C /3 U52 61sT Congress, [ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. \ Document 3d Session. \ [ No. 1329. PRESERVATION AND REPAIR OF CABIN JOHN BRIDGE. F 189 .C13 U52 LETTER Copy 1 FROM THE ACTING SECKETARY OF THE TREASURY, TRAXSMITTIN(; A COPY OF A COMMUNICATION FROM THE BOARD OF COMMIS- SIONERS OF TKE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SUBMITTING AN ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION FOR AQUEDUCT AT CABIN JOHN BRIDGE. January 30, 1911. — Referred to the Coininittee on Apprnpriatiorif: and ordered to Ije printed, with ilhistratioiis. Treasury Depart.^iext, JanMan/ 28, 1911. Sir: I lia\e the honor to trunsmit herewith, for the eonsideration of Congress, copy of a conininnication of the president of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, of this date, submitting an urgent estimsite of appropriation recommended by the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, and transmitted through the Secre- tary of War, re([iured for the \\^islungton Aqueduct for the preserva- tion and repair of Cabin John Bridge, ^35.000. of which the sum of $lH),00(» is to be inmiediatidy avaihible. It appears that extensive leakage has developed at Cabin John Bridge, which carries the Washington A(iueduct across a deep ravine, and that the condition is serious, which explains the necessity of sub- mitting this estimate at this time. Respectfully, C. D. Hilles, ^•1 ct 111 (J Sevi'ttary. The Speakku of the House of Rkpresentatives. Office Commissioners of tup: District of Columbia. W<(shuigto)u Jan vary .AV, 101] . Sir: The Commissioners of tlie Disti'ict of Columbia iiave the honoi' to transmit herewith a sup))lemental estimate of ai)propriation needed for the Washino-ton Atuieduct for th(^ liscal vcar to (md June oO. \\)V1. ^ I'KKSKKVATK.N AND KKI'AIK ..K CAHIN ..,.11N HKII)(;k. <..• am;';:i';u;?:;"to';;;j;"n^ •'"''i^ '^'•■*^^? -i-ii"^'i.e installation ;;;::::;s;:;;^fna^r^---^ 1..Hos(mI with this cstinrnt. i. th.> h-tter of th. connnissionrrs datod - tl msta„t. tnu.sni.ttmo- it to tho PresichM.t of (ho rnit.MrStato (.1 Ins a fon as per your letter of i.istruHion of th. -^Nt ul i u> u d hcaiino- tho Presidout's approval. " ninino. .md s app \ (TV rospectfiillv. HOAKI) OK roMMISSH.NKUS. DisTlM. I OK (<„,i:Mr..A, l>.\ ( I No II. K'i;i)oi,i>ii. lion. Fk'anki.tn Mr\'KA(iii, Sr,r,i((rij of //tr 'I'l'iiisni'tl. ■mw .>(J, in.. Ihi th,- ( ,„'rs uj llir DIslrirt nf Cnhniihiu. ■ IIISTHKT OK (OLTMlilA. W ;isliiii^r(,,ii AijiK'diict: Fur tJ.e preseryatio.. and repair of Cabin .lohn Bri.I-.., in,-lu,iin.. th,> '-•: :',;?';'" « ^^ '"f ' ""'".- ^" i'>-'"vent l<.aka.e in the r H' • \ 1.1. nj,t(.n A.,ne.n.t passu,,, tluon^h the l.H, l!»l i. ('(NO H. Rii)()i,i>n, •lollX A. .JOHNSTON, \y . y . jiosox, Coiiniiis.'iioii,,:'^ of th,' Di.^/rirt of (),lin,il,hi I'mtki) Statics Encinioki; Oikki:. !>i^o Skvf.ntekxtii Stimoet N\\'.. ]\(i.s/n',,ii, /}. C. JiUnHin/ Jl, V.ni Mk. I have (he honor tosul.init the followino- item for\raMsmissioM Mirough the re.i(ular channels to the proper comniittce of Conoress for insertion as an amendment t(, the District appropriatio., hiirfor the hs<.al y''=i'- l!»l^, which IS und(M-stood to have been ivported from the committee to the House oi Representatives on -lanuarv IS l:»ll ,),• for |)assao-(> as a sju'cial bill or joint resolution: 2. Cabin John P>rid,oe is one of the noted cnoi„.>erino- structure^ bcin.^. until ]!»()2. the lon-est cut-stone masonrv aicJi" s,)an in the world It was .•ompleted in ksc:}. since which date it has served to carry t.(>, water supply of the city comino- from the (livut Falls of the 1 otomac, across th(« deep ravin(^, at Cabin John Run. about M tniK's Irom the District line. The a(|uedm-t at this point is one of the weakest points in the system, as an interruption bv the breakino- of the conduit at this brido-e would be verv ditiicult to repair in the short time p(M-nntted l)y the limit(Ml stora.ov supply of wat(M-. The prcserva- PRKSERVATTOX AND KKI'AIK (>K (WHIN .lOHN HRllKiK. 8 tion, therefore, of Cabin -lolm Bridg-e is esscntiul to the permanence of the water supply of the District, an interruption at this point beino- likely to cause a shortage or a failure of the supi)ly in the city. 3. U'hen the watcn- was first admitted to the conduit" from Great Falls, in 186^, a number of leaks were found in the Cabin .John Biidoe when thei-e was at)Out T feet of water in the conduit, which is 9 feet in diameter. The water was drawn otf. the lower half of the conduit was plastered, and after the water was again admitted to the conduit no leakage was observed, the ilow Wuv l)eino- Ixdow (he upper limits of the plastered section. 4. As the consum])tion of \\at the interior was carefully cleaned and ail visible cracks were Hlled with cement moi'tar. The anmial report of the otiicer in charge, for the tiscal year iDOtJ, rei)orts that about 90 per cent of the leakage was stopped by this pjastiu-ing. t). Fxperiments were started at this time to det the iiiitsomv in the brido'c contracts duriiij^- cold wcatlKT the cracks in tlio conduit i)])(Mi. t lie extent of I lie opcninii' depending:' to sonic extent upon the dej^Tee ot' cold. s. In the sununer. under pcesent conditions, the water leaks through the joint> in the niasoni'v >i(ie walls of the hridoc ;ind passes down ov'ei' the i'ace of the hi'idy'e to the ^^round l)(do\\. In the winter, the watef ri'ee/ino- to some extent in the joints ol" the niasoni-y on the out- side of the l)i-i(|o-e. much of the leakaji'c i)ass(vs down the insiih' of tiie Itridue I hrouoh the hoHow abut ments and thence through the dooi'- ways in the side walls of the ahutments. (See photoo-raph appended.) The condition of the extei'ior of the l>i'ido-e i< shown in the photo i4"i'aphs appended hei'clo. taken on I )ecend)er 2i\ iH|i>. which indicate to some extent the leaka^^e from the l»iidu(« diirine- the cold weatluM' of the ndddle of i)ccend>er. It lia> Ikmmi t'stimated that the leakaLi'e i!, o-allons ])er day. ;». It isl)(die\cd thai the condit ioti is so sei'ious that the application of the neces>ar\ reme(ly should he no louLj'er |)Ostponed. At the time of the suiimissidii of th(^ estimates in the annual re|)ort fi'oni this ollice il was i-eali/.t'd that ixM'manent repairs would soon he necessary, hut estimate^- were not (hen sul)mitted because the manner of repair ine the liridiif in the most economical and jn'riuanent mannei' liad not then heen delcmuned. It is now proposed to place within the hridoc a metal lininj^- eil her of a steel or iron tube S fei't ('■> inches in diameter, sunounded l>y conei'ete. or l»y the })lacinL;of cast-iron sectional lining'. N feet in diameter, similai' to that used in the W'ashinn'ton .\(|ueduct tunnel under Ivock ('reek. I'jiher method would l)e satisfactory and would ri'iiderthe l)ri(l^-e water tiu'ht. thus pre\ cut ini;- t h(> disinteui'a tion of the nia>onry in the face of the hri'ly-e, caused hv the free/in^' of ihe wat(M- in the joints and interst ice->. and would check the deteri- oration of the conduit now in proui'cs^. 'Vho j)lan ado|)ted would de- pend up(m the prictvs received for furnishine' th(> materials necessai'y undei' the two methods, and also upon the conxcnience of instadation with the least interruption to the water su|)ply. !". iJeducine- tlie diameter of the MU^ feet of conduit throueh the liriilet' to s feet I'l inches. oi- to ^ i'(H^t. would tend to increase* the los> of head at maxinnun rate of How <>.7 inch, or l.i' inches, respect i\'tdy. The ^toppniLi' of the leakae'e would tend to I'cduce tin* loss of luMd about ! inches. Thei'id'ore. the linal etl'cct of I'cpairs to the bridec would be to reduce (he loss of head by about .'i.:! inches for a diameter of S feet il in:he>.. or about l'.s inches \\. !1. The ne(C->sity for ihi> work is consitlered -^o urecnt that the estimate o\' -Sl.^.doit. as noted at)o\e. is sul»nntted at this time with a \'iew to lia\ine- a portion of the estimat»'d amount made iimueiliatelv a\ail'ible. -o that th(> work may be lieeam at once. \'ei-\ re>peci fully . \\ . ('. Lanoi 11 1. The ( 'iiii'.i' (»K 1\N(.1M'.K Us. r. S. Akmv. ir-/.v/////,//o,,, /). c. PRESEKVATION AND HKPAIK OF ('AHIN -iniiN URIIX,!;. [I'irst )iiilor>eniciU.j A\'ai; I)kpai!t:\iknt. Ol'^KlCK OF THK ClllFF OF Kn(;IXKKKs. ^y present h>aka,o-e, nnd aveit the dan»-er of the destruction of the conduit, and \\w c()nse(|uent complete stoppao-e of the water supply of the city of Washington. It is therefore reconi mended that this report and the acconipanvin^- i)hot()o-raphs be trans- niitted to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, recommend- ing the insertion of an item in the peiuliiio- District of Columbia appropriation bill substantially as follows: For the preservation and repair of ('al)in .lolin Hridue, inclndiiiif the in^tal!atioll of a metal lining to prevent leakage intlie portion of the Washington A(|ne(hiet pas-in<>- through the bridge, thirty-live thousand dollars, of wliich Iwentv t!iouiiiini ?.;. 7.97/. Kesi)ectftdly transmitted to the Commissioners of the Distrit-t of C|olumbia, requesting action recommended l)y the Chief of Knoineers. United States Army, in the preceding indorsement. J. M. Dickinson . S, ii-rtory if ll'/r. O o ^ ^ 5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 000 904 993 9