Married to Abraham J. Miller, He was an early settler in Townsendville, N. Y., on lot 86, town of Lodi. Children: 568 EUzabeth, b. Apr. 8, 1802, d. Jan. 23, 1899, buried at Trumansburg, N. Y., m. Gilbert Townsend. (See No. 370). 569 Mary Ann, lives at Interlaken, N. Y., m. Charles R. McNulty. Children: (1) Ida, m. Charles O. Townsend (see No. 325); (2) Helen C, m. Dr. John Meeker Townsend (see No. 410) ; (3) , physician in New York City. 90 TOWNSEND GENEALOGY ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 16. No. 28. Emma McGown, b. Jan. 31, 1861, m. Feb. 23, 1884, Archibald M. Gould, b. Jan. 19, 1860. Children: (1) Horace, b. July 25, 1885, m. Sept. 21, 1905, Marie Liviness, has two children, Dorothy, b. Dec. 1, 1906, and Ruth, b. Sept. 13, 1908; (2) Edith, b. Oct. 30, 1887; (3) Frank, b. Sept. 14, 1889; (4) Willard, b. Apr. 4, 1893; (5) Mvra, b. Feb. 25, 1895; (6) CUfford, b. Feb. 9, 1897; (7) George, b. Feb. 15, 1900. Page 29. Bettie M. Watson, b. Jan. 7, 1870, m. Wal- ter Kilpatrick. Children: (1) Thomas A., b. Feb. 17, 1889; (2) Roberta L., b. Nov. 7, 1891; (3) MolHe Ola, b. Jan. 28, 1894. Page 29. Clarence Watson Howth, m. Nov. 23, 1897, Cornelia May Sawyer, b. May 28, 1875, d. Sept. 8, 1900. Page 73. Third line from bottom : Nelson should begin a new paragraph. Nelson Butler, son of No. 458. INDEX INDEX Abbe, Alfred P., 40 „ _ ^, Charles Colgate, 38, 40, 41. Charles Howson, 39. Charlotte F., 40. Cleveland, 37, 38, 39. Elizabeth K., 40. Ernst, 39. Frances Martha, 39. George Christopher, 40. George Waldo, 37. Grosvenor, 40. Harriet Colgate, 38, 40. Helen, 38, 41. Helen Louise, 40. Mary Lathrop, 41, Moses Cleveland, 37. Richard Taylor, 40. Robert, 38. Truman, 39. Truman Waldo, 39. Walter, 37, 39, 40. William, 39. William Cleveland, 39. William Colgate, 38, 40. Abbott, Emma, 73. Ackerman, George W., 88. James O., 88 (2). Jesse E., 88. Jessie E., 88. John W., 88. Mabel C, 88. Akans, Alta, 73. Blanche, 73. Hiram W., 73. Mary, 75. Ruth, 73. Allen, Alice, 21. Isaac, 21. Lawton, 71. Townsend, 22. William LeBaron Gibbs, 23. Allman, , 67. Anderson, WiUiam F., 29. Andress. William T., 29. William Thomas, 29. Zola O., 29.. Angevine, Adelaide, 45. Apelgren, John Albert, 86. Asay, Eleanor Elizabeth, 64. Atkinson, Hoffman, 42. Louise, 42. Mary R., 42. Attix, Mrs. , 47. Magdalen, 47 (2). Mary Jane, 30. Bailey, James Gilbert, 85. Baisley, Esther E., 79. Lambert W.. 79. Baker, Alfred, 74. Carrie, 41. Caryl Gilbert, 42. . u Baker, Chester Allen, 74. Clinton Gilbert, 41, 42. Colgate, 41 (2), 42. Edith, 42. Edna Myrtle, 74. Edward, 74. Elma, 42. Flossie, 74. Hilda Colgate, 42. John, 41. Kathleen, 42. Louise, 41, 42. Richard, 74. Sperry, 41. Ballard, Anor, 14. Barber, Capt, , 51. Barnes, Ann Eliza, 18. Byron, 18. Carlotta Lavinia Viola, 18. Carman Travis, 20. Cecil Eugene, 20. Charles Francis, 17. Charles Randall, 17. Charlotte Amanda, 20. Charlotte Frances, 20. Charlotte Louise, 18, 20. Coleman, 20. Duncan, 20. Edward Vanderpoel, 17. Emily Ellen, 17. Florence Carolyn, 17. Florence Elizabeth, 18. Francis Colgate, 18, 20 (2), 36. Frederick Marshall, 18 (2). Harold Townsend, 20. Helen Elizabeth, 19. Homer Townsend, 18. Horace Gilbert, 18. James, 18. James Carroll, 19. James Townsend, 18. Mrs. Jennie, 20. John Francis, 20. Laura Louise, 17. Lavinia Mabel, 20. Lavinia Maria, 17, 19. Lydia Herrick, 17. Margharetta Van Home, 17. Mrs. Maria, 18. Maria McKenzie, 17. Marian Townsend, 20. Mary Adelaide, 19. Mary Augusta, 20, 57. Mary Grace, 17. Olive Claire, 20. Priscilla Lourina, 18. Ralph Townsend, 18. Raymond Flatt, 18. Samuel Townsend, 18. William Edward, 17 (3). Barnum, Carrie, 88. 94 INDEX Barrv, Calista, 33. Bartb, Henry D., 50. Mary H., 50. Bates, William, 68 (2). Beach, Asahel, 56, 57. Marv Adnah, 57. Thomas Shuler, 56. Beardslee, Irving, 83. Benedict, Arthur Ward, 34. Rhoda Fonda, 34. Bennett, Catherine Amory, 38. Charles. 46. JuUa Ann, 62. Benton, Annie, 21. Fanny, 84. Biggs, Claudius, 65. Helen M., 65. Bird, Burnice June, 79 . Charles Edgar. 78. Charles Ellsworth. 78. Ellis, 78. Ernest Leslie, 78. Frank Wilbur, 79. George, 70. Mary Ethel, 78. Maurice, 78. Nina June, 78. Orpha May, 79. Orson Wilbur, 78 (2), 79. Robert Nelson, 78. Bishop, , 68. Black. Susan. 45. Bloom. Jennie E., 16. Blue, Mary, 63. Blumhart, Gustave. 17. Bogart, , 51. Bolles, Frederick. 64 (2). Boss, Elizabeth, 59. Maria, 60. Botsford, , 70. Boughyear, Derick, 46. Bower. Alfred L., 79. Ethel Margaret, 79. Floyd W., 79. Nelson L., 79. Bowles. Ella. 56. Sarah, 37. Bowman, Elizabeth, 35. Oliver Otis, 35. Robert K., 35. Robert Townsend, 35. Boyer, Araminta, 54. H., 54. Mrs. L., 54. Martha M., 31. Bradley, Clarence E.. 83. Forest Eugene, 83. Brand, Hester, 80. Brown, Anna. 16. Charles E.. 88. Cornelius C, 53. Ethel P., .39. Gladys, 63. Isaac, 63. Marjorie, 53. William Van Horn, 53. Browne, Ursula, 83. Bryant, Helen, 25. Brydges. Eleanor, 53. Buchanan, Elbridge L., 87. John Lee, 87. Buck. Arabella Jane, 28. David S.. 28. Edwin Simpson, 28. Eudora. 28. James Whitford, 28. Jane, 28. Mary Ann, 28 (2). Mary Cole, 28. Buckbee, x\nnie Simms, 47. Charles Alvah. 47 (2). Mrs. Emma, 47. John, 47 (2). Lillie May, 47. Ruth, 47. Samuel Griggs, 47. Spencer Case, 47. Bundy, , 61. Burdin. J. Meeker, 51. John F., 51. Joseph, 51. Mary E., 51. Burke, Ethelbert, 50. Jennie. 50. Lourina, 50. William, 50. Burton, Evelyn, 43. Bush, Edward R., 16. Herbert R., 16. I^ester W., 16. Butler, Alfred, 73. Allen, 72. Charles, 73. Clara Gladys, 73. Cordelia, 73. Earl, 74. Emma Edith, 74. Ethel, 74. Ina, 73. James Madison, 73. Jennie, 74. Mary E., 73. Milo Allen, 73. Nelson, 73. Pearl, 73. Rachel, 73. Ralph, 73. Samuel. 73. Samuel B., 73. Vina Mae, 73. Cady, Martha Ann, 56. Campbell, Cora Edna, 55. Elijah. 49. Harriet. 49. Henry. 49. John. 49. Luther, 49. Walter J.. 55. Carlisle. EHzabeth. 35. Chambers, Mary Susanna, 85. Chandler, . 54. Chase, , 69. Cipher. Eliza Ann, 33. Clapper, Eve, 54. INDEX 95 Clark, James Adnah, 66 (2). Clarkson, Christopher, 30. Edward, 30. Sarah, 30. Sebring, 30. WilHam, 30. Cochran, J. F., 28. Cole, Agnes M., 63. Alice, 50. Asenath, 50, 51. Celestia, 52. Cornelia, 53. Cornelius, 50, 52. Cyrus, 52. David, 49 (2), 50, 52. Edmund, 50. Elijah T., 50. Emeline, 50, 51. Emma, 52, 53. Fanny, 50. Frank, 70. Frederick, 54. George Townsend, 54. George Washington, 54. Gilbert, 50, 70 (3). Gilbert M., 50. Grace, 53. Helen 52. John E., 66. Joseph Warren, 50. Lourina, 50. Lucretia, 53. Martha A., 50. Mary Ann, 51. Rachel, 52. Rebecca, 82. Ruah, 70. Sallie, 50. Sarah Townsend, 66. Schuyler Colfax, 53. Seward, 53. William, 70. Willoughby, 53. Colegrove, Abraham, 53. OUve, 53. Coleman, Barton T., 63. Elijah, 66. George W. G., 58. Georgie Avis, 58. Helen Elizabeth, 58. Lewis H., 63. Mahlon Budd, 57. Martha, 20. Martha A., 57. Mary Helen, 45, 58. Colgate, Abigail, 37, 41. Bowles, 37, 43. Carroll, 45. Charles, 43. Charles Carroll, 37, 42. Charlotte, 37 (2). Edith Frances, 43. Emily Irving, 46. Florence, 43. Frances, 37. Gertrude May, 46. Grace, 45. Harriet. 37, 43. Colgate, Helen Minton, 45. Irving, 45. John Henry, 37, 45. Joseph Oscar, 43. Lathrop, 43 (2). Louise, 45. Lourina, 46. Maria, 37. Marion, 45. Melancthon Starr, 45. Robert, 37. Russell A., 45. Sargent Bagley, 45. Sedgwick, 45. Sidney Doane, 45, 58. Stephen Bowles, 37, 45. Wilham, 37. Cook, Alma, 78. Cooper, Eugene, 83. Josephine, 17. Ruel H., 83. Cornell, John, 15. Rebecca, 14. WilHam, 14. Cornwell, Rebecca, 14. Coryell, Maria, 84. Covert, Minnie, 20. Cowen, Abigail, 13. Elizabeth. 85. George, 13. Cowles, Kenn, 60. Louis K., 60. Nellie Kenyon, 60. Cox, Stephen. 32 (2). Craig. Colgate, 45. Florence, 45. Thomas H., 45 (2). Craighead, Susan, P., 71. Crane, J. O., 85. Lewis, 85. Crisfield, Abba, 32. Ann Louise, 31. Elmer, 31. Gilbert, 31. Henrietta, 32. James Edward, 32. John, 31. John G., 31. Louise, 32. Philip, 31. William B., 31. Crocker, Julia, 47. Croft, Arthur H., 87. Hallie E., 87. Iris R., 87. Isaac N., 87. James H., 87. James S., 87. Royal O., 87. Crosby, Jennie, 75, 76. Cross, , 70. Anna, 70. Elihu, S., 78. Ella Maria, 79. Elsie Margaret, 78. Esther Miranda, 78, 79. Gilbert Norman, 78, 82. Henry Elihu, 79. 96 INDEX Cross, BUram. 70. Hiram Nelson, 79. Irving, 70. Jennie, 70. Louis, 70. Mary Frances, 79. Nancy Ann, 79. Norman, 70 (2). Orpha Jane, 78, Saxton, 70 (2), 78. Croy, Alice F., 81. Cummings, Jane, 21. Curns, Mrs. Elizabetli, 22. Currey, Editii, 47. Robert. 47. Curry, William, 29. Curtis, Dr. , 48. Daley, John, 80. Daly, Ulick Arthur, 43. Darling, Aaron Rhodes, 68. Addie, 68. Adelaide. 68. Adelbert, 68 (2). David, 67. Edgar, 68. Elizabeth. 67. Eunice, 68. Ezra. 67 (2). George W., 67. Gilbert. 68. Grace, 68. Hannah, 67. Hector, 67. Hulda, 68. Jeremiah, 67 (2). 68. Jeremiah Warren, 68. Jesse, 67, 68. John. 67. May Belle. 68. Monmouth Ganong. 68. Mortimer. 68. Sarah. 67. Stella. 68. Willie, 68. Darrow, Caroline, 17. Dauer, Frieda, 39. Davis, Devello C, 74. Elsie, 74. JuUa E., 82. Lewis Lodowick, 21 (2). Mable L., 74. Rhoda, 74. Day. Arabelle. 28. Bradford Pier, 28. Edvvina, 28. Elisha L., 28. Elisha Little. 28. James Cochran. 28. Dayton. Abram, 36 (2). Mary, 36. Travis, 36. Deas, Clarence Read, 35. Delia Schifer, 35. Ebenezer, 35. Ella Lourina. 35 (2) Florence. 35. Florine Augusta, 35. Harold, 35. Deas, John Clifton. 35. John P. B., 34. Laura. 35. Phoeba Augusta, 34. Rhoda. 35. Deck, Margaret, 31. Delaney, Miranda, 70 (2), 78. De Lyon. Leonora. 29. De Voe. Levi. 80. Rachel T., 80. Dickerson, Jeanie, 35. Dickson. Edith Alice, 23. John, 86. Doane. Bayley, 41. Doohttle, Ella, 36. Douglas. Effie E.. 26. Drake, Amelia, 62. John, 31. May. 31. Drew, Mrs. Daniel, 14. Mrs. Thomas. 14. Edmonds, Frank W., 71. George P., 72. John J.. 71. Lawrence, 72. Lucile, 72. Willard, 72. Elliott, Julius. 79. Elmore, Celestia A., 59. Eltinger, Carrie, 62. Elwell, Jane, 88. Erb, Peter, 83. Evarts, Dr. , 47. Margaret, 47. Everett, Mary Elizabeth. 35. Richard John. 35. Favill, Sarah Elizabeth, 18. Feighner, , 78. Feller, , 55. Ferris, Alton H., 31. Annie, 30. James Lemuel, 31. John H., 30. Lemuel, 30. Mary J.. 31. Sarah Louisa, 31. Finch, Hannah. 14. Finney. Mrs. Annice Johnson. 36. John Clark. 42. Kathleen Baker, 42. Porter. 47. Flatt. Adelaide Mary. 18. Fleming. George B.. 80. George Beck, 57. Fletcher. Clarence Frederick, 27. Clyde Warren, 27. Ethei' Beatrice, 27. Fonda, Bayard, 34. Howard, 34. Ira Fortmeyer, 34. Irving, 34. Laura R., 34. Nelson, 34. Theodore Clinton, 34 (2). Theodore J.. 34. Forbes, Kittle, 80. Force, Virginia, 17. INDEX 97 Foice.Willard B.. 17. Forest, Fannie, 81. Forrester, Fred, 77. Fortmeyer, Edith, 34. Ella, 34 (2). Florine Augusta, 34. Frederick, 34, 35. Frederick William, 34. George Rollinson, 34. George William, 34, 35. Ira Townsend, 34. Lourina Adelaide, 34. Mary Sharp, 34. Rhoda Townsend, 34. Foster, Blanche, 76. Charles, 76. Marian, 76. Frankenstein, Stella, 29. Freeman, Charlotte, 80. Harold J., 72. John, 72. Nona May, 72. Fritz, Henrietta, 50. i-uller, Margaret Grace, 44. Robert Arnold, 44. Ganung, John, 48, 66. Martha, 48. Ganong, Abigail, 67, 81, 82. Albert, 69. Anah, 83. Brunson, 83. Charles, 69. Charies Edgar, 69. Charlotte, 67 (2). Clarissa, 69. Dalmanutha Jewel, 84. David, 81. Eliza D., 83. Elizabeth, 67, 69, 70. Ellen Margaret, 77. Ellsworth, 85. Elmer, 78, 83. Emma, 69. Esther, 69, 70, 78, 81. Fanny Maria, 84. Florence Phebe, 83. Frances A., 77. Frances Marion, 85. Frank, 81. Fred, 69. fjteorge, 69, 81. George B., 81. Gilbert Townsend, 67, 84. Harriet Ehzabeth, 77. Helen D., 81. Henrietta Willard. 85 (2). Isabel, 83. James Madison, S3. James Owen, 77. Jane, 69, 70, 82. Jeremiah, 66. Jeremiah G., 67, 82. Jeremiah Root, 69, 77. Jerome Willard, 84. Joel, 80. John, 67, 69, 70, 80. John Brann, 81. Ganong, Joshua, 69. Lavina, 67, 79. Lillian Augusta, 85. Maud, 84. May, 78. May E., 81. Monmouth Hartguen, 84. Myron, 69. Nancy Viola, 69. Nelson Ross, 83. Orpha, 69, 70. Oscar W., 84. Rachel, 69, 71. Ruhamah, 80. Ruth, 83. Sally, 70. Sarah, 67. Stella Alecia, 85. Theo B., 81. Theodore, 83. Violet, 83. William, 67, 68. 69 (2). WilHam C, 83. William Corkings, 69. William Gilbert, 84. Gault, , 85. William, 85. Gay, Benjamin, 29. Helene, 64. Genung, Martha, 48. Gibson, Ursula, 62. Gilleck, Freda, 42. Gillespie, James, 81. Gillett, L. Evis, 57. Mary Ketcham, 57. Walter Cook, 57. Walter Noble, 57. Gilmer, Charles Fremont, 56. Charles Hannibal, 56. Noble Miller, 56. Godfrey. John, 46. Goodsell, , 55. Charles T., 55. Gorham, Bessie. 53. Gould, Archibald M., 90. Clifford, 90. Dorothy, 90. Edith, 90. Frank, 90. George, 90, Horace, 90. James H., 46. Myra, 90. Nellie, 46. Ruth, 90. Willard, 90. Graham, Charles E., 43. Graves, Charies Maddock, 33 (2). George M., 33. Mary E., 33. Gray, Elizabeth, 32. Greeley, , 46. Horace, 46. John, 46. Wallace, 46. Green, Mrs. Eliza, 81. Hattie, 31. 98 INDEX Griffin, Ruth Lucille. 25. Griggs, Frances, 45. Laura, 47. S. C, 45. Gulick, Susan, 65. Gulliver, Albert, 75. Anna, 75. Basil, 75. Harriet Edith, 75. Lillie G., 75. Gunnell, Bernice Anna, 75. Carrie E., 75. Cora A., 75. Edward L., 74. Edyth H., 76. Eliza A., 75. Esther May, 75. Eiiretta Ann, 74. Harry Rosen, 75. Hazel Mae, 75. Mary Jane, 74, 75. Nelson C, 75. Norris, 75. Retta E., 75. William, 74. William J., 75. William Jennings, 75. Gunschell. Olga, 19. Hall. Dora A., 74. Halsey, Anah. 51. Mrs. Elizabeth, 51. Fanny, 50. Frank M., 51. Harry H.. 51. Herman W., 51. Hancock, Alta Maria. 26. Hankey, Lionel O. Alers — , 41. Harmibal. Martha .A.dnah, 56. Melancthon Wheeler, 56. Harper, Catherine, 84. .John F., 42. Harris. Simon, 77. Harrison, Eugene H., 30. Georgia V., 72. Rhoda, 73. Vineta Adele, 35. Hart, Mary Ann, 88. Hatt. -, 61. Haulenbeek. Sarah Matilda, 20. Haynes, Thomas S., 26. Hayward, Adnah Virginia, 57. Sterling Paine, 57. Heaton, Grace Ann, 23. Henderson, Eliza J.. 86. Henry, Henrietta, 68. Herbst, Emma, IS. Hess, Eliza, 59. Hewitt, Jennie Miller, 57. Mary Allen. 57. Thomas C, 57. Thorpe Townsend, 57. William Edgar, 1, 57. Hickman, Catherine. 30. Hicks. Pansy Virginia, 26. Wood D., 26. Higgins, Mary G., 88. Hogan, Patrick J., 16. Holden, Anna Lavinia, 27. Carrie, 27. Charles Willis, 27. Elijah Dunton, 26. Ella Louisa, 27. Herman Townsend, 26. Ida Adelia, 27. Inez Marie, 27. Louisa, 27. Hopple, Winnifred, 19. Horen, , 70. Leslie. 70. Hormig. William F., 77. Horn. Helen Julia, 33. Henry F., 33. Henry Whitmill, 33. Home, Laura Mary, 43. Hosmer, Addie M., 82. Howard, Amy, 64. Bethuel. 64 (2). i'^ugene. 64. Floretta, 64. Harriet C, 64. Harry C, 64. Helen Irene, 64. Ida. 76. John Bethuel. 64. .John Neal, 64. Marie N., 64. Howell, , 65. Alice, 60. Helen. 65. Howson. Helen Elizabeth, 41. Hubert, 41. Hubert A., 41. Louisa Hart, 39. Marjorie. 41. Howth, Clarence Watson, 29. Edwin Simpson, 29. Emma O., 29. James De Lyon, 29. Leonora De Lyon, 29. Marv O., 29. Ophelia Ann, 29. Robert William, 29. Waist un. 28. William E.. 28 (2). William Edwin, 29 (2). Hubbard. Homer, 72 (2). Ru.<;sell. 72. Huff, Emma. 60. Huish, George Henry, 26. Verryl. 26. Huston, , 69. Hutchinson. Charles Herbert, 78. Frank James, 78. Ish, William K.. 49. Jacacks, , 63. Johnson, Adeline, 65. Charles A., 28. Frederick, 28. Joy, 29. Pamelia, 48. Johnston, Maude Walton, 53. Joiner, , 54. Jones, Emma, 31. Reginald H., 53. INDEX Judd, Orrin B., 37. Kase, David Lott, 60. Emma, 60. Harold H.. 60. John B., 60. Mary Lott, 60. Kaufman, , 48. Addie, 48. Andrew, 48. Charles, 48. Everett, 48. Frank, 48. Louisa, 48. Waldron, 48. Keith, , 48. Kelley, John, 48. Susan, 48. Kelsey, Arthur, 66. Emma, 66. Charles T., 65. Thomas, 66. Ketcham, Alice Mary, 57. Kilpatrick, Ophelia, 29. Robie, 29. Tommie. 29. Walter, 29. Kinch, Abigail, 47. Heth P., 47. Robert, 47. Ruth, 47. Sarah Ann, 47. Travis, 30. Walter, 47. William, 47 (2). King, Dr. < f 6. Mrs. Adelaide, 68. Albert Henry, 68. Ann, 49. Ebenezer, 63. Emma, 55. Jerome H., 49. John Henry, 68. Melissa, 63. Minnie Ada, 68. Nathaniel, 14, 49 (2), 63. Samuel, 63. Stella Elizabeth, 68. Kleabir, Alonzo, 69. Alonzo B., 69. Charles, 69. Wilham, 69. Klink. Kenneth, 18. William Martin, 18. Koch. Alma, 73. Clarence, 73. Edith, 73. FeUx, 73. Louis, 73. , ^ Mary Winnifred, 73. Rose, 73. Kusee, William, 28. Lake, Annie, 22. Delos, 22. Lamoreaux, Anna, 73. Landon, Charlotte E.. 24. Helena, 24. Herman D., 24. Inez May, 24. Landon, John Herman, 24. John W., 24. Louis, 24. Lurinda, 24. Raymond, 24. Wihiam B., 24. Lane, Calista, 39. Langstroth, Beatrice, 21. Charlotte Louise, 20. Christopher Ingram, 20. Clifford, 21. Frances Butler, 21. Francis Ward, 20, 21. Laura, Columbus G., 79. Gilbert C, 79. Lawrence, Mrs. Mary, 67. Leggett, Henry James, 27. Leonard, Edith C, 43. Lewis, Cynthia, 21. Lockwood, Hilliard, 17. Howard, 41. Jane, 78. Richard, 17. Lord, Alfred Ernest, 43. Annie Gertrude, 43. Arthur Frederick, 43. Caroline Mabel, 43. Charles Edward, 43. Ella, 43. _ ,^ Frances Colgate, 43, 44. Harriet, 43, 44. Henry Mailler. 43. Laura Mary, 43 (2). Minnie Ethel, 43. Percy, 43. Samuel, 43. . Samuel Perkins. 43. William Henry, 43 (2). Losey, — —, 86. Elizabeth, 86. Nicholas, 86. Sarah, 86. Lum, EUzabeth,.85 Lynde, Mary Elizabeth, 42. Lyon, William E., 60. Lyster, Louisa, 64. Mabie, Henry Charles, 18. McCarnethy. Eunice, 68. McCurdy, Tillie, 52 McGown, Alberta Sarah, lb. Charlotte L., 16. Clarissa B., 16. . EUzabeth Lavinia, 16. Emma, 16, 90. Ethel Brewer, 16. John Horace, 16. Lulu, 16. _ . Margretta Haring, 16. Raymond, 16. Solomon Brewer, 16. Wallace, 16. McKenzie, Adele, 19. Charles Thomas, 19. Charlotte Louise, 19. Edward Townsend, 19. Elizabeth Woodruff, 19. Joel Barlow, 19. Joel Barlow Lang, 19. 100 INDEX McKenzie.'Lavinia Louise, 19. Lavinia Maria, 19 (2). Raphael Munroe, 19. Robert Abbe, 19. Virginia, 19. William Edward, 19. William H., 19. William Valentine. 19 (3). McLaughlin, Charles H., 81. Frances Anita, 81. George Ganong, 81. McLaughry, , 81. Marilda, 81. McLoughlin, James G., 53. McNamara, John, 46. McNulty, , 89. Charles R.. 89. Helen C. 66, 89. Ida, 55, 89. Malcolm, Rebecca Ann. 88. Mallory. Mrs. Sarah, 22. Manor. Pearl. 71. Mansfield. Elizabeth, 22. Marcy, Mabel Currv, 36. Marlow, William, 52. Marrs, Anna. 83. Marsh. William. 66. Martin, Eliza M., 40. Marvin, Cora, 77. Mead, Abigail, 14, 55, 58. Anna, 14, 49, 63. Benjamin, 14. Jeremiah, 14. Philip, 14. Meeker, , 51. Edward, 46. Emeline, 65. Jacob, 51. John, 51. Lewis, 51. Louise. 51. Ruth, 46. Samantha, 51. Sarah. 51. Menutt, Martha, 76. Merrill, Betsey Sophia. 87. Messier, Charlotte Louise, 21. Cornelius, 21. Isaac 21 Miller, Abraham J., 89. Abram, 61. Adnah Alraira, 57. Albert, 30. Carrie, 56. D., 16. David, 56. Edgar Townsend, 56. Elizabeth, 61. 89. Elizabeth Coleman, 56. Ethel, 30. Harry, 56. Helen Augusta, 56. Jennie, 76. Martha Sanford, 57. Mary Ann, 89. May, 30. Rachel. 31. Sarah Jane, 56. Moir, Theodore, 66. Moore, Chester Clark, 27. Elizabeth, 22. Frances, 81. John. 22. Mrs. Mary Ann, 22. Sarah, 22. Violet Edith, 44. Morey, Albert Edwin, 77. Albert Irwin, 77. Florence Marguerite, 78. Helen Ethel, 77. Henry J. O., 77. Lester Lynn, 77. Mildred Mabel, 77. Minnie May, 77. Ralph Owen, 77. Morse, Myra Clark, 22. Sarah High. 19. Mosier. . SO. Mulhollen. Abideau. 31. WilHam, 31. Mulliner. Walter Girdwood, 25. Myers, Lizzie, 68. Narrin, Grace. 84. Neal. Anna, 65. Claudius Biggs, 65. David, 39. Elizabeth, 64. Horetta, 64. , Frances Martha, 39. George, 65 (3). Isaac, 64. Isaac Henry, 65. Harry. 65. .John, 64, 65. Mark, 65. Mary King. 65. Max E., 65. Saren, 65. Nelson and Ward Co.. 15. Neumann, Mrs. Henrietta, 52. Newcomb, Ann, 48. Charles. 48. George W.. 47. Newell, Abbie Marie, 44. Albert Henry, 44. Andrew, 44. Andrew Brough, 44. Andrew Valentine, 44. CHnton, 44. Daisy F'rances, 44. Edward Williams, 44. Eugene Cosmo, 44. Eva Helen, 44. Francis Sargent, 44. Frederick Lord, 44. Harriet Grace, 44. Launcelot Huntley, 44. Lawrence Colgate, 44. Lucy Colgate, 44. Valentine, 44. Walter Colgate, 44. Noble. Queenie, 20. Norcross, Helena, 27. Obermeyer, John Charles, 23. John Woodford, 23. Margaret Towusend, 23. INDEX 101 Ogden, Ann, 55. Prentiss, Harriet, 84. Lvdia Herrick. 17. William, 84. Olmstead, Bessie, 87. Prouty, Stephen, 73. Pursell, George, 66. Edwin .J., 87. Eliza, 84. Putnam, Ida, 24. Emily Cornelia, 87. Quick, , 67. John C, 87. Martha, 67. Royal O., 87. Rappleye, Edna M., 55. Orr, Charles Robert, 76. Ida M., 66. Cora, 76. Ray, Hester, 32. Edward A., 76. Jane, 32. Edwin, 76. John, 32, 33. Foster, 76. Mary, 32. George E., 76. Reed, Eliza, 79. Harriet, 76. Willetha, 24. Hazel, 76. Reynolds, Elizabeth, 35. Howard, 76. Mrs. Jennie, 84. James M., 76 (2). Robbins, Mary Agnes, 17. James Madison, 76. Robinson, , 61. John J., 76. Sarah, 69. May C, 76. Rogers, , 55. Roy Milton, 76. Emma, 55. Samuel, 76. Reine, 55. William, 76. Root, Margaret, 69. Pace, George Edgar, 87. Rolene, 65. Herbert Austen, 87. Rose, Charlotte, 34. Kittie Amanda, 87. Rowe, Attalie Lizette, 16. Page, George M., 52. John Edward, 16 (2). Palmer, Cortland, 38. Rubenstein, Eugenia, 28. George, 50. Ruff, Adelle, 80. Wallace Clyde, 78. Boston, 80. Parepp, George, 16. Edgar, 80. Parntt, Ida Frances, 44. Frances, 80. Mary Helen, 44. Henry, 80. Peter T. I., 44. James, 80. Parish, , 69. Jane, 80. Parker, Frances Butler, 21. John, 80. Patten, A., 21. Nettie. 80. Ida Beulah, 40. William, 80. Pendrell, L. L., 45. Rutan, Geraldine, 53. Pepper, Mary Ann, 58. Rutter, , 70. Perego, Frances, 42. Ella, 70. Ira, 42. Sackett, Sarah, 72. Perine, Esther Stewart, 25. Salter, Elizabeth, 64. Harry Brown, 25. Sanford, Charles, 60. Perry, William, 31. Edward, 60. Peterson, Marie, 60. Howell, 60. Roy, 60. Janet, 60. Phillips, Alfred Bennett, 42. Schifferstine, Ida, 27. Phinney, L. N., 59. Schisler, Sophia, 71. Pickering, , 67. Scott, Edith LiUian Charlotte, 44, Mary, 67. Seamans, Clifford Mortimer, IS. Pierce, George, 80. Frederick, 18. Pitcher, Mary, 79. Helen Rebecca, 18. Plum, Harriet, 49. Ina Lavinia, 18. Porter, Margaret, 24. Samuel Townsend, 18. Potter, A. W., 82. Sears, Bertha, 61. Charles, 46. George, 61. Herald Leslie, 74. Gilbert. 61. John W., 74. Ida, 55. Leah Mildred, 74. Laura, 61 (2). Potts, Addie, 40. Melanie, 47. Pow, Effie, 81. Pearl, 61. Predmore, Alice, 31. Pine, 50. Annice Townsend, 36. Wallace, 61. Robert, 36. William, 50. Walter, 36. Sebring, , 51. 102 INDEX Sherman, Da\id, 80. Sherwood, Abigail, 80. Selkirk, Thomas Andress, 29. William Andress, 29. William M., 29. Zola, 29. Severns, Caroline, 50. Edwin, 50. Seward, Wm. H., Blatchford & Morgan, 52. Shannon, Elvira, 50. William, 50. Sharp, Luke, 22. Mary Ann, 22. Mary V. C, 34. Shaw, Mary Elizabeth, 28. Sherard, Edna, 29. Shields, Annie A., 43. Simpkins, Maud, 58. Simpson, H. W., 46. Mabel, 46. Sims, Anna, 77. Bell, 72. Bertha V., 72. Charles, 72, 77. Earl, 74. Edith B., 72. Edward, 76. Elizabeth, 71. Ethel, 74. Frank, 76. Georgie V., 72. Harriet, 71, 74. Harrison, 72. Harry, 77. Jane M., 71. Jennie, 72. John, 72, 76. Mabel, 76. Mae, 77. Mary, 69, 71, 72. May, 72. Mina A., 72. Nelson, 72, 73. Nelson Allen, 72. Rachel, 71, 76. Robert William, 72. Samuel, 71, 72, 73. Samuel M., 72. Vera M., 72. WilUam, 72. Small, Frances Isabel, 42. Smelser, , 51. Smelzer, Dorothy Grace, 32. John, 32. Lewis M., 32. Loraine Cynthia, 32. PhiUp Townsend, 32. Sarah M., 32. Smith, , 17, 54. Alice Lott, 32. Andrew, 82. Anna M., 32. Athena, 52. Charles, 46. Clarence F., 32. Claude S., 32. Clyde E.. 32. Smith, Cornelius Cole, 51. Darwin Covert, 32. Delos, 52. Edwin, 32 (2). Mrs. Elizabeth, 74. Emma, 51, 59. Esther Mary, 59. Francis Asbury, 52. Fred, 32, 59 (2). Frederick E., 84. Gilbert, 51 (2). Harry Richard, 74. Hattie M., 61. Mrs. Ida, 30. Inez, 51. John, 82. John G., 74. John Towne, 51. Lewis Henry, 85. Lillie, 59. Mrs. Lola, 51, Lucinda, 69. Lucretia, 53. Mrs. Marilda, 13. Mary, 36. Mary Jane, 77. Maurine W., 84. May, 52. Meta Maria, 85. Nettie, 52. Price, 59. Rhoda, 32, 36. Ruth, 50. Mrs. Sally Ann, 32. Stephen, 82. Stephen B., 13. Thomas P., 74. • W. C, 59. William, 51. Snell, Byron, 71. Dorothy, 71. Margaret Elizabeth, 71. Robert B., 71. Samuel R., 71. Thomas Benton, 71. Snidecor, Beryl Lucinda, 77. Carol Harriet, 77. Courtland Dean, 77. Herbert C, 77. Ida Caroline, 77. Rhea Irene, 77. Spencer, Harriet P., 15. Olivia, 56. Sprague, Andrew Jackson, 48. Bowles Colgate, 48. Clara, 48. Ellen, 48. Gilbert, 48. James, 48 (2). James Madison, 48. Laurina, 48. Leota, 48. Louisa, 48. Parker, 48. Peter, 48. Peter H., 48. Thomas Jefferson, 48. William, 48. INDEX 103 Spring, Minnie H., 41. Stanley, Vivian, 56. Steinhauer, Lizzie B., 72. Steinhour, Lydia, 80. Stewart, Childe Harold, 25. Esther Cocilla, 25. Gabrielle Townsend, 25. Mary Amanda, 25. Newell Coe, 24, 25 (2). Ruth Lucille, 25. Samuel Townsend, 25. Thomas, 24. Wellington, 51. William Edgar, 25. William Goodman, 25. Stone, A. B., 29. Absalom B., 28. Delia, 29. Eula, 29. Mary, 29. Robert, 29. Stella, 29. Warren Walton, 29. Stoneback, Frances Alexander, 34. Stoneburner, Emma, 70. Grant, 70. Henry M., 70. Stover, Alfred Irving, 57. Charles Kent, 58 (2). Florence May, 58. George Coleman, 58. Howard, 58. Irving, 20. James House, 20, 57. Sullivan. , 80. Helen, 88. Sundberg, C. Fred, 62. Fred Delos, 62. Hattie, 79. Sutton, Virginia, 59. Swart, Clifford Townsend, 33. Harold Arthur, 33. Samuel Ackerly, 33 (2). Swart hout, Laura A., 32. Minnie F., 32. Peter W., 32. Swegles, Annie, 71. Charles, 71. Harriet, 71. Jane, 70. John, 70. Josephine, 70. Mrs. Louisa, 70. Maria, 70. Matthew, 70. Matthias, 70. William, 70 (2). Swicks, Peter, 80. Taylor, Bessie, 40, Beulah, 24. Charlotte, 31. William G., 24. Terbush, Eugene, 54. Henry, 54. Joseph, 54. Terry, Alta B., 62. Arvesta Maria, 62. C. Mills. 62. Terry, Clarence D., 62. Delos B., 62. Devereaux, 83. Elias, 82. Ethel E., 62. Francis A., 62. Isabel Rebecca, 83. Isaiah C, 83. James, 83. Jeremiah Ganong, 83. Kelley J., 83. Mae B., 62. Mary E., 62. Oakley E., 62. Sarah, 62. Wilbur S., 62. Thomson, Hattie, 76. Thornton, Eliza Ann, 21. Emma, 21. Waterman, 21. William, 21. Thorpe, Darius D., 56. Darius Donald, 56. Edgar Miller, 56. Helen Townsend, 56. Helen Victoria, 56. Walter Hannibal, 56. Tiffany, Edward, 18. Louise, 18. Tinkham, Able D., 82. John H., 82. John W., 82. Marilda, 82. Martha V., 78, 82. WeUngton, 82. William, 82. Tomkins, Mary A., 34. Tompkins, Frank Van Vleet, 64. George L. D., 64. Hugh Oscar, 64. John Neal, 64. Neal Asay, 64. Oscar, 64. Oscar Roy, 64. Robert George, 64. Townsend, , 14. Abigail, 80. Abram Shultz, 33, 35, 36. Albert Ray, 86. Alexander, 79. Alfred, 54, 55. Alfred S., 55. Alice E., 54. Altan Leigh, 26. Amanda, 14, 48, 87. Amanda Ann, 32, 33. Amy, 26, 54. Andrew B., 86, 88. Ann, 14, 46, 47, 55. Anna, 46. Annie, 33. Annie Lavinia, 21. Arthur Russell, 33. Arvah Cole, 63. Augustus, 58. Augustus C, 61. Mrs. Avis, 79. Mrs. Belinda, 46. 104 INDEX Townsend, Bertram Hancock, 26. Bowles Colgate, 33. Bruce Ogden, 55. Byrd S., 63. Carlton Gilbert. 63. Caroline, 15 (2). Carrie, 88. Charles, 21. Charles O., 55, 89. Charlotte, 22, 24, 55. Charlotte Amanda, 20, 36. Charlotte Lavinia. 15, 26. Chauncey A., 55. Christopher, 37. Clara, 14, 58. Clara Belle, 54. Mrs. Clarissa, 86. Cole, 58. Converse, 58. Cora E., 55. Coral, 26. Cornelia, 21, 22, 87. Deborah Ann, 86. Delia, 55. Delos H.. 61, 62. Edgar. 46. Edward, 33. Edward Jacob, 33. Edward Waterman, 22. Edwin Samson, 54. Elijah. 13, 48. 54. 66, 86. Eliza Ann, 86. Elizabeth, 13, 32, 46, 54. 57. 66 (2) 80. Mrs. EHzabeth. 46. Elizabeth Hannah. 88. Elizabeth McNulty, 66. Ella. 46. Elmira, 55. Emeline, 80. Mrs. Emma, 86. Emory O., 15. Estella May, 86. Eveline, 46 (2). Everett, 35. Florence, 19. Florence M., 63. Francis C, 55. Frank, 21. Fred, 86 (2), 87. Fulton A., 23. Gabriella, 26. Gabrielle, 22, 24. George, 21, 22. George C, 66. George Herman, 26. George Lewis, 86. George Richard, 36. George W., 86. Gideon, 79 (2). Gilbert, 13 (2), 21, 49, 55 (2), 58, 61, 89. Gilbert Colgate, 46. Gilbert D., 63. Grace, 55. Harriet, 33, 79. Helen, 35, 66. Helen Elizabeth, 35. Townsend, Henry, 79 (2). Henry A., 88. Herbert, 46. Herman, 15, 22, 59, 66. Hiram, 15. Homer, 15. Horace, 14 (2). Horace Gilbert, 15. 21. Horace Thornton, 21. Howard Grant, 86. Howard Miller, 63. Ida, 33, 66. Ida Radford, 33. Ira, 14, 32, 36. Ira Austen. 35. Jackson, 58 (2). .Jacob Shaver. 32, 33. James, 79. Jane, 46. Jane Buck, 36. Jedediah, 14, 49, 54 (2), 55. Jefferson, 58. Jemima, 13, 36, 49, 58. Jennie L., 46. Jeremiah, 14, 46, 49, 54, 79. Jesse W., 85, 88. Tpssif* ^ 'S John,' 13 '(2), 46, 49, 58, 65, 79, 80, 85. John Albert, 86. John C, 66. John Cowen, 86, 87. John H. Vincent. 63. John Meeker, 66, 89. John Woodford, 23. Joseph Capstone, 26. Joseph Longking, 22, 26. Josephine Addie, 54. Mrs. Julia. 15. Julia Marie, 26. Julia Winifred. 63. Lavinia Maria, 1."), 17. Leland Earl, 86. Le Roy Heaton, 23. Lewis, 59, 86. Jjcwis Meeker, 66. Litetia, 54. Lloyd Carroll, 86. Lorenzo, 14. Lorenzo D., 15. Louisa, 14. .30, 79. Lourina, 14, 32, 34, 37. Lovisa, 14. Mabel Edythe, 86. Mahlon Coleman, 46. Maria, 61. Marion, 23. Marion Louise, 35. Martha, 49, 61, 62 (2), 65. Martha Ann, 54, 55. Mary, 15, 33 (2), 36, 49, 63, 88 Mary L., 62. Mary Mansfield, 22. Maud, 66. Minnie, 46. Miranda, 14, 55. Morris Dickson, 23. INDEX 105 Townsend, Muriel, 35. Nellie, 32. Onaldo, 15. Orlando, 15. Orrin, 54. Orvilla, 61 (2). Orville. 46. Oswald, 46. Paul, 66. Mrs. Phebe A., 54. Polly, 85, 86. Rachel, 49 (2), 58. Ravnham, 26. Raynham Lynn, 26. Rebeckah, 13. Rhoda, 35, 36. Robert Hogeboom, 66. Rosette, 79. Ruth, 66. Ruth Morse. 22. St. Elmo, 23. Sally, 61. Samuel Alan, 23. Samuel Withrow, 23. Sarah, 13, 14, 36, 47, 49, 80, 89. Sarah C. 66. i Sarah Meeker, 66. Sewall, 87. Stephen, 79. Tammah, 14, 28. Tertullus, 54, 58. Tertullus Dickerson, 14, 49, 58. Thirza, 85. Travis, 14, 36. Verne Ethel, 86. Villiers Stewart, 26. Virginia Ethel, 23. Walter, 33 (2). Washington, 58 (2). William, 15, 88. William C, 15. William K., 86, 88 (2). William Roselle, 21. William Thornton, 21. Woodford, 22, 23. Woodworth, 55. Zoe, 26. Trainer, Arthur, 30. Cora, 30. Daniel, 30. Herschel, 30. Mary, 30. Traphagen, Walter B., 62. William, 62. Travis, Jemima, 13. Mary, 30. Tyler, Georgia, 69. Tyley, Charles D., 73. Frank D., 73. Vera, 73. Tymesen, Lora, 59, 66. William H., 59. Tuck, Alvin J., 25 (2). Mary Stewart, 25. Richard Townsend, 25. Robert Hazard, 25. Tufts, , 52. Tunison, , 52. Mary J., 66. Udell, Sarah N., 33. Updike, Alvah Delos, 61. Cora A., 61. Edwin, 61. Floyd Smith, 61. Harvey S., 61. Ida E.. 61. Marie Orvilla, 61. Rensselaer, 61. Vanderwort, Emily, 69. Vandervorte, Emma, 72. Van Emburg, Irene, 64. Van Houten, , 54. Ann, 54.' Barnum, 54. Effie, 54. Emma, 54. Henry, 54. Jedediah, 54. John, 54. Van Liew, Lucy, 52. Van Patten, Chester Nelson, 75. Harriet E.. 75. Howard. 75. Jacob, 75. James, 75 (2). Meta, 75. Nicholas, 75 (3). Orwin G., 75. Rebecca J., 75. Stella May, 75. WilUam H., 75. Van Vleet, Ada, 60. Andrew B., 59. Ann P., 59. Blue, 58. Blue E., 59. Cara Belle, 63. Carrie, 60. Elijah, 63. Elizabeth, 59. Emehne. 59, 60. Emma, 60. Ezekiel Blue, 59. Florence, 63. Floretta, 63, 65. Francis L., 36. Frank, 36, 63. George, 13. Georgia, 63. Isaac, 59, 60, 63. Jabez, 36. Janet S., 59. Lewis, 60. Maria, 63, 64. Martha, 59. 60. Minnie Louise, 36. Peter, 13, 58 (2), 59, 63. Peter P., 59. Sarah Maria, 59. Townsend, 59 (2). William B., 60. Van Zant, Effie, 49. Villi ng, Adazila, 82. Clara, 82. 106 INDEX Vining, Elizabeth, 82. Watson. Robert C, 29 (2). James. 82. William Howth, 29. Jay, 82. Weeber, Grace Adline, 19. Jeremiah, 82. Weed, , 36. • John, 82 (2). Wellman, Anna Rebecca, 88. Lovina, 82. Edith Blanche, 88. Minor, 82. Harry E., 88. Von Cloffer, Eve, 54. Irving E.. 88. , Wadsworth, Gerald Bertram, 35. West, , 30. Wagner (or Waggoner), , 28. Whaley, Haydie, 68. Amanda, 28. Whitfield, Mrs. Eudora (or Jane,) 28 Emeline, 28. Whiting, Adelaide, 17. Waldo, Talitha, 37. Anna, 17. Walker, Nellie, 73. Edward Tiffany, 18. Wallace, John B., 71. Emily Ellen, 18. Walling, Lilly, 26.' George Walter, 18. Wamsley, Abigail, 30. George Washington, 17. .\nn, 30. Helen Barnes, 18. Christopher, 30. Lucy Virginia, 17. Delos H., 31. Mildred Wood, 18. Edwin, 30. Walter B.. 18. Elmer, 30. Whitney, Arthur. 45. Frances Lourina, 31. Margaret Craig, 45. Gilbert Robert, 31. Whittle, Olive Grace. 33. Gilbert T., 30 (2). Whitworth. Major -^. 51. Herschel, 30. Wickham. Harriet, 59. Ida, 30. Wilder. Gaston H.. 29. Lavinia M.. 30. Gaston Howth. 29. Louisa Ann, 30. Leonora De Lyon. 29. Lourina, 30, 31. Williams. Elizabeth Mott. 83. Martha E., 30. Wilson. , 47. Mary Jane, 31. Daniel, 13. Menzo, 31. Sally, 49. William C, 30. Withrow, Margaret R., 23. Ward. Ada May, 16. Wood, Deborah, IS. Caroline Louisa, IG. Wooden, Lucinda, 69. Charlotte Townsend, 16. Mary Ann, 77. Eliza, 16. Woodruff, Adele, 19. Harriet Amelia, 15. Wouters, Charles, 57. James Madison, 15. Wright, Mrs. Anna, 83. Janet. 16. Hannah, 83. John Horace, 15 (2), 16. Mary, 46. Lavinia Maria, 15, 16 (2). William, 83. Lois, 16. Wyckoff, Adaline, 63. Marie Antoinette. 15. Aretus, 65. Waring, Howard S., 53. Helen, 65. Olive, 53. Yard, Abram Townsend, 35. Warren. Myra, 88. George B., 35 (2). Roxan, 68. York. Abraham, 81., Alice, 44. Cedeha, 81. Waters, Carol, 24. William. 81. John, 24. Young. Lena, 34. John Landon, 21. Zimmerman, Cecil E., 78. Lita, 24. Joseph, 78. Watson, Bettie, 29. Kenneth S., 78. /^■^/'^i^w^/.^i^^ Htwn„.rtr^.<, 0^^-rKC^ J^^^i^V ' I Nelson Ross rranong Kliza Uennis Oa Anna Marrs Kliza Ijennis Ganong Peter Krb,M,lJ. No childre; Townsenri i^eneHio^ry, Kliza Dennis Ganong Krb, Jo^in Tow.>isend born (probaltly) in ijuc^e^s Co. N.Y. 1^/43 rtl^^rt isp.I.MarripH in luichess Co., about IV65. Served hr ur1""'i^"'e in the Dutchess Co., Militia. Narae found in the lists of iM^n credited to tVi^t Co. during" th'S"'" y^ Revolution. References (besides to tue.franong* Lundy Oenealogies ).N.v. . . in the Kevoltition pp 140,158, Ji46. History of Duchess Co.,p ^88 . '^This record was accepted by t\\G National Board.Of course Dutchess Co., ^at at t)iat driy included man^ towns now i.n other counties, %^i^Sr^ ^ Jeremiah Ganong in the War of I8IP.. Jeremiah Ganong served in the war of I8I2 as a private in Captain Samuel Ingersoll's Company 7th Regiment New York State Artillery from October I-*^ to December J<3-I8I.'^. He also served in t^ie war mentioned as a Corporal in Captain Henry Haight's Oompany of light Infantry Lieutenant-Colonel Johnat^ian Varinns Regiment New York Malitia.His service is shown to have commenced August ^.9-1814 Three days being allowed him tn travel from Brooklyn encampment to Camiel County New York. References from unpublished records/?) the War l^epartment. John Towns end Jemima Travis, Genealogy an 1 DeeeHtt Klizabeth Townsend, Klizabeth Towjisend Jeremiah Ganong Jeremiah G.G anong, Rebecca Cole, Jereiriiah G, Ganong. Nelson Ross f^anong. Over Nelson Hoss Tranong Anna Marrs KliJ^a }jennls Prpnong, Kliza Ijennis uanong Feter Krb.M.b. No chil'-iren. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 091 746 2