f LIBRARY OF CONGRESS,"; 'Chap 5.3 Shelf 13 to J.6.. li UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^gy^araorae^a^araflgreareg J. A. BOLEN'S Medals, Cards, /nd Fag-Similes. An Accurate and Comprehensive Descriptive Catalogue of Bolen's Works, \>*ith Number Struck in each Metal,. Disposition of Dies, and other Detail. / By EDWIN L. JOHNSON, • / Non numero hcec judicantur, sed ponderc. a G Numismatic Printing and BINDING Company, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 1882. o>** <^fi> Itbb ubrakt Or CONGEBM Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1182, By EDWIN L. JOHNSON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. (J Bolen'g Medal?, danfe, aqd Facsimile?. 1. Base Ball Medal. 2. Fac-simile U. S. Bar Cent. 3. Arsenal Medal. A. Arsenal with sun. 4. Arsenal Medal. B. Without sun. 5. Bolen's Card. A. 1862. Boy on eagle. 6. Washington Medal. A. " Avoid the extremes," etc. 7. Fac-simile Confederatio Cent. A. Large stars. 8. Fac-simile Confederatio Cent. B. Small stars. 9. Bolen's Card. B. 1864. Liberty cap. 10. Bolen's Card. C. 1864. Liberty cap and sunburst. 11. Fac-simile Higley, or Granby, Cent. 12. Washington Medal. B. Washington's Letter to Ham- ilton. 13. Bolen's Card. D. 1864. " Stamp cutter," &c. 14. Washington Medal. C. " He lived for his country." 15. Washington Medal. D. u The father of our country." 16. Washington Medal. E. " Copper from wreck of Con- gress," &c. 17. Ordnance Department Medal, or Tag. 18. Soldiers' Fair Medal. 19. Bolen's Card. E. 1865. 20. Bolen's Card. F. 1865. Reversed legend. 21. Bolen's Card. G. 1865. " Die Sinker," &c. 22. Lincoln Medal. A. " With malice toward none," &e. 23. Moore Bros.' Card. 24. Massachusetts Token. Eagle on shield, 1866. 25. Spriugfield Token. " Springfield Antiquarians," 26. Bolen's Card. II. 1867. 4 MKDALS, CARDS, AND F AC-SIMILES. 27. Washington Medal. F. " 1st President," &c. 28. Jefferson Medal. " 3rd President," &c. 29. Jackson Medal. " 7th President," &c. 30. Lincoln Medal. B. " lGth President," &c. 31. Webster Medal. 32. Bolen's u Libertas Americana" Card. I. 3:}. Bolen's Card. J. 1867. " Bolen " under bust. 34. Lincoln Medal. C. "Copper taken from Merrimac," &c. 35. Grant Medal. 36. Fac-simile Carolina Elephant Cent. 37. Double Carolina Elephant. 38. Boleu's Card. K. 1869. 39. Fac-simile New York Cent. " Neo Eboracus." 40. Fac-simile George Clinton Cent. 41. CopperPlate. Impressions of four fac-similes. 42. Masonic Temple Medal. 43. Fort Pynchon Medal. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 1. Base Ball Medal. 20. Obv. — Boy in act of batting ball. Leg. — at top, — " Pio- neer Base Ball Club." 13 stars below. " J. A. Bolen." Rev. — Clubs and balls. Leg. — " Organized April 30, 1858. Play-ground on Hampden Park, Springfield, Mass." Dies cut in 1861 for Chas. E. Vinton, who still retains them. 75 copper, 125 w. m. 2. Fac-simile U. S. Bar Cent. 16. Obv. — u U. S. A." in monogram. Rev. — 13 bars. Dies cut in 1862, and sold to W. E. Woodward, who de- stroyed them after striking 12 in silver. 65 copper. 3. Arsenal Medal. A. 18. Obv. — Arsenal building, with sun above to left. Leg. — below,—" U. S. Arsenal." " J. A. Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — 44 U. S. Armory. Established by Act of Congress in April, 1794. Springfield, Mass." Dies cut in 1862, and sold to Geo. B. Mason, Brooklyn, N. Y. 5 copper.* Note. — The obverse die was rejected as incorrect, and replaced by obverse of No. 4. The "sun above arsenal v was an interpola- tion after the error in the die was discovered. * I can only give the number struck by Mr. Bolen. All efforts to learn anything regarding the issues of later owners of dies have been in vain ; but I believe that restrikes of his pieces are very few, while mules other than his are common. I would be glad to receive anv information further than I possess. (, DESriUlTIVE <'ATALO<;i K 4. Arsenal Medal. B. 18. Obv. — Similar to No. 3, but without sun, and legend in larger letters. Rev. — Same as No. .'). Cut in 1862, and sold to Geo. B. Mason, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2 silver, 75 copper, 75 brass. 5. Bolen's Card. A. 18. Obv. — Boy on eagle. 13 stars in a dotted border. Leg. — u Youug America, 1862." Rev. — Leg. — "J. A. Bolen, Die-siuker and Medalist, Springfield, Mass." Cut in 1862. Sold to Geo. B. Mason. Brooklyn. N. Y. 75 copper, 75 brass. G. Washington Medal. A. 18. Obv. — Head of Washington to left. Leg:. — " Georsre Washington." 4t J. A. Bolen." Rev. — Oak wreath. Leg. — "Avoid the extremes party spirit." Very thick planchet. Cut in 1862. Dies destroyed. 6 silver, 75 oreide. 7. Fac-simile of Confederate Cent. A. 18. Obv. — Indian standing by altar, holding bow and arrows, and with his right foot resting on a crown. Leg. — " Inimica tyrannis Americana." Rev. — 13 stars in sunburst. Leg. — "Confederation 1 ' Cut in 1868. Dies destroys!. 2 silver, 40 copper. NOTE. — One copy in silver was sold to W. E. Woodward ; the other t<> the late James Parker, of Springfield, bfass. 8. Fac-simile of Confederatio Cent. B. l v Similar to Xo. 7. but with smaller stars and rays ou re- Cut in 1868. Dies destroyed. 2 silver, 40 copper. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. / 9. Bolen's Card. B. 18. Obv. — Head of Bolen to left. Star each side. Leg. — " J. A. Bolen, 1864." Rev.— Liberty cap. Leg. — " United States of America. Liberty." Cut in 1864. 3 lead. 10. Bolen's Card. C 18. Same as No. 9, but with sunburst surrounding liberty cap on reverse. Cut in 1864, aud destroyed. All obtainable copies were re- called and destroyed. 25 oreide. 11. Fac-simile of Higley, or Granby, Cent. 18. Obv. — Stag facing left. Hand below. Leg. — "The valve of three pence." Rev. — Three hammers crowned. Leg. — "Connecticut, 1737." Star below at left of date. Cut in 1864. Defaced and sold to Dr. F. S. Edwards of New York. 2 silver, 40 copper. Note. — The dies must have been restored, for 1 have seen this piece in nickel. 12. Washington Medal. B. 37. Obv. — Bust of Washington to left. Leg. — "George Washington." " J. A. Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — " I hope that liberal allowance will be made for the political opinions of each other ; without these I do not see how the reins of government are to be managed, or how the union of the States can be much longer preserved." u Washington's Letter to Hamilton." Dies cut in 1864, and sold to Dr. F. S. Edwards of New York. (Now useless). 5 silver, 10 copper, 14 w. m. (By Dr. Edwards.) * DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 13. Bolen's Card. D. 18. Obv. — Similar to No. 9, but with smaller date, and knerled. Rev. — Leg. — "Stamp cutter, die siuker aud medallist. Springfield, Mass." Cut iu 1864. Obverse die and all obtainable copies destroyed. ' 25 copper. 14. Washington Medal. C. 18. Obv. — Head of Washington to left. Leg. — u Washing- ton." " J. A. Bolen." Rev. — Laurel wreath. Leg. — " He lived for his country." Dies cut in 1864, and sold to A. R. McCoy, New York. 5 copper. 15. Washington Medal. D. 18. Obv. — Head of No. 14. Leg. — " The father of our coun- try." " J. A. Bolen." Rev. — Same as No. 14. Cut in 1864, and sold to A. R. McCoy, New York. 2 copper. (By Bolen.) 16. Washington Medal. E. 18. Obv. — Same as No. 14. Rev. — Leg. — "A piece of copper bolt taken from the wreck of Frigate Congress, by Surgeon J. M. Rice, 25th M Vols. Only two struck. Reverse die cut in 1864, aud destroyed. 2 copper. 17. Medal, intended for use in the Ordnance De- partment, Washington. 25. Obv. — Belt inscribed " Standard." Two cannon crossed, bomb* shell and flame. Ret, — Blank. Cut in 1864. 6 lead. * INSCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. l J 18. Soldiers' Fair Medal. 18. Obv. — Same as No. 14. Rev. — Laurel wreath. Leg. — " Soldiers' Fair, Decem- ber, 1864. Springfield, Mass." Reverse die cut in 1864, and sold to A. R. McCoy, New York. 2 copper, 350 w. m. 19. Bolen's Card. E. 18. Obv.— Head of Bolen to left. Leg.— " J. A. Bolen, 1865." Rev. — Same as No. 13. Cut in 1865. Dies and all obtainable impressions destroyed. 10 copper, 10 vv. m. 20. Bolen's Card. F. 18. Obv.— Head of No. 19. Leg.— u a3A0HXS3CI 3Id aSLV XOflHXS OMn Rev. — Same as No. 13. Obverse cut in 1805, but proved incorrect. Both dies de- stroyed. 1 w. m. 21. Bolen's Card. G. 18. Obv.— Head of Bolen to left. Leg.-— "J. A. Bolen, 1865." Rev. — Laurel wreath. Leg. — " Die sinker, &c. Spring- field, Mass." Small "B" under Mass. Cut in 1865, and destroyed with all obtainable impressions. 50 oreide, 50 w. m. 22. Lincoln Medal. A. 16. Obv. — Head of Lincoln to right. Leg. — ''Abraham Lincoln." " J. A. Bolen." REV. — Leg. — "With malice toward none; with charity for all." Cut in 1865. Sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. ilver, 10 copper, 40 brass. 10 DE8CBIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 23. Moore Bros' Card. 18. Obv. — Leg. — "Moore Brothers, Photographic Artists, opposite Court Square, Springfield, Mass." Rev. — Leg. — " Photographs made and finished in any desired style or size." Cut in 1865, for Moore Brothers. 5 copper, 1 brass, 400 w. m. 24. Massachusetts Token. 18. Obv. — Eagle on shield. Leg. — k - Massachusetts, I B "Bolen." Rev. — Wreath and seven stars. Leg. — "Lexington, April 19, 1775. Baltimore, April 19, 1861." Cut in 1866. Sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. 2 silver, 14 copper, 1 brass, 1 w. m. 25. Springfield Token. 18. Obv. — Same as No. 24. Rev.— Leg. — " Springfield Antiquarians : James Parker, Wm. H. Bowdoin, C. B. Newell, J. A. Bolen, J. Whitcomb, D. K. Lee, Wm. Clogston." Cut in I860. Sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. 2 silver, 14 copper, 1 brass, 1 w. m. 26. Bolen'sCard. H. 18. Obv. — Head of Bolen to left. Leg. — t4 J. A. Bolen, 1867." Rev. — Same as No. 21. Cut in 1867. 14 copper, 1 brass, 1 w, m. 27. Washington Medal. P. 16. Presidential Series. Obv. — Head of Washington to right. Leg. — ,k Washing- ton." "Bolen." Rev. — Lett. — " George Washington, let President l § The Union IS the main prop of Our liberty." Cut in L867i Bold in L872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia, 2 silver, l»» copper, 1 brass 8 w, m, DESCRIPTIVE I A rALOGUE. 1 1 28. Jefferson Medal. 10. Presidential Series. Obv. — Head of Jefferson to right. Leg. — "Jefferson." "Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — "Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President U. S. Equal and exact justice to all men." Cut in 1867. Sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. 2 silver, 14 copper, 14 bra><. 29. Jackson Medal. 16. Presidential Series. Obv. — Head of Jackson to right. Leg. — "Jackson." "Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — "Andrew Jackson, 7th President U. S. The stern old soldier, a foe to traitors." Cut in 1867. Sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. 2 silver, 14 copper, 14 br;> 30. Lincoln Medal. B. 16. Presidential Series. Obv. — Head of Lincoln to riirht. Leg. — "Lincoln." "Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — "Abraham Lincoln, 16th President U. S. Emancipation the great event of the 19th century." Cut in 1867. Sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. _ ; silver, 14 copper, 14 bin--. 31. Webster Medal. 16. Obv. — Head of Webster to right. Log. — " Webster." " Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — " Daniel Webster, the able defender of the Constitution." Cut in 1867, and sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. 2 silver, 14 copper, 14 brass. 32. Bolen's " Libertas Americana " Card. I. 16. Obv. — Fac-simile of Libertas Americana obverse. Head to left, with flowing hair, and liberty cap over right shoulder. L("_ r . — " Libertas Americana. 1 Jail, 1776," in exergue. " Bolen " under bust. Rev. — Obverse of No. 26. Obverse die cut in 1 S ( > 7 , and sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline. Philadelphia. 1 silver, 16 copper, 1 brass, :'> w. m. 12 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 33. Bolen's Card. J. 1G. Obv. — Head of Bolen to left. Leg. — "J. A. Bolen, 1867." " Bolen" under bust. Rev. — Same as No. 21. Cut in 1867, and obverse die destroyed. 1 silver, 15 copper, 15 brass, 15 w. m. Note. — This is the only Bolen Card with his name under the bust, or elsewhere, save in the legend. The 18G5 card (Xo. 21) and other pieces later have a small B on reverse. 34. Lincoln Medal. C. 16. Obv. — Same as No. 30. Rev. — Leg. — "A piece of copper taken from the wreck of the Rebel ram Merrimac, in 1862, by J. F. Pratt, A. A. Surgeon U. S. A. Only ten struck." Reverse die cut in 1868, and destroyed. 10 copper. 35. Grant Medal. 16. Presidential Series. Obv. — Head of Grant to right. Leg. — " Grant." " Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — "Gen. U.S. Grant, our next President. May he in wisdom rule the country he has saved." Cut in 1868. Sold in 1872 to J. W. Kline, Philadelphia. 2 silver, 14 copper, 14 brass, 1 w. m. 36. Fac-simile Carolina Elephant Cent. 17. Obv. — Elephant to left. Rev. — Le£. — "God preserve Carolina and the Lords Proprietors. 1694." Cut in 1869. Canceled. 2 silver, 40 copper, 5 bra--. 37. Double Carolina Elephant. 17. Obv. — Same as No. 86. Rev. — Elephant to left. Leg. — "Only ten struck." Cut in 1869. Canceled. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 18 10 copper. " The reverse of No. 37 was originally cut for the obverse of No. 36 ; but as it was not correct, I cut another. After striking the 47 pieces of No'. 36, I struck two mules in copper from the two obverse dies, and then annealed incorrect die, lettered it " Only ten struck," and struck the ten copies of No. 37 ; making twelve in all with the elephant on both sides." — J. A, Bolen. 38. Bolen's Card. K. 16. Obv. — Head of Bolen to left. Leg. — k 'J. A. Bolen, 1869." Similar to No. 33, but with different knerl. Rev. — Same as No. 21. Cut in 1869. 1 silver, 28 copper, 20 brass, 50 w. m. Note. — Tin's is Bolen's last card, and bears the most correct likeness. 39. Fac-simileN. Y. Cent. 17. Obv. — Indian with bow in left hand and tomahawk in right. Leg. — " Libernatus libertatem defendo." Star below. Rev. — Eagle on hemisphere. Leg. — "Neo Eboracus. 1787. Excelsior." Cut in 1869. Canceled. 2 silver, 40 copper, 5 brass. 40. Fac-simile George Clinton Cent. 17. Obv. — Head of Cliuton to right. Leg. — " George * Clinton * " Rev. — Arms of the State of New York, with the legend, "Excelsior. 1787" beneath. Cut iu 1869. Canceled. 2 silver, 40 copper, 5 brass. 1 1 [>BS< i.iri i\ I. ' Ai 4LOOUB. 11. Copper Hate. 2%inches square, with four im- pressions from fac-sim'ile dies on each side, viz : One of No. 39, two of No. 40, and one mule. !• icribed U J. A. Bolen, 1869. Only two struck." 2 copper. N<»ii. 1. — Mr. Bolen retains one of these; tin- other wu owned by tin- late James of Springfield. \nt of Masonic Temple. Leg. — (i Masonic Tem- ple." "Bolen." Ki.v. — Large six-pointed oj.m star, or double triangle, square and compasses enclosing G, and two swords crossed. Leg. — " Dedicated Jane 24, 1874, Springfield, Mass." Cut in 1874, for (;. I). Rollins. Struck by Lovett. Ob- die broken, and both now owned by Mr. Rollins. ."> silver, .") copper, 5 brass, 100 w. m. 43. Fort Pynchon Medal. 16. Ob7. — Old Pynchon House, or Fori Pynchon. "Bolen." Rev. — Leg. — in seven lines. — "The Pynchon Hon-.-. Springfield, Mass., called the Old Fort. Built by Johu Pvn- chon, in 1660. Taken down in 1881." Cut in 1881. Bolen's Mules Obverse Rei I. Rev of 7. Rev. 8. 2 copper. II. Obv of 32. " 21. 2 silver. III. tc it Obv. 22. 5 copper. IV. it k ( " 27. k » . k V. it kk » 28. . . . < VI. k. k . kt 29. .. VII. ti t» •• 30. . . VIII. tt 22. " 30. k. IX. k k 27. it 28. k. X. kk k . " 30. .. XI. It 86. " 37. 2 XII. k k 39. Rev. 10. 2 silver 4 XIII. Rev. It 39. .. . k 5 copper. XIV. Obv. kk 40. •• 39. k. XV. . ». kk » Obv. k - .. W. ELLIOT WOODWARD, 258 Dudley Street, . . . Roxbury, Mass., DBAIJEB IN COINS, MEDALS, TOKENS, PRE-HISTORIC RELICS IN STONE AND COPPER, BRIC-A-BRAC, RARE BOOKS, &c, &c. Wanted to buy — For ready money, a large collection of American Coins and Medals. Wanted to buy — Small collections and single Coius, American and Foreign, Ancient and Modern. Wanted to buy — A large collection of American Stone, Cop- per, Bone and Shell Relics. Wanted to buy — A large collection of Pre- Historic objects from the North of Europe, or from any foreign country, including objects in Stone, Bronze, Copper, Glass, Bone, Horn, Pottery, etc. Wanted to buy — A collection of Bric-a-brac and Curios, Watches, Boxes, Rings, Seals, Bells, Pistols, (inns. Swords, Knives, Daggers, Powder Horns, Pottery, and all the odds and ends that people collect. Wanted — Bare Books, especially such as relate to America. Wanted — Consignments of all the foregoing articles oi' prop- erty, to sell on account of the owners, at auction or pri- vate sale. Wanted — Purchasers l<>r all the varieties of articles al mentioned. Journal of Numismatics. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS IS PUBLISHED BY THE BOSTON NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, Quarterly, at Two Dollars per volume, in advance. The 17th volume began iu July, 1882. Subscriptions and communica- tions to be addressed to JEREMIAH COLBURN, 18 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. The following notice of the publication is from the Boston Evening Transcript : The American Journal of Numismatics is one of those publications that indicate how, with all the bustle, utilitarian- ism, and intense devotion to the practical present, character- istic of this age and country, some are to be found, with taste and zeal, to look after the thiugs which concern history and aesthetics, and keep up the annals eveu iu departments the rushing public leave behind as of no account. The handsome January number is another evidence of the care of the Com- mittee of Publication, who have tilled it with curious and en- tertaining nutter, the result of correspondence and research; winding up their own sober labors with a bit of humor after the brief jotting fashion. To all who care for medals, coins, and much else that relates to archaeological investigation, the advice is — do as the disinterested editors themselves do — sub- scribe lor thi> serial and pay ($2 a year) in advance. G. L. FANCHER, WEST WINSTED, CONN., Collector and Dealer in Colonial, U. S., and Foreign Coins, Confederate Notes, Indian Relics, etc. Price Lista for Green Stamp. Correspondence solicited. W. F. GEEAXY. 827 Brannan Street, - - - San Francisco, Cal., DKALKK AND COIXECTOB OF American and Foreign Coins and Med; Colonial, Continental and Fractional Currency, Confederate Notes and Bonds, Match, Medicine, Flaying Cards, and Postage Stamps. Coins, vie, soot, on approral, I B LRE OBIENTAX COINS A M'i;< i.M.tv. Correspondence solicited. IUustr EDWIN L JOHNSON. Numismatic Printer and Binder, SPRINGFIELD. MASS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS % 022 211 915 7 on IlMttlftl^ppMi. 81 TT »# 83 85 87 89 91 KJncoa i 022 211 915 ; Hi