Class m U Z(^3 Book . 2 ^ l/V 5 COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. A CONSECUTIVE VOCABULARY OF THE FIRST FOUR BOOKS OF CAESAR'S GALLIC WAR BY T. HOWARD WINTERS CEREDO, W. VA. SOUTHERN CLASSICAL PRESS 1912 Copyright, SOUTHERN CLASSICAL PRESS. 1912. J. S. Gushing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co, Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. €CI.A314355 A / PREFACE The waste involved in conducting a four-year Latin course in such a way that students have an insignificant vocabulary at its end has led to efforts to devise methods of definite acquisition of vocabulary. This book is an expression of such a method, and one that will at the same time avoid waste caused by the search for words. It is believed that this will give more time for word mastery, and also enable the student to get the thought of the author far better than if he were interrupted in his thinking by looking in the back of the book. This vocabulary usually gives the meaning of a word, not merely on its first occurrence, but several times, until it is marked for permanent master3^ It is intended that words so marked be reviewed repeatedly that they may not be forgotten. The preliminary lists were made by comparison of sixteen beginning books in general use. The definitions of the words were written after examin- ing the passages in which they occur in Grallic War^ I-VII, Catiline^ I-IV, Manilian Law^ Archias^ and Aeneid^ I-VI. That this book may be used with any edition of Caesar, the various manuscript readings have been compared and the words are all given in their proper place, but brackets enclose those which seem to belong to erroneous readings. The number of words marked for memorization is 863. Of these 390 are nouns (83 of these proper nouns), 283 iii PREFACE are verbs, and 273 other parts of speech. Of the 307 common nouns, 243 occur in the parts of Cicero mentioned above and 201 in Aeneid, I-VI. Of the 283 verbs, 207 are in the Cicero and 199 in the Vergil. Of the 273 ad- jectives, etc., 219 are in the Cicero and 191 in the Vergil. Of the 92 words (excluding proper nouns) in neither, all are much like English or related to words of common occurrence or of great frequency in the Grallic War, It is thought the treatment of related words and of synonyms will be found to be most acceptable. The author is especially grateful to Professor J. C. Mes- sick, of Ohio Wesleyan University, for a careful reading of the proof and very valuable criticisms. His thanks are due also to Mrs. Edna R. Thornton Lake, of Hamilton, Ohio, for a critical reading of the manuscript ; to Professor S. C. Derby, of Ohio State University, and Dean C. N. Cole, of Oberlin College, for kindly encouragement ; and to Dean Frank B. Trotter, of West Virginia University, for courtesies in connection with the publication. April, 1912. IV EXPLANATION * indicates that the word does not again appear in the vocabulary, and should be mastered at once, t indicates that this meaning of the word is not again given. Exponents show whether the word is appearing for the second, third, etc., time. Genitive and Gender Omitted : Feminines in a of first declension ; Masculines in us of second ; Neuters in urn of second ; Feminines in io and also those in as of third (after first few pages) ; Masculines in us of fourth are marked 4. Principal Parts Omitted : Verbs of first like porta, portdre, portdui, portatus are marked 1 ; Verbs of fourth like audio, audire, audivl or audil, auditus are marked 4; The parts of a verb which is a compound of a verb that has pre- viously occurred (itself or another compound of it) are usually not given, but the compound referred to first is one which has parts like it. Reference Numbers : The numbers in black letter refer to the marginal number of the word on its previous (usually first) occurrence. C, V, : These letters follow the last appearance of the word in the Consecutive Vocabulary and indicate : C, that the word is found in the six orations of Cicero, viz. : Cati- line, I-IV, Manilian Law, Archias ; V, that the word is found in the first six books of the Aeneid ; 0, that the word is found in neither of these. cf. = compare, and usually introduces synonyms which have pre- viously occurred, w. or 4- = with. Meanings in black-face italics are idiomatic or special. KEY TO PRONUNCIATION ^ as in metal a a tale a a grass a <( cash a a disparage a a arm ?' a pall a a care 9 = S € = k ci = shi e as Id . me e a get e li erect e a merge g n get g- = 2 i as m umt i '' idle i " sit ^ = ngk o as in notion 6 " not 6 " absolute s = z si = shi ti = shi u = ou in fibrous u as in unit ii " us u " unite ii " sure y " mystery VI YOCABULARY [The student should ask the teacher to explain any feature of the vocabu- lary or any abbreviation which the student does not understand.] PKELIMmARY LISTS A: Words defined and inflected in the grammar qui, quae, quod, who, which, that: [relative pronoun, substantive or adjective] quis, quid, any one, anything ; [indefinite pronoun, substantive] c,v qui, quae or qua, quod, any ; [indefinite adjective pronoun] C, V quis, quid, who, what; [interrogative pronoun, substantive] C, V 5 qui, quae, quod, which, v^hat ; [interrogative adjective pro- noun] C, V is, ea, id, that [adj.] ; he, she, it, that thing, (plu. mas., those') [substantive] hie, haec, hoc, this [adj.] ; this, this man, this thing [substantive] c,v ille, ilia, illud, that [adj.] ; he, etc. [substantive] C, V idem, e'adem, idem, the same [adj.] ; the same man, the same thing [substantive] C, V 10 sum, esse, fui, futurus, he C, V unus, a, um, gen., iinius, dat., uni, oru, {only, alone) C, V duo, ae, o, gen., duorum, etc., tico C, V tres, tria, gen., trium, three C, V quattuor, indeclinable, /owr C, V 15 quinque,^t'e sex, six septem, seven V octo, eight novem, nine C, V 20 decem, ten C, V ego, mel, etc., / C, V CAESAR D. B. G. sui, sibi, se, se, no nom., ace. also sese, him (self), herself, itself, them{selves) [refers to subject of verb as its antecedent] C, V ipse, ipsa, ipsum, (Jie) himself (she) herself (it) itself, (they) themselves ; myself yourself ourselves C, V B : Words to be remembered from the introductory COURSE a or abf, w. abl., /rom; hy 25 adf, w. ace, to, toward, near agerf, agri, m.., field; territory ago, 3, egi, actus, lead, drive ; do ; plead, treat altus*, a, um, high, deep C, V amicus*, /nenc? C, V 30 animus, mind ; spirit, courage annus*, year C, V ante*, w. ace, before C, V arma*, orum, n., arms C, V atquef, and 35 a.MQXoxit3iS, diiis, i., influence, prestige ; (authority) audio! , 4, hear aut*, or C, V aut — aut, either — or auxilium*, aid ; plu., auxiliary troops C, V 40 bellum*, war C, V bonus*, a, um ; melior ; optimus, good, etc. C, V capiof, 3, io verb, cepi, captus, take, seize caputt, pitis, n., head castra*, orum, n., camp C, V 45 causat, cause, purpose celeriter*, celerius, celerrime, quickly, etc. C circum, w. ace, around civis, is, c, citizen C, V civitasf, atis, f., state 50 coepi*, isse, (coeptus sum, when modified by passive infinitive), began C, V cognosco, 3, novi, nitus, learn, find out, (perf ., " I have found out " — / knoiv) cogo, 3, coegi, coactus, (con for cum, + ago, 27), collect ; compel Conor*, 1, attempt C, V 2 PRELIMINARY LISTS consiliumf, plan 55 consul*, lis, m., consul C, V co^iei\ , plenty ; plu., troops, (abundance) cornu, us, n., horn, wing (of an army) corpus, poris, n., hody cum*, w. abl., with C, V 60 cum*, conj., when, since, although C, V def, w. abl., concerning deus*, god C, V dicof, 3, dixi, dictus, say, speak dies, ei, m., (rarely f.), day, space of time 65 dot, ^^^^5 dedi, datus, give domus*, lis, f., (declension mixed 2 and 4), house, home C, V ducof, 3, duxi, ductus, lead dum*, conj., while, until C, V e or exf, w. abl., out of, from 70 eof, ire, ii or ivi, itum, go eques*, equitis, horseman, cavalryman ; knight C, V equitatus*, iis, m., (masculines of 4tli will hereafter merely be marked 4), cavalry C ecus or equusf, gen., equi, horse ett, and C, V 75 exercitus*, 4, army C, V existimo, 1, think exspecto, 1, await facilis*, e, easy C, V faciof, 3, feci, factus, make, do 80 ferof, ferre, tuli, latus, lear, carry ; endure filia*, (dat. and abl. plu., filiabus), daughter C filius*, son C, V finis, is, m., end, boundary : territory ; (cf. ager, 26) flumen*, minis, n., river C, V 85 fortis*, e, brave C, V frater*, tris, brother C, V frumentum*, grain : plu., grain growing or standing in the fields V Gallia, Gaul gero, 3, gessi, gestus, carry on, conduct 90 gladius, sword 3 CAESAR D. B. G. gratia, favor, popularity ; gratitude, thanks habeof, 2, bui, bitus, ^have, hold Helvetii*, orum, the Helvetians (Hel-vi'-shi-ans) homo*, minis, c, man, person C, V 95 hostis*, is, c, enemy C, V iam*, noiv, already C, V idoneus, a, um, Jit, suitable inf, w. ace, into, to, against, upon; w. abl., m; on (river, moun- tain, island) interf, w. ace, between, among 100 interficio, (facio, 79), 3, feci, fectus, kill, slay ita, adv., so, thus ♦ itaque*, therefore C, V iterf , itineris, n., road, march ; route iubeo*, 2, iussi, sus, command (+ inf.) C, V 105 latus*, a, um, broad C, V latusf, teris, n., side legatus*, lieutenant, general, ambassador C legio*, onis, f ., (the genitive and gender of nouns with nom. in io are always same as of this), legion C locust, (plu. n. or m.), place 110 longusf, a, um, long magnus*, a, um ; maior ; maximus, large, great, etc. malo, malle, malui, prefer [raagis + volo, " wish more "] malus, a, um; peior; pessimus, bad, etc. manus, iis, f., hand ; band (of men, etc.) 115 mare, ris, n., sea mensis, is, m., month miles*, litis, c, soldier C, V mitto*, 3, misi, missus, send C, V moneo*, 2, nui, nitus, advise, warn C, V 120 mons, montis, m., mountain (range) moror, 1, delay moveo*, 2, vi, motus, move C, V multus, a, um; plus (nom. only in sing. ; plu., plSres, a) ; pluri- mus, much, etc. ; plu., many, etc. murus, wall 125 nam, conj.,/or navis, is, f ., ship, boat 4 PRELIMINARY LISTS -ne, enclitic adverb, [untranslatable, but indicates that the sen- tence is interrogative] ne, conjunctive adverb, lest, that — not neque (nee), nor, and not 130 neque (nee) — neque, neither — nor nihil*, indeclinable, nothing C, V nisi, conj., unless, [si + ne, " if not "] nolo, nolle, nolui, (non -|- volo), he unwilling, not wish nomenf, minis, n., name 135 non*, adv., not C, V noster, tra, trum, our ; plu., our men, our people novusf, a, um, new nox, noctis, f., night \ numerus*, number C, V 140 nunc, now; (cf. iam, 96) ob, w. ace, 071 account of omnis*, e, all C, V oppidum*, toivn C opus, peris, n., work 145 parsj, rtis, f ., part parvus*, a, um; minor; minimus, S7nall, little, etc. C, V pater*, tris, father C, V pert, w. ace, through periculumf , danger 150 persuadeo, 2, asi, sus, persuade ( + dat. of person) pes*, pedis, m.,foot V peto*, 3, tivi or ii, titus, seek, ask C, V ponof, 3, posui, situs, place, pitch (camp) pons*, pontis, m., bridge C 155 populus*, people (sing, or plu.) C, V possum*, posse, potui, be able, can C, V post*, w. ace, after ; behind C, V potestas, atis, f ., power primus*, a, um, first C, V 160 princeps*, cipis, c, leader, chief C, V • priusquam or prius quam, conj., before prof, w. abl.,/or, on behalf of proelium*, battle C, V proficiscor, sci, fectus sum, set out, depart 5 CAESAR D. B. G. 165 prohibeo, (habeo, 92), debar, keep (^away), prohibit, ["hold forth "] -piovincia.*, province C proximus, a., um, [adv. and prep., prope, near; adj., propior, neai^er^, nearest, next puer*, pueri, m., boy, child C, V pugno*, 1, mtr., fight Q, V 170 quamt, adv., than, [correlative adv., correlating w. comparative] -que*, enclitic, and C, V quodf, conj., because, that ; (cf. i, 3, 5) relinquo, 3, liqui, lictus, leave resf, rei, f., thing, fact ; matter 175 Romanus*, a, um, Roman ; also as substantive, a Roman C, V saepe, saepius, saepissime, often, etc. satis, adv. and indeclinable noun, enough scio, 4, know ; (cf. cognosco, 51) sed*, conj., but C, V 180 senatus*, 4, senate C, V sequorf, 3, secutus sviva, follow servus*, slave C si*, if C, V silva, forest 185 similis, e, like sine, w. abl., loithout socius, ally spes*, ei, f., hope C, V subf, w. abl., under ; w. ace, under [i.e., to a position under] 190 suus*, a, um, (adj. of 22), his, her, its, their; plu., his (etc.) men, his people C, V tam, adv., so tantus, a, um, so great, so much [often has quantus (= as) for correlate] tempus*, poris, n., time C, V tene5, 2, nui, ntus, hold 195 trado, (cf. do, 65), 3, tradidi, traditus, (trans, 196 + do), give over, surrender trans, w. ace, across ubi, interrog. or relative adv., where, (ivhen) urbs*, bis, f., city C, V 6 BOOK I utf, or uti, conj., (50) tJiat; (w. uti cf. infin. of utor, 200) 200 utorf, uti, usus sum, use (+ abl.) venio*, 4, veni, ventum (est), come C, V via, way, road ; journey vicus, village video*, 2, vidi, visus, see C, V 205 vinco*, 3, vici, victus, conquer C, V vir, viri, m., man vis, vis, f., phi., vires, /orce [gen. seldom, dat. never found] voco, 1, call volo*, velle, volui, wish, he willing (w. inf. or ut) C, V COXSECUTWE VOCABULARY Book I: Chapter 1 210 Gallia*, 88, Gaul C divido, 3, visi, sus, (dis, apart + video), divide incolo, 3, lui, inhabit; dwell Belgae*, arum, m., Belgians or Be?-gae alius, a, ud, (gen., alius), another, the other (adj. or substantive) ; plu., other (adj.), others (subst.) 215 Aquitani*, the A-qni-ta'-ni-ans tertius*, a, um, (tres, 13), third C, V lingua, tongue, language Celtae*, arum, m., Qelts Gallus*, a Gaul C, V 220 appell5, 1, call, name institiitum, (national) custom lex*, legis, f., law C, V differs, ferre, distuli, dilatus, (dis, 211 + fero, 80), differ C, V Garumna, ni., Ga-ronne' (a river) 225 Matrona, m., Marne (a river) Sequana, m., Seine (pron. san) propterea, adv., (propter, on account of+ ea, from is), on account of this propterea quod (172), " on account of this, that" = because cultus, 4, civilization 230 hnmanitas, atis, f., (hereafter nouns in as may be assumed to be feminine w. gen. atis), refinement 7 CAESAR D. B. G. longe, ius, issime, (longus, no), far, etc.; long (of time) absum, esse, afui, afuturus, be distant, be off; be lacking parve (rare), minus, minime, (parvus, 146), little, etc. mercator, oris, m., (hereafter nouns in or may be assumed to be masculine w. gen. oris), trader 235 saepe*, 176, often C, V commeo, 1, make a visit C effemin5, 1, enervate pertineo, (teneo, 194; make prin. parts similarly), {ex)tend : w. ad, pertain to, concern importo, 1, (porto, carry), bring in 240 proximus^, 167, nearest, next Germanus*, a German trans*, 196, across C, V Rhenus*, the Rhine C incolo^, 212, inhabit; dicell 245 continenter, (teneo, 194), continually gero*, 89, carry on, conduct C, V de, 61, from, for quoque, adv., also reliquus (relicus), qua, quum (cum), (relinquo, 173), remaining, rest of 250 virtiist, litis, f., bravery praecedo, 3, cessi, sus, (prae, before), surpass fere, adv., almost, about cotidianus, a, um, (dies, 64), daily contendo, 3, di, ntus, struggle {for) ; hasten 255 aut — aut*, 38, either — or C, V finis*, 83, end, boundary, territory C, V prohibeo*, 165, debar, keep (away) , prohibit C, V obtineo, (per- 238; 194), hold (in possession) ; (cf. habeo, 92) initium, (in + eo), beginning 260 initium capere (42), have beginning Rhodanus*, the Rhone contineo, (per- 238, ob- 258; 194; continenter, 245), bound, con- fine ; restrain, keep Garumna^, 224, Garonne oceanus, (Atlantic) ocean 265 attingo, 3, tigi, tactus, touch, reach BOOK I etiam, adv., moreover, even ab, 072 the side of Sequanus*, a Sequanian vergo, 3, he situated 270 septentrio, onis, m., (septem -j- trio, ox), "the seven oxen," iTie great dii')per or great hear ; north, (in plu., same) exter(us), ior, tremus or timus, outside; outer ; outmost, furthest, last orior, iri, ortus sum, arise, start; he descended pertineo^, 238, {ex) tend ; pertain to, concern infenis, ior, infimus or imus, helow, lower, etc. 275 specto, 1,/ace; regard septentrio^, 270 orior^, 272 sol, solis, m., sun Aquitania*, A-qui-ta'-ni-a 280 Garumna*, 224, Garonne Pyrenaei (adj. in Latin), Pyrenees mons*, 120, mountain (range) V oceanus*, 264, (Atlantic) ocean C, V Hispania, Spain 285 specto^, 275 occasus, 4, setting, (doivnfall) occasus s51is, sunset, the west Chapter 2 apud, w. ace, before, at the house of (w. person in sing.) ; among (persons in pin.) ; at, near, hy (place) longe*, 231, /ar; long (of time) C, V 290 nobilis*, e, nohle C dis, gen., ditis; ditior, ditissimus : or dives, vitis, divitior, divi- tissimus, rich, etc. V Orgetorix*, igis, m., Or-get'-o-rix Marcus*, (abbreviated M.), Marcus C Messala*, m., Mes-sa^-la 295 Piso, 5nis, Pi'-so regnum, royal poioer cupiditas, desire induco or addSco, (duco, 67), persuade, lead (to some act) ; hring (to) ; (cf. persuadeo, 150) 9 CAESAR D. B. G. coniuratio, conspiracy 300 nobilitas*, (nobilis, 290), nobility, {the nobles) C persuadeo*, 150, pei^suade (+ dat.) de, 2^7, from, for exeo, (eo, 70), go forth C, V perfacilis*, e, (facilis, 78), very easy 305 praesto, 1, stiti, stilus or status, (+ dat.), excel; show; (cf. praecedo, 251) t5tus*, a, um, gen., totius, all, the whole of; (cf . omnis, 142) C, V imperium, government ; command potior, iri, itus sum, (possum, 156), get possession of (-\- abl.) ; become master (of, gen.) facile*, etc., (facilis, 78 ; 304), easily, etc. C 310 undique, adv., on all sides ; (from all sides) natiira, nature contineo*, 262, bound, confine ; restrain, keep C, V ex, on pars, 145, side 315 Helvetius*, a, um, (noun, 93), Helvetian divido*, 211, divide C, V alter, era, erum, gen., ius, second, (the) other, another (subst. or adj.) lura*, Jura (a mountain range) lacus, 4, lake 320 Lemannus, Geneva or Leman (a lake) fio, fieri, f actus sum, (forms pass, of facio, 79), be made, become; happen Qi — QV", both — and C, V . parvef, 233, little, etc. late, latius, latissime, (latus, 105), widely, etc. C, V 325 vagor, 1, wander finitimi, (finis, 83), neighbors infero, ferre, intuli. Hiatus, (dif- 223; 80), bring in, bring against or upon ( -\- dat. of person) pars, 145, 314, cause bello, 1, war, fight 330 cupidus, a, um, (cupiditas, 297), eager, desirous, fond (+ gen.) dolor, grief afficio, (inter- 100; 79), cause to; treat with, affect with ; pass. -|- abl., experience, suffer 10 BOOK I pr5, 1^2, for, in proportion to multitudof, dinis, f ., (great) number ; (cf. numerus, 139) 335 autem, conjunctive adv., hut, however, moreover gloria*, renoicn (+ gen. = in or for) C, V fortitud5*, dinis, f., (fortis, 85), bravery ; (cf. virtiis, 250) C angustus, a, um, narrow arbitror, 1, think; (cf. existimo, 76) 340 in, w. ace. of terms of extension, in longitud5*, dinis, f., (longiis, no, longe, 231), length mille*, (sing, indecl. and usually adj.), millia or milia, ium, thousand C, V passus*, 4, (double) pace (= 4 ft. 10 in.) C, V mille passuum* (millc passus), Roman mile 345 ducenti* (ae, a) quadraginta*, CCXL = 240 latitude*, dinis, f., (latus, 105, late, 324), width centum* (indecl. adj.) octoginta*, CLXXX = 180 V(centura) pateo, 2, tui, extend ; be open (of lands) ; (cf. pertineo, 238) Chapter 3 adduco^, 298, persuade, lead ; bring (to) 350 auctoritas*, 35, influence, prestige ; (authority) C permoveo, (moveo, 122), arouse, influence constituo, 3, ui, utus, establish, determine (w. inf. or ut) ; place proficiscor^, 164, set out, depart pertineo*, 238, (ex) tend; w. Sid, j^ertain to, concern C 355 (com)paro, 1, prepare ; provide iumentum, beast of burden carrus, cart quam, 170, w. superlative, as (positive definition of adj.) as possible (or possibly w. possum) co-emo, 3, emi, emptus, buy up 360 sementis, is, f., sowing suppeto, (sub + peto, 152 ; part., -urns), be supplied, be at hand pax*, acis, f ., peace C, V amicitia*, (amicus, 2^) , friendship C confirmo, 1, strengthen, establish, reassure, (assert) 365 ad, especially w. gerundive const., for c5nficio, (inter- 100, af- 332 ; 79), accomplish, complete ; (compose, write down) ; exhaust 11 CAESAR D. B. G. bienniiim*, (annus, 31), two years satis^, 177, enough duco, 67, "lead (through the mind)," consider 370 in, 98, 340, w. time noun, /or profectio, (proficiscor, 164), departure confirmo"^, 364 dux, ducis, c, (diico, 67), leader, (guide) deligo, 3,. legi, lectus, choose 375 legatiS, (legatus, 107), embassy, mission suscipio*, 3, cepi, ceptus, (sub + capio, 42), undertake; w. reflex, dat., assume C, V Casticus, Cas'-ti-€us Catamantaloedis, is, Cat'-a-man'-ta-be'-dis regnum*, 296, royal power C, V 380 in (98, 340, 370), w. abl. of tribal name, among, in the land of multus^, 123, much; plu., many obtineo*, 258, hold (in possession) C appello*, 220, call, name C, V occupo, 1, seize ; occupy 385 ante(a), (ante, prep., 32), previously item, adv., likewise Dumnorix*, igis, Dum'-nor-ix Aeduus (or Haeduus), (an) ^e'-dii-an Diviciacus*, Di-vi-ci-a'-eus 390 principatus, 4, (princeps, 160), leadership act — atque, 34, and magis* (comp.), maxime* (superl.), (no pos. in common use; cf. magnus, iii), more ; most, very greatly, especially C, V plebs, ebis, (also plebes, ei), f., populace ; (cf. populus, 155) accipiof, (sus- 376; 42), receive ; part, as adj., acceptable, agree- able 395 in w. matrimonium*, as in 340, in matrimonium*, (mater, mother), marriage probo, 1, show, (ap)prove conata*, neut. part, of conor, 53, as subst., attempts (things attempted) perfici5t, (inter- 100, af- 332, con- 366; 79), accomplish, complete 400 propterea quod^, 228, because imperium^, 307, government ; command 12 BOOK I dubius, a, um, doubtful C, V quin, conj., (hut) that multum, plus, plurimum, (multus, 123), much, etc. 405 plurimum possum*, he very (or most) powerful C concili5, 1, win C, V c5nfirmo^, 364, strengthen, establish, reassure, (assert) 5ratio*, speech C adducof, 2.g%, persuade, lead; bring (to) 410 fidesf, ei, f., (nom. and ace. only, found in plu.), (pledge of) faith, protection : confidence ius, iuris, n., right{s), law; (cf. lex, 222) iuro, 1, swear, take oath ius iiirandum, iuris iurandi, n., oath occupoj, 384, seize, occupy 415 potens, entis, (possum, 156, potior, 30S) , poive?ful firmus, a, um, (confirmo, 364), strong, stable potior^, 308, get possession of (-^ abl.), become master (of, gen.) spero, 1, hope Chapter 4 indicium, evidence, (informers) C, V 420 e-niintio, 1, disclose mos*, oris, ni., custom; (cf. institiitum, 221) C, V vinculum, chai?i ex vinculis, in chains causam dico, plead a case or cause 425 cogo-, 52, collect ; compel damno, 1, convict, find guilty C, V poena, punishment, penalty oportet, ere, ortuit, befitting ; be necessary ignis*, is, m.,fire C, V 430 cremo*. 1, burn V dies*, 64, day, space of time C, V constituo=2, 352, establish, determine; place dictio, onis, f., (causam dico, 42^), pleading iudicium, (ius, 411 + dico) , trial ; (decision, judgment) 435 familia*, household, family C ad (25, 365), up to, to the number of, about [with numbers, etc.] undique, 310, from all sides 13 CAESAR D. B. G. cogo3, 425, 52 cliens, entis, c, dependent 440 obaeratus, debtor eodem, adv., to the same place (or end) conduce, (67, ad-, in-, 298), "lead together," gather causam dico*, plead a case or cause eripio, 3, pui, reptus, (rapio, snatch), rescue, (take away) 445 ob*, 141, on account of C, V incite, 1, arouse; accelerate; (cf. adduco, induco, 298) ius^, 411, right{s), laiv exsequor, (sequor, 181), "follow out," enforce V magistratus*, 4, magistrate, magistracy C, V 450 cogo*, 52, collect; compel morior, iri or i, mortuus sum, part., moriturus, (contrast moror, 121), die neque*, 129, nor, and not absum^, 232, be distant, be off; be lacking suspicio*, suspicion C 455 ut, 199, w. indie, as or when arbitror^, 339, think quin^, 403, (but) that mors*, rtis, f., (morior, 451 ; contrast mos, 421), death C, V conscisco, 3, scivi, scitus, adjudge, inflict (upon, dot) Chapter 5 460 nihilo (abl. of nihilum = nihil, 131) minus (233), "by nothing" the less, nevertheless constituof, 352, establish, determine; place ubi*, 197, where, (when) C, V ad3, 365, /or paro*, 355, prepare ; provide C, V 465 arbitror^, 339, think ad^, 436, up to, to the number of, about duodecim*, XII = 12 Q vicus*, 203, village C quadringenti*, ae, a, CD = CCCC = 400 470 relicusf, 249, remaining, rest of privatus*, a, um, private C aedificium*, (facio, 79), building, [edifice'^ C 14 BOOK I incendo*, 3, di, census, set onjlre, kindle; (cf. cremo, 430) C, V praeterf, w. ace, beyond, except; besides 475 porto*, (im- 239), ca?Ty V comburo*, 3, bussi, bustus, burn up; (cf. cremo, 430, incendo, 473) reditio, return tollo, 3, sustuli, sublatus, raise, lift up ; take (away) subeo, (70, ex- 303; but subitus), undergo, encounter; go under, enter 480 mensis*, 116, month V molo, 3, lui, litus, grind cibaria, orum, food-stuff; (cf . frumentum, 87) molita cibaria, flour quisque, quaeque, quidque (subst.), quodque (adj.), each 485 efferof, ferre, extuli, elatus, (80, dif- 223, in- 327), carry out Rauraci*, Raw'-ra-^i Tulingi*, Tii-lin'-gi Latobrigi*, Lat-o-bri^-gi finitimi^, 326, neighbors 490 exuro*, (comb- 476), burn up C, V una, adv., (from unus, 11), along, together proficiscor^, 164, set out, depart Boil*, Boii (pronounced Bo'-yi) incolo*, 212, inhabit; dwell V 495 Noricus, a, um, N6r'-i-can transeof, (70, ex- 303, sub- 479 ; no perf. part. ; fut. part., transi- turns), cross Noreia, Noreia (N6r-e'-ya, a town) oppugno*, (pugno, 169), attack, besiege C, V recipio, (sus- 376, ac- 394; 42), recover, receive 500 socius*, 187, ally C, V ascisco, (con- 459), affiliate, adopt Chapter 6 omnino, (omnis, 142), altogether, at all angustus^, 338, narrow difficilis*, e, (facilis, 78), difficult C, V 505 vix, with difficulty, hardly qua (via), "by which way," where 15 CAESAR D. B. G. singuli, ae, a, one by one ; separate carrus*, 357, cart autem^, 335, hut, however^ moreover 510 impendeo, 2, overhang perpauci, ae, a, very few alter^, 317, second, the or an-other multo*, adv., (abl. of multus, 123; cf. multum, 404), (by) much c,v expedio, 4, disentangle, get ready ; part., free, unimpeded, light- armed (often as subst.) 515 propterea quod*, 228, because C Allobroges*, um, (ace. plu. as), Al-16b'-ro-ges C nuper, recently paco, 1, (pax, 362), pacify, subjugate fluo*, 3, fluxi, xum, (flumen, 8/^),floiv V 520 non null!*, adj. or subst., " not none," some C vadum, /o?y/, shoal exter(us)2, 271, outside; outer; outmost, furthest, last proximus*, 167, nearest, next Genava* or Geneva, Geneva (a city), (cf. Lemannus, 320) 525 vel — vel, either — or ; (cf . aut — aut, 38) nondum*, (non + dum, 68), not yet C, V animus^, 30, mind, spirit, courage in, 98, 340, 370, 380, 395, toward videor, (pass, of video, 204), " be seen," seem 530 existimo^, 76, think Y\s% 2.0T, force patior, 3, passus suva., permit (w. inf.) ; endure; (cf. fero, 80) profectio*, 371, departure C comparo*, 355, prepare, provide C SBS dico, 63, 424, name ad, 25, 365, 436, at ripa, bank conveniof, (venio, 201), assemUe ; meet (sometimes transitive) ante diem, (in dates) " day before " (an ordinal modifying diem ; and an ace. expression of date after these words — such as Kalendas — is rendered into English as the object of "be- fore") C 540 quintus*, a, um., fifth C 16 BOOK I Kalendae*, arum, f., Calends^ first day C Aprilis*, e, (of) April Lucius*, (abbrev., L.), Lucius C Piso*, 295 545 Aulus* (abbrev., A.) Gabinius, Aw'-lus Ga-bin'-i-us C Chapter 7 Caesar, ris, Caesar nuntio*, (e- 420), announce, report V matur5, 1, hasten ; (cf . contendo, 254) proficiscor*, 164, set out, depart C, V 550 quam^, 358, as — as possibly ulterior*, ultimus, /a r^Aer, etc. V contendo^, 254, struggle {for) ; hasten pervenio*, (201, con- 538), arrive C, V impero*, 1, (imperium, 307), command (w. ut ; cf. iubeo, 104) C, V 555 omnino^, 502, altogether, at all rescindo, 3, scidi, scissus, tear down adventus*, 4, (ad + venio), approach, arrival C, V certus*, a, um, certain C, V certior(em) facio* (79), inform (certior agrees w. name of in- formed) C 560 legatio*, 375, embassy, (mission) Nammeius, Nammeius (Xam-me'-yus) Verucloetius, Yer-U-cloe'-ti-us princeps, cipis, (noun, 160), chief (ly) ; first (often as if adv.) sine*, 186, without C, V 565 uUus*, a, um, gen., ius, any {one) C, V maleficium*, (male, hadly + facio), harm C aliusf, 214, another, the other; plu., other (adj.), others (subst.) nullus*, a, um, gen., ius, no {one) C, V rogo, 1, ask 570 voluntas, (volo, 209), wish; (good) icill, consent licet, ere, cuit or licitum est, be permitted Caesar*, 546 C, V memoria*, memory C teneo*, 194, hold C, V 575 Cassius*, Cassius (Cash'-yus) C c 17 CAESAK D. B. G. occido, 3, cidi, cisus, (ob + caedo, cut)^ slay ; (cf. interficio, loo) pello, 3, pepuli, pulsus, drive, rout iugum, yoke ; ridge (of hills) concedo, (prae- 251), yield, grant 580 puto, 1, think; (cf. existimo, 76, arbitror, 339) inimicus*, a, um, (amicus, 29), unfriendly C, V animusf, 30, mind, spirit, courage , facultas, opportunity ; ability ; (supply ; plu., means, resources) tempero, 1, refrain, (part., temperate) : moderate, restrain ( + ace. or dat.) 585 iniuria, (ius, 411), damage, injustice, icrong existimo*, 76, think C tamen, adv., nevertheless, yet spatium, space (of time) intercedo, (prae- 251, con- 579; part., -surus), intervene, exist (as relation between) 590 respondeo*, 2, di, sponsus, reply C, V delibero*, 1, deliberate, consider (the question) C sumo, 3, mpsi, mptus, take, exact, assume ad, 536, at Idus*, uum, f.. Ides; 15th of Mar., May, Jul. or Oct., 13th of other months; (cf. Kalendae, 541) C 595 reverter, ti, verti, versus, (deponent in pres. system but not in perf.), return Chapter 8 interea*, (inter, 99; for formation cf. propterea, 227), mean- while C, V lacus*, 319, lake V Lemannus*, 320, Geneva or Leman influo*, (fluo, 519), empty (into) 600 decern novem = undeviginti*, XIX — 19 murus*, 124, wall C, V in, 98, to, or possibly 340, in altitudof, dinis, f., (altus, 28), height, depth sedecim*, XVI = 16 605 fossa, ditch, trench perducof, (67, ad-, in- 298, con- 442), lead through, construct opus*, 144, ivork C, V 18 BOOK I praesidium, garrison, guard, (protection) dispone, (dis, 211 + pono, 153), distribute 610 castellum, outpost, redoubt, fort (com)inunio, 4:, fortify quo, conj., '• by which," in order that invitus, a, um, unwilling revertor^, 595, return 615 nego*, 1, deny, say not C, V exemplum, example, precedent iter, 103, passage visf, 2.0T, force vim facio* (79, 559), exercise {use) force 620 ostendo, (ob + tendo, stretch; con- 254), show deicio, 3, ieci, iectus, cast down (from), disappoint (in) navis*, 126, ship, boat C, V iungo, 3, iunxi, iunctus, join ratis, is, f., j^aft 625 complures, a(ia), gen., ium, (cf. multus, etc., 123), (a good) many (subst. or adj.) alius — alius (214), one — another; the one — the other; plu., some — others vadum^, ^21, foj^d, shoal qua^, 506, where non numquam, ''not never," sometimes; (cf. non nulli, 520) C 630 interdiu, adv., (inter, 99 ; dies, 64), by day noctii*, adv., (nox, 138), by night perrumpo, 3, rupi, ruptus, break through V munitiS, (munio, 611), fortification, intrenchment; (line of defense) concursus, 4, " running together," onset 635 telum, (thrown) weapon ; (cf . arma, 33) repello, 3, reppuli, repulsus, (pello, 577), drive back c5natus*, 4, (conata, 398), attempt C desisto, 3, stitl, stiturus, cease Chapter 9 relinqu5*, 173, leave C, V 640 via*, 202, way, road: journey C, V invitus^, 613, unwilling propter*, w. ace, (propterea, 227), on account of C, V 19 CAESAR D. B. G. angustiae, arum, (angustus, 338), narrow pass(es), (straits, i.e., difficulties) sponte, abl. of defective f. noun, of (one's) own accord 645 deprecator, intercessor C impetro, 1, (contrast impero, 554), obtain (a request); (pass., he granted) gratia^, 91, favor, popularity ; gratitude, thanks largitio, liberality, bribery C apud^, 288, before^ at the house of; among ; at, near, by 650 in matrimonium (395) duco*, " lead in marriage " = marry cupiditas^, 297, desire novae (137) res (174)*, "new things," revolution studeo, 2, dui, be eager (for), (-w. dat.) quam^, 358, as — as possible 655 multus*, 123, mwc^; plu., ?wan?/ beneficium, (bene, icell + facio), kindness obstring5, 3, strinxi, strictus, bi7id, obligate impetro^, 646 patior^, ^s^, permit ; endure 660 obses, obsidis, c, hostage perficio, 399, arrange C, V ne*, 128, lest, that not C, V iniuria^, 585, damage, injustice, wrong Chapter 10 renuntio*, (547, e- 420), report (back) C 665 Santones, um, (also Santoni), San'-to-nes Tolosates, ium, Tol-o-sa'-tes absum^, 232, be distant, be off; be lacking ' fio^, 321, be made, become, happen intellego, 3, lexi, lectus, (inter, 99 + lego, choose; cf. deligo, 374), perceive 670 bellicosus, a, um, (bellum, 40, bello, 329), warlike inimicus*, (adj., 581, amicus, 29), (personal) enemy ; (cf. hostis, 95) c pateo^, 348, extend, be open frumentarius, a, um, (friimentum, 87), productive (of grain), grain (as adj.) finitimi*, 326, neighbors C, V 20 BOOK I 675 munltio'^, 6s3i fortification, {intrencliment) ; (line of defense') Titus* (abbrev., T.) Labienus*, Ti'-tus La-bi-e'-nus (Titus, C) praeficio, (inter- loo, af- 332, con- 366, per- 399 ; 79 ; prae, 251), place over, put in command of (w. dat.) Italia*, Italy C, V contendo^, 254, struggle {for) ; hasten 680 ibi, (cf. ubi, 197), there c5nscribo, 3, scrips!, ptus, (scribo, icrite), enlist circum*, 47, around C, V Aquileia, Aquileia (a city), A-qui-le'-ya hiemo, 1, winter 685 hiberna, orum, icinter quarters ediico*, (67, ad-, in- 298, con- 442, per- 606); lead out, {draw out) C, V qua^, 506, where Alpes, ium, f., the Alps Ceutrones, um, m., Qeii'-tro-nes 690 Graioceli, orum, Graioceli, (Gra-yo'-9e-li) Caturiges, um, m., Cat-iir-i'-ges superus, ior, supremus or summus, above; higher ; highest, great- est, the top of complures^, 625, (a good) many pello^, 577, drive, rout 695 Ocelum, Oc'-e-liim (a town) citerior, citimus, nearer, etc.; (cf. idterior, 551) exter(us)^, 271, outside; outer; outmost, furthest, last Vocontii, orum, Yo-con'-ti-i Septimus*, a, um, seventh V 700 inde, thence, from there, after that Segiisiavi, orum, Se-gu-si-a'-vi extra*, w. ace, (exterus, 271), outside of, beyond C, V Chapter 11 angustiae^, 643, narrow pass {es), {straits, i.e., difficulties) tradiic5*, (trans + duco, 67; cf. e-, etc., 686), lead across ; (con- trast transeo, 496) 705 (de)populor, 1, lay waste, ravage defendo, 3, di, fensus, protect ; icard off rogo^, 569, ask 21 CAESAR D. B. G. ita*, loi, so, thus C, V de^,2^7,from, for; (61) 710 mereo, 2, rui, ritus, (also deponent), deserve paene, almost; (cf. fere, 252) conspectus, 4, (specto, 275, ex- 77), sight vasto*, 1, lay waste, ravage ; (cf . depopulor, 705) C, V liberi, orum, c., (but constructed m.), (liber, /ree), children; (cf. pueri, 168) 715 servitus*, utis, f., (servus, 182), slavery C abduco*, (67, e-, etc., 686, tra- 704), lead away V expugno, (169, op- 498), storm, take by storm debeo, 2, bui, bitus, (de, 247 + habeo, 92), oive ; ought (+ inf.) ; (perf . part., due) ; (cf. oportet, 428) Ambarri, orum, Am-bar^-ri 720 necessarius, (close) friend, relative C consanguineus, (sanguis, blood) ^ kinsman depopulor^, 705, lay waste, ravage item^, 386, likewise possessio*, possession ; plu., property 725 fuga*, flight C, V me recipio, 499, " recover (one's) self," betake (one's) self, retreat demonstro, 1, show, explain ; (cf . ostendo, 620) solum, eai'th (soil), ground C, V relicum*, gen., reliqui, (relicus, 249), remainder, (gen., left) C 730 exspecto^, 77, await statuo, (con- 352), j9Zace ; determine, decide; (cf. pono, 153) fortuna*, (good) fortune C, V consumo, (sumo, 592), use up; spend in, among, in the land of (as 380, although here ace.) 735 Santones or ni^, 665 Chapter 12 Arar, Araris, (ace. im), m., the Saone (a river) incredibilis*, e, unbelievable C, V lenitas, smoothness C oculus*, eye C, V 740 uter, tra, trum, gen., utrius, which (of two) [interrogative subst. or adj.] pars, 145, 314, 328, direction 22 BOOK I iudico, 1, (iudicium, 434), decide, judge ; (cf. statuo, 731, con- 352) ratis^, 624, raft V linter, tris, f., skiff 745 iungo*, 623, join C, V expl5rator, scout quartus*, a, um, (quattuor, 1^), fourth C, V fere^,. 252, cdmost, about ver5, adv., truly; hut 750 citra, w. ace, (citerior, 696), on this side of Arar^, 736, the Saone de, 61, 247, w. vigilia, in, during vigilia*, watch (one of four parts of night) C impedio*, (ex- 514, pes, 151), hinder, encumber, entangle C, V ^ 755 inopinans, antis, surprised, not expecting (it) aggredior, 3, gressus sum, attack; (cf. oppugno, 498) concid5, (oc- 576 ; contrast concede, 579), slay, cut off\: (cf . in- terficio, 100) mando, 1, entrust, commission in, w. ace, in, as in 340, 395 760 silva*, iS/^, forest V abdo, (tra- 195; 65), hide (often reflexive) pagus, district Tigurinus, Tig-u-ri'-niis (a Gallic district) nam*, 125, for C, V 765 noster*, 136, our ; plu., our men, our people C, V interficio"^, 100, kill, slay iugum^, 578, yoke ; ridge (of hills) sive — sive (or seu), (si + -ve, or), whether — or casus, 4, (contrast causa, 45), chance, accident ; disaster 770 immortalis*, e, (morior, 451, mors, 458), immortal C, V insignis, e, notable; distinguished C, V calamitas*, misfortune, disaster ; (cf. casus, 769) C infero^, 327, bring in, bring against or upon (+ dat. of person) princeps2, 563, chief (ly) ; first 775 poena^, 427, punishment, penalty persolvo, 3, vi, solutus, pay V non solum (contrast solum, 728) — sed etiam (266), not only — but also 23 CAESAK D. B. G. publicus*, a, um, public C iniuria^, 585, damage, injustice, wrong 780 ulciscor, 3, ultus sum, avenge socer, ceri, son-i7i-laio V avus, grandfather Tigurini, orum, (cf. 763), Tig-u-ri'-ni interficio^, 100, kill, slay Chapter 13 785 facio, 79, coinjilete, finish consequor, (sequor, iSi), pursue, overtake; attain Arar^, 736, the Saone euro, 1, care for, arrange repentinus, a, um, sudden 790 commoveo, (122, per- 351), arouse, influence viginti* (indecL), XX = 20 V aegre, (aeger, sick), with difficulty; superlative, w. greatest d. ; (cf. vix, 505) conficio^, 366, accomplish, complete ; (compose, write down) ; ex- haust intellego^, 669, perceive 795 Divico*, onis, Div'-i-eo Cassianus, a, um, (Cassius, 575), Cassian, with Cassius dux*, 373, leader, (guide) C, V ago^, 27, lead, drive ; do; plead, treat ibi^, 680, there 800 sin, hut if C, V persequor, (con- 786; 1^1), pursue persevero, 1, persist (w. inf. translated as in + gerund) reminiscor, 3, recall (w. gen.) vetus, veteris ; vetustior; veterrimus, oZ(f^/, long-standing; former 805 incommodum, discomfiture ; (cf. casus, 769, calamitas, 772) C pristinus, a, um, previous (de) improviso, (provideo, /oresee), unexpectedly pagus^, 762, district adorior, (orior, 272), "rise toward," a^^acA: ; (cf. oppiigno, 498, aggredior, 756) 810 ne, (cf. 128), adv., chiefly w. imperative (jussive) subj. and optative subj., not 24 BOOK I magnopere, or magno opere, (144), very much (at)tribuo, 3, ui, utus, assign^ attribute ; {bestow) despicio, 3, spexi, ectus, despise maior, (m), as subst., ancestor 815 disco, 3, didici, learn; (cf. cogiiosco, 51) magis, 392, rather contendo*, 254, struggle {for); hasten C, V dolus, (contrast dolor, 331), trick (ery) insidiae, arum, ambush, ambuscade ; plots 820 nitor, 3, nisus or nixus sum, rest (on), depend (upon) ; advance, strive; (w. abl. of means) quare*, ''because of which, (what) thing," wherefore, why? C, V committo, (niitto, 118), join (battle, usually); entrust, commit; bring about (+ ut) ; (cf. mando, 758) consisto, (de- 638, but no part, stem), (contrast constituo, 352), take a stand, halt ; settle, rest interneci5, (complete) slaughter, annihilation 825 prodo, (tra- 195, ab- 761 ; 65), "give forth," transmit, betray Chapter 14 is, ea, id, 6, this minus*, 146, as subst., less dubitatio, hesitation, (doubt) C commemoro, 1, (memoria, 573), mention B30 eo — quo, in that degree — in which, the — the, (each of the cor- relatives standing w. a comparative) graviter, (gravis, heavy), heavily, violently, severely, with vexation meritum, (mereo, 710), desert(s) accido, 3, di, (cado, fall), befall, happen aliqui, qua, quod, some, any; (cf. qui, 3) 835 aliquis, qua, quid, any one, anything ; some one, something; (of, quis, 2, lillus, 565) iniuria*, 585, damage, injustice, wrong C, V conscius, a, um, (scio, 178), conscious, aware V cave5, 2, cavi, cautus, make (one's) self safe (without reflexive) ; avoid C decipio*, (sus- 376, ac- 394, re- 499; 42), mislead V 840 neque — neque*, 130, neither — nor C, V committo^, S22, join; entrust, commit; bring aboui 25 CAESAR U. B. G. intellego^, 669, perceive timeo*, 2, mui, /ear, be afraid (of) C, V puto^, 580, think 845 quod, (i, 172), before si, hut vetus^, 804, old, long-standing ; former contumelia, mistreatment obliviscor, 3, litus s\xm, forget (w. gen. ; cf. reminiscor, 803) C, V num, sign of question, implying negative answer ; translate by stating negative and then asking question : " I am not . . ., ami?" C, V 850 etiam^, 266, 7noreover, even recens, ceniis, fresh, late invitus^, 613, unwilling per, 148, hy (means of) ; (by, in swearing) tempto (tento), 1, ti^y, (make an) attempt (upon) 855 Ambarri^, 719 vexo, 1, molest depono, (153, dis- 609), lay aside, put away victoria*, (vinco, 205), victory C, V tarn*, 191, so C, V 860 insolenter, immoderately, arrogantly C gl5rior, 1, (gloria, 336), boast diii, diiitius, dintissime, (for a) long (time) impiine, (poena, 427), without punishment, with impunity V infero, 327, without dat. of person, inflict 865 (ad)miror, 1, wonder (at), admire, (not constructed with ut) c,v e5dem2, 441, to the same place (or end) consuesco, 3, evi, etus, become accustomed; perf., have become accustomed; hence, be accustomed, be wont enim, conj.,/t)r; (cf. nam, 125) quo^, 612, in order that 870 graviter^, 831, heavily, violently, severely, (loith vexation) commutatio, (muto, change), change doleo, 2, lui, (dolor, 331), grieve scelus, leris, n., crime; (cf. maleficium, 566) C, V ulciscor^, 780, avenge 875 secundus, a, um, (sequor, 181), second; prosperous, favorable interdum, (contrast interea, 596, interdiu, 630), sometimes 26 BOOK I res, IT ^, fortune, {property) diuturnus, a, um, (diu, 862), long-continued C impunitas, (impune, 863), exemption from punishment, impunity 880 conced5-, 579, yield, grant tamen^, 587, nevertheless, yet obses^, 660, hostage polliceor, 2, pollicitus sum, promise intellego^ 669, perceive 885 infero'^, 327, bring in, bring against or upon item^, 386, likeidse satisfacio, 3, feci, factums, (satis, 177 + facio), (w. dat. of per- son), satisfy, make reparation (de, 247, /or) maior*, 814, ancestor C instituo, (con- 352 ; 731; institutum, 221), train, arrange {for), start 890 cSnsuesco^, 867, become accustomed : be accustomed, be icont testis, is, c, witness responsum*, (respondeo, 590), 7^eply C, V discedo, (parts like inter- 589; prae- 251, con- syg), depaii, with- draw Chapter 15 posterns, rior, tremus or tumus, (post, 157), following ; latter, rear; latest, last 895 praemitto, (118, com- 822; prae, 251), send ahead cupide, (cupiditas, 297, cupidus, 330), eagerly novissimus, 137, "newest," last, rear agmen, minis, n., column (of an army marching) insequor, (181, con- 786, per- Soi), pursue 900 alienus, a, um, (alius, 214), another's, unfavorable, foreign committo^, 822,yc>m; entrust, commit ; bring about « pauci, ae, a, (perpauci, 5ii),/ez(; de, 61, 247, 752, after words of number, of cado, 3, cecidi, casurus, (ac- 833; casus, 769), fall {in battle) 905 toll52, 478, raise, lift up : take {away) quingenti*, ae, a, D = 500 tantus*, 192, so great, so much C, V propello, 3, puli, ulsus, (577, re- 636), " drive forth," dinve off audacter*, adv., (audax, bold), boldly 27 CAESAR D. B. G. 910 subsisto, (parts like con- 823 ; de- 638) , make a stand V non numquam^, 629, sometimes lacesso, 3, sivi (sii), situs, harass satis*, 177, enough C, V habe5, 92, hold, consider 915 praesens, entis, (being) present in praesentia (temj>ora, 193), /or the present praesentia (noun), the present, presence C rapina, plundering (translate plu. same) C -pahuldiiiOj foi^aging (expedition) ; i^lu., foraging 920 populatio, (populor, 705), ravaging (plu. same) circiter, adv., about quindecim*, XV = 15 amplius, (neuter subst., originally comparative adj.), more quini, ae, a, (quinque, is), Jive (each) V 925 seni, ae, a, (sex, 16), six (each) V inter'sum, (10, pos- 156, ab- 232), intervene ; impers., be to the interest (of, gen.); have apart in (+ dat.) Chapter 16 interim, (interea, 596), meanwhile ; (contrast interdum, 876) cotidie, adv., (cotidianus, 253), daily poUiceor^, 883, promise 930 piiblice, officially flagito, 1, demand C, V frigus, goris, n., cold (plu. same) C, V sub (189) septentrionibus (270), " under the great dipper,'' in the north ut^, 455, as ; when 935 ante(a)^ 385, previously pono, 153, perf. pass., " have been placed " = be situated non modo, not only, = non solum, 777 maturus, a, um, (maturo, 548), ripe; early ne quidem, (cf. ne, 810), not even 940 pabulum, (pabulatio, gig), fodder copia, 56, supply suppet52, 361, be supplied, be at hand C autem^, 335, but, however, moreover Arar*, 736, the Saone 28 BOOK I 945 subveho, 3, vexi, vectus, carry up, bring up V propterea^, 227, on account of this C averto, 3, ti, rsus, (revertor, 595), turn away, turn aside discedo^, 893, depart, icithdraw n51o*, 133, be unwilling, not wish C 950 ex, 69, 313, 423, after duc5, 67, 369, prolong, put off confero, ferre, contuli, collatus, (80), gather (sometimes reflex.) ; compare ; attribute ; defer comporto, (im- 239; 475), "carry together," collect-, convey adsum, esse, affui, futunis, (10, ab- 232, inter'- 926), be near, be present 955 diu2, 862, (/or a) long (time) intellego*, 669, perceive C insto, 1, stiti, staturus, (prae- 305), ajoproach, impend metior, 4, mensus sum, measure, deal out oportef-^, 428, be fitting, be necessary 960 convoco, (voco, 208), call together c5pia, 56, 941, number in, 380, among Liscus*, Liscus praesum, esse, fui, (praesens, 915, is part.; prae, 251; adsum, etc., 954), be in charge of 965 vergobretus, ver'-go-bret creo, 1, elect annuus, a, um, (annus, 31), yearly; as if adv. V • vita, life nex, necis, f., (internecio, 824), death (not by natural cause) ; (cf. mors, 458) C, V 970 in^, 734, among potestasf, 158, power graviter^, 831, heavily, violently, severely, (ivith vexation) acciis5, 1, arraign emo, (CO- 359), buy 975 sumo^. 592, take, exact, assume necessarius, a, um, (noun, 720), urgent propincus, nqua, ncum, gen., nqui, (prope, 167), near sublevo, 1, lift; assist; (cf. tollo, 478) praesertim, especially 29 CAESAR D. B. G. 980 ex, IN, like 423 preces, um, f., (in sing, also abl., ace, dsit.), prayers etiam^, 266, moreover, even destituo, (con- 352, in- 889 ; 731), abandon queror, 3, questus sum, complain (of) Chapter 17 985 turn, then demum, adv., at last ante(a)*, 385, previously C, V taceo, 2, cui, citus, be silent (about) propono, (153, dis- 609, de- 857), set before (4- dat.), set forth; disclose ; present 990 apud^, 288, before, at the house of; among ; at, near, by plebs^, 393, populace multum^, 404, much valeo, 2, lui, liturus, be strong plurimum valeo, be very strong ; (cf . plurimum possum, 405) 995 privatim, in a private capacity ; unofficially plus possum, (cf. 405), be more powerful seditiosus, a, um, mutinous improbus, a, um, base C, V deterreo, 2, rui, ritus, intimidate ; prevent 1000 confero^, 952, gather; compare; attribute; defer [praesto, 305, w. ace. of thSxig, furnishl debeo^, 718, owe, ought; (perf. part., due) praesto^, 305, he better principatus*, 390, leadership 1005 imperium^, 307, government ; command perfero*, (80, dif- 223, in- 327, ef- 485, con- 952), bear, endure C, V [praefero, (80, per-, etc., 1006), carry before ; place before ; prefer'] dubito, 1, (dubitatio, 828), hesitate, doubt quin^, 403, (but) that 1010 supero, 1, (superus, 692), surpass; overcome; survive; (cf. prae- cedo, 251, praesto, 305, vinco, 205) una^, 491, along, together libertas*, (liberi, 'ji^), freedom eripio^, 444, rescue, take away enuntio^, 420, disclose 30 BOOK I 1015 co-erceo, 2, cui, citus, (arceo, keep off), restrain; (cf. contineo, 262) C, V quin, adv., (403), nay ; verily etiam^, 266, moreover, even necessarius^, 976, urgent [necessario, adv., unavoidably^ 1020 quantus, a, um, how much, hoiu great; as (w. tantus, 192); neut. sometimes subst. quam (170, 358) diu (862), as long as C taceo^, 988, be silent (about) C, V , ■ Chapter 18 designo, 1, indicate C, V sentio, 4, sensi, sensus, feel ; perceive ; (cf. intellego, 669) 1025 praesens*, 915, 964, (being) present C, V iacto, 1, toss ; discuss concilium*, (contrast consilium, 54, but the one is sometimes used for the other), council V dimitto, (118, com- 822, prae- 895 ; dis, 211), send away, send out; dismiss ; (let go, let pass) retineo, (194, per- 238, ob- 258, con- 262), keep (back) 1030 quaero, 3, quaesivi (ii), situs, (contrast queror, 984), ask (about), seek out; (cf. peto, 152, rogo, 569) solus*, a, um, gen., ius, (solum, 777), alone; (cf. iinus, 11) conventus, 4, (convenio, 538, adventus, 557), assembly, (court) libere, (liberi, 714, libertas, 1012)^ freely, boldly C secreto, secretly 1035 reperio, 4, repperi, repertus, discover verus, a, um, true, (right) verum, truth, fact superusf, 692, above; higher; highest, greatest, (the top of) audacia*, (audacter, 909), boldness C 1040 apudf, 288, before, at the house of; among ; at, near, by plebs^, 393, populace C liberalitas*, (libere, 1033), generosity C gratia*, f^i, favor, popularity ; gratitude, thanks C, V cupidus^, 330, eager, desirous, fond (+ gen.) C 1045 complures^, 625, (a good) many portorium, (porto, 475), (customs) duties 31 CAESAR D. B. G. vectigal, alls, n., (snb-veho, 945), revenue, tax pretium, price redimo, (co- 359 ; 974), l)uy hack, redeem; buy up; procure 1050 liceor, 2, citus sum, (contrast licet, syi), bid contra, adv., opposite, in opposition audeo, 2, ausus sum, (contrast audio, 36 ; cf . audacter, 909, audacia, 1039), dare nemo, ace. neminem, dat. -i, gen. and abl. supplied from nullus, 568, (ne, 810 + homo, 94), no one res (877) familiaris, (familia, 43$) , private property C 1055 augeo, 2, auxi, auctus, (auxilia, 39), increase facultas^, 583, opportunity ; ability ; {supply ; plu., means, resources) largior, 4, largitus sum, bribe C sumptus, 4, (sumo, 592), expense C semper, always 1060 alo, 3, alui, al(i)tus, nourish, clierisJi, support solum — sed etiam^, 777, only — but also C finitimus*, a, um, (noun, 326), neighboring C, V largiter, abundantly potentia*, (possum, 1^6), power (= potestas, 158); (cf . vis, 207, imperium, 307) V 1065 causa, abl. of 45, for the sake (of) mater*, tris, (matrimonium, 396), mother C, V in^, 380, among, in the land of Bituriges, um, Bit-iir-i'-ges illic, there {~ ibi, 680) V 1070 potens*, 415, powerful C, V colloco, 1, (locus, 109), place; settle (upon, dat. of person), marry (to, dat. of person) ; (cf. pono, 153, statuo, 731) uxor, oris, wife soror*, oris, sister C, V soror ex matre, half-sister on (one's) mother's side 1075 propincus, 977, as subst., kinsman; (cf. consanguineus, 721, necessarius, 720) propinqua, female relative nubo, 3, niipsi, nuptus, marry (on bride's part) ; (cf . in matri- monium ducb, 650, on groom's part ; colloco, 1071, or in matrimonium do, Chapter 3, on guardian's part) 32 BOOK I faveo, 2, favi, fautum., favor (w. dat.) C, V cupio, 3, cupivi(ii), itus, (cupiditas, 297, cupidus, 330), desire (w. inf. or ut ; cf . volo, 209) ; wish well (to, dat.) 1080 affinitas, (finitimi, 326), relationship (by marriage) odi, odisse, (perf. form, pres. meaning), hate etiam-|-, 266, moreover, even C, V nomen, 134, account C, V deminuo, 3, ui, utus, (parve, etc., 233), lessen; take away (from} 1085 anticus, iqua, icum, gen., iqui, (ante, 32, 385), old, ancient, for- mer ; (antonym, novus, 137; cf. vetus, 804, pristinus, 806) honor* (honos), honor C, V restituo, (con- 352, in- 889, de- 983; 731), restore, (renew) accido*, 833, befall, happen imperium*, 307, government, command C, V 1090 non modo — sed etiam^, 777, 937, not only — but also despero*, (spero, 418, spes, 188), lose hope, despair of C reperio^, 1035, discover quaero^, 1030, ask (about), seek out equester*, tris, tre, (eques, 71, equitatus, 72, ecus, 73), cavalry V 1095 adversus, a, um, (from adverto, turn to; cf. a- 947, re- 595), opposite ; unsuccessful pauci*, go2, few C, V initium^, 259, beginning praesum^, 964, be in charge of perterreo, (de- 999), (thoroughly) frighten Chapter 19 1100 cognosc52, 51, learn, find out; perf., know; (cf. intellego, 669, sentio, 1024, reperio, 1035) accedo, (parts as inter- 589; dis- 893; prae- 251, con- 579), approach ; be added obses*, 660, hostage curo^, 788, care for, arrange non modo — sed etiam^ 777, 937, not only — but also 1105 iniussu, (as if ith decl. abl.; cf. iubeo, 104), icithout (one's) com- mand C insciens, entis, (negative of pres. part, of scio, 178; cf. also conscius, 837), not knowing it accuse^, 973, arraign C D 33 CAESAR D. B. G. arbitror^, 339, think animadverto, (animus, 30; averto, 947, re- 595; adversus, 1095), ''turn the mind to," notice; w. in (+ ace), punish 1110 repugno, (169, op- 498, ex- 717), make resistance ; tend to counter- act (yf. dat.) studium, (studeo, 653), eagerness; zeal, devotion; {study) voluntas^, 570, wish, (good) will, (consent) egregius, a, um, distinguished, excellent fides, 410, good faith, loyalty 1115 iustitia*, (ius, 411, indicium, 434, iiidico, y/[2), fairness C, V temperantia, (tempero, 584), moderation C cognosce^, 51, learn, find out; perf., know supplicium, punishment ; (cf . poena, 427) animus, 30, feelings 1120 offendo, (de- 706), displease, hurt C vereor, 2, veritus sum, fear ; (stand in awe of) ; (cf . timeo, 843) prius quam*, 161, before C, V quisquam, quodquam, adj., any; (cf . qui, 3, aliqui, 834, iillus, 565) quisquam, quidquam or quicquam, subst., any one, anything ; (cf. quis, 2, aliquis, 835, iillus, 565) 1125 voco*, 208, call C, V cotidianus'^, 253, daily interpres, etis, c, interpreter; (agent) V removeo*, (122, per- 351, com- 790), remove C, V Gaius, (abbreviated C), Gaius (Ga'-yus) [praenDmen] 1130 Valerius*, Val-e^-ri-us [nomen] C Troucillus, Troii-9ir-lus [cognomen] [Procillus, Pro-9ir-lus] familiaris, is, m., (adj., 1054, familia, 43s), personal friend, inti- mate friend ; (cf . amicus, 29) colloquor, 3, lociitus sum, confer 1135 simul, adv., at the same time commonefacio, (79; moneo, 119), impress upon (one) ostendo^ 620, show separatim, (related to paro, 355), separately quisque'-^, 484, each 1140 hortor*, 1, urge, exhort, encourage C, V offensio, (offendo, 1120), displeasure, wounding C animus^, 1 1 1 9, feelings 34 BOOK I vel — veP, 525, either — or causa^, 424, case, cause 1145 cognosce^, 51, investigate statuo'^, T^i, place; deterinine, decide Chapter 20 lacrima, tear complector, 3, plexus sum, embrace C, V obsecro, 1, implore, adjure ; (cf . rogo, 569, peto, 152) C 1150 gravisf, e, (graviter, 831), heavy ; serious statuo^ 1 146 scio^, 178, know; (cf. cognosco, 51, intellego, 669, sentio, 1024) verum*, 1037, truth, fact C, V nee, variety of neque, 129, nor, and not 1155 quisquam^, 1124, any one, anything multum*, 404, much C, V dolor^, 331, grief capio, 42, 260, experience, suffer minimum = minime, 233, least 1160 minimum possum, "be least powerful," Aave very little power; (cf. plurimum possum, 405) adulescentia, youth(fulness) C cresco, 3, crevi, cretus, grow, rise, increase C, V gen. opis, ace. opem, (nom., dat. sing, wanting), f., ability; aid ; plu., wealth, resources ; (cf. facultates, 583, copiae, 56, 941) nervus, sinew, power, (Jboicstring) C, V 1165 non solum* — sed, 777, not only — but C ad3, 365, /or minuo, (de- 1084), trans, and intrans., lessen paene^, 711, almost pernicies, ei, f., (nex, 969, internecio, 824), destruction 1170 tamen^, 587, nevertheless, yet amor, (amicus, 29), love C, V fraternus, a, um, (f rater, 86), of {one' s^ brother (s) existimatio, (existimo, 76), opinion vulgus (vol-), i, N., (ace. in um also occurs), common people, (common soldiers) 1175 commoveo^, 790, arouse, influence apud, 288, with 35 CAESAR D. B. G. nemo*, 1053, no one C, V voluntas*, 570, wish, {good) icill ; consent animus^, 1 1 1 9, /ee//n^6- 1180 averto-^, 947, turn away^ turn aside verbum, word fleo, 2, flevi, fletus, z^'eep dextra, right hand C, V prendo (prehendo), 3, di, ensus, seize, grasp V 1185 consolor, 1, comfort C rogo^, 569? «^*^ oro, 1, (oratio, 408), entreat, asJc ; (cf. peto, 152, rogo, 569, obse* cro, 1 149; quaero, 1030) tantum, (tantus, 192, as subst.), so much; gen., tanti, of so much WORTH apud^, 1 176, with 1190 ostendo^, 620, show res publicaf, rei publicae, (174, 778), republic, commonwealth dolor^, 331, grief C, V preces^, 981, prayers C, V condono, 1, sacrifice, pardon on account of (dat.) 1195 adhibeo, (pro- 165, 92), add ; have present ; invite; employ, exercise reprehendo, 3, di, hensus, (prendo, 1184), Uame C queror^, 984, complain (of) propono^, 989, set before, set forth ; disclose ; present in, 340, in (w. ace.) 1200 relicus, 249, w. tempus, to come, future vito, 1, avoid praeterita, orum, (praetereo = praeter, 474, beyond + eo, 70), past things, the past C custos, odis, c, guard; (cf. praesidium, 608) ago^, 27, lead, drive ; do ; plead, treat 1205 loquor, (col- 1134), speak; (cf. dico, 63) scio*, 178, know C, V Chapter 21 explorator*, 746, scout sub, 189, w, mountain, etc. : ace, up to (the foot of); abl., at the foot of consido, 3, sedi (sidi), sessurus, sit together ; settle ; encamp 36 BOOK I 1210 qualis, e, interrog., of what sort, what C, V naturaf, 311, nature circuitus, 4, (circum, 47, + eo, 70), roundabout course ; circuit ascensus, 4, ascent cognosce*, 51, 1 145, learn, find out; perf., know ; (investigate) 1215 def, 752, in, during ; (also 61, 247) 'praetor, praetor C pro (162) praetore, icith a praetor's powers iugum^, 578, yoke, ridge (of hills) ascendo, 3, di, ensus, (noun, 1213), climh to, climb up 1220 ostendo*, 620, show C, V Publius*, (abbrev. P.), Pub'-li-us [praenomen] C Considius*, C6n-sid'-i-iis res (174) militaris*, (miles, 117; res familiaris, 1054, res publica, 1 191), military science C peritus, a, um, skilled (in), experienced (in), (w. gen.) 1225 habeof, 914, hold, consider Sulla, ae, m., Siil'-la C post(ea), adv., (post, 157, posterns, 894; for formation cf. interea, 596, propterea, 227), afterward Crassus*, Cras'-sus C praemitto*, 895, send ahead C, V Chapter 22 1230 lux*, liicis, f., light C, V prima (159) luce*, " by first light," at daybreak absum*, 232, be distant, be off ; be lacking C, V ut^ 455? w. indie, as or when postea'^, 1227 1235 captivus*, (capio, ^2), prisoner comperio, (re- 1035), ascertain; (cf. cognosco, 51, disco, 815) admitto, (118, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028), admit, let in; let go {at full speed) ; {permit, commit) accurro, 3, curri (cucurri), cursum (est), run up (to) Gallicus*, a, um, (Gallia, 88, Gallus, 219), Gallic C 1240 insigne, is, n., (adj., 771), distinctive sign, badge; signal; uniform collis, is, m., hill; (cf. mons, 120) subduco, (67, ad- 298, con- 442, per- 606, e- 686, tra- 704, ab- 716), draw up (ships) ; withdraw 37 CAESAK D. B. G. acies, ei, f., edge (of a weapon), keenness; battle line; {pitched , battle^ ; (cf . agmen, 898) 1 instruo, 3, uxi, uctus, arrange ; equip 1245 utf, 455, w. indie, as, when praecipio, (sus- 376, ac- 394, re- 499, de- 839, 42), direct, (antici- pate) C, V committor, 822, join (battle) ; entrust ; commit ; bring about ( + ut) nisi*, 132, unless C, V prope, prep. w. ace. and adv., (167; propincus, 977), near(ly) 1250 undique*, 310, on all sides ; (from all sides) C, V impetus, 4, (peto, 152), attack, assault; energy, violence fio*, 321, be made, become, happen C, V exspecto*, 77, await C, V abstineo, (per- 238, ob- 258, con- 262, re- 1029; 194), refrain, (restrain) V 1255 mult5 (123) die (64), " in much day," late in the day ; (cf. prima luce, 1 231) demqvie,f nally timor*, (timeo, 843), /ear C, V perterreo*, 1099, (thoroughly) frighten C consuesco^, 867, become accustomed; perf., be accustomed, be wont 1260 inter vallum*, (inter, 99), interval, distance C, V Chapter 23 postridie, adv., (posterns, 894, dies, 64), on the morrow omnin5^, 502, altogether, at all biduum, (biennium, 367; bis, twice), two days super'sum, (10, pos- 156, ab- 232, inter'- 926, ad- 954, prae- 964), be left, remain ; survive 1265 metior^, 958, measure, deal out oportet*, 428, be fitting, be necessary C Bibracte*, is, n., abl. e or i, Bi-brac'-te copiosus, a, um, (copia, 56), "full of abundance," wealthy, rich; (cf. dis, 291) C amplius*, 923, more C ■ 1270 duodeviginti*, indecL, " two from 20 " = XYIII = 18 res (174) frumentaria (673), grain (surPLY); (cf. copia, 941); (cf. res familiaris, 1054, res militaris, 1223) 38 BOOK I prospicio, (de- 813), look forth ; descry, foresee ; provide {for), ( + dat. or ut clause) C, V averto*, 947, turn away, turn aside V per^, 853, hy {means of) ; by (in swearing) 1275 fugitivus, (fuga, 725), runaway slave C Aemilius, ^e-mil'-i-us C decurio, onis, (decern, 20), decurion (having charge of 10 cav- alrymen) seu — sive^, 768, whether — or discedo*, 893, depart, withdraw C, V 1280 pridie, adv., on the day before (sometimes + gen.) ; (cf. postri- die, 1261) committo*, S22, join (battle) ; entrust, commit; bring about (+ ut) C,V res frumentaria^, 1271 intercludo, 3, clusi, sus, (claudo, shut), shut off confid5, 3, fisus sum, (fides, 410), believe, trust (in), (+ dat. or inf.); rely (on), (+ dat. or abl.) 1285 (com)miito, 1, change; (exchange) converto, (a- 947, animad- 1109, re- 595), tuim (about), alter a, 267, on, in novus^, 897, superlative, last, rear agmen*, 898, column (of an army marching) 1290 insequor^, 899, pursue lacesso^, 912, harass Chapter 24 postquam, conj., (post, prep., 157, adv., 1227), after adverto, (perf. part., adversus, 1095; a- 947, animad- 1109, con-, 1286, re- 595), turn to (w. animum and 2d ace); cf. animadverto, 1109) V [animadverto^, 1109? notice; w. in + ^cc, punish^ 1295 collis2, 1241, hill subduco^, 1242, draw up (ships) ; withdraw sustineo, (per- 238, abs-, etc., 1254), hold (up); endure; with- stand impetus*, 1251, attack, assault; energy, violence C, V interim*, 927, rneanwhile C 1300 medius, a, um, (in) the middle (of), (in) the midst (of) 39 CAESAE D. B. G. triplex*, plicis, (tres, 13), triple V acies^, 1243, (edge^ keenness) ; battle line; (pitched battle) instruo^, 1244, arrange ; equip veteranus, a, um, (vetus, 804), veteran 1305 [ita (loi) uti (455), just as'] [supra, adv., (superus, 692), above; before'] iugum*, 578, yoke ; ridge (of hills) V citerior*, 696, nearer proxime, adv., (adj., 167), last 1310 conscribo*, 681, enlist C C0II0C52, loyi, place ; settle; marry (to, dat.) compleo, 2, plevi, etus, Jill^ cover sarcinae, arum, soldiers' packs confero*, 952, gather (sometimes reflex.); compare; attribute; defer C, V 1315 consisto^, 823, take a stand, halt; settle, rest miinio^, 611, fortify impedimentum, (impedio^ 754), hindrance ; plu., baggage confertus, a, um, (part, of confercio), dense, crowded together; {stuffed) reicio, (de- 621), throw back, drive back; (reject) 1320 phalanx*, ngis, f., (Greek ace, nga ; plu., ngdis) , phalanx V sub^, 1208, ace, up to (the foot of); abl., at the foot of succedo, (inter- 589, prae- 251, con- 579, dis- 893, ac- iioi), (go under); approach ; (stand next); succeed Chapter 25 primum*, adv., (adj., 159, priusquam, 161, princeps, 563), first C,V deinde, then, next ; (contrast denique, 1256) 1325 conspectus*, 712, sight C, V aequo, 1, (make) equal V tollo^, 478, raise, lift up ; take (away) cohortor*, (hortor, 1140), urge, exhort, encourage pilum, javelin 1330 perfringo, 3, fregi, fractus, (per, 148, + frango, break), break through C disicio, (de- 621, re- 1319; dis*, 211, apart [C, V]), throw apart, scatter 40 BOOK I gladius*, go, sword C destringo, (ob- 657), unbind, unsheathe C ad^, 365,/or 1335 pugna*, (pugno, 169), Jight, hattle ; (cf. proelium, 163) C, V impedimentuin^, 1317, hmdrance ; plu., baggage plures, 123, ''more than one/' several ; (cf. com- 625) scutunij shield ictus, 4, (disicio, etc., 133 1), blow V 1340 tTa.nsfigOy 3y iixi, iixns, (figo, fasten), pierce thi'ough V coUigo, (de- 374, Intel- 669), gather together, fasten together; (cf. comporto, 953, confero, 952, cogo, 52, conduce, 442) f errum, iron ; (iron point, shaft, blade ; sword) C, V inflecto, 3, exi, exus, bend evello, 3, li, vulsus, pull out 1345 sinistra, left hand ; (cf. dextra, 1183) V commode, conveniently, easily diu^, 862, (for a) long (time) iacto^, 1026, toss ; discuss C, V bracchium, (fore) arm 1350 praeopto, 1, (praef, 251, before), prefer ; (cf. malo, 112) manus*, 114, hand; band emitto, (118, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028, ad- 1237), send forth, discharge (weapons); let go, let fall nudus, a, um, bare, unprotected C, V corpus*, 58, body C, V 1355 tandem, (contrast tamen, 587), at length, (cf. denique, 1256); in questions and commands, pray vulnus, neris, n., wound defessus, a, um, weary, exhausted refero, ferre, rettuli, relatus, (80, dif- 223, in- 327, ef- 485, con 952, per- 1006, prae- 1007), bring back, return, report pedem (151) refero, retreat 1360 [subsum, esse, (10, super'-, etc., 1264), be near; be off} circiter*, 921, about [spatium^, 588, space (sometimes, of time)] e5, the?'e, to that place ; there, in that place me recipio^, 726, betake (one's) self, retreat 1365 succedo^, 1322, (go under); approach; (stand next), succeed claud5, 3, clausi, sus, (inter- 1283), close, shut (in) 41 CAESAR D. B. G. novissimus*, 897, last, rear C, V praesidium^, 608, garrison, guard, {protection) ex% 313, on; (cf. 69, 423, 950) 1370 ab, 2^, from, hy ; 267, on the side of; 1287, on, in latus*, 106, side ; flank Q, V apertus, a, um, open, unprotected ; (cf. nudus, 1353, patens, 348) aggredior^, 756, attack circumvenio, (201, but circum- has perf. part., con- 538, per- 553), surround ; betray 1375 conspicor, 1, (cf. despicio, 813, pro- 1272, specto, 275, ex- 77), observe rursus, adv., (reverter, 595), again insto^, 957, approach, impend redintegro, 1, rejiew converto^, 1286, turn (about) ; (alter) 1380 slgmxm., signal ; standard ; (cf. insigne, 1240) bipertito (bipartito), (bis, twice; pars, 145), in two divisions C signa infero (327), charge signa conversa infero, turn and charge secundus^, 875, second ; prosperous, favorable 1385 acies^, 1243, (edge, keenness) ; battle line ; (pitched battle) submoveo, (122, per- 351, com- 790, re- 1128), drive away, dislodge resist5, (con- 823, sub- 910, de- 638), resist, withstand (+ dat.); halt sustineof, 1297, ^old (up) ; endure; withstand [excipio, (sus- 376, ac- 394, re- 499, de- 839, prae- 1246, 42), take up, capture ; receive ; meet} Chapter 26 1390 anceps, cipitis, (caput, 43), double, doubtful C, V acriter, acrius, acerrime, sharply, fiercely, etc. alter (317) — alter, the one — the other; plu., the one party — the other; (cf. alius — alius, 626) me recipio*, 726, betake (one's)self, retreat, "recover (one's) self" adj, 536, at; (or 25, to) 1395 impedimentumf, 1317, hindrance; plu., baggage hora*, hour C, V ad, 25, 365, 436, 536, until vesper*, peri or ris, m., (no plu.), evening V 42 BOOK I multus, as in 1255, late in the 1400 nox*, 138, night C, V vallum, rampart; (cf . murus, 124) obicio, (de- 621, re- 1319, dis- 1331), throw in the way, throw up; expose; oppose teluni^, 635, (thrown) weapon conici5, (ob-, etc., 1402), cast ; drive 1405 raeda (reda), (four-wheeled Gallic) ivagon [rota, wheel] matara, Celtic javelin ; (cf. pilum, 1329) tragula, (barbed ?) dart, or lance hurled by a thong subicio, (con-, etc., 1404), throw under, (place below, expose) ; throw up (from beneath) 1410 vulnero*, 1, (viilnus, 1356), wound C potior^, 308, get possession o/(+ abl.), become master (of, gen.) ibi*, 680, there C, V e, 69, 313, 423, 950, after numerals and indefinites, of triginta*, XXX = 30 Y 1415 super'sum^, 1264, be left, remain; survive continenter^, 245, continually eo, 70, move on C, V iter, 617, passage intermitto, (118, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028, ad- 1237, e- 1352), interrupt ; cease ; let pass 1420 Lingones*, um, (ace. plu. also as), Lin'-go-nes vulnus*, 1356, wound C, V sepultiira, burial occido-, 576, slay triduum, (biduum, 1263), three days 1425 moror*, 121, delay V littera, letter niintius*, (nuntio, 547), messenger; message C, V neve, (cf. sive, 768; ne, 128), '• or lest," or (ad)iuvo, 1, iuvi, iutus, help 1430 intermitto^, 14 19 Chapter 27 inopia, (opis, 1163), want; (antonym, copia, 56, 941) deditio, (de-do), surrender 43 CAESAR D. B. G. proicio, (de- 621, re- 1319, dis- 1331, ob- 1402, con- 1404, sub- 1409), throic forward ; cast aside suppliciter, (supplicium, 11 18), humbly V 1435 loquor^, 1205, speak fleo^, 1 182, weep tvLm.% 985, then pareo, 2, rui, iturus, obey C, V eo^, 1363, ther^e, to that place ; there, in that place 1440 postquam*, 1292, after V obses*, 660, hostage C perfugi5, 3, fugi, (fuga, 725, fugitivus, 1275), desert posco, 3, poposci, demand ; (cf. flagito, 931, peto, 152, rogo, 569, obsecro, 1149, oro, 1187) conquiro, (quaero, 1030), seek for ; (cf. peto, 152) 1445 mttrmiito^, i^ig, interrupt, cease ; let pass pagus^, 762, district Verbigenus, Ver-big'-e-nus (a district) sive — sive^, 768, ivhether — or trado^, 195, give over, surrender 1450 supplicium^, iiiS, punishment afficio^, 332, cause to, treat with, affect with; (pass. 4- abl., experience, suffer) salus, utis, f., safety induco'2, 298, persuade, lead (to some act) ; bring (into, in) dediticius, (deditio, 1432), surrendered man; (cf. captivus, 1235) 1455 occulto, 1, conceal; (cf. abdo, 761) C, V omnino^, 502, altogether, at all ignoro, 1, (cf. cognosco, 51), 7iot know; pass., be unknown C, V prima (159) nocte (138), (cf. prima luce, 1231), at nightfall; (cf. multa nocte, 1399, 1400) egredior, (ag- 756), go forth, (disembark) Chapter 28 1460 rescisco, (con- 459, a- 501), learn about; (cf. cognosco, 51, reperio, 1035) conquir52, 1444, seek for reduco*, (67, ad-, in- 298, con- 442, per- 606, e- 686, tra- 704, ab- 716, sub- 1242), lead back, (bring or draw back) 44 BOOK I purgo, 1, (purus, clean, + ago, 27), pai^don, clear; (cf. condono, 1 194) perfuga, ae, m., (verb, 1442, fuga, 725), deserter ; (cf. fugitivus, 1275) 1465 tradof, 195, give over, surrender deditio^, 1432, surrender unde, (cf. undique, 310; inde, 700), whence, from ivhicli, from ichom revertor^, 595, return frux, ugis, f., usually plu., crops (properly other than frumentuni, 87, or fructus, 1470) V 1470 [fructus, 4, /rwiY (of trees)] C amitto, (118, inter-, etc., 1419), lose fames, is, f., hunger C, V tolero, 1, endure; {support, satisfy); (cf. fero, 80, patior, 532, sustineo, 1297) C copia^, 941, supply 1475 facio, 79, 785, give restituo"^, 1087, restore, (renew) ratio, plan, planning ; account ; reason vaco, 1, he empty bonitas, (bonus, 41), goodness, excellence C 1480 egregius^, iii3) distinguished, excellent C, V colloco^, 1071, place ; (settle upon, marry to) concede*, 579, yield, grant C, V postea^, 1227, afterward par, paris, equal (w. dat.) 1485 ius^ 411, right(s), law libertas*, 1012, freedom C, V condicio, condition, terms ; proposition atque, 34, to what, as recipio, 499, recover, receive ; (me recipio, 726) Chapter 29 1490 tabula, tablet, account ; (plank) C, V reperio^, 1035, discover littera^, 1426, letter Graecus, a, um, Greek C conficio^, 366, accomplish, complete ; compose, write dozen ; exhaust 45 CAESAR D. B. G. 1495 refero*, 1358, bring hack, return., report nominatim, (nomen, 134), hy name ; in detail ratio^, 1 47 y, plan, planning ; account; reason item^, 386, likewise separatim^, 1138, separately 1500 quot, interrog. adj., how many senex, senis, old man C, V mulier, eris, woman res, 174, 877, item summa, (summus, 692), total; supremacy; {chief point, part, etc.) ; general management 1505 caput, 43, person sexaginta*, LX = 60 C quattuordecim*, XIY = i^ ex^, 1413, OF ad^, 436, up to, to the number of, about 1510 nonaginta*, XC = 90 trecenti*, ae, a, CCC = 300 redeo*, (70, ex- 303, sub- 479, trans- 496 ; reditio, 477), intran- sitive, return C census, 4, enumeration, census C reperio*, 1035, discover C, V Chapter 30 1515 conficiof, 366, accomplish, complete; (compose, write down); ex- haust fere^, 252, almost, about gratulor, 1, (gratia, 91), congratulate C ad, 536, at, i.e.y at the headquarters of tametsi, although ; (cf . cum, 60) C 1520 vetus^, 804, old, long-standing ; former poena*, 427, punishment, penalty C, V repeto, (152, sup- 361), seek again, demand back, exact; (recol- lect) tamen*, 587, nevertheless, yet C, V usus, 4, (iitor, 200), use; practice, experience ; advantage; (need) 1525 ex (1413) usu, of use; to the advantage terra*, land ; earth; ground, (cf. solum, 728) C, V floreo, 2, rui, flourish ; (bloom) 46 BOOK I res^, Stj, fortune, (^property') inferof, 327, bring in, bring against or upon ; (864) 1530 potior*, 308, get possession of (-{- abl.), become master (of, gen.) c,v domicilium, (domus, 66), residence copia^, 961, number deligo^, 374, choose ext, 141 3, after numerals and indefinites, of 1535 opportunus, a, um, advantageous fructuosus, a, um, (friictus, i/[7o) , productive iudico*, 742, decide, judge C stipendiarius, a, um, tributary in^, 370, w. time noun, /or 1540 indico, (dico, 63) , proclaim, appoint C, V licet^, 571, &ejt?ermi7^ec/ quidam, quaedam, quoddam (adj.), quiddam (subst.), certain (one), etc. ex, ''out 0/," by; (cf. 69, 313, 423, 950, 1413) communis, e, common, general ; public 1545 consensus, 4, (sentio, 1024), agreement permitto, (118, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028, ad- 1237, e- 1352, inter- 1419, a- 1471), entrust, (cf. mando, 758, committo, 822) ; allow, (cf . patior, 532, concedo, 579) ius iurandum^, 413, oath eniintio*, 420, disclose mando^, 758, entrust, commission 1550 sancio, 4, sanxi, nctus, solemnly provide C Chapter 31 dimitto*, 1028, send away, send out; dismiss ; (let go, let pass) revertor^ 595, return secreto'^, 1034, secretly [in occulto, (cf. occulto, 1455), in secret, in concealment'] 1555 salus^, 1452, safety agof , 27, lead, drive ; do ; plead, treat licet^, 571, be permitted impetro^, 646, obtain (a request) ; (pass., be granted) fleo^, 1 182, iceep 1560 proicio^, 1433, throw forward ; cast aside 47 CAESAK D. B. G. laboro, 1, toil, strive (for) ; be anxious ; be in distress cruciatus, 4, torture loquor^, 1205, speak f actio, (facio, 79), party 1565 alter — alter^, 1392, the one — the other; plu., the one party — the other C, V Arverni*, the Ar-ver'-ni tantopere, (tantus, 192, opus, 144), so greatly C potentatus, 4, (potens, 415, potestas, 158), supremacy; (cf. summa, 1504) merces, edis, f., (mereo, 710), pay; reward; (cf. pretium, 1048) 1570 arcesso, 3, sivi, situs, summon primo, (primum, 1323), at first posteaquam = postquam, 1292, after ; (also postea quam) cultus^, 229, civilization V ferus, a, um, wild, savage 1575 barbarus, a, um, uncivilized, uncultivated adamo, 1, (amor, 11 71), covet nunc*, 140, now C, V adf, 436, up to, to the number of about cliens^, 439, dependent 1580 semel, once iterum, again semel atque iterum, again and again pello^, 577, drive, rout accipio, 394, suffer 1585 amitto^, 1471, lose frango, (per- 1330), break, crush, shatter hospitium, hospitality^ (guest friendship, entertainment) ius iurandum^, 413, oath obstringo^, 657, bind, obligate 1590 XQ^^to'^, 1^2.2., seek again, demand back ; (exact; recollect) C imploro, 1, beseech; (cf. peto, 152, rogo, 569, obsecro, 1149, oro, 1187) reciiso, 1, refuse quo minus, " by which the less," so that not perpetuo, always, forever; (cf. semper, 1059, continenter, 245) 1595 dicio, (no plu.), (dico, 63, dictio, 433)? sway 48 BOOK I iuro^, 412, swear, take oath V liberi*, 714, children C profugio, (per- 1442 ; part., prof ugiturus) , escape Roma*, Rome C, V 1600 postulo, 1, request, demand ; (cf. 1443 and synonyms there) ius iurandum*, 413, oath C malus^, 113, bad C, V victor, oris, adj., (vinco, 205, victoria, 858), victorious Ariovistus*, Ar-i-o-vis'-tus 1605 rex*, regis, (regnum, 296), king C, V consido^, 1209, sit together; settle; encamp Sequanus*, a, um, (noun, 268), Sequanian alter^, 317, second, the other, another decedo, (in^er- 589, prae- 251, con- 579, dis- 893, ac- iioi, suc- 1322), depart, ivithdraw 1610 Hariides*, um, Ha-rii'-des sedes, is, f., (consido, 1209), seat; dwelling-place; (cf. domi- cilium, 1 531) pello"*, 577, d7^ive, rout enim^, 868, /or consuetiido, dinis, f., (consuesco, 867), habit, custom; (compan- ionship); (cf. mos, 421, institiituni, 221) 1615 victus, 4, (vita, 968), sustenance V comparo, 1, (par, 1484; this compare is distinct from 355), com- pare, (cf. confero, 952) C autem^, 335, but, however, moreover semel^, 1580, once C, V Magetobriga, Ma-ge-tob^-ri-ga (a town) 1620 superbe, haughtily C crudeliter, cruelly C, V quisque^, 484 ; w. adj., all the posco"^, 1443, demand exemplum^, 616, example, precedent C 1625 cruciatus^, 1562, torture edo, (tra- 195, 65, ab- 761, pro- 825), set forth; inflict C, V nutus, 4, nod ; sign, command barbarus*, 1575, uncivilized, uncultivated C, V iracundus, a, um, revengeful C 1630 temerarius, a, um, rash E 49 GAESAK D. B. G. diu^, 862, (/or a) long (time) emigro, 1, migrate domicilium'^, 1531? residence sedes^, 161 1, seat ; dwelling-place 1635 quicumque, quaec, quodc, whoever, whatever experior, 4, pertus sum, make a trial of (it) ; " see " dubito^ 1008, hesitate ; doubt quin^, 403, (but) that; (cf. 1016) apud^, 1 1 76, with 1640 supplicium^j iiiS, punishment sumo^, 592, take, exact, assume vel — vel*, 525, either — or C, V recens*, 851,/resA, late C, V deterreo^, 999, intimidate ; prevent 1645 def endo^, 706, protect ; ward off Chapter 32 habeo, 92, 914, hold, deliver adsum*, 954, be near, be present C, V fletus, 4, (fieo, 11 82), weeping V animadverto^, 1109, notice; w. in (+ SiCc), punish 1650 ceterus, a, um, (usually in plu.), (the) other [substantive or adj.] ; (cf. alius, 214, alter, 317, relicus, 249) tristis, e, sad V demitto, (118, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028, ad- 1237, e- 1352, inter- 1419, a- 1471, per- 1546), loiver V intueor, 2, tuitus sum, look at, (cf. specto, 275, conspicor, 1375) C miror^, 865, wonder (at), admire C, V 1655 quaero^, 1030, ask (about), seek out tristitia, (tristis, 165 1), sadness tacitus, a, um, (part, of 988), silent C, V permaneo, 2, mansi, surus, persist, continue, (cf. persevero, 802) omnino*, 502, altogether, at all C, V 1660 vox, vocis, f., (voco, 208), voice; word; statement; (cf. verbum, 1181) exprimo, 3, press!, sus, (-premo, press), elicit, (portray) C miser, a, um, wretched [nee — nee, 1154, 130, yieither — nor~\ C, V ne quidem*, 939, not even C, V 50 BOOK I 1665 in occulto^, 1554? ^^ secret, in concealment queror^, 984, complain (of) imploro*, 1591, beseech C, V audeo*, 1052, dare C, V absens*, sentis, part, of absum, 232, being absent, away, distant, lacking C, V 1670 crudelitas, (crudeliter, 1621), cruelty C velut, just as V coram, adv., before one ('s face) C, V horreo, 2, m, shudder at, dread ; (cf. timeo, 843, vereor, 1121) facultas^, 583, opportunity, ability, (supply ; plu., means, resources) 1675 vero^, 749, truly ; but intra, prep. w. ace, (inter, 99), ivithin recipio*, 499, recover, receive ; (me recipio, 726) cruciatus^, 1562, torture Chapter 33 verbum*, 1181, ivord C, V 1680 confirms*, 364, strengthen ; establish ; reassure ; (assert) polliceor^, 883, promise ciira*, (ciiro, 788), care; anxiety C, V beneficium^, 656, kindness habeo^, 1646, hold ; (deliver) ; or 92, have 1685 secundum, prep. w. ace, (adj., 875, sequor, 181), following; along; besides cogito, 1, consider put5*, 580, think C, V in (as in 380) primis, among the first, especially, (cf. praesertim, 979) [imprimis = in primis, 1688, especially'] 1690 consanguineus^, 721, kinsman saepenumero, (saepe, 176, + niimero, 139), " often in number," frequently dicio^, 1595, sway apud*, 1176, icith; (288, before, among, at, etc.) C, V turpis, Q, foul, disgraceful 1695 arbitrorf, 339, think paulatim, gradually autem*, 335, but, however, moreover C, V 51 CAESAR D. B. G. consuesco^, 867, become accustomed ; perf ., he accustomed, he wont periculosus*, a, um, (periculum, 149 ; also osus, " full of/' in bellicosus, 670, fructuosus, 1536), dangerous C 1700 ferus^, i574j wild, ^savage tempero"^, 584, moderate, restrain (+ ace. or dat.) ; (perf. part., temperate) C, V quin, 403, after restrain, etc., from, {translating subjunctive as gerund) Cimbri*, Qim^-bri-ans C Teutoni*, Teu'-tons C 1705 inde^, 700, thence, from there ; after that praesertim^, 979, especially quam*, 358, as — as possible C, V mature, (adj., 938, verb, 548), early, speedily occurro, (ac- 1238), "run opposite to," rmi to, encounter, oppose, (w. dat.) ; present (it) self (to the sight, mind, etc.) ; rush 1710 spiritus, 4, breath ; plu., airs, conceit arrogantia, (rogo, '^tg), presumption sOmo^, 592, take, exact; assume videorf, 529, " be seen," seem Chapter 34 placeo, 2, cui, citus (^di].), please, seem best, (w. dat.) 1715 postulo'-^, 1600, request, demand aliqui^, 834, some, any uterque, traque, trumque, each (of two), both; (cf. quisque, 484) medius (1300) utriusque, " in the middle of each," midicay be- ttveen them colloquium, (colloquor, 1134), conference; (^conversation) 1720 deligo^, 374, choose [dico2, 535, name'] res piiblica (778), 1191, public questions C summus, 692, most important (+ gen., to) opus, n., only nom. and ace. sing., (from opus, 144; cf. opis, 1 163), need, w. abl. = of 1725 praeterea, adv., (praeter, 474), besides; (cf. deinde, 1324) 52 BOOK I possideo, 2, sedi, sessus, (possessio, 724; consido, 1209), pos- sess commeatus, 4, (commeo, 236), supplies ; {trip) ; (cf. res frumen- taria, 1271, copia, 941) mdlimentum, effort contraho, 3, traxi, tractus, " draw together," assemble ; (dimin- ish) ; (bring about, incur) ; (cf. cogo, 52, conduce, 442, con- fero, 952, comporto, 953, convoco, 960, colligo, 1341) 1730 mirus, a, um, (miror, 865), strange, wonderful negotium, business; undertaJcing ; difficulty, task Chapter 35 iterum'^, 1581, again mandatum, (mando, 758), instruction ; message quoniam, conj., (cum, 60, + iam, 96), "since, now"; since, in- asmuch as 1735 beneficium*, 656, kindness C afficio^, 332, cause to, treat with, affect with ; pass. + abl., expe- rience, suffer C consulatus, 4, (consul, ^s) , consulship C colloquium*, 1719, conference ; (conversation) invito, 1, invite ; attract 1740 gravo, 1, (gravis, 1150, adv., 831), burden; pass., be reluctant C,V commiinis*, 1544, common, general; public C, V [disco"^, 815, learn'] C, V postulo*, 1600, request, demand C amplius, adv., (pos. ample or ampliter, rare ; superl., amplis- sime ; cf. amplius, subst., 923), further, any more; most generously 1745 deinde^, 1324, then, next reddo, (tra- 195, 65, ab- 761, pro- 825, e- 1626), return, restore; render; (cf. redeo, 1512) permitto*, 1546, entrust C, V licet^, 571, be permitted neve^, 1428, " or that not " = and that not (i.e., the first neve) ; or 1750 lacesso*, 912, harass C, V [-ve, enclitic, or, (cf. vel, 525, aut, 37)] perpetuus, a, um, (adv., 1594, peto, 152), continuous ; whole 53 CAESAR D. B. G. impetro*, 646, obtain (a request) ; (pass., he granted) C quoniam^, 1734 1755 censeo, 2, sui, census, (census, 1513), {enumerate); think; vote, resolve, decree ; {advise, propose) C quicumque^, 1635, whoever, whatever commodum, (adv., 1346), convenience, advantage, (cf. usus, 1524, 1525) ceterus^, 16^0, {the) other defendo*, 706, protect ; luard off C, V 1760 neglego, (Intel- 669, de- 374, col- 1341), disregard, be indifferent to; (cf. despicio, 813) Chapter 36 ius*, 411, right{s) ; law C, V modus, (cf. non modo, 937, "not by a measure"), manner; {measure, size, number) quern ad modum, in what manner — interrog., how ; relative, in the manner that, as item*, 386, likewise C 1765 ad, 25, 365, 436, 536, at, according to alter*, 317, second ; the other, another C, V praescriptum, (conscribo, 681), direction; (cf. mandatum, 1733, imperium, 307, dicio, 1595) arbitrium, (verb, 339), opinion, judgment ; (cf. indicium, 434) consuesco*, 867, become accustomed; perf., be accustomed, be wont 1770 praescribo*, (con- 681 ; noun, 1767), direct, dictate; (cf. impero, 554, iubeo, 104, mando, 758, praecipio, 1246) C quoniam^, 1734, since, inasmuch as tempto*, 854, try, {make an) attempt {upon) C congredior, (ag- 756, e- 1459), meet (in battle); {unite); (cf. oppugn o, 498 ; iungo, 623) supero^, 1 010, surpass ; overcome ; survive 1775 stipendiarius^, 1538, tributary vectigal^, 1047, revenue, tax C deterior, rrimus, worse, etc.; (cf. malus, 113) reddo*, 1746, return, restore; render C maneo, (per- 1658), remain; abide, (+ abl. or abl. w. in = by) 54 BOOK I 1780 convenitj 538, impers. or with res or pronoun subject, he fitting^ he agreed upon stipendium, (adj., 1538), trihute ; (cf. vectigal, 1047) quotannis, (quot, 1500, + annus, 31 ; for formation cf. cotidie, 928), yearly (adv.) pendo, 3, pependi, pensus, iceigh out, jxiy fraternus-, 11 72, of (^one's) hrotJier(s) V 1785 denuntio, (547, e- 420, re- 664), give notice (of) C, V neglego*, 1760, disregard, he indifferent to C pernicies'2, 1169, destruction C congredior^, 1773 invictus, a, um, (negatiye of part, of vinco, 205), unconquered C, V 1790 exercitatus, a, um, (exercitus, 75),/)racficer7, experienced ; superla- tive, most thoroughly p. inter, 99, = intra, 1676, within tectum, (from tego, cover), roof; house (= domus, 66) C, V subeo^, 479, undergo; encounter; go under, enter Chapter 37 mandatum^, 1733, instruction; message 1795 Treveri*, Trev'-er-i queror^ 984, complain (of) nuper^, 517, recently transporto*, (475, im- 239, com- 953), carry across, hring across ; convey V populor^, 705, lay icaste, ravage 1800 redimo"^, 1049, huy hack, redeem; huy up; procure pagus*, 762, district Suebi*, Suehi (Swe'-bi) ripa^, 5S7, bajik consido^, 1209, sit together; settle ; encamp 1805 praesum*, 964, he in charge of C Nasua, ae, m., Nasua (Xash'-u-a) Cimberius, (Jim- be'-ri-us vehementer, violently ; severely commoveo*, 790, arouse ; influence C, V 1810 maturo-, 548, hasten vetus*, 804, old, long-standing ; {former) C, V 65 CAESAR D. B. G. coniungo, (iungo, 623), unite (often reflex.) resisto^, 1387, resist, withstand (+ dat.) ; halt res frumentaria*, 1271, grain (supply) C 1815 magnum (m) iter (103)*, lo7ig stage, forced march Chapter 38 triduum*, 1424, three days C procedo, (inter- 589, dis- 893, ac- iioi, sue- 1322, de- 1609 ; prae- 251, con- 579, have perf. part.), advance; continue; (cf. proficiscor, 164) Vesontio*, onis, m., Vesontio (a town; pronounced Ve-son'- shi-o) [proficio, (inter- 100, 79, af- 332, con- 366, per- 399, prae- 677, satis- 887, commone- 1136, certior f. 559), accomplish'] 1820 magnopere^, 811, zealously praecaveo, (caveo, 838), guard against, take ^precautions namque, (nam, 125), and so for ; for, indeed adt, 3^5, for usus^, 1524, use; practice, experience ; advantage ; (need) 1825 facultas^, 583, opportunity, ability, {supply; plu., means, re- sources') sic, so, thus munio*, 611, fortify C, V duco^, 951, prolong, put off Dubis, is, m., Dii'-bis (a river) 1830 circinus, (cf. circum, 47), pair of compasses circumduco, (67, ad-, in- 298, con- 442, per- 606, e- 686, tra- 704, ab- 716, sub- 1242, re- 1462), lead around, draic around paene*, 711, almost C cingo, 3, cinxi, cinctus, encircle, surround C, V spatium*, 588, space (of time) C, V 1835 amplus, a, um, (cf. subst. amplius, 923, adv., 1744), great, large; splendid, nohle ; (cf. magnus, 11 1; nobilis, 290) sexcenti*, ae, a = DC = 600 qua^, 506, where intermitto*, 1419, interrupt; cease; let pass radix, icis, f ., root ; foot, base, spur (of a mountain) V 1840 ex^, 313, on uterque^, 1717, each (of two), both 56 BOOK I pars^, 314, side ripa*, 537? ^o.nk V contingo, (at- 265), touchy reach; impersonal, happen, (cf. fio, 321, accido, 833) C, V 1845 circum'd5, (65 ; of 3d conjugation are tra- 195, ab- 761, pro- 825, e- 1626, red- 1746), ^w^ around, surround; (cf. circumduco, 1 83 1, cingo, 1833, circumvenio, 1374) arx, arcis, f., citadel, stronghold C, V efficio, (inter- 100, af- 332, con- 366, per- 399, prae- 677, pro- 1819; like facio, 79, are satis- 887, commone- 1136), com- plete, form; render; accomplish coniungo*, 1812, unite (often reflex.) C, V hue, (cf. pron., 7), hither 1850 nocturnus, a, um, (nox, 138, noctu, 631), hy night C, V diurnus, a, um, (dies, 64, diu, 862, diuturnus, 878), ly day praesidium*, 608, guard, protection C coUoco*, 107 1, place ; (^settle upon ; marry') C Chapter 39 commeatus^, ly 27, supplies ; (trij?) 1855 caus8i-\, 1065, for the sake (oi) percontatio, inquiry, inquiries vox*, 1660, voice ; word; statement C, V mercator*, 234, trader C ingens, gentis, great, enormous, vast; (cf. magnus, 11 1, amplus, 1835) 1860 magnitudo*, dinis, f., (magnus, m), greatness; {great) size C exercitatio, (exercitatus, 1790, exercitus, 75), practice, training ; experience ; (cf . iisus, 1524) praedico, 1, (not from dico, 63), proclaim, declare; (cf. con- firmo, 364) saepenumero*, i6gi, frequently congredior^, 1773, meet (in battle) ; (unite) 1865 vultus, 4, countenance ; features ; expression acies^^, 1243, edge, keenness ; battle line ; (pitched battle) subito, (from subeo, 479), suddenly ; (cf. de improviso, 807) mediocriter, (medius, 1300) , moderately ; non m., in no moderate degree C 57 CAESAR D. B. G. mens, mentis, f., (cf. memoria, 573, reminiscor, 803), mind, thought; (cf. animus, 30) 1870 perturbo, 1, disturb^ distress, embarrass orior^, 272, arise, start ; be descended tribnnus*, tribune C praefectus, (praeficio, 677), (cavalry) commander ; (cf. dux, 373, princeps, 160, decurio, 1277, legatus, 107) [miseror, 1, (miser, 1662), lament ; pity'] 1875 usus^, iS2/\, use ; practice, experience ; advantage; (need) alius alia, and like expressions, the words differing from each other in construction, (cf. 214, 626), one, one — another, another infero, 327, present necessarius*, 976, urgent C licet*, sji, be j^ermitted C, V 1880 pudor, (sense of) shame ; modesty vito*, 1201, avoid C, V remaneo*, (1779, per- 1658), remain (behind) ; stay ; (continue) C vultus^, 1865, countenance ; features; expression C, V fingo, 3, finxi, fictus,/orm, mould, compose; imagine; feign 1885 interdum^, 876, sometimes C, V lacrima*, 1147, tear C, V abdo^, 761, hide (often reflex.) tabernaculum, teyit fatum, fate C, V 1890 queror*, 984, complain (of) C, V familiaris^, ii'^^n P^^'^^onal friend, intimate friend miseror 2, 1874, lament, pity V vulgo, (vulgus, 1 174), commonly; everyiohere ; (cf. undique, 310) testamentum, (testis, 891), will C 1895 obsigno, (de- 1023 ; signum, 1380), seal paulatim^, 1696, gradually iisus^, 1524, use; practice, experience; advantage; (need) centurio*, onis, (cf. centum, 347), centurion; (cf. praefectus, 1873, and words there) C perturbo^, 1870, disturb, distress, embarrass 1900 timidus, a, um, (timor, 1257, timeo, S/[s), fearful C, V vereor^, 1121, fear ; (stand in awe of) angustiae^, 643, narrow pass (es) ; straits (difficulties) 68 BOOK I intercedS^, 589, intervene, exist (as relation between) ut, 199, 455, after "fear/' that not 1905 commode^, 1346, conveniently, easily supporto, (475? ini- 239, com- 953, trans- 1798), Iring up signum^, 1380, signal ; standard dictum, (dico, 63, dictio, 433, dicio, 1595), word; (cf. verbum, 1181, vox, 1660) V dicto audiens (36) sum, '' be hearkening to the word " = obey (+ dat. of person) ; (cf. pareo, 1438) Chapter 40 1910 animadverto^, 1109, notice; w. in (+ Sicc.}, punish convoco*, 960, call together C consilium, 54, = concilium, 1027, council ordo, dinis, m., row, layer; order, arrangevient ; position, rank adhibeo^, 1195, add; have present; invite, employ, exercise 1915 vehementer^, 1808, violently; severely incuso, (re- 1592; causa, 45), censure; (cf. reprehendo, 1196) V parsf, 741, direction quaero*, 1030, ask (about'), seek out C, V cogito^, 1686, consider 1920 cupide^, 896, eagerly appeto, (152, sup- 361, re- 1522), seek after ; {approach) cur, why ? (cf. quare, 821) temere, (cf. adj., 1630), rashly quisquam^, 11 24, any one, anything 1925 of6.cium, (opus, 144, + facio, 79), kindness; duty; (cf. benefi- cium, 656, meritum, 832) quidem, (cf. ne q., 939), indeed postulatum, (verb, 1600), request, demand aequitas, (aequo, 1326), (^evenness), fairness; (tranquillity); (cf. iustitia, 11 15) C condicio^, 1487, condition, terms; proposition 1930 perspicid, (de- 813, pro- 1272, conspicor, 1375), see through; ex- amine; perceive; (cf. cognosco, 51, disco, 815) repudio, 1, reject C quod2, 845, before si, but furor, rage, frenzy amentia, (mens, 1869), madness; folly C 59 CAESAR D. B. G. 1935 impell5, (pro- 908, re- 636; 577), drive forward; urge on: insti- gate tandem^, i355? ctt length ; in questions and commands, pray vereor^, 1121, fear, {stand in awe of) cHr^j 1922, why'? diligentia, diligence, care ( fulness) ; (cf. studium, iiii, ciira, 1682) 1940 periculum, 149, trial Gaius*, 1 129 C Marius, Ma'-ri-us C pello*, 577, drive, rout C, V laus, laudis, f ., praise, renown 1945 imperator*, (verb, 554, imperinm, 307), commander {-in-chief ) ; (emperor) ; (cf. princeps, 160, dux, 373, legatus, 107, prae- fectus, 1873) C mereo*, 710, deserve ; (sometimes deponent) C, V nuper^, 517, recently C, V servilis, e, (servus, 182, servitus, 715), servile, of the slave(s) C tumultus, 4, uproar ; uprising ; (confusion) 1950 aliquis^, 835, any one, anything ; some one, something usvis*, 1524, use ; practice, experience ; advantage; (need) disciplina, (disco, 815), instruction, knowledge ; training sublevo^, 978, lift; assist quantus^, 1020, hoiv much, how great; as (w. tantus) 1955 constantia, ^r/^ne5.9, steadfastness C aliquamdiu, (aliqui, 834, + diu, 862; cf. quam diii, 1021), for some time ; (cf. longe, 231) inermis, e, (also us, a, um : in, negative, -f- arma, 33), unarmed post(ea)*, 1227, afterward C, V armo*, 1, (arma, 33; inermis, 1957), arm; equip C, V 19i50 victor^, 1603, victorious C, V supero^, loio, surpass ; overcome ; survive denique"^, 12^^, finally congredior^, 1773, meet (in battle) ; (unite) plerumque, usually 1965 par*, 1484, equal (w. dat.) C, V adversus^, 1095, opposite ; unsuccessful diiiturnitas, (diu, 862, aliquamdiu, 1956), duration defatigo, 1, tire out, exhaust; (cf. defessus, 1357) C 60 BOOK I palus, udis, f., swamp 1970 potestas, 158, opportunity facio^, 1475, give potestatem facio + gen., give an opportunity 0¥ encountering dispergo, 3, rsi, rsus, (dis, 211, + spargo, scatter), scatter subito^, 1867, suddenly 1975 adorior^, 809, attack ratio^, 1477? plan, planning ; account ; reason consilium, ^/^, prudence ; scheming; (cf. insidiae, 819, dolus, 818) contra^, 1051, opposite, in opposition imperitus, a, um, (peritus, 1224), unskilled, inexperienced (+ gen. = in) ; (cf. insciens, 1106) 1980 sper5*, 418, Jiope C, V simulatio, (similis, 185, simul, ii^s), pretense, pretext angustiae*, 643, narrow pass(es) ; straits (difficulties) C arroganter, (arrogantia, 171 1), presumptuously; (cf. iusolenter, 860) officium^, 1925, kindness ; duty 1985 Leuci, the Leuci (Lii'-sl) subministro, 1, supply ; (cf . supporto, 1906, subveho, 945) matiirus*, 938, i^ipe; early C, V brevis*, e, short dicto audiens sum^, 1909, ohey (+ dat. of person) 1990 signum*, 1380, signal, standard C, V enim*, 868, for C, V quicumque^, 1635, whoever, ivhatever male, peius, pessime, (cf. adj., 113), badly, etc. C, V desum, (10, ab- 232, inter'- 926, ad- 954, prae- 964, super'- 1264, suh- 1360) , he away ; be wanting, fail ; (cf. absum, 232, neg- lego, 1760) 1995 aliqui^, 834, some, any facinus, noris, n., (cf. facio, 79, f actio, 1564), (deed); crime; (cf. scelus, 873) comperio^, 1236, ascertain avaritia, avarice C convinco, (vinco, 205), convict ; prove ; (cf. damno, 426 ; ostendo, 620, demonstro, 727, probo, 397) C 2000 innocentia, integrity C perpetuus^, 1752, continuous; wliole 61 CAESAR D. B. G. vita*, 968, life C, V felicitas, happiness ; good fortune, good luck ; (cf. fortuna, 732) C perspicio'^, 1930, see through; examine; perceive 2005 longus, no, distant C, V repraesento, 1, (praesens, 915), (bring before one) ; do immedi- ately quam (358) primum (1323), as soon as possible utrum — an, ivhether — or pudor^, 1880, (sense of) shame, modesty C, V 2010 officium^, 1925, kindness; duty valeo^, 993, be strong quod^, 845, before si, but praeterea^, 1725, besides decimus*, a, um, (decern, 20), tenth C 2015 dubito*, 1008, hesitate ; doubt C, V praetorius, a, um, (praetor, 1216), praetorian, (i.e., forming the generaVs body-guard) cohors*, rtis, f., (not from cohortor, 1328), cohort (tenth of a legion) C indulgeo, 2, Isi, Itum, favor; indulge (in), (+ dat.) ; (cf. faveo, 1078) V praecipue, (praecipio, 1246), especially; (cf. praesertim, 979, imprimis, 1689, maxime, 392, plurimnm, 404) C, V 2020 confido^, 1284, believe, trust (in) (+ dat. or inf.); rely (on) ( + dat. or abl.) Chapter 41 habeof , 1646, hold, deliver mirus^, 1730, strange, wonderful C, V in4, 340, in modusf, 1762, marmer ; (measure, size, number) 2025 converto*, 1286, turn (about); (alter) C, V mens*, 1869, inind, thought C, V alacritas, liveliness, eagerness; (cf. studium, 11 11) cupiditas*, 297, desire C infero, 327, inspire (into) 2030 [innascor, ci, natus sum, be born in, be engendered'] princeps^, 563, chief (ly) ; first C, V gratias (91) ago (27), express thanks C 62 BOOK I iudicium-, 434, trial; decision, judgment facio^ 1475, give 2035 paratus*, part, of 355, ready C, V confirmo*, 364, strengthen, establish, reassure, (assert^ C deinde^, 1324, then, next ordo"-^, 1913, row, layer; order, arrangement ; position, rank ago, 27, negotiate, arrange 2040 satisfacio^, 887, satisfy, make reparation umquam, (numqiiam, 629), ever summa-, 1504, total; supremacy; (chief point, part, etc.); gen- eral management satisfactio, (verb, 2040; contrast factio, 1564), apology ; repara- tion exquiro, (con- 1444, 1030), seek out; ask; (cf. peto, 152, appeto, 1921 ; quaero, 1030, rogo, 569, oro, 1187, obsecro, 1149, im- ploro, 1 591) 2045 quinquaginta*, L = J(9 V circuitus^, 1212, roundabout course ; circuit apertus*, 1372, open, unprotected C, V intermitto*, 1419, interrupt; cease; let pass Chapter 42 per se, on his part ; of himself, etc. 2050 quoniam*, 1734, since, inasmuch as Q, V propius, (comparative of 1309), nearer accedo-, iioi, approach, be added respuo, 3, ui, reject; (cf. repudio, 1931, reicio, 1319) condicio^, 1487, condition, terms ; proposition 2055 sanitas, reason C revertor*, 595, return C, V denego, (nego, 615), refuse; (cf. recuso, 1592) ultro, adv., (cf. ulterior, 551), of {one's) own accord poUiceor^, 883, promise 2060 postulatum*, 1927, request, demand pertinacia, (pertineo, 238), stubbornness C desisto*, 638, cease C, V dico*, 535, name C, V ultro (2058) citroque, (cf. citerior, 696, citra, 750), hither and thither, back and forth 63 CAESAR D. B. G. 2065 pedes*, ditis, m., (cf. pes, 151), foot-soldier V vereor^, 112.1, fear ; {stand in awe of) insidiae^, 819, ambush, ambuscade ; plots circumvenio*, 1374, surround ^ betray V uterque*, 171 7, each (of two), both C, V 2070 ratio^, i/^yy, planning ; account; reason interpono, (153, dis- 609, de- 857, pro- 989), interpose; let pass (= intermitto, 1419) ; passive, intervene tollo, 478, cancel, prevent salus*, 1452, safety C, V commodus, a, um, (adv., 1346, noun, 1757; cum, 59, + modus, 1762), convenient ; advantageous ; (cf. ex usu, 1525) 2075 st3ituo*, ysi, place ; determine, decide C, V detraho, (con- 1729), take away, remove ; take (+ de) ; (cf. tollo, 478) eo, 1363, upon them legionarius*, a, um, (legio, 108), legionary confido^, 1284, believe, trust (in} ; rely (on) 2080 impono, (153, inter-, etc., 2071), place (upon) amicus*, a, um, (noun, 29, amicitia, -^^z) , friendly C, V opus^, 1724, need, w. abl. — of factum, (facio, 79, f actio, 1564, f acinus, 1996), deed, action irridicule, without humor 2085 quidam^, 1542, certain (one), etc. polliceor*, 883, promise C, V praetorius^, 2016, praetorian C ecus, 73, knighthood, cavalry V rescribo, (con- 681, prae- 1770), (write back) ; re-enroll, transfer Chapter 43 2090 planities, ei, f., sing, only, level space, plain tumulus, mound, hillock terrenus, a, um, (terra, 1526), of earth V grandis, e, large; great; (cf. magnus, iii, ingens, 1859, amplus, 1835) V aecus, aequa, aecum, (aequitas, 1928, aequo, 1326), even; e^ual ; fair ; (tranquil) ; (cf. par, 1484, similis, 185) 2095 feref, 252, almost, about eo^, 1363, there, to that place ; there, in that place 64 BOOK I deveho, (sub- 945), carry down, convey [veho, (sub- 945, de- 2097), carry ; (cf. porto, 475, fero, 80, gero, 89)] V consisto^, 823, take a stand, halt; settle, rest 2100 colloquor*, 11 34, confer deni, ae, a, (decern, 20), ten each V initium*, 259, beginning C commemoro*, 829, mention ,C munus, neris, n., present ; {service, duty ; cf. officium, 1925) C, V 2105 amplius^, ij/^/^, further, any more; superl., most generously [amplus^, 1835, great, large; splendid, nohW] conting5'2, 1844, touch, reach ; impersonal, happen officium^, 1925, kindness, duty tribuo^, 812, attribute; bestoiv C 2110 doceo, 2, cui, ctus, teach, explain; inform; (cf. certiorem facio, 559, ostendo, 620, demon stro, 727) aditus, 4, (ad-eo), approach, access ; avenue of approach ; (oppor- tunity) ; (cf. adventus, 557) iustusf, a, um, (cf. nouns, 11 15, /^ii), just ; (regular); (cf. par, 1484, aecus, 2094) praemium*, (prae + emo, 974), reward; prize; (cf. munus, 2104) C, V consequor^, y86, pursue, overtake ; attain 2115 necessitudo, dinis, f., (necessarius, 720), (close') relationship ; in- timacy ; (cf. amicitia, 363, consuettido, 1614, affinitas, 1080, propincus, 1075) C intercedo^, 589, intervene, exist (as relation between) consultum, (cf. consilium, 54), decree (usually in combination senatiis consultum) C, V quotiens, (quot, 1500), interrog., how often; (correlating with totiens [= as often'], as) C, V honorificus, a, um, (honor, 1086, + facio, 79), honorable; (cf. amplus, 2106) 2120 in3, 370, /or ut, 199, 455, 1904, in indirect questions, how prius — quam, = priusquam, 161, before appeto*, 1921, seek after ; (approach) consuetude*, 1614, habit, custom ; companionship C 2125 non modo*, 937, not only C F 65 CAESAR D. B. G. deper'do, (de-per-do ; cf. red- 1746 and list there; also circum'- 1845), lose ; (cf. amitto, 1471) dignitas*, standing, rank ; (cf . honor, 1086, gloria, 336 ; ordo, 1913) c auctus, a, um, part, of augeo^, 1055, increased vero^, 749, truly; but 2130 affero, ferre, attuli, allatus, (80, dif- 223, in- 327, ef- 485, con- 952, per- 1006, prae- 1007, re- 1358), bring to; contribute; report; allege; occasion; (cf. nuntio, 547; afficio, 332 ; ad- duce, 298, t'ribuo, 812) eripio^, 444, rescue, (take away) patior^, 532, permit ; endure deinde^, 1324, then, next mandatum*, 1733, instruction ; message C, V 2135 remitto, (118, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028, ad- 1237, e- 1352, inter- 1419, a- 1471, per- 1546, de- 1652), send back, re- store; relax, give up; (cf. reddo, 1746, trado, 195, effemino, 237) at, but, yet; (cf. sed, 179, autem, 335) amplius^, i'j^/[, further, any more; superl., most generously Chapter M virtiis, 250, ability, merit ; (cf . meritum, 832) praedico^, 1862, proclaim, declare 2140 sponte^, 644, of (one's) own accord C, V rogo*, 569, ask C, V arcesso^, 1570, summon propincus^, 1075, kinsman V sedes*, 1611, seat; dwelling place C, V 2145 stipendium^, 1781, tribute victor, (adj., 1603, victoria, 858, verb, 205), victor, conqueror impono*, 20^0, place (upon) V contra, 105 1, prep. + ace, against, opposite supero*, loio, surpass ; overcome ; survive C, V 2150 iterum^, 158 1, again experior^, 1636, make a trial of (it) ; '•'see'' decerto, 1, have a combat or contest ; fight it out ; (cf . piigno, 169, contend©, 254) utor, 200, employ, exercise; avail (one' s) self of ; enjoy 66 BOOK I inicus, qua, cum, (in, neg., + aecus, 2094), uneven; unequal; unfair, disadvantageous; (opposites: commodus, 2074, iustus, 21 12) 2155 stipendium^, 1781, tribute recuse*, 1592, refuse C pendo^, 1783, weigh out, pay V ornamentum, (equipment) ; honor, distinction ; (embellishment) ; (cf. honor, 1086, dignitas, 2127) C detrimentum, loss ; (defeat) ; (cf . incommodum, 805, casus, 769, calamitas, 772) C 2160 remitto^, 2135, send back, restore ; relax, give up dediticius^, 1454, surrendered man subtraho, (con- 1729, de- 2076), take away ; withdraw; (cf. tollo, 478, subduco, 1242, detraho, 2076) V libenter, gladly [impugno, (169, op- 498, ex- 717, re- mo), attack ; (cf. op- 498, aggredior, 756, adorior, 809)] 2165 testimonium, (testis, 891, testamentum, 1894), evidence; proof; (cf. indicium, 419) C numquam*, (non n., 629, umquam, 2041), 7iever C, V egredior, 1459, go forth, (disembark) ; [w. ace, go beyond'] cur^, 1922, why ? possessio*, 724, possession ; plu., property C 2170 sicut, (sic, 1826, + ut, ^55), Just as C sic*, 1826, so, thus C, V inicus^, 2154, uneven; unequal; unfair, disadvantageous interpello, 1, (pro- 908, re- 636, im- 1935; 577), disturb; (cf. lacesso, 912, intermitto, 141 9) imperitus^, 1979, unskilled ; inexperienced (+ gen. = in) 2175 contenti5, (contendo, 2S^), struggle ; dispute; (cf. proelium, 163, pugna, 1335) C utor^, 2153, employ, exercise; avail (one^s)selfof; enjoy debeo*, 718, owe ; ought; (perf. part., due) C, V siispicor, 1, (suspicio, 454; con- 1375; see 1930), suspect; be- lieve simul5, 1, (simulatio, 1981, similis, 185, simul, 1135), pretend 2180 opprimo, (ex- 1661), overwhelm, crush; attack (unexpectedly) = adorior, 809 deced52, 1609, depart, withdraw 67 CAESAR D. B. G. deduce, (67, ad-, in- 298, con- 442, per- 606, e- 686, tra- 704, ab- 716, sub- 1242, re- 1462, circum- 1831), lead away; lead down regio*, (cf. rex, 1605, regnum, 296, rego, rule, direct), (direc- tion) ; district, quarter C, V pro, 162, 333, AS 2185 quod^ 845, before si, but interficio*, 100, kill, slay C nobilis, is, m., (adj., 290, nobilitas, 300), noble gratus, a, um, (gratia, 91, gratulor, 1517), pleasing ; acceptable (w. dat.) C, V comperio^, 1236, ascertain 2190 redimo^, 1049, buy back, redeem ; buy up ; procure C, V decedo^, 1609, depart, withdraiv C, V liber*, era, erum, (adv., 1033, noun, 714, libertas, 1012, liberali- tas, 1042), free C remuneror, 1, (munus, 2104), repay quicumque^, 1635, whoever, whatever 2195 labor*, (laboro, 1561), striving ; toil; (cf . contentio, 2175 ; opus, 144) C,V Chapter 45 sententia, (sentio, 1024), opinion; purport; (sentence) negotium^, 1731, business ; undertaking ; difficulty, task patior*, 532, permit ; endure C, V bene*, melius, optime, well, etc. C, V 2200 desero, 3, rui, rtus, abandon; (cf. relinquo, 173; decedo, 1609, discedo, 893) potius, comp. ; super., potissimum, (from adj., potis, able; cf. possum, 156, potens, 415, potentia, 1064, potestas, 158, po- tior, 308), rather ; most preferably Ruteni*, Rii-te'-ni Quintus*, (abbrev., Q.), (cf. ordinal, 540), Quin'-tus (a praeno- men), (cf. A., 545, C, 1129, L., 543, M., 293, P., 1221, T., 676) C Fabius, Fa'-bi-us 2205 Maximus (in), Max'-i-mus C ignosco, 3, novi, notus, (cog- 51), pardon (w. dat.) ; (cf. con- don o, 1 1 94) 68 BOOK I redigo, (ago, 27, co- 52), reduce; render; bring (back); (cf. redtico, 1462, refero, 1358, restituo, 1087) stipendium*, 1781, tribute C quod*, 845, before si, but C, V 2210 anticus"^, 1085, old, ancient, former C, V quisque^ 484, each specto^, i^^,face; regard V iudicium^, 434, trial ; decision, judgment C, V observe, 1, watch; heed; (cf. animadverto, 1109, intueor, 1653, conspicor, 1375) V Chapter 46 2215 propius, 2051, nearer, here w. ace. as if prep., cf. prope, 1249 tumulus^, 2091, mound, hillock C, V accedo^, iioi, approach; be added adequito, 1, (ecus, 73, equitatus, 72, eques, 71, equester, 1094), ride up (to) lapis, idis, m., stone 2220 telum*, 635, (thrown) loeapon C, V conicio^, 1404, cast; drive loquor*, 1205, speak C, V reicio^, 13 19, throw back, drive back ; (reject) ^ etsi, (et, adv., even, + si, 183), although; (cf. cum, 60) 2225 deligo*, 374, choose C, V per, 148, because of on disregarding, in violation of fides, /[lo, faith ; confidence; protection: 11 14, good faith, loy- alty posteaquam*, 1572, after C vulgus^, 1 1 74, common people, common soldiers 2230 effero, 485, spread abroad C, V axxoganiidi^, 1^11, presumption interdico, (63, in- 1540, dictio, 433, dicio, 1595, dictum, 1908), prohibit ; order out of ( + dat. of person and abl. of thing) ut^, 2121, how dirimo. (emo, 974, co- 359, red- 1049), break off; (cf. intermitto, 1419, interpello, 2173, tollo, 2072) V 2235 alacritas*, 2027, liveliness, eagerness studium^, II 1 1, eagerness; zeal, devotion; (study) 69 CAESAR D. B. G. inicio, (de- 621, re- 1319? dis- 1331, ob- 1402, con- 1404, sub- 1409, pro- 1433), cast upon, place upon; cast at; inspire into Chapter 47 biduum^, 1263, two days iterum*, 1581, again C, V 2240 minus, 233, not aliquis^, 835, any one, anytJiing ; some one, something pridie^, 1280, on the day before retineo*, 1029, keep (back) C, V quin^, ^03, from; see 1702 2245 conicio^, 1404, cast; drive ferus*, 1574, ivild, savage V obicio^, 1402, throw in the way, throw up; expose; oppose C, V commodus^, 2074, convenient ; advantageous Procillus*, 1 132 2250 Caburus, Ca-bu'-rus virtus^, 2138, ability, merit C, V humanitas'^, 230, refinement C adulescens, entis, m., (adulescentia, 1161), youth, (often applied to men of 30 or 40) Flaccus, riae'-eus C 2255 civitas, 49, citizenship C dono, (con- iig^^) , present C, V fides^, 1 1 14? good faith, loyalty C, V lingmi*, 217, tongue, language C,V scientia*, (scio, 178), knowledge C 2260 longincus, qua, cum, (longus, no, longe, 231, longitude, 341) distant ; long-continued ; (cf. diuturnus, 878) in, w. abl., 98, 380, in the case of pecco, 1, err; do wrong C una*, 491, along, together C, V Melius*, Me'-ti-us 2265 hospitium^, 1587, hospitality, (guest friendship, entertainment') c,v utor^, 2153, emptloy, exercise; avail (one's) self of ; enjoy mando*, 758, entrust, commission C, V 70 BOOK I conspicio, (de- 813, pro- 1272, per- 1930, conspicor, 1375, sus- 2178; noun, 712; specto, 275), observe; (cf. obseryo, etc., 2214) conclam5, 1, shout out 2270 quid, adv., (pronoun, 4), loliy ; (cf. ciir, 1922, quare, 821) C an, 2008, whether ; or ; often best untranslated (cf. -ne, 127) speculor, 1, (related to words in 2268), spy C, V catena, chai?i ; (cf. vinculum, 422) coniciof, 1404, cast; drive Chapter 48 2275 promoveo, (122, per- 351, com- 790, re- 1128, sub- 1386), 7nove forward subf, 1208, ace, up to {the foot of) ; abl., at the foot of consido*^, 1209, sit together; settle; encamp postridie^, 1261, on the morrow praeter, 474, past C, V 2280 ultra, prep. w. ace, (ulterior, 551; iiltro, 2058, 206/^) , beyond ; on the other side of commeatus^, 1727, supplies; (trip) supporto^, 1906, bring up intercludo^, 1283, shut off ex-, 950, after 2285 continuus, a, um, (contineo, 262), (continuous), successive pro, 162, 333, 2184, before produGO, (67, ad-, in- 298, con- 442, per- 606, e- 686, tra- 704, ab- 716, sub- 1242, re- 1462, circum- 1831, de- 2182), lead forth ; prolong acies*, 1243, edge (of vreapon), keenness; battle-line; (pitched battle) -C, V instruo^, 1244, arrange; equip 2290 potestas*, 1970, opporturiity C, V desum^j 1994? be away ; be ivanting,fail cotidie^, 928, daily genus, neris, n., race, tribe ; Jcind, class ; (cf. modus, 1762) exerceo, 2, cui, citus, (exercitus, 75, exercitatus, 1790, exercitatio, 1S61), practice, train ; (employ; administer) 2295 totidem, (toti, so many + dem, just ; cf. i-dem, 9), just as many velox*, ocis, swift V 71 CAESAR D. B. G. copia^ 961, number singuli, 507, individual verso, 1, (related to adverto, 1293, etc.), turn; busy, engage V 2300 versor, 1, (pass, of 2299), be engaged ; be durus, a, um, hard; severe; (stern) ; (cf. gravis, 1150, difficilis, 504) C,V concurro, (ac- 1238, oc- 1709; noun, 634), gather, rush; rally to one's aid; (encounter) decid5, (ac- 833, 904), /a// do2vn,faU off V circumsist5, 3, steti, (de- 638, con- 823, sub- 910, re- 1387), stand around, rally around; surround; (cf. circumvenio, 1374) 2305 quo, (cf. pronoun, 2), a7iy where prodeo, (70, ex- 303, sub- 479, trans- 496, red- 15 12), go forward, advance; (cf. proficiscor, 164, procedo, 1817) QXQXQ.\tdiiio^, iZQi, practice, training ; experience C celeritas*, (celeriter, 46), quickness; speed; (cf. alacritas, 2027) iuba, 7nane V 2310 sublevo^, 978, lift ; assist cursus, 4, (concurro, etc., 2302), running; speed; course; voy- age adaequo, (aequo, 1326), (make) equal; keep up ivith Chapter 49 diu*, 862, (for a) long (time) C, V comxaeaiivLS*, 1727, supplies ; (trip) C 2315 ultra^, 2280, beyond ; on the other side of V consido*, 1209, sit together ; settle ; encamp V idoneus*, 97, ft, suitable C instruo*, 1244, arrange; equip C, V secundus^, 875, second ; prosperous, favorable 2320 eof, 1363, there, to that place ; there, in that place expeditus^, 514, unimpeded, light armed terreo*, (de- 999, per- logg) , frighten V munitio^, 633, fortif cation, (hitrenchment) ; (line of defense) setius, comp. adv., (positive secus; related to sequor, 181), the LESS 2325 nihilo (460) setius, none the less ; (cf. nihilo minus, 460, tamen, 587) 72 BOOK I propulso, 1, (pello, 577, propello, 908), keep driving off, keep off; (cf. prohibeo, 165, repugno, mo) C Chapter 50 institutum^, 221, {national) custom paulum, adv., (paulatim, 1696; pauci, 902), a little; (cf. parve, 233) pr5gredior, (ag- 756, e- 1459, con- 1773), advance, proceed ; (cf. proficiscor, 164, prodeo, 2306, procedo, 181 7) 2330 faciof, 1475, give tum^, 985, then prode52, 2306, go forward, advance C, V meridies, ei, m., (medius, 1300, + dies, 64), midday, noon demum^, 986, at last 2d35 acriter^, 1391, sharply, fiercely utrimque, (pronoun, 171 7), on each side, on both sides usque, all the way, even, " clear " sol*, 278, sun C, V occasus solis^, 287, sunset, the west 2340 infero^, 864, inflict accipio^, 1584, suffer [quamobrem, interrog. or rel., quam, i, 5, ob, 141, res, 174, "on account of which (what) thing," therefore ; why ; (cf . quare, 821, qua de causa, C. 1, qua ex parte, 328, C. 2, itaque, 102 ; cur, 1922, quid, 2270)] C decerto'2, 2152, have a combat or contest; fight it out mater (1066) familiae (435), matron C 2345 sors, rtis, f ., lot vaticinatio, (vaies, prophet, caMO, predict), prophesy declare, 1, (clarus, clear), proclaim; prove; (cf. demonstro, 727, probo, 397, confirmo, 364, ostendo, 620, indico, 1540, de- sign©, 1023, niintio, 547, effero, 2230) C, V utrum — necne, (utrum — an, 2008), whether — or not ex usu^, 1525, of use; to the advantage 2350 fas, n., (only nom. and ace. sing.), (fatum, 1889), destiny; right, lawful, permitted, as if adj.; (cf. lex, 222, ius, 411, iustitia, 1115, aequitas, 1928; iustus, 2112, aecus, 2094, par, 1484; oportet, 428) C, V luna*, moon V 73 CAESAR D. B. G. Chapter 51 postridie*, 1261, on the morrow alarii, orum, (ala, iving), allies, allied troops; (cf. socius, 187, auxilia, 39) pro^, 2286, hefore 2355 pro^, 333, for, in proportion to valeo^, 993, he strong species, ei, f., (in plu. only nom. and ace), (conspicio, etc., 2268, speculor, 2272), appearance ; show Hsque^, 2337, all the way, even, " clear " accedo*, iioi, approach; he added 2360 turn*, 985, then C, V demum^, 986, at last C, V necessario*, 1019, unavoidahly C generatim, (genus, 2293), hy tribes ; (hy classes) Marcomani, Mar-c6m'-a-ni 2365 Triboci*, (or es), Tri'-b6-9i Vangiones, Van-gi'-o-nes Nemetes, Nem'-e-tes Sedusii, Se-dii'-si-i raeda^, 1405, (four-wheeled Gallic) wagon 2370 circumdo^, iZ^^$, put around, surround eo^, 2077, upon them C mulier^, 1502, looman pando, 3, dl, passus, (passus, 343), spread out, stretch out fleo^, 1 182, weep V Chapter 52 2375 singuli^, 507, 2298, one hy one ; separate ; individual quaestor*, (related to quaero, 1030), questor, quartermaster-general (serving as paymaster also) C praeficio^, 677, place over, put in command of (w. dat.) testis^, 891, witness C, V quisque*, 484, each C, V 2380 a^ 1287, on, in dexter, tra, tnim, (dextra, 1183), right cornii*, 57, horn ; loing (of an army) V firmus^, 416, strong, stable animadverto^ 1109? notice ; w. in (+ ^cc), punish 74 BOOK I 2385 acriter^, 1391? sharply, fiercely repente, (repentinus, 789), suddenly; (cf. subito, 1867, de im- proviso, 807, celeriter, 46) procurro, (ac- 1238, oc- 1709, con- 2302), run forward V pilum^, i32g, Javelin reicio^, 13 19, throw aside 2390 comminus, adv., (manus, 114), 7ia?ul to hand af"^, 2136, hut, yet ex, 1543, according to excipio^, 1389, taJce up, capture; receive; meet complures*, 625, (rt good) many C 2395 insilio, 4, silui, (salio, leap), leap upon scutum^ 1338, shield revello, (e- 1344), tear aicay ; pull out desuper, adv., (de, 247, supra, 1306; cf. sn23erus, 692, superbe, 1620, siipero, 1010), from above V a^, 1287, on, in 2400 sinister, tra, trum, (sinistra, 1345). left vehementer*, 1808, violently ; severely C premo, (ex- 1661, op- 2180), press; press hard; (cf. perseqnor, 801, insequor, 899, lacesso, 912 ; pass. = laboro, 1561) animadverto*, 1109, notice; w. in (4- slcc), punish C adulescens^, 2253, the younger 2405 expedio^ 514, disentangle, get ready ; 'pavt., free, unimpeded, light- armed C, V inter^, 1791, icithin C, V versor-, 2300, he engaged ; he laboro-, 1561, st?^ive {for) ; he anxious; he in distress subsidium, (sedes, 1611. consido, 1209; circiimsisto, etc., 2304), reserve {force); aid; (cf. auxilium, 39; praesidium, 608) Chapter 53 2410 restituo^, 1087, restore, {reneio) tergum, hack vert5, (a- 947, animad- 1109, con- 1286, ad- 1293, reverter, 595; verso. 2299, 2300; adversiis, 1095), turn prius — quam*, 2122, &e/bre C, V fugio, (pro- 1598, per- 1442 ; fnga, 725, fugitivus, 1275, perfuga, 1464), ^ee; fee from, avoid ; (cf. me recipio, 726) 75 CAESAR D. B. G. 2415 perpauci*, 511, very few vis, 207, pill., strength c5nfido^ 1284, believe, trust (in) ; rely (on) trano, 1, swim across V linter^, 744, skiff 2420 invenio, (circum- 1374, 201, con- 538, per- 553 ; conveDtus, 1032, ad- 557), come upoji ; find; find out; (cf. reperio, 1035; cognosco, 51, disco, 815; coiispicio, 2268, animadverto, 1109, intueor, 1653, observo, 2214) [pario, 3, peperi, partus, pariturus, (re- 1035, com- 1236), hring forth ; produce ; gain'] C, V inf, 380, among, in the land of navicula, (navis, 126, trano, 2418), little boat ; (cf. linter, 744) deligo, 1, (contrast deligo, 3, 374), "bind from," bind to, tie (to) 2425 nanciscor, 3, nactus sum, happen upon; meet with; (cf. invenio, 2420, reperio, 1035; occurro, 1709; consequor, 786; accido, 833) profugio^, 1598, escape consequor*, 786, pursue, overtake ; attain C, V uxor 2, 1072, wife Sueba, (Suebi, 1802), Swebian (woman) 2430 natio*, (related to natiira, 311), nation, people ; (cf. genus, 2293, populus, 155, ci vitas, 49) C Noricus^, 495, Norican Voccio, onis, Voe'-cio duco, 650, marry ; see nubo, etc., 1077 pereo, (trans- 496, 70, ex- 303, sub- 479, red- 1512, prod- 2306; aditus, 2111), perish; (cf. cado, 904, pass, of interficio, 100, occido, 576, concido, 757 ; mortem conscisco, 459 ; morior, 451) 2435 occido^, 576, slay custos^, 1203, guard C, V trini, ae, a, (quini, 924, seni, 925, tres, 13, tertius, 216, triplex, 1 301), three (each), triple catena^, 2273, chain vincio, 4, vinxi, vinctus, (cf. vinculum, 422 ; contrast vinco, 205), bind ; (cf . deligo, 2424) C, V 2440 traho, (con- 1729, de- 2076, sub- 2162), draw; drag; lead; (cf, duco, 67) C, V 76 BOOK I insequor^j 899, pursue [persequor^, 801, pursue^ C incido, (ac- 833, 904, de- 2303; casus, 769), fall into, fall upon; happen upon ; (cf. nanciscor, 2425, invenio, 2420, occurro, 1709) quidem'-, 1926, indeed 2445 voluptas, (volo, 209; voluntas, 570) , pleasure C, V a.fieYb'^, 2120, bring to ; contribute; report; allege; occasion honestus, a, um, (honor, 1086, honorificus, 21 19), honorable, icorthy ; (cf. nobilis, 290, bonus, 41, amplus, 2106) C familiaris*, iiss, J^ersonal friend, intimate friend C hospes, pitis, c, (hospitium, 1587), guest; host V 2450 eripio^, 444, rescue, take away restituo'^, 1087, restore, (i^enew) C, V gratulati5, (gratulor, 1517, gratas, 2188, gratia, 91), congratula- tion ; rejoicing C quisquam^, 1124, any one, anything deminuo^, 1084, lessen; take aicay (from) C 2455 ter, adv., (tres, 13, tertius, 216, trini, 2437, triplex, 1301), three times C, V sors2, 2345, lot C, V consulo, 3, lui, sultus, (consilium, 54, concilium, 1027, consul- turn, 2117, consul, 55, consulatus, 1737), deliberate ; consult c,v utnim — an^, 2008, whether — or statim, (related to insto, gsj) , forthwith ; (cf. repente, 2386) 2460 nec5, 1, (nex, g6g), put to death; (cf. interficio, 100, occido, 576, concido, 757, mortem conscisco, 459) inf, 370, for reserve, (ob- 2214; servus, 182, servitiis, 715, servilis, ig^S), keep (back) ; (cf. retineo, 1029) incolumis, e, unhurt, safe; uni?npaired Chapter .54 Ubii*, U'-bi-i 2465 proximus, 167, here w. ace. as if prep., cf. propius, 2215, prope, 1249 senti52, 102^, feel; perceive insequor^, 899, pursue 77 CAESAR D. B. G. occido*, 576, slay C aestas, summer 2470 mature^, 1708, early, speedily paulo, adv., abl. form of paulum, 2328, (by) a little hiberna^, 685, winter quarters deducS^, 2182, lead away ; lead down praep5no, (153, dis- 609, de- 857, pro- 989, inter- 2071, im- 2080), put in charge 0/ (+ dat.) ; (cf. praeficio, 677) C 2475 conventus^, 1032, assembly, court C, V ago, 27, 2039, conduct Book II : Chapter 1 2477 [hibernal 685, ivinter quarters'] ita uti^, 1S05, just as supra^, 1306, above; before 2480 demonstro*, 727, shoiu, explain C creber, bra, brum, (thick) ; repeated ; crowded, numerous ; (cf . continuus, 2285, confertus, 1318) rumor*, report, rumor ; (cf. nuntius, 1427) C, V affero^, 2130, bring to ; contribute; report; allege; occasion C, V littera*, 1426, letter C 2485 contra*, 2148, against, opposite, (w. ace.) C, V coniur5, 1, (coDiuratio, 299; iuro, 412), (take oath together); conspire, plot vereor*, 1121, fear, (stand in awe of) C, V pac5*, $iS, 2)0 cify, subjugate C, V deinde*, 1324, then, next C, V 2490 sollicito, 1, instigate, tempt; (disturb); (cf. incito, 446, induco, adduco, 298, persuadeo, 150, commoveo, 790, permoveo, 351) partim, (pars, 145), partly versor^, 2300, be engaged ; be hiemo^, 684, winter 2494 inveterasco, 3, avi, (vetus, 804), (grow old) ; become established C 2500 moleste, with difficulty ; (cf. aegre, 792, vix, 505) C moleste fero (80), be displeased C mobilitas, (moveo, 122), changeableness ; quickness, activity levitas, (lightness) ; fickleness C studeo^, 653, be eager (for), (w. dat.) 78 BOOK II 2505 conduce*, 442, gather facultas*, 583, opportunity, ability, {supply; plu., means, re- sources) C vulgo^, 1893, commonly ; everywhere C, V Chapter 2 ineo, (sub- 479, eo, 70, ex- 303, trans- 496, red- 15 12, prod- 2306, per- 2434; initium, 259), go into, enter ; begin; (cf. initium capere, 260, coepi, 50) aestas*, 2469, summer C, V 2510 deducof, 2182, lead away ; lead down Pedius, Ped'-i-us pabulum^, g^o, fodder V incipio, (sus- 376, ac- 394, re- 499, de- 839, prae- 1246, ex- 1389, capio, 42), begin; (cf. coepi, 50, ineo, 2508, initium capere, 260) C, V negotium.^, 1731, business ; undertaking ; difficulty, tax 2515 Senones, um, Sen'-o-nes constanter, persistently vero^, 749, truly ; but quin^ 403, (but) that [provideo, (204, di- 211), foresee ; provide (for), see to; (take care) ; (cf . paro, comparo, 355) ] Chapter 3 2520 (de) improviso^, 807, unexpectedly (V) O'pinio, belief , idea ; impression; reputation; expectation; (cf . sen- tentia, 2196) Remi*, the Re'-mi ; sing., one of the Remi Iccius*, Ic'-ei-us Andebrogius, An-de-bro'-gi-us 2525 primi*, orum, m., (primus, 159), foremost men, leaders; (cf. princeps, 160, dux, 373, magistratus, 449) V consentio, (1024; consensus, 1545; sententia, 2196), agree; unite; (cf. iungo, 623) C coniiiro^, 2486, conspire, plot imperatum, (impero, 554, imperator, 1945, imperium, 307), the thing commanded ceterus*, 1650, {the) other C, V 79 CAESAR D. B. G. 2530 iuvo^ 1429, help C, V cis, w. ace, on this side of; (cf. citra, 750; ultra, 2280, trans, 196) furor% igss J rage, frenzy C, V Suessiones*, the Suessiones (Swes-si-o'-nes) consanguineus^^ 721, kinsman V 2535 utor*, 2153, employ, exercise; avail (one's) self of ; enjoy deterreo^, 999, intimidate ; prevent quin^, 1^02, from (translating subjunctive as gerund) consentio'^, 2526 Chapter 4 quantus^, 1020, how much, how great ; as (w. tantus) 2540 plerique, plu. adj. or subst., (plerumque, 1964), the most of the(ni), very many orior^, 272, arise, (sfai^t) ; be descended antiquitus, adv., (anticus, 1085, ante, 32, 385), informer times fertilitas, productiveness expello*, (pro- 908, ini- 1935; inter- 2173; re- 636, 577), drive out C, V 2545 solus, 1031, only one C, V vexo^, 856, molest intra*, 1676, within C, V ingredior, (ag- 756, e- 1459, con- 1773, pro- 2329), enter; (cf. ineo, 2508, subeo, 479) C, V spiritus^, 1710, breath; plu., airs, conceit C, V 2550 sumo*, 592, take, exact, assume exploro, 1, (relation to imploro, 1591, remote; cf. explorator, ']/fi),find out; reconnoiter ; (cf. speculor, 2272, quaero, 1030, invenio, 2420, and synonyms there) propinquitas, (cf. propincus, 977, 1075, propinqua, 1076, prope, 12^0^) , nearness ; kinship; (cf. necessitudo, 2115) affinitas^, 1080, relationship (by marriage) quantusf, 1020, hoiv much, how great; as (w. tantus) 2555 pliirimum valeo*, 994, be very strong Bellovaci*, the Bel-15v'-a-9i conficio, 366, furnish; (colligo, 1341, comporto, 953, confero, 952, cogo, 52, conduco, 442) eligo, (de- 374, Intel- 669, col- 1341, neg- 1760), choose 80 BOOK II ferax, acis, (fero, So), fertile; (cf. fertilitas, 2543) 2560 possideo'^, 1726, ^ cum (60) — turn (985), not only — hut also ; (cf. et — et, 322) Britannia, Britain Galba, Gal'-ba priidentia, sagacity C, V 2565 defero, (80, dif- 223, in- 327, ef- 485, con- 952, per- 1006, prae- 1007, re- 1358, af- 2130), bring down; give over; report; (cf. nuntio, 547, demon stro, 727, ostendo, 620) totidem*, 2295, just as many V Nervii*, the Ner'-vi-i Atrebates*, um, the At-re-ba'-tes Ambiani, the Am-bi-a'-ni 2570 Morini, the Mor'-i-ni Menapii, the Me-na'-pi-i Caleti, the Cal'-e-ti Veliocasses, the Vel-i-o-eas'-ses Viromandui, the Vir-o-man'-du-i 2575 Aduatuci*, the Ad-u-at'-ii-^i Condrusi, the C6n-drii'-si Eburones, um, the Eb-ti-ro'-nes Caerosi, the Caerosi (Se-ro'-si) Caemani, the Caemani (Sem'-a-ni) 2580 arbitror, 339, estimate C Chapter 5 liberaliter, (liber, 2192, hbere, 1033, liberalitas, 1042), graciously ; generously ; (cf. largiter, 1063) prosequor, (181, con- 786, per- 801, in- 899), follow up, pursue ; accompany; honor diligenter, (diligentia, 1939), carefully magnopere^, 811, 1820, very much; zealously 2585 doceo^, 21 10, teach, explain; inform quanto (1020) opere (144), how greatly C inter'sum^, 926, intervene ; impers., he to the interest (of, gen.) ; have apart in (+ dat.) distineo, (194, per- 238, ob- 258, con- 262, re- 1029, abs- 1254, sus- 1297), keep apart ; keep away a 81 CAESAR D. B. G. c5nfligo, 3, ixi, ictus, contend; (cf. pugno, 169, contendo, 254, bello, 329, congredior, 1773) C, V 2590 introduce, (67, ad- 298, in- 298, con- 442, per- 606, e- 686, tra- 704, ab- 716, sub- 1242, re- 1462, circum- 1831, de- 2182, pro- 2287), lead (into) populor*, 705, lay waste, ravage V (not dep.) Axona, ae, m., Aisne (An) exter(us')*, 271, outside; outer; outmost, furthest, last C, V maturo^, 548, hasten C, V 2595 tutus, a, um, safe efficio^, 1847, complete, fonn ; render; accomplish pars*, 314, side ; also 328, etc. C, V Titurius Sabinus*, Ti-tu'-ri-us Sa-bi'-nus vallum^, 1 40 1, rampart 2600 fossa^, 605, ditch, trench Chapter 6 Bibrax, actis, f., Bi'-brax aegre^, 792, ivith difficulty ; (superl., iv. greatest difficulty) sustento, 1, endure, withstand ; support ; (cf . f ero, 80, patior, 532, sustineo, 1297) oppugnatio, (oppugno, 498), (method of) attack 2605 circumicio, (de- 621, re- 1319, dis- 1331, ob- 1402, con- 1404, sub- 1409, pro- 1433, in- 2237), place around moenia, ium, (munio, 611), walls, fortifications ; (cf. miirus, 124, vallum, 1 401) lapis^, 2219, stone iacio, 3, ieci, iactus, (circum-, etc., 2605), throw, cast; construct; (cf. perduco, 606; statuo, 731; mitto, 118) defensor, (defendo, 706), defender 2610 nudo, 1, (niidus, 1353), uncover; leave unprotected testudo, dinis, f ., (tortoise) ; (movable shed) ; shield-formation V porta, (porto, 475), gate succedo*, 1322, (go under) ; approach ; (stand next) ; succeed c,v [succendo, (in- 473), set fire to ; (cf. cremo, 430, comburo, 476)] 2615 subruo, 3, rui, utus, undermine consists^, 823, take a stand, halt ; settle, rest subsidium^, 2409, reserve (force) ; aid 82 BOOK II submitto, (ii8, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028, ad- 1237, ^- 1352, inter- 1419, a- 1471, per- 1546, de- 1652, re- 2135), (let down) ; send (secredy) ; supply Chapter 7 de, as in 752, in, during 2620 medius*, 1300, (iyi) the middle {of), (in) the midst (of) Numidae, Nii-mid'-i-ans Cretae or Cretes, um, Cretans Sagittarius, archer funditor, slinger , 2625 Balearis, e, Bal-e-ar'-ie, (i.e. from the Balearic Isles) subsidium^, 2409, reserve (force) ; aid oppidanus, (oppidum, 143), townsman defensio, (defendo, 706, defensor, 2609), defense studium*, mi, eagerness ; zeal, devotion; (study) C, V 2630 propugno, (169, op- 498, ex- 717, re- mo, im- 2164), go forth to fight ; drive the enemy away paulisper, (paulum, 2328, paulo, 2471), for a little while ; (con- trast paulatim, 1696) depopulor*, 705, lay waste, ravage quo, (612, 830, 2305), RELATIVE, where, to which; interroga- tive, where; (cf. ubi, 197, qua, 506) adeo, (in-, etc., 2508, aditus, 2111), approach; attack; (enter upon); (cf. accedo, iioi, aggredior, 756, appeto, 1921, ado- rior, 809) 2635 a, ab, (24), adv., away, off fumus, smoke V significo, 1, (signum, 1380, facio, 79), indicate pateo*, 348, extend, be open (of lands) C, V Chapter 8 primo*, 1571, at first C, V 2640 eximius, a, um, unusual; (cf. egregius, 1113) C opinio^, 2521, belief, idea; impression; reputation; (expecta- tion) supersedeo, (pos- 1726, consido, 1209, sedes, 161 1), refrain (from) ; (cf. abstineo, 1254) cotidie*, 928, daily C 83 CAESAR D. B. G. periclitor, 1, (periculum, 149, 1940), make trial (of) ; {endanger) ; (cf. experior, 1636) C 2645 inferior (274), inferior prof, 2286, before opportunus*, 1535, advantageous collis*, 1 24 1, hill V paululum, (paulum, 2328, paulo, 2471 ; paulatim, 1696 ; paulis- per, 2631), a very little 2650 planities*, 2090, level space, plain editus, a, um, part, of edo, 1626, rising, elevated; (cf. altus, 28) tantum (1188) — quantum (cf. 1020), so much — as C adversus (1095), in front exf, 313, on 2655 delectus, 4, (deicio, 621), slope, declivity lateris delectus, lateral declivities inf, 340, in; also 528, toward frons, ontls, i., front; {forehead) lenlter, (lenitas, 738), gently 2660 fastigatus, a, um, sloping paulatim*, 1696, gradually V trans versus, a, um, (verto, 2412), cross-, at right angles V fossa*, 605, ditch, trench obduco, (67, Intro- 2590, etc.), {draw before) ; extend (trans.) V 2665 extremus (271), the end{s) of castellum^, 610, outpost, redoubt, fort tormentum, hurling machine ; {torture) tantum*, 1188, so much; gen., of so much ivorth C, V tantum possum (like plurimum p., 405, minimum p., 1160), he so strong 2670 abf, 1287, on, in proxlme^, 1309, last quo^, 2305, anyivhere opus,3 1724, need, w. abl. = of subsldlum*, 2409, reserve {force) ; aid C Chapter 9 2675 palus^, 1969, swamp aggredlor^, 756, attack 84 BOOK II neuter, tra, trum, g. neutrius, (ne, 8io, uter, either, 740), neither (of two) ; ^\vl., neither party secundus*, 875, second; prosperous, favorable C, V protinus, at once ; (cf . statim, 2459) V 2680 Axona^, 2592, Aisne vadum*, $21, ford, shoal V is*, 826, this C, V castellum*, 610, outpost, redoubt, fort V expugno^, 717, storm, take by storm 2685 interscindo, (re- 556), break down minus^, 2240, not Chapter 10 levis, e, (levitas, 2503), light; (swift}; (trivial); (antonym, gravis, 1150) annatura, (arma, 33, armo, 1959), armor Numidae^, 2621, Numidians 2690 funditor^, 2624, slinger Sagittarius^, 2623, archer acriter*, 1391, sharply, fiercely C aggredior*, 756, attack V per^, 853, by (means of), (by, in swearing) 2695 repello*, 636, drive back C, V de, as in 903, of C, V expiigno^, 717, storm, take by storm fallo, 3, fefelli, falsus, deceive, disappoint ; elude ; (cf . decipio, 839, circumvenio, 1374) inicus^, 2154, uneven; unequal ; unfair, disadvantageous 2700 progredior^, 2329, advance, proceed deficiS, (inter- 100, af- 332, con- 366, per- 399, prae- 677, satis- 887, commone- 1136, pro- 1819, ef- 1847, 79), /a^7; revolt; (cf. desum, 1994, absum, 232, neglego, 1760) introduco*, 2590, lead (into) C potius^, 2201, rather ; superl., most preferably C, V alienus^, 900, another's, unfavorable, foreign 2705 decerto^, 2152, have a combat or contest, fight it out domesticus, a, um, (domus, 66), household; (native); local; (civil) ; (cf. privatus, 471) C copiaf, 941, supply 85 CAESAR D. B. G. sententia.^, 2ig6, opinion ; (purport; sentence) quoque^, 248, also 2710 ratio, 1477, consideration deduce, 2182, lead, bring appropinquo, 1, (propincus, 977, 1075, propinquitas, 2552), draw near ; (cf . adeo, etc., 2634) Chapter 11 strepitus, 4, din ; rattling tumultus*, 1949, uproar; uprising ; (confusion) C, V 2715 egredior^, 1459, go forth, (disembark) ordo*, 1913, row, layer; order, arrangement ; position, rank C, V propero, 1, hasten ; (cf . maturo, 548, contendo, 254) facio, 79, 785, 1475, cause consimilis, e, (similis, 185), very similar 2720 statim^, 2459, forthwith speculator, (speculor, 2272), spy ; (cf. explorator, 746) C insidiae^, 819, ambush, ambuscade ; plots perspicio^, 1930, see through; examine; perceive Pedius^, 25 1 1 2725 Aurunculeius Cotta*, Aurunculeius Cotta (A-run-cu-le'-yus) praeficio*, 677, place over, put in command of C, V subsequor, (181, con- 786, per- 801, in- 899, pro- 2582), follow closely adorior^, 809, attack prosequor^, 2582, follow up, pursue ; accompany ; honor 2730 iugio*, 2/[i/^, flee ; flee from, avoid C, V concido^, 757, slay, cut off extremus^, 2665, the end(s) of consistSf, 823, take a stand, halt; settle, rest fortiter*, (fortis, 85, fortitudo, 337), bravely; [cf. cum virtute (250)] C 2735 prior, ius, (comp. of primus, 159; cf. prius — quam, 2122), former; in front; (first, like adv.) necessitas, (uecessario, 1019, necessarius, 976, 720, necessitiido, 211$), necessity ; urgency exaudio, (audio, 36), hear (distinctly) C, V clamor, shout (ing) ; (cf. strepitus, 2713) perturbo^, 1870, disturb, distress, embarrass 86 BOOK II 2740 sub, w. ace, 189, 1208, towards, shortly before occasus solis*, 287, sunset, the west C, V me recipio**, 726, "recover (one's) self," betake (one's) self, retreat C, V Chapter 12 terror, (terreo, etc., 2322), dread ; (cf. timor, 1257) Noviodunum, N^o-vi-o-dii'-num 2745 vacuus, a, um, (vaco, 1478), empty, stripped (+ ab = of) ; (idle) ; (cf. nudus, 1353) defensor*, 2609, defender V expugno*, 717, storm, take by storm vinea, siege shed ; (cf. testudo, 261 1) ago (27, 2039, 2476), advance 2750 agger, eris, m., (cf. gero, 89), mound ; materials for mound iacio*, 2608, throw, cast ; construct C, V turris, is, f ., ace. im or em, abl. i or e, (siege) tower audio (36), HEAR OF celeritas*, 2308, quickness ; speed C 2755 permoveo*, 351, arouse ; influence C deditio*, 1432, surrender C conservo, (ob- 2214, re- 2/^62), pi^e serve Chapter 13 Galba2, 2563 Bratuspantium, Brat-us-pan'-ti-um 2760 maior natu, maximus natu, older; eldest; plu. comp., elders; (cf. maior, 814 ; from magnus, 11 1 : cf. vetus, 804) natii, (abl. of 4th decL, other cases wanting), birth V egredior*, 1459, go forth, disembark; (also 2167) C, V tend5, 3, tetendi, tentus or tensus, (con- 254, os- 620), stretch C, V significo*, 2637, iridicate 2765 mulier*, 1502, woman C pando^, 2373, spjread out, stretch out V Chapter 14 discessus*, 4, (discedo, 893), departure ; (cf. profectio, 371) C, V verba (1181) facio (79, 1475), speak; (cf. dico, 63, loquor, 1205) C 87 CAESAR D. B. G. Aeduus, a, um, (noun, 388), Aeduan 2770 im.-^Qllo'^, K^'iS, drive forward ; urge on; instigate redigo^, 2207, reduce ; render ; bring (hack) indlgnitas, (dignitas, 2127), c^f^^race contumelia^, 847, mistreatment deficio^, 2701, fail; revolt 2775 Britannia*, 2562, Britain profugio*, 1598, escape C dementia, mildness; mercy ; (cf. lenitas, 738) mansuetiido, dinis, f., gentleness, kindness in (98), toward 2780 amplifico, 1, (deficio, etc., 2701 ; ampins, etc., 2106), ex- tend C Opis^, 1 163, ability ; aid ; plu., wealth, resources incido^, 2443, fall into, fall upon ; happen upon C, V sustento^, 2603, endure, icithstand ; support C Chapter 15 cSnservo^, 2757, preserve 2785 praesto^, 305, excel; show ; (also looi, 1003) posco^, 1443, demand V Ambiani^, 2569 mora, (moror, 121), delay dedo, (tra- 195, ab- 761, pro- 825, e- 1626, red- 1746, circum- 1845, de-per- 2126, do, 65 ; deditio, 1432, dediticius, 1454), surrender; (^devote) 2790 attingo^, 265, touch, reach aditus^, 21 1 1, approach, access; avenue of approach; (^opportu- nity) vinum*, (cf. vinea, 2748, arbor), wine C, V luxuria, self-indulgence C relanguesco, 3, gui, become enfeebled 2795 remitto^, 2135, send back, restore ; relax, give up increpito, 1, censure; taunt; (cf. incuso, 1916, reprehendo, 1196) ded52, 2789 patrius, a, um, (pater, i^j), paternal, native C, V proicio^, 1433, throw forward ; cast aside 2800 condicio*, 1487, condition, terms; proposition C BOOK II Chapter 16 invenio^, 2420, come upon ; find ; find out C, V Sabis, is, m., Sam'-bre amplius^, 1744? further, any more; super!., most generously; (subst., 923, more) experior^, 1636, make a trial of (it) ; " see " 2805 Aduatuci^, 2575 per^, 2226, because of; (disregarding, in violation of) aetas, age inutilis, e, (utor, 200, tisus, 1524), useless qu5^, 2633, rel., ivliere, to ivhich ; interrog., where 2810 palus*, 1969, swamp V aditus*, 21 1 1, approach, access; avenue of approach; opportu- nity C, V Chapter 17 dediticius, adj., (n. 1454), surrendered quidam*, 1542, certain (one), etc. C perspicio*, 1930, see through ; examine ; perceive C 2815 singulij. 507, (2298), one hy one; separate; individual impedimenta (1^17), piles or loads of baggage intercedo"^, 589, intervene, exist (as relation between) C quisquam*, 11 24, any one, anything C negotium^, 1731, business; undertaking; difficulty, task 2820 sarcinae^, 1313, soldiers' packs adorior^, 809, attack diripio, (e- 444; rapina, 918), tear asunder ; plunder; (cf. Yasto, 713, populor, 705) C, V contra^, 1051, opposite, in opposition adiuvo^, 1429, help C, V 2825 defero^, 2565, bring down ; give over ; report antiquitus'^, 2542, informer times nihil possum, (tan turn possum, etc., 2669), be not at all strong neque enim (868), and (so) for — not, for indeed — not; (cf. nam que, 1822) C studeo^, 653, be eager (for), (w. dat.) 2830 quisquis, quicquid or quidquid, (quis, 2), subst. indefinite, who- ever, whatever C pedester, tris, tre, (pedes, 2065, pes, i<,i), foot-, infantry- 89 CAESAR D. B. G. valeo (993), rely upon (+ abl.) C, V quo^, 612, "by which/' in order that praedor, 1, plunder ; (cf. diripio, etc., 2822) 2835 tener, era, erum, tender V arbor, oris, f., tree incido, (oc- 576, con- 757; contrast incido, 2443), cut into, notch C,V inflecto^, 1343, lend V creber^, 2481, (thick) ; repeated ; crowded, numerous 2840 in^, 2779, toward in latitndinem, " toward the width," laterally ramus, hranch V enascor, (in- 2030) , sprout rubus, hramhle, hlacTcherry-hush 2845 sentis, is, m., thorri-bush V intericio, (de- 621, circum-, etc., 2605), put between, plant between; intersperse ; (pass., intervene) efficio^, 1847, complete, form; render; accomplish instar, indeclinable, likeness; (size) V saepes, is, f., hedge 2850 miinimentum, (munio, 611, miinitio, 633, moenia, 2606), defen- sive work praebeo, 2, bui, bitus, (prae + habeo, 92; cf. pro- 165, ad- 1195), offer, furnish ; (cf. subministro, 1986) quo^, 2633, rel., where, to which ; interrog., where intro, 1, (inter, 99, 1791), enter; (cf. subeo, 479, ineo, 2508, ingredior, 2548) V iter^, 617, passage C, V 2855 omitto, (118, sub-, etc., 2618), leave out; neglect; (cf. relinquo, 173, neglego, 1760) C Chapter 18 summum, (superus, 692, summa, 1504), top aequaliter, (aecus, 2094, aeqnitas, 1928, aequo, 1326), evenly declivis, e, sloping (down) ; (cf. fastigatus, 2660) Sabis^, 2802, Sambre 2860 supra^, 1306, above ; before nomino, 1, (nomen, 134, nominatim, 1496), name; (cf. appello, 220, voco, 208, dico, 535) C 90 BOOK II vergo^ 269, he situated acclivitas, (declivis, 2858), (^upward) slope ; (cf. deiectus, 2655) nascor, (in- 2030, e- 2843 ; natii, 2761), be horn, produced, raised, found (metals, etc.) ; arise; rise; (cf. orior, 272) 2865 adversus^, 1095, opposite ; unsuccessful ; (2653, in front) contrarius, a, um, (contra, 2148, 1051), opposite, on the other side infimus, a, um, (274, 2645), the bottom of the, the base of it silvestris, e, (silva, 184), icooded C introrsus, adv., (cf. introduco, 2590, intro, 2853 ; part, of verto, 2412), icithin 2870 in occulto'-, 1554, in secret, in concealment secundum'^, 1685. following ; along; besides static, (statuo, 731), guard (post), picket ; (cf. praesidium, 608, custos, 1203) Chapter 19 subsequor^, 2^2^, follow closely ratiof, i^yy, plan, planning ; account; reason 2875 aliter, (alius, 214), otherwise me habeo (92), be C, V ^c (391), in comparisons of equality, as; of difference, than defers^, 2565, binng down ; give over; report appropinquo*, 2712, draw near C 2880 expeditus*, $i^,free, unimpeded, light-armed inde^, 700, thence, from there, after that proxime*, 1309. last claudo-, 1366, close, shut (iri) funditor^, 2624, slinger 2885 Sagittarius*, 2623, archer transgredior, (ag- 756, e- 1459, con- 1773, pro- 2329, in- 2548), cross ; (cf. transeo, 496) identidem. (idem, 9), again and again; (cf. semel atque iterum, 1582) riirsus^, 1376, again porrigo, 3, rexi, rectus, (pro, 2286, + rego, direct), stretch out; (cf. pertineo, 238, tendo, 2763, pateo, 348) V 2890 cedo, (prae- 251, con- 579, inter- 589, dis- 893, ac- iioi, sue- 1322, de- 1609, pro- 1817), yield ; withdraw; (cf. me recipio, 726, fugio, 2414) C, V 91 CAESAR D. B. G. insequor**, 899, pursue V dimetior, 4, mensus sum, measure off abd53, 761, hide (often reflex.) lateo, 2, tui, be hidden, lurk ; escape notice 2895 convenio^, 1780, impers. or with res or pron. subj., he fitting, he agreed upon C, V subito^, 1867, suddenly provolo, 1, fly forth, rush forth proturbo, (per- 1870), drive before (one) decurro, (ac- 1238, oc- 1709, con- 2302, pro- 2387), run down 2900 adverse (1095, 2653) colle (1241), " the hill (being) in front," up hill occupatus*, (part, of 384), occupied, busy C, V Chapter 20 vexillum, standard, banner propon53, 989, set before (+ dat.), set forth; disclose; present insigne^, 1240, distinctive sign, badge; signal; uniform 2905 concurro^, 2302, gather, rush; rally to (one's) aid; encounter tuba, trumpet; (cf. cornii, 57) V revoco, (208, con- 960), recall, call away paulo^, 2471, (by) a little agger^, 2750, mound ; materials for mound 2910 'procedb*, iSiy, advance ; continue V arcesso^, 1570? summon brevitas*, (brevis, 1988), shortness incursus, 4, (decurro, etc., 2899), assault; (cf. impetus, 1251, oppugnatio, 2604) [successus, 4, (succedo, 1322), approach*; (cf. aditus, 211 1, ad- ventus, 557)] V 2915 difacultas*, (difficilis, 504), difficulty; trouble; (cf. negotium, 1731, labor, 2195) C superior (6g2), former exerceo^, 22g/[, practice, train; (employ; administer); exercita- tus, 1790, experienced, etc. C, V commode^, 1346, conveniently, easily doceo*, 21 10, teach, explain; inform C, V 2920 singuli, 2298, (507) ; also, respective veto, 1, tui, titus, forbid ; (cf . prohibeo, 165, interdico, 2232) V 92 BOOK II propinquitas^, 2552, nearness, kinship per se^, 2049, on Ms part ; of himself, etc. videor (529), ^ee/Tz good, seem best 2925 administro, 1, manage ; (cf . gero, 8g) Chapter 21 fors, abl., forte, f., (cf. fortiina, 732), chance; (cf. casus, 769, sors, 2345) offer5, ferre, obtuli, oblatus, (de-, etc., 2565), offer, present ; bring ; (cf. fero, 80, ostendo, 620, obicio, 1402) decurro*, 2899, run doivn V deveniO; (201, con- 538, per- 553, circum- 1374, in- 2420), come down ; reach 2930 pristinus^, 806, previous neu = neve, 1749, or that not, and that not ; 1428, or lest, or perturbo*, 1870, disturb, distress, embarrass C quo^, 2633, rel., where, to which ; interrog., where adigo, (ago, 27, redigo, 2207, cogo, 52), drive (to); {push for- ward) ; hurl ; (bind [by an oath] ) ; (cf . adduce, 298, affero, 2130; iacio, 2608, mitto, 118) 2935 [adicio, (de- 621, circum-, etc., 2605, inter- 2846; 2608), cast; add~\ occurro^, 1709, run to, encounter, oppose (w. dat.) ; present (it) self (to the sight, mind) ; rush exiguitas, scantiness, shortness ; (cf. inopia, 1431, brevitas, 2912) dimico, 1, contend, fight ; (cf. piigno, 169, contendo, 254, con- . fiigo, 2589, congredior, 1773, proelium committere) insigne^, 1240, distinctive sign, badge; signal; uniform C, V 2940 accommodo, 1, (commode, 1346), adjust, suit galea, helmet V induo, 3, ui, utus, put on Y scutum*, 1338, shield V tegimentum, (tectum, 1792), covering 2945 detraho^, 2076, take away, remove ; take ( 4- de) [detrudo, 3, usi, usus, push off; (dislodge)'] V desum*, 1994, be aivay ; be wanting, fail C, V casus^, 769, chance, accident ; disaster devenio'^, 2929, come down ; reach V 2950 conspicio*, 2268, observe C, V 93 CAESAR D. B. G. dimitto**, 1028, send away, send out; dismiss; let go, let pass c,v Chapter 22 delectus^, 2655, slope, declivity necessitas*, 2736, necessity ; urgency C ratio^, 2710, consideration ; also 1477 2955 diversus, a, um, (verto, 2412, adversus, 1095), different, various ; (turned different ways) ; separate ; (conflicting) ; (cf . con- trarius, 2866) aliae alia^, 1876, one, one — another, another resisto*, 1387, resist, withstand (+ dat.) ; halt C saepes^, 2849, hedge densus, a, um, thick, dense; (cf. creber, 2481, confertus, 1318) 2960 intericio^, 2846, put between, plant between ; intersperse ; pass., in- tervene prospectus, 4, (prospicio, 1272), view V opus*, 1724, need, w. abl. = of C, V provideo^, 2^,1^, foresee ; provide (for), see to; (take care) administro^, 2925, manage 2965 iniquitas, (inicus, 2154, aequitas, 1928), unevenness ; disadvan- tage, unfairness, injustice quoque*, 248, also C, V eventus, 4, (venio, 201), outcome, result varius, a, um, different, manifold ; (cf . diversus, 2955) C, V Chapter 23 nonus*, a, um, (novem, 19), ninth V 2970 sinister^, 2400, left pilum*, 12,2.^, javelin emitto^, 1352, send forth, discharge (weapons) ; let go, let fall c,v cursus*, 231 1, rwnnm^; speed; course; voyage C, V lassitudo, dinis, f ., fatigue 2975 exanimo, 1, (animus, 30), re/iflfer 5rea?7iZes5; (terrify); (kill) conficioft, 366, accomplish, complete; (compose, write down); exhaust obvenio, (201, de-, etc., 2929), encounter; (be assigned); (cf. occurro, 1709) 94 BOOK II COmpello, (pro- 908, ex-, etc., 2544)^ drive (together); (gather); (cf. cogo, 52) C, V inicus*, 2154, uneven; unequal; unfair, disadvantageous C, V 2980 progredior*, 2329, advance, proceed C, V rursus^, 1376, again redintegro^, 1378, renew diversus^, 2955, different, various ; (turned different ways) ; sepa- rate ; (conflicting) undecimus*, a, um, (unus, decern, undecim = 11), eleventh 2985 octavus*, a, um, (octo), eighth profligo, 1, (confligo, 25Sg) , overthrow ; (overwhelm); (cf. vinco, 205, pello, 577, deicio, 621, supero, loio) C Viromandui^, 2574 congredior*, 1773, meet (in battle) ; (unite) V proelior, 1, (proelium, 163), mti\, battle, Jight ; (cf. pugno, 169, contendo, 254, confligo, 2589, congredior, 1773, proelium committere [all these usually intr.]) 2990 at*, 2136, but, yet C, V frons^, 265S, front ; (forehead) sinister^, 2400, left V nudo*, 2610, uncover ; leave unprotected V dexter^, 2381, right 2995 duodecimus*, a, um, (duodecim, 467), twelfth confertus^, 1318, dense, crowded together ; (stuffed) Boduognatus, Bod-u-6g-na'-tus summa^, 1504, total ; supremacy; (chief point, part, etc.) ; general management Chapter 24 levis2, 2687, light ; (swift) ; (trivial) C, V 3000 armatiira''^, 2688, armor adversus, 1095, 2653, coming toward (one) occurro^, 1709, run to, encounter, oppose; present (it)self; rush rursus*, 1376, again C, V calo, onis, m., camp-follower, soldier^s servant 3005 decumanus, a, um, (decimus, 2014), pertaining to the tenth (co- hort) porta (2612) decumana, rear gate (of a camp) victor^, 1603, victorious 95 CAESAR D. B. G. praedor^, 2834, plunder respicio, (de- 813, pro- 1272, per- 1930, con- 2268, conspicor, 1375, suspicor, 2178), look hack (at) ; consider C 3010 versor^, 2300, be engaged ; he praeceps, cipitis, (caput, 43), headlong, hasty ; steep simuP, 1 135, at the same time clamor*, 2738, shout(ing) C, V fremitus, 4, din ; (cf. strepitus, 2713) 3015 orior*, 272, arise, (start ; he descended) V alii — aliam^, 1876, one, one — another, another Treveri (1795), of the Treveri opini5^, 2521, helief, idea; impression, reputation; (^expectation) singularis, e, (singuli, 507), single; extraordinary, matchless; (cf. eximius, 2640, egregius, 11 13) 3020 compleo"^, 1312, Jill, (cover) premo^, 2402, press ; press hard calo^, 3004 funditor*, 2624, slinger Numidae^, 2621, Numidians V 3025 dispergo^, 1973, scatter [diversus^, 2955, different, various ; turned different ways ; sepa- rate ; conflicting'] C, V dissipo, 1, spread ahroad, disorganize C res^, 877, fortune, property Chapter 25 cohortatio, (cohortor, 1328), encouragement 3030 dexter*, 2381, right V urgeo, 2, ursi, press (hard) ; (force) ; (cf . premo, 2402, cogo, 52) confertus^, 1318, dense, crowded together ; (stuffed) signifer, eri, m., (signum, 1380, fero, 80), standard-bearer amitto*, 1471, lose C, V 3035 primipilus, (primus, 159), chief centurion Sextius Baculus, Sex'-ti-us Bac'-u-lus vir*, 206, man C, V tardus, a, um, slow V ab^, 267, on the side of; or 1287, on, in 3040 desero*, 2200, abandon C, V 96 BOOK II excedo, (cedo, etc., 2890), withdraw; (cf. dis- 893, de- i6og, re- linquo, 173, desero, 2200) frons*, 26sS,f7^ont; (forehead) C, V infemsf, 274, below, lower, etc. ; also 2645, 2867 subeo (479), come up (to) 3045 insto^, 957, approach, impend angustus^, 338 ; (here as subst., narrow place = critical condition) submitto^, 2618, (let down) ; send (secretly) ; supply detraho^, 2076, take away, remove ; take ( + de) nominatim^, 1496, by name ; in detail 3050 signa infero^, 1382, charge manipulus, (manus, 11/^), maniple (third of di cohort) , company laxo, 1, loosen; deploy; relax V quo*, 612, " by which," in order that infero^, 2029, inspire (into) C, V 3055 redintegro*, 1378, renew res, 174, thing, fact, matter; oy ZyT, fortune, property C, V Opera, (cf. opus, 144, and 1724), aid ; services ; labor C navo, 1, perform (with diligence) cupio*, 1079, desire ; wish well (to, dat.) C, V 3060 paulurn^, 2328, a little tardo, 1, (tardus, 3038), retard, delay ; (cf. impedio, 754, moror, 121) C, V Chapter 26 iuxta, adv., (iungo, 623), near by ; (also prep. w. ace.) V urgeo^, 3031, press (hard) ; (force) V signa conversa infero^, 1383, turn and charge 3065 incito^, 446, arouse ; accelerate conspicor^, 1375, observe calo^, 3004, camp-follower, soldier's servant locus (109), state C, V versor^, 2300, be engaged ; be C Chapter 27 3070 commutation, 871, change procumbo, 3, ubui, bitus, fall doicn, lie dozen ; lean ; (cf . cado, 904) innitor, (nitor, 820), lean on, (w. abl. of means) H 97 CAESAR D. B. G. calo^, 3004, camp follower ; soldier's servant conspicor^, 1375, observe 3075 inermis^, 1957? unarmed occurro*, 1709, run to, encounter, oppose; iwesent (it)self; rush c,v vero^, 749, truly, hut turpitude, dinis, f., (turpis, 1694), disgrace; (cf. indignitas, 2772) C deleo, 2, evi, etus, destroy ; efface C 3080 [quo^, 2633, wliere, to which ; ivhere f] praefero^, 1007? carry before ; place before ; prefer C, V praesto^, 305, excel; show ; (looi, 1003) cado^, 904, fall {in battle) iaceo, 2, cui, (iacio, 2608), lie {prostrate) C, V 3085 insisto, (con- 823, sub- 910, re- 1387, de- 638, circuin- 2304), step upon ; stand ; pursue, prosecute deicio^, 621, cast down {from) ; disappoint {in) coacervo, 1, heap up cadaver, eris, n., (cado, 904), dead body super'sum^, 1264, be left, remain; survive 3090 tumulus*, 2091, mound, hillock intercipio, (sus- 376, in-, etc., 2513), intercept remitted 2135, send back, restore; relax, give up nequiquam, in vain V ascendo^, 1219, climb to, climb up C, V 3095 subeo^, 479, undergo, encounter; go under, enter; (3044) C, V ex (69, 313, 423, 950, 1413, 1525, 1543, 2392), instead of redigo^, 2207, reduce ; render ; bring (back) Chapter 28 facio^, 785, complete, finish prope^, ^249, near{ly) 3100 internecio^, 824, {complete) slaughter, annihilation C gens, gentis, f., race, nation ; tribe, clan ; (cf. populus, 155, natio, 2430, familia, 435, genus, 2293) redigo*, 3097 maior natu^, 2760, older ; eldest ; plu. comp., elders aestuarium, salt marsh 3105 conicio (1404), gather {hurriedly) 98 BOOK II victor*, 2146, victor, conqueror C, V tutus*, 2595, safe C, V super'sum*, 1264, he left, remain; survive C, V consensus^, 1545, agreement 3110 ded5^, 2789, surrender ; (devote) senator*, (senatus, 180), senator ; (cf. magistratus, 449, consul, 55, praetor, 1216, tribunus, 1872, quaestor, 2376, princeps, 160, primi, 2525, eques, 71) C vix^, 505, with difficulty, hardly redigo^, 2207, reduce ; render ; bring (back) miser*, 1662, wretched C, V 3115 supplex, licis, (suppliciter, 1434, supplicium, 11 18), suppliant, humble C, V iitor (2153), show misericordia, (miseror, 1874, miser, 1662), pity, compassion ; (cf. dementia, 2777) C dlligenter*, 2583, carefully C conservo*, 2757, preserve C Chapter 29 3120 Aduatuci^ 2575 supra*, 1306, above, before [scribo, (con- 681, prae- 1770, re- 2089), ivrite'] C cunctus, a, um, (cf. coniungo, 1812), entire, all ; (cf. omnis, 142, totus, 306) C, V egregie, (adj., 1113), excellently ; (cf. praesertim, 979, praecipue, 2019) 3125 circuitus^, 1212, roundabout course ; circuit rupes, is, f., rock, cliff V deiectus^, 2655, slope, declivity [despectus, 4, (despicio, 813), lookout; outlook'] leniter^, 2659, gently 3130 acclivis, e, (acclivitas, 2863, declivis, 2858), sloping (up); (cf. fastigatus, 2660) amplius^, iy/[/[, further, any more; subst., more, 923 duplex, licis, (duo, 12 ; supplex, 31 15), twofold, double pondus, deris, n., (cf. impendeo, 510), weight V saxum, stone; rock; (cf. rupes, 3126) 3135 praeacutus, a, um, (prae, 251), sharpened (on the end) 99 CAESAR D. B. G, trabs, bis, f., team, timber prognatus, a, um, (nascor, 2864, in- 2030, e- 2843), sprung, de- scended citra^, 750, on this side of depono^, 857, lay aside, put away 3140 ciistodia, (custos, 1203), guard ; {guarding) ; (cf. praesidium, 608) obitus, 4, (ob, 141, eo, 70), death; destruction; (cf. mors, 458, internecio, 824) V exagito, 1, (ago, 27), harass; (censure) ; (cf. vexo, 856) alias, adv., (alius, 214), at another time alias — alias, at one time — at another 3145 consensus^, i545j agreement C domicilium*, 1531, residence C Chapter 30 creber^, 2481, (thick) ; repeated; croioded, numerous C, V excursio, (excurro; ac- 1238), dash (for attack) C parvulus, a, um, (parvus, 146), very little, insignificant C, V 3150 vallum*, 1401, rainpart circuitus*, 121 2, roundabout course, circuit V circummunio, (611, com- Qii), fortify around, invest vinea^, 2748, siege shed ago^, 2749, advance 3155 agger^, 2750, mound, materials for mound exstruo, (in- 1244), ^i7e up; build turris*, 2752, (siege) tower V procul, adv., /a?' off, at a distance; (cf. longe, 231) irrideo, 2, risi, sus, jeer, laugh at V 3160 increpito^, 2796, censure ; taunt V machinatio, machine a2, 2635, away, off instituo^, 889, train ; arrange (for), start quinam, quae-, quod-, [interrogative adj. pron., cf. qui, 5], what, pray ? ivhich, pray ? C 3165 vis^, 2416, plu., strength praesertim^, 979, especially tantulus, a, um, (tantus, 192), such small ; (cf. parvulus, 3^49) statura, (praesto, 305), height, stature; (cf. altitiido, 603) plerumque^, 1964, usually 100 BOOK II 3170 prae (251), in comparison tvitJi C, V contemptus, 4, (^object of) contempt onus, neris, n., iceight; burden; load, cargo; (cf. pondus, 3133) confido*, 1284, believe, trust (in) (+ dat.) ; rely (on) (+ dat. or abl.) C, V Chapter 31 vero^ 749, truly, but 3175 inusitatus, a, um, (utor, 200, fisus, 1524), unusual species^, 2357, appearance ; sliow ad^, 1765, after, in; (cf. quern ad uiodum, 1763) opis^, 1 163, ability ; aid ; plu., wealth, resources C, V [divinus, a, um, (deus, 62), divine; superhuman'] C, V 3180 machinatio'^, 3161, machine promoveo^, 2275, move forward deprecor, 1, (preces, 981), beg for (as a) favor; beg deliverance (from); (cf. peto, 152, rogo, 569, oro, 1187, obsecro, 1149, imploro, 1591) fors^, 2926 ; abl., adverbially, by chance pro, 162, 333, 2184, 2286, in accordance with 3185 dementia-, 2777, mildness ; mercy C mansuetudo^, 2778, gentleness, kindness C audio*, 2753, hear of C, V Aduatuci^ 2575 ne*, 810, not (w. imperative and optative subj.) C 3190 despolio, 1, deprive ; rob invideo, (204, di- 211, pro- 2519), envy (sometimes + dat.) V praesto-, 1003, be better ; (also 305, looi) casus^, 769, chance, accident ; disaster ; dilemma, predicament deduce^, 271 1, lead, bring C, V 3195 quivis, quae-, quod-, (qui, 3, rolo, 209), any — whatever; (cf. ali- qui, 834) cruciatus*, 1562, torture C dominor, 1, (domus, 66), intr., rule; (cf. impero, 554, praesum, 964, iubeo, 104) V Chapter 32 meritum^, 832, desert (s) C, V aries, ietis, m., (ram) ; battering-ram 101 CAESAR D. B. G. 3200 attingo^, 265, touch, reach dedo*, 2789, surrender ; (devote) C in^, 2261, in the case of dediticius^, 1454? surrendered man prope^, 1249, near(ly) 3205 agger*, 2750, mound ; materials for mound V acervus, (rel. to acriter, 1391), heap C, V adaequo^, 2312, (make) equal; keep up with celo, 1, conceal; (cf. abdo, 761, occulto, 1455) porta*, 2612, gate 3210 patefacio, (79, de-, etc., 2701, ampli- 2780; pateo, 348; passive like fio, 321), open; (reveal) ; (cf. pando, 2373) utorf, 2153, employ, exercise; avail (one's) self of ; enjoy Chapter 33 sub^, 2740, towards, shortly before C, V claudo^, 1366, close, shut (in) oppidanus^, 2627, townsman 3215 accipio*, 1584, suffer C, V ineo^, 2508, go into, enter; begin denique^, 1256, at least C, V indiligenter, (diligenter, 2583), carelessly servo, (ob- 2214, re- 2462, con- 2757; servus, 182), save; icatch; maintain 3220 credo, (tra- 195, de-, etc., 2789), trust; believe; (cf. existimo, 76, puto, 580, arbitror, 339; confido, 1284) partim^, 2491, j)ar% C celo^, 3208, conceal V cortex, ticis, c, bark V vimen, minis, n., pliant twig ; (cf. ramus, 2842) V 3225 intexo, 3, xui, xtus, iveave (in) V subito*, 1867, suddenly C, V exiguitas^, 2937, scantiness, shortness pellis, is, f., skin, hide ; leather tent; (cf. tabernaculum, 1888) induco (298), (overlay) ; cover C, V 3230 qua*, 506, " by which way," ivhere C, V arduus, a, um, steep; (lofty); (difficult); (cf. praeceps, 3011? difficilis, 504, altus, 28) V munitio*, 633, fortification, (intrenchment) ; (line of defense) 102 BOOK II ascensus^, 1213, ascent V repente^, 2386, suddenly C, V 3235 [repentino, (repentinus, 789), suddenly'] eruptio, (perriimpo, 632), dash, sally ; (cf. excursio, 3148) significatio, (significo, 2637), sign, signal; (cf. signum, 1380, in sign e, 1240) C concurro^, 2302, gather, rush; {rally to aid), encounter c5nsisto (823), depend (in + abl. = upon) 3240 reicio^, 1319? throw back, drive hack; (reject) C, V refringo, (per- 1330, frango, 1586), hreak open intromitto, (118, sub-, etc., 2618, ob- 2855), send (in), let (in) sectio, booty iiniversus, a, um, (una, 491, verto, 2412), all, whole ; (cf. totus, 306, omnis, 142, ciinctus, 3123) 3245 vendo, (tra- 195, de-, etc., 2789, ere- 3220, venum, sale), sell emo2, 974, buy caput 2, 1505, person Chapter 34 Veneti*, Yen'-e-ti Venelli*, Ve-nel'-li 3250 Osisml, O-sis'-mi Coriosolites, um, ace. as, Cor-i-6-s61'-i-tes Esuvii, E-sii'-vi-i Aulerci, Aw-ler'-9i Redones, um, Ked^-o-nes 3255 maritimus*, a, um, (mare, 115), maritime; sea- C attingo*, 265, touch, reach C, V dicio^, 1595, sway V redigo*, 2207, reduce ; render ; bring (back) C Chapter 35 barbarus, (adj., 1575), savage, barbarian, native 3260 opinio^, 2521, belief, idea ; impression ; reputation ; expectation imperatum*, 2528, (the) thing commanded Illyricum, Il-lyr'-i-cum propero^, 2717, hasten V ineo^ 2508, go into, enter; begin 3265 Carnutes, um, Car'-nii-tes 103 CAESAR D. B. G. Andes, ium, Anodes Turoni, Tii'-ro-ni propincus^, 977, near hiberna*, 685, winter quarters C, V 3270 [hibernacula, orum, winter-tents] ex^, 2392, according to supplicatio, (supplex, 31 15, suppliciter, 1434, supplicium, 11 18), thanksgiving decerno, 3, crevi, etus, decree ; vote ; decide ; (cf . constituo, 352, statuo, 731) Book III: Chapter 1 Servius, Ser'-vi-us, abbreviated Ser. 3275 Galba*, 2563, (not same man) Nantuates*, um, Nan-ttL-a'-tes Veragri, Yer'-a-gri Seduni, Se-du^-ni Alpes*, 688 C 3280 portorium^, 1046, (customs) duties patefacio'2, 3210, open ; (reveal) C, V hiem5*, 684, winter aliquot, indecl., (alius, 214, quot, 1500), several; (cf. non nuUi, 520) facio^, 785, complete, Jinish 3285 Octodiirus, Oe-to-dti'-rus valles, is, f., valley ; (contrast vallum, 1401) adicio^, 2935, cast; add vacuus^, 2745, empty, stripped ( + ab = of) ; (idle) C, V attribuo^, 812, assign, attribute; (bestow) Chapter 2 3290 transeo (496), go past, pass V comporto*, 953, "carry together," collect; convey per*, 853, by {means of), (by, in swearing) impendeo^, 510, overhang C Sediini2, ^278 3295 Veragri^, 3277 aliquot^, 3283 104 BOOK III renovo*, 1, (novus, 137), renew, revive; (cf. redintegro, 1378) c,v 0pprim5^, 2180, overwhelm, crush ; attack (^unexpectedly) capio (42, 1 1 58), take up, adopt 3300 plenus, a, um, (compleo, 1312), full detraho^ 2076, take away, remove; take (+ de) C, V singillatim, (singuli, 507), one by one paucitas*, (pauci, 902), fewness; (cf. exiguitas, 2937, inopia, 1431) despiciS^, 813, despise C, V 3305 imquitdiS^, 2g65, unevenness ; disadvantage, unfairness, injustice C valles^, 3286, valley V accedo**, iioi, approach; be added C, V abstrah5, (2440, con- 1729, de- 2076, sub- 2162), draw away ; (cf. abdiico, 716) C doleo^, 872, gi^ieve C, V 3310 perpetuus^, 1752, continuous ; ivhole C, V culmen, minis, n., top, summit; (cf. iugum, 578, summum, 2856) V adiungo, (623, con- 1S12), join, add; (cf. adicio, 2935) C Chapter 3 plene, (plenus, 2^00), fully prdvideo^, 2Sig, foresee ; provide (for), see to; (take care) 3315 consiliumf, 19 12, council sententia*, 2196, opinion; (purport; sentence) C, V exquiro^, 2044, seek out, ask C, V repentinus^, 789, sudden 0pini5*, 2521, belief, idea; impression; reputation; (expecta- tion) C 3320 compleo*, 13 12,///; (cover) C, V supporto^, 1906, bring up intercliido^, 1283, shut off prope^, 1249, near(ly) [hniusmodi, of this manner, sucJi] 3325 eruptio^, 3236, dash, sally placeo^, lyi^, please, seem best, (w. dat.) C, V reservo^, 2462, keep (back) C [casus*, 769, chance, accident; disaster; (dilemma)^ 105 CAESAR D. B. G. eventusf, 2967, outcome, result 3330 experior^ 1636, make a trial of (it) ; " see " Chapter 4 brevis**, 1988, short C, V interici5^, 2846, put between, plant between; intersperse ; (pass., intervene) vix^, 505, with difficulty, hardly administr5^, 2925, manage 3335 lapis^, 2219, stone gaesum, (heavy G?i\\\c) javelin ; (cf. pilum, 1329, matara, 1407, tragula, 1408) integer, gra, grum, (attingo, 265), untouched; whole, fresh ; (cf. incolumis, 2463, tutus, 2595) vis*, 2416, plu., strength C, V prSpugno^, 2630, go forth to fight ; drive the enemy away 3340 [repugno"^, mo, make resistance; tend to counteract (w. dat.)] C frustra, adv., without effect, in vain ; (cf . nequiquam, 3093) quicumque*, 1635, whoever, whatever C, V premo^, 2402, press ; pr^ess hard diuturnitas^, 1967, duration C 3345 defessus^, 1357, weary, exhausted C, V excedo^, 3041, withdraw) saucius, a, um, wounded ; (cf. vulnero, 1410) C, V Chapter 5 continenter^, 245, continually deficio^ 2^01, fail; revolt 3350 insto^ 957, approach, impend C, V languidus, a, um, (relanguesco, 2794), /am^ ; sluggish; (cf. de- fessus, 3345, defatigo, 1968) C scindo, (re- 556, inter- 2685), divide; rend; break through; (cf. perrumpo, 632) V perduco (606), &rm^ ; {prolong) casus^, 769, chance, accident ; disaster ; (predicament) 3355 Sextius Baculus^, 3036 primus pilus, (primipilus, 3035), ^rs^ maniple of the first cohort Nervicus, a, um, (Nervii, 2567), o/or with the Nervii Volusenus*, V61-u-se'-nus 106 BOOK ni consilium^, igyy, prudence ; scheming 3360 accurro^, 1238, rwi up (to) V erupti5^, 3236, dash, sally experior*, 1636, make a trial of (it) ; '' see " V paulisper^, 2631, /or a little while tantummodo, (tantum, 1188, modo, 937), merely; (cf. solum, 777) C 3365 excipio^, 1389, take up, capture; receive; meet reficio, (inter- 100, de-, etc., 2701, ampli- 2780, pate- 3210), re- pair; refresh; (cf. renovo, 3297, restituo, 1087) erumpo, (per- 632, eruptio, 3236), hurst forth; make a dash, sortie c,v Chapter 6 eruptio*, 3236, dash, sally colligo^, 1 34 1, gather together, (fasten together) 3370 commuto^, 1285, change; (exchange) C barbanis*, 3259, savage, barbarian, native (noun) C consto, (in- 957, prae- 305), impers., be certain, be settled ; (ahide) ; (depend on) fundo, 3, flidi, fusus, pour, scatter out, spread out, rout C, V exuo, 3, ui, iitus, strip off; deprive ; lay aside, throw aside; (cf . induo, 2942) C, V 3375 faciof, 785, complete, finish ; (also 79, 1475, 2718) alius — alius^, 626, one — another; the one — the other; plu., some — others memini, isse, perfect system with present system meanings, remember; (cf . reminiscor, 803, memoria tenere, I, 7) C, V inopia^, 143 1, icant posterus^, 894, following ; latter, rear ; latest, last 3380 demoror, (moror, 121), retard ; (cf. impedio, 754) V incolumis^, 2463, unhurt, safe ; unimpaired inde^, 700, thence, from there, after that Chapter 7 Sedunis, 3278 ineo*, 2508, go into, enter; begin C, V 3385 hiems, mis, f., (hiberna, 685, hiemo, 684), winter ; stormy weather ; (cf. aestas, 2469) 107 CAESAR D. B. G. Tllyricum^, 3262 adeo^, 2634, approach ; attack ; (enter upon) subitus, a, um, Csubito, 1867), sudden; (cf. repentinus, 789) coorior, (272, ad- 809), arise, spring up 3390 adulescens^, 2404, the younger proximus^, 2465, next, nearest, w. ace. as if prep. C, V mare*, 115, sea Q, V mare Oceanus (264), Atlantic Ocean inopia*, 1431, want C 3395 praefectus^, 1873, (^cavalry) commander Terrasidius, Ter-ra-sid'-i-us EsuviP, 3252 Trebius Gallus, Tre'-bi-us GaV-lus Coriosolites^, 3251 3400 Velanius, Ve-la'-ni-us Silius, Sf-li-us Chapter 8 amplus^ 1835, great, large; splendid, nolle ora, coast navigo, 1, (navis, 126, ago, 27), sail 3405 nauticus, a, um, naval C, V anteced5, (inter- 589, ex- 3041, cedo, etc., 2Sgo), precede; excel ; an- ticipate ; (cf. supero, loio, prae- 251, praesto, 305, vinco, 205) vastus*, a, um, (vasto, 713), vast; huge; (cf. ingens, 1859) V portus*, 4, (porta, 2612, porto, 475, portorium, 1046, opportunus, 1535)? harbor C, V intericio^, 2846, put, plant betiveen ; intersperse ; (pass., intervene) 3410 vectigalis, e, (vectigal, 1047), tributary Silius^, 3401 Velanius^, 3400 recupero, 1, (cf. recipio, 499), regain, recover ; (cf. redimo, 1049) subitus^, 3388, sudden V 3415 repentinus, 789, sudden, hasty C Trebius^, 3398 Terrasidius^, 3396 coniuro*, 2486, conspire, plot C ©xitus, 4, (exeo, 303), escape; outcome; conclusion; (cf. eventus, 2967) 108 BOOK III 3420 sollicito'^, 2490, instigate, tempt ; (disturb) C, V permaneo^, 1658, persist, continue nial5*, 112, prefer C, V ora^, 3403, coast perduco^, 3353, 6ra^ ; {prolong) C 3425 recupero^, 3413 C remitto*, 2135, send baclc, restore ; relax, give up C Chapter 9 navis (126) longa (no), war-ship, galley aedifico, 1, (aedificium, 472, facio, 79), build; (cf. exstruo, 3156, statuo, 731) C, V Liger, eris, m., (ace. im, abl. i), Loire (Lwar) 3430 remex, migis, m., oarsman C, V instituo^, 889, train ; arrange (for) ; start nauta, ae, m., (navis, 126, nauticus, 3405, navigo, 3404), sailor V gubernator, pilot V administro*, 2925, manage C 3435 cum primum (1323), as soon as simuP, 1 135, at the same time facinus^, 1996, (deed) ; crime C admitto'2, 1237, admit, let in; let go ; (permit, commit) sanctus, a, um, sacred; inviolable ; solemn C, V 3440 inviolatus, a, um, inviolable semper^, 1059, always vinculum*, 422, chain C, V pro^, 333, /o?*, in proportion to provideo^, 2^ig, foresee ; provide (for), see to; (take care) 3445 instituo*, 889, train; arrange (for) ; start pedester^, 2831, foot-, Infantry- concid53, 757, slay ; cut off aestuarium^, 3104, salt marsh navigatio, (nauta, etc., 3432), sailing ; voyage 3450 inscientia, (scientia, 2259), ignorance, inexperience ut (199, 1904, 2121), although; (also 455) insula*, island C, V nosco, 3, novi, notus, (cog- 51, ig- 2206), learn; perf., have learned = know C, V alius (214), different C, V 109 CAESAR D. B. G. 3455 navigation, 3449 concludo, (inter- 1283, claudo, 1366), enclose; (cf. circum^do, 1845, cingo, 1833) V Venetia, Yen-e'-ti-a consto^, 3372, impers., he certain, he settled ; (ahide ; depend on) Osismi^j 3250 3460 Lexovii*, Lex-o'-vi-i Namnetes, um, I^am'-ne-tes Ambiliati, Am-bi-li'-a-ti Morini*, 2570 Diablintes, um, Di-a-blin'-tes 3465 Menapii*, 2571 ascisco^, 501, affiliate, adopt C pono^, 936, perf. pass., be situated arcesso^ 1570, summon Chapter 10 incite^, 446, arouse ; accelerate 3470 rebellio*, (bellum, 40, bello, 329), reneival ofivar defectio, (deficio, 2701), revolt, insurrection tot, indecL, (cf. quot, 1500 ; toti-dem, 2295 — tot by apocope for toti), so many C, V coniuratio*, 299, coiispiracy C in primis^, 1688, among tlie first, especially C, V 3475 studeo*, 653, he eager {for), (w. dat.) C mobiliter, (mobilitas, 2502), quickly, easily excito, (incito, 446), arouse; raise up; (kindle); (cf. lacesso, 912, invito, 1739) odi^, 1081, hate C, V conspiro, 1, (spiro, hreathe), agree; combine, conspire; (cf. con- iiiro, 2486, coniungo, 18 12) 3480 partior, 4, titus sum, (pars, 145), divide ; distribute ; (cf. divide, 211, dispergo, 1973) V distribuo, (cf. 812), distribute, divide ; assign Chapter 11 adeo*, 2634, approach, ; attack ; (enter upon) C, V officium*, 1925, kindness; duty C, V arcesso*, 1570, summon C, V 3485 pers, 853, by (means of) ; (by, in swearing) 110 BOOK III Coriosolites^, 3251 distineo^, 2588, keep apart; keep away curo^, 788, care for, arrange Decimus*, De9'-i-miis, abbrev. D., (praenomen) C 3490 Brutus*, Brii'-tus C, V adulescens^, 2404, the younger C classis, is, i,, fleet Pictones, um, Pie'-to-nes Santones or i^, 665 3495 cum primuin^, 3435, as soon as C pedester*, 2831, foot-, infantry- C Chapter 12 modus (1762), sort C, V situs, 4, situation, position V ponof, 936, perf. pass., be situated 3500 extremus^, 2665, the end(s) of lingula, (lingua, 217), tongue of land, small cape promunturium, headland, promontory altumf, (adj., 28), the deep ; (cf. mare, 115) aestus, 4, tide ; (heat) ; (contrast aestas, 2469, aetas, 2807) 3505 incite^, 446, arouse ; accelerate bis, adv., twice C, V semper*, 1059, always C, V [duodeni, ae, a, twelve each'] minuo^, 1167, lessen 3510 afQicto, 1, (rel. to profligo, 2986, con- 2589), toss; shatter; dis- tress oppugnatio^, 2604, (method of) attack quando, adv., indefinite, ever (usually after si, ne, or num) ; conj., since, (when) C, V forte^, 3183, by chance C, V extrudo, (de- 2g46) , thrust out ; shutout 3515 moles, is, f., (mollmentum, 1728), mass; mole, pier, dike C, V moenia^, 2606, ivalls, fortifications C, V adaequo^, 2312, (make) equal; keep up with C appello, 3, (pro- 908, im- 1935, inter- 2173, ex- 2544, com- 2978, re- 636, 577), (bring toward); bring to land; distinguish appello, 1, 220 V 111 CAESAR D. B. G. deporto, (475, im- 239, com- 953, trans- 1798, sup- 1906), carry aioay C 3520 opportunitas, (opportunus, 1535, portus, 3408), advantage ; (cf . facultas, 583) tempestas, (tempus, 193), weather ; storm detineo, (194, per- 238, ob- 258, con- 262, re- 1029, abs- 1254, sus- 1297, dis- 2588), Jiold (back) ; (cf. impedio, 754, moror, 121, de- 3380) V aestus^, 3504, tide ; (heat) rarus, a, um, thin ; plu., scattered, feiv ; (cf . densus, 2959, confer- tus, 13 18; pauci, 902) V 3525 prope*, 1249, near(ly) C, V navigo^, 3404, sail Chapter 13 namque^, 1822, and so, for ; for, indeed V ad^, 3177, after, in carina, keel V 3530 aliquanto, (alius, 214, quantus, 1020; aliqui, 834), somewhat C planus, a, um, (planities, 2ogo), fat; jjlain ; (cf. aecus, 2094) decessus, 4, (decedo, 1609, discessus, 2767), (withdrawal) ; ebb aestus*, 3504, tide ; (heat) C, V excipio (1389), cope with 3535 prora, prow V admodum, (ad- 25, modus, 1762, limit), very ; (fully) erectus, a, um, (part, of erigo, raise up), straight and high (erigo, C, V) puppis, is, f., stern fluctus, 4, (fluo, 519, fliimen, 84), wave 3540 tempestas^, 3521, t(;e«^Aer; s^orm accommodo^, 2940, adjust, suit robur, boris, n., oak; (strength) C, V quivis^, 3195, any — whatever contumelia^, 847, mistreatment C 3545 transtrum, (trans, 196), cros5-^m5er; (rowing-bench); (cf . trabs, 3136) V pedalis, e, (pes, 151), afoot (thick, etc.) altitiido, dinis, f ., depth, thickness trabs^, 3136, beam, timber 112 BOOK III configo, (trans- i^^o), fasten together V 3550 clavus, nail, spike V ferreus, a, um, (ferrum, 1342), of iron C, V digitus, ^n^er V pollex, licis, m., thumb; (usually w. digitus; as also digitus index, d. medius, d. minimo proximus, d. minimus) crassitude, dinis, f., (crassus, thick, Crassus, 1228), thickness 3555 ancora*, anchor pro (162, 333, 2184, 2286, 3184), /or, instead of funis, is, m., rope catena^, 2273, chain V revincio, (cf. 2439), hind (hack) , fasten 3560 pellis^, 3228, skin, hide ; leather tent pro^, 2184, as velum, sail aliita, (piece of) leather tenuiter, (tenuis, thin), thin(ly) 3565 conficio (366, 2557)9 f^ish, dress C, V sive — sive^, 768, whether — or C, V linum,y?ax; linen C inscientia*, 3450, ignorance, inexperience [similis*, 185, like'] C, V 3570 verisimilis, e, (verum, losy) , prohahle tempestas*, 3521, weather ; storm C, V ventus, wind onus^, 3172, weight; burden; load, cargo rego, (por- 2889, erectus, 3537 ; rex, 1605, regnum, 296), rule ; control, guide ; (cf. impero, 554, dominor, 3197, administro, 2925) C, V 3575 commode^, 1346, conveniently, easily classis^, 3492, y?ee^ congressus, 4, (congredior, 1773), meeting ; encounter; (cf. con- cursus, 634) V pulsus, 4, (pello, 577), stroke V remus, (remex, 3430), oar 3580 praesto^ 305, excel; show; (also looi, 1003) pro (3556, etc.), before, in consideration of aptus, a, um, fit ; fitted, adapted ; (cf . idoneus, 97) C, V accommodo^, 2940, adjust, suit C, V I 113 CAESAR D. B. G. rostrum, beak; (cf. prora, 3535) 3585 noceo, 2, cui, citurus, do harm (+ dat.) firmitudo, dinis, f., (firmus, 416, confirmo, 364), strength; stabil- ity ; (cf. constantia, 1955) adigo^, 2934, drive (to); (push forwa^^d) ; hurl; (bind, by oath) [adicio^, 2935, cast; add'] minus^, 2240, not C 3590 commode*, 1346, conveniently, easily [incommode, not conveniently] copula, (rel. to aptus, 3582), grappling-hook saevio, 4, ii, vitum, rage V ventus^, 3572, wind 3595 tuto, (tutus, 2595), safely saxum^, 3134, stone; rock C, V cautes, is, f., crag V [cos, cotis, f., (flint) stone] casus*, 769, chance, accident ; disaster ; (predicament) C, V 3600 extimesco, 3, timui, (timeo, 843), dread; (cf. vereor, 1121) C Chapter 14 frustra^, 3341, without effect, in vain sumo*, 592, take, exact, assume C, V reprimo, (ex- 1661, op- 2180, 2402), check ; (cf. repello, 636) C, V noceo^, 3585, impers. pass, retains dat., do harm 3605 classis*, ^49^, fleet C, V genus^, 2293, race, tribe ; kind, class ornatus, a, um, (part, of orno, adorn), equipped C adversusf, 1095, opposite ; unsuccessful ; (also 2653, 3001) C, V vel (525), or 3610 attribuo^, 812, assign, attribute ; (bestow) consto^, 3372, irapers., be certain, be settled; (abide; depend on) insisto^, 3085, step upon, stand ; pursue, prosecute rostrum^, 3584, beak V noceo^, 3585, do harm (4- dat.) 3615 excito^, 3477, arouse ; raise up ; (kindle) puppis^, 3538, stern V adigo^, 2934, drive (to) ; (push forward) ; hurl ; (bind, by oath) 114 BOOK in [adicio^, 2935, cast; addl graviter^, 831, heavily, violently, severely ; (with vexation) 3620 accido'^*,S33, befall, happeji; fall C praeparo, (355, com- 355),/>?'6/)a?'e heforehand falx, Icis, f ., sicJde ; (sickle-shaped) hook ; (cf . copula, 3592) V praeacutus"^, 3135? sharpened (on the end) insero, (de- 2200), put in V 3625 affigo, (trans- 1340, con- 3SA^), fasten to, hind V longurius, (longus, no), long pole absimilis, e, (similis, 185), unlike; (cf. diversiis, 2955) forma, /c»?7?2 ; (cf. species, 2357, Yultus, 1865) V muralis, e, (miirus, 124), wall, mural 3630 funis^, 3557, rope antemna, sail-yard malus, mast; (cf. malus, 113) V dlsimo, \, fasten ; appoint V comprehendo, (1184, re- 1196), grasp, catch; apprehend; (cfo capio, 42, occupo, 384) 3635 adduco (298), hring (to); draw tight C, V navigium, (navis, 126, navicula, 2423, navigatio, 3449, navigo, 3404), vessel ; (cf. linter, 744) remus^, 3579, oar incit5*, 446, arouse ; accelerate praerumpo, (per- 632, e- 3367), hreak off; (cf. scindo, 3352) 3640 abscldo, (oc- 576, con- 757, in- 2837), cut off concido, (ac- 833, de- 2303, in- 2443, 904), fall (down) ; collapse C, V velum^, 3562, sail C, V armamenta, onim, n., (cf. arma, 33, armatura, 2688), rigging consisto-, 3239, depend (in + abl. = upon) C, V 3645 eripio*, 444, rescue ; take away C, V certamen, minis, n., (decerto. 2152), struggle ; contest; (cf. proe- lium, 163, pugna, 1335, contentio, 2175) C, V paulo^ 2471, (by) a little factum^, 2083, deed; action C, V lateo-, 2894, be hidden, lurk; escape notice C, V 3650 unde^, 1467, whence, from which, from ichom propincus^, 977, near despectus^, 3128, /ooA:oi^^; oudook 115 CAESAR D. B. G. Chaeter 15 deicio^, 621, cast down (from) ; disappoint (in) [disicio^, 1331? throio apart, scatter^ 3655 antemna^, 3631, sail-yard V bini, ae, a, (bis, 3506), two (each) terni, ae, a, (trini, 2437, ter, 2455), th7^ee (each) V circumsisto^, 2304, stand around, (rally) around; surround transcendo, (a- 1219), climb over, pass over; (cf. transgredior, 2886) C 3660 quof , 2633, rel., where, to which ; interrog., where ventus*, 3572, wind C, V malacia, calm tranquillitas, stillness; serenity C exsisto, (con- 823, in-, etc., 3085), appear; arise, ensue; he; (cf. orior, 272, sequor, 181) C 3665 quidem^, 1926, indeed C, V negotium*, ly 2'^, business ; undertaking; difficulty, task C consector, 1, (consequor, 7S6), pursue eagerly interventus, 4, (inter, 99, venio, 201), intervention; arrival C usque^, 2337, all the ivay, even, '^ clear '^ C, V Chapter 16 3670 ora^, 3403, coast cum — tum^, 2561, not only — hut also C, V iuventus, utis, f., youth (abstract or collective) ; (cf. adulescen- tia, 1 161, adulescens, 2253) C, V gravis (1150), advanced C, V aetas^, 2807, age C, V 3675 aliquis^, 835, any one, anything ; some one, something consilium^, igjj, prudence ; scheming ubique, (ubi, L97), anywhere; (cf. undiqne, 310, utrimque, 2336) V quern ad modurn^, 1763, interrog., how; rel., in the manner that, as C graviter*, 831, heavily, violently, severely, with vexation C, V 3680 yindico, 1, lay claim to ; rescue; avenge; (cf . ulciscor, 780) C, V relicus^, 1200, of time, to come, future neco^ 2460, put to death C corona, crown V 116 BOOK III sub (189) corona, ''as slaves'' 3685 vendo-, 3245, sell Chapter 17 Viridovix, icis, Yir-id'-o-vix summa*, 1504, total; supremacy; (chief pointy part, etc.); gen- eral management C, V deficio^, Q.'joi, fail; revolt Aulerci (3253) Eburovices, um, Aulerci E-bu-ro-vr-^es, (one of several divisions of the A.) 3690 auctor, (auctoritas, 35; augeo, 1055), originator; supporter; author C, V claudo^, 13665 close, shut (in) C, V praeterea^, 1725, besides perditus, a, um, (part, of perdo; cf. do, 65, etc.), ruined; (cf. profiigo, 2986) C, V latro, onis, m., robber C 3695 praedor^, 2834, plwider bello*, 329, loar, fight C, V cultura, (rel. to incolo, 212, cultus, 229), cultivation cotidianus^, 253, daily sevoco, (208, con- 960, re- 2907), call aside 3700 [revoco"^, 2907, recall, ccdl away'] C produGO-, 2287, lead forth ; prolong contemptio, (contemptus, 3171), contempt non nihil (131), " not as to nothing" = to some extent carpo, 3, psi, plus, pluch ; revile V 3705 praebeo'-, 2851, offer, furnish praesertim'*, 979, especially aecus^, 2094, even; equal; fair opportunitas^, 3520, advantage aliqui*, 834, some, any C, V 3710 dimico^, 2938, contend, fight Chapter 18 callidus, a, um, shrewd ; (cf . aptns, 3582) C pollicitatio, (polliceor, 88'^), promise edoceo, (cf. 21 10), explain (fully) C, V 117 CAESAR D. B. G. 3715 perfuga^, 1464, deserter propono^, 989, set before, set forth; disclose ; present premo*, 2402, press ; press hard C, V quin, 403, 1016, 1702, than — that clam, (rel. to celo, 3208), secretly ; (cf. in occulto, 1554, secreto, 1034) 3720 conclamo^, 2269, shout out V occasio, (cado, 904, occasus, 286), opportunity; (cf. opportuni- tas, 3520, facultas, 583) C superior^, 2.(^16, former cunctatio, delay ; (cf . mora, 2788) perfuga^, 1464, deserter 3725 confirmatio, (confirmo, 364, firmus, 416), assurance cibaria^, ^Zo., food-stuff parum, adv., (parve, 233), too little C, V provideo*,<^, foresee ; provide {for), see to; (take care) C Veneticus, a, um, with {of) the Veneti (3248) 3730 fere (252), usually ; (cf. plerumque, 1964) C, V libenter^, 2163, gladly C credo*, 3220, trust; believe C, V Viridovix^, 3686 laetus, a, um, joyful V 3735 ut (455), as if; (cf. also 199, 1904, 2121, 3451) C, V explore^, 2551, achieve; find out, reconnoiter sarmentum, brushivood, (plu., same) virgulta, orum, bushes ; (cf . rubus, 2844) V colligo^, 1341, gather together 3740 pergo, (porrigo, 2889, e- 3537, rego, 3574) > go {straight) on; (cf. progredior, 2329, proficiscor, 164) C, V Chapter 19 editus^, 2651, rising, elevated imus, a, um, = infimus, 2867, the bottom of the, the base of acclivis^, 3130, sloping {up) huc^, 1849, hither 3745 colligo*, 1 34 1, gather together, {fasten together) C, V exanimo^, zgj^, render breathless; terrify ; {kill) C, V onus^, 3172, iveight ; burden; load, cargo facio^, 2718, cause 118 BOOK III opportunitas*, 3520, advantage C 3750 defatigatio, weariness ; (cf . lassitude, 2974) superior*, 2gi6, former C, V statim^, 2/^S9 J forthwith tergum^, 241 1, back verto^, 2412, turn 3755 integer^, 33S7, untouched ; whole, fresh consector^, 3667, pursue eageiiy evado, 3, asi, surus, go out; escape ; (cf. exeo, 303, egredior, 1459, fugio, 2414, pro- 1598) C, V navalis, e, (navigium, etc., 3636), naval; (cf. nauticus, 3405, maritimus, 3255) C, V alacer, cris, ere, (alacritas, 2027), lively; eager; (cf. celeriter, 46; antonym, Ian guidus, 3351) .3760 promptus, a, um, (part, of promo, put forth, rel. to emo, 974), ready; (cf. paratus, 2035, expeditus, 514) mollis, e, soft; easy; weak; (cf. facilis, 78, tener, 2835) C, V Chapter 20 ex (69), as; (also 313, 423, 95o, 1413, 1525, i543, 2392, 3096) aestimo, 1, value ; reckon Praeconinus, Pre-co-ni'-nus 3765 unde^, 1467, whence, from which, from whom Manlius, Man'-li-us : (or Mallius) C proconsul, ulis, (pro- 3556, consul, ^^^, proconsul mediocris, ere, (mediocriter, 186S), moderate ; ordinary; non m., no ordinary diligentia*, 1939, diligence, care( fulness) C 3770 adhibeo^, 1195, arW; have present ; invite; employ, exercise praeterea^, 1725, besides Tolosa, To-lo'-sa, (now Toulouse) Carcaso, onis, f., -Car'-ca-so Narbo, onis, m., Xar'-bo, (now Narbonne) 3775 nominatim-^, 1496, hy name ; in detail C evoco, (208, con- 960, re- 2907, se- 3699), call out, summon; (cf. invito, 1739) Sotiates, um, So-ti-a'-tes adorior*, 809, attack V convallis, is, f., (valles, 3286), enclosed valley V 119 CAESAR D. B. G. 3780 insidiae^, 819, amhush, ambuscade; plots disicio*, 1331, throw apart, scatter V Chapter 21 fretus, a, um, relying on (w. abl.) ; (cf. nitor, 820) C, V adulescentulus, (adulescens, 2253), very young man C efficiS^, 1847, complete, form ; render; accomplish 3785 tandem^, i355? at length ; in questions and commands, pray c,v tergum^, 241 1, back verto^, 2412, turn vinea*, 2748, siege shed ago^ 2749, advance C, V 3790 alias — alias^, 3144, a^ one time — at another cuniculus, (rabbit) ; tunnel, mine peritus^, 1224, skilled (in), experienced (in), (w. gen.) C aeraria, (aes, copper^), copper mine sectura, quarry 3795 proficio^, 181 9, accomplish Chapter 22 intendo, (2763; con- 254, os- 620), stretch out; direct (toward) Adiatunnus, Ad-i-a-tiin'-nus devoveo, 2, vovi, otus, devote, consecrate ; part, as subst., devoted follower soldnrius, vassal 3800 commodum^, 1757, convenience, advantage C fmor, 3, f rectus sum, (friictus, 1470, fructuosus, 1536), enjoy, (w. abl.) C, V conscisco^, 459, adjudge, inflict (upon, dat.) adhuc, (hue, 1849), up to this time ; yet C, V devoveo^, 3798 C, V 3805 morior^, 451, die C, V tollo^, 478, raise, lift up ; take (aivay) concurro*, 2302, gather, rush ; rally to {one*s) aid ; encounter V Chapter 23 Vocates, ium, Vo-ea'-tes Tarusates, ium, Tar-u-sa'-tes 120 BOOK III 3810 ver5*, 749, truly, hut C, V quoqueversus, adv., (quisque, 484, verto, 2412), in every direc- tion; (cf. undique, 310, utrimque, 2336) Hispania^, 284, Sjmin C inde*, 700, thence, from there, after that C, V Sertorius, Ser-to'-ri-us 3815 intercludo^, 1283, shut off instituo*, 889, train, arrange {for) ; start Q, V quod (i), "as to which," therefore; (cf. itaque, 102) C, V exiguitas^, 2937, scantiness, shortness diduco, (dis, 211 ; 67, ad-, in- 298, con- 442, per- 606, e- 686, tra- 704, ab- 716, sub- 1242, re- 1462, circnm- 1831, de- 2182, pro- 2287, intro- 2590, ob- 2664), divide; separate; (cf. divido, 211, distribno, 3481, partior, 3480) V 3820 vagor^, 325, wander obsideo, (pos- 1726, super- 2642; consido, 1209; obses, 660), besiege; blockade; (cf. oj^pugno, 498, circummunio, 3152) supports'*, 1906, bring up in dies, " to days " = from day to day C augeo^, 1055, increase 3825 cunctor, 1, (cunctatio, 3723), delay, hesitate; (cf. moror, 121, exspecto, 77, dubito, 1008) quinf, 403, (but) that; also 1016, 1702, 3718 decertS^, 2152, have a combat or contest; fight it out defero^, 2565, bring down ; give over ; report sentio^, 102^, feel, perceive 3830 -^ostQXUS^, Zg^, following ; latter, rear ; latest, last Chapter 24 produce^, 2287, lead forth; prolong duplex*, 3132, twofold, double V conicio'^, 3105, gather (Jiurriedly) C, V capio'2, 3299, take up, adopt; (also 1158, 260^ 42) 3835 etsi2, 2224, although tuto2, 3595, safely C dimico^, 2938, contend, fight C obsideo^, 3821, besiege, blockade C, V intercludo*, 1283, shut off C,V' 3840 sarcinae^, 1313, soldiers' packs 121 CAESAR D. B. G. infirmus, a, um, (firmus, 416), weak; unstable; (cf. levis, 2687, languid us, 3351, confectus, 366) cogito^, 1686, consider C probo^j 397, show, prove ; approve produco^, 2287, lead forth; prolong 3845 cunctatio^, 3723, delay alacer^, 3759, lively ; eager V efficio^, 1847, complete, form ; render; accomplish Chapter 25 alius — alius^, 626, one — another; the one — the other; plu., 5ome — others depello, (pro- 908, ap-, etc., 3518), throw down; drive (away), dislodge ; (cf. deicio, 621, detrudo, 2946) C, V 3850 auxiliares, um, m., (auxilia, 39, augeo, 1055), auxiliary troops lapis*, 2219, stone V subministro^, 1986, supply caespes, pitis, m., (rel. to occido, 576), piece of sod, turf V species^, 2357, appearance ; show 3855 praebeo^, 2851, offer, furnish C constanter^, 2516, persistently C timide, (adj., 1900, timeo, 843), timidly C frustra^, 3341, without effect, in vain V circum'eo, (sub- 479, eo, 70, in-, etc., 2508, ad- 2634), go around 3860 ab^, 267, on the side of C, V porta decumana^, 3006, i^ear gate (of a camp) C, V (porta) Chapter 26 praefectus^, 1873, (cavalry) commander pollicitation, 3712, promise excit5^, 3477, arouse ; raise up ; (kindle) C, V 3865 deveho (2097), take (from their post) intritus, a, um, (tero, wear), unwearied; (cf. integer, 3337, in- columis, 2463) circumduco^, 1831, lead around, draw around intend5'^, 3796, stretch out ; direct (toward) C, V proruo, (sub- 2615), demolish; (cf. scindo, 3352) 3870 plane, (adj., 3531), j9/am/?/; (e^ii^Vc/^/) C plerumque^, 1964, usually 122 BOOK III impugno^, 2164, attack deicio^ 621, cast down (^froni), disappoint (in) campus, plain ; (cf. planities, 2090, ager, 26) C, V 3875 consector^, 3667, pursue eagerly Cantabri, Can^-ta-bri consto^ 3372, impers., he certain, he settled; (ahide ; depend on) vix^j 505, ivith difficulty, hardly C, V multa^, as in 1255, late in the Chapter 27 3880 ultro^, 2058, of (one's) own accord Tarbelll, Tar-ber-li Bigerriones, um, Bi-ger-ri-o'-nes Ptianii, Pti-a'-iu-i Vocates2, 3808 3885 Tarusates2, 3809 Elusates, um, El-u-sa'-tes Gates, um, Ga'-tes Ausci, Ai^s'-^i Garumni, (Garumna, 224), Ga-rum'-ni 3890 Sibuzates, um, Sib-u-za'-tes Cocosates, um, C6e-o-sa'-tes hiems^, 3385, winter ; stormy iceatJier subsum^, 1360, he near, (be off) C Chapter 28 etsi^, 2224, although 3895 exigo, (27, red- 2207, ad- 2934 ; cogo, 52 ; navigo, 3404 ; exiguitas, 2937), (drive out); (enforce [payment, etc.]) ; spend; pon- der; (cf. consumo, 733; expello, 2544) C, V umquam^, 2041, ever C, V ac^, 2877, as ; than C, V continens, (part, of 262), hounding, adjacent; (cf. continuus, 2285, iunctus, 623, ad- 3312) C dispergo^, 1973, scatter 3900 evolo, (pro- 2897), (fly out of) ; rush forth deperdo^, 2126, lose 123 CAESAR D. B. G. Chapter 29 deinceps, adv., (deinde, 1324, capio, 42), in succession; (cf. inde, 700) caedo, 3, cecidi, caesus, (con- 757, oc- 576, in- 2837, abs- 3640), cut; slay ; (cf. scindo, 3352) V inermis^, 1957, unarmed V 3905 imprudens, entis, (prudentia, 2564), off (one's) guard; (cf. inopinanS, 755, insciens, 1106) materia, wood, lumber pro'^, 2184, as exstrab'^, 31 S^, pile up ; build V pecus, coris, n., cattle ; herd ; meat ; (cf. iiimentum, 356) 3910 extremus*, 2665, the end(s) of C, Y densus*, 2959, thick, dense V continuatio, (continuns, 2285), succession imber, bris, m., rain(-storm) V pellis^, 3228, skin, hide ; leather tent 3915 Aulerci^, 3253 Book IV : Chapter 1 3916 hiems^, 3385, winter ; stormy weather Pompeius, ei, Pompey C Usipites, um, U-sip'-i-tes Tencteri, Tene^-ter-i 3920 quo {2633) , into ichich exsigiib^, 3142, harass ; (censure) cultura*, 3697, cultivation C gens^, 3101, race, nation; tribe, clan C, V bellicosus'^, 670, warlike C 3925 quotannis^ 1782, yearly (adv.) C, V singuli^, 2920, respective ; or 507, one by one, separate C, V maneo^, 1779, remain; abide (+ abl. or abl. w. in = by) c,v alo^, 1060, nourish, cherish, support in (340) vicem, (ace. of vicis, change), in turn 3930 ratio (1477, 2710), science separatus, a, um, (separatim, 1138; paro, 355), separate ager (26), land C, V 124 BOOK IV colo, 3, lui, cultus, (in- 212, cultura, 3697, cultus, 229), cultivate ; worship, honor C, V lac, lactis, n., milk V 3935 pecus^j 3909? cattle; herd; meat V vivo, 3, vixi, victurus, (vita, 968, victus, 161 5), live venatio, hunt cibus, (cibaria, ^Z2),food C genus^, 2293, race, tribe; kind, class 3940 cotidianus^, 253, daily disciplina^, 1952, instruction, knowledge ; training C assuefacio, (79, de-, etc., 2701, ampli- 2780, pate- 3210, re- 3366; consuesco, 867), accustom (+ abl. = to) alo^, 3928 immanis, e, enormous ; (cf. vastus, 3407, ingens, 1859) C, V 3945 efficio*, 1847, complete, form ; render; accomplish C, V frigidus, a, um, (frigus, 932), cold V vestitus, 4, clothing pellis^, 3228, skin, hide ; leather tent V exiguitas^, 2937, scantiness, shortness 3950 lavo, lavare, lavi, lautus (part.), lavatum (supine), (inf. lavere and part, lotus occur), wash, bathe; here, pass, for re- flex. V Chapter 2 vendo^, 3245, sell C, V quo, ''by which," because; used for eo quod (172) C, V imports*, 239, bring in desidero, 1, desire; miss, lose; (cf. cupio, 1079, appeto, 1921, volo, 209) C 3955 quin^, 1016, Jiay ; verily C, V iunientum'2, 356, beast of burden delecto, 1, delight; (cf. placeo, 1714) C impensus, a, um, (part, of impendo, cf. pendo, 1783), w. pretio, high pretium^, 1048, price C, V 3960 nascor^, 2864, be born, produced, raised, found (metals, etc.) ; arise; rise deformis, e, (forma, 3628), misshapen cotidianus*, 253, daily 125 CAESAR D. B. G. desilio, 4, lui, sultum, (in- 2395), leap down, dismount proelior^, 2989, tattle, Jiglit (intr.) 3965 YQstlgmm., trace, footprint ; spot; (instant); (cf. locus, 109) assuefacio^, 3942, accustom (+ abl. = to) usus**, 1524, use; practice, experience ; advantage ; need C, V turpis^, i6g/^, foul, disgraceful C, V iners, rtis, lazy; inactive; (cf. tardus, 3038, languidus, 3351) C,V 3970 ephippium, saddle (-cloth) quivis^, 3195, any — ivhatever ephippiatus, adj. found here only, on saddles quamvis, (cf. qui- 3195), however ; (conj., although) C, V [sino, 3, sivi, situs, (situs, 3498), permit ; (cf. patior, 532, per- mitto, 1546, tolero, 1473)] C, V 3975 remollesco, 3, (mollis, 3761), become weak effemino^, 237, enervate Chapter 3 publice, 930, as a commonwealth C laus^, ig^^, praise, renown vaco^, 1478, he empty 3980 ampins^, 1835, great, large ; splendid, noble floreo'^, 1^2'/, flourish ; (bloom) C captus, 4, (capio, 42), standard (of judgment) paulo^^, 2471, (by) a little quamquam, although ; (cf. cum, 60, ut, 3451) C, V 3985 genus^, 2293, race, tribe ; kind, class humanus, a, um, (humanitas, 230), human ; refined C, V ventito, 1, (venio, 201), keep coming ; (cf. commeo, 236) propinquitas^, 2552, nearness; kinship assuefacio^, 3942, accustom (+ abl. = to) C 3990 amplitudo, dinis, f., (amplus, 1835, amplius, 923, 1744), great- ness; extent; (cf. auctoritas, 35, dignitas, 2127, magnitude, i860) C gravitas, (gravis, 1150, graviter, 831), weight; dignity, impor- tance C vectigalis^, 3410, tributary C humilis, e, low; humble; weak; (cf. demissus, 1652) C, V infirmus*, 3841, loeak, unstable C 126 BOOK IV Chapter 4 3995 causa^, 424, case, cause C, V Usipites^, 3918 Tencteri^, 3919 Germania, (Germanus, 241), Germany triennium, (tres, 13, annus, 31), three years ; (cf. biennium, 367, triduum, 1424) 4000 vagor^, 325, wander demigro, (e- 1632), remove (intr.) ; (cf. removeo, 11 28) cis^, 2531, on this side of dispone^, 609, distribute V clam^, 3719, secretly 4005 custodial, 3140, ^warc?; (^guarding') C, V simulo^, 2iyg, pretend C, V inscius, a, um, (scio, 178, insciens, 1106, scientia, 2259), ignorant, . unaware; (cf. imperitus, 1979; de improviso, 807) V inopinans^, 755, surprised, not expecting (it) Opprimo^, 2180, overwhelm, crush; attack (unexpectedly) 4010 metus, 4, fear ; anxiety ; (cf. timor, 1257, terror, 2743) remigro, (e- 1632, de- 4001), move hack; (cf. reverter, 595, redeo, 1512) citra^, 750, on this side of 4013 [quietus, a, um, (part, of quiesco, grow quiet), quiet; peaceful; tranquil ; (cf. pacatus, 518, tacitus, 1657)] C, V 4015 hiems*, 3385, winter; stormy weather C, V alo^, 1060, nourish, cherish, sujyport C, V Chapter 5 infirmitas, (infirmus, 3841), weakness; instability; (cf. levitas, 2503, mobilitas, 2502) capio^ 3299, take up, adopt mobilis, e, (mobilitas, 2502, mobiliter, 3476; moveo, 122), changeable ; quick ; (cf. levis, 2687) 4020 plerumque^, 1964, usually viator, (via, 202), traveler V invitus^, 613, unwilling vulgus^, 1 1 74, common people, common soldiers V circumsisto^, 2304, stand around, rally around ; surround 4025 pronuntio, (547, e- 420, re- 664, de- 1785), announce ; state 127 CAESAR D. B. G. auditio, (audio, 36), report ; (cf. rumor, 2482) sumnius^, 1723, most important (+ gen., to^ C, V vestigium^, 3965, trace, footprint ; spot, instant C, V paeniteo, 2, tui, cause to repent ; impersonal, repent, translating OBJ. as SUBJ. (w. gen. of thing) C, V 4030 necesse, indecL, (necessitas, 2736, necessarius, 976, necessario, 1019), necessary ; (cf. opus, 1724, iisus, 1524) incertus, a, um, (certus, 558), uncertain; indefinite; (cf. levis, 2687) servio, 4, ivi or ii, itum, (servus, 182, servitus, 715, servilis, 1948, servo, etc., 3219), be a slave; heed, have regard for ; (cf. pareo, 1438) C, V plerique^, 2540, the most ofthe(m), very many ad^, 1765, at, according to 4035 fingo^, 1884, /orm, mould, compose ; imagine; feign C, V Chapter 6 matiire^, 1708, early, speedily C suspicor^, 2178, suspect ; believe invito^, 1739, invite ; attract C, V vagor*, 325, wander C, V 4040 Eburones^, 2577 Condrusi^, 2576 cliens^, 439, dependent V evoco^, 3776, call out, summon dissimulo, (cf. 2179), (^pretend different), misrepresent; disguise, conceal ; (cf. celo, 3208, abdo, 761, occulto, 1455) C, V 4045 animus*, II 19, /eeZm^5; (30) C, V permulce5, 2, Isi, sus (Ictus), soothe ; appease V Chapter 7 prior^, 2735, /ormer; in front ; first (like adv.) C, V trado, 195, hand down C, V deprecor^, 3182, beg for (as a) favor ; beg deliverance (from) C 4050 invitus*, 613, unwilling C, V eicio, (de- 621, re- 1319, dis- 1331, ob- 1402, con- 1404, sub- 1409, pro- 1433, in- 2237, circum- 2605, inter- 2846, ad- 2935 ; 2608), drive (out) ; (wreck) ; (cf. expello, 2544, exigo, 3895, extrudo, 3514) 128 BOOK IV utilis, e, (utor, 200, iisus, 1524), useful; (cf. ex usu, 1525) C attribuo^ 812, assign, attribute ; bestow C possido, 3, sedi, sessus, (con- 1209; contrast possideo, 1726), take possession of; (cf. occupo, 384, potior, 308) 4055 relicus, 249, 1200, else C Chapter 8 videor^, 2924, seem good, seem best C, V exitus^, 3419, e^ctt/^e; outcome; conclusion C, V verus^, 1036, true, right C, V tueor, (in- 1653; part. adj. tutus, 2595), (behold') ; protect ; (cf. defendo, 706, euro, 788, conservo, 2757) C, V 4060 alienus^, goo, aiiother's, unfavorable ; foreign vaco^, 1478, be empty V praesertim^, 979, especially C Chapter 9 propius^, 2215, nearer (-f ace.) aliquot^, 3283, several C 4065 praedor^, 2834, plunder frumentor, 1, (frumentum. By), procure grain, forage Ambivariti, Am-bi-var'-i-ti Mosa, ae, m., jMeuse (river) mora^, 2788, delay 4070 interpono^, 2071, interpose; let pass ; passive, intervene Chapter 10 profluo, (519, in- 599; but no sui>me), flow forth Vosegus, i, m., Yos'-ges Vacalus, Waal (Yal) River Batavi, Ba-ta'-vi 4075 Lepontii, Le-pon^ti-i Mediomatrices, um, (or ci, corum), Med-i-o-mat'-ri-9es citatus, a, um, (part, of cito ; in- 446, ex- 3477)? sivift ; as if adv., swiftly; (cf. celeriter, 46, alacer, 3759; antonym, tardus, 3038) plures^, 1337, several diffluo, (pro- 4071, in- 599, 519), flow apart, divide; (cf. scindo, 3352, divido, 211) C K 129 CAESAR D. B. G. 4080 [defluo, (dif- ^o'jg^^floio down; pass away'] V ingens^, 1859, great, enormous, vast C, V piscis, is, m..,Jish; (cf. pecus, 3909) ovum, egg avis, is, f., bird V 4085 vivo2, 3936, live C, V caput, 43, head, i.e. mouth (of a river) Chapter 11 magnopere, 811, verg much; or 1820, zealously oro^, 1 187, entreat, ask antecedo^, 2^06, precede ; excel; anticipate 4090 fero, 80, = offero, 2927, offer, present ; bring C, V eodem^, 441, to the same place (or end) illo, (old dat. of ille, 8), to that place, thither ; that (w. eodem) mora^, 2788, delay C, V interpono^, 2071, interpose; let pass; passive, intervene 4095 aquatio, (aqua, luater) , procuring water ; (cf . f rumentor, 4066) huc^, 1849, hither posterus*, Sg/\, following ; latter, rear ; latest, last C, V frequens, entis, repeated; plu., m large numbers, crowded; (cf. creber, 2481, confertus, 13 18) praefectus^, 1873, (cavalry) commander 4100 antecedo^, 4089 quoad, conj., as long as; until Chapter 12 ubi (197) primum (1323), as soon as (= cum primum, 3435) C amplius*, 1744, further, any more; superl., most generously ; (923) C, V octingenti*, ae, a, DCCC = 800 4105 f rumentor 2, 4066, procure grain, forage Mosa*, 4068, Meuse paulo*, 2471, (by) a little C indiitiae, arum, f., truce desilio^, 3963, leap down, dismount 4110 suffodio, 3, fodi, fossus, (fodio, dig; cf. fossa, 605), undermine; stab underneath; (cf. subruo, 2615, cimiculos agere, III, 21) 130 BOOK IV deiciof, 621, cast down (^frorn), disappoint (in) septuaginta*, LXX = 70 Aquitanus, sing, of Aquitani, 215 amplus^, 1835, great, large ; splendid, noble C, V 4115 genus (22gs) , fa?nily nascor^, 2864, be born, produced, raised, found ; arise ; rise C, V avus^, 782, grandfather C, V quoad^, 4101, as long as ; until C cado^, go4, fall (in battle) C, V 4120 excedo^, 3041? withdraw procuP, 3158, /ar off, at a distance C, V offero^, 2927, offer, present ; bring Chapter 13 dolus2, 818, trick(ery) V insidiae*, 819, ambush, ambuscade ; plots C, V 4125 ultro^, 2058, of (one's) own accord augeo^ 1055, increase C, V dementia, (mens, 1869), -madness, folly ; (cf. furor, 1933) C, V infirmitas^, 4017, weakness, instability sentio^, 102^, feel; perceive 4130 capiof, 3299, take up, adopt communico, 1, (communis, 1544), sha?^e ; impart (cum = to) ; (cf. partior, 3480) C praetermitto, (praeter, 474, 2279; mitto, 118, com- 822, prae- 895, di- 1028, ad- 1237, e- 1352, inter- 1419, a- 1471, per- 1546, de- 1652, re- 2135, sub- 2618, ob- 2855, intro- 3242), let pass ; (cf. neglego, 1760) C mane, adv., in the morning ; (cf. prima luce, 1231) C simulation, igSi, pretense, pretext C 4135 perfidia, (fides, 410), (faithlessness) ; treachery; (cf. dolus, 818) iitor^, 31 16, shoio frequens^, 4098, repeated ; plu., in large numbers, crowded C, V maior natu^, 2760, older; eldest; plu. comp., elders adhibe5^ 1195, add; have present ; invite; employ, exercise C, V 4140 simul — simul, 1 135, at the same time — and purgo^, 1463, pardon, clear C, V contra^, 1051, opposite, in opposition C, V atque^, 1488, to what, as C,V 131 CAESAR D. B. G. pridie*, 1280, on the day before C 4145 indutiae^, 4108, truce fallo^, 2698, deceive, disappoint ; elude C, V offero^, 2927, offer ; present; bring C, V gaudeo, 2, gavisus sum, rejoice C, V subsequor^, iTi^j, follow closely Chapter 14 4150 squHo*, 102/^, feel ; perceive C, V -ne (127), in indirect question, whether C, V adversus (1095), as prep. w. ace, against; (cf. contra, 2148, in, 98) an^, 2008, 2271, whether ; or ; sometimes untranslated C, V praesto^, 1003, be better 4155 fremitus^, 3014, din V concursus^, 634, running together, onset C, V pristinus^, ^oQ, previous perfidia^, 4i35,/azYA/e55nes5 ; treachery irrumpo, (per- 632, e- 3367, prae- 3639), break in(to) ; rush in(to) V 4160 paulisper^, 2631, /or a little while C, V excedo*, 3041, withdraw C, V passim, adv., (rel. to pando, 2373, passus, 343), in every direc- tion; (cf. undique, 310, ubique, 3677, utrimque, 2336) V consector*, 3667, pursue eagerly Chapter 15 tergum^, 241 1, back 4165 abicio, (de- 621, e-, etc., 4051), throw down or aside militaris*, e, (res militaris, 1223), military C me eicio, (eicio, 4051), rush forth; (cf. erumpo, 3367) C, V confluens, entis, f., (fluo, 519, flumen, 84), junction (of two rivers), confluence praecipito, 1, (praeceps, 301 1), hurl headlong] rush or fall head- long; (cf. deicio, 621) V 4170 lassitude^, 2^^/^, fatigue opprimo^, 2180, overwhelm, crush ; attack (unexpectedly) pereo^, 2434, perish C, V ad unum, to the man 132 BOOK IV incolumis^, 2463, unhurt, safe; unimpaired 4175 ex^, 950, after caput^, i^os, person C, V supplicium'^, 1118, jmnishmeiit C, V vexo*, 856, molest C, V Chapter 16 Germanicus, a, um, (Germ anus, 241, Germania, 3998), German 4180 iustus (21 12), cogent, adequate C, V impello^, 19355 drive forward ; urge on; instigate C, V Usipites*, 3918 Tencteri*, 3919 praedor*, 2834, plunder 4185 frumentor^, 4066, procure grain, forage inter'sum^, 926, intervene; impers., he to the interest (of, gen.); have a part in (+ dat.) C Sugambri, Sii-gam'-bri finio, 4, (finis, 83, finitimus, 326, 1062), limit; end (trans.); (cf. intercludo, 1283, con- 3456) aecus^, 2094, even ; equal ; fair C, V 4190 cur^ 1922, why? C, V Transrhenani, peoples across the Rhine magnopere^, 811 or 1820, very much, zealously oro^, 1 187, entreat, ask C, V veP, 3609, or C, V 4195 occupatio, (occnpo, 384), employment ; (cf. opera, 3057, opus, 144, labor, 2195) modo, adv., (rel. to modus, 1762; non modo, 937), only ; just; (cf . solum, 777, tantummodo, 3364) copia*, 961, number C, V Chapter 17 . decerno^, 3273, decree ; vote ; decide etsi^ 2224, although 4200 ^xo^om"^, g8g, set hef ore, set forth; disclose ; present C, V rapiditas, swiftness ; (cf . celeritas, 2308, alacritas, 2027) aliter^, 2875, otherwise V tignum, timber, beam ; (cf . trabs, 3136) bini^, 3656, two {each) 133 CAESAR D. B. G. 4205 sesquipedalis, e, (pes, 151), (of a) foot and a half paulum^, 2328, a little imus^, 2867, 3742, the hottom of the, the base of (it) C, V praeacutus^, 3135? sharpened (on the end) dimetior (2892), proportion 4210 inter se, (to) each other; compare I, 1 machinatio^, 3 161, machine immitto, (118, praeter-, etc., 4132), let down or in(to) ; let loose ; send against defigo, (trans- 1340, con- 3549, af-3625), (fasten down) ; plant C, V fistuca, pile-driver 4215 adigo^, 2934, drive (to) ; (push forward) ; hurl; (hind by oath) sublica, pile derecte, (rel. to rego, 3574), straight ad*, 1765, at, according to perpendiculum, (rel. to impendeo, 510) , plumb-line 4220 prone, inclined fastigate, (adj., 2660), sloping secundum (1685), in the direction of natura (311), current C procumbo^, ^oyi, fall down, lie down; lean V 4225 contrarius^, 2866, opposite, on the other side ad^, 3177, after, in C, V quadrageni, ae, a, (quadraginta, 3^5)^ forty each insuper, adv., (supra, 1306), above ; (besides) ; (cf . praeterea, 1725) V bipedalis, e, (bis, 3506, pes, 151), two foot 4230 trabs^, 3136, beam, timber V immitto"2, 4212, let down or in(to) ; let loose ; send against quantum (1020), ellipsis of tantum, as much as tignum^, 4203, timber, beam iunctura, (iungo, 623) , fastening V 4235 disto, stare, (prae- 305, in- 957, con- 3372), stand apart ; be dis- tant ; have as intei^val ; (cf . absum, 232) V bini^, 3656, two (each) C, V utrimque^, 2336, on each side, on both sides fibula, (rel. to defigo, etc., 4213)5 (clasp); brace V ab (267) extrema (271) parte (145)5 "on the outmost part" = at their upper ends 134 BOOK IV 4240 distineo^, 2588, keei? apart; keep away discludo, (inter- 1283, con- 3456; 1366), hold apart contrarius^, 2866, opposite, on the other side C, V revincio^, 3559? l:>ind (hack) , fasten V firmitudo^, 3586, strength ; stability 4245 hoc — quo, in that degree — in which, the — the; (cf. eo — quo, 830) aqua*, (aquatio, 4095), water C, V arte, closely illigo, (de- 2424), hind fast derectus, a, um, (adv., 4217), straight 4250 materia"^, 3906, icood, lumber inicio^, 2237, (^<^sl upon, place upon; cast at; inspire into contexo, (in- 3225), (iceave together); join; (cf. coniungo, 1812) V longurius^, 3626, long pole CY3ites, is, L, bundle of twigs, fascine 4255 c5nsterno, 3, stravi, atus, streiv over ; cover over V nihil5 setius^, 2325, none the less sublica^, 4216, J9^7e oblique, slantwise pro*, 2184, as; (333, 3184, 3556, 3581) 4260 aries"2, 3199, buttress; (ram) ; battering-ram V subicio'-, 1409, throw under; place below; (expose; throw up) excipio^, 1389, take up, capture; receive; meet; 3534, cope with c,v supra, prep. w. ace, (adv., 1306), above V mediocris^, 3768, moderate ; ordinary C 4265 arbor*, 2836, tree V truncus, trunk V -ve2, 1751, or V [immitto^, 4212, let down or in(to) ; let loose ; send against"] C, V minuo^, 1167, lessen C 4270 neu^, 1749, ''or that not," and that not C, V noceo^ 3585, do harm (+ dat.) C, V Chapter 18 materia^, 3906, wood, lumber firmus*, 416, strong, stable C, V 135 CAESAR D. B. G. Sugambri*, 4187 4275 libeiaLlitex'^, 2581, graciously ; generously exporto, (475, de-, etc., 3519)^ carry out; export C s51itudo, dinis, f., (solus, 1031), loneliness ; wilderness C abdo^, 761, hide (often reflex.) Chapter 19 succido, (oc- 576 ; caedo, etc., 3903), cut down 4280 comperio*, 1236, ascertain C demigrS^, 4001, remove (intr.) C uxor^, 1072, wife C depono^, 857, lay aside, put away medius**, 1300, (in) the middle (of); (in) the midst (of) C, V 4285 hie, (cf. 7), adv., here, in this place C, V decerto*, 21*52, have a combat or contest ; fight it out metus^, 4010, fear, anxiety C, V inicio^, 2237, cast upon, place upon ; cast at ; inspire into C, V ulciscor^, 780, avenge C, V 4290 obsidio, (obsideo, 3821; obses, 660), blockade; siege; oppression c,v libero*, 1,, (liber, 2192, libere, 1033, liberi, 714, libertas, 1012), free; (cf. eripio, 444, expedio, 514) C consiimo^, 733, use up ; spend C, V laus^, 1944, praise, renown C, V utilitas, (litor, 200, iisus, 1524, iitilis, ^0^2) , usefulness ; advan- tage C 4295 proficio^, 18 19, accomplish Q. rescindo^, 556, tear down V Chapter 20 exiguus, a, um, (exigo, 3895, exiguitas, 2937), scanty; small; (cf. parvus, 146, brevis, 1988) C, V etsi*, 2224, although C, V septentrio^, 270, great dipper or bear ; north 4300 vergo^, 269, be situated subministro^, 1986, supply diQ^cio^, 2^01, fail; revolt C, V modo^, 4196, only; just genus*, 2293, race, ?n6e ; kind, class; (also 4115) C, V 136 BOOK IV 4305 incognitus, a, um, (cognosce, 51), unknown temere^, 1923, rashly C illo^, 4092, to that place, thither ora*, 3403, coast C, V n5tus, a, um, (part, of nosco, 3453), (well-^hiown 4310 [evoco^, 3776, call out, summon] V institutum^, 221, (national) custom C Chapter 21 periculum^, 1940, trial C, V navis longa^, 3427, war-ship, galley explore^, 2551, ^n