\ ^ /> >' «> n^:nA ^ r U 11KA //v .■^ ?w. ■^ ^ ^ *^ * S PILGRIM PLYMOUTH, MASS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 Landi "§■ Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type 1 Ph 8.5, Buffered The Pilj^riin l-atliers are at rest ; When Summer's throneJ on high, And the worU's warm breast is in verJure Jressei, Go, stand on the hill where they lie. ' The earliest ray of the golden day On that hallowed spot is cast : And the evening sun, as he leaves the world. Looks kindly on that spot last." — John Pierpont. €A Old Burial Hill ^H LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered m..m The Pilgrim Fathers Holding their first Service in Plymouth ' Men in the middle of life, austere and grave in deportment, Only one of them old. the hill that was nearest to heaven. Covered with snow, but erect, the excellent Elder of Plymouth. God had sifted three kingdoms to find the wheat for this planting. Then had sifted the wheat, as the living seed of a nation." -Longfellow. iMk M m %..:*i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 '^eerstead ^o'lJT as the nL2 ^^ '''^^J. Springs whL anemone ^''e H'i/d rose c^'I'S- red, Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered ' Pleasantly murmureJ the brook, as the\' crosseJ the ford in the forest, Pleased with the image that passed, like a dream of love through its bosom, Tremulous, floating in air, o'er the depths of the azure abysses." — Courtship of Myles Staiuiish. Outlet of Billington Sea LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type 1 Ph 8.5, Buffered ^rm i> ii'ii ^'i *. t n 4 ^^^ Along- ff'e Wharves ' fiey Jitfifl ,u desert land. "°"' 'ove shouu'^.^'^, gather round ihat , =>nouJd sway." '~tirvant. ■m^ # ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 .?7o^r'»»;«.5... Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered t ■* * ^'"' March Standisf, 'Pjffuresten in th -^^^* savag-e.' t a 'li^ft ^ lii iM LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II II III II ! iiii " 012 608 720 2 '■^'Le Pilgrim Fa.hers-uh wl?" '" 'he bay as fh Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered ^' #1 f^ P''gTim Ha/i • i* "The weary p,„ • '''"'■'" ^>'-"^-. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 # ^ F-^bJnLS farr^ 1^'^°-^^ °"r sires On that holy aftar'rh°;Se1f ?!: ^°."'"^"- : Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type 1 Ph 8.5, Buffered .«] ;i^.,.%.l.;^. * ^ thev on thosp fh^ ^"* "I'-v knew fh"^^ '"""^' ^vhich hi 1 h^'^"" »iem. ''-re^Tt-if ^^.^'^^unif.^-^^iy were p,^^^^^^^ ly^y »1 X,«l , ^'le Departure from f^e'fthaven ■"^"^USt, 1620 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 ^ .^-L^rLS : Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.S, Buffered "■eu/OTrco FOft «: l| t « ^^ ^f/yv H f905 « [» . If o ii3 rj LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 720 2 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered