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jrailps anb
tmtli^s mtb dompnttsons
(3From the ia:c3tt of tJtc anhistoick SEiition of 1826)
Selected anb PrtntcA bg
@^warb aK. ^mith
& good stutft simil«
Taitting of the Shretv
3E^U of comparisons
Love's Labour's Lost
^ ^t^^wASH'"^;^!-'
28 March, 1882
No. -^ ^'
Abound'st. "Which, like a usurer, abound'st
in all. Romeo and Juliet, iii, 3
Absence. How like a winter liatli my absence
been from thee ! Sonnet XCVII.
Affrights. Their touch affrights me, as a ser-
pent's sting. 2 Henrij IV, iii, 3
Age is as a lusty winter. As You Like It, ii, 3
like winter bare. Passionate Pilgrim.
like winter weather. Passionate Pilgrim.
Nestor -like aj;ed. 1 Henri/ VI, ii, 5
Agree like brothers. 2 Henri/ VI, iv, 2
Anger, In anger, Juno- like. Coriolanus, iv, 2
like a full -hot horse. Henri/ VIII, i, 1
Answer like an ABC book. King John, i, 1
Apparel'd like spring. Pericles, i, 1
vice like virtue's harbinger. C. of Er. iii, 2
Appear. Ilis phmnix down began but to ap-
pear, like unshorn velvet. Low Coin/ilainl.
Approach tliou like the rugged Russian bear,
the arm'd rhinoceros, or the Hyrcan ti-
ger, take any form. Macbeth, iii, 4
Argue like a father. Richard II, i, 3
Arm'd, as black defiance. Tr. and Cress, iv, 1
Arms, like to a withered vine. 1 H. VI, ii, 5
Array'd like the prince of fiends. //. I', iii, 3
Arrives. Too swift arrives as tardy, as too
slow. Romeo and Juliet, ii, 6
Awake as from a pleasant sleep. R. ami J. iv, 1
Bad. The fear 's bad as falling. Cijmhel. iii, 3
Baes like a bear. Coriolanus, ii, 1
Barge she sat in, like a burnish'd throne.
Antonij and Cteo/mira, ii, 2
Bark. Like to village curs, bark when their
fellows do. Henri) VIII, ii, 4
Barren. Brain as barren as banks of Libya.
Troilus and Cressida, i, 3
Base. Lie peeping in au eye, base and un-
lustrous as the smoky light that 's fed
"with stinking tallow. Ci/mbeline, i, 7
Battered. These haughty words of hers have
battered me like roaring cannon shot.
1 Henri/ VI, iii, 3
Bear a burden like an ass. Richard II, v, 5
him like a noble gentleman. 2 H. VI, i, 1
him like a portly gentleman. R. and J. i, 5
Like a Roman, bear the truth. Jul. C. iv, 8
me like a true friar. Measure for Meas. i, 4
thee like a king. 1 Henri/ IV, v, 4
your fortunes like a man. Othello, iv, 1
Beard. Great round beard, like a glover's
paring knife. Merry Wives of W. i, 4
Bearded like the pard. As you Like It, ii, 7
Beat hira like a dog. Twelfth Night, ii, 3
Beauteous as ink. Love's Labour Lost, v, 2
as the crisped morn. Timon of A. v, 3 {note)
Became. ISTothing in his life became him, like
the leaving it. Macbeth, i, 4
Believe him as an enemy. Tim. of Athens, iv, 3
Bellowing like bulls or rather lions. Tern/), i, 1
Bestride. He doth bestride the narrow world,
like a Colossus. Julius Caisar, i, 2
Be unto us, as is the nurse's song of lullaby,
to bring her babe to sleep. Tit. And. ii, 3
as a shadow of himself. 1 Henry VI, v, 4
Bewitching like the wanton mermaid's songs.
Venus and Adonis.
Bide like sorrow. Richard III, iv, 4
Big as hell can hold. Ci/mbeline, ii, 4
as a flag in a foretop. Henry VIII, i, 3 {note)
Bitelike an envious sneaping frost. L.L.L.i, 1
the lip, as angry wenches. T. of Shr. ii, 1
Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky,
That dost not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot. As You Like It, ii, 7
Bitter as coloquintida. Othello, i, 3
to me as death. Ci/mliKline, v, 5
upon my to)igue, as in my thought.
]Vinter's Tale, V, 1
Black as Acheron. JJids. Night^s Dream, iii, 3
as death. Hamlet, iii, 3
as ebony. Lovers Labour Lost, iv, 3
as e'er was crow. Winter's 'Tale, iv, 3
as hell. Sonnet CXL VII.
as his purpose. Hiunlef, ii, 2
as if besmeared in liell. Ilcnr;/ VIII, i, 3
as incest. Pericles, i, 3
as ink. Two Gentlemen of Verona, iii, 1
as jet. Titus Anclronlvns, v, 2
as Vulcan. Twelfth Nii/ht, v, 1
forsooth; coal-black as jet. 2 Hen. VI, ii, 1
O damned paper! black as the ink that "s
on thee. Cifmhellne, iii, 3
Soul black like his face. Titus And. iii, 1
Blank as nothing. Troilus and Cressida, iv, 5
Blind as love is. Henry V, vi, 3
Our very eyes are sometimes like our judge-
ments, blind. Ci/mbeline, iv, 2
Blood. Find so much blood in his liver as
will clog a flea. Twelfth Xight, iii, 3
Blots thy beauty, as frosts do bite the meads.
Taminy of' the Shrew, v, 2
Blow like sweet roses in the summer air.
Love's Labour Lost, v, 2
Blue. Pinch the maids as blue as bilberry.
Merry Wives of Windsor, v, 5
Blunt as the fencer's foils. iluch Ado, v, 3
Blush ? Ay, like a black dog. Tit. And. v, 1
Like a maid she blushes. Much Ado. iv, 1
Boasting like a fool. Macbeth, iv, 1
Bold as an oracle. Troilus and Cressida, i, 3
Bore him in the thickest troop, as doth a lion
in a herd of neat. 3 Henry VI, ii, 1
Borne so like a soldier. Ant. and Cleop. i, 4
Bought and sold among those of any wit, like
a Barbarian slave. Trail, and Cress, ii, 1
Boundless. My bounty is as boundless as the
sea, my love as deep. Rom. and Jul. ii, 3
Bound up. My spirits, as in a dream, are all
bound up. The Tempest, i, 2
Bountiful as mines of India. 1 Henry IV, iii, 1
Bow. My legs like loaden branches, bow to
the earth. Henry VIII, iv, 2
Bow'd like bondmen. Julius Caisar, v, 1
Brain. But he has not so much brain as ear
wax. Troilus and Cressida, v, 1
Brawl. But like a shrew, you first begin to
brawl. Comedy of Errors, iv, 1
Break. Like a glass did break. H. VIII, i, 1
jests as braggarts do their blades, which,
God be thanked, hurt not. Much Ado. v, 1
Breaking his oath and resolutit)n, like a twist
of rotten silk. Coriotanus, v, 5
Breaks like a fire. 2 Henri/ IV, i, 1
as the berry breaks, before it staineth.
Venus and Adonis.
Breasts like ivory globes. Rape of Lucrece.
Breathe. How would you be, if he, which is
at the top of judgement, should judge
you as you are? O, think on that; and
mercy then will breathe within your lips,
like man new made. Meas. for Meas. ii, 3
like sanctified and pious bonds, the better
to beguile. Hamlet, i, 4
Breeds fleas like a loach. 1 Henry IV, ii, 1
Let her never nurse her child lierself, for
she will breed it like a fool. As Y. L. It, iv, 1
mites, much like a cheese. AWs Well, i, 1
Brief as the lightning. Mids. Niyht's Dr. i, 1
as woman's love. Hamlet, iii, 3
Bright, as clear, as yonder Venus in her glim-
mering sphere. Mids. Nii/hl's Dream, iii, 3
Eye as bright as is the eagle's. R. II, iii 2
Her angel face, as the great eye of heaven,
shyued bright. Richard II, i, 3 (note)
Bring. My ashes, as the phoenix, may bring
fortli a bird that will revenge upon you
all. 3 Henry VI, i, 4
Brittle. As glass is brittle. Pa^s. Pihjrim.
Broad and general as the casing air. Marb. iii, 4
Broke loose, like a horse of higli feeding.
3 He7,ry IV, i, 1
Brook. Soldiers should brook as little wrongs
as gods. Timon of Athens, iii, 3
Brow like to a title-leaf. 2 Henry IV, i, 1
Bury him as a prince. Cymbelinr, iv, 5
Buss thee as thy wife. A'/xt/ ,Iohn, ii, 4
Calm as virtue. Cymbeliue, v, .5
Came and went. Their weapons like to liglit-
ning came and went. 3 Henry VI, ii, 1
like an evil angel. Comedy of Errors, iv 3
like the sweet south, that breathes upon a
bank of violets. Twelfth Xiyht, i, 1
Caparison'd like a man. As You Like It, ui, 2
Carbuncled like holy Plicebus' car.
Antony and Cleopatra, iv, 8
Cape for you like fathers. Coriolanus, i, 1
Carries anger, as the flint carries fire.
Julius Cesar, iv, 3
Carved like an apple-tart. Taming of Sh. iv, 3
Cast. Bright faces cast thousand beams up-
on me, like the .sun. Henry VIII, iv, 2
Certam as I know the sun is fire. Cvriul. v, 4
Certain as your anchors. Wiiitn's Title, iv, 3
Chaste as Diana. Merchant of W-iilo; i, 2
as ice. Hamlet, iii, 1
as is the bud ere it be blown. M. Ado. iv, 1
as maybe in tlie world. Troil. ami Cress, i, 3
as the icicle. Coriolamis, v, 3
as the white down of heaven, whose feath-
ers play upon the wings of the cold win-
ter's gale, tremblinjf with fear to touch
th' impure earth. Coriolanui:, v, 3 (note)
as unsunn'd snow. Ci/mheline, ii, 4
Cheap as lies. Coriolamis, v, 5
as .stinking- maekarel. 1 Henri/ IV, ii, 4
Man"s life is cheap as beast's. Lear, ii, 4
Check'd like a bondman. Julius Ciesar, iv, 3
Like the hagg'ard, check at every feather
that comes before his eye. T. A%/i(, iii, 1
Chid as we rate boys. Antonij and Cleopatra, i, 4
Churlish as the bear. Troilus and CressiJa, i, 3
Cinque -spotted. On her left breast a mole
cinque- spotted, like the crim.son drops i'
the bottom of a cowslip. Ci/mleline, ii, 3
Civil as an orange, and .something of that
jealous complexion. Mmh Ado. ii, 1
Clawed like a parrot. 2 Hniri/ iv. ii, 4
Clean as a sound sheep' s heart. As Y. L. It, iii, 2
Clear as day. 2 Hmnj IT, ii, 1
as is the summer's sun. Hnn/ 1', i, 2
as morning roses newdy washed with dew.
Taniinij of the Shreno, ii, 1
Countenance as clear as friendship wears
at feasts. Winiu's Tale i, 2
as clear as fount.s in July. Henri/ VIII, i, 1
Clinquant, all in gold, like heathen gods.
Henrij VI/I, i, 1
Close as oak. (Mello, iii, 2
Clothed like a bride. Pericles, i, 1
Cloud. Like a bear, or lion, a tower'd cita-
del, a pendent rock, a forked mountai:i
or blue promontory with trees upon 't
that nod unto tlie world. Ant. and C. iv. 11
like a camel, weasel, whale. Hamlet, iii, 2
Clung as they grew together. Hen. VIII. i, 1
Cold as any stone. Hennj VIII. ii, :i
as a snow-ball. Pericles, iv, (5
as if I had swallowed snow -balls for pills.
Merri) Wires iif Windsor, iii, T)
as is a dead man's nose. Winter's Talc, ii, 1
even like a stony image. Tit. Andron. iii, 1
even like thy chastity. Othello, v, 2
Comi as humbly, as they used to creep to
holy altars. Troilns and Cressldii, iii, 3
Come like a fury. Aiiioin/ nml I'leo/iiitni, ii, .5
like sacrifices. 1 Hmiii IV, iv, 1
like shadows, so depart. Mmlnih, iv, 1
like women in men's a|ip;nel. .Uer. W. iii, 3
to us as favourers, Pericles, i, 4
Comes in like a. perjurer. Lore's L. Lost, iv, 3
like a dried herring. Romeo and .luliel, ii, 4
o'er my memory, as doth the raven o'er
the infected house. O'hello, iv, 1
Pat he comes, like the catastrophe in the
old comedy. A7«(/ lAiar, i, 2
Comfortelh like sunsliine aftei- rain. I", and .1 .
Comfortless. Alas, poor heart, that kiss is
ooiui'ortless, as frozen water to a starved
snake. Titns Androiiims, iii, 1
Coming. Like a Jove. Henrij V, ii, 4
Commands like a full soldier. O'hello. ii. 1
me, as my sovereign. Richard III, iii, 1
Commence. And, like a hungry lion, did com-
mence deeds of rage. 1 Henri/ VI, iv, 7
Common as a mart. .Iiilius Cwsur, i, 2
Lips as common as the stairs that mount
the Capitol. Ci/mheline, i, 7
Commons, like an angry hive of bees, that
want their leader. 2 Henri) VI, iii, 2
Compliment. But that they call compliment,
is like the encounter of two dog-apes.
As Yon Like It, ii, o
Concave as a covered goblet, or a worm-eaten
nut. ^4.s You Like It, iii, 4
Concealment, like a worm i' the bud, feed on
her damask cheek. Twelfth Xii/ht, ii, 4
Concludest like the sanctimonious pirate, that
went to sea with the ten commandments,
but scraped one out of the table. Thou
shalt not steal? Measure for Measure, i, 2
Conclusions to be as kis.ses. Twelfih Xii/ht. v, I
Confident as the falcon's flight. Rich. II, i, 3
Consideration like an angel came. Hen. V, i, 1
Constant as the northern star. J. Ciesar, iii, 1
Consum2. Like cover'd fire, consume away
in sighs. Much Ado. iii, 1
Contest as hotly, nobly with thy love, as ever
in ambitious strength I did contend a-
gainst thy valor. Coriolamis, iv, 5
Cooled, glowing hot. in that surge, like a
horse-shoe. Mernj Wires of Windsor, iii, .5
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but
not express'd in fimcy. Hamlet, i, 3
Couching. Lay couching, head on ground,
with cat-like watch. As You Like It, iv, 3
Coupled. Like Juno's swans. As Y. L It, i, 3
Cowards. True-bred cowards as ever turned
back. 1 HiMrij IV, i, 2
Coy and wild, as haggards. Much Ado. iii, 1
Craves it as physic. Coriolanus, iii, 2
Cream and mantle. There are a sort of men,
whose visages do cream and mantle, like
a standing pond. Metrhant of Venice, i, 1
Credit. And, as I am a gentleman, I credit
him. 2 Richard iii, 3
Creep like shadows. Wi/iter's Tale, ii, 3
The whining school-boy, with his satchel,
and shining morning face, ci'eeping like
snail unwillingly to school. AsY.L.It,ii, 7
Crest-fallen as a dried pear. Mer. IVives, iv, 5
Cried. As a sick girl. Julius Cuesar, i,2
Cries. Which blood, like sacrificing Abel's,
cries. Richard IT, i, 1
Cringe. Whip liim fellows, 'till, like a boy,
you .see him cringe his face, and cry aloud
for mercy. Antony and Cleojialra, iii, 11
Croak like a raven. Troilus and Cressida, v, 2
Crocaiile. Broad as it hath breadth, it is just
as high as it is. Ant. and Cleopatra, ii, 7
Crossed. Your arms crossed on your thin
belly-doublet, like a rabbit on a spit.
Love^a Labour Lost, iii, 1
Crow like acock. Two Gentlemen of Verona, ii, 1
too like a craven. Taming uf the Shrew, ii, 1
Cruel as the sentence. Measure for iteas. ii, 4
Crushed like rotten apples. Henry V, iii, 7
Cry like a woman. As You Like It, ii, 4
Cudgel him like a dog. 1 Henry IV, iii, 3
Cunning. To sell a bargain well, is as cun-
ning as fa.st and loose. Lore's L. L. iii, 1
Curd like eager droppings into milk. //a»i. i, 5
Curse them as enemies. Coriolanus, i, 1
like a very drab, a scullion. Hamlet, ii, 3
Curst and shrewd as Socrates' Zantippe.
Taniini/ of the Shrew, i, 2
Dallies with the innocence of love, like the
old age. Tivelfth Niffh', ii, 4
Damned and black as hell. Hamlet, iii, 3
as black — nothing is so black. K.John, iv, 3
like an ill-roasted egg. As You Like It, iii, 2
like the glutton. 2 Henry IV, i, 2
Dance attendance, like a post with packets.
Henry VIII, v, 2
Like a nymph, with long dishevell'd hair,
dance on the sands. Venus and Adonis.
Dandle thee like a baby. 2 Henry VI, i, 3
Dank as a dog. 1 Henry IV ii, 1
Dark as Erebus. Merchant of Venice, v, 1
Dark as ignorance, though ignorance were as
dark as hell. Twelfth Niyht, iv, 2
as night. Sonnet CXL VII.
as your fortune is. CymheUne, iii, 4
Dash it like a Christmas Comedy. L. L.L.y, 3
Dead as a door nail. 2 Henry VI, iv, 10
as earth. King Lear, v, 2
dead ? as nail in door. 2 Henry IV, v, 3
Deaf as the sea. Richard II, i, 1
like the adder, waxen deaf. 2 Hen. VI, iii, 2
Deal. Like a father, you will deal with him.
Taming of the Shreu\ iv, 4
Dear almost as his life. All 's Well, iv, 4
as Helen. Troilus and Cressida, ii, 3
as precious eyesight. Love's Lab. Lost, v, 2
My ring I hold dear as ray finger; 't is part
of it. Cymbeline, i, 5
to me, as are the ruddy drops that visit my
sad heart. Julius Cccsar, ii, 1
to me, as life itself. Merchant of Venice, iv, 1
Dearly as I love myself. 3 Henry VI, iv, 1
Death, Is as a lover's pinch, which hurts and
is desired. Antony and Clen/iatra, v, 2
Deceived me, like a double-meaning proph-
esier. All 's Well, iv, 3
Deep as hell. Measure for Measure, iii, 1
as a well. Romeo and .Tuliet, iii, 1
Defies. Like Turk to Christian. ^.fi'.L./i, iv, 3
Defile. Conversed witli such as, like to pitch,
defile nobility. 2 Henry VI, ii, 1
Deserve as much as may be. Much Ado. iii, 1
Love deserves as well a dark house and a
whip, as madmen. As You Like It, iii, 3
Dew-lapp'd like bulls. Tempest, iii, 3
Die a soldier as I liv'd a king. Rich. Ill, iii, 1
bravely, like a bridegroom. Lear, iv, 6
Like a man he died. Macbeth, v, 7
like a pleasant slumber. 2 Henry VI, iii, 3
Lust like a glutton dies. Venus and Adonis.
Dieted like mules. 1 Henry VI, 1, 3
Dim and meagre as an ague's fit: K..Iohn, iii, 3
Discourse. Our fair discourse Iiath been as
sugar, making the hard way sweet and
delectable. Richard II, ii, 2
Disguised like Muscovites, in shapeless gear.
Love's Labour Lost, v, 2
Dispersed already: like youthful steers un-
yoked, or, like a school bioke up.
3 Henry IV, iv, 3
Disposed as the hateful raven. 2 //. VI, iii, 1
Disproportion me in every ijartliketoachaos,
or an unlicked cub. 3 Henry VI, iii, 2
Disputest like an infant. Love's L. L. v, 1
Dispute it like a man. Mucbelli, iv, 3
Dissolve. And, like the baseless fabrick of
tliis vision. Tenijiesl, iv, 1
Dive, like buckets. A7h^ John, v, 3
As a duck for life. Pericles, iii, (Gower.)
Divide me like a bribe-buck. Mer. Wives, v, 5
Dogged him, like his murderer. Tw. N. iii, 3
Done like a Frenchman, turn and turn again.
1 Henrij VI, iii, 3
Dream. How like a dream is this I see and
hear! Tiro Gentlemen of Verona, iv, 4
Dress'd in all suits like a lady. T.of'Shr.lud. 1
Drink to her, as long as there is a passage in
my throat, and drink in Illyria.
Twel/lh Xi'jht, i, 3
Dropp'd as by a thunder-stroke. Tempest, ii, 1
Droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven up-
on the place beneath. Mer. of Yen. iv, 1
K Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees their
their medicinal gum. Othello, v, 3
Drunken man. Like a drown'd man, a fool,
and a madman. Tuvlftk Ni^/ht, i, 5
Dry as tlie remainder biscuit after a voyage.
■4s You Like It, ii, 7
I will drain him dry as hay. Macbeth, i, 3
Dull as night. Merchant of Venice, v, 1
Dwells. Rich Honesty dwells like a miser,
sir, in a poor-house, as yo.ir pearl in your
fair oyster. -Is You Like It, v, 4
Easy as a cannon will shoot. Mer. Wives, iii, '2
as a down bed. Henri/ VII f, i, 4
as lying. Hamlet, iii, 3
as thanks. Much Ado About Nothing, ii, 3
as to set dogs on sheep. Coriolanus, ii, 1
Easily as a king. Julius Ccesar, i, 3
Words are easy like the wind. Pass. Pilqr.
Eat honey like a drone. Pericles, ii, (Gower.)
iron like an ostrich. 3 Henrij VL iv, 10
Like an unnatural dam sliould now eat up
her own. Coriolanus, iii, 1
like wolves. Henri/ V, iii, 7
Ebb and flow like the sea. 1 Henrij IV, i, 3
Embrace me as your friend. Tilus And. v, 3
Encounter darkness as a bride, and hug it in
mine arms. Mea:>urefor Measure, iii, 1
End. Swan-like end. Merchant of' Venice, iii, 3
Enforce. The tongues of dying men enforce
attention, like deep harmony. Rich. II, ii, 1
England. O England! model to thy inward
greatness, like little body with a mighty
heart. Henri/ V, ii, (.Chorus.)
Enm;w as falcon does the fowl. M. for. U. iii, 1
Enter. These words, like daggers, enter in
mine ears. Hamlet, iii, 4
Your native town you enter'd like a post.
Coriolanu.f, v, 5
Esteem him as a lamb. Macbeth, iv, 3
Exceeds her as much in beauty, as the first
of May doth the last of December.
Much Ado About Nothing, i, 1
Eyes as jewel-like, and cas'd as richly.
Pericles, v, 1
like carbuncles. Hamlet, ii, 3
like marigolds. Rape of Lucrece,
like Mars. Hamlet, iii, 4
like stai-s. Hamlet, i, 5
Even. Soul even as calm. Henrij VHI, iii, 1
Evident as if hair. Coriolanus, iv, 7
Face. Laugh, till his face be like a wet cloak
ill laid up. 2 Hear// I\;y,l
Faints. Affection faints not like a pale-faced
coward. Venus and Adonis.
Fair too, is she not ? As a fair day in summer,
wondrous fair. Pericles, ii, .5
as any mother's child. Sonnet XX f.
as day. Love's Laltour Lost, iv, 3
as Helen. Troilus and Cressidu, i, 1
as noble ladies. Coriolanus, ii, 1
as text B in a copy- book. L. L. Lost, v, 3
on Friday as Helen is on Sunday T.and C. i, 1
Fairies. Following darkness like a dream.
Midsummer-Night'' s Dream, v, 3
Faith, but as the fashion of his hat, it clian-
ges with tlie next block. Much Ado, i, 1
Faithfully as I deny the devil. King John, i, 1
Fall. And let thy blows, doubly redoubled,
fall like amazing thunder. Richard II, i. 3
down before him like the mower's swath.
Troilus and Cressida, v, 3
I shall fall, like a bright exhalation in tlie
evening, and no man see me more.
Henri/ VIII, iii, 5
like a crab. Love's Labour Lost, iv, 3
like a green plum. Passionate Pilgrim.
thy eyes' windows fall, like death, when
he shuts up the day of life. A', and J. iv, 1
Like snow on wool, thy fallings are.
3 Henri/ IV, iv, 4 (note)
The benediction of these coveruig heavens
fall on their heads like dew. Ci/mbeline, v, 5
to them as you find your stomach serves
you. Taming of the Shrew, i, 1
as Jacob's hire. Merchant of Venice, i, 3
( lo)
False as dicer's oaths. Hamlel, iii, 4
as hell. Othello, iv, 3
as water. Oihello, v, 2
as o'er-dyed blacks, as wind, as waters ;
false as dice are to be wish'd, by one that
fixes no bourn "twixt his and mine.
Whla'sTalc, i, 3
by heaven, as heaven itself is true.
Ric/umI II, \v, 1
Cowards, whose hearts are all as false as
stairs of sand. Merchant of Venice, iii, 2
Upbraid my falsehood! when they have said
as false as air, as water, wind, or sandy
earth, as fox to lamb, .as wolf to heifer's
calf, pard to hind, or step-dame to her
son; yea, let them say, to stick the heart
of falsehood, as false as Cressid.
Troilus and Cre:esi, i, 2
as words to little purpose. Corinlnnnx, iii, 2
Courtiers as free, as debonair, uuarm'd as
bending angels. Troilus nnd Crexsiihi, i, 3
Fresh as a bridegroom. 1 flenr// /!', i, 3
as Dian's visage. OiJiello. iii, 3
as morning's dew distill'd on Uowers,
Tilux Anilronirus, ii, 4
Frets like a gummed velvet. 1 llenn/ IV, ii. 2
Frightful. Their nuisie frightful as the ser-
pent's hiss. 2 llenri/ VI, iii, 2
Frisk. We were as twinn'd lambs that did
frisk i' the sun. Winter's Tale, i, 2
Froze. Rebellion, it had froze them up, as
fish in a pond. 2 Ilenr i) IV, i, 1
Fruitful as the free elements. Othello, ii, 3
as the land tliat feeds us. Henri/ VIII, i, 3
Full. A poor old man, as full of grief as age;
wretched in botli. Kinj L-.ar, ii, 4
Full of quarrels, as an egg is full of meat, and
yet thy head hath been beaten as addle as
an egg for quarrelling. Ihnn. and Jnl. iii, 1
Heart as full of sorrows as the .sea of .sands
J tro (tentif nten of Verona, iv, 3
Ilis kissing is as full of sanctity, as the
touch of holy biead. As Yon A//,v //, iii, 4
of spiritasthemonth of May. 1 //. IV, iv, 1
of valor as of kindness. Henri/ V, iv, 3
Practice, as full of labour as a wise man's
art. Twel/ih Nitjiii, iii, 1
Words as full of peace as matter. T. Ni. i, H
Furnish'd like a beggar. As You l.ik\ It, v, 4
Gabble like a thing most brutisli. Teni/i. i, 2
lixe tinkers. Tn;lfil, Xii/hi, ii, 3
Gaunt as a grave. IlielianI //, ii,l
Gaz'd on like a comet. I'erieles, v, 1
Gentle and as joeunelow the violet, not
wagging liis sweet head. Ci/mheline, iv, 2
Roar you as gently as any sucking dove.
Mtdsnninier- Nif/lit' s Iheani, \, 2
Giddily as fortune. Tnvlfth \l, ii, 4
Gilt. As cherubini.s, all gilt. Hen, i/ VIII. i, 1
Girdle. That as a waist do girdle you about.
Kin;/ Joliti, ii, 1
Give. Sleep kill those pretty eye.s, and give
as soft attachment to thy sen.ses, as in-
fant'sempty ofall thoughtl T. and C ii, 2
Spider-like, out of bis self-drawing web
he gives us note. Henri/ VIII, i, 1
Wiien maidens sue, men give like gods.
Measure for Measure, i, .5
Glister like the god of war. A'/;??/ John, v, 1
like fire. }'euns and Adonis.
Glittering in golden coats like images.
1 Henri/ /V, iv, 1
Glorifies. As the bright sun glorifies the sky.
I enns and Adonis.
Glorious as the morning washt with dew.
Tamintj of the Shmc, ii, 1 (note)
Glory is like a circle in the water, which never
cea.seth to enlarge itself, till, by broad
spreading, it disperses to nought.
1 Henri/ V, i, 2
like a shooting star. Richard II, ii, 4
Glow'd like plated Mars. Ant. and Cleo/i. i, 1
Go like lightning. Romeo and .Iuliet,n[, 1
to their graves like beds. Hamlet, iv, 4
Go with mc, like good angels, to my end.
Hevrii Vllf, ii, 1
Goes up and down, like a cock that nohody
can match. Ci/mbi/lne, ii, 1
like a true gentleman. Afiirh Ado, lii, 3
Good a gentleman as the emperor. H. 1', iv, 1
a gentleman as the tevil is. Henri/ V, iv, 7
as a chorus. Hamlet lii, 2
As all comforts are, most good indeed.
Measure for Measure, iii, 1
as heart can wish. 2 Henri/ IV, i, 1
as my word. Merrij Wives, iii, 4
as thy word. 1 Henri/ IV, iii, 3
as promise. Ci/mheline, v, 4
Gold were as good as twenty orators.
Richard III, iv, 2
to die and go, as die and stay. A'. John, iv, 3
Thersltes' body is as good as Ajax, when
neither is alive. Ci/mbcllne, iv, 3
Gore. But silence, like a Lucrece knife, with
bloodless stroke my heart doth gore.
Twelfth yiijlit, ii, .5
Gorgeous as the sun at midsummer.
1 Henri/ IV, iv, 1
Great as my content. Othello, ii, 1
as our dread father. Troll, and Cressidn, ii, 3
O, that I were as great as is my grief, or
lesser than my name! Richard II, iii, 3
Skill was almost as great as his honesty.
All '.s Well, i, 1
The sense of death is most in apprehension;
and the poor beetle that we tread upon,
in corporal sufferance finds a pang as great
as when a giant dies. Meas. for M. iii, 1
Your loss is as yourself, great. A. and C. v, 2
Green as leeks. Midsuminer-Xii/lit'f; Dream, v, 1
Grew like the svimmer grass, fastest by night.
Henri] V, i, 1
together, like to a double cherry, seeming
parted. Midsummer-Night' s Dream, iii, 2
Grey. Eyes are grey as glass. Tioo G. iv, 3
Grim as hell. Othello, iv, 2
Grin. As the wolf doth grin before he bark-
eth. Venus and Adonis.
like lions. Ci/mbe.line, v, 3
Groan. A deadly groan, like life and death
departing. 2 Hnri/ \'l, ii, C
Gross as a mountain, open, i^alpable.
1 Henri/ IV, u, 4
as black from white. Henri/ VI, ii, 2
as earth. Hamlet, iv, 4
as ignorance made drunk. Othello, iii, 3
Gross. Show scarce so gross as beetles.
Kinff Lear, iv, 6
Grow. And like a vine grow to him.
Henri/ Vlll, v, 4
As those that feed. Measure for Meas. i, 4
How 1 ike Eve's apple doth thy beauty grow.
If thy sweet virtue answer not the show !
Sonnet XCIII.
like Hydra's heads. 1 Hemi/ IV, v, 4
like savages, as soldiers will. Henri/ I', v, 2
Half-stewei in grease, like a Dutch dish.
Merri/ Wires of Windsor, iii, 5
Halloo nie like a hare. Coriolaiius, \, 8
Halt. That their limbs may halt, as lamely
as their manners. Twelfth Night, iv, 2
Handles his bow like a crow-keeper. lear, iv, 5
Hands in your pocket, like a man after the
old painting. love's Labour Lost, iii, 1
Hang. Her sunny locks hang on her temples
like a golden fleece. Merchant of Ve.n. i, 1
like a meteor o'ei- a cuckold's horns.
Merri/ Wives of Windsor, ii, 2
like an icicle on a Dutchman's beard.
Twelfth Night, iii, 2
like clotpoles. Troilus and Cressida, ii, 1
like flax on a distaff. Twelfth Night, i, 3
like roping icicles. Henri/ V, iii, 5
Like the lily, that once was mistress of the
field, and flourished, I '11 hang my head,
and perish. Henri/ I'll I, iii, 1
me in a bottle like a cat and shoot at me
Much Ado about Nothint/, i.l
Now does he feel his title hang loose about
him, like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish
thief. Macbeth, v, 2
on him, as if increase of appetite had grown
by what it fed on. Hamlet, i, 2
Picture-like, to ha-ig by the wall. Cor i, 3
th3 head as flowers with frost, or grass beat
down with storms. Titus Andronicns, iv, 4
there like fruit. Ci/mbeliiie, v, 5
Thick vapours that, like ruggs, still hang
the troubled air. Macbeth, i, 5 (note)
quite out of fashion, like a ru.sty mail in
monumental mockery. Tr. and Cr. iii, 3
upon him like a disease. Much Ado, i, 1
upon my tongue, like a new-married wife
about her husband's neck. Henri/ V, v, 2
Hangeth like a jewel in the ear of coeto.
Love' Labour Lost, iv, 3
Hangs. 5Iy skin hangs about me like an old
lady's loose gown. 1 Henri/ iv, iii, 3
Hangs upon the cheek of iiiyht like a rich
jewel in an Etliiop's ear. Horn, ami ./. 1, 5
Hard as steel. 3 Henri/ VI, ii, 1
as the Nemean lion's nerve. Hamlet, i, 4
as the palm of a plouf^hman. T. ami C. i, 1
give her no token but stones, for she 's as
hard as steel. Ttcn Gentlemen of Verona, 1, 1
to come, as for a camel to thread the post-
ern of a needle's eye. Richard //, v, 5
to leave as keep. Ci/mbeline, iii, 3
Harebell. Nor tlie azur'tl harebell, like thy
veins. Ci/mbeline, iv, 3
Harmless and without eftect, as is the echo
of a cannon's crack. Macbeth, 1, 2
Hasty as tire. Richanl II, i, 1
Hate. I hate the word, as I hate hell, all
Montagues and thee. Rom. and Juliet, i, 3
it as an unfill'd can. Twelfth Niijht, ii, 3
Wliose breath I hate as reek o' rotten fens.
Coriolanus, iii, 3
Hateful to me as the reek of a lime-kiln.
Merrij Wire^i of Windsor, Iii, 3
Haunt. I "11 haunt thee like a wicked con-
science still, that moiddeth goblins swift
as frenzy thoughts. Trail, and Creas. v, 11
Heaped. If the measure of thy joy be heap-
ed like mine. Romeo and Juliet, ii, 6
Heard. He was but as the cuckoo in .June,
heard, not regarded. 1 Henry IV, iii, 3
Heart, like an agate, with your print impress-
ed. Lovers Labour Lost, ii, 1
Heavy as odious. Tempest, iii, 1
Held. My life I never held but as a pawn to
wage against thine enemies. Lear, ii, 1
High as heaven itself. Romea and Juliet, iv, 5
as my heart. As You Like It, iii, 3
the ridge of the gallows. 1 He/iri/ IV, i, 2
Hold it as a dream. Much Ado, i, 3
Like Arion on the Dolphin's back, I saw
him hold acquaintance with the waves.
Timlflh Night, i, 3
you as a thing ensky'd and sainted.
Measure for Measure, i, 4
Hollow as a ghost. King John, iii, 4
Holy. He who the sword of heaven will bear,
should be as holy as .severe. M./'orM. iii, 5
Honest a maid as ever broke bread.
Merrij Wives of Windsor, i, 4
as any man living, that is an old man, and
no honester than I. Much Ado, iii, 5
as the skin between his brows. M. Ado, iii, 5
a true fellow as any is. Winter's Tale, v, 3
Hop as light as bird from briar. M-N. D. v, 3
Hooted at, like an old tale. Winter's Tale, v, 3
Horrid. Proper deformity seems not in the
fiend so horrid as in woman. Lear, iv, 2
Hot and hasty like a Scotch jig. M. Ado, ii, 1
as coals of tire. Venus and Adonis.
as gunpowder. Henrij V, iv, 7
as molten lead. 1 Henri/ IV, v, 3
Hover'd like a cherubim. Lover's Complaint.
Humorous as winter. 3 Henri/ IV, iv, 4
Hung. A loss of her that, like a jewel, has
hung twenty years about his neck.
Henry VIII, ii, 2
Hose that hung down like two scales fiU'd
with Holland cheeses. //. VIII, i, 3 {note)
Like unscour'd armour, hung by the wall.
Measure for Measure, i, 3
Which like a jewel hung in ghastly night.
Romeo and .Tidiet, i, 5 {note)
Hungry as the sea, and can digest as much.
Twelfth Might, ii, 4
Husband. Here is your husband; like a mil-
dew'd ear. Hamlet, iii, 4
Hush as death. Hamlet, ii. 3
Hush'd as midnight. Tem/>e$t, iv, 1
as natures' self lay dead. Macb. ii, 1 {note)
Even as the wind is hush'd before it rain-
eth. Venus and Adonis.
Idle as she may hang together, for want of
company. Merrg Wive.^, iii, 3
Ignorant as dirt. Othello, v, 1
Impounded as a stray. Henry V, i, .5
Inclin'd as are the ravenous wolves.
2 Henry VI, iii, 1
Indistinct as water is in water. A. and C. iv, 11
Infinite as all. Troilus and Cressida, iv, 5
as man may undei'go. Hamle', i, 4
Infold. Arms infold him like a band. V.andA.
Innocent as grace itself. As You Like It, i, 3
as is the sucking lamb, or harmless dove.
2 Henry VI, iii, I
Interim. Between tlie acting of a dreadful
thing and the first motion, all the interim
is like a phantasm, or a hideous dream.
Julius Cfesar, ii, 1
Inter ms. Although unqueen'd, yet like a
queen, and daughter to a king, inter me
Henry VIII, iv, 2
Invulnerable. For it as is the air, invulnera-
ble. Hamlet, i, 1
Jealous as Ford. Merry Wives, iv, 2
as the stung are of the adder. Lear, v, 1
Jest. Ojest, unseen, inscrutable, invisible,
as a nose on a man's face, or a weath-
ercock on a steeple I Two G. of Ve,r. ii, 1
Join you with tlieni, like a rib of steel.
3 Hrnrii IV, ii, 3
Kate. An anf,fol is like yon, Kate; and you
are like an angel. — Que dit-il? ijue je
suis semblable ii les anges. Henri/ V, v, 3
like the hazel-twig, is straight antl slender;
and brown in hue as hazel-nuts, and
sweeter than the kernels. T. of Shr. ii, 1
Keen as is the razor's edge invisible.
Love s Labour Lost, v, 3
Kept his sword e'en like a dancer.
Antontj and Cleopatra, iii, 9
Kill as does the mandi'ake's groan.
3 Henry VI, iii, 3
They will kill one another by the look, like
cockatrices. Twelfth Niyhi, iii, 4
Kind as is the pelican. Ilatnlet, iv, 5 (note)
Kiss as many of you as had beards that jileas-
ed me. As You Like It, v, 4
her as my sovereign queen. Henri/ V, v, 3
like native things. All 's Well, i, 3
long f.s my e.xile, sweet as my revenge.
Coriolanus, v, 3
Ten kisses long as one, one long as twenty.
V'enus and Adonis.
Kneels. And, like a lowly lover, down she
kneels. }'enus and Adonis.
Knit his brows, as frowning at the favours of
the world. 3 Henr,/ VI, i, 3
Know her? Almost as well as I do know
myself. Two Gentlemen of Verona, iv, 4
Known as well as St. Paul's. 1 Henri/ IV, ii, 4
Large a charter as the wind. .48 Y.L.It, ii, 7
Late, like a remorseful pardon slowly carried.
All \h Well that Ends Well, v, 3
That comfort comes too late; 't is like a
pardon after execution. Henri/ VIII, iv, 3
Laid. Pinch'd napkins, captain, and laid like
fishes, fowls, or faces. Wint. T. ii, 1 {no'.e^
Laugh like a hyen. As You Like It, iv, 1
like parrots at a bagpiper. Mer. of Ven. i, 1
Lawful as eating. Winter's Tale, v, 3
Lay. There lay he, stretch'd along, like a
wounded knight. ^l.s' You Like It, iii, 3
on like a butcher. Henri/ V, v, 3
Leaky as an unstaunch'd wench. Temp, i, 1
Lean as a rake. Coriolanus, i, 1 (note)
Leased out, — like to a tenement, or pelting
farm. Richard II, ii, 1
Leash'd in like hounds. Henri/ V, i, (Chorus)
Leave thee now, like a man of steel.
Antoni/ and Cleo/iatra, iv, 4
Led by the nose, as asses are. Othello, i, 3
Left me like a churl. Titus Andronirus, i, 2
Legg'd like a man I and his fins like arms.
Tem/)est, ii, 3
Liberal as the air. 0,'hello, v, 3
as the north. 0:hello, v, 2
Lief be hang'd, sir, as go. 3 Henri/ IV, iii, 3
Lie as in death. Macbeth, i, 7
like a king. Henri/ V, iv, 1
like dogs. Tem/iest, iii, ?
like pawns. King John, v, 3
like tell-tales. Tim Gentlemen of Verona, i, 3
Lies. A heavy summons lies like lead upon
me. Macbeth, ii, 1
as coldly in him, as fire in a flint.
Troilus and Cressida, iii, 3
As many lies as will lie in thy sheet of pa-
per, although the sheet were big enough
for the bed of Ware. Twelfth Niijhi, iii, 2
Death lies on her, like an untimely frost
upon the sweetest flower of all the field.
Romeo and .fuliet, iv, 5
Equivocation of the fiend, that lies like
truth. Macbeth, V, 5
How like a swine he liesl Tam. nf.Shr. Ind. 1
Villain-like, he lies. Lear, v, 3
Light as tales. Midsuminer-\ii/hl' s Dream, iii, 3
Trifles light as air. O'hello, iii, 3
Like an old tale still. Winter's Tale, v, 3
as east to west. Troilus and Cressida, i, 3 (no'e)
a lovei-, presently. Much Ado, i, 1
AS eggs. Winter's Tale, i, 3
as a crab is like an apple. Lear, i, 5
as it is true. Measure for Measure, v, 1
as rain to water, or devil to his dam.
Kiui/ John, ii, 1
as Vulcan and his wife. Trail, and Cr. i, 3
Hermione as is her picture. Wint. Tide, v 1
Her smiles and tears were like ; — a better
way. King Lear, iv, 3
In gait and countenance, surely like a fath-
er. Taming of the Shrew, iv, 3
one another, as half-pence. As Y.L.It, iii, 8
Rather like a dream, than an assurance
that my remembrance warrants.
Teni/Kst, i, 3
the baseless fabrick of this vision. T. iv, 1
the breath of an unfee'd lawyer. Lear, i, 4
you as cherry to cherry. Henri) Vllt, v, 1
Limp. Wild, like a foul and ugly witcli dotli
limp so tediously away. Henrii V, iv, (cli.)
Lingers my desires, like to a step-dame, or a
dowager, long withering out a young-
man's fortune. Miihinnmtr-N. Dream, i, 1
Little like an ape. Rir/nml III, iii, 1
Live as freely as tliy lord. Twell'th Niijhl, i, 5
as maids and widows. Merchant of V. iil, 2
cleanly as a nobleman shf)uld. 1 H. IV, v, 4
like Diau's priest. Ci/mlie/inc, i, 7
like the old Robin Hood of England.
As You Like It, i, 1
like venom. Richard II, ii, 1
While she is here, a man may live as quiet
in hell, as in a sanctuary. Much Ailo, ii, 1
Lively painted as the deed was done.
Ttniilni/ of the Shreir, Ind.
Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast.
Richard III, iii, 5
like a lamb. Coriokmus, ii, 1
Mankind lives, that neither they know how
to foresee, nor what to feare, and are like
tenis bals, tossed by the racket of the
higher powers. Pericles, ii, 1 (»o/e)
Loathsome as a toad. Titus Atidronicus, iv, 2
Long as hell. Richard Iff, iv, 4
as is a tedious tale. Rmneu and Juliet, v, 3
For thou art not so long by the head, as
ho?iorificahilitudinitatil)iis: \_Autipericaia.meta-
parhengedamphicribrulionex. Rahelais. ] thou
art easier swallowed than a flap-dragon.
Love's Labour Ijost, v, 1
Look. Do I look like a cudgel, or a hovel-
post, a staff, oraproi)? Mereh. of ('. ii, 1
like drown'd mice. 1 Henri/ VI, i, 2
like patienc3. Pericles, v, 1
like perfect honor. Anloni/and Cleo/iatra, i, 3
My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as
yours; you .saw the mistre.s.s, I beheld
the maid. Merchant of Venice, iii, 2
on you as one that takes his leave.
Antonij and ( 'leojialra, iv, 2
Looked. And his gash'd stabs lookM like a
breach in nature. Macbeth, ii, 3
Looks. And, like a prophet, looks in a glass.
Measure for Measure, ii, 3
And that, which looks like pride, is cour-
tesy. Troilus and Cressida, iv, 5
as though he were in love. Tarn, of S. iii, 1
he like a king. Richard II, iii, 3
like a poor, decayed, ingenit)us, foolish,
rascally knave. All 's iVell, v, 2
Looks like sleep. Antony and Cle.ojiatra, v, 2
like sooth. Winter^s Tale, iv, 3
not like a nuptial. Much Ado, iv, 1
She looks us like a thing more made of mal-
ice than of duty. Cymbeline, iii, .T
Lost. If he should write, and I not have it,
't were a paper lost as otter'd mercy is.
Ci/mbeline, i, 3
Loud as thunder. Pericles, v, 1
Chide as loud as thunder, when the clouds
of Autumn crack. Taming of Shrew, i, 2
Speak as loud as Mars. Antonij and CI. ii, 2
Love, as an old man loves money, with no
stomach. All 's Well, iii, 2
her, sir, as a gentleman loves a woman.
All '.s Well, v, 3
I '11 love him as my brother. Cynihel. iii, (i
is a smoke rai.sed with the fume of .sighs.
Romeo and Juliet, i, I
is as a figure tiench'd in ice. Two G. iii, 2
is like a child that longs for everything it
can come by. Two Gentlemen of V. iii, 1
like a shadow flies. iMerri/ Wives, ii, 2
me dearly, as his child. Richard III, ii, 2
Much love in rhyme, as would be cramm'd
up in a sheet of paper, writ both sides
the leaf, margent and all. L. f. Lost, v, 2
the Duke, as I love myself. M. for M. v, 1
thee but as a property. Merrif Wives, iii, 4
you the man that wrong'd you? Yes, as I
love the woman that wrong'd him.
Measure for Measure, ii, 3
Well as I love any woman in Gloucester-
sliire. Merri/ Wivei of Windsor, iii, 4
Lov'd as he loves himself. Winter's Tale, i, 2
Before, I lov'd thee as a brother, John;
but now, I do respect thee as my soul.
1 Henri/ Ii', V, 4
Lover. True a lover as ever sigh'd ujpon a
midnight pillow. As You Like It, ii, 4
Loves no plays, as thou dost, Antony.
Julius ( 'it sar, i, 2
Low an cVib as the foot of the ladder.
1 Henr,/ /r, i, 2
as death. 2 Henri/ IV, Ind.
as hell 's from heaven. Othello, ii, 1
as to the fiends. Hamlet, ii, 2
as to thy foot. Julius t'asai, ili,l
Forehead as low .as she would wish it.
Antoni] and Cleopatra, iii, 3
I am not yet so low, but that my luiils can
reach unto thine eyes. M.-S. iJr. iii, 2
( i6)
Low. Then Bolingbroke, as low as to thy
lieart, through the false passage of thy
throat, tliou liest. Richard H, i, 1
Lurked like two thieves. Yarns and Adonis.
Luscious as locusts. Othello, i, 3
Lustrous as ebony. Tivelf'lh JSlghl, iv, 3
Mad as a buck. Comedi/ of Errors, iii, 1
as Ajax. Love's Labour Lost, iv, 2
as a mad dog. Merry Wives of Windsor, iv, 3
as the sea and wind, when both contend
which is the mightier. Hamlet, iv, 1
as the vex'd sea. Lear, iv, 4
Made. Cords made like the tackled stair.
Romeo and Juliet, ii, 4
like a goose. Temjiest, ii, 3
We are such stuff as dreams ai-e made of.
Temjiest, iv, 1
Magnanimous as Agamemnon. Henry V, iii, 6
Maintain his argument as well as any milita-
ry man in the "orld. ,...jr^" Henri/ V, iii, 3
you like a gentlemftiii^ ' Merry Wives, iii, 4
Make faces like mummers. Coriolanus, ii, 1
Making practis'd smiles as in a looking-glass.
Winter's Tale, i, 2
Makes a July's day short as December.
Winter's Tale, i, 2
Mak'st a testament as worldlings do.
.4s You Like It, ii, 1
Man as other men are. Mid:summer-\. iJr. Iii, 1
Many diseases as two-and-fifty horses.
Tamini/ of the Slircu\ i, 2
Medicinal. Words as medicinal as true.
Winter's Tale, ii, 3
Meet them like necessities. ? Henry IV, iii, 1
Melancholy as a gib cat, or a lugged bear.
1 Henry IV, i, 2
as a lodge in a warren. Much Ado, ii. 1
as an old lion, or a lover's lute. M. A. iii, 2
Melted as breath into the wind. Macliefh, i, 3
like a vapour. V^enus and Adonis.
Melts like butter. 1 Henry IV, ii, 4
Merry as crickets. 1 Henry IV, ii, 4
asfirst-good company, good wine,good wel-
come, can make good people. H. VIII, i, 4
as the day is long. Kiny John, iv, 1
as you will. Wintei-'s Tale, ii, I
Mild and gentle as the cradle-babe.
2 Henry VI, iii, 2
Milk-sop. Never in his life felt so much cold
as over shoes in snow. Richard III, v, 3
Mock'd. Life lively mock'd, as ever still sleep
mock'd death. Wintei-'s Tale, v, 3
Modest as a dove. Tmnini/ (if the Shretc, ii, 1
as justice. Pericles, v, 1
as morning. Troilus and Cressida, i, 3
Moistened. Each flower moistened, like a
melting eye. Rape of Lticrece.
Momentary as a sound. MiJsummer-y. Dr. i, 1
Moon, like to a silver bow new bent i\i heaven.
Midsniiiiner-Niiiht' s Dream, i, 1
Mortal as an old man's life. Hamlet, iv, .5
Moves like a ghost. Macbeth, ii, 1
like an engine. Coriolauus, v, 4
Mowing like grass. Henry V, iii, 3
Multiply. Like a cipher, yet standing in a rich
place, I multiply. Wintei-'s Tale, i, 2
Musical, as bright Apollo's lute strung with
his hair. Love's Labour Lust, iv, 3
Musick, hoi musick : such as charmeth sleep.
Midsummer-Night' s Dream, iv, 1
Mute as a stone. Antony and Cleopaira, ii, 2
Naked as the vulgar air. AVhc/ .lohn, ii, 2
Near as the extremest ends. Trail, and Cr. i, 3
Nicks. His man with scissars nicks him like
a fool. Comedy of Errors, v, 1
Nimbler. I have heard of riding wagers, when
horses have been nimbler than the sands
that run i' the clock's behalf. Cymb. iii, 3
Noble. Actions as noble as my thoughts.
Pericles, ii. 5
as a consul. Coriolanus, iii. 1
Obdurate, flinty, hard as steel. Venus and Ail.
Obedient as the scabbard. Cymbeline, iii, 4
O'ershine you as much as the full moon doth
the cinders of the element. 2 H. /!', iv, 3
Old as I, if like a crab you could go backward.
Hamlet, ii, 2
as Sibyl. Tamini/ of the Shrcu; i, 2
as Sibylla. Merchant of Venice, i, 2
Open. He hath a tear for pity, and a hand
open as day for melting charity.
2 Henry /F, iv, 4
Opposite. Thou art as opposite to every good,
as the Antipodes are unto us, or as the
south to the sejrtentrion. Henry VI, i, 4
Out of their burrows, like conies after rain.
Ciiriolanu-i, iv. 5
Overawe. Whom, like a schoolboy, you may
overawe. 1 Henry VI, i, 1
Overcome. Can such things be, and ovei'conie
us like a summer's cloud? Macbeth, iii, 4
Overspreading. My blacke cloake of cloth o-
verspreading my backe lyke a thornbacke
or an elephant's ear. //. TV//, i, 3 (note)
Paid. Praises, wliioli aio p;ii(i ;is dulits, and
licit as given. Pi-ricles, iv, 1
Painted one way like a Gorgon. A. ami C. ii, 5
Pale as any clmit. Romeo iitid Juliet, ii, 4
A sudden pale, like lawn being .spread up-
on the blushing rose, usurps her cheeks.
Vtruns ami Adonis.
as liis shirt. Hamlet, ii, 1
as if a bear were at his heels. Tti: N. iii, 4
as primrose. 2 Henri/ TV, iii, 2
as thy smock. Ollwlln, v, 2
Hands pale as milk. Miilxiiiii>iier-\. I>r. v, 1
l»ale as ashes. fiomto ami Jttlitt, iii, 2
Palpable. I see the yet, in form as palpable
as this which now I draw. Mu'licth. ii, 1
Panging as sou) and body's severing.
Hniry VIIl, ii, 3
Pardon. I jjardon him, as God shall pardon
me. Richard 11, v, 3
Patience is as a virtue li.\ed. Tr. and Cr. i, 2
Patient as a gentle stream. Two G. of V. ii, 7
as the female dove. Hamlet, v, 1
as the midnight sleep. Coriolannsy iii, 1
Pecks up wit. as pigeons peas. L. L. L. v. 2
Pendent. My rapier pendent, like a round
stick. Uenrij VTU, i, 3
Perfect. In thy dumb action, I will be as
perfect as begging hermits in their holy
))rayers. Titns Andronima, iii, 2
Perfumed like a milliner. 1 Htnrij IV, i, 3
Piercing as the mid-day sun. 3 Henrij VI, v, 3
Pinch, fairy-like. Mernj ITVccv, iv, 4
me like a )iasty. .1// '.s- WM, iv, 3
Pinion him like a thief Le.ar, iii, T
Pipe small as a eunuch. Coriolanas, iii, 2
Pity like a new-born babe. Machelh, i, 7
Place upon the volume of your deeds, as in a
title-page, your worth in arms. Per. ii, 3
Plain as the plain bald pate of father Time
him.self. Comedi/ rjf E rrors, ii, 2
as way to parish church. As You Lite ft, ii, 7
Plainly, as heaven sees earth, and earth .sees
heaven. Winter'.s Talc, i, 2
Play'd. Her hair, like golden threads, play'd
with her breatli. Rape of Lucrere.
on this prologue, like a child on a recorder.
Mtdsummt /■-.V/'/A'\v Oream, v, 1
Plead like angels. ilaebe.tli, i, 7
Plenty as blackberries. 1 Henri) IV, ii, 4
Poor as Job? — And as wicked as his wife?
Merrij Wires of Windsor, v, 5
— my lord, but not so patient. 2 //. IV,i, 2
Poor as the king. — If thou be as jioor for
a subject, as he is for a king, thou art
poor enough. King Lear, i, 4
as winter. Othello, iii, 3
Positive as the eartli is firm. .1/. Wires, iii, 2
Potent. A lady's verily is as potent as a lord's.
Will you go yet? Winter's Tale, i, 2
Pouring, like the tide into a breach. H. V, i, 3
Power, like to a fangless lion, may oft'er, but
not hold. 2 Henri/ IV, iv, 1
Prayer. So bad a prayer as his was never yet
for sleep. Antony and CleopaJra, iv, 10
Prick'd. Then I beat my tabor, at which, like
unback'd colts, they jirick'd their ears,
advanc'd their eye-lid.s, lifted up their
noses, as they smelt music. Temp, iv, 1
Pricks like a thorn. Romeo and .luliet, i, 4
Profitless. I pray you cea.se your counsel,
which falls into mine ears as proJilless as
water in a sieve. Murk Ado, v, 1
Primrose. The flower, that 's like thy face,
pale primrose. Cymheline, iv, 2
Proper a man as ever went on four legs.
Tempest, ii, 2
as ever trod upon neat's leather. .1. C. i, 1
Proportion'd as one's heart could wish a man.
Romeo and Juliet, iii, 5
Proud as an enjoyer. Sonnet LXX V.
as females are, to see him woo her.
Venus and Adonis.
Pun thee into shivers with his fist, as a sailor
breaks a biscuit. Troilus and (.'ressida, ii, 1
Pure as grace. flimlit, i. 4
as snow. Hamlet, iv, 3
as the unsullied lily. Love's Labour Lost, v, 2
Puffed. Breeches puffed or swelled out like
blisters. Henri) VIII, i, 3 (note)
Quake like rebels. Richard III, i, 3
Quarrellous as the weasel. Cipnheline, iii, 4
Question me as an honest man. -1/. Ado, \, \
Quick. Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound's
mouth, it catches. Murh Ailo, v. 2
Quiet as a lamb. Kimj John, iv, 1
Till thou the lie-giver, and that lie, do lie
in earth as quiet as thy father's skull.
Richard II, iv, 1
Quait him down, Bardidph, like a .shove-groat
shilling. 2 Henry IV, ii, 4
Rage like an angry boar. Tamiwi of Skr. i, 2
Rages like a chafed bull. 3 Henri/ VI, ii, .5
Rageth as a furnace. Kini/ .John, v, 7 (note)
Ragged as Lazarus.
1 Hmirij I]', iv.
Raileth. Like a iwor begji-H'i niilcth on tlie
rich. A'i'« Jiilni, ii, 2
Raise liis issue, like a loving sire. 3 //. I Y, ii, 3
Ran from her, as a witch. Com. o/' Errorx, iii, 2
Rank us a fox. Twel/'lh Xii/h', ii, 5
Rare as phosnix. As You Like Ii, iv, 3
Rash as fire. Otlulloy v, 2
Reason, like sweet bells jangled, out of tune
and harsh. Ilnmlet, iii, 1
Reasons are as two grains wheat hid in two
bushels of cliaff. Merchant of' Venice, i, 1
Receives comfort like cold porridge. T. ii, 1
Receives. His tender cheek receives lier soft
hand's print, as apt as new-fallen snow
takes any dint. Venus and Adonis.
Receiveth as the sea. Twelfth Ifit/ht, i, 1
Red as any rose. 2 Hnnrij /V, ii, 4
as blood. 2 Hairi/ JY, ii, 1
as fire. 3 Henri/ VI, iii, 2
as roses. ftn/ie of Lncreci .
as new-enkindled lire. A'".'/ •'''/'", v, 1
Eye red as 't would burn Rome. Cor. v, 1
Yet do thy clieeks look red as Titan's face,
blushing to be encounter'd with a cloud.
Titus Andronlcus, ii, ,5
Reek as a sacrifice. Ci/mheline, i, 3
Reels. Flecked darkness, like a drunkard,
reels. Romeo and .Lillet, ii, 2
Relish a love-song like a robin-redbreast.
Two Gentlemen of Verona, ii, 1
Rend like interrupted waters. Coriohinns, iii, 1
Repairs. And, like a gallant in tlie brow of
youth, repairs liim with occasion.
2 Ilennj VI, v, 3
Resemble you. — As much as an apjile doth
an oyster, and all one. Tain, of Shr. iv, 2
Respect thee as a father. Winter^ Tale, i, 2
thee as myself. 1 Henri) IV, v, 4
Revel it as bravely as the best. T. of S. iv, 3
Revelling like lords, 'till all be gone.
2 Henrii VI, i, 1
Reverberates. AVhich, like an arch reverber-
ates. Trollus and Crcssida, iii, 3
Reverenced like a blessed saint. 1 H. VI, iii, 3
Revil'd. And liis eye revil'd me as Ins abject
object. Henrij VIII. i, 1
Revives. Even as a dying coal revives with
wind. Venus and Adonis.
Rheumatic as two dry toasts. 2 H. I V, ii, 4
Rich. No legacy so rich as honesty. A. \V. iii, 5
in having such a jewel, as twentj' seas, if all
their sand were pearl. Ttm G. of V. ii, 4
Rich in worth as beauty, Wintn's Tale v, 1
Righteous. They s'lould be good men: their
affairs as righteous. Henri/ VIII, iii, 1
Right as snow in liarvest. Richard 111, i, 4
Ripe as pomewater. Love's Lalmir Lost, iv, 2
Rises like the issue of a king. Macbeth, iv, 1
Roars as doth tlie lion in the Capitol. J. C. i, 3
Root up. Like a boar too savage, dotli root up
his country's peace. TInwn of Alliens, v, 3
Rotten as ever oak or stone was sound.
Winter's Tale, ii, 3
Rough and rugged. His well pro])ortion(d
beard made rough and rugged, like to
the summer's corn by tempest lodg'd.
2 Henri) VI, iii, 3
as are the swelling Adriatic seas. T.ofS.i- 2
as tlie rud'st wind. Cymhetine, iv, 2
as maple rind. 1 Henrij VI, ii, 3 (ho/c)
Rouse yourself, as did the former lions t)f
j'our blood. Henni V, i, 2
Rul'd. This lovely face, rul'd like a wander-
ing planet, over me. 2 Henrij VI, iv, 3
Ruminates like a liostess. Tr. and Cress, iii, 3
Rumour. Pr'ythee, listen well; I heard a bus-
tling rumour, like a fray, and the wind
brings it from the Capitol. /. Casar. ii, 4
Run. His tears run down his beard, like win-
ter's drops from eaves of reeds. 7'. v, 1
into 't, boots and spurs and all, like him
that leaped into the cu.stard. All 's W. ii, 5
holjbling, like a brewer's cart upon the
stones- As You Like It, iii, 2 (ixote)
Like to a trusty squire, did run away.
1 Henrij VI, iv, 1
Running, like to a pair of turtle-doves
1 Henrij VI, ii, 2
Runs not this speech like iron through your
blood? iliich Ado about Nothiiiij, v, 1
Like a lajswing runs. Much Ado, iii, 1
Sad as night. A.7n;/ John, iv, 1
Be sad as we would make ye. H. VIII, Pr.
Salt as wolves in pride. Othello, iii, 3
Tears as salt as sea, through thy unkind-
ness. 3 Henrij VI, iii, 2
Sat, like patience on a monument. T. N. ii, 4
Satis quod suflicit. [Enough is as good as a
feast. ] Lore's Latiour Lost, y, 1
Says. Your love says like an honest gentle-
man. Romeo and Juliet, ii, 5
Scald. But I am bound upon a wheel of fli-e,
that mine own tears scald like molten
lead. Kint) Lear, iv, 7
Scorch. Her eye did seem to scorch me up
like a burning glass. ilen-ij Wivef, i, 3
Secret, and as dear as Anna to the queen of
Carthage was. Taming of the Shrew, i, 1
as a dumb man. J/«oA Ado about Nothing, i, 1
as maidenhead. Twelfth Night, i, 5
Secure. We may do it secure as sleep.
1 Henry IV, i, 2
See as in a map. Richard HI, ii, 4
Seem. His faults, in him, seem as the spots
of heaven, more fiery by night's black-
ness. Antonij and Cleopatra, i, 4
to me as Dian in her orb. Much Ado, iv, 1
We shall be winnow'd with so rough a wind,
that even our corn shall seem as light as
chaft". 3 Henry IV, iv, 1
Seems like diamond to glass. Pericles, ii, 3
My love to Hermia, melted as doth the snow,
seems to me now as the remembrance of
an idle gawd. Midsummer-Night' s Dr. iv, 1
Sell men and women like beasts. M forM. iii, !i
Sensible as your finger. Coriolanus, i, 3
to feeling as to sight. Macbeth, ii, 1
Sensual. Libertine, as sensual as the brutish
sting itself. As You Like It, ii, 7
Serves. And that small model of the barren
earth, which serves as paste and cover
to our bones. Richard II, iii, 3
Serv'd as I would a rat. Ci/mbeline, v, 5
Set. Arms .set like clocks. 1 Henry VI, i, 3
As in mockery set. Mid.iummer-N. Dr. ii, 2
Shaiow. Then came wand'ring by a shadow
like an angel. Richard HI, i, 4
Shake thee from me, like a serpent.
Midsummer-Night' s Dream, iii, 2
Shak'd like a coward. 1 Henri/ IV, iii, 1
Shakes. And, like the tyrannous breathing
of the north, shakes all our buds from
growing. Cymbeline, i, 4
like a thing infirm. Julius Ctesar, i, 3
Shame. The brightness of her cheek would
shame those stars, as daylight doth a
lamp. Romeo and Juliet, ii, 2
which, like a canker in the fragrant rose,
doth spot the beauty. Sonnet XCV.
Sharp. And his great love, sharp as his spur,
hath holp him. Macbeth, i,
By heaven, I think mj* sword 's as sharp
as yours. A'i'ng John, iv, 3
His nose was sharp as a pen. Henry V, ii, 3
Pray can I not, though inclination be as
sharp as will. Hamlet, iii, 3
Sharp. Thy sting is ncjt so sharp.
As friend remember d not.
As You Like Ii, ii, 7
to them as thorn. Rirhird II, iv, 1
Shine as gloriously as the Venus of the sky.
Midsnnimer-Night' s Dream, iii, 3
Eyes like glow-worms shine. Venus and Ad.
it like a comet of revenge. 1 Henry VI, iii, 2
Shines. A substitute shines brightly as a
king, until a king be by. Mer. of V. v, 1
Shiver'd like an egg. King Lear, iv, 6
Shook hands, as over a vast. Wint. Tale, i, 1
And, like a dewdrop from the licm's mane,
be shook to air. Troilus and Cre-:sida, iii, 3
Shone like the moon in water seen by night.
Venus am/ Adonis.
Short as any dream. Midsummer-N. Dreum, i. 1
She fetches her breath as short as a uew-
ta'en sparrow. Troilus and Cressida, iii, 2
Say — pardon, king; let pity teach thee
how: the word is short, but not so short
as sweet. Richard II, v, 3
Show like gilt two-pences. 2 Henry IV. iv, 3
like graves i' the holy church-yard.
r . , . ^ -~ Coriolanus, iii, 3
me, my vKJrm, like a queen. A. and C. v, 2
Men, like butterflies, show not their mealy
wings, but to the summer. 7'. and C. iii, 3
much like to madness. M. for M. iv. 4
Show'd. His chin new-reaped show'd like a
stubble-land at harvest. 1 Henry IV, i, 3
like a fea.st. 1 Henry /!', iii, 2
like an April daisy on the green. R. of L.
like two silver doves that sit a-billing.
Venus and Adonis.
your teeth like apes. Julius Ctesar, v, 1
Shriek like mandrakes torn out of the earth.
Romeo and Juliet, iii, 3
Shrill. Thy small pipe is as the maiden's
organ, shrill and s(_iund. Twel. Night, i. 4
Shrink mine arm up like a wither'd .shrub.
3 Henry VI, iii, 2
Shrinks backward, as the snail. Venus and A.
Sigh, like a school-boy that had lost his
A. B. C. Two Gentlemen of Verona, ii, 1
like Tom o' Bedlam. King Lear, i, 2
Sighing like a furnace. As You Like It, ii, 7
Sighs. But like a stormy day, now wind, now
rain, sighs dry her cheeks, tears make
them wet again. Venus and Adonis.
Easy sighs, such as folks draw in love.
2 Henry IV, v, 2 (note)
Sighted like the basilisk. U'inler's Tale, i, 3
Sight of death is as a bell, that warns my old
age to a sepulchre. Romeo and Juliet, v, 3
Silent as a stone. Antnnij and Clenpatra, ii, 3
Sing. Did ever raven sing so like a lark.
Titus AudronlcHfi, iii, 1
And nightly, meadow -fairies, look you,
sing, like to the Garter's compass, in a
ring. ilcn-fi Wivis of Wimlsor, v, 5
like birds i' the cage. Kitig fjear, v, 3
like elves and fairies in a ring. Much, iv, 1
The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark,
when neither is attended. M. nf Ven. v, 1
Sings as sweetly as a nightengale. T.nfS.W, 1
How angel-like he sings! Cijmtidine, iv, 3
Like an angel sings. Merch. of Venice, v, 1
like one immortal, and she dances as god-
dess-like. Pericles, v, (Gowei')
Sit like ajack-an-apes, never off. //. V, v, 3
like tixed candlesticks. Henry V, iv, 3
like his grandsire, cut in alabaster.
Merchant of Venice, i, 1
Like a demi-god here sit I in the sky.
Loce'^s Labour Lost, iv, 3
Sits as one new-risen from a dream.
Taminij of the Shrew, iv, 1
like a witch sailing in a sieve. M. i, 3 (note)
here, like beauty's child whom nature gat
for men to see, and seeing, wonder at.
Pericles, ii, 2
'raongst men, like a descended god.
Cipniiel ine, i, 7
Skill-lsss as unpractis'd infancy. T.audC.i, 1
Skip like rats. Merri/ Wives of Windsor, ii, 1
Slander. Did pretty Jessica like a little shrew,
slander her love. Merchant of Venice, v, 1
Slanderous as Satan. Me.rr(j Wives, v, 5
Sleep like a town top. Twelfth Niyht, 1, 3 («o-'c)
thou ape of death, lie dull upon her! and
be her sense but as a monument, thus in
a chapel lying! Ci/mheline, ii, 3
she as sound as careless infancy. JL W. v, 5
Sleeping and the dead are but as pictures.
Macbeth, ii, 3
Slender. An your waist, mistress, were as
- slender as my wit. Love's Lab. Lost, iv, 1
Slept. If he had been as you, and you as he,
you would have sl^pt like him.
Measure for Measure, ii, 3
Slipp'd me like his greyhound. T. of Sh. v, 2
Slippery, as the Gardian knot was hard!
Cijmbeline, ii, 3
Slow as the elephant. Troil. and Cresida, i, 3
Small as a wand. Two Gentlemen of Ver. ii, 3
But if there be yet left in heaven as small
a drop of pity as a wren's eye. Cijm. iv, 3
Pil)e small as an eunuch, or the virgin voice
that babies lull asleep. Coriolanus, iii, 2
Speak as small as you will. .lA.-iV. Dr. i, 2
Things as small as nothing. T. and C. ii, 3
Smart. Thoir softest touch, as smart as liz-
zard's stings. 2 Henri/ TV, iii, 3
Smell like Bucklesbury in simple-time.
Merri) Wives of Windsor, iii, 3
He smells like a fish; a very ancient and
fish-like smell. Tempest, ii, 3
Smiles as in disdain. Venus and Adonis.
Smooth as monumental alabaster. Othello, v, 3
as oil. 1 Henri/ IV, i, 3
Glide as smoothly as a Parthian shaft.
1 Henri/ IV, i, 3 (not,)
Snatch "em up, as we take hares, behind.
Antonij and Cleopatra, iv, 7
Snorting like a hor.se. ] Hem-ji 1 V, ii, 4
Soft as air, as gentle. Ant. and Cleopatra, v, 3
as foot could stride. Macbeth, ii, 1 (note)
as sinnews of the new-born babe. //. iii, 3
a subject as myself. Romeo and Juliet, iii, 5
as the parasite's silk. Coriolanus, i, 9
as wax. Titus Andronicus, iii, 1
as young down. 1 Hennj IV, i, 3
like a spirit are thy feet. 2H.IV,iv, 4 (note)
This hand, as soft as dove's down, and
white as it; or Ethiopian's tooth, or the
the fann'd snow, that 's bolted by the
northern blasts twice o'er. IF. Tale, iv, 3
Softly as foot can fall. As You Like It, iii, 3
Soon. I dare draw as soon as another man,
if I see occasion in a good quarrel, and
the law on my side. Romeo and Juliet, ii, 4
Sorrow, like a heavy-hanging bell once set on
ringing, with its own weight, goes.
Rape of Lucrece .
concealed, like an oven stopp'd, doth burn
the heart to cinders. Titus Andron. ii, 5
Soul. An evil soul, producing holy witness,
is like a villain with a smiling cheek.
Merc/tant of Venice, i, 3
Sound. Heart sound as a bell. M. Ado, iii, 2
Sounded like a cannon in a vault.
3 Henri/ VI, v, 2
Sounds. His tongue sounds ever after like a
sullen bell, remember'd knolling a de-
parting friend. 3 Henry IV, i, 1
(21 )
Sovereign. Lament, with tears as sovereign
as the blodd of hearts. Am. (vul Clro. v, 1
Sparkle. Mine eyes slioukl sparkle as the
beaten flint. 1 Henrij VI, iil, 2
Speak as having power to do wrong.
2 Hm,,) ril, ii, 1
as lond as Mars. Anion;/ anil Clai/iatiti, ii, 2
as my understanding instructs me.
Wluti'.r's Tale, i, 1
fondly, like a frantic man. liicluinl II, iii, 3
like a cai)tain. Timon nf Athene, iii, 5
like a death's head. 2 llcnni IV, ii, 4
like a good child. Hamlei, iv,5
like a green girl. Hamie', i, 2
like a king. 1 Henrij IV, ii, 4
like an ancient and most quiet watchman.
Much Alio About Xnfhint;, iii, 3
like an Anthropophaginian unto thi-e.
Mcrri/ Wires of Windsor, iv, 5
like a subject. 3 Hcnrij VI, v, 5
like a true kuight. Richard II, i, 3
like a wood woman. Two G. of Ve.r. ii, 3
like friends. Timon of At/unis, iii, 4
like honest men. Henri/ VIII, iii, 1
like one besotted. Troilus and Cressida ii, 2
of frays, like a fine bragging youtli.
Mrrchant of Venire, iii, 4
not like a dotard, nor a fool.
Mtirh Ado AfioiU No!]iini/, v, 1
plain and to the purpose, like an honest
man and a soldier. Much Ado. ii, 3
puling, like a beggar at Hallowmas.
Tvm Gentlemen of Verona,, ii, 1
small like a woman. Merr;/ Wires, i, 1
'Would all other women could speak this
with as free a soul as I do I
Henr,/ VIII, iii, 1
That when bespeaks not like a citizen, you
tind l)im like a soldier. Coriolanns, iii, 3
Speaks not like a man of Gjd's making.
Lore\'i Labour Ijost, v, 2
Speakst like a physician. Pericles, i, 2
like him untutored to repeat. Perirles, i, 4
Spherical, like a globe. Com. of Errors, iii, 2
Speech. His speech was like a tangled chain.
Mulsumnier-Ni^jhl^ s Ijrvam, v, 1
Spoke as christians ouglit to speak.
Merri/ Wires of Windsor, i, 1
like an officer. Taming of the Shrew, v, 2
like a tall fellow, that respects his reputa-
tion. Richard III, i, 4
Spoken like an honest drover. M. Ado, ii, 1
Spoken like a traitor. Coriolanns, iii, 1
Spread. Great princes' favorites tlieir fair
leaves spread, but as tlie marigold at the
sun's eye. Sonnet XX V
Sprung like summer flies. 3 Ilenrij VI, ii, 6
Spurn thee like a cur. Julius Casar, iii, 1
Stains aiul soon bereaves, as caterpillars do
tlie tender leaves. Venus and .Idonis.
Stalk about her door, like a strange soul upon
the Stygian banks staying for waftage.
Troilus and Cressida, iii, 2
Stalks up and down like a peacock.
Troilus and Cressida, iii, 3
Stan J. And each particular hair to stand on
end, like quills upon the fretful porcu-
pine. Hamlet, i, 5
at your door like a sheritf's post, and be a
supporter of a bench, but he '11 speak
to you. Twel/'ih Niijlit, i, .5
like dumb Statuas or breathless stones.
Richard III, iii, 7
like greyhounds in the slips, straining up-
on the start. " Henrij V, iii, 1
like tlie forfeits in a barber's shop.
Measure for Measure, v, 1
Standest as his prey! Love's Labour Lost, iv, 1
Stands as an edict in destiny.
Midsuntnier~Night\s Dream, i, 1
by, like a weather-beaten conduit of many
king's reign. Winter's Tale, v, 2
there, like a mortar- piece, to blow us.
Henri/ VIII, v, 3
upright, likeliuK^-twigs to catch my wing-
ed soul. 2 Henri/ VI, iii, 3
Staring full ghastly, like a strangled man.
2 Henr II VI, iii, 2
Start. Thy two eyes, like stars, start from
tlieir spheres. Hamlet, i, 5
Started like a guilty thing. Hamlet, i, 1
Starts — as from a dream. Rii/ik of Luc.rece.
like one that spies an adder. Venus and Ad.
Your bedded hair, like life in excrements,
starts up, and stands on end. Ilamlct, iii, 4
Station like the herald Mercury. Hamlet, iii, 4
Steal. We steal as in a castle, cock-sure;
we have tlie receipt of fern - seed, we
walk invisible. 1 Henri/ IV, ii, 1
like a timorous thief. All's Well, ii, .">
As the morning steals upon the night.
The Tem/iest, V, 1
Sticks. Like fruit unripe, sticks on the tree.
Ilamlct, iii, 2
Still as dead midnigtit. Henri/ V, iii, (chorus)
as tlie grave. Othello, v, 2
Stirring as the time. ^i"!l John, v, 1
Stood like a man at a mark. ilncli Ado. ii, 1
How like a jade he stood! Venus . ii, 1
up arms like gentlemen. 2 Henri/ VI, iii, 3
Talk so like a waiting gentlewoman!
1 Henri/ IV, ii, 3
Talked with in sincerity, as with a saint.
Meitsnrefor Measure, i, 4
Talkest as if thou wert a king. 3 H. VI, iii, 1
Talks like a knell. Coriolanus, v, 4
Teachest like a fool. Anton// and Cleopatra, i, 3
Tears began to turn their tide, being prison-
ed in her eye, like pearls in glass. T'. and A.
But be yourheartto them, as unrelenting
flint to drops of rain. Titus Andron. ii, 3
Like Niobe, all tears. Hamlet, i, 2
the holy dew lies like a pearl drojit
from the opening eyelids of the morn
upon the bashful rose. Lmr, iv, 3 {note)
Those happy smiles, that play'd on her ripe
lip, seera'd not to know what guests were
inliereyes; wliicli parted thence, as pearls
from diamonds dropp'd. Lear, iv, 3
Tedious as a king. Much Ado. iii, 5
as is a tired horse, a railing wife; worse
than a smoky house. 1 Henrij IV, iii, 1
as to work. 2 Henri/ I V, i, 2
Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale, vex-
ing the dull ear of a drowsy man.
Kinij ./n/iii, iii, 4
Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Marbetli, iii, 4
Temperate as the morn. Taming of Shmr, ii, 1
Temper him like wa.x. 2 Henri/ IV, iv, 4 {_note)
Tender as infancy and grace. IT. Tale, v, 3
Valentine, whose life 's as tender to me as
my soul. 7'wo Gentlemen of Verona, v, 4
Terrible as storms. Henri/ VIH, iii, 1
Thick as TewKsbury mustard. 2 //. /!', ii, 4
Tlum shalt be pinch'd as thick as honey-
combs, each pinch more stinging than
bees that made them. Trni/iesl, i, 2
Thin of substance as the air. Rmn. and .f. i, 4
Think. But like a sad slave, stay and think
of nought. Sonnet Ll'H.
Thoughts. My thoughts were like unbridled
children, grown too headstrong for their
mother. Trodus and Cressida, iii, 2
Threw. Like the base Indian, threw a pearl
away. Oikello, v, 5
And she, like harmless lightning, throws
her eye on him. Ci/mheline, v, 5
Thrust out like a fugitive. 1 Hainj 17, iii, 3
Thunder as Jove himself. Meas. fur M. ii, 2
Tides like silver curls. 1 Henri/ IV, i, 3 (note)
Tim; is like a fashionable host. T. and C. iii, 3
Trained me like a peasant. As Y. Like Ii. i, 1
Tread. And, like a forester, the groves may
tread. Midsummer -Nir/hl's Dream, iii, 2
Tremble like aspen leaves. Titus Andron. ii, 5
Trick. Good a trick as ever hangman served
a thief. Timon of Athens, ii, 2
Trip. Or, like a fairy, trip upon the green.
T'e»».«; and Adonis.
Trot, like a servile footman, all day long.
Titus Andnmieus, v, 2
True a dog as ever fought at head.
Titus Androni'-us, v, 1
as, I believe, you think them false, that
give you cause to prove my saying true.
Kinij John, iii, ]
as I live; And, as God shall mend me.
1 Henri/ IV, iii, 1
as steel, as plantage to the moon, as sun
to day, as turtle to her mate, as iron to
adamant, as earth to the centre, — Yet,
after all comparisons of truth, as truth's
authentick author to be cited, as true as
Troilus shall crown up the verse, and
sanctify the numbers. Troil. and Cr. iii, 2
as truest horse that yet would never tire.
Mid.mminer-Nlljht's Dreinn, iii, 1
as truth's simplicity. Troilus and Cr. iii, 2
as Turquoise in my dear lord's ring, look
well or ill with him. Mm: of ]'. iii, 1 (note)
True. Heart is true as steel. Af-N. Dr. ii, 2
In tliy youth thou wast as true a lover as
ever sigh'd upou a midnight jiillow.
,4.s- You Like It, ii, 4
My man 's true as steel. Rmn. ami Jul, ii, 4
we are, as Hesh and blood can be.
Loi^e^a Jjubour Lost, iv, 3
Trusted like the fo.\. 1 //ran/ /T, v, 2
Tyrannous, so as thou art, as those whose
Ijeauties proudly make them cruel.
Sonnet CXXXI.
Turn o' the toe like a parish top. 7'. N. i, 3
Ugly as a bear. Miihummer-yit/ht^ s Dream, ii, 3
Uncurls, even as an adder. Tilus Andron. ii, 3
Universal like the sun. Henri/ V, iv, (chorus)
Unkind as man's ingratitude, yl.s- 5'. /.. /', ii, 7
Unkindness be like crooked age. liirh. II, ii, 1
Unknown bottom, like the bay of Portugal.
Ai: You Like /',iv, 1
Unwieldy, slow, heavy and pale as lead.
Homeu and Juliet, ii, 5
Upright as tlie cedar. Love's Labour Lo.'.t, iv, 3
Up-staring (then like reeds, not hair.)
Tempest, i, 2
Urg'd me as a judge. Richard II, i, 3
Use all the observance of civility, like one
well-studied in a .sad osteut. J/, of V. ii, 2
It is excellent to have a giant's strength;
btit it is tyannous to use it like a giant.
Measure for Measure, ii, 2
me but as your spaniel. M.-N. Dream, ii, 2
you like a fool. Tamin;/ nf the Shrew, i, 1
Utter. Like a true drunkai'd, utter all to
thee. Mueh Ado Ahout Nolhini/, iii, 3
Utters them as he had eaten ballads.
Winter's Tale, iv, 3
Valiant as a lion, and wondrous affable.
1 Henrj /!', iii, 2
as Hercules. Mueh Ado About Nolhiufi, iv, 1
as Mark Antony. Henri) V. iii, 6
as the wrathful dove, or mo.st magnani-
mous mouse. ? Heiirij IV, ii, 4
Valorous as Hector. 2 Ilennj I V, ii, 4
Vanish like hailstones. Merri; Wives, i, 3
Vary his face as seamen do their compass.
Henrij VIII, i, 3
Veiled like a cloistress. Twelftli yiiiht, i, 1
Ventured like little wanton boys that swim
on bladders. Henry VUI, iii, 2
Vigilant as a cat to steal cream. 1 //. /F, iv, 2
Vile. Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a
thing as self- neglecting. Ileuri/ V, ii, 4
Virtue. There is no virtue like necessity.
Rieliard II, i, 3
Voice propertied as all the tuned spheres.
Antonij and Cleopatra, v, 2
Silver- voic'd. Pericles, vi, 1
Vomit like a drunkard. Titus Andronicus, iii, ]
Wait like a lou.sy foot -boy at chamber door.
Henri/ VIII, v, 2
Letting I dare not wait uptui I would, like
the poor cat in the adage. Macbeth, i, 7
Wak'd as if you slept. Tain, of Shnv; (ind) 2
Walk alone, like one that had the pestilence.
Tivo Gentlemen of Verona, ii, 1
as, they say spirits do. Henn/ VIII, v, 1
like sprites. Macbeth, ii, 3
like a stranger. Taming of Shrao, ii, 1
like a private man. Titus Andronicus, iv, 4
Foolery, sir, doth walk about the orb, like
the sun; it shines everywhere.
Twelfth Xii/hl, iii, 1
Wanton as a child, skijiping and vain.
Love's Labour Lost, V, 2
as youthful goats. 1 Henri/ IV, iv, 1
Warlike as the wolf. Ci/mliellue, iii, 3
Warp. And like green timber, warp.
As You Like It, iii, 3
Watch like one that fears robbing.
Two Gentlemen of Verona, ii, 1
me, like Argus. Macbeth, iii, 4
Wav'd like the enridged sea. Lear, iv, 6
Wax'd like a sea. Coriolamis, ii, 2
We. As flies to wanton boys, are we to the
gods. A'iHi/ Lear, iv, 1
Wealthy as an English yeoman. 3 H. VI, i, 4
Wear. Opinion! A man may wear it on both
sides, like a leather jerkin.
TroUus and Cressida, iii, 3
Adversity; which, like the toad, ugly and
venemous, wears yet a precious jewel in
his head. As You Like It, i, 2
her like his medal. Winter's Tale, i, 2
Weep. But as the earth doth weep, the sun
being set . Ra/ie of Lucrece.
Did as a prophet weep. Troilus and Cr. i, 2
for nothing, like Diana in the fountain.
As You Like It, iv, 1
like a young wench that had buried her
grandam. Trno Gentlemen of Verona, ii, 1
Welcome, worthy sir, as I have words to bid
you. Ci/mbeline, i, 7
Whirled. My thoughts are whirled, like a ^
potter's wheel. 1 Henri/ VI, i, 5
Whistle. Tlie seaiiian's whistle is :is a wliis-
per in tlie car of death. PericlKs, iii, 1
White as a lily. Tim (Inillniuii of Verona, ii, 3
as driven .snow. W'iniei's Tah; iv, 3
as lawn. Hape of hicm-t\
as snow. Ihimkt, iii, 3 iiml iv, ."i
Teeth as white as whaleljone. A. /.. A. v, 'i
With tingers long, small, white as milk.
Per ides, iv, 1
Whole as a tish. Tim Genilemen of Verona, ii, .')
as tlie marhle. Mariieth, iii, 4
Wide as a chnreh door. Romeo itnd Jitliet, iii, 1
as hell. ILiirij 1', iii, 3
I will not open my lips .so wide as a hristle
may enter. Twelftli N^ii/ht, i, H
Wild as young hulls. 1 Ilrnri/ /!', iv, 1
Willing as bondage e'er of freedom, 7'. iii, 1
as I live. 2 Ilenr,, 17, v, 1
Willingly as e'er I came from school.
Tainlntj of the Shreu-, iii, 2
as one would kill a fly. Titus Andron. v, 1
Wink. As good to wink, sweet love, as look
on night. Comedij of Errors, iii, 2
Wise as bold. Merchant of Venice, ii, 7
as honest. Ci/mbellne, iii, 4
as beautiful. Midsummer- .Vi'y/i/'.s- Dr. iii, 1
as virtuous. 3 Ilrnn/ VI, iv, 6
Wit. Has not so much wit as will stop the
eye of Helen's needle. Troil. and Cr. ii, 1
Wither'd like an old apple- John.
1 Henr,/ IV, iii, 3
Like a blasted sapling, withered up.
Mickird III, iii, 4
Witty a piece of Eve's flesh as any in Illyria.
Twelfth Niijht, i, .5
Woman, that is like a German clock, still a
repairing; ever out of frame ; and never
going aright. Covers Labour Lost, iii, t
Woman mov'd, :s like a rcnintain troubled.
Taminij nf the Shrew, v, 2
Woman's tongue, that gives not half so great
a blow to the e ir as will a chestnut in a
farmer's lire. 'J'amini/ eif the Shnn; i, 2
Woni:n are as roses. Tu-elflh Xii/hl, ii, 4
Nay, call us ten times frail ; for we are soft
as our comjilcxions are, and ci'edulous to
false prints. Mea-