H HI ffiSi H Rfii 113! iiH W H I III HI llH ■ ■ $ ■ 1 ■ ■ H ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ Bhm ■■ ■ I HIM HShHs IS ■ ranHiiil Hmflai OassJDA^SO. Book J"*^ L ENGLAND AS SEEN BY FOREIGNERS. *l*( 2^-y^ " WOULD THEY BELIEVE ME IF I SHOULD SAY, I SAW SUCH ISLANDERS?" TEMPEST, ACT III. SC. 3- X '.>*£?: -<. ■:■& ENGLAND AS SEEN BY FOREIGNERS IN THE DAYS OF ELIZABETH AND JAMES THE FIRST. COMPRISING TRANSLATIONS OF THE JOURNALS OF THE TWO DUKES OF WIRTEMBERG IN 1592 AND l6lO; BOTH ILLUSTRATIVE OF SHAKESPEARE. ■WITH EXTRACTS FROM THE TRAVELS OF FOREIGN PRINCES AND OTHERS, COPIOUS NOTES, AN INTRODUCTION, AND ETCHINGS. BY WILLIAM BRENCHLEY RYE, ASSISTANT-KEEPER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTED BOOKS, BRITISH MUSEUM. LONDON: JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, SOHO SQUARE. 1865. J ^ CONTENTS. Synopsis of Introduction .... Introduction I. Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg II. Lewis Frederick, Prince of Wirtem- berg REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. III. Emanuel Van MET£REN,aDutch Mer- chant IV. Levinus Lemnius, a Dutch Physician V. Hieronymus Turler, a German . VI. Samuel Kiechel, a German . . VII. Norden's Notes on London and West- minster Lewis, Prince of Anhalt, used in the Notes and Introduction . VIII. Paul Hentzner, a German . . . REIGN OF JAMES I. IX. Juan Fernandez de Velasco, Con- stable of Castile .... X. Johann Jacob Grasser, a Swiss XI. Justus Zinzerling, a German . XII. Sights and Exhibitions . . XIII. Otto, Prince of Hesse XIV. John Ernest, Duke of Saxe- Weimar XV. Pictures, &c. in the Royal Palaces XVI. Peter Eisenberg, a Dane . . . . XVII. Valentin Arithm^eus, a German Notes Index Date 1592 l6lO 558-1612 1560 J 574 1585 1592 1596 1598 1604 c 1606 c 1610 1611 1611 1613 1613 1614 1617 Language of original work German French MS. Dutch Latin Latin German Eng. MS. German Latin Spanish German Latin English German German German German Latin Page vii, viii ix-cxxxii i-53 55-66 67-73 75-80 81-84 85-90 91-100 [01-113 115-124 125-128 129-135 137-140 141-145 H7-I5S 157-167 169-173 175-178 179-283 285-300 i' ILLUSTRATIONS. Etchings. 1. Comedians acting before Prince Charles, 1623 2. Portrait of Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg . 3. Ceiling in Theobalds Palace .... 4. Portrait of Lewis Frederick, Prince of Wirtemberg 5. James I. feasting the Spanish Ambassadors, 1623 6. Preaching at Paul's Cross, 1621 7. Drebbel's Perpetual Motion .... Page ex- 45 57 117 188 235 Woodcut. 8. Caron House, Lambeth 231 SYNOPSIS OF INTRODUCTION. )OREIGN Travel. — Foreigners coming to England during the two reigns chiefly Germans, ix-xii. Englishmen abroad. — Collections of Travels by Hakluyt and Purchas, xiii. Remarkable Travels by Moryson and Coryat, temp. Elizabeth and James, xiv-xvii. Passages from Shakespeare on the advantages of Foreign Travel, xvii, xviii. Quotations from several early English works in praise and censure of Foreign Travel. — Precepts for travelling, xix-xxviii. Remarks on the Travels of German Princes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, xxix, xxx. Albums, xxxi-xxxiii. Handbooks of Travel Talk in several languages (including English), published in Holland, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. — Specimens from the Foreign-English Dialogues, xxxiv, xxxv. English Pronunciation of Latin, xxxvi, xxxvii. Retrospect of Travels to England undertaken by Foreigners, from the time of Edward IV, 1466, to the reign of Elizabeth, xxxviii-1. Story of a wandering Princess, Cecilia, daughter of Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden, who visited England in 1565, li-liv. Story of a Polish nobleman, 1583, lv. Biography of Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg, from original sources, introducing his correspondence with Queen Elizabeth and James I. (Record Office and British Museum) ; especially with reference to the Duke's desire to be made a Knight of the Garter, lv-xciv. viii Synopsis of Introduction. Breuning, the Duke of Wirtemberg's Ambassador, charged by Lord Burghley with drunkenness on appearing before Queen Elizabeth. — Explanation and Apology of the Ambassador, 1595 (MS. Brit. Mus.), lxv, Ixvi. Breuning's quarrel with Count Philip von Solms, the Ambassador of Hesse Cassel, lxvii, lxviii. Sharp Message sent by Queen Elizabeth to the Duke. — Presents to the Queen, lxix-lxxi. The Duke elected a Knight of the Garter, 1597, lxxii. Embassy from the Duke of Wirtemberg to James I, 1603, lxxvi. Special Embassy sent by the King to invest the Duke at Stuttgart. — Description of the Ceremony of investiture from a contemporary Latin work, lxxvii-lxxxii. Special Embassy from the Duke to Windsor at the Feast of the Order of the Garter, with presents of horses, &c. 1604. — Silver Garter- plate of the Duke at Windsor, and its subsequent fate, lxxxiii-lxxxvii. Duke Frederick's character. — Original Journal of his Travels to England. — Portrait at Hampton Court, and prints, lxxxviii-xciv. Question of Shakespeare's allusion to this Duke of Wirtemberg in the Merry Wives of Windsor (act iv. sc. 5.) as " Duke de Jamanie " and 44 Cosen Garmombles" the title by which he was known in England being Count Mompelgard. — Remarks on this subject by Messrs. C. Knight, J. O. Halliwell, H. Staunton, and Dr. W. Bell, xciv-ciii. Custom of English Actors to travel and perform plays in Germany and the Netherlands. — Some new evidence of this custom, in one in- stance immediately connected with the Duke of Wirtemberg, ciii-cxi. Biography of Prince Lewis Frederick, son of the Duke. His corre- spondence with James I. (Record Office and British Museum.) He sees Othello acted. — Account of the Prince's visit to Cambridge, by Bishop Hacket, cxii-cxx. Hentzner and other foreign travellers in the present volume re- ferred to, cxxi-cxxiii. Strangers and sojourners in England, as Secretaries and in other capacities. — G. Rudolph Weckherlin. — Death of Abraham Vanderdort, Keeper of Charles the First's pictures, cxxiii-cxxxii. INTRODUCTION Courteous and Gentle Reader, ITH all becoming respect we beg leave to introduce to your favourable notice a group of " intelligent foreigners," who, in the ensuing pages, will discourse, if not very learnedly, at least it is hoped pleasantly and profitably, on the fascinating and attractive theme of Old England — its men and manners, its women and their ways, as they were seen and noted by those observing foreigners during the glorious effulgence of the Shakespearian era. To assemble this group of foreigners who have recorded their impressions of England and the English has not been the task of a day ; for no bibliographical guide to such works exists. Our knowledge of them is only gained by degrees, as the books occur at sales or in the catalogues of foreign booksellers. The majority b x Introduction. of those here selected have only of late years found a place on the shelves of our National Library. They are, moreover, of the greatest rarity in this country. Horace Walpole, upwards of a century ago, and before the foundation of a British Museum, met with one book of the kind, viz. Hentzner's " Itinerary/' and he alludes to the scarcity of that work in his Preface to the trans- lation of the portion relating to England, of which he printed a few copies only at his private press at Straw- berry Hill in 1757. We believe that this book by Hentzner is the only one of a foreigner's travel to and stay in this country in the reign of Elizabeth as yet known to the public through an English translation, while no work of the kind has been published relating to the next reign. Among the foreigners admitted into our collection we find no less than ten Germans (five of them princes), two Dutchmen, one Swiss, one Dane, and one Spaniard. The number of Germans who visited us is remarkable, and may be accounted for by the peculiar character of the people, then, as now, curious, inquiring, fond of peregrinating, journalizing, and seeing the fruits of their pen and ink in print. One of our Dutchmen was settled in London as a mer- chant, the other came over to see his son who was practising in England as a physician. We note also the total absence of Frenchmen and Italians during the Introduction. xi two reigns, and see the Spaniards only reappearing at the beginning of that of James I, when, true to his motto of Beati pacijici, he concluded a peace between the two nations which had so long been bitter enemies. The Frenchman would probably travel mainly pour s'amuser; and in England it is likely that at that time his reception would not be so agreeable as in the neigh- bouring countries of the Continent. The cessation of diplomatic relations between the Governments of Venice and of England, on the score of antagonistic religion, at the Accession of Queen Eliza- beth, will account for the want of any of those valuable Reports (relazioni) of England during her reign, which the Venetian Ambassadors were bound to present to the Senate on returning from their missions. In place, then, of records of travel, descriptive of the country visited, we may encounter whole volumes of diplomatic correspond- ence carried on by the French, Spanish, and other am- bassadors who resided at our Court, and who were too apt to rely more on their imaginations than on facts ; it therefore becomes the historian's duty to approach these chronicles of scandal with the utmost caution and distrust. Let us not, however, expect to find the descriptions and opinions, as delivered in these pages by foreigners, respecting our country and people, exhibiting the roseate hue of admiration and panegvric ; let us rather xii Introduction. look for a wider, more variegated, and more chequered field, where we may encounter some observations, ac- cording to the humour of the writer, expressed in a grave, some in a gay and lively, others again, and more frequently, in a severe strain ; presented to us, in short, under divers aspects. And should those observations and opinions happen to be offensively put, let us abstain from discourteous rejoinders, in terms like those which were applied to the traveller Pinto of old. 1 We confess to being a proud people, but we deny that we are per- fidious, and we by no means desire to " see ourselves as others see us ;" nevertheless we can afford to be generous, and will pardon slight mistakes, misapprehensions, and misconceptions as to our national character, &c. Let us then be thankful for these helps to self-knowledge, and accept them "for better, for worse. " Nor will the infliction of censure cause any serious shock to our sensibilities, seeing that we have been accustomed to receive sundry hard knocks at the hands of our foreign friends, from the day when Maitre Estienne Perlin be- stowed upon us the opprobrious epithets of villains, drunkards, reprobates, &c, even to that recent period when an acute American author came forth with Haw- thorn cudgel in hand to administer to the peccant John 1 " Ferdinand Mendez Pinto was but a type of thee, thou liar of the first magnitude ! " — Congreve's Love for Love^ 1695. Introduction. xiii Bull, the "female Bull" and family, some gentle re- minders of their weaknesses and shortcomings. We need scarcely inquire where was the Englishman in those early times r Was he backward in setting foot on foreign soil ? Should proof be required of the ubiquity of our countrymen, the three stout tomes painfully prepared and published in Queen Elizabeth's reign by Master Richard Hakluyt, preacher, followed in the next reign by rive yet more ponderous volumes of an- other preacher, Master Samuel Purchas, will sufficiently and satisfactorily show how and where our bold Britons had been for many a long year voyaging and travelling, dispersed and settled in all the known quarters of the globe, for the most part engaged in the glorious pursuit of improving and extending the boundaries of trade and commerce and founding new plantations and colonies. The two preachers, by their remarkable publications, held out to their countrymen the precious examples of those adventurous and hardy ancient mariners and travellers, and supplied the exciting stimulant for our " home-keeping youth" to go forth likewise and " see the wonders of the world abroad." There were also erratic Englishmen of a somewhat different stamp — men who had no other ambition than to examine with their own eyes and recount to their admiring country- men whatever marvels and matters of curiosity their indomitable energy and boldness in traversing distant xiv Introduction. regions might bring within their ken. These were not the persons to hesitate and turn back. With such characters may be classed a pair of roving worthies — Fynes Moryson and Thomas Coryat, true sons of the famous old knight-errant of St. Alban's, Sir John Mandeville, — " Before him was none that ever was known, For travel of so high renown." Moryson, possessing from his tender youth an " innated desire" to see foreign countries, started on his travels in 1 59 1, being about twenty-five years of age, and having shortly before received his M.A. degree at Cam- bridge. After visiting almost every part of Europe, he set foot again on the shores of " blessed England" in 1595, but in sorry plight, having been robbed of his best cloak and his crowns in France. On arriving in London, he hastened to greet his sister ; and he relates a little scene which thereupon took place. For he says : — " When I entered my sister's house in poore habit, a servant upon my demaund answered that my sister was at home ; but when he did see me goe up the staires too boldly (as he thought) without a guide, hee not knowing mee in respect of my long absence, did furiously and with threatening words call me backe, and surely would have been rude with me, had I not gone up faster than he could follow me ; and just as I entred my sister's chamber, he had taken hold on my old cloake, which I willingly flung ofF to be rid of him. Then by my sister's imbraces he perceived who I was, and stole backe as if he had trodden upon a snake." Introduction. xv Moryson made subsequent long journeyings : and after his death, in 1617 appeared a goodly folio of 900 pages entitled, "An Itinerary, written by Fynes Moryson, gent., first in the Latine Tongue, and then translated by him into English ; containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzer- land, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland." Moryson was an intelligent and keen observer, and his Journal is exceedingly valuable and interesting. Tom Coryat, the " Odcombian leg-stretcher," as he chose to call himself, was the son of a clergyman, and undertook, in 1608, a continental tour. He went through France, and as far as Venice, where he stayed six weeks, delighted with the place and the people. He returned by way of Germany. " The cities," he says, " that I saw in the space of these five months, are five and forty. Whereof in France five. In Savoy one. In Italie thirteene. In Rhetia one. In Helvetia three. In some parts of High Germanie fifteene. In the Netherlands seven." The number of miles he passed over he reckons to be 1975, accomplished for the most part on foot, and he tells us that he went 900 miles on one pair of soles, and on his return he hung up these well-worn shoes in the Church at Odcombe, Somerset- shire, his native place, as a memorial of pedestrian labour — a trophy of his tedious travels. Ben Jonson, xvi Introduction. in some verses prefixed to Coryat's Crambe, 1 6 1 1 , thus sings of the shoes : — " How well, and how often his shoes too were mended, That sacred to Odcombe are now there suspended, — I meane that one paire, wherewith he so hobled From Venice to Flushing, were not they well cobled ? Yes."— Coryat ought to have recorded the name of his won- derful shoemaker ! The tough old shoes remained in Odcombe church until about 1702. Tom published his Travels in 161 1, in a bulky quarto volume of 655 pages — " a bonnie, bouncing booke," (as Ben Jonson calls it,) bearing the quaint title of " Coryat's Crudities, hastily gobled up in five moneths Travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia commonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of High Germany, and the Netherlands ; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset, and now dispersed to the nourishment of the travelling members of this kingdome. ,, This amusing work is prefaced by a host of mock-commendatory verses, many of which were written by the best poets of the time. The copy which belonged to Prince Henry, to whom the book is dedicated, and in whose service Coryat was, is now in the Grenville Library. It is bound in crim- son velvet and has the initials H. P. on the covers, but the interesting engravings have been spoilt by colouring. Introduction. xvii The author, on presenting the volume to the Prince, termed it "this tender feathered Red-breast." 1 Coryat subsequently went on a painful and perilous pilgrimage to the East, travelling as usual mostly on foot, or, as Fuller quaintly says, " on an horse with ten toes." He visited Constantinople, Persia, the Court of the Great Mogul, and at length reached Surat, ex- hausted from fatigue, sick, and dispirited. During his illness, he cried out, in FalstafPs vein, for " Sack, sack, is there any such thing as sack ? I pray you give me some sack." His friends incautiously indulged him with a little of the tempting beverage, which served only to aggravate his malady, and he died a few days afterwards, in December, 1617. Shakespeare has evidently embodied his own senti- ments on the advantages of foreign travel in the Two Gentlemen of Verona (act i. sc. 3), which is considered to be one of his earliest dramatic productions : — " Panthino. He wondred that your Lordship Would suffer him, to spend his youth at home, While other men, of slender reputation Put forth their Sonnes, to seeke preferment out. Some to the warres, to try their fortune there ; Some, to discouer Islands farre away : Some, to the studious Uniuersities ; For any, or for all these exercises, He said, that Protheus, your sonne, was meet ; 1 Coryat's Crambe, 1611. C xviii Introduction. And did request me, to importune you To let him spend his time no more at home ; Which would be great impeachment to his age, In hauing knowne no trauaile in his youth. Antonio. Nor need'st thou much importune me to that Whereon, this month I haue bin hamering. I haue considered well, his losse of time, And how he cannot be a perfect man, Not being tryed, and tutord in the world : Experience is by industry atchieu'd, And perfected by the swift course of time : — " Elsewhere, in the same Play (act i. sc. i) : — " Home-keeping-youth, haue euer homely wits, * * * * I rather would entreat thy company, To see the wonders of the world abroad, Then (liuing dully sluggardiz'd at home) Weare out thy youth with shapelesse idlenesse. ,, And again, in the 'Taming of the Shrew (act i. sc. 2) : — " Such wind as scatters yongmen throgh y e world, To seeke their fortunes farther then at home, Where small experience growes." — Edit. fol. 1623. Lord Bacon composed an admirable Essay on the subject, which, as it is at once short, and to the point, we will reproduce from the latest enlarged edition of his Essays published in his lifetime (1625, 4-to.) : — Of Trauaile. Trauaile^ in the younger Sort, is a Part of Education ; In the Elder, a Part of Experience. He that trauaileth into a Country, before he hath some Entrance into the Language, goeth to Scboole, and not to Introduction. xix Trauaile. That Young Men trauaile vnder some Tutor, or graue Seruant, I allow well ; So that he be such a one, that hath the Lan- guage, and hath been in the Country before ; whereby he may be able to tell them, what Things are worthy to be seene in the Country where they goe ; what Acquaintances they are to seeke ; what Exercises or disci- pline the Place yeeldeth. For else young Men shall goe hooded, and looke abroad little. It is a strange Thing, that in Sea voyages, where there is nothing to be seene, but Sky and Sea, Men should make Diaries ; But in Land-Trauile, wherin so much is to be obserued, for the most part, they omit it; As if Chance, were fitter to be registred, then Obseruation. Let Diaries, therefore be brought in vse. The Things to be seene and obserued are : The Courts of Princes, specially when they giue Audience to Ambassadours : The Courts of Justice, while they sit and heare Causes ; And so of Consistories Ecclesiasticke : The Churches, and Monasteries, with the Monuments which are therein extant : The Wals and Fortifications of Cities and Townes ; And so the Hauens and Harbours : Antiquities, and Ruines : Libraries, Colledges, Disputations, and Lectures, where any are : Shipping and Nauies : Houses, and Gardens of State, and Pleasure, neare great Cities ; Armories ; Arsenals ; Magazens ; Exchanges ; Burses ; Ware- houses; Exercises of Horse-man-ship; Fencing; Trayningof Souldiers; and the like : Comedies ; Such wherunto the better Sort of persons doe resort ; Treasuries of Jewels, and Robes ; Cabinets and Rarities : And to conclude, whatsoeuer is memorable in the Places where they goe. After all which, the Tutors or Seruants, ought to make diligent Enquirie. As for Triumphs ; Masques ; Feasts ; Weddings ; Funer- alls ; Capitall Executions ; and such Shewes ; Men need not to be put in minde of them ; Yet are they not to be neglected. If you will haue a Young Man, to put his Trauaile^ into a little Roome, and in short time, to gather much, this you must doe. First, as was said, he must haue some Entrance into the Language, before he goeth. Then he must haue such a Seruant, or Tutor, as knoweth the Country, as was likewise said. Let him carry with him also some Card or Booke describing the Country, where he trauelleth ; which xx Introduction. will be a good Key to his Enquiry. Let him keepe also a Diary. Let him not stay long in one Citty, or Towne ; More or lesse as the place deserueth, but not long : Nay, when he stayeth in one City or Towne, let him change his Lodging, from one End and Part of the Towne, to another ; which is a great Adamant of Acquaintance. Let him sequester himselfe from the Company of his Country men, and diet in such Places, where there is good Company of the Nation, where he trauaileth. Let him vpon his Remoues, from one place to another, procure Recommendation, to some person of Quality, resid- ing in the Place, whither he remoueth ; that he may vse his Fauour, in those things, he desireth to see or know. Thus he may abridge his Trauaile, with much profit. As for the acquaintance, which is to be sought in Trauaile ; That which is most of all profitable, is Acquaint- ance with the Secretaries, and Employed Men of Ambassadours ; For so in Trauailing in one Country he shall sucke the Experience of many. Let him also see and visit, Eminent Persons, in all kindes, which are of great Name abroad ; That he may be able to tell, how the Life agreeth with the Fame. For Quarels, they are with Care and Discretion to be auoided : They are, commonly, for Mistresses ; Healths ; Place ; and Words. And let a Man beware, how he keepeth Company, with Cholerick and Quarelsome Persons ; for they will engage him into their owne Quarels. When a Trauailer returneth home, let him not leaue the Countries, where he hath Traualled^ altogether behinde him ; But maintaine a Correspondence, by letters, with those of his Acquaintance, which are of most worth. And let his Trauaile appeare rather in his Discourse, then in his Apparrell, or Gesture : And in his Discourse, let him be rather aduised in his Answers, then forwards to tell Stories : And let it appeare, that he doth not change his Country Manners, for those of Forraigne Parts ; But onely, prick in some Flowers, of that he hath Learned abroad, into the Customes of his owne Country. Purchas, before mentioned, delivers some pungent remarks against such of his countrymen as undertake Introduction. xxi the Continental tour. He says (Preface to his " Pil- grimes,' , 1625) : — " As for Gentlemen, Travell is accounted an excellent Ornament to them ; and therefore many of them comming to their Lands sooner than to their Wits, adventure themselves to see the fashions of other countries, whence they bring home a few smattering termes, nattering garbes, apish crings, foppish fancies, foolish guises and disguises, the vanities of neighbour nations (I name not Naples) without furthering of their knowledge of God, the World or themselves. I speake not against Travell, so usefull to usefull men, I honour the industrious of the liberall and ingenuous in arts, bloud, education ; and to prevent exorbitancies of the other, which cannot travell farre, or are in danger to travell from God and themselves, at no great charge I offer a c World of Travellers ' [his own volumes of the c Pilgrimes'] to their domestike entertainment, easie to be spared from their smoke, cup, or butter-flie vanities and superfluities, and fit mutually to entertaine them in a better Schoole to better purposes." Robert Burton, the celebrated author of the " Ana- tomy of Melancholy" (first published in 1621), who, as he tells us, never travelled but in map or card, expresses himself as follows : — " There is no better Physicke for a melancholy man than change of ayre and variety of places, to travell abroad and see fashions. For Pere- grination charmes our senses with such unspeakable and sweet variety, that some count him unhappy that never travelled, a kinde of prisoner, and pitty his case that from his cradle to his old age beholds the same still; still, still, the same, the same." — [Edit. 1632, p. 261.) Other English authors wrote and published special works on the art of travelling, holding, as might be xxii Introduction. expected, conflicting opinions on the subject. Thus, Robert Dallington, afterwards knighted, and Master of the Charterhouse, has much sensible advice in his " Method for Travell" (preliminary to his " View of France"), 1598, a few extracts from which may be amusing : — " Base and vulgar spirits hover still about home ; those are more noble and divine that imitate the heavens, and joy in motion He therefore that intends to travell out of his owne country, must likewise resolve to travell out of his country-fashion, and indeed out of him- selfe — that is, out of his former intemperate feeding, disordinate drinking, thrift-lesse gaming, fruit-lesse time-spending, violent exercis- ing and irregular misgoverning whatsoever. He must determine that the end of his Travell is his ripening in knowledge, and the end of his knowledge is the service of his countrie, which of right challengeth the better part of us." Touching on the Traveller's religion, he counsels him — " Not to alter his first faith. Wherefore if my Traveller will keepe this birde safe in his bosome, he must neither be inquisitive after other mens religions, nor prompt to discover his owne. For I hold him unwise that in a strange country will either shew his mind or his money. . . . For the attaining of language it is convenient that he make choice of the best places — Orleans for the French, Florence for the Italian and Lipsick for the Dutch [i.e. German] tongues, for in these places is the best language spoken." Next he must make choice of a good Reader — " His Reader should not read any Poetry at first, but some other kind of style, and I think meetest some modern Comedy. Privately he may for his pleasure read poetry. He must be talking and exercising his speech with all sorts of people." One great hindrance to obtaining a language is the Introduction. xxiii " often haunting and frequenting our own countrimen." " I would rather he should come home Italianate than Frenchefied" Many Travellers bring home the "Italian huffe of the shoulder, or the Dutch pufFe with the pot, or the French apishnes." The body is to be preserved in good state by diet and exercise. He advises the Traveller to — " Beware of foreign wines, which agree not with some natures, except sparingly taken or well qualified with water. Tennis-play in France is dangerous for the body and for the purse. The French fashion of dancing is in most request with us." The young and courtiers may follow this, but other- wise he holds it needless and in some ridiculous ; e.g.— " I remember a countriman of ours, well seene in arts and language, well stricken in years, a mourner for his second wife, a father of mar- riageable children, who with other his booke studies abroade joyned also the exercise of dancing. It was his hap in an honourable Bal (as they call it) to take a fall, which in mine opinion was not so disgracefull as the dancing itselfe, to a man of his stufFe. " Money is the soule of Travel If he travel without a servant, fourscore pounds sterling is a competent proportion, except he learn to ride 5 if he maintain both these charges, he can be allowed no less than 150/. ; and to allow above 200/. were superfluous and to his hurt. The ordinary rate of his expense is 10 gold crowns a month his own diet ; 8 for his man (at the most) ; 2 crowns a month his fencing, as much dancing, no less his reading, and 15 crowns monthly his riding, except in the heat of the year. The remainder of his 150/. I allow him for apparell, books, travelling charges, tennis-play and other extraordinary expenses. "Let him have 4 Bills of Exchange with him for the whole year, with letters of advice, to be paid him quarterly. If he carry over xxiv Introduction. money with him (as by our law he cannot carry much) let it be in double pistolets, or French crowns. " Concerning his books, let them be few or none he carrieth from place to place ; or if any, that they be not such as are prohibited by the Inquisition j least when his male is searched (as it is at every Cities gate in Italie) they bring him to trouble ; they will make him pay toll at every such town. I would only have him carry the papers of his own observation, especially a Giornale, wherein from day to day he shall set down the divers provinces he passeth, with their com- modities, the towns with their manner of buildings, the names and benefit of the rivers, the distance of places, the condition of the soile, manners of the people, and what else his eye meeteth by the way remarkable. I must advise for his apparel as for his books, that upon his jorney he be not overcharged with over much luggage ; even a light burthen is farre heavie ; beside, somewhat is likewise to be paid for these at the entry of everie Citie gate. Let him also take heede that the apparell he wears be in fashion in the place where he resideth, for it is no less ridiculous to wear clothes of our fashion among them, than at our return to use still their fashion among us — a notorious affectation of many Travellers. I conclude, therefore, that when he comes out of those foreign countries, he likewise come out of their humors and habits, and come home to bimselfe, fashioned to such carriage in his apparrell, gesture and conversation, as in his own country is most plausible and best approved." Thomas Palmer published an " Essay of the Meanes how to make our Travailes into Forraine Countries the more profitable and honourable," 4to. London, 1606. In the dedication of his book to Prince Henry, he says, " This subject hath not worne an English habite here- tofore." Joseph Hall, " Doctor of Divinitie," afterwards Bishop of Norwich, took the opposite view of the Introduction. xxv question, and published in 1617 his protest, entitled, " 0^° Vadis ? A just Censure of Travell as it is com- monly undertaken by the Gentlemen of our Nation :" — " I meddle not (he says) with the common journeyes to the minerall waters of the Spa, to which many sicke soules are beholden for a good excuse. There are two occasions wherein Travell may passe — matter of trafique and matter of state. It is the Travell of Curiosity where- with my quarrell shall be maintained, the inconvenience v/hereof my own senses have so sufficiently witnessed, that if the wise parents of our Gentry could have borrowed my eyes, for the time, they would ever learne to keepe their sonnes at home. " I have known some that have travelled no further than their owne closet, which could both teach and correct the greatest Traveller after all his tedious and costlv pererrations. Let an Italian or French pas- senger walk through this our Hand, what can his Table-books carry home in comparison of the learned c Britaine ' of our Camden, or the accurate Tables of Speed ? With these helps let us travel by our owne fireside. A good booke is at once the best companion and guide, and way and end of our journey. Necessity drove our forefathers out of doores, which else in those misty times had seene no light ; we may with more ease and no lesse profit sit still, and inherit and enjoy the labours of them and our elder brethren." 1 1 " Bishop Hall's Sayings concerning Travellers to prevent Popish and Debauched Principles,' were printed in a folio broadside sheet at London in 1674, and sold at the Gilded Acorn in St. Paul's Church- yard. It has a curious Engraving representing a ship about to sail, a boat with waterman and passenger near the shore, and another group on shore taking leave of a traveller, girt with a sword, and with hat in hand ; his servant stands near, and two females are weeping, with handkerchiefs to their eyes : beneath are the lines : — u Coyne and Good Counsell are the Trav'lers Eys, Hee does but stray abroad wants those supplies." d xxvi Introduction. James Howell, the celebrated letter-writer, and himself an experienced traveller, sent forth to the public in 1642, his " Instructions for Forreine Travell.' , He remarks : — " Amongst other nations of the world, the English are observed to have gained much and improved themselves infinitely by voyaging both by land and sea ; and of those four worthies who compassed about the terrestriall globe,, I find the major part of them were English." The Paris of his day he calls, " that hudge, though durty theater of all nations." " One thing I would disswade him from, which is from the ex- cessive commendation and magnifying of his own Countrey j for it is too much observed that the English suffer themselves to be too much transported with this subject, to undervalue and vilifie other countreys, for which I have heard them often censured. The most materiall use of forraine travel is to find out something that may be applyable to the publique utility of one's own countrey ; as a noble Personage 1 of late yeares did, who, observing the uniforme and regular way of stone structure up and down Italie, hath introduced that forme of building to London & Westminster and elsewhere, which, though distastfull at first, as all innovations are, yet they find now the com- modity, firmeness and beauty thereof, the three maine principles of Architecture." 1 This evidently points to that eminent patron of art Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel. Walker (" Life of Lord Arundel," written 1651, printed in "Historical Discourses," fol. 1705, p. 222) says of him that he " was the first person of quality that brought in uniformity in building, and was chief commissioner to see it performed in London, which since that time has added exceedingly to the beauty of that city." (See also Lilly's "Life of Charles I," 4*0. 1651, p. 104.) Many of these works and improvements were effected by Inigo Jones. Introduction. xxvii Francis Osborne, Esq., of Oxford, imparted some Advice to his son 'on travel' in 1656. He says: — " I am not much unwilling to give way to peregrine motion for a time, provided it be in company of an embassadour or person of quality. . . . Shun all disputes, but especially concerning religion. Eschew the company of all English you find in Orders. The English are observed abroad more quarrelsom with their own nation than strangers, and therefore marked out as the most dangerous com- panions. Inns are dangerous, and so are all fresh acquaintance. Next to experience, languages are the richest lading of a traveller, among which French is most useful, Italian and Spanish not being so fruitful in learning, except for the mathematicks and romances." This topic has also been discussed by many foreign writers. Beckmann has enumerated as many as nineteen different works on the subject of the art of travelling, which were published in Germany in the last half of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries. These works are all in Latin, and their great use, not merely by German but by other travellers, is proved by their repeated editions. One of these tra- vellers was Hieronymus Turler, a Doctor of Laws, and a native of Saxony, who appears among our travellers to England, and who published in 1 574 a small work con- taining some judicious remarks worthy the attention of his young countrymen. It was translated (1575) under the title of " The Traveiler of Jerome Turler, . . . con- teining a notable Discourse of the maner and order of Travelling Oversea, or into Straunge and Forrein Coun- xxviii Introduction. treys ... A woorke very pleasaunt for all persons to reade, and right profitable and necessarie unto all such as are minded to Traueyll." In his prefatory notice he says : — " I have written this booke in the behalf of such as are desierous to traveill, and to see forreine countries, and specially of students. For since experience is the greatest parte of humane wisedome, and the same is increased by traveil, I suppose there is no man will deny but that a man may become the wiser by travelling. ... It is a great parte of wisdome to know the nature and maners of men, and how to live with everybody" (p. 37). "This saying is usually objected against them : They which run oversea , chaunge the aire and not their minde" 1 (p. 91.) Dr. Turler then touches upon a tender question : — " But perhaps some man wil demaund whether such as be maried bee meete to traveill ? For over that, that weemen are forbidden, as it were of honestie and womanhoode not to take long or often journies in hand, it is the leave of matrimonie that those whiche bee coupled therin shall dwell evermore together, and the one to bee a comforte unto the other. Howbeeit this matter, as apperteyning to y e weemen, dependeth upon the custome of the countrey. . . . Moreover, ther may be mutuall frindship and affection shewed even in travelling, and one minde and one soule remaine in two bodies, although the two bodies be distant far asunder." Professor Beckmann offers some remarks on this sub- ject. In the sixteenth century, he informs us, it was usual in Germany for young men of rich and distin- guished families to be sent on travel, in order to acquire * " Coelum non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt." — Hor. Introduction. xxix more useful knowledge than they could at that time obtain in their own country. In consequence many books were written by such as had themselves travelled, frequently as companions or tutors, which might serve as guides to others who also contemplated travelling. Others gave general instructions on the art of travelling ; and books of this last description are much more plenti- ful in the sixteenth and following century than in our own. The travels of princes were in that age much more necessary than in the present. At that time, in most countries, at least in most German States, there were no institutions for the instruction of youth, parti- cularly of the higher classes. In most universities, only theologians, scholastics, jurists, and some physicians were to be met with. If a person desired to have efficient teachers in the other sciences, he was obliged to engage them from a distance, at great expense, and frequently, indeed, none were to be procured for money. Whoever, therefore, wished to acquire learning according to the enlarged necessities of the fatherland, was compelled to seek the larger and more perfect educational establish- ments in Italy and France. Princes had not even the opportunity of acquiring at home foreign languages, dancing, fencing, and riding. Should they wish to become acquainted with the constitution of other States, they must themselves travel thither. Statistical teachers and manuals were not yet to be had. xxx Introduction. The travels of princes, moreover, were necessary in this respect, to incite others by their example, and by this means to convey knowledge to the fatherland, which it was their purpose to diffuse and make useful there. This, therefore, explains why at that time princes were more intent in their travels upon useful objects than in our days, when having received a certain amount of in- struction at home, they fancy that they have long known what is necessary, and travel more with the view of showing and enjoying themselves than of acquiring useful knowledge. 1 Coryat translated from the Latin, and inserted in his " Crudities," 1611, two Orations of Hermann Kirchner, a learned Professor at the University of Marburg ; the one in praise of travel in general, the other in praise of the travel of Germany in particular. From the latter we quote the following remarks, having reference to the roaming habits of the Germans at that period. Kirchner says : — " Which custome of travelling, if we have read to have beene at any time frequented and used of any nation whatsoever, certes we may most plainly perceive, as it were at noone-tide, that it is at this day most famously exercised by the men of our Germany, even by the common and almost daily endevour of our Princes and noble per- sonages that travell into farre countries, so that there is scarce found a man of any note and fame in the courtly life, in the politique conver- 1 Beckmann's " Litteratur der alteren Reisebeschreibungen," 1. 208, &c, 11. 10, &c. Introduction. xxxi sation and civill society, which hath not both learned the manners and languages of forraine nations, and also seene abroade in the world the state and divers governements of kingdomes, that hath not with eyes and feete made use of England, Italy, France, and Spaine, and observed whatsoever is memorable in remote nations, and worthy to be seene in every place of note.' ' The German, when setting out on his travels, would on no account neglect to carry with him his Album, or " Stammbuch, ,, as he would himself call it ; and, indeed, he would consider it an indispensable article to be in- cluded among his bag and baggage, or " impedimenta/' as such things are expressively termed in Latin. Producing his little book, whenever in the course of his peregrinations he came into contact with friends or persons of more or less note, he would solicit them to favour him by inscrib- ing on its leaves either an autograph or a motto, or by inserting an emblazoned shield of arms, or a sketch. Humphrey Wanley, the Earl of Oxford's librarian, in describing these alba amicorum, adds that the young German traveller, at his return, "by these hands {i.e. autographs) demonstrates what good company he has kept." A very rich assemblage — to be counted by hundreds — of these earliest collections of autographs is in the Manuscript Department of the British Museum. They are the albums which were once happily possessed by natives of Germany, where the fashion originated, and were much used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but more especially during the first quarter of xxxii Introduction. the latter. Many of these interesting volumes — which are usually of an oblong shape and have costly bindings — enshrine autographs of very distinguished persons. The quondam owner of one, Christopher Arnold, Pro- fessor of History at Nuremberg, visited England in the middle of the seventeenth century, and being in London on the 19th of November, 1651, obtained the autograph of the author of " Paradise Lost," ' Joannes Miltonius.' An album which belonged to a traveller, Fred, de Bot- nia, contains beautifully coloured drawings of James I. and his Queen, the Lord Mayor of London and his brethren on horseback, and also the Lady Mayoress for the time being. For the same purpose were used printed books of emblems, some having delicate en- gravings, and interleaved with blank paper for the insertion of autographs, &c, others merely an orna- mental border, the space within which was to be used by the contributors. One very beautiful example of the former description that we have seen is a copy of " Emblemata," with exquisite engravings on copper by Theodore de Bry, and published at Frankfort-on-the- Main in 1593. This was the " stammbuch " of Daniel Rindfleisch (Anglice 'Beef'), M.D. of Breslau, who died a Dominican monk in 1631. These autograph albums, it appears, were used also by the travelling English. Fynes Moryson, writing from Emden, 1592, relates a "merry accident" which befel him at Bremen : — Introduction. xxxiii " Disguised as I was [to avoid falling into the hands of freebooters], I went to the house of Doctor Peuzelius [Christoph Pezel], desiring to have the name of so famous a divine written in my stemme-booke, with his mott [motto], after the Dutch [/. e, German] fashion. Hee seeing my poore habite, and a booke under my arme, tooke me for some begging scholler, and spake sharpely unto me. But when in my master's [i. e. his own, for he was disguised as his own servant, or as he says, C I was servant to myselfe'] name I had respectively [sic] saluted him and told him my request, he excused his mistaking, and with all curtesie performed my desire." — Itinerary, 1617, pt. i. p. 38. The knights of Windsor, in 1466, produced their missal when, after dinner, they requested the autograph of the Bohemian Baron Leo von Rozmital, ' in memo- riam ' of his visit to them. But the uncouth name when written was a puzzle ; for after the travellers had left Windsor, the knights ran after them, and once more made inquiries respecting Leo's name and titles. Horky supposes the form to have been written as follows : " Lwyk z Rozmitala a z Blatnie ;" which certainly must have been a nut for them to crack. There were also hand-books of travel-talk published at an early period, to render the tourist's path to the tongues smooth and easy. These little polyglot manuals appear to have been set on foot by the Flemings, 1 and the demand for them was evidently great, as there are in 1 William Caxton, our first English printer, published about 1483, Dialogues in French and English, which is usually called u A Book for Travellers. " It is of the utmost rarity, no copy having as yet found its way into the Library of the British Museum. e xxxiv Introduction, the British Museum Dutch editions dated 1589 (preface 1585), 1593, 1600, 1630, 163 1 ; and Venice, 1656. The earliest of these we have met with was printed at Liege (Leodii), and is entitled, " Colloquia et Dic- tionariolum septem linguarum, Belgicae, Anglicae," &c. or Dialogues in Flemish, English, German, Latin, Italian, Spanish, and French. The languages are in parallel columns, the English being in italic letters ; the printer having no small * w,' has used throughout the capital instead, which, when coming in the middle of a word, presents a very uncouth and puzzling appearance. The Foreign-English employed in these Dialogues is occasionally quaint and amusing, and the following may serve as specimens. The book opens thus : — " Beloued Reader, this booke is so need full and profitable, and the usance of thesame so necessarie, that his goodnes euen of learned men, is not fullie to be praised, for ther is noman in France, nor in this Netherland, nor in Spayne, or in Italie, handling [traffiquant, Fr.] in these Netherlandes, Which hat not neede of these seuen speaches that here in are Writen and declared : fer Whether that anyman doo mar- chandise, or that hee do handle in the Court [ou qu'il hante la Court], or that hee folio We the Warres, or that hee be a travailling man, hee should neede to haue an Interpretour for som of theese seuen speaches," &c. In the chapter, For to aske the Way, the travellers riding along meet a shepherdess, whereupon B. says, "Aske of that shee sheapherd." A. complies: "My shee freend, where is the right Way from hence to Introduction. xxxv AnWerp." The She replies : " Right before you, turnyng nether on te right nor on to left hand till you come to an high elme tree, then turne on the left hand." The traveller addresses Jone, the chambermaid at the inn, thus: "My shee frinde, is my bed made? is it good?" — "Yea Sir, it is a good federbed, the scheetes be very cleane." Traveller: "Pull of my hosen and Warme my bed : draWe the curtines, and pin then With a pin. — My shee frinde, kisse me once, and I shall sleape the better. — I thanke you fayre mayden." On the following morning " at the oprising," he calls to the boy, " Drie my shirt that I may rise;" then, " Where is the horse keeper ? go tell him that hee my horse leade to the river," &c. And at departure he inquires, " Where is ye maiden ? hold my shee freend, ther is for your paines. Knave, bring hither my horse, have you dressed him Well?" — "Yea Sir," the knave replies, " he did Wante nothing" It is to be feared that the above linguistic guides would avail but little those travellers who were anxious to express themselves with tolerable fluency in our vernacular. The Duke of Saxe -Weimar and his com- panions conversed in Latin with the Oxford students : it would therefore seem that they had a greater com- mand of this language, and would employ it when addressing persons of education, rather than French, which at this time had not yet grown to be the uni- xxxvi Introduction. versal tongue. Meteren, the Dutch merchant and historian, in 1575 travelled through England and Ire- land in company with his cousin Abraham Ortelius, the celebrated geographer ; but as Meteren had been resident in England some years previously, it is likely that he had acquired enough of our language to serve him in his tours. It is, however, very questionable whether Latin as pronounced by the educated Englishman would be intel- ligible to the foreigner. Tom Coryat found his Latin so little understood when travelling on the Continent, that he soon found it necessary to abandon his old English pronunciation of vita, fides., and amicus, and adopt the Italian veeta, feedes, and ameecus. Neither is this, he says, "proper to Italy only, but to all other nations whatsoever in Christendome, saving to England." Milton was of opinion that the Italian pronunciation was necessary if one would talk with foreigners, and declared that " to smatter Latin with an English mouth is as ill a hearing as law French." When Cosmo III, Grand Duke of Tuscany, visited Cambridge in 1669, 1 he could not, on account of the peculiar pronunciation, 1 The Journal of Cosmo's Travels through England was written in Italian by Count Magalotti, and an English translation published in 1821, in 4to. This work is frequently referred to by Lord Macaulay in his celebrated chapter on the " State of England in 1685." Introduction. xxxvii understand the Latin oration recited in his praise, nor the Latin comedy acted by the scholars. At Oxford the Latin speeches were equally unintelligible to him, nor could he understand the English, which had to be inter- preted to him. In Zinzerling's Notes there is mention made of resident interpreters for the benefit of the tra- velling Germans : a youth is named, and his address pointed out. In Finett's " Philoxenis," p. 202, one of these persons who undertook to cater for German princes, ambassadors and their suites, and to conduct them to London and about England, was summarily punished for attempting in 1627 to extort more money than was justly his due from the Danish ambassador, who made the complaint. Having gone over some of the ground of the litera- ture of early travel, as provided both by our ancestors and by the Germans for stimulating and encouraging the vagrant propensity so characteristic of the two peoples, it may now be desirable to go back in search of the earliest record of a visit to England by a foreigner * — 1 There are two or three remarks on the English, by the old French chronicler Froissart, which are amusing. He passed, it will be re- membered, many years of his life in our country during the reigns of Edward III. and Richard II. The Englishmen, he says (cap. ccxlii. Lord Berners' translation), M are the pervloust people of the worlde, and most outragyoust if they be up, and specially the Londoners." In chap. ix. we are told that " these inglisshemen most commonly have xxxviii Introduction. not one of slight allusion merely, of which there must be many, but of lengthy and detailed description, and one fairly and worthily entering into the category of books of travel. Such a one we meet with in the account of the Pilgrimage undertaken " for the sake of piety and religion, " by the Bohemian baron, Leo von Rozmital, brother-in-law of the then reigning King of Bohemia, in various countries of Europe, (our own included,) in the year 1466, and during the reign of Edward IV. Notwithstanding the professed object of travel as above indicated — which seemed to consist in the intense enjoyment of the truly wonderful relics which everywhere met the eyes of the travellers — the Baron was nothing loath to fall in with the habits of the people who entertained him ; and we find him, accord- ingly, taking part in feastings, in tourneys, in dancings, and merry-makings. The whole journey, indeed, abounds in quaint and whimsical incidents, highly cha- racteristic of the age. The " brief and pleasant Com- mentary " which describes these particulars, w r as written by the baron's secretary, Schassek, who accompanied ever great envy at straungers ;" and in chap, xxxix. "the Englysshe- men were so prowde, that they set nothyng by ony nacyon but by their owne." And to the old chronicler is usually ascribed the observa- tion, that, even in the midst of their amusements and greatest hilarity (such as we may suppose a "going to the Derby "), the English are very sad, " moult tristes." — Sad fellows, very! Introduction. xxxix him, in his vernacular Bohemian ; and his narrative was translated into Latin and published a century afterwards (1577) at Olmutz. This now very scarce work was reprinted by the Literary Society of Stuttgart in 1844, joined with another narrative of the journey, penned in German by Gabriel Tetzel, a citizen of Nuremberg, one of the baron's suite. In 1824, a learned Moravian, J. E. Horky, made it the subject of an historical and critical work, published in German in two volumes at Brunn, and the late Mr. Richard Ford, the accomplished author of the " Handbook for Spain," contributed from its pages a pleasant article to the " Quarterly Review " for March 1852. At Sandwich, where they landed half dead from sea- sickness, the Bohemian tells us of a curious custom. " Every night persons with fiddles and horns peram- bulate the streets, announcing to merchants about to set sail, which way the wind blew. ,, The Baron was received by Edward the Fourth with great distinction. He spent several days in London, visiting the royal treasures, the monuments of the city, and relics of saints, to describe which accurately would, according to Schassek, fully occupy a couple of scribes for a fortnight. The Bohemian travellers' hair seems to have astonished our ancestors. — " Our long hair (says Schassek) was a great astonishment to them, for they declared they had never seen any who excelled us in the length xl Introduction. and beauty of the hair ; and they could by no means be made to believe that it was a natural growth, but they said it must have been stuck on with pitch. And whenever any of us thus long-haired appeared in public, he had more people to stare at him than if some strange animal had been exhibited." Leo (the ' Lion* in London) was invited to the Ceremony of the Churching of Queen Elizabeth Wood ville, in West- minster Abbey, and afterwards attended the banquet in Westminster Hall, and the ball which ensued. — " The women and maids who served the Queen at table, knelt as long as she ate. And she ate nigh three hours ( c und sie ass bey dreien stunden'). Every one was silent ; not a word spoken. My Lord with his companions stood in a recess and looked on." Mention is made by the foreigners of the " surpass- ingly beautiful damsels " present at the ball {uberschwenk- lichen schonen junkfrawen). Among them were eight Duchesses, and about thirty Countesses ; all the rest were daughters of mighty men. Notwithstanding the friendly reception of the Bohe- mians, Schassek declares the character of the English nation to be " so cunning and faithless, that a foreigner would not be sure of his life amongst them ; and that a Briton was not to be trusted even on his bended knees." 1 Too bad this, Mr. Secretary Schassek ! 1 Quod sint homines (ut mihi videtur) infidi et astuti, vitae hominum peregrinorum exitium molientes, qui licet submisse genu inflectant, non tamen illis fidem habeas. — " Commentarius brevh et jucundus Itineris" etc. Fo. 49 verso. Introduction. xli The notices of England which follow, during nearly a century, appear to be principally the relations of Ambassadors. The Lord of Gruthuyse (Louis de Bruges), a nobleman of Burgundy and a magnificent patron of learned men, came over to England in Sep- tember, 1472, on a special mission from Charles Duke of Burgundy to Edward the Fourth, who gave Gruthuyse a splendid reception, and created him Earl of Winchester. The narrative of his visit 1 affords some interesting particulars of the manners of the period. A few ex- tracts may be acceptable. After being regaled at Canterbury, Rochester, and Gravesend with wine, capons, " fezantes, pertryches," and other good things, he landed at Lyon Key, where he was received by the two Sheriffs of London. Two days afterwards he rode to the King at Windsor, where he was magnificently boarded and lodged. Three chambers were placed at his disposal. After supper the King— " Had hym to the Quenes [Elizabeth Woodville] chamber, where she had there her ladyes playing at the morteaulx [probably a game resembling bowls], and some of her ladyes and gentlewomen at the closheys [game of closh, or nine-pins] of yuery, and Daunsinge. And some at diuers other games. The whiche sight was full piesaunte to them. And the Kinge daunsed with my lady Elizabethe, his eldest 1 See the " Cominge into Englande of the Lorde Grautehuse," printed in the Archceologw, vol. 26. From a contemporary MS. f xlii Introduction. daughter'' [born 1465]. In the morning after hearing mass, " the Kinge gave the sayde Lorde Grautehuse a Cuppe of Golde, garnished with perle. In the myddes of the cuppe ys a greate pece of an Unicornes home, to my estimacyon, vij ynches compas, and on the cover was a great saffre." After breakfast " the Kinge had hym and all his Compeny into the lyttle Parke, where he made hym to haue greate Sporte. And there the Kinge made hym ryde on his owen horse, on a right feyre hoby, the whiche the Kinge gaue hym. Item, there in the Parke, the Kinge gaue hym a Royall Crosbowe, the strynge of silke, the case covered with velvette of the Kinges collours, and his armes andbagges [badges] thereapon. Also the heddes of quarrelles were gilte. The Kinges dynner was ordeined in the lodge ; before dynner they kylled no game, savinge a doe ; the whiche the Kinge gaue to the Seruauntes of the foresayde Lorde Grauthuse. And when the Kinge had dyned, they wente an huntinge again. And by the Castell were founden certein dere lyinge ; som with greyhoundes, and som renne to deathe with bucke houndes. There were slaine halfe a doussein buckes, the whiche the Kinge gaue to the sayde Lorde Grauthuse. By that tyme yt was nere night, yett the Kinge shewed hym his Garden, and Vineyard of Pleasour, and so turned into the Castell agayne, where they herde euen- songe in theire chambres." The Queen then gave a great banquet in her own chamber; several noble ladies of the Court were invited. " Item, there was a syde table, at the whiche satte a greate Vue [view, or number] of ladyes, all on the oon syde. Also in the utter chamber satte the Queen's gentlewomen all on oone syde. After supper there was dancing, u then, aboute ix of the clocke, the Kinge and the Ouene, with her ladies and gentlewomen brought the sayde Lorde Grautehuse to iij Chaumbres of Pleasance, all hanged with whyte sylke and lynnen clothe, and all the floures couered with carpettes. There was ordeined a Bedde for hym selue, of as good doune as coulde be gotten, the Shetes of Raynys [Rennes], also fyne fustyans ; the Counter- Introduction . xl i i i poynte clothe of golde, furred with armyn, the tester and the celer also shyninge clothe of golde, the Curteyns of whyte sarsenette ; as for his hedde sute and pillowes, [they] were of the Quenes owen ordonnance. Item, [in] the ijde Chambre was a other of astate, the whiche was alle whyte. And in the same chambre was made a Couche with fether beddes, hanged with a tente, knytt lyke a nette, and there was a cupp- borde. Item in the iij Chambre was ordeined a Bayne [Bath] or ij, which were couered with tentes of white clothe. And when the Kinge and the Quene, with all her ladyes and gentlewemen, had shewed hym these chambres, they turned againe to theire owen cham- bres, and lefte the sayde Lorde Grauthuse there, accompanied with my Lorde Chamberlein, whiche dispoyled hym, and wente bothe together to the Bayne . . . And when they had ben in theire Baynes as longe as was there pleasour, they had grene gynger, diuers cyryppes, comfyttes, and ipocras, and then they wente to bedde." The embassy of Andrea Trevisano to King Henry VII, in 1497, 1S considered to be the earliest Venetian ordinary embassy to the English Court. His Report or Relation of England — or rather the materials for it — has been translated and edited by Miss Sneyd for the Cam- den Society (1847), and accompanied by a valuable intro- ductory notice by the late Mr. Holmes, of the British Museum. At the time of publication of this interesting work by Miss Sneyd, neither the author nor the precise date of the Relation was known ; these facts were ascer- tained by Mr. Rawdon Brown, and mentioned in his work, " Giustinian's Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII," 1854. The English people are described as follows : — xliv Introduction. " The English are, for the most part, both men and women of all ages, handsome and well-proportioned j though not quite so much so, in my opinion, as it had been asserted to me. • I have understood from persons acquainted with these countries that the Scotch are much handsomer, and that the English are great lovers of themselves and of everything belonging to them ; they think that there are no other men than themsjelves, and no other world but England j and whenever they see a handsome foreigner, they say that c he looks like an English- man/ and that * it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ;' and when they partake of any delicacy with a foreigner, they ask him 4 whether such a thing is made in their country ?' They take great pleasure in having a quantity of excellent victuals, and also in remaining a long time at table, being very sparing of wine when they drink it at their own expense. And this it is said they do in order to induce their other English guests to drink wine in moderation also ; not considering it any inconvenience for three or four persons to drink out of the same cup. Few people keep wine in their own houses, but buy it for the most part at a tavern ; and when they mean to drink a great deal, they go to the tavern, and this is done not only by the men, but by ladies of distinction. The deficiency of wine, however, is amply supplied by the abundance of ale and beer (a/a and birr a), to the use of which these people are become so habituated, that at an entertainment where there is plenty of wine, they will drink them in preference to it> and in great quantities. Like discreet people, however, they do not offer them to Italians, unless they should ask for them j and they think that no greater honour can be conferred or received, than to invite others to eat with them, or to be invited themselves, and they would sooner give Jive or six ducats to provide an entertainment for a person, than a groat to assist him in any distress. 3 ' (Pp. 20-22). Mr. Rawdon Brown, in his valuable work before referred to, has introduced a highly interesting narrative of the diplomatic mission of Piero Pasqualigo and Introduction. xlv Sebastiano Giustiniani to the Court of Henry VIII, in 1 51 5, from a very rare printed work in the British Museum, written by the former Ambassador. The Venetians were conducted in the royal barge or bucintor to Richmond Palace, where they were intro- duced to Henry VIII, (at that time twenty-four years old), after which they were invited to dine with his Majesty and hear mass. The voices of the royal choristers were in truth rather divine than human ; they did not chaunt, but sang like angels. On the first of May the Ambassadors went to Greenwich, for the purpose of celebrating " May-Day" and " gathering May- dew " on Shooter's Hill, in the company of the King, Queen Catherine of Aragon, and the Courtiers, all mounted on horseback. Pasqualigo writes : " His Majesty is the handsomest potentate I ever set eyes on." Tables were spread within bowers, where they ate — " What they call here a proper good breakfast, {un Brecafas a la polita.) His Majesty rode a bay Frieslander; he was dressed entirely in green velvet, Directly we came in. sight, he commenced making his horse curvet, and performed such feats that I fancied myself looking at Mars. He came into our arbour, and addressing me in French, said, ' Talk with me awhile! The King of France [Francis I.] is he as tall as I am ?' I told him there was but little difference. He con- tinued, ' Is he as stout ? ' I said he was not ; and then he inquired, 'What sort of legs has he?' I replied, 'Spare.' Whereupon he opened the front of his doublet, and placing his hand on his thigh, said, ' Look here ! and I have also a good calf to my leg.' ' xlvi Introduction. In 1543-4, a Spanish nobleman, Don Manriquez de Lara, Duke de Najera, a Knight of the Golden Fleece, visited England to pay his court to Henry VIII. He arrived in London, February 1 ith, and had an audience with his Majesty on the following Sunday. Afterwards he was conducted into the apartments of the Queen (Catherine Parr), when dancing was introduced, which lasted several hours ; and a Venetian gentleman capered so wonderfully, that he " appeared to have wings in his feet." Princess Mary is described as possessing a " pleas- ing countenance and person. She is so much beloved throughout the kingdom, that she is almost adored. " He went to see the lions at the Tower, bear-baiting at Paris Garden, which is " no bad sport to see them fight ; " a pony with an ape fastened to its back, and " to see the animal kicking amongst the dogs, with the screams of the ape, beholding the curs hanging from the ears and neck of the pony, is very laughable." He speaks in raptures of fair Thames, its fine bridge with the houses on it, and the multitude of swans in the river. The Duke stayed in London eight days. One of the Biscayan ships he had hired struck on a rock off the Isle of Dogs (La IJla Duque) and went to pieces. Thirty-three 6,Nicander Nucius,anativeofCorcyra,paid a visit to England. The Camden Society published his curious Narrative in Greek, with an English translation by the Rev. J. A. Cramer, in 1841. Nicander, having to remain in London awaiting King Henry VJII's final despatch of the affairs laid before him, set to work to investigate the peculiarities of our island, said to be the greatest in the world except Taprobane and Thule. The author says : — " As regards their manners and mode of living, ornaments and vest- ments, they resemble the French more than others, and for the most part they use their language. And in feasts and drinkings, and in pledgings of health and carousals, they differ in nothing from the French. Their nobles and rulers, and those in authority, are replete with benevolence and good order, and are courteous to strangers. But the rabble and the mob are, as it were, turbulent and barbarous in xlviii Introduction. their manner, as I have observed from experience and intercourse. And towards the Germans, Flemish, Italians, and Spanish they are friendly disposed. But towards the French they entertain not one kindly sentiment of goodwill. . . . Wherefore the French rarely dwell in London. " The race of men indeed is fair, inclining to a light colour ; in their persons they are tall and erect ; the hair of their beard and head is of a golden hue ; their eyes blue, for the most part, and their cheeks are ruddy ; they are martial and valorous, and generally tall ; flesh- eaters, and insatiable of animal food ; sottish and unrestrained in their appetites; full of suspicion. But towards their King they are won- derfully well affected, nor would anyone of them endure any thing dis- respectful of the King, through the honour they bear him ; so that the most binding oath taken by them is that by which c the King's life ' has been pledged. " The horses are naturally swift-footed and very fleet, and for the more part white." Paulus Jovius (Giovio), Bishop of Nocera, in 1548 published a work, " Descriptio Britanniae," at Venice. It is a compilation, and his statements are little to be trusted ; nor does the author appear to have visited England. Speaking of the Isle of Wight, he remarks, " The people there are pleased because they have no monks, lawyers, wolves, or foxes." He says, " The females are fair and beautiful, but they are not so learned and highly cultivated as our own ladies." Girolamo Cardano, a physician and astrologer of Milan, visited Scotland in 1552, at the invitation of John Hamilton, Archbishop of St. Andrews, whom he is said to have cured of asthma. Among other things, he advised for his patient turtle soup and distilled snails ! His Introduction. xlix fame having reached the ears of Edward VI, who was suffering from an affection of the lungs, that " marvellous boy" wished to consult the Italian physician on his case. Cardan rode on horseback from Scotland through Eng- land, and was introduced at Court in October by Sir John Cheke, with whom he lodged. The astrologer cast the young king's nativity, and predicted a long life for him. Unfortunately Edward died in the following year; but Cardan, accustomed to such mischances, re- vised his calculations, corrected his figures, and made out to his own satisfaction that the king had died according to all the rules of astrology. The eccentric career of Cardan has been traced by Mr. Morley, whose interesting work was published in 2 vols. 8vo. 1854. The following curious extracts relating to the people of England have been translated from Cardan's Dialogus de Morte, at the end of his work " Somniorum Syne- siorum libri 1111." (4*0. Basil. 1585, p. 371, &c): — " It is worth consideration,' ' he reports, " that the English care little or not at all for death. In figure they are much like the Italians ; they are white — whiter than we are, not so ruddy ; and they are broad- chested. There are some among them of great stature ; urbane and friendly to the stranger, but they are quickly angered, and are in that state to be dreaded. They are strong in war, but they want caution ; greedy enough after food and drink, but therein they do not equal the Germans. There are great intellects among them. In dress they are like Italians ; for they are glad to boast themselves most nearly allied to them, and therefore study to imitate as much as possible their g 1 Introduction. manner and their clothes. And yet, even in form, they are more like the Germans, the French and the Spaniards. The English are faithful, liberal, and ambitious. But as for fortitude, the things done by the Highland Scots are the most wonderful. They, when they are led to execution, take a piper with them ; and he, who is himself often one of the condemned, plays them up dancing to their death." Speaking of the English language, Cardan says : — " I wondered much, especially when I was in England, and rode about on horseback in the neighbourhood of London, for I seemed to be in Italy. When I looked among those groups of English sitting together, I completely thought myself to be among Italians ; they were like, as I said, in figure, manners, dress, gesture, colour ; but when they opened their mouths I could not understand so much as a word, and wondered at them as if they were my countrymen gone mad and raving. For they inflect the tongue upon the palate, twist words in the mouth, and maintain a sort of gnashing with the teeth." The Italian " Relation of England," which was drawn up by the Venetian Ambassador, Giovanni Micheli in 1556-7, is considered to be the best and most trustworthy of those valuable and important narratives. A transla- tion of a great portion has been introduced by Sir Henry Ellis in his " Letters," Second Series, vol. 2. We have made use, in our Notes, of certain extracts translated from the larger Report. Master Estienne Perlin, " estudiant en Tuniversite de Paris," visited England in the last two years of Edward VI, and was an eyewitness of some of the me- morable events that marked the commencement of the reign of Queen Mary. His " Description des Royaulmes Introduction. li d'Angleterre et d'Escosse" was published at Paris in 1 558. 1 He was a right good hater of the English, and we have quoted many of his observations and remarks upon perfide Albion. As we approach the times of that " bright occidental star, Queen Elizabeth, of most happy memory," we remark without surprise the increase of our foreign travellers; their curiosity was naturally excited to be- hold with their own eyes those much-vaunted charms, extraordinary virtues, and princely qualities with which the maiden Majesty of England was endowed ; and mention of their visits to her Court is frequently made in Nichols's Progresses of the Queen. Some came only to see the angel in the house, some ventured even to woo, but none could win the fair prize. One of the most extraordinary of these visits was made by a woman — by no less a personage, no meaner beauty, than Cecilia, daughter of the great Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden, and sister of that Eric who was one of the disappointed suitors for the hand of Elizabeth. This Swedish lady, who is a very prototype of the wayward and eccentric Christina, had an intense longing to travel and to imitate the far-famed example of the Queen of Sheba. She had heard much from her brother John in praise of Elizabeth when he visited the English Court in 1 Gough reprinted the work in 1775, in 4to. lii Introduction. 1559-60, with the purpose of urging the suit of King. Eric. To England and to England's Queen, Lady Cecilia was determined to go. Accordingly, on November 17, 1564, she left Stockholm — not in the capacity of an " unprotected female," but shielded by the strong arm of her noble husband, the Margrave of Baden, to whom she had recently been married. After encountering perils by sea and perils by land, the pair reached London, and took up their quarters at Bedford House, ten weary months having passed since they left the shores of their native north. Four days after her arrival (September 15, 1565), Lady Cecilia brought into the world an infant son, who was christened in the Queen's Chapel at Whitehall, her Majesty herself being godmother and naming the little stranger Edwardus Fortunatus, " for that God had gratiously assisted his mother in so long and dangerous a journey and brought her safe." Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Duke of Norfolk were the godfathers. How the lady prospered at Court, with what speed and success she brought her necessities before the notice of the Queen, and in what estimation she and " my Lord Marquis" were held by our countrymen, the letter- writers and State Papers of that age sufficiently disclose. Among other royal favours conferred, Roger Ascham, " Secretary for the Latin Tongue," received orders " to Introduction. liii turn into Latin" a Patent for allowance of an annual pension of iooo crowns to the Lady Cecilia, daughter of the King of Sweden. Before long it was reported that my Lord Marquis had left London, intending to return homewards, but on his arriving at Rochester he was arrested, by order of the mayor, for large debts due to sundry London tradesmen — butchers, poulterers, jewellers, and others — who had supplied the Lady Cecilia with their goods. The mayor reports to the council that Christopher, Marquis of ' Bawdwyn,' was a prisoner in his custody, that his be- haviour was outrageous, and asks for instructions. An Italian puts forward a claim for a kirtle wrought with gold, and a Venice lute. The lady herself writes in trouble to Cecil, complaining of the conduct of her groom, who detained certain silver mountings made for her saddles. It appears that she was, in the end, compelled to sell her jewels, and to call in the aid of the Queen, before the unlucky pair could get out of their difficulties and distresses ; and that even when they had reached one stage further, at Dover, an attachment was applied for against my Lady for a debt of .£300. The poor Margrave of Baden-Baden terminated his career in 1575, at his Castle of Rodemachern, burthened with debts contracted by the extravagance of his wife. After his death, she, like her more celebrated great-niece Christina, embraced the Catholic faith, and died in 1627, liv Introduction. at the age of eighty-seven, after leading a rambling and dissolute life. Edward "the Fortunate" was not destined to justify the epithet which the Queen of England had bestowed upon him. He too, imitating his mother, became a Roman Catholic, and inherited the possessions of his father; but, like that father, being greatly involved in debt, he was forced to take refuge in the Netherlands, where he served under the Archduke Albert, and met his death in consequence of a fall at an entertainment in 1600. From him the present Margraves are descended. Following the example of his uncle, King Eric, he had contracted an union with a person much beneath his station ; for a considerable time the marriage was not acknowledged, and the legitimacy of the issue was con- tested. Helena, afterwards the Marchioness of Northampton, to whom the poet Spenser dedicated his Daphnaida in 1 591, came over in the retinue of the wandering princess. She was a Swedish lady, and was happy enough to resign her maiden name of Snachenberg, when she became the third wife of the Marquis of Northampton. She sub- sequently married Sir Thomas Gorges, and died in 1635, aged eighty-six. The inscription on her monument in Salisbury Cathedral is incorrect in making Cecilia the daughter (" filiam "), instead of the sister, of Eric, King of Sweden ; this has been overlooked by the Salisbury historians. Introduction, lv Camden has recorded the visit to England of a Polish nobleman, by name Albert Alasco, who made both his entrance and his exit in the year 1583, under circum- stances closely resembling those which attended the de- parture of my lord Marquis of Baden, but with a more successful issue : — " The same summer came from Poland, neighbouring vpon Russia, into England to visit the Queene, one Albret Alasco, Count Palatine of Sirad, a man most learn'd, of comly stature and lineaments, wearing his Beard long, richly cloathed, and of gracefull behauiour. The Queene with much bounty and loue receiued him ; the Nobles with great honour and magnificence entertained him \ and the Vniuersitie of Oxford with learned recreations, and diuers pastimes delighted him ; but after a while finding himself e ouercharged with debt^ he priuily stole away." — Camden's Annales^ 4-to. Lond. 1625, book 3, p. 42. We have now arrived at the period when Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg, the " Cosen Garmombles,' , and " Duke de Jamanie ' : of the Merry Wives of Windsor, paid a visit to the far-famed kingdom of England. The narrative of his travel and experiences in this country in 1592, was drawn up by the duke's private secretary, Herr Jacob Rathgeb, who accom- panied him in his wanderings. The book was published at Tubingen in 1602, in 4to, and is the earliest work of this description that we have met with in the reign of Elizabeth ; it therefore takes precedence in our volume. Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg and Count Mom- pelgard (in French, Montbeliard), was born August 1 9th, lvi Introduction. i S5J- 1 He studied at the University of Tubingen, giving his attention particularly to history, politics, natural philosophy and its branches. Being fond of foreign arts and customs, and eager, like the wise Ulysses of old, to observe and study the manners of many men and cities, he set out, in his twenty-third year, on a tour through Bohemia, Saxony, Holstein, Denmark, Silesia, Moravia, Hungary, returning through Vienna to Stuttgart, after an absence of four months. In November of the same year (1580) he married Sibylla, a princess of Anhalt. In the following year he became possessed of the county of Mompelgard, where he took up his residence. In 1592, the Count, still intent on the acquisition of wisdom and experience, contemplated another far-distant and more important tour, and this was now in the direc- tion of England. Accordingly, on the 10th of July, he set out with two coaches and several riding horses. His companions included a steward, a counsellor, a physician, grooms of the bed-chamber, his secretary Jacob Rathgeb, the author of the printed journal, with a queue of barber, tailor, &c. At Cassel, Frederick visited the Landgrave William, who was at that time seriously ill, but from whom he obtained a Latin letter of introduction to Queen Elizabeth, which soon proved to be of the greatest service to him, and probably even saved his life. For 1 His name is not to be found in the biographical dictionaries. Introduction. Ivii on reaching Olderson, in East Friesland, the Prince and his party were attacked by a band of Stadian freebooters, the innkeeper having given out that the travellers were Spaniards. They were in bed, when at midnight the robbers rushed in upon them with guns and drawn swords. The Prince, with those of his suite in a small room, pre- pared to defend their lives, and having himself pitched the captain or ringleader down the stairs, they fastened and barricaded the door, loaded their muskets, and stood ready for a siege. The freebooters blustered and threatened for a long while, till at length the Prince produced the letter directed to the Queen of England, thrusting it through a small window ; but when they saw the super- scription they appeared satisfied and withdrew, after having had " something for drink" (etwas zuver trine ken), given to them by way of acknowledgment for their courtesy and the trouble they had taken. It is a curious coincidence that only two or three months later than the above affair, viz. in October 1592, our roving countryman Fynes Moryson, of whom we have before spoken, travelled over the very same dangerous ground, and in his Itinerary (16 17, p. 37, &c.) he has related some droll adventures he met with in his endeavour to escape this terrible band of freebooters, of whose un- gentle exploits he had heard so much, and who were said to be very particular in their inquiries after Englishmen. He accordingly disguised himself as a poor Bohemian h lviii Introduction. boor, besmeared his face, and thus accoutred he went on his way merrily, his " hands in his hose." He travelled the distance from Stode [Stade] to Emden sometimes on foot, sometimes in waggons, and concealing his money in his shoes. Thus he passed Bremen, " a filthy place," (ex- pressed more strongly by the Wirtemberg travellers — " a nasty, stinking place," ein unflatige stinckete Statt), through Steinweck ; Oldenburg, where he had a drink of English beer, the goodness whereof made his com- panions " speake much in honour of England and of the Queene, with much wonder that shee, being a Virgine, was so victorious against the Spaniards." At Leere he heard news of the cut-throats being at Aurick. " Their chief captain was Hans Jacob, a notable roge, and very malicious to the English, whom he used to spoyl of their apparell, mocking them with these English words, 'I cannot tell!'" Arrived at Aldernsea, "-the freebooters spies came to the inn and gaped upon us, but seeing us all covered with durt, they tooke us for poore men, and a prey unfit to be followed." Shortly afterwards Mory- son reached Emden in safety, much to his delight, and there, he says, " I wrote myselfe an Englishman I" But to return to his Highness of Wirtemberg. On arriving at Emden, a bargain was made with the captain of a i o-gun ship to take him and his suite to Dover for eighty gold or sun crowns, exclusive of provisions. They embarked on the 7th of August. It is at this point that Introduction. lix our translation of the Journal of the English Travels {Badenfahrt) of Duke Frederick of Wirtemberg com- mences. After an apparently agreeable stay in this coun- try for a month, visiting the Queen at Reading, and viewing the more remarkable objects of interest in and within a short distance from London, they took shipping at Gravesend on September 5th. We now-a-days term Oxford and Cambridge " short distances ;" but what an undertaking was it to reach those places in the reigns of Elizabeth and James ! We remark in these Journals how slowly the travellers went over the ground, how wretched the state of the roads — in many places almost impassable — the hired and tired post-horses dragging the lumbering coach out of the mud and mire, and no others to be had. 1 We must not forget also the desperate highwayman ever on the look-out for Viator's fat purse, on Gad's Hill, Shooter's Hill, and other dangerous spots. 2 Journeys were undertaken mostly on horseback; coaches were a very expensive luxury, and not to be hired anywhere but in London. This may serve to explain why the foreigners did not extend their tours into more distant parts of England. The homeward journey was anything but prosperous, for hardly had they got half-seas over, when a violent storm arose, and they expected every moment to go to 1 See pp. 30, 31. 2 See p. 49. lx Introduction. the bottom. They were obliged to throw overboard the guns and merchandize ; the ship's compass was broken ; thrice did they sit up to their waists in water. In this extremity Count Mompelgard displayed the utmost in- trepidity and courage, and from his water-bed 1 spake words of cold comfort to his companions in distress, and inspirited the sailors. " Now, of a truth (Rathgeb ex- claims) the proverb was verified — * He that would learn to pray y let him go to sea ! ' " The storm lasted a whole day and a night ; at length, however, the voyagers landed safely at Rammekens, and passing Dockum in Friesland, escaping still another danger, arrived at Mompelgard on the 1 9th of October. The Wirtemberg historian Sattler 2 relates that, during this visit of the Count, Queen Elizabeth had promised to receive him into the Order of the Garter, and that this honour would have been conferred upon him on that occasion if the Queen had been minded to stretch the laws of the Order ; for, according to these, the number of the Knights was limited to twenty-six, and as this number was already complete, it became necessary to defer the fulfilment of his cherished hopes till another time. There is, however, no allusion to this promise of the Queen in 1 The book is jocosely entitled " Badenfahrt," or Bathing-trip; this will be more fully explained hereafter. 2 Geschichte des Herzogthums Wiirtenberg unter der Regierung der Herzogen (1772), Theil v. p. 160. Introduction . lxi Rathgeb's Journal of his travels ; but it has been main- tained, as well by Cellius in his Account of the Ceremony of the Duke's Investiture, 1 which took place at Stuttgart in 1603, as in the Correspondence between the Duke himself, Queen Elizabeth, and King James, which is found in the Museum and the Public Record Office. 2 The first letter we have met with is from Frederick; Count Montbeliard, to the Queen, dated Stuttgart, April 2nd, 1593, in which, after some phrases of compliment, he writes : — " Your Majesty will doubtless remember what / in my own person humbly asked ofyou y together with the favorable reply made to me. With this object in view, and because the proper time is near at hand, I have despatched this bearer, a gentleman and good soldier, to solicit my affairs, trusting to receive by him a favorable and much wished-for answer." Her Majesty, in her letter of May 31st, 3 does not touch on this matter so fraught with interest to the German Prince, but merely assures her "cousin" [alluding of course to " Cosen Garmombles ,, ], how happy she has been to hear of his escape from the dangers of the stormy weather in his so long a journey, which he had under- taken out of honour and affection to herself. On the 17th 1 Eques Auratus Anglo- Wirtembergicus, 4to. Tubingae, 1605. 2 The letters in the British Museum, being but very few in number, are expressly noted ; the others are in the Public Record Office, classed under " Germany." 3 Endorsed " Cop. of her Mat 6 Ire to the Conte Montbeliard." lxii Introduction. of August, Count Mompelgard, now Duke of Wirtem- berg, sends over a special messenger to announce to her Majesty his succession to the Duchy on the death of his cousin Louis, which took place on the 8th of August, and hoping that she will be pleased to accept the intelli- gence agreeably. This letter (Cott. MS. Vesp. F. III.) is signed " Vostre Majeste treshumble et affectionne Cheva- llier et Serviteur, Friderich Due de Wirteberg," a fac- simile of which is given in our portrait of the Duke. The copy of Elizabeth's reply, on September 20th, in Lord Burghley's hand- writing, is in the Record Office. It is a strange composition in English, 1 interlarded with French quotations from the Duke's previous letter: — " M5 Coosin, we have receaved your Ire dated y e 17 of y e last moth, by which you do advertise us y* it hath pleased God to rappel de ce vail miserable a la vie eternell vre Coosy le Due louys de Wurteberg, and thereuppo yow hav take y* possessio de ce que a vous apartient .... Yow ar known to us to be a piice worthely born to sucede in y* dig- nite," &c. On the 10th of February, 1594, the Duke writes to the Queen, sending good wishes at the commencement of a new year, and he reminds her that he is still "attendant d'icelle, une par moy tant desire responnce." This letter has been, with others, wrongly endorsed " From the Prince Elector Frederick." 1 This letter is endorsed " Coppie of hir Mat e . Ire to the Duke of Witteberg 5" but it seems more probable that it was merely the draft, to be put into form by the Secretary. Introduction. lxiii On the 20th of February he commissions Joachim Jhering to purchase in England iooo pieces of cloth, and requests the favour of having them duty free. {Cott. MS. Vefp. F. III.) On the 17th of May the Queen addresses, from her " Maison de Grenwich," a long epistle in French to the Duke, referring to the receipt of his letter of the 1st of March, which no doubt contained another urgent request on his part to be admitted a Knight of the Garter. She explains the matter thus : — " As to what you have reminded us of a promise made of our Order, we pray you to take in good part the reply which we formerly gave on this subject (you being here) to the Ambassador of the most Christian King our Brother, — viz. that seeing there are sovereigns and princes, our neighbours, accustomed, from time immemorial, to be received into the said order, who are not yet admitted, — even those who although elected some years ago have not obtained investiture, we could not incur the remark of a remissness towards them, and some other princes who are from day to day awaiting it (at which they might with reason feel aggrieved), and confer it upon others, leaving those unsatisfied to whom we are bound by promise, which our honour obliges us to carry out. Were it not that these motives, which we feel assured you will find just, retard the fervour of our good will, such is the estimation in which we hold your virtues, and the assurance we have of your devotion to- wards us, that we should think all honour inferior to your merit. But such being the state of things, we would pray you to content yourself for this time with these just excuses, awaiting a favourable opportunity to avenge ourselves of the honour and affection which you bear to us, and for which we shall never be found ungrateful." The Duke on the 12th of December addresses a re- quest to Lord Burghley to be allowed to transport, free lxiv Introduction. of duty, iooo pieces of cloth, sending him a gold chain for his trouble. {Lansd. MS. 76.) Now the Duke, mortified as it would seem at the delay and the check given to his fondest hopes, despatches in March of the following year (1595), his " Domestique po r les Affaires," Hans Jacob Breuning von Buchenbach, 1 in expectation that the eloquence of his ambassador would produce that good result which letters had hitherto failed to accomplish. Breuning was (says Sattler) " a man who by rare travels had acquired the regard of the Duke, and was acquainted with several languages." 2 Her Majesty gave him the first audience on the 6th of April. As soon as he entered the so-called Privy Chamber she advanced towards him with open arms, nearly to the centre of the room, and allowed him to kiss her hand ; she then stepped back and seated herself in a chair under a canopy of cloth of gold. When the ambassador was 1 The Duke's letter, introducing this ambassador to the Queen, dated March 1st, is in the Record Office. 2 Breuning subsequently (1612) published an account of his Eastern Travels, in a small folio volume, entitled " Orientalische Reyss," em- bracing Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, and Syria. In the Preface he alludes to his former travels in France, England, and Italy, of which he gives no description, because, in his opinion, those countries were sufficiently well known. The " Eastern Travels" were published by desire of the young Duke of Wirtemberg, John Frederick, to whom he dedicates the book, dated 1605. The volume contains the author's portrait and many other engravings. Introductio?!. 1 XV about to go down on his knees she would not allow it, and he was obliged to deliver standing his address 1 in Italian, which was the Queen's favourite language. 2 After the audience, General Norris and other distin- guished English noblemen accompanied him to his coach, and [Sir Henry] Wotton, secretary to the Earl of Essex, to his lodging." So far according to Sattler; let us turn now to an original letter of Breuning, the ambassador, dated London, 9th of April, which reveals to us some very curious and startling circumstances in relation to his audience of the previous day above referred to. It is addressed in Latin to Lord Burghley, 3 and he writes to the illustrious Baron as follows : — " With reference to the subject which your Excellency brought before me yesterday, I should there in person have excused myself more fully, if I had not perceived that your Excellency would not at that time have given me a dispassionate hearing. But since before God I am in truth innocent of the offence [criminis) of which your Excellency has accused me, I have therefore thought proper to send you this letter, — not because I wish to contend with one to whose authority I willingly concede, but for the sake of defending my honour, my name, and my 1 This speech is printed in Sattler s Appendix, No. 32, and is dated April 6th, 1595. In it the ambassador alludes more than once to the " benignissime Regie promesse" made to his master three years pre- viously. 2 Queen Elizabeth's Italian master was Battista Castiglione. 3 Lansd. MS. No. 79, among Lord Burghley's Papers. The letter is endorsed, in an old hand, "The Duke of Wittenberges Messinger. ,, i 1 x vi Introduction . most noble family. I call the great God to witness that, by His favour, I have from my youth held that vice (id vicium ), above all things, in the greatest abhorrence. Far be it from me that I should have dared to appear before such a Majesty in such a state ! On that day I had not even allowed myself to dine, in order that I might explain rightly and worthily the matters with which I was charged. But that I was unable to utter with becoming promptitude before her gracious Majesty what I had conceived in my mind : I again and with truth affirm there was no other reason than this, — that the unusual splendour and regal Majesty (the like of which hath not any other part of Europe, nor Asia, nor Africa, the chief places in which I have visited,) at first so stupified me that my mind became confused. After that I was not sufficiently acquainted with a foreign language so as to speak extempore ; her Majesty's interruption occasioned me to forget the speech I had pre- pared, so that my voice stuck in my throat (vox faucibus harens\ and caused my tongue to stammer. Such being the case, I implore and most urgently beg of your Excellency to change that unfavourable opinion which you have conceived of me, and that you will hold me in better estimation, and believe me to be a different character." What other conclusion can we draw from the above than this, that poor Breuning had been complained of for having appeared before the great Queen Elizabeth in a state of — must it be said — intoxication ? His explana- tion and apology were, without doubt, accepted by the noble lord, notwithstanding that the ambassador thought proper to address by the inelegant title of " Le Baron de Bug/ay" — " Cecil, the grave, the wise, the great, the good," as Ben Jonson styles him. Breuning, in his letter, then comes to the main object of his mission to England, viz. his master's speedy ac- quisition of the Garter, according to royal promise. He Introduction. lxvii begs her Majesty to be mindful of this, and now at length to vouchsafe to grace the Duke with that earnestly wished- for dignity. In conclusion, he is commissioned by his Highness to entreat of his Excellency to aid him in his endeavours to obtain it. Sattler, who would seem to have had before him Breuning's report of his proceedings in England, which is in the Royal Library at Stuttgart, continues his narra- tive : — " But many were the honors shown to the Ambassador, yet his re- quest met with great difficulties, because the King of France, and James, King of Scotland, had been already elected but had not yet received the ensigns of the Order, since by the rules of the Order under such cir- cumstances no new choice could possibly take place. The greatest difficulty, however, was that the Queen herself could no more remember having promised the Order to the Duke. But it was conjectured that she had secret reasons for making this excuse, because the Duke placed the entire ground of his hope upon this promise, and the Ambassador repeated this very often. Notwithstanding, however, the Queen re- mained firm in her resolution, and the Ambassador in uncertainty, yet he was invited to the Feast of the Order which then took place, 1 and was fetched in two coaches, with very many attendants, by a dis- tinguished nobleman, Neville. On this occasion Breuning fell into a precedence squabble ; for Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse Cassel had Count Philip von Solms as his Ambassador at that court, on whose right hand Breuning had kept himself as much as he was able all the time both in going and returning. The English made a greater fuss with this Count, partly because he was already known to them, and 1 On St. George's Day, April 23rd, which is generally said to be Shakespeare's birthday. lxviii Introduction. partly because he was a Count. When now both envoys were to occupy the table in the Earl of Essex's chamber, and my lord Brackhorst (Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, afterwards Earl of Dorset,) had placed Von Solms solitary and alone on a stool at the head of a vacant table, the latter took this honour for granted ; a seat at the side, how- ever, was assigned to Breuning, the Wirtemberg ambassador, who openly protested against this before Von Solms and all the English gentlemen present, who were in attendance upon them. The Count would neither rise nor yield, until at last Breuning approached the door and threatened to depart, when the Count von Solms, at the entreaty of the English gentlemen, resolved upon giving way, and an English my lord, in the name of the Queen, took the upper place. While now the Count intimated that he had no order for any innovation, Breuning placed himself by the side of my lord at the upper end, and gave the Count to understand that he well knew how he was to behave towards a Count, but he likewise remembered that they both represented not their own but their masters' persons. This quarrel was presently brought under the notice of the Queen, and known to the whole Court, and caused great honour to the Duke as well as to the Am- bassador. 1 "The 26th of April was appointed for another audience, when Breuning was conducted with no other person than Benjamin von Buwinghausen into the presence of the Queen, who addressed him in Latin as follows : ' I have perfectly understood all the matters which you have lately brought before me in the Italian language, in the name of your illustrious Prince, and which subsequently by my order you have represented in writing on the same subject in Latin. For this reason I have sent for you, that I might tell you what you must explain from me to your illustrious Prince. And if you should have anything to speak to me more at large, which on account of the number of 1 This " clash " between the ambassadors, Sir John Finett, master of the ceremonies to Charles T, would have been delighted to recount. Introduction. lxix bystanders you perchance omitted to declare, you can now freely bring it forward. For now I wish to speak familiarly with you.' The Ambassador answered that he hoped to be able to take back with him to his Master a satisfactory answer in reference to the promised Order. Her Majesty thereupon gave him to understand that she could remember no promise made, and that the Ambassador who had been sent to her a year ago, had misunderstood her answer. For she could not, on account of other knights already elected, but to whom the ensigns of the Order were not yet sent, deviate from the rules of the Order. Now the Ambassador could not call to mind that any one had been sent to the Queen on this suit. There was, however, at that time at the royal court a certain Stammler, who had given himself out for a Wirtemberg envoy, and had laid his credentials before the High Trea- surer, but who had no other business than to purchase English cloth. This person made himself despicable by his conduct, and was banished the kingdom on account of his discreditable tricks, Nevertheless, Breuning perceived quite well that such a circumstance would operate as a great obstacle to his solicitation. For this reason he requested a written reply, which the Queen promised him, and she still further proposed to apprise the Duke — (ist) That he should constantly bear in mind what she had told him three years before, namely, that German Princes should not meddle in any foreign quarrels, but only care for what concerned them ; (2ndly) Not to suffer the agitations and libels of theologians ; (3rdly) To provide every assistance and security for English merchants and subjects ; and lastly, That he should not give credence to the evil reports current against the Queen, but should defend her. On which points she conversed for nearly an hour standing, notwithstanding that she had attained the 64th [62d] year of her age." The draft of the written reply of her Majesty above alluded to is in the Record Office. It is in French, and wholly relates to the Duke's oft-repeated request for the lxx Introduction. Garter. She regrets the difficulties and obstacles which have presented themselves ; her own wish is as prompt and ready as the Duke himself could desire. She wishes that he had borne in mind certain reasons she formerly gave him on this very subject, which, if rightly weighed, might have induced him to spare the labour of the gen- tleman his messenger. After explaining these at some length, she concludes : " Your messenger will relate to you more at large the matters which we have given him in charge." 1 On the 14th of July the Duke writes two letters, one to the Queen in answer to the above, the other to Lord Burghley. 2 The former is couched in a very humble strain, and he assures her Majesty that he is content to await her royal promise, and begs that she will not take in bad part his so frequent solicitations and reiterated applications (" mes sy souuentes solicitations et recharges"} The second letter enters into a long explanation, in a tone of offended dignity, respecting the free transporta- tion of 1000 pieces of cloth for his own use, and the misunderstanding arising from the proceedings of a certain 1 The endorsement on the letter reads : " Aprill, 1595. Draught of a Ire w ch I conceaved upon the remembrance of one w ch Mr. Lock translated out of English to the Conte Montbeliart, from her Ma tie ." 2 The former, written in French, is in the Record Office \ the latter, in Latin, in the British Museum (Lansd. MS. No. 79). Introduction. lxxi person employed for this purpose a few years before (evidently the aforesaid Stammler). At the same time he takes occasion to thank his Lordship, as well as Sir Robert Cecil, his son, for their promises of assistance. A lull follows ; but, according to Assum, 1 the Duke received letters from the Queen, dated Jan. ioth, 1597, giving him to understand that he would shortly be elected. On May 10 [April 30, old style in England] his Highness sent three letters by one of his domes- tics to the English court : viz. to the Queen, to Lord Burghley, and to Sir Robert Cecil. In the first, he employs very humble and complimentary language, and wishes her Majesty long life and victory over her enemies ; at the same time he begs her " d'auoir souuenance de ses Royalles promesses a moy faictes." He solicits the aid of the ' Baron de Bourghley' — "pour avancer mes affaires'' — and waits a reply ; and he writes in a similar strain to Sir Robert Cecil, accompanying the request with a "petite souvenance" promised by his am- bassador, Breuning, two years before. The Duke follows this up by a letter dated August 3rd [July 24, O. S.], in which he says, that knowing her Majesty is curious in seeing artificial things of foreign countries, he sends her a handsome present in the shape of a " chandelier, fagon cTAllemagne" to be used in her cabinet, which was 1 In a Latin Poem, entitled, " Panegyrici tres Anglowirttembergici" &c. 1604, 4 to * lxxii Introduction. to be delivered by the hands of Captain Neniman, a native of Stuttgart, who was going to visit his friends. The present of the chandelier had the desired effect, and produced, on the ioth of October, a letter from the Queen, communicating the agreeable intelligence that his Highness had been elected a Companion of the Order of the Garter, " to which honour (she remarks) we have always chosen great Princes our allies, and other personages who have acquired reputation by their merits. " She moreover informs him that she had des- patched her servant, John Spilman 1 the bearer, expressly to him on this affair. 1 This John Spilman was a German, born at Lindau. He settled at Dartford, where, shortly before 1588, he erected a paper-mill, which at that time was a great curiosity, although not the earliest in this country, a record being extant that Henry VII. had, in 1498, viewed a "Paper Mylne" at Hertford, when he gave in reward 16s. 8d. Thousands flocked to see this paper-mill set up in Kent by the * c straunger," who employed no less than 600 men. Thomas Church- yard wrote a very curious poem, entitled : cc A Description and playne Discourse of Paper, and the whole benefits that Paper brings, setting foorth in verse a Paper-Myll built near Darthford, by an High Germaine, called Master Spilman, Jeweller to the Queenes Majestie ;" 4to. 1588. In the following year a special licence was granted by Elizabeth to " John Spilman, her Ma. t,es Juiler or gouldesmith of her Juelles, for the gatheringe of all maner of linen ragges, scrolles or scrappes of p[ar]chement, peaces of lyme, leather, shreddes and clippinges of cardes and oulde fishinge nettes fitte and necessarie for the makinge of all or anie sorte or sortes of white wrightinge paper ... for the space of tenne Introduction. lxxiii According to Cellius, the Qjjeen sent the Duke a pre- sent of an elegant English coach [Rhedam she Essedum Anglic anum), rather a novelty at this time, and especially so in Wirtemberg. Cellius (p. 91) has given a lengthy description of the beauty and conveniences of the vehicle, which in all probability was not unlike that cumbrous one we see figured in Hoefnagel's view of Nonesuch. There were still the habit and ensigns of the Order to be received. The next step taken was in 1598, when Benjamin von Buwinckhausen was sent by the Duke to tender thanks on behalf of his master. Among the Cotton MSS. (Galba, D. 13 ) there are two original letters of the Ambassador, having reference to this mission, dated London, May, 1598, and addressed to Sir Robert Cecil, urging him to expedite the delivery of the answer from her Majesty to his Prince. On the return of the Ambas- sador, the Duke writes to the Queen, on August 14 : — " I have heard with extreme regret that some of my enemies endea- vour to calumniate me, and prejudice your Majesty against me. I have given them no occasion for this. I hope that when your Majesty has discovered this report to be false, you will have greater reason to con- tinue your affection towards me, and give neither faith nor credit to such vipers, &c. Stories have been told your Majesty that I have yeres next ensuinge." (Harl. MS. 2296, fo. 124.) In 1605 Spilman was knighted by James I, on the occasion of the King's inspecting the mill at Dartford. Sir John died in 1626. In Dartford church is a monu- ment erected by him for his first wife, who was a German lady, with an inscription in German. Upon it is also his effigv, kneeling, in armour. k Ixxiv Introduction. quarrelled with the Elector Palatine and other princes in matters of religion or otherwise, which are false. ,, This long epistle, in French, is endorsed, " An Apo- logie against some evill suggestions." He writes again to her Majesty on November 20th, sending his most affec- tionate recommendations by the bearer, who is returning to England. He humbly prays her Majesty to remember him, and to rejoice him with the sign of her royal favours (" de se souvenir de moy & me rejouyr du signe de ses Royalles faveurs") Again the impatient Prince addresses her on January if, 1599, wishing her " ung bon nouvel annee ;" and with a view to quicken her sluggishness, he begs to offer another little present — " ce petit present facon de ce pais." He continues : — " I waited all last year for the sign of the Order from your Majesty, which I had been given to expect, but I have found myself hitherto dis- appointed of my hope. I therefore take this occasion very humbly to beg your Majesty to hold me in remembrance this year, and to rejoice me with the said sign, which I wait for with great devotion, hoping that the present that I intend then to send will be agreeable to your Majesty." In the beginning of this year (1599), Sir Stephen Lesieur was sent to Spire as the English Ambassador to the Assembly of the German Protestant Princes ; the Duke, in a long despatch in Latin, addressed to the Queen, on March 7th, promises to mediate with the Emperor and princes, that the proscripts of English Introduction. lxxv merchants shall not go forward ; he sends also another letter to her Majesty, in French, on April 21, in which he refers to his having given audience twice to the bearer, Lesieur. In neither of these is the subject of the Garter touched upon. Writing to Sir Robert Cecil from Spire, on May 8 th, Lesieur says : — a an d appointed thereto a superintendent who is termed guardian or warden, 70 fellows and scholars, 10 chaplains, 3 clerks, 16 choristers with a master; all to receive their maintenance from the revenues of the college. Likewise he erected in the south suburb of Winchester another noble College, from which the best and most proficient of the students were to be transferred to the New College, in the place of those who should leave it. There are now in this Winchester College, 1 warden (as he is called), 10 fellows, 2 schoolmasters, and 70 scholars, together with several others who are very handsomely maintained according to the intentions of the founder. Richard Flemming, Bishop of Lincoln, laid the foundation of Lincoln. a License was obtained to found the College in 1379 (3 Ric. II.) — Wood. E All Souls. Divinity School and Library. 26 England as seen by Foreigners. Lincoln College in 1420 (8 Hen. V.), a and established therein a rector, 7 fellows, and 2 chaplains. Afterwards, viz. in 1479 (19 Edw. IV.), Thomas Rotheram [alias Scot], who was also Bishop of Lincoln, finished this College, and added 5 fellows to the previous number. John [Edward] Darby, for- merly a fellow of this College and afterwards Archdeacon of Stow in the diocese of Lincoln, in the year 1537 (29 Hen. VIII. ), b in- creased it by another foundation to afford maintenance for as many as 3 fellows; so that now it has 1 rector, 15 fellows, and 2 chaplains. To these may also be added 4 scholars, for whose sustenance Joanna Trapps, the widow of a citizen and goldsmith of London, bequeathed an annual stipend about the year 1570 (i2Eliz.) c Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, erected in the year 1 437 (15 Hen. V.) d the College of All Souls, and placed on the foundation one warden and 40 fellows, 24 of whom were to receive instruction in divinity, the rest in the laws : he so strictly directed that this number should be kept to and neither increased nor diminished, that vacancies must be filled up at least once a year. There are, however, besides the warden and fellows, 2 chaplains, 3 clerks, and 6 choristers or singing boys supported out of the provision of the founder. Humphrey, surnamed the Good, Duke of Gloucester, a lover of the liberal arts, in addition to his other manifold good deeds, erected a very fine and noble School for Divinity Students, and established in the upper part a Library, which he furnished with 1 29 very choice books, procured from Italy at great cost. 1427 (6 Hen. VI.)-Wood. In 1568.— Wood. b 1535. — Chalmers. ri 16 Hen. VI. England as seen by Foreigners. 27 William of Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester, built in the Magdalen year 1459 (37 Hen. VI.) a College — a magnificent structure, well situated, and with fine pleasant groves and walks — and dedicated the same to St. Magdalen. He established therein a president, 37 fellows, 30 scholars called demies, 4 chaplains, 8 clerks, and 1 6 choristers. After this Thomas [John] Ingledew, the founder's chaplain, appointed 2 fellows ; and another person by name [John] Forman added 1 ; thus the number of 40 fellows was completed. For all these as well as the others, there are supported out of the College revenues, two Professors of Divinity and Philosophy, two Grammar masters, and 1 master for the choristers. There are, indeed, other lecturers for the College, but as these are fellows of it, they need not be separately enumerated. In order that learning and the liberal arts might be still further Brasenose. encouraged, William Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln, in the year 1513 (5 Hen. VIII.) founded the College of Brasenose. He dying, however, when it was barely begun, [Sir] Richard Sutton, knight, proceeded to complete it, and provided for a superintendent called the principal, with 1 2 fellows, partly with the funds of the before-named Smyth, but partly with his own. Afterwards 7 more fellows, nearly all of whom had his particular founder, were added to the former number ; so that therefore the number of fellows of the said college became 19. Further, 21 scholars were appointed, bearing various names after those of their founders. Thus two were called Oglanders, after Mr. Ogle; 6 Clemmondines, after Mr. Claymond ; and 1 3 Nowellians, after Mr. Alexander Nowell, the Dean of St. Paul's, a worthy and pious old man. Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, instituted this College, Corpus Christi. which has 30 scholars, 2 chaplains, 2 clerks, and 2 choristers, 28 England as seen by Foreigners. together with a president. By the especial generosity of Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, it was adorned with new buildings and endowed with additional revenues about the time of its foundation — viz. in 1516 (8 Henry VIII. late King of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. of benign Christian memory.) In this, however, as in all the other Col- leges of this University, there are numerous servitors and servants maintained, who are paid by the Colleges, and whose duty it is to wait on the president in particular, and the whole college in general. Christ Church. Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal and Archbishop of York, laid the foundation of this magnificent College, which stands on the site of the Priory of St. Frideswide. But King Henry VIII. in the year 1546, the 38th of his reign, having, for the use and profit of this work splendidly and richly endowed it with Peckwater's Inn and Canterbury Hall, which had been founded by Simon Islip, Archbishop of Canterbury, gave the institution the name of Christ College or Church. At the present time, by virtue of his order, there are maintained 1 dean, 8 canons, 100 students (20 of divinity, 20 of higher branches of philosophy, 20 of philosophy, 20 upper pupils, 20 other pupils). Besides this, he founded a choir of 4 chaplains and 1 6 choristers, 8 of whom are men, and 8 boys. And in addition is a charity, out of which by the provision of our most gracious Queen Eliza- beth, 24 persons have £6 yearly. Finally, letters patent have been obtained, by virtue of which all the general servants of the church, together with 3 Royal Professors — viz. of Divinity, and of the Hebrew and Greek languages, receive a salary of £40. Trinity. Whereas Thomas of Hatfield, Bishop of Durham, originally founded Durham College for the monks of Durham — Sir England as seen by Foreigners. 29 Thomas Pope adorned it with new buildings, and otherwise richly endowed it for the purpose of liberal studies, giving it also a new name, viz. the College of the eternal and undivided Trinity. This was in 1556 (4 Mary). The head of this College is called president, and has under him 12 fellows and 1 2 scholars. But since Lady Pawlet, the wife [widow re- married] of the founder is yet living, who besides possessing abundant wealth is favourably disposed to the promotion of learning, there are good hopes that she will shortly improve and endow this College much more handsomely. Moreover, about the time of its foundation, Queen Mary Public Schools. erected entirely some noble and excellent Public Schools in this University, in which the scholars are accustomed to perform their public exercises. Whereas at first Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, st.Jc founded a College to the honour of St. Bernard, Thomas White, knight and citizen of London, instituted it anew, dedicated it to St. John the Forerunner, and endowed it with so splendid an income as to enable it to bear nearly all the expenses, notwithstanding a president, 50 fellows, 3 chaplains, 4 clerks, and 6 choristers are maintained therein. This pro- vision was made by the founder in the year 1557 (5 Mary). But the College has likewise been endowed by Mr. [Walter] Fish ; and Dr. [John] Case, lately a fellow of this College, has bequeathed to it £100. Hugh Price [or Ap Rice], Doctor of the Civil Law, also in Jesus. the year 1572 (14 Eliz.) laid the foundation of a new College in honour of our Lord Jesus, and provided it with a yearly revenue. But as the work is not yet completed, there are neither fellows nor scholars placed there at present. 48 |OHN S College. 30 England as seen by Foreigners. Thus, then, the University of Oxford has these 16 mag- nificent Colleges and foundations, together with 8 other Halls besides, which have no particular revenues, but all are especially famous inns for study. And in truth it received a happy be- ginning under King Alfred ; but it has been brought to this perfection by the continued benefactions of women as well as men, and by the especial blessing of God, until at length it has reached to this most happy reign of Queen Elizabeth, and has become renowned throughout the whole world as a true and right fruitful mother of studies and of learned men. May the Almighty bestow his favours upon it, so that its name, having been famous for so many centuries, may likewise from hence- forth prosper and flourish more and more to its honour! 49 Written by Simon Bibeus." 3 Between London and Oxford the country is in some places very fertile, in others very boggy and mossy ; and such im- mense numbers of sheep are bred on it round about that it is astonishing. There is besides a superabundance of fine oxen and other good cattle. Now, because the dinner and viewing the Colleges occupied a tolerably long time, and the coachmen 5 and post horses were also quite tired out and could go no further, and no others could be procured that evening even at double the cost, his Highness was therefore compelled to remain there most un- willingly. Without reckoning the Colleges, Oxford is not much larger than Miimppelgart (Montbeliard) ; for the colleges cover an That is, the account of the Colleges at Oxford. In the original "die Gutschen und Postpferdte," the coaches, &c. England as seen by Foreigners. 3 1 immense area ; the town, however, on account of its dilapidated towers and walls, appears as though it had been in former times a defensible, strong, and fortified place ; but this is no longer the case, for at present the defences are razed or falling to decay : for the rest, it is situated in a delightful spot, and is on account of the streets much prettier and more pleasant than Cambridge. From London to Oxford the distance is forty-two English miles. As Captain Saiges a was at this time very ill with fever, his Highness assigned to him his groom Gerson, with whom the sick man rode back again to London, in order to be purged and cured there. His Highness, however, departed early that same morning, August 28th, and took the road towards Cam- bridge. On the road we passed through a villainous, boggy, and wild country, and several times missed our way, because the country thereabouts is very little inhabited, and is nearly a waste ; and there is one spot in particular where the mud is so deep, that in my opinion it would scarcely be possible to pass with a coach in winter or in rainy weather. About mid-day we came upon a fertile country, where there were little low hillocks, and a fine breed of splendid large oxen, and countless numbers of sheep : the peasants dwell in small huts, and pile up their produce out of doors in heaps, and so high that you cannot see their houses. At noon his Highness dined at a pleasant village called winslow. Winslow, and towards dark we came to Bedford. Bedford. Between these two places there is for the most part a sandy a One of the Duke's retinue. 32 England as seen by Foreigners. plain or heath, on which are a great number of wild rabbits, which are not in enclosures, but run free, so that you see fifty or sixty of them together, of all colours; but they scamper off like the wind into their burrows. In these parts they likewise catch wild-cats {Kuder) and pole- cats, and various kinds of birds of prey, which do much injury to the rabbits ; on this account they hang them on a gallows, as they do wolves, but first strip off their skins. gamlingay. On the 28th of August/ we arrived at Gamlingay, and had Cambridge, dinner there, and in the evening came to Cambridge, which is distant from Oxford fifty-five miles. This is a tolerably pleasant town, larger than Oxford, and the surrounding country is very fertile and well cultivated. 50 His Highness announced his arrival that same evening to the Vice Chancellor 51 of the Univer- sity, for whom he had a letter. He almost immediately waited upon his Highness and received him with due courtesy ; and as there was yet time, they proceeded first to see the beautiful royal chapel, which is most artistically built of free-stone, with an arched roof, and so highly ornamented that it is well worth seeing ; it can hardly indeed be called a chapel, but is more like a magnificent and beautiful church, on account of its size and immense extent : it has a tower at each corner ; the flat roof on the top is covered with lead, as are nearly all the principal churches in England. His Highness afterwards, the very same evening, inspected several large and beautifully-built colleges ; but those, and each in particular, with the names by whom, and at what period, and a The author seems at fault here as to the date. England as seen by Foreigners. 33 to what intent they were founded, are set down in the Latin 3 and German languages as follows : — " A concise and particular Account, in which not only is de- scribed the University of Cambridge in England, but also the Colleges and Foundations there at this present time, together with their Arms and the number of Students who derive their maintenance therefrom, are declared and represented. Dedicated to the most honourable lord, John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolitan of all England, the distinguished and wise councillor of our most gracious Queen Elizabeth. Cantaber, a Spaniard, in the time of Gurguntius, the son of University. Belinus, King of Britain, a.m. 3588 and b.c. 375 (as affirmed by the principal historians), 52 established this fine and magnificent University of Cambridge, and provided it with learned persons : afterwards, Sigebert [or Sebert], King of the East Angles, in the year 636 restored it when it was about going to ruin again. At the present time, viz. 1592 (for it has formerly undergone many vicissitudes and misfortunes), it is under the reign of Eliza- beth, Queen of England and Ireland, right flourishing, and has a great number of students, who are maintained in 1 5 wealthy and stately colleges. And here, rather than this page should remain blank, I have felt Westminster it to be not inopportune if I notice the foundation of the collegiate church of St. Peter at Westminster, accomplished by the above- mentioned Queen in 1560. Thus it has come to pass that there are maintained on this foundation 1 dean, 12 prebendaries, 12 a The Latin description of Cambridge is printed on a folio single sheet, and has the arms of the several colleges in the margin. In all probability this was also the form of the original. 34 England as seen by Foreigners. almsmen, a schoolmaster, an under master, 40 scholars who are termed Queen's Scholars and in course of time will be preferred to the Universities, 6 ministers, 1 organist, 12 cantors, and 10 choristers. peter house. This college was founded by Hugh de Balsham, the nth Bishop of Ely, in honour of St. Peter, in 1280 (9 Edw. I.) a for the maintenance of 1 master, 13 fellows, 2 bible-clerks, and 8 poor scholars; this number to be increased or diminished according to the extent of the annual income and as provisions might be cheap or dear. The property of the college has however in course of time been improved and augmented by the generosity of other persons, so that 10 bible-clerks have been added to the number. Indeed, Edward North, a brave and pious English baron, founded 6 ; three were added by Mr. Henry Wilshaw, B.D., one was appointed by the most reverend father John Whitgift, lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Besides which, An- drew Perne, the late Dean of Ely, founded a fellowship, and to the other benefits conferred on this University, appointed to the College also 3 bible-clerks and one librarian. Furthermore, Lady Mary Ramsey, a mirror and pattern of a woman, ordained a yearly pension of £40 for the maintenance of two fellows and 4 bible-clerks. Clare hall. Clare Hall was originally founded in 1326 (19 Edw. II.) by Richard Badew, at that time Chancellor of the University, and was at first called University Hall. It was afterwards surrendered by Walter Thaxted, Master of the said Hall (with the consent of Richard the founder) to the Lady Elizabeth de Burgh, Countess of Ulster, who, having obtained the licence of King The year 1257 has also been assigned as the date of foundation. England as seen by Foreigners. 35 Edward III. increased the number and founded it as a college, called Clare Hall. At present there are maintained according to the purport of this foundation 10 fellows, with 3 others called supernumeraries, and 40 scholars, 20 of whom derive their support from the benevolence of the founder, the other 20 owe it partly to the generosity of Edward Leedes, Doctor of Laws, and recently master of this college, and partly to the revenues of the Hall. It has moreover many and various kinds of servitors and servants, as are to be seen in the other colleges of this University, who are maintained at the common charge and expense of the colleges. Mary de St. Paul, wife of Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pern- Pembroke broke, founded, with the assent of her kinsman King Edward III, Mary de Valentia or Pembroke Hall, in the year 1343 (17 Edw. III.) The number of persons she did not fix, but left it to the master and fellows to increase or lessen it at their dis- cretion. At this time 1 master, 17 fellows, and 6 bible-clerks live there, and this is agreeably to the old foundation. Sub- sequently others followed, so that the college became more wealthy. Edmund Grindal, recently Archbishop of Canterbury, added one fellow and 2 scholars, and likewise augmented their library and funds, appointing also a salary for the professor of Greek. So also other scholars were added : one by Jane the wife of Richard Coxe, Bishop of Ely, and 7 by Thomas Watts, D.D., besides a gift of books valued at £40. Mr. Mar- shall, who was once the servitor of the above-mentioned arch- bishop, has founded one. In addition, 4 others may yet be counted, who receive their maintenance out of the revenues of the new building, called le Ostle. This College, which is usually called the foundation of St. Corpus Christi. 36 England as seen by Foreigners. Benedict [Benet] from the adjoining church, was founded and erected by the brethren of the gilds of Corpus Christi and of the Virgin Mary at Cambridge, (Henry, Duke of Lancaster being at that time alderman of this gild of Corpus Christi,) and it took the name of the College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Mary in the year 1344 (18 Edw. III.) The number of persons who were to be admitted to the College was not fixed, but was regulated according to its revenues. At present there are main- tained from the income of the College (which income is increased by the liberality of others), 1 master, 12 fellows, 30 scholars, besides inferior servants, of whom 15 scholars and 2 fellows were appointed by Matthew Parker, lately Archbishop of Can- terbury, who was educated in this college ; he also bequeathed thereto silver- gilt plate, besides being a great benefactor to the college. All the rest have their maintenance partly from the first foundation, and partly acquired from the kindness of others. Trinity Hall. This College was originally nothing but a hostel for students who lived at their own expense ; it was acquired by John Crowden [or Craudene], then Prior of Ely, as a place of study for his monks. Afterwards William Bateman, Bishop of Nor- wich, obtained it from the monks in exchange for certain rectories, transforming it into a college for students of the law, and de- dicating it to the Holy Trinity of Norwich, with a perpetual provision for the students. This happened in the year 1347 (21 Edw. III. as King of England and 8 of France). The said college was to have maintained by virtue of the first foun- dation 1 master, 20 fellows, and 3 scholars ; but as the founder was unexpectedly overtaken by death, it had no more than 1 master, 3 fellows, and 3 scholars left, whereas it has increased to such a degree by the benevolence of other persons that at present England as seen by Foreigners. 37 a master, 11 fellows, ancL 8 under-scholars receive a stipend from the college for their daily sustenance. To these may be added four scholars, together with 2 others of inferior grade, who have been appointed thereto by Matthew [Parker], Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Gabriel Dun, Henry Harvey, and Humphrey Busby. Edmund de Gonvile, in the year 1348 (22 Edw. III.), Gonvile and founded this college for a master and 4 fellows, named it Gon- ville Hall, and dedicated it to the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary. But being at the point of death, he bequeathed to the before-named William Bateman a large sum of money for com- pleting the said College already commenced ; in which, however, notwithstanding in his time there were only 1 warden and 3 fellows (and there is no knowing what became of the 4th), yet by the bounty of other persons and the assistance of various patrons, it became so much benefited both in money and revenues, that 6 fellows and 1 1 scholars were added to the former number. So, likewise, John Caius, a physician, in the year 1557, not only added a new building, but placed therein 3 fellows and 20 scholars, and directed it to be named Gonville and Caius Hall or College. More scholars were afterwards appointed ; 4 were founded by Joanna Trapps, a widow of London, 1 by Humphrey Busby, 1 by Matthew [Parker], Archbishop of Canterbury, together with a donation of silver plate and books; 1 by Richard Willison, and 12 scholars, 6 fellows, and one chaplain by Jocosa (Joyce) Frankland. King Henry VI, a very pious Prince, erected this College in king's College. the year 1441 (19th of his reign), for a rector and 12 fellows or scholars, and named it the College of St. Nicholas of Cambridge. Two years afterwards he changed both its form and name, and 38 E7igland as seen by Foreigners. directed it to be called, King's, St. Mary's, and St. Nicholas College, appointing thereto 1 provost, 70 fellows, 10 priests, 6 clerks, and 16 choristers. It is, however, at the present day known by the name of King's College, and has a provost, 70 scholars, 3 chaplains, 6 clerks, 16 choristers, 16 servitors to the College, and 13 to the senior fellows, together with 3 poor scholars. The Chapel which he built in this College is justly esteemed one of the most beautiful structures in the world. It has been much enlarged by the generosity of Henry VII. and VIII. Eton College. Besides this College, Henry VI. erected one at Eton, and appointed thereto 1 president, 8 fellows and choristers, and 60 grammar scholars, who were to be preferred in process of time to this King's College. queen's Col- Margaret of Anjou, the wife of King Henry VI, founded this College under royal auspices and dedicated it to St. Margaret and St. Bernard in the year 1448 (26 Hen. VI.) But, as fortune was averse so that she did not see the completion of it, Elizabeth, wife of King Edward IV. (the true founder of this College), was moved by devotion and the noble appearance of the work, to continue it and perfect it herself, viz. in the year 1465 (5 Edw. IV.) Marmaduke Lumley, Bishop of Lincoln, gave much assistance towards its just perfection by presenting it with books and £200 in money. Likewise Richard, Duke of Gloucester [afterwards Richard III.], and Andrew Ducket, who was formerly a master of this College, were great benefactors ; after which the College has been of late so much favoured by illustrious persons of both sexes, that it can now support 1 master, 19 fellows, 22 scholars, and 8 bible-clerks, in addition to 2 professors of arithmetic and geometry, and 2 fellows who were appointed thereto by Sir Thomas Smith. LEGE England as seen by Foreigners. 39 Robert Woodlark, professor of Theology and sometime provost cathartne of King's College, and Chancellor of the University of Cam- bridge, erected a College from the two houses which he pos- sessed in Mill Street, not far from Queers College, and by joining two others for the purpose in the same street, founded a Hall thereon for one master and 3 or more fellows. This was named St. Catharine's Hall. Afterwards, Edward IV, for him- self, his heirs and successors, by letters patent ratified and con- firmed it for ever in the year 1475 anc ^ 15th of his reign. Others have followed the example of this generous founder, and have endowed this College so liberally that it now supports 1 master, 6 fellows, and one bible-clerk. John Alcock, Bishop of Ely, having obtained license of King Jesus College. Henry VII, converted St. Radegund's Priory into a College, and appointed, as a perpetual memorial of his foundation, i master, 6 fellows, and 6 scholars, and directed it to be named Jesus and St. Radegund's College in 1502 (18 Hen. VII. ) a The generosity of this founder has afforded an example to others, who have contributed to the College both by estates and money, so that now there are maintained 1 master, 16 fellows, and 22 scholars from the general fund. Moreover there is in this, as in most other Colleges of this University, a large number of other kinds of students, for some are of quality and of noble birth, and. are called Fellow Commoners ; some are pensioners ; others are termed sizars and under-sizars, all of whom live at their own or friends' expense ; but since there is no certain or fixed number, I conceive it would be needless for me in this place to mention any. a The charter of foundation is dated 1496. — Dyer. 40 England as seen by Foreigners. Christ's Col- lege. St. John's Col- lege. King Henry VII. confirmed the translation of this College of God's House to that of Christ's College, which his mother Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, had instituted in the year 1505 (21 Hen. VII.) At first Henry VI. founded this College of God's House as a Grammar School, and appointed thereto a proctor and 4 fellows ; it then maintained on the foundation 1 master, 1 2 fellows, 47 scholars, besides 6 servitors, who attend to the wants of the master in particular and to the whole College in general. Edward VI. added to it one fellow and 3 scholars ; then Sir Walter Mild may, a man of praiseworthy memory, left an annual stipend ; Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury, bequeathed a legacy, so that therefore this College, by the benevolence of those named and of others, is so much increased that at the present time it has 1 master, 13 fellows, 55 scholars, besides 6 under-scholars who receive 40 shillings yearly, and 6 others 20s. per annum. Margaret, Countess of Richmond, grandmother of King Henry VIII, founded in the year 1 508 the College of St. John the Evangelist, in place of the Priory of the Canons of St. John the Evangelist, which formerly stood on this spot. She, how- ever, having died before she had finished this her foundation, committed the work to certain persons whom she named her executors, who faithfully discharged the trust and appointed a master, 50 fellows, and 50 scholars; but unfortunately this number afterwards decreased to about 32 fellows and 27 scholars. Yet it has acquired other true benefactors, so that it can now maintain 1 master, 54 fellows, 70 scholars, and 9 sizars, besides professors and chaplains founded by Mr. Ambrose Cave and others. And recently 6 other scholars have entered there, viz. 2 founded by Lady Mildred Burghley, 1 by Frances Jermin, and 3 by Henry Rn gland as seen by Foreigners. 41 Billingsley, an alderman of London ; Lord Burghley, treasurer of England, has likewise assigned a yearly pension of £30 in perpetuity to the benefit of this College. The College of St. Magdalen, at first called by the Duke of Magdalen Buckingham [Edward Stafford] Buckingham Hall, was erected CoLLEGE - by him in the year 15 19 (11 Hen. VIII.), as a College for students in the place of the hostel of the monks. But when Thomas [Lord] Audley, Chancellor of England, obtained the authority of the King and Parliament in 1 549 to regulate and endow this College, he called it St. Magdalen's College. At his premature decease, however, much to the detriment and loss of the College, there were left only 1 master, 5 fellows, i scholar, and 3 servitors. At length, about 1582, Sir Christopher Wray, Knight and Lord Chief Justice of England, was induced to complete this important work outright at great expense, and to erect a handsome forecourt thereto for the reception of 3 additional fellows and 6 scholars. Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury, also added 1 scholar, and Mr. Roberts, of Norfolk, 3 others ; since which Mr. Spenloffe, of Lincoln, has assigned lands of the annual value of &\o for the maintenance of 1 fellow, 2 scholars, and 1 preacher. King Henry VIII, on the 19th of December, 1546, the 38th Trinity and last year of his reign, converted King's Hall, St. Michael's House, and Phiswick's hostel into a College, which he dedicated to the Holy and Undivided Trinity, appointed thereto 1 master, 60 fellows, 40 scholars, and 20 poor scholars, and endowed it with estates and revenues of the yearly value of £1300, besides the possessions which it formerly enjoyed. Queen Mary added about 20 scholars, 10 choristers with their master, 4 chaplains, 13 poor scholars, and 2 undersizars, and gave so much landed G 42 England as seen by Foreigners, Emmanuel College. Sidney-Sussex College. property as to produce £338 annually. Thomas Allen, Rector of the Church of Stevenage, added 2 scholars, with the maintenance of 3 grammar scholars, and 4 poor students, and property yielding an income of ,£75 per annum. Frances Jermyn, the sister of Sir Robert Jermyn, founded a scholarship, with a yearly income of £7 10s. An annual sum of £120, the gift of the founder, is paid by this College to 3 public Professors of Divinity, Hebrew, and Greek, each receiving £40. Sir Walter Mildmay, late Chancellor of the Exchequer and Councillor to our gracious Queen Elizabeth, founded in the year 1584 (26 Eliz.), in the Preachers' Street, on the site of the Monastery of the Friars Preachers [Black Friars, or Dominicans], the College of Emmanuel, to the glory of the Immortal God, for 1 master, 3 fellows, and 4 scholars. Nine fellows were sub- sequently added ; 4 indeed by the founder, 1 by Sir Robert Jermyn, from whom much is still expected, 1 by Sir Francis Hastings, and 1 by Mr. [Robert] Taylor, 1 by Sir Thomas Skinner, and 1 by Mr. [Nicholas] Fuller. By the kindness of others — too many, however, for me to enumerate here — 30 scholars have also since been added; moreover there are 10 poor scholars, who are maintained partly by the schoolmaster and town of Bungay in the county of Suffolk, and partly out of the college revenues ; so that at the present day this College com- prises 1 master, 12 fellows, 34 scholars, and 10 students of inferior grade. Here might be set down many other noteworthy things con- cerning this University, if they were not already treated of by Master Caius in a special history. But I cannot in honour avoid adding that at this time a new College for 1 master, 10 fellows, and 20 scholars has been undertaken by order of Lady England as seen by Foreigners. 43 Frances, Countess of Sussex, who, in 1588/ most generously bequeathed £5000 for the purpose, and named it the College of Lady Frances Sidney-Sussex. But all this that I have briefly written respecting the origin of our Universities and Colleges and have put in print (in order that the generosity of so many praiseworthy persons should not be forgotten), I have not unreasonably wished to dedicate par- ticularly to your Holiness, since you have not only shown your- self an excellent Patron to myself privately, but also a Maecenas to both Universities publicly, as well as to all students in general. Your Honour's most respectful servant, Symon Bibeus." His Highness invited the Vice-Chancellor and other doctors to supper, and the Chancellor sent for and presented them with some splendid wine out of his own cellar. The following morning, the 29th of August, his Highness inspected the rest of the Colleges, as well as the old ruined and decayed palace or castle, which lies upon an eminence or small mount, in a large open tract of country, outside the town ; it has the appearance of having been in former times a very strong place of defence, but now it is only used for keeping prisoners in some of the vaults. Now as the before- named Vice-Chancel lor was engaged on particular business, and had excused himself from dining with his Highness, he took his leave ; and his Highness after having partaken of a meal, departed for Ware, a fine large market- town, where he passed the night. 53 On the morning of the 30th of August his Highness pro- a The Charter of foundation of Sidney-Sussex College bears date 1593. — Dyer. Ware. Palace. 44 England as seen by Foreigners. ceeded towards London, and on the way he went to see the mag- Theobalds nificent palace Theobalds, belonging to the Lord High Treasurer of England, which is reckoned one of the most beautiful houses in England, as in truth it is. First of all his Highness inspected the handsome and delight- ful hall, which is so ornamental and artistic that its equal is not easily to be met with ; for, besides other embellishments in it, there is a very high rock, of all colours, made of real stones, out of which gushes a splendid fountain that falls into a large circular bowl or basin, supported by two savages. This hall has no pillars ; it is about sixty feet in length and upwards of thirty wide. The ceiling or upper floor is very artistically constructed : it contains the twelve signs of the zodiac, so that at night you can see distinctly the stars proper to each ; on the same stage the sun performs its course, which is without doubt contrived by some concealed ingenious mechanism. On each side of the hall are six trees, having the natural bark so artfully joined, with birds' nests and leaves as well as fruit upon them, all managed in such a manner that you could not distinguish between the natural and these artificial trees ; and, as far as I could see, there was no difference at all, for when the steward of the house opened the windows, which looked upon the beautiful pleasure- garden, birds flew into the hall, perched themselves upon the trees, and began to sing. In a word, this hall is so elegantly adorned with paintings and otherwise that it is right royal, and well worth the seeing. 54 There are also many other spacious halls and fine galleries in this splendid palace, with very artistic paintings and correct landscapes of all the most important and remarkable towns in CEILWCr IN THEOBALDS PAL ACE England as seen by Foreigners. 45 Christendom, as well as tables of inlaid- work and marble of various colours, all of the richest and most magnificent description. In another hall is depicted the kingdom of England, with all its cities, towns and villages, mountains and rivers ; as also the armorial bearings and domains of every esquire, lord, knight, and noble who possess lands and retainers to whatever extent. In short, all the apartments and rooms are adorned with beautiful tapestries and the like to such a degree that no king need be ashamed to dwell there. Some rooms in particular have very beautiful and costly ceil- ings, which are skilfully wrought in joiner's work and elegantly coloured, as may be seen in the annexed sketch, the ground of which is prettily ornamented with blue colours, but the roses and other ornaments are gilded. The garden is close adjoining and of immense extent, and as the palace is really most magnificent, so likewise in proportion is no expense spared on the garden ; in a summer-house there, is a table made of a solid piece of black touchstone (Probier- steiri)> fourteen spans long, seven wide, and one span thick. After viewing all this, as well as the stables, in which were kept many fine horses, his Highness dined in the adjacent vil- lage, and invited the steward of the palace as his guest. 55 — A We returned to London safe and well that night, and the dis- tance from London to Oxford is forty-four English miles, from Oxford to Cambridge fifty-five miles, and from thence to London fifty English miles. On the 1st of September his Highness was shown in London the English dogs, a of which there were about 1 20, all kept in the same enclosure, but each in a separate kennel. a " Die Englische Docken." 46 England as seen by Foreigners. Bear and Bull In order to gratify his Highness, and at his desire, two bears Baitin and a bull were baited ; 5f> at such times you can perceive the breed and mettle of the dogs, for although they receive serious injuries from the bears, are caught by the horns of the bull, and tossed into the air so as frequently to fall down again upon the horns, they do not give in, [but fasten on the bull so firmly] that one is obliged to pull them back by the tails, and force open their jaws. 3 Four dogs at once were set on the bull ; they, however, could not gain any advantage over him, for he so artfully con- trived to ward off their attacks that they could not well get at him ; on the contrary, the bull served them very scurvily by striking and butting at them. The 2nd of September the royal French ambassador, Beauvois, invited his Highness to a stately banquet at his residence, a beautiful country house, distant from London about two English miles, 57 at which the renowned general of the English forces in the Low Countries, Moritz, b and his brother the colonel, 58 were present. At night his Highness returned to London. Before his Highness's departure, the Earl of Essex (Exests), Master of the Horse, made his Highness a present of a handsome horse, which he accepted and accordingly took back with him. On Sunday, the 3rd of September, his Highness sent before- hand his servants, namely, Gerson the groom, Johann de Char- mot the tailor, with a single-horse vehicle and lackey, as well as the baggage and horses, on board a Hamburg ship called the Red Lion, with orders for them to go to Hamburg, and thence a " Lassen sie doch nicht nach, sender man muss sie mit gewalt hindersich ziehen, und ihnen die Meuler aufFbrechen." b Sir John and Sir Edward Norris. England as seen by Foreigners. 47 to proceed by land, by short stages, to Franckfort, and there to await his Highness's arrival. The name of the captain of this ship was Mathis Wrede, of Hamburg. The same day, after dinner, his Highness visited and inspected Palace at the royal Palace and the adjacent gardens of London : in this St. Jamks's palace are very many beautiful and variously painted and orna- pARK# mented halls and splendid rooms, as it is in itself a magnificent and royal house pleasantly situated by the water-side. On the 4th of September having at length received the re- quisite passport, which was as follows : — " Theras this noblman Connte Mombeliard is to passe ouer Contrye us England in to the lowe Contryes, Thise Schalbe to wil and command you in heer Maj te . name for such, and is heer plensure to see him fournissed With post horses in his trauail to the sen side, and ther to soecke up such schippinge as schalbe fit for his transportations, he pay nothing for the same, forwich tis schalbe your sufficient warranti soo see that you faile noth therof at your perilles, From Bifleete, 59 the 2. uf September 1592. Yur Friend C. Howard. 3 (Locus Sigilli.) To al Justices of pence Maiors Bayliffes and al other her Ma te . officiers. in especial to my owne officiers of te admyral- tye"— His Highness, therefore, having thus obtained the desired per- mission, and intending now to take his departure from London homewards, in the name of God went on board a small vessel which was about to sail for Gravesend, where the large ship a The Lord High Admiral. 48 England as seen by Foreigners, that was bound for Flushing (Fliessingeri), in Zealand, was lying, completely equipped for sailing, and only waiting for a favour- able wind. Captain Saige, who was ill in London, remained behind, for he was not able to endure the fatigue of travelling by sea and land on account of his weakness. 3 Now when his Highness had got into the channel, the waves were very high and boisterous, and we saw a great many large black fishes called sea-hogs (porpoises), which are from eight to ten feet long, and rise high out of the water. His Highness shot at one of them, and the sailors told us that it was a sure sign of rough and stormy weather, 5 which indeed we soon after- wards, with the utmost danger of our lives, only too fully ex- perienced and found to be true. 60 Gravesend. The said 4th of September we arrived well and safe at Graves- end, which is distant from London twenty-two English miles. His Highness having dined, and finding that the wind was adverse, and that the sailors did not intend to depart that evening, Rochester and in the meanwhile rode with post-horses to Rochester, 01 in order Chatham. ri/^v > i • r 1 • i • to see some or the Queen s ships or war at that time lying in the harbour there ; but on the road such a violent wind arose as nearly to upset us, horses and all, and at the same time made the waves so turbulent that no one could without the greatest danger approach the ships of war. Fortunately the officers conducted his Highness to the shore, along which were ranged not less than forty ships of war ; some were armed, others getting ready for sea ; in particular we noticed the large ship called the English Lion, which caused immense damage to the Blodigkeit.' Einer grossen ungestiimme und Fortunae." England as seen by Foreigners. 49 mighty Spanish Armada a few years before. As the great ship, in which the renowned English Captain Drake (Drack), as is commonly reported, sailed round the world and had lately returned from the island of Dominica, 3 was at this time repairing on shore and refitting, his Highness went on board to inspect it ; it is indeed a very large and strongly built ship, of several hundred lasts, b exceedingly fit to undertake so protracted and dangerous a voyage, and well able to bear much buffeting; the cabins and armouries are in fine order, as in a well-built castle ; in the middle, where the largest cannon are placed, it is eighteen good paces wide ; what its length must be in proportion may be easily judged. 6 ' 2 Afterwards his Highness rode back again to Gravesend, the night being as dark as pitch, and the wind high and boisterous ; he slept there that night. On the road, however, an Englishman, with a drawn sword in his hand, came upon us unawares, and ran after us as fast as he could ; perhaps he expected to find other persons, for it is very probable that he had an ambush, as that particular part of the road d is not the Gad's hill. most safe. 63 Now, as we have seen and gained some knowledge of the king- dom of England, and have started on our homeward voyage, we may here make some observations on its peculiarities, so far as is warranted by his Highness's experience during his brief stay here. In the first place it is impossible to give a correct estimate of a " Eben damaln als er in der Insel Dominica gewesen." b A shipping last is eighty cubic feet, equal to two tons English ship measure. c '* Mag wol ein Buffleiden." d " AufF dem Wege aber ist unversehens ein Engellender mit blosser Wehr starck hinder uns her gerent, unnd villeicht vermeint andere Leut anzutrefFen, dan wol zuvermuten, dz er ein hinderhalt gehabt, weil es der Enden nicht zum sichersten.'' 50 England as seen by Foreigners. the population of this kingdom ; but this we have clearly under- stood from distinguished English lords, who conversed with his Highness on the subject, and mentioned, among other things, that in case of a war with an enemy wishing to subdue England entirely, that enemy would have to make up his mind to fight eight pitched battles and to confront from thirty to forty thousand men in each. The soldiers, moreover, are excellent, but they do not willingly go on foreign service. 3 When soldiers are wanted, and idlers are seen lounging about, they give them money, and then they are bound to serve whether they like it or not; or should they [desert and] be caught, their business is soon settled ; b for because, as above mentioned, this kingdom is an island, and encompassed on every side by water, so that no one can enter or depart except in ships, orders have been issued in all ports or havens, that no Englishman shall leave it without a licence. As regards cold weather and thunderstorms we ought to remark that the winter sets in with snow in December, and lasts till February, but the snow does not lie long, for the climate is warm. Many witches are found there, who frequently do much mischief by means of hail and tempests. 04 Of game, it has great store of fallow-deer of various colours, as well in the woods as in enclosed parks ; likewise red deer, stags, and other game, though few and small ; but no wild boars nor wolves are met with in this island, and no roes ; but there are foxes and hares, vast numbers of rabbits or coneys, which are a " Ziehen aber nicht gern hinauss." b " 1st ihr Process schon gemacht." — It is all over with them. " Vil Hexen vverden darinnen gefunden, und befchicht ofrtermahln, durch Hagel unnd ander Ungewitter grosser Schaden." England as seen by Foreigners, 51 every where to be found in enclosed gardens, as well as in the open fields and woods ; these make their escape from the gardens. 65 Of tame quadrupeds it has beautiful oxen and cows, although not so big as the Burgundy cattle, but they have very large horns, are low and heavy, and for the most part black ; there is abundance of sheep and wethers in all parts and places, which graze by themselves winter and summer without shepherds ; but when it snows or freezes hard they are driven into yards and fed with fodder, otherwise they do not go into the stables either in summer or winter. Sheep-shearing takes place only once, viz. in the month of June ; the heaviest wethers weigh sixty pounds, others from forty to fifty pounds ; they bear at the most no more than six, others four to five pounds of wool ; one of the best wethers (notwith- standing that they are very abundant) sells for about twenty shillings, that is, ten French francs or five thalers ; the inferior sort about ten shillings, or five francs ; and the worst about six or eight English shillings. The skin of the best wether and sheep is worth about twelve pence, that is, four and a half German batzen ; the worst about eight pence, or three batzen ; a pound of wool about twelve pence, or four and a half batzen. Horses are abundant, yet, although low and small, they are very fleet ; a the riding horses are geldings, and are generally excellent. The Queen has forbidden any horse 66 to be exported out of the kingdom without a licence. 5 There are immense numbers of swine, which are larger than in any other country. a " Die doch nidertrachtig und klein, aber gantz geng." b " Ohne passport." 52 England as seen by Foreigners. Of tame and wild fowl, there are swans in great numbers, herons, ducks, pheasants, partridges, quails, turtle-doves, and wild doves. Of agricultural produce it has very fine corn, rye, barley, oats, beans, hops, vegetables, apples, pears of various sorts, red and blue plums, cherries, (which however do not become ripe before June,) but no peaches except what are grown in gardens. There is no wine-growing in this kingdom ; but if you want wine you can purchase the best and most delicious sorts, of various nations, and that on account of the great facility which the sea affords them for barter with other countries. Oysters 3 are in great plenty, and are better and larger than in Italy; 07 they are cried in all parts of the streets. They sell also cod, b plaice, small white river fish, pike, carp, trout, lobsters and crawfish, and in fine all kinds of sea fish, which are sold like meat in other parts, both fresh and salted. As regards the currency, the kings and queens of England have rightly had gold and silver coins struck for payment. A double rose-noble is worth thirty-two English shillings, that is, eighteen French francs, or eight thalers or rix-dollars ; a rose-noble, half as much. An angel, having on it the knight St. George [St. Michael and the dragon], is worth ten shillings, or five francs, or three German florins ; an Hungarian ducat, worth six shillings and eight pence, is equal to two florins ; a French crown, or crown of the sun [ecu dor au soleil'] = six shillings, or twenty-seven batzen, as in France; a Spanish pistole just as much. Of silver coins, which the Queen has had struck of pure good silver, a shilling is equal to four and a half batzen ; half-a-shilling, to two batzen a " Fischvverck von Ostrien." b " Bolchen, Blatteisslin." England as seen by Foreigners, 53 •one kreutzer. Twelve pennies go for a shilling, or two for three kreutzers. But since other authors have written in divers places much and minutely concerning the manners, customs, and other note- worthy matters, which have occurred for many years past in this mighty kingdom, there is no need of further enlargement in this place. And this is all that can be related of what his High- ness has been able to see and to learn in the course of his hasty journey. II. LEWIS FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WIRTEMBERG, 1610. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. (British Museum. Add. MS. 20,001.) ^!|§^ .^^^a. & teoax *Q LEWIS FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WIRTEMBERG. " A Relation of the Journey which I, in company with his Serene High- ness the Duke Lewis Frederick of Wirtemberg, have with God's help undertaken and happily accomplished, through part of the Rhine country, Holland, Zealand, England, Scotland/ Friesland, likewise part of Germany; and which has been briefly penned in the French LANGUAGE BY ME, HaNS JaCOB WuRMSSER VON VeNDENHEYM l6lO." 1 6 10. March 16. EFT Stuttgart (Stuckart) April 1 2, Flushing— a fine maritime and mer- Flushin< cantile town, which is garrisoned by the English ; the governor of the fortress, whose name is Mr. Brune [Sir William Browne], 68 accompanied his Excellency and gave him a collation. At five o'clock in the evening the wind became fair, when we immediately embarked, and with God's help crossed the sea so prosperously that by five o'clock in the * The title is written in German on the outside cover of the manuscript ; there is, however, nothing of Scotland in the Journal.— See Remarks in the Intro- duction. 58 England as seen by Foreigners. gravesend. evening of the 1 3th (Friday) we arrived at Gravesend. The Ambassadors of the States came here also at the same time. On quitting the small boat, Mr. Leucnor [Sir Lewis Lewkenor], his Majesty's Master of the Ceremonies, received his Excel- lency. Saturday, 14th. After dinner his Majesty sent My Lord Willoughby, 69 accompanied by twenty gentlemen well equipped, to receive his Excellency in his name, who straightway con- ducted us in the royal barges up to London to the inn called the Black Eagle* London. Sunday, 15th. Monday, 16th. His Majesty sent four coaches to fetch his Excellency, in order to give him audience in the great hall of the Palace. His Majesty was seated under a canopy of cloth of gold, b together with the Queen, the Prince [Henry], the Duke of York [Prince Charles, afterwards Charles I.], the Princess [Elizabeth], 70 Madame Arabella, 71 and the Prince of Brunswick ; 72 a great number of earls and lords of England — all Knights of the Garter — were standing round the throne ; T the other parts of the room were quite filled with nobles and ladies. Tuesday, 17th. Mons. de la Boderie, 73 ambassador of the most Christian King [Henry IV.], came to pay a visit to his Excellency. After that we went out of the city to see a garden. Wednesday, 1 8th. The Prince of Brunswick called to see his Excellency at nine o'clock in the morning ; after dinner, his Excellency went to the second audience, to make propositions concerning the business of the Embassy. a " Au logis de l'Aigle noir." b " Soubz ung des de toille dor." England as seen by "Foreigners. 59 Thursday, 19th. The Ambassador of Venice came to see his Excellency at nine o'clock in the morning ; he is styled the most illustrious Cornao. 74 Friday, 20th. The Ambassadors of the States of the United Provinces came to visit his Excellency at nine o'clock in the morning ; their names were Messrs. Berch, Verius, Barnfelt, Albertus Joachimi, 75 and Carron, resident ambassador for the States. After dinner, the Queen sent two of her coaches for the purpose of giving an audience to his Excellency, who received great honour from her Majesty. Saturday, 21st. His Excellency went to see the Prince of Wales [Henry], 76 and the Prince of Brunswick, who were living together (comme logez ensemble) ; after having discoursed a Jong time in the presence-chamber, waiting for the rain to cease, they determined meanwhile to run at the ring, which ended to the honour of the Princes of Wales, of Brunswick, and of Wirtem- berg — at that time ambassador for the Protestant Princes. Sunday, 22nd. His Majesty, the Prince, his Excellency, and the Prince of Brunswick dined together. In the evening the Prince with fifteen Knights, having assumed their robes of the Order, entered the chapel to hear vespers, and to commence the ceremonies of the morrow. After coming from the chapel, the Prince supped by himself in the great hall, and all the other Knights in another, every one according to rank, two and two ; his Majesty supped alone ; and the Princes of Brunswick and of Wirtemberg were entertained in a separate chamber. After rising from table they went to see the Prince at his table, and all the other Knights. Monday, 23rd. St. George's Day, which his Majesty cele- brated with the accustomed ceremonies in the chapel, and 60 England as seen by Foreigners. procession in the Court, he himself and the Prince [Henry] dining in public and with great state ; the above-mentioned Knights also together, in the same order as on the preceding day ; the Princes of Brunswick and of Wirtemberg were, as before, served apart ; on leaving the table they went to see his Majesty, 77 who was quite four hours at table, owing to the number of the courses and the various ceremonies that were observed. After which the Ambassadors of France and of the States presented themselves likewise at his Majesty's table. In the evening, after supper, the two Princes of Brunswick and of Wirtemberg again saw his Majesty at table, who, standing up and with head uncovered, drank to his Excellency the health of the Princes of the Union. When his Majesty had risen from table, the two Princes of Brunswick and of Wirtemberg, with all the Knights of the Order, conducted him to his chamber, where his Majesty wishing them good night dismissed them. Tuesday, 24th. His Majesty set out from Westminster at four o'clock in the afternoon, to go a hunting in the county of Northampton [Norfolk], eighty leagues [miles] from London. 78 Wednesday, 25th. His Excellency returned the visit of the Ambassadors of Venice and of the States at nine o'clock in the morning ; after dinner he went to see the resident Ambassador of the States, Mr. Carron, 79 [Caron] who lives out of the city, opposite Westminster, in a very fine house of his own, well fur- nished, and with beautiful gardens round about : it is called South Lambeth (Sudlambet). On repassing through the suburb of Water Lambeth {Wat ter lamb et')^ where the Archbishop of Canterbury resides, his Excellency met at the Thames ferry 80 the Prince, and the Prince of Brunswick, with whom he crossed the water and went to see the tombs of the Kings at West- minster. 81 England as seen by Foreigners. 61 Thursday, 26th. His Excellency having dined, paid a visit to the Duke of Brunswick ; after which he went to see the baiting of bears and bulls, and monkeys that ride on horseback very welJ, although they have not seen the first masters of Rome, Naples, and Paris. Friday, 27th. MM. de Colli 82 and Buwinckhausen S3 went for the first time to the King's Council to make their propositions. Saturday, 28th. The Queen sent to his Excellency at two o'clock in the afternoon, in order to take her leave before going to the Palace of Greenwich {Chasteau de Grinwichts), where her Majesty went to take the air, accompanied by the Prince, the Princess, and the Prince of Brunswick. Sunday, 29th. His Excellency invited to dinner the Ambas- sadors of France and of the States, with Messrs. Carrew and Edmondes, when they drank in good earnest the healths of the Kings and Princes. Monday, 30th. His Excellency went to the Globe , the usual place for acting Plays ; the history of the Moor of Venice [ c Othello '] was represented there. 3 Tuesday, May 1st, 16 10. His Excellency went to Eltham eltham. Park to see the perpetual motion ; the inventor's name was Cornelius Trebel [Drebbel], 84 a native of Alkmaar, a very fair and handsome man, and of very gentle manners, altogether different from such-like characters ; we also saw there virginals which played of themselves. Wednesday, 2nd. The Prince of Brunswick dined with his Excellency ; he came with a goodly company of gentlemen of his country and Scotch servants of his Majesty. a " Lundi, 30. S. E. alia au Globe lieu ordinaire ou Ton joue les Commedies, y fiat represente Phistoire du More de Venise." — See Remarks in the Introduction. Nonesuch. Bedding-ton. Theobalds, 12 miles. Ware, 8 miles. Royston, 13 miles. Cambridge, 10 miles. Saturday, 5 th. Sunday, 6th. 62 England as seen by Foreigners. Thursday, 3rd. At eight o'clock his Excellency went to St. James's Park to run at the ring with the Prince ; and after breakfasting with the Prince of Brunswick, he went to see the royal House of Nonesuch/ 5 and that of Beddington, 86 belonging to Mr. Francis Carro [Carew]. There is here one of the most pleasant and ornamental gardens in England, with many beau- tiful streams ; in the house is to be seen a handsome cabinet/ the walls of which are of branched work of wood gilded, enriched with beautiful pieces of marble with the floor of the same : over the door of the cabinet there is to be noticed a small wax figure, which I take to be the emblem of the house. 5 Friday, 4th. The day on which the most christian and august King Henry IV. was wickedly murdered in his coach in the city of Paris, near the Innocents. A very fine royal House and beautiful garden. It was built by the High Treasurer, father of the present High Treasurer. A town where we lodged at the Stag. I slept in a bed of swans' down, eight feet wide. c A market town where his Majesty has a hunting seat on account of the surrounding country, which is the best in all England for hare -hunting, in which his Majesty takes extreme pleasure. 87 A city and famous University, where there are eighteen fine Colleges, among which that of Trinity — which resembles a superb princely house or royal palace — is the most beautiful. It was founded by King Edward, the third of that name ; at s /. e. closet, or small chamber. b " II y a une petite figure de Cire a remarquer que ie tien pour le wortzeycben de la Maison." c " Je fus couche dans ung lict de plume de eigne qui avoit huict pieds de largeur." See Note 53. England as seen by Foreigners. 63 this time more than 300 scholars were resident within it. The second is that of St. John, where they are as many ; it was founded by Margaret, Countess of Richmond, the mother of King Henry VII, whose portrait is to be seen in the chapel of the college : during her lifetime she resided there for the space of six months. His Excellency also saw Sidney, Christ, Emmanuel, Queen's and King Henry VI. 's [King's] Colleges, in the last of which there is without doubt one of the most beautiful chapels in Europe, as well for the purity of the Gothic work as for the height of the vaulted roof, and that there are no pillars ; it is 100 paces long, and on each side are twelve large arcades, the windows of which are all coloured. Under that monarch the kingdom of France was lost ; his coat of arms is supported by a dragon and a greyhound : the walls of the chapel are adorned with the devices of York and of Lancaster and with fleur-de-lis, all crowned. At this time there were more than 2000 scholars in the said Colleges. The person who showed them to his Excellency was Mr. Richard Tomson, a native of Antwerp. 88 A village where his Majesty has likewise a hunting seat, 89 for Newmarket, the same reason as at Royston — to course the hare. 90 A town and abode of the ancient Saxon Kings, as the old Thetford, D 16 miles. ruins of the castles there prove to us. l As soon as his Excel- Monday, 7 th. lency had arrived, his Majesty sent My Lord Hay 92 to say that Tuesday ' 8th ' he was very welcome. The next morning his Excellency went to wait on the King, with whom he entered into the church, it being the day which his Majesty observes without fail, viz. that of his deliverance from the assassination plotted by the Earls of Gowry. 93 After his Excellency had dined with his Majesty, the Duke of Lennox, who had come on a visit before dinner, conducted him to the hunt, when they coursed the hare, flew a hawk, and caught dotterels 94 — birds which are taken in a strange NtWMARKET, 1 6 miles. Saffron Walden, i 8 miles. Audley End. Theobalds, 20 miles. London, 12 miles. 64 • England as seen by Foreigners. manner, as we saw, and which may be better told by word of mouth than in writing. His Excellency afterwards supped with his Majesty ; and upon rising from table they went in a coach to the river, where they saw cormorants 95 — birds which, at a sign given by the master who has trained them, plunge under the water and catch eels and other fish, and which at another signal are made to give them up and disgorge them alive — a thing very marvellous to behold. On all subjects his Majesty discoursed in a wise and admirable manner. 3 And before his Majesty went to the church, the more than sad news, alas! reached us of the horrible and execrable murder of the most Christian King 96 [Henry IV, of France]. Wednesday, 9th. His Majesty conducted his Excellency to the hare- hunt, after returning from which and dining together ? his Majesty took his leave on departing for London, and his Excellency did the same. His Excellency partook of a collation on his way. A town belonging to the Earl of Suffolk, High Chamberlain of England, from which his eldest son takes the title of Baron [Howard de Walden]. A quarter of a league hence is the superb house of Audley End, 97 which is said to be the finest in England, belonging to the said Earl : it is not yet finished, and has cost 100,000 pounds sterling, and it is supposed that the remainder will not come to less, which will be a million [?] of gold. Thursday, 10th. His Majesty arrived at the Palace at the same hour. Friday, nth. His Excellency went at nine o'clock in the a " Sur toute chose estoit les sages discours de sa Ma te tres admirables. : England as seen by Foreigners. 65 morning to visit the Ambassador of France, to condole with him on the death of the most Christian King his master. Saturday, 12th. Messrs. de Colly and Buwinckhausen went to the Council of his Majesty. Sunday, 13th. The resident Ambassador of Spain, Don Pedro de Suniga, 98 took leave of the King, presenting the new Ambassador, who was Don Blonso de Velasco." Monday, 14th. The States' Ambassadors dined with his Majesty ; and Lord Rich, 100 Mr. Moray [Sir David Murray], a Scotchman, who was the Prince's governor, 101 and St. Anthoine his riding-master, 102 dined with his Excellency. Tuesday, 1 5th. The Ambassadors of the States went at ten o'clock to take leave of his Excellency. Wednesday, 16th. His Excellency went to visit the States' Ambassadors at ten o'clock in the morning to bid adieu to them ; and Mr. Levinus, 103 second Secretary to his Majesty, went with hh Excellency. Thursday, 17th. The Ambassador of Venice came to see his Excellency. Friday, 18th. His Majesty sent for his Excellency to acquaint him with the final resolution ; the audience was given in his Majesty's Privy Gallery, several Knights of the Order being present. Saturday, 19th. Mr. Buwinckhausen set out for France in company with Mr. Edmondes, 104 who was appointed to be resi- dent Ambassador on the part of his Majesty. Sunday, 20th. The Prince of Brunswick, My Lord Hay, Angsrieder [Anstruther ?], and a goodly company of gentlemen supped with his Excellency. Monday, 21st. The Ambassador of Venice and the States' K 66 England as seen by Foreigners. Gravesend, 20 miles. Rochester, 5 miles. Cobham Hall. SlTTINGBOURNE, 10 miles. Canterbury, 10 miles. Dover, 10 miles. Ambassador [Caron] dined with his Excellency ; after which the latter took leave of the Ambassador of France. Tuesday, 22nd. His Excellency went to Greenwich to take leave of the King and Queen; the latter 105 was in the garden with the Princess [Elizabeth] and Arabella. Wednesday, 23rd. His Excellency took leave of the Ambas- sador of Venice ; and Viscount de l'Isle, 100 Mr. Spencer Digby Angsrietter, 107 and a gentleman of the Queen's chamber supped with his Excellency. Thursday, 24th. After dinner his Excellency took leave of the Prince, and of the Princes of York and Brunswick ; and at six o'clock in the evening the Ambassadors of France and of Venice came to take their leave. Friday, 25th. His Excellency set out from London to sleep at Gravesend, where in the evening he took leave of the Sieur Jacques Sandalas. 108 Saturday, 26th. His Excellency inspected the King's ships, and in the morning he went to see Cobham Hall, which is very fine, but bewailing the absence of its master. 109 A market and post town. Sunday, 27th. An archiepiscopal city, with a very beautiful church, where are to be seen the tombs of King Henry IV, and of Cardinals Pole and Chastillon. On the road we met the Dukes of Pomerania. 110 Monday, 28th. A town, castle, and seaport. We saw again the vessels which took us to Dieppe on Nov. 23rd, 1608, in the greatest possible danger and tempest. Tuesday, 29th. His Excellency embarked at ten o'clock in the morning, the sea being calm and the weather fair. Total of miles travelled in England, 215 : which, reckoning 5 English miles to 1 German league =43 German leagues. III. EMANUEL VAN METEREN, 1558— 1612. TRANSLATED FROM THE DUTCH. /^^^S\ PICTURES OF THE ENGLISH IN QUEEN ELIZABETH'S REIGN. BY EMANUEL VAN METEREN. The Author was an Antwerp merchant, who settled in London, and resided here during the entire reign of the Queen. In 1575, in company with his cousin, Abraham Ortelius, the celebrated geographer, he travelled through the whole of England and Ireland. In 1583 he was appointed Dutch Consul {hoofdmari) for England, which office he held till his death in 161 2. His " History of the Netherlands" (written in Dutch; 1599; ^HJ 1636, &c), is deservedly esteemed a masterpiece ; the Author carefully collected his mate- rials from every authentic source, and has produced a very valuable book to be consulted with profit by every student of the history of the period. The following are extracts translated from this work. Van Meteren was buried in the church of St. Dionys Backchurch, London, and a monument was erected to his memory. The church was destroyed in the great fire of 1666. HE English are a clever, handsome, and well-made people, but, like all islanders, of a weak and tender nature. They are generally fair, like all northern nations, and especially the women, who know very well how to protect the complexion of their faces against the power of the sun with hats (hoeyen) and veils, and their hands jo England as seen by Foreigners, with gloves — even the very peasants there, as the ladies of the Court do in the Netherlands and in Germany. The people are bold, courageous, ardent, and cruel in war, fiery in attack (vyerich int aengrijpen), and having little fear of death ; they are not vindictive, but very inconstant, rash, vain- glorious, light, and deceiving, and very suspicious, especially of foreigners, whom they despise. They are full of courtly and affected manners and words, which they take for gentility, civility, and wisdom. They are eloquent (welsprekende) and very hospitable ; they feed well and delicately, and eat a great deal of meat (seer veel vleesch) ; and as the Germans pass the bounds of sobriety in drinking, these do the same in eating, 111 for which the fertility of the country affords them sufficient means, although in general the fruits have not such strength and virtue as in France or the Netherlands for the want of hot sun. Even the grass, as the herbalists say, is not so nourishing, whereby the meat is in consequence softer and not so firm, although they have a great abundance of it ; but it is well-tasted enough. The people are not so laborious and industrious as the Netherlanders or French, as they lead for the most part an indo- lent life (een ledich leven leydende) like the Spaniards ; the most toilsome, difficult, and skilful works are chiefly performed by foreigners, as among the idle Spaniards. They have a great many sheep which bear fine wool, of which for these 200 years they have learnt to make fine cloth. They keep many lazy servants, and also many wild animals for their pleasure, rather than trouble themselves to cultivate the land. The island which they inhabit is very large, and abounds with fish ; they have like- wise the best harbours in Christendom. They are also rich in ships ; nevertheless they do not catch as many fish as they require, England as seen by Foreigners. 7 1 so that they are obliged to buy more from their neighbours ; but they do catch a great quantity of herrings, for which they have been in the habit of fishing for several years past, and so have taken annually from ten to fourteen hundred lasts, which for the most part they dry, and of which they send away every year more than five or six hundred lasts to Italy and elsewhere. The English dress in elegant, light, and costly garments, but they are very inconstant and desirous of novelties, changing their fashions every year, both men and women. When they go abroad riding or travelling, they don their best clothes (soo doen sy haer beste cleederen aeri), contrary to the practice of other nations. Their garments are usually coloured and of a light stuff, and they have not many of them like as they have in the Low Countries, since they change so easily ; nor so much furniture or unnecessary house ornaments. The English language is broken German {de Enghelsche sprake is gebroken Duyts), mixed with French and British terms, and words, and pronunciation, from which they have also gained a lighter pronunciation, not speaking out of the heart as the Germans, but only prattling with the tongue. 3 Where they have no significant words, they make use of Latin, and sometimes of German and Flemish words. In Cornwall — England's furthest boundary westward — and in Wales, they speak the old British language, which they call in their own language Cymraeg, and which the English call Welsh, as the Germans do. (Van Meteren, Nederlandtsche Historie ; edition of 1614, fo. 262.) a " Niet uytter herten als de Duytschen sprekende, maer alleenlijck mette tonghe prattelende." j 2 England as seen by Foreigners. Wives in England are entirely in the power of their husbands, their lives only excepted. Therefore when they marry, they give up the surname of their father and of the family from which they are descended, and take the surname of their husbands, except in the case of duchesses, countesses and baronesses, who, when they marry gentlemen of inferior degree, retain their first name and title, which, for the ambition of the said ladies, is rather allowed than commended. But although the women there are entirely in the power of their husbands except for their lives, yet they are not kept so strictly as they are in Spain or elsewhere. Nor are they shut up, but they have the free management of the house or housekeeping, after the fashion of those of the Netherlands and others their neighbours. They go to market to buy what they like best to eat. They are well- dressed, fond of taking it easy, and commonly leave the care of household matters and drudgery to their servants. They sit before their doors, decked out in fine clothes, in order to see and be seen by the passers-by. a In all banquets and feasts they are shown the greatest honour ; they are placed at the upper end of the table, where they are the first served ; at the lower end they help the men. All the rest of their time they employ in walking and riding, in playing at cards or otherwise, in visiting their friends and keeping company, conversing with their equals (whom they term gosseps) and their neighbours, and making merry with them at child-births, christenings, church- ings {kerckganghen) y and funerals ; and all this with the permis- sion and knowledge of their husbands, as such is the custom. a " Sy sitten verciert voor haer Deuren, om de voorbygaenders te besien, ofte van die besien te worden." England as seen by Foreigners. 73 Although the husbands often recommend to them the pains, industry, and care of the German or Dutch women, who do what the men ought to do both in the house and in the shops, for which services in England men are employed, nevertheless the women usually persist in retaining their customs. This is why England is called the Paradise of married women. 3 The girls who are not yet married are kept much more rigorously and strictly than in the Low Countries. The women are beautiful, fair, well-dressed and modest, 5 which is seen there more than elsewhere, as they go about the streets without any covering either of huke or mantle (huycke), hood, veil, or the like. Married women only wear a hat both in the street and in the house ; those unmarried go without a hat, although ladies of distinction have lately learnt to cover their faces with silken masks or vizards, and feathers, — for indeed they change very easily, and that every year, to the astonishment of many. 112 (Van Meteren, Nederl. Bistorie ; edit. 16 14, fo. 258.) a See Note 3 1 . b " Het Vrouwenvolck isser schoon, wit, ende verciert ende manierlijck." IV. LEVINUS LEMNIUS, 1560. TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN. NOTES ON ENGLAND, 1560. BY LEVINUS LEMNIUS. The author was a Dutch physician, of Zierikzee, in Zealand, where he prac- tised during upwards of forty years. After the death of his wife, he exchanged the medical for the ecclesiastical profession — the cure of bodies for the cure of souls — and became a canon of St. Livinus at his native place, where he died in 1568, aged sixty-three. (Paquot. Hist. litt. des Pays-Bas, i. 91.) The descrip- tion of England given below is extracted from a rare little volume, in black letter, published at London in 1 581, and entitled, " The Touchstone of Com- plexions. Generallye appliable, expedient and profitable for all such as be desirous and carefull of theyr bodyly health. . . . Fyrst wrytten in Latine by Levine Lemnie, and now Englished by Thomas Newton." The translator dedicates it to Sir William Brooke, Knight, Baron of Cobham, and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports — and dates from * Butley in Chesshyre, 22nd Sept. 1576.' The original Latin work was published at Antwerp in 1561, under the title of " Levini Lemnii, medici Zirizaei, de habitu et constitutione corporis, quam Graeci Kpaaiv, Triviales Complexionem vocant, libri duo." — It was frequently reprinted. Lemnius wrote several other works, chiefly on medical subjects, some of which have been translated into English. His Latin is remarkable for its purity and elegance. Tom Coryat, in his Crudities, 161 1, p. 649, calls Lemnius an "admirable sweete scholler, a worthy ornament of Learning." OT long agone/ traveylinge into that flourishinge Ilande, partly to see the fashions of that wealthy Country, wyth men of fame and worthinesse so bruited and renowmed, and partely to visite " ^Estate superiore," i. e. the preceding summer. 78 England as seen by Foreigners. William Lemnie, in whose company and weldoing I greatly rejoyce (as a father can not but doe) and take singuler conten- tation inwardly ; even at my first arrivall at Dover, and so along my journey toward London, which I dispatched partely uppon horsebacke and partely by water, I sawe and noted many thinges able to ravishe and allure any man in the worlde, with desyre to travayle and see that so noble a countrey. For beeinge broughte by D. [/. e. Doctor] Lemnie (a skilfull Physicion and well thought of there for his , knowledge and experience) into the company of honourable and worshipfull personages, every Gentleman and other woorthy person shewed unto mee (being a straunger borne and one that never had beene there before) all pointes of most frendly curtesy ; and taking mee first by the hand, lovingly embraced and bad mee ryght hartely welcome. For they be people very civil and wel affected to men well stricken in yeares, and to such as beare any countenaunce and estimation of lerninge, which thing they that halfe suspect and have not had the full triall of the maners and fashions of this countrey, will skarcely bee perswaded to beleeve. Therefore, franckely to utter what I thincke of the incredible curtesie and frendlines in speache and affability used in this famous realme, I muste needes confesse it doth surmount and carye away the pricke and price of al others. And beside this, the neate cleanlines, the exquisite finenesse, the pleasaunte and delightfull furniture in every poynt for household, wonderfully rejoysed mee ; their chambers and parlours strawed over with sweete herbes refreshed mee ; their nosegay es finely enter- mingled wyth sundry sortes of fragraunte floures in their bedchambers and privy roomes, with comfortable smell cheered England as seen by Foreigners. 79 mee up and entirelye delyghted all my sences. And this do I thinck to be the cause that Englishmen, lyving by such hole- some and exquisite meate, and in so holesome and healthfull ayre be so freshe and cleane coloured : their faces, eyes and countenaunce carying with it and representing a portly grace and comelynes, geveth out evident tokens of an honest mind ; in language very smoth and allective, but yet seasoned and tempered within the limits and bonds of moderation, not bumbasted with any unseemely termes or infarced with any clawing flatteries or allurementes. At their tables althoughe they be very sumptuous, and love to have good fare, yet neyther use they to overcharge themselves with excesse of drincke, neyther thereto greatly provoke and urge others, but suffer every man to drincke in such measure as best pleaseth hymselfe, whych drinck being eyther Ale or Beere, most pleasaunte in tast and holesomely relised, they fetch not from foreine places, but have it amonge themselves brewed. As touching theyr populous and great haunted cities, the fruit- fulnes of their ground and soile, their lively springs and mighty ryvers, their great heards and flockes of cattell, their mysteries and art of weaving and clothmaking, their skilfulnes in shooting, it is needlesse heere to discourse — seeing the multi- tude of marchaunts exercisinge the traffique and arte of mar- chaundize among them, and ambassadoures also sente thyther from forrayne Prynces, are able aboundantly to testifye that nothing needeful and expedient for mans use and commodity lacketh in that most noble Ilande. (The Touchstone of Com- plexions, fo. 47.) Neere approaching to them \i. e. the Italians] in quality (but yet somewhat differing) are Englishmen : who being of 8o England as seen by Foreigners. heate more weake and lesse boylinge (as the which is well enter- medled, overcome and qualefyed by moistnes) are of stature comely and proportionable, and of body lusty and wel com- plexioned. But to the studies of humanity not so greatly given, and in exquisite artes not so well furnished. But if they hold on theyr course as they beginne, I meane, to apply theyr mindes to worthy and excellent matters, theyr dexterity for the attaynment of any notable atchieuaunce surpasseth, and theyr forwardnes to any artes or mysteries, is foud to be right apt and inclynable. And because they haue somwhat thick spyrits, slenderly perfused with heate, they will stomacke a matter vehemently, and a long time lodge an inward grudge in their hearts, wherby it happeneth that when theyr rage is up, they will not easily be pacified, neither can theyr high and hauty stomackes lightly be conquered, otherwise then by submission, and yeelding to theyr mynde and appetite. (Fo. i8.) a The better to qualefie and mitigate this heate [in Cf soultery hoate weather," or "dogge-dayes"], it shalbe very good to sprinckle on the pavements and coole the floores of our houses or cham- bers with springing water, and then to strew them over with sedge, and to trimme up our parlours with greene boughes, freshe herbes or vine leaves ; which thing although in the Low Country it be usually frequented, yet no nation more decently, more trimmely, nor more sightly then they doe in Englande. (Fo. 47.) a The marginal note against the above passage is, " Englishmen and Scottes have great stomacks and angry." V. HIERONYMUS TURLER, 574- TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN. M REMARKS ON ENGLAND, 1574. BY HIERONYMUS TURLER. The Author was a Doctor of Laws, born at Leissnig in Saxony, in 1550. He w r as Burgomaster of his native place, and died 1602. He wrote, among other works, " De Peregrinatione et Agro Neapolitano libri II." Argentorati (Strasburg), 1574, sm. 8vo. In the following year an English ■ translation appeared at London, with the title of " The Traveller of lerome Turler," &c. from which our extracts are taken. T page 25, the Author remarks : " As the arte of printing is as much frequented in England as in Germanie and Fraunce, in Ireland it is nothing so, and yet Ireland lyeth neere unto England, and under obedience to y e same Queene. The Englishmen ar excellent archers, but the Irishmen bee better, and more experte in swimming, excellinge all other nacions of Europe in running and diving under water." In speaking of the churches at Naples and of the principal monuments therein, he remarks (p. 175): "Truly these four tumbes are the most principall of all that ever I sawe either in Italye, or Fraunce, or Germanie, or in England ; for as for Spayne, I was never there. But amongst al that are seene in any of these above named regions, made of brasse or copper, in my judge- 84 England as seen by Foreigners. ment, the Tumbe of Kinge Henrie the Seventh King of Englande surpasseth the residew, whiche standeth in the Abbey of Westminster nigh to the Citie of London, with an inscrip- tion in Latine verses [on the frieze of the monument : — 1 Septimus hie situs est Henricus, gloria Regum Cunctorum, ipsius qui tempestate fuerunt. Ingenio atque opibus, gestarum et nomine rerum, Accessere quibus natune dona benigna? : Frontis honos, facies augusta, Heroica forma : Junctaque ei suavis Conjux, perpulchra, pudica, £t facunda fuit, fcelices prole parentes, Henricum quibus Octavum terra Anglia debes.'] l Which may thus bee Englished : — * Kinge Henrie the seventh heere lieth in this place, The glorie of all Kinges that lived at his age In wit and wealth, and deedes of noble grace. To whom befell the gifts of nature for vauntage. A princclie countenaunce, a favour grave and sage, A comly personage, and bewtie heroicall : And ech poinct of venustie ioyned therwithall. Unto him was coupled in wedlock's pleasant band An amiable Spouse in beautie right divine, Bashful] and verteous, and like a frutefull land Plentifull of children, sprong forth of princely line. Right happie parentes their issue so doth shine. To whom, o England, these thanks thou owest of right That ever Henrie the 8 was borne into thy sight.' All the whole Toumbe is gilten over, and it shineth faire, being round beset with precious stones but of the meanest sorte ; it hath in it also many turned and carved pillers, and very lyke unto this are the monumentes of the Kinges of Fraunce in Sainct Denise churche." See Dart's " History of Westminster Abbey," vol. i. p. 157. VI. SAMUEL KIECHEL, 1585. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN. ^=0=^* ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH, 1585. BY SAMUEL KIECHEL. The writer from whom the following extracts are taken was a merchant of Ulm, in Suabia, born 1563, died 1619. He employed several years of his youth (1 585-1 589) in travelling through most of the countries of Europe and a part of Asia. On his return he wrote an account of his peregrinations, the original manuscript of which, consisting of 545 folio pages, is said to be carefully pre- served by his descendants at Ulm. (Weyermann's " Neue Nachrichten von Gelehrten aus Ulm," 1829, p. 218.) The copy referred to by Weyermann, as being deposited in the City Library of Ulm, is no longer to be found there. A contemporary copy of the MS. is in the possession of Herr Nusser. Kiechel left Ulm, May 24, 1585. On September 8th he embarked at Flushing for Dover, andp roceeded towards London in the night of Saturday and Sunday, the 1 ith and 12th of September. He lodged at the sign of the White Bear, and remained in London and its neighbourhood until October 29th, when he was an eye-witness to the ceremony of inaugurating the Lord Mayor, Sir Wolstan Dixie. 113 He then set out on a trip to Scotland, returning to London, November 14th. On the 17th he was at Canterbury, and on the 21st he left England. The Baron Joseph von Hormayr published some extracts from Kiechel's Journal, in the u Archiv fur Geographie, Historie, Staats-und Kriegs- kunst" (4to. Wien, 1820), p. 267, from whence our notes are translated, but he has omitted to give the exact date of Kiechel's visit. For some of the above par- ticulars we are indebted to Herr Kohn, the Librarian of the Stadtbibliothek at Ulm. IECHEL saw Queen Elizabeth at Richmond. The yeomen of the guard by whom she was sur- rounded were clad in red cloth, with roses em- broidered in gold upon their breasts and backs. They were all u splendid (herrliche), tall, strong, and large men, 88 England as seen by Foreigners. like half-giants (halbe Rieseri) y so that one would not easily see their like again." Men and women, when they passed her Majesty, fell on their knees, and exclaimed, with uplifted hands, Gott sauve the Quene. Even nobles are accustomed to kneel on one knee when they are conversing with her. He was present at the election and swearing-in of the Lord Mayor in the as I have scarcely ever beheld, for they do not falsify a Equal to 2,500,000 dollars, or 500,000/. N 90 England as seen by Foreigners. (ketzern), paint or bedaub themselves as in Italy or other places ; but they are somewhat awkward in their style of dress (in der Kleidung was Plumps geheri) ; a for they dress in splendid stuffs, and many a one wears three cloth gowns or petticoats, one over the other. Item, when a foreigner or an inhabitant goes to a citizen's house on business, or is invited as a guest, and having entered therein, he is received by the master of the house, the lady, or the daughter, and by them welcomed (willkommen heissi)) — as it is termed in their language — he has even a right to take them by the arm and to kiss them (zu ktissen), which is the custom of the country, and if any one does not do so, it is regarded and imputed as ignorance and ill-breeding on his part : the same custom is also observed in the Netherlands." 117 ■ Baron von Hormayr observes here in a parenthesis : — " For which they are still blamed now-a-days ;" this ungallant remark was made, be it remembered, in the year 1820. VII. NOTES ON LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, ICQ2, 59 BY JOHN NORDEN, Surveyor. From his " Description of Middlesex." (British Museum, Harl. MS. 570.) *££0&~2 NOTES ON LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, 1592. BY JOHN NORDEN. OMERSETT HOWSE, scytuate in the Strond s™ nere the Thamise, buylded by the late Duke of H ' Somerset, not fully finished, yet a most stately howse, and of greate receyte ; havinge cheife prospecte towardes the sowth. And the sweete river of the Thamise offereth manie pleasinge delightes, [the feyldes also and the ayre sweete and pleasaunt. This howse her Ma Ue hath disposed unto] the right honorable lorde Hunsedon, Lorde Chamberlayne to her Ma tie hath under her Ma tie the use therof. 3 THE PrIXCIPALL MeAXES WHERBY THIS CyTIZ IS RELEEVED. CittcfWxst- MIX5TER. Comon experience teacheth that noe cytie, state, or comon weak be it never so glorious, can longe contynue, without some trade, trafrique or meane of releefe. a The above description was omitted in the printed edition of Norden's " Middlesex '' of 1593, and also in subsequent editions. The passages within brackets have been struck out in the manuscript. Norden's Notes have been introduced here as affording an appropriate illustration to the Journal of Duke Frederick of Wirtemberg of the same year. 94 England as seen by Foreigners. This Cytie of Westminster is known to have noe generall trade, wherby releefe might be administred unto the people, as of themselves, yet doe they live, and manie of them welthely. [The meanes therfore that they have are to be considered ; that they may be rather furthered to their content then hundred to their decaye.] The first and principall meane then, wherby their habilities are increased and their estates mayntaynedis her Ma t,es residence at Whytehall and S. Jeames, whence if her Ma ue be long absent, they beginn to complayne of penury and want, of a harde and miserable worlde. And therfore do the people in manner, in generall, seeme [but rather of custom than of devo- tion perchaunce] to powre fourth daylie peticions in their comon conference, that it might please God to send her Ma t,e to one of theis places. Havinge her highnes presence they rejoyce, they tryumph, they flourishe, and they thryve, some by victualinge, some by lodginge courtyers, some by one meanes, some by another; they are all glad, and fare well. And noe dowbt but they coulde wishe in their hartes that Whytehall were her Ma tie8 comon abode. But alas, what then shoulde other places that stand upon lyke termes doe ? Therfore hath her highnes a gratious consideration to visit theis places, alternis vicebus y and as it were, by turne, as muche for the comforte and releefe of all, as for her highnes owne pry vate pleasure. Ther- fore ye Cytizens of Westminster, and the reste, be not forgetfull of her gratious care of your comforte, and make your hartie peticions unto the Kinge of Kinges, to mayntayne her our prosperinge Quene longe, and manie yeares, and every faythfull heart will joyne with you, havinge also the benefit of her blessed inclynation. England as seen by Foreigners. 95 The 2 meane wherby this Cytie is maynteyned and the people releved, is, the 4 termes in the yeare, for it hath pleased God to establish amonge them the place wher justice, law, and every mannes right is (God graunt it) with equall ballaunce indifferently administred, wherunto greate multitudes of people usually flocke and resort : whose companie, althowgh the cytizens enjoye but the forenoones, yet yeldeth their pre- sence manie pence to the poore town. Ther was in the time of Edw. I. a discontynuance of the law in London, whence it was removed to Yorke, wher it contynued seven yeares, and then reduced to London. It hath bene so discontynued often, throwgh disfavour of princes, by conceyved displeasure agaynst the inhabitants of the place, as a punishment, which may be taken as a premonition to yow the inhabitants of this Cytie [of Westminster] that noe offence be comitted to move her Ma tie to conceyve evell of yow, least she forsake yow, and withdraw the place of the determynacion of the law from your quarter, and place it ellswhere. The 3 and last meane is that great and generall convention and consultation of all the estates of the lande, the high courte of Parliament [when it pleaseth her Ma" e to cause the same to be sumoned] w ch causeth a great assembly both of the nobilitie and inferiour persons to give attendaunce within this Cytie, w ch is noe small releefe unto the same w ch also wee reed, hath bene helde at dyvers other places within this realme. And maye be at her Ma ties pleasure also removed hence. Theis are the moste principall meanes wherby this Cytie is maynteyned and wheron it dependeth, w cl1 beinge but discon- tynued weakeneth the samej but were they taken away, it could not but perish. Lamentable is the time present, wherin even 96 England as seen by Foreigners. now the judgements of God seeme to be hotly incensed agaynste the cyties both of London and Westminster, for he hath sent fourth his worde of displeasure and caused the ayre to be pesti- lently infected ; wherthrowgh great mortalitie ensueth : which banisheth manie from the Cyties that were inhabitants, and pre- venteth the cominge of others, to the great hindraunce of the people. But which more is, and to the more mayn discom- fiture and hindraunce of states of theis Cyties, this present Michas terme, the most beneficiall of all . the reste, is removed from Westminster to Hertforde, to the great decaye of the comen state of the poore inhabitants of Westminster. But this corruption seemeth in manner generally dispersed in manie quarters of the realme w ch showeth the corruption of our conversations to be generall, not only of Westminster, but of east, west, north, and south ; all have corrupted their wayes, and a more gentle correction the Lorde can not lay upon us ; it is in love, to call us to reformation, and without spedy and hartye repentaunce, we shall lykewise perish. 3 Westminster Westminster Hall is known to manie, a terror to a multi- tude and a golden myne to some : a hundred clowted shoose in euerye shire will shake me up if I wryte awrye of this, for they know tis a great howse, they find it a chargeable howse, and they love little, for the most parte, to visit this howse. This stately buyldinge, a buyldinge of great maiestye, having the name of Westminster Hall, as some and the most .doe imagine of the greatnes of the hall so farr excedinge in magni- tude all other halls. [But I rather gather that it was so called before the resort nor dowbt of contynuall concourse of the a This doleful description of the Westminster of 1592 differs somewhat from, and is more extended than, that printed in the following year. Hall. England as seen by Foreigners. 97 people therunto for the determinacion of causes at the severall courts therin helde]. We know that a hall thowgh it be one member of the howse, and that the principall, yet the whole howse oftentimes beareth the name of hall, as Whyte hall, New hall, Copte hall, and infinite moe ; so I gather that this whole howse of the new pallace hath the name of Westminster Hall, in regarde it was Aula Regis, a princes courte, a royall and kingly howse. But of the founder there is varietie amonge wryters. 3 Ther is adjoininge unto this famous temple, in the easte henry vii. ende therof a Chappell erected by H. 7, the bewtie and curious contriued worke wherof, passeth my sky 11 at lardge to sett down, so sumptuous, so curious, and so full of exquisite arte it is, both within and without. And which is not least to be con- sidered, the foundacion is most artificially proportioned, and it showeth most exquisyte inuencion and skill, in the M r buylder : for the foundacion is the guyde to extruct a formall and artifi- cill worke. Out Gf this curious foundacion groweth (as Lealand sayth) Or his miraculum — the wounder of the worlde, in regarde of the most curious and artificiall workemanship therof; where- fore I dare not wade too farr in discrybing the bewtie and forme therof, least my sences and skyll faylinge me, I be forced to retire w lh out performinge what I began. Only thus much I dare aduenture to reporte, that whoso beholdeth the exteriour partes, w tb due concideracion of euerye matter of sin- guler arte, will confesse it to be a worke, wherof (be he neuer so wise or elloquent) he can not sufficiently demonstrate euerye perticuler poynt of bewtie, that therin may be noted. But a Omitted in the printed editions. o 98 England as seen by Foreigners. beholding w th judgement, the body and internall glorie, he shall finde it so admirable both in the vautinge on the roofe, in regarde of the curiosetie of the work, as also in the proportion ; and the walls, wyndowes and the rest so exquisytly performed, that he will deeme it to be the only rare worke in the worlde, and as Lealande say th the wounder of the worlde. This mirror of art and architecture], is not only in it selfe bewtifull, but it is also bewtifled w th manie rare and glorious monuments and curious sepulcres of Kinges and Quenes, amonge whome the founder lyeth, H. 7, under a most royall toombe framed and artificially formed wholy of brasse, richlye layde over w th golde, w ch now seemeth somthing to have lost the bewtie. 3 Old palace at Ther is nere this famous Chappell [Henry Vllth's] a place called the Olde Pallace y w ch was somtime the pallace of a Kinge, thowgh now browght to y e grounde, and greene grasse grow wher it stood. . . . This place w ch now carieth the name of the Olde Pallace, showeth it selfe to have bene, in times paste, full of buyldinges. Ther are apparant tokens in a wall yet stand- inge, that ther were manie vautes, sellers, and such like offices in that place w ch now is a playne feylde; ther are yet certeyne towres standinge, adioyning unto the Colledge wall, w ch seeme to have bene parcell of that Pallace ; manye buyldinges have bene towardes the mill and upon the Thames syde, extendinge as farr as St. Stephenes Chappell, the olde buyldinges, ioyninge unto the same belonged unto this olde pallace, w ch was consumed w th fire in the time of Edwarde the Confessor. a In the printed edition of 1593, the description of Henry the VII. 's Chapel occupies only eight lines ; and that of the Old Palace which follows, three lines only. England as seen by Foreigners. 99 Growinge now by order to make vew of her Ma ts [Majesty's] Whitehall howses, the first, from this former new pallace, y* offereth it selfe in vew is the glorious Whyte hall, a regall mancion scytuate upon the Thamise [nere Charing] bewtefull and lardge, adorned w th manie fayre galleries, stately furnished w th moste artificiall and dilectable pictures, tables, and such like princely orna- ments. [A most lardge and princely garden full of pleasaunt walks and other delightes, an orcharde also replenished w th like pleasures thowgh the place more solitarye.] From the Pallace is a verye statlye passage to the Thamise for her Ma tie to take bardge, to passe at her pleasure the plea- sant streame. A passage not inferiour to the former, leadeth also into the Parke called by the name of S* Jeames parke, but it aunswereth as fitlye unto this Whyte hall, much might be spoken of the ellegancye of this howse ; it resteth to show by whom it was buylded. It is sayde ther was a beginninge by Cardynall Woulsey. But the famous Kinge Hen. the 8, browght it by great expence unto this princely forme, and erected also the 2 new gates leadinge to Kingstreete in Westminster : gates full of bewtie and state ; he caused also to be erected for recreacion, the Tennyes Courtes, the bowling allyes, cockpittes, and other places of exercise, nere this princely hall, [as the Tylt rayle for the mayntenaunce and exercise of martial feates. And manie have bene the triumphant showes, most glorious to all beholders, which have bene in her Ma ties dayes, whose gratious eyes, God voutsaufe to beholde w th comforte manie more. So shall her manie thowsand thowsande poor subjectes triumphe in her princely presence.] 3 a Norden was satisfied with one line and a-half for this description in his printed work. Palace. ioo England as seen by Foreigners. St. James's Not farr from this glorious hall, another of her highnes Palace howses, descryeth it selfe, of a quadrate forme, erected of brick, the exterior shape vvherof althowgh it appeare w ,h out . anie sumptuous or superfluous devises ; yet is the plott verie princely, and the same w th arte contrived, v/ithin and without. [Itstandeth from other buyldinges, about i furlonge, saving a ferme howse opposite agaynste the north gate. But the scytuacion is pleasant, indued with a good ayre and pleasant prospects, on the east London orTereth it self in vew ; in the sowth the stately buyld- inges of Westminster, w ,h the pleasant parke and the delightes therof; on the north the grene feeldes. It was buylded by Kinge Hen. the 8.] Not farr from this place was founde the bone of a man of an admirable magnitude of late yeares, by a man laboringe in a gravel pitt, as it is reported, the vew wherof I have desired, but it is broken and spoyled [as they saye.] a The Deanery In the south side of S. Peters Church [the Abbey], annexed unto the walls of the same, the Deane of Westminster, now STER. D. Goodman, hath his mansion howse, wherunto adjoyneth . fayre cloysters, lardge lodginges, pleasaunt walkes, and manie auncient buyldinges, w ch in time paste have bene helde in great price in regarde of the delightes they dyd administer unto the abbott, munks and fryers, whoe were removed thence about the time of H[enry] 7, and a Deane established w th certeyne prebendes. Hyde Park. Hyde parke substancially impayled with a fayre lodge and princelye standes therin. It is a stately parke and full of fayre game. The right honorab. Lo. Hunsdon, Lorde Chamblayne to her M tie M[aste]r of the game. a Omitted in the printed editions. VIII. PAUL HENTZNER, 1598. TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN. ^P EXTRACTS FROM PAUL HENTZNER'S TRAVELS IN ENGLAND, 1598. This interesting Journal was penned by Paul Hentzner, a native of Branden- burg, a jurist by profession, and counsellor to Duke Charles of Miinsterberg and Oels. He was a man possessed of great and various attainments, and in August and September of the above-mentioned year visited this country as companion or travelling tutor to Christoph Rehdiger, a young nobleman of Silesia. Some Bohemians — one of whom was the celebrated Slawata — joined company in seeing the sights in England, and the party would seem to have journeyed on horseback. The author died in 1623. The first edition of the original Latin Itinerary of Germany, France, &c. appeared at Nuremberg in 161 2, in 4to. Horace Walpole printed in 1757, for private circulation, the portion relating to England, with an English translation — omitting however the dates of visit. Although this is gene- rally quoted as Walpole's translation, it was made by Richard Bentley, the son of the celebrated Master of Trinity. This version we have used for the extracts which follow, and have revised, enlarged, and annotated the same, while other extracts, descriptive of places visited by Hentzner, are distributed among the Notes at the end of our volume. r JJ5^5|LIZABETH, the reigning Queen of England, was Queen iaS jg^ born at the Royal Palace of Greenwich, and here g^Lnwich! IJrlsW sne generally resides, particularly in summer, for G^^&gZm Jm the delightfulness of its situation. We were ad- mitted by an order, which Mr. Rogers (Daniel Rogerius) had 104 - England as seen by Foreigners. procured from the Lord Chamberlain, into the Presence-Chamber hung with rich tapestry, and the floor, after the English fashion, strewed with hay, a through which the Queen commonly passes in her way to chapel. At the door stood a gentleman dressed in velvet, with a gold chain, whose office was to introduce to the Queen any person of distinction that came to wait on her. It was Sunday [Sept. 6, n. s.], when there is usually the greatest attendance of nobility. In the same hall were the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, a great number of Counsellors of State, Officers of the Crown, and Gentlemen, who waited the Queen's coming out, which she did from her own apartment when it was time to go to prayers, attended in the following manner : — First went Gentlemen, Barons, Earls, Knights of the Garter, all richly dressed and bareheaded ; next came the Lord High Chancellor of England, bearing the seals in a red silk purse, be- tween two, one of whom carried the royal sceptre, the other the sword of state in a red scabbard, studded with golden fleur-de- lis, the point upwards ; next came the Queen, in the 65th year of her age (as we were told), very majestic ; her face oblong, fair but wrinkled ; her eyes small, yet black and pleasant ; her nose a little hooked, her lips narrow, and her teeth black, (a defect the English seem subject to, from their too great use of sugar) ; b she had in her ears two pearls with very rich drops ; her hair was of an auburn colour, but false (crinem fulvutn, sed facti- tium) ; 118 upon her head she had a small crown, reported to be made of some of the gold of the celebrated Luneburg table ; 119 her bosom was uncovered, as all the English ladies have it till a " Foeno." He probably means rushes. — Walpole. b See Note 20. England as seen by Foreigners. 105 they marry ; and she had on a necklace of exceeding fine jewels ; her hands were slender, her fingers rather long, and her stature neither tall nor low ; her air was stately, her manner of speaking mild and obliging. That day she was dressed in white silk, bordered with pearls of the size of beans, and over it a mantle of black silk shot with silver threads; her train was very long, the end of it borne by a marchioness ; instead of a chain, she had an oblong collar of gold and jewels. As she went along in all this state and magnificence, she spoke very graciously, first to one, then to another (whether foreign ministers, or those who attend for different reasons), in English, French, and Italian ; for besides being well skilled in Greek, Latin, and the languages I have mentioned, she is mistress of Spanish, Scotch, and Dutch (Belgicum). Whoever speaks to her, it is kneeling ; now and then she raises some with her hand. While we were there, William Slawata, 120 a Bohemian baron, had letters to present to her; and she, after pulling off her glove, gave him her right hand to kiss, sparkling with rings and jewels— a mark of par- ticular favour. Wherever she turned her face as she was going along, everybody fell down on their knees. The ladies of the court followed next to her, very handsome and well- shaped, and for the most part dressed in white. She was guarded on each side by the gentlemen pensioners, fifty in number, with gilt halberds. In the ante-chapel, next the hall where we were, petitions were presented to her, and she received them most graciously, which occasioned the acclamation of God save the £>uene Elizabeth ! 121 She answered it with / thancke you myn good peupel. In the chapel was excellent music ; as soon as it and the service were over, which scarcely exceeded half-an-hour, the Queen returned in the same state and order, p 1 06 England as seen by Foreigners. and prepared to go to dinner. But while she was still at prayers, we saw her table set out with the following solemnity : — A gentleman entered the room bearing a rod, and along with him another who had a table-cloth, which after they had both knelt three times, with the utmost veneration, he spread upon the table, and after kneeling again, they both retired. Then came two others, one with the rod again, the other with a salt- cellar, a plate and bread ; when they had knelt as the others had done, and placed what was brought upon the table, they too retired with the same ceremonies performed by the first. At last came an unmarried lady of extraordinary beauty (we were told that she was a countess) and along with her a married one, bearing a tasting-knife ; the former was dressed in white silk, who, when she had prostrated herself three times, in the most graceful manner approached the table and rubbed the plates with bread and salt with as much awe as if the Queen had been present. When they had waited there a little while, the yeomen of the guard entered, bareheaded, clothed in scarlet, with a golden rose upon their backs, bringing in at each turn a course of twenty-four dishes, served in silver most of it gilt ; these dishes were received by a gentleman in the same order as they were brought and placed upon the table, while the lady-taster gave to each of the guard a mouthful to eat of the particular dish he had brought, for fear of any poison. During the time that this guard, which consists of the tallest and stoutest men that can be found in all England, 100 in number, being carefully selected for this service, were bringing dinner, twelve trumpets and two kettle-drums made the hall ring for half-an-hour together. At the end of all this ceremonial, a number of unmarried ladies appeared, who with particular solemnity lifted the meat off the England as seen by Foreigners, 107 table, and conveyed it into the Queen's inner and more private chamber, where after she had chosen for herself, the rest goes to the ladies of the Court. The Queen dines and sups alone with very few attendants ; and it is very seldom that any body, foreigner or native, is admitted at that time, and then only at the intercession of some distinguished personage. 122 Near this palace is the Queen's park, stocked with various wild animals. Such parks are common throughout England, belonging to those that are distinguished either for their rank or riches. In the middle of this is an old square tower, called Mirefleur^ supposed to be that mentioned in the Romance of Amadis de Gaula ; and joining to it a plain, where knights and other gentlemen use to meet at set times and holidays to exercise on horseback. It is worthy of observation, that every year upon St. Bartho- Bartholomew lomew's Day, when the Fair is held, it is usual for the Mayor, my Lord attended by the twelve principal Aldermen, to walk into a neighbouring field, dressed in his scarlet gown, and about his neck a golden chain, to which is hung a Golden Fleece, and be- sides, that particular ornament [the collar of SS], which dis- tinguishes the most noble Order of the Garter. During the year of his magistracy, he is obliged to live so magnificently that foreigner or native, without any expense, is free, if he can find a chair empty, to dine at his table, where there is always the greatest plenty. When the Mayor goes out of the precincts of the City, a sceptre, a sword, and a cap are borne before him, and he is followed by the principal Aldermen in scarlet gowns, with gold chains ; himself and they on horseback. Upon their arrival at a place appointed for that purpose, where a tent is pitched, the mob begin to wrestle before them, two at a time ; the con- Mayor. PUCKERIDGE. Woodstock Palace. i 08 England as seen by Foreigners. querors receive rewards from the Mayor. After this is over, a parcel of live rabbits are turned loose among the crowd, which boys chase with great noise. While we were at this show, one of our company, Tobias Salander, Doctor of Physic, had his pocket picked of his purse, with nine crowns {ecus du soleil), which without doubt was so cleverly taken from him by an Englishman who always kept very close to him, that the Doctor did not in the least perceive it. 123 A village : this was the first place where we observed that the beds at inns were made by the waiters. This palace, abounding in magnificence, was built by Henry I, to which he joined a very large park, enclosed with a stone wall ; according to John Rosse, the first park in England. In this very palace the present reigning Queen Elizabeth, before she was confined to the Tower, was kept prisoner by her sister Mary : while she was detained here, in the utmost peril of her life, she wrote with a piece of charcoal the following English verses, composed by herself, upon a window-shutter: 1 " 1 — Hentzner. Oh fortune thy Wresting wavering state, Hath franght with Cares my troubled vvitt; Whese witnes this present prisonn late, Could beare mhere once was Ioy sloune quitt, Thon causedst the gniltle to be losed, Frombandes wehre innocents wehre indosed, And consed the gniltles, te be reserned. And freed these that death had Vvell deserned, Walpole. O Fortune! how thy restless wavering state Hath fraught with cares my troubled wit ! [Fate Witness this present prison whither Hath borne me, and the joys I quit. Thou causedest the guilty to be loosed From bands, wherewith are innocents inclosed ; Causing the guiltless to be strait re- served, And freeing those that death had well deserved : England as seen by Foreigners. 109 Butt allhereni canbe nothing Vvronghle, But by her envy can be nothing So God send to my foes althey have wrought, tonghle. So God send to my foes all they Elisabethe the Prisonner. nave thought. 1555. a.d. m.d.lv. Elizabeth Prisoner. All that remains of Rosamond Clifford's tomb of stone, the letters of which are almost worn out, is the line — "* * * * Adorent, Utque tibi detur requies Rosamunda precamur. , ' The rhyming epitaph was probably the performance of some monk: — " Hie jacet in tumba Rosa mundi non Rosamunda, Non redolet sed olet, quae redolere solet." The soil is fruitful and abounds with cattle, which inclines Description of the inhabitants rather to feeding than ploughing, so that near a manners' third part of the land is left uncultivated for grazing. The climate is most temperate at all times, and the air never heavy, consequently maladies are scarcer, and less physic is used there than anywhere else. There are but few rivers. Though the soil is productive, it bears no wine ; but that want is supplied from abroad by the best kinds, as of Orleans, Gascon, Rhenish, and Spanish. The general drink is ale, which is prepared from barley, and is excellently well tasted, but strong and intoxicating (cerevisia . . . qua facile eos inebriaf). There are many hills without one tree or any spring, which produce a very short and tender grass, and supply plenty of food to sheep ; upon these wander numerous flocks extremely white, and whether from the temperature of the air or goodness of the earth, bearing softer S AND Customs. 1 1 o England as seen by Foreigners. and finer fleeces than those of any other country. This is the true Golden Fleece, in which consist the chief riches of the inha- bitants, great sums of money being brought into the island by merchants, chiefly for that article of trade. The dogs here are particularly good. It has mines of gold, silver and tin (of which all manner of table utensils are made, in brightness equal to silver, and used all over Europe), of lead, and of iron, but not much of the latter. The horses are small but swift. Glass-houses are in plenty here. The English are grave like the Germans, lovers of show ; followed wherever they go by whole troops of servants, who wear their masters' arms in silver fastened to their left arms, and are not undeservedly ridiculed for wearing tails hanging down their backs. They excel in dancing and music, for they are active and lively, though of a thicker make than the French ; they cut their hair close on the middle of the head, letting it grow on either side ; they are good sailors and better pirates, cunning, treacherous, and thievish ; above 300 are said to be hanged annually at London ; beheading with them is less in- famous than hanging ; they give the wall as the place of honour ; hawking is the common sport with the gentry. They are more polite in eating than the French, consuming less bread but more meat, which they roast in perfection ; they put a great deal of sugar in their drink ; their beds are covered with tapestry, even those of farmers ; they are often molested with the scurvy, said to have first crept into England with the Nor- man Conquest ; their houses are commonly of two stories 3 except in London, where they are of three and four, though but seldom of four ; they are built of wood, those of the richer sort with bricks, their roofs are low, and where the owner has England as seen by Foreigners, i ii money, covered with lead. They are powerful in the field, successful against their enemies, impatient of anything like sla- very ; vastly fond of great noises that fill the ear, such as the firing of cannon, drums, and the ringing of bells, so that in London it is common for a number of them that have got a glass in their heads {qui se inebriaverint) to go up into some belfry, and ring the bells for hours together, for the sake of exercise. If they see a foreigner very well made, or particularly handsome, they will say, " It is a pity he is not an Englishman" {dolor e dicunt quod non sit homo Anglicus, vulgo Englishmen). 125 September 14th. As we were returning to our inn [at Harvest-home. Windsor], we happened to meet some country people cele- brating their Harvest-home {spicilegia sua celebr antes) ; their last load of corn they crown with flowers, having besides an image richly dressed, by which perhaps they would signify Ceres ; this they keep moving about, while men and women, men and maid- servants, riding through the streets in the cart, shout as loud as they can till they arrive at the barn. The farmers here do not bind up their corn in sheaves, as they do with us, but directly they have reaped or mowed it, put it into carts and convey it into their barns. There is a certain sect in England called Puritans. These, puritans according to the doctrine of the Church of Geneva, reject all ceremonies anciently held, and admit of neither organs nor epitaphs in their places of worship, and entirely abhor all difference of rank among ecclesiastics, such as bishops, abbots, &c. They were first named Puritans by the Jesuit Sanders. They do not live separate, but mix with those of the Church of England in the colleges. We came to Canterbury on foot. Being tired, we refreshed a n alarm near Dover. 1 1 2 England as seen by Foreigners, ourselves with a mouthful of bread and some ale, and immedi- ately mounted post-horses, and arrived about two or three hours after nightfall at Dover. In our way to it, which was rough and dangerous enough, the following accident happened to us. Our guide or postillion {dux vise, vulgo postilion) a youth, was before with two of our company, about the distance of a musket-shot, we by not following quick enough had lost sight of our friends ; we came afterwards to where the road divided, on the right it was down hill and marshy, on the left was a small hill ; whilst we stopped here in doubt, and consulted which of the roads we should take, we saw all on a sudden on our right-hand some horsemen, their stature, dress, and horses exactly resembling those of our friends; glad of having found them again, we determined to set on after them ; but it hap- pened through God's mercy,, that though we called to them, they did not answer us, but kept on down the marshy road, at such a rate that their horses' feet struck fire at every stroke, which made us with reason begin to suspect that they were robbers, having had warning of such, or rather that they were nocturnal spectres, which as we were afterwards told, are frequently seen in those places ; there were likewise a great many Jack-w'- a-lanthorns (ignes fatui), so that we were quite seized with horror and amazement. But fortunately for us, our guide soon after sounded his horn, and we following the noise, turned down the left-hand road, and arrived safe to our companions ; who, when we had asked them if they had not seen the horsemen who had gone by us ? answered, not a soul. Our opinions, according to custom, were various upon this matter ; but whatever the thing was, we were without doubt in imminent danger, from which that we escaped the glory is to be ascribed to God alone. Money. England as seen by Foreigners. 1 1 3 We take ship for Calais (Sept. 24). In our company were departure and the noble Lord Wilhelm Slawata, a Bohemian baron, with his engmsV ' servant Corfutius Rudth, a noble Dane, Wilhelm and Adolphus ab Eynatten, brothers, from Juliers, and Henricus Hoen their relation. Before we set sail from hence [i.e. Dover], each of us was obliged to give his name, the reason of his visit to England, and the place to which he was going. This having been done, and permission to depart obtained, our valises (yallisite) and trunks were opened by those who are appointed for this object, and most diligently examined for the sake of discovering English money, for no one is allowed to carry out of England more than tQti English pounds. Whatever surplus there may be, it is taken away and paid into the royal Exchequer. 1 ' 26 IX. JUAN FERNANDEZ DE VELASCO, CONSTABLE OF CASTILE, 1604. TRANSLATED FROM THE SPANISH. BANQUET AND ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN BY JAMES I. TO THE CONSTABLE OF GASTILE AT WHITEHALL PALACE, ON SUNDAY, AUG. 19, l604- a Juan Fernandez de Velasco, Duke de Frias, and Constable of Castile, was the Ambassador empowered by Philip III. to negotiate and conclude a peace between this country and Spain. At the time of the Constable's arrival at Somerset House, where he was lodged, (Aug. ~) f b King James was seventy miles away from London, engaged in his favourite diversion of hunting, and he was reluctantly compelled to hasten his return to the capital, in order to attend to the important business in hand. On Sunday Aug. ff. the ceremony of swearing to the Peace took place in the Chapel at Whitehall ; after which ensued the a We have introduced here an etching representing a banquet given at York House, the residence of the Duke of Buckingham, on Nov. 18, 1623, in honour of Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, the Spanish ambassador who had accompanied Prince Charles from Spain, Don Carlos Coloma, and Don Diego Mexia ; his Majesty and the Prince appearing as the entertainers. The original engraving occurs upon a single folio sheet of letter-press printed at Madrid in 1624, descriptive of the "singular favors" conferred upon the former ambassador by James I. In the intervening period between the banquet given to the Con- stable of Castile and that represented in the etching, no material change either in custom or costume would have been likely to take place ; the editor has therefore thought that the illustration would be both appropriate and acceptable. b The 10th of Aug. in England — the difference between the old and new styles being ten days at this period. 1 1 8 England as seen by Foreigners. banquet-scene, which we have translated from the very rare contemporary Spanish pamphlet in the British Museum (once in King James's own library) entitled : " Relacion de la Jornada del exc mo Condestable de Castilla, a las pazes entre Hespana y Inglaterra," &c. printed by Plantin at Antwerp (Anveres) in 1604, 4to. An abstract of this interesting work was made by the late Mr. Konig and used by Sir H. Ellis (" Original Letters;" 2nd Ser. vol. 3. p. 207, &c), but in this there are some remarkable mistakes, particularly concerning the Princess Elizabeth, upon whose birthday, on the Sunday above mentioned, the court- feast, the ball, and the sports herein described, were celebrated. HE Audience Chamber was elegantly furnished, having a buffet of several stages, filled with various pieces of ancient and modern gilt plate of exquisite workmanship. A railing was placed on each side of the room in order to prevent the crowd from approaching too near the table. At the right hand upon entering was another buffet, containing rich vessels of gold, agate and other precious stones. The table might be about five yards in length, and more than one yard broad. The dishes were brought in by gentlemen and servants of the King, who were accompanied by the Lord Chamberlain, and before placing them on the table they made four or five obeisances. The Earls of Pembroke (Panbrue) and of Southampton 3 officiated as gentlemen-ushers. Their Majesties with the Prince [Henry] entered after the Con- stable and the others, and placed themselves at their throne, and all stood in a line to hear the grace said ; the Constable being at the King's side and the Count de Villamediana 127 on the Queen's. Their Majesties washed their hands in the same basin, the Lord Treasurer handing the towel to the King, and the High Admiral a Shakespeare's friends and patrons. England as seen by Foreigners. 1 1 9 to the Queen. The Prince washed in another basin, in which water was also taken to the Constable, who was waited upon by the same gentlemen. They took their seats in the following manner : their Majesties sat at the head of the table, at a distance from each other, under the canopy of state, the Queen being on the right hand, on chairs of brocade with cushions ; and at her side, a little apart, sat the Constable, on a tabouret of brocade with a high cushion of the same, and on the side of the King the Prince was seated in like manner. On the opposite side of the table and on the right sat Count Villamediana, and next to him the Senator Rovida opposite the Constable; and on the same side with the Senator, nearly fronting the Prince, were seated the President Richardot and the Audiencier ; a space in front being left vacant owing to the absence of the Count d'Arembergue, who was prevented by the gout from attending. The principal noblemen of the kingdom were likewise at the table, in particular the Duke of Lennox ; the Earl of Arundel ; the Earl of Suffolk, lord chamberlain ; the Earl of Dorset, lord treasurer ; the Earl of Nottingham (Nortinan)> high admiral ; the Earls of Devon- shire (JDensier), of Southampton and of Pembroke ; the Earl of Northumberland ; the Earl of Worcester (Huester), master of the horse ; the Earls of Shrewsbury (Sosfrren), of Sussex, of Derby (de Arbe)> and of Essex, and the Lord Chancellor — all being Knights of the Garter ; also Barons Cecil and Wotton (Otton), and the Lord Kinloss {9$uinglos)> a privy councillor ; Sir Thomas Erskine (Esquin) y captain of the guard ; Sir John Ramsay {Juan Ranse) and James Lindsay (Jay me Linzel), Scotchmen ; and other barons and gentlemen of quality. There was plenty of in- strumental music, and the banquet was sumptuous and profuse. The first thing the King did was to send the Constable a melon 120 England as seen by Foreigners. and half a dozen of oranges on a very green branch, telling him that they were the fruit of Spain transplanted into England ; to which the latter, kissing his hand, replied that he valued the gift more as coming from his Majesty than as being the fruit of his own country ; he then divided the melon with their Majesties, and Don Blasco de Aragon handed the plate to the Queen, who politely and graciously acknowledged the attention. Soon after- wards the King stood up, and with his head uncovered drank to the Constable the health of their Spanish Majesties, and may the peace be happy and perpetual ! The Constable pledged him in like manner, and replied that he entertained the same hope and that from the peace the greatest advantages might result to both crowns and to Christendom. The toast was then drunk by the Count Villamediana and the others present, to the delight and applause of their Majesties. Immediately afterwards, the Con- stable, seeing that another opportunity might not be afforded him, rose and drank to the King the health of the Queen from the lid of a cup of agate of extraordinary beauty and richness, set with diamonds and rubies, praying his Majesty would con- descend to drink the toast from the cup, which he did accordingly, and ordered it to be passed round to the Prince and the others ; and the Constable directed that the cup should remain in his Majesty's buffet. At this period the peopled shouted out : Peace , peac e, peace ! God save the King ! God save the King ! God save the King ! and a king at arms presented himself before the table, and after the drums, trumpets, and other instruments had sounded, with a loud voice said in English : — c that the kingdom returned many thanks to his Majesty for having concluded with the King of Spain so advantageous a peace, and he prayed to God that it might endure for many ages, and his England as seen by Foreigners, 121 subjects hoped that his Majesty would endeavour with all his might to maintain it, so that they might enjoy from it tranquillity and repose, and that security and advantage might result to all his people ; and therefore they prayed him to allow the same to be published in the kingdoms and dominions of his Majesty.' The King gave permission accordingly and the peace was forth- with proclaimed in that city, the proclamation being repeated at every fifty paces. The Constable rose a second time, and drank to the Queen the health of the King from a very beautiful dragon-shaped cup of crystal garnished with gold, drinking from the cover, and the Queen standing up gave the pledge from the cup itself, Don Blasco de Aragon performing on this occasion the office of cupbearer as also interpreter to what was spoken by the Constable and the Queen, on whose [i. e. the Queen's] buffet he ordered that the cup should remain. After this, the King drank to the President Richardot and the Audiencier the health of their Highnesses [the Archdukes] saying in French how much he esteemed them, and how desirous he was to live on terms of the strictest amity with them. Soon afterwards the King sent to the Constable an important message (un gran recaudo) by the Earl of Northampton, telling him that this was a happy day for him, since he had made peace on it, and it was the anniversary of his children's birthdays, the Princess Elizabeth (Isabella) being four years' old, 128 and therefore he hoped from her name that she might be the means of preserving the kingdoms of Spain and England in friendship and union, unlike that other hostile Elizabeth (otra Isabella enemiga) who had caused so much mischief: hence he gave the Constable permission to drink the health of his children. His Excellency drank the toast accordingly, and in reply aptly 122 England as seen by Foreigners. quoted those lines of Sannazaro on the birth of the Virgin, in which, describing how our Lady had repaired the evil which Eve brought upon the world, he says : — " Curnque caput fuerit tantorumque una malorum Fcemina principium, lacrimasque et funera terris Intulerit, nunc auxilium ferat ipsa, modumque Qua licet afflictis imponat fcemina rebus." The King now for the fourth time drank to the Constable the health of the Princess of Spain, 129 and took this opportunity to reiterate his desire for the inviolability and durability of the peace which had been established in spite of knaves and malignant persons. The Constable made proper acknowledgments for this message, and asserted that it would be so, and that he hoped this union would produce important results, to the advantage of God's service, their Majesties' kingdoms and Christendom. The banquet now proceeded ; at length, after other healths and mes- sages from the King and Queen, it was brought to a conclusion, having lasted about three hours. The cloth having been re- moved, every one immediately rose up ; the table was placed upon the ground, 2 and their Majesties standing upon it, pro- ceeded to wash their hands, which is stated to be an ancient ceremony. The Constable invited Count Villamediana to wash in his basin, and the other Commissioners washed in others. Their Majesties then withdrew to their apartment, and the Constable and Count were conducted to a handsome gallery, adorned with various paintings, where they remained more than a Meaning probably, removed from the dais. " Pusieron la mesa en el suelo, y los Reyes, de pies sobre ella para Javarse las manos, como lo hizieron ; que dizen ser ceremonia antigua." England as seen by Foreigners. 1 2 3 an hour. In the meantime dancing had begun in the said [Audience] Chamber, and the Constable and Count were in- formed in the name of their Majesties that they were then waiting for them to go and see it. Accordingly they proceeded thither in company of their Majesties, who seated themselves beneath the canopy of state, and the Constable took his place close to the King's chair ; next to him sat the Count Villame- diana, and then the other Commissioners in a row. There were present at this ball more than fifty ladies of honour, very richly and elegantly dressed, and extremely beautiful, besides many others who, with the noblemen and gentlemen that were present at the dinner, were already engaged in dancing. After a little while the Prince [Henry] was commanded by his parents to dance a galliard, and they pointed out to him the lady who was to be his partner ; and this he did with much sprightliness and modesty, cutting several capers in the course of the dance {con algunas cabriolas). The Earl of Southampton then led out the Queen, and three other gentlemen their several partners, who all joined in dancing a Brando. In another, her Majesty danced with the Duke of Lennox. After this they began a galliard, which in Italy is called planton; 130 and in it a lady led out the Prince, who then led out another lady whom their Majesties pointed out to him. After this a Brando was danced, and that being over, the Prince stood up to dance a correnta, which he did very gracefully. The Earl of Southampton was now again the Queen's partner, and they went through the correnta like- wise. Hereupon the ball ended, and all then took their places at the windows of the room which looked out upon a square, where a platform was raised, and a vast crowd had assembled to see the King's bears fight with greyhounds (leBreles). 131 This i 24 England as seen by Foreigners. afforded great amusement. Presently a bull, tied to the end of a rope, was fiercely baited by dogs. After this certain tumblers came who danced upon a rope, and performed various foats of agility and skill on horseback. With this ended the entertain- ment and the day, and their Majesties now retired, being accompanied by the Constable and the other noblemen to their apartment, before entering which, many compliments passed on both sides, and their Majesties and the Prince shook hands with the Constable and the Count ; and the other Spanish cavaliers kissed hands and took their departure. The Constable and the others upon quitting the ball-room were accompanied by the Lord Chamberlain to the farthest room, and by the Earl of Devonshire and other gentlemen to their coaches ; more than fifty halberdiers lighting them with torches {con achas) until they reached home, where as many others were awaiting their arrival. Being fatigued, the Constable and the Count supped that night in private, and the others at the ordinary table. Monday, the 30th. The Constable awoke with a slight attack of lumbago {un poco de mal de hijadd). JOHANN JACOB GRASSER, CIRCA l6o6. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, NOTES ON ENGLAND, CIRCA 1606. BY JOHANN JACOB GRASSER. The author was a Swiss historian and pastor, born at Basle, 1579, died 1627. He studied antiquities in France, and was Professor at Nismes. (Leu s Hel- vetiscbes Lexicon.} He travelled into England, and returned to his native country about 1608. He published at Basle in 16 10, 8vo. " Frantzosische und Englische Schatzkammer," &c. The notices u Of the beautiful and powerful Kingdom of England" occupy pp. 235 — 264 of this work. T is so populous (he says), that the king can bring into the field 100,000 foot, and 20,000 horse- men. 132 In former times, the kings of England regularly maintained ships of war by the hundred ; but at the present day any considerable number of these, such as some seventy or eighty, are not seen without the greatest astonishment. However, the English say for certain, that they employ daily above 2000 ships on the sea. Speaking of West- minster Abbey, he says, iC Since I was in England, a magnificent monument has been erected to Queen Elizabeth." In front of St. Paul's Church, he cc saw a Jesuit [Henry Garnet ?], sixty- 128 England as seen by Foreigners. three years of age — an eloquent and daring man — quartered on account of treason and the gunpowder plot." 3 The author was invited to dine with " Milord Maier" through Doctor Medusius, in company with Herr Eckenstein and H. Meyer. Richmond. Henry VII. died here. His blood, which he ordered to be sprinkled on the wall, is still to be seen in the room wherein he died. 133 Many old written and printed books are in the Palace. Also a large circular mirror, in which King Henry VII. by means of magic saw what was passing everywhere both by sea and land. The secret passages used by this king were first discovered under Queen Elizabeth. Theobalds is called by Grasser " Dieboltz." a Garnet was executed in St. Paul's Churchyard, May 3rd, 1606. He was born about the year 1554. — Jardine's Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. XL JUSTUS ZINZERLING, CIRCA l6lO. TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN. Dieu vous guery (The King touches, may God heal thee !) and then hung a rose- noble round the neck of the little girl with a white silk ribbon. He did likewise with the other three. During the performance of this ceremony, the above-mentioned Bishop, who stood close to the King, read from the Gospel of St. John, and lastly a prayer, whilst another clergyman knelt before him and made occasional responses during the prayer. Now when this was concluded, three lords — among whom were the Earl of Mont- gomery and his brother 143 — came forward at the same time, one bearing a golden ewer, another a basin, and the third a towel. They fell on their knees thrice before the King, who washed himself, 144 and then went with the young Prince (who, with his Highness, walked before his Majesty) through the ante-room again into his apartment. His Highness, however, remained in the ante-room. This ceremony of healing is understood to be very distasteful to the King, and it is said he would willingly abolish it ; but he cannot do so, because he assumes the title of 152 England as seen by Foreigners. King of " France " as well ; for he does not cure as King of Eng- land, by whom this power is said to have been never possessed, but as a King of France, who ever had such a gift from God. The Kings of England first ventured to exercise this power when they upwards of two centuries and a-half ago had possession of nearly the whole of France, and when Henry VI. had himself crowned at Paris as King of France [Dec. 17, 143 1]. Soon afterwards, a person having a small white narrow towel on each shoulder, entered the room and spread the table. Every time that he placed anything upon the table, he made a low obeisance ; then several of the King's body-guard came to the door of the room with the dishes. The foremost of these called out, cc The King's dinner is coming," whereupon some lords went and took the dishes from them at the door (for they were not permitted to enter this room), and placed them on the table. When this was announced to his Majesty, he came with- out his cloak, and seated himself behind the table close to the wall. Then a person took his Majesty's hat from him, and the before-named bishop standing before the table said grace, and then placed himself close to the Kings right hand, his Highness standing on his left. It is the custom to set before his Majesty at first three dishes only, one of which is usually a piece of beef. After he has partaken of that, from eight to ten delicate dishes are then put before him. The carver cuts very small pieces, to which, at the same time, the King helps himself out of the dish with his own hand, and he is seldom seen to eat any bread. His first drink is beer, which he takes from a cup turned out of a peculiar kind of wood, and after that he drinks a thick sweet French wine called Frontignac, which is presented to him by a chamberlain, who kneels all the while his Majesty is England as seen by Foreigners. 153 drinking ; the small table upon which the drinks are placed stands in the presence-chamber, from whence they are fetched. As a bishop is required to wait during every meal, his Majesty generally converses with him at table/ 45 and occasionally with others, as it indeed happened on the following evening, when the learned Isaac Casaubon, 146 who is a very little man with a black beard, presented himself at dinner time, and laid before his Majesty a sheet of paper, on which he had written something against Cardinal Bellarmine at Rome ; and this the King not only read, but during the whole meal-time discussed the merits of it with him, speaking in Latin and French. After the dinner was over, the King retired to his own room, and his Highness returned to his lodging, and took his dinner also. Towards evening he went again to court, and remained in the ante-room till the King had taken his supper, after which his Highness refreshed himself in the village. On the 20th, his Highness again presented himself at Court, and waited in the ante-room with the other lords whilst his Majesty took breakfast in his apartment. The King then came forward with the Prince, attired in a green satin dress, and having a gray hat upon his head ; he sat down upon a chair near the table, and had a pair of black boots pulled on ; on his left leg a blue silk ribbon hung out just above the boot, which denotes the Order of the Garter, and the young Prince wore the like. This is not merely confined to the King and Prince, but the lords, who are Knights of the Garter, daily wear on the left leg a remarkably handsome blue garter. The King and Prince then went down and out through the pleasure grounds, where horses and carriages were waiting. The King and young Prince seated themselves in one carriage, x 154 England as seen by Foreigners. his Highness took his place in the other; and thus they pro- ceeded to the hunt. The other earls and lords rode on horseback. When they came to the hunting-ground, the King, the Prince, and his Highness also mounted on horseback ; his Majesty had provided a fine palfrey for his Highness. The hunt generally comes off in this way : the huntsmen remain on the spot where the game is to be found, with twenty or thirty dogs ; if the King fancies any in particular among the herd, he causes his pleasure to be signified to the huntsmen, who forthwith proceed to mark the place where the animal stood ; they then lead the dogs thither, which are taught to follow this one animal only, and accordingly away they run straight upon his track ; and even should there be forty or fifty deer together, they do nothing to them, but chase only the one, and never give up till they have overtaken and brought it down. Meanwhile the King hurries incessantly after the dogs until they have caught the game. There is therefore no particular enjoyment in this sport. Two animals only were caught on this occasion : one was presented by the King to his Highness, which was eaten at his lodging. His Majesty, however, now and then uses long bows and arrows, and when he is disposed, he shoots a deer. 147 There are no large stags to be found in England, but only fallow deer. His Ma- jesty went out again after dinner ; as his Highness came some- what late to the Court, he followed after. At the wood several horses were in waiting, upon which they rode after the King. On the 2 1 st, divine service was held again in the presence- chamber, after which the King touched another sick person with the above ceremonies. When his Highness had accompanied his Majesty as far as his apartment, they entered the room of the young Prince [Charles], whom his Highness had not yet visited ; England as seen by Foreigners. 1 5 5 and here they spoke French. The prince is now thirteen years of age, and to all appearance is not of a strong constitu- tion {nicht starcker Complexion). us Those who were with his Highness paid their respects to him likewise, and advanced to him one after another. Although the table was spread in the Prince's ante-room all 'ready before him, everything was taken away, and he went with his Highness into the King's ante- chamber, where his Highness remained, and the Prince entered the King's apartment. Meanwhile the King's table was also spread, and a plate was placed for the Prince at the upper end of the table. As soon as the King and Prince were seated, his Highness went down to dinner with the Duke of Lennox, a Scottish prince ; and this was the only meal his Highness took at Court, for although the King is accustomed to show great honour to German Princes, and to entertain them at banquets, himself partaking of the repast with them, yet this did not happen with his Highness, because he for particular reasons wished to remain incognito. 3 After dinner, his Highness again went out hunting with the King and the young Prince, which he did as well on the following day, and on the 23rd. The chase was arranged on the way towards London ; the King stopped on the road and had dinner, his Highness again joining the Duke of Lennox at table, and towards evening the King arrived in London. His High- ness sat all the time with him in the coach, and afterwards even accompanied him to his apartment, and then returned once more to his lodging at the cc Italian Ordinary" {alV Italiano Ordinario). a " Nicht so gar bekandt seyn wollen." He travelled under the name of Herr von Hornstein, as is stated above (page 149). XV. PICTURES, ETC. IN THE ROYAL PALACES, 1613. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN. PICTURES* AND OTHER WORKS OF ART IN THE ROYAL PALACES, IN THE YEAR 1613. Pictures. jORTRAIT of King Edward VI. perspectively Whitehall. painted {prospectivisch gemahlet)}^ In front one cannot distinguish what it is meant for, but from the side the portrait is seen quite clearly. Portraits of Francis I. of France, and his Queen. The history how King Henry VIII. came to the Emperor Charles at Calais and Boulogne. Further, how he arrived by ship at Calais. These are two large tables 3 with many figures painted from life ; and thus a very beautiful old picture. A small Portrait of Louis XII. King of France. Julius Caesar, also small — a fine picture. Charlemagne. a The above List of Pictures, &c. has been extracted and translated from the same Journal of the Duke of Saxe- Weimar as the preceding narrative. We have rendered the word " tafel " by " table " — the term often formerly used for a picture. Many of the Works of Art here mentioned are now at Hampton Court. 1 60 England as seen by Foreigners. The Emperor Frederick III. The Siege of Boulogne ; on a large table. The Judgment of Paris, natural size ; on a large table. Half-length Portraits of Christian II, Elector of Saxony ; of the Archduke Leopold ; of the Emperor Rudolph ; of King Matthias. The meeting of the Emperor Maximilian I, and Henry VIII, King of England, before Tournay ; on a large table — an old and beautiful picture. The battle before Assumcourt (Agincourt) between the said Henry VIII. [Hen. V.] and the King of France ; on a large table, which also is a beautiful picture. The City of Antorff [Antwerp], large. Lucretia, very artistically painted. The Battle of Gerisole [Cerisoles] between King Francis I. and Charles V. Whole-length Portrait of Henry VIII, very fine. A large picture showing how the Spaniards took Kynsale in Ireland, as well as certain skirmishes in the country. The Genealogy of the House of Nassau ; on a large table. Small and large Portraits of the Emperor Charles V, with regimental baton. The Queen of France [Mary de' Medici]. The country of England ; on three large tables. Portrait of the Duke of Parma [Alexander Farnese]. Portraits of several high-born ladies. Germany, upon a large table, painted with colours. Portrait of Edward VI. Whole-length Portraits of Henry VIII, and his father Henry VII. England as seen by Foreigners. 1 6 1 These are considered remarkably artistic, and they say that there is nothing like them to be seen in England. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, very beautifully painted. Whole-length Portrait of the wife of Christian II, Elector of Saxony. The King of Spain. The Siege of Malta, upon four several large tables. The Count of Oldenburg. The Queen of Scotland, who was beheaded. The young daughter of Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick. John Frederick, Elector of Saxony. Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick, and his wife. The Queen of France. The Queen of Philip III. of Spain. Queen Elizabeth, as she was when young. The Archduke Albert and his wife [Isabella]. All being whole-length Portraits, beautifully and artistically painted. Whole-length Portrait of the father of the present Prince of Conde, who lives at Paris. Portraits of Wolfg. Musculus, Ulrich Zwingle, Rudolph Gualter, Bullinger, Peter Martyr, Simon Grynaeus, Conrad Pel- licanus, Theod. Bibliander. Sketches of several castles and palaces in England. 150 prince henry's Bacchus, Ceres, and Venus, with fawns, nearly the size of life, jame S C, s). (St ' very artistically painted. A vaulted house, wherein several are wrestling with each other ; perspectively rather than artistically painted upon a small table. 1 62 England as seen by Foreigners. Somerset House (Thk Queen's Palace). The history of Cain and Abel, full-size, which is also an artistic work. The history of Tityus, how he lies, and the eagle picks out his heart ; which is also large. The history of Holophernes ; also large and very artistic. The Sacrifice of Isaac, which is also large. The Tower of Babel, very large, upon a table very artistically painted. Henry IV, King of France. Count Maurice of Nassau ; a full-length Portrait. A Kitchen, in which are all kinds of victuals, of flesh and fish ; which is also a very artistic piece. Three long tables of Shipping. On the first, how some are wrecked in a great storm ; on the second, how the ships sail with a fair wind; on the third, how some vessels fire at each other by night. They are particularly fine pieces. The Battle before Ravenna, which is an old and a very beautiful painting. Two Palaces perspectively painted on two tables, with gar- dens, and people who walk about in them ; very artistically painted in oil colours. Whole-length Portraits of the King of Denmark ; Elizabeth Queen of England ; The King of France ; Marshal Biron, who was beheaded in the Bastile at Paris ; The Duke of Wirtemberg and his wife ; a The Prince of Anhalt and his son ; The reigning Prince and his wife ; a See the Introduction. England as seen by Foreigners. 163 Several Wirtemberg ladies. A beautiful Turkish lady. The present Elector of Brandenburg, in complete armour, with regimental baton. Queen Elizabeth, together with many other Queens of Theobalds. England. John Frederick, Elector of Saxony. Gaspar Coligny, Admiral of France, who perished with his brothers in the massacre at Paris in the year 1572. All whole- length portraits. Half-length Portraits of all the Turkish Emperors. The Labours of Hercules ; on seven small tables, very ar- tistically painted in oil colours. Don John of Austria. The Prince of Conde. The Duke of Parma. Count of Egmond. Count of Horn. Paintings of the principal cities in the world. Portraits of all the Kings of England. The Mother of Philip II, King of Spain. oWesuch. The wives of several English gentlemen. Portraits of many English gentlemen, and old English kings. Bathory, King of Poland. The Treasurer Cecil. Whole-length Portrait of Ulrich, Duke of Mecklenburg. Gs£ENW,CH Prince Charles [afterwards Charles I.], the King's son, in a coat, as he was when a little younger. Whole-length Portrait of the reigning Duke of Florence. Queen Margaret [of Valois], at Paris. 164 England as seen by Foreigners. Portrait of Christian II, Duke and Elector of Saxony. The Duke of Lennox, and several English lords in red habits. William, Duke of Courland. Portrait of the present Princess of Conde, very finely and artistically painted. Whole-length of Henry IV, King of France, on horseback. Wax -works in Westminster Abbey. Whitehall Palace-. In addition to the Pictures 3 are also noted a considerable number of curiosities of art, objects of vertu, costly tapestries, pretty inventions and conceits, which were then to be seen in the several palaces, &c. Some of these may be worth par- ticularizing : — Queen Elizabeth, in a red velvet gown, with sceptre and crown. Henry VII. and his Queen. Henry V. also with his Queen, who came from France. Edward III. and his Queen, a German, and a very little person. The lately-deceased Prince of Wales b in a long red velvet dress, lined with ermine, over a red habit which he had on when he was ill, and with a long gilded staff in his hand. 131 The three Graces worked with the needle and silk, on a small table. A large sea-chart of the whole world, drawn with the pen upon parchment. Palestine painted in colours on a large table. a It is strange that the author when visiting Hampton Court should have omitted to jot down any of the pictures deposited there. b Henry died Nov. 6, 161 2. England as seen by Foreigners. 165 A Moor's head of stone, the breast of metal, said to be the image of Balthasar, one of the three Kings. Figure of Moses in metal, perfectly black, with large white eyes, and long hair ; the hair standing up from the forehead like two horns ; a short pointed beard, and looking somewhat gravely. This image is said to have been brought to England from Palestine many centuries ago. Christ's Passion, very beautifully painted upon glass. The kingdom of England drawn with the pen and coloured, on a large table, showing all the intestine wars [of York and Lancaster], besides where and at what place the battles were fought. A looking-glass, containing on the top Queen Elizabeth's Portrait, and on the lower part of the frame these two verses : Hinc radios nullos ne tu mirere remitti Orbis honos puro speculi resplendet in orbe. Two large tables, on one of which was the royal race of Scotland, and on the other the Palatine race, beautifully done with the pen and the arms coloured. Genealogy of the present King James VI, upon a large circular table, done with the pen very beautifully and artistically. Exploits of Count Maurice engraven on copper. A large Bible, 152 printed upon parchment, said to be the first which Henry VIII. caused to be printed. In a small chamber where the books belonging to the Queen stood was a large number in Italian and French. Amongst others is a little volume on parchment which Queen Elizabeth wrote in French with her own hand for her father King Henry VIII. It was the Dialogus fidei of Erasmus of Rotterdam. 153 Somerset House. Goldsmiths' Street. i 66 England as seen by Foreigners. A piece of mechanism, executed by a native of Cologne. Underneath was a chamber-organ (ein Positiv) which played of itself; at the top stood twelve trumpeters blowing their horns ; a little figure danced and bowed before two persons sitting under a throne in the centre. A beautiful celestial Globe of brass, which when wound up went round of itself. Presented by the Emperor to the King. Parma, with its territory, in needle-work, on silk. The present King of England's bust, the size of life, composed of small stones. A mirror, which shows many faces when one looks into it. An old book, with red and black monkish characters, painted upon an ancient cloth, which is open, and in the middle a leaf half-turned. A green Palm tree ; in the upper part the branches growing through a golden crown, and under them these words in gilt letters : Perpetuo vernans arbor regnantium in Anna, Fert fructum et frondes, germine laeta vivo. In the garden stands a Parnassus Mount. On the top is the Pegasus, a golden horse with wings ; with divers statues, one of black marble representing the River Thames, beneath which is this Latin distich in letters of gold : Me penes imperium, emporium sunt classis et artes, Et schola bene fluens, florida prata rigo. It far surpasses the Parnassus Mount in the Pratolino near Florence. Goldsmiths' Street [or Row — close to St. Paul's] is the finest and richest in the city. Numerous goldsmiths dwell here all near England as seen by Foreigners. 167 together, where immense stores of silver and gilt drinking and other vessels, as well as gold and silver coin, are daily displayed. 154 Two cannon of immense size, made of wood, which ThiTower. Henry VIII. took with him to strike terror into the enemy before Boulogne. Two pieces of Tapestry, worked very elegantly, representing the sea-fight with the Spaniards in 1567, and the fight before Calais. Tapestries — with Roman Histories worked on them. Theobalds. Tapestries — several pieces, containing the story of Hagar's Hampton delivery ; how Abraham is about to offer up his son Isaac ; how Isaac courted, &c. The dress, landscapes, buildings, and the like are in gold, silver, and variegated silks, so artistically worked as though they had been carefully painted with colours. The history of Tobit. The history of the Creation of the World in several pieces ; these were old, but also of silk and gold. The Deity is always represented as three old persons in episcopal habits, with crowns on their heads and sceptres in their hands. A carved bust said to be an exact image of Christ. Nonesuch. Several views of countries and places. The description of the Greenwich. World, Holland, Sweden, East Indies, &c. done with the pen. Italy, in water-colours. Large engraving of England, Scotland and Ireland ; with genealogies and all the Kings, beautifully illuminated. XVI. PETER EISENBERG, 1614. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN. ^3g^ NOTES ON ENGLAND, 1 6 14. BY PETER EISENBERG. Peter Eisenberg, a Dane, whose father was Secretary to Frederick II, King of Denmark, compiled for the use of the two sons of Casper Marckdaner, who were about to travel, and to whom Eisenberg had been tutor, a little Guide-book in German, entitled " Itinerarium Gallic et Angliae : Reisebiichlein," &c, i6 mo . Leipzig, 1 6 14, 402 pp. The author died in France {Nyerup). Jocher {Allg, Gel. Lex.) has confused him with Petrus Eisenberger, a Roman Catholic Priest of Dresden and Confessor to the Duke George of Saxony, who lived a century earlier. The part relating to England occurs between pp. 321-359. The fol- lowing are translated extracts : — HE merchants meet at the Exchange every morn- ing between 1 1 and 1 2, and evening between 5 and 6. Henry VIII's lance at the Tower. In the Library at Whitehall is a little book in French, written by Queen Elizabeth with her own hand, and dedicated to her father ; it is the c Dialogus Fidei ex Erasmo Roterodamo :' also two other books written by the said Queen. In St. Paul's School there are 153 youths instructed gratis. Many heads are on the Tower of London Bridge fixed on spikes. The palaces and places along the London. Richmond. Theobalds. Oxford. Woodstock. Windsor. 172 England as seen by Foreigners. bank of the Thames passing towards Westminster, are— " Fish- monges hall, Olde Swan, Schrevesbury howes, Cecls harbor, The stilliarde, Three Cranes, Quene hythe, Brokenwarfe, Paules wharfe, Baynardes Castle, Blackfryars stayrs, Bridwel dock, Salsbary court stayrs, Whytefriers stayrs, Temple stayrs, Essex howse, Milford stayrs, Arondell howse, Strond stayrs, Somerset howse, y e Savoye, Bedford howse, Durham howse, York howse, Scotland, Vhyte hall, Priuy stayrs, Garden stayrs, Kinges bridge, Parliment bridge." In the palace, remark the Library of King Henry VII, for the most part consisting of manuscripts, of which Library nothing was known until the time of Queen Elizabeth. One of the books is on magic or the black art, called " Modus et Ratio Divinae Contemplationis." Here also is a large mirror in which Henry VII. was able to see what he wished ; but this mirror broke in pieces of itself when the King died. His inkstand is likewise here. A portrait of the King when a young man, together with his wife ; also the genealogies of all the Kings of England. King Henry VII's chamber wherein he is said to have died, the wall of which is besprinkled with his blood, but this is not permitted to be seen by every one. Theobalds is called fC Diephtholtz" New College : a splendid library, in which are many MSS. on vellum ; also two globes, the terrestrial one showing the voyages of Drake and Cavendish. You see here the verses written on a window by Queen Elizabeth with a diamond. 3 You see at " Vindsor" the room in which Henry VI. was born. See also Hentzner's " Travels," ante, p. 108. England as seen by Foreigners. ij^ The bed of Henry VIII. A table of red coral, on the four sides of which are these sentences, pp. 1-122. St.PauVs>\rp. 123-144. This important work, of which King James's copy is in the British Museum, is not mentioned by Dugdale in his history of St. Paul's Cathedral, nor by his editor, Sir Henry Ellis. The author died in 1620. Arithmaeus, in his Preface, says he had travelled for three a The Preface is dated November, 161 7. A A 178 England as seen by Foreigners* years in company with Baron Zedlitz. Alluding to the West- minster monuments and epitaphs, he remarks, "When the Verger saw that I was eager after these things, he offered a copy of some Inscriptions printed several years before j a but after the manner of his nation, eaten up with avarice, he demanded a great price." Arithmaeus has given the Latin inscriptions only, omitting the English, " for," says he, cc very few persons under- stand English." (Anglicam enim paucissimi intelligunt.) Speaking of St. Paul's, he mentions the ascent of the King of Denmark in company with King James [in i6o6], b to the steeple covered with lead ; and he adds (p. 1 24), cc No German is admitted to it, unless he pays his money beforehand, so in- tense is the avarice of the English, and I don't know whether the reason be not the simplicity of the Germans ! " He alludes to Paul's Cross, and preaching there every Sunday ; the mayor and two others [the sheriffs?] clad in their robes and wearing gold chains, attend on horseback. On August 5th, there are special prayers for the Gowry conspiracy. * Camden's work, mentioned ante, p. 132. b See Note 36. c See Note 93. NOTES TO THE FOREGOING NARRATIVES. NOTES. Note I. Page 3. HE old travellers seldom forget to 'tune their distresses and record their woes' as inflicted by that merciless enemy, malde mer. An extreme case may be cited from the experiences of the noble Bohemian Baron Leo von Rozmital, who lionised at the gay court of Edward IV. in the year 1466. On crossing the Channel, U the sea so much affected my lord and his companions that they lay in the ship as if they were dead." (' Meinem herrn und andern gesellen thet das mer so we, das sie auf dem schiff lagen, als waeren si tot.') The Manor of Archer's Court, near Dover, was held upon this remarkable condition, viz. — that the owner or owners " should hold the King's head when he passes to Calais, and by the working of the sea should be obliged to vomit." (Philipott's Villare Cantianum, 1659, Addenda, p. 282.) 2. Page 5. Among the MSS. in the British Museum, and particularly in the Cottonian MS. Aug. I. 1., are highly interesting plans, views, reports, and sur- veys of Dover and its harbour, temp. Henry VIII. and Elizabeth. In 1583, after many surveys and much investigation, important works were undertaken there for the defence of the town and harbour. They were commenced on May 13th under the superintendence of Thomas Digges, a skilful engineer ; Sir Thomas Scot being appointed principal commissioner. A very interesting and circum- stantial narrative, by his kinsman, Reginald Scot (author of "The Discoverie of Witchcraft," 1584), is printed in Holinshed's "Chronicle" (1587), iii. 1535 — 1547. This is unnoticed by the Dover historians as well as by the biographers of Reginald Scot. Hentzner, a German, who travelled in England in 1598, speaks of Dover as " situated among cliffs, standing where the port itself was originally, as may be gathered from anchors and parts of vessels dug up there ; it is more famous for the convenience of its port, which indeed is now much decayed, and its pas- sage to France, than for either its elegance or populousness. This passage is the most used and the shortest, it is of thirty miles, which, with a favourable wind, may be run over in five or six hours' time, as we ourselves experienced ; some 1 82 Notes. reckon it only eighteen to Calais, and to Boulogne sixteen English miles, which, as Ortelius says in his " Theatrum, , ' are longer than the Italian. Upon a hill, or rather rock, which on its right side is almost everywhere a precipice, a very extensive castle rises to a surprising height, in size like a little city, extremely well fortified and thick set with towers, and seems to threaten the sea beneath. Matthew Paris calls it the door and key of England. The ordinary people have taken it into their heads that it was built by Julius Caesar ; it is likely it might have been built by the Romans, from those British bricks in the chapel which they made use of in their foundations." Dr. Dibdin, the well-known biblio- grapher, issued prospectuses for a new History of Dover, but the work was never published. The drawings and engravings which were executed for it are now in the hands of Messrs. Boone of Bond-street. 3. Page 5. The Baron of Winnenberg (called also ' Wimberg') was sent by the Elector Palatine to England, in the beginning of 161 8, to invite the Queen and Prince Charles to stand sponsors to the Princess Elizabeth's second son, who was named Charles, after his uncle. (Nichols' Prog, of James I. iii. 467.) 4. Page 5. Duke Frederick of Wirtemberg travelled from Dover to Gravesend on horseback, in spite of the hardness of the saddles, unattended by an English escort. In the next reign a Master of the Ceremonies was appointed, whose duty it was to receive ambassadors and distinguished foreigners, and who was invested with authority to supply them with coaches, carts and horses, and to pro- vide barges, and all things necessary for the journey to and from London. The first person who held this office was Sir Lewis Lewkenor. He was an active and courteous man, and, what was very essential, a good linguist. He is several times mentioned in our narratives. His assistant was Sir John Finett, who suc- ceeded to the post, and who published a curious book on the difficult duties of a Master of the Ceremonies. (" Philoxenis," 1656.) And, indeed, at times we may well suppose it to have been no easy task to find lodging and entertainment for such travellers, especially when the party was very numerous ; and " cozenage, mere cozenage," was likely to be the cry of many a "mine host" on the road. When the route was taken through Kent, the Lord Lieutenant assisted in doing the honours, generally bringing with him a large train, and indulging the more favoured visitors with a little hawking and hunting by the way. To the ladies of Kent, who would occasionally gaze on these gay cavalcades, Count Villame- diana, the Spanish Ambassador, coming in great pomp, in 1603, to congratulate James I. on his accession to the crown of England, and bearing with him the olive-branch of peace, pays a graceful, and doubtless a well-merited compliment, by remarking that, in that " province," more than any other part of England, nearly all of them were ' beautiful exceedingly.' — (" Damas, muy hermosas en estremo, porque casi todas lo son, generalmente en aquella provincia mas que en toda Inglaterra.") The Spaniards had an officer similar to our Master of the Ceremonies, who was termed " Aposentador," or harbinger. 5. Page 5. Hentzner and his companions, in 1598, took post-horses for Notes. 183 London [from Rye] — he says of them : " It is surprising how swiftly they run ; their bridles are very light, and their saddles little more than a span over." 6. Page 6. A coloured plan of Canterbury, drawn by William Smith, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, 1588, is in the Sloane MS. 2596. An engraved one of about the date 1575 occurs in Braun's " Civitates Orbis Terrarum." Dean Stanley, in 1855, published "Memorials of Canterbury," which is a model of historical topography. 7. Page 6. At Gravesend, we are told, " there is every tyde a comon pas- sage by water to London, which is 20 myles, the which a man may pass for y e valew of two pence in y e comon barge, and in a tiltbote for vi, d." (Desc. of England, MS., by W. Smith, 1588). In May, 1592, the Gravesend tilt-boat, having forty passengers on board, was unfortunately run down by " an hoy" off Greenwich, the Court being there at the time. Most of the passengers were drowned, " at sight whereof (says Stowe) the Queene was much frighted." Hentzner, in 1598, speaks of Gravesend as "a small town, famous for the convenience of its port ; the largest Dutch ships usually call here. As we were to proceed farther from hence by water, we took our last leave here of the noble Bohemian, David Strziela, and his tutor, Tobias Salander, our constant fellow- travellers through France and England, they designing to return home through Holland, we on a second tour into France; but it pleased Heaven to put a stop to their design, for the worthy Strziela was seized with diarrhoea a few days before our departure, and, as we afterwards learned by letter from Salander, died in a few days of a violent fever in London." Respecting the character of the inns at Gravesend in early days, see Note 134. A good "History of Gravesend" was published in 1843 by Mr. R. P. Cruden. 8. Page 6. The great number of swans on the Thames appears to have struck foreigners with wonder. The Italian captain, Francesco Ferretti, admired our " broad river of Thames, most charming, and quite full of swans white as the very snow." (Diporti notturni, 1579, p. 1 34.) Hentzner likewise, in 1598, states that the river " abounds in swans, swimming in flocks ; the sight of them and their noise is vastly agreeable to the fleets that meet them in their course." 9. Page 6. The English names mentioned in the several narratives contained in our volume have, as usual, been sadly disfigured and maltreated by the foreigners. Greenwich, here obscured as Grouenwick, the author has attempted to improve in his 'errata' by a form equally good looking — Grunewickb y Sittingbourne is represented by Cetbunbarnne ; Rochester, by Rotbecestre, afterwards " corrected" to Rocbcestre ; Windsor, by Winsort ; Cambridge, by Cbambryssy, Cantobergy and Candelburg; Ware, Voaire; Theobalds, Tbieboldtz ; Uxbridge, Ocbsen- britscb y and so on, "for better, for worse." Hentzner's Grezin and Lyconsin — words certainly of aspect strange, yet simply denoting our two Inns of Court, Gray's Inn and Lincoln's Inn — were transformed into two Danish kings by Hentzner's Reading editor. The names in Bassompiere must often have sorely puzzled his translator; verily, the French Ambassador did the mangling most 184 Notes, effectually. Some of the best riddles herein are Jorscbaux, by which we are to understand York House ; Stintinton, Kensington ; Vialenforaux, Wallingford House. Gough has furnished an amusing list of similar travesties culled from French, German, and Italian travels in England: to wit, Arondelots, Greuncbc, Longeuker, I Pare, Kueinstriten, Liken sen-jils, Gresin, Morfl, Elbor, Smit fils, Ogierlen, Milord Do/is, Huuiet, Serosbari — which turned into vernacular are, Arundel House, Greenwich, Longacre, Hyde Park, Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Gray's Inn, Moorfields, Holborn, Smithfield, Hosier Lane, Lord Hollis, Wyatt, Shrewsbury. To gain an idea of the Spaniard's apprehension of the names owned by the nobility and gentry of the Court of James I, the reader is referred to the narrative numbered IX. in our collection. 10. Page 6. In old English books the term " Dutch " is the usual translation of " Deutsch," which comprises both the people of Germany and of the Nether- lands. When, in course of time, it was desired to distinguish these by separate names, the terms High and Low Dutch were used. The quotations in Moryson's Itinerary (1617), and in Coryat's Crudities (161 1), called Dutch, are in reality German. Speaking of the Netherlands, the former says: "It is called Nether- lands as a country lying low, and the people for language and manners hath great affinitie with the Germans, both being called Dutchmen by a common name." (Pt. 3. p. 91.) So, in Sir James Melville's "Memoirs," under date of 1562, he calls Germany *.' Dutcheland," and the language " Dutche." At p. 123, under the year 1564, he says of Queen Elizabeth, "Sche spak to me in Dutcbe [meaning German], bot it was not gud." He uses indiscriminately, at pp. 17 and 19, for the country Allemaigne, Dutcheland, and Germany. This has given rise to numerous mistakes. " Dutch clocks," for instance, are in fact German clocks. But it is remarkable that Shakespeare uses this term in its correct sense; e.g. in " Love's Labour's Lost," iii. 1 : — " A woman that is like a German clock, Still a repairing, ever out of frame, And never going aright," &c. This ill opinion entertained of the old German clocks is confirmed in the follow- ing line from " Essayes and Characters of a Prison and Prisoners. By G. M." 1638:— " They are like the German clocks, which seldome goe right." The same confusion between German and Dutch seems also to exist in America. "I find (writes a recent tourist) that when people mean to speak of a native of Holland, they call him an Amsterdam Dutchman ; but when they speak of one of German race generally, they leave out the Amster." (Blackwood's Edin. Mag., 1864, p. 655.) 11. Page 7. Jean de la Fin, Seigneur de Beauvoir-La Node de Buhy, was the resident French Ambassador in London from 1589 to 1593. He was in 1562 Governor of New Haven (Le Havre). On the occasion of Queen Eliza- Notes. 185 beth's visit to Oxford in September, 1592, the honorary degree of M.A. was conferred upon him. In Nichols's " Progresses " of the Queen he is incorrectly called Beauvoys la Noude. A few of his letters are printed in Rymer. (See also Note 57.) 12. Page 7. John Norden, the Surveyor, in his MS. "Description of Mid- dlesex," 1592 (Harl. 570), printed the following year with considerable varia- tion, has a long encomium on the Thames, which he has likewise introduced in his MS. " Description of Essex" (1594), with alterations and additions. In the latter he says : " It is reckoned that above 40,000 people are nourished by the Thamise, as bargemen, ferryemen, fishermen, and such as they mayntayne, whiche may seeme incredible yet true." This beautiful MS. of Essex, which is in the Grenville Collection, is altogether a different work from that edited for the Cam- den Society by Sir H. Ellis. A poet, singing the praises of the river in 1606, speaks of " The bubbling beauty of fayre Thames — The silver christall streame." Assum, likewise, in his poem " Panegyrici tres Anglo wirttembergici," 1604, writes : " Quam magni videat Tamisis purissima stagna — Fluinen oloriferum," &c. William Smith, in 1588, thus writes of the cities of London and Westmin- ster: "This.roiall & famous Citty standeth on y e north side of the River of Thamise, which River is there a thousand foote brode ; over which there is a goodly Bridge of stone, which hath 20 arches, y* are 60 foote in height, 30 in thickness [breadth], & distant one from another 20 foote. On both sydes of the Bridge, are howses builded, in such sort that it seemeth rather a continuall street than a Bridge. London is 3 myles long (accompting Westminster withall), and is two myles brode, reckoning Southwark and its bridge. It is devyded into 26 wardes, and hath 108 parish churches w th in the walles & xi w th out y e walles, but yet w th in the liberties, which is in all 1 19. " Westminster lyeth at y e West end of London, lyke the suburbes, and was of late by Quene Elizabeth made a Cittie. In the great Church of St. Peter are the sepultures of dyvers kings & noblemen, and hard by is Westminster Hall." The above description is from a MS. (Sloane, 2596) executed for Queen Elizabeth, in 1588, entitled, "The particuler Description of England; with portratures of the cheiffest Citties and Townes." By William Smith, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant. The view of London in this volume is coloured, and measures ift. 6i in. by 8 in. We have not met with any reference to this map. The Elizabethan Map # of Ralph Aggas is well known. There are also two highly interesting and well-executed maps of London and Westminster, by Norden, in his "Description of Middlesex," printed in 1593. Another is in Braun's " Civitates Orbis Terrarum," about 1575. B B 186 Notes. 13. Page 7. The bold London 'Prentices and their like were sad fellows in these early days, and it is even questionable whether, as a class, they had much improved in manners before the period of the awful apparition of the policeman in the streets of the metropolis. We meet with frequent complaints of the disres- pect shown to foreigners on the part of the English populace. Thus, as early as 1497, the Venetian Ambassador, Andrea Trevisano, reports of the English that " they have an antipathy to foreigners, and imagine that they never come into their island but to make themselves masters of it, and to usurp their goods." Paolo Giovio (Jovius), in his " Descriptio Britanniae," 1548, says: "The English are commonly destitute of good breeding, and are despisers of Foreigners, since they esteem him a wretched being and but half a man (semibominem) who may be born elsewhere than in Britain, and far more miserable him whose fate it should be to leave his breath and his bones in a foreign land." Micheli, the Venetian Ambas- sador, alluding to the Spanish monarch, Philip, the husband of our Queen Mary, in 1557, adds: "With all this, he cannot live with dignity in this country, on account of the insolence with which foreigners are treated by the English." The opinion of Maistre Perlin, 1558, is to the effect that " the people of this nation have a mortal hatred of the French (bay eat a mort les Franqoys) as their ancient enemies, and commonly call us France chenesve, France dogue ; also or son. . . . They are proud and seditious, with bad consciences, and faithless to their word. These villains (ces vilains) hate all sorts of foreigners ; and although they have a good country, they are all constantly wicked and moved- by every wind, for at one moment they will adore a prince — turn your hand, they would kill or crucify him. It displeases me that these villains in their own country spit in our faces, although when they are in France, we treat them like little divinities, in which the French demonstrate themselves to be of a noble and generous spirit." Hentz- ner, in 1598, observes : " If they [the English] see a foreigner very well made, or particularly handsome, they will say, ' It is a pity he is not an Englishman.'" In the reign of James I. the learned Isaac Casaubon complains, in one of his Latin letters, that he was more insulted at London than he had ever been at Paris in the midst of the Papists ; that stones were thrown at his windows night and day; that he received a great wound as he went to Court ; that his children were affronted in the streets, and himself and family pelted with stones. The wily Spaniard, Count Gondomar, seems to have experienced similar treatment from the London buys, as Howell tells us he used to call them. The Count evidently was a good hater of the profanum vulgus of the England of his very familiar royal friend, to whom he one day remarked that the flour (meaning the gentry) was very choice and fine, but the bran (the common people) was very coarse — " La harina de Inglatierra es muy delgada y fina, pero el afrecho es muy grossero." It is strange that this Don, so frequently spoken of in the memoirs of the period, should have been altogether overlooked in the biographical dictionaries — even in the recent very extensive and excellent one published by MM. Didot. There is a good notice of him in Lopez de Haro's " Nobiliario de Espana," Notes. 187 1622, but beyond that date we know but very little of him. Howell, the famous letter-writer, in Feb. 1625, mentions his then recent death at Bunnol, he being on his way to Flanders, and thence to England, to treat for a surrender of the Palatinate — "of pure apprehensions of grief, as it is giv r en out." (Epist. Ho- Eliana, 1650, p. m.) Gondomar could tell a merry tale, could read Will Shakespeare's plays, of which he possessed a ' first folio,' and did not disdain the English wines ; indeed, Howell had heard that the Don was once too hard for the King of Denmark when he was here in England. There is a fine whole- length portrait of him by Mytens at Hampton Court. Mons. Sorbiere, in 1663, complains of the English for their ill manners, and particularly alludes to the rudeness of the boys. The Dover urchins gave the first affront by calling after the Frenchman, a Mounser — a Mounter ; they then, becoming savage, followed it up with the opprobrious epithet of French dogs — French dogs! 14. Page 7. In 26 Eliz. (1584), among the orders of the Commissioners for the execution of the Statutes made for keeping horses and geldings for service, and for horses and mares for " encrease and breede " in the County of Surrey, is one of curious import : — "If any person should be thought of ability to be charged by reason of lands or goods, or by their wives' apparell, they were to be so charged." Shakespeare [Taming of the Shrew, act iv. sc. 3) speaks of " Silken coats, and caps and golden rings, With ruffs and cuffs, and farthingales, and things ; With scarfs and fans, and double change of bravery, With amber bracelets, beads, and all this knavery." The Puritan writer, Stubbes, lashed the fashions, particularly of the ladies, in the Elizabethan age. Mr. "Punch" undertakes the arduous duty at the present day. Mr. Fairholt has almost exhausted this subject in his excellent book on Costume. 15. Page 8. The women of England have fortunately escaped the censure so freely bestowed upon the inhabitants of perfide Albion by Maistre Etienne Perlin, a French student at the University of Paris, who published, in 1558, a little volume entitled, " Description des royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Escosse." In this book we are presented with some curious pictures of the manners and customs of the English, highly charged as usual with exaggeration and prejudice. He pro- nounces our women, of any estimation, "the greatest beauties in the world, and as fair as alabaster, without offence be it spoken to those of Italy, Flanders and Germany. They are also cheerful, courteous, and of a good address." The Italian captain, Francesco Ferretti, paid us a visit when this " island-kingdom of England " was under the religious sway of the " good Cardinal Pole," so that London, he writes in his "Diporti notturni," 1579, p. 134, became " a second Rome, to the astonishment and infinite joy of the world — but now [/. e. in the days of good Queen Bess] it is perfidiously heretical to the very back-bone," 1 88 Notes. (hora e perjidamente heretico in tut to iff per tutto.) Yet the gallant captain, however much he disliked our religion, admired our ladies ; " their women (says he) are of marvellous beauty, and wonderfully clever" {donne di ?naravigliosa bel- /ezza, & mirabilmente ingegnose). See also " Pictures of the English" by Van Meteren, the Dutch Consul in London (No. III.), and by Kiechel (No. VI.) 16. Page 8. Henry Holland published, in 1614, " Monumenta sepulchraria Sancti Pauli. The Monuments, Inscriptions and Epitaphs, &c. in the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul." The work was republished in 1633, with a continuation to that year. Valentin Arithmaeus, a German who had visited England, published, in 161 8, a little book on the same subject, including the inscriptions in West- minster Abbey. (See some notes translated from this work, No. XVII.) Hentzner, in 1598, mentions a very fine organ in St. Paul's, " which at even- ing prayer, accompanied with other instruments, is delightful." One Henry Farley was a most energetic advocate in the cause of repairs to the church, of which it greatly stood in need during the reign of James I, nothing having been done to it since the steeple was struck by lightning in 1561. Dugdale says that Farley "ceased not by sundry petitions to importune King James therein." In one of his poetical petitions the author's enthusiasm is expressed in these lines : — " My love to Paules is such That if I had an angel's pen, Ide write ten times as much." It would seem, however, that Master Farley carried his importunities a step too far, for he at length " got into Ludgate Prison by his schemes about it." Three of his poetical effusions on the subject are in the British Museum : one entitled " St. Paules-Church, her bill for the Parliament," 162 1, 4-to. contains a view of the cathedral and cross, which we have copied. There is a curious folding picture on panel in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries, which was painted by John Gipkyn, at the expense of Farley, in 16 16. It represents an ideal pro- cession of King James and his Court to St. Paul's, and the preaching at the Cross. This picture was executed in anticipation of a royal visit, which, however, did not actually take place until 1620, when James attended in great state on Sunday, March 26th. The view of the cathedral, with the curious old houses near it, is valuable and interesting. In the following lines, from the above-quoted work, Farley satirizes the pre- vailing taste of the age : — " To see a strange out-landish Fowle, A quaint Baboon, an Ape, an Owle, A dancing Beare, a Gyants bone, A foolish Ingin move alone, A Morris-dance, a Puppit play, Mad Tom to sing a Roundelay, A woman dancing on a Rope, Bull-baiting also at the Hope ; A Rimers Jests, a Juglers cheats, A Tumbler shewing cunning feats, Notes. 189 Or Players acting on the Stage, There goes the bounty of our Age; But unto any pious motion, There's little coine, and lesse devotion." In his "Complaint of Paules," 16 16, the writer, alluding to certain recent City improvements, introduces us to Smithfield, of savoury celebrity: — " From thence to Smithfield, if thou chance to hit, Tell me what costs they have bestow'd on it; It was before a filthy noisome place, And to the Citie verie much disgrace, Yet now some say it may with best compare, Of market places that in England are." 17. Page 8. The Royal Exchange was at first called the " Burse," but named by Queen Elizabeth the f Royal Exchange,' when she visited the founder, Sir Thomas Gresham, and inspected the new building, on the 23rd of January, 1 5 70- 1. Mr. J. W. Burgon published, in 1839, in two volumes 8vo, an elaborate and excellent work on the " Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham." 18. Page 8. The inhabitants had at this time no other means of procuring water than by fetching it from the conduits, or paying men who made it their business to bring it from thence in vessels called tankards, which held about three gallons. One of these tankards is represented in Hoefnagel's curious View of Nonesuch, dated 1582. The water-carriers then constituted a large class, and seem to have formed a rather unruly part of the population. They were com- monly called " Cobs." Ben Jonson introduces a character of this description in " Every Man in his Humour." There was an old custom for the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and principal citizens to proceed on horseback annually, on the 1 8th of September, to inspect the conduits. One of these ridings in 1562 is amusingly described in Machyn's Diary. Before dinner the jovial party hunted the hare, they then dined and had good cheer at the conduit-head ; after this refreshment they went merrily to ' hontyng' of the fox; the ' hondes ' after a run of a mile killed him at the end of St. Giles s, and there was a great cry at the death, and ' blohyng ' of horns. 19. Page 9. At this time (1592) an association of Englishmen, known by the name of* Merchant Adventurers,' had established themselves at Stade, one of the Hanse towns, not far from Hamburg, having a few years before obtained certain privileges for the purposes of trade. They continued their residence here ten years, in spite of much injurious opposition on the part of the foreign mer- chants of Hamburg and other Hanseatic towns, which was fostered by Spanish influence. Fynes Moryson being at * Stode' in Oct. 1592, says : " It is strange how the people raile on English-men in these parts." Probably the mission of this so-called " Ambassador " at this time was to accommodate some matters of difference between the English and foreign merchants. At length, however, the obnoxious English merchants were banished from Stade by a mandate of the 190 Notes. Emperor Rudolph II. in 1597. Queen Elizabeth retaliated by ordering the Lord Mayor to expel their German rivals, the so-called c Easterlings ' (whence the word sterling applied to English money), who were resident in the Steelyard in Lower Thames-street, and who had enjoyed special commercial privileges and immunities in England for more than 300 years. (Wheeler, Treatise of Commerce, 1601, pp. 49, 81.) But, indeed, it was no easy matter to get rid of them, for the Germans clung to the old spot during a great part of the succeed- ing century. We have understood that the last traces of the old buildings of the Hanse merchants of the Steelyard were only removed during 1863. The bene- ficial influence of the Hanseatic league on English commerce has been ably treated by a French author, M. Worms (Histoire commercial de la Ligue Hanseatique, Paris, 1864) ; and the History of the Steelyard in London has been written in German by Dr. Lappenberg, the learned historian. (Gescbicbte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London , 4to. Hamburg, 185 I.) 20. Page 9. Fynes Moryson (Itinerary , fol. Lond. 1617 ; part 3, bk. 3, p. 152) has a curious and amusing passage respecting English beer, ale, and wine, and the drinking customs of our ancestors : " Clownes and vulgar men onely use large drinking of Beere or Ale, how much soever it is esteemed excellent drinke even among strangers ; but Gentlemen garrawse onely in Wine, with which many mixe sugar — which I never observed in any other place or kingdome to be used for that purpose. And because the taste of the English is thus delighted with sweetnesse, the wines in tavernes (for I speake not of Merchants or Gentle- mens cellars) are commonly mixed at the filling thereof, to make them pleasant. And the same delight in sweetnesse hath made the use of Corands [currants] of Corinth so frequent in all places, and with all persons in England, as the very Greekes that sell them wonder what we doe with such great quantities thereof, and know not how we should spend them, except we use them for dying, or to feede Hogges." (See also Hentzner's remarks, ante, pp. 104, 109, 110.) This fondness of our countrymen and countrywomen for sweets astonished the Spaniards who came with the embassy of the Count Villamediana in 1603. At Canterbury the English ladies are described as peeping through the latticed win- dows (ventanas rejas) at the hidalgos, who presented the 'curious impertinent' fair ones with the bonbons, comfits, and sweetmeats that were upon the table, " which they enjoyed mightily ; for (it is remarked) they eat nothing but what is sweetened with sugar, drinking it commonly with their wine and mixing it with their meat." (" Y no comen cosa que no sea con su acucar, y en el vino lo beven muy de ordinario, y lo echan en la carne. ,, ) Falstaff's favourite potation of sack was taken with sugar ; his friend Pointz addresses him as " Sir John Sack-and-Sugar." Master Estienne Perlin (Description d"* Angleterre, 1558) indulges in a few pungent remarks upon the drinking habits and propensities of our forefathers. " The English (saith this French inquisitor) are great drunkards ( f fort grands yvrongnes ') ; for if an Englishman would treat you, he will say in his language, Notes. 191 vis dri/ig a quarta rim oim gasquim oim hespaignol oim malvoysi y that is, will you drink a quart of Gascoigne wine, another of Spanish, and another of Malmsy ? In drinking or eating they will say to you above a hundred times, drind iou, which is, I drink to you ; and you should answer them in their language, iplaigiou, which means, I pledge you. If you would thank them in their language, you must say, god tanque artelay. When they are drunk, they will swear by blood and death that you shall drink all that is in your cup, and will say to you thus : bigod sol drind iou agoud oin. Now, remember, if you please, that in this country they commonly make use of silver vessels when they drink wine, and they will say to you at table, goud chere. The servants wait on their masters bare-headed, and leave their caps on the buffet. It is to be noted that in this excellent kingdom, there is, as I have said, no kind of order ; the people are reprobates and thorough enemies to good manners and letters, for they dont know whether they belong to God or the Devil, which St. Paul has reprehended in many people, saying, be not transported with divers sorts of winds, but be constant and steady to your belief. As to their manner of living, they are rather unpolite, for they belch at table without reserve or shame, even in the presence of persons of the greatest dignity. They consume great quantities of beer double and single {i.e. strong and small], and do not drink it out of glasses, but from earthen pots with silver handles and covers, and this even in houses of persons of middling fortune ; for as to the poor, the covers of their pots are merely of pewter, and in some places, such as villages, their beer pots are made only of wood. With their beer they have a custom of eating very soft saffron cakes, in which there are likewise raisins, which give an excellent relish to the beer (cela vous faict trouver la biere double bonne), some of which I formerly drank at Rye, as good as ever I drank in any country in the world.'' In the German account of the Bohemian Baron Leo von RozmitaPs embassy to England in 1466, we are told that the common people drink what is called ■ Al'selpir* (Ale or Beer?) — "Das gemein volk trinkt ein trank, das heisst AT selpir." James Howell, in 1634, addressed to a friend some interesting remarks on wines and other drinks, which he wittily calls "a dry discourse upon a fluent subject." Henry Peacham, in his " Compleat Gentleman," )622, p. 194, makes the following curious statement : " Within these fiftie or threescore yeares it was a rare thing with us in England to see a drunken man, our nation carrying the name of the most sober and temperate of any other in the world. But since we had to doe in the quarrell of the Netherlands, about the time of Sir John Norrice his first being there, the custome of drinking and pledging healthes was brought over into England : wherein let the Dutch bee their owne judges, if we equall them not ; yea I thinke rather excell them." 21. Page 9. Hentzner, in 1598, described old London Bridge as "a Bridge of stone, 800 feet in length, of wonderful work ; it is supported upon 20 piers of square stone, 60 feet high and 30 broad, joined by arches of about 20 feet 192 Notes. diameter. The whole is covered on each side with houses, so disposed as to have the appearance of a continued street, not at all of a bridge." (See also Note 12.) Correr, the Venetian Ambassador, in 1610, states that the bridge was so narrow that it was very difficult for two coaches meeting to pass each other without danger. 22. Page 9. The heads of criminals on the Bridge are seen figured in the old maps of London. Master Estienne Perlin, when speaking of the frequency of executions (1558), is of opinion that " in this country you will scarcely find any nobleman, some of whose relations have not been beheaded. For my part (he continues) with reverence to my readers, I had rather be a hog driver and keep my head on {certes faymerois mieulx estre porcber & garder bien ma teste) ; for this disorder falls furiously on the heads of great lords. For a while, you may see these great lords in vast pomp and magnificence; in a trice you behold them under the hands of the executioner." Hentzner, in 1598, says he counted above thirty heads on London Bridge. He adds : " Above three hundred are said to be hanged annually in London : beheading with them is less infamous than hanging ! " Kiechel, one of our German travellers (see p. 89), has some strange remarks upon the custom of hanging observed in England. 23. Page 9. The first stone of Henry Vll's chapel was laid in 1503. Nor- den's description will be found under No. VII., p. 97. 24. Page 10. In Neale's " Westminster Abbey" this word ('Jan.') is printed 'jam,' which must be a mistake. In Camden's " Reges," &c. 1600, the inscrip- tion reads : — " Omnibus insignis virtutum laudibus heros, Sanctus Edwardus Confessor, Rex venerandus, Quinto die Iani moriens super aethera scandit. Sursum corda. Moritur, Anno Dom. 1065." The famous antiquary, Wiiliam Camden, published a list of the monumental inscriptions, &c. in Westminster Abbey, in 1600, in 4to. (republished in J 603, 1606). It is entitled, "Reges, Reginae, Nobiles et alii in ecclesia collegiata B. Petri Westmonasterij sepulti," &c. In the British Museum is the author's pre- sentation copy of the first edition to Queen Elizabeth, on the margins of which are the shields of arms of the persons mentioned in the work splendidly illumi- nated and emblazoned in their proper colours. See ante, pp. 132, 178. Nathan Chytraeus, professor of the Latin language at Rostock, visited England in 1566, and collected, in the course of his travels in this country, France, and Italy, many inscriptions, chiefly monumental, which he published at Herborn, 1594, 8°. (also 1599 ; 1606), under the title of " Variorum in Europa itinerum deliciae," &c. At pp. 76 et seq. will be found a few inscriptions in Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's, followed by a curious description of the geographical dis- coveries of Sebastian Cabot, copied by Chytraeus while at Oxford. Valentin Arithmaeus, another German professor, took up the same subjeet of monumental inscriptions in 1617. Some remarks by him respecting Westminster Abbey are Notes. 193 translated in No. XVII. Tom Coryat says he was branded as a * tomb-stone traveller' for having copied and inserted in his book {Crudities, 161 1) so many epitaphs and inscriptions. 25. Page 10. Shakespeare, in Hen. VI. act i. sc. 2, alludes to the Corona- tion Chair in Edward the Confessor's Chapel: — " In the Cathedral Church of Westminster, And in that chair where Kings and Queens were crown'd." 26. Page 10. " Wolffsklingen " — a kind of curved and somewhat round blade, such as are manufactured at Solingen, bearing the figure of a wolf, which is said to be derived from the name of the maker (Wolff). — See Campe's Worier- buch. According to Sir S. Meyrick {Ancient Armour, Introd. xx.) Passau on the Danube was celebrated as early as the thirteenth century for its sword- cutlery, called " Wolfs-klingen" — wolf-blades. The old sword now in Edward the Confessor's Chapel presents no appearance of inscription or figure on the blade or handle ; the latter, however, seems to be comparatively modern. The sword is 7ft. 3 in. in length, and weighs i81bs. 27. Page 11. A portion of the famous old abbey of Reading, — the third in size and wealth of all English abbeys, and whose last abbot was hanged by order of Henry VIII. for denying the Royal Supremacy — was after the dissolution con- verted into a palace, but it was never much frequented by our monarchs. In Queen Elizabeth's reign it was called "the Queen's House;" and here her Majesty occasionally resided. The town was also indebted to her for many donations, and she was a great encourager of the woollen manufactory there. Camden calls the palace " a royal seat, with fair stables stored with noble horses." The following items of expenditure having reference to this visit of the Queen in 1592, recorded by the Duke of Wirtemberg's Secretary, were extracted by Mr. Coates from the Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Lawrence's Church : — " Paid for ringing at her ma'ties coming . . . xxii^. Paid for making cleane of the strete at her ma'ties coming, and for carriage ..... xxd. Paid for the suite for the reparation of the chaunsell . xxj." In this church, a seat, called " the state," was appropriated to the Queen's use in the chancel, and when royalty was present, this seat was hung with tapestry, persons were appointed to watch it, a cloth was hung before the pulpit, and the aisles were strewn with rushes and flowers. — (Coates' History of Reading, 4-to. 1802, p. 227. Man's History of Reading, \io. 1816, pp. 284, 318.) Much of the stone-work of the abbey was used in Elizabeth's time for paving the streets of the town (Lemon's State Papers, June 10, 1577); likewise for the churches of St. Mary and St. Lawrence, and for building the hospital of the Poor Knights at Windsor. The work of demolition, however, went on more rapidly in the troubles that arose in the reign of Charles I. One Richard Symons, a C C 194 Notes. royalist and antiquary, visited Reading in 1644, and with note-book in hand (now Harl. MS. 965), jotted down a few memoranda respecting the then state of the abbey. In that year, he says, " much of y e abbey is still standing — the old gatehowse and y e roomes on y e east side." He has also sketched the arms of Queen Elizabeth, and of Seymour with its quarterings, which he found in the " windowes of a large upper roome, now used as a dyning roome. In this roome hang divers old pictures of y e family of Knolls ; Sir Francis Knolls did live here." In the Parliamentary Survey taken in 1650, the " Abbey House" was then in the occupation of Mr. Richard Knollys. A fine Norman gateway has been fortu- nately preserved, in spite of numerous threatenings of destruction : the work of restoration has, we understand, been well performed by Mr. Gilbert Scott. There is a series of "Views of Reading Abbey, with those of the Churches originally connected with it, in the County of Berks." 2 vols. 4to. London and Reading, 1805-10. 28. Page 1 2. Queen Elizabeth was said to be an excellent musician. Camden tells us that she could "play handsomely" on the lute. She was also a good performer on the Virginals, the prototype of the piano. (See also Note 118.) 29. Page 13. The contemporary literature on the subject of the Spanish Armada — that " tirannical, prowd, and brainsick attempt," as Queen Elizabeth wrote to James VI. of Scotland — is very extensive and interesting. A con- siderable collection, probably the largest contained in any library, is in the British Museum, particularly in the Grenville library. A few of these curiosities may be pointed out. One is a handsomely printed broadside copy of verses on the defeat of the Armada, of the utmost rarity, containing a Latin Epigram by Theodore de Beze, entitled : " Ad Serenissimam Elizabetham Anglise Reginam Theodor. Beza." — Excusum Londini G. B. & R. N. 1588. The Epigram commences, " Straverat innumeris Hispanus navibus aequor." On the same leaf are translations in English, Dutch, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, ] talian, and French ; concluding with six lines in French addressed " A l'autheur de l'Epigramme Th. de Beze aage presque de 70 ans." The whole is surrounded by an ornamental woodcut border. The English translation is so spirited and excellent that we quote it: — " The Spanish Fleete did flote in narow Seas, And bend her Ships against the English shore, With so great rage as nothing could appease, And with such strength as never seene before. And all to joine the kingdome of that land, Unto the kingdoms that he had in hand. Now if you aske what set this King on fire, To practise warre when he of peace did treate, It was his Pride, and never quencht desire, To spoile that Islands wealth, by Peace made great : His Pride which farre above the Heavens did swell, And his desire as unsufficed as hell. Notes. 1 95 But well have winds his proud blasts overblowen, And swelling waves alaid his swelling heart, Well hath the Sea with greedie gulfs unknowen, Devourd the devourer to his smart: And made his Ships a praie unto the sand, That meant to praie upon anothers land. And now o Queene above all others blest, For whom both windes and waves are prest to fight, So rule your owne, so succour friends opprest, (As farre from pride, as ready to do right) That England you, you England long enjoy, No lesse your friends delight, than foes annoy." Under the title of " Expeditionis Hispanorum in Angliam vera Descriptio anno d. mdlxxxviii," was published a series of eleven charts in folio, representing the several actions while the " Invincible" Armada was on the British coasts. They were drawn by Robert Adams, and engraved and published by Augustine Ryther. These plates were intended to accompany the "Discourse concerninge the Spanishe fleete," written by Petruccio Ubaldino, citizen of Florence; Lond. 1590, 4.'°. Of the charts there are three copies in the British Museum ; that' in the King's Library, formerly belonging to James West, President of the Royal Society, is bound with a Spanish tract on the equipment of the Armada, written by Pedro de Paz Salas, the margins of which contain manuscript notes in Lord Burghley's hand. His lordship has been at the pains of noting the fate of many of the Spanish galeons : against one he has written, " This shipp was taken by, S r Francis Drak ;" another, " Wrecked in October, in Devonshire, neare Plim- mouthe ;" another, "This man's ship was drowned, 17 Sept., in the He of Furemare, Scotland ; " another, " This was drowned afor Calliss." This identical volume, which is particularly referred to by Strype in his " Annals," vol. iii. Pt. 2, p. 18, was sold at West's sale in 1773, for the very moderate sum of £5. The two other copies above referred to form part of the old Royal collection, and belonged to Queen Elizabeth; one of them is bound with a mag- nificent coloured edition of Saxton's Maps (the earliest collection of English Maps ever published, and of which Lord Burghley's copy, with interesting additions and notes in his own handwriting, is in the manuscript department) ; the other with Waghenaer's "Mariners Mirrour," the maps in which are, also. coloured. The Museum also possesses three contemporary black-letter ballads by T. D. i. e. Thomas Deloney, a famous ballad-writer of the period. The first sings of " The Queene's visiting of the Campe at Tilburie, with her entertainment there;" the second, "Of the straunge and most cruell Wnippes which the Spanyards had prepared to whippe and torment English men and women ;" the third, of "The happie obtaining of the great Galleazzo, wherein Don Pedro de Valdez was the chiefe." 30. Page 13. Harrison, in his " Description of England," prefixed to Holin- 1 96 Notes, shed's " Chronicle, " edit. 1586-7, p. 197, says, "I might speake here of the great traines and troopes of serving men, which attend upon the nobilitie of England in their severall liveries, and with differences of cognisances on their sleeves, whereby it is knowen to whome they apperteine. I could also set downe what a goodlie sight it is to see them muster in the court, which being filled with them doth yeeld the contemplation of a noble varietie unto the beholder, much like to the shew of the pecocks taile in the full beautie, or of some medow garnished with infinit kinds and diversitie of pleasant floures." A verse of a Ballad in the Roxburghe collection, called " Times alteration/' is likewise illustrative of this custom : — " The nobles of our Land Were much delighted then, To have at their command A crue of lustie men, Which by their coats were knowne, Of tawnie, red, or blue, With Crests on their sleeves showne, When this old cap was new." Hentzner, in 1598, remarks : " The English are lovers of show, liking to be followed wherever they go by whole troops of servants, who wear their masters' arms in silver, fastened to the left arms, and are not undeservedly ridiculed for wearing tails hanging down their backs." An extremely rare black-letter quarto in the British Museum contains some interesting illustrations of manners in the Elizabethan age. It is entitled: "A Health to the Gentlemanly Profession of Servingmen," &c. Imprinted at London, by W. W., 1598. I. M., the initials of the author appended to the Epistle to the Reader, says (sig. H.), " But yet there remaynes one service, wherein they [/. e. the * Potentates and Gentlemen'] must imploy moe men then the tables attendance requireth, that is, yf their Mistres ryde abrode, she must have vi or viii Servingmen to attende her, she must have one to carrie her Cloake and Hood, least it raine, another her Fanne, if she use it not herselfe, another her Boxe with Ruffes and other necessaries, another behinde whom her Mayde or Gentlewoman must ryde, and some must be loose to open Gates, and supply other services that may be occasioned. Now to deminish and cut of this charge, aswell of Horse as Men, there is now a new invention, and that is, she must have a Coach, wherein she, with her Gentlewomen, Mayde, and Chyldren, and what necessaries as they or any of them are to use, may be caryed and conveyed with smaller charge, lesse cost, and more credite, as it is accompted : for one or two Men at the most, besides the Coach-man, are sufficient for a Gentlewoman or Lady of worthy parentage." Speaking of the practice of lessening the number of servants, he says, " The Gentleman (I know) will thus answere for himselfe, that he is neither able to do so much for his men, nor to maynteine his port and hospitalitie in so Notes. 1 97 bountifull manner as his auncestors in former ages ; for his Father, or Graund- father payde but xxs. an Oxe, iii/. a Mutton, us. a Calfe, \\d. a Goose, iiii^. a Capon, \\d. a Henne, and \\d. a Pigge, and for all other householde provision the like rate. Now there is not any thing that belonges to housekeeping, but it is a triple charge over it was : and whereas one hundred poundes a yeere was a com- petent lyving to maynteine good hospitalitie, now three hundred pound a yeere will not defray the charge of such a house, rateably proportionyng all necessaries thereunto belonging, without exceeding his accustomed plentie. ... In tymes past, I could have bought Cloth for iij. the brode yarde, an Hatt for x\\d., a Shirt for xd.y a payre of Bootes for iij. — now I must pay three tymes dearer." Referring to the decay of hospitality, he says (sig. I 2 verso), " But this decay of Hospita- litie, hath bred a far greater mischiefe amongst Servingmen. For now every Gen- tleman almost hath gotten such a rabble of Retayners, as makes poore House- holde servantes so smally set by as they are. For, what cares a Gentleman now adayes, to knave and rasca/Ih'is Man at every Worde. And yf his Man (as flesh and blood many tymes cannot indure to be so inhumanely intreated) shal scorne these ungentlemanlike tearmes, and thinke much for so small a cause, as many times they are, to be so hardly used : then off goes the Lyverie-Coate, or Cloake, and packe out of my doores you arrant knave, I wyll have your betters to beare more then this at my handes. Thus is the poore Servingman turned out of his Lyverie, and out of doores, having but a bare quarters warning, but not that quarter that is allowed them by the Statute made for Servants, in quinto of her Maisties reigne, which is a quarter of a yeere, but scarce a quarter of an houre, to packe up such apparrell as he hath." 31. Page 14. Mory son {Itin. 1617, Pt. 3, pp. 53, 149), explains this proverb: " England in generall is said to be the Hell of Horses, the Purgatory of Servants, and the Paradiceof Weomen. The Londiners pronounce woe to him, that buyes a horse in Smyth-field, that takes a servant in Pauls Church, that marries a wife out of Westminster. The horses are strong, and for jornies indefatigable; for the English, especially Northerne men, ride from day breake to the evening with- out drawing bit, neither sparing their horses nor themselves : whence is the Pro- verb — because they ride horses without measure, and use their servants impe- riously, and their women obsequiously." He adds : " Londiners, and all within the sound of Bow-Bell, are in reproach called Cocknies, and eaters of buttered tostes. The Kentish men of old were said to have tayles, because trafficking in the Low Countries, they never paid full payments of what they did owe, but still left some part unpaid." Van Meteren, the Dutch historian, has given (ante, p. 73), his reasons " why England is called the Paradise of Married Women." 32. Page 14. Harrison says: "Our Princes and the Nobilitie have their cariage commonlie made by carts, wherby it commeth to passe that when the Queenes Majestie dooth remoove from anie one place to another, there are usuallie 400 carewares, which amount to the summe of 2400 horses, appointed out of the countries [counties] adjoining, whereby hir cariage is conyeied safelie unto the i 9 8 Notes. appointed place. Hereby also the ancient use of somers and sumpter horsses is in maner utterlie relinquished, which causeth the traines of our princes in their progresses to shew far lesse than those of the Kings of other nations." (Desc. of England, in Ho/insbed, 1586, p. 220.) A reform in this respect took place about 1604, when the number of carts used in progresses was reduced from 600 to 220. (Nichols's Prog, of James I. Pref. xiii.) 33. Page 15. There is a View of Windsor in Braun's " Civitates Orbis Terrarum," done by Georgius Hoefnagel, about 1575. Another interesting large wood-engraving occurs in Fox's "Acts and Monuments," 1576. The Harleian MS. (No. 3749, art. 14) contains an original Survey of Windsor by John Norden, which was made expressly for James I. in 1607. It is a folio volume, beautifully executed on vellum and coloured, and has the royal arms at the back of the title, finely illuminated. It is entitled "A description of the Honor of Windesor, &c. Taken and performed by the perambulation, view and delineation of John Norden in anno 1607." In 1850, Mr. J. G. Nichols con- tributed to the " Gentleman's Magazine " two valuable papers on Windsor Castle in the reign of Elizabeth. Messrs. Tighe and Davis published, in 1858, two handsome volumes of " Annals of Windsor," but in this work Hentzner's in- teresting description of the Windsor of the Elizabethan age is not given. Hentzner, who travelled in 1598, says: "Windsor, a royal castle, supposed to have been begun by King Arthur, its buildings much increased by Edward III. The situation is entirely worthy of being a royal residence — a more beautiful one is scarcely to be found ; for from the brow of a gentle rising it enjoys the prospect of an even and green country ; its front commands a valley extended every way, and chequered with arable lands and pasturage, clothed with groves, and watered by that gentlest of rivers, the Thames {placidissimo Thamesi) ; behind rise several hills, but neither steep nor very high, crowned with woods, and seeming designed by nature herself for the purpose of hunting. The Kings of England, invited by the deliciousness of the place, very often retire hither ; and here was born the Conqueror of France, the glorious King Edward III, who built the castle anew from the ground, and thoroughly fortified it with trenches and towers of square stone ; and having soon after subdued in battle John, King of France, and David, King of Scotland, he detained them both prisoners here at the same time. This Castle, besides being the royal Palace, and having some magnificent tombs of the Kings of England, is famous for the ceremonies pertaining to the Knights of the Garter ; this Order was instituted by Edward III, the same who triumphed so illustriously over John, King of France. The Knights of the Garter are strictly chosen for their military virtues and antiquity of family ; they are bound by solemn oaths and vow to mutual and perpetual friendship among themselves, and to the not avoiding any danger whatever, or even death itself, to support by their joint endeavours the honour of the Society. They are styled Companions of the Garter, from their wearing below the left knee a purple garter inscribed in letters of gold, with Horn soit qui mal y pense — this they wear upon the left leg, in Notes. 199 memory of one which, happening to get untied, was let fall by a great Lady passionately beloved by Edward, while she was dancing, and was immediately snatched up by the King, who to do honour to the Lady, not out of any trifling gallantry, but with a most serious and honorable purpose, dedicated it to the legs of the most distinguished nobility. The ceremonies of this Society are celebrated every year at Windsor on St. George's Day, the tutelar Saint of the Order, the King presiding; and the custom is, that the Knights Companions should hang up their helmet and shield, with their arms emblazoned thereon, in some conspicuous part of the church. There are 3 principal and very large Courts in Windsor Castle, which give great pleasure to the beholders : the first is enclosed with most elegant buildings of white stone, flat-roofed and covered with lead ; here the Knights of the Garter [the poor Knights] are lodged : in the middle is a detached house, remarkable for its high tower, which the Governor of the Castle inhabits. In this is the public kitchen, well furnished with proper utensils, besides a spacious dining-room, where all the poor Knights eat at the same table ; for into this Society of the Garter, the King and Sovereign elects, at his own choice, certain persons who must be gentlemen of three descents and such as for their age and the straitness of their fortunes are fitter for saying their prayers than for the service of war : to each of them is assigned a pension of £18 per annum, and clothes : the chief institution of so magnificent a foundation is, that they should say their daily prayers to God for the King's safety and the happy administration of the kingdom, for which purpose they attend the service, meeting twice every day at chapel. The left side of this court is ornamented by a most magnificent chapel of 134 paces in length, and 16 in breadth : in this are 18 seats, fitted up in the time of Edward III. for an equal number of Knights. This venerable building is decorated with the noble monuments of Edward IV, Henry VI, and Henry VIII, and of his wife Queen Jane. It receives from royal liberality the annual income of £2,000, and that still much increased by the munificence of Edward III. [IV.] and Henry VII. The greatest Princes in Christendom have taken it for the highest honour to be admitted into the Order of the Garter ; and since its first institution about 20 Kings, besides those of England who are the Sovereigns of it, not to mention Dukes and persons of the greatest figure, have been of it. It consists of 26 companions. In the inner Choir of the Chapel are hung up 16 coats of arms, swords and banners, among which are those of Charles V. and Rodolphus II, Emperors ; of Philip of Spain ; Henry III. of France ; Frederick II. of Denmark, &c ; of Casimir, Count Palatine of the Rhine, and other Christian Princes who have been chosen into this Order. In the back Choir or additional Chapel are shown preparations made by Cardinal Wolsey, who was afterwards capitally punished [jzV/], for his own tomb, con- sisting of 8 large brazen columns placed round it, and nearer the tomb four others in the shape of candlesticks ; the tomb itself is of white and black marble, — all which are reserved, according to report, for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth, the expenses already made for that purpose are estimated at upwards of £60,000. 200 Notes. In the same chapel is the surcoat of Edward III. [IV.], and the tomb of Edward Fynes, Earl of Lincoln, Baron Clinton and Say, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter and formerly Lord High Admiral of England. — The 2nd Court of Windsor Castle stands upon higher ground and is enclosed with walls of great strength, and beautified with fine buildings and a tower. It was an ancient Castle, of which old annals speak in this manner: — King Edward, a.d. 1359, began a new building in the Castle of Windsor where he was born, for which reason he took care it should be decorated with larger and finer edifices than other places. In this part of the Castle were kept prisoners John, King of France, and David, King of Scots, over whom Edward triumphed at one and the same time : it was by their advice, struck with the advantage of its situation and out of the sums paid for their ransom, that by degrees this Castle stretched to such magnificence, as to appear no longer a fortress but a town of proper extent, and impregnable to any human force; and this particular part of the Castle was built at the sole expense of the King of Scotland, except one tower, which, from its having been erected by the Bishop of Winchester, Prelate of the Order, is called Winchester Tower [confounded with the Round Tower]. There are 100 steps to it, so ingeniously contrived that horses can easily ascend them ; it is I 50 paces in circuit, and within it are preserved all manner of arms necessary for the defence of the place. — The 3rd Court is much the largest of any, it was built at the expense of the captive King of France ; as it stands higher, so it greatly excels the two former in splendour and elegance ; it is 148 paces in length by 97 in breadth. In the middle of it is a fountain of very clear water, brought under the ground at an excessive expense from the distance of four miles ; towards the East are magnificent apart- ments destined for the royal household ; towards the South is a tennis-court for the amusement of the Court ; on the North side are the royal apartments con- sisting of magnificent chambers, halls and stove- rooms, and a private chapel, the roof of which is embellished with golden roses and fleur-de-lis. On this side too is that very large banqueting room, 78 paces long and 30 wide, in which the Knights of the Garter annually celebrate the memory of their tutelar Saint, St. George, with a solemn and most pompous service. From hence runs a walk of incredible beauty, 386 paces in length and 7 in breadth, compassed all round with wooden rails, affording a platform from whence the nobility and persons of distinction can behold the hunting and hawking which take place in the wide area below ; for the fields and meadows clad with variety of plants and flowers, swell gradually into hills of perpetual verdure quite up to the Castle walls, and beyond stretch out in an extended plain, that strikes the beholders with delight. Besides what has been already mentioned, there are worthy of notice here two stove-rooms ceiled and wainscoted with looking-glass ; the bed-chamber in which Henry VI. was born; Queen Elizabeth's bed-chamber, where is a table of red marble with white streaks ; a gallery everywhere ornamented with emblems and figures impressed in plaster ; a chamber in which are the royal beds of Henry VII. and his queen, of Edward VI, of Henry VIII, and of Anne Boleyn, — all of them Notes. 201 eleven feet square and furnished with hangings glittering with gold and silver ; Queen Elizabeth's bed, with curious coverings of embroidery, but not quite so long or large as the others; a piece of tapestry, in which is represented Clovis, King of France, with an angel presenting to him the fleur-de-lis to be borne in his arms ; for before that time the kings of France bore 3 toads in their shield, instead of which they afterwards placed 3 fleurs-de-lis on a blue field : this antique tapestry is said to have been taken from a King of France, while the Eng- lish were masters there. We were shown here among other things the horn of a unicorn of above 8-*- spans in length, valued at above £100,000; a cushion most curiously wrought by Queen Elizabeth's own hands ; the Bird of Paradise, three spans long, three fingers broad, having a blue bill of the length of half an inch, the upper part of its head yellow, the under part of prismatic colours (optici colons) ; a little lower from either side of its throat stick out some reddish feathers, as well as from its back and the rest of its body ; its wings of a yellow colour are twice as long as the bird itself; from its back grow out lengthways two fibres or nerves, bigger at their ends, but like a pretty strong thread, of a leaden colour, inclining to black, with which, as it has no feet, it is said to fasten itself to trees when it wants to rest." Mr. George Gray, of the British Museum, to whom the above description of a Bird of Paradise was submitted, thinks that what the German traveller saw was an ornithological fraud — a made-up gaudy specimen, and in truth a very rara avis. Fable has been busy with these beautiful creatures with which we are now so familiar — one story, long credited, being that they were legless. The high value set upon these birds, which were worn as plumes in the turbans of Oriental chiefs, awakened the cupidity and trickery of the Chinese, who manufactured from par- rots, parroquets, and other gay specimens of the feathered tribes, artificial Birds of Paradise ; and the natives, in former times, scarcely ever produced a skin from which they had not carefully removed the feet. 34. Page 16. Perlin {Description d* Angleterre, 1558) remarks that the Eng- lish are great lovers of music, for there is no church, however small, but has musi- cal service performed in it. Hentzner, in 1598, observes: "The English excel in dancing and music, for they are active and lively, though of a thicker make than the French." He adds : " They are vastly fond of great noises that fill the ear, such as the firing of cannon, drums, and the ringing of bells ; so that in Lon- don it is common for a number of them, that have got a glass in their heads, to go into some belfry and ring the bells for hours together for the sake of exercise." 35. Page 16. His Highness certainly had to endure much delay, trouble, and " hope deferred " ere he himself obtained the long-coveted honour of K.G., which he perseveringly asserted that the Queen had promised him during this visit. — See the Introduction. 36. Page 17. This is perhaps the earliest recorded instance of the name-carv- ing propensity said to belong peculiarly to the English. In the " Guls Horn Booke," 1609, written by Dekker, the gallant is advised to fe pay tribute to D D 202 Notes. the top of Powles steeple with a single penny (see ante p. 139); and before you come downe againe, I would desire you to draw your knife, and grave your name (or for want of a name, the marke which you clap on your sheepe) in great caracters upon the leades, and so you shall he sure to have your name lye in a coffin of lead, when your selfe shall be wrapt in a winding-sheete ; and indeed the top \i.e. the leads] of Powles contains more names than Stowe's Chronicle." Another curious practice prevailed. When Christian IV. King of Denmark paid us a visit in 1606, we are told that: "After dinner the King, being accom- panyed with the Lord Admirall, the Lord Chamberlayne and others, went by coach unto Pauls Church, and into the quyer and other chappels therein. And then the King and the Lord Chamberlayne with some others ascended the top of the steeple, and when he had survayed the Cittie, hee helde his foote still whilest Edward Soper keeper of the Steeple, with his knife cutte the length and breadth thereof in the lead ; and for a lasting remembrance thereof, the said Soper, within few dayes after, made the Kinges charecter in gilded copper, and fixed it in the middest of the print of the Kinges foote, which was no sooner done, but some rustie mindes of this yron age, thinking all gold that glistred, with violent instru- ments attempted to steale it." (Stow's Chronicle ; contin. by Howes, 161 5, p. 886.) So, also, when Sir Symonds D'Ewes, in 1627, was on his wedding tour, after showing his bride divers of the colleges at Cambridge, " wee went (says he) both upp to the topp of King's Colledge Chappell, on the south side whereof upon the leades my wives foote was sett, being one of the least in England, her age and stature considered, and her armes exsculped within the compasse of the foote in a small escocheon." (Hearne's Liber Niger Scaccarii, p. 644.) 37. Page 17. Our ancestors held the horn of this animal (supposed to be the rhinoceros) in high estimation. It was considered to be an absolute antidote to the effects of poison, and was sold at extravagant prices. The Prince of Anhalt, who travelled in 1596, notes, in his poetical Itinerary, that there were "two long Unicorns' horns preserved at Windsor, one perfectly smooth, the other of a spiral form and nearly four ells long:" — " Zwey lang' Einhorner seind daselbsten auch verwahrt, Das eine war gar glat, und eins gewundner art, Fast an vier ellen lang" Hentzner, in 1598, says: "We were shown here, among other things, the horn of a Unicorn, of above eight spans and a half in length, valued at above £100,000!" An unicorn's horn at Somerset House, valued at £500, occurs in the Inventory of the plate, goods, &c. of King Charles I. There is a charming touch of satire in the following merry verse of Master Thomas Weelkes, Gentle- man of Her Majesties chapel in 1 606 (Ayres or Phantasticke Spirites), — " Ha, ha, ha, ha ! this world doth pass Most merrily I'll be sworn; For many an honest Indian Ass Goes for an Unicorn." Notes. 2 °3 And in the List of " Sights" in England, temp. James I. (see p. 1 39), the over- scrupulous author refers to " That home of Windsor (of an Unicorne very likely)" In 1641, the Marquis de la Ferte Imbaut, Marshal of France,*saw in the Tower of London a Unicorn's horn, covered with plates of silver, and estimated at the enormous sum of £40,000. 38. Page 18. Norden writes of Hampton Court: "There are belonging to this princely Pallace two parkes, the one of deare, the other of hares, both in- vironed with wals of bricke, the south side of the deare parke excepted, which is paled and invironed with the Thamise. It is admirable to consider the mightie and huge buyldinges, and the multitude of bricke ther disposed. But more admi- rable to waye the founder [Card. Wolsey], his person, state and wealth. But in those dayes men of his place, howsoever, gathered wher they strewed not, reaped wher they sowed not, [and recey ved and exacted wher, when, what and of whom they listed], and so grew to wealth infinite, [to gredynes insatiable]. But as this kinglie mansion was a seate beseminge a more worthy person, [so it soone] it came to a prince fitt for the place, renowned King H. 8. And now is our most gracious Quene Elizabeths, who God graunt may grace it w th her prosperous life, Enochs yeares, if Jehovah please so to voutsaufe." {Description of Middle- sex, 1592. Harl. MS. 570.) Six years later, Hentzner thus describes Hampton Court : — *' Hampton Court is a Royal Palace, magnificently built with brick by Cardinal Wolsey in ostenta- tion of his wealth, where he enclosed five ample courts, consisting of noble edifices in very beautiful work. Over the gate in the 2nd area is the Queen's device, a golden Rose, with this motto : Dieu et mon Droit, On the inner side of this gate are the effigies of the 1 2 Roman Emperors in plaister. The chief area is paved with square stone ; in its centre is a fountain that throws up water, covered with a gilt crown, on the top of which is a statue of Justice, supported by columns of black and white marble. The Chapel of this Palace is most splendid, in which the Queen's closet is quite transparent, having its windows of crystal. We were led into two chambers, called the presence, or chamber of audience, which shone with tapestry of gold, silver and silk of different colours; under the canopy of state are these words embroidered in pearl : Vivat Rex Henricus VIII. Here is besides a small Chapel richly hung with tapestry, where the Queen performs her devotions. In her bed-chamber the bed was covered with very costly cover- lids of silk. At no great distance from this room we were shewn a bed, the tester of which was worked by Anne Boleyn, and presented by her to her hus- band Henry VIII. All the other rooms, being very numerous, are adorned with tapestry of gold, silver and velvet, in some of which were woven history pieces ; in others, Turkish and American dresses, all extremely natural. In the Hall are these curiosities : — A very clear looking-glass, ornamented with columns and little images of alabaster ; a portrait of Edward VI, brother to Queen Elizabeth ; the 204 Notes. true portrait ofLucretia; a picture of the Battle of Pavia; the History of Christ's passion, carved in mother of pearl ; the portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, who was beheaded, and her daughter [several mistakes here] ; the portrait of Ferdinand, Prince of Spain, and of Philip his son; that of Henry VIII, under it was placed the Bible curiously* written upon parchment; an artificial sphere; several musical instruments ; in the tapestry are represented negroes riding upon elephants. The bed in which Edward VI. is said to have been born and where his mother Jane Seymour died in childbed ; in one chamber were several excessively rich tapestries, which are hung up when the Queen gives audience to foreign ambassadors ; there were numbers of cushions ornamented with gold and silver ; many counterpanes and coverlids of beds lined with ermine : in short, all the walls of the Palace shine with gold and silver. Here is also a certain cabinet called Paradise, where besides that everything glitters so with silver, gold and jewels, as to dazzle one's eyes, there is a musical instrument made all of glass, except the strings." The Duke of Saxe- Weimar, in 1613, visited Hampton Court. In the Journal of his Travels it is stated that all the apartments and galleries were covered with rush matting : — " alle Gemacher und Galerien waren mit geflochtenen Decken aus Wintzen belegt." 39. Page 18. Hentzner remarks: "Afterwards (in Sept. 1598) we were led into the gardens [at Hampton Court], which are most pleasant; here we saw Rosemary so planted and nailed to the walls as to cover them entirely — which is a method exceedingly common in England." The Prince of Anhalt, in 1596, speaks of the fine hedges of rosemary to be seen at Somerset House, afterwards the residence of Queen Anne of Denmark, and on that account called Denmark House. John Gerard, who possessed a flourishing garden in Holborn, ' within the suburbs of London? says (Herball, 1597): " They make hedges of it in the gardens of Italie and Englande, being a great ornament unto the same." The several virtues of the plant are mentioned by him. (See also Nares' Glossary for allusions by the old English poets and dramatists.) The same Gerard, 'Surgeon and Herbalist to the King,' held a lease of a garden-plot adjoining Somerset House, on condition of his supplying Queen Anne of Denmark with herbs, flowers, and fruit. (Calen- dar of State Papers, 1604.) It was surrendered to the Queen in June, 161 1. Horace Walpole, alluding to Hentzner's description of the gardens at Theobalds, remarks : " We are apt to think that Sir William Temple and King William [III.] were in a manner the introducers of gardening into England : by the description of Lord Burleigh's gardens at Theobalds and those at Nonsuch, we find that the magnificent tho' false taste was known here as early as the reigns of Henry VIII. and his daughter." Harrison, in his Description of England (Holinshed, 1586), on the same pleasant subject of gardens, says : " If you looke into our gardens annexed to our houses, how wonderfullie is their beautie increased, not onelie with floures and varietie of curious and costlie workmanship, but also with rare and medicinable hearbes sought up in the land within these fortie yeeres ; so that in comparison of this present, the ancient gardens were but dunghills and laistowes Notes. 205 to such as did possesse them So curious and cunning are our Gardeners now in these daies, that they presume to doo in maner what they list with nature, and moderate hir course in things as if they were hir superiours. For mine owne part, good reader, Jet me boast a litle of my garden, which is but small, and the whole area thereof little above 300 foot of ground, and yet, such hath beene my good lucke in purchase of the varietie of simples that notwithstanding my small abilitie, there are verie neere three hundred of one sort and other conteined therein, no one of them being common or usuallie to bee had. If therefore my little plot, void of all cost in keeping be so well furnished, what shall we think of those of Hampton Court, Nonesuch, Tibaults, Cobham Garden, and sundrie other apperteining to diverse citizens of London whom I could particulate name." One of Lord Bacon's delightful Essays treats of the subject of gardening. 40. Page 18. Sir Martin Frobisher, in his second voyage to the North West in 1577, brought over from the newly-discovered territory, named by the Queen "Meta Incognita,'' a native man, woman, and child. Among the accounts of Frobisher's three voyages kept by Michael Lok, " Treasurer of the Company of Cathay," Frobisher is allowed a payment of £17 i8j. $d. for apparel and expenses of the " strange man and woman," who both died at Bristol; the child being brought to London. There is a charge for maintaining this child and its nurse for eight days at the Three Swans, and then for its burial in St. Olave's, Hart Street, and also the charges of the surgeon who attended it. Large and small portraits were made for the Queen and the Company ; the Queen's were sent to Hampton Court. In the MS. Inventory of Charles I's effects sold after his death {Harl. MS. 4898), a picture of" A Cataia,or Island Man," with "A Cataia Woman" at Hampton Court, were sold for £6. They afterwards appear in the catalogue of James II's pictures, and were again at Hampton Court. {Harl. MS. 1890, fo. 79.) I have hitherto been unable to find any trace of their present whereabouts ; possibly they may be discovered in some of the royal palaces. The payments in regard to these pictures are curious and interesting : — " Paid to Cornellis Ketteller, paynter, as fol°. £ s. d. For a greate picture of the strainge man in his apell [apparel] .500 For a great picture of him in Englishe apell . . . .500 For an other picture of him in his apparell . . . .500 For a smalle picture of him . . . . . . .100 For his picture naked, or waxe molde . . . . .100 Paid to Petter Gilbart, Dutchman, for iii great frames and waynscott at 8 sh . pece, and a small frame 2 sh . and nayles l sh . 6 d . for the Tartar mans picture . . . . . . . .176 Paid to Petter Gilbarte for ii great frames for the strainge manes pictures to send over seas . . . . . . .0160" The artist likewise received £6 for a < great picture of the shippe Gabriell,' and £5 for a 'great picture of Captayne Furbusher.' 206 Notes. In his former voyage also, in 1 576, it appears from these accounts that Frobisher brought over one of the natives, who died here ; and it is possible that Shake- speare's quip in the Tempest, on the scramble of the "holiday fools" to see a " dead Indian," has reference to Frobisher's poor captive Esquimaux. £ s. d. " Paid for apparrell for the strange man of Cathay or new land India 1 10 o Paid Mr. Crowe, the surgeon, for opening of the India man, and balmyng him dead . . . . . . . .500 For Bedding for him spoyled in his sickness . . . .0160 For household charge, Potticarye in his sickness, and folke highered to tend him and wind him . . . . . .1106 For a CofFyne, bran to pak him, and other [things] . . .0114 For Wax to make his mold in pictur . . . . .0100 Paid Cornelius Kettell, payntar Ducheman, for making a great Pic- ture of the whole bodye of the strange man in his garments, £5, and the Joyner for a frame and case for it, which was given the Queen's Majesty, 1 p. ^.d. . . . . . . .5134 For another lyke Picture and frame for it, which is for the Com- panye 580 For two other small Pictures of his head . . . . .200 Paid W m . Cure, Duchemane graver, for making a mould of hard earthe of the Tartar man's ymage to be cast in wax . .1134' {Proceedings of the Record Commission, Edited by C. P. Cooper, 1833, folio. Of this work only 50 copies were struck off. The printing of this and similar valuable matter among the " Agenda" gave rise to a searching investigation and censure by the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed in 1836.) John Allde had a license to print [1577-8, Jan. 30], — " A description of the purtrayture and shape of those strange kinde of people whiche M r . Martin Four- boisier brought into England a°. 1576 and 1577." Cornelius Kettell, or more properly Ketel, above mentioned, was born at Gouda in 1548. He came to England in 1573, and was much employed by the merchants in painting portraits. He also painted several of the nobility, and, in 1578, the Queen herself. He left this country in 1581, and settled at Amsterdam. Subsequently this painter laid aside his brushes, and painted with his fingers, and succeeding so well, at length attempted it with his feet. (See Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting!) There is a Portrait of him at Hampton Court, probably by himself. William Cure is com- mended by Meres, his contemporary, as an excellent engraver, meaning sculptor. Walpole could find no other account of him. But in Devon's Issues of the Exche- quer, there are payments, in 1606 and 1613, to Cornelius and William Cure, His Majesties Master Masons, for making the tomb of Mary Queen of Scots in West- minster Abbey, amounting in the whole to £825 \os. 41. Page 19. Norden writes : "Queen Elizabeth hath of late caused a very Notes. 20 j beautifull fountaine there to be erected in the second court, which graceth the Pallace, and serveth to great and necessarie use ; the fountaine was finished in anno 1590, not without great charge." {Description of Middlesex 3 1593.) In his MS. of this- work, dated the year before, he has added at this place, " Besydes the mayne buyldinge ther are dispersed sundrye towres or rather bowers, for places of recreation and solace, and for sundry other uses." Hentzner notes : " In a garden joining the Palace [at Whitehall], there is a jet-d'eau, with a sun-dial, which while strangers are looking at, a quantity of water, forced by a wheel, which the gardener turns at a distance, through a number of little pipes, plenti- fully sprinkles those that are standing around." Likewise at Nonesuch, Hentzner noticed " a pyramid of marble, full of concealed pipes, which spirt upon all who come within their reach." 42. Page 19. Hentzner, in 1598, describes his visit to the Tower of London as follows : — «* Upon entering, we were obliged to leave our swords at the gate, and deliver them to the guard. When we were introduced, we were shown about 100 pieces of arras belonging to the crown, made of gold, silver, and silk ; several saddles covered with velvet of different colours; an immense quantity of bed-furniture, such as canopies and the like, some of them most richly ornamented with pearl; some royal dresses so extremely magnificent, as to raise any one's admiration at the sums they must have cost. We were next led into the Armoury, in which are these particularities: spears, out of which you may shoot; shields that will give fire four times ; a great many rich halberds, commonly called partisans, with which the guard defend the Royal person in battle ; some lances covered with red and green velvet, and the suit of armour of King Henry VIII; many very beautiful arms, as well for men as for horses in horse-fights ; the lance of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, 3 spans thick [this was a bourdonnass, or hollow lance — Meyrkk] ; two pieces of cannon, the one fires three, the other seven balls at a time ; two others made of wood, which the English had at the siege of Boulogne in France, and by this stratagem, without which they could not have succeeded, they struck a terror into the inhabitants, as at the appearance of artillery, and the town was surrendered upon articles ; 19 cannons of a thicker make than ordinary, and in a room apart 36 of a smaller size; other cannons for chain-shot ; and balls proper to bring down masts of ships. Cross- bows, bows and arrows, of which to this day the English make great use in their exercises. Eight or nine men, employed by the year, are scarcely sufficient to keep all the arms bright. On coming out of the Tower, we were led to a small house close by, where are kept a variety of creatures, viz. 3 lionesses ; one lion of great size, called Edward VI, from his having been born in that reign; a tiger ; a lynx ; a wolf excessively old — this is a very scarce animal in England, so that their sheep and cattle stray about in great numbers, free from any danger, though without anybody to keep them ; there is besides a porcupine and an eagle. All these creatures are kept in a remote place, fitted up for the purpose with wooden lattices, at the Queen's expense. Near to the Tower is a large 208 Notes. open space; on the highest part of it is erected a wooden scaffold, for the execu- tion of noble criminals, upon which they say, three princes of England, the last of their families, have been beheaded for high treason." 43. Page 20. In the beginning of September, 1566, Queen Elizabeth honoured the University of Oxford by a visit, staying there a week, winning golden opinions, and leaving behind a pair of richly embroidered gloves and a cuff, which are to be seen in the Bodleian Library. She repeated her visit in the same month of the year 1592 {i.e. a few weeks later than the visit of our Duke), desiring to behold — as Ant. a Wood informs us — " the change and amendment of learning and manners" which had taken place during the long interval. She thanked the Oxonians in choice Latin for their complimentary speeches, having, as saith the facetious Fuller, " as good a command of her Latin tongue as of her loyal subjects." On the former occasion Thomas Neale, Hebrew Professor, pre- sented to her a little book of Latin verses containing the description of all the colleges, halls, &c. Some views were at the same time offered to her and exhibited publicly, which were drawn by John Bereblock, Fellow of Exeter College, who was "most admirably well skill'd in the art of delineation," and who wrote like- wise an account of this royal visit, which was long afterwards (1729) published by Hearne. The verses by Neale were published by Miles Windsore in 1 590, and by Hearne (with the views engraved), in 1 7 1 3. The oldest Plan of the University and City is that by Ralph Aggas in 1578. This was re-engraved in 1728 on two sheets, with copies of Bereblock's views introduced in the margin. At the bottom is " Augustinus Ryther, Anglus, delineavit 1588 " — the same who engraved and published the interesting series of charts of the Spanish Armada. There are also some curious verses, one referring to the map of London, by which Aggas is so well known : — " Neare tenn years paste, the author made a doubt, Whether to print or laie this worke aside, Untill he first had London platted out, Which still he craves — Meantime, the measure, forme and sight I bringe Of antient Oxford noblenesse of skill — A citie seated ritch in euerye thinge, Girte with woode and water, pasture, corne and hill : He tooke the vewe from North and soe he leaves it still, For there the buildings make the bravest showe, And from those Walkes the Scholers best it knowe." The notice of Aggas and his Oxford map, by Walpole and his editors, is faulty. There is a small coloured View of Oxford in 1588, by William Smith, Rouge Notes. 209 Dragon Pursuivant, in the Sloane MS. 2596. An engraved view, about 1575, is in Braun's w Civitates Orbis Terrarum." Loggan published a collection of views in 1675. See also Skelton's fine work, " Oxonia antiqua restaurata," 1823. 44. Page 20. Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset, was at this time Chancellor. 45. Page 21. The description of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge was written in Latin by one Simon Bibeus, an Englishman, and it would seem to have been pub- lished and probably used as a guide-book to the Universities in the very year in which this German visit was paid. A copy of it was no doubt taken back by our tra- vellers, and the matter adopted and introduced in this Journal of the Duke of Wirtemberg. It appears to have been unknown to those who have written on the subject of the two Universities. Herr Rathgeb has, of course, made sad havoc with the English names; but these the editor has rectified by Wood and Chalmers for Oxford, and by Fuller, Dyer, and other authorities for Cambridge ; indeed, without such aid, some of the names thus * ubersetzt,'*/. e. overset or upset, would be hopelessly unrecognizable. Nothing appears to be known of the writer, Simon Bibeus. He dedicates his work to Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, whom he calls his patron. Might he not have been connected with " Simon Bibye, esq. ofBugden, Huntingdonshire," whose daughter (according to Collins' Baro?ietage) married the royalist baronet Sir Edward Lake, who died in 1674? 46. Page 21. All this is an M imagined piece of antiquity," says Anthony Wood. The same remark may be applied to the description of the early days of Cambridge. 47. Page 22. William of Durham willed estates for the purpose; he died in 1249. Purchases were made 1 253-1 280. 48. Page 29. The following represents the return made of the rents of every college in Oxford, according to which they were taxed for the Entertainment of Queen Elizabeth in the thirty-fourth year of her reign, 1592 (See Gutch's Collect. Curiosa, vol. i. p. 190): — 1. Christ Church, £2000 ; 2. Magd. Coll., £1200 ; 3. New Coll., £1000; 4. All Souls, £500; 5. Corpus Christi Coll., £500 ; 6. Merton, £400; 7. St. John's, £400; 8. Brasenose, £300; 9. Queen's, £260; 10. Exon, £200; 11. Oriel, £200; 12. Trinity, £200; 13. Lincoln, 130; 14. University, £100; 15. Balliol, £100; 16. Jesus, £70. Total, £7560. (See Note 43.) 49. Page 30. " The colleges of Oxford (says Harrison) for curious worke- manship and privat commodities, are much more statelie, magnificent, and com- modious than those of Cambridge ; and thereunto the streets of the towne for the most part more large and comelie. But for uniformitie of building, orderlie com- paction and politike regiment, the towne of Cambridge, as the newer workman- ship exceedeth that of Oxford (which otherwise is and hath beene the greater of the two) by manie a fold (as I gesse), although I know diverse that are of the con- trarie opinion. This also is certeine, that whatsoever the difference be in building of the towne streets, the townesmen of both are glad when they may match and annoie the students, by incroching upon their liberties, and keepe them bare by E E 2IO Notes, extreame sale of their wares, whereby manie of them become rich for a time, but afterward fall againe into povertie, bicause that goods evill gotten doo seldome long indure.' , {Description of England, in Holinshed ; 1586, p. 148.) Anthony Wood pays but a poor compliment to the Oxford of his day when he says that, if it were not for the colleges, it " would be one of the beggarliest places in England." Hentzner, in 1 598, terms Oxford " the famed Athens of England/' He says : " The students lead a life almost monastic ; for as the monks had nothing in the world to do, but when they had said their prayers at stated hours, to employ themselves in instructive studies, no more have these. They are divided into three tables: the first is called the Fellows' table, to which are admitted Earls, Barons, Gentlemen, Doctors, and Masters of Arts, but very few of the latter ; this is more plentifully and expensively served than the others. The second is for Masters and Bachelors of Arts, some Gentlemen, and eminent Citizens. The third for people of low condition. While the rest are at dinner or supper in a great Hall, where they are all assembled, one of the Students reads aloud the Bible, which is placed on a desk in the middle of the Hall, and this office every one of them takes upon himself in his turn ; as soon as grace is said after each meal, every one is at liberty either to retire to his own chambers, or to walk in the college garden, there being none that has not a delightful one. Their habit is almost the same as that of the Jesuits, their gowns reaching down to their ancles, sometimes lined with fur; they wear square caps; the Doctors, Masters of Arts, and Professors have another kind of gown that distinguishes them. Every student of any con- siderable standing has a key to the Library of his college. " In an outpart of the town are the remains of a pretty large fortification, but quite in ruins. We were entertained at supper with an excellent concert, com- posed of variety of instruments. " The Prince of Anhalt, in 1596, was entertained by the Oxford collegians, and in his Itinerary he has quizzed the ladies in the following verse : what would his satirical Highness have said had he been present at a ' Commemoration?' " Es liessen sich aldar auch weibesbilder sehn, Wo das geprange war, sie konten nichts verstehn Was man Lateinisch redt : doch wurden sie getrieben Durch fiirwitz und den schein, ob wer'es ein belieben Zur freyen kunst, es war nichts als die eitelkeit, Die ihren schonen glantz zu schauen an so beut : Sie sassen hier und dar nach ihrem wolgefallen, Und wusten anders nichts, als Englisch her zu lallen." " There in the glittering throng fair women might be seen, Who of the Latin speeches understood no word ; Yet led by forwardness and show, as if from love Of liberal arts, shed forth their radiance to the gaze Of all — from nothing else but idle vanity ! Notes. 2 1 1 Where'er it liked them best they sat, and lisp'd on still In their own English tongue ; 'twas all that they could do." We are reminded here of Lord Francis Leveson Gower's (Egerton Ellesmere) curious mistake in translating from Goethe's " Faust " the line : — " Und lispeln englisch wenn sie lugen," " And lisp in English when they lie," instead of " And lisp like Angels when they lie." " Non Angli, sed Angeli," was the punning remark of Gregory the Great, when he saw the fair Saxon children in the market-place at Rome. 50. Page 32. In August, 1564, Queen Elizabeth visited Cambridge, where she remained five days. The maps and views of Cambridge executed during her reign may here be mentioned. Richard Lyne's valuable map of 1574 is referred to in Note 52. There is a coloured plan drawn by William Smith, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, in 1588, in the Sloane MS. 2596. An engraved bird's- eye view of about the date 1575 occurs in Braun's interesting collection of" Civi- tates Orbis Terrarum." Another is said to have been executed by Ralph Aggas, whose map of London is well known, but of this of Cambridge no copy has hitherto been discovered. Loggan published a fine collection of views in 1688. Hentzner, the German traveller, visited Cambridge in 1598; he enumerates briefly the several colleges. Alluding to Trinity Chapel, he says : " On its right side is a fine library, where we saw the Book of Psalms in manuscript upon parch- ment, four spans in length, and three broad, taken from the Spaniards at the siege of Cadiz, and thence brought into England with other rich spoils." 51. Page 32. During the year 1592 there were two Vice-Chancellors of Cambridge University, — Dr. John Still, Master of Trinity College, afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells, and Thomas Legge, Master of Gonville and Caius College. Lord Burghley was Chancellor. 52. Page 33. Fuller, dismissing all these fables, commences his history of Cambridge University at the Norman Conquest, not wishing, as he says, to make any difference betwixt the sisters, which should be the eldest. The superior antiquity claimed for Cambridge over the sister University in a speech delivered by the Public Orator of the former before Queen Elizabeth, when she visited that University in 1564, gave rise to a fierce and furious literary controversy. The two Caius' (Kaye or Keye), were the principal combatants. Thomas Caius, of All Souls, entered the arena on the side of Oxford, in 1568, while the more cele- brated Dr. John Caius, the founder of Gonville and Caius College, and not related to the Oxford man, maintained the opinion advanced by the Cambridge Orator. The literary weapons, pro and con, are in our national library. It is said that no less than 380 writers engaged on the part of Oxford, and no on that of Cam- bridge. One volume in the British Museum is of considerable interest. It con- 212 Notes, sists of three tracts in Latin, the first two being republications of the pieces of the Keyes before mentioned, and printed by John Daye, in 1 574 and 5 ; the last being the History of the University of Cambridge, by Dr. John Caius. This volume, very handsomely bound, with an elaborately worked pattern in gold, was a pre- sent to James I. from John Parker, the son of the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose MS. dedication to the King is prefixed. In it is the highly interesting and supposed unique Map of Cambridge, engraved at the expense of the Archbishop, by Richard Lyne, and dated 1574, and accompanied by the arms of the several colleges, &c. all finely coloured. 53. Page 43. Probably his Highness slept in the " Great Bed, "although our careful chronicler has not noticed the circumstance. The Duke's son's secretary, eighteen years later, was more exact (see p. 62). Vallans, who was a native of Ware, seems to point to something remarkable by mentioning the inn at which the bed was formerly kept, in the following lines in his " Tale of Two Swannes," 1590:— " And this was done least that undecently They should passe by the guested towne of Ware, Thus ordered they came by Byrches house, That whilom was the Brothers Friers place ; Then by the Crozune y and all the innes of Ware." Perhaps the earliest recorded mention of this celebrated " piece of furniture" is contained in the Poetical Itinerary of the Prince Ludwig, of Anhalt-Kohten, who visited this country in 1596,3 period anterior, by five years, to Shakespeare's " Twelfth Night," in which the well-known allusion (act iii. sc. 2) occurs. It is in these words: — " Es war in Wahr ein Bett' An weitem raume, das auch vier par leute hett' In sich geruhiglich beysammen lassen liegen, Das keines sich genau ans andre durfte schmiegen." Which may be thus rendered : — " At Ware was a bed of dimensions so wide, Four couples might cosily lie side by side, And thus without touching each other abide." Good engravings of the bedstead will be found in Clutterbuck's " Hertford- shire," and in Shaw's " Specimens of Ancient Furniture." Its date is of the reign of Elizabeth, and its dimensions are 10 ft. 9 in. in length, 10 ft. 9 in. in width, and 7 ft. 6|- in. in height. In September, 1864, this famous Shakespearean bed was sold by auction, and purchased for 100 guineas, for Mr. Charles Dickens, and is now, we believe, at Gad's Hill, a famous Shakespearean locality. 54. Page 44. Vallans and Norden speak in raptures of the once magnificent seat of Theobalds, w r hich was in the parish of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. The Notes. 2 1 3 former, in his " Tale of Two Swannes," 1 590 (an early specimen of blank verse), thus alludes to it : — " Now see these Swannes the new and worthie seate Of famous Cicill, treasoror of the land — * * * * The House itselfe doth shewe the owners wit, And may for bewtie, state and every thing, Compared be with most within the land." And Norden, the earliest historian of Hertfordshire, writing in 1598, says — " To speake of the state and beuty therof at large as it deserveth, for curious buildinges, delightfull walkes and pleasant conceites within and without, and other thinges very glorious and ellegant to be seene, would challenge a great portion of this little treatise, and therfore least I should come shorte of that due commendation that it deserveth, I leave it as indeed it is a princely seat." Lord Burghley, in a letter dated August 14, 1585, says, "My House at Theobalds was begun by me with a mean mesure, but encreast by occasions of her Majesty's often coming, whom to please, I never would omit to strain myself to more charges than building it. And yet not without some speciall direction of her Majesty. Upon fault found with the smal mesure of her chamber (which was in good mesure for me), I was forced to enlarge a room for a larger chamber; which need not be envied of any for riches in it, more than the shew of old oaks, and such trees with painted leaves and fruit." Strype adds : " And coates of armes, for so he had painted this new room for the Queen, set forth with several trees of several sorts, with the armes of the nobility, officers of state, the bishops," &c. At Theobalds the lord treasurer had thirty persons in family, and besides a constant allowance in charity, he directed £10 a week to be laid out in keeping the poor at work in the garden. The expenses of his stables were 1 000 marks a year. Not less than twelve times he entertained the Queen at his house for several weeks together, at the expense of £3000 each time. His contemporary Biography, printed in Peck's " Desiderata Curiosa," informs us in addition : " He greatly delighted in making gardens, fountains, and walks, which at Theobalds were perfected most costly, bewtifully and pleasauntly, where one might walk twoe myle in the walkes before he came to their ends." Lord Burghley's son, Sir Robert Cecil, first Earl of Salisbury, in 1607 exchanged Theobalds with James I, for the equally fine palace of Hatfield. Shortly after the exchange (161 1), the architect, John Thorpe, was employed to make a survey of the Park. The very plan, drawn on vellum and coloured, exists among the Cottonian MSS. (Aug. I. i. 75). Theobalds became the King's favourite country residence during the whole of his reign. Here was the scene of his revellings with the jovial King of Denmark; here he hunted with the young Duke of Saxe Weimar, and touched for the evil (see ante, p. 149), and here he breathed his last on March 27, 1625. Theobalds Road, in London, was so called, because it led to James's pleasant 2I 4 Notes, hunting-seat. On leaving Whitehall, the King was in the habit of going through the Strand, up Drury Lane, into Holborn, Kingsgate Street, and Theobalds Road. Charles I. occasionally resided at Theobalds; but in 1649, on the sale of the Crown lands, notwithstanding the recommendation of the Commissioners to the Rebel Parliament to save it from destruction, it was pulled down, the materials sold, and the money divided among the soldiers. Not a vestige of the mansion now remains; but the name is preserved in the residence of the eminent brewer Sir Henry Meux, Bart., and some houses erected on the site of the old palace. " Thro' Theobalds passing, we the bounds remark Of a once Royal Court and stately Park, But now from its primaeval pride decay'd, Villas of wealthy Cits possess the shade." {Scarborough : a Poem, 1734.) There is a view of the old royal house in the " Gentleman's Magazine" for 1836, which accompanies an interesting notice of the Palace by John Gough Nichols, Esq. ; a folio plate of the same view, engraved at the expense of the Society of Antiquaries, was published in 1765, under the misnomer of Richmond Palace. \t is also engraved in the 2nd part of Drummond's splendid folio work on " Noble British Families," published by Pickering, together with a view of its interior, from a picture belonging to Earl Paulet. In this latter are portraits of Charles I. and his Queen, the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery, and last and least, the famous dwarf JefFery Hudson, with three of King Charles's favourite spaniels. The portrait of the diminutive hero, which was engraved by John Droeshout (incorrectly called by Walpole Martin, the engraver of the famous Shakespeare portrait in the first folio), and inserted in the little volume, entitled " The New Yeeres Gift," 1638, we have discovered to be identical with Mytens's fine picture at Hampton Court ; the accessories, however, difFer. (See also Note 136.) 55. Page 45. Hentzner, at the period of his visit in the beginning of Sep- tember, 1598, was not admitted to the apartments of the Palace, as the family were then in town owing to the recent death of its late noble owner. The Prince of Anhalt, in 1596, devotes a few lines of his German verse to Theobalds, which he mentions under the distorted form of Die Wats. 56. Page 46. According to Stow's " Survay of London," 1598, p. 331, on the " West banke [in Southwark] there be the two Beare-gardens, the old and new places wherein be kept Beares, Bulles, and other beastes, to be bayted. As also Mastiues in seuerall kenels, are there nourished to bait them. These Beares and other beastes are there bayted in plottes of grounde, scaffolded about for the beholders to stand safe." These buildings are shown in the old maps of Aggas, Braun, and Visscher. One of them gave place to the Globe Theatre — the ' glory of the Bank* — where Shakespeare's plays were originally performed, and which appears to have been Notes. 2 '5 erected in 1593 and 1594. Edward Alleyn, the celebrated actor and founder of Dulwich College, held in the next reign the post of " Master of the King's games of bears, bulls, and mastiff dogs." These popular but brutal pastimes which often took place on Sundays, have been well described by Hentzner and by Master Robert Laneham. The latter, an "admirable conceited fellow," or, as Sir Walter Scott calls him, "as great a coxcomb as ever blotted paper," treats us to a morceau which is rich enough to be reproduced in part. " It waz a sport," says he, being an eyewitness of the " princelye pleasures" at Kenil worth, "very pleazaunt of theez beastz : to see the bear with hiz pink nyez leering after hiz enmiez approch, the nimblness and wayt of y e dog too take hiz auauntage, and the fors and experiens of the bear agayn to auoyd the assauts : if he wear bitten in one place, hoow he woold pynch in an oother too get free : that if he wear taken onez, then what shyft with byting, with clawyng, with roring, tossing and tum- bling, he woold woork too wynde hymself from them ; and when he waz lose, to shake hiz earz twyse or thryse wyth the blud and the slauer aboout hiz fiznamy, waz a matter of a goodly releef." {Letter from Killingwoorth Cast/, 1575, p. 23.) It is perhaps worth pointing out that the above racy and grandiloquent language has been made to do service, totidem verbis — with an improved orthography, however, yet without any sign of quotation — for a similar "sport" enacted in 1586 before Queen Elizabeth and the Danish Ambassador, Ramelius, described in Holinshed's " Chronicles," vol. iii. p. 1562. There is a curious entry in the " Calendar of State Papers" (16 10, Sept. 6), of a licence granted by Sir George Buck, the then " Master of the Revels," for Thomas Morris and two others, " to shew a strange Lion brought to do strange things, as turning an ox to be roasted," &c. The wonders of Bankes's horse, mentioned by Shakespeare and our early dramatists, are well known. Shake- speare, in the " Tempest," act ii. sc. 2, has admirably quizzed the eagerness of the sight-loving portion of the English public after such matters. The "sights" of London and elsewhere, in the reign of James I, as described in English hexa- meters, will be found under No. XII. See also Farley's verses, Note 16. Hentzner, in the beginning of September, 1598, describes his visit to the "Theatres," as follows: "Without the city, are some theatres, where English Actors represent almost every day Comedies and Tragedies to very numerous audiences; these are concluded with variety of dances, accompanied by excellent music and the excessive applause of those that are present. Nor far from one of these Theatres [the Globe ?], which are all built of wood, lies the Royal Barge, close to the river Thames ; it has two splendid cabins, beautifully ornamented with glass windows, painting and carving; it is kept upon dry ground, and shel- tered from the weather. There is still another place, built in the form of a Theatre, which serves for the baiting of bears and bulls : they are fastened behind, and then worried by those great English dogs (quos lingua vernacula f Docken' appellant), and mastiffs, but not without great risk to the dogs from the teeth of the one and the horns of the other, and it sometimes happens they are killed on the spot: 2 1 6 Notes. fresh ones are immediately supplied in the places of those that are wounded or tired. To this entertainment there often follows that of whipping a blinded bear, which is performed by five or six men, standing in a circle with whips, which they exercise upon him without any mercy; although he cannot escape from them because of his chain, he nevertheless defends himself vigorously, throwing down all who come within his reach and are not active enough to get out of it, tearing the whips out of their hands and breaking them. At these spectacles, and every- where else, the English are constantly smoking the Nicotian weed, which in America is called Tobaca — others call it Ptetum — [i. e. Petun, the Brazilian name for Tobacco, from which the allied beautiful plant ' Petunia ' derives its appella- tion,] and generally in this manner : they have pipes on purpose made of clay, into the farther end of which they put the herb, so dry that it may be rubbed into powder, and lighting it, they draw the smoke into their mouths, which they puff out again through their nostrils like funnels, along with it plenty of phlegm and defluxion from the head. In these Theatres, fruits, such as apples, pears and nuts, according to the season, are carried about to be sold, as well as wine and ale." It appears from the Preface to William Fennor's "Descriptions," 1616, that it was customary also to sell books at the Theatres before the play began. He says, "I suppose this Pamphlet [i.e. Poems] will hap into your hands before a play begin, with the importunate clamour of Buy a new Booke, by some needy companion." The Prince of Anhalt, in 1596, thus mentions the Theatres in his Poetical Itinerary : — " Hier besieht man vier spielhauser, Darinnen man fiirstelt die Fiirsten, Konge, Keyser, In rechtcr lebens gross', in schoner Kleider pracht, Es wird der thaten auch, wie sie geschehn, gedacht." Here may you see playhouses four, Where represented are, Prince, King, and Emperour In real size of life, and beauteous clothes they wear; Of many a wondrous deed you also there may hear. It would appear, however, according to Mr. Collier, that there were more than four theatres at this time in London ; but probably the German prince speaks only of those on the Bankside. In the Privy Purse expenses of Prince Henry in the Record Office (Dom. lvii.), under the dates of March 17 and April 13, 16 10, two sums of £6 and £2 were paid by the Prince's order to an ° Italian Comedian." Tom Coryat compares the theatres at Venice with our own theatres. He says {Crudities, 161 1, p. 247), "I was at one of their Playhouses where I saw a Comedie acted. The house is very beggarly and base in comparison of our stately Play-houses in England ; neyther can their Actors compare with us for apparrell, shewes and musicke. Here I observed certaine things that I never saw before, for I saw women acte, a thing that I never saw before, though I have heard that it hath beene sometimes used in London, and they performed it with Notes. 217 as good a grace, action, gesture, and whatsoever convenient for a Player, as ever I saw any masculine Actor." Mr. Secretary Pepys, on January 3, 1661, saw the "Beggar's Bush" performed ; " the first time," he says, " that ever I saw women come upon the stage." In a book entitled " Ethographia mundi" (in German), Durch Johannem Olorinum [i.e. Sommer] 1610-13, pars 4, the author alludes to the magnificence of the dresses worn by English actors in the theatre : " Da miissen die Kragen mit Perlen besetzet werden, und wird ein solcher Pracht gesehen, dass sie einher gehen, wie die Englischen Comadienspieler in Theatre" 57. Page 46. Among the Addit. MSS. (12,506-7), are original letters by Beauvoir La Node, the French Ambassador. One of these, addressed to Sir Julius Caesar, is dated " De Hacquenay pres Londres, 25 Juillet, 1590." There is likewise a letter by him dated Hackney, 27 September, 1591, printed in Rymer, where the name is incorrectly spelt Beauvoir la Node. (See also Note 11.) 58. Page 46. Sir John and Sir Edward Norris, a brace of brave brothers, were the sons of Henry Lord Norris, of Rycot in Oxfordshire, and were soldiers of high reputation. "The Norrises," Fuller says, "were all ' Martis pulli' [chickens of Mars, like the N^piers], men of the sword, and never out of military employment." Sir John, the eldest of six brothers, fought valiantly in the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France and Ireland. In 1591, he was General of the English auxiliary forces sent into Brittany to succour Henry IV. of France against his rebellious subjects. Sir John died suddenly in Ireland, in 1597. On hearing of the death of so "worthy a servant," Queen Elizabeth wrote a letter of condolence to his mother, whom she called her " own crow," so nicknamed on account of her dark complexion, which the sons also inherited. Sir Edward, the third son, distinguished himself at the taking of the Groyne (Corunna, the inglorious so-called "Portugal Voyage" in 1589), as also at the siege of Ostend, and died in 1606. The memorable military services of the brothers Norris, particularly of Sir John, have been chronicled by the soldier-poet Thomas Churchyard, in the work " A true Discourse historicall, of the suc- ceeding Governours in the Netherlands," &c. 4to. Lond. 1602, in black letter. 59. Page 47. Byfleet, in Surrey, adjoins Walton-on-Thames. Aubrey says Henry VIII. was nursed here. Sir Anthony Browne, Master of the Horse, built a house here, called Byjiete House, where he died 6th May, 1548. James I. settled it on his son, Prince Henry, and after his death on his Queen, Anne. She began to build a new house, which was finished by Sir James Fullerton. Tab. 14 of the beautiful MS. Survey of Windsor taken by Norden in 1607 (Harl. MS. 3749, art. 14) contains " Biflete Parke in Surrey," to which he has appended the following description : " Wherof parte lieth within, part without the boundes of the Forest, all yet belonging to the Honor, wherof Sir Edward Howard is chiefe keper. And hath about 160 fallow deere, about 36 of antler and 14 buckes. This parke is in circuite 3^ mile, and so muche it paleth, few or no timber trees to mayntaine the fence. It contayneth in quantitie about 380 F F 2i 8 Notes. acres meane grounde. The hooping birde, vulgarlie helde ominous, muche fre- quenteth this parke." In an account of the expenses of James I. (Somen's Tracts, ii. 391) is a payment to Sir Edward Howard above mentioned for keep- ing Bifleet park and lodge, 8 d . by the day = £i2 y. \d. The Surrey historians do not mention any residence possessed here by the Lord High Admiral Howard, but as he was Constable of Windsor Castle, Keeper of the Forest and High Stew- ard, he probably also held the keepership of the Park of Byfleet, and may have had a lodge there by right of his office. 60. Page 48. At this time Stow (Annals, p. 765) records a most singular in- stance of drought in the river Thames : " Wednesday, the sixth of September [1592], the wind west and by south, as it had beene for the space of two days before, very boysterous, the river of Thamis was so voyd of water, by forcing out the fresh and keeping backe the sault, that men in divers places might goe 200 paces over, and then fling a stone to the land. A collier, on a mare, rode from the north side to the south, and back againe, on either side of London Bridge, but not without danger of drowninge both waves." Dr. Dee in his Diary notes : " Sept. 4th, 5th, 6th, very tempestuous, windy at West, Sowtherly. Sept. 5th, the Terns very shallow at London." See the Introduction for particulars of the storm which followed. 61. Page 48. A coloured view of Rochester is contained in William Smith's interesting Manuscript, the " Description of England," 1588. Rochester is there described as a " litle Cittie, but very ancient, as may appeare by the walles thereof, which now in many places are gone to decay. Also the Castell, which seemeth to be builded when the Tower of London was, and is lyke y e same building. The cheiffest Church [the Cathedral] is called St. Andrewes. There is a very ffayer Bridge of Stone, ffounded by S r . Rob'. Knolles, Knight, w th a Chapell at y e est end therof, which Bridge is builded uppon pyles lyke as London Bridge is, I meane in the selfsame maner. The River of Medway passeth under the said Bridge. ... It is of such depth that all the Quenes Ma ties shippesdo ryde there, at a low water, all along the river from Rochester to Upnor-Castell." The " fFayer Bridge of Stone" above mentioned is now gone, but too prematurely, we think, and the hideous Railway bridge adjoining the fine new iron one has deprived all future Mr. Pickwicks from enjoying the charming prospect as once seen on that side. Lambarde, in his " Perambulation of Kent" (the first English county history ever published) edit. 1596, furnishes a list of forty-five of the Queen's ships then lying at Chatham. He says, " No Towne, nor Citie is there (I dare say), in this whole shire, comparable in right value with this one Fleete ; nor shipping any where els in the whole world to be founde, either more artificially moulded under the water, or more gorgeously decked above." Camden extolled the dockyard at Chatham as the " best appointed arsenal the sun ever saw." Fuller, speaking of the British Navy, remarks : " Indeed, much is in the matter — the excellency of our English oak ; more in the making — the cunning of our ship- wrights; most in the manning — the courage of our seamen." On the occasion of Notes. 2 1 9 the Congress of the Archaeological Institute held at Rochester in July and August, 1863, the editor contributed a paper on " Visits to Rochester and Chatham by- royal, noble, and distinguished personages, English and foreign, from 1300 to 1783." It has since been printed in vol. vi. of the " Archaeologia Cantiana." 62. Page 49. The ship in which Drake sailed round the world (the Golden Hind), when it became unfit for service, was laid up near the " Mast Dock" at Deptford, where it remained for a long series of years an object of curiosity and wonder. Hentzner, in 1598, says he saw here the ship of that noble Pirate, Francis Drake. From a passage in one of Ben Jonson's plays, it appears to have become a resort for holiday people, the cabin being then converted into a ban- queting house. " Drake's ship at Detford" is spoken of as one of the " sights" in some verses prefixed to the redoubtable Tom Coryat's "Crudities," 161 1. (See ante, p. 140.) When the young Duke of Saxe Weimar saw the ship in 161 3, but very little remained of it. It was then described as lying by the river-side in shallow water, in a dock {in einem Loch) ; the lower part only (corpus) was left, the upper part being all gone, for almost everybody who went there, and especially sailors, were in the habit of carrying ofFsome portion of it. (Neumayr von Ramssla, " Des Fursten Joh. Ernsten, &c. Reise," 1620.) Philipott, " Hist, of Kent," 1659, says that in a very short time nothing was left of her. And in Mory son's "Itinerary," 1617 (Pt. iii. p. 138), it is noticed as follows: "Notfarre from hence [Deptford] upon the shore, lie the broken ribs of the ship in which Sir Francis Drake sailed round about the world, reserved for a monument of that great action." A chair, made out of the wood, is to be seen in the gallery of the Bodleian Library at Oxford. 63. Page 49. We do not hesitate to fix this " unsafe" spot at the famed "high old robbing hill" called Gad's Hill, a short distance from Rochester, on the road towards Gravesend. Like Shooter's Hill, it appears to have been a place notorious for robberies during the reign of Elizabeth, and even before the time of Shakespeare. In Warton's " History of English Poetry," iii. 322, ed. 1840, mention is made of a ballad, entitled "The Robery at Gads Hill," in 1558. One of the Lansdowne MSS. presents us with a curious narrative in the hand- writing of Sir Roger Manwood, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, dated July, 1 590, which shows that Gad's Hill was at that period the resort of a band of desperadoes of more than usual daring. Gad, in the cant language of the day, signified a rogue or vagabond, as well as the formidable clubs with which they armed themselves. Clavell, a penitent robber, of a poetic turn as well, in the opening lines of his "Recantation" (1628), confesses to have commenced his nefarious operations on "Gadd's Hill, and those Red tops of mountaines where good people lose Their ill-kept purses." Gad's Hill is frequently alluded to by our dramatists of the seventeenth century. 220 Notes. It is also mentioned in the curious and rare 4to. by I. M. entitled " A Health to the Gentlemanly Profession of Servingmen," 1598, (Sig. I 3 verso)'. — "What shall he then do? Shall he make his appearance at Gaddes hill, Shooters hill, Salis- burie playne, or Newmarket heath, to sit in Commission, and examine passen- gers?" In 1 66 1, Gad's Hill was the scene of an atrocious murder committed on a Transylvanian Prince, named Cossuma Albertus. He was buried with great solemnity in Rochester Cathedral. This very spot, " Gad's Hill," — hallowed as it is by the inimitable scenes pourtrayed by England's greatest dramatic poet, affording " argument for a week, laughter for a month, and a good jest for ever," yet no longer subjected to the untimely visits of "gentlemen of the shade," and " minions of the moon," — has been chosen by the greatest of England's living novelists as his summer home. The traveller will have to seek for the charming rural dwelling of Charles Dickens at a few paces from the well-known FalstafF Inn, on the brow of the hill, embowered in foliage and conspicuous by some dark- spreading cedars. The prospect it commands is of great beauty, while not far distant stands in all its grandeur the glorious old Castle of Rochester, which, and the surrounding scenery, Mr. Dickens in one of his earliest works, and perhaps his best, has, in the company of Mr. Pickwick, described so eloquently and so truthfully. 64. Page 50. A storm in England by express command of -a witch ! The popular belief in witchcraft was at this time rampant. Reginald Scot attempted to check it in a publication of 560 pages, entitled " The Discoverie of Witchcraft," 1584. In the thirteenth chapter, being "A confutation of witches confessions, concerning making of tempests and raine," he remarks : " I saie, that there is none which acknowledgeth God to be onlie omnipotent . . . but will denie that the elements are obedient to witches, and at their commandement ; or that they may at their pleasure send raine, haile, tempests, thunder, lightening." And in the first chapter he says : "Such faithlesse people are also persuaded, that neither haile nor snowe, thunder nor lightening, raine nor tempestuous winds come from the heauens at the commandement of God, but are raised by the cunning and power of witches and conjurers ; inasmuch as a clap of thunder, or a gale of wind is no sooner heard, but either they run to ring bels, or crie out to burne witches, or else burne consecrated things, hoping by the smoke thereof to driue the diuell out of the aire," &c. On the other hand, the royal author of the " Dasmono- logie" — " A gentleman called King James, In quilted doublet and great trunk breeches, Who held in abhorrence tobacco and witches" — was of opinion, in 1597, that witches " can rayse stormes and tempestes in the aire, either upon sea or land, though not universally, but in such a particular place and prescribed boundes, as God will permitte them so to trouble." The Lapland witches, according to some, sold wind to sailors, and delighted in raising storms and tempests, which they effected by repeating certain charms, and throw Notes. 221 ing up sand in the air. Abundant illustration will be found in Brand's "Popular Antiquities." 65. Page 51. One principal reason of the number of rabbit warrens formerly was the great use our ancestors made of fur in their clothing. " I judge warrens of coneys," says Harrison, 1586, " to be almost innumerable, and daily like to encrease, by reason that the black skins of those beasts are thought to countervail the prices of their naked carcasses." The latter were worth (17 Hen. VIII.) z-\d. a piece, and the former 6d. Moryson (///». 161 7, Pt. iii. p. 149), touching on the diet of our ancestors, says: " The English have great plenty of connies, the flesh wherof is fat, tender, and much more delicate than any I have eaten in other parts, so as they are in England preferred before hares, at which the Ger- mans wonder, who having no venison (the princes keeping it proper to them- selves, and the hunting of hares being proper to the gentlemen in most parts), they esteem hares as venison, and seldom eate connies, being there somewhat rare, and more like rosted cats then the English connies." 66. Page 51. In a black-letter Proclamation of 4th Elizabeth, it is ordered that " None shall carry or convey out of the realme any horse or any mare, the price of which mare shall be above vis. viiid. and under the age of three yeres, without licence: upon payne of forfeyture of the same horse or mare. Neverthelesse, every subject of thys realme may carry any such horse for theyr owne use, takyng an othe before the Customer of the Porte where he embarketh, that he intendeth not to sell the same horse." The whole of this proclamation is curious, and evinces a strong desire to encourage and improve the breed of English horses. 6j. Page 52. Moryson {Itin. 1617, Pt. iii. p. 150) says: " The oysters of England were of old carried as farre as Rome, being more plentifull and savorie then in any other part." Hentzner, in 1598, visited Queenborough (^uinck- burg.) " A little farther on," he says, " we saw the fishing of oysters out of the sea, which are no where in greater plenty or perfection." There is classical authority for the excellence of the English oysters. (See Juvenal, iv. 141.) 68. Page 57. Sir William Browne was at this time Lieutenant-Governor of Flushing under Sir Robert Sidney, to which post he had been appointed in 1596. He was a brave soldier, and had served in the wars of the Low Countries with the gallant Sir Philip Sidney, who esteemed him highly. The valiant brothers, Sir Francis and Sir Horace Vere, who had probably been trained to the military profession under his care, always styled him " Father." He was knighted in 1605. His Letters and Despatches are printed in Collins's " Sydney Letters." One of these (ii. 266), giving a description of the ceremony of proclaiming King James at Flushing, on March 29, 1603, contains a droll conclusion, as well as a honest confession — " We were drunke all, in drinking the health of our King." He refers, in a letter dated Flushing, 8th April, 1610; (Collins, ii. 320) to this embassy of the Duke of Wirtemberg : " The Duke of Wirtenberg, who is to come into England on the behalf of the German Princes allyed, is on his way between this and Roterdam." Tom Coryat, in his " Crudities," 161 1, p. 652, 222 Notes. describes Vlyshingen, or Flushing, which he says is built in the form of a pitcher, and guarded with a garrison of English soldiers. He tells us he received a " very speciall courtesie" of Sir William Browne. Flushing had been, with the Brill, held and garrisoned by the English from the reign of Elizabeth, as " cautionary towns ;" the Queen having greatly assisted, and lent considerable sums of money to, the States of Holland. They were redeemed in the following reign. Howell, in a letter written in 1619, describes the manner of their surrender by James I. ; the cash, he tells us, "came in convenient time, for it served to defray the expencefull progresse he made to Scotland the summer following." {Epist. Ho-Eliana, 1650, p. 19.) 69. Page 58. Robert Bertie, Lord Willoughby, Lord High Chamberlain, created, in 1626, Earl of Lindsey ; Lord High Admiral in 1636; and appointed General of the King's Forces, June 1642. He was mortally wounded at Edge Hill, Oct. 23, and died the same night, a prisoner in Warwick Castle. 70. Page 58. Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James I, was born 1596, and died in 1 66 1 . We have, at page 1 1 8, been introduced to the English princess, when she was eight years old. At the age of seventeen, and within little more than three months after the lamented death of her brother Henry, she was married to Frederick, Elector Palatine, 14 February, 161 3. The prince, shortly before he set out on his journey to England, feeling himself somewhat out of practice in his dancing, forwarded a request to the Duke John Frederick of Wirtemberg, to procure for him the professional services of the Tubingen dancing-master for one month, in order that he might appear at the English Court a proficient in all kinds of exer- cises. {Letter in German, July 12, 161 2, in Royal Library at Stuttgart ; Cooper's Appendix, A.) Unfortunately for the happiness of himself and family, Frederick was prevailed upon in 1619 to accept from the revolted subjects of the Emperor Ferdinand II. the crown of Bohemia. But, u uneasy lies the head that wears a crown ;" this indeed proved a fatal gift to Frederick, whose royalty was but ephemeral, for he was driven out of Prague, Nov. 1620, by the imperial army, and deprived of his dominions and electoral dignity. Lord Herbert of Cherbury, in his " Autobiography," mentions his kind reception by the Prince and Princess Palatine, at their castle of Heidelberg, and also speaks of his viewing the " fair library" there. An interesting literary relic from this library is now in the British Museum. It is a copy of Sir Walter Raleigh's " History of the World," printed 16 14, in folio. From a series of Latin manuscript notes on the title-page and fol- lowing leaf, it appears that this volume once belonged to the Princess Elizabeth, and was left behind her at Prague, on her flight from that city in Nov. 1620, when it fell into the hands of a Spaniard named Verdugo. At the recapture of Prague by the Swedes, in 1648, the book was recovered by a German of the name of Klee, who restored it to John Philip Frederick, son of the princess. Good portraits of the Queen of Bohemia are at Hampton Court. An interesting large historical painting, by Adam Willaerts, is in the royal collection. It represents the embarkation of the Prince and Princess Palatine at Margate, on their homeward Notes. 223 journey on the 21st of April, 161 3. The picture was purchased by her Majesty in 1858, having been acquired in Holland. In the centre appears conspicuously the ship Prince Royal, which was built and at that time commanded by Phineas Pett, on this her first voyage. Lord Howard of Effingham, then Earl of Not- tingham, one of the heroes of the Armada, was the admiral of the squadron appointed to convey the English princess to her adopted country. At Althorp is a large painting, by ( Velvet' Breughel, representing Elizabeth, with her husband and son, Sir Dudley Carleton, Maurice Prince of Orange, Prince Frederick Henry, and many others of the Court at the Hague, going out to hunt. Some interesting juvenile autograph letters by the princess are in the MS. department, British Museum. Many of her letters are printed in Evelyn's Memoirs {Appendix), and also in the " Archaeologia," (vol. 37 and 39). She was the mother of the Princes Rupert and Maurice, both of whom fought bravely on the royalist side in the Civil Wars. From the Princess Sophia, her twelfth child (married to Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover), Queen Victoria is descended and derives her title to the throne. 71. Page 58. Arabella Stuart was usually called by her contemporaries, Madame Arbella and the Lady Arbella. The story of the loves and misfortunes of this accomplished woman, whose greatest crime appears to have consisted in her endeavour to get married, forms one of the most entertaining of D'Israeli's " Curiosities of Literature." In her case, most emphatically, the course of true love never did run smooth. Correr, the Venetian Ambassador in London, about 1608 or 1609, penned the following sketch of her, under the misnomer of Madame Isabelle: — ■ " The person nearest in blood to His Majesty after his children is Madame Isabelle, who is descended, like the King, from Margaret the daughter of Henry VII, being born of a natural brother of his Majesty's father, whereby she is cousin to him. She is 28 years of age, is not particularly handsome, but in recompense she is adorned with a thousand lovely virtues ; for besides that she is noble both in her actions and her manners, she possesses several languages in perfection, viz. Latin, Italian, French, and Spanish; she understands Greek and Hebrew, and is constantly studying. She is not very rich ; for the late Queen, being jealous of every body, and especially of those who had some pretension to the crown, under divers pretexts deprived her of the greatest part of her revenues; hence the poor Lady cannot live in splendour, and has not the means of doing good to those who serve her, as she would wish. The King makes a show of affection and esteem by allowing her to live at court, which the deceased Queen would never permit her to do. The King had promised to restore her property, and to procure a husband for her ; she is nevertheless still kept from both the one and the other." {Relation d* Angleterre, p. 82.) At the time of the visit of the Prince of Wirtemberg, Arabella was privately married to Mr. Seymour, afterwards Marquis of Hertford and Duke of Somerset, whom she had known from childhood ; but on this being discovered, in July, 224 Notes. 1610, they were separately imprisoned. The romantic particulars of her escape and speedy capture by order of the heartless monarch, are well known. When, in 16 1 3, the young Prince of Saxe Weimar went over the Tower of London, he found the unhappy lady immured there, and there she dragged out the brief remnant of a life of misery, which terminated in a state of lunacy. A homely doggrel verse of a black-letter ballad in the Roxburghe collection, makes Arabella say : — " I would I had a milk-maid been, Or born of some more low degree, Then I might have loved where I like, And no man could have hindred me." Her letters, beautiful in penmanship and touching in expression, many of which were written in the time of her troubles, are preserved in the British Museum. Several miniatures of her, all attributed to the masterly hand of Nicholas Hilliard, were exhibited at the Loan Collection in South Kensington Museum in 1862. 72. Page 58, Frederick Ulric was the son of Henry Julius, Duke of Bruns- wick, and was cousin to Prince Henry, to whom he was then on a visit. Mr. Beaulieu in a letter, 29th of March, 1610 (Winwood, iii. 145), writes: " Here is expected this day the young Prince of Brunswick, who shall be lodged with the Prince at St. James's. The speech is that he cometh for a marriage with the Lady Elizabeth, and that he will stay some months in these parts." The French Ambassador, La Boderie, communicates similar news to Villeroy,on May 1, but adds, with reference to the * design of marriage/ that the Prince of Brunswick, * soit de mauvoise grace.' (Jmbassades, v. 221.) The two young Princes were much attached to each other, and several of their letters are preserved in the Har- leian MS. 7007. The German Prince travelled in many parts of England, some- times in company with Prince Henry; one place visited by the former was Ox- ford, although Nichols {Progresses of James I.) states that he could find no record of his reception here; but a proof sufficient is contained in the existence of a 4to. volume of congratulatory verses, composed by the Oxonians on this occasion. This volume, formerly in King James's library, is now in the British Museum ; it is entitled, " Musae hospitales Wicchamicas in adventum illustrissimi Principis Frederici-Ulrici primogeniti Henrici Julii, serenissimi Ducis Brunsvicensis et Luneburgensis. Exhibitae Oxonias in Collegio Novo, die 6 Mensis Maii, anno dom. 1 610." On May 17th a warrant was issued to pay to Sir David Murray, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the Prince [Henry], £1000 for extraordinary expenses incurred by the abode of the young Duke of Brunswick with the Prince. Cal. of State Papers.) In the Book of Privy Purse Expenses of Prince Henry kept by Sir David Murray {Rec. Off. Dom. lvii.) is an entry under date of July 18, 1 6 10, " To Isaac [Oliver] for a picture of his highnes made to the Duke of Brunswick, £8 ;" and a further sum of £3 was paid, " for another picture of his highnes made in paper." Towards the end of June appears a record (Devon's Issues of the Exchequer) of a sum of £1900 paid by the King to Peter Vanlore, Notes. 225 for a jewel given by his Majesty to the Duke of Brunswick, and also for a ring presented to the said duke by the Lady Elizabeth. A suit of gilt armour which Prince Henry had ordered to be made, as a present to his cousin the Duke of Brunswick, was sent soon after the Prince's death, in 161 2, by the hands of a special *nessenger, the payments to whom, and for which armour " fairly gilt and graven" (costing £340) occur in Devon's Issues, pp. 160, 173. Jn a Poem by William Fennor {Descriptions, &c. 16 16) we are told that the " Yong Prince of Brundswicke craves the second place, whose virtues with him brings a noble spirit : Hee's milde and courteous, mixt with maiesticke grace, his praise is not so much as he doth merit : A Prince, a Schollar, and a Travailer, a peacefull youth and yet a souldier." Frederick Ulric was a weak prince, of a pacific disposition, and altogether unsuited to the stirring and troublous period of the thirty years' war, into the vortex of which, however, he was unwillingly drawn. He died in 1634, from the eifects of a fall from his horse, at the age of 43. His younger brother, Christian, Duke of Brunswick, and Protestant Bishop of Halberstadt, engaged with ardour in the cause of Frederick V, King of Bohemia, who had married the very Lady Elizabeth whom it had been supposed his brother had courted. Christian came to England in December, 1624, and in the following January received the Order of the Garter. He was lodged and well entertained by Prince Charles, received from him a gift of £3000, and had a pension assigned to him of £2000 a year. (Cat. of State Papers.) This Duke of Brunswick has been mistaken by Nichols and Devon for his brother, Frederick Ulric. A letter by Chamberlain affords us an amusing anecdote respecting this visit. He writes on January 8, 1625 : " The Duchess of Richmond admitted him [at Ely House] with the proviso that he must not offer to kiss her ; but what was wanting in herself, was supplied in her attendants and followers, who were all kissed over twice in less than a quarter of an hour." This excessive kissing-custom, it would seem, was nothing unusual in this or in previous reigns. For other examples, see p. 90, and Note 1 17. 73. Page 58. Antoine Le Fevre de la Boderie was, in April, 1606, appointed by Henry IV. his Ambassador in England. He remained here until 161 1, excepting only a short interval in 1609, when he returned to France, on which occasion James I. presented him with a basin and ewer of gold, for which John Williams was paid a nice little sum of £762 2s. 6d. (Cal. of State Papers?) La Boderie was a busy correspondent, and has left five volumes of " Ambassades en Angleterre," printed at Paris, 1750, i2mo., which give no very favourable picture of King James or of his Court. Sir Thomas Edmondes speaks of him as " a very honest gentleman." He was of the reformed religion, and died in 1615. 74. Page 59. Marc' Antonio Cornao, called also Cornaro, but more fre- quently Correr or Correro, was the Venetian resident " ordinary" or " lieger" G G 226 Notes. Ambassador in England. Sir Henry Wotton wrote a letter from Venice, August 1 6, 1608, recommending to Prince Henry this gentleman, and his son a youth of " so sweet a spirit." The present ambassador, he remarks, " is the third since the renewed friendship between Great Britain and the Republic, in the royal person of our good King" [James]. He proceeds to give a favourable character o£ Correr (Birch's Prince Henry, 1 15), who returned to Venice in 161 1, in which year he presented his relation of England to the Senate. Mr. Holmes in his list of Venetian Ambassadors {Camden Society) states that there is no relation existing of the English Embassy of Antonio Correro, but this is the same individual as Marco Antonio; and in 1668, there was published a small volume at Montbeliard (our old friend "Mompelgard" — See the Introduction), entitled "Relation d'Angleterre. Par Marc-Anton Correr." This work, which is very rare, and hitherto unused, it is believed, by English writers, in illustration of the reign of James I, is a translation from the Italian MS. descriptive of the country to which the author was accredited. A copy of the printed book is in the British Museum. Translations of portions will be found in our Notes. According to Mr. Rawdon Brown's valuable Calendar of Venetian State Papers, Correr was in London again on a diplomatic mission in July, 1626. His despatches written from this country are at Venice, and most probably his original Relation of England. 75. Page 59. Jehan Berck, Pensionary of Dort, had been employed on a mission to this country two years before. He was now accompanied by Albert Verius (or de Veer), Pensionary of Amsterdam ; Helias van Oldenbarnevelt, Pen- sionary of Rotterdam, brother of the great statesman John, who was beheaded ; and Albert Joachimi, Deputy of Zealand, an " honest and sufficient man" {Win- wood; but there misspelt "Jouching"). Van Meteren {Nederl. Historie) speaks at length of their proceedings in England ; the main object of their visit being to thank King James for favours conferred, and to ascertain what assistance he would render in the contest about the States of Cleves and Juliers. Other propositions were made, which are detailed in a letter of Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, to Winwood, on May 14, 1610 {Winwood, iii. p. 161). But very little was effected owing to the disastrous news of the French King's death, and to the absence of the English King from London, whereat, it is said, " the ambassadors felt themselves much neglected and aggrieved." James, who was at that time in the country, enjoying the pleasures of hunting, hawking and fishing, on his part uttered his discontent against the States, " in that they had sent men of such quality to the King of France, and served him with mean Pensioners of Townes." (Letter of Beaulieu, May 2, in Winwood.) Cecil, in the letter above mentioned, is anxious to explain to Winwood, the English Ambassador at the Hague, that the Dutch Pensionaries had been treated here with great respect. " First," he says, " for their reception, that their own purpose to come in their ships up to London, and their refusing to go on land at Gravesend, hath prevented us that they were not brought into the city with such lustre as is reported their colleagues were at Paris. Yet we did what we could to send barges to meet them by the way (as they did), and coaches Notes. 227 to bring them to their lodgings ; wherein we hope they have had no cause of mislike. At their access to his Majesty, they received all the honour that is here usually done to the ambassadors of the greatest monarchs." In Van Meteren, every event in connection with this journey is related couleur de rose. The Deputies were conducted everywhere to view the rarities of England ; they were even feasted on St. George's Day. On the 24th [14th O. S.] May, the King entertained them at his own table very magnificently, when the assassination of the French monarch formed the chief topic of conversation. After the repast, the four Ambassadors were knighted in the presence of many lords and gentle- men. (See also Rymer's Feeder a.) After taking leave of his Majesty and of the Queen, Princess Elizabeth, and Prince Henry, they went to visit the young Duke of York (Charles I, at this time nine years old), who was ill with the measles (sieck vande maselen). On May 28th [18th O. S.], they took their departure, carrying with them handsome presents. Mention is also made by Van Meteren of the Duke Lewis Frederick of Wirtemberg and his assistants, and of the young Duke of Brunswick. Of Sir Noel Caron we shall speak hereafter. 76. Page 59. Correr, the Venetian Ambassador in London (1 608-1 1), in his " Relation d'Angleterre," p. 80, speaks in the following terms of that idol of the nation, Prince Henry, at whose death, in 1612, says Bishop Hacket (Life of Lord Keeper Williams, p. 27), "so much light was extinguished, that a thick dark- ness, next to that of hell, is upon our land at this day" [i.e. circa 1650]. " The King's eldest son named Henry is a prince very intelligent (fort spirituel), very generous and of very great hopes ; all his actions are accompanied by a sur- prising gravity beyond his age ; he applies himself to study although it is dis- pleasing to him, but this he does rather to please his father than from his own inclination, on which account his Majesty frequently reproves him. One day the King, after having remonstrated with him at length on this subject, said to him, that if he did not attend more seriously to his studies, he would give the kingdom to his brother Charles, because he learnt thoroughly well, and studied with intelligence and attention. The Prince did not reply, out of respect to his father, but going into his chamber, and his tutor continuing to speak to him on the subject, he answered, ' I know what becomes a great prince, and it is not necessary that I should be a doctor but rather a soldier, and well acquainted with the affairs of the world. If my brother is as learned as it is said, he should be made Archbishop of Canterbury.' (Compare also Lilly's Life of Charles I, 1651, p. J$.) This answer having been communicated to the King his father, did not quite please him, for as his Majesty was persuaded that the Prince was very much beloved, that he gave good earnest concerning his person, and that his subjects had already placed all their hopes in him, the King began to show signs of jea- lousy of him ; for this reason this young Prince has need of having about him a person of judgment and of good counsel." From an interesting Biography " The true Picture and Relation of Prince Henry," written by " W. H., one of the late Prince's servants " (probably William 228 Notes. Haydone, his Groom of the Bedchamber, see Birch, p. 451), and dedicated to the Prince's sister Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia and Princess Palatine (Leyden, 1634, 4to.) it is said (p. 9) that Henry " was exceeding magnifick and stately in all his doings, and principally in feasting of great persones ; such as was the young Duke of Brounswick, the young Landgrave of Hesse (see ante, p. 1 43), the Duke of Wirtemberg (see pp. 55, &c), and others, which he feasted most royally, giving them all maner of contentment, that they could have desired of him." And again, at p. 27, the author writes : " He tooke great delight in ryding of great horses, and laboured to have of the best and rarest horses that were to be found, and had such care of them that he went often to the stables to see them, and accounted them to be a part of his best jewels, as on a time he declared evidently. For having sent one of the best that he had, and which he loved dearly (named Pied- Admirall) to the Duke of Brounswick, his cousin, who had been farre in love with him during the time that he sejourned in England, and one of his servants who had gone over with the horse to the Duke having brought backe from him to his Highnes for a token a certaine booke full of pictures of horses, with such furni- ture as belonged to them ; after that he had somewhat slightly, and as it were in disdaine turned over some of the leaves thereof, he uttered this speech before the said servant and all that stood by : 'I would rather have my Pied-Admirall againe alive, than all these painted beasts.'" Many of Prince Henry's books, including those on horsemanship, having his arms and mottos stamped on the original handsome bindings, are in the British Museum. 77. Page 60. The following sketch of James I. is translated from the " Rela- tion d' Angleterre" of Correr, the Venetian Ambassador in London from 1 608- 1 1 . " He who now reigns is James, Sixth King of Scotland, and First of England, born June 19, 1563 [1566], and who is now 43 years old. He is of moderate height, of a very good complexion, of an agreeable presence, and of a very robust constitution, which he endeavours to preserve in its vigour. He ardently loves hunting, and makes use of it not only for his diversion, but also for his health; so thoroughly does he devote himself to it, that he has abandoned and thrown under foot all other business, which he has resigned to his Council and Ministers, so that one may truly say that he is merely a Prince by name, and rather in appearance than in fact. This proceeds purely from inclination, seeing that he can, and knows how to, exercise the art of reigning, and that he is endowed with an excellent understanding and extraordinary learning, having earnestly applied himself to study during his youth, but now he has entirely abandoned it. He professes the Protestant religion, which is thus called because it is to speak correctly a mixture of various religions as to doctrine, but not in what relates to government and policy, Calvin denying not only the spiritual powers, but also the temporal, which all Princes hold in horror." (P. 57.) " He is a great enemy to our religion, not only because he believes it to be full of abuses and artifice, but especially for that unjust, impious, and inhuman doc- trine, which we have before noticed, which obliges him to speak very badly of it, Notes. 229 and in very scornful and altogether injurious terms ; and he holds it all the more in horror, because in this last conspiracy against his person and entire kingdom, he discovered the most horrible, the most cruel and the most barbarous attempt which had ever been made ; for as he himself told me, * one has seen many times Princes assassinated — one has seen attempts made to annihilate a whole house and posterity; but to wish to extinguish with the person of the King all his posterity, and to ruin a whole kingdom — this was quite unexampled ;' for if this enterprise had succeeded, it is certain that not only the King, the Queen and their children would have been killed, but also all the clergy, judges, most of the citizens, and more than 30,000 would have perished ; and after that the people being left without a ruler, would have been free to commit all the evil they could have desired, to the total ruin of the kingdom. And what is more, he pretends that the Jesuits have been participators in this frightful treason ; it is this that un- doubtedly will render this prince more cruel towards our true religion — for in other respects, his Majesty is naturally very gentle, an enemy to cruelty, a lover of justice, and full of good will. He is accustomed to go to prayer and to sermon every Sunday, and every Tuesday, holding in much devotion this day on which he was delivered from a conspiracy formed by certain Scottish earls to kill him in Scotland in 1660 [1600, see Note 93, ' Gowry Conspiracy']. It is for this reason he goes every Tuesday to church, in order to render thanks to God, who preserved him from those assassins. He loves tranquillity, peace, and repose ; he has no inclination for war ; on the contrary, it is not in the least conformable to his nature — it is this that displeases many of his subjects. And what they find still worse is, that the King having entirely abandoned the government of his kingdoms, leaves all care of them to his Council, and thinks of nothing else than to take his pleasure in hunting. He does not make much of (il ne fait point de caresses) his subjects, and does not receive them with the same cordiality {bonnes- cberes) by which Queen Elizabeth used to gain the hearts of this people, who love their prince so much, that if he passed a hundred times a day through a street, they would always run to see him, feeling pleased that royalty should be gratified with this mark of afFection. Queen Elizabeth used to observe this custom parti- cularly, but the King on the contrary disdains it. Thus while the Queen acquired the intense love of the people, the present King is hated and despised by them, his Majesty's humour being rather to live privately among eight or ten of his own set {des siens) than magnificently and in public, as is the custom of the country and the wish of the people." (Pp. 75-78.) " He hates and has an intense horror of the Pope, calling him a ' Monster of Nature,' and when he expatiates on this topic, he says hortible things of him, which, to tell the truth, offend the ears of those who hear them." (P. 90.) "The Councillors of the King are 25 in number; if you want anything done, you must make large presents, for it is customary in this country that the more any one receives, the more he is esteemed and honoured ; and this abuse is carried to such an extent, that they take not only from their subjects, but even from foreigners 230 Notes. and ministers of Princes. The authority of these being so great, other noble and ancient families suffering by the comparison, so thoroughly hate the power of these counsellors, that they declare them to be petty kings and tyrants." (Pp. 84, 86.) Among the old Royal MSS. in the British Museum is the original of the Basi- likon Doron, written by James when King of Scotland, for the instruction of his son Prince Henry. The binding is of crimson velvet, with gold clasps and corner pieces, having the King's initials on both covers, and on the lower cover the arms of Scotland, also in gold. Besides this volume there are two others in his hand throughout; one a Paraphrase of the Revelation {Old Royal- MS. 18 B. xiv.) dedicated " To the quhole christiane kirke militant in quhat sumeuir pairte of the earth;" the other being a metrical version of the Psalms {Old Royal MS. 18 B. xvi.) Subjoined is his version of the Lord's Prayer, which certainly is not very elegant, but is a good example of what the British Solomon thought worthy of himself: — " O michtie father that in heauin remainis Thy noble name be sanctifeit aluayes thy Kingdome come, in earth thy uill & rainis euen as in heauinnis mot be obeyed uith prayse & giue us lorde oure dayly bread & foode forgiuing us all oure trespassis aye as ue forgiue ilk other in lyke moode lorde in temptation lead us not ue praye but us from euill deliuer euer moire for thyne is Kingdome ue do all record allmichtie pouer & euerlasting gloire for nou & ay, so mot it be 6 lorde." The Museum likewise possesses some of James's correspondence with " Steenie" (the Duke of Buckingham), familiarized to us by Sir Walter Scott in the " Fortunes of Nigel." 78. Page 60. Mr. Beaulieu writes from London on April 26 : " His Majesty departed hence yesterday towards Newmarket" — {Winzvood.) Mr. Chamberlain dates from London on May 2 : " Our St. George's Feast passed without making any new Knights. The next day [Apr. 24] the King went towards Thetford, where he now remains." Thetford is 80 miles distant from London. yg. Page 60. Sir Noel Caron was an eminent and able diplomatist, who represented the States of the Netherlands in this country during the long period of thirty-four years, in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. He erected a hand- some house at South Lambeth, where he had a large park for deer, which extended to Vauxhall and Kennington. At this house, on whose portal were inscribed the words " Omne Solum Forti Patria," he entertained Queen Elizabeth, in July 1 599, when she was on her way to Lord Burghley's seat at Wimbledon. In October following, the Queen presented Monsieur Caron, " Agent for Flaunders," with Notes. 231 ten chains of gold, weighing together more than sixty-eight ounces. In 1607 he obtained a lease for twenty-one years of the Prince of Wales's manor of Kennington, with all the houses, buildings, &c. containing 122 acres, at an annual rent of £16 ioj. gd. In the Privy Purse Expenses of Prince Henry [Record Off. Dom. lvii) are several payments made in 16 10 to "Sir Noel Carones man," for fruit brought to the Prince; and one entry shews a sum of £1 to have been given for a " picture to his Highnes." Caron House (of which there is a cut in Allen's "History of Lambeth," 1827, taken from an old plan, and now re- copied), with its gardens and orchards, was granted to Lord Chancellor Clarendon, by Charles II, in 1666, and in the year following was made over by the Chancellor to Sir Jeremy Whichcott, in considera- tion of the sum of £2000. Hither the Fleet pri- soners were removed after the Great Fire. The house was on the site of Messrs. Beaufoy's distillery. Allen states that part of the old building was standing only a few years before, as " Caron House Seminary," but in 1809 the principal portion was demolished ; and that a considerable remnant of the walls surrounding the park existed when he wrote (1827), particularly one place across Kennington Oval. According to Nichols, however, the house was pulled down in 1687, and a moderate sized one built on its site, which was taken down in 1810. Sir Noel was a very worthy and charitable man ; in 1607 he gave £10 towards the repairs of Lambeth church, and £50 to the poor. In 161 5 he founded almshouses at Vauxhall for seven poor women, granting an annual pension to each of £4. Howell, in his Letters, calls him " Lord Caroon" and doubtless the name was commonly so pronounced. His autograph letters are dated " De Suydt Lambeth y He died in December, 1624. (Van der Aa, Biog. Woord. der Nederl.) His helmet, coat of mail, gauntlet and spurs, together with his arms, were placed in Lambeth church, and when Nichols wrote, were in good preservation. In the reign of James I, the " Keeper of the Game" about Lambeth and Clapham was allowed one penny a day, and £1 6s. Sd. per annum for his livery. (Expenses of James I. in Somen Tracts, ii. 392.) The name of Sir Noel Caron does not appear either in the " Biographie Universelle," or in the " Nouvelle Biographie Generate, published by MM. Didot." 80. Page 60. The Ferry at Lambeth was a Horseferry between Lambeth Palace and Millbank. The memory of it is retained in the name " Horseferry Road," in Westminster. The following is extracted from an interesting paper on [old] West- minster Bridge, in the " Penny Magazine," 1842, p. 150 : — " Those who may have occasion to cross the river by a wherry from the stairs at the foot of the fine old gateway of Lambeth Palace to Millbank on the opposite side, are landed on a shelving slope, directly opposite the end of Market Street, and a little southward of the church of St. John the Evangelist. At the top of the slope stands a little wooden house ; that is the old ferry-house, and the place is that of the old Horse- 232 Notes, ferry. Directly opposite, some hundred yards or so from Lambeth Palace, is an opening to an obscure street, still known as Ferry Street, and one, perhaps both, of the houses which then formed considerable inns still stand there — where tra- vellers were accustomed to wait for the return of the boat or for better weather, ... or to stay all night and sleep there if the day were far spent, and themselves somewhat timid. How primitive all this seems : one can hardly be satisfied that we are really speaking of the Thames at Westminster, and of a time so little removed ! The Horseferry, it appears, belonged to the Archbishop of Canter- bury from time immemorial, by whom it was leased at a rent of £20, at the time of the suppression. On the opening of the Bridge, both the archbishop and the lessee received compensation." 81. Page 60. According to Peacham (see ante, p. 139), the public had to pay one penny to see the monuments in Westminster Abbey. The following, however, were payments made by royalty : — " Paid for the hire of a barge that did carry the Palatine and Her Highness [Princess Elizabeth] by water, when they went to see the monuments at Westminster .......... 20s. Given by Her Highness' command to the Keeper of the Monuments at West- minster ........... 20s." — (Lord Harrington's MS. Account Book, 161 2- 13, quoted in Green's " Prin- cesses," v. 196.) 82. Page 61. Hippolytus Colle, Colli, or a Collibus, was a Swiss jurist, of Italian origin, born at Zurich, 1561 ; died, 1612. He was Chancellor to Chris- tian, Prince of Anhalt, and afterwards Privy Councillor to the Elector Palatine, Frederick IV, by whom he was employed in several embassies. In 1591 he was in England, and again in 16 10. He wrote a few legal treatises. His biographer says of him : u Two virtues were especially commended in him : prudent reserve, and incorruptibility (a^xapyup/a), or a persistent refusal of bribes, which blind the eyes even of the wise." (Herzog. Athena Rauriae; Basil. 1778, pp. 157-9.) 83. Page 61. Benjamin von Buwinckhausen was a skilful diplomatist, of Wirtemberg ; he made several special visits to England, first, in the service of Duke Frederick, to Queen Elizabeth, in 1598, and subsequently to congratulate James on his accession. He came again, in company with Prince Lewis Frederick, in 1608 and 1610. (See the Introduction.} His correspondence with Sir Robert Cecil on the affairs of Germany is in the State Paper Office. In 1619-20 he was appointed Ambassador from the Princes of the Union. 84. Page 61. The accounts we have of that "deservedly famous mechanician and chymist," as the Hon. Robert Boyle calls Cornelius Drebbel, are confused and inexact. As Drebbel passed many years of his life in England, was patronized by James I. and Charles I, and astonished our countrymen with his wonderful inven- tions and instruments, it becomes more necessary to collect as many particulars as pos- sible regarding his history and doings here, and in elucidation of these discoveries, especially as his name is only once to be seen in that vast storehouse of historical Notes. 2 33 lore, Nichols' Progresses of the former monarch. With this view, therefore, we shall endeavour to supply the defect by availing ourselves of original sources of information, including the investigations of Drebbel's own countrymen. The earliest, perhaps, of these writers is Paquot, who has admitted Drebbel at some length into his " Hist. litt. des Pays Bas," 1 765, i. 3 1 7, 3 1 8. Adelung, a learned German author, followed with a notice considerably more extended, in his "His- tory of Human Folly" {Geschichte der menscblichen Narrheit, 1 786, ii. 1 25- 1 50) — a very comprehensive theme by-the-bye — but the opinion which he entertained of the subject of his biography may be ascertained by the heading he adopted, " Cornelius van Drebbel, ein Charlatan." More circumstantial still, as well as more exact, was the Dutch writer, J. P. van Cappelle, who has introduced Drebbel in his " Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis der Wetenschappen en Letteren in Neder- land," 8vo. Amst. 1 82 1 ; pp. 65- 1 26. To this notice is prefixed a portrait of Drebbel very neatly engraved. The last account is by A. J. van der Aa (Biog. Woordenb. der Nederlanden, iv. pp. 322-327), who has availed himself of some particulars from the Dutch Notes and Queries, the " Navorscher." Other epithets have been bestowed upon Drebbel, as alchemist, empiric, magician, and professor of the black art. But, however extravagant and improbable some of the following descriptions may appear, yet, allowing, as we ought to do, for the crude state of physical science and the credulity of the times in which he lived, as well as the then prevailing tendency to clothe scientific investigations and experiments with an air of mystery, Cornelius Drebbel is entitled, we think, to hold a respectable position among the ingenious inventors and mechanicians of the early part of the seven- teenth century. Nearly all Drebbel's biographers fall into the mistake of not making him arrive in England until after the battle of Prague, in 1620; the notice in the text is therefore of value, as showing that as early as 16 10 Cornelius was settled at Eltham Park, exhibiting his Perpetual Motion, which seems to have been a sight worthy even of the visit of a foreign prince. At this point, then, we are able to answer Adelung, who remarks : " What Drebbel did or invented in London is not known." In all probability he was allowed apartments in Eltham Palace by the king ; a similar privilege having been granted to Vandyke in the next reign, and it was at Eltham that this celebrated artist in summer painted some of his magnifi- cent pictures. (Carpenter's Life, p. 28.) At the time above mentioned (1610), in addition to the famous Hall yet remaining, there was standing a goodly pile of buildings of various styles and dates, which, under the name of " the King's House," formed the Palace at Eltham. Drebbel's Perpetual Motion is alluded to by Peacham (see " Sights and Exhibitions," ante, p. 139), and by a greater poet, rare Ben Jonson ; and as some curious mistakes have been made by Giffbrd, his editor, and others, as to what this " Motion" could have been, we have been desirous of giving a full description of it, and have accompanied this by an etching, both derived from a scarce work in the British Museum, written by one Thomas Tymme, " Professour of Divinitie," and published in 161 2, under the H H 234 Notes. title of " A Dialogue philosophicall, wherein Natures secret closet is opened. . . Together with the wittie invention of an Artificiall Perpetuall Motion, presented to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. Discoursed betweene two speakers, Phila- delph and Theophrast." Before quoting this passage, however, it may be as well to make the reader acquainted with a statement of what wonderful things Drebbel could and did accomplish, translated from Paquot, and derived from a writer in "Notes and Queries" ( 1st Series, ii. 7), both of whom have taken their informa- tion from a Dutch Chronicle of Alkmaer (by C. van der Woude), printed there in 1645. From this it appears that Drebbel presented King James with "A glass or crystal globe, wherein he blew or made a perpetual Motion by the power of the four elements. For every thing which (by the force of the elements) passes in a year on the surface of the earth, could be seen to pass in this cylindrical wonder in the shorter lapse of 24 hours. Thus were marked by it all years, months, days, hours; the course of the sun, moon, planets, and stars, &c. It made you understand what cold is, what the cause of the primum mobile, what the first principle of the sun, how it moves ; the firmament, the stars, the moon, the sea, the earth ; what occasions the ebb, flood, thunder, lightning, rain, wind; and how all things wax and multiply, &c, as every one can be informed by Drebbel's own works ; we refer the curious to his book, entitled Eeuwige Bewegingbe (Perpetual Motion). He built a ship, in which one could row and navigate under water, from Westminster to Greenwich, the distance of two Dutch miles; even five or six miles, or as far as one pleased. In this boat a person could see under the surface of the water and without candlelight, as much as he needed to read in the Bible or any other book. Not long ago this remarkable ship was yet to be seen lying in the Thames or London river. Aided by some instruments of his own manufacture, Drebbel could make it rain, lighten, and thunder, at every time of the year, so that you would have sworn it came in a natural way from heaven. By means of other instruments he could, in the midst of summer, so much refrigerate the atmosphere of certain places, that you would have thought yourself in the very midst of winter. This experiment he did once at his Majesty's request, in the great Hall of Westminster ; and although a hot summer day had been chosen by the King, it became so cold in the Hall that James and his followers took to their heels in hasty flight. With a certain instrument he could draw an incredible quantity of water out of a well or river. By his pecu- liar ingenuity he could at all times of the year, even in the midst of winter, hatch chickens and ducklings without the aid of hens or ducks. He made instruments by means of which were seen pictures and portraits ; for instance, he could show you kings, princes, nobles, although residing at that moment in foreign countries ; and there was no paint or painter's work to be seen, so that you saw a picture in appearance, but not in reality. He could make a glass that, placed in the dark near him or another, drew the light of a candle, standing at the other end of a long room, with such force, that the glass near him reflected so much light as to make him see to read perfectly. He could make a plane glass without grinding DREBBELS PERPETUAL MOTION. Notes. 2 35 it on either side, in which people saw themselves reflected seven times. He invented all these and many other curiosities, too various to relate, without the aid of the black art ; but by natural philosophy alone, if we may believe the tongues of those whose eyes saw it. By these experiments he so gained the King's favour, that his Majesty granted him a pension of 2000 guilders. He died in London, 1634, in the 60th [62nd] year of his age." The extract from Tymme, in reference to the first-mentioned wonder — the Perpetual Motion — is as follows. In his Preface to the Reader he says : " And for that rare things move much, I have thought it pertinent to this Treatise to set before thee a most strange and wittie invention of another Archimedes, which concerneth Artificiall Perpetuall Motion, immitating Nature by a lively patterne of the Instrument itselfe, as it was presented to the Kings most royall hands by Cornelius Drebble of Alchmar in Holland," &c. At page 60 : " And to make plaine the demonstration unto you that the heavens move and not the earth, I will set before you a memorable Modell and Patterne, representing the motion of the Heavens about the fixed earth, made by Art in the immitation of Nature, by a Gentleman of Holland, named Cornelius Drebble, which instrument is perpetually in motion, without the means of Steele, springs and waights. — Philadelph. I much desire to see this strange invention. Therefore I pray thee, good Theo- phrast, set it here before me, and the use thereof. Theophrast. It is not in my hands to shew, but in the custody of King James, to whom it was presented. But yet behold the description thereof hereafter fixed. Phil. What use hath the Globe, marked with the letter A ? Theo, It representeth the Earth ; and it containeth in the hollow body thereof divers wheeles of brasse, carried about with moving, two pointers on each side of the Globe doe proportion and shew forth the times of dayes, moneths, and yeeres, like a perpetuall Almanacke. Phil. But doth it also represent and set forth the motions of the Heavens ? Theo. It setteth forth these particulars of Celestiall motion. First, the houres of the rising and setting of the Sunne, from day to day continually. Secondly, hereby is to be seene, what signe the Moone is in every 24 houres. Thirdly, in what degree the Sunne is distant from the Moone. Fourthly, how many degrees the Sunne and Moone are distant from us every houre of the day and night. Fiftly, in what signe of the Zodiacke, the Sunne is every moneth. Phil. What doth the circumference represent, which compasseth the Globe about, marked with this letter C ? Theo. That circumference is a ring of Cristall Glasse, which being hollow, hath in it water, representing the Sea, which water riseth and falleth, as doth the floud and ebbe, twise in 24 houres, according to the course of the tides in those parts, where this Instrument shall be placed. Whereby is to be seene how the Tides keepe their course by day or by night. Phil. What meaneth the little Globe about the Ring of the Glasse, signed with this letter B ? Theo. That little Globe, as it carrieth the forme of a Moone cressent, so it turneth about once in a moneth, setting forth the encrease and decrease of the Moones brightnesse, from the wane to the full, by turning round every moneth 236 Notes. in the yeere. Phil. Can you yeeld me any reason to persvvade me concerning the possibility of the perpetuity of this motion? Theo. You have heard before that fire is the most active and powerfull element, and the cause of all motion in nature. This was well knowne to Cornelius, by his practise in the untwining of the Elements, and therefore to the effecting of this great worke, he extracted a fierie spirit out of the minerall matter, joyning the same with his proper Aire, which encluded in the Axeltree, being hollow, carrieth the wheeles, making a continuall rotation or revolution, except issue or vent be given to the Axeltree, whereby that imprisoned Spirit may get forth. I am bolde thus to conjecture, because I did at sundry times pry into the practise of this Gentleman, with whom I was very familiar. Moreover, when as the King our Soveraigne, could hardly beleeve that this motion should be perpetuall, except the misterie were revealed unto him : this cunning Bezaleel, in secret manner disclosed to his Maiestie the secret, whereupon he applauded the rare invention. The fame hereof caused the Emperour [Rudolph II.] to entreate his most Excellent Maiestie to licence [allow] Cornelius Bezaleel to come to his Court, there to effect the like Instrument for him, sending unto Cornelius a rich chaine of gold. Phil, It becommeth not me to make question concerning the certaintie of that, which so mighty Potentates out of the sublimity of their wisedomes have approved, yet me thinketh that time and rust, which corrupteth and weareth out all earthly things, may bring an end to this motion in few yeeres. Tbeo. To the end time may not weare these wheeles by their motion, you must know that they move in such slow measure, that they cannot weare, and the lesse, for that they are not forced by any poyse of waight. It is reported in the Preface of Euclydes Elements by John Dee, that he and Hieronimus Cardanus saw an instrument of perpetuall motion, which was solde for 20 talents of gold, and after presented to Charles the fift Emperour ; wherein was one wheele of such invisible motion, that in 70 yeeres only his owne period should be finished. Such slow motion cannot weare the wheeles. And to the end rust may not cause decay, every engine belonging to this instrument is double guilded with fine gold, which preserveth from rust and corruption. Phil. This wonderfull demonstration of Artificial! motion, immi- tating the motion celestial], about the fixed earth, doth more prevaile with me to approve your reasons before aleadged concerning the moving of the Heavens, and the stability of the Earth, than can Copernicus assertions, which concerne the motion of the Earth. I have heard and read of manie strange motions artificial!, as were the inventions of Boetius, in whose commendation Cassiodorus writeth thus: Tou know profound things and shew mervailes, by the disposition of your Art, mettals doe lozue in sundrie formes : Diomedes picture of bras se, doth sound a Trumpet loude : a brasen Serpent hisseth : birds artificially sing sweetly. Very strange also was the moving of the Images of Mercurie : The brasen head which seemed to speake, made by Albertus Magnus : The Dove of wood, which the Mathe- matician Architas, did make to fie, as Agellius reporteth. Dedalus strange Images, which Plato speaketh of; Vulcans selfe-movers, whereof Homer hath Notes. 237 written: the Iron Fly, made at Noremberge [by Regiomontanus], which being let out of the Artificers hands, did as it were flie about by the guests that were at the table, and at the last, as though it were weary, returned to his Maisters hand againe. In which Citie also an artificiall Eagle [made by Regiomontanus] was so ordered to flie aloft in the ayre toward the EmperOur comming thither, that it did accompany him a mighty way. These were ingenious inventions, but none of them are comparable to this perpetuall motion here described, which time by triall in ages to come, will much commend. Tbeo. These great misteries were attained by spending more oyle then wine ; by taking more paines then following pleasure." Having disposed of this curious and certainly marvellous description of Drebbel's instrument of Perpetual Motion, we will now quote Ben Jonson's allusion to it. This occurs in his "Silent Woman" (played in 1609), act 5, sc. 3. Morose exclaims, " My very house turnes round with the tumult! I dwell in a Wind- mill ! The Perpetuall Motion is here, and not at Eltham." On this passage Giffbrd offers the following note : " Here [at Eltham] was a puppet-show of great celebrity in our author's time. It is called in Peacham's verses to Coryat, ' that divine [' heavenly,' not ' divine? see p. 139] motion at [of] Eltham,' so that it was probably some piece of Scripture history. Jonson introduces it again in his Epigrams [' On the New Motion'] : — " See you yond' Motion ? not the old Fa-ding, Nor Captayne Pod, nor yet the Eltham-thing, [But one more rare" — ]. The mistake is certainly a curious one, inasmuch as the word Motion was at that period understood to signify a puppet-show as well, and sometimes even a single puppet, and it is used by Ben Jonson in his " Bartholomew Fair," and also by Shakespeare in this sense. The mistake is a suitable companion to that made by Mr. Payne Collier, who converted a piece of pastry or confectionery into a play (see his Hist, of Dram. Poetry, i. 20 ; and the New Retrospective Review, 1854, p. 244). Mr. Henry Dircks, C. E., the inventor of the Ghost illusion, pub- lished in 1 86 1 a goodly volume of 558 pages on the subject of Perpetual Motion. The author states that he was unable to see a copy of Tymme's work; he therefore quotes an extract from Bishop Wilkins, who, in his " Mathematical! Magick" (1648, p. 229, cap. ix., treating of a Perpetuall Motion) writes: " Amongst the chymicall experiments to this purpose may be reckoned up that famous motion invented by Cornelius Dreble, and made for King James ; wherein was represented the constant revolutions of the sun and moone, and that without the help either of spring or weights. Marcellus Vranckhein, speaking of the means whereby it was performed, he cals it, Scintillula animee magnetic*? mundi, seu Astralis et insensibilis spiritus 5 being that grand secret, for the discovery of which, those Dictators of Philosophic, Democritus, Pytha- goras, Plato, did travell unto the Gymnosophists and Indian Priests. The Authour himself, in his discourse upon it (Epist. ad Jacobum Regem), does not 2 3 8 Notes. at all reveal the way how it was performed. But there is one Thomas Tymme, who was a familiar acquaintance of his, and did often pry into his works (as he professes himself), who affirms it to bee done thus : ' By extracting a fiery spirit ,' &c. (See this, ante, p. 236.) What strange things may be done by such extractions I know not, and therefore dare not condemn this relation as impos- sible ; but methinks it sounds rather like achymicall dream, than a Philosophicall truth. It seems this imprisoned spirit is now set at liberty or else is grown weary, for the instrument (as I have heard) hath stood still for many years. It is here considerable that any force is weakest near the center of a wheel, and therefore though such a spirit might of itself have an agitation, yet 'tis not easily con- ceivable how it should have strength enough to carry the wheels about with it. And then the absurdity of the authours citing this, would make one mistrust his mistake ; he urges it as a strong argument against Copernicus, as if because Dreble did thus contrive in an engine the revolution of the heavens, and the immove- ablenesse of the earth, therefore it must needs follow that 'tis the heavens which are moved and not the earth. If his relation were no truer than his consequence, it had not been worth the citing." Bishop Wilkins, referring to the submarine vessel, says (p. 178) : •' That such a contrivance is feasible and may be effected, is beyond all question, because it hath been already experimented here in England by Cornelius Dreble; but how to improve it unto publike use and advantage so as to be serviceable for remote voyages, the carrying of any considerable number of men, with provi- sions and commodities, would be of such excellent use as may deserve some further inquiry." Boyle also, in his " New Experiments physico-mechanicall," &c. (8vo. Oxf. 1660 ; pp. 363-365), mentions a "conceit of Drebell, who is affirmed by more then a few credible persons, to have contriv'd for the late learned King James, a Vessel to go under water, of which tryal was made in the Thames with admired success, the vessel carrying twelve rowers besides passengers, one of which is yet alive, and related it to an excellent Mathematician that inform'd me of it. Now that for which I mention this story is, that having had the curiosity and oppor- tunity to make particular enquiries among the relations of Drebell, and especially of an ingenious Physitian [Dr. Kuffler] that marry'd his daughter, concerning the grounds upon which he conceived it feasible to make men unaccustom'd to con- tinue so long under water without suffocation, or (as the lastly mention'd person that went in the vessell affirmes) without inconvenience, I was answer'd that Drebell conceiv'd, that 'tis not the whole body of the Air, but a certain Quintes- sence (as Chymists speake) or spirituous part of it, that makes it fit for respiration, which being spent, the remaining grosser body or carcase (if I may so call it) of the Air, is unable to cherish the vitall flame residing in the heart : so that (for ought I could gather) besides the mechanicall contrivance of his vessell, he had a chymicall liquor which he accounted the chiefe secret of his submarine navigation. For when from time to time he perceiv'd that the finer and purer part of the Air Notes. 239 was consum'd or over-clogg'd by the respiration and steames of those that went in his ship, he would, by unstopping a vessell full of this liquor, speedily restore to the troubled air such a proportion of vitall parts as would make it againe for a good while fit for respiration, whether by dissipating or precipitating the grosser exhalations or by some other intelligible way, I must not now stay to examine. Contenting myselfe to add, that having had the opportunity to do some service to those of his Relations, that were most intimate with him, and having made it my business to learne what this strange liquor might be, they constantly affirm'd that Drebell would never disclose the liquor unto any, nor so much as tell the matter whereof he made it, to above one person, who himselfe assur'd me that it was. This account of Drebell's performance I mention, not that I any further assent to his opinion then I have already intimated, but because the man and the invention being extraordinary, I suppose your Lordship will not be displeas'd to know the utmost I could learne about it, especially not having found it mention'd by any writer." Boyle, elsewhere {Works, ed. Birch, v. 128), speaks of Drebbei's dis- coveries. Writing on the subject of the Thermometer, he says : " It is certain that Drebble, that great, singular, learned mechanick, did by the help of this instrument, make a dial continually to move of itself, regularly shewing both the time of the day and other motions of the heavens ; did also make an automatous instrument of musick, and found out a furnace which he could govern to any degree of heat ; but whether these have died with him, or how far the medita- tions of others have wrought upon them, I shall humbly refer to a more leisurable enquiry." At p. 1 39, vol. iii. of his Works, ed. Birch, Boyle says : " I may safely affirm that a great deal of money hath been gained by tradesmen both in England and elsewhere upon the account of the Scarlet Dye invented in our time by Corne- lius Drebble, who was not bred a dyer, nor other tradesman." See further on the subject of this scarlet dye in Beckmann's Hist, of Inventions, art. ' Cochineal.' Beckmann says Drebbel communicated his discovery to KufFelar, who was after- wards his son-in-law, and that the name by which this dye was known was KufFelar's colour. When he mentions a little farther on a Fleming named Kepler, who established the first dye-house for scarlet in England, at the village of Bow, not far from London, we should recognize in this form the same Dr. Kuffler. The colour was also known as the " Bow-dye." It appears from the " Calendar of State Papers," of James I, that some short time previous to May 161 2, Drebbel addressed a letter in Latin to Prince Henry, informing him that the Lord Mayor had refused him permission to hold a Lottery, and that he had no other means of subsistence ; he begs in consequence the Prince's influence with Lord Treasurer Salisbury for leave to have one beyond the jurisdiction of the city. Here we behold the cunning Dutchman suffering from the same unfortunate, but alas ! too common, malady of atrophy of the purse, as the u Clerk of Oxenforde, of whom it is said :" — " But al though he were a philosophre, Yet hadde he but litel gold in cofre." 240 Notes, The Prince had, in December, 1609, given the sum of £20 to "Cornelius the Dutchman," — undoubtedly Drebbel — as appears from his book of Privy Purse Expenses, in the Public Record Office (Dom. Ivii). A further sum of £20 was paid to Cornelius the Dutchman, on March 29th in the following year. Willem Boreel, the Dutch Ambassador in London in 1619, states that Drebbel, a very "cunning man in Nature's secrets," showed him a Micro- scope, manufactured by John [Lippershey, the spectacle- maker] of Middelburg, which had been presented to Drebbel himself by the Archduke Albert. (Borellus, De vero inventore TeIescopii y 1655, p. 35.) We are again reminded of Drebbel's fame in London by two letters, written on December 21, 1622, by the celebrated French philosopher Peiresc, who had shortly before been in England, anxiously enquiring of his friends and correspondents, Camden and Selden, respecting the truth of the astonishing inventions of "Cornelius Drubelsius (as he calls him), who is in the service of the King of Great Britain, and residing in a house near London." Peiresc refers to the Perpetual Motion, the submarine boat, and to telescopes {lunettes) by means of which you can read writing at the distance of more than a league. He also mentions his having seen at Paris Drebbel's small glasses [microscopes], through which you can see mites as large as flies. (Epist. Camdeni, 4to. Lond. 1691, pp. 333, 387.) The Dutch phi- losopher had acquired at Middelburg, about 1620, both a Telescope and a Micro- scope from the spectacle-maker, the supposed inventor, and it is likely that Drebbel was now attempting to pass off these optical instruments as his own invention, or had made others in imitation. Farley's verse, ridiculing the seeing, among other things, "a foolish Ingin move alone" (see Note 16), in all probability applies to one of Drebbel's specimens of handiwork. In 1625, "Cornelius Dreble the Engi- neer" walked in the funeral procession of his late royal master, in the immediate company of " Baston le Peer the dauncer, under-officers of the Mynte, Actors and Comedians." (Nichols' Progr. of James I. iii. 1042.) The Calendar of State Papers of Charles I, p. 367, discloses that on July 4, 1626, the Earl of Totness sent a Warrant to Sir W. Heydon, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, to provide lodgings and workshops in the " Minorites," for Cornelius Drebbel and Arnold Rotispen, who were to apply their skill for His Majesty's service. Having performed their work, we next find (June 5, 1627) another Warrant signed by the King, to pay Drebbel and Rotispen £100, as a reward for forging divers water-engines (p. 206). From the same source we learn that, in January, 1630, "Cornelius Drible, engineer," in concert with other "undertakers" named, made propositions for draining the level within the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Isle of Ely, Huntingdon, Northampton, and Lincoln. From other documents of the date of March, 1630, it appears that Drebbel and Abraham Kuffler had been employed in the late expedition to Rochelle, by authority of an Order of the Council, issued on July 13, 1628, for the preparation of three extraordinary fireships, under the direction of Colonel Peblis, and six engines for fireworks, according to the directions of the Lord Admiral, with Notes. 241 allowance of pay to the chief officers of the same fireships and engines; among whom are Abraham Kuffler, 20s. per diem, and Cornelius Drebbel, £150 per month. Kuffler and Drebbel petitioned for further payment, but this was refused. Drebbel had a daughter who married Dr. Kuffler, a physician. Monconys, in his " Voyage d'Angleterre," 1663, p. 40, informs us that he went four miles out of London, to a village called Stratford-bou, to see Dr. Keiffer (the same person), with whom he held much learned discourse on the subject of Drebbel's and the Doctor's own inventions and experiments. Kuffler, indeed, gave out that he was possessed of many of his father-in-law's secrets; and one of these, it appears, was brought to the notice of the Duke of York, through Mr. Secretary Pepys. In the Calendar of State Papers of Charles II, March, 1 662, is a Request of Johannes Sibertus KufFeler and Jacob Drebble, for a trial of their father Cornelius Drebble's secret of sinking or destroying ships in a moment, and they ask for a reward of £10,000 if it should succeed. The secret was left them by will, to preserve for the English Crown before any other power. Pepys {Diary, March 14th, 1662) writes: "Home to dinner. In the afternoon come the German, Dr. Knuffler, to discourse with us about his engine to blow up ships. We doubted not the matter of fact, it being tried in Cromwell's time, but the safety of carrying them in ships ; but he do tell us, that when he comes to tell the King his secret — for none but the kings successively and their heirs must know it — it will appear to be of no danger at all. We concluded nothing, but shall discourse with the Duke of York to-morrow about it." And on October 11th, 1663, is another entry : " At noon to the Coffee-house, where, with Dr. Allen, some good dis- course about physick and chymistry. And among other things, I telling him what Dribble, the German Doctor, do offer of an instrument to sink ships ; he tells me that which is more strange, that something made of gold, which they call in chymistry Aurum Fulminans, a grain, I think he said, of it, put inte a silver spoon and fired, will give a blow like a musquett, and strike a hole through the silver spoon downward without the least force upwards ; and this he can make a cheaper experiment of, he says, with iron prepared." Evelyn also visited the wonderful Doctor, on August 1st, 1666. He says: "I went to Dr. Keffler, who married the daughter of the famous Chymist Drebbell, inventor of the bodied scarlet. I went to see his iron ovens, made portable (formerly) for the Prince of Orange's army." Drebbel's writings, many of which are in the British Museum, relate chiefly to his own discoveries; it must be confessed, however, that they contain but little of scientific value, yet they are curious and rare, and have not hitherto been accu- rately described. It would seem that Drebbel, immediately on his arrival in England, addressed a letter to King James I, descriptive of his Perpetual Motion. The exact year is not known, but from an Epistle by G. P. Schaghen, dated from Alcmaer (Drebbel's native place), December, 1607 (printed at p. 45 of the Dutch edition, " On the Nature of the Elements," 1621, presently to be mentioned), the writer refers to the Perpetual Motion as having been already presented to his I I 242 Notes. Majesty ; he moreover extols Drebbel and his surprising discoveries, and alludes to the great gifts with which the King had honoured him. Drebbel, in his description, says that he was not sufficiently master of the English and Latin lan- guages to express perfectly his meaning ; that, therefore, he had written his treatise in Dutch {in Duyts), and had caused it to be literally translated. In the absence of any original Dutch printed edition in the Museum, there is good reason for stating that the work " On the Elements,'* including Drebbel's Letter to the King, appeared at Leyden in 1608 ; in that year likewise, and at the same place, came out a German translation of the former treatise, having an engraved portrait of the author on the back of the title; it was reprinted at Erfurt in 1624. The Dutch edition of both works re-appeared at Haerlem in 162 1, sm. 8vo. with a woodcut portrait of the author. A Latin translation by Peter Lauremberg, with an additional treatise by Drebbel, " De quinta Essentia," was published at Hamburg in 1621, by Joach. Morsius, who had travelled in England. Another edition, but without the work on the Elements, appeared in the same year, but no place of printing is given. The complete version was republished at Geneva, in 1628, i2mo. In this year also a distinct Latin translation of the " Nature of the Ele- ments," by Johann Ernst Burggrave, was published at Frankfort, in 8vo. This edition contains on the reverse of the title a very neatly engraved portrait of Drebbel, which may have been done by the author himself, as there is evidence of his having, when a young man, worked under the celebrated Goltzius, whose sister he afterwards married. While in his service, he executed a few engravings, one being a plan of his native place, dated 1597. In 1747, Boomkamp, the Dutch historian, was permitted the use of this plate for his work, " Alkmaer en deszelfs Geschiedenissen," by the Burgomasters of the town, in whose Chamber it had been deposited. The engraving is very accurately and carefully executed. 85. Page 62. Nonesuch was a very famous palace, situated near Cheam in Surrey. It was erected for King Henry VIII, in all probability by the Italian painter and architect, Antonio Toto del Nunziata, who resided twenty years in this country. Vasari expressly states that Toto built the principal palace (// prin- cipal palazzd) of the King of England. (Vite de* pittori ; Firenze, 1854, x. 139.) When Elizabeth ascended the throne, Nonesuch was purchased by the Earl of Arundel, who completed and ornamented the building, and entertained her Majesty with great cheer for five days together. The Queen, however, soon became so partial to Nonesuch, that she induced Lord Lumley, the earl's son-in- law, to exchange the mansion, so that in 1591 it became again a royal palace. She paid frequent visits to it, and in 1600, when in her sixty-seventh year, we find her here — a perfect Diana — " excellently disposed to hunting, for every second day she is on horseback, and continues the sport long." Mr. J. Gough Nichols, in one of his interesting topographical sketches ("Gentleman's Magazine," August, 1837,) has carefully traced its vicissitudes through many reigns, until it fell into the hands of Charles II's rapacious mistress, Barbara, Countess of Castle- maine, who was created " Baroness of Nonesuch," and who speedily consigned Notes. 243 the noble palace and its fair park to destruction and desolation. The Duke of Saxe -Weimar visited Nonesuch in the autumn of 161 3, and noticed the exterior of the inner court, which was the residence of Henry VIII, beautifully and elegantly adorned with plaster-work, representing the labours of Hercules, and other histories ; the other side — the Queen's lodgings — exhibited all kinds of heathen stories, with naked female figures. The German traveller then speaks of the pictures (see ante, p. 163) and gardens, the fountains, the grove and grotto of Diana, with statues representing Action's Metamorphosis ; and he copied the several verses and mottoes about and around the place. The Parliamentary Sur- veyor, when describing, in 1650, the Privy Garden, directs especial attention to " six trees called lelack trees, which trees beare no fruite, but only a very pleasant flower." Pepys, who was at Nonesuch in 1665, observed" all the house on the outside filled with figures of stories." Evelyn in the following year particularly remarked and felt surprise at the good preservation of the " plaster statues and basse relievos inserted 'twixt the timbers and punchions of the outside walles of the court, which must needs have been the work of some celebrated Italian — there are some mezzo-relievos as big as the life; the storie is of y e heathen gods, emblems, compartments," &c. In the " Gentleman's Magazine," accompanying the descrip- tion before referred to, there is a neatly-executed engraving copied from Hoefnagel s interesting view of the old Palace in the year 1582 ; in the foreground of this is seen England's Elizabeth herself, sitting in solitary grandeur — "in maiden meditation, fancy free" — in her clumsy-looking coach drawn by two horses, and attended by mounted cavaliers, nimble halberdiers, hunting dogs, &c. 86. Page 62. Beddington House, in Surrey, was a famous seat of the Carew family. The old mansion was built, or perhaps speaking more accurately, re- built in the time of Elizabeth by Sir Francis Carew, son of Sir Nicholas, beheaded in the reign of Henry VIII. The gardens were celebrated for their choice fruit- trees, and for an orangery, the first of the kind in this country. Queen Elizabeth visited Beddington in August, 1599, and again in the same month of the follow- ing year. On one of these occasions the knight practised a " pretty conceit," which is thus told by Sir Hugh Piatt in his " Floraes Paradise" (afterwards entitled the "Garden of Eden") 1608, p. 1 73 : " Heere I will conclude with a pretty conceit of that delicate knight, Sir Francis Carew, who, for the better accomplishment of his royall entertainment of our late Queene of happy memory, at his house at Beddington, led her Majestie to a cherrie tree, whose fruite hee had of purpose kept backe from ripening, at the least one month after all cherries had taken their farewell of England. This secret he performed by straining a tent or cover of canvas over the whole tree, and wetting the same now and then with a scoope or home, as the heate of the weather required ; and so, by with- holding the sunne beames from reflecting uppon the berries, they grew both great, and were very long before they had gotten their perfect cherrie-colour ; and when hee was assured of her Majesties comming, he removed the tent, and a few sunny daies brought them to their full maturitie." It would appear from another work 244 Notes. of Piatt, the "Jewell House of Art and Nature," 1594, p. 5, that the experi- ment had been tried some years before by Sir Francis, who is here spoken of only as "a Surrey Knight." Aubrey, writing about 1673, describes the mansion as a " handsome pile of building," and its " neat gardens," as not yet finished. He mentions also a summer-house erected by Sir Francis, in which was a red and white marble table, which bore a monumental inscription in Dutch for " myn wrowe Margriete" — at the end was a hawk with a label, brought from abroad by Sir Francis Carew. On the top of this pleasure-house was painted the Spanish In- vasion of 1588, much decayed, under which was a cold bath. The old mansion was pulled down at the beginning of the last century, and the present one built. The hall, however, — a fine specimen of the Elizabethan domestic architecture, with a rich open roof — was the chief portion retained. A small room adjoining the hall contains the "ancient panels with mantled carving." ("Manning and Bray," ii. 520.) Views of Beddington House are in Campbell's " Vitruvius Britannicus," in Malcolm's " Views ;" in Ellis's " Campagna of London ;" of the house and hall, in Brayley's " Surrey," and of the hall, in Nash's " Mansions of the Olden Time." The orange-trees from which it is said (" Archaeologia," xii. 182) the gardener had, in 1690, gathered no less than 10,000 oranges, were de- stroyed by the hard frost of 1739-40. Sir Francis died in 161 1, unmarried, and was buried in Beddington Church, where there are several monuments and brasses of the Carews. Sir Walter Raleigh married Sir Francis's niece, a daughter of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. 87. Page 62. Royston lies partly in Cambridgeshire, but mostly in Hertfordshire. James I. built a house in that part of the town which is in the former county, and hither he frequently retired to enjoy the amusements of hunting, hawking, and dotterel-catching. This house, called the King's House, was, when Clutterbuck wrote (1827), occupied by a carpenter. Bishop Hacket speaks of his hospitable reception by James I, at " that hunting Court at Royston," and in his Life of Lord Keeper Williams (Pt. I. p. 227), presents us with the following curious pic- ture of the sporting and theologian monarch. Answering certain objections, he writes, " It is said, but mistaken, that Government was neglected at those Hunting-Houses ; and by the way, why are they called obscure places, Royston and Newmarket? petty if compared with London, but they are market-towns and great thorowfares ; where the Court was so frequented, both for business and recreations, that many of the followers could not find a lodging in that town [Royston], nor scarce in the villages round about it. I held acquaintance with some that attended the Principal Secretaries there, who protest they were held to it closer, and sat up later in those retirements to make dispatches than at London. The King went not out with his hounds above three days in the week, and hunt- ing was soon over. Much of the time his Majesty spent in State Contrivances, and at his book. I have stood by his table often, when I was about the age of two and twenty years and from thenceforward, and have heard learned pieces read before him at his dinners (see ante, p. 153, and Note 145), which I thought Notes. 245 strange; but a Chaplain of James Montague, Bishop of Winton, told me th&t the Bishop had read over unto him the four tomes of Cardinal Bellarmine's Contro- versies at those respites, when his Majesty took fresh air, and weighed the objec- tions and answers of that subtle author, and sent often to the Libraries in Cam- bridge for books to examine his quotations." In 1609 the highways were mended between London, Royston, and Newmarket, " for his Majesty's better passage in going and coming to his recreation." (Devon's Issues.) There are also payments to Henry Half hide, keeper of the game about Royston, for making bridges, ditches and ponds, and providing fowls for his Majesty's disport and pleasure. A keeper of the hares at Royston received a salary of 2s. per diem. At the commencement of the Civil War, King Charles removed from Hampton Court to his house at Royston, previously to his setting up his standard at Nottingham. On the 24th of June, 1647, being a prisoner to the Army, he was lodged in his own house there two nights. (Lysons' Mag. Brit. Camb. 4to, 1808, p. 247.) The Survey of Royston House, taken after the King's death, describes the King's lodgings as in good repair, consisting of a presence-chamber, privy-chamber, and other rooms. 88. Page 63. Richard Thomson, M.A. of Clare Hall, Cambridge, was born in Holland of English parents. He was a ripe scholar, philologist and critic. Among his friends he reckoned Isaac Casaubon, the Scaligers, and " rare" Ben Jonson. He was one of those learned men selected for the revision of the English Bible, which resulted in our authorized version. Ant. Wood (Fasti Oxon. i. 274) says of Thomson : " This learned person is styled by a noted Presbyterian, ■ the grand propagater of Arminianism,' and by another (W. Prynne) ' a deboist drunken English Dutchman, who seldom went one night to bed sober.' Yet a noted writer (Richard Mountague) who knew him well, tells us, that he was a most admirable philologer, and that he was better known in Italy, France and Germany, than at home." Being an excellent linguist, he frequently acted as cicerone to foreigners over the colleges of his University, where he was known as Dutch Thomson. Mr. J. E. B. Mayor, of Cambridge, has been at the pains of extracting from the printed correspondence of the time notices of Richard Thomson. (See Notes and Queries, 2nd Series, vol. 9.) 89. Page 63. James I. erected at Newmarket for the like purpose of hunt- ing, &c. a house, which was destroyed in the Civil Wars. At this place, so celebrated in the Annals of the Turf, it seems probable that races were established as early as the reign of the above monarch, who much encouraged the sport. Fynes Moryson (Itin. 161 7, Pt. I. p. 198) alludes to betting at horse-races by " no meane Lords, and Lordes sonnes and Gentlemen." A letter of John Cham- berlain, Esq. of March 11, 16 12- 1 3, informs us that "the King escaped a great danger at New T market, by reason the foundation of the house where he lay began to sink on one side with great cracks, so that the doors and windows flew open, and they were fain to carry him out of his bed w r ith all possible expedition : the next day he removed to Thetford." (Court and Times of James I, i. 233.) At Newmarket, the King, in April, 1616, gave £80 to two Frenchmen, for his 246 Notes. Higlmess's disport and recreation in the exercise of their several arts of fencing and dancing. (Devon's Issues of the Exchequer.) In a book entitled " A Dis- course of divers Petitions," by John Spencer, 1 641, is a " Petition delivered unto our gracious King' Charles upon this occasion : the King was to go towards New- Market upon Munday, but the waggon and the hounds went thorow Cheapside upon the Lord's Day, which was not lawful!, o King; I never heard that they removed since upon the Lord's Day, so gracious was the King's care herein. Good King Charles, Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day." The unfortunate Monarch was brought here a prisoner by the army in 1 647, and remained here about ten days. Charles II. rebuilt the house, and frequently resorted hither for the sake of the races. In the Department of Prints and Drawings, in the British Museum, is a very curious print, probably the earliest of the kind known, by Francis Barlow, being a representation of the last horse-race run before Charles II, by Dorsett Ferry, near Windsor Castle, August 24, 1684, and " drawen from the place." The running horses, however, look anything but high-mettled racers, of the breeds of Childers and Eclipse. Lysons (Mag. Brit. Camb. 1808, p. 240) says : " The present King's house is a moderate-sized brick mansion ; a room is shewn in it, called King William's apartment, and another called Queen Anne's." 90. Page 63. " Touching the Hunting of the Hare, (says Markham) which is everie honest man and good mans chase, and which indeed is the freest, readiest and most enduring pastime, and likewise in its owne kinde ful of good profit for mans preservation : for though the beast be but little, yet are the members worth injoyment; as the flesh, which is good for all manner of fluxes; the braines good to make children breed their teeth with ease; the wool excellent to stench blood; the gall soveraigne for sore eies; the blood which will kil rume, wormes; and the stiffling bone, which being worne, taketh away the paine of the crampe; with many other good things besides." (Country e Contentments, 1615, b. i. p. 31.) 91. Page 63. Thetford, 16 miles from Newmarket, is situated both in Nor- folk and Suffolk. The date of the erection of a hunting seat here is determined by an extract from a letter of Mr. Rowland Whyte, March 4, 1604-5, wno writes, " The King is at Thetford, and is soe farre in love with the pleasure of that place as he meanes to have a howse there." It is also ordered that none shall presume to come to his Majesty "on hunting days." From this time to about the year 161 6, the King paid frequent visits to Thetford. In the " Calendar of State Papers," there are payments to the Lady Barwick and John her son for keeping the King's House at Thetford, izd. by the day, and for keeping the garden there izd. by the day : in all by the year ,£36 ioj. James in the above year 1616 visited Thetford, and a droll anecdote is told by Martin in his "Hist. of Thetford, "(4to. Lond. 1779, p. 57) as follows : "James I. during the hunting seasons for several years spent some time in this ancient burgh, till he received an affront from one of the farmers belonging to the town, who being highly offended at the liberty his Majesty took in riding over his corn, in the transport of his passion threatened to bring an action of trespass against the King. Since that Notes. 247 time neither that King nor any of his successors have visited this town." When Blomefield wrote, the house was called the " King's House." Martin also says, " The Royal Palace was given by James I. to Sir Philip Woodhouse, whose arms are yet remaining over the west side of the outer gate. It was rebuilt in the pre- sent century, and served for the reception of the Judges during the Assizes." In 1620 there were horse-races here, which gave rise to disturbances, and caused letters to be sent from the Privy Council to suppress them. {Martin, ut sup. p. 293.) 92. Page 63. William Lord Hay succeeded his father Francis as ninth Earl of Erroll in 163 1, and acted as High Constable of Scotland at the Coronation of Charles I, 1633. He lived in a manner so splendid that he was obliged to dis- pose of his paternal Lordship of Erroll. He died December 7, 1636. 93. Page 63. The allusion here made to a solemn observance by the King of the day of his deliverance from the Gowry Conspiracy on Tuesday, May 8th, was for some time a puzzle to the editor. The anniversary of this event is well known to be August 5th, which day was ordered to be strictly observed in com- memoration of the royal escape. A reference, however, to the "Relation d' Angleterre" of Marc' Antonio Correr, the Venetian Ambassador in England at this time ( 1 6 1 o), clears up the difficulty. He says : " His Majesty is accustomed to go to prayer and to sermon every Sunday and Tuesday, holding in much devotion this day, on which he was delivered from a conspiracy formed by certain Scottish Earls to kill him in Scotland in 1660 [1600]. It is for this reason he goes every Tuesday to church to render thanks to God, who preserved him from those assas- sins.'' The Anniversary Sermon was usually preached before the King by the celebrated Bishop Andrewes, in whose printed collection of " xcvi Sermons" (fol. Lond. 1629), eight of these " Gowrie Sermons" are to be found of the 5 th of August, besides ten on the 5 th of November, being the anniversary of the Gun- powder Treason. In their dedication of the work to Charles I, by the Bishops of London and Ely, (Laud and Buckeridge,) they say : " These Sermons when preached gave great contentment to the religious and judicious eares of your Royall Father of ever blessed memorie, the most hable Prince that ever this kingdome had, to judge of Church-worke" 94. Page 63. A Dotterel is a grallatorial bird of the plover family. James I. was exceedingly fond of the sport of dotterel-catching. Michael Drayton, in his topographical poem, the " Polyolbion," 161 3, sings thus of the bird, — " The Dotterell, which we think a very dainty dish, Whose taking makes such sport as man no more can wish ; For, as you creepe, or cowre, or lye, or stoupe, or goe, So marking you (with care) the apish bird doth doe, And acting everything, doth never mark the net, Till he be in the snare which men for him have set." Drayton touches on the same subject in some bantering verses prefixed to Coryat's "Crudities," 161 1 :— 248 Notes. " Most worthy man, with thee it is even thus, As men take Dottrels, so hast thou ta'n us, Which as a man his arme or leg doth set, So this fond bird will likewise counterfeit,'' &c. Lord Bacon, in his Natural History, the " Sylva Sylvarum," 1627, says: " We see how ready apes and monkeys are to imitate all motions of man ; and in the catching of dottrels, we see how the foolish bird playeth the ape in gestures." There are many allusions in our old dramatists to this notion of the imitative ac- tion of the dotterel. Ben Jonson has introduced in his play of the " Devil is an Ass" a character called ' Fabian Fitzdottrel, a squire of Norfolk.' Willughby, in his " Ornithology," fol. 1678, pp. 309, 310, says : " It is a very foolish bird, but excellent meat, and with us accounted a great delicacy. It is taken in the night time by the light of a candle, by imitating the gestures of the fowler; for if he stretches out an arm, that also stretches out a wing ; if he a foot, that likewise a foot; in brief, whatever the fowler doth, the same doth the bird; and so being intent upon men's gestures, it is deceived and covered with the net spread for it. It is a foolish bird, even to a proverb, we calling a foolish dull person a Dotterel. Of the catching of dotterels, my very good friend Mr. Peter Dent, an apothecary in Cambridge, wrote to me thus: 'A gentleman of Norfolk, where this kind of sport is very common, told me that to catch dotterels six or seven persons usually go in company. When they have found the birds, they set their net in an advan- tageous place, and each of them holding a stone in either hand, get behind the birds, and striking their stones often one against another, rouse them which are naturally very sluggish ; and so by degrees coup them and drive them into the net. The birds being awakened do often stretch themselves, putting out a wing or a leg, and in imitation of them the men that drive them thrust out an arm or leg for fashion sake, to comply with an old custom. But he thought that this imitation did not conduce to the taking of them, for that they seemed not to mind or regard it." In Fuller's " Worthies," under Lincolnshire, he writes : " The Dotterell is a mirthmaking bird, so ridiculously mimical, that he is easily caught (or rather catched himself) by his over-active imitation. As the fowler stretcheth forth his arms and legs, going towards the bird, the bird extendeth his legs and wings, approaching the fowler, till surprised in the net." But, he adds in his humorous vein : " It is observed that the foolisher the fowl or fish, the finer the flesh thereof." In Hone's " Every Day Book," i. 645, there is an anecdote told of James I. and dotterel catching: " There is a tradition current here, that King James I. was very fond of seeing dotterels taken ; and when he came to New- market, used to accompany the bird-catchers to the Gogmagog Hills (Cambridge- shire) and Moors for that purpose. It is said, a needy clergyman of Sawston, very expert in dotterel-catching, attended the King; his Majesty was pleased with his skill, and promised him a living : the clergyman waited some years, till, concluding that the King had 'remembered to forget ' his promise, he went to London and appeared at court, where, too, he was unnoticed and forgotten ; at Notes. 249 length, approaching the King, and making the same signs as he was wont to do when catching dotterels with the King near Cambridge, his Majesty exclaimed : ' Why, here is my reverend dotterel-catcher,' and instantly gave him the long- delayed living. 1 ' Clutterbuck {Hertfordshire, iii. 563) mentions that these birds were in the reign of James I. met with in great abundance at Royston upon the open downs by which the town was at that time surrounded, but that in his time (1827) they had become very scarce in consequence of their inclosure. Mr. Selby writes: "As to the story of the dotterel mimicking the actions of the fowler, it without doubt -arose from the motions that they as well as other birds usually and most naturally make when roused from a state of repose, as is frequently observed." 95. Page 64. Willughby {Ornithology, fol. 1678, p. 331) quoting Faber, says : w They are wont in England to train up Cormorants to fishing. When they carry them out of the rooms where they are kept to the fish-pools, they hood- wink them, that they be not frightned by the way. When they are come to the rivers, they take off their hoods, and having tied a leather thong round the lower part of their necks that they may not swallow down the fish they catch, they throw them into the river.' They presently dive under water, and there for a long time, with wonderful swiftness pursue the fish, and when they have caught them, they arise presently to the top of the water, and pressing the fish lightly with their bills, they swallow them, till each bird hath after this manner devoured five or six fishes. Then their keepers call them to the fist, to which they readily fly ; and little by little, one after another, vomit up all their fish, a little bruised with the nip they gave them with their bills. When they have done fishing, setting the birds on some high place, they loose the string from their necks, leaving the passage to the stomach free and open ; and for their reward they throw them part of their prey they have caught, to each perchance one or two fishes, which they, by the way, as they are falling in the air, will catch most dextrously in their mouths." This mode of fishing with cormorants has been long practised, and is still in use in China. Mendoza's " Historie of China," translated by Parke, 1588, chap. 22, treats at some length of the 'pleasant and ingenious kinde of fishing by cormorantes or sea ravens.' Sir George Staunton and Mr. Fortune have written graphically on the same topic. In the " Calendar of State Papers," December 9, 1608, a letter of Mr. Chamberlain informs Dudley Carleton that the King was welcomed to Thetford by three Cormorants on the church steeple. In Devon's "Issues" are payments in 161 1, 161 2, to John Wood, keeper of his Majesty's cormorants, of £30 ' for bringing up and training of certain fowls called cormorants, and making them fit for the use of fishing.' Wood was employed likewise ' to travel for young cormorants, to be afterwards made fit for his Ma- jesty's sport and recreation.' Fish ponds and houses were made in 161 8 for the cormorants within the Vine Garden at Westminster. And in August, 1624, Robert Wood was paid £98 8s. 6d. in satisfaction of the charge and loss sustained by Luke Wood in his late travels to Venice with three cormorants, having been K K 2 5° Notes. stayed in his passage thither, and his cormorants taken from him by the Duke of Savoy. 96. Page 64. Mr. Beaulieu, in a letter written on May 9th, alludes to " the wofull and lamentable newes which we have had within these two dayes." [So that the news of the assassination of Henry IV. reached London on the 7th.] " Poor Mons 1 *. de la Boderie hath been so afflicted here with this dolefull newes of the King's death as that he can scarce speak for greif and sighing to any body. . . . The King is not yet returned out of the countrey, but upon the summons of this newes sent him by my Lord Treasurer is expected here this day." The effect produced on King James when the sad intelligence was communicated to him in the presence of the young Prince of Wirtemberg, was that he turned whiter than his shirt, ( qifil devint plus blanc que sa chemise? (Letter of La Boderie, 24th May, 1 610, in Amkassades, torn. 5, p. 268.) 97. Page 64. Audley End, sometimes called Audley Inn, near Saffron Walden, ' Essex, is the fine seat of Lord Braybrooke. It was erected in the reign of King James I. by Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, Lord Treasurer, who had inherited the estate of the Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas Audley. The grounds are beautiful. The mansion, originally much more extensive than at present, is said to have cost at its erection £190,000. Sir Anthony Weldon asserts that " Audley End, that famous and great structure, had its foundation of Spanish gold " — alluding to the bribes so freely distributed by the Constable of Castile to the English courtiers to influence a peace between the two kingdoms ; among them (he adds) not one tasted in so large a proportion as the Countess of Suffolk. {Court and Character of King James, l2mo. 1650.) On one of James Ps visits, he remarked that the house was too large for a king, though perhaps very suitable for a Lord Trea- surer. In the Privy Purse expenses of Prince Henry, (Rec. Off. Dom. lvii.) under date of November 24, 1609, occurs the entry : " Given to the Workemen at Audeley Inne at his highnes coiiiand £20." Wurmsser, the Prince of Wir- temberg's Secretary, alludes in a peculiar phrase to the eldest son of the Earl of Suffolk being entitled Baron — " dont son filz se dit aisne Baron." This was Sir Theophilus Howard, who had been summoned to the House of Lords in 1604 in his father's Barony of Howard de Walden. In 161 3 the Duke of Saxe-Weimar went to see the "new Palace of Adeling" which he thought superior to all the king's houses on account of its magnificent architecture. The gallery, which was very long, was not then finished. He admired also the convenience of the stair- cases. Audley End became a Royal Palace in 1669, having been conveyed to Charles II ; but in 1 70 1 it was reconveyed to Henry, fifth Earl of Suffolk. The Braybrookes became possessed of it in 1802. The late Lord Braybrooke pub- lished in 1836 a handsome quarto volume descriptive of his splendid mansion and of Saffron Walden. Winstanley's engravings of Audley End in the reign of Charles II. are scarce and valued, so much so that a copy at a recent sale fetched the high price of £34 \os. 98. Page 65. Don Pedro de Zuniga was the returning Spanish Ambassador. Notes. 5 l He had been in this country several years, having been the first ' Lieger ' or resi- dent Ambassador sent to England after the conclusion of the distasteful peace with Spain. He came over in the suite of the Earl of Nottingham (famous old Charles Howard), on that nobleman's return from Spain in July, 1605, Don Pedro having (as Treswell states) " endured much sickness at sea." He received his first audi- ence at Whitehall on Sunday, July 14th. During his residence in London, he was regarded with much suspicion, owing to the protection he afforded to the Jesuits and Catholics who were ever plotting some mischief. He came, moreover, at an unfortunate time, when the discovery of the powder plot roused the popular exasperation against those of his own nation and religion. In 1606 a watch was set upon his house to intercept such English as should resort thither to mass. {Win- wood, vol. ii. p. 273.) The historian Davila, a most orthodox Catholic Castilian, and most bitter in his remarks against the perfidious English Lutherans, and par- ticularly against that ' monstrous infernal Queen Elizabeth by name ' (in Spanish Isabella, see Note 128), calls Don Pedro a very father to the English Catholics ; he also informs us that this cabal lero indignantly refused to receive from King James (unceremoniously alluded to as " he of England " — el de Inglaterra) a copy of his book '* The Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance," 1609, which the royal author intended as a present to his most Catholic Majesty the King of Spain. (See Davila's Felipe III, printed in Salazar's Monarquia de Espana, 1771 , iii. 107.) Among others the Ambassador afforded protection and shelter in his house in Barbican to a female of his own country named Dona Luisa Caravajal, who came over about the same time as himself to London, ' that confused and miserable Babylon ' {quella confusa y miserable Babiliona), for the purpose of aiding and abetting Father Walpole in the conversion of the obstinate English heretics. This poor woman, who was ' ever sailing in a bitter sea of tribulation,' and whose life has been written in Spanish by Luis Muiioz (4-to. Madrid, 1632) died in London, January, 1 6 14, after having been nine years in England, and was buried at the expense of Count Gondomar. (See also Lewis Owen's Running Register, 4to. 1626, p. 65.) Munoz gives a glowing character of Don P. de Zufiiga ; he says (p. 147): " His departure was felt both by Catholics and heretics ; they equally loved him," &c. Mr. Cottington writes from Madrid, 19th October, 16 10: "Don Pedro de Zuiiiga is made Cavallerizo primero del Rey [principal Equerry to the King], a great office, but hath absolutely forgotten that ever he was in England. He cannot endure the sight of an Englishman." {Winwood, iii. 229.) For his great services, he was created Marquis de Flores de Avila, in April, 161 2, and in May following he was despatched again to England. (Cabrera, Relaciones de Espana, 1 599-1614, 4to. Madrid, 1857.) A letter of George Calvert, Esq., to Sir Thomas Edmondes, of August 1st (Birch's Historical Letters, Add. MS. 4176), relates the following amusing anecdote respecting him : " The Ambassador, Don Pedro de Zuniga, is yet here [in London], no man knows why, for he hath taken his leave of the King. But to shew that he is unwelcome, as he was riding in his carosse with his six mules over Holborne Bridge the other day, with his great 252 Notes. lethugador about his neck and leaning upon his elbow on the side of the carosse, comes a fellow by him on horseback ; and whether de guet-apens, or otherwise, I cannot tell, but he snatches the Ambassador's hat off his head, which had a rich jewell in it, and rides away with it up the street as fast as he could, the people going on and laughing at it. The fellow was not lighted on again, for anything I hear; but I am sorry they have so just an advantage against us to say we are barbarous in our city of London." We meet with Don Pedro again in Spain in 1623, when he was deputed by Philip IV. to present in his name to Prince Charles (Charles I.) at Madrid, the royal and princely gifts, consisting of fifty-four horses, with costly furniture and trappings, pistols, swords, and daggers set with diamonds, &c. And the Prince gave the ' Marquesse of Flores ' a rare jewel of diamonds. (Mendoza, The Joyfull Returne of Prince Charles from Spaine, 1623.) 99. Page 65. Don Alonso de Velasco, Conde de la Ribilla, succeeded Pedro de Zuniga as Ambassador in 1610. He had also visited England six years before when accompanying his relation the Constable of Castile, who had the manage- ment of the negotiation for a peace with Spain. In a letter from Mr. Francis Cottington, dated Madrid, January 7th, 1609-10 {Winwood, iii. 103), it is said: " Don Alonso de Velasco hath this morning begun his journey for England, there to succeed Don Pedro de Cuniga, having in his company divers fayre ladies, and two proper gentlemen, his sons. By this Extraordinary he received letters from a gentleman of his own appellido (one Don Luys as I take yt) remayning in your court, which very violently disswaded him from carrying over these ladies ; say- ing that in England they should fy nd a barbarous people, and so far from ordinary courtesy as the ladies should run much hazard to be evil entreated ; and amongst others, alledged the example of Don Pedro now in England, who (he says) can't shew his face in the City for fear of stones and dirt to be thrown at him. (See also Note 13.) With this was Don Alonso so much trobled, as he sent for me and shewed me all." And Mr. Trumbull, writing from Antwerp, 27th March, 1610 (O. S.), says : " Don Alonco de Velasco arrived here the last week with a great traine of servants and many women in his company. He is resolved pre- sently to begin his journey towards England for the relieving of Don Pedro de Cuniga, who is most desirous to be at home." {Winwood, iii. 143.) This Am- bassador made himself very busy in the abortive attempt to negotiate a match be- tween the Prince of Wales and the Infanta of Spain. (See Birch's Prince Henry, p. 532, &c.) The famous Gondomar, called by Ben Jonson "Spain's Ambas- sador, old -^sop Gundomar," succeeded Velasco in 1613. 100. Page 65. Robert Rich succeeded his father, as third Lord Rich, in 1 58 1, and was with the Earl of Essex at Cadiz. He was created Earl of War- wick, August, 1 6 1 8, and died in March following. 1 01. Page 65. Sir David Murray, Knight, was Gentleman of the Bed- chamber to Prince Henry ; in December, 1610, he was appointed Groom of the Stole. He attended the young Prince during his illness with great assiduity and Notes. 253 kindness, and Cornwallis remarks, that he was the only man in whom the Prince had put choice trust. At the funeral of his beloved young master, he sat within the chariot, at the feet of the corpse, with its representation in wax-work laid on the coffin. (See Birch's Life of Prince Henry ; Cal. of State Papers.) His Poems were reprinted for the Bannatyne Club in 1823. A Book containing the Privy Purse Expenses of Prince Henry, kept by Sir David Murray, from Michaelmas, 1609, to Michaelmas, i6io,isin the Public Record Office (Dom. vol. Ivii. No. 87). 102. Page 6$. Monsieur St. Anthoine was Prince Henry's riding-master, or equerry. He was an excellent horseman, and was sent over by Henry IV, in the suite of the Duke of Sully, when that Ambassador came to congratulate James on his accession to the crown of England in 1603. The copy of the French King's letter, introducing St. Anthoine into the service of James, is in the British Museum. (Har/. MS. 1760, fo. 24.) The equerry is here spoken of as " ung escuier choisy de ma main pour ayder a monter a cheval mon cher nepveu vostre filz." Sully, in his Memoirs (iii. 143), says : " I made a present in the name of his Most Christian Majesty to the King of England, of six beautiful horses, richly caparisoned, and the Sieur de S. Anthoine as riding-master." Sully also presented Prince Henry with a " lance and a helmet of gold, enriched with diamonds ; together with a fencing- master, and a vaulter or tumbler." St. Anthoine was usually called in England " St. Anthony the rider." It was he who communi- cated to the French Ambassador, La Boderie, the young Prince's desire for a " suit of armour well gilt and enamelled, with pistols and sword." (Birch's Life, pp.68, 69.) The beautiful suit of armour which was afterwards sent by Henry IV. is now in the Tower. In the Privy Purse Expenses of Prince Henry (Rec. Off. Dom. Ivii.), under date of October 11, 1609, is an entry, "To Sant Anthoyne, when he went to Redding to bring home the coltis at his Highnes command, £5." The Marquis of Newcastle, who was famed for his fine horsemanship, was sent by his father for instruction •' to the Mewse, to Mons. Antoine, who was then accounted the best Master in that Art." {Life, by the Duchess, 1667, p. 142.) On the death of Prince Henry in 161 2, the French equerry led a mourning horse — the "cheval de deuil," — in the funeral procession of his late young master. He then became equerry to Prince (and subsequently King) Charles, in whose well-known magnificent equestrian portrait by Vandyke he is represented holding the King's helmet. This subject was repeated many times by the great painter, with certain variations of treatment. It was engraved by P. Lombart, who, when Cromwell came into power, substituted the head of the Protector for that of Charles I. The equerry was also obliterated, and the figure of a youth bearing a helmet introduced. In Walpole's " Anecdotes of Painting," an addi- tional epithet or dignity of" Chevalier d'Epernon" has been given to St. Anthoine, which has been adopted by Mrs. Jameson ; and in the Index to the Catalogue of James IPs Pictures, which was drawn up by Walpole who edited the work (4to. London, 1758), Mons. St. Anthoine is exalted into a " Duke d'Espernon," which has been copied by Dallaway and others. But there is in reality no foundation 254 Notes. for this, for in the original Manuscript of James II's Pictures {HarL MS. 1890, foL 76 b ), the picture at Hampton Court is entered thus : " King Charles the first on horseback ; Mons r . St. Antwaine by him." He has also been termed " Chevalier d'Eperon," which rendering, indeed, might pass, for a Knight of the Spur he assuredly was. Granger has erred in stating that St. Anthoine was sent with six horses as a present to Charles I ; while Mrs. Jameson is wrong in the assertion that Louis XIII. was the donor, instead of Henry IV. Several books on Horsemanship, which once belonged to Prince Henry, are in the British Museum ; they are in very fine bindings, and have his initials, badge, &c. impressed on the covers. The riding-masters of Queen Elizabeth's reign were usually Italians. 103. Page 65. " Mr. Levinus" was Levinus Munck. He was a native of Brabant, in Flanders, and was Secretary to the Lord Treasurer Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, having been naturalized by Act of Parliament, 1 James I, 1603. He held the office of Clerk of the Signet from this date till his death in 1623. In 1605 he took the examination ofGuido Fawkes, and of other " powder-traitors," as the King called them. In 1609, James I. appointed him, in conjunction with Thomas Wilson (afterwards knighted), Keeper and Registrar of Papers and Records — " to reduce all such into a set form of Library, in some convenient place within our palace of Whitehall," with the " wages and fee of 3/. \d. by the day, to be equally divided betwixt them;" and with a power of removal from the office, by Robert, Earl of Salisbury. Munck was nominated, in 161 2, one of the Commissioners to wait upon the Princess Elizabeth to Heidelberg, and to settle her jointure. He died May 27, 1623, worth, it is said, £40,000. A few of his Letters are printed in Winwood's Memorials. (Winzvood ; Cal. of State Papers ; Devon's Issues, p. 307. Foreign Protestants, &c. resident in England, p. 82.) 104. Page 65. Sir Thomas Edmondes was a diplomatist of great abilities. In 1592 he was appointed Ambassador to France, with the modest salary of 20/. a day. In 1 596 he was made Secretary to Queen Elizabeth for the French tongue. He was knighted by James I. in 1603, and resided at the Court of Brussels from 1605 to 1609. He was sent Ambassador to France, 1610, after the murder of Henry IV, and remained there till 161 6; on his return he was appointed Treasurer of the Household. His MS. State Papers were largely used by Dr. Birch, in his " Historical View of the Negotiations between the Courts of England, France, and Brussels, from 1592 to 1617." He died, at an advanced age, in 1639. 105. Page 66. The following character of Anne of Denmark is from the pen of Correr, the Venetian Ambassador at this time {Relation a" Angleterre, p. 78): "The Queen, named Anne, sister of the King of Denmark, is a very affable Princess, of a lively humour, rather good looking, and still more gracious ; she has been brought up in the Lutheran religion, which is professed in Denmark. The King, while in Scotland, did all in his power to oblige her to embrace his religion, and several other persons spoke to her of Catholicism, for which she has always evinced, and still Notes. 255 evinces, a particular inclination, whence the report is that she is a Catholic, and in fact I am sure that if she were at liberty, she would declare herself for our religion ; but knowing the wishes of the King to be quite contrary, and that she would be obliged to live continually in anxiety and danger, she accommodates herself to the time and to necessity ; so that she seeks only to divert herself, and passionately loves dancing and entertainments. This Princess is very prudent and has an excellent judgment ; she is perfectly conversant with all the discords of the State, but she does not at all participate in them, although many imagine that being intensely loved by the King, she must take the greater part in them ; but as this Princess is not strong, nor of a nature fit for work, but being young and seeing that those who govern are greatly interested and wish not to be interfered with, she shows herself to be not solicitous about it — hence it happens that she does not at all intermeddle unless to ask a favour for some one ; this it is which makes the people love, cherish, and respect her. She is full of sweetness and kindness towards those who know how to fall in with her humour, but on the other hand she is ter- rible, proud and intolerable towards those whom she dislikes. She has three sisters; one married to the Duke of Saxony, another to the Duke of Brunswick, and the third to the Duke of Holsace, and by this means the King is allied and related to most of the Princes of Germany." (See also Note 147.) 106. Page 66. Sir Robert Sidney, of Penshurst, was younger brother of Sir Philip. He served valiantly in the Netherlands under his uncle, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and was knighted for his gallant behaviour at the battle of Zutphen, 1586. In 1588, Queen Elizabeth appointed him Governor of Flushing, his patent for this office being renewed under her successor. In May, 1603, he was made Baron Sidney of Penshurst, and became Lord Chamberlain to Queen Anne of Denmark. In 1605 he was created Viscount L'Isle. In May, 1616, the King commissioned him as Governor of Flushing {Vlisbing), in his name to render and yield up the town to the States of the United Provinces, upon the surrender of which he received in recompense a pension of £1200 per annum during his life. In July of the same year he was installed Knight of the Garter, and in 161 8 advanced to the dignity of Earl of Leicester. He died July 13, 1626, and was buried at Penshurst. (Collins' Sydney Papers ,* Somers* Tracts, ii. 399.) 107. Page 66. In the MS. the names appear as "Mr. Spencer Digby Angsrietter," from which we may suppose that three names are intended. The first, probably, was Sir Richard Spencer, who was Commissioner to Holland, with Winwood, in 1607; the second may be Sir John Digby, afterwards Earl of Bristol, employed in several embassies, but chiefly to Spain; and the third, Sir Robert Anstruther, Chamberlain to the King, a man particularly acceptable to Germans, being very familiar with their language and country. 108. Page 66. Sir James Sandilands was a Scotch knight, who in 1604 held the office of Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber, for which he received £30 per annum for life. (Cat. of State Papers, James I.) In the following year the 256 Notes. Queen and Prince Henry were sponsors at the christening of Sir James " San- delyn's" child, to whom they made presents of cups of silver gilt. Sir James San- dilands (called also " Sandelo") was appointed " Maistre d'hostel" to the Princess Elizabeth, at her marriage in 161 3. He received various free gifts from the Exchequer in 1606, 7, 14, 16, 17. (See Nichols' Prog, of James I.) Lord Her- bert of Cherbury mentions having met in Languedoc " an old Scotch knight Sandelands," who borrowed his horses as far as Heidelberg. According to Lysons {Environs), Sir James "Sandalen" was buried at Greenwich, June 7, 161 8. 109. Page 66. Cobham Hall was the baronial residence of the potent Lords of Cobham, to whose fame and exploits as statesmen and as warriors the mag- nificent assemblage of monumental brasses in the adjacent village church — the finest series on one floor in the kingdom — sufficiently testify. The Lord Cobham, whose absence the German prince regretted, was Henry Brooke, who had been condemned to death for participation in the alleged Raleigh conspiracy, but was reprieved on the scaffold. He passed the remainder of a wretched existence in imprisonment in the Tower, where he died in 161 9. Sir Walter Raleigh, in his defence on his trial at Winchester, November 17th, 1603, contemptuously spoke of my Lord Cobham, as an " unworthy, base, silly, simple, poor soul." Cobham Hall, now the seat of the Earl of Darnley, was considerably enlarged, or in great part rebuilt, by Sir William Brooke, seventh Lord Cobham, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who was entertained there by that nobleman in the first year of her reign, 1559. The centre wing of the mansion was afterwards added by Inigo Jones. It contains a noble gallery of paintings. The reception and entertainment of the Queen has been related by Francis Thynne, a Kentish man who was present, in the Life of the then noble owner of Cobham Hall, printed in Holinshed's Chronicle, 1587, iii. p. 1510, which has escaped the researches of Nichols, in his " Progresses " of the Queen. Thynne notes as follows : " In which first yeare of hir Maiestie's reigne, falling in the yeare 1559, this Lord did most honorablie interteine the Queene with hir traine, at his house of Cobham Hall, with sumptuous fare and manie delights of rare invention. Amongst which one comming now to mind, which I then being yoong beheld, urgeth me forward in the setting downe thereof: which was, a banketing house made for hir Maiestie in Cobham Parke, with a goodlie gallerie thereunto, composed all of greene, with severall devises of knotted flowers, supported on each side with a faire row of hawthorne trees, which nature seemed to have planted there of purpose in summer time to welcome hir Maiestie, and to honor their Lord and maister. But because the beautie and maiestie, with the rare devise thereof cannot be so well conceived by pen, as the same was artificiallie made, unlesse the reder might at one instant behold also the artificiall situation of the place, I thinke it better to passe the rest in silence, than not delivering it in such grace as it meriteth. . . . Wherefore leaving the maner thereof, I will set downe certeine verses made by doctor Haddon, and placed in the forefront of the same banketting house, which doo not onlie shew the joifull welcome of hir Maiestie to this Notes. 257 honorable lord, but also to the whole countrie of Kent, which verses were these following : — " ' Regia progenies, clari stirps inclyta Bruti, Grata venis populis Elisabetha tuis : Quocunque aspicias plausus et gaudia cernis, Laetatur vultu fcemina virque tuo: Imberbes pueri, cani, tenerasque puellae, Oninis ad aspectum turba profusa ruunt. Nos te Reginam, tu nos agnosce clientes, Sic tibi, sic nobis, sic bona cuncta fluent.' " Thynne, who was a poet as well as an historian and antiquary, has tried his hand at versifying this inscription in his MS. Memoirs of the Cobhams, in the British Museum : — " The kinglye progenye and stocke of Brutes most famous race, Elizabethe most welcome is to people of this place. Whiche waye thow casts thyne eye thow mirthe and joye doest see, For joyfull of thy princelye face both menne and wemen bee. The berdlesse boyes, the hoored age, the maydes of tender yeares, And trope confus'd flockes to thy sight, in which their love apperes. We knowledge thee oure Quene, thy subjectes true us knowe, So unto thee, so unto us, all wished good shall flowe." In the Add. MS. 5751 (Brit. Mus.), is a List of Plate borrowed by Sir Wil- liam Brooke, Lord Cobham, of John Harris, goldsmith, when Sir Walter Raleigh visited Cobham Hall. Thynne, speaking further of Sir William Brooke, writes : " Besides which, overpassing his goodlie buildings at the Blacke friers in London, 1582, and since that, the statelie augmenting of his house at Cobham Hall, with the rare garden there, in which no varietie of strange flowers and trees doo want, which praise or price maie obteine from the furthest part of Europe or from other strange countries, whereby it is not inferior to the garden of Semiramis, &c." His lordship was evidently preparing to build on a large scale in 1595, as appears from an original Warrant on parchment in the British Museum ; it is signed by Henry IV. of France, and is dated November 12th, and gives permis- sion to the Lord Cobham to transport from Caen into England 200 tons of stone for building — " deux cent tomieaux de pierre propre a bastir." Probably this stone was used for his new College at Cobham, which his lordship did not live to see completed, having died in March, 1596. To this nobleman, William Harrison dedicated his "Description of Britain;" and Thomas Newton his translation of Lemnius' "Touchstone of Complexions." (See ante, p. 77.) In July, 1596, Cobham Hall was visited by the young Prince of Anhalt, who sings of it in the following strain : — L L 258 Notes. " Wir fiigten uns zu fuss in Baron Combams Haus Des andern tages fruh, von dannen wider aus Und hin gen Gravesend. Es war gar viel zusehen In Combams haus an zierd : Im MahrstalP hett 'er stehen Viel rosse schoner art, die hielt er auf der streu, Es war bey ihm die Pracht, gewonlich, und nicht neu.'' — (F'urst Ludwigs zu Anhalt-Kohten Reisebescbreibung.) Having enjoyed a sight of Rochester, and of the ships of war riding there, the Prince and companions set out towards Gravesend. " Early on the following morning (he says, as above) we walked to Baron Combam's house. There was plenty of ornament to be seen in Combam's house. And in the stable, which was well littered with straw, there were standing many fine horses. For with him splendour was customary and not occasional." On July 3rd, 1604, James I. went from Greenwich to Cobham, and on the 4th proceeded to Chatham, to inspect the ships there. Beaumont, the French ambassador in London, communicated this intelligence to his royal master, Henry IV, together with the following anecdote : " The King (he writes) took so little notice of his fleet at Chatham, that not only the seamen, but likewise persons of all ranks were much offended, and said that he loved stags better than ships, and the sound of hunting-horns more than that of cannon." (Letter of July 18, 1604.) On Wednesday, June 15, 1625, Charles I. and his French bride, Henrietta Maria, rode from Canterbury to Cobham Hall, all the highways being strewed with roses and all manner of sweet flowers. On the next day they left Cobham, and, returning to Rochester, probably as a mark of respect to the city, proceeded on their joyful route towards London. Sir Egerton Brydges (Peers of England, temp. James I, p. 272), writes thus of the seat of the Cobhams: " I have rambled over this large mansion with many emotions of regret at the hard fate of the Cobhams, whose antient glories were surely too severely punished with ruin and extinction, for the doubtful crimes of one weak man. With them, if I recollect, the antient nobility of Kent expired, and the descendants of feudal chiefs could no longer be found to display the trophies of their ancestors in the Baronial Hall." no. Page 66. The Dukes of Pomerania, here mentioned, were two young Princes, the sons of Bogislaus XIII : their names George and Ulrich, the former born 1582, the latter 1589. They had been making the "grand tour," and were in Paris on Easter Day, 1610, when they saw Henry IV. "touch" no less than 400 scrofulous persons. They afterwards witnessed the splendid ceremonial of the Coronation of Queen Marie de' Medici, at St. Denis. On the following day, May 14th [4th O. S.], grief, consternation, and awe took the place of rejoicings, owing to the atrocious murder of the French king by Ravaillac. The commotion caused by this event hurried away the brothers, and they were glad, as many a foreigner has been since, to flee to the peaceful and Notes. 259 hospitable shores of old England — a very pleasant refuge in time of trouble. Here they spent two months of enjoyment, extending their tour into Scotland. They were received with great honour by King James and his son Henry ; were present at the imposing ceremony of the creation of the young Prince of Wales in the beginning of June, at the " Parliament House" at Westminster, and joined in the festivities which ensued, of masques, shows, and running at the ring ; in the last of which the Pomeranian Princes took part, through the introduction of Prince Frederick Ulric, of Brunswick. They returned to their fatherland in the middle of August, 1610. (Micraelius, Pommeriscbe Jabr-Gescbicbten, 1723: buch iv. p. 24.) 111. Page 70. Fynes Moryson {I tin. 1617, pt. iii. p. 150) says: "The Italian Sansovine is much deceived, writing, that in generall the English eate and cover the table at least foure times in the day ; for howsoever those that journey, and some sickly men staying at home, may perhaps take a small breakfast, yet in generall the English eate but two meales (of dinner and supper) each day, and I could never see him that useth to eate foure times in the day." Moryson also informs us that " the English Cookes, in comparison with other nations, are most commended for roasted meates." Hentzner remarks (see ante, p. no) that the English are more polite in eating than the French, consuming less bread, but more meat, which they roast in perfection. 112. Page 73. Peacham {Compleat Gentleman, 1622, p. 204), speaking of the French, our reputed pioneers of fashion, says : " Every two yeere their fashion [of apparel] altereth." 113. Page 87. The " Device of the Pageant borne before Woolstone Dixi, Lord Maior of the Citie of London," October 29, 1585, (4to. Lond. Edward Allde, 1585) was written by George Peele, and is the earliest printed description of a Lord Mayor's Pageant known to exist. A copy bought for the Guildhall Library, consisting of four leaves only, cost £20. October 29th was the regular Lord Mayor's day until the alteration of the style in 1752. 1 14. Page 88. Johann Valentin Andreae was a native of Herrenberg, in Wir- temberg (1586- 1654). In his Autobiography he says that as early as 1602 and 1603, he tried his hand at two comedies, " Esther" and "Hyacinth," which he with juvenile temerity imitated from the English actors. " Schon in den J. 1602 und 1603 fieng ich, zur Uebung meiner Talente, an, Aufsatze zu verfassen. Die ersten Versuche waren wohl Esther und Hyacinth, zwey Komodien, die ich mit jugendlicher Kuhnheit den Englischen Schauspielern nachbildete." {Selbstbio- grapbie Andrea s, ubers. von Prof. Seybold, 1799, p. 15.) It is shown in our Introduction that a company of English players performed at Stuttgart in 1597. 115. Page 89. "Den 27 und 28 Hornung [February] hielten Engelander Comcedien allhier auff dem Saltz-Stadel, gab ein Person 4 kr."— Each person paid 4 kreutzers=ii*/. (Schorer's Memminger Cbroniek, 1660, p. 115.) 116. Page 89. This was evidently an exaggerated report of some capture by Drake, who with Frobisher had sailed from Plymouth with a powerful fleet on 260 Notes. September 14th, 1585, two days after Kiechel's arrival in London. Drake bent his course to the Spanish coast, intending afterwards to visit the West Indies, with a view, as he used to term it, of " singeing the King of Spain's beard." About the beginning of October, after making a few insignificant prizes, a boat was captured near Vigo, laden with the " principall Church stuffe " of the high Church of that place, " where also was their great Crosse of silver of very faire embossed worke, and double gilt all over, having cost them a great masse of money. They complained to have lost in all kind of goods above thirtie thousand duckets in this place." While the fleet was before Bayona and Vigo, the Governor of Galicia, Pedro Bermudez, together with Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuna (afterwards well- known in England as Count Gondomar), made great show of resistance, which led to a parley taking place in boats upon the water, when we are told that " that English pirate Francisco Draques " (el cosario Ingles Francisco Draques) took Don Diego (then a captain, 18 years of age) by the hand to pass into his own boat. (See Ant. de Herrera, Historia del Mundo, 161 2, iii. pp. II, &c. and Lopez de Haro, Nobiliario de Espana, 1622, i. p. 236.) Drake then made his way to the Canaries and the Cape de Verde Islands, and afterwards took and plundered Santiago, St. Domingo, and Carthagena, — sailed thence to Virginia, and brought back with him to England Raleigh's colonists. They were the first, it is said, to introduce tobacco into this country. (Camden's Annates, 1625, bk. 3, p. 107.) The Expedition returned in July, 1586, having lost about 750 out of 2300 men. The booty was estimated at £60,000. There is a narrative of this famous West Indian voyage by Thomas Cates, which was printed in 1589, and afterwards in- serted in Hakluyt's Collection, iii. 534, &c. A different account is contained in a MS. in the British Museum (Roy. 7. C. xvi.) There is also a black-letter Poem on Drake's Exploits at St. Domingo and Carthagena, penned by Thomas Greepe, who describes himself as "a rude countriman, brought uppe manie yeeres in Husbandrie." It was printed in 1587, and is very rare. 117. Page 90. The foreigners have revealed to us some very curious and rather startling peculiarities of the custom of kissing as practised by our ancestors. Thus as early as 1466, a Bohemian nobleman, named Leo von Rozmital, visited England, and in the Journal of his Travel (1577) it is noted that "it is the cus- tom there, that on the arrival of a distinguished stranger from foreign parts, maids and matrons go to the inn and welcome him with gifts. Another custom is observed there, which is when guests arrive at an inn, the hostess with all her family go out to meet and receive them ; and the guests are required to kiss them all (* quam, casterosque omnes deosculari necesse est'), and this among the English was the same as shaking hands among other nations." Erasmus, in 1499, wrote a Latin letter from England to his friend Fausto Andrelini, an Italian poet, ex- horting him in a strain of playful levity to think no more of his gout, but to be- take himself to England ; for (he remarks) " here are girls with angels' faces, so kind and obliging, that you would far prefer them to all your Muses. Besides, there is a custom here never to be sufficiently commended. Wherever you come, Notes. 261 you are received with a kiss by all ; when you take your leave, you are dismissed with kisses ; you return, kisses are repeated. They come to visit you, kisses again ; they leave you, you kiss them all round. Should they meet you anywhere, kisses in abundance: in fine, wherever you move, there is nothing but kisses." (Epistolte, fol. Basil. 1558, p. 223.) In 1527, Cardinal Wolsey was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary to France. He was accompanied by George Cavendish, his gen- tleman-usher, who wrote a Life of the Cardinal. Cavendish had gone forward to prepare his lord's lodging. He says : " And I being there [at the Sire de Crequi's Castle at Moreuil, about twelve miles from Amiens] tarrying a while, my lady Madame Crokey issued out of her chamber into her dining chamber, where I attended her comming, who received me very gently like her noble estate, having a traine of twelve gentlewomen. And when she and her traine was come all out, she saide unto me, * For as much/ quoth she, 'as ye be an Englishman, whose custome is to kisse all ladies and gentlemen [" gentlewomen," in Singer's edit.'] in your country without offense, although it is not soe here with us in this realme, yet I will be so bould as kisse you, and so ye shall doe all my maides.' By meanes whereof I kissed her and all her maides." (Cavendish's Life of Wol- sey, edit. Holmes, 410. 1852, p. 94.) In the narrative of the visit of the Spanish nobleman, the Duke de Najera, in 1543-4, we are told that "after the dancing was finished (which lasted several hours), the Queen entered again into her chamber, having previously called one of the noblemen who spoke Spanish, to offer in her name some presents to the Duke, who again kissed her hand ; and on his requesting the same favour of the Princess Mary, she would by no means per- mit it, but offered him her lips, and the Duke saluted her, and did the same to all the other ladies." {Archcsologia, vol. 23.) A Greek traveller, Nicander Nucius, came to England in 1545, and remarks : " They display great simplicity and absence of jealousy in their usages towards females. For not only do those who are of the same family and household kiss them on the mouth with saluta- tions and embraces, but even those too who have never seen them. And to them- selves this appears by no means indecent." {Travels of Nic. Nucius, Cam- den Soc. 1 841, p. 10.) Again, when the Constable of Castile appeared at the court of Whitehall on Saturday afternoon, August 1 8th, 1604, after kissing her Majesty's hands, he requested permission to salute the ladies of honour (twenty in number, standing in a row, and beautiful exceedingly), according to the custom of the country, and any neglect of which is taken as an affront. Whereupon the Queen having given him leave, his Excellency complied with the custom, much to the satisfaction of the ladies. (' Y besando las manos de su M d ., pidio el Condestable licencia para besar las Damas al uso de aquellas provincias, de que se agravian quando ay algun descuydo. Y dandosela su M d ., cumplio con el uso, y gusto de las Damas.') — Relacion de la Jornada del Exc m0 . Condestable de Castilla, 4to. 1604, p. 34. In Shakespeare's " Henry VIII," at the Cardinal's banquet, the King says to Anne Bullen, — 262 Notes, Sweetheart, I were unmannerly to take you out, And not to kiss you." In dancing it appears to have been the customary fee of a lady's partner. A fur- ther illustration of the custom may be seen ante, Note 72. Foreigners of the male sex, and especially Frenchmen, are in the more frequent habit of kissing each other, and probably not the ladies. M. Misson, a Frenchman who travelled in England about 1697, says, " The people of England, when they meet, never salute one another, otherwise than by giving one another their hands, and shaking them heartily ; they no more dream of pulling off their hats, than the women do of pulling off their headcloths." (Travels in England. Eng. tr. 1719, p. 283.) 118. Page 104. The colour of Queen Elizabeth's hair is expressed by Hentzner by " Crinem fulvum." Baret gives the following meanings, as applied to the colour of the hair : * A deepe yellowe like gold or copper — fulvusi ' a bright yellowe like a womans haire — -flavus / ' light auborne — subjiavus / * yellowe haire like gold — capilli rutuli ; i tawnie colour — Bceticus, sive Hispanus color* (Baret's Alvearie, or quadruple Dictionaries 1580 ) In a little book by Sir Hugh Piatt, entitled " Delightes for Ladies to adorne their persons," &c. circa 1602, is a receipt to * make haire of a fair e yellowe or golden colour / this being considered an especial mark of female beauty. To attain which the Knight recommends his fair friends to take " the last water that is drawne from honie, being of a deepe red colour, which performeth the same excellently, but the same hath a strong smell, and therefore must be sweetened with some aromaticall body." Sir James Mel- ville, in his " Memoirs," p. 123, speaking of his interview with Queen Elizabeth in 1564, says: " Hir hair was reder then yellow, curlit apparantly of nature. Then sche entrit to dicern what kynd of coulour of hair was repute^ best, and inquyred whither the Quenis [Mary, Q^of Scots] or hirs was best, and quhilk of them twa was fairest. I said, the fairnes of them baith was not ther worst fakes. Bot sche was ernest with me to declaire quhilk of them I thocht fairest. I said, sche was the fairest Quen in England, and ours the fairest Quen in Scotland." The same day, after dinner, Lord Hunsdon drew him into a quiet gallery to hear the Queen play upon the virginals. She discovered his retreat, and came forward and pretended to strike him. " Then sche asked whither the Quen or sche played best. In that I gaif hir the prayse. Sche said my Frenche was gud ; and sperit gif I culd speak Italen, quhilk sche spak raisonable weill. Then sche spak to me in Dutche [i.e. German], bot it was not gud." The Queen then gave a lively display of her proficiency in dancing; this scene is related with admirable naivete by the Scotch Ambassador. There is in the Town Hall at Dover a very curious portrait of the Queen, ap- parently done about this time (1598). She is in the height of her charms and adornments, and seems to wear the very bright auburn wig noticed by Hentzner. This picture has been engraved for Dr. Dibdin's intended History of Dover, Notes. 263 although never published. (See Note 2.) Two old portraits, seemingly genuine, of Elizabeth, are in the large Zoological Gallery, British Museum. One, assigned to Zucchero, was given by the Earl of Macclesfield in 1760; the other, a superior and larger painting on panel, is dated 1567, and was presented by Lord Cardross in 1765 ; in this the Queen is represented in a very elaborate dress — in both her hair appears of an auburn colour. Among the Musgrave MS. Warrants in the British Museum, is one dated "Greenwich, 19th April, 1602," and signed by her Ma- jesty, ordering payment " to Dorothey Speckarde, our silkewoman, for six heades ofheare, twelve yerdes of heare curie, one hundred devises made of heare." In the Merchant of Venice (act iii. sc. 2 — edit, folio 1623), on the text of the world being deceived with ornament, Shakespeare satirizes the then fashionable custom of wearing wigs in this country : — " Looke on beautie, And you shall see 'tis purchast by the weight, Which therein workes a miracle in nature, Making them lightest that weare most of it : So are those crisped snakie golden locks Which makes such wanton gambols with the winde Upon supposed fairenesse, often knowne To be the dowrie of a second head, The skull that bred them in the Sepulcher," &c. Again, in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, iv. 4, Julia says : — " Her haire is Aburne, mine is perfect Yellow; If that be all the difference in his loue, He get me such a coulour'd Perry wig." 119. Page 104. On Hentzner's allusion to the Luneburg Golden Table, Walpole, his editor, remarks : " At this distance of time it is difficult to say what this was." We shall beg, however, to introduce a note on the subject. The Luneburg Golden Table was kept in the Church of St. Michael at Luneburg. The gold and jewels of which it was composed are said to have been obtained from the immense spoils taken from the Saracens by the Emperor Otho II. in the 10th century, when he defeated them in the Neapolitan provinces. This precious object is fully described in a German work, entitled " Denkwiirdiger und niitzlicher Antiquarius des Elb-Stroms," 1741, p. 702. Hentzner's statement is curious as showing that in England, in the sixteenth century, the story obtained credence that the regal crown was made of the gold of this table; and this old tra- dition seems likewise to have been current in Luneburg. A German author, Sigismund Hofmann, published at Celle a work on the subject of the Golden Table ; and from the sixth edition of that work, Beckmann (Litt. der alt. Reise- beschreibungen, ii. 23) has quoted the passage, of which the following is a trans- lation : " I shall not examine the ancient tradition, that once a certain Queen of England asked for a piece of this Table in order to put it into her crown, 264 Notes. and when it was taken out for her, her understanding was obscured, and she be- came mad ; wherefore she afterwards put back [into the church] a pair of golden crucifixes of the same size, together with the gold. Certain it is, that there has been here and there something patched into the frame, to judge from the colour, which is paler than that of the gold next to it. Should such a thing have hap- pened, one would have to consider whether it might not have been during the time of Henry the Lion, who married the English Princess Maud, daughter of Henry II. of England, she having been brought out from England as the destined bride of the Duke Henry the Lion, in 1 168, and united to him at Minden. At that time there was much intimate relation with England. Already, in 1644, this Table was somewhat despoiled. The thief had also had in his hands the golden crucifix, but left it standing, having heard that a Queen had received a piece from the table in order to wear it in her crown, but had afterwards gone mad, and had the crucifix made from that gold." Hofmann, it would seem, was not aware of Hentzner's remark. We learn, moreover, from the first-quoted work that the costly table at Luneburg was considerably plundered in 1664, and again in 1698, when it was robbed of most of its valuable portions, its jewels and relics, by Nicol List and his band of desperadoes. Moryson (Itin. 1617, pt. i. p. 6) visited Luneburg, and writes : " In the Monastery within the Towne, they shew a Table of Gold, which Henry Leo Duke of Saxony tooke from Milan and placed here, and it is fastned to the altar, being more than an ell and halfe long, and about three quarters broad, and little or nothing thicker then a French crowne. They shew also foure Crosses of pure gold, which they said a certaine Queene once tooke from them, but presently fell lunatike, neither could be cured untill she had restored them." The subject has not been noticed by S. Martin Leake, in his " Remarks on Crowns," reprinted in " Choice Notes on History," pp. 248, &c. 120. Page 105. William Slawata, or Slavata, the Bohemian nobleman who was so honoured by Queen Elizabeth at Greenwich, was born in 1572. On com- pleting his studies at the Italian Universities, he travelled through the whole of that country, Spain, France, England, the Netherlands, and Denmark. He afterwards became Imperial High Chancellor, Marshal of the Court, and a Knight of the Golden Fleece. He is lauded by his countryman and contemporary, the Baron Christoph Harant, in the Preface (setting forth the advantages of travel) prefixed to his own Travels in the East, undertaken in 1598, et seq. and written in Bohe- mian. (A German translation was published at Nuremberg in 1678, 4to. under the title of " Der Christliche Ulysses.") Slavata left Memoirs of his own time, contained in more than ten volumes. The first part of a History of Hungary in the reign of Ferdinand I, composed by him in Bohemian, was published at Vienna in 1857. A notice of him appears in Pelzel's " Abbildungen Bohmischer und Mahr. Gelehrten," &c. 1773, theil i. p. 13. In the riot which took place at Prague, on May 23rd, 161 8, the two Counsellors, Slavata and Martinitz, who were universally detested, together with the Secretary Fabricius, were attacked and Notes. . 265 thrown by the Protestant party out of the highest windows of the Castle. A dunghill saved the terrified outcasts from injury. To this dire event is ascribed the origin of the thirty years' war ! Slavata died, at the age of eighty, in 1652. His name does not appear in the " Biographie Universelle." 121. Page 105. In the following verses, taken from a rare black-letter volume, entitled, " A Fourme of Prayer, with thankesgiving, to be used of all the Queenes Maiesties loving subiectes every yeere, the 17 of November, being the day of Her Highnes entrie to her kingdome" (London, 1578, 4-to.), we are strikingly reminded of our national anthem of God save the Queen: — " Lorde keepe Elizabeth our Queene, Defend her in thy right : Shewe forth thy selfe as thou hast beene, Her fortresse and her might. Preserve her Grace, confound her foes, And bring them downe full lowe : Lorde turne thy hande against all those That would her overthrowe. Mayntaine her scepter as thine owne, For thou hast plaste her here : And let this mightie worke be knowne, To nations farre and nere. A noble ancient Nurse, O Lorde, In England let her raigne : Her Grace among us do afforde, For ever to remaine. Indue her, Lorde, with vertues store, Rule thou her royall Rod ; Into her minde thy spirit powre, And shewe thy selfe her God. In trueth upright, Lorde guide her still, Thy Gospell to defende : To say and do what thou doest will, And stay where thou doest ende. Her counsel], Lorde, vouchsafe to guide, With wisdome let them shine, In godlines for to abide, As it becommeth thine. To seeke the glorie of thy name, Their countries wealth procure, And that they may perfourme the same, Lorde graunt thy Spirit pure." M M 266 Notes. 122. Page 107. Giovanni Micheli, the Venetian Ambassador in England during the reign of Queen Mary, took the opportunity of depicting, in vivid colouring, "Miledi Elisabetta" — the Princess Elizabeth of twenty-three years — in his " Relazione d'Inghilterra," presented to the Senate on his return in 1557. During her subsequent reign of forty-five years, all diplomatic relations between the two Governments ceased, doubtless on account of the differences which the change of religion recognized by the Queen occasioned in politics. (Baschet, La diplomatic V'enitienne, p. 106.) The Report of Micheli, in an abridged form, has been translated and printed by Sir H. Ellis {Letters; 2nd series, vol. 2) ; the portion we give within brackets is taken from the more extended document included in Alberi's collection of " Relazioni degli Ambasciatori Veneti," serie 1, vol. 2 (Firenze, 1840), pp. 289, &c. " My Lady Elizabeth, the daughter of Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyne, was born in 1533 [in the month of September — so that she is at present twenty-three years of age]. She is a lady of great elegance both of body and mind, although her face may rather be called pleasing than beautiful ; she is tall and well made ; her complexion fine, though rather sallow (o/ivastra) ; her eyes, but, above all, her hands, which she takes care not to conceal, are of superior beauty. In her knowledge of the Greek and Italian languages she surpasses the Queen. [She excels the Queen in the knowledge of languages ; for in addition to Latin, she has acquired no small acquaintance with Greek. She speaks Italian, which the Queen does not, in which language she takes such delight, that in the presence of Italians it is her ambition not to converse in any other.] Her spirits and understanding are admirable, as she has proved by her conduct in the midst of suspicion and danger, when she concealed her religion and comported herself like a good catholic. She is proud and dignified in her manners ; for, though her mother's condition is well known to her, she is also aware that this mother of hers was united to the King in wedlock, with the sanction of the holy church and the concurrence of the primate of the realm ; and though misled with regard to her religion, she is conscious of having acted with good faith ; nor can this latter circumstance reflect upon her birth, since she was born in the same faith as that professed by the Queen. Her father's affection she shared at least in equal measure with her sister; [it is said that she resembles her father more than the Queen does], and the King considered them equally in his will, settling on both of them 10,000 [30,000] soldi per annum. [Yet with this allowance she is always in debt. And she would be much more so, if she did not studiously abstain from enlarging her establishment, and so giving greater offence to the Queen. For indeed there is not a knight or gentleman in the kingdom who has not sought her service, either for himself or for some son or brother; such is the affection and love that she commands. This is one reason why her expenses are increased. She always alleges her poverty as an excuse to those who wish to enter her service, and by this means she has cleverly contrived to excite compas- sion, and at the same time a greater affection ; because there is no one to whom Notes. 267 it does not appear strange that she — the daughter of a king — should be treated in so miserable a manner. She is allowed to live in one of her houses about twelve miles distant from London, but she is surrounded by a number of guards and spies, who watch her narrowly and report every movement to the Queen.] Moreover, the Queen, though she hates her most sincerely, yet treats her in public with every outward sign of affection and regard, and never converses with her but on pleasing and agreeable subjects. She has also contrived to ingratiate herself with the King of Spain, through whose influence the Queen is prevented from bastardising her, as she certainly has it in her power to do by means of an Act of Parliament, and which would exclude her from the throne. It is believed that but for this interference of the King, the Queen would without remorse chastise her in the severest manner; for whatever plots against the Queen are discovered, my lady Elizabeth or some of her people, may always be sure to be mentioned among the persons concerned in them." Elizabeth's studious habits and remarkable proficiency in languages are attested by Roger Ascham, who was her preceptor, in his interesting work, " The Schole- master," 1571. "It is your shame (I speake to you all, you yong Jentlemen of England) that one Mayde [i. e. the Queen] should goe beyond you all in excel- lency of learning and knowledge of divers tonges. Pointe forth six of the best geven Jentlemen of this Court, and all they togither shew not so much good will, spend not so much tyme, bestow not so many houres, dayly, orderly, and con- stantly, for the increase of learning and knowledg, as doth the Queenes Maiestie her selfe. Yea, I beleeve, that beside her perfit redines in Latin, Italian, French and Spanish, she readeth here now at Windsore more Greeke every daye, then some Prebendarie of this Church doth read Latin in a whole weeke. And that which is most prayse worthy of all, within the walles of her privy chamber, she hath obtained that excellency of learning, to understand, speake and write both witely with head, and fayre with hand, as scarse one or two rare wittes in both the Universyties have in many yeares reached unto. Amongest all the benefites that God hath blessed mee withall, next the knowledge of Christes true Religion, I count this the greatest, that it pleased God to call mee to be one poore Minister in setting forward these excellent giftes of learning in this most excellent Prince. Whose onely example, if the rest of our nobilitie would folowe, then might Eng- land bee, for learning and wisdome in nobilitie, a spectacle to all the world be- side." The following interesting passage, which we have not before seen quoted, is from the pen of Dr. William Turner, who, in the Dedication of his " Herbal," 1568, to the " most noble and learned Princesse in all kindes of good lerninge, Quene Elizabeth," speaks thus of her accomplishments : " As for your knowledge in the Latin tonge xviij. yeares ago or more, I had in the Duke of Somersettes house (beynge his Physition at that tyme) a good tryal thereof, when as it pleased your grace to speake Latin vnto me : for although I have both in England, lowe and highe Germanye, and other places of my longe traveil and pelgrimage, never spake with any noble or gentle woman that spake so wel and so much cengrue fyne 268 Notes. and pure Latin, as your grace did vnto me so long ago : sence whiche tyme hovve muche and wounderfullye ye have proceded in the knowledge of the Latin tonge, and also profited in the Greke, Frenche and Italian tonges and others also, and in all partes of Philosophie and good learninge, not onlye your owne faythfull subiectes, beynge far from all suspicion of flattery bear witnes, but also strangers, men of great learninge in their bokes set out in the Latin tonge, geve honorable testimonye." Numerous specimens of Elizabeth's " fayre hand," both as Princess and as Queen, are in the MS. department of the British Museum. One highly interesting volume contains Prayers or Meditations composed originally in English by Queen Katherine Parr, and translated into Latin, French and Italian, by Elizabeth when princess, as a gift to her father Henry VIII. It is written on vellum, entirely in her own hand, with a dedication to the King, dated from Hertford, 20 Decem- ber, 1545. The binding is of silk, embroidered with silver, supposed to have been executed by Elizabeth herself, and on the sides is the monogram of Queen Katherine Parr. This translation is mentioned by Bishop Montague, in his Preface to the " Workes of King James," fol. 1616. Dr. Bliss has described, in a MS. note to Walpole's "Royal and noble Authors," in the British Museum, (vol. i. p. 87), a volume deposited in the Bodleian Library, entirely written by Elizabeth. It consists of " Latin phrases, quotations, &c. The covers or blank leaves before the volume was bound (as it now is in vellum), are filled up with what may be actually termed scribbling; nor is it a slight trait of her affection towards her brother, that Edv. and Edvardus are continually seen as the words fixed on by the princess for her essay in the art of penmanship." Other books written by the Queen are noticed at pp. 165, 171, and note 153. 123. Page 108. The way in which young thieves were educated in the Eliza- bethan age to perform their nefarious work neatly and dexterously, is revealed to us in the following quaint extract from a report written by Fleetwood, the Re- corder of London, dated July 7th, 1585 (Ellis/n.p.zgy): "Amongestour travells this one matter tumbled owt by the waye, that one Wotton, a gentilman borne, kepte an Alehowse att Smarts Keye neere Byllingsegate, and reared upp a newe trade of lyffe, and in the same howse he procured all the Cuttpurses abowt this Cittie to repaire to his said howse. There was a Schole Howse sett upp to learne younge boyes to cutt pursses. There were hunge up two devises, the one was a pockett, the other was a purse. The pockett had in yt certen cownters, and was hunge abowte with hawkes bells, and over the toppe did hannge a litle sacringe bell ; and he that could take owt a cownter without any noyse was allowed to be a publiqueffoyster ; and he that could take a peece of sylver owt of the purse with- out the noyse of any of the bells, he was adjudged & judicial? Nypper. Nota that a ffoister is a Pickpokett and a Nypper is termed a Pickepurse,or a Cutpurse." Those who have read " Oliver Twist" will be reminded of the very curious and uncommon game played by the "Artful Dodger" and his companions for the edification of the young novice. The rogue Autolycus, in the Winter's Tale, who was a " snapper-up of unconsidered trifles," and understood the business Notes, 269 well, asserts that " to have an open ear, a quick eye, and a nimble hand, is neces- sary for a cut-purse." John Fit [Fitz] John says, in his " Diamond most pre- cious," &c. 1577 : " If you picke or stele above twelve pence, the lawes of this realme is death" A cut-purse named John Selman was executed on January 7th, 161 2, for picking the pocket of Leonard Barry, servant to Lord Harrington, of a leather purse in the King's Chapel at Whitehall, on the previous Christmas Day, his Majesty being present. From a quarto pamphlet published at the time, we learn that the purse, a double one, was valued at one halfpenny , but in it were forty shillings. " Selman came into the Chappell in very good and seemely apparell, like vnto a Gentleman or Citizen — viz. a faire blacke cloake laced, and either lined thorow or faced with velvet." The charge was given to the " Grand Inquest" by Sir Francis Bacon, the King's " Solister." The place of execution was between Charing Cross and the Court Gate. The work, which contains on the title-page a woodcut portrait of the gentlemanly pick-pocket with the stolen purse in his hand, ends thus : " But see the gracelesse and vnrepenting minds of such like kinde of liuers ; for one of his quality (a picke-pocket I meane) euen at his execu- tion, grew master of a true mans purse, who being presently taken, was imprisoned, and is like the next sessions to wander the long voiage after his grand Captaine, Mounsier Iohn Selman. God, if it bee his blessed will, turne their hearts, and make them all honest men !" 124. Page 108. In 1636, Leo van Aitzema, the Dutch ambassador and his- torian, was shown at Woodstock, Queen's Elizabeth's verses pasted on a board ("een Engelsche ghedicht op een bort geplackt"), and also what he is pleased to term " Rosemondboor" (Saken van Staet, &c. 1669, ii. 363.) 125. Page in. It is curious that the same remark was made by the Vene- tian Ambassador, in his Relation of England, written in 1497, but not printed until 1847, when this interesting work was carefully translated and edited by Miss Sneyd for the Camden Society. The Ambassador says that " the English are great lovers of themselves and of everything belonging to them ; they think that there are no other men like themselves, and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner, they say that ' he looks like an Englishman/ and that ' it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman* {e gran peccato che eglinon sia Inglese); and when they partake of any delicacy with a foreigner, they ask him ' whether such a thing is made in their country V " 126. Page 113. Erasmus, in his Letters, bitterly complains of the rapacity of the English custom-house officers. On leaving England after his first visit in 1499, the regulation prohibiting any person from carrying out of the country coin exceeding in amount six angels, was put in force against him. The King's officers at Dover took from him all the money he had above that sum, nearly £20, thus, in fact, depriving him of the fruits of his learned labours in England. See Erasmus On Pilgrimages, edited by J. Gough Nichols, Esq. p. 1 73 . Moryson (I tin. 1 6 1 7, pt. 1, p. 275) says: '* In England the Law forbids any Traveller upon paine of confiscation to carry more money about him out of the kingdome than will serve for the expences of his journey — namely, above twenty pounds sterling." 270 Notes, 127. Page 118. Juan de Tassis, Count Villamediana, had been despatched to England the year before (1603) to congratulate the new King, and to pave the way for the peace. An interesting account of his mission was published at Se- ville in the same year; a copy of this very rare production is in the Grenville Library. (See also Chifflet's Maison de Tassis, fol. 1645.) 128. Page 121. The original of this passage is as follows (Relation, &c. p. 41): " Despues embid el Rey al Condestable un gran recaudo con el Conde de Northampton, diziendole que aquel dia era dichoso para el, pues se hazia la paz, y cumplian sus hijos aiios, y la Princessa Isabella quatro ; y que assi esperava que por el nombre, havia de ser medio para conservar en amistad y union los Reynos de Hespana y Inglaterra, al contrario de otra Isabella enemiga, que tantos dafios havia causado : que assi le diesse licencia para que le brindasse a la salud de los hijos," &c. The note respecting this in Ellis's " Original Letters " is : " What ' Isabel ' King James could allude to, it is not easy to say. Perhaps it was one of the children of Philip III, who died at an early age, and are not particularly noticed by historians. His next health, * The Princess of Spain ' appears to coun- tenance this supposition, under which the singular number has been substituted by the translator for the plural 'hijos/ Prince Charles having at the period above alluded to nearly completed his fourth year." Here also the translation stands : M This season was memorable to his Majesty, not only because he had concluded a peace, but also because one of his sons and Princess Isabel were each about completing their fourth year." The above passage certainly is obscure, but there can be no doubt that the Isabel alluded to was James's eldest daughter Elizabeth, who'after- wards married the Elector Palatine; the name Isabella being the Spanish equivalent for Elizabeth, as Queen Bess well knew from the atrocious vituperations launched against her by the Spaniards. Even after her death, Lope de Vega vilified her in his Poem on Mary Queen of Scots, entitled "Corona Tragica," (4to. Madrid, 1627) with the epithets 'a bloody Jezebel,' (sangriente Jezabel), a play on the name Isabel; a 'second Athaliah,' (nueva A 't alia), and others equally choice. And Davila, the Spanish historian, after denouncing the English Queen " Isabel or Jezabel as a Calvinistic heretic and the greatest persecutor that the blood of Jesus Christ and the sons of the Church ever had" (Vida de Felipe 111, p. 74), on recording her death (p. 84) sends the impious Isabella {la impia Isabeld) down to the lowest depths of the inferno, there to suffer all the pains and penalties for her infamous life. Howell, writing from Madrid in 1622, says, " The Spaniard never speaks of Queen Elizabeth but he fetcheth a shrink in the shoulder." In Latin documents the name of the Spanish Queen Isabella (the Catholic) is ren- dered by " Elisabetha." The impressive allusion to the day, made in James's toast, was evidently in- tended by him for the day of the month (i. e. the 19th), on which three of his children had been born, viz. Henry (at this time ten years old), on the 19th of February, 1594; Elizabeth (now exactly eight years old), on the 19th of August, 1596 ; Charles (scarcely four years old), on the 19th of November, 1600; and Notes. 271 we may conclude that some confusion as to the King's remark in respect of age is due to the Spanish reporter and interpreter. There is a considerable literature regarding this peace between Spain and Eng- land. In the next year (1605), the aged Earl of Nottingham was sent to Valla- dolid to receive the oath of his Catholic Majesty ; of this journey there are extant two distinct narratives, one by Robert Treswell, Somerset Herald, the other by an anonymous writer, who professes to have been present. The pen of the author of " Don Quixote " is said to have been likewise called into service on the same occasion, the authority for this being a satirical sonnet by the poet Gongora, quoted by Pellicer {Vida de Cervantes, p. 115) : — " Pario la Reyna : el Luterano vino Con seiscientos hereges y heregias : Gastamos un millon en quince dias En darles joyas, hospedage y vino : Hicimos un alarde 6 desatino, Y unas fiestas, que fueron tropelias, Al Anglico legado y sus espias Del que juro la paz sobre Calvino : Bautizamos al nino Dominico, Que nacio para serlo en las Espanas : Hicimos un sarao de encantamento : Quedamos pobres, fue Lutero rico : Mandaronse escribir estas hazanas A Don Quixote, a Sancho, y su jumento." In English thus : " The Queen was confined : the Lutheran came with 600 heretics and heresies : we spent a million in a fortnight to give them feasts, en- tertainments, and wine : we made such a display, or rather played such tom- fooleries, gave such galas or such guzzlings to the English envoy and his spies, for that he swore to the peace on Calvin. We christened the boy [i. e. Philip IV.] Dominic, because he was born to domineer over the Spains : we gave a ball quite enchanting : we made ourselves poor, but made Luther rich. These our exploits were commended for description to Don Quixote, Sancho, and his ass." The work thus ascribed to Cervantes on the strength of the above sonnet by Gongora, is excessively rare; the original is entitled : "Relacion de lo suce- dido en la ciudad de Valladolid desde el punto del felicisimo nacimiento del prin- cipe D. Felipe Dominico Victor,' , &c. and was published at Valladolid in 1605, 4to. In the British Museum there is only an Italian translation, by Cesare Parona, printed at Milan in 1608; this copy was once in King James's own library. 129. Page 122. The "Princess of Spain" was the afterwards celebrated Anne of Austria, wife of Louis XIII. of France, and mother of Louis XIV. She was born September 22, 1601. 272 Notes. 130. Page 123. A description of the dances mentioned in the text may be obtained from a curious work written by Cesare Negri, a Milanese professor of the saltatory art, and published at Milan in 1604, in folio, with numerous engrav- ings. It is entitled : *' Nuove inventioni di balli," &c. James Ps copy is in the British Museum. 131. Page 123. These were probably the large Irish greyhounds, much valued for their strength and boldness, and formerly used in hunting the wolf and the boar. Mastiffs were usually selected to encounter Bruin in battle. 132. Page 127. The population of London at this date was estimated by the Venetian Ambassador at 300,000 souls. (Correr's Relation a" Angleterre, circa 1610.) 133. Page 128. We have met with no allusion in our chroniclers or histo- rians to the strange statement in the text respecting Henry VII's " blood sprinkled on the wall" of the chamber wherein he died, at Richmond Palace ; the story is, however, repeated by two other travellers, Zinzerling and Eisenberg, who men- tion besides a magic mirror used by the King. The MSS. and printed books which Grasser saw in the Palace, are now in the British Museum, forming part of the Old Royal Collection. The Genealogy of the Kings of England, specially no- ticed by Zinzerling, (see p. 134), and by Eisenberg (p. 172), is a vellum roll, twenty feet long, and beautifully written. (14. B. 8.) 134. Page 132. Touching English Inns and their accommodation, Fynes Moryson {J tin. 16 17, pt. 3, p. 151) writes : " I have heard some Germans com- plaine of the English Innes by the high way, as well for dearenesse as for that they had onely roasted meates : but these Germans, landing at Gravesend, per- haps were injured by those knaves that flocke thither onely to deceive strangers, and use Englishmen no better, and after went from thence to London, and were - there entertained by some ordinary Hosts of strangers, returning home little acquainted with English customes. But if these strangers had knowne the Eng- lish tongue, or had had an honest guide in their journies, and had knowne to live at Rome after the Roman fashion (which they seldome doe, using rather Dutch Innes and companions), surely they should have found that the World affoords not such Innes as England hath, either for good and cheape entertainement after the Guests owne pleasure, or for humble attendance on passengers ; yea, even in very poore villages. . . . For assoone as a passenger comes to an Inne, the servants run to him, and one takes his horse and walkes him till he be cold, then rubs him and gives him meate, yet I must say that they are not much to be trusted in this- last point, without the eye of the Master or his servant to oversee them. Another servant gives the passenger his private chamber, and kindles his fier, the third puis of his bootes and makes them cleane. Then the Host or Hostesse visits him, and if he will eate with the Host, or at a common table with others, his meale will cost him sixe pence, or in some places but foure pence (yet this course is lesse honourable, and not used by Gentlemen) ; but if he will eate in his chamber, he commands what meate he will according to his appetite, and as much as he Notes. 2 73 thinkes fit for him and his company, yea, the kitchin is open to him, to command the meat to be dressed as he best likes ; and when he sits at Table, the Host or Hostesse will accompany him, or if they have many Guests, will at least visit him, taking it for curtesie to be bid sit downe : while he eates, if he have com- pany especially, he shall be ofFred musicke, which he may freely take or refuse, and if he be solitary, the musitians will give him the good day with musicke in the morning. It is the custome and no way disgracefull to set up part of supper for his breakefast. In the evening or in the morning after breakefast (for the com- mon sort use not to dine, but ride from breakefast to supper time, yet comming early to the Inne for better resting of their Horses) he shall have a reckoning in writing, and if it seeme unreasonable, the Host will satisfie him either for the due price, or by abating part, especially if the servant deceive him any way, which one of experience will soone find. ... I will now onely adde, that a Gentleman and his Man shall spend as much as if he were accompanied with another Gen- tleman and his Man, and if Gentlemen will in such sort joyne together to eate at one Table, the expences will be much diminished. Lastly, a Man cannot more freely command at home in his owne House, then hee may doe in his Inne, and at parting if he give some few pence to the Chamberlin and Ostler, they wish him a happy journey." At another part of his work (part 3, p. 19) Moryson advises his countrymen travelling abroad : " In all Innes, but especially in suspected places, let him bolt or locke the doore of his chamber ; let him take heed of his chamber fellowes, and alwayes have his sword by his side or by his bed side; let him lay his purse under his pillow, but alwayes foulded with his garters or some thing hee first useth in the morning, lest hee forget to put it up before hee goe out of his chamber. And to the end he may leave nothing behind him in his Innes, let the visiting of his chamber and gathering his things together be the last thing he doth, before hee put his foote into the stirrup." 135- P & g e 134. On the subject of this picture the Editor was favoured with the following interesting particulars by his friend Mr. Richard Garnett, of the British Museum, whose valuable aid on many other occasions he begs gratefully to acknowledge. Mr. Garnett writes : — " You will remember, in one of the German travellers' descriptions of Hampton Court, mention of a supposed portrait of our Saviour, sent, according to tradition, by one of the Sultans to the Pope, to obtain the release of his brother. You said that the picture had disappeared from the palace without leaving any trace. We then referred to Burcardus's account of Bajazet the Second's embassy to Pope Inno- cent VIII, in 1492, to obtain, however, the safe custody, not the liberation, of his brother Zim. On this occasion he sent the Pope what was represented to be the head of the lance by which Christ's side was pierced, but Burcardus does not mention any other relic. Now, going over Warwick Castle this morning [June 15, 1863], I observed with much surprise a small portrait, painted in the Byzan- tine manner on a gold ground, and superscribed in capitals : ' This present figure is the similitude of our Lord IHS, our Saviour, imprinted in an emirald by the pre- N N 274 Notes. decessor of the Great Turke, and sent to Pope Innocent VIII for a token to re- deem his brother that was taken prisoner.' This shows that the inscription must have been written in the time of Sultan Selim, 1512-20. I can have little doubt that this is the picture referred to by the German : the wonder is, how it could have got from Hampton Court to Warwick." This portrait of the Saviour would, however, appear to be only one among many other pretended " true Portraits." Old copies are alluded to in the " Antiquarian Repertory," iii. (where one is badly engraved); also in " Notes and Queries" for 1864. Photographs of "the only true likeness of our Saviour" — a very beautiful head certainly — have lately been exhibited in the shops of London. 136. Page 135. Mr. J. Gough Nichols informs us {Gent. Mag. 1836, p. 154) that Gough, the antiquary, about 1765, purchased so much of the chimney-piece of the parlour in Theobalds Palace as had survived the demolition. M It is two- thirds of a groupe of figures in alto-relievo, representing in the centre Minerva driving away Discord, overthrowing Idolatry, and restoring true Religion. The architecture is ornamented with garbs or wheat-sheaves, from the Cecil crest. It is carved in clunch or soft stone, probably by Florentine artists." It was after- wards presented to his father, Mr. J. B. Nichols. As to the strange names of " Sitschitz" and of " Fanacham" mentioned in the text, Mr. J. G. Nichols, in a communication with which he has favoured the editor, says: " I have little doubt they are in their origin • Cecil ' and ■ Fackenham,' and relate to the legendary dispute for arms, of which Lord Burghley, among other genealogical matters, was proud. It may have been carved on one of the chimney-pieces, but perhaps only painted on the walls." (See also Notes 54 and 55.) 137. Page 140. Shakespeare has put into the mouth of Trinculo {Tempest, act 2, sc. 2, ed. fol. 1623) an admirable skit upon the sight-seeing and curiosity- seeking propensity of his countrymen : — " What haue we here, a man, or a fish ? . . . a strange fish : were I in England now (as once I was), and had but this fish painted, not a holiday-foole there but would giue a peece of siluer : there, would this Monster, make a man : any strange beast there, makes a man : when they will not giue a doit to relieue a lame Begger, they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian" &c. (See also Notes 16 and 56.) 138. Page 143. The letter which the Landgrave Maurice wrote fromCassel, May 14, 161 1, introducing his son Otto to the Prince of Wales, is in the Harl. MS. (7008.) In the same volume are holograph letters of Prince Otto, in French, addressed to Prince Henry from Brussels, August 21, and Cassel, October 10, 161 1, acknowledging the latter's kindness to him while in England. 139. Page 144. If the statement in the text— that Prince Otto went to Church with James I, to celebrate the " anniversary" of the Gunpowder Plot — be accurately given by Rommel, it must imply the day (Tuesday) on which it was discovered, the date of this visit of the German Prince being in June, July, and August. We have shown in Note 93 that the King was in the habit of Notes. 275 attending church every Tuesday, in commemoration of the Gowry Conspiracy, which happened also on that day. 140. Page 145. There is a 4to. tract descriptive of this mission of Henry Clinton, second Earl of Lincoln, written by Edward Monings, and entitled ** The Landgrave of Hessen his princelie receiuing of her Maiesties Embassador. Imprinted at London by Robert Robinson, 1596." It is remarkable that in this narrative there is no mention made of the name or titles of the Ambassador, but that of his son, " Master Edward Clinton," appears in one or two places. 141. Page 145. Mr. Fairholt is an excellent authority on the history of Tobacco. In his work on that subject (1859) he says, p. 70: "Among the papers at Penshurst is a note of expenses of Sir Henry Sidney, Lord Deputy of Ireland, among which occurs * three shillings for an ounce of tobacco.' This was within about three years of its first introduction to England, and would be equiva- lent to about 18/. of our present money." The accounts of the Earls of Cum- berland, between 1606 and 1638, show the great consumption of money to be in " wines, journeys, cloaths, presents, and tobacco." Whittaker [Craven, p. 275) says: "The last heavy article of expence was tobacco, of which the finest sort cost 18/. per pound, and an inferior kind 12s. A single bill for this article amounted to £36 7. 8." By multiplying this by four, remarks Mr. Fairholt, we shall be able to judge of the price, as compared with that of our own day, and so understand the heavy expense of an indulgence in tobacco at this period. Bar- naby Rich, in his " Honestie of this Age" (1614), says he was told that there were as many as 7000 shops in and about London where tobacco was sold. Camden has a curious passage respecting tobacco and smoking. He says (Annales, 1625, bk. 3, p. 107) : "And certes since that time [1586, see Note 116], that Indian plant called Tobacco, or Nicotiana, is growne so frequent in vse, and of such price, that many, nay, the most part, with an insatiable desire doe take of it, drawing into their mouth the smoke thereof, which is of a strong sent, through a pipe made of earth, and venting of it againe through their nose; some for wan- tonnesse, or rather fashion sake, and other for health sake, insomuch that Tobacco shops are set vp in greater number then either Alehouses or Tauernes." (See also Hentzner's remarks, Note 56.) 142. Page 151. The disease called the King's Evil was the scrofula, which it was supposed the English Kings were gifted with the power of curing by touching those afflicted with the complaint. Multitudes of persons were touched by royal hands from the time of Edward the Confessor till the reign of Queen Anne — a period of nearly 700 years. Similar miraculous powers of healing were claimed for the French monarchs. In 1597, William Tooker, a Doctor of Theology, wrote a work on the subject, which he dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, and in which he maintained the virtues of the royal touch for the English Kings. This work is entitled, " Charisma, sive donum sanationis ; seu explicatio totius quaes- tionis . . de curatione strumae, cui Reges Angliae rite inaugurati, divinitus medi- cati sunt, &c." Andre Du Laurens (Andreas Laurentius), first Physician to 276 Notes, Henry IV. of France, claimed the gift for the French Sovereigns in a publication entitled, " De mirabili strumas sanandi vi, solis Gallise regibus christianissimis divinitus concessa" (8vo. Paris, 1609). In this volume is a large and in- teresting engraving by P. Firens, representing Henry IV. touching for the evil. The patients are kneeling in the open air. At page 19 the author states that he had vainly endeavoured to see Tooker's work, but that he had heard there were many absurd and laughable things in it advanced by the writer ; among others, that the French Kings had received the power of healing from the English, Sec. Shakespeare has described the practice in " Macbeth,'' act iv. sc. 3 (fol. edit. 1623):— " Macd. What's the Disease he meanes ? Mai. 'Tis call'd the Euill. A most myraculous worke in this good King, Which often since my heere remaine in England, I haue seene him do : How he solicites heauen, Himselfe best knowes : but strangely visited people All swolne and Vlcerous, pittifull to the eye, The meere dispaire of Surgery, he cures, Hanging a golden stampe about their neckes, Put on with holy Prayers, and 'tis spoken To the succeeding Royalty he leaues The healing Benediction." Queen Elizabeth seldom performed the ceremony. But the practice was at its height in the reign of Charles II, and it is said that the " Merry Monarch" touched between the time of his restoration and his death nearly 100,000 persons. He ordered a particular medal or touch-piece to be expressly coined, and in two years no less a sum than £6000 had been ordered for providing gold for " healing medals." The ceremony observed in this reign is described by Pepys and Evelyn, and in the Travels of Cosmo III. Grand Duke of Tuscany. Evelyn, under date 28th March, 1684, mentions that there was so great a concourse of people with their children to be touched for the evil, that six or seven were crushed to death by pressing at the chirurgeon's door for tickets. Several proclamations were issued and announcements published in the newspapers during this and the subsequent reign, prohibiting persons from coming to be healed, either on account of the plague or other infectious sickness prevalent. William III. did not touch for the evil. " He had too much sense to be duped (says Lord Macaulay, who has some admirable remarks on this subject, iii. 478, &c), and too much honesty to bear a part in what he knew to be an imposture. ' It is a silly superstition,' he exclaimed, when he heard that, at the close of Lent, his palace was besieged by a crowd of the sick : ' Give the poor creatures some money, and send them away.' On one single occasion he was importuned into laying his hand on a patient — ' God give you better health,' he said, 'and more sense.' " Dr. Samuel Johnson, when three Notes. 277 years old, in 1712, was touched by Queen Anne, and a touch-piece in the British Museum is said to be the identical one which the illustrious lexicographer received on that occasion. In the Library of that establishment there is a little book printed at London, in 1686, entitled " The Ceremonies for the healing of them that be diseased with the Kings Evil, used in the time of King Henry VII ; published by His Majesties command." The form "at the Healing" occurs often in the Common Prayer books of the reigns of Charles I. and II, James II, and Queen Anne. These English forms all vary, and a new one appears to have been drawn up for each sovereign. 143. Page 151. William, third Earl of Pembroke, was the eldest son of Henry, second Earl. He was K. G., Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and Lord Chamberlain of the Household. He succeeded his father January 19, i6o£, and died 10th April, 1630, when the Earldom went to his brother Philip, who had been created Earl of Montgomery, May 4, 1605. Philip succeeded his brother as Lord Chamberlain, and was also K. G. and Chancellor of Oxford Uni- versity, and died January 23, i6f^. They are the ''incomparable paire of bre- thren" to whom the first folio of Shakespeare, 1623, is dedicated. 144. Page 151. Sir James Balfour {Annates of Scotland, ii. 108) makes a re- mark, strangely spelt and quaintly expressed, which, however, does not speak much for James's cleanly habits : " His skin vas als softe as tafta sarsnet, which felt so becausse he neuer vasht his hands, onlie rubb'd his fingers ends slightly vith the vett end of a napkin." 145. Page 153. Bishop Hacket, in his Life of Lord Keeper Williams (fol. 1693, p. 38) says: " The King's [James I.] table was a trial of Wits. The reading of some books before him was very frequent while he was at his repast. He was ever in chase after some disputable doubts, which he would wind and turn about with the most stabbing objections that ever I heard ; and was as pleasant and fellow-like in all those discourses, as with his Huntsmen in the field." (See also Note 87.) 146. Page 153. Casaubon had resided some years in France, where he appears to have led a restless and uncomfortable life, when, soon after the melancholy death of Henry IV, in 16 10, he could no longer resist the importunities of James I, who had frequently urged him to settle in England. The scholar came, and his new master, who had now found the man after his own heart, was not slow in availing himself of his services. Casaubon became the alter ego or cat's- paw in all the royal pedant's theological controversies. He was perpetually sum- moned to Court, very much to his discomfort, but he received his reward in two prebends, with a yearly pension of £300. The interview with the King at Theobalds, described in the text, is interesting as showing how such engagements were fulfilled. Casaubon's Diary has been recently published under the title of " Ephemerides," but he has not recorded this visit to his Majesty on September 20th, 161 3 : the omission may be explained by the anxiety under which he then appears to have been labouring, owing to the serious illness of his wife, who was 278 Notes. a daughter of Henri Estienne (Stephens), the learned printer and compiler of the famous Greek Thesaurus. The sheet of paper which the scholar laid before James for his criticism was in all probability a portion of Casaubon's " Exercita- tiones de rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis," which was levelled against the Annals of Cardinal Baronius. The work was printed at London in the following year (16 14) — the year of Casaubon's death, with a dedication by its author to the Most Potent King of England, and Defender of the Faith. Chapter 133 is devoted to a confutation of Bellarmine, on the subject of the temporal power of the Pope, and the Cardinal is also attacked in the Preface and elsewhere in the volume. It is a folio of 773 pages, the merits of which, however, are said to consist in having destroyed only the pinnacles of his adversary's castle. In the British Museum is the very copy which belonged to King James ; it is in a magnificent contemporary binding, with the royal arms on the sides, and in excellent preservation. After the learned scholar's death, the King, at the instigation of Patrick Young, his librarian, purchased Casaubon's entire Library of his widow, for the sum of £250 (Devon's Issues of the Exchequer, p. 327). The well-thumbed volumes, having the margins covered with his MS. notes, and usually with his autograph signature on the title-pages, are now in our National Library. The bindings appear to be mostly of the time of Charles I. His initials, I. C, are stamped on the backs of the volumes. Not many years after Casaubon's death, one Thomas Scott, B.D. a fearless and admirable writer, sent forth various pamphlets attacking the pro- jected Spanish alliance. One of the most severe is the " Vox Populi, or Newes from Spayne" (1620), which is directed against the celebrated Gondomar, who, from his peculiar qualities, was nicknamed Fox Populi. The work was soon sup- pressed by royal authority. The following pithy extract is intended to describe the cunning artifices of the Papists to possess themselves of the Libraries of the heretical English — and of Casaubon's among the number : — " My Lord (replyes Gondamor) all the Libraries belonging to the Romane Ca- tholiques through the land are at their [i. e. the Jesuits] command, from whence they have all such collections as they can require gathered to their hand, as well from thence as from all the Libraries of both Universities, and even the bookes themselves, if that be requisite. Besides, I have made it a principall part of my imployment, to buy all the manuscripts and other ancient and rare authours out of the hands of the heretiques, so that there is no great scholler dyes in the land but my agents are dealing with his books. In so much, as even their learned Isaack Causabon's Library was in election without question to be ours; had not their Vigilant King (who forsees all dangers, and hath his eye busy in every place) pre- vented my plot. For after the death of that great scholler, I sent to request a view and catalogue of his bookes with their price, intending not to be outvyed by any man, if mony would fetch them ; because (besides the damage that side should have received by their losse prosecuting the same story against Cardinall Baronius) we might have made good advantage of his notes, collections, castiga- tions, censures, and criticismes, for our owne party, and framed and put out Notes. 279 others under his name at our pleasure. But this was foreseene by their Prome- theus, who sent that Torturer of ours (the Bishop of Winchester) to search and sort the papers, and to seale up the study : giving a large and princely allowance for them to the Relickt of Causabon, togither with a bountiful! pention and pro- vision for her and hers. But this plot fayling at that tyme, hath not ever done so. Nor had the Universitie of Oxford so triumphed in their many manuscripts given by that famous knight Sir Thomas Bodly, if eyther I had been then im- ployed, or this course of mine then thought upon ; for I would labour what I might this way or any other way to disarme them, and eyther to translate their best authours hither, or at least to leave none in the hands of any but Romane Catholiques who are assuredly ours. And to this end, an especiall eye would be had upon the Library of one S[ir] Robert Cotton (an ingrosser of Antiquities) that whensoever it come to be broken up (eyther before his death or after) the most choice and singular pieces might be gleaned and gathered up by a Catholique hand. Neyther let any man think that descending thus lowe to petty particulars is unworthy an Ambassadour, or of small avayle for the ends we ayme at ; since we see every mountayne consists of severall sands, and there is no more profitable conversing for statesmen then amongst schollers and their bookes, specially where the King for whom we watch is the King of Schollers, and loves to live almost altogither in their element. Besides, if by any meanes we can continue differences in their Church, or make them wider, or beget distast betwixt their clergy and common Lawyers (who are men of greatest power in the land) the benefit will be ours, the consequence great, opening a way for us to come in betweene, for personall quarrels produce reall questions." An anecdote of Casaubon is introduced by Coryat in his amusing " Crudities" (161 1, pp. 31-33). Being in Paris, in May, 1608, he says, " I enjoyed one thing which I most desired above all other things — even the sight and company of that rare ornament of learning, Isaac Casaubonus, with whom I had much familiar conversation at his house near unto St. Germans Gate within the citie. . . . Lately hath this peerlesse man made a happy transmigra- tion out of France into our renowned Island of Great Britaine to the great joy of the learned men of our nation; myselfe having had the happinesse to enjoy his desiderable commerce once since his arrivall here." Casaubon remarked to him that it was great pity there was not found some learned man in England that would write the life and death of that incomparable Queen Elizabeth in some excellent style. Such a task was, indeed, soon afterwards undertaken by William Camden, whose monu- ment is placed side by side with that of Casaubon in the south transept of West- minster Abbey. A portrait of " the little man with a black beard " is in the Picture Gallery of the Bodleian Library at Oxford. A fine engraving by Van Gunst, after Vanderwerf, is in the collection of English Portraits of the reign of James I. in the Print Room of the British Museum. 147. Page 154. James's Queen, Anne of Denmark, at times indulged in these sylvan sports, of which her royal spouse was so passionately fond. The follow- ing anecdote is amusing; the scene being Theobalds, the time a few weeks prior 280 Notes, to this visit of our German Prince. The writer, Mr. Chamberlain, dates his letter from " Ware Park," August 1,1613: "At their last being at Theobalds, which was a fortnight since, the Queen, shooting at a deer, mistook her mark, and killed Jewel, the King's most principal and special hound ; at which he stormed exceedingly awhile ; but after he knew who did it, he was soon pacified, and with much kindness wished her not to be troubled with it, for he should love her never the worse ; and the next day sent her a diamond, worth £2000, as a legacy from his dead dog." {Life and Times of "James I, i. 260.) A curious and inter- esting large portrait of the Queen, aet. 43, by Van Somer, is at Hampton Court. She is attired in a hunting dress, and wears a smart hat with red feather ; a negro is holding her richly caparisoned horse ; five small greyhounds are caper- ing about; in the distance is a view of the Palace at Oatlands. (See also Note 105.) 148. Page 155. Sir Henry Wotton, speaking of Marc Antonio Correro, the Venetian Ambassador accredited to England, says : " His complexion is not strong for a long voyage." (Birch's Prince Henry, p. 1 15.) The work of Dr. Levinus Lemnius has the same use of the term in "The Touchstone of Complexions," 1 58 1, noticed at p. yj. In the British Museum is an interesting volume which belonged to Charles I, when Prince of Wales. It is the " Aphorismes civill and militarie, out of Guicciardine," fol. London, printed by Edward Blount, 1 613. The book has the royal arms and initials C. P. on its covers ; the binding is elaborately ornamented with gold. On the reverse of the title-page is an engraving of "The highe and mighty Charles Prince of Great Britanny, &c. ^)tatis suas 13," 6 in. by 5 in. This portrait conveys the idea of his being of a delicate con- stitution. The work is dedicated by Sir Robert Dallington, the translator, who became afterwards Master of the Charter House, " To the high and Mightie, Charles Prince of Great Britannie," &c. The Museum also possesses the copy of Lord Bacon's " Advancement of Learning" (Oxford, 1640), which belonged to the unfortunate Charles when King, who has inserted twenty-three Apophthegms with his own hand in the volume, probably when he was a prisoner in Caris- brooke Castle ; likewise a volume entitled : " Florum Flores, sive Florum ex veterum Poetarum floribus excerptorum Flores;" consisting of a selection of pas- sages from the Classical Latin Poets, arranged alphabetically under heads, entirely in the handwriting of Charles when Prince, and presented by him to his father James I. as a new year's gift, to show his progress in his studies. 1 49. Page 159. This " perspectively painted " Portrait was seen by Hentzner in 1598, who describes it as " A Picture of King Edward VI, representing at first sight something quite deformed, till by looking through a small hole in the cover which is put over it, you see it in its true proportions." It is an optical delusion called Anamorphosis, which is a perspective projection of a picture, so that at one point of view it shall appear distorted, or different to what it really is ; in another, an exact and regular representation. Sometimes it is made to appear confused to the naked eye, and correct when viewed in a glass or mirror of a certain form. Notes. 281 Shakespeare, in '* Richard the Second," act ii. sc. 2, has : — ■ " Like perspectives, which rightly gaz'd upon, Shew nothing but confusion, — ey'd awry, Distinguish form." And see other allusions in " Twelfth Night" and " Henry V." Dr. Plot {Nat. Hist, of Staffordshire, 1686, p. 391) writes : " At the Lord Gerards, at Gerards Bromley, there are the pictures of Henry the great of France and his Queen, both upon the same indented board, which if beheld directly, you only perceive a con- fused piece of work; but if obliquely, of one side you see the King's, and on the other side the Queen's picture, which I am told (and not unlikely) were made thus. The board being indented according to the magnitude of the pictures, the prints or paintings were cut into parallel pieces, equal to the depth and number of the indentures on the board ; which being nicely done, the parallel pieces of the King's picture were pasted on the flatts that strike the eye beholding it obliquely on one side of the board ; and those of the Queen's on the other, so that the edges of the parallel pieces of the prints or paintings exactly joyning on the edges of the indentures, the work was done." The curiosity above noticed by Hentzner is mentioned in Walpole's "Anecdotes of Pain ting," edit. 1862, i. 135. He says: " Among the stores of old pictures at Somerset House was one, painted on a long board, representing the head of Edward VI, to be discerned only by the reflection of a cylindric mirror. On the side of the head was a landscape not ill done. On the frame was written Gulielmus pinxit" — probably Guillim Strete, a Dutchman, who was painter to King Edward VI. 150. Page 161. In 1598, Hentzner remarked at Whitehall Palace the following pictures : "Queen Elizabeth, at 16 years old; Henry, Richard, Edward, Kings of England; Rosamund; Lucrece, a Grecian bride [a mistake] in her nuptial habit ; the genealogy of the Kings of England ; the Emperor Charles V ; Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy, and Catherine of Spain his wife; Ferdinand, Duke of Florence, with his daughters ; Philip, King of Spain, when he came into Eng- land and married Mary ; Henry VII ; Henry VIII. and his Mother ; besides many more of illustrious men and women ; the Siege of Malta." 151. Page 164. The wax-figure of Prince Henry is thus noticed by Sir Charles Cornwallis : "On Sunday at night, before the funerall, his representation was brought (made in so short warning, as like him as could be), and apparelled with cloathes, having his creation robes above the same, his cap and crowne upon his head, his garter, coller, with a George about his neck, his golden staffe in his right hand, lying crosse a little ; briefely, every thing as hee was apparelled at the time of his creation. Which being done, it was laid on the back on the coffin, and fast bound to the same, the head thereof being supported by two cushions, just as it was to bee drawne along the streets in the funerall chariot, drawne by eight black horses, decked with his severall scutcheons and plumes." {Life of Pr. Henry, p. 85). The wax effigies, "decked and trimmed with cloathes as he went when o o 282 Notes. hee was alive," was set up in a Chamber of the Chapel [Henry VII's], at West- minster Abbey, " amongst the Representations of the Kings and Queenes, his famous predecessors, where it remaineth for ever to be seene." (Cornzuallis, p. 93.) According to Monstrelet, the representation of Henry V. was made of boiled leather — " cuir bouilli" It was elegantly painted, with a rich crown of gold upon his head ; in his right hand was a sceptre, in his left a golden ball; and his face was looking to the heavens. The wax-work exhibition at Westminster Abbey, popularly called " the play of the dead volks," and the " ragged regi- ment," was discontinued in 1839. Some of the figures, however — repetitions or restorations, many exceedingly good — are still remaining in a gallery over Abbot Islip's Chapel. 152. Page 165. This "large Bible printed upon parchment" is now in the British Museum. It is the first revised edition of Cranmer's English Bible, called also "The Great Bible," and was printed in April, 1540, at the expense of An- thonye Marler, " haberdassher," of London, by whom this very copy was pre- sented to Henry VIII. A payment of £13 6s. 8d. per annum to Andrew Bright and Edmond Doubleday occurs among the Expenses of James I. (Somers 1 Tracts, ii. 390) for keeping the King's Bible at Whitehall. In an Inventory of the Plate in the Jewel House of the Tower, taken in 1649, after Charles I.'s death, there is an entry of: "I Large Bible and common prayer booke, covered with silver and gilt plate, estimated at 6olb. weight, and valued at 5.;. \d. p. oz.=£l92 o o." (Arcbceologia, xv. p. 273.) 153. Page 165. Hentzner, in 1598, mentions the Royal Library in the Palace at Whitehall, as being " well stored with Greek, Latin, Italian, and French books; among the rest, a little one in French, upon parchment, in the handwriting of the present reigning Queen Elizabeth, thus inscribed : ' A Treshaut & Trespuis- sant & Redoubte Prince Henry VIII. de ce nom, Roy d'Angleterre, de France, & d'Irlande, defenseur de la foy — Elisabeth sa Treshumble fille rend Salut & obedience.' All these books are bound in velvet of different colours, though chiefly red, with clasps of gold and silver ; some have pearls and precious stones set in their bind- ings." Many of these royal books have found a safe resting-place in our Na- tional Library ; a few retain the beautiful bindings above noticed by Hentzner, and are exhibited to the public in the MS. department and in the King's Library. Other books written by the Queen have been mentioned in Note 122. Some choice specimens which belonged to James I. are also in the British Museum. Hentzner also remarked the following curiosities at Whitehall Palace : " Two little silver cabinets of exquisite work, in which the Queen keeps her paper, and which she uses for writing-boxes. The Queen's bed, ingeniously composed of woods of different colours, with quilts of silk, velvet, gold, silver and embroidery. A little chest ornamented all over with pearls, in which the Queen keeps her Notes. 283 bracelets, earrings, and other things of extraordinary value. Christ's Passion, in painted glass. A small Hermitage, half hid in a rock, finely carved in wood. Variety of emblems, on paper, cut in the shape of shields, with mottoes used by the nobility at tilts and tournaments, hung up for a memorial. Different instru- ments of music, upon one of which two persons may perform at the same time. A piece of clock-work, aniEthiop riding upon a Rhinoceros, with four attendants, who all make their obeisance when it strikes the hour ; these are put into motion by winding up the machine." 154. Page 167. The streets in London are described by Hentzner as " very handsome and clean ; but that which is named from the Goldsmiths who inhabit it, surpasses all the rest ; there is in it a gilt tower, with a fountain that plays. Near it is a handsome house built by a goldsmith and presented by him to the city. There are besides to be seen in this street, as in all others where there are gold- smiths' shops, all sorts of gold and silver vessels exposed to sale, as well as ancient and modern medals, in such quantities as must surprise a man the first time he sees and considers them. We were shown at the house of Leonard Smith (Fabri), a tailor, a most perfect looking-glass, ornamented with pearls, gold, silver, and velvet, so richly as to be estimated at 500 ecus du soleil. We saw at the same place the hippocamp and eagle stone, both very curious and rare." Hentzner also informs us that " there are fifteen Colleges, within and without the City, nobly built, with beautiful gardens adjoining. Of these the three prin- cipal are — I. The Temple, inhabited formerly by the Knights Templars : it seems to have taken its name from the old Temple, or Church, which has a round Tower added to it, under which lie buried those Kings of Denmark that reigned in England [meaning the Knights Templars] ; II. Gray's Inn {Greziri) ; and III. Lincoln's Inn {Lyconsin). In these Colleges numbers of the young nobility, gentry and others, are educated, chiefly in the studies of philosophy, theology, and medicine — for very few apply themselves to that of the law. They are allowed a very good table, and silver cups to drink out of. Once a person of distinction, who could not help wondering at the great number of silver cups, is said to have exclaimed, ' He should have thought it more suitable to the life of students, if they had used rather glass or earthenware, than silver.' The College answered, ' They were ready to make him a present of all their plate, provided he would undertake to supply them with all the glass and earthen- ware ; since it was very likely he would find the expense, from constant break^ ing, exceed the value of the silver.'" In 1807, Hentzner's Journey into England was reprinted at Reading at the private press of Mr. T. E. Williams. Not being able to interpret the above two names, Grezin and Lyconsin, the editor inserted in his ' Addenda' this instructive note : " The Temple. Names of two Danish Kings buried there, ' Gresin and Lyconsin ! ' " INDEX. The letter n. precedes the numbers of the Notes. [CTORS, ciii-cxl, 88, n. 16,56,84, 114, 115. Adams (R.) Spanish Ar- mada Charts, n. 29. Aggas (R.) Maps, n. 12, 43» So- Agricultural Produce, 52. Aitzema (L. van) at Woodstock, n. 124. Alasco (A.) Visit to England, lv. Albums, xxxi-xxxiii. Alchemists, Ixxxviii. Aldermen of London, 107. Ale and Beer, xliv, Iviii, 9, 79, 109, 152, n. 20, 56. Alencon in pledge, Ixxxiv. Alkmaer, plan of, 1597, n. 84. Alleyn (E.) n. 56. All Souls' College, Oxford, 26. "Amsterdam Dutchman," n. 10. Anamorphosis, n. 149. Andres (J. V.) 88, n. 114. Andrelini (F.) n. 117. Angsrietter, see Anstruther. Anhalt, Prince of, Travels in England, cxxii, n. 37, 39, 49, 53, 55, 56, 109 ; Portrait of, 162. Anne Boleyn, n. 38. Anne of Austria, n. 128, 129. Anne of Denmark, 58, 61, 66, 118, 135, n. 39, 105, 147. Anstruther (Sir R.) 65, 66, n. 107. Apprentices of London, 7, n. 13. Arabella Stuart, 58, 66, n. 71. Aragon (Don B. de) 1 20, 1 21. Archer's Court, Dover, n. I. Arithmaeus (V.) Notes on London, &c. 175-178. Armoury in the Tower, 19, n. 42. Arnold (C.) Album of, xxxii. Arrows, 19, I 54. Art, Works of, in the Royal Palaces, 157-167. Arundel, Earl of, xxvi, 119, n. 85. Ascham (R.) Hi, n. 122. Ashmole (E.) Ixxviii, Ixxxvi. Assum (J. A.) Ixxi, lxxxv. Audley End, 64, 135, n. 97. Automata, n. 84. Bacon, Lord, xviii-xx, n. 94, 123. Baden, Margrave of, Visit to England, lii, liii. " Badenfahrt," xc-xcii. Bajazet II, Sultan, n. 135. Ball at Whitehall Palace, 123. Balliol College, 22, 23. Bankes's horse, n. 56. 286 Indi ex. Bankside, n. 56. Barnfelt (H.) see Oldenbarnevelt. Bartholomew Fair, 107. "Bason (Silver) i' Chester/' 140. Bathing-excursion, xc-xcii. Baths in Windsor Castle, xliii. Bayona, Sir F. Drake at, n. 116. Bear-baiting, xlvi, 46, 61, 123, 133, n. 56. Bear-garden, 140. Beauchamp, "Tomb of," 139. Beauvoir la Nocle (M.) 7-15, 46, n. ii> 57- Beaver " i' the Parke," 140. Beckmann, Prof, xxviii, &c. n. 119. Bed of Ware, 62, n. 53. Beddington, 62, n. 86. Bedford, 31, 135. Beds, xlii, xliii, 108, 110, n. 33, 153. Beef, 152. Beer, see Ale. Beheading, 1 10, n. 22. Bellarmine, Cardinal, 153, n. 87, 146. Bell-ringing, III. Benet College, 36. Bentley (R.) 103. Berck (J.) 59, n. 75. Bereblock (J.) n. 43. Bermudez (P.) n. 116. Beze (T. de) n. 29. Bibeus (S.) Account of Oxford and Cambridge, 21-43, n. 45. Bible of Henry VIII, 165, n. 152. Birch (T.) n. 104. Bird of Paradise, n. 33. Birds of prey, 32. "Black Bell," The, 133. " Black Eagle," The, 58. Blood-hounds, 17. Boars, wild, 50, 145. Boats, 134, [see also "Ships."] Bodley (Sir T.) n. 146. Boggy country, 30, 31. Bohemian Pilgrimage to England, xxxix. Books used in travelling, xxiv ; patent for printing, cxxv ; sold at Theatres, n. 56. Boreel (W.) n. 84. Botnia (F. de) Album of, xxxii. Bow-Dye, n. 84. Bows and arrows, 154. Boyle (Hon. R.) n. 84. Boys, rudeness of English, n. 13. Brandenburg Ambassador, 145. " Brando," a dance, 123. Brandon's lance, 140, n. 42. Brandy sold in Hesse, 145. Brasenose College, 27. Braybrooke, Lord, n. 97. Bremen, Iviii. Breuning (H. J.) Embassy to England, Ixiv-lxx. Brooke (Sir W.) see Cobham (Lord). Brown (Rawdon) xliii-xliv. Browne (Sir W.) 57, n. 68. Bruges (L. de) Lord of Gruthuyse, Visit to England, xli. Brunswick, Christian, Duke of, n. 72. Brunswick, Frederick Ulric, Prince of, Visit to England, 58, &c. n. 72, 76, 1 10. Brunswick, Henry Julius, Duke of, civ, cvii, 161, n. 72. Brydges (Sir E.) n. 109. Buck (Sir G.) n. 56. Buckhurst, Lord, lxviii. Buildings in London, xxvi. Bull-baiting, 46, 6 1 , 1 24, 1 3 3 , n. 1 6, 56. Burghley, Lord, lxii, &c. 44, n. 29, 54, 136. "Burse," The, n. 17. Burton (Rob.) on Travel, xxi. Butcher, an executioner, 89. Buwinckhausen (B. von) Embassy to England, lxviii, lxxiii, Ixxvi, Ixxxiv, cxvi, cxviii, cxxiv, 61, 65, n. 83. Index. 287 Byfleet, n. 59. Cadiz, guns taken at, 133. Caesar's "wine i' Dover," 140. Caius (J.) 42, n. 52. Caius (T.) n. 52. Caius College, 37. Calais, 4, 5. Cambridge, cxix, 31-43, 62, 63, 135, n. 45, 49-52. Camden (W.) 132, 178, n. 24, 84, 141, 146. Cannon in the Tower, 167, n. 42. Canterbury, 6, 66, in, 131, n. 6. Caravajal (Luisa) n. 98. Cardano (G.) Visit to England, xlviii-1, n. 84. Carew (Sir F.) 61, 62, n. 86. Caron (Sir N.) 59, 60, n. 79. Carthagena taken, n. 116. Carts, 14, n. 32. Casaubon (I.) 153, n. 13, 146. " Cassawarway," 140. Cassel, 144, 145. Cassel, William, Landgrave of, lvi. Castile, Constable of, see Velasco. Castiemaine, Countess of, n. 85. Cataia natives, n. 40. Cates (T.) n. 116. Catharine Hall, 39. Catherine of Aragon, xlv. Catherine Parr, xlvi. Cats, 32. Cattle, 30, 51, yg, 109. Cavendish (G.) n. 117. Caxton's "Book for Travellers," xxxiii. Cecil, Lord Burghley, see Burghley. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, Ixxi, 1 63, n. 54. Cecilia, Princess of Sweden, li-liv. Ceilings in Theobalds Palace, 44, 45. Cellius (E.) lxi, lxxiii, lxxviii, xc, xci. Cervantes, n. 128. Charles, Prince, see Charles I. Charles I. cix, ex, exxv, exxvi, exxx, 58, 150-155, 163, n. 54, 75i 76, 87, 89, 98, 102, 109, 128, 148. Charles II, n. 89, 142. Chastillon, Cardinal, 66. Chatham, n. 6 1 , [see also " Rochester."] Cheke (Sir J.) xlix. Chemical Experiments, n. 84. Cherry trees, n. 86. Chester, Silver "Bason," 140. Child-births, 72. Chimney-piece at Theobalds, 135, n. China, Fishing by Cormorants in, n. 95 . Christ, Image of, 167; Christ's Pas- sion, on glass, 165. Christ Church College, Oxford, 28. Christ's College, Cambridge, 40. Christenings, 72. Christian IV, King of Denmark, n. 36. Christina, Queen of Sweden, li, liii. Churches of London, 8. Churchings, 72. Churchyard (T.) lxxii, n. 58. Chytraeus (N.) n. 24. Clare Hall, 34, 35. Clavell (R.) n. 63. Cleanliness, English, 78. Cleves, Duke of, cxv. Climate of England, xlvii, 50, 109. Closheys, game of, xli. Coaches, lxxiii, 30, 31, 133, n. 30. Cobham, W. Brooke, Lord, 77, n. 109. Cobham Hall, 66, n. 109. "Cobs,"n. 18. Cockfighting, 133. Cocknies, n. 31. Coins, 52. Coke (Sir J.) exxv. Colleges, n. 154, [see also "Cam- bridge" and "Oxford."] Colli (H.) cxvi, 61, n. 82. Coloma (Don Carlos) 1 17. 2 88 Index. Comedians, see Actors. "Complexion," n. 148. Conduits, 8, n. 18. Coneys, n. 65. Constable of Castile, see Velasco. Conway, Lord, cxxv. Cooks, English, n. ill. Copernicus, n. 84. Cormorants, 64, 1 44, n. 95. Corn, in. Cornao (M. A.) see Correr. Cornelius the Dutchman, see Drebbel. Coronation Chair, 10, n. 25.- Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 35>3 6 - Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 27,28. "Correnta" dance, 123. Correr (M. A.) Relation of England, cxxi, 59, n. 21,71,74,76,77,93,105. Coryat (T.) xiv-xvii, xxxvi, 140, n. 24, 56. •' Cosen Garmombles," xciv-ciii. Cosmo III, xxxvi, xxxvii. Cossuma Albertus, Prince, n. 63. Cottington (F.) n. 98, 99. Cotton (Sir R.) an " ingrosser of an- tiquities/' n. 146. Courtesy of the English, 78. Coventry " Boares-shield," 140. Cows, 51. Crequi (Mad. de) n. 117. Criminals, n. 22. Crossbows, 17. Crown, English, n. 119. Cups of agate and crystal, 120, 121. Cure (C. and W.) n. 40. Currants, n. 20. Currency, 52. Cut-purses, n. 123. Dallington (R.) xxii. Dancing, xxiii, xli, xlii, 117, 130. o, 123, Danes in England, x. Danish Ambassador cheated, xxxvii. Dartford, Paper Mill at, Ixxii. Davila, abuse of Queen Elizabeth, n. 98, 128. Deanery at Westminster, 100. Dee (Dr. J.) n. 60, 84. Deer, 17, 50, 154. Denmark House, see Somerset House. Deptford, Drake's ship at, 140, 173, n. 62. Derby, Earl of, 1 19. Dethick (Sir W.) Jxxviii, &c. Devonshire, Earl of, 119. D'Ewes (Sir S.) n. 36. Diaries, xix. Dibdin's History of Dover, n. 2, 118. Dickens (C.) n. 53, 63. Digby, Earl of Bristol, 66, n. 107. Digges (T.) n. 2. Dinner, Queen Elizabeth at, 106, 107 ; James I. at, 60, 118-124, l 5 2 ' 1 53 I Lord Mayor's, 107 ; to the Con- stable of Castile, 1 15-124. Divinity Schools, Oxford, 26. Dixie (Sir W.) 87, n. 113. Dog-fish, 140. " Dogge-dayes," 80. Dogs, 45, 46, no, 154, n. 56, 131, 147. Doncaster, Viscount, cxxiv. Dorchester, Viscount, cxxv. Dorset, Earl of, 1 19. Dort, see Vanderdort. Dotterels, 63, 64, n. 94. Dover, liii, 5, 66,?$, 112, 113, 131, 140, n. 2, 118. Draining the level, n. 84. Drake (Sir F.) 49, 89, 135, 140, 172, 173, n. 62, 116. Drayton (M.) n. 94. Drebbel (C.) 61, n. 84. Dress, 7, 8, 70, 71, 90. Index. 289 Drinking and Drinks, cxxx, 79, 152, 153, n. 20. Drought in the Thames, n. 60. "Dutch," meaning German, xxii, n. io, 118. Dutch clocks, n. 10. " Dutch Post," London, 6. Dutchman, "great long," 139. Dutchmen in England, x. Easterlings, n. 19. Eating, 70, n. in. Eckenstein, Herr, 128. Edmondes (Sir T.) 61, 6$, n. 104. Edward the Confessor's shrine, 10, n. 24. Edward " the Fortunate," Hi, liv. Edward III, sword of, 10, 140, n. 26 ; wax-figure, 164. Edward IV, xxxix, xli-xliii. Edward VI, xlix, 159, 160, n. 38, 122, 149. Eisenberg (P.) Notes on England, 169- 173- Eleanora, of Scotland, xcii. Elements, nature of the, n. 84. Elizabeth, Queen, visits to, li, &c; favors phe Lady Cecilia, lii ; report of in Germany, Iviii ; reception of and correspondence with the Duke of Wirtemberg, lx-lxxvi ; recep- tion of Breuning, lxiv; at Green- wich, cxxii, 103-107; at Reading, 1 1-1 3, n. 27 ; at Richmond, 87, 88 ; at Westminster, 94 ; at Woodstock, 108, 135, 172, n. 124; alluded to by James I, 121; monument, 127; books written by, 133, 165, 171, n. 122, 153; portraits, 161-163, n. 118, 150; wax-figure, 164; look- ing-glass, 165; draught-board, 173; a musician, n. 28 ; at Windsor, n. 33; at Hampton Court, n. 38; at Oxford, n. 43, 52; at Cambridge, n. 50; at Theobalds, n. 54; fond of bear-baiting, n. 56 ; letter to Lady Norris, n. 58 ; compared with James I, n. jy ; visits Sir N. Caron, n. 79 ; at Nonesuch, n. 85 ; at Beddington, n. 86; reviled by the Spaniards, n. 98, 128; at Cobham, n. 109; her hair, n. 118; "God save the Queen," n. 121 ; notice of, by Micheli, n. 122; Camden's Life of, n. 146. Elizabeth, Princess, daughter of James I, cxxvii, 58, &c, 66, 118-124, 143, n. 70, 72, 81, 128. Eltham, 61, 139, n. 84. Emden, iviii. Emmanuel College, 42, 63. Ems, river, 3. Engines, n. 84. England, foreigners' visits to, ix-xii ; Re- lations of, xliii; a paradise for women, 14; «' Sights and Exhibitions," 137- 140. England and the English, t. Edw. III. and Ric. II, Froissart, xxxvii ; 1466, Rozmital, xxxviii-xl; 1472, Gru- thuyse, xli ; 1497, Trevisano, xliii; 15 15, Pasqualigo and Giustiniani, xlv; 1543.4, Duke de Najera, xlvi ; 1545, Paradin, xlvii; 1545-6, Nic. Nucius, xlvii-xlviii 5 1548, Jovius, xlviii; 1552, Cardan, xlviii-1; 1556- 7, Micheli, 1; 1558, Perlin, 1-li ; temp. Eliz., Van Meteren, 67-73 ; 1560, Lemnius, 75-80; 1565, Ce- cilia, Princess of Sweden, li-liv ; 1574, Turler, 81-84; I 5 8 3» Alas- co, lv;.i585, Kiechel, 85-90; 1592, .Frederick, Duke of Wirtem- berg, lv-ciii, 1-53 ; 1598, Hentzner, 101-113 ; 1604, Constable of Cas- tile, 1 15-124; c. 1606, Grasser, 125- p p 290 Index. 128; 1610, Prince of Wirtemberg, 55-66; c. 16 10, Zinzerling, 129- 135 ; 161 1, Prince of Hesse, 141- 145; 16 1 3, Duke of Saxe- Weimar, 147-167; 1 6 14, Eisenberg, 169- 173; 1617, Arithmaeus, 175-178. " English Lion," the, 48. English pronunciation of Latin, xxxvi, Englishmen abroad, xiii, &c. Erasmus, 165, 171, n. 117, 126. Eric, King of Sweden, liv. Erskine (Sir T.) 1 19. Essex, Earl of, 11, 13, 119. Eton College, 17, 38. Evelyn (J.) n. 84. Evil, touching for the, 132, 144, 151, 152, 154, n. 142. Exchange, see Royal Exchange. Executions, 133, n. 22, 42, [see also " Hanging/'] Exeter College, 23. Exhibitions in England, 137-140. Eynatten (W. and A.) 1 1 3. Fabricius, Secretary, n. 120. Faithorne (J.) cxxxii. Fanacham (G.) I35,n. 136. Fare, English, 79. Farley (H.) n. 16. Farmers, 1 10, III. Fashions, 71, 73, n. 112, [see also " Dress."] Fawkes (G.) n. 103. Feathers, worn by ladies, 73. Fennor (W.) 145. Ferretti (F.) Travels in England, n. 8, 15. Ferry at Lambeth, n. 80. Finett (Sir J.) xxxvii, n. 4. Fire-ships, n. 84. Fire-works, 140. Fish, 52, 70, 71. Fishing with cormorants, 64, n. 95. Fleet-Street mandrakes, 139. Fleetwood, Recorder, n. 123. Flowers in rooms, 78. Flushing, 57, n. 68, 106. " Flushing " (The) at Gravesend, 132. Foreigners in England, ix-xii, cxxiii, &c. in London, cviii; rudeness to- wards, 7, n. 13 ; remarks on, III. Fountains, 17, 19, n. 41. Fowl, 52. Francis I, xlv. Frederick, Elector Palatine, 131, 149, n. 70, 72. Frederick, of Hesse Cassel, 133. French language, xxxv. Frenchmen in England, x, xi ; insults to, n. 13. Frobisher (Sir M.) 18, n. 40, 116. Froissart, xxxvii, xxxviii. Frontignac wine, 152. Fruit, 52, n. 56. " Fruitbearing Society ," cxxii, 149. Fuller (T.) n. 94. Funerals, 72. Gad's Hill, 49, n. 6^. Galliards, cxxviii. Game, 50, [see also " Hunting."] Gamlingay, 32. Gardens, 18, 45, n. 39, 54. ee Garmombles," Iv, xciv, xcviii. Garnet (H.) 127. Garter, order of the, Ix, &c, 16, 60, 132, 153, n. 33. Garter-plates, Ixxxvi, lxxxvii. Gerard (J.) Herbalist, n. 39. " German," and " Dutch," n. 10. German language, 71 ; Princes, 1 55; Travellers, x, xxviii-xxxii, xxxvii, I33> 178, n. 134. Germany, English actors in, ciii-cxi, Index, 291 Gibson, miniature by,'cxxx. Giovio, see Jovius. Girls, 73. Giustiniani (S.) mission to England, xlv. Glass-houses, 1 10. Globe Theatre, 61, n. 56. Goldsmiths, cviii, 166, n. 154. Gondomar, Count, n. 13,98,99, 116, 146. Gonvile and Caius College, 37. Goodman, Dean, 100. Gorges (Sir T.) liv. "Gosseps," 72. Gowry Conspiracy, 63, 178, n. 93. Grasser's Notes on England, 125-128. Gravesend, 5, 6,48, 49, 58, 66, 132, n. 7^ Greenwich Palace, xlv, 6, 61, 66, 103- 107, 135, 163, 167. Greepe (T.) n. 116. Gresham (Sir T.) n. 17. Greyhounds, 123, n. 131. Gruthuyse, Lord of, visit to England, xli-xliii. Guildhall " huge Corinseus," 139. Gunpowder Plot, 128, 133, 144, n. 77,93- Guy of Warwick, 139. Hacket, Bishop, cxix, n. Sy, 145. Hackney, n. 57. Hair,ladies', n. 1 1 8 ; Bohemians', xxxix. Hakluyt's Voyages, xiii. Halberdiers, 124. Hall, in Swabia, cxv. Hall's Censure of Travel, xxv. Halls, 97; at Oxford, 30. Hamilton, Archbishop, xlviii. Hampton Court, xcii, xciii, 18, 19, 134, 167, n. 38-40. Handbooks of Travel Talk, xxxiii. Hanging, Ixxxviii, 89, no, 131, n. 123. Hanse Towns, n. 19. Harant (C.) n. 120. Hares, n. 65 ; hare-hunting, 62-64, n. 90. Harrison (W.) n. 30, 32, 39, 49, 109. " Harry the Lyon," 140. Harvest Home, ill. Hatching process of Drebbel, n. 84. Haugwitz (C. von) lxxv. Hawking, 63, 1 10. Hawthorne's Remarks on England, xii. Hay, floors strewed with, 104. Hay, Lord, 63, n. 92. Heads on London Bridge, 9, 171, n. 22. " Healing," Ceremony of, see Evil. Heidelberg, n. 70. Helena, Marchioness of Northampton, liv. Henry IV, King of England, tomb, 66. Henry V, King of England, wax- figure, 164, n. 151. Henry VI, King of England, 6^ t 152, 172. Henry VII, King of England, 84, 128, 134, 160, 164, 172, n. 133. Henry VII's Chapel, 9, 97, 98, n. 23. Henry VIII, King of England, xlv, xlvii, xlviii, t 9, 131, 1 40, 1 60, 165, 173, n. 38,42, 85, 152. Henry, Prince of Wales, xvi, 58, &c. n8, 123, 143, 144, 161, 164, n. 56, 72, -]6, 79, 84, 97, 101, 102, 110, 128, 151. Henry the Lion, n. 1I9. Henry IV, King of France, cxii, cxvi, cxvii, 62, 64, 162, 164, n. 75,96, 102, 109. Hentzner's Travels in England, x, cxxiii ; description of England, 101- 113; Dover, n. 2 ; horses and saddles, n. 5 ; Gravesend, n. 7 ; swans, n. 292 Index. 8; foreigners, n. 13; St. Paul's, n. 16; London Bridge, n. 21,22 ; servants, n. 30; Windsor, n .33 ; music and dancing, n. 34 ; unicorn's horn, n. 37 ; Hampton Court, n. 38, 39 ; fountains, n. 41 ; Tower of Lon- don, n. 42 ; Oxford, n. 49 ; Cam- bridge, n. 50; Theobalds, n. 55 ; theatres, n. 56 ; oysters, n. 67 ; Whitehall Palace, n. 150, 153; streets, colleges, &c. n. 154. Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, n. 108. Herring- fishery, 71. Hertford, paper mill at, lxxii. Hesse, Maurice, Landgrave of, Ixvii, 143, 145, n. 138, 140. Hesse, Otto, Prince of, visit to Eng- land, 141-145, n. 138, 139. Hoefnagel's Views, n. 33, 85. Hofmann (S.) n. 119. " Hope" Theatre, n. 16. Horky (J. E.) xxxix. Hormayr, Baron J. von, 87, 90. Horseferry at Lambeth, n. 80. Horse-racing, n. 89. Horses, xlviii, lxxxiii, Ixxxiv, 5, 14, 30,45,48, 51, uo,n. 14, 31, 32, 66, 76, 102, 109, 134. Hospitality, n. 30. Hounslow, 1 1 . Housekeeping, n. 30. Houses, 9, 1 10. Howard, C. Lord High Admiral, 47, 119, n. 59,98. Howard de Walden, Lord, Ixxxiv, 64, n. 97. Howard, T. Earl of Suffolk, 64. Howell (J.) xxvi, n. 13, 20. Hudson (Jeffery) n. 54. " Hunks of the Beare-garden," 140. Hunsdon, Lord, 93, 100, n. 118. Hunting, xlii, 14, 15, 17, 63, 154, 1 55» n ' 77*87,89,91,147. Husbands, 72, 73, Hyde Park, 100. Ignes fatui, 112. "Indian, Dead," n. 40, 137, Inhabitants of London, 7. Innocent VIII, 134, n. 135. Inns, 14, 108, n. 134. Inns of Court, 133, n. 154. Inscriptions, 177, 178, n. 24. Ireland, 83. " Isabella," Spanish for Elizabeth, 121, n. 128. Isle of Dogs, xlvi. Isle of Wight, xlviii. Italian Comedian, n. 56. Italian language, Ixv. "Italian Ordinary," 155. Italians, x, xi, xliv, 1. Jacob's stone, 10. James I. at Dartford, lxxiii ; sends the Garter to the Duke of Wirtemberg, lxxvi, &c ; presents of horses to, Ixxxiv; " Apology for the Oath of Allegiance," cxiv, cxv, n. 98 ; enter- tains the Prince of Wirtemberg, 58, &c; at Thetford, 63, n. 91 ; ad- mirable discourses, 64 ; hunting propensities, 117, n. 94, 95; en- tertains Spanish Ambassadors, 117; entertains Prince Otto, 143-145 ; at Theobalds, 149-155, n. 54; ge- nealogy, 1 65 ; bust, 1 66 ; visit to St. Paul's, 178, n. 16 ; on Witches, n. 64; proclaimed at Flushing, n. 68 ; treatment of the Dutch Am- bassadors, n. 75 ; jealous of Prince Henry, n. 76 ; character of, by Correr, n. 77, 105 ; patronises Drebbel, n. 84 ; at Royston, n. 87 ; at Newmarket, n. 89 ; Gowry Con- spiracy, n. 93 ; received news of Index. 2 93 Henry IV's death, n. 96; atAudley End, n. 97; at Chatham, n. 109 ; " Gunpowder Plot," n. 139 ; "neuer vasht his hands," n. 144 ; " at table," n. 145; patronises Casau- bon, n. 146. Jesus College, Cambridge, 39. Jesus College, Oxford, 29. Jhering, (J.) lxiii. Joachimi (A.) 59, n. J$. John, King, his sword, 139. John a Gaunt's lance, 140. Jones (Inigo) xxvi. Jonson (B.) xv, xvi, n. 84, 94. Jovius (P.) Description of Britain, xlviii, n. 13. Kenil worth, n. 56. Kent, n. 4. ** Kentish tails," n. 31. Ketel (C.) n. 40. Kiechel (S.) England and the English, 85-90. King's College, Cambridge, 37, 63, i35» n -3 6 - Kinloss, Lord, 119. Kirchner (H.) xxx. Kissing, 90, n. 72, 1 17. Knights Templars, n. 154. Kuffler (Dr.) n. 84. La Boderie, cxvi, cxvii, 58, &c. n. 73, 9 6. Ladies at the Court of Edw. IV, xl; of Kent, n. 4; English, n. 20 ; Spanish ladies in England, n. 98, 99; hair, n. 118; delights for, n. 118, [see also " Women."] Lambarde (W.) n. 61. Lambeth, Caron's house at, 60, n. 79 ; ferry at, n. 80. Laneham (R.) n. 56. Languages, attainment of, xxii; Eng- lish language, 1, 71, 79. Latin, spoken in travelling, xxxv, xxxvi; English pronunciation of, 144. Lauremberg (P.) n. 84. Law Courts at Westminster, 95. Lead roofs, 17. League of Catholic princes, cxv. Leicester, " King Richard's bed-sted," 140. Lemnie (W.) 78. Lemnius (L.) Notes on England, 75- 80. Lennox, Duke of, 6$, 119, 155, 164. Lesieur (Sir S.) lxxiv, lxxv. Levinus, Mr. see Munck. Lewkenor (Sir L.) 58, 149, n. 4. Library of Henry VII, see Henry VII ; ofCasaubon, n. 146; at Whitehall Palace, 133, 165, n. 153. Lilac trees, n. 85. Lincoln, Earl of, 145, n. 140. Lincoln College, 25, 26. Lindsay (J.) 1 19. Lions, xlvi, 19, 133, n. 42, 56. Lippershey (J.) of Middelburg, n. 84. L'Isle, Viscount, 66, n. 106. List (Nicol) n. 119. Liveries, n. 30. London, in 1588, n. 12 ; in 1592, 6- 10,91-100; in 1610, 58, &c; in 1 614, 171,172; in 1617, 175-178 ; population of, in 1610, n. 132; streets, n. 154. London Bridge, 9, 132, 171, n. 21. London buildings, xxvi. London 'prentices, n. 13. Looking-glasses, 165, n. 154. Lord Mayor of London, 88, 107, 132, n. 18. Lord Mayor's day, n. 113. Lord Mayor's dinner, 128, 145. Lumley, Lord, n. 85. 2 9 4 Index. > Luneburg golden table, 104, n. 119. Lyne (R.) n. 52. Magdalen College, Cambridge, 41. Magdalen College, Oxford, 27. Magic, 172. Maidenhead, 1 1 . Manners and Customs, Sg, &c. 109- "3- Manwood (Sir R.) n. 63. Margaret, Countess of Richmond, 63. " Marget a Barwicke," 139. Married persons travelling, xxviii. Married women, paradise of, 73. Martinitz, n. 120. Mary, Queen of England, xlvi, n. 122. Mary, Queen of Scots, 161, n. 40, 1 1 8, 128. Masks, worn by ladies, J^. " Master of the Ceremonies," n. 4. Mastiffs, n. 56, 131. Maud, Princess, n. 119. May-Day at Greenwich, xlv. Medals, Ixxxiii-lxxxv. Medici (Marie de') coronation of, n. no. Medusius, Dr. 128. Medway, 132, n. 61. Melon, 119. Melville (Sir J.) n. 10, 118. Memmingen, English actors at, 89, n. 115. Mendoza (Don Hurtado de) 117. Merchant adventurers, n. 19. Merchants, 8, 79. Merlin's cave, 139. Merton College, 23. Meteren (E. van) Description of Eng- land, xxxvi, 67-73, n * 75* Mexia (Don D. de) 117. Meyer (H.) 128. Micheli (G.) Relation of England, 1, n. 13, 122. Microscopes, 5, n. 84. Milton, xxxii, xxxvi. Mines, no. Mint, 133. Mirefleur Tower at Greenwich, 107. Mirrors, 166, 172. Mompelgard (Montbeliard), lv, &c. cxx, 30. Money, xxiii, 52, 113, n. 126. Monkeys, 61. Montague (J.) Bishop of Winton, n. 87. Montbeliard, see Mompelgard. Montgomery, Earl of, 151, n. 143. Monuments in Westminster Abbey, 9, 10, 132. Morsius (J.) n. 84. Morteaulx, a game, xli. Moryson (F.) Travels, xiv, xv, xxxiii, lvii, lviii,n. 20, 31, III, 119, 134. Moses, image of, 165. " Motion of Eltham," 139, [see also " Perpetual Motion."] Mud, 31. Mummied princes, 140. Miimppelgart, see Mompelgard. Munck (L.) cxxiii, 65, n. 103. Murray (Sir D.) 65, n. 72, 101. Music, cxxviii, n, 15,105,110,119, n. 34,49. Musical instruments, 18, 134. Musicians, English, abroad, ciii, cvi. Mytens (D.) xciii, cxxxii. Najera, Duke de, visit to England, xlvi, n. 117. Name-carving, n. 36; names disfigured by foreigners, n. 9. Nassau, Count of, 143. Navy, see Ships. Neale(T.) n. 43. Netherlandish postmaster's house, 6. Netherlands, English actors in the, ciii- cxi; why so called, n. 10. Index. 295 Neumayr von Ramssla, 149. Newcastle, Marquis of, n. 102. New College, Oxford, 25, 135, 172. Newmarket, 63,64, n. 87, 89. Nine-pins, xii. " Ninive, fall of," 140. Nonesuch Palace, 62, 134, 163, 167, n. 41,85. Norden (J.) 91-100, n. 12, 33, 38, 41. Norris (Sir J. and Sir E.) lxv, 46, n. 20, 58. Northumberland, Earl of, 119. Norwich, 140. Nottingham, Earl of, see Howard (C.) Nucius (N.) visit to England, xlvii, xlviii, n. 1 17. Oldenbarnevelt (H. van) 59, n. 75. Olderson, Ivii. Opitz (M.) cxxix. Optical instruments, n. 84. Orangery at Beddington, n. 86. Oranges, 120. Oriel College, 24. Ortelius (A.) Travels in England, xxxvi, 69. Osborne (F.) xxvii. " Othello " acted in 161 o, cxviii, cxix. Otho II, n. 119. Ovens, Iron, n. 84. Oxen, 30, 31, 51. Oxford, 20-31, 134, 135, 172, n. 43, 45>4 8 > 49> 5 2 > 7 2 « Oysters, 52, n. 67. Pages of the Court, 13. Paintings at Hampton Court, 18 ; Theobalds Palace, 44; Whitehall Palace, 122, [see also " Pictures."] Palace at Westminster, 47, 98. Palaces in London, 172. Palmer (T.) xxiv. Paradin (G.) Description of England, xlvii. " Paradise room," 134. " Paradise of Married Women," 73. Paris Garden, bear-baiting at, xlvi. Parker (M.) Archbishop of Canterbury, lii. Parks in England, 107, 108. Parliament at Westminster, 95, 133. Parnassus Mount, 166. Pasqualigo (P.) Mission to England, xliv, xlv. Passports, 14, 47. Paul's Cross, 178. Peace between England and Spain (1604), 120, &c. n. 128. Peacham (H.) 137-140, n. 20. Peasants' huts, 3 1. Peek (G.) n. 113. Peiresc (N. de) n. 84. Pembroke, Earl of, 118, n. 143. Pembroke Hall, 35. Pepys(S.)n. 84. Perlin (E.) England and the English, xii, n. 13,15,20,22, 34. Perpetual Motion of Drebbel,6i, n.84. " Perspectives," n. 149. Peter House, 34. Pezel (C.) xxxiii. Philip III, King of Spain, 120, n. 128. Philip IV, King of Spain, n. 128. Philipps (E.) lxxviii. Physic, 109. Pick-pockets, n. 123. Pictures in the Royal Palaces, 1 5 7- 1 64 ; kept by Vanderdort, cxxx, cxxxi, 134. n. 38, 150, [see also "Paint- ings."] _ Pinto, "a liar," xii. Plaster statues at Nonesuch, n. 85. Piatt (Sir H.) n. 86, 118. Players, see Actors. Play-houses, see Theatres. Plays, 88. Pole, Cardinal, 66. 296 Index. Pomerania, Dukes of, 66, n. 110. Poor Knights of Windsor, 16. Pope, James I's horror of the, n. jj. Population of England (1592), 50; of London in 1610, n. 132. Porpoises, 48. Post-horses, see Horses. Prague, battle of, 149 ; riot at, n. 120. Preaching at Paul's Cross, 178. Princes, German, xxviii-xxx. Printing in England, 83. Progresses, Royal, 14, n. 32. Pronunciation of Latin, xxxvi. Protestant Princes of Germany, cxii, &c. 59. Public Schools, Oxford, 29. Puckeridge, 108. " Puppet-show " at Eltham, n. 84. Purchas's Voyages, xiii, xx, xxi. Puritans, 1 1 1 . Queenborough, n. 6y. Queen's College, Cambridge, 38, 6^. Queen's College, Oxford, 24, 25, 135. Rabbits, 32, 50, 51, 108, n. 65. Racing, n. 89. Raleigh (Sir W.) n. 70, 86, 109, 1 1 6. Ramsay (Sir J.) 1 19. Rathgeb (J.) lv, lvi, Ixxxix, &c, 3, &c. Reading Palace, H-13, n. 27. Records at Whitehall, n. 103. Regiomontanus (J.) n. 84. Rehdiger, (C.) visit to England, 103. Relations (Venetian) of England, xi, xliii. Religion, Travellers', xxii. Retainers, 13, n. 30. Rich, Lord, 65, n. 100. Richard Ill's " bed-sted," 140. Richardot, President, 119. Richmond, Duchess of, n. 72. Richmond Palace, xlv, 128, 134, 172, n. 133. Riding-masters, n. 102. Rindfleisch (D.) album of, xxxii. Roast meats, no. Robbers, 49, 112, n. 63. Rochester, liii, 66, 132, n. 61, 190. Rogers (D.) 103. Rome, jubilee at, 1599, xci. Rope-dancing, 124. Rosamond, Fair, 109. Rosemary, 18, n. 39. Rotispen (A.) n. 84. Rovida, Senator, 119. Royal Barge, n. 56. Royal Exchange, 8, 133, 171, n. 17. Royston, 62, n. 87,94. Rozmital (Leo von) Travels in Eng- land, xxxiii, xxxviii-xl, n. 1, 20, 1 1 7. Rudeness towards foreigners, xlvii,n. 13. Rudolph II, lxxxviii. Rudth (C.) Travels in England, 1 1 3. Running at the ring, 62. Rushes on floors, 104. Ryther (A.) n. 29, 43. Sack, xvii, n. 20. Sackfield (T.) an actor, civ. Saddles, 5. Saffron Walden, 64, n. 97. Saige, Captain, 31, 48. St. Anthoine (Mons.) 65, n. 102. St. Denis, monuments at, 84. St. Domingo, taken, n. 116. St. George's Day, 59, n. 33. St. James " Ginney Hens," 140. St. James's Palace, 94, 100, 133, 161, 162. St. James's Park, 47, 62, 99, 100. St. John's College, Cambridge, 40, 63. St. John's College, Oxford, 29. St. Paul's Cathedral, 8, 132, 177, 178, n. 16,36. St. Paul's School, 171. St. Stephen's Chapel, 98. /"7 Index. 297 Salander (Dr.) 108, n, 7. Salisbury, Earls of, genealogy, 135, [see also " Cecil."] Salisbury Cathedral, liv. Sanders, the Jesuit, III. Sandilands (Sir J.) 66, n. 108. Sandwich, curious custom at, xxxix. Sandy country, 3 1. Sannazaro, verses by, 122. Sansovino, on English eating, n. 1 1 1. Santiago, taken, n. 116. Saris (J.) Captain, ex. Sattler, Wirtemberg historian, Ix. Saviour, portrait of the, 134, n. 135. S axe- Wei mar, Duke of, Travels in Eng- land, 147-167, n. 38, 62, 71, 85, 97' Saxfield (T.) an actor, civ. Saxton's maps, n. 29. Scarlet dye, n. 84. Schassek's character of the English^ xxxviii, xl. Schickhart (H.) xci. Scot (Reginald) n. 2, 64. Scot (Sir Thomas) n. 2. Scotland, cxiii, 145. Scots, described by Cardan, 1. Scott (Thomas) B. D., on Gondomar, n. 146. Scurvy, no. Sea-sickness, 3, n. 1. Seager, (F.) 144. Secretaries, foreign, exxiv, exxv. Selman, a cut-purse, executed, n. 123. Servants, 14, 70, 110. Serving men, n. 30. Shakespeare, on Foreign Travel, xvii, xviii ; " cosen garmombles " (Duke of Wirtemberg), xciv-ciii ; plays acted at Sierra Leone, cxi ; " Othello " acted in 1610, cxviii-cxix, 61 ; did Kiechel see him ? 89 ; " German clocks," n. 10; " Ruffs and Cuffs," n. 14; " Coronation chair," n. 25 ; "Dead Indian," n. 40; " Bed of Ware," n. 53 ; plays performed at the "Globe," n. 56; "Kissing," n. 117; "Wigs," n. 118; touching for the "Evil," n. 142. Sheep, 20, 30, 31, 51,70, 109. Ships, 7, 48, 49, 66, 127, 1 3 2, n. 6 1 ; Drake's ship, n. 6z ; submarine ship, n. 84. Shooter's Hill, xlv, n. 63, Shrewsbury, Earl of, 119. Sidney-Sussex College, 42, 63. Sierra Leone, Shakespeare's plays per- formed at, cxi. "Sights" in England, 137-140, n. 56, Sincerus (J.) see Zinzerling, Singing, xlv, 145. Sitschitz (Jo. de) 135, n. 136. Sittingbourne, 6, 66, 131, 132. Slavata (W.) 103, 105, 113, n. 120. Smith (W.) MS. description of England, n. 6,7, 12, 61. Smithfield, 107, n. 16, 31. Smoking, n. 56. Soil, 109. Soldiers, 50. Solingen swords, n. 26, Solms (P. von) Ixvii. Somerset House, 93, 117, 162, 163, 166, n. 39. SorBiere (Mons.) Travels in England, n. 13, Southampton, Earl of, 118. Spain, peace with (1604), 120, &c, n. 128. Spaniards in England, x, xi, n. 13. Spanish Armada, 4, 13, 49, n. 29, 86. Spanish ladies in England, n. 98, 99. Spanish ship captured by Drake, 89. Spencer, Lord, embassy to Stuttgart, lxxvii, &c. <^ 298 Index. Spencer (Sir R.) 66, n. 107. Spenser (E.) liv. Spilman (Sir J.) lxxii. Spire, lxxiv. Sports before the Lord Mayor, 107, 108. Stade, Ambassador, 9, n. 19; Stadian freebooters, lvii. " Stag'' [Inn] at Ware, 62. Stage, see Theatres. Stags, 17, 154. "Stammbiicher," albums, xxxi-xxxiii. Starschedel (O.) 144, 145. Steelyard, n. 19. Stokenchurch, 20. Stone of Westminster Abbey, 132. Storms in England, lix, ix, n. 64. Strete (G.) n. 149. Strziela (D.) n. 7. Stuttgart, xxxix, lxxvii, lxxxv, cxxvii. Submarine vessel, n. 84. Suffolk, Ear] of, 119, 135, n. 97. Sugar, 104, no, n. 20. Sully, Duke of, n. 102. Sunday, 104, &c. Suniga, see Zuniga. Sussex, Earl of, 1 19. Swans, xlvi, 6, n. 8. Sweets, fondness for, n. 20. Swine, 51. Swords, 10, n. 26. Symons, (R.) n. 27. " Table," old word for Picture, 159. Tablecover at Hampton Court, 18. Tailed Englishmen, xlvii. Tankards, 8,n. 18. Tapestries, 17, 18, 89, 167, n. 38. Tassis, see Villamediana. Taster, 106. Telescopes, n. 84. Temple (The) n. 154. Tetzel (G.) xxxix. Thames, 6, 7, 48, n. 12, 60 ; Thames Ferry, 60. Theatres, 88, 89, 133, n. 56. Theobalds Palace, 44, 45, 62, 64, 128- J35. I 49 I 55 ? l6 3 ? 172^.54,136. Theobalds Road, n. 54. Thermometer, n. 84. Thetford, 63, n. 78, 91. Thieves, n. 123. Thirty years' war, cxviii, n. 120. Thomson (Richard) of Cambridge, 63, n. 88. Thorpe (J.) surveyor, n. 54. " Three Swans," The, n. 40. Throne at Hampton Court, 18. Thynne (F.) n. 109. Tilt-boat, n. 7. Tobacco, 145, n. 56, 116, 141. "Tom a Lincolne," 139. Tooker(W.) n. 142. Toto delNunziata (A.) n. 85. Touching for the Evil, see Evil. Touchstone table, 45. Tower of London, xlvi. ; 19, 20, 133, 167, n. 42. Tradespeople, 7. Tragedians, see Actors. Travel talk, handbooks of, xxxiii. Travelling, precepts for, xxi, &c. ; in England, lix, 133. Trevisano (A.) Embassy to England, xliii, n. 13. Trinity College, Cambridge, 41, 62, 135- Trinity College, Oxford, 28. Trumbull (Elizabeth) cxxxi. Tumblers, 124. Turler, Remarks on England, xxvii, 81- 84. Turner (W.) on Queen Elizabeth, n. 122. Tymme (T.)-n. 84. Index. 299 Unicorn's horn, xlii, 17, 134, 139, 173^.33,37. Union of Protestant Princes, cxii, &c. Universities, see Cambridge and Ox- ford. Upnor Castle, n. 61. Uxbridge, 20. Vanderdort (A.) death of, cxxx. Vandyke (Sir A.) n. 84, 102. Van Meteren, see Meteren. Vega (Lope de) n. 128. Velasco (A. de) 65, n. 99. Velasco, Constable of Castile, banquet to, 1 1 5- 1 24, n. 97, 117, 128. Velvet worn, 8. Venetian Ambassadors, xliii, xlv, n. 74 ; Relations of England, xi ; Ve- netian gentleman's dancing, xlvi. Venus, picture of, 134, 173. Verius (A.) 59, n. 75. Vigo, Drake at, n. 116. Villamediana, Count, embassy to Eng- land, 118, &c. n. 4, 20, 127. Vine-garden at Westminster, n. 95. Virginals, 61, n. 28, 118. Virginia, Drake at, n. 116. Vizards, worn by ladies, 73. Waggons, 14. Walpole (Horace) x, 103, n. 39. Ware, 43 ; "Great Bed" of, 62, n. Warwick, 139, n. 135. Washing feet, 132. Washing hands, 118, 122, 151, n. 144. Water-carriers, n. 18. Water-engines, n. 84. Water supply in London, 8. Water-works at Hampton Court, 19. Wax effigies in Westminster Abbey, 164, n. 151. Weather in England, 50. Weckherlin (G. R.) memoir of, cxxiii- cxxxii. Weelkes (T.) n. 37. Weimar, 149. Welsh language, 71. Wensin (D.) cviii. Westminster, 91-100, 175-178, n. 12; Palace at, 47, 98. Westminster Abbey, 9, 10, 60, 132, 139, 177, 178, n. 24, 81 ; wax effigies in, 164, n. 151. Westminster College, 33. Westminster Hall, 96. Whalebones, Whitehall, 140. " White Bear" Inn, 87. Whitehall Palace, 94, 99, 132, 159- 161, 164-166, 171, n. 150, 153. Whitehall whalebones, 140. Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, 21,33- Widemarkter (G.) 1 44, 155. Wigs, n. 118. Wilkins, Bishop, n. 84. William of Durham, n. 47. William III, n. 142. Willoughby, Lord, 58, n. 69. Willughby (F.) on dotterels, n. 94 ; on cormorants, n. 95. Wilson (Sir T.) n. 103. Winchester College, 25. Windsor, xxxiii, xli, xlii, lxxxiv, 14- l 9> '34> i39> l 7*> i73> n - 2 7> 33» Wines, xliv, cxxix, cxxx, 9, 52, 109, n. 20, 56. Winnenberg, Baron, 5, n. 3, Winslow, 31. Winstanley's Audley End, n. 97. Winwood (Sir R.) n. 75. Wirtemberg, Frederick, Duke of, Tra- vels in England, and memoir, lv- ciii, 1-53. 3°° Index, Wirtemberg, Frederick Achilles, Duke of, cviii, cix. Wirtemberg, John Frederick, Duke of, cxii, cxiv, cxxi. Wirtemberg, Lewis Frederick, Prince of, Travels in England, and memoir, cxii-cxxi, 55-66. Wirtemberg ducats, Ixxxiii, Ixxxiv. Wirtemberg ladies, portraits of, 163. Witches, 50, n. 64. Wives, 72, 73 ; apparel, n. 14. *' WolrTsklingen "-swords, 10, n. 26. Wolsey, Cardinal, 99, n. ^^, 38, 117. Wolves, 20, 32, 50, 140. Women of England, xxviii, xlviii, 7, 14, 6 7-73» 8 9> 9°> n - "5> 3 1 * 49> 5 6 > [see also "Ladies."] Wood, cormorant keeper, n. 95. Woodstock, 108, 109, 135, 172, n. Woodville (Elizabeth) xl, xli.. Worcester, Earl of, 119. Wotton, Baron, 119. Wotton«(Sir H.) lxv. Wurmsser (H. J.) cxiv-cxv, 57. Yeomen of the Guard, 87, 88, 106. Zedlitz, Baron, 178. Zinzerling (J.) Description of England, xxxvii, 129-135. Zuniga (Don P. de) 65, n. 98. THE END. CHISWICK PRESS *. — PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. LRBtdy'28. Ill 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 934 316 4