a %, Greene ^ o Veterinary Supplies.. Instruments Medicines CHICAGO .N\\-- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 5TTT3 ®W> - Oqniwjy %r + Shelf ...iTife UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. *x COPYRIGHT 1894 By Chas, Truax Greene & Co. CATALOGUE of Veterinary Instruments CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO M (INCORPORATED) CHAS. TRUAX Pres. and Manager F. C. GREENE, M. D. Vice-Pres. and Treas. E. E. PALMER Secretary Established 1877 ^^ _ -^l/^ s §lwy7 m Reorganized 1891 iPlflff^P' ill Incorporated 1887 ' Cable Address... Chatruax MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS AND IMPORTERS OF SURGICAL INSTRU LJin son PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS 4 ^ Hjf|Q ^ ...and. 3 y?^/-z. STRICTLY PURE DRUGS / 75 AND 77 WABASH AVENUE CHICAGO j. C. WINSHIP * CO. PRINTERS . 21-25 PLYMOUTH PLACE CHICAGO. . X r^ 2 I ntroductory... In issuing our Catalogue and Price List, we feel a pardonable pride in its com- pleteness in every department of the field it is intended to cover. We have labored to surpass any former list in practical utility, and to make it a vade mecnm to which the reader can turn for the prices of every article wanted. PRICES.— Our list will enable customers to ascertain the net prices of instru- ments and surgical appliances, and the approximate rates on such drugs and pharma- ceutical preparations as they may use for dispensing. We trust our patrons will see the necessity of our maintaining uniform prices in the government of all sales. A system that allows special rates to one customer will grant them to many, so that no one purchaser would have any assurance that other buyers were not being favored greater than himself. TERMS.— All bills are payable at our office, in current funds, post office or express order, or bank draft on Chicago or New York (we cannot accept drafts or checks on other cities unless exchange is added). All remittances by express must be prepaid ; cash forwarded by mail is always at sender's risk. Parties not having a credit already established will understand the necessity of sending reliable references, or of enclosing remittances to cover amount of purchase; orders not accompanied by either satisfactory references or cash will be declined or sent C. O. D. SHORTAGE.— We will not be responsible for losses occurring in the transpor- tation of merchandise shipped by us, whether it is shortage, breakage or leakage, excepting in cases due to causes existing in our house. All goods are sold in Chicago and the transportation companies act as the agent of the purchaser, and all claims for reparation must be made directly to them. PURCHASES TO ORDER.— As an accommodation to our patrons we will purchase at wholesale or retail any articles wanted, provided customers will agree not to hold us responsible or to return the goods so purchased without our consent. BOXING, ETC.— Reasonable charges will be made for boxing, and when goods are sent by freight, cartage will be charged at cost. FACTORY.— We have in operation a surgical instrument factory, fully equipped with steam power, ample machinery and competent workmen, so that we are not only prepared to manufacture instruments for our regular trade, but to make special ones to order. We also make a specialty of repairing, grinding, polishing, plating, etc. LEATHER CASE DEPARTMENT. In connection with our surgical instru- ments, we have in operation a leather department, fully equipped with ample machinery and competent workmen, so that we are not only prepared to- furnish all kinds of dental cases, medicine cases, dental rolls, pocket cases, etc., but to make .special ones to order. CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL CASES. FIG. 10.000. Showing style of Dental Outfits Nos. 1 and 2. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Dental Outfit No. I, containing: 1 Scheffer's Molar Extractor and Cutter Fig. 1 Scheffer's Incisor Cutter. " 1 Molar Extractor " 1 Pair Handles " 1 Open Molar Cutter " 1 Closed " " " 1 Straight Nipper " 1 Set of Combined Floats . . " 1 Tooth Separating Saw. . . " 1 Siemon's Scoop " 10004 1 10037 1 10008 1 10009 1 10006 1 10007 1 10040 1 10090 1 10068 1 10555 1 1 9-in. Wolf Tooth Forcep, Scalpel Dental Hook 13-in. Molar Forcep Trephine 12-in. Splinter Forcep.. . 1 Angular Scissors 1 Artery Forcep Separating Wolf Tooth Forcep Dental Brush Screw Driver Fig. 10034 " 10309 " 10062 " 10018 " 10085 " 10063 " 10389 " 10384 " 10036 Price of same in a Russet Leather ( 'use, leather lined, with nickel trimmings, see illustration above $100.00 Truax, Greene & Co.'s Dental Outfit No. 2, containing: 1 Open Molar Cutter Fig. 1 Closed " " " 1 Molar Extractor, Open. . . " 1 " tk Closed. " 1 Pair Handles " 1 SchefFer's Incisor Cutter. " 1 Straight Incisor Nipper.. " 1 Set Combined Floats " 1 13-in. Molar Forcep " 1 Trephine " 1 9-in. Splinter Forcep " 1 Tooth Separating Saw.. . " 1 Drill " 10006 1 10007 1 10008 1 10011 1 10009 1 10037 1 10040 1 10090 1 10018 10085 1 10063 1 10068 1 10087 1 Screw Driver Siemon's Scoop Fig. 10555 Dental Hook " 10062 Scalpel " 10301 Artery Forcep " 10384 10-in. "Front File " 10098 9-in. Wolf Tooth Forcep. " 10034 Separating Wolf Tooth Forcep " 10036 Brush Elevator and Raspatory.. " 10072 Screw Driver '' 10064 Angular Scissors " 10389 Price of same jn a Russet Leather Case, leather lined, with nickel trimmings, see illustration above $80.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. DENTAL CASES. Truax, Greene &, Co.'s Dental Outfit No. 3, containing: 1 Open Molar Cutter Fig. 10006 1 Closed " " k - 10007 1 Molar Extracting Forcep " 10008 1 Pair Handles .'. . . '• 10009 1 13-inch Molar Forcep " 10018 1 Scheffer's Incisor Cutter " 10037 1 Straight Incisor Nipper " 10040 1 9-inch Splinter Forcep " 10063 1 Dental Hook " 10062 1 Siemon's Scoop " 10555 1 Brush 1 Wolf Tooth Forcep , " 10034 1 Trephine " 10085 1 Dental Drill " 10087 1 Artery Forcep " 103S4 1 Angular Scissors " 10389 1 Wolf Tooth Separating Forcep " 10036 1 Scalpel " 10301 1 Tenaculum , " 10306 1 Elevator and Raspatory " 10072 1 Set of Combined Floats " 10090 1 Screw Driver Price of same in Russet Leather Case, leather lined, with nickel trimmings, similar to Fig. 10000. $70.00 Truax, Greene & Co.'s Dental Outfit No. 4, containing: 1 Open Molar Cutter Fig. 10006 1 Closed " " " 10007 1 Molar Extractor li 10008 1 Pair Handles ^ " 10009 1 13-inch Molar Extractor " 10018 1 Scheffer's Incisor Cutter " 10037 1 Straight Incisor Nipper " 10040 1 Set of Combined Floats " 10090 1 10-inch File " 1009S 1 Wolf Tooth Forcep " 10034 1 Brush 1 Screw Driver Price of same in Russet Leather Roll, chamois lined $50.00 Fig. 10001. Fig. 10001. Dental Roll, black grain leather, flannel lined, with straps and handle $0.00 Dental Roll, sole leather, chamois lined, with straps and handle 8.00 CHAS. TRITAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL CASES. FIG. 10,002. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Dental Outfit No. 5. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Dental Outfit No. 5, containing: 1 Open Molar Cutter Fig. 10006 1 Closed " " " 10007 1 Molar Extractor " ] 0008 1 Pair Handles " 10009 1 13-inch Molar Forcep " 10018 1 Wolf Tooth Forcep " 10034 1 Scheffer's Incisor Cutter " 10037 1 Straight " " « 10040 1 Jointed Float with Single Head " 10090 1 10-in. File " 10098 1 Screw Driver 1 Brush i ...."."..'."!.""!"... . Price of same in a Russet Leather Case (Fig. 10,002), leather lined, with nickel trimmings $50.00 Dental Instruments Fitted to Cases to suit the Purchaser. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10004. Scheff er's Improved Cutting and Tooth Extracting Forcep $30.00 Price of same in a two-fold Eusset Leather Case, leather lined, with nickel trimmings 40.00 DIRECTIONS FOR OPERATING SCHEFFER'S TRIPLE HANDLE EXTRACTING FORCEP AND CUTTER. 1. Adjust the forcep by turning the screw to right or left as the case may be to the size of tooth to be operated upon ; take hold of the center handle, leaving the two outer handles free, so that the forcep will remain open. 2. Place the forcep over the tooth to be extracted. Now grip one of the outer levers, right or left, as the case may be, owing to which side of the mouth is being oper- ated upon ; hold the lever or handle firmly and turn the adjusting screw to the left until the levers are spread apart to their greatest width. 3. Now grip the outer lever and gradually close it toward the center, and should this not give sufficient power, which in all cases it will not take hold of both outer levers; this will give all the power necessary to extract any tooth. Now rotate the handle to loosen the tooth in its socket, after which it can be readily lifted out. TO CUT OFF ANY SIZED MOLAR FROM THE SMALLEST POINT TO THE LARGEST SIZED TOOTH. 1. Adjust the forcep as above; after getting a firm hold of the tooth to be cut off, grip one of the outer levers, tighten or press it against the center handle ; now with the other hand take hold of the other outer lever and gradually press toward the center handle, at the same time gradually releasing the other, and repeat this move- ment several times. This movement gives to the cutting blades not only an inward movement but a see-saw motion which will effectually cut through the enamel or hard substance of the tooth, after which by griping both outer levers and bringing them forcible together will complete the cutting or effectually cut off any molar tooth in all cases. The adjusting screw must be carefully attended to and kept closed up and when cutting off a molar tooth, especially at each and every see-saw motion, the adjusting screw should be tightened up. To be proficient in the use of this instrument the operator should practice the handling of it occasionally so as to fully understand the working of same. If the above directions are followed you will succeed in the most difficult cases. CHAS. TKUAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10006. Open Molar Cutter $7.00; with handles, $10.00 Fig. 10007. Closed Molar Cutter $7.00; with handles, $10.00 Fig. 10008. Molar Extractor $7.00; with handles. $10.00 Fig. 10009. Handles for above set per pair, $3 .00 Truax, Greene &, Co.'s Dental Set, consisting of— 1 Open Molar Cutter Fig. 10006 1 Closed " " ll 10007 1 Molar Extractor " 10008 1 Pair Handles for above set " 10009 Price $22.50 Fig. 10011. Closed Splinter Extractor $7.00 ; with handles, $10.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10012. Open Molar Cutter. $8.00 ; with handles, $11.00 Fig. 10014. Closed Molar Cutter $8.00 ; with handles, 811.00 Fig. 10015. Molar Extractor . .00; with handles, $11.00 Side View of above Cutters. Fig. 10016. Handles for above set. .per pair, 83.00 NOTICE. Please do not cut or mutilate this book. In ordering, always state numter of Figure and page of Catalogue. 10 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10018. Molar Extracting Forcep, 24 inch $9.50 * « « - 20 " S.00 " " " 16 " 4.00 " " 13 il 3.00 — — —— ■ Fig 10019. Gowing's Molar Forcep . > $13.00 Fig. 10020. Molar Extracting Forcep, with Fulcrum anu Handles, 28 inch .. . . . $12.00 Fig. 10022. Molar Extracting Forcep, with Fulcrum, 13 inch $G.0O Fig. 10024. House's Combined Tooth Forceps $18.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 11 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10025. German Molar Extractor. $15.00 Fig. 10026. Turnkey for Extracting Large Molars, nickel plated $6.00 Fig. 10028. House's Tooth Cutting Forcep, nickel plated, 24 inch $10.00 " " " " " ' " 20 " 9.00 14 " 6.00 12 " ... 5.00 Fig. 10029. Bavonet Wolf Tooth Forcep, nickel plated, 9 inch $2.50 " '• 13 " 3.00 Fig. 10031. Straight Wolf Tooth Forcep, nickel plated, 9 inch $2.50 " " " " " " 13 " 3.00 12 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. 75 & 77 WABASH AYE., CHICAGO. 13 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10039. Fash's Incisor Cutter. $9.00 Fig. 10040. Straight Incisor Nipper, 9 inch. $4.00 Fi°\ 10042. Walters'. Dental Chisel. .$10.00 Fi°\ 10044. French Dental Chisel. 9 inch $2.00 Fig. 10046. Gowing s Tooth Chisel , $10.00 14 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL INSTRUMENT. PATENT JOINT FOR FORCEPS AND SCISSORS. There is perhaps no class of instruments more difficult to thoroughly cleanse than the ordinary forms of Forceps. Nearly all forms of Bone and Tooth Forceps have heretofore been constructed with closed joints, that not only afforded a safe deposit for disease germs, but furnished a good medium for conveying them from one patient to another. Our Patent joint is not only thoroughly aseptible, but it is as strong as the ordinary pattern. It may be unjointed in a second or two and as quickly put together. It combines all the necessary requisites in a perfect-working desirable instrument, and customers need have no hesitancy in ordering instruments constructed with our patent joint. Fig. 10500. Liston's Straight Bone Forcep, Aseptible . . $2.00; without spring, $1.85 Fig. 10501. Liston's Curved Bone Forcep, Aseptible $2.25 Fig. 10503. Bone Forcep, angular bent, Aseptible 82.25 Fig. 10505. Satterlee's Bone Forcep, Aseptible $2.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 15 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. n 1 1 1:1 1 Ml "ITmTTiii null Fig. 10054. Plain Chisel, 6 inch $0.75 « " 8 " 85 « " 10 " 1.00 « '• 16 " 1.25 Fig. 10056. Lead Mallet $1.75 Fig. 10060. Plain Tooth Cutting Forcep, 9 inch $2.50 Fig. 10062. Dental Hook $1.25 1G CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10065. Chain Saw, with Rotating Handles $6.00 Fig. 10066. Tooth Saw, Two Blades $4.25 Fig. 10068. Plain Metacarpal Saw, Aseptible $1 .25 ^^^^^==^ Fig. 10070. Tooth Separating Saw, Ebony Handle $1 .00 Fig. 10072. Elevator and Raspatory $1 .00 Fig. 10074. Gum Lancet $1.25 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 17 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 1007G. Collins' Drills and Bone Trephines, all metal, complete, in case $22.50 Fig. 10077. Hamilton's Bone Drills with guard, Aseptible $4.00 (Drills to be kept in the hollow handle.) Fig. 1007S. Langenbeck's Drills, all metal $4.50 §Bai§ ":::;: t:!"x 1,1 E2EE2EH3EI "tljfl mm iiiiiiiiiiniir Fig. 10080. Brainard's Bone Drills. Aseptible $2.65 18 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10081. Holbrook's Douche Curette $ 3 - 50 $1.50 Fig. 10083. Hebra's Bone Scoop. Fig. 10088. Darby's set Gouges and Chisels, Aseptible $5.00 Fig. 10089. Raw Hide Mallet, Aseptible $0.75 Fig. 10085. Trephines, Conical, $3.00 " Cylindrical. 3.00 Fig. 10087. Plain Dental Drill, $1.50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 19 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10090. House's set of Combined Floats, nickel plated " Jointed Float, 11 Stilt' Float, u u I. (I $3.50 2.25 1.50 Fig. 10094. Jointed Tooth Rasp $1.75 Fig. 10095. Plain Stiff Tooth Rasp $1.50 Fig. 10096. McPherson's File $0.75 I w Fig. 10098. Incisor File, 10 inch $0.50 Fig. 10099. Float Blades for House's Float each, 25c; doz., $2.50 20 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MOUTH SPECULUM, [Patent applied for.] FASH'S MOUTH SPECULUM. Fig. 10100. Fash's Mouth Speculum $10.00 In placing this instrument "before the Veterinary Profession, we believe we are presenting a Speculum — the most perfect ever produced for strength and safety. It consists of two hinged semi-circular bars on each side, to the end of which are attached two semi-lunar cupped plates for operating on the back molars, and by detaching these, two Inter-dental plates are put in their place for operating on the Incisor teeth. These plates can be instantly changed without screw-driver by our, patent self-fastening lock. The Speculum is introduced the same as a bit. and when in operation is kept open by means of two Ratchet Bars connected with the side of the semi-circular bars and are capable of sustaining great pressure, thus making it impossible for it to close while operating. In operating upon and making examinations of Molar teeth, the semi-lunar plates, which are made to fit any mouth, should be used, as the pressure will be brought to bear upon the front teeth instead of the soft tissues of gums, thus avoid- ing pain or laceration of the parts. The Animal receiving no injury from the applica- tion of the instrument is easily controlled, in ordinary cases making no resistance whatever. For operating on the incisors, the cupped plates should be removed and the inter-dental plates substituted. The Speculum is perfectly aseptible and can be taken apart and put in a very small space. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 21 MOUTH SPECULUMS. Fig. 10105. "Varn ell's Mouth Speculum, $6.75 Fig. 10101. Siemons* Mouth Speculum, $12.00 Fig. 10102. Teufel's Mouth Speculum, $7.50 Fig. 10104. Green's Mouth Speculum. S5.00 ^8U Fig. 10106. Gunther's Mouth Speculum. $9.00 22 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE. & CO. MOUTH AND STOMACH INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10109. Balling Iron, nickel plated, $1 .50 " " japanned, .75 Fig. 10112. Codey's Drenching Bit, $2.50 Fig. 10107. Berlin Mouth Speculum. Separable, parts can easily be taken in pieces and carried in the pocket $4.50 i\ : ft _.. 5 Fig. 10116. Plain Metal Drenching Horn ... $1 -0O Fig. 10114. Robber Drenching Bottle Fig. 10118. Drenching Horn, japanned $0.75 $2.00 " " nickel plated, 1.75 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 23 MOUTH AND STOMACH INSTRUMENTS. [^2 Fig. 10122. Arnold's Balling Gun $5.50 Fig. 10124. Plain Balling Gun $3.00 Fig. 10125. Best Spring Balling Gun $4.50 Fig. 10126. Leather Covered Probangs, 6 feet $4.50 " « " 7 " 5.00 S ,; 6.00 - ■ - --<-—» TRUAX Si CO. Fig. 10127. Jointed Cane Probangs $2.50 Fig. 10128. Truax, Greene & Co. Injection Puinp $ 8.00 " " " " " in leather roll 10.00 " " ll '• " in canvas " 9.00 24 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MOUTH AND STOMACH INSTRUMENTS. THE ALLEN SURGICAL PUMP. BEWARE OF INFRINGEMENTS. Fig. 1. Showing the Pump attached to a table or board. Fig. 10129. By means of suitable attachments it forms an Aspirator. Injector. Stomach Pump, Bladder Syringe, Cupping Pump, Universal Syringe, and Force and Vacuum Pump, all combined in one instrument. With our improved attachments we claim for this pump : First. The most powerful, rapid, safest and only aseptible aspirator in use. Second. The only injector that can be used without admitting air with the fluid injected. Third. The most effective stomach pump in the market. Fourth. A safe bladder syringe that may be used with an ordinary catheter. Fifth. A reliable cupping pump of great power. Sixth. A universal syringe without valves, giving a steady, uniform current. Seventh. A vacuum pump capable of raising mercury in a vacuum to a height of twenty-eight inches. Eighth. A force pump that will force up (and sustain) a column of mercury to a height of twelve feet (equal to a column of water over one hundred and sixty feet in height). 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 25 MOUTH AND STOMACH INSTRUMENTS. THE ALLEN SURGICAL PUMP— CONTINUED. Ninth. The cleanest and most effective embalming syringe made. Tenth. A douche having a continuous current that can be made slow or fast, as desired. It is at the same time both a force and a vacuum pump, depending only on the direction in which the crank is turned, possesses an instantly reversible current, is without valves or stop-cocks, and so arranged that the same tube need not be used for a second operations, as the tube may be easily changed in a few seconds with no further expense than the cost of a new one. While the Allen Surgical Pump may be easily manipulated by being held in the hand, or attached by means of the clamp to a table, it can be worked to the best advantage by being fastened to a board or chair. When attached to a chair, the chair may be moved about as occasion may require. This device consists of a metal cylinder, upon the inner surface of which is coiled a single loop of rubber tubing, formed in the piece of suitable length. A shaft having a crank passes through the cylinder to which is attached a roller provided Showing the Action of the Roller. with springs so arranged that any degree of pressure desired can be made by it on the tubing. By properly adjusting the springs each revolution of the crank will displace as much air or liquid as is contained in that portion of the rubber tubing forming the loop. As the roller in passing around the circle must rest on the tubing, completely closing it at some point, there is no necessity for any valves. If one end of the tubing be attached to a vacuum bottle and the crank turned so as to force the air in the tubing in the opposite direction, a powerful vacuum will soon be formed; or if the same end be attached to an air receiver and the crank turned toward it, a high pressure of condensed air will be obtained. This apparatus is adapted for pumping both gases and liquids, and is either a force or vacuum pump, depending only on the direction in which the crank is turned. It has no valves or stop cocks, and the current may be instantly reversed. It has sufficient power to force a column of water to a height of one hundred and sixty feet, maintaining it at that height, and the next to the smallest size will easily pump one quart of liquid per minute. There are no delicate or complicated parts to get out of order. The rubber tubing will not wear out, and should it deteriorate after a few years' use, it may be replaced at the cost of a few cents. Our best outfits are supplied with duplicate tubes, so that the surgeon may be provided with one for septic and another for aseptic use. 26 CHAS. TKUAX, GREENE & CO. MOUTH AND STOMACH INSTRUMENTS. THE ALLEN SURGICAL PUMP— CONTINUED. Fig. 3. Stomach Tube. STOMACH PUMP. It forms a stomach pump by simply connecting the stomach tube with the instrument. As such its advantages are: First. Its great power enables the operator to draw semi-solids and particles of undigested food through the openings. Second. Its reversible current enables him, if these openings become clogged, to reverse the crank and free them. Third. It may be used for washing out the stomach, and diluting its contents by simply placing the free end of the instrument in a bucket of water and reversing its current, thus filling up and evacuating the stomach as often as desired. ASPIRATOR. To convert the Allen pump into an aspirator, it is only necessary to connect with rubber tubing the trocar, and attach it to the pump, when the instrument is ready for work. Fig. 4. Emmet's Small Trocar. The aspirators heretofore in the market either necessitate the use of a vacuum bottle, or require the turning of a stop-cock every time the cylinder is filled. The latter work slowly, have valves that are easily clogged, and are usually unsatisfac- tory. The former requh-e the emptying of the bottle every time it is filled and the creating of a new vacuum, and as they will not work at all without a vacuum, they require an air pump that will always be in perfect working order. Fig. 5. Plain Aspirating Needles. As the Allen Surgical Pump possesses no piston (requiring frequent packing) valves .or stop-cocks, and, as it is used without a vacuum bottle, both the time usually employed in producing the vacuum and in emptying the bottle is saved. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 27 MOUTH AND STOMACH INSTRUMENTS. THE ALLEN SURGICAL PUMP-CONTINUED. Fig. 6. Veterinary Injection Pipe $1.00 Stomach Tube 5 -°° " " " extra length 6.00 " Catheter, best ' 2 - u0 Fig. 7. Veterinary Stomach Tube, extra length $6.00 Outfit No. 52. Outfit No. 52. Veterinary— consisting of 1 6-inch Pump (Allen pattern) with extra heavy tubing; 1 extra Tube for same; 2 Clamps; 3 Connectors; 2 Aspirating Needles; 1 Aspirating Attachment ; 1 Emmet's Large Trocar; 1 Catheter; 1 Injection Pipe and 1 Horse Stomach Tube. In a neat, ser- viceable hand bag $25.00 28 CHAS. TRUAX, GREEXE & CO. NASAL INSTRUMENTS. AIR COMPRESSORS AND ACCESSORIES. Fig. 10147. Sass Spray Apparatus, complete $30.00 There is no class of diseases more general than those of the nose and throat, and the range of possibilities within easy reach of the physician of largely increasing his practice by making more of a specialty of these ailments, is almost without a limit. A suitable apparatus for the treatment of these diseases consists principally of a light condenser with a few other diagnostic instruments and some style of an air compressor, for throwing sprays and powders over the diseased parts. This apparatus consists of a steel riveted gold bronzed receiver, 12x18. or a copper receiver. 7x28, full nickel plated, surmounted by double never-leaking wheel valves and gauge registering one hundred pounds. The receivers have been tested to three hundred pounds. T pump of modern construction, nickel plated, set of three hard rubber platinum-tipped spray tubes in rack. Automatic cut-off connected to receiver by silk-covered tubing, linen-lined tubing between pump and receiver. This outfit we guarantee perfect in every detail, and recommend it with the utmost confidence of its proving an indispensable aid to the busy practitioner. This improved atomizer is durable, compact and porta- ble , and it is recom- mended tothosewho desire a first-class atomizer. The boil- ers are all tested under a high press- ure.andareeachpro- vided with a safety valve that can be adjusted by means of a screw to any degree of .pressure. Fig.l014S. Truax, Greene & Co.'s No. 1 Steam Atomizer. . .Price, $3.50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 29 NASAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10137. Arnold's Nasal Punch . Fig. 10132. Bivalve Nasal Speculum, Aseptible Hinge. . . $3.50 Plain "... 2.00 Fig. 10133. Record's Nasal Speculum, $2.50 .50 Fig. 10134. Thebaud's Nasal Specu- lum, $7.50 Fig. 10135. Trivalve Nasal Specu- lum. 86.50 30 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. NASAL INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10138. Jointed Bull Ring, $1.00 Fig. 10140. Head Mirrors and Handles, with plain headband, 3 in., $2.75; 3£ in., $3.00; 4 in., $3.50 Fig. 10143. Nose Twist $3.00 Fig. 10145. Nose Clamp. (51.50 Fig. 10146. Nasal Douche $1.75 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 31 TRACHEAL AND ROARING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10159. Self-Retaining Trachea Tube, with _. „ 1/M _.., , _, Sieve $4 00 Fig. 10163. Withers' Trachea Tube. Alumi'nuili'.'.V. '.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.*.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.". 6^00 Metal. $2.50 Silver 22.00 Aluminum 4.00 Fig. 10160. Universal Trachea Tube, with 4 sizes clamps $9.00 32 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. TRACHEAL AND ROARING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10167. Tracheal Retractors per pair, $4.00 Fig. 10168. Angular Knife $1-50 Fig. 10171. Tamponing Trachea Tubes $7.50 Fig. 10172. Rhodes 1 Aretenectomy Knife $2.50 Fig. 10179. Tracheal Scissors, double curved. $2.00 Fi°r. 10174. Fish's Aretenectomy Knife Fig. 10175. Trachea] Vulsellum Forcep $2.00 C Fig. 10177. Tracheal Tenaculum. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 33 EYE INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10181. Glass Eyes for Horses,$1.50 csmaaisiEfeEKir Fig. 10182. Rubber Eyes fo. Fig. 10200. Plain Eye Speculum . . $1 .00 Horses $1.00 Fig. 10183. Alum and Copper Pencils 25c. Fig. 10184. Dix'sSpud. .90c. Fig. 10195. Jaeger's Straight Kera- tome $1.10 Fig. 10185. Medium Scalpel . $1 . 10 Fig. 10196. Jaeger's Angular Kera- tome $1.10 Fig. 10187. Beers' Cataract Knife, $1 . 10 Fig. 10197. Graefe's Narrow Cata- ract Knife $1 .00' _ Fig. 1019S. Bowman's Canalicula *ig. 10189. Couching Needle $1.00 Knife $1.10 Fig. 10190. Daviel's Curette 81 00 Fig. 10199. Desmarre's Retractor, $1 .10 34 CIIAS. TRUAX, GEEENE & CO. EYE INSTRUMENTS Eig. 10213. Curved Iris Scissor, $1.00 Eig. 10216. Straight Strabismus Forcep $1.00 Fig. 10217. Curved Strabismus Forcep $1.10 1 ' it»rni»iiniifniMiM»TTrrn7777 7nniTi77TTi7TT77TTv^^^ =Iin I j^ Fig. 10219. Graefe's Fixation Forcep $1- 50 — — ■ !» Eig. 10221. Cilia Forcep $0.60 Eig. 10222. Desmarre's Entropium Forcep #3.50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 35 EYE INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10230. Loring's 15-Lens Ophthal- moscope, with Quadrant and Tilting Mirror, 19 Lenses, 4-inch Quadrant, giving 70 combinations . . $7.50 Fig. 10232. Loring's 15-Lens Ophthal- moscope $0.25 Fig. 10233. Loring's 7-Lens Ophthal- moscope $3.50 Fig. 10234. Liebrich's Ophthalmoscope $2.50 3G CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET INSTRUMENT CASES. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case No. 30, containing: 1 Scalpel. 1 Sharp Curved Bistoury. 1 Straight 1 Probe Curved 1 Tenaculum. 1 Miles' Castrating Knife. 1 Neurotomy Needle. 1 Knicking Knife. 1 Director. 1 Caustic Holder, Aluminum. 1 Jointed Probe. 1 Tait's Artery Forcep. 1 Two-Joint Seton Needle. 1 Tissue Forcep. 1 Fitch Trocar. 1 G-inch Curved Scissors. 1 dozen Needles. 1 Skein Silk. 1 Bottle Antiseptic Tablets. All contained in a Solid Metal Aseptible Case, 7* inches long, 3 inches wide and l\ inch, thick $25.00 Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case No. 40, containing: 1 Scalpel. 1 Sharp Curved Bistoury. 1 Probe 1 Tenaculum. 1 Miles' Castrating Knife. 1 6-inch Curved Scissors. 1 dozen Needles. 1 Tait's Artery Forcep. 1 Fitch Horse Trocar. 1 Two-Joint Seton Needle. 1 Director. 1 Jointed Probe. 1 Skein Silk. 1 Bottle Antiseptic Tablets. All contained in a Metal Aseptible Case, 7J inches long, 3 inches wide and H inch thick $•20.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE , CHICAGO. 37 POCKET INSTRUMENT CASES. Truax. Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case No. 50, containing: 1 Scalpel. 1 Sharp Curved Bis- toury. 1 Probe Curved Bis- toury. 1 Kniekhig Knife. 1 Fitch's Horse Tro- car. 1 dozen Needles. 1 Tait's Artery For- cep. 1 6-inch Curved Scis- sors. 1 Tissue Forcep. lSeton Needle, Jointed. 1 Director. 1 Jointed Probe . 1 Skein of Silk. 1 Bottle of Antisep- tic Tablets. All contained in a Solid Metal Aseptible Case, 7& in. long, 3 in. wide and IX in. thick S18.00 ^wmw I '■"■ Fig. 10250. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Pocket Instrument Case, containing: 1 Scalpel. 1 Curved Prove Point Bis- l Pr. Scissors, curved on flat. 1 Curved Sharp Point Bis- toury. 1 Heavy Dressing Forcep. toury. 1 Tenotome. 1 Director. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Double Edge Hoof Knife. 1 Jointed Probe. Needles and Silk in neat two-fold case of good quality ?1!.50 38 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET INSTRUMENT CASES. Fig. 10260. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Pocket Case No. 14, containing: 1 Scalpel. 1 Probe, Jointed. 1 Straight Bistoury. 1 Scissors, Aseptible Lock. 1 Curved Sharp Bistoury. 1 Pean's Artery Forcep. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Plain Artery Forcep. All in a Leather-Lined Case 1 Director and Aneurism Needle. 12 Needles. 1 Card Silk. $7.00 Fig. 10262. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Pocket Case No. I, containing: 1 Sharp Point Curved Bis- 1 Tenaculum. toury. 1 Scalpel, 1 Probe Point Curved Bis- 1 Scissors. toury. 1 Artery Forcep. In a Two-Fold Morocco Case '. 1 Jointed Probe. 1 Seton Needle. Needles and Silk. 89.00 POCKET INSTRUMENT CASES made to order, new cases furnished and old instruments repolished and plated. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 39 POCKET INSTRUMENT CASES. Fig. 10265. Truax, Greene &, Co.'s Pocket Instrument Case No. 3, containing: 1 Scalpel. 1 Hoof Knife. 1 Sharp Point Curve Bistoury. 1 Probe " 1 Knicking Knife. 1 Thumb Lance. 1 Polypus and Dressing Forcep. 1 Plain Artery Forcep. 1 Scissors. 1 Fleam. 1 Director. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Jointed Probe. 1 Seton Needle unscrewing into* two parts. Needles and Silk. In a three-fold Morocco Case $18.00 POCKET INSTRUMENT CASES made to order, new cases furnished and old instruments repolished and plated. 40 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS. Tig. 10270. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Curved Sharp Point and Curved Probe Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and sin- gle blade $1.25 Fig. 10271. Truax, Greene & Co.*s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Scalpel and Tenotome, $2.00. Handle and single blade $1.25 Fig. 10272. Truax. Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Straight Bis- toury and Tenaculum, $2.00. Handle and single blade $1.25 Fig. 10273. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Scalpel and Curved Sharp Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and single blade.. $1.25 Interchangeable blades. All combinations furnished at the same price. This is the most perfect and satisfactory double pocket case knife yet devised. It is perfectly aseptible, strongly made, and having no springs or small parts, it is not liable to get out of order. The blades when opened can be fixed so they are as firm as a solid handle. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 41 POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS. y Fig. 10320. Tenotome and Sharp Bistoury, Slide Catch. Hard Rubber Handle $2.25 Fig. 10321. Scalpel and Probe Bistoury, Slide Catch, Hard Rubber Handle $2.25 Fig. 10323. Probe Point Curved Bistoury, Slide Catch $1.50 Fig. 10335. Straight Bistoury, no Catch $0.75 Fig. 10327. Probe and Sharp Curved Bistoury, plain $150 42 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10350. Pricking Knife, single blade. " double " . $1.50 2.00 Fig. 10353. Castrating Knife. $1.25 Fig. 10340. Berlin Pocket Knife, spring back. $3.00 b£ £ Fig. 10342. Witber's Abscess Knife, spring back $2.25 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 43 Fig. 10345. Withers' Single Abscess Knife, spring back $1 Fig. 10370. Miles' Castrating - 50 Knife and Scalpel, small.. .$2.25 44 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10373. Concealed Blade Embryotomy Knife S 1 - 85 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 45 POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10391. Langenbeck's Serresfins $0.50; dozen, $5.00 Fig. 10392. Bull Dog Artery Forcep. #1.50 Fig. 10393. Plain Aseptible Artery Forcep, Mouse Tooth. .75 f^^^^m^^m^TJ^^mMBSm^ Fig. 10395. German Artery Forcep $1.75 Fig. 10396. Fricke's Side Catch Artery Forcep, Aseptible $1.50 Fig. 10398. Plain Aseptible Artery Forcep $0.50 to $1.00 Fig. 10389. Angular Scissors $0.80 to $1.10 Fig. 10390. Curved on the Flat Scissors $0.80 to $1.40 46 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10403. Frog Seton Needle Fig. 10405. Sewell's Frog Seton Needle with Handle $2.50 Fig. 10409. Folding Seton Needle 01.50 Fig. 10400. Seton Needle, Jointed, Sharp $1.50 Fig. 10402. Seton Needle, 2 Joint Probe #2.00 Fiji;. 10408. Plain Seton Needles, 6-ineh $0.50 " <• m '« 10 " 75 « « » 14 " 90 « w «» 18 " 1.00 Fig. 10406. English Guarded Seton Needle $4.50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 47 POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10420. Truax's Set Probes, large size $.2 . 0C Fig. 10422. Jointed Probes Plated, pair, 90c. to $1 .25; Silver, $1 .25 to $1 .50 TBU«X»CO Z3 Fig. 10423. Silver Probes pair, 50c. Fig. 10424. Grooved Director, 6 inch 40c . Fig. 10425. Exploring Trocar. a$^ 90c. Fig. 10430. Truax Aluminum Caustic Holder ...75c. to $1.00 Fig. 10432. Rowelling Scissors, plain $1 .50 " best 1.75 48 CHAS. TKUAX, GREENE & CO. SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS-SUTURING, Fig. 10440. Abbe's Needle Holding Foreep, for Hagedorn's Needles $2.00 Fig. 10442. Ethridge's Automatic Needle Holder, Aseptible $3.00 Fi£ . 10443. Truax's Perfected Needle Holder $2.50 jgfc j^ = ^___fli ffT ,: *|jls Fig. 10444. Truax's Modification of the Russian Needle Holder $3.00 iffi Fig. 10446. Hagedorn's Needle Holder, all joints separable, will hold a needle in any position #(3.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 49- SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS-SUTURING. / Fig. 10458. Hagedorn's Needles small, doz., 75c; large, doz., $1.25 I TRUAX GREENE & CO Cs Fig. 10450. Straight Needles doz, $100 Fig. 10451. Half Curved Surgeon's Needles, doz., $ 1 . 00 Fig. 10452. Double Curved Surgeon's Needles doz., $1 . 25 Fig. 10453. Surgeon's Needles, self- threading, spring eye... doz., $1.50 Fig. 10455. Full Curved Surgeon's Needles doz., $1 . 00 50 CHAS. TRITAX. GREENE & CO. SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS-SU TURING SURGEONS' Fig. 10460. Metal Covered Bottles, loz $0.50 Metiil Covered Bottles, 2 oz 65 Metal Covered Bottles, 4oz 75 Metal Covered Bottles, 8oz 100 Fig. 10462. Fig. 104a3. Surgeons' Silk, Nos. 1 to 14. Iron-Dyed Surgeon Silk, Nos.l to 14 Per card,twisted,10c. ; braided,20c. Percard,twisted,10c. ; braided,25c. Fig. 10464. Cable Twist Silk; sizes, 4, 8,11 and 13 $0.30 " Braided" " 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 50 Fig. 10466. Silver Wire, 1 yard on spool, 6 spools in box, $1.20 Fig. 10467. Silk Braided or Twisted in bulk. Write for prices. Fig. 10469. Fig. 10468. Ligature Bottle, Berlin Needle Bottles, 3 sizes, with two up- straight or curved. . ..each, $0.35 right reels $0.75 Fig. 10470. Aseptic Silk, per bottle, Braided, $0.60 Twisted 50 Catgut 60 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 51 SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS— SUTURING Fig. 10473. Braided Silk, assorted sizes, on tablets, in slip cases 50c. Fig. 10472. Surgeon's Sponges, per dozen, small, 50c. ; medium, $1 . 00 ; large, $1 .50 ; extra large, $2. 00; choice, $3. 00; small, on strings of 50 each, $1.00. Fig. 10474. India Rubber Drainage Tube per yard, 25c to35c. 1 nun 1 |J |_ jliRUA'Xii Gl Fig. 10478. Sylvester's Ligature Bottle, hard rubber $1.75 Fig. 104S0. Iodo- form Box with revolving top, Berlin pattern Fig. 10482. Hard Kubber 1 ocl c >- form Box 50c. to SI -00 Fig. 10486. All-Glass Ligature Box, 4 large size Fig. 10488. All -Glass Ligature Box, spools, Hagedorn's model $6.00 4 medium size spools $4.50 52 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS— SUTURING Kangaroo Tendon Sutures. 25 Sutures in each bottle. - = Price, $2.50 per bottle. We have made an arrangement whereby we can furnish Kangaroo Tendon Sutures prepared under the personal supervision of Dr. Henry 0. Marcy, of Boston, The profession is indebted to Dr. Marcy for the demonstration of the advantages; to be derived from the closure of all aseptic wounds, without drainage by the use of buried animal sutures. He published his observations five years previous to Werth, of Germany, to whom in Europe, is credited the valuable innovation. Dr. Marcy proved from many histological investigations that the suture, thus buried, is not alone slowly absorbed , but it is in large measure replaced by vitalized connective tissue. Somewhat recently these observations have been abundantly con- firmed in the elaborate work of Ballanee and Edwards — who give decided preference to the tendon suture, especially that from the tail of the kangaroo. Dissatisfied with catgut, as difficult to sterilize, and at the best inherently faulty in construction, Dr. Marcy made a painstaking investigation of the tendons from a great variety of an- imals for a substitute. In 1880 he determined that those from the tail of the kangaroo possessed advantages over all others, and urged their introduction to the surgical profession of Europe and America. They have withstood the crucial test of more than ten years' continued use. The chief objection to their general adoption has been the difficulty of obtaining them in sufficient quantity and the high cost. Notwith- standing their superiority over any other suturing material has already created aavide demand, it affords us great pleasure to be able to furnish our patrons carefully prepared kangaroo tendons at the greatly reduced price of ten dollars a hundred. Mailing orders will be filled for bottles containing twenty-five each, guaranteed aseptic. " I take pleasure in exhibiting, at the request of some of the Fellows, samples of kangaroo tendons, in the condition in which they are sent to me from Australia. It will be noted that this animal has the tendon of the tail disposed in a bundle of parallel fibres, running its entire length. These vary in size, dependent upon the size and species of the animal. As will be observed, they are easily separated into even, smooth, round strands of uniform size. Those from the species called the 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 53 SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS— SUTURING. wallabee are preferable, since the size of the tendons is that more commonly desired for the suturing of wounds. They vary somewhat in length, averaging about 20 inches. I have carefully studied the tendons of every animal which I thought could furnish the material suitable for sutures." "I sent to Australia more than ten years ago for a supply of tendons from the tail of the kangaroo, inferring from the relationship of the species with th3 squirrel and oppossum, that the tail of this animal should furnish similar tendons, and of course, much longer and larger. It has been only after many and repeated efforts that I have been enabled, within two or three years, to secure a supply much in excess of my own immediate requirements. In earlier years I have paid any price demanded, even in Australia, 60 cents per strand, by the hundred. However, an arrangement has been recently effected , by which an ample supply may be obtained for furnishing the entire profession with reliable tendons." "Catgut has many defects, chief of which is, that for days together, the intestines of the animal, from which it is made, must remain in a state of active putrefaction, in order to separate the connective tissue sheath from the other coats of the bowel, This is then subdivided as required in size, and twisted into a thread, the ordinary catgut, or violin strings of commerce. The sterilization of this material, so as to render it safe for sutures or ligatures, and yet not injure its integrity, is by no means easy. As has been shown by many observers, the largest sizes especially of catgut prepared for surgical use, contain bacteria, capable, under favorable circumstances, of reproduction. This is doubtless the most valid reason why catgut, as suture material, has fallen into disuse. When its histological elements are investigated, it will be seen that its ultimate fibres cross each other diagonally to the long axis of the bowel. This is an admira- ble disposition to allow of the ever-varying size of the intestine, but it is little suit- able for i the purposes of great strength and inelasticity. The illustration is not overdrawn in the comparison of the attempt to make a strong cord by cutting the finest woven fabric upon the diagonal and twisting it. So great is the strength of the connective tissue of animals that catgut, when kept dry, is capable of resisting great strain, as in the high tension of musical instrument strings. But, when macer- ated, a softening process which must take place in the tissues of the body, the catgut unfolds and becomes a soft, elastic material. This explains why, in the interrupted suture, the knot is so untrustworthy. The tendons proper of animals have their fibres uniformly disposed in parallel lines, and as a consequence, when moist, are many times stronger than the same size of catgut." A properly prepared aseptic animal suture, buried aseptically in healthy tissues, slowly disappears, and, as histological studies abundantly prove, they are replaced, in large measure, by connective tissue cells, making a band of living, constricting or supporting structure, which surrounds the included part. This is of the highest importance in the ligating of large vessels, and of almost equal value in the supporting of many of the structures coapted in wounds, as, for example, in hernia, the repair of the perineum, etc. I am certain that one of the greatest advantages of modern surgery is found in the immediate coaptation of all well vitalized aseptic wounds, hermetically sealed without drainage. For this purpose the tendon suture is the ideal material, and I hazard very little in predicting that, at an early date, the clumsy, bungling method of closing wounds with interrupted sutures, at best liable to infection and subsequent danger, will be relegated to history, and the tendon suture will become an indispen- sable factor in wound treatment." — [Extracts from paper written by Dr. H. O. Marcy. 54 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS-SUTURING LEE'S NEW PATENTED ASEPTIC LIGATURE PACKAGES. All these packages are put up as ordered containing-, Catgut, Braided Silk, Tivisted Silk, and Cable Silk; there being no difference in the price of ligature used to fill the various packages. Fig. 3. Lee's Vertical 3-spool Tube, complete each $0 50 Fig. 4. Lee's 3-spool Tank Package, complete each 75 Fig. 6. Lee's No. 1 Small Tank Package, complete each 30 Fig. 7. Lee's No. 2 Medium Tank Package, complete each 75 Fig. 5. Lee's No. 3 Large Tank Package, complete 1 7S No. 2 Hospital Size, and No. 3 Extra Hospital Size. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 55 DRESSINGS, PLASTERS, ETC. CANDLES, Sulphur doz., $1 . 75 COTTON, Best Quality, Absorbent— 1 lb. package lb.. .40 J lb. " each, . 23 Jib. " » .13 1 oz. " " .07 Hospital Quality, 5 lb. lots lb., .35 " 25 1b. " " .32 50 1b. " " .30 " 100 1b. " " .28 Borated, 1 lb. package " .45 Jib. " each, .30 Jib. >l " .20 1 oz. " " .10 Carbolated, 1 lb. package lb., .50 " Jib. " each, .30 Jib. " " .20 " 1 oz. " " .10 Cop. Sublimate, 1 lb. package lb., .45 Jib. " each, .30 Jib. " " .20 loz. " " .10 Dermatol, in oz. bottles " .20 Iodized, 1 oz. bottles " .20 Iodoform, J lb. bottles " .50 " loz. " " .20 Salicy lated, 1 lb. packages lb., . 65 Jib. " each, .40 Jib. " " .25 loz. " " .10 Sterilized, 1 lb. cartons lb., .65 " Jib. " each, .20 Styptic, 1 oz. bottles v " .15 Cotton Wool, 1 lb. package lb., .35 GAUZES, Antiseptic, Sterilized, Best Quality, 1 yard wide, 5 yards long, in can or jar each, .50 1 " 5 " in carton " .40 Borated, 1 yard wide, 5 yards long, in can or jar " .55 " 1 " 25 " in carton " 1.60 Carbolated, 1 yard wide, 5 yards long, in can or jar " .55 1 " 25 " in carton " 1.60 Cyanide of Mercury and Zinc, 1 yard wide, 5 yards long, in jar " .75 Eucalyptol, 1 yard wide, 5 yards long, in jar " .75 Iodoform, 5 per cent, 1 yard wide, 5 yards long, in can or jar " .90 5 " 1 " 25 " in carton " 4.00 10 " 1 " 5 " in can or jar " 1.00 " 10 " 1 " 25 " in carton " 4.75 Naphthaline, 1 yard wide, 5 yards long " .75 Sublimated, 1 5 in can or jar " .55 " 1 " 25 " in carton 1.60 56 OHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRESSINGS, PLASTERS, ETC. GUTTA PERCHA TISSUE, Heavy yard 50c; lb., $2.00 JUTE, Plain " .25 Tarred " .40 Bleached, Absorbent " .35 LINT, Absorbent, 1 oz. cartons " .75 1 lb. " " .00 " Taylor's oz., 20c; " 1.50 MACINTOSH, Black Rubber Cloth yard, 1.25 Pink, Best Quality " 1.50 OAKUM lb., 18 50 bales " .12 OIL SILK, Plain, 28 inches, in box yard, .80 " 28 " " 5 yard rolls box, 3.60 Protective (Green), Listor's, 28 inch yard, 1.50 OIL MUSLIN, 36 inch " .60 OIL PAPER, Mead's, 24 inch, 2 yard rolls roll, .75 PEAT lb., .15 PLASTERS, Rubber, Adhesive, on strong cotton cloth, 12-in. wide, 5 yard roll, 1.25 Rubber, Adhesive, on moleskin, American, 7-in. wide, 1 yard roll " .50 "7 " 5 " " " 2.50 " " " twilled linen, American, 7-in. wide, 1 yard roll 50 Rubber, Adhesive, on twilled linen, American, 7-in. wide, 5 yard roll 2.50 Court, 3 pieces, assorted colors in tablet 2x3 inch doz., .25 Isinglass, gold beater's skin, 6-inch wide, 1 yard roll roll, .30 " moleskin, 7-inch wide, 1 yard roll .50 " muslin, £ " 10 yards long spool, .20 " 1 " 10 " " .25 "8 "1 " roll, .25 11 " 5 " " 1.50 " silk, white, flesh or black, 7-inch wide, 1 yard roll .40 " tracing cloth, white, flesh or black, 7-inch wide, 1 yard roll.. .30 Adhesive, Plain, U. S. P. (by heat), 1 yard rolls yard, .25 5 " roll, 1.00 " on moleskin, best English, 1 yard rolls yard, .75 " on swansdown, English, 1 .65 Rubber, Adhesive, on strong cotton cloth, i-in. wide, 10 yd. spools. . .spool, .25 « « j" u 10 h u 30 1£ " 10 " ... " .40 2 10 ... '" .50 2J " 10 " ... " .55 3 10 ... " .65 7 " 1 yd. rolls roll, .25 ■ " 7 5 " 1.00 SOAP, Antiseptic, Boric Acid doz., 2.00 Hydronapthol " 2.00 Salicylic Acid " 2.00 Tar " 1.75 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 57 DRESSINGS, PLASTERS, ETC. SPONGES. Surgeon's, Small doz., Medium, Fig. 10472 " " Large " " Extra Large " " Choice " " Very Choice " " Antiseptic, in bottles of 1 doz. each, Small " " Medium " " " " Large " " Small, on Strings, 50 on String string, Flat, Small each, " " Large " " " Extra Large " SPONGIO PILINE yard, WOOL, Lamb's, Absorbent, 1 lb. packages lb., $0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 6.00 .75 1.25 2.00 1.00 .45 .90 2.00 5.00 1.90 2.00 2.00 .40 .35 .25 .25 No. 1. Eubber Clipping Combs 25c. Cotton, Bleached ... " Unbleached . Paper, Plain Wood, Pine No. 2. English Horn Clipping Combs ,25c. No. 3. Rubber Mane Combs 25c. COMBS. Tail Combs, Horn, Enameled Handle $0.60 " Cherry, Plain 40 " Hard Rubber, Plain 20 with Handle 40 Mane " " " " " 40 .20 Cherry, Plain 40 " " Horn, Enamel Handle 60 Hair Shedders each, . 50 58 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. ROLLER BANDAGES. These bandages are made from fine quality bleached muslin, washed and ironed. This muslin is finished and especially prepared for this purpose, after which it is thor- oughly washed and purified, dried and ironed, and made into bandages. They are thus freed from impurities, and are soft and clean, and of nearly a pure white color. Bleached muslin, as it comes from the mills, contains many impurities, such as bleach- ing material, dressings, bluing, starch, etc. These are irritating to wounds, and band- ages of this kind are unfit for use. Width. 1 inch , 1* " • 2 " . 2 " n " '. 2* « . Length. yard. Prices. doz., $0.10 .35 .45 1.20 .55 1.45 Width. Length. 3 inches 4 yards " 8 " . 5 " . 3 3* 3* 4 4 Prices, doz., $0.90 BANDAGES, Roller, unbleached muslin, good quality. Width. 1 inch. 1 " . U " ■ 2 " . 2 " . n " . 2* " . Length. yard Prices, doz., $0.06 .15 .21 .27 .75 .35 1.00 doz., Prices $0.55 1.20 .90 1.40 1.25 1.55 Assorted in one-pound boxes, lb., .65 Width. Length 3 inches 4 yards 3 " 8 " H " 5 " 3* " 8 " 4 " 6 " 4 " 8 " BANDAGES, Roller, best white or red flannel. Width. Length. Prices. l£ inches 3 yards. . . .doz., $1 .25 2 u 3 " .... " 1.50 2$ - 3 " .... " 1.85 BANDAGES, Plaster Paris, ready for use. Width. Length. Prices. 2 inches 3 yards doz., $0.70 2 " 6 " .... '" 1.25 2£ " 3 " .... " 85 Width. Length. 2J inches 8 yards . 3 " 4 " . 3* " 5 " . Prices. ,doz., $4.45 . " 3.00 . " 4.25 Width. Length. Prices. 2£ inches 6 yards .... doz., $1 .40 3 " 3 " .... " .90 3 " 6 " .... " 1.50 Fig. 10491. Rubber Bandages with Tapes. NET PRICES TO PHYSICIANS. BANDAGES, Rubber, manufactured from pure gum, medium thickness. Width. Length 2 inches 6 feet 2 2 2 2 2* 2* . 9 • 10£ .12 .15 . 9 • 10£ .12 Prices, each, $0.40 .50 .60 .70 .90 .60 .75 .90 Width. Length. Prices. 1\ inches 15 feet each, $1.05 .18 . 9 .10* .12 .15 .18 1.20 .75 .90 1.10 1.25 1.50 RUBBER BANDAGES, extra heavy, for Esmareh's Tourniquets. 3 inches wide by 10 \ feet long, with tapes each, $1.50 3 " 15 " " " 2.00 We are also prepared to furnish Rubber Bandages to order from 30 to 60 feet long, or very light or extra heavy ones for special purposes. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 59 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENT. PATENT JOINT FOR FORCEPS AND SCISSORS. There is perhaps no class of instruments more difficult to thoroughly cleanse than the ordinary forms of Forceps. Nearly all forms of Bone and Tooth Forceps have heretofore been constructed with closed joints, that not only afforded a safe deposit for disease germs, but furnished a good medium for conveying them from one patient to another. Our Patent joint is not only thoroughly aseptible, but it is as strong as the ordinary pattern. It may be unjoin ted in a second or two and as quickly put together. It combines all the necessary requisites in a perfect-working desirable instrument, and customers need have no hesitancy in ordering instruments constructed with our patent joint. Fig. 10500. Liston's Straight Bone Forcep, Aseptible $2.00; without spring, $1.85 Fig. 10501. Liston's Curved Bone Forcep, Aseptible -$2.25 Fig. 10503. Bone Forcep, angular bent, Aseptible 82.25 Fig. 10505. Satterlee's Bone Forcep, Aseptible $2 00 60 CHAS. TRLTAX, GREENE & CO. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10520. Small Splinter Forcep, Aseptible. Fig. 10522. Heavy Splinter Forcep , $2.00 $3.00 Fig. 10523. Ferguson's Bone Holding Forcep, Aseptible $2.25 Fig. 10525. Luer's Curved Bone Gouging Forcep . $2.50 Fig. 10526. Curved Sequestrum Forcep, Aseptible $1.85 Fig. 10528. Van Buren's Sequestrum Forcep, Aseptible $2.00 Fig. 10529. Hamilton's Bone Forcep, very heavy, Aseptible 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 61 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10540. Hamilton's Bone Drills with guard, Aseptible (Drills to be kept in the hollow handle.) $4.00 Fig. 10541. Langenbeck's Drills, all metal. $4.50 jfci^ Fig. 10542. Brainard"s Bone Drills, Aseptible. $2.65 Fig. 10544. Parker's Capital Saw, all metal $3.00 62 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10555. Siemon's Curette, Aseptible Fig. 10553. Von Brun's Bone Scoop, Aseptible $1 .40 $1.25 Fig. 10556. Mathieu's Concave Raspatory, Aseptible $1.25 |lllil||!|ll||l!i|il|!l!ll||llil!l|!l!|«IpiBI Fig. 10557. Plain Chisel 75c. Fig. 10558. Gouge, for use with hand or mallet, Aseptible $1.10 Fig. 10550. Schroder s Bone Scoop, Aseptible $1.90 Fig. 1057S. Volkman's 4-prong Retractor $1.75 Fig. 10572. Plain Metacarpal Saw, Aseptible $1.25 Fig. 10577. Volkman's 2-prong Retractoi $1.75 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 63 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10590. Scalpel, 3 sizes each, $0.75 Fig. 10591. Sharp Curved Bistoury $0.75 Fig. 10593. Probe Curved Bistoury $0.75 Fig. 10595. Tenotome. $0.75 Fig. 10596. Miles' Castrating Knife $0.75 Fig. 10597. Double Edge Hoof Knife $0.75 Fig. 10598. Tenaculum $0.75 Fig. 10599. Cartilage Knife $1.50 Fig. 10600. Virchow's Cartilage Knife, convex blade $1.75 Fig. 10601. Virchow's Cartilage Knife, center point $1.75 64 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 1060S. Byford's Dressing Forcep, $1.35 Fig. 10610. Emmet's Twisting Forcep. $2.25 Fig. 10612. Byford's Large Vulsellum Forcep, $2.75 Fig. 10614. Plain Tissue Forcep, $1.50 ■ Fig. 10616. Heavy French Vulsellum Forcep, with catch, $2.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 05 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. Fi#. 106*20. Elevator and Raspatory, Aseptible .$1.00 Fig. 10622. Sayre's Periosteotome, Aseptible $1.5.0 Fi^. 10624. TuthilFs Neurotomy Knife $1.50 Fig. 10626. Prof. Hughes' Neurotomy Needle $1.25 €>^ Fig. 10628. Sim's Sponge Holder , 50 c . Fig. 10630. Emmet's Sponge Holder 50c. <§F Fig. 10632. Exploring Trocar 90c. Fig. 10634. Nested Tocars $3.50 66 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUMENTS. 15 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 67 SYRINGES. Fig. 10050. Van Buren's Syringe, for cleaning cavities $1 . 75 Fig. 10652. Fistula Syringe, hard rubber, 2 oz., 2 pipes $1 .50 Fig. 10654. Brass Injection Syringe, 20 oz $5.00 Fig. 10655. Quittor Syringe, with hard rubber pipes $1 .50 Fig. 10657. Metal Injection Syringe 24 oz., $2.00; 36 oz., $2 25 Fig. 10659. Hard Eubber Injection Syringe, 24 oz $3.00 66 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. SYRINGES. Fig. 10670. Hard Rubber Syringe, 1 oz., each, 55c. ; 2 oz., each, 65c; 3 oz., each, SOc. ; 4 oz., each, 90c; 6 oz each, Fig. 10672. Long Pipe Uterine Syringe, 1^ oz each, $1.00 Fig. 10674. Metal Syringe, 2 oz $2.25 Fig. 10675. Metal Syringes, 1 oz., dozen, $1 90; 2 oz., dozen, $2.25; 4 oz., dozen, $3.00; 8 oz., dozen, $5.25; 16 oz dozen, $9.00 Fig. 10677. Straight Medicine Droppers dozen, $0.35 Fig. 10678. Bent Medicine Droppers dozen, $0.35 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. GO HYPODERMIC SYRINGES. Fig. 10690. Hypodermic Syringe, No. 13, with stop-cock $2.25 This is an aspirating hypodermic that can he used as an ordinary hypodermic. It is provided with an aspirating stop-cock that can be attached between the needle and the syringe, so that it is not necessary to either withdraw the needle or unscrew the syringe to expel the aspirated contents. Fig. 10692. Hypodermic Syringe, No. 14 $3.00 This syringe, owing to its large size, is much used as an aspirator. It is similar to our No. 13, except that it is much larger and has ring handles. 70 CHAS. TRUAX, GREECE & CO. HYPODERMIC SYRINGES. Fig. 10693. Hypodermic Syringe, No. 4, $2.50; small size $1.50 This Syringe lias graduated glass barrel, fenestrated metal guard, end of barrel removable for introduction of hypodermic tablets, two steel needles with wire and bottle in morocco case. It is of good quality and will give satisfaction. Fig. 10695. Hypodermic Syringe, small size, No. 6 A fair quality Syringe, with hard rubber attachments. $1.00 Fig. 10697. Hypodermic Syringe, No. 9, small size, $2.75; with Platina Needles, $5.25 This Syringe contains four bottles of hypodermic tablets. 75 & 77 W ABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 71 HYPODERMIC SYRINGES AND NEEDLES. Fig. 10700. Hypodermic Syringe, small size, No. 36 $2 . 00 This is a double fenestrated syringe, provided with caps, so that it can be car- ried either in a pocket case or in the vest pocket. Fig. 10701. Hypodermic Needle. Fig. 10702. Hypodermic Needle, extra long. Hypodermic Needles, best steel, nickel plated, Fig. 10701 35c . " extra long, Fig. 10702 40c. We are prepared to furnish needles to fit all styles and makes of hypodermic syringes. = ..,—.- , ,-. , ... ..- i n- — TRUAXSCO. Fig. 10704. Hypodermic Needle, best steel, for aspirating, Fig. 10704 75c. Fig. 10706. Hypodermic Trocar, Fig. 10706 75c . Wire, for Needles, per bunch 5c . HYPODERMIC SYRINGE REPAIRING. We make a specialty of repairing hypodermic syringes, and as we often receive several in one mail, we ask that physicians attach their prescription blank or label to them, in order that we may know from whom we receive them. If a portion of the syringe is to be replaced, send us the entire syringe, so we can obtain a perfect fit. POTAIN'S ASPIRATOR. This Aspirator is supplied with three needles of different sizes, is nickel plated and put up in a neat leather case. It has- two automatic metal _B valves, one the re- jjg^ ^j^-jf • >*» -^ $00 verse of the other, which enable the operator to quickly change it from an ex- haust to a force pump, thus converting it in- to an injector. The valves are brass, easily cleaned, and are not Fig. 10708. MM Aspirator, »9.00 **«{ «$<£ and as the fluid passes only through the needle, long pipe and stop-cock, the instru- ment is easily cleaned. 72 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. ASPIRATORS. Fig. 10715. Lentz & Son's Aspirator $6.50 Fig. 10718. Peaslee's Aspirator (large) , . $10.00 Tig. 10719. Aspirating Needle, No. 1 75e. Fig. 10720. Aspirating NeedJe No. 2 75c. Fig. 10721. Aspirating Needle, No. 3 75c. Fig. 10722. Aspirating Trocar $1.25 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 73 BULLET INSTRUMENTS. Fi#. 10730. Jones' Shot and Bullet Extractor. $3.00 Fig. 10732. Gross' Bullet Forceps , $1.75 Fig. 10734. American Bullet Forceps $1.50 Fig. 10736. U. S. A. Bullet Forceps $1.50 ;w^U\\SS^^SSU-,s^--vsvn^^VV_^U^v^^ a ^ x ^^v^v^ ^ 3 - Fig. 10738. Flexible Bullet Forceps $4.50 Fig. 10739. Elastic Bullet Probe, Porcelain Head $0.75 74 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS. THERMOMETERS. Fig. 10750. Thermometer in Gilt Case, 5-inch . u u u 6 " . $1.50 1.75 Fig. 10752. No. 1. Plain Self-Registering Thermometer, 5-inch $0.75 This is a good thermometer, warranted, but is not re-tested. Fig. 10753. No. 4. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Self-Registering Thermometer, re- tested, 5-inch This thermometer not only possesses all the advantages of a self -registering in- strument, but is so constructed as to form a new index every time it is used, thus avoiding all danger of accidental loss of register. This enables us to fully guar- antee this thermometer not only to be accurate, but to retain its register indefi- nitely. Imperfect ones will be exchanged free of charge. $1.00 y|llll | lllllllll|lMI|illllll l ||lllll ll .llllllllllip^^ S i ^ iMi J .4Ui J 4Jil<>^^ Fig. 10755. No. 5. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Magnifying Index Thermometer, 5-in. This thermometer is exactly like our No. 4, except that it has a magnifying index. They are all re-tested and guaranteed accurate. 1.25 Fig. 10759. Thermometer in Metal Case $1-50 Fig. 107fi4. Flint's Hammer, Hard Rubber Handle $0.50 Fig. 10760. Flint's Pleximeter. $0.25 Fig. 10765. Traube's Hammer $1.50 uaiW*3:!3(:CKJ*]' Fig. 10768. Taylor's Percussion Hammer, $1.50 Fi ~ 10762. Struck's Pleximeter, $0.35 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 75 DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS. STETHOSCOPES. Fig. 10780. Dennison's Stethoscope $4.00 This Stethoscope is the invention of Chas. Dennison, A. M., M. D., of Denver, Colo., and is the result of several years of careful research and experiments. Ita advantages consist in the non- metallic quality of the sounds transmitted ; its power of concentrating as well as conducting the waves of sound; the improved shape of the ear pieces and the bell endings, and its use in stethoscopic percussion. The arms and joints are made of hard rubber, thus avoiding the per- version of the natural sounds and elevation of the pitch, as is the case where metal tubes are used. So much care is exercised in this particular, that even the spiral lining wires of the flexible tubes are carefully laid between thin tubes of soft rubber, and the two then- vulcanized together. All the parts of this instrument are conical, so they form a gradually decreasing channel from the bell endings to the ear., as is shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 10780. This gives to the instrument the power of concentrating the waves of sound as well as that of transmitting them. In addition to the two bell endings that accompany most stethoscopes, it is provided with two additional ones, one of soft rubber and intended to use on uneven surfaces, as in emaciated patients, and the other for use in stethoscopic percussion. This bell is three inches in diameter, and for this use is held byttie pa-tient about three inches in f rontof his open mouth while the examiner makes forcible percussion (chiefly during expiration), thus obtaining the "cracked metal" and hollow sounds diagnostic of bronchial dilations, and cavities connected with the bronchial tract. The certainty with which these can be traced and mapped out by this means is astonishing to those who have never tried this method. We have no hesitancy in recommending this instrument to those who value a stethoscope for its real merits, as an aid in obtaining accurate results in chest examinations, and not for the outward scientific show so often made use of with these instruments as advertising mediums. Fig. 10782. Bartlett's (Chicago) "Laenec" Stethoscope $4.00 Fig. 10783. Knight's Stethoscope $3.50 76 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10784. Burt's Stethoscope, metal tubes, $6.00 Fig. 10785. Valentine's Stethoscope, hard rubber tubes $3.35 Fig. 10786. Camman's Stethoscope, with rub- ber band and Snelling's cup. . . . $1.35 Fig. 10787. Camman's Stethoscope, set screw, soft rubber cup $2.25 Fig. 10789. University Stethoscope 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 77 DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS. URINARY. Fig. 10790. Prof. S. A. McWilliams' Urine Test Case. Price $4.00 This case contains : 1 bottle of cupric sulphate solution for Fehling's test (the solution keeps best in separate bottles — mix in equal quantities in test tube when used). 1 bottle for bi-chloride water, into which place nipple pipette after using with nitric acid. 1 bottle for bi-chloride water, into which place long pipette after using with urine, until ready to clean. 1 strip of paper, marked 1, 2, 3, etc.. in order to facilitate the record of persons' urine when allowed to stand in tubes, as No. 2, Mr. Jones. 1 tablet of paper, 9|x5| inches by $ inch thick, for taking notes of examinations. 1 urinary analysis guide book. 1 glass stirring rod. 1 lead pencil with eraser. 12 filter papers. 1 3-oz. lamp with wick and alcohol. 1 good urinometer. 1 urinometer jar with lip and grad- uated. Size 5£x|f inches. 10 test tubes, size 5Jx x 7 6 inches. 1 test tube holder. 1 stick wrapped with cotton, for cleaning tubes. 1 fine pointed nipple pipette for drop- ping nitric acid into test tubes when examining for albumen. 1 fine-pointed cubic centimeter pipette, longer than above, to suck up urine for sugar examination. 1 bottle nitric acid (this should not be kept in the box as the fumes will spoil contents). 1 bottle with funnel for filtering cloudy urine. 1 bottle of sodio-potassic solution for Fehling's test. 1 jar of litmus paper — red and blue. 1 jar of matches. This case presents a good combination in consideration of the price. Customers ordeiing it will be agreeably surprised at its convenience in making ordinary examinations. 78 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS. URINARY. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Original Urine Test Case. Fig. 10794. Price of case, with bottles all filled, net. $6.00 This case is made of hardwood, finely polished, and is constructed on a new principle which possesses many advantages. The upper part, which forms the test tube rack when in use, can be closed down and fastened; the hollow slats holding the funnel slide into the case; the drawer can be returned to its socket, thus forming a neat, compact box, that guards its contents from breakage and protects them from the injurious effects of dust, light and air, so that the contents may be kept clean and always ready for use. It contains eight re-agent bottles, two glass funnels, alcohol lamp, two beakers, porcelain evaporating dish, two small glass evaporating dishes, fourteen test tubes (assorted sizes), test tube holder, urinometer, graduated pipette, filter, litmus paper and one book on Urinary Analysis. Two of the re-agent bottles contain the two solutions now used in making Fehling's Test; one a solution of Sodio-Potassic Tar- trate, the other a solution of Cupric Sulphate, both so adjusted that, with the directions that accompany the case, a physician may easily make both a qualitative and a quantita- tive analysis for glucose, thus enabling the practitioner not only to detect sugar in suspected cases, but to make comparative tests, from time to time, in known cases of diabetes. They are always ready for use, and will keep for any length of time. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 79 DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. Fig. 10816 Bent Medicine Droppers, doz., 35c. Fig. 10818. Test Tube Rack, 65c. 80 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS-MISCELLANEOUS. URINARY. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 81 BLEEDING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10864. Guarded Spring Lancet, $2.25 Fig. 10866. Plain Spring Lancet, $1.75 Fig. 10867. Abscess Lance 75c. Fig. 10869. Plain Lance 75c. Fig. 10860. Fleams, Berlin Model, fine quality. Fig. 10862. Fleams, ordinary quality;. 1-blade, $1.00; 2-blade, #1.25; 3-blade. . .$1.50 l-blade,60c; 2-blade, 65c; 3-blade, 75c. 82 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. CASTRATING AND SPAYING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10880. Miles' Ecraseur $9.00 Fig. 10882. Chassaiguac's large Chain Ecraseur. Straight, $12.50; curved $13.50 Fig. 10884. Patent Ecraseur $15 00 The advantages of an Ecraseur that would permit the operator to take in or pay out'*' the slack" of the chain has long been appreciated by veterinary surgeons. Many plans have been suggested, and while some have answered fairly well, none have proved as effectual and desirable as the one shown in the above illustration. After securing the chain in the sliding block the operator by pulling on the handle may draw the loop as tightly around the parts as can be done without screw power. By throwing forward the little lever shown on the upper side of the instrument, the screw Ibecomes at once engaged and the operation concluded as with a plain Ecraseur. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 83 CASTRATING AND SPAYING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10892. Eachet Castrating Clamp $4.75 Fig. 10894. Berlin Castrating Clamp $7.00 Fig. 10900. Raub's Castrating Forcep $5.00 PATENT APPLIED FOR. Fig. 10890. Fash's Emasculator. $10.00 Fig. 10898. Fig. 10896. House's Castrating Clamp, $6.50 Plain Castrating Clamp, $4.00 S4 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. CASTRATING AND SPAYING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10904. Miles' Castrating Knife #L5(> Fig. 10905. Plain Castrating Knife.. .,,,,,,,,,,,,, $1.25 Fig. 10908. Miles' and Plain Castrating Knife $2.25 Fig. 10902. Scalpel and Castrating Knife $2.25 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 85 CASTRATING AND SPAYING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10925. Plain Spaying Needles 25c. Fig. 10927. Miles' Spaying Needles 75c. „»,nLV.«tvm:n.'rei Fig. 1092S. Miles' Spaying Sound 75c. Fig. 10920. Small Wire Ecraseur. , $3.00 Fig. 10922. Miles' Spaying Scissors. $6.00 Fig. 10924. Williams' Spaying Speculum. .00 86 CHAS. TKUAX, GREENE & CO. CAPONIZING INSTRUMENTS. The art of caponizing seems to be very little known in this country. . The opera- tion, however, is quite simple, and in France and Italy is frequently allotted to mere children. This set is especially invented to enable farmers and poulterers to do their own caponizing. The advantages of capons are, much larger fowls, sweeter and finer meat, and will pay 100 per cent, more than ordinary fowls. They will rear and care for many more young chicks from an incubator or hen than a hen will, on account of their large size. They like the young chicks' company, neither hens nor cocks having any use for them. The hen, after bringing out a brood, feed her for a few days, then let her run with the flock and she will lay again. No farmer who raises poultry can afford to be without this set. This set consists of one fine steel knife and forceps; one nickel-plated spreader, both well adapted for the purpose; improved German silver cutting and twisting scoop, with fine hook on opposite end; one fine German silver probe, and four German silver hooks attached to cords for quickly securing the fowl; all in a fine velvet-lined case, with twenty-five cent book, Practical Caponizing and How to Make Poul- try Pay. Sent by mail, on receipt of price $3.00 net. This little instrument is for marking young and old chickens and all kinds of fowl. It is invaluable to Breeders and Farmers. The markings will enable them to recognize their fowl at a glance, either with or without their feathers. If you have fowls stolen you need no better proof than your own private marking, which need not be known to anyone but yourself, keeping a register as follows: Invented September 5th » Fig. 10930. P. Rock Wyandotte Brahma Leghorn Dorking Cochin Game etc. etc. P. Duck Turkey Geese • • • etc etc . Large. Small. These fifteen figures can be made into 225 different ways of marking. This can be increased by marking the skin of the wing. It is a great advantage for young chicks. The eggs are marked from the different breeds, and as soon as the chicks are hatched they are marked with the punch ; by so doing you can tell their age, and every detail in regard to them. This punch is worth its price several times over in detecting the chicken thief. The cut shows full size. They are made in two sizes, for large and small chicks, nickel-plated, have steel cutter and spring, and are made small and neat to caf ry in the vest pocket. Sent by mail, on receipt of price, 25 cents each. Sizes. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 87 CAPONIZING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 10931. Miles' Caponizing Knife $0.50 Fig. 10932. Miles' Caponizing Spoon Forcep $3.00 Fig. 10933. Miles' Caponizing Spreader $2.50> Fig. 10934. Caponizing Probe $0.20> FARMER MILES' CAPONIZING OR No. 2 SET. This set has a great many admirers, as it does away with the horse hair. It con- sists of a knife for making the incision; the Spreader Forceps for holding the side open; sharp hook for catching the skin; the Loop Forceps is for catching and remov- ing. Cords with hooks are for holding the bird. They are very fine instruments, made of the finest steel and of the best workmanship. CHAS. TKUAX, GREENE & CO. CAPOIMIZING INSTRUMENTS. bfl Fig. 10947. Plain Caponizing Spreader 50c. Fig. 10946. Wigmore'slCaponizing Hook and Scoop. . . . $1.50 $6.00 Fig. 10941. Wigmore's Caponizing Set, with Book of Instruction?, $2.7 J 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 89 OBSTETRICAL AND PARTURITION INSTRUMENTS. "MULLEN'S PARTURITION INSTRUMENTS." ifij^» ^/,/^l-UWt/UWWVl/l/Vfel " TRUAX- GREENE -CO Fig. 10948. Mullen's Obstetrical Saws and Handle. Fig. 10949. Mullen's Obstetrical Forcep and Handle. a a trotter. The third was a driving luare and was injected as an experiment, she never having been bred. She stood to the first injection, and has as fine an individual colt as there is on the farm. 100 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. TEAT INSTRUMENTS. MallbiMUMAHII Fig. 11078. Self -Retaining Milking Tube Plated, $0.45 ; Silver, $0.70 Fig. 11076. Plain Milking Tube Plated, $0.30; Silver, $0.40 Fig. 11068. Ring Handle Teat Slitter $3.00 Fig. 11070. Thompson's Teat Bistoury $2.5& Fig. 11072. Greene's Teat Bistoury. $4.50 Fig. 11074. Wigmore's Teat Bistoury. $2.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 101 HOOF INSTRUMENTS. © Fig. 11080. Hoof and Operating Set, containing: "Z 1 Saw. m 1 Gouging Knife. cq 2 Double Edge Hoof Knives. 1 Scalpel. £2 1 3-Blade Fleam. 3 Single Edge Hoof Knives- 1 Neurotomy Knife and Needle. 1 Double Edge Sage Knife. 1 Handle. Leather Roll, chamois lined $15.00 o ; Fig. 11084. Folding Hoof Knife $1.50 .£3 a - Fig. 11085. Stiff Handle Hoof Knife $1.25 g Fig. 11086. Sage Knife, right and left $1.15 M " double edire — 1.15 tt £ Fig. 11087. Double Edge Hoof Knife $1.25 102 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. HOOF INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11095. Hook and Hammer $1.75 Fig. 11090. Stiff Metal Handle Hoof Knife, each $1.50 Set of two, right and left, metal handles, in leather case, set 3.00 Fig. 11089. Hoof Knives, set of 4 and 1 handle, $4.00; in roll-up leather case $5.00 Fig. 11094. Frog Seton Needle $0.75 Fig. 11098. Clipping Shears, plain $1XH> " u leather rings 1.25 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 103 HOOF INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11100. Singeing Lamp for Gas, 2 heads, including tubing. $7.00 Fig. 11102. Singeing Lamp for Alcohol $3.00 Fig. 11104. Berlin Quarter Crack Forcep, with small and large jaws, 2 dozen clamps $10.00 Fig. 11106. Quarter Crack Forcep, $4.50; with Iron, $5.75 Fig. 11108. Plain Hoof Searcher $2.00 3!2> Fig. 11109. Berlin Hoof Searcher. . . $4.00 104 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. FIRING INSTRUMENTS. THERMOCAUTERIES. Fig. 11130. Paquelin's Thermo-Cautery Extra knives, each, $10.00. $25.00 Fig. 11132. Zoo-Cautere, the above set without feathering point $27.50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. FIRING INSTRUMENTS. 105 Fig. 11135. Pocket Thermo-Cautery, with double bulb. $16.50 Fig. 11140. Firing Irons, each .$0.75 Firing Iron Handles 1.00 Truax, Greene & Co.'s Firing Set, containing 3 Puncturing Irons, 3 Feathering Irons and 1 Handle, in a neat Leather Roll 6.00 106 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. FIRING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11154. Self-Blowing Furnace for heating Firing Irons . $9.00 The Furnace, as arranged, is absolutely non-explosive, being provided with an air-blast, which supplies the necessary pressure to force the fluid to the burner, instead of the elevated tank. Fig. 11147. Firing Irons, any pattern, without handle, each — $0.75 Firing Iron Handle, universal ... 1.00 Firing Iron, with plain stiff handle 75 Fig. 11150. Williams' Pyropuncturing Iron $3.50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 107 NEUROTOMY INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11160. Neurotomy Knife, right and left each, $1.50 Fig. 11162. Hughes' Neurotomy Hook and Needle $1.50 Fig. 11163. Plain Artery Forcep. Fig. 11165. Curvedion Flat Scissors, 6-inch $1.50 Fig. 11167. Tuthill's Neurotomy Knife $1.50 108 CHAS. TKUAX, GREENE & CO. LITHOTOMY INSTRUMENTS. ig. 11170. Little's Lithotomy Forcep, Aseptible. $4.00 Fig. 11172. Curved Lithotomy Forcep, Aseptible. $4.00 Fig. 11174. Dolbeau's Lithoclast, Aseptible . $9.00 Fig. 11175. Gouley's, Double Lever Lithoclast. Fig. 11176. Bigelow's Lithotrite, latest pattern $45.00 Fig. 11177. Thompson's Lithotrite , $40.00 ■ H.Vr.'.W.WiUHI Fig. 11179. Reliquet's Lithotrite $45.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 109 LITHOTOMY INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11192. Lithotomy Scoop and Conductor, Aseptible $1.75 Fig. 11194. Luer's Lithotomy Scoop, Aseptible $1.85 Fig. 11195. Sharp Pointed Lithotomy Scalpel, Aseptible $1.25 Fig. 1119fi. Probe Pointed Lithotomy Scalpel, Aseptible $1.25 Fig. 11197. Large Scalpel, No. $1 .25 ^u Fig. 1119S. Blizzard's Probe Pointed Bistoury, Aseptible $1.25 110 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. CATHETERS. Fig. 11200. Metal Mare Catheter, Jointed $2.00 " " " Stiff 1.50 Fig. 11202. Combined Horse and Mare Catheter. , $4.00 Fig. 11206. Horse Catheter, plain . : $1.25 " '• linen, best quality 1.50 Colt " " " " 1-50 Fig. 11207. Horse Catheter, with stylet, best quality $1-75 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. Ill DEHORNING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11210. Leavitt's Dehorning Clipper $9.00 Fig. 11214. Plain Dehorning Forcep 05.00 Fig. 11216. Dehorning Gouging Forcep $3.50 wmzm Fig. 11218. Dehorning Saw $1.00 " " Nickel-plated ' 2.50 HAAFF'S DEHORNING SET. Consisting of 1 Saw, 1 Punch, 1 Gouging Forcep. Set, complete $3.00 112 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POST-MORTEM AND DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11230. Finnel's Post -Mortem Case, containing : 1 Amputating Knife, Saw. 1 Set Heavy Chain Hooks. 1 Handle to fit the above 1 German Silver Blow Pipe. 3 Assorted Scalpels. 1 Dissecting Forcep. 1 Steel Handled Cartilage Knife. 2 Needles and Thread. 1 Straight Dissecting Scissors. 1 Chisel. 1 Steel Handled Tenaculum. In Rosewood Case, with lock and key. Price $9.50 Fig. 11232. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Post-Mortem Case, containing: 1 Hammer. 1 1 Costotome Chisel. 1 1 Steel Handled Cartilage Knife. 1 3 Assorted Scalpels. 1 1 Steel Handled Dissecting Hook. 1 1 Pair Plain Dissecting Forceps. 1 Enterotome. 2 1 Set of Heavy Chain Hooks. Price , German Silver Blow Pipe. Plain Chisel. Pair of Straight Dissecting Scissors. Amputating Knife. Saw, with lifting back and separable handle. Needles, Thread and Wax. Mahogany Case, slide or lock. $17.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 113 POST-MORTEM AND DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 1 1240. Truax, Greene & Co.'s No. 1 Dissecting Case, containing; 2 Scalpels. 1 Cartilage Knife. 1 Blow Pipe. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Dissecting Forcep. Sot Chain Hooks. 1 Dissecting Scissors. All in a neat Polished Hardwood Case $2.00 Truax, Greene & Co.'s No. 2, containing: 4 Scalpels. 1 Dissecting Scissors. 1 Blow Pipe. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Cartilage Knife. 1 Set Chain Hooks. 1 Dissecting Forcep. In Polished Hardwood Case $2.75 Sherman's, containing: 3 Scalpels, assorted. 1 Dissecting Scissors. 1 Blow Pipe. 1 Tenaculum. 1 Dissecting Forcep. 1 Set Chain Hooks. All in a neat Polished Hardwood Case $3.00 Fig. 1 1242. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Dissecting Case No. 5, containing: 1 Cartilage Knife. 1 Dissecting Forcep. 1 Chain and Hooks. 3 Scalpels, assorted sizes. 1 Blow Pipe. 1 Scissors, separable blades. 1 Tenaculum. All in a neat All-Metal Case S6.50 114 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POST-MORTEM AND DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11250. Truax's Capital Saw, three blades, Aseptible This saw is also furnished with one or two blades. $4.50 Fig. 11252. Enterotome $1.75 Fig. 11254. Costotome Chisel $1.15 Fig. 11256. Arterytome Scissors $1.10 Fig. 11258. Virchow's Hammer and Chisel . . . $2.25 Fig. 11257. Dissecting Scissors, plain $0.40 to $0.45 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 115 POST-MORTEM AND DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 11260. Double Grappling Hook, 45c. Fig. 11262. Chain and Hook, 20c. Fig. 11263. Dissecting Tenaculum, 35c. Fig. 11264. Dissecting Cartilage Knife, 45c. Fig. 11265. No 1 Dissecting Scalpel, 35c. Fig. 11266. No. 3 Dissecting Scalpel, 35c. Fig. 11267. No. 5 Dissecting Scalpel, 35c. Fig. 11268. Dissecting Forcep, 40c. Fig. 11269. Rachitome Knife, $1.50 116 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. INSTRUMENT BAGS. Fig. 11280. Instrument Bag with 6 bottles on side. For prices and sizes, see page 117. Fig. 11282. Instrument Bag. For prices and sizes, see page 117. Fig. 112S4. Instrument Bag, Cabin Pattern. See page 117. The construction of this bag is such that there is no change in shape or loss in capacity or size when closed as in the other styles of bags. It will open completely, giving a full view of all contents, and will stay open without the covers being held. When open it occupies no more surface space than when closed. It is neat in appear- ance substantially made and very durable. All things considered, it is by far the most desirable instrument bag yet offerd. This bag is made in five sizes. For prices, see page 117. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 117 INSTRUMENT BAGS. Bags, Instrument, 12 inch, regular width. 13 " Fisr. .... - $2 2 2 112S2 3 3 3 extra wide 2 3 3 3 3 with 6 bottles on side, 14 inches, Fig. 112S0 3 " 6 " "15 " 3 " 6 " " 16 " 3 " 6 " " 17 u 3 " 4 glass bottles in center, 15 inch 4 " 4 " " " 16 " 4 " 4 * " " 17 " 4 Cabin pattern, 12 inch, Fig. 112S4 4 14 " 4 15 " 4 16" " 4 17 " 5 " with 6 bottles on side, 14 inch 4 " 6 " " 15 " . 5 " 6 " " 16 " 5 " 6 " " 17 " 5 50 65 80 00 15 30 90 o:> 25 JO 55 30 45 60 7."> 25 50 7r, 01) 25 50 75 00 7.-> 00 25 50 Instrument Rolls. For prices see page 5. Medicine Cases, Instrument Bags, Dental Rolls AND . ALL KINDS OF LEATHER WORK A SPECIALTY 118 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MEDICINE CASES. Fig. 11290. Truax, Greene & Co.'s No. 100 Veterinary Medical Case. ,$12.00 This case is made of russet leather with fine nickel trimmings. The partitions dividing the bottles can be removed, thus converting it into an instrument case. It contains 2 8-oz. wide mouth, 3 8-oz. tincture, 10 4-oz., 10 2-oz. all glass-stoppered bot- tles and space for instruments. Fig. 11294. The Nancy Hanks Veterinary Uase $10.75 Nancy Hanks Veterinary Cape. Made of black water-proof leather, substantially lined, containing 6 8-oz., 8 4-oz., 9 2£-oz., 8 1-oz., and large box for sundries. Dimen- sions, 13$xS£x8£. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 119 BUGGY AND HAND CASES. Fig. 11296. Truax, Greene & Co.'s No. 200 Veterinary Medicine Case $ 15.00 This case is made of russet leather with fine nickel trimmings. Size, 13 in. long, 8 in. wide, 12 in. high ; contains 3 8-oz. square glass stop, tinct. bottles, 2 8-oz. square salt mouth bottles, 12 1-oz. round bottles, 7 4-oz. round bottles, 9 2-oz. round bottles, 1 2-oz. graduate, 1 pair scales, 1 mortar and pestle, space for horse catheter, powders, etc. Fig. 11298. Truax, Greene & Co.'s No. 300 Veterinary Medicine Case $10 00 This case is of russet leather with fine nickel trimmings. In addition to a strong lock it is provided with clasps at each end. The case is 12£ in. long, 8 \ in. wide and 8 J in. high, and contains 2 8-oz. glass stop, wide mouth, 3 8-oz., 7 4-oz., 10 2-oz., 8 1-oz. bottles, with graduate and large instrument box. 120 CHA-v TRUAX, GREENE & CO. BUGGY AND HAND CASES. MARSHALL'S CONVERTIBLE HAND CASE SADDLE-BAGS.— PATENTED. This bag is made of the best leather, either russet or black, the trimmings are MARSHALL'S PATENT. nickel-plated, and in every way it presents a very line appearauce. It contains 12 l£-oz. glass stoppered, 16 6-drachm and 8 2-drachtn corked vials, besides having two boxes, for sundries, on either side that measure 1\ in. long, 2$ in. wide and 2 1 in. deep. No. 1. Saddle-bag Form. Fig. 11299. No. 2. Hand Case Form. It can be changed from saddle-bags No. 1 to hand case No. 2, or vice versa, almost instantly. Price, russet leather Net, $16.00 " black " 15-50 Fig. 11312. This case is 9£ in. long, ?>\ in. thick, by 4 in. high, and contains 8 1-oz., 10 6- drachm and 12 4-drachm vials. Fig. 11316. Satchel Medicine Case $9.00 This case is 10 in. long, black leather, nickel-plated trimmings, and contains 10 1-oz., 15 5-draehm, 11 4-drachm 8 short 1-oz. bottlps, with instrument and Hypodermic box. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 121 BUGGY AND HAND CASES. Open. Closed. Fig. 11320. Buggy and Hand Case $13.50 Buggy Case, containing 6 2-oz. glass stoppered, 10 1-oz., 12 6-drachm and 14 4-drachm corked vials. In the top is a box with lid, size 8^x4Jxl inch, with instru- ment loops. The case closes with a spring catch, and has a lock and key. It is made of the heaviest and best russet or black sole leather, and is well protected with metal trimmings. Size, 10| x 5£ x 7 inches. Note. — The row of glass stoppered bottles rises as the case opens, and the vial labels are all exposed. Fig. 11332. Medicine Case .$2.50 Genuine Russia leather, and contains 8 vials, 3 drachms each. Fig. 11324. Buggy and Hand Case. $10.75 Made of fine seal grain, bag stock; contains vials on removable partitions, 22 1-ounce and 22 3-drachm. Size, 11 x 6x5*. 122 CHAS. TRUAX, GREEXE & CO. MEDICINE CASES. Fig. 11330. TRUAX, GREENE & CO.'S FLEXIBLE MEDICINE CASES. These Cases are all made with one row of bottles, the size of the vials varyingr from one-half to 6 drachms, and from 6 to 15 bottles in each case. The best patterns are as follows : 11331. Contains 6 4-drachm vials $2.00 11332. " 94 " " 2.25 11333. " 12 4 " " 3.00' 11334. " 6 6 " " 3.25- 11335. '• 10 6 " " 3.00- Fig. 11336. Medicine Case. . $1.85 This Case is of dark morocco and contains 20 4-draehm vials. Fig. 11337 Medicine Case $2.50 This Case contains 10 3-drachm and 14 2-drachm, vials; stiff ends, dark morocco. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 123 RUBBER GOODS. Fig. 11350. German Ice Bag, 75c. Fig. 11352. No. 4 Ice Bag, 50c. Fig. 11355. Half Long Rubber Fig. 11356. Short Rub- Fig. 11357. Men's Rubber Gloves, $1.25 to $2.00. ber Gloves, $1.00 to $1.15. Mittens, $1.00. Fig. 11358. Showing application of Water Coils for Hot or Cold Water. Water Coils, oblong, 5x9 inches $1.85 7x11 inches. " square. 10 " 3.00 14 " round, 9 " 1.85 13 " , #2.65 . 4.50 . 2.65 124 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. ELASTIC LEGGINGS FOR THE TREATMENT OF BOG SPAVINS, SWELLINGS, R And other conditions where a constant pressure on the parts would be beneficial. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENTS. Give circumference of leg at A, B, C, D and E ; give distance from knee joint to lower edge of legging and from knee joint to H3r upper edge of same. Fig. 11370. PRICE. $3.75 TO $5.00. Fig. 11372. Rubber Bandages with Tapes. NET PRICES TO PHYSICIANS. Bandages, Rubber, manufactured from pure gum, medium thickness. 2 inches wide by 6 feet long each, 2 " 9 2 " 10* 2 " 12 2 u 15 2i u 9 n " 10* 2* tt 12 2* " 15 2* " 18 3 " 9 3 it 10* 3 " 12 3 " 15 3 " 18 $0.40 .50 ..60 .70 .90 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 .75 .90 1.10 1.25 1.50 $1.50 2.00 Rubber Bandages, extra heavy, for Esmarch's Tourniquets. 3 inches wide by 10£ feet long, with tapes each, 3 " 15 " " kt We are also prepared to furnish Rubber Bandages to order from 30 to 60 feet long, or very light or extra heavy ones for special purposes. Bandages, Derby, set of 4, white $0.65 " " " gray 75 " " " scarlet 100 " Empire, 3 inches by 5 yards 1.00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 125 BOG SPAVIN TRUSSES AND STALLION SHIELDS. Fig. 11384. A. H. Baker's Bog Spavin Truss, $5.00 Fig. 11380. Plain Bog Spav- in Truss $5.00 Fig. 11385. Improved Supporter for Trot- ting Stallions, latest pattern.. $6.00 Fig. 11382. A. H. Baker's Bog Spavin and Thorough- P in Tr uss S7.00 Fig. 11386. Rubber Stallion Supporter. $4.00 126 CHAS. TRITAX, GREENE & CO. CHEMICAL GLASSWARE AND APPARATUS. Fig. 366. Fig. 365. Fig 370 Fig. 372. RECEIVERS, Fig. 365. Half pint Pint Quart Fig. 375. Stoppered, each. $0 45 , 60 75 Half gallon 1 00 Gallon 1 25 RETORTS, glass, Fig. 366. Half pint Pint Quart 45 60 75 Half gallon 1 00 Gallon 1 25 RODS, glass, stirring, assorted sizes per doz TEST GLASSES, Conical. 2 oz., price, without covers, Fig. 383 4oz., " " " 6oz., ' ; " " Plain, each. SO 35 50 60 75 1 00 35 50 60 75 1 00 1 00 30 35 40 75 & 77 WABASH AYE., CHICAGO. T27 CHEMICAL GLASSWARE AND APPARATUS. Fig. 380. Fig. 381. Fig. 382. Fig. 383. TEST TUBES, plain, graduated and on foot, see page 973. TEST TUBE HOLDERS, Racks and Brushes, see page 973. Fig. 384. Fig. 390. TUBING, Glass.small sizes, half in. or under, lb.. $0 60 Large sizes, over half in. , lb 50 In ordering glass tubing, please state whether inside or outside measurements are wanted, according to millimeter |] scale. TUBING, RUBBER. See Page 724. WASH BOTTLE, complete, with flexible exit tube, Fig. 375 pt $0 60 „ ,, << « « " " «« .- qt 75 WOULFE BOTTLES, Fig. 354. Half pint Pint Quart Half gallon Gallon . each 75 .each 85 .each 1 10 .each 1 50 .each 2 50 128 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. Fig. 285. Antique Oak Box Counter Scale. SCALE, Fine finished Antique Oak Box, with engraving and dial, Tennessee Marble Top, Nickel-plated Pans. Diam. of pans, 8 inches; capacity, 15 lbs $12 00 Fig. 286. Ebony Box Scale. SCALE, Ebony Box with Gold Lines and Dial, Marble Top, Nickel-plated Pans. Diam. of pans, 8 inches; capacity, 15 lbs $11 00 Diam. of pans, 9 inches; capacity, 25 lbs 12 00 Fig. 287. Cherry Box Scale. SCALE, Finely finished Cherry Box, with engraving and dial, Tennessee Marble Top, Nickel-plated Pans. No. 2 diam. of pans, 8 inches; capacity, 15 lbs $11 00 No. 3 diam. of pans, 9 inches; capacity, 25 lbs 12 00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 129 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. Fig. 288. Lake Side Box Counter Scale. SCALE, Ash Box, Variegated Marble Top, Glass Dial, and Nickel-plated Pans. No. 1. diam. of pans, 8 inches; capacity, 20 lbs $10 50 m Fig. 289. Robervahl Scales. SCALE, neatly ornamented in gold lines ; heavy brass pans and brass indicator. No. 2, size of pan, 9 inches ; capacity, 15 lbs % 7 50 "3, " 8 " " 10 " 6 00 "4, " 6 " " 5 " 5 00 Fig. 290. Lake Side Box Prescription Scale. Fig. 291. Army Prescription Scale. LAKESIDE BOX PRESCRIPTION SCALE, box made of Ash, Variegated 130 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. Tig. 307. Ebony Box Prescription Scale. French Polished Ebony Box, with Marble Top and hinged glass cover, nickel-plated pans; sensible to ^ of a grain. No. 2. Diameter of pans, 2% in., with drawer for weights 812 00 No. 3. Diameter of pans, 3% in., with drawer for weights $12 75 No. 1 has countersunk basin to hold weights in. Fig. 310. Hand Scales. 5-inch beam, 75c. Fig. 308. Fairbank's Prescription Scales. Japanned Base and nickel- plated beam $4 25 Nickel-plated base and beam . . 9 00 Fig. 309. Fitch's Pocket Prescrip- tion Scales, 75c. Fig. 311. Block "Weights. Nickel-plated Royal, Imperial and Antique Oak, in elegant designed and finished cherry block. 2 lb. to M oz. Nickel-plated. . .$4 75 Fig. 312. Metric Weights. In round Polished Wood Box •with Pincet. 50 grain to 1 centigram $1 75 .20 " 1 " 1 00 DRAMS GRAINS .SM1LEY& BR0.# \. H.R.I MILEY* RO. Fig. 313. Coin Weights. 2 drachms to K grain; Set, SO 30 )4 oz. to yi grain " 50 1 oz. to 3^ " " 75 2 oz. to K " " 1 00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 131 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. Fig. 320. GRAIN WEIGHTS. In mahogany box, with pincet. Specially adapted for dispensing purposes. 300 grain piece to 1 -10 grain, $1.75. Fig. 321. Aluminum grain weights. 5 grains to H grain, set 30c. NEST WEIGHTS. Capacity, 4 lbs. , down. . . Sealed iron, $1 25 Cased brass, $2 75 " 2 " " 1 00 " 1 75 1 " " 75 1 25 Fig. 322. SCOOPS. Horn, small .per doz $0 60 " medium per doz 90 " large per doz 1 20 Fig. 323. SUPPOSITORY MOULDS, plain folding $2 00 Parker's ' 'Common Sense" 5 00 Rectal, (in tin frame) 6 moulds, Fig. 331 50 12 " " 90 Vaginal " 6 " " 85 12 " " 1 50 Fig. 331. Fig. 332. TAPE MEASURES. See page 965. TWINES. Cotton, Sea-Island; assorted colors per lb 40 il " " pink per lb 40 ' Hemp, coarse per lb 30 " Linen, pink per lb 65 " " red, spools per spool 20 TWINE HOLDERS. Iron, enameled each 50 Brass, nickel-plated each 1 25 Glass each 60 132 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES Alcohol Lamps, glass, 2 oz., Fig. 340 each $0 25 " " "4 " each 35 ' ' Stoves, brass, plain each 20 " " best quality each 50 Fig. 205. Fig. 207. Fig. 208. BOTTLES. Shelf. Per Doz. Tinctures, Fig. 207, 1 oz $0 60 2 oz 75 4 oz 90 8 oz 1 05 16 oz 1 20 32 oz • 1 35 Half gallon 2 40 • One gallon 3 60 Salt Mouths, Fig. 206, 1 oz 75 2 oz 90 4 oz 1 05 8 oz 1 35 16 oz 1 50 32 oz 1 95 Half gallon 3 00 One gallon 4 80 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 133 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. BOTTLES, Shelf. Syrups, made with loose stoppers, to obviate the difficulty of stoppers sticking, Fig-. 205. Pint J» 50 Quart 2 00 Half Gallon 3 00 Balsam or Oil, Fig. 208. The great advantage of these bottles is, that instead of the liquor running oyer the outside, it is caught in a cup, and returns through an aperture into tDe bottle, pre- venting all waste, and keeping the bottle and shelf clean. Pint 2 40 Quart • 3 00 Half gallon 4 50 Truax, Greene & Co's French Square. Monogram Square. Prices are the same for French Square, Philadelphia Ovals or for Baltimore Ovals Philadelphia Ovals. Baltimore Ovals. Tall Blakes. BOTTLES. Prescription, flint. The dozen price will be charged* or less than gross lots . Prices subject to market changes. Per gross in full cases ..$1 38... ^ oz. , 5 gross in case . loz., 5 " " ... 1 2oz., 3 " " .... 1 3oz., 2 " " 2 4oz., 2 " " 2 6oz., 1 " " 2 8 oz., 1 " " 3 12 oz., " " 4 16 oz. , £ " " .... 5 32 oz., " Ass'd, 1 " Per gross Per dozen in less than full cases, in less than gross lots. SO 14 38. 62. 00. 85. 75. 25. 75. 50. 8 75 ^ to 8 ounces, per case. pi 50. 1 50. 1 75. 2 20. 2 45. 14 17 20 22 27 32 50 60 80 2 25 134 CHAS. TBUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. TRUAX, GREENE & CO'S MONOGRAM SQUARE VIALS. Best flint glass. The dozen price will be charged in less than gross lots. Per gross Per gross Per dozen in full cases. in less than full cases, in less than gross lots. ^ oz. , 5 gross in case . loz.,5 " " . 2 oz., 3 " " . 3oz.,2 " " . 4 oz., 2 " " . 6oz., 1 " " . 8 oz., 1 " 12 oz., £ " " . 16 oz., £ " 50 $1 65. 50. 75. 15. 40. 90. 40. 00. so. 16 16 20 23 26 30 35 50 60 PRICES FOR BOTTLES WASHED, CORKED AND WRAPPED. | oz per doz. 18 1 " " 20 2 " " 24 3 oz per doz. 30 4 " " 35 6 " " 40 8 oz per doz. 50 16 " " 75 For the convenience of physicians we have these vials well washed, corked with the best corks and wrapped with light manilla paper. The advantage of using these will be readily seen, for not only are the bottles always ready for use, with corks fitted, but a wrapper is supplied which can be used to re-wrap the vial after being filled and labeled. We supply to order gummed labels, printed with physician's name and address. See label page. BOTTLES, Prescription, flint, Blake, Tall. The dozen price will be charged in less than gross lots. Per gross in full cases. Per gross in less than full cases. X oz., 5 gross in case. . . .$1 50. 1 " 5 " " " 1 50. 2 " 3 " " " .... 1 75. 3 " 2 " " " 2 25. 4 " 2 " " " 2 50. 6 " 1 " " " 3 00. 8 " 1 " " " 3 50. 12 " X " " " ••••5 00. 16 „ \i " " " .... 5 75. 70. 70. 00. 55. 85. 40. 00. Per dozen in less than full cases. SO 16 16 20 23 26 30 35 50 60 HOMCEOPATEIC VIALS. VIALS— HOMOEOPATHIC, flint, patent lip, heavy tubes : % drachm, 1 gross in box, per gross $0 70 i IH 2 3 4 70 75 80 85 10 75 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 135 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. BOTTLES— Nickel-plated screw cap,Fig\ 215. 1 drachm, doz $0 20 2 " " 25 3 " " 30 4 " " 35 S. 3 drachm. S. 2 drachm. S. 1 drachm. S. \i drachm. S. \i drachm. Fig. 2 1 5. SCALE OF MILLIMETERS — In ordering case vials, please specify diameter and length, according to scale below. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 \m Ji lil ililililtttlililil i bM 15 25 35 45 65 65 75 85 95 Figr. 220. Fig. 222. Fig. 224. BOXES, Pill, paper, common red, nested, 4 sizes in nest, 12 nests or X gross in paper, Fig. 220 gross $0 35 " " Bronze, shouldered, nested, 4 sizes in nest, 12 nests in paper, Fig. 224 gross 75 This is muoh stronger than the ordinary red pill box, and will give good satisfaction. 136 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. BOXES, Pill, paper, No. 5, same as Fig. 224, holding- about 2 doz. granules, 1 gross in box gross . . . " " No. 6, same as Fig. 224, holding about 1 doz. 3 grain pills, 1 gross in box gross " " No, 7, same as Fig. 224, holding about 2 dozen 3 grain pills, 1 gross in box gross " " No. 8, same as Fig. 224, holding about 3 dozen 3 grain pills, 1 gross in box gross " " French Edges, small, Fig. 222, 1 gross in box gross " " " " medium, Fig. 222, 1 gross in box. . .gross " " " " large, Fig. 222, 1 gross in box gross " " Nested, same above, % gross in paper gross $0 50 60 75 90 65 75 85 75 Fig. 230. Fig. 226. Fie. 229. BOXES, Powder, slide, small, Fig, 226 gross $0 80 '' ; ' medium, " gross •' " large, " gross «« " nested, " gross BOXES, Tin, for ointment, pieced, 1 oz per 100 " " " 2 oz per 100 " " " 3 oz per 100 «' " " 4 oz per 100 " " " 8 oz per 100 " c '- seamless, Fig. 229, 1 dr per 100 *- " " M oz per 100 " " " J^oz per 100 *<■ " " 1 oz per 100 " " " 2 oz .per 100 «« " " 3 oz per 100 " " " 4 oz per 100 BOXES, Wood, turned, Fig. 230, M oz gross % oz gross 1 oz gross 2 oz gross 3 oz gross 4 oz gross CHAMOIS SKINS. Small doz - Medium doz Large doz CORKS X or Common. No. 3, 5 gross in sack, per sack. $ 37 In less quantities, per gross No. 4 " 45 per gross No. 5 " 58 per gross $0 30 35 50 65 1 00 1 40 1 60 35 50 70 1 00 1 40 1 65 $2 00 to 3 50 to 6 00 to 3 00 5 00 10 00 10 12 15 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 137 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. 73 in less quantities per gross $0 20 CORKS, X or Common. No. 6, 5 gross in sack, per sack No. 7 " No.8 " No. 9 No. 10 1 io per gross 1 40 per gross per gross .per gross Nos. 1 to 6, assorted for physicians, 5 gross in sack per sack Nos. 3 to 6 " " " " • Sizes of Corks. Order by Number. r-if -^ ^ *. d, Co r RoA: -r^u^x &( Co. CORKS, XX Selected. No. 00, 5 gross in sack, per sack $ No. " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 61 In less quantities, per gross 61 per gross 67 per gross 74 .,per gross 84 per gross 1 05 per gross 1 30 per gross 1 60 per gross 2 15 per gross 2 60 per gross q" ; per gross per gross per gross No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. 16.. Nos. 1 to 6, assorted for physicians, 5 gross in sack, per sack Nos. 3 to 6, . per gross .per gross . per gross . per gross .per gross 28 35 40 55 45 55 CORKS— Rubber. No. 7 per doz 08 No. 6 " 06 No. 5 " 10 No. 4 " 13 No. 3 " 18 No. 2 " 30 No. 6M per doz No. 5H per doz No. 4>£ per doz No. 334 per doz No. 234 per doz No. 1 per doz 15 15 18 19 22 25 32 38 50 60 75 90 00 10 20 35 45 60 05 20 08 10 13 16 2i 45 No. per doz 50 138 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. Fig. 243. Of Polished Brass, with Handle and Sharp Edges, six inches long. CORK BORERS, in sets of six pieces, from £• to f§ inch in diameter, Fig. 243, set $1 50 In sets of 12 pieces, from ^ to \^ inch in diameter set 3 50 Diameter of sets, 6—*, ^, \, T B F f , ff ; 10 7 15 1 9 6 11 inph ia — rs> sT' *» T6' s- Tt men. Fig. 247. Fig:. 244. Fig-. 249. CORK PRESSES, Rotating, Fig. 244 each $0 75 Lever, Fig. 251 each 30 CORKSCREWS, Common, wood handle,each 10c. to 35 Common, wire, pocket folding each 20c. to 25 Hard rubber, pocket folding, Fig. 247, each 50 Fig-. 251. ENVELOPES, Drug, for powders, white, No. 1 per thousand $0 60 CC CC II O " * * Hf) " «« " 3 " " 80 Fig. 252. Fig-. 253. Fig. 258. FLASKS, Pocket, leather covered, metal screw- top and metal cup, Fig. 252. H pint each$0 80 )4 pint each 1 00 % pint each 1 25 Fig. 259. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 139 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. FILTER PAPER, Gray, round, 6 inch quire$0 08 10 inch quire " 13 inch quire FILTER RACKS, Fig. 253, squeezers. 5 inch each 7 inch each 9 inch each FILTER STAND, Three ring- each Four ring". Fig. 260 each 1 00 Plain. 10 12 15 each each$0 15 each each each FUNNELS, Glass, 1 oz., Fig 259. .each$0 08 Glass, 2 oz each " 4 oz each " 8 oz each " 16 oz each " 32 oz each Half gallon each GRADUATES, Minim each K oz each 1 oz each$0 15 2 oz each 20 3 oz • each 4 oz each each Ribbed Fig. 260. 6 oz. 8 oz., Fig. 258 each Pints each Quarts • eacn Double Scale, Ounces on one side and cubic centimeters on the other. 1 oz. and 30 cubic centimeters .each o (t ii go " " each 4 " " 120 " " each 8 " " 250 " " each 16 " " 500 " " each 25 30 35 40 60 1 00 25 30 45 60 90 Fig. 262. Fig. 263. Fig. 265. JARS, Earthern, white, flat top, Fig. 263. loz doz $0 80 2 oz. 4 oz. 8 oz. 16 oz. 32 oz. .doz .doz .doz .doz .doz 140 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. Jars, Glass, with wood cover, Fig. 265. % oz doz 34 oz doz 1 oz doz 2 oz doz 4 oz doz Glass, with nickel-plated screw cover, Fig. 262. M oz doz H oz , doz 1 oz doz 2 oz doz 4 oz doz 30 35 40 50 65 35 40 50 60 85 ST Fig:. 270. KNIFE, Physicians', 3 blades and spatula, pearl handle, Fig. 270 $1 25 LABELS, Drug, for dispensing bottles, in books, assorted , . .book 75 Dispensing. See sample page. Glass, for furniture bottles, assorted each 9c. to 12 " Imitation, samples sent on application •. each 06 The prices given are for loose labels — an additional charge will be made for attaching. Fie- 274. Fig-. 275. Fig-. 276. MORTARS, Glass, Fig. 274. Prices vary according to weight. 1 oz about $0 20 2 oz about 25 4 oz about 35 8 oz about 40 16 oz about 75 32 oz about 1 00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 141 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. 13RTARS, each 550 35 Iron, half pint, Fig". 275 "* ' each 45 _ ' ' each 60 Quart „ ,. ,, each 85 Half gallon ^ ,, each 1 35 One gallon Porce ^- each 35 * ' ' each 60 4 OZ ' each 80 8 oz each 1 15 16 oz each 1 75 32 oz Wedgewood, Fig. 276. No. 0000, 3 inches across top, 2 ounces eacn a* No. 000, 3* ■' " 3 " each 30 No. 00, 3^ « " 4 « each 35 No. 0, 4 " "6 « each 40 No. 1, 4M " " 11 " ea t « No o 5 « " 16 " each 55 No'. »! 6 " " 24 " each 65 , T A ~ xy « « an " each 80 No. 4, 6^ ^ i. i nn No 5 7 •< " 40 " each 1 00 No'. 6, 8 « » 48 « each 125 No. 7, 8K " " 3K Pints each 160 No. 8, 9M •• ■«' 4K " each 2 00 No. 9,10^ '■ " ^ » each 2 40 No. 10,12 « " 10 " each 2-5 No. 11,13 " " 13 " eaf * HI No. 12,14 " " 17 " each 3 60 PAPER Powder, pink or white, in packages of 1,000 sheets. No.A,size2 x3 perpackage 12 No. B, " 2^x3% perpackage 17 No.C, " 2^x3K perpackage 17 No. D, " 2%x3% perpackage 20 No. E, " 3 x4 perpackage 25 No. F, " SXxZH perpackage 25 No.G, " 3^x3% perpackage 30 PAPER BAGS, Manilla a/ ,, per hundred 12 j . ,, per hundred 14 2 ,, " per hundred 18 j . ,, per hundred 20 2 ,-." per hundred 25 * ,, per hundred 30 ,, per hundred 35 lb " per hundred 40 142 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. PAPER, WRAPPING, Manilla or white. 7x 8 for 1 and 2 oz. bottles per lb $0 10 8x 8K " 3 " 4 " per lb 10 9x10 " 6 " 8 " per lb 10 12x12 "12 "16 " per lb 10 15x15 "32 " per lb 10 24x36 per lb 10 Rolls any width per lb 10 PAPER ROLL CUTTER. Japan and hardwood finish, all sizes, 6 to 36 inches ,each 1 50 High pyramid, three sizes in one rack 4 50 Flat " " " " " two high 4 50 Double " two high 3 00 Nickel plating, 50 cents extra, each machine. Tig. 280. Fig. 284. Fig. 282. PERCOLATORS. Glass, Conical, Pints, Fig. 280 each SO 30 " " Quarts each " " One-half gallon each " " One gallon each " " Two gallons each PTLL MACHINES, Brass, side rollers. To cut 18 pills, 3 grains each " 24 " 4 and 5 grains each PILL TILES, porcelain, Fig. 284. 8 inches square each 9 " " each 10 " •' each 8x10 inches each 10x12 " each POWDER FOLDERS, Fig. 282 , each POWDER PAPERS, See Paper. 40 50 75 25 75 25 75 00 25 00 75 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 143 DISPENSING SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. Fig:. 327. SPATULAS, solid steel, nickel plated. Fig. 327. 3 inch • each $0 30 4 inch each 35 6 inch each 45 8 inch i ■ each 65 10 inch • each 10 ° 20 20 30 40 75 Fig- 328. Cocoa Handle, Riveted. 3 inch each 4 inch • each 6 inch each 8 inch each 10 inch each Fig-. 330. Folding Ivory Handle, Fig. 330 each $0 75 CHEMICAL GLASSWARE AND APPARATUS. ALCOHOL LAMPS, Fig. 340, with burner and ground glass cap; 2 oz each 25 4 oz : ' ■ j ■, qq BEAKERS, 1 oz., Fig. 345. . . .'.'.'.'.".'.'. '.doz 1 15 2 A oz .doz 1 75 * oz doz 2 25 ° ° z ;•;;;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ".'.'.".'.'.".".!!!!'.'.!!!. doz 3 00 Nested,' Fig.' 345,' 2 to 10 oz. , 5 in nest ••••••• * e *J JJ BELL GLASSES, Short, Fig. 341, 4 inches in diameter eacn ou 6 inches in diameter each ^ 15 ® .. .. . . each 35 Tall, K pint each 50 1 PP* each 65 2 P m j; "'. each 1 10 4 pint each 75 BLOW PIPES, Jewelers' form each g() Plain 144 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. CHEMICAL GLASSWARE AND APPARATUS. wO0 wsf| U Ij III 1 fa 1 ' — i l_ a - Fig:. 340. Fig-. 341. Fig. 342 Fig. 343. Fig. 344. Fig. 345. BOTTLES, Acid, long- stop, Fig. 342 each $0 50 Chloroform or Ether, glass stops and glass caps, Fig. 343. One-fourth pint each 75 Half pint each 90 Pint , each 1 00 BUNSEN BURNERS, with stop to regulate the admixture of air, Fig. 344, each 50 BURETTES, Mohr's, graduated in one-fifths, Fig. 351. 25 c. c each 1 40 40 e. c each 2 00 100 c. c each 3 40 Same, with stop cock. Fig. 352. 25 c. c each 2 75 50 c. c ..". each 3 25 100 c. c each 4 25 BURETTE HOLDERS, for 6 Burettes each 4 00 CRUCIBLES each 10c to 50 Fig. 350. Fig. 351c Fig. 352. Fig. 353. CHEMICAL JAR, pint, Fig. 355 Quart 2 Quart DROPPERS, see page 732. DROP BOTTLES, Fig. 359 Fig. 354. Fig. 355. .each $0 75 .each 85 .each 1 00 each 25 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 145 CHEMICAL GLASSWARE AND APPARATUS. EVAPORATING DISHES, Porcelain, with lip, Fig. 360. 1 oz each SO 20 2 oz each 25 4 oz each 35 8 oz each 45 16 oz each 60 32 oz each 85 % gal each 1 25 Glass, see page 973. FLASKS, Chemical, best Bohemian, round or flat bottom. 4 oz., Fig. 353 each 18 8 oz each 20 16 oz each 25 32 oz each 35 14 gal each 55 lgal each 85 Fig. 359. Bottle Dropper, 25c Fig-. 360. HYDROMETERS, Acid each $0 50 50 50 50 50 25 Coal oil each Milk each Spirits each Syrup each U. S. Custom House — with thermometer each HYDROMETER JARS, on foot 8 inches high, Fig. 350 each 10 " each 12 each 15 each JARS, Philadelphia, for Ligatures, anatomical specimens, etc. , Fig. 384. 30 40 50 60 3x7 inches 1 pint, $0 50 6x12 3 xlO 1 quart, 55 6x18 3 xl8 3K pts., 75 9x12 4Kx 6 1 quart, 75 9x18 4^x 8K " 3 pts., 85 9x23 4^xllK " K gal., 1 00 9x36 6x8 1 gal., 1 30 6x12 inches 1 50 1 85 00 50 00 00 14G CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. HORSE SLINGS. Net Prices Fig. 11590. Slings, complete with Tackle and Pulley Block $25.00 " Self-locking Pulley Block 38.00 without Tackle and Pullay Block 20.00 Fig. 11592. Hauptner s Sling, complete. $35.00. Fig. 11594. Berlin Sling. $25.00. Orders for Slings by telegram will receive prompt attention. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 147 OPERATING TABLES. Fig. 11599. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Operating Table. As shown in the illustration, this table offers superior advantages to any here- tofore manufactured. The table is not only stronger and of better construction, but it enables the operator to handle the heaviest of horses with ease and celerity. 14S CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. OPERATING TABLES. Fig. 11(500. Truax. Greene & Co.'s Operating Table. In its operation, the horse is lifted from the tloor or ground as soon as the table is moved. Unlike other tables in the market, the feet of the animal are not dragged for a greater or lesser distance, because the horse is carried gently and easily from a vertical to a horizontal position. The hobbles are easily adjusted and work automatically, securing the horse in a perfect, safe position, thus avoiding any danger to the operator. The construction of half-circle cog-wheel and its attachments is such that they have a direct bearing and the machine is so easily operated that a boy can handle it. The three heavy girths which pass around the animal are fastened at each end with a patent cam-buckle in such a manner that they will not break loose or detach while undergoing the greatest pressure. They will remain firmly in place until the return of the horse to a standing position. The framework is constructed of heavy timbers, while the table top is of two- inch plank matched and grooved. It is covered with thick canvass nicely uphol- stered and presents a neat and attractive appearance. The table top is 7 feet wide and 9 feet long. The table may be bolted to a floor or attached to a framework fastened in the ground. Price net, delivered F. O. B. Chicago #100.00 75 £ 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 149 HOBBLES, CHLOROFORM INHALER AND OPERATING HOOD. Fig. 11602. Operating Hood $3.00 Fig. 11604. Chloroform Inhaler $5.00 Fig. 11606. A. H. Baker's Casting Hobbles set, $10.00 150 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. CLIPPERS, ETC. ir. Fig. 11013. The Dandy Clipper $1.50 Fig. 11614. The '• Lenox." Extra Finish, Detachable Plates $2.25 Fig. 11616. The ''American Horse." Extra Finish, Oval Handles, Detachable Plates $2.50 Fig. 11G17. Docking Shears $8.00 net. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 151 CLIPPERS. Fig. 11620. No. 62, O. K. Full Nickel Finish, Detachable Plates. $3.00 The best Clipper made. Simplicity in construction. Finest nickel finish. Interchangeable parts. Fig. 11622. No. 101a. Cuts 5 V inch each, $3.00 With Removable Comb, cuts f \ or } inch >l 4.00 No. 101b. Cuts | inch " 3.00 With Removable Comb, cuts \ or VV inch " 4.00 152 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. CLIPPERS. HAND POWER MACHINE. Fig. 11625. No. 2 Power Horse Clipping Machine. This machine is designed for a powerful, light running, hand power clipping machine, and is intended to meet the demand for a solid, well-built, durable machine of the No. 2 type. This machine can be run by hand power only, and admits the choice of handles, either vibrating or rotary, also drop or flexible shaft. Weight of machine, boxed for shipment, 178 lbs. No. 2. Hand Power Machine, complete $ o-'aa No. 3. " " " style of No. 2 only lighter 3o.OO Extra Cutting Heads, 3-inch 3.00 Top Plates £"nn " Bottom Plates ^ uu 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 153 Fig. 11640. No. 7. The Perfect Power Horse Clipping Machine. No. 7. Complete, with Vibrating or Kotary Handle $100.00 With Single Shaft and Handle C0.00 The above machine is furnished with one extra set of three Cutting Heads for each shaft. Grooming Brushes furnished with this machine at $5.00 each This machine is designed for a power Clipping Machine, to be used in large stables where there are many horses to be clipped in a limited time. Two men can work on opposite sides of the horse at the same time. This machine is also constructed with the idea of making it a perfect power Clip- ping Machine, especially adapted for turning out a large amount of work in a short time. A fair time for clipping and grooming a horse with this machine is thirty minutes. This machine may be run by steam, y-as, water, or electric motor power. See Water Motor. 154 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. THE ALTERNATE BUCKET WATER MOTOR. PATENTED AUGUST 8, 1893. The cheapest in first cost. The best and most economical power for running horse clean- ing and clipping machinery. Price, 8-inch Motor. $35.00 Made entirely different from others, by which from 30 to 50 per cent, better results are obtained than from any other water motor made. As shown in lower cut, the buckets are placed alternately on the periphe^ of the wheel, and are so shaped that the water after striking them is shunted to the sides and does not dash back against the following buckets and retard their motion. All other motors are subject to this retarding action, because the buckets or paddles are placed in a continuous line, and the back action of the water causes a vast amount of lost power. The power developed with our motor is all the way from 1-16 to 10 horse, depending upon the pressure of the water, size of jet, and other conditions. These vary so much in this country that we do not give a detailed list of our motors with pi ices. If intending to put in any power, or you desire to change your present motive power, and have water power in your city, please address us, giving particulars in reference to machines you wish to operate; also the water pressure at your place of business (this you can easily obtain from your water office superintendent), and other information which you think necessary, and on receipt of such information we will inform you of the size and price of motor necessan r to do your work. We are rapidly displacing motors of other makes with the " Alternate " on account of the additional power developed by ours under same conditions, and can refer you to any of them to bear out our assertions. Correspondence solicited. WESTERN LEATHER MFG. CO., 81 Illinois Street. Chicago. Sole Manufacturers. ORDERS MAY BE SENT TO CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 155 BATTERIES. Mcintosh Family Faradic Battery, net price *iq"S Mcintosh Physicians' Faradic Battery, net price lo.ou A COMBINED GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATTERY. Consists of two distinct batteries in- closed in one case, for convenience in carrying. A combined bat- tery should be light in weight, so that it can be comfortably handled. It should be sim- ple in construction, so that those not gifted with mechani- cal training can un- derstand how to manage it. It should be easily cleaned and kept in order, so that it may be in- trusted to an un- skilled a tten d ant for charging, cleaning and recharging. It should consist of two distinct instruments in one case, so that each battery can be used the same length of time without recharging, which is not the case when the same cells must provide both kinds of electricity. COMBINED GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATTERY. .12-cell, $30.00; 18-cell, $39.40; 24-cell, $50.65 Prices , 156 OH AS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. BATTERIES. TRUAX, GREENE &. CO.'S Actual CAUTERY STORAGE BATTERY. Write for Prices and Description. THE FEDDERN CAUTERY BATTERY. This Battery is far superior to any of the cheap Cautery Batteries in the market, besides being lower in price. In addition to tbe Cautery Electrodes we supply a small electric lamp, which will be found invaluable for illuminating any of the cavities of the body. Price of Battery with Conducting Cords, Uni- versal Handles with interrupting button, one Cautery Point, one Cautery Curette, and one Cautery Knife : Net $18.00 Electric Lamp, extra 3.o0 75 & 77 WABASH AVE.. CHICAGO. BATTERIES. DAVIS &. KIDDER'S ELECTRIC MACHINE. 157 Price. $7.50 NONPAREIL NO. 1. A THREE-CURRENT FARATIC BATTERY. FOR MEDICAL USE. Size, 5£ x 5\ x 5|. The merit3 of this battery will be easily appreciated, as possessing neatness of design, simplicity of operation, and superiority of material, workmanship, and the production of a pleasant and uniform electric current, both mild and powerful. These qualities have heretofore only been found to exist in expensive and unnecessarily com- plicated machines. Net Price. $4.50 15s OHAS. TRUAX, GREEXE & CO. TRUAX, GREENE & C0'6 MICROSCOPES. THE PRACTITIONER'S MICROSCOPE, NO. 2, Price, with one eye-piece, in case, no objective $20 00 Price, with one eye-piece, in case, one-fourth, one-half and one-inch Student's Dividing Object- ive, giving 100, 200 and 400 diameters 28 00 Price, with Gundlach's Dividing, one-fourth and one-inch objectiye, giving 100 and 400 diameters, 32 00 This microscope is designed to meet the wants of schools, colleges, and those who need a well- made instrument at alow price. Height with draw- tube closed, llj^ inches; draw-tube open, 14 inches. The base, arm and pillars are neatly japanned; the arm is securely held between two pillars by a strong steel pinion, which allows the inclination of the body at an angle. The body tube is large (one and three-eighths inches diameter), and carries the draw-tube (one and one-fourth inches inside diameter), which holds the eye-piece. The sub-stage ring carries an adjustable diaphragm. All accessories can be used onthisBtand without any change. It has a mirror-bar, carrying plane and concave mirror, which may be swung above the stage for the illumination of opaque objects. The coarse adjustment is by means of a sliding tube, which gives a smooth and firm movement. The fine adjustment is delicate, and will do the work of the finest instrument. t 75 & 77 AVABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 159 TRUAX, GREENE & CO'S MICROSCOPES. THE PRACTITIONER'S MICROSCOPE, No. 1. Price, with one eye-piece, in case, no objective y$ 25 °° Price, with one eye-piece, one-fourth, one-half and one inch Student's Dividing Objective, giving 100, 200 and 400 diameters • • • 33 00 Price with one-fourth and one inch Gundlach's Dividing Objective, giving 100 and 400 diameters This microscope is constructed after the same model as our Practitioner's No. 2— is the same size, and the working parts are the same, with the addition of a rack and pinion movement of long range for coarse adjustment, which works perfectly smooth and steady. . . .,. We believe there is no microscope on the market for the above pnce that will compare with this instrument. 160 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. TRUAX, GREENE & CO'S MICROSCOPES. THE MEDICAL MICROSCOPE, No. 2. Price, with one eye-piece (no objective) $35 00 Price, " " " and x /i and 1 inch Dividing Objective 47 00 Price, " " " one J£ and 1 inch Dividing- Objective, also one % inch Objective, giving 100, 400 and 800 diameters 65 00 Our Medical Microscope No. 2 is designed to meet the wants of those who need a moderate priced, substantial and accurately working instrument. It is especially adapted to the physician in his clinical work. The base and arm are finely japanned; the pillar is made of lacquered brass, and the joint has strong steel bearings. The body tube is 6 % inches long, and 1 % inches in diameter, and is provided with the society screw. The draw tube is nickel-plated, 6 inches in length, with an inside diameter 1% inches. The coarse adjustment is made with rack and pinion of long range, which works perfectly smooth. The fine cidjustrnent is made with a milled head screw, which moves the entire body, and is capable of focusing the highest powers. It has a circular rotating stage, Z% inches in diameter, blackened to cutoff 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 1G1 TRUAX, GREENE & CO'S MICROSCOPES. reflection; a movable sub-stage ring- and diaphragm. The mirror is plane on one surface, concave on the other, and slides on a radial arm which can be swung in a circle above the stage for the illumination of opaque objects. The stand with draw tube closed is 14 inches high, and is furnished packed in a nicely finished mahogany case, with drawer, lock and handle. MEDICAL MICROSCOPE, No. 1. Price, with one eye-piece (without Objective) $45 00 Price, " " " and U and 1 inch Dividing Objective 57 00 Price, " " " one % and 1 inch Dividing Objective, also one % inch Objective, giving 100, 400 and 800 diameters 75 00 This microscope is constructed after the same model as our Medical No. 2 and has the eame working parts. It differs from it in being more finely finished, and having the base and arm of lacquered brass instead of being japanned. 162 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. MICROSCOPES. The tripod base, pillars and arm are neatly japanned, coarse adjustment is by rack and pinion, fine adjustment by delicate micrometer screw. The stage is of brass; attached to its lower sur- face is a sub-stage ring carrying dome diaphragm. Main tube has cloth lin- ing in which graduated draw-tube is fitted; mirrors are plane and concave and adjustable on the mirror base. Polished cherry-wood case accom- panies each outfit. _ IBNEfflKW 1 F— Model Microscope. (Cut one-third of actual size.) F. Stand with 1 eye-piece (any power), no objectives $25 00 Fl. Stand with 1 eye-piece and % in. and \ in. objectives, +70+400 diam 48 00 F2. Stand with 1 eye-piece and 2 in., % in. and \ in. objectives, +35+70+400 diam. 54 00 F3. Stand with 2 eye-pieces and % in. and \ in. objectives, +50 to +400 diam. . 52 00 F4r. Stand with 2 eye-pieces and 2 in., % in. and^ in. objectives, +25 to 400 diam 58 00 F5. Stand with 2 eye-pieces and % in. , \ in. and ^ in. oil immersion, objectives, + 50 to + 1,200 diam 97 00 F6. Stand with 2 eye-pieces and 2 in. , % in. , £ in. and ^g i n * °*1 immersion, objectives, + 25 to + 1,200 diam 103 00 Revolving stage, with removable spring clips, extra 5 00 Glass stage with slide carrier, which slips over either plain or revolving stages, extra '. 5 00 Graduated mirror bar, with mirror and sub-stage (both adjustable), in place of one accompanying stand, extra 5 00 Abbe condenser, 1.20 N. A., in mounting, with iris diaphragm, extra 14 00 Abbe condenser, 1.42 N. A., in mounting, " " " " 16 00 Mechanical stage, in place of the regular, extra 18 00 Double nose-piece, brass finish, extra 5 00 Triple nose-piece, brass finish, extra 9 00 Complete illustrated catalogue (13th edition) mailed free to any address; send for it; contains matter of much interest to physicians. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 163 LEITZ MICROSCOPES. LEITZ' STAND, I-a. i No. 5. Large Microscope, briefly described as follows: Inclinable, with fixeV* stage, coarse adjustment by rack and pinion; fine adjustment by micrometer screw, with graduated head; draw tube with millimeter scale. The accessories are: Abbe condenser, rack and pinion movement, with iris diaphragm. Triple nose-piece. Three eye-pieces. . . Three objectives, viz.: 1 inch, £ inch, and oil immersion ft men. Magnification from 57 to 850 diameters. Price, in upright polished wood case • • ® 177 We will import Leitz Microscopes for colleges and hospitals, duty tree. 164 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MICROSCOPIC CABINETS. Fig:. 500. Portable Mahogany Cabinet, for 72 objects, $3 25. BOXES, mailing', wood, to hold 1 object per doz. $0 60 " "3 " " 80 " " "6 " " 90 "12 ,: " 1 25 CABINETS, holding- 24 objects, with cardboard sliding cover 24 36 48 60 72 144 white wood . Portable, 12 trays, holding 72 objects, mahogany, Fig. 500 Same, for 36 objects • each $0 06 08 10 15 75 1 00 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 50 3 50 3 25 2 00 Figr. 502. Pillsbury's Cabinet for 200 objects, 83 00. CABINETS, Pillsbury's, holding 10 boxes for 200 slides, Fig. 502 each $3 00 " " 20 " 500 " " 4 00 The Pillsbury Cabinet consists of a finely polished cherry case, containing ten or twtney boxes, grooved on the inside, to receive twenty-five slides each, and provided with a lock. When the boxes are in place in the cabinet, the slides lie horizontally, thus avoiding all liability of damage to slides in top. The top of each box, as placed in the cabinet, is provided with an index, and on the bottom of the box, inside, is a corresponding number, to show the proper location of each slide. If a cabinet is not required, the boxes may be used singly, as a simple rubber band serves to hold the cover securely in place. They are of plain white- wood, neatly finished. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 165 MICROSCOPIC INSTRUMENTS. DISSECTING AND MOUNTING INSTRUMENTS. / I A BC DEFGHIJKLMN Curved. Straight. Fig. 479. Dissecting Knives, each 75c. Fig- 480. Dissecting Needles, each, 15c. <*. TRAUX, GREENE & ( Fig. 481. Double Section Lifter, 50c. Fig, 481. Fig. 482. Curved Dissecting Straight Dissecting Forceps, Steel, Forceps, Steel, Best, $1.00 Best- 75c. Straight. Angular. Curved. Fig. 483. Dissecting Scissors, each 50c to. 75c. 16: CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MICROSCOPIC INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 461. Two System Con- Fig-. 462. Three System Con- denser in Case $8 00 denser in Case $10 00 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 167 MICROSCOPIC INSTRUMENTS. Fig. 495. Griffith's Turn Table, Self Centering $7 00 Fig. 496. Turn Table, Plain $3 50 168 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MAGNIFYING GLASSES. Fig\ 505. Fig:. 506. Fig-. 507. MAGNIFIERS. Single, rubber case, diameter of glass, % inch, Fig. 505 each, 8>0 30 1 inch IK " 2 " % and % inch, Fig. 506 .. . \H and 1H " l^andlM" y 2 , % and % inch, Fig. 507. %, %and% inch %, % and 1 inch % inch, Fig. 505 1 inch % and % inch, Fig. 506 . . . % and 1 inch V 2 , % and % inch, Fig. 507 K, % and 1 inch Folding, brass, size of opening, % inch, Fig. 508 Double, " (c <( t< (c Triple, " ci (< cc cc Single, shell case, Double, Triple, 40 60 90 60 90 1 25 75 1 00 1 25 75 1 55 1 25 2 10 1 65 2 65 40 MAGNIFIERS, Metal frame and handle (reading glasses). O I ' 60 2K ' ' 90 3 ' 1 35 4 ' 2 50 5 ' ' 4 50 6 8 00 Fig-. 508 . Folding Magnifier, 40c. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 169 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. ADAPTER, For foreign objectives $1 00 For fitting objectives in sub-stage 1 00 With centering adjustment 5 00 AMPLIFIER, achromatic, in brass box 7 50 CAMERA LUCIDA, double prism, may be used in an upright or inclined posi- tion 7 50 Improved Abbe 10 00 Plain Fig. 463 1 50 Wollaston's, for drawing an object 6 50 COMPRESSOR, Wenham's 1 50 Parallel 3 50 CONDENSER, sub-stage Abbe 1 . 20 N. A. in case, Fig. 461 8 00 " 1.42 " " Fig. 462 10 00 1.0 " " 20 00 Mounting, 5 stop, diaphragms and blue glass 5 00 " with Iris diaphragm 6 00 CONDENSERS, on stand, IK inch diam 4 00 2% " " 7 00 3 " " 10 00 DARK WELL 2 00 DIAPHRAGM, Iris, with Society Screw 3 00 (Iris), with condenser mounting, Fig. 467 6 00 Dome 2 00 EYE-PIECES, 1 to 5 4 00 FORCEPS, stage 1 50 Stage, on slide 2 00 3 prong 5 00 GLOBES FOR COVERING MICROSCOPES. Fig. 497. No. Diameter Height Each No. Diameter Height Each 1 4 in 6in...$ 60 7 8 in 16 in $2 40 2 6" 6"... 75 8 10" 10" 2 25 3 6" 8"... 90 9 10" 14" 3 00 4 6" 10"... 150 10 12" 12" 3 00 5 8 " 8 " .... 1 40 11 12 " 16 " 4 00 6 8" 12".... 2 00 12 JL2 " 20" 6 00 CIRCULAR GLASS BASE FOR SAME. 4 inch each $ 20 10 inch each 65 6 " " 25 12 " " 100 8 " " 40 LENS, Hemispherical, mounted 5 00 LEIBERKUHNS U 00 to 5 75 LIFE SLIDE, Holman's with cover, in box 1 50 With syphon complete 4 00 170 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES LIVE-BOX, small $2 00 MICROMETER, Eye-piece 1 00 Stage, 1-100 and 1-1000 inch , 1 50 " 1-10, 1-20 and 1-50 " 2 00 NOSE-PIECE, (see Adapter) Double, Angular, Fig. 468 5 00 Triple, " Fig. 469 9 00 PARABOLIC REFLECTOR, Wenham's, for dark field illuminations 9 00 POLARISCOPE, with one selenite, in morocco case 12 00 Complete "with prisms and selenites 22 00 TABLE, revolving, black walnut, adjustable to height 12 00 TRIPLETS, achromatic %, % and 1 inch 6 00 TROUGH, glass, complete, with wedge and spring 2 50 DISSECTING, MOUNTING AND COLLECTING INSTRUMENTS. BEAKERS, See Index BISTOURY, sharp pointed. 75 Probe, pointed 75 BOTTLES for Balsam, Doty's 80 Capped, for holding mounting fluids, with pipette 40 Capped, with triangular stopper to prevent gumming, 1 oz 35 li " " " " " " 2 oz 50 Collecting, flat 10 to 15 Collecting, round, dozen 25 to 75 Dropping, with glass bulb 20 Dropping, with rubber top . 25 CASES of dissecting instruments $7 50 to 15 00 COMPRESSORS, Spring, nickel-plated doz 40 Spring, wood doz 25 CUTISECTOR, Piffard's 3 75 DROPPING TUBES. See Droppers in Index. FORCEPS, dissecting, steel, plain 40 Brass 25 Cover glass, Fig. 456 30 Steel, straight, Fig. 482 * 75 ' ' angular 1 00 curved on the flat, Fig. 483 , 1 00 GLASSES, flat pair 85 Concave pair 2 00 Watch. See Urinary Analysis. ' ' Syracuse, solid 15 to 85 BOOKS, double, for dissecting 50 KNIVES, brain 2 00 Dissecting, various patterns, Fig. 479 75 Section, plain, Fig. 458 2 75 " in morocco case 3 25 " " large 4 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 171 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. KNIVES, Section, plain, in morocco case $ 5 00 Valentine's 6 00 KNIFE HOLDER 2 50 LABELS, adhesive, per 100 in a box 15 LAMP, spirit, glass, fine, for mounting, 3-16 burner 75 H " 90 v* " i io MICROTOMES. See Section Cutter. NECESSAIRE, Dr. Ranvier's 3 50 NEEDLES, straight or bent, Fig. 480 15 NEEDLE HOLDER, with clamp 25 PIPETTE, with rubber bulb, graduated 25 Plain, with rubber bulb, straight 05 ' ' " " bent 05 PLIERS, plain 25 RAZOR, for cutting sections 1 00 " " " flat on one side, Fig. 457. . 150 SAUCERS, porcelain, 2% inches in diameter, in nest of 5, with cover 60 SCALPELS, 3 sizes each 50 SECTION CUTTER, Army Medical Museum pattern 10 00 Laboratory, small size 42 50 " large " 50 00 Students' with knife in cherry case, Fig. 493 18 00 Ranvier's, plain 7 00 with clamp 8 00 With knife and carrier, Seller's 13 50 SECTION LIFTER, single 20 Double, Fig. 484 50 SCISSORS, dissecting, straight, Fig. 483 50 Dissecting, curved on the flat, Fig. 483 60 " knee bent, Fig. 483 75 Transplanting, Piffard's 7 50 SYRINGES, injecting, K ounce 8 00 " 1 ounce 10 00 TROCAR, exploring 1 00 " with Tenaculum point 1 85 " Duchenne's 1 90 " Noegerath's 2 65 TURN TABLE, plain, Fig. 496 2 50 " with detachable hand rests 3 00 Self-centering, with hand-rests 6 00 Griffith's self-centering, Fig. 495 7 00 MOUNTING AND STAINING MEDIA. ACID, chromic, 5 per cent solution 25 Glacial Acetic 25 Osmic, 2 per cent 25 Picro-sulphuric, concentrated 20 172 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. ALCOHOL, absolute $0 20 ALCOHOLIC CARMINE, Mayer's 25 ALBUMEN, Mayer's 25 AMARANTH 50 AMMONIA, Carmine 25 ANILINE, blue 20 Green i 20 Red 20 Violet 25 ANILINE OIL, pure, for preparing- bacillis 25 ASPHALTUM 25 Quick drying 35 BALSAM, Canada, in tubes 25 " benzole 50 " chloroform 50 « with xyol 50 Damar •' 15 BELL GLASSES 50 BENZOLE, pure 20 BISMARCK BROWN 20 BORAX, Carmine 25 BRUNSWICK BLACK 25 CARBONATE OF POTASH, 3 per cent solution 25 CAUSTIC POTASSA,5 per cent solution 25 CEDAR OIL 50 CELLS, Glass, assorted doz 1 00 Block Tin doz 20 HardRubber doz 15 Atwood's • doz 30 Zylonite, transparent, assorted doz 25 CELOIDINE, 1 oz. box 1 25 CEMENT, Bell's 50 Brown's Rubber 35 White Zinc 50 Amber, King's, with directions 25 White, King's, with directions 25 CHLORIDE, Stannon's, in Glycerine Jelly 60 And Acetate of Copper 25 COCHINEAL TINCTURE 25 COLOPHONIUM SOLUTION 15 COMPRESSOR, Holman's 1 00 ( No. 1, thin oz 1 75 CLOVER GLASSES, Circles, sizes, J*, %, % and % \ No. 2, medium oz 1 25 ( No. 3, heavy oz 1 00 ( No. 1, thin oz 1 65 COVER GLASSES, Square -J No. 2, medium oz 1 15 ( No. 3, heavy oz 90 DAMAR, in benzole 35 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 173 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. DEAN'S MEDIUM $0 35 EOSIN 20 FARRENT'S MEDIUM 50 Fuschine 25 GELATINE, carmine, for injecting oz 1 00 GENTIAN VIOLET 20 GLYCERINE, Camphorated, for delicate vegetable tissue 25 Pure 25 Jelly 50 GLUE, Hollis' 30 Marine, Hard '. 35 " Liquid 35 " Colorless 40 GOLD SIZE 25 GUM AND GLYCERINE, medium 25 HEMATOXYLIN 20 Concentrated solution in alcohol 50 HEMATOXYLIC EOSIN 50 IODO-IODIDE Potassa, 3 per cent solution 25 LABELS, White, round or oval per 100 10 " square, with borders per 100 25 'Gilt fronts for covering slides per 100 25 Backs per 100 25 Backs or front with holes punched, 10 cents extra per 100 MAGENTA 40 Red 25 METHYLENE BLUE 20 METHYLgreen 20 Violet 20 NAPHTHA, Pure 15 NITRIC ACID, in alcohol, 3 per cent solution 25 OIL CLOVES 35 OSMIC ACID, 1-32 oz. or 1 gramme 2 00 PARAFFINE lb 50 PHENOLPHTALINE 25 PICRO-CARMINE 25 PIPETTES, with bulb 25 POT. FERROCYANIDE, with 1 per cent Acetic Acid 25 SAFFRANIN 25 SALT SOLUTION, normal 15 SLIDES, Glass, 1x3, ground edges, first quality crown glass gro 1 35 " " " " patent plate gro 1 75 " " " " extra thin white sheet gro 2 50 " " " " beveled gro 3 00 " " " " with concave center doz 60 " " crown, plain cut edge gro 65 Wooden doz 25 174 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. SLIDES, Holman's Life each $ 1 50 " Current each 1 50 " Cage each 4 50 " Syphon each 3 00 SODA, Sulpho-Indigotate 20 STAIN, Dr. Gibbs' 50 Burrill's, for bacillus tub., with directions 35 TROUGHS, Zoophyte 2 50 TUBES, Drop 10 TURPENTINE 25 VESUVIN • 20 WHITE ZINC CEMENT 55 XYOL, Damar 25 These media we guarantee to be of the quality best suited for microscopic pur- poses and put up in the neatest possible manner. Each bottle is plainly labeled. MAGNIFYING GLASSES. Fij?. 510. CODDINGTON MAGNIFYERS. Fig. 512. J -inch focus, German silver mounting, each, $2 00 2 25 2 50 ACHROMATIC TRIPLETS. J-inch focus, German silver mounting, each, 9 50 • a « " « « " " 9 50 4 1 u .. u k « « 9 so Fig. 512. Coddington Lenses. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 175 GERMAN MODELS OF ANIMALS. PAPIER MACHE. These models are well calculated to facilitate the study of the auatomy and physiology of animals in veterinary colleges. SERIES XIX. -HORSE. 1900 Model of a horse, height 72 centimeters, copied at the Royal Veterinary School of Berlin, anatomically true; showing the superficial and deeper layers of muscles and the principal vessels $157.50 1901 Model of a horse as above, head, trunk and forefoot discountable; intestines are removable and dismountable 202.50 1902 Model of a horse, fifth part natural size, totally dismountable ; new model, 101.25 1903 Heart of a horse, separable 1L2 ° 1904 Model of the heart, most perfect execution 27.00 1905 Hoof of a horse, divisible into four parts • • 9 - 00 1906 Intestinal canal of a horse, schematized 10.80 1907 Kidneys of a horse with Aorta and veins 9- 00 1908 Brain of a horse, divisible into two parts 40 ° 1909 Genitals of a male horse 1G2 ° 1910 Head of a horse, median section, the exterior side with muscles 40.50 1911 Model of a head with muscles dismountable; perfect execution 112.50 1912 Left hind-leg with all possible blemishes, most perfect execution, separa- ble in many parts 5400 1913 Lungs, with heart separable 54 - 00 All the intestines of chest and abdomen of the horse, almost natural size, very instructive preparation 247.50 1914 Horses' teeth, in nine stages 6 - 75 17G CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. GERMAN MODELS OF ANIMALS. PAPIER MACHE. SERIES XX -OX. 2000 Model of an ox, quite new; height 70 centimeters, showing the super- ficial muscles and most important blood-vessels. Intestines are removable and dismountable $202 . 00 2001 Model of an ox, fifth part of natural size, totally dismountable, new model 101 .25 2002 Cow's udder, separable 9.00 2003 Stomach of a ruminant, separable 10.80 2004 Intestinal canal of an ox (schematized) 13 . 50 2005 Foot of an ox 11.25 2006 Fcetus of a cow 10.80 2007 Fcetus of a sheep 10 . SO Models of the Horse in various sizes. Prices from $101.25 to $202.50. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 177 Turf Goods Department ...We Sell... IS* Lanz=Owen Co.'s Horse= Boots Nuzzles*?* Shields... The latest styles, the most perfect fitting and the very best quality of stock and workmanship. Each style of Boot is made in three sizes: L, large; M, medium; S, small. The is the largest Leather Notion House in the world. They manufacture L3.nZ != 0WGn tne most com Pl e te li ne of Horse- •— Boots, Sole Leather Trunks, Satchels*. WOITipflny Shawl, Tourist, Trunk and many ~" " other Straps, Gun Goods, Leggins,, Hat Boxes, Dress Suit Cases, Musical Instrument Cases. Also any kind of Sample Cases to order. Contracts taken for any kind of Leather Goods. 178 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. ANKLE BOOTS. m No. 12. No. 20. No. 24. :no. 7. " 9. ■" 10. " 11. " 12. " 17. " no. ■ u 20. " 21. '" 23. " 24. DESCRIPTIONS. Ankle Boot, felt lined, chamois bound pair, $1 " " " extra size ' calf lined, light weight " " French calf lined Hind Ankle Boot, French calf lined, hind leg " " " felt lined, with elastic Ankle and Speed Cut • ' Ankle and Heel Boot ( Elastic Stocking with back cord protection " " without shin brace | " " with scalpel 00 list. 25 25 75 85 ,00 50 50 00 50 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 179 SHIN AND ANKLE BOOTS. Nos. 50 and 51. Nos. 56 and 58. No. 76. No. 72. DESCRIPTIONS. No. 50. Front Shin and Ankle Boot, felt lined, chamois bound pair, $1.25 list. " 51. Hind " " 52. Front " " 53. Hind u " 56. Front " " 58. Hind " " 76. Shin Ankle and Soft Tendon, with elastic " 72. " " " Tendon, Kersey lined, with elastic. u a n u calf " " " U ti 1.75 u 3.25 (• 3.50 u 4.00 u 4.25 u 7.00 a 6.50 u 180 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. SHIN BOOTS AND SPEED CUTS. Nos. 126 and 127. Nos. 102 and 103. DESCRIPTIONS. No. SO. Shin Boot, calf lined, with elastic. . ._ 85. " " Kersey lined, with elastic " 91. Calf Shin Roll, 4-inch •. " 94. Buckskin Shin Roll, 4-inch " 100. Shin Ankle and Half-Knee, calfskin • l 101. " " " Kersey " 102. Hind Shin Ankle and Speed Cut, hinged, Kersey . . . . 1 103. " " u " " calf •• » 120. " " " " " aud Hock, Kersey .. 12 l! " " " " " " calf.... " 126. " " " " " calf ■• 127. " " " " " Kersey pair. $3. 2. 2. 2, 5 6 9 9 11 10 75 list. 25 * 50 " 25 " 50 u 00 " .00 " .00 " .00 tk .00 " .00 * .00 " 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 1S1 KNEE BOOTS. No. 156. Nos. 160 and 161. Nos. 150 and 151. DESCRIPTIONS. No. 139. Knee Boot, Kersey lined, bound pair, $3.00 list. 146. "■ " " " unbound 156. Stumbling Boot, with rubber loop 160. Knee and Arm Boot, Kersey lined 161. " " " " " with suspenders. 165. " " " felt 150. Knee Boot, Kersey lined, hinged 151. " " calf " " 2.50 " 3.50 B 9.00 " 10.00 " 8.50 " 6.00 " 5.50 " 1S2 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. QUARTER BOOTS. No, 205. No. 215. Nos. 200, 201 and 202. No. 222. No. 225. No. 224. DESCRIPTIONS. No. 200. Quarter Boot, felt lined, 3 billets .'. pair, 201. " " lea. " 3 " 202. " " elk " 3 " 205. " " " " back hinge 205XX. " " " '' " " cheaper grade. 206. " " " " side " 207. " " California style, side hinge 213. " " low cut, wool top 215. Coronet Boot, felt lined 222. Bell Quarter Boot, felt lined, leather trimmed •225. " " " lea. ' ; felt top 224. " " " with chamois roll $2.25 list. 2.75 3.75 5.00 3.50 5.00 4.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 183 SCALPERS. No. 230. No. 236. No. 234. DESCRIPTIONS. No. 230. Scalper pail% $2 50 ]ist . 232. " with heel extension ' 234. • felt lined • 236. Toe and Speed Cut, for colts 237. Hind Hoof and Speedy Cut, side action . 238. « - •• « front " . 2.75 " 2.75 " 4.50 ' ; G.00 " 5.50 (i 184 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. MISCELLANEOUS. ^o .251. " 250. " 252. u 262. ». 263. " 280. " 2S1. u • 286. *' 290. No. 286. Nos. 280 and 281. DESCRIPTIONS. Poultice Boot, black leather P 5 * 11 ". Caulking " metal covered Soaking " perforated felt bottom Shoe Boil Roll, stuffed, canvas and leather each, " " " all leather * Stallion Support, rubber. " " chamois . . . Wire Muzzle with throat strap English Leather Muzzle $4.50 list. 2.00 " 3.00 " 2.00 " 2.75 " 2.50 " 2.50 " 1.67 " 3.00 " 75 & 77 WABASH AYE., CHICAGO. 18c RUNNING BOOTS. No. Per pair. 10 Ankle, russet calf $1 . 90 10} Ankle, russet calf, heel extension 2 .10 11} Ankle, russet, soft calf 1 . 90 12$ Same as 11 J, with heel extension 2 .00 18 Pastern Joint, wool lined 2 . 50 19 Knuckler or Fetlock 4 . 50 20 Heel and Ankle, russet calf 4.50 21 Elastic Stocking, with back cord protection 6 . 50 22 Knuokler or Fetlock, to lace 4.50 23 Same as 21, without shin brace 3 .75 24 Elastic Stocking, with scalper 6 . 00 27 Elastic Shin Brace 2 . 50 60 Shin and Ankle, extra high and light, russet calf, elastic, 4 billets 5.25 01 Shin and Ankle, russet calf, with elastic, 3 billets 4.00 62 Front Shin and Ankle, russet calf, half cord protection 5.00 63 Shin and Ankle, russet calf, pivot hinge, with elastic 5.50 64 Shin and Ankle, white kersey 2 50 65 Shin and Ankle, white kersey, with leather cup 3 .00 79 Shin Boot, russet calf, with elastic 3.75 100 Shin, Ankle and Half Knee, russet calf 5.50 110 Ankle and Speed-Cut, russet calf 5 . 00 111 Ankle and Speed-Cut, russet calf 5 . 00 112 Back Cord, russet calf 5.50 125 Shin, Ankle and Hock, russet calf, with elastic 7.00 128 Back Cord, russet calf, extra light 4.50 129 Same as 128, with heel boot attachment 6.00 129} Same as 129, with plate 7.0^ 132 Same as 128. with heel and ankle attachment 7.00 133 Shin, Hock, Back Cord and Heel, russet calf, extra light 8.00 134 Same as 133, without heel attachment 7.50 186 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. The prices here quoted include containers ACETANILID oz 07, % lb 17, lb $0 60 ACID Acetic, No. 8, Mallinckrodt's lb 17 C. P lb 30 U. S. P lb 20 " dilute lb 15 " Glacial, absolute lb 65 Arsenious, fused, pure oz 1 0, lb 22 ' ' powdered, pure lb 25 Benzoic, English, from Benzoin, Merck's oz 20 " German oz 14 " from Toluol oz 12 Boracic, Cryst., 1-lb cartons lb 27 " powdered, 1-lb cartons lb 28 C. P., Mallinckrodt's lb 6*) C. P., Wyeth's, 1-lb bots each 1 00 " " " " sprinkler- top bots doz 2 50 Camphoric oz 60 Carbolic, Cryst. , Mallinckrodt's lb 36 " " 5-lb cans lb 34 10-lbcans lb 33 ' ; loose, Cryst oz 20 Carbolic, Solution (for medicinal uses) 95 per cent., .,i hots each "> 00 Carbolic Solution (for medicinal uses), 33% per cent., -J /,, bot^' ea ch 1 50 " crude, for disinfecting lb 20 Synthetical, Mallinckrodt's oz 17, J£-lb 25, lb 75 Chromic, Cryst oz 17 Chrysophanic (Chrysarobin) oz 30 Citric lb 50 Fluoric oz 45 Formic oz 17 Gallic lb 95, oz 12 Hydriodic oz 42 ' ' Syrup, 1-pt bots pt 65 Hydrobromic (34 per cent. ) , conc't oz 17 dilute, U. S. P lb 45 Hydrocyanic, dilute, Mallinckrodt's oz 12 " M -lb 25, lb 60 Hypophosphorous, Sol. 50 per cent oz 24 dilute oz 17, lb 70 Iodic oz 87 Lactic, U. S. P., Merck's oz 22 '• con'ct. , Mallinckrodt's oz 22 dilute lb 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 187 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. ACID, Muriatic, com'l y^ C. P... dilute. JO .lb 30 . lb 20 34 20 45 20 30 45 60 12 47 Nitric, C. P lb Nitric, dilute ^ Nitre-Muriatic y^ " " dilute i^ Nitrous, fuming- y^ Oleic, commercial lb ' ' purified jb Oxalic, com'l j-^ " C. P. , cartons i D Phosphoric (50 per cent) Conc't., U. S. P. . 1V> dilute lb 25 " glacial, Merck's oz 12 Picric, Com'l. , Cryst ib qq " C. P., Cryst ."".WW.'.'.'.' .oz 25 Pj'rogallic, Merck's oz 39 ' ' Mallinckrodt's oz 39 Pyroligneous, Commercial , \\y 20 purified lb 39 Salicylic, Merck's oz 15, % lb 40, )4 lb 75, lb 1 45 Mallinckrodt's Ji lb 40, % lb 75, lb 1 45 " from Gaultheria oz qq Sulphuric, Aromatic lb 55 " Com'l i\y oq c.p ;."i b 3 dilute lb o Sulphurous, U. S. P. , solution lb 30 Tannic lb SI. 45, M lb 40, oz 20 Tartaric, powdered lb 40 Tri-chlor. acetic oz 47 ACONITE, Leaf, powdered lb 30 Root, powdered lb 35 ACONITINE, pure, Amorphous, Merck's. J^-oz vials each 1 00 Pure, Cryst, 15-grain vials each 1 00 AGARIC, white lb 50 AGNINE, Is lb 50 ALCOHOL, Absolute pt 75 Cologne, Spirits, 188 per cent., container extra gal 2 70 Standard proof , " " " •• o-al 2 40 Wood " •• gal 1 60 ALLSPICE lb 10 Powdered lb 13 ALMOND MEAL lb 40 ALOIN, Merck's oz 22 Mallinckrodt's oz 22 188 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. ALUM, Ammonio-Ferric lb $0 40 Dried (burnt), 1-lb cartons lb 16 Lump lb 05 Potassa, granulated, pure lb 20 Powdered lb !0 AMMONIA, Spirits of (alcoholic) lb 65 ' ' Aromatic lb GO Water of U . S. P. (1 gal, 45) lb 15 Conc't lb 20 AMMONIUM, Acetate, liquor lb 30 Acetate, crystal oz 20 Benzoate oz 17 Bromide, Mallinckrodt's lb 55 Carbazotate oz 35 Carbonate, 1-lb cans lb 20 2-lb cans lb 18 " resublimed, pure, 1-lb bottles lb 45 Iodide, Mallinckrodt's. . , oz 44 Muriate, lump lb 15 " granulated, pure lb 20 ' ' powdered, pure lb 20 Nitrate, crystal lb 25 " granulated lb 27 Oxalate oz. 12. lb 85 Phosphate oz. 13. lb 94 Picrate oz 35 Salicylate oz 34 Sulpho-carbolate oz 14 Tartrate , , oz 20 Valerianate oz 30 AMYL, Nitrite, Mallinckrodt's oz 30 Nitrite, Pearls, boxes of 1 doz. , 2, 3, 4 or 5 drops per box 35 " " " 1 " 8 or 10 drops per box 45 Aniline Dyes. See Microscopic Material. ANODYNE, Hoffman's lb 65 ANTIMONY, black, powdered, com'l lb 06 Pure, powdered lb 30 Chloride, Sol. (Butter of) lb 34 Tartrate and Potassa (see Tartar Emetic). ANTISEPTIC TABLETS (Bichloride) 100 50c. 500 2 00 Each tablet contains the requisite amount of Corrosive Sublimate to make 1 to 1000 solution when added to 1 pint of water. APIOL oz 54 APO-MOR PEINE, Cryst H oz 1 25 Muriate, Amorphous. Merck's H oz 55 ARISTOL, 1-oz cartons oz 1 80 Aristolisnow widely known as a very safe, pleasant and effective surgical dressing-. It is especially useful in leg ulcers, cavital ulcerations, ozena, etc., and where prompt cicatrisa- tion is desired. ARISTOL GAUZE, 5 per cent., in 1-yard rolls yd 60 " • • 5-yard rolls yd 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 1S9 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Per oz. 4-oz bots. Mb bots. Prices include containers. each, each, ARROW ROOT, American lb SO 12 Bermuda lb 35 t. Vincent lb 15 ARSENIC, powd. , comc*l lb 08 Bromide oz 47 Chloride oz 57 ' ' solution lb 85 Iodide, Mallinckrodt's oz 52 ARSENIC SOLUTION, Clemens' lb 80 This solution contains an amount of Arsenic in combination, corresponding to about 1 per cent, of Arseuious Acid. Donovan's, U. S. P., 1-lb bottles lb 30 Fowler's " " " lb 20 ATROPINE, pure, Merck's, %-oz vials each 65 Sulphate, % -oz vials each 50 " 15-grain vials each 22 BALSAM Copaiba, Para. lb 60 Copaiba, Solidified lb 1 10 Fir, Canada lb 50 Peru lb 1 50 Tolu lb 56 BALM GILEAD BUDS lb 45 BARIUM, Acetate oz 19 Carbonate 1 lb boxes. . . .• lb 47 Chloride (Muriate) 1 lb boxes lb 19 Chloride, C. P lb 38 Iodide oz 57 Nitrate, powdered lb 24 C. P lb 42 Sulphate (Barytes; lb 15 BARKS, See under name of bark wanted. BARLEY, Pearl lb 06 Pint. Quart. n-pt. bots. Gal. bots. BATTERY FLUID ' $0 25 $0 35 SO 60 JO 75 Cautery 25 40 75 1 00 BAYBERRY BARK, powdered lb 20 Pint. Quart. Gallon. BAY RUM, Domestic $6 40 80 70 So 2 25 Imported 50 90 3 05 BEANS, Jequirity oz 1<> " powdered oz 20 BEER, See Wines and Liquors. BELLE OF BOURBON, See Wines and Liqu irs. BELLADONNA, Leaf, powdered lb 40 Root, powdered . . .lb 40 BENZOIN, Gum,, See Gums. BENZOLE, C. P lb 90 Pure lb 50 190 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. BENZOSOL .per oz SI 40 Benzosol is a reliable and useful substitute for Creosote, and is particularly en- dorsed as an internal antiseptic in Phthisis, etc. Chemically considered, Benzosol is guaiaeol in which the hydrogen atom of the hydroxy 1 gro/ip is replaced by benzoyl. By the very process of manufacture all foreign ingredients are excluded, and the product is a chemically pure substance. It forms a colorless crystalline powder, al- most entirely tasteless. It melts at 50© C. Water does not take it up, but hot alco- hol, ether and chloroform dissolve it readily. It contains 54 per cent, of guaiaco' Twelve grains Benzosol are equal to 21 grains of Creosote. Literature on application. BERRIES, Cubeb, stemless lb 65 " powdered, }£-Vo 25 lb 75 Juniper lb 10 " powdered lb 15 Prickly Ash . -lb 40 " • powdered lb 50 BISMUTH AND AMMONIA CITRATE, soluble oz 30 Nitrate oz 29 Oxide, hydrated oz 34 Oxyehloride oz 27 Salicylate, Mallinckrodt's oz 27 Subcarbonate, %-lb 75 lb 2 55 Subgallate oz 50 Subiodide " oz 40 Subnitrate, Mallinckrodt's lb 2 25 " 4-oz bottles, inclusive each 60 " SquibVs, 500-gramme boxes each 2 84 " Squibb's, 100-gramme boxes each 61 Tannate oz 33 Valerianate oz 65 BLACK HAW, Bark, powdered lb 30 BLOOD ROOT, powdered lb 20 BLUE FLAG ROOT, powdered lb 30 BLUE MASS, U. S. P lb 00 U. S. P., 4-oz jars each 20 Powdered H 'lb 25, lb 70 BLUE VITRIOL (Copper Sulphate) lb 08 BORAX, Refined lb 12 Powdered lb 13 Pure, granulated lb 37 BORO-GLYCERIDE, solution, 50 per cent lb 1 00 Two parts by weight of this preparation represent one part of Solid Boroglyceride. Boroglyceride Solution is a convenient form for dispensing, and is more readily soluble in, and miscible with, other liquids than the solid Boroglyceride. The 50 per cent, solution will be sent on all orders for Boroglyceride where solid is not specified. BORO-GLYCERIDE, solution, 33^ per cent, j £gj £*|J|; ^ Zt#ht [/[ ^ 3 g BRANDY (see Wines and Liquors. ) BRIMSTONE lb 04 BROMINE oz 20 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 191 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. BRUCINE, %-ot. vials each SO 25 Sulphate, 3i-oz vials each 25 BUDS, Balm of Gilead lb 45 Cassia lb 27 BUCHU LEAVES (short) lb 45 Powdered lb 50 BUCKTHORN BARK lb 20 Powdered • lb 25 BURDOCK ROOT lb 20 Powdered lb 25 BUTTERNUT BARK lb 16 Powdered lb 20 BUTTER OF COCOA lb 50 Of Antimony lb 35 CADMIUM, Bromide, Mallinckrodt's oz 20 Chloride oz 29 Iodide oz 43 Nitrate oz 29 Sulphate, pure oz 29 CAFBROM ALID, Acetaniled with Bromide of Caffiene and Sodium (see p. 138) . . lb 3 00 5-oz cans each 1 00 • oz 25 Tablets, 5 grains, 100's, 40c; 500's, $1.75. . . , per 1,000 3 00 2 " 100's, 25c; 500's, $1.00 per 1,000 175 Acetaniled with Bromide of Caffeine and Sodium Powder; perfectly white. Used largely as a substitute for Morphine, and as an Antipyretic and analgesic. Useful in all pyrexias and acute inflammatory affections, to reduce fever and to quiet pain. It is prescribed with great success in nervous or sick headache, neuralgia, siatica and rheumatism. In acute bronchitis, influenza and hay fever, the attack is often arrested within twenty-four hours (with 5-grain doses every two hours). CAFFEINE, Alkaloid, pure, cryst % oz 10, oz 45 Bromide, Mallinckrodt's % oz 12, oz 65 Citrate 36 oz 10, oz 45 Hydrobromate (Bromide) , cryst % oz 12, oz 65 Hydrochlorate, cryst % oz 15, oz 80 Nitrate, cryst % oz 20 Salicylate, true salt 's oz Is Sulphate, cryst % oz 15 Valerianate 36 oz 15 And Sodium, benzoate 36 oz 10, oz 55 " " Hydrobromate (Bromide of Caffeine and Sodium) . . . 3s oz 18 Salicylate oz 10, % oz 55 CALAMUS ROOT (bleached) lb 45 Powdered lb 40 CALCIUM, Bromide, Mallinckrodt's oz 12 Bromide " lb 79 Benzoate oz 34 Carb. precip lb 12 Chloride gran lb 47 Chloride, fused lb 47 192 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. CALCIUM, Hypophosphite lb SI 50 oz 18 Iodide, Mallinckrodt's oz 47 Lactate oz 24 Lactophosphate, soluble oz 34 Phosphate, precip lb 26 Salicylate ' oz 39 Sulphite lb 29 Sulpho Carbolate oz 14 CALENDULA, flowers , lb 50 Powdered lb 60 CALOMEL, Mallinckrodt's lb 95 English : lb 351 H-\b bots. i4-lb bots. Mb bots. each. each. each. CAM PHENOL, from Refined Camphor and Synthetic Car- bolic Acid SO 30 SO 50 SO 80 Properties. — Antiseptic, Anajsthetic and Germicide. By virtue of its freedom from caustic or irritating properties, Camphenol is superior to Carbolic Acid as a surgical dressing. It is of great value wherever septic odors have to be overcome, and where a harmless, non-irritating but powerful antiseptic is indicated. Combined with Lavo- line, it forms an excellent antiseptic and healing lotion, employed in diphtheria and scarlet fever, to remove fetor and to destroy the germs of contagion ; in ulcerated con- ditions of the air passages and to correct offensive secre- tion? in chronic nasal catarrh, etc Lavoline Spray Solution No. 2, containing 4 per cent, of Camphenol, is a suitable solution for application of spray. (See Lavoline Spray Solutions.) CAMPHOR, refined , lb GO Mono-bromide oz 22 Powdered lb 70 CANELLA, bark, powdered lb 25 CANDY, Rock, on strings lb 16 CANTHARIDES, Russian lb 1 10 ' ' powdered lb 1 30 CAPSICUM, African, powdered lb 25 CAPSULES, Gelatine (empty), in boxes of 100 each per doz. boxes 1 00 Gelatine, " " " single boxes 10 " 1000 each per box 00 " " colored pink (100s) per doz boxes 1 10 " " " " (100s) per box 10 " •• " " (1000s) per box 65 Vaginal, Anderson's i boz 60 " •■ with Hydrastis and Opium box 60 " " Iodoformized box 60 CARAMEL, solution lb 25 CARRAWAY SEED lb 12 Powdered lb 20 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 193 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. CARDAMOM SEED (Aleppo) , lb $1 00 (Mangalor), bleached lb i <;.-> Powdered lb 125 CARBON, bisulphide, Mallinckrodt's lb 25 CARMINE NO. 40 oz 40 Sagrada, bark lb 20 " powdered lb 25 CASCARILLA, Bark, powdered lb 30 CASSIA BARK, ordinary lb 15 CASSIA (Saigon), bark lb 45 " " powdered lb 50 Buds lb 27 CASTOR FIBRE, powdered : oz 1 00 CELERY SEED lb 20 Powdered lb 25 ■l-oz jars, 8-oz jars, 1-lbjars, each. each. each. CERATE, Calendula SO 25 SO 45 SO 80 Camphor, U . S. P 20 35 65 Cantharides, U. S. P 35 60 1 00 Lead, sub-acetate, U. S. P 20 35 60 Petrolatum 20 35 60 Resin, U. S. P 15 25 45 Simple, U. S. P 20 35 55 Spermaceti, U. S. P 30 35 55 CERIUM NITRATE oz 37 Oxalate, Merck's oz 12 " Mallinckrodt's oz 12 CHALK, French, powdered lb 08 " Precipitated, English lb 10 " Prepared, in drops lb 10 " " 5-lb boxes lb 09 CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, German lb 40 Roman lb 35 CHARCOAL, animal, powdered lb 08 purified, U. S. P lb 25 Willow, powdered lb 15 " " (extra fine) b 30 CHIONIA doz 8 00 CHINOIDINE, l-oz rolls oz 12 Powdered, l-oz vials oz 40 CIIINOLINE, pure oz 50 Tartrate oz 50 CHLORALAMID. 25-gramme pkg 80 CHLORAL HYDRATE, Crusts, Mallinckrodt's lb 1 50 Crystals, g. s. bottles lb 1 50 " y 2 lb 80 " Jflb 45 " " " oz 20 194 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. CHLORIDES, Piatt's doz $4 00 CHLORINE WATER lb 40 CHLORINATED LIME, 1-lb impervious boxes lb 10 &-lb " " lb 15 CHLOROFORM. Mallinckrodt's lb 83 Purified lb 70 R. & H per lb Squibb's 500-gramme bottle 1 40 " 250-gramme bottle 75 CINCHONA BARK (Calisaya) lb 80 " powdered lb 90 (Pale Loxa) lb 50 " " powdered lb 60 Red, powdered lb 50 " (true), assayed, powdered lb 1 00 Yellow, powdered lb 25 CINCHONINE, Alkaloid, pure oz 27 Bisulphate oz 18 Mixture, 3-oz boxes box 25 Muriate oz 20 Salicylate oz 30 Sulphate oz 15 CINCHONIDINE, Alkaloid, pure oz 30 Bisulphate oz 22 Muriate oz 20 Salicylate oz 40 Sulphate, P. & W or 14 " " 5 oz cans oz o9 Truax, Greene & Co's oz 11 " " " 5-oz cans oz 07 " " " 100-oz cans oz 3 50 CINNAMON BARK, Ceylon, powdered lb 50 CINNAMON BARK, Cassia, powdered lb 50 CLOVES lb 20 Powdered lb 25 COCOA, Leaf, powdered lb 75 COCAINE, Alkaloid, ounce vials oz 8 Oo COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE (Muriate), 1-oz vials oz 6 75 Hydrochlorate ''Muriate), %-oz vials , each 3 40 " 3^-oz " each 90 " 5, 10 and 15 gr vials err 02 Solution 4 per cent oz 50 Muriate, Boehringer's (see page 146) %-oz. vials, each 90 " " 5, 10 and 15 gr vials gr 02 6< Mallinckrodt's, 5, 10 and 15 gr vials gr 02 «• " 26 -oz vials each 90 « " oz 6 75 Subject to market changes. 75 & 77 W ABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 195 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. COCHINEAL, HONDURAS lb 80 40 Powdered ])-, 45 COCOA, BUTTER OF ..lb 50 CODEINE, Alkaloid, cryst., J^-oz vials each 70 Phosphate, J^-oz vials each 70 Sulphate, Jg'-oz vials each 60 COD LIVER OIL, Tasteless (Wampole's) doz 8 00 COLCHICINE, C. P., cryst., 15-gr vials each 55 COLCHICUM, Root, powdered lb 40 Seed, " lb 60 l-oz bots. 4-ozbots. 1-lb bots. each. each. each. COLLODION, Simple, U. S. P 15 30 100 Cantharidal 25 75 2 50 Flexible, U. S. P 15 30 100 Iodized 25 Iodoform 25 Salicylated, comp. (corn cure) 25 75 2 50 Styptic, U. S. P 20 50 1 50 COLOCYNTH, Apples (Trieste) lb 60 ' ' powdered lb 70 COLUMBO, root, foreign lb 25 " powdered lb 30 COMFREY, root, powdered .lb 25 COMPOSITION POWDER (See powders, compound). 4-ozjars, 8-oz jars, 1-lb jars, each. each. each. CONFECTION, Black Pepper 20 35 60 Opium, U. S. P 60 115 2 15 Roses, " 20 35 60 Senna, " 20 35 60 CONIINE. alkaloid, %-oz vials each 70 Hydrobromate, cryst., 15-gr vials each 50 CONIUM, leaf, powdered lb 30 seed, " lb 35 COPPER, Acetate pure lb 80 Ammoniated lb 70 Arseniate, Mallinckrodt's oz 30 Arsenite oz 25 Cax-bonate lb 55 Chloride lb 75 Iodide oz 70 Oxide, black .oz 12 Subacetate (Verdigris) lb 45 Sulphate (Blue Vitrol) lb 08 '• gran., C. P., Mallinckrodt's, 1 lb. bottles lb 28 196 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include container. COPPERAS lb SO 03 5 lbs or more lb 02 CORIANDER SEED lb 12 Powdered lb 25 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE (see Mercury). 1-lb cans. 5-lb cans. COSMOLINE, Camphorated 46 1 70 Carbolized 46 1 70 Plain 35 1 40 White 70 2 85 COTO BARK, Powdered lb 1 25 COTOIN, 15-grain vials each 35 COWH AGE oz 45 CRAB ORCHARD SALTS lb 25 CRANESBILL, Root, powdered lb 35 CREAM TARTAR, Commercial lb 20 CREOSOTE, German, white oz 10, M lb 25, lb 50 From Beechwood Tar oz 22. % lb 50, lb 1 75 CREOLIN-PEARSON, Merck's, 1 lb c. b lb 50 Dark brown, syrupy liquid, sp. gr. 1.040-1.080. Sol.: in W. (to 2 l / 2 per cent,), A,. E., C. Ex- ternal and internal Antiseptic, Deodorant, etc.; non-poisonous Succedaneum for Carbolic Acid. Applic: mostly in L£-2 per cent, solut., sometimes undiluted. Dose: 0.03-0.3 gramme (Vi-hva.) 3 times a day, in pills. CROTON CHLORAL oz 55 CROTON OIL (see Oils). CUBEB, Berries, stemless lb 65 ' ' powdered lb 75- CUDBEAR lb 25 CULVER'S ROOT, powdered lb 35 CUMARIN, %-oz vials each 35 CURCUMA, powdered lb 15 CUTTLEFISH BONE lb 25 Powdered lb 30 DANDELION, Root, German lb 25 Powdered lb 30 DATURINE, Alkaloid, 5-grain vials each 75 Hydrochlorate, 5-grain vials each 75 Sulphate, 5-grain vials each 75 DERMATOL oz 60 A Basic Bismuth Gallate: A saffron yellow powder, insoluble in water, alcohol or ether; odorless, non-hydroscopic, astringent, non-poisonous, non-irritating, stable, being unaffected by steam or dry heat, and having the power to check bacterial growth to a certain extent, though this was not claimed by its sponsors. Dr. Arthur K. Stone, of Boston. The profession is justified in considering Dermatol to be the very best non-toxic local remedy for Diarrhoea to be found in our modern Pharmacopoeia. C. Colasanti, M. D., Professor at the Rome (Italy) University. Dr. B. E. Vaughan reports over 65 cases in which he employed Dermatol in acute Urethri- 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 197 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. tis, and concludes by saying 1 that Dermatol is the most efficacious drug he has ever used for acute Urethritis. Professor Rogner, of Vienna, considers Dermatol the best dry antiseptic we possess. A succedaneum for Iodoform for external application and Bismuth Sub-Nitrate for inter- nal administration. CONDITIONS IN WHICH DERMATOL POSSESSES ADVANTAGES OVER IODOFORM. IODOFORM. 1. It is distinctly poisonous. 2. Its odor is exceedingly disagreeable. 3. It produces in many instances a trouble- some dermatitis of the surrounding skin. 4. Iodoform can not be sterlized without de- composition. DERMATOL. 1. It is not poisonous. 2. It is without odor. 3. It is absolutely non-irritating; it allays irritation. 4. It can be sterilized by dry or moist heat (this may be of distinct advantage when gauze is employed). 5. It seems, at present, to lessen discharge to a greater extent, and to favor epithelial form- ation to a greater degree than does Iodoform. Prices include containers DERMATOL DUSTING POWDER $0 25 Put up in convenient sprinkle-top containers. Literature on application. DEXTRINE lb 12 D1GITALIN y 8 -oz 35 DIGITALIS, Leaf, powdered lb 40 DIURETIN, Knoll, 1-oz bots oz 1 75 DRAGON'S BLOOD, powder lb 45 DUBOISINE, pure, amorphous 5-gr vials 1 00 Sulphate 5-gr vials 1 00 EARTH, FULLER'S, powdered lb 10 EIKONOGEN oz 37 ELATERINE, cryst. . 15 gr vials , . '. each 1 25 ELATERIUM. % oz 25 * oz 1 50 ELECAMPANE, root, powdered , lb 25 ELDER FLOWERS lb 25 Powdered lb 30 ELM, bark, select slabs lb 14 ' ' powdered lb 15 EMETINE M -oz 00 EPSOM SALTS lb 03 ERGOT, Spanish, powdered, M-lb 25 lb 85 ERGOTINE oz 44 Merck's, Bon jean's formula oz 44 ERGOTOLE (S. & D.) per doz. ozs 4 50 ESERINE (Physostigmine), C. P., 5-gr tubes each 1 25 Citrate, 5-gr vials each 1 00 Hydrobromate, cryst. , 5-gr vials each 1 00 Sulphate, 5-gr tubes each 70 ESSENCE OF CINNAMON, V±-Vo 20 lb 60 Ginger (Fluid Ginger,) ^-lb25, lb 75 Lemon, J^-lb 25 lb 75 Peppermint, J^-lb 25 lb 80 Vanilla, ^-lb 45 lb 1 60 Wintergreen, %-Vo 25 lb 75 198 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. ETHER, Acetic, Mallinckrodt's lb 69 Butyric lb 139 Chloric (spts. Chloroform, U . S. P.) lb 60 Formic lb 2 84 Hydriodic (Iodide Ethyl) oz 44 Hydrobromic (Bi'omide Ethyl) oz 26 ETHER, Nitrous conc'd, (1 to 19), k'-lb 45 lb 1 25 Spirit Nitrous, U. S. P lb 50 Sulphuric, con'd (stronger for Ansesthesia), Mallinckrodt's, J^-Ib 27, K-lb49 lb 87 " Squibb's, 100 grammes, 31c; 250 grammes, 66c; 500 grammes 1 25 ETHYL, Bromide oz 26 Chloride, 10-gramme tubes each 75 Iodide oz 44 EUCALYPTOL, Limpid oz 50 1-pt bots. 5 s. 1 gal. EUCALYPTOL, Compound, " Micrazotol " $0 60 S3 50 $3 75- Antiseptic Solution, composed of Eucalyptol, Thymol, Resorcin, Menthol, and Benzoic Acid, combined with a 5 per cent, solution of Boro-glyceride. EUCALYPTUS, leaf, powdered lb 30 EUGENOIL oz 30 EUROPHEN, 1-oz cartons oz 1 80 Europhen is a complete substitute for iodoform and is indicated in specific lesions, burns, ulcerations, and all external traumatisms. It has an agreeable odor, and covers five times more surface than iodoform. EUROPHEN-ARISTOL, 1-oz cartons ' .• oz $1 8C A preparation consisting of equal parts of each medicament. EXTRACTS, Fluid (see List). EXTRACT, Beef (see Beef) . Lemon lb 75 Licorice, imported lb 38 ' ' domestic lb 30 ' ' powdered lb 40 Logwood, Is lb 15 Witch Hazel, distilled pt., 25, gal 1 Oo Vanilla , lb 1 60 FENNEL SEED, powdered lb 24 FLAX SEED, ground lb 05 FLOWERS, see under name of Flowers wanted. FLUID MALT (see Malt Fluid;. Palmetto lb 1 25- A modified fluid extract of the fresh berries of Serenoa serrulata (Saw Palmetto). Represents all the active medicinal constituents of the drug. Miscible with elixir, wine, syrup, glycerin or water. Palmetto, Compound ' lb 1 00 Each fluidrachm represents 30 grains of Saw Palmetto combined with Couch Grass and Sandal-wood. This compound is a valuable diuretic and nutrient tonic and acts specifically upon the entire reproductive organs. It relieves irritation of tissues, improves digestion and gives prompt relief in re tension of the urine. Its action upon the glands of the reproductive organs makes it of special therapeutical interest in the treatment of prostatic troubles, uterine atrophy, etc. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 199 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. FCENUGREEK, seed, powdered lb $0 10 FOIL. Tin lb 30 FOWLER'S SOLUTION lb 20 FULLER'S EARTH, powdered lb 10 GALLS. Aleppo, powdered lb 30 GELATINE, Cooper's, sheet lb 55 French, white lb 60 GELSEMIN oz 113 GENTIAN ROOT, ground lb 12 " " powdered lb 15 GERANIN oz 38 GERANIUM ROOT, powdered lb 25 GIN (see Wines and Liquors). GINGER (African), powdered lb 18 Jamaica, bleached lb 23 " powdered lb 25 GLASS, Soluble (Silicate of Soda), solution lb 20 GLAUBER SALTS (see Sal. Glauber) lb 03 GLUCOSE, Syrupy lb 20 GLUE, Brown lb 18 White lb 30 GLUTEN, Meal lb 12 GLYCERINE, Pure, 1-pint bottles 1 J£ lb 35 Pure, 1-qt bottles 2y 2 lbs 58 Pure, X-gal jugs , 5 lbs 1 05 Pure, 1-gal jugs 10 lbs 1 90 Pure, 50-lb cans lb 17 Bower's, 1-lb bottles lb 75 Price's, 1-lb bottles lb 75 GOA POWDER oz 25 GOLDEN SEAL, Root, powdered lb 45 GRANVILLE'S LOTION lb 53 GUAIAC WOOD, rasped lb 08 GUAIACOL ' oz 87 GUAIACOL CARBONATE, 1-oz vials oz 1 75 GUARANA, Powdered lb 2 00 GUM, Aloes, Barbadoes lb 30 " " powdered lb 35 " . Cape lb 14 " " powdered lb 20 " Socotrine lb 50 '• " powdered lb 60 Ammoniac, Tears lb 35 Arabic, 1st quality lb 1 00 " 2nd " lb 85 " 3rd " .lb 70 " powdered, select lb 1 05 " granulated lb 1 05 200 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. GUM, Asafcetida, select lb $0 40 " powdered, in bottles, J^-lb 20 lb 50 Benzoin, marbled lb 60 ' ' powdered ; ... lb 65 Camphor, refined lb 55 ' ' powdered lb 70 Catechu, true lb 15 ' ' powdered lb 30 Euphorbium, powdered lb 40 Galbanum, strained lb 3 50 Gamboge, powdered lb 80 Guaiac, strained . lb 45 " powdered lb 50 Hemlock lb 60 Kino, true lb 35 ' ' powdered lb 40 Mastic ^ lb 100 Myrrh, select lb 45 " powdered lb 50 Olibanum, Tears , lb 30 " powdered lb 35 Opium, select lb 3 50 " powdered, assayed, oz 35, M-lb $1.25 lb 4 75 Sandarac lb 40 Scammony, powdered lb 9 50 Senegal lb 40 Shellac lb 30 ' ' ground lb 35 Storax, liquid lb 40 Thus (Turpentine) lb 10 Tragacanth, flake ■ lb 60 ' ' sorts lb 40 ' ' powdered lb 90 GUN COTTON oz 40 GUTTA PERCHA, Chips lb 1 75 HEMATIC HYPOPHOSPHITES (See Syrup Hyphosphites). HAMAMELIS, Extract, distilled, pt. 25 gal 1 00 HELLEBORE, black, powdered lb 30 white, powdered lb 30 HEMLOCK BARK, powdered lb 25 HENBANE, Leaf, powdered lb 35 HIERA PICRA (Powdered Aloes and Canula) lb 40 HOFFMAN'S ANODYNE, J£-lb 20 lb 60 True, J^-lb 30 lb 1 00 HONEY, Strained, containers extra lb 14 HOPS, New, bulk lb 40 Pressed, U s and V 2 s lb 30 75 & 77 WABASH AVE.. CHICAGO. 201 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. HYDROGEN, Per-oxide, Mallinckrodt's % lb. IS, l{ lb. 25, lb $0 40 Ernest Drevet's J£ lb. 20, X lb. 30, lb 45 Marchand's X lb. 32, % lb. 45, lb 65 Oakland % lb. 25, % lb. 35, lb CO Peuchot's x lb. 25, % lb. 35, lb 45 HYOSCYAMINE HYDEOBROMATE, 5-gr vials each 75 HYDRANGEA ROOT, Powdered lb 30 ICHTHYOL (Ammonium Sulpho-ichthyolate, Merck's oz 45 H lb., SI. 50; y 2 lb., $2.95; lb 5 75 C»8H36S306(NH4)o.— Thick, brownish liquid, containing 15 per cent, of easily assimable Sulphur; sp. gr., 1.106. Sol. : in W., mixture of A. and E., Gl. ; only partly sol. in pure A. or pure E. ; freely miscible with Oils. Antiphlogistic, Anodyne, Alterative, etc. (Cutaneous Affections, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Inflammatory Dis- eases of Women, etc.). Applic: in 5-50 per cent, oint., solut., etc. Dose: 0.2-0.6 gramme (3-10 m) 3 times daily, well diluted, or in pills or capsules. INDIGO, Madras lb 85 Manilla lb 75 INSECT POWDER, 1-lb cartons lb 30 IODINE, Resublimed, Mallinckrodt's oz 40 Bromide oz 85 ' '■ Solution, 15 per cent oz 35 Chloride oz 80 Tincture, oz. 15, J^-lb 32 lb 90 IODOFORM, Powdered, Mallinckrodt's, oz 44, J£-lb 1 35 lb 4 89 Cryst., oz 44. J^-lb 1 35 , lb 4 89 IODOLE (Tetra-iodo-pyrrole) . Merck's, 1-oz. g. s. v oz 1 25 C4I4NH.— Grayish-brown, inodorous powder, consisting of 88.97 per cent Iodine. Sol.tin 3 A., 1. E., 5,000 W., 15 Oil Nontoxic Succedaneum for Iodoform. Very attenuable from its lightness and fineness. Applic: like Iodoform. Dose: 0.5-1.5-3 (!) grammes ir^-23-45 (!) grs.) daily. INDIAN TURNIP, Powdered Jb 35 IPECAC, Root, powdered lb 3 40 IRISIN oz 45 IRON, Acetate, dry oz 29 " liquor lb 44 ' ' tincture lb 65 ' ' Radinmacher's lb 80 Arseniate oz 24 Arsenite oz 24 Benzoate oz 44 Bromide, Mallinckrodt's oz 20 By Hydrogen, gray, oz 12 lb 93 Carbonate, Precip lb 20 " Proto (Vallefs Mass), Mallinckrodt's, in jars lb 45 " (Saccharated), in bottles lb CO Chloride, Crystals oz 13 " Solution, for tincture pint 30 " Tincture lb 40 " Proto oz 20 Citrate, U. S. P., oz 12 ..lb 82 " Soluble, Mallinckrodt's, oz 13 lb 78 " and Ammonium, oz 13 lb 78 " and Quinine, Sol. , oz 22 lb 2 20 202 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. IRON, Citrate and Quinine, with Strychnine, oz 25 lb $2 70 " Strychnine, oz 21 lb 1 70 Citro-Chloride Tincture lb 65 Ferrocyanide, bottle, oz 1 lc lb 69 ' ' cartons lb 59 Filings, bulk lb 10 Hydrated Oxide, mass, bottle lb 44 " " dry, " lb 79 Hypophosphite, bottles oz 26 Iodide, Mallinckrodt's, bottle oz 40 " Syrup (see Syrups.) " Saccharated, bottle oz 47 Lactate, bottle oz 12 Lactophosphate, bottle oz 34 Nitrate Solution, U. S. P. (Pernitrate), bottle lb 40 Oxalate, bottle oz 19 Oxide, Sacchax*ated, bottle lb 65 (Ferr. Oxyd. Sacchr. Solubile, Ph. Germ.) " Black (Ethiop's Martial), bottle .lb 49 Pernitrate (See Nitrate Iron Solution.) Phosphate, Precip . , in bottles lb 60 " " in cartons lb 50 Scales, U. S. P.,. in bottle, oz 12 lb 84 Pyrophosphate, U. S. P., in bottles, oz 12 lb 78 Reduced (See Iron by Hydrogen.) Salicylate, in bottles oz 39 Subsulphate (Monsel's Powder) in bottles, oz 9. . . lb 52 " in cartons lb 45 ' ' solution, Monsel's, in bottles lb 37 Succinate Hydrated, in bottles oz 54 Sulphate, (Copperas) lb 02 " Granulated, Mallinckrodt's, in bottles lb 25 " Dried, pure, in cartons lb 18 Sulphocarbolate oz 14 Sulphuret lb 24 Tannate ,.oz 29 Tersulphate, Solution lb 34 Valerianate oz 29 with Ammonia Protosulphate lb 23 " Ammonium, Tartrate, oz 12 lb 72 1 ' Potassium Tartrate, Scales, oz 12 lb 65 JABORANDI, Leaves, powdered, % lb 15 lb 50 JAMBUL SEED, powdered, in oz vials per oz 30 JEQUIRITY SEED per oz 15 Powdered, in oz bots per oz 20 JALAPIN (resinoid) oz 45 JUGLANDIN (resinoid) oz 45 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 203 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. JUNIPER BERRIES lb so io Powdered, }{ lb 08 \\, oq KAMALA, powdered, J^lb 18 lb Q2 KERMES, Mineral (see Antimony Sulphide, Red). KINO, Ginn (true), M lb 17 lb 55 " " powdered. J^ lb 16 lb 50 KOLA NUT, powdered, H lb IS lb 62 KOOSSO FLOWERS lb 90 Powdered, % lb 28 lb 95 LABARRAQUE"S SOLUTION (Chlorinated Solution of Soda), in qt. bots. .each 25 . . per doz quarts 2 00 LAC SULPHUR, pure lb 17 LACTUCARIUM oz 59 LADIES' SLIPPER, root, powdered, %Vo 13 lb 42 LANOLINE LIEBRICH PURISS lb 85 Is the purified fat obtained from sheep's wool, and is natural to the hair and skin, and is absorbed by these at once. It is the best basis known for ointment salves, etc., having valuable antiseptic properties; perfectly miscible with water and all medicaments; never becomes rancid; does not melt or run below body heat; homogeneous; devoid of hard crystaline bodies, and free fatty acids, and the only "true"' ointment base in our modern pharmacopoeia. Literature on application. See advertisement. LAUDANUM (See Tinct. Opium, U. S. P.) LARD, Benzoated, 1-lb jars lb 35 LAVOLINE, lb 40 5-pint bottles 1 75 This is a petroleum product, perfectly colorless, odorless and tasteless, having all the emollient and healing principles contained in the finer grades of Petrolatum. Its fluid consistency adapts it for use in atomizers, and its perfect freedom from any objectionable or irritating properties renders it valuable in the treatment of diseases of the mucous membrane. It forms clear solutions with various remedies used in affections of the nose, throat and lungs, and will be found an excellent vehicle for their administration in the form of spray. LEAD, Acetate, white, bulk ' lb 20 " white, powdered, bulk lb 29 " purified, granular, bulk lb 29 Benzoate oz 44 Carbonate lb 10 Carbonate, neutral, C. P., 1-lb bots each 99 Chloride, 1-oz vials oz 17 Iodide, Mallinckrodfs, 1-oz vials oz 36 Nitrate lb 17 " chemically pure lb 50 Oxide, com'l, bulk lb 10 " chemically pure lb 1 10 Sub Acetate, sol lb 25 Tannate, 1-oz vials .oz 34 LEAVES (see under name of drug wanted) . LEECHES, Swedish doz 85 LICORICE ROOT, select lb 20 powdered lb ig Russian, cut lb 25 ' ' powdered lb 204 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices ineludeeontainers. LICORICE ROOT, Extract, powdered lb $0 40 " imported (in sticks) lb 38 ' ' domestic " lb 30 LIME (see Calcium). Chloride (Chlorinated Lime), 1-lb boxes lb 12 K-lb " lb 15 LIME WATER, 1-pt. bottles per pint 20 1-ptbots. 5-pt bots. Gal. bots LINIMENT, Aconite and Chloroform SO 60 $2 40 $3 '75 Composed of Tincture of Aconite, Chloro- form and Soap Liniment. Ammonia, U. S. P., (Volatile Liniment) 25 1 00 1 50 Belladonna, U. S. P 1 20 Camphor, U. S. P 40 150 2 25 Camphor Compound, Br 65 2 60 4 00 Composed of Camphor. Oil of Lavender, strong - water of Ammonia, and Rec- tified Spirit. Chloroform, U . S. P 65 2 60 4 00 Croton Oil, Br 100 4 50 7 00 Iodide of Ammonia 60 2 40 3 75 Composed of Iodide of Ammonia, Camphor, 01. Rosemary, 01. Lavender and Alcohol. Iodine, N. F 1 50 Lead, Sub-acetate, U. S. P 35 125 190 Lime, U. S. P 25 1 00 1 50 This Liniment is also called Carron Oil, deriving this name from the Carron Iron Works, Scotland, where it was extensively used for burns. LINIMENT, Rheumatic 75 3 25 5 00 Composed of 01. Origanum, Aconite, Opium, Chloroform and Soap Lini- ment. Mustard Compound, U. S. P 1 00 Soap, U. S. P 60 2 40 3 60 Stillingia Compound, A . D 3 50 Composed of 01. Stillingia. 01. Cajaput, Ol . Lobelia and Alcohol . Turpentine, U. S. P 40 1 50 2 25 LITHARGE lb 10 LITHIUM, Acetate oz 64 Benzoate, Mallinckrodt's, 1-oz vials oz 26 Bromide, 1-oz vials oz 29 Carbonate, 1-oz vials oz 26 Chloride oz 44 Citrate, 1-oz vials oz 26 Iodide, 1-oz vials oz 52 Nitrate, 1-oz vials oz 44 Salicylate, 1-oz vials oz 27 LITMUS PAPER (in books), blue or red each 10 " ' • Blue or red (in sheets) • each 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 205 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. , _ „ Prices include containers. LOGWOOD, Extract, Is lb $0 13 LOBELIA, Herb, powd [ .lb 30 Seed, powd lb 4() LUNAR CAUSTIC, Pure, Mallinckrodt's oz 7" LUPULIN '.'.'.'."lb I ->5 LYCOPODIUM lb 65 mace '.'.''.'.'." v .'.'...'/.":'..';:.*ib 85 Powd lb 90 MADDER, Dutch lb 2Q MAGNESIUM, Benzoate, 1-oz vials oz 42 Boro Citrate, 1-oz vials oz jg Bromide, 1-oz vials oz 42 Calcined, 1-lb cans 1 D 65 Carbonate, 1-oz i b 24 Carbonate, 2-oz j b 22 Carbonate, 4-oz i b 2q Chloride, fused i b 60 MAGNESIUM, Citrate, granular, effervescent (Warner's) doz 3 20 lb 65 solution doz 2 00 Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials oz 31 Hypophosphite lb 3 59 Iodide, 1-oz vials oz 70 Phosphate, 1-oz vials oz ^ Salicylate, 1-oz vials oz 44 Sulphate (see Sal. Epsom). dried lb 34 Sulphite, 1-lb carton j b go MANDRAKE, root, powdered l b 20 MANGANESE, Black Oxide, 1-lb carton lb 10 Borate, 1-lb bottles lb 47 MANGANESE, Bromide, Mallinckrodt's, 1-oz vials. .' oz 62 Carbonate, 1-oz vials oz 30 Chloride, 1-oz vials oz 14 Citrate, 1-oz vials oz 44 Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials oz 31 Iodide, Mallinckrodt's, 1-oz vials oz 82 Phosphate, 1-oz vials oz 34 Sulphate, 1-oz vials oz ^3 Sulphate, 1-lb bottles lb 69 MANNA, large flake lb 1 40 small flake lb 70 M ANNIT, pure lb 2 00 MATICO, leaf, powdered .lb 45 MARSHMALLOW, root, cut ^lb 30 •' powdered lb 35 MECONIN, M-oz vials eac h 2 60 MENTHOL, pure, cryst oz 44 206 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. MERCURY, Distilled lb $0 80 Acetate, 1-oz vials oz 38 Ammoniated (white precip.) 1-lb bottle lb 1 13 Bi-chloride (Corrosive Sublimate) lb 96 Bisulphate, 1-oz vials oz 13 Bisulphate, 1-lb bottles lb 68 Bisulphuret (Cinnabar) lb 1 65 Bromide, 1-oz vials oz 41 Chloride (Calomel) lb 95 Cyanide, 1-oz vials oz 29 Iodide, green, Mallinckrodt's, 1-oz vials oz 28 Iodide, red, 1-oz' vials oz 31 Iodide, yellow. 1-oz vials oz 29 Nitrate, proto., 1-oz vials oz 28 Nitrate, solution, 1-oz vials oz 22 Oxide, black, 1-oz vials oz 18 Oxide, yellow, 1-oz vials oz 18 Salicylate, 1-oz vials oz 49 Subsulphate, 1-oz vials oz 15 Subsulphate, 1-lb bottles lb 1 08 Sulpho-Cyanide, 1-oz vials oz 29 Sulphuret, black, 1-lb bottle lb 78 Tannate, 1-oz vials oz 38 With chalk, 1-lb bottles lb 49 With Magnesia, 1-lb bottles lb 1 12 MERCURIAL OINTMENT, % Mercury, 1-lb jars lb 70 % " " lb 60 METHYLENE, Bichloride oz 72 MILK SUGAR, powdered lb 25 MEZEREON, bark, powdered lb 35 MICRAZOTOL (Antiseptic Sol. Eucalyptol Comp.), pt. 60; 5-pt. bot. $2 60; gal 3 75 MORPHINE, Acetate, J^-oz vials oz 2 75 Acetate, 1-oz vials oz 2 50 *• Bimeconate, x £-oz vials oz 3 15 I " solution lb 1 75 Ci to i* 0) Muriate, }{-oz vials oz 2 75 2 a " 1 " oz 2 50 £g Pure Alkaloid, %-oz vials each 50 '•§ Sulphate, %-oz vials oz 2 75 m " 1 " oz 2 50 Valerianate, }£-oz vials each 55 MOSS, Iceland lb 15 Irish, extra lb 25 MUSK, Chinese oz 35 Tonquin, grain, V-oz vials each 4 50 MUSTARD, seed, black lb 10 white, English lb 12 ground, pure lb 30 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 207 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. MYRRH, gum (select) lb $ 45 " powdered lb 50 NAPHTHA, (wood naphtha), 1-lb. bottles lb 35 NAPHTHALINE, pure lb 15 NAPHTHOL, pure . oz 34 Beta oz 20 NARCEINE, ,V-oz vials eac h i qq NARCOTINE, %-oz vials oz 1 23 NICKEL, Bromide, 1-oz vials oz 47 Chloride, 1-oz vials oz 34 Nitrate, 1 -oz vials oz 27 Oxide, 1-oz vials oz 34 Sulphate, 1-oz vials oz 14 Sulphate and Ammonia lb 44 NITROGLYCERINE, solution (1 per cent. ) oz 15, % lb 35 lb 1 10 NUTGALS, Aleppo, powd lb 30 NUTMEGS lb 70 Powdered lb 80 NUTS, Areca, powd lb 30 Kola, powd lb 60 NUX VOMICA, powd lb 22 Prices include containers. 1-oz vials, 4-oz vials, Per lb. OIL, Almonds, bitter $0 60 sweet 10 SO 25 80 70 Amber, rectified 10 20 50 Anise 20 60 2 00 Arnica 50 Bay, imported 50 Benne, gallon $1.20, container extra 25 Bergamot 30 90 3 50 Black Pepper 15 30 110 British 20 55 Cade 15 40 Cajeput 30 90 Camphorated 40 Capsicum 75 Caraway 25 70 2 30 Cardamom 3 00 Cassia 15 Castor, pure, gallon $1.40, container extra Cedar, pure Chaulmoogra Cinnamon, Ceylon, true 1 25 Citronella 12 Cloves 15 Cocoanut 40 1 30 25 20 70 80 3 00 25 75 35 1 10 25 4-oz. vials. Per lb. SO 25 $0 40 1 25 20 40 . 1 25 208 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. 1-oz. vials. OIL, Cod Liver, Norwegian, gallon SI- 25, container extra. . Copaiba $0 15 Coriander 80 Cottonseed, gallon 80c., container extra Croton, English 15 Cubebs 45 Cumin 40 Erigeron (Fleabane) 25 Eucalyptus 20 60 2 00 Fennel 25 Fireweed 25 80 2 85 Geranium, Rose-Chiris 1 00 Hemlock Horsemint 22 Horseradish 1 20 Juniper Berries 20 Wood 10 Lavender flowers, Chiris 30 Garden 12 Lemon , 25 Lobelia 75 Male Fern 35 Mullein, Genuine 65 Mustard, essential 60 Neroli, Bigarade 3 25 ' ' Petit grain 60 Nutmegs 35 Olive, Malaga, gallon $1.00, container extra ' ' Tuscan, salad Orange, Sanderson's 30 Origanum, commercial " red, pure Pennyroyal 25 Peppermint 30 Pimento 25 Pine Needles 15 35 110 Pumpkin Seed 65 Rhodium 45 " True 80 Rose, 1-drachm vials, each $1.10 8 00 ' ' Geranium 100 Rosemary Sandalwood, East India 60 German 35 110 Sassafras Savin, German 20 Smartweed 35 25 70 65 2 25 50 1 75 20 50 30 90 80 3 00 25 40 85 3 00 15 40 30 1 00 70 2 50 85 3 25 60 50 1 60 20 4 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 209 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. 1-oz vials. OIL, Spearmint SO 25 Sperm, gallon, $1 . 10, container extra Spike Spruce Stillingia 70 Stone Tansy 30 Tar Thyme, white, pure Turpentine, rectified Wine, heavy 45 ' light 30 Winte,rgreen 25 Wormseed 25 Wormwood 45 OINTMENT, U. S. P 15 Basiliccn . , 15 Bearsf oot 25 Belladonna 25 Benzoinated, U. S. P Bitter Sweet, true, Dulcamara 25 false 25 Boroglyceride, 25 per cent 25 " • Thymolated 25 Ointment of Boroprlyceride is free from irritating prop- erties. It lessens suppuration, acts as a detergent, and forms a soothing and disinfecting application. It may be employed as a dressing to fresh wounds, burns or scalds, to prevent the action of atmospheric germs, or to arrest de- composition in gangrenous, sloughing or ill-conditioned wounds, etc. Cantharides, U. S. P 25 Carbolic, " 15 Chrysarobin, " 30 Citrine, IT. S. P 20 Diachylon 15 Elder Flowers 25 Gallic Acid, U. S. P 20 Iodide of Lead, U. S. P 25 Iodine, U. S. P 25 Iodoform, U. S. P 40 Mayer's, A. D 25 Mercurial, X mercury 25 % " 20 Mercury, ammoniated, U. S. P 20 Red Iodide, U. S. P 30 " Red Oxide, U. S. P 20 Yellow Oxide, U. S. P 30 4-oz vials. Per lb. $0 70 $2 50 25 25 60 25 95 3 50 20 45 1 50 45 1 35 1 00 65 2 25 25 40 25 40 ■±0 75 45 80 30 40 70 40 70 40 65 40 70 45 80 30 sa 50 90 35 60 25 40 40 70 35 60 45 80 40 70 70 1 52 40 70 40 70 35 60 35 60 55 : oo 35 60 55 1 00 210 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. OINTMENT, Nutgall, U. S. P Oleate Copper, 20 per cent. Oleate " Mercury, 10 per cent. Oleate » " Zinc, Neutral, 25 per cent. Oleate Oxide of Zinc, Benzoinated, U. S. P " " Comp., A. D Poke Root, A. D Rose, (Cold Cream), U. S. P Stramonium, U. S. P Sulphur, U. S. P Alkaline, U. S. P " Compound, N. F Tannic Acid, U. S. P Tar, U. S. P ' ' Compound Containing Oxide of Zinc and 01. Tar. 1 oz. OLEATE, Bismuth $0 25 Copper, see Ointment, Oleate of Copper. . 20 Mercury, 20 per cent 25 4-oz. jars, each. 8-oz. jars, each. 1-lb. jars, each. $0 20 $0 30 $0 50 40 70 1 30 •10 70 1 30 40 70 1 30 20 35 60 25 40 75 20 35 60 30 55 1 00 25 45 80 15 25 40 15 25 40 20 35 60 20 35 60 15 25 40 20 35 60 90 % lb. 1 70 lib. 3 25 65 1 20 2 25 90 1 70 3 25 Experience has shown that Oleates of Mer- cury of 5 per cent, and 10 per cent, do not keep well, and, owing to their unstable character, have been omitted from this list. On all orders • where no strength is specified, the 20 per cent. Oleate will be sent. Mercury and Morphine 60 Representing Mercury Oxide 20 per cent., Morphine 5 per cent. Zinc, precipitated 20 65 1 20 2 25 (See Ointment Oleate Zinc). per oz OLEATES OF ALKALOIDS, Aconitine $0 60 Containing 2 per cent of the Alkaloid. Atropine 50 Containing 2 per cent of the Alkaloid. Cocaine 75 Containing 5 per cent of the Alkaloid . Hydrastine 1 00 Containing 5 per cent of the Alkaloid. Morphine 70 Containing 10 per cent of the Alkaloid. Quinine 40 Containing 25 per cent of the Alkaloid. Strychnine 30 Containing 2 per cent of the Alkaloid . Veratrine • • 75 Containing 10 per cent of the Alkaloid . Contains 20 per cent, of pure pancreatin. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 2 11 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. OT l?n rpcto n u v. Prices include containers OLEO RESIN, Cubebs Q Male Fern OPIUM (For fluid prep, of Opium, see Tinctures) Denarcotized oz 75 Cum (natural) , select | b 3 ,„ " powdered, U. S. P., assayed i b 4 75 - oz 35 Orange Peel (bitter), powd., % lb., 10 ] b 25 " (sweet), powd., J* lb., 10 lb 35 Orris Root (Iris Florintina), % lb., 15 ! ! . !lb 50 " powd., M lb. 15 ' lb 5Q OXGALL, Inspissated * 00 Purified * Q2 Op, PALMETTO COMPOUND, Fluid perpint x QQ per 5-pint bot 4 50 Contains the combined medicinal constituents of Saw Palmetto Berries, Couch Grass root and Sandal-wood. In the preparation of this compound the fixed oil of Saw Palmetto Berries and all inert resinous matter are rejected and the finished product thus purified represents the crude drugs minim for grain. PANCREATIN, pure, C. T. G. & Co's oz 75 Five grains will completely peptonize a pint of milk at 110° F. in about 30 to 40 minutes. PEPPER, black ,, lb 18 " powdered ib 9Q White '.'.".'.V.'.".V.'.'.V"lb 35 " powdered lb .„ PEPPERMINT, herb, powdered " lb 3Q PEPSIN, pure (scale), 1-oz bottles .....oz 75 One grain will dissolve 2,500 grains of coagulated albumen. It is comraratively free from odor and entirely soluble in cold water. PEPSIN, pure (powder), 1-oz bottles oz 75 This Pepsin is of the same digestive strength as Pepsin pure in scales. PEPSIN, saccharated, U. S. P., 1880 §0 20 *45 150 men. One grain will dissolve 50 grains of coagulated albu- PEPSIN, saccharated, active 35 85 3 00 One grain will dissolve 200 grains of coagulated al- bumen. PETROLALUM, Extra Yellow, Is lb 15 Extra Yellow, 5s j b .,, Carbolated, Is j b ~ 5s • lb 18 WhHe ' ls lb 18 PHOSPHORUS, 1-oz cans ' It ■212 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. PILOCARPIN, pure, 5 and 10 gr vials gr $0 14 Muriate, cryst. , 5 and 10 gr vials gr 12 Nitrate, 5 and 10 gr vials gr 10 Sulphate, Merck's, 5-gr vials gr 16 PIMENTO lb 12 Ground lb 15 PINK ROOT, powd lb 45 PIPSISSEWA, Plant lb 30 Powd lb 35 PLASTER PARIS, Dental lb 04 PLASTERS, Adhesive, %-lb rolls lb 40 Belladonna, %-lb rolls lb 1 20 Diachylon, }4-Vo rolls lb 40 Mather's, %-Yb rolls lb 50 Resin, %-Vo rolls lb 40 Tar Comp. (irritating) lb 35 PLEURISY ROOT, powd lb 30 PODOPHYLLIN oz 20 POKE ROOT, powd lb 25 POMEGRANATE ROOT, bark lb 40 POPLAR, bark, white, powd lb 20 ' ' yellow, powd lb 25 PORTER (see Wines and Liquors). POTASSA, Caustic, white sticks lb 49 With Lime lb 65 Solution (Liquor Potassse) lb 30 POTASSIUM, ^-oz. vials oz 2 00 Acetate, Mallinckrodt's lb 45 Acetate, chemically pure lb 70 Arseniate, 1-oz vials oz 14 Arsenite oz 19 Benzoate, 1-oz vials oz .44 Bicarbonate, cryst. , 1-lb cartons lb 19 Bicarbonate, powd. , 1-lb cartons lb 23 Bicarbonate, granulated, 1-lb cartons lb 34 Bichromate lb 18 Bichromate, chemically pure lb 59 Bisulphate, 1-lb bottles lb 59 Boro-Tartrate, 1-lb bottles lb 1 09 Bromide, cryst., Mallinckrodt's, 1-lb cartons lb 41 Bromide, gran., Mallinckrodt's, 1-lb cartons lb 41 Bromide, powd. , 1-lb cartons • lb 47 Carbonate, 1-lb bottles lb 23 Carbonate, chemically pure, 1-lb bottles lb 59 Chlorate, cryst., 1-lb cartons lb 24 Chlorate, gran., pure, Mallinckrodt's, 1-lb cartons lb 32 Chlorate, powd. , 1-lb cartons lb 26 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 213 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. POTASSIUM, Chloride, pure, 1-lb bottles lb SO 44 Chromate, pure (neutral) lb 59 Citrate, Mallinckrodt's, 1-lb bottles lb 76 Cyanide, fused, 1-lb bottles lb 69 Cyanide, gran., 1-lb bottles lb 89 Cyanide, C. P lb 81 Ferricyanide, potash, coml lb 65 Ferrocyanide, chemically pure lb 1 34 Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials oz 19 Hypophosphite, 1-lb bottles lb 1 54 Iodide, cryst. or gran., Mallinckrodt's, 1-lb bottles lb 3 09 Iodide, bulk lb 3 00 Iodo-Hydrarg, 1-oz vials oz 77 Meta Bisulphite oz 19 Nitrate, cryst. , Mallinckrodt's, 1-lb cartons lb 18 Nitrate, cryst., bulk lb 08 Nitrate, powd., bulk lb 10 Nitrate, granulated lb 10 Nitrate, chemically pure lb 42 Nitrate, pure, in sticks oz 19 Oxalate, Neutral lb 30 Permanganate, cryst., Mallinckrodt's, 1-oz vials oz 10 Permanganate, cryst., pure, 1-lb cartons lb 37 Phosphate, 1-oz vials oz 14 Phosphate lb 99 Prussiate, red, bulk lb 65 Prussiate, yellow, coml. , bulk lb 35 Salicylate, 1-oz vials - oz 37 Silicate, 1-lb bottles lb 28 Sulphate, powd lb 16 Sulphate, chemically pure lb 40 Sulphite lb 59 Sulpho-Carbolate, 1-oz vials oz 15 Sulpho-Cyanide, 1-oz vials oz 19 Sulphuret (Liver Sulphur) lb 31 Tartrate (Soluble Tartar) lb 64 POWDER, roots, herbs, etc. A full line. POWDERS, Seidlitz per doz. boxes 2 25 PRICKLY ASH, bark, powd lb 30 Berries, powd lb 50 PROPYL AMIN, pure, liquid, 1-oz vials oz 45 Chloride, % -oz vials oz 4 00 PUMICE STONE, select, lump lb 08 Powd lb 07 QUASSIA, Chips lb 13 " Powd lb 20 QUEEN OF THE MEADOW, herb, powd lb 30 214 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. QUICKSILVER (see Mercury). QUINIDINE, SULPHATE, 1-oz vials oz $0 48 Sulphate, 5-oz cans oz 43 QUININE, Acetate, 1-oz vials , oz 88 g Alkaloid oz 85 a Arseniate, %-oz vials oz 95 g Bisulphate, 1-oz vials oz 34 ■£ Bisulphate, 5-oz cans oz 29 g Borate, 1-oz vials oz 90 5 Cincho, 1-oz vials oz 1 10 o 2 Citrate, 1-oz vials oz 75 o 6 Dextro, 1-oz vials oz 1 50 ^ Hydrobromate, 1-oz vials oz 75 QUININE, Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials oz 1 05 Lactate 1-ozvials oz 97 Muriate, 1-oz vials . . oz 74 | Phosphate, 1-oz vials oz 80 jjj Salicylate, 1-oz vials oz 74 5 Sulphate (C. Truax, Greene & Co's.),5-oz cans oz 25 t » " " " 1-oz bottle oz 30 £ " German 100-oz cans oz 23 s " R & H., see page 216. " P. & W.'s, 1-oz vials. oz 34 1 " " 1-oz cans oz 32 ■§ " •' 5-oz cans oz 29 Tannate, 1-oz vials oz 39 Valerianate, % -oz vials oz 1 06 QUIN-QUINIA, 1-oz vials oz 75 RED PRECIPITATE lb 1 10 RED SAUNDERS lb 10 RESIN, Copaiba lb 1 20 Jalap oz 50 Scammony. oz 45 RHUBARB, root, (E. I.) lb 75 " powd lb 80 (Chinaj, select.' lb 1 00 powd lb 120 " clippings lb 60 " cubes or fingers lb 1 75 ROCHELLE SALTS, powd lb 30 ROOTS, BARKS, LEAVES, ETC. A full line at market rates. ROSIN, common lb 5 " 25-lb boxes lb 3 50-lb boxes lb 2& Powdered lb 10 RUM, New England, ) Jamaica, imported v See Wines and Liquors. St. Croix ) 75 & 77 W ABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 215 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. SAL, Acetosella lb $0 25 Crab Orchard ib g 5 Epsom l b 05 Epsom, 5 lbs or more lb 03 Glauber lb 03 Glauber, 5 lbs or more lb 02 Nitre, pure, crystals lb 08 Nitre, pure, granulated lb 10 Brunelle , lb 32 Rochelle lb 30 Soda jb 03 Soda, 50-lb boxes lb 13^ Tartar, bottle , lb 23 SALICIN, oz20, J^-lb50 lb 1 85 SALOL, oz 35, 3€-lb $1 20, K-lb $2 30 lb 4 50 SALT.. Carlsbad, artificial, bulk lb 20 " Genuine, J^-lb bottles doz 7 00 Crab Orchard, artificial lb 25 Sea lb 05 SANTONIN oz 40 SARSAPARILLA, Honduras lb 45 Honduras, ground lb 45 " powd lb 50 Mexican lb 24 " ground lb 26 " powd lb 30 SASSAFRAS BARK lb 15 " powd., lb 20 Pith , oz 10 SCULLCAP herbs, powd lb 40 SEEDS, whole and powdered. A full line at market rates. SENEGA ROOT, powdered lb 85 SENNA (Alex), leaf lb 35 " powd lb 40 (Tinnev), leaf lb 30 " powd . lb 25 SERPENTARIA, root, powd lb 45 SILVER, Bromide, Mallinckrodt's, 1-oz vials oz 1 59 Cyanide, 1-oz vials oz 1 54 Iodide, 1-oz vials oz 1 54 Nitrate, Cryst oz 68 " Cones (5 per cent, choride) oz 81 " fused (lunar caustic) oz 71 Oxide oz 1 49 SOAP, Castile, mottled lb 10 white, "Conti's" lb 15 216 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. SOAP, castile, white, powd lb $0 35 " " Palestine " Carmel " (6 cakes in box) doz 1 00 Green, German, 1-lb cans lb 20 SOAP TREE, bark, powd lb 20 SODA, Caustic, sticks, 1-lb bottles , lb 50 " (purif. by alcohol), 1-lb bottles lb 94 Solution, Chlorinated, 1-lb bottles lb 20 U. S. P., 1-lb bottles lb 25 SODIUM, 1-oz vials, oz., 40 cts lb 2 75 Acetate, Mallinckrodt's lb 25 Acetate, Fused, Anhydrous. oz 14 Arseniate, Mallinckrodt's, 1-oz vials oz 14 Arsenite, 1-oz vials oz 14 Benzoate, 1-oz vials oz 14 Benzoate, 1-lb bottles lb 1 00 Biborate, pure lb 37 Bicarbonate, English lb 06 Bicarbonate, Natrona lb 06 Bicarbonate, C. P., powd lb 27 Bichromate, 1-lb bottles lb 33 Bisulphite, 1-lb bottles lb 34 Bisulphite, solution lb 30 Bromide, 1-lb bottles lb 55 Carbolate, 1-oz vials , oz 24 Carbonate, pure cryst lb 12 Carbonate, dried, purified lb 23 Chlorate, 1-oz vials -oz 10 Chlorate, pure, granulated oz 10 Chlorate, pure , granulated lb 47 Chloride, chemically pure lb 32 Choleate, 1-oz vials oz 35 Citrate, Mallinckrodt's lb 76 Hypophosphite, 1-oz vials oz 19 Hyposulphite lb 07 Hyposulphite, gran., C. P lb 22 Iodide, 1-oz vials oz 36 Iodide, 1-lb bottles lb 3 88 Nitrate, gran., pure, 1-lb bottles lb 34 Nitrate, purified, powd lb 27 Nitrite, pure, in sticks oz 19 Oxalate, 1-lb bottles lb 84 Permanganate, 1-lb bottles lb 84 Phosphate, pure, recryst lb 28 Phosphate, gran . , Mallinckrodt's lb 35 Phosphate, dried, powd lb 33 Phosphate and Ammonia 1 . . b 1 19 Pyrophosphate, 1-oz vials oz 21 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. -/a DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. SODIUM, Pyrophosphate, 1-lb bottles ".... ... . Prices include containers. ._ 79 Salicylate, 1-oz vials oz . 45 80 55 50 Salicylate, %-lb bottles each Salicylate, %-lb bottles each Salicylate, 1-lb bottles Salicylate, Scherring's -^ Santonate Silicate, sol ,> Succinate, 1-oz vials oz Sulphate, pure, granulated j D Sulphate, pure, cryst ^h Sulphide, cryst ^ Sulphite, cryst , ^ Sulphite, dried, powd ^b 09 Sulpho-Carbolate, 1-oz vials oz 13 Sulpho-Carbolate v^ -^ 0Q Sulpho-Vinate oz lg Tannate, 1-oz vials Tartrate .oz 29 .lb 64 Tungstate, pure, 1-oz vials oz X1 Valerianate, Mallinckrodt's oz 83 SOLOMON'S SEAL, root, powd lb 30 SOZOIODOL, Mercury ................ .oz 1 00 Potassium . oz r. Q Sodium oz 75 Zinc oz 95 SPARTEIN, Sulphate, cryst, Merck's 1-oz vials oz 3 04 15-gr vials, each 20 SPERMACETI lb SPIKENARD, root, powd lb SPIRIT Ammonia, % lb., 15 cts ..lb " Aromatic, % lb., 20 cts lb Camphor, % lb., 20 cts lb Chloroform, M lb. , 20 cts ib Ether Comp. (Hoffman's Anodyne) true, % lb., 30 cts lb " Com'L, % lb., 20 cts lb SPIRIT, Ether Nitrous (Sweet Spirits of Nitre) lb 40 30 55 CO 50 60 00 65 50 gal 3 50 Glonoin (Nitroglycerin 1 per cent), 1 oz., 15 cts.; % lb., 35 cts lb 1 10 Mindererus 1^ o Turpentine (See Turpentine). Wintergreen, % lb., 25 cts lb 75 SQUILL, sliced 'lb 15 Powd K lb., 16, 1 lb 50 STILLINGIA ROOT, grd lb 05 Powd lb 30 STILLINGIN, Resinoid oz 83 218 CHAS. TKUAX, GREENE & CO. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Prices include containers. STRAMONIUM, leaf, powd lb $0 30 Seed, powd lb 30 STRONTIUM, Bromide, Cryst, Mallinckrodt's oz 26 Carbonate lb 54 Iodide oz 67 Lactate oz 34 Muriate lb 39 Nitrate lb 10 STROPHANTHIN, 5 gr., v each 2 00 STRYCHNINE, crystals, Mallinckrodt's, 1 oz. vials oz 1 45 " " % oz. vials each 20 ' ' powd. , 1 oz. vials oz 1 45 " " % oz. vials each 20 Acetate, % oz. vials each 25 " solution (Hall's) lb 40 Arseniate, % oz. vials each 40 Arsenite, % oz. vials each 50 Bromide, % oz. vials each 30 Citrate, % oz. vials .... each 30 Hypophosphite, % oz. vials each 35 Muriate, % oz. vials each 25 Nitrate, % oz. vials each 25 Phosphate, % oz. vials each 30 Sulphate, crystals, Mallinckrodt's, 1 oz. vials oz 1 40 " " Js oz. vials each 20 i4 powd., 1 oz. vials oz. 1 40 " " H oz. vials each 20 Valerianate, % oz. vials 4 each 50 SUGAR LEAD, white, bulk ' lb 20 " powd., bulk lb 30 SUGAR MILK, powd lb 25 SULPHUR, sublimed (flowers of sulphur) lb 05 Iodide, Mallinckrodt's oz 47 Precipitated, pure (Lac. Sulphur), bulk lb 15 " " 1 lb. cartons , lb 18 Washed, 1 lb. cartons lb 15 TALCUM, Purified lb 25 TANNIN (see acid Tannic) carton incl., oz. 20, ^lb. 40 lb 1 40 TAR, Barbadoes, true lb 25 Pine, pt. cans per doz 80 " qt. " i per doz 140 " gal." each 35 TARTAR EMETIC, Powdered,Klb. 20 lb 56 TEREBENE, oz. 13; J£lb. 30 lb 100 TERPIN HYDRATE, cryst., 1 oz. bot oz 30 THEINE, % oz. vial each 10 THYMOL, Cryst., U. S. P oz 40 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 219 TINCTURES, German. . 4 ° z - bottles. Aconite $0 50 Arnica 50 Belladonna 50 Bryonia 50 Chamomilla 50 Chelidonium , 65 Conium 50 Digitalis 50 Drosera 65 Elaterium (fruit. ) 70 Hyoscyamus 50 Pulsatilla 50 Rhus Toxicodendron 65 Sticta Pulmonaria 65 Homeo (a full line). TINCTURE, Aconite Root, U. S. P, $0 20 $0 35 Aconite Root, Fleming's 25 40 This is double the strength of the officinal. Aloes, U.S. P 20 30 " and Myrrh, U. S. P 25 40 Antiperiodic, (Warburg's Tincture) 40 75 Arnica flowers, U. S. P 20 30 Asafcetida, U. S. P 20 35 Avena Sativa, Keith's lb " " 8 oz. bottles each " " 4 " each Belladonna, U. S. P 20 30 Benzoin, U. S. P 20 35 Comp., " 25 40 BlackCohosh 20 35 " Comp 20 35 Bloodroot, U. S. P 20 30 Byronia " 20 35 Buchu, Br 20 30 Calendula, U. S. P 25 35 Camphor, " 20 30 Cannabis Indica, " 25 40 Cantharides, " 20 35 Capsicum, " 20 30 Cardamom, " 25 45 Comp., «' 20 30 Catechu Comp. , " 20 35 Cinchona, true, " .' 25 40 " Comp, true, U. S. P 20 35 ' ' Detannated 25 45 This preparation is practically identical in strength of Cinchona (without the Tannin) with the officinal Tincture Cinchona. lib. bottles. $1 80 1 70 1 80 1 80 1 70 2 25 1 70 1 80 2 40 2 60 1 70 1 08 2 40 2 25 $ 060 70 50 65 1 40 50 60 1 50 85 50 50 60 65 60 60 50 60 50 60 50 70 60 50 75 50 60 65 60 75 220 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. Prices include containers. % lb. bots. each. TINCTURE, Cinnamon, U. S. P $0 20 Colchicum Seed, U. S. P 20 Columbo 20 Conium, U. S. P 20 Cubebs, " 20 Digitalis, " 20 Gelsemium, " 20 Gentian Comp. , " 20 Ginger 20 Golden Seal 20 Green Soap, U. S. P 20 Guaiac, U. S. P 20 " Ammoniated, U. S. P , 25 Hyoscyamus, U. S. P 20 Ignatia, U. S. P 30 Iodine, glass stop, bot., " 32 " Churchill's 40 " Colorless, glass stop, bots 35 " Compound," " " 35 Ipecac and Opium 50 Iron Acetate, U. S. P 25 " " Rademacher's 25 " Citro Chloride 20 This preparation is better known as Tasteless Tincture of Iron. It is practically identical in strength of Iron with the officinal Tincture Ferri-Chloridi. Iron, Muriate, U. S. P 15 Kino 20 Kino Compound 20 Each fluidrachm represents about M grain each of Kino and of Powdered Opium. Lavender 20 Lobelia 20 Myrrh, U. S. P 25 " and Capsicum 25 Nux Vomica, U. S. P 20 Opium, " 1880 30 " Camphorated, U.S. P 20 ' ' Deodorized 45 Containing 6 grains Morphine in each fluidounce. " Comp (Squibb's Diarrhoea Mixture 30 Each fluidrachm contains 12 minims each of Tinct. Opium, Spts. Camphor and Tinct. Capsicum, and 4% minims Chloroform. Orange, bitter • • 20 " sweet 20 Vi lb. bots. each. $0 30 1 lb. bots. each. $0 50 35 60 30 50 30 50 35 60 30 50 35 60 30 50 35 60 35 60 30 50 35 60 40 70 30 50 45 75 50 90 70 1 25 CO 1 00 60 1 00 90 1 70 40 65 45 80 35 65 25 40 35 60 35 60 55 30 50 40 70 40 70 35 60 55 1 00 30 50 80 1 50 30 30 85 50 50 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. o 2 i Prices include containers. 4-oz. bots. 8-oz. bots. Mb. Bots. TINCTURE, Pectoral, Bateman's Pectoral Drops $0 20 $0 35 SO 60 Each fluidrachm contains 2% mimims of Tincture of Opium. Phosphorus Comp, (Vitalizon) 75 i 30 2 50 Physostigmatus, U. S. P 30 50 75 Poke Root, A. D , 20 35 60 Pulsatilla 20 35 60 Each fluidrachm represents 10 grains of the recei itly dried plant. Quassia, U. S. !? 20 30 50 Rhatany, " 20 35 60 Rhubarb, " 20 35 60 Rhubarb, Aron .atic, U. S. P , 20 35 60 Rhubarb, Dulc Is .' 20 35 60 Compound 20 35 60 Serpentaria, U S. P 20 35 60 Squills, " 20 35 60 Stramonium, " 20 35 60 Strophanthus 35 60 110 Each fluid 'achm represents 3 grains of Strophanthus. The dose is 1 to 10 minims. Tolu, Soluble 25 40 75 U. S. P 25 40 75 Valerian, " 20 35 60 " Ammoniated, U. S. P. 25 45 85 Veratrum Viride 1 " 25 45 85 Veratrum Viride, Norwood's, 4 oz. bots. each 1 00 TUMENOL oz 60 TUMENOL OIL oz 70 TUMENOL POWDER oz 100 TURPENTINE, Chian true, 1 oz .'oz 45 Pure, rectified lb 45 Spirits, containers extra per gal 50 Venice lb 38 White Pine, hard lb 08 " soft lb 12 TURPETH MINERAL (See Mercury). UNGUENTUM (See Ointments). URETHANE, Merck's oz 55 VASELINE, 1 lb. can 30 5 lb. can 1 13 White, 1 lb. can 60 " 5 " 2 25 Carbolated, 1 lb. can 38 5 » 175 See Petrolatum. 222 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. Prices include containers. VERATRINE (Veratria), pure, )£oz. vials oz $1 70 VERDIGRIS, powder lb 45 WAX, BEES, white, pure lb 52 White, Star Brand lb 60 Yellow, Prime lb 40 WHISKEY (see Wine and Liquor List) . WHITE PRECIPITATE (See Mercury Ammoniated) . 4 oz. bots 8 oz. bots. 1 lb. bots. WINE, Aloes, U.S. P $0 75 S3 25 Antimony 60 2 50 WINE, Colchicum Root, U. S . P 60 2 50 Seed 60 2 50 Ergot 85 3 75 Ipecac 90 4 00 Iron 55 2 50 $3 50 " Bitter 60 2 50 3 75 Opium, U. S. P 1 50 Wines and Liquors. See next page. WITCH HAZEL, Dist. Ext., container, extra per gal 90 WITCH HAZEL, Bark, powd lb 25 WOOD ALCOHOL, Container, extra gal 1 50 XANTHOXYLIN, 1 oz. vial, incl oz 65 XYLOL. YERBA SANTA COUGH MIXTURE 65 2 65 4 00 Each fluidrachm represents ZINC, Acetate, Mallinckrodt's lb 53 Bromide oz 20 Carbonate, precip. , pure lb 28 Chloride, fused lb 64 " " oz 13 " gran'd lb 64 " " oz 13 Iodide oz 50 Oleate, precip oz 10 Oxide, chem., pure lb 50 ' ' Hubbuck's, c. p lb 60 " white, com'l lb 15 Phosphate lb 1 60 oz 18 Phosphide oz 53 Salicylate * oz 40 Sulphate, gran. , c. p lb 25 " cryst lb 10 Sulphocarbolate lb 1 00 ♦« oz 15 Tannate oz 30 Valerinate, Mallinckrodt's oz 30 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 223 ...INDEX... PAGE. Abcess Knife, Wither 42 " Lance 43 Air Compressors 28 Albumin ometer, Esbach's 80 Applicator, Uterine 97 Aretenectomy Knife, Fish's 32 " " Rhodes' 32 Aspirator, Potain's 71 " Lentz & Son 72 " Peaslee's 72 Aspirating- Needles 72 " Trocar 72 Atomizer, Steam, Truax, Greene & Co 28 Bag, Ice 123 Bags, Instrument 116, 117 Balling Gun, Arnold's 23 Plain 23 " Spring, best 23 Bandages, Rubber 58, 124 " Roller 58 Batteries, Cautery, Truax, Greene & Co. . . 156 " Davis & Kidder's 157 " Feddern 156 " Galvanic and Faradic 155 " Mcintosh 155 " Nonpareil 157 Beakers 79, 143, 144 Bell Glasses 143, 144 Bistouries, Pocket Case 40, 41, 42, 63 Bistoury, Teat 100 Bistoury, Lithotomy 109 Bit, Drenching, Codey's 22 Blower, Powder 98 Blow Pipes 143 Bog Spavin and Thoroughpin Truss 125 Bog Spavin Truss, A. H. Baker's 125 Bone Forceps 14, 59, 60 " Scoop, Schroder's 62 " Scoop, Hebra's 18 Boots, Soaking 184 " Caulking 184 " Poultice 184 " Ankle 178 " ShinandAnkle 178 " Knee 181 " Running 185 " Quarter 182 " Miscellaneous 184 Bottle, Acid 79, 144 BraidedSilk 50 " Drenching, Rubber 22 " Dropper 145 " Ligature 50 " Metal covered 50 " Needles, Berlin 50 " Prescription 134, 135 " Shelf 132, 134 Boxes, Pill 136 " Powder 136 " Wood 136 Tin 136 Buggy Medicine Case 118, 119, 120 Bull Ring 30 Bullet Instruments 73 Burrett's 79, 144 Burner, Bunsen 79, 144 Burning Iron 150 Cable Twist Silk . . 50 Caponizing Instruments 86, 87, 88 " Forcep, Miles' 87 •' Hook and Scoop, Wigmore's. 88 •« Knife, Miles' 87 " Probe, Miles' 87 " Set, Wigmore's 88 " Spreader, Miles' 88 - Plain 88 . PAGE. Cartilage Knife 63 Castrating Knives 42, 43 " Knife, Miles' 43 " Clamp, Ratchet 83 " Clamp, Berlin 83 " Clamp, Raub's 83 " Clamp, House's 83 " Plain 83 Cases, Buggy Medicine 119, 120, 121 " Dissecting 113 " Medicine, "Nancy Hanks" 118 " " Truax, Greene & Co 118 " " 122 " Post-mortem 112 Catheters, Horse 110 " " Linen 110 " Mare 110 " Mare and Horse combined 110 Cauteries, French 104 " Paquelin's 104 " Pocket 105 Caustic Holder, Aluminum, Truax 47 Chisels, Costotome 114 " Dental, French 13 " Dental, Gowing's 13 " and Gouges, Darby's 18 " Plain 15, 62 Chain and Hook, Dissecting 115 Chamois Skins 137 Clippers, Dehorning, Leavitt's Ill " Horse, Hand Power 150, 151 152 " Horse Power 153 Clamp, Nose 30 Combs, Horse 57 Cork Borers 138 Corks, Rubber 137 " Common 136 Cork Press 138 Corkscrews 138 Cotton 55 Crucibles 144 Curettes, Douche, Holbrook's 18 " Uterine, plain 97 " Uterine, serrated 97 " Daviel's 33 " Quitter, Hughes' 62 " Siemon's 62 Cutters, Closed 8, 9 " Dental 7,8,9,12, 13 " and Extractors, Scheffer's 7 " Incisor, Fash's 13 " Incisor, Scheffer's 12 " Incisor, straight 13 " Open 8, 9 Dehorning Clippers, Leavitt's Ill " Forcep, plain Ill " Forcep, gouging Ill " Instruments Ill " Set, Haaff 's Ill Dental Cases 4, 6 Drills 17, 18 *' Hook 15 " Instruments 4 to 19 " Rolls 5 Dilator, Cervical, Knowles' 96 " Uterine, Knowles' 96 Director, Grooved 47 Dissecting Cases 113 " Instruments ..113 to 115 Dishes, Evaporating 145 Douche, Nasal 30 " Uterine (4, 98 Drainage Tube 51 Drenching Bits 22 Bottle 22 Dressing Forcep, Byford 64 224 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. In all things pertaining to the equipment of your Stable, whether for private or track purposes you should consult or correspond with the J. H. Fenton Co. Importers, rianufacturers and Dealers in Fine Harness and Horse Goods ...OF EVERY DESCRIPTION... We are the leading house in the world in our line, and received over five times the number of highest awards at the World's Columbian Exposition than were received by any other house. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP MANUFACTURING Fine Carriage, Coupe, Buggy, Pole Buggy and Pony Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lap Robes, Riding and Driving Bits, Fine Riding Saddles Riding and Driving Riding Spurs, and Bridles, Whips, Saddle Blankets and Horse Clothing, Riding Crops, Trouser Straps.... We also manufacture and carry in stock the largest and most extensive assortment of Horse Boots, Toe Weights, Turf Outfits & Stable Supplies in America. Also Pneumatic Sulkies, Sulky Attachments, Road and Breaking Carts, Etc. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE to THE J. H. FENTON CO., Nos. 267 & 260 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 225 INDEX— Continued. PAGE. Drills, Bone, Brainard's 17, 61 " Bone, Collins' 17, 61 " Bone, Hamilton's 17, 61 " Bone, Langenbeck's 17, 61 •« Dental 17, 18, 61 Droppers, Medicine 68, 79, 144 Drug Sundries 132, 144 Drugs 184 to 222 Ecraseur, Chassaignac's 82 " Miles' 82 " Patent 82 Wire 85 Elastic Leggings • 124 Elevator and Raspatory 16, 65 Emasculator, Fash's. 83 Embryotomy Knife 44, 95 " concealed blade. ..44, 95 " " Leech 44, 95 " '« Lucas* 44, 94 " " Palmer's 44, 94 " Saw 95 Euterotome H* Eye, Glass, Horse • • • • 33 " Instruments 33 to 35 " Rubber, Horse 33 " Speculum, plain 33 Extractor, Bullet, Jones' 73 " and Cutters, Scheffer s 7 " Closed Molar 8 «' Forcep Molar 10 Exploring Trocar 47 Faradic Batteries 155 Fever Thermometers 74 File, McPherson 19 " Incisor, 10-inch 19 Filter, Paper 139 Racks 139 Stand 139 Firing Instruments 104 to 106 '• Irons 105,106 Flask, Chemical 79 «• Pocket 138 Fleams, Berlin Model 81 " Plain Brass 81 Floats, Combined, House's 19 " Jointed 19 Stiff 19 Float Blades 19 Forceps, Artery 44, 45, 107 " Artery, Spencer Wells' 44 Bitch 94 " Bone, Angular 14, 59 " Bone, Gouging, Luer's 60 " Bone Holding, Ferguson's 60 " Bone, Hamilton 60 " Bone, Liston's 14, 59 " Bone, Satterlee's 14, 59 " Bullet 73 " Caponizing, Miles 87 " Castrating, Raub's 83 " Cilia 34 " Dressing 44, 64 " Dehorning Ill " Entropium, Desmarre's 34 " Extracting, Molar 10,11, 12 " Fixation 34 " Lithotomy 108 Molar 10,11, 12 " Obstetrical, Mullen's 89 Pig 94 " Quarter Crack 103 " Separating, Wolf 12 " Sequestrum 60 Splinter 15, 60 " Strabismus 34 " Tenaculum, Hanks 64 " Tissue 64 Tooth 10, 15 " Twisting 64 " Uterine Applicator 97 PAGE. Forceps, Uterine Vulsellum 97 " Vulsellum 64 Wire Twisting 64, 98 " Wolf 11, 12 Foal Hook, Mullen's 91 Frog seton Needle 46, 102 Furnace for Firing Irons 106 Gauzes, Antiseptic 55 General Operating Instruments 59 to 66 Glassware, Chemical 126, 127, 145 Gloves, Rubber 123 Gouges and Chisels, Darby's 18 Gouge, Bone 62 Graduates, Glass 138 Gum, Lancet 16 Gun, Balling 23 Gutta Percha 56 Gynaecological Instrum'ts, Knowles.96 to 98 Hammer, Steel 115 " Percussion 74 " Virchow's 114 Handles for Dental Set 8, 9 Holders, Needle 48, 96 Hoof Operating Sets 101, 102 " Knives 63, 101, 102 " Searcher 103 Hood, Operating 149 Hobbles, A. H.Baker's 149 Hook and Hammer 102 Hooks, Obstetrical 89, 91, 93 Hook and Crotchet 93 Hook, Dental 15 " Grappling, double 115 Horse Catheter HO Hypodermic Syringe 69 to 71 Needles 71 Ice Bags 123 " Coils 123 Impregnating Syringe, Sutherland's 99 Incisor Cutter, Fash's 13 » Scheffer's 12 " " Straight 13 Inhaler, Chloroform 149 Introducer and Pessary 98 Injection Pump, Allen 24, 25, 26, 27 " Truax, Greene & Co 23 Iodoform Boxes 51 Iron, Balling 22 Irons, Firing 105, 106 Iron, Pyropuncturing, Williams' 106 Jars, Anatomical 51, 145 " Chemical 144 " Earthen 139 " Glass 140 Kangaroo Tendon Sutures 52, 53 Keratome, Jaeger's 33 Knee Boots 181 Knife, Abcess, Wither's 42, 43 " Angular 32 " Aretenectomy, Fish's 32 " Aretenectomy, Rhodes' 32 " Canalicula 33 •' Caponizing, Miles' 87 " Cartilage 68 Castrating and Scalpel 84 Castrating 42,43, 84 " Cataract 33 " Embryotomy v 95 " Hoof.. 101- 1"2 " Knicking 42 " Neurotomy 65, 107 Pocket Case 40 to 42 " Pricking 4 2 " Physicians' ,,, 140 t' Sage 101. 226 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. Although we are exclusive dealers in dispensing Drugs and Surgical Instruments, yet we receive many inquiries pertaining to the book trade, and as we do not desire to receive orders for this line of goods we take pleasure in referring our patrons to The W. T. Keener Co., of this city, whose notice appears below. We have dealt with them for several years and have always found them reliable, and, as we believe, worthy the patronage of all. Please mention this list in writing them. CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. Veterinary Books By Mail or Express. We make a specialty of supplying any Medical or Veterinary Book, no matter by whom published or where advertised, and, when possible, at the most liberal discounts from the regular prices. Correspondence Invited. Dealing exclusively in Medical Books, and carrying in stock a large assortment of Medical Books, including those of all schools of practice, our long experience, together with extensive Bibliographical lists, enables us to give such information concerning books, date of publication, size and number of pages, etc., etc., as will enable our patrons to select, intel- ligently, a book on a given subject. If you are practicing a specialty, we will notify you of the publica- tion of new books bearing on the subject. Catalogues Free. English, French and German Books Imported to order at reasonable prices. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GIVE US A TRIAL. Latest Editions and Satisfaction Guaranteed. The W. T. Keener Co., Medical Publishers, Booksellers and Importers, _,, ^ WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 227 INDEX— Continued. PAGE. Lamp, Singeing, for gas 103 Singeing, tor alcohol 103 Lance, Abcess 43 ( 81 " Thumb ..!."..! 43 Lancet, Gum \ \ \ \ \q s i Spring .' 81 Leg Spreader 95 Ligature Bottle 50, 51 " Boxes, glass 51 Lithoclast, Gouley's 108 Lithotrite, Bigelow's 108 " Reliquet's 108 " Thompson's 108 Lithotomy, Bistoury 10!) " Conductor and Scoop 109 Forcep 108 Instruments 108, 109 Scoop, Luer's 109 Staff, Steel 109 Mallet, Lead 15 ( 62 " Rawhide 18 Medicine 184 to 222 Cases 118, 119 to 121 " Droppers 68, 127 Microscopic Accessories 169 to 173 " Cabinets 164 " Glasses 168 " Instruments 165 to 197 Microscopes, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. 162 Leitz 163 " Truax, Greene & Co.. .158 to 161 Milk Tubes 100 Models of Animals 175, 176 Mortars, Glass 140 " Iron .141 " Porcelain 141 " Wedgewood ° ]4i Motor, Water ' 154 Mouth Speculums 20 to 22 Muzzle, Leather, English 184 Nasal Bull Ring 30 *' Douche 30 " Punch 29 " Speculum ..' 29 Needle, Couching \\\ 33 " Holders \ 48 " Hypodermic 71 " Neurotomy 65, 107 " Seton Frog 102 " Surgeons' 49 " Spaying, Miles' 85 Neurotomy Knife 65, 107 Nose Clamp 30 " Twist '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 30 Oakum 56 Obstetrical Chisel ....'.'.'.'.'..'. 90 " Forceps ..'.".!!. 89 Hooks 89, 90, 91 Instruments 89, 90 " Repeller 90 Saws 89, 91 Oil Silk 56 Operating Table, Truax, Greene ftColiiV. 148 Ophthalmoscopes, Liebrich's 35 Loring's 35 Parturition Instruments 89 to 92 Paper Bags 141 " Powder ]4i " Roll Cutter ..' 142 " Wrapping .';". i 42 Peat 5fi Pencil, Alum and Copper 33 Periosteotome, Sayre^s " 65 Percussion Hammers 74 Percolators, Glass 142 Pessaries " q a Pill Machines PA( T^ " Tiles , Pipette, Graduated . ■■■■■ *fin Pipe.Blow ,°. Plasters l *£ Pleximeter .'.'.';.' 2. 1 Post-mortem Cases, Truax,' Greene £ Co! 1 i 2 " Finnel's " j]2 _ , " Instruments i'14" 115 Pocket Instrument Cases 36 to ' 39 " Instruments 40 to d h Powder Blower 4 ° to £ Polders 14 *° Probangs, Leather Covered. ...'"....'. 23 „ " Cane Jointed ' 01 Probes, Pocket „ " Bullet, elastic 4 Pricking Knives JS Pump, Allen '.'"; " ' ^ ^ £7 t> " x. ^'J^ction, Truax, Greene & Co.... 23 Punch, Nasal, Arnold's 09 Pyropuncturing Iron, Williams'.' .'.' !.'.'.' .'.'.' 106 Rack for Test Tubes 70 19 „ Rachitome Knife 115 Raspatory, Concave, Mathieu's kq Rasps, Tooth, jointed .. Vq Tooth, stiff i„ Repellers, Withers' q " Hinged ." «■> Retractors, Desmarre's ' ?o Tracheal ..""!.".' 32 Vaginal, Knowles' .' " " 98 Volkman's ' co Roaring Instruments " * 31 qo Rope Carriers ' 's