THE ACCOMPLISHED LADY STRICTURES THE MODERN SYSTEM FEMALE EDUCATION A VIEW OF THE PRINCIPLES AND CONDUCT PREVALENT AMONG WOMEN OF RANK AND FORTUNE. BY HANNAH MORE. PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, No. 132 Washington Street. 1838. v^ A 'r '''• PREFACE. It is a singular injustice which is often exercised towards women, first to give them a very defective education, and then to expect from them the most un- deviating purity of conduct ; to train them in such a manner as shall lay them open to the most dangerous faults, and then to censure them for not proving fault- less. Is it not unreasonable and unjust to express disappointment if our daughters should, in their sub- sequent lives, turn out precisely that very kind of cha- racter for which it would be evident, to an unprejudiced bystander, that the whole scope and tenor of their in- struction had been systematically preparing them? Some reflections on the present erroneous system are here with great deference submitted to public con- sideration. The author is apprehensive that she shall be accused of betraying the interests of her sex by lay- ing open their defects ; but surely, an earnest wish to turn their attention to objects calculated to promote their true dignity, is not the office of an enemy. So to expose the weakness of the land as to suggest the necessity of internal improvement, and to point out the means of effectual defence, is not treachery, but patri- otism. IV PREFACE. Again, it may be objected to tbis little work, that many errors are here ascribed to women which by no means belong to them exclusively, and that it seems to confine to the sex those faults which are common to the species ; but this is in some measure unavoidable. In speaking on the qualities of one sex, the moralist is somewhat in the situation of the geographer, who is treating on the nature of one country : the air, soil, and produce of the land which he is describing, cannot fail in many essential points to resemble those of other countries under the same parallel ; yet it is his busi- ness to descant on the one, without adverting to the other ; and though in drawing his map he may happen to introduce some of the neighboring coast, yet his principal attention must be confined to that country which he proposes to describe, without taking into ac- count the resembling circumstances of the adjacent shores. It may be also objected, that the opinion here sug- gested on the state of manners among the higher class- es of our countrywomen, may seem to controvert the just encomiums of modern travellers, who generally concur in ascribing a decided superiority to the ladies of this country over those of every other. But such is, in general, the state of foreign manners, that the comparative praise is almost an injury to English wo- men. To be flattered for excelling those whose stand- ard of excellence is very low, is but a degrading kind of commendation ; for the value of all praise derived from superiority, depends on the worth of the competi- tor. The character of British ladies, with all the un- paralleled advantages they possess, must never be de- termined by a comparison with the women of other nations, but by comparing them with what they them- PREFACE. V selves might be, if all their talents and unrivalled op- portunities were turned to the best account. Again, it may be said, that the author is less dis- posed to expatiate on excellence than error ; but the office of the historian of human manners is delineation rather than panegyric. Were the end in view eulo- gium, and not improvement, eulogium would have been far more gratifying; nor would just objects for praise have been difficult to find. Even in her own limited sphere of observation, the author is acquainted with much excellence in the class of which she treats ; — with women who, possessing learning which would be thought extensive in the other sex, set an example of deep humility to their own ; women, who, distinguish- ed for wit and genius, are eminent for domestic quali- ties ; who, excelling in the fine arts, have carefully enriched their understandings ; who, enjoying great affluence, devote it to the glory of God; who, pos- sessing elevated rank, think their noblest style and title is that of a Christian. That there is also much worth which is little known, she is persuaded ; for it is the modest nature of good- ness to exert itself quietly, while a few characters of the opposite cast seem, by the rumor of their exploits, to fill the world ; and by their noise to multiply their numbers. It often happens that a very small party of people, by occupying the foreground, by seizing the public attention, and monopolizing the public talk, contrives to appear to be the great body ; a few active spirits, provided their activity take the wrong turn and support the wrong cause, seem to fill the scene ; and a few disturbers of order, who have the talent of thus exciting a false idea of their multitudes by their mis- 1# VI PREFACE. chiefs, actually gain strength, and swell their numbers by this fallacious arithmetic. But the present work is no more intended for a panegyric on those purer characters who seek not hu- man praise because they act from a higher motive, than for a satire on the avowedly licentious, who, urged by the impulse of the moment, resist no inclina- tion ; and, led away by the love of fashion, dislike no censure, so it may serve to rescue them from neglect or oblivion. There are, however, multitudes of the young and the well-disposed, who have as yet taken no decided part, who are just launching on the ocean of life, just about to lose their own right convictions, virtually preparing to counteract their better propensities, and unreluctantly yielding themselves to be carried down the tide of popular practices : sanguine, thoughtless, and confident of safety. To these the author would gently hint, that, when once embarked, it will be no longer easy to say to their passions, or even to their principles, " Thus far shall ye go, and no farther." Their struggles will grow fainter, their resistance will become feebler, till, borne down by the confluence of example, temptation, appetite, and habit, resistance and opposition will soon be the only things of which they will learn to be ashamed. Let it not be suspected that the author arrogantly conceives herself to be exempt from that natural cor- ruption of the heart which it is one chief object of this slight work to exhibit ; that she superciliously erects herself into the impeccable censor of her sex and of the world ; as if from the critic's chair she were coldly pointing out the faults and errors of another order of beings, in whose welfare she had not that lively in- PREFACE. Vll terest which can only flow from the tender and inti- mate participation of fellow-feeling. With a deep self-abasement, arising from a strong conviction of being indeed a partaker in the same cor- rupt nature, together with a full persuasion of the many and great defects of this work, and a sincere consciousness of her inability to do justice to a subject which, however, a sense of duty impelled her to un- dertake, she commits herself to the candor of that pub- lic which has so frequently in her instance accepted a right intention as a substitute for a powerful perform- ance. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Page. Address to women of rank and fortune, on the effects of their influence on society. — Suggestions for the exertion of it in various instances, .__--- 9 CHAPTER II. On the education of women.— The prevailing system tends to establish the errors which it ought to correct. — Dangers arising from an excessive cultivation of the arts, 49 CHAPTER III. External improvement. — Children's balls. — French gov- erness, ---------- 66 CHAPTER IV. Comparison of the mode of female education in the last age with the present, ------- 76 CH APTER V. On the religious employment of time. — On the manner in which holidays are passed. — Selfishness and inconsid- eration considered. — Dangers arising from the world, - 85 CHAPTER VI. ON THE EARLY FORMING OF HABITS. On the necessity of forming the judgment to direct those habit3, 102 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Filial obedience not the character of the age. — A compari- son with the preceding age in this respect. — Those who cultivate the mind advised to study the nature of the soil. — Unpromising children often made strong charac- ters. — Teachers too apt to devote their pains almost ex- clusively to children of parts, .... - 113 CHAPTER VIII. On female study, and initiation into knowledge. — Error of cultivating the imagination to the neglect of the judg- ment. — Books of reasoning recommended, - 129 CHAPTER IX. On the religious and moral use of history and geography, 144 CHAPTER X. On the use of definitions, and the moral benefits of accu- racy in language, -------- 159 CHAPTER XI. On religion. — The necessity and duty of early instruction, shown by analogy with human learning, - 168 CHAPTER XII. On the manner of instructing young persons in religion. — General remarks on the genius of Christianity, - - 182 CHAPTER XIII. Hints suggested for furnishing young persons with a scheme of prayer, -------- 204 CHAPTER XIV. The practical use of female knowledge, with a sketch of the female character, and a comparative view of the sexes, ----.-.--.-- r 215 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XV. CONVERSATION. Hints suggested on the subject.— On the tempers and dis- positions to be introduced in it. — Errors to be avoided. — Vanity under various shapes the cause of those errors, 242 CHAPTER XVI. On the danger of an ill-directed sensibility, - 279 CHAPTER XVII. On dissipation and the modern habits of fashionable life, 304 CHAPTER XVIII. On public amusements, ------- 335 CHAPTER XIX. A worldly spirit incompatible with the spirit of Christianity, 353 CHAPTER XX. ON THE LEADING DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. The corruption of human nature. — The doctrine of re- demption. — The necessity of a change of heart, and of the divine influences to produce that change. — With a sketch of the Christian character, ----- 378 CHAPTER XXI. On the duty and efficacy of prayer, ----- 409 THE ACCOMPLISHED LADY. CHAPTER I. Address to women of rank and fortune, on the effects of their influence on society. — Suggestions for the exertion of it in va- rious instances. Among the talents for the application of which women of the higher class will be pecu- liarly accountable, there is one, the importance of which they can scarcely rate too highly. This talent is influence. We read of the great- est orator of antiquity, that the wisest plans which it had cost him years to frame, a woman could overturn in a single day ;* and when we consider the variety of mischiefs which an ill- directed influence has been known to produce, we are led to reflect with the most sanguine hope on the beneficial effects to be expected from the same powerful force when exerted in its true direction. * Cicero. This illustrious patriot had defeated Catiline's con- spiracy by the means of Fulvia, but he fell himself afterwards by her vengeance. When the head of Cicero was brought to this infamous woman, she pierced with a bodkin that tongue which had so often delighted listening senators and directed their coun- cils. — Ed. 2 10 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. The general state of civilized society de- pends more than those are aware who are not accustomed to scrutinize into the springs of hu- man action, on the prevailing sentiments and habits of women, and on the nature and degree of the estimation in which they are held. Even those who admit the power of female elegance on the manners of men, do not always attend to the influence of female principles on their character. In the former case, indeed, women are apt to be sufficiently conscious of their pow- er, and not backward in turning it to account. But there are nobler objects to be effected by the exertion of their powers ; and, unfortunate- ly, ladies who are often unreasonably confident where they ought to be diffident, are sometimes capriciously diffident just when they ought to feel where their true importance lies ; and, feeling, to exert it. To use their boasted power over mankind to no higher purpose than the gratification of vanity or the indulgence of plea- sure, is the degrading triumph of those fair vic- tims to luxury, caprice, and despotism, whom the laws and the religion of the voluptuous pro- phet of Arabia exclude from light, and Jiberty, and knowledge ; and it is humbling to reflect, that in those countries in which fondness for the mere persons of women is carried to the highest excess, they ore slaves ; and that their moral and intellectual degradation increases in direct proportion to the adoration which is paid to mere external charms. But I turn to the bright reverse of this morti- fying scene ; to a country where our sex enjoys the blessings of liberal instruction, of reasona- ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 11 ble laws, of a pure religion, and all the endear- ing pleasures of an equal, social, virtuous, and delightful intercourse : I turn with an earnest hope, that women, thus richly endowed with the bounties of Providence, will not content themselves with polishing, when they are able to reform ; with entertaining, when they may awaken ; and with captivating for a day, when they may bring into action powers of which the effects may be commensurate with eternity. In this moment of alarm and peril, I would call on them with a " warning voice," which should stir up every latent principle in their minds, and kindle every slumbering energy in their hearts ; I would call on them to come for- ward, and contribute their full and fair propor- tion towards the saving of their country. But I would call on them to come forward, without departing from the refinement of their charac- ter, without derogating from the dignity of their rank, without blemishing the delicacy of their sex : I would call them to the best and most appropriate exertion of their power, to raise the depressed tone of public morals, and to awaken the drowsy spirit of religious principle. They know too well how arbitrarily they give the law to manners, and with how despotic a sway they fix the standard of fashion. But this is not enough ; this is a low mark, a prize not worthy of their high and holy calling. For on the use which women of the superior class may now be disposed to make of that power delegated to them by the courtesy of custom, by the honest gallantry of the heart, by the imperious control of virtuous affections, by the habits of civilized 12 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. states, by the usages of polished society ; on the use, I say, which they shall hereafter make of this influence, will depend, in no low degree, the well-being of those states, and the virtue and happiness, nay, perhaps the very existence, of that society. At this period, when our country can only hope to stand by opposing a bold and noble unanimity to the most tremendous confedera- cies against religion, and order, and govern- ments, which the world ever saw, what an ac- cession would it bring to the public strength, could we prevail on beauty, and rank, and tal- ents, and virtue, confederating their several powers, to exert themselves, with a patriotism at once firm and feminine, for the general good ! I am not sounding an alarm to female warriors, or exciting female politicians : I hardly know which of the two is the most disgusting and un- natural character. Propriety is to a woman what the great Roman critic says action is to an orator ; it is the first, the second, the third requisite. A woman may be knowing, active, witty, and amusing ; but without propriety she cannot be amiable. Propriety is the centre in which all the lines of dutv and of agreeableness meet. It is to character what proportion is to figure, and grace to attitude. It does not de- pend on any one perfection, but it is the result of general excellence. It shows itself by a regular, orderly, undeviating course ; and never starts from its sober orbit into any splendid ec- centricities ; for it would be ashamed of such praise as it might extort by any deviations from its proper path. It renounces all commenda- ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 13 tion but what is characteristic ; and I would make it the criterion of true taste, right princi- ple, and genuine feeling, in a woman, whether she would be less touched with all the flattery of romantic and exaggerated panegyric, than with that beautiful picture of correct and ele- gant propriety which Milton draws of our first mother, when he delineates " Those thousand decencies which daily flow From all her words and actions." Even the influence of religion is to be exer- cised with discretion. A female polemic wan- ders nearly as far from the limits prescribed to her sex, as a female Machiavel* or warlike Thalestris.f Fierceness has made almost as few converts as the sword, and both are peculiarly ungraceful in a female. Even religious vio- lence has human tempers of its own to indulge, and is gratifying itself when it would be thought to be serving God. Let not the bigot place her natural passions to the account of Christianity, or imagine she is pious when she is only pas- sionate. Let her bear in mind that a Christian doctrine is always to be defended with a Chris- tian spirit, and not make herself amends by the stoutness of her orthodoxy for the badness of her temper. Many, because they defend a re- ligious opinion with pertinacity, seem to fancy that they thereby acquire a kind of right to withhold the meekness and obedience which should be necessarily involved in the principle. * Nicholas Machiavel, secretary to the- republic of Florence in the 15th century. His name is proverbial, as characteristic of subtle policy. t Queen of the Amazons,. 2* 14 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. But the character of a consistent Christian is as carefully to be maintained, as that of a fiery disputant is to be avoided ; and she who is afraid to avow her principles, or ashamed to de- fend them, has little claim to that honorable title. A profligate, who laughs at the most sa- cred institutions, and keeps out of the way of every thing which comes under the appearance of formal instruction, may be disconcerted by the modest, but spirited rebuke of a delicate woman, whose life adorns the doctrines which her conversation defends ; but she who admin- isters reproof with ill-breeding, defeats the ef- fect of her remedy. On the other hand, there is a dishonest way of laboring to conciliate the favor of a whole company, though of characters and principles irreconcilably opposite. The words may be so guarded as not to shock the believer, while the eye and voice may be so ac- commodated as not to discourage the infidel. She, who, with a half-earnestness, trims be- tween the truth and the fashion ; who, while she thinks it creditable to defend the cause of religion, yet does it in a faint tone, a studied ambiguity of phrase, and a certain expression in her countenance which proves that she is not displeased with what she affects to censure, or that she is afraid to lose her reputation for wit, in proportion as she advances her credit for piety, injures the cause more than he who at- tacks it ; for she proves either that she does not believe what she professes, or that she does not reverence what fear compels her to believe. But this is not all : she is called on, not barely to repress impiety, but to excite, to encourage, ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 1 5 and to cherish every tendency to serious reli- gion. Some of the occasions of contributing to the general good which are daily presenting them- selves to ladies, are almost too minute to be pointed out. Yet of the good which right- minded women, anxiously watching these mi- nute occasions, and adroitly seizing them, might accomplish, we may form some idea by the ill effects which we actually see produced, through the mere levity, carelessness, and inattention (to say no worse) of some of those ladies, who are looked up to as standards in the fashionable world. I am persuaded if many a woman of fashion, who is now disseminating unintended mischief, under the dangerous notion that there is no harm in any thing short of positive vice, and under the false colors of that indolent humility, " What good can I do ?" could be brought to see in its collected force the annual aggregate of the random evil she is daily doing, by con- stantly throwing a little casual weight into the wrong scale, by mere inconsiderate and un- guarded chat, she would start from her self- complacent dream. If she could conceive how much she may be diminishing the good impres- sions of young men, and if she could imagine how little amiable levity or irreligion makes her appear in the eyes of those who are older and abler (however loose their own principles may be,) she would correct herself in the first in- stance, from pure good nature ; and, in the second, from worldly prudence and mere self- love. But on how much higher principles would 16 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. she restrain herself, if she habitually took into account the important doctrine of consequen- ces ; and if she reflected that the lesser but more habitual corruptions make up, by their number, what, they may seem to come short of by their weight; then, perhaps, she would find that, among the higher class of women, incon- sideration is adding more to the daily quantity of evil than almost all other causes put together. There is an instrument of inconceivable force, when it is employed against the interests of Christianity : it is not reasoning, for that may be answered ; it is not learning, for luckily the infidel is not seldom ignorant ; it is not in- vective, for we leave so coarse an engine to the hands of the vulgar ; it is not evidence, for hap- pily we have that all on our side : it is ridicule, the most deadly weapon in the whole arsenal of impiety, and which becomes an almost unerring shaft when directed by a fair and fashionable hand. No maxim has been more readily adopt- ed, or is more intrinsically false, than that which the fascinating eloquence of a noble skeptic of the last age contrived to render so popular, that " ridicule is the test of truth."* It is no test of truth itself; but of their firmness who assert the cause of truth, it is indeed a severe test. This light, keen, missile weapon, the irresolute, unconfirmed Christian will find it harder to * Lord Shaftesbury, in his "Characteristics." But says Dr. Brown, one of his lordship's chief opponents — " A rigid exami- nation is the only test of truth. For experience hath taught us, that even obstinacy or error can endure the fires of persecution. But it is genuine truth, and that alone, which conies out, pure and unchanged, from the severer tortures of debate." — Ed. ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 17 withstand, than the whole heavy artillery of in- fidelity united. A young man of the better sort, has, per- haps, just entered upon the world, with a cer- tain share of good dispositions and right feel- ings ; neither ignorant of the evidences, nor destitute of the principles, of Christianity : without parting with his respect for religion, he sets out with the too natural wish of making himself a reputation, and of standing well with the fashionable part of the female world. He preserves for a time a horror of vice, which makes it not difficult for him to resist the gross- er corruptions of society ; he can as yet repel profaneness ; nay, he can withstand the banter of a club. He has sense enough to see through the miserable fallacies of the new philosophy, and spirit enough to expose its malignity. So far he does well, and you are ready to congratu- late him on his security. You are mistaken ; the principles of the ardent and hitherto promis- ing adventurer are shaken, just in that very so- ciety where, while he was looking for pleasure, he doubted not of safety. In the company of certain women, of good fashion and no ill fame, he makes shipwreck of his religion. He sees them treat with levity or derision subjects which he has been used to hear named with respect. He could confute an argument, he could un- ravel a sophistry ; but he cannot stand a laugh. A sneer, not at the truth of religion, for that, perhaps, is by none of the party disbelieved, but at its gravity, its unseasonableness, its dull- ness, puts all his resolution to flight. He feels his mistake, and struggles to recover his credit ; 18 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. in order to which, he adopts the gay affectation of trying to seem worse than he really is ; he goes on to say things which he does not believe, and to deny things which he does believe ; and all to efface the first impression, and to recover a reputation which he has committed to their hands on Whose report he knows he shall stand or fall, in those circles in which he is ambitious to shine. That cold compound of irony, irreligion, selfishness, and sneer, which make up what the French (from whom we borrow the thing as well as the word) so well express by the term perjlage, has of late years made an incredible progress in blasting the opening buds of piety in young persons of fashion. A cold pleasant- ry, a temporary cant word, the jargon of the day (for the " great vulgar" have their jargon,) blights the first promise of seriousness. The ladies of ton have certain watchwords, which may be detected as indications of this spirit. The clergy are spoken of under the contemptu- ous appellation of the parsons. Some ludicrous association is infallibly combined with every idea of religion. If a warm-hearted youth has ventured to name with enthusiasm some emi- nently pious character, his glowing ardor is extinguished with a laugh ; and a drawling declaration, that the person in question is really a mighty harmless, good creature, is uttered in a tone which leads the youth secretly to vow, that whatever else he may be, he will never be a good, harmless creature. Nor is ridicule more dangerous to true piety than to true taste. An age which values itself ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 1 9 on parody, burlesque, irony and caricature, pro- duces little that is sublime, either in genius or in virtue ; but they amuse, aud we live in an age which must be amused, though genius, feeling, truth, and principle, be the sacrifice. Nothing chills the ardors of devotion like a frigid sarcasm ; and, in the season of youth, the mind should be kept particularly clear of all light associations. This is of so much im- portance, that I have known persons who, hav- ing been early accustomed to certain ludicrous combinations, were never able to get their minds cleansed from the impurities contracted by this habitual levity, even after a thorough reformation in their hearts and lives had taken place : their principles became reformed, but their imaginations were indelibly soiled. They could desist from sins which the strictness of Christianity would not allow them to commit, but they could not dismiss from their minds images which her purity forbade them to enter- tain. There was a time when variety of epithets were thought necessary to express various kinds of excellence, and when the different qualities of the mind were distinguished by appropriate and discriminating terms ; when the words ven- erable, learned, sagacious, profound, acute, pi- ous, worthy, ingenious, valuable, elegant, agree- able, wise, or witty, were used as specific marks of distinct characters. But the legislators of fashion have of late years thought proper to comprise all merit in one established epithet ; an epithet which, it must be confessed, is a very desirable one, as far as it goes. This term is 20 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. exclusively and indiscriminately applied wher- ever commendation is intended. The word pleasant now serves to combine and express all moral and intellectual excellence. Every indi- vidual, from the gravest professors of the gravest profession, down to the trifler who is of no pro- fession at all, must earn the epithet of pleasant , or must be contented to be nothing ; and must be consigned over to ridicule, under the vulgar and inexpressive cant word of — a bore. This is the mortifying designation of many a respect- able man, who, though of much worth and much ability, cannot, perhaps, clearly make out his letters patent to the title of pleasant. For, according to this modern classification, there is no intermediate state, but all are comprised within the ample bounds of one or other of these two comprehensive terms. We ought to be more on our guard against this spirit of ridicule, because, whatever may be the character of the present day, its faults do not spring from the redundancies of great qualities, or the overflowings of extravagant vir- tues. It is well if more correct views of life, a more regular administration of laws, and a more settled state of society, have helped to restrain the excesses of the heroic ages, when love and war were considered as the great and sole busi- nesses of human life. Yet, if that period was marked by a romantic extravagance, and the present is distinguished by an indolent selfish- ness, our superiority is not so triumphantly de- cisive, as, in the vanity of our hearts, we may be ready to imagine. I do not wish to bring back the frantic reign ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 21 of chivalry, nor to reinstate women in that fan- tastic empire in which they then sat enthroned in the hearts, or rather in the imaginations, of men. Common sense is an excellent material of universal application, which the sagacity of latter ages has seized upon, and rationally ap- plied to the business of common life. But let us not forget in the insolence of acknowledged superiority, that it was religion and chastity, operating on the romantic spirit of those times, which established the despotic sway of woman ; and though, in this altered scene of things, she now no longer looks down on her adoring vota- ries from the pedestal to which an absurd idola- try had lifted her, yet let her remember, that it is the same religion and the same chastity which once raised her to such an elevation, that must still furnish the noblest energies of her charac- ter ; must still attract the admiration, still retain the respect, of the other sex. While we lawfully ridicule the absurdities which we have abandoned, let us not plume ourselves on that spirit of novelty which glories in the opposite extreme. If the manners of the period in question were affected, and if the gal- lantry was unnatural, yet the tone of virtue was high ; and let us remember, that constancy, purity, and honor, are not ridiculous in them- selves, though they may unluckily be associated with qualities which are so ; and women of deli- cacy would do well to reflect, when descanting on those exploded manners, how far it be deco- rous to deride with too broad a laugh attach- ments which could subsist on remote gratifica- tions ; or grossly to ridicule the taste which led 3 22 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. the admirer to sacrifice pleasure to respect, and inclination to honor ; how far it be delicate to sneer at that purity which made self-denial a proof of affection ; to call in question the sound understanding of him who preferred the fame of his mistress to his own indulgence ; to bur- lesque that antiquated refinement which con- sidered dignity and reserve as additional titles to affection and reverence. We can not. but be struck with the wonderful contrast exhibited to our view, when we con- template the opposite manners of the two pe- riods in question. In the former, all the flower of Europe, smit with a delirious gallantry — all that was young, and noble, and brave, and great, with a fanatic frenzy and preposterous contempt of danger — traversed seas, and scaled mountains', and compassed a large portion of the globe, at the expense of ease, and fortune, and life, for the unprofitable project of rescuing, by force of arms, from the hands of infidels, the sepulchre of that Saviour, whom, in the other period, their posterity would think it the height of fanaticism so much as to name in good com- pany ; that Saviour, whose altars they desert, whose temples they neglect ; and though in more than one country at least they still call themselves by his name, yet too many, it is to be feared, contemn his precepts, still more are ashamed of his doctrines, and not a few reject his sacrifice. Too many consider Christianity rather as a political than a religious distinction ; too many claim the appellation of Christians, in mere opposition to that democracy with which they conceive infidelity to be associated, rather ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 23 than from an abhorrence of impiety for its own sake ; too many deprecate the charge of irreli- gion, as the supposed badge of a reprobated party, more than on account of that moral cor- ruption which is its inseparable concomitant. On the other hand, in an age when inversion is the character of the day, the modern idea of improvement does not consist in altering, but extirpating. We do. not reform, but subvert. We do not correct old systems, but demolish them ; fancying that when every thing shall be new, it will be perfect. Not to have been wrong, but to have been at all, is the crime. Existence is sin. Excellence is no longer con- sidered as an experimental thing, which is to grow gradually out of observation and practice, and to be improved by the accumulating addi- tions brought by the wisdom of successive ages. Our wisdom is not a creature slowly brought, by ripening time and gradual growth, to per- fection ; but is an instantaneously created god- dess, which starts at once, full grown, nature, armed cap-a-pie, from the heads of our modern thunderers. Or rather, if I may change the al- lusion, a perfect system is now expected inevi- tably to spring spontaneously at once, like the fabled bird of Arabia, from the ashes of its pa- rent ; and, like that, can receive its birth no other way but by the destruction of its prede- cessor. Instead of clearing away what is redundant, pruning what is cumbersome, supplying what is defective, and amending what is wrong, we adopt the indefinite rage for radical reform of 24 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. Jack, who, in altering Lord Peter's* coat, show- ed his zeal by crying out, " Tear away, brother Martin, for the love of Heaven ; never mind, so you do but tear away." This tearing system has unquestionably rent away some valuable parts of that strong, rich, native stuff, which formed the ancient texture of British manners. That we have , gained much, I am persuaded ; that we have lost noth- ing, I dare not therefore affirm. But though it fairly exhibits a mark of our improved judg- ment to ridicule the fantastic notions of love and honor in the heroic ages, let us not rejoice that the spirit of generosity in sentiment, and of ardor in piety, the exuberances of which were then so inconvenient, are now sunk as unreasonably low. That revolution of taste and manners which the unparalleled wit and genius of Don Quixote so happily effected throughout all the polished countries of Europe, by abolish- ing extravagances the most absurd and perni- cious, was so far imperfect, that some virtues which he never meant to expose, unjustly fell into disrepute with the absurdities which he did ; and it is become the turn of the present taste inseparably to attach, in no small degree, that which is ridiculous to that which is serious and heroic. Some modern works of wit have assisted in bringing piety and some of the nob- lest virtues into contempt, by studiously associ- ating them with oddity, childish simplicity, and ignorance of the world ; and unnecessary pains have been taken to extinguish that zeal and * Swift's "Tale of a Tub." ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 25 ardor, which, however liable to excess and er- ror, are yet the spring of whatever is great and excellent in the human character. The novel of Cervantes is incomparable ; the Tartuffe of Moliere is unequalled ; but true generosity and true religion will never lose any thing of their intrinsic value, because knight-errantry and hy- pocrisy are legitimate objects for satire. But to return, from this too long digression, to the subject of female influence. Those who have not watched the united operation of vanity and feeling on a youthful mind, will not con- ceive how much less formidable the ridicule of all his own sex will be to a very young man, than that of those women to whom he has been taught to look up as the arbiters of elegance. Such a youth, I doubt not, might be able to work himself up, by the force of genuine Chris- tian principle, to such a pitch of true heroism, as to refuse a challenge (and it requires more real courage to refuse a challenge than to ac- cept one,) who would yet be in danger of re- lapsing into the dreadful pusillanimity of the world, when he is told that no woman of fashion will hereafter look on him but with contempt. While we have cleared away the rubbish of the Gothic acres, it were to be wished we had not retained the most criminal of all their institu- tions. Why chivalry should indicate a mad- man, while its leading object, the single com- bat, should indicate a gentleman, has not yet been explained. Nay, the plausible original motive is lost, while the sinful practice is con- tinued ; for the fighter of the duel no longer pretends to be a glorious redresser of the wrongs 3* 26 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. of strangers ; no longer considers himself as piously appealing to Heaven for the justice of his cause ; but, from the slavish fear of un- merited reproach, often selfishly hazards the happiness of his nearest connections, and al- ways comes forth in direct defiance of an ac- knowledged command of the Almighty. Per- haps there are few occasions on which female influence might be exerted to a higher purpose than on this, in which laws and conscience have hitherto effected so little. But while the duellist (who perhaps becomes a duellist only because he was first a seducer) is welcomed with smiles, the more hardy, dignified youth, who, not because he fears man, but God, de- clines a challenge, who is resolved to brave dis- grace rather than commit sin, would be treated with cool contempt by those very persons, to whose esteem he might reasonably have looked, as one of the rewards of his true and substan- tial fortitude. How then is it to be reconciled with the de- cisions of principle, that delicate women should receive with complacency the successful liber- tine, who has been detected by the wretched father or the injured husband in a criminal commerce, the discovery of which has too justly banished the unhappy partner of his crime from virtuous society ? Nay, if he happens to be very handsome, or very brave, or very fashiona- ble, is there not sometimes a kind of dishonora- ble competition for his favor? Is there not a sort of bad popularity attached to his attentions 1 But, whether his flattering reception be derived from birth, or parts, or person, or (what is often ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 27 a substitute for all) from his having made his way into good company, women of distinction sully the sanctity of virtue by the too visible pleasure they sometimes express at the atten- tions of such a popular libertine, whose voluble small-talk they admire, whose sprightly noth- ings they quote, whose vices they justify or ex- tenuate, and whom, perhaps, their very favor tends to prevent from becoming a better char- acter, because he finds himself more acceptable as he is. May I be allowed to introduce a new part of my subject, by remarking that it is a matter of inconceivable importance, though not, perhaps, sufficiently considered, when any popular work, not on a religious topic, but on any common subject, such as politics, history, or science, has happened to be written by an author of sound Christian principles 1 It may not have been necessary, nor prudently practicable, to have a single page in the whole work professedly reli- gious ; but still, when the living principle in- forms the mind of the writer, it is almost im- possible but that something of its spirit will dif- fuse itself even into subjects with which it should seem but remotely connected. It is at least a comfort to the reader, to feel that honest confidence which results from knowing that he has put himself into safe hands ; that he has com- mitted himself to an author, whose known princi- ples are a pledge that his reader need not be driven to watch himself at every step with anx- ious circumspection ; that he need not be look- ing on the right hand and on the left, as if he knew there were pitfalls under the flowers 28 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. which are delighting him. And it is no small point gained, that on subjects in which you do not look to improve your religion, it is at least secured from deterioration. If the Athenian laws were so delicate that they disgraced any one who showed an inquiring traveller the wrong road, what disgrace among Christians should attach to that author, who, when a youth is inquiring the road to history or philosophy, directs him to blasphemy and unbelief?* In animadverting farther on the reigning evils which the times more particularly demand that women of rank and influence should re- press, Christianity calls upon them to bear their decided testimony against every thing which is notoriously contributing to the public corrup- tion. It calls upon them to banish from their dressing-rooms (and O that their influence could banish from the libraries of their sons and hus- bands!) that sober and unsuspected mass of mischief, which, by assuming the plausible * The author has often heard it mentioned as matter of regret, that Mr. Gibbon should have blemished his elegant history with two notoriously offensive chapters against Christianity. But does not this regret seem to imply that the work would, by this omission, have been left s.ife and unexceptionable? May we not rather consider these chapters as a fatal rock, indeed , but as a rock enlightened by a beacon, fahly and unequivocally warn- ing us of the surrounding perils 1 To change the metaphor — had not the mischiefs of these chapters been rendered thus conspicu- ous, the incautious reader would have been still left exposed to the fatal effects of the more disguised poison which is infused through almost every part of the volumes. Is it not obvious, that a spirit so virulent against revealed religion as these two chap- ters indicate, would be incessantly pouring out some of its infec- tious matter on every occasion, and would even industriously make the opportunities which it did not find? [The author's estimable friend, Mrs. Montague, thought differ- ently, for she bound up Gibbon's History without the two excep- tionable chapters , and, since the publication of this treatise, an expurgated edition of Gibbon's History has been edited by the late Mr. Bowlder.— Ed.] ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 29 names of science — of philosophy — of arts — of belles letters, is gradually administering death to the principles of those who would be on their guard, had the poison been labelled with its own pernicious title. Avowed attacks upon revelation are more easily resisted, because the malignity is advertised. But who suspects the destruction which lurks under the harmless or instructive names of general history — natural history — travels, voyages — lives — encyclopedias — criticism — and romance 1 Who will deny that many of these works contain much admi- rable matter — brilliant passages, important facts, just descriptions, faithful pictures of nature, and valuable illustrations of science 1 But, while " the dead fly lies at the bottom," the whole will exhale a corrupt and pestilential stench. Novels, which chiefly used to be dangerous in one respect, are now become mischievous in a thousand. They are continually shifting their ground, and enlarging their sphere, and are daily becoming vehicles of wider mischief. Sometimes they concentrate their force, and are at once employed to diffuse destructive poli- tics, deplorable profligacy, and impudent infi- delity. Rousseau* was the first popular dis- penser of this complicated drug, in which the deleterious infusion was strong, and the effect proportionably fatal ; for he does not attempt to * Jean Jacques Rousseau was born at Geneva, in 1712, and died at Ermenonville, near Paris, in 1778. His remains were deposited in a spot calied the Isle of Poplars, with this epitaph, " Here lies the man of nature and of truth." This man of na- ture lived at variance with all the world ; and, so far from being a man of truth, he was a compound of paradoxes and contradic- tions. The works here censured are " Eloisa," and " Emi- lius."— Ed. \ 30 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. seduce the affections, but through the medium of the principles. He does not paint an inno- cent woman ruined, repenting, and restored ; but, with a far more mischievous refinement, he annihilates the value of chastity, and, with per- nicious subtlety, attempts to make his heroine appear almost more amiable without it. He ex- hibits a virtuous woman, the victim, not of temptation, but of reason ; not of vice, but of sentiment; not of passion, but of conviction; and strikes at the very root of honor, by elevat- ing a crime into a principle. With a meta- physical sophistry the most plausible, he de- bauches the heart of woman, by cherishing her vanity in the erection of a system of male vir- tues, to which, with a lofty dereliction of those that are her more peculiar and characteristic praise, he tempts her to aspire ; powerfully in- sinuating, that to this splendid system, chastity does not necessarily belong ; thus corrupting the judgment, and bewildering the understanding, as the most effectual way to inflame the imagi- nation and deprave the heart. The rare mischief of this author consists in his power of seducing by falsehood those who love truth, but whose minds are still wavering, and whose principles are not yet formed. He allures the warm-hearted to embrace vice, not because they prefer vice, but because he gives to vice so natural an air of virtue: an ardent and enthusiastic youth, too confidently tru.^ting in their integrity and in their teacher, will be undone, while they fancy they are indulging in the noblest feelings of their nature. Many au- thors will more infallibly complete the ruin of ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 31 the loose and ill-disposed ; but, perhaps, there never was a net of such exquisite art and inex- tricable workmanship, spread to entangle inno- cence, and ensnare inexperience, as the writ- ings of Rousseau ; and, unhappily, the victim does not even struggle in the toils, because part of the delusion consists in his imagining that he is set at liberty. Some of our recent popular publications have adopted and enlarged all the mischiefs of this school ; and the principal evil arising from them is, that the virtues they exhibit are almost more dangerous than the vices. The chief materials out of which these delusive systems are framed, are characters who practise superfluous acts of generosity, while they are trampling on obvious and commanded duties ; who combine inflated sentiments of honor, with actions the most flacri- tons ; a high tone of self-confidence, with a per- petual neglect of self-denial ; pathetic apostro- phes to the passions, but no attempt to resist them. They teach, that chastity is only indi- vidual attachment ; that no duty exists which is not prompted by feeling; that impulse is the main spring of virtuous actions, while laws and religion are only unjust restraints ; the former imposed by arbitrary men, the latter by the ab- surd prejudices of timorous and unenlightened conscience. Alas ! they do not know that the best creature of impulse that ever lived, is but a wayward, unfixed, unprincipled being ! that the best natural man requires a curb, and needs that balance to the affections which Christianity alone can furnish, and without which, benevo- lent propensities are no security to virtue. And, 32 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE perhaps, it is not too much to say, in spite of the monopoly of benevolence to which the new philosophy lays claim, that the human duties of the second table have never once been well performed by any of the rejectors of that previ- ous portion of the Decalogue which enjoins duty to God, In some of the most splendid of these char- acters, compassion is erected into the throne of justice, and justice degraded into the rank of plebeian virtues. It is considered as a noble exemplification of sentiment, that creditors should be defrauded, while the money due to them is lavished in dazzling acts of charity to some object that affects the senses ; which paroxysms of charity are made the sponge of every sin, and the substitute of every virtue : the whole indirectly tending to intimate how very benevolent people are who are not Chris-' tians. From many of these compositions, in- deed, Christianity is systematically, and always virtually, excluded ; for the law, and the prophets, and the Gospel, can make no part of a scheme in which this world is looked upon as all in all ; in which want and misery are con- sidered as evils arising solely from the defects of human governments, and not as making part of the dispensations of God ; in which poverty is represented as merely a political evil, and the restraints which tend to keep the poor honest, are painted as the most flagrant injus- tice. The Gospel can make no part of a sys- tem in which the absurd idea, of perfectibility is considered as applicable to fallen creatures ; in which the chimerical project of consummate ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 33 earthly happiness (founded on the mad pre- tence of loving the poor better than God loves them) would defeat the divine plan, which meant this world for a scene of discipline, not of remuneration. The Gospel can have noth- ing to do with a system in which sin is reduced to a little human imperfection, and Old Bailey crimes are softened down into a few engaging weaknesses ; and in which the turpitude of all the vices a man himself commits, is done away by his candor in tolerating all the vices com- mitted by others.* But the part of the system the most fatal to that class whom I am addressing is, that even in those works which do not go all the length of treating marriage as an unjust infringement on liberty, and a tyrannical deduction from gen- eral happiness, yet it commonly happens that the hero or heroine, who has practically violated the letter of the seventh commandment, and continues to live in the allowed violation of its spirit, is painted as so amiable and so benevo- lent, so tender or so brave ; and the temptation is represented as so irresistible (for all these philosophers are fatalists), the predominant and cherished sin is so filtered and defecated of its pollutions, and is so sheltered, and surrounded, and relieved with shining qualities, that the in- nocent and impressible young reader is brought * It is to be lamented that some, even of those more virtuous novel writers, who intend to espouse the cause of religion, yet exhibit such false views of it. I have lately seen a work of some merit in this way, which was meritoriously designed to expose the impieties of the new philosophy. But the writer betrayed his own imperfect knowledge of the Christianity he was defend- ing, by making his hero, whom he proposed as a pattern, fight a duel ! 4 34 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. to lose all horror of the awful crime in question, in the complacency she feels for the engaging virtues of the criminal. There is another object to which I would direct the exertion of that power of female in- fluence of which I am speaking. Those ladies who take the lead in society, are loudly called upon to act as the guardians of the public taste, as well as of the public virtue. They are called upon, therefore, to oppose, with the whole weight of their influence, the irruption of those swarms of publications now daily issu- ing from the banks of the Danube, which, like their ravaging predecessors of the darker ages, though with far other and more fatal arms, are overrunning civilized society. Those readers,, whose purer taste has been formed on the cor- rect models of the old classic school, see with indignation and astonishment the Huns and Vandals once more overpowering the Greeks and Romans. They behold our minds with a retrograde but rapid motion, hurried back to the reign of " chaos and old night," by dis- torted and unprincipled compositions, which, in spite of strong flashes of genius, unite the taste of the Goths with the morals of Bagshot ;* Gorgons, and hydras, and chimeras dire ! These compositions terrify the weak, and amaze and enchant the idle ; while they disgust the discerning, by wild and misshapen superstitions, in which, with that consistency which forms so ,* The newspapers announce that Schiller's tragedy of The Robbers, which inflamed the young nobility of Germany to en- list themselves into a band of highwaymen to rob in the forests of Bohemia, is now acting in England by persons of quality. ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 35 striking a feature of the new philosophy, those who most earnestly deny the immortality of the soul, are most eager to introduce the machin- ery of ghosts. The writings of the French infidels were some years ago circulated in England with un- common industry, and with some effect; but the plain sense and good principles of the far greater part of our countrymen resisted the at- tack, and rose superior to the trial. Of the doctrines and principles here alluded to, the dreadful consequences, not only in the un- happy country where they originated, and were almost universally adopted, but in every part of Europe where they have been received, have been such as to serve as a beacon to surround- ing nations, if any warning can preserve them from destruction. In this country the subject is now so well understood, that every thing that issues from the French press is received with jealousy ; and a work, on the first appearance of its exhibiting the doctrines of Voltaire and his associates, is rejected with indignation. But let us not, on account of this victory, repose in confident security. The modern apostles of infidelity and immorality, little less indefatigable in dispersing their pernicious doc- trines than the first apostles were in propaga- ting Gospel truths, have indeed changed their weapons, but they have by no means desisted from the attack. To destroy the principles of Christianity in this island, appears at the pres- ent moment to be their grand aim. Deprived of the assistance of the French press, they are now attempting to attain their object under the 36 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. close and artificial veil of German literature. Conscious that religion and morals will stand or fall together, their attacks are sometimes levelled against the one, and sometimes against the other. With strong occasional professions of general attachment to both of these, they en- deavor to interest the feelings of the reader, sometimes in favor of some one particular vice, at other times on the subject of some one ob- jection to revealed religion. Poetry as well as prose, romance as well as history, writings on philosophical as well as on political subjects, have thus been employed to instil the principles of Illuminism* while incredible pains have been taken to obtain able translations of every book which was supposed likely to be of use in corrupting the heart or misleading the under- standing. In many of these translations, certain bolder passages, which, though well received in Germany, would have excited disgust in England, are wholly omitted, in order that the mind may be more certainly, though more * Towards tho latter part of the eighteenth century, an infidel sect arose in Bavaria, under the name of the Illumiiiati, and soon spread throughout Germany. These enlighteners of the world had symbols, and a language of their own, somewhat like the Free Masons ; and, indeed, the confederates were considered as a branch of that order. Their real object, however, was to over- turn religion and civil government. " The freedom of inquiry," says Professor Robison in his account of this conspiracy, " was terribly abused ; and degenerated into a wanton licentiousness of thought, and a rage for speculation and skepticism on every sub- ject whatever. The struggle which was originally between the Catholics and Protestants, had changed, during the gradual progress of luxury and immorality, into a contest between reason and superstition. And in this contest, the denomination of super- stition had been gradually extended to every doctrine which pro- fessed to be of divine revelation, and reason was declared to be for certain the only way by which the Deity can inform the human mind." It need hardly be observed, that Illuminism made rapid progress in France. — Ed. ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 37 slowly, prepared for the full effect of the same poison to be administered in a stronger degree at another period. Let not those, to whom these pages are ad- dressed, deceive themselves, by supposing this to be a fable ; and let them inquire most seri- ously whether I speak truth, in asserting that the attacks of infidelity in Great Britain are at this moment principally directed against the female breast. Conscious of the influence of women in civil society, conscious of the effect which female infidelity produced in France, they attribute the ill success of their attempts in this country to their having been hitherto chiefly addressed to the male sex. They are now sedulously laboring to destroy the religious principles of women, and in too many instances have fatally succeeded. For this purpose, not only novels and romances have been made the vehicles of vice and infidelity, but the same allurement has been held out to the women of our country, which was employed by the first philosophist to the first sinner — knowledge. Listen to the precepts of the new German en- lighteners, and you need no longer remain in that situation in which Providence has placed you ! Follow their examples, and you shall be permitted to indulge in all those gratifications which custom, not religion, has tolerated in the male sex ! Let us jealously watch every deepening shade in the change of manners ; let us mark every step, however inconsiderable, whose tendency is downwards. Corruption is neither stationary 4* 38 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. nor retrograde ; and to have departed from modesty, simplicity, and truth, is already to have made a progress. It is not only awfully true, that since the new principles have been afloat, women have been too eagerly inquisitive after these monstrous compositions ; but it is true also, that, with a new and offensive renun- ciation of their native delicacy, many women of character make little hesitation in avowing their familiarity with works abounding with principles, sentiments, and descriptions, " which should not be so much as named among them." By allowing their minds to come in contact with such contagious matter, they are irrecoverably tainting them ; and by acknowledging that they are actually conversant with such corrup- tions (with whatever reprobation of the author they may qualify their perusal of the book), they are exciting in others a most mischievous curiosity for the same unhallowed gratification. Thus they are daily diminishing in the young and the timid those wholesome scruples, by which, when a tender conscience ceases to be intrenched, all the subsequent stages of ruin are gradually facilitated. We have hitherto spoken only of the Ger- man writings ; but, because there are multi- tudes who seldom read, equal pains have been taken to promote the same object through the medium of the stage ; and this weapon is, of all others, that against which it is, at the present moment, the most important to warn the more inconsiderate of my countrywomen. As a specimen of the German drama, it may ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 39 not be unseasonable to offer a few remarks on the admired play of the Stranger.* In this piece, the character of an adulteress, which, in all periods of the world, ancient as well as modern, in all countries, heathen as well as Christian, has hitherto been held in detestation, and has never been introduced but to be repro- bated, is for the first time presented to our view in the most pleasing and fascinating colors. The heroine is a woman who forsook a Jiusband the most affectionate and the most amiable, and lived for some time in a criminal commerce with her seducer. Repenting at length of her crime, she buries herself in re- tirement. The talents of the poet during the whole piece are exerted in attempting to ren- der this woman the object not only of the com- passion and forgiveness, but of the esteem and affection, of the audience. The injured hus- band, convinced of his wife's repentance, forms a resolution, which every man of true feeling and Christian piety will probably approve. He for- gives her offence, and promises through life his advice, protection, and fortune, together with every thing which can alleviate the misery of her condition, but refuses to replace her in the situation of his wife. But this is not sufficient for the German author. His efforts are em- ployed, and it is to be feared but too success- fully, in making the audience consider the hus- band as an unrelenting savage, while they are led by the art of the poet anxiously to wish to see an adulteress restored to the rank of women * By Kotzebue. 40 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. who have not violated the most solemn cove- nant that can be made with man, nor disobeyed one of the most positive laws which has been enjoined by God. About the same time that this first attempt at representing an adulteress in an exemplary light, was made by a German dramatist, which forms an era in manners, a direct vindication of adultery was, for the first time, attempted by a woman, a professed admirer and imitator of the German suicide Werter. The female Wer- ter, as she is styled by her biographer, asserts, in a work entitled " The Wrongs of Women," that adultery is justifiable, and that the restric- tions placed on it by the laws of England con- stitute one of the wrongs of women* This leads me to dwell a little longer on this most destructive class in the whole wide range of modern corrupters, who effect the most des- perate work of the passions, without so much as pretending to urge their violence in extenu- ation of the guilt of indulging them. They so- licit this very indulgence with a sort of cold- blooded speculation, and invite the reader to the most unbounded gratifications, with all the saturnine coolness of a geometrical calculation. Theirs is an iniquity rather of phlegm than of spirit; and in the pestilent atmosphere they raise about them, as in the infernal climate described by Milton, * Mary Wolstonecraft Godwin, who preferred concubinage to marriage, and only submitted to the form of matrimony for the sake of preserving a decorous appearance in soci ty. S^ch is the account given of Mary in the memoir written by her hus- band. — Ed. ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 41 The parching air* Burns frore, and frost performs th' effects of fire. This cool, calculating, intellectual wicked- ness eats out the very heart and core of virtue, and, like a deadly mildew, blights and shrivels the blooming promise of the human spring. Its benumbing touch communicates a torpid sluggishness which paralyzes the soul. It des- cants on depravity as gravely, and details its grossest acts as frigidly, as if its object were to allay the tumult of the passions, while it is let- ting them loose on mankind, by " plucking off the muzzle " of present restraint and future ac- countableness. The system is a dire infusion, compounded of bold impiety, brutish sensuality, and exquisite folly, which, creeping fatally about the heart, checks the moral circulation, and totally stops the pulse of goodness by the extinction of the vital principle ; thus not only choking the stream of actual virtue, but drying up the very fountain of future remorse and re- mote repentance. The ravages which some of the old offenders against purity made in the youthful heart, by the exercise of a fervid but licentious imagina- tion on the passions, resembled the mischief effected by floods, cataracts, and volcanoes. The desolation, indeed, was terrible, and the ruin was tremendous : yet it was a ruin which did not infallibly preclude the possibility of re- covery. The country, though deluged and de- vastated, was not utterly put beyond the power * " When the north windbloweth, it devoureth the mountains, and burneth the wilderness, and consumeth the grass as fire." Ecclus. xl. 20. 42 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. of restoration. The harvests, indeed, were destroyed, and all was wide sterility. But though the crops were lost, the seeds of vegeta- tion were not absolutely eradicated ; so that, after a long and barren blank, fertility might finally return. But the heart once infected with this newly- medicated venom, subtle though sluggish in its operation, resembles what travellers relate of that blasted spot, the Dead Sea, where those devoted cities once stood, which for their pollu- tions were burnt with fire from heaven. It continues a stagnant lake of putrefying waters. No wholesome blade evermore shoots up ; the air is so tainted, that no living thing subsists within its influence. Near the sulphurous pool the very principle of being is annihilated. All is death, Death, unrepeatable, eternal death. But let us take comfort. These projects are not yet generally realized. These atrocious principles are not yet adopted into common practice. Though corruptions seem with a confluent tide to be pouring in upon us from every quarter, yet there is still left among us a discriminating judgment. Clear and strongly- marked distinctions between right and wrong still subsist. While we continue to cherish this sanity of mind, the case is not desperate. Though that crime, the growth of which always exhibits the most irrefragable proof of the dis- soluteness of public manners ; though that crime, which cuts up order and virtue by the ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 43 roots, and violates the sanctity of vows, is awfully increasing, Till senates seem For purposes of empire less convened Than to release the adulteress from her bonds; yet, thanks to the surviving efficacy of a holy religion, to the operation of virtuous laws, and to the energy and unshaken integrity with which these laws are now administered ; and, most of all, perhaps, to a standard of morals which continues in force, when the principles which sanctioned it are no more ; this crime, in the female sex at least, is still held in just abhorrence. If it be practised, it is not honor- able ; if it be committed, it is not justified ; we do not yet affect to palliate its turpitude ; as yet it hides its abhorred head in lurking privacy ; and reprobation hitherto follows its publicity. But on your exerting your influence, with just application and increasing energy, may, in no small degree, depend whether this corrup- tion shall continue to be resisted. For the ab- horrence of a practice will too probably dimin- ish, of which the theory is perused with enthu- siasm. From admiring to adopting, the step is short, and the progress rapid ; and it is in the moral as in the natural world — the motion, in the case of minds as well as of bodies, is accel- erated, as they approach the centre to which they are tending. O ye to whom this address is particularly di- rected ! an awful charge is, in this instance, committed to your hands ; as you discharge it, or shrink from it, you promote or injure the honor of your daughters and the happiness of 44 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. your sons, of both which you are the deposi- taries. And, while you resolutely persevere in making a stand against the encroachments of this crime, suffer not your firmness to be shaken by that affectation of charity, which is growing into a general substitute for principle. Abuse not so noble a quality as Christian candor, by misemploying it in instances to which it does not apply. Pity the wretched woman you dare not countenance ; and bless him who has " made you to differ." If, unhappily, she be your relation or friend, anxiously watch for the period when she shall be deserted by her be- trayer ; and see if, by your Christian offices, she can be snatched from a perpetuity of vice. But if, through the divine blessing on your patient endeavors, she should ever be awakened to remorse, be not anxious to restore the for- lorn penitent to that society against whose laws she has so grievously offended ; and remember, that her soliciting such a restoration furnishes but too plain a proof that she is not the pen- itent your partiality would believe ; since peni- tence is more anxious to make its peace with Heaven than with the world. Joyfully would a truly contrite spirit commute an earthly for an everlasting reprobation ! To restore a criminal to public society is, perhaps, to attempt her to repeat her crime, or to deaden her repentance for having committed it, as well as to insult and to injure that society ; while to restore a strayed soul to God will add lustre to your Christian character, and brighten your eternal crown. In the mean time, there are other evils, ulti- ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 45 mately, perhaps, tending to this, into which we are falling, through that sort of fashionable candor which, as was hinted above, is among the mischievous characteristics of the present day ; of which period perhaps it is not the smallest evil, that vices are made to look so like virtues, and are so assimilated to them, that it requires watchfulness and judgment sufficiently to analyze and discriminate. There are cer- tain women of good fashion, who practise irreg- ularities not consistent with the strictness of virtue, while their good sense and knowledge of the world make them at the same time keenly alive to the value of reputation. They want to retain their indulgences, without quite forfeiting their credit ; but finding their fame fast declining, they artfully cling, by flattery and marked attentions, to a few persons of more than ordinary character ; and thus, till they are driven to let go their hold, continue to prop a falling fame. On the other hand, there are not wanting women of distinction of very correct general conduct, and of no ordinary sense and virtue, who, confiding with a high mind on what they too confidently call the integrity of their own hearts; anxious to deserve a good fame, on the one hand, by a life free from reproach, yet secretly too desirous, on the other, of securing a worldly and fashionable reputation ; while their general associates are persons of honor, and their general resort places of safety ; yet allow themselves to be occasionally present at the midnight orgies of revelry and gaming, in houses of no honorable estimation ; and thus 5 46 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. help to keep up characters which, without their sustaining hand, would sink to their just level of contempt and reprobation. While they are holding out this plank to a drowning reputa- tion, rather, it is to be feared, showing their own strength than assisting another's weakness, they value themselves, perhaps, on not par- taking of the worst parts of the amusements which may be carrying on ; but they sanction them by their presence ; they lend their coun- tenance to corruptions they should abhor, and their example to the young and inexperienced, who are looking about for some such sanction to justify them in that to which they were be- fore inclined, but were too timid to have ven- tured upon without the protection of such un- sullied names. Thus these respectable charac- ters, without looking to the general consequences of their indiscretion, are thoughtlessly employed in breaking down, as it were, the broad fence which should ever separate two very different sorts of society, and are becoming a kind of unnatural link between vice and virtue. There is a gross deception which even per- sons of reputation practise on themselves. They loudly condemn vice and irregularity as an abstract principle ; nay, they stigmatize them in persons of an opposite party, or in those from whom they themselves have no prospect of personal advantage or amusement, and in whom, therefore, they have no particu- lar interest to tolerate evil. But the same dis- orders are viewed without abhorrence when practised by those who in any way minister to their pleasures. Refined entertainments, luxu- ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. 47 rious decorations, select music, whatever fur- nishes any delight rare and exquisite to the senses — these soften the severity of criticism ; these palliate sins ; these varnish over the flaws of a broken character, and extort not pardon merely, but justification, countenance, inti- macy ! The more respectable will not, per- haps, go all the length of vindicating the dis- reputable vice, but they affect to disbelieve its existence in the individual instance ; or, failing in this, they will bury its acknowledged turpi- tude in the seducing qualities of the agreeable delinquent. Talents of every kind are consid- ered as a commutation for a few vices ; and such talents are made a passport to introduce into honorable society characters whom their profligacy ought to exclude from it. But the great object to which yoa, who are or may be mothers, are more especially called, is the education of your children. If we are responsible for the use of influence in the case of those over whom we have no immediate control, in the case of our children we are re- sponsible for the exercise of acknowledged poiver ; a power wide in its extent, indefinite in its effects, and inestimable in its importance. On you depend, in no small degree, the prin- ciples of the whole rising generation. To your direction the daughters are almost exclusively committed ; and, until a certain age, to you also is consigned the mighty privilege of form- ing the hearts and minds of your infant sons. To you is made over the awfully important trust of infusing the first principles of piety into the tender minds of those who may one day be 48 ON THE EFFECTS OF INFLUENCE. called to instruct, not families merely, but dis- tricts ; to influence, not individuals, but sen- ates. Your private exertions may at this mo-> ment be contributing to the future happiness, your domestic neglect, to the future ruin, of your country. And may you never forget, in this your early instruction of your offspring, nor they, in their future application of it, that re- ligion is the only sure ground of morals ; that private principle is the only solid basis of public virtue. O, think that they both may be fixed or forfeited forever, according to the use you are now making of that power which God has delegated to you, and of which he will demand a strict account. By his blessing on your pious labors, may both sons and daughters hereafter " arise and call you blessed." And in the great day of general account, may every Chris- tian mother be enabled through divine grace to say, with humble confidence, to her Maker and Redeemer, " Behold the children whom thou hast given me ! " Christianity, driven out from the rest of the world, has still, blessed be God ! a " strong hold" in this country. And though it be the special duty of the appointed " watchman, now that he seeth the sword come upon the land, to blow the trumpet and warn the people, which, if he neglect to do, their blood shall be re- quired of the watchman's hand ;"* yet, in this sacred garrison, impregnable but by neglect, you too have an awful post, that of arming the minds of the rising race with the " shield of * Ezekiel xxxiii. 6. ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. 49 faith, whereby they shall be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked ;" that of girding them with that " sword of the Spirit which is the word of God." Let that very period which is desecrated in a neighboring country by a formal renunciation of religion, be solemnly marked by you to purposes diametrically oppo- site. Let that dishonored era in which they avowed their resolution to exclude Christianity from the national education, be the precise mo- ment seized upon by you for its more sedulous inculcation. And while their children are sys- tematically trained to " live without God in the world," let yours, with a more decided empha- sis, be consecrated to promote his glory in it ! If you neglect this, your bounden duty, you will have effectually contributed to expel Chris- tianity from her last citadel. And remember, that the dignity of the work to which you are called, is no less than that of " preserving the ark of the Lord." CHAPTER II. On the education of women. — The prevailing system tends to establish the errors which it ought to correct.— Dangers arising from an excessive cultivation of the arts. It is far from being the object of this slight work to offer a regular plan of female educa- 5* 50 ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. tion, a task which has been often more properly assumed by far abler writers ; but it is intended rather to suggest a few remarks on the reigning mode, which, though it has had many panegyr- ists, appears to be defective, not only in certain particulars, but as a general system. There are, indeed, numberless honorable exceptions to an observation which will be thought severe ; yet the author would ask, whether it be not the natural tendency of the prevailing and popular mode to excite and promote those very evils which it ought to be the main end and object of Christian instruction to remove ; whether the reigning system does not tend to weaken the principles it ought to strengthen, and to dissolve the heart it should fortify ; whether, instead of directing the grand and important engine of education to attack and destroy van- ity, selfishness, and inconsicleration, that triple alliance, in strict and constant league against female virtue — the combined powers of instruc- tion are not sedulously confederated in confirm- ing their strength and establishing their empire 1 If, indeed, the material substance, if the body and limbs, with the organs and senses, be really the more valuable objects of attention, then there is little room for animadversion and improvement ; but if the immaterial and im- mortal mind ; if the heart, " out of which are the issues'of life," be the main concern ; if the great business of education be to implant right ideas, to communicate useful knowledge, to form a correct taste, and a sound judgment, to resist evil propensities, and, above all, to seize the favorable season for infusing principles and ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. 5 1 confirming habits ; if education be a school to fit us for life, and life be a school to fit us for eternity ; if such, I repeat it, be the chief work and grand ends of education, it may then be worth inquiring how far these ends are likely to be effected by the prevailing system. Is it not a fundamental error to consider children as innocent beings, whose little weak- nesses may, perhaps, want some correction, rather than as beings who bring into the world a corrupt nature and evil dispositions, which it should be the great end of education to rectify ? This appears to be such a foundation-truth, that if I were asked what quality is most important in an instructer of youth, I should not hesitate to reply, " Such a strong impression of the cor- ruption of our nature, as should ensure a dispo- sition to counteract it : together with such a deep view and thorough knowledge of the hu- man heart, as should be necessary for devel- oping and controlling its most secret and com- plicated workings." And let us remember, that to know the ivorld, as it is called, that is, to know its local manners, temporary usages, and evanescent fashions, is not to know human nature ; and that where this prime knowledge is wanting, those natural evils which ought to be counteracted will be fostered. Vanity, for instance, is reckoned among the light and venial errors of youth ; nay, so far from being treated as a dangerous enemy, it is often called in as an auxiliary. At worst, it is considered as a harmless weakness, which sub- tracts little from the value of a character ; as a natural effervescence, which will subside of 52 ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. itself, when the first ferment of the youthful passions shall have done working. But those persons know little of the conformation of the human, and especially of the female heart, who fancy that vanity is ever exhausted by the mere operation of time and events. Let those who maintain this opinion look into our places of public resort, and there behold if the ghost of departed beauty is not, to its last flitting, fond of haunting the scenes of its past pleasures. The soul, unwilling (if I may borrow an allu- sion from the Platonic mythology) to quit the spot in which the body enjoyed its former de- lights, still continues to hover about the same place, though the same pleasures are no longer to be found there. Disappointments, indeed, may divert vanity into a new direction; pru- dence may prevent it from breaking out into excesses, and age may prove that it is " vexa- tion of spirit ;" but neither disappointment, prudence, nor age can cure it ; for they do not correct the principle. Nay, the very disap- pointment itself serves as a painful evidence of its protracted existence. Since, then, there is a season when the youthful must cease to be young, and the beau- tiful to excite admiration, to learn how to grow old gracefully, is, perhaps, one of the rarest and most valuable arts which can be taught to woman. And it must be confessed it is a most severe trial for those women to be called to lay down beauty, who have nothing else to take up. It is for this sober season of life that education should lay up its rich resources. However dis- regarded they may hitherto have been, they ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. 53 will be wanted now. When admirers fall away, and flatterers become mute, the mind will be driven to retire into itself; and if it find no entertainment at home, it will be driven back again upon the world with increased force. Yet, forgetting this, do we not seem to educate our daughters exclusively for the tran- sient period of youth, when it is to maturer life we ought to advert ? Do we not educate them for a crowd, forgetting that they are to live at home? for the world, and not for themselves? for show, and not for use ? for time, and not for eternity ? Vanity (and the same may be said of selfish- ness) is not to be resisted like any other vice, which is sometimes busy, and sometimes quiet; it is not to be attacked as a single fault, which is indulged in opposition to a single virtue ; but it is uniformly to be controlled, as an active, a restless, a growing principle, at con- stant war with all the Christian graces ; which not only mixes itself with all our faults, but in- sinuates itself into all our virtues too; and will, if not checked effectually, rob our best actions of their reward. Vanity, if I may use the analogy, is, with respect to the other vices, what feeling is in regard to the other senses ; it is not confined in its operation to the eye, or the ear, or any single organ, but is diffused through the whole being, alive in every part, awakened and communicated by the slightest ' touch ! Not a few of the evils of the present day arise from a new and perverted application of terms : among these, perhaps, there is not one 54 ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. more abused, misunderstood, or misapplied, than the term " accomplishments." This word, in its original meaning, signifies completeness, perfection. But I may safely appeal to the ob- servation of mankind, whether they do not meet with swarms of youthful females, issuing from our boarding-schools, as well as emerging from the more private scenes of domestic education, who are introduced into the world, under the broad and universal title of " accomplished young ladies," of all of whom it cannot very truly and correctly be pronounced, that they illustrate the definition, by a completeness which leaves nothing to be added, and a per- fection which leaves nothing to be desired. This frenzy of accomplishments, unhappily, is no longer restricted within the usual limits of rank and fortune ; the middle orders have caught the contagion, and it rages downward with increasing and destructive violence, from the elegantly dressed but slenderly portioned curate's daughter, to the equally fashionable daughter of the little tradesman, and of the more opulent but not more judicious farmer. And is it not obvious, that as far as this epi- demical mania has spread, this very valuable part of society is declining in usefulness, as it rises in its ill-founded pretensions to elegance ? till this rapid revolution of the manners of the middle class has so far altered the character of the age, as to be in danger of rendering obso- lete the heretofore common saying, " that most worth and virtue are to be found in the middle station." For I do not scruple to assert, that, in general, as far as my little observation has ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. 55 extended, this class of females, in what relates both to religious knowledge and to practical in- dustry, falls short both of the very high and the very low. Their new course of education, and the indolent habits of life, and elegance of dress, connected with it, peculiarly unfits them for the active duties of their own very impor- tant condition ; while with frivolous eagerness, and second-hand opportunities, they run to snatch a few of those showy acquirements which decorate the great. This is done, ap- parently, with one or other of these views ; either to make their fortune by marriage, or, if that fail, to qualify them to become teachers of others; hence the abundant multiplication of superficial wives, and of incompetent and illit- erate governesses. The use of the pencil, the performance of exquisite but unnecessary works, the study of foreign languages and of music, require (with some exceptions which should always be made in favor of great natural genius) a degree of leisure which belongs exclusively to affluence.* One use of learning languages is, not that we may know what the terms which express the articles of our dress and our table are called in French or Italian ; nor that we may think over a few ordinary phrases in Eng- lish, and then translate them, without one foreign idiom ; for he who cannot think in a language, cannot be said to understand it ; but the great use of acquiring any foreign language is, either that it enables us occasionally to con- * Those among the class in question, whose own good sense leads them to avoid these mistaken pursuits, cannot be offended at a reproof which does not belong to them. 56 ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. verse with foreigners unacquainted with any other, or that it is a key to the literature of the country to which it belongs. Now, those humbler females, the chief part of whose time is required for domestic offices, are little likely to fail in the way of foreigners ; and, so far from enjoying opportunities for the acquisition of foreign literature, they have seldom time to possess themselves of much of that valuable knowledge which the books of their own coun- try so abundantly furnish, and the acquisition of which would be so much more useful and honorable than the paltry accessions they make, by hammering out the meaning of a few pas- sages in a tongue they but imperfectly under- stand, and of which they are never likely to make any use. It would be well if the reflection how eagerly this redundancy of accomplishments is seized on by their inferiors, were to operate as in the case of other absurd fashions : the rich and great being seldom brought to renounce any mode or custom, from the mere consideration that it is preposterous, or that it is wrong ; while they are frightened into its immediate relinquishment, from the pressing consideration that the vulgar are beginning to adopt it. But, to return to that more elevated, and, on account of their more extended influence only, that more important class of females, to whose use this little work is more immediately dedi- cated. Some popular authors on the subject of female instruction, had for a time established a fantastic code of artificial manners. They had refined elegance into insipidity, frittered ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. 57 down delicacy into frivolousness, and reduced manner in minauderie* " But to lisp, and to amble, and to nickname God's creatures," has nothing to do with true gentleness of mind ; and to be -silly makes no necessary part of softness. Another class of contemporary au- thors turned all the force of their talents to excite emotions, to inspire sentiment, and to re- duce all mental and moral excellence into sym- pathy and feeling. These softer qualities were elevated at the expense of principle ; and young women were incessantly hearing unqualified sensibility extolled as the perfection of their nature ; till those who really possessed this amiable quality, instead of directing, and chas- tising- and restraining - it, were in danger of fos- O J 3 7 © tering it to their hurt, and began to consider themselves as deriving their excellence from its excess ; while those less interesting damsels, who happened not to find any of this amiable sensibility in their hearts, but thought it cred- itable to have it somewhere, fancied its seat was in the nerves, — and here indeed it was easily found or feigned, — till a false and exces- sive display of feeling became so predominant, as to bring in question the actual existence of that true tenderness, without which, though a woman may be worthy, she can never be amiable. Fashion, then^ by one of her sudden and rapid turns, instantaneously struck out both real sensibility, and the affectation of it, from the standing list of female perfections ; and, * Affectation. 58 ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. by a quick touch of her magic wand, shifted the scene, and at once produced the bold and independent beauty, the intrepid female, the hoiden, the huntress, and the archer ; the swinging arms, the confident, address, the regi- mental, and the four-in-hand. Sucli self-com- placent heroines made us ready to regret their softer predecessors, who had aimed only at pleasing the other sex, while these aspiring fair ones struggled tor the bolder renown of rival- ing them : the project failed ; for, whereas the former had sued for admiration, the latter chal- lenged, seized, compelled it ; but the men, as was natural, continued to prefer the more mod- est claimant to the sturdy competitor. It would be well if we, who have the advan- tage of contemplating the errors of the two ex- tremes, were to look for truth where she is commonly to be found, in the plain and obvious middle path, equally remote from each excess ; and, while we bear in mind that helplessness is not delicacy, let us also remember that mascu- line manners do not necessarily include strength of character nor vigor of intellect. Should we not reflect also, that we are neither to train up Amazons nor Circassians, but that it is our business to form Christians? that we have to educate not only rational, but accountable beings? and, remembering this, should we not be solicitous to let our daughters learn of the well-taught, and associate with the well- bred ? In training them, should we not care- fully cultivate intellect, implant religion, and cherish modesty ? Then, whatever is engaging in manners would be the natural result of what- ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. 59 ever is just in sentiment, and correct in prin- ciple ; softness would* grow out of humility, and external delicacy would spring from purity of heart. Then the decorums, the proprieties, the elegances, and even the graces, as far as they are simple, pure, and honest, would follow as an almost inevitable consequence ; for to fol- low in the train of the Christian virtues, and not to take the lead of them, is the proper place which religion assigns to the graces. Whether we have made the best use of the errors of our predecessors, and of our own num- berless advantages, and whether the prevailing system be really consistent with sound policy, true taste, or Christian principle, it may be worth our while to inquire. Would not a stranger be led to imagine, by a view of the reigning mode of female education, that human life consisted of one universal holi- day, and that the grand contest between the several competitors was, who should be most eminently qualified to excel, and carry off the prize, in the various shows and games which were intended to be exhibited in it ? And to the exhibiters themselves, would he not be ready to apply Sir Francis Bacon's observation on the Olympian victors, that they were so ex- cellent in these unnecessary things, that their perfection must needs have been acquired by the neglect of whatever was necessary ? What would the polished Addison, who thought that one great end of a lady's learn- ing to dance was, that she might know how to sit still gracefully ; what would even the pagan 60 ON THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. historian* of the great Roman conspirator, who could commemorate it among the defects of this hero's accomplished mistress, " that she was too good a singer and dancer for a virtuous woman ;" — what would these refined critics have said, had they lived as we have done, to see the art of dancing lifted into such importance, that it cannot with any degree of safety be confided to one instructer ; but a whole train of successive masters are considered as absolutely, essential to its perfection 1 What would these accurate judges of female manners have said, to see a modest young lady first delivered into the hands of a military sergeant to instruct her in the feminine art of marching ? and when this deli- cate acquisition is attained, to see her trans- ferred to a professor, who. is to teach her the Scotch steps ; which professor, having commu- nicated his indispensable portion of this indis- pensable art, makes way for the professor of French dances ; and all perhaps, in their turn, either yield to, or have the honor to cooperate with, a finishing master ; each probably receiv- ing a stipend which would make the pious curate or the learned chaplain rich and happy 1 The science of music, which used to be communicated in so competent a degree to a young lady by one able instructer, is now dis- tributed among a whole band. She now re- quires, not a master, but an orchestra. And my country readers would accuse me of exag- geration, were I to hazard enumerating the variety of musical teachers who attend at the * Sallust, in his account of Catiline. ON THE EDUCATION OP WOMEN. 61 same time in the same family ; the daughters of which are summoned, by at least as many instruments as the subjects of Nebuchadnezzar, to worship the idol which fashion has set up. They would be incredulous, were I to produce real instances, in which the delighted mother has been heard to declare, that the visits of masters of every art, and the different masters for various gradations of the same art, followed each the objects of sense, or the frivo- lousness of female chit-chat ; it is peculiarly hard, I say, to a mind so softened, to rescue itself from the dominion of self-indulgence, to resume its powers, to call home its scattered strength, to shut out every foreign intrusion, to force back a spring so unnaturally bent, and to devote itself to religious reading, to active busi- ness, to sober reflection, to self-examination. Whereas, to an intellect accustomed to think at all, the difficulty of thinking seriously is obvi- ously lessened. Far be it from me to desire to make scholas- tic ladies or female dialecticians ; but there is * Chapter of Conversation. ON FEMALE STUDY. 141 little fear that the kind of books here recom- mended, if thoroughly studied, and not super- ficially skimmed, will make them pedants, or induce conceit ; for by showing them the pos- sible powers of the human mind, you will bring them to see the littleness of their own ; and, surely, to get acquainted with the mind, to regulate, to inform it, to show it its own igno- rance and its own .nature, does not seem the way to puff it up. But let her who is disposed to be elated with her literary acquisitions, check the rising vanity by calling to mind the just re- mark of Swift, " that, after all her boasted acquirements, a woman will,, generally speak- ing, be found to possess less of what is called learning than a common school-boy." Neither is there any fear that this sort of reading, will convert ladies into authors. The direct contrary effect will be likely to be pro- duced by the perusal of writers who throw the generality of readers at such an unapproachable distance as to check presumption, instead of exciting it. Who are those ever-multiplying authors, that, with unparalleled fecundity, are overstocking the world with their quick-suc- ceeding progeny ? They are novel writers — the easiness of whose productions is at once the cause of their own fruitfulness, and of the al- most infinitely numerous race of imitators to whom they give birth. Such is the frightful facility of this species of composition, that every raw girl, while she reads, is tempted to fancy that she can also write. And as Alexander, on perusing the Iliad, found by congenial sym- pathy the image of Achilles stamped on his 13 142 ON FEMALE STUDY. own ardent soul, and felt himself the hero he was studying; and as Corregio, on first behold- ing a picture which exhibited the perfection of the graphic art, prophetically felt all his own future greatness, and cried out in rapture, " And 1, too, am a painter !" so a thorough- paced novel-reading miss, at the close of every tissue of hackneyed adventures, feels within herself the stirring impulse of corresponding genius, and triumphantly exclaims, " And I, too, am an author !" The glutted imagination soon overflows 'with the redundance of cheap sentiment and plentiful incident; and, by a sort of arithmetical proportion, is enabled, by the perusal of any three novels, to produce a fourth ; till every fresh production, like the prolific progeny of Banquo, is followed by Another, and another, and another! Is a lady, however destitute of talents, educa- tion, or knowledge of the world, whose studies have been completed by a circulating library, in any distress of mind ? the writing a novel suggests itself, as the best soother of her sor- rows ! Does she labor under any depression of circumstances ? writing a novel occurs as the readiest receipt for mending them ! And she solaces her imagination with the conviction that the subscription which has been extorted by her importunity, or given to her necessities, has been offered as a homage to her genius. And this confidence instantly levies a fresh con- tribution for a succeeding work. Capacity and cultivation are so little taken into the account, that writing a book seems to be now considered ON FEMALE STUDY. 143 as the only sure resource which the idle and the illiterate have always in their power. M'ay the author be indulged in a short di- gression while she remarks, though rather out of its place, that the corruption occasioned by these books has spread so wide, and descended so low, as to have become one of the most uni- versal, as well as most pernicious, sources of corruption among us. Not only among millin- ers, mantua-makers, and other trades where numbers work together, the labor of one girl is frequently sacrificed, that she may be spared to read those mischievous books to the others ; but she has been assured by clergymen who have witnessed the fact, that they are procured and greedily read in the wards of our hospitals! an awful hint, that those who teach the poor to read, should not only take care to furnish them with principles which will lead them to abhor corrupt books, but that they should also furnish them with such books as shall strengthen and confirm their principles.* And let every Chris- * The above facts furnish no argument on the side of those who would keep the poor in ignorance. Those who cannot read can hear, and are likely to hear to worse purpose than those who have been better taught. And that ignorance furnishes no secu- rity for integrity either in morals or politics, the late revolts in more than one country, remarkable for the ignorance of the poor, fully illustrate. It is earnestly hoped that the above facts may tend to impress ladies with the importance of superintending the instruction of the poor, and of making it an indispensable part of their charity to give them mora! and religious books. The late celebrated Henry Fielding (a man not likely to be sus- pected of over-strictness) assured a particular friend of the au- thor, that during his long administration of justice in Bow Street, only sir Scotchmen were brought before him. The remark did not proceed from any national partiality in the magistrate, but was produced by him in proof of the effect of a sober and religious education among the lower ranks, on their morals and conduct. See, further, the sentiments of a still more celebrated contem- porary on the duty of instructing the poor. "We have been 144 ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. tian remember, that there is no other way of entering truly into the spirit of that divine prayer, which petitions that the name of God may be " hallowed," that " his kingdom (of grace) may come," and that " his will may be done on earth as it is in heaven," than by each individual contributing according to his meas- ure to accomplish the work for which he prays; for to pray that these great objects may be pro- moted, without contributing to their promotion by our exertions, our money, and our influence, is a palpable inconsistency. CHAPTER IX. On the religious and moral use of History and Geography. While every sort of useful knowledge should be carefully imparted to young persons, it should be imparted not merely for its own sake, but also for the sake of its subserviency to higher things. All human learning should be taught, not as an end, but a means ; and, in this view, taught that the circumstance of the Gospel's being preached to the poor was one of the surest tests of its mission. We think, therefore, that those do not believe it, who do not take care it should be preached to the poor." — Burke on the French Revo- lution. [The author hns made a slight mistake in this note. The magistrate who passed the encomium on the Scotch, was Sir John Fielding, and not his brother Henry. — Ed.] ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. 145 even a lesson of history or geography may be converted into a lesson of religion. In the study of history, the instructer will accustom the pupil not merely to store her memory with facts and anecdotes, and to ascertain dates and epochs ; but she will accustom her also to trace effects to their causes, to examine the secret springs of action, and accurately to observe the operation of the passions. It is only meant to notice here some few of the moral benefits which may be derived from a judicious perusal of history ; and from among other points of in- struction, I select the following :* The study of history may serve to give a clearer insight into the corruption of human nature : It may help to show the plan of Providence in the direction of events, and in the use of un- worthy instruments : It may assist in the vindication of Provi- dence, in the common failure of virtue, and the frequent success of vice : It may lead to a distrust of our own judg- ment : * Tt were to be wished that more historians resembled the ex- cellent Rollin, in the religious and moral turn given to his writings of this kind. But here may I be permitted to observe incidentally (for it is not immediately analogous to my subject), that there is one disadvantage which attends the common prac- tice of setting young ladies to read ancient history and geography in French or Italian, who have not been pieviously well ground- ed in the pronunciation of classical names of persons and places in our own language. The foreign terminations of Greek and Roman names are often very different from the English, and where they are first acquired, are frequently retained and adopted in their stead, so as to give an illiterate appearance to the con- versation of some women who are not really ignorant. And this defective pronunciation is the more to be guarded against in the education of ladies, who are not taught quantity as boys are. 13* 146 ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. It may contribute to our improvement in self- knowledge. But, to prove to the pupil the important doc- trine of human corruption from the study of history, will require a truly Christian commen- tator in the friend with whom the work is perused. For, from the low standard of right established by the generality of historians, who erect so many persons into good characters who fall short of the true idea of Christian virtue, the unassisted reader will be liable to form very imperfect views of what is real goodness ; and will conclude, as his author sometimes does, that the true idea of human nature is to be taken from the medium between his best and his worst characters, without acquiring a just notion of that prevalence of evil, which, in spite of those few brighter luminaries that here and there just serve to gild the gloom of his- tory, tends abundantly to establish the doctrine. It will, indeed, be continually establishing itself by those who, in perusing the history of man- kind, carefully mark the rise and progress of sin, from the first timid irruption of an evil thought, to the fearless accomplishment of the abhorred crime in which that thought has end- ed ; from the indignant question, " Is thy ser- vant a dog, that he should do this great thing ?"* to the perpetration of that very enor- mity of which the self-acquitting delinquent could not endure the slightest suggestion. In this connection, may it not be observed, that young persons should be put on their * 2 Kinga, viii. 13. ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. 147 guard against a too implicit belief in the flatter- ing accounts which many voyage-writers are fond of exhibiting, of the virtue, amiableness, and benignity of some of the countries newly discovered by our circumnavigators ; that they should learn to suspect the superior goodness ascribed to the Hindoos, and particularly the account of the inhabitants of the Pelew Islands 1 These last, indeed, have been rep- resented as having almost escaped the uni- versal taint of our common nature, and would seem by their purity to have sprung from another ancestor than Adam. We cannot forbear suspecting that these pleasing but somewhat overcharged portraits of man in his natural state, are drawn with the invidious design, by counteracting the doctrine of human corruption, to degrade the value, and even destroy the necessity, of the Christian sacrifice : by insinuating that uncultivated man is so disposed to rectitude as to supersede the occasion for that redemption which is pro- fessedly designed for sinners. That in coun- tries professing Christianity, very many are not Christians, will be too readily granted. Yet, to say nothing of the vast superiority of goodness in the lives of those who are really governed by Christianity, is there not some- thing, even in her reflex light, which guides to greater purity many of those who do not pro- fess to walk by it ? I doubt much, if numbers of the unbelievers of a Christian country, from the sounder views and better habits derived in- cidentally and collaterally, as it were, from the influence of a Gospel, the truth of which, how- 148 ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. ever, they do not acknowledge, would not start at many of the actions which these heathen per- fectionists daily commit without hesitation. The religious reader of general history will observe the controlling hand of Providence in the direction of events, in turning the most un- worthy actions and instruments to the accom- plishment of his own purposes. She will mark infinite wisdom directing what appears to be casual occurrences, to the completion of his own plan. She will point out how causes seemingly the most unconnected, events seem- ingly the most unpromising, circumstances seemingly the most incongruous, are all work- ing together for some final good. She will mark how national as well as individual crimes are often overruled to some hidden purpose far different from the intention of the actors; how Omnipotence can, and often does, bring about the best purposes by the worst instruments ; how the bloody and unjust conqueror is but " the rod of his wrath," to punish or to purify his offending children ; how " the fury of the oppressor," and the sufferings of the oppressed, will one day, when the whole scheme shall be unfolded, vindicate his righteous dealings. She will explain to the less enlightened reader, how infinite wisdom often mocks the insignificance of human greatness, and the shallowness of hu- man ability, by setting aside instruments the most powerful and promising, while He works by agents comparatively contemptible. But she will carefully guard this doctrine of divine Prov- idence, thus working out his own purposes through the sins of his creatures, and by the ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. 149 instrumentality of the wicked, by calling to mind, while the offender is but a tool in the hands of the great Artificer, " the wo de- nounced against him by whom the offence cometh !" She will explain how those muta- tions and revolutions in states which appear to us so unaccountable, and how those operations of Providence which seem to us so entangled and complicated, all move harmoniously and in perfect order ; that there is not an event but has its commission ; not a misfortune which breaks its allotted rank ; not a trial which moves out of its appointed track. While ca- lamities and crimes seem to fly in casual con- fusion, all is commanded or permitted ; all is under the control of a wisdom which cannot err, of a goodness which cannot do wrong. To explain my meaning by a few instances. When the spirit of the youthful reader rises in honest indignatiou at the hypocritical piety which divorced an unoffending queen to make way for the lawful crime of our eighth Henry's marriage with Ann Boleyn ; and when that in- dignation is increased by the more open profli- gacy which brought about the execution of the latter; the instructer will not lose so fair an occasion for unfolding how, in the counsels of the Most High, the crimes of the king were overruled to the happiness of the country ; and how, to this inauspicious marriage, from which the heroic Elizabeth sprang, the Protestant re- ligion owed its firm stability. This view of the subject will lead the reader to justify the provi- dence of God, without diminishing her abhor- rence of the vices of the tyrant. 150 ON THE RELIGrOUS USE OF HISTORY. She will explain to her, how even the con- quests of ambition, after having deluged the land with blood, involved the perpetrator in guilt, and the innocent victim in ruin, may yet be made the instrument of opening to future generations the way to commerce, to civiliza- tion, to Christianity. She may remind her, as they are following Caesar in his invasion of Britain, that whereas the conqueror fancied he was only gratifying his own inordinate am- bition, extending the flight of the Roman eagle, immortalizing his own name, and proving that n this world was made for Caesar ;" he was in reality becoming the effectual though uncon- scious instrument of leading a land of barbari- ans to civilization and to science ; and was, in fact, preparing an island of pagans to embrace the religion of Christ. She will inform her, that when afterwards the victorious country of the same Caesar had made Judea a Roman province, and the Jews had become its tribu- taries, the Romans did not know, nor did the indignant Jews suspect, that this, circumstance was operating to the confirmation of an event the most important the world ever witnessed. For when " Augustus sent forth a decree, that all the world should be taxed," he vainly thought he was only enlarging his own impe- rial power ; whereas, he was acting in uncon- scious subservience to the decree of a higher Sovereign, and was helping to ascertain by a public act the exact period of Christ's birth, and furnishing a record of his extraction from that family from which it was predicted by a long line of prophets that he should spring. ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. 151 Herod's atrocious murder of the innocents has added an additional circumstance for the con- firmation of our faith; the incredulity of Thomas has strengthened our belief; nay, the treachery of Judas, and the injustice of Pilate, were the human instruments employed for the salvation of the world. The youth that is not thoroughly armed with Christian principles, will be tempted to mutiny not only against the justice, but the very ex- istence of a superintending Providence, in con- templating those frequent instances which occur in history of the ill-success of the more virtuous cause, and the prosperity of the wicked. He will see with astonishment that it is Rome which triumphs, while Carthage, which had clearly the better cause, falls. Now and then, indeed, a Cicero prevails, and a Catiline is sub- dued ; but, often, it is Caesar successful against the somewhat juster pretensions of Pompey, and against the still clearer cause of Cato. It is Octavius who triumphs, and it is over Brutus that he triumphs ! It is Tiberius who is en- throned, while Germanicus falls! Thus his faith in a righteous Providence at first view is staggered, and he is ready to say, " Surely it is not God that governs the earth !" But on a fuller consideration (and here the suggestions of a Christian instructer are pecu- liarly wanted), there will appear great wisdom in this very confusion of vice and virtue ; for it is calculated to send our .thoughts forward to a world of retribution, the principle of retribution being so imperfectly established in this. It is, indeed, so far common for virtue to have the 152 ON" THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. advantage here, in point of happiness at least, though not of glory, that the course of Provi- dence is still calculated to prove that God is on the side of virtue ; but still, virtue is so often unsuccessful, that clearly the God of virtue, in order that his work may be perfect, must have in reserve a world of retribution. This con- fused state of things, therefore, is just that state which is most of all calculated to confirm the deeply-considerate mind in the belief of a fu- ture state ; for if all here were even or very nearly so, should we not say, " Justice is already satisfied, and there needs no other world V — On the other hand, if vice always triumphed, should we not then be ready to argue in favor of vice rather than virtue, and to wish for no other world 1 It seems so very important to ground young persons in the belief that they will not inevi- tably meet in this world with reward and suc- cess according to their merit, and to habituate them to expect even the most virtuous attempts to be often, though not always disappointed, that I am in danger of tautology on this point. This fact is precisely what history teaches. The truth should be plainly told to the young reader; and the antidote to that evil, which mistaken and worldly people would expect to arise from divulging this discouraging doctrine, is faith. The importance of faith, therefore, and the necessity of it, to real, unbending, and persevering virtue, is surely made plain by pro- fane history itself. For the same thing which happens to states and kings, happens to private life and to individuals. Thus there is scarcely ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. 153 a page, even of pagan history, which may not be made instrumental to the establishing of the truth of revelation ; and it is only by such a guarded mode of instruction that some of the evils attending on the study of ancient litera- ture can be obviated. Distrust and diffidence in our own judgment seems to be also an important instruction to be learnt from history. Flow contrary to all ex- pectation do the events therein recorded com- monly turn out ! Kow continually is the most sagacious conjecture of human penetration baffled ! and yet we proceed to foretell this consequence, and to predict that event from the appearances of things under our own obser- vation, with the same arrogant certainty as if we had never been warned by the monitory an- nals of successive ages, There is scarcely one great event in history which does not, in the issue, produce effects upon which human foresight could never have calculated, The success of Augustus against his country produced peace in many distant provinces, who thus ceased to be harassed and tormented by this oppressive republic. Could this effect have been foreseen, it might have sobered the despair of Cato, and checked the vehemence of Brutus. In politics, in short, in every thing except in morals and religion, all is, to a considerable degree, uncertain. This reasoning- is not meant to show that Cato ought not to have fought, but that he ought not to have desponded even after the last battle ; and certainly, even upon his own principles, ought not to have killed himself, It would be de- 14 1 54 ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OP HISTORY. parting too much from my object to apply this argument, however obvious the application, against those who were driven to unreasonable distrust and despair by the late successes of a neighboring nation. But all knowledge will be comparatively of little value, if we neglect self-knowledge ; and of self-knowledge, history and biography may be made successful vehicles. It will be to little purpose that our pupils become accurate critics on the characters of others, while they remain ignorant of themselves ; for while those who exercise a habit of self-application, a book of profane history may be made an instrument of improvement in this difficult science, so, with- out such a habit, the Bible itself may, in this view, be read with little profit. It will be to no purpose that the reader weeps over the fortitude of the Christian hero, or the constancy of the martyr, if she do not bear in mind that she herself is called to endure her own common trials with something of the same temper ; if she do not bear in mind that to control irregular humors, and to submit to the daily vexations of life, will require, though in a lower degree, the exertion of the same principle, and supplication for the aid of the same Spirit, which sustained the Christian hero in the trying conflicts of life, or the martyr in his agony at the stake. May I be permitted to suggest a few instan- ces, by way of specimen, how both sacred and common history may tend to promote self- knowledge? And let me again remind the warm admirer of suffering piety under extraor- ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OP HISTORY. 155 dinary trials, that if she now fail in the petty occasions to which she is actually called out, she would not be likely to have stood in those more trying occasions which excite her ad- miration. While she is applauding the self-denying saint who renounced his ease, or chose to em- brace death, rather than violate his duty, let her ask herself if she has never refused to sub- mit to the paltry inconvenience of giving up her company, or even altering her dinner-hour on Sunday, though by this trifling sacrifice her family might have been enabled to attend the public worship in the afternoon. While she reads with horror that Belshazzar was rioting with his thousand nobles at the very moment when the Persian army was bursting through the brazen gates of Babylon, is she very sure that she herself, in an almost equally imminent moment of public danger, has not been nightly indulging in every species of dissipation 1 When she is deploring the inconsistency of the human heart, while she contrasts in Mark Antony his bravery and contempt of ease at one period, with his licentious indulgences at another ; or while she laments over the in- trepid soul of Csesar, whom she had been fol- lowing in his painful marches, or admiring in his contempt of death, now dissolved in disso- lute pleasures with the ensnaring Queen of Egypt;* let her examine whether she herself has never, though in a much lower degree,, * Cleopatra. 156 ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. evinced something of the same inconsistency ; whether she who lives, perhaps, an orderly, sober, and reasonable life during her summer residence in the country, does not plunge with little scruple in the winter into all the most ex- travagant pleasures of the capital ; whether she never carries about with her an accommodating kind of religion, which can be made to bend to places and seasons, to climates and customs, to times and circumstances ; which takes its tinc- ture from the fashion without, and not its habits from the principle within ; which is decent with the pious, sober with the orderly, and loose with the licentious. While she is admiring the generosity of Alexander in giving away kingdoms and prov- inces, let her, in order to ascertain whether she could imitate this magnanimity, take heed if she herself is daily seizing all the little occa- sions of doing good, which every day presents to the affluent. Her call is not to sacrifice a province; but does she sacrifice an opera ticket ? She who is not doing all the good she can under her present circumstances, would not do all she foresees she should, in imaginary ones, were her power enlarged to the extent of her wishes. While she is inveighing with patriotic indig- nation, that in a neighboring metropolis thirty theatres were open every night in time of war and public calamity, is she very clear that in a metropolis which contains only three, she was not almost constantly at one of them in time of war and public calamity also ? For though in a national view it may make a wide difference ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. 157 whether there be in the capital three theatres or thirty, yet, as the same person can only go to one of them at once, it makes but little difference as to the quantum of dissipation in the individual. She who rejoices at success- ful virtue in a history, or at the prosperity of a person whose interests do not interfere with her own, may exercise her self-knowledge, by examining whether she rejoices equally at the happiness of every one about her ; and let her remember she does not rejoice at it in the true sense, if she does not labor to promote it. She who glows with rapture at a virtuous character in history, should ask her own heart, whether she is equally ready to do justice to the fine qualities of her acquaintance, though she may not particularly love them ; and whether she takes unfeigned pleasure in the superior talents, virtues, fame, and fortune of those, whom she professes to love, though she is eclipsed by them. In like manner, in the study of geography and natural history, the attention should be habitually turned to the goodness of Provi- dence, who commonly adapts the various pro- ductions of climates to the peculiar wants of the respective inhabitants. To illustrate my meaning by one or two instances out of a thousand. The reader may be led to admire the considerate goodness of Providence in hav- ing caused the spiry fir, whose slender foliage does not obstruct the beams of the sun, to grow in the dreary regions of the north, whose shiv- ering inhabitants could spare none of its scanty rays ; while in the torrid zone, the palm-tree, 14* 158 ON THE RELIGIOUS USE OF HISTORY. the plantain, and the banana spread their um- brella leaves, to break the almost intolerable. fervors of a vertical sun. How the camel, who is the sole carrier of all the merchandise of Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Arabia, and Barbary, who is obliged to transport his incredible bur- dens through countries in which pasture is so rare, can subsist twenty-four hours without food, and can travel, loaded, many days without water, through dry and dusty deserts, which supply none ; and all this, not from the habit, but from the conformation of the animal ; for naturalists make this conformity of powers to climates a rule of judgment, in ascertaining the native countries of animals, and always deter- mining it to be that to which their powers and properties are most appropriate. Thus the writers of natural history are, per- haps, unintentionally magnifying the operations of Providence, when they insist that animals do not modify and give way to the influence of other climates : but here they too commonly stop ; neglecting, or perhaps refusing, to as- cribe to Infinite Goodness this wise and merci- ful accommodation. And here the pious in- structer will come in, in aid of their deficiency ; for philosophers too seldom trace up causes, and wonders, and blessings to their Author. And it is peculiarly to be regretted that a late justly celebrated French naturalist,* who, though not * George Louis le Clerc, Count de Bnffori, born in 1707, and died in 1788. The character here given of this celebrated natu- ralist agrees with what is said of him by his own countrymen. — He left an only son, who, notwithstanding the splendor of his name, perished on the scaffold, in 1793 ; his last words being, "IamBuffon."— Ed. ON DEFINITIONS. 159 famous for his accuracy, possessed such diver- sified powers of description that he had the talent of making the driest subjects interesting ; together with such a liveliness of delineation, that his characters of animals are drawn with a spirit and variety rather to be looked for in an historian of men than of beasts ; it is to be re- gretted, I say, that this writer, with all his excellences, is absolutely inadmissible into the library of a young lady, both on account of his immodesty and his impiety ; and if, in wishing to exclude him, it may be thought wrong to have given him so much commendation, it is only meant to show that the author is not led to reprobate his principles from insensibility to his talents. The remark is rather made to put the reader on remembering; that no brilliancy of genius, no diversity of attainments, should ever be allowed as a commutation for defective principles and corrupt ideas.* CHAPTER X. On the use of definitions, and the moral benefits of accuracy in language. " Persons having been accustomed, from their cradles, to learn words before they knew * Goldsmith's History of Animated Nature has many refer- ences to a divine Author. It is to be wished that some judicious person would publish a new edition of this work, purified from the indelicate and offensive parts. 160 ON DEFINITIONS. the ideas for which they stand, usually con- tinue to do so all their lives, never taking the pains to settle in their minds the determined ideas which belong to them. This want of a precise signification in their words, when they come to reason, especially in moral matters, is the cause of very obscure and uncertain no- tions. They use these undetermined words confidently, without much troubling their heads about a certain fixed meaning; whereby, be- sides the ease of it, they obtain this advantage, that as in such discourse they are seldom in the right, so they are as seldom to be con- vinced that they are in the wrong, it being just the same to go about to draw those persons out of their mistakes, who have no settled no- tions, as to dispossess a vagrant of his habita- tion who has no settled abode. The chief end of language being to be understood, words serve not for that end, when they do not excite in the hearer the same idea which they stand for in the mind of the speaker.' 5 * I have chosen to shelter myself under the broad sanction of the great author here quoted, with a view to apply this rule in philology to a moral purpose : for it applies to the veracity of conversation as much as to its correctness ; and as strongly recommends unequivocal and simple truth, as accurate and just expression. Scarcely any one, perhaps, has an adequate conception how much clear and correct ex- pression favors the elucidation of truth ; and the side of truth is obviously the side of morals ; * Locke. ON DEFINITIONS. 161 it is in fact one and the same cause ; and it is, of coarse, the same cause with that of true religion also. It is therefore no worthless part of education, even in a religious view, to study the precise meaning of words, and the appropriate signifi- cation of language. To this end, I know no better method than to accustom young persons very early to a habit of denning common words and things ; for, as definition seems to lie at the root of correctness, to be accustomed to de- fine English words in English, would improve the understanding more than barely to know what those words are called in French, Italian, or Latin. Or rather, one use of learning other languages is, because definition is often in- volved in etymology ; that is, since many Eng- lish words take their derivation from foreign or ancient languages, they cannot be so accurately understood without some knowledge of those languages: but precision of any kind, either moral or philological, too seldom finds its way into the education of women. It is, perhaps, going out of my province to observe, that it might be well if young men, also, before they entered on the world, were to be furnished with correct definitions of certain words, the use of which is become rather am- biguous ; or rather, they should be instructed in the double sense of modern phraseology. For instance, they should be provided with a good definition of the word honor, in the fash- ionable sense, showing what vices it includes, and what virtues it does not include : the term good company, which even the courtly 162 ON DEFINITIONS. Petronius* of oar days has defined as some- times including not a few immoral and disrep- utable characters : religion, which, in the vari- ous senses assigned it by the world, sometimes means superstition, sometimes fanaticism, and sometimes a mere disposition to attend on any kind or form of worship : the word goodness, which is meant to mean every thing that is not notoriously bad ; and sometimes even that too, if what is notoriously bad be accompanied by good humor, pleasing manners, and a little alms-giving. By these means they would go forth armed against many of the false opinions, which, through the abuse or ambiguous mean- ing of words, pass so current in the world. But to return to the youthful part of that sex which is the more immediate object of this little work. With correct definition they should also be taught to study the shades of words; and this not merely with a view to accuracy of expression, though even that involves both sense and elegance, but with a view to moral truth. It may be thought ridiculous to assert, that morals have any connection with the purity of language, or that the precision of truth may be violated through defect of critical exactness in the three degrees of comparison ; yet how fre- quently do we hear from the dealers in superla- tives, of " most admirable, super-excellent, and * Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, whose celebrated Letters to his Son entitle him to this appellation. Petronius Arbiter was the minister of pleasures to the emperor Nero, but was put to death by that tyrant, whom he lampooned. It is said of him, that, though a voluptuary, he had a great talent for public affairs ; and that he was not so dissipated as those whom he corrupted. — Ed. ON DEFINITIONS. 163 quite perfect " people, who, to plain persons, not bred in the school of exaggeration, would appear mere common characters, not rising above the level of mediocrity ! By this negli- gence in the application of words, we shall be as much misled by these trope and figure ladies, when they degrade as when they pane- gyrize ; for, to a plain and sober judgment, a tradesman may not be " the most good-for- nothing fellow that ever existed," merely be- cause it was impossible for him to execute in an hour an order which required a week ; a lady may not be " the most hideous fright the world ever saw," though the make of her gown may have been obsolete for a month ; nor may one's young friend's father be " a monster of cruelty," though he may be a quiet gentleman, who does not choose to live at watering-places, but likes to have his daughter stay at home with him in the country. Of all the parts of speech the interjection is the most abundantly in use with the hyperboli- cal fair ones. Would it could be added, that these emphatical expletives (if I may make use of a contradictory term) were not sometimes tinctured with profaneness ! Though I am persuaded that idle habit is often more at the bottom of this deep offence than intended im- piety, yet there is scarcely any error of youth- ful talk which merits severer castio-ation. And a habit of exclamation should be rejected by polished people as vulgar, even if it were not abhorred as profane. The habit of exaggerating trifles, together with the grand female failing of excessive mu- 164 ON DEFINITIONS. tual flattery, and elaborate general professions of fondness and attachment, is inconceivably cherished by the voluminous private correspon- dences in which some girls are indulged. In vindication of this practice, it is pleaded that a facility of style, and an easy turn of expression, are acquisitions to be derived from an early interchange of sentiments by letter-writing ; but even if it were so, these would be dearly purchased by the sacrifice of that truth and so- briety of sentiment, that correctness of lan- guage, and that ingenuous simplicity of charac- ter and manners, so lovely in female youth. Next to pernicious reading, imprudent and violent friendships are the most dangerous snares to this simplicity. And boundless cor- respondences with different confidants, whether they live in a distant province, or, as it often happens, in the same street, are the fuel which principally feeds this dangerous flame of youth- ful sentiment. In those correspondences, the young friends often encourage each other in the falsest notions of human life, and the most erroneous views of each other's character. Family affairs are divulged, and family faults aggravated. Vows of everlasting attachment and exclusive fondness are in a pretty just pro- portion bestowed on every friend alike. These epistles overflow with quotations from the most passionate of the dramatic poets ; and passages wrested from their natural meaning, and press- ed into the service of sentiment, are, with all the violence of misapplication, compelled to suit the case of the heroic transcriber. But antecedent to this epistolary period of ON DEFIxNITIOiNS. 165 life, they should have been accustomed to the most scrupulous exactness in whatever they relate. They should maintain the most criti- cal accuracy in facts, in dates, in numbering, in describing ; in short, in whatever pertains, either directly or indirectly, closely or remotely, to the great fundamental principle, Truth. It is so very difficult for persons of great liveli- ness to restrain themselves within the sober limits of strict veracity, either in their asser- tions or narrations, especially when a little un- due indulgence of fancy is apt to procure for them the praise of genius and spirit, that this restraint is one of the earliest principles which should be worked into the youthful mind. The conversation of young females is also in danger of being overloaded with epithets. As in the warm season of youth hardly any thing is seen in the true point of vision, so hardly any thing is named in naked simplicity ; and the very sensibility of the feelings is partly a cause of the extravagance of the expression. But here, as in other points, the sacred writers, particularly of the. New Testament, present us with the purest models ; and its natural and unlabored style of expression is perhaps not the meanest evidence of the truth of the Gospel. There is, throughout the whole narratives, no overcharged character, no elaborate description, nothing studiously emphatical, as if truth of itself were weak, and wanted to be helped out. There is little panegyric, and less invective ; none but on great, and awful, and justifiable occasions. The authors record their own faults with the same honesty as if they were the faults 15 166 ON DEFINITIONS. of other men, and the faults of other men with as little amplification as if they were their own. There is perhaps no book in which adjectives are so sparingly used. A modest statement of the fact, with no coloring and little comment, with little emphasis and no varnish, is the ex- ample held out to us for correcting the exuber- ances of passion and of language, by that di- vine volume which furnishes us with the still more important rule of faith and standard of practice. Nor is the truth lowered by any feebleness, nor is the spirit diluted, nor the im- pression weakened, by this soberness and mod- eration ; for with all this plainness there is so much force, with all this simplicity there is so much energy, that a few slight touches and artless strokes of Scripture characters convey a stronger outline of the person delineated, than is sometimes given by the most elaborate and finished portrait of more artificial historians. If it be objected to this remark, that many parts of the sacred writings abound in a lofty, figurative, and even hyperbolical style, this ob- jection applies chiefly to the writings of the Old Testament, and to the prophetical and poetical parts of that. But the metaphorical and florid style of those writings is distinct from the inac- curate and overstrained expression we have been censuring; for that only is inaccuracy which leads to a false and inadequate concep- tion in the reader or hearer. The lofty style of the Eastern, and of other heroic poetry, does not so mislead ; for the metaphor is understood to be a metaphor, and the imagery is under- stood to be ornamental. The style of the ON DEFINITIONS. 167 scriptures of the Old Testament is not, it is true, plain in opposition to figurative ; nor sim- ple, in opposition to florid ; but it is plain and simple in the best sense, as opposed to false principles and false taste : it raises no wrong idea ; it gives an exact impression of the thing it means to convey ; and its very tropes and figures, though bold, are never unnatural or affected : when it embellishes, it does not mis- lead ; even when it exasperates, it does not misrepresent : if it be hyperbolical, it is so either in compliance with the genius of Orien- tal language, or in compliance with contempo- rary customs, or because the subject is one which will be most forcibly impressed by a strong figure. The loftiness of the expression deducts nothing from the weight of the circum- stance ; the imagery animates the reader, with- out misleading him ; the boldest illustration, while it dilates his conception of the subject, detracts nothing from its exactness ; and the divine Spirit, instead of suffering truth to be injured by the opulence of figures, contrives to make them fresh and varied avenues to the heart and the understanding 168 ANALOGY OF RELIGION CHAPTER, XI. On religion. — The necessity and duty of early instruction, shown by analogy with human learning. It has been the fashion of our late innovaters in philosophy, who have written some of the most brilliant and popular treatises on education, to decry the practice of early instilling religious knowledge into the minds of children. In vin- dication of this opinion, it has been alleged, that it is of the utmost importance to the cause of truth, that the mind of man should be kept free from prepossessions ; and, in particular, that every one should be left to form such judg- ment on religious subjects as may seem best to his own reason in maturer years.* This sentiment has received some counte- nance from those better characters who have wished, on the fairest principle, to encourage free inquiry in religion ; but it has been pushed to the blameable excess here censured, chiefly by the new philosophers, who, while they pro- fess only an ingenuous zeal for truth, are in * Rousseau directs, that from the hour of birth to the age of twelve, the education of the child should be purely negative. Following this advice, one of our popular Encyclopedias, pub- lished a little time before this work, gave a system of education, in which the writer says, '■ The render will donbtiess he sur- prised that vve have attended our pupil throughout the whole of the first age of life, without wver .speaking to him of religion. He hardly knows fit fifteen, whether or not he has a soul, and per- haps it will not be time to inform him ot it when he is eighteen; if he learns it too soon, he runs a risk of not knowing it at all."— Ed. WITH HUMAN LEARNING. 169 fact slyly endeavoring to destroy Christianity itself, by discountenancing, under the plausible pretence of free inquiry, all attention whatever to the religious education of our youth. It is undoubtedly our duty, while we are in- stilling principles into the tender mind, to take peculiar care that those principles be sound and just ; that the religion we teach be the religion of the Bible, and not the inventions of human error or superstition ; that the principles we infuse into others, be such as we ourselves have well scrutinized, and not the result of our credulity or bigotry ; nor the mere hereditary, unexamined prejudices of our own undiscern- ing childhood. It may also be granted, that it is the duty of every parent to inform the youth, that when his faculties shall have so unfolded themselves, as to enable him to examine for himself those principles which the parent is now instilling, it will be his duty so to examine them. But after making these concessions, I would most seriously insist, that there are certain leading and fundamental truths ; that there are certain sentiments on the side of Christianity, as well as of virtue and benevolence, in favor of which every child ought to be prepossessed ; and may it not be also added, that to expect to keep the mind void of all prepossession, even upon any subject, appears to be altogether a vain and impracticable attempt ? an attempt, the very suggestion of which argues much ig- norance of human nature. Let it be observed here, that we are not com- bating the infidel ; that we are not producing 15* 170 ANALOGY OF RELIGION evidences and arguments in favor of the truth of Christianity, or trying to win over the assent of the reader to that which he disputes; but that we are taking it for granted, not only that Christianity is true, but that we are addressing those who believe it to be true ; an assumption which has been made throughout this work. Assuming, therefore, that there are religious principles which are true, and which ought to be communicated in the most effectual man- ner, the next question which arises seems to be, at what age and in what manner these ought to be inculcated. That it ought to be at an early period, we have the command of Christ ; who encouragingly said, in answer to those who would have repelled their approach, " Suffer little children to come unto me." But, here conceding, for the sake of aro-u- ment, what yet cannot be conceded, that some good reasons may be brought in favor of delay ; allowing that such impressions as are commu- nicated early, may not be very deep ; allowing them even to become totally effaced by the sub- sequent corruptions of the heart and of the world ; still I would illustrate the importance of early infusing religious knowledge, by an allusion drawn from the power of early habit in human learning. Put the case, for instance, of a person who was betimes initiated in the rudiments of classical studies. Suppose him, after quitting school, to have fallen, either by a course of idleness or of vulgar pursuits, into a total neglect of study. Should this person, at any future period, happen to be called to some profession, which should oblige him, as we say, WITH HUMAN LEARNING. 171 to rub up his Greek and Latin ; his memory still retaining the unobliterated though faint traces of his early pursuits, he will be able to recover his neglected learning with less diffi- culty than he could now begin to learn ; for he is not again obliged to set out with studying the simple elements ; they come back on being pursued ; they are found, on being searched for ; the decayed images assume shape, and strength, and color ; he has in his mind first principles, to which to recur ; the rules of gram- mar, which he has allowed himself to violate, he has not, however, forgotten ; he will recall neglected ideas, he will resume slighted habits, far more easily than he could now begin to ac- quire new ones. I appeal to clergymen who are called to attend the dying beds of such as have been bred in gross and stupid ignorance of religion, for the justness of this comparison. Do they not find these unhappy people have no ideas in common with them ? that they possess, therefore, no intelligible medium by which to make themselves understood ? that the persons to whom they are addressing themselves have no first principles to which they can be referred? that they are ignorant, not only of the science, but the language of Christianity 1 But, at worst, whatever be the event of a pious education to the child, though in general we are encouraged, from the tenor of Scripture and the course of experience, to hope that the event will be favorable, and that " when be is old he will not depart from it ;" is it nothing for the parent to have acquitted himself of this prime duty ? Is it nothing to him that he has 172 ANALOGY OF RELIGION obeyed the plain command of " training his child in the way he should go?" And will not the parent who so acquits himself, with better reason and more lively hope, supplicate the Fa- ther of mercies for the reclaiming of a prodigal who has wandered out of that right path in which he has set him forward, than for the con- version of a neglected creature, to whose feet the Gospel had never been offered as a light 1 And how different will be the dying reflections even of that parent whose earnest endeavors have been unhappily defeated by the subsequent and voluntary perversion of his child, from his who will reasonably aggravate his pangs, by transferring the sins of his neglected child to the number of his own transgressions! And to such well-intentioned but ill-judgino- parents as really wish their children to be here- after pious, but erroneously withhold instruc- tion till the more advanced period prescribed by the great master of splendid paradoxes* shall arrive ; who can assure them, that while they are withholding the good seed, the great and ever vigilant enemy, who assiduously seizes hold on every opportunity which we slight, and cultivates every advantage which we neglect may not be stocking the fallow ground with tares ? Nay, who, in this fluctuating scene of things, can be assured, even if this were not certainly to be the case, that to them the prom- ised period ever shall arrive at all ? Who shall ascertain to them, that their now neglected child shall certainly live to receive the delayed * Rousseau. WITH HUMAN LEARNING. 173 instruction ? Who can assure them that they themselves will live to communicate it? It is almost needless to observe, that parents who are indifferent about religion, much more those who treat it with scorn, are not likely to be anxious on this subject; it is therefore the attention of religious parents which is here chiefly called upon ; and the more so, as there seems, on this point, an unaccountable negli- gence in many of these, whether it arise from indolence, false principles, or whatever other motive. But independent of knowledge, it is some- thing, nay, let philosophers say what they will, it is much, to give youth prepossessions in favor of religion, to secure their prejudices on its side before you turn them adrift into the world ; a world in which, before they can be completely armed with arguments and reasons, they will be assailed by numbers whose prepossessions and prejudices, far more than their arguments and reasons, attach them to the other side. Why should not the Christian youth furnish himself in the best cause with the same natural armor which the enemies of religion wear in the worst 1 It is certain that to set out in life with senti- ments in favor of the religion of our country is no more an error or a weakness, than to grow up with a fondness for our country itself. If the love of our country be judged a fair princi- ple, surely a Christian, who is " a citizen of no mean city," may lawfully have his attachments too. If patriotism be an honest prejudice, Chris- tianity is not a servile one. Nay, let us teach the youth to hug his prejudices, to glory in his 174 ANALOGY OF RELIGION prepossessions, rather than to acquire that ver- satile and accommodating citizenship of the world, by which he may be an infidel in Paris, a papist at Rome, and a mussulman at Cairo. Let me not be supposed so to elevate politics, or so to depress religion, as to make any com- parison of the value of the one with the other, when I observe, that between the true British patriot and the true Christian, there will be this common resemblance; the more deeply each of them inquires, the more will he be confirmed in his respective attachment — the one to his coun- try, the other to his religion. I speak with reverence of the immeasurable distance ; but the more the one presses on the firm arch of our constitution, and the other on that of Chris- tianity, the stronger he will find them both. Each challenges scrutiny ; each has nothing to dread but from shallow politicians and shallow philosophers ; in each, intimate knowledge jus- tifies prepossession ; in each, investigation con- confirms attachment. If we divide the human being into three com- ponent parls, the bodily, the intellectual, and the spiritual, is it not reasonable that a portion of care and attention be assigned to each, in some degree adequate to its importance ? Should I venture to say a due portion, a portion adapted to the real comparative value of each, would not that condemn, in one word, the whole system of modern education? The rational and intel- lectual part being avowedly more valuable than the bodily, while the spiritual and immortal part exceeds even the intellectual still more than that surpasses what is corporeal ; is it acting ac- WITH HUMAN LEARNING. 175 cording to the common rules of proportion ; is it acting on the principles of distributive jus- tice : is it acting with that good sense and right judgment with which the ordinary business of this world is usually transacted, to give the larger proportion of time and care to that which is worth the least 1 Is it fair, that what relates to the body and the organs of the body, I mean those accomplishments which address them- selves to the eye and the ear, should occupy al- most the whole thoughts ; while the intellectual part should be robbed of its due proportion, and the spiritual part should have almost no propor- tion at all 1 Is not this preparing your chil- dren for an awful disappointment in the tre- mendous day when they shall be stripped of that body, of those senses and organs, which have been made almost the sole objects of their attention, and shall feel themselves left in pos- session of nothing but that spiritual part which in education was scarcely taken into the ac- count of their existence? Surely it should be thought a reasonable compromise (and I am, in fact, undervaluing the object for the importance of which I plead) to sucrfrest, that at least two thirds of that time which is now usurped by externals, should be restored to the rightful owners, the understand- ing and the heart ; and that the acquisition of religious knowledge in early youth should at least be no less an object of sedulous attention than the cultivation of human learning, or of outward embellishments. It is also not unrea- sonable to suggest, that we should in Chris- tianity, as in arts, sciences, or languages, begin 176 ANALOGY OF RELIGION with the beginning, set out with the simple ele- ments, and thus " go on unto perfection." Why, in teaching to draw, do you begin with straight lines and curves, till by gentle steps the knowledge of outline and proportion be ob- tained, and your picture be completed ; never losing sight, however, of the elementary lines and curves? Why, in music, do you set out with the simple notes, and pursue the acquisi- tion through all its progress, still in every stage recurring to the notes^? Why, in the science of numbers, do you invent the simplest methods of conveying just ideas of computation, still re- ferring to the tables which involve the funda- mental rules? Why, in the science of quanti- ty, do men introduce the pupil at first to the plainest diagrams, and clear up one difficulty before they allow another to appear 1 Why, in teaching languages to the youth, do you sedu- lously infuse into his mind the rudiments of syntax? Why, in parsing, is he led to refer every word to its part of speech, to resolve every sentence into its elements, to reduce every term to its original, and from the first case of nouns, and the first tense of verbs, to explain their for- mation, changes, and dependencies, till the principles of language become so grounded, that, by continually recurring to the rules, speaking and writing correctly are fixed into a habit ? Why all this, but because you uniform- ly wish him to be grounded in each of his ac- quirements? why, but because you are persuad- ed that a slight, and slovenly, and superficial, and irregular way of instruction will never train him to excellence in any thing ? WITH HUMAN LEARNING. 177 Do young persons, then, become musicians, and painters, and linguists, and mathematicians, by early study and regular labor ; and shall they become Christians by accident? or rather, is not this acting on that very principle of Dog- berry,* at which you probably have often laugh- ed ? Is it not supposing that religion, like " reading and writing, comes by nature V s Shall all those accomplishments, " which perish in the using," be so assiduously, so systematically taught. 1 Shall all those habits, which are lim- ited to the things of this world, be so carefully formed, so persisted in, as to be interwoven with our very make, so as to become, as it were, a part of ourselves ; and shall that knowledge which is to make us " wise unto salvation" be picked up at random, cursorily, or, perhaps, not picked up at all ? Shall that difficult divine science which requires " line upon line, and precept upon precept," here a little and there a little; that knowledge which parents, even un- der a darker dispensation, were required " to teach their children diligently , and to talk of it when they sat in their house, and when they walked by the way, and when they lay down, and when they rose up ;" shall this knowledge be by Christian parents omitted or deferred, or taught slightly ; or be superseded by things of comparatively little worth ? Shall the lively period of youth, the soft and impressible season when lasting habits are form- ed, when the seal cuts deep into the yielding wax, and the impression is more likely to be * See Shakspeare's " Much Ado about Nothing." 16 178 ANALOGS OF RELIGION clear, and sharp, and strong, and lasting; shall this warm and favorable season be suffered to slide by, without being turned to the great pur- pose for which not only youth, but life, and breath, and being were bestowed ? Shall not that " faith, without which it is impossible to please God ;" shall not that " holiness, without which no man can see the Lord ;" shall not that knowledge which is the foundation of faith and practice ; shall not that charity, without which all knowledge is " sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal," be impressed, be inculcated, be enforced, as early, as constantly, as funda- mentally, with the same earnest pushing on to continual progress, with the same constant ref- erence to first principles, as are used in the case of those arts which merely adorn human life 1 Shall we not seize the happy period when the memory is strong, the mind and all its powers vigorous and active, the imagination busv and all alive; the heart flexible, the temper ductile, the conscience tender, curiosity awake, fear powerful, hope eager, love ardent ; shall we not seize this period for inculcating that knowl- edge, and impressing those principles, which are to form the character, and fix the destina- tion for eternity 1 I would now address myself to another, and a still more dilatory class, who are for procrasti- nating all concern about religion till they are driven to it by actual distress, and who do not think of praying till they are perishing, like the sailor who said, " he thought it was always time enough to begin to pray when the storm began." Of these I would ask, Shall we, with an unac- WITH HUMAN LEARNING. 179 countable deliberation, defer our anxiety about religion till the busy man and the dissipated woman are become so immersed in the cares of life, or so entangled in its pleasures, that they will have little heart or spirit to embrace a new principle? a principle whose precise object it will be to condemn that very life in which they have already embarked ; nay, to condemn al- most all that thev have been doing and think- ing ever since they first began to act or think ! Shall we, I say, begin now ? or shall we suffer those instructions, to receive which, requires all the concentrated powers of a strong and healthy mind, to be put off till the day of excru- ciating pain, till the period of debility and stu- pefaction ? Shall we wait for that season, as if it were the most favorable for religious acquisi- tions, when the senses shall have been palled by excessive gratification, when the eye shall be tired with seeing, and the ear with hearing? Shall we, when the whole man is breaking up by disease or decay, expect that the dim appre- hension will discern a new science, or the ob- tuse feelings delight themselves with a new pleasure ? a pleasure, too, not only incompati- ble with many of the hitherto indulged pleas- ures, but one which carries with it a strong in- timation that those pleasures terminate in the death of the soul. But not to lose sight of the important analogy on which we have already dwelt so much, — how preposterous would it seem to you to hear any one propose to an illiterate dying man, to set about learning even the plainest and easiest rudiments of any new art ; to study the musical 180 ANALOGY OF RELIGION notes ; to conjugate a verb ; to learn, not the first problem in Euclid, but even the numeration table ? and yet you do not think it absurd to postpone religious instruction, on principles which, if admitted at all, must terminate either in ignorance, or in your proposing too late to a dying man to begin to learn the totally un- known scheme of Christianity. You do not think it impossible that he should be brought to listen to the " voice of this charmer," when he can no longer listen to " the voice of singing men and singing women." You do not think it unreasonable that immortal beings should de- lay to devote their days to Heaven, till they have " no pleasure in them" themselves. You will not bring them to offer up the first-fruits of their lips, and hearts, and lives, to their Maker, because you peisuade yourselves that he, who has called himself a " jealous God," may, how- ever, be contented hereafter with the wretched sacrifice of decayed appetites, and the worthless leavings of almost extinguished affections. We can scarcely believe, even with all the melancholy procrastination we see around us, that there is any one, except he be a decided infidel, who does not consider religion as at least a good reversionary thing ; as an object which ought always to occupy a little remote corner of his map of life; the study of which, though it is always to be postponed, is, however, not to be finally rejected ; which, though it can- not conveniently come into his present scheme of life, it is intended somehow or other to take up before death. This awful deception, this defect in the intellectual vision, arises, partly WITH HUMAN LEARNING. 181 from the bulk which the objects of time and sense acquire in our eyes by their nearness ; while the invisible realities of eternity are but faintly discerned by a feeble faith, through a dim and distant medium. It arises, also, partly from a totally false idea of the nature of Chris- tianity, from a fatai fancy that we can repent at any future period, and that, as amendment is a thing which will always be in our own power, it will be time enough to think of reforming our life, when we should think only of closing it. But, depend upon it, that a heart long hard- ened, I do not mean by gross vices merely, but by a fondness for the world, by an habitual and excessive indulgence in the pleasures of sense, will by no means be in a favorable state to ad- mit the light of divine truth, or to receive the impressions of divine grace. God, indeed, some- times shows us, by an act of his sovereignty, that this wonderful change, the conversion of a sinner's heart, may be produced without the intervention of human means, to show that the work is His, But as this is not the way in which the Almighty usually deals with his crea- tures, it would be nearly as preposterous for men to act on this presumption, and sin on in hopes of a miraculous conversion, as it would be to take no means for the preservation of their lives, because Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead. 16* 182 OF THE MANNER OF CHAPTER XII. On the manner of instructing young persons in religion. — General remarks on the genius of Christianity. I would now, with great deference, address those respectable characters who are really con- cerned about the best interests of their children ; those to whom Christianity is indeed an impor- tant consideration, but whose habits of life have hitherto hindered them from giving it its due degree in the scale of education. Begin, then, with considering that religion is part, and the most prominent part, in your sys- tem of instruction. Do not communicate its principles in a random, desultory way; nor scantily stint this business to only such scraps and remnants of time as may be casually picked up from the gleanings of other acquirements. " Will you bring to God for a sacrifice that which costs you nothing ?" Let the best part of the day, which with most people is the earli- est part, be steadily and invariably dedicated to this work by your children, before they are tired with their other studies, while the intellect is clear, the spirits light, and the attention sharp and un fatigued. Confine not your instructions to mere verbal rituals and dry systems ; but communicate them in a way which shall interest their feelings, by lively images, and by a warm practical applica- tion of what they read to their own hearts and circumstances. If you do not study the great, INSTRUCTING IN RELIGION. 183 but too much slighted art of fixing, of com- manding, of chaining the attention, you may throw away much time and labor, with little other effect than that of disgusting your pupil and wearying yourself. There seems to be no good reason, that, while every other thing is to be made amusing, religion alone must be dry and uninviting. Do not fancy that a thing is good merely because it is dull. Why should not the most entertaining powers of the human mind be supremely consecrated to that subject which is most worthy of their full exercise ? The misfortune is, that religious learning is too often rather considered as an act of the memory than of the heart and affections ; as a dry duty, rather than a lively pleasure. The manner in which it is taught differs as much from their other learning as punishment from recreation. Children are turned over to the dull work of getting by rote, as a task, that which they should get from example, from animated conversation, from lively discussion, in which the pupil should learn to bear a part, instead of being merely a passive hearer. Teach them rather, as their blessed Saviour taught, by interesting parables, which, while they corrected the heart, left some exercise for the ingenuity in the solution, and for the feelings in their application. Teach as He taught, by seizing on surrounding objects, passing events, local circumstances, peculiar characters, apt allusions, just analogy, appropri- ate illustration. Call in all creation, animate and inanimate, to your aid, and accustom your young audience to Find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in every thing. 184 OF THE MANNER OF Even when the nature of your subject makes it necessary for you to be more plain and didactic, do not fail frequently to enliven these less en- gaging parts of your discourse with some inci- dental imagery, which will captivate the fancy ; with some affecting story, with which it shall be associated in the memory. Relieve what would otherwise be too dry and perceptive, with some striking exemplification in point, some touching instance to be imitated, some awful warning to be avoided ; something which shall illustrate your instruction, which shall realize your position ; which shall imbody your idea, and give shape and form, color and life, to your pre- cept. , Endeavor unremittingly to connect the reader with the subject, by making her feel that what you teach is neither an abstract truth, nor a thing of mere general information, but that it is a business in which she herself is individually and immediately concerned ; in which not only her eternal salvation, but her present happiness is involved. Do, according to your measure of ability, what the Holy Spirit which indited the Scriptures has done, always take the sensibility of the learner into your account of the faculties which are to be worked upon. " For the doc- trines of the Bible," as the profound and en- lightened Bacon observes, " are not proposed to us in a naked logical form, but arrayed in the most beautiful and striking colors which crea- tion affords." By those affecting illustrations used by Him " who knew what was in man," and therefore best knew how to address him, it was, that the unlettered audiences of Christ and INSTRUCTING IN RELIGION. 185 his apostles were enabled both to comprehend and to relish doctrines, which would not readi- ly have made their way to their understandings, had they not first touched their hearts ; and which would have found access to neither the one nor the other, had they been delivered in dry scholastic disquisitions. Now, those audi- ences not being learned, may be supposed to have been nearly in the state of children, as to their receptive faculties, and to have required nearly the same sort of instruction ; that is, they were more capable of being moved with what was simple, and touching, and lively, than what was elaborate, abstruse, and unaffecting. Heaven and earth were made to furnish their contributions, when man was to be taught that science which was to make him wise unto sal- vation. Something which might enforce or il- lustrate was borrowed from every element. The appearances of the sky, the storms of the ocean, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, the fruits of the earth, the seed and the harvest, the labors of the husbandman, the traffic of the merchant, the seasons of the year, — all were laid hold of in turn. And the most important moral instruction, or religious truth, was de- duced from some recent occurrence, some natu- ral appearance, some ordinary fact. If that be the purest eloquence which most persuades, and which comes home to the heart with the fullest evidence and the most irresisti- ble force, then no eloquence is so powerful as that of Scripture ; and an intelligent Christian teacher will be admonished by the mode of Scripture itself, how to communicate its truths 186 OF THE MANNER OF with life and spirit ; " while he is musing, the fire burns ;" that fire which will preserve him from an insipid and freezing mode of instruc- tion. He will moreover, as was said above, al- ways carefully keep up a quick sense of the per- sonal interest the pupil has in every religious instruction which is impressed upon him. He will teach, as Paul prayed, " with the spirit, and with the understanding also;" and imitating this great model, he will necessarily avoid the opposite faults of two different sorts of instruc- ted ; for while some of our divines of the high- er class have been too apt to preach as if man- kind had only intellect, and the lower and more popular sort, as if they had only passions, let him borrow what, is good from both, and ad- dress his pupils as being compounded of both understanding and affections.* Fancy not that the Bible is too difficult and intricate to be presented in its own naked form, and that it puzzles and bewilders the youthful understanding. In all needful and indispensa- ble points of knowledge, the darkness of Scrip- ture, as a great Christian philosopher! has ob- served, " is but a partial darkness, like that of Egypt, which benighted only the enemies of * The zeal and diligence with which the Bishop of London's weekly lectures have been attended by persons of all ranks and descriptions, but more especially by that class to whom this lit- tle work is addressed, is a very promising circumstance for the age. And while we consider with pleasure the advantages pecu- liarly to be derived by the young from so interesting and ani- mated an exposition of the jGospel, we are further led to rejoice at the countenance given by such high authority to the revival of that excellent, but too much neglected practice of lectures. — [The lectures of Bishop Porte us were delivered during the season of Lent in the parish church of St. James's, and, being a novelty , attracted crowds of fashionable hearers. — Ed.] t Mr. Boyle. INSTRUCTING IN RELIGION. 187 God, while it left his children in clear day." It is not pretended that the Bible will find in the young reader clear views of God and of Christ, of the soul and eternity, but that it will give them. And if it be really the appropriate char- acter of Scripture, as it tells us itself that it is, " to enlighten the eyes of the blind," and " to make wise the simple" then it is as well calcu- lated for the youthful and uninformed, as for any other class ; and as it was never expected that the greater part of Christians should be learned, so is learning, though of inestimable value in a teacher of theology, no essential qualification for a common Christian ; for which reason Scripture truths are expressed with that clear and simple evidence adapted to the kind of assent which they require ; an assent materi- ally different from that sort of demonstration which a mathematical theorem demands. He who could bring an unprejudiced heart and an unperverted will, would bring to the Scriptures the best qualification for understanding and re- ceiving them. And though thev contain thino-s which the pupil cannot comprehend (as what ancient poet, historian, or orator does not ?) the teacher may address to him the words which Christ addressed to Peter, "What I do, thou knovvest not now, but thou shalt know here- after." Histories of the Bible, and commentaries on the Bible, for the use of children, though valua- ble in their way, should never be used as sub- stitutes for the Bible itself. For historical or geographical information, for calling the atten- tion to events and characters, they are very use- 188 OF THE MANNER OF fill. But Scripture truths are best conveyed in its own sublime and simple phraseology ; its doctrines are best understood in its own appro- priate language ; its precepts are best retained in their own simple form. Paraphrase, in pro- fessing to explain, often dilutes ; while the terse- ness and brevity of Scripture composition fills the mind, touches the heart, and fastens on the memory. While I would cause them to " read" the commentary for the improvement of the un- derstanding, they should " mark, learn, and in- wardly digest" the Bible, for the comfort and edification of the heart. Young people who have been taugh. religion in a formal and superficial way, who have had all its drudgeries and none of its pleasures, will probably have acquired so little relish for it, as to consider the continued prosecution of their religious studies as a badge of their tutelage, as a mark that they are still under subjection ; and will look forward with impatience to the hour of their emancipation from the lectures on Christianity, as the era of their promised liber- ty ; the epocha of independence. They will long for the period when its lessons shall cease to be delivered : will conclude that, having once attained such an age, and arrived at. the required proficiency, the object will be accom- plished, and the labor at an end. But let not your children " so learn Christ." Apprize them that no specific day will ever arrive, on which they shall say, I have attained ; but in- form them that every acquisition must be fol- lowed up ; knowledge must be increased ; pre- judices subdued ; good habits rooted ; evil ones INSTRUCTING IN RELIGION. 189 eradicated ; amiable dispositions strengthened ; right principles confirmed ; till, going on from light to lio-ht, and from strength to strength, they come " to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." But though serious instruction will not only be uninteresting, but irksome, if conveyed to youth in a cold, didactic way, yet if their affec- tions be suitably engaged, while their under- standings are kept in exercise, their hearts, so far from necessarily revolting, as some insist, will often receive the most solemn truths with alacrity. It is, as we have repeated, the man- ner which revolts them, and not the thing. Nor will they, as some assert, necessarily dislike the teacher, because the truths taught are of the most awful and solemn kind. It has happened to the writer to be a frequent witness of the gratitude and affection expressed by young per- sons to those who had sedulously and seriously instructed them in religious knowledge ; an af- fection as lively, a gratitude as warm, as could have been excited by any indulgence to their persons, or any gratification of a worldly nature. As it is notorious that men of wit and spright- ly fancy have been the most formidable enemies to Christianity ; while men, in whom those tal- ents have been consecrated to God, have been some of her most useful champions, taking par- ticular care to press that ardent and ever-active power, the imagination, into the service of reli- gion. This bright and busy faculty will be leading its possessor into perpetual peril, and is an enemy of peculiar potency till it come to be employed in the cause of God. It is a lion, 17 1 90 ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. which though worldly prudence indeed may chain so as to prevent outward mischief, yet the malignity remains within ; but when sanctified by Christianity, the imagination is a lion tamed; you have all the benefit of its strength and its activity, divested of its mischief. God never bestowed that noble but restless faculty, with- out intending it to be an instrument of his own glory; though it has been too often set up in rebellion against him ; because, in its youthful stirrings, while all alive and full of action, it has not been seized upon to serve its rightful Sovereign, but was early enlisted, with little op- position, under the banners of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Religion is the only sub- ject in which, under the guidance of a severe and sober-minded prudence, this discursive fac- ulty can safely stretch its powers and expand its energies. But let it be remembered that it must be a sound and genuine Christianity which can alone so chastise and regulate the imagina- tion, as to restrain it from those errors and ex- cesses into which a false, a mistaken, an irregu- lar religion, has too often led its injudicious and ill-instructed professor. Some of the most fatal extremes into which a wild enthusiasm or a frightful superstition has plunged its unhappy votaries, have been owing to the want of a due direction, to the want of a strict and holy casti- gation, of this ever-working faculty. To secure imagination, therefore, on the safe side, and, if I may change the metaphor, to put it under the direction, of its true pilot in the stormy voyage of life, is like engaging those potent elements, the wind and tide, in your favor. ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. 191 In your communications with young people, take care to convince them that, as religion is not a business to be laid aside with the lesson, so neither is it a single branch of duty ; some detached thing, which, like the acquisition of an art or a language, is to be practised separate- ly, and to have its distinct periods and modes of operations. But let them understand, that common acts, by the spirit in which they are to be performed, are to be made acts of religion. Let them perceive that Christianity may be con- sidered as having something of that influence over the conduct, which external grace has over the manners ; for, as it is not the performance of some particular act which denominates any one to be graceful, grace being a spirit diffused through the whole system, which animates every sentiment, and informs every action ; as she who has true personal grace has it uniformly, and is not sometimes awkward and sometimes elegant ; does not sometimes lay it down, and sometimes take it up ; so religion is not an oc- casional act, but an indwelling principle, an in- wrought habit, a pervading and informing spirit, from which, indeed, every act derives all its life, and energy, and beauty. Give them clear views of the broad discrimi- nation between practical religion and worldly morality ; in short, between the virtues of Chris- tians and of pagans. Show them that no good qualities are genuine but such as flow from the religion of Christ. Let them learn that the virtues which the better sort of people, who yet are destitute of true Christianity, inculcate and practise, resemble those virtues which have the 192 ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. love of God for their motive, just as counterfeit coin resembles sterling gold ; they may have, it is true, certain points of resemblance with the others ; they may be bright and shining ; they have perhaps the image and the super- scription, but they ever want the true distin- guishing properties ; they want sterling value, purity, and weight. They may indeed pass current in the traffic of this world, but when brought to the touchstone, they will be found full of alloy ; when weighed in the balance of the sanctuary, " they will be found wanting;" they will not stand that final trial which is to separate " the precious from the vile ;" they will not abide the day " of His coming who is like a refiner's fire." One error into which even some good people are apt to fall, is that of endeavoring to deceive young minds by temporizing expedients. In order to allure them to become religious, they exhibit false, or faint, or inadequate views of Christianity ; and while they represent it as it really is, as a life of superior happiness and ad- vantage, they conceal its difficulties, and, like the Jesuitical Chinese missionaries, extenuate, or sink, or deny such parts of it as are least al- luring to human pride.* In attempting to dis- guise its principle, they destroy its efficacy. They deny the cross, instead of making it the * T'ne Jesuits who obtained permission to settle in China, have been charged with permitting their converts to pay divine honors to their ancestors, and with modifying the Christian tenets, to make them agree with the doctrines of Confucius. They did the same, and more grossly, among savages. One missionary, in America, in his zeal for the conversion of an Indian chief, told him that Christ was a great warrior, who had scalped numbers of his enemies '. — Ed. ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. 193 badge of a Christian. But, besides that the project fails with them as it did with the Jesuits, all fraud is bad in itself; and a pious fraud is a contradiction in terms, which ought to be buried in the rubbish of papal desolation. Instead of representing to the young Chris- tian, that it may be possible, by a prudent inge- nuity, at once to pursue, with equal ardor and success, worldly fame and eternal glory, would it not be more honest to tell him, fairly and un- ambiguously, that there are two distinct roads, between which there is a broad boundary line? that there are two contending and irreconcila- ble interests ? that he must forsake the one, if he would cleave to the other ? that " there are two masters," both of whom it is impossible to serve ? that there are two sorts of characters at eternal variance? that he must renounce the one if he is in earnest for the other ? that noth- ing short of absolute decision can make a con- firmed Christian? Point out the different sorts of promises annexed to these different sorts of characters. Confess, in the language of Christ, how the man of the world often obtains (and it is the natural course of human things) the re- compense he sedulously seeks. " Verily I say unto you, they have their reward." Explain the beatitudes on the other hand, and unfold what kind of specific reward is there individu- ally promised to its concomitant virtue. Show your pupil that to that " poverty of spirit" to which " the kingdom of heaven" is promised, it would be inconsistent to expect that the recom- pense of human commendation should be also attached ; that to that " purity of heart" to 17* 194 ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. which the beatific vision is annexed, it would be unreasonable to suppose you can unite the praise of licentious wits, or the admiration of a catch-club. These will be bestowed on their appropriate and corresponding merits. Do not enlist them under false colors ; disappointment will produce desertion. Different sorts of re- wards are attached to different sorts of services ; and while you truly assert that religion's ways are " ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace," take care that you do not lead them to depend too exclusively on worldly happiness and earthly peace, for these make no part of the covenant ; they may be, and they often are, superadded, but they were never stipulated in the contract. But if, in order to attract, the young to a re- ligious course, you disingenuously conceal its difficulties, while you are justly enlarging upon its pleasures, you will tempt them to distrust the truth of Scripture itself. For what will they think, not only of a few detached texts, but of the genera] cast and color of the Gospel, when contrasted with your representation of it? When you are describing to them the inseparable hu- man advantages which will follow a religious course, what notion will they conceive of the " strait gate" and " narrow way" .? of the am- putation of a " right, hand" ? of the excision of a " right eye" ? of the other strong metaphors by which the Christian warfare is shadowed out? of " crucifying the flesh"? of " mortify- ing the old man" ? of " dying unto sin" ? of " overcoming the world" ? Do you not think their meek and compassionate Saviour, who ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. 195 died for your children, loved them as well as you love them 1 And if this were his language, ought it not to be yours 1 It is the language of true love ; of that love with which a merciful God loved the world, when he spared not his own Son. Do not fear to tell your children what he told his disciples, that " in the world they shall have tribulation ;" but teach them to rise superior to it, on Ms principle, by " over- coming the world." Do not try to conceal from them, that the life of a Christian is necessarily opposite to the life of the world ; and do not seek, by a vain attempt at accommodation, to reconcile that difference which Christ himself has pronounced to be irreconcilable. May it not be partly owing to the want of a due introduction to the knowledge of the real nature and spirit of religion, that so many young Christians, who set out in a fair and flourishing way, decline and wither when they come to perceive the requisitions of experimental Chris- tianity ? requisitions which they had not sus- pected of making any part of the plan ; and from which, when they afterwards discover them, they shrink back, as not prepared and hardened for the unexpected contest. People are no more to be cheated into reli- gion than into learning. The same spirit which influences your oath in a court of justice should influence your discourse in that court of equity — your family. Your children should be told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It is unnecessary to add, that it must be done gradually and discreetly. We know whose example we have for postponing that 196 ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. which the mind is not yet prepared to receive : " I have many things yet to say to you, but ye can- not bear them now." Accustom them to reason by analogy. Explain to them that great world- ly attainments are never made without great sacrifices ; that the merchant cannot become rich without industry ; the statesman eminent without labor ; the scholar learned without study ; the hero renowned without danger : would it not, then, on human principles, be un- reasonable to think that the Christian alone should obtain a triumph without a warfare? the highest prize, with the lowest exertions ? an eternal crown, without a present cross? and that heaven is the only reward which the idle may reckon upon ? No ; though salvation " be the gift of God," yet it must be " worked out." Convince your young friends, however, that in this case the difficulty of the battle bears no proportion to the prize of the victory. In one respect, indeed, the point of resemblance be- tween worldly and Christian pursuits fails, and that most advantageously for the Christian ; for while, even by the most probable means, which are the union of talents with diligence, no hu- man prosperity can be insured to the worldly candidate ; while the most successful adventur- er may fail by the fault of another ; while the best concerted project of the statesman may be crushed, the bravest hero lose the battle, the brightest genius fail of getting bread ; and while, moreover, the pleasure arising even from suc- cess in these may be no sooner tasted than it is poisoned by a more prosperous rival ; — the per- severing Christian is safe and certain of obtain- ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. 197 ing his object : no misfortunes can defeat his hope ; no competition can endanger his suc- cess ; for, though another gain, he will not lose ; nav, the success of another, so far from diinin- •> 7 7 ishing his gain, is an addition to it; the more he diffuses, the richer he grows ; his blessings are enlarged by communication ; and that mor- tal hour which cuts off forever the hopes of worldly men, crowns and consummates his. Beware, at tbe same time, of setting up any act of self denial or mortification as the procur- ing cause of salvation. This would be a pre- sumptuous project to purchase that eternal life which is declared to be the " free gift of God." This would be to send your children, not to the Gospel to learn their Christianity, but to the monks and ascetics of the middle ages ; it would be sending them to Peter the Hermit,* and the holy fathers of the desert, and not to Peter the apostle and his Divine Master. Mortification is not the price ; it is nothing more than the discipline of a soul of which sin is the disease, the diet prescribed by the great Physician. Without this guard, the young devout Christian would be led to fancy that abstinence, pilgrim- age, and penance might be adopted as the cheap substitute for the subdued desire, the resisted temptation, the conquered corruption, and the obedient will ; and would be almost in as much danger, on the one hand, of self-righteousness arising from austerities and mortification, as * It does not appear that Peter the Hermit was an ascetic, at least not of the same class with the monastics of the desert. He was a fanatic, and, by his zealous fervor, maddened half Europe to embark for the Holy Land.— Ed. 198 ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. she would be, on the other, from self-gratification in the indulgences of the world. And while you carefully impress on her the necessity of living a life of strict obedience if she would please God, do not neglect to remind her also, that a complete renunciation of her own per- formances as a ground of merit, purchasing the favor of God by their own intrinsic worth, is included in that obedience. It is of the last importance, in stamping on young minds a true impression of the genius of Christianity, to possess them with a conviction that it is the purity of the motive which not only gives worth and beauty, but which, in a Christian sense, gives life and soul to the best action ; nay, that while a right intention will be acknowledged and accepted at the final judgment, even without the act, the act itself will be disowned which wanted the basis of a pure design. " Thou didst well that it was in thy heart to build me a temple," said the Al- mighty to that monarch, whom yet he permit- ted not to build it. How many splendid actions will be rejected in the great day of retribution, to which statues and monuments have been raised on earth, while their almost deified au- thors shall be as much confounded at their own unexpected reprobation, as at the divine accept- ance of those "whose life the world counted madness." It is worthy of remark, that " De- part from me, 1 never knew you," is not the malediction denounced on the skeptic or the scoffer, on the profligate and the libertine, but on the high professor, on the unfruitful worker of " miracles," on the unsanctified utterer of ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. 199 " prophecies ;" for even acts of piety wanting the purifying principle, however they may daz- zle men, offend God. Cain sacrificed, Balaam prophesied, Rousseau wrote the most sublime panegyric on the Son of Mary. Voltaire built a church-! nay, so superior was his affectation of sanctity, that he ostentatiously declared, that while others were raising churches to saints, there was one man at least who would erect his church to God ;* that God whose altars he was overthrowing, whose name he was vilifying, whose Gospel he was exterminating, and the very name of whose Son he had solemnly pledg- ed himself to blot from the face of the earth ! Though it be impossible here to enumerate all those Christian virtues which should be im- pressed in the progress of a Christian educa- tion, yet in this connection I cannot forbear mentioning one which more immediately grows out of the subject, and to remark, that the prin- ciple which should be the invariable concomitant of all instruction, and especially of religious in- struction, is humility. As this temper is inculcat- ed in every page of the Gospel ; as it is deducible from every precept and every action of Christ ; that is a sufficient intimation that it should be made to grow out of every study, that it should be grafted on every acquisition. It is the turn- ing-point, the leading principle indicative of the very genius, of the very being of Christianity. This chastising quality should therefore be con- stantly made in education to operate as the only * Deo, erexit Voltaire, " To God, erected by Voltaire," is the inscription affixed by himself on his church at Ferney. 200 ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. counteraction of that " knowledge which puff- eth up." Youth should be taught, that as hu- mility is the discriminating!; characteristic of our religion, therefore a proud Christian, a haughty disciple of a crucified Master, furnishes, per- haps, a stronger opposition in 'terms, than the whole compass of language can exhibit. They should be taught that humility, being the appro- priate grace of Christianity, is precisely the thing which makes Christian and pagan virtues essentially different. The virtues of the Ro- mans, for instance, were obviously founded in pride; as a proof of this, they had not even a word in their copious language to express hu- mility, but what was used in a bad sense, and conveyed the idea of meanness or vileness, of baseness and servility. Christianity so stands on its own single ground, is so far from assimi- lating itself to the spirit of other religions, that, unlike the Roman emperor, who, though he would not become a Christian, yet ordered that the image of Christ should be set up in the Pantheon with those of the heathen gods, and be worshipped in common with them, — Chris- tianity not only rejects all such partnerships with other religions, but it pulls down their images, defaces their temples, tramples on their hon- ors, founds its own existence on the ruins of spu- rious religions and spurious virtues, and will be every thing when it is admitted to be any thing. Will it be going too much out of the way to observe, that Christian Britain retaliates upon pagan Rome? For if the former used humility in a bad sense, has not the latter learnt to use pride in a good one ? May we without imperti- ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. 201 nence venture to remark, that in the delibera- tions of as honorable and upright political as- semblies as ever adorned, or, under Providence, upheld a country ; in orations which leave us nothing to envy in Attic or Roman eloquence in their best days ; it were to be wished that we did not borrow from Rome an epithet which suited the genius of her religion, as much as it militates against that of ours! The panegyrist of the battle of Marathon, of Platea, or of Zama, might with propriety speak of a "proud day," or a " proud event," or a " proud success." But surely the Christian encomiasts of the bat- tle of the Nile might, from their abundance, select an epithet better appropriated to such a victory — a victory which, by preserving Europe, has, perhaps, preserved that religion which sets its foot on the very neck of pride, and in which the conqueror himself, even in the first ardors of triumph, forgot not to ascribe the victory to Almighty God. Let us leave to the enemy both the term and the thing ; arrogant words being the only weapons in which we must ever vail to their decided superiority. As we most despair of the victory, let us disdain the contest. Above all things, you must beware that your pupils do not take up with a vague, general, and undefined religion ; but look to it, that their Christianity be really the religion of Christ. Instead of slurring over the doctrines of the cross, as disreputable appendages to our reli- gion, which are to be disguised or got over as well as we can, but which are never to be dwelt upon, take care to make these your grand fun- damental articles. Do not dilute or explain 18 202 ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. away these doctrines, and, by some elegant periphrasis, hint at a Saviour, instead of mak- ing him the foundation-stone of your system. Do not convey primary, and plain, and awful, and indispensaple truths elliptically — I mean, as something that is to be understood without being expressed — nor study fashionable circum- locutions to avoid names and things on which our salvation hangs, in order to prevent your discourse from being offensive. Persons who are thus instructed in religion, with more good breeding than seriousness and simplicity, im- bibe a distaste for plain scriptural language ; and the Scriptures themselves are so little in use with a certain fashionable class of readers, that when the doctrines and language of the Bible occasionally occur in other authors, or in conversation, they present a sort of novelty and peculiarity which offend ; and such readers as disuse the Bible are apt, from a supposed deli- cacy of taste, to call that precise and puritani- cal which is in fact sound and scriptural. Nay, it has several times happened to the author to hear persons of sense and learning ridicule in- sulated sentiments and expressions that have fallen in their way, which they would have treated with decent respect, had they known them to be, as they really were, texts of Scrip- ture. This observation is hazarded with a view to enforce the importance of early communicat- ing religious knowledge, and of infusing an early taste for the venerable phraseology of Scripture. The persons in question thus possessing a kind of pagan Christianity, are apt to acquire a ON THE GENIUS OF CHRISTIANITY. 203 sort of pagan expression, also, which just ena- bles them to speak with complacency of the "Deity," of a "first cause," and of "con- science." Nay, some may even go so far as to talk of " the Founder of our religion," of the '* Author of Christianity," in the same general terms as they would talk of the prophet of Ara- bia, or the lawgiver of China, of Athens, or of the Jews. But their refined ears revolt not a little at the unadorned name of Christ ; and es- pecially the naked and unqualified term of our Saviour, or Redeemer, carries with it a queer- ish, inelegant, not to say a suspicious sound. They will express a serious disapprobation of what is wrong, under the moral term of vice, or the forensic term of crime ; but they are apt to think that the Scripture term of sin has some- thing fanatical in it ; and, while they discover a great respect for morality, they do not much relish holiness, which is indeed the specific and only morality of a Christian. They will speak readily of a man's reforming, or leaving off a vicious habit, or growing more correct in some individual practice ; but the idea conveyed un- der any. of the Scripture phrases signifying a total change of heart, they would stigmatize as the very shibboleth of a sect, though it is the language of a liturgy they affect to admire, and of a Gospel which they profess to receive. 204 A SCHEME OF PRAYER. CHAPTER XIII. Hints suggested for furnishing young persons with a scheme of prayer. Those who' are aware of the inestimable value of prayer themselves, will naturally be anxious not only that this duty should be ear- nestly inculcated on their children, but that they should be taught it in the best manner ; and such parents need little persuasion or coun- sel on the subject. Yet children of decent and orderly (I will not say of strictly religious) fami- lies are often so superficially instructed in this important business, that, when they are asked what prayers they use, it is not unusual for them to answer, " The Lord's prayer and the creed. ' ; And even some who are better taught, are not always made to understand with suffi- cient clearness the specific distinction between the two; that the one is the confession of their faith, and the other the model for their suppli- cations. By this confused and indistinct begin- ning, they set out with a perplexity in their ideas, which is not always completely disen- entangled in more advanced life. An intelligent mother will seize the first oc- casion which the child's opening understanding shall allow, for making a little course of lectures on the Lord's prayer, taking every division or short sentence separately ; for each furnishes A SCHEME OF PRAYER. 205 valuable materials for a distinct lecture. The child should be led gradually through every part of this divine composition ; she should be taught to break it into all the regular divisions, into which, indeed, it so naturally resolves it- self. She should be made to comprehend, one by one, each of its short but weighty senten- ces ; to amplify and spread them out for the purpose of better understanding them, not in their most extensive and critical sense, but in their most simple and obvious meaning. For in those condensed and substantial expressions every word is an ingot, and will bear beating out ; so that the teacher's difficulty will not so much be what she would say, as what she shall suppress ; so abundant is the expository matter which this succinct pattern suggests. When the child has a pretty good conception of the meaning of each division, she should then be made to observe the connection, relation, and dependence of the several parts of this prayer one upon another ; for there is great method and connexion in it. We pray that the " kingdom of God may come," as the best means to " hallow his name ;" and that by us, the obedient subjects of his kingdom, " his will may be done." A judicious interpreter will observe how logically and consequently one clause grows out of another, though she will use neither the word logical nor consequence ; for all explanations should be made in the most plain and jfamiliar terms, it being words, and not things, which commonly perplex children, if, as it sometimes happens, the teacher, though 18* 206 A SCHEME OF PRAYER. not wanting sense, want perspicuity and sim- plicity.* The young person, from being made a com- plete mistress of this short composition (which, as it is to be her guide and model through life, too much pains cannot be bestowed on it,) will have a clearer conception, not only of its indi- vidual contents, but of prayer in general, than many ever attain, though their memory has been perhaps, loaded with long and unexplain- ed forms, which they have been accustomed to swallow in the lump, without scrutiny and with- out discrimination. Prayer should not be so swallowed. It is a regular prescription, which should stand analysis and examination ; it is not a charm, the successful operation of which depends on your blindly taking it, without know- ing what is in it, and in which the good you receive is promoted by your ignorance of its contents. I would have it understood, that by these lit- tle comments, I do not mean that the child should be put to learn dry, and to her unintelli- gible expositions ; but that the exposition is to be colloquial. And here I must remark, in general, that the teacher is sometimes unrea- sonably apt to relieve herself at the child's ex- pense, by loading the memory of a little crea- ture on occasions in which far other faculties * It might, perhaps, be a false rule to establish for praver in general, to suspect that any petition which cannot in some shape or other be accommodated to the spirit of some part of this prayer, may not be righi to be adopted. Here, temporal things are kept in their due subordination ; they are asked for moderately, as an acknowledgment of our dependence and of God's power; "for our heavenly Father knoweth that we have need of these things." A SCHEME OP PRAYER. 207 should be put in exercise. The child herself should be made to furnish a good part of this extemporaneous commentary by her answers ; in which answers she will be much assisted by the judgment the teacher uses in her manner of questioning. And the youthful understanding, when its powers are properly set at work, will soon strengthen by exercise, so as to furnish reasonable, if not very correct, answers. Written forms of prayer are not only useful and proper, but indispensably necessary to be- gin with. But I will hazard the remark, that if children are thrown exclusively on the best forms, if they are made to commit them to memory like a copy of verses, and to repeat them in a dry, customary way, they will pro- duce little effect on their minds. They will not understand what they repeat, if we do not early open to them the important scheme of prayer. Without such an elementary introduc- tion to this duty, they will afterwards be either ignorant, or enthusiasts, or both. We should give them knowledge before we can expect them to make much progress in piety, and as a due preparative to it ; Christian instruction in this resembling the sun, who, in the course of his communication, gives light before he gives heat. And to labor to excite a spirit of devotion with- out first infusing that knowledge out of which it is to grow, is practically reviving the popish maxim, that ignorance is the mother of devo- tion, and virtually adopting the popish rule of praying in an unknown tongue. Children, let me again observe, will not at- tend to their prayers, if they do not understand 208 A SCHEME OF PRAYER. them ; and they will not understand them, if they are not taught to analyze, to dissect them, to know their component parts, and to method- ize them. It is not enough to teach them to consider prayer under the general idea that it is an ap- plication to God for what they want, and an acknowledgment to him for what they have. This, though true in the gross, is not sufficiently precise and correct. They should learn to de- fine and to arrange all the different parts of prayer. And as a preparative to prayer itself, they should be impressed with as clear an idea as their capacity and the nature of the subject will admit, of " Him with whom they have to do." His omnipresence is, perhaps, of all his attributes, that of which we may make the first practical use. Every head of prayer is founded on some great scriptural truths, which truths the little analysis here suggested will materially assist to fix in their minds. On the knowledge that " God is," that he is an infinitely holy Being, and that " he is the rewarder of all them that diligently seek him," will be grounded the first part of prayer, which is adoration. The creature devoting itself to the Creator, or self -dedication, next presents itself. And if they are first taught that important truth, that as needy creatures they want help, which may be done by some easy analogy, they will easily be led to understand how naturally petition forms a most considerable branch of prayer ; and divine grace being among the things for which they are to petition, this natu- rally suggests to the mind the doctrine of the A SCHEME OF PRAYER. 209 influences of the Holy Spirit. And when to this is added the conviction which will be readily worked into an ingenuous mind, that as offend in air; the disease. indee< but a P d is at hand, both ing to i are n; ;; help is laid upon One that i - 5C er to as o - te, it d! the means of oar divine in ge and favor. It not ;rs, but impresses this image ; it not only - the description, but the attainment of th m ; and while the word of God suggests the rented] . lis .Spirit ap- plies it. We should observe, then, that the doctrines of our Saviour are. if I tn< v so e eak, with a beautify : tency, j into one p We should ; . of their reciprocal dependence, as to he per [>uta deep sense of our € can never aerioi . in a Saviour, because e belief in Him must always e from the conviction of our want of Him ; that without a firm persuasion that the Holy Spirit can alone restore our falien HUMAN CORRUPTION. 381 nature, repair the ruins of sin, and renew the image of God upon the heart, we never shall be brought to serious humble prayer for repentance and restoration ; and that, without this repent- ance, there is no salvation ; for though Christ has died for us, and consequently to him alone we must look as a Saviour, yet he has himself declared that he will save none but true peni- tents. On the doctrine of human corruption. To come now to a more particular statement of these doctrines. When an important edifice is about to be erected, a wise builder will dig 1 deep, and look well to the foundations, know- ing, that, without this, the fabric will not be likely to stand. The foundation of the Chris- tian religion, out of which the whole structure may be said to arise, appears to be the doctrine of the fall of man from his original state of righteousness ; and the corruption and helpless- ness of human nature, which are the consequen- ces of this fall, and which is the natural state of every one born into the world. To this doc- trine it is important to conciliate the minds, more especially of young persons, who are pe- culiarly disposed to turn away from it as a mo- rose, unamiable, and gloomy idea. They are apt to accuse those who are more strict and serious, of unnecessary severity, and to suspect them of thinking unjustly ill of mankind. Some of the reasons which prejudice the inexperienced against the doctrine in question appear to be the following : — Young persons themselves have seen little of 33 382 HUMAN CORRUPTION. the world. In pleasurable society, the world puts on its most amiable appearance ; and that softness and urbanity which prevail, particularly amongst persons of fashion, are liable to be taken for more than they are really worth. The opposition to this doctrine in the young, arises partly from ingenuousness of heart, partly from a habit of indulging themselves in favorable suppositions respecting the world, rather than of pursuing truth, which is always the grand thing to be pursued ; and partly from the popu- larity of the tenet, that every body is so won- derfully good ! This error in youth has, however, a still deeper foundation, which is their not having a right standard of moral good and evil them- selves, in consequence of their already partak- ing of the very corruption which is spoken of, and which, in perverting the will, darkens the understanding also ; they are therefore apt to have no very strict sense of duty, or of the ne- cessity of a right and religious motive to every act. Moreover, young people usually do not know themselves. Not having yet been much ex- posed to temptation, owing to the prudent re- straints in which they have been kept, they little suspect to what lengths in vice they themselves are liable to be transported, nor how far others actually are carried who are set free from those restraints. Having laid down these as some of the causes of error on this point, I proceed to observe on what strong grounds the doctrine itself stands. Profane history abundantly confirms this HUMAN CORRUPTION. 383 truth ; the history of the world being, in fact, little else than the history of the crimes of the human race. Even though the annals of re- mote ages lie so involved in obscurity, that some degree of uncertainty attaches itself to many of the events recorded, yet this one melancholy truth is always clear, that most of the miseries which have been brought upon mankind, have proceeded from this general depravity. The world we now live in furnishes abundant proof of this truth. In a world formed on the deceitful theory of those who assert the inno- cence and dignity of man, almost all the profes- sions, since they would have been rendered useless by such a state of innocence, would not have existed. Without sin, we may nearly pre- sume there would have been no sickness ; so that every medical professor is a standing evi- dence of this sad truth. Sin not only brought sickness but death into the world ; consequent- ly, every funeral presents a more irrefragable argument than a thousand sermons. Had man persevered in his original integrity, there could have been no litigation, for there would be no contests about property, in a world where none would be inclined to attack it. Professors of law, therefore, from the attorney who prose- cutes for a trespass, to the pleader who defends a criminal, or the judge who condemns him, loudly confirm the doctrine. Every victory by sea or land should teach us to rejoice with hu- miliation, for conquest itself brings a terrible though splendid attestation to the truth of the fall of man. Even those who deny the doctrine, act uni- 384 HUMAN CORRUPTION. versally, more or Jess, on the principle. Why do we all secure our houses with bolts, and bars, and locks? Do we take these steps to defend our Jives or property from any particu- lar fear 1 from any suspicion of this neighbor, or that servant, or the other invader ? No ! It is from a practical conviction of the common depravity ; from a constant, pervading, but un- defined dread of impending evil arising from the sense of general corruption. Are not prisons built, and laws enacted, on the same practical principle ? But, not to descend to the more degraded part of our species : Why, in the fairest trans- action of business, is nothing executed without bonds, receipts, and notes of hand ? Why does not a perfect confidence in the dignity of hu- man nature abolish all these securities; if not between enemies, or people indifferent to eacli other, yet at least between friends and kindred, and the most honorable connections ? why, but because of that universal suspicion between man and man, which, by all we see, and hear, and feel, is become interwoven with our very make'? Though we do not entertain any individual sus- picion, nay, though we have the strongest per- sonal confidence, yet the acknowledged princi- ple of conduct has this doctrine for its basis. " I will take a receipt, though it were from my brother," is the established voice of mankind ; or, as I have heard it more artfully put, by a faJJacy of which the very disguise discovers the principle, " Think every man honest, but deal with him as if you knew him to be otherwise." And, as in a state of innocence, the beasts, it is HUMAN CORRUPTION. 385 presumed, would not have bled for the susten- ance of man, so their parchments would not have been wanted as instruments of his security against his fellow man.* But the grand arguments for this doctrine must be drawn from the Holy Scriptures ; and these, besides implying it almost continually, expressly assert it, and that in instances too nu- merous to be all of them brought forward here. Of these, may I be allowed to produce a few 1 " God saw that the wickedness of man was great, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually;" — "God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was cor- rupt ; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. "f This is a picture of mankind before the flood, and the doctrine receives addi- tional confirmation in Scripture, when it speaks of the times which followed after that tremen- dous judgment had taken place. The psalms abound in lamentations on the depravity of man. " They are all gone aside ; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." " In thy sight," says David, addressing the Most High, " shall no man living be justified." Job, in his usual lofty strain of interrogation, asks, " What is man, * Bishop Butler distinctly declares this truth to be evident, from experience as well as revelation, " that this world exhibits an idea of a ruin ;'" and lie will hazard much who ventures to assert that Butler defended Christianity upon principles unconso- nant to reason, -philosophy, or sound experience. [Dr. Joseph Butler, bishop of Durham. He died in 1751. See his unanswerable treatise, " The Analogy of Natural and Reveal- ed Religion." — Ed.] | Genesis vi. 33* 386 HUMAN CORRUPTION. that he should be clean ? and he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Be- hold, the heavens are not clean in His sicrht : how much more abominable and filthy is man, who drinketh iniquity like water !"* Nor do the Scriptures speak of this corrup- tion as arising only from occasional temptation, or from mere extrinsic causes. The wise man tells us, that " foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child ;" the prophet Jeremiah assures us, " the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked ; and David plainly states the doctrine — " Behold, I was shapen in iniqui- ty, and in sin did my mother conceive me." Can language be more explicit? The New Testament corroborates the Old. Our Lord's reproof of Peter seems to take the doctrine for granted ; " Thou savorest not the things that be of God, but those that be of man ;" clearly intimating, that the ways of man are op- posite to the ways of God. And our Saviour, in that affecting discourse to his disciples, ob- serves to them, that, as they were, by his grace, made different from others, therefore they must expect to be hated by those who were so unlike them. And it should be particularly observed, as another proof that the world is wicked, that our Lord considered " the world" as opposed to him and to his disciples. " If ye were of the world, the world would love its own ; but I have * Perhaps one reason why the faults of the most eminent saints are recorded in Scripture, is to add fresh confirmation to this doc- trine. If Abraham, Moses, Noah, Elijah, David, and Peter sin- ned, who shall we presume to say has escaped the universal taint ? HUMAN CORRUPTION. 387 chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."* St. John, writing to his Christian church, states the same truth : " We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." Man, in his natural and unbelieving state, is likewise represented as in a state of guilt, and under the displeasure of Almighty God. " He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him." Here, however, if it be objected, that the heathen who never heard of the gospel will not assuredly be judged by it, the Saviour's answer to such curious inquirers concerning the state of others is, " Strive to enter in at the strait gate." It is enough for us to believe that God, who will " judge the world in righteousness," will judge all men according to their opportu- nities. The heathen, to whom he has not sent the light of the gospel, will probably not be judged by the gospel. But with whatever mercy he may judge those who, living in a land of darkness, are without knowledge of his- re- vealed law, our business is not with them, but with ourselves. It is our business to consider what mercy he will extend to those who, living in a Christian country, abounding with means and ordinances, where. the gospel is preached in its purity ; it is our business to inquire how he will deal with those who shut their eyes to its beams, who close their ears to its truths. For an unbeliever, who has passed his life in the meridian of Scripture light, or for an out- * John xv. 19. 388 HUMAN CORRUPTION. ward but unfruitful professor of Christianity, I know not what hope the gospel holds out. The natural state of man is again thus des- cribed : " The carnal mind is enmity against God; (awful thought!) for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So, then, they that are in the flesh cannot please God." What the apostle means by being in the flesh, is evident by what follows ; for, speak- ing of those whose hearts were changed by di- vine grace, he says, " But ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you ;" that is, you are not now in your natural state ; the change that has pass- ed on your minds by the influence of the Spirit of God is so great, that your state may properly be called " being in the Spirit." It may be further observed, that the same apostle, writing to the churches of Galatia, tells them, that the natural corruption of the human heart is con- tinually opposing the Spirit of holiness which influences the regenerate. " The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other ;" which passage, by the way, at the same time that it proves the corruption of the heart, proves the necessity of divine influences. And the apostle, with respect to himself, freely confesses and deeply laments the workings of this corrupt principle : " O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death V It has been objected by some who have op- posed this doctrine, that the same Scriptures which speak of mankind as being sinners) HUMAN CORRUPTION. 389 speak of some as being righteous ; and hence they would argue, that though this depravity of human nature may be general, yet it cannot be universal. This objection, when examined, serves only, like all other objections against the truth, to establish that which it was intended to destroy. For what do the Scriptures assert re- specting the righteous ? That there are some whose principles, views, and conduct are so different from the rest of the world, and from what theirs themselves once were, that these persons are honored with the peculiar title of the " sons of God." But no where do the Scriptures assert that even these are sinless ; on the contrary, their faults are frequently men- tioned ; and persons of this class are, moreover, represented as those on whom a great change has passed ; as having been formerly " dead in trespasses and sins ;" but as " being now called out of darkness into light;" as translated into the kingdom of " God's dear Son ;" as " having passed from death unto life." And St. Paul put this matter past all doubt, by expressly as- serting, that " they were all by nature the chil- dren of wrath, even as others." It might be weii to ask certain persons, who oppose the doctrine in question, and who also seem to talk as if they thought there were many sinless peopie in the world, how they expect that such sinless people will be saved (though indeed to talk of an innocent person being saved involves a palpable contradiction in terms, of which those who use the expression do not seem to be aware : it is talking of curing a man already in health). " Undoubtedly," such will 390 HUMAN CORRUPTION. say, " they will be received into those abodes of bliss prepared for the righteous." — But be it remembered, there is but one way to these blissful abodes, and that is, through Jesus Christ : " For there is none other name given among men whereby we must be saved." If we ask, Whom did Christ come to save ? the Scripture directly answers, " He came into the world to save sinners :" " His name was called Jesus, because he came to save his people from their sins." When St. John was favored with a heavenly vision, he tells us, that he beheld " a great multitude which no man could number, of all nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes ;" that one of the heavenly inhabitants informed him who they were ; " These are they who came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb ; therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple ; and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them : they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat ; for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them to living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." We may gather from this description what these glorious and happy beings once were : they were sinful creatures ; their robes were not spotless ; " They had washed them, and made them white in the blood of the.JLamb." They are likewise generally represented as hav- HUMAN CORRUPTION. 391 ing been once a suffering people ; they came out of great tribulation. They are described as having overcome the great tempter of man- kind, " by the blood of the Lamb ;"* as they who " follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth ;" as " redeemed from among men."f And their employment in the regions of bliss is a further confirmation of the doctrine of which we are treating. " The great multitude," &c. &c, we are told, " stood and cried with a loud voice, " Salvation to our God, who sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb !" Here we see they ascribe their salvation to Christ, and, conse- quently, their present happiness to his atoning blood. And, in another of their celestial an- thems, they say, in like manner, " Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. "| By all this it is evident that men of any other description than redeemed sinners must gain ad- mittance to heaven some other way than that which the Scriptures point out ; and also that when they shall arrive there, so different will be their employment, that they must have an anthem peculiar to themselves. Nothing is more adapted to " the casting down of high imaginations," and to promote humility, than this reflection, that heaven is always, in Scripture, pointed out not as the re- ward of the innocent, but as the hope of the penitent. This, while it is calculated to " ex- clude boasting," the temper the most opposite to the gospel, is yet the most suited to afford * Rev. xii. 11. f R ev > xiv. 4. % Rev. v. 9. 392 HUMAN CORRUPTION. comfort ; for, were heaven promised as the re- ward of innocence, who could attain to it ? but being, as it is, the promised portion of faith and repentance, purchased for us by the blood of Christ, and offered to every penitent believer, who is compelled to miss 'it? It is urged, that the belief of this doctrine of our corruption produces many'ill eifects, and therefore it should he discouraged. That it does not produce those ill effects, when not misunderstood or partially represented, we shall attempt to show ; at the same time, let it be ob- served, if it be really true, we must not. reject it on account of any of these supposed ill conse- quences. Truth may often be attended with disagreeable effects ; but if it be truth, it must still be pursued. If, for instance, treason should exist in a country, every one knows the disa- greeable effects which will follow such a convic- tion ; but our not believing such treason to exist, will not prevent such effect following it ; on the contrary, our believing it may prevent the fatal consequences. It is objected, that this doctrine debases and degrades human nature, and that finding fault with the building is only another way of finding fault with the architect. To the first part of this objection it may be remarked, that if man be really a corrupt, fallen being, it is proper to represent him as such : the fault then lies in the man^ and not in the doctrine, which only states the truth. As to the inference which is supposed to follow, namely, that it throws the fault upon the Creator, it proceeds upon the false supposition that man's present corrupt HUMAN CORRUPTION. 393 state is the state in which he was originally created ; the contrary of which is the truth. " God made man upright, but he hath found out many inventions." It is likewise objected, that as this doctrine must give us such a bad opinion of mankind, it must consequently produce ill-will, hatred, and suspicion. But it should be remembered, that it gives us no worse an opinion of other men than it gives of ourselves ; and such views of ourselves have a very salutary effect, inasmuch as they have a tendency to produce humility ; and humility is not likely to produce ill-will to others, " for only from pride cometh conten- tion ;" and as to the views it gives us of man- kind, it represents us as felloiv-sufferers ; and surely the consideration that we are companions in misery, is not calculated to produce hatred. The truth is, these effects, where they have ac- tually followed, have followed from a false and partial view of the subject. Old persons who have seen much of the world, and who have little religion, are apt to be strong in their belief of man's actual corrup- tion ; but not taking it up on Christian grounds, this belief in them shows itself in a narrow and malignant temper, in uncharitable judgment and harsh opinions, in individual suspicion, and in too general a disposition to hatred. Suspicion and hatred, also, are the uses to which Rochefoucault* and the other French phi- * Francis, duke de la Rochefoucault, born in 1603, and died in 1680. His "Reflections and Maxims" display an acute mind, and a great knowledge of mankind, but with a disposition too much inclined to satire. — Ed. 34 394 HUMAN CORRUPTION. losophers have converted this doctrine : their acute minds intuitively found the corruption of man, and they saw it without its concomitant and correcting doctrine ; they allowed man to be a depraved creature, bet disallowed his high orig- inal ; they found him in a low state, but did not conceive of him as having fallen from a better. They represent him rather as a brute than an apostate ; not taking into the account, that his present degraded nature and depraved faculties are not his original state : that he is not such as he came out of the hands of his Creator, but such as he has been made by sin. Nor do they know that he has not even now lost all remains of his primitive dignity, all traces of his divine original, but is still capable of a restoration more glorious Than is dreamt of in their philosophy. Perhaps, too, they know from what they feel, all the evil to which man is inclined ; but they do not know, for they have not felt, all the good of which he is capable by the superinduction of the divine principle : thus they asperse human nature instead of representing it fairly, and in so doing it is they who calumniate the great Creator. The doctrine of corruption is likewise ac- cused of being a gloomy, discouraging doctrine, and an enemy to joy and comfort. Now, sup- pose this objection true in its fullest extent : Is it any way unreasonable that a being, fallen into a state of sin, under the displeasure of al- mighty God, should feel seriously alarmed at being in such a state 1 Is the condemned crim- DOCTRINE OF REDEMPTION. 395 inal blamed because he is not merry ? And would it be esteemed a kind action to persuade him that he is not condemned, in order to make him so 1 But this charge is not true, in the sense in- tended by those who bring it forward. Those who believe this doctrine are not the most gloomy people. When, indeed, any one, by the influence of the Holy Spirit, is brought to view his state as it really is, a state of guilt and danger, it is natural t\v&t fear should be excited in his mind ; but it is such a fear as impels him " to flee from the wrath to come •" it is such a fear as moved Noah to " prepare an ark to the saving of his house." Such a one will likewise feel sorrow ; not, however, " the sorrow of the world which worketh death," but that godly sorrow which worketh repentance. Such a one is said to be driven to despair by this doc- trine ; but it is the despair of his own ability to save himself; it is that wholesome despair of his own merits, produced by conviction and hu- mility, which drives him to seek a better ref- uge ; and such a one is in a proper state to receive the glorious doctrine we are next about to contemplate ; namely, That God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlast- ing life. Of this doctrine it is of the last importance to form just views ; for as it is the only doc- trine which can keep the humble penitent from despair, so, on the other hand, great care must 396 DOCTRINE OP REDEMPTION. be taken that false views of it do not lead us to presumption. In order to understand it rightly, we must not fill our minds with our own rea- sonings upon it, which is the way in which some good people have been misled, but we must betake ourselves to the Scriptures, where- in we shall find the doctrines stated so plainly, as to show that the mistakes have not arisen from a want of clearness in the Scriptures, but from a desire to make it bend to some favorite notions. While it has been totally rejected by some, it has been so mutilated by others, as hardly to retain any resemblance to the Scrip- ture doctrine of redemption. We are told, in the beautiful passage last quoted, its source — the love of God to a lost world : who the Re- deemer was — the Son of God : the end for which this plan was formed and executed — " that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." " As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked." "He would have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth." " He would not have any perish, but that all should come to repentance." There is nothing, surely, in all this to promote gloom- iness. On the contrary, if kindness and mercy have a tendency to win and warm the heart, here is every incentive to joy and cheerfulness. Christianity looks kindly towards all, and with peculiar tenderness on such as, from humbling views of their own unworthiness, might be led to fancy themselves excluded — we are expressly told, that " Christ died for all" — that " he tasted death for every man" — that "he died DOCTRINE OF REDEMPTION. 397 for the sins of the whole world." Accordingly, he has commanded that his gospel should be " preached to every creature ;" which is in effect declaring, that not a single human being is excluded ; for to preach the gospel is to offer a Saviour — and the Saviour, in the plainest language, offers himself to all, declaring to " all the ends of the earth, Look unto me, and be saved." It is therefore an undeniable truth, that no one will perish for want of a Saviour, but for rejecting him ; that none are excluded who do not exclude themselves, as many un- happily do, who " reject the counsel of God against themselves, and so receive the grace of God in vain." But to suppose that because Christ has died for the " sins of the whole world," the whole world will therefore be saved, is a most fatal mistake. In the same book which tells us that " Christ died for all," we have likewise this awful admonition, " Strait is the gate, and few there be that find it ;" which, whether it be un- derstood of the immediate reception of the gos- pel, or of the final use which was too likely to be made of it, gives no encouragement to hope that all will be qualified to partake of its prom- ises. And,Svhilst it declares that " there is no other name whereby we may be saved, but the name of Jesus," it likewise declares, That " Without holiness no man shall see the Lord." It is much to be feared that some, in their zeal to defend the gospel doctrines of free grace, have materially injured the gospel doc- 34* 398 DOCTRINE OF REDEMPTION. trine of holiness ; stating, that Christ has done all in such a sense, as that there is nothing left for us to do. But do the Scriptures hold out this language? "Come, for! all things are ready," is the gospel call ; in which we may observe, that at the same time that it tells us that " all things are ready," it nevertheless tells us that we must " come." Food being provided for us will not benefit us, except we partake of it. It will not avail us that " Christ our pass- over is sacrificed for us," unless " we keep the feast." We must make use of "the fountain which is opened for sin and for uncleanness," if we would be purified. All, indeed, who are athirst are invited to " take of the waters of life freely ;" but if we feel no " thirst," if we do not drink, their saving qualities are of no avail. It is the more necessary to insist on this in the present day, as there is a worldly and fash- ionable, as well as a low and sectarian Antino- mianism ; there lamentably prevails in this world an unwarranted assurance of salvation, founded on a slight, vague, and general confi- dence in what Christ has done and suffered for us, as if the great object of his doing and suffer- ing had been to emancipate us from all obliga- tions to duty and obedience ; and as if, because he died for sinners, we might therefore safely and comfortably go on to live in sin, contenting ourselves with now and then a transient, formal, and unmeaning avowal of our unworthiness, our obligation, and the all-sufficiency of his . atonement. By the discharge of this quit- rent, of which all the cost consists in the ac- knowledgment, the sensual, the worldly, and DOCTRINE OF REDEMPTION. 399 the vain, hope to find a refuge in heaven, when driven from the enjoyments of this world. But this cheap and indolent Christianity is no where taught in the Bible. The faith inculcated there is not a lazy, professional faith, but that faith which " produceth obedience" that faith which " worketh by love ;" that faith of which the practical language is — " Strive that you may enter in ;" — " so run that you may obtain ;" — " so fight that you may lay hold on eternal life ;" — that faith which directs us " not to be weary in well-doing ;" — which says, " Work out your own salvation ;" never forgetting, at the same time, " that it is God which worketh in us both to will and to do." The contrary doctrine is implied in the very name of the Re- deemer : " And his name shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins," not in their sins. Are those rich supplies of grace which the gospel offers ; are those abun- dant aids of the Spirit which it promises, ten- dered to the slothful ? No. God will have all his gifts improved. Grace must be used, or it will be withdrawn. The Almighty thinks it not derogatory to his free grace to declare, that " those only who do his commandments have right to the tree of life." And the Scriptures represent it as not derogatory to the sacrifice of Christ, to follow his example in well-doing. The only caution is, that we must not work in our own strength, nor bring in our contribution of works as if in aid of the supposed deficiency of His merits. For we must not, in our over caution, fancy that because Christ has " redeemed us from the 400 CHANGE OF HEART. curse of the law," we are therefore without a law. In acknowledging Christ as a deliverer, we must not forget that he is a lawgiver too, and that we are expressly commanded " to ful- fil the law of Christ;" if we wish to know what his laws are, we must " search the Scriptures," especially the New Testament ; there we shall find him declaring The absolute necessity of a change of heart and life : Our Saviour says, that " Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God ;" that it is not a mere acknowledging his authority, calling him " Lord, Lord," that will avail any thing, except we do what he com- mands ; that any thing short of this is like a man building his house upon the sands, which, when the storms come on, will certainly fall. In like manner the apostles are continually en- forcing the necessity of this change, which they describe under the various names of " the new man ;"* — " the new creature !"f — " a transformation into the image of God ;"$ — " a participation of the divine nature."^ Nor is this change represented as consisting merely in a change of religious opinions ; nor even in being delivered over from a worse to a better system of doctrines ; nor in exchanging gross sins for those which are more sober and rep- utable ; nor in renouncing the sins of youth, and assuming those of a quieter period of life; nor in leaving off evil practices because men * Eph. iv. 24. f Gal. vi. 15. J 2 Cor. xii. $ 2 Pet. i. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 401 are grown tired of them, or find they injure their credit, health, or fortune: nor does it consist in inofTensiveness and obliging manners, nor indeed in any merely outward reformation. But the change consists in " being renewed in the spirit of our minds ;" in being " con- formed to the image of the Son of God ;" in being " called out of darkness into his marvel- lous light." And the whole of this great change, its beginning, its progress, and final accomplishment, — for it is represented as a gradual change, — is ascribed to The influences of the Holy Spirit. We are perpetually reminded of our utter in- ability to help ourselves, that we may set the higher value on those gracious aids which are held out to us. We are taught that " we are not sufficient to think any thing as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God." And when we are told that " if we live after the flesh, we shall die," we are at the same time reminded, that it is through the Spirit that we must " mortify the deeds of the body." We are likewise cautioned that we " grieve not the Holy Spirit of God ;" " that we quench not the Spirit." By all which expressions, and many others of like import, we are taught that, while we are to ascribe with humble gratitude every good thought, word, and work to the influence of the Holy Spirit, we are not to look on such influences as superseding our own exertions ; and it is too plain that we may reject the gra- cious offers of assistance, since otherwise there would be no occasion to caution us not to do it. 402 OUR SPIRITUAL ENEMY. The Scriptures have illustrated this in terms which are familiar indeed, but which are there- fore only the more condescending and endear- ing. " Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Observe, it is not said, If any man will not listen to me, I will force open the door. But if We refuse admittance to such a guest, we must abide by the consequences. The sublime doctrine of divine assistance is the more to be prized, not only on account of our own helplessness, but from the additional consideration of the powerful adversary with whom the Christian has to contend ; an article of our faith, by the way, which is growing into general disrepute among the politer classes of society. Nay, there is a kind of ridicule at- tached to the very suggestion of the subject, as if it were exploded by general agreement, on full proof of its being an absolute absurdity, utterly repugnant to the liberal spirit of an en- lightened age. And it requires no small neat- ness of expression and periphrastic ingenuity to get the very mention tolerated : 1 mean — - The Scripture doctrine of the existence and power of our great spiritual enemy. This is considered by the fashionable skeptic as a vulgar invention, which ought to be banish- ed with the belief in dreams, and ghosts, and witchcraft ; by the fashionable Christian, as an ingenious allegory, but not as a literal truth ; and by almost all, as a doctrine which, when it happens to be introduced at church, has at OUR SPIRITUAL ENEMY. 403 least nothing to do with the peies, but is by common consent made over to the aisles, if in- deed it must be retained at all. ; -. May I, with great humility "and respect, pre- sume to suggest to our divines, that they would do well not to lend their countenance to these modish curtailments of the Christian faith ; nor to shun the introduction of this doctrine when- ever it consists with their subject to bring it forward ? A truth which is seldom brought be- fore the eye, imperceptibly grows less and less important ; and if it be an unpleasing truth, we grow more and more reconciled to its ab- sence, till at length its intrusion becomes offen- sive, and we learn in the end to renounce what we at first only neglected. Because some coarse and ranting enthusiasts have been fond of using tremendous terms and awful denuncia- tions with a violence and frequency which might make it seem to be a gratification to them to denounce judgments and anticipate torments, can their coarseness or vulgarity make a true doctrine false, or an important one trifling 1 If such preachers have given offence by their uncouth manner of managing an awful doctrine, that indeed furnishes a caution to treat the subject more discreetly, but it is no just reason for avoiding the doctrine. For to keep a truth out of sight because it has been absurdly handled or ill defended, might in time be assigned as a reason for keeping back, one by one, every doctrine of our holy church ; for which of them has not occasionally had impru- dent advocates or weak champions ? Be it remembered, that the doctrine in ques- 404 ON THE CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. tion is not only interwoven by allusion, implica- tion, or direct assertion throughout the whole Scripture, but that it stands prominently person- ified at the opening of the New as well as the Old Testament. The devil's temptation of our Lord, in which he is not represented figura- tively, but visibly and palpably, stands exactly- on the same ground of authority with other events which are received without repugnance. And it may not be an unuseful observation to remark, that the very refusing to believe in an evil spirit, may be considered as one of his own suggestions ; for there is not a more dangerous illusion than to believe ourselves out of the reach of illusions, nor a more alarming tempta- tion than to fancy that we are not liable to be tempted. But the dark cloud raised by this doctrine will be dispelled by the cheering certainty that our blessed Saviour, having himself " been tempted like as we are, is able to deliver those who are tempted." To return. From this imperfect sketch we may see how suitable the religion of Christ is to fallen man ! How exactly it meets every want ! No one needs now perish because he is a sinner, provided he be willing to forsake his sins ; for " Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners ;" and " He is now exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance and forgiveness of sin ;" which passage, be it ob- served, may be considered as pointing out to us the order in which he bestows his blessings ; he gives first repentance , and then forgiveness. We may likewise- see how much the charac- ON THE CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. 405 ter of a true Christian rises above every other ; that there is a wholeness, an integrity, a com- pleteness in the Christian character,- that a few natural, pleasing qualities, not cast in the mould of the gospel, are but as beautiful frag- ments, or well-turned single limbs, which, for want of that beauty which arises from the pro- portion of parts, for want of that connection of the members with the living head, are of little comparative excellence. There may be amia- ble qualities which are not Christian graces: and the apostle, after enumerating every sepa- rate article of attack or defence with which a Christian warrior is to be accoutered, sums up the matter by directing that we put on " the whole armour of God." And this completeness is insisted on by all the apostles. One prays that his converts may " stand perfect and com- plete in the whole will of God :" another en- joins that they be " perfect and entire, wanting nothing." Now we are not to suppose that they ex- pected any convert to be without faults ; they knew too well the constitution of the human heart to form so unfounded an expectation. But Christians must have no fault in their prin- ciple ; their views must be direct, their pro- posed scheme must be faultless ; their intention must be single ; their standard must be lofty ; their object must be right ; their " mark must be the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." There must be no allowed evil, no warranted defection, no tolerated impurity, no habitual irregularity. Though they do not rise as high as they ought, nor as they wish, in the scale of 35 406 ON THE CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. perfection, yet the scale itself must be correct, and the desire of ascending perpetual, counting nothing done while any thing remains undone. Every grace must be kept in exercise ; con- quests once made over an evil propensity must not only be maintained, but extended. And in truth, Christianity so comprises contrary, and, as it may be thought, irreconcilable excellences, that those which seem so incompatible as to be incapable by nature of being inmates of the same breast, are almost necessarily involved in the Christian character. For instance, Christianity requires that our faith be at once fervent and sober ; that our love be both ardent and lasting ; that our pa- tience be not only heroic, but gentle ; she de- mands dauntless zeal and genuine humility ; active services and complete self-renunciation ; high attainments in goodness, with deep con- sciousness of defect ; courage in reproving, and meekness in bearing reproof; a quick percep- tion of what is sinful, with a willingness to for- give the offender ; active virtue ready to do all, and passive virtue ready to bear all. We must stretch every faculty in the service of our Lord, and yet bring every thought into obedience to him : while we aim to live in the exercise of every Christian grace, we must account our- selves unprofitable servants ; we must strive for the crown, yet receive it as a gift, and then lay it at our Master's feet; while we are busily trading in the world with our Lord's talents, we must " commune with our heart and be still ;" while we strive to practise the purest disinterestedness, we must be contented though ON THE CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. 407 we meet with selfishness in return ; and while laying out our lives for the good of mankind, we must submit to reproach without murmur- ing, and to ingratitude without resentment ; and to render us equal to all these services, Christianity bestows not only the precept, but the power ; she does what the great poet of ethics lamented that reason could not do, " she lends us arms as well as rules." For here, if not only the worldly and the timid, but the humble and the well-disposed, should demand with fear and trembling, " Who is sufficient for these things V Revelation makes its own reviving answer, " My grace is sufficient for thee." It will be well here to distinguish that there are two sorts of Christian professors, one of which affect to speak of Christianity as if it were a mere system of doctrines, with little reference to their influence on life and man- ners ; while the other consider it as exhibiting a scheme of human duties independent on its doctrines. For though the latter sort may ad- mit the doctrines, yet they contemplate them as a separate and disconnected set of opinions, rather than as an influential principle of action. In violation of that beautiful harmony which subsists in every part of Scripture between practice and belief, the religious world furnishes two sorts of people who seem to enlist them- selves, as if in opposition, under the banners of St. Paul and St. James ; as if those two great champions of the Christian cause had fought for two masters. Those who affect respectively to be the disciples of each, treat faith and works 408 ON THE CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. as if they were opposite interests, instead of in- separable points. Nay, they go farther, and set St. Pan! at variance with himself. Now, instead of reasoning on the point, let ns refer to the apostle in question, who himself definitively settles the dispute. The apostoli- cal order and method, in this respect, deserve notice and imitation ; for it is observable that the earlier parts of most of the epistles abound in the doctrines of Christianity, while those lat- ter chapters, which wind up the subject, exhibit all the duties which grow out of them, as the natural and necessary productions of such a living root.* But this alternate mention of doctrine and practice, which seemed likely to unite, has, on the contrary, formed a sort of line of separation between these two orders of believers, and introduced a broken and mutila- ted system. Those who would make Christian- ity consist of doctrines only, dwell, for instance, on the first eleven chapters of the Epistle to the Romans, as containing exclusively the sum and substance of the gospel. While the mere mor- alists, who wish to strip Christianity of her lofty and appropriate attributes, delight to dwell on the twelfth chapter, which is a table of duties, as exclusively as if the preceding chapters made no part of the sacred canon. But St. Paul him- self, who was, at least, as sound a theologian as any of his commentators, settles the matter another way, by making the duties of the * This is the language of our church, as may be seen in her 12th article, viz. "Good works do spring out necessarily of a true and lively faith ; insomuch that by them a lively faith may be as evidently knovvu, as a tree discerned by its fruits." DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 409 twelfth grow out of the doctrines of the ante- cedent eleven, just as any other consequence grows out of its cause. And as if he suspected that the indivisible union between them might possibly be overlooked, he links the two distinct divisions together by a logical " therefore" with which the twelfth begins : — " I beseech you therefore," (that is, as the effect of all I have been inculcating), " that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, acceptable to God," &c, and then goes on to enforce on them, as a consequence of what he had been preaching, the practice of every Christian virtue. This combined view of the subject seems, on the one hand, to be the only means of preventing the substitution of pagan morality for Christian holiness; and, on the other, of securing the leading doctrine of justification by faith, from the dreadful danger of antinomian licentious- ness ; every human obligation being thus graft- ed on the living stock of a divine principle. CHAPTER XXL On the duty and efficacy of prayer. It is not proposed to enter largely on a topic which has been exhausted by the ablest pens. But as a work of this nature seems to require 35* 410 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. that so important a subject should not be over- looked, it is intended to notice, in a slight man- ner, a few of those many difficulties and popular objections which are brought forward against the use and efficacy of prayer, even by those who would be unwilling to be suspected of impiety and unbelief. There is a class of objectors who strangely profess to withhold homage from the Most High, not out of contempt, but reverence. They affect to consider the use of prayer as deroga- tory from the omniscience of God, asserting that it looks as if we thought he stood in need of being informed of our wants : and as derog- atory from his goodness, as implying that he needs to be put in mind of them. But is it not enough for such poor frail beings as we are, to know that God himself does not consider prayer as derogatory either to his wis- dom or goodness ? And shall we erect our- selves into judges of what is consistent with the attributes of Him before whom angels fall pros- trate with self-abasement? Will he thank such defenders of his attributes, who, while they pro- fess to reverence, scruple not to disobey him ? It ought rather to be viewed as a great encour- agement to prayer, that we are addressing a Being who knows our wants better than we can express them, and whose preventing goodness is always ready to relieve them. Prayer seems to unite the different attributes of the Almighty ; for, if he is indeed the God that heareth prayer, that is the best reason why " to Him all flesh should come." It is objected by another class, and on the DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 411 specious ground of humility too — though we do not always find the objector himself quite as humble as his plea would be thought — that it is arrogant in such insignificant beings as we are to presume to lay our petty necessities before the great and glorious God, who cannot be ex- pected to condescend to the multitude of trifling and even interfering requests which are brought before him by his creatures. These and such like objections arise from mean and unworthy thoughts of the Great Creator. It seems as if those who make them considered the Most High as " such a one as themselves" — a Being who can perform a certain given quantity of business, but who would be overpowered with an additional quantity. Or, at best, is it not considering the Almighty in the light, not of an infinite God, but of a great man, of a minister or a king, who, while he superintends public and national concerns, is obliged to neglect small and individual petitions, because, his hands being full, he cannot spare that leisure and attention which suffice for every thing? They do not consider him as that infinitely glo- rious Being, who, while he beholds at once all that is doing in heaven and in earth, is, at the same time, as attentive to the prayer of the poor destitute, as present to the sorrowful sigh- ing of the prisoner, as if each of these forlorn creatures were individually the object of his un- divided attention. These critics, who are for sparing the Su- preme Being the trouble of our prayers, and, if I may so speak without profaneness, would re- lieve Omnipotence of part of his burden, by 412 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. assigning to his care only such a portion as may be more easily managed, seem to have no adequate conception of his attributes. They forget that infinite wisdom puts him as easily within reach of all knowledge, as infinite power does of all performance ; that he is a Being, in whose plans complexity makes no difficulty, variety no obstruction, and multi- plicity no confusion ; that to ubiquity, distance does not exist ; that to infinity, space is annihi- lated ; that past, present, and future are dis- cerned more accurately at one glance of his eye, to whom a thousand years are as one day, than a single moment of time or a single point of space can be by ours. To the other part of the objection, founded on the supposed interference (that is, irrecon- cilableness) of one man's petitions with those of another, this answer seems to suggest itself, first, that we must take care that when we ask we do not " ask amiss ;" that, for instance, we ask chiefly, and in an unqualified manner, only for spiritual blessings to ourselves and others ; and in doing this, the prayer of one man can- not interfere with that of another, because no proportion of sanctity or virtue implored by one obstructs the same attainments in another. Next, in asking for temporal and inferior bless- ings, we must qualify our petition, even though it should extend to deliverance from the sever- est pains, or to our very life itself, according to that example of our Saviour : " Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. Neverthe- less, not my will, but thine, be done." By thus qualifying our prayer, we exercise ourselves in DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 413 an act of resignation to God ; we profess not to wish what will interfere with his benevolent plan, and yet we may hope, by prayer, to secure the blessing so far as it is consistent with it. Perhaps the reason why this objection to prayer is so strongly felt, is the too great disposition to pray for merely temporal and worldly blessings, and to desire them in the most unqualified man- ner, not submitting to be without them, even though the granting them should be inconsis- tent with the general plan of Providence. Another class continue to bring forward, as pertinaciously as if it had never been answered, the exhausted argument, that, seeing God is immutable, no petitions of ours can ever change him ; — that events themselves being settled in a fixed and unalterable course, and bound in a fatal necessity, it is folly to think that we can disturb the established laws of the universe, or interrupt the course of Providence by our prayers ; and that it is absurd to suppose these firm decrees can be reversed by any requests of ours. Without entering into the wide and trackless field of fate and free will, from which pursuit I am kept back equally by the most profound ig- norance and the most invincible dislike, I would only observe, that these objections apply equally to all human actions as well as to prayer. It may, therefore, with the same propriety, be urged that, seeing God is immutable, and his decrees unalterable, therefore our actions can produce no change in him, or in our own state. Weak, as well as impious reasoning ! It may be ques- tioned whether even the modern French and 414 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. German philosophers might not be prevailed upon to acknowledge the existence of God, if they might make such a use of his attributes. The truth is (and it is a truth discoverable without any depth of learning), all these objec- tions are the offspring of pride. Poor, short- sighted man cannot reconcile the omniscience and decrees of God with the efficacy of prayer ; and, because he cannot reconcile them, he modestly concludes they are irreconcilable. How much more wisdom, as well as happiness, results from an humble Christian spirit ! Such a plain practical text as, " Draw near unto God, and he will draw near unto you," carries more consolation, more true knowledge of his wants and their remedy to the heart of a peni- tent sinner, than all the " tomes of casuistry" which have puzzled the world ever since the question was first set afloat by its original pro- pounders. And as the plain man only got up and walk- ed, to prove there was such a thing as motion, in answer to the philosopher who, in an elabo- rate theory denied it, — so the plain Christian, when he is borne down with the assurance that there is no efficacy in prayer, requires no better argument to repel the assertion than the good he finds in prayer itself. All the doubts proposed to him respecting God, do not so much affect him as this one doubt respecting himself — " If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." For the chief doubt and difficulty of a real Christian consists, not so much in a distrust of God's ability and willingness to answer the prayer of DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 415 the upright, as in a distrust of his own upright- ness, as in a doubt whether he himself belongs to that description of persons to whom the promises are made, and of the quality of the prayer which he offers up. Let the subjects of a dark fate maintain a sullen, or the slaves of a blind chance a hope- Jess silence ; but let the child of a compassion- ate Almighty Father supplicate His mercies with an humble confidence, inspired by the as- surance, that " the very hairs of his head are numbered. 5 ' Let him take comfort in that in- dividual and minute attention, without which not a sparrow falls to the ground, as well as in that heart-cheering promise, that, as " the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous," so are " his ears open to their prayers." And, as a pious bishop has observed, " Our Saviour, as it were, hedged in and inclosed the Lord's prayer with these two great fences of our faith, God's willingness and his power to help us :" the pre- face to it assures us of the one, which, by call- ing God by the tender name of " our Father," intimates his readiness to help his children; and the animating conclusion, " thine is the power," rescues us from every unbelieving doubt of his ability to help us. A Christian knows, because he feels, that prayer is, though in a way to him inscrutable, the medium of connection between God and his rational creatures ; the means appointed by him to draw down his blessings upon us. The Christian knows that prayer is the appointed means of uniting two ideas, one of the highest magnificence, the other of the most profound 416 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. lowliness, within the compass of imagination ; namely, that it is the link of communication be- tween " the high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity," and that heart of the " contrite in which he delights to dwell." He knows that this inexplicable union between beings so un- speakably, so essentially different, can only be maintained by prayer ; that this is the strong but secret chain which unites time with eter- nity, earth with heaven, man with God. The plain Christian, as was before observed, cannot explain why it is so ; but while he feels the efficacy, he is contented to let the learned define it ; and he will no more postpone prayer till he can produce a chain of reasoning on the manner in which he derives benefit from it, than he will postpone eating, till he can give a scientific lecture on the nature of digestion; he is contented with knowing that his meat has nourished him ; and he leaves to the philoso- pher, who may choose to defer his meal till he has elaborated his treatise, to starve in the in- terim. The Christian feels, better than he is able to explain, that the functions of his spirit- ual life can no more be carried on without habitual prayer, than those of his natural life without frequent bodily nourishment. He feels renovation and strength grow out of the use of the appointed means, as necessarily in the one case as in the other. He feels that the health of his soul can no more be sustained, and its powers kept in continued vigor by the prayers of a distant day, than his body by the aliment of a distant day. But there is one motive to the duty in ques- DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 417 tion, far more constraining to the true believer than all others that can be named ; more impe- rious than any argument on its utility, than any convictions of its efficacy, even than any expe- rience of its consolations : — Prayer is the com- mand of God ; the plain, positive, repeated in- junction of the Most High, who declares, " He will be inquired of." This is enough to secure the obedience of the Christian, even though a promise were not, as it always is, attached to the command. But in this case, to our un- speakable comfort, the promise is as clear as the precept ; " Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be open- ed unto you." This is encouragement enough for the plain Christian. As to the manner in which prayer is made to coincide with the gen- eral scheme of God's plan in the government of human affairs ; how God has left himself at liberty to reconcile our prayer with his own predetermined will, the Christian does not very critically examine, his precise and immediate duty being to pray, and not to examine ; and probably this being among the " secret things which belong to God," and not to us, it will lie hidden among those numberless mysteries which we shall not fully understand till faith be lost in sight. In the mean time, it is enough for the hum- ble believer to be assured, that the Judge of all the earth is doing right : it is enough for him to be assured, in that word of God " which can- not lie," of numberless actual instances of the efficacy of prayer in obtaining blessings and averting calamities, both national and indi- 36 418 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. vidual ; it is enough for him to be convinced experimentally, by that internal evidence which is perhaps paramount to all other evidence, the comfort he himself has received from prayer when all other comforts have failed, — and above all, to end with the same motive with which we began, the only motive indeed which he re- quires for the performance of any duty — it is motive enough for him that thus saith the Lord. For when a serious Christian has once got a plain, unequivocal command from his Maker, on any point, he never suspends his obedience while he is amusing himself with looking about for subordinate motives of action. Instead of curiously analyzing the nature of the duty, he considers how he shall best fulfil it ; for on these points at least it may be said without con- troversy, that " the ignorant (and here who is not ignorant ?) have nothing to do with the law but to obey it." Others there are, who perhaps not contro- verting any of these premises, yet neglect to build practical consequences on the admission of them ; who, neither denying the duty nor the efficacy of prayer, yet go on to live either in the irregular observance or the total neglect of it, as "appetite, or pleasure, or business, or hu- mor, may happen to predominate ; and who, by living almost without prayer, may be said " to live almost without God in the world." To such we can only say, that they little know what they lose. The time is hastening on when they will look upon those blessings as invalua- ble, which now they think not worth asking for ; when they will bitterly regret the absence of DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 419 those means and opportunities which now they either neglect or despise. " O that they were wise ! that they understood this ! that they would consider their latter end 1" There are again others, who, it is to be fear- ed, having once lived in the habit of prayer, yet not having been well grounded in those principles of faith and repentance on which genuine prayer is built, have by degrees totally discontinued it. " They do not find," say they, " that their affairs prosper the better or the worse ; or perhaps they were unsuccessful in their affairs even before they dropped the prac- tice, and so had no encouragement to go on." They do not know that they had no encourage- ment ; they do not know how much worse their affairs might have gone on, had they discon- tinued it sooner, or how their prayers helped to retard their ruin. Or they do not know that perhaps " they asked amiss," or that, if they had obtained what they asked, they might have been far more unhappy. For a true believer never " restrains prayer" because he is not cer- tain he obtains every individual request; for he is persuaded that God, in compassion to our ignorance, sometimes in great mercy withholds what we desire, and often disappoints his most favored children by giving them, not what they ask, but what he knows is really good for them. The froward child, as a pious prelate* observes, cries for the shining blade, which the tender parent withholds, knowing it would cut his finders. * Bishop Hall. 420 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. Thus to persevere when we have not the en- couragement of visible success, is an evidence of tried faith. Of this holy perseverance, Job was a noble instance. Defeat and disappoint- ment rather stimulated than stopped his prayers. Though in a vehement strain of passionate elo- quence he exclaims, " I cry out of wrong, but I am not heard ; I cry aloud, but there is no judgment ;" yet so persuaded was he, notwith- standing, of the duty of continuing this holy importunity, that he persisted against all human hope, till he attained to that exalted pitch of un- shaken faith, by which he was enabled to break out into that sublime apostrophe, " Though he slay me, yet will J trust in him !" But may we not say there is a considerable class, who not only bring none of the objections which we have stated against the use of prayer ; who are so far from rejecting, that they are ex- act and regular in the performance of it ; who yet take it up on as low ground as is consistent with their ideas of their own safety ; who, while they consider prayer as an indispensable form, believe nothing of that change of heart and of those holy tempers which it is intended to pro- duce ? Many, who yet adhere scrupulously to the letter, are so far from entering into the spirit of this duty, that they are strongly inclined to suspect those of hypocrisy who adopt the true scriptural views of prayer. Nay, as even the Bible may be so wrested as. to be made to speak almost any language in support of almost any opinion, these persons lay hold on Scripture it- self to bear them out in their own slight views of this duty ; and they profess to borrow from DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 421 thence the ground of that censure which they cast on the more serious Christians. Among the many passages which have been made to convey a meaning foreign to their original de- sign, none have been seized upon with more avidity by such persons than the pointed cen- sures of our Saviour on those " who for a pre- tence make long prayers ;" as well as on those " who use vain repetitions, and think they shall be heard for much speaking." Now, the things here intended to be reproved, were the hypoc- risy of the Pharisees, and the ignorance of the heathen, together with the error of all those who depended on the success of their prayers, while they imitated the deceit of the one or the folly of the other. But our Saviour never meant those severe reprehensions should cool or abridge the devotion of pious Christians, to which they do not at all apply. More or fewer words, however, so little con- stitute the true value of prayer, that there is no doubt but one of the most affecting specimens on record is the short petition of the publican ; full fraught as it is with that spirit of contrition and self-abasement which is the very principle and soul of prayer. And this specimen perhaps is the best model for that sudden lifting up of the heart which we call ejaculation. But I doubt, in general, whether those few hasty words to which these frugal petitioners would stint the scanty devotions of others and themselves, will be always found ample enough to satisfy the humble penitent, who, being a sinner, has much to confess ; who, hoping he is a pardoned sin- ner, has much to acknowledge. Such a one, 36* 422 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. perhaps, cannot always pour out the fulness of his soul within the prescribed abridgments. Even the sincerest Christian, when he wishes to find his heart warm, has often to lament its coldness. Though he feel that he has received much, and has therefore much to be thankful for, yet he is not able at once to bring his way- ward spirit into such a posture as shall fit it for the solemn business ; for such a one has not merely his form to repeat, but he has his tem- pers to reduce to order, his affections to excite, and his peace to make. His thoughts may be realizing the sarcasm of the prophet on the idol Baal, " they may be gone a journey," and must be recalled ; his heart perhaps " sleepeth, and must be awaked." A devout supplicant too will labor to affect and warm his mind with a sense of the great and gracious attributes of God, in imitation of the holy men of old. Like Jehoshaphat, he will sometimes enumerate " the power, and the might, and the mercies of the Most High," in order to stir up the sentiment of awe, and gratitude, and love, and humility in his own soul.* He will labor to imitate the ex- ample of his Saviour, whose heart dilated with the expression of the same holy affections. f f I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth." A heart thus animated, thus warmed with divine love, cannot always scrupulously limit itself to the mere business of prayer, if I may so speak. It cannot content itself with merely spreading out its own necessities, but expands in contem- plating the perfections of Him to whom he is * 2 Chron. xx. 5, 6. DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 423 addressing them. The humble supplicant, though he be no longer governed by a love of the vvorld, yet grieves to find that he cannot to- tally exclude it from his thoughts. Though he has on the whole a deep sense of his own wants, and of the abundant provision which is made for them in the gospel, yet when he most wishes to be rejoicing in those strong motives for love and gratitude, alas ! even then he has to mourn his worldliness, his insensibility, his deadness. He has to deplore the littleness and vanity of the objects which are even then drawing away his heart from his Redeemer. The best Chris- tian is but too liable, during the temptations of the day, to be ensnared by " the lust of the eye, and the pride of life," and is not always brought without effort to reflect that he is but dust and ashes. How can even good persons, who are just come perhaps from listening to the flattery of their fellow-worms, acknowledge before God, without any preparation of the heart, that they are miserable sinners? They require a little time, to impress on their own souls the truth of that solemn confession of sin they are making to Him, without which brevity and not length might constitute hypocrisy. Even the sincerely pious have in prayer grievous wanderings to la- ment, from which others mistakingly suppose the advanced Christian to be exempt ; such wanderings that, as an old divine has observed, it would exceedingly humble a good man, could he, after he had prayed, be made to see his prayers written down with exact interlineations of all the vain and impertinent thoughts which had thrust themselves in amongst them. So 424 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. that such a one will, indeed, from a strong sense of these distractions, feel deep occasion with the prophet to ask forgiveness for " the iniquity of his holy things;" and would find cause enough for humiliation every night, had he to lament the sins of his prayers only. We know that such a brief petition as, " Lord, help my unbelief," if the supplicant be in so happy a frame, and the prayer be darted up with such strong faith that his very soul mounts with the petition, may suffice to draw down a blessing which may be withheld from the more prolix petitioner ; yet, if by prayer we do not mean a mere form of words, whether they be long or short ; if the true definition of prayer be, that it is " the desire of the heart;" if it be that secret communion between God and the soul, which is the very breath and being of re- ligion ; then is the Scripture so far from sug- gesting that short measure of which it is ac- cused, that it expressly says, " Pray without ceasing :" — " Pray evermore :" — " I will that men pray every where :" — " Continue instant in prayer." If such " repetitions" as these objectors rep- robate, stir up desires as yet unawakened, or protract affections already excited (for " vain repetitions" are such as awaken or express no new desire, and serve no religious purpose,) then are " repetitions" not to be condemned. And that our Saviour did not give the warning against " long prayers and repetitions" in the sense these objectors allege, is evident from his own practice ; for once, we are told, " he con- tinued all night in prayer to God." And again, DITTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 425 in a most awful crisis of his life, it is expressly said, " He prayed the third time, using the same words"* All habits gain by exercise ; of course, the Christian graces gain force and vigor by being called out, and, as it were, mustered in prayer. Love, faith, and trust in the divine promises, if they were not kept alive by this stated inter- course with God would wither and die. Prayer is also one great source and chief encourager of holiness. " If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Prayer possesses the twofold property of fit- ting and preparing the heart to receive the blessings we pray for, in case we should attain them ; and of fortifying and disposing it to sub- mit to the will of God, in case it should be his pleasure to withhold them. A sense of sin should be so far from keeping us from prayer, through a false plea of unwor- thiness, that the humility growing on this very consciousness is the truest and strongest incen- tive to prayer. There is, for our example and encouragement, a beautiful union of faith and humility in the prodigal : " I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son." This, as it might seem to imply hopelessness of pardon, might be sup- posed to promote unwillingness to ask it ; but the broken-hearted penitent drew the direct contrary conclusion — " I will arise, and go to my Father !" Prayer, to make it accepted, requires neither * Matt. xxvi. 44. 426 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. genius, eloquence, nor language ; but sorrow for sin, faith, and humility. It is the cry of distress, the sense of want, the abasement of contrition, the energy of gratitude. It is not an elaborate string of well-arranged periods, nor an exercise of ingenuity, nor an effort of the memory ; but the devout breathing of a soul struck with the sense of its own misery, and of the infinite holiness of Him whom it is address- ing ; experimentally convinced of its own empti- ness, and of the abundant fulness of God, It is the complete renunciation of self, and entire dependence on another. It is the voice of the beggar who would be relieved, of the sinner who would be pardoned. It has nothing to offer but sin and sorrow ; nothing to ask but forgiveness and acceptance ; nothing to plead but the promises of the gospel in the death of Christ. It never seeks to obtain its object by diminishing the guilt of sin, but by exalting the merits of the Saviour. But as it is the effect of prayer to expand the affections as well as to sanctify them, the be- nevolent Christian is not satisfied to commend himself alone to the divine favor. The heart which is full. of the love of God will overflow with love to its neighbor. All that are near to himself, he wishes to bring near to God. He will present the whole human race as objects of the divine compassion, but especially the faith- ful followers of Jesus Christ. Religion makes a man so liberal of soul, that he cannot endure to restrict any thing, much less divine mercies, to himself; he therefore spiritualizes the social affections, by adding intercessory to personal DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. 427 prayer; for he knows, that petitioning for oth- ers is one of the best methods of exercising and enlarging our own love and charity, even if it were not to draw down those blessings which are promised to those for whom we ask them. It is unnecessary to produce any of the number- less instances with which Scripture abounds on the efficacy of intercession ; in which God has proved the truth of his own assurance, that " his ear was open to their cry." I shall con- fine myself to a few observations on the benefits it brings to him who offers it. When we pray for the objects of our dearest regard, it purifies passion, and exalts love into religion ; when we pray for those with whom we have worldly in- tercourse, it smooths down the swellings of envy, and bids the tumults of anger and ambi- tion subside ; when we pray for our country, it sanctifies patriotism ; when we pray for those in authority, it adds a divine motive to human obedience ; when we pray for our enemies, it softens the savageness of war, and mollifies hatred into tenderness, and resentment into sor- row. And we can only learn the duty so diffi- cult to human nature, of forgiving those who have offended us, when we bring ourselves to pray for them to Him whom we ourselves daily offend. When those who are the faithful fol- lowers of the same divine Master pray for each other, the reciprocal intercession delightfully realizes that beautiful idea of" the communion of saints." There is scarcely any thing which more enriches the Christian than the circula- tion of this holy commerce ; than the comfort of believing, while he is praying for his Chris- 428 DUTY AND EFFICACY OF PRAYER. tian friends, that he is also reaping the benefit of their prayers for him. Some are for confining their intercessions only to the good, as if none but persons of merit were entitled to our prayers. Merit ! who has it ? desert who can plead it 1 — in the sight of God, I mean. Who shall bring his own piety, or the piety of others, in the way of claim, be- fore a Being of such transcendent holiness, that ** the heavens are not clean in his sight V And if we wait for perfect holiness as a preliminary to prayer, when shall such erring creatures pray at all to Him " who chargeth the angels with folly !" In closing this little work with the subject of intercessory prayer, may the author be allowed to avail herself of the feeling it suggests to her own heart? And while she earnestly implores that Being, who can make the meanest of his creatures instrumental to his glory, to bless this humble attempt to those for whom it was writ- ten, may she, without presumption, entreat that this work of Christian charity may be recipro- cal, and that those who peruse these pages may put up a petition for her, that, in the great day to which we are all hastening, she may not be found to have suggested to others that she her- self did not believe, or to have recommended what she did not desire to practise ? In that awful day of everlasting decision, may both the reader and the writer be pardoned and accept- ed, " not for any works of righteousness which they have done," but through the merits of the Great Intercessor. 31^77-2