mm lUsHB^n
tive to us ; it is the knowledge that Jesus, our leader, our
brother, our Lord, is there.
And the spirits of loved ones, whose bodies we have laid
in the earth will be there. We shall be in good company-
there. When we reach that land, we shall meet all the
Christians who have gone before us. We are told in
Matthew, too, that we shall meet angels there : " Take heed
lest ye despise not one of these little ones, for I say unto
you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face
of my Father which is in heaven." Yes, the angels are
there, and we shall see them when we get home.
He is there, and where He is His disciples shall be, for
He has said : " I go and prepare a mansion for you, that
wheresoever I am there ye may be also." I believe that
when we die the spirit leaves the body and goes to the
mansion above, and by and bye the body will be resurrected
and it shall see Jesus. Very often people come to me and
say: " Mr. Moody, do you think we shall know each other
in heaven ? " Very often it is a mother who has lost a
dear child, and who wishes to see it again. Sometimes it
is a child who has lost a mother, a father, and who wants
to recognize them in heaven. There is just one verse in
Scripture in answer to this, and that is : " We shall be
satisfied." It is all I want to know. .My brother who
went up there the other day I shall see, because I will be
satisfied. We will see all those we loved on earth up there,
and if we loved them here we will love them ten thousand
times more when we meet them there.
Another thought. In the tenth chapter of Luke we are
told our names are written there if we are Christians.
Christ just called His disciples up and paired them off and
sent them out to preach the gospel. Two of us — Mr. Sankey
and myself — going about and preaching the Gospel is
nothing new. You will find them away back eighteen
hundred years ago going off two by two, like Brothers Bliss
and Whittle, and Brothers Needham and Morehouse, to
different towns and villages. They had gone out, and
there had been great revivals in all the cities, towns and
villages they had entered. Everywhere they had met with
the greatest success. Even the very devils were subject to
them. Disease had fled before them. When they met a
lame man they said to him, " You don't want to be lame
any longer," and he walked. When they met a blind man
they but told him to open his eyes and behold he could
see. And they came to Christ and rejoiced over their
great success, and He just said to them, " I will give you
something to rejoice over. Rejoice that your names are
written in heaven." Now there are a great many people
who do not believe in such an assurance as this. " Rejoice,
because your names are written in heaven." How are you
going to rejoice if your names are not written there ? While
speaking about this some time ago, a man told me we were
preaching a very ridiculous doctrine when we preached this
doctrine of assurance. I ask you in all candor what are
you going to do with this assurance if we don't preach it.
It is stated that our names are written there ; blotted out
of the Book of Death and transferred to the Book of Life.
I was with a friend while in Europe — she is in this hall
to-night. On one occasion we were travelling from London
to Liverpool, and the question was put as to where we would
stop. We said we would go to the North Western at Lime
Street, as that was the hotel where Americans generally
stopped at. When we got there the house was full, could
not let us in. Every room was engaged. But this friend
said, " I am going to stay here. I engaged a room ahead.
I sent a telegram on." My friends, that is just what the
Christians are doing — sending their names in ahead. They
are sending a message up saying : " Lord Jesus I want one
of those mansions you are preparing ; I want to be there."
That's what they're doing. And every man and woman
here who wants one, if you have not already got one, had
better make up their mind. Send your names up now. I
would rather a thousand times have my name written in the
Lamb's Book than have all the wealth of the world rolling
at my feet. A man may get station in this world, it will
fade away ; he may get wealth, but it will prove a bauble.
" What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and
lose his own soul." It is a solemn question, and let it go
around the hall to-night, " Is my name written in the book
of life." I can imagine that man down there saying,
" Yes ; I belong to the Presbyterian Church ; my name's
on the church's books." It may be, but God keeps His
books in a different fashion than that in which the church
records of this city are kept. You may belong to a good
many churches ; you may be an elder or a deacon and be
a bright light in your church, and yet you may not have
your name written in the Book of Life. Judas was one of
the twelve, and yet he hadn't his name written in the Book
of Life. Satan was among the elect — he dwelt among the
angels, and yet he was cast from the high hallelujahs. Is
your name written in the Book of Life. A man told me
while speaking upon this subject, " That is all nonsense
you are speaking." And a good many men here are ot the
same opinion ; but I would like them to turn to Daniel,
twelfth chapter, " And there shall be a time of trouble, such
as never was since there was a nation, even to that same
time, and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every
one that shall be found written in the book." Every one
shall be delivered whose names shall be found written in
the book. And we find Paul, in the letters which he wrote
to the Philippians, addressing them as those " dear yoke-
fellows, whose names were written in the Book of Life."
If it is not our privilege to know that our names are written
in the Book of Life, here is Paul sending greeting to his
yoke-fellows, " whose names were written in the book." Let
us not be deceived in this. We see it too plainly through-
out the Holy Word. In the chapter of Revelations which
we have just read, we have three different passages refer-
ring to it, and in the twenty-first verse, almost the last words
in the Scriptures, we read : " And there shall in nowise
enter into it anything which defileth, neither whatsoever
worketh abomination or maketh a lie ; but they which are
written in the Lamb's Book of Life." My friends you will
never see the city unless your name is written in that Book
of Life. It is a solemn truth. Let it go home to every
one and sink into the hearts of all here to-night. Don't
build your hopes on a false foundation ; don't build your
hopes on an empty profession. Be sure your name is
written there. And the next thing after your own names
are written there is to see that the names of the children
God has given you are recorded there. Let the fathers
and mothers assembled to-night hear this and take it to
their hearts. See that your children's names are there. Ask
your conscience if the name of your John, your Willie, your
Mary, your Alice — ask yourselves whether their names are
recorded in the Book of Life. If not, make it the
business of your life, rather than to pile up wealth for them :
make it the one object of your existence to secure for them
eternal life rather than to pave the way to their death and
I read some time ago of a mother in an Eastern city
who was stricken' with consumption. At her dying hour
she requested her husband to bring the children to her.
The oldest one was brought first to her, and she laid her
hand on his head and gave him her blessing and dying
message. The next one was brought, and she gave him the
same ; and one after another came to her bedside until the
little infant was brought in. She took it and pressed it to
her bosom, and the people in the room, fearing that she
was straining her strength, took the child away from her.
As this was done she turned to the husband and said, " I
charge you, sir, bring all those children home with you."
And so God charges us . The promise is to ourselves and
to our children. We can have our names written there, and
then by the grace of God we can call our children to us
and know that their names are also recorded there. That
great roll is being called, and those bearing the names are
summoned every day — every hour ; that great roll is being
called to-night, and if your name were shouted could you
answer with joy ? You have heard of a soldier who fell
in our war. While he was lying dying, he was heard to cry,
"Here! here!" some of his comrades went up to him
thinking he wanted water, but he said : " They are calling
the roll of heaven, and I am answering," and in a faint
voice he whispered " here ! " and passed away to heaven.
If that roll was called to-night would you be ready to
answer " Here ! " I am afraid not. Let us wake up : may
every child of God wake up to-night. There is work to do.
Fathers and mothers, look to your children. If I could
only speak to one class, I would preach to parents, and try
to show them the great responsibility that rests upon them.
There is a man living on the bank of the Mississippi
River. The world calls him rich, but if he could call back
his first-born son he would give up all his wealth. The
boy was brought home one day unconscious. When the
doctor examined him he turned to the father, who stood at
the bedside, and said : " There is no hope." " What ! "
exclaimed the father, " is it possible my boy has got to
die." " There is no hope," replied the doctor. " Will he
not come to ? " asked the father. " He may resume con-
sciousness, but he cannot live." " Try all your skill,
doctor. I don't want my boy to die." By and bye the boy
regained a glimmering of consciousness, and when he was
told that his death was approaching, he said to his father,
Won't you pray for my lost soul, father ? You have never
prayed for me." The old man only wept. It was true.
During the seventeen years that God had given him his
boy he had never spent an hour in prayer for his soul, but
the object of his life had been to accumulate wealth for
that first-born. Am I speaking to a prayerless father or
mother to-night ? Settle the question of your soul's salva-
tion and pray for the son or daughter God has given you.
But I have another anecdote to tell. It was Ralph
Wallace who told me of this one. A certain gentleman had
been a member of the Presbyterian Church. His little boy
was sick. When he went home his wife was weeping, and
she said, " Our boy is dying. He has had a change for
the worse. I wish you would go in and see him." The
father went into the room and placed his hand on the brow
of his dying boy, and could feel that the cold, damp sweat
was gathering there ; that the cold, icy hand of death was
feeling for the chords of life. " Do you know, my boy that
you are dying ? " asked the father. " Am I ? Is this
death ? Do you really think I am dying ? " " Yes, my
son, your end on earth is near. " And will I be with
Jesus to-night, father?" "Yes, you "will be with the
Saviour." " Father don't you weep, for when I get there I
will go right straight to Jesus and tell Him that you have
been trying all my life to lead me to Him." God has given
me two little children, and ever since I can remember I
have directed them to Christ, and I would rather lead them
to Jesus than give them the wealth of the world. If you
have got a child go and point the way. I challenge any
man to speak of heaven without speaking of children.
" For d"f such is the kingdom of heaven." Fathers and
mothers and professed Christians ignore this sometimes.
They go along themselves and never try to get any to
heaven with them. Let us see to this at once, and let us
pray that there may be many names written in the Lamb's
Book of Life to-night.
You who were here last night remember that the sub-
ject upon which I spoke was " Heaven, and who were
there." We tried to prove from Scripture that God the
Father, and Christ the Son, and angels and redeemed
saints who have gone up from earth are there, and that if
we have been born of God our names are recorded there.
Now I will commence to-night right where I left off last
night, and the next thought upon the subject that presents
itself is, " are we laying our treasures there ? " If we are
living as God would have Us live, we are doing this. There
are a great many people who forget that there are eleven
commandments. They think there are only ten. The
eleventh commandment is : " Lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven." How many of us remember — ah !
how people in Chicago forget the words of the Lord now
in His wonderful sermon on the mount : " Lay not up for
yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth
corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal ; but
lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither
moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not
break through nor steal." How few of our people pay
any heed to these words. That's why there are so many
broken hearts among us ; that's why so many men and
women are disappointed and going through the streets
with shattered hopes ; it's because they have not been lay-
ing up treasures in heaven. They pile up treasures on
earth, and some calamity comes upon them and sweeps all
away. The Chicago fire burned up a good many of these
treasures. A great number of people put their treasures in
banks, which dissolve, and away they go. Some have put
their treasures in railway shares which have all disappear-
ed like a vapor ; and that is why so many are broken-
hearted to-day, and in great distress, and do not know
what is before them. If they had taken heed of the words
of this commandment this thing would not have happened
to them. " Lay up your treasures in heaven." It don't
take long in conversation with a man to find out where
his heart is. Wherever it is, there is his treasure. Go to
a political man and talk to him about Hayes and Wheeler,
or Tilden or Hendricks, on any political question, and how
his heart gets ablaze and his eye sparkles. His treasure
is in politics. Go talk to a man who loves the theater
about a new play, and see how his eye glistens. His
heart is set upon pleasure — upon the world. And yet
another class whose heart is set on business. Go to him
and talk to him about some new speculation, and show him
where he can make a few thousand dollars, and you will
soon tell where his treasure lies. But talk about heaven
and all interest is lost. I could not help that thought
coming to me last night, when I saw before me some
dozing — some almost asleep, as if they thought I was
talking about a myth • and others were sitting with eyes
aglow, and all attention when I mentioned heaven. Ah !
they expected to go there, and were glad to hear about
Some men think it is too far away to lay up their treas-
ures. I was talking to a business man before the fire
about laying up treasures in heaven, and he said : " I like
to have my treasure where I can see it." And that is the
way with a great many people — they like to have their
treasures here so they can see them. It is a great mistake.
People go on accumulating what they must leave behind
them. How many here do not devote five minutes to Any-
thing else than money-making. It is money, moneys-
money, and if they get it they are satisfied. You will see
occasionally in the newspapers accounts of men dying who
are worth so many millions. It is a great mistake. He
cannot take it with him. If it is in business, it ain't his.
If it is in banks, it ain't his. If in real estate, he cannot
take it. It ain't his. Now, ask yourselves to-night,
" Where is my treasure ? " Is my heart set upon things
down here ? " If it is set upon wealth it will by and by
take to itself wings and fly away. Oh, think of this. If
your heart is set upon pleasure, it will melt away ; if
your heart is set upon station, reputation, some tongue
may blast it in a moment, and it is gone. If your hopes
and heart are set upon some loved wife or dear children,
whom you have set up in your hearts as an idol in place of
your God, death may come and snatch your god from
your life. It is wrong to set up anything, however dear to
us, in the place of our God. And so it is wrong " to lay
up treasures for yourselves upon earth."
Now, are you — are the people of Chicago heeding this
commandment ? Ask yourselves this as you are passing
through the street to-morrow : " How many of the people
of this city are obeying this commandment. i Lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven ? ' "
I remember before the Chicago fire hearing of a minis-
ter coming up to see his son. He found him completely
absorbed in real estate. You remember before the fire
how every one was mad about real estate. It was a mania
with all of us. If we could get a corner lot, no matter
whether we threw ourselves in debt, or smothered it with .
mortgages, we were confident that in time, when prices
went up, we would make our fortune. This minister came
up, and when he saw his son he tried to talk about his
soul, but it was no use. Real estate was there. He talk-
e d r iDout real estate in the morning, in the afternoon and
,mght. No use of trying to talk of heaven to him. His
only heaven was real estate. The son had a boy in his
store, but he being absent the father was left to mind the
business one day. When a customer came in and started
upon the subject of real estate, it was not long before the
minister stepped off and was speaking to the customer
about his soul, and telling him he would rather have a
corner lot in the New Jerusalem than all the corner lots •
in Chicago. And the people used to say that no real
estate could be sold when the father was around. The
trouble was that the son had real estate in his heart — that
was his god — and his father had in his heart treasures in
heaven. If we have anything in our hearts which we put
up as our god, let us ask Him to come to us and take it
away from us.
I remember when I went to California just to try and get
a few souls saved on the Pacific coast. I went into a
school there and asked, " Have you got some one who
can write a plain hand ? " " Yes." Well, we got up the
blackboard, and the lesson upon it proved to be the very
text we have to-night," " Lay up for yourselves treasures
in heaven." And I said, " Suppose we write upon that
board some of the earthly treasures ? And we will begin
with ' gold.' " The teacher readily put down gold, and they
all comprehended it ; for all had run to that country in the
hope of finding it. " Well, we will put down ' houses ' next,
and then ' land.' Next we will put down ' fast horses.' "
They all understood what fast horses were — they knew a
good deal more about fast horses than they knew about the
kingdom of God. Some of them, I think, actually made
fast horses serve as gods. " Next we will put down
'tobacco.' " The teacher seemed to shrink at this. "Put
it down," said I, " many a man thinks more of tobacco than
he does of God. Well, then, we will put down ' rum.' " He
objected to this — didn't like to put it down at all. " Down
with it. Many a man will sell his reputation, will sell his
home, his wife, children, everything he has. It is the god
of some men. Many here m Chicago will sell their present u
and their eternal welfare for it. Now," said I, " suppose
we put down some of the heavenly treasures. Put down
1 Jesus ' to head the list, then ' heaven,' then ' river of life,'
then * crown of glory,' and went on till the column was
filled, and just drew a line and showed the heavenly and
the earthly things in contrast. My friends, they could not
stand comparison. If a man just does that, he cannot but
see the superiority of the heavenly over the earthly treasures.
Well, it turned out that the teacher was not a Christian.
He had gone to California on the usual hunt — gold ; and
when he saw the two columns placed side by side, the
excellence of the one over the other was irresistible, and he
was the first soul God gave me on that Pacific coast. He
accepted Christ, and that man came to the station when I
was coming away and blessed me for coming to that place.
Those of you who do not lay your treasures up in heaven
will be sure to be disappointed. You cannot find a man
who has devoted his life to the treasures of this life — not
one in the wide, wide world — but who has been disappointed.
Something arises in life to sweep all away, or the amount
of joy which they expect to obtain from their riches falls
short of their anticipations. If men centre their affections
on heaven they will have no disappointment ; all is joy and
comfort from that source, and the whole current of their
lives will be drifting towards heaven.
Some one has heard of a farmer who, when some one —
an agent — called upon him to give something for the
Christian Commission, promptly drew a check for $10,000.
He wanted the agent to have dinner with him, and after
they had dined the farmer took the man out on the
veranda and pointed to the rich lands sweeping far away
laden with rich products. " Look over these lands," said
the farmer. "They are all mine." He took him to the
pasture and showed the agent the choice stock, the fine
horses he had, and then pointed to a little town, and then
to a large hall where he lived, saying, " They are all mine.
I came here when a poor boy and I have earned all that
you see." When he got through my friend asked him,
" Well, what have you got up yonder ? " " Where ? " replied
the farmer, who evidently knew where my friend meant.
"What have you got in heaven ? " " Well," said the farmer,
" I haven't anything there. " What ! " replied my friend,
"you, a man of your discretion, wisdom, business ability,
have made no provision for your future ! " He hadn't, and
in a few weeks he died — a rich man here and a beggar in
eternity. A man may be wise in the eyes of the world to
pursue this course, but he is a fool in the sight of God.
Wealth to most men proves nothing more or less than a
great rock upon which his eternity is wrecked.
A great many Christians wonder how it is they don't get
on better — how it is that they don't get on. It is because
you have got your heart on things down here. When they
look towards heaven they don't have a love for the world.
We are then living for another world. We are pilgrims and
strangers upon the earth. It is easy to have love for God
when we have our treasures there. The reason, then, why
so many of us do not grow in Christianity is because we
have our treasures here.
Mr. Moorehouse told me he was looking down the harbor
of Liverpool one day, when he saw a vessel coming up, and
she was being towed up by a tug. The vessel was sunk in
the water nearly to her edge, and he wondered it did not
sink altogether. Upon inquiry he found that it was loaded
with lumber and that it was waterlogged. Another vessel
came up, her sails set, no tug assisting her, and she soon
darted past the waterlogged vessel. And so it is with some
Christians. They are waterlogged. They may belong
to a church, and if they find anything in the church dis-
agreeing with them they won't go back. They want the
whole church to come out and look for them, and tow them
in. If the church don't, they think they are not getting the
attention clue them. When men go up in balloons they take
bags of sand with them, and when they want to rise higher
they throw them out. There are a great many Christians
who have got too many bags of sand, and to rise they want
to throw some out. Look at the poor men here in the city —
the rich Christians can relieve themselves by giving some of
their bags of sand to them. A great many Christians would
feel much better it they relieved themselves of their bags of
sand. " He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord,"
and if you want to be rich in eternity, just give to the poor
with your heart, and the Lord will bless not only you, but
all connected with you.
The next thing is our rest in heaven! A great many
people have got a false idea about the church. They have
got an idea that the church is a place to rest in. Instead
of thinking that it is a place of work, they turn it into a
resting-place. To get into a nicely cushioned pew, and
contribute to the charities, listen to the minister, and do
their share to keep the church out of bankruptcy, is all they
want. The idea of work for them — actual work in the
church — never enters their mind. In Hebrews we see the
words : " There is a rest for the people of God." We have
got all eternity to rest in. Here is the place for work, we
must work till Jesus comes. This is the place of toil — ■
eternity of repose. " Blessed are they that die in the Lord,
for their works do follow them." Let us do the work that
God gives us to-day. Don't think that you have to rest in
the world where God sent His son who was murdered. I
remember hearing a man who had worked successfully for
the Lord complaining that he didn't have the success he
used to, and one night he threw himself on his bed sick of
life and wanting to die. While in this state of mind he
dreamed that he was dead and that he had ascended to
heaven, and as he was walking down the crystal pavement
of paradise he saw all at once three friends in a chariot,
and when the chariot came opposite to where he was one
of them stepped out and came to him. He noticed that
His face was illuminated with a heavenly radiance, and He
came to this man and took him to the battlements of heaven.
" Look down," said He ; " what do you see ? " " I see the
dark world," replied the dreamer. " Look down again, and
tell me what you see." "I see men walking blindfolded
over bridges, and below them are bottomless pits," was the
dreamer's reply. "Will you prepare to stay here, or go
back to earth and tell those men of their danger — tell them
of the bottomless pits over which they walk." At this the
man awoke from his sleep and said he didn't want to die
any more. He just wanted to remain down here and warn
his fellow T -men from the dangers which surrounded them.
When we turn a soul to Christ we do not know what will
turn up — what will be the result of it. It may be the means
of saving a million souls. The one man may convert
another man, and those two may convert a hundred, and
that hundred may convert a thousand, and the current
keeps widening and widening and deepening and deepening,
and as time rolls on the fruit will be ripening which you
have gathered for God. It is a great privilege, my friends,
to work for God.
I want to call your attention to the eleventh chapter of
of Hebrews. After Paul mentions Jacob and Isaac and
Enoch, he says : " They all died in faith, not having
received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and
were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed
that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Are
the Christians of Chicago living like pilgrims and strangers,
heaven; il 91
and by their faith do they show " that they seek another
country;" do they show by their fruits and their deeds
that they are pilgrims and strangers here ? When I get
into a man's mind the beauties of that country beyond the
grave, it looks as if his only thought was for it. We are to
be pilgrims and strangers passing through this world on our
way to a better land. The moment Abraham by faith got
sight of that land he declared himself a pilgrim and a
stranger. This earth had no charm for him then. Lot
might go down to that city of Sodom or Gomorrah, and
that city might be burned up. We might fix our affections
on this city. Chicago has been burned twice, and it will
be burned again — this whole world shall pass away with all
its boasted riches and glory, and where shall we be then ?
If we build our hopes here we shall be disappointed ; if we
build our hopes upon that foundation whose builder and
maker is God, we shall not be disappointed. We are told
in Matthew to set our affections on things above, and that
" there shall be joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth."
There are rumors of war in Europe, and if war were
declared probably it would excite the whole civilized world.
Trade would be affected, and relations of all kinds. I
don't know whether it would excite heaven at all. If the
President of the United States issued a proclamation, I
don't know whether it would be noticed in heaven or not,
but the papers would speak of it, the people would be
excited, and great changes might take place over it. If
Queen Victoria died telegrams would go all over the world,
newspapers would speak of it, the whole world would be
excited — I don't know if it would be noticed in heaven at
all. But if that girl there should repent there would be joy
in heaven. Just think of it — think of a little girl, of a little
girl being the cause of joy in heaven. I don't think the
papers would record it — they would never notice it. There
would be no head in the morning telling the people that
there had been joy in heaven over the repentance of a
little girl in the Tabernacle. " There is joy over one
sinner that repenteth." I have been wondering who it is
that rejoiced in heaven when He brought back that lost
sheep. We are told that there is joy in the presence of
the angels ; but who else is it that rejoices ? It may be
that I am going a little too far, but I think that I have a
right to believe that the redeemed saints who have gone up
from earth may be led to rejoice when they hear in heaven
of the conversion of some living ones here. Perhaps
while I am speaking some loving mother may be looking
over the battlements of heaven on her boy in the gallery
yonder, and it may be that while she was on earth she
prayed earnestly and constantly, and when she got there
she pleaded at the throne for mercy to her son. It may
be that as she is watching some angel will carry the news
to her of that boy's conversion, and take his name there to
be recorded in the Book of Life. Perhaps that mother
and the Lord Jesus Christ will rejoice over that son, or it
may be some daughter. Perhaps it is some child who is
looking from that country down to her mother in this hall,
and when the news of her acceptance of salvation reaches
that little child she will strike her golden harp and shout :
" Mother, mother is coming ! " While I was touching on
this topic in Manchester I remember a man getting up and
shouting : " Oh, mother, I am coming ! " The mother
had been fruitless in her endeavors to convert that man
while on earth, but her intercession there and the influence
of her prayers here touched his heart and he decided.
I remember in the Exposition building in Dublin, while
I was speaking about Heaven, I said something to the
effect that "perhaps at this moment a mother is looking down
from Heaven upon her daughter here to-night," and I pointed
down to a young lady in the audience. Next morning I
received this letter :
"On Wednesday when you were speaking of heaven
you said, ' It may be this moment there is a mother looking
down from heaven expecting the salvation of her child who
is here.' You were apparently looking at the very spot
where my child, was sitting. My heart said, ' that is my
child. That is her mother.' Tears sprang to my eyes. I
bowed my head and prayed, ' Lord, direct that word to my
darling child's heart ; Lord, save my child.' I was then
anxious till the close of the meeting, when I went to her.
She was bathed in tears. She rose, put her arms round
me, and kissed me. When walking down to you she told
me it was that same remark (about the mother looking
down from heaven) that found the way home to her, and
asked me, ' Papa, what can I do for Jesus ? ' "
May the Spirit of God bring hundreds to the cross of
Christ to-night.
The subject to-night will be " The Precious Blood." I
want to call your attention first to the second chapter and
sixteenth verse of Genesis, " And the Lord God commanded
the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou may est freely
eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou
shall not eat of it : for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
shall surely die." There cannot be a law without a penalty.
There is not a law in our land but has a penalty attached
to it. If our legislative representatives or members in
Congress were to make a law and have no penalty appended
to it it would be worthless. We might make a law forbid-
ding men to steal, but if we had no penalty to that law I
don't think we could go home without having our watches
stolen from us. We could not live without law, and God
put Adam into the garden under a law, attached to which
was a penalty. Well, we know how he disobeyed, and
how he fell, and so the penalty of death came upon him.
Many people stumble over this.* I used to wonder how it
was that the penalty of death fell upon him when he lived,
I think, some nine hundred and ninety-nine years after he
broke the law; but when I understood my Bible better, I
learned that it was death to the souW-not physical death,
but spiritual death. When God came to seek him in thq
garden, we are told that he hid himself ; he was ashamed
of his iniquity — just like hundreds of his sons in Chicago ;
and then we find him dealing with Adam by showing him
grace. This was the very first thing he did. A great many
people think God was very severe in His treatment of
Adam ; but He, whenever the offence was committed,
whenever the law was broken, showed mercy, showed
grace ; and by this grace a way of escape was presented to
them. Ah, that little hymn expresses it : " Grace, friend,
contrived a way," by which Adam could regain the life he
had forfeited. And so we read that the Lord made "coats
of skin " to clothe them before He drove them out of Para-
dise. They received grace before, as we see in the twenty-
fourth verse : "He drove out the man, and He placed at
the east end of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming
sword, which turned every way to keep the way of the tree
of life." There's grace and government : and from that
day till the present God has been dealing with us in that
way. He rides, we may say, in a chariot with two wheels
— one grace and the other government. We can see in
this world how it would be if we had no government.
There would be no living in it. Adam broke the divine
law, and so he had to suffer the penalty ; but He gave him
grace to be redeemed by. He showed Adam and Eve
grace by killing the animals and then covering their naked-
ness with coats made from the skins. I can imagine
Adam's turning to Eve and saying, " Well, in spite of what
we've done, God loves us after all. He has clothed us ;
He has given us grace for our sin." And here we find the
first glimpse of the doctrine of substitution — the substitu-
tion of the just for the unjust ; the great doctrine of atone-
ment and substitution foreshadowed in Genesis.
Then, as we go on, we find the story of Cain and Abel,
and we are told that " in process of time it came to pass
that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering
unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the
firstlings of his flock, and of the fat thereof ; and the Lord
had respect unto Abel and to his offering ; but unto Cain
and his offering He had not respect. And Cain was very
wroth and his countenance fell." Now we find that Cain
brought a bloodless sacrifice — " he brought of the fruit of
the ground " — and Abel brought a bleeding lamb. Right
on the morning of grace we see here that God had marked
a way for men to come to Him, and that way was the way
that Abel took, and Cain came to God with a sacrifice of
his own, in his own way. So we find men and women in
the churches of to-day coming to God with a sacrifice, not
in God's way, but in their own — coming with their own
good deeds, or their works, or their righteousness, and
ignoring the lamb altogether, ignoring the blood completely.
They don't want to come that way ; they want to come in
their own fashion. Cain, perhaps, reasoned that he didn't
see why the products of the earth, why the fruit, shouldn't
be as acceptable to God as a bleeding lamb. He didn't
like a bleeding lamb, and so he brought his fruit. Now we
don't know how there was any difference between those
two boys. Both must have been brought up in the same
way ; both came from the same parents, yet we find in the
offering there was a difference between them. One came
with the blood, and the other without the blood, and the
one with the blood had the acceptable sacrifice to God.
We pass over to the second dispensation — to the eighth
chapter of Genesis — where we find Noah coming out of
the ark and putting blood between him and his sins.
" And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord, and took of
every clean beast and of every clean fowl and offered burnt
offerings on the, altar." God had Noah bring those ani-
mals clear through the flood that he could offer them as a
sacrifice when he came from the ark. He took a couple of
each kind into the ark, and when he came out we find him
making a blood offering the very first thing. He was a
man of God ; he walked in the fear of the Lord, and so he
made the offering of blood. The first thing in the first
dispensation we see is blood, and the first thing in the
second dispensation is blood.
In the twenty-second chapter of Genesis we find the
story of Abraham and his only son, Isaac. Abraham was
a follower of God, a man who loved and feared God, and
He commanded him to make a blood sacrifice. We read
in this chapter that He commanded Abraham to make
the sacrifice of his only son. And we read that the next
morning the old man saddled his ass" and started. He
didn't tell his wife anything about it. If he had she would
likely have persuaded him to remain where he was. But
he has heard the voice of God, and he obeys the command ;
he has heard God's wish, and he is going to do it. So,
early in the morning — he didn't wait till ten or twelve
o'clock, but went early in the morning— -he takes two of his
young men with him and his son Isaac, and you can see
him starting out on the three days' journey. They have
the wood and the fire, for he is going to worship his God.
As he goes on he looks at his boy and says, " It is a strange
commandmlnt that God has given. I love this boy dearly.
I don't understand it ; but I know it's all right, for the
Judge of all the earth makes no mistakes." An order from
the Judge of Heaven is enough for him. The first night
comes, and their little camp is made, and Isaac is asleep.
But the old man doesn't sleep. He looks into his face
sadly and says, " I will have no boy soon ; I shall never
see him on earth again ; but I must obey God." I can see
him marching on the next day, and you might, have seen
him drying his tears as he glanced upon that only son and
thought upon what he had been called upon to do. The
second night comes ; to-morrow is the day for the sacrifice
What a night that must have been to Abraham. " To-
morrow," he says sadly, " I must take the life of that boy
— my only son, dearer to me than my life — dearer to me
than anything on earth." And the third day comes, and
as they go along they see the mountain in the distance ;
then he says to the young men : " You stay here with the
beasts." He takes the wood and the fire, and along with
his boy prepares to ascend Mount Moriah, from which
could be seen the spot where a few hundred years later the
Son of man was offered up. As they ascend the mountain
Isaac says : " There's the wood and the fire, father, but
where's the sacrifice ? " — thus showing that the boy knew
nothing of what was in store. How the question must
have sunk down into the old man's heart. And he answers :
" The Lord will provide a sacrifice." It was not time to
tell him, and they go on until they come to the place ap-
pointed by God, and build the altar, and lay the wood upon
it. Everything is ready, and E can just imagine the old
man take the boy by the hand, and, leading him to a rock,
sitting down there, and telling him how God had called
upon him to come out of his native land ; how God had
been in communion with him for fifty years ; what God
had done for him. " And now," he says, " my boy, when
I was in my bed three nights ago, God came to me with a
strange message, in which He told me to offer my child as
a sacrifice. I love you, my son, but God has told me to do
this, and I must obey Him. So let us both go down on
our knees and pray to Him." After they have sent up a
petition to God, Abraham lays him on the altar and kisses
him for the last time. He lifts the knife to drive it into
his son's heart, when all at once he hears a voice : " Abra-
ham, Abraham, spare thine only son." Ah, there was no
voice heard on Calvary to save the Son of Man. God
showed mercy to the son of Abraham. You fathers and
mothers, just picture to yourselves how you would suffer if
you had to sacrifice your only son ; and think what it
must have caused God to give up His only Son. We are
told that Abraham was glad. The manifestations of Abra-
ham's faith so pleased God that He showed him the grace
of heaven, and lifted the curtain of time to let him look
down into the future to see the Son of God offered, bearing
the sins of the world. From the peak of this very moun-
tain might have been seen the very spot where died the
Saviour of the world.
We find Abel the first man who went to heaven, and he
went by way of blood, and we find it in all the worships of
God from the earliest times. Mr. Sankey sings solos upon
the redeeming blood. I can imagine when Abel got there
how he sang the song of redemption. How the angels
gathered around him and listened to that song ; it was the
first time they had ever heard that song before ; but 6,000
years have gone and there's a great chorus of the saints
redeemed by the atoning blood. The first man that went
to heaven went by the way of blood, and the last man who
passes through those pearly gates must go the same way.
We find not only Abel and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob,
but all of them, went there through an atonement. Now,
we find in the 12th chapter and 2d verse of Exodus — the
most important chapter in the word of God : " This month
shall be unto you the beginning of months ; it shall be the
first month of the year to you." And then in the 4th
verse, "And if the household be too little for the lamb, let
him and his neighbor next unto his house take it accord-
ing to the number of the souls; every man according to
his eating shall make your count for the lamb." Now it
don't say " if the larnb be too small for the household,"
but "if the household be too little for the lamb." You may
have some pretty large households ; your houses may be
too small for them, but Christ has plenty of room. We
don't start from the cradle to heaven, but from the cross.
That's where eternal life begins — when we come to Cal-
vary ; when we come to Christ and get grace. We don't
come to heaven when we are born into the natural world,
but into the spiritual world. That's where we date our
spiritual lives from. Before that our lives are a blank so
far as grace is concerned. Adam dated from the time of
the flood, and Noah when he came from the ark dated
from the blood offering, and so the children of Israel when
they came out of Egypt. And even to-day when they take up
their pens and date 1876 years — when do they date from ?
Why, from the blood of Christ ? Everything dates from
blood. In this chapter we see the command tosacrifice.
They slew the lamb. God didn't say " Put a lamb to
your front door, and I will spare you," but on the houses.
Some classes of people say preach anything but the
death, preach the life of Christ. You may preach that and
you'll never save a soul. It is not Christ's sympathy —
His life — we preach, it is His sacrifice. That's what brings
men out of darkness. I can imagine some proud Egyptians
that day, who when they heard the bleating of the lambs —
th&are must have been over 200,000 lambs — saying, " What
an absurd performance. Every man has got a lamb, and
they have got the best lambs out of the flock, too, and they
are going to cover their houses with the blood." They
looked upon this as an absurd proceeding — a flaw in their
character. You may find a good many flaws in your
character, but you cannot find a flaw in the Lamb of God.
When the hour came you could see them all slaying their
lamb, and not only that, but putting the blood on the door-
posts. To those Egyptians or to the men of the world how
absurd it looked. They probably said, " Why are you
disfiguring your houses in that way ? " It was not upon
the threshold. God didn't want that, but they were to put
it upon the lintels and doorposts — where God could see it
that night so that (thirteenth verse) He might see it as a
token. This blood was to be a substitution for death, and
all who hadn't that token in the land of Egypt had their
first-born smitten at midnight. There was a wail from
Egypt from one end to the other. But death didn't come near
the homes where was the token. It was death that kept
death out of the dwelling.
Many people say, " I wish I was as good as that woman
who has been ministering to the sick for the last fifty
years. I would feel sure of heaven." My friends, if you
have the blood behind you, you are as safe as anybody on
this earth. It is not because that woman has been living a
life of sacrifices in her ministrations to the poor that she
will enter the kingdom of God. It is not our life of good
deeds or our righteousness that will take us Lo heaven, but
the atonement. And the question ought to come to every one
to-night, "Are we sheltered behind the blood?" If not
death will come by and by and you will be separated from
God for eternity. If you have not a substitute you will
die. Death is passed upon all of us. Why ? Because
of our sin. If we have not a substitute we have no
Not only were they to have a token, but they were to do
something else. We read in the nth verse: "And thus
shall ye eat it ; with your loins girded, your shoes on your
feet, and your staff in your hand ; and ye shall eat it in
haste ; it is the Lord's passover." Now a great many
people wonder why they haven't got more spiritual power,
and have not the joy of the Lord with them all the time,
It is because they haven't got the blood of the lamb with
them. These pilgrims had a long journey before them, and
the Lord told them to eat the lamb. If we feed upon the
Lamb we will get strength in proportion. My friends, be
sure before you commence on your pilgrimage that you are
sheltered behind the blood, for when He sees the blood,
death will pass over you. And let me ask this assemblage
to-night if every one of you have the token ? I was
speaking to a man some time ago, who, when I asked him
if he had the token said : " I have prayer," and when he
got to heaven he would pray, and he thought that would
admit him. I said to him : "You won't get in that way.
You must be cleansed by the blood of Christ. That is the
only power that will open the gates of heaven— the only
When I went East the other night the conductor came
around and called for the tickets, I pulled out my ticket
and he punched it. He didn't know whether it was a
white or a black man who presented it, I believe. He
didn't care who it was ; all he wanted was the token. So
all that God wants is the token of our salvation. It doesn't
depend upon our deeds, our righteousness, or upon our
lives ; it depends upon whether or not we are sheltered
behind the blood. That is the question. It didn't matter
in that land of Goshen whether the child was six months or
years old if it was behind the blood. It was not their
moral character, nor their connections, but the blood that
saved them. It is the atonement that saves, and that is
the teaching all through your Bible.
There is another verse in the twenty-ninth chapter of
Exodus I want to call your attention to : " Thou shalt slay
the ram, and thou shalt take his blood and sprinkle it
round about the altar." Now we see that Aaron the high
priest could not come to God with his prayers alone. He
had to sprinkle the blood upon the altar. There was a
time when I didn't believe in the substitution and in the
blood, and my prayers went no higher than my head ; but
when I came to God by Jesus Christ — -by the way of
blood — it was different. I never knew a man who came to
God really but who came this way. That great high priest
had to come this way, too.
Then, again in the 30th chapter, 10th verse, we see :
" And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of
it once in a year, with the blood of the sin-offering of
atonements ; once in the year shall he make atonement
upon it throughout your generations ; it is most holy unto
the Lord." Now, an atonement is the only thing that makes
a sinner and God one — is the only thing that will bring
God and the sinner together. I would like, if I had time,
to give you all the passages touching upon atonement in
the Old Testament, but it would take too long. Turn
again to the eighth chapter of Leviticus. This book of
Leviticus is one of the most valuable, because it relates all
about the worship of God. I remember when I used to
read this book I used to wonder what it was all about — a
verse like this, for instance ; " And he slew it ; and Moses
took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's
right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon
the great toe of his right foot." I would say, "What
does this mean ? ' Put it upon the tip of Aaron's right
ear.' " What for ? I think I have got a little light upon
the subject since those days. " Blood upon the ear ? " So
that a man could hear the voice of God, of course. And
so a man who has accepted the atonement can hear the
word rightly. Blood upon the hand of a man, so that he
who works for God can work rightly. Hundreds of men
think they are working out their salvation , and they are
only deceiving themselves. Bear in mind then that a man
cannot do anything until he is sheltered behind the blood.
When a man is in this position then he can go and be
acceptable to God. Then blood upon the feet, so that a
man can walk with God. You know when God came to
Adam he hid himself. He hadn't the blood, and he
couldn't walk with God. He put those people in question
behind the blood, and he walked among them. When they
came to the Red Sea the mighty waters opened, and God
walked with them. In the wilderness they wanted water,
and a rod struck the rock, and a crystal stream gushed
forth. Why ? Because they had had the substitution.
Many people say this is a very mysterious thing, We
don't understand why God wants blood as an atonement.
A man said to me : "I detest your religion ; I hate your
God." " Why ? " I asked. " I detest a God who demands
blood," he replied. Now, God is not an unjust God. He
don't demand it without giving us a reason. He tells us in
His word that " the life of the flesh is in the blood." Take
the blood out of me and I am a dead man. Life has been
forfeited, the law has been broken, and the penalty must
come upon us, and his blood He gives us is life ; it is the
life of our flesh. Three times we see " blood " mentioned
in the 23d and 24th verses, and the reason is that it is life.
You and I have lost life by the fall, and what we want is
to get back that life we lost, and we have it offered to us
by the atonement of Christ. I have often thought I would
far rather be out of Eden and have the blood than be in
Eden without it. Adam might have been there ten years
and Satan might have been there ten years, and Satan might
have come and got him. But some can't see why God
permitted Adam to fall. They can't begin to discern the
philosophy of it. They can't see why God ever permitted
original sin to come into the world. The best answer to
that was given by the Rev. Andrew Bonner, who said " It
was a great deal more wonderful that God should send His
Son down to bear the brunt of it." Let us thank God we
have a refuge, a substitute for the sin we are groaning
Turn to the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah. You hear a
good many people saying : " I don't believe in the Old Tes-
tament, I believe in the new." My friends, both are
inseparable. A scarlet thread runs through the two and
binds them together. We, like sheep, have gone astray,
but " He was wounded for our transgressions. He was
bruised for our iniquities ; the chastisement of our peace
was upon Him ; and with his stripes we are healed." My
friends, in the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah we see it
prophesied 700 years before it took place that he would
die and be a substitute for you and me, that we might live.
And now, my friends, let us aceept Him. It seems base
ingratitude not to praise God every hour of our lives that
He has given such a Saviour. Let us take time. Many
a young man thinks it noble to scoff at this : I think it the
basest ingratitude. This atonement is the only hope of my
eternal life. Take the doctrine of substitution out of my
Bible, and I would not take it home with me to-night. Let
us praise God that he loved us so as to give us His only
son so that we might be saved.
I remember some years ago reading about a New York
family. A young man, during the gold fever, went out to
the Pacific, and left his wife and little boy. Just as soon
as he was successful he was going to send money. A long
time elapsed, but at last a letter came enclosing a draft,
and telling his wife to come on. The woman took a
passage in one of the fine steamers of the Pacific line, full
of hope and joy at the prospect of soon being united to her
husband. They had not been out many days when a voice
went ringing through the ship, " Fire ! fire ! " The pumps
were set to work and the buckets were brought into opera-
tion, but the fire gained upon them. There was a powder
magazine on 'board, and the captain ordered all the boats
to be instantly lowered. He knew whenever the fire
reached the powder they would all be lost. The people
scrambled into the boats and the mother and boy were
left on deck. As the last boat was being pushed off the
woman begged to be taken in. The majority insisted the
boat was too full, and wanted to push off, but one man put
in a word for her, and they said they could allow one more
on board, but no more. What did the mother do ? Did
she go on board and leave her son ? No. She put her
boy into that lifeboat and told him if he ever lived to see
his father to tell him, " I died to save you." And the boat
pulled away from that ship, and left the mother standing
there. The vessel went on burning. Presently an explo-
sion was heard, and all was buried in the ocean. Suppose
that young man was here to-night. Suppose you spoke to
him about the act of his mother, and he turned round and
scoffed at it. " Why," you would say, " that ungrateful
wretch don't deserve to live," and this is what you are
doing. He laid down His life for you. Now will you speak
contemptuously about Him ? Will you speak lightly of the
blood laid down on Calvary for you ? Let us rather all
thank God we have such a Saviour. Let us live for Him
when He died for us. Let us pray.
You who' were here last night remember that we spoke
of the " Precious Blood," and that we looked at a few
passages in the Old Testament bearing upon the subject.
To-night I want to take up some passages referring to the
subject in the New Testament. Soon after we came back
from Europe to this country, I received a letter from a
lady saying that she had looked forward to our coming
back to this country with a great deal of interest, and that
her interest remained after we had commenced our ser-
vices, until I came to the lecture on the blood, when she
gave up all hope of our doing any good. In closing that
letter, she said : " Where did Jesus ever teach the perilous
and barbarous doctrine that men were to be redeemed
by the shedding of His blood ? Never, never did Jesus
teach that monstrous idea." Let us turn to the 14th
chapter of Mark, 24th verse, and we will find : " And
He said unto them, this is my blood of the New Testa-
ment, which is shed for many," and also in Matthew,
26th and 28th : " For this is my blood of the New Testa-
ment, which is shed for the remission of sin." There are
a good many passages, but it is not necessary to refer to
more. If Christ did not teach it, and also the apostles—
if Christ did not preach it, then I have read my Bible all
these years wrong. I haven't got the key to the Scrip-
tures ; it is a sealed book to me, and if I don't preach it —
if I give it up. I've nothing left to preach. Take the
blessed doctrine of the blood out of my Bible, and my cap-
ital is gone, and I've got to take to something else.-
I remember when in the old country, a young man
came to me — a minister came round to me and said he
wanted to talk with me. He said to me : " Mr Moody,
you are either all right, and I am all wrong, or else I am
right, and you are all wrong." "Well, sir," said I, "you
have the advantage of me. You have heard me preach,
and know what doctrines I hold, whereas, I have not
heard you, and don t know what you preach." Well,"
said he, " the difference between your preaching and mine
is that you make out that salvation is got by Christ's
death, and I make out that it is attained by His life."
" Now, what do you do with the passages bearing upon the
death?" and I quoted the passages, "Without the shed-
ding of blood there is no remission," and " He Himself,
bore our own sins by His own body on the tree," and
asked him what he did with them, for instance. " Never
preach on them at all." I quoted a number of passages
more, and he gave me the same answer. " Well, what do
you preach?" I finally asked. "Moral essays," he
replied. Said I, " Did you ever know anybody to be
saved by that kind of thing — did you ever convert anybody
by them ? " " I never aimed at that kind of conversion ■ I
mean to get men to heaven by culture — by refinement."
"Well," said I, "if I didn't preach those texts, and only
preached culture, the whole thing would be a sham."
" And it is a sham to me," was his reply. I tell you the
moment a man breaks away from this doctrine of blood,
religion becomes a sham, because the whole teaching of
this book is of one story, and this is that Christ came into
the world, and died for our sins.
I want to call your attention to the 19th chapter of John,
and the thirty-fourth verse : " But one of the soldiers with
a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out
blood and water." Came there out blood and water. Now,
it was prophesied years before, that there should open a
fountain, which should wash away sin and uncleanness,
and it seems that this fountain was opened here by the
spear of the soldier, and out of the fountain came blood
and water. It was the breaking of the crown of hell, and
the giving of the crown to heaven. When the Roman
soldier drove out the blood, out came the water, and it
touched that spear, and it was not long before Christ had
that Roman government. It is a throne and a footstool
now, and by and by it will sway the earth from pole to
pole. This^arth has been redeemed by the blessed blood
of Christ. ^?51Uays in his first Epistle i. 18 : " Foras-
much as ye know that we were not redeemed by corrupti-
ble things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation
received by tradition from your fathers ; but with the
precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish,
and without spot." You are not redeemed by such corrupt-
ible things as gold or silver, but by the precious blood of
the Lamb — " the precious blood of Christ — as of a lamb
without blemish." If silver and gold could have redeem-
ed us, it would have been the easiest thing to have made
a pile of gold ten thousand times larger than the bulk of
the earth. Why, the poorest thing is gold in heaven.
But gold couldn't do it. As I said last night, the law had
been broken, and the penalty of death had come upon us,
and it required life to redeem us. Now, it says we shall
be redeemed. My friends, redemption is to me one of
the most precious treasures in the word of God — to think
that Christ has bought me by his blood. I am no longer
my own, I am His. He has ransomed me.
A friend of mine once told me that he was going out
from Dublin one day, and met a boy who had one of those
English sparrows in his hand. It was frightened, and just
seemed to sit as if it pined for liberty, but the boy held it
so tight that it could not get away. The boy's strength
was too much for the bird. My friend said, " Open your
hand and let the bird go. You will never tame him, be is
wild." But the boy replied, " Faith an' I'll not ; I've
been a whole hour trying to catch him, an' now I've got
him, I'm going to keep him." So the man took out his
purse and asked the boy if he would sell it. A bargain
was made, and the sparrow was transferred to the man's
hand. He opened his hand, and at first it did not seem
to realize it had liberty, but by and by it flew away, and as
it went it chirped, as much as to say, " You have redeem-
ed me." And so Christ has come down and offered to
redeem us and give us liberty when we were bound with
sin. Satan was stronger than we were. He has had
6,000 years' experience. He did not come to buy us
from Satan, but from the penalty of our sin.
Another thought about the blood. It makes us all one.
The blood brings us into one family, into the house-
hold of faith. I remember during the war Dr. Kirk, one
of the most eloquent men I ever heard, was speaking in
Boston. At that time, you recollect, there was a good
deal said about the Irish and the black man, and what an
amount of talk about the war of races. He said while
preaching one night : " I saw a poor Irishman and a black
man and an Englishman, and the blood of Christ came
down and fell upon them and made them one." My friends,
it brings nationalities together, it brings those scattered
with the seeds of discord together and makes them one.
Let us turn to Acts xvii. 26, and we read: "And hath
made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all
the face of the earth, and hath determined the times be-
fore appointed and the bounds of their habitation." That's
what the blood of Christ does. It just makes us one. I
can tell a man that has been redeemed by the blood. They
speak all the same language. I don't require to be in his
company ten minutes before I can tell whether or not he
has been redeemed. They have only one language, and'
you can tell when they speak whether they are outside the
blood or sheltered by it. The blood has two voices — one
is for salvation and the other is for condemnation. The blood
to-night cries out for my salvation or for my condemnation.
If we are sheltered behind the blood, it cries for our salva-
tion, for we see in Galatians : " It cries for our peace."
There is no peace till a man has been sheltered by that
Again, I would like to call your attention to the twenty-
sixth chapter of Matthew, twenty-eighth verse, where we
find Christ speaking of His blood : " For this is My
blood of the New Testament, which is shed for the re-
mission of sins." This blood was " shed for the remission
of sins." Then in Hebrews ninth and twenty-second, where
it says, " Without the shedding of blood is no remission of
sins." Men don't realize that this is God's plan of salva-
tion. Said a man to me last night after the meeting :
" Why, God has got a plan to save us." Certainly He has.
You must be saved by God's plan. It was love that
prompted God to send His son to save us and shed His
blood. That was the plan. And without the blood what
hope have you? There is not a sin from your childhood —
from your cradle — up till now that can be forgiven, unless
by the blood. Let us take God at his word : " Without the
shedding of blood there is no remission of sins, with-
out the blood, no remission whatever. I don't see
how a man can fail to comprehend this. That's what
Christ died for ; that's what Christ died on Calvary for.
If a man makes light of that blood what hope has he ?
How are you going to get into the kingdom of God ? You
cannot join in the song of the saints if you don't go into
heaven that way. You cannot sing the song of redemption.
If you did I suppose you would be off in some corner with
a harp of your own, and singing, " I saved myself ; I saved
myself." You can't get in that way. You must accept
the plan of redemption and come in through it. " He
that climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a
Then, in the tenth chapter of Hebrews, we find Paul, if
he wrote this, just taking up the very thought : " He that
despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three
witnesses." You know when a man made light of the law
under the Mosaic dispensation, whenever two witnesses
came into court and swore that he hadn't kept the law,
they just took him out and stoned him to death. Take up
the next verse : " Of how much surer punishment suppose
ye shall be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the
Son of God and hath counted the blood of the covenant
wherewith He was sanctified an unholy thing, and hath
done despite unto the spirit of grace." My friends, what
hope is there if a man tramples the blood of Christ under
his foot, if he says, " I will have nothing to do with that
blood ? " I ask in all candor what mercy is there ? What
hope has he if he " hath trodden under foot the Son of
God and hath counted the blood of: the covenant where-
with He was sanctified an unholy thing?" This is the
only way to get to heaven, no other way. Turn again to
the eleventh verse of the same chapter and we see : " But
the Man after He had offered one sacrifice for sin " — mark
that, He had settled the question of sin — " forever, sat
down on the right hand of God. The high priests could
never sit down. Their work was never done ; but our
High Priest hath put sin away by one sacrifice and then
ascended to God. And in this same chapter of Hebrews
we see again : " Having therefore, brethren, boldness to
enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and
living way, which He hath consecrated for us through the
vail, that is to say, flesh, and having a High Priest over the
home of God, let us draw near with a true heart, in full
assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil
conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let
us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering,
for He is faithful that promised." I want to call your
attention to the twentieth verse more particularly — " by a
new and living way." Now Christ has opened a new and
a living way. We cannot get to heaven by our own deeds
now. He has opened " a new and a living way." We
don't need a high priest to go once a year and pray God.
Thank God we are all kings and all priests. We can go
straight to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. When Christ died that temple was rent from the top
to the bottom — not from the bottom to the top — and every
poor son of Adam can walk right in and worship — right
into the presence of God, if he only comes by the way of
the blood. Yes, thank God, He has opened a new and a
living way whereby we can come to Him. Let us thank
God for the new and the living way. We don't need any
bishop, we don't need any pope, we don't need any priest
or prophet now ■ but every one can be made kings and
priests, and we can come through this living way to His
presence and ask Him to take away our sins. There's not
a man in this assemblage but can come to Him to-night.
There's a good deal about the blood in Hebrews that
I would like to bring up ; time passes^ and I have just to
fly through the subject. Now I don't know any doctrine I
have preached that has been talked about more than the
doctrine of blood. Why, the moment Satan gets a man
to leave out this doctrine of blood, he has gained all he
wants. It is the most pernicious idea to leave it out. A
1 1 4 GREAT JOY.
man may be a brilliant preacher, may have a brilliant
intellect, and may have large crowds of people, but if
he leaves this out, no one will be blest under his
ministry, no one will be born in God's kingdom. If a
man leaves out this blood he may as well go and
whistle in the streets, and try to convert people that way,
for all the good he will do in saving souls. It is said that
old Dr. Alexander, of Princeton College, when a young
student used to start out to preach, always gave him a
piece of advice. The old man would stand with his gray
locks and his venerable face and say : "Young man, make
much of the blood in your ministry." Now, I have travelled
considerable during the past few years, and never met a
minister who made much of the blood and much of the
atonement but God had blessed his ministry, and souls
were born into the light by it. But a man who leaves it
out the moment he goes, his church falls to pieces like a
rope of sand, and his preaching has been barren of good
result. And so if you find a man preaching who has
covered up this doctrine of blood, don't sit under his
ministry, I don't care what denomination he belongs to, get
out of it. Fly from it as those who flew from Sodom.
Never mind how you get out of it — leave it. It is a
whitened sepulcher. There is no life if they don't preach
the blood. It is the only way we've got to conquer Satan ;
the only way we can enter heaven, and we cannot get there
unless we have washed our robes in the blood of. the
Lamb. If we expect to conquer we must be first washed
by that blood. A man who has not realized what the
blood has done for him has not the token of salvation. It
is told of Julian the apostate, that while he was fighting
he received an arrow in his side. He pulled it out, and
taking a handful of blood threw it into the air, and cried,
"Galilean, Galilean, thou hast conquered!" Yes, the
Galilean is going to conquer, and you must bear in mind
if you don't accept the blood — don't submit to it and let it
cleanse you — the rock will fall on you, because the decree
of Heaven is that every knee will bow to the will of heaven.
The blood is a call of mercy now. He wants you to come
— He beseeches you to accept and be saved.
I heard of an old minister who had preached the gospel
for fifty years faithfully. "Ah!" many here will say, "I
wish I was as safe to go to heaven as he." When he was
reaching his end he asked that his Bible should be brought
to him. His eyes were growing dim in death, and he said
to one of those about him, " I wish you would turn to the
first epistle of John, i., 7," and when it was found, the old
man put his dying finger on the passage where it says :
{ * But if we walk in the light as He is in light we have
followship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ
His Son, cleanseth from all sin," and he said, " I die in the
hope of that." It was the blood in his ministry that
cleansed him. And so it is the only way by which our
sins can be washed away. Why, there was a question
once asked in heaven when a great crowd were gathering
there, " Who are those ? " and the answer was : " They are
those who have come by great tribulation and have been
washed by the blood of the Lamb."
Now, the question here to-night is, what are you going
to do with that blood ? We have had it for two nights, and
before I close I would like to, ask you, what are you going
to do about it ? You must do either of two things — take it
or reject it. Trample it under foot or cleanse your sins by
it. I heard of a lady who told a servant to cook a lamb.
She told him how to do it up and all about it, but she
didn't tell him what to do with the blood. So he went to
her and asked, "What are you going to do with the blood
of the lamb ? " She had been under conviction for some
time, and such a question went like an arrow to her soul.
She went to her room and felt uneasy, and the question
kept continually coming to her, " What are you going to do
with the blood of the lamb," and before morning she was
on her knees asking for the mercy of the blood of the
Now the most solemn truth in the gospel is that the
only thing He left down here is His blood. His body and
bones He took away, but He left His blood on Calvary.
There is either of two things we must do. One is to send
back the message to heaven that we don't want the blood
of Christ to cleanse us of our sin, or else accept it. Why*
when we come to our dying hour the blood will be worth
more than all the kingdoms of the world to us. Can you
afford to turn your back upon it and make light of it? Dr.
King, when the war was going on, went down to the field
with the Christian Commission. He used to go among
the soldiers, and during one of his visits he heard a man
cry, "Blood! blood! blood!" He thought that, as the man
had just been taken off the battle-field, the scene of carnage
and blood was still upon his mind. The Doctor went to
him, and tried to talk to the man about Christ, and
to divert his mind from the scenes of the field. "Ah,
Doctor," said the man, feebly : " I was not thinking of the
battle-field, but of the blood of Christ ; " and he whispered
the word " blood " once more and was gone.
Dear friends, do you want all your sins washed away
from you ? It was shed for the remission of sins, and
without the shedding of blood there would be no remission.
There is bloqji on the mercy-seat to-night. " I am not
looking to your sins now," God says, " but come and
press in, press in and receive remission." Thank God,
the blood is still on the mercy-seat. It is there, and He
beseeches you to accept it. What more can He do for
your salvation ? Now, my friends don't go out of this
Tabernacle laughing and scoffing at the precious offering
made to you, but just bow your head now and lift up your
voice, "0 God of heaven, may the blood of Thy Son
cleanse me from all sin." The blood is sufficient
Some years ago I was journeying to the Pacific coast,
and nearly every stage-driver I met was talking about a
prominent stage-driver who had just died. You know that
in driving over these rocky roads they depend a good deal
upon the brake. This poor man, when he was dying, was
heard to say : " I am on the down grade and cannot keep
the brake." Just about that time one of the most faithful
men of God, Alfred Coopman, passed away. His wife
and friends gathered around his death-bed, and when his
last moments arrived, it seemed as if heaven had opened
before him, as with a shout he cried, " I am sweeping
through the gates washed by the blood of the Lamb."
What a comfort this must have been to his friends : what a
comfort it must have been to him, the blood of the atone-
ment in his last hours.
My friends, if you want a glorious end like the end of
that sainted man you must come to the blood of Christ.
Let us bow our heads in prayer : let us have a few moments
of silent prayer, and let us ask the Lord to let us see this
great truth.
Mr. Moody then said the text he would take was to be
found in the chapter read, the nineteenth verse : " / pray
thee have me excused." Christ had been invited to dine
with a rich Pharisee, and it seemed as though this man
had gathered his friends together in a kind of conspiracy
to catch Christ. They watched Him. A man who had
had dropsy was placed before Jesus, as though they wanted
to see what He would do. Christ read their hearts, and
so before He healed the man, He asked them if it was
lawful to heal on the Sabbath day. But they didn't want
to answer, for fear they'd betray themselves, and so they
held their peace. Then Christ put the question to them
in another way, and asked them if any of them had an ox
or an ass fall into a pit, should he not straightway pull him
out on the Sabbath day, and then he healed the man, as
the Pharisees and lawyers weren't able to answer Him.
Then He told them about the feast, and told them to be
humble. When a man prepares a feast, men rush in, but
when God prepares one they all begin to make excuses,
and don't want to go. The first excuse was that made by
Adam, "the woman Thou gavest me, she gave me to eat."
These men that excused themselves made manufactured
excuses ; they didn't really have any. The drunkard, the
libertine, the business man, the citizen, the harlot, all had
their excuses. If God were to take men at their word
about these excuses, and swept every one into his grave
who had an excuse, there would be a very small congrega-
tion in the Tabernacle next Sunday, there would be little
business in Chicago, and in a few weeks the grass would
be growing on these busy streets. Every man who was
nursing a sin had an excuse, as though God had asked
them to go into a plague-stricken city, or a hospital, or to
hear a dry lecture, or something repelling and objectiona-
ble, something that wasn't for their greatest good.
Take the excuses. There wasn't one that wasn't a lie.
The devil made them all ; and if the sinner hadn't one
already the devil was there at his elbow to suggest one,
about the truth of the Bible, or something of that sort.
One of the excuses mentioned was that the man invited
had bought a piece of ground, and had to look at it.
Real estate and corner lots were keeping a good many
men out of God's kingdom. It was a lie to say that he
had to go and see it then, for he ought to have looked at
it before he bought it. Then the next man said he'd
bought some oxen, and must prove them. That was an-
other lie ; for if he hadn't proved them before he bought
them he ought to have done, and could have done it after
the supper just as well as before it. But the third man
had the silliest, the worst, excuse of ail ; he said he had
married a wife, and couldn't come. Why didn't he bring
her with him ? She'd have liked the supper just as well as
he would, and would have enjoyed a supper, as almost any-
young bride would.
These seemed to be foolish excuses, but they were not
any more so than the excuses of to-day. Indeed, the ex-
cuses of men are getting worse and worse all the time.
They say they can't believe the Bible ; it's so mysterious,
Well, what of it ? Infidels, skeptics, pantheists, deists,
said they didn't believe the Bible. Had they ever used
it ? Did they read it as carefully as they read any other
book. This was their excuse. If everybody could under-
stand everything the Bible said it wouldn't be God's book ;
if Christians, if theologians had studied it for forty, fifty,
sixty years, and then only began to understand it, how
could a man expect to understand it by one reading ? A
child the first day at school couldn't even know the alpha-
bet, and yet it wasn't a sign that it was a poor school
because he didn't learn the first day all about grammar,
arithmetic, and geometry. Another said God was a hard
master. No j that was one of Satan's lies. The devil's
the hard master. In the Tombs in New York there is
over the door the remark, " The way of the transgressor
is hard." God's yoke is easy, his burden light. Ask
prisoners, ask gamblers, ask sinners, if Satan's yoke is
easy. It's the hardest of all. He asked the Christians in
the audience if God was a hard master. (Cries — No !
No !) That, said Mr. Moody, is pretty faint. Is God a
hard master, Christians ? (Cries all over the hall — No !
No ! No !) God's service a hard one ! How will that
sound in the judgment ! Many said it wasn't that, but
there is such a struggle. Wasn't all life a struggle ? Some
said they were wicked. Those are just the kind Jesus
came to save. They weren't too wicked to be saved.
They were so worldly-minded, so hard-hearted ; that was
another falsehood. Look at what God did for Bunyan
and John Newton, and many others who were the wickedest,
and even the thief on the cross. God is already recon-
ciled ; He doesn't need the sinner to be reconciled to Him.
The Lord prepares the sinner. A touching story was told
of an English father and son, who had become estranged,
but who were united over the death-bed of the wife and
mother. The father was stern, but was reconciled by the
prayers of the dying parent. And this was so with God :
the sinner had left Him, God was removed from him, but
God and the sinner were brought near by the death of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
This afternoon I chose for my text the fourteenth verse
of the fourteenth chapter of Luke, and you will remember
I took up certain of the excuses of the present day in re-
gard to accepting Christ. One of these excuses I said
was that Christ was a hard master • it was a very difficult
thing to become a Christian, and the other was that Christ
would not receive them. Now, I just want to take up
where I left off, and notice the excuses we hear in the
inquiry room, in the streets of Chicago — everywhere. I
said this afternoon you were not invited when asked to
come to Christ to a dry lecture on a disagreeable subject,
but to a marriage feast. The Lord has said, " Blessed is
he who shall be at the marriage supper of the Lord." I
have missed a good many appointments in my life, but
there is one I will not miss. I would rather be at the
marriage feast than have the whole world rolled at my
feet. I want to be there and sit down with Isaac and
Jacob and Abraham at that supper. It is an invitation for
joy and gladness that comes from the King of Kings, from
the Lord of Glory, to evGry man and woman in this assem-
bly — the invitation to be at the marriage supper of the
Lamb. It is not a personal invitation, but a universal
one — " Go out into the highways and hedges and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled." Bid them
come, " the poor and the maimed and the halt and the
blind," to the marriage feast, prepared at great expense
by our blessed Redeemer. I said in the afternoon that
people began to make excuses very early in the history of
Christianity, and they are still at it. Nineteen hundred
years have rolled away and still there are excuses. One
of the excuses that we very often hear people giving, is
that they don't want to become Christians because it will
make them gloomy — they will have to put on long faces
and button their coats up, cut off all joy and walk through
the world till they get to heaven, where they will have
pleasure for evermore. We look forward to that happy
future, but thank God, we have some pleasure here. In-
deed, no man in the world should be so happy as a man
of God. It is one continual source of gladness. He can
look up and say, " God is my father," " Christ is my
Saviour, and the Church is my mother." All who think
otherwise than that a Christian's life is one of unceasing
joy are deceiving themselves. I was going by a saloon
the other day and saw a sign, " Drink and be merry."
Poor, blind, deluded fellows, if they think this will make
them merry. If you want to be merry you must come to
the living fountain that bursts from the throne of God ;
then you will have true pleasure. A man away from God
cannot have true pleasure. He is continually thirsting
for something he cannot get — thirsting for something that
can quench his thirst, and he cannot get it until he comes
to the living fountain. My friends, that is just another
wile of the devil to keep men from grace. It is false.
The more a man is lifted up to heaven the more joy and
peace and gladness he has. He is lifted away from gloom.
Look at a man on his way to execution. Suppose I run
up to him, holding out my hand, and say : " There is a
pardon that has been signed by the Governor," and I give
it him. Would he be gloomy and joyless ? That is Christ.
He comes down with a pardon to us poor men and women
on our way to execution. Yonder is a man starving. I
go to him and give him bread. Is that going to make him
gloomy ? A poor man comes along crying with thirst, and
I give him a glass of ice water ; would that make him
gloomy ? That is what Christ is doing for us. He has a
well of living "water, and He asks every thirsty soul to
drink freely. Don't you believe for a moment that Chris-
tianity is going to make you gloomy.
I remember when I was a boy I thought I would wait
till I died and then become a Christian. I thought if I
had the consumption, or some lingering disease, I would
have plenty of time to become one, and in the mean time I
would enjoy the best of the pleasures of the world. My
frienSs, I was at that time under the power of the devil.
The idea that a man has more pleasure away from church
is one of the devil's lies. Do not believe it, but accept of
this universal invitation to the marriage feast.
I can imagine some men saying " Mr. Moody has not
touched my case at all. That is not the reason why I
won't accept Christ. I don't know if I am one of the
elect." How often am I met with this excuse — how often
do I hear it in the inquiry room ! How many men fold
their arms and say, " If I am one of the elect I will be saved,
and if I ain't I won't. No use of your bothering about it."
Why don't some of those merchants say, " If God is going
to make me a successful merchant in Chicago I will be one
whether I like it or not, and if he hasn't I won't." If you
are sick, and a doctor prescribes for you, don't take the
medicine ; throw it out of the door ; it don't matter, for if God
has decreed you are going to die you will, and if he hasn't
you will get better. If you use that argument you may as
well not walk home from this tabernacle. If God has said
you'll get home, you'll get — you'll fly through the air, if
you have been elected to go home. These illustrations are
just the same as the excuse. You cannot go up there and
give that excuse. The water of life is offered freely to
every one. No unconverted man in the wide, wide world
has anything to do with the doctrine of election any more
than I have to do with the government of China. That
epistle of Paul was written to Godly men. Suppose I pick
up a letter and open it, and it tells me about the death of
my wife. Dear me — my wife dead. But I look on the
other side of the letter and find that it is directed to another
man. And so a great many people take Paul's letter to the
churches and take it as a personal letter. Tins is what
you have to take up : " Whosoever will, let him drink of
the water of life freely." He came down sixty years after
his resurrection and said to John — put it so broad that no
one will mistake it ; put it so broad that no one in Chicago
can be stumbling over it, so that all men may see it plain-
ly — « Whosoever will, let him drink of the water of life
freely." If you will, you will \ if you won't, you won't. Do
you think that God will come down here to give you salva-
tion without giving you the power to take it, and then con-
demn you to eternity for not taking it ? With the gift comes ■
the power, and you can take it and live if you will. Don't
stumble over election any more. You have to deal with
that broad proclamation : " Whosoever will, let him drink
of the waters of life freely." I can imagine some one in
the gallery clear up there saying, " I never have bothered
my head about election, I don't believe men are gloomy
when they become Christians. If I was alone I would tell
you *my reason, but I do not like to get up in this large
assemblage and talk here. The fact is there are hypocrites
in the churches. I know a man, a prominent man in the
church, who cheated me out of twenty-five dollars. " I
won't accept this invitation because of those hypocrites in
the churches." My friend, you will find very few there if
you get to heaven. There won't be a hypocrite in the next
world, and if you don't want to be associated with hypo-
crites in the next world, you will take this invitation. Why,
you will find hypocrites everywhere. One of the apostles
was himself the very prince of hypocrites, but he didn't get
to heaven. You will find plenty of hypocrites in the church.
They have been there for the last eighteen hundred years,
and will probably remain there. But what is that to you ?
This is an individual matter between you and your God.
Is it because there are hypocrites that you are not going
to accept the invitation ?
Ah, well, Mr. Moody, that is not my case. I am a busi-
126 ' GREAT JOY.
ness man, and I have no time. Since the Chicago fire I
have had as much as I could attend to in recovering what
I lost. I believe if I stood at the door and asked any one
who went out to accept the invitation, I believe hundreds
of you would say, " Mr. Moody, you will have to excuse me
to-night ; time is very precious with me, and you'll have
to excuse me." What have you been doing the lasttwenty,
thirty, forty, fifty years that you haven't had a moment to
devote to the acceptance of the invitation ? That is the
cry of the world to-day : " Time is precious ; business
must be attended to, and we have no time to spare." Some
of you will say, "I cannot wait ; I have to go home and
put the children to bed ; this is more important." My
friends, to accept this invitation is more important than
anything else in this world. There is nothing in the world
that is so important as the question of accepting the invi-
tation. How many mechanics in this building have spent
five years learning their trade, in order to support their
families and support themselves a few years — forty or fifty
years at the longest? How many professional men have
toiled and worked hard for years to get such an education
that they might go out to the world and cope with it, and
during all these years have not had a minute to seek their
salvation ? Is that a legitimate excuse ? Tell Him to-night
that you haven't time or let this be the night — the hour —
cost you what it will, when you shall say, " By the grace of
God, I will accept the invitation and press up to the mar
riage supper of the Lamb."
" Oh, but that is not my case," says another, " I have
time. If I thought I could become a Christian I would sit
here all night and let business and everything else go, and
press into the kingdom of God. I am not fit to become a
Christian, that's the trouble with me." He says : " Go
into the highways and hedges," and "bring in hither the
poor, and the maimed, and the halt and the blind," — just
invite them all, without distinction of sect or creed, station
or nationality ; never mind whether they are rich or poor.
If the Lord don't complain about your fitness, you shouldn't
look to see if you have the right kind of clothes. I had to
notice during the war, when enlisting was going on, some-
times a man would come up with a nice silk hat on, patent
leather boots, nice kid gloves, and a fine suit of clothes,
which, probably, cost him one hundred dollars ; perhaps
the next man who came along would be a hod-carrier,
dressed in the poorest kind of clothes. Both had to strip
alike and put on the regimental uniform. So when you
come and say you ain't fit, haven't got good clothes,
haven't got righteousness enough, remember that He will
furnish you with the uniform of heaven, and you will be set
down at the marriage feast of the Lamb. I don't care how
black and vile your heart may be, only accept the invitation
of Jesus Christ and He will make you fit to sit down with
the rest at that feast. How many are continually crying
out, " I am too bad ; no use of me trying to become a
Christian." This is the way the devil works. Sometimes
he will say to a man, " You don't want to be saved ; you're
good enough already," and he will point to some black-
hearted hypocrite and say : " Look at him and see how
you appear in comparison ; you are far better than he is."
But by and by the man gets a glimpse of the blackness of
his heart, and his conscience troubles him. Then says the
devil, " You are too bad to be saved ; the Lord won't save
such as you ; you are too vile ; you must get better before
you try to get God to save you." And so men try to make
themselves better, and instead get worse all the time. The
gospel bids you come as you are. Seek first the kingdom
of heaven — make no delay ; come just as you are. I heard
of an artist who wanted to get a man to sit for a painting
of the prodigal son. He went down to the almshouses and
the prisons, but couldn't get one. Going through the
streets one day he found a poor wretched man, a beggar,
coming along, and he asked him if he would sit for the
study. He said he would. A bargain was made, and the
artist gave him his address. The time for the appointment
arrived, and the beggar duly appeared and said to the artist :
" I have come to keep that appointment which I made with
you." " An appointment with me ? " replied the artist ;
" you are mistaken ; I have an appointment with a beggar
to-day." " Well," said the man,," I am that beggar, but I
thought I would put on a new suit of clothes before I came
to see you." " I don't want you," was the artist's reply,
" I want a beggar." And so a great many people come to
God with their self-righteousness, instead of coming in their
raggedness. Why, some one has said, " It is only the
ragged sinners that open God's wardrobe. If you want to
start out to get a pair of shoes from a passer-by you would
start out barefooted, wouldn't you ? I remember a boy to
whom I gave a pair of boots, and I found him shortly after
in his bare feet again. I asked him what he had done with
them, and he replied that when he was dressed up it spoiled
his business ; when he was dressed up no one would give
him anything. By keeping his feet naked he got as many
as five pairs of boots a day. (Laughter.) So if you want
to come to God, don't dress yourself up. It is the naked
sinners God wants to save. Come to Him after you have
cast off your self-righteousness and the Son of God will
receive you.
I remember some years ago of a man who had gone to
sea. He led a wild, reckless life. When his mother was
alive she was a praying mother. Ah, how many men have
been saved by their mothers after they have gone up to
heaven ; and perhaps her influence made him think some-
times. When at sea a desire of leading a better life came
over him, and when he got on shore he thought he would
join the Free Masons. He made application, but, upon
investigation, his character proved he was only a drunken
sailor, and he was black-balled. He next thought of join-
ing the Odd Fellows, and applied, but his application met
with a like result. While he was walking up Fulton street
one day a little tract was given him — an invitation to the
prayer meeting. He came, and Christ received him. I
remember him getting up in the meeting, and telling how
the Free Masons had black-balled him, how the Odd
Fellows had black-balled him, and how Christ had re-
ceived him as he was. A great many orders and socie-
ties will not receive you, but I tell you He will receive
you, vile as you are — He, the Saviour of sinners — He, the
redeemer of the lost world — He bids you come just as you
Ah, but there is another voice coming down from the
gallery yonder : " I have intellectual difficulties ; I cannot
believe." A man came to me some time ago, and said :
" I cannot." " Cannot what ? " " Well," said he, " I can-
not believe." " Who ? " " Well," he repeated, " I cannot
believe." "Who?" I -asked. " Well I can't believe my-
self." "Well, you don't want to." [Laughter.] Make
yourself out false every time, but believe in the truth of
Christ. If a man says to me : " Mr. Moody, you have lied
to me ; you have dealt falsely with me," it may be so,
but no man on the face of the earth can ever say that God
ever dealt unfairly, or that He lied to him. If God says a
thing, it is true. We don't ask you to believe in any man
on the face of the earth, but we ask you to believe in Jesus
Christ, who never lied — who never deceived anyone. If
a man says he cannot believe Him, he says what is untrue.
" Ah, well, all those excuses don't apply to me," says
another; " I can't feel." That is the very last excuse.
When a man comes with the excuse, he is getting pretty
near to the Lord. We are having a body of men in Eng-
land giving a new translation of the Scriptures. I think
we should get them to put in a passage relating to feeling.
With some people it is feel, feel, feel all the time. What
kind of feeling have you got? Have you got a desire to
be saved — have you got a desire to be present at the mar-
riage supper ? Suppose a gentleman asked me to dinner.
I say, " I will see how I feel." " Sick ? " he might ask.
" No ; it depends on how I feel." That is not the ques-
tion — it is whether I will accept the invitation or not.
The question with ,us is, W T ill we accept salvation — will
you believe ? There is not a word about feelings in the
Scriptures. When you come to your end, and you know
that in a few days you will be in the presence of the Judge
of all the earth, you will remember this excuse about feel-
ings. You will be saying, " I went up to the tabernacle, I
remember, and I felt very good, and before the meeting
was over I felt very bad, and I didn't feel I had the right
kind of feeling to accept the invitation." Satan will then
say, "I made you feel so." Suppose you build your hopes
and fix yourself upon the Rock of Ages, the devil cannot
come to you. Stand upon- the word of God, and the waves
of unbelief cannot touch you; the waves of persecution
cannot assail you ; the devil and all the fiends of hell
cannot approach you if you only build your hopes upon
God's word. Say, " I will trust Him, though He slay me
— I will take God at His word."
I haven't exhausted all the excuses. Jf I had you would
make more before to-morrow morning. What has to be
done with all the excuses, is to bundle them all up and
label them " Satan's lies." There is not an excuse but is
a lie. When you stand at the throne of God no man can
give an excuse. If you have got a good excuse, don't give
it up for anything I have said ; don't give it up for any-
thing your friend may have said. Take it up to the bar of
God and state it to Him ; but if you have not got a good
excuse — an excuse that will stand eternity — let it go to-
night, and flee to the arms of a loving Saviour. It is easy-
enough to excuse yourself to hell, but you cannot excuse
yourself to heaven. If you want an excuse, Satan will
always find one ready for you. Accept the invitation now,
my friends. Let your scores be closed till you accept this
invitation ; let your households go till you accept this invi-
tation. Do not let the light come, do not eat, do not drink,
till you accept the most important thing to you in this wide
world. Will you stay to-night and accept this invitation ?
Don't make light of it. I can imagine some of you say-
ing, "I never get so low as to make light of religion."
Suppose I got an invitation to dinner from a citizen of
Chicago for to-morrow, and I don't answer it — I tear the
invitation up. Would not that be making light of it?
Suppose you pay no attention to the invitation to-night — is
not that making light of it ? Would anyone here be willing
to write out an excuse something like this : " The Taber-
nacle, Oct. 29. To the King of Heaven : While sitting in
the Tabernacle to-day, I received a very pressing invitation
from one of your servants to sit at the marriage ceremony
of the Son of God. I pray you have me excused." Is
there a man or woman in this assembly would take their
pen and write their name at the bottom of it ? Is there a
man or woman whose right hand would not forget its cun-
ning, and whose tongue would not cleave to their -mouth,
if they were trying to do it ? Well, you are doing this if
you get up and go right out after you have heard the invi-
tation. Who will write this : " To the Lord of lords and
King of Glory : While sitting in the Tabernacle this beau-
tiful Sabbath evening, Oct. 29, 1876, I received a pressing
invitation from one of your servants to be present at the
marriage supper. I hasten to accept." Will anyone sign
this ? Who will put their name to it ? Is there not a man
or woman saying, down deep in their soul, " By the grace
of God I will sign it; " " I will sign it by the grace of God,
and will meet that sainted mother who has gone there ; "
" I will sign and accept that invitation, and meet that
loving wife or dear child." Are there not some here to-
night who will accept that invitation ?
I remember, while preaching in Glasgow, an incident
occurred which I will relate. I had been preaching there
several weeks, and the night was my last one, and I pleaded
with them as I had never pleaded there before. I urged
those people to meet me in that land. It is a very solemn
thing to stand before a vast audience for the last time, and
think you may never have another chance of asking them
to come to Christ. I told them I would not have another
opportunity, and urged them to accept, and just asked
them to meet me at that marriage supper. At the conclu-
sion, I soon saw a tall young lady coming into the inquiry
room. She had scarcely come in when another tall young
lady came in, and she went up to the first and put her arms
round her and wept. Pretty soon another young lady came,
and went up to the first two and just put her arms round
them both. I went over to see what it was, and found
that, although they had been sitting in different parts of
the building, the sure arrow of conviction went down to
their souls, and brought them to the inquiry room. Ano-
ther young lady came down from the gallery, and said :
" Mr. Moody, I want to become a Christian." I asked a
young Christian to talk to her ; and when she went home
that night about ten o'clock — her mother was sitting up for
her — she said : " Mother, I have accepted the invitation
to be present at the marriage supper of the Lamb." Her
mother and father laid awake that night talking about the
salvation of the child. That was Friday night, and next
day (Saturday) she was unwell, and before long her sick-
ness developed into scarlet fever, and a few days after I
got this letter : —
(t Mr. Moody — Dear Sir : It is now my painful duty to
intimate you that the dear girl concerning whom I wrote
to you on Monday, has been taken away from us by death.
Her departure, however, has been signally softened to us,
for she told us yesterday she was ' going home to be with
Jesus ; ' and after giving messages to many, told us to let
Mr. Moody and Mr. Sankey know that she died a happy
" My dear sir, let us have your prayer that consolation
and needed resignation and strength may be continued to
us, and that our two dear remaining little ones may be
kept in health if the Lord wills. I repeated a line of the
In the Christian's home in glory,
There remains a land of rest,
when she took it up at once, and tried to sing ' When the
Saviour's gone before to fulfil my soul's request.' This was
the last conscious thing she said. I should say that my
dear girl also expressed a wish that the lady she conversed
with on Friday evening, should also know that she died a
happy Christian."
When I heard this, I said to Mr. Sankey, " If we do no-
thing else we have been paid for coming across the Atlan-
tic. There is one soul we have saved, whom we will meet
on the resurrection morn."
Oh, my dear friends, are there not some here to-night
who will decide this question ? Do accept this invitation ;
let the sickness come, let sorrow come, you will be sure of
meeting at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Blessed is
he who shall be found at tnat marriage feast.
I want to talk about the life of the prophet Daniel.
The word means " God with him," not the public with him ;
not his fellow men, but God. Therefore, he had to report
himself to God, and hold himself responsible to Him. I
do not know just what time Daniel went down to Babylon.
I know that in the third year of King Jehoakim, Nebuchad-
nezzar took 10,000 of the chief men of Jerusalem, and
carried them captive down to Babylon. I am glad these
chief men who stirred on the war, were given into the
great king's hands. Unlike too many of the ringleaders
in our great war, they got the punishment on their own
heads. Among the captives were four young men. They
had been converted doubtless under Jeremiah, the " weep-
ing prophet " that God had sent to the children of Israel.
Many had mocked at him when he lifted up his voice
against their sins. They had laughed at his tears and
told him to his face, as many say of us, that he was getting
up a false excitement. But these four young men listen-
ed, and had the backbone to come out for God.
And now, after they were come to Babylon, the king
said a number of the children should be educated, and
ordered the same kind of meat and wine set before them
that were used in his own palace, and that at the end of a
year they should be brought before him. Daniel and his
three friends were among these. Now no young man ever
comes to the city but has great temptation cross his path
as he enters it. And just at this turning-point in his life,
as in Daniel's, must lie the secret of his success. If you
see success in statesmen, in lawyers, or men in any walk
in life, you ask the secret of it, and you find it in this
same time of youth. Jacob turned away from God, and
David turned away from God, but only just in proportion
as they had not fully and entirely given themselves up to
Him when they were young men. Yes, that was the
secret of this young man Daniel's success ; ,he took his
stand with God right on his entering the gate of Babylon,
and cried to God to keep him steadfast. And he needed
to cry hard. A law of his and his nation's God, was that
no man should eat meat offered to idols ; but now comes
the king's first edict, that this young man should eat the
meat he himself did. I do not think it took young Daniel
long to make up his mind. The law of God forbade it,
and he would not do it. " He purposed in his heart " — in
his heart, mark that — that he would not defile himself.
He did not do it in his head, but love in his heart prompt-
ed him. If some Chicago Christians could have advised
Daniel, they'd have said, "Don't you do it; don't set
aside the meat ; that would be a species of Phariseeism.
The moment you take your stand and say you won't eat it,
you say in effect you are better than other people." That
is the kind of talk too often to be heard now. Oh, yes,
"When you are in Rome do as the Romans do; they
would have insisted to the poor young captive that he
might, and ought to, carry out the commandments of his
God when he was in his own country, but not there where
he was a poor slave ; he could not possibly carry along his
religion down there to Babylon. Thank God, this young
man said he would not eat, and ordering the meat taken
away, got the eunuch to bring him pulse. And behold,
when he came before the king, the eunuch's fears were
gone, for the faces of Daniel and the rest of the dear boys
were fairer and fatter than any that the king looked down
upon. They hadn't noses, like too many in our streets, as
red as if they were just going to blossom. It is God's
truth, and Daniel tested it, that cold water, with a clear
conscience, is better than wine.
And the king one day had a dream, and all the wise
men were called. But they all said, We cannot interpret
it ; it is too hard. The king in wrath, threatened them,
and, still getting no answer, made an edict that all the
wise men should be put to death. And the officers came
to Daniel with the rest of the wise men, but Daniel was
not afraid. I can imagine he prayed to God, falling low
on his knees with his face to the earth, and asked him
what to do ; and then he crawled into bed and slept like a
child. We would hardly sleep well under such circum-
stances. And in his sleep God told him the meaning of
the dream. There must have been joy among the wise
men that one of their number had found it, and that the
king would save their lives. And he is brought before
the king, and cries out, " O king, while thou did'st lie with
thy head on thy pillow, thou did'st dream, and in thy
dream thou sawest a great image." I can imagine at
these opening words how the king's eyes flashed, and how
he cried out with joy, " Yes, that is it, the whole thing
comes back to me now." And then Daniel, in a death-
like stillness, unfolded all the interpretation, and told the
king that the golden head of the great image represented
his own government. I suppose Babylon was the biggest
city ever in the world. It was sixty miles around. Some
writers put the walls from sixty-five to eighty-five feet high,
and twenty-five feet wide ; four chariots could ride abreast
on top of them. A street fifteen miles long divided the
grand city, and hanging gardens in acres made the public
parks. It was like Chicago — so flat that they had to
resort to artificial mounds ; and, again like Chicago, the
products of vast regions flowed right into and through it.
This great kingdom Daniel told the king was his own ; but
he said a destroying kingdom should come, and afterward
a third and fourth kingdom, when at the last, the God of
Heaven should set up His kingdom. And Daniel .him-
self lived to see the first overthrown, when the Medes and
Persians came in, and centuries after came Alexander, and
then the Romans. I believe in the literal fulfilment, so
far, of Daniel's God-given words, and in the sure fulfil-
ment of the final prophecy of the " stone cut out of the
mountains without hands," that by and by shall grind the
kingdoms of this world into dust, and bring in the kingdom
of peace. Then will be the millennium, and Christ will
sway His sceptre over all the earth. Well, the king was
very much pleased. He gave him a place near the throne,
and he became one of the chief men of the world, and all
his three friends were put in high office. God had blessed
them signally, and he blessed them still more, and that
was perhaps a harder thing — in keeping them true to Him
in their prosperity. Their faith and fortunes waxed strong
Time went on, and now we reach a crisis indeed. "Neb-
uchadnezzar, the king,'' we read, " made an image of gold,
one hundred and ten feet high and nine feet wide." It
was not gilded, but solid gold. When Babylon was pillaged
the second time a single god was found in the temple that
was worth between two and three million pounds sterling.
The king's monstrous image was set up in the plains of
Dura, near to the city. I suppose he wanted to please his
kingly vanity by inaugurating a universal religion. When
the time came for the dedication, I do not suppose Daniel
was there. He was perhaps in Egypt or some other prov-
ince, on affairs of the empire. Counsellors, satraps, high
secretaries, and the princes of the people, were ordered to
hasten to the dedication, and when they should hear the
sound of the cornet, flute, and psaltery announce that the
great idol was consecrated, they were to bow down and
worship it. Perhaps they called the ceremony the unveil-
ing of the monument, as we should say, but one command
is certain,, that at the given signal all the people were to
fall to the earth in worship. But in the law of God there
is something against that: Thou shalt have none other
gods but Me. God's law went right against the king's.
Oh, would all of us have Daniel's three friends to do the
right thing at any hazard ! Would none of us, without back-
bone, have advised him to just bow down a little so that no
one would notice it, or to merely bow down but not wor-
ship it ! The hour came, and Daniel's friends refused to
bow down. They refused utterly to bend the knee to a
god of gold. How many cry out in this city, " Give me
gold, give me money, and I will do anything." Such may
think that men in Nebuchadnezzar's time should not bow
down to a golden idol, but they themselves ar~ every day
doing just that very thing. Money is their golden image,
or position, or golden ambition. Well, the informers came
to the king, and told him that Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego had stood with unbended knee, and straightway
they were hurried before him, the old king speechless with
rage, and gesturing his commands. I can imagine that one
last chance was given them, after the king finally regained
his voice, and that one of them, probably Meschach, spoke
up in respectful but firm voice, that they must obey God
rather than man. At once the raging king cried out :
" What is your God that He can deliver you out of our
hands ? " And in the same breath screamed a command
to bind them hand and foot and cast them into the fiery
furnace, and make it seven times hotter than ever. The
command was instantly executed, and the flames leaped out
from the door and consumed the officers who cast them in.
But Jesus was with His servants as the flames wreathed
about them, and soon word was brought to the king that
four men walked about in the flames. Yes, they walked
there with Jesus — they didn't run — as in a green pasture
and beside still waters. And directly the King rushed up
and cried, " Ye sons of the living God, come forth." And
behold, even the hair of their heads was not singed. Then
made the King a royal edict, that all in his realm should
reverence the God of Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego.
These glorious heroes braved even death because God
was with them. Oh, friends, we want to be Christians
with the same backbone, men and women who stand up
for the right, and never mind what the world may say. I
believe, before God, there would be ten thousand conver-
sions in Chicago in the next twenty-four hours had we only
a perfect consecration. God grant it us out of the abund
ance of His grace. I cannot go on now, but will finish
about Daniel next Sunday morning. Let us pray.
Last Sunday morning, we got to the second dream of
King Nebuchadnezzar. This morning we will just take
up where we broke off. The king had a dream, and
he was greatly troubled. This time the particulars of
the dream had not gone from him. They stood out
vivid and clear in his mind as he sent out to fetch the
wise men, and called to them to give him the interpreta-
tion. But they cannot give it. When he had his first
dream he had summoned these same soothsayers, but they
had stood silent. And now they stand silent again as the
second dream is told them ; they cannot interpret it. Then
once again he sends for the Prophet Daniel, that he had
named after one of his gods, Belteshazzar. And the young
prophet comes before the king, and as quick as the king
sees him he feels sure that he will now get the meaning.
Calling out from his throne, he tells how he had dreamed
a dream, wherein he saw a tree in the midst of the earth,
with branches that reached to heaven, and the sight thereof
to the ends of the earth ; the beasts of the field had shelter
under it, and the fowls of the air dwelt in the boughs
thereof; and the tree was very fair and had much fruit,
and all flesh was fed on it ; and then, lowering his voice,
he tells how, as he gazed, he saw a watcher and a holy
one come down from heaven, who cried aloud, Hew down
the tree. " And now," cries the king, " can you tell me
the interpretation ? " And for a time Daniel stands still
and motionless. Does his heart fail him ? The record
simply says, that " for one hour he was astonished." The
ready words doubtless rush to his lips, but he hates to let
them out ; he doesn't want to tell how the king's kingdom
and mind are going to depart from him, and he is to wander
forth to eat grass like a beast. The king, too, hesitates :
a dark foreboding for a time gets the better of curiosity.
But, directly, he nerves himself to hear the worst, and
speaks very kindly : " Do not be afraid to tell me, oh
Daniel ; let not the dream or its interpretation trouble
thee." And at last Daniel speaks : " Oh, king, thou art
the man ; God has exalted thee over every king, and over
all the world, but thou shalt be brought low ; thou shalt
be driven out from men and eat grass among the beasts of
the field ; but thy kingdom — as the great watcher spared
the stump of the tree — shall afterwards return to thee.
Wherefore, O king, break off thy sins by righteousness
and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor, if it
may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity."
And straightway the king repented in sackcloth and
ashes, and so God stayed the doom. But twelve months
from that time we see Nebuchadnezzar walking in his
palace and boasting : " Is not this my great Babylon that
I have built by the might of my power and for the honor of
my majesty ! " And behold, while he yet spake a voice
came from heaven, saying : " Thy kingdom hath depart-
ed," and undoubtedly God then touched his reason, and
straightway he ran madly through the gates to eat grass.
But his kingdom had not passed from him forever, and,
according to the prophet's word, at the end of seven years,
or possibly seven months, his reason came back, and he
returned to his palace, and all his princes and officers
gathered about him. Then immediately he sent out a new
proclamation, and its closing words show his repentance,
and how Daniel had brought this mighty king to God.
And at the end of the days, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up mine eyes
unto heaven, and my understanding returned unto me, and I blessed
the Most High, and I praised and honored Him that liveth forever,
whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from
generation to generation.
At the same time my reason returned unto me ; and for the glory of
my kingdom, mine honor and brightness returned unto me ; and my
councillors and my lords sought unto me. I was established in my
kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me.
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol the king of heaven, all
whose works are truth, and his ways judgment ; and those that walk
in pride he is able to abase.
And then he passes from the stage ; this is the last record
of him ; and undoubtedly he and Daniel now walk the
crystal pavement together. Oh, that mighty monarch was
led to the God of the Hebrews by the faith of this Hebrew
slave, and just because he had a religion and dared to
make it known.
But now we lose sight of the prophet for a few years,
perhaps fifteen or twenty. The next we hear is that Belte-
shazzar is on the throne, possibly as regent. He is be-
lieved to have been a grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. One
day he said he would make Daniel the third ruler of the^
people if he would tell him the handwriting on the wall.
He was probably second himself, and Daniel would be
next to him. Of this prince we have only one glimpse.
The feast scene is the first and last we have of him, and it
is enough. It was a great feastj and fully a thousand of
his lords sat down together. Feasts in those days some-
times lasted six months. How long this one lasted we
don't know. The king caroused with his princes and
satraps and all the mighty men of Babylon, drinking and
rioting and praying to gods of silver and gold and brass
and stubble, just what we're doing to-day, if we bow the
knee to the gods of this world. And the revellers, waxing
wanton, even go into the temple and lay sacrilegious hands
on the sacred vessels brought away from Jerusalem, and
drank out of them, drank toasts to idols and harlots. And
undoubtedly as they are drinking, they scoff at the God of
Israel. I see them swearing and rioting when — the king
turns pale and trembles from head to foot. Above the
golden candlesticks, on a bare space on the wall, he sees
the writing of the God of Zion. He distinctly sees the
terrible finger. His voice shakes with terror, but manages
to falter out : Bring in the wise men ; any man that can
read the handwriting I will make third ruler of the king-
dom. And they come trooping in, but there is no answer,
none of them can read it. They are skilled in Chaldean
lore, but this stumbles them. At last the queen comes in
and whispers : Oh king, there is one man in the kingdom
that can read that writing ; when your grandfather could
not interpret his dreams he sent for Daniel, the Hebrew,
and he knew all about them. Can we not find him ?
And they did find him, and now we see the man of God
again standing before a king's throne. To the king's
hurried promises of gifts and honors, he replies, "you can
keep your rewards," and quietly turns his eyes on the
writing. And he reads it at the first glance, for it is his
father's hand-writing. " Mene," he says, " thy kingdom
hath departed from thee ; " " tekel," " thou art weighed in
the balance and found wanting." Oh sinner, what if God
should put you in the balance, and you have not got Christ
in your soul ! How that word of doom must have rung
through the palace that night ! " Upharsin," " thy kingdom
is divided, it is given over to the hands of the enemy."
And the destruction did not tarry. The King recovered
himself, banished his fears, the dream and its interpreta-
tion is idle, and went on drinking in his hall. He thought
he was perfectly secure. He thought the great walls of
Babylon perfectly safe. But there was Darius besieging the
city j the enemy was right upon him ; was that safe ? Oh
sinners of Chicago, death and hell are right on you !
Death and hell, I say ; and they are just as close, may be,
as the slayer's sword to those midnight revellers. While
they revelled, the river Euphrates, that flowed under the
walls, was turned into another channel ; the hosts of Medes
and Persians rushed through, unobstructed, and in a few
minutes more battered down the king's gate, and broke
through the palace guard into the inmost palace chamber.
And the king was slain, and his blood flowed in that
banquet hall.
We are next told Darius took the throne and set over
the people 120 rulers, and over these three presidents, of
whom Daniel was first. And so we find him in office
again. I do not know how long he was in that position.
But by and by a conspiracy took head among his fellow —
officers to get rid of him. They got jealous and said :
" Let's see if we can't get this man removed ; he's bossed
us long enough, the sanctimonious old Hebrew." And then
he was so impracticable, they could'nt do anything with
him. There w r ere plenty of collectors and treasurers, but
he kept such a close eye on them that they only made
their salaries. There was no plundering of the govern-
ment with Daniel at the head. He was president of the
princes, and all revenue accounts passed before him. I
can overhear the plotters whispering : " If we can only put
him out of the way, we can make enough in two or three
years to retire from office, have a city house in Babylon,
and two or three villas in the country, have enough for all
our days, we can go down to Egypt and see something of
the world ; as things now are we can only get our exact
dues, and it will take years to get anything respectable —
yes, let's down with this pious Jew." Well, they worked
things so as to get an investigating committee, hoping to
catch him in his accounts. But they found no occasion nor
fault against him. If he had put any relatives in office it
would have been found out ; if he had been guilty of
peculation, or in any way broken the unalterable statutes of
the kingdom, it would have come to light. Oh what a bright
light was that, standing alone in that great city for God and
the majesty of law !
But at last they struck on one weak point, they called
it — he would worship no one but the God of Israel. The
law of his God was his only assailable side. " If we can
only get Darius," the conspirators plotted, " to forbid any
one making a request for thirty days except from the King
himself, we shall trap him, and then can cast him among
the lions ; we will take good care to have the lions hungry."
And the hundred and twenty princes took long council
together. " Take care," they said ; " you must draw up
the paper which is to be signed by the king with a deal of
care and discretion. The king loves him, and he has in-
fluence. Don't speak of. the movement outside of this
meeting ; it might come to the ears of the king, and we
must talk to the king ourselves." When the mine is "all
ready, the hundred and twenty princes come to the King
and open their business with flattering speech. If people
come to praise me, I know they've something else coming
— they've got a purpose for telling me I am a good man.
And so we naturally hear these men saying, " King Darius,
live for ever." They tell him how prosperous the realm
is, and how much the people think of him. And then
they tell him, in the most plausible manner that ever was,
that if he would be remembered by children's children to
all ages, just to sign this decree ; it would be a memorial
of his greatness and goodness for ever. And the king re-
plies graciously: "What is the decree- you wish me to
sign ? " and, casting his eye over the paper, goes on : "I
don't see any objection to that." In the pleasure of grant-
ing a request he thinks nothing of Daniel, and the princes
carefully refrain from jogging his memory. And he
asks for his signet ring, and gives the royal stamp. The
edict has become one of the laws of the Medes and Per-
sians, that alter not; it reads : "Any man that worships any
God but me for thirty days shall be cast into the
lion's den." The news spreads all through the city ; it
comes out perhaps in the Babylon I?zter-ocean, and quickly
gets to the ears of Daniel. I can imagine some of them
going to the prophet and advising him about the edict.
" If you can only get out of the way for a little time, if you
can just quit Babylon for thirty days, it will advance your
own and the public interest together. You are the chief
secretary and treasurer, in fact you are the chief ruler in
the government ; you are an important man, and can do
as you please. Well, now, just you get out of Babylon.
Or, if you will stay in Babylon, don't let them catch you on
your knees ; at all events, don't pray at the window towards
Jerusalem. If you will pray, close that window and pull
down the curtain, and put something in the key-hole."
How many young men there are who don't dare to pray
before their room-mates ; they've no moral courage. How
many young men say to me, " Mr. Moody, don't ask me to
get down on my knees at this prayer meeting." They
want moral courage. Oh, thousands of men have, been
lost for want of moral courage, to dare to get down on
their knees and pray to God. The idea of policy coming
in here is all wrong. I can imagine how that old prince,
Daniel, now in his gray hairs, would view such a thought,
that he is going to desert his God in his old age. All
the remonstrances that must have been made fell dead;
he just went on praying as usual three times a day,
with his face towards Jerusalem. Our business men, too
many of them, " don't have any time to pray," busi-
ness is so pressing. But this old prophet found plenty
of time, though Secretary and Treasurer of the most
important empire in the world. And, besides his own
business, he had to attend, doubtless, to much belong-
ing of right to those hundred and twenty. But he
would never have been too busy or ashamed at a prayer-
meeting to stand up for God. He had a purpose, and
he dared to make it known. He knew whom he worship-
ped. The idea of looking back to church records of years
ago to see whether a man has professed religion, is all
wrong. In Babylon they knew whom Daniel believed on ;
these hundred and twenty knew the very day after the pas-
sage of the edict. He knows they are watching near his
window when the hour comes for prayer. He can see two
men close at his side, and knows they are spies ; perhaps
they may be taking down every word he says for the papers.
The moment comes, and he falls on his knees, and in tones
even louder than ever makes his prayer to the God of
Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He doesn't omit to
pray for the king. It is right to pray for our rulers. If
we quit praying for our rulers, our country will go to pieces.
The reason they are not better oftentimes is just because
we do not pray for them. And now the spies rush to the
king and say : " O, Darius, live forever ; do you know
there is a man in your kingdom that won't obey you ? "
" Won't obey me ! Who is he ? " " Why, that man
Daniel." And the king says : " I know he won't bow
down and worship me ; I know that he worships the God
of Heaven. Then the king sets his heart to deliver him
all the day from the hands of those one hundred and
twenty men. But they come to him and say : " If you want
to break your law your kingdom will depart, your subjects
will no longer obey you ; you must deliver him to the
lions' den." And Darius is compelled, and at last,
gives the word to have him sent away and cast into the
lions' den, and these men take good care to have the den
filled with the hungriest beasts in Babylon. He is thrown
headlong into the den, but the angel of God flies down, and
he lights unharmed on the bottom. The lions' mouths are
stopped. They are as harmless as lambs. The old proph-
et at the wonted hour drops on his knees and prays with
his face towards Jerusalem, as calmly as in his chamber.
And when it gets later he just lays his head on one of the
lions and goes to sleep, and undoubtedly no one in all
Babylon slept sweeter than Daniel in the lions' den. In
the palace the king cannot sleep. He orders his chariot,
and early in the morning rattles over the pavement and
jumps down at the lions' den. I see him alight from his
chariot in eager haste, and hear him cry down through
the mouth of the den : " Oh, Daniel, servant of the living
God, is thy God whom thou reverest continually, able to
deliver thee from the lions ? " Hark ! Why, it is a resur-
rection voice ! It is Daniel saying : " My God is able ;
He hath sent one of his angels and hath shut the lions'
mouths." I can see them now just embrace each other, and
together they jump into the chariot and away they go back
to the palace to breakfast. But I am over stepping my
time. Let us pray.
I want to say some further things about Daniel. I want
to refer to how an angel came to him, and, as we read in
the twelfth chapter of Daniel, told him he was a man
greatly beloved. Another angel had come to him with
the same message. It is generally thought this last angel
was the same one spoken of in Revelation, ist chapter,
13th verse, as coming to John when banished at the Isle
of Patmos. People thought he was sent off there alone ;
but no ; the angel of God was with him. And so with
Daniel. Here in the ioth-chapter and 5th verse he says:
" Then I lifted up mine eyes, and behold, a certain man
clothed with fine linen, and otherwise arrayed as God's
messenger, who cried, ' Oh, Daniel, a man greatly beloved,
understand the words which I speak unto thee, and stand
upright, for unto thee am I now sent.' " It was Daniel's
need that brought him from the glory land. It was the
Son of God right by his side in that strange land. And
that was the second time that the word came to him that
he was greatly beloved. Yes, three times a messenger
came from the throne of God to tell him this. I love to
speak of that precious verse in the eleventh chapter — the
thirty-second verse : " The people that do know their
God shall be strong and do exploits," and also of the
twelfth chapter and second and third verses: "And
many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame
and everlasting contempt ; and they that be wise shall
shine as the stars of the firmament ; and they that turn
many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
This was the angel's comfort to Daniel, and a great
comfort it was. The fact with all of us is that we like to
shine. There is no doubt about that. Every mother likes
her child to shine. If her boy shines at school by getting
to the head of his class, the proud mother tells all the
neighbors, and she has a right to. But it is not the great
of this world that will shine the brightest. For a few years
they may shed bright light, but they go out in darkness; with-
out an inner lightness. Supplying the brightness they go
out in black darkness. Where are the great men who did not
know Daniel's God ? Did they shine long ? Why, we know
of Nebuchadnezzar and the rest of them scarcely a thing,
except as they fill in the story about these humble men of
God. We are not told that statesmen shall shine ; they may
for a few years or days, but they are soon forgotten. Look
at those great ones who passed away in the days of Daniel.
How wise in council they were, how mighty and victorious
over hundreds of nations ; what gods upon earth they were !
Yet their names are forgotten and written in the grave. Phi-
losophers, falsely so-called, do they live ? Behold men of
science — scientific men they call themselves— going down
into the bowels of the earth, digging away at some carcass
and trying to make it talk against the voice of God. They
shall go down to death by and by, and their names shall
rot. But the man of God shines. Yes, he it is who shall
shine as the stars forever and ever. This Daniel has been
gone for 2,500 years, but still increasing millions read of
his life and actions. And so it shall be to the end ; he
will only get better known and better loved ; he shall only
shine the brighter as the world grows older. Of a truth they
that be wise and turn many to righteousness shall shine on,
like stars, to eternity.
And this blessed, thrice blessed, happiness, like all the
blessings of God's kingdom, is for everyone. Even with-
out the first claim to education or refinement you can
shine if you will. One of you sailors there can shine for
ever if you only go to work for the kingdom. The Bible
don't say the great shall shine, but they that turn many to
righteousness. A false impression has got hold of many of
God's people. They have got the idea that only a few can
talk about God's affairs. Nine-tenths of the people say, if
anything is to be done for the souls of men, " Oh, the
ministers must do it." It don't enter into the heart of the
people that they have any part in the matter. It is the
devil's work to keep Christians from the blessed luxury of
winning souls to God. Anyone can do this work. A
little girl only eieven years old came to me in a Sunday-
school and said : " Won't you please pray that God will
make me a winner of souls?" I felt so proud of her, and
my pride was justified, for she has become one of the best
winners of souls in this country. Oh, suppose she lives
threescore years, and goes on winning four or five souls
every year ; at the end of her journey there will be three
hundred souls on the way to glory. And how long will it
be before that little company swells to a great army. Don't
you see how that little mountain rill keeps swelling till it car-
ries everything before it. Little trickling streams have run
into it, till now, a mighty river, it has great cities on its banks,
and the commerce of all nations floating on its waters. So
when a single soul is won to Christ you cannot see the re-
sult, A single one multiplies to a thousand, and that into
ten thousand. Perhaps a million shall be the fruit ; we
cannot tell. We only know that the Christian who has
turned so many to righteousness, shall indeed shine for
ever and ever. Look at those poor fishermen, Jesus' dis-
ciples, how unlettered. They were not learned men, but
great in winning souls. So not a child here but can work
for God.
The one thing that keeps people from work is that they
don't have the desire. If a man has this desire God soon
qualifies him ; and what we want is God's qualification ; it
must come from Him. I have been thinking what shall be
done for the next thirty days that I continue to preach
here. If I should just put it to vote, and asked all Christians
who wanted prayers to rise, all of you, I know, would rise.
There are at least 3,000 Christians here. Now, is it too
much to ask that 3,000 Christians will each lead one soul
to Christ this coming week ? The Son of God died on the
cross for you. Right here in this Tabernacle you can tell
those weeping over their sins about God and heaven. How
many times I have watched, just to see if Christians would
speak to these sorrowing ones ! If we only had open-eyed
watchers for souls, there wouldn't be a night but five
hundred or a thousand inquirers would crowd into the
inquiry-rooms. These anxious inquirers are at every
meeting, just waiting to have warm-hearted Christians
bring them to Christ. They are timid, but will always
listen to one speaking to them about Christ. Suppose
each one of you now prayed : " Give me some soul this
week for my hire ; " what would be the result ? This room
would not hold the multitude sending up shouts of praise
to God and making heaven glad. Where there is an
anxious sinner there is the place for the Christian.
A little bed-ridden boy I knew kept mourning that he
couldn't work for Jesus. The minister told him to pray,
and pray he did ; and the. persons he prayed for one by
one felt the load of their sins and professed Christ. When
he heard that such a one had not giving in, he just turned
his face to the wall and prayed harder. Well, he died,
when by his little memorandum it was found that he
had prayed for fifty-six persons daily by name, and before
he was buried all of them had given their hearts to Jesus. -
Tell me that little boy won't shine in the kingdom of God !
These little ones can be used bv God.
I remember a good many years ago I resolved I
wouldn't let a day pass without talking to someone about
their soul's salvation. And it was in that school God
qualified me to speak the Gospel. If we were faithful over
small things God will promote us. If God says : " Speak
to that young man," obey the word, and you will be
given by and by plenty of souls. I went down past the
corner of Clark and Lake streets one day, and, fulfilling
my vow, on seeing a man leaning up against a lamp-post, I
went up to him and said : " Are you a Christian ? " He
damned me and cursed me, and said to mind my own
business. He knew me, but I didn't know him. He said
to a friend of his that afternoon that he had never been so
insulted in his life, and told him to say to me that I was
damning the cause I pretended to represent. Well, the
friend came and delivered his message. " May be I am
doing more hurt than good," I said \ " maybe I am mis-
taking, and God hasn't shown me the right way." That
was the time I was sleeping and living in the Young Men's
Christian Association rooms, where I was then President,
Secretary, janitor, and everything else. Well, one night
after midnight I heard a knock at the door. And there on
the step leading into the street stood this stranger I had
made so mad at the lamp-post, and he said he wanted to
talk to me about his soul's salvation. He said : " Do you
remember the man you met about three months ago at a
lamp-post, and how he cursed you ? I have had no peace
since that night, I couldn't sleep. Oh, tell me what
to do to be saved." And we just fell down on our knees,
and I prayed, and that day he went to the noon prayer
meeting and openly confessed the Saviour, and soon after
went to the war a Christian man. I do not know but he
died on some Southern battle-field or in a hospital, but I
expect to see him in the kingdom of God. Oh, how often
have I thanked God for that word to that dying 'sinner that
He put into my mouth !
And I have just been engaged in this personal work
all my life. God's business is not to be done wholesale.
Think of the Master Himself talking just to Nicodemus ;
and then how He talked to that poor woman at the well of
Samaria. Christ's greatest utterances were delivered to
congregations of one or two. How many are willing to
speak to tens of thousands, but not to speak to a few ! I
knew a man who was going to get rich and do large things
for God, but he never did anything ; he wouldn't do little
things, that was the secret. Oh, be willing, Christians, to
be built into the temple, as a polished cap-stone, or just a
single brick — no matter just how, but somehow. Say to
yourself in your home, in your Sunday school classes, in
your daily rounds, " I'll not let this sun go down till I lead
one soul to Christ." And then, having done all, shall you
shine as gems in the great white throne forever and ever.
I want to tell you how I got the first impulse to work
solely for the conversion of men. For a long time after
my conversion I didn't accomplish anything. I hadn't got
into my right place ; that was it. I hadn't thought enough
of this personal work. I'd get up in prayer meeting, and
I'd pray with the others, but just to go up to a man and
take hold of his coat and get him down on his kness, I ,
hadn't yet got round to that. It was in i860 the change
came. In the Sunday school I had a pale delicate young
man as one of the teachers. I knew his burning piety, and
assigned him to the worst class in the school. They were
all girls, and it was an awful class. They kept gadding
around in the school-room, and were laughing and carrying
on all the while. And this young man had better success
than any one else. One Sunday he was absent, and I tried
myself to teach the class, but couldn't do anything with
them ; they seemed farther off than ever from any concern
about their souls. Well, the day after his absence, early
Monday morning, the young man came into the store where
I worked, and, tottering and bloodless, threw himself down
on some boxes. " What's the matter ? " I said. " I have
been bleeding at the lungs, and they have given me up to
die," he said. " But you are not afraid to die ? " I
questioned. " No," said he. " I am not afraid to die, but
I have got to stand before God and give an account of my
stewardship, and not one of my Sabbath school scholars
has been brought to Jesus. I have failed to bring one, and
haven't any strength to do it now." He was so weighed
down that I got a carriage and took that dying man in it,
and we called at the homes of every one of his scholars,
and to each one he said, as best his faint voice would let
him " I have come to just ask you to come to the Saviour,"
and then he prayed as I never heard before. And for ten
days he labored in that way, sometimes walking to the
nearest houses. And at the end of that ten days every one
of that large class had yielded to the Saviour. Full well I
remember the night before he went away (for the doctors
said he must hurry to the South), how we held a true love-
feast. It was the very gate of heaven, that meeting. He
prayed and they prayed ; he didn't ask them, he didn't
think they could pray ; and then we sung " Blessed be the
tie that binds." It was a beautiful night in June that he
left on the Michigan Southern, and I was down to the train
to help him off. And those girls every one gathered there
again, all unknown to each other ; and the depot seemed
a second gate to heaven, in the joyful, yet tearful, com-
munion and farewells between those newly-redeemed souls
and him whose crown of rejoicing it will be that he led
them to Jesus. At last the gong sounded, and, supported
on the platform, the dying man shook hands with each one
and whispered. " I will meet you yonder."
Some of the very best, most constant teachers I had
before going to Europe were converted at that time, and
they, in their turn, have gathered many sheaves, and I my-
self was lead by this incident, this wonderful blessing of
God on individual effort, to throw up my business and give
my whole strength to God's work. Shall not that young
man have a high place, a place very near the Saviour of
men, in the day when He makes up his jewels ? Oh,
friends, if you want to shine in the kingdom of God, work
for Him to-day. Shall we not, every one, go out of this
building saying : " I will try to bring one soul to Christ
. If I were to ask this audience what Christ came into
this world for, every one of you would say to save sinners,
and then you would stop. A great many think that is all
Christ came to do — to save sinners. Now, we are told
that he came, to be sure, to " seek and save that which was
lost • " but then he came to do more. He came to heal
the broken-hearted. In that eighteenth verse of the
fourth chapter of Luke, which I read to you last night, He
said that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him, and that
He was anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, and in
the next sentence He tells us, He is sent to heal the broken-
hearted. In another place we are told. He came into the
world to declare who the Father was, and reveal Him to
the sons of men.
To-night I want to take up this one thought — that Christ
was sent into the world to heal the broken-hearted. When
the Prince of Wales came to this country a few years ago,
the whole country was excited as to his purpose. What
was his object in coming here ? Had he come to look
into our republican form of government, or our institutions,
or was it simply to see and be seen ? He came and he
went without telling us what he came for. When the
Prince of Peace came into this dark world, He did not
come in any private way. He tells us that He came, not
to see and be seen, but to " seek and save that which was
lost," and also "to heal the broken-hearted/' And in the
face of this announcement, it is a mystery to me why those
who have broken hearts will rather carry them year in and
year out, than just bring them to this Great Physician.
How many men in Chicago are just going down to their
graves with a broken heart? They have carried their
hearts weighted with trouble for years and years, and yet,
when they open the Scriptures they can see the passage
telling us that He came here for the purpose of healing the
broken-hearted. He left heaven and all its glory to come
to the world — sent by the Father, He tells us, for the pur-
pose of healing the broken-hearted.
You will find, my friends, that there is no class cf people
exempt from broken hearts. The rich and the poor suffer
alike. There was a time when I used to visit the poor,
that I thought all the broken hearts were to be found among
them, but within the last few years I have found there are
as many broken hearts among the learned as the unlearned,
the cultured as the uncultured, the rich as the poor. If
you could but go up one of our avenues and down
another, and reach the hearts of the people, and get them
to turn out their whole story, you would be astonished at
the wonderful history of every family. I remember a few
years ago I had been out of the city for some weeks.
When I returned I started out to make some calls. The
first place I went to I found a mother, her eyes red with
weeping. I tried to find out what was troubling her, and
she reluctantly opened her heart and told me all. She
said, " Last night my only boy came home about midnight
drunk. I didn't know that he was addicted to drunken-
ness, but this morning I found out that he has been drink-
ing for weeks ; and," she continued, " I would rather have
seen him laid in the grave than have him brought home in
the condition I saw him in last night." I tried to comfort
her as best I could when she told me her sad story.
When I went away from that house I didn't want to go
into any other house where there was family trouble. The
very next house I went to, however, where some of the
children who attended my Sunday school resided, I found
that death had been there and laid his hand on one of
them. The mother spoke to me of her afflictions, and
brought to me the playthings and the little shoes of
the child, and the tears trickled down that mother's cheeks
as she related to me her sorrow. I got out as soon as pos-
sible, and hoped I should see no more family trouble that
day. The next visit I made was to a home where I found
a wife with a bitter story. Her husband had been neg-
lecting her for a long time, "and now," she said, "he has
left me, and I don't know where he has gone. Winter is
coming on, and I don't know what is going to become of
my family." I tried to comfort her, and prayed with her,
and endeavored to get her to lay all her sorrows on Christ.
The next home I entered I found a woman crushed and
broken-hearted. She told me her boy had forsaken her,
and she had no idea where he had gone. That afternoon
I made five calls, and in every home I found a broken
heart. Every one had a sad tale to tell, and if you visited
any home in Chicago you would find the truth of the say-
ing, that " there is a skeleton in every house." 1 suppose
while I am talking, you are thinking of the great sorrow in
your own bosom. I do not know anything about you, but
if I came round to every one of you, and you were to tell
me the truth, I would hear a tale of sorrow. The very last
man I spoke to last night was a young mercantile man,
who told me his load of sorrow had been so great, that
many times during the last few weeks he had gone down to
the lake and had been tempted to plunge in and end his
existence. His burden seemed too much for him. Think
of the broken hearts in Chicago to-night ! They could be
numbered by hundreds— yea, by thousands. All over this
crty are broken heart's. If all the sorrow represented in
this great city was written in a book, this building couldn't
hold that book, and you couldn't read it in a long life-time.
^o great joy.
This earth is not a stranger to tears, neither is the present
the only time when they could be found in abundance.
From Adam's days to ours tears have been shed, and a
wail has been going up to heaven from the broken-hearted.
And I say it again, it is a mystery to me how all those
broken hearts can keep away from Him who has come to
heal them. For six thousand years that cry of sorrow has
been going up to God. We find the tears of Jacob put on
record, when he was told that his own son was no more.
His sons and daughters tried to give him comfort, but he
refused to be comforted. We are also told of the tears of
King David. I can see him, as the messenger brings the
news of the death of his son, exclaiming in anguish, " O, Ab-
salom, my son, would that I had died for thee !'" And
when Christ came into the world the first sound He heard
was woe — the wail of those mothers in Bethlehem ; and
from the manger to the cross, He was surrounded with
sorrow. We are told that He often looked up to heaven
and sighed. I believe it was because there was so much
suffering around Him. It was on His right hand and on
His left — everywhere on earth ; and the thought that He
had come to relieve the people of the earth of their burdens,
and so few would accept Him, made Him sorrowful. He
came for that purpose. Let the hundreds of thousands
just cast their burdens on Him. He has come to bear
them, as well as our sins. He will bear our griefs and
carry our sorrows. There is not a burdened son of Adam
in Chicago who cannot but be freed if he will only come to
Let me call your attention to this little word " sent,"
" He hath sent me." Take your Bibles and read about
those who have been sent by God, and one thought will
come to you — that no man who has ever been sent by God
to do His work has ever failed. No matter how great- the
work, how mighty the undertaking; no matter how many
difficulties had to be encountered, when they were sent
from God they were sure to succeed. God sent Moses
down to Egypt to bring 3,000,000 people out of bondage.
The idea would have seemed absurd to most people. Fancy
a man with an impediment in his speech, without an army,
without Generals, with no record, bringing 3,000,000 people
from the power of a great nation like that of the Egyptians.
But God sent him, and what was the result? Pharaoh said
they should not go, and the great king and all his army
were going to prevent them. But did he succeed ? God
sent Moses and he didn't fail. We find that God sent
Joshua to the walls of Jericho, and he marched around the
walls, and at the proper time those walls came tumbling
down and the city fell into his hands. God sent Elijah to
stand before Ahab, and we read the result ; Samson and
Gideon were sent by God and we are told in the Scriptures
what they accomplished, and so all through the word we
find that when God sent men they have never failed. Now,
do you think for a moment that God's own Son, sent to us,
is going to fail ? If Moses, Elijah, Joshua, Gideon, Samson,
and all these mighty men sent by God succeeded in doing
their work, do you think the Son of Man is going to fail ?
Do you think, if he has come to heal broken, hearts, he is
going to fail ? Do you think there is a heart so bruised and
broken that can't be healed by Him ? He can heal them
all, but the great trouble is that men won't come. If there
is a broken heart here to-night just bring it to the Great
Physician. If you break an arm or a leg, you run off and
get the best physician. If you have a broken heart, you
needn't go to a doctor or minister with it ; the best physician
is the Great Physician. In the days of Christ they didn't
have hospitals or physicians as we have now. When a
man was sick he was taken to the door, and the passers-by
prescribed for him. If a man came along who had had the
same disease as the sufferer he just told him what he had
j6 2 great joy.
done to get cured. I remember I had a disease for a few
months, and when I recovered if I met a man with the
same disease I had to tell him what cured me, I could
not keep the prescription all to myself. When He came
there and found the sick at their cottage door, the sufferers
found more medicine in His words than there was in all
the prescriptions of that country. He is a mighty physician,
who has come to heal every wounded heart in this building
and in Chicago to-night. You needn't run to any other
physician. The great difficulty is that people try to get
some other physician — they go to this creed and that creed,
to this doctor of divinity and that one, instead of coming
directly to the Master. He has told us that His mission is
to heal the broken hearts, and if He has said this, let us
take Him at His word and just ask Him to heal.
I was thinking to-day of the difference between those
who know Christ, when trouble comes upon them, and those
who know Him not. I know several members of families
in this city who are just stumbling into their graves over
trouble. I know two widows, in Chicago who are weeping
and moaning over the death of their husbands, and their
grief is just taking them to their graves. Instead of bring-
ing their burdens to Christ they mourn clay and night, and
the result will be, that in a few weeks or years at most
their sorrow will take them to their graves, when they
ought to take it all to the Great Physician. Three years
ago a father took his wife and family on board that
ill-fated French steamer. They were going to Europe, and
when out on the ocean another vessel ran into her and she
went down. That mother when I was preaching in Chicago
used to bring her two children to the meetings every night.
_Itwasone of the most beautiful sights I ever looked on, to
see how those little children used to sit and listen, and to
see the tears trickling down their cheeks when the Saviour
was preached. It seemed as if nobody else in that meeting
drank in the truth as eagerly as those little ones. One
night when an invitation had been extended to all to go
into the inquiry room, one of these little children said :
" Mamma, why can't I go in, too ? " The mother allowed
them to come into the room, and some friend spoke to
them,' and to all appearances they seemed to understand
the plan of salvation as well as their elders. When that
memorable night came, that mother went down and came
up without her two children. Upon reading the news I
said : '• It will kill her," and I quitted my post in Edinburgh
— the only time I left my post on the other side — and
went down to Liverpool to try and comfort her. But when
I got there, I found that the Son of God had been there
before me, and instead of me comforting her she comforted
me. She told me she could not think of those children as
be ng in the sea ; it seemed as if Christ had permitted her
to take those children on that vessel only that they might
be wafted to Him, and had saved her life only that she
might come back and work a little longer for Him. When
she got up the other day at a mothers' meeting in Farwell
Hall, and told her story, I thought I would tell the
mothers of it the first chance I got. So if any of you have
some great affliction, if any of you have lost a loved and
loving father, mother, brother, husband, or wife, come to
Christ, because God has sent Him to heal the broken-
Some of you, I can imagine, will say, " Ah, I could stand
that affliction ; I have something harder than that." I
remember a mother coming to me and saying, " It is easy
enough for you to speak in that way ; if you had the burden
that I've got, you couldn't cast it on the Lord." " Why,
is your burden so great that Christ can't carry it ? " I
asked. " No, it isn't too great for Him to carry ; but I
can't put it on Him." " That is your fault," I replied ; and
I find a great many people with burdens who, rather than
just come to Him with them, strap them tighter on their
backs and go away staggering under their load. I asked
her the nature of her trouble, and she told me, " I have an
only boy who is a wanderer on the face of the earth. I
don't know where he is. If I only knew where he was I
would go round the world to find him. You don't know
how I love that boy. This sorrow is killing me." " Why
can't you take him to Christ ? You can reach Him at the
throne, even though He be at the uttermost part of the
world. Go tell God all about your trouble, and He will
take away his, and not only that, but if you never see him
on earth, God can give you faith that you will see your boy
in heaven." And then I told her of a mother who lived
down in the southern part of Indiana. Some years ago
her boy came up to this city. He was a moralist. My
friends, a man has to have more than morality to lean upon
in this great city. He hadn't been here long before he
was led astray. A neighbor happened to come up here
and found him one night in the streets drunk. When that
neighbor went home at first he thought he wouldn't say
anything about it to the boy's father, but afterwards he
thought it was his duty to tell. So in a crowd in the street
of their little town, he just took that father aside, and told
him what he had seen in Chicago. It was a terrible blow.
When the children had been put to bed that night he said
to his wife. "Wife, I have bad news. I have heard
from Chicago to-day." The mother dropped her work in
an instant, and said : " Tell me what it is." " Well, our
son has been seen on the streets of Chicago drunk."
Neither of them slept that night, but they took their
burden to Christ. About daylight the mother said : I don't
know how, I don't know when or where, but God has given
me faith to believe that our son will be saved and will
never come to a drunkard's grave." One week after, that
boy left Chicago. He couldn't tell why — an unseen power
seemed to lead him to his mother's home, and the first
thing he said on coming over the threshold was, " Mother,
I have come home to ask you to pray for me ; " and soon
after he came back to Chicago a bright and a shining light.
If you have got a burden like this, fathers, mothers, bring
it to Him and cast it on Him, and He, the Great Physician,
will heal your broken hearts.
I can imagine again some of you saying, " How am I to
do it? " My friends, go to Him as a personal friend. He
is not a myth. What we want to do is to treat Christ as
we treat an earthly friend. If you have sins, just go and
tell Him all about them ; if you have some great burden,
" Go bury thy sorrow," bury it in His bosom. If you go
to people and tell them of your cares, your sorrows, they
will tell you they haven't time to listen. But He will not
only hear your story, however long it be, but will bind your
broken heart up. Oh, if there is a broken heart here
to-night, bring it to Jesus, and I tell you upon authority, He
will heal you. He has said He will bind your wounds up —
not only that, He will heal them.
During the war I remember of a young man, not 20, .
who was court-martialled down in the front and sentenced
to be shot. The story was this : The young fellow had en-
listed. He was not obliged to, but he went off with another
young man. They were what we would call " chums."
One night this companion was ordered out on picket duty
and he asked the young man to go for him. The next
night he was ordered out himself ; and having been awake
two nights, and not being used to it, fell asleep at his post,
and for the offence he was tried and sentenced to death.
It was right after the order issued by the President that no
interference should be allowed in cases of this kind. This
sort of thing had become too frequent, and it must be stop-
ped. When the news reached the father and mother in
Vermont, it nearly broke their hearts. The thought that
their son should be shot was too great for them. They
had no hope that he would be saved by anything they could
do. But they had a little daughter who had read the life
of Abraham Lincoln and knew how he loved his own
children, and she said : " If Abraham Lincoln knew how
my father and mother loved my brother he wouldn't let
him he shot." That little girl thought this over and made
up her mind to go and see the President. She went to the
White House, and the sentinel, when he saw her imploring
looks, passed her in, and when she came to the door and
told the private secretary that she wanted to see the Presi-
dent he could not refuse her. She came into the chamber
and found Abraham Lincoln surrounded by his generals
and counsellors, and when he saw the little country girl he
asked her what she wanted. The little maid told her plain
simple story — how her brother, whom her mother and
father loved very dearly, had been sentenced to be shot.
How they were mourning for him, and if he was to die in
that way it would break their hearts. The President's
heart was touched with compassion, and he immediately
sent a dispatch cancelling the sentence and giving the boy
a parole so that he could come home and see that father
and mother. I just tell you this to show you how Abra-
ham Lincoln's heart was moved by compassion for the
sorrow of that father and mother, and if he showed so
much, do you think the Son of God will not have compas-
sion upon you sinner, if you only take that crushed, bruised
heart to Him ? He will read it. Have you got a
drunken husband ? Go tell him. He can make him a
blessing to the church and to the world. Have you a pro-
fligate son ? Go take your story to him, and he will com-
fort you, and bind up and heal your sorrow. What a
blessing it is to have such a Saviour. He has been sent to
heal the broken-hearted. May the text, if the sermon
doesn't, reach everyone here to-night, and may every
crushed, broken, and bruised heart be brought to that
Saviour, and they will hear His comforting words. He will
comfort you as a mother comforts her child if you will only
come in prayer and lay all your burdens before Him.
You who have been here during the week have heard me
speaking on the fourth chapter of Luke and eighteenth verse.
I spoke on the first three clauses of that verse, and we have
now come to the next clause" in which he tells us that he
came to give sight to the blind — for the recovery of sight
to the blind. Paul tell us, in his Epistle to the Corinthians
fourth chapter and third verse : u But if our gospel be hid,
it is hid to them that are lost ; in whom the god of this world
hath blinded the minds of the?n which believe not lest the light
of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should
shine unto them" " If the gospel be hid ; " " In whom the
God of this world hath blinded."* Now you may see this
world is just one large blind asylum— it is full of blind
people. Last Wednesday night I tried to tell you that the
world was full of broken hearts ; last night I tried to tell
you that the world was full of captives, bound hand and
foot in sin, and to-night I tell you that it is full of blind
people. Not only blind people, but they are bound and
broken-hearted. You might say that nearly all those in
the world come under the three heads. Now just look at
the contrast between Satan and Christ. Satan breaks men's
hearts. But Christ binds them up ; Satan binds the people
of this earth hand and foot, but Christ breaks the fetters
and sets them free ; Satan makes us blind, but Christ
opens our eyes. He came to do this, and just see how He
was received. He went into that synagogue at Nazareth
and preached this glorious gospel, and commenced by tell-
ing them that the spirit of the Lord was upon Him, and
went on to tell them that He had come to save them ; and
what did they do ? They thrust Him out of the city, and
took Him to the brow of the hill, and would have hurled
Him into hell if they could. And men have been as bitter
toward the gospel all along these eighteen hundred
years. Why, some men would tear the preacher of it limb
from limb if it wasn't for the law. Then we find when He
goes to Bethany, and raising up the mother of Martha and
Mary and binding up broken hearts as he went along and
preaching mercy, and they want to kill Him. We find Him
in the third chapter of Mark setting the captive free.
Here we find a man possessed of demons, whom no one
could cure, set at liberty by the Son of Man, and in the
healing because they lost a few swine they told him to de-
part from their coasts. Then we find him just a few days
before his death, almost on his way to Calvary, giving sight
to that blind man. And for all this they take him to that
mount and nail him to a cross. Oh what blindness !
We are told that there are 3,000,000 people in the world
who are called blind. Every one calls them blind because
they haven't their natural sight. But do you ever think
how many are spiritually blind in this world ? Why, if
there are 3.000,000 people in the world who have not their
natural sight, how many do you suppose are spiritually
blind ? We sympathize with those who have lost their
sight. Nothing appeals to our svmpathy so readily. I
believe I could raise thousands of dollars among you by
telling you about some blind one who is suffering for the
necessaries of life through their affliction. How many of
you wouldn't put your hand in your pockets and give lib-
erally? How it moves our compassion — how it moves
our hearts as we see the blind men, women or children in
the streets. How your heart goes out to those poor unfor-
tunates. I was at a meeting in London when I was there,
and I heard a man speaking with wonder, but power and
earnestness. " Who is that man ? " I asked, my curiosity
being excited. " Why, that is Dr. . He is blind." I
felt some interest in this man, and at the close of the meet-
ing I sought an interview, and he told me that he had been
stricken blind when very young. His mother took him to
a doctor, and asked him about his sight. " You must give
up all hope," the doctor said. " Your boy is blind, and
will be forever." " What, do you think my boy will never
see?" asked his mother. "Never again." The mother
took her boy to her bosom and cried, " Oh, my boy, who
will take care of you when I am gone — who will look to
you ! " forgetting the faithfulness of that God she had
learned him to love. He became a servant of the Lord,
and was permitted to print the Bible in twelve different
languages, printed in the raised letters, so that all the blind
people could read the Scriptures themselves. He had a
congregation, my friends, of 3,000,000 people, and I think
that blind man was one of the happiest beings in all Lon-
don. He was naturally blind, but he had eyes to his soul,
and could see a bright eternity in the future. He had
built his foundation upon the living God. We pity those
who have not their natural sight ; but how you should pity
yourself if you are spiritually blind. If we could get all the
blind, spiritually, in this city ! You talk about those great
political meetings, they would be nothing to the crowd you
would collect. Why, just look at all the men in this city
who are blind, and many of them are in the churches. This
has been the trouble with men always. Christ couldn't
get men to understand they were blind ; He couldn't even
get His disciples to open their eyes until after He went up
to heaven. And then they received the spiritual truth.
How many are the professed children of God we read of in
the Book of Revelation ?
I think to-night I might pick up some of the different
classes who are blind. I am somewhat acquainted with
the rich men of this city, and I don't think it would take
long to prove that the leading men of this city are blind —
blind to their own interests. Take a man just spending
all his strength and energies to get money. He is money
blind. He is so blind in his pursuit that he cannot see the
God of heaven. Money is his god. His cry is continually
" Money, money," and it is the cry of many here in
Chicago. They don't care about God, don't care about
salvation, don't heed their eternal condition so long as
they get money, money, money. And a great many of
them have got it. But how lean their souls are. God has
given them the desire of their heart, but He has given them
leanness of soul. I heard of a man who had accumulated
great wealth, and death came upon him suddenly ancfr he
realized, as the saying is, that " there was no bank in the
shroud," that he couldn't take anything away with him ; we
may have all the money on earth, but we must leave it
behind us. He called a lawyer in and commenced to will
away his property before he went away. His little girl
couldn't understand exactly where he was going, and she
said, " Father, have you got a home in that land you are
going to ! " The arrow went down to his soul. " Got a
home there ? " The rich man had hurled away God, and
neglected to secure a home there for the sake of his
money, and he found it was now too late. He was money
mad, and he was money blind. It wouldn't be right for me
to give names, but I could tell you a good many here in
Chicago who are going on in this way — just spending all
their lives in the accumulation of what they cannot take
with them. This is going on while how many poor people
are suffering for the necessaries of life. These men don't
know they are blind — money is their god.
There is another class who don't care so much for
money. We might call them business blind. It is busi-
ness, business, business with them all the time. In the
morning they haven't time to worship. They must attend
to business ; must get down to the store. Down they run,
and haven't time to get home to dinner. They musn't let
anyone get ahead of them ; and they get home late at
night and their families have gone to bed. They scarcely
ever see their children. It is all business with them. A
man told me not long ago, " I must attend to my business.
That is my first consideration, and see that none gets
ahead of me." That is his god. I don't care if he is an
elder or a deacon in the church. That is his god. The
god of business has blinded him. Look at the merchant
prince who died the other day. Men called him a clever,
shrewd man. Call that shrewdness — to pile up wealth for
a lifetime and leave no record behind so that we know he
has gone to heaven ? He rose above men in his business ;
he devoted his whole soul to it, and the world called him
a power among men ; the world called him great. But let
the Son of God write his obituary ; let him put an epitaph
on his tombstone, and it would be, " Thou fool." Man
says, " I must attend to business first ; " God says, " Seek
first the kingdom of. God." I don't care what your business
may be ; it may be honorable, legitimate, and all that, and
you think you must attend to it first ; bear in mind that
God tells every man to seek His kingdom first.
There is another class of people who are blind. They
don't care so much about riches, they are not very am-
bitious to become rich, they don't spend their lives in
business matters. They are politically blind. They are
mad over politics ; they are bound up in the subject.
There will be a great many broken hearts in a week hence.
They have got their favorite candidate to attend to and
they cannot find time to worship God. How little prayer
there has been about the election. There has been a good
deal of work, but how much praying has been done ? We
want prayer to go up all over our land that high and honest
men may rule over us. But they are so excited over this
election that they have no time to pray to the God of
heaven. They are politically blind. How many men within
our recollection who have set their hearts upon the Presi-
dential chair have gone down to the grave with disappoint-
ment ? They were poor, blind men, and the world called
them great. Oh, how foolish ; how blind. They didn't
seek God ; they only sought one thing — greatness — posi-
tion and office. They were great, brilliant, clever men,
but when they were summoned into the presence of their
God, what a wreck. Men so brilliant might have wielded
an influence for the Son of God that would have lived in
the hearts of the people for generations to come, and the
streams of their goodness might have flowed long after they
went to heaven. But they lived for the world and their
works went to dust.
But a great number of people don't care for business or
politics, they only want a little money so as to get pleasure.
How many men have been blinded by pleasure. A lady
told me in the inquiry-room she would like to become a
Christian, but there was a ball coming on, and she didn't
want to become a Christian until after the ball. The ball
was worth more than to her than the kingkom of God. For
this ball she would put off the kingdom of God until it was
over, forgetting that death might come to her in the mean-
time and usher her into the presence of God. How blind
she was, and many are just like her. The kingdom of God
is offered to them without money and without price, and
yet for a few days of pleasure they forfeit heaven and
everything dear to their eternity. I was talking to a lady
who, with the tears running down her cheeks upon my
speaking to her, said : " The fact is, if I become a Christian
I have to give up all pleasure. I cannot go to a theatre \
I cannot read any novels ; I cannot play cards. I have
i 7 4 GREAT JOY.
nothing else to do." Oh, what blindness ! Look at the
pleasure of being taken into the Lord's vineyard, and the
joy and luxury of working for Him and leading souls to
Christ. And people with their eyes wide open would
rather bend down to the god of pleasure than become
Then there is the god of fashion. How many women
just devote their lives to it. They want to see the last
bonnet, the last cloak, the last dress. They can't think of
anything else. Said a lady to me, " I am always thinking
of fashion ; it don't matter if I get down on my knees to
pray , I am always thinking of a new dress. You may
laugh at this, but it's true. Pleasure in the ball-room and
fashion is the god of a great many people. Oh, that we
may lift our eyes to something nobler. Suppose you don't
have so many dresses, and give something to the poor, you
will have something then which will give you joy and com-
fort that will last you always. I pity the man or woman
who lives for the day like the buttterfly — those whose
minds are fixed upon fashion and pleasure, and have no
time to look to their perishing soul. A good many people
don't know they are hid. Look at that young man. You
call him a fast young man. He has got a salary of $1,000,
and it costs him $3,000 to live. Where does he get the
money? Where does it come from? His father cannot
give it him, because he is poor. His employer begins to
get suspicious. "I only give him $1,000 a year, and he is
living at the rate of $3,000." By and by he looks into his
account book and finds it overdrawn. Thus he is ruined —
character blasted. Oh, how many are of this stamp in
Chicago ! It is only a question of time. How many young
men have we got just living beyond their income — taking
money out of their employer's drawer. They say, " Well,
I am going to the theater to-night, and. I will just take a
dollar ; will put it back next week." But when next week
comes he hasn't put it back, and takes another dollar. He
has taken $2 now. He keeps on draw, draw, drawing,
when by and by it all comes out. He loses his place,
don't get any letters of recommendation, and the poor man
is ruined. My friends, this is not the description of an
isolated case. This class is all over the country. I wish
I could send you the letters I get about just such cases. I
got one the other day from a young mother with a family
of beautiful children. She told me how happy they had
lived — husband, wife, and children, and how one night her
husband came home excited, his face white with terror,
and said, "I've got to fly from justice. Good-bye." He
has gone from her, and she said it seemed as if she could
die ; her husband disgraced and starving couldn't get any-
thing to do. Her cry seemed to be " Help, help me." Is
not the country full of such cases. Is it not blindness and
madness for men to go on in this way. If any one is here
to-night following in the way of these men, I pray God
your eyes may be opened before you are led to death and
You know we had a full meeting to-day, and the subject
was Intemperance." How many young men are there who
spend their time in the saloons of the city. I am afraid
many will be led astray next Tuesday. I always dread an
election day — I generally see so many young men beastly
drunk. They are led away, and that is another quick road
down to hell. May the young men see the folly of this, and
on that day stand firm. May God open your eyes. How
many young men are there whose characters have been
blasted by strong drink. How many brilliant men in the
Chicago bar have gone down to death by it. Some of the
noblest statesmen, some of the most brilliant orators and
men of all professions have been borne down to the drunk-
ard's grave. May God open your eyes to show the folly of
tampering with strong drink. Now, many men say, " I am
not going down to the grave of a drunkard." They think
they have strength to stop when they like. When it gets
hold, there is nothing within us by which we can save our-
selves. He alone can give you power to resist the cup of
temptation: He alone can give you power to overcome its
influence, if you only will believe Him. The god of this
world has been trying to make you believe that man can do
it himself, and Christ will have nothing to do with him.
The god of this world is a liar. I come with authority to
tell you — I don't care how far gone you are; don't care
how blessed you may be — that the Son of God can and will
save you if you only believe Him. If there is one here to-
night under the power of strong drink come to-night. We
lift up our voice to warn you.
Look at that man in a boat on Niagara River. He is
only about a mile from the rap] ds. A man on the bank
shouts to him, " Young man,, young man, tile rapids are not
far away, you'd better pull for. .the /"shore." "• You attend'to-
your own business ; I will taKe^*cYre tt^niyseif," he' replies.
Like a great many people here, and ministers, too, they
don't want any evangelist here — don't want any help, how-
ever great the danger ahead. On he goes, sitting coolly in
his boat. Now he has got a little nearer, and a man from
the bank of the river sees his danger, and shouts, " Stran-
ger, you'd better pull for the shore ; if you go further you'll
be lost. You can be saved now if you pull in." " Mind
your business, and you'll have enough to do ; I'll take care
of myself." Like a good many men, they are asleep to the
danger that's hanging over them while they are in the cur-
rent. And I say, drinking young man, don't you think you
are standing still. You are in the current, and if you don't
pull for a rock of safety you will go over the precipice.
On he goes. I can see him in the boat laughing at the
danger. A man on the bank is looking at him, and he
lifts up his voice and cries, " Stranger, stranger, pull for
the shore ; if you don't you will lose your life ; " and the
young man laughs at him — mocks him. That is the way
with hundreds in Chicago. If you go to them and point
out their danger they will jest and joke at you. By and by
he says : " I think I hear the rapids — yes, I hear them
roar ; " and he seizes his oars and pulls with all his
strength, but the current is too great, and nearer and nearer
he is drawn on to that abyss, until he gives one unearthly
scream, and over he goes. Ah, my friends, this is the
case with hundreds in this city. They are in the current
of riches, of pleasure, of drink, that will take them to the
whirlpool. Satan has got them blindfolded, and they are
on their road to the bottomless pit.
We hear some men say in a jesting way, " Oh, we are
sowing our wild oats ; we will get over this by and by." I
have seen men reap their wild oats. It's all well enough
sowing, but when it comes to the reaping it's a different
thing. I remember I went home one night and found all
the people in alarm. They had seen a man come running
down the street, and as he approached the house he gave
an unearthly roar, and in terror they bolted the door. He
came right up to my door, and instead of ringing the bell,
just tried to push the door in. They asked him what he
wanted, and he told them he wanted to see me. They said
I was at the meeting, and away he ran, and they could
hear him groan as he disappeared. I was coming along
North Clark Street, and he shot past me like an arrow.
But he had seen me, and turned and seized me by the
arm, saying eagerly, " Can I be saved to-night ? The devil
is coming to take me to hell at one o'clock to-night." " My
friend, you are mistaken." Thought the man was sick.
But he persisted that the devil had come and laid his hand
upon him, and told him that he might have till one o'clock,
and," said he : " Won't you go up to my room and sit with
me ? " I got some men up to his room to see to him. At
one o'clock the devils came into that room, and all the
men in that room could not hold him. He was reaping
what he had sown. When the Angel of Death came and
laid his cold hand on him, oh, how he cried for mercy — how
he beseeched for pardon. Ah, yes, young men, you may
say in a laughing and jesting way, you are sowing your wild
oats, but the reaping time is coming. May God show you
to-night what folly it is — what a miserable life you are
leading. May we lift our heart here to the God of all
grace, so that we may see our lost and ruined condition if
we do not come to Him. Christ stands ready and willing
to save — to save to-night all those who are willing to be
saved. Let us pray.
You will find my text to-night in the seventeenth
chapter of Acts, part of the thirtieth verse : " And now com-
mandeth all men everywhere to repent" I have heard a
number of complaints about the preaching here in the
Tabernacle, that repentance has not been touched upon.
The fact is, that I have never had very great success in
preaching upon repentance. When I have preached it
people haven't repented. I've had far more success when
I've preached Christ's goodness. But to-night I will preach
about repentance, so you will have no more cause of com-
plaint. I believe in repentance just as much as I believe in
the Word of God. When John the Baptist came to preach to
that Jewish nation his one cry was " Repent ! repent ! " But
when Christ came he changed it to "The blood of the
Lamb taketh away the sin of the world." I would rather
cry "The blood of the Lamb taketh away the sin of the world,
than talk about repentance. And when Christ came we
find Him saying " Repent ye," but He soon pointed them
to something higher — He told them about the goodness of
God. It is the goodness of God that produces repentance.
When, upon the Day of Pentecost they asked what to do to
be saved, we find Him telling men, " Repent, every one of
you." When Christ sent His disciples out to preach, two
by two, we find the message He gave them to deliver was,
" Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." It is
clearly preached throughout the Scriptures. There is a
good deal of trouble among people about what repentance
really is. If you ask people what it is, they will tell you
"It is feeling sorry." If you ask a man if he repents, he
will tell you, " Oh, yes ; I generally feel sorry for my sins."
That is not repentance. It is something more than feeling
sorry. Repentance is turning right about, and forsaking
sin. I wanted to speak on Sunday about that verse in
Isaiah, which says, " Let the guilty forsake his way, and
the unrighteous man his thoughts." That is what it is. If
a man don't turn from his sin he won't be accepted of God,
and if righteousness don't produce a turning about — a
turning from bad to good — it isn't true righteousness.
Unconverted people have got an idea that God is their
enemy. Now, let me impress this, and I told you the same
the other night, God hates sin with a perfect hatred ; He
will punish sin wherever He finds it, yet He at the same
time, loves the sinner, and wants him to repent and turn
to Him. If men will only turn they will find mercy, and
find it just the moment they turn to Him. You will find
men sorry for their misdeeds. Cain, no doubt, was sorry,
but that was not true repentance. There is no cry record-
ed in the Scriptures as coming from him, O my God,
O my God, forgive me." There was no repentance in his
only feeling sorry. Look at Judas. There is no sign that
he turned to God — no sign that he came to Christ asking
forgiveness. Yet, probably, he felt sorry. He was, very
likely, filled with remorse and despair ; but he didn't re-
pent. Repentance is turning to him who loved us and
gave Himself for us. Look at King Saul, and see the
difference between him and King David. David fell as low
as Saul and a good deal lower — he fell from a higher
pinnacle, but what was the difference between the two ?
David turned back to God and confessed his sin and got
forgiven. But look at King Saul. There was no repent-
ance there, and God couldn't save him till he repented.
You will find, all through the Scriptures, where men have
repented God has forgiven them. Look at that publican
when he went up to pray ; he felt his sin so great that he
couldn't look up to heaven — all he could do was to smite
his heart and cry " God forgive me a sinner." There was
turning to God — repentance, and that man went down to
his home forgiven. Look at that prodigal. His father
couldn't forgive him while he was still in a foreign land and
squandering his money in riotous living, but the moment
he came home repentant, how soon that father forgave
him — how quick he came to meet him with the word of
forgiveness. It wouldn't have done any good to forgive
the boy while he was in that foreign country unrepentant.
He would have despised all favors and blessings from his
father. That is the position the sinner stands toward God.
He cannot be forgiven and get His blessing, until he comes
to God repenting of all his sins and asking the blessing.
Now, we read in Scripture that God deals with us as
a father deals with a son. Fathers and mothers, you who
have children, let me ask by way of illustration, suppose
you go home, and you find that while you have been here
your boy has gone to your private drawer and stolen $5 of
your money. You go to him and say : " John, did you take
that money?" "Yes, father, I took that money," he
replies. When you hear him saying this without any
apparent regret you won't forgive him. You want to get
at his conscience; you know it would do him an injury to
forgive him unless he confesses his wrong. Suppose he
won't do it. "Yes," he says, "I stole your money, but I
don't think I've done wrong." The mother cannot, the
father cannot forgive him, unless he sees he has done
wrong, and wants forgiveness. That's the trouble with
the sinners in Chicago. They've turned against God,
broken His commandments, trampled His law under their
feet, and their sins hang upon them ; until they show signs
of repentance their sin will remain. But the moment they
see their iniquity and come to God, forgiveness will be given
them and their iniquity will be taken out of their way.
Said a person to me the other day, " It is my sin that stands
between me and Christ." "It isn't," I replied, "it's
your own will." That's what stands between the sinner
and forgiveness. Christ will take all your iniquities away
if you will. Men are so proud that they won't acknowledge
and confess before God. Don't you see on the face of it,
if your boy won't repent you cannot forgive him, and how
is God going to forgive a sinner if he don't repent ? If
He was allowing an unrepentant sinner into His kingdom,
there would be war in heaven in twenty-four' hours. You
cannot live in a house with a boy who steals everything he
can lay his hands on. You would have to banish him from
your house. Look at King David with his son Absalom.
After he had been sent away he gets his friends to inter-
cede for him to get him back to Jerusalem. They succeed-
ed in getting him back to the city, but someone told the
King that he hadn't repented, and his father would not
see him. After he had been in Jerusalem some time, try-
ing his best to get into favor and position again without
repentance, he sent a friend, Joab, to the king, and told
him to say to his father : " Examine me, and if you find
no iniquity in me, take me in." He was forgiven, but the
most foolish thing King David ever did was to forgive- that
young prince. What was the result ? He drove him from
the throne. That's what the sinner would do if he got in-
to heaven unrepentant. He would just drive God from the
throne — tear the crown from Him. No unrepentant sinner
can get into the kingdom of heaven.
Ah, some people say, " I believe in the mercy of God ;
I don't believe God will allow one to perish ; I believe
everyone will get to heaven. Look at those antedeluvians.
Do you think He swept all those sinners, all those men and
women who were too wicked to live on earth — do you be-
lieve He swept them all into heaven, and left the only
righteous man to wade through the flood ? Do you think
He would do this, and yet many men believe all will go
into heaven. The day will come when you will wake up
and know that you have been deceived by the devil. No
unrepentant sinner will ever get into heaven ; unless they
forsake their sin they cannot enter there. The law of God
is very plain on this point : " Except a man repent.''
That's the language of Scripture. And when this is so
plainly set down, why is it that men fold their arms and
say, "God will take me into heaven anyway." Suppose a
governor elected to-day comes into office in a few months,
and he finds a great number of criminals in prison, and he
goes and says : " I feel for those prisoners. They cannot
stay in jail any longer." Suppose some murders have been
committed, and he says : " I am tender hearted, I can't
punish those men," and he opens the prison door and lets
them all out. How long would that governor be in his
position ? These very men who are depending on the
mercy of God would be the first to raise their voice against
that governor. These men would say, " These murders
must be punished or society will be imperiled ; life will
not be safe ; " and yet they believe in the mercy of God
whether they repent or not. My dear friends, don't go on
under that delusion ; it is a snare of the devil. I tell you
the word of God is true, and it tells us " Except a man re-
pent " theie is not one ray of hope held out. May the
Spirit of God open your eyes to-night and show you the
truth — let it go into your hearts." Let the wicked forsake
his way and the unrighteous his thoughts.
Now, my friends, repentance is not fear. A great many
people say I don't preach up the terrors of religion. I
don't want to — don't want to scare men into the kingdom
of God. I don't believe in preaching that way. If I did
get some in that way they would soon get out. If I wanted
to scare men into heaven I would just hold the terror of
hell over their heads and say, " go right in." But that's
not the way to win men. They don't have any slaves in
heaven. They are all sons, and they must accept salva-
tion voluntarily. Terror never brought a man in yet.
Look at a vessel tossed upon the billows, and sailors think
it is going to the bottom and death is upon them. They
fall down on their knees, and you would think they were
all converted. They ain't converted ; they're only scared.
There's no repentance there, and as soon as the storm is
over and they get on shore, they are the same as ever. All
their terror has left them — they've forgotten it, and they
fall into their old habits. How many men have, while
lying on a sick bed, and they thought they saw the terrors
of death gathering around them, made resolutions to live
a new life if they only get well again ; but the moment
they get better they forget all about their resolutions. It
was only scare with them ; that's not what we want to feel.
Fear is one thing, and repentance is another. True repen-
tance is the Holy Ghost showing sinners their sin. That's
what we want. May the Holy Ghost reveal to each one
here to-night out of Christ their lost condition unless they
If God threw Adam out of Eden on account of one sin,
how can you expect to get into the heavenly paradise with
ten thousand ? I can imagine someone saying, " I haven't
got anything to repent of." If you are one of those Phari-
sees, I can tell you that this sermon will not reach your
heart. I would like to find one man who could come up
here and say, " I have no sin." If I was one of those who
thought I had no sin to repent of, I'd never go to church :
I would certainly not come up to the Tabernacle. But
could you find a man walking the streets of Chicago who
could say this honestly. I don't believe there's a day
passed over my head during the last twenty years but
when night came I found I had some sin to repent of.
It is impossible for a man to live without sinning, there
are so many things to draw away the heart and affections
of men from God. I feel as if I ought to be repenting all
the time. Is there a man here who can say honestly, " 1
have not got a sin that I need ask forgiveness for ? I
haven't one thing to repent of ? " Some men seem to
think that God has got ten different laws for each of those
ten commandments, but if you have been guilty of break-
ing one you are guilty of breaking all. If a man steals
$5 and another steals $500, the one is as guilty of theft
as the other. A man who has broken one commandment
of God is as guilty as he who has broken ten. If a man
don't feel this, and come to Him repentant and turn his
face from sin toward God there is not a ray of hope. No-
where can you find one ray from Genesis to Revelation.
Don't go out of this Tabernacle saying, " I have nothing
to repent." I heard of a man who said he had been con-
verted. A friend asked him if he had repented. " No,"
said he, " I never trouble my head about it." My friends,
when a man becomes converted the work has to be a little
deeper than that. He has to become repentant, and try
to atone for what he has done. If he is at war with any-
one he has to go and be reconciled to his enemy. If he
doesn't his conversion is the work of Satan. When a man
turns to God he is made a new creature — a new man.
His impulses all the time are guided by love. He loves
his enemies and tries to repair all wrong he has done.
This is a true sign of conversion. If this sign is not
apparent his conversion has never got from his head to his
heart. We must be born of the spirit, hearts must be
regenerated — born again. When a man repents, and turns
to the God of Heaven, then the work is deep and thorough.
I hope that everyone here to-night will see the necessity
of true repentance when they come to God for a blessing,
and may the Spirit move you to ask it to-night.
I can imagine some of you saying, " How, am I to repent
to-night?" My friends, there are only two parties in the
world. There has been a great political contest here to-
day, and there have been two sides. We will not know
before forty-eight hours which side has triumphed. There
is great interest now to know which side has been the
stronger. Now, there are two parties in this world — those
for Christ and those against Him, and to change to Christ's
party is only moving from the old party to the new. You
know that the old party is bad, and the new one is good,
and yet you don't change. Suppose I was called to New
York to-night, and went down to the Illinois Central
Depot to catch the ten o'clock train. I go on the train,
and a friend should see me and say, " You are on the
wrong train for New York. You 'are on the Burlington
train." " Oh, no," I say, "you are wrong; I asked some-
one and he told me this was the right train." " Why,"
this friend replies, " I've been in Chicago for twenty years,
and know that you are on the wrong train," and the man
talks, and at last convinces me, but I sit still, although I
believe I am in the wrong train for New York, and I go
on to Burlington. If you don't get off the wrong train
and get on the right one you will not reach heaven. If
you have not repented, seize your baggage to-night and go
to the other train.
If a man is not repentant his face is turned away from
God, and the moment his face is turned toward God peace
and joy follow. There are a great many people hunting
after joy, after peace. Dear friends, if you want to find it
to-night, just turn to God, and you will get it. You need
not hunt for it any longer ; only come and get it. When I
was a little boy I remember I tried to catch my shadow.
I don't know if you were ever so foolish: but I remember
running after it and trying to get ahead of it. I could not
see why the shadow always kept ahead of me. Once I
happened to be racing with my face to the sun, and I
looked over my head and saw my shadow coming back of
me, and it kept behind me all the way. It is the same
with the Sun of Righteousness, peace and joy will go with
you while you go with your face toward Him, and these
people who are getting at the back of the Sun are in dark-
ness all the time. Turn to the light of God and the reflec-
tion will flash in your heart. Don't say that God will not
forgive you. It is only your will which keeps His forgive-
from you.
My sister, I remember, told me her little boy said some-
thing naughty one morning, when his father said to him,
" Sammy, go and ask your mother's forgiveness.'" w I
won't," replied the child. " If you don't ask your mother's
forgiveness I'll put you to bed." It was early in the morn-
ing — before he went to business, and the boy didn't think
he would do it. He said " I won't " again. They un-
dressed him and put him to bed. The father came home
at noon expecting to find his boy playing about the house.
He didn't see him about, and asked his wife where he was.
" In bed still." So he went up to the room, and sat down
by the bed, and said : " Sammy, I want you to ask your
mother's forgiveness." But the answer was " No." The
father coaxed and begged, but could not induce the child
to ask forgiveness. The father went away, expecting cer-
tainly that when he came home at night the child would
have got all over it. At night, however, when he got home
he found the little fellow still in bed. He had lain there
all day. He went to him and tried to get him to go to his
mother, but it was no use. His mother went and was
equally unsuccessful. That father and mother could not
sleep any that night. They expected every moment to
hear the knock at their door by their little son. Now they
wanted to forgive the boy. My sister told me it was just
as if death had come into their home. She never passed
through such a night. In the morning she went to him
and said : " Now, Sammy, you are going to ask my forgive-
ness," but the boy turned his face to the wall and wouldn't
speak. The father came home at noon and the boy was
as stubborn as ever. It looked as though the child was
going to conquer. It was for the good of the boy that
they didn't want to give him his own way. It is a great
deal better for us to submit to God than have our own
way. Our own way will lead us to ruin ; God's way leads
to life everlasting. The father went off to his office, and
that afternoon my sister went in to her son about four
o'clock and began to reason with him, and, after talking
for some time, she said, "Now, Sammy, say 'mother.'"
"Mother," said the boy. "Now say 'for.'" "For."
" Now just say ' give.' " And the boy repeated " give."
" Me," said the mother. " Me," and the little fellow fairly
leaped out of bed. " I have said it," he cried ; "take me
down to papa, so that I can say it to him." Oh, sinner,
go to Him and ask His forgiveness. This is repentance.
It is coming in with a broken heart and asking the King
of heaven to forgive you. Don't say you can't. It is a
lie. It is your stubborn will — it is your stubborn heart.
Now let me say here to-night you are in a position to be
reconciled to God now. You are not in a position to deny
this reconciliation a week, a day, an hour. God tells you
now. Look at that beautiful steamer Atlantic. There
she is in the bay groping her way along a rocky coast.
The captain don't know, as his vessel plows through that
ocean, that in a few moments it will strike a rock and
hundreds of those on board will perish in a watery grave.
If he knew, in a minute he could strike a bell and the
steamer would be turned from that rock and the people
would be saved. The vessel has struck, but he knows
now too late. You have time now. In five minutes, for
all you and I know, you may be in eternity. God
hangs a mist over our eyes as to our summons. So now
God calls-*— now everyone repent, and all your sins will be
taken from you. I have come in the name of the Master
to ask you to turn to God now. May God help you to
turn and live. Let us pray.
Now I am not going to take a text to-night. I am going
to take a subject, and that subject will be " What Christ is
to us ; " and if you say when I get through that Christ is
not what I try to make Him out to be, it will be your own
fault and no one else's, because He is a thousand times
more to every soul here than I can make Him out to be
to-night. A man cannot tell what Christ is in a few mo-
ments — cannot begin to express what Christ is to us. I
remember talking on the same subject at a meeting in the
north of England. I felt that I had not said enough about
Him when I got through. When I went home I went with
a Scotchman, and I was complaining and groaning over
the meeting, and told him I had only got half through with
my subject, when the Scotchman turned to me and said,
" Ye dinna expect to tell a' aboot Christ in one hour,
d'ye ? Why, 'twould tak a' eternity to do it, man." I thought
I could get through in an hour, but, my friends, it cannot
be done. I'm not going to talk to you an hour to-night,
however, and now I would like to call your attention to the
second chapter of Luke and eleventh verse : " For unto
you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is
Christ the Lord." That's what Christ offers to be to every
soul that comes into this world. God gives Him to the
world, "Unto you is born this day a Saviour." God gave
Him to free us from our sins ; that is what Christ came
into the world to do. To get Him we must first meet Him
at Calvary as our Jesus, our purifier, our sanctification, our
Redemption. We must first pass Calvary before we can see
Him as our Saviour. And He wants you to come there —
He wants to be a Saviour to every soul in Chicago. He is
not only a Saviour who takes us from the pit of hell, but He
delivers us from sin. A great many people have a wrong
idea of Christ. They think He only saves us from hell,
but He keeps us from sin day by day. God knew a great
deal better what the world needed than ourselves. There-
fore He gave us Christ, not only to save us from death,
but to free us from sin. He is not only a Saviour ; he is a
Redeemer. Redemption is more real than salvation. I
asked a man some time ago why he thought so much about
a certain man. I noticed that he could not speak of him
but tears came into his eyes, and so I asked him, "Why is
it that you love that man as you do ? " " Why, Mr. Moody,"
he said, " that man saved me." He told me in confidence
how he got involved, how he took what did not belong to
him, thinking he could replace it in a few weeks, but when
the time came found he could not. In a week or two ex-
posure would come, and it would be sure ruin to him, wife
and family. How he went to a friend and poured out his
heart, and how that friend advanced him the money and
paid the debt, and," he added, " I would be willing to lay
down my life for that friend. He saved me." It was out
of gratitude to that man that he was willing to give his life
for him. When we appreciate what redemption is and
what Christ has done for us, we are willing to lay down our
life for him — sacrifice everything for His sake.
Redemption is more. It is buying back, for we are told
in Galatians, " He hath redeemed us from the curse." The
curse of the law rests upon every son of Adam — " He hath
redeemed us from the curse of the law." Redemption is
buying back. He has bought us back from sentence of
justice. We belong to Him — " He hath redeemed us by
His blood." I remember I was going from my home to
preach in a neighboring village. My brother was with me,
and I saw a young man driving before us. I said to my
brother: "Who is that young man; I've never seen him
before." " Do you see that farm, those beautiful buildings,
do you see all these fields, and the pasture ? That is his
farm. His father was a drunkard and squandered his
money, buried his home in debt, and died. His mother
had to go to the poor-house. That young man went away,
earned money, came back and redeemed the farm and took
his mother from the poor-house, and he is looked upon as
one of the noblest young men in the country." That's
what Christ is doing for us. Adam sold us very cheap,
and Christ comes and redeems us — does it without any
cost. He is more than a saviour and a redeemer — he is a
deliverer. A great many people go to Calvary and believe
He is their redeemer, but they forget that He came to de-
liver us from all temptation, from all appetite, from all lust.
Now, when God put the children of Israel behind the blood
at Goshen they were safe. When they came to the Red
Sea, and they heard the King of Egypt with his mighty
army, his horsemen, and his chariots come rolling on to their
destruction, it was then that the God of Heaven showed His
power as a deliverer. He said to Moses, " Stretch out thy
rod," and the sea opened and His chosen people passed
over in safety. God is a deliverer to all His children, what-
ever you may be. He is a great physician to us all, and He
will deliver you from all your difficulties.
In the fifth chapter of Mark, we see him as a deliverer.
I do not think that God ever found harder cases in
Chicago, than those were there. We have got hospitals
for the incurables, and if they had had them in those days,
these cases would have been put there. First look at
that man who had his dwelling in the tombs. They tried
to tame him, but he snapped the chains as Samson did
the pillars. They tried to bind him, they tried to keep him
clothed, but he tore his garments into shreds. There he
was, a wild man and a terror to everybody. The children
were afraid of him, and the women and men hearing his
cries at night, dreaded to go near that spot. There he
was, a slave of the devils. But Christ came to that part
of the country. See how they tried to chain him, to bind
him, to tame him ; but they all failed. But Christ came,
and with one word, delivered him. One word, and those
devils forsook him. And his countrymen hearing of the
incident, came out. They did not go out to see what
Christ had been doing, but they came out to look for their
swine. A good many men here in Chicago value swine
more than they do the salvation of souls. Let pork go up
or down, and see what a commotion there would be. But
if there are souls to save here to-night they would never
trouble themselves. They came out to see the swine, and
there they found the wild man sitting at the feet of Jesus,
clothed, and in his right mind. When the man found him-
self delivered, he wanted to go with the Saviour. That was
gratitude. Christ had saved him, had redeemed him. He
had delivered him from the hand of the enemy. And this
man cried : " Let me follow You round the world ; where
You go I will go." But the Lord said: "You go home
and tell your friends what good things the Lord has" done
for you." And he started home. I would like to have
been in that house when he came there. I can imagine
how the children would look when they saw him, and say :
"Father is coming." " Shut the door," the mother would
cry ; " look out ; fasten the windows ; bolt every door in
the house." Many times he very likely had come home
and abused his family, and broken the chairs and tables,
and turned the mother into the street, and alarmed all the
neighbors. They see him now, coming down the street.
Down he comes till he gets to the door, and then gently
knocks. You don't hear a sound as he stands there. At
last he sees his wife at the window, and he says, " Mary I "
" Why," she says, " why he speaks as he did when I first
married him ; I wonder if he has got well ? " So she looks
out, and says, "John, is that you?" "Yes, Mary," he
replies, " it's me, don't be afraid any more, I'm well
now." I see that mother, how she pulls back the bolts of
that door, and looks at him. The first look is sufficient,
and she springs into his arms, and clings about his neck.
She takes him in and asks him a hundred questions — how it
all happened — all about it. " Well, just take a chair, and
I'll tell you how I got cured." The children hang back, and
look amazed. He says : " I was there in the tombs, you
know, cutting myself with stones, and running about in my
nakedness, when Jesus of Nazareth came that way. Mary,
did you ever hear of Him ? He is the most wonderful man.
I've never seen a man like him. He just ran in and told
those devils to leave me, and they left me. When He had
cured me, I wanted to follow Him, but He told me to
come home and tell you all about it." The children by-
and-by gather about his knee, and the elder ones run to
tell their playmates what wonderful things Jesus has done
for their father. Ah, my friends, we have got a mighty
deliverer — don't care what affliction you have. He will
deliver you from it. The Son of God, who cast out those
devils, can deliver you from your besetting sin. A man
told me last night, in speaking about drunkards, the
trouble is that the passion for drink becomes a disease,
and when it does, there is no hope. That man didn't
know the gospel, my friend. Christ is a physician who
has never lost a case yet. We've got a great many fine
physicians —how many of them can say : " I have never lost
a case." Christ has never failed, and He has had some
pretty hard cases. Just look at that woman suffering for
years from an issue of blood. Probably she had visited
all the physicians round — had gone clear up to Damascus
and down to Egypt. Perhaps she had spent all her money
in trying to get better, but instead had only grown worse.
That's just the case with Christians to-day. Instead of
her coming to Christ, she went to the physicians around.
I can imagine one of her friends coming in and saying,
" Have you ever heard of Jesus of Nazareth ? " " No."
" Well, He is a great prophet. I have never seen Him
myself, but they tell me He is in Jerusalem doing wonder-
ful things. I heard of a man who was troubled with
leprosy, and another with palsy, and they went to Him, and
in a moment were cured. They say too, He gives sight to
blind men." As her friend tells her these things, a ray of
hope breaks upon the poor woman's soul, and she questions
the friend further. " Yes, and I heard of another cure of
a poor "cripple who had been lame for years, so lame that
he had to be carried to the prophet. When they got there
they found such a crowd that they had to cut a hole in the
roof and let him down, and whenever He saw him He just
touched him, and he was healed." " He must be a great
physician. How much does He charge ? " " Don't charge
you anything." And this is the trouble with a great many
people to-day. They think they have something to do for
the Lord — something to give him in return for the salva-
tion He offers. "Do you mean to tell me He don't charge
anything ? " " Yes, I tell you, He cures all the people
who come to Him for nothing ! " " I never heard of such
a thing in my life. Whenever He comes here I am going
to see Him." By-and-by she hears that He is passing
through her town, and she prepares to go. Her children
probably come to her and urge her not to go. " Don't
go to anymore physicians. You've been running after too
many, and they've only made you worse." But she gives
them a deaf ear. She wants to be blessed. I don't know
what they called the women's garments in those days, but
we will come down to the present. She gets down her
old shawl. The doctor took all her monev, and she can't
afford to buy a new one. When she gets to where He is,
she finds a crowd around Him — perhaps four or five times
as many people as we have here. I can see that woman
elbowing her way through the crowd as she says to her-
self, " If I can only get near that man I know by His look
He can bless me." There she goes, pushing her way
through the crowd of able-bodied men standing between
her and the Saviour. "Why don't you go away or stand
still ? " they say to her ; " there are plenty more beside you
who want to get near Him." But she keeps on, and by-
and-by she is just about to touch Him, when some
one is thrust in between her and the Saviour, and she is
driven back. But she works her way on, and comes near
enough again, and I can see that thin, pale hand as it
comes from under that shawl, and it creeps to his garment
— lo, in a moment she is well. Some one has said that He
has got more medicine in this garment than there is in all
the apothecaries' stores of the world. A mighty physician !
If you have a sick soul come up to Him. There is no
case too bad for Him. I don't care if you have some sin
to which you are a slave — He can heal you of it. Yes,
my friends, He is a mighty physician, and can save all who
come and seek His aid. I can imagine some of you say : I
am a good deal worse than any you have spoken of. I
am dead to everything that is pure and holy. I come
here night after night, and those remarks never touch me.
Those sweet songs never thrill me. I am dead. Well,
right here we find the story of one who was dead, Jairus'
daughter. When He came to the house they said he was
too late. You and I have been too late, but Christ never.
They forgot he was the resurrection and the life. When
He went into that room with Peter and John, among the
weeping mourners, He just said to that dead girl, " Dam-
sel, I say unto thee, arise," and she was awakened from
the sleep of death. If there is a dead soul here to-night,
He can save you. He said at the creation, " Let there be
light," and lo ! the light appeared. If He commands your
dead souls to live they will surely live. Let your prayers
be going up to God that your dead souls may be filled with
the light of his presence. He said to that woman's son :
"Young man, arise." Why, He could raise men out of
the stones in the street. There is no limit to the power of
the Lord God of Israel. If there is a dead soul here, He
can fill it with purity. Our Saviour, our Redeemer, our
Deliverer, our Physician is able to do this. He can
quicken dead souls ; He can make them alive.
You know when He took the children of Israel through
the Red Sea and into the wilderness, He became their
way. You hear people sometimes saying: " If I become
a Christian I don't know what church I will join. I find
the Roman Catholic Church saying that they are the only
true church — the only Apostolic Church — and unless I join
it they say I cannot enter heaven. Then the Baptists tell
me I cannot get into heaven unless I become immersed ;
the Episcopalian Church claims to be the only true church.
So with the Presbyterians, Methodists, and I don't know
really what way to take." Thank God, we need not be in
darkness about that. He tells us, " I am the way." The
greatest mistake of the present day is the following of this
creed and that one, this and that church, and a great many
listen to the voice of the Church instead of the voice of
God. The Catholic Church, or any other, never saved a
soul. The Son of God is the Saviour of the world. The
very name of Jesus can save His people from their sins.
He is a real personal Saviour, and if a man wants to be-
come a Christian, let him put his eyes on that Saviour and
he will be saved. You know that the children of Israel
had a cloud going ahead of them. When the cloud moved
they moved, when it stopped they stopped, and when it
started they followed it. So, my friends, it is Jesus that is our
way, and if we follow His footsteps we will be in the right
Church. Who could have led those chosen people through
that wilderness better than God Almighty ? He knew of
all dangers and difficulties. When they wanted bread, He
opened His hand and gave it them ; when they wanted
water, He commanded Moses to strike a rock, and, lo, the
crystal stream gushed forth. Who could better lead them
through the wilderness, and who could better lead us to
heaven than Jesus ? A great many people don't like the
old way our fathers taught. Well, the people in the days
of Jeremiah didn't like the old way ; they hated it, and so
He put them in slavery for seventy years.- The good old
way our fathers taught is better than our own way. People
say this Bible was good enough for ancient days, but we
have men of culture, of science, of literature now, and its
value has decreased to the people of our day. Now, give
me a better book and I will throw it away. Has the world
ever offered us a better book ? These men want us to give
up the Bible. What are you going to give us in its place ?
Oh, how cruel infidelity is to tell us to give up all the hope
we have — to throw away the only book which tells us the
story of the resurrection. They try to tell us it is all a
fiction, so that when we lay our loved ones in the grave,
we bid them farewell for time and eternity. Away with
this terrible doctrine. The Bible of our fathers and mo-
thers is true, and the good old way is true. When man
comes and tries to draw us from the old to the new way,
it is the work of the devil. But men say we have outgrown
this way. Why don't men outgrow the light of the sun ?
They shouldn't let the light of the sun come into their
buildings — should have gas ; the sun is old, and gas is a
new light. There is just as much sense in this as to take
away the Bible. How much we owe the blessed Bible !
Why, I don't think human life would be safe in this city if
it wasn't for it. Look at the history of the nations where
the Bible has been trampled under foot. Only a few years
ago France and England were pretty nearly equal. Eng-
land threw the Bible open to the world, and France
tried to trample it. Now the English language is spoken
around the world, and its prosperity has increased, while it
stands foremost among nations. But look at France. It
has gone down and down with anarchy and revolution.
Let us not forsake the old way. The Chief Shepherd has
gone in through the gates, and tells us to come in through
Him. When I was in Dublin, I heard of a little boy who,
while being taught in one of the mission schools, had found
Christ. When he got home he tried to talk to his father
and mother about his Redeemer. The little fellow sickened
and died, and when I was there, four years after the death
of that boy, the father might have been seen night after
night reading his Bible. If you had asked him what he
was looking for, he would have told you he was looking
for the way his little son had taken to get into heaven.
He was trying to find the way. My friends, our elder bro-
ther has gone before us, and has taken his seat at the right
hand of His God, and He won't leave us in darkness.
I remember, a number of years ago, I went out of Chi-
cago to try to preach. I went down to a little town where
was being held a Sunday-school convention. I was a per-
fect stranger in the place, and on my arrival a man stepped
up to me and asked me if my name was Moody. I told
him it was, and he invited me to his house. When I ar-
rived, he said he had to go to the convention, and asked
me to excuse his wife, as she, not having a servant, had to
attend to her household duties. He put me into the par-
lor, and told me to amuse myself as best I could till he
came back. I sat there, but the room was dark and I could
not read, and I got tired. So I thought I would try and
get the children and play with them. I listened for some
sound of childhood in the house, but could not hear a single
evidence of the presence of little ones. When my friend
came back I said : " Haven't you any children ? " " Yes,"
he replied, " I have one, but she's in heaven, and I ani
glad she is there, Moody." " Are you glad that your child
is dead ? " I inquired. He went on to tell me how he had
worshipped that child ; how his whole life had been bound
up in her, to the neglect of his Saviour. One day he had
come home and found her dying. Upon her death he ac-
cused God of being unjust. He saw some of his neighbors
with their children around them. Why hadn't he taken
some of them away ? He was rebellious. After he came
home from her funeral he said : " All at once I thought I
heard her little voice calling me, but the truth came to my
heart that she was gone. Then I thought I heard her feet
upon the stairs ; but I knew she was lying in the grave.
The thought of her loss made me almost mad. I threw
myself on my bed and wept bitterly. I fell asleep, and
while I slept I had a dream, but it almost seems to me like
a vision. I thought I was going over a barren field, and I
came to a river so dark and chill-looking that I was going
to turn away, when all at once I saw, on the opposite bank,
the most beautiful sight I ever looked at. I thought death
and sorrow could never enter into that lovely region. Then
I began to see beings all so happy looking, and among
them I saw my little child. She waved her little angel
hand at me and cried, ' Father, father, come this way.' I
thought her voice sounded much sweeter than it did on
earth. In my dream I thought I went to the water and
tried to cross it, but found it deep and the current so rapid
that I thought if I entered, it would carry me away from
her for ever. I tried to find a boatman to take me over,
but couldn't, and I walked up and down the river trying
to find a crossing, and still she cried : ' Come this way/
All at once I heard a voice coming rolling down,- ' I am
the way, the truth, and the life ; no man cometh unto the
Father but by me.' The voice awoke me from my sleep,
and I knew it was my Saviour calling me, and pointing the
way for me to reach my darling child. I am now superin-
tendent of a Sabbath-school ; I have made many converts;
my wife has been converted, and we will, through Jesus as
the way, see one day our child."
Am I not speaking to some father to-night who has some
loved one in yonder land ? Am I not speaking to some
mother who has a little one in that happy land ? And if you
could but hear their voice would they not be : " Come right
this way ? " Am I not speaking to some here who have
representatives there ? There's not a son here, if he could
hear his mother's voice, but who would be told to come
right that way. Thank God, we have all our elder brother
there. Nearly one thousand nine hundred years have
passed since He went there, but He is as constant to us
now as He was when first He went there. Dear friends,
as He calls us up to Him, let us turn our backs to this
world. Let us take Christ as our redeemer, as our deliv-
erer, as our physician, as our way, as our truth, and as our
light. May the blessing of heaven fall upon us all to-night,
and may every man and woman here who is out of the
kingdom, accept Him and press into His dominions. Let
us pray.
You that were here last night may remember that I was
talking about what Christ was to us. I did not finish that
subject, and want to take it up again. I want to speak of
Christ now as our keeper. Many people in the inquiry
rooms complained that they could not hold out; they com-
menced all right, but could not hold out. Of course they
could not if they tried to do so of themselves. But, thank
God, they had a keeper. A man, when asked what per-
suasion he was, replied that he was of the same as St. Paul
was, and he said : " I believe that he is able to keep that
which is committed to him." That is a good denomina-
tion, and I recommend it to your attention. What is this
keeping ; what does it consist of ? If one of you had
$100,000 in your pocket, and knew that fifteen or twenty
thieves had their eyes on you, and wanted to rob you,
what would you do ? You would find a safe bank, and
put it in there and feel safe. Now, every one of you has
a precious soul, which the devil is striving to rob you of,
and you cannot be safe until you have given it into Christ's
keeping. The lion of the tribe of Judah is the only one
that can safely keep us. What does the Word say ? " I
am the light of the world ; if any man follow me he shall
have the light of life." Why are so many of us in dark-
ness ? Because we will not follow the light — will not fol-
low Christ. It does not matter who it is ; a man of talent
and intellect is no better than any one else if he does not
walk in the light. I remember during the second year of
the war, when things looked very bad for the country, they
had a meeting, and every one spoke gloomily and hung
their heads like so many bulrushes. One old man, though
gray-bearded and with a face that literally shone — he was
a man who looked like Moses — and he commenced to up-
braid them that they did not look toward the light ; that
they should remember that if it was dark around them it
was light higher up, where their elder brother was, and it
only rested with them to climb higher. There is no dark-
ness where Jesus is. Let us ask ourselves, let each one
ask, " Am I a light in my family, among my companions ? "
The Word said : " Ye are the light of the world." Are
you, brethren ? Just consider over it. Let us keep our
loins girded and our lamps burning, or people will stumble
over us. Oh, my friends, if the light in us be darkness,
how great is that darkness. If we would light the world
up we must borrow the light ; we must take no glory to
ourselves, but merely reflect the light of Jesus Christ.
The Bible does not say, " Make your light shine before
men," but " Let your light shine." Let it shine. What a
concession to them, such sinners as they were. God sup-
plies us with it for the asking. Oh, my friends, will you not
ask for it ? And when you once have it, hundreds of thou-
sands of others will see it and want it as well. Keep your
lower lights burning, as Mr. Sankey has sung to you.
Now I also like to think of Christ as a shepherd. The
duty of a shepherd is to take care of his sheep. When a
bear attacked David's flock, he seized his spear and slew
the intruder, and your shepherd will take as much care of
you. Oh, what joy in the news to those who can say, " the
Lord is my shepherd." Think of the shepherd carefully
counting his sheep at the close of the day ; one is missing ;
what does he do ? Is he content with his ninety and nine,
leave the missing? No, he safely houses the others,
and then goes in search of the one which is missing.
Can you not see him hunting for the lost one ; going over
mountains and rocks and crossing brooks, and what joy-
there is when the wanderer is found. Oh, what a shep-
herd is that. He wants to be a shepherd to all you
here to-night. Will you not accept Him ? The man who
saw a shepherd calling his sheep by name, wondered if he
could tell one from another, they all looked so much alike.
When he enquired on the matter he was pointed to several
little defects on the sheep ; one had a black spot, another
a torn ear, another a bad toe ; one was cross-eyed, and so
on. You see the shepherd knew his sheep by their defects,
and I think it is so with our heavenly Father. He knows us
all by our defects ; and yet with all our faults he loves us.
You may ask, if He loves me, why does He afflict me ?
Well, now, I once saw a drove of sheep looking very
tired and weary, being hurried on by a shepherd and his
dogs, and when they wanted to stop and drink at a brook
by the wayside they were not allowed to, but driven on. I
felt that it was very unkind of that shepherd ; but by and
by they stopped before a pair of handsome gates, and the
flocks were turned into beautiful green pastures, with a
clear stream running through them. Then I knew that I
had been hasty ; that the shepherd had not been unkind,
but kind, in not allowing his sheep to drink from that
muddy stream in the road, for he had been saving them
and taking them on to something better. So with our
heavenly Father, our Shepherd ; He is compelled to afflict
us sometimes while leading'us into green pastures. Oh,
brethren, let us give thanks that we have such a good shep-
herd to guide and protect us, and though these afflictions
may come upon us and seem hard at the time, let us re-
member his great mercy and loving kindness, and bow and
kiss the rod. Let us look to God for His blessing.
Mr. Moody said his sermon should grow out of the
question of the jailer to Paul and Silas : " What shall I do
to be saved? "■ A man out of a position always wanted to
know what to do to get his bread. How to get one's heav-
enly bread was more important. What shall a man do to
be saved ? Why, just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
A man is not saved by doing. The sinner is not under the
law, but under grace — the full, forgiving- grace of Jesus.
Salvation is a gift. It can't be earned. A man will not
be saved at all except by taking this priceless boon as a
gift. The Christian would then work for God, because
God had saved him. Faith without work was dead, but
works were the fruit and not the seed of God's gift of sal-
vation. A guilty sinner should have the glad news dinned
into his ears over and over again. Just let him accept
Christ, and He saves him. If any poor sinner would just
believe this he could be saved before the benediction was
pronounced. The Philippian jailer was saved, with all his
house, that first night on meeting the apostle. Oh, would
not some dying soul catch hold of the offered salvation !
A man just going over the rapids of Niagara would see
death just an instant off, and would cry out, " Help ! help !"
with all his force. Would, then, the apathetic soul within
him be silent? God forbid ! Might God show the poor
blind eyes the yawning gulf just ahead ! Seize the hand
of Christ ! Lay hold, that is all. He will do the rest. He
comes right down to you in your chair there, and entreats.
Let Him save you ! His pleading voice sounds in your
ears ! O, turn not away ! Christ's ability to do all things
was unquestioned. He could save as easily as he said, let
there be light. And he was as willing as able. Every
obstacle, then, was out of the way, and all that was needed
was just self-surrender. Eternal life was the awful prize.
Oh, look and live ; lay hold and be saved. An aged
woman, fallen into a pit, had exhausted every means to get
out, but slipped back farther and farther after every effort.
A star caught her gaze as she lay resigned to death at the
bottom. Fainting away she still saw the star in her sleep.
She awoke, and the star meant to her the salvation of
Christ, and right then and there she caught hold of Jesus'
love, and lo ! her limbs carried her right out of the pit.
She had taken the Lord's hand, and, as he always will, He
lifted her up, even from the death of this world. Could
not the saving hand be taken by everyone present ? They
should not be content with mere trying to be Christians.
Trying wouldn't do. A decisive act of the will was needed,
and then prompt obedience to the new resolution. Only
let them resolve to take the water of life, and then put the
cup at once to their lips. The drowning man seized the
slab of wood as soon as he saw it. He didn't say, " I'll
try," but he just seized hold. God's free gift was to drown-
ing sinners. To-night would they not take God at His
word, and become Christians ? Some might answer they
were too sinful, but it was just the sins that needed for-
giveness. The drunkard, the open blasphemer, the worst
sinners, were precisely the ones that needed Jesus most.
The well didn't need Him. A certain man who had cursed
more of his neighbors than any hundred men together in
the country, was saved by a single lecture from the speaker.
It didn't matter, the poor blasphemer was told, if he had even
cursed his wife and children at every meal, and cursed the
mother who bore him, if he would just get down on his
knees and cry for pardon ; that, just like the thief on the
cross, the worst sinner was God's beloved Son, and could
be saved if only he would be. And that man took Christ
at His word, and he is now a pillar of the church. Like a
little child, let them cry out in bitter repentance, and just
like a child believe the absorbing words, " Thy sins are
forgiven thee." Jesus was the way of life. Oh, would not
thousands press into the way of heaven that very night ?
The gate was yet open. Hasten ere it close.
You'll find my text to-night in the sixteenth chapter of
Mark, fifteenth and sixteenth verses : " And He said unto
them, Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to
every creature ; and he that believeth and is baptized,
shall be saved ; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
I like these kinds of texts — they've got such a sweep in them;
they take in everybody. You know the great difficulty is
to make all people believe that you are preaching to them
individually. A text like this to-night takes in everyone.
It says, " Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel
to ever}'- creature ; don't leave out one." When He de-
livered this command to His followers He was on His
way home — -to the land where all knew Him and all loved
Him. Gethsemane, with its hours of agony and blood, was
over. He could now look beyond it. He had been
brought before Pilate and also before the Sanhedrim, and
had been tried and condemned. All that was past.
Calvary, with all its horrors, was over, and the empty
sepulchre lay behind Him, and He stood with a little body
of believers around Him, with a little handful of men, who
had stood by Him in His conflict with the Pharisees and
priests ; and now He was giving them His parting words —
a mission as it were. It was the Captain of our salvation,
telling His warriors what to do after He was gone. In a
few minutes He was to be caught up into heaven. They
were the words of a resurrected man — a man who had gone
down and sounded the depths of the grave ; a man who had
gone down and conquered the lion of hell, and now stood on
resurrection ground as He said, " Go ye into all the world
and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not
shall be damned."
Now I want to ask you the question. Do you believe
that He would send those men out to preach the Gospel
to every creature unless He wanted every creature to be
saved ? Do you believe He would tell them to preach it
to .people without giving people the power to accept it ?
Do you believe that the God of heaven is mocking men by
offering them this Gospel and not giving them the power
to take hold of it ? Do you believe He will not give men
power to accept this salvation as a gift? Man might do
that, but God never mocks men. And when He says,
" Preach the Gospel to every creature," every creature can
be saved if he will. For 1800 years the heralds of the
cross have been crossing seas and fording rivers, have
been enduring hardships and persecution, in testifying to
the people these glorious truths of the Gospel. Their
spirits have gone up amid flames and tortures, and they
have died in prison because of their preaching of the
Gospel. To-day we live in an open land, where the Gospel
is as free as the air. Remember that it cost all God had
to give it, and every poor, miserable sinner on the earth
can be saved for nothing. It is free to all, but don't forget
that it cost God the Son of His love, the Son of His
bosom, to redeem a rebellious world. If you are saved
bear this in mind, that it is a free gift, but it cost God every-
thing. Its reading is that whosoever believes it within the
sound of my voice can have it. Some people come to me
and say, " Mr. Moody, don't you feel a great responsibility
when you come before an audience like this — don't you
feel a great weight upon your shoulders ? " " Well," I say,
" no ; I cannot convert men ; I can only proclaim the
Gospel." Not only that, but I tell you that God gives me
a mission to preach it to every creature — I don't care to
what nationality you belong, what has been your early
training, how far you are sunk in iniquity — I don't care
who or what you may be, I tell you to-night you have either
to receive the Gospel and be saved or reject it and be
damned. That's the Scripture. I was talking to a man
this morning, and I asked him, " Would you like to become
a Christian ? " " No, sir." " You would rather be damned,
eh ?" " Well, I wouldn't exactly like to put it that way,"
he replied. " Well," I said, " that's the way you're putting
it." My friends, let's put it in plain English, so that we
can get hold of it. Are there any here to-night who are
willing to say coolly and calmly and deliberately, " I don't
want salvation as a gift ; I don't want to be saved ? "
Would you rather go down fighting God and the Son of
His love than accept them and be saved ? Now, the invi-
tation is to every one. " Go ye into all the world and
preach the Gospel to every creature." It is so hard to
make people believe it is for them — to make them take it
right home. Mr. Spurgeon told me that he once went to
his orphanage on a visit. He said that a great many of
those orphans had uncles and aunts and cousins and sisters
who brought them Christmas presents. While he was on
this visit a little boy came to him and said, " Mr. Spurgeon,
will you let me talk to you a minute?" "Yes, my boy;
what is it you want ? " " Well," said he, " Mr. Spurgeon,
suppose you were a poor little boy and had no aunts or
cousins or sisters or brothers, and had nobody to bring you
any presents, and you saw others who had uncles and aunts
and cousins and sisters and who brought presents to them,
wouldn't you feel bad ? " " Why, yes," replied Mr.
Spurgeon. " That's me ; that's me," said the boy. He
got Mr. Spurgeon right down to the point ; and so if men
would just say : " This Gospel is for us ; I believe it is for
myself," there would be hope for them being saved. Now,
I don't see how you can get away from this text to-night,
it is put so plain. Don't reject it any longer, my friends,
every time you hear it your heart is getting harder and
harder, and you will, the longer you keep away, have more
difficulty in bending your will to its acceptance. I tell you,
you will have to do either of two things to-night — reject it
or receive it. I remember a man upon hearing this getting
up in a furious passion, and stamping up and down. " The
idea of anyone saying we've got to receive it or reject
it." He didn't like the plain statement. Well, my friends,
can we tell you anything else ? The audience must be
divided into two classes, those who will receive it and those
who will reject it. It is for you to decide on which side
you will be. As many as receive it He will give power to
become the sons and daughters of men.
The question is, What are you going to do with God's
gift to-night? The question comes home to everyone within
this building. What are you going to do with the gift of
God's love. You must either trample Him under your feet
and make light of what He has offered us, or you must
receive Him as our way, our truth, our light. I was down
at the Ohio Penitentiary a few years ago, and the chaplain
said to me, " I want to tell you a scene that occurred some
time ago. Our Commissioner went to the Governor of the
State and asked him if he wouldn't pardon out five men at
the end of six months who stood highest on the list for
good behavior. The Governor consented, and the record
was to be kept secret ; the men were not to know anything
about it. The six months rolled away and the prisoners
were all brought up — 1,100 of them — and the President of
the commission came up and said : " I hold in my hand
pardons for five men. I never witnessed anything like it.
Every man held his breath, and you could almost hear the
throbbing of every man's heart. ' Pardons for five men ;'
and the Commissioner went on to tell the men how they
had got these pardons — how the Governor had given them,
but the chaplain said the surprise was so great that he told
the Commissioner to read the names first and tell the reason
afterward. The first name was called — ' Reuben Johnson '
— and he held out the pardon, but not a man moved. He
looked all around, expecting to see a man spring to his
feet at once ; but no one moved. The Commissioner
turned to the officer of the prison and inquired : ' Are all
the convicts here ? ' ' Yes,' was the reply, ' Reuben John-
son, come forward and get your pardon ; you are no longer
a criminal.' Still no one moved. The real Reuben John-
son was looking all the time behind him, and around him to
see where Reuben was. The chaplain saw him standing
right in front of the Commissioner, and beckoned to him ;
but he only turned and looked around him, thinking that
the chaplain must mean some other Reuben. A second
time he beckoned to Reuben and called to him, and a
second time the man looked around. At last the chaplain
said to him: ' You are the Reuben.' He had been there
for nineteen years, having been placed there for life, and
he could not conceive it would be for him. At last it began
to dawn upon him, and he took the pardon from the Com-
missioner's hand, saw his name attached to it, and wept
like a child." This is the way that men make out pardons
for men ; but thank God, we have not to come to-night
and say we have pardons for only five men — for those who
behaved themselves. We have assurance of pardon for
every man. " Whosoever will let him drink of the water of
life " — it is offered to every thief and harlot, to every
gambler and drunkard ; salvation for every one. Salvation
is offered to every man, woman, and child.
I can just imagine the scene as those warriors of the
cross stood around Christ, the tears trickling down the
cheeks of Peter as he says, upon hearing the command.
CHRIST'S command: 213
"You don t mean, when you command us to preach to
every creature, that we are to tell the gospel to those un-
believers — those murderers in Jerusalem ? " " Yes ; go first
to those Jerusalem sinners." And at that scene of Pente-
cost I can imagine a man coming up and saying, " Peter,
I am the man spat in His face, you don't mean to say I can
be saved ? " " Yes, every one of you, for He told me be-
fore He left, preach the gospel to every creature."
Another man comes up and says : " Peter, I am he who
made the crown of thorns ; do you think I can be saved ? "
" Yes, he will give you in return the crown of life." " I am
the man," says another, " who drove the spear into His
sid^." " Yes, I know it," replies Peter, " for I saw you doing
it ; but even you can be saved." My friends, if those Jer-
usalem sinners can be saved there is hope for the sinners
of Chicago. One man in drawing that scene, said he could
fancy Peter saying, " Surely you don't mean that we are to
go back to Jerusalem and preach to those men who sacri-
ficed you — who spat in your face ? " " Yes, hunt them up ;
hunt up the man who drove the spear into my side, and
tell him in its place I will put a sceptre in his hand if he
will accept salvation from me ; unto that man who made a
crown of thorns for my head, say I will give a crown of
glory ; tell them there is forgiveness for all." Oh my friend,
the gospel is for every creature. Take salvation as a gift.
It is for you. God says plainly He does not will any
one to death — He wants all to be saved.
When I was east a few years ago Mr. Geo. H. Stewart
told me of a scene that occurred in a Pennsylvania prison
when Governor Pollock, a Christian man, was Governor
of that State. A man was tried for murder, and the judge
had pronounced sentence upon him. His friends had tried
every means in their power to procure his pardon. -They
had sent deputation after deputation to the Governor, but
he had told them all that the law must take its course,
When they began to give up all hope, the Governor went
down to the prison and asked the Sheriff to take him to
the cell of the condemned man. The Governor was con-
ducted into the presence of the criminal, and he sat down
by the side of his bed and began to talk to him kindly —
spoke to him of Christ and heaven, and showed him that
although he was condemned to die on the morrow by
earthly judges, he would receive eternal life from the
Divine Judge if he would accept salvation. He explained
the plan of salvation, and when he left him he committed
him to God. When he was gone the Sheriff was called to
the cell by the condemned man. " Who was that man,"
asked the criminal, " who was in there and talked so kindly
to me .? " " Why," said the Sheriff, " that was Governor
Pollock." " Was that Governor Pollock ? O, Sheriff, why
didn't you tell me who it was ? If I had known that was
him I would'nt have let him go out till he had given me
pardon. The Governor has been here — in my cell — and I
didn't know it," and the man wrung his hands and wept
bitterly. My friends, there is one greater than a Governor
here to-night to tell you He is here. You haven't got to
go to heaven to bring Him down. He is here now waiting
for your acceptance. You can be sa^ed for time and
eternity if you will. My friends, what will you do ? Ac-
cept Him and receive the crown of glory, or reject Him
and be lost ? It rests with you to decide.
You who were here last night know that I was speaking
on the Prodigal Son ; to-night I want to take up another
man for my text — the one we have been speaking about ;
a much harder case than the prodigal, because he didn't
think he needed a Saviour. You needn't have talked a
great while to that prodigal before you could have con-
vinced him that he needed a Saviour. It is easy to reach
a prodigal's heart when he reaches the end of his rope.
This man stood high in the estimation of the people — he
stood, as it were, at the top round of the ladder, while the
prodigal was at the bottom. This man was full of self-
righteousness, and if you had tried to pick out a man in
Jerusalem as a hopeless case, so far as accepting Jesus of
Nazareth as a Saviour, you would have picked out Saul.
He was the most utterly hopeless case you could have
found. I would sooner have thought of the conversion of
Pilate than of this man. When they were putting to death
the martyrs to the cross he had cheered on the murderers ;
but in spite of all this we find the Son of God coming
and knocking at his heart, and it was not long before He
received Him as his Saviour. You can see him as he goes
to the chief priests of Jerusalem, getting the necessary
documents that he might go to Damascus, that he might
go to the synagogue there and get all who were calling upon
the Lord Jesus Christ cast into prison. He was going to
stamp out the teachers of the new gospel. One thing that
made him so mad probably was that when the disciples
were turned out of Jerusalem, instead of stopping they
went all around and preached. Philip went down to
Samaria, and probably there was a great revival there, and
the news had come from Damascus that the preachers had
actually reached that place. This man was full of zeal
and full of religion. He was a religious man, and no
doubt he could say a prayer as long as any one in Jerusa-
lem. He had kept the laws faithfully, and been an honest
and upright man. The people then would never have
dreamed of him requiring a Saviour. A good many people
right here in Chicago would say, " He is good enough.
To be sure he don't believe in Jesus Christ, but he is a
good man." And there's a good many in Chicago who
don't believe in Him. They think if they pay their debts
and live a moral fife they don't need to be converted.
They don't want to call upon Him ; they want to get Christ
and all his teaching out of the way as this man did. That's
what they have been trying to do for eighteen centuries.
He just wanted to stamp it out with one swoop. So he
got the necessary papers, and away he went down to
Damascus. Suppose, as he rode out of the gate of Jerusa-
lem on his mission, any one had said to him : " You are
going down to prosecute the preachers of Christ, but you'll
come back a preacher yourself." If a man said this he
would not have had his head on his shoulders five minutes.
He would have said, " I hate Him ; I abhor Him ; that's
me." He wants to get Christ and his disciples out of the
way. He was no stranger to Christ ; he knew His work-
ing ; for as Paul said to Agrippa, " This thing was not
done in -a corner." He knew all about Christ's death.
Probably he was acquainted with Nicodemus and the
members of the Sanhedrim who were against Christ. Per-
haps he was acquainted with Christ's disciples, and with
all their good deeds. Yet he had a perfect hatred for the
gospel and its teachers, and he was going down to Damas-
cus just to have all those Christians put in prison. You
see him as he rides out "of Jerusalem with his brilliant
escort, and away he goes through Samaria, where Philip
was. He wouldn't speak to a Samaritan, however. The
Jews detested the Samaritans. The idea of him speaking
to an adulterous Samaritan would have been ridiculous to
him. So he rode proudly through the nation, with his
head raised, breathing slaughter to the children of God.
Damascus was about one hundred and thirty-eight miles
from Jerusalem, but we are not told how long he took for
that journey. Little did he think that nineteen hundred
years after, that in this country, then wild, there would be
thousands of people gathered just to hear the story of his
journey clown to Damascus. He has arrived at the gates
of the city and he has not got cooled off, as we say. He
is still breathing revenge. See him as he stands before
that beautiful city. Some one has said that this is the most
beautiful city in the world, and we are told that when
Mohammed came to it he turned his head away from it,
lest the beauty of it would take him from his God. So
this young man comes to the city, and he tells us the hour
when he reached it. He never forgets the hour, for it was
then that Christ met him, He says he "saw in the way a
light from heaven above the brightness of the sun ; " he
saw the light of heaven and a glimpse of that light struck
him to the ground. And when God speaks to the sinner
that's where he ought to be. Every man ought to fall on
his face. From that light a voice called, " Saul, Saul."
Yes, the Son of God knows his name. Sinner, God knows
your name. He knows all about you. He knows the
street you live in, the number of your house, because he
told where Ananias lived when Paul went there. " Saul,
Saul, why persecutest thou Me ? " How the words must
have gone down to his soul. He stopped. The words
were to him. And I find preaching is not attended with
much good till men just stop and take the gospel to them-
selves. May every sinner here to-night hear Christ calling
you by name. We want a personal Christ. Well, when
the question was put to him, " Why persecutest thou Ale ? "
could he give a reason ? Is there any sinner can give a
reason for persecuting Christ? Oh, why do you persecute
Christ ? I can imagine some of you saying, " I never per-
secuted Christ. I have a great many sins ; I swear some-
times, sometimes drink, but I always speak respectfully
of Christ." Do you? Do you never speak disrespectfully
of His disciples and God's children ? Remember if you
speak disrespectfully of them you treat Him with disres-
pect. When Christ asked him this question, " Why perse-
cutest thou Me ? " He might have added, " I lived on the
earth thirty years, and I never did you any hurt, I never
did you any injury ; I never even injured your friends : I
came into the world to bless you. Why persecutest thou
me ? " Why, my friends, all the blessings you ever got
came from Him, why can't you live for Him ; why do you
go on hating Christ ? Is there a man in this assembly
who can give a reason why he don't love Him? Is there
any reason to be found in the wide, wide world why men
and women should not love Christ ?
I remember hearing of a Sabbath school teacher who
had lead every one of her children to Christ. She was a
faithful teacher. Then she tried to get her children to go
out and bring other children into the school. One day
one of them came and said she had been trying to get the
children of a family to come to the school, but the father
was an infidel, and he wouldn't allow it. " What is an
infidel ? " asked the child. She had never heard of an
infidel before. The teacher went on to tell her what an
infidel was, and she was perfectly shocked. A few mornings
after the girl happened to be going past a post-office on her
way to school, and she saw the infidel father coming out.
She went up to him and said, " Why don't you love
Jesus ? " If it had been a man who had said that to him
probably he would have knocked him down. He looked
at her and walked on. A second time she put put the
question. " Why don't you love Jesus ? " He put out his
hand to put her gently away from him, when, on looking
down he saw her tears. " Please, sir, tell me why you
don't love Jesus ? " He pushed her aside and away he
went. When he got to his office he couldn't get this question
out of his mind. All the letters seemed to read, " Why
don't you love Jesus ? " All the men in his place of
business seemed to say, " Why don't you love Jesus ? "
When he tried to write his pen seemed to shape the word,
" Why don't you love Jesus ? " He couldn't rest, but on the
street he went to mingle with the business men, but he
seemed to hear a voice continually asking him, " Why
don't you love Jesus ? " He thought when night came and
he got home with his family he would forget it ; but he
couldn't. He complained that he wasn't well, and went
to bed. But when he laid his head on the pillow that
voice kept whispering, (l Why don't you love Jesus ? " He
couldn't sleep. By and by, about midnight, he got up
and said, " I will get a Bible and find where Christ
contradicts Himself and then I'll have a reason, and he
turned to the book of John. My friends, if you want
a reason for not loving Christ, don't turn to John. He
knew Him too long. I don't believe a man can read the
gospel of John without being turned to Christ. Well, he
read through and found no reason why he shouldn't love
Him, but he found many reasons why he should. He read
this book and before morning he was on his knees, and
that question put by that little child led to his conversion.
My friends, if you make up your minds not to go to sleep
to-night without a good reason why you shouldn't love Him,
you will love Him. There is no reason, as I said before, in
the wide, wide world, why you shouldn't love Christ. Go
down to the dark corners of the earth — even to hell, and
ask them there if they can give you any reason for not
loving Christ. My friends, the lost spirits can give you no
reason. Neither in earth or in hell can any reason be
found for not loving Him. To-night put this question to
yourselves : " What keeps me from coming to Christ ? "
" Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me ? " Oh may the
question go down to our hearts to-night, and may you not
sleep till you can look up and say, " Christ is my Saviour,
He is my Redeemer," and until you can see your title
clear for one of those mansions He has gone to prepare.
When this question was put to Saul, " Why persecutest
thou me ? " he supplemented it by saying. " It is hard for
thee to kick against the pricks." The thought I want to
call attention to is this : " It is hard for thee to kick against
the pricks." You and I would not have had any com-
passion upon Saul if we had been in Christ's place. We
would have said the hardship is upon the poor Christians
in Damascus. But the Lord saw differently. He said,
" It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." In those
days when they didn't drive their camels with whips, they
had a piece of stick with a sharp piece of steel at the end
called a prick, and it was applied to the animal. A lady
said to me some time ago, " It is easy to sin, but it is hard
to do right," or, in other words, it is hard to serve God
and easy to serve the devil. I think you will rind hundreds
of people in Chicago who think this way. There is not a
lie which ever came from hell so deceptive as this. It is as
false as any lie the devil ever uttered. We want to drive
that lie back where it came from. My friends, it is not true.
God is not a hard master. He is a lenient one. What did
Christ say to Saul ? " It is hard for thee to kick against the
pricks. There is a period at which the sinner arrives when
he sees the truth of this. How many men have said to me,
" Mr. Moody, the way of the transgressor is pretty hard."
It is a common expression. I have been with men in
court and in prison who have said this. It is not a hard
thing to serve God if you are born of God ; but, my friends,
it is a hard thing to serve Satan. The way of sin grows
darker and harder to a man the longer he is in it. Before
I came down I took up a paper, and the first thing I saw
was an account of a Boston man who had forged, and it
closed by saying his path was a hard, flinty one.
Now, take up any class of sinners in Chicago. We've
representatives here to-night. Take the harlot. Do you
think her life is an easy one ? It is very short. The average
one is seven years. Just look at her as she comes up to
the city from the home where she has left sisters and a
mother as pure as the morning air. She came down to the
city and is now in a low brothel. Sometimes her mind goes
back to the pure home where her mother prayed for her ;
where she used to lay down her head on that mother's
bosom, and she used to press the sweet face of her child to
her own. She remembers when she went to Sunday school ;
remembers when her mother tried to teach her to serve
God, and now she is an exile. She don't want to go
home. She is full of shame. She looks into the future
and sees darkness before her. In a few short years she dies
the death of a harlot, and she is laid away in an unknown
grave. All the flattery of her lovers is hollow and false.
Is her life a happy one ? Ask a harlot to-night, and she
will tell you the way of the transgressor is hard ; and then
ask the pure and virtuous if Christ is a hard master. Go
ask that drunkard if his way is an easy one. Why, there
was a man whom I knew who was an inveterate drinker.
He had a wife and children. He thought he could stop
whenever he felt inclined, but he went the ways of most
moderate drinkers. I had not been gone more that three
years and, when I returned I found that that mother had
gone down to her grave with a broken heart, and that man
was the murderer of the wife of his bosom. Those children
have all been taken away from him, and he is now walking
up and down those streets homeless. But four years ago
he had a beautiful and a happy home with his wife and
children around him. They are gone, probably he will
never see them again. Perhaps he has come in here to-
night. If he has, I ask him : Is not the way of the
transgressor hard ? Is it not hard to fight against Him ? Do
not go against your Maker. Don't believe the devil's lies ;
don't think God is a hard master. If you persist in wrong-
doing, you will find out the truth of what was said to Saul,
" It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks."
Look again at that rum-seller. When we talk to him he
laughs at us. He tells us there is no hell, no future — there
is no retribution. I've got one man in my mind now who
ruined nearly all the sons in his neighborhood. Mother
and father went to him and begged him not to sell their
children liquor. He told them it was his business to sell
liquor, and he was going to sell liquor to every one who
came. The place was a blot upon the place as dark as
hell. But that man had a father's heart. He had a son.
He didn't worship God, but he worshipped that boy. He
didn't remember that whatsoever a man soweth so shall he
reap. My friends, they generally reap what they sow. It
may not come soon, but the retribution wall come. If you
ruin other men's sons, some other man will ruin yours.
Bear in mind God is a God of equity ; God is a God of
justice. He is not going to allow you to ruin men and then
escape yourself. If we go against His laws we suffer.
Time rolled on and that young man became a slave to drink,
and his life became such a burden to him that he put a re-
volver to his head and blew his brains out. The father
lived a few years, but his life was as bitter as gall, and then
went down to his grave in sorrow. Ah, my friends, it is
hard to kick against the pricks. You may go out of the
Tabernacle laughing at everything I say, but it is true as
the God in heaven that the day of retribution will come.
It is only a question of time. See that false-hearted liber-
tine ! The day is coming when he will reap what he is
sowing. He may not be called to reap it in this world, but
he will be brought up before that bar of heaven, and there
the harvest will be seen. These men who have got smooth,
oily tongues go into society and play their part, and still
walk around. If a poor woman falls, she's ruled out, but
these false-hearted libertines still go up and down the world.
The eyes of justice may not find them out. They think
themselves secure, but they are deceiving themselves. By
and by the God of heaven will summon them to give an
account. They say then that God will not punish them,
but the decree of heaven has gone forth, " Whatsoever a
man soweth so shall he reap."
One week ago I preached on the text, " Christ came to
heal the broken-hearted." I told you just before I came
down that I had received a letter from a broken-hearted
wife. Her husband one night came in, to her surprise, and
said he was a defaulter and must fly, and he went, she knew
not where. He forsook her and two children. It was a
pitiful letter, and the wail of that poor woman seems to
ring in my ears yet. That night, up in that gallery, was a
man whose heart began to beat when I told the story,
thinking it was him I meant, till I came to the two children.
When I got through I found that he had taken money
which did not belong to him, intending to replace it, but he
failed to do so, and fled. He said : " I have a beautiful
wife and three children, but I had to leave her and come
to Chicago, where I have been hiding. The Governor of
the State has offered a reward for me." My friends, a
week ago this poor fellow found out the truth of this text.
He was in great- agony. He felt as if he could not carry
the burden, and he said, " Mr. Moody, I want you to pray
with me. Ask God for mercy for me." And down we went on
our knees. I don't know if ever I felt so deeply for a man
in my life. He asked me if I thought he should go back.
I told him to ask the Lord, and we prayed over it. That
was Sunday evening, and I asked him to meet me on the
Monday evening. He told me how hard it was to go back
to that town and give himself up and disgrace his wife and
children. They would give him ten years. Monday came
and he met me and said, " Mr. Moody, I have prayed over
this matter, and I think that Christ has forgiven me, but I
don't belong to myself. I must go back and give myself
up. I expect to be sent to the Penitentiary ; but I must
go." He asked me to pray for his wife and children, and
he went off. He will be there now in the hands of justice.
My friends, don't say the way of the transgressor is not
hard. It is hard to fight against sin, but it is a thousand
times harder to die without hope. Will you not just accept
Christ ? Take Christ as your hope, your life, your truth.
Let us pray.
We have for our subject this evening " Naaman." We
are told in this chapter that we have just read that he was
a great man, but he was a leper, and that spoiled him. He
was a successful man, yet he was a leper ; he was a very
valiant man, but he was a leper ; he was a very noble man,
yet he was a leper. What a blight that must have cast on his
path. It must have haunted him day and night. He was
a leper, and there was no physician in Syria that could help
him. It was an incurable disease, and I suppose he thought
he would have to go down to the grave with that loathsome
disease. We read that several companies had gone down
to the land of Israel and brought down to Syria some
poor captives, and among them was a little girl, who was
sent to wait on Naaman's wife. I can imagine that little maid
had a praying mother who had taught her to love the
Lord, and when she got down there she was not ashamed
to own her religion — she was not ashamed to acknowledge
her Lord. One day, while waiting on her mistress, I can
think of her saying, " Would to God your husband was in
Samaria. There is a prophet there who would cure him."
I can imagine her looking at the girl when she said this :
" What ! a man in Israel can cure my husband ; you must
be dreaming. Did you ever hear of a man being cured of
the leprosy ? " " No," the girl might have said ; "but that
is nothing. Why, the prophet in Samaria has cured many
persons worse than your husband." And perhaps she told
her about the poor woman who had such an increase of oil,
and how her two boys were saved from slavery by the
prophet ; and how he had raised the child of that poor
woman from the dead, and " if the prophet can raise any-
body from the dead he can cure your husband." This girl
must have had something about her to make those people
listen to her ; she must have shown her religion in her life ;
her life must have been consistent with her religion to make
them believe her. We read that Naaman has faith in her
word, and he goes to the king and tells him what he
intends to do. And the king says ; " I will tell you what 1
will do. I will give you letters to the king of Israel, and,
of course, if any cure is to be effected, the king will know
how to obtain it." Like a great many men now-a-days, they
think if there is anything to be got it is to be got from the
king and not from his subjects. And so you see this man
starting out to the king of Israel with all his letters and a
very long purse. I cannot find just now how much it was,
but it must have been something like $500,000. The sum
was a very large one likely. He was going to be liberal.
He was not going to be small. Well, he got all his money
and letters together and started. There was no small stir
as Naaman swept through the gates of Syria that day with
his escort. He reaches Samaria, and sends a messenger
to the king announcing his arrival. The messenger delivers
the letter to the king, and the first thing he does is to open
the letter and begin to read it. I can see his brow knit as
he goes on. "What is this?" he exclaims. " What does
this mean ? This man means war. This Assyrian king
means to have a war with me. Who ever heard of such a
thing as a man cured of leprosy ? " and he rent his mantle.
Everyone knew something was wrong when the king
rent his mantle, and the news spread through the streets
that they were on the eve of a war. The air was filled with
war; everybody was talking about it. No doubt the news
had gone abroad that the great general of Assyria was
in the city, and he was the cause of the rumors, and by and
by it reached the prophet Elisha that he (the king) had
rent his mantle, and he wanted to know the cause. When he
had heard what it was he just told the king to send Naaman
to him. Now you see the major-general riding up in grand
style to the prophet's house. He probably lived in a small
and obscure dwelling. Perhaps Naaman thought he was
doing Elisha a great favor by calling on him. He had an
idea that he was. honoring this man, who had no influence
or position. So he rides up. A messenger is sent in to
announce Major-General Naaman, of Damascus. But the
prophet doesn't even see him. He simply tells the servant
to say to him : " Go and wash in Jordan seven times."
When the messenger comes to Naaman and he tells him
this, he is as mad as anything. He considers it a reflection
upon him — as if he hadn't kept his person clean. " Does
the man mean to insinuate that I haven't kept my body
clean — can't I wash myself in the waters of Damascus ?
We've much better water than they have here. Why, if we
had the Jordan in Syria we'd look upon it as a ditch. The
idea — wash in that contemptible river." He's full of rage
as he can be ; and he said; " Behold, I thought." That's
the way with sinners ; they always say they thought. In
this expression we can see he had thought of some plan,
had marked out a way for the Lord to heal him. That is
the way with nearly every man and woman in Chicago.
They've got a plan drawn out, and because God does not
come and save them according to their plan, they don't
take Him. Keep this in mind, " My ways are not your
ways, nor my thoughts your thoughts." If you look for
Him to come in that direction, He will come the other
way. " My ways are not your ways." He thought. My
friends, no man gets into the kingdom of God till he gives
up his thoughts. God never saved a man till he gave up
his own thoughts and takes up God's. Yes, Naaman
thought that the moment the prophet knew he was outside
he would come out and bow and scrape, and say he was
glad to see such a great and honorable man from Syria.
Instead of that he merely sent out a messenger to tell him
to go and wash in Jordan seven times.
When we were in Glasgow we had an employer converted,
and he wanted to get a man in his employ to come to our
meetings, but he wouldn't come. If he was going to be
converted he wouldn't be converted by those meetings.
You know when a Scotchman gets an idea into his head,
he is the most stubborn man you can find. He was deter-
mined not to be converted by Moody and Sankey. Like a
good many here, they say, " If I'm going to be converted,
I ain't going to be converted down in that old taber-
nacle." The employer talked and talked to this man,
but couldn't get him to come. Well, we left Glasgow, and
got away up to the north of Scotland — in Inverness — and
he sent this man up there on business, thinking he might
be induced to go into the meetings. One night we were
singing " On the banks of that beautiful river," and he
happened to be passing, and wondered where the sweet
sounds were coming from. He came up finally, and I
happened to be preaching that night on the very text, " I
thought." He listened, and soon did not know exactly
where he was. He was convicted ; he was converted and
became a Christian. "I thought," how many people
have said, " I'd never be converted by these meet-
ings ; " " I'll never be converted in the Baptist Church • "
" I will never be converted in the Presbyterian Church."
A man makes up his mind not to go there, and he
goes. A man must yield his own way to that of God.
Now, you can see all along that Naaman's thoughts were
altogether different from those of God. He was going to
get the grace of God by showing favOrs ; and a good many
men now think they can buy their way into the kingdom
of God. My friends, we cannot buy the favor of heaven
with money. If you get a seat in the kingdom of heaven,
you have to accept salvation as a gift.
Then another thing he thought. He thought he could
get what he Wanted by taking letters to the king, not the
prophet. The little maid told him of the prophet, yet he
was going to pass the prophet by. How many people
would go into the kingdom of God if it wasn't for pride !
He was too proud to go to the prophet. But pride, if you
will allow me the expression, got a knock on the head on
this occasion. It was a terrible thing for him to think of
obeying, going down to the Jordan and dipping seven
times. He had got better rivers in Damascus, in his own
wisdom, and says, " Can I not wash there, and be clean ? "
He was angry, but when he got over it he listened to his
servants. I would rather see people angry than see them
go to sleep. I would rather see a man get as angry as
possible at anything that I may say than send him
to sleep. When a man's asleep there's no chance of
reaching him, but if he is angry we may get at him. It is a
good thing for a man to get angry sometimes, for when he
cools off he generally listens to reason. So his servant
came to him and said " Suppose He had bid thee do some
great thing, wouldst thou not have done it ? " Probably
had he told him to take cod liver oil for ten years he
would have done it. If he had told him that he
wanted as much money as Naaman had brought up, that
would have been all right. But the idea of literally doing
nothing — just to go down to Jordan and wash himself — it
was so far below his calculations, that he thought he was
being imposed upon. It is so in our days. How many
people expect to get salvation by some sudden shock, some
great event happening to them, or some sudden flash of
light to break upon them. Some think that God's plan of
salvation requires months to find out. They go on stumb-
ling over its simplicity. And so his servant said : " If the
prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldst thou
not have done it ? hadn't you just better go down and
wash in Jordan ? " Perhaps he said : " If I go down to
Jordan and am not cured, what will my enemies say when
I go back to Damascus ? " But he was influenced by the ser-
vant, and he went. That was one good thing in Naaman's
character — he was influenced by an humble messenger.
A good many people won't accept a messenger, because he
is not refined and cultured and educated. My friends,
never mind who brings the message. It is the message
you want, not the messenger. If a boy was to bring
me a telegraphic message with good news, I wouldn't no-
tice the boy, wouldn't look to see whether he was white or
black. It would be the message I would want. And so
it was with Naaman. It was a little Hebrew girl who first
told him to come to Samaria, and now he was told to wash
by his servant. So he goes down and dips into the waters.
The first time he rose he said : " I'd just like to see how
much my leprosy has gone." And he looks, but not a bit
has left him. "Well, I'm not going to get rid of my leprosy
in this way ; this is absurd." " Well," said the servant, " do
just as the man of God tells you ; obey him." And this
is just what we are told to do in the Scriptures, to obey
Him. The first thing we have to learn is obedience. Dis-
obedience was the pit Adam fell into, and we have to get
out of it by obedience. Well, he goes into the water a
second time. If some Chicago Christians had been there,
they would have asked, sneeringly, " Well, how do you
feel now ? " He didn't see that he was any better,
and down he went a third time ; but when he looked at
himself, he had just as much leprosy as ever. Down he
goes a fourth, fifth and sixth time. He looks at himself,
but not a speck of it is removed. " I told you this," he says
to his servant ; " look here ; I'm just the same as ever."
" But," says the servant, "you must just do what the man
of God tells you to do — go down seven times." He takes
the seventh plunge, and comes out. He looks at himself,
and behold his flesh is as that of a little child. He says
to his servant : " Why, I never felt as good as I do to-day.
I feel better than if I had won a great battle. Look ! I'm
cleansed. Oh, what a great day this is for me ! The lep-
rosy has gone." The waters to him had been as death
and judgment, and he had come out resurrected — his flesh
as that of a little child. I suppose he got into his chariot,
and away he went to the man of God. He had lost his
temper, he had lost his pride, and he had lost his leprosy.
That is the way now. If a man will only lose his pride,
he will soon see his leprosy disappear — the leprosy will go
away with his pride. I believe the greatest enemies of men
in this world are unbelief and pride. I believe hundreds
and thousands in Chicago would press into the kingdom of
God if it were not for their pride. He goes back to the
man of God, and takes his silver and gold. He offers him
money. " I don't want your money," replies the prophet.
If he had taken money, it would have spoiled the beautiful
story. Naaman had to take back everything he brought
from Damascus but his leprosy. The only thing that the
sinner has that God wants is his sins, and if you let him
take them to-night He will. Get rid of your leprosy ; He
will take it. Never mind your feelings. No soul in this
audience will go down to. the dark caverns if he is willing
to obey God. And now the question comes to you all to-
night, Will you obey Him ? You haven't g#t to go a thou-
sand miles away and dip into a Jordan, but just believe
where you sit — believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. " Come
unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest." Is there anything to hinder you from obey-
ing God now? He will give you power to accept Him.
Do you believe He would offer you salvation without giving
you the power to obey Him ? Don't go from this hall with
2 3 2 GREAT JOY.
any such delusion, my friends. Don't go home from this
Tabernacle with this leprosy, thinking that you cannot get
rid of it. If sin is better to you, then, of course, hold on
to it — if leprosy is worth more to you than to be purified,
then keep it. Naaman could have gone back with his lep-
rosy, if he hadn't met that prophet and gone down to Tor-
dan. If you go out of the Tabernacle to-night without
accepting him, you go out as a sinner, and if death comes,
as it may, suddenly upon you, there is no assurance in the
Bible that you can pass through the pearly gates. There is
no leprosy there ; you must leave it here. If a leper was
to get into the kingdom of heaven, all heaven would be
affected by him. There is a fountain opened in the house
of David for the lepers. This night you can be saved if
you will. The door is open — on the hinge ; the battle is
fought on this fact, if you will — not because you can't.
Oh, but you say, " I've tried." Naaman might have said,
" I have tried" too. Probably he had tried all the physi-
cians in his country, but Naaman couldn't be cured. He
couldn't cure himself. When Christ said to that man who
had a withered hand hanging at his side, " Stretch out thy
hand," he might have said, " I've tried to stretch it out for
twenty years, and I can't do it." But when the command
was given him, the power came also. All that was wanted
was the will of the man. My friends, if you don't accept
the Gospel and obey it, and you go down to death, there is
not a ray of hope that you will escape the punishment held
out in the Bible. There is not a word in the Bible to lead
you to believe that you will escape condemnation if you go
down to the grave with that leprosy. Do you think, I ask
again, that He will ask you to repent and accept eternal
life without giving you the power ? The moment you obey,
that moment the blessing comes. Who will accept Him to-
night ? I wish I could believe for you all, but I cannot. I
would have you all come into the kingdom of God to-night.
One of two things you have got to do — either accept the
remedy He offers you, and be saved, or spurn the remedy,
as Naaman was going to do, and go home with your sins.
May God open your eyes to see the necessity of being
saved by this great remedy. Let us pray.
One thing I have noticed in studying the Word of God ;
and that is, when a man is filled with the Spirit, he deals
largely with the Word- of God ; whereas, the man who is
filled with his own ideas, refers rarely to the Word of God.
He gets along without it, and you seldom see it mentioned
in his discourses. A great many use it only as a text
book. They get their text from the Bible, and go on
without any further allusion to it ; they ignore it ; but
when a man is filled with the Word, as Stephen was, he
cannot help speaking Scripture. You will find that Moses
was constantly repeating the commandments ; you will
find too, that Joshua, when he came across Jordan with
his people, there they stood, and the law of the Lord God was
read to them, and you will find all through Scripture the
man of God dealing much with His Word. Why, you will
find Christ constantly referring to them, and saying :
" Thus saith the Scriptures." Now, as old Dr. Bonner, of
Glasgow, said, " the Lord didn't tell Joshua how to use
sword, but He told him how he should meditate on the
Lord day and night, and then he would have good
success." When we find a man meditating on the words
of God, my friends, that man is full of boldness and is
successful. And the reason why we have so little success
in our teaching, is because we know so little of the Word
of God. You must know it, and have it in your heart. A
great many have it in their head and not in their heart.
If we have the Spirit of God in our heart, then we have
something to work upon. He does not use us because
He is not in us. Know, as we come to this word to-day
as Mr. Sankey has been singing :
No word He hath spoken
Was ever yet broken.
Let us take this thought in John x., 35, " and the Scrip-
ture cannot be broken." There is a great deal of infidel-
ity around, and it has crept into many of the churches,
too. These doubters take up the Bible and wonder if they
can believe it all — if it is true from back to back, and a
good many things in it they believe are not true. I have
a good deal of admiration for that colored man who was
approached by some infidel — some skeptical man and who
told him : " Why, the Bible is not true ; all scientific men
tell us that now ; it's only a bundle of fables." " Bible
ain't true ? " replied the colored man ; " Why, I was a
blasphemer an' a drinker, an' dat book jest' made me
stop swearin,' drinkin,'- lyin,' an' blasphemin,' an' you say
t'ain't true." My friends, the black man had the best of
the argument. Do you think if the Bible was a bad book
it would make men good ? Do you think if it was a false
book it would make men good ? And so let us take our
stand on the colored man's platform and be convinced
that it is true. When we take it into our hands, let us
know that it is the word of God and try to understand it.
Many of the passages appear to us difficult to understand,
but if we could understand it clearly from back to back at
first, it would be as a human book, but the very fact that
we cannot understand it all at once, is the highest proof
that it is the word of God.
Now, another thought is, that a great many people read
it, but they read it as a task. They say, " Well, I've read
it through, I know all that's in it," and lay it aside. How
many people prefer the morning paper in order to get
news. They prefer it, but it is a false idea. This Bible is
the only newspaper. It tells you all that has taken place
for the last 6,000 years, and it tells you all the news of the
future. Why, 1,700 years before Christ, the people were
told in it of the coming of Christ. They knew He was
coming. The daily papers could not tell us of this. They
may be written by learned men, brilliant editorial writers,
but they couldn't have told this. If you want news, study
the Bible — the blessed old Bible, and you will find it has
all the news of the world.
Now we come to the question, How to study it ? A
great many read it as I used to read it, just to ease my
conscience. I had a rule before I was converted to read
two chapters a day. If I didn't do it before I retired, I
used to jump out of bed and read them, but if you had
asked me fifteen minutes after what I had read, I could
not have told you. Now this is the trouble with many —
they read with the head and not with the heart. A man
may read his Bible, but when he has closed it you may ask
him what chapter he read last, and he cannot tell you.
He sometimes puts a mark in it. to tell him ; without the
mark he don't know, his reading has been so careless. It
is to keep him from reading it again. Just as I used to do
when hoeing corn. I used to put a stick in the furrow to
mark the place where I had hoed last. A good many
people are just like this. They pick up a chapter here,
and there is no connection in their reading, and con-
sequently don't know anything about the word of God. If
we want to understand it we've got to study it — read it on
our knees, asking the Holy Ghost to give us the under-
standing to see what the word of God is, and if we go
about it that way, and turn our face, as Joshua did, in
prayer, and set ourselves to study these blessed and
heavenly truths, the Lord will not disappoint us, and we
will soon know our Bible, and when we know our Bible
then it is that God can use us.
Let me say there are three books which every Christian
ought to have, and, if you haven't them, go and buy them
before you get your tea. The first is a good Bible — a
good large-printed Bible. I don't like those little-printed
ones which you can scarcely see — get one in large print.
A good many object to a large Bible because they can't
carry it in their pocket. Well, if you can't carry it in your
pocket, it is a good way to carry it under your arm. It is
showing what you are — it is showing your flag. Now a
great many of you are coming in from the country to these
meetings, and when you get on the cars, you see people
who are not ashamed to sit down and play cards. I don't
see why the children of God should be ashamed of carry-
ing their Bible under their arms in the cars. " Ah ! "
some say ; " that is the spirit of a Pharisee." It would be
the pharisaical spirit if you hadn't dipped down into
heavenly truths, if you haven't the Spirit of God with you.
Some say : " I haven't it." Suppose you don't read so
many of these daily papers, and read a little oftener the
Bible. Some say, " I haven't time." Take time. I don't
believe there is a business man in Chicago who couldn't
find an hour a day to read his Bible if he wanted to. Get
a good Bible, then a good concordance, and then a scrip-
tural text-book. Whenever you come to something in the
Word of God that you don't know, hunt for its meaning in
those books. Suppose after the meeting I am looking all
over the platform and Dr. Kittredge says : " What are you
looking for ? " and I answer, " Oh, nothing, nothing." He
would go off. If he thought I hadn't dropped something
he wouldn't stay. But, suppose I had lost a very valuable
ring which some esteemed friend had given me, and 1
told him this. He would stay with me, and we would move
this organ, and those chairs, and look all over, and by
looking carefully, we would find it. If a man hunts for
truths in the Word of God, and reads it as if he was look-
ing for nothing particular, he will get nothing. When the
men went to California in the gold excitement, they went
to dig for gold, and they worked day and night with a
terrible energy just to get gold. Now, my friends, if they
wanted to get the pure gold they had to dig for it, and
when I w r as there I was told that the best gold was got by
digging deep for it. So the best truths are got by digging
deep for them.
When I was in Boston I went into Mr. Prang's chromo
establishment. I wanted to know how the work was done.
He took me to a stone several feet square, where he took
the first impression, but when he took the paper off the
stone I could see no sign of a man's face ; the paper was
just tinged. I said I couldn't see any sign of a man's face
there. " Wait a little," he said. He took me to another
stone, but when the paper was lifted I couldn't see any
impression yet. He took me up, up to eight, nine, ten
stones, and then I could see just the faintest outlines of a
man's face. He went on till he got up to about the twen-
tieth stone, and I could see the impression of a face, but he
said it was not very correct yet. Well, he went on until he
got up, I think, to the twenty-eighth stone, and a perfect
face appeared, and it looked as if all it had to do was to
speak and it would be human. If you read a chapter of
the Bible and don't see anything in it, read it a second
time, and if you cannot see anything in it read it a third
time. Dig deep. Read it again and again, and even if
you have to read it twenty-eight times, do so, and you will
see the man Christ Jesus, for He is in every page of the
Word, and if you take Christ out of the Old Testament
you will take the key out of the Word.
Many men in the churches now-a-days are saying that
they believe the teachings in the New Testament are to be
believed, but those in the Old are not. Those who say
this don't know anything about the New. There is nothing
in the Old Testament that God has not put His seal upon.
" Why/' some people say to me, " Moody, you don't believe
in the flood. All the scientific men tell us it is absurd."
Let them tell us. Jesus tells us of it, and I would rather
take the word of Jesus than that of any other one. I
haven't got much respect for those men who dig down for
stones with shovels, in order to take away the word of God.
Men don't believe in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah,
but we have it sealed in the New Testament. " As it was
in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah." They don't believe
in Lot's wife, but He says, " Remember Lot's wife." So
there is not a thing that men to-day cavil at but the Son of
God indorses. They don't believe in the swallowing of
Jonah. They say it is impossible that a whale could swal-
low Jonah — it's throat is too small. They forgot that the
whale was prepared for Jonah ; as the colored woman said,
"Why, God could prepare a man to swallow a whale, let
alone prepare a whale to swallow a man." We find
that He indorses all the points in the Old Testament, from
Genesis to Revelation. We have only one book — we
haven't two. The moment a man begins to cut and slash
away it all goes. Some don't believe in the first five books.
They would do well to look into the third chapter of John,
where they will see the Samaritan woman at the well look-
ing for the coming of Christ from the first five books of
Moses. I tell you, my friends, if you look for Him you
will find Him all through the Old Testament. You will
find Him in Genesis — in every book in the Bible. Just
turn to Luke xxiv., 27, you will find Him, after He had
risen again, speaking about the Old Testament prophets :
" And beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he ex-
pounded unto them in all the Scripture the things concern-
ing Himself." Concerning Himself. Don't that settle the
question ? I tell you I am convinced in my mind that the
Old Testament is as true as the New. " And He began at
Moses and all the prophets." Mark that, " all the prophets."
Then in the forty-fourth verse : " And He said unto them,
these are the words which I spake unto you, while I was
yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were
written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the
psalms concerning Me. Then opened He their under-
standing that they might understand the Scripture." If we
take Christ out of the Old Testament what are* you going
to do with the psalms and prophets ? The book is a sealed
book if we take away the New from it. Christ unlocks the
Old and Jesus the New. Philip, in teaching the people,
found Christ in the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, " All we,
like sheep, have gone astray ; we have turned every one to
his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of
us all." Why, the early Christians had nothing but the
Old Testament to preach the gospel from — at Pentecost
they had nothing else. So if there is any man or woman
in this assembly who believes in the New Testament, and
not in the Old, dear friends, you are deluded by Satan, be-
cause if you read the word of God you will find him spoken
of throughout both books. I notice if a man goes to cut
up the Bible and comes to you with one truth and says,
" I don't believe this and I don't believe that," I notice
when he begins to doubt portions of the word of God he
soon doubts it all.
Now the question is how to study the Bible. Of course,
I cannot tell you how you are to study it ; but I can tell
you how I have studied it, and that may help you. I have
found it a good plan to take up one book at a time. It is
a good deal better to study one book at a time than to run
through the Bible. If we study one book and get its key,
it will, perhaps, open up others. Take up the book of
Genesis, and you will find eight beginnings ; or, in other
words, you pick up the key of several books. The gospel
was written that man might believe on Jesus Christ, and
every chapter speaks of it. Now, take the book of Genesis ;
it says it is the book of beginnings. That is the key ;
then the book of Exodus — it is the book of redemption ;
that is the key-word of the whole. Take up the book of
Leviticus, and we find that it is the book of sacrifices. And
so on through all the different books ; you will find each
one with a key. Another thing : we must study it unbiased.
A great many people believe certain things. They believe
in certain creeds and doctrines, and they run through the
book to get Scripture in accordance with them. If a man
is a Calvinistic man, he wants to find something in accord-
ance with his doctrine. But if we go to seek truth the
Spirit of God will come. Don't seek it in the blue light of
Presbyterianism, in the red light of Methodism, or in the
light of Episcopalianism, but study it in the light of Calvary.
Another way to study it is not only to take one book at a
time ; but I have been wonderfully blessed by taking up
one word at a time. Take up the word and go to your
concordance and find out all about it. I remember I took
up the word "love," and turned to the Scriptures and
studied it, and got so that I felt I loved everybody. I got
full of it. When I went on the street I felt as if I loved
everybody I saw. It ran out of my fingers. Suppose you
take up the subject of love and study it up. You will get
so full of it that all you have got to do is to open your lips
and a flood of the love of God flows upon the meeting. If
you go into a court you will find a lawyer pleading a case.
He gets everything bearing upon one point, heaped up so
as to carry his argument with all the force he can, in order
to convince the jury. Now it seems to me a man should
do the same in talking to an audience ; just think that he
has a jury before him, and he wants to convict a sinner. If
it is love, get all you can upon the subject and talk love, love.
Take up the word grace. I didn't know what Calvary
was till I studied grace. I got so full of the wonderful
grace that I had to speak. I had to run out and tell
people about it. If you want to find out those heavenly
truths take up the concordance and heap up the evidence,
and you cannot help but preach. Take heaven • there are
people all the time wondering what it is, and where it is.
Take your concordance and see what the Word of God
says it is. Let these men who are talking against blood
look into the Word of God, and they will find if it don't
teach that it teaches nothing else. When we preach about
that some people think we are taking our own views. But
the Word says ; ' the life of all flesh is in the blood, and
without blood there is no remission." The moment a man
talks against blood be throws out the Bible. Take up
Saul, study him. You will find hundreds of men in Chicago
just like him. Take up Lot, study that character. Let
me say right here that if we are going to have, and I firmly
believe in my soul that we are going to have, a revival in
the North-west — if we are going to have it, you must bring
the people to the study of the Word of God. I have been
out here for a good number of years, and I am tired and
sick of these spasmodic meetings ; tired of the bonfires
which, after a little, are reduced to a bundle of shavings.
When I see men speaking to inquirers in the inquiry room
without holding the W r ord of God up to them, I think their
work will not be lasting. What we want to do is to get
people to study the word of God, in order that the work
may be thorough and lasting. I notice when a man is
brought coolly, and calmly, and intelligently, that man will
have a reason for being a Christian. We must do that,
we must bring a man to the Word of God if we don't want
this Western country filled with backsliders. Let us pray
that we will have a Scriptural revival, and if we preach
only the Word in our churches and in our Sunday schools,
we will have a revival that will last to eternity. Let us
turn back to one of the Old Testament revivals, when the
people had been brought up from Babylon. Look at the
eighth chapter of Nehemiah : " And Ezra, the priest,
brought the law before the congregation, both of men and
women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon
the first day of the seventh month, and he read therein,
before the street that was before the water gate, from
morning until midday, before the men and women and
those that could understand, and the ears of the people
were attentive unto the book of the law." No preaching
there ; he merely read the Word of God — that is, God's
word — not man's. A great many of us prefer man's word
to that of God. We are running after eloquent preachers
— after men who can get up eloquent moral essays. They
leave out the Word of God. We want to get back to the
Word of God. They had an all-day meeting there, some-
thing like this, " and Ezra opened the book in the sight of
all the people, for he was above all the people ; and when
he opened it all the people stood up." I can see the great
crowd standing up to listen to the prophet, just like young
robins taking in what the old robins bring them, "and Ezra
blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people an-
swered, Amen, Amen. With lifting up their hands they
bowed their heads and worshipped the Lord with their
faces to the ground." " So they read in the book of law
of God distinctly and gave the sense, and caused them to
understand the reading." Now, it strikes me it is about
the height of preaching to get people that understand the
reading of the Word. It would be a great deal better if a
preacher would sometimes stop when he had a remark,
and say, " Mr. Jones, do you understand that ? " " No, I
don't," and then the preacher might make it a little plainer,
so that he could understand it. There would be a great
difference in the preaching in some of the churches. He
would talk a little less about metaphysics and science, and
speak about something else. " Then he said unto them,
go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet, and send
portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared, for this
day is holy unto our Lord, neither be ye sorry, for the joy
of the Lord is your strength." " For the joy of the Lord
is your strength." If you will show me a Bible Christian
living on the word of God, I will show you a joyful man.
He is mounting up all the time. He has got new truths
that lift him up over every obstacle, and he mounts over
difficulties higher and higher, like a man I once heard of
who had a bag of gas fastened on either side, and if he
just touched the ground with his foot over a wall or a
hedge he would go ; and so these truths make us so light
that we bound over every obstacle.
And when we have those truths our work will be suc-
cessful. Just turn over to Jeremiah xx. 9, to this blessed
old prophet. There was a time when he was not going to
speak about the word of God any more. Now, I just
want to show you this, when a man is filled with the Word
of God you cannot keep him still. If a man has got the
Word, he must speak or die. " Then I said, I will not
make mention of Him, nor speak any more in His name,
but His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up
in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could
not stay." It set him on fire, and so a man filled with the
Word of God is filled as with a burning fire, and it is so
easy for a man to work when he is filled with the Word of
God. I heard of a man the other week who was going to
preach against the blood. I was very anxious to see what
he would say about it, and I got the paper next morning
and I found there was nothing else there than Scriptural
quotations. I said that was the very best thing he could
do. As we see in the twenty-third chapter of Jeremiah :
" Is not my word like as a fire, saith the Lord, that break-
eth the rock in pieces ? " Those hard, flinty rocks will be
broken if we give them the Word of God. Those men in
the North-west that we cannot reach by our own words,
give them this and see if they cannot be reached. Not
only that if we are full of Scripture ourselves, give them
what God says you will find it easy to preach — you will say
we haven't to get up so many sermons. It seems to me if
we had more of the Word of God in our services and give
up more of our own thoughts, there would be a hundred
times more converted than there is. A preacher, if he
wants to give his people the Word, must have fed on the
Word himself. A man must get water out of a well when
there is water. He may dip his bucket in if it is empty,
but he will get nothing. I think the best thing I have
heard in Chicago I heard the other day, and it has fastened
itself upon my mind, and I must tell it to your ministers.
We had for our subject in Farwell Hall the other day, the
seventh chapter of John, when the Rev. Mr. Gibson said
if a man was to come among a lot of thirsty men with an
empty bucket they wouldn't come to him to drink. He
said he believed that was the trouble with most of the
ministers, as that had been the trouble with himself. He
hadn't got a bucket of living water, and the people wouldn't
come to him to drink. Just look at an audience of thirsty
men, and you bring in a bucket of clear sparkling water,
and see how they will go for it. If you go into your Sun-
day schools and the children look into your buckets and
see them empty, there is nothing for them there. So, my
friends, if we attempt to feed others we must first be fed
There is another thing winch has wonderfully helped me.
That is to mark my Bible whenever I hear anything that
strikes me. If a minister has been preaching to me a good
sermon, I put his name clown next to the text, and then it
recalls what has been said, and I can show it to others.
You know we laymen have the right to take what we hear
to one another. If ministers saw people doing this they
would preach a good deal better sermons. Not only that,
but if we understood our Bibles better, the ministers would
preach better. I think if people knew more about the
Word than they do so many of them would not be carried
away with false doctrine. There is no place I have ever
been in where people so thoroughly understand their Bibles
as in Scotland. Why, little boys could quote Scripture and
take me up on a text. They have the whole nation just
educated, as it were, with the Word of God. Infidelity
cannot come there. A man got up in Glasgow at a corner,
and began to preach universal salvation. "Oh, sir," said
an old woman, " that will never save the like of me." She
had heard enough preaching to know that it would never
save her. If a man comes among them with any false
doctrine, these Scotchmen instantly draw their Bibles on
him. I had to keep my eyes open, and be careful what I
said there. They knew their Bibles a good deal better than
I did. And so if the preachers would get the people to
read the Word of God more carefully and note what they
heard, there would not be so much infidelity among us.
I want to tell you how I was blessed a few years ago,
upon hearing a discourse upon the thirtieth chapter of
Proverbs. The speaker said the children of God were like
four things. The first thing was, " The ants are a people
not strong," and he went on to compare tlie children of
God to the ants. He said the people of God were like
ants. They pay no attention to the things of the present,
but go on steadily preparing for the future. The next thing
he compared them to was the conies. " The conies are but
a feeble folk." It is a very weak little thing. "Well," said
I, " I wouldn't like to be as a coney." But he went on to
say that it built upon a rock. The children of God were
very weak, but they laid their foundation upon a rock.
" Well," said I, " I will be like a coney, and build my hopes
upon a rock." Like the Irishman, who said he trembled
himself, but the rock upon which his house was built never
did. The next thing the speaker compared them to was
a locust. I didn't think much of locusts, and I thought I
wouldn't care about being like one. But he went on to
read, they have " no king, yet they go forth all of them by
bands." There were the Congregationalist, the Presbyte-
rian, the Methodist bands going forth without a king ■ but
by and by our King will come back again, and these bands
will fly to Him. " Well, I will be like a locust ; my King's
away," I thought. The next comparison was a spider. I
didn't like this at all ; but he said if we went into a gilded
palace filled with luxury, we might see a spider holding on
to something, oblivious to all the luxury below. It was
laying hold of the things above. " Well," said I, " I would
like to be a spider." I heard this a good many years ago,
and I just put the speaker's name to it, and it makes the
sermon. But take your Bibles and mark them. Don't
think of wearing it out. It is a rare thing to find a man
wearing his Bible out now-a-days — and Bibles are cheap, .
too. You are living in a land where there are plenty.
Study them and mark them, and don't be afraid of wearing
them. Now don't you see how much better it would be to
study it ? And if you are talking to a man instead of talk-
ing about your neighbors, just talk about the Bible, and
when Christian men come together just compare notes, and
ask one another : "What have you found new in the Word
of God since I saw you last ? Some men come to me and
ask me if I have picked up anything new, and I give them
what I have, and they give me what they have. An English-
man asked me some time ago, " Do you know much about
Job ? " " Well, I know a little," I replied. " If you've got
the key of Job you've got the key to the whole Bible."
" What ! " I replied ; " I thought it was a poetical book."
" Well," said he, "I will just divide Job into seven heads.
The first is the perfect man — untried — and that is Adam
and Eve before they fell. The second head is tried by
adversity — Adam, after the fall. The third is the wisdom
of the world — the three friends who came to try to help
Job out of his difficulties. They had no power to help him
at all." He could stand his scolding wife, but he couldn't
stand them. The fourth head takes the form of the Medi-
ator, and in the fifth head God speaks at last. He heard
Him before by the ear, but he hears Him now by the soul,
and he fell down flat upon his face. A gpod many men in
Chicago are like Job. They think they are mighty good
men, but directly they hear the voice of God they know
they are sinners ; they are in the dust. There isn't much
talk about their goodness then. Here he was with his face
down. Job learned his lesson. That was the sixth head,
and in these heads were the burdens of Adam's sin. The
seventh head was when God showed him His face. Well,
I learned the key to the Bible. I cannot tell how
this helped me. I told it to another man, and he
asked me if I ever thought of how he got his property back
and his sheep back. He gave Job double what he had,
and gave him ten children besides, so that he should have
ten in heaven besides his ten on earth.
A great many are asking the questions, Will this work
hold out ? Are these young converts going to stand ? Now
I am no prophet, nor the son of a prophet, but one thing I
can predict; that every one of these new converts that
goes to studying his Bible, and loves this book above every
other book, is sure to hold out. The world will have no
charm for him, he will get the world under his feet, because
in this book he will find something better than the world can
give him. Now what I want to say to these young converts,
and to old converts, is to love the Word of God. Set more
and more store by it. Then the troubles in your Christian
life will pass away like a morning cloud. You will feed
and live on the Word of God, and it will become the joy of
your soul.
Now, to help some of you to a right course in studying
God's word, I want to point out a number of texts that you
might begin with, and then, in the same way, you can
collect others. I want to call your attention first to a
part of the fourth chapter of Matthew. A little boy in the
s'eat there, while giving his experience the other day, felt
so sure about his strength that he defied Satan. I trembled.
Those of us who are older, and know more about the
devil's power, know that we can only meet him with the
Word of God. We can't withstand him by our feelings or
by our being converted ; he only laughs at such weapons.
Read in this fourth chapter, from the third verse on, and
see how Christ overcame Satan. Not by His feelings, not
because He had been baptized of John in Jordan, but by
the word of the living God. Three times Satan advanced
to the charge, but every time he was thrust through by the
sword of the Spirit. And that must be your sword. Don't
say, like the little boy in Scotland, " Old Nick, just you
get behind me," but say, " O Lord, just put him behind
me." You can't do anything against Satan of yourself ;
you can only overcome him through Christ and by the
word of the living God.
Then take Romans, x., 15. It shows there was a work
done for you on Calvary, but that there is another work
quite distinct from that. " How shall they preach except
they be sent ? " " Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing
by the word of God." How many mourning Christians
there are who know little about God, and the reason is just
that they do not study the word of God. You are little
acquainted with this precious book. I don't see how
Christians can habitually read the newspapers on Sunday.
I wouldn't advise you even to read your religious weeklies
on that day. I find too many are making these take the
place of the Bible. Let us have one day exclusively to
study and read the Word of God. If we can't take time
during the week, we will have Sunday uninterrupted. What
can botanists tell you of the lily of the valley? you must
study this book for that. What can geologists tell you of
the Rock of Ages, or mere astronomers about the Bright
Morning Star ? In these pages we find all knowledge unto
salvation ; there we read of the ruin of man by nature, re-
demption by the blood, and regeneration by the Holy
Ghost. These three things run up all through and through
But let us stick to the thought, how to study this Bible.
A favorite way with me is just to take up one word or ex-
pression, and run through the different places where they
are. Take the " I ams " of John ; "I am the bread of
life ; " "I am the water of life ; " "I am the way, the
truth, and the life ;" "I am the resurrection ;" "I am all,
and in all." God gives to his children a blank, and on it
they can write whatever they most want, and He will fill
the bill.
And then the promises. A Scotchman found out 31,000
distinct promises in the Word of God. There is not a
despondent soul in this Tabernacle, this morning, but God
has a" promise just to suit him. They abound even in the
books of Job and Jonah.
And now let us follow on the thought " What is God able
to do." Just get all the blessed texts on that subject to
heart, and you can't help speaking for God. Then you can
indeed say " God is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour, and
heaven is my home." There is a blessed verse in the
gospel of John. There is no more fruitful subject in the
Bible than is opened up there. The conversions there and
through the Bible, notice, are different from each other,
though all redounding to the glory of God. Think of Nico-
demus, the woman at the well, and Matthew the publican.
And then the conversions in the Acts, and those of the
Philippian jailer and Cornelius. We make a great deal
more ado about this simple act than the Bible teaches.
Conversion is just to believe on Christ and follow Him, and
may be but be the work of a moment.
Mr. Moody went on to say : Take up these texts of Peter
having the word precious; "precious blood," "precious
Christ," "precious faith," "precious trial of faith," "pre-
cious promises of God." Just take one word of the apostle
and trace it out.
Many persons do not believe in assurance as to salvation.
Turn to the 'third chapter of the first epistle of John,
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God." The fifth verse of
that chapter says, " And ye knew he was manifested to take
away our sins," and then we come to " I know that my
Redeemer liveth." All the Bible puts it in that way.
When it speaks of hope, it means a certain hope, not a
doubtful hope. The " hope of a glorious resurrection "
was a sure hope. Then the nineteenth verse, " Hereby we
know that we are of the truth ; " and then, " We know that
we have passed from death unto life," and " Ye know that
no murderer hath eternal life," and also, " Hereby we
know that He abideth in us, by the spirit which He hath
given us." There is no reason, nay, there is no excuse, for
Christians doubting that they are saved ; it is presumptuous
not to take God at His word. Again, the second verse of
the third chapter of the epistle of John says : " Beloved,
now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear
what we shall be ; but we know that when He shall appear
we shall be like Him."
So I find great comfort and advantage in just taking up
the Word of God in this way, and studying it with a view
to some single truth. Take up in this way a single name
or life or character. Thus Lazarus, in his different stages,
is the type of the dead soul — the soul dead in trespasses
and sins ; then he is the saved soul ; then the feasting
rejoicing soul ; then he testifies to the goodness of God.
Galatians shows how we are first called, then justified,
then sanctified ; all through there is a beautiful connection,
and you have only to stand right with one of these
thoughts, and follow the trail out.
And then take up the Christian's growth in grace, Psalm
23, verse 2, " Lie down in green pastures ; " " Sitting at
the feet of Jesus ; " Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 13 and
14, "He is able to make us stand;" Psalms, "Walk
through the valley of the shadow of death ; " Hebrews,
chapter 12, verse 1, "Run with patience the race that is
set before us ; " Psalms 18, verse 21, and in Isaiah, chapter
40, verse 31, "They shall mount up with wings a£ eagles."
The Christian, these verses show, goes up higher and
higher, like a balloon, till the world is lost to sight ; till he
becomes like Christ, and possessed of eyes that can gaze
unblinded on the glory of the City of God. But I have
spoken too long at this time, and will finish my subject
Mr. Moody said in opening his regular address he would
make the sermon an inquiry room talk. He was not going
to have any one in the congregation go away and say they
hadn't an offer of salvation. He was going to turn the
Tabernacle into an inquiry room. And first he would call
attention to a verse in the Psalms. Some who had count-
ed the verses in the Bible found that the eighth and ninth
verses of the one hundred and eighteenth Psalm were the
middle verses of the Bible : " It is better to trust in the
Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust
in the Lord than to put confidence in princes." And also
he read the third and fourth verses of the twenty-sixth
chapter of Isaiah : " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee ; because he trusteth in thee.
Trust ye in the Lord forever ; for in the Lord Jehovah is
everlasting strength." A boy whose mother promises him
anything knows how to trust her. If she promises him a
pair of skates at Christmas, he don't begin to analyze what
trust is ; he don't begin to ask what his feeling is. He
simply says, " Mother said so, and that's enough." There
was nothing miraculous about it ; it was simply trust. This
was the idea of trusting in God. They must trust God,
even if they don't know what the result will be. In the
Sixty-second Psalm, eighth verse it said : " Trust in Him at
all times, ye people ; pour out your heart before him ; God
is a refuge for us." It was the same in the midnight dark-
ness as in the daylight. It was the child in the light
whose father was in the dark. The child leaped into its
TRUST. 255
father's arms though it didn't see him. It was the simple
trust that the Father was there. Trust God at all times.
Trust Him as one would trust a banker whom he had tried,
a doctor whom he had confidence in ; or a lawyer who had
been tried and had never lost a case. They had an advo-
cate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the Righteous.
How to trust Him was shown in Proverbs to be with " all
the heart; " not a little, but with the whole heart. Don't
trust the minister with the soul's salvation, but God. God
wants the whole heart ; God hates half-heartedness ; God
detests half-heartedness. An incident of Alexander illus-
trated this, where the emperor was warned to beware of his
medicine. The emperor took the note of warning in one
hand and the medicine in the other, and, because he trust-
ed in his physician, took his draught. That was perfect trust.
Paul said : " I am persuaded that He is able to keep that
which I have committed unto Him." The next step was,
Who will trust Him ? This is answered in the ninth Psalm
at the tenth verse : " They that know Thy name will put
their trust in Thee." He must be known to be trusted;
He must be believed to be trusted. No infidel could trust
God -because he didn't know Him. No one could go down
to hell trusting in God. Then came the trust : " Thou
wilt keep them in perfect peace that trust Thee." In the
sixteenth chapter of Proverbs, at the twentieth verse, was
described the joy of the one who trusted God : " WhoSo
trusteth' in the Lord, happy is he." In the thirty-second
Psalm, at the tenth verse again it was said : " Many
sorrows shall be to the wicked, but he that trusteth
in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about." The
joy is thus described in the fifth Psalm, at the eleventh
verse: "But let all those that put their trust in Thee
rejoice ; let them even shout for joy, because Thou de-
fendest them ; let them also that love Thy name be joyful
in Thee." The inquirer asked about feeling — how should
he feel ? He would say, " Let your feelings take care of
themselves, you have only to come to God." They couldn't
be saved by their feelings, nor by their good morals, by
trying to break off their sins here and there ; it was like
lopping off the twigs of a tree, while Christ laid the axe
to the root. In the twenty-ninth chapter of Proverbs it
was said, " Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be
safe," or in the margin " set on high." The next question
was : Why didn't they get this trust ? Was it pride, the
fear of neighbors ? Why didn't they get this trust ? Again
in the thirty-seventh Psalm reference was had to this:
" Fret not thyself because of evil doers ; commit thy way
unto Him, and He shall bring it to pass." He was the
widows' God, the orphans' God. Let none fret for the
coming winter ; the Lord will provide. He will be a pres-
ent help. Mr. Moody told a number of illustrative inci
dents, and was especially practical in urging all who feared
for the winter to trust in God, to rest in Him, and He would
never leave, never forsake them.
I propose to-night to take a subject rather than a text,
and that subject is sudden conversion— instant salvation.
One reason why I am led to take up this subject is because
I have received a large number of letters asking me how it
is that I can teach such a pernicious doctrine that a man
can be saved all at once — that salvation is instantaneous.
One of the writers goes on to state that it is clearly taught
in the word of God that conversion is a gradual thing —
that it is a life work — and that it is a dangerous thing to
teach that a man can come into this Tabernacle a sinner
and go out a saved man. Now, let us see what is taught
in the word of God, and if it don't teach instantaneous
salvation let us give up the idea. I hold to it as I do to
my life, and I would as quickly give up my life as give up
this doctrine, unless it can be proved that it is not accord-
ing to the word of God. Now, I will admit that light is
one thing and birth is another. A soul must be born
before it can see light. A child must be born before it can
be taught ; it must be born before it can walk ; it must be
born before it can be educated. I think the grandest
mistake among ministers is that they are talking to dead
men ; that they are talking to men in the flesh instead of
men born of God. Now, let us get them into Christ, and
then educate them and build them up to the highest faith.
Let us not try to teach men who are not born of God. The
Scripture is very clear on this point. It gives no uncertain
sound. If a man is dead in sin you may as well talk to a
l 7 2 S7
corpse as talk to him about spiritual things. To tell an
unrenewed man — an unregenerated man to worship, serve,
and love God, is absurd ; you may as well tell a man to leap
over Lake Michigan as to tell a man not born of God to
serve Him.
Now the first illustration I want to call your attention to
is when the voice came down from heaven to Noah, " Come
thou and all thy home into the ark, for thee have I seen
righteous before me in this generation." Now, there was
a minute when Noah was outside the ark, and another when
he was inside, and by being inside he was saved. As long
as he was outside of the ark he was exposed to the wrath
of God just like the rest of those antediluvians. If he
stayed out, and remained with those antediluvians, he
would have been swept away, as they were. It was not his
righteousness, it was not his faith nor his works that saved
him ; it was the ark. And my friends, we have not like
Noah to be 120 years making an ark for our safety. God
has provided an ark for us, and the question is : Are you
inside or outside this ark ? If you are inside you are safe ;
if you are outside you are not safe. If you are outside
you are exposed to the wrath of God continually, and you
cannot tell the clay nor the hour nor the minute when you
may be swept into eternity. When I was in Manchester in
one of the inquiry meetings I went up to the gallery to
speak to some people there. While we were standing in a
little group, a man came up and stood near us. He was a
respectable looking man, and I thought by his general
appearance he was skeptical. I didn't think he had come
up as an inquirer, but as I stood I noticed tears trickling
down his face, and I went to him and asked him if he
wanted to seek Christ, and he answered "Yes." I went
on talking to him, but he could not see what I meant. I
thought I would use an illustration, and after I had put it
to him I asked him if he saw it. He said " No." I gave
him another illustration, and asked him, " Do you see it
now ? " But he again replied " No." I used two or three
more illustrations, but he could not see them. He told
me, " Mr. Moody, the fact is I do not feel the evidence of
God." " But," I said, " I tell you you are not to be saved
by your feelings, and I gave him this illustration ; " What
was it that saved Noah? Was it his ark, or was it his
feelings, or his life, or his prayers ? " "I see it now ; it's
all right," and he went away. This was Thursday night,
and he had to leave on a night train. On the Sunday
afternoon, while preaching in the Free Trade Hall, a man
came and tapped me on the shoulder, and asked me if I
knew him. I said " No," and he said, " Do you remember
when you spoke to me on Thursday and used the illustration
of Noah's Ark to save me ? " " Yes," I answered. " Well, I
got in then, and have been there ever since. The ark
keeps me. Thank God for that illustration of the ark."
May God help you to see this illustration to-night, and
may you not be trying to save yourselves by your feelings,
your tears, by your wounds. God has provided an ark,
and every man who is in it is saved, and every one who is
out of it is lost.
Let us take another Bible illustration. Look at those
two angels coming down to Sodom. They knew that God
was going to destroy it utterly, and they led Lot out. What
was it that saved his life ? Was it his feelings, his tears ? It
was by obeying the call : " Escape for your life." And now
God says, escape for your life— escape to Mount Calvary.
Don't delay, because He is going to destroy this world as
He did Sodom. While Lot was in Sodom he was liable to
the wrath of God, but the moment he got outside of Sodom
he was safe. As long as a man remains out of Christ he
is liable to the wrath of God and the fire of heaven. Look
again, look at those Children of Israel when they were
commanded to ,put the blood on the door-posts and they
would be saved from the hand of death. What was it that
saved them ? Was it the blood or was it their feelings ? The
moment the blood was there they were saved, and if a man
is behind the blood he is as safe as if he were walking the
crystal pavement of^ heaven. When the blood was there
the angel of death passed over. One moment the blood
was off the posts and the next moment it was on. It was
instantaneous salvation. You know Joshua received a com-
mand from God that he should erect six cities, three on
each side of the Jordan, which were to be cities of refuge.
There were to be great turnpikes and highways to these
cities which were to be kept in proper repair, and the gates
of the cities were to be kept open day and night, and sign-
posts were to be placed along the road to provide for the
man's guidance to these cities of refuge. The moment a
man got inside one of those cities he was safe. His safety
was instantaneous — the moment he stepped over the boun-
dary line. Just look at two men out in the woods chop-
ping wood. As one of the men brings his ax down on the
tree it splits and flies from his hand and kills his companion.
He knows what the consequences will be when the killing
is discovered. He knows that it will be sure death the
moment the news reaches the nearest relative of the de-
ceased. The man who will not avenge the death of his
relative is not considered a true man. If a relative would
not avenge the death of a kinsman it was considered very
dishonorable among the Israelites. The man knows that
there is a city of refuge ten miles away, and if he can but
reach it he is safe. Thank God, our city of refuge is not
ten miles away. That man just leaps upon the, highway.
He does not take time to argue or think ; he just leaps
upon the highway and makes for the city of refuge. The
news soon spreads that a man has been killed, and the
murderer is making for the city of refuge. Whenever the
brother learns that his kinsman has been killed, he starts
after that poor fugitive. On they go — the avenger and the
fugitive — flying to his haven of hope. It is a life and death
struggle. Look at him ! See him, as he leaps ditches and
speeds along the road. Some people see him flying past.
"Make haste," they cry, " because the avenger is upon you.
Fly for your life." Ah, sinner, you do not know how far
the avenger is behind you. To-night he may be upon you.
We do not know the day, the hour, when he will overtake
us. The avenger he knows now is after him. On he goes,
bounding over every obstacle, his speed at its utmost, and
his face resolutely set toward the gate wherein his safety
lies. He is terribly in earnest. See him leap over the
highway ; see his bruises, and on he goes panting and
nearly exhausted. He sees the gates of the city. The
officers see him from the walls, and they shout, " Hasten
on, for the avenger is drawing near ! he is behind thee."
One moment he is outside the walls — the next moment he
is inside. He is a saved man. One moment out, the next
moment in. What are these illustrations in the Bible for
unless to show us how we are to be saved. Don't you see
from this that conversion is instantaneous. One minute
you may be outside, and the next mimate you are inside.
I will give you another illustration, which I think you
will be able to get hold of. You will remember when we
had slavery we used to have men come up from Kentucky,
Tennessee, and other slave States in order to escape from
slavery. I hope if there are any Southern people here
they will not think in this allusion I am trying to wound
their feelings. We all remember when these colored men
came here how they used to be afraid lest some one should
come and take them back. Why, I remember in the store
we had a poor fugitive, and he used to be quaking all the
time. Sometimes a customer would come in, and he would
be uneasy all the time. He was afraid it was some one to
take him back to slavery. But somebody tells him if he
was in Canada he would be perfectly safe, and he says :
" If I could only get into Canada ; if I could only get under
the Union Jack I would be free." There are no "slaves
under the Union Jack he has been told — that is the flag of
freedom, the moment he gets under it he is a free man.
So he starts. We'll say there are no railways, and the
poor fellow has got ten miles ahead when his master
comes up, and he hears that his slave has fled for Canada
and sets off in pursuit. Some one tells the poor fugitive
that his master is after him. What does the poor fugitive
do ? What does he do ? He redoubles his exertions and
presses on, on, on, on. He is a slave born, and he knows
a slave belongs to his master. Faster he goes. He knows
his master is after him and he will be taken if he comes up
with him before he reaches the lines. He says, " If I can..
only hold out and get under the English flag, the English
Government will protect me. The whole English army
will come to protect me if need be. On he presses. He
is now nearing the boundary line. One minute he is a slave
and in an instant he is a free man. My friends, don't
mistake. These men can be saved to-night if they cross
the line. Your old master, Satan, may be pressing down
upon you, but there is a land of liberty up there, and the
banner of heaven is the flag of love, and under that flag
you are protected from all danger, and if an enemy comes
near you God says : " If you touch him you touch the apple
of my eye." And He will hold you in His right hand and
keep you for the day of redemption. Will you go out of
this hall to-night and doubt sudden conversion? Will you
say a man cannot be saved all at once ? Look what He
said to Moses. He told Him to put a brazen serpent on
a pole, and whenever a man looked at that serpent he
would live. If some of the preachers we have now in
Chicago Had lived then they would have said a man may
look 6,000 years at that and he wouldn't be saved. A man
would die while they were discussing it. A few days ago
I heard of a minister who said, I was preaching a most
pernicious doctrine when I preached sudden conversion.
But point out to me one single conversion in this blessed
Bible that was not a sudden conversion. Why, every con-
version recorded in the Bible was instantaneous, and if
preachers tell men conversion is a life work they are keep-
ing men out of the kingdom of God. We can have instant
conversion. " Now is the day of salvation." I tell you,
sinners, escape for your lives, fly to the haven of safety- —
look, look, look, at the crucified One, and you will be saved
to-night. Look and live. You will become a child of God
for time and eternity. The blessing will come upon you —
whenever we look we can be saved. Just go back to that
camp of Israel. Everyone who looked at that brazen
serpent was well. The remedy was instantaneous.
When I was in England they were at me all the time
about this sudden conversion. They said it was a life
work from the cradle down to the grave. [ did all I could
to show them it. One day I was walking down the streets
of York, when I saw a soldier coming down. You can tell
a soldier in England in an instant by his coat. I stepped
up to him and said : " My friend, I am a stranger in this
country, and you will pardon me if I ask you a question.
How long did it take you to become a soldier ? " Well, he
laughed in my face. I suppose he thought I was very
green, to ask him such a question. But he told me that
he made up his mind to enlist in Queen Victoria's army,
and he went to a recruiting sergeant, and he put an English
shilling into the palm of his hand, and from that moment
he was a soldier. When he had taken that shilling, from
that moment he becomes one of the Queen's army, and if
he goes back he becomes a deserter, and if caught is put
into prison. He first made up his mind to enlist, and that
is the way to become a Christian. Make up your mind.
The next thing he did was to take the shilling, and from
that moment he became a soldier. When we make up our
mind to be a Christian the next thing we have to do is to
accept His terms — take salvation as a gift. You wonder
how a man can become a Christian as that man became a
soldier. He was a citizen one moment ; the next moment
he was a soldier. He was no longer his own master when
he had accepted that shilling. He belonged to the English
army. So the moment you enlist in Christ's army you be-
long to Him. If you want to become a Christian take
Christ's shilling as a gift. The minute you take that gift,
that minute you are a child of God. See what He says :
" To as many as receive Him gave He power to become
the sons and daughters of men. When you accept Him
He becomes your way, your truth, your light, your all in
all. You can have His gift if you will receive Him to-
night. While I was in New York an Irishman stood up in
a young converts' meeting and told how he had been saved.
He said in his broken Irish brogue that I used an illustra-
tion and that that illustration saved him. And I declare that
is the only man I ever knew who was converted without
being spoken to. He said I used an illustration of a
wrecked vessel, and said that all would perish unless some
assistance came. Presently a lifeboat came alongside and
the captain shouted, " Leap into the life-boat — leap for
your lives, or you will perish," and when I came to the
point I said, "Leap into the lifeboat; Christ is your life-
boat," and he just leaped into the lifeboat of salvation and
was saved. If a man goes out of the Tabernacle to-night
without salvation it won't be my fault ; it will be your own.
It will not be because the ark is not open, but because you
will not accept the invitation to enter ; it will not be be-
cause the blessing is not there, but because you will not
take it, for it's there. May God open your eyes to accept
Him before you leave this building — to accept salvation
as a gift. Let us unite in prayer.
I want to call your attention to-night to this little word
"Behold." "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity." I want
to speak to you for a few minutes about this one word, and
you cannot forget a simple text with only one word in it.
The first thing a man has to learn in coming for salvation
is that he has fallen in the sight of God ; to know that
none are pure in His sight. You have to learn that you
are born bad, before you can even approach Him. " Be-
hold, I was shapen in iniquity." Now, a man needn't live
a great number of years before he finds that out. When-
ever he comes to God, he will discover this. Every one
who has ever taken a prominent place in the Bible has
found this out. They might have thought themselves
good enough before they came to God, but the moment
they came to Him, they discovered that they were shapen
in iniquity. I suppose Isaiah thought he was as good as
most men in his day, and perhaps he was a good deal bet-
ter than most- men, but when he saw the Lord he cried :
" Woe is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of un-
clean lips." When he saw the Lord, he saw his own de-
formity, and he fell in the dust before the Lord. And
that is the proper place for a sinner. As I have said be-
fore, until men realize their uncleanness they talk of their
own righteousness, but the moment they catch a sight of
Him, their mouth is stopped. If we hear a man talking
about himself, we may be sure that he has not seen God.
Look at that man, Daniel. Not a thing can be found
against him, but see when he came within sight of God,
he found that his comeliness turned to corruption. And
lftok at Job. One would have thought he was all right.
He was good to the poor, liberal to all charities — not a
better man within a thousand miles. If they wanted to
get $ 1,000 to endow a university, $1,000 to build a syn-
agogue, if they wanted to have $1,000 for any charitable
object, why he was the man. Why, you would have liked
to get him into your Presbyterian, or Methodist, or Bap-
tist Churches; if you wanted a chairman of a benevolent
society, you couldn't have found a better man. Yet look
at him when God came near him. It is altogether dif-
ferent when He comes within our sight. It is one thing
to hear Him and another thing to see Him. We have
heard Him with his ears, but now he saw Him with his
eyes, and then he was silent. You couldn't get another
word from him. Before he saw Him he could argue and
talk about Him to his friends — could argue as well as they
could ; but the moment Job saw Him he was silent. When
he said, " Gird up thy loins like a man." From that time
he put no more questions to Him. He had got a lesson.
No man can come into His kingdom till he knows he is
vile, till he sees Him. He must come down to that. That
is God's alphabet. Many men want to begin at z, and
don't want to begin at a, b. A man must commence at
the beginning and learn there is not one thing good in the
flesh. It is corrupt. As Paul said, " There is nothing
good in it." We have Adam's flesh, and it is bad. God
has said so. He cannot find anything good in it, and if
He cannot, let us give up trying to find good spots in it.
It is guilty, it is corrupt, it is false, it is at enmity with
God. There is evil in it all through.
My friends, if you have learned the lesson, I have good
tidings for you. You best know if you have. There is
good tidings for you. The voice comes down from
heaven : " Unto you is born this day, in the city of David,
a Saviour." That is the best news that ever come down
from heaven — -the best news that ever fell on the ears of
man. Of course, if a man does not believe, he is ruined,
he cannot appreciate the news ; but to the man who knows
he is ruined, this is the best tidings that can come to him.
The gospel tells you plainly that you are lost, but let me
tell every one in this hall to-night that I bring you good
news. It is the gospel of peace, it is a gospel of glad
tidings, it is a gospel of joy, it is a gospel of reconciliation.
And all a man has got to do is to believe this gospel and
be saved. A great many people have got a false idea
from the preaching of the gospel. Some think when we
preach the gospel it means condemnation. They shout
as did those men in the tombs, when He came to them :
" Have ye Come to torment us before our time ? " So, men,
don't believe we bring goodness.
When I was in Glasgow I heard a story of old Dr.
Arnott. He heard of a poor woman in great distress.
She was poor, and her landlord was after her for the rent.
He put some money in his pocket and started for her
house. When he reached it he knocked at the door, but
got no answer. He knocked again, but none came. He
waited and waited and knocked, but could not get anyone
to come, and left. A day or two afterward he met the
woman on the street, and said : " I heard you were in dis-
tress, and could not pay your rent. I came to the door
the other day, but I found no one in your house." The
woman threw up both her hands. " Why, I thought it
was the landlord ; I had the door locked and bolted."
She thought it was the landlord after her rent. And peo-
ple think when Jesus Christ comes to them, He comes to
demand something. " Why," said a young man, " I would
like to become a Christian, but I would have to give up so
much." Why, that is a ridiculous idea. When you receive
Christ, you receive everything. You are in the position of
a beggar. You give up your rags and put on a brand new
suit. You give up nothing and receive everything. The
idea of a man being so deceived ! Do you think the Lord
Jesus Christ comes to you to torment you ? Ask those men
who have received Him, if this be so. Ask those who
have been deceived for forty or fifty years by Satan, and
who have accepted Him. They will tell you they have
enjoyed more peace and happiness in the last few
days than they have in all those years put together.
I heard a Christian saying that he had enjoyed
more happiness the first day he accepted Christ than he
did in all the previous years of his life. Now, my friends,
God don't want to take anything from you. He wants to
give you everything that is good for your happiness. Now,
I have two little children, and I wouldn't like to give them
anything but what would be good for them. So the God
of heaven wants to keep nothing from us but that which
will ruin us. The Son of God has come into the world to
bless us. Look at that Sermon on the Mount. It is filled
with the word blessed, blessed, blessed. I think it occurs
nine times. His heart was full of blessings for the people.
He had to get it out before he gave His sermon. Don't
believe He came to make you miserable. That is one of
the devil's lies. Don't believe He has come to torment
you. I heard some time ago of a little book upon a pas-
sage of Scripture — I didn't know there was such a passage
— which occurred in the history of David and Mephibos-
heth. You know, one day Jonathan and David were
together, and Jonathan said : " David, I want you to make
a vow." I suppose it had been revealed to Jonathan that
he was to take his place. Instead of his heart being filled
with jealousy he loved him as a brother. " Now, I want
you to make a vow that when you get my father's throne,
if any of my father's house are alive, that you will show
them kindness." "Why, yes, Jonathan," replies David,
" I will ; I would do it for your sake alone." Well, time
went on. You know how Saul persecuted David, and
drove him into the cave of Adallam ; and if he could have
caught him you know how he would have slain him.
News came to him that the Israelites were routed and that
Saul and Jonathan were slain, and David came up to
Hebron and reigned for seven and a-half years, and came
after this up to Jerusalem. I can see him in his palace in
the height of his power, and the recollection of the old
vow he made to Jonathan suddenly comes upon him. His
conscience tells him he has made a vow to his old friend
Jonathan which he has not kept. I can see him order in
one of his servants. " Do you know if there are any of
Saul's house alive ? " " Well, I don't know, but there is
an old servant of Saul's, Ziba." David orders him in, and
asks : " Are any of Saul's house alive, because if there is
I want to show kindness to them." I can imagine the
expression of his face. The idea of David showing kind-
ness to any of Saul's house — to Saul, who wanted to slay
him, and who persecuted him. " Well, yes," the servant
answers, "there is a son of Jonathan living." "What! "
he cries, " a son of my old friend Jonathan ; where is he ? "
" He was at Lo-debar, the last I heard of him." Now,
you may have been a great traveller, and yet you have
never heard of Lo-debar. You may have been all around
the world and still you have not heard of Lo-debar. You
may work in the post-office and you have never heard of
Lo-debar — never saw a letter directed to that place. Still
that is the place where everyone of Adam's sons have been.
Evsry one has been in Lo-debar. Every backslider is
there. When David heard where he was, he sent down to
bring up Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth. See that chariot
sweeping through the town. " Why, the king's chariot is
here," the people say. " What does it mean?" We are
told that this poor prince was lame, and I can see the
poor lame prince as he comes out to meet the servant.
" What is it ? " he inquires. " King David has sent for
you," the servant replies. I can see the prince trembling
from head to foot when he hears this. He thinks King
David wants to slay him ; he thinks he is just going to cut
off his head. That's the way with sinners. They think
that God stands behind them with a double-whetted sword
ready to annihilate them. The servant says : " I want you
to come down and see the king." " But," replies the
prince, " I tell you that means death to me." Just as a
good many sinners in Chicago think. " But," continues
the servant, " he has sent me, and wants you to come ; "
and he gets him into the carriage and on to the highway,
through the streets and unto the palace of the king.
Whenever he enters he is brought into the presence of the
king. The king looks upon him and sees upon his brow
the image of Jonathan, and says to Mephibosheth, " I will
show thee kindness for thy father's sake, and I will restore
unto you all Saul's possessions, and you shall sit at the
King's table." He restores to the lame prince the inheri-
tance he lost, and then gives him a place at the king's
table. That is the gospel. God wants you to come up
from Lo-debar to Jerusalem and take your inheritarce.
The moment you come from your Lo-debar to the city of
peace that moment you will learn the glad tidings.
Now, there is another " behold." We find it here in the
first chapter of John, and I want to call your attention to
it " Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin
of the world." Now, every sin which you have committed
can be forgotten — every sin which has been committed
during the past eighteen hundred years can be forgiven by
Him. Now look at His life — look at Him from the manger
to Calvary, and see if you can find any flaw in Him. You
hear people talking about the imperfections of Christians,
and making this an excuse for not accepting Him. They
point to some of them, and say they have done this and
that y but, my friends, it is impossible to find a perfect
Christian. They will not be perfect till they arrive in the
kingdom of the Master and they are washed in the blood
of the Lamb. Lift your eyes from off these puny Chris-
tians — from off these human ministers, and look to Christ.
He is the Saviour of the world. He came from the throne
to this earth ; He came from the very bosom of the father.
God gave Him up freely for us, and all we have to do is
to accept Him as our Saviour. Look at Him at Gethse-
mane, sweating as it were great drops of blood ; look at
Him on the Cross, crucified between two thieves ; hear
that piercing cry, " Father, Father, forgive them, they
know not what they do ; " and as you look into that face,
as you look into those wounds on His feet or His hands,
will you say He has not the power to save you ? Will you
say He has not the power to redeem you ? Look into His
face. Can you say the Lamb of God will not take away
your sins ? All you have to do is to accept Him, and they
are all forgiven. A great many people want to bring their
faith, their works, their good deeds to Him for salvation.
Bring your sins and He will bear them away into the wild-
erness of forgetfulness, and you will never see them again.
There is another "behold," and a very important one :
It is a " behold " of Paul : " Behold, now is the accepted
time." Now some people may listen to this carelessly.
" Why, we have heard that from childhood up. ' Now is
the accepted time.' We don't like that forced upon us,
as if this was the only time to be saved." Suppose I say,
"Behold, ten years hence will be the accepted time,"
wouldn't you think I had gone mad. You would say, " I
might die before that time." You know that it is now.
You cannot roll back the wheel of time. Every hour that
passes is gone forever. You cannot look forward ten years.
You may be in eternity then. You cannot say the future
is yours. The only time we have is now. " Behold, now
is the accepted time," and salvation is offered you to-night,
and God wants you to take it. How many have been
swept into eternity since we began to hold our meetings in
the Tabernacle. Not less than eight or nine, to my knowl-
edge, have been taken away. How many will go in the
coming eight weeks ? Only think of it. Some of them
now move through those mansions Christ has prepared for
them ; they are now walking down the crystal pavements
of heaven ; they may be walking to the tree of life and
plucking its fruit. They are now with the redeemed and
the Redeemer. They are now singing the sweet hallelu-
jahs of heaven — a sweeter song than they^ever heard on
earth. But think of those who have gone to the dark cav-
erns of hell — now with the fiends of darkness, now in the
land where there is no hope, now listening to the wail of
despair. You can accept salvation now. The idea of
standing still, thinking you have time to accept Christ, is a
delusion of the devil. Don't be deceived by Satan. We
are in the current of time that is bearing us on to eternity.
While we sleep and are unconscious, we are being borne
swiftly to the judgment seat, and we may be there before
we know. Look at that man on the river that runs to the
rapids ! Look at him as he drifts with the current on to
death ! In a few minutes he will be in eternity, and he is
not aware of it. There are thousands here sweeping on
to death and judgment. " Now is the accepted time."
Escape to-night, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ, and
thou shalt be saved.
But there is another " behold." " Behold, I stand at
the door and knock." He stands at the door of the sin-
ner's heart and knocks. Does your hearts thrill to-night,
my friends. That is the Son of God knocking at your
heart. You haven't to go down and bring Him up, nor go
up and bring Him down. He is right here to-night. Is
there a skeptical one doubts his presence here ? What
man could hold this immense audience during the past
eight weeks but Him ? Is there any political subject that
could keep an audience every night for eight weeks as this
has been kept ? Or if a man came here to talk poetry or
science, could he have such an assemblage? Surely it
cannot be the singer or the preacher. There is an unseen
power — a supernatural agency. It is the Son of God, my
friends ; and He is here to-night, and stands at your heart
and says, " Behold, I stand at the door and knock." If
any one here hearkens to His voice and opens the door,
He says with him, " I will come unto him and sup with him,
and he with me." And no man, if he only enters to Him,
will go down to the caverns of death and damnation ; but
if you reject Him, and shut and lock and bolt the door of
your heart, He cannot come in, and, of course, you must
perish. In one part of Scripture he says He " stands with
his locks wet with the dew of the night." He stands now.
A man in the inquiry room said he made a vow some years
ago to come' to Christ. He was knocking at his heart then,
but for thirty years he kept Him out. This week he let
Him in. Think how merciful God is. He might have
called that man away to eternity during those thirty years.
Listen, sinners ; perhaps He is making His last call to you.
A friend of mine once said, when Christ came first he
knocked pretty loud. The second time conscience was
not so keen, and it was not so loud. When he came a
third time His knock was fainter, and the fourth time
fainter still, and the fifth time almost inaudible, till by and
by He could not be heard at all. Is not that the case with
some here ? Christ stands knocking now. You may put
Christ off — that is man's free will — but you cannot put
death off. When he comes and puts his cold hand upon
you, feeling for the cords.of life, you cannot put him off.
The question will then be settled for time and eternity, and
then you must answer at the judgment seat. " Behold, I
stand at the door and knock." Sinner, what will you do
to-night ? Young man, don't laugh ! Don't make light of
this question. One of two things you must do — either
reject Him or receive Him : either keep Him out of your
heart or take Him in.
And there is another " Behold." It is a 'behold they
heard of in the days of Paul. You know when they heard
that Paul was praying, it did not come from Damascus,
from Rome, or Jerusalem ; it came from heaven. " Behold,
he is praying." I hope some are praying here to-night.
Let the news go up to heaven, " Behold, he prays," and
" Behold, she prays," and an answer will come. If you pray
from the depths of your soul an answer will come to-night.
If you want to accept on this, the last night of our meetings
this week, the waters of life, you can. Just lift up your
heart, and the message will go up, " Behold, he prays."
Let all Christians here pray. Let there be a silent wave
of prayer go up to heaven, and let those who have never
prayed ask God for mercy. Let these little children pray,
I like to hear children praying. Sometimes a child's pray-
ers have more effect than any others. How many infidel
fathers and mothers have been brought to Christ by their
praying children. I remember while out in Kansas, while
holding a meeting, I saw a little boy who came to the win-
dow, crying. I went to him and said : " My little boy, what
is your trouble ? " " Why, Mr. Moody, my mother's dead,
and my father drinks, and they don't love me, and the
Lord won't have anything to do with me because I am a
poor drunkard's boy." " You have got a wrong idea, my
boy ; Jesus will love you and save you and your father too,"
and I told him a story of a little boy in an Eastern city.
The boy said his father would never allow the canting
hypocrites of Christians to come Into his house, and would
never allow his child to go to Sunday school. A kind-
hearted man got his little boy and brought him to Christ.
When Christ gets into a man's heart he cannot help to
pray. This father had been drinking one day, and coming
home he heard the boy praying. He went to him and
and said : " I don't want you to pray any more. You've
been along with some of those Christians. If I catch you
praying again I'll flog you." But the boy was filled with
God and he couldn't help praying. The door of com-
munication was opened between him and Christ, and his
father caught him praying again. He went to him.
" Didn't I tell you never to pray again. If I catch you at
it once more you leave my house." He thought he would
stop him. One day the old temper came upon the boy,
and he did something wrong and got flogged. When he
got over his mad fit he forgot the threats of his father, and
went to pray. His father had been drinking more than
usual, and coming in found the boy offering a prayer. He
caught the boy with a push and said, " Didn't I tell you
never to pray again ? Leave this house. Get your things
packed up and go." The little fellow hadn't many things
to get together — -a drunkard's boy never has, and he went up
to his mother's room. " Good-by, mother." " Where are
you going ? " "I don't know where I'll go, but father
says I cannot stay here any longer. I've been praying
again," he said. The mother knew it wouldn't do to try
to keep the boy when her husband had ordered him away,
so she drew him to her bosom and kissed him, and bid
him good-bye. He went to his brothers and sisters and
kissed them good-bye. When he came to the door his
father was there, and the little fellow reached out his hand
— "Good-bye, father; as long as I live I will pray for you,"
and left the house. He hadn't been gone many minutes
when that father rushed after him. " My boy, if that is
religion ; if it can drive you away from father and mother
and home, I want it." Yes, may be some little boy here
to-night has got a drinking father and mother. Lift your
voice to heaven, and the news will be carried up to heaven,
"he prays." Yes, Paul prayed, and the news went, " he
prayeth," and let all Christians lift their voices up to
heaven, and let all who have not accepted Christ, cry, and
he will hear you, " God be merciful to me a sinner." Let
us unite in silent prayer.
I've chosen as my subject this morning, " How to Hold
an Inquiry Meeting ; or, what are best-adapted Texts of
Scripture to be dwelt upon at these Meetings ? " Of course
I am not going to quote all the texts that could be used,
and to good advantage : I am just going to bring to mind
some few of the best ones. And what I want first to call
your attention to, if you are going to be successful in win-
ning souls to Christ, is the need for discrimination in find-
ing out people's differences. People are not the same in
their wants spiritual more than temporal. What is good
for one is rank poison for another. Yov can't treat all
alike. I've a friend that always, when he is sick, drinks a
lot of hot water, and goes to bed. Another says to me,
just take this dose and you will get well. It don't make
any difference what's the matter with you, this friend has
one single remedy. So many have just one verse of Scrip-
ture. He's always quoting it. It fits his case, and he
thinks it does everybody else's. A man I knew up in Wis-
consin was converted under a railway bridge, and to this
day he keeps urging people to go right down under that
bridge if they want to get converted sure. But God never
repeats Himself. No two thoughts are just alike, no two
needs are just alike, no two sinners are going to come to
Christ in the same precise way. Instead of looking for
others' experiences, look for one for yourself. So when
talking to persons in the inquiry-room, you must find out
just these differences. Now, I am going to divide inquirers
into classes or divisions this morning, and point out a few
passages suitable for each.
The first class, I think, in point of numbers, is that of
the doubters — those who are always in doubting castle.
And these generally are among professing Christians. Oh,
I think we shall make a different start with these when we
get to Boston from what we did here. I'm convinced we
made a mistake here in not opening the inquiry-rooms
for professing Christians first. For twenty or thirty years
they have been living on, making empty professions. Now,
they just want to get off their crutches, and get to walking
and running for Christ. I don't believe they can accom-
plish much ; I know they can't, if they continue in this half-
dead state. If Christians haven't assurance, they are just
stumbling-blocks — they are in the way of the work. How
many hurts these professing Christians give, who show no
sign of their faith ! They have no joy in serving the Lord,
and their children, with reason, say, " I don't want that kind
of a religion." And here I want to call your attention to a
proper remedy for this class, to be found in the Book of
John. That whole book was written for this one thing, to
help people out of doubting castle, and teach them that
they may know they are saved. Only Friday last I met a
woman, a prominent member of a prominent church, who
said it was presumption to say with certainty that we are
saved. I said it was presumption to say that we are not
saved, when we have the very word of the Lord Jesus
Christ for it. Oh, if you will just read those precious
words : " He that heareth my words and believeth on Him
that sent Me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into
condemnation, but is passed from death unto life ; " and
then turn to those other divine words : " These things have
I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of
God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that
ye may believe on the name of the Son of God : " if you
will just read these sure words of God, you will not talk
about having no assurance as to your salvation. Just be-
lieve in the words of the Son of God, and you know right
now that you are saved. You know right now, I say, and
don't have to put it oil* till you are going to die. There-
fore, I would talk to these doubting citizens about the
Epistle of John. I would say to you, persuade them to
take these words of Jesus : " They have passed from death
to life." Oh, yes, it is the privilege of every child of God
to know that he is saved.
The next class are the backsliding. They do not want
so much assurance as reviving. I know a lady who has a
homoeopathic doctor's book, and whenever she is at all out
of sorts she goes right to it. In spiritual things there is a
good remedy for all sorts, and for the backsliders as well.
Though they have left God, He makes a way for them to
return. I have just turned down the leaves of my Bible
at the second and third chapters of Jeremiah. I don't
think any one can feel this way with that Bible in hand.
" Thus saith the Lord, What iniquity have your fathers
found in me that they are gone far from me, and have
walked after vanity and are become vain ? " Now, what
did Christ ever do against you ? Did He ever lie to you?
Did he ever abuse you ? Did he ever deceive you ? Only
one man ever said that, and he was out of his head, and
any one would know he was. No man can accuse Christ
of any bias or offence. " What iniquity have you found in
me ? " None at all. The trouble has been with ourselves.
It was He that brought the early Church through the wil-
derness, through all the dangers of the way, and into the
promised land. It is He that gives you power and lifts
you up. Oh say, then, what evil or iniquity have you found
in Him ? The trouble is with you, O backsliders, who "have
forsaken the fountains of living waters, and hewed out cis-
terns, broken cisterns that can hold no water." The nine-
teenth verse says : " Thine own wickedness shall convict
thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee ; know, there-
fore, and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou
hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that my fear is not in
thee, saith the Lord of Hosts." Enforce the miseries of
this text, and then use the exhortation of the third chapter,
twenty-second verse : " Return, ye backsliding children,
and I will heal your backsliding. Behold, we come unto
thee, for thou art the Lord our God." And then the four-
teenth verse : " Only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou
hast transgressed against the Lord thy God." I remember
repeating these promises to a backslider, and he couldn't
believe them at first for joy. How tender these words of
Scripture to the backslider ! Bring these words right to
bear on them, and tell how God pleads with them. Read
to them the opening words of Hosea, fourteenth chapter :
" Return unto the Lord thy God, for thou hast fallen by
thine iniquity; say unto him, take away all iniquity and
receive us graciously. * * I (God) will heal their back-
sliding, I will love them freely ; for mine anger is turned
away." Then bring up the story of the prodigal for illus-
tration ; also the Apostle Peter, how he was drawn to God
after grievously backsliding, and how he was even admitted
to the blessings of Pentecost. Then say : " You, too, can
be restored if you only believe, and God will yet make you
a blessing to believers."
The third class are those who are not stricken by their
sins ; who have- no deep conviction of guilt. Just bring the
law of God to bear on these, and show them themselves in
their true light. Repeat Romans, third chapter, tenth
verse : " There is none righteous, no, not one ;" also the
succeeding verses ; and then repeat from Isaiah : " The
whole head is sick and the whole heart faint ; from the
sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness,
but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores," And then
bring in that verse, " The heart is deceitful above all things
and desperately wicked." Don't try to heal the wound be-
fore the hurt is felt. You may, perhaps, get but few satisfac-
tory inquirers in this way, but what you do get are worth
something. If a man don't see his guilt, he won't be a val-
uable or true convert. Read him the first chapter of First
John, tenth verse : " If we say that we have rfot sinned, we
make him a liar, and his word is not in us," and hold him
right to it. Don't attempt to give the consolations of the
Gospel until your converts see they have sinned — see it
and feel it. I met a man who expressed doubts about his
being much of a sinner. " Well," said I, " let's find out if
you have sinned. Do you swear?" "Well, as a general
rule, I only swear when I get mad." " Yes, yes ; but what
does the Lord say about not holding a man guiltless that
swears? Believe me, He will hold you responsible for
that ; bear that in mind ; you must be able to hold your
temper, but if not, beware to take the name of God in vain.
Are you not now a sinner ? " And the man was convinced.
Sometimes, too, I've found a merchant this way ; and yet
one openly confesses to me that he did cheat sometimes.
" You lie, then, don't you ? " said I. He didn't want to put
it quite so plainly, but pretty soon saw it in my light. Oh
yes ; enforce this truth kindly but firmly, that our natural
hearts are as black and deceitful as hell. Man must say
from his heart, " I have sinned and come short of the glory
of God."
The fourth class are those completely broken down by
a sense of sin, those who have too much conviction of sin
distinguished from the preceding inquirers, who haven't
enough. One of these tells you that God can't save such
as he. Then you have to prove his mistake, and show that
God can save to the uttermost. Take the first chapter of
Isaiah, eighteenth verse : " Come now, and let us reason
together, saith the Lord ; though your sins be as scarlet, they
shall be as white as snow ; though they be red like crimson,
they shall be as wool." Just turn your Bible right over to
that passage, and many such passages in Isaiah : they will
all help in the inquiry room. The forty-third chapter,
twenty-fifth verse says : " I even I, am He that blotteth out
thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remem-
ber thy sins." And the twenty-second verse of the next
chapter is stronger : " I have blotted out, as a thick cloud,
thy transgressions, and as a cloud, thy sins : return unto
Me, for I have redeemed thee." Make the anxious soul
believe that God has blotted out his sins as a thick cloud ;
make him see the dense cloud vanishing, as it were, from
the face of the sun, vanishing forever ; that cloud can
never come up again ; others may, but that old cloud of
the past guilt is dissolved forever ; the Lord Himself has
blotted it out. Use the two verses, John i., n, 12 : "He
came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But
as many as received Him, to them gave He power to be-
come the sons of God, even to them that believe on His
name." The idea is that those fearing ones cannot serve
God until they receive Christ fully as their salvation ; it
won't do for them to merely take up with some minister or
church or creed. The minister dies or moves away ; the
only lasting resource is in Christ at the right hand of God,
where He will never forsake His own. Yes, press Jesus
upon these anxious souls. Tell them " God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son," etc. " So
loved the world ; " that includes them ; if they inhabited
some other land they might tremble, but they are on this
earth, for all the sons and daughters of which Christ died,
the just for the unjust. Use, also, the text : " Verily,
verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my words and be-
lieveth on Him that sent Me shall not come into condem-
nation but has passed from death unto life." Now, some
people do not just understand believing in Christ. They
believe Christ came as an historical being, as Moses, and
Elijah came. They believe the Cunard line of steamers
will take them to Liverpool in twelve or fourteen days.
But these beliefs don't make men good ; they are head be-
liefs only. They are not what your inquirers want. What
you and they want is heart belief, or, in other words, to
just trust Christ to save you. Sometimes people can't
digest the word "belief ; " then let them take this sweet
word " trust." From Isaiah xxvi., 3, 4, read to them :
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed
on Thee ; because he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the
Lord forever ; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting
strength." By trusting in Him, you see we have everlast-
ing strength. You must get them to trust and believe
entirely in Christ, and not try to save themselves. They
cannot save themselves by their feelings ; assure them of
that. There is not a word of warrant for such a thought
from the first of Genesis to the last of Revelation. Oh, it
is much better to trust in the precious, changeless word of
God than in our own changing feelings ; thank God, that
this is also our duty !
Then you hear some inquirers say, "I haven't got
strength sufficient." But Christ died to be their strength.
A loving hand wiil support them in the Christian journey,
and " his strength will be made perfect in weakness." Bid
such be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
And then another class that cannot be saved in this
way, they think, because doubting instantaneous conver-
sion. Read to such from Romans, — the 6th chapter, 23d
verse : " The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is
eternal life." Salvation is a gift and so must have a defi-
nite point in time. I say, "Will you take this Bible ? "
You must first make up your mind to take it, and then
reach out and — the work of an instant — grasp the gift.
Just so with God's best gift, salvation; to take it is the
work of an instant, and your inquirer may have it for the
asking. " Let him that heareth say come ; " " whosoever
will, let him come and drink of the water of life freely."
With the gift God gives the power to take it. When we
get before the tribunal of the great white throne we will
have to answer for it if we refuse to take it. This is the
richest jewel that heaven has ; God gives up His Son for
our Saviour.
Another class say to you and me, when, in the inquiry
room, we press them to openly confess Christ, " We're
afraid we won't hold out." Say to these repeatedly that
blessed text, "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from
falling." Think, and tell them to think of the thousands
who never fall. The idea that it is necessary to fall into
sin is wrong. Then take those passages : " I, the Lord
thy God, will take thy right hand," " Fear not, I will lead
thee," and " I am persuaded that I will be able to keep
them that are committed unto me against that day." Let
a man just trust the Lord to keep him from falling and He
will do it. Suppose I have a hundred thousand dollars
with me ; it's all I have in the world ; thieves are after it,
and I'm quaking every minute lest they get it. I find my
banker here, and I say, " Here, take it quick ; I can't keep
my money but by your help ; I wish you would hurry and
put it in the vault ; when it's deposited there, and not
before, I shall be safe." Is not this the way to give our
all into God's keeping ? Is not this the way to live secure
from temptation and backsliding? In God's keeping we
are safe. " Our life is hid with Christ in God ? " Oh, let
us each make this deposit of our personal trust this morn-
ing ; trust him entirely, and then we can the better lead
inquirers in the same way. Jesus can hold us close to
Himself. " Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature
shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is
in Christ Jesus our Lord." If you just take up the words
of Christ in the book of Romans, love and peace and joy
flow out. One verse tells of love ; the next of joy ; the
next and next of the peace that comes from believing
Romans, fourth chapter and twenty-eighth verse, and all
those verses along there might be read. The result of be-
lieving is joy, rest, and peace. John xv., 11 — that is joy.
Matthew xi., 28 — that is rest. John xiv., 27 — that is peace.
Never, however, tell a man he is converted. Never tell
him he is saved. Let him find that out from heaven. You
can't afford to deceive one about this great question. But
you can help his faith and trust, and lead him right. I find
that those in the inquiry room do best who do not run
about from one to another, offering words of encourage-
ment everywhere. They would better go to but one or two
of an afternoon or evening. We are building for eternity,
and can take time. The work will not then be superficial.
If it is so, it will not be the fault of the workers or
preachers. And then, to do all our duty, we must talk
.more of restitution. I don't think we preach enough the
need of our making good to one another injuries to person,
property, or feeling. If you have done one a detriment
you must go and pay it back or make it up, if it is a tangi-
ble loss, and if it is a wound to the feelings, fully apologize.
It is a good deal better to go up and do the fair thing,
whatever the result. It may be that some will refuse such
amends, but it is our duty to offer them. But in the end a
complete reconciliation from such a course is almost sure
to result. The antipathy supposed to exist on the other
side is often only imagined. You need not expect that
God is going to forgive you if you don't forgive others.
We say daily, " Forgive, us our debts as we forgive our
debtors," and we must show that we understand this con-
ditional request What if God should take us at our word
and just forgive us to the extent to which our small griev-
ances are forgiven ! And this He surely will do ; so let us
be wise. A young lady in Michigan, at a recent revival
service, was troubled greatly, and to kind inquiries at last
confessed that her unwillingness to confess Christ resulted
from a school-room quarrel which was still unsettled. She
felt she couldn't forgive her enemy, but at last told her
trouble and asked for advice. " Must she forgive her mate ?"
" Certainly, if you want God's forgiveness," was the answer
of the minister, and immediately she ran with all her might
to her old friend, and, instead of meeting a cold reception,
they were soon crying on each other's necks. . And so it
always should be, and most always there will be the same
prompt half-way meeting' between those aggrieved. My
wife was laboring in the inquiry-room the other evening
with a lady who was in just this state of mind, and very
soon reparation and complete reconciliation were effected,
and two old friends walked off arm in arm, happier than
ever before this little misunderstanding. And one of those
ladies felt so strong in her new-found charity for all, that
she won over her husband, and last Sunday he openly in
the Tabernacle confessed Christ, remembering that " with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Many more
texts, did time allow, might be cited, all applicable to
anxious inquirers.
But one word more. Do not let a man go out of the
inquiry-room without praying with him. Fear not, but do
the work boldly. There was a man the other day who
said, " I don't believe there's any God." The resolute
Christian worker, to whom he spoke answered impetuously,
" I will just ask God to shake you — to just shake this demon
out of you." And down he fell on his knees by the poor
infidel and prated with loud earnestness. The man began
to shake from head to foot. It was God shaking him.
And by just these means, more than any others, skeptics
and infidels will know there is a God. Let me say a word
to those ministers that have not and do not go into the
inquiry-room. Many in your flocks, never seeing you
there, think you are not in sympathy with this work, and
then begin to think you don't care anything about
their salvation. They feel in bondage, and do not go to
help them. Well, there was a minister in a city we visited ,
who did not " condescend "to be seen in our humble
Tabernacle. He would have nothing to do with us. One
day he was at a dinner party where they were discussing
our work. Said he : " That sort of thing is good enough
for those people, but it would never do for me." " Well,"
said another clergyman of the same belief, " fifty-seven
of your congregation stood up in the Tabernacle for prayers
to-day, and all of them afterward went into the inquiry-
room." The cultured and popular pastor of those Chris-
tians could not kill the humane promptings to be charitable
to all professing the name of Christ, and to worship along
with such even in perhaps irregular modes. But with the
cordial co-operation of every Christian pastor in the
Tabernacle and inquiry-room, what limit would there be
to the Christian inroads on the citadels of sin ? Oh, make
it a duty, all of you, to talk to some soul at every meeting
in these blessed inquiry-rooms. Don't take those in a
position in life above your own, but take those on the same
footing. Bend all your endeavors to answer for poor,
struggling souls that question of all importance to them,
" What must I do to be saved ? " Yes, this is the question.
What else but to answer it brought out these thousands at
this early hour ! My friends, God is with- you in this work ;
go on more diligently and implicitly trusting in Him ; go
on to a more and more glorious harvest. Let us pray.
I want to call attention this evening to the conversion
of the thief on the cross. I have spoken two or three
times about sudden conversions, and have been approached
by several people upon the subject. This morning two
ladies came to me after the meeting and said they were in
darkness, because I had been preaching that people could
be converted suddenly. I thought we had got beyond that
question. I thought I had got beyond that last Thursday
night when trying to prove that conversion was instan-
taneous ; but it seems we have not, and I want to call at-
tention to it to-night. Well, we are told, by both Matthew
and Mark, that these two thieves, who were hung up on
either side of Him, reviled Him and scoffed at Him, as
did the crowd. They cast His title in His teeth. We are
told there was no difference between those men. Both had
been in rebellion against God all their lives. Both were
led out to execution as thieves and malefactors on the
same day ; but one of them was converted duiing the day,
and the other was not. Over one of them came a won-
derful change. What was it ? How was it ? What brought
him under conviction ? I don't know ; but one thing I do
know — he was convicted of sin, and confessed, and Christ
saved him and snatched him from the very borders of hell.
It says in Isaiah that He came to take the power from the
mighty. Here was one who had been brought to the very
borders of the pit by Satan, and yet Christ, whenever he
called upon Him, was ready to help him. The thief had
only to cry to Him and he was pardoned. You would
think He had all He could do in attending to His own
sufferings, when nailed to that tree, but the first cry from
that thief was heard and answered. My friends, the Son
of God was never in a position where He could not hear a
sinner's prayers. No sinner ever uttered a cry that was
not heard by Him. This man had no works to offer Him,
no deeds of righteousness to bring before Him. He was
a lost, ruined sinner. He had nothing to commend him-
self — nothing to offer. There he was, all mangled and
bruised in consequence of his own sin. He had not only
been a thief, but the very worst kind of a thief. I suppose
he was a companion of Barabbas and of the most notori-
ous thieves in the country. I have no doubt he was a high-
wayman, and guilty of murder. He had been tried, but
his trial had not broken his heart ; the scourge had not
softened him ; imprisonment had not brought repentance.
There he was on the cross, his heart as hard as ever, nailed
hand and foot, and reviling the Son of God. I can just
imagine what came over him when he heard the Son of
God exclaim. " Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they do." I can imagine this thief saying, when he
heard this, " That is a strange thing to say. If I had the
power I couldn't forgive them, but would call down fire
from heaven to consume these wretches who are making
jests about me." Perhaps it was the very cry of Christ on
the cross while all those people were reviling Him and
wagging their heads that convicted him, and that saved
him. When He had uttered this prayer one of the male-
factors reviled Him, and we find his companion rebuking
him, saying : " Dost thou fear God ? " We are told in
Proverbs that " the fear of the Lord is the beginning of
knowledge," and there is no hope for a sinner till the fear
of God comes upon him. Sometimes in an audience like
this a text similar to this one strikes into the heart of
the people, and the fear of God comes upon them and
they begin to see knowledge. I hope that may be the
case to-night. This thief had been tried and scourged,
the nails had been driven into his hands and feet, and
he was suffering the agonies of the terrible death of the
crucifixion, yet we find that then the fear of the Lord came
upon him, and the moment the fear of God came upon him
he confessed Christ. Not only did he confess Christ, but
he confessed his own sins and turned and rebuked the
thief on the other side of the cross, for we read that he
said, " We receive the due reward of our deeds, but this
man hath done nothing amiss." He confessed that he had
been a sinner, and he was getting his just reward — death ;
and then there was hope for the man to be saved. This
was the first step. There is no hope for a man being
saved till he knows he is a sinner ; there is no hope for a
man who folds his arms and says, " I am willing to take
the consequences if I am a sinner ; I don't thing God will
condemn me." This thief stood when he confessed where
every sinner ought to stand. He took his place as a sin-
ner ; he confessed his sins, and if you are to be saved to-
night you must take your place before God as a sinner. If
a man does not admit that he is a sinner, and that he has
gone astray, there is no chance for God to forgive him.
Suppose my boy has disobeyed me ; suppose he has told
me a falsehood, and he won't ask my forgiveness ; won't
acknowledge that he has told a falsehood. I can't forgive
him. I must first get him to admit that he has told a lie,
and when he does that then I can forgive him. So we
must confess our sins, acknowledge that we have committed
sin in God's sight before he can forgive us. This thief
confessed his sins and confessed Christ. " We receive the
due reward of our deeds, but this man hath done nothing
amiss." A great many men in Chicago think that Christ
did many things amiss, but the poor thief, who probably
never heard the gospel in his life, who had perhaps lived
in an atmosphere of crime, said, " This man halh done
nothing amiss." He confessed him. That must have been
a sweet moment in this, the darkest hour of His life. Judas
had betrayed Him for thirty pieces of silver. Peter had
denied Him. He had been brought before Caiaphas and
had been tried and found guilty by the Sanhedrim, and a
howling multitude around Him jeering at His sufferings
and wagging their heads, saying : " If thou be Christ, save
Thyself." How pleasant it must have been to the Son of
Man to hear the confession of this thief in those moments
of bitterness. We read of Abraham in the promised land
twenty-five years with abundant proofs of God's love -to
build up his faith, and yet he did not seem to have as much
faith as this man. We read of Moses in the wilderness for
forty years. He saw God's mighty hand leading the chil-
dren through the Red Sea ; he saw the water coming from
the rock ; he had everything to give him faith in his God,
and yet he had not as much faith as this poor thief who,
during his life, had nothing to school him in the faith of
God. Look at Elijah. How much God gave him, how
much He did for him, how miraculously He took care of
him : he had everything to build up his faith ; but here is
a man who had never heard the gospel, who had never met
Him before, who had mingled with the blasphemers, who
had associated with the revilers and consorted with the
worst classes of thieves. Why, if he had lived in Chicago
to-day, and we had looked over the annals of crime, we
would have found that he had been familiar with the Peni-
tentiary, and yet this man as black as sin, and standing on
the borders of hell, confessed Him and was saved. Peter
had seen Him when raised from the dead, had witnessed
the transfiguration, and he hadn't the faith of this man. I
consider this one of the most remarkable evidences of con-
version suddenly — the faith of this man on Calvary. He
had heard none of His sermons, he had none of His mira-
cles, and yet the very day he met Christ he was convicted
and confessed, and took his place before Him as a sinner.
He owned himself a sinner, and I tell you a man can never
be saved till he has owned himself a sinner. If he tries
to put before Christ his own deeds, and justify himself,
there is no hope for his salvation. This man merely took
his place before Christ among the sinners, and his faith
saved Him.
When I was a boy, I used to be a pretty bad speller— I
haven't improved much since — and I remember one day
a word was given in the class. All passed the word, but
when it came to me I was able to spell it and got clear up
to the head of the class, and I was very proud of my pro-
motion. If you will allow me the expression, this thief
by his faith got clear up from the bottom to the head of
the class. He passed by all the men of God and took his
lead at the top of the class. He surpassed Peter, he sur-
passed Abraham, Noah, Elijah, Moses, and all of them
when he said, "Why, this man hath done nothing amiss."
Thank God for faith, thank God for this testimony, thank
God for this confession. But what did he next do ? He
called Him " Lord." That is the marvellous thing. He
was suffering upon that cross, his hands and feet nailed to
it, and he called Him " Lord." Why, there was no sceptre
in his hand • there was no crown on His head, except a
crown of thorns, which sent the blood trickling down
his face, causing Him to look hideous. He was a sorry
sight, and amid the jeers of the multitude he called
Him " Lord." Thank God for such faith. My friends,
call Him Lord to-night. His prayer was short. He put it
into three words, " Lord, remember me." It was short,
but it was a chain of golden leaves. He owned Him.
" Lord remember me when Thou comest into Thy king-
dom." What was it that induced this man to call him Lord,
and ask him to remember him when He came . into His
kingdom. The idea of the man nailed to that cross and
bleeding from His wounds having a kingdom ! If He had
a kingdom where were his subjects ? See that howling
crowd wagging their heads and reviling Him, and when he
asked a draught of water they brought him vinegar. They
were not His subjects. Where was the kingdom ? His
faith went beyond that, and that is what faith does. He
didn't look upon his surroundings, but trusted him and
cried to Him, " Lord, remember me." And how quick the
answer came. " Lord, remember me when Thou comest
unto Thy kingdom," and back came the answer : " To-day
thou shalt be with Me in Paradise." He got more than
he asked for ; and, my friends, when a man comes to
Christ in faith he receives more than he asks. " To-day
thou shalt be with Me in Paradise." Here was, with-
out conversation, sudden salvation, and I think that
this is a proof which, if we are honest, ought to for-
ever settle the question. How we linger around the
death-bed of a man and hesitate about believing him ac-
cepted if he has not partaken of the Sacrament. If he
hasn't people are in great distress. Now this man
never partook of the Sacrament. Remember, I am saying
nothing against the ordinance. _ May my tongue cleave to
the roof of my mouth when I say anything against the or-
dinance commemorating the death of our Saviour. I am
saying nothing against the blessed ordinance when I say
it has nothing to do with salvation. It is distinct. This
man's conversion was instantaneous. He had never been
a Christian ; he had never accepted a single Christian or-
dinance ; he had never worked for Him, and yet when he
called upon Him he was saved. The man had been a
thief — a highway robber. His feet were nailed to that
cross, and he could not have worked for Him if he'd want-
ed, but they could not nail his heart, and with his heart
that man believed and the blessed Lord gave him salvation.
If you but believe on Him to-night with your heart you
will be saved. Christ did not look at his works. My
friends, let us keep salvation in its place. It is distinct
from wcrks, and any man or woman can be saved before
leaving this Tabernacle to-night ; can be saved without
lifting their hands, without moving an eyelash. If this
thief had lived fifty years he could not have done Him
better service than by testifying his faith on that cross.
His prayer has come down these 1,800 years, and it's an-
swer is a testimony of His love and forgiveness to the
sinner. In the morning he was led out from that prison a
blasphemer reviling Christ, and in the evening he was wahV
ing the crystal pavements of heaven. He only asked to
be remembered, and the answer came : " To-day thou shalt
be with Me in Paradise." Thanks be to God, He was not
ashamed of the poor thief. The moment the cry came
from his lips a welcome was given him.
Now, my friends, why not make the prayer of this thief
to-night. If we make it from the heart we can be saved to-
night. Thank God, we have communication from the
Tabernacle to the throne, and an earnest prayer can go
from this building and will be answered. Suppose you
make it now, " Lord, remember me." Who cannot say
that ? Who cannot say from their heart : " Lord, remember
me." Make it a personal prayer. It is a very short one.
Every prayer in the Bible that brought salvation is very
short. Peter's prayer was only " Lord, save me." Some
one has said, if he had made a long preamble he would
have been forty feet under water. It was simply " Lord,
save me." Just say " Lord, remember me," and He will
remember you. Simply do as the thief did, and you will
be saved. That is what I call instantaneous conversion.
Now this thief, as I said before, when led out from the
prison that morning had no thought of being saved. His
heart was not touched by the trial, he did not feel sorry for
what he had done. He was hung up on one side of
Christ, and reviled Him, and the moment he asked Him to
be remembered he got His forgiveness. He might have
" replied : " You miserable thief, you have scoffed at religion
all your life ; you were reviling me just now, and why
should I forgive you ? " but instead of that came the
answer : " To-day thou shalt be with me in Paradise." It
is said of Whitfield that he once exclaimed: ''Why, the
Lord is so anxious to save sinners that He is willing to
take the devil's castaways." Lady Huntly heard him, and
took exceptions to his utterance. ** The idea," she said
" of the Lord being willing to take the devil's castaways."
She wouldn't believe him ; but shortly after a poor fallen
woman came to him and said : " You told us the other night
that the Lord was willing to take the devil's castaways."
She admitted her sin and accepted Him. My friends, the
Son will save the vilest in Chicago to-night if they will only
admit their guilt. I was greatly cheered this afternoon
when two men went into the inquiry room, and I got down
to pray with them. After I had prayed with them they did
not spring up on their feet as inquirers very often do.
One of them cried, " God be merciful to me a sinner ; that's
all I can say." " That's enough," I said ; " that was all the
publican could say, and he went down to his house saved,
because it came from his heart." The other man could
only say. " Lord save me," and that is enough. He will
save you if you only cry from your heart. Thank God, you
can be saved if you will.
I can imagine when they came to take down the body of
Christ, and when they came to break the bones of those
two thieves. I can imagine Him saying to the officer :
" Hurry up, for I will soon be with My Master." Christ
went up before him to give him a warm welcome, and that
thief rejoices that he will soon be in the kingdom. When-
ever he put his trust in Him he was changed in the
twinkling of an eye, because he had got salvation. But let
me say here that Christ drew the dividing line while upon
that cross. On one side of Him was unbelief, and the
unbeliever died reviling Him. On the other side was
belief, and the believer went up to Paradise. He believed
in a moment and yet there are men who cannot understand
sudden conversion. There are two classes in Chicago — as
they were represented by those two thieves — those for and
those against Him. They must either accept Him or reject
Him. One of them would not receive salvation, and went
down to death • the other accepted salvation as a gift and
went up to His kingdom. I can imagine him now singing
the sweet songs of Moses and the Lamb. No one sings
those sweet songs any louder than does that thief. Ask
that poor thief who when down here, was a reveller, who
was a blasphemer, and lived at enmity with God, how he
came into that world of light ? Ask him how he got that
sceptre in his hand, that crown on his brow ; how he was
permitted to sing the high hallelujahs of the redeemed,
and his voice will come back telling you " I took salvation
as the gift of God." Ah, my friends, there is salvation for
all who will have it, and damnation for those who won't
accept the gift. He commanded His disciples to preach
the gospel as a gift before He left the earth. " Go ye into
all the world and preach the gospel to every creature ; he
that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that
believeth not shall be damned." One of those thieves
believed and was saved, the other rejected Him and was
damned. What will you do ? Will you believe and be
saved ? Will you accept this gift of eternal life or trample
the gift under your feet ? Will you take His offer to-night
or reject it? May God open your eyes too, and bring you to
Himself on this the last Sunday in November, one of the
sweetest months of my life. May this be the Sabbath
night of your salvation, and it will be an evening full of
I want to call your attention to Deut. v., 29. tl Oh
that there were such a heart in them that they would fear Me
and keep all My commandments always with them, that it
might be well with them and with their children for-
ever." And also the sixth chapter and seventh verse, " And
thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and
shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and
when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down,
and when thou risest up." I used to think when I was
superintendent on the North Side, when I was laboring
among the children and trying to get the parents interested
to save their children, that if I ever did become a preacher
I would have but one text and one sermon, and that should
be addressed to parents, because when we get them inter-
ested their interest will be apparent in the children. We
used to say, if we get the lambs in, the old sheep will
follow, but I didn't find that to be the case. When we got
the children interested in one Sunday, the parents would
be sometimes pulling the other way all the week, and
before Sunday came again the impression that had been
made would be gone, and I came to the conclusion that,
unless we could get the parents interested, or could get
some kind Christian to look after those children, it would
almost be a sin to bring them to Christ. If there is no one
to nurse them, to care for them, and just to water the seed,
why they are liable to be drawn away, and when they grow
up, to be far more difficult to reach. 1 wish to say to-night
that I am as strong as ever upon sudden conversion, and
there are a great many ministers, a great many parents,
who scoff and laugh when they hear of children who have
been brought unto Christ at these meetings. Now, in many
of the churches the sermons go over their heads ; they
don't do the young any good ; they don't understand the
preaching, and if they are impressed here we ought not to
discourage them. My friends, the best thing we can do is
to bring them early to Christ. These earliest impressions
never, never leave them, and I do not know why they
should not grow up in the service of Christ. I contend
that those who are converted early are the best Christians.
Take the man who is converted at fifty. He has contin-
ually to fight against his old habits ; but take a young man
or a young girl and they get a character to form and a
whole long life to give to Christ. An old man unconverted
got up in an inquiry meeting recently, and said he thought
w r e were very hard-hearted down in the Tabernacle ; we
went right by when we saw some young person. He thought,
as he was old, he might be snatched away before these
young people ; but with us it seemed as if Christ was of
more importance to the young than the old. I confess
truly that I have that feeling. If a young man is converted
he perhaps has a long life of fifty years to devote to Christ,
but an old man is not worth much. Of course, his soul is
worth much, but he is not worth much for labor.
While down at a convention in Illinois an old man got
up, past seventy years ; he said he remembered but one
thing about his father, and that one thing followed him all
through life. He could not remember his death, he had no
recollection of his funeral, but he recollected his father one
winter night, taking a little chip, and with his pocket knife
whittling out a cross, and with the tears in his eyes he held
up that cross and told how God in His infinite love sent
His Son down here to redeem us, how He had died on the
cross for us. The story of the cross followed him through
life ; and I tell you if you teach these children truths they
will follow them through life. We have got so much
unbelief among us, like those disciples when they rebuked
the people for bringing the children to Christ, but He
said, " Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid
them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." I heard
of a Sunday school concert at which a little child of eight
was going to recite. Her mother had taught her, and when
the night came the little thing was trembling so she could
hardly speak. She commenced, " Jesus said," and com-
pletely broke down. Again she tried it, " Jesus said,
suffer," but she stopped once more. A third attempt was
made by her, " Suffer little children — and don't anybody
stop them, for He wants them all to come," and that is the
truth. There is not a child who has parents in the Taber-
nacle but He wants, and if you bring them in the arms of
your faith and ask the Son of God to bless them and train
them in the knowledge of God, and teach them as you walk
your way, as you lie down at night, as you rise up in the
morning, they will be blessed. But I can imagine some
skeptic in yonder gallery saying, " That's well enough, but
its all talk." Why I have known children of ministers and
Christian people who have turned out worse than others."
I've, heard that all my life, but I tell you that is one of the
devil's lies. I will admit I've heard of many Christian
people having bad children, but they are not the worst
children. That was tested once. A whole territory was
taken in which fathers and mothers were Christians, and it
was found that two-thirds of the children were members of
churches, but they took a portion of country where all the
fathers and mothers were not Christians, and it was found
that not one in twelve of the children attended churches.
That was the proportion. Look at a good man who has a
bad son. Do you want to know the reason ? In the first
place children do not inherit grace. Because fathers and
mothers are good that is no reason why their children
should be good. Children are not born good. Men may-
talk of natural goodness, but I don't find it. Goodness
must come down from the Father of Light. To have a
good nature a man must be born of God. There is another
reason — a father may be a very good man, but the mother
may be pulling in another way. She may be ambitious,
and may want her children to occupy a high worldly posi-
tion. She has some high ambition and trains the child for
the world. Again, it may be the reverse — a holy, pious
mother and a worldly father, and it is pretty hard when
father and mother do not pull together. Another reason
is, and you will excuse me the expression, but a great
many people have got very little sense about bringing up
children. Now, I've known mothers punish their children
by making them read the Bible. Do not be guilty of such
a thing. If you want children not to hate the Bible do
not punish them by making them read it. It is the most
attractive book in the world. But that is the way to spoil
its attractiveness, and make them hate it with a perfect
hate. There is another reason. A great many people are
engaged in looking after other people's children and
neglecting their own. No father or mother has a right to
do this, whatever may be the position they hold in the
world. The father may be a statesman or a great business
man, but he is responsible for his children. If they do
not look after their children they will have to answer
for it some day. There will be a blight in their paths, and
their last days will be very bitter.
There are a great many reasons which I might bring
forward if I had time; why good people's children turn
out bad ; but let me say one word about bringing up these
children, how to train them in Christian ways. The word
is very plain: "Teach them diligently." In the street
cars, as we go about our business night and morning, talk
of Christ and heavenly things. It seems to me as if these
things were the last things many of us think about, and as
if Christ was banished from our homes. A great many
people have a good name as Christians. They talk about
ministers and Sunday schools, and will come down and
give a dinner to the bootblacks, and seem to be strong
patrons of the cause of Christ, but when it comes to talk-
ing to children personally about Christ, that is another
thing. The word is very plain, " teach them diligently,"
and if we want them to grow up a blessing to the church
of God and to the world we must teach them. I can
imagine some of you saying : " It may be very well for Mr.
Moody to lay down theories, but there are a great many
difficulties in the way." I heard of a minister who said he
had the grandest theory upon the bringing up of children.
God gave him seven children, and he found that his
theory was all wrong. They were all differently constitut-
ed. I will admit that this is one difficulty; but if our
heart is set upon this one thing — to have our children in
glory — God will give us all the light we need. He is not
going to leave us in darkness. If that is not the aim of
your heart, make it this very night. I would rather, if I
went to-night, leave my children in the hope of Christ
than leave them millions of money. It seems to me as if
we were too ambitious to have them make a name, instead
of to train them up for the life they are to lead forever.
And another thing about government. Never teach them
revenge. If a baby falls down on the floor, don't give it a
book with which to strike the floor. They have enough of
revenge in them without being taught it. Then don't
teach them to lie. You don't like that ; but how many
parents have told their children to go to the door, when
they did not want to see the visitor, and say, " Mother is
not in." That is a lie. Children are very keen to detect.
They very soon see those lies, and this lays the foundation
for a good deal of trouble afterward. " Ah," some of you
say, " I never do this." Well, suppose some person comes
in that you don't want to see. You give him a welcome,
and when he goes you entreat him to stay, but the moment
he is out of the door you say, " What a bore ! " The chil-
dren wonder at first, but they very soon begin to imitate
the father and mother. Children are very good imitators.
A father and mother never ought to do a thing that they
don't want their children to do. If you don't want them
to smoke, don't you smoke ; if you don't want them to
chew, don't you chew; if you don't want them to play
billiards, don't you play billiards ; if you don't want them
to drink, don't you drink, because children are grand
imitators. A lady once told me she was in her pantry on
one occasion, and she was surprised by the ringing of the
bell. As she whirled round to see who it was, she broke
a tumbler. Her little child was standing there, and she
thought her mother was doing a very correct thing, and
the moment the lady left the pantry, the child commenced
to break all the tumblers she could get hold of. You may
laugh, but children are very good imitators. If you don't
want them to break the Sabbath day, keep it holy yourself ;
if you want them to go to church, go to church yourself.
It is very often by imitation that they utter their first oath,
that they tell their first lie, and then they grow upon them,
and when they try to quit the habit, it has grown so strong
upon them that they cannot do it. " Ah," some say, " we
do not believe in children being converted. Let them
grow up to manhood and womanhood, and then talk of
converting them." They forget that in the meantime their
characters are formed, and perhaps have commenced to
enter those dens of infamy, and when they have arrived at
manhood and womanhood, we find it is too late to alter
their character. How unfaithful we are. " Teach them
diligently." How many parents in this vast assembly
know where their sons are. Their sons may be in the
halls of vice. Where does your son spend his evenings?
You don't care enough for him to ascertain what kind of
company he keeps, what kind of books he reads ; don't
care whether he is reading those miserable, trashy novels
or not, and getting false ideas of life. You don't know
till it is too late. Oh, may God wake us up and teach us
the responsibility devolving upon us in training our chil-
dren. While in London, an officer in the Indian army,
hearing of us being over there, said : " Lord, now is the
time for my son to be saved." He got a furlough and
left India, and came to London. When he came
there for that purpose, of course God was not going
to let him go away without the blessing. How many
men are interested in their sons who would do as this
man did. How many men are sufficiently interested in
them to bring them here. How many parents stand in the
way of the salvation of their children. I don't know any-
thing that discouraged me more when I was superintendent
on the North Side than when, after begging with parents
to allow their children to come to Sunday school — and
now few of them came — whenever spring arrived those
parents would take their children from the school, and
lead them into those German gardens. And how a great
many are reaping the consequences. I remember one
mother who heard that her boy was impressed at our
meeting. She said her son was a good enough boy, and
he didn't need to be converted. I pleaded with that mother,
but all my pleading was of no account. I tried my influence
with the boy ; but while I was pulling one way she was pull-
ing the other. Her influence prevailed. Naturally it would.
Well, to make a long story short, some time after I happened
to be in the County Jail, and I saw him there. " How did
you come here ? " I asked ; " does your mother know where
you are ? " " No, don't tell her ; I came in under an as-
3 o 4 GREAT JOY.
sumed name, and I am going to Joliet for four years. Do
not let my mother know of this," he pleaded ; " she thinks
I am in the army." I used to call on that mother, but I
had promised her boy I would not tell her, and for four
years she mourned over that boy. She thought he had
died on the battle-field or in a Southern hospital. What a
blessing he might have been to that mother, if she had
only helped us to bring him to Christ. But that mother is
only a specimen of hundreds and thousands of parents in
Chicago. If we would have more family altars in our
homes and train them to follow Christ, why the Son of
God would lead them into "green pastures," and instead
of having sons who curse the mothers who gave them birth
they would bless their fathers and mothers. In the Indiana
Penitentiary I was told of a man who had come there under
an assumed name. His mother heard where he was. She
was too poor to ride there, and she footed it. Upon her
arrival at the prison she at first did not recognize her son in
his prison suit and short hair, but when she did see who it
was, that mother threw her arms about that boy and said :
" I am to blame for this ; if I had only taught you to obey
God and keep the Sabbath you would not have been here."
How many mothers, if they were honest, could attribute
the ruination of their children to the early training. God
has said if we don't teach them those blessed command-
ments He will destroy us, and the law of God never
changes. It does not only apply to those callous men who
make no profession of religion, but to those who stand
high in the church if they make the same mistake. Look
at that high priest Eli. He was a good man and a kind
one, but one thing he neglected to do — to train his
children for God. The Lord gave him warning, and at
last destruction came upon his house. Look at that old
man 98 years old, with his white hair, like some of the men
on the platform, sitting in the town of Shiloh waiting to hear
the result of the battle. The people of Israel came into
the town and took out the ark of God, and when it came
into the camp a great shout went up to heaven, for they
had the ark of their God among them. They thought
they were going to succeed, but they had disobeyed God.
When the battle came on they fought manfully, but no less
than 30,000 of the Israelites fell by the swords of their
enemies, and a messenger came running from the field
through the streets of Shiloh to where Eli was, crying,
" Israel is defeated, the ark is taken, and Hophni and
Phineas have been slain in battle," and where the old
priest, when he heard it, fell backward by the side of the
gate, and his neck broke and he died. Oh, what a sad
ending to that man, and when his daughter-in-law heard
the news there was another death in that family recorded.
In that house destruction was complete. My friends, God
is true, and if we do not obey Him in this respect He will
punish us. It is only a question of time. Look at King
David. See him waiting for the tidings of the battle. He
had been driven from his throne by his own son, whom he
loved, but when the news came that he was slain, see how
he cried, " Oh, my son Absalom, would to God I had died
for thee." It was worse than death to him, but God had
to punish him because he did not train his son to love the
Lord. My friends, if He punished Eli and David He will
punish you and me. May God forgive us for the past,
and may we commence a new record to-night. My friends,
if you have not a family altar erect one to-night. Let us
labor that our children may be brought to glory. Don't
say children are too young. Mothers and fathers, if you
hear your children have been impressed with religion,
don't stand in the way of their conversion, but encourage
them all you can.
While I was attending a meeting in a certain city some
time ago, a lady came to me and said : " I want you to go
306 . GREAT JOY.
home with me ; I have something to say to you." When
we reached her home, there were some friends there. After
they had retired, she put her arms on the table, and tears
began to come into her eyes, but with an effort she re-
pressed her emotion. After a struggle she went on to say
that she was going to tell me something which she had
never told any other living person. I should not tell it
now, but she has gone to another world. She said she
had a son in Chicago, and she was very anxious about
him. When he was young he got interested in religion at
the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association. He
used to go out in the street and circulate tracts. He was
her only son, and she was very ambitious he should make
a name in the world, and wanted to get him into the very
highest circles. Oh what a mistake people make about
these highest circles. Society is false ; it is a sham. She
was deceived like a good many more votaries of fashion
and hunters after wealth at the present time. She thought
it was beneath her son to go down and associate with
those young men who hadn't much money. She tried to
get him away from them, but they had more influence than
she had, and, finally, to break his whole association, she
packed him off to a boarding-school. He went soon to
Yale College, and she supposed he got into one of those
miserable secret societies there that have ruined so many
young men, and the next thing she heard was that the boy
had gone astray. She began to write letters urging him
to come into the kingdom of God, but she heard that he
tore the letters up without reading them. She went to
him to try and regain whatever influence she possessed
over him, but her efforts were useless, and she came home
with a broken heart. He left New Haven, and for two
years they heard nothing of him. At last they heard
he was in Chicago, and his father found him and gave him
thirty thousand dollars to start in business. They thought
it would change him, but it didn't. They asked me when
I went back to Chicago to try and use my influence with
him. I got a friend to invite him to his house one night,
where I intended to meet him, but he heard I was to be
there and did not come near. Like a good many other
young men, who seem to be afraid of me, I tried many
times to reach him, but could not. While I was travelling
one day on the New Haven Railroad, I bought a New
York paper, and in it I saw a dispatch saying he had been
drowned in Lake Michigan. His father came on to find
his body, and, after considerable searching, he discovered it.
All the clothes, and his body were covered with sand. The
body was taken home to that broken-hearted mother. She
said, " If I thought he was in Heaven I would have peace."
Her disobedience of God's law came back upon her. So,
my friends, if you have a boy impressed with the gospel,
help him to come to Christ. Bring him in the arms of
your faith, and he will unite you closer to Him. Let us
have faith in Him, and let us pray day and night that our
children may be born of the Spirit. Let us pray.
I want to call your attention to-night to a text which
you will find in the eighteenth chapter of First Kings,
twenty-first verse : " And Elijah came unto all the people
and said : " How long halt ye between two opinions ? if the
Lord be God follow Him, but if Baal then follow him.
And the people answered him not a word." We find in
this portion of the Word of God that Elijah was calling
the people of Israel back, or he was calling them to a
decision as to whether they were for God or Baal, and a
great many were wavering, just halting between two opin-
ions, like the people of Chicago at the present time.
During the last eight weeks a great deal has been said
upon the subject of religion. Men have talked about it
all over the city. A great many are talking, a great many
are taking their stand for, and a great many against Him.
Now, what will you do to-night? I will just divide this
audience into two portions — one against and one for Him.
It seems to me a practical question to ask an audience
like this : " How long halt ye between two opinions ? If
the Lord be God follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him."
A man who is undecided about any question of any magni-
tude never has any comfort ; never has any peace. Not
only that, but we don't like a man who cannot decide upon
a question. I like men of decision, and firmly believe
that more men are lost by indecision than by anything else.
It is a question whether I am not talking to many men
to-night who intend some day to settle this question. Prob-
ably every one here intends to make heaven his home ;
but Satan is trying to get you to put off the settlement of
the question till it will be too late. If he can only get
men to put off till the to-morrow, which never comes, he
has accomplished all he wants. How many in this audi-
ence have promised some friend years ago that they would
settle this question. May be you said you would do it
when you came of age. That time has gone with some of
you, and it has not been settled yet. Some have reached
thirty, some forty, and others have reached fifty years ;
their eyes are growing dim, and they are hastening toward
eternity, and this is not settled with them yet. Some of
you have promised dying brothers that you would meet
them in that world ; some have promised dying wives that
you would see them in that land of light ; and again, others
have given their word to dying children that you would
meet them in heaven. Years have rolled away, and still
you have not decided. You have kept putting it off week
by week and year by year. My friends, why not decide
to-night ? " How long halt ye between two opinions ? "
If the Lord be God serve Him ; if not, turn your back
upon Him. It seems to me a question every man can
settle if he will. You like those grand old characters in
the Bible who have made a decisive stand. Look" at
Moses ! The turning point in his life was when he decided
to give up the gilded court of Pharaoh and cast his lot
with God's people. You will find that every man who has
left a record in the Bible have been men of decision.
What made Daniel so great ? It was because he was a
man of decision. What saved the prodigal ? It was not
tliat he got into his father's arms, it was not his coming
home. The turning point was when he decided the ques-
tion : " I will arise and go to my father." It was the
decision of the young man that saved him. Many a man
has been lost because of indecision. Look at Felix, look
at Agrippa. Felix said, " Go thy way for this time ; when
I have a convenient season I will call for thee." See
what Agrippa said : " Almost thou persuadest me to be
a Christian." Look at Pilate — all lost ; lost because of
his indecision. His mind was thoroughly convinced
that Jesus was the true Christ ; he said, " I find no fault in
Him," but he hadn't the courage to take his standfor Him.
Thousands have gone down to the caverns of death for
want of courage. My friends, let us look this question in
the face. If there is anything at all in the religion of
Christ, give everything for it. If there is nothing in it — if
it is a myth, if our mothers who have prayed over us have
been deceived, if the praying people of the last 1,800 years
have been deluded, let us find it out. The quicker the
better. If there is nothing in the religion of Christ let us
throw it over, and eat, drink, and be merry, for time will
soon be gone. If there is no devil to deceive us, no hell
to receive us; if Christianity" is a sham, let us come out
like men and say so. I hope to live to see the time when
there will only be two classes in this world — Christians and
infidels — those who take their stand bravely for Him,
and those who take their stand against Him. This
idea of men standing still and saying, " Well, I don't know,
but I think there must be something in it," is absurd. If
there is anything in it there is everything in it. If the
Bible of our mothers is not true, let us burn it. Is there
one in this audience willing to say and do this ? If it is a
myth, why spend so much mouey in publishing it ? Why
send out millions of Bibles to the nations of the earth ?
"Let us destroy it if it is false, and all those institutions
giving the gospel to the world. What is the use of all this
waste of money? Are we mad, are we lunatics who have
been deluded ? Let us burn the book and send up a shout
over its ashes : " There is no God ; There is no hell ;
there is no heaven ; there is no hereafter. When men
die, they die like dogs in the street ! " But my friends, if
it is true — if heaven, if a hereafter in the Bible is true, let
us come out boldly, like men, for Christ. Let us take our
stand, and not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why, it seems to me a question that ought to be settled in
this nineteenth century easy enough, whether you are for
or against Him or not. Why, if Baal be God, follow him ;
but if the Lord be God follow Him. If there is no truth
in the religion of Jesus Christ, you may as well tear down
all your churches, destroy your hospitals, your blind
asylums. It's a waste of money to build them. Baalites
don't build blind asylums, don't build hospitals, orphan
asylums. If there hadn't been any Christians in the world,
there would have been no charitable institutions. If it
hadn't been for Christianity you would have had no praying
mothers. Is it true that their prayers have exercised a
pernicious influence ? Is it true that a boy who had a pray-
ing father and mother, or a good teacher, is no better off
than a boy who has been brought up amid blasphemy and
infamy ? Is it true ? It must be either one way or the
other. Did bad men write that Bible ? Certainly not, or
they wouldn't have consigned themselves to eternal perdi-
tion. The very fact that the Bible has lived and grown
during these 1,800 years is a strong proof that it came from
God. Men have tried to put it out of the world ; they have
tried to burn it out of the world, but they have failed. It
has come down to us — down these 1,800 years amid perse-
cution, and now we are in a land where it is open to all,
and no man need be without one. What put it into the
minds of those men to give money liberally to print and
circulate this book ? Bad men wouldn't do this. This is
a question that, it seems to me, couldn't be decided to-
night. If it is not good, then take your stand. If the Lord
be God, follow Him, but if God be Baal, then follow Him.
Some one asked Alexander how he conquered the world,
and he replied that he conquered it by not delaying. If
you want to conquer the devil you must not delay — accept
eternal life as a gift to-night.
Let us take the surroundings of this text. We are told
that Elijah stood before Ahab and told him, because of the
evil deeds of Israel and the king, there would no rain come
upon the land for three years and a half. After that Elijah
went to the brook Cherith, where he was fed by the ravens,
after which he went to Zarephath, and there dwelt with a
poor widow for months and months. Three years and a
half rolled away, and not one drop of rain or dew had come
from heaven. Probably when Elijah told the King there
would be no rain he laughed at him. The idea that he
should have the key of heaven ! He scouted the very idea
at first. But after a little it became a very serious matter.
The brooks began to dry up, the cattle could not get water,
the crops failed the first year, the next year they were worse,
the third year they were even a worse failure, and the
people began to flee out of his kingdom to get food, and
yet they did not call upon Elijah's God. They had 450
prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the groves, and yet
all their prayers did not bring rain. Why did they ask
God for rain ? Baal was not an answerer of prayer. The
devil never answers prayer. If prayer has ever been
answered, it has been answered by the God of our fathers,
by the God of our mothers. After Elijah had been gone
three and a half years he returns and meets Obadiah the
governor of the king's house, and Ahab says : " You go
down that way, and I'll go down this way, and see if we
can't discover water." They hadn't been separated long
when Obadiah meets Elijah and asks him to come to the
king. The prophet tells him to go and say to Ahab,
" Elijah is here. But Obadiah don't want to leave him.
If I lose sight of you this time, when the king knows you
have stepped through my lands it may cost me my life.
Don't you know I've been a servant of the true God all the
time, and I've had a hundred of the prophets of the Lord
in a cave. If you don't come I will lose my life." Elijah
tells him to go and bring Ahab, and instead of Elijah
going to Ahab,. Ahab comes to him. Whenever the
king comes he says : " Art thou he that troubleth
Israel ? " That is the way with men. They bring down the
wrath of God upon themselves, and then blame God's
people. A great many people are blaming God for these
hard times. Look on the millions and millions of money
spent for whiskey. Why, it is about time for famine to
strike the land. If men had millions of money, it wouldn't
be long before all the manhood would be struck out of
them. Now, the people of Israel had gone over to Baal,
they had forgotten the God that brought them out of Egypt
— the God of Jacob and Abraham and of their fathers.
" Now," says Elijah, " let's have this settled. Let some
of your people make an offering to their God on Mount
Carmel, and I will make an offering to my God, and the
God that answers by fire will be the God." The king
agrees, and the day arrives. You can see a great stir
among the people that day. They are moving up to Mount
Carmel. By and by Ahab comes up in his royal carriage,
and those four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and four
hundred prophets of the groves made a great impression.
Dressed in priestly robes, they moved solemnly up that
mountain. The king has swept along in his chariot, and,
perhaps, passed by the poor priest Elijah, who comes slowly
up, leaning upon his staff, his long white hair streaming
about his shoulders. People don't believe in sensations.
That was one of the greatest sensations of their age. What
is going to happen ? No doubt the whole nation had been
talking about this Elijah, and when he came to that moun-
tain, the crowd looked upon him as the man who held the
key of heaven. When he came up he addressed the chil-
dre'n of Israel. Perhaps there were hundreds of thousands.
" How long halt ye between two opinions ? If the Lord
be God follow him, but if he be Baal then follow him ; and
the people answered not a word." Their eight hundred and
fifty prophets had made a great impression upon them, and
the king was afraid too. These people are just like a great
many people now. They are afraid to go into the inquiry-
room for what people will say. If they do go in they get
behind a post, so that they can't be seen. They are afraid
the people in the store will find it out, and make fun of
them. Moral courage is wanted by them, as it was wanted
by those people. How many among us have not the moral
courage to come out for the God of their mothers ! They
know these black-hearted hypocrites around them are not
to be believed. They know these men who scoff at their
religion are not their friends, while their mothers will do
everything for them. The truest friends we can have are
those who believe in Christ. " And the people answered
not a word. Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I
only, remain a prophet of the Lord ; but Baal's" prophets
are four hundred and fifty men. Let them, therefore, give
us two bullocks ; and let them choose one bullock for.
themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and
put no fire under ; and I will dress the other bullock,
and lay it on wood, and put no fire under it. And call ye
on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of
the Lord, and the God that answereth by fire let him be
God. And all the people answered and said, ' It is well
spoken.' " " Yes, sir, that's right. We'll stand by that de-
cision." They built an altar, and laid their bullock on it,
and began to cry to Baal, " O Baal ! O Baal ! Baal ! Baal !"
No answer. They cry louder and louder, but no answer
comes. They pray from morning till noon, but not a sound.
Elijah says: "Louder; you must pray louder. He must
be on a journey ; he must be asleep. He must be on a
journey or asleep." They cry louder and louder. Some
people say it don't matter what a man believes, so long as
he is earnest. These men were terribly in earnest. No
Methodists shout as they did. They cry as loud as their
voices will let them, but no answer. They take their knives
and cut themselves in their earnestness. Look at those
four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and four hundred
prophets of the grove, all covered with blood, as they cry
out in their agony. They have no God. Young man,
who is your master ? Whom do you serve ? If you are
serving Baal, I tell you if ever you get into trouble he will
not answer you. No answer came. Three o'clock came,
the hour for the evening sacrifice, and Elijah prepared his
altar. He would have nothing to do with the altar of
Baal. He merely took twelve stones, representing the
twelve tribes of Israel, and built his altar, and laid his bul-
lock on. No . doubt some skeptic said he had some fire
concealed in his garment, for he digs a trench all around
it to hold water. Then he tells them to bring four barrels
of water, and empties them over his sacrifice. Four more
barrels are brought and thrown on the bullock, making
eight, and then four barrels more are added, making twelve
in all. Then, there lies that bullock, dripping with water,
and Elijah comes forward. Every ear and eye is open.
Those bleeding Baalites look at him. What is going to be
the end of it ? He comes forward, calm as a summer
evening. He prays to the God of Isaac and Abraham —
when, behold, look ! look ! down it comes — fire from the
very throne of God, and consumed the wood and the stones
and the sacrifice, and the people cry : " The Lord is the
God ! " The question is decided. The God that answer-
eth by fire is the God of man. My friends, who is your
God now ? The God who answers prayer ? or have you
no God ?
I can imagine some of you saying, " If I had been on
Mount Carmel and seen that I would have believed it."
But I will tell you of a mount on which occurred another
scene. That was a wonderful scene, but it does not
compare with the scene on Calvary. Look there ! God's
own beloved Son hanging between two thieves and crying,
" Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Talk about wonderful things. This has been the wonder
of ages. A man once gave me a book of wonderful things.
I saw a good many wonders in it, but I did not see
anything so wonderful in it as the story of the cross. My
friends, see his expiring look. See what happened. The
very rocks were rent, the walls of the temple were rent, and
all nature owned its God. The sun veiled its face and
darkness fell over the earth when the Son of Man expired
on Mount Calvary. Where can you find a more wonderful
sight than this ? Those Israelites lived on the other side
of the cross ; we live on this side of it. If a man wants
proof of His gospel look around this assembly. See men
who thirty days ago were slaves, bound hand and foot to
some hellish passion which was drawing them to hell.
What a transformation there is. All things seem changed
to them. They have got a new nature. " Is not this the
power of God?" said a yoimg convert to me to-day: "It
seems as if we were living in the days of miracles, and the
Son of God is coming down and giving men complete
victory over lusts and passions." That is what the Son of
God does for men, and yet, with all the proofs before their
eyes, men are undecided.
What it is that keeps you from your decision ? I wish I
had time to tell you many of the reasons. Hundreds of
thousands of men are thoroughly convinced, but they lack
moral courage to come out and confess their sins. Others
are being led captive by some sin. They have got some
darling sin, and as long as they hold on to it there is no
hope. A man the other day said he would like to become
a Christian, but he had a bet upon the election, and he
wanted that settled first. He did not think that he might
die before that was decided. Eternity is drawing on.
Suppose we die without God, without hope, without
everlasting life, it seems to me it would have been better
never to have been born. My friends, I ask you to-night,
why not come out like men ? Say, " Cost what it will, I will
accept Jesus to-night." Now, have moral courage. Come.
How many of you are thoroughly convinced in your minds
that you ought to be Christians to-night ? Now just ask
yourselves the question : " What hinders me, what stands
in my way." I can imagine some of you looking behind,
you to see how the one sitting there looks. If he seems
serious, you look serious ; if he laughs you will laugh, and
come to the conclusion, that you'll not accept Him to-night.
You think of your companions, and you say you cannot
stand their jeers. Is not that so ? Come. Trample the
world under your feet and take the Lord to-night, cost
what it will. Say, " By the grace of God I will serve Him
from this hour." Turn your backs upon hell, and set your
faces toward heaven, and it will be the best night of your
lives. Have you ever seen a man who accepted Christ
regret it ? You cannot find a man who has changed masters
and gone over to Christ who has regretted it. This is one
of the strongest proofs of Christianity. Those who have
never followed Him only regret it. I have seen hundreds
dying when in the army and when a missionary, and I
never saw a man who died conscious but who regretted that
he had not lived a Christian life. My friends, if you
accept Him to-night it will be the best hour of your life.
Let this night be the best night of your lives. Let me
bring this to your mind, if you are lost it will be because
you do not decide. " How long halt ye between two
opinions ; If the Lord be God, follow Him, but, if Baal,
then follow him." How many men in this assembly want
to be on the Lord's side ? Those who want to take their
stand on the side of the true God rise.
Upon this request by Mr. Moody nearly 2,000 men
instantly arose.
I want to take for my subject to-night " Praise." We
spoke at the noon-day meeting upon the subject of "Thanks-
giving." Now, praise is a step in advance of thanksgiv-
ing. If you receive blessings from a man you may thank
him, yet you may not praise him. Now, praise is not only
speaking to the Lord on our own account, but it is praising
Him for what He has done for others. We have had a
great many prayers going up in this Tabernacle during
the past eight weeks for others, and hundreds — I may say
thousands — of them have been answered. We should give
praise for this. We have in our churches a great deal of
prayer, but I think it would be a good thing if we had a
praise meeting occasionally. If we could only get people
to praise God for what He has done it would be a good
deal better than asking Him continually for something.
We like to have our children ask us for things, but if they
keep on asking without ever giving thanks we become dis-
couraged. Bear this in mind : God expects us to praise Him
for what He has done, and if our heart is full of gratitude,
and we will praise the Lord, He will do a great deal more
for us. And I want to say here a praise church is what the
Lord wants now. A cold church — a church that is full of
formalism — will never be full of praise ; but a church that
is full of joy, full of gladness, is praising God all the time.
" Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and uphold
me with Thy free spirit, then I will teach transgressors
Thy ways." It seems to me that if we had that text all
over Christendom at the present time, the ministers hold-
ing it up to the people till the church is filled with peace,
till it is filled with rest, till it is filled with gladness, with
promise — it seems to me that we would then see a revival
as lasting as eternity itself. Now,- as I said one night here
before, the world is after the best thing. If a man wants
to buy a horse, he goes where he can get the best horse
for his money. If a woman wants to get a dress she'll
hunt till she gets the very best she can. Why, I have
heard of a woman going for half a day from store to store
to get the best piece of ribbon she could. It's a universal
law — the world wants to get the very best thing it can.
Now, if we can show the world that the religion of Jesus
Christ is the best thing in it, the world will take it ; but if
we are despondent or cast down, look gloomy, are not full
of praise, if we are not full of joy, the world will not want
it. We will only drive men out of the kingdom of God. If
we have a praise church we will have people converted. I
don't care where it is, what part of the world it's in ; if we
have a praise church we'll have successful Christianity.
A young man went down to a church in the East, the
pastor of which had become an old man. The people got
asleep. The new man came and tried to rouse them, but
it was no use. He preached and preached, and tried to
get them aroused and go into the prayer meetings, but he
could not. One night he said : " To-night we'll have no
prayer-meeting." They wondered what it meant ; the idea
that this young minister should do away with this prayer-
meeting which they had had for fifty years. They were
astonished. " But," said he, " we will have a praise meet-
ing." At the close of the meeting one elder came to
another one : " What's he going to give up the prayer
meeting for ? Has he consulted you about it ? " " No."
" Well," replied the former, "that's a very serious matter ;
what is the meaning of a praise meeting ? " They had
been going along without any praise meeting, and they did
not know what a praise meeting meant. They went to ask
him, but he wouldn't tell them, but said to wait till Friday-
night, and then they would see. They began to talk about
it, and out of curiosity a great many came to see what it
was. The young minister read some of those good old
psalms. " Now," said he " if you can think of anything in
your past life that you have received from God, praise God
for it. You have been asking God j:or everything, and it
chills the church through. Now if you can think of any
benefits you have received, praise God for them." They
began to think, and they found they had a good many
things to praise God for. One man got up and praised
God for a praying mother, who had led him to Christ.
Another man got up and praised God for the Bible. Another
praised God for this and that, and the result was that when
the meeting was over, instead of getting up and walking
out they stopped, and shook hands with one another and
spoke to one another, and said, " I believe we are going
to have a revival." My friends, if we don't thank God for
what He has done for us, and be full of joy and gladness,
the world will not come to Christ. Would to God that we
had a praise church all over Christendom. Let Christ's
name be in the churches. Let them praise Him for what
He has done, and the world will come. Let the world
know that this is the name in which we trust, that this is
the name we speak well of ; and when His disciples begin
to do this, then the world will realize the goodness of His
gospel. Thank God, the people of Chicago begin to talk
about Christ ; and if we can get men to talk about Christ
in the steam cars, in the places of business, in the horse
cars, in the streets — if we can get them to talk about Christ
and His loveliness, it won't be long before thousands are
converted in a day. May God bewaken up the Christians
to praise Him for what He has done. Did you ever stop
to think that the heart of man is the only thing that does
not praise the Lord. The heavens declare His glory j the
sun praises Him ; the moon and stars praise Him. As the
rain falls from heaven it praises God ; all nature praises
God ; the very dumb creatures give Him praise, and it is
only the heart of man that won't praise Him. Oh, how-
deceitful is the heart of man. He who gets the most tem-
poral blessings is the man that praises God least. A man
may be thankful for those blessings, yet he does not praise
Him. In fact, I don't believe that any man can praise
God till he is born of God. You may be thankful for His
blessings, but praising Him is another thing ; praise is the
occupation of heaven. Those people who do not praise
God here, I don't know what they will do when they get into
heaven ; they will be strangely out of place there, because
that is the occupation of heaven. The redeemed praise
Him all the time. There was a little boy converted, and he
was full of praise. When God converts man or boy His
heart is full of joy — can't help praising. His father was a
professed Christian. The boy wondered why he didn't
talk about Christ, and didn't go down to the special meet-
ings. One day, as the father was reading the papers, the
boy came to him and put his hand on his shoulder and
said : " Why don't you praise God ? Why don't you sing
about Christ ? Why don't you go down to these meetings
that are being held ? " The father opened his eyes, and
looked at him and said, gruffly : " I am not carried away
with any of those doctrines, I am established." A few
days after they were out getting a load of wood. They put
it on the cart. The father and the boy got on top of the
load and tried to get the horse to go. They used the
whip, but the horse wouldn't move. They got off and
tried to roll the wagon along, but they could neither move
wagon or horse. " I wonder what's the matter ? " said the
father, " He's established," replied the boy. You may
laugh at that, but this is the way with a good many
Christians. The reason is that they are not born of God,
or else they have got so far away that they don't exactly
know where they are. Now, if we are really born of God,
if our heart is really filled with the spirit of God, we can-
not help praising Him. I pity the Christian that has no
praise in his heart. You are living a life of formalism —
you are living on doctrines. You haven't got Christ in
your soul if you don't praise Him. Now, that ought to be
the text. Ask yourself have you praised God this peace-
ful day of thanksgiving. You say, " Oh, yes, I've thanked
Him." But have you spoken well of Christ ? Have you
spoken well of what He has done ? Have you sung,
" Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! " for these six months or a year,
for this is what they sing in Heaven. If a man is born of
God he can't help praising God. Fill this building with
young converts and see how they will sing, " Oh ! happy
day, happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away." They
cannot hear such songs without praising God. The first
impulse of a young convert is to praise, and if he don't
feel like praising the God who saved him, it is a true sign
that he hasn't been converted by the grace of God ; he has
been born to some creed or profession, some man or some
church, and not to the loving Son of God, because when
Christ comes into the heart He brings joy. Now, take a
servant of the devil, he don't praise. Fill this building
full of unregenerated men, and try to get them to sing
praises. You can't do it ; their mouths are sealed ; there
is no praise in their heart. But you get this building filled
with men with the Lord Jesus Christ in their hearts, they
cannot help praising Him. How can a man, whose mas-
ter is the devil, praise him ? Have you ever heard a man
rejoice in his service ? I never heard one.
Now a great many of you say, "It is all very well for
him to stand up there and talk about praise. If I was in a
comfortable condition, good health, and everything I
wanted, like a good many others I see, I would praise
God.'' It is circumstances with a good many, but I have
found people who were poor in this world's goods, in bad
health, and yet continually praising God. I can take you
to a poor burdened one, who has not been off her bed for
ten years, and yet she praises Him more than hundreds of
thousands of Christians. Her chamber seems to be just
the ante-room of heaven. It seems as if that woman had
just all the secrets of heaven. Her soul is full of the love
of God, full of gladness, and she is poor. Like Elijah at
the brook of Cherith, she is just fed by the Almighty ;
God provides for all her wants. Any man who knows
God can trust Him and praise Him. He knows that the
word of God is true, for he knows that He will care for
him. He who cares for the lilies of the field, He, without
whose knowledge not a sparrow can fall to the ground, - He
who knows every hair of our heads. Any man who knows
this, cannot he rejoice? Is there anyone here, who,
although he is poor, can find no reason to praise God?
Some of those Christians who are so poor, but who have
the love of God, would not give up their place for that of
princes. Now my experience is that a man who lives
nearest to God praises Him most, whether he is rich or
poor. The nearer he gets to heaven, the more he praises
Him. The man who is furthest from God praises Him
least. Now, if -there is any Christian here who cannot
praise God, there is something between him and God, and
take my advice and have it removed before you go to bed
to-night. What the world wants is joyful Christianity, and
if we have not that, we are not going to see a saved world.
A backslider cannot see God. Fill this building with
backsliders and see if they will sing praises. That prod-
igal off there in that foreign land would sing strangely :
"Rock of ages, cleft for me." Men astray from God
cannot praise. Do you think that Peter, when he had
denied Christ, could sing a song of praise to Him ? The
moment a man turns his back on God there is no praise.
I think that is the reason there are so many quartet choirs
in the churches. The people cannot sing themselves, and
they have to hire people to sing for them, give them $4,000
or $5,000 per year, to sing the songs of praises. Look at
a church filled with the children of God. The moment a
minister gives out the song, their hearts burst with praise ;
they don't want anybody to sing for them. If they can't
sing with their mouths, songs will bubble out of their
hearts, but when a man is backslidden he wants artistic
sounds, wants fine music to touch his ears, don't want it to
affect his heart. Now, Israel could not sing there in
Egypt when they were making bricks with straw ; they
could not sing with the crack of the slave-driver's whip in
their ears, but when they got through the Red Sea, they
struck up the song of redemption, and when a man is
redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ he cannot
help praising God. Do you know, I believe the devil is
very wise in this. He don't want a singing church, he
don't want a praise church. If we have a praise church, a
singing church, he knows there will be a good many join-
ing us. He knows that is the native air of heaven, and
the moment a child is born in heaven he catches the en-
thusiasm. I am told that once during a campaign the
general of an army forbade the playing of the soldiers'
native airs, because it made them so homesick and des-
pondent that they could not fight. So when we hear the
songs of Zion we are weaned from this world and want to
go home. We feel that we are pilgrims and strangers here
and we have a better world yonder.
Now, how is it that the church does not praise God
more ? I tell you I think it is very plain. The trouble is
we have got settled down 'and gone to sleep. I never
heard of a bird that sung in its nest, and I don't believe
that any man ever did, and when a church gets settled
down it goes to sleep. It is when the bird is on the wing
that it sings ; and so it is when the church is up, it
sings songs of praise. And it can sing in the dark;
a nightingale can sing in the dark. Paul and Silas in the
darkness of that Philippian jail sung songs of praise.
When they put them into that jail Almighty God was with
them. You know when Joseph went down to Egypt, how
God was with him. When they put him in prison they
had to lock God Almighty up with him, and Joseph sung
songs of praise. But, my friends, if we are down in
Egypt and have turned our backs on God, and been taken
captive, we are dumb. It is only when we have been true
to God that we can sing in the darkness. Now I am told
that an English lark never sings when coming down ; only
when mounting up. That may be true or not, but when a
church is coming down, it is not a praise church. When
mounting up, and it knows it is coming nearer and nearer
to God, it is full of praise. It cannot help it. When the
lark is mounting up, up, up, when it is nearly out of sight
so that you can scarcely see it, it sings sweetest. And so
when the Christian is rising up near to Christ, so that you
cannot see him, he gives out the sweetest notes of praise
from his heart.
Now, I can imagine some of you saying. " I have got a
good many things going against me : I've got a good many
reasons for not praising God. I find there is no reason in
the world why you should not praise God. If we have
troubles, if we have sorrows or afflictions, we have brought
them upon ourselves. They are only to wean us to God.
Every good gift that we have had from the cradle up has
come from God. If a man just stops to think what he has
to praise God for, he will find there is enough to keep him
singing praises for a week. As the flakes of snow come
down from the heavens He showers His blessings upon us,
and if we praise Him for them He will bless us more
abundantly. Now, there are people always praising. If
you are sick it is like good medicine to see them. Then
there are other people always looking on the dark side.
There was a man converted here some years ago, and he
was just full of praise. He was living in the light all the
time. We might be in the darkness, but he was always in
the light. , He used to preface everything he said in the
meeting with "'praise God." One night he came to the
meeting with his finger all bound up. He had cut it, and
cut it pretty bad, too. Well, I wondered how he would
praise God for this ; but he got up and said: " I have cut
my finger, but, praise God, I didn't cut it off." And
so, if things go against 'you, just think they might be
a good deal worse. A soldier who came from the war
always used to say he could tell when a Christian address-
ed a soldier. One man would say, " You lost your leg.
Where did you lose it? " " In the army." " What a pity
you ever went into the war," he would reply. " I feel sorry
for you." Another would come along. " You've lost an
arm ; have you been in the army ? " " Yes." " Well, that
is a pity ; but, bless God, you didn't lose the other arm."
There was a man on the North Side, and I never came out
of his house without praising God. He was deaf, he was
dumb, blind, and had the lockjaw. He had a hole in
his tooth, and all the food he took was put through that
hole. My friend, do you ever thank God for your senses ?
Do you ever thank God for your eyes, by which you can
read His Word ? Think of the three millions of people in
this world who haven't any sight at all. Hundreds of thou-
sands of them never saw the mother that gave them birth ;
never saw their own offspring ; never saw nature in all its
glory ; never saw that beautiful sun and all the stars. Do
you ever praise God for the ears by which you can hear
the voice of man, by which you hear the gospel preached,
by which you hear the songs of Zion ? Did you ever praise
Him for your hearing and for your reason ? Go down to
yonder madhouse. I never come out of it without feeling
full of praise to God. There you will find fathers and
mothers and children without the light of reason. Now,
my friends, let us praise God we have a home in this gos-
pel land. Let us praise God for this blessed Bible. Let
us praise God for the gift of His only Son. Let us praise
Him that He gave up that Son freely for u§ all. Let us
praise Him to-night for the love of His Son, and let us go
out of this building with our hearts full of joy.
You will find my text to-night in one short word,
" Tekel," meaning : "Thou art weighed in the balance and
art found wanting." In the fifth chapter of Daniel we read
the history of the King Belshazzar. It is very short. Only
one chapter tells us all we know about him. One short
sight of his career is all we see. He just seems to burst
upon the stage and then disappears. We are told that he
gave a great feast, and at this feast he had 1,000 of his
lords, and they were drinking and praising the gods of sil-
ver, of gold, of brass, of iron, and of wood, out of the ves-
sels which had been brought from the temple at Jerusalem.
As they were drinking out of these vessels of gold and sil-
ver from the house of God, — I don't know but what it was
at the midnight hour, all at once came forth the fingers of
a man's hand and began to write upon the wall of the hall.
The king turns deathly pale, his knees shake together, and
he trembles from head to foot. Perhaps if some one had
told him the time was coming when he would be put into
the balance and weighed he would have laughed at him.
But he knows the vital hour has come, and that hand has
written his doom in the words " Mene, mene, tekel, uphar-
sin." He calls the wise men of his kingdom, and the man
who can interpret this will be made the third ruler of his
kingdom, and be clothed in scarlet, and have a chain about
his neck. One after another tried, but no uncircumcised
eye could make it out. He was greatly troubled. At last
one was spoken of who had been able to interpret the
dream of his father Nebuchadnezzar. He was told if he
would send for Daniel he might interpret the writing. And
now the prophet came in and looked upon the handwrit-
ing, and told him how his father had gone against God,
and how he, Belshazzar, had gone against the Lord of
Heaven, and how his reign was finished. And this was
the writing: " Mene : God hath numbered thy kingdom
and finished it ; tekel : Thou art weighed in the balance,
and art found wanting: peres : thy kingdom is divided,
and given to the Medes and Persians. The trial is over,
the verdict is rendered, and the sentence brought out.
That very night the king was hurled from his throne.
That very night the army of Darius came tearing down the
streets, and you might have heard the clash of arms, shouts
of war, and have seen the king's blood mingling with the
wine in that banquet hall.
Now I want to call your attention to that word " tekel."
We are weighed in the balance. Now you cavil at the
word of God ; you make light when all is going well in the
hour of 5'our prosperity. But when the time of trial comes,
and we are called into judgment, it will be altogether differ-
ent. Suppose the sentence should come down from heaven
upon every man and woman in this tabernacle to be weighed
in the balance to-night, how would it be with you ? Come,
my friends, are you ready to be weighed to-night ? Not in
our own scales, but in God's balance. Suppose the scales
were dropped now from the kingdom of God ; are you
ready to step into the balance and be weighed. Are you
willing to be weighed by the law? I can imagine some of
you saying, " I wouldn't be weighed by that law (meaning
the decalogue) ; I don't believe it" Some men think we
are away beyond the Mosaic law ; we have got out of it.
Why, Christ said in the fifth chapter of Matthew : " Think
not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets ; I
am not come to destroy but to fulfil. Heaven and earth
may pass away, but my law shall never pass away ; " but
not until heaven and earth shall be removed will the word
of God be removed. Now the commandments that I read
to you to-night are as binding as ever they have been.
Many men say that we have no need of the commandments,
only the sermon on the Mount. " Think not that I am come
to destroy the law or the prophets ; I am not come to de-
stroy but to fulfil." Now, my friends, are you ready to be
weighed by the law of God — by that magic law ? What is
the first commandment ? " Thou shalt have no other Gods
but me." Are you ready to be weighed by this command-
ment ? Now, the question is, have you fulfilled, or are you
ready to fulfil, all the requirements of this law ? A great
many people say if they keep the commandments they
don't need Christ. But have you kept them ? I will admit
if you keep the commandments you can be saved by them,
but is there a man in this audience who can truly say that
he has done this ? Young lady, can you say : " I am ready
to be weighed by the law to-night? " Can you, young man ?
Now, suppose we have these commandments written upon
pieces of iron. You know when you go into a grocery store
you see them taking a weight and putting it into the scales
against what you have bought. Now, suppose the pieces
of iron as weights and the law of God written on them.
Take this first commandment, " Thou shalt have no other
God but me " upon one of the weights. Put it in one of
the scales and just step on the other. " Thou art weighed
in the balance." Is your heart set upon God to-night?
Have you no other idol ? Do you love Him above father
or mother, the wife of your bosom, your children, home or
land, wealth or pleasure ? Have you got another God be-
fore Him ? If you have, surely you are not ready to step
in and be weighed against that commandment, "Thou
shalt have no other God before me." That is the com-
mandment of God, and it is binding to-night. Then take
another. You will say there is no trouble about this one.
332 v GREAT JOY.
We might go off to other ages or other lands, and we can
find people who worship idols, but we have none here. But
how many idols have we in our hearts ? Many a man says,
" Give me money and I will give you heaven ; what care I
for all the glories and treasures of heaven ; give me treas-
sures here. I don't care for heaven. I want to be a suc-
cessful business man." They make money and business
their god. Although they don't make gods of silver and
gold, they bow before them. There are more men who
worship silver and gold in Chicago than any other god.
But take another one : " Thou shalt not take the name of
the Lord thy God in vain." Is there a swearing man ready
to put the weight into the scales and step in ? Young man,
have you been taking the name of the Lord in vain to-day?
What does he say ? " The Lord will not hold him guiltless
that taketh His name in vain." I don't believe men would
ever have been guilty of swearing unless God had told them
not to. They don't swear by their friends, by their fathers
and mothers, by their wives, by their children. But because
God has forbidden it, man wants to show how he despises
His law. " Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy
God in vain." Blasphemer, go into the scales, and see how
quick you will fly out. You will be like a feather in the
balance. A great many men think there is nothing very
serious in swearing ; they don't think there's much wrong
in it. Bear in mind that He sees something in it when He
says : " Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God
in vain." You cannot trifle with God. Some men say
they never swear except when they get angry. Suppose
you swear only once in six months, or a year — suppose you
swear once in ten years, do you think God will hold you
guiltless for that one act ? A man that swears once shows
that his heart is rebellious to God. What are you going to
do, blasphemer ? If the balances were here to-night, and
God told you to step in, what would you do ?
But take the fourth commandment : " Remember the Sab-
bath day to keep it holy." Suppose you-could see the law-
written over those walls, " Remember to keep the Sabbath-
day to keep it holy," could you say that you had observed
it ? Are you ready to be weighed by the weight, " Remem-
ber the Sabbath clay to keep it holy ? " Some of us may be
professed Christians, but do we observe the Sabbath ? If
this country falls into neglect of the observance of the Sab-
bath, it will go the way of France, Mexico and Spain.
Every nation that gives up the Sabbath must go down. It
is only a question of time with them. Look when the chil-
dren of Israel refused to obey the injunctions of the Lord
in regard to the cultivation of their land, how He took them
into bondage and kept them for seventy years to let them
know that God's land was not to be trampled under their
feet. Are you guilty or not guilty or innocent in regard to
this law : " Thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy ? " When
I was in France in 1867, I could not tell one day from
another. On Sunday stores were open, buildings were
being erected, the same as on other days. See how quick
that country went down. Only a few years ago it stood
breast to breast with other nations, it stood side by side
almost with England. But it didn't have any respect for
the Sabbath : it trampled God's message under foot, and
when the hour of battle came, God left them alone. My
friends, every nation that tramples the Sabbath under its
feet must go to ruin. Are you innocent or guilty? Do you
keep the Sabbath day holy or not ? I have been talking to
those car conductors — and if there's any class of men I
pity more than another it is them — and they have to work
on the Sabbath. Some of you are breaking this law by
coming down here on Sunday in the cars. What will you
do ? Foot it. It will be better for you. I make a point
of never allowing myself to break the Sabbath of any man.
When I was in London, and it's a pretty big city, you know,
in my ignorance I made arrangements to preach four times
at different places one Sunday. After I had made the
appointments I found I had to walk sixteen miles, and I
walked it, and I slept that night with a clear conscience.
I want no hackman to rise up in judgment against me.
My friends, if we want to help the Sabbath, let business
men and Christians never patronize cars on the Sabbath.
I would hate to own stock in those horse-car companies, to
be the means of taking the Sabbath from these men, and
have to answer for it at the day of judgment. No man can
work seven days a week and save his soul. And the very best
thing we have is being taken from these men by us Chris-
tians. Are you willing to step into the balance and be
weighed against " Thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy."
Well, there is the fifth : " Honor thy father and mother."
Are you ready to be weighed against this ? Have you hon-
ored them ? Is there anyone here to-night who is dishonor-
ing father or mother ? Now, I've lived nearly forty years,
and I've learned one thing if I've learned nothing else,
that no man or woman who treats disrespectfully father
or mother ever prospers. How many young ladies have
married against their father's wishes, and gone off and
just made their own ruin. I never knew one case that
did not turn out bad. They brought ruin upon them-
selves. This is a commandment from heaven : '• Honor
thy father and mother." In the last days men shall
be disobedient to parents, void of natural affection ; and
it seems as if we were living in those days now. How
many sons treat their mothers with contempt, make
light of their entreaties. God says, " Honor thy father
and mother." If the balances were placed in this hall
would you be ready to step into them against this com-
mandment? You may make light of it and laugh at it,
but young men, remember that God will hedge your way.
No man shall succeed that disobeys his commandment.
But bear in mind you are not going to be weighed only
against this solitary commandment — every weight will be
put in.
" Thou shalt not kill." Most of you say, " That don't
touch me at all • I never killed anyone ; I'm no murderer."
Look at that sermon on the Mount, which men think so
much of. Look at it. Did you never in your heart wish
a man dead who had done you an injury? That's murder.
How are you ? Innocent or guilty ? If you have, you are a
murderer at heart. Now, come, my friends, are you
ready to be weighed against the law ? Ah, if most ot us
were weighed to-night we would find this word written
against us : " Tekel," thou art weighed in the balance and
found wanting.
But, let us take another, " Thou shalt not commit adul-
tery." I don't know any sin that afflicts us like this. It is a
very delicate subject to approach, but I never preach without
being compelled to touch upon it. Young men among us
are being bound hand and foot with this evil. Young men,
hear this law to-night : "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
Are you guilty even in thought? How many would come
into the Tabernacle but that they are tied hand and foot, as
one has been in the halls of vice, and some harlot, whose
feet are fastened in hell, clings to him and says : " If you
give me up, I will expose you." Can you step on the scales
and take that harlot with you ? " Thou shalt not commit
adultery." You may think that no one knows your doings ;
you may think that they are all concealed ; but God knows
it. He that covers his sins shall not prosper. Out with it
to-night. Confess it to your Cod. Ask Him to snap the
fetters that bind you to this sin ; ask Him to give you vic-
tory over your passions, and shake yourself like Samson and
say, " By the grace of God I will not go down to hell with
a harlot," and God will give you power. " Thou shalt not
commit adultery." As I said the other night, I don't know
a quicker way to hell. How many men have by their lech-
el ous life broken their mothers' heart and gone down to
their grave rotten, leaving the effect of their sin to their pos-
terity ?
Well, let us take up the next. " Thou shalt not steal."
How many have been stealing to-day ! I may be speaking
to some clerk, who perhaps to-day took five cents out
of his employer's drawer to buy a cigar, perhaps he took
ten cents to get a shave, and thinks he will put it back to-
morrow ; no one will ever know it. If you have taken a
penny you are a thief. Do you ever think how those little
stealings may bring you to ruin ? Let an employer find it
out. If he don't take you into the courts, he will discharge
you. Your hopes will be blasted, and it will be hard work
to get up again. Whatever condition you are in do not
take a cent that does not belong to you. Rather than steal
go up to heaven in poverty — go up to heaven from the poor
house — and be honest rather than go through the world in
a gilded chariot of stolen riches. A man who takes money
that does not belong to him never gets any comfort. He
never has any pleasure, for he has a guilty conscience.
" Thou shalt not steal." Are you ready to be weighed to-
night in the balances ?
Then let us take the ninth commandment : "Thou shalt
not bear false witness against thy neighbor ; " or, in other
w r ords, thou shalt not be guiltv of lying. If vou had a
chance to make $200 or $300 are you not willing to go into
a court and lie to get it ? " Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbor." Are you ready to step into the
balances against this ? Then take another. "Thou shalt
not covet thy neighbor's goods." Are you innocent or
guilty ? How many times I used to covet that which be
longed to other people before I was converted. I believe
that is one of the greatest sins among us. My friends, how
is it ? innocent or guilty? But suppose you are innocent
of all these ten commandments, let us take that eleventh
commandment of Christ's : "Anew commandment I give
unto you ; thou shalt love one another." My friends, how
is it to-night ? Is love reigning in your hearts. Do you
love your neighbors ? Do you try to do them good, or are
you living a life of selfishness, merely for yourself.
Now I can imagine that nearly every man or woman is
saying to himself or herself, ■ • If we are to be judged by
these laws how are we going to be saved ? " Every one of
them has been broken by all people. The moral man is
just as guilty as the rest. There is not a moralist in Chi-
cago who, if he steps into those scales, can be saved ; " ex-
cept a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of
God." " Exceptye repent ye shall all perish." That is on one
side of the scales, and He will see on the other. " Except
ye be converted ye shall not enter the kingdom of God."
I have heard a good many pharisees saying. " These
meetings are reaching the drunkards and gamblers and har-
lots ; they are doing good ; " but they don't think they need
these meetings. They are all right : they are moral men.
" Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom
of God." I don't care how moral he is. Nicodemus was
probably one of the most moral men of his day. He was
a teacher of the law ; yet Christ said : " Except a man be
born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." I would
a good deal rather preach to thieves and drunkards and vag-
abonds, than preach to self-righteous pharisees. You don't
have to preach to those men weeks and months to convince
them that they are sinners. When a man learns that he has
need of God, and that he is a sinner, it is very easy to reach
him. But, my friends, the self-righteous Pharisee needs sal-
vation as much as any drunkard that walks the streets of
Chicago. There is another class I want to speak of. If I had
time I would just like to take up the different classes in the
city. That class is the rum-sellers. Put the rum-sellers in the
balances. They ignore God's laws, but by and by He will say
to them, " Tekel," " woe be to the man that put the bottle to
his neighbor's lips. " My friends, I would rather have that
right hand cup off before I would give the bottle to a man.
I would rather have my right arm cut off than deal out
death and damnation to my fellow-men. If any poor
drunkard here should be summoned into eternity to-night —
weighed in the balances, what would he hear? "No drunk-
ard shall inherit the kingdom of God." I can see how he
would reel and stagger when he heard that. " No drunkard
shall inherit the kingdom of heaven."
My friends, if you don't repent of your sins and ask Him
for mercy, there is no hope for you. Let me ask you to-
night to take this question home to yourself. If a summons
should come at midnight to be weighed in the balances what
will become of your souls, because the law of God must be
kept. Now there are many of you only making professions.
You belong to the first Methodist Church, or you may be a
member of a Baptist Church, but are you ready to be weigh-
ed — ready to step into these scales to-night. I think a great
many would be found like those five foolish virgins. When
the hour came they would be found with no oil in their
lamps. If there is a person here to-night who has only an
empty lamp, or is living on mere formalism, I beg of you
to give it up. Give up that dead, cold, miserable lukewarm-
ness. God will spit it out of his mouth. He will have none
of it. Wake up. Some of you have gone almost to sleep
while I have been trying to weigh you in the balances. God
will weigh you, and then if you have not Christ it will be
I can imagine some of you saying : " I would just like
Moody to put those tests to himself. I wonder what
would become of him." My dear friends, if God was
to ask me to-night I would tell Him " I am ready." I don't
say this in any spirit of egotism, of self-righteousness, re-
member. If you ask me if I have broken the law of Moses,
I would answer " Yes, sir." Ask me if I have broken the
commandments: "Yes, sir." You may ask me then how
I am ready to be weighed. If I step into the scales to-night
the Son of God will step into the scales with me. I would
not dare to go into them without Him. If I did how quick
the scales would go up. If a man has not got Christ, when
the hour comes for him to be weighed, it will be " Tekel,
tekel, tekel. How are you to night, my friend — ready to
be weighed? (pointing to one of the audience).
Answer — Yes, sir.
Mr. Moody — Have you got Christ ?
Answer — Yes, sir.
Mr. Moody — That's right. Suppose I put the question to
every man and woman in this audience. How- quick many
of them would begin to color up. Oh, my friends, if you
haven't got Him, get Him to-night. May God open your
eyes and your minds to receive Him before you leave this
Tabernacle to-night. Christ kept the law ; Christ was the
end of the law. If He had broken the law He would have
had to die for Himself ; but He kept it, and we are enabled
to be clothed in righteousness. My friends, it is the height
of madness to go out of this hall to-night and run the risk
of being called by God and have to answer without Him.
Now is the day and hour to accept salvation, and then He
will be with us. Then there will be no alarm with us. I pity
those Christian people who are afraid of death. They need
not be afraid of death if they have Him. When He is with
us it is only a translation. We are absent from the body
to be present with the Lord. Here is the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Will you be saved to-night ? If you do not, when
by-and-by God summons you into these scales, it will be
written over you : " Tekel, tekel ; thou art weighed in the
balances and art found wanting." My friends, what will
you do to-night ? Remain as you are and be lost, or accept
salvation and be saved ? Let us pray.
I want to call your attention to-night to the eight " I
wills " of Christ. Now, when we say " I will " very often it
don't mean much. My friends, I want you to pay attention to
the text. I see some of you looking after Mr. Sankey.
[Mr. Sankey moving out.] You may forget the songs
which have been sung to-night, you may forget the sermon,
but if the text gets down to your heart you will never for-
get it. The eight " I wills " of Christ. I was going to
say that a man, when he says " I will, " may not mean
much. We very often say " I will " when we don't mean
to fulfil what we say, but when we come to the " I will "
of Christ, He means to fulfil it ; everything He has prom-
ised to do He is able and willing to accomplish, and He is
going to do it. I cannot find any passage in Scripture in
which He says " I will " do this, or " I will " do that, but
it will be done. The first " I will " I want to call your at-
tention to occurs in Matthew xi. 28 : " Come unto me all ye
that labor, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and
ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and
my burden is light." Now, what is it that man wants more
than rest ? What is it that the world is in pursuit of ?
What are all the men in Chicago after if isn't rest ? What
do business men toil for it is isn't for rest? Why do men
spend their lives in hunting for wealth if it is not for rest ?
But my friends, that is not the way to get rest. A man can-
not find it in wealth : he cannot find it in pleasure. Take
the pleasure-seekers of Chicago, and ask them if they have
rest. They are like the waves of the sea, perpetually-
troubled. My friends, the man who is away from God
never knows what rest is. You can see this in their faces
— in the wrinkles of their brow. They don't know what
rest is. What does Christ say : " Come unto Me, all ye
that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
It isn't in the market for sale. How many men in Chicago
would not gladly go up to the Board of Trade to-morrow
morning, and give thousands for it if it was for sale ?
They would give thousands of dollars for it if they could
buy it. But it ain't for sale. If you get it you must take
it as a gift from Him who came from heaven to give it.
The moment a man is willing to take it as a gift it is his.
There is one thing I notice : that a man goes in every
direction, seeks every means, tries every person for rest
before he comes to the true source. He will try to get
rest in the* world, he will try to find honor in pleasure, in
politics, but he don't get it. You cannot find one of these
politicians who know what rest is ; you cannot find one of
those business men who knows what rest is unless he has
Christ. Ask any man who is after the things of the world
if he really knows what rest is, and he will answer you " no."
If you come to Christ he tells you : " I will " give it. I like
this " I will. " He means it ; and if you want rest, go to-
night and say you are weary and your soul is seeking rest,
and He will give it. He will give it without price. Take
it. " O man, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is
thine help." In Him is your help and in him will you find
rest. If there is a poor, mangled one here, come to Christ
to-night and confess to Him. Come to Christ and He will
take your burden away and put it behind His back, and
He will give that weary soul rest. Now, just test it to-
night. Let every one who is weary and heavy-laden come
to Him to-night.
The next " I will " is in John, sixth chapter : " Him that
cometh to me I will in nowise cast out." That is as broad
as the world itself. It takes that man in the gallery yon-
der • it may be there is a poor, afflicted one hidden behind
that post, it takes him ; it just sweeps around this building,
taking rich and poor alike — " He that cometh to me I will
in nowise cast out." He is so anxious to save sinners He
will take every one who comes. He will take those who
are so full of sin that they are despised by all who know
them ; who have been rejected by their fathers and mothers,
who have been cast off by the wives of their bosoms. He
will take those who have sunk so low that upon them no
eye of pity is cast. " Him that cometh to me I will in no-
wise cast out." Now, why not take Him at His word ? I
remember a few years ago a man in Farwell Hall was
greatly troubled about his soul. "Now," said I, "take
that verse ; what does the Lord mean when He says, ' Him
that cometh to me I will in nowise cast out.' When He
says that He means it." The man replied, " I will just
take Him at His word." He started home, and while going
over the Clark Street bridge, something whispered to him :
" How do you know but that is a wrong translation ? " He
was just laying right hold of it when this was whispered to
him. The poor fellow didn't sleep any that night. He
was greatly troubled, but at last he made up his mind
that he would just believe it, and when he got to the Lamb
of God he would tell Him of it, and the devil left him.
Now, my friends, just take it. Some men say ; " I am not
worthy to come." I never knew a man yet to go to church
that was worthy. Why, he does not profess to save
worthy men ; He saves sinners. As a man said in
the inquiry-room : He didn't come to save make-believe
sinners — painted sinners, but real sinners. A man don't
want to draw his filthy rags of self-righteousness about
him when he comes to Him. The only thing a sinner has
Hat God wants is his sin. You need not bring your tears,
your prayers, your good works, or deeds * you must come
to Him as a sinner, and He will clothe you in a garment
fit to come before him. Now the kings of this earth call
around them the wealthy and influential men of their king-
dom, but when Christ came down here he called the out-
casts, the publicans, and sinners around Him. And that
was the principal fault the people found with Him. Those
self-righteous Pharisees were not going to associate with
harlots and publicans. The principal charge against him
was : "This man receiveth sinners and eateth with them."
Who would have such a man around him as John Bunyan
in his time. He, a Bedford tinker, why he couldn't get
inside one of the princely castles. I was very much amused
when I was over on the other side. They had erected a
monument to John Bunyan, and it was unveiled by lords
and dukes and great men. Why, while he was on earth
they wouldn't allow him inside the walls of their castles.
Yet he was made one of the mightiest instruments in the
spread of the gospel ; no book that has ever been written
comes so near the Bible as John Bunyan's " Pilgrim's
Progress." And he was a poor Bedford tinker. So it is
with God. He picks up some poor, lost tramp, and makes
him an instrument to turn hundreds and thousands to
Christ. It is a question whether in all Chicago there is
a man who is exercising such an influence for good as this
man Sawyer. Four years ago he was a tramp ; he had
been cast off by his own mother, by his own sisters, by his
wife, and he hadn't seen his own son for fifteen years.
Then he was a lost man. Cast off by every one, but the
Son of God stooped low enough to save him. I doubt, as
I said before, whether there is a man who has so much in-
fluence as that man has to-day. "Him that cometh to Me
I will in nowise cast out." Is there some poor outcast
some poor tramp, here to-night ? I've got a good message
for you. May be you are hiding awaty behind that post —
I've got a good message for you, the best message you
you ever heard : " Him that cometh to Me I will in nowise
cast out." Come all — just as you are. Don't wait. He
will take you as you sit into His loving bosom ; He will
make you a champion of the cross, and you will become an
instrument in His hand to build up His kingdom. Thank
God for such a book ; thank God for such a gospel — thank
the God of heaven for such a text : " Him that cometh to
Me I will in nowise cast out."
The next " I will " is found in Luke. We are told of a
man who was full^of leprosy ; he was just rotten with it.
Perhaps his fingers had rotted off ; it might have been that
his nose was eaten off. That is the way leprosy affects a
man. Well, there is a man full of leprosy, and he comes
to Christ just as he was. A good many people, if they
had been in his place, would have waited till they got a
little better before they came before Him ; but this man
wanted to get the leprosy away. If he had waited to see
if he got better there would have been no sense in it. A
man might as well, if he had a sick child, say, " When it
gets better I will send for the doctor." It is because your
child is sick that you want the doctor. It is because this
man had the leprosy that he wanted Christ. The leper
came to Him and said : " Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst
make me clean." There is faith for you ; and the Lord
touched him, saying, " I will ; be thou clean," and away
went the leprosy as if it had been struck by lightning. I
have oftened wondered if he ever turned around to see
where it had gone ; no doubt, like Naaman, his flesh
became as the flesh of a little child. He didn't wait to see
wmether the leprosy would improve, because he was con-
vinced it was growing worse and worse every day. So it is
with you. You will never have a night so favorable
for coming to Christ as this one. If you put off till to-
morrow your sins will have become more numerous. If
you wait till Sunday next a whole week's sins will be built
upon those you have already. Therefore, the sooner you
come the fewer sins you will have to be forgiven. Come to
Him to-night. If you say to Him, " Lord, I am full of sin
Thou canst make me clean;" "Lord, I have a terrible
temper — Thou canst make me clean ; " " Lord, I have a
deceitful heart — cleanse me, O God ; give me a new heart,
O God ; give me the power to overcome the flesh and the
snares of the devil ! " — if you come to Him with a sincere
spirit you will hear the voice, " I will ; be thou clean.'' It
will be done. Do you think that the God who created the
world out of nothing, who by a breath put life into the
world — do you think that if He says " Thou wilt be clean,"
you will not ? A great many people say ; " If I become
converted, I am afraid I will not hold out." Why, don't
you see that we cannot serve God with our own strength.
When we accept Him He gives us strength to serve Him.
W 7 hen He has taken away the leprosy of sin it is easy to
live for Him. And I want to call your attention to the
fact that even if you are bad He don't care. It may be
that some one here has disgraced his or her father or mother ;
it may be that they have disgraced every friend they ever
had, and that they just despise themselves. Come to Him
and He will cleanse you. It is to you I am speaking to-
night. He can save you to the uttermost.
The next " I will " I want to call your attention to is the
" I will " of confession in Matthew ; " Whosoever, there-
fore, shall confess me before men, him will I confess also
before my Father which is in Heaven." Let me say right
here that this is the very verse up to which men in Chicago
have come. Men come to me and say : " Do you mean to
affirm, Mr. Moody, that I've got to make a public confes-
sion when I accept Christ ; do you mean to say I've got to
confess Him in my place of business ; in my family ; am I
to let the whole world know that I am on His side ? " A
great many are willing to accept Christ, but they are not
willing to publish it, to confess it. A great many are look-
ing at the lions and the bears in the mountains. Now, my
friends, the devil's mountains are only made of smoke.
Why, he can throw a straw into your path and make a
mountain of it. He says to you : " You cannot confess and
pray to your family ; why, you'll break down. You cannot
tell it to your shopmate ; he will laugh at you." But when
you accept Him you will have power to confess Him. He
has said : " If any man will come after Me let him deny
himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." It is the
way to heaven — by the way of the cross, and I believe in
my soul that more men are stumbling upon this verse than
upon any other. They are willing to do everthing neces-
sary except take up the cross and follow Him. Now, let
me read this verse again : " Whosoever, therefore, shall
confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My
Father, which is in heaven." When I was in London there
was a leading doctor in that city upwards of seventy years
of age, wrote me a note to come and see him privately about
his soul. He was living at a country seat a little way out
of London, and he only came into town two or three times
a week. He was wealthy and was nearly retired. I re-
ceived the note right in the midst of the London work, and
told him I could not see him. I received a note a day or
two after from a member of his family urging me to come.
The letter said his wife had been praying for him for fifty
years, and all the children had become Christians by her
prayers. She had prayed for him all those years, but no
impression had been made upon him. Upon his desk they
had found the letter from me, and they came up to London
to see what it meant, and I said I would see him. When
we met I asked him if he wanted to become a Christian,
and he seemed every way willing, but when it came to con-
fession to his family he halted. " I tell you," said he, " I
cannot do that ; my life has been such that I would not
like to confess before my family." " Now there is the
point ; if you are not willing to confess Christ He will not
confess you ; you cannot be His disciple." We talked for
some time, and he accepted. I found that while I had
been in one room the daughter and some friends, anxious
for the salvation of that aged parent, were in the other
room praying to God, and when he started out, willing to
go home and confess Christ, I opened the door of the
other room, not knowing the daughter was there, and the
first words she said were : " Is my father saved ? " " Yes,
I think he is," I answered, and ran down to the front door
and called him back. " Your daughter is here," I said ;
"this is the time to commence your confession." The
father, with tears trickling down his cheeks, embraced his
child. "My dear daughter, I have accepted Christ," and
a great flood of light broke upon him at that confession.
A great many here in Chicago are ashamed to come out
and take their stand for Christ. If you want peace and
joy my friends, you must be willing to confess. I am told
that in China the height of a Chinaman's ambition is to
have his name put in the house of Confucius. He must
have performed some great act of valor or done the State
some great service before he can have his name there.
That is the highest point of a Chinaman's ambition. It
ought to be the height of our ambition to have our name
registered in heaven and have Christ to confess us in the
courts of heaven. How excited we used to be during the
war when some general did something extraordinary, and
some one got up in Congress to confess his exploits.
How the papers used to talk about it. If we come out
for Christ here *He will confess us in heaven before the
Throne and the angels. May God help you to confess
Him to-night.
Another " I will " — to me a very precious " I will " —
was given to those early fishermen. He said : " If you
will follow Me I will make you fishers of men." That is
the " I will " of service. I pity those Christians from the
very depth of my heart, who have only made a profession
of religion, and stopped there. My friends, they don't have
the joy of salvation. I tell you the only happy Christians
are those who are fishers of men. If a man be a true
Christian he wins souls. He cannot help it, for He says,
"If you will follow Me I will make you fishers of men."
Peter caught more men at Pentecost than he ever caught
fish in his nets. I have often thought of the remark one
of the disciples made to Him as they were standing to-
gether one day: " Lord, we have left all to follow Thee."
What did they leave ? A few old fishing boats and broken
nets. They were looking to those they had left behind, and
a great many people here are looking to what they will leave
if they serve Him. It is not necessary to leave the things
of this life when you follow Him. It is not necessary to
give up your business, if it's a legitimate one, in order to
accept Christ. But you musn't set your heart on the old
nets by a good deal. Now, my friend, if you want to be a
religious Christian, follow Him fully. No man follows
Christ and ever regrets it, and the nearer we get to Him the
more useful we become. Then we will save men. It seems
to me after I am dead and gone I would rather have a
man to come to my grave and drop a tear and say, " Here
lies the man who converted me ; who brought me to the
cross of Christ " — it seems to me I would rather have this
than a column of pure gold reaching to the skies built in my
honor. If a man wants to be useful follow Him. You will
succeed if you follow Him. Whenever you find a man who
follows Christ that man you will find a successful one. He
don't need to be a preacher, he don't need to be an evan-
gelist to be useful. They may be useful in business. See
what power an employer has if he likes. How he could
labor with his employes and in his business relations.
Often a man can be far more useful - in a business sphere
than he could in another. If we want to spend a life of
usefulness, accept Him, and He will make you fishers of
men." Young man, don't you want to win souls to Christ?
Well, then, just follow Him. " You follow Me, and I will
make you fishers of men."
The next " I will," a very precious one, is: "I will not
leave you comfortless " down here in this dark world.
Now some people think they have a very hard battle be-
fore them when they accept Him. A lady came to me
lately and said, " I am the only one of my family, who is a
Christian; and I feel lonely. "Why," said I, " Christ is
with you ; if you have got an elder sitting at the right hand
of God what more do you want ? " Oh, this precious " I
will ; " this comfort and joy, " I will be with you to the end
of the world ; " "I will never forsake you." You may take
comfort to-night. He will be with you always. You may
not see Him with the eye of flesh, but you will see Him by
the eye of faith.
The next " I will " is found in the fourth chapter of
John : " I will raise him up at the last day." These
bodies of ours are going down to the grave, but they are
not going to lie there long: the Son of God will wake it up.
When He was here He raised up three bodies, and let me
say to you, young children, that the first one He raised was
a little child. Ah, there will be many little children there,
" for of such is the kingdom of heaven." He gave us three
instances. The first was the little girl. When the people
heard He had raised up some one from the dead they
thought it was a mistake. She wasn't dead ; only asleep ;
it wasn't a real miracle. The next one was a young man.
" Oh no," they thought, " That's no miracle ; if they had
left him alone he'd have awoke ; he was only asleep." But
the next case that came along was that of Lazarus, and
Matthew tells us he had been dead four days — had been
laid away in the sepulcher, and the Son of God merely
said : " Lazarus, come forth." Now, I like a religion that
gives me such comfort, that when I lay away any loved one
in the grave, I know they will by and by hear the voice
of the Son of God calling them forth. I used to wonder
how Christians had so much comfort in affliction, and used
to question whether I could have as much ; but I have
learned that God gives us comfort when we need it. A few
weeks ago I stood at the grave of a man I loved more than
any one on earth, except my wife and family. As he was
laid down in the narrow bed and the earth dropped upon
the coffin-lid, it seemed as if a voice came to me, saying :
" He will rise again." I like a religion by which we can
go to the grave of our loved ones and feel that they will
rise again : I like a religion that tells us although we sow
them in corruption they will rise incorruptible, that although
we sow them in weakness they will rise in power and glory
and ascend to the kingdom of light. This is the comfort
for Christians. Thank God for this : " I will not leave you
" I will that they may be with Me " is the sweetest of
all. The thought that I will see Him in His beauty ; the
thought that I will meet Him there, that I will spend
eternity with Him, is the sweetest of them all. This last
week we had Thanksgiving day. How many families
gathered together, perhaps the first time in many years,
and the thought would come stealing over some of them,
who will be the first to break the circle ? Perhaps many of
these circles of friends will never meet again. Thank God
yonder the circles shall never be broken — when the fathers
and mothers and children gather around Him in those
mansions into which death never enters, where sickness
and sorrow never enter through yon pearly gates. Oh,
thank God for this blessed religion — thank God for the
blessed Christ; thank God for those blessed eight "I
wills " — " Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy-
laden, and I will give you rest ;" " Him that cometh unto
Me I will in no wise cast out ; " " Whosoever therefore
shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before
My Father which is in heaven ; " " If you will follow Me I
will make you fishers of men ; " " I will, be thou clean ; "
" I will not leave you comfortless ; " "I will that Thou
may be with Me." May God bless every soul in this build-
ing to-night, and bring you to the cross.
I am going to ask our friends if they will please turn in
their Bibles to the fourth chapter of John, and the seven-
teenth verse : " And there was delivered unto Him the
book of the prophet Isaiah, and when He had opened the
book He found the place where it was written : The Spirit
of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to
preach the gospel to the poor ; He hath sent me to heal
the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives,
and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them
that are bound; to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
And He closed the book and He gave it again to the .
minister and sat down. And the eyes of all of them
that were in the synagogue were fastened on Him. And
He began to say unto them, This day is the Scripture ful-
filled in your ears." I suppose our friends have noticed
in reading the life of the Lord Jesus Christ that never
when He was down on earth do we read about Him taking
a copy of the Scriptures in His hands except in this syna-
gogue. I have no doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ knew
the Scriptures from beginning to end, so that He did not
require to take them up to find a passage. Here for the
first and for the last time do we read about Him taking
them in His hands. It was a prophecy he took up, and
that prophecy was the book of Isaiah. We are told in
Luke that the Lord Jesus Christ found a certain place. I
suppose that means that He searched for a certain passage
of Scripture which declared His mission to the children of
men. He might have preached from any single text in
that wonderful book ; if He had liked He could have told
His message without any reference to that wonderful book ;
but He turned to the place and read : " The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach
the gospel ; He hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of
sight to the. blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised."
You know that eighteen hundred years ago books were
not printed as they are to-day. These books were written
on parchment and put on rollers, and the Lord Jesus
Christ had to unroll these parchments before He came to
the passage, saying : " The Spirit of the Lord is upon
Me." I have often tried to imagine what thoughts
passed through His mind as His blessed eye rested upon
passage after passage of that book. He might have point-
ed to that passage : " I have nourished and brought up
children and they have rebelled against me. The ox
knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib, but Israel
doth not know," but the Lord passed that by. He might
have turned to a passage in the same chapter : " From the
sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness
in it, but wounds and bruises and putrifying sores ; they
have been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with
ointment," but he passed that by. He might have turned
to that wonderful passage in the ninth chapter : " For unto
us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the govern-
ment shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be
called wonderful Counsellor, the mighty God, the Ever-
lasting Father, the Prince of Peace ; " but Jesus passed
that by. He did not want to read about the divinity ; He
came into that synagogue to read about the mission to
sinners : " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me." He might
have read that sweet passage, " though Thou wert angry
with me Thine anger is turned away, and Thou comfortest
me." Jesus didn't need that — the cross had not yet had
its victim. He might have turned to that sweet thirty-
second chapter : " And a man shall be as a hiding-place
from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of
water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a
weary land," but he just passed that by. He ought to
have opened the book at that thirty-fifth chapter, where it
speaks about water breaking out in the wilderness and the
desert blooming, but the millenium had not come yet.
Without Calvary there could be no millenium. So He
turned to the passage which says : " The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me." I wonder how those men would have felt
had he read : " He was despised and rejected of men — a
man of sorrows." He did not tell them how they treated
Him ; He merely turned to the passage which spoke of
His mission.
And in that synagogue, on that Sabbath day, beloved
friends, there was not a human heart any different from
yours. They loved to hear good news or glad tidings, and
I am sure there is not one here to-night, rich or poor, high
or low, but likes to hear glad tidings. In Ireland, a man
used to live opposite to where I was living, and when a
man would come from the market with something that had
been ordered he would ring the bell, and stand waiting for
five or six minutes before any servant would come to the
door. Sometimes ladies and gentlemen would come up
and stand waiting for the door to be opened ; but I always
noticed one thing. Whenever the postman would come
and give his double knock, that moment three or four of
them would come to the door. Sometimes the master and
mistress of the house themselves would run to the door to
get what they thought good news. You know you never
keep the postman at the door. Everybody is fond of good
news — -of glad tidings. Previous to my coming across to
this great country of yours, I was holding meetings in
London. I took my ticket from there to Manchester to
bid some friends good-bye. When I got to the railway
carriage I saw little groups of boys around two little fel-
lows. Their coats were threadbare, with patches here and
there carefully covering up the holes. Some good mother,
it was evident, too poor to send them away in fine style,
was trying to make them as neat as she could. The boys
belonged to a Sunday school in London, and the group
around them was their schoolmates, who had come down
to bid them good-bye. They shook hands, and then their
Sunday school teacher did the same, and wished them God-
speed. After that their minister came and took them by
the hand and breathed a prayer that they would be blessed.
When they all had bade the boys good-bye, a poor widow
came up and put her arms around the companion of her
son. Perhaps he had no mother, and she kissed him for
his mother and wished him good-bye. Then she put her
arms around the neck of the other boy, and put his arms
around her, and she began to weep. " Don't cry, mother,"
said the boy : " don't cry ; I'll soon be in America, and I'll
save money, and soon send for you to come out to me ;
I'll have you out with me. Don't cry." He stepped into
the carriage, the steam was turned on, and the train was
in motion when he put his head out of the window and
cried : " Farewell, dear mother ;" and the mother's prayer
went out : "God bless my boy ; God bless my boy." Don't
you think that when they came to America and sent the
first letter to England that mother would run quickly to
the door when the postman came with that letter. How
quick that mother would take that letter and break the
seal. She wants to hear good news. There is not one
here to-night who has not a message of good news, of glad
tidings — better news than was ever received by a mother
in England from a son in America, or from a mother in
England by a son in America. It is glad tidings from a
loving Saviour — glad tidings of great joy. He says : " The
Spirit of the Lord is upon me " to preach good news. That
is what brought the Saviour down from glory — to preach
glad tidings.
But, mark you, it is to the poor — not the poor in pocket.
God never looks into a bank-book ; He never looks into
your purse to see whether you are rich or poor : He looks
into the sinner's heart, and if that sinner has nothing — no
deeds, no prayers, no tears, then the Son of God comes
from heaven to that poor soul: "The Spirit of the Lord
is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the
gospel to the poor." On Friday night, in a certain place
where I was, two or three ladies were talking about the
Bible. One lady said to another: "I saw some of my
friends reading the Bible, and they were looking so glum
and melancholy." Turning round to me she said : " I
don't think people should be melancholy when they read
the Bible; do you, Mr. Moody?" "Well," I replied, "it
depends upon the kind of people who read the Bible ; if
they are unsaved sinners they will." " But," she asked,
" tell me why." " Because that book is the death-warrant
of an unsaved sinner ; but if a man knows that he is lost,
that he is guilty and condemned, and he comes to the
Saviour, then the Bible is not a death-warrant." It is a
reprieve — it is a pardon — it is good news, glad tidings, and
every man here to-night who is unsaved, ought to be sad
when he reads his death-warrant ; and that is the reason
why people unsaved do not like to read this book. When
we believe, we hear the good news that comes to us in the
cry from Calvary : " It is finished ! " That is the news.
" It is finished ! " That is not bad news — that is not our
death-warrant — that is my pardon — that is my peace — my
justification. Jesus finished that work, and He finished
that work for me. It is good news and glad tidings to the
sinner, and there is not a little child in this hall to-night
but can understand it, if they take it as God gives it in
this book. It is not long ago, it just seems the other day,
when my dear friend Dr. Mathieson, now in heaven, told
me he was preaching the Gospel in Scotland, and a minis-
ter told him he had in his congregation a little idiot boy.
He did not know what to do with him ; he had spoken to
him many times, but the boy always said : " Ye maun wait
till a' come to ye, and when a' come I'll sing ye a sang an'
tell ye a story ; but ye maun wait till a' come to ye." The
minister heard that the boy was dying, and he went to him
and said : " Sandy, you promised me that you would sing
me a song and tell me a story before you died ; will you
tell it now ? " " Yes, minister," replied the boy — " Three
in ane an' ane in three, an' Jesus Christ he died for me ;
that's a'." " Three in one and one in three, and Jesus
Christ he died for me." I tell you I would rather be a
poor idiot and know that than be one of the mightiest and
so-called wisest men in the city of Chicago, and not believe
that Jesus took my place and died for me on Calvary's
cross. That gospel's very simple ; it is very easy to un-
derstand. Here am I, a poor sinner, and God has said,
" The soul that sinneth shall die ; " but God so loved that
sinner that He don't want him to die. He had a Son whom
he sent from heaven to Calvary to die on that cross on
purpose to put away our sin. Now I believe, and my sins
are put away, and I am saved. Do you want to be saved
to-night ? Jesus' blood was shed for you ; He put away
sin by the sacrifice of Himself. What must I do to be
saved ? Believe. How can believing save me ? Jesus
died to save. It is not my believing that puts away my
sin ; it is my belief that accepts Christ as my Saviour, and
the moment I believe on Him, I know that eighteen hun-
dred years ago he bled and died on purpose to give me
everlasting life. How can I know that I can be saved to-
night ? That dear young man in the gallery yonder —
" Can I know I can be saved to-night ? " Yes. That dear
mother over there — " Can I know I can be saved to-night ?*'
Yes. That dear father here — " Can I know I can be saved
to-night ? " Yes, before you leave your seat and go into
the inquiry-room, if you believe He took your place and
sent the message to you. On Thanksgiving night there
was a young lady in the inquiry-room, who came to me,
" Oh," said she, " will you tell me what you mean by know-
ing that you are saved ? " She said she was a member of
a church and loved the Saviour, but didn't know that she
was saved. " Will you come and sit down here, and open
your Bible at the fifth chapter of St. John, and read the
twenty-fourth verse ? " She turned and read : " Verily,
verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word and be-
lieveth in Him that sent me " — " Now, I spell the next
word, 'H-a-t-h.'" "That's not hope," I said, "That's
hath ; " and she turned to me, a smile lighting up her face
through her tears, and said : " That is to have everlasting
life." " Are you saved now ? " I asked. " Yes." " How
do you know ? " " Because," she replied, " I said so ; that
is how I know." We tell you to-night, in the Master's
name, you can be saved here if you are guilty — if you have
nothing to give to God — for He came to preach the Gospel
to the poor. Some of you say, " Mustn't I repent for
a week or two — must I not try and get some of the sin
taken from me, and then go to the Lord, and when He
sees I desire to be better it will be easier ? " My friends,
you can't improve yourselves. He wants to take you just
as you are.
When I was holding meetings a little time ago at
Wharnecliffe, in England, a coal district, a great burly col-
lier came up to me and said in his Yorkshire dialect,
" Dost know wha was at meetin' t'night ? " " No," I
answered. "Why," said he, "So-and-so" (mentioning
name). The name was a familiar one. He was a very
bad man, one of the wildest, wickedest men in Yorkshire,
according to his own confession, and according to the
confession of everybody who knew him. " Weel," said
the man, " he cam' into meetin' an' said you didn't preach
right ; he said thou preached no thin' but love o' Christ,
an' that won't do for drunken colliers ; ye want t' shake
'em over a pit, an he says he'll ne'er come again." He
thought I didn't preach about hell. Mark you, my friends,
I believe in eternal damnation ; I believe in the pit that
burns, in the fire that's never quenched, in the worm that
never dies, but I believe that the magnet that goes down
to the bottom of the pit is the love of Jesus. I didn't
expect to see him again, but he came the next night, with-
out washing his face, right from the pit, with all his work-
ing clothes upon him. This drunken collier sat down on
one of the seats that were used for the children, and got as
near to me as possible. The sermon was love from first
to last. He listened at first attentively, but by-and-by I
saw him with the sleeve of his rough coat, wiping his eyes.
Soon after we had an inquiry meeting, when some of those
praying colliers got around him, and it wasn't long before
he was crying, " O, Lord, save me ; I am lost ; Jesus have
mercy upon me ; " and that night he left the meeting a
new creature. His wife told me herself, what occurred
when he came home. His little children heard him com-
ing along — they knew the step of his heavy clogs — and
ran to their mother in terror, clinging to her skirts. He
opened the door as gently as could be. He had had a
habit of banging the door. My friends, if a man becomes
converted, it will even make a difference in the slamming
of doors. When he came into the house and saw the
children clinging to their mother, frightened, he just stoop-
ed down and picked up the youngest girl in his arms, and
looked at her, the tears rolling down his cheeks. " Mary,
Mary, God has sent thy father home to thee," and kissed
her. He picked up another, " God has sent thy father
home," and from one to another he went, and kissed them
all, and then came to his wife and put his arms around
her neck, " Don't cry, lass ; don't cry. God has sent thy
husband home at last ; don't cry," and all she could do
was to put her arms around his neck and sob. And then
he said : " Have you got a Bible in the house, lass ? "
They hadn't such a thing. " Well, lass, if we haven't, we
must pray." They got down on their knees, and all he
could say was :
" Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child ;
Pity my simplicity —
for Jesus Christ's sake, amen." It was a simple prayer,
but God answered it. While I was at Barnet some time
after that, a friend came to me and said : " I've got good
news for you. So-and-so (mentioning the collier's name)
is preaching the gospel everywhere he goes — in the pit,
and out of the pit, and tries to win everybody to the Lord
Jesus Christ." O, brother and sister, won't you trust the
Saviour to-night ? dear mother and father, won't you
believe the gospel — won't you rest upon that finished
work ; won't you give up your doings and strivings, and
just like a little child rest upon that Saviour ? Believe the
glorious gospel, and have everlasting life. May God
bless you all, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
I am going to select for my subject to-night, " The Life
of Lot." One reason why I take up this character is be-
cause I believe he is a representative man, and perhaps
there is no Bible character that represents so many Chicago
men at the present day as Lot of Sodom. Where you can
find one Abraham, or one Daniel, or one Joshua, you can
find a thousand Lots. He started very well ; he got rich,
and that was the beginning of his troubles. He and Abra-
ham, his uncle, went down to Egypt, and they came out of
Egypt with great wealth, and the next thing we hear of is
strife among their herdsmen. He could not get up a quar-
rel with Abraham. Abraham said to him, "You are my
nephew, and I cannot quarrel with you : but take your
goods and go to the right, and I will go to the left, or I
will go to the right and you go to the left ;" and they
separated. Right here Lot made his mistake. He should
have said, " No ; I don't want to leave you, the Lord has
blessed me with you, and I don't want to leave you ;" or, if
he had been determined to leave his uncle, he should have
asked Abraham to choose for him. Instead of that he
lifted up his eyes and saw the well-watered plains of
Sodom, and that decided him. No doubt he was very
ambitious ; he probably wanted to become richer. Per-
haps there was a little spirit of rivalry toward his uncle.
He wanted to excel Abraham in worldly goods, to become
rich faster. So he saw and determined upon the well-
watered plains of Sodom. If he had asked Abraham he
would not have gone there. If he had asked God, Lot
would never have entered Sodom ; no 4nan ever goes into
Sodom 'by God's advice. He determined himself, and
pitched his tent toward Sodom. I don't know how long he
lived on these well- watered plains, but no doubt the men of
those days said of him when he had settled down : " There
is a shrewd man ; he's a smart man. Why, I can predict
that in a very short time he will be a wealthier man than
his uncle Abraham. Look at these well-watered plains ;
why he is a great deal better off than Abraham now." He
is in a position in which he can soon become rich. How
long he remained on these plains I don't know, but the
next thing we know is that he got into Sodom. We are
told that Sodom was very wicked. He lived near it, and
went into it with his eyes open, and he knew all about it.
The wickedness of Sodom was coming up to God. He was
going to destroy it soon. And do you think, if Lot
had asked him, he would have allowed Lot to enter
that city. I think one of the greatest mistakes the people
of the present day make is that they won't let God choose
for them ; He wouldn't choose ruin for them. All the
years that Lot was in Sodom we don't read that he had any
family altar. He thought it would be ruin for his family to
take them in there. He did not look at that, however. It
was business that took him there. He might have said,
"Well, I've got a large family ; I've got a great many de-
pendent upon me, and I must get rich faster, so I will go
into Sodom. Business is the first consideration, and it
must be attended to." So he goes to Sodom, and the next
thing we hear he is in trouble ; Sodom had got a war on hand,
and when he went into the city he had to take its side. In
the war he was taken captive. It is a great m^icy he
wasn't killed in the battle. The first thing his uncle did
when he heard of his nephew's trouble, was to set out after
him. When he was taken in battle he was liable to be
taken into slavery and his children also. He might have
died in slavery if Abraham hadn't gone after him. But
Abraham takes his servants and sets out and overtakes the
warriors who had taken Lot captive and brought him and
all the property back that had been taken. Now, you would
have thought that he would have kept out of Sodom ; you'd
have thought that he would have said : I've had enough of
Sodom ; I wont go near it again." You would think that
men, when they get into this and that difficulty and affliction,
would strike out of Sodom ; but they won't. It is one of
the greatest mysteries to me why men will remain in their
Sodom when they have continual trouble. So he went back.
Probably he said : " I've lost a good deal, and I must go
back and try and recover it ; I must go back and make it
up for my children." And he prospered in Sodom. If
you had gone into Sodom before these angels came down
you would probably have found that no man had got on so
well. If they had a Congress perhaps they sent him to
represent Sodom, because no man had done better in busi-
ness. That is the way of the world. Perhaps they might
have made him Mayor of Sodom. If you could have seen
his " turn out " it would have been one of the very best. Mrs.
Lot must have moved in the very best society of the city.
The Misses Lot were looked upon as the most fashionable
people there. They got on well. Oh yes, that is the way
the men talk now. Men thousands of miles from God take
their children right into the whirlpool that takes them to
sure ruin. Perhaps he was a judge and had great influence.
When the angels got to the gate they might have heard of
the hr norable Judge Lot. It sounded pretty well. He
might have owned a good many corner lots ; he might have
owned a good many buildings with " Lot, Lot," printed
s 11 over them, and on account of his property he might
have been a very high man in Sodom. That is the way
the world looks at it. No doubt the dispositions of the
people were exactly as they are to-day ; human nature has
been pretty much the same always.
364 GREAT JOY. -
But time rolls on, and Lot while sitting at the gate one
evening saw two strangers upon the highway. They are
coming toward Sodom. Likely these Sodomites did not
know them, but twenty years before Lot had been in the
company of Abraham, and he had seen these men at his
uncle's home, had seen them sitting at his uncle's table,
and he knew these angels when they approached, and
bowed down and worshipped them, and bowed down to the
ground and invited them into his house. But it was a sink
of iniquity and they would not go in : they preferred to walk
about the streets. But he pressed his invitation upon them
and they accepted. It soon got noised around the streets
that he had two strangers there, and it wasn't long before
a crowd was around the door, and wanted to know who he
had inside. And he came out to cry and pacify them, but
they received him with cries of " who made this fellow a
judge over us ? " and Lot was dragged into the house and
the door was shut against the mob. His influence was
gone. He had been in the city twenty years and hadn't
made a convert. My friends, no man ever goes down to
Sodom and retains his influence. Talk about men of in-
fluence whose heart is not with God. What is their in-
fluence ? Some one said to me to-night : " You have been
preaching to drunkards and vagabonds ; why don't you
preach to those sinners who live in marble-front houses
and have influence." Why, I would rather preach to harlots
and drunkards, because it is easier to get them into the
kingdom of God than those sinners who live in marble-
front houses ; we can reach them sooner ; it don't take so
long to convince them they are sinners. I suppose Lot
lived in a marble-front house there, and his heart was away
from God. Then these men said to Lot : " Who have you
got here beside yourself ? What is your family ? Have you
got got any others beside yourself in this town ? " Well, the
father and mother had to own up that they had married
their children to some of the Sodomites ; that was the re-
sult of his going into the city. You go into the world and
live like the world and see what the result will be. How
many mothers and fathers are now mourning on account
of marrying their sons and daughters to Sodomites, mar-
rying them to death and ruin. " Now," they say, "if you
have got any, get them out of this place, for God is going
to burn it up. Tell them this, and if they won't come es-
cape for your lives and leave them, for He will destroy the
city." People say: "Why are we so afflicted ; why have
we so many sorrows ? " I believe it is because our hearts
are from God. They have gone down to Sodom and left
the God of their fathers. Now, all these twenty years we
do not know that he had ever a family altar. He could not
call his children around him and pray to his God. They
had become identified with Sodom and its people. Look
at that scene. There are the men at the outside of the
door groping about to find it, and the door opens and Lot
starts gut to tell his son-in-law of the coming destruction.
I can see the old man's head bowed down passing through
the streets of Sodom at midnight. He goes to a house and
knocks. No sound ; all are asleep. He knocks again, and
perhaps, too, shouts at the top of his voice, and the man
gets up and opens the window. He puts his head out.
"Who's there?" "Your father-in-law," answers the old
man. "What has brought you out of bed at this hour?
W T hat's up ? " " Why," says Lot, " two angels are at my
house, who say that God is going to destroy Sodom and
every one who remains." " Why, you go home and go to
bed," replies the son-in-law, and mocks him. They mock
him. He had lost his testimony, my friends. They think
he is deluded. I can see him now going off to another
daughter's house. I don't know how many daughters he
had. He might have had as many daughters as Job, and
he goes to them and they mock him too. I tell you, my
friends, if we have got into Sodom our children will mock
us. There is that old man in that midnight hour, plodding
along those streets of Sodom to urge them to flee from the
city, and they mock him. He had been long enough with
Abraham to know that everything that came from God
could be relied upon. Now he starts back home. You can
see him, his head bowed down, his long white hair flowing
over his bosom, and the tears flowing from those aged eyes.
The world calls him a successful man • but what a miser-
able end is his. Look at him to-night. He had got wealth;
that's what he was after. He obtained what he wanted,
but he got leanness of soul. You can see him go back
bowed down with grief. Next morning the angels take
him by the hand, he, his wife, and two daughters are led
out of the city. And rhey lingered. How could they do
otherwise than linger \ when they had left their sons and
daughters in the city, and knew they would be destroyed.
Where are your sons and daughters now ? Have you taken
them down to Sodom, saying they must live in the plea-
sures of society — they must get on in the world ? Where
are they now ? Have you got them into some store or some
office where they will hear nothing but infidelity ? If you
have, these gray hairs will come down to an untimely
grave. You will learn the folly of your own course when it
is too late. Take your children from that city ; urge them
to come from the Sodom in which they are living ; tell
them to flee before it is too late, for the city will be des-
troyed. Yes, they linger. I don't blame them. They pro-
bably had a lingering hope that the storm might be stayed
and they could get their children out. But the angels took
them by the hand and hastened them out of the city.
Poor mother ! Ah ! how sad when God came in judgment !
I can see that mother hesitating, but God orders her not
to look back. " Flee for thy life ; escape or you will be
destroyed." " No man having put his hand to the plow,
and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." She gets
out of Sodom, but she looks back, and judgment falls upon
her. And I believe that the condition of Lot's wife is the
condition of hundreds in Chicago. They have come out
of Sodom, but their heart is in the world. They say,
" Have I to give up the world ; have I to give all and fol-
low Christ ?" They linger and look back, and judgment
will fall upon them.
We are told in that portion of Scripture which was read
to-night, that they were eating, drinking, buying and
selling, planting and building till the very moment Lot
went out of Sodom. Perhaps not a man in all Sodom
took any account of his going out. It might have got
rumored around that he was going because he believed
the city was to be destroyed, but no man believed it. His
sons and daughters didn't believe what their father said to
them, and so destruction fell upon them, and the Son of
God says they were all destroyed — great and small, learned
and unlearned, rich and poor, all perished alike. Bear in
mind that if you live in Sodom destruction will come upon
you. The world may call you successful, but the only way
to test success is to take a man's whole life \ not the begin-
ning or the middle, but the whole of it. If a man is in
Sodom, as Mr. Sankey sang to-night, he will find at last
the fruits of his life to be —
" Nothing but leaves, nothing but leaves."
Lot spent his life in gaining worldly goods for his chil-
dren, and he lost all and his children besides. How many
men in Chicago are there who can only say they have the
same object in view that Lot had ? They have come to
this city to make money. They haven't any family altar.
They recognize only two things — money, money ; business,
business. " My sons," they say, " may become gamblers
and drunkards ; my daughters may go off into ungodly
society and marry drunkards and make their lives misera-
ble ; but I want money, and I'll have all I want if I get it."
That is the condition of thousands of people here. My
friends, was Lot's life a successful one ? It was a stupend-
ous failure. He lost his sons and daughters, he lost his
property, his wealth, his hold on the society and friendship
of his uncle Abraham. Is not that the condition of hun-
dreds here to-night ? Let us strike for a higher plane ; let
us go up to Bethel ; let us call upon God to save our chil-
dren before it is too late. If your children have wandered
off and got among the Sodomites, let one piercing cry go
up : " O God, save my children ; forgive me, O Lord, for
taking them into Sodom." Let us turn from our lukewarm-
ness, our worldly-mindedness, and seek His face. O, may
the Spirit of God come upon you, and may you flee from
the doomed city before it is too late. A mother came to
me a few days ago and said, " Mr. Moody, I want you to
pray for me." " Well," I asked, " Why do you want to be
prayed for?" She said, "I feel I am to blame. I've
got three sons, and they have all gone astray, and I am the
most wretched woman living. I feel I have't been true to
the charge God gave me, and the thought is killing me. I
want you to pray' for me, and if God will forgive me, and if
I get right in His sight, with His grace by my prayers and
faith they maybe brought back." Are there not hundreds
here in the same condition as this poor woman ? You
have been ambitious for your children ; you were after
great things for them, and you have led them into Sodom,
and now ruin has come upon them ; darkness and misery
covers them. Let us humble ourselves before God to-
night that He may forgive us in our lukewarmness for his
ca'use, in our ambition to obtain great things in this world.
Let us not follow in the footsteps of this man Lot. Look
at a representative Lot here. I can imagine him starting
as a moderate drinker, but the passion growns, and his
children are infected, and he becomes, as it were, the
father of a whole army of backsliders. He becomes the
father of backsliding and worldly-mindedness by turning
away from God himself. If you are in the city of Sodom,
flee from it at once ; — escape with your lives, for destruction
will come. May God bring every one in this hall out of
Sodom to-night is the prayer of my heart. Let us unite in
I want to call your attention to-night to a text which you
will find in the thirty-second chapter of Deuteronomy and
thirty-first verse : " For their rock is not as our rock, even
our enemies themselves being judges." I wish that this
audience for about thirty minutes would just imagine they
are sitting in judgment — that each one is sitting upon the
case brought up. We want every man, woman and child
in this building to decide the question brought before them.
" For their rock is not as our rock, even our enemies them-
selves being judges." This was uttered by Moses in his
farewell address to Israel. He had been with them forty
years, day and night. He had been the king, or president,
or judge, or whatever you may call it ; he had been their
leader or instructor, in other words he had been a god to
them, for all the blessings of heaven came through him.
And the old man was about leaving them. He had taken
them to the borders of the promised land, and all who had
left Egypt with him, but Joshua and Caleb, had been laid
in that wilderness. Now he is making his farewell ad-
dress ; and, young man, if you have never read it, read it
to-night. It is the best sermon in print. I do not know
any other sermon in the New or Old Testament that com-
pares with it. His natural activity hadn't abated— he had
still the vigor of youth. I can see him as he delivers it :
his long white hair flowing over his shoulders, and his ven-
erable beard covering his breast as he gives them the
wholesome instruction. Now, I want every one to wake up
here. I see one young man over there who has just gone
to sleep. All you young men will help me if you see any
one next you going to sleep by pinching his elbow. We
don't want any one here to sleep. I remember when I was
in Boston I fell asleep in church, and a man just pinched
me and I rubbed my eyes and woke up. I looked at the
minister, and lo and behold, I thought he was preaching
directly at me. It seemed as if he knew all about my
faults, and my disposition, and everything about me. I
never felt so cheap in my life. All his remarks seemed to
be directed to me, and I wondered who had been telling
that minister about me. At the conclusion of the sermon I
pulled my coat-collar up and got out as quick as I could.
Now, bear in mind, you men who have gone to sleep are
the very men I want to speak to. But let us go back to
the subject. The old man was giving his farewell address,
in which he said, " This rock is not as our rock, even our
enemies themselves being judges." Now I am not going
to call upon Christians to settle this question, but the
ungodly, the unconverted, must decide this question, and
if you be fair with the argument you will have to admit
that " Your rock is not as our rock ; " your peace is not as
our peace ; because we have got our feet on the rock of
You know, in the first place, that the atheist does not
believe in any God. He denies the existence of a God.
Now, I contend that his rock is not as our rock, and will
let those atheists be the judges. What does an atheist
look forward to ? Nothing. He is taking a very crooked
path in this world. His life has been dark ; it has been
full of disappointments. When he was a young man ambi-
tion beckoned him on to a certain height. He has attained
to that height, but he is not satisfied. He climbs a little
higher, and perhaps he has got as far as he can get, but he
is not contented. He is dissatisfied, and if he takes a look
into the future he sees no-thing. Man's life is full of trou-
ble. Afflictions are as numerous as the hairs of our head,
but when the billows of affliction are rising and rolling
over him he has no God to call upon, therefore, I contend
his " rock is not as our rock." Look at him. He has a
child. That atheist has all the natural affection for that
child possible. He has a son — a noble young man — who
starts out in life fall of promise, but he goes astray. He
has not the will-power of his father, and cannot resist the
temptation of the world. That father cannot call upon
God to save his son. He sees that son go down to ruin
step by step, and by-and-by he plunges into a hopeless,
godless, Christless grave. And as that father looks into
that grave he has no hope. His " rock is not as our rock."
Look at him again. He has a child laid low with fever,
racked with pain and torture, but the poor atheist cannot
offer any consolation to that child. As he stands by the
bedside of that child she says, " Father, I am dying ; in a
little while I will go into another world. What is going to
become of me ? Am I going to die like a dumb beast ? "
" Yes," the poor atheist says, " I love you, my daughter ;
but you will soon be in the grave and eaten up with the
worms, and that will be all. There is no heaven, no here-
after ; it is all a myth. People have been telling you there
is a hereafter, but they have been deluding you." Did you
ever hear an atheist going to his dying children and telling
them this. My friends, when the hour of affliction comes
they call in a minister to give consolation. Why don't the
atheist preach no hereafter, no heaven, no God, in the hour
of affliction ? This very fact is an admission that " their
rock is not as our rock, even our enemies themselves being
the judges." But look again. That little child dies, and
that atheist father follows the body to the grave and lays
it down in its resting place and says : " All that is left of
my child is there ; it will soon become the-companion of
worms, who will feed upon it. That is all there is." Why,
the poor man's heart is broken, and he will admit his " rock
is not as our rock." A prominent atheist went to the grave
with the body of his friend. He pronounced a eulogy, and
committed all that was left of his friend to the winds — to
nature — and bade the remains farewell forever. Oh, my
friends, had he any consolation then ? His rock was not
as our rock.
A good many years ago there was a convention held in
France, and those who. held it wanted to get the country
to deny a God, to burn the Bible, wanted to say that a man
passed away like a dog — like a dumb animal. What was
the result ? Not long after, that country was filled with
blood. Did you ever think what would take place if we could
vote the Bible and the ministers of the gospel and God out
from among the people ? My friends, the country would be
deluged with blood. Your life and mine would not be
safe in this city to-night. We could not walk through
those streets with safety. We don't know how much we
owe God and the influence of His gospel among even un-
godly men. I can imagine some of you saying, " Why
this talk about atheists? There are none here." Weil, I
hope there isn't ; but I find a great number who come into
the inquiry rooms ! just to look on, who confess they don't
believe in any God or any hereafter.
But there is another class called deists, who, you know,
don't believe in revelation — who don't believe in Jesus
Christ. Ask a deist who is his God. " Well," he will say,
" He is the beginning — He who caused all things." These
deists say there is no use to pray, because nothing can
change the decrees of their deity ; God never answers
prayer. " Their rock is not as our rock." In the hour of
affliction they, too, send off for some Christian to admin-
ister consolation. But there is another class. They say;
" I am no deist ; I am a pantheist ; I believe that God is
in the air ; He is in the sun, the stars, in the rain, in the
water " — they say God . is in this wood. Why, a pantheist
the other night told me God was in that post ; he was in
the floor. When we come to talk to those pantheists, we
find them no better than the deists and atheists. There
was one of that sort that Sir Isaac Newton went to talk to.
He used to argue with him, and try to get the pantheist
into his belief, but he couldn't. In the hour of his distress,
however, he cried out to the God of Sir Isaac Newton.
Why don't they cry to their God in the hour of their trou-
ble ? When I used to be in this city I used to be called on
to attend a good many funerals. I would inquire what the
man was in his belief. If I found out he was an atheist,
or a deist, or a pantheist, when I would go to the funeral
and, in the presence of his friends said one word about
that man's doctrine they would feel insulted. Why is it
that, in a trying hour, when they have been talking all the
time against God — why is it that in the darkness of afflic-
tion they call in believers in that God to administer con-
solation ?
The next class I want to call attention to is the infidel.
I contend his "rock" is not as our "rock." Look at an
infidel. An infidel is one who don't believe in the inspira-
tion of Scripture. These men are very numerous, and they
feel insulted when we call them infidels ; but the man who
don't believe in the inspirations of Scripture is an infidel.
A good many of them are in the church, and not a few of
them have crept into the pulpit. These men would feel
insulted if we called them infidels, but if a man says — I
don't care who he is or where he preaches — if he tries to
say that the Bible is not inspired from back to back he is
an infidel. That is their true name, although they don't
like to be called that. Now in that blessed book there are
five hundred or six hundred prophecies, and every one of
them has been fulfilled to the letter ; and yet men say they
cannot believe the Bible is inspired. As I said the other
night, those who cannot believe it have never read it. I
hear a great many infidels talk against the Bible, but I
haven't found the first man who ever read the Bible from
back to back carefully and remained an infidel. My friends,
the Bible of our mothers and fathers is true. How many
men have said to me, " Mr. Moody, I would give the world
if I had your faith, your consolation, the hope you have
from your religion." Is not that a proof that " their rock
is not as our rock ? " Now look at these prophecies in
regard to Nineveh, in regard to Babylon, to Egypt, to the
Jewish nation, and see how literally they have been ful-
filled to the letter. Every promise God makes He carries
out. But although infidels prefer their disbelief in 'the
inspiration of Scripture, they do not believe in their hearts
what they declare, else why, when we talk with them, if
they have any children, do they send them out of the room ?
Now, not long ago, I went into a man's house, and when I
commenced to talk about religion he turned to his daughter
and said, " You had better go out of the room ; I want to
say a few words to Mr. Moody." When she had gone he
opened a perfect torrent of infidelity upon me. " Why,"
said I, " did you send your daughter out of the room before
you said this?" "Well," he replied, "I did not think it
would do her any good to hear what I said." My friends,
his "rock is not as our rock." Why did he send his daugh-
ter out of the room if he believed what he said ? It was
because he did not believe it. Why, if I believed in infi-
delity I would wish my daughters and my sons, my wife,
and all belonging to me sharers in the same belief. I
would preach it wherever I went. But they doubt what
they advocate. If they believed it down in their souls why,
when their daughters die, do they send for a true Christian
to administer consolation ? Why don't they send for some
follower of Voltaire, or Hume, or Paine ? Why, when they
make their last will, do they send for some Christian to
carry it out ? My friends, it is because their rock has no
foundation ; it is because in the hour of adversity, in spite
of all their boasts of the grandeur of infidelity, they cannot
trust their infidel friends. "Their rock is not as our rock,
even our enemies themselves being judges."
Now, did you ever hear of a Christian in his dying hour
recanting ? You never did. Did you ever hear of Christ-
ians regretting that they had accepted Christianity, and in
their dying hour embracing infidelity ? I would like to see
the man who could stand and say he had. But how many
times have Christians been called to the bedside of an
Atheist, or Deist, or Infidel in his dying hours, and heard
him crying for mercy ? In that hour infidelity is gone, and
he wants the God of his father and mother to take the place
of his black infidelity. It is said of West, an eminent man,
that he was going to take up the doctrine of the resurrec-
tion, and show the world what a fraud it was, while Lord
Lyttleton was going to take up the conversion of Saul, and
just show the folly of it. These men were going to annihi-
late that doctrine and that incident of the gospel. They
were going to emulate the Frenchman, who said it took
twelve fishermen to build up Christ's religion, but one
Frenchman pulled it down. From Calvary this doctrine
rolled along the stream of time, through the eighteen hun-
dred years, down to us, and West got at it and began to
look at the evidence ; but instead of being able to cope
with it he found it perfectly overwhelming — the proof that
Christ had risen, that He had come out of the sepulchre,
and ascended to heaven and led captivity captive. The
light dawned upon him, and he became an expounder of
the word of God and a champion of Christianity. And
Lord Lyttleton, that infidel and skeptic, hadn't been long
at the conversion of Saul before the God of Saul broke
upon his sight, and he too began to preach. I don't believe
there is a man in the audience who, if he will take his Bible
and read it, but will be convinced of its truth. What does
infidelity do for a man ? " Why," said a dying infidel,
" my principles have lost me my friends ; my principles
have sent my wife to her grave with a broken heart ; they
have made my children beggars, and I go down to my
grave without peace or consolation." I never heard of an
infidel going down to his grave happily. But not only do
they go on without peace, but how many youths, do they
turn away from God ? How many young men are turned
away from Christ by these infidels and devils ? Let them
remember that God will hold them responsible if they are
guilty of turning men away from heaven. A few infidels
gathered around a dying friend lately, and they wanted him
to hold on to the end, to die like a man. They were trying
to cheer him, but the poor infidel turned to them. " Ah,"
said he, " what have I got to hold on to ? " My friends,
let me ask you what you have got to hold on to ? Every
Christian has Christ to hold on to — the resurrected man.
" I am He that liveth and was dead ; and behold, I am
alive for evermore." Thank God, we have some one to
carry us through all our trials. But what has the infidel
got to hold on to ; what hope has the atheist, deist, or
pantheist ? His gods are false gods.
They are like the false gods of the Hebrews ; they never
hear their cry. Whereas, if we have the God of Daniel, of
Abraham, He is always ready to succor us when in dis-
tress, and we can make Him our fortress, and we have a
refuge in the storm of adversity. There we can anchor
safely, free from danger and disaster. I was reading to-
night almost the last words of Lord Byron, and I want to
draw a comparison between the sorrowful words of Byron
and those of Saint Paul. He died very young — he was
only thirty-six — after leading an ungodly life.
" My days are in the yellow leaf,
The flower and fruit of life are gone ;
The worm, the canker and the grief
Are mine alone."
Compare those words with the words of St. Paul. " I
have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have
kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up forme a crown
of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall
give me at that day." What a contrast ! What a dif-
ference ! My friends, there is as much difference between
them as there is between heaven and hell, between death
and life. Be judges which is the most glorious — atheism,
deism, infidelity, or the Christianity of St. Paul. May
God take all these isms and sweep them from the world.
I want to read to you a letter which I received some
time ago. I read this to you because I am getting letters
from infidels who say that not an infidel has repented dur-
ing our meetings. Only about ten days ago I got a letter
from an infidel, who accused me of being a liar. He said
there had not been an infidel converted during our meet T
ings. My friends, go up to the young converts' meeting
any Monday night, and you will see there ten or twelve
every night who have accepted Christ. Why, nearly every
night we meet with a poor infidel who accepts Christ. But
let me read this letter. We get many letters every day
for prayer, and, my friends, you don't know the stories
that lie behind those letters. The letter I am about to
read was not received here, but while we were in Philadel-
phia. W T hen I received it I put it away, intending to use
it at a future day :
" Dear Sir : — Allow me the privilege of addressing
you with a few. words. The cause of writing is indeed- a
serious one. I am the son of an aristocratic family of
Germany — was expensively educated, and at college at
Leipsic was ruined by drinking, etc. ; was expelled for
gambling and dishonesty. My parents were greatly grieved
at my conduct, and I did not dare return home, but sailed
for America. I went to St. Louis, and remained there
for want of money to get away. I finally obtained a situa-
tion as bookkeeper in a dry goods house ; heard from home
and the death of my parents. This made me more sinful
than ever before. I heard one of your sermons, which
made a deep impression on me. I was taken sick, and
the words of your text came to me and troubled me. I
have tried to find peace of God, but have not succeeded.
My friends, by reasoning with me that there was no God,
endeavored to comfort me. The thought of my sinfulness
and approaching the grave, my blasphemy, my bad ex-
ample, caused me to mourn and weep. I think God is too
just to forgive me my sins. My life is drawing to a close.
I have not yet received God's favor. Will you not remem-
ber me in your prayer, and beseech God to save my soul
from eternal destruction ? Excuse me for writing this, but
it will be the last I shall write this side of the grave."
Ah, my friends^ his " rock was not as our rock," even
our enemies themselves being judges. I have two more
letters I would like to read. I am not accustomed to read
so many letters, but on this occasion I will read them to
you. Some of you remember me speaking of a man who
came in here who was a fugitive from justice. The Gov-
ernor of the State from which he came had offered a re-
ward for him, and he came into this Tabernacle. He
received Christ, and returned to his State. This morning
I received the following letter :
"Dear Sir and Brother: — Owing to the law's slow
delay I am yet a prisoner of hope. By Thursday or Friday
my case will be reached, and I'll be committed to the
Penitentiary, how long I do not know. This condition is
voluntary, or of my own seeking, because I feel it due the
cause of God, or the only evidence I can give of my
repentance and desire to do better. My family and friends
hope ultimately to obtain a pardon, I desire to thank you
for the interest you have taken in me, and I ask your
prayers, and those of God's people in Chicago, that I may
have strength and grace to live under these calamities,
that my poor heart-broken wife and children may be sus-
tained, and, further, that God's blessing may rest on all
efforts being made for my future. After it is all over, and
I am in a felon's cell, I'll write you. In your efforts to
warn men to do better and lead a new life, bid them be-
ware of ambition to accomplish an undertaking at all
hazards. Such is my condition. Had I left off specula-
tion in an invention I might now be happy. Step by step
I yielded until my forgeries reached over $30,000. My
aim was not to defraud, but to succeed, and pay it all back.
Oh, pray for me — for all who suffer with me. While in
Chicago I was under an assumed name. Here I am, in
my native village, in my father's home, a prisoner, not
daring to go out, or even to see my children (we have
three, two boys and one girl). I hear their voices, and
when they sleep I silently go in their little room and look
at them in innocent slumber. My crimes are in another
county, whither I go Thursday. May our heavenly Father
bless your labors. Humbly and repentant I am. * # "
To-morrow probably he will go into the penitentiary to
suffer for his crime, but now his rock is our rock.
Last week a beautiful-looking young man came into the
inquiry room. He had been brought up in a happy
home with a good father and mother. He had gone astray.
When he came into the inquiry room he said he intended
to become a Christian, but he could not because he knew
what it would make him do. He had robbed an express
company and that sin came between him and God. He
had been heard and received a verdict in his favor, but he
knew he was guilty. He had gone into the witness box
and committed perjury. He turned away and left the
building. Last Friday, however, he was at the noonday
meeting ; he was in my private room for a while, and I
never felt so much pity for a man in my life. He wanted
to become. a Christian, but he thought of having to go
back and tell his father that he was guilty, after his father
had paid $2,000 to conduct his trial. After a great
struggle he got down on his knees and cried out, " O God,
help me ; forgive me my sins ;" and at last he got up and
straightened himself and said, " Well, sir, I will go back."
A friend went down to the railway station and saw him off,
and shortly after I got this dispatch from him :
Mr. Moody — God has told me what to do. The future
is as clear as crystal. I am happier than ever before.
He went on his way, reached his native village, and I
received this letter from him this morning, and I have felt
my soul filled with sorrow ever since it came. Let me say
here, if there is anyone in this hall who has taken money
from his employer, go and tell him of it at once. It is a
good deal better for you to confess it than have it on your
mind — than to try to cover it up. " He that covereth his
sins shall not prosper." If you have taken any money that
don't belong to you, make restitution by confession at least.
If any one here is being tempted to commit a forgery or
any crime, let this be a warning to them :
" My Beloved Friend and Brother : I am firm in the
cause. I have started, and feel that God is with me in it.
And, oh, dear brother, do never cease praying for my dear
father and praying mother, and I wish you would someday
write them and tell them that God will make this all for
the best. If I live for ages I will never cease praying for
them, and I never can forgive myself for my ungratefulness
to my dear broken-hearted sisters and brothers and dear
good parents. Oh, that link that held the once happy
home is severed. O God ! may it not be forever. Would
that I had been a Christian for life ; that I had taken my
mother's hand when a child and walked from there, hand
in hand, straight to heaven ; and then the stains would not
have been. But we know, O God, that they can't follow
me into heaven, for then I will be washed of all my sins,
and the things that are on this earth will stay here.
" Oh, my dear Christian brothers, my heart almost failed
me when I was approaching my dear, happy home, and
the thought that I was the one out of eight brothers and
sisters to break the chain of happiness that surrounded that
once happy and beautiful home, which is now shaded with
misery, and the beautiful sunshine that once lit that
happy, that dearest of homes, is now overshadowed with
darkness. Oh, I fear it will take my dear parents ; it is
more than they can bear. When I reached home, and they
all greeted me with a kiss, and I told them I had started
for heaven, and God sent me home to tell them, my mother
shed tears of happiness, and when I was forced to bring
the death-stroke upon her the tears ceased to flow, and God
only can describe the scene that took place. I called them
all around me, and I thought I could not pray if I were to
attempt it. But when I knelt with them in prayer God
just told me what to say, and I found it the will of God ;
and after I had prayed I kissed them all, and asked their
pardon for my ungratefulness, which I received from them
all. Then I made my preparation to leave home, for how
long God only knows, but I got grace to leave in a cheerful
way, and it appeared for a short time ; and if God lets me
live to return home I will join my mother's side, take her
to church, and bring my brothers and sisters and father to
God. We will all go to heaven together. My beloved
brother, I must see you some day, and just tell you what
God has done for me, and I know He will never forsake
me, when I am shut up in those prison walls receiving the
punishment I justly deserve for my crime. When I can't
communicate with any one else I know I will not be shut
off from God. Oh, glory !
" I came to Cleveland last night, and was going to get
that money and return it to the General Superintendent,
but my attorney had made that arrangement already. I
find there is an indictment at Akron against me now for
perjury, and I am going to take the morning train and go
to Akron. Court is in progress now, and I am going to
ask the court if there is an indictment against me, and if
there is I will hear it and then plead guilty. I will write
you again soon, and give you all the particulars and the
length of my sentence."
I want to urge this letter upon your consideration as a
warning. Think of the punishment that young man has
brought upon himself ; think of the agony of that father
and mother when he broke the news to" them — when he told
them of his guilt. His " rock was not as our rock." May
God bless every young man here to-night, and may they
be brought to the acceptation of salvation. May they turn
to Thee, God of their fathers, and of their mothers, so that
they can say, " Your rock is our rock — we are servants of
In this first parable we are told that men ought to pray
always and everywhere ; that prayer should not be left to '
a few in the churches, but all men ought to pray. He
gives us a picture, so that we may understand in what spirit
we ought to pray. Two men went up to the temple — one
to pray to himself and the other to pray to God, and I
think it will be safe to divide the audience into two bodies
and put them under these two heads. I think, however,
whether we divide the audience or not we come under
these two heads — those who have the spirit of the publican
and those who have the spirit of the Pharisee. You can
find that the whole community may be divided into these
two classes. The spirit of the prodigal and the spirit of
an elder brother are still in the world ; the spirits of Cain
and Abel are. still in the world, and these two are repre-
sentative men. One of them trusted in his own righteous-
ness and the other didn't have any trust in it, and I say I
think all men will come under these two heads. They
have either given up all their self-righteousness — renounced
it all and turned their back upon it — or else they are cling-
ing to their own righteousness ; and you will find that
these self-righteous men who are always clinging to their
own righteousness are continually measuring themselves
by their neighbors. " I thank God that I am not as other
men are." That was the spirit of that Pharisee, and that
is the spirit to-day of one class in this community, and the
other class comes under the head of this other man.
Now let us look at the man Christ pictured first. It is
evident that he was full of egotism, full of conceit, full of
pride ; and I believe, as I have said before on this plat-
form, that is one of the greatest enemies the Son of God
has to-day ; and I believe it keeps more men from the
kingdom of God than anything else. Pride can grow on
any soil, in any climate — no place is too hot for it, and
no place is too cold for its growth. How much misery has
it caused in this world ! How many men here are kept
from salvation by pride ? Why, it sprung up into heaven,
and for it Lucifer was cast out ; by pride Nebuchadnezzar
lost his throne. As he walked through Babylon he cried,
"Is not this a great Babylon which I have built?" and he
was hurled from his throne. How many men who have
become drunkards, who are all broken up — will gone,
health gone — and yet are just as full of pride as the sun is
of light. It won't let them come to Christ and be saved.
A great many live like this Pharisee — only in the form of
religion ; they don't want the wheat, only the husk ; they
don't want the kernel, only the shell. How many men are
there in Chicago who are just living on empty form ? They
say their prayers, but they don't mean anything. Why,
this Pharisee said plenty of prayers, but how did he
pray ? He prayed with himself. He might as well pray
to this post. He didn't pray to God, who knew his heart
a thousand times better than he did himself. He thought
he knew himself. He forgot that he was as a sepulcher,
full of dead men's bones ; forgot that hisdieartwas rotten,
corrupt, and vile, and he comes and spreads out his hands
and looks up to heaven. Why, the very angels in heaven
veil their faces before God as they cry " Holy, holy, holy."
But this Pharisee comes into the temple and spreads out
his hands, and says, " Lord, I thank Thee that I am not
as other men are ; I fast twice a week." He set before
God what he had done in comparison with other men, and
was striking a balance and making out God to be his
debtor, as thousands in Chicago are doing to-day; and
then he says, " I give one-tenth of all I possess." I sup-
pose if he was living in Chicago now, and we had gone to
him and asked him for a donation to put up this Taber-
nacle, he would have said : " Well. I think it will do
good; yes, I think it will — it may reach the vagabonds
and outcasts — I don't need it, of course — but if it will
reach that class it will do good. I will give $50, espe-
cially if you can get it in the morning papers ; if you can
have it announced, 'John Jones gave $50 to build the
Tabernacle.' " That's the way some of the people give
donations to God's cause; they give in a patronizing way,
but in this manner God won't accept it. If your heart
don't go with your gift, God will not accept it. This
Pharisee says, " I give one-tenth of all I have ; I
keep up the services in the temple ; I fast twice a
week." He fasted twice a week, although once was
only called for, and he thought because of this he was
far above other men. A great many people nowadays
think because they don't eat meat, only fish, on Fridays,
they deserve great credit, although they go on sinning all
the w r eek. Look at this prayer ; there's no confession
there. He had got so bad and the devil had so covered
up his sins that he was above confession. The first thing
we have to do when we come to God is to confess. If
there is any sin clustering around the heart bear in mind
we can have no communion with God. It is because we
have sin about our hearts that our prayers don't go any
higher than our head. We cannot get God's favor if we
have any iniquity in our heart. People, like the Pharisee,
have only been educated to pray. If they didn't pray
every night their conscience would trouble them, and they
would get out of bed and say their prayers ; but the mo-
ment they get off their knees perhaps you may hear them
swearing. A man may just as well get a string of beads
and pray to them. It would do him as much good. This
Pharisee's prayer showed no spirit of contrition ; there
was no petition ; he didn't ask anything from God. That
is a queer kind of prayer. " Lord, I thank Thee that I
am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterous,
or even as the poor publican." Not a petition in his
prayer. It was a prayerless prayer — it was downright
mockery. But how many men have just got into that
cradle and been rocked to sleep by the devil. A short
time ago I said to a man ; " Are you a Christian ? " " Of
course I am; I say my prayers every night." "But do
you ever pray? " " Didn't I tell you I prayed ?" he an-
swered. " But do you ever pray ? " " Why, of course I
do ; haven't I said so ? " was his reply. I found that he
prayed, but he only went through the form, and, after a
little, I found that he had been in the habit of swearing !
" How is this ? " I asked ; " swearing and praying ! Do
your prayers ever go any higher than your head ? "
" Well," he replied. " I have sometimes thought that they
didn't." My friends, if you are not in communion with
God your prayers are but forms, you are living in formal-
ism, and your prayers will go no higher than your head.
How many people in this assembly just go through the
form ? They cannot rest unless they say their prayers.
How many are there with whom it is only a matter of edu-
cation ?
But this man trusted in his own righteousness ; he ig-
nored the mercy of God, the love of Jesus Christ. He was
measuring himself by his own rule. Now, if you want to
measure yourself, do it by God's law ; by God's require-
ments. A great many people have a rule of their own by
which they measure themselves, and by that rule are per-
fectly ready and willing to forgive themselves. So it was
with this Pharisee. The idea of coming to God and asking
His forgiveness never enters his mind. While talking to a
man — one of those Pharisees — some time ago about God
and his need of Christ, he said : " I can do without Christ ;
I don't want Him ; I'm ready to stand before God any-
time." That man was trusting in his own righteousness.
There are a good many in Chicago like this man ; they
think they can get on without Christ—without a mediator.
Now take a good look at this man. You know I have an
idea that the Bible is like an album. I go into a man's
house, and, while waiting for him, I take up an album from
a table and open it. I look at a picture. " Why that looks
like a man I know." I turn over and look at another.
"Well, I know that man." By and by I come upon another.
" Why that man looks like my brother." I am getting
pretty near home. I keep turning over the leaves. " Well,
I declare, there is a man who lives in the street I do — why,
he is my next-door neighbor. And then I come upon an-
other and I see myself. My friends, if you read your
Bibles you will find your own pictures there. It will just
describe you. Now it may be there is some Pharisee here
to-night ; if there is, let him turn to the third chapter of
John and see what Christ said to the Pharisee : " Except
a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
Nicodemus, no doubt, was one of the fairest specimens of a
man in Jerusalem in those days, yet he had to be born
again, else he couldn't see the kingdom of God. But you
may say : " I am not a Pharisee ; I am a poor, miserabfe
sinner, too bad to come to Him." Well, turn to the woman
of Samaria, and see what He said to her.
See what a difference there was between that publican
and that Pharisee. There was as great a distance be-
tween them as between the sun and the moon. One was
in the very highest station, and the other occupied the very
worst. One had only himself and his sins to bring to God,
and the other was trying to bring in his position and his
aristocracy. I tell you when a man gets a true sight of
himself all his position and station and excellences drop.
See this prayer: "I thank God," " I am not," "I fast," "I
give," " I possess." Why, if he had delivered a long prayer,
and it had been put into the printers' hands, they would have
had to send out for some " I's." " I thank God," " I," " I,"
" I." When a man prays, not with himself, but to God, he
does not exalt himself, he don't pass a eulogy upon him-
self. He falls flat down in the dust before God. In that
prayer you don't find him thanking God for what He had
done for him. It was a heartless, prayerless prayer —
merely a form. I hope the day will come when formal
prayers will be a thing of the past. I think the reason why
we cannot get more people out to the meetings is because
we have too many formal prayers in the churches. These
formal Christians get up like this Pharisee and thank God
they are better than other men, but when a man gets a
look at himself he comes in the spirit of the publican.
You see this man standing praying with himself, but God
could not give him anything. He was too full of egotism —
too full of himself. There was no religion in it. God
could not bless him.
Now, for a moment, take a look at that poor publican.
Just give his prayer your attention. There was no capi-
tal " I" there, no exalting of himself — " God be merciful to
this Pharisee ; God be merciful to the other people who
have injured me ; God be merciful to the church members
who have not been true to their belief ? " Was that his
prayer? Thank God he got to himself. " God be merciful
to me, a sinner." It was very short. He had got his eye
upon himself ; he saw that his heart was vile ; he could
not lift his eyes to heaven, but thank God he could lift his
heart to heaven. There is not a poor publican in the audi-
ence to-night but can send up this prayer. No matter
what your past life has been — no matter if it has been as
black as hell — if you but send up the prayer it will be heard.
He didn't buy his own righteousness ; and God heard his
prayer. Spurgeon, speaking of that publican, said he had
the soundest theology of any man in all England. He
came before God, struck his hand on his heart, and cried :
"God, be merciful to me, a sinner."
There was a man at one of our meetings in New York
City who was moved by the Spirit of God. He said, " I
am going home, and I am not going to sleep to-night till
Christ takes away my sin ; if I have to stay up all night
and pray. I'll do it." He had a good distance to walk,
and as he went along he thought, " Why can't I pray now
as I go along, instead of waiting to go home ? " But he
did not know a prayer. His mother had taught him to
pray, but it was so long since he had uttered a prayer that
he had forgotten. However, the publican's prayer came
to his mind. Everybody can say this prayer. That man
in the gallery yonder, that young lady over there : " God
be merciful to me a sinner." May God write it on your
hearts to-night. If you forget the sermon, don't forget that
prayer. It is a very short prayer, and it has brought joy
— salvation — to many a soul. Well, this prayer came to
the man, and he began, " God be merciful to me a — ," but
before he got to sinner God blessed him. He got up in
the young converts' meeting and told us as he said those
words the light of eternal truth broke upon his soul — the
light from the celestial regions of glory broke upon him
— and when we left New York he was walking in the
righteousness of God.
In a meeting recently a man got up. I didn't know
him at first. When I was here he was a rumseller, and
broke up his business and went to the mountains. This
is how it happened. When I was here before he opened
a saloon and a grand billiard hall. It was one of the most
magnificent billiard halls on the West Side, all elegantly
gilded and frescoed. For the opening he sent me an in-
39 1
vitation to be present, which I accepted, and went around
before he opened it. I saw the partners and asked them if
they would allow me to bring a friend. They asked me
who it was. Well, it isn't necessary to tell who it is, but
I never go without him." They began -to mistrust me.
" Who is it ? " they again inquired. " Well, I'll come with
him and if I see anything wrong I'll ask him to forgive you."
" Come," said they, " We don't want any praying."
"You've given me an invitation, and I am coming." " But
if you come you needn't pray." " Well," said I, " I'll
tell you what we'll do, we'll compromise the matter, and
if you don't want me to come and pray for you then,
let me pray for both of you now," which they agreed
to. It turned out that one of them had a praying mother,
and the prayer touched his heart, and the other had a
mother in heaven. I asked God to bless their souls, and
just to break their business to pieces. In a few months
their business did go all to pieces. The man who got
up in the prayer meeting told me a story that touched my
soul. He said with his business he hadn't prospered — he
failed, and went away to the Rocky Mountains. Life
became a burden to him and he made up his mind that he
would go to some part of the mountains and put an end to
his days. He took a knife with him which he proposed
driving into his heart. He sought a part of the mountains
to kill himself. He had the knife ready to plunge into
his heart, when he heard a voice — it was the voice of his
mother. He remembered her words when she was dy-
ing, even though he was a boy then. He heard her say
" Johnny, if ever you get into trouble, pray to God." That
knife dropped from his hand, and he asked God to be
merciful to him. He was accepted, and he came back
to Chicago and lifted up his voice for Him. He may be
in this Tabernacle to-night. Just the moment he cried
for mercy he got it. If you only cry, " God, be merciful
to me a sinner," He will hear you. Is there anything to
hinder you from doing this to-night : is there anything to
hinder any man, woman or child in this hall to-night from
sending up this prayer. What a glorious thing it would
be if every soul in this hall would but lift up their hearts
with the prayer " God, be merciful to me a sinner."
Now, a man asked me the other day, " How is it that a
man who has lived an ungodly life can come in here and
be saved all at once ? " Why, God so loves the sinner that
He is willing to give them salvation instantly — He wants
to save every one now in Chicago. The trouble is that we
don't want God to be merciful ; we don't want His forgive-
ness. God is full of compassion and love. It is the spirit
of the devil that makes you believe the sins committed dur-
ing the past twenty years cannot be forgiven to-night. My
friends, won't you try Him ? But I will take you who be-
lieve this way, upon your own ground. Here is a father
down here. He is full of self-righteousness ; he is a Phar-
isee. He has a boy whom he has not seen for twenty
years. Well, as he goes home to-night his servants tell
him, " Your absent son has returned." " What ! " he ex-
claims, " my absent boy Johnny here — in this house ? "
" Yes, he is down in the kitchen ; we wanted him to go into
the parlor, but he wouldn't ; he said the kitchen was good
enough for him." He tells those servants to take him to
his son, and for a moment the boy looks at him, " Father,
father," he cries, " I have been bad ; I haven't dDne a good
act in twenty years ; I have been very unkind to you ; but,
father, won't you forgive me ? " Say, father, wouldn't you
forgive him ? Wouldn't you ? I would like to see a man
in Chicago who would not. I can give you a little ex-
perience of my own family. Before I was four years old
the first thing I remember was the death of my father. He
had been unfortunate in business and failed. Soon after
his death the creditors came in and took everything. My
mother was left with a large family of children. One ca-
lamity after another swept over the entire household. Twins
were added to the family, and my mother was taken sick.
The eldest boy was fifteen years of age, and to him my
mother looked as a stay in her calamity, but all at once
that boy became a wanderer. He had been reading some
of the trashy novels, and the belief had seized him that
he had only to go away and make a fortune. Awsy he went.
I can remember how eagerly she used to look for tidings
of that boy ; how she used to send us to the post-office to
see if there was a letter from him, and recollect how we
used to come back with the sad news, " No letter." I re-
member how in the evenings we would sit beside her in
that New England home, and we would talk about our
father; but the moment the name of that boy was men-
tioned she would hush us into silence. Some nights when
the wind was very high, and the house, which was upon a
hill, would tremble at every gush, the voice of my mother
was raised in prayer for that wanderer who had treated her
so unkindly. I used to think she loved him more than all
the rest of us put together, and I believe she did. On a
Thanksgiving day — you know that is a family day in New
England — she used to set a chair for him, thinking he
would return home. Her family grew up, and her boys
left home. When I got so that I could write, I sent letters
all over the country, but could find no trace of him. One
day while in Boston the news reached me that he had re-
turned. While in that city I remember how I used to look
for him in every store — he had a mark on his face — but I
never got any trace. One day while my mother was sitting
at the door, a stranger was seen coming toward the house,
and when he came to the door he stopped. My mother
didn't know her boy. He stood there with folded arms, and
a great beard flowing down his breast, his tears trickling
down his face. When my mother saw those tears she cried
" Oh, it's my lost son," and entreated him to come in. But,
he stood still. " No, mother," he said, " I will not come
in till I hear first you have forgiven me." Do you believe
she was not willing to forgive him ? Do you think she was
likely to keep him long standing there ? She rushed to the
threshold and threw her arms around him, and breathed
forgiveness. Ah, sinner, if you but ask God to be merciful
to you, a sinner, ask Him for forgiveness, although your
life has been bad — ask Him for mercy, and He will not
keep you long waiting for an answer. May that be the cry
of every lost soul in this Tabernacle to-night. "God be
merciful to me, a sinner." Now, do you want to have
mercy ? Say, young man, will you ask Him to-night ?
Young lady, will this be your cry to-night : " God, be mer-
ciful to me, a sinner ? " May the love of God break every
obdurate heart here to-night, and may this be the cry of
every sinner. Don't have so much pride, don't have the
spirit of the Pharisee — that's the spirit that keeps you from
entering the inquiry-room and coming to the God of love,
the God of compassion, the God of mercy, of peace, of joy,
of everlasting happiness. Let every man and woman in
this assemblage out of Christ take the place of this publi-
can and go into the inquiry-room. Let us pray.
I want to call your attention for a few minutes this
evening to this man that the Saviour has brought before us
in this portion of Scripture. You will see by reading it that
he was what we would call now-a-days a successful business
man — a man that many parents would holdup to their sons
as a model. I don't think he was a drinking man ; there's
nothing in the story that would lead us to suppose he was.
He hadn't made his money in getting up corners on grain ;
he didn't get it by any acts of usury by which he drew
twenty per cent. ; he didn't get it by making a corner on
gold or getting up a Black Friday ; he didn't make his
money by betting on election or buying stocks, but he got
it lawfully. No doubt he was a moralist ; certainly there
is nothing in what we have read to-night against his
character. That was not his fault. He didn't rent his
property for billiard halls, for liquor saloons, or to harlots ;
he was a farmer. I don't know of a more lawful occupa-
tion than that of a farmer, He was a successful man. I
don't believe he ever compromised with his creditors by
paying 50 cents on the dollar when he could pay 100. He
didn't get his money that way. He didn't get it by shaving
notes, or by taking advantage of the widow and orphan, or
those who were poor, but he got it lawfully. He was an
upright man. I presume if he was here we would send him
to Congress, or if we could not send him to Congress we
would make him Mayor. He was a thoroughly good
business man, who payee} all he promised to pay. He was
what we would call a shrewd man — a long-headed man,
just deluged with business, and, undoubtedly, if you had
spoken to him about his soul's welfare he would have
turned to Scripture and said, " be not slothful in business."
Business must be attended to first ; that's what Scripture
teaches. And I think that Chicago men have got as far as
that in Scripture, and there they stop. A man came out
here from the East, and a minister asked him to preach in
his pulpit, and he picked out the text " not slothful in
business," but went no further. " Why," said the minister
to him, "don't you know that all Chicago have got that
down in their soul ; why don't you preach upon the whole
of the text, and not a part ?" " Not slothful in business,"
Chicago don't want that kind of preaching. He forgot the
rest — " fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." This man was
earnest with business. He had got off that part of the
text. Undoubtedly he moved in the best society of his
time. He had the best turn-out in that part of the country.
He had the best farm in that section of the country, and
the best horses and cattle. If he had been living to-day,
probably he would have had the best short-horn cattle and
the very finest wool sheep. He had the very best undoubt-
edly, in his time, and had been called a great success. No
doubt in those days they had revival meetings, of course
they had, because one of the greatest revivals that ever
took place occurred in those days under John the Baptist.
Perhaps it took place near his farm, but he could not leave
his business to attend it. Great multitudes flocked past
his house from early morn till late at night on their way to
the banks of the Jordan to hear the greatest revivalist that
ever lived, except Jesus Christ. But he didn't leave his
business to go ; he probably thought they were fanatics.
The idea of a business man turning from his legitimate
business, from his merchandise— should waste his time to
hear that preacher. No doubt he belonged to the syna-
gogue. He believed in set doctrines and walked accord-
ingly. He would not hear of those innovations. The idea
of spending his time in going to listen to a man who was
clothed with a leather girdle and fed on locusts an'd wild
honey ! No, sir ; he wouldn't hear him. Undoubtedly
Jesus and His apostles passed by that way, and he might
have one night entertained Him. Perhaps he had heard
about the dead being raised by this man as these drunkards
are being raised in Chicago to-day — men who are being
lifted from sin and degradation and a new song put into
their mouth. Like a great many of these business men to-
day, perhaps he said : " Oh, it's only a nine days' wonder,
and the excitement will be gone soon." Christ came and
went, but he was so pressed with business that he hadn't
time to attend to what that heavenly preacher said. He
hadn't time to go to those meetings on the banks of the
Jordan. So it is with men to-day. They haven't time to
look into this great question of Jesus Christ. They have
heard of Him, but can't stop to see how He came, why He
came, or what He has done ? Business is so pressing.
Undoubtedly he had the very best wine there was in the
land, and it was always on his table, although he wasn't a
drunkard. He had the very best fruit, the very best fish
and game upon his table. The very best material he wore
— perhaps he sent all the way down to Egypt to buy cloth-
ing for his wife and daughters. His turn-out was the most
stylish — probably he was often seen with a four-in-hand on
the highway. Everybody said he was getting along nicely.
If a friend came to see him he would take him all around,
and show him his land and his barns, and point to this and
that part that he was going to pull down and make larger ;
business was increasing. He would show him all through
his grand house, and tell how he was once a poor boy, how
his father died, and how the creditors came and took every-
thing — how he had commenced life with nothing, and he had
made all his friend saw. Just like a great many men here.
They will tell how they came to Chicago poor boys, how
by hard work, by incessant toiling, they have gained what
theyjhave now, taking all the glory to themselves instead of
giving it to God. Look at him ! If a man cheated him
out of $5 how he would resent it. Shrewd, practical,
business man • and yet the devil was cheating him out of
his soul. That is the way to-day. They are just living for
time. The great trouble with this man was he was blind —
he was just living from the cradle to the grave. He didn't
want to take death into his plans. " In every man's garden
there is a sepulcher." My friends, in every man's home
there is a sepulcher. Death is inevitable, and is not a man
mad who does not take it into his plans ?
Look at him. One night he is in the drawing-room of
this beautiful palatial home, and he stands with an archi-
tect looking over plans. He is going to have a new barn
built. It is going to be the best that money can erect. He
don't want any of his neighbors to approach him. It is
going to be the very best. The architect has gone away,
and he stands there looking over the plans. His family
have retired, and all the servants have gone to bed.
The doors and windows are all double-locked, double-barred,
sealed, chained — fastened securely, but a stranger comes
in slowly and lays a cold hand upon him, and says, " Come !
I must take thee away." "Who art thou, stranger?" "I
am Death." He should not have been any stranger to
him. The idea of Death being a stranger to any of us.
Why, death is all around us. No doubt he had attended
many funerals, and perhaps acted as pall-bearer. Perhaps
he was like some people in Chicago ; he never heard a ser-
mon except when he attended a funeral. He had heard a
sermon then and had seen the body laid in the ground, and
now his time has come. He wants to bribe Death, and
offers him thousands of dollars to give him a little more
time; but he cannot bribe Death. You can bribe poli-
ticians, you may bribe these business men, but there is an
officer that never can be bought, never can be bribed, and
when he comes we have to obey his summons. When
Death says, " Come, you must go with me," we have to
obey him. When Death entered that chamber and said,
" Come, I want thee," he might have cried, " Let me live a
little longer ; let me have these places finished ; just a few
years longer." "Come," says Death, "come." "Why,
what are you going to do with me ? Where are you going
to take me ? " " You have had time enough to see to that ;
you must come now." The man weeps and cries, "I've got
a loving wife, I have loving children, I have got a perfect
palace — a beautiful home, which I have been all my life
preparing; Tve just got it fixed up now; don't summon
me away now ; oh, Death, spare me a little longer." Like
that queen he cries, " O for an inch of time ! " But says
Death, " Come ! " and lays his cold hand upon that heart
and it ceases to beat. Perhaps when the servants come in
they find him sitting at his desk dead. The news spreads
through the house, and that wife learns she is a widow. I
see that widow and those children gathering around the
body of that father. The family physician comes. He
looks at that body and puts his hand on that pulse, but
the pulse that told the man how fast he was travelling to-
ward eternity had ceased to beat. There is a stir in that
community next morning — " Squire so-and-so is dead ; he
was a shrewd man ; practical, successful man." Perhaps
at the funeral the whole community turned out, and prob-
ably got a minister, as they get them in our day, to come
to the funeral and deliver a eulogy over him, who said he
was very benevolent to the poor, he was very philanthropic,
and held him up as an example. It appears to me there is
more lying at funerals than anywhere else. Men stand up
and pronounce a eulogy over men who have lived a church-
less, godless life — who have gone down to a Christless,
godless grave, and say because they have been wise and
good to the poor they have gone to a better world. God
sees differently. You and I may try to make out this man
as a shrewd man, a wise man, a man to be held up as an
example, but just see what the Son of Man says about him.
He says such a man is an abomination to God. The Son
of Man says : " Thou fool." He wrote his epitaph, and it
has been handed down to us as a warning — handed down
for i, 800 years. •
I can imagine some of you saying, " If I had known that
he would have talked about" death to-night, I would not
have come. Why don't he talk about life, about happiness ;
why don't he tell us about how to get on in business — how
to get through the battle of life ? Why does he speak about
death only?" I will tell you why it is. It is because nine
out of every ten die unexpectedly ; it is because nine
out of every ten die wholly unprepared. They may have
been warned, death may have come very near. It might
have entered their house and taken away a loved wife,
loved children, a loved father or mother — death may have
come into their homes four, five, six, seven, ten times, and
taken away relatives from their midst. Yet they are unpre-
pared. Do you know that six millions of people die
annually in the world ? Since I came here and began
preaching in this Tabernacle death has thrown its mantle
around many a one. Do you remember that death
in this cold, dark, bleak night is doing its work ? I
am speaking to some who may be in. eternity to-mor-
row. I come to tell you to be prepared. Is not it
downright folly to spend your lives in piling up wealth
and to die .as this man died, without hope, without
Christ, without eternal life. Let me call your attention to
this. The sin of this man was simply neglect. It is clear.
We cannot condemn his business. It was honest, legit-
imate. But the thing we ,do condemn is, that he neglected
to secure his soul's salvation. A great many say : " Am I
not kind to the poor, am I not honorable in all my trans-
actions, do I not pay a hundred cents on a dollar always ? "
But are you honest to your soul's salvation ? You may
fold your arms and depend upon your deeds, but if you do
not seek salvation in this world you will be lost. You
know that there are three steps down the hill, and they
are to neglect, to refuse, and to despise. Now all in this
audience are standing on some of the steps of this ladder.
You can see how if a man neglects his salvation he will be
lost. All you men, if you neglect your business, leave it to
itself, you know you will soon become bankrupt. And if
man wants to die all he has to do is to call in a doctor.
Look at a general of an arm)'- of 10,000 men. He knows
that there is an army of 10,000 coming to meet him, but
he goes and takes his glass and sees in the distance
another army of 10,000 men who are coming up to rein-
force his enemy. He knows he cannot delay ; if he does
he will soon be overwhelmed by the 20,000 men ahead of
him. A man who neglects his soul's salvation does not
look at what is ahead of him, and the enemy comes up and
overwhelms him. Death comes, as it probably came to
this man, at the midnight hour, unexpectedly and unbidden.
You know more men die at night than in the day — from
12 to three o'clock in the morning. How many men die
unexpectedly. Look at the millions and millions who die
unexpectedly. Although we live an allotted time — three
score and ten — when death comes it comes unexpectedly.
This man had provided for his family ; he had built up a
great business, had provided for his own wants, but he
made no provision for his own soul. You might have
gone to his house and taken up a pencil and written on
everything he possessed "Thou fool." He spent all his
life in accumulating money, and then he had to leave it all.
A sailor was telling a man that his father and his grand-
father, and his great grandfather were all drowned at sea,
and the man said, " Why don't you get prepared to die,
then, you may be drowned any day, too ? ' " Where did
your father die ? " inquired the sailor. " On land." " And
your grandfather ? " " On land." " And your great grand-
father ? " " On land too." " Are you prepared to die ? "
" Well, no." " Why don't you get prepared ? " asked the
sailor. He didn't thiilk he was in danger continually him-
self, but that the sailor was.
I think the greatest text that is given to us is "Prepare
to meet thy God." Are you ready ? Why do you neglect
any longer to accept salvation ? All the children of Israel
had to do to be cured was to look on that brazen serpent ;
they were healed instantly. If they neglected to look upon
that serpent they died. All you have got to do is to look
upon Christ and receive life. Look at the Indian who is
in his canoe. He has gone to sleep. Perhaps he may be
dreaming about hunting-grounds, perhaps he may be dream-
ing of his friends in the Indian village. Yet he is in the
rapids which are taking him over the cataract. He is not
rowing toward it ; he. is sound asleep, the paddle lies in
the bottom of that canoe. Without any effort of his own
the current is taking him toward the fall. By and by the
poor man wakes up, and he sees he is on the brink of the
cataract. In a few moments he will plunge over. He gives
an unearthly cry, and down he goes into the jaws of death.
All here to-night, are in the current that is carrying them
to the cataract — rushing on to judgment. A great many
things in this world are not sure. You may buy grain, you
may buy land, you are not sure whether the value will go up
or down, but there is one thing that you are sure of, and that
is death. " For it is appointed unto men once to die, but
after this the judgment." After that the judgment. You
can be sure of that.
Now the question is, are you ready ? I can imagine
some of you saying : " I've got time enough, I don't pro-
pose to settle this question just yet : there's a good many
years before me." Is there a man who can say this ? Is
there a man who can say, " To-morrow is mine ?" We are
on the journey toward the judgment. Have you got a hope
in the future, have you that which will take you over the
.grave — have you that power which will carry you through
death and judgment. You go to Graceland and summon
up the dead. Bring them into this hall in the midst of this
audience, with their ghastly winding-sheets, and see how
.many of them died old. You will find that more of them
died young than old. Why, whole populations are swept
into eternity before they reach their allotted age. Instead
of three score and ten the allotted age now-a-days is about
30 years. My friends, we will soon be in eternity. What
are you doing ? Are you reflecting.
Some of you are. on the second round of the ladder.
You are refusing. I was talking to a lady last night, and
she said calmly, coolly, and deliberately, " I don't want Him ;
I don't want Christ." " Do you really mean this ? " I ask-
ed. " Yes, I don't want Him." I presume a few years ago
she would not have said this, but she had got on the second
round of the ladder; and some now despise it. If you get
a tract upon the streets you just tear it up. You mock and
make light of the God of your father and your mother.
You have got on the bottom round of the ladder, and you
despise the gift of God. My friends, that is the last round.
A man has sunk pretty low when he despises the gift of
God — when he hurls it back to God and says : " I will not
have it."
Now, I want to ask you this question. What are you
going to do ? Will you think a few minutes, young men ?
Will you stop for a few minutes and just think ? I wish I
could wake this audience up for five minutes. Just ask
yourslves where you are ; or, to make it more personal,
" What am I ? Where am I going ? " A dying man called
a Hindoo priest to his bedside, and asked him where he
was going. The priest said he was going into an animal.
" Well, after that where am I going ? " " Going into another
animal." " Wliere next ? " " Into another animal ; " and he
went on telling the man he would enter into this and that
animal until he stopped. Then the man asked : "Where
shall I go after that ? " the poor heathen priest could not'
tell him. Ah, won't you settle this question to-night.
" What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and
lose his own soul ? " Suppose a man has the whole wealth
of Chicago rolled at his feet, and then he dies, what has he
gained ?
A father was on his death-bed lately, and he called in
his son. The boy was careless ; he would not take death
into account. He wanted to enjoy the pleasures of life,
and he took no heed of the future. The old man said :
"My son, I want to ask you one favor, and that is, when
I am dead promise me you will come into this room
for five minutes every day for thirty days. You are to
come alone, not to bring a book with you ; and sit here."
The thoughtless young man promised to do it. The father
The first thing when he went into that room that he
thought of was his father's prayer — his father's words, and
his father's God, and before the five minutes expired he
was crying out, " God be merciful to me." It seems to me
if I could get men to always ask themselves, " What is
going to be my end ? " " Where am I going to spend eter-
nity ? " it would not be long before they would come to
Christ. You may be moralists, you may be proprietors of
a successful business, you may be what the world calls suc-
cessful business men. yet, " Where are you going to spend
eternity ? " Can you tell me where you will be next year ?
Can you tell me where you are going to be ten years hence ?
Can you tell me ? I want to read a little notice on a card
which is headed : " I have missed it at last."
A few months ago, in New York, a physician called
upon a young man who was ill. He sat for a little by the
bedside, examining his patient, and then he honestly told
him the sad intelligence that he had but a short time to
live. The young man was astonished ; he did not expect
it would come to that so soon. He forgot that death
comes " in such an hour as ye think not." At length he
looked up in the face of the doctor, and with a most des-
pairing countenance, repeated the expression, " I have
missed it — at last." " What have you missed ? " inquired
the tender-hearted, sympathizing physician. " I have
missed it — at last," again the young man replied. The
doctor, not in the least comprehending what the poor
young man meant, said: " My dear young man, will you
be so good as to tell me what you — ? " He instantly
interrupted, saying " Oh ! doctor, it is a sad story- — a sad
— sad story that I have to tell. But I have missed it ! "
" Missed what? " "Doctor, I have missed the salvation
of my soul." " Oh ! say not so. It is not so. Do you
remember the thief on the cross ? " " Yes, I remember
the thief on the cross. And I remember that he never said
to the Holy Spirit — Go thy way. But I did. And now he
is saying to me, Go your wayT He lay gasping awhile,
and looking up with a vacant, staring eye, he said : " I
was awakened and was anxious about my soul a little time
ago. But I did not want religion then. Something seemed
to say to me: Don't postpone it. I knew I ought not to
do it. I knew I was a great sinner and needed a Saviour.
I resolved, however, to dismiss the subject for the present.
Yet I could not get my own consent to do it, until I had
promised that I would take it up again, at a time not re-
mote and more favorable. I bargained away, insulted,
and grieved away the Holy Spirit. I never thought of
coming to this. I meant to have religion, and make my
salvation sure. And now I have missed it — at last."
" You remember," said the doctor, " that there were some
who came at the eleventh hour.!' " My eleventh hour,"
he rejoined, " was when I had that call of the Spirit. I
have had none since — I shall not have. I am given over
to be lost." " Not lost," said the doctor, " you may yet
be saved." No — not saved — never. He tells me I may
go my way now. I know it — I feel it, feel it here, laying
his hand upon his heart. Then he burst out in despairing
agony : " Oh, I have missed it ! I have sold my soul for
nothing — a feather — a straw — undone forever ! " This
was said with such unutterable, indescribable despond-
ency, that no words were said in reply. After lying a few
moments, he raised his head, and looking all around the
room as if for some desired object — turning his eyes in
every direction — then burying his face in the pillow, he
again exclaimed, in agony and horror : " Oh, I have
missed it at last ! " and he died.
Dear friends, you may not hear my voice again. I may
be speaking to you for the last time. You may never come
into this Tabernacle again, and I beg of you as a friend,
and as a brother, do not go out of this Tabernacle without
salvation. Let this night be the night that you will ac-
cept everlasting life. Let this be the night on which
you will cry from the depth of your heart, " Let me have
Christ, let me have salvation." " Though it cost me my
right hand or my right eye, I will have Christ to-night."
May that be the cry of every one here to-night, and salva-
tion be accepted for time and eternity by every soul in this
building. May God wake up every soul here to-night, and
when that summons comes may you go to triumph over
the grave and so enter into a glorious immortality. Let
us unite in prayer.
The key to all Jacob's difficulties will be found in the
twentieth chapter of Matthew, from which Mr. Moody read
an illustration. It is the story of the laborers in the vine-
yard. The thought is in the second verse. The first men
hired agreed to the bargain. The men would not go until
the owner of the vineyard had made a bargain with them.
He told them that he would pay them what was right.
They got a penny. He gave them the lawful wages. Is
that all you're going to give me? they probably said.
Jacob was all the time making bargains. The Christians
who are making bargains with the Lord do not get as much
as those who trust Him. It does not pay to make bar-
gains with the Lord. Jacob is a twin brother of most of
us. Where you will find one Joseph or one Daniel you will
find a hundred Jacobs. We are not willing, all of us, to
take God at His word and trust Him. There is a strong
contrast between the character of Joseph and Jacob. The
one trusted God implicitly, but Jacob wanted to trust Him
no farther than he could see God. There would have
been a great deal of murmuring if Jacob had been, thrown
into jail in Egypt. Jacob no doubt got a great deal of his
weakness from his mother. There was a division in that
home. Isaac favored Esau, and Rebekah favored Jacob.
Such dissensions are just the thing to stir up the old Adam
in the man. A mother and a father have no right to take
this course. Rebekah plans continually to keep Jacob at
home. The very thing that Rebekah tries to achieve, in
that she fails. By nature Esau was the better of the two.
If such a mean, contemptible nature as Jacob's can be
saved, then there is hope for all of us. The Lord prom-
ised to Jacob from the top of the ladder what he should
have. Jacob gets up and says if God will be with me and
keep and clothe me, then shall the Lord be my God.
What a low, contemptible idea he had. God had promised
him all from Dan to Beersheba. That's the difficulty with
the people at the present time. If God will bless us in our
basket and store we shall have him for our God. We find
Jacob after this in Haran driving bargains all the time, and
the worst of it is he gets beat every time. He had to work
seven years for his wife, and then gets another woman in
her place. He gets paid back in his own coin. We must
not think that God will allow us to deceive without
punishing us for it. He forgot all the vows he had made
at Bethel, but God did not forget His. Some of God's
promises are unconditional. The promise he made at
Bethel was unconditional. God chose Jacob rather than
Esau. Some people say that God hated Esau before he
was born. This is not the teaching of Scripture, even
though one of the minor prophets long years after men-
tioned it. God says to Jacob after he had been in Haran
for so many years, " I am the God of Bethel ; arise and
dwell there." He ought to have been proud, and instead
of leaving Haran like a prince, he steals away like a thief.
He starts off, and his uncle and father-in-law pursue.
God took care of him ; God was going to keep His vows,
andlthere is no doubt that had not God interfered Jacob
would have been slain. We find that Jacob stays behind
like a miserable coward, after he had sent his effects away.
A man out of communication with God is a coward always.
There was a man wrestled with Jacob. It was Christ.
When did he prevail ? When his thigh was out of joint all
he could do was to hold on and get the blessing. The
man who is the lowest down is the man that God lifts up
the highest. The man that has the greatest humility will
be the most exalted. A great many say that Jacob was a
different man. Would to God his thigh had been left
out of joint so that there was no more of the flesh in him.
The next thing, we find Jacob and Esau embracing, and
we would suppose that he would be filled with gratitude.
But no ; he goes down to Shechem and builds an altar and
calls it by a high-sounding name. Jacob in Shecham with
this altar with a high-sounding name was no better than he
was in Haran without an altar. It would be a good day if
we people in Chicago would bury our idols, rum-bottles,
tobacco, and cigars, beneath an oak in Shechem. The
trouble is that we have slipped down to Shechem. There
his sons fell. It is when men go down to Haran and
Shechem, instead of staying in Bethel, that thev fall into
sin. Let the church of God come out and stand before the
world free from idols, there would be no need for idols.
The only thing that keeps back the blessing of God are
the church members. He built an altar finally at Bethel.
He said that he would go to Bethel and build an altar to
his God, as if the Shechem- altar was no altar. He called
it El-Bethel. Just the moment he came to Bethel the Lord
God met him, and just as soon as the church leaves Shec-
hem and comes to Bethel, then the Lord God will meet it.
The next thing we hear is the saddest episode in Jacob's
life — the death of Rachel, his favorite wife. His sons go
back to Shechem and hunt up the old idols. His sons
bring him back news from there that his beloved son was
dead. Do you see how he begins to reap the sins of his
own earlier days ? For twenty long years he mourned that
beloved boy. He deceived his own father, and his own
sons deceived him. What a bitter life. What was Jacob's
dying testimony to Pharoah ? It would take ten thousand
Jacobs to get one convert like Pharoah. " Few and evil,"
Jacob said, " had his days been." He started with a lie in
his mouth. He died in exile. He died in Egypt, not in
the land God promised him. He would not let God choose
for him. He was saved by fire, or as Job said, by the skin
of his teeth. We must walk less by sight and more by
faith. It is safer for God to choose and to do the plan-
ning. It is for us to be satisfied with God's writ. Let us
be satisfied and wait upon him, saying : " Thy will be done,
and not ours.°
I have had a little trouble to find a text for to-night.
All last night and this morning I was trying to find one,
but could not. This morning, however, in coming out of
Farwell Hall prayer-meeting, a mother, whom I have
known for a great many years, came to me with tears run-
ning down her cheeks, and, with grief, nearly sinking to the
floor. " O ! Mr. Moody," she said, " have these meetings
to close and not one of my children saved ? " and the
thought flashed on my mind, I have got a text, and it is in
the ninth chapter of Mark, which we have read : " Bring
him unto me." The disciples had failed to cure this man's
son. James and John and Peter had been with the Master
upon the mount, where they had seen the transfiguration,
and when they came down from that scene they found" a
great company around His disciples, asking them questions.
I suppose the skeptics were laughing and ridiculing the re-
ligion of Jesus Christ and its teachers. His disciples had
failed — they had not been able to cast out the dumb spirit,
and the father said, when asked a question, " I have
brought my son to your disciples, and they cannot heal
him," and He said, " Bring him unto Me." When he was
brought, the devil threw him clown. The moment the poor
deaf and dumb man came into the presence of Christ the
spirit within began to tear at him. This is often the case
now. Sometimes when there is a good deal of prayer going
up for people they become worse. When the Spirit begins
with men, instead of getting better they sometimes become
worse, and it seems as if God did not answer prayer ; but
this is only a sign that God is at work. A mother was
praying for and giving good counsel to a loved son lately,
and he said if ever she spoke to him about religion again
he would leave the house. Whenever the word was pre-
sented to him, he became worse. That mother did not
take her son to the preachers, but thank God, she took
him to Christ. She didn't take him to the church, she did
not take him to her friends — she knew that if he was to be
saved it was only by Jesus Christ. She took him to the
Master, and the result was that within forty-eight hours
after saying this to his mother, that wayward boy was
brought to the feet of Jesus. So if any have been praying
earnestly and faithfully for their sons without success, my
dear friends, get your eyes off the church, off friends, off
everything else but Him, and let your prayer go up day
and night, and it will be heard, because we have God's
word for it. An answer is sure. We are not sure whether
the sun will rise to-morrow morning, but we are sure that
He will answer our prayers. It is sure. If we hold on to
God in prayer and find that we don't get our supplications
answered in a month — in a year — we are to hold on till the
blessing comes. Now, it may be that this mother, like a
great many mothers, has been looking to the prayers here
— looking to what has been going on in these meetings,
and has been saying, " There are so many Christian
people praying, and surely God will bless my boys owing
to these prayers." Now, we must get our eyes from off
multitudes, from sermons, from others' prayers, and let all
our expectations be only from Him, and a blessing will
come. These meetings have been very profitable, and
during the weeks past I have noticed that those fathers
and mothers who have gone out after other people's children,
have had their own wonderfully blessed. Whatever good
you do to other people's children the reflex will come back
upon yours. It may be that that mother was very selfish,
and wanted her sons blessed only; she hasn't, perhaps,
been trying to bring others under the influence of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Every day fathers and mothers come
to me with tears in their eyes — fathers and mothers who
have gone out after other people's children — testifying how
their children have been blessed. A mother who has been
working for Him here, told me that her five children — every
one of them — had been blessed by these meetings, and I
suppose that if 1 put it to the vote many parents here
would stand up and testify as to the answers received to
prayers and personal efforts for their children. I was very
much surprised lately to see an old citizen coming into
our meetings with a wayward son by his side night after
night. Every evening he was to be seen with him, and
last Monday evening he got up and told what God had
done for him in answer to personal effort. That father
got woke up, and did not rest till he was answered.
Now it seems to me, just as we are leaving this city,
that a great many parents are beginning to wake up to the
fact that these meetings are about to be closed and their
children have not been blessed. When we were in Great
Britain, in Manchester, a father woke up to the fact that we
were going away from that town. Just as we were about
closing he got wonderfully interested in the meetings, and
when we had gone to another town he said to his wife :
" I have made a mistake : I should have taken you and
the children and the servants to those meetings. Now I'm
going to take my son from business, and take you and the
children and the servants to the town where they are being
held now and take a house and have you all attend the
meetings." He came and took a house and sat down de-
termined to remain there till all had been blessed. I re-
member him coming to me one night soon after arriving
aud saying, " Mr. Moody, my wife has got converted :
thank God for that. If I get nothing else I am well paid."
A few nights after he came in and said his son had become
converted, and then told me one of the servants had been
brought under the influence : and so he went on until the
last day we were to be in that town arrived, and he came
to me and said the last one of the family had yielded him-
self up to Christ, and he went back to his native city re-
joicing. When we we were in London the father and son
came up and assisted in the work, and I don't know a hap-
pier man in all Europe than that one. How many parents
living almost within sight of this building have felt no in-
terest in these meetings ; yet they know their children are
hastening down to death and ruin. Business must be at-
tended to : time is very precious, and they have gone to
waste, in order to bring their sons and daughters under
religious influences, and the result will be that many and
many a family in this city will see dark days and bitter
hours, and many a parent will go down to their graves on
account of wayward children. Now, why won't you even
in the closing hours of these meetings — why won't parents
wake up and bring their children to Christ ; just hold them
up in the arms of their faith, and pray, " Lord Jesus, save
these children that God has given me ; grant, O God, that
they may be with me in glory."
It may be that some father or mother is saying : " I
have not been living right myself in God's sight ; so how
can I talk to my children of Him ?" It seems to me the
best thing to do under those circumstances is to make a
confession. I knew a father who a few days ago told his
children that he had not been living right. The tears rol-
led down his cheeks as he asked their forgiveness, "Why,"
said one child, " do you ask us for forgiveness ? Why,
father, you have always been kind to us ?" "I know I have,
my child," he answered, "but I have not been doing my
whole duty toward you : I've never had a family altar: I
have paid more heed to your temporal welfare than to your
spiritual : but I am going to have a family altar now." He
took down his Bible and began there, and it wasn't long
before his children were touched. Suppose you haven't
been living in accordance with the gospel : why not make
an open confession to your wife — to. your children — set up
a family altar, and pray for your children, and it will not
be long before you will be blessed. Let us come to Him.
Let us look straight away from the churches ; let us look
from every influence to only the Master Himself, and Jet
His words ring in the soul of every parent here to-night :
" Bring Him unto Me." Have you got a wayward son ?
He may be in some distant State or foreign land, and by
the last news you received of him was rushing headlong
down to ruin. My friend, you can reach him — you can
reach him by intercession at the throne. A short time
after I got here I received a letter from Scotland. I haven't
time to read it. The letter was sent to a minister and he
forwarded it to me. It was the gushing of a loving father.
He asked us to look out for his boy, whose name was Wil-
lie. That name touched my heart, because it was the
name of my own boy. I asked Mr. Sawyer to try and get
on the track of that boy some weeks ago, but all his efforts
were fruitless. But away off in Scotland that Christian
father was holding that boy up to God in prayer, and last
Friday, in yonder room, among those asking for prayer was
that Willie, and he told me a story there that thrilled my
heart, and testified how the prayers of that father and mo-
ther in that far-off land had been instrumental in affecting
his salvation. Don't you think the heart of that father and
mother will rejoice ? He said he was rushing madly to
destruction, but there was a power in those prayers that
saved that boy. Don't you think, my friends, that God
hears and answers prayers, and shall we not lift up our
voices to Him in prayer that He will bless the children
He has given us.
You know how Elisha was blessed by the Shunammite
woman, and she was blessed in return by a child. You
know how the child died, and how she resolved to go at
once to the man of God. I can imagine Elisha sitting on
Mount Carmel, and seeing that woman afar off, and saying
to his servant, " Do you see that woman ? I think I know
her face — it is the Shunammite, now that I see her face.
Go run and ask her ' is it well with her.' " Off the servant
runs, and when the servant came to her, she said, " It is
well." Although her child was dead she said " It is well."
She knew that the man who gave her the child could raise
it up. She runs up to the Master and falls down, putting
her arms about His feet ; and the servant tried to put her
away. But Elisha wouldn't let him. He says to the ser-
vant : " Here, take this staff and go and lay it upon the
face of the dead child," and tells the servant to go home
with her ; but she won't leave the man of God. She doesn't
want to lean upon the staff or the servant. ' It wasn't the
servant or the staff that she wanted, but the man of God
that she wanted with her. " You come with me," she says.
"You can raise it up." She would not leave Him till He
came to her house. He went in and closed the door and
prayed to God that the child would be restored, and then
lay upon the child, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands
to hands, and the child began to sneeze, and there was the
child of the Shunammite woman raised up. Bear in mind
that it was not the servant nor the staff, but the Master
Himself that saved the child. My friends, if we lean upon
the Master we shall not be disappointed. The moment
that child was brought to the Master the wish of that
woman was granted, and if we as parents bring our child-
ren to Him, we shall not be disappointed.
But there is another thing I want to call your attention
to. We don't fast enough. This fasting don't mean fast-
ing from meat, as many people think necessary. It seems
to me if I had a wayward hoy I should put myself at the
feet of Christ, and fast a little, by keeping away from
amusements, from theatres. I find a great many worldly
Christians going off into the theatres. They say, " I only
go for a little relaxation ; of course I could stop going
whenever I like, and needn't be influenced by them ; I
only go occasionally." A worldly Christian said to me,
" I only go once a month." " Well," said I, " how about
your boy ; he may not have the will-power you have, and
your example in going only once a month may only be the
means of his going there all the time." A man, my friends,
may have great will-power, yet his son may have very little.
And therefore a little fasting in this regard would be good
for our children. We should abstain from all pleasures
that are liable to be hurtful to our children. If you fathers
and mothers want your children to keep from evil influ-
ences you ought to keep away from them yourselves. If
they see you indulging in these pleasures, they think they
are on the right side by doing the same thing. A young
man says, " I don't want to be any better than my father ;
and he goes to the theaters." Now, there are young men
who have come into the inquiry rooms one night and the
next night have gone off to the theaters. I dort't know if
a man with the spirit of God should go there. These men
may one night be here and the next night may go off to
some amusement, where they hear as a waltz, " What Shall
the Harvest Be," or, " Almost Persuaded." How Christ-
ian men and women can go to such places as that, I can-
not conceive. If it is not sacrilege, then nothing is.
What can those worldly Christians expect from their child-
ren if they frequent such places ? I think the time has
come for a little fasting. When Christ died it was to sep-
arate His church from the world, and how can a man who
has consecrated himself as a child of God, go back to the
world without trampling that blood under his feet ? When
will the day come when a man of God shall make known by
his conversation, by his actions, by his general appearance,
that he has been freed from the curse of the world ?
Then another thing. It seems to me that every man
should have a family altar in his house. And if we can-
not deliver prayers, let us take up each of our children
by name ; let us ask that Johnny, while playing with his
schoolmates, may be kept from temptation. Why, we
forget that a little child's temptations are just as much to
him as ours are to us. The boy at school has just as
heavy trials as we have. And then pray for Mary. If
she is in trouble bring it out and pray that God may give
her power to overcome any besetting sin that she may
have in her heart. I believe the day has come when we
should have more religion in our families, more family
altars. I believe that the want of this is doing more injury
to the growth of our children than anything else. Why,
long before the church was in a building, it was in the
homes of the people. We can make the family altar a
source of happiness. By it w 7 e can make the home the
pleasantest place in the world. Let us, when we get up in
the morning, bright and fresh, have some family devotions.
If a man runs down town immediately on getting up, and
don't get home until five o'clock, and then has family de-
votions, the children will be tired and so go sound asleep.
And it seems to me that we should give a little more time
to our children and call them around the altar in the morn-
ing. Or suppose we ask them to recite a verse, to recite a
portion of a hymn — it must not necessarily be a long one
— and, after that, have some singing, if the children can
sing. Do not be in a hurry to get it out of the way, as if
the service was a nuisance ; take a little time. Let them
sing some religious hymns. The singing need not be all
psalms, but there should be a few simple religious hymns.
Let the little children be free from all restraint. Then pray
for each of them.
Another thing. It seems to me that we devote too little
time to studying the Sunday school lesson. You know now
we have a uniform lesson all over the country. That les-
son should be taken up by parents and they should try to
explain it to their children. But how many ever think of
this — how many parents ever take the trouble to inquire
even as to the kind of Sunday school teachers who instruct
their children. And then we should take our children
into the churches with us. It seems to me we are retro-
grading at the present day. A great many of our children
are never seen in the churches at all. Even if the sermon
don't touch them they are getting into good habits. And
then if the minister says a weak thing don't take it up,
don't pick it out or speak of it before the children, because
you are bringing your minister into disrespect with your
children. If you have got a minister whom you cannot
respect, you ought to get out of that church as soon as you
can. Encourage them to bring the text home ; let the
w r ord be spoken to them at all times, in season and out of
season. If the great Bible truths sink down into their
hearts, and the fruit will be precious ; wisdom will blossom
upon them, and they will become useful in the church and
in the world. Now, how many parents will not take the
trouble to explain to the children what the minister
preaches. Take your children into the pews and let them
hear the word of God, and if they do not understand it
show it to them. You know the meat they require is the
same as we feed on ; but if the pieces are too large for
them we must cut it up for them — cut it finer. If the ser-
mon is a hard one, cut it into thin slices so that they can
take it. There was a time when our little boy did not like
to go to church, and would get up in the morning and say
to his mother, "What day is to-morrow?" " Tuesday."
"Next day?" "Wednesday." "Next day?" "Thurs-
day j " and so on, till he came to the answer, " Sunday."
" Dear me," he would moan. I said to his mother, "We
cannot have our boy grow up to hate Sunday in that way ;
that will never do." That is the way I used to feel when
I was a boy. I used to look upon Sunday with a certain
amount of dread. Very few kind words were associated
with that day. I don't know that the minister ever said a
kind thing or ever even put his hand on my head. I don't
know that the minister even noticed me, unless it was
when I was asleep in the gallery, and he woke me up.
This kind of thing won't do ; we must make the Sunday
the most attractive day of the week ; not a day to be
dreaded ; but a day of pleasure. Well, the mother took
the work up with this boy. Bless those mothers in their
work with the children. Sometimes I feel as if I would
rather be the mother of John Wesley or Martin Luther or
John Knox than have all the glories in the world. Those
mothers who are faithful with the children God has given
them, will not go unrewarded. My wife went to work and
took those bible stories and put those blessed truths in a
light that the child could comprehend, and soon the feel-
ing of dread for the Sabbath with the boy was the other
way. " What day's to-morrow ? " he would ask. " Sunday."
" I am glad." And if we make these bible truths interest-
ing — break them up in some shape so that these children
can get at them, then they will begin to enjoy them. Now,
there's no influence like a mother's, and if the mothers
will give a little time to the children in this way, and read
them some Bible story, or tell them it in a simple way, it will
not be long before the child knows the Bible from beginning
to end. I know a little boy, 1 1 years of age, who got up
last Monday in the meeting, and told how he found Christ.
His father began by telling him Bible stories, and now he
knows them as well as I do. The little fellow of 1 1 years
is quite a preacher. Let us pick out the stories that will
interest them from Genesis to Revelation, and that is the
way to bring our children to Christ. It will fill them with
the gospel — fill them with Christ. They will soon be so
full of Jesus that when an infidel comes to unseat their
faith, he will find no room for infidelity.
Now, the New Year's day is coming on. I haven't much
time to speak about that now : but let me ask what are you
going to do when the young men come to your homes on
that day ? Are you going to set wine before them. Are
you going to tempt the sons of others to go astray ? Don't
offer them, I implore you, that hellish cup ; don't be the
instruments to lead the children of others away from the
God of their fathers. I hope that in this city this infernal
custom will soon be swept away. The idea of having some
of our best young men reeling on the streets beastly drunk
on the first day of the year is revolting, and yet there are
Christians who, when young men visit them on New Year's
day, just urge the cup on them — press them to take it.
They have got some new kind of wine, and they want them
to taste it, and urge the young man just to take a little
and the young man hasn't got will — hasn't got back-bone
enough to resist the temptation ; hasn't the power to say
no. He goes to another house, and the same thing is re-
peated, and so on, until at night the poor fellow goes home
intoxicated and breaks the heart of some mother. Remem-
ber when you offer the cup if it is not to your own boy it is
to somebody else's boy. I have a great respect for that old
woman who with ribbons flying ran into a crowded
thoroughfare and rescued a child from under a wagon.
Some one asked her, " Is it your child ? " " No," she re-
plied, " but it is some one's child." She had a mother's
heart, and bear in mind when a young man comes to you,
as you put the cup before him — remember he is some other
one's child. God has given us a charge, not only in look-
ing to the salvation of our own children, but we have to
see to the salvation of the children of others.
Now, let me say a word to the unfaithful fathers. At
the close of this meeting, if you have been unfaithful to the
children God has given you, why not stay and then go
home and make an honest confession to your children. If
you have a boy who is a reckless young man — if he is a
drunkard, ask yourselves, " Have I done all that I could ;
have I ever set before him the truth of Christ ? " Not long
ago a young man went home late. He had been in the
habit of going home late, and the father began to mistrust
that he had gone astray. He told his wife to go to bed,
and dismissed the servants, and said he would sit up till
his son came home. The boy came home drunk, and the
father in his anger gave him a push into the street and told
him never to enter his house again, and shut the door. He
went into the parlor and sat down, and began to think :
" Well, I may be to blame for that boy's conduct, after all.
I have never prayed with him ; I have never warned him
of the dangers of the world." And the result of his reflec-
tions was that he put on his overcoat and hat, and started
out to find his boy. The first policeman he met he asked
eagerly, " Have you seen my boy ? " " No." On he went
till he met another. " Have you seen anything of my
son ? " He ran from one to another all that night, but not
until the morning did he find him. He took him by the
arm and led him home, and kept him till he was sober.
Then he said : " My dear boy, I want you to forgive me ;
I've never prayed for you ; I've never lifted my heart to
God for you ; I've been the means of leading you astray,
and I want your forgiveness." The boy was touched, and
what was the result ? Within twenty-four hours that son
became a convert, and gave up that cup. It may be that
some father has had a wayward son. Go to God, and on
your knees confess it. Let the voice of Jesus sink down
in your heart to-night. ik Bring him unto me." A father
whom I have known for many years said to me this after-
noon, with the tears trickling down his cheeks : " I want
to tell you something that I have never told in public.
Forty-three years ago, when I was five years old, I was
sick with scarlet fever, and my mother knelt down and
prayed to God if it was His will, that her boy might be
spared. My father was a drinking man, and she also
prayed that I might be kept safe from the cup. My
mother died early, but my mother's prayer has followed me
all those years, and I have never touched one drop of
liquor." Last night a young man, the son of that man, got
up and told his experiences. Yes, the mother's prayer for
her little boy, five years old, was answered. That prayer
was answered. Why shall we not lift up our hearts in prayer
for our children I Let us plead day and night till God
saves them — till he brings them into the ark of safety. May
the God of Israel save our children.
I remember being in the camp and a man came to me
and said, " Mr. Moody, when the Mexican war began I
wanted to enlist. My mother, seeing I was resolved, said
if I became a Christian I might go. She pleaded and
prayed that I might become a Christian, but I wouldn't. I
said when the war was over I would become a Christian,
but not till then. All her -pleading was in vain, and at
last, when I was going away, she took out a watch and
said : ' My son, your father left this to me when he died.
Take it, and I want you to remember that every day at
twelve o'clock your mother will be praying for you.' Then
she gave me her Bible, and marked out passages, and put
a few different references in the fly-leaf. , I took the watch,
and it was twelve o'clock. I had been gone four months,
but I remembered that my mother at that hour was pray-
ing for me. Something prompted me to ask the officer to
relieve me for a little, and I stepped behind a tree away
out on those plains of Mexico, and cried to the God of my
mother to save me." My friends, God saved him, and he
went through the Mexican war, " and now," he said, K I
have enlisted again to see if I can do any good for my
Master's cause,'"' and the old man was down among the
soldiers there preaching Christ. My friends, let us believe
that God answers prayer, and let us not cease our suppli-
cation till salvation comes to our children, and all our little
ones are brought into the ark of safety. Let us all unite
in prayer.
The first glimpse we had of him was when Andrew
called him. He was first called as a disciple, not as an
apostle. The second call was when he was called to the
work of the ministry. The next glimpse we had was re-
lated in the fifth chapter of the gospel of Luke, when the
Lord spoke to the people the words of God from the boat
at the sea-side, and then follows the miraculous draught of
fishes. Then it was that Peter said : " Depart from me,
for I am a sinful man, O God." Then Jesus said that
thereafter Peter would catch men. The thought he wanted
to call attention to was, that when Peter was called he
didn't leave his work until called twice. There were too
many unprepared men in the Lord's work ; there were too
many men made ministers in the world to-day. He said
this because there were a good many young men, young
converts, who were looking to the work of the ministry and
thinking they were called to that. John Wesley used to
say to young men, candidates for the ministry, when they
preached, " Did you make any one mad ? " " No." " Did
you convert anybody?" and then they would say "No."
" Then," Wesley said, " that's a very good evidence you're
not called." Men need to have souls before they begin
this work. The Lord first made these men to go to the
lake and take a great haul of fish, and then when they
were called they had something to leave. They didn't
have much to leave, but they left what they had. What
had they to leave ? A few broken nets and a haul of fish.
And that's the way with a great many Christians of the
present day ; they didn't want to leave their little draft of
fishes and their broken nets. The next time we get a
glimpse of Peter is in the fourteenth chapter of Matthew,
where the Lord tells Peter to walk on the water. Here we
find Peter in " Doubting Castle." And that was when
Peter got his eye off the Lord, and he saw the waves and
heard the wind, then his eyes wandered away from Christ.
But Peter's prayer was to the point ; it didn't begin with a
long preamble, which would have put him forty feet under
water before the Lord heard it. But it was to the point :
" Lord save me ; I perish." Again, in the sixteenth chap-
ter we find that Christ is saying : " Whom say men that I
am?" and then he asked Peter, and Peter said: "Thou
art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." This shows
the power there was in confessing Christ. Peter was a
true Trinitarian ; he got square on the rock. Again, we
find him indulging in man-worship, the first beginning of
Rome. This was on the occasion of the Transfiguration,
on the mountain. Peter said : " God, let us make three
tabernacles ; " and as soon as he said this, why, God
just snatched Moses and Elias away, and left them
only Jesus. There was too much of this minister-worship,
of this church-worship at the present day. This was illus-
trated in the Twenty-second chapter of Revelations, ninth
verse, where the angel said, " Worship God." If Christ
was not the Son of God, then Christians were the greatest
idolators that ever lived. Again we find Peter in the
twenty-sixth chapter of Matthew, at the twenty-third verse,
where Peter's fall was recited. He became self-confident
and spiritually proud. The Lord couldn't use him until he
had been humbled, and here he stood up among the Lord's
disciples, just as though he was all-powerful. This lesson
of humility must be learned by every man whom God uses.
"Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall." The
greatest Bible characters fell because they failed in
their strongest points. Moses was not allowed to see
the promised land, and there were Saul and David and
Jacob who fell also, and Peter too, at the very time when
he was boasting of his own power. I am always sure that
young converts who say they're safe are- where the devil
will trip them up. Again, Peter was asleep in the garden
when the Lord told him to watch. This was the time
when Satan had these Christians in the churches asleep,
and then troubles came in the churches. Then came the
next step — " He followed Him afar off." And this was the
gradual downward course. No one would find a Christian
man in the theater; those Christians who are in such
places are all asleep. Men of the world said they liked
" liberal Christians," but these men were never sent for by
dying men. They would never find a card-playing, a
smoking and chewing, a horse-racing and a dancing Chris-
tian who amounted to anything. Then the next downward
step was when Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of the
High Priest's servant ; and afterwards, Peter denied the
Lord, first to the young maid, and then to another ser
vant. Here were two denials by the very man who but
a few hours before had said he would never betray or
forsake the Lord. Then, again, the third time the servant
said, " Thy speech betrayeth thee," but Peter answered
with oaths that he never knew Him. It's hard for a Chris-
tian to forget the speech of the Lord's people, even after
he has long departed from the ways of God and Christ. But
one look brought Peter back, one word undid all that
Satan had been doing for hours ; and he went out and
wept bitterly. One of the first words that Christ said
after the crucifixion and resurrection was : " Tell the
disciples and Peter," and Peter had a personal interview,
with the Lord. And then, when Christ was leaving him,
He asked him, " Lovest thou Me more than these ? " But
Peter didn't answer ; he had learned humility, and after
the Lord had asked him again, Peter, now humble, already
meet for the Master's use, said, " Lord, Thou knowest."
You will find my text this evening in the sixth chapter of
Galatians, 7th, 8th and 9th verses : " Be not deceived ; God
is not mocked ; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh
reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of
the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary-
in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint
not." You who were here last Wednesday night remem-
ber that we had for our text, " Their rock is not as our rock,
even our enemies themselves being judges," and then we
tried to find a text which every one would admit was true.
I think that we have one to-night that no infidel, no skep-
tic, or deist can attack. There are some passages which
we do not have to prove by the Word of God, but merely
by our own experience. Your own lives will prove many
passages in scripture. You can take up the daily papers
and see them fulfilled under your own eyes. This is one
of them. Perhaps there has not been a text of Scripture
run out in this Tabernacle as this one has. Night after
night we have said something about it ; night after night
Mr. Sankey has sung out, " Whatsoever a man soweth
that shall he also reap." My friends, we cannot quote it
too often. We want to quote it, and preach it till it gets
down to the hearts of the people. Now it is very natural
to be deceived ? I suppose there is not a man or woman here
but who has been deceived by his or her most intimate
friends. You have been deceived by your own friends,
and you have been deceived by your enemies, and how
many could rise up here and say they have not been de-
ceived by themselves ? How many of us have found our
own heart more treacherous than anything else ? How
many of us have not found the truth of that passage, " The
heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked." We can be deceitful to each other, to our friends
and to ourselves, but bear in mind we cannot deceive God.
How often does man find that Satan had deceived him ?
But has he ever found God deceiving him ? I have never
found a man who has said that he has been or that he has
heard of anybody whom God has deceived. How many
times has man said he has been deceived by his fellows — by
his own treacherous heart ; and our experience in this direc-
tion only shows that we cannot rely upon man, upon our-
selves, but only upon God.
Now, it is a law of nature that if a man sows he will reap
what he sows. If a man sows water-melons, he don't look
for cauliflowers ; if a man sows potatoes, he don't look for
cabbages ; if he sows onions, he don't look for corn. If
he plants potatoes, he expects potatoes; if he sows corn,
he looks for corn ; or wheat, he expects to reap wheat. So
in the natural world, a man expects to reap what he sows.
If a man learns a carpenter's or a builder's trade, he ex-
pects to put up buildings for a living. If a man toils and
studies hard for a profession — if he is a lawyer, he expects
to practise law. He don't expect to have to preach the
Gospel for a living. He has been sowing for years, and
he expects to reap. As a man sows, so he expects to reap.
This the law in the natural world, and so it is with the
spiritual : " Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall
be comforted ; " " Blessed are the peacemakers, for they
shall be called the children of God;" " Blessed are they
which hunger and thirst for righteousness' sake " — why ?
because they shall get rich ? no — "for they shall be filled."
Now, you will see that a certain result is the product of
certain conditions. This is the law, which you will find
carried out all through the world, in natural and spiritual
things. If a man is a thief, you expect to see him come to an
ignominious end. If a man is drunken and dissipated, we
look, as a natural consequence of his dissipation, to see
him go to ruin. Yet men themselves don't see this ; their
eyes are closed to their folly. A friend who was coming
down with me to-night said : " When I look back, I see
that I started wrong when I came here. It seems as if I
must have been blind. I did not see this till within the
last two or three weeks." My friends, that's what Satan
does with a man — he just blinds him, and when he has got
a man blinded he does anything he wants with him. It is
very hard to make men understand this simple truth, that
they will have to reap what they sow, especially young men
from seventeen to twenty-one. That, you know, is the ugly
age. There is more trouble with them then than at any
other stage. I remember when I was at that age. I knew
a good deal more than my mother or any of my friends.
You take a young man at that age, and you'll find he knows
a great deal more than his father, his grandfather, or even
his great-grandfather, all put together. " He is wise in
his own conceit." it is during that ugly age that charac-
ters are forming for good or evil ; and bear in mind, you
young men, that " Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he
also reap." If a man sows tares, he has got to reap them.
It may not be to-morrow, or next week, or next year, but
the time of reaping will assuredly come, and when the reap-
ing time comes you will moan bitterly ; then you will like
to change places with those Christians whom you despise
now. When the reaping time comes, you would give a
good deal if you could exchange places with the humblest-
looking Christian. , I suppose that Cain would give a good
deal to exchange places with Abel to-night. Do you think
Pilate would not like to change places with Elijah, with
Obadiah, or Peter to-night ? Don't you think the Emperor
Nero would like to exchange places now with Paul ? Paul is
reaping what he sowed, and so is Nero. All through Scrip-
ture you can see the proof of this text. Don't you think
that the rich man at whose door the beggar Lazarus lay
would like to exchange places with that poor Christian now ?
Bear in mind that you may look upon Christians with con-
tempt, but the time is coming when you will give anything
to exchange places with the meanest Christian that walks
the streets of Chicago.
I used to believe twenty years ago in this text, but I be-
lieve it more now than ever I did. The longer I live the
more I become convinced of its awful truth. You know I
used to live in Chicago, and I used to go from house to
house among the poor, and in going among the poor I
gained no little experience of the rich people. In visiting
the poor I became acquainted with a good many rich fam-
ilies, and there is scarcely a week passes now but I hear of
rich families who have gone down to ruin. Just this after-
noon I heard of a family who, twenty years ago, occupied
a position among the best. They had a beautiful daughter,
who could have adorned any station, and a lovely home,
and I heard to-day that they had gone down to ruin. They
looked upon Christianity with scorn and contempt. The
father brought the children up to treat all religion with
contempt, and his sons have gone down to their graves
drunkards, and his daughter has died of a broken heart.
Yes, a man who sows tares must reap them, and some-
times the harvest is a whirlwind.
Now, just let us divide that text up — not that I want to
preach under different heads, but just for the sake of
greater clearness. When a man sows he expects to reap.
This truth must be admitted first. A farmer that planted
grain and never reaped his fields, you would say had gone,
clear mad. No man sows that doesn't expect to reap.
That is just what he does expect to do. The next point :
A man always expects to reap more than he sowed. If he
sows a handful of grain, he expects to get from that handful
a bushel, and if he sows a bushel he expects a harvest of
five hundred bushels. And just so it is in spiritual mat-
ters. If a man scatters handfuls of tares in spiritual things,
his spiritual harvest will be bushels of tares, and not wheat.
Whatever he sows he shall reap ; just that and nothing
more ; and if he sows the wind he must reap the whirlwind.
A man must expect a harvest of just the kind that his seed
is ; and this great law is even more true of spiritual growth
than of natural growth. If a man is bad and corrupt in
his thoughts, you can tell precisely what his deeds will be.
If a man is profane and blasphemous, look to his chil-
dren to be the same; if a father is a lying man, his chil-
dren will grow up to deceive him just as he deceived others.
A bad boy is too often the living penalty of the sins of his
parents ; they have sown and watered, and now he is reap-
ing the punishment. Another point: if a man sows, he
must reap the fruit, no matter how ignorant he may claim
to be, or really be, of the nature of the seed. A plea of
ignorance won't do. You sow tares and think it wheat,
but nothing but tares will spring up. You may call it
wheat, or rye, or grain of whatever name you please, but
you get nothing but weeds and tares. You must look to
what kind of seed you are sowing, for neither ignorance
nor any other excuse can make tares bring forth wheat.
And now, see how true that is, in regard not only to indi-
viduals but nations. Nations are only collections of indi-
viduals, and what is true of the part in regard to character
is always true of the whole. In this country our forefathers
planted slavery in the face of an open Bible, and didn't we
have to reap ? When the harvest came nearly half a million
of your young men were buried, many of them in a name-
less grave. Didn't God make this nation weep in the hour
of gathering the harvest, when we had to give up our young
men, both North and South, to death ; and every house-
hold almost had an empty chair, and blood, blood, blood,
flowed like water for four long years ? Ah, our nation
sowed, and how in tears and groans she had to reap !
Then look at that king in Egypt. He made a decree
that all the male infants should be put to death ; and to
death they were put, with all the horrors that hatred and
jealousy could invent. It was terrible. Well, now, I sup-
pose some people think it strange that God didn't punish
Egypt with swift destruction. But look, the punishment
only tarried. The mill of God grinds slow, but it grinds
exceedingly small ; in eighty years cast your eye on that
miserable land. God's vengeance at length came down,
and ruin along with it. In every house in Egypt the first-
born was slain, from the palace to the lowest hovel. There
still lived a God, and this immutable law of His had still
to be executed ; they had to reap just what they had sown.
Then, sometimes the mill is not so slow. Sometimes the
punishment comes rapidly — like lightning. No sooner did
the voice ascend that Cain had killed his brother, than God
came down and put a mark upon his forehead. Scarcely had
Judas betrayed his master than he came back with his
thirty pieces of silver, and, torn with remorse, threw them
down before the priests, and went out and hung himself.
You will find that very often judgment and destruction
come very sudden — come like a flash from the throne of
God. I remembe*r, in the north of England, a prominent
citizen told me a sad case that happened there in the town
of Newcastle-on-Tyne. It was about a young boy. He
was very young, but he said he was too young to go to a
Sunday school. He was an only child. The father and
mother thought everything of him, and did all they could
for him. But he fell into bad ways ; he took up with evil
characters, and finally got to running with thieves. He
didn't let his parents know about it. One night they got
him to break into a saloon — what the people there call a
public-house. They stood outside while he entered the
house and broke into the till. He was caught, and in one
short week he was tried, convicted, and sent for ten years
to Van Dieman's Land. His term of servitude expired,
and he returned to his native land. He came to the town
where his mother and father used to live, and soon stood
at the door of his old home. He had been gone ten years,
and what a change he found there. My friends, ten years
seem a short time, but look back over the period of ten
years in your own lives, and see how many changes have
taken place. He went to his old home and knocked, but
a stranger came to the door and stared him in the face.
" No, there's no such person lives here, and where your
parents are I don't know," was the only welcome he re-
ceived. Then he turned through the gate, and went down
the street, asking even the children that he met about his
folks, where they were living, and if they were well. But
everybody looked blank. Ten years had rolled by, and
though that seemed perhaps a short time, how many
changes had taken place ! There, where he was born and
brought up, he was now an alien, and unknown even in his
old haunts. But at last he found a couple of townsmen
that remembered his father and mother, and they told him
the old house had been deserted long years ago ; that he
had been gone but a few months before his father was con-
fined to his house, and very soon after died broken-hearted ;
and that his mother had gone out of her mind. He went
to the mad-house where his mother was, and went up to
her and said : " Mother, mother, don't you know me ? I
am your son ! " But she raved, and slapped him on the
face, and shrieked, " You are not my boy ! " and then
raved again and tore her hair. He left the asylum more
dead than alive, so completely broken-hearted that he died
in a few months. Yes, the fruit was long growing, but at
last it ripened to the harvest like a whirlwind, and ven-
geance made quick work of it. The death harvest was
But bear in mind what I have said to-night, and be not
doubters, even if the harvest is slow. Let me read you
the passage : " Because sentence against their evil deeds
is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons
of men are fully set in to do them evil. Though a sinner do
evil a hundred times and his days be prolonged, yet surely
I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which
fear before Him ; but it shall not be well with the wicked,
neither shall He prolong his days, which are as a shadow,
because he feareth not before God."
My friends, if you sow in the flesh you will reap disap-
pointment, you will reap gloom, despair and remorse : the
harvest will be death and hell — that will be the end ; but
if you sow of the Spirit, you will reap peace, joy, happiness,
life eve r lasting ; for God has said it. There are a great
many things in this world that we are not sure of — we are
sure of nothing, I may say. I am not sure that I will finish
this sermon ; I am not sure that I may go home to-night ;
we cannot say, positively, that the sun will rise to-morrow
morning. Yes, my friends, there are a great many things
that we are not sure of ; but there is one thing we are sure
of, for God has said it. You can be sure that your sins
will find you out. If we don't judge ourselves and confess
our sins they will find us out. " He that covereth his sin
shall not prosper ; " that is God's decree.
Now I have been censured by many for advising two
men who had committed crime to go back and confess
their sin. One man the other day was cursing me for
doing so. " A pretty kind of religion this is," he said ;
but, my friends, if a man has gone into a court and publicly
perjured himself, he cannot serve God till he publicly con-
fesses it. If he has sinned in public he must confess his
sin in public. These men have gone back and written
letters full of encouragement. One of them says,- " perhaps
I will go to the penitentiary for three years, but what is
that in comparison to the burden I would have carried had
I not confessed." Now bear in mind that if you cover your
sin you shall not prosper ; you may keep it secret but it
will eventually came out. Look at the sons of Jacob !
Look at them when they took away their brother, and after
they had delivered him into slavery, see them coming
back. How much they must have suffered with their secret
during those twenty years. What misery they must have
endured as they looked during all these years at their old
father sorrowing for his son Joseph. They knew the boy
had not been killed — they knew he was in slavery. For
twenty years the sin was covered up, but at last it came back
upon them. God had in the meantime been doing every-
thing for Joseph, he had raised him nearly to the throne of
Egypt. A famine struck the land of the father, and the
old man sent his son down to Egypt to get corn. God
was at work. He was making these men bring their own
sin home to themselves. Their conscience smote them
and they confessed in the presence of Joseph that their sin
had found them out. Twenty years after it was committed
that sin was resurrected and with it they were brought
face to face. My friends, be sure at once that your sin
will find you out. God has said it, and if He says a thing
He means it. " He that covereth his sins shall not pios-
per," I can imagine some one saying to Absalom when he
started out to fight his father, " you shouldn't do this ; you
are committing a sin, and it will find you out." I can see
that young friend looking down upon that man with scorn
and contempt. The idea of his sins ever finding him out,
ever coming back upon him. He probably would have said
" that man's talking for effect," like a good many say of
me. You will hear some people say, " well, now, any man
who knows anything about education knows well enough
that Moody is only preaching for effect." If a man tells
me I am preaching for effect, I say, " Amen, Amen."
That't what I am trying to do ; what does a man preach
for if it is not for effect. I am trying to create an effect
and so wake you up to your condition, and if you don't
wake up the reaping time will come upon you, the whirl-
wind of troubles and sorrows will rush over your defence-
less head and then you will reap what you have sown in
years gone by.
But let me say that if you are willing to confess your
sins — I don't care what the sin may be — God is willing
and ready to take it away. As I have said, there has
been a good deal of talk about my interfering with those
prisoners lately. Some one has said in speaking about
that man in Ohio, " Well, that is a queer kind of Chris-
tianity, to send a man away back to the penitentiary to
suffer." Let me say here that that young man has said in
his last letter : " I think I am happier than you are, Mr.
Moody ; God is helping me to bear the burden ; God is
answering my prayers." My friends, it was a great deal
better for that man to confess his crime than to try to hide
it away. If a man commits a crime he should suffer the
penalty. I must suffer the penalty if I break my arm in
fighting. The man with whom I fought may forgive me
for fighting with him, but I have to suffer all the same
with my arm. A man got into a quarrel and got crippled,
and some time ago he became converted, but although God
has forgiven him his sin he has to remain a cripple all his
life. So a man must reap what he sows. I heard of an
illustration that just helps me out here. Suppose I have
a field, and I say to a man, " I want you to sow that field
with wheat." The man has become very angry — all out of
sorts with me, and when he sows that wheat he puts in a
lot of tares. When the wheat has come up I see among
it a great many tares. I say to him, " Did you sow these
tares ? " " Well," he says, "' I will confess ; yes, sir, I did
it ; I sowed these tares ; I will confess it instead of cover-
ing it up ; but, sir, I am very sorry ; " and I forgive him.
But when the wheat has to be harvested I make the man
reap the tares also.
You know how David fell. No man rose so high and
fell so far, I think. God took him from the sheepfold
and put him upon a throne. He took him from obscurity
and made him King of Israel and Judea ; gave him lands
in abundance, and would have given him more if he had
wanted them. He was on the pinnacle of glory, and
honored among men. But one day, while looking out of
a window, he saw a woman with whom he became enamor-
ed. He yielded to the temptation, and ordered her to be
brought into the palace, and committed the terrible sin of
adultery. After that, as is the case with all men who com-
mit a sin, he had to commit another to cover it up, so he
laid plans to kill her husband, and ordered him to be put in
a position in the ranks of his army so that he could be
killed. Months rolled away, and one day Nathan came
into the palace of the king. I can imagine that David was
glad to see him. Nathan began to tell him about two
men who dwelt in a certain city. The one was rich "the
other poor ; one had herds and flocks, and the other had
only a little ewe lamb, and he went on to tell how this rich
man seized this ewe lamb, all that the poor man had, and
slew it. I can see the anger of David as it flashed from
his eye when he heard the story, and he cried : " As the
Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely
die." He turned to Nathan, and in tones of thunder
demanded who the man was. " Thou art the man," was
the reply of Nathan. David had convicted himself. "The
man who did this thing shall die." Then the Lord said :
44-0 • GREAT JOY.
" I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house,
because thou hast kept this thing secret." Soon after the
hand of death was put upori that house; not only did death
enter his house, but it wasn't long before his eldest son
committed adultery with his sister, and another committed
murder — murdered his own brothers, and went off into a
foreign land into exile. Then he got up a rebellion and
drove the king from the throne, and at last died and was
buried like a dog, and they heaped stones upon his resting
place. " Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
reap." David committed adultery, so did his son ; David
committed murder, his son did the same. He was paid
back in his own coin. He learned the truth of this pas-
sage : " Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
reap." Why, I hear things every day in this city of Chicago
that make my ears tingle. I heard of three cases within
the last six hours where men who have gone to the altar
and sworn before God to love, cherish, and protect the
women who became their wives — who have become, some
of them, mothers of children — and because these men have
seen other women they like better they have cast off these
women whom they have sworn before God to love. Do
you think there is a God in heaven ? Do you think that
God is not going to punish these men ? They may go on
in their career — punishment may not come for a little
while, but the wheels of judgment are going on, and retri-
bution will come. Some of these heart-broken wives say
it is hard. Wait a little while. His eyes cover all the
earth, and man cannot deceive Him. He has said : " What-
soever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." High
heaven has decreed it, and I beg of you, if you have com-
mitted this sin, go and cry to the God of mercy. Go, con-
fess it ; don't try to cover it up. Let every sin be brought
out ; if you don't your own conscience will turn against
you by and by.
When I was in London I went into a wax-work there —
Mme. Tussaud's — and I went into the chamber of horrors.
There were wax figures of all kinds of murderers in that
room. There was Booth, who killed Lincoln, and many
of that class ; but there was one figure that I got interested
in, who killed his wife because he loved another woman,
and the law didn't find him out. He married this woman
and had a family of seven children, and twenty years pass-
ed away. Then his conscience began to trouble him. He
had no rest ; he would hear his murdered wife pleading
continually for her life. His friends began to think he
was going out of his mind ; he became haggard and his
conscience haunted him till at last he went to the officers
of the law and told them that he was guilty of murder.
He wanted to die, life was so much of an agony to him.
His conscience turned against him. My friends, if you
have done wrong, may your conscience be woke up, and
may you testify against yourself. It is a great deal better
to judge our own acts and confess them, than go through
the world with a curse upon you. And if you to-night will
judge your own sin and confess it, He is faithful to forgive.
He will forgive every sinner here if you but come to Him
in faith, and will blot out all your iniquities.
I was telling of a young man who spoke up in the as-
sociation one night. He got up at the close of the meet-
ing and said: "Mr. Moody, may I say a few words?"
Well, I thought I wouldn't, but then I thought perhaps he
has a message from God, and I told him to speak. He
went on and urged these young men to accept salvation.
"If you have friends praying for you, if you have mothers
praying for you, treat them kindly, for you will not always
have them with you." Then he went on to tell how he
had once a father and mother who loved him dearly, and
who prayed continually for him. He was an only child.
His father died, and after the burial his mother became
more anxious than ever for his salvation. Sometimes she
would come to him and put her arms around his neck and
say. with kindness, " O, my boy, I would be so happy if
you would only be a Christian, and could pray with me."
He would push her away: "No, mother; I'm not going
to become a Christian yet ; I am going to wait a little
longer and see the world." He would try to banish the
subject from his mind altogether. Sometimes he would
wake up at the midnight hour, and would hear the voice
of that mother raised in supplication for her boy : " O,
God, save my boy ; have mercy upon him." At last, this
is the way he put it, " it got too hot for him." He saw he
had either to become a Christian or run away. And away
he ran, and became a prodigal and a wanderer. He heard
from her indirectly ; he could not let his mother know
where he was, because he knew she would have gone to
the end of the world to find him. One day he got word
that his mother was very sick. He began to think : " Sup-
pose mother should die, I would never forgive myself,"
and he said, " I will go home," but then he thought, "Well,
if I go home, she will be praying at me again, and I can't
stay under her roof and listen to her prayers," and his
proud, stubborn heart would not let him go. Months
went on, and again he heard indirectly that his mother
was very sick. His conscience began to trouble him. He
knew he would never forgive himself if he didn't go home,
and he finally determined. There were no railroads, and
he had to go in a stage-coach. At night he got into the
town. The moon was shining, and he could see the little
village before him. The mother's home was about a mile
from where he landed, and on his way he had to pass the
village grocery, and as he went along, he thought he would
pass through the grave-yard and see his father's grave.
" What," he thought, " if my mother has been laid there."
When he got up to the grave he saw by the light of the
moon, a new-made grave. He felt the turf, and the earth
was fresh and soft. He knew who had been laid there,
and for once in his life the thought flashed upon him,
" Who will pray now for my lost soul ; my mother and
father lie there, and they are the only ones who ever
prayed for me." " Young man," said he, " I spent that night
at my mother's grave, and before the sun rose, my mother's
God had become my God. But I can never forgive my-
self for murdering my mother, although Christ has forgiven
me." My friends, that poor fellow had to reap what he
I may be speaking to-night to some young man whose
mother perhaps just now is in her closet, wrestling in
prayer for you. Bless God, boy, for that mother. Do
not treat that mother contemptuously ; do not deny her
prayer to-night ; do not make light of your mother's cries
to God this night. God's best gift on earth to you is that
praying mother. She is your dearest, most unselfish
friend in all the world. Will you not heed her pleading
prayer? Come out like a man, come to your mother's
Saviour, and take Him to be your God. May the God of
heaven convict you of sin, and draw you to Himself, and
this will be the best night you're had upon earth.
How many are there in this room to-night, who have
moral courage to stand up right in this Tabernacle and
say, "Pray for me?" How many in this room to-night
would like to become Christians ? How many are there
in this room now who would like to have prayer for them,
beseeching prayer that God will save them ? I am going to
lead in prayer, and as many as would like to have prayer —
personal prayer, to God, will just rise. You can just
stand right up one after another. Never mind if there is
but one of you ; just remain standing. There's another
who's got moral courage to rise to-night. Just stand
up, will you, and remain so while others join you. There,
there, friends, don't get up as if you were ashamed or scared ;
rise right up and show me and God that you are in earnest.
I would like to see every man out of Christ rising right
up here. There's another in the gallery, and another ; well,
keep rising ; I would sit here all night and see you rise up
in the galleries there and everywhere. Every man and
woman in this assembly, every boy, who would like to be a
Christian, will you just rise now, all of you.
You will find my text to-night in the fifteenth chapter of
First Corinthians, and part of the third verse : " Christ
died for our sins according to the Scriptures." I was going
to preach in the city of Dublin a few years ago, and the
town was placarded giving notice of the meeting. There
was one passage of Scripture at the bottom of the bill that
my eye rested upon : " Christ died for our sins." I had
read it a great many times, but I seemed to see it now in a
new light, and that light flashed into my soul as it never
did before : " Christ died for my sins." That's the way to
put it — "for my sins." And I wish I could get every one
here to take it that way, and just keep saying it while I
preach to you to-night, " Christ died for me." My friends,
will you only make this personal and remember that He
died for you ? Let that little boy and girl remember ihat
He died for you just as much as for that gray-headed man,
and let those who came in to scoff at the meeting remember
that the text is for them — that Christ died for you. I have
often thought that if I could only make people feel this
really, and could tell the story of His death as it ought
to be told, I would only preach one sermon, and go up and
down the world and just tell this one story. I don't know
anything that would break the heart of the world like this
story if it could be brought before men and women and
they would feel it. I know it broke my heart, and I have
often thought if I could tell it as it ought to be told, I
would be the happiest man in the world. I don't believe
it has ever been told yet. I don't believe the man has been
born who could tell it; I don't believe that the angels in
heaven could tell it. Sometimes people say we have over-
drawn the pictures in the Bible, but there is one story that
has never been overdrawn — the story of His death. No one
ever did justice to that story ; no one ever made that real.
I believe the heart of every man in this audience would be
broken if I could make that story real. I remember during
the war how I would take up a paper and read about the
great battles and loss of life ■ but I would lay down the
paper and soon forget all about the thousands that had
been slain. But I went into the war and was at the battles
of Fort Donelson and Pittsburg Landing. After I came
home and began to read the papers and see the accounts
of the great battles the whole thing would come up before
me. I could hear their dying groans ; I could hear them
crying for their mothers, their appeals for water. The
whole thing was real, and the whole trouble is that the
most of people take up this story of the Bible and don't
make it real. They look upon it as the old story of 1,800
years ago which they have heard from their cradle. I re-
member I went 500 miles to Dublin to attend a meeting,
and when I got there the preacher got up and began to
talk about the death of Christ. "Well," I said, " he should
give us something new ; " but when I went home to the
house where I was staying there were two old pilgrims sit-
ting, and they were talking about the sermon and the
death of Christ. The tears were trickling down their
cheeks, and they spoke about the event as if Christ had
died in Dublin that afternoon. I felt rebuked, ashamed at
myself that those old men should speak so lovingly about
this event, while I had treated it so lightly. I believe, if
we were living as we ought to, it would be fresh every night,
every hour, of our lives.
Now to-night I propose to take up the last hours of
Christ before He went to Calvary. You know we love to
hear the last words of our friends. I remember a few
weeks ago, when I went to look upon the dead face of my
eldest brother, and how earnestly I enquired, " What were
his last words ? " — how I went round the places where he
had been, and how for days I tried to pick up what he had
said to this and that man : and how I treasured up his
last words. And it seems to me every Christian ought to
linger round the cross and pick up the loving words of our
Saviour and treasure them up. So to-night I want you just
to go back 1,900 years. Let us forget we. are living here
in Chicago. Let us go back and imagine we are living in
the land of Palestine — at Jerusalem ; and let us just think
we are walking down the streets of Jerusalem. It is on a
Thursday afternoon, and we see thirteen men coming down
the street. Every eye is upon them. The boys are open-
ing their eyes at them. Men, women, and children are
running out of their houses to see those men. Let us
imagine we are strangers, and we ask who these men are,
and they tell us, " Why, that's the Galilean prophet and
His apostles, from the city of Capernaum." We look upon
them with amazement. We have heard how that man
has given sight to the blind, how He has cured the lepers,
given bread to the hungry, and raised the dead. The
whole land has been full of Him, and out of curiosity we
follow the little band. They go along the narrow streets,
and come to a commcn-looking house and enter, and
ascend a flight of stairs. Suppose we go up those stairs
with them ; we there find them in a guest chamber, the
Great Prophet seated with His twelve apostles. We are
told He became exceeding sorry. He was soon to taste
the bitter cup, to taste death for every man, to lay down
His innocent life for the guilty, the just for the unjust, and
then He is exceeding sorry. His soul is troubled, and as
He sat there at that table He lets out the secret of His
heart, and tells them that that night He is going to be
betrayed by one of- them. They look at one another, and
one says : " Lord, is it I ? " " No." And another says :
" Master, is it I ? " " No," and they one after another put
the question till it comes to Judas. And that black-
hearted traitor, the devil who had already been at the
high priest's, turned to Him and said : " Is it I ? " and the
Lord said : " Thou hast said it ; and what thou doest do it
quickly." That ought to have broken his black heart, but
it didn't ; and he arose and went out of that chamber.
Hear him as he goes down those stairs and into that dark
night — we are told that it was the darkest the world ever
saw. That night the Son of Man was to be betrayed by
man. He went off to the Sanhedrim, to the chief priests,
and he sold Him — sold Him very cheap, my friends — sold
Him for some $15 or $20. How many men are to-day selling
Him as cheaply — selling him for a song ! They don't
wan't Him. A woman told me last night : " I don't want
Him ; I wouldn't take Him as a gift." She told me with
her own lips that she would rather go to hell than heaven.
Oh, what a heart ! I hope if there is a hard-hearted
person in this building like her, their heart will be
broken to-night. But while Judas is out selling his Master,
Jesus is speaking tender words to His disciples. What a
tender parting ! For three years He had been associated
with that holy band ; they had walked with the blessed
Master, and heard those wonderful parables, they had seen
Him raise people from the dead, had seen Him cure the
deaf, the dumb, and the blind— they had been in His
company for three years, and now they were about to be
separated for a time, and it was on this occasion He
uttered those memorable words : " Let not your heart be
They were now by themselves, the traitor had gone out.
" Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's
house are many mansions ; if it were not so I would have
told you. I go to prepare a place for you."" There was
the Master in that dark hour; in that bitter, supremely
bitter, hour, trying to cheer and comfort the little band.
And then He tittered that wonderful prayer recorded in
the seventeenth chapter of. John. He poured his heart out
to God in prayer. He not only prayed for His disciples,
that had stood firmly by His side, but prayed for His
enemies. And afterward He said, " The hour of My
departure is at hand." And then He gathered the eleven
around Him and they started out of the house and went
down through the streets of Jerusalem. They went out
through the eastern gate, passed over through the outlying
space down to the Valley of Jehosaphat, and so to the
garden of Gethsemane. And there he took Peter and
James and John and went on with them a little way apart,
and then withdrew about a stone's throw off from them and
fell on his knees and began to pray. You can hear him in
that cold night in that garden, you can hear his piercing
cry, "Father, let this cup pass from me if it be thy will." It
was the prayer of agony, and he sweat as it were great
drops of blood. Oh the agony the Son of God passed
through that night, not only physical agony, but a greater
mental agony, because the sins of the world lay on Him.
He bore in his person the sin of the whole w 7 orld, and God
the Father turned his face away from him because God
could not look upon sin. The father had to turn his face
away from him : He could not take away the cup, but he
had to leave him drink it to the very dregs for you and
me. And Peter and James and John fell asleep ; they
could not watch one single hour with him. And so while
they thus slept and Christ was wrestling in prayer, a band
of men came on the scene. They came on with lanterns
and torches, as if they were hunting for some one. Jesus
well knew who they were seeking. He woke up his dis-
ciples and went to the band and said, " Whom seek ye ? "
And they said : " We seek Jesus of Nazareth." Then said
Jesus, " I am He," and there was something so mysterious
about his person, something so wonderful about his face,
that they were struck with awe. They trembled and felt
as dead men, and could not touch Him. And then Judas
stepped out from the band. We don't know but he put his
arm around the Saviour's neck. Ah, what a lesson to pro-
fessing Christians! Judas was near enough to the Lord
to put his arms around his neck, and yet he went down to
hell. Ah, you are not to know true men by their making
the greatest professions ; that kind don't stand always the
highest but sometimes the very lowest. Then Judas went
on and carried out his bargain. He may have put his arm
around his neck, but at all events he kissed Him. Christ
turned and said, " Judas, betrayest thou the Son of Man
with a kiss ? " He may have said, " Professing to be My
follower, do you betray Me with a kiss ? " He might have
asked : " W T hat have I done that you should betray me ?
Was I ever unkfnd ; have I ever been untrue ; have I ever
deceived you ; have I ever betrayed you ? Why Judas, do
I receive this treatment from you ? " But he merely said,
" Betrayest thou the Master with a kiss ? " " What is it that
thou hast done to agree to betray thy Master with a kiss ? "
And then the men seized on Him. and took those innocent
hands that had been raised to bless people ; that had
brought bread to the hungry ; had touched the leprous and
made them clean ; touched those that were blind and made
them see, touched the deaf ears and hearts and made them
hear and feel — those innocent hands that had been raised
only to bless people, they took and bound them. And
He resisted not. He gave himself up a willing sacrifice
and was obedient to their will. And after they had bound
Him they started back to the city with Him. And they
took Him to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the
high priest. And they brought Him in, and instead of
waiting till the morning, the Sanhedrim was gathered hast-
ily together. They were so thirsty for His blood they
couldn't wait even a few hours, They hurried Hirn before
the assembled Senate, where the first men of the nation
were gathered together. Seventy of the rulers of the Jews
came into the council that night. One after another they
took their seats, and Caiaphas took his place at the head
of the table. There they sat in solemn state, the highest
court of the nation. And now they sought for witnesses
to come and testify against Jesus. The law required that
that two men should agree together to establish any tes-
timony. And at last they found two false witnesses
that came and swore they heard Him talk against the
holy temple, that He said they might destroy it and He
could raise it up again in three days. Then, being ques-
tioned, He said : " Before Abraham was, I am." And
being further questioned, He answered not a word. At
last Caiaphas raised his voice and said : " I adjure thee
by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the
Christ the Son of God." And Jesus said unto him, " Thou
hast said ; nevertheless I say unto you : Hereafter shall
ye see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power
and coming in the clouds of heaven." And the moment
Jesus said that, Caiaphas rent his clothes and said : " He
had spoken blasphemy: vvhat further need have we of wit-
nesses ? Behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy ! "
Then he hurriedly put the question, " What think ye ? "
And they rendered as their verdict : " He is guilty of
death." How the sentence rung out in that council cham-
ber. It was Thursday night, it may have been midnight ;
many of the citizens had retired, and it was not known
until morning. The next clay was a notable feast-day.
There were there people from all parts of the country • the
whole city was crowded. Perhaps Zaccheus was there
from Jericho ; perhaps many from whom he had cast out
devils ; perhaps blind Bartimeus, no longer blind, was
there, and that Samaritan woman Christ had met by the
well of Sychar. Undoubtedly hundreds were there, who,
but for Jesus, could not have got there. Would they
stand by Him? Would they cling to Him now, in this
hour of His need ? And Peter — he was of course there —
would he be staunch ? Only a few days before he had
solemnly promised to stand by his Lord to the last.
" Though others might deny Him, he would die with Him."
Would not Peter, at least, have moral courage to come out
before all the world and own him ? Alas, no. Why, that
very night as Jesus was in the judgment hall, impetuous
Peter denied Him with a curse, and swore he never knew
Him. It seemed there was no hand to defend Him ; no
hand to help Him ; there He was that night in the hands of
His enemy. Very early the next morning, at what hour
we do not know, the officers of the Governor came and
bound Him and took Him away to Pilate to have Him put
to death. The Romans had taken away the power of sen-
tencing to death, and so the Jews could only put Him to
death by gaining the Romans' consent. So now they
brought Him to Pilate. Pilate never had such a person
as that before him. He had sentenced many to death, but
not like Him. He had heard often of this Galilean ; His
fame had long ago reached him ; strange rumors about
Him had come up from Bethlehem. Perhaps Pilate had
even seen Christ and talked with Him. Quite likely so,
and his curiosity must have been excited by the many
stories he heard about Him among his subjects. Pilate,
this time, was with Christ two hours. At last he came out,
after examining Him, and said : " I find no fault in this
man." But the crowd cried out, "If you let this mango,
you are not Caesar's friend." They knew this would touch
his loyalty and ambition to be a successful politician. He
could not, they argued, tolerate any rival to the Roman
power, and his first duty would be to put down everything
like rebellion. " If you don't condemn him, you are not
Caesar's friend," rang in his ears, as the crowd insisted
that Christ was a rebel and wanted to get up an insurrec-
tion in the land, and His friends wanted to make Him
King. They raised their yells and ended by repeating :
"You are no friend of Caesar's. We will -report you at
Rome, and you will lose your office." Poor Pilate ! He
hadn't moral courage to stand firm. And so he said, " This
Jesus^is He a Galilean." Yes, they said, he was brought
up in Nazareth, but has been living out in Galilee. So,
the next thing, Pilate sent him to Herod.
Now you can see that crowd moving through the city in
their way to the Galilean Governor's. When he saw Him
he probably thought it was John, whom he had put to
death, that had been raised from the grave, and curiosity
was excited to see. But when he found out who it really
was, we are told he got out some cast-off garments, prob-
ably some that had belonged to one of their kings, and
dressed Him in them, and, pointing their finger in scorn
at Him, cried, " Hail, King of the Jews ! " Then they
blindfolded Him, and struck Him on the head, saying in
derision, " You are a prophet ; tell us who struck you."
some would spit upon Him, and amid a torrent of scorn
and contempt. Yes, my friends, they spat upon Him.
Suppose the Prince of Wales would come to this country,
and some one would go up and spit upon him, why all
Europe would be up about it ; but when the Son of Man
came down to this earth they spat upon Him, and no one
raised his voice against it. But with all this ignominy that
bloodthirsty Herod, who took the life of John, refused to
take His life, and sent Him back to Pilate. And now the
crowd had increased. The whole city is excited. Every
one is talking about how the Galilean prophet had been
brought before the Sanhedrim and found guilty of blas-
phemy, and was to die the terrible death of the cross. His
friends all the time He was on trial, not a solitary one
stood up for Him. All forsook Him then. The very men
who a few days before cried as He entered Jerusalem :
" Hosannah, to the Son of David," now lifted up their
voices and cried : " Away with Him ! " " Crucify Him ! "
And they brought Him back to Pilate, and undoubtedly
around his house a crowd had gathered as great as that
assembled here to-night. It didn't take much to rouse
these Jews. They were very easily fired, and the whole
city is aroused. They are clamoring — thirsty for His blood.
Pilate is still anxious to release Him. His conscience told
him to release Christ, and he also received a communica-
tion from his wife in which she said : " Have thou nothing
to do with this just man, for I have suffered many things
this day in a dream because of him." He tried to release
Him, but he wanted to be on both sides. At last he said :
"I've got a plan that will work, I think." It was custom-
ary, you know, to release a prisoner upon the day of the
Governor's feast, and he says : " I will get the vilest wretch
I can, the blackest-hearted murderer and robber, and bring
up this pure man and ask them which of the two they will
have. But the chief priests heard what he was going to
do, and went around among the crowd and told them, and
got their feelings worked up. And now Pilate thought he
was going to get rid of the terrible responsibility of putting
Him to death. Picture the crowd standing around that
Governor's house. See the soldiers bringing out one with
his hands dripping with the blood of his fellow man, and
another who had all His life healed the sick, given life,
and done good. " Which will I release unto you ? " And
they lift up their voices — it is the cry of the whole mob — ■
" Barabbas, Barabbas, Barabbas," and the poor Governor,
disappointed, cried out " What shall I do with Christ ? "
"Let Him be crucified," that was the burden of the voice
that rang through the streets of Jerusalem that day.
" Away with this pestilent fellow — we don't want him.
Put him to death I " Pilate turned around and washed his
hands with water and said, " I am innocent of the blood of
this just person." Poor, blind, deceived man. He thought
that he could wash his hands of this iniquitous decision ;
but what a mistake. When He had said this they cried,
" His blood be upon us and on our children." Would to
God they had cried out u Let His blood be upon us and
our children to save them," but that wasn't the cry. " Let
His blood be upon us and on our children." And look
what a punishment has come upon that race — see how
they've been scattered to the four winds of heaven, because
they neglected Him. Only about seventy years afterwards
Titus came and besieged Jerusalem, and nearly t, 100,000
people perished, and 97,000 were sold to slavery. It fell,
and the Jewish people have been wanderers for 1800 years.
And then Pilate gave him up to be scourged. Now, I was
a great many years a Christian before I knew what the
Roman custom of scourging was, but when the truth dawn*
ed upon me, when I learned what it really was, I wept for
days and got down on my knees and asked Him forgive-
ness for not loving Him more than I had. The custom of
scourging consisted in taking the wrists and binding them
tightly together, and then fastening them to a post or pillar.
The back is bared, and a lash, composed of sharp pieces of
steel plaited together, is brought down upon the back. O,
sinner, look at the Prophet Isaiah, " He was wounded for
our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the
chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his
stripes we are healed." He was wounded for me. Yes,
with his stripes am I healed. May this be a reality to every
one here to-night. Don't let us conceal it. It was the
God of Heaven they scourged for us. For fifteen minutes
they brought down blow upon blow on that innocent body.
Oh, you who cast Him away ; you who see no reason why
you should love Him ; you who cannot see why you should
take your stand on His side, why you should defend His
cause, think of this ! And after scourging Him, instead of
binding up His wounds, and bringing oil and ointment and
pouring it upon those wounds : instead of doing this they
put upon Him some other cast-off garments, and made
Him a crown of thorns, and some wretch put it on His
head. You know when Queen Victoria sits on her throne
they put a crown upon her head filled with diamonds and
precious stones worth about $20,000,000; but here they
crowned God's son with a crown of thorns, the curse of the
earth. And in mockery of a king, they put a stick in His
hand. You know when the Queen of England sits on her
throne she has a sceptre in her hand ; and here in the
hands of the Prince of Heaven they put a stick and scof-
fingly shouted, " Hail, King of the Jews ! " They jeered
and mocked that precious Christ. At last one of the crowd
took the rod out of Jesus' hand and brought it down over
His defenseless head, driving those thorns into His brow.
Oh, what treatment the Son of God received ! And those
wounds were made for us ; He bore His stripes for you
and for me. You can see the blood trickle down that in-
nocent head, down that dear face, and over His bosom.
And all for us ! Oh, divine, infinite compassion ; " He
bore our sins in His own body on the tree." And now
they take off the purple robe of scorn and put His own
garment upon Him, and they lift up His cross and lay it
upon Him. It is not a gilded cross, such as you ladies
wear about the neck ; it is not a cross of polished wood,
thickly set with diamonds and precious stones, but a
great, rugged, heavy cross, made roughly out of a
tree. Now, I see them lift and lay it on his shoulders.
And they lay crosses on two thieves who are to be led
away and executed with him. The devil wanted to blacken
the name of Christ and so he is placed between two thieves
who are made to carry their own crosses. Why the cross
of Jesus was taken from his shoulders after a few steps,
we can easily imagine. He cannot stand up — the sins of
the whole world are piled upon him, — and He cannot stand
up, much less walk under the accumulated load. See him
reel and stagger ! See him fall almost fainting to the earth !
The mountain weight crushes down even the Son of God !
They take the cross from his shoulders and lay it upon
Simon the Cyrenian. And now look, sinners, and behold
your Saviour, behold the Lamb of God going up to Mount
Calvary, like a sheep to the slaughter. Away to Calvary
they are leading him, to crucify and put him to death. I
see them on the way, climbing the toilsome ascent. Jesus
is calling on God in prayer, praying even for his murder-
ers. And now they have got him to the summit of the
hill. They've arrived ; it is Golgotha, the place of the
skull. And they take and lay him down on the cross.
Yonder come the soldiers with hammers and nails in their
hands. You can see them take those pliant arms and
stretch them out, and against those blessed, innocent hands
they point the sharp spikes. You can hear that hammer
come down on that nail — blow, blow, — and the hands of
Jesus are pierced through, fastened bleeding to the cross.
Long spikes are driven through both feet, and God, the
Son of the Father, lies quivering, nailed to the cross. And
now they mock at him. See, they spit on him, hooting
and laughing and yelling, " Away with him ; he saved
others ; let him save himself if he be Christ the chosen of
God." Then the Roman soldiers lifted up the cross and
placed it upright between heaven and earth, with those arms
of Jesus outstretched still in blessing. The love that he
had in his bosom kept those dear hands extended ; they
didn't need the nails. He might have come down from
the cross ; with one stroke of his hand he could have sum-
moned all the angels of God against his murderers, or
called down fire out of heaven to consume every one of
them. But no ; he willed to hang there between heaven
and earth ; his strength fainted not. Even " as Moses
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the
Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Oh
sinner, go to Calvary to-night ; look on that Saviour ; gaze
on Him between those two thieves ; hear that piercing cry
— does he call down fire from heaven ? No, no ! " Father,
father," He cries, " forgive them, for they know not what
they do." Yes, I think that Christ did forgive from his heart
every soul there on Calvary, even those that drove the
spikes, even those that wagged their heads and reviled him.
Even the two thieves railed on Him. But at last one of
them cried out, " Lord, remember me when thou comest into
thy kingdom." Oh, sinner, did Christ rebuke him, or did
He keep silent ? No ; a benediction fell from his lips, " This
day thou shalt be with me in Paradise." That malefactor
had but to cry and he was snatched from the brink of hell.
Oh, lost one, but cry to-night to Jesus and He will save
you. Will you not let him ? Oh, hear His gracious words
to the vile malefactor, " This day shalt thou be with me in
Paradise." At last He cried out, " I thirst," and they
gave him gall mixed with vinegar, and mocked him again,
" Hail, King of the Jews, come down from thy cross." But
He patiently endured. And again He opens his lips, we
hear that cry from that cross, " Father, into thy hands I
commit my spirit." And then the end approaches, and He
cries out in a loud voice : " It is finished," " It is finished,"
"It is finished."
What a thrill of joy must have swept through the streets
of heaven. " It is finished ! It is finished ! " the angels
cry as they strike their golden harps, and the bells of
heaven, if there's any there, ring out the peal of joy. " It
is finished, the whole world can now be saved. The work
of the God-man is finished to-day on Calvary ; all that man
has to do is to believe and they shall be saved ! "
The Son of Man had triumphed ■ He had died to make
atonement, and through him all flesh might die and yet
live eternally. The work was complete ; the world was
saved ! Ah, I can just imagine how the black powers of
hell gathered around that dying scene, and the waves of
hell and death dashed upon that cross. Sometimes, down
on the beach of Lake Michigan there, you see the waves
coming dashing on the breakwater. They come dashing
along as though they would break everything to pieces,
but the waves themselves are dashed to pieces and the
breakwater stands invincible. So the dark waves of death
and hell came dashing up against the bosom of the Son of
God. They roared and surged, but all in vain ; they fell
back shattered into fine spray against the Rock, Christ —
Christ the destroyer of death, Christ the victor over hell.
When He shouted, "It is finished," I think I see the fiend
creeping back to hell and hear him whispering, " It is
finished ; all mankind can now be saved." They have led
on the children to kill the Son of God ■ but they are out-
witted, for God " maketh even the wrath of man to praise
But my friends, we will not leave him there on the cross.
We are told that straightway when he yielded up the ghost
even nature owned its God. The sun refused to look longer
upon the scene ; darkness came over the earth for three
hours ; the rocks were rent and the earth was shaken, and
many that slept came forth from their graves. And when
Jesus was now dead, we are told that Joseph of Arima-
thea, a rich man and a member of the Sanhedrim, went
boldly to Pilate and begged the Lord's body that he might
bury it. He was a just man, he was an honorable coun-
sellor, and let me mention right here a most remarkable
thing : Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all join in telling
of this pious act of Joseph's. It is not everything in this
story of the last agony that all four of them bring out, but
they all give this. Joseph of Arimathea, the secret disciple,
was left to ask for the Lord's body. All his open disciples
had forsaken him and fled ; all had forsaken him — some
had disowned him, and Judas had betrayed him ; and it
was left for Joseph of Arimathea to go to Pilate and him-
self alone perform the last offices for the dead Master. It
was the death of Jesus that brought out Joseph of Arima-
thea, the secret disciple — Oh backward, secret Christians,
shall it not touch you, too ? My friends, if Christ died for
you on Calvary, shall you not live for him ? Shall you not
speak for him? Is not this the least you can do? He
went boldly into the presence of the governor and asked
him for the body of Jesus. When Pilate heard he was dead
he marvelled. He gave orders to see that Jesus was dead.
And now you can see those Roman soldiers, going towards
Calvary, and Joseph with some of his servants behind him.
See them standing at the cross and a soldier just goes up
and puts a spear into the side of the Son of God, and that
prophecy was brought out. " In that day there shall be a
fountain opened in the house of David for sin and for un-
cleanness." The soldier put it in and His blood covered
the spear. Yes, Christ's blood covered sin. Yes, God in
mercy covered sin. That act was the crowning act of in-
dignity of earth and hell to drive that spear into the very
heart of the God-man ; and the crowning act of mercy and
love and heaven that blood came out and covered the spear.
And now Joseph and Nicodemus take down that body.
You can see them wash the blood from that head, you can
see them draw those nails out carefully from his hands — from
his feet, and they take that mangled and bruised body
down and wash it.
(At this moment the roaring wind, which had been rising
all the evening, seemed as though it would break through
the roof, to which point nearly everybody's attention was
Mr. Moody — My friends, it is only the wind. The devil
don't want you to hear this story of Jesus' dying love for
you ; he don't want you to hear and be saved. But just
give attention, and don't let him accomplish his object ; let
the wind go. If you don't pay attention my sermon goes
for nothing. You see them take the body down and wrap
it in fine linen ; You can see Joseph of Arimathea and
Nicodemus, another secret disciple, anoint that body with
ointment, and then a little funeral procession moving to the -
tomb of Joseph, hewn out of the rock, and there they lay
that body away.
But, thank God, He did not rest very long. I have not
time to speak about His resurrection now, but, God
willing, I will speak about it before I leave. But let me
ask you, are you going out of this Tabernacle saying you
don't want Christ — saying you would rather be without
Him ? Are you going out despising His love, His death,
His offer of mercy ? " Christ died for our sins." Will you
have the benefit of His death or send the message back to
the God of Heaven that you despise His love, His offer of
mercy, that you despise this blessed Redeemer that came
down to seek and save that which was lost ?
I want to call your attention to-night to a text which
you will find in the fifth chapter of Luke and thirty-
second verse. The text is also recorded in Matthew and
in Mark, and whenever you find a passage recorded by ally
three of the evangelists you may know that it is one of
those important truths which He wants to impress upon
people. " I came not to call the righteous but sinners to
repentance." It was when He first came down to Caper-/
naum that he uttered these words. He had been cast out
of Nazareth • they didn't want Him ; they wouldn't have
salvation, and he came down to Capernaum, and there He
found Levi sitting at the receipt of customs, and He called
him to become one of His disciples. Levi was so full of
joy when he found Christ — as all young converts are —
that he got up a great feast, and he invited all the publi-
cans and sinners to it. I suppose he wanted to get them
all converted — that was the reason he prepared a sumptu-
ous feast. It was not to hear Jesus, but just to partake of
the feast that Levi had prepared for them. And Jesus was -/
there too among these publicans and sinners. The Phar-
isees were there too, and they began to murmur against
His disciples, saying : " Why do these men eat with publi-
cans and sinners ? " and it was on this occasion that Christ
uttered this wonderful text : " I came not to call the right-
eous but the sinners to repentance." That is what He
came into this world for ; He came into the world just for
the very purpose of saving sinners. Now a good many
men come to Chicago to do a certain work. Some come
to practise law, that's their profession ; others come to
practise medicine, because that's their business; some are
business men and some are mechanics ; and when Christ
came into this world He came for a purpose ; He
had a profession, if you will allow me the expres-
sion — He came to call sinners to repentance. You
know when he >vas going down to the Samaritan
town His disciples went down to see whether they
would let Him come there. We find Him on His way
from Galilee to Jerusalem. You know there was such
a hatred between the Jews and the Samaritans that they
would have no dealings with each other, and he sent His
disciples on to see if He would be allowed to enter. The
Samaritans would not allow Him there, and His disciples
were so incensed that James and John asked Jesus to
" command tire to come down from Heaven and consume
them, even as Elias did." " Why," said the Son of Man,
" I didn't come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."
That's what He came for. He came to bless men ; He
came to do men good, and there is not a sinner here to-
night who cannot be saved and will be saved to-night if
they wish. You may call this world a great hospital, and
all the people are born sick. A great many people imagine
their souls are never diseased, who think they don't need
a physician ; but when people wake up to the fact that
their souls are diseased, then they find the need of a phy-
sician. But there is no need for the physician unless you
feel you are sick. You know you could not send a physi-
cian to a man who was well. Suppose I go on the West
Side and ask a celebrated physician to come over and see
Mr. White. Suppose he comes round and finds Mr. White
sitting in his drawing-room perfectly well. "Why, how is
this? Mr. Moody told me you were sick, and bade me
make a professional call." Not only is the physician dis-
gusted, but the patient is too. The world don't send for a
physician till sickness comes. When it feels sick then it
sends for a doctor, and the doctor comes. And whenever
a man feels his need of Christ and calls, that moment he
comes and is healed. There is a Physician here to-night
for every sinner, I don't care what your sins may be, or
how long you have been living in sin ; I don't care if your
life has been as black as hell, the Great Physician is here.
What for ? Just to heal every man and woman that wants
to be healed.
Now, the great trouble is to make people believe they
are sick ; but the moment you believe that you are, then it
is that you are willing to take the remedy. I remember
some years ago a patent medicine came out, and the whole
of Chicago was placarded about it. I could not turn my
head but I saw " Paine's Pain Killer." On the walls, on
the curb-stones, everywhere was "pain-killer," "pain-
killer." I felt disgusted at the sight of these bills con-
stantly telling me about this patent medicine. But one day
I had a terrible headache, so bad that I could hardly see,
and was walking down the streets and saw the bills again
and went and bought some. When I was well I didn't care
for it, but when I got sick I found it was the very thing I
wanted. If there is one here who feels the %eed of a
Saviour, remember the greater the sin the greater the need
of a Saviour. I remember when I was coming back from
Europe on the steamer there was a young officer ; I felt
greatly drawn out toward him, because I could see he was
dying. It didn't seem to him as if he was dying, but
you know death is very deceitful. He seemed to be joy-
ous and light-hearted. He would talk about his plans,
and take out his guns, and tell how he intended to go hunt-
ing when he arrived ; but it seemed to me that he would
not live to see this country. By and by he was taken down
on his bed, and then the truth came to him that death was
upon him. He got a friend to write out a telegram, which
this friend was to send to his mother when they arrived.
It read : " Mother, I am real sick. — Charlie." As soon as
the boat touched the shore he was to send it. " But," said
some one, " why not tell her in the telegram to come ? "
" Ah," he replied, " she will come." He knew whenever
she read it and saw that he wanted help she would come.
It was the knowledge of his need that would bring her.
So Christ is waiting to hear our need, and man's need
brings out the help of God. As I said before, the real
trouble is that men don't think they need Him. You know
that in one place — in the fifteenth chapter of Luke — they
brought this charge against Him : " This man receiveth
sinners, and eateth with them." This charge was brought
against Him again and again. I am told by Hebrew
scholars that instead of "receiveth " it should be rendered,
" He is looking out for them." And that's what He was
doing. He was looking out for them. He didn't care
how black in sin they might be, He was ready to take
Now, a great many say, " I am too great a sinner to be
saved." That is like a hungry man saying he is too hungry
to eat, or a sick man saying he is too sick to send for a
doctor, or a beggar saying, " I am too poor to beg ; I'll
wait till I get some money first." If a man is hungry and
perishing you must relieve him.
Now there is not a sinner in Chicago but has his repre-
sentative in the Bible. Take, for instance, the publicans.
You know the Jews thought this class about the lowest in
the world. They put them lower than any other kind of sinner.
They placed them along with the sinners — "publicans
and sinners." The publicans were the tax collectors, and
they defrauded the people at every turn. For instance, a
man in South Chicago will pay over, perhaps, a hundred
thousand dollars for the privilege of just collecting the
taxes, and then he goes to work and screws the people out
of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. He don't care a
straw for justice or appearances. He conies into the cot-
tage of the widow and taxes half she has. At every house
the tax collector puts the blocks to his victims, and famine
often comes in when he goes out. The people detest him ;
they hate him with a perfect hatred. They always find
him a drag on them, and feel he hasn't a bit of sympathy
for them. Their money, they find, is taken without warrant ;
their homes are broken up, and trouble and starvation come
on them. And so the publican was hated wherever he
turned. He was the agent of the Roman tyrant, and the
people were brought up to shun him. He deserved it all,
and even more, by his heartless exactions ; and yet Christ
forgave even him. And just so rum-sellers can be saved.
And another class that Christ had mercy on was the
thieves. When on the cross he saved a thief. There may
be some thief here to-night. I tell you, my friend, you
may be saved if you only will. There may be some one
here who is persecuting a good wife, and making her home
a perfect hell on earth. But you, too, may be saved,
There may be some here persecuting the Church, but
there's salvation for you. When Saul was persecuting the
Christians from city to city, he was stopped short by the
voice of God ; he was converted. And those high-headed
Pharisees, so well versed in the law of Moses, even they
were converted. Joseph of Arimathea was a Pharisee,
and so was Nicodemus.
But to-night I want to talk about another class that
Jesus dealt with and led to a higher life. I want to talk
about fallen women. There are some people who believe
that these have fallen so low that Christ will pass them by.
But my friends, that thought comes from the Evil One. In
all this blessed book there is not one, not a solitary one of
this class mentioned that ever came to Him but that He
received them. Yes, He even went out of His way and
sought her out. Now I want to take three representative
cases where these women had to do with Christ. One is
the case of an awakened one. The spirit of God has dealt
with her anxious, wakened soul. The Lord was one day
at Jerusalem and a banquet was given Him by Simeon.
There was a banquet table in the house, arranged accord-
ing to the fashion of that day. Instead of chairs for the
guests, as was customary, the guests sat reclining on
lounges. Well, it was just one of these repasts that our
Lord sat down to, along with the wealthy Simeon and his
many guests. But no sooner had He entered than this
woman followed Him into the house, and fell down at His
feet, and began to wash them with her tears. It was the
custom in those days to wash one's feet on entering a
house. Sandals were worn and the practice was necessary.
Well, this woman had got into the house by some means
and once inside had quietly stolen up to the feet of Jesus.
And in her hands she brought a box ; but her heart too,
was just as full of ointment as the box she carried. And
there was the sweetest perfume as she stole to His feet.
And her tears started to fall down on those sacred feet, hot,
scalding tears that gushed out like water. She said noth-
ing while the tears fell, and then she took down her long
black hair and wiped His feet with the hair of her head.
• And after that she poured out the ointment on His feet.
Then straitway the Pharisees began talking together. How
all through the New Testament these Pharisees kept
whispering and talking together. They said, shaking their
heads, " This Man receiveth sinners ; " and then, " This
Man, if He were a prophet, would have known who and
what manner of woman this is that toucheth Him, for she
is a sinner." No prophet, they insisted, would allow that
kind of a woman near him, but would push her away.
And then the Saviour read these thoughts and quickly re-
buked them. He said, Simeon, I have something to say
to thee. And he said, Master, say on. And He said :
" Seest thou this woman ? I entered into thine house, thou
gavest me no water to wash my feet ; but she has washed
my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her
head. Thou givest me no kiss, but this woman since I
came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet. My head with
oil thou didst not anoint, but this woman hath anointed my
feet with ointment." Simeon was like* a great many Phari-
sees nowadays, who say, " Oh, well, we will entertain that
minister if we must. We don't want to ; he's a dreadful
nuisance ; but we will have to put up with him ; it's our
duty to be patronizing." Well, the Master said more to
His entertainer. " There was a certain creditor," He said,
"which had two debtors ; the one owed five hundred pence,
and the other fifty, and when he had nothing to pay " —
mark that, sinner ; the debtor had nothing to pay. There
is no sinner in the world that can pay anything to cancel
his debt to God. The great trouble is that sinners think
they can pay, some of them 75 cents on the dollar,
some even feel able to pay 99 cents on the dollar, and the
one cent that they are short, they think they can make that
up some way. That is not the way ; it is all wrong ; you
must throw all the debt on God. Some few perhaps, will
only claim to pay 25 cents on the dollar, but they are not
humble enough either, they can't begin to carry out their
bargain. Why, sinner, you couldn't pay one-tenth part of
a single mill of the debt you are under to Almighty God.
Now it says in this parable that they could not pay him
anything — they had nothing to give and the creditor frankly
forgave them both. " Now, Simeon," the Master asked,
" which should love that man the most ? " "I suppose,"
was the reply, "he that was forgiven the most." "Thou
hast rightly judged ; this woman loves much because she
hath been forgiven much," and went on to tell Simeon all
about her. I suppose he wanted to make it plainer to
Simeon and he turned to the poor woman and said, " Thy
sins are forgiven " — all forgiven ; not part of them — not
half of them, but every sin from the cradle up, every im-
pure desire, or thought is blotted out for time and eternity,
and He said, "Go in peace." Yes, truly, she went out in
peace, for she went out in the light of heaven. With what
brightness the light must have come down to her from
those eternal hills — with what beauty it must have flashed
on her soul. Yes, she came to the feet of the Master for
a blessing, and she got it, and if there is a poor woman
here to-night who wants a blessing, she will get it.
I want to call your attention to a thought right here.
You have not got the name of one of those poor women.
The three women who had fallen, who had been guilty of
adultery, and had been blessed by Him, not one of them
has been named. It seems to me as if it had been intended
that when they got to heaven we should not know them — ■
they will just mingle with the rest. Their names had not
been handed down for eighteen hundred years. They have
called Mary Magdalen a fallen woman, but bear in mind
there is nothing in Scripture to make us understand that
she was a poor, fallen woman, and I believe if she had
been, her name would not have been handed down.
Now, the next woman was altogether different from the
woman in Luke. She didn't come with an alabaster box,
seeking a blessing. She was perfectly indifferent ; she was
a careless sinner. Perhaps there are some poor, fallen
women who have come to-night in a careless spirit — only
out of curiosity ; they don't want a Saviour ; they don't want
their sins blotted out ; they don't want any forgiveness.
Perhaps she had heard that at Moody and Sankey's they
were going to preach repentance, and that a- great many
fallen women were likely to be there, and thought she
would just come down to see how they took it. Now you
have a representative here. After Christ had that inter-
view with Nicodemus, we are told he went up to Galilee
by Samaria. He could have gone up to Galilee without
going to Samaria, but he knew there was a fallen woman
there. He got to the well, and sent off his disciples to get
bread. Why did he not keep one with Him ? Because
He knew the woman was coming that way, and she would
not probably like to see so many. While He is sitting on
the curb-stone of the well, a poor, fallen woman of Samaria
comes along for water. You know the people in those
days used to come out in the morning and evening to get
their water, not in the blaze of the noon-day sun. No
doubt she was ashamed to come out there to meet the pure
and virtuous at the well, and that was the reason why she
stole out at the hour. She brought her waterpot to get
water, and when she came up the Master stopped her and
asked her for a drink, just to draw her out. She saw he
was a Jew. We can always tell a Jew : God has put a
mark upon them. " How is this ? You a Jew and ask a
Samaritan for a drink? The Jews have no dealings with
the Samaritans." " Ah, you don't know Me," he re-
plied ; " if you would have asked Me for drink I would have
given you living water." " How could you give me living
water; why you have no vessel to draw water with?"
" Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but
whosoever shall drink of the water that I shall give him
will have a well springing up in his heart into everlasting
life." "Well," probably she thought, "that is a good
thing. One draught of water will give me a well — one
draught of water for the rest of my days." She asked Him
for this living water, and he told her, " Go, bring thy hus-
band." He was just drawing her out, just got her up to
the point of confession. " I have no husband," she said.
" For thou hast had five husbands, and he whom thou now
hast is not thy husband ; in that saidst thou truly." I can
see that woman's astonishment. She looks all around to see
who had told him all about her. Like a man who came up
from Michigan lately, who came into the tabernacle and
listened to the sermon which, as he told me, seemed all to
be preached at him. He wondered who had told me all
about him. He got Christ, and is going back to Michigan
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The word of God
reached her, and she saw she was detected. " Sir, I per-
ceive thou art a prophet ; " then she went on the old re-
ligious discussion, but the Lord turned her from that, and
told her that the hour had come when the people must wor-
ship the Father in spirit and in truth, not in this or that
particular mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem. And she said :
" When the Messiah cometh He will tell us all things," and
when she had said this she was ready for the truth. Then
Jesus said, " I am the Messiah." Just then she saw His dis-
ciples coming, and probably she thought these men might
know who she was, and she got up her pot, and away she
went to the city. The moment she got within the gates she
shouted, " Come see this man I have met at the well. Is
not this the Messiah ? Why, He has told me all that ever
I did." And you can see all the men, women, and chil-
dren running out of that city up to the well. As He stands
in the midst of' His disciples and He sees the multitudes
coming running toward them, He says, " Look yonder ;
look at the fields, for they are already white with the
harvest ; look what that poor fallen woman has done : "
and He went into that town as an invited guest, and many
believed on account of the woman's testimony, and many
more believed on account of His own.
Now, my friends, He did not condemn the poor adul-
teress. The Son of God was not ashamed to talk with her,
and tell her of that living water, those who drank of which,
He said, would never die. He did not condemn her. He
came to save her, came to tell how to be blessed here and
blessed hereafter.
The next case is still much worse. You may say it is
like black, blacker, blackest, compared with the other two.
I want to speak about this one, that in the eight chapter
of John. One woman I have spoken of was in the house
of a Pharisee, at a dinner party, the other by the well of
Sychar, and now we come to the Temple porch. They
had taken a woman in adultery, had caught her in the very
act. They had not got the man ■ they had held only the
poor woman. While He is speaking, the Pharisees are
driving this poor fallen woman right into the Temple.
What a commotion there would be here to-night, if such a
scene should take place in the tabernacle ! She had bro-
ken the law of Moses, by which a woman caught in the
act of adultery was to be put to death. The woman is
brought toward Him ; and now they are about to put the
question of her life or death before Him. He had said
that He hadn't come to condemn the world, but to save
the world, and they are just going to try and condemn
Him by His own words. They say to Him : " The law of
Moses says stone her, what sayest thou ? " But not a word
did He speak. Jesus stooped down and wrote on the
ground, as though he hadn't heard them. We don't know
what He wrote. Perhaps " Grace and truth come by Jesus
Christ ; " perhaps He wrote that ; but while He thus busied
Himself they cried out the louder, demanding an answer
to their question. So at length He lifted Himself up and
said : " He that is without sin among you, let first him cast
a stone at her." Never did an answer so completely serve
its purpose ; you who never were guilty of- an offence,
just you cast the first stone. And, amid the strangest
silence He again stooped and wrought with His finger on
the ground. This time, perhaps, He wrote : " I am not
come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
And soon He rose again, but ere He did so He heard the
patter of retreating feet on the pavement, and when now
He glanced up, He saw none but the woman. One by one
they had been convicted by their own conscience, and
slunk away ; not one of them there could throw the stone.
And the Saviour looked at the woman. I can imagine the
tears coming trickling down her cheeks as Jesus Christ, in
kindest tones, asked her, " Woman, where are those thine
accusers ? Hath no man condemned thee ? " And for an
instant she could not answer. Who knows how that poor
soul had reached her sad plight ! One of those very Phar-
isees who had left her, perhaps had led her astray. The
very man who had clamored loudest to condemn her was
likely the guilty one. And there she stood alone ; the
betrayer was left untouched, as too often he is to-day — a
miserable, unjust, untrue sentiment, by which the man,
who is equally guilty, is received in society and the woman
is condemned. But at last she gained her voice and said :
" No man, my Lord," and then, perhaps, told how her
parents had died when she was very young. A stepmother,
perhaps, had taken her and treated her harshly, and then
had turned her adrift on the world. Or perhaps a drunken
father had turned home into darkness, and she had been
driven from it almost broken-hearted ; and so in her help-
lessness her innocent affections were gained, and then she
had been led astray. The Master knew it all, and when
He heard her reply He said : " Neither do I condemn
thee ; go, and sin no more." She had been dragged into
the Temple to be stoned, but now Christ had delivered
her. She came to be put to death, but she received life
My friends, the Son of God will not now condemn any
poor fallen woman that leaves off her sins and just casts
herself down at His feet. He will take you up just as you
are. When in Philadelphia, a fallen woman came into the
inquiry room and threw herself down on the floor. The
Christian helpers talked and talked to her but couldn't get
a word out of her; they couldn't do a thing with her.
The Hon. George H. Stewart came to me, and said "We
wish you would come, we don't know what to make of her."
She was weeping bitterly, and as far off as I was I could
hear her sobs all over the room. So I went and said :
" What is the trouble ? " At last she spoke, and the bitter-
ness of her despairing voice went to my heart. " I have
fallen from everything pure, and God cannot save me ;
there is no hope." I told her tenderly that God could
still lift her up and save her. I said, " Are you only just
willing to be forgiven ? A merciful Father is waiting and
longing to pardon." She said at last she could not aban-
don her course, as no one would give her a home. But
that difficulty was got round by my assuring her kind
friends would provide for her ; and then she yielded, and
that same day was given a pleasant place in the home of a
Presbyterian minister. But for forty-eight hours after en-
tering her new home that poor reclaimed woman cried, day
and night, and we w T ent for her mother, and on hearing our
story the mother clasped her hands and cried, " Has my
daughter really repented ? Thank God for His mercy ; my
heart has just been breaking. I've prayed so long for
her without result ; take me to her." And that reformed
daughter of sin has lived consistently ever since, and when
I was last in Philadelphia she was one of the most es-
teemed members in that Presbyterian Church. And so
every one of you can begin anew, and God will help and
man will help you. Oh turn, and do not die. Seven short
years is the allotted life of a fallen woman. Oh, escape
your early doom, escape your infamy, and hear God's voice
calling you to repent. Your resolution to amend will be
borne up by hosts of friends ; never fear for that. Just
take the decided step, and you will be helped by every
good man and woman in the community. Oh, I beseech
you to act right now, and settle this great question for
time and eternity.
I heard of a mother whose daughter was led astray, and
the poor daughter tried to hide herself, thinking her
mother would not forgive her. The mother went to the
town where she supposed her child had gone, but she
hunted .and hunted unsuccessfully. The trouble is with
the most of those girls who go astray they go under as-
sumed names, and this daughter had done the same thing,
and that mother couldn't find her. At last she found a
place where fallen women resorted to, and the mother
went to the keeper of that place and begged her to let her
hang up her picture in the room, and consent was granted.
Hundreds of fallen women came into that room and care-
lessly glanced at the picture and went out. Weeks and
months rolled on, until at length one night a poor fallen
girl came into the room. She was going out as careless as
she had entered, when her eye caught the picture, and,
gazing at it for a moment, she burst into a flood of tears.
" Where did you get it ? " she sobbed. They told her how
her mother came there, heart-broken, and asked to have
her picture hung up in that room, in the hope of finding
her daughter. The girl's memory went back to her days
of peace and purity, recalling the acts of kindness of that
loved mother, and she then and there resolved to return.
See how thaftnother sought for her and forgave her. Oh,
poor fallen ones, the Son of God is seeking for you to-
night. If you haven't got a mother to pray for you, the
Son of God wants to be everything to you. He wants to
receive you to Himself. Let me hold Him up to you as
your best friend. He wants to take you to His loving bosom
and this very night and very hour you can be raised
if you will. There was a woman who was trying to get a
poor girl to go back to her home. She said, " Neither my
mother, my father, nor my brothers will forgive me. They
won't permit me to go back." "Will you give me your ad-
dress ? " the lady asked. The address was obtained, and
the very next post brought a letter marked " immediately,"
and it seemed as if the whole hearts of her father and
mother and brothers were poured out in that letter. It
was filled with kindness, and urged her to come home and
all would be forgotten. There is many a poor fallen girl
in Chicago whose mother is praying for her, and whose
heart is aching because she won't go back. Your mother
will forgive you, and all your friends, if you will only show
true signs of repentance. They will take you home.
O, my friends, let this be the last night you will live in
sin — in shame. Let this be your last night in which you
will live in sin. Take those sins you have to Him, and He
will forgive you. He has said, " Let the wicked forsake
his ways," and pardon is ready. That is what our Lord
will do. He will pardon you and make you pure. Will
you let Him pardon you to-night.
Just before coming down this evening I received a letter
from a fallen woman. I've received a number during the
past few days. Thank God the spirit is at work among
that class ! And let me say right here, if there is any
person here who keeps a brothel, if you will allow Christian
ladies admittance, they will go gladly, and hold meetings.
This idea that Christian ladies do not care for your class
is false — as false as the blackest lie that ever €kme out of
hell. Why, some of the first ladies of the city have lately
been visiting these houses personally, and have been try-
ing to save their erring sisters. A few days ago, several
came to me and asked if I couldn't get a list of all the
brothels of the city. I went to police head-quarters and
got the names of the keepers and addresses, and gave it to
these Christian women, and since then, many houses have
been visited. These charges that Christian women will
not have them in their homes are equally false. The
other night a lady of culture was on her knees with a poor
one, who told the lady that she was a fallen girl, and did
not know where to go if she didn't go back to her brothel.
" Come and stay at my house," said the lady, " I will take
care of you," and when the girl got up from her knees, the
lady saw she was a poor colored girl. That good Christian
kept her till she got her a good situation. Another one
not long ago received the truth, and one of our ministers
wrote to her parents, got a pass and sent her home to her
forgiving parents. Let me ask you not to believe that we
are cruel ; that we are hard-hearted ; that we do not care
for the fallen women, but only for the abandoned men.
We have a place to shelter you, and if that is not large
enough, the business men will put up another. They will
do everything for you if you are only repentant ; they will
not try to keep you down and cast you off. If you are
sincere, there are hundreds and thousands of people in this
city whose hearts will go out to you. But I want to read
this letter :
"Chicago, Dec. 14.
" Mr. Moody, — Many fallen women in this city would,
in these days, gladly change their mode of life and seek
Christ and restoration to the homes and hearts of parents
and friends whom they, weakly, left many, many bitter
years and months ago, if only they could see some way to
an honorable living and friendly recognition and help
when they should seek these."
Now, let me say here that any young woman who wants
reclamation ought not to look into the future. Say to
yourselves, "I will be saved to-night, come what will."
" You say, ' Seek first the kingdom of Christ ; ' but, my
dear brother (for such you seem even to me), why do this
if only returning shame awaits us ? "
I wish every fallen woman would think as this one does ;
why, I would be a brother to you all. Thank God, I've
got a brother's heart for all of you. I wish every one of
you would feel that I want to do you good — that I only
want to lift you up.
" Suppose a hundred fallen women of this city were at
the Tabernacle to-night — no doubt more than this number
will be there — and that these should seek Christ and find
forgiveness, for you assure us there is full forgiveness
for even us, so that these scarlet stains should be ' whiter
than snow — where, I ask, shall we live ? What shall we do ?
" We must return ere the echo of the last prayer in that
Tabernacle has died away, to the apartments which have
only known our bitter shame, and again meet the devil in
his chosen home."
Let me say, again, that no woman in this audience need
do that. There will be homes open for you. God will
provide for you if you will trust Him. I hope there will
be hundreds here to-night who will say, " I will never
return to that place. I will never go back to that house of
shame ; I will never meet the devil in those houses more ;
I will rather die in the poor-house than do it ; I turn my
back for ever upon death and hell."
" No home of parent or friend, or praying Christian who
joined in your prayer at the Tabernacle for us, would offer
our weary bodies shelter there, or our willing hands labor
wherewith honest bread might be earned. No Christian's
purse affords to-morrow's bread."
Dear friends, let the morrow take care of itself. Don't
be looking at the future. Just walk by faith. That's what
every Christian must do.
" The very ones who came here to pray for us go away
scorning us ; and while with the virtuous wife and mother
and the pure maiden we would plead a common Saviour,
they would thrust us from them. What can we do ? Who
will help us?
" There remains only a life of shame and an unwept
death, physical and eternal, for us. Hopelessly
"One of Them."
" COME."
We have for our subject this afternoon the precious lit-
tle word " Come." I want to call your attention first to the
" Come " in the 53d chapter of the prophecies of Isaiah.
" Incline your ear, and come unto Me. Hear, and your
souls shall live ; and I will make an everlasting covenant
with you, even the sure mercies of David."
" Incline your ear and come unto Me ; hear and your
soul shall live." Now, I find if we get people to listen —
to pause and hear the voice of God, it isn't long before they
are willing to follow that voice ; but it is so hard to get
people to stop and listen for a moment. The din of the
world makes such a noise that the people don't hear the
voice — that still small voice. He says, " Incline your ear
and come unto Me." Now, if we could only get a 1 ! the friends
in this audience to incline their ears this afternoon — not
only your natural ears but the ears of your soul, you could
be saved to-day. But Satan does not want you to do this •
he does all he can to keep your ears from hearing. He
makes you think about yourself, about your sons, your
homes ; but, my friends, let us forget all those things to-day
— let us forget all our surroundings, and close our eyes to
the world, and just try and listen to the word of God, and
come and hear what He has to say. " Incline your ear and
come unto Me ; hear and your soul shall live." Now, let
us turn to the tenth chapter of Romans, where we see,
" Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Now, it is not my words I want to have you to listen to— it is
not my words I want you to hear this afternoon, but I want
you to hear the words of this loving King who calls you to
Himself. What does He say ? In another place He says :
" Behold, I stand at the door and knock ; if any man hear
My voice and open the door, I will come in to him and sup
with him and he with Me," or " if any woman," or any one ;
that's what it means, my friends — "hear My voice and
open the door, I will come in to her, and will sup with her
and she with Me." I heard of a little child sometime ago
who was burned. The mother had gone out and left her
three children at home. The eldest left the room, and the
remaining two began to play with the fire, and set the
place in a blaze. When the youngest of the two saw what
she had done she went into a little cupboard and fastened
herself in. The iemaining child went to the door and
knocked and knocked, crying to her to open the door and
let her take her out of the burning building, but she was
too frightened to do it. It seems to me as if this was the
way with hundreds and thousands in this city. He stands
and knocks, but they've got their hearts barred and bolted,
because they don't know that He has come only to bless
them. May God help you to hear, and if you listen to Him
and bring your burdens to Him He will bless you. He is
able to open the ears of every one here if you let Him in.
I was up here at the hotel the other night, and I had the
door locked and bolted, and some one came and rapped.
I shouted " Come in !" The man tried to come in, but he
couldn't ; I had to get up and unlock the door before he
could enter. That's the way with many people to-day*
They've got the door bolted and barred ; but if you only
open it to Him He will come in.
" If any man hear my voice and open the door I will
come in and sup with him and he with Me." Now, my
friends, can you hear it ? Can you hear God's voice speak-
ing through his own word ? " Incline your ear and come
unto Me." Just listen. You know sometimes, when you
"COME." 481
hear a man speaking whose voice you don't hear very well,
and you want to hear every word the man says, you put
your hand up to your ear to catch the sound clearer. Now,
listen. God says, " Incline your ear and come unto Me ;
hear and your souls shall live ; and I will make an ever-
lasting covenant with you." Now, is it not true ? Can't
you hear that loving voice speaking to you, and won't you
obey that voice and let Him save you ? But I can imagine
some of you saying, " I can't hear anything." Take your
ears to Him and He will make you hear.
Now let me take you to another course. While John
and his disciples were standing, Jesus came along, and
John said : " Behold the Lamb of God ! " and Jesus said :
" What seek ye ? " " Where dwellest thou ? " he asked ; to
which He replied ; " Come and see ; " and they just obeyed
Him and never left Him. My friends, if I could introduce
you to Christ — could just get you to catch one glimpse of
Him ; if you could but see the king in all His beauty ; if
you could but see Him in all His loveliness, you would
never forsake Him, for we " shall grow up before Him as
a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground ; he Hath
no form nor comeliness, and when we shall see Him there
is no beauty that we should desire Him." Follow Him as
your Saviour. In order to appreciate Him you have to be
brought to Him, but if sin has come between you and Him,
I cannot tell you anything about Him. It is just like
telling a blind man about the beauties of nature, the love-
liness of the flowers, or of the world. That is the way, if
sin stands between you and Him, and when Christians try
to tell you about the beauties of Christianity they fail, but
if you come and have an interview with Him you will see
that you cannot help but love Him ; you will see that you
cannot but forsake all and follow Him. I remember once
hearing of a child who was born blind. He grew up to be
almost a man, when a skilful phvsician thought he could
give the man his sight. He was put under the doctor's
treatment, and for a long time he worked, till at last he
succeeded. But he wouldn't let the man see the light of
the sun all at once, lest it would strike him blind. It had
to be done gradually. So he put a lot of bandages upon
his eyes and removed one after another until the last one
was reached, and when it was taken off the young man
began to see. When he saw the beauties of the world he
upbraided his friends for not telling him of the beauties of
nature. " Why, we tried to tell you about the beauties of
the world, but we could not," they said. And so it is with
us. All that we can do is to tell you to come and see —
come and see the loveliness of Christ.
I can imagine some of you saying ;"Iam blind, I cannot
see any beauty in Him. Bring your blindness to Him as
you bring your deafness and He will give you sight, as He
did with the blind Bartimeus — as He did with all the blind
men on earth. There was never a blind man who came to
Him requesting his sight whose request was not granted,
and there is not a blind soul in this assembly but will be
healed if you come to Him. He says that's what He came
for, to give sight to the blind. If you cannot see any
beauty in Him pray to God to give you sight.
The next come is in the prophesies of Isaiah. " Come,
now, and let us reason together," saith the Lord : " though
your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ;
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
I find a great many people say their reason stands between
them and God. Now, let me say here, the religion of
Jesus is a matter of revelation, not of investigation. No
one ever found out Christ by reason. It is a matter of
revelation. Now see what he says, " Come now " — that
means this afternoon — " though your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be white as snow." Now He puts a pardon in the
sinner's face. " Your sins may be as scarlet, they shall be
* come:* 4 8 3
white as snow." Take the scarlet in that lady's shawl. It
is a fast color. You cannot wash it out and make it white ;
if you tried you would only destroy the shawl. But He
will make your sins white as snow, though they be as scarlet,
if you come to Him. Just come to Him as you are, and
instead of reasoning ask him to take them away. Then
He will reason it out with you. The natural man does
riot understand spiritual things, but when a man is born
of the Spirit, then it is that the spiritual things are brought
out to him. A great many people want to investigate —
want to reason out the Bible from back to back, but He
wants us first to take a pardon. That's God's method of
reasoning. He puts a pardon in the face of the sinner.
" Come now." Do you think there is not reason in this ?
Suppose the whole plan of salvation was reasoned out to
you, why death might step in before the end of the reason-
ing was jeached. So God puts a pardon first. If you will
be influenced to-day you will just bring your reason to
Him, and ask Him to give you wisdom to see divine
things, and He will do it. " If any of you lack wisdom, let
him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and up-
braideth not, and it shall be given liberally." The idea
that this reason that God hath given man should keep him
from Christ.
A number of years ago as I was coming out of a daily
prayer meeting in one of our Western cities, a lady came
up to me and said," I want to have you see my husband
and ask him to come to Christ." She said, "I want to
have you go and see him." She told me his name, and it
was of a man I had heard of before. " Why," said I, " I
can't go and see your husband. He is a booked infidel.
I can't argue with him. He is a good deal older than I
am, and it would be out of place. Then I am not much
for infidel argument." "Well, Mr. Moody," she says,
" that ain't what he wants. He's got enough of that. Just
ask him to come to the Saviour." She urged me so hard
and so strong, that I consented to go. I went to the office
where the Judge was doing business, and told him what I
had come for. He laughed at me. " You are very fool-
ish," he said, and began to argue with me. I said, " I
don't think it will be profitable for me to hold an argu-
ment with you. I have just one favor I want to ask of you,
and that is, that when you are converted you will let me
know." " Yes," said he, " I will do that. When I am con-
verted, I will let you know" — with a good deal of sarcasm.
I went off, and requests for prayer were sent here and to
Fulton street, New York, and I thought the prayer there
and of that wife would be answered if mine were not. A
year and a half after I was in that city, and a servant came
to the door and said : " There is a man in the front parlor
who wishes to see you." I found the Judge there. He
said : " I promised I would let you know when I was con-
verted. I've been converted." " Well," said I, " I'm glad
to hear it ! tell me all about it." I had heard it from other
lips, but I wanted to hear it from his own. He said his wife
had gone out to a meeting one night and he was home
alone, and while he was sitting there by the fire he thought ;
" Supposing my wife is right, and my children are right :
suppose there is a heaven and hell, and I shall be separa-
ted from them." His first thought was : " I don't be-
lieve a word of it." The second thought came, " You
believe in the God that created you, and that the God
that created you is able to teach you. You believe that
God can give your life." " Yes, the God that created me
can give me life. I was too proud to get down on my knees
by the fire, and I said, ' O God, teach me.' And as I
prayed, I don't understand it, but it began to get very dark,
and my heart got very heavy. I was afraid to tell my wife
when she came to bed and I pretended to be asleep. She
kneeled down beside that bed and I knew she was pray-
« come:* 485
ing for me. I kept crying, "0 God, save me; O God, take
away this burden/' but it grew darker, and the load grew
heavier and heavier. All the way to my office I kept cry-
ing, " O God, take away this load of guilt : " I gave my clerks
a holiday, and just closed my office and locked the door.
I fell down on my face : I cried in agony to the Lord, "O
Lord, for Christ's sake, take away this guilt.' I don't
know how it was, but it began to grow very light. I said, I
wonder if this isn't what they call conversion. I think I
will go and ask the minister if I am not converted. I met
my wife at the door and said. " My dear, I've been con-
verted. " She looked in amazement. " Oh it's a fact,
I've been converted ! We went into that drawing-rooom
and knelt down by the sofa and prayed to God to bless
us." The old Judge said to me, the tears trickling down
his cheeks. " Mr. Moody, I've enjoyed life more in the
last three months than in all the years of my life put togeth-
er." If there is an infidel here — if there is a skeptical one
here, ask God to give wisdom to come now. Let us reason
together, and if you become acquainted with God the day
will not go before you receive light from Him.
The next " Come " I want to call your attention to is a
very sweet one. He says. " Come and reason, " Come
and see, " and now we have " Come and rest. " What
this world wants is rest. Every man, every woman is in
pursuit of it, and how many of us have found ? How many
are bearing burdens about our hearts always — how many
have come into this hall to-day with a great burden on
their hearts ? What does He say : " Come unto Me, all
ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. "
Now a great many people have an idea that they get rid of
their burdens themselves, but they must come to Him it
they want to be relieved. That's what Christ came for.
Come to Him. " He hath borne our griefs and carried our
or rows." There could not be a sweeter "Come" than this.
How many mothers are bearing burdens for their children
— how many because of their sens, or perhaps you have
husbands who have proved unfaithful, or may be you are
widows who have been without support. The future may
look dark to you : but hear the loving voice of the Savior,
" Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest. " There is not a soul here — I don't
care what the burden may be — in this vast audience, but
can lay their burden on the Lord Jesus Christ, and He
will bear it for you. We can be released ; we have found
a resting place, and that is in the loving bosom of the Lord
Jesus Christ. There is a hymn written by Dr. Andrew
Bonner which can express this much better than I can
Let me read it :
I heard the voice of Jesus say :
" Come unto me and rest ;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down
Thy head upon my breast."
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary and worn and sad ;
I found in Him a resting-place,
And He has made me glad.
I heard the voice of Jesus say :
" Behold I freely give
The living water — thirsty one,
Stoop down and drink and live !"
I came to Jesus and I drank
Of that life-giving stream ;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived
And now I live in Him.
I heard the voice of Jesus say :
" I am this dark world's light ;
Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise,
And all thy day be bright."
"COME." 487
I looked»at Jesus and I found
In Him my Star, my Sun.
And in that light of Life I'll walk
Till travelling days are done.
Oh, my friends, if you want rest to-day, come to Him.
He stands with His arms outstretched and says : " Come
to Me and rest." Does the world satisfy you ? Are not
the griefs of this world crushing many a heart here ? Hear
the voice of Jesus : " Come and rest." The world cannot
take it from you ; the world's crosses and trials will not
tear it from you ; He will give you peace and comfort and
rest if you but come.
" The next " come " is " come and drink and eat." You
don't have to pay anything. You know it is hard for a
man to get a tax on water unless when it has to be brought
into the city. But this water is always without price, and
salvation is like a river, flowing at the feet of every one ;
and all you have to do is to stoop down and drink of this
living water and never die. The world cannot give you
comfort — cannot give you water to satisfy your thirst, and
every man and woman in this world is thirsty. That's the
way our places of amusement are filled. People are con-
stantly thirsting for something. But how are they filled
with those amusements ? They are as thirsty as ever. But
if they drink the waters that He offers they will have a
fountain in them springing up into everlasting life. I re-
member coming down a river with some wounded soldiers.
The water was very muddy, and as we had no niters they
had to drink the dirty water, which did not satisfy their
thirst. I remember a soldier saying, " O that I had a
draught of water from my father's well." If you drink o
the living water your soul will never thirst again. Not only
does He say " Come and drink of that living water," but
He says " Come and eat." In the fifty-fifth chapter of Isa-
iah you are invited to come and eat. You know all that
the children of Israel had to do in the wilderness was just
to pick up the manna and eat. They didn't have to make
it. And people had just to stoop down and pick up the
manna and eat, and drink from the flinty rock when the
water flowed. And to-day the provision is brought to the
door of your hearts. You haven't to go down to the earth
for it, or to go up to the skies for it. It is here, and all
you've got to do is to eat.
You know almost the last words of Christ after his res-
urrection, when, having a little fish, He said to his disciples
" Come and dine." O, what a sweet invitation — the invi-
tation of the Master to his disciples, " Come and dine." I
invite you now to come and dine with Him ; He will
quench that thirst ; He will satisfy your hunger, and all
you've got to do is to take Him at His word.
Is there a poor thirsty one here to-day ? I bid you come
and drink of the fountain of living water ; I bid you come
and eat of the heavenly bread ; yes, the bread made in
heaven, the bread that angels feed on — Christ himself is
the bread of life.
Now, a many people make a great mistake about ac-
cepting Christ. They think they've got something to do ;
think they've got to do some work, or that they've got to
pray and wrestle before taking Him ; they think it is a
question of performances whether they are saved or not.
Now, it is a question of simply taking what God offers you.
I remember when I was out on the Pacific coast, a man
toek me through his house, out on his lands, and showed
me his orchards, and then said : " Mr. Moody, you are a
guest of mine, and I want you to feel perfectly at home ;
do what you like." Well, after this man said this, you
don't suppose if I wanted an orange I was going under the
tree to pray that it would fall into my pocket ? I just went
up boldly and plucked what I wanted. And so the bread
of heaven is offered to us, and all we've got to do is to go
« come:' 489
boldly up and take it. This is what God wants you to do.
Everything is prepared for you.
There is a class, too, who say : " But I'm afraid I'll not
hold out." How many people are stumbling over this !
Now, if you come boldly up to the throne you'll get all the
support you need — " Let us therefore come boldly unto
the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find
grace to help in time of need." There is a passage for
you ; that ought to be sufficient. And there is not a woman
here to-day but can be kept, from this very day and this
very hour, from evil — " For I the Lord thy God will keep
you, without spot or wrinkle, and without blemish." Some
of the vilest men who have ever trodden this earth have
been saved with the grace of God. Some have been kept
sixty or seventy years merely by the grace of God, and
never wavered. " Come boldly to the throne of grace "
and you will get power. That is sufficient. Won't you
take Him at His word ? It seems to me that it is madness
not to take the gift offered us by God.
Let me call attention to another " come." My friends,
the Bible is full of them, and you can't say if you don't
come there have been no invitations. He says : " Come
to the marriage." Now, you young ladies like marriages
pretty well. Let a marriage come off in a church, and
hundreds will be there ; and probably next night, at the
prayer meeting, there will scarcely be a dozen of you pre-
sent. Now here is a marriage, and there is not a lady here
whom God does not want to be present at the marriage
feast. There is an invitation. And here is another " come " :
" Come and inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world." God has got an inheritance for
every one of you. The time will soon come, if you accept
Christ and become as His bride, when you shall hear the
voice of Him saying to you : " Come and inherit the king-
dom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
What a mistake it will be, my friends, if you will not hear
that invitation given to you ! There is an inheritance in-
corruptible in the heavens, a building not made with
hands, and He wants every one to enter into this inherit-
ance, and so it is your privilege to be present at the mar-
riage feast and receive the inheritance if you will.
You know the first "come" in the Bible is in
regard to salvation. It was given to Noah ; God said,
" come thou, and all thy house into the ark," not a part of
them, but "all thy house." That is the first "come,"
in the Bible, and all through that blessed book it is
repeated ; and now we come to the last one. It seems as
if the Bible was created by this word " come." " The
spirit and the bride say come, and let him that is athirst
come, and whosoever will, let him taste the water of life
freely." There is our invitation, as broad as the world
itself. And if God says you are to come in there, no
power in heaven, or earth, or hell can stop you ! He bids
you come. Now bear in mind it is your sins God wants,
and not your faith. You have nothing about you that He
wants except your sins. People are continually trying to
come to Him by their faith, by their feelings, by their tears,
by their good deeds, by their works ; but you have to come
to Him just as you are. There is not a woman present
but can roll off every sin and leave them in this taber-
Now the question comes, What right have you to come ?
Why, because the King invites you. Suppose Queen
Victoria had sent me an invitation to be present at
Windsor at a feast given in honor of the marriage of one
of her sons to a princess of Russia. I take the cars to
New York, then the boat to Liverpool, then I would run
down to London, where I would get the train to Windsor
Castle. There is a sentry walking up and down in front
of the gate. If I hadn't my invitation he would refuse me
" COME."
admittance ; but there is not a soldier in the British army
can keep me out, because I've got the Queen's invitation.
But suppose the man looks at me and says : " You can't
go into the presence of the Queen with those clothes ; you
are not fit to stand before the Queen." That is none of
his business ; that's hers. So the invitation comes from
Him, and He wants you to come and he will clothe you in
garments fit for his presence You will be stripped of
every rag of self-righteousness, and a robe of spotlessness
will be put upon you.
A great many people say, " I want to become clean be-
fore I come to Christ." Now, my friends, that is the
devil's work. He tries to get people to believe that they
can't come without getting rid of their sins, but as I've
said, all through the scriptures he bids you come as you
are. We cannot take away our sins ; come to Him and
He will blot them out. A few years ago in London, there
used to be a good many little children stolen to act as
chimney sweeps. A child was stolen from a wealthy
family, and a great reward was offered, but it couldn't be
found. This child had been kidnapped. One day he was
sent up a chimney and came down on the other side, and
into a beautiful room. The little fellow was bewildered.
A lady was sitting there, and recognized him as her son,
and although the little fellow was covered with smut, she
ran to him, and drew him to her bosom, and that is the
way Christ will receive you. You needn't try to get rid of
one particle of sin. He wants to save you as you are.
" Whosoever will, let him come and drink of the waters of
life freely." Will you come to-day. The spirit and the
bride invite you this afternoon. Now I want to ask you
what are you going to do with these ten loving invi-
tations to-day — " Come and hear," " Come and see,"
" Come and reason," " Come and rest," " Come and eat
and drink," " Come and dine," " Come and find grace,"
1 Come unto the marriage," " Come and inherit the king-
dom prepared for you from the foundation of the world,"
" Whosoever will, let him come." Ask God to help you
to come to-day. If I were in your place I would settle
this question before I left this building ; I would just press
up to the kingdom of God and take Him at His word.
Now would you just all lift up your hearts in prayer. Let
every Christian pray for every soul here to-day out of
Christ. Let us now just unite in this one petition that
every soul in this building may come to Christ to-day.
I want to speak this morning about work. You know
that was the key-note of the meeting when we first com-
menced here, and we want to have it the key-note of our
message as we leave. Faith is an act of the mind, and
work is the outward sign of faith. If a man has true faith
in Christ he cannot help working for Christ. You cannot
have fire without heat ; no more can you have faith with-
out works. " Faith without works," the apostle tells us,
" is dead." It is dead, and the quicker buried the better ;
get it out of the way. The moment that faith fails in
works, that moment it dies. " Show me thy faith without
thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works."
If a man has faith in Christ, he cannot help working ; it is
second nature to him. Those men who are trying to serve
Christ without wotks are having a pretty hard time of it.
They neither enjoy the world nor the church, and have a
great deal of contempt for themselves. Now when a man
gets outside of himself and goes to work for others, he is
trebly blessed, he has floods of love, and peace, and joy
the whole of the time. People may get to heaven without
works perhaps, but as Job says, it will be by the " skin of
their teeth." It'll not be an abundant entrance that will
be administered unto them. And what they did do, if not
with a right motive, will be swept away in that hour when
God comes and tries men's faith.
Faithful Christians are those heeding Christ's words in
the gospel according to John, fifteenth chapter and fourth
and fifth verses : " Abide in Me and I in you. As the
branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the
vine ; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. I am the
vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in Me and I
in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit ; for without Me
ye can do nothing." There in that chapter it says in the
second verse, "and every branch that beareth fruit, he
purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit. " So it is
abiding in Christ that bringeth forth much fruit. I think
you will find in all the churches those who bring forth
scarcely anything, I was going to say nothing. I don't
know how you can call them Christians. Again there are
others who bring forth, some thirty-fold, some sixty, and
some a hundred, and it is those Christians that abide in
Christ that bring forth an hundred-fold : they can't help
it. When a branch abideth in the vine it produces good
fruit. You have a good apple-tree, and it can't help bear-
ing apples ; it can't help bringing forth good fruit. So
every Christian is to abide continually in Christ ; not
through four or five weeks when there are special services,
but through the three hundred and sixty-five days in the
year. These special meetings here, are about drawing to
a close, and some here this morning are perhaps asking,
what is going to become of us, what are we going to do ?
some perhaps tremble lest they shall go back to their old
Now my friends, if you are going to truly work for
Christ, you must carry this revival spirit in your bosoms
throughout the 365 days, throughout all the year. If a
man cannot be used of God, what does he want to live for ?
It is the privilege of every child of God to be revived all
the time. That is what we want to do. Why, in the.
primitive days, there were added daily to the Lord such as
should be saved. If we abide in the Lord there will be
just such results now. The trouble lies in our going away
from the Lord, so that the Lord cannot use us and we can-
WORK. 495
not bring forth fruit. How are we to abide in Christ ?
Study the word of God. It is the only book that tells
about Christ. The Bible is God's word, and if you want
to know about Christ, study in its pages about His life,
His character, His acts. Find out who He is, and what
He is. The man that is abiding with Christ would rather
be with him than with the world ; he would far rather be
an hour with the word of God, than a year in worldly
society. Look at the third chapter of the second epistle
to Timothy, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth verses :
" And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scrip-
tures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is
given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
" that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnish-
ed unto all good works." Just listen : " That the man of
God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good
works." And with this, let me read those words from the
first chapter of James, twenty-second verse : " But be ye
doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your
own selves." If we had as many doers of the word as we
have hearers, in Chicago, what a mighty work could be
done. You have been pretty good, yes, very good hearers,
but I have a pretty serious charge to bring against nine
out of every ten of you. You have come here, but when
the benediction was through, you have just got on your
hats, and gathered up your shawls, and got out as quick
as you could. You haven't liked to talk to inquirers.
Some of you are Christians of thirty or forty years stand-
ing. You have listened to sermons all these years, and
gone Sunday after Sunday, to the regular services of the
sanctuary, but what have you been personally doing;
that's the question ? Oh, be not only hearers, but doers ;
that is just the working spirit we want in Chicago now.
We have had eleven weeks of these special meetings, and
many of you have listened remarkably well. For eleven
weeks you've been listening, and now's the time for action.
Now's the time to be doers of the word, you've been hear-
ers long enough. Let every one put a shoulder to the
work, and push it on. These past three months have been
spent in getting the army ready and equipped ; now let it
move ahead. Let all take up and carry on the work.
Let Christians wake up and go to work. More conver-
sions may be made in the next three months than in the
last three if you Christians will do your duty.
I have heard some say " yes, but I haven't got the
ability." God will strengthen you, my friends, God is
with you, and all you have to do is to ask of Him, wisdom,
power, and strength. The God of all power and might is
at your side if you call on Him. Don't you see if each
one of you does but a little, how much you will accomplish.
Mr. Spurgeon said to some discouraged students, as they
were going out to preach, " Well, just go ahead, there's a
good many of you ; you go into the churches and you find
a great many Christians there, and when all are gathered
together, there's a great deal of strength ; " and then he
illustrated by telling about Moses and the frogs : " I'll
bring great frogs on you," said Moses to Pharaoh.
"Frogs," said Pharaoh, "what do I care for frogs!"
" But," said Moses, " there's a good many of them," and
the old king found it out. They swarmed into his bed-
chamber, jumped into the kneading trough, sprawled out
upon the throne, he could not sit down, got on to the royal
table, into the royal lap— frogs, frogs, frogs, everywhere,
he couldn't step without " squashing " one. Yes, there
were a good many of them ; and there are a good many
Christians. " Let them just take a look at the frogs of
Egypt ; let them just go into every room and corner, and
attic in Chicago, and bring men the blessed gospel. Don't
you see how much, if you are only united, may be done in
the next three months. Oh, be ye doers, and not hearers
only. " If any be a hearer of the word," says James, " and
not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural
face in a glass ; for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his
way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he
was. But whosoever looketh into the perfect law of
liberty and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful
hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed
in his deed."
Now what we want, my friends, is to get to work. A
great many people are called pillars of the church, because
they pay their pew rents. They never go out to Wednes-
day night meetings ; you never think of seeing them there.
They will get out every fine Sunday morning, but no one
expects they will turn out on Sunday night. But they say
they've "the root of the matter in them." Suppose you
have a flower garden, and take a friend out to see the
flowers, but there isn't one to be seen. Will you say,
" Well, it's just all full of roots." You might say so just
as properly as the fruitless Christian. The root of the
matter is down there, sure enough, but there's never any-
thing crops out. These " do-less " Christians, these drones,
doing nothing, are too numerous ; there's too many of
these " pillars " in the church. We want workers ; we
want these men to come out, and then help bring others
out. The time is coming when, if people will not come
and hear the gospel, the churches must go to them. Let
workers go and seek them out, and hold cottage prayer
meetings at their houses, and talk with them about Christ
and Heaven. Be ye doers.
A great many people would be workers, but they are
afraid of being called " odd." They want just Christianity
enough to make them respectable, but enough of the world
to keep them from being considered odd or peculiar. The
result is, they're wretched people in the world. They have
no spiritual power. They never take a class in Sunday
school, or if they do, there are no conversions in it. They
forget those words in Titus, second chapter, fourteenth
verse, " Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem
us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar peo-
ple, zealous of good works." Now, I am a poor sailor; I
never go on the sea but I get sick, yet I think I would be
willing to sail around the whole world to find an entire
church — minister, deacons, stewards, all the church officers
and members — a "peculiar " people of this sort. I would
find a church that would make the world tremble. I don't
believe the world ever saw a church all of them peculiar.
You find in every age, when God wants any work done, He
always brings out a peculiar man. I suppose Elijah was
the most peculiar man perhaps that ever lived. He was
the oddest genius that people ever hit upon. Daniel was
the most peculiar man in all Babylon. The courtiers of
Nebuchadnezzar undoubtedly called him puritanical and a
bigot. Yes, in the midst of idolaters, this old Hebrew was
a praying man ; but how God blessed him. Moses was
the most peculiar man in Egypt, but how God blessed him.
Always, the men and women most used of God have been
peculiar, and Christian workers must be peculiar. But
that is just what many don't want ; they're afraid people
will say they are peculiar. Now let me say no man or
woman is fit to work for God until they become peculiar in
this Bible sense, — until they give up sinful, worldly plea-
sures, and separate themselves to live and work for God.
Then see how God will bless them. God grant that all
may become chosen vessels and meet for the Master's use.
Then in Titus, third chapter, first verse : " Put them in
mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey
magistrates, to be ready for every good work." " Ready
for all good works ; " if all heeded this, what could not be
done ! How many times I have been down at these meet-
ings night after night, and have spoken to Christian people
who have been here, — some of them professing His name
for forty years — and asked them to speak to some poor
inquiring soul, but the answer's come, " oh Mr. Moody,
don't ask me, don't you ask me." They've been in the
church these long years and can't say a word to dying souls !
Shame on the Christianity of the nineteenth century ! May
God have mercy on each one of us and forgive us our
shortcomings ! These people want to have you talk about
their souls and tell them the way of life. If it is not a
good work to talk to a soul burdened with sin, what is a
good work ? What have these church members been about
all these years ? What have they been doing, that they
are not ready now, after fifteen, thirty and forty years of
professedly Christian life, to talk with anxious souls?
When will you be ready ? Oh my friends, will you not get
ready at once ? What power is there in the greatest army
in the world, if it don't know how to use its weapons ?
An army of five hundred real soldiers could rout them and
send them all flying. What each child of God wants is to
get ready. If there is one Christian in this place this
morning that has not had the joy of bringing a soul to God,
I would not go out of this Tabernacle until I had gone
into one of the inquiry rooms and asked some Christian
brother or sister, " Won't you pray for my unprofitable life,
my barren life, my life so fruitless, with nothing to show
but leaves. Oh friends, is it not our highest privilege and
joy as well as duty to bring souls to Jesus ? Let us go
to work ! Let us bring converts to the Saviour ! Let us
bring all men to Christ !
Will you look at the eighth verse of the same chapter :
" This is a faithful saying, and these things I will affirm
constantly that they which have believed in God might be
careful to maintain good works." Now, you know the
charge is sometimes made that Evangelical Christians preach
salvation by faith alone, — that we are justified by faith and
as soon as we believe we are saved. Now that is not the
entire New Testament teaching. To be sure we are saved
by faith, but it is only by a faith that manifests itself in
good works. If we believe otherwise we are staking our
faith on some creed, some church, some particular minis-
ter, and not on Christ, who said, even at twelve years of
age. "Wist ye not that I must be about my father's busi-
ness." The life of Jesus was one succession of good
works, and if we would follow His example we cannot help
" Be careful to maintain good works." I suppose that
means you are to carefully maintain the church. Let me
say to all, maintain the church. Let me say this especially
to all young converts. I have heard that of these some
say they can be Christians and not unite with the church,
and I was told last night that one of them said I didn't
belong to the church. That is a mistake. I tried as soon
as I was converted to enter the church, but at first they
would not let me ; some doubted whether I was converted.
But I have been in the bosom of the church ever since,
and have never seen the day or the hour that I would be
out of it. I believe it is the dearest institution on earth,
that there is no institution to be compared with it. It was
the church that Christ died for, because he loved it so
If a man is born of God he should take shelter in the
Church, that it may be to him a nursing mother. To do
so ought to be held not only the duty which it is, but a
glorious privilege. I have no sympathy with those people
who stay out of the Church and simply throw stones at it,
and proclaim what it ought to be. If we can make it
better, let us go in. Don't expect the Church of God upon
earth to be without failings. If the Church is cold, go in
WORK. 5 oi
and warm it up ; let us each do what we can to make it
better. And then the Sunday-school — let us make that
better. Go out on the streets and get those children, and
teach them the words of life ; that is the way to maintain
good works. Bible societies should be maintained ; Bible
readings should be maintained — whatever the good work
is, carefully maintain it. If you have wealth, send that
money around — use the Lord's money for the Lord. I
hope to see the day when men will seek investments for
the Lord, as they now seek them out for themselves. If a
man has a few thousand dollars to invest for himself, how
he seeks out the best investment ! On this very ground
why should not Christian men seek out investments for the
Lord ? I don't believe any other investments will bring
in better dividends. Yes, I hope the time is coming more
and more, when rich men will " carefully maintain good
works. And to all I say, see that everything that is good
is maintained ; cheer these young converts ; do not be com-
plaining ; be just as careful — every one of you, new con-
verts and all — be just as careful to maintain good works
as to accept Christ.
Now, look at the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians,
second chapter and seventeenth verse : " Comfort your
hearts and stablish you in every good word and work."
Now, what we want is to get " stablished," to have a set-
tled plan or method of doing good works. I have been a
Superintendent of Sabbath-schools for some years, and
noticed this, that teachers who swung around from place
to place, who took in Dr. Kittredge's church, then the
First Methodist, and then this and then that, have always
proved failures. Now, I like these men that take hold of
classes and don't give them up, and who are in their regu-
lar pews every Sunday, and are not drawn away by some
eloquent preacher — some preacher from abroad, who
happens to be filling a South-side or North-side pulpit.
Fifty-two Sundays in the year they are there ; you know-
where to find them, they're right there at the accustomed
post of duty. All the while their influence increases. But
these teachers, and others that are all the time running
here and there, never accomplish much.
A good many people are like a bundle of shavings — a
spark falls, and quickly the shavings are all gone, and
there's left scarcely any ashes even. My friends, ten
thousand such Christians are not worth one that makes
constancy his motto. We don't want any revival Christians
— got enough of them ; don't want any Sunday Christians
—got enough of them. What's wanted are these men
" 'stablished " in good works, these men that hold on. A
man that does one thing is a terrible man. The man who
tries a hundred things fails at everything. If it is the Sun-
day school, if God calls me there, I will stand by my post.
If God calls me to lead a cottage prayer-meeting or read
the Bible, I must win success there — I must hold on ; and
it won't be long before God will bring me success, for God
has promised it : " You shall reap if you faint not." God
will try you ; you will have some things to discourage you,
but you must hold on.
Next, please look at the seventeenth verse of the third
chapter of Colossians : " Whatsoever you do in word or
deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks
to God and the Father by Him." Don't work, as your
highest motive, to advance the Centenary Methodist
Church ; don't work for the Third Presbyterian Church,
nor for the First Congregational Church. If a man goes
to work to exclusively build up the Congregational, the
Presbyterian, the Baptist, or the Episcopal Church ; to
build up exclusively any of the denominations he is on
the wrong path. It is not in the name of the church, but
in the name of the Lord Jesus, that we are to do all things.
If we do and suffer for Him, God will bless us. When we
WORK. 503
come to God and ask a blessing for Christ's sake, don't
you see what a power we've secured ? For Christ's sake !
Jesus as our advocate! In Detroit, at an international
convention of the Young Men's Christian Association
Judge Olds was present as a delegate from Columbus.
One evening he was telling about the mighty power that
Christians summon to their aid in this petition "for
" Christ's sake ! " " in Jesus' name ! " and he told a story
that made a great impression on me. When the war came
on, he said, his only son left for the army, and he became
suddenly interested in soldiers. Every soldier that passed
by brought his son to remembrance ; he could see his son
in him. He went to work for soldiers. When a sick sol-
dier came there to Columbus one day, so weak he couldn't
walk, the Judge took him in a carriage, and got him into the
Soldiers' Home. Soon he became President of the Soldiers'
Home in Columbus, and used to go down every day and
spend hours in looking after those soldiers, and seeing that
they had every comfort. He spent on them a great deal
of time and a great deal of money. One day he said to his
wife, " I'm giving too much time to these soldiers. I've
got to stop it. There's an important case coming on in
court, and I've got to attend to my own business." He
said he went down to the office that morning, resolved in
future to let the soldiers alone. He went to his desk, and
then to writing. Pretty soon the door opened, and he saw
a soldier hobble slowly in. He started at sight of him.
The man was fumbling at something in his breast, and
pretty soon he got out an old soiled paper. The father saw
it was his own son's writing.
" Dear Father, — This young man belongs to my com-
pany. He has lost his leg and his health in defence of his
country, and he is going home to his mother to die. If he
calls on you treat him kindly,
" For Charlie's Sake."
" For Charlie's sake." The moment he saw that, a pang
went to his heart. He got up for a carriage, lifted the
maimed soldier in, drove home, put him into Charlie's
room, sent for the family physician, kept him in the family
and treated him like his own son. When the young soldier
got well enough to go to the train to go home to his mother,
he took him to the railway station, put him in the nicest,
most comfortable place in the carriage, and sent him on
his way home to his mother. " I did it," said the old judge,
" for Charlie's sake." Now, whatsoever you do, my friends,
do it for the Lord Jesus' sake. Do and ask everything in
His name, in the name of Him " who loved us and gave
himself for us."
And then again, lastly, be united. It is the greatest
force of all to be of " one mind and one spirit." The boast
of infidels has been, " Christianity has been all divided
up." "Be," I beseech you, " of one mind and one spirit."
If jealousy comes in among you, you cannot do great
things. If one minister is used more than others., let us
praise God for that ; let us thank Him that He has given
divers gifts to men, all contributing to the glory of His
name. This work, then, won't stop, but will go on. How
many battles in the last war were lost just through jealousy
in the officers ? When I was in the South, they told me
that they lost many and many a battle because jealousy
got in among the generals. Just so, many battles are lost to
God's people. All must be willing to do anything that
God's work may go on. When Grant's army lay in front of
Richmond, after the battle of the Wilderness, when he was
first repulsed, he called his four leading commanders one
dark night, to consult with him. All advised him to
retreat. The next morning early, an orderly came dashing
to the four commanders, bringing word to advance in solid
column without delay. That attack defeated the Southern
column, and what did it was the steady, irresistible ad-
WORK. ' 505
vance in solid column. So let the advance be made in the
army of Jesus. Be not hearers of the word any longer, but
doers. Let every one do what he can to carry on this
work ; gird on your armor for the fight. I am told that
after Napoleon's great wars, medals were struck off with a
scene of battle on one side, and on the other, the simple
words, "I was there," and after Napoleon had died, and
years had gone by, those old veterans would bring out
their medals, and, talking about the battle, or the prowess
of the great general, they would proudly tell how they
were in the thickest of the fight — " I was there." Oh, my
friends, rush forward to the thickest of the fight, and by-
and-by it will be your boast, " I was there, I had a hand
in that fight." And by-and-by — still keeping up the war-
fare, even in your gray hairs and tottering age — shall
some one say of you, " He was a true soldier of the cross,
and fell from the walls of Zion with the trump of God in
his hand, and a shout of victory on his lips." May that
be the end of every child of God here, in this Tabernacle,
in this city. May we die — not in the wilderness — may we
die with the trump of Gocl in our hands, and with shouts
of victory on our lips.
- ": ; = , :
Mr. Moody's First Public Prayer in the Chicago
Tabernacle. — " Our Heavently Father, we thank Thee for
bringing us back to Chicago. We thank Thee for the
privilege of again meeting friends, with many of whom we-
have labored these past twenty years. O God, the Holy
Ghost, descend upon such as are still out of Thy fold, that
yet they may come to the higher and better life ; that yet
they may come to themselves and come to Christ. And to
such as are Thy children, O God, do Thou draw very near,
that they may be revived by Thy work in our midst.
Forgive our lukewarmness, forgive our coldness of heart,
forgive our backsliding, forgive our want of faith. Oh,
help us on this morning to take away this dreadful stone
of unbelief ; help us to roll it away, so that the dead may
come forth. May we be prejudiced against Thy work no
longer. May we no more view Thee with narrow, sect-
arian vision, Thou God of all souls. Bless all Thy people
of every name, and strengthen them to work to-day for
Thee as they have never worked before. And those men
of God who stand in the pulpit and proclaim a precious
Saviour, may there be riches opened up to them abundantly,
beyond what we can ask ; may they preach with an unction
from on high, and with a God-the-Holy-Ghost power — not
with intellectual power so much as with Holy Ghost power,
and may they be endued everywhere and always with
power from on high. And pour out Thy grace upon those
in the Sabbath schools and pews as well as pulpit, and may
the work of Christ be blessed to-day in all churches, and
to-morrow at 12 o'clock, when we again come together to
pray, do Thou, oh Christ, look down upon us, and may we
know that a mighty work of Thine is now beginning. Oh,
Son of God, hear our cry and save our souls ; and to Tlry
name shall be the praise and the glory for ever. Amen.
The Right Spirit. — When Abraham came into God's
presence, it was on his face ; and in all the other instances
where the patriarchs and prophets came to God they came
to Him in the same way. David was on his face in the
psalm. He'd been away from God. Here he was getting
back again ; they had at first to get back to God, and the
blessing would come. Then the right spirit would come into
them. They must have just a clean heart, then the blessing
was theirs. Had they a right spirit ? Had they got to where
they could say, as the Psalmist did, that they had sinned
against God and were waiting for forgiveness ? They
must be able to teach transgressors God's way. How
could they teach the wicked God's way ? They had to get
the Holy Spirit, and then came the joy of God's salvation.
If they would convert sinners, they must have this spirit.
How should the world know God ? The world wouldn't
read the Bible, but what did the apostles say of Christians?
They were known and read of all men. This was the way
the world read God in them, read Christ in them. If he
knew his own heart, it was to have God's spirit. With it
they could do all things ; without it their work was as
sounding brass and as a tinkling cymbal. Over in the
book of Nehemiah it was said that there was joy in the
hearts and lives of God's children. There were too many
long-faced Christians. They always seemed to him to be
under the lash. They'd never got away from the law. They
wanted more joy. They needed greater gladness in their
lives. " Then will I teach transgressors the ^ay, and sin-
ners shall be converted unto thee." " Then." This is
when God had restored to them the joy of His salvation.
They didn't place enough stress on the word " then." It
was the turning point in their work. This was what
Chicago w r anted. A few hundred live Christians that had this
spirit could do a mighty work. The king could have given
a good many sheep if God had wanted them, but He didn't.
The Lord didn't want his money. What does He say ?
Why, to obey was better than sacrifice. This is what
was wanted — obedience. The human heart didn't want to
obey. They must have a broken and a contrite heart. An
incident of an Illinois minister whose labors had been un-
blessed for a time was recited, and it was related how his
heart had been broken by love through a little three-year-
old daughter of his, and a revival in the church followed.
So, here in Chigago, said Mr. Moody, befoVe we can have
any great blessing, or any blessing at all, the hearts of the
people have got to be broken, and then the blessings will
Prayer. — We have for our subject this afternoon the
wonderful prayer of the prophet Daniel. There is an im-
pression abroad now that it has always been women and a
few weak men who have prayed ; but you can scarcely find
a bolder or a wiser man than Daniel. He was Prime Min-
ister of that great nation for a long while. He was a wiser
ruler and had more influence than any other man living on
earth, and yet he was a man of prayer, and was not afraid
to pray publicly. We are told that when he was taken
down to Babylon the great king had a dream, and no man
in his realm could interpret it. The king thought of his
captive Daniel, and brought him and asked him what it
meant. The young man, if he had not believed in God's
power, might have turned away. But he didn't. He boldly
told Nebuchadnezzar what God had written there.
But not only was Daniel a praying man, but he had
faith that God would answer his prayers. Some people
pray enough, but do not have faith that the Lord will hear
them. They are lukewarm. There are a good many peo-
ple of this sort here to-day. Daniel spoke to God with
every confidence of being answered. Look at him when
he went down into the den of lions, how he prayed.- Prayer
was with everything he did. I think we would have a good
deal better government in this country if our rulers prayed
more. There would be a good many sneers at first, but the
result would be a good government and a wise one.
This man believed in prophecies, too, and I can fancy
how the old man's eyes opened on turning away back to
Jeremiah's writing, seventy years before, and reading: "I
will punish them ; the young men shall die by the sword,
their sons and their daughters shall die by famine," and
then looking around him and seeing how all the words pro-
nounced had been fulfilled. They disobeyed the Lord.
When they were in Palestine, He said to His people that
they must rest on the Sabbath day, but for 490 years they
disobeyed God's command, and the Lord said, "If they
won't do what I want them, I will make them." So he sent
Nebuchadnezzar out after them, and he captured them, and
held them for 70 years. If they would not give the Lord
this, he said He would take it, and so if we do not give up
what God wants us to He will not forgive us our sins, but
keep us in bondage, and we will never hang our harps upon
the willow, or sing the songs of Zion.
I will just read : " We have sinned, and have committed
iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled even
by departing from Thy precepts and from Thy judgments.
" And now, O Lord our God, Thou hast brought Thy
people forth out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand,
and hast gotten Thee renown as at this day, we have sin-
ned j we have done wickedly.
" O Lord, according to all Thy righteousness, I beseech
Thee let Thy anger and Thy fury be turned away from the
city of Jerusalem, thy holy mountain, because for our sins
and the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people
are become a reproach to all that are about us.
" Now, therefore, O, our God, hear the prayer of Thy
servant and his supplications, and cause Thy face to shine
upon Thy sanctuary that is desolate for the Lord's sake."
He had not Christ to pray to like us. Daniel asks : "for
the Lord's sake." He lived on the other side of Christ
and could not, like us, say " for Christ's sake. Oh what a
power we have in prayer in Jesus. And he goes on :
"Oh Lord incline Thine ear and hear ; open Thine eyes
and behold our desolation and the city which is called by
Thy name, for we do not present our supplication before
Thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies.
" O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; hearken and do ; de-
fer not, for Thine own sake, O my God ; for Thy city and
Thy people are called by Thy name.
" And while I was speaking, and praying, and confess-
ing my sin —
Mark that — " And confessing my sin " —
— "And the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my
supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain
of my God.
" Yea, • while I was speaking in prayer, even the man
Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning,
being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of
the evening oblation.
" And he informed me, and talked with me, and said,
O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and
Before he got off his knees Daniel's message was an-
swered. I don't know how far heaven is off, but the angel
Gabriel, the messenger of God, came to him while he was
praying. Think of that. Here was a man who could not
look at God for the sins of his people, who only prayed
earnestly, and before he was through his prayer was an-
swered, and Gabriel appeared. We know of only three
visits that Gabriel ever made. This one, when he came to
bring God's people to the Promised Land. Daniel was
told that God was able to do everything, and the messenger
not only told him that the children of Israel were going
to the Promised Lancr, but he let Daniel into the secret of
the Messiah's coming. The second time he came to Zech-
arias. At first Zecharias doubted him, but he said : " I am
he who sits in the presence of God." And then he came
to the young maiden who bore the Christ, and that was the
third visit.
There are a great many young Christians in Chicago who
have got into the way of the world, who are falling into the
way of thinking and believing that God has given over an-
swering prayer. God answers prayers to-day, as readily
as he did of old. Infidels and scoffers and scientists may-
tell us that the world must move along in a certain way,
and a Divine answer to a prayer is absurd — the affairs of
the world are and always have gone along in a regular way.
There were infidels and scoffers, doubtless, in Babylon,
who very likely laughed at this answer to the prayer of
But we have in this book a long list of promises to an-
swer prayer, and let us unite in asking God's blessing on
our meetings in Farwell Hall, and that the harvest of con-
verts will be abundant. Ask it sincerely and earnestly,
and you will see how quick the Lord will come and revive
his work in this city.
Heart- Searching. — I want to speak to you about
the two verses — twenty-third and twenty-fourth — of the
109th Psalm. " Search me, O God, and know my heart ;
try me and know my thoughts : and see if there be
any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way ever
lasting." " Search me " — not my neighbor, nor my
brother, nor my sister, but " search me." You who have
been here during the week will have seen that I have
been trying to instill into all the system of heart-search-
ing ; that every one will go down to the bottom of his
own heart. Try to get all to say : " O, Lord, know my
heart." If God searches us through he will make quick
work of Chicago. The great trouble is that people search
themselves and do not ask God's aid. We want to ask
God to come to us with His searching power, that our
hearts may be bared. What is it that keeps away from us
this searching of our hearts ? It is not the world, it is not
the devil, for he has not the power. The only thing that
keeps it from us is our own will, and the only thing that
keeps the blessing of God back from Chicago is the people.
A great many of us wonder how it is that our prayers have
done no good — how it is that they have gone no higher
than our heads. The truth would be discovered if we ex-
amined, that we are not living in communion with God.
Some of us think we are in communion with God, but it is
a false thought. A false hope is worse than no hope at
all, because in it a man is at rest and happy, and they can-
not do any work. If we get that heart-searching truly we
will know just where we stand. We must not look at what
people think of us, but what we look like in God's sight.
Therefore we must beware that we have only a false hope,
and ask God to give us the true searching power. If we
falsely believe that we have it, may God take it from us to-
day, so that the work may be deep in Chicago. I have
been praying all along that the work might be deeper here
than anywhere else, but unless we get this searching power
we don't do much good.
I was out on my brother's farm a short time ago, and he
was plowing. He could not go very deep, owing to the
roots in the ground. So it is in Chicago — the roots have
got to be taken out before our work can go on. Let the
prayer of David, " Teach me, O Lord, and know my
heart," sink deep into us. Let us pray that this hour may
be a heart-searching time, and if our hope is a false one,
let us be willing to give it up. I have heard of a lady who
would not attend our meetings when everything was plea-
sant. If I was ill with an incurable disease, and called a
doctor in, and he was to say: "Well, you are all right,
you will soon be around again," although he knew I should
die in thirty days, I shouldn't like him. But there are a
great many people whom this would suit. Those people
do not like to come here and listen to us telling them that
their souls are sick and diseased, and prescribing just what
will cure them. It is better to know the truth, that unless
we search those hearts of ours and take out the disease
there is no hope for us. So let us pray, and let it be an
honest prayer from us. " O God, search our hearts." And
if, when you go home, you feel troubled, don't say that you
won't come back to the meetings, but ask God for more
searching power, and then you will be ready to work.
A doctor comes to a man who has broken his arm.
The doctor feels around at first and he says, " Does that
hurt you ? " touching the arm. The man answers, u No."
The physician goes a little higher, and says, " Does that
hurt you ? " " No, it don't." But by and by he touches the
broken part, and the man cries out, "Oh, that hurts me ! "
And so with God. He touches our broken spot, and we
don't like it.
Now, I have been thinking that there is a passage in
Christ's sermon on the Mount that might point out our
hindrances in Chicago — " Therefore, if thou bring thy gift
to the altar, aud there rememberest that thy brother hast
taught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar
and go thy way ; first be reconciled to thy brother, and
then come and offer thy gift." Now, I don't want you to
think me personal, but I hope the Spirit of God may be
present to-day to carry the truth to every one who has a
quarrel going on. I believe the difficulty with us is the
trouble in the church, the strife, the dissension going on
among the brethren. If you have come to the altar with a
quarrel between you and your brother, leave there thy gift
and go out and be reconciled to him. If you have any
malice or hatred against any one, your prayers will go for
nothing — they will go no higher than your head. I believe
this is the reason there is so much work lost among us —
that you have something against some one, or some one
has something against you.
I knew of two brothers who had a quarrel — a regular
Cain and Abel over again. The mother could not get
them reconciled. She could not sleep. Her prayers went
up night after night. One of the brothers saw how his
mother felt, and was sorry for her. To please her he
bought a very costly gift and took it to her. " I don't
want any gift," she said. " I want you to be reconciled to
your brother." If he had been reconciled first, and then
brought the gift to his mother, it would have been all right.
So it is with God. You take your gifts to the altar and
keep in your heart hatred toward your brother. God don't
want your gift until you are reconciled.
Now think for a moment. Think of any one who be-
lieves you are a hypocrite, anyone who says you are black-
hearted, and who does not believe in anything you say in
the meetings. Go and seek him out and be reconciled to
him. That is the Gospel of the New Testament. " Oh ! "
you say, "he will not believe me — he with whom I have a
quarrel will not forgive me." Go and speak kindly to him,
show him a forgiving spirit yourself, and be reconciled to
God. Tell him that you want his forgiveness — that you do not
5I 6 ""■ • GREAT JOY.
want him to stumble in the way of his salvation over you.
I do not think of anything that would lift Chicago more
than the fact of everyone here taking this truth to their
hearts. We would make quick work with it.
There is a passage in the nth chapter of Mark, if I know
it correctly. I hear it quoted very often in the prayers at the
meetings: " Whatsoever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that
ye shall receive them and ye shall have them." But they stop
there and do not go on to the next verse, and they say:
" God has not answered my prayer," when nothing comes
from their supplication. They should read the next verse
for the reason : " When ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have
aught against any, that your Father which is in heaven may
forgive your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither
will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."
When they pray they want God to forgive them, but they
are not willing to forgive others. Suppose I was a minister,
and I had trouble with a brother, and some pretty hard
words arose from the quarr*el. Well, I get up and go to a
man and pray with him. I find he has a great deal of
trouble, and I say to him: "Won't you just cast your
troubles on the Lord?" He says : "Well, the fact is, I
have had a quarrel with a man, and I feel bitter toward
him." Then I say : " Go and forgive the man, and be
reconciled toward him." But he asks me : " You had a
quarrel with a man, did you go to him and forgive him ? "
So we cannot go to men and preach Christ if we have hard
feelings ourselves for anybody. If there is any worker
here to-day who has a quarrel with his brother let him go
at once and seek a reconciliation.
Let us have a heart-searching here to-day. Let us ask
God's and our own efforts, so that the car of salvation will
rush along in the city. I tried to reconcile two men who
stood very high in the community, who had a quarrel, and in
their churches the wheels of the salvation car were clogged.
I said to one of them : " Don't you know that God is not
going to bless your church as long as this quarrel is going
on ? Now I would like you to go that other man and say,
'If you think I have done you an injustice, I want you to
forgive me.'" "Well," said he, "I don't know that I can
put it in that way. I fear that I am a little to blame, and
I don't think he would receive me." The other man said
the same thing, but I just reasoned with them and got them
together, and they were soon down on their knees, asking
God to bless the church. It was pride that kept these two
men separate and hindered the work of their churches, and
whenever that was reached and cut out everything went on
There are a great many things that have to be rooted
out in Chicago before the work goes on prosperously. If
there is any secret sin clustering around our hearth, we
must draw that sin out before our work will be blessed by
Getting Ready. — When I left the ministers yesterday
I turned to the 30th chapter of Chronicles. I had thought
I had read it pretty thoroughly already, but began to think
about it and that circular (call for a Fast Day,) and I
found that there was just the same scene enacted 2,500
years ago in Jerusalem that was being gone over in
Chicago to-day. Hezekiah had cleared the temple and
invited all to come and worship. His father was one of
the worst kings Jerusalem ever had. Not only did he set
up images for worship in place of the Lord, but he closed
the gates of the temple of Jerusalem to all religious
services, burned the young children, and through his
cruelty was a terror to all. And he was the descendant of
David — Jerusalem's king. When he died, after reigning
nearly sixteen years, his son Hezekiah took the throne,
and the very first thing he did, in the very first year, in
the very first rronth, was to open the temple. It took him
eight days to clean it from all its filth and uncleanness, to
thoroughly purge it. It would be a good thing to clean out
a few of the churches of Chicago in the same way. Clean
out the fairs, the shows, the Lyceums, the concerts that are
held there. " Ah ! " some of you will say, " how are we
going to pay our debts, set ourselves on our feet : it will be
pretty hard to do this, if we put out all our fairs." If there
is going to be a revival we must do this, and if there is a
revival your debts will soon be paid. I think we have been
working in the wrong way. We want more earnestness and
fewer fairs.
It is said in the thirty-sixth verse of the twenty-ninth
chapter of Chronicles that " Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the
people, that God had prepared the people, for the thing was
done suddenly."
God will work mightily when we get ready, but we must
be completely ready. We are not all of one mind yet.
Some say : " Why don't you open the inquiry room ? " We
are not ready. Let us wait for a month if necessary ; but
let us be ready. God can do more in a day than we can
do in all time. And we must bear in mind that more at-
tention must be given to getting ready. It goes on :
"And Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah, and
wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh that they
should come to the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, to keep
the passover unto the Lord God of Israel.
" For the King had taken counsel, and his princes, and
all the congregation in Jerusalem, to keep the passover in
the second month.
" For they could not keep it at that time, because the
priests had not sanctified themselves sufficiently — "
The ministers were not ready, neither were the people,
for we read : " Neither had the people gathered themselves
together to Jerusalem-"
So it is with us. We don't see eye to eye, toe to toe,
heart to heart; we don't run together like drops of water.
When we do the Lord will come suddenly.
" And the thing pleased the King and all the congrega-
" So they established a decree to make proclamation
throughout all Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, that
they should come to keep the passover unto the Lord God
of Israel at Jerusalem : for they had not done it of a long
time in such sort as it was written."
They had not kept the Word of the Lord. It was
commanded — given in the law of Moses — that they should
keep the passover. It had been neglected for a long
time, and so posts were sent out to tell the people to come
into the temple now :
" So the post went with the letters from the King and
his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and accord-
ing to the commandment of the King, saying: Ye children
of Israel, turn again unto the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you that
are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria."
When the faith of this King was seen by the Lord, He
turned His judgment from His people, and the sons and
daughters of those who had been held in Assyria by reason
of their transgression were invited to the sanctuary? And I
thought when I read this chapter how the judgment of God
for the last sixteen years had been turned against Chicago.
Do you remember about sixteen years ago how the spirit
seemed to be stirred within us. How, when the war came,
we gathered together and how earnestly we learned to pray.
It seemed as if the war had clone more in teaching us to
pray than anything else. But see how we have been afflicted
since then. You know how after that, people — Sunday school
teachers and all — got a few straws and dollars together,
and then they became careless, went out riding on Sunday,
and enjoyed the world after their fashion, and forgot God:
how the fire came, swept away what they had, and then
they said : " We have no time to think of Christ ; we must
go in and make what we have lost." And then the panic
came and made us more worldly, and so we see how we
have been turned off the path. No city has had such an
experience, and yet it seems to me no city has had such
blessings. We had great advantages. Ten years ago you
had your theatres shut on Sundays. There was a law
against this thing then. Ten years ago the people used to go
to church, but now they have their Sunday newspapers and
their printed sermons and keep out of church. They read
the polished sermons and criticise them. When people
look for the qualification of a minister now, they say :
" Oh, he's an orator. They don't look at his faith at alf —
don't ask if he has the Spirit of God. What we want is
earnestness and faith in the sermons, and then their power
will sweep through the whole North-west.
In the ninth verse we read : " For if ye turn again unto
the Lord, your brethren and your children shall find com-
passion before them that lead them captive, so that they
shall come again into this land : for the Lord your God is
gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from
you, if ye return unto him."
They were ground down by their captivity, but if they
turned unto the Lord they would find compassion. There
may be fathers and mothers in this audience who have
sons, now spending their time in the billiard saloons and
drinking halls, who have been swept into this captivity by
the letting down of our principles and morals. Oh, my
God ! show us the way to come down to days of peace and
purity, and forgive our sins.
The posts were sent out all over the country with the
proclamation to the people : " So the posts passed from
city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh,
even unto Zebulon : but they laughed them to scorn, and
mocked them."
And the people who saw the proclamation laughed at
it. Ah, how many men in the North-west, when they see
our circular will take it up and say : " What ! a day of
fasting and prayer ; that kind of thing has gone by," and
will treat it with scorn. Why, my friends, we don't need
to go back 2,500 years to find people who will scoff at a
proclamation of this kind. But, thank God, they did not
all mock. People came in crowds to Jerusalem to attend
the services. Jerusalem was the center of that country; as
Chicago is the centre of the Northwest. All through Judea
the hand of God was seen, and they assembled through its
influence at Jerusalem to keep the feast of unleavened
" And they arose and took away the altars that were in
Jerusalem and all the altars for incense took they away
and cast them into the brook Kidron."
By the king's faith they gathered there and smote the
altars and broke the idols. Let us act like Hezekiah here ;
let us lead the people by our faith into true worship. Let
us be of one mind and spirit— eye to eye and heart to heart
for God, and see how quick the blessing will come.
Give God the Glory. — They had been at these noon
meetings for four days now, and it didn't often happen
that they had such an opportunity for self-examination.
They hadn't often had such a heart-moving and such an
overturning of themselves. It should trouble them, this
question should, why God didn't use Christians more.
They'd had this thought before them all the week. Now,
what was the motive they had ? Was it God's glory or
their own they were working for ? W 7 as it Christ's name or
their own ? The longer he lived the more he was convinced
that the greatest enemy he had was spiritual pride. The
soul that wasn't renewed had enough of pride, God knew ;
but when it came to the Christian, he had it too. It was
spritual pride. He wanted all this rubbish in the heart
cleared away. They'd got to live in the power of God, and
feel the truth of the hymn " Oh, to be nothing ! " The
subject he'd read, he said, was in the tenth chapter of first
Corinthians, and at the thirty-first verse : " Do all to the
glory of God." They'd got to get self out of the way.
They'd got to feel just as the apostle did when he wrote
this. Whatever they did had to be done to the glory of
God. How quick God would come into their hearts when
they got self out of the way.. In another place Paul says
that Christians are not to give this glory to men. They
had got to empty themselves of self, and come to Him.
They weren't fountains,. they're only channels the streams
flowed through ; they weren't light, but merely the pipes
the gas came through. John the Baptist was only " a voice "
in the wilderness. And when Elijah was under the juniper-
tree he got to be jealous and wanted to die, and said he
wasn't any better than his father. It was the same with
Jonah. He couldn't do anything until he let God use
him just as He wanted to. It wasn't the glory of God he
was seeking. They had got to get out of self, then it
would be easy enough for God to use them. It seems
strange that twelve men had been with Jesus for three
whole years and yet hadn't got out of self. But they
hadn't. In the ninth chapter of Mark at the thirty-first
verse we read that He told his disciples that he'd have to
be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be killed,
and then rise again, on the third day. They could not
understand Him, and were afraid to ask Him. But a
little further on, Mark says, when they got to Capernaum
Jesus asked His disciples why they disputed on the way,
and then,* when they were silent, He told them that
they'd been talking about who'd be the greatest. Then
5 2 3
Jesus taught them humility. They were ashamed of
themselves. This was why they did not speak when
He asked them. He prayed God would make each one
ashamed of himself. They might have an unholy am-
bition. It was their own glory, not Christ's, they were
looking after and thinking of. " Who should be the great-
est? " He put a little child where they could see it in their
midst. Jesus wanted to show them their sin and folly.
John wasn't humble enough, and yet was the most loving.
They might be jealous because they didn't belong to some
clique or party. They shouldn't have any such feeling.
Then again, in the tenth chapter of Mark, at the thirty-
third verse, He had to reprove the same thing. He was
now coming to the cross, Jesus was, and His heart was
sorrowful, and He was on His way up to Jerusalem. James
and John came to Him in the midst of all this, and after
He had been talking about His suffering — how He'd be
killed and cast out. These two disciples nearest to him
wanted to sit, the one on His right hand, the other on His
left in the kingdom. This is what comes in the churches
when there are strifes among the brethren. And even at
His death, in the twenty-second chapter of Luke, nine-
teenth verse, when He was at the last supper, the disciples
were again discussing who should be greatest. Here we
had it in a Baptist minister, going across the way to see
how a Methodist minister was getting on. He didn't
" thank God " for the work ; until they were ready to do
that they wouldn't be vessels fit for the Master's use.
They hadn't got deep enough yet. They must be emptied
of self. God must show them the sins that clustered around
their hearts. Could they rejoice when God blessed some
one else ? Then they had got down where God wanted
them. If it was God's glory they were after, all will be
willing to be nothing.
The Disciples' Prayer. — Mr. Moody read the Lord's
Prayer and said each should ask himself the question,
" Can I pray this prayer ? " This prayer has been
called by a good many "the Lord's prayer," but it
wasn't ; it was the disciples' prayer. The disciples had
been with Jesus, and He was praying. And when
He finished, they said to Him, "teach us, Lord, how
to pray." They didn't ask him to teach them how to
preach ; man knows how to do that ; but they wanted to
know how to pray. They'd all soon know how to preach
if they only knew how to pray. He believed he spoke the
feelings of thousands of Christians when he said, they
hadn't known what it was to pray. " Teach us " should
be the prayer of every Christian heart. If the disciples
nearest Jesus needed to be taught how to pray, how much
more did Christians to-day, as lukewarm as the church is
now, need this spirit and teaching. What they wanted
was heartfelt, heart-searching prayer. He had never been
more impressed with the lesson than in the warning when
he was reading over the chapter before the meeting. In
the twentieth chapter of Matthew, at the twentieth verse,
it was said that the mother of James and John came to
Jesus and asked Him that her two sons, Zebedee's children,
might sit, the one on Christ's right hand, the other on His
left, in His kingdom. And Jesus answered, " Ye know
not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I
shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I
am baptized ? " They say unto Him, " We are able. And
He saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and
be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with ; but
to-sit on My right hand and on My left, is not Mine to give,
but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of
My Father. And when the ten heard it they were moved
with indignation against the two brethren." John was
nearest Jesus, and yet, like the others, though he knew how
5 2 5
to preach, he did not know how to pray. These words
were uttered by Jesus in the evening of his ministry. The
mother of James and John came to Him with this prayer,
but, because it was prompted by a desire to be great in
His kingdom, the Holy Spirit didn't put into her heart,
and Jesus didn't answer it. The ten disciples when they
heard it were indignant, jealous. There would have been
trouble if Christ hadn't been there. Jesus then went on to
speak about humility in Mat. xx. 25, and said to his dis-
ciples that whosoever would be chief among them, let him
be the servant. " Even," said Jesus, " as the Son of Man
came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to
give His life a ransom for many." In other words, Christ
taught his disciples not to be ambitious. Probably the
mother of James and John wanted her sons to be made
prime minister or chief secretary, or to be appointed to
some high office in Christ's kingdom, when it was estab-
lished, as many thought it would be. Christians to-day
ought to pray and ask to be taught how to pray. In the
ninth chapter of Luke it is related that when Jesus stead-
fastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, He sent on some of
his disciples to a village of the Samaritans to make ready
for him. The people wouldn't receive him because his
face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when
these same disciples saw it they wanted Jesus to send down
fire from heaven and destroy the village. But Christ re-
buked them, ani told them they didn't know of what
manner of spirit they were, "for the Son of Man came not
to destroy men's lives, but to save them." These disciples
were closest to Christ, had been with Him all through His
ministry, and yet, ev^n when it was about to close, they
hadn't learned how to pray. The Lord's prayer to His
Father was given in the seventeenth chapter of John, but what
was commonly called the Lord's prayer was the disciples'
prayer, the one Jesus taught them. There was no differ-
ence between a disciple's prayer and a sinner's prayer.
One spoke to God as " Our Father," the other as the great
God who ruled this world and all the worlds. The eighteen
hundred years since Jesus taught His disciples how to pray
had rolled away, but it hadn't been changed, it hadn't been
improved. " Thy will be done." The ungodly man
couldn't say that. The sinner's stumbling-block is that he
isn't willing to give up his will for God's. The ungodly
man cannot forgive others, and so he can't ask God to
forgive him. God's grace only can make man do this.
Many men stumble over this prayer into perdition. Many
say their prayers like the man who counts his beads —
there's no soul in it.
Unanimity. — At a meeting in Glasgow where a man
said to him: "I have been at work in the inquiry-room
lately, but the work got into me last night, and there is a
good deal of difference." So among those ministers who
have come up here, in whom the work has entered. We
will hear from them, whereas with those who are in the
work only — well, we may never hear of them again. He re-
joiced at the spirit of unanimity which he noticed during
this session of the convention. He declared that he had
not seen a Methodist, a Presbyterian, or an Episcopalian —
they all seemed to be children of God. Oh, those miserable
sectarian walls ! May the great God knock them down.
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