PS 2649 . P425 07 HW : M-i:i ■NUB ■MHHS m hBBB II 1 I SI §H :: iff ' IfciiliiiBiiiri !ol'c=roE=)!fol m ORIGIN OF THE "Stars and Stripes" By J. William Pope oaooo c HO] COPYRIGHT, 1916 By ALONZO H. BROCKETT Printed by Brockett Pre PITTSBURGH, PA. / ©CU433743 JUL 15 1916 illol lCTOPl CT IUI TO lcziorzDi rol Alone in the forest Columbia stood weeping ; She wept that no flag for her offspring was found- A flag with the magical power of keeping Her children in Liberty's circle still bound. [o] [ctoB1 [o] m oaooo fo||cznoE=)lfol Hot tears, pearly tears, o'er her garment went streaming, And washed the deep crimson away in their flow, Beneath the soft light of the slars mildly gleaming, She saw the broad stripes dawning white as the snow. All hail bonny stripes, though begotten in sorrow, All hail thou bright promise of hope to the land ; Though dark be the night, at the dawn of the morrow New courage and strength lifts the heart and the hand. 3Q ) ZD O ICHOEZ) O ( < OE llQl lCZIOIZDl iol o I She turned her glad eyes, though bedimmed, toward heaven And thanked the bright stars for the light which they shed ; She whispered, " Behold the white stripes that are given To mingle and wave with this beautiful red." Q o o ICZIOIZZ3 3Q I Z3 OC30ED O ( f OE The stars then rejoiced at Columbia's found treasure, And thirteen — the brightest— came down with their blue ; Around her fond bosom, then heaving with pleasure, They clustered, still shining, and never withdrew. O, bright stars, shine ever, untarnished, in glory, And guide every people to freedom's blest shore ; Let nations to be yet, with joy hear the story Of stars which came down to remain evermore. CZ30EZD O ooodoc OCHOOOC 30E fol The eagle at morning was heavenward winging, And saw the bright stars far beneath him still burn ; He heard the loud chorus of patriots singing Huzzahs, and he halted, the mystery to learn. He came from the clouds, and he perched on her bonnet, p?. With wings still outspread, as though shielding his young ; Columbia's glad children then wove him in sonnet With " Red, White and Blue," which so proudly they sung. 3o » — > lo iczjoezdhohc: t oe J0llC=I0IZZ>|f0| Hurrah ! for the eagle, the bird of the nation, In peace let him sit on our banner in pride ; All races of people, from high or low station, From tyranny's lashes beneath him shall hide. ][o]|cznoi=D|fo] Hi 56 7k 578 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Sept. 2009 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 , — ® £m 3 R 74 w N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA ]