Class P 575 ft BooIii__JEj&L__ CopigM'N?. l^Oh COPYRIGHT DEPCSm Series XX Nos. 9-10 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN Historical and Political Science (Edited 1882-1901 by H. B. ADAMS.) J. M. VINCENT J. H. HOLLANDER W. W. WILLOUGHBY Editors THE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF PHILIP FRENEAU BY SAMUEL E. FORMAN, Ph. D. BALTIMORE THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS PUBLISHED MONTHLY SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1902 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN Historical and Political Science. (Edited by Herbert B. Adams, 1882-1901.) FIRST SERIES.— Local Institutions.-~$4.oo. I. An Introduction to American Institutional History. By E. A. Freeman. 25 cents. II. The Germanic Origin of Nevr England Towns. By H. B. Adams. 50 cents. III. Local Government in Illinois. By Albert Shaw.— Local Goveruiaent In Pennsylvania. By E. R. L. Gould. 30 cents. IV. Saxon Titliiugmen in America. By H. B. Adams. 50 cents. IT. liocal Government in Micliigan, and the Jforthw^est. By E. W. Bbmis. 35 cents, VI. Parish Institutions of Maryland. By Edward TNGliE. 40 cents. VII. Old Maryland Manors. By John Hbmsley Johnson. 30 cents. VIII. Norman Constables in America. By H. B. Adams. 50 cents. IX-X. Village Communities of Cape Ann and Salem. By H. B. AdamS. 50 cents. XI. The Genesis of a New Kngland State. By A. Johnston. 30 cents. XII. liOcal Government and Schools in South Carolina. By B. J. RAMAas. 40 centt SECOND SERIES.— Institutions and Economics.— $4.00. I-II. Methods of Historical Study. By H. B. Adams. 50 cents. III. The Past and the Present of Political Economy. By R. T. Ely. 35 cents, IV. Saniuel Adams, The Man of the Town Meeting. By James K. Hosmer. 35 cent* V-VI. Taxation in the United States. By Henry Carter Adams. 50 cents. VII. Institutional Beginnings in a "Western State. By Jbsse Macy. 25 cents. VIII-IX. Indian Money in New^ England, etc. By WiiiiiiAM B. Weeden. 50 cents. X. Tow^n and County Government in the Colonies. By E. Channing. 50 cents. XI. Rudimentary Society among Boys* By J. HEMSiiEY Johnson. 50 cents^ XII. Land Laws of Mining Districts. By C. H. ShinN. 50 cents. THIRD SERIES.— Maryland, Virginia and Washington.— $4.00. I. Maryland's Influence upon Land Cessions to the U. S. By H. B. Adams. 75 cents, II-III. Virginia Local Institutions. By E. Ingle. 75 cents. IV. Recent American Socialism. By Richard T. Ely. 50 cents. V-VI- VII. Maryland Local Institutions. By Lewis W. Wilhelm. $1.00. VIII. The Influence of the Proprietors in Founding NevF Jersey. By AUSTIN Scott. 25 cents. IX-X. American Constitutions. By HORACE DAVIS. 50 cents. XI-XII. The City of Washington. By J. A. Porter. 50 cents. FOURTH SERIES— Municipal Government and Land Tenure.— $3.50. I. Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson River. By I. Elting. 50 cents. II-III. Tow^n Government in Rhode Island. By W. B. Foster.— The Narragansett Planters. By Edward Channing. 50 cents. IV. Pennsylvania Boroughs. By William P. Holcomb. 50 cents. V. Introduction to Constitutional History of the States. By J. 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Seminary Libraries and University Extension. By H. B. Adams. 26 cents. XII. European Schools of History and Politics. By A. D. White. 25 cents. ^Or THE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF PHILIP FRENEAU 'KF'LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, ■y«ro CoHEfi Recbived Str\ i 1902 <5n«mtOHT SHTWY LASS §«Sifi§JXX Nos. 9-10 coPYB. JO HNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN Historical and Political Science (Edited 1882-1 901 by H. B. ADAMS.) J. M. VINCENT J. H. HOLLANDER W. W. WILLOUGHBY Editors THE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF PHILIP FRENEAU BY SAMUEL E.'FORMAN, Ph. D. BALTIMORE THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS PUBLISHED MONTHLY SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1902 o a/2. Copyright, 1902 by JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS THE FRIEDENWALD COMPANY BALTIMORE, MD. ..V/ (S PREFACE evelopment of the Chesapeake & Ohio Caual. ByG. W. Ward. 15 cents. XII. Public Elducationai Work in Baltimore. By Herbebt B. Adams. 25 cents. EIGHTEENTH SERIES.— Taxation in the Southern States : Church and Popular Education. — $3.50. I-IV. Studies in State Taxation, M'ith Particular Reference to the Southern States. Edited loy J. H. Hollander. Paper, $1.00 ; cloth, $1.25. V-VI. The Colonial Executive Prior to the Restoration. By P. L. Kaye. 50 cents. VII. Constitution and Admission of Iowa into the Union. By J. A. JAMES. 30 cents. VIII-IX. The Church and Popular Education. By H. B. ADAMS. 50 cents. X-XII. The Struggle for Religious Freedom in Virginia: The Baptists. By W. T. Thom, 75 cents. NINETEENTH SERIES.— Diplomatic and Constitutional History — $3.50. I-III. America in the Pacific and the Far East. By J. M. CALLAHAN. 75 cents. IV-V. State Activities in Relation to Lahor in the United States. By W. F. WlL- LOUGHBY. 50 cents. VI- VII. History of Suffrage in Virginia. By J. A. C. Chandler. 50 cents. VIII-IX. The Maryland Constitution of 1864. By W. S. Myers. 50 cents. X. liife of Commissary James Blair, Founder of William and Mary College. By D. E. MOTLEY. 25 cents. XI-XII. Gov. Hicks of Maryland and the Civil War„ BY G. L. RadclifFE, sd The set of nineteen (regular) series is now' offered, uniformly bound in clotl library use, for $57.00, and including subscription to the current (twentieth) for $60.00. The nineteen series, with eighteen '^ extra vohcmes^'' will be sold for The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science ,appear monthly. The subscription is three dollars per year. Orders should be addressed to The Johi^s Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md. . LB U '30