Class Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. •\ -v. ■ ■ Ill " M^ ' ,» ' . .. ii. . ; ,*, > : ■• -ft - •*.v V '- at \ -■' - , .-« ».'•■ - km .1 #1 ■ •■'.. ■%». ■.■.■<«« v-„- *►■■■■ . *,-•■■ i**^ ; m L r :iG^Qc^aGioaQonaoaa?oc%DQ^ D 8 a D 8 D 8 D 8 a a 8 D 8 □ 8 a a SOMEONE TO CARE a DOUGLAS MALLOCH • ° 4 • o Published by P.RVOLLAND COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO TOFLONTO COPYRIGHT I S2.0 PFVOLLANO CO- D a a a □ Jl S£P ~' '920©CI.A597233 \ V 5 u DG^ac^DGiOnG^DaGXQQCiOC^^ a D 8 a a 8 □ 8 D 8 a a □ □ e D D Dc^onc^onc^oac^nG^DDGJtOG^ODGioac^Dac^DnCioaooE: u T D □ D D D he greatest gift that is given o* to man a Is someone to care ; HDhen uou hope and dream, ujheri i]ou ujork and plan, Someone to care ; Someone to care tuhen the dau bomeone to care ujhen uou re § glad ujith sona — © TOhen the ujorld goes right, ujhen □ g the ujorld goes wrong. , 8 Someone to care . a e a ]c^nc^QCxoac^nc?sonGaQG>oaG>o^ u :)G*oac^DGioaaoaooDCi^x^ac^Dc%^^ D 8 □ 8 D 8 D *•<¥* a e a a J ZJGSODQSOXSODGSODQsaX^ § n a U 8 lou can seek the top of the n highest hill a TOlth someone to care ; Qfou cart see the apod, uou can Q bear the ill , o QDith someone to care . a The dark mou come or the aale G man stLncr 5 9 out , uuhat the dot] or the rdcnrxt 9 Q mox| bring;, I ^Itou stiLL are blessed uuiih a siueeter a 8 things 8 8 Someone to care . 8 □ n 8 D Q Dc^Dnc^onc^nc^nc?iDDGXDGionGioacsoac^no^^^ a H u jGtoaG&aG&aGitancxoacsoQxzac^oc^ o D § □ a 8 a D a D D a 8 G e D a □ Jc^ncj&ncxooc^ncxdQQxacxQaGxoaGtcc^ X}^Dc^oDGioncioacionc^oooao^DC5onc^coc5oac^oc a □ 8 a a a a 8 a 8 D 8 a o por ne\?ef* a Loss ujilL seem a Loss, QDith someone to care ; Qnd ne\7er a cross ujUI seena a cross , QDith someone to care ; Someone to care ujhen uour heart Is scud , Someone to caipe ujhen uour heart is glad — The ones ujho ujon uuere the ones ujho had Someone to care . y * .V»*»' ' a acaQDC*ona!QDC«a3G!Oc^^ :G*onc£coG>ODGionaoaGioc5c^ D a □ a 8 □ 8 a a a □ a n ]c^nc^nooac^nc?OQCjQG>on^ Jl u x^Qc^DGJODQonaoDcxocxDacj^ a n e D 8 D 8 a a 8 □ 8 D 8 a n_ qn e need not gold if uue ha\)e but this Someone to care ; QDe shall ha\?e our iou thouah the qpal uje miss, QDith someone to care. If there be but one with a faith that's true , If there be but one uuho believes in uou, That loVe ujUI lift artcL ujili bring uou throuah Someone to cane . lc^nc^ncxxicttncxcEfcxDO&aGiZ^^ u x^^Dc^DG50DCioac^onc^oc%DDC?ODC^onG^oDc^oac^oi: □ a n D 8 a □ 8 a 8 D 8 a a □ a 8 a Dc^nc^nooac^nc*DOC3QGioaG>^^ a n x^oczoocioacxcacxcocxyzxd^ a D 8 □ 8 □ e a a 8 D 8 D 8 a □ a | or ujhat is the use op it all ujithout Someone to care ? ^tDhen uou're jailed uiith liope or are dark ujilK doubt, Someone to care ? QDhat is the good, of it all unless There's someone to skane uour happiness, Someone to care urhen uou ujin success , Someone to care ! L icttoc^ncxoac^noxttQXDCjxon §1 4. V - ^ ■ r ; J . •x ■ B ! *:■ \ a • - library of congress J 015 929 332 4 , • p F ** * t$ * • J 4 •• » /* .'» % * • •*: If ^^#i fc *< 4-. 4 J ft' I f