Class Copyright Ni COIYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Copyright. 1882. By Thomas Y. Crowell o(/er.i, . . A.' Fields, . If of ton, . . F. Spencer, Phelps, . . Michell, . Cowper, . . Dryden, Sarqent, H. k. White, Bonar, . . E. Young, . I lor Xll CONTENTS. All Earthly Joy Returns ill Pain Dunbar 20« All in a Liifetime, Stedman, 539 All the Rivers, Phelps 416 All Things Once are Things Forever Lord Houghton, . . . 289 All Things Sweet when Prized, A. T. De Vere, ... 186 All Together, H. H. Brownetl, ... 57 Alone, H. H. Broivnell, ... 58 A Lost Chord, A. A. Procter, ... 441 A Lover's Prayer, . . . • Wyatt 677 A Love Song M. A. De Vere, ... 317 A March Violet Lazarus, 337 A Match, Sicinburne, .... 555 Ambition, O. Houghton, .... 285 Ambition, E. Young 683 Amends Richardson, .... 458 America, Dobell, 189 A Mussel Shell, Thaxter 587 A Name in the Sand Gould 238 An Author's Complaint, Pope, 765 And Thou hast Stolen a Jewel, Massey, 368 And Were That Best ? Gilder, 233 An Evening Reverie, Bryant, 80 An Epitaph, Prior, 773 Angelic Care, E. Spencer, .... .528 An Idle Poet, Robertson, 851 Annabel Lee, Poe. 423 An October Picture, Collier, 143 An Old Song Reversed, Stoddard, 540 An Open Secret Mason, 844 Answered, P. Cary, 127 Antony to Cleopatra Bytle, .'553 An Unthrift, Braddock, . . An Untimely Thought T. B. Aldrich, A Passionate Shepherd to his Love, Marloice, . . A Petition to Time, B. W. Proctor, A Picture, Street, . . . A Picture of Pollen, Scott Apollo Belvedere, W. 1!'. Gay, . A Portrait, E. B. Browning, Apostrophe to Ada, Byron, . . .' Apiistrophe to Hope, Campbell, . . Apostvoplie to Liberty, Addison, . . Apostroplie to l^ight, Milton, 805 10 842 444 549 477 K20 63 105 117 3 381 Apostroplie to Popular Applause, Coirper, 157 Apostrophe to the Ocean, Byron, 100 Apostrophe to the Poet's Sister, }f'ordsn-o)'th, .... 6(i7 Apostrophe to the Sun Perriral 411 Apostrophe to the ^V^limslcal, Crabhe, 165 A Prayer in Sickness, li. W. Procter, . . . 445 April ir. Morris .390 A Protest, J. 'P. Fields, .... 226 A Question Answered, Machay, 365 Archie, ' /'. Cary, 125 A Request, Landor, .328 Argument, Tupper, 617 A Scene in the Highlands, Scott, 477 Ashes of Roses, E. Goodale, .... 237 Asking for Tears S. M. B. Piatt, ... 421 Ask Me uo More Carew, 118 Ask Me no More, Tennyson 57m A Sleep, Prescott, 434 A Snow-Drop, Spoford, 531 A Snow-Storm, Eastman 208 A Song of Content, /. ■/. Riatt, .... 419 A Song of Doubt, Holland, 271 A Song of Faith, Holland, 272 Aspirations after the Infinite, Itenside, 7 Aspirations of Youth Montgomery, .... 384 A Spring Day, Jlloomjield, 40 CONTENTS. xm As Slow our Ship, -^''T'» ' ' • • Assurance, E.D. Brotiming, A State's Need of Virtue, Thomson, . . A Strip of Blue Larcom, . . A Summer INIood, "Vr'A-'^' ' " ' A Summer Morning McAai/ . . . A Summer Noon at Sea, Mirgent, . . A Sunset Picture, falconer, . . At a Club Dinner, -■y"™'^' • • At Divine Disposal, ^"!r"/.^^A • " At Dawn, ^-f^- ■''.• f «'•*•' A Tempest, ^''?.'%'^'''\,-- At Home, f/./v -^o***"'' A Thought, ^''^''''"' ■ • ■ A Thought of the Past, Snrf/ent, . . A Thrush in a Gilded Cage V.'7",' , '' ', ' ' ■Vt Last Stoddard, . . At the (3hurch-gate, rhackeray, . At the Forge, t fl'n j\ ' " At the Last, iruJ'u At Sea, . H.H,Brownell, At Sea Jenmson, . . At Sea; Moulon, . . Auf Wiedersehen, Loircll, . . . Auld Robin Gray, JJarnard . . Austerity of Poetry, ^^- ArnoUi, . Autobiography, Jiarerjial, . . Autumn, Hoplcins, . . Autumnal Sonnet, AUmgImm, . Autumn Song, Hutchmson, . Avarice, . f; Spenser, . A Voice from Afar, Netimaii, . . Awaking of the Poetical Faculty, An/.vr, . . • A Welcome to Alexandra, lenmjson, . . A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea Cunmngham, A Wife, Bryden, . . A Woman's Love, /"''.' V, ' / " A Woman's Question, ^,- ^- ^ rocter, A Woman's Way, Bunner, . . . B. Ballad, Barbara, .... Barbara Frietchie, Battle Hymn of the Republic. Battle of the Baltic, Bay Billy, . . . Beati llli, .... Beatitude, . . . Beauties of Morninj Beautiful Death, . Beauty's Immortality, Becalmed at Eve, . Beethoven, . . . feefore Dawn, . . Before the Bridal, Before the Prime, Behind the Mask, . Belinda, .... Bell and Brook, . Bending between Me and the Taper, Benevolence, Be Quiet, Do, . Betrayal, . . . Beyond Recall, Bingen on the Rhine, Hood, . A. Smifh, J. G. Whittier, Howe, Campbell, Gassaicaij, Symonds, A. T. Be Vere, Beattiv, . . Dry den, Keats, . . Clouqh, . . Tlia'cter, . Thompson . . B. Taylor, . Osgood, . . Whitney, . Pope, . . S. T. Coleridge. A. T. De Vere. Sigourney, Mackay, Lanier, . Bradley, Xorton, . XIV CONTENTS. Birds and their Loves, Thomson, 503 Blessed are They that Mourn, Bryant, 72 Books, Crabbe, 1^0 Bosom Sin, Herbert 265 Boyhood, AJlston 1!) Break, Break, Break, Jennysmi, 584 Breatlies there the Man, *«>« 478 Breathings of Spring, •?'''"""*'', : , ' • • • ^^^ Broken Friendships S. I . Coteriih/e. . . . 13(i Bugle Song Tennyson, 577 Burial of Sir John ISIoore, Wolfe. G65 Burns Halltck, 249 But Heaven, O Lord, 1 cannot Lose, E.D. Proctor, . . . 44K Bvroirs Remarkable Prophecy Byron 103 By tlie Autumn Sea, Hayne, 250 By the Dead, LuiglUon 324 c. Calling the Dead, Calm and Tempest at Night on Lake Leman, Calm on the Bosom of our God, Carailoc, the Bard of the Cymrians, S. M. B. Piatt. ... 421 Byron, 101 Hevians, 263 E. B. Lytton 839 705 4 547 840 584 206 286 639 431 308 Careless Content, Byrom, . . . Cato's Soliloquy Addison, . . Cayuga Lake Street, . . . Changes, B. B. Lytton, . Charge of the Light Brigade Tennyson, . . Charity Dryden, . . Charity ('• Haub\ . . Despite All, Drummond , Destiny T. B. Aldrich, Die down, O Dismal Day I). Gray, Different Sources of Funeral Tears, E. Young, Dirge for a Soldier, Bolcer, '. Discontent, Thaxter, Disdain Returned Carcir, . Distance no Barrier to the Soul, Cowley, . Divorced, Lord Houghton, Doctor Drollhead's Cure, Anonymous, Dolcino to Margaret, Kingsley, . Domestic Happiness, Campbell, . Door and Window, //.A'. Do/-r, Dorothy Q., Holmes, . . Dow's Flat, Harte, . . Dreams li. Browning, Drifting, Bead, . . Driving Home the Cows, K. P, Osgood, Dullness, Pope, . . . Dying, BucharMU, E. Early Death and Fame, M. Arnold, Early Rising Saxe, . . . Early Summer, Hopkins, . Easter-day, .• O. fVilde, . Easter Morning Mace, . . East London, M. Arnold, Effect of Contact with the World E. Young, . Effort the Gauge of Greatness E. Young 680 Egyptian Serenade Curtis, 181 Elegy in a ('(umlrv Churchyartl, T. Gray 240 End of all Earthly Glory Shakespeare, .... 487 Endurance, . . " Allen, 14 Entered into Rest Bolton, 805 Enviable Age, S. Johnson, . . . . 30K Epistle to Augusta Byron 95 Epigram, f!- T. ColerUhje, . . 711 Epitaph Hervey, 1^68 Epitaph D. Jonson 310 Epithalamium, BrainanI, Equinoctial Whitney, Equipoise, Preston, Estrangement through Trifles, Moore, 385 Evelyn Hope B. Broivniny. ... 69 Evening, Croly 178 Evening, Wordswortli 675 Evening'Prayer at a Girls' School, Hemans, 26:2 Evening Song Lanier, 328 636 434 Eventide, ."'. Burbulge, Every Day, Allen, . Excessive Praise or Blame, Pope, Excess to be Avoided, Thomson, Exhortation to Marriage, Exile of Erin, External Impressions Dependent on the Soul's Moods, Extract from " A Reverie in the Grass," Extracts from Miss Biddy's Letters ... 809 ... 17 ... 433 ... 596 Bogers, 461 Campbell 112 Crahbe, 167 MacLay 365 Moore 760 479 739 740 606 485 F. Faciebat, Abbey 2 Fair and Fifteen Bedden, 848 Fair and Unworthy Ayton. 798 Faith, . .- Kenible, 318 Faith in Doubt, Tennyson, 575 Faith in Unfaith, Scott, . . Faithless NeUie Grav, Hood, . . Faithless Sally Brown, Hood, . . Falling Stars, Trench, . . False Appearances, Shalcespenre False Terrors in View of Death E. Yoking, 682 Fame, B. B. Lytton, . . . 753 Fancy, Keats 311 Fantasia Spofford, 530 Fare Thee Well, Byron, 92 Farewell, Symonds, 559 Farewell, Thaxter, 586 Farewell, Life, Hood 283 Farewell of the Soul to the Body Sigourney 499 Farewell, Renown, Dobson, 190 Farewell to Nancy, Burns 84 Fatherland and IVIother Tongue, Lover, 748 Father Molloy Lover, 748 Fear no More, Shakespeare, .... 488 Fear of Death Shakespeare 487 February Morris, 389 Few in Many, B. B. Lytton, ... 752 Field Flowers, Campbell, ill Fingers, Ao//, ••, ,• First Appearance at the Odeou J. T. Fields, Five, : J. C. B. Don Florence Nightingale, E. Arnold, Florence Vane ^- J'- Cooke, Flower and Fruit, Thomas, Flowers without Fruit, 836 227 195 2^* 151 853 Newman, 396 Folly of Litigation, Crahbe, 164 For a Servant, Wither, ...... 6C3 For a' Tliat and a' That, JIurns, 82 For a Widower or Widow, Wither, 662 Forbearance, Emerson, 215 Forget Me Not, Sarr/ent, 469 Foreliiiowletltte Undesirable, Tupper, 620 Forever, . " O'Jieilh/, 400 Forever Unconfessed, Lord Houghtoti, . . . 288 Forever with the Lord, Montgomerij, .... 385 For his Child's Sake, Tennyson, 577 For my own Monument, Prior, 772 France Goldsmith, .... 236 Friend after Friend Departs, Montgomery, .... 384 Friendship, Simms, ,503 Friendsliip in Age and Sorrow, Crahbe, 168 Fritz and I C. F. Adams, .... 686 From " Absalom " Willis, 654 From " An Ode to the Rain," S. T. Coleridyc, . . . 710 From " A Preacher," Webster, 62;» From a " Vision of Spring in Winter," Swinburne, 552 From a Window in Chamouni, Moulion, 846 From " Childhood," Faiu/han, 622 From " Christmas Autiphones," Sivinburne, .... 556 From " Dejection," S. T. Coleridtje, . . ., 136 From " Eloisa to .-ibelard," Pope,. . .'. . . . 429 From Far Marston 843 From Friend to Friend, Stimonds, 560 From " Intimations of Immortality," Wordsivorth, .... 670 From " Lines composed in a Concert Room," .... S.T.Coleridge,. . . 710 From " Ij^ies to a Louse," Burns, 698 From " Making Poetry," Harergal 826 From ]\lire to Blossom, S. Longfclloic, . . . 346 From " No .\ge is Content," Earl of Surrey, . . . 551 From " Nothing to Wear," Jl'. A. Butler, . . . . 701 From " Poverty," Wither 662 From " Rules and Lessons," Vaiighaii, 024 From " St. Mary Magdalen," Vau'ghuii 622 From " The Christian Politician," Vavghun 623 From " The Cock and the Fox," JJri/den 722 From the " Elixir," Herbert, 827 From the " Exequy on his Wife," King, 836 From the Flats, Lanier, 328 From the '' Lay of Horatius," Macaulay 354 From " The Ode on Shakespeare," Sprague 534 From " The Sensitive Plant," Shelley, 493 From "The Thief and the Cordelier," Prior 774 From "To a Lady with a Guitar," Shelley, 495 G. Ganging to and Ganging frae, E. Coo!:, l.W Garden Song, Tennyson, 580 Genius, Byron, 99 George Eliot, Phelps, 416 Glasgow A. Smith 505 Gleaner's Song, Bloomjield, 43 God's Patience, Preston, 435 God, the only Just Judge, Burns, 85 Goethe (^Memorial Verses) M. Arnold, .... 25 Go, Forget me, Wolfe 665 Go not, Happy Day, Tennyson, 581 Good Counsel, Chaitrcr, 811 Good Life, Long Life, " . . . Johnson 310 Good Counsel of Polonius to Laertes, Shal.'es/ieare, .... 485 Good Morrow, Heyirood, 268 Goodness E. B. Browning, . . 688 CONTENTS. Good News, GoodNiglit, Gray, Greece, Green Things Growing, . . . Grief for the Loss of the Dead, Guardian Spirits, Gulf-weed, Klmhall, 31f> Hhelh'ii, 4!)5 Ticknor, 854 JJyirm, 105 t'raik, 170 Quarles 451 Rogers, 464 Fenner, 224 H. Hallowed Ground, Hand in Hand with Angels Hannah Binding Shoes, Happiness Happiness in Little Things of the Present, .... Happy are They, Hark "to the Shouting Wind Harmosan, Harsh Judgments, Harvesting, Harvest Time, Health Necessary to Happy Life, Heart Essential to Genius Heart-glow, Heart Oracles Heart Superior to Head, Heaven near the Virtuous, Heliotrope Helvellyn, . . . Her Conquest, Hereafter, Heroes, Her Roses Hester, Hie Jacet, Hidden Joys, Hidden Sins Highland Mary, Hints of Pre-existence, History of a Life, Hohenlinden, Homage, Home and Heaven Home, Wounded, Hope, Hope for All . . Htipe in Adversity, How are Songs Begot and Bred ? . . . How Cyrus laid the Cable, How Delicious is the Winning, How the Heart's Ease tirst Came, How they Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix, How to Deal with Common Natures Hudson River, Humanity, Husband to Wife, Hymn before Sunrise in the Valley of Chamouui, . . Hymn for Anniversary Marriage Days, Hymn from " Motherhood," Hymn to Trust, Hymn to Contentment, Hymn to Cynthia, Hymn to the Flowers, . Campbell -108 Larcom, 332 Larcnm, 329 Mackaij, 757 Trench, C05 A. T. I)e Vere, . . . 185 Tim roil, 855 Trcvch CO(i Fabcr, 21G B/oomfield, .... 41 Thomson 592 Th'nni/so7i, 579 S. T.' Coleridge, . . . 138 Withers 662 Hopkins, 829 Holmes, 279 Parnell, 407 Jonson, 310 H. Smith, 510 CONTENTS. I. I Count my Time by Times that I Meet Thee Gilder, 232 Ideals Fmocett, 219 1 Die for tliv Sweet Love, li. W. Procter, . . . 446 If M. n. Smith, .... 513 It it :\Iust Be, n. Gray, S22 If tliis Be All, A. Bronte, 53 If 'J'hou Wert by my Side, Hcber, 258 If We Had but a Day, Dickinson, 188 If You Love me L. Clark, 128 I in Thee and Thou in Me, Cranch, 176 Ilka Blade o' Grass Keps its ain Drap o' Dew, .... Ballanfinc, .... 28 111-choseu Pursuits, Tupper, 614 111-ehristened, Tnpper, 618 II Penseroso, Milton 376 Imagined Reply of Eloisa, Howe, 2S9 I'm Growing Old, Saxe 474 Imitation, BicharcUon, .... 459 Immortality M. Arnold 24 I'm not a Single Man, Hood 737 Impressions du Matin O. Wilde, 648 In a Graveyard, . Hay, 253 In a Letter Jennison 8.32 In an Hour, Perry, 415 In Arabia J. B. Bensel, .... 38 In Autumn, Boker, 804 In a Year R. Browning, .... 68 In Blossom Time Coolbrith 153 Incompleteness, A. A. Procter, . . . 443 Independence, Thomson, I Never Cast a Flower away. V. B. /Soiifheij, . . . .515 In Extremis, J. T. Fields, Influence Coolidge, 814 In (iartield's Danger, Brackett ,52 Ingratitude, , , " , Shakespeare, .... 484 In Kittery Churchyard Thaxter 589 In Memory of Barry Cornwall, Swinbvrne, .... 5.52 In no Haste, Landor, 327 In November, P. U. Johnson. . . . 8.34 In Praise of his Lady Love Compared with all Others, , £arl of' Svrreij, . . . 551 In School Days J. G. Uniittier, ... 640 Ins<:-riiition, Byron, 94 Insisniticant Existence, Watts, 8,55 InStiuiigle E. B.Browning, . . 67 Insufficiency of the World, E. Young 680 In the Dark, G. Arnold 23 In the Meadows, B. Taylor, 566 In the Quiet of Nature, Cotton, 154 In View of Death M. Collins, .... 144 Invocation, Riordan 850 I prithee Send me back my Heart, Suckling, 5.50 I Kemember, I Kemember, Hood, '. 280 Irwin Russell, Btmner, 808 I Saw from the Beach, Moore, 387 Is it all Vanity E. B. Lytton, .... 838 Isolation, E. Gray, 240 I Wandered by the Brookside, Lord Houghton, . . . 287 I will Abide in thine House, Whitney, 638 I will not Love, . Landor, 328 J. Jasmine Hai/ne, . . Jeanie Morrison, Mothenvell, Jerusalem the Golden, „ Massey, . . 257 392 367 CONTENTS. Jesus, Lover of my Soul, Wesley, 632 John Anderson my Jo, Burns, 84 John Gilpin Cowper, 711 Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle Hay, 731 John Day, Hoocl, 735 Joy to be Shared, £■ Young. , . . • . 978 Judge Not, A. A. Procter, . . . 440 Judgment in Studying it, Dryden, 205 July Jackson, 831 June, Bryant, 73 June, Loiveil, 351 Just Judgment, Pope, ...... 432 Justice Richardson 459 Justice the Regenerative Power, E. B. Lytton 839 K. Keep Faith in Love, Miller, 374 Kilcoleman Castle, Joyce, 834 Kiudness tirst Known in a Hospital, E. B. Browning, , . 66 L. Labor Lord Houghton, . . . 286 Laborare est Orare, . , F. S. Osgood, . . . 402 Lady Clara Vere de Vere • . . Tennyson 583 Lagrimas, . - Hay 255 Lake George, Hi/lard, 269 L'Allegro, Milton, 375 Landing of the Pilgrims Hemans, 263 LarvtB • Whitney, 638 Last Allen, 15 Last Lines, E. Bronte, 54 Last Verses, M. Collins 144 Last Verses, Motherwell, .... 391 Last Words S. M. B. Piatt, ... 419 Late Summer, Hojjkins, 829 Late Valuation, Tapper, 620 Laugliter and Death, Blunt, 803 Launcli thy Barli, Mariner, C. B. Soiitltey, . . . 514 Laura, my Darling, Stedman, 535 Learning is Labor, Crabhe 164 Left Behind, Moulton, 845 Letters, Tapper, 615 Life, Barbauld, 28 Life Bryant 76 Life, A. Cary, 119 Life Crabbe, 168 Life B. W. Procter, ... 444 Life, Tapper 620 Life a Victory, B. B. Lytton, .... 841 Life from Death, Holland 273 Life in Death, Savage, 472 Life's Mystery, A. Cary, 122 Life's Mystery Stoa-e, 544 Life's Tlieatre Shah/speare 484 Life's Vicissitudes, Shnlrspean, .... 487 Ijife will be Gone ere I have Lived C. Broate 54 Light, Bourdillon, .... 50 Liglit on the Cloud Snroge 473 Liglit Sliining out of Darltness, Cawjicr, 1.57 Like a Laverock in the Lift, Jcun Ingelow, . . . 307 Lilce as a Nurse, raugluin, 626 Lines on a Prayer-book, Crashaw. 816 Lines to a Comic Author S. T. Coleridge, . . . 710 CONTENTS. Listening for God, Gannett, Litany to the Holy Spirit, Herrick, Little Billee, Thackeray, Little Breeches, Hay, . . . Little Gitfen, Ticknor, 228 266 783 730 854 Little Jerry, the Miller, Saxe, 474 562 245 61 252 59 807 428 603 111 836 817 56 468 Little Kindnesses Talfourd, Little Martin Craghan, Gu'stafson, . . . Little Mattie E. B. Broitning, Lone Mountain Cemetery, Bret Harte, . . Long Ago, . . ' H. H. Broivnell, . Longfellow, Bunner, .... Lord Byron, Potlok, .... Lord, Many Times I am Aweary, Trench Lord Ullin's Daughter, Campbell, . . . Lord, when 1 Quit this Earthly Stage, Watts, . . Loss Af. B. Dodge, . . Losses Brown, .... Lost Days, I). G. kossetti, . Love, Botta, 50 Love, S. Butler, 87 Love Byron 97 Love S. T. Coleridge, ... 141 Love, Scott, 478 Love, Tennyson, 579 Love Bettered by Time, Hood, 284 Love, Hope, and Patience in Education, S. T. Coleridge, ... 140 Love in Age, Tilton, . . ' . . . . 598 Lovely Mary Donnelly, AUingham, .... 686 Love me if I Live, B. ]V. Procter, . . . 444 Love of Country and of Home, Montgomery , . Love of the Country, Dloomfield, Love Reluctant to Endanger, H. Taylor, . . Love's Reward, Bourdillon, Love shall Save us all, Thaxter, . . Love's Immortality B. Southey, Love's . Jealousy, Gilder, Love's Sonnets, Love's Philosophy, Shelley, Love, the Retriever of Past Losses, Shakespeare, . Love, the Solace of Present Calamity, Shakespeare, . Love Unalterable, Shakespeare, . Low Spirits, Faber, . . . Lucy, Wordsicorth, . Lyric of Action, Hague, . . . . 382 . 42 . 570 . 50 . 588 . 517 . 233 Bokcr, 46 " "■ . 492 . 489 . 488 . 489 . 217 . 672 . 827 M. Madonna Mia, O. Wilde, .."... 647 Maiden and Weathercock H. W. Longfellow, . . 343 ISIaid of Athens, Byron 94 INlajor and Minor, Curtis, 181 Make thine Angel Glad, C. !<'. Bates, .... 31 Making Peace, S. M. B. Piatt, ... 420 Man Pope, 430 INIan and Woman, Tennyson 578 Manhood, Simms 503 ^ - - -- _ jjj. . 461 . 85 . 12 . 831 . 389 . 248 . 12 . 643 Man's Dislike to be Led, Crabbe, . . . Man's Restlessness, Pagers, . . . Man was Made to Mourn Burns, . . . Maple Leaves T. B. Aldrich, March, Jackson, . . March Morris, . . . Marco Bozzaris, Halleck, . . Masks T. B. Aldrich, Maud .Muller J. G. Whittier, May, Cheney, 812 CONTENTS. May, Mason 844 May and the Poets Hunt, 301 May ill Kingston Abbey, 2 May to April, Freneau, 2l!8 ^Measure for Measure Spofford, 531 Melancholy, Hood, 27!) Melrose Abbey by Moonlight, t<<-ott, 478 Memorial Hall, ." i'mnch, 174 Memory, Goldsmith 237 Memory lioyers, 463 Mene, ^leiie, Si/monds, 558 Mental Beauty Akcnside, 7 Mental Supremacy, Tiipj>er, 616 Mercy ' Sha/cespeare, .... 486 Mercy to Animals, Coicper, 160 Merit beyond Beauty, Pope, 768 Middle Life He dd enrich, .... 258 Midnight Brinvnell, 58 Midsummer Saxton 852 Midsummer, Troivbridge, .... 609 Midwinter Trowbridge, .... 608 Mine Own, Leland, 339 Miracle CooUdge, 814 Misspent time, A. De Verv, .... 184 Monterey, Hoffman, 270 More Poets Yet, Dobson, 722 Morning and Evening by the Sea, J. T. Fields, .... 225 Move Eastward, Haiipy Earth, Tennyson 585 Music in the Air, Curtis 181 Music when Soft Voices Die Shelley 492 Mutability, Shelley, 495 My Ain Countree, Demarest, 183 My Answer, Boker, 804 My Child Pierpont, 422 My Comrade and I, , Trowbridge 613 My Held is like to Rend, Willie Motherwell 391 My Life is like the Summer Kose, E. H. Wilde, .... 649 My Little Boy that Died, Craik 172 My Love is on her Way, Baillie, 27 My Mind to me a Kingdom is, Dyer, 819 My Nasturtiums, Jackson, 832 Mv Old Straw Hat, F.Cook, 150 Mv own Song, Spofford 531 My Playmate, J. G. W'hittier, ... 646 My Psalm, J. G. Whittier, ... 641 My Saint, Moutton, 845 My Slain, Pealf, 457 My Window Ivv, M. M. Bodge, . . . 191 N. Kameless Pain, T. B. Aldrich, Names S. T. Coleridge, Kantasket, Clemmer, . . Katura Naturans, Clough, . . . Nature, H. IV. Longfellow, Nature, Very, . . . Nature's Joy Inalienable, Thomson, . . Nature's Lesson, Preston, . . Nature's Need, Sir H. Taylor, Nature's Question and Faith's Answer, R. Soulhey, . Nature's Keverence, J. G. Whittier, Nearer Home, P. Cary, . . Nearer, my God, to Thee, S. F. Adams, . Nearing the Snow-line, Holmes, . . . Nearness, Boker, . . . New Life, New Love Symonds, . . CONTENTS. New Worlds Night, Night Night Storm, No Life Vain, No More, No Ring No Spring without the Beloved, Not at Ail, or All in All, . Not for Naught, .... Nothing but Leaves, . . November, Now and Afterwards, . . Now Lies the Earth, . . . Number One O. P. Lathrop, Lazaru.f, J!. Soutlwij, Simma, . . H. Coler-idcje, Cloucjh, . . Car 11, . . Shaht'speare, Tenni/.'ioii, . E. Eiliott, . Alcennan, . H. Coleridge, Craik, . . Tennyson, . Hood,. . . o. Ode, Emerson, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton T. Gray, Ode on Art, Sprac/ue, Ode on the Death of Thomson, Ode on the Poets, . . Ode on tlie Spring, Ode to a Mountain Oak, Ode to an Indian Coin, „ Ode to Disappointment H. K. White, Ode to a Nightingale, Keats, W. Collins, .... 148 Keats, 311 T. Gray, 233 Bolcer 43 Leyden .339 . . 6.3.5 . . 312 Ode to Evening. ~ IV. Collins 147 Ode to Simplicitv, W. Collins, .... 144 Ode to the Brave, IV. Cnllins 14.5 Olf Labrador, Collier, 142 Of Myself, Cowley, 145 Oft in the Stillv Night, 3Ioore, 386 Oh ! Watch vou Well bv Daylight, Lorer 347 Oh ! Why should the Spirit of Mortal be proud?. . . Knox, 322 O Lassie ayont the Hill, Macdonald, .... 359 Old, Hoyt, 296 Old Age and Death, Waller, 628 Old Fiiniiliar Faces Lamh 325 O may I -loin the Choir Invisible G. Eliot, 2nj On a Child, Rogers, 461 Only a Curl, E. B. Browninq, ... 65 On a Girdle Waller, 628 On a Sermon against Glory, Akenside, 4 On Completing iny Thirty-Sixth Year, Byron 107 On Doves and Serpents Quarles, 451 One by One, A. A. Proeter, . . . 440 One Presence Wanting Byrnn, 104 One Lesser Jov Coolidf/e, 81.", One Word is too often Profaned, Shelley, 49(1 On his Blindness, MlHoti 379 Only, Haijeman, 247 Only Waiting, Marc 360 On l\lan Quarles 451 On One who Died in :May, C.Cook, 812 On Reaching Twenty-Three, Milton, 380 On Reading Chapman's Homer, Kents, 314 On Resignation, Chatterton, .... 810 On Sin, Quarles, 451 On the Blutf. , . • Hay 254 On the Death of .John Rodman Drake Hailed: 251 On the Headland B. Taylor, 564 On the Hillside, Synunuls, .559 On the Lake Webster, 631 On the Life of Man Qnarles 451 On the Reception of Wordsworth, at Oxford, .... Talfourd 56ii CONTENTS. On the Picture of a Child Tired of Play, WiUh, . . OntheKighi, Holland, . On the Koad, Hutchinson, On the Shortness of Life, ('n)rle.ij, . . On the Tombs in Westminster Abbey, Beaumont, . On Time, Miltnn, . . On True and False Taste in Music W. Col Unit, Other Mothers, Butts, . . O Thou who Dry'st the Mourner's Tears, Moorr, . . Our Homestead, P. Cari/, Our Neighbor, Spoford, Our Own, Snnr/stcr, . . 651 . . 275 . . 8.S8 . . 156 . . 37 . . 374 . . 145 . . 89 . . 386 . . 127 . . 530 . . 468 Ours, Preston, 434 Outof the Darli, Shurtleff, 852 Out of the Deeps of Heaven, Stoddard, 542 Outre-niort Jcnnison, 832 O ye Tears Mackay 364 Pain and Pleasure, Stoddard 542 Pairing-time Anticipated, Coirper 716 Palmistry Spoffbrd, 530 225 478 459 604 685 479 622 399 135 194 64 370 472 171 169 67 729 336 677 171 Poor Andrew, E. Elliott, 211 Power of Poesy A. T. ])e '/ere, . . . 184 Power of the World, E. Younii, 683 Prayer, Montf/omeri/, .... 383 President Garfield, //. IF. Lomifvllow, . . 837 Press on, Benjamin, .".... 799 Procrastination Tupper 621 Procrastination and Forgetfuluess of Death, .... K. Younij, 677 Progress in Denial Simms, '.' 501 Prometheus, Bjirini 01 Proposal, /;. '/'ai/lor, 565 Prospice, /?. Brmrninf/, . ... 68 Providence, Vaur/Iian 623 Pure and Happy Love Thomson, 591 Purity G. Hout/hfon, .... 286 Pursuit and Possession, T. B. Aldrich, . ■ . 11 Passage from the Prelude A. Fields, Paternal Love, Scott, . . . . Patience, llichardson, . . Patience, Trencli, . . . . Pat's Criticism, C.F.Adams,. . Payments in Store, Scott, . . . . Peace, Vaui/han, . . . Peace and Pain, O'lt'eilly, . . . Penance of the Ancient Mariner, S. T. Colerideje. . Peradventure, J. C. B. Dorr, Perfect Love, E. B. Broivnin//, Persia Mitchell, . . . Pescadero Pebldes, Sarar/e, . . . . Philip my King Craik, . . . . Philosophy Crabhe Picture of" Marian Erie, E. B. Broicninej, Plain Language from Truthful James, Bret Ilarte, . . Pleasant Prospect, La:iarus, . . . Pleasure Mixed with Pain, W>iatt, . . . . Plighted Craik Q. Quaclt, Crabhe, 71s Quakerdom Halpine 726 Quebec at Sunrise, Street, 545 CONTENTS. Quebec at Sunset, Questionings, Quince, .... Street 545 Hedge, ^59 Praed TTI K. Railroad Rhyme, . . . Rain, Rattle the Window, . Reading the Milestone, Real Estate, .... Reason an aid to Revelation, Rebecca's Hvmn, .... Recognition of a Congenial Spirit, Recompense, . . . Recompense, . . . Recompense, . . . Recompense, . . . Reconciliation, . . Refuge from Doubt, Regret, Relaxation, . . . Remedial Sutfering, Remember, . . . Remember, . . . Repose, Remembrance, . . Remorse, .... Rencontre, . . . Reporters, . . . Requiescat, . . . Reverie, .... Resigning, Richard's Theory of the Mind, Riches of a Man of Taste, Ring out, Wild Bells, . Ripe Grain, . . Rock me to Sleep, Rondel, .... Rory O'More, . Rosaline, . . . Rose Aylmer, Rubles Rule, Britannia, Saxe, . . Burleigh, . Stoddard, . J. J. Piatt, Trowbridge, Cotrley, . . Scott, . . Moore, . . Annan, . . Simms, . . Pit/er. . . Tilt'm, . . Ten nyson, . Miller, . . O. Houghton, H. Taijlor, . P. Soufheg, Lazarus, C. G. Possetti TItomson, . E. Bronte, . Hay, . . . T. B. Aldrich, Crahbe, . O. Wilde, Thaxter, Craik, Prior, Akenside, Tennyson, Goodale, Allen, . Pay, . . Lorer, Lodge, . Landor, . Landor, . Thomson, s. Sabbath Morning • Sadness Born of Beauty, . . . Sailor's Song, Saint Peray ■ Sands of Dee, Saturday Afternoon, . . . , Scene after a Summer Shower, Schnitzerl's Philosopede, . . . Scorn not the Sonnet, . . . , Sea-way, Secrets, Seeking the Mayflower, . . Self, Self-dependence, Selfishness of Introspection, . Serve God and be Cheerful, . She and He, Shelling Peas, Grahame, . . Trench, . . . G. P. Lathrop, T. W. Parsons, Kingsley, . . Willis, . . ■ Korton, . . . Lfland, . . . Wordsworth, . Hutchinson, . Wheeler, . . Stefbnan, . . Symonds, . ■ M. Arnold, E. B. Broivning, Keicell, . . . E. Arnold, Cranch, ... CONTENTS. Sheridan's Ride, Bead, 453 She's Gane to Dwell in Heaven, Cviniingham, . . . . 180 She Walks in Be-.iuty Byron, 93 She "Was a Phantom" of Delight, Wordsicorth, .... 674 Silent Mothers, Helen lUch, .... 849 Silent Songs, Stoddard 542 Silhouettes, O. U'Ude 648 Since All that is not Heaven must Fade, A'eb/e 16 Since Yesterday Lord Hounhton, . . . 286 Sir Marniaduke's Musings, Tilion, .' 601 Sir Walter Scott at Pompeii, Landon, 327 Sleep, T. li. Aldrich, ... 11 Sleep Bijron, 97 Sleep and Death, -^'i'.'/, 222 Sleep the Detractor of Beauty, Crablie, 163 Sly Lawyers, . Crahbc, 718 Snatches of Mirth in a Dark Life, JkcUtie, 27 Soft, Brown, Smiling Eves, Craiicli 176 ■ " ■ '" ■ '"■ ■ " "" ' 446 501 634 323 806 509 416 513 Softly Woo away her Breath, B. 11". Procter. Solace of the Woods, Siwvi.'i, . . Solitude, H. K. White, Somebody's Darling Lacoste, . . Somebody's Mother, Brine, . . Somebody Older, F. Smith, . Some Day of Days, Pernj, . . Sometime, M. li. Smith, Somewhere, Snxe, 474 Song Camphell 115 Song Campbell, 707 Song, H. Colerid(/e, .... 134 Song, r. G'. Jloss'etli, . . . 465 Song from "Right," Harergal, 825 Song of a Fellow-worker, O'Shavf/hnessi/, . . . 404 Song of Egla, Brooh:s, ...... 55 Song of Saratoga, 776 Song of the Hempseed E. Cook 149 Song of the Ugly Maiden, E. Cool:, 151 Song on May Morning, Milton, 378 Songs of Seven, Ingeloir, 301 Songs Unsung, Stoddard 541 Sonnet, O. Wilde, 648 Sonnet Composed on Leaving England, Keats 311 Sonnets from " Intellectual Isolation," Si/monds, 561 Sonnet on Chillon, Bi/rnn 93 Sonnets to Edgar Allan Poe, IVhilman, 856 Sonnet to Hope Williams, 650 Sonnet to Sleep Sidney 499 Sorrows of Werther, Thach-raij, .... 783 Soul of my Soul Saryent, 469 Soul to Soul, Tennyson, 575 Sound Sleep, CO. liossetti, . . . 465 Spectacles, or Helps to Read, Byron, 706 Spf nt and Misspent, A. Car;/, 121 Spiritual Feelers Tuppe'r 615 Sipiandered Lives, B. 'I'ai/lor, 566 Stanzas from " Hymn on the Nativity," Milton, 379 Stanzas from " Ciisa Wappy," Moir 381 Stanzas from " .Service," J. T. Troicbridge, . . 612 Stanzas from " Song of the Flowers," Hunt • . . 299 Stanzas from the " Tribute to a Servant," Hou-e, 290 Stanzas from "The True Use of Music," Wesley, 6.32 Stanzas from " The Schoolmistress," Shenstone, 496 Stanzas in Prospect of Death, Burns, 83 Stay, Stay at Home, my Heart, //. W. Lon(il'ellou\. . 342 Still Tenanted Hiram Pieli 849 Stonewall Jackson's Grave, Preston, 435 Storm at Appledore, Lowell, 3.52 Strength through Resisted Temptation, Holland 273 Strive, Wait, and Pray, A. A. Procter, . . . 443 CONTENTS. XXV 11 strong Son of C4oil, Tennyson, .... 574 Submission to Supreme Wisdom, I'ojx' 430 Success Alone Seen Landon, 326 Sufficient unto the Day, Sani/sfcr, 46S Summer Dawn at Loch Katrine, Scott, 4T6 Summer Longings, McCarthy, oO!) Summer Kain Bennett, 38 Sum up at Night, Hcrljcrf, 264 Sundays, J'au". Gray, 822 Wisdom, E. Young, 684 Wisdom's Prayer, Johnson, 308 Wishes for Obscuritv, Crowne, 179 Wishes of Youth, ." Blanchard, .... 801 Wit, Pope, 432 Withered Roses, Winter, 660 Without and Within, Loivell, 751 Woodbines in October, C. F. Bates, .... 31 Woodman, Spare that Tree, Morris, 388 Words for Parting Clement, 129 Work and Worship W. A. Butler,. . . . St Worship, Richardson 458 Worth and Cost Holland 273 Wouldn't you Like to Know, Snxe, 4i.5 Would Wisdom for Herself be Wooed, Patmore, 411 CONTENTS. Wounds Fawcett, . Wrecked in the Tempest, Falconer, . Written at an Inn at Henlej', Shenstone, . Written on Sunday Morning, JR. Southeij, 220 217 498 519 Yawcob Strauss, Adams 685 Ye Mariners of England, Campbell, 110 Yield not, thou Sad One, to Sighs, Lover, 318 Young Sophocles taking the Prize A. Fields, 223 Youth and Age^ S. T. Coleridge, . . 140 Youth's Agitations, M. Arnold, .... 24 mDEX OF AUTHOKS AKD TITLES. PAGE 2 2 1 ABBEY, HENRY. b. Kondout. N Y., July 11, 1842. Faciebat ....... May in Kingston .... The Caliph's Magnanimity ADAINIS, CHARLES FOLLEN, b. Dorchester, Mass., April 21, 1842. Fritz and I , . . 686 Pat's Criticism 685 Yawcob Strauss 685 ADAIMS, SARAH FLOWER, b. Cambridfre, Enp;., Feb. 22, 1895. d. London, Aug. 14, 1840. Nearer, My God, to Thee ... 3 ADDISON, JOSEPH. b. Milston, Wiltshire, Eng., May 1, 1672. d. London, Eng., June 17, I7ia. Apostrophe to Liberty ^ . . . 3 Cato's Soliloquy 4 AIKEN, BERKELEY. d. 18G4. Uncrowned Kings 797 AKENSIDE, :NrARK. b. Newcastle-upon-Tvne, Nov. 9, 1721. d. June 27, 1770. Aspirations after the Infinite (Pleasures of the Imagination) Mental Beauty (P/easi«rs of the Imagination^ 7 On a Sermon against Glory . . 4 Riches of a Man of Taste {Pleas- ures of the Imagination) . . 6 The Development of Poetic Creation (Pleasures of the Imagination) 5 AKERMAN, LUCY EVELINA. h. Feb. 21„ 1816. d. Providence, R. I., Feb. 21, 1874. Nothing but Leaves 8 ALDRICH, JAMES. b. Orange Co., N. Y., July 10. 1810. d. New York, Oct., 18o6. " A Death-bed ALDRICH, THOilAS BAILEY, b. Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 11, 18.36. After the Rain An Untimely Thought . . Destiny JjJ Maple Leaves 1- Masks 12 Nameless Pain ly Pursuit and Possession .... 11 Rencontre H Sleep 11 The Ballad of Baby Bell ... 8 The Faded Violet H The Rose Jp To any Poet ......•• 12 Unsung 10 ALEXANDER, CECIL FRANCES. b. about 1830, England. The Burial of Moses .... 12 ALFORD, HENRY, b. London, 1810. d. 1871. The Aged Oak at Oakley. . 13 ALLEN, ELIZABETH AKERS. b. Strong, i\Ie., Oct. 9, 18.32. Lives Greenville, N. J. Endurance . 14 Every Day H j^j^g^ 15 Rock me to Sleep 15 Until Death 16 Where the Roses Grew .... 15 ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM, b. Ballyshannon, Ireland, 1828. Lives in London. Autumnal Sonnet 18 Lovely Mary Donnelly .... 686 The Touchstone 18 ALLSTON, WASHINGTON. b. in Waccamaco, S. C.,.Nov^5. 1779. d. Cambridge, Mass., July 9, 1873. 19 Boyhood ANNAN, ANNIE R. b. Mendon, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1847. Recompense 797 ANONYMOUS. The Eggs and the Horses . . . Dr. DroUhead's Cure .... APPLETON, THOMAS GOLD, b. Boston, March 3, 1812. To Rouse, the Artist .... To William Lloyd Garrison, after the war 1^ 793 796 19 XXXVlll INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. AENOLD, EDWIN. BATES, CHARLOTTE FISKE. b. London, Eng., JS.32. b. New York, Nov. 30, 1838. After Death in Arabia : . . . 21 Florence Nightingale .... 22 Consecration 31 She and He 20 Make thine Angel Glad . . . 31 The Old Year and the New . . 31 ARNOLD, GEORGE. To Victoria 31 b. New York, June 24, \SM. d. Strawberry Farms, N. J., Nov. 9, 1865. Woodbines in October .... 31 Cui Bono 23 23 BATES, FLETCHER, b. New York, Nov. 19, 1831. In the Dark ARNOLD, MATTHEW. The Clergyman and the Peddler 687 b. Latcham, Eng., Dec. 24, 1S22. The Dead Bee 32 The Two Birds 32 Austerity of Poetry 25 Early Death and Fame .... 25 BATES, KATHERINE LEE. East London 24 b. Falmouth, Mass., Aug. 12, 1859. Goethe (Mi'tnorial verses) . . . 25 Immortality 24 The Organist 32 Self-dei;enilence 25 Youth's Agitations 24 BAYLY, THOMAS HAYNES. AYTON, SIR ROBERT. b. Bath, England, 1797. d. 1839. b. Scotland, 1570. d. 1G38. Fair and Unworthy 798 The first Gray Hair Why don't the Men Propose . . 33 688 BEATTIE, JAMES. BAILEY, PHILIP JAxMES, b. Kincardineshire, Scotland, Oct. 20, 1735. b. Nottingham, Eng., 1816. d. Aug. 18, 1803. The True Measure of Life . . 26 Beauties of Morning {The Min- strel) Death and Resui-rection {The 34 BAILLIE, JOANNA. b. Lanarksliire, Scotland, in 1702 Minstrel) 35 d. at Hampstead, near London, Feb. 23. 1851. The Ascent to Fame ( The Min- My Love is on her Way . . . 27 strel) , . . . 34 Snatches of Mirth in a Dark Life 27 The Charms of Nature (The The Kitten 26 Minstrel) 34 The Worth of Fame 26 BEERS, ETHELINDA ELLIOTT. BALLANTINE, JAMES. b. 1827. d. 1879. b. Edinbur'^h Scotland 1808. d. 183.3. The Picket Guard .35 Ilka blade o' grass keps its ain Weighing the Baby 36 drap o' dew 28 BEAUMONT, FRANCIS. BARBAULD, ANNA LETITIA. b. Leicestershire, 1586. d. March 9, 1616. b. Leicestershire, Eng., June 20, 1743. d. near London, March 9, 1825. Life On the Tombs in Westminster Abbey 37 28 BENJAMIN PARK. The Death of the Virtuous . . The Sabbath of the Soul . . . 28 798 b. Demerara, Aug. 14, 1809 d. New York, Sept. 12, 1864. Press on 779 BARKER, DAVID. b. Exeter, Me., 181G. d. 1874. BENNETT, WILLIAIM COX. The Covered Bridge 29 b. Greenwich, Eng., 1820. Lives London. BARLOW, JOEL. Summer Rain The Seasons 38 37 b. Reading, Conn., March 24, 175.5. d. Zarnowickc, Poland, Dec. 22, 1812. BENSEL, ANNIE BERRY. To Freedom 29 b. New York City, Aug. 2, 1855. The Lady of the Castle . . . 800 BARNARD, LADY ANNE. b. Fifeshire, Scotland, Dec. 8, 1750. BENSEL, JAMES BERRY. d. May 8, 1825. b. New York City, Sept. 30, 1859. Auld Robin Gray 30 Ill Arjibiti 38 BARR, MARY A. BLACKIE, JOHN STUART. b. Glasgow, Scotland. b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1809. White Poppies 798 The Hope of the Heterodox . . 800 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. BLAKE, WILLI AIM. b. London, Nov. 28, 17.37. The Tiger . . . BLAMIRE, SUSANNA. b. Cumberland, Eng., \~U. d. 1794. What ails this Heart o' Mine BLANCHAKD, LAMAN. b. Great Yarmoutli Eug , May 15, 180.3. d. Feb. 15, 1845. 40 Hidden Joys The Eloquent Pastor Dead Wishes of Youth .... BLOOMFIELD. ROBERT. BOWLES, WILLIAM LISLE. d. Aug. 12, 182S. b. Northamptonshire, Sept. 24, 1762. d. April 7, 18.5U. The Greenwood .51 To Time 51 BOYLE, A. B. Widowed 805 BRACKETT, ANNA C. b. Boston, 1836. gQj j In Gartield's Danger 52 802 I BRADDOCK, E:\IILY A. ^Ol d. 1879. An Unthrift 805 b. Honjngton, Enj d. Aug. I'J, 1823. ;., Dec. 3, 1706. A .Spring Day (The Farmer's £0,1/) A Tempest (The Farmer's Boy) . Gleaner's Song Harvesting ( Tlie Farmer's Boy) Love of the Country .... To his Mother's Spindle . . . BLUNT, WILFRED (?) (Proteus). A Day in Sussex Cold Comfort Laughter and Death The Two Highwaymen .... To One who would make a Con- fession . - BOKER, GEORGE HENRY, b. Philadelphia, 1824. Awaking of the Poetical Fa- culty Dirge for a Soldier In Autumn (Book of the Dead). Love Sonnets My Answer (BooJc of iJie Dead) . Nearness ( The Boolcof the Dead) Ode to a Mountain Oak . . . To England BOLTON, SARAH K. Entered into Rest BONAR, HORATIUS. b. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1808. A Little While . . . The Inner Calm . . 803 803 803 805 48 BOSTWICK, HELEN LOUISE BARRON, b. Charlcstown, N. II., 1826. Urvasi 49 BOTTA, ANNE CHARLOTTE LYNCH. b. Bennington, Vt, 1820. Love 50 The Lesson of the Bee .... 50 BOUBDILLON, FRANCIS W. b. Woolbedding, Eng., 1852. Light 50 Love's Reward 50 The Difference 51 BRADLEY, MARY E. b. Easton, JIaryland, Nov 29, 1835. Beyond Recall .... BRAINARD, JOHN G C b. New London, Conn , Oct. 21, 1796 d. New London, Conn , Sept 26, 1828 Epithalamium BRANCH, MARY BOLLES. b. Brooklyn, N. Y , 1841. The Petrified Fern . . .53 BRINE, MARY D. Somebody's jNIother 806 BRONTE;, ANNE. b. Yorkshire, Eng , 1820. d May, 1849. If this be All .53 BRONTE, CHARLOTTE. b. Thornton, Yorkshire, Eng , April 21, 1816. d. March 31, 1855. Life wnM be Gone ere I Have Lived 54 BR0NT:&, EMILY. b. Yorkshire, Eng., 1818. d. Dec , 1848. Last Lines 54 Remembrance .54 BROOKS, MARIA GOWEN. b. Jledford, Mass., 1795. d. Cuba, Nov. 11,1845. Song of Egla (From Zophiel) The Marriage of Despair . . BROWN, FRANCES. b. Ireland, June 16, 1818. d 186i Losses 56 BROWNELL, HENRY HOWARD. b. Providence, R. I., Feb 6, 1820. d. Oct 30, 1872 All Together 57 . . 58 . . 59 . . 59 . . 48 . . 58 Alone At Sea Long Ago IMidnight — A Lament The Adieu The Return of Kane 57 xl INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. BROWNELL, C. D. W. Waiting for the Ship .... 60 BROT\Ts^ING, ELIZABETH BARRETT. b. London. Eng., 1800. d. Florence, June ai, 1801. A Character {From Aurora Lekih) 68 A Portrait 6u Assurance {Sonnets from the Por- tuguese) 64 Consolation M?»-o?-a Leigh) . . 63 Critics (Aurora Leigh) .... 689 Goodness (Aurora Leigh) . . . C88 Humanity (Aurora Leigh) . . 689 In €he Struggle (Aurora Leiqh) . 67 Kindness First Known in a Hos- pital {Aurora Leigh) . . . . 66 Little jNlattie 61 Only a Curl 65 Perfect Love (Sonnets from the Portuguese) ....... 64 Picture of Marian Erie (Aurora Leigh) 67 Selfislmess of Introspection (Aurora Leigh) 66 The Cry of the Human ... 65 The One Universal Sympathy (Atirora Leigh) 67 The Sleep . '. 60 Three Kisses (Sonnets from the Portuguese) 64 To Flush, my Dog 62 BROWNING, ROBERT. b. Cambcrwell, Eng., 1812. Dreams (Tlie Ping and the Book) 71 Evelyn Hope 69 How they brought the good News from Ghent to Ai.x . . 70 In a Year 68 Prospice 68 The Lack of Children (The Ping and the liool:\ 71 The Pied Piper of Hamelin . . 690 The Two Kisses (In a Gondola) . 70 BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN. b. Cumniinston, Mass., Nov. 3, 1794. d. New York, .June 12, 1878. An Evening Revery (From an unfinished Poem) Blessed are they that Mourn . June Life Thanatopsis The Con(iueror's Grave . . , The Crowded Street The Eveninu "Wind The Frin^fd (ieiitian .... The Future Life The Past BUCHANAN, ROBERT. b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1841. Dying 807 To Triflers (Faces on the Wall) . 807 BUNNER, H. C. A Woman's Way . Irwin Russell . . Longfellow . . . To a Dead Woman BURBIDGE, THOMAS. b. England, 1817. At Divine Disposal Eventide 808 808 807 808 808 809 BURLEIGH, WILLIAM HENRY. b. Woodstock. Conn.. Feb. 2, 1S12. d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jlarcli 18, 1871. Rain The Harvest Call BURNS, ROBERT. b. near A.vr, Scotland, Jan. S.l, 17."fl. d. Dumfries, Scotland, July 21, 17'J6. Farewell to Nancy . . . For a' that and a' that . . From the " Lines to a Louse God the only just Judge (Fr To the Unco Guid) . . Hijihland ISIary . . . Jolm Anderson, my Jo . ]SIan was Jlade to Mourn Stanzas in Prospect of Death Tam O' Shanter . . . To a Mountain Daisy To Mary in Heaven . . BUSHNELL, LOUISA. 84 82 698 85 85 84 85 83 695 83 82 Delay BUTLER, SAMUEL. b. Strenehani, Worcestershire, Eng., 1G12. d. Sept. 25, 1(180. Love The Biblical Knowledge of Hu- dibras (//udibros) The Knighfs Steed (Iludihras) . The Learning of Hudibras (Hu- dihras) The Pleasure of being Cheated (Hudibras) BUTLER, WILLIAM ALLEN. b. Albany, N. Y., 1S25. From " Nothing to Wear " . . 701 The Busts of Goethe and Schil- ler • . . . . 88 Work and Worship 87 BUTTS, MARY F. b. Ilopkinlon, R. I., 1837. Other Mothers 89 BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. b. Warren, R. I., Dec. 22, 18.19. The Fountain of Youth ... 89 BY'ROM, JOHN. b. near Manchester, Eng., 1G91. d. Sept. 28, 17G.'!. Careless Content 705 Spectacles or Helps to Read . 706 The Way a Rumor is Spread . 704 699 701 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. xli BYRON, LORD. b. London, Jan. 22. 178-S. d. Missolonghi, Greece, April 19, 1824. Apostrophe to Ada, the Poet's Daughter (Chiifle Harold) . . 105 Apostn iphe to the Ocean (CliiUle Harohl) 100 Bvron's Remarkable Prophecy \ChiUh' Harold) 103 Cahn and Tempest at Night on Lake Lenian (Childe Harold) . 101 Critics (English Jiards) . . . 706 Epistle to Augusta 9~> Fare Thee Well 9ii Genius { Prop lie CI/ of Dante) . . 99 Greece (ChUde Harold). ... 105 Inscription 94 LiOve (7'lie Giaou)-) 97 Maid of Athens 94 On Completing my Thirty-sixth Year (His last verses) .... 107 One Presence Wanting {Childe Harold) 104 She Walks in Beauty .... 93 Sleep (The Dream) 97 Sonnet on Chillon 93 Sun of the Sleepless 92 The First Day of Death (The Giaour) 97 The Isles of Greece (Don Juan) . 98 The Misery of Excess {Childe Harold) 100 Vratfi-hio (Cliilde Harold) . . . 106 When Ciililncss Wraps this Suf- fering Clay 92 CAMPBELL, TH0:MAS. b. Glasgow, Scotland, July 27, 1777. d. Boulogne, France, June Ij, 1844. Against Skeptical Philosophy (Pleasures of Hope) .... 117 Apostrophe to Hope (Pleasures of Hope) 117 Battle of the Baltic 114 Domestic Happiness (Pleasures of Hope) 116 Exile of Erin 112 Field Flowers Ill Hallowed Ground ...... 108 Hohenlinden 112 Hope in Adversity (Pleasures of Hope) . . . . ■ '.116 How Delicious is the Winning . 110 Lord Ullin's Daughter .... Ill Song 115 Song 707 The Distant in Nature and Ex- perience (Pleasures of Hope) . 115 The Last Man . ..'.... 109 The River of Life ...... 114 To a Young Lady 708 To the Rainbow 113 Tribute to Victoria 115 Ye Mariners of England . . , 110 CANNING, GEORGE. b. I.nndon, April 11,1770. d. Cliiswick, Aug. .S, 1827. The University of Gottingen . 708 CAREW, THOMAS. b. Devonshire, Eng., loS3. d. 1639. Ask Me no More US Disdain Returned 118 CARLETON, WILL. b. Hudson, Michigan, Oct. 21, 1845. The New Year's Baby (From Farm Ballads) 709 CARLYLE, THOMAS. b. Ecclefechan. Dumfriesshire, Scotland, Dec. 4, 1795 d. Chelsea, London, 1881. Cui Bono? 119 To-day 118 CARY, ALICE. b. near Cincinnati, Oliio, April 26, 1820. d. New York, Feb. 12, 1871. A Dream 121 Counsel 121 Life 119 Life's Mystery 122 No Ring 122 Spent and Misspent 121 The Ferry of Gallaway ... 120 CARY, PHCEBE. b. near Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 4, 1834. d. Newport, R. L, July S], 1871. Answered 127 Archie 125 Conclusions ........ 126 Dead Love 123 Nearer Home 123 Our Homestead 127 The Lady Jaqueliue 124 CHATTERTON, THOMAS. b. Bristol, Eng., Nov. 2(1, 17.v2. d. London, Aug. 25, 1770. On Resignation 810 CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. b. London, l.'SS ? d. Oct. 25, 1400. Good Counsel 811 The Parson 810 To his Empty Purse 812 CHENEY, JOHN VANCE. May 812 CLARK, LUELLA. b. America. If You Love Me 128 CLARK, SARAH D. The Soldanella 128 CLEM]VrER, MARY ANN. b. rtica, N. Y.,18.'!9. Nantasket 130 Wailing 131 Words for Parting 129 CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. b. Liverpool, Jan. 1, 1819. d. Florence, Nov. 13, 18G1. Becalmed at Eve 131 Natura Naturans 1.32 No More 131 xlii INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. COLEllIDGE, HARTLEV. b. near Bristol, Eng., Sept. 19. I'OB. d. Ambleside, Eng , Jan. lU, 18411. Address to Certain Gold-flslies . No Life Vaiu November Song The Flight of Youth .... COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. b. Devonshire, Eng., Oct. 21, llTi. d. London, July i5, 1834. Bell and Brook ( Three Graves) . Broken Friendships ( Christabel) Complaint and Reproof . . . Epigram From an Ode to the Rain . . . From Dejection From Lines Composed in a Con- cert-room Hymn before Sunrise in the Val- ley of Chamouni Lines to a Comic Author . . . Love Love, Hope and Patience in Education Names Penance of the Ancient IViariner (Ancient Mariner) The Ancient Mariner Refreshed by Sleep (Ancient Mariner) . The Ship Becalmed (Ancient Manner The Voices of the Angels . . Youth and Age • COLLIER, THOMAS STEPHENS, b. New York, 1842. An October Picture Complete Off Labrador 1.34 i:U 133 134 133 COLLINS, MORTIMER. b. Plymouth, Eng., 1827. d. 1876 In view of Death . . . Last ^'erses COLLINS, WILLIAM. b Chicliestor, Eng., Dec. 25, 1720. d. Chichester, Eng., 1750 Ode on the Death of Thomson . Ode to Evening Ode to Simplicity Ode to the Brave On True antl False Taste in Music The Passions 143 143 142 144 144 COOK, CLARENCE CHATHAM. b. Dorchester, Mass., Sept. 8, 1828. On one who Died in May . . COOK, ELIZA. b. London, Eng., 1817. After a Mother's Death . . Ganging to and Ganging frae My Old Straw Hat .... Song of tlie Hempseed . . . Song of fhe Ugly Maiden . . 1.50 1.50 1.50 14!J 151 COOKE, PHILIP PENDLETON. b. Martinsburg, Va., Oct. 2(i, 1816. d. Jan. 20, 1850. Florence Vane 151 COOKE, ROSE TERRY. b. Hartford, Conn., Feb. 17, 1827. The Iconoclast 152 Then 153 Trailing Arbutus -152 COOLBRITH, INA D. In Blossom Time 153 The Mother's Grief 154 COOLIDGE, SUSAN (Sarah Woolsey) b. Cleveland, Ohio. Influence 814 Miracle 814 One Lesser Joy 813 CORNWELL, HENRY S. b. Charlestown, N. 11., ISPA. The Dragon-fly 815 The Spider 815 COTTON, CHARLES. b. Staffordshire, Eng., 16.30. d. 16S7. Contentation 154 In the Quiet of Nature ( From Retirement) 154 COWLEY, ABRAHAM!. b. London, 1618. d. Chertsey, July 28, 1G67. Distance no Barrier to the Soul (Friendship in Absence) . . . 1.56 Of Myself 155 On the Shortness cf Life . . . 156 Reason an aid to Revelation (Jieason) • . . 156 COWPER, WILLIAM. b. Hertfordshire, Eng.. Nov. 26, 1731. d. Norfolk, Eng., April 2.i, 1800. A Faithful Picture of Ordinary Society {Con rersation) . . . 715 Alexander Selkirk 161 Apostrophe to Popular Applause (The 'J ask) 1.57 Descanting ou Illness (Convcrsa- tion) 715 John Gilpin 711 Light Shining Out of Darkness. 157 Mercy to Animals (r/(e 7'«s/0 . 160 Pairing-time Anticipated . . . 710 The Captious (Conrersatwn) . . 716 The Freedom of the Good ( The Task) 158 The Emphatic Talker ( Conversa- tion) 715 The Poplar Field 157 The Post-boy ( The Task) ... 161 The Soul's Progress Checked (Retirement) 161 The Tongue (Co7iversat ion) . . 714 The Uncertain Man (Conveisa- tion) 614 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. xliii The Wiuter's Evening (The Task) 158 To Mary . ' 162 COXE, ARTHUR CLEVELAND. b. Mendham, N. ' , May 10, 1818. Watchwords S16 CKABBE, GEORGE. b. Aldboroush, Eng., Dec. 24, 1734. d. Feb. S, 1832. Advice to one of Simple Life (The Patron) ....... 718 Against Rash Opiuious (Gentle- man Farmer) 165 Apostrophe to the Whimsical (The Villaf/e) 165 Books ( The Library) 170 Controversialists ( The Library) . 168 External Impressions Depend- ent on the Soul's Moods (Lov- er's Journey) 107 Folly of Litigation (Gentleman Farmer) 164 Friendship in Age and Sorrow (Partintj Nozir) 168 Learning" is Labor (Schools) . . 164 Life (Parting Hour) 168 Man's Dislike to be Led (Dumb Orators 165 Philosophy (Library) .... 109 Quacks (From Physic) .... 718 Reporters (Fj-ojw the JS'^ewspaper) 717 Sleep the Detractor of Beauty (Edward Shore) 163 Sly Lawyers (From. Latv) . . . 718 The Awful ^'acancy ( The Parish Register) 165 The Condemned, His Dream and its Awakening (Prisons) . . 166 The Perils of Genius (Edward Shore) 163 The Readers of Dailies (From the Newspaper) 717 The Teacher (Schools) .... 164 The Religious Journal (i''«)Hi the A'ewspoper) 717 The Universal Lot ( The Library ) 169 The Vacillating Piu-pose (E'd- ivard Sftore) 163 The Young Poet's Visit to the KnU (The Patron) . . ■ . 719 To Critics (The Library) ... 168 Union of Faith and Reason Ne- cessary (7'/ie i,J6;-ar(/) . . . 169 CRAIK, DINAH MARIA MULOCK. b. Stoke-upon-Trent, Eng., 1826. Green Things Growing .... 170 My Little Boy that Died . . . i72 Now and Afterwards .... 170 Philip Mv King 171 Plighted" 171 Resigning 172 Too Late 172 CRANCH, CHRISTOPHER PEARSE. b. Alexandria, Va., March 8, 1813. A Thrush in a Gilded Cage . . 173 Compensation 174 I in Thee, and Thuu in Me . . 176 Memorial Hall 174 Shelling Peas 719 Soft, Brown, Smiling Eyes . . 176 The Dispute of the Seven Days 721 Thought 175 Why? 176 CKASHAW, RICHARD. b. Cambridgesliire, Eng. d. Loreto, Italy. Lines on a Prayer Book . . . 816 CROLY, GEORGE. b. Dublin, Aug., !7.S0. d. Nov. 24, ISGO. Cupid Growing Careful .... 178 Evening 178 CROWNE, JOHN. b. Nova Scotia, d. 1703. Wishes for Obscurity .... 179 CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN. b. Blackwood, Scotland, Dec. 7. 1785. d. London, Oct. 2a, 1»42. A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea 180 She's Gane to Dwell in Heaven 180 Thou Hast Sworn by thy God . 179 CURTIS, GEORGE WILLIAM, b. Providence, R. I., Feb. 24, 1824. Egyptian Serenade 181 Major and Minor 181 Music in the Air 181 DANA, RICHARD HENRY. b. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 15, 1787. d. Feb. 2, 187y. The Husband and Wife's Grave 181 The Soul 182 DEMAREST, MARY LEE. My Aiu Couutree 183 De verb, sir AUBREY. b. Limerick, Ireland, ]7Si ? d. 1846. Columbus 184 Misspent Time ....... 184 De VERE, sir AUBREY THOMAS, b. Limerick, Ireland, 1814. Affliction ......... 185 All Tilings Sweet when Prized . 186 Beatitude 186 Bending Retweeu Me and the Taper - 185 Happy Are They ...... 185 Power of Poesy (Poetic Faculty) 184 The Angels Kiss Her . 185 The Mood of Exaltation 186 De VERE, MARY AINGE. A Love Song ....... 817 DICKENS, CHARLES, b. Portsmouth, Eng., Feb. 7, 1812. d. Gad's Hill, London, June 9, 1870, The Ivy Green ...... 187 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. DICKINSON, CHARLES M. b. I.owville, N. Y., 1842. The Children 187 DICKINSON, MARY LUWE. If we had but a Day 188 DOBELL, SYDNEY THOMPSON, b. Peekham, Rye, Eng., 1824. d. Aug. 22, 1874. America 189 Home, Wouuded 189 DOBSON, AUSTIN. b. England, 1840. Farewell, Renown 190 More Poets Yet 722 The Child Musician 190 The Prodigals 190 DODGE, MARY MAPES. b. 1838. Death in Life 191 Heart Oracles 192 My Window Ivy 191 The Child and the Sea .... 192 The Human Tie 191 The Stars 192 DODGE, MARY B. Loss 817 DONNE, JOHN. b. London, 157;!. d. March .31, 1G.31. The Farewell 818 DORR, HENRY RIPLEY. b. Rutland, Vt., Oct. 27, 1858. Door and Window 818 DORR, JULIA CAROLINE RIPLEY, b. Charleston, S. C, IS2.3. At Dawn 196 At the Last ........ 193 Five -195 Peradventure 194 Thou Knowest 195 What Need? 194 What She Thought 193 DRAKE, JOSEPH RODMAN. b. New York, Aug. 7, 179.5. d. Sept. 21, 1820. The American Flag . . . „ . 197 DRAYTON, MICHAEL. b. Warwickshire, Eng., 1563. d. 1631. The Parting . , 198 Di; uanroND, william. b. Ilawtliorndcn, Scotland, Nov. 13, 1585. d. Dec. 4, 1(;49. Despite All ...-.,... 198 What We Toil For . . 198 DRYDEN, JOHN. b. Northamptonshire, Eng., Aug. 9, 1631. d. May 1, 1700. A Character (.4&sa/om and Aclii- tophel) ......... 722 Alexander's Feast ..... 199 A Wife (Eleonord) 206 Beautiful Death (Eleonoro) . . 206 Charity (Eleonoro) ' 206 From ''The Cock and the Fo.x " 722 Judgment in Studying the Bible (He/igio Laid) 205 The Avoidance of Religious Dis- putes (Reliqio Laid) .... 205 The Bible (Itdigio Laid) ... 204 The Light of Reason (Religio Laid) 204 The Model Preacher (Charader of a Good Parson) 207 The Wit {Absalom and Achito- phd) 207 ITnder the Portrait of John Milton 204 DUNBAR, WILLIAM. b. Salton, Scotland, about 1460. d. about 15.30. All Earthly Joy Returns in Pain 208 DYER, SIR EDWARD. b. about 1540. ]My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is EASTMAN, CHARLES GAMAGE. b. Fryehurg, Me., June 1, 1816. d. Burlington, Vt., 1861. A Snow Storm 819 208 ELIOT, GEORGE (Mariax Evans Cross). b. Warwickshire, Eng., 1820. d. Dec. 2, 1880. O May I Join the Choir Invisible 209 ELLIOT, JANE. b. 1727. d. 1805. The Flowers of the Forest . . 210 ELLIOTT, EBENEZER. b. near Rotherham. Yorkshire, Eng., March 17, 1781. d. Dec. 1, 1849. Not for Naught 212 Poor Andrew 211 The Poet's Prayer 212 The Press . . " 211 EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. b. Boston, Mass , May 25, 1803. d. Concord, Mass., April 27, 18S2. Concord Fight Forbearance ...... 0, ]rr2- d. Altrive, Scotland, Nov. 21, 1835. The Skylark 271 HOLLAND, JOSIAH GILBERT. b. Belohertown, Mass., July 24, 1819. d. Oct, 12, 1S81. A Song of Doubt {Bitter Sweet) . A Song of Faith " " Cradle Song " " Life from Death " " On the Righi Strength Through Resisted Temptation (Bitter Sweet) , . The Press of Sorrow {Bitter Sweet) The Type of Struggling Human- ity {Marble Prop Iter n) . . . To an Infant Sleeping {Bitter Sweet) What is the Little One Thinking Ahout'; (Bitter Siceet) . . . 272 ^yhat will it Matter? . . .275 Worth and Cost (Bitter Sweet) . 273 HOLME, SAXE. (?) Three Kisses of Farewell ... 276 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. b. Cambridge, Mass., .Vug. 29, 1800. A Familiar Letter to several Correspondents 732 Dorothy Q. — A Family Portrait 277 Hymn of Trust 279 Nearing the Snow-line .... 278 The September Gale .... 733 The Two Streams ...... 279 The Voiceless 276 Lender the Violets . . . ! ! 278 HOOD, THOMAS. b. London, May 2'!, 1799. d. London, May 3, 1845. Ballad 2S4 Faithless Nelly Gray .... 7.39 Faithless Sally Brown .... 746 Farewell, Life ! 2S3 I'm not a Single Man . . . . 7.37 I Remember, 1 Remember . . 2S0 John Day 735 Love Bettered by Time . . ! 284 Melancholy Number One The Art of Book-keeping . . . The Bridge of Sighs The Cigar The Death-bed The Double Knock The Song of the Shirt . . . . To a Child Embracing his Mo- ther • . . . . To my Infant Son True Death HOPKINS, LOUISA PARSONS. b. Newburyport, April 19, 1&34. Autumn { Peisephone) . . Early Summer (Persephone) December Hymn from " Motherhood " Late Summer (Persephone) Tempestuous Deeps . . . 279 736 741 282 738 281 7.38 281 280 734 2S4 829 828 828 829 829 828 HOPKINSON, FRANCIS. b. Pliiladelphia, 17.38. d. May 9, 1791. The Battle of the Kegs .... 742 HOUGHTON, GEORGE. b. Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 12, 1850. Ambition {Album Leaves) . . . 285 Charity " " ... 286 Courage " " ... 285 Daisy " " ... 286 Purity " " ... 286 Regret " " ... 285 This Name of Mine {Album Leai-es) 285 Valborg Watching Axel's De- parture (Legend of St. Olaf's AJrA-) 284 HOUGHTON, LORD (Richard Monckton Milnes). b. Yorkshire, Eng., June 19, 1809. Al! Things Once are Things For- ever • 289 Divorced '. 288 Forever Unconfessed .... 288 I Wandered by the Brookside . 287 Labor . . .' 286 Since Yesterday 286 The Worth of Hours .... 287 HOWE, JULIA WARD, b. New York, May 27. 1819. Battle Hymn of the Republic . 289 Imagined Reply of Eloisa ( Thoughts in Pere La Chaise) . 289 Stanzas from the " Tribute to a Servant" 290 The Dead Christ 291 HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN. b. Martinsville, Ohio, March 1, 1837. Convention 292 Thanksgiving 292 The Mulberries 292 The Mysteries 292 The Poet's Friends 292 xlviii INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES, HOWITT, MAKY. b. Uttoxetcr, Eng, 1804. The Broom-Flower 294 Tibbie Inglis 295 HOWITT, WILLIAM. b. Derbyshire, Eng., 1793. d. March 2, IS'O. Departure of the Swallow . . 296 HOYT, RALPH. b. New Yurk, 1808, d. 1878. Old 296 HUNT, LEIGH. b. Southgate, Eng., Oct. 19, 1784. d. Putney, Aug. 28, 1839. Abou Ben Adliem 299 Death 301 lyiay and the Poets 301 Stanzas from Song of the Flowers 299 The Grasshopper and Cricket . 300 HUTCHINSON, ELLEN MACKAY. Autumn Song 830 On the Road 830 Sea-way 830 The Prince 830 INGELOW, JEAN. b. Ipswich, Eng., 1830. Like a Laverock in the Lift . . 307 Songs of Seven 301 The Long White Seam .... 307 JACKSON, HELEN (H.- H.) b. Amherst, Mass., 1831. July 831 March 831 My Nasturtiums (Th<- Crn/iiri/) . 832 The Last Words " " ' . 830 JENNISON, LUCIA W. (Owen Innsley). b. Newton, Mass., 1850. At Sea 833 Dependence 833 Her Roses 832 111 a Letter 832 Outre-mort 832 JOHNSON, ROBERT UNDERWOOD. b.,Washington, D. C, Jan. 12, 185.'!. In November (From The Century) 834 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. b. Lichfield, Eng., Sept. 18, 1709. d. London, Dec. LS, 17S4. Charles XII. ( Inanity of Human Wishes) 308 Enviable Age ( Vanity of Human Wishes) ..■..'.. . . 308 The Fate of Poverty (London) . 309 Wisdcim's Prayer {Vanity of llinnan Wishes) 308 JONSON, BEN. b. Westminster, London, June II, 1574. d. Aug. 16, 1837. Epitaph 310 Good Life, Long Life . . . • 310 Hymn to Cynthia 310 The Sweet Neglect 310 ToCelia 309 JOYCE, ROBERT DWYER. Kilcoleman Castle 834 The Banks of Amier .... 835 KAY, CHARLES de. Fingers 836 KEATS, JOHN. b. London, 1795. d. Rome, Feb. 24, 1821. Beauty's Immortality {Endy- mion) 312 Fancy .311 Ode on the Poets 311 Ode to a Nightingale .... 312 On Reading Chapman's Homer . 314 Sonnet Composed on Leaving England 311 The Terror of Death .... 310 KEBLE, JOHN. b. Fairford, Gloucestershire, En"., .\pril 25, 1792. d. Bournemouth, Eng., March 29, IStiG. Since all that is not Heaven must Fade 316 Where is thy Favored Haunt ? . 314 Why Should we Faint, and Fear to Live Alone '? 315 KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE. b. London, 1811. Absence 317 Faith 318 KEY, FRANCIS SCOTT. b. Frederick Co., Md., Aug. 1, 1779. d. Baltimore, Jan. 11, 1843. The Star-Spangled Banner . . 318 KIMBALL, HARRIET McEW^EN. b. Portsmouth, N. H., 1804. Day Dreaming 320 Good News 319 Heliotrope 319 The Last Appeal 320 Trouble to Lend 319 KING, HENRY. b. England. 1591. d. lGi;9. From the " Exequy on his Wife" 836 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. b. nolne, Devonshire. Eng., June 12, 1819. d. Eversley, Jan. 24, 1875. A Farewell 321 Dolcino to Margaret 321 Sands of Dee 321 The Three Fishers 321 KNOX, WILLIAM. b. Roxburghe, Scotland. 1789. d. 1825. Oil ! why ShotiUl the Spirit of Mortal be Proutl 322 INDEX OF AUTHOBS AND TITLES. xlix LACOSTE, MARIE R. b Savannah, Ga., 1842. Somebody's Darling 323 LAIGHTON, ALBERT. b. Portsmouth, N. H. ]82'.l. By the Dead 324 Uniler the Leaves 324 LAMB, CHARLES. b. London, Feb. IS, 1775. d Edmonton, Eng., Dec. 27, 1834. Hester 32,5 Old Familiar Faces 32.5 The Housekeeper 325 LANDOR, L.ETITIA ELIZABETH. b. Chelsea, Eng., ia)2. d. Africa, Oct. 10, ]8.'!8. Success Alone Seen 326 The Little Shroud 326 Sir Walter Scott at Poiupeii . . 327 The Poet 327 LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE. b Ipsley Court, Warwickshire, Eng., Jan. 3(1, 1775. d. Florence, Sept. 17, 18(H. A Request 328 Death of the Day 328 In No Haste . 327 I Will Not Love 328 Rose Aylnier 328 Rubies 327 The One White Hair .... 743 Under the Lindens 743 LANIER, SIDNEY. b. Macon, Ga., 1842. d. 1881. Betrayal Evening Song From the Flats' 329 328 328 LARCOM, LUCY. b. Beverly Farms, Mass., 1826. A Strip of Blue .332 Hand in Hand with Angels . . 332 Hannah Binding Shoes . . . 329 Heaven near the Virtuous (From Hints) 333 The Curtain of tlie Dark {From Hints) 3,30 Unwedded 330 LATHROP, GEORGE PARSONS. b. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Aug. 25, 1851. A Face in the Street .... 3.36 New Worlds 334 Sailor's Song ! ! 3.35 The Lily Pond 3,34 To My Son 334 LATHROP, ROSE HAWTHORNE. The Striving of Hope {Closing Chords) 837 LAZARUS, EMMA. b. New York, July 22, 1849. A March Violet 3:57 Night {Scenes in the Wood) . . 337 Pleasant Prospect {Scenes in the Wood) 336 Remember • 338 LELAND, CHARLES GODFREY, b. Philadelphia, Aug. 15, 1824. City Experiences (Breitmann About Toicn) 744 Mine Own 339 Schnitzerl's Philosopede . , . 745 LEVER, CHARLES JAMES, b. Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 31, 1806. d. Trieste, June 1, 1872. Widow Malone 745 LEYDEN, JOHN. b. Dcnholm, Scotland, Sept. 8, 1775. d. Batavia, JS. I., Aug. 21, 1811. Ode to an Indian Coin .... 339 LODGE, THOINIAS. b. Lincolnshire, Eng., 1556. d. London, Sept., 1625. Rosaline 340 LOGAN, JOHN. b. Fala, near Edinburgh, Scotland, 1748. d. London, Dec. 28, 17.%^. The Cuckoo 341 LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. b. Portland, Me., Feb. 27, 1807. d. Cambridge, Mass., March 24, 1882. A Day of Sunshine 345 Maiden and Weathercock . . 343 Nature 343 President Garfield 837 Stay, Stay at Home, my Heart, and Rest 342 The Meeting 342 The Ladder of St. Augustine . ,341 The Tides .343 Three Friends of Mine .... .344 The Two Angels .344 Weariness 342 LONGFELLOW, SAJIUEL. b. Portland, Me., June 18, 1819. From iVIire to Blossom .... 346 LOVELACE, RICHARD. b. Woolwich, Eng., 1018. d. London, 1658. To Lucasta, on Going beyond the Seas 346 To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars 346 LOVER, SAMUEL. b. Dublin, Ireland, 17117. d. July 6, 18(B. Fatherland and Mother Tongue 748 Father Molloy 748 Oh ! Watch You Well bv Day- light 347 Rory O'More 746 The' Angel's Wing 347 The Birth of St. Patrick . . . 74t) The Child and the Autunni Leaf 347 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. Widow Machree Yield Not, Thou Sad One, to Sighs . . . . LOWELL, JAMES BUSSELL. b. Cambridge, Muss., Feb. 22, ISD). After the Burial Auf Wiedersclien June ((-';/(/(/■ llw Wdlows) Storm at Ai)plt'dore .... The Courtin' (liiylow Papers) Tlie Generosity of Nature ( Vision of air Launfal) . The Heritage ..... Without and Within LUNT, GEORGE. b. Newburyport, Mass., Dee. 31, 1803. The Comet 8.38 LYTE, HENRY FRANCIS. b. Ednaiii, Scotland, 171)3. d. 1«47. Abide With Me 353 LYTLE, WILLIAM HAINES. b. Cincinniiti, Nov. 2. 1S2G. Killed battle Chiekamauga, Sept. 20, 1SC3. Antony to Cleopatra .... 353 LYTTON, LORD (Edward Bulwer) b. England, 1S05. Caradoc, the Bard, to the Cym- rians {h'i)t(/ Arthur) .... 839 Is it all Vaiiity 838 Justice, tlie Regenerative Power {mc/ielicu) 839 LYTTON, ROBERT BULWER (Owen Meredith), b. Herts, Eng., Nov. 8, 1831. A Character (Lucilc) . . Changes Fame (Liicile) . . Few in Many " . . Life a Victory " . . The Cliess-board .... The Erratic Genius (Lurile) The Stomach of Man " The Unfulfilled MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON. 1). Leicestershire. Eng., Oct. 25, 1800. d. London, Uec. £8, 1850. From " The Lay of Horatius " . 354 MACDONALI>, GEORGE. b. Huntley, Scotland, 182.';. O Lassie ayont the Hill. . . . 3.59 The Baby " 3.59 MACE, FRANCES LAUGHTON. b. Orono, Me., Jan. 15. 183C. Easter Morning 360 0..1y Waiting 360 The Heliotrope 361 MACKAY, CHARIvES. b. Perth, Scotland, 1812. A Question Answered .... 365 At a Club Dinner 75H Be Quiet, do 757 Clear the Way ! 36i! Cleon and I 362 Extract from " A Reverie in the Grass " 3ti5 Happiness 757 O ve Tears 364 Tell me, ye Winged Winds . . .366 The Child and the Mourners . 361 The Good Time Coming . . . 363 The great Critics 757 The Liglvt in the Window . . . 363 The little Man 758 To a Friend afraid of Critics . 754 MANN, CAMERON. b. New York City. April ."., The Longing of Circe .... .H42 MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. b. Canterbury, Kng., Feb. 2C, 1504. d. Dcpttbrd, June 16, 1503. A Passionate Sheplierd to his Love 842 MARSTON. PHILIP BOURKE. b. London, 1850. From Afar 843 Too Near 843 MABVELL, ANDREW. b. Winestead, Yorkshire, Eng., March 2, 1621. d. London, Aug. IT, 1078. A Drop of Dew 367 MASON, CAROLINE ATHERTON. May (From T/ie Century) ... 844 An opeu Secret " '" 844 MASSEY, GERALD. b. Herts, Eng., May 29, 1828. And thou hast Stolen a Jewel . 368 Jerusalem the Golden .... 367 The Kingliest Kings 368 MCCARTHY, DENIS FLORENCE. b. Cork, Ireland, 1820. Summer Longings 369 McKAY, JAMES I. A Summer Morning 842 MERRICK, JAMES. b. Reading, Eng., Jan. 8, 1720. d. Reading, Eng., June 5, 1709. The Chameleon 7.59 MICKLE, WILLIAM JULIUS. b. Langholm, Scotland, 17*1. The Sailor's Wife 372 MICHELL, NICH0L.4S. Alexander at Persepolls . . . :!70 The Paradise of Cabul. ... 371 MILLER, ABRAHAM PERRY, b. Ohio, Oct. 15, 18;17. Keep Faith in Love ( Consolation) .S74 Kef uge from iJoubt '• i!76 Turu to the Helper " 373 MILTOK. JOHN. I). London, Dec. !l, 1608. d. London, Nov. is, iHTi. Apostrophe to Light (Paradise Lost) 381 II Penseroso 376 L' Allegro .375 On his Blindness .379 On Reaching Twentv-three . . 380 On Time . . . .' .... .374 Song on ]May Morning .... 378 Stnnzas from '' Hymn on the Nativity" ....'.... 379 The Bower of Adam and Eve {Paradise Lost) 380 To a virtuous young Lady . . 380 MITCHELL, WEIR. The Quaker Graveyard (From The Century) . . ' 844 MOIR, DAVID MACBETH. b. Musselbursli, .Scotland, Jan. 5, 1798. d. Uiiinfrics, July t;, INol. Stanzas from "Casa Wappy " . 381 MONTGOMERY, JAMES, b. Irvine, Scotland. No^". 4, 1771. d. ShefHcId, April :», 1854. Aspirations of Youth .... 384 Forever with the I.,ord .... 385 Friend after Friend Departs . 384 Love of Country, and of Home . 382 Prayer 383 The" common Lot 383 MOORE, THOMAS. b. Dublin. Irel.ind. May 28, 17711. d. Sloperton, Feb. L'5, lbJ2. As slow our .Ship 388 Come, ye Disconsolate .... 387 Estrangement through Trifles (Lalla Pookh) 385 Extracts from Miss Biddy's Let- ters (Fudge Family in Paris) . 760 I Saw from' the Beach .... 387 Oft in the stilly Night .... 386 O Thou wlio Dry'st the Mourn- er's Tears 386 Recognition of a congenial Spirit (Lai la Jiookli) .... 385 The Bird Let loose 3i^6 The modern puffing System (An Epistle to Samuel Rogers) . . 760 Those Evening Bells .... .387 Thou Art, O God 387 MORRIS, GEORGE P. b. Philadelphia, Oct. V2. 1802. d. New York, July 6, 18G4. Woodman, Spare that Tree . . 388 MORRIS, WILLIAM. b. England, 1834. April (Earthly Paradise) . . 390 December " " . . 390 Februarv " " . . 389 March " " . . 389 JMOTHERWELL, WILLIAM. b. Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 13, 17117. d. Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 1, 18J5. Jeanie Morrison 392 Last Verses 391 My Heid is like to Rend, Willie 391 The Cavalier's Song, 392 Thev Come ! The merry Sum- mer Mouths ....... 394 MOULTOS, ELLEN LOUISE CHANDLER, b. Ponifret, Conn., April IG, 1833. At Sea 845 From a Window in Chamouni . 846 Hie Jacet 846 Left behind 845 My Saint 845 NAIRNE, LADY CAROLINE OLIPHANT. b. Gask. Perthshire, Scotland. July IC, 17GC. d. Gask, Oct. 27, 184.v. The Land o' the Leal .... 394 NEWELL, WILLIA]M, D.D. b. Littleton, Mass., Feb. 25, 1804. Serve God and be Cheerful . . 395 NEAVMAN, JOHN HENRY, b. London, Eng., Feb. 21, 1801. A Voice from afar 396 Flowers without Fruit .... 396 NORTON, ANDREWS. b. Hingham, Mass., Dec. 31, 1786. d. Newport, R. 1., Sept. 18, 1853. Scene after a Summer Shower . 396 NORTON, CAROLINE E. S. S. b. Hampton Court, Eng., 1*8. d. 1877. Bingen on the Rhine .... 397 We have been Friends Together 398 O'REILLY, JOHN BOYLE, b. Ireland, 1844. Forever 400 Hidden Sins 401 Peace and Pain 399 The Ride of Collins Graves . . 399 Unspoken Words 401 ORNE, CAROLINE FRANCES. The Gold under the Roses . . 846 OSGOOD, FRANCES SARGENT. b. Boston. Mai on Criticism) 432 From Eloisa to Abelard ... 429 Just Judgment (Essai/ on Criti. cism) 4;!3 Man (Essai/ on Mmi) .... 430 Merit be\ond Beauty (Rape of the Lock) 768 Submission to Supreme Wisdom (Essn]i on Afnn) 430 The Universal Prayer .... 433 True Nobility (Essay on Afnn) . 431 Truth to Nature (Essay on Criticism) 432 Virtue, the sole Unfailing Hap- piness (/r.<.s«)/ wt jl/aii) . . , 431 Vt^it, (Essai/ on Criticism) ... 432 PRAED, WINTHROP MACKWORTH. b. London, Eng,, >H02. d. July 15, 18;». Quince 771 The Belle of the Ball .... 769 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES, PKENTICE, GEORGE DEXXISON. b. Preston, Conn., Dec. 18, 1802. d. Louisville, Jan. 1*2, 1870. The River in the Mammoth Cave PRESCOTT, MARY N. Asleep The old Storv To-day . . ' 847 PRESTON, MARGARET JUXKIX. b. Lexinijton, Va., 1835. Equipoise God's Patience Nature's Lesson Ours Stonewall Jackson's Grave . There'll Come a Day . , . The Shadow The Tyranny of INIood . . . PRINGLE, THOMAS. b. Blaiklaw, Scotland. Jan. 5, 1789. d. London, Dec. 5, IS;'^. Afar in tlie Desert .... 4.3.5 43.3 434 434 435 435 4.34 4L'5 43t) 435 436 PRIOR, MATTHEW. b. Wimhiirnc-Miiistcr, En?., July 21, ICGl. d. Cambridgeshire, Sept. IS, 1721". An Epitaph For mv own Jlonument . . . From '" The Thief and the Cor- delier " . . . ■ Richard's Theory of the Mind (^Alma') The wise Man in Darkness (Solomon) The wise Man in Light (Solomon) PROCTOR, ADELAIDE ANNE. b. London, Eng., Oct. SO, 1825. d. London, Feb. 2, 1804. A Lost Chord A Woman's Question . . Cleansing Fires .... Incompleteness .... Judge Not One by One Strive, Wait, and Pray Thankfulness Too Late 437 441 442 442 443 440 440 443 440 441 PROCTOR, BRYAN WALLER. b. Wiltshire. En< The Blessed Daniozel .... 467 The Sea Limits 467 RUSSELL, IRWIN. d. New Orleans, Dec, 1879. Her Conquest (From The Cen- tury) 8.51 SANGSTER, MARGARET E. b. New Rochelle, N. Y., 18.J.S. Our Own 468 Sufficient unto the Day . . . 468 SARGENT, EPES. b. Gloucester. JVIass., Sept. 27, 1812. d. Dec. .il, IbSO. A Life on the Ocean Wave . . 465 A Summer Noon at Sea . . . 471 A Thought of the Past .... 470 Cuba 471 Forget me Not 469 Soul of my Soul 469 The Spring-time will Return . 470 Tropical Weather 471 SAVAGE, MINOT JUDSON. b. Norridgewock. Me., June 10, 18-11. Lives Boston, Mass. Life in Death 472 Light on the Cloud 473 Pescadero Pebbles 472 SAXE, JOHN GODFREY. b. Highgate, Vt., June 2, 1810. About Husbands 778 Early Rising 777 How Cyrus Laid the Cable . . 77.5 I'm Growing old 474 Little Jerry, the Miller . . . 474 Railroad Rhyme 779 Somewhere 474 Song of Saratoga 776 The Family Man 779 The Old Man's Motto .... 473 The Puzzled Census-taker . . 776 The Superfluous Man .... 77.5 To my Love 47(! Treasure in Heaven 476 Wouldn't you Lilie to Know . 47.5 SAXTON, ANDREW BICE. b. Middleficld, N. Y., April 5, 18.T.. Delay (From The Century) . 852 Midsummer " " . 8.52 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. h. Edinburgh, Scotland. Aug. l.i, 1771. d. Abbotsford, Scotland, Sipt. 21, 18'12. A Picture of Ellen {Lady of the Lake) 477 A Scene in the Highlands (Lndij of the Lake 477 Breathes there a Man (Ijay of the Last Minstrel) . . . . ' . 478 Faith in Unf aith ( The Betrothed) 479 Helvellyn 481 Love ( Lay of the Last MinJ^frel) 478 Melrose Abbey by :Moonlight {Lay of the Last Minstrel) . . 478 Paternal Love ( Lady of the Lake) 478 Payment in Store {/•'edoauntlet) 479 Rebecca's Hymn (Icnnhoe) . . 479 Summer Dawn at Loch Katrine (Lady of the Lake) 476 The Sun" upon the Weirdlaw- Hill 480 The Violet 481 Wandering Willie . • . . 480 SEAVER, EMILY. b. Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 5, 1S35. The Rose of .Jericho .... 482 SEW ALL, HARRIET WINSLOW. . b. Portland, Me., June 30, 1810. Why thus Longing? 483 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. b. Strati'.. rd-on-Avon, April 23, 15G4. d. April 2.% ICIG. Constant Effort Necessary to Support Fame {Troilus and Cressida) . 4> 6 End of all Earthly Glory (7V(e Tempest 4S7 False Appearance {Merchant of Venice) 485 Fear no More (Cymbeiine) . . 488 Fear of Death (Measure for Measure) 487 Good Counsel of Polonius to Laertes (Hamlet) 485 Ingratitude {As i/ou Like It) . . 484 Life's Theatre " " . . 4.*4 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND TITLES. Iv Life's Vicissitudes (/ft'nry VIII,) 487 Love, the Solace of present Cal- amity 488 Love, the Retriever of past Losses 489 Love Unalterable 489 Mercy (Merchant of Venice) . . 48G No Spring without the Beloved. 489 The Horse of Adouis {Venus and Adonis) 488 To Be, or not to Be (Hamlet) . 484 To rny Soul 489 SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. b. Field Place, Sussex. Eng.. Aiifc. 4, 1702 Drowned in the Bay of ^pl■ziu. Italv, July 8, lS:i2. ■ ■' Death 492 From " The Sensitive-Plant " . 493 From "To a Lady ^vith a Guitar" 495 Good-Night 495 Love's Philosophy 490 Music, when soft Voices Die . 492 Mutability 4(;,5 One Word is too often Profaned 490 The Cloud 492 The World's Wanderers . . . 492 Time 492 To a Skylark 490 SHENSTONE, WILLIAM. b, Leasowes, near Ilales-Owen. Eng.,Nov.. I7H. ark SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. b. Fenshurst, Kent. Eng., Nov. 20, 1554 d. Arnheini, Holland, Oct. 7, 15SG. Sonnet to Sleep 499 SIGOURNEY, LVDIA HUNTLEY. b. Norwich, Conn., .'Jept. 1, 1701. d. Hartford, Conn., June 10, IStiS. Benevolence .500 Farewell of the Soul to theBody 499 The Coral Insect 500 SIMMS, WILLIAM GILIMORE. b. Charleston, S. C, April 17, ISOC. a. Charleston, S. C, June 11, 1.S70. Friendship 50,3 Heart e.ssential to (Jenius . '. 502 Manhood 593 Night-storm ! '. 503 Progress in Denial 501 Recompense 502 Solace of the ' ' 'ioi Triumph 504 Unhappy Childhood 503 SMITH, ALEXANDER. b. Kilmarnock, Scotland, Dec. .'il, If«l). d. WarcJie, near Ldiiiburgli, Jan. 25, J,sii7. Barbara (Horton) .-,04 Glasgow 505 SMITH, CHARLOTTE TURNER. b. Sussex, Eng., 1740. d. ISOfi. The Close of Spi-ing .^07 The Cricket .507 SAIITH, FLORENCE. b. Xew York City. March 11, ]84^ d. Fort Washington, July 10, 1S71. Somebody Older .509 The Purple of the Poet (Hain- bow Songs) .508 The Yellow of the Miser (Rain- bow Sont/s) .508 Uurequitiiig 509 SMITH, HORACE, b. London, Dee. .31. 1770. d. Tunbridge Wells, July 12, 1S40. Address to a Mummy . . . . ."ill Hymn to the Flowers .... 510 SMITH, MAY REILLY-. b. Brighton, N. Y., 1S42. If Sometime 51.-! 51;; SOUTHEY, CAROLINE ANTvE BOWLES, b. Buckland, Eng., Dee. 6, 1787. d. July 20, 1854. I never Cast a Flower away . . 515 Launch thy Bark, Mariner . . 514 The Pauper's Death-bed . . . 514 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. b. Bristol, Eng., Aug. 12. 1774. d. Cumberland, Eng., March 21, 184.3. Love's Immortality (Curse of Keliaina) ..." 517 Nature's Questions and Faith's Answer (Thataba) . 515 Night " . ,516 Remedial Suffering " . 5i(; The Battle of Blenheim . . . .520 The Cataract of Lodore ... 521 The Ebb-tide .522 The Holly-Tree 5IS The Maid of Orleans Girding for Battle (Joan of Arc) .... 517 The
. . . . 562 On the Reception of Wordsworth atOxford 562 TANNAHILL, ROBERT. b. Paisley, Scotland, June ."i, 1774. d. Lancashire, Eng., May 17, 1810. The Flower o' Dumblane . . . 563 The Midges Dance aboon the Burn 563 TAYLOR, BAYARD. b. Kennctt Square, Penn., Jan. II, 1J>2J. d. Berlin, Dec. 19, 1S7S. A Funeral Thought 565 Before the Bridal 566 In the Meadows 566 On the Headland .564 Proposal 565 Squandered Lives 566 The Father 564 The Lost May 56T The Mystery 507 The Song of the Camp .... 568 To a Bavarian Uirl 569 Wind and Sea 565 TAYLOR, SIR HENRY, b. Durham, Eng., 1800. Love Reluctant to Endanger its Object (Philip Van Artevelde) 570 Nature's Need '' " 571 Relaxation '" " 571 The Mystery of Life " " 570 Unknown Greatness " " 596 What Makes a Hero ? .... 571 When Joys are Keenest {PMlip Van Arteviikh) 571 TAYLOR, JANE. b. London, Sept. 23, 1783. d. Ongar, Essexshire, April 2, 1824. The Squire's Pew . , . . . .572 TENNYSON, ALFRED. b. Sotnersby, Lincolnshire, Eng., 1809. Ask me no More (The Princess) .'578 A Welcome to Alexandra . . . 582 Break, Break. Break .... 584 Bugle Song (jT/fe . . 577 Charge of the Light Brigade . 584 Circumstance 585 Come not when I am Dead . . 585 Condition of Spiritual Commu- nion {In Memoriam) .... 574 Couplets from I.,oeksley Hall . 573 Cradle Song { 77(6 PriJice.f.s) . . 578 Faith in Doubt (In Memoriam) . 575 For his Child's Sake (The Prin- cess) 577 Garden Song (Mand) .... 580 Go not, Happy Day (Maud) . . 581 Hope for All (In Memoriam) . . 571 Husband to Wife (The Miller's DaiKihter) 579 Lady Clara ^'ere de Vere . . . 583 Love (Tlic Miller's Daughter) . 579 Man and Woman ( The Princess) 578 Move Eastward, Happv Earth . 585 Not at All, or All in AH (Merlin and Virien) 580 Now Lies the Earth ( The Prin- cess) 578 Reconciliation ( The Princess) . 577 Ring out, Wild Bells (In Memo- riam) 576 Soul to Soul (/?!. il/e»?on'ffTO) . . 575 Strong Son of God {In Memwiam) 574 Tears, Idle Tears (The Priticess) 577 The Death of the Old Year . . 582 The Nuns' Song (Guinevere) . . 581 The Tears of Heaven .... 585 To a Friend in Heaven (In Me- moriam) 576 "What I would be (The Miller's Daughter) 579 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE b. Calcutta, E. I., 1811. d. London, Dec. 24, ISfJS. At the Church-gate 585 Little Billee 783 Sorrows of Werther . . . . , . 783 The Ballad of Bouillabaisse . 782 THAXTER, CELIA. b. Portsmouth, N. IL, 1835. A Mussel Shell 587 Beethoven 590 Courage 589 Discontent 586 Farewell 586 In the Kittery Churchyard . . 589 Love shall Save us All .... .588 Reverie •"i87 The Sandpiper •")91 The Sunrise never Failed us yet .587 To a Violin • . .588 THOMAS, EDITH M. b. Litchfield, Ohio, 1854. Flower and Fruit 853 THOMPSON, MAURICE. b. Fairfield, Indiana, Sept. 9, 1844. Before Dawn J<54 The ISIorning Hills 853 THOMSON, JAMES. b. Ednam, Roxburghshire, Scotland, Sept. 11, 1700. d. New Lane, near Richmond, Eng., Aug. 27, 1748. A State's Need of Virtue (Lib- erty) •''^■^ Bird's, and their Loves CT/fc Sea- sons) 59.3 Contentment 5J( Death amid the Snows (The Seasons) 593 Iviii INDEX OF AUTHOR ti AND TITLES. Excess to be Avoided ( The Cas- tle of hulolence) 596 Harvest Time ( The Sensnns) . . 592 Health Necessary to Happy Life ( 'J'he Castle of Indolence) . . 597 Independence (Liberty) . . . 594 Nature's Joy Inalienable ( 77/e Castle of Indolence) .... 596 Pure and' Happy Love {The Sea- sons) 591 Kepose ( The Castle of Indolence) 595 Kule, Britannia . * 597 The Apollo, and Venus of Me