f^ C8 ■^rA^^'D T/iE i — ^,.:i>-tfi3v!15^4{S»,VlB«K'"'' S B -549 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. <\_ 's. . UNITED STATES OF A3IEKK'A. % '^,cL440ed, with the consent of the firm, A. AV. Livingston's Sons of Columbus, 0., to have all moved in time to the new and thrifty ^Vest. However, under the safe and upright management of his son Robert, the business in Ohio grew so rapidly and became so remunerative, that all thought o\' remov- ina' it West was abandoned bv the above firm. But 14 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. being in Iowa himself, and several sons with him, and the soil so rich and easy to work, Mr. Livingston con-, sidered it w^ise to remain there, and with them engage in seed raising, which he did for nearly ten years. He finally aided and encouraged a younger son, Josiah Liv- ingston, to commence in the seed business there in Iowa's capital city. Most of the tin^e since he quit the commission busi- ness has been spent in experimenting Avith new varie- ties, and introducing them to the public as soon as found fixed in type and habit of growth ; and also hav- ing sufiicient distinctness to entitle them to a new place and a new name. The account of his experiences in the Tomato line will be found in greater detail in the early paragraphs of this volume. The whole responsibility of the business has now for some years been in the hands of his sons and their o^rowers. Bv this means, and since the departure of his wife a few years ago, Mr. Livings- ton was given what he had always desired, ojyportiniity to travel everywhere, sell seeds, and learn more about thehusi- ness in his own ynatchless way — especially what was needed for market-gardeners. The reader cannot fail to see that, by nature, by experience, and by application, Mr. Liv- ingston is fully qualified to do what he tells us he has done in the body of this book ; and that we have reason to expect that his hints, directions, and advices on To- mato Culture will be both practical and lucretive. Although he was so busy all his life with the work of his choice, he found time to be one of the foremost men of his community in all matters of public interest. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 15 In hospitality, needed improvements, larger educational facilities, and disinterested liberality, he never to"ok a second place. In the advanced reforms of his times, and in the political concerns of his country, he kept him- self well-informed to date. He was no mean antao:onist to meet in a hand to hand argument on the living ques- tions of the day. He was not afraid to take advanced grounds on all important matters, but he was so good- natured himself, so fair in his treatment of those who radically diftered from him, that only in a few instances did any one ever get angry at him because of his utter- ances. He aimed to make what he said consistent Avith what he did. From early life he w^as connected in full member- ship with the United Presbyterian Church, and has been an honored officer in it almost ever since. Jfever is there a meeting of any kind in his home congi'egation, which is not blessed with his presence, counsels, and prayers. He is a man of large sympathies and vast ex- periences. Little children run to meet him, young people confide to him their secrets, all love to see him coming, for they will learn something useful in life, and nothing done for his comfort will escape his notice or evade his high appreciation. INTRODUCTION. IT has not \)vvu u\\ piii'[»()sc' to write an I'xliaustivc work on this incroasinii'ly populai- iVnit and vegetable. My aim has been to aid the seedsmen. ^Towers, and ran- ners, to know what time, hd)or, cdose api-lieation, and experience in the iiehl have i-evealed to me that is pi-ae- tieal and Ibi- their advanta^'e in Tomato enUni'e. Many thinii's will not he new to the experienced uhlish in tlieir Bulletins, yet we stronii'ly i'n(h)rse the work in which they are eni>-a,ii-ed, and acknowledge nuuiy useful suii'irestions from them, to some of which we give place here. It would l)e vastly better for growers if they were, for all kinds of crops, to take advantage of these publie aids provided for their special benefit by the States in which they live. Many good points I have had lirst suii'tcested to my mind by the frankness with 18 INTRODUCTION. which our customers relate tlieir experiences with their crops. Especially do I acknowledge the aid from grow- ers whose ideas and conclusions I have included here with my OAvn, in order to get to my attentive reader the greatest amount of knowledge in the most readable shape. Trustino; that whoever is inliuenced bv these pao-es may reap as the fruits of his labor an abundant harvest, I submit this little book to the thoughtful consideration of my readers. The Author. Columbus, Ohio. l£)i\}in|sfon and tl7e (pomafoes. 1. The First Tomato I Ever Saw. — Well do I remember the lirst tomato I ever saw. I was ten years old, and was running down one of those old-fashioned Uines, on either side of which was tlie high rail fence, then so tamiliar to all Ohio people. Its rosy cheeks lio:hted up one of these fence-corners, and arrested my youthful attention. I quickly gathered a few of them in my liands, and took them to my mother to ask, ''What they were?" As soon as she saw me with them, she cried out, " You must not eat them, my child. They must be poison, for even the hogs will not eat them." "But what are they, mother?" I asked. "Some call them 'Jerusalem Apples;' others say they are 'Love Apples;' but, now mind, you are not to eat them. You may go and put them on the mantel, they are only fit to be seen for their beauty." This I did, adding purple and yellow ones to this red one, and soon had (piite a collection on display. The wild tomatoes bore small, hollow, tough, soiir, watery fruit. They were no more like the new and 20 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. improved varieties of to-day tlian the Pennyroyal cattle then, were like the Shorthorns now seen in onr pastures everywhere. From that earh^ date the tomato became an object of special interest to me. Little did I then think, or for man}^ years afterwards, that it was destined to make my name famous among seedsmen, market gardeners, ean- ners, and horticulturists the world over, ^or could I any better foresee that it would furnish myself, my children, and my children's children, the necessaries and many of the comforts of life. Thus it ever is: Dame Nature richly rew^ards those who keep close to her methods of operation, and who are not ashamed to remain tied to her apron-strings. As the years passed by reckless people began to eat them, and as it became generally known that they were not poisonous, they came into more general use. 'New and slightly improved kinds were soon put on the market; but all ettorts in this line for years did not get anything other than rough, imperfect fruits. 2. My Aim. — Years had come and gone with me, as the reader will see by reference to the sketch of my life in the opening of this book. My aim from the first was to grow tomatoes smooth in contour, uniform in size, and better flavored. Here my habits of close ob- servation upon the processes of nature in all matters of reproduction stood me in good hand, but were not equal to the task l)y the method which I tried at first. For I tried the best kinds then known to the public, and se- MY AIM. 21 looted from these suoli specimen tomatoes as approaolied in qualities what was needed, or was in demand. The seed from these were oarefully saved, and when })lanted were g-ivon the best oultivation possible, hoping in this way to attain what I desired. After lifteen years of the most sorupulous oaro and labor of this kind, I Avas no nearer the goal than when I started in the raoe. Ao- oording to laws of life, now well known, but wliioh I did not then understand, such stock-seed would reproduce every trace of their ancestry, viz., thin-ileshed, rough, and undesirable fruits. I ran this method through all its changes, for the demand was constantly increasing,, and I desired to get a distinct variety that would have good qualities and produce after its kind. Like many others who were striving for the same thing, I wanted it very badly. Some improvements, however, Vv^ere attained, but mostly by improved conditions only, and as soon as- gained in the least degree, they were i)ut upon the mar- ket under various names; such were the Fejee, the Perfected, the Conqueror, the Canada Victor, the Tilden^ the Trophy, and others. "With these, with my own, and Avith any others I could get hold of that promised me any gain, I tried again and again by varied selections of specimens and good cultivation, to attain the desired end. But I tailed altoo^ether. After such lono- and re- peated failures it was with little hope that I turned to other methods.. I did not like to give up, '^whipped out entirely," in any matter I had set my mind and lieart upon, as I had in this thing; and I reasoned that I might 22 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. botter 1)0 trying wliati'vor came to luiiid to do, than to do nothing. So I kept a watehfnl eye upon my fields foi' any ^^lead'mfis'' that promised to afford me the smooth, well-iiavored fruit, as we see it now in all the markets of the world. 3. My New Method. — AVhether this method I liere describe was new to others at that time (iu the Sixties) I did not know, but it was altogether new to me; in fact it was a \)\\vq discovery on my part. Let my readers note that an ounce of experience is worth a ton of theorizing. I am giving actual experiences. The learned or unlearned may alike think as they will, but I know I got what no living man had before. There was not in the United States at that time an acre of toma- toes from Avhich a bushel of uniforndy smooth tomatoes could be gathered, as they are uoav grown everywhere. I know, also, that I secured this result by the method I hereafter describe. I know, too, tliat I can re}»eat the process at will, securing new varieties which will again produce after their kind; and, at least, under my cultiva- tion, will never deteriorate, or ^^run out." For they are ORIGINAL, DISTINCT VARIETIES, and will bring forth their like, as will anything else ; and they are as capable of being cultivated into '^ strains'' as are those of cattle, hogs, chickens, or other plants and fruits of distinct kinds. The same laws of life and breeding govern tomatoes as in any other form of life, for all the processes of nature are so simple that few will believe them, even when they are pointed out to them. With these pre- liminarv remarks I describe. mv new method. MY NEW METHOD. 23 In passing' ovor my tieUls of growing- tonnitoes, which were still of all sizes, sorts and shapes, niv atten- tion was attracted to a tomato plant havino- distinct characteristics, and bearing lieavj foliage. It was unlike any other in the field, or that I had ever seen. It showed itself very i)rolitic, its fruit was uniformly smooth, but too small to be of general market value. As I examined it closely, observing how alike every to- mato was on the stalk, wishing they were larger, and meditated over its possibilities long, it came to me like an inspiration, "why not select special tomato plants instead of specimen tomatoes." At any rate,^ I acted at once on this idea. The seeds from this plant were saved with pains-taking care, and made the basis of future experiments. The next spring, from these seeds, I set two rows across my garden — about forty rods long each — and to my glad surprise they all bore perfect tomatoes like the parent vine. I felt that My ])attle was hall" won, My race, too, half run. They were a little hirger, for which I also rejoiced, as I hoped to bring them up by choice cultivation to what would now be considered a medium-sized tomato, which I then thought, and still think, to be the most profitable size. The seeds from this crop were again carefully harvested, hut from the first ripe and best specimens I selected stock for my ow^n planting. By good cultiva- tion and wise selection from season to season, not to exceed five years, it took on flesh, size, and improved 24 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. qualities. I then put it on the general market. This was in 1870. Although grown and sold extensively all these years to date, and although cultivated into various '^strains" by different growers according to their partic- ular fancies, it is to-day the same distinct variety which it was at the lirst. On account of its superior excellence in comparison with all others in the market at that time, I called it "The Paragon Tomato." PARAGON TOMATO. 4. Livingston's Paragon Tomato. — It was the first perfectly and uniformly smooth tomato ever in- troduced to the American public, or, so far as I have ever learned, the first introduced to the world. In color it is a blood red. It has a strong, vigorous stalk; heavy foliage ; is a very hardy plant ; will bear shipping of its plants well; grows shoots or branches near the roots LIVINGSTON S PARAGON TOMATO. 25 later in the season, wliicli bring a late crop equal in size, quality, and evenness of ripening, to that grown earlier on the center stem; and with its heavy foliage it endures early frosts longer, and still produces crops w^hen the price is usually good. It is very prolific, a little late, but is a most popular tomato as the annual sales of seeds still show. From the very first of its his- tory to this day, where acres were planted not a rough or inferior tomato could be found in the entire fields. This discovery, like all others, soon produced a revolution. As a general field-crop tomato culture had been of little general interest up to this date. To be sure, Mr. Harrison W. Crosby canned and sold the to- mato as for back as the year 1848, but that Avhich caused it to increase phenomenally, and rival the potato as a profitable crop to grow, was the discovery of the Paragon, and the universally smooth varieties that fol- lowed it. With these, tomato culture began at once to be one of the great enterprises of the country. Demands of market gardeners soon called for other varieties,, which I supplied as they became clearly defined to me. 5. Livingston's Acme Tomato. — Several varie- ties of a pnrple color had gone upon our markets, such as the Fejee and the Perfected, with some others. They produced somewhat after their kinds, but always re- quired a liberal "culling out" of inferior specimens. Yet many market gardeners, especially in the Western States, became partial to a purple-colored tomato ; and this taste still prevails. As my Paragon was red, and 2() LIVINGSTON AND THE TOxMATO. too late for early, and as 1 wislied to tiy^igain the meth- od by which I had discovered the Paragon, I set about to seen re an early purple tomato. I selected from a field of growing tomatoes, as before, a plant wliich bore small, uniform, early tomatoes, and Avhich liad its own peculiarly marked cliaracteristies ; such as recommended it to my judgment as l)eing tlie tomato to meet the de- mands of the trade at that time. I saved the seeds I'arefully, cultivated it up in a few 3'ears, and introduced it in 1875 as a perfectly new and distinct variety, under the name, " The Acme Tomato." It is lio'hter in foliao'e than that of the Paraxon, and much earlier. In fact it is the earliest of the uni- formly smooth A'arieties to the present time. A most care- ful ex[»erimenter says: ^'Last year the Acme was two days later than tlie Mayflower, this year it is seven days Livingston's acme tomato. 27 earlier. Last year Acme was seven days earlier than Paragon, this year thirty days earlier. Last year it ripened wirh the Troi>hy, while this year it was eleven days earlier than all others." Other kinds will often have one or two "first early ripe" tomatoes on the stalk, while Aeme will he earlier and have a far greater numher of "first early" to the stalk than others. Mr. AVm. Meo-o^at, the wholesale seed- grower, sa3's, "In 1890 I tried Aeme with 115 other varieties, and fonnd the first ripe fruit on it." By spec- ial cultivation as described in Paragraphs 45, 49, it will show to still hetter advantas^e for earliness. It is of a bright purple color, very tender, and fine fleshed. It is specially grown for home uses, but is also a good general-purpose tomato. Many prefer it above all others. In fertility, foliage, growth, earliness, smoothness, size and color, its distinct type is clearly all it was seventeen years ago. In 1890 I grew some plants to test this matter, from stock seed of 1880 — ten years old ; and the result showed them to be exactly what they had been ten years before, viz., distinct and true to kind. They are, as stoclaiien Avould s^ay, " thorough- bred;" and, at least under our cultivation, show no dis- position to "?^i/jv oufy 6. Livingston's Perfection Tomato. — I found in my Paragon and Acme fields while gi'owing, an occa- sional "sport" (as it were, one in a thousand), which was yet quite distinct from either of the above varieties. By experiine"nt I found that these retained their 28 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. peenliarities perfectly. The thouglit tlien occurred to me that I might secure improved kinds more easily and quickly than from lields of all sorts, as I had done in the other two already introduced. I was urged to secure a new tomato because a good shipper was in demand, for tomatoes were being shipped in large quantities from country towns and places into the hirge cities, and from LIVIN'(,.,sT(».\ s I'KHFECTJON. the far South into the Xortli. At any rate I selected a [)lant from a field of Acme (a purple tomato) and se- cured what is known everywhere as Livington's Perfec- tion Tomato — a blood red tomato — which I introduced in 1880. The stalk and foliage are lighter than those of the Paragon, but stronger than those of the Acme. The fruit is uniformly smooth like the others, only it is a little flatter from the stem to the blossom ends. Its blood red color is very desirable, meeting the fancies of LIVINGSTON S GOLDEN QUEEN TOMATO. 29 the public, especially in the Eastern markets. One par- ticular advantage it has as a shipper, is that it begins to show ripening several da^^s before it is fully ripe. It also has a thick, tough skin, which is not easily broken in transit. With this kind, inexperienced hands or pickers in the South, if directed to gather only those fully grown and showing a tinge of ri[>ening, can be employed to gather the fruit ; and the grower will not get it into the distant market green, Avilted or spotted. This is a good tomato for bulk of crop, almost anywhere and every- where. . . LIVINGSTON 8 GOLDEN (iUEEN. 7. Livingston's Golden Queen Tomato. — In one of the county fairs which I often attended for the purpose of selling seeds, I saw a very pretty yellow to- mato. As I was examining it closely, and admiring it, the owner saw fit to make me a present of one of them, which I prized highly, and took special care to preserve, test and improve. I had it a number of years before I 30 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. intro"cliiced it; but in 1882 I tliought it advisable to give it a wider circulation, and so advertised it extensively under the above name. It is of a bright golden yellow color, uniformly smooth, good size, most prolific, early ripening, and is a first-class, all-purpose tomato. It is admitted to be the best flavored tomato in existence. It is often used by the busy housewife when she puts sliced tomatoes on her table to good advantage, by al- ternating layers of this yellow witli red or purple varie- ties. It makes a dish, with proper seasoning, dainty and attractive enough for. a king. 8. Livingston's Favorite Tomato. — By this time the fruit canning business had grown extensively, and tomatoes came in for a large share of this trade. I made it my business, as I traveled about the country, to learn the demands of these canning establishments, viz., what qualities in a toniato were peculiarly suited to their trade? Then, in order to meet the canners' desires, I selected from a field of Paragons a tomato quite distinct from it, as any one can see who grows them side by side in the field. This new tomato I improved, and intro- duced in 1883, naming it Livingston's Favorite Tomato. It is an early, blood-red, smooth, and most prolific tomato. It has no open spaces about the seeds in cavity^ or ridges and hollows from stem to blossom ends. It rip- ens evenly, is a solid, meaty tomato, and has thicker flesh parts, of finer fibre, than any other used up to that time. They are of fine, large size. One grower writes us from Wisconsin, '^ I grew them fourteen and a half inches in LIVINGSTON S FAVORITE TOMATO. 31 circumference." Another, from Maryland, says, "I put up 5,065 cases tomatoes oif of eighteen acres of your Favorites." A large canner in Iowa told us, " I get one and a lialf to two cans per bushel more from Living- ston's Favorites than from other tomatoes." He also Livingston's favorite. claimed that in a day's run of forty tlionsand cans this difference in favor of the Favorite made him over eight hundred extra cans above any other tomato he ever used. This one fact shows the importance of canners looking well after the kinds their growers raise for them. 9. Livingston's Beauty Tomato. — I discovered that nearly all market gardeners, at least west of Penn- sylvania, were determined to have a purple-colored 32 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. toiiiato for their trade. I had also learned that new kinds selected from the Paragon fields (a red-colored tomato) possessed more vigor of stalk, and preserved well all the other qualities so desirable in any tomato. I began to watch for a new tomato, which would be the market gardener's pride and profit. Being a practical gardener of many years' experi- ence myself, I liad much advantage over those who were only seedsmen, or mere experimenters, in knowing ex- actly what was needed to supply this demand; and I was not slow to take this advantage for the good of all. In due time, and by the same processes as in its pred- ecessors, my labor was rewarded with what I claim to be THE CROWN JEWEL OF THEM ALL. It has a stoutcr stalk than the Acme; heavier foliage, that protects it from the scalding hot sun;, is slightly darker in its purple color; almost, if not e(pially, as early, and much larger than Acme, being deeper through from stem to blossom ends. It is a constant bearer, '' holding up" its size on till the frosts kill the vines. It is particularly produc- tive; when the fruit is left on a single vine to see how many can be picked oflf ripe at one time, it is not un- common to gather a peck at a single picking. Neither has it a useless green, hard core in the center. What is usually a hard, unripe center in others, is in this, and in all my kinds, as good as any other part of it for food. The seed cavities are small, and contain few seeds; it ripens all over and through at the same time, and is freest from skin cracks or ^' Black Rot." It is a splendid shipper, and was ^ first LIVINGSTON S BEAUTY TOMATO. 33 purple tomato that obtained extensive sales in the Eastern markets. The attention of shippers in the South is especially directed to this variety, because their success depends on a kind that will " hold up under " shipments for long distances. An extensive shipper from Mississippi tells us, ''I had 'Beauties' on open freight for nine days, and they came out all right.'' It was introduced in 1886, and it is now sold by all leading seedsmen in tlie world more largely than any other. It recpiires almost two and a half tons of seed from this kind alone, to serve our own customers in their annual demands, and other seedsmen also sell large quantities of it. 34 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. 10. Selling Under Seal. — I dislike very mucli to say anything against others in tlie same line of trade with myself; or anything tliat may even sound like it ; for I claim to be one of the last men on earth who grows ''sore-headed" over the successes of my competitors. I am also aware that if I do myself, and my tomatoes, common justice in this book, that I lay myself liable to be charged with an. ''ad scheme;'' but as I write experi- ences here, it came to pass that, because of designing TRUIBLUE persons unjustly seeking to enter upon other men's labors, we were compelled to do as many other seeds- men did with other new ves^etables, viz., "sell under SEAL." This was a necessity to preserve our own repu- tation as upright seedsmen, and to keep the names which we had wisely selected for each of our new tomatoes. They were justly popular, but I found that they were sold under various other names; that many were mixed Livingston's true blue seal. 35 or crossed with other kinds, and so impure ; I learned, also, that even our own kinds were sold under each other's names, or those of other well-known varieties: and thousands of dollars' Avorth of seed are still sold in the same way each year, although it is palpably dishon- est by all those who do it knowingly. Beauty, and all purple tomatoes, are sold in Chicago for Acmes. About Detroit, Beauty tomatoes are sold under the local name "Fejee." In, Florida it is sold for "Improved Acme." In Baltimore it is sold as '' Prize-taker," while Paragon is sold as "The Queen" tomato. Each of the other kinds have met the same fate. We grow on our experimental garden many lead- ing varieties other than our own, and by actual comparison are led to believe that because of similar characteristics, and also that introducers refuse to give an account of the orio-in of their new tomatoes, that many are simply the renaming of our }iopular kinds. Clearest proofs, multiplied, could be given of these, and similar things; and they friJJ l)e given to anyone entitled to kno^v them of us. But now^we st'll under Seal, only OUR OWN varieties, and these alone when grown near at hand, under our own supervision. AVhen that stock is exhausted, we do not buy of other firms, but (piit selling under seal. 11. Livingston's Potato-Leaf Tomato. — Mau}^ growers had heavy clay lands, and needed a tomato adapted to this kind of soil, and still prove a heavy crop- [)er. The Potato-Leaf, which I introduced in 18S7, was 36 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOa|aTO. H found well calculated to meet this dtMiiaud. I had it ready before I got the Beauty, but coufidered it wiser to let it wait until a sweepstakes tomato, like the Beauty, was well under way. Its leaf resembles that of the Irisli potato, hence its name. It is like the Mikado or Tur- ner's Hybrid, in foliage only; in every respect they differ in their fruits. It is of fine flavor, uniformly smooth, LIVIXCiSTOX S I'o'lATO-LEAF deep through, good size, a bright, glossy, purple color, an excellent producer, and is especially suited for " stak- ing up," or "Trellising." See Paragraphs 45 and 49. This Tomato, because of its right size and glossy purple color is of all the purple varieties the best adapted for canning whole, which is in the Eastern parts of the country now becoming very common and popular. livixg^ton's new stone tomato. 37 12. Livingston's New Stone Tomato. — The American publie.is nut satisfied with old tilings, how- ever good they niay be. I was asked almost every day, while '^on the road," "Have you anything new in the tomato line?" Xow, although customers had made it plain by thousands of unsought testimonials to those LIVIXG.STO.N « NEW STOXE. ah-eady introduced, that there was very little opportu- nity left foi- improvement in tomatoes, I yet found it wise to put out new ones from time to time. Of course there was less difference between these and those I iirst introduced, than between my first and m11 kinds which preceded them. It was always my aim to please my 38 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. customers, and so I made these little improvements as it became clearlv necessary for the grower's profit. Tlie l^ew Stone was found between rows of Beauty and Fa- vorite, in the fields of one of our careful growers. It was perfected as a distinct variety, and introduced in 1889. It is l)lood-red in color, shaped like tlie Beauty — see Paragra})h 9 — and is the largest smooth red to- mato on the markets. It is the heaviest for its size or compass of all others; therefore its name, .^' Stone." Some growers claim they can tell it from others of the same size in the dark, because of its greater weight and solidity. It comes more nearly combining the" good qualities of all the red tomatoes preceding it than any others of any name. Xo red tomato carries its size thi'oughout tlie season better, none are more prolific, none are better adapted for all purposes, none have 23leased our growers better in the same length of time since its introduction. In my judgment the coming to- matoes that will hold the highest rank, and w^ear the longest Avith those who grow them for the money they will make them, are, for purple color, "The Beauty;" for red color, " The New StOxVE." 13. Livingston's Royal Red Tomato. — It was found among Dwarf Champion fields. These were pur- ple tomatoes, while the Royal Red is a bright scarlet — the i-eddest tomato through and througli yet introduced by us or otliers. I found that large cpiantities of toma- toes were used in the manufacture of catsup, and also for eannino" Avhole in bottles. This verv decided red LIVINGSTON S ROYAL RED TOMATO. 89 color was ill deinaml tor these purposes; so it was intro- duced as "Livingston's Koyal Red," in 1891. It is a iirst-rate general purpose tomato, however. It carries in high degree most ot* the good (pialities of tlie older l.IVIN(iSTON S ROYAL RED. ones I have introduced. In size, smoothness, produc- tiveness, solidity, and beautiful appearance, it will please the most fastidious. When on exhibition at our Fairs it attracts more attention than any other of the red varieties. - 14. Livingston's Gold Ball Tomato. — The little yellow Kgg, or Plum Tomato, whieli people ate raw in their gardens, and used so extensively for })reserves, suggested to my uiind that a new and improved variety for tlie same jtui'poses might be vvvy acceptable. One of 40 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. our best growers found it among his growing tomatoes, and it was introduced in 1892. It is a bright golden yellow', round as a ball, one and one-half inches in diam- eter; it has few seeds, abundance of flesh, and is so very productive that some single plants have borne a half bushel of fruit. The tomatoes will, without injury, LIVINGSTON S GOLD BALL, hang on the vine in clusters a w^eek or ten days after fully ripe. I consider this gem of a tomato the best I have ever seen for preserves. 'No thrifty housewife who once fixes her eyes upon this Ball of Beauty will ever let it go from her garden or table. Livingston's buckeye state tomato. 41 15. Livingston's Buckeye State Tomato.— Lately considerable exciteinejit among ambitious seeds- men has been experienced over very large fruited tomatoes. Xow tliis furnishes me with an oi)port unity Livingston's buckeye state. for whicli I have waited long. I have had this one, named as above, from the very first of my all-smooth varieties; I did not introduce it, because it seemed to me too large for general use. It is the largest uniformly smooth one in the markets that carries with it all the 42 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. qualities I have described as belonging to all others of ni}^ great family of tomatoes. As there is now a demand for large specimens, I entrust mine to the judgment and experience of the tomato growing public in the year 1893. There is nothing coarse or rough about this fruit. It ripens quite early, is a tomato for home use and for the home market; a vigorous grower, has no green end or useless core, and few seeds ; is of tine flavor, purple color, and grows in mammoth clusters of from six to ten in a cluster, many of which will weigh from one to one and a half pounds apiece. It is also a very prolitable kind to stake up or trellis. See Paragraphs 45 and 49. 16. Livingston's New Dwarf Aristocrat To- mato. — It would seem after all that has been said of the tomatoes already described, that no more could be add- ed, or any other improvements made on them; yet there are many more points of excellence to be attained, some of which I claim are found in this new dwarf tomato which will be introduced this year — 1893. It has a strong, erect, bushy stalk, that is often one and a half inches in diameter. Because of its erect bearing and dressy appearance it is called " The Aristocrat." The plants are so stalky and stiff from the time they come out of the ground tliat they reset without wilting or falling down, and are therefore not stunted; nearly a week on "first early'' is gained in this way. Plants can be set much closer than those of other varieties ; at least one-half more will be required to set the same plot of LIVINGSTON'S NEW DWARF ARISTOCRAT TOMATO. 43 IjyiNGgTONS NEW I 44 LIVIXGSTON AXD THE TOMATO. gnound. With this advantage, and their extra produc- tiveness, I l)elieve nnder special cultivation they will produce one-third more to the acre than other kinds. It begins to bear with tlie earliest varieties, and does not cease bearing until frosts kill the vines. Yet be- cause of its erectness, bushy habits, and close standing in the field, it is saved from the early frosts, and only the hard freezes in the fall will reach the fruit hid up under its foliage, and thus bears abundantly when other kinds have been entirely killed. The fruit has the pe- culiar rpiality of keeping in a dry, cool room, before decay sets in, for three or four weeks after they cannot longer be trusted in the open field. It is also a large sized tomato, of a bright glossy red color, very fine fieshed and flavored, uniformly smooth, and is an all- purpose tomato for shippers, canners, market gardeners, and for fancy and remumerative home-culture. In a word, it carries the good qualities of its forerunners among ni}^ varieties, and has some others peculiar to itself. I prophesy a brilliant future for our Aristocrat. 17. Livingston's Large Rose Peach Tomato. — This sort originated with us and has all the general char- acteristics belonging to this singular and distinct class of tomatoes, but is much larger tha;i any peach variety yet brought out, averaging about Avith the Acme in size. We have grown it for several years on our trial grounds here, and are well pleased with it. We pronounce it rot proof because we have not observed a single speci- men showing any sign of rot in the past three years of LIVINGSTON S LARGE ROSE PEACH TOMATO. 45 its g-rowth. It is a profuse bearer until killed by re- peated frost, and has the agreeable, mild flavor as well as the suffused coloring and the peculiar peach-like bloom on its surface. AVe presume tliat the texture of the skin accounts for its never rottino;, and we think for LIVINGSTON 8 LARGE ROSE PEACH the same reason it would be well adapted for growing in certain hot climates where the ordinary tomato can- not be successfully grown. It is certainly worthy of extended trial. 46 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. I HA YE now given the reader a history of the princi- pal varieties ah-eady introduced. They were each secured to meet certain clearly defined demands arising in the tomato trade. If there is any demand which has not been reasonably met, I acknowledge frankly that I do not know what it is. Some will say, " This is a big- pictured advertisement." ]S"ow, I am free to admit that I am not blind to the fact that what I have related will advertise us among the readers of this book ; but we will not allow that we are dealing with anything but the facts in the case. If facts advertise me, that is as legitimately mine as the tomatoes I have introduced ; and no one is injured if I claim n\y own. It can be no loss to the grower, nor to ni}' fellow-seedsmen who cat- alogue my tomato seeds from year to year, and sell large quantities of them ; nor 3^et to the consumer who par- takes of new and improved fruits. It will now be neces- sary to consider some of the questions relating to kinds, which many growers and others are continually asking, and wliich have been written about so variously, that '' I, also, will show mine opinion." 18. ^' Will your varieties 'run out?'*' — Under our cultivation, having our distinct kinds as a basis, there is no such thing as the degeneracy of the kinds. I have sweet corn kept pure and improving for forty- one years; and cabbage so, for thirty-five years ; and WILL VARIETIES RUN OUT. 47 tomatoes so, for twenty-six years. I see the same laws of life that govern pedigreed stock in animals, con- trol in tomato life. If one has a distinct variety, and keeps it pure, and cultivated u}), it cannot degenerate. All experience is against the idea of degeneracy ; unless left to itself, to mix in foreign blood, to get under con- ditions unfavorable for its true and best developments. I am aware that it will not do to set out tomato plants that come up of themselves from the last year's crop, even when that crop was considered pure stock. It is left to itself, and whatever of bad nature there may be in it, is sure to come out. This I know to be a fact — vol- unteers will not do to use, although no one exactly knows why it is so. This does not argue, however, that a distinct kind, kept pure and cultivated under proper conditions, will degenerate; at least, mine do not ^' run out." 19. '* Can we cross kinds and get new ones?" That is, if I plant several kinds, such as Beauty, Mika- do, and Dwarf Champion, together in the same field, so that they will mix in the bloom, can I get from a mon- grel, thus produced, a new and distinct variety that will produce after its kind, and be better than either of the above varieties ? In answer to this question let me say, I have no confidence in hybridizing or crossing as a method of securiufi: new varieties. I am not likelv to for- fi^et mv failures for fifteen vears, nor the lessons wliich they taught me. Like begets like. Hough ones beget rough ones. From an imperfect kind uniformly perfect 48 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. specimens cannot come. " Blood will tell," and the im- perfections will appear; and this will be true if there is the least bad blood in either of the kinds that may be crossed. If the Trophy is crossed with the Paragon the result will be an improvement on Trophy, but rough ones will still appear among them, and more "culls" Avill appear. This fact can be easily proven in practice, even where for several generations these bad qualities had not been much seen, for some unaccountable reasons they will begin to appear again. This is what is known as " breeding back," among the stockmen, but is just as true of tomatoes as of anything else. If au}^ one breeds crosses upon crosses, no one can tell what the result will be. Yet trying to breed in certain good' qualities ])y crossing those that do not have them with some that do, while at the same time certain bad qualities Avould ])e bred out by the same process, must ever prove a failure,^ simply because it violates the very constitution of things, viz.: "■ Whose seed is in itself yielding fruit after his kind." I see some seedsmen are advertising this year, 1893, in their catalogues, the seeds of iifty differ- ent kinds of tomatoes in one packet, l^o one will get a new and valuable kind from seed of such a mixed lot, for they will not produce after the nice specimen tomatoes onemay select from them. It would be better to do as I did — select a plant of decided markings of stalk, leaf, size, quality of fruit to taste ; for if you happened upon an original variety it would then come true to kind; other- wise, never in the world ; for it might in any season "breed back" to the time when Jacob traded lentils to CrLTIVATIX(i VARIETIES INTO STRAINS. 49 Esau for his l)irtbright. It is no inaiiiier of use wasting time on seed from crosses for stock seed. As well l)uild a mill high on the hill and expect the water to run up there of its own accord to drive the machinery. It vio- lates nature, and it can't be done that way. The whole trick in getting new varieties is in knowing which plants are original kinds, and those that will, under cul- tivation, take on size, flesh, and desired qualities, without ANY INFUSION OF FOREIGN BLOOD. Xo (h)ul)t, oil this Sub- ject, there is much of mystery as yet, just as there is on all subjects connected with life, wliicb is itself a pro- found mystery. However, this makes it all the more inviting "field tor scrutinizing investigations. 20. Can distinct varieties be cultivated into different ''strains.^" — Eacli plant has its range of pos- sibilities ; that is, it can grow larger or smaller than a stambird size, a little darker or ligbter in color, a little more sour or sweet ; and so on, covering all of its cpial- ities. I suppose The Creator gave it these capacities to change in order to adapt itself to varying conditions under Avhich it might have to grow, and still continue itself from year to year. Each phiiit has its limitations however, l)eyond which it cannot be cultivated. Xo amount of cultivation (or putting it under the most fa- vorable circumstances to develop to its utmost) would grow a Yellow Egg Tomato into a Golden Queen, be- cause "The Queen" has capacities beyond the limita- tions of "The Egg'' tomato. Hence if we get Queen tomatoes we must not try to get them b}" cultivating up the Vj^g^ l)ut get a new and distinct variety. 50 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. There may be another reason why the Creator has arranged things in this way, viz.: it ailbrds opportunity to gratify a great variety of tastes ; suppose, as a gar- dener, I prefer " The Beauty " tomato to any other one kind. As I grow it from year to year, and observe it closely, I discover these variations in its qualities. I see some larger or smaller, some darker or lighter, some heavier or of less weight^ and so on. At once my pref- erences would lead me to select for my stock-seed from specimen plants and tomatoes those which I thought best. IN'ow, this process kept up for a number of years will produce what would be properly called ni)^ " Strain of Beauties." Yet let it not be forgotten, it Avould never become an^^thing other than a Beauty. Kow, in point of fact, as I visit the tields of many careful tomato growers each year, the evidences of this very thing comes to mv eyes. I will not be successful Iv contradicted when I say, there are to-daj' among gar- deners, many strains of Paragon, of Beauty, and of other popular varieties. I sincerely hope, too, that the reader will not fail to consider that only distinct kinds are ca- l»al)le of being cultivated into decided "strains;" and this in turn, proves that my kinds are new and distinct. For this reason, and because of many observations made in all parts of this country, I have great difficulty to see how any originator has got, even aproximately smooth tomatoes from rouo-h kinds, without a strong' infusion of blood from some of my distinctly smooth varieties. In our trial gardens are raised many well- known principal kinds: and there are none of them but SELECTED STOCK-SEED. 51 show a proportioi) of roiig'h ones among' tlieni. There is, so far as I know, very little literature upon how orig- inators secured the kinds they claim are new and dis- tinct varieties, and which they introduce under various names. It would he of immense interest to me, and I judge to growers in general, to learn liow they got them. I, for myself, would like to learn many things fromf these men if they are sending out those that are really new and distinct ; but if they send out only "crosses," or " strains," as such, one would' only smile at the effort, but expect no permanent results from it. I sus})ect, at least, that such efforts account for the prevailing opin- ion that the life of any distinct kind of tomato is only ten years. 21. Selected Stock -Seed. — AVe should have among seedsmen, for the l)enetit of growers, something whieh would procure the same end as the pedigrees of animals to be used for breeding }»urposes. Stock-seed should be selected, year by year, from the discovery of any new kind, so long as tliere is any demand for it, Ity the wisest and best s^rowers in the land. All admit the necessity and advantages of sueh eare, sueli cultivation, and such selections; but few go to the expense to do this. Concerning all the kinds introduced and before described, I can say they are really pedigreed tomatoes. From the day of their discovery to this day, they have been under our hands; so we know what we have, and what they will ]»ro(luce. Only a few men have been tound who can he entrusted to save selected stock for 52 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. lis, and raise from it reliable seeds for our customers. These are Avell paid for this very responsible labor, and they can make a business of it, and so we keep our tomato seeds up to the standard type. All my varieties, nearly; are general and special purpose tomatoes. All are smooth — to a tomato — not a rou^rh one can be found in acres, as we grow them. A son of Mr. Landreth, the seedsman, in the fall of 1892, at his own request, was taken over the fields of my diti'erent kinds in the trial gardens. After going through all the fields, lie was challenged to say whether he had seen a single rough one among all of my own varieties, but he could not say that he had. The fact is, they are absolutely and uni- formly smooth in contour. All ripen evenly, all over and through, at the same time. Xot one has a useless core, or hard stem end ; the whole tomato is all alike edible. All grow in clusters, and so are more pro- Hiic. All possess the greatest possible solidit}^ in the smallest possible compass. And all are new and distinct varieties, producing after their kind. While traveling, I am often asked to buy tomato seed. I could buy it by the hundred pounds at twelve cents to forty cents per pound. I know that large (piantities of it are bought and sold in the seed markets to-day; because when sold at one dollar or more per pound, there may be a gain of three or four hundred per cent. But after what I have written, it is plain that no grower who would make the most of his opportunities should trust to that kind of seed. All my experiences and observations teach me to advise every growler always to SELECTED STOCK-SEED. 53 get the best available selected stock-seed from reliable seedsmen. It is tlie cheapest in the end, by far. The im- portance — the money value — of having varieties true to kind, and good, strong seed from them, cannot be over- estimated. It often makes all the difference between what is loss, and what pays well, in one's crop. It costs more to get it, and we must alwa^^s expect to pay more for it. After the first cost of the select stock-seed, it costs no more to raise and nuirket the crop than it would if the market gardener grew it from inferior kinds. This latter seed would cost him at least one dol- lar per pound. An ounce will plant an acre. This amount would cost him six and a cpiarter cents per acre. If he will add six and a cpiarter cents more, he can get good seeds of profitable kinds. This would be at the rate of two dollars per pouiid. If he w^ill add another six and a quarter cents, he can buy choice seed of better va- rieties ; or at the rate of three dollars per pound. But if he will add yet another six and a quarter cents, he can have selected stock-seed from the first kinds in the land. This would be at the rate of four dollars per pound, or twenty-five cents per acre. It is not always safe to get barely enough seed; for frost, accident, or other enemy, may destroy it. In the ]N"orth growers usually buy and sow one-quarter pound for an acre, and twice that amount is used in the South. At the above figures the select stock-seed would cost per acre from one to two dollars. This amount is so small that no wise, wide-awake man will risk o-rowino- his crops from inferior kinds. The profits from the first 54 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. picking off an acre will far more than pay this differ- ence in the cost of seed ; and the grower has, for all the rest of the season through, the choicest fruits to place before his customers. Who does not know among mar- ket gardeners, that you cannot sell a measure of mixed apples to advantage ? Neither can you of -tomatoes. Best kinds, in hest condition, bring best prices, on all markets, from the best paying customers. After ex- tended observations I am persuaded that there is more lost to the producers of all kinds of field crops by plant- ing inferior seed than from any other one cause. People do not often think about it as it is. In one row of tomatoes forty rods long one inferior stalk would, if it had been a good one, so increased the gain of the crop as to have bought select stock-seed for the whole row. This idea was given me by a sharp, shrewd, grower, who was making his business pay him richly. I am well aware that prices, as named above, will seem large to amateur growers ; but experienced gardeners will take no exceptions to my reasoning here. It only costs a farmer or beginner a few cents to test the certainty of what I write here by his own experience. 23. Can farmers and market gardeners grow their own seed and save this expense ? — I think not, because they plant to use the fruit, and not to get the seed. It is often to their advantage to plant different kinds side by side. They will cross badly, and so in a few years '■'run out." "But could they not plant some separately and so get their own seed ? " Yes, they could. GROWING OWN SEED. ' 55 if they would, and leani the seed-raising business; but will they do it ? and would it pay them if they did ? Seed-raising is another business altogetlier, which few market gardeners know anything about. The amount of seed — especially tomato seed — which any one uses is so small, that if he employed the time and labor neces- sary to save his own seed in producing marketable fruits, he could, by the gain from this, buy selected seed of the best kinds a half dozen times over. An old say- ing is, "Every man to his trade;" for those who make a business of any specialty can do that cheapest. So it comes to pass in human affairs that most of us find it pays best to do a few things well, and buy Avhat we want cheaper, vastly cheaper, than we could if we tried to produce it for ourselves. Let us '' live and let live." See what other writers think on this same subject : Should Gardeners Grow Their Own Seeds. By AV. J. GRKEX. "This question is usually answered in the affirma- tive: the reason assigned being that one can grow^ better seeds than he can buy. The reason may have been a valid one once, and may still hold good in some cases, but to advise private parties to grow their own garden seeds is about as antiquated advice as to recommend farmers to weave their own cloth. "Indiscriminate advice is worse than no advice. This is one of the cases where careful discrimination is required. To grow good seed, it is not only necessary to keep varities pure, by preventing crossing, but it is d6 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. also necessary to exercise the greatest care in selection of stock. It is not enongli to secnre a good variety and then keep it from mixing with other varieties, hnt trneness to type and pnrity of strain mnst be looked after. Imperfect forms mnst be weeded ont, and only those that come up to the proper standard retained. The art of selection so as to obtain the best possible re- sults is not so well understood as desirable, but profes- sional seed growers know al)Out all there is known about it. They could give private growers "pointers" every day in the year. "There is no doubt l)ut they know how to grow, and do grow, better seed than ninety-nine per cent, of private growers are able to do, and they sell their pro- ducts at prices far below what small quantities can be groAvn for. The only possible good reason for any one to grow a small quantit}^ of seeds for his own use is, that he thinks them to be much superior to anything that he can buy. "In most cases such persons deceive themselves in the belief that they have something better than any one else is able to grow. But, says one, " If I have some- thing that I know to be extra fine, Avill it not pay me to perpetuate it myself, so as to be sure of it?" The an- swer is, " yes, if you are sure that you can do the work better than any one else, but the chances are ten to one that a regular seed grower can do much better than you can, and do it vastly cheaper." HINTS TO AMERICAN SEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. Di 23. Hints to the American Seed Trade Asso- ciation. — There have been such mixing of varieties, and of names given to kinds hy nnscrupulous parties, that great and unnecessary expense has been occasioned. Possibly there has been not a little over- reaching in the race for wealth and distinction. Some course of action ought to be adopted, and lived up to, that would render this sort of thing practically impossible. I recommend that the Association list all worthy vegetables under the name given it by the introducer, together with his description of the same, and that this be published in a book, called '' Vegetable Standard," by the American Seed Trade Association. Also, that hereafter no vegetable shall be added to this list, as a new one, until the originator gives satisfactory proofs that it is a new kind, distinct from all those already listed, worthy a place in this Standard, and of the en- dorsement of the Association. The American Poultry Association does this with advantage to all. It is an. acknowledged fact that deceptions are used in the seed trade ; new names are assumed for old varieties by those without principle; they sell thousands of pounds of seed none should buy, and much less plant. Such need ex- posure before the public, for the benelit of all. I here add, as coniirming what I have said, the words of a good writer from one of our Experimental Stations : "In testing varieties at our station, we have forci- bly noticed the confusion that exists in the names of vegetables, and have, many times, strons^lv felt the need 58 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMAT§. of some authorized standard tliat would aid us in deter- mining whether a given variety we are growing is dis- tinct, or whether it is the same as some other, Ijearing a different name. ^'Because we have discovered that there is no such standard, and because we are finding out that many of the names offered in our catalogues are not distinct, it has occurred to us that we can perhaps do no more use- ful work for horticulture than to make the effort to dis- cover how many distinct varieties we have, and to iruike a complete and accurate description of each. It is cer- tainly not our province to assign the hlame for the con- fusion of names tliat exists. Indeed, the more we learn the more we become convinced that it is nobody's fault. It is the natural and inevitable consequence of carrying on the seed business without an authorized standard of varieties. It is Avhat language was before we had a dic- tionary, and what our fruits would have been to-day, had not Mr. Downing and his associates accomplished the great work of sifting out the synonyms. "The question has often been raised whether it is possible to make descriptions of varieties of vegetables which will apply to different soils -md climates. Our botanist friends have often expressed grave doubts upon the subject, and have even declared it impossible. After three years of study in this directi. n, I am of the opinion that the thing is practicable, though it is certainly not easy of accomplishment." Come kind of protection, too, ought to be found for HINTS TO AMERICAN SEED TRADE ASSOCIATION. 59 tlio right in these matters^ and for tliose wlio walk ii}>- rig'htly. We eannot liave it too soon, either. I have thought tliat a national law to the eftect that no one shoukl SELL THE SEEDS of an J vegetahle without consent of the discoverer for five years from date of letters pat- ent which the Government had given liim for discover- ing a new and worthy vegetahle was a just necessity. If I had had such protection npon my new tomatoes, there is not a seedsman in the land ])ut knows it would have heen Avorth thousands of dollaVs to me, and Avould not have l>een one (hjUar less advantage to the seed trade of the country, or to those whom they serve. If a man is entitled to seventeen years proteetion on any new device of everv sort, hoAV much more oualit the seedsman or grower who discovers a new article of food have protection for live years. I hope some memher of the Association, more familiar than I with the details of this husiness, will work it out and put it through ; for it would give a wonderful impetus to the securing of new and useful kinds of vegetahles. Here is another thing in which all seedsmen and their customers are interested. There is an increasino- seed trade carried on Ijv mail, and this is laro-elv hv the poor of the land who only huy in small amounts. The United States ought not to carry Canadian mail matter at tV)ur cents per pound, and charge her own citizens just douhle that rate, viz., eight cents a pound. I he- lieve if the Association did hut call the Government's attention to it, this would he changed at once. England is ahle to take care of herself, and this countrv ouo^ht to 60 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. give her own subjects (among wliich are seedsmen and growers) a l)etter oppoi'tnnity to l)e loyal and thrifty citizens by taking better care of themselves in a legiti- mate way. 24. Profits on a Tomato Crop. — I now propose to show that this is a protital)le cr<^p to raise. After all, if there is no demand for them, good kinds will help no one. If we cannot get a good price for them when thev are trrown, of what avail will imijroved varieties be to any one. This is shown in the history of the Golden Queen tomato. My readers have a right to know and be satisfied whether tomato growing is profital)le or not. This point must be proven clearly, and I aim to do that here for any fair-minded person. It is variously and correctly estimated that an acre will produce from one to eight hundred bnshels of to- matoes. A man can grow as many acres of them, and be equally as certain of a good crop, as he could be of corn. Indeed, take the soils and seasons as they come and go, he would be rather more certain of a crop. He would now Ijc quite as sure, also, of a ready market for the one as the other. Neither will it cost more lal)or^ time, attention, or money, to produce tomatctes than to raise corn; and they have rather less enemies than any other field crop as extensively grown. Like other pro- ducts of the soil, the price will vary according to the law of supply and demand. It will range from twenty -five cents to one dollar and a half per bushel. Let us reason a little from these premises. If you harvest one hun- PROFITS OX A TOMATO CROP. 61 dred busliels, and sell at twoiitj-five cents per Ijnsliel, you o-et twentj-iive dollars per acre. Tins is counted at lowest acreao-e and lowest price per bushel. It will not be better than that with corn, oats, wheat or hay, if you count either of them at lowest acreage and lowest prices. But, if you sell the one hundred bushels per acre at fifty cents per bushel you will get fifty dollars ; and if for one dollar per bushel, one hundred dollars per acre. ^^ow, if you haryest four hundred bushels per acre (one-half the largest possibility), and sell at twenty-liye cents per bushel, you get one hundred dollars; at iifty cents per bushel, two hundred dollars ; at one dollar per bushel, four hundred dollars to the acre. These results show up well when compared with those of other crops which growers haye been raising, I yenture tEArTY, of i)urple color, comes next, and should be given j^lace for one-half the whole cro[). Xew Stone for bulk of ci'(»p between early and late : this is a red tonuito, and very choice tor this purpose. And Par- AUON for red late. 27. Kinds for Home Use. — L would name Fa- vorite for early red. and Acme for early pur[>le. Beauty for bulk of cro}>. A few stalks of yellow Golden Queen SELECTION OF KINDS. 65 is needed for slicing' and preserves. For ornamental trellisino- and useful crop, try Royal Hed, Potato-Leaf, and yellow Gold Ball. On fancy trellises they are very beautiful, and will rei»ay the grower for his trouble in o^ood fruits. If a tarnier wishes lars^e, iine-ileshed to- niatoes, so that he can get a good price on market (should he have more than he wishes for himself), let him try Buckeye State, which is of purple color, and (piite sweet in flavor. 28. Kinds for Market Gardeners. — Acme for lirst early purple, and I^erfection for first early red. The purple Beauty, and the red Xew Stone, for Indk of crop. For very large ones of purple color, plant Buck- eye State ; and for late red, the Paragon. 29. Kinds for Canners. — They should see to it tliat their growers plant Perfection and Favorite for early, the New Stone and Beauty for medium and Indk of crop, and Paragon for late. If they wish to get very desirable kinds for canning the fruit whole in bottles, let me commend the red Aristocrat, the pur[tle Potato- Leaf, and the yellow Gold Ball. See ]'aragra])h (31. 30. Kinds for Catsups and Preserves. — For catsups. Royal Bed, and for preserves, Gold Ball. 31. Kinds to Grow Under Glass. — 1 recom- mend for red color. The Perfection and The Arlsto- CRAT ; and for purple. The Acme and The Beauty. 66 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. ^ow, although we thus uanie these kinds for spec- ial purposes, yet the grower may profitably try other kinds if it suits his convenience better to do so. This list is largely intended for beginners, and is to have a general apphcation. 32. Sowing Seed for Family Use.— Make a shallow tray or box two feet long, one foot wide, and six inches deep; or get a goods box from your grocer about the same size ; or whatever will tit best into the sunniest window of the warmest room in your house. Take some rich black soil, with enouirh sand in it to keep it from baking after it is w^atered, and so it will make it warmer; put it first into the oven and heat it until all the weed seeds and insect life there may be in it will be destroyed, and then put into your box enough of it to fill the tray three-fourths full. Arrange to fix your box on such an incline at the window as to get the sun's rays perpendicularly, or square against the surface of the ground. Moisten this soil and stir in the sun from time to time, for a day or two, until it is in fine condition to make the seed germinate. All this is to be got ready from the middle of February to the middle of March in the latitude of Ohio; north or south of this, vary the time to suit. In this box plant the choicest seeds of the best kinds at your command. Lay it ofi' in rows across the short way of the box, four inches apart, and if you wish to take the trouble, put the seeds about one-cpiarter inch apart in the row ; otherw^ise sprinkle along, so as to be as near that thick in the row^ as you SOWING SEED FOR FAMILY USE. 67 can liit it in tliat way ; then cover with one-half or three- quarters of an inch of earth, and ''firm it down " on the seed. Care must be taken where two or more kinds are phinted in the same box, to mark the rows carefully Avhere they were planted, on the outside of the box, at the end of the rows ; otherwise it will be forgotten which is which, by the time they are to be transplanted. Each kind should be set bv themselves in the s^arden, and their names preserved throughout the season ; then the grower will know which kinds suit him best, and so can tell what to send for next year. After the seed has been planted a day or two, dip a piece of brown paper or cloth in water, as warm as you would wish to put your hand in, and spread it over the whole surface of the ground. This covering should be remoistened in warm water every day or two, but especial care must be taken to remove it when the little tomato plants be- gin to "get their backs up'' through the soil, which you may expect in a week or ten days after sowing. Stir tlie surface of the soil between the rows from time to time, and moisten just enough to keep the plants growing nicely, but not enough to force them along. They would better be too dry than too wet. The dryer the warmer, the less liaV)le to rot, or to grow too fast, and be long, slim, weak plants. Keep them from getting stunted, but have them grow as sliort and stubbv as vou can ^et tliem. Transplantiuii: will ettect them less disastrously then when they go out into the world. AVhen they are two inches high [»repare another 68 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. similar box to the one used at first, or boxes as may be needed. Make the phmts very wet, then raise or pry tliem out so as to retain as much of the dirt upon the roots as possible, and set them out again in rows two inclies apart and two inches from each other in the row. Be sure to keep the difierent kinds separate, so 3X)u wdll know which from which. When these plants get to crowding eacli other, or al)Out four or five inches high, pass a sharp knife midway between the plants on each side. This, if you have followed di- rections carefully, will give you a little plot two inches square to each plant, and this plant will stand exactly in the middle of it. Make tliem wet as before, and re- set three or four inches apart, rowed both ways. If the square plat of dirt is taken with the roots, they will hardl}^ know they were moved. As they grow pass the sharp knife midway between the rows at least once in two weeks, to keep the roots from interlock- ing, and to hold back the plants from growing too tall. Some extra plants can be set in flowerpots if need be, scattered about the house wherever most convenient, and best for them to grow. Aim to raise at least three or four times as many as you ne^ed. If you do uot need them, your neighbors Avill want such plants at ^ve or ten cents apiece. But do you say, " This is a great deal of bother?" Well, no; I do not think so. Suppose you take fifty or seventy-five plants over the training I have suggested, the sum total of your labor is not very great, and when the fruits come on weeks before home grown tomatoes are seen on the market, you will have your HARDENING TOMATO PLANTS. 69 rewards in the satisfaction of having wliat few others will have, and of eatinj^: refreshing: frnit when von want it most. As soon as the danger of frosts is past, transplant in the open garden. Let me snggest that, on all warm days hefore you set the plants in the garden, to open the windoAV, or place them on the porch Avhere the snn is warm ; this gets them used to oat-door life, but you must not forget for a single time to leave them out, and let the frosts nip them some cold night, or you will awaken in the morning to look upon the result wath re- grets for such careless loss of labor. Hardeninc^ Tomato Plants. "What is gained l)y starting plants early, and by frecpient transplanting, can easily be lost again by neg- lecting to harden the plants off properly before their final transfer to the open ground. In fact, this is the most prolific source of disappointment and failure in getting the crop as early as the fine plants promised. " The transfer from in-door })rotection to out-door exposure is ahvays attended with risks, and generally results in a check to plant growth, from wliich the victims will not recover in weeks. Plants grown in hot beds or greenhouses should ahvays be transferred to cold frames and left entirely without sash protection for a considerable time before they are set out in the open ground. " The wise man always abides his time. Don't let your impatience hurry you and induce you to bed out 70 LININGSTON AND THE TOMATO. plants before the ground has become thoroughly warmed through. The check is not owing to root mutilation or disturbance (as such would be beneficial rather than otherwise), but to change of atmospheric surroundings, soil, temperature, etc. The plant accustomed to hard- ships by previous exposure will suffer but little by the chano-e." — Farm and Fireside. For difi:erent methods of cultivation in the garden, see Paragraphs 45 to 49, inclusive. If you do not wish to grow the plants for yourself, reliable seedsmen will furnisli them cheaply by express. This is a good way to get good plants, of good kinds, when you need them. 33. Common Hotbeds. — It will be necessary for all who wish to raise more tomatoes than they desire foi* their own use, to think of it in the fell of the year pre- ceding that when they would raise the crop, in order to make the proper provisions for it. A warm, sunny spot should be chosen, on the south or southeast of buildings or other protection from north or nortlnvest Winds. Indeed, if these are not conveniently situated the groAver should build a tight board fence eight or ten feet high, on the north and west sides of the place where he wishes to locate Ills hotbeds. These ought to be put as close to this fence as possible, and leave room to walk around between the fence and the beds. One thing must not be overlooked in the choice of a site for a hotbed, viz.: If the subsoil is porous it will not need drainage, but if it holds water the hotbed must be located so as to underdrain with ordinary three-inch tiles. THE COMMON HOTBED. 71 The 1>est wny to iiuike these beds is to excavate the soil, with tlieir length ruiniiiig east and west, for a depth of two feet, in th^ fall before frosts harden the ground. Drive a stout stake 2x2 or 2x3 inches carefully in each of the corners. Xail to these, on the outside, boards so the bed will be eio'hteen inches hie'h on the north side and six inches high on the south side, and slope the ends to meet the sides so enclosing it. Bank u[» the north side and the ends with the dirt throAvn out. If jou buy HOTBED. HOTBED 8ASH. sash expressly for the purpose (which you can of almost any first-class seedsman), it ought to be three feet by six feet in size, as this is probably the most convenient. Of course any kind of sash can be used, but in any case the size of the hotbed must be made to fit the sash used over it; and any size of hotbed can be made as desired, but almost the universal practice is to make them about six feet wide, and as long as will secure as many square feet of hotbed space as is needed. IN^ow we have the hole dug out, l)oarded around, and the earth banked up to it, and this done in the fall preceding ; but you are not through with it yet. Put 72 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. into the bottom of it enough good hhick, or rich tan- colored soil (having sand in it to loosen and make it warm) to fill it seven inches deep. On this throw in and ''firm down" enongh fresh manure from the stable to keep this good soil and the inside of the hotbed from freezing until it isiieeded, about the middle of February or first of March. On some sunny day when this time arrives, remove this manure, piling it out on all sides except on the south side ; also take out the good soil, placing it on the south side of the bed, exercising care to pulverize it as fine as possible in the handling of it. 'Now put into this vacant bed eighteen inches of fresh manure from the stable, that which will produce the greatest heat, and tramp it down tightl}^, and make it as level on the surface as you can. If the manure is too dry to heat, make it wet with hot water. Spread on top of this manure the rich soil six inches deep. To get it evenly spread, you must put on the whole six inches as you go. If you put two inches on, and then some more, and then more, you Avill get it in uneven thick- nesses and it will not work so well. [N^ow place the glass over it, and, in a day or two, as soon as it gets warm and dry, it is ready for the seed. 34. Sowing Seed in the Hotbed. — Make httle furrows on the surface of the bed, one inch deep and three inches apart. This will make the entire surface into little ridges and hollows. Sow your seed broadcast upon the bed thus prepared, so it will contain about two hundred and fifty seeds to the square foot. Then take SOWING SEED IN THE HOTBED. 73 your garden rake, turn it teeth upwards, and with the baek of it on tlie surfaee, Hu'litlv and diae'ouallv (h'aw it over the ridges until it is all level again. Xearly all the plants will then come up in rows. This plan saves much time and many back aehes. The soil should he '^firmed doirn'^ on the seed as soon as yon have it in tlie ground^ This is done conveniently with a hoard of suitahle size, and your weight put on it; or with a small, heavy hand roller. AVhen small quantities of various kinds are s'own, the ordinary method of sowing a row at a time should he observed. Be sure to mark carefully where you have planted this kind or that, so that you can know what you are planting out later in the season. Do not depend on memory; mark it, so you will knou'. Care must be taken now to keep the hotbed the right temperature. It will be advisable for beginners to use a thermometer, although persons of experience can telL by merely putting their hand finder the sash. If it gets above 90° F. it is too hot, or below 50° F. it is too cold. A range from sixty to eighty degrees will be right. If tlie bed gets too hot, raise the sash, and equalize the heat by letting in the outside air : Ijut if this does not cool the soil, and it is still too hot for the plants, then, about each square yard, push down into the manure be- low^, a stick like a broom-handle, remove carefully, and pour in a bucketfull of cold water to each hole. And, likewise, if the manure does not make it hot enough, pour into such holes hot water instead of cold. TIiq heat may be increased, after the seed is planted, by re- moving the manure and some soil from al)Out tlie out- 74 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. side of the beds, and packing them all aronnd with fresh, hot mannre from the stable. You may expect the seed to come up in eight or ten days. Keep all weeds out; stir the soil with a weeder WEEDERS. EXCELSIOR. LANGlS. once a week, and keep only wet enough to make plants grow well, but not so asto force them, or you will get long, slim plants where yon need stalky, short, thick, stout ones. Keep the sash open as much as is prudent on warm days, whether the sun shines, or it is raining. It makes the plants healthier and accustoms them more certainly to the conditions of the out-door life they must lead a little later on. 35. More Extended Hotbeds. — These may also be necessary where it is desirable to go into the business of raising plants for market, or where the grower wishes more permanent arrangements than the common hot- beds ; or where he Avishes to raise, as in the hothouse, other crops under glass before he needs to plant the seeds for tomatoes. These may be made more or less costly, as opportunity and means, or taste, may show to be wise. The site should be chosen in a place with good drainage, protected on the north and west, and having the sun shining upon it all day long. The length of the building should run, not east and west like the common MORE EXTENDED HOTBEDS. 75 hotbed, but north and south like the hothouse. They may be constructed of quarry stone, second-hand brick, or of any himber at hand and which may be suitable for tbe purpose. Excavate to the depth of two or two and a half feet, and seven feet wide, and to any length to give the desired amount of surface. Wall up the sides to four inches above the surface of the ground on each side, and each end to a point, in the center, corres- ponding to the comb of the house. For rafters use strips of some good hard wood three inches wide and one inch thick, and a little longer than the sash to be used ; and it should be, say, three by four feet ; then each rafter would be four feet and three inches long. These rafters should be cut in the ordinary way, only to go up edgewise thus, A M r. )•.— Rafters, which are exactly equal in size. s. b.~A section of the side-boards, an end view, on which the rafters rest for a plate. Enough of the rafter should extend above the side- boards to be a little above the sash, which is also to rest on the side-board at the lower ends, and constitute a main part of the roof. Between the rafters at the top is to be nailed in a strip one inch square (see cut as at 76 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. a), and long enough to reach two inches above the tip- top point of the comb. This two inches is to be whit- tled to a three-quarters inch round. Upon them is to be dropped a strip three inches wide and one thick, having holes bored to suit, to act as a ridgepole. A set of these rafters is to go at each end, and a pair between each pair of sash, which comb upon each other at the top, just under the ridgeboard, while the lower ends lie on the upper edge of the side-boards. To adjust the sash, drive a stitf wire nail with a Hat, thin head, through the rafter into the side of the sash, about eigh- teen inches from the top, on each side of it. Tliis makes a perfect hinge. Then the next pair are fastened in, say, nineteen inches from the top, in the same way; and your building is complete. There ought to be a little slide door, or ventilator, in each end. When the grower wishes to work in this hotbed, by having a stick about a yard long, and loosely hinged with a staple at the bottom end of sash, he can quickh^ adjust it at any angle desired. If he bores holes in it, and in the rafters to correspond, he can, with a pin, set the sash perpen- dicularly, or at au}^ angle, in order to let in a warm spring shower so as to save much labor in watering his plants. He can thus regulate the temperature of this house also. One advantage over the common hotbed is that you can work it from each side, and never have to handle the sash except to raise and lower them. Prepare for these hotbeds and plant in them the same as already described in Paragraphs 32 and 33. In these houses crops of lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, or A CIRCULAR HOTHOUSE. 77 other things coukl Ije grown before needed tor tomatoes. If desired for winter crops, especially of tomatoes, by lengthening the sash, excavating in the earth deeper, and introducing artiticial heat, a profitable hothouse can be very cheaply constructed in this way. 36. A Circular Hothouse. — I have never tried it, but I have oiten thought aliout a Cireular Hothouse, which seemed to me might be veiy profitable, Avhere a man had the material at hand and eould do most of the work himself in building it. Locate tlie house on a warm southern slope, with an incline of thirty degrees to the east. Excavate on the upper side, throwing the earth down hill, sutiicient to secure a circular level place thirty feet in diameter. Excavate still deeper for a furnace below the level, in tlie center of this plat, and wall u[) to the surface; also wail up a way out to the south on a level with the furnace room floor. Directly over the furnace construct a hothouse bed in a circle with a diameter of eight feet. Around this concbict a walk of two feet in width, and around this again, con- struct plant beds seven feet in width ; and then another walk of two feet all around this. Cover the whole with glass and sash; and also near the sides with glazed sash three feet by three feet. The entrance to it must be from the entry to furnace room, l)y a stair leading up under the seven-foot bed, in opposite directions, to the walks. If it can l)e located below a spring of water, the water needed can be conducted through tlie building by pipes, and be most convenient. This house will, no 78 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. doubt, cost more to construct than one in the form of a rectangle with square corners ; and yet the advantages of heating, watering, and working this one would pay w^ell for it. 37. Cold Frames. — These are made like common hotbeds (see Paragraph 33), only not so deep nor hav- ing so much manure — ten inches is enough — in them under the soil, so it is not necessary to dig out so deep for them; these are covered with glass, or what is mucli cheaper and more easily handled, they may be covered with hotbed oiled cloth, or "Plant Bed Cloth," as seeds- PLANT BED CLOTH. men call it. By tacking it to light frames, three teet wide by six feet long, they can be used most handily. These cold frames are for receiving the plants when the grower first transplants them from the hotbeds, or resets them again to keep them "stalky." It also gives them more room to grow, and as it is not so warm, the«p]ants are got a little hardier for out-door life when the frosts come on no more. The plant-s should be lifted out with a garden trowel, put into a shallow tray, and '' prieked out" with a dibble, or angle transplanting trowel, into the cold frame as described in Paragraph 32. They should be set three or four inches apart, and rowed straight both ways. They COLD FRAMES. 79 grow well, and work easily this way with tlie band weeder (see cut). This makes it }»ossibie, also, to prune the roots by passing a knife midway between the plants, each way of the rows, alxnit once a week, with the re- CLEVE8 ANGLE TRANSPLANTING TROWEL DIBBLE. suit of keeping the plants short and stout. It is an ad- vantage, too, when theHnal transplanting comes, as you can take this earthen cube of three or four inches di- mensions along with the plant, and it will hardly recog- nize that it has gone ^'out into the world," and can now make the most of itself without any great hindrance in " ii'ettins: started in life." GARDEN TROWEL I wish to remark here, that wlioever labors at this kind of work should constantly study what conditions are best for his plants throughout all the changes they must make: and also, how he can most cheaply and conveniently atford tliem these ffood conditions. In one 80 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. sentence, study to do the best things easiest; for k^hor, time, or expense, saved habitually, is almost equivalent to cash in hand. For Southern growers, I want to make a suggestion in regard to Cold Frames: oidy for them they should be called Heat Frames; for as the former is against cold in the Xorth, so in the South could they be used against heat. Especially would this advantage appear in raising an early crop in winter. Locate this Frame in a some- what shaded, cool phice. If the natural shade cannot be found, then make it artificially of lumber, brush, cloth, or anything at hand. Xo manure is needed; just level off the place, drive the stakes, nail up the boards, bank up the dirt to tlie boards, and cover with "Plant- bed Cloth.'' Put in good soil in which to sow the seed, and plant it in July or August. Open at night, l)ut cover in the day-time. If it is very hot weather, and liable to burn them, saturate the soil all around the bed with cold water. In this way an earlier winter crop can be grown; for now Southern growers must wait till the weather is cool enouo^h "out o' doors" to a^row their plants, and so lose much good trade they could by these means otherwise attain. For Canners, or those who grow for them, no hot bed is needed, only these Cold Frames for earliest, as one transplanting will answer. Large growers lind time only for this or resetting. They plant enough later so that the weather is not cold enough to demand more heat than these afford. Indeed, many of these growers sow the seed in drills in the open Held, in rich soil, about COLD FRAMES. 81 the middle of April, and reset from these rows in the field. The risk is too great. It would pay hetter to build and use the Cold Frames. The latest crop might be risked this way, l)y planting the first of May. The Cold-Frames are an advantage because they are the means bj^ which plants acquire age without growing tall and spindling, and so bear earlier after they are set out in the field, and are less stunted by the transfer. The importance of -'stalky" plants cannot l)e over-estimated. However, if your plants do get too tall and slender by the time you dare risk them "out o' doors," do not throw them away, but do one of two things: either pull them and '''heel them in,^' as fruit men say of trees — that is, jDut them in ])unches of twenty-five or fift}^ and cover the roots in the ground; water well, and when it is well soaked away cover plants with dry earth pretty well up on the stalks. Or you can let them grow and then trans- plant, by letting the stalk lie along in the furrow, covering it with about the same depth of earth as commonly sets a plant, and leaving only so much of the top above ground as can "hold up its head." It will not do to set them deep in the ground, as they will rot ofi*; but as above, it is an advantage, because at the joints roots will grow out and feed the plant more than common, and force it faster than otherwise. Indeed, some growers urge this as the best way to get an earl}' and productive crop. Cold Frames for an acre, witli plants set as directed above, viz.: three inches each way from each other, would require to be thirty feet long by six feet Avide, or its equivalent in shorter beds. To [»ut it in round num- 82 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. bers, an ounce of tomato seed has twenty-five hnndred seeds; by this yon can calculate how much seed you will want, and how much hotbed space it will take to grow your plants. jN^ever depend on just barely enough to go around. 'No telling what may happen. Calculate for abundance of plants. 38. Preparation of Soil in the Field for the Plants. — Tomatoes can be grown wherever corn could be planted. Crops will vary also in proportion to the productiveness of the soil. Select a field of sandy black loam or rich tan-colored clayey soil. To get the best fruits, land that is rich enough to fetch fifty to seventy- five bushels of corn to the acre should be chosen. Plow under a clover sod in the fall, or if possible in February, so it will get a good freeze or two. If the clover sod cannot be had, then take the next best field, viz.: the second crop after clover. I prefer for tomatoes to im- prove the land by "clovering" above all other kinds of fertilizers. Next to clover I use u'ell-rottcd stable man- ure. In order to get it well rotted I pitch it over in the early spring, at least once a month. By piling it over itself tw^o or three times it will not burn itself out by its o^vn heat and be almost useless, nor yet w^ill it leach out with rains falling on it. For any crop where stable manure is used, this is a most important point. It can not be out of place here to say, no man can afitbrd to go from year to year without a large saucer-shaped space, with one side of it near his barn, where lie throws out his manures, so that as it heaps up he can pile it over, THE MARKER. 83 and so on, to the other side, Avhen he will have a heap of compost wliieh would delight the eye of any man intellio-ent enouo:h to know its commercial vahie. This shaUow hasin ought to be three times as large as neces- sary to hold the manure, and cemented, or have clay that will liold water well pounded in all over the bottom of it. If the grower fertilizes witli this for a tomato crop, let him spread on broadcast over his land a heavy coat — from one to four inches — and plow it under in the spring. If the land was plowed in the fall, no matter, plow again, ^o crop is hurt l)y thorough plowing and plenty of pulverizing before the plants are set in the ground. Of course commercial fertilizers can be used to advan- tage, but it can be applied best when transplanting or growing, and tney will be described in place. In a word, whatever will thoroughly prepare a rich tield in good shape for any common crop, will be all right for tomatoes. 39. The Marker. — When it comes time to put the plants into the open Held you will be in a hurry, and you will iind it very advisable to prepare for it previously, during any leisure time you may liavc in the w^inter. A Marker will be needed, and I here submit a plan for one, which I used for a good many years. It is made like a sled with plank runners, only it has four runnei's instead ot two, and they are thicker and shorter than usual for sleds, and set four feet apart — "r"' is the run- ner, nuule of pine or other lumber. They should l)e three feet long, six inches wide, and tln-ee inches thick. "Sc" is a seantlin^i", two bv four inches, and a little over 84 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. twelve feet long. It slioiild set into the upper edge of the runners, about three inches hack from the front end, to the depth of one or one and a lialf inches, and be spiked down firmly. On the rear ends nail a strong board, one inch thick and fourteen wide, having same length as scantling (see ''13" in cut). Any blacksmith can make hinges or clips, as at "c" '^c" in cut, to receive a tongue lor hitching a team to it. A good way to do is to find some tono'ue or 'M)ole"" belono-iuo- to an old spring wagon no longer used, then it can be left in all ^C(^^^ MARKER. the time, and the marker is alwavs I'cadv the vear around. It is not an unliandy conveyanee to have around anyhoAv, as it can be used for many things, such as moving plows, harrows, and even stones or other rubbisli, wherever desired. The driver, when usine' it for a marker, usually stands on the lu'oad board, and drives across the field, and by using stakes secures straight rows. ]N'ow, from the tenth to tlie twentieth of Ma}^, or after you are satisfied that dan^-er from frosts and real cold nights are past, and having your ground well plowed and harrowed, take the marker, and driving to stakes TJIE MARKER. 85 set ill the ordinary way, make rows as straight as possi- ble across the fiehl. This will give four rows '^at a through^'' and so mark out your ground pretty rapidly. By using a shovel plow, or similar implement, draw furrows across these markings from two feet to seven, as may be needed. For Dwarf Champion, Aristocrat, aiiv tree-like kinds, or anv varietv for trainino: or stalk- ing up, from two to three feet will be wide enough to furrow out the ground. Acme and Potato Leaf may he furrowed from three to four feet apart, while all other varieties for "down-culture"' will need to be placed from four to seven feet apart. The kind, the tendency to vine, and the strength of the soil, must decide how far plants should be set apart. One thing is certain, there is far more dano-er of srettine: them too close than too far from each other in the field. It looks like a great waste of land to set plants seven feet apart, but it will pay to do it on rich soil, and for the best kinds. If the tops interlap or overlap each other, much injury is done the crop. When in Xew Jersey and Delaware among the canners this last fall, 1892, I found that their Para- gon Tomatoes (noted everywhere for its adaptability for a late crop) were all intertwined and overlapped, and I feel sure it was the cause of a complaint that the toma- toes were small on the "last pickings." Xo one expects to get six stalks of good corn in each hill; neither should lie if he plants two stalks of tomatoes where only one should be. Some growers plant "First in Market Peas," or other quickly maturing crop, between the rows, and so save something of this apparent waste of land. Let 86 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. me suggest, also, that the grower do not mark oli" more ground tlian he can set out while it is still fresh and moist in the furrows. If they get rained on and dried hard in the sun, run tlie shovel plow through again in the furrow. It will do no harm, if vour o-round is a little hard or cloddy, to i*un a second time in each fur- row anyliow. It aifords more fine dirt for transplanting. If you wish to use commercial fertilizers, secure and have ready in the field at this juncture, put into the crossing of your marking out alx)ut a gill, and hoe it in a little with a common hoe. A complete fertilizer for a tomato crop, to be sowed broadcast and harrowed in, is as follows: Dried ground fish, 833 lbs.; dissolved bone black, 210 lbs.; muriate of potash, 150 lbs. Stated in per cents, it would be: Nitrogen 5, phosphoric acid 10, potash 8. A 1,000 lbs. per acre will be needed. It should be put on tlie day before the plants are set in the ground. In general, fertilizers mostly nitrogen and potash seem best suited for the tomato. On rich soils, use less nitrogen and more potash, as a rule. From Semper's "Manures," on pages 149 and 150, 1 quote the following fertilizers for tomatoes per acre: No. 1. Nitrate of soda, . . Dried Ijlood, ..... Cotton seed meal, Dissolved bone-black, Dissolved South Carolina rock, Muriate of Potash, .... GEORGIA EXFERIMENT.\L STATION. Xo. 2. Nitrate of soda, .... Superphosphate, .... INIuriate of potash, 200 lbs 100 300 400 400 100 400 lbs. 800 li 200 u TRANSPLANTING INTO THE OPEN FIELD. 87 Every grower oiiglit to try cliftereiit plant-foods for Ills crops till lie learns what is best for his fields; but almost anywhere he may well try a gill of liard wood ashes to each plant, with good hope of increased harvests. Let me urge the grower to be thorough in all that he does. Do not be afraid of work. A little boy once said to his father: ''I know what makes these onions grow so well." '^Why, my son?" "Because you liave to o;et down on vour knees so much to them." The-secret of successful gardening consists in attend- ing dihgently to your crop when it needs it. 40. Transplanting Into the Open Field. — Turn back to Paragraph 32 and read it over. During the win- ter previous make a ''Handy Tray" for carrying plants. It is made of one-half inch lumber. It should be two HANDY TRAY, feet long, sixteen inches wide, and four deep. One end should be left out. In the other end a suitable hole is cut, so the hand can slip into it, for a handle, while the open end is caught by the bottom, and so is easily carried. Sometimes a strong wooden hoop is bended over in the 88 Ln^INGSTON AND THE TOMATO. middle from side to side, and makes a basket-like handle. A shallow goods box (made over a little) will answer very well. If each liand setting out plants carries a tray with him, then the handle is a disadvantage, for he drags his tray full of plants along the ground, and sets as he goes. If one drops plants and another sets them out, then the handle is an advantage, for he can carry it with one hand and drop with the other. An hour or two before beo:innini? the work of trans- planting, or about one or two o'clock p. m., pass the knife between the plants midway between the rows each way, at least four inches deep; then wet the plants thoroughly and let the water soak into the ground for one or two hours. During this time enough furrowing out for that evening can be done. Then take trays enough to hold all the plants to be wet that evening. You will need a small mason's trowel, or better, "Cleaves' Steel Dibber," flat l)lade, two and a half inches by nine, having a spade- like handle. FLAT BLADE DIBBER. CLEVES ROUND DIBBER. By using this in the cold frame, the three or four inch cubes of soil with a plant in its center can be taken out, one by one, and slipped off into the tray. Elevate the open end of the tray a little, and commenc- ing at the closed end of it, pack in the plants till it is full. Care should be taken not to crush the soil from TRANSPLANTING INTO THE OPEN FIELD. 89 the roots in bandliiig them. As each tray is filled place in the wagon, and when sufficient number is obtained all hands are away to the iield. A careful way here is for each hand to take a tray, and following a row, slip the plants out into the furrow at the crossings, keeping them upright and as much soil about the rootlets as possible. When in place, press some line soil around the plant with the hand, so it will stand firmly. It will not come amiss then to water each plant (about a pint to the plant), and the next morning go along with the hoe and hill up the dirt to it. It will hardly know it is moved in this way, if they have been ^'hardened off" well (see Paragraph 32), and this will add to the earliness of your ''earliest of all" at least a week. Have a care, also, if you take different kinds in your trays, or in the same wagon-load, not to get them mixed up in setting them out. Let me put in a warning against the use of "vol- unteer plants," or such as come up of their own accord in the spring on soil planted to tomatoes the year before. They cannot be depended on as true to kind, not even if the best of selected stock seed was used the year pre- vious. My crop was once destroyed by cut-worms, and I used some volunteer plants and had seed that produced all sorts. I am often asked: ''Why will not 'volunteers' come true to kind?" I am not able fully to answer this question, but I have a theory which may help some one else to study it out. It seems strange that it is so; in- deed, it appears impossible, yet I know it is true. It is worst in the South — in Florida, Mississippi, and else- 90 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. where — where frosts do not kill them out during the winter. Things left to themselves get wild, degenerate, "run out." Without coddling or nursing under the most favorahle circumstances for their growth, they keep only the most hardy qualities, while the best and tender- est parts retain only enough of themselves to sustain life — that is, these parts run down to the lowest range of limit and live. Hence the diii'erence bet\yeen a wild native tomato and one of my improved smooth varieties. I have no question hut the best tomato on the markets to-day, if left to itself for eight or ten years, would ''run out" or degenerateto the lowest point of its limi- tations; but that same tomato, if not crossed with other kinds, could be brought up again (by ohserving to put it under right conditions) to tlie highest point of exeel- lence within its limitations. Hence it will be seen that the stock-seed grower must be one wdio understands how to ''keep w^" their excellencies, if the fruit-growers get what they desire, and ought to have, from year to year. Another reason lies in the fact, that if this is any kind of tomato which has any original wild mixed blood in it, lying out all winter is calculated to furnish the con- ditions for its development; and hence it appears, while under the better or higher cultivation, such things would continue latent, and might not be seen for years. Coming back from this digression about "volun- teers" to the matter of Transplanting again, another way of handling the plants for field culture, especially for large acreages, when so great care cannot be taken for want of time, and because of expense of extra help. TRANSPLANTING INTO THE OPEN FIELD. 91 is to let one hand take the tray on his arm and drop one plant in each hill, with the tops all one way; then an- other can follow up, coming to the plant against its top instead of its roots, and with his "Cleaves' Dibber" (or similar implement) make a slanting hole in the soil in the Eill, and lifting it, slip the tomato root in and let the dirt fall back on the plant, giving it a little firming down with his foot as he passes on. With practice, boys sixteen to twenty years old get to be experts in the use of the dibber. Afterwards apply the water, and hoe up the next morning, as before described. In this way plants can be set but until the first of July for a general crop. Sometimes, if desirable, the seed can be planted J!^^ w*rir SOWING SEED. in rows in some rich, waste soil in the open field, from 1st of May to the 15th of same month. To transplant these, wet the row^s thoroughly two hours before pulling them; pull, and set as described before in this paragraph, but always put the water to them and hoe in the dry soil 92 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. after the water soaks away. I^ot many plants will be lost this way, but they will be stunted a little, and so will not bear fruit so early after transplanting as plants raised in hotbeds and brought up in the cold-frames. It is never necessary to wait for wet weather in order to transplant successfully. Plenty of water used in taking the plants up, and also in setting out again, insures a good supply of rootlets and good mingling of them in the ground again. If this is followed with the hoe or suitable cultivation almost at once, the results are more satisfactory than when one works in soil that is too wet, for then the soil is apt to' bake, and sometimes hardens around a stalk and fairly girdles it. Do not get nervous, and put your plants out too early. Nothing is gained by it. Cold rains, cold nights, danger of frosts, and shady days, injure them and de- stroy many plants. Wait till you feel you will have w^arm, growing weather, then stick them in. I have Avaited till the first of June for early here, and then came into market before others who had set out two or three weeks ahead of me. A good way to tell when it is safe to risk transplanting in the field, is to Avatch the buds on the oak trees, and when the leaves are like a squirrel's foot the time has come for first early to be set out in the field. 41. Implements for Cultivation. — These may be any ordinary implements for cultivating the soil, such as one has at hand and employs in other crops; but what- ever is to be used should be on the ground, for cultiva- CULTIVATION OF FIELD CROP. 93 tioii must begin at once after the transplanting is finished in the field. The Planet, Jr., implements are, all in all, the best in the market, and can be bought of seedsmen everywhere. The Planet, Jr., Horse Hoe and the Planet, Jr., One-Horse Harrow, for surface and level cultivation, are A Xo. 1. TWELVE-TOOTH HARROW, WITH .^ERIZER ATTACHED. PLANET, JR., HORSE HOE AND CULTIVATOR COMBINED. 42. Cultivation of Field Crop. — Tomatoes need culture as soon after transplanting as possible, and after that about once a week till the vines fall down and make further cultivation impracticable. But even then, if the season has been such as to allow big weeds to show themselves above the plants, go through after a heavy shower and pull them out by hand. The fine steel- toothed one-horse harrow is best for level and first cul- tivation. Tlie Planet, Jr., Cultivator will answer for second and third cultivation. If marked out to sow 94 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. both ways of the Held, and if at all convenient, work the crop both ways alternately. Great care must be a ken not to disturb the roots after the plants fall down or are in l)loom. Yerv shallow culture is best after the plants begin to spread out over the field. The same general matters of importance in the culture of any crop apply to raising tomatoes in their ^'down-cultiva- tion'' in the open Held. AVork them well, keep the ground clear of weeds, give them room to ''spread thevnselrts,'^ and the grower will not need to complain of results. MULCHINU TOMATOES PRUNING ON DOWN-CULTURE. 95 Other methods, more or less practieal to some of my readers, deserve mention and description here. According to circumstances or desires of the growers, they luive heen employed to greater or less advantage. These are Staking up and Trellising in various ways, which are increasingly popular from season to season. 43. Mulching Tomatoes. — Yov down-culture, there may he added to the al)0ve methods of ordinary cultivation that of mulching the ground quite heavily under the vines with straw. This is especially desirable for a dry, sunny hillside location or for dry seasons, or in any kind of light soil that spatters up hadly on the fruit, or in very weedy, foul ground. This is only prac- ticable Avhen one has the straw and not too large an acreage to cover. It is especially desirable to turn the vines a little along the rows, and, it may be, to trim the to[)S that seek to drop over to their neighbor's rows, so as to leave a comfortable and convenient walk between them to gather the fruit. Land is not generally so scarce as yet in America that we cannot aiford to give our tomatoes plenty of room to grow all they want to, and so do us better service all around. Try some toma- toes with this straw mulch, and see how it works for you. If the season turns out wet, then draw the straw away from the roots and leave between the rows. 44. Pruning on Down-Culture. — If a grower has the time and working force to do it, there is real, substantial gain to pass along the rows, and when the 96 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. side-shoots begin to appear select, say four, of the most vigorous aud let these only grow — cut oft' all the rest. If you cut them oft' as fast as they get to be an inch or two long, you will get the best results out of the trim- ming. You will need to pass over them several times to get it best done, but you will like it in improved quality of fruits gained. Some also advocate cutting the ends of vines oft' after the tenth of September. This can be done as conveniently with a common hand corn- knife as anything else, and may be worth a trial, although I cannot speak from any deftnite experiences of my own. 45. Staking up Tomatoes. — For a considerable crop, this method is being tried more and moi^e, and the evidence of experience is in favor of it, where it can be done at all. In some of the Southern States their Held crop is raised in this way. It is a most advantageous method for farmers, village, or city gardeners. The stakes may be poles of two or three inches growth and six ta eight feet long, or sawed lumber of one inch thick by two or three wide, and the same length as above. These should be got ready during leisure time, the winter pre- vious. After the second cultivation in the open fteld,. or when the plants are twelve or fifteen inches high, just before they fall down and begin to spread out, put the stakes in the front end of a wagon or sled — not more than one-half a load. A wide-awake boy can drive the team straddle of the second roAv in the field. Two men, with an ax apiece, can set and drive them, one in the first and the other in the third row on each side of the TYING UP. 97 conveyance, and by taking every other one they can also place a stake in the row at the rear of the vehicle. They can do this without getting out, and so set three rows "at a through," and with good speed. These stakes should, of course, be sharpened beforehand, and when left should stand quite lirmly in the ground. Another method of fixing these stakes in place, is to take a reasonably heavy crowbar of iron, having a sharp point and a swell above it to make a hole about same size as the stake to be set. By raising it up and forcing it into the ground a few times in the same place, a hole of sulHcient size and depth will be made, so that when the stake is thrust into it solidly, and the earth tramped lirmly about the surface with the feet, it will stand ready for service. An ax or sledge can also be used to drive a short stake with a rins: of iron around the top to keep it from splitting, and when removed carefully the tall stake can be set in the hole, as described above. If any one has other methods which are handier for them, they will answer. The point to be attained is to get a stake from four to six feet above ground, which is strong enough, and set firm enough, to hold up a tomato vine in full bearing, and to get this ready and in the hill by the time the plant is ready to topple over on the "'round. 46. Tying up to tlic stake is done l)y using some soft twine, jute, or raliia, which can be l)Ought of seeds- men at a few cents a pound, altliouii'h anv kind of strino- will answer if not so tine and hard as to cut the plant. 98 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. With this tie loosely around the plant and iiut the last tviniJ: should be made lirm to the plant, because the heavy fruit must he sustained; yet this last tving should also be above where the fruit ''sets'' on the vines. Here let me say, that some of the o1)jects of ''staking up" are to get larger, cleaner, smootlier, better flavored fruits, and especially an earlier, and a larger number of choice, marketable fruits to the vine. Many, therefore, when about five to eight clusters liave set on each stalk, do not let more grow on it, but while prtining trim them off, and throw the strength of the vine into these clusters. They claim that this brings quicker and more '' earliest of all" than ordinary culture. This necessitates "Prun- ing," wliich we will describe in tlie next paragraph. Another method of ''tying up," especially if you have Hat stakes, is to take a piece of braid, or a strip of cloth or leather, three-quarters inch wide and four to six inches long. Give it one turn around the plant, and drive a tack through the two ends lapped over each other and into the stake, at each foot of its growth. If two shoots are allowed to grow, tack on opposite sides of the stake, so as to fasten a shoot on each side. Here again anything will answer that liolds the }>lant up to the stake and does not injure the growth of the vine. I might say, for Western men Avho will likely want to use pine board stakes, dip the part of the stake that goes into the o-round, and a foot more of it, into hot, TYING UP. 99 stroiig' l)riiie, baviiii;'. a jnnt of tar tu t-very two gallons of brine, put into it when hot. It will help, too, to put into it a little crude carbolic acid, also a little cheap oily matter, like crude petroleum. This is a cheap decoction which will go a long way, and pay well in preserving your stakes. Stakes should l)e piled up in a dry shed when not in use. Anotlier thing, if only a few clusters are allowed to grow on a vine, then a succession of plants should be set every two weeks until the fourth of July, so as to have others coming on after these all ri[)en. The last set out will l)e in the first flush for ripening about the time frosts come, so that quite a goodl}^ lot can be held to ripen in a dry, sunny cellar, or shed which is frost- proof, and will sell to advantage. All kinds of fancy "staking uj)'' for l)eauty or profit will afford pleasure for those who have a taste for such crops, and pay well. If one wishes to see how much fruit he can make a single stalk bear, and have for his labor somethino; that will attract his neio-hbor's attention as lie passes by, let him, for each plant, dig a hole not less than two and a half feet square and two deep. Fill it with rich soil mixed in equal parts with thoroughly well-rotted manure. As this compost is put in, '[firw it" around a strong post to stand six or eight feet out of the ground, and nail to it any arrangements of bars, straight or curved, or hoops in any shape or form to suit the grower's fancy, and then train by tying up a good supply of the strongest l)ranches, as before described. By nailing strong wooden hoops, such as are found on 100 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. sugar barrels, about two feet in diameter, to the two opposite sides of the post, as shown in the ilhistration, a ''tree-tomato" can be made which Avill dehght the eyes of all who see it. For the top and bottom hoops, cut into the side of post about one-quarter of an inch, then HOOP. DIAMOND. by cutting thcni in two they can be too-nailed into the post and so fastened Urmly, and also match the otliers. The vines should follow the hoops and leave the clusters open, also let them cross where the hoops touch. The smaller hoops are made by cutting apart and overlapping. The fancy grower may, if he ]*refers, have something TRAINING OR PRUNING TOMATOES. 101 very pretty by nailing liard-wood plastering lath, or sim- ilar strips of any kind of wood, in such lengths as to make a diamond form. Two strong fence wires shoukl pass and be stapled around the outer ends of the cleats, as near an incli apart as may be. Train the shoots out on these like a grape-vine, and keep well trimmed. Many other forms might l)e given and used — in fact, anything desired. 47. Training or Pruning Tomatoes. — Within a few da3'S after, or at the time of iirst tying up to the stakes or trellis, pass along the rows, select one, or two at most, of the thriftiest and most promising shoots on the vine and let these grow. Pinch or cut all the other sprouts off, and do this as often as is necessary, to keep the whole strength of the plant growing into these shoots. It will be needed about once a week. Some growing on rich ground trim off a portion of the leaves, keeping only enough to shade duly the fruits from the hot, scorching suns which occur after summer showers. A successful grower, of twenty-three years experi- ence, gives his methods as follows : " I have a garden spot lifty by sixty-four feet in size; but from it I furnish my family of ten, with all the vegetables they need; and sell from $25 to $30 worth oft' surplus. Tomatoes are my hobby, and I have the reputation of raising the finest in the market. I gained this by using your kinds, and the methods I here describe of cultivating them : I tirst prepare my ground by removing the soil for several feet, put into the trench two feet of manure well tramped 102 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. down, then six inches of soil, and then eight inches of well-rotted manure, and soil again till I reach the sur- tace. In such a soil, cut- worms and grubs bred, and cut otf a iJ:reat deal I idanted. Anjjfle worms honev- combed this soil so that it dried out like an ash heap, as the dry weather came on ; and tomato worms added their work of destruction on the tender growths I tlius secured. Experience had taught me however, that tomatoes love a rich soil ; so I worked to keep this, and still get rid of the pests, and I have succeeded. For two years I have not lost a plant by the worms, and my neiadibors not usini? mv methods have lost heavilv by the ravages of these vermin. My remedy is, ' To one bushel of air-slaked lime and one bushel un- leached ashes, add ten pounds of salt ; mix well and cover over the ground an inch deep, then dig deep with a spading fork and work into the soil at the same time more well-rotted manure. Then cover the surface again with one-half inch of the lime, ash and salt mixture and rake it in thorouo-hlv witli the o'arden rake.' This mixture is a good fertilizer, tlius used with the manure, and is at the same time obnoxious to the pests that work in the soil. I sow my seed in hot-beds about the middle of March, and carefully harden my ]tlants by keeping the sash otf whenever possible, and set out mv plants as earlv in Mav as is safe — two and one- half feet apart each way. Into each liill I stick a pole or board one by two inches and eight feet long. When ])lants are eight or ten inches high, tie up to the pole. When they throw out l>ranchesl select three or four of the TRAININ(4 OR PRUNING TOMATOES. 103 strongest shoots and piiu-h ott'all the rest; and continue to pinch tliem oH*, but tie the others n[) as they grow. I trim out enough leaf-limbs so that the fruit is not crowded and to get air and sun enough for it. About the tenth of September, I cut olf the top. By this severe trimming, the sap is thrown into the fruit, and the sun and the air will ripen it in almost any weather. I mulch the ground well with saw dust around the vines. While in number I may not get as many tomatoes, as if left to run at will, but I get far more weight and the quality is far su|)erior. On his own offer, a grocer paid me in cash, double the price he could get them for from market gardeners, and told me he made more out of them, as he could sell all I could let him have at his own price and sell easier than others, though he did not chars^-e so much tor them.'' I o'ive the above in full from an Illinois o^rower, to show how it coniirms the positions we have taken, and also how well it will pay to do the careful work nec- essary to secure these results. It is likely this grower would have succeeded quite as well, and, I think better, to have trained two stalks up the stake and let two run over the ground at will. Although by tying loosely for all the tyings, but the last one, and letting the stalks swing out, a little apart in different directions from tlie stake, it is not astonishing that he got such tine crops of tomatoes and call it a decided success. Some also add to the above, bagging (as grapes are.) There is no reason why those wIk^ live in cities w towns, as well as fai'mers, might just as well as not have 104 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. all the nice tomatoes the}' can eat. A half dozen stalks iixed and worked as described above, will produce all any family can eat. 48. Growing Tomatoes in Barrels. — This is a method strongly recommended in the American Agricul- turist a few years ago. For early fruit, place a barrel as large as a coal-oil barrel, in a warm corner about the buildino's.. Let it down in the o-round about one-third its height. Do not forget to bore three or four inch auger holes in the bottom to let the water out. AVhen the barrel is well packed in, till it half full of fresh, hot stable manure and tramp it down tightly. Pour a bucket full — two gallons — of hot water upon this ma- nure, then put on good soil eight inches, then a mix- ture of well-rotted manure and rich, black loam in about equal quantities, until you reach about eight to twelve inches of the top of the barrel, then heap manure around outside. Set three plants in this and trim to two shoots each. Train one of these each up on stakes or on buildings near by. For the other three I advise to take a strip of cloth about six inches wide, spread it over straw wadded around the barrel's chime and tack it fast, then let the latter shoots grow out over this cushion and run at will. Be careful to give these plenty of water. A o-allon each dav will not be too much. Three or four old barrels set around in odd corners which are likely to be otherwise unimportant will fur- nish enough tomatoes, and a variety at that, to supply a family of live for a whole year. TRELLISrX(i TOMATOES. 105 49. Trellising Tomatoes. — During- the winter, prepare stakes — prcterahly l)()ar(l one or oneand aqnarter inches thick, three wide and. four to seven feet long — as tall kinds or fruitfulness of soil may demand. Shar[>en these so they can he easily driven into the ground as directed in paragra}>li 45 on " Staking ap:'* On one edge of these stakes drive wire nails — stiff six or eight pennies, having a large. Hat head on them will answer. Drive the tirst nail near to top of each stake, and another each foot downward till the last rail would be about fifteen inches above the ground when set in the Held, thus — STAKE. These, nails should be set so as to incline upwards a little. See cut. After your growing crop has been worked through thoroughly with the cultivator, then as described "in paragniph 45, put in the stakes; only set these so that the edges, with the nails in them, will line along the row^just over the plants. Set these stakes twelve feet apart in the row, or as near that as can be to set the stakes four inches from the plants. With Wire Xetting. Buy in uncut rolls of one hundred and fifty feet each wire netting (such as is used for fencing poultrv- runs or yards). It should l*e galvanized, havino- three 10(3 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. inch inesli, and sueli a width as will have it reach tVoni the lowest nail on the stake to the highest. Cut this roll into twelve lengths, each twelve and a half feet long, and hook on the nails on the stakes, stretching each as tightly as a man can conveniently pull it, allowing the ends to lap over each other on the nail in the stakes. This atfords a continuous trellis across the tield. For trellised tomatoes the ground should he marked, or fur- rowed out in three and a half, or four feet rows, running north and south where at all convenient. 'The plants should he set ahout two feet apart in the rows. In cul- tivating after the wire netting is put on the stakes use a short single-tree, from a foot to fifteen inches long. To the right eud of it fasten firndy a piece of hickory, l)road enough to cover tlie end and clip on single-tree, and long enough to reach eight inches up the tug. It should come to a point at the upper end. "When the tug is to he hitched on that side, first slip on it a thin, flat iron ring, then hook on the tug, and slip the ring down over the point of the stick, until it is held firmly to tlie tug. This will let the end of the single-tree pass hy vines and wires Avithout catching on them, and so enahle the grower to cultivate throughout the entire season if he desires. Only we recommend very shallow cultivation after the plants hegin to hloom. It nuiy seem expensive to Iniy the wire netting ; but with care it will last for years, and is as cheap as any- thing else one can buy. To he sure, you can use other kinds of wire fencing, such as the steel wire Fence Board four inches wide ; the Keystone ; the McMulleu : the TRELLISING TOMATOES. 107 Sedgwick and the Page woven-wire fencing ; or one can use smooth fence wires on each side of the stakes, rnn- ning tliem the wliole length of the row, a pair of them each foot upward from the ground. The tying up and the pruning will he done the same as described for " staking up'' (see paragraphs 45 and 46), except this: we suggest that about four shoots be tied up and spread out along the Avires, so that the slioots will, as they grow up the trellis, be equal distances from each other. The particular advantage of the wire net- ting, or wire fence-board, or woven wire of any kind, is that no tying up is necessary ; for when the grower pinches off unnecessary growths, he simply pushes the tops of the growing shoots, now this way and now that u-ay, back and forth through the meshes, and they will retain their places so on to the top, when they may be cut off, or tied in a bunch above the trellis and left for a shade, if the season is hot and dry. If the grower has plenty of tall, sUm undergrowth timber, he can cut long poles and nail these to the stakes ; but then he must do some tying up for these. Attend to this fastening up and pruning every week in growing weather. It will take, at least, four prunings to " lay a crop by ' ' in this thing. Y^u say this is too much work. Well, a great deal of it can be done in leisure times beforehand : and what can not, we can lessen a great deal by arranging to do it as conveniently as possible. Anyhow, a man must not growl about work, if he gets good pay for it. Try a few this way, and I venture you will soon see your Avay clear 108 LIVINiiSTOX AND THE TOMATO. to put more out so. Tonuitoes will be earlier, smoother, sweeter, cleauer. more easily harvested aud marketed, bring a better price, and nearly as nniny more ean Ite planted on an acre than for down-eultnre. and this saves fertilizers. The grower lias, also, far better control over his crop, to work with it : to mulch, or to remove mulcli- FKAMK riJKl.l.i- ing, as the season is ilry or wet : to apply spraying de- coctions, or mixtures, against enemies : and to regulate sun and air to the fruits. It is justly growing in favor with advanced and careful market gardeners. It is an advantage, too, if one wishes a succession of crops, as early, medium, late — especially for the last named. Frrtst TRELLISIX(J TOMAT<:)Ej 109 will not cut tliciii utt' so soon. Then, l)v removing the hnte plants witii a spade, when we reaeh the danger of frosts, they will be in full bearing, and by rolling together the twelve foot lengths of fencing, plants, roots and all, they can. with care, be put on a sled, hauled to a shed, HOOP TRELLIS. unrolled and set up again to ri[)en after others are gone. These will furnish fruits, quite fresh, till after holidays, and l»ring good prices. Tomatoes can l)e trellised on fences or on out-build- iuii's, or on ornamental frame wovk of any kind as easily 110 LININGSTON AND THE TOMATO. as can a grape vine, and in the same ways and forms. Only one thing remember, you must have rich soil, and it must be thoroughly worked before j^ou put the tomato- vine into it ; then water, trim and work well and you will get elegant results. Some enrich two or three feet square and tw^o feet deep mixing in unleached ashes, air-slaked lime and salt in the following proportions : one bushel each of the ashes and lime, to ten pounds of salt, and applying an inch and half of this mixture to each plat, and work it well into a full spade's depth of the soil. This will keep vermin of the soil out and act as a fertilizer. On this plat is laid around the plant four stout barrel-hoops of different diameter, then three or four stakes are driven into the earth so that the hoops can be nailed on or tied on them — the smallest at the bottom, the next largest a foot higher and so on to the top (see cut) only put two more hoops on than cut gives. Shingling-lath or poles can be nailed into squares or triangles or other shapes, and be employed as above with the hoops. The tomato is to grow up and spread out in these — trimming, tying up and cultivating as before described in tlie pai-agraplis immediately preced- ing this one. This plan is for home use mainly or for city -lot culture. Trellis ox Wire and Lath Combined. On the authority of the Ohio Experiment Station, I give the following plan for trellisi ng, as it recommends itself to my judgment, it is both cheap and practicable : row them three and a half to four feet apart ; trans- TOMATO CULTURE UNDER GLASS. Ill plant in the rows two feet apart ; set two strong posts at the ends of each row, and brace earefnlly ; set other stakes betw^een as may be needed, say every two rods ; take two wires, about the size used in baling hay, and stretch tightly between these end posts, three and a half feet from the ground; set now common plastering lath, one to each plant, w^eaving the tops between the wires ; tie or tack up the plant to these, and trim as before ex- plained. With care this is a neat trellis and staker combined and will last for several years. It is also cheap. 50. Tomato Culture under Glass. — I have vis- ited thousands of hot houses in different parts of the land and taken many notes of use from those who manage them, which I am tempted to spread out upon the pages ot this book, but as my own personal experi- ences in this line are limited, I think it wiser for me, and better for my readers to peruse an article prepared by that well-know^n authority on this subject. Prof. E. C. Green, of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. I give his article in full, because in addition to culture under glass, he endorses in it many things already writ- ten in the preceding pages : Tomatoes as a Speing and Summer Ureen House Crop, by e. c. green. The prices that van be obtained for this crop in large quantities in most of the western cities are not suthcient to pay for forcing in midwinter. We have found, however, that the houses can l)e used to good advantage in growing a tomato crop after the season for let- tuce and other winter crops is over, and when the space is not needed for anything else. Working with this object in view, we 112 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. use the house for other crops while tlie wiuter season hists and keep tlie tomato plants in as small a space as possible, which space is not large enough to be seriously missed. As a general rule, vegetable houses are empty after the middle of May and produce nothinu' after the lasts crops of radishes, and lettuce are taken oH. Vegeta- ble houses could in this manner, with almost no cost for fuel and no extra expense for filling ))enches with soil, l)e made to lu-oduce quite an increase in income, the main work l)eing the growing and train- ing of the plants. The demand for these house-grown tomatoes has ])een a con- stant surprise, and at no tmie have we had enough to meet it. In the midst of the strawberry and iasi»l)errv season tomatoes sold at fifteen to twenty cents per quart, qr aV)0ut double the price of berries. Tomatoes were shipped in from the south, l)ut did not seem to hurt the sale of those- from the greenhouse. l>eing inferior in quality and selling at lower prices. In order to get plants ready to set in tlie beds al»out the middle of March, or as soon as the second crop of lettuce is cut, the seed should be sown al)out the middle of December. If the seed is sown much earlier than this the i>lants will become too large, and are lia- l)le to injury l>y croAvding. No special care is needed in germinating the seed, but the young plants must hav.e good care. Tomato plants are like corn in that tliey need all the warmth and sunlight they can get, and at all times they should l)e kept in the warm part of the greenhouse and not allowed to get chilled. The soil should not be allowed to get dry, but excessive watering shoubl be avoided. They will thrive with less water than many other classes of plants. After the plants get their second or thired lettuce brings the price down ; but when the tomato plants are set out if good lettuce plants are set betAveen them, a fair crop of lettuce may be grown before the tomato plants ^jeacli any considerable size. But after the lettuce is off' the tomatoes should have the entire ground, and should be given a good mulch of fine manure, which will assist in holding the water that is ai)plied to the bed. After the lettuce is off", or perhaps before, the tomato plants should be trained to one or two stalks. To train the plants some support must be given, and wire or string is preferable to stakes. The top of the wire may be made fast to the rafters, and the bottom anchored by means of sharp wooden pins of hard wood driven into the bottom of the l)enches, or by wire stretched across near the surface of the ground. The plants must be tied to these upright strings or wires frequently as they grow. Pruning is another part of the work which is very important, not onlv to increase the size and earliness of the fruit, l)ut to get the largest yield possible on the smallest space, and to keep the plants in good shape. It is not the nature of the tomato plant to confine itself to a single stalk, and when compelled to do so its efforts to grow si'de branches are very i)ei"sistent. Not only will sprouts come out at the axil of each leaf, but the ends of the blossom stalks will develop into branches and even tiie upper surface of the nuiin vein of the leaves will throw out sprouts. All of these must be taken oft", or there will be a tangled mass of vines if the plants are very close together. Varieties. '^Tlie varieties that do well out of doors are the ones that will do well in the house. It is hest to raise the kinds that the market demands. The Acme' and Beauty are the l)est of the ]»ur]tle kinds that have been 114 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. tested, althougli no better than some of the red sorts. Among the red kinds the Perfection and Paragon are good. The Lorillard, which has been highly recom- mended for forcing, has not done as well under our sys- tem as some others. The early, rough varieties are not desirable, as the pruning seems to make them more ir- regM.ilar. We have given the Atlantic Prize, one of the best of this class, a thorough trial, and have discarded it because it does not sell well. The same remarks ap- ply with even greater force to Hundred Day, King of Earlies and Salzer's Earliest of All. The Dwarf Cham- pion has some qualities to recommend it. The plants can be set closer too:ether and nearer to the ii'lass than other varieties. The hrst fruits that set are of fair size, while on some other varieties they are small. It is difficult to prune on account of the heavy leaves hiding the sprouts, and it does not yield heavily. The Golden Queen is one of the best of the yellow kinds, but there is little call for a yellow tomato in this season of the year. The Potato Leaf is the opposite of the Dwarf Champion as regards ease in pruning, as it grows very long and spindling. It does not yield heavily, but the fruit is quite shapely and of fair size. '^Besides the kinds mentioned, we have tried Ignotum, Matchless, Michel's ^ew, Livingston's Stone, but they have no qualities that render them more de- sirable than those first named. Bulletin 28, June, 1891, Cornell LTniversity Experiment Station, by Prof. L. H. Bailey, touches many points in tomato forcing not treated of in this paper, and will be found useful to those wishing to force tomatoes in mid-winter." TOMATO ENEMIES, DISEASES AND REMEDIES. 115 Prof. Green thus advises tomatoes as a spring and summer crop under glass after lettuce and other pro- duct. It can then he forced with profit. He says : '^The essentials to he regarded are, (a) to have the plants sufficiently advanced to set in the beds about the middle of March, or as soon as the last crop of lettuce is cleared olf ; (/>) to prune off all the lower branches and suckers ; (c) to keep the plants tied up to sup- ports." 51. Tomato Enemies, Diseases and Remedies. — It is encouraging to know, that as a field crop the tomato has fewer and less formidable pests than any other crop of so extensive culture. But it has some, and every grower will get ac- qainted with them (often to his sorrow), as the crop passes throuti-h its various stasres from sewinic the seed to the ripening of the fruit. We will mention some of them under their C(Miimon names, together witli such remedies as are good to use. 52. "Damping Off.'' — I name this first, because you are likely, as a grower, to meet with it first. It is a trouble that manifests itself wliile the plants are young, by rotting them off near the surface of the ground. You will, observe them to bend over, wither away, and die. There is difference of opinion as to the cause of it ; but I favor the idea that cold, dark, damp weather encourages it. If there is added to it an at- mosphere that is foul to the tomato, such as one mijj'ht 11(3 LIVIXGSTOX AND THE TOMATO. expect to find in a hot-bed iin ventilated or not aired out daily, one would expect to find such a result. If this is the cause, then the cure is better ventilation, more judicious li eating, and greater dryness. 53. Cut-Worms. — If you })lant on sod-ground, or on an old pasture, plowed u}) (which is very good for a tom^ito crop), then look out tor cut-worms. Your plants will not be long in the ground until you will see that something has cut them oft' near the ground. Sometimes these are very destrnctive. just as thev are on corn. I consider it an advantage to plow late in the fall, and it will not hurt to jdow again in the spring. Tearing up the ground thus often, seems to destroy the worms, and generally u[»sets their designs upon a to- mato crop. If it is rememl)ered that the plants are set out in the fiekl quite a considerable distance a[>art : and that this worm does not eat oft* roots only l)y accident, but comes out at night to feed on the stalk, and that it burrows into the oTound ao-ain when his meal is over, leavino-the traces on the surface, where he went into it : then it will not seem such an insuperable task to go and hunt tliem out and kill tliem. They are rarely more than an inch down in the soil. A few hours" work will kill many, and save many a plant. Robins, yellow ham- mers, meadow-larks, l)hiejays, mocking birds, and quails, are very fond of these worms, and are generally friends of the grower. I encourage all laws tliat de- fend them, even if thev out six or seven feet long, firndy driven into the ground. Of course, there is some work in this manner of growing the crop, but it has the advantage of growing a fourth to a third more jdants, getting the weeds out of the way easily, and having more iind finer fruit. — G. N. S., Welleslci/ Hill, Mass., in the American Garden. THE BURER. 125 Tomatoes Trained to Stakes. Last spriuii" I eoiichuled to give the Perfection Tomato a fair trial oil stakes. I Jiad a garden in the heart of tlie city 150x180 feet, surrounded by a fence six feet high. On the sides facing east, west and south I set on May 25th, three hundred plants that had been well grown, and five-inch oak stakes six feet long by one-and-a-half inches square were driven into the ground beside each plant. The plant was allowed to grow but one stem, all side shoots being pinched off until the top of tne stake was reached. They require the pinching and tying four times during the season and set an aver- age of six clusters of tomatoes. Not one rotted and the flavor was so superior that we had as reaver your competitors to tftrn the trade y(^nr way. Watch for them and work for them. It i>ays. 59. Harvesting, Marketing, Shipping and Selling. — As these items of business occur together, we will describe together. Tlie tomato is perishable fruit and must be disposed of within ten days after they begin to ripen. To put it in round numbers, ripe fruit may begin to appear in one hundred days after seed is HARVESTING, ETC., FOR SHIPPERS. 127 put into the ground. Many conditions of season, cul- ture and soil enter in to vary tliis time for " earliest of all " however, and you must remember that in building up your expectation. I see some seedsmen advertise kinds that will rii)en in seventy-five days after sowing the seed. While I do not discourage your trying a packet, I feel much safer in directing you to be ready to harvest in one hundred days, or even later. When- ever it does come, you must be ready to do (piick work. Get reports and keep posted on the markets. Have all boxes, crates, baskets and hands to use them, at com- mand, for even a day's time will lose, or make you money as you use it. 60. Harvesting, etc., for Shippers. — Remember this is a time when you will be in a hurry. As one grower said to me, ^' It will be dollars to you often to get them into market (piickly." Long before the crop ripens then use up some leisure moments in securing four good, stiff peck-baskets for each picker you are to employ. Line tliem with felt paper or similar solt material and cover with muslin. This is to keep the rough parts of the basket trom bruising the fruit as it is picked into them. You cannot be too particular about keeping the fruit whole. It is always money to you to -get your fruit into market in the best possible condi- tion, and this means the most scru[udous care from first to last in handling it. Have ready four-(|uart and eight-(piart boxes, also tliree-pec'k and t"our-i)cck crates, such as are ordinarily 128 LIVIXGSTOX AND THE TOMATO. used for shipping. Of course if jou can invent some- thing better and that will sell your fruit better, do not hesitate to use it. It will be necessary if you handle any great acre- age, to have a packing shed which should be roomy, light, dry and as handy as you can arrange everything to do the work well and quickly. For the first picking, each gatherer takes two of the lined peck-baskets, goes into the field and picks only those which are full-grown and all that show the least tinge of red at the blossom ends. • Put only the most careful hands at this work. If you must work some careless fellows, let them carry to the packing house and return Avith other empty baskets for the careful pickers. Direct these to push ofi' the stems and anything else that may be on them ; to place them — not throw or drop them, even for an inch — into the baskets. There must be no hraise-'i made in picking or getting ready for market or there will be black places when unpacked to sell, and this means either lower price or none at all. When the baskets are full, carry ^ not haul, to the packing house; and this suggests that it may be advisa- ble to locate it centrally in your field. In no case pour out of the baskets, but pick out with the hands ; wipe ofi* the dirt and sort into lots to suit your crop to the trade. Mr. Day, of Mississippi, has had about as much experi- ence as anyone else, and he advises to divide 'Mnto seven grades — ripes, mediums and greens, and each of these again into two grades, viz., into large ripes and HARVESTING, ETC., FOR SHIPPERS. 129 small ripes ; large, iiiediuiu ripes and small, medium ripes ; large greens and small greens, while the culls make the seventh grade and are not to be shipped at all." As Mr. Day says of the above grading, they look better, sell better, keep better and pack better. If he who sorts them in the packing house arranges a set of six flat trays — one for each assortment — on some support about him at a convenient height, that is, in front of him, two trays, two on the right and two on the left hand, then by placing the full basket from the field betweeii him and the middle tray so that the top of it will be even with the top of the trays, lie can clean and sort into the trays rapidly and accurately, just as he removes them from the basket. He should he careful not to mix colors in same trays. When dry, they are packed into the boxes and crates, hurried away to the cai's fo fly by day and by night away to the Northern markets. When packed they should be marked on outside of crates just what they are, and in due time commission men and other salesmen will learn your brand and seek your stock. They can make more out of them and will give more for them. That the reader nuiy know how commission, men feel about this business, I will (piote from Mr. P. M. Kiely's " Southern Fruit and Vegetable Shippers' Guide and Manual : "The importaiu-e <»t' i>n>pcr haiulling, ];)acking, etc., is not properly estimated. If ripe Tomatoes are going to be gathered, be sure you put them in a separate box ; but ripe stock should not be sent forward unless you are only a few hours' ride from market. Even then thev arc hable t<» arrive ni bad order. 130 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. (n'lU'ially r^pcakiiig, tlu' proi>er tiiiK' to gatlK'V and i)ark i:-: when tlu' tomato is full grown and Iteginning to rolor or ])artly colored, depending ui>on the time of tran?iit. The warm weather prevailing at the time will ripen them fast enough. You should not lose sight of the fact that a good many are wanted for re-shipment, and to l)e tit for this trade. t\\v best we iiave must not l)e fully ripe when they reach us. When ship})e'// r/ro/'//. and most of such stock arrived rotten. The regular ])each box ( one-third bushel > should 1>e used. The l)est packing usually ai»i>earing in tlii.-« nuuki't (St. Louis) is that from Southei'U Illinois, where the most exju'riencetl grower.^ reside. Their packing is almost jierfect. No knotty, stunted, ovei- ripe. or otherwise imi>erfect stock should be put in the l)ox under any circumstances. The receijUs from that secti<»n are always sought by the shippers here in consequence. There is a very wide denuuul for theTonuito; all classes being i»urchasers as soon as the i)rice becomes reasonable. Tiie denuuid f(»r it is steadily on the increase. A great deal of money has been nuide ofl' the Tomato, not only in the South, but also North and East. The South is destined, how- ever, to renuun the most profitable region to cultivate them for com- mercial purpose-^. The im]>roved facilities and lower i-ates for reaching Northern or tlistaut markets, continue to atfbrd substantial encouragement. An acre of ground can be made to yield enormous- \\ ill ethcient hands; from one huiith-cd to four hundred biisjuds, according to circumstaiu'es. location, etc. Two hundred is, jterhaps, the limit in the v*er. I see almost none npon the northern markets in that style. I merely mention it here in i>assing. It shonhl be HARVESTING FOR SHORT-DISTANCE SHIPPERS. 131 used for the first picking anyhow aiul also for tlie most fancy markets in tlie largest cities. It can be clone to advantage for this kind of a market. 61. Harvesting, etc., for Short-Distance Ship- pers. — I refer to those not over twenty-four hours away from northern cities ; they might be called intermediate shippers. They need not harvest and shij* until the truit is riper. They will reach the markets in good shat)e and out-sell all the earliest varieties that come farther to market. These come in between those grown in the extreme south and the " first early " of the north, and certainly meet a good demand, but to get this trade the intermediate shipper must exercise great care in picking, packing and getting them promptly on the market. Pack tomatoes for this market at such a degree of ripe- ness that they will reach the market ripe. Place them tightly in the crate, so as to leave none loose, but do not mash them. Remove the stems and wipe each tomato with a cloth as they are put in. Make a special effort to have only the choicest fruit go to market. It may not seem to pay you, but persevere until you get your name up in some uiarket for alwaj's having choice products, and then your success is assured. Xot as much is made of this trade as might be by growers. Go to Southern Illinois and take some lessons. 62. Harvesting, etc., for the Home Market Gardeners. — This is done, not for the tun of it, Init for the mone}' there is in it. This means, put up your stock 132 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. or fruit in the best possible condition to be attractive and desirable by those that use them. I am aware that my readers are liable to get tired being told this thing so often, but I am also aware that the home market- gardener must not get tired doing this or he will suiter loss. The matter of first importance to him is to get ripe tomatoes a few days earlier, if possible, than most other people. If you can do this, you get the first run on tomatoes and impress it on the minds of all classes of customers, that you are '' well-up " in the business, are a careful man and expect to serve therii w^ell. To en- courage you in this, remember that most of the w^ork you do to get this result, will come before spring or summer work commences, when, in all probability you Avould not do much else anyhow, but it is just that much ahead of the ordinary time of working, that only a few will take the trouble then, to do what is necessary to have ripe tomatoes for the home market during the last days of June or the lirst of July, see paragraphs from 45 to 51, for the culture necessary to attain this end. You will need the same preparations for your crop as are given in the last two paragraphs and such other as we may name as we go along. Gather these lirst- ripe, home-grown tomatoes into felt-lined baskets and handle them like eggs, with care. Carry them to the house and sort as before described, only into four grades, viz. : ripes and nearly ripes, and these again into larger and smaller. Ahvays cull out those -wdiich would hurt sales, ^ever put an inferior article on the market, it will pay you tar better to throw it away entirely, although HARVESTING FOR HOME MARKET GARDENERS. 133 auy kinds of tomatoes are relished by liogs, cattle or poultry and if given in small feeds will do them good. The "earliest of all" should be put in berry-boxes and sold at the same price as strawberries. Of course, these will l)e mostly grown under glass; but raise a few this way because it lets you in ahead of others and gets the trade. The second " earlies " are to be assorted into one-quart and four-quart boxes or baskets. These should ahvays be rounded up well in the box, so as to look as full as possible, not to look like they would roll off. They should all be " faced up " in the boxes from the bottom to the top ; that is, put the tomatoes in the box wdth the blossom ends up, or all the stem ends down. Some people say this is not honest, but these same per- sons w^ould curry a horse well if they w^ere taking it off for sale. It seems to me perfectly legitimate to make our fruit as inviting as possible. Every young lad}' acts on this principle, and rightly too, for you and I, my dear friend, would not want to make a wife of a slouchy girl. But see to it that you do not put the nicest ones on top and the poorest in the bottom. That is a mis- representation and is not honest, nor will it pay. While it is right to make the most and best of what we have, it is not right to sell inferior for good and people will not be duped by us long in this or any other way. Sell in the one-quart boxes as long as you possibly can, tor there are thirty-two of them in a bushel, and at a few cents a quart you are getting a better price per bushel, than if you sold at bushel rates. You can do this too, because many only want enougli at this time of year for 134 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. slicing for one day's use, and do not mind a niekle in* even a dime for a box of choice ones. Have some real ripe and some only lialf-ripe from which to till up the box. It pays to suit the customer's taste. Get them to market as early as possible ; but do not try to com- pete with the fruit away down South, as that would be useless. But my early tomatoes are picked fruit, and have a very different appearance and tlavor from that of the- South and I usually get very fair prices. As they get cheaper you can ]>ut in an extra one now and then, as it ma}' be appreciated, but you must not spoil your customers by being too free with donations. [N^ever empty a box or basket into a customer's market-basket ; always lift them out with the hands and ••face them up" as they were in your own basket, then they will look as they are and also appear to be what he bought of you. It takes a little time, but if you say something a little cheery while you do it you will satisfv your customer and that o-oes a o-ood w^ays in bringing him back to you again. AVhether you sell from the wagon, or on the street from the table, aim to appear at regular times and as near in a given place as possible. The customers will look for you and wait till you come. This is the time to take orders for canning. There will likely be some very nice cracked ones among your fruit, especially during some seasons. ]N'ever put these in with the rest, but put in a lot by themselves and ^^ lump them oif" to some one who wishes bulk rather than quality and with a little reduction on regu- lar prices, you can turn them otf and get all they are HARVESTING FOR HOME MARKET (GARDENERS. 135 worth. After this, as yuii approach to tlie Imlk of tlie ero[>, ii'atlier into boxes or crates, wliich you oiiglit to make yourself, so that they will tit your wagon and not jostle about in it, for this spoils tomatoes for cannino\ Also thev should hoM exactlv, when roundino- full a }>eek, a half bushel and a bushel. Take these directly to the lield and as you pick, rub otf stems and dirt, sort into the crates and as fast as full, place in the wagon. This saves handling, but does all necessary at once, and if picked and packed thus, when the w^eather is dry or nearly so, they will get to market in excellent shape. You can't gather so fast this Avay, l)ut 3^ou can get all done that ought to be done this way as fast as any and handle them but once. Of course, do not forget to ''face up'' as already described. Observe the same rule about not turning them in the baskets or upon a cus- tomer's table. Talk nicely all the while, '' face them up'' in a nice neat pile upon the kitchen table and you will please this time and sell more readily at another time. Don't forget that a measure only level full will not sell one-half as cpiickly as one rounding full. The Inilk of the crop is sold for canning, and if you are tixed to handle a large quantity there is a handsome profit in it at thirty-live cents a bushel. When the height comes I go to the canning. houses and get a fair price, carrying them the very best quality and all uniform in appearance throughout. I have found that in whatever 3^ou are dealing and no matter with wliom, if your fruit or vegetables are just as fair and large at the bottom and middle of the package as at 136 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. the top, the price will he better than in any other way. Persons who are accustomed to buying know at once how to rate their customers. Five cents or ten cents on a bushel makes a large sum in the aggregate, and will pay the buyer as Avell as the seller, if he knows at a glance what he is getting and can depend upon it. Start a wagon out over your city, and supply the poor with cheap, wholesome tomatoes, and still get a fair price for it at this time. As for late ones it pays well to aim to meet this demand. Some people never get anything done when it ought to be done, and so they will not get their to- matoes canned till the bulk of crop is harvested and sold ; if now one has nice fruit to sell then he can do so at a good figure. It will pay to risk hitting this market. It is not a question of ''can I sell them ?" but ^'can I have them ?" See paragraph 49 for methods of culture, so as to get them with reasonable certainty and safety. One should keep favorably acquainted with com- mission men and the markets in difi:erent places, and often shipments can be made to advantage. On the advantage of late crops and sales I quote from the ^'Maryland Farmer," as follows : " I raise a bed of tomato plants in the open ground for late planting. They are pretty fair sized plants about the first of June, and a quarter of acre in the field is reserved for them, Thej' come forward generally fnlly as well in proportion as the early plants. I have one pretty good picking from them of ripe fruit ; but as frost approaches they are usually loaded with good-sized green tomatoes. I have sold some of these green tomatoes, but I do not give that as much attention as I might, for I have something l)etter in view. THE USES OF THE TOMATO. 137 " I have a good warm cellar of large (limensions, and acroj^.s tlii^ I stretch poles, just as for hanging tobacco, and I pull up the tomato vines l)y the roots, loaded as they are with green fruit, and hang them, tobacco fashion, on these poles in the cellar. " There they gradually ripen from the beginning of frost to the Christmas holidays, and when I go to town with my little stock and get my 25c or 30c or 35c a quarter of a peck for them, it pays. " If I had a big cellar, properly prepared for the WT)rk, I could coin more money from an acre of late tomatoes, with less actual expenditure of labor, than from any other crop that is grown in the vegetable line. " I give my brother farmers this item, trusting it will do them as much good as it has done me. I remember the first time I carried in a few bushels of these tomatoes, exjDecting a little spare change from them, and came back with $19.45 for them, I felt a great deal astonished at what I had done. But it has got to be a common thing now and I give it to you." 63. The Uses of the Tomato. — I claim to be a " ladies' man " in the best uses of that phrase ; and I want to put something in my book for them. The uses of the tomato enters now into the daily food of nearly every family, in the city or in the country. It is both a vegetable and a fruit ; and has uses co-extensive with alt vegetables and all fruits. I know of no other one. gar- den or field crop that can be put to so many varied uses as the tomato, and still be so palatable to most appetites.. It may be canned for home use, or general markets,, as other fruits. It makes soups by itself, or with any- thing else used in this way. It makes excellent sauces, salads, catsups ; or pickles, sweet, spiced, and sour, green, ripe, or in mangoes. They can be sliced, baked, escal- loped, dried, fried, made into figs, stewed, or into any- thing else desired ; and it is a wholesome diet for sick or 138 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOxMATO. Avell ; old or young ; rich or poor ; leisurely or laboring ; wise or otherwise ; saint or sinner. I here append some recipes, not for reading as much as for reference and to show the various and principal uses of the tomato. I do this with becoming modesty ; for a man feels about as awkward tellino: the ladies liow to cook, as a woman would feel were she to attempt to plow a straight furrow across a forty-rod field. I ought to say, too, that I have gleaned these recipes from all kinds of sources, but have submitted them to the judg- ment of competent cooks who declare them valuable and reliable. Use, if possible, only fresh, nice tomatoes, and you will be apt to get them if you secure as soon as they get cheap enough for you to invest in the quantity you wish to use. The last of the season are never so good as the first ; and especially after frosts have hurt the vines. Tomatoes for the Sick. — "The tomato is the l)est of all vegetables as an article of diet in sickness, e&peciall}^ in bilious diseases. I have heard that they contain calo- mel, or the properties of it, and Avas, therefore a medicine as well as an article of diet. AA^hen one is first beginning to recover from a bilious attack they can eat a tomato with a littl-e salt on it when the}^ can take nothing else, and if you don't like tomatoes try to learn to eat them, for it is a most useful taste to cultivate. I think it was the hardest task I ever set myself to learn to like them, but I was determined I would learn, and I did, and most sincerely thankful have I been since, particularly when recovering from an attack of chills and fever." TKE USES OF THE TOMATO. 189 Mother's Sliced Tomatoes. — "Prepare half an hour before dinner, scald a few at a time in boiling water, peel, slice, and sprinkle Avith salt and pepper, set away in a cool place, or lay a piece of ice upon them. Serve iis a relish for dinner in their own liquor. Those who desire may add vinegar and sugar." Sliced Tomatoes. — "Scald ripe tomatoes; let them stand in cold water fifteen minutes. Then take off the skin and slice in a dish garnished w^ith sweet peppers." It adds to the above to employ tomatoes of differ- ent colors and serve in alternate layers, also choose those of about the same size, or otherwise put the largest lay- ut in tomatoes, season with salt and pepper. Keep up a lu'isk fi^re and cook quick as possible, stirring witli a spoon or 140 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. chopping up with a knife (in the hitter case wipe the knife as often as used or it will blacken the tomatoes.) Cook half an hour. Serve at once in a deep dish lined with toast. When iron is used, tomatoes must cook rapidly and have constant attention. If prepared in tin or porcelain, they do not require the same care." — Mrs. Judge Cole. Fried Toynatoes. — !N"o.l. "Slice tomatoes quite thick; pepper and salt them; roll in flour; and t\y in equal parts of butter and lard. Put them in a dish to be served and keep hot. A little Hour and butter mixed; stir into the skillet with a cup of milk; boil until well thickened; pour over the tomatoes." Xo. 2. "Same as above, only after rolling the layers in flour dip them into beaten Qgg^ then fry, etc. These may be served with or without the flour, butter and milk dresssing named in Xo. 1." Tomato Toast. — "Run a quart of stewed ripe toma- toes through tlie colander; place in a porcelain stew- pan; season with butter, pepper, salt and sugar to taste; cut thin slices of bread, brown on both sides, butter and lay on a platter, and just as the bell rings for tea add a pint of good sw^eet cream to the stcAved tomatoes, and pour over the toast." — Mrs. S.Watson, Upper Sandusky. Tomato Custard. — ''This is recommended in the Modern Cook Book as a i>'Ood diet for invalids. Make a custard of four eggs, one quart of milk and one cup- ful of sugar; add one pint of stewed tomatoes, and bake quickly in small cups." THE USES OF THE TOMATO. 141 Kscallojyerl Tomatoes. — No. 1. '^Put in a lettered baking dish a layer of bread or cracker cruml)S, seasoned with bits of butter, then a Iuxl^v of sliced tomatoes sea- soned with pepper, salt and ^sngar, if desired, then a layer of crumbs, aud so on till tlie dish is full, tini^hing with the crumbs. Bake from three-quarters of an hour to an hour. Onions, prepared by soaking over night in hot water, dried well, and sliced in nearly half inch slices, and browned on both sides in a frying-pan with butter, may be added, a layer on each layer of tomatoes." Xo. 2. ''Put altenuite layers of sliced tomatoes and bread cruml)s into a bread-pan; season with sliced onion, butter, pepper and salt; bake for one hoar." Baked Tomatoes.— ^o. 1. "Cut a thin slice from blossom side of twelve solid, smooth, ripe tomatoes; with teaspoon remove pulp without breaking shell: take a smalL solid head of cal)bage and one onion: choi> tine; add bread crumbs rubbed fine and pulp of tomatoes; season with pepper, salt and sugar; add a teacup of good sweet cream; mix well together; fill tomatoes, i>ut the slice back in its place, lay the stem-end down in a but- tered baking dish Avitli just eno'Kjh water (some cook without water), with a small lump of butter on each, to keep from burning, and bake half an hour, or until tnoroughly done; place a l)it of butter on each, and serve in baking dish. They make a handsome dish for the dinner table."— Mrs. S. AVatsox, Upper Sandusky. No. 2. "Fill a deep pan with ripe tomatoes (as many as will lie on the l)ottom), after first rounding a liole in the center of each and filling it up with bread cruml)S 142 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. or crushed crackers, and seasoned with butter, salt, pep- per and sugar; Pour a teaspoonful of water in the pan, to prevent from burning. Bake brown, and send to the table hot." Broiled Tomatoes. — '^Take smooth, Hat tomatoes; wipe, and set on gridiron, with stem-end down, over live coals. When this is brown, turn tliem over and let cook until cpiite hot through; place them on a hot dish: dress, when eaten, with butter, pepper and salt." Tomato Soups. — Xo. 1. "Take a quart of canned tomatoes, add a pint of hot water, and when all boils add two spoonfuls of Hour, mixed smooth with a little cold water. Stir until it boils again, add an onion chopped fine, then let it cook for twenty minutes, stir- rino^ occasionallv. Strain throuo-h a sieve, add a o-ener- ous piece of butter, salt and pepper to taste, and a table- spoonful of sugar." Xo. 2. ''One quart of tomatoes, one quart of milk^ one quart of water. Boil the water and tomatoes to- gether about twenty minutes, and then add the milk; then (Uie teaspoonful of soda. Let it just boil up. Sea- son as you do oyster sou}), with butter, 2)ep})er and salt: add crackers if desired." — Mrs. Simon Gerhart. Xo. 3. "Meatless Tomato Soup: One quart tomatoes, one quart water; stew till soft; add teaspoon soda; allow to elfervesce, and add one quart boiling milk; salt, pep- per and butter to taste, with a little rolled cracker: boil a few minutes, and serve hot."" — Mrs. D. C. Conkey, Minneapolis, Minn. THE USES OF THE TOMATO. 143 No. 4. ''Skim and strain one ii'allon of stock made from nice fresh beef; take three quaits tomatoes, remove skin, and cut out hard center'' [none is in my varieties]; "put throuii'h a fine sieve, and a(hl to the stock; make a paste of butter and fiour, and, when the stock begins to boil, stir in half a teacup, taking* care not to have it lumpy; boil twenty minutes, seasoning with pepper and salt to suit taste. Two quai'ts canned tomatoes will an- swer." — Mrs. Col. Reid, Delaware, Ohio. No. 5. ^'Maccaroni with Tomatoes: Take three pints beef soup, clear, and put one pound maccaroni in it; boil fifteen minutes, with a little salt, then take up the mac- caroni, which should have absorbed nearly all the liquid, and put it on a fiat plate and sprinkle grated cheese over it thickly, and pour over all plentifully a sauce made of tomatoes, well boiled, strained, and seasoned with salt and pepper." Tomato Pie. — Xo. 1. Southern Tomato Pie — "For one pie, peel and slice green tomatoes; add four table- spoons vinegar, (^ne of butter, three of sugar; fiavor with nutmeg or cinnamon ; bakewitli two crusts slowly. This tastes very much like green a[>ple pie." — Mrs. Ceba Hull. No. 2. Mutton Pie and Tomatoes — •♦ Spread the bottom of a baking dish with bread crumbs, and fill with alternate layers of cold roast mutton, cut in thin slices, and tomatoes pecle with- out sealing', hut it is l)etter to put it in small jars, as it is so rich that only a little is wanted at a time."' 1^0. 3. " Scald and peel carefully small, perfectly formed tomatoes, not too ripe (Yellow Pear or Plum- shaped and Gold Ball are the hest), prick with a needle to prevent hursting, add an equal amount of sugar l)y weight, let lie over night, tlien pour oil" all juice into a preserving kettle and boil until it is a thick syrup, clari- fvino^ with white of an e^'s:, add tomatoes and hoil care- fully until they look transparent. A piece or two of root ginger or one lemon sliced thin to a pound of fruit and cooked with the fruit niay l)e added.*" No. 4. Tomato Figs. — " Allow half a pound of cof- fee-sugar to every pound of t and serve.'' Xo. 3. " StcAv ten tomatoes with tliree cloves and salt and pepper for fifteen minutes (some add a sliced onion and sprig of [)arsley), strain through a sieve, put on a stove in a sauce-pan in Avliich a lump of butter the size of an egg, and level tablespoonful of fiour have been well mixed and cooked ; stir all until smooth, and serve. Canned tomatoes may be used as a substitute." Xo. 4. "For green tomato sauce, cut up two gal- lons (^f green tomatoes, take three gills black mustard seed, three tablespoons dry mustard, two and a lialf of black pepper, one and a half of allspice, four of salt, two of celery seed, one ([uart each of chopped onions and sugar, and two and a half quarts good vinegar, a little red pei)per to taste." Tomato Omfhitc. — " Skin two or three tomatoes, cut in slices, fry in butter, beat up some eggs to make omelette, season with salt and pepper, warm some but- ter in }>an, }»ut in tlie eggs, stirring well to keej) from adhering, mix in tomatoes, turn out omelette on plate, doubling it in two. Another nice way is to roll up tonuitoes in omelette and serve with tomato-sauce." THE EXTENT OF TOMATO CULTURE. 157 There is one tiling all tomato-eaters should remem- ber, that the flavor of a tomato is very delicate. It escapes readily with much handling, sliaking, knocking or haulino; about. Get it and consume it Avhen it comes as directly from the vine as possible. Let market- gardeners also catch the hint. Hurry to the kitchens of your customers with as much care and celerity as you can. They will taste all the better, and so increase the demand for your productions. I do not believe, that the full use to which tomatoes can be put, has as yet l)een attained. I sincerely ask all expert or amateur cooks, who have a good way of using them, to send us the recipes for same, and it will And a place in our next edition. I heartily commend such to try other methods of using tomatoes, as may be suggested to them; and, if they prove valuable, let us know about it. 64. The Extent of Tomato Culture. — My read- ers will be impressed with the greatness of the business about which I have written, by statements like the fol- lowing: "It ranks next in importance to that of Irish potatoes. It is well for us to know the best methods of cultivation, so as to produce the greatest quantity, with ])est quality, and when we need them mostT I hope this book will meet that felt necessity to a reasonable degree. *'A single county in Maryland has over |1,000,000 in- vested in the canning business." "The people of Cobden, III., are }»articularly proud of their tomato crop, and on this poi>ular vegetable the town 'does herself big.' She has been known to shi]* 158 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. thirty-three carloads of tomatoes in one day, and this does not inekide several carloads hauled over to Moun- tain Glen, a town on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, and within a few hours after this great train load was sent off, at least fifty carloads more could have been picked." From the Virginia Experimental Station, as follows: "Few are aware how important the cultivation of special crops is now^ becoming in Virginia. In all the Eastern States, in fact, the tendency of agriculture is in the direc- tion of specialties, and the tiller of the soil who would not fall behind in the race must recognize this fact. • As one among such special crops, the culture of tomatoes holds a hi2:h rank. Statistics sufficient to srive definite information in reqard to the i^ioney value of this crop in Virginia have not yet been collected by the Station. Judging, however, from general statements, there must be in this State no less than eighty^ and probably as many as one hundred, canneries working on this crop, either alone or in conjunction with other fruits. In addition to this, the market crop grown in the vicinity of Xorfolk and on the Eastern Shore, will reach about one-half the value of that used in the canneries. Hence, it seems fair to say that the value of the tomato crop grown for these two purposes alone — for the canneries and for market — cannot fall short of one nuUion dollars annually. This takes no account of Avhat is grown in a general way for local markets and home consumption. As already stated, the estimation is not based upon an accu- rate knowledge of facts, but there is every reason to be- lieve that it is w^ithin bounds." THE EXTENT OF TUMATU CULTURE. 159 Prof. W. H. Bishop, Horticulturist of the Marylaud Experimental Station, has the following to say of the business in that State: ''To-day the tomato may be classed as one of the most important garden vegetables, and, in fact, its culture has so far extended beyond the limits of the garden that it is rather a tield crop than a garden crop. In Maryland alone there are not less than twelve thousand acres yearly devoted to growing this crop, and only about one- fourth of the acreage of the country is found in this State. There are two hundred packing houses in this State that devote the whole or part of the season to canning tomatoes. The promi- nence and magnitude of this industry have induced us at the Maryland Experiment Station to give special at- tention to the questions affecting the grower and packer." The growing of tomatoes is fast spreading into newer countries for the older countries to consume, as the following clip from a recent number of the ''x\meri- can AiJ:riculturist'' will show: "Elibrts are beino^ made to establish a trade for South African tomatoes and po- tatoes in London. Tomatoes would be needed in the London market during January, February and March, and potatoes during February, March and April, and it is urged that the latter be grown in red soil where pos- sible. The London vegetable dealers are prepared to pay from one and one-half to two cents per pound for tomatoes, which would pay tlie farmers, one of whom guarantees to supply from eighty to one hundred tons of the Acme and Perfection varieties.'' It also shows wliat kinds are reachins: from American soil to Lon(h)n mar- 160 LIVINUSTON AND THE TOMATO. kets, and then from "the survival of the fittest" there, finding its way into "Darkest Africa." I now quote in full from the "American Grocer" of Xew York, January 11, 1893. This need not he read, hut is placed here for reference, to show what the l)usi- ness was when this volume was written : Tomato Pack— 1892. " We take pleasure in presenting our thirteentli annual report of the pack of tomatoes throughout the United States and Canada. The total output is slightly hehind that of 1891, the shortage amounting to 38,673. It appears, however, that the total output is above the average of the past six years and slightly hehind that of the past three years. It is apparent that the present consumptive requirements of the country are beyond the average annual pack for six years of 3,179,214 cases. It is certain that the total output of 1892 will have passed into consumption long before another season's operations have commenced. Had it not been for the very favorable weather toward the close of the season, throughout Xew Jersey, the shortage would have been much larger. In the AVest there was a great falling off in the output. Wherever a shortage occurred, it was due to unfavorable climatic conditions. " We separate the report of Canada from our usual tables this year because that market is practically closed to the United States. The pack in Canada this season was comparatively heavy. Tomatoes are selling in Canadian cities at 75 cents per dozen. Were it not for THE EXTENT OF TOMATO CULTURE. 161 the duty of 45 per cent, they might be available for use ill the United States. Here is an instance of the wis- dom of the McKinley tariff in protecting American can- ners aa'ainst the competition of Canadian packers. '^ Throughout the season there has been an unsat- isfied demand for high grade goods. It is gratifying to note that there is a steadil}' widening market for tine brands and that consumers evidence a willingness to pay for qualityj even if some jobbers are reluctant to dis- criminate between standards and extra, to the extent packers deem -remunerative for the extra expense their packing involves. There has been a difl^erence of from 10 to 25 cents per dozen between the price of brands, due wholly to variations in quality and the estimation put upon brands by the retail trade and consumers. Established labels that have represented high and uni- form quality command full prices. " As usual our statement is based on actual returns received from packers and commission merchants, to all of whom we return thanks for their prompt answers and willingness to institute special inquiries. The following table, the pack of 1892, in comparison with that of 1891." 162 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. PACK BY STATES. 1892. IJ^Ol. New Jersey 862,092 950,83;^ Maryland 977,742 744,010 IiHliana 282,717 341,217 California 2.".0,943 21 8,31 1 Delaware 175,700 264,950 New York 146,290 114,774 N'ir^qnia and West N'irginia (2UU0) «)0,386 98,o()0 Iowa 57,500 94,800 Ohio 87,840 90,590 Misscniri 64,621 90,350 ^licliigan 39,602 73,506 Illinois 42,200 68,324 Kansas 30,833 50,700 rtah 55,000 Nebraska 2,210 26,900 Pennsylvania 18,950 15,000 Conneetient •. 14,750 14,400 Colorado 39,262 12,600 Massachusetts ({,557 10,000 Kentucky 2,200 10,000 Arkansas •.>,500 14,500 Tennessee 6,840 Texas 100 4,500 North Carolina 1,5 3,JK)0 South Carolina 7,500 Alal>anui ],170 Cec.r-ia ]L',400 3,000 Total United States 3,223,165 3,322,365 Canada 143,627 83,000 Total United States and Canada 3,,366,792 3,405,365 " The above table represents the minimum number of cases packed. ]Many new factories Iiave been started in the Southern States and some of them have not reported. The total output in 1892 compares with the pack of previous years as follows: Cases of Two Dozex Tins Each. 1892 3,366,792 1891 3,405,365 181»0 3,166,177 1889 2,976,765 1888 3,343,137 1887 2,817,048 Total for six years 19,075,284 Average per rear 3,179,214 Average per years 1890-1 8i»2 3,312,778 THE EXTENT OF TOMATO CULTURE. 163 '' Since our last we have chronicled the death of Mr. Harrison W. Croshy, to whom belongs the credit of first introducing canned tomatoes, packed in tin cans, as an article of trade. He lived to see the industry expand from an experimental point until it was located in nearly every State in the Union. Mr. Crosby's first pack was put up in 1848, while he was a steward at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. A common iron sink was used as a bath. What great advantages have been made in the application of steam and machinery, whereby the cost has been reduced from 50 cents per can, at which prices they sold in 1848, to an average of 7 cents per can for the past seven years ! Demand has increased and the supply expanded, while the cost has steadily declined." Market Review. "The year opened with confidence in the market. Although the pack of 1891 was the largest for years, it was not beyond the requirements of the country. It was aj^parent early in the year that there would be no carry over, as in the days gone by, when new season's goods were met by tomatoes anywhere from one to four years old. The Western Packers' Association held about 80,000 cases at tlie beginning of the year. In March the trade began making contracts at 87J cents delivered for N^ew Jersey brands. April was a quiet month so far as sales for future delivery were concerned; the spot market was inclined to easier figures. 1434 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. "In May there was renewed demand for contracts. Early iu the month a favorite New Jersey pack was sold at 85 cents, delivered here. Harford County No, 8 offered at 75 cents per dozen net casli f. o. h., and Xo. 2 tins at 57| cents. !San Francisco reported sales for fu- ture delivery at 75 cents, less IJ percent, for No. 3 tins. In June offerings were light, hut prices did not advance. Sales on contract were freely made at 75@77J@80 cents f. o. 1). Harford County. ^ During the summer spot stock continued scarce and high. In July Xew Jersey hrands sold at 871 cents and "])ela^^'a^c hrands at 85 cents for forward delivery. San Francisco cpioted 80@82i cents. Some fears were ex[)ressed at this time as to the crop, there ])ein2: too mucli I'ain and too manv huii's. Late in the month the nuirket for futures was 2 J cents higher. Spot stock also improved, so that 90 cents was ohtained in Baltimore and 92i@95 cents in New York. August opened with free sales of futures at 87j@9i) cents foi- New Jersey brands; 82 J(« 85 cents for Harford County. "Deliveries of 1892 tomatoes commenced ahout the middle of August, causing a dro[» in ([notations for spot. The quality of the tirst shi[tment was not of a high order. Eeports (hiring August were not favorable for a large pack, particuhirly in the Western States. Drouth caused an active demand to spring up, brokers reporting heavy sales in early September, chietly from the West. Sales were made at 80 cents eash, f. o. h. Harford County, for large blocks. The market was tirm throughout the month, with liii-ht offeriuii's, as drv weather continued THE EXTENT OF TOMATO CULTURE. 165 and fears were expressed for tlie result in tlie Atlantic Coast States. ^'Toward the close of September and early in Octo- ber, the weather in ]S'ew Jersey, Delaware and Maryland was very favorable for tomato vines, the canneries run- ning full time and some working nights. This weather continued for some time, so that the estimated shortage ill the pack was overcome. The market continued to rule in packers' favor, as it was apparent that the total supply was to be behind that of the previous year. Xinety to ninety-two and a half cents was readily paid in Xew York for jSTo. 3 standard, while 85 cents cash f. o. b. was the lowest price in Harford County. In Xo- vember some of the heaviest operators in the country reported their stocks the smallest held at that time for several years. The demand continued good until the close of the year. Prices ruled in sellers' favor and closed firm at one dollar, at whicli price sales were made. " The following range of prices for the year in Xew York, Philadelphia and Baltimore will convey an idea of the condition governing the market throughout the year. The figures represent prices for good standard No. 3 tins, and generally represent grades of that quality and not such as are regarded extra." 166 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. " The following table gives the range of prices for each month in the year for standard No. 3 Tomatoes in New York, Philadeli^hia and Baltimore : N. Y. ctN. J. No.3. Philadelphia. Baltimore. January SO 85 (a> 90 $0 75 (a "I $0 75 (a 80 February 82^ ^r 90 77i (7r 80 80 (a 82^ INlarch / 85 Qt 90 • 80 (a, 82^ 80 @ 82^ April 82^ @ 87A 80 % 82^ 80 @ — " IVIay 82i (n 85 80 (w 82| 80 @ — June 85 ^^, 87i 82^ (a 85 82J @ 85 July 87-^ (^ 92^ 82^ 0^ 85 85 (Jr 90 August 90 (a 92 J 85 ^/ 87.i 85 (S — September 90 (^ 95 77* ^ 80 82i (a 90 October 90 Qi 92* 82* (7r 85 87^ (a. 90 November 90 (^; 92^ 85 Qh 87i 90 («^ — December 92^ Q, 1 00 87^ (o; 90 90 (a 1 (>0 " The following table gives the highest and lowest prices for standard grade of Tomatoes in No. 3 tins in the New York market for seven years : { 1892 $0 82* (7* 1 00 Highest 1891 80 85 1890 77J @ 1 00 and -] 1889 82* (S 88 1888 90 (^ 1 05 Lowest. 1887 95 (^ 1 10 1886 88i @, 1 15 "The following table brings into comparison the price of No. 3 standard Tomatoes in Philadelphia on January 1, each year for the past nineteen years : Jan. 1 — 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 , 75@ .75(5 95 80 80 75 92* 97* 90" 90 75 80 Jan. 1 — 1883 1882 1881 1880 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 00 22 10 20 90 90 70 50 30 THE EXTENT OF TOMATO CULTURE. 167 NEW JERSEY. ''Xew Jersey loses its place as the banner JState, Maryland taking that lienor. The output in 1892 was 862,692 eases, falling oft' from the preceding year 88,141 cases. The season opened about a week later than in 1891. Most of the liouses opened between Auo\ 20 and Aug. 25, while some did not commence operations un- til early in September. The packing closed at most places between Oct. 15 and Oct. 25. The first settino- of fruit was marketed in good shape, but the second setting was injured by dry weather, and for a time fears were entertained for the pack, but late in the season climatic conditions were exceedingly favorable ; so much so that the expected shortage was reduced to the small quantity noted above. .Messrs. Ivirby Bros, and Mrs. Sarah Aldrich, of Burlington ; Messrs. Brown & Dunn, of Trenton ; the Diamond Packing Co., and West Jersev Packing Co., of Bridgeton ; Chamberlain & Co., of Mercer County, are among those who discontinued work during the 3'ear. Among the new factories was the Hopewell Valley Canning Co. at Hopewell." DELAWARE. '' Delaware falls behind last year 89,250 cases on account of drouth. In some sections of the State the pack was very liglit. about (»ne-half that of previous years. The factories opened between Aug. 20 and the first of September, and closed between Oct. 15 and 27. The old firm of Calhoun and Thoroughbred was termi- 168 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. mited by the purchase of Mr. Thoroughbred's interest by Geo. C. Calhoun. Their factory is located at George- town. J. X. Maxwell operated the factory formerly run by Carsins & Maxw^ell. The factory of A. W. Small, at Lincoln, was operated by Thomas U. Marvell. Among the factories discontinued were Macklin & Co., at Georgetown, Thomas Dutton, at Redden and one at Shelbyville/' NEW YORK. "The packing in this State did not begin until about tlie first of September, although one or two houses started operations a few days earlier, and some not until the middle of September. The pack termina- ted early owing to frost. Many houses packed none. The Xew York State Preserving Company, at Buifalo, was discontinued. The factory at Fairport, formerly o[)erated by C. c^ II. J. Burlingham, was operated by Howard Thomas.." MARYLAND. " There were (piite a number of factories discon- tinued in Harford County, during the past year, Avhile we have added a few names. The packing opened early, some houses o:ettino" at work durino: the first Aveek in August. The season terminated at various dates in October, some houses not closing until nearly tlie end (^f the month. Some of the packers report a yield of 400 bushels of fine Tomatoes per acre. One of the packers writes that he finds it very profitable to sow seed as early as Fehruar}', and to get strong plants out THE EXTENT OF TOMATO CULTURE. 169 al)Out the Hrst of May. lie is of tlie opinion that the early grown fruit is far superior to the late erop. Taken altogether, the season in Harford county must he con- sidered a good one. Had it not heen for drouth the pack in Harford county would have been heavier. In some sections the yield was cut down one-half by dry weather. The pack of the city of Baltimore was ahead of last year. It reached a total of 373,000 cases. We do not count in the Baltimore estimate, Tomatoes pack- ed out of the city, but carrying the label of Baltimore packers." CALIFORNIA AND UTAH. " The season opened about the first of September and closed the latter end of October. One house reports not having closed until the lirst of December. Utah figures in our table for the first time. Three factories in the Territory report an out-put of 55,000 cases." INDIANA. " The season in this State opened early in August and terminated during the last half of September. There were a number of new factories in the State, one each located at Seymour, Ewing, Xorth Indianapolis, KnightstOAvn, Monticello and Spiceland. Several facto- ries in this State packed an average of 30,000 cases each." ILLINOIS. '' The pack in Illinois was 26,124 cases behind that of last year. The season opened late — not until the last part of August, and closed during tlie last fortnight of October. The cro^) was poor. 170 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. IOWA. " This State fVills behind last year 37,300 cases. Tlie season opened toward the end of August and continued until the latter part of October. The factory of The Potter Canning Company was removed from La Motte to Wyoming. The factory at Fairfield was discontinued." MISSOURI. '' Most of the factories commenced work about the first of September. One or two began operations during the early part of August. There was a new factory at Odessa and also one at Independence." KANSAS. '' The crop was hite. Several factories did not pack so that there was a deficiency of 19,867 cases as compared with the small total of last year." THE SOUTH. " There have been a large number of small factories started at various points in the Southern States. As a rule, these houses turn out a small quantity, say 1,000 to 1,500 cases, for which they find a local market. One factory in Georgia commenced in July and stopped in October Avith an output of 5,000 cases. Another in North Georgia also packed 5,000 cases. One of them put up 25,000 cases of peaches. The factory at Gritfin, Ga., was discontinued. In Alabama the Tomato crop w^as a failure and almost nothing was done in Texas and Arkansas." THE EXTENT OF TOMATO CULTURE. 171 OHIO. '' The croi^ was very good in quality, but deficient in quantity. The season commenced from the 5th to the 20th of August." VIRGINIA. " There were quite a number of factories discon- tinued during the year. The season opened all the way from the first to the hUter part of August, and closed at various dates in October. There Avas only a partial crop." From the above report, which is as accurate as is available, we may learn that the consumption of Toma- toes is ahead of the productions averaged for the last six years. Also that the production fell short last year and the stock on hands will be consumed lon^ before the new ones come into market. This means, as we reason, that the Tomato growing and canning business is likely to be good for several years to come. Another thing is clear from tliis report, viz : That " high grade goods " are in demand. (3f course there is more ri^k to aim for this, but there is also more gain if you can make it win. The prospect for Tomato eultuiv, in my Judgment, was never more fiattering. There is no end to newer and better developments in tlie business in kinds, cul- ture, appliances, harvesting and selling. I was much interested in a statement in a recent number of the Rural Xew Yorker, as illustrative of " somethino^ new," which I here irive as follows: 172 LIVINGSTON AND THE TOMATO. " It occurred to the writer last year tliat the Tomato might possibly he induced to become a tuber-bearing plant, lie reasoned that the Tomato berry or fruit is structurally the same as the potato l)erry or fruit ; that the wild potato bears very small and very few tubers, while it bears lots of fruit ; that cultivation alone has reversed this, causing a maximum of tuber and a mini- mum ot fruit. According!}^ several Tomato plants set out last May have been disbudded as soon as the buds have appeared. The plants have grown to twice the usual size of those which are allowed to bloom, and to bear all the fruit they will. The effect on the roots is not yet known. Probably such plants will have to be propagated by cutting through several or many seasons, never allowing them to bloom, before it can be decided whether the Tomato maj' or may not be forced into a tuber-bearing plant. The suggestion is offered to our station experimentors for what it may be worth." Would it not be strange indeed, if in a few years we were to have tuber-bearing Tomatoes as common on our markets, and as much sought after as tlie Irish potato is now? And yet stranger things have happened than this ! I trust the Rural and other reliable papers will follow this up till it is known Avhat can be done for us all in this line. AVell, we have now been too-ether for a lono- time, a whole season through, over these Tomato affairs in the world. I trust you have been not a little interested in reading and icHl be not a little profited by trying to do the things I have suo-o-ested to yon on these pages. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. NO. PAK.\(il:.VPH. PA(;E. Acme Tomato 5 25 Author's Life 9 Introduction 17 Aims 2 20 Baked Tomatoes (io 141 Beauty Tomato 9 31 Black Hot 57 122 Bliglit 5() 120 Broiled Tomato " (;H 142 Borer Worm o^ 125 Buckeye State Tomato 15 4L Butter of Tomatoes <>.•> 146 Canning (io 146 Canners, Kinds for 29 65 Extent of ()4 157 Catsups, Kinds for 80 65 How made <).") 152 Cold Frames H7 78 Colorado Potato Bug 54 117 Crossing Kinds 19 47 Culture in Barrels 48 104 of Field Crop 42 93 Under Glass 50 Ill Implements for 41 92 hy IMulching 43 95 Pruning on Down 44 95 Trimming on Stakes or Trellis 47 101 by Staking Up 45 96 by Trellising 41) 105 by Tying Up 4() 97 into Various Strains 20 49 extent of 64 157 " D'amping ofi'" 52 115 Diseases 51 115 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. NO. PARAGRAPH. PAGE. Enemies 51 115 Escalloped Tomatoes 63 141 Extent of Business 64 157 Family Use, Seeds for 27 64 How vSown 32 66 Ways to Cook 63 137 Farmers Raise Own Seed 22 54 Favorite Tomato 8 30 Figs of Tomato <)3 145 Field Crop Culture 42 93 First Tomato 1 19 For the Sick 63 138 Frames, Cold 37 78 Fried Tomatoes 63 140 Gardeners — Kaise their own Seed 22 54 Kinds to Grow 28 65 Marketing 62 131 Gold Ball Tomato 14 39 Golden Queen Tomato 7 29 Gi own under Glass 31 65 in Barrels 48 104 on Stakes 45 96 on Trellises 49 105 on Ground 43 95 Harvesting, etc ()0, 61, 62 : 127 Hints to American Seed Tra Association 23 57 Home Uses, Kinds for •. 27 64 How to Cook 63 137 H otbeds — Common 33 70 More Extended 35 74 Circular 36 77 Sowing Seed in 34 72 Implements for Cultivation 41 92 Jam of Tomatoes 63 146 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. ,^. , „ NO. PARAGRAPH. puiF Jvinds, How to Get 3 '>! 25 ' aq Will They Run Out ? ' 'V. f. ' ig " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ^g Crossing Them 19 Strains of 9q Can I Raise Mv Own Seed ? 99 47 49 54 57 64 64 65 Why Not a Standard ? 23 For Shippers 26 For Home Uses 27 For IMarket Gardeners 28 For Canners 29 For Catsups and Preserves 30 To Grow under Glass 31 Marketing, etc 59 For Shippers Oo, 61 ^ For Home Gardeners qo " ' jj,. Marker, The ' 39 Market Gardeners, Grow Own Seed ? 22 Kinds for Them 28 My NeAV Method o 65 65 126 127 131 39 83 54 65 00 42 37 ^>M- Dwarf Aristocrat Tomato 1(3 New Stone Tomato 12 Omelette ao Paragon Tomato ^ .^ Peach Tomato, Large Rose 1 - tI Perfection Tomato ^^ ^ Piccalilli .>o *" Pickles t 151 ™ 63 14Q Potato-Bugs, Colorado 54 /*^ Potato-Leaf Tomato n Preparations of Soil 35 38 82 65 Preserves, Kinds for oq How to Make ^o Profits Vi 24 p(\ Pruning— Down-Culture 44 ^l up-cuiture ;;;;; 47 ;;;;;;;;;;;; ^^^ ALPHABETICAL INDEX. NO. PARAGRAPH. PAGE. Queen, Golden, Tomato 7 29 Remedies for — Damping off 52 1L5 Cut- Worms 53 116 Colorado Potato Bug 54 117 Tobacco-Worm 55 118 Blight 56 120 Black Rot 57 122 The Borer- Worm 58 125 Rot, Black; 57 122 Rose Peach Tomato, Large 17 -14 Royal Red Tomato i:} 38 " Run Out," Will They? hS 46 Salads, Tomato ' 63 155 Sauces, Tomato 63 156 Seed (see Kinds( 23 57 Selected Stock Seed 21 51 Selling Under Seal 10 34 Selling, etc 59, 60, 61, 62 126 Sick, Tomatoes for .^ 63 138 Shipping, etc * 59, 60, 61 126 Sliced Tomato 63 139 Sketch of Author's Life 9 Soil, Preparations for Plants 38 82 Sowing Seed 32 66 Soups ^ 63 142 Staking Up 45 96 State Tomato, Buckeye 15 41 Stone Tomato, The New 12 37 " Strains " of Kinds 20 49 Toasted Tomatoes 63 140 Tobacco-Worm 55 118 Transplanting 40 87 Trimming 47 101 Trellising 49 105 Tying Up 46 97 Uses of 63 137 f^^jm^s,"^i^j7i ::iiii|iii|i|ii: m ^*^ WwmSwA w%fM9M mmmmm mmMmmfmm% ^^■^■^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0000'^lt,S47E liliiiliiii^^^^