^ gass Ct-N ^ ^ 5 Book , /V^-l I I RACING RULES TABLE OF TIME ALLOWANCE DEED OF GIFT for - INTERNATIONAL '' "NATIONAL'' and -INTER-STATE'' TROPHIES NAUTICAL SPEED TABLE ETC.. ETC. of the National Association OF Engine and Boat Manufacturers COPYRIGHTED igos LC Control Number tmp96 026215 PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION Room 14, 314 Madison Avenue New York City •JBRARVof OONGKtSS] fwo Copies rteceJveO JUL 25 I9U5 Couynijiii titirv COPY B. RAQNG RULES. ^>^^ MANAGEMENT. All races, and all boats competing therein, shall be under the control and direction of the Race Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee, and to consist of five (5) members. All matters shall be subject to their approval and control, and all questions and dis- putes which may arise shall be decided by them. Their decision shall be based upon these Rules, but as no rules can be devised capable of meeting every incident and accident of contest, the Race Committee should keep in view the ordinary customs of the sea and use every means to discourage any attempts to win a race by any other than fair racing and superior skill and speed. The decision of the Race Committee shall be final, unless upon the application of a contestant, endorsed by two members of the Race Committee, they shall refer all questions at issue, for the decision of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers, whose decision shall then be final. RULE I. APPLICATION. 1. The rules shall apply only to boats taking part in a race. 2. Boats shall be amenable to the rules after the preparatory signal has been given. RULE 2. MEASUREMENT. 1. When a boat is officially measured she shall be stripped of tools, lubricating oils and fuel. Should a boat, after having been officially measured, discharge or take on any dead weight or ballast, or make any alterations in trim, except to take aboard tools, lubri- cating oils or fuel, she shall not be allowed to start in a race without remeasurement, or without notifying the Race Committee, in writing, that such changes have been made, together with a request for remeasurement. 2. If, through protest, the measurement of a boat be called in question, the Race Committee shall direct the measurer to remeasure such boat, and the result, as reported by him, shall be final. The fee of Ten $10) dollars for remeasurement shall be collected from the owner, if the measurement is found to exceed the measurement filed, and from the person protesting, if not. The owner of a boat so protested shall present his boat for measurement immediately after the race, and when so required by the Race Committee. 3. Any boat whose official rating has not been filed with the Race Committee prior to the start of the race shall not be eligible to compete. The official certificate of measurement shall be shown to the Race Committee upon request therefor. 4. The following shall be the rule for the measure- ment of all motor boats, except as hereinafter provided. y?a//«^ = 49A/LX-v^^' (L — water-line length in feet: H. P. — Horse Power; W— Weight in Lbs). Where the weight is in excess of 15,000 pounds, the formula of the American Power Boat Association shall be used. 5. Load Water Line. — Shall be the distance between perpendiculars drawn through the intersection of the stem and stern with the load water line, when the boat is afloat. 6. Freeboard. — Is the perpendicular distance between the top of the plank sheer at side, at a point 55 per cent, the load water line of the boat aft of the bow. 7. Horse Pozeer. — The horse power of all motors shall be obtained as follows : Hydro-Carbon Motors. — To be calculated by mul- tiplying (A) the area of the cylinders in square inches by the number (N) of cylinders, multiplied by (S) stroke of piston in inches and divided by (C) a con- stant, as hereinafter provided by four and two cycle motors. Horse Power — — Electricity. — To be calculated at 746 watts as equal to one horse power. RULE 3- CLASSIFICATION AND RATING. I. All boats shall be classified b}' their ratings, and shall be divided into Divisions and Classes, as follows : DIVISION I — HIGH SPEED MOTOR BOATS. Class I includes all boats length overall 12 metres, or 39.37 feet, excepting boats with keels laid before July i, 1505, to be eligible length overall 40 feet or under. Class 2 includes all boats length overall 40 feet and above. Class 3 includes all boats length overall ^3 feet and under. DIVISION 2 — CRUISERS. Class I includes all boats length overall 50 feet and above. Class 2 includes all boats length overall 50 feet and under. DIVISION 3 — OPEN LAUNCHES. Class I includes all boats length overall 50 feet and under. 2. All boats in Division i, Class i, have no restrictions as to power or beam, but are required to be of a sea- worthy design and constructed of sufficient strength to pass through a race without showing any pronounced structural weakness. The judges shall be a Special Committee, who shall examine before and after a race all boats of this class in this Division. 3. All boats in Division i, Classes i and 2, shall be required to have a freeboard of at least twenty-two (22) inches. 4. All boats in Division i, Class 3, shall be required to have a freeboard of at least eighteen (18) inches. 5. Ratings. — All boats in Division i, Class i, have no restrictions as to motor power. All boats in Division i, Class 2, shall be rated accord- ing to Rule 2, Section 7, with the constant as 12 for the four cycle motors and the constant as 9 for two cycle motors. All boats in Division i, Class 3, the constant shall be 10 for the four cycle motors, and the constant 7.5 for the two cycle motors. All boats in Division 2, Class i, the constant shall be 18 for the four cycle motors, and the constant 13.5 for the two-cycle motors. All boats in Division 2, Class 2, the constant shall be 15 for the four cycle motors and the constant 11.25 for the two cycle motors. All boats in Division 3, Class i, the constant shall be 20 for the four cycle motors, and the constant 15 for the two cycle motors. RULE 4- TIME ALLOWANCE. Time allowance shall be calculated on racing measure- ment according to the appended table. RULE 5. ENDURANCE CONTESTS. All boats shall start on their handicap time allowance — the start from a point oflf New York City, to be selected by Committee, on the Hudson River, up stream to and around a stake boat anchored at or near the Poughkeepsie Bridge and return. The first boat cross- ing the finishing line to be declared the winner. RULE 6. OWNERSHIP. 1. Each boat entered for a race must be the bona fide property of, or under charter to, the person in whose name she is entered, who must be a member of a recognized Yacht, Motor Boat or Automobile Club. 2. A person chartering a boat shall be considered to be its owner. RULE 7. ENTRIES. 1. All entries shall be made in writing, and shall be signed by the owner or his representative, giving the name of the boat, class, rating, etc., as outlined in entry blank, and such entry blank must be lodged with the Race Committee ten (lo) days previous to the first event, unless otherwise ordered by the Committee. 2. The Race Committee may refuse or accept any entry made after the time of closing. 3. The Race Committee may, if they consider it expedient, reject any entry. RULE 8. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. The owner of each boat entered for a race shall be furnished at the time of entry, or as soon thereafter as possible, with written or printed instructions as to the conditions of the race and the courses over which the race shall take place. 2. The Race Committee may change the courses or amend the instructions, provided notice of such change is given to each boat before the preparatory signal is given, 3. In the absence of the owner, the delivery of instructions to any person on board a boat shall be considered sufficient. RULE 9. 1. The total number of persons on board a boat shall not be less than two. 2. No person shall board or leave a boat after the starting signal has been made, except in case of acci- dent or injury to a person on board. 3. All boats must carry as one of its crew a member of some recognized Yacht, Motor Boat or Automobile Club. 4. The owner of every winning boat shall, before the awarding of prizes, file with the Race Committee a certificate stating that the rules have been obeyed. Such certificate shall include the names and addresses of the members of the crews. RULE 10. LIFE BUOYS. Boats in all classes shall carry a serviceable life buoy for each person carried. RULE II. FITTINGS, BALLAST, ETC. 1. Floors shall be kept down and bulkheads left standing. Doors, galley fixtures and fittings shall be kept on board, and one serviceable anchor and cable shall be carried. 2. Should any boat entered for any race violate any section in this rule, they shall be disqualified. RULE 12. NUMBERS. All boats shall carry racing numbers, which shall be supplied by the Race Committee, and be so placed on the bow of each boat so they can be easily seen by the Race Committee as the boats approach the line. RULE 13. POSTPONEMENT. The Race Committee may, in their judgment, post- pone a race should unfavorable weather or other cir- cumstances make a postponement advisable. A race postponed shall be considered a new race. RULE 14. STARTING AND FINISHING SIGNALS. I. The Starting signals shall be as follows: In each class a black letter displayed on a white background. PREPARATORY Blue Peter. DIVISION I. Class I— Letter ' A." Class 2 — Letter ' B." Class 3 — Letter ' C." DIVISION 2. Class I— Letter ' D." Class 2 — Letter E." DIVISION 3. Class I — Letter ' F." Each letter shall be removed at the expiration of the starting interval. The intervals shall be five minutes between the setting of each letter. The Club burgee shall be hoisted at the expiration of the starting interval of the last diyision. 2. The signal to denote the conclusion of the race shall be the lowering of the Club burgee. 4. Attention to these signals shall be called by whistle or gun from the Race Committee's boat. RULE 15. START AND FINISH. 1. All starts shall be flying, and shall be "one gun" starts. Each boat in a class shall be started on her handicap time allowance. 2. The time of finish of each boat shall be taken when the point marked by the fore flag staff crosses the finish line. 3. In any start, if the point marked by the fore flag staff has crossed the line before the signal for the start in her class is given, she must turn and recross the line. 4. A boat in so turning, or one working into posi- tion from the wrong side of the line after the first starting signal has been given, she must keep clear of, and give way to, all boats in the race. A boat shall not, after crossing the finishing line, interfere with any boat still in the race so as to affect the time of such boat at the finish. 5. If one of the contestants should fail to cross the finish line one hour after sunset, the race shall be de- clared off. RULE 16. MARKS. 1. A mark is any vessel, boat, buoy or other object used to indicate the course. 2. All marks, except Government buoys, used as marks, shall fly the Club flag, or show a ball in the Club colors. 3. Should any mark be absent or moved from its proper position during a race, the Race Committee shall, if possible, replace it or substitute the Committee boat, with a mark ball or Club flag hoisted, and call attention by whistle or gun. Failing thus to reestablish the mark, the race may be ordered to be recontested, at the option of the Race Committee. RULE 17. CHANGING COURSES. Should the Race Committee deem it advisable on account of the weather conditions or other cause, to order the course changed, each owner or representative of each boat entered in the various classes shall be assembled and the change of courses made known. RULE 18. ACCIDENTS. Every boat shall render all possible assistance to any vessel or person in peril, and if, in the judgment of the Race Committee, she shall thereby have impaired her chance of winning, they may order the race recon- tested between such boat or boats and the winner in the class. RULE 19. RIGHT OF WAY. I. When two boats are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other, as follows, namely : (a) When two boats are meeting end on, each shall alter her course to starboard. (b) When two boats are crossing, the one which has the other on her starboard side shall keep out of the way. (c) Where, by any of these rules, one of the two boats is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course and speed. (d) Every boat which is directed by these rules to keep out of the way of another boat, shall, if the cir- cumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the other. (e) Every boat which is directed by these rules to keep out of the way of another boat shall, on approach- ing her, if necessary, slacken her speed, or stop, or reverse. (f) Every boat overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the overtaken vessel. (g) In obeying and construing these rules, due regard shall be had in all dangers of navigation and collision, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. (h) A boat under way, in taking any course author- ized or required by these rules, shall indicate the course by the following signals on her whistles or sirens, namely : One short blast to mean, "I am directing my course to starboard." Two short blasts to mean, "I am directing my course to port." Thre'e short blasts to mean, "My engines are going at full speed astern." 2. Overtaking. — An overtaking boat shall, as long as an overlap exists, keep clear of the boat which is being overtaken. Boats in passing shall allow at least ten (10) feet of clear water between them, and the leading boat shall not alter her course so as to compel an overtaking boat to pass within the ten (10) foot limit. 3. Passing and Rounding Marks. — Should, however, an overlap exist between two boats when both of them are about to pass the mark on the required side, then the outside boat must give the inside boat room to pass clear of the mark. A boat shall not, however, be justified in attempting to establish an overlap and thus force a passage be- tween another boat and the mark, after the latter has altered her helm for the purpose of rounding. 4. Definition of Overlap. — An overlap is established when an overtaking boat has no longer a free choice of which side she will pass. 5. Altering Course. — When of two boats one is obliged to keep clear, the other shall not alter her course so as to involve risk of fouling. 6, Obstruction to Sea Room. — When a boat is ap- proaching a shore, shoal, rock, vessel, or other dan- gerous obstruction, and cannot go clear by altering her course without fouling another boat, then the latter shall, on being hailed by the former, at once give room. RULE 20. PROTESTS. Protests must be filed in writing with the Race Com- mittee within one hour after the race, and must be signed by the owner or his representative. RULE 21. DISQUALIFICATIONS. 1. Every boat must go fairly around the course, and must not touch any mark, but shall not be disqualified if wrongfully compelled to do so by another. 2. If a boat, in consequence of her neglect of these rules, sliall foul another boat, or compel another boat to foul any boat mark or obstruction, or to run aground, she shall be disqualified, and the owner shall pay all damages. 3. The Race Committee shall, with or without a pro- test, disqualify any boat, should it come to their knowl- edge before the awarding of prizes that she has committed a breach of these rules. 4. Any boat not possessing seaworthiness in design, etc., that shows any structural weakness of a pro- nounced nature on finishing a race, shall, in the best judgment of the Committee appointed to make such examinations, disqualify such a boat. RULE 22. AWARDING OF PRIZES. 1. No boat in Division i, Class i, shall be entitled to enter Class 2 of said Division i, or compete for any prize or prizes in that class. 2. No boat in Division i, Class 2, shall be entitled to enter Class i, same Division, or compete for any prize or prizes in that class. 3. Prizes will be awarded in all classes in which two or more boats shall start. The " International Trophy " will be for boats in Division i, Class i. The " National Trophy " will be for boats in Divi- sion I, Class 2. The " Inter-State Trophy " will be for boats in Division i. Class 3. Should a boat be the only starter in her own class and finish the course in a creditable manner, she shall be entitled to a prize one-half the value of the regular prize for that class, other than the "International, Na- tional or Inter-State trophies." 4. If a winning boat is disqualified, the prizes shall be awarded the next boats in the order winning. RULE 2Z. SUSPENSION OF RULES. The Race Committee shall have power to suspend any of these rules, by stating their suspension in the instructions for the race, or by agreement with the others of the competing boats. RULE 24. AMENDMENTS. Amendments to these rules may be adopted at any meeting of the Executive Committee, by a two-thirds vote of those present, in person or by proxy, provided due notice has been given in the call for the meeting. I>ee& of (Blft GOVERNING THE llnternatlonal, IRatlonal an& lliucr««state ^ropblea For the purpose of promoting and advancing the interest in motor boats, the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers hereby offer three perpetual championship challenge trophies, which shall be known as the ''International Trophy," the "National Trophy" and the "Inter-State Trophy." The terms and conditions which shall govern the tenure of said trophies, and competitions therefor, are as follows : ARTICLE ONE. Any recognized Yacht, Motor Boat or Automobile Club in the United States, and any recognized Yacht, Motor Boat or Automobile Club of any other country, shall always have the right to challenge for the "Inter- national Trophy'^ and compete therefor, provided such challenge shall be made and contested for in accordance with the terms and conditions of this instrument. ARTICLE TWO. Any recognized Yacht, Motor Boat or Automobile Club of the United States shall always have the right to challenge for. the "National Trophy" and the "Inter-State Trophy/' and compete therefor, provided such challenges shall be made and contested for in accordance with the terms and conditions of this instrument. ARTICLE THREE. All challenges and races shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers in force at the time of challenge. ARTICLE FOUR. 1. The Club or Clubs holding these trophies shall defend them between May 30th and October ist, at a date to be fixed by the Executive Committee of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manu- facturers against all challenges, under the conditions as set forth in this instrument. The date for the first of the series, or any series for any of the trophies, shall not be earlier than May 30th, nor later than October ist. 2. All races to be held on the Hudson River, at New York City, at a place selected by the Race Committee. ARTICLE FIVE. All challenges must be in writing and signed by the proper official or officials of the challenging Club or Clubs. To insure a contest, one challenge must be delivered at least three months before the date of the contest. Subsequently, other Clubs may challenge and enter the same contest on the terms proposed and accepted in the first challenge received ; but no chal- lenge shall be received later than ten (lo) days before the date set for the first contest of the series. ARTICLE SIX. 1. A contest shall consist of three races, on such days as the Committee shall deem advisable, excluding Sundays. 2. The courses shall not be less than eighteen (i8) nautical miles, nor more than forty (40) nautical miles. 3. The courses shall be laid in deep water, and as free from turns as practicable, but the finish must be at the starting line. 4. Each Club whose challenge has been accepted shall name its representative boats in such challenge, and shall file with the challenged Club and the Secretary of the National Association of Engine and Boat Man- ufacturers, at least ten (10) days before the date set for the first contest, a certificate of the measurer of such Club, of the measurements of such boats, as measured under the rules of the National Association OF Engine and Boat Manufacturers in force at the time of such challenge, and written upon the blank form provided by the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers. ARTICLE SEVEN. No alteration in the said rules shall be valid, unless arrived at unanimously by the Race Committee. ARTICLE EIGHT. In case the Club having the custody of one of these trophies shall be dissolved, or shall cease to exist, or shall refuse or fail to comply with all the terms and conditions hereof, the said trophy or trophies shall thereon revert to the Executive Committee of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manu- facturers, and shall continue, subject to the terms and conditions of this instrument. ARTICLE NINE. The trophy shall be handed to the Club, or its duly authorized representative, of the winning boat, and held by such Club for one year. Upon the said trophy being handed over to the winning Club, such Club shall thereby become and be deemed to be the cus- todians of the said trophy, and shall be deemed to undertake for the safe custody of the same, and shall also insure the same for such sum or sums as the Executive Committee of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers might decide upon, and the insurance premium for that year shall be paid for by the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers, Such insurance shall not cover only loss by fire, but also any other loss or damage what- soever. If, after the expiration of one year from the date of last contest, at which said trophy was won, the said trophy being still in the possession of said winning Club and no challenge having been received by the said winning Club, it shall be optional with the Executive Committee of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers to demand the return of said trophy. ARTICLE TEN. This instrument shall be executed in duplicate originals, one of which shall be preserved with the archives of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers^ and the other shall accompany and be delivered with the trophies, wherever won and transferred, and any Club winning one of the said trophies shall, upon receiving the same, duly execute and deliver to the Club from which the trophy is received, and to the Secretary of the National Asso- ciation OF Engine and Boat Manufacturers an acknowledgment substantially in the following form : " Received this day of , 190 , from the Yacht, Motor Boat or Auto- mobile Club, the trophy for Motor Boats, awarded to the undersigned Club as the result of a contest held at , under the auspices of Yacht, Motor Boat or Automobile Club, on the day of , 190 , which trophy is delivered to the undersigned Club, in pur- suance of the terms of a certain instrument executed by the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers, under date of the day of , 190 , and will be held by the undersigned Club, subject to all the terms and provisions of the said instrument. Club. by ." ARTICLE ELEVEN. A receipt from the Executive Committee of the National Association of Engine and Boat Manu- facturers shall be given to the Club holding the Trophy on return of same to the National Association of Engine and Boat Manu- facturers, and upon such delivery, the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers are to give further to the representative of the Club who has won such trophy a silver medal, whereon shall be 13 inscribed the date of race and name of winning boat, as a souvenir of the event. In Witness Whereof, the "National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers" has caused this in- strument to be signed and executed by its Chairman of the Executive Committee ; Chairman of Exhibition Committee, and Secretary, in duplicate originals, this 30th day of June, 1905. JOHN J. AMORY, Chairman Executive Committee. [seal] HENRY R. SUTPHEN, Chairman Exhibition Committee. . HUGH S. GAMBEL, Secretary. ^ablc of €ime SCUotDance for 340.16 .6 271.40 .6 219.58 .7 a38.62 .7 270.24 .7 218.62 .8 337.02 .8 269.00 .8 217.65 .9 335.47 .9 267.80 .9 216.78 31 333.87 36 266.67 41 215.95 .1 332.37 .1 265.51 .1 215.00 .2 330.72 .2 264.40 .2 214.12 '.d 329.17 '.3 263.29 ^3 213.27 .4 327.63 .4 262.08 .4 212.40 .5 326.16 .5 260.97 .5 211.52 .6 324.58 .6 259.82 .6 210.63 .7 323.06 .7 258.70 .7 209.78 .8 321.62 .8 257.57 .8 208.93 .9 320.06 .9 256.46 .9 208.02 33 318.75 37 255.40 42 207.14 .1 317.28 .1 254.33 .1 206.30 .2 315.78 .2 253.30 .2 205.45 is 314.30 I3 252.17 .S 204.60 .4 312.80 .4 251.08 .4 203.77 .5 311.45 .5 249.92 .5. 202.96 .6 309.98 .6 248.80 .6 202.12 .7 308.62 .7 247.70 .7 201.27 .8 307.20 .8 246.65 .8 200.46 .9 305.76 .9 245.60 .9 199.63 33 304.54 38 244.73 43 198.84 .1 303.20 .1 243.63 .1 198.02 .2 301.82 .2 242.58 .2 197.18 .3 300.45 .3 241.54 .'3 196.41 .4 299.28 .4 240.50 .4 195.63 .5 297.78 .5 239.50 .5 194.82 .6 296.48 .6 288.54 .6 194 04 .7 295.20 .7 237.54 .7 193.25 .8 293.82 .8 236.55 .8 192.47 .9 292.50 .9 235.57 .9 191.69 34 291.17 39 234.61 44 190.91 .1 289.92 .1 233.62 .1 190.15 .2 288.59 .2 232.65 .2 189,37 '3 287.37 .'3 231.70 '.d 188.62 .4 286.12 .4 230.75 .4 187.86 .5 284.78 .5 229.79 .5 187.09 .6 283.55 .6 228.83 .6 186.34 .7 282.40 .7 227.89 .7 185.58 .8 281.05 .8 226.94 .8 184.83 .9 279.80 .9 226.00 .9 184.08 16 TIME ALLOWANCE (Continued) tx i o < .S 50 1 < 150.00 bib a 55 8 i 45 183 33 122.72 .1 182.56 .1 149.40 .1 122.22 .2 181.85 .2 148.80 .2 121.73 3 181.12 .3 148.20 is 121.25 .4 180.38 .4 147.60 .4 120.78 .5 179.65 .5 147.02 .5 120.30 .6 178.94 .6 146.43 .6 119.81 .7 178.23 7 145.84 .7 119.33 .8 177.50 ^8 145.27 .8 118 86 .9 176.80 .9 144.68 .9 118.36 46 176.09 51 144.12 56 117.86 .1 175.37 .1 143.53 .1 117.40 .2 174.65 .2 142.97 .2 116.91 '.S 173.94 .3 142.39 .3 116.45 A 173.29 .4 141.84 .4 115.98 .5 172.57 .5 141.26 .5 115.51 .6 171.86 .6 140.70 .6 115.04 .7 171.16 .7 140.14 .7 114.56 .8 170.50 .8 139.58 .8 114.08 .9 169.32 .9 139.03 .9 113.62 47 169.15 52 138.56 57 113.16 .1 168.48 .1 137.92 .1 112.70 2 167.80 .2 137.38 .2 112.24 3 167.15 .3 136.85 .3 111.78 4 166.47 .4 136.31 .4 111.30 5 165.80 .5 135.76 .5 110.87 6 165.15 .6 135.23 .6 110 41 7 164.46 .7 134.70 , 7 109.97 8 163.81 .8 134.17 '.8 109 50 9 163.16 .9 133.61 .9 109.06 48 162.50 53 133.02 58 108.62 1 161.87 .1 132.55 .1 108.18 .2 161.20 .2 132.01 .2 107.72 .3 160.58 .3 131.47 .3 107.30 .4 159.90 .4 130.95 .4 106.85 .5 159.28 .5 130.42 .5 106.42 .6 158.62 .6 129.89 .6 105.98 .7 158.00 .7 129.37 .7 105.52 .8 157.38 .8 128.85 .8 105.09 .9 156.74 .9 128.33 .9 104.65 49 156.12 54 127.78 59 104.24 .1 155.50 .1 127.28 .1 103.81 .2 154.88 .2 126.76 .2 103.38 .3 154.27 .3 126.26 .3 102.96 .4 153.63 .4 125.74 .4 102.51 .5 153.03 .5 125.24 .5 102.10 .6 153.42 .6 124.74 .6 101.68 .7 151.79 .7 124.24 .7 101.27 .8 151.19 .8 123.73 .8 100.85. 9 150.58 .9 123.23 .9 100.42 17 TIME ALLOWANCE [Continued) ^ i 1 Allowance. Rating. Allowance. i Ratine:. 1 < 60 100.00 65 80.77 70 64.28 .1 99.59 .1 80.39 1 63.98 .2 99.28 .2 80.03 2 63.69 .3 98.77 ^3 79.68 3 63.40 .4 98.36 .4 79.33 4 63.10 .5 97.95 .5 78.98 5 62.80* .6 97.54 .6 78.63 6 62.50 .7 97.11 .7 " 78.29 7 62.20 .8 96.70 .8 77.94 8 61.89 .9 96.29 .9 77.60 9 61.58 61 95.90 66 77.27 71 61.27 .1 95.49 .1 76.92 1 60.98 .2 95.09 .2 ■76.58 2 60.69 .3 94.70 .3 76.23 3 60.40 .4 94.30 .4 75.88 4 60.10 .5 93.90 .5 75.55 5 59.81 .6 93.50 .6 75.21 6 59.51 .7 93.10 .7 74.87 7 59.21 .8 92.71 .8 74.54 8 5891 .9 92.32 .9 74.20 9 58.62 62 91.93 67 73.88 72 58.38 .1 91.55 .1 73.55 1 58.04 .2 91.18 .2 73.21 2 57.74 .3 90.78 .3 72.88 3 57.45 .4 90.39 .4 72.65 4 57.15 .5 90.00 .5 72.22 5 56.86 .6 89.61 .6 71.88 6 56.58 .7 89,22 .7 71.56 7 56.30 .8 88.83 .8 71.23 8 56.02 .9 88.45 .9 70.90 9 55.75 63 88.09 68 70.59 73 55.48 .1 87.73 .1 70.24 1 55.20 .2 87.33 .2 69.91 2 54.92 .3 86.96 .3 69.62 3 54.63 .4 86.61 .4 69.29 4 54.36 .5 86.22 .5 68.96 5 54.09 .6 85.84 .6 68.66 6 53.81 .7 85.50 .7 68.35 7 53.53 .8 85.13 .8 68.02 8 53.26 .9 84.75 .9 67.69 9 52.99 64 84.37 69 67.39 74 52.70 .1 84.02 .1 67.07 1 52.43 .2 83.64 .2 66.78 2 52.17 .3 83.28 .3 66.46 3 51.90 .4 82.92 .4 66.15 4 61.63 ' .5 82.56 .5 65.84 5 51.36 .6 82.20 .6 65.53 6 51.09 .7 81.83 .7 65.23 7 50.82 .8 81.47 .8 64.93 8 50.55 .9 81.12 .9 C4.61 9 50.28 i8 TIME ALLOWANCE [Continued ) 1 i § < a c < .5 1 i s o < 75 50.00 80 37.50 85 26.47 .1 49.73 .1 37.27 .1 26.27 2 49.47 .2 37.05 .2 26.07 '.3 49.20 .3 36.82 .3 25.87 .4 48.93 .4 36.58 .4 25.66 .5 48.66 .5 36.35 .5 25.45 .6 48.39 .6 36.11 .6 25.24 .7 48.13 .7 35.87 .7 25.04 .8 47.87 .8 35.64 .8 24.83 .9 47.62 .9 35.41 .9 24.63 76 47.37 81 35.18 86 24.42 .1 47.11 .1 34.95 .1 24.22 .2 46.85 .2 34.73 .3 24.02 .3 46.59 .3 84.50 .3 23.82 .4 46.33 . .4 34.27 .4 23.62 .5 46.07 .5 34.04 .5 23.42 .6 45.82 .6 33.81 .6 23.21 .7 45.57 .7 33.59 .7 23.01 .8 45.31 .8 33.38 .8 22.81 .9 45.05 .9 33.15 .9 22.61 77 44.80 82 32.93 87 22.41 .1 44.55 .1 32.70 .1 22.21 .2 44.30 .2 32.47 .2 22.02 .3 44.05 .3 32.25 .3 21.83 .4 43.80 .4 32.03 .4 21.63 .5 43.55 .5 31.82 .5 21.43 .6 43.31 .6 31.60 .6 21.24 .7 43.06 .7 31.39 .7 21.04 .8 42.82 .8 31.17 .8 20.84 .9 42.57 .9 30.94 .9 20.65 78 42.32 83 30.72 88 20.45 .1 42.07 .1 30.51 .1 20.25 .2 41.83 .2 30.30 .2 20.06 .3 41.58 .3 30.09 .3 19.87 .4 41.34 .4 29.88 .4 19.68 .5 4110 .5 29.66 .5 19.49 .6 40.86 .6 29.44 .6 19.30 .7 40.61 .7 29.22 .7 19.11 .8 40.37 .8 29.02 .8 18.92 .9 40.13 .9 28.79 .9 18.73 79 39.87 84 28.57 89 18.53 .1 39.64 •1 28.36 1 .1 18.34 .2 39.41 i .2 28.15 1 .2 18.16 .3 39.17 ' .3 27.93 .3 17.98 .4 38.94 .4 27.72 .4 17.79 .5 38.70 .5 27.51 .5 17.60 .6 38.47 .6 27.30 .6 17.42 .7 38.23 .7 27.09 1 .7 17.23 .8 37.99 .8 26.8S .8 17.05 .9 37.75 .9 26.68 ' .9 16.86 19 TIME ALLOWANCE (Continued) i; i CJ V V a iJD bib c3 si Q ^ a 5 d '■5 _c S _o c8 < c3 Pi 3 1 ^ 90 16.67 95 7.89 .1 16.48 .1 7.73 .2 16.30 .2 7.56 .3 16.11 • 3 7.40 .4 15.93 A 7.24 .5 15.75 .5 7.07 .6 15.56 .6 6.90 .7 15.38 .7 6.74 .8 15.20 .8 6.58 .9 15.02 .9 6.42 91 14.88 96 6.25 .1 14.65 ! .1 6.09 .2 14.47 1 2 5.93 .3 14.80 1 '.d 5.77 .4 14.12 .4 5.61 .5 13.94 .5 5.45 .6 13.76 .6 5.29 .7 13.58 .7 5.13 .8 13.40 .8 4.96 .9 13.22 .9 4.81 92 13.04 97 4.65 .1 12.87 .1 4.49 .2 12.69 .2 4.34 .3 12.52 .3 4.17 .4 12.35 .4 4.02 6 .5 12.17 .5 3.86 ^ .6 12.00 .6 3.70 A .7 11.82 .7 8.55 .8 11.65 .8 3.39 .9 11.47 .9 3.22 o 93 11.29 1 98 3.06 ■% .1 11.12 .1 2.91 :3 2 10.95 .2 2.76 8 10.77 .8 2.60 o 4 10.60 .4 2.44 o 5 10.43 .5 2.28 6 10.26 .6 2.13 7 10.08 .7 1.97 8 9.91 .8 1.82 9 9.74 .9 1.67 94 9.57 99 1.51 1 .1 9.40 .1 1.36 .2 9.24 .2 1.21 .3 9.07 3 1.06 .4 8.90 .4 0.90 1 .5 8.73 .5 0.75 1 .6 8.56 .6 0.60 .7 8.39 .7 0.45 .8 8.23 .8 0.30 9 8.06 .9 0.15 TIME ALLOWANCE (Continued) Supplementary Table of Time Allowances for Boats Exceeding 100 Rating This is a minus table. As betAveeu boats rating over 100 feet, subtract the allov^ance of the smaller boat from the allowance of the larger boat, and the result will be the allowance to the smaller boat in seconds per nautical mile. As between a boat rating over 100 feet and one ratins: under 100 feet, add the allowance of the boat rating over 100 feet to that of the boat rating under 100 feet, and the result will be the allow^ance to the smaller boat in seconds per nautical mile. 1 8 C be es th cS 1 ii fe ^ a 5 © o (S cS "S !X < S3 < ! ^ < 100 0.00 104 5.78 1 108 11.13 .1 0.15 .1 5.92 1 .1 11.26 .2 0.30 .2 6.06 .2 11.39 .3 0.45 .3 6.20 .3 11.52 .4 0.00 .4 6.34 .4 11.65 .4 0.75 .5 6.48 .5 11.78 .6 0.89 .6 6.61 .6 11.90 7 1.04 • 7 6.75 .7 12.02 '.8 1.18 .8 6.88 .8 12.14 .9 1.33 .9 7.01 .9 12.26 101 1.48 105 7.14 109 12.38 .1 1.63 .1 7.28 .1 12.51 2 1.78 .2 7.42 1 .2 12.64 .3 1.93 .3 7.54 1 ': .3 12.76 A 2.08 .4 7.68 •4 12.89 .5 2.22 .5 7.82 .5 13.02 .6 2.36 .6 7.96 .6 13.14 7 2.51 .7 8.10 .7 13.26 '.8 2.65 .8 8.24 , .8 13.38 .9 2.80 .9 8.38 I .9 13.51 102 2.94 106 8.52 110 13.64 .1 3.09 .1 8.66 1 .1 13.77 .3 3.24 .2 8.79 ■ .2 13.89 !3 3.38 3 8.92 ! .3 14.02 .4 3.52 4 9.05 .4 14.14 .5 3.66 5 9.18 .5 14.27 .6 3.80 6 9 31 .6 14.39 .7 3.94 7 9.44 ' .7 14.51 .8 4.08 8 9.57 .8 14.64 .9 4.22 9 9.70 .9 14.77 103 4.36 107 9.83 111 14.89 .1 4.51 .1 9.96 .1 15.02 .2 4.66 .2 10.09 .2 15.14 .3 4.80 .3 10.22 •3 15.26 .4 4.94 .4 10 35 .4 15.38 .5 5.08 .5 10.48 .5 15.50 .G 5.22 .6 10.61 .6 15.62 .7 5.36 .7 10.74 . 7 15.74 .8 5.50 .8 10.87 .8 15.86 .9 5.64 .9 11.00 .9 15.^8 TIME ALLOWANCE (Continued) i < a 1 a < s 5 < 112 16.10 117 21.78 122 27.05 1 16.22 .1 21.89 .1 27.15 .2 16.34 .2 22.00 .2 27.25 .3 16.45 .3 22.11 .3 27.35 .4 16.57 .4 22.22 .4 27.45 .5 16.68 .5 22.33 .5 27.55 .6 16.80 .6 22.44 .6 27.65 .7 16.92 .7 22.55 .7 27.75 .8 17.04 .8 22.66 .8 27.85 .9 17.16 .9 22.77 .9 27.95 113 17.28 118 22.88 123 28.05 .1 17.40 .1 22.99 .1 28.15 .2 17.52 .2 23 10 .2 28.25 .3 17.63 !3 23.21 .3 28.35 .4 17.75 .4 23.31 .4 28.44 .5 17.86 5 23.42 .5 28.54 .6 17.98 .6 23.52 .6 28.64 .7 18.09 .7 23.63 .7 28.74 .8 18.21 .8 23.74 .8 28.84 .9 18.82 .9 23.84 .9 28.94 114 18.43 119 23.94 124 29.04 J 18.55 .1 24.05 .1 20.14 .2 18.66 .2 24.16 .2 29.23 .3 18.78 .8 24.27 .3 29.32 .4 18.89 .4 24.38 .4 29.41 .5 19.00 .5 24.49 .5 29.52 .6 19.11 .6 24.59 .6 29.61 .7 19 22 .7 24.69 .7 29.71 .8 19.34 .8 24.80 .8 29.81 .9 19.45 .9 24.90 .9 29.91 115 19.56 120 25.00 125 30.00 .1 19.68 .1 25.11 .1 30.10 .2 19.79 .2 25.21 .2 30.19 .3 1990 .3 25.32 .3 30.28 .4 20.01 .4 25.42 .4 30.38 .5 20.12 .5 25.53 .5 30.47 .6 20.23 .6 25.63 .6 30.57 .7 20.34 .7 25.73 .7 30.66 8 20.45 .8 25.84 .8 30.76 .9 20.56 .9 25.94 .9 30.85 116 20.67 121 26.04 126 30.95 .1 20.78 .1 26.14 .1 31.05 .2 20 89 .2 26.25 .2 31.14 .3 21.00 ^3 26.35 .3 31.24 .4 21.11 .4 23.45 .4 31.34 .5 21.22 .5 26.55 .5 31.42 .6 21.33 .6 26.65 .6 31.52 .7 21.44 .7 26.75 .7 31.61 .8 21.56 .8 26.85 .8 31.71 .9 21.67 .9 26.95 .9 31.80 TIME ALLOWANCE {Continued) a i si 8 § ^ ts 1 o 1 < 1 o < 127 31.90 132 36.37 137 40.51 .1 31.99 .1 36.46 .1 40.59 .2 32.09 .2 36.54 .2 40.67 IS 32.18 .3 36.63 .3 40.75 .4 82.27 .4 36.71 .4 40.83 .5 33.36 .5 36.80 .5 40.91 .6 33.46 .6 36.89 .6 40.99 .8 33.55 .7 36.97 .7 41.07 .8 33.64 .8 37.06 .8 41.15 .9 32.74 .9 37.14 .9 41.23 128 32.83 133 37.23 138 41.31 .1 33.92 .1 37.31 .1 41.39 .2 33.01 .2 37.40 .2 41.47 .3 33.10 .3 37.48 .8 41.55 A 32.19 .4 37.56 .4 41.63 .5 33.27 .5 37.64 .5 41.70 .6 33.36 .6 37.73 .6 41.78 .7 33.45 .7 37.81 .7 41.86 .8 33.54 .8 37.89 .8 41.94 .9 33.63 .9 37.98 .9 42.02 129 33.72 134 38.06 139 42.10 .1 33.81 .1 38.14 .1 42.18 .2 33.90 .2 38.22 .2 42.25 .3 33.99 .3 38.30 .3 42.33 .4 34.08 .4 38.38 .4 42.40 .5 34.17 .5 38.46 .5 42.48 .6 34.26 .7 38.55 .6 42.56 .7 34.35 .7 38.63 .7 42.63 .8 34.44 .8 38.71 .8 42.71 .9 34.53 .9 38.79 .9 42.78 130 34.62 135 38.89 140 42.86 .1 34.71 .1 38.97 .2 34.80 .2 39.05 .3 34.88 .3 39.13 .4 34.97 .4 39.21 .5 35.06 .5 39.29 .6 35.15 .6 89.38 .7 35.24 .7 39.46 .8 35.32 .8 39.54 .9 35.40 .9 39.62 131 35.50 136 39.70 .1 35.59 .1 39.78 .2 35.67 .2 39.86 .3 35.76 .3 39.94 .4 35.85 .4 40.02 .5 35.93 .5 40.10 .6 36.02 .6 40.19 .7 36.11 .7 40.27 .8 36.20 .8 40.35 .9 36.28 .9 40.43 stable of Squaree, Cubce anD Square anb Cube 1Root0 of all Bumbere from I to 391 Number. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 1 I 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 1 00 1 21 1 44 1 69 1 96 2 25 3 56 2 89 3 24 3 61 4 00 4 41 4 84 5 29 5 76 6 25 6 76 7 39 7 84 8 41 9 00 9 61 10 34 10 89 11 56 12 25 12 96 13 69 14 44 15 21 16 00 16 81 17 64 18 49 19 36 20 25 21 16 22 09 23 04 24 01 25 00 26 01 27 04 38 09 29 16 30 35 31 36 32 49 33 84 34 81 36 00 37 31 38 44 39 69 40 96 42 25 43 56 44 89 46 24 47 61 49 00 50 41 51 84 53 29 54 76 56 25 57 76 59 39 60 84 62 41 64 00 65 61 1 8 27 64 125 316 343 513 729 1 000 1 331 1 728 2 197 2 744 3 375 4 096 4 913 5 832 6 859 8 000 9 261 10 648 12 167 13 824 15 625 17 576 19 683 21 952 34 389 27 000 29 791 33 768 35 937 39 304 42 875 46 656 50 653 54 872 59 319 64 000 68 921 74 088 79 507 85 184 91 125 97 336 103 823 110 592 117 649 125 000 132 651 140 608 148 877 157 464 166 375 175 616 185 193 195 112 305 379 216 000 226 981 238 328 250 047 262 144 274 625 287 496 300 763 314 432 328 509 343 000 357 911 373 248 389 017 405 224 . 421 875 438 976 456 533 474 552 493 039 512 000 531 441 1. 1.4143 136 1.732U 508 2. 2.2360 68 2.4494 897 2.6457 513 2.8284 271 3. 3.1622 777 3.3166 248 3.4641 016 3.6055 513 3.7416 .574 3.8729 833 4. 4.1231 0.56 4.2426 407 4.3585 989 4.4721 36 4.5825 757 4.6904 158 4.7958 315 4.8989 795 5. 5.0990 195 5.1961 524 5.2915 026 5.3851 648 5.4772 256 5.5677 644 5.6568 542 5.7445 626 5.8309 519 5.9160 798 6. 6.0827 625 6.1644 14 6.2449 98 6.3245 553 6.4031 242 6.4807 407 6.5574 385 6.6333 496 6.7083 039 6.7833 3 6.8556 546 8.9382 032 7." 0710 678 7.1414 284 7.2111 026 7.2801 099 7.3484 692 7.4161 985 7.4833 148 7.5498 344 7.6157 731 7.6811 457 7.7459 667 7.8102 497 7.8740 079 7.9373 539 8. 8.0622 577 8.1240 384 8.1853 588 8.3462 113 8 306(5 239 8.3666 003 8.4261 498 8.4853 814 8.5440 037 8.6023 253 8.6602 54 , 8.7177 979 8.7749 644 8.83)7 609 8.8881 944 8.9443 719 9. 1 3 1.2599 31 3 4 1.4433 496 1.5874 Oil 5 1.7099 759 6 1.8171 206 8.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'. 9 10 1.9129 312 2. 2.0800 837 2.1544 347 11 2.3339 801 12 13 2.3894 286 2.3513 347 14 2.4101 422 15 2.4662 121 Ifi 2.5198 431 17 3.5713 816 18 3.6207 414 19 3.6684 016 30 ... 2.7144 177 31 33 ........ 2 7589 343 2.8J20 393 23 2.8438 67 24 25 2.8844 991 2.9240 177 26 2.9224 96 27 3. 38 39 3.0365 889 3.0723 163 30 3.1072 325 31 3.1413 806 33 33 3.1748 021 3.2075 343 34 35 3.2396 118 3.2710 663 36 . .. 3.3019 373 37 3.3333 318 38 3.3619 754 39 3.3912 114 40 41 3.4199 519 3.4483 172 42 .... 3.4760 366 43 44 3.5033 981 3.5303 483 45 3.5568 933 46 . .. 3. 5^30 479 47 3.6088 261 48 3.6342 411 49 50 3.6593 0.57 3.6840 314 51 52 3.7084 298 3.7325 111 53 3.7562 858 54 55 3.7797 631 3.8029 525 56 3.8258 624 57 3.8485 Oil 58 3.8708 766 59 3.8929 965 60 61 62 63 3.9148 676 3.9364 972 3.9578 915 3.9790 571 64 4. 65 66 4.0207 256 4.0412 401 67 4.0615 48 68 4.0816 551 69 70 4.1015 661 4.1212 853 71 4.1408 178 72 4.1601 676 73 74 4.1793 39 4.1983 364 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 4.3171 633 4.2358 236 4.2543 21 4.2726 586 4.2908 404 4.3088 695 4.3267 487 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, ETC. (Continued) Number. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 82 83 67 24 68 89 70 56 72 !^5 73 96 75 69 77 44 79 21 81 00 82 81 84 64 86 49 88 36 90 25 92 16 94 09 96 04 98 01 1 00 00 1 02 01 1 04 04 1 06 09 1 08 16 1 10 25 1 12 36 1 14 49 1 16 64 1 18 81 1 21 00 1 23 21 1 25 44 1 27 69 1 29 96 1 32 25 1 34 56 1 36 89 1 39 24 1 41 61 1 44 00 1 46 41 1 48 84 1 51 29 1 53 76 1 56 25 1 58 76 1 61 29 1 63 84 1 66 41 1 69 00 1 71 61 1 74 24 1 76 89 1 79 56 1 82 25 1 84 96 1 87 69 1 90 44 1 93 21 1 96 00 1 98 81 2 01 64 2 04 49 2 07 36 2 10 25 2 13 16 2 16 09 2 19 04 2 22 01 2 25 00 2 28 01 2 31 04 2 34 09 2 37 16 2 40 25 2 43 36 2 46 49 2 49 64 2 52 81 2 56 00 2 59 21 2 62 44 551 368 571 787 592 704 614 125 636 056 658 503 681 472 704 969 729 000 753 571 778 688 804 357 830 584 857 375 884 736 912 673 941 192 970 299 1 000 000 1 030 301 1 061 208 1 092 727 1 124 864 1 157 625 1 191 016 1 225 043 1 259 712 1 295 029 1 331 000 1 367 631 1 404 928 1 442 897 1 481 544 1 520 875 1 560 896 1 601 613 1 643 032 1 685 159 1 728 000 1 771 561 1 815 848 1 860 867 1 906 624 1 953 125 2 000 376 2 048 383 2 097 152 2 146 689 2 197 000 2 248 091 2 299 968 2 352 637 2 406 104 2 460 375 2 515 456 2 .^.71 353 2 628 072 2 685 619 2 744 000 2 803 221 2 863 288 2 924 207 2 985 984 3 048 625 3 112 136 3 176 523 3 241 792 3 307 949 3 375 (lOO 3 442 951 3 511 008 3 581 577 3 652 264 3 723 875 3 796 416 3 869 893 3 944 312 4 019 679 4 096 000 4 173 281 4 251 528 9.0553 851 9.1104 336 9.1651 514 9.2195 445 9.2736 185 9.3273 791 9.3808 315 9.4339 811 9.4868 33 9.5393 92 9.5916 63 9.6436 508 9.6953 597 9.7467 943 9.7979 59 9.8488 578 9.8994 949 9.9498 744 10. 10.0498 756 10.0995 049 10.1488 916 10.1980 39 10.24G9 508 10.2956 301 10.3440 804 10.3923 048 10.4403 065 10.4880 885 10.5356 538 10.5830 052 10 6301 458 10.6770 783 10.7238 053 10.7703 296 10.8166 538 10.862? 805 10.9087 121 10.9544 512 11. 11.0453 61 11.0905 365 11.1355 287 11.1803 399 11.2249 722 11.2694 277 11.3137 085 11.3578 167 11.4017 543 11.4455 231 11.4891 253 11.5325 626 11.5758 369 11.6189 5 11.6619 0.38 11.7046 999 11.7473 401 11.7898 261 11.8321 596 11.8743 421 11.9163 753 11.9582 607 12. 12.0415 946 12.0830 46 12.1243 557 12.1655 251 12.2065 556 12.2474 487 12.2882 057 12.3288 28 12.3693 169 12.4096 736 12.4498 996 12 4899 96 12.5299 641 12.5698 0.51 12.6095 202 12.6491 106 12.6885 775 12.7279 221 4.3444 815 4.3620 707 84 4.3795 191 85 4.3968 298 86 4 4140 049 87 88 4.4310 476 4.4479 602 m 4.4647 451 90 91 4.4814 047 4.4979 414 93 93 4.5143 .574 4.5306 549 94 4.5468 359 95 4.5629 026 9t) 4.5788 97 97 4.5947 009 98 4.6104 363 99 . . 4.6260 65 100 4.6415 888 101 102 103 4.6570 095 4.6723 287 4.6875 482 104 4.7026 694 105 4.T176 94 106 107 108 4.7326 235 4.7474 594 4.7622 032 109 4.7768 562 110 4.7914 199 Ill 4.8058 995 112 4.8202 845 113 4.8345 881 114 115 .. 116 4.8488 076 4.8629 442 4.8769 99 117 4 8909 732 118 4.9048 681 119 4.9186 847 120 4.9324 242 121 4.9460 874 122 4.9596 757 123 124 4.9731 898 4.9866 31 125 5. 126 5.0132 979 127 5.0265 257 128 5.0396 842 129 5.0527 743 130 5.0657 97 131 5.0787 531 132.. . 5 0916 434 133 5.1044 687 134.. 5.1172 299 135 5 1299 278 136 5.1425 632 137 5.1551 367 138 5.1676 493 139 140 141 5.1801 015 5.1924 941 5.2048 279 142 5.2171 034 143.... 5.2^93 215 144 5.2414 828 145 5.2535 879 146.. 5.2656 374 147 5.:^76 321 148 5.2895 7V5 149 5.3014 592 150 5 3132 928 151 5.32o0 74 152 5.3368 033 153 5.3484 812 I.'i4 5.3601 084 155 5.3716 854 156 5.3832 126 157 5.3946 907 158 5.4061 202 159 160 161 5.4175 015 5.4288 352 5,4401 218 162 5.4513 618 25 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, ETC. (Continued) Number. Square. Cube. Sciuare Root. Cubii Root. 163 3 65 69 3 68 96 3 73 25 2 75 56 2 78 89 2 82 24 3 85 61 3 89 00 3 92 41 2 95 84 2 99 29 3 03 76 8 00 25 3 09 76 3 13 39 3 16 84 3 30 41 3 34 00 3 37 61 3 31 24 3 34 89 3 38 56 3 42 25 3 45 96 3 49 69 3 53 44 3 57 31 3 61 00 3 64 81 3 68 64 3 73 49 3 76 36 3 80 35 3 84 16 3 88 09 3 92 04 3 96 01 4 00 00 4 04 01 4 08 04 4 12 09 4 16 16 4 20 25 4 24 36 4 28 49 4 32 64 4 36 81 4 41 00 4 45 21 4 49 44 4 53 69 4 57 96 4 62 25 4 66 56 4 70 89 4 75 34 4 79 61 4 84 00 4 88 41 ■4 93 84 4 97 39 5 01 76 5 06 35 5 10 76 5 15 29 5 19 84 5 24 41 5 29 00 5 33 61 5 38 24 5 42 89 5 47 56 5 52 25 5 56 96 5 61 69 5 66 44 5 71 21 5 76 00 5 80 81 5 85 64 5 90 49 4 330 747 4 410 944 4 492 125 4 574 296 4 657 463 4 741 632 4 826 809 4 913 000 5 000 211 5 088 448 5 177 717 5 268 024 5 359 375 5 451 776 5 545 233 5 639 753 5 735 339 5 832 000 5 939 741 6 028 568 6 128 487 6 229 504 6 331 625 6 434 856 6 539 203 6 644 672 6 751 269 6 859 000 6 967 871 7 077 888 7 189 057 7 301 884 7 414 875 7 529 536 7 645 373 7 762 392 7 880 599 8 000 000 8 120 601 8 242 408 8 365 427 8 489 664 8 615 125 8 741 816 8 869 743 8 998 912 9 129 329 9 261 000 9 393 931 9 528 138 9 663 597 9 800 344 9 938 375 10 077 696 10 218 313 10 360 232 10 503 459 10 648 000 10 793 861 10 941 048 11 089 567 11 239 424 11 390 625 11 543 176 11 697 083 11 852 352 12 008 989 12 167 000 12 326 391 12 487 168 12 649 337 12 812 904 13 977 875 13 144 356 13 312 053 13 481 372 . 13 651 919 13 824 000 13 997 521 14 173 488 14 348 907 13.7671 453 13.8062 485 13.8452 326 12.8840 987 13.9328 48 12.9614 814 13. 13.0384 048 13.0766 968 13.1148 77 13.1529 464 13.1909 06 13.2287 566 13.2664 992 13.3041 347 13.3416 641 13.3790 882 13.4164 079 13.4536 24 13.4907 376 13.5277 493 13.5646 6 13.6014 705 13.6381 817 13.6747 943 13.7113 092 13.7477 271 13.7840 488 13.8202 75 13.8564 065 13.8924 4 13.9283 883 13.9642 4 14. 14.0356 688 14.0712 473 14.1067 36 14.1431 356 14.1774 469 14.3126 704 14.2478 068 14.2828 569 14.3178 311 14.3537 001 14.3874 946 14.4322 051 14.4568 323 14.4913 767 14. 5258 39 14.5602 198 14.5945 195 14.6287 388 14.6628 783 14.6969 385 14.7309 199 14.7648 231 14.7986 486 14.8323 97 14.8660 687 14.8996 644 14.9331 845 14.9666 295 15. 15.0333 964 15 0665 192 15.0996 689 15.1337 46 15.1657 509 15.1986 842 15.2315 462 15.2643 375 15.2970 585 15.3297 097 15.3622 915 15.3948 043 15.4272 486 15.4596 248 15.4919 334 15.5341 747 15.5563 492 15.5884 573 5 4635 556 164 5 4737 037 165 16ti 5.484S 066 5 4958 647 167 5.5068 784 168 5.5178 484 169 ... 170 .... 5.. 5287 748 5 5396 583 171 5 5504 991 172 5 5612 978 173 5.5730 546 174 5 5827 703 175 5.5934 447 176 5 6040 787 177 5.6146 734 178 5 6352 363 179 5.6357 408 180 5 6462 162 181 182 5.6566 538 5.6670 511 183 5.6774 114 184 5.6877 34 185 5.6980 192 186 5.7082 675 187..... 5.7184 791 188 5 7286 543 189 5.7387 936 190 5.7488 971 191 5.7589 6.52 192 5.7689 982 193 5.7789 966 194 5.7889 604 195 5.7988 9 196 5.8087 857 197 5.8186 479 198 199 300 201 . . 5.8284 867 5.8382 725 5.8480 355 5 8577 66 203 5.8674 673 303 204 5.8771 307 5.8867 653 205. 5 8963 685 206 207 . .... 5.9059 406 5.9154 817 208 5.9249 921 209 5.9344 721 210 5.9439 22 211 5.9533 418 212 213 5.9637 33 5.9730 926 214 5.9814 24 215 5.9907 264 216 317 6. 6.0092 45 318 6.0184 61? 219 320 6.0276 502 6.0368 107 321 222 6.0459 435 6.0550 489 223 324 6.0641 27 6. oral 779 235 236 6.0822 02 6.0911 994 337 6.1001 702 228 6.1091 147 329 6.1180 332 230 6.1269 257 231 6.1357 924 232 6.1446 337 233 6.1534 495 334 6.1622 401 335 . . . . 6.1710 058 336 6.1797 466 037 6.1884 628 238 239 6.1971 544 6.2058 218 340 6.2144 65 341 6.2330 843 342. . 6.3316 797 243 6.3403 515 ?0 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, ETC. (Continued) Square. Cube. S(iiiare Root. Cube Root. 5 95 80 14 526 784 15.6304 994 6.2487 998 G 00 25 14 706 125 15.6524 758 6.2.573 348 6 05 16 14 886 936 15.6843 871 6.3658 366 9 10 09 15 069 323 15.7162 336 6.3743 054 G 15 04 15 252 992 15.7480 157 6.3837 613 G 20 01 15 4^58 249 15.7797 338 6.2911 946 G 25 00 15 625 000 15.8113 883 6.2996 053 G 30 01 15 813 251 15.8439 795 6.3079 935 6 35 04 16 003 008 15.8745 079 6.3163 596 C 40 09 16 194 277 15.9059 737 6.3247 035 G 45 16 16 387 064 15.9373 775 6.3330 256 G 50 25 16 581 375 15.9687 194 6.3413 257 6 55 30 16 777 216 16. 6.3496 042 6 60 49 16 974 593 16.0312 195 6.3.578 611 6 65 64 17 173 512 16.0623 784 6.3660 968 6 70 81 17 373 979 16.0934 769 6.3743 111 6 76 00 17 576 000 16.1245 155 6.3H35 043 6 81 21 17 779 581 16.1554 944 6.3906 765 6 86 44 17 984 728 16.1864 141 6.3988 379 6 91 69 18 191 447 16.2173 747 6.4069 585 6 96 96 18 399 744 16.3480 768 6.4150 687 7 02 25 18 609 625 16.2788 206 6.4231 583 7 07 56 18 821 096 16.3095 064 6.4313 276 7 12 89 19 034 163 16.3401 346 6.4392 767 7 18 24 19 248 832 16.3707 055 6.4473 057 7 23 61 19 465 109 16.4012 195 6.4553 148 7 29 00 19 683 OOO 16.4316 767 6.4633 041 7 34 41- 19 902 511 16.4820 776 6.4712 736 7 39 84 20 123 648 16.4924 225 6.4792 236 : 45 29 20 346 417 16.5227 116 6.4871 541 7 50 76 20 570 824 16.5529 454 6.4950 653 7 56 25 20 796 875 16.5831 24 6.5029 572 7 61 76 21 024 576 16.6132 477 6.5108 3 7 67 29 21 253 933 16.64.33 17 6.5186 a39 7 72 84 21 484 952 16.6783 32 6.5265 189 7 78 41 21 717 639 16.7032 931 6.5343 351 7 84 00 21 952 000 16.7332 005 6.5421 336 7 89 61 22 188 041 16.7630 546 6.5499 116 7 95 24 22 425 768 16.7928 556 6.5576 733 8 00 89 22 665 187 16.8826 038 6.5654 144 8 06 56 22 906 304 16.8522 995 6.5731 385 8 12 25 23 149 125 16.8819 43 6.5808 443 8 17 96 33 393 656 16.9115 345 6.5885 333 8 23 69 23 639 903 16.9410 743 6.5962 033 8 29 44 23 887 872 16.9705 627 6.6038 545 8 35 21 24 137 569 17. 6.6114 89 8 41 00 24 389 000 17.0293 864 6.6191 06 8 4&81 24 642 171 17.0587 231 6.6367 054 8 52 64 24 897 088 17.0880 075 6.6342 874 8 58 49 25 153 757 17.1172 428 6.&418 533 8 64 36 25 412 184 17.1464 282 6.6493 998 8 70 25 25 672 375 17.1755 64 6.6.569 303 8 76 16 25 934 336 17.2046 505 6.6644 437 8 82 09 26 198 073 17.2336 879 6.6719 403 8 88 04 26 463 592 17.2626 765 6.6794 3 8 94 01 26 730 899 17.2916 165 6.6868 831 9 00 00 27 000 COO 17.3205 081 6.6943 395 9 06 01 27 270 901 17.3493 516 6.7017 593 9 12 04 27 543 608 17.3781 472 6.7091 729 9 18 09 27 818 127 17.4068 952 6.7165 7 9 24 16 28 094 464 17.4355 958 6.7339 508 9 30 25 28 372 625 17.4642 492 6.7313 155 9 36 36 28 652 616 17.4928 557 6.7386 641 9 42 49 28 934 443 17.5314 155 6.7459 967 9 48 64 29 218 112 17.5499 288 6.7533 134 9 54 81 29 503 609 17.5783 958 6.7606 143 9 61 00 29 791 000 17.6068 169 6.7678 995 9 67 21 30 080 231 17.6151 931 6.7751 69 9 73 44 30 371 328 17.6635 317 6.7834 239 9 79 69 30 664 297 17.6918 06 6.7896 613 9 85 96 30 959 144 17.7300 451 6.7968 844 9 92 25 31 255 875 17.7483 393 6.8040 921 9 98 56 31 554 496 17.7763 888 6.8112 847 10 04 89 31 855 013 17.8044 938 6.8184 62 10 11 24 32 157 432 17.8325 545 6.8256 342 10 17 61 32 461 759 17.8605 711 6.8337 714 10 24 00 32 768 000 17.8885 4:38 6.8399 037 10 30 41 33 076 161 17.9164 739 6.8470 313 10 36 84 33 386 248 17.9443 584 6.8541 24 10 43 29 33 698 267 17.9732 008 6.8613 12 10 49 76 34 012 224 18. 6.8682 855 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, ETC. (Continued) Number. Square. Cube. Square Root. Cube Root. 325 10 56 25 10 62 76 10 69 29 10 75 84 10 82 41 10 89 00 10 95 61 11 02 24 11 08 89 11 15 56 11 22 25 11 28 96 11 35 69 11 42 44 11 49 21 11 56 00 11 62 81 11 69 64 11 76 49 11 83 36 11 90 25 11 97 16 12 04 09 12 11 04 12 18 01 12 25 00 12 32 01 12 39 04 12 46 09 12 53 16 12 60 25 12 67 36 12 74 49 12 81 64 12 88 81 12 96 00 13 03 21 13 10 44 13 17 69 13 24 96 13 32 25 13 39 56 13 46 89 13 54 24 13 61 61 13 69 00 13 76 41 13 83 84 13 91 29 13 98 76 14 06 25 14 13 76 14 21 29 14 28 84 14 36 41 14 44 00 14 51 61 14 59 24 14 66 89 14 74 56 14 82 25 14 89 96 14 97 69 15 05 44 15 13 21 15 21 00 15 28 81 34 328 125 34 645 976 34 965 783 35 287 552 35 611 289 35 937 000 36 264 691 36 594 368 36 928 037 37 259 704 37 595 375 37 933 056 38 272 753 38 614 472 38 958 219 39 3;)4 000 39 651 821 40 001 688 40 353 607 40 707 584 41 033 625 41 421 736 41 781 923 42 144 192 42 508 549 42 875 000 43 243 551 43 614 208 43 986 977 44 361 864 44 738 875 45 118 016 45 499 293 45 882 712 46 268 279 46 656 000 47 045 831 47 437 928 47 832 147 48 228 544 48 627 125 49 027 896 49 430 863 49 836 032 50 243 409 50 653 000 51 064 811 51 478 848 51 895 117 52 313 624 52 734 375 53 157 376 53 582 633 54 010 152 54 439 939 54 872 000 55 306 341 55 742 968 56 181 887 56 623 104 56 066 625 57 512 456 57 960 603 58 411 072 58 863 869 59 319 000 59 776 471 18.0277 564 18.0554 701 18.0831 413 18.1107 7a3 18.138:3 571 18.1659 021 18.1934 054 18.2208 672 18.2482 876 18.2756 669 18.3030 052 18.3303 028 18.3575 598 18.3847 763 18.4119 526 18.4390 889 18.4661 853 18.4932 42 18.5202 592 18.5472 37 18.5741 756 18.6010 752 18.6279 36 18.6.547 581 18.6815 417 18.7082 869 18.7349 94 18.7616 63 18.7882 942 18.8148 877 18.8414 437 18.8679 623 18.89-44 436 18.9208 879 18.9472 953 18.9736 66 19. 19.0262 978 19.0525 589 19.0737 84 19.1049 732 19.1311 265 19.1572 441 19.1833 261 19.2093 727 19.2353 841 19.2613 603 19.2873 015 19.3132 079 19.3390 796 19.3649 167 19.3907 194 19.4164 878 19.4422 221 19.4679 223 19.4935 887 19.5192 213 19.5448 203 19.5703 858 19.5959 179 19.6214 169 19.6468 827 19.6723 156 19.6977 156 19.7230 829 19.7484 177 19.7737 199 6.8753 433 326 6.8823 888 327 6.8894 188 328 6.8964 345 329 6.9034 359 330 6.9104 232 331 6.9173 964 332 6.92 i 3 .556 333 6.9313 088 334 6.9383 321 335 6,9451 496 336 337 6.9.520 533 6.9589 434 338 6.9658 198 339 6.9726 826 340 6.9795 321 341 6.9863 681 342 6.9931 906 343 7. 344 7.0067 962 345 7.0135 791 346 7.0203 49 347 7.0271 0.58 348 7.0338 497 349 7.0405 806 350 7.0472 987 351 7.0540 041 352 7.0606 967 353 7.0673 767 354 7.0740 44 355 7.0806 988 356 7.0873 411 357 7.0939 709 358 7.1005 885 359 360 7.1071 937 7.1137 866 361 7.1203 674 362 7.1269 36 363 364 365 7.1334 925 7.1400 37 7.1465 695 366 7.1530 901 367 368 7.1595 988 7.1660 957 369 7.1725 809 370 7.1790 544 371 372 7.1855 162 7.1919 663 373 7.1984 05 374 7.2048 322 375 7.2112 479 376 . . . 7.2176 522 377 7.2240 45 378 7.2.304 268 379 7.2367 972 380 7.2431 535 381 7.2495 045 382 7.2558 415 383 7.2621 675 384 7.2684 824 385 7.2747 864 386 7.2810 794 387 7.2873 617 388 7.2936 33 389 .. 7.2998 933 390 7.3061 436 391 7.3123 828 Eable of areas. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. Diam H .012 19 in. 283.53 43 in. H .049 H 298.64 Vz .110 20 in. 314.16 44 in. .1% ^ 330.06 y2 M .441 21 in. 346.36 45 in. lin. .785 ^ 363.05 M \A .994 22 in. 380.13 46 in. H 1.227 H 397.60 ^2 L^ 1.767 23 in. 415.47 47 in. H 2.405 J^ 433.73 H 3 in. 3.141 24 in. 452.39 48 in. 3.976 H 471.43 M /^ 4.908 25 in. 490.8 49 in. % 5.939 Vz 510.7 H 3 in. 7.06 26 in. 5.30.9 50 in. /4 8.29 }4 551.5 V2 ^ 9.62 27 in. 572.5 51 in. M 11.04 H 593.9 V2 4 in. 12.56 28 in. 615.7 52 in. ^ 15.90 H 637.9 ^ Sin. 19.63 29 in. 660.5 53 in. ^ 23.75 V2 683.4 y2 6 in. 28.27 30 in. 706.8 54 in. ^ 33.18 V2 730.6 ^ Tin. 38.48 31 in. 754.7 55 in. ^ 44.17 V2 779.3 Vz Sin. 50.26 32 in. 804.2 56 in. H 56.74 Vz 829.5 V2 9 in. 63.61 .33 in. 855.3 57 in. ^ 70.88 >i 881.4 Yi 10 in. 78.54 34 in. 907.9 58 in. J^ 86.59 H 934.8 y2 11 in. 95.03 35 in. 962.1 59 in. }4 103.87 . )4 989.8 y2 12 in. 113.10 36 in. 1017.8 60in. ^ 122.71 ^ 1046.3 y2 13 in. 1.32.73 .37 in. 1075.2 61in. H 143.13 h' 1104.4 yz 14 in. 153.94 38 in. 1134.1 62in. ^ 165.13 % 1164.1 Yz 15 in. 176.71 39 in. 1194.6 63 in. Vz 188.69 ^ 1225.4 Yz If) in. 201.06 40 in. 1256 6 64 in. ^ 213.82 Vs 1288.2 Yi. ir in. 226.98 41 in. 1320.2 65 in. V^ 240.52 X 1352.6 Yz 18 in. :i54.46 42 in. 1385.4 66 in. 3^ 268.80 X 1418.6 Yi 1452.2 1486.1 1520.5 1555.2 1.590.4 1625.9 1661.9 1698.2 1734.9 1772.0 1808.5 1847.4 18a5. 1924. 1963. 2003. 2012. 2165. 2206. 2248. 2290. 2331. 2375. 2419. 2463. 2507. 2551. 2597. 2734. 2781. 2971. 3019. 3068. 3117. 3167. 3217. 3370. 3421. 3473. decimal Equivalent of tbe Divleione of a foot Inches. ^ J4 % ^ y% •M % 1 .0 .0833 .1667 .25 .3333 .0104 .0937 .1771 .2604 .3487 .4270 .5104 .5937 .6770 .7604 .8437 .9270 .0208 1042 .1875 .2708 .3541 .4375 .5208 .6041 .6875 .7708 .8541 .9375 .0312 .1146 .1979 .2812 .3645 .4479 .5312 .6145 .6979 .7812 .8646 .9479 .0417 .1250 .2083 .2917 .3750 .4583 .5416 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 .0521 .1354 .2187 .3020 .3854 .4687 .5520 .6.354 .7187 .8020 .88.54 .9687 .0025 .1458 .2291 .3125 .3959 .4791 .5625 .6458 .7292 .8125 .8958 .9791 .0729 .1.562 2 3 4 .2395 .3229 .4062 5 .4166 .5 .5833 .6666 .75 .8333 .9167 .4895 6 .5729 7 8 .6562 .7396 9 10 11 .8229 .9062 .9896 29 Iftautlcal Specb ZTable Compiled by Hugh S. Gambcl Secretary National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers Nautical Mile, 6,080 ft. Statute Mile, 5,280 ft (Copyrighted 1905) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 85 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 MILES Nautical Statute 60-000 59-016 58-064 57-143 56-250 55-384 54-545 53-731 52-941 52-174 51-428 50-704 50-000 49-315 48-648 48-000 47-368 46-753 46-154 45-570 45-000 44-444 43-902 43-373 42-857 42-353 41-860 41-379 40-909 40-450 40-000 39-561 39-130 38-710 38-298 37-895 37-500 37-113 36-735 36-364 36-000 35-644 35-294 34-951 34-615 34-286 33-962 33-644 33-333 33-028 32-727 32-432 32-143 31-858 31-579 31-304 31-034 30-769 30-508 30-252 69-069 67-956 66-860 65-800 64-771 63-774 62-808 61-871 60-961 60-078 59-219 58-385 57-575 56-786 56-018 55-272 54*544 53-836 53*146 52*473 51*817 51-177 50*553 49*944 49*349 48*769 48*201 47*647 47*106 46-578 46*060 45*554 45*058 44*574 44*100 43*636 43-181 42*735 42*300 41-873 41-454 41-044 40-641 40-246 39-859 39-480 39*107 38-741 38-381 38-031 37-685 37-345 37*012 36-684 36-303 36-082 35-735 35-430 35-129 34-835 2 MINUTES MILES Nautical Statute 30-000 29-752 29-508 29-268 29-082 28-800 28-571 28-346 28-125 27-907 27-692 27-481 27-273 27-068 26-866 26-667 26-471 26-277 26-087 25-899 25-714 25-532 25-352 25-175 25-000 24-828 24*658 24-490 24-324 24-161 24*000 23*841 23-684 23*529 23*377 23-226 23*077 22*930 22*785 23-642 22-500 22-360 22-222 22-086 21-951 21-818 21-687 21-557 21-429 21-302 21-176 21053 20-930 20-809 20-690 20-571 20-455 20-339 20-225 20-112 NAUTICAL vSPEED TABLE [Continued) 3 MINUTES 4 MINUTES SECONDS Mil Nautical 20-000 19-890 19-780 19-672 19-565 19-459 19-355 19-251 19-149 19-048 18-947 18-848 18-750 18-653 18-557 18-461 18-367 18.274 18-182 18-090 18-000 17-910 17-822 17-734 17-647 17-561 17-476 17-391 17-308 17-225 17-143 17-062 16-981 16-901 16-822 16-744 16-667 16-590 16-514 16-438 16-364 16-290 16-216 16-143 16-071 16-000 15-929 15-859 15-789 15-721 15-652 15-584 15-517 15-451 15-385 15-319 15-254 15-190 15-126 15-063 .ES Statute Mil Nautical .ES Statute 23-030 22-903 22-880 22-652 22-529 22-407 22-287 22-167 22-050 21-933 21-817 21-703 21-590 21-478 21-368 21-257 21-149 21-042 20-936 20-830 20-727 20-623 20-522 20-420 20-320 20-221 20-123 20-025 19-930 19-834 19-740 19-646 19-543 19-461 19-370 10-280 19-192 19-103 19-015 18-928 18-843 18-757 18-672 18-588 18-505 18-424 18-342 18-261 18-181 18-102 18-023 17-944 17-867 17-791 17-715 17-639 17-564 17-491 17-417 17-345 15-000 14-938 14-876 14-815 14-754 14-694 14-034 14-575 14-516 14-458 14-400 14-343 14-286 14-229 14-173 14-118 14-062 14-008 13-953 18-900 13-846 13-793 13-740 13-688 13-636 13-585 13-534 13-483 13-433 13-383 13-333 13-284 13-235 13-187 13-139 13-091 13-043 12-996 12-950 12-903 12-857 12-811 12--; 66 12-721 12-676 12-682 12-587 12-544 12-500 12-457 12-414 12-371 12-329 12-287 12-245 12-203 12-162 12-121 12-081 12-040 17-272 1 17-201 o 17-129 3 17-059 4 16 -980 5 6 16-920 16-851 7. 8. 9 16-783 16-715 16-648 lo' 16-581 11 16-515 12. 13 16.450 16*384 14 16-320 15 16-256 16. i: 16-192 16-130 18 16-066 19 16-0('5 20 15-942 21 ..r 15-882 22 15-821 23. 15-761 24 15-701 25 15-643 26 15-584 27 15-525 28 15-468 29 15-410 30. 15-352 31 15-296 32 15.240 33 15-184 84. 15-129 35 15-074 36. 37 15-019 14-964 38 14-911 39 14-857 40 14-804 41 14-751 42 14-7C0 43 14.648 44 14-596 4.'). 46 14-545 U-493 47 14-444 ■48. 14-393 49 50. 14-344 14.294 51 58 14-245 14-196 53 14-148 54 14-100 55 14 051 56 14-004 57 13-957 58 59 13-288 13-884 - NAUTICAL SPEED TABLE {Continued) 0. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 20 21 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 27. 28 29, 30, 31, 32 33 34, 35 36, 37, 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48, 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5 MINUTES MILES Nautical Statute 12-000 11-960 11-921 11-881 11-842 11-803 11-765 11-726 11-688 11-650 11-613 11-576 11-538 11-502 11-465 11-429 11-392 11-356 11-321 11-285 11-250 11-215 11-180 11-146 U-111 11-077 11-043 11-009 10-976 10-942 10-909 10-876 10-843 10-811 10-778 10-746 10-714 10-682 10-651 10-619 10-588 10-557 10-526 10-496 10-465 10-435 10-405 10-375 10-345 10-315 10-286 10-256 10-227 10-198 10-169 10-141 10-112 10-084 10-056 10-028 13 818 13-771 13-727 13-680 13-636 13-591 13-547 13-502 13-458 13-414 13-372 13-329 13-286 13-244 13-201 13160 13-117 13-076 13-026 12-994 12-954 12-914 12-873 12-834 12-794 12-755 12-716 12-676 12-638 12-599 12-561 12-523 12-485 12-448 12-410 12-374 12-337 12-300 12-264 12-227 12-192 12156 12-120 12-086 12-050 12-015 11-981 11-946 11-912 11-877 11-844 11-809 11-776 11-742 11-709 11-677 11-643 11-611 11-579 11-547 6 MINUTES MILES Nautical Statute 10-000 9-972 9-945 9-917 9-890 9-863 9-783 9-756 9-730 9-704 9-677 9-651 9-626 9-600 9-574 9-549 9-524 9-499 9-474 9-449 9-424 9-399 9-375 9-351 9 326 9-302 9-278 9-254 9-231 9-207 9-184 9-160 9-137 9-114 9-091 9-068 9-045 9-023 9-000 8-978 8-955 8-933 8-911 8-889 8-867 8-845 8-824 8-802 8-780 8-769 8-738 8-717 8-696 8-675 8-654 8-633 8-612 8-592 32 NAUTICAL SPEED TABLE (Continued) 7 MINUTES MILES Nautical Statute 8-571 8-551 8-531 8-511 8-491 8-471 8-451 8-431 8-411 8-392 8-372 8-353 8-333 8-314 8-295 8-276 8-257 8-238 8-219 8-200 8-182 8-163 8-145 8-126 8-108 8-090 8-072 8-054 8-036 8-018 8-000 7-982 7-965 7-947 7-930 7-912 7-895 7-877 7-860 7-843 7-826 7-809 7-792 7-775 7-759 7-742 7-725 7-709 7-692 7-676 7-660 7-643 7-627 7-611 7-595 7-579 7-563 7-547 7-531 7-516 9-869 9-846 9-823 9 800 9-777 9-754 9-731 9-708 9-685 9-663 9-640 9-618 9 595 9-573 9-551 9-539 9-507 9-486 9-464 9-442 9-421 9-399 9-378 9-357 9-336 9-315 9-294 9-274 9-253 9-232 9-212 9-191 9-171 9-150 9-131 9-110 9-091 9 070 9-050 9-031 9-011 8-992 8-972 8-952 8-934 8-914 8-895 8-876 8-857 8-838 8-820 8-800 8-782 8-764 8-745 8-727 8-708 8-690 8-671 8-654 8 MINUTES MILES Nautical Statute 7-500 7-484 7-469 7-453 7-438 7-423 7-407 7-392 7-377 7-362 7-347 7-332 7-317 7-302 7-287 7-272 7-258 7-243 7-229 7-214 7-200 7-186 7-171 7-157 7-143 7-129 7-115 7-101 7087 7073 7-059 7-045 7-031 7018 7-004 6 990 6 977 6 963 6-950 6 936 6-923 6-910 6-897 6-883 6-870 6-857 6-844 6-831 6-813 6-805 6-792 6-780 6-767 6-754 6-742 6-729 6-716 6-704 6-691 6-679 8-638 8-617 8 600 8-582 8-564 8-547 8-529 8-511 8-494 8-477 8-460 8-442 8-425 8-408 8-390 8-374 8-357 8-340 8-324 8-306 8-290 8-274 8-257 8-241 8-225 8-209 8-192 8-176 8-160 8-144 8-128 8-112 8-096 8-081 8-065 8-048 8-034 8-017 8-002 7-986 7-971 7-956 7-941 7-925 7-910 7.895 7-880 7-865 7-845 7-835 7 820 7-807 7-792 7-777 7-763 7-748 7-733 7-719 7-704 7-690 LofC. 33 NAUTICAL SPEED TABLE {Continued) 1 2 3 4 f) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 v6 27 28 29 HO 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54. 55 56 57. 58. 59, 9 MINUTES MILES Nautical Statute 6-667 6-654 6-642 6-630 6-618 6-606 6-593 6-581 6-569 6-557 6-545 6-534 6-522 6-510 6-498 6-486 6-475 6-463 fW/ ^•H