;f Mi'' mmy UX' P'-Jr'S,''-'.'.'.- ,'^^'i^iip^ .' '*-. *•• ko' 't^^^'^^* ,o^ "c- /"' -^,^%'%. J^ A " T- ^ [-, <1 ^rf'j -'■v\-, >;'•»•:/■ 8 I A * J^V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "o^-^lM^^ Ci' %.^ ^' •6 ' ^ V ^ '* 4.^ x^ ^^. ■ i-'' o ■<'. THE POETS OF AMERICA, WITH OCCASIONAL NOTES. BY GEORGE B't'CHEEVER. * - ' J T • J ■> HARTFORD: SILAS ANDRUS AND SON. 1847. ^.5| \Z '0% ■ ' r J .' PREFACE. The unexpected favor, with which the American Common-Place Book of Prose was received, encouraged its publishers to hope that a similar volume of extracts ^rom American poetry might be attended with the same success. It is true, that there are more good prose wiiters in our country than there are poets; but it would be strange, indeed, if enough of really excellent poetry could not be found to fill a volume like this. It is not pretended that every piece, in the following selection, is a stately and perfect song, inspired by " the vision and the faculty