'■■■ < . ,v, \^ . jik-- .-.v. ^ ■< ■ %^ ■^.# '\4^ %..^' ; %.^^^ \ -V 1/ <' ,A ,0 .^% x\\^''V .- ,^' -. -..■■ ■^> ;^^"-rV^"^v\- V — ^ ■ "^A S^' a>' .vV .., ^. -^ .^^' ^* V .-.S' .N ■ <^ -J.^ V- 0' '■>. .^^ ^'- ':f: ^^.^ >*^' ^\ „ \ 1 vO Cj . %/^ o> v., .>' o ^ .#^ .^v \ 1 e ^^ -^^ ,^> -^^ , ''^< •A ■"^..^ V> '■v^^^'. O -x^'"^- *J •?/. o"^' ^ " '■ « .'-^ ,«0 Hril toil B>r <1 Pi 12: 12; w w W Eh P O Empire Sewing Maclilne, ^VEL,L.S dc RICHMOIVD, Gcn»l We§terii Agents, Prineipal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. ii DIRECTOEY OF DONIPHAN COTJNTT. HENRY BODER, Jr., & CO., DEA-LERS IN" tuple k ^m\q §^Smk, CLOTHING," fotfts & mm$, fats & (^^$, GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOODENWARE, FARMING TOOLS, &c., &c.. Sec, Korthwest Comer of JPuhlic Square, TROY, KANSAS. 1868. 1869. DONIPHAN COIJNTT, KANSAS, HISTORY m DIRECTORY FOR 1868-9: CONTAINIKOJ THE STATE 'CONSTITUTION; A ' CONCISE HISTORY OF KANSAS; ALSO OF ^.DONIPHAN COUNTY, AND SKETCHES OF EACH VILLAGE IN THE COUNTY; CITIZENS' AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY; REVENUE AND POSTAL INFORMATION, LEGAL FORMS, ETC., ETC. K. F. SMITH, EDITOR SMITH, VAUGHAN & CO., PUBLISHERS, 1868. Empire Sewing Machine, 1TEL.L.S Sc RICHMOND, Gen'l Western Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. -'r StH iv HISTORY AND DIRECTOET OF " ^ . TluS^ F. H. DRENNING, torney at Law, Notary Public, IIEA.L ESTA.TE AKD INSURANCE AGENT. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, AND ALL LEGAL PAPEES Drawn with neatness and dispatch, and at reasonable rates. AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES: iETNA OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets oteb ^4,000,000 PHCENIX OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets over. $1,000,000 KANSAS INSURANCE COMPANY of Leavenworth. Capital $250,000 AGGPPCATE CAPITAL OVER Policies issued on good property at low rates of premium. F. JET. DBENNING, OFFICE, WATHENA KANSAS. C. J. J0NB8. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. G. D. BakeE. John H. Joxes. JONES & BAKER, PROPRIETORS, TJROT, KANSAS, Always on hand a large variety of Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, and Peach Trees, Orape Tines of all the best varieties. S3IALL FBUIT IN GBEAT VABIETT. SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, ROSES and FEOWERINO SHRVBS, OREEIV-HOUSE AND BEDDINO PLANTS, BULBS, Small Evergreens and Stocks for Nurseries, SWEET POTATOES AND OTHER VEGETABLE PLANTS. Particular attention given to OSAGE ORANGE HEDGING. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO FARMERS. AG-KNTS \VA.lS"TKr> IN AJI^Ju FA.RXS OW TI£E COTJN'XRY. Send red stamp for Catalogue.,..JB! Address, JONES & BAKER, TROT, KAIV8A8. r J „ • empire Sewing ITIacliine, WELLS A RICHIVIOXD, Gen'I Western Agents, Principal OtHce, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Slissouri. ▼1 HISTORY AND DIKECTOEY OF COUNTY OFFICEJRS or BUCHANAN COUNTY, IKCLUDING THE CITY OF ST. JOSEPH. Elected at the General Election, November, 1866. CotTNTY Clkkk, WILLIS M. SHERWOOD, for four years. Deputy Clebks -! ^^^^ ^^' ^^^Y' l^EPUTY I.LEBKS, -j ^^ j^ SHERWOOD. Circuit Clerk, F. G. HOPKINS, for four years. County Recorder, GEO. A. PEARCEY, for four years. Judge Probate Court, Hon. P. BLISS, and Presiding Justice County Court, for four years. Trrr^^^e P^rr,.^ d^ ] CHARLES SCHRIBER, for two T'rs, ) * Judges County Court, | j^^^^ bOYER, for fom- years,^ [ ^''^^' Judge Court Common Pleas, E. J. MONTAGUE, for four years. Sheriff, IRWIN FISH, for two years. County Treasurer, GEORGE LYON, for two years. County Collector, JOHN FINGER, for two years. County Assessor, JOSEPH MATHER, for two years. SuPT. Public Schools, E. B. NEELEY, for four years. State Senator, THOMAS HARBINE. ii J. ( C. B. WILKINSON, State Representatives, -j WASHINGTON BENNETT. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS VU A. BRENNER, Doniphan. G. BRENNER, Iowa Point. A. & G. BRENNER, Doniphan, & Iowa Point, Kansas, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP]j * itittfi Ift'ltl t Farming Implements, Highest Cash Price Paid for all kinds of Grain. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP FA.RMIN'Gh IJSdlPLEMEN^TS Of the latest improvement always on hand and for sale CALL Wn EXAMINE OUR FARM MACHINERY. Empire §ewln;; ITIacliine, 1VCLL,S dc RICHJVIOIVD, Gen'I Western Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2cl and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. Viii HISTORY AND DIKECTOKY OF DEDICATION. ■JO^THE" PfFICERS OF JDONIPHAN POUNTY, JKaNSAS : pENTLEMEN : JhIS yOLUME, THE ^IRST "^ISTORY AND piRECTORY OF pONIPHAN PoUNTY," IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO YOU AS A SLIGHT TOKEN OF ESTEEM, BY Jour yVIosT Pbedient Servants, jSmith, Vaughan &■ Co. ^pril, 1868. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. IX C. H. PHILLIPS. J. N. SMALLWOOD. PHILLIPS & SMALLWOOD, DEALERS IN Staple & Fancy Dry-Goods, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES &, PROVISIONS, DONIPHAN, Kansas. OONTEISTTS. Advertisements Pages i, ii Title ill Advertisements iv-vii Dedication viii Contents ix-xi General Index to Business Cards xi-xvii Index to Cards, according to Cities and Towns xviii-xxvi Index to Cards, according to Business xxvi-xxxvi Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln 1-2 Table of Distances from Washington, D. C, to principal Cities and Towns.. . . 2-5 United States Internal Revenue Stamp Duties — (Schedule B) 6-11 Constitution of the State of Kansas 11-31 Popular Vote for President (in the State of Kansas) in 1864 32 Names and Salaries of State Officers and Judges of Courts , . . . . 32 Judges of the Supreme Court 32 Judges of the District Court 32 United States Congressmen 32 United States Senators 32 United States District Judge 32 United States Pension Agent 32 United States Marshal 32 Terras of the District Court in the State of Kansas 33-34 Empire Scwinsr lVIaclifne,^VELs S<3lloitec3.. Boder, Henry, Jr., & Co., Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods, Troy, Kansas Page ii Borngesser, Henry, Stoves, &c., St. Joseph, Mo xvi Bowen, Dr, W. H., Surgeon, Dentist, Atchison, Kansas 233 Brantauo, A., Drugs, &c., Troy, Kansas 145 Brenner, A. & G., Farming Impl'ts & Produce, Doniphan, & Iowa Point, Kan. vii Brown, Dr. W. H., Physician, Troy, Kansas 29 Bryant & Co., Business College, St. Joseph, Mo xl Buck, G. B., Stoves and Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Atchison, Kansas 163 Buell, Geo., Woolen Mills, St. Joseph, Mo 137 Burkhalter & Forncrook, Groceries, &c., White Cloud, Kansas 51 Burkley, Mrs, E. C, Milliner and Dressmaker, White Cloud, Kansas 167 Campbell, Adam E., Dry-Goods, &c., Wathena, Kansas 39 Carson, C. C, & Son, Carson House, Wathena, Kansas 235 Cash, Dr. B. S., Physician and Surgeon, Troy, Kansas 69 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad xlvii, xlviii Clay water, John C., Forwarding and Com, Merchant, Bellemont, Kansas xxxi Case, Ed., Dry-Goods, &c., Troy, Kansas 189 Clemenson, James F,, Shingle Manufacturer, White Cloud, Kansas 35 Coffey, Jas. H., Boot and Shoe Maker, St. Joseph, Mo 336 Connelly, Thos., & Co., Clothing, St. Joseph, Mo 143 Cook & Chandler, Woolen Mills, Wathena, Kansas 45 Cooper, H., Liquor Dealer, White Cloud, Kansas 107 County Officers of Buchanan County vi Craig & Brother, Fancy Dry-Goods, Wathena, Kansas 223 Davis, W. M., Merchant Tailor, Atchison, Kansas 193 Day, George, Blacksmith and Wagon-Maker, Highland, Kansas 117 Decker Brothers, Piano-fortes, New York, N, Y 341 DeClue, John, Planing Mill, St. Joseph, Mo 151 Dennison, Haygood & Co., Wagons and Agricultural Tools, Atchison, Kan, 175 Deubre, Sam, H., Furniture, St. Josepli, Mo xv Digan, Owen, Carriages and Horses, Atchison, Kansas 251 Dougherty, A. M., Lumber, &c., St. Joseph, Mo xviii Drenning, F. IL, Attorney at Law, Wathena, Kansas iv Duer, W. T., Photographer and Artists' Materials, St. Joseph, Mo xiv Eckhardt & Rein, Guns and Pistols, St. Joseph, Mo 93 Edgerley, S, J., Nursery, Highland, Kansas 195 Ege, Col, A. G,, Real Estate Agent, Troy, Kansas 281 Elfred & Young, Drugs, &c., St, Joseph, Mo . .xxviii EUedge, John B., Liquors and Cigars, Troy, Kansas 225 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. Xlll EOLATZ & HILDEBRANDT, Tailoring, and Repairing, SAINT JOSEPH, - - MISSOURI. Enderleine, Ernst, Saddles and Harness, Doniphan, Kansas Page 131 Evans, Eli, Tin Ware, &c., Iowa Point, Kansas 301 Fairall, Wm., Chairs, White Cloud, Kansas 11 Fink, John P., Boots, Shoes, «fec., St. Joseph, Mo 149 Fish, M. G., & Co., Livery Stable, &c., St. Joseph, Mo 347 Fleming & Howard, Steam Ferry, El wood, Kansas 101 Flinn, G. "W., "Woolen and Grist Mills, Iowa Point, Kansas 321 Foley, Jas., & Bro., Steam and Gas Pipe Fitters, St. Joseph, Mo 279 Franklin & Frick, Doniphan Saw Mills, Doniphan, Kansas 333 Frick & Banshbach, Furniture, St. Joseph, Mo 23 Gage, W. D., M. D., Highland University, Highland, Kansas 147 Gard & Newcombe, Dry-Goods, &c., Atchison, Kansas 191 Garlock, Dewitt G., Saddles and Harness, White Cloud, Kansas 275 Garside, J., & Co., Brinkerhoof Corn Sheller, Atchison, Kansas 327 Gebhart, D, L., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Highland, Kansas 57 Gerardy, John, Liquors and Cigars, W^athena, Kansas 273 Gerardy & Lang, Brewery, Wathena, Kansas 157 Gillespie, G. W., & Co., Lumber, Atchison, Kansas 165 Gordon, Lewis E., Vineyard, Doniphan Co., Kansas 89 Gower, A. G., Supt. Missouri Valley R.R., Savannah, Ga xxvi Green, T. A., Attorney-at-Law, St. Joseph, Mo xix Gunn & Darby, Surgeon Dentists, St. Joseph, Mo 109 Hackley, Samuel A., Steam Saw Mills, W^athena, Kansas xli Haggard Brothers, House Furnishing Goods, &c., "White Cloud, Kansas 159 Hahan, F. C, Boots and Shoes, Doniphan, Kansas 277 Harding, B., Eeal Estate Agent, "Wathena, Kansas xxx Harpster, J., Liquors and Cigars, White Cloud, Kansas 305 Hartwig, H. R. W., & Co., Rectifiers and Distillers, St. Joseph, Mo 85 Hartzell, C, Union House, North St. Joseph, Mo 309 Ilauck & Bro., Excelsior Flouring Mills, St.. Joseph, Mo 27 Hawkins, II. C, Attorney at Law, Troy, Kansas 211 Heckendorf, A., Boots and Shoes, St. Joseph, Mo 87 Hetherington, Wra., & Co., Exchange Bank, Atchison, Kansas 291 Heuschele, Philip, Boot and Shoe Manufactory, St. Joseph, Mo 15 Higby, Charles, Higby House, Troy House 319 Hoagland & Son, Lumber, &c., St. Joseph, Mo 179 Horigan, James, Gas Fitter and Plumber, St. Joseph, Mo xxxix Horn, Louis, Fruits, &c., St. Joseph, Mo xxvii Ajuipire scwinj; iTaitt^iiiiiu, »v kj ij i^:^ *». ■vh^i«.»«^^.'«if, virc:ii-i vvt^sivru Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. XIV niSTORT AND DIEECTORY OF ■%P^. T?. 13XJE3n.. AND DEALER IN PHOTOGRAPHIC STOCK AND ttlftf ittfit All kinds of pictures copied into Photographs, and enlarged at lowest rates. North. Side Market Square, Si Joseph, ^ ■ ~ MSSSOUKX. Horton, Albert H., Attorney at Law, Atchison. Kansas Page 111 Hunt, Harmon D., Hardware, &c., Wathena, Kansas 5 James, Charles, Brick- Maker, Troy, Kansas 19 Jenkins, E. J.. Attorney at Law, Troy, Kansas 217 Johnson, A. T., Saddle and Harness Maker, Troy, Kansas 71 Johnson, John P., Notary Public, Highland, Kansas xi Jones & Baker, Kansas Nursery, Troy, Kansas v Kelley, Philip, Boots, Slioes, &c., White Cloud, Kansas 185 Kolatz & Hildebrandt, Dyeing and Scouring, St. Joseph, Mo xiii Kotsch, J. Frank, Boots and Shoes, Troy, Kansas 205 Lahmer & Van Buskirk, Dry-Goods, &c.. White Cloud, Kansas 47 Larzelere, G. W., Real Estate Agent, Wathena, Kansas 91 Larzelere, G. W,, The Wathena Reporter, Wathena, Kansas 91 Le Due, E. IL, Physician and Surgeon, Troy, Kansas 311 Leigh, J., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Highland, Kansas 135 Lemon, Hosea & Co., Dry-Goods, &c., St. Joseph, Mo 344 Leu, Jacob, Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, Atchison, Kansas 31 Louglilan, J. B., Agent Toledo, Wabash & Western K. R., St. Joseph, Mo xlvi Lowe, Tate & Cowen, Dry-Goods, «&c., Doniphan, Kansas 197 Lyon, Geo., Michigan Lumber Yard, St. Joseph, Mo 349 Macomber, Samuel A., Blacksmith and Horseshoer, Troy, Kansas 115 Maquilken, Samuel, Photographer, White Cloud, Kansas 83 Martin, John A., The Atchinon Daily and Weekly Champion, Atchison, Kan. 233 McAdams, J. Y., Boots, Shoes, &c., Troy, Kansas 155 McChesney & Hildebrandt, Stoneware, St. Joseph, Mo 259 McClurg & Bro., Wooden Pumps, St. Joseph. Mo.. 338 McDonald, R. L., & Co., Dry-Goods, &c., St. Joseph, Mo 346 McGee, Michael, Saddles and Harness, St. Joseph, Mo 133 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XV S-A-OM. H- I>3E3XJ3BrLE3, DEALER IN And Household Goods^ All Kinds of Repairing Neatly Done, NO. 35 SECOND STREET, OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE, ST. JOSEPHf 310, McGhuinpby, Samuel, Builder and Contractor, Wathena, Kansas Page 141 McNeely, J. D., Groceries, &c., St. Joseph, Mo sxii Millan, Donan & Co., Daily Vindicator, St. Joseph, Mo 337 Miller, Aug., Druggist and Apothecary, Wathena, Kansas 41 Miller, Charles, Dry-Goods, «&c., Palermo, Kansas 77 Miller, Sol., Kansas Chief, White Cloud, Kansas 263 Mills, A. C, Blacksraithing and Machinist, White Cloud, Kansas 243 Missouri Valley Railroad xxvi Mix, F. E., Mix House, Doniphan, Kansas 247 Moore, J. W., Grain and Produce, White Cloud, Kan as xvii Moore, T. N., & Brother, Dry -Goods, &c., Iowa Point, Kansas 75 Morris, J. J., Stoves, Hollow Ware, &c.. White Cloud, Kansas 198 Meyer, Christian, Plasterer, Wathena, Kansas 289 Nickerson, H. E., & Co., Furniture, Atchison, Kansas 317 Noble, M. D., Dealer in Stock, White Cloud, Kansas 293 Norton, Henry, Boots and Shoes, W^athena, Kansas 79 Palmer, P. L., & Orton, Lumber, White Cloud, Kansas 171 Palker & Spalding, Insurance Agents, Atchison, Kansas 295 Payne & Reed, Dry-Goods, &c., Lafayette, Kansas 253 Perry, Albert, Attorney at Law, Troy, Kansas 245 Pfeiffer, Joseph, Marble Monuments, Tombs, &c., St. Joseph, Mo 331 Phares & Richardson, House and Sign Painters, Wathena, Kansas 49 Phillips & Small wood. Fancy Dry-Goods, Doniphan, Kansas ix Pierce, J. C, Livery Stable, White Cloud, Kansas ^37 Price, Nathan, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Troy, Kansas 65 Plamondon & Mayer, Practical Millwrights, Atchison, Kansas 9 Plant, Wm. E., Agent Florence Sewing Machine, St. Louis, Mo 219 Plant, Wm. E., Agent Florence Sewing Machine, St. Louis, Mo 249 Plotner, Samuel, Fancy Groceries, Highland, Kansas 221 Poirier, Constant, Native Wines, Wathena, Kansas 67 Power, J. C, Real Estate Agent, Troy, Kansas xxxii Power, W. R., Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Palermo, Kansas 95 Pugsley, E. G., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, White Cloud, Kansas 303 Rankin & Dillon, Carpenters and Joiners, Highland, Kansas 336 Rappelye, Charles, Real Estate, Troy, Kansas 201 Reichenberger, Peter, Furniture, Doniphan, Kansas 2I3 SAM §. IfIcGIBBO:V§ A CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Missouri. Sign of tiie Elephant. Empire Sewing ??Iachinc, WE?.LS & RICHIVIOIVD, Gen'l Western Asentf, Principal Offlce, cor. 2d and Franci. Streeis. »t. Joseph, Missouri. ' ^^ HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF HENRY BORNGESSER. DEALER IN COOKING & HEATING STOVES, And Manufacturer of TCP mo) setiiT»(i@Pi wmE> G-alvanized Iron Coraices, AND No. 8 East Side Market Square, siLiHT s&smwm, « « - « mmsmm. Guttering and all kinds of Repairing promptly attended to. Reisner, Henry, Groceries and Provisions, Atchison, Kansas. . . . Pa^e 183 Reisner, John, Tremont House, Atchison, Kansas Richey, A. M., & Co., Furniture, St. Joseph, Mo. ..".*.' ' . '. 20^ Rigby, Jonatlian, Geary City Mills, Geary City, Kansas. • Rippey, W. D., Real Estate Agent, Wolf River, Kansas. ^^!^ Rittenhonse, David F., Veterinary Surgeon, Doniphan Co., Kansas Tfiq Roberts, E. N., Olive Street Hotel, St. Joseph, Mo 285 Root, F. A., & Co., Free Press, Atchison, Kansas ' .' 299 Ryerson, N. W., Wagons and Farming Implements, White Cloud Kan'-^as " " 153 Sales, H. M., & Co., Drugs and Medicines, Doniphan, Kansas ' " " 335 Sannders, J. H., Boots and Shoes, St. Joseph, Mo oo Sawyer, Dr. J. H., Surgeon Dentist, Atchison, Kansas'.'. .".'.".*..'.. 21 Schieferdecker, G., Tailor, &c., St. Joseph, Mo jgg Schletzbaum & Schnell, Blacksnnths and Wagon-Makers," Doniphan, 'Kansas ' " 307 Seaver, I. N., Justice of the Peace and Notary Public, Highland, Kansas ' 2^9 Sherwood, Charles L., Liquid Blueing, St. Joseph, Mo Shireraan, J., Boot and Shoe Maker, Highland, Kansas! 105 Short, J. S., Agent Wilcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machines, St.' Joseph "mo 271 Smith, Leonard, Troy House, Troy, Kansas ' Snyder, E., Nursery, Highland, Kansas .'.*.*.'..'. Springer, J. S., Bakery, White Cloud, Kansas .'...'..'.."' 129 Stewart, William C, Contractor and Builder, Wathena, Kansas. 269 Stocking, L. D., Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, Troy, Kansas gi Stocking, Ira D., Watches and Jewelry, White Cloud', Kansas I39 Stratton, E. W., General Agent and Notary Public, Doniphan, Kansas 313 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, XVll J. W. MOORE. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF White Cloud, Kansas. Studebaker Brothers, Carriages and Wagons, St. Joseph, Mo Pages i, xliv Sturgis, Dr., P. M., Physician and Surgeon, Wathena, Kansas 123 Syrams, A. B., Dry-Goods, &c., Doniphan, Kansas 43 Taylor & Ortons, Lumber, Lath, and Shingles, White Cloud, Kansas 33 Tennant, Sidney, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Troy, Kansas 55 Thacker, A. & L., Merchants and Grist Mills, White Cloud, Kansas 207 Toner, James, Carpenter and Builder, Troy, Kansas 336 Tracy & Camp, Flouring Mills, Troy, Kansas 125 Tracy, Frank M., Real Estate Agency, Troy, Kansas 3 Trop, J. Q. A., Agent for Sewing Machines, Highland, Kansas 121 Turner, Frazer & Co., Wholesale Grocers, St. Joseph, Mo 343 Ulilman & Rippel, Photographers, St. Joseph, Mo 255 Union Printing Company, The Daily Vnion, St. Joseph, Mo 339 Utt, John H., City Hotel, White Cloud, Kansas Y3 Valentine, David & Co., Silks, Dress Goods, New York 215 Van Buskirk, Wm., Blacksmithing, White Cloud, Kansas 241 Voss, Henry, Wall Paper, St. Joseph, Mo 265 Wakefield & Harris, Builders, &c., White Cloud, Kansas 97 Walsworth, J. A., & Co., Missouri Soap Works, St. Joseph, Mo xxiii Wells & Richmond, Gen. Agents Empire Sew. Mach. Co., St. Joseph, Mo 342 Welsh, J., M. D., Physician, Doniphan, Kansas 25 Werner, Mrs. N., Stoves, Tin and Hollow Ware, Doniphan, Kansas 227 Westliches Volksilatt^ St. Joseph, Mo xlii Wheeler, D. C, House and Sign Painter, Troy, Kansas xx Wheeler, J. B., M. D., Surgeon, Troy, Kansas 113 Wheeler, W. T., Saddles, Harness, &c., St. Joseph, Mo xxxvii Whithani, John, Mason and Plasterer, White Cloud, Kansas xii Whiting & Connell, Boots, Shoes, &c., St. Joseph, Mo 7 Wilkinson & Bittinger, TTie Herald, St. Joseph, Mo xliii Wilkinson, Green, Blacksmithing, &c., Troy, Kansas 181 Williams, E., Mason and Bricklayer, White Cloud, Kansas 161 Willis & Bliss, Watchmakers and Jewelers, Atchison, Kansas 329 Wilson, W. H., Carpenter and Builder, Wathena, Kansas 63 Winton, D. H., R. R. Agent, St. Joseph, Mo xlv Wood, Dr. Jaria, Physician, Doniphan, Kansas 173 B ? XVlll HI8T0KT AND DIBECTORT OF A. M. DOUGHERTY, DEALER IN Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, &c. ALL ORDERS AT THE BOWEST CASH PRICES. Cor. of Third and Sylvania Streets, INDEX TO CARDS ACCORDING TO CITIES AND TOWNS. ATCHISOISr, KANSAS. Abbott, Nelson, The Atchison Patriot Page 345 Avery & Morehouse, Insurance Agents 340 Baker, C, Boots and Shoes 237 Ball, George, Nursery 103 Bowen, Dr. "W. H., Surgeon Dentist . . 323 Buck, G. B., Stoves, and Tin and Sheet Iron "Ware 163 Davis, "W, M., Merchant Tailor 193 Dennison, Ilaygood & Co., Wagons and Agricultural Implements 175 Digan, Owen, Carriages and Horses 251 Gard & Newcomb, Dry-Goods, &c 191 Garside, J., & Co., Brinkerhoof Corn Sheller 327 Gillespie, G. W., & Co., Lumber 165 Hetherington, Wm., & Co., Exchange Bank 291 Horton, Albert H., Attorney at Law Ill Len, Jacob, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware 31 Martin, John A,, The Atchison Daily and Weekly Champion 233 Nickerson, U. E., & Co., Furniture 317 Parker & Spalding, Insurance Agents 295 Plamondon «fc Maher, Practical Millwrights 9 Reisner, Henry, Groceries and Provisions 183 Reisner, John, Treraont House 81 Root, F. A., & Co., Free Press 299 Willis & Bliss, Watchmakers and Jewelers 329 Sawyer, Dr. J. U., Surgeon Dentist 21 BELLEMONT, KANSAS. Clay water, John C, Forwarding and Commission Merchant xxxi BUCHANAN COUNTY, KANSAS. County Officers ^^ DONIPHAN. KANSAS. Abbott & Bartlett, Doniphan Mills 239 Brenner, A. & G., Country Produce ^" DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XIX T. A. GREEN, M.ttom®Y at Esaw^ Office 73 Felix Street, ST. JOSEPH, ... - MISSOURI. Will practice in all the Courts of this County, and in the District and Supreme Courts of the State. Enderleine, Ernst, Saddles and Harness Page 131 Franklin & Frick, Doniphan Saw Mills 333 Hahan, F. C, Boots and Shoes 277 Lowe, Tate & Cowen, Dry-Goods, &c 197 Mix, F. E., Mix House 247 Phillips & Smallwood, Fancy Dry-Goods. . . .-. ■. ;v. w ix Reichenberger, Peter, Furniture ;...... 213 Sales, H. M., & Co., Drugs and Medicines 335 Schletzbaura & Schnell, Blacksmiths and Wagon-Makers 307 Stratton, E. W., General Agent and Notary Public 313 Symrns, A. B., Dry-Goods, &c 43 Welsh, J., M. D., Physician 25 Werner, Mrs. N., Stoves, Tin and Hollow Ware 227 Wood, Dr. Jaria, Physician 173 DONIPHAN CO., KANSAS. Archer, George J., Physician and Surgeon 17 Gordon, Lewis E., Vineyard 89 Rittenhouse, David F., Veterinary Surgeon 283 EL^^^OOD, KANSAS. Fleming & Howard, Steam Ferry 101 G^EAIiY CITY, KANSAS. Geary City Grist Mills XM HIGHLAND, KANSAS, Allen, David, Surgeon Dentist 53 Bayliss, A. H., Dry-Goods, &c 13 Daj, George, Blacksmith and Wagon-Maker 117 Edgerly, S. J., Nursery 195 Gage, W. D., M. D., Highland University 147 Gebhart, D. L., M. D., Physician and Surgeon 57 Johnson, John P., Notary Public ^V Leigh, J., M. D., Physician and Surgeon 135 Plotner, Samuel, Fancy Groceries 221 Rankin & Dillon, Carpenters and Joiners 336 XX HISTORY AND DIKECTOKT OF D. C. ^WHEELER, House, Sign, Wagon, and Carriage PAINTER, . Graining, Glazing, Gilding, and Ornamental Painting, Seaver, H. N"., Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Page 229 Shireman, J., Boot and Shoe Maker 105 Snyder, E., Nursery 119 Troy, J. Q. A., Agent for Sewing-Machines 121 lOW^A POINT, KANSAS. Beeler, G. "W., Sr., Beeler House 325 Brenner, A. & G., Country Produce vii Evans, Eli, Stores, Tin Ware, &c 301 Flinn, G. W., Woolen and Grist Mills 321 Moore, T. H., & Brother, Dry-Goods, &c 75 LAFAYETTE, KANSAS. Payne & Reed, Dry-Goods, «fec 253 NE^\^ YORK, N. Y. Decker Brothers, Piano-Fortes 341 Valentine, David, & Co., Silks, Dress-Goods 215 NORTH ST. JOSEPH, MO. Hatzell, C, Union House 309 PALERMO, KANSAS. Miller, Charles, Dry-Goods, &c 77 Power, W. R., Forwarding and Commission Merchant 95 SAVANNAH, G-A. Gower, A. G., Superintendent Missouri Valley Railroad xxvi SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Studebaker Bros., Carriages and Wagons i, xliv ST. JOSEPH, MO. Albrecht & Huber, Watchmakers and Jewelers 59 Alden, Edward, Gas and Steam Fitter xxxviii Austin, Dr. J. M., Surgeon Dentist 237 Ay res, Eugene, Attorney and Counselor at Law xxi Baerman, Fred., Clothing 209 Bain, Edward, Farm Wagons 338 Beller, A., Boots and Shoes 127 Bender and Markle, Real Estate Agents, &c 177 Borngesser, Henry, Stoves, &c xvi Bryant & Co.'s Business College xl DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXI XZUGIQNEI AYRES^ l^ttorueg ^ Cmiiisebr at f ato OPPOSITE STATE BANK, ST. JOSEPH, - - - MISSOURI. Will practice in all Courts of Record in Northwest Missouri and Eastern and Northern Kansas, Collect Debts, Pay Taxes, attend to Notarial Business, War Claims, &c. Boell, Geo., Woolen Mills Page 137 Coffey, Jas. H., Boot and Shoe Maker 336 Connelly, Thos., & Co., Clothing 143 DeClue, John, Planing Mill 151 Deubre, Sam. H., Furniture xv Dougherty, A. M., Lumber, &c , xviii Duer, W. F., Photographers and Artists' Materials xiv Eckhardt & Rein, Guns and Pistols 93 Elfred & Young, Drugs, »fec xxTiii Fink, John P., Boots, Shoes, &c 149 Fish, M. G., & Co., Livery Stable, &c 347 Foley, James, & Bro., Steam and Gas Pipe Fitter 279 Frick & Banshbach, Furniture 23 Green, T. A., Attorney at Law • . xix Gunn & Darby, Surgeon Dentists 109 Hartwig, H. R. W., «fe Co., Rectifiers and Distillers 85 Hauck «& Bro., Excelsior Flouring Mills 27 Heckendorf, A., Boots and Shoes 87 Heuschele, Philip, Boot and Shoe Manufactory 15 Hoagland & Son, Lumber, «&c 1 ' 9 Horigan, James, Gas Fitter and Plumber xxxix Horn, Louis, Fruits, &c xxvii Zolatz & Hildebrandt, Dyeing and Scouring xiii Lemon, Hosea & Co., Dry-Goods, &c 344 XXU HISTORY AND DIEECTOEY OF J. D. McNEELY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Staple & Fancy Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, «&c., FL0TO, 4 B0UEB0N WIISKY, (S@ra@r @f Fiftti acidl ill©s§aiiil© Sts., ST. JOSEPH, - - - MISSOURI. Laiighlin, J. B., Agt. Toledo, Wabash & Western R. R Page xlvi Lyon, Geo., Michigan Lumber Yard 349 MeChesney & Hildebrandt, Stoneware 259 McClurg & Bro., Wooden Pumps x McDonald, R. L., & Co., Dry-Goods, &c 346 McGee, Michael, Saddles and Harness 133 McNeely, J. D., Groceries, &c xxii Millan, Donan & Co., Daily Vindicator 327 Pfeiffer, Joseph, Marble Monuments, Tombs, &c 331 Richey, A. M., & Co., Furniture , 203 Roberts, E. N., Olive Street Hotel 285 Saunders, J. 11., Boots and Shoes 99 Schieferdecker, G., Tailor, &c 169 Sherwood, Charles L., Liquid Blueing xxv Short, J. S., Agent Wilcox «fe Gibbs' Sewing Machine 271 Studebaker Brothers, Carriages and Wagons i, xliv Turner, Frazer & Co., Wholesale Grocers 343 Uhlman & Rippel, Photographers 255 Union Printing Company, The Daily Union 339 Voss, Henry, Wall Paper 265 Walsworth, J. A. & Co., Missouri Soap Works xxiii Wells & Richmond, General Agents Empire Sewing Machine Company 342 Westliches Volksblatt xlii Wheeler, W. T., Saddles, Harness, &c xxxvii Whiting «fe Connell, Boots, Shoes, &c 7 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, XXlll o p=; ?^ EH Best Soap in the United States ! MISSOURI SOAP WORKS, J. A. WALSWORTH «Sc CO., - - Proprietors. Factory, corner Faaron and Water Streets, Warehouse, cor. Third and Charles Streets. OUR CELBBBATED BRANDS OF Staple and Fancy Soap, MAT BE BOUGHT OF ALL WHOLESALE DEALERS AND AT ODB Warehouse in St. JOSEPH, Mo. 2000 BOXES ALWAYS IN STORE. Wilkinson & Bittinger, TTxe Herald Page xliii "Winton, D. H., Railroad Superintendent xlv ST. LOUIS, MO. Plant, Wm. E., Agent Florence Sewing Macliine 219, 249 TI^OY, KANSAS. Armstrong, Samuel, Cattle Dealer 267 Babcock, Franklin, Attorney at Law 261 Boder, Henry, Jr., & Co., Fancy Dry-Goods ii Brantano, A., Drugs, «&c 145 Brown, Dr. W, H., Physician 29 Case, Ed., Dry-Goods, &c 189 Cash, Dr. B. S., Physician and Surgeon 69 Ege, Col. A. G., Real Estate Agent 281 EUedge, John B., Liquors and Cigars 225 Hawkins, H. C, Attorney at Law 211 Higby, Chas., Higby House 319 James, Charles, Brick-Maker 19 Jenkins, E. J., Attorney at Law 217 Johnson, A. T., Saddle and Harness Maker 71 Jones & Baker, Kansas Nursery v Kotsch, J. Frank, Boots and Shoes 205 LeDuc, E. H., Physician and Surgeon 311 Macoraber, Samuel A., Blacksmith and Horseshoer 115 McAdams, J, S., Boots, Shoes, «fec 155 ^^1^ HISTOKY AND DIEECTORT OF ^isch §akx, 'gal ^shU ^pnt, t AKD PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. P-OSI'-OFFICE ^I>I>RJESS, WOLF RIVER, .... Kansas. Willattend promptly to all business intrusted to his care. Perry, Albert, Attorney at Law P o4k Power, J. 0., Real JE«tate Agent '' ^ ^ '' ^' '."!.*'.'.*.' .'* xx " Price, Nathan, Attorney and Counselor at Law g^^ ^^appelye, Charles, Real Estate .*.'.*.'....'.'..".'. 201 Smith, Leonard, Troy House Stocking, L. D., Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry ... ^.... .... ....,, 61 Tennant, Sidney, Attorney and Counselor at Law ...*.'.'.".'!.'.. 55 Toner, James, Carpenter and Builder Tracey & Camp, Flouring Mills Tracey, Frank M., Real Estate Agency Wheeler, D. C, House and Sign Painter Wheeler, J. B., M.D., Surgeon ^ ....*.". .*.'.. Ijo Wilkinson, Green, Blacksmithing, &c T^ATHENA, KANSAS, Campbell, Adam E., Dry-Goods, &c Carson, C. C, & Son, Carson House 235 Cook & Chandler, Woolen Mills * ' . ' Craig & Brother, Fancy Dry-Goods _\ 223 Drenning, F. H., Attorney at Law " ' . Gerardy & Land, Brewery Gerardy, John, Liquors and Cigars [[ ^73 Hackley, Samuel A., Steam Saw-Mills xl" Harding, B., Real Estate Agent Hunt, Harmon D., Hardware, &c ^ Larzelere, G. W., Real Estate Agent qi Larzelere, G. W., The Wathena Reporter 91 McGhumphy, Samuel, Builder and Contractor ".....!!..'" 141 Miller, Aug., Druggist and Apothecary ....!.. 41 Moyer, Christian, Plasterer Norton, Henry, Boots and Shoes 79 Phares & Richardson, House and Sign Painters 49 Poirier, Constant, Native Wines g,^ Stewart, William C, Contractor and Builder 269 Sturgis, Dr. P. M., Physician and Surgeon ....'.' 123 Wilson, W. H., Carpenter and Builder gg DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXV EX€ELSI0E LI^UIB BLUEIM FOR WASHING PVBrOSES. rD no: e: ioesst iio" tjs:e3. This desen'edly popular Blueing possesses many advantages over Box Blueing or Indigo, aod is ONE-HALF CHEAPEK than any other article ever offered. Sold everywhere. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. CHARLES L. SHERWOOD, Druggist, (Sole Proprietor,) Cor. Sixth and Messanie Streets, - - - - ST. JOSEPH, Mo. WHITE CLOUD* KANSAS. Bailey & Noyes, Fancy Dry-Goo(l3 Page 297 Bell, Hiram, Cabinet-Maker and Undertaker 287 Burkhalter & Forncrook, Groceries, &c 51 Burkley, Mrs. E. C, Milliner and Dressmaker 167 Clemenson, James F., Shingle Manufacturer ... 35 Cooper, H., Liquor Dealer 107 Fairall, Wm., Chairs 11 Garlock, Devi'itt G., Saddles and Harness 275 Haggard Brothers, House Furnishing Goods, &c 159 Harpster, J., Liquors and Cigars 305 Kelley, Philip, Boots, Shoes, &c 185 Lahmer & Van Buskirk, Dry Goods, &c 47 Maquilken, Samuel, Photographer 83 Miller, Sol., Kansas Chief. 263 Mills, A. C, Blacksmith and Machinist 243 Moore, J. W., Grain and Produce xvii Morris, J. J., Stoves, Hollow Ware, &c 199 Noble, M. D., Dealer in Stock 293 Palmer, P. L., «& Orton, Lumber 171 Pierce, J. C, Livery Stable 37 Pugsley, E. G., M. D., Physician and Surgeon 303 Ryerson, N. W., Wagons and Farming Implements 153 Springer, J. S., Bakery 129 Stocking, Ira D., Watches and Jewelry 139 Taylor «fe Ortons, Lumber, Lath, and Shingles 33 Thacker, A. & L., Merchants and Grist Mills 207 Utt, John H., City Hotel 73 Van Buskirk, Wm., Blacksmithing 241 Wakefield & Harris, Builders, &c 97 Whitham, John, Mason and Plasterer xii Williams, E., Mason & Bricklayer 161 "WOLF "RIVER, KANSAS. Rippey, W. D., Real Estate Agent xxir XXVI HISTOKT A.ND DIEECTOEY OF TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, OVER THE Missouri Valley Railroad, BETWEEN Unm, ST. JOSEPH, iichison, & leivenworth, MAKE THE FOLLOWING Important Connections r Close connections with Trains of Pacific R. R. (of Mo.), A 4- T /iOTTATiXTT/wfVi i ^^"^ Kansas City, St. Louis, and Eastern Cities. JlJj ii6aV6IlW0r in, 'S Also with Trains of Union Pacific R. R., E. D., for (^ Lawrence, Topeka, Denver, and the West. A 4- /I 4. I. * i With Trains of Central Branch, U. P. R. R., running AX AtCniSOIl, I West 100 miles through ]Vortherii Kansas. /* By close connections with H. & St. Jos. Trains, pas- m 1 Q J T 1* J s^"S^'"S going either East or West, go through without Alt alt JOSSpn, j delay. Sleeping Cars run through between Quinct (^ AND Leavenworth. Ma a -t r ^'*^ Stage Lines for ]TIarysviIlc, Nebraska At b8;V3»n3>jl. "j City, Council Bluffs, and Omaha. A. G. GO WEB, Stiperintendent. INDEX TO CARDS ACCORDING TO PROFESSIONS. A. AGENTS. CLAIM. Stratton, E. "W., Doniphan, Kansas Page 313 mSURAXOE. Avery & Morehouse, Atchison, Kansas 340 Parker & Spalding, Atchison, Kansas 295 REAL estate. Bender & Markle, St. Joseph, Mo 177 Ege, Col. A. G., Troy, Kansas 281 Harding, B., Wathena, Kansas xxx Larzelere, G. W., Wathena, Kansas 91 Power, J. 0., Troy, Kansas xxxii Rappelye, Charles, Troy, Kansas 201 Rippey, W. D., Wolf River, Kansas xxiv Tracy, Frank M., Troy, Kansas 8 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXVll LOTJIS UOIliN", 114 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, DEALER IN NUTS, Ac. Also, All Classes of Candies and Confectioneries. ICE-CREAM and LEMONADE Always on hand in their season. SEWING MACHINES. Plant, Wm. E., St. Louis Mo Page 219 Plant, "Wra. E., St. Louis, Mo 249 Short, J. S., St. Joseph, Mo 271 Troy, J. Q. A., Highland, Kansas 121 "Wells & Richmond, St, Joseph, Mo 342 ATTORNEYS. Ayres, Eugene, St. Joseph, Mo xxi Babcock, Franklin, Troy, Kansas 261 Green, T. A., St. Joseph, Mo xix Hawkins, H. C, Troy, Kansas 211 Horton, Albert IT., Atchison, Kansas Ill Jenkins, E. J., Troy, Kansas 217 Perry, Albert, Troy, Kansas 245 Price, Nathan, Troy, Kansas 65 Tennent, Sidney, Troy, Kansas 55 B. BAKER. Springer, J. S., White Cloud, Kansas 129 BANK. Exchange Bank, Wm. Hetherington, & Co., Atchison, Kansas 291 BLACKSMITHS. Day, George, Highland, Kansas 117 Macomber, Samuel A., Troy, Kansas 115 Mills, A. C, White Cloud, Kansas 24 Schletzbaum & Schnell, Doniphan, Kansas 307 Van Buskirk, Wm., White Cloud, Kansas 241 Wilkinson, Green, Troy, Kansas 181 XXVIU HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF ELFRED & YOUNG, PEOPaiETOaS OF ELFRED'S BAKING POWDER, HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PURE DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, Wines, Brandies, and Choice Fancy Goods. BOOTS AND SHOES. Baker, C, Atchison, Kansas Page 237 Beller, A., St. Joseph, Mo 127 Coffey, Jas. H., St. Joseph, Mo 336 Fink, John P., St. Joseph, Mo 149 Hahan, F. C, Doniphan, Kansas 277 Heckendorf, A., St. Joseph, Mo 87 Hensehele, Philip, St. Joseph, Mo 15 Kelley, Philip, White Cloud, Kansas 185 Kotsch, J. Frank, Troy, Kansas 205 Mc Adams, J. S., Troy, Kansas 155 Norton, Henry, "Wathena, Kansas 79 Saunders, J. 11., St. Joseph, Mo 99 Shirenian, J., Highland, Kansas 105 Whiting & Connell, St. Joseph, Mo 7 BREWERY. Gerardy & Laug, Wathena, Kansas 157 BRICK MAKER. James, Charles, Troy, Kansas 19 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. Xxix OEA^PIY CITY GEARY CITY, - - KANSAS. JONATHAN RIG BY, Proprietor. A superior article of Flour and Meal always on hand. No IIeavt Tolls. "We can afford to work cheap, as we do not have to buy wood to ruH a Steam-Engine. CASH PAID FOB WHEAT AND CORN. Bran and Feed always on hand and for sale. BUILDERS. McGhumphy, Samuel, "Wathena, Kansas Page 141 Stewart, William C, Wathena, Kansas 269 Toner, James, Troy, Kansas 336 Wakefield & Harris, White Cloud, Kansas 9T Wilson, W. H., Wathena, Kansas 63 c. CABINET-MAKER AND UNDERTAKER. Bell, Hiram, White Cloud, Kansas 287 CARPENTERS. Rankin «& Dillon, Highland, Kansas 336 CARRIAGES AND HORSES. Digan, Owen, Atchison, Kansas 251 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Studebaker Brothers, St. Joseph, Mo i, xliv CATTLE DEALER. Armstrong, Samuel, Troy, Kansas 267 CHAIRS. Fairall, Wm., White Cloud, Kansas 11 CLOTHING. Baerman, Fred., St. Joseph, Mo 209 Connelly, Thos., & Co., St. Joseph, Mo 143 XXX HI9TOKT AND DIBECTOET OF B.HARDING, H@al lOstate Mg®m% W A,T H E N A, K A N S A S. Will buy and sell Real Estate, and pay taxes for Non-Residents in Doniphan and adjoining Counties in Kansas. All business intrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. COLLEGES. Business College, Bryant & Co., St. Joseph, Mo Page xl Highland University, Gage, W. D., M, D., Highland, Kansas 147 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Claywater, John C, Bellemont, Kansas xxxi Power, W. R., Palermo, Kansas 95 CORN SHELLER. Garside, J., & Co., Atchison, Kansas 327 D. DEALER IN STOCK. Noble, _M. D., White Cloud, Kansas 293 DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. Miller, Aug., "Wathena, Kansas 41 DRUGS, &o. Brantano, A., Troy, Kansas 145 Elfred & Young, St. Joseph, Mo xxviii Sales, H. M., & Co., Doniplian, Kansas 33 5 DRY-GOODS, &c. Bayless, A. H., Highland, Kansas 13 Campbell, Adam E., Wathena, Kansas 39 Case, Ed., Troy, Kansas 189 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXXI JOHN F. CLAYWATER, DEALER IH DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES & [PROVISIONS, LEVEE, BELLEMONT, - - KANSAS. Gard & Newcorab, Atchison, Kansas Page 191 Lahmer & Van Buskirk, White Cloud, Kansas 47 Lemon, Rosea & Co., St. Joseph, Mo 344 Low, Tate & Cowen, Doniphan, Kansas 197 McDonald, R. L., & Co., St. Joseph, Mo 346 Miller, Charles, Palermo, Kansas 77 Moore, T. H., & Brother, Iowa Point, Kansas 75 Payne & Reed, Lafayette, Kansas 253 Syrans, A. B., Doniphan, Kansas 43 DYEING AND SCOURING. Kolatz & Hildebrandt, St. Joseph, Mo xiii F. FANCY DRY-GOODS. Bailey & Noyes, White Clond, Kansas 297 Craig & Brother, Wathena, Kansas 223 Phillips & Smallwood, Doniphan, Kansas ix FARM WAGONS. Bain, Edward, St. Joseph, Mo 338 FRUITS, &o. Horn, Louis, St. Joseph, Mo xxvii FURNITURE. Deubre, Sara. H., St. Joseph, Mo xv Frick & Banshbach, St. Joseph, Mo 23 Nickerson, H. E., & Co., Atchison, Kansas 317 Reichenberger, Peter, Doniphan, Kansas 213 Richey, A. M., & Co., St. Joseph, Mo 203 XXXU HISTORY AND DIRECTOBT OF J. C. PO^V^ER, REJLL e:sta.te And TROY, - - - . - - - KANSAS. rRE PRESENTS ^TJ^A ANjy FHCEKIX FIRE, of Hartford, Conn. SARTFORD LIVE STOCK, '' <^ KANSAS FIREf - ^ - of Leavenworth, Kansas* G. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. Alden, Edward, St. Joseph, Mo Page xxviii Foley, Jaines, & Bro., St. Joseph, Mo 279 Horigan, James, St. Joseph, Mo xsxiz GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Moore, J. W., White Oloud, Kansas xvii GROCERIES, &o. Burkhalter & Forncrook, White Cloud, Kansas 51 McNeelj, J. D., St. Joseph, Mo xxii Plotner, Samuel, Highland, Kansas 221 Reisner, Henry, Atchison, Kansas 183 Turner, Frazer & Co., St. Joseph, Mo . , 345 GUNS AND PISTOLS. Eckhardt & Rein, St. Joseph, Mo 93 H. HARDWARE. Hunt, Harmon D., Wathena, Kansas 5 HOTELS. Beeler House, G. W. Beeler, Sr., Iowa Point, Kansas 325 Carson House, C. C. Carson «& Son, Wathena, Kansas 235 City Hotel, John H. Utt, White Cloud, Kansas 73 Higby House, Chas. Higby, Ti'^y, Kansas 319 Mix House, F. E, Mix, Donii>li:in, Kansas 247 Olive Street Hotel, E. N. Roberts, St. Joseph, Mo 285 Tremont House, John Reisner, Atchison, Kansas 81 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXXUl Troy Hotel, Leonard Smith, Troy, Kansas 345 Union House, C. Hartzell, North St. Joseph, Mo 309 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. Phares & Richardson, "Wathena, Kansas 49 Wheeler, D. 0., Troy, Kansas xx HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Haggard Brothers, White Cloud, Kansas 159 L. LIQUID BLUEING. Sherwood, Charles L., St. Joseph, Mo xxv LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Cooper, H., White Cloud, Kansas 107 Elledge, John B., Troy, Kansas 225 Harpster, J., White Cloud, Kansas 305 Gerardy, John, Wathena, Kansas 273 LIVERY STABLES. Fish, M. G., & Co., St. Joseph, Mo 347 Pierce, J. C, White Cloud, Kansas 37 LUMBER. Dougherty, A. M., St. Joseph, Mo xviii Gillespie, G. W,, & Co., Atchison, Kansas 165 Hoagland & Son, St. Joseph, Mo 179 Lyon, Geo., St. Joseph, Mo 349 Palmer, P. L., & Orton, White Cloud, Kansas 171 Taylor & Orton, White Cloud, Kansas 33 M. MARBLE MONUMENTS, &o. PfeiflFer, Joseph, St. Joseph, Mo 331 MASONS. Whitham, John, White Cloud, Kansas xii Williams, E., White Cloud, Kansas 161 MILLINER AND DRESS-MAKER. Burkley, Mrs. E, C, White Cloud, Kansas 167 MILLS. C A B D I NO . Iowa Point — D. "W, Flinn, Iowa Point, Kansas 321 White Cloud City— A. & L. Thacker, White Cloud, Kansas. 207 Wathena — Cook & Chandler, Wathena, Kansas 46 FLOtmiNG AND GRIST. Doniphan — Abbott & Bartlett, Doniphan, Kansas 239 Excelsior Flouring Mills — Hauck & Bro., St. Joseph, Mo 27 Geary City — Jonathan Rigby, Geary City, Kansas xxix Iowa Point — D. W. Flinn, Iowa Point, Kansas .321 Troy — Tracy & Camp, Troy, Kansas 125 White Cloud City— A. & L. Thacker, White Cloud, Kansas 207 C XXXIV HISTOKY AND DIRECTOKT OF PLANING. St. Joseph — John DeClue, St. Louis, Mo Page 151 BAW. Doniphan — Franklin & Frick, Doniphan, Kansas 333 Wathena — Samuel A. Hackley, Wathena, Kansas xli TVOOLEN. Buchanan — Geo. Buell, St. Joseph, Mo , 139 Iowa Point — D. "W. Flinn, Iowa Point, Kansas 321 Woolen Mills — Cook & Chandler, Wathena, Kansas 45 MILLWRIGHTS. Plamondon & Maher, Atchison, Kansas 9 N. NATIVE WINES. Poirier, Constant, Wathena, Kansas 67 NEWSPAPERS. Atchison Daily and WeeMy Chamjnon^ John A. Martin, Atchison, Kansas... 233 Daily Vindicator, Millan, Douan & Co., St. Joseph, Mo 337 Free Press, F. A. Root & Co., Atchison, Kansas 299 Kansas Chief, Sol. Miller, White Cloud, Kansas 263 27ie Atchison Patriot, Nelson Abbott, Atchison, Kansas 345 The Daily Union, Union Printing Company, St. Joseph, Mo 339 The Herald, Wilkinson & Bittinger, St. Josejih, Mo xliii The Wathena Reporter, G. W. Larzelere, Wathena, Kansas 91 Westliches Volksblatt, St. Joseph, Mo zlii NOTARIES PUBLIC. Johnson, John P., Highland, Kansas xi Seaver, H. N., Highland, Kansas 229 NURSERIES. Ball, George, Atchison, Kansas 103 Edgerly, S. J., Highland, Kansas 195 Snyder, E., Highland, Kansas 119 P. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Duer, W. T., St. Joseph, Mo xiv Maquilkeii, Samuel, White Cloud, Kansas 83 Uhlinan & Rippel, St. Joseph, Mo 255 PHYSICIANS. Archer, George J., Doniphan Co., Kansas 17 Brown, Dr. W. H., Troy, Kansas 29 Cash, Dr. B. S., Troy, Kansas 69 DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXXV • Gebhart, D. L., M. D., Highland, Kansas 57 Le Due, E. H., Troy, Kansas 311 Leigh, J., M. D., Highland, Kansas I35 Pugsley, E. G., M, D., White Cloud, Kansas 303 Sturgis, Dr. P. M., Wathena, Kansas. 123 Welsh, J., M. D., Doniphan, Kansas 25 Wheeler, J. B., M. D., Troy, Kansas 113 Wood, Dr. Jaria, Doniphan, Kansas 173 PIANO-FORTES. Decker Brothers, New York, N. Y 341 PLASTERER. Moyer, Christian, Wathena, Kansas 289 R. RAILROADS. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad xlvii, xlviii Missouri Valley R. R., A. G. Gower, Supt., Savannah, Ga xxvi Toledo, Wabash & Western R. R., J. B. Laughlin, Agent, St. Joseph, Mo xlvi Hannibal «& St. Joseph Railroad, D. II. Winton, Gen. Agent, St. Joseph, Mo. . xlv RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS. Hartwig, H. R. W., & Co., St. Joseph, Mo 85 s. SADDLES, HARNESS, &o. Enderleine, Ernst, Doniphan, Kansas 131 Garlock, Dewitt G., White Cloud, Kansas 275 Johnson, A. T., Troy, Kansas 71 McGee, Michael, St. Joseph, Kansas 133 Wheeler, W. T., St. Joseph, Mo xxxvii STEAM FERRY. Fleming & Howard, Elwood, Kansas 101 SHINGLES. Clemenson, James F., White Cloud, Kansas 35 SILKS, DRESS GOODS. Valentine, David, Ss Co., New York 215 SOAP. Missouri Soap Works, J. A. Walsworth & Co., St. Joseph, Mo xxiii STONEWARE. McChesney & Hildebrant, St. Joseph, Mo 259 STOVES, TIN WARE, &o. Borngesser, Henry, St. Joseph, Mo xvi Buck, G. B., Atchison, Kansas 163 Evans, Eli, Iowa Point, Kansas 301 Len, Jacob, Atchison, Kansas 31 XXXvi HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Morris, J. J., White Cloud, Kansas Page 199 Werner, Mrs. N., Doniphan, Kansas 227 SURGEON DENTISTS. Allen, David, Highland, Kansas 53 Austin, Dr. J, M., St. Joseph, Mo. , 231 Bowen, Dr. W. H., Atchison, Kansas. 323 Gunn & Darby, St. Joseph, Mo 109 Sawyer, Dr. J. H., Atchison, Kansas 21 T. ;. TAILORS. Davies, W. M., Atchison, Kansas 193 Schieferdecker, G., St. Joseph, Mo 169 V. VETERINARY SURGEON. Rittenhouse, David F., Doniphan Co., Kansas 283 VINEYARD. Gordon, Lewis E., Doniphan Co., Kansas 89 w. WAGONS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Dennison, Haygood & Co., Atchison, Kansas 175 Ryerson, N. W., White Cloud, Kansas 153 WALL PAPER. Voss, Henry, St. Joseph, Mo 265 WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Stocking, Ira D., White Cloud, Kansas 139 Stocking, L. D., Troy, Kansas 61 WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS. Albrecht & Huber, St. Joseph, Mo 59 Willis & Bliss, Atchison, Kansas 329 WOODEN PUMPS. McClurg & Bro., St. Joseph, Mo x DOKIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXXVll W. T. WHEELER, MANUFACTXJBER OF AJTO DEALER IH adtet Mimie;g)0t Sridte, ^V^^HIPS, COLLARS, AKD EVERT THING IN THE SADDLE AND HARNESS LINE, EITUEB AT Wl@l©ial© @w ^©tatl No. 62 EDMOND STREET, Between 3d and 4Lih, ST. JOSEF H, XXXVlll HISTORY AND DIRECTORT OF EDWARD ALDEN, Gas & Steam Fitter, AND DEALER IN GAS, STEAM, &^^n WATER PIPES Mks, €uh, Attain iawges, ®|istte, AND EYERT VARIETY OP rUMEF 3 AND Steam-Fitting Rubber Hose, AND PACKING, ALL SIZES. ALSO, A Choice Assortment of Gas Fixtures, CHEAP FOR CASH. Francis Street, 2 doors from Second, ST. JOSEPH, Mo. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. XXXIX JAMES HOKIGAi^, GAS FITTER & PLUMBER, No. 18 THIRD STREET, Between Felix and Edinond Streets, ST. JOSEPH, Mo. WHOLESALE & RETAIL ^^ffli^^^^M DEALER IN I ^as Jfkiures, ^imw anir Mater f ips, steam Ganges, Whistles, Faucets, Valves, &c, COPPER LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS 'AND PATENT WELL PUMPS, And other Pumps, in every variety, for Hand or Power; also PICKERING'S CELEBRATED ANTI-FEEEZING LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED AT LOWEST RATES. HISTORY AND DIKECTOKT OF BKYANT & CO;S SAINT JOSEPH, MISSOURI, Conducted by Practical Accountants, and Superior Penmen, whose con- nection with Business Education is well known throughout the entire Union, by the former President of Bryant and Spencer's Col- lege of Indianapolis, Ind., late President of the National Chain of Business Colleges. Author of Chart to Double Entry Book-keeping, and by J. A. Marshall. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IS BOTH PRACTICAL AND COMPREHENSIVE, KMBRACIKO Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial La-w, Business Practice, Political Economy, Banking, Customs of Trade, Arithmetic, etc., etc., EACH OF ITHICII ARE THOROUGHLY TAUGHT. T borough instruction given in all branches of Practical and Ornamental Penmanship, Peu- Shading, Flourishing, Card Marking, kc, for which we have been awarded the first premiums for many years at the various State Fairs. Special attention will be given to preparing Ladies and Gen- tlemen for teaching the "Art." From $100.00 to $120.00 will here pay for Tuition, Books, Stationery, Boarding, Washing, And all other necessary expense of any industrious pupil while completing the entire business course. FULL PARTICULARS SENT TO ANY ADDRESS. THOMAS J. BRYANT, President. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, xli WATHENA Saw ON RAILROAD, FOOT OF MOSS ST. Wathena, Kansas, SAMUEL A. HACKLEY, PROPRIETOR. The best of Black "Walnut, Sycamore, Oak, Elm, Ash, and Cottonwood mn ALWAYS ON HAND. My facilities are such, that I can offer Building and Fkncino Lumber so cheap, as to defy competitiotu Xlii HISTORY AND DIKECTOKY OF Wjstliffos f olbWatt : THE ONLY German Daily Newspaper Published in the State of Missouri, OUTSIDE OF ST. LOUIS. OFFICE, NOS. 18 AND 20 SECOND STREET, BETWEEN FELIX AND FRANCIS, UP STAIRS, ST. JOSEPH, MO. DONIPHAN COUNTY, XANSAS. xliii mut mtMikf PUBLISHED AT, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURL JhE jDl-DEST AND J^ARGEST pAILY ^ ^EEKLY PaPER IN THE NoRTHWEST, lU POLITICS THB JOURNAL IS Weekly Circulation over - Daily " ." - 5,000. 2,600. .■Z* X3 fL IVC S . Daily, $9 i^er Anmi7n, or 73 cents per Month, Weekly f $1,50 per Annuin, XllV HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF STUDEBAKER BROTHERS, LARGE CARRIAGE and WAGON A part of which is represented by the engraving on the first page of this book, is located in the City of South Bend^ Indiana^ Eighty-five miles east of Chicago, on the M. S. & N. I. R. R. It was established in 1852 and now ranks second to none in the West. INDIANA TIMBER Is noted for its excellence, and the fact that our factory is located in the best timbered section of the State, is a guaranty that our wagons are made of the best Timber. Our wagons are known as the And our shop is the only one in the country where the SLOPE SHOULDER SPOKE J8 used ; we will guarantee the wheels on our 3 J Thimble Skein "Wagons to carry over FORTY HUNDRED. Carriages and Buggies. Attention is called to the fact that we use SARVEN'S PATENT BUGGY WHEELS, which are far superior to any known to the trade. Also, GRANT'S SHIFTING RAIL, by which a buggy top can be almost instantly removed, either for convenience, or in case of accident We keep on hand every style of Carriage and Buggy, all sizes of FARM WAGONS, also a variety of SPRING WAGONS for one or two horses. SAINT JOSEPH, MISSOURI. cj.A.Tn:'iopj ! Our Wagons are sold throughout the West by agents. See that the name of STUDEBAKER ia on the side of the bed. NONE OTHEnS ARE GENXJUSTE. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. Xl^ 1868. 1868. The Short all Rail Line East! TO CHICAGO, DEIROIT, ST. LOOK, TOLEDO, Lafayette, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville, Cairo, Memphis, Columbus, Wheeling, Pittsbunr, Buffalo, Ni- agara Falls, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, &c., VIA THE OLD RELIABLE .CENTRAL ROUTE, THE HANNIBAL & ST. JOE R.R. TiTiro Daily XZxpress Trains On the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad run through from St. Joseph to Quincy WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, CONNECTING AT QUINCY with tlie Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and To- ledo, Wabash 6c Western Railroads, for ALL P©BPtTS lAST, NORTM & SOiTM. THROUGH TICKETS Sold at Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Depots, and at Union Depot, Quincy. Close connections made at Macon City with the North Missouri Railroad for St. Louis, and at Hannibal, with Daily Mississippi Packet, for St. Louis, Meals and State Rooms free, leaving every evening, on arrival of trains from the west, and arriving in St Louis, next morning in season for business, and to connect with the Chicago, Alton tituted a peculiar am) powerful interest. All knew that tliis interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which tliese insur- fjents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no riofht to do more than restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for ihe war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes his aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in Avi'inging their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not lest Ave be judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has his ow^n pur])Oses. " Woe unto the world because of oflences, for it must needs be that offences come ; but woe to that man by whom the oftence comet h." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of these oflences, which, in the Providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through the appointed time, he now" wills to remove, and that he gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whdfn the oflfence came, — shall we discern therein any dcfiarture from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascrilie to him? Fondly do we hoj)e, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may soon pass away. Yet God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid with another drawn with the sword. As was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, "The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether," With malice toward none, with charity to all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to (!are for him who sliall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. Table sJunrhig the distance by the nearest Railroad and Mail lioute from Washington^ D. C, to the principal Cities and loicns. Cities nnd Miles from Towns. States, Wu»hingt<>n. Auburn New York 530 Albany " 375 Alexandria Virginia 6 Get the Bc!»t. ^VII.COX &, OIBBS' Sewing IWfaeliliie, at 77 Felix Street, St. Joseph, ^liMtiouri. DOXIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS FRA^lSriv M. TEA^CY'S Xon-Residcnts, havinsr taxes to pay in Northern Kansas, can liave them paid tlirougli tills Agent'}' hy remitting drafts on any relial'le Banks iu tlio United States, or money or- ders on this Post-Otfiee. Charges not exorbitant. Letters of inquiry, relative to Buying or Selling Lands, or concerning T-axes, will bo promptly answered, if stamp is inclosed for reiuni postage. Address FRANK 31, TRACY, TROY, Kansas. Citic-s and Miles from Towns. St;ites. Wushiiiirton. Alton Illinois 951 Annapolis Maryland 40 Atlanta Geoigia 805 Augusta '. Maine 631 Atciiison Kansas 1,247 Austin Texas 1,895 Baltimore Maryland 40 Baih Maine 605 Boston ALassachusetts 464 Baton Rouge Louisiana 1,2,30 Brooklyn . . . ; New York 226 Bnfialo " 458 Burlington Towa 1,041 Chicago Illinois 842 Cincinnati Ohio '585 Cleveland " 530 Columbus " 541 Columbus Georgia 908 Columbia South Carolina 5 75 Cairo Illinois 985 Concord New Hampshire 537 Davenport Iowa 1 ,033 Des Moines " 1,188 Dubuque " ] ,036 Doni|than Kansas 1,.249 Detroit Michigan 645 Denver City Colorado 1 ,870 Dayton, Ohio 616 Erie Pennsylvania 420 Elmira New York 295 Eugene City Oregon 3,210 Fi'edericksbiirg .Virginia 70 Fashionable Milliners at Mrs. W. T. STOXE'S, 110 Felix Street, i»t. Joseph, Missouri, EI^FRED & YOinVC, Drn^gists and Apothecaries, S. W. cor. 4tli and Edmond Streets, 8t. Joseph, IVlissonri. 4 HISTORY AND DIBECTOKY OF Cities and Miles from Towns. States. "VSasliinston. Fort Wayne Indiana 695 Frankfort Kentucky TlS Frederick Maryland 80 Galena Illinois 1,013 Gloucester Massachusetts 501 Great Salt Lake City Utah Territory 2,340 Golden City Colorado 1 ,854 Green Bay Wisconsin 1 ,084 Hamburg Pennsylvania 127 Hartford Connecticut 340 Huntsville Alabama 717 Hiawatha Kansas 1,279 Highland " 1,233 Indianapolis Indiana 695 Independence Missouri 1,088 Jefterson City " 1,050 Junction City Kansas 1,377 Kansas City Missouri 1,208 Keokuk Iowa - 1 ,0 1 9 Knoxville Tennessee 512 Lansing Michigan 748 Lexington Kentucky 694 Lexington Missouri 1 ,148 Little Rock. Arkansas 1,100 Leavenworth City Kansas 1,245 Louisville Kentucky 725 Lynfchburg Virginia 1 75 Madison Wisconsin 950 Memphis Tennessee 935 Milledgeville Georgia 865 Montgomery Alab;inia 1 ,000 Mobile " 1,177 Milwaukee Wisconsin 927 Montj)elicr Vermont 575 New York New York 228 New Orleans Louisiana 1,301 Nashville Tcimessee 910 Natchez Mississippi 1 ,200 Newport Rhode Island 390 Norfolk Virginia 230 Omaha Xebr.iska 1 ,300 Oiympia Washington Territory 3,530 Oswego New York 525 rhiladeli)hia rennsylvania 138 Mrs. %V. T. STO\K, Dealer in llillinery Cioods, Xo. 110 Felix 2!»lreet, St. Joseph, x^lissouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. H^RMOI^ D. HXJISrT, DEALER I.V Hardware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, AND FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, WATHENA, Kansas. Always on hand a full assortment of BUILDERS' HARDWARE. DOORS, SASH, AND GLASS. Also IIORSE-SIIOES AND NAILS. PrRCIIASERS WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY BY CALLING ON ME. Cities and Miles from 'Jowns. States. Wiisliington. Pittsburg Pennsylvania 374 Pensacola Florida 1,157 Peoria Illinois 938 Quincy " 1,010 Quindaro Kansas 1 ,238 Raleigli North Carolina 300 Richmond Virginia 130 Rochester New Yoi-k 407 Saint Joseph Missouri 1,208 Saint Louis " 927 Saint Paul Minnesota 1,287 Salem Massachusetts 480 San Francisco California 3,1 93 Santa Fe New Mexico 2,100 Springfield Illinois 920 Springfield Missouri 1,116 Syracuse New York 485 Toledo Ohio 636 Troy New York 379 Troy Kansas 1,223 Trenton New Jersey 168 Topeka Kansas 1,280 Utica . ; New York 468 Vicksburg Mississippi 1,1 35 Wheehng West Virginia 400 Washington D. C Wilmington North Carolina 375 Worcester Massachusetts 420 Waukegan Illinois 885 Wathena Kansas 1,215 White Cloud " 1,297 SAM S. MoOIBBONS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Hissouri, Sign of the £lephaut. Empire Sewiiiff^Iao!iiiie,^VEL.L,S & RICH^f>X»,Geiri Wcslern Agents, Principal Oflice, <>or. 2d and Franeisi !!itrect!«, !^t. Joseph, iMissouri. 6 HISTOKY AND DIEECTORY OF UNITED STATES INTEKNAL REV- ENUE STAMP DUTIES. (schedule b.) AoKEEMEXT, Other than dotnestic and inland hills of lading, and those specified in this schedule; any appraisement of value or damage, or for any other purpose ; for every sheet or piece of papur upon which either of the same shall be written ($0.05). jProvided, that if more than one appraisement, agreenient, or contract shall be written upon one sheet or piece of paper; five cents for each and every additional appraisement, agreement, or contract. Bank Checks, drafts, or order for the payment of any sura of money, whatsoever, drawn upon any bank, or banker, or trust company, or for any sum exceeding ten dollars drawn upon any other person or persons, com- panies, or corporations, at sight, or on demand ($0.02). Bills of Exchange (inland), draft, or order for the payment of any sum of money not exceeding one hundred dollars, otherwise than at sight, or on demand, or any promissory note (except bank notes issued for circu- lation, and checks made and intended to be forthwith presented, and Avhich shall be presented to a bank or hanker for payment), or any memorandum, check, receipt, or other written or printed evidence of an amount of money to be paiil on demand or at a time designated, for a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($0.05). And for every additional hundred dollars, or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred dollars ($0.05). Bill of Exchange (foreign), or letter of credit, drawn in but payable out of the United States, if drawn singly, or otherwise than in a set of three or more, according to the custom of merchants and bankers, shall pay the same rates of duty as inland bills of exchange or promissory notes. If drawn in sets of three or more ; ibr every bill of each set, where the sum made payable shall not exceed one hundred dollars, or the equiv- alent thereof in any foreign currency, in which such bills may be expressed, according to the standard of value fixed by the United States ($0.02). And for every additional hundred dollars, or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred dollars ($0.02). Bill of Lading or receipt (other than charter-party), for any goods^ merchandise, or effects, to be exported from a port or [)lace in the Uniteii States to any foreign port or place ($0.10). Bill of Sale, by which any ship or vessel, or any part thereof, shall be conveyed to or vested in any other person or persons, when the consider- ation shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($0.50). DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSA8. WHITING & CON NELL, DEAI.KRS IN BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ttc, ]V<>. lO^Jt FELIX STR-EET, (under urady's hall.) G. W. CORNELL, f ST, JOSEPH, MOi Exceeding five hundred, and not exceeding one tliousand dollars ($1.00). Exceeding one thousand dollars, for every additional amount of five hundred dollars, or fractional part thereof ($0.50). Bond. — For indemnifying any person for the payment of any sura of money, where the money ultimately recoverable thereupon is one thousand dollars, or less ($0.50). Where the money ultimately recoverable thereupon exceeds one thousand dollars, for every additional one thousand dollars, or fractional part thereof in excess of one thousrmd dollars ($0.50). Bond for the due execuiiou or performance of the duties of any office ($1.00). Bond of any description, other than such as mny be required in legal proceedings, or used in connection with mortgage deeds, and not other- wise charged in this schedule ($0.25). Ceiitificatk of stock in any incorporated company ($0.25). Certificate of profits, or any certificate or memorandum showing an interest in the property or accumulations of any incorporated company, if for a sum not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars ($0.10). Exceeding fifty and not exceeding one thousand dollars ($0.25). Exceeding one thousand dollars, for every additional one thousand dollars or fractional part thereof ($0.25.) Certificate. — Any certificate of damage, or otherwise, and all other certificates or documents issued by any port-warden, marine surveyor, or other person acting as such ($0.25). Certificate of deposit of any sum of money in any bank or trust company, or with any banker or person acting as such. If for a sum not exceeding one hundred dolhirs ($0.0i^). For a sum exceeding one hundred dollars ($0.05). Certificate of any other desciiption than those specified ($0,05). Ciiarter-Party. — Contract or :igreement for the charter of any ship or vessel, or any letter, memorandum, or other writing between the cap- tain, master, or ownei', or person acting, as agent of any ship or vessel, or ELFRED & TOITIVG, Drng-gists and Apothecaries, S. VfT. cor. 4tb and Edmond l^trcets, i»t. Joseph, ini§$ouri. 8 HISTORY AJSTD DIE KG T OK Y OF Steamer, or any other person or persons for or relating to the charter of such sliip or vessel, or steamer, or aiiy renewal or transfer tliereof, if the i"egiisteretl tonnage of such ship or vessel, or steamer, does not exceed one hundred and fifty tons ($1.00). Exceeding one hundred and fifty tons, and not exceeding three hun- dred tons (13.00). Exceeding three hundred tons, and not exceeding six hundred tons ($5.00). Exceeding six hundred tons (llO.OO). Contract. — Broker's note, or memorandum, of sale of any goods or merchandise, real estate, or property of any kind or description, issued by brokers, or persons acting as such, for each note or memorandum of sale ($0.10). Conveyance, deed, instrument, or writing, whereby any lands, tene- ments, or other realty sold shall be granted, assigned, transferred, or otherwise conveyed, or vested in, the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons, by his, her, or their direction, when the consideration or value does not exceed five hundred dollars ($0.50.) When the consideration exceeds five hundred dollars, and does not exceed one thousand dollars ($1.00). And for every additional five hundred dollars, or fractional part thereof, in excess of one thousand dollars ($0.50). Entry of any goods, wares, or merchandise, at any custom-house, either for consumption or warehousing, not exceeding one hundred dollars in value ($0.25). Exceeding one hundred dollars, and not exceeding five hundred dol- lars in value ($0.50). Exceeding five himdred dollars in value ($1.00), Entry for the withdrawal of any goods or merchandise from bonded warehouse ($0.50). Insurance (Life). — Policies of insurance, or other instrument, by whatever name the same shall be called, whereby any insurance shall be made upon any life, or lives — when the amount insured shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($0.25). Exceeding one thousand dollars and not exceeding five thousand dol- lars ($0.50). Exceeding five thousand dollars ($1.00). Insitraxce (Marine, Inland, and Fire). — Each policy of insurance or other instrument, by whatever name the same sh.all be called, by which insurance sliall be made or renewed upon property of any description, whether against perils by the sea, or by fire, or other peril of any kind, made by any insurance compaaiy, or its agents, or by any other comjiany or its agent«<, or by any other pereon or persons, the premium upon which does not exceed ten df)Ilars (%0.10). S.%11 S. lIr«IBBO\S A CO., Denlcr T TJ 2?L n?a- X i»jr o , MAIN STREET, WHITE CLOUD, K A X S A S , notary public or by any other officer who m:iy be authorized by the la\v of any State or States to make such protest (•$0.25). Receipts for any sum of money, or for the payment of any debt, exceeding twenty dollars in amount, not being for the satisfaction of any mortgage or judgment or decree of any court, or by indorsement on any stamped obligation in acknowledgment of its fultillment, for each receipt (80.02). Provided, That when more than one signature is affixed to the same paper, one or more stamps mny be affixed thereto, representing the whole amount of tlie stamp rcqnirt-d for such signatures, and that the term money as herein used sliall be held to include drafts and otlier instru- ments given for tlie payment of money. J*roviderci-ie*«, Quceiiswaro, Ilsirdtvare, siiul WoodtiiAvare. OX^OI^ZZXISrO 3V£u^X>33 TO O H. U 33 H. . XL — The liberty of the press shall be inviohiti', and all persons may freely speak, write, or publish their sentiments upported by oath or atlirma- tion, particulaily describing the place to be searched and the person or property to be seized. XVI. — Xo person shall be impi'isoned foi* debt except in case of fraud. XVII. — Xo distinction shall ever be made between citizens and aliens in reference to the purchase, enjoyment, or descent of property. XVIIl. — All persons, for injuries sufFen-d in person, reputati< n, or property, shall have remedy by.due course of law and justice, administered withoxit delay. XIX. — Xo hereditary emoluments, honors, or privileges shall ever be granted or conferred by the Slate. XX. — This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or For Drugs and ]?Icdicines go to ELFRED & TOUXCJ'S, S. W. cor. •Itli uud Ediuond Streets, St. Joseph, IMLissouri. 14 11 1 S T O li Y AND 1) I li E O T O li Y O F deny others retaiiKnl by the i>eople, and all powers not herein delegated remain wiih the people. ARTICLE FIRST. EXKCUIIYK. Skc. I. — The Executive Dep.irtnient shall consist of a Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of" Stale, Auditor, Treasurer, Attorney- General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall be choeeu by the elect ois of the State at the time and place of voting for members of tlie Legislature, and shall hold their offices for the term of two years from the second Mondiiy in January next after their election, and until their successors are elected and qualifierovided. XI. — In case of the death, impeachment, resignation, removal, or other disability of the Governor, the power and duties of the office for the residue of the term, or until the dis.ibility shall be removed, shall devolve upon the President of the Senate. XII. — The Lieutenant-Governor shall be President of the Senate, and shall vote only when t!ie Senate is equally divided. The Senate shall choose a President pro tcmiton- to preside in case of his absence or im- peachment, or when he sliall hold the ollice of Governor. XIII. — Ifthe Lieutenant-GMvernor, while holding the office of Gover- nor, shall be impeached or truction become incapable of performing the duties of his office for any of the causes specified in the thirteemh section of this article, the Governor shall fill the vacancy until the disability is removed or a successor is elected and qualified. Every such vacancy shall be filled by election at the first general election that occurs more than thirty days after it shall have happened; and the person chosen shall hold the office for the unexpired term. XV. — The officers mentioned in this article shall at stated times re- ceive for their services a compensation, to be established by law, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period ibr which they shall have been elected. XVI. — The officers of the exccnlive department, and of all public State institutions, shall, at least ten days preceding such regular session of WILCOX & GIBB§' Seivinjr Maehino. fscncral Affon<«j. T7 Felix Street, St. Joseph, .ISitisouri, J. *». )«iiIOKT, Ageiil. / For S>ru£;<) and i?IedielncK go lo ELFRED & YOFXG'S, S. W^. cop. 4th uud i]diBi(»iid Street.*, St. JoKepIi, ]ni»i!!iouri. 16 HISTOKT AND DIRECT OKT OF the Legislature, severally report to the Governor, who shall transmit such reports to the Legislature. ARTICLE SECOND. LEGISLATIVE. Sec. I. — The leglslaiive power of the State shall be vested in a House of Rt'presentatives and Senate. II. — The first House of Representatives, umler this Constitution, shall consist of seventy-five members, who shall be chosen for one year. The first Senate shtill eonsist of twenty-five members, who shall be chosen for two years. After the first election, the number of Senatoi'S and mem- bers of the House of Representatives shall be regulated by law; but shall never exceed one hnidre I Representatives and thirty-three Senators. HL — The membei-s of the Legislature shall receive, as compensation for their services, the sum of three dollars for each day's aQtual service at any regular or special sess'on, and fifteen cents per mile traveled by the usual route in going to and returning from the place of meeting, but such com])ensation shall not in the aggregate exceed the sum of two hundred and forty dollars for each niemlicr, as per diem allowance for the first ses- sion held under this Constitution, nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars for each session thereafter ; nor more than ninety dollars for any special session. IV. — No person shall be a member of the Legislature who is not at the time of his election a qualified voter of and a resident in the county or district for which lie is elected, ^ V. — No member of Cougrcss or officer of the United States shall he eligible to a se^at in the Legislature. If any person, after his election to the Legislature, be electepellate jurisdiction as may be provided liy law. It shall hold one term each year at the seat of Govenmient, and such other terms at such other places as nu\y be provided by law, and its juiisdiction shall be co-exten.sive with the State. IV. — ^There shall be appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court a reporter and clerk of said Court, who shall hold their offices two years, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law. V. — The State shall be divided into five Judicial Districts, in each of which there shall be elected l)y the electors thereof a District Judge, who J. B. IWcCLiEERY & CO., ^Vholesale and Retail Dealers iu Books, Stationery, &c., 103 Felix Street, St. Joseph, 91o. 20 UISTORY AND DIKECTORY OF sliall hold his office for tlie term of four years. District Courts shall be held at such times and places as may be provided by law. Vr. — The District Courts shall have such jurisdiction in their respective districts as may be provided by law. VII. — There shall be elected in each organized county a Clerk of the District Court, who shall hold his office two years, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law. VIII, — There shall be a Probate Court in each county, which shall be a Court of Kecord, and have such probate jurisdiction and care of estates of deceased persons of unsound minds as may be prescribed by law, and shall have jurisdiction in cases of habeas corpus. This Court shall consist of one Judge, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the county and hold his office two years. He shall be his own clerk and shall hold Court at such times, and receive for compensation such fees, as may be prescribed by law. IX. — The Justices of the Peace shall be elected in each township, whose term of office sliall be two years, and whose powers and duties shall be prescribed by law. The Justices of the Peace may be increased in any township by law. X. — All appeals from Probate Courts and Justices of the Peace shall be to the District Court. XI. — All the judicial officers provided for in this article shall be elected at the first election under this Constitution, and shall reside in their respective townships, counties, or districts during their respective terms of office. In case of vacancy in any judicial office it shall be filled by appointment of the Governor until the ne.vt regular election that shall occur more than thirty days after such vacancy shall have happened. XII. — All judicial officers shall hold their offices until their successors shall have been qualified. XIII. — The Justices of the Supreme Court and Judges of the District shall, at stated times, receive for their services such compensation as may be provided by law, which shall not be increased during their respective terms of office: Provided, Such compensations shall not be less than fifteen hundred dollars to each Justice or Judge each year, and such Justices or Judges shall receive no fees or perquisites or hold any other office of profit or trust under the authority of the State or the United States during the term of office for which said Justices and Judges shall be elected, nor practice law in any of the Courts of the State during their continuance in office. XIV. — Provisions may be made by law for the increase of the num- ber of judicial districts whenever two-thirds of the members of each House shall concur. Such disfricts shall be formed of compact territory, SAW S. IflcCiilBBO^V^ & CO., Beaicrs in Boots an<1 Shoes, Iflar- kct Square, St. Joseph, Missouri. Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 21 Dr. J. H. SAWYER, OFFICE IN PARKER'S BLOCK, COMMERCIAL STREET, ATCHISON, KANSAS. 'Ofiifaj^ ^:^i> (&£>,'s o&3.5^ ^i-!*^i W^^ ^I'Sj "-s-'?' fc7-L>^ iC^\ ITLJ- tTS^ ^©SX' LADIES WAITED ON ^V^l-^/^-zT- CHILDREN'S TEETH AT THEIR RESIDENCE __j:^,i^^^^._!:ll> CAREFULLY IF INDISPOSED. -£^^^^^S^ ATTENDED TO. Teeth inserted from one to a full set in the latest improvements of the art. A. 1 1 ^V o r k "W arranted. and bounded by county lines, and such increase shall not vacate the office of any judge. XV. — Justices of the Supreme Conrt and judges of the District Courts may be removed from office by resolution of both Houses, if two-thirds of the members of each House concur; but no such removal shall be made except upon complaint, the substance of which shall be entered upon the journal, nor until the party charged shall have had notice and opportunitv to be heard. XVI. — The several justices and judges of the Courts of Record in this State shall have such jurisdictional chambers as may be provided by law. XVII. —The style of all process shall be " The State of Kansas," and all pi'osecutions shall be carried on in the name of the State. XVIH. — Until otherwise provided by law, the first district shall con- sist of the counties of Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Jefferson, and Jackson. The second district shall consist of the counties of Atchison, Doniphan, Brown, Xemaha, Marshall, and Washington. The third district shall con- sist of the counties of Pottawatomie, Riley, Clay, Dickinson, Davis, Wa- baunsee, and Shawnee. The fourth district shall consist of the counties of Douglas, Johnson, Lykins, Franklin, Anderson, Linn, Bourbon, and Allen. The fifth district shall consist of the counties of Osage, Coflfee, USE ELFRED'S BAKING POWDER. 22 H 1 S T O li y AND D I K E C T O K Y OF Woodson, Greenwood, Madison, Breckinridge, Morris, Chase, Butler, and. Hunter. XIX. — New or unorganized counties shall by law be attached for judicial purposes to the most convenient judicial districts. XX. — I'rovisions shall be made by law for the selection by the bar of a pro tempore judge of the District Court when the judge is absent or otherwise unable or disqualified to sit in any case. ARTICLE FOURTH. ELECTIONS. Sec. I. — All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elec- tions, by the Legislature shall be viva voce. II. — General elections shall be held annually on the Tuesday succeed- ing the first Monday in November. Township elections shall be held on the first Tuesday of April until otherwise provided by law. ARTICLE FIFTH. SUFFRAGE. Sec. I. — Every white male person of twenty-one years and upward, belonging to either of the following classes, who shall have resided in Kansas six months next preceding any election, and in the township or ward in which he offers to vote at least thirty days next preceding such election — shall be deemed a qualified elector : 1st. Citizens of the United States. 2d. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens, conformable to the laws of the United States on the sul)ject of naturalization. II. — No person under guardianship, non compos mentis^ or insane, shall be qualified to vote, nor any person convicted of treason or felony, unless restored to civil rights. III. — No soldier, seaman, or marine in the army or navy of the United States, or of their allies, shall be deemed to have acquired a resi- dence in the State in consequence of being stationed within the same ; nor shall any soldier, seaman, or marine have the right to vote. IV. — The Legislature shall pass such laws as may be necessary for as- certaining by proper proofs the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage hereby established. V. — Every person who shall give or accept a challenge to fight a duel, or who shall knowingly carry to another person such challenge, or "W. T. STONE, Dealer in Boot<« and Shoes, S Sceond Street, St. Joiepli, IVIiiftouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 23 KTEJ^V^ & BAN Manufacturers of, and Dealers in, all kinds of No. 65 Edmond Street, Bet. Tliird and Fourth Streets, shall go out of the State to fight a duel, shall be ineligible to any oflice of trust or profit. VI, — Every person who shall have given or offered a bribe to procure his election shall be disqualified from holding office during the term for which he may have been elected. VII. — Electors, during their attendance at elections, and in going to and returning therefrom, shall be privileged from arrest in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace. ARTICLE SIXTH. EDUCATION. Sec. I. — The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall hav the general supervision of the Common School fund and educational intei ests of the State, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law. A Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be elected in each county, whose term of office shall be two years, and whose duty and com- pensation shall be prescribed by law. II. — The Legislature shall encourage the promotion of intellectual. Buy Boots tuid Slioci of W. T. STOXE, Xo. § $9eooiid Street, §f. Joiiepli, ]?Ii8»ouri. Empire Sewing l?IacIiine,^VEL.L,S Sc RICIflfO:VD,Gcn'l Western Agents, Principal Olllce, cor. 2cl and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, mi»souri. 24 HISTOliY AND DIKECTOKY OF moral, scientific, anrl agricultural iraprovetKent, by establishing a uniform system of Common Schools and schools of higher grade, embracing normal, preparatory, Collegiate, and University departments. III. — The proceeds of all lands that have been or may be granted by the United States to the State for the support of the Schools, and the five hundred thousand acres of land granted to the new State under an act of Congress distributing the proceeds of public lands among the several States of the Union, approved September 4th, a, d. 1841, and all estates of persons dying without heir or will, and such per cent, as may be granted by Congress on the sale of lands in this State, shall be the common property of the State, and shall be a perpetual School fund, w^hich shiill not be diminished, but the interest of which, together with all the rents of the lands and such other means as the Legislature may pro- vide by tax or otherwise, shall be inviolably appropriated to the support of Common Schools. IV. — The incomeof the State school funds shall be disbursed annually by order of the State Superintendent to the several County Treasurers, and thence to the treasurers of the several school districts, in equitable proportion to the number of children and youth resident therein between the ages of five and twenty-one years. Provided^ That no school district in which a common school has not been maintained at least three months in each year, shall be entitled to receive any portion of such funds. V. — The school lands shall not be sold unless such sale shall be authorized by a vote of the people at a general election ; but, subject to a revaluation every five years, they may be leased for any number of years, not exceeding twenty-five, at a rate established by law. VI. — All money which shall be paid by persons as an equivalent for exemption from military duty; the clear proceeds of estrays, ownership of which shall vest in the taker-up ; and the proceeds of fines for any breach of the penal laws, shall be exclusively applied in the several counties in which the money is paid or fines collected to the support of common schools. VII. — Provision shall be made by law for the establishment of some eligible and central })oint of a State University for the promotion of litera- ture and the arts and sciences, including a normal and an agricultural departnient. All funds arising from the sales or rents of lands granted by the United States to the State for the siipport of a State University, and all other grants, donations, or betjuests, either by the State or by individuals for such a purpose, shall remain a permanent fund, to be called "The University fund," the interest of which shall be a])proi)riated to the support of the State University. VIII. — No religious sect or sects shall ever control any part of the Common School or University funds of the State. IX. — The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary of DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 25 J. ^VELSPI, M. 13.. f h|»sii(uiiu, f ttVjicoH, aiut ^IjQtctviciau, DONIPHAN KANSAS. ^^♦-^ Particular attention given to Diseases of AVomen and Children. State, and Attorney-General, shall constitute a Board of Commissioners for the management and investment of ihe school funds. Any two of said Commissioners shall be a quorum. ARTICLE SEVENTH. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Sec. I. — Institutions for the insane, blind, and deaf and dumb, and such other benevolent institutions as the public good may require, shall be fostered and supported by the State, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law. Trustees of such benevolent institutions as may be hereafter created, shall be appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and upon all nominations made by the Governor, the question shall be taken in yeas and nays, and entered upon the journal. II. — A penitentiary shall be established ; the directors of which shall be appointed or elected as prescribed by law. III. — The Governor shall fill any vacancy that may occur in the offices aforesaid until the next session of the Legislature, and until a successor to his appointee shall be confirmed and qualified. IV. — The respective counties of the State shall provide, as may be prescribed by law, for those inhabitants who, by reason of age, infirmity, or other misfortune, may have claims upon the sympathy and aid of society. ARTICLE EIGHTH. MILITIA. Sec. I. — The Militia shall be composed of all able-bodied white male citiziins, between the ages of twenty-one and forty-five years, except such as are exempted by the laws of the United States or of this State ; but all citizens of any religious denomination whatever, who from scruples of conscience may be averse to bearing arms, shall be exempted therefrom upon such conditions as may be prescribed by law. 11. — The Legislature shall provide for organizing, equipping, and dis- USE ELFRED'S BAKIIVO POWDER. 26 HISTORY AND DIKECTORY OF ciplinini;- tlie Militia, in such m;inner as it shall deem expedient, not incom- jiatible with the laws of the United States. Ill, — Officers of the Militia shall be elected or appointed, and com- missioned in such manner as may be provided by h\w. IV. — Tiie Governor sliall be commandei-in-chief, and shall have power to call out the ^Militia to execute the laws, to suppress insurrection, and to repel invasion. ARTICLE NINTH. COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OROANIZATION. Sec. I. — The Legislature shall provide for organizing new counties, locating county seats, and changing county lines; but no county seat shall be changed without the consent of a majority of the electors of the county ; nor any county organized, nor the lines of any changed so as to include aa area of less than four hundred and thirty-two square miles. 11. — The Legislature shall provide for such county and township officers as may be necessary. III. — All county officers shall hold their offices for the term of two years, ami until their successors sliall be qualified ; but no person shall hold the office of Sheriff or County Treasurer for more than two consecu- tive terms. IV. — Township officers, except Justices of the Peace, shall hold their offices one year, from the Monday next succeeding their election and until their successors are qualified. V. — All county and township officers maybe removed from office in such manner and for such cause as shall be j^rescribed by law. ARTICLE TENTH. APPORTIONMENT. Seo. I. — In the future apportionment of the State each organized county shall have at least one representative ; and each county shall be divided into as many districts as it has representatives. II. — It shall be the duty of the first Legislature to make an apportion- ment based upon the census ordered by the last Legislative Assembly of the Territory, and a new apportionment shall be made in the year 1866, and every five years thereafter, based upon the census of the preceding year. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. FINANCE AND TAXATION. Sec. I. — The Legislature shall provide for a uniform and equal Buy Boot» and Shoes of W. T. STOIVE, No. 8 Sceond Street, St. Joseph, ]?lissouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 27 JACOB IIAUCK. GEO. M. IIAUCK. Excelsior Flouring Mills, Cor. SECOND & FRANKLIN Sts., ST. JOSEPH, Mo. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds ot'^Milliiig Grain. Best brands Flour and Meal always on hand. rate of assessment and taxation ; hut all property used exclnsively for State, county, municipal, literary, educational, scientific, religious, benev- olent, and charitable purposes, and personal property to the amount of at least two hundred dollars for each family, shall be exempted from tax- ation. II. — The Legislature shall provide for taxing the notes and bills dis- counted or purchased, moneys loaned, and other property, effects, or dues of every description (without deduction) of all banks now existing or hereafter to be created, and of all bankers ; so that all property employed in banking shall always bear a burden of taxation equal to that imposed upon the property of individuals. III. — The Legislature shall provide each year for raising revenue sufficient to defray the current expenses of the State. IV. — No tax shall be levied except in pursuance of a law Avhich shall distinctly state the object of the same, to which object only such tax shall be applied. V, — For the purpose of defraying extraordinary expenses and making public improvements the State may contract public debts ; but such debts shall never, in the aggregate, exceed one million dollars, except as herein- after provided. Eveiy such debt shall be authorized by law for some purpose specified therein, and a vote of a majority of all the members elected to each House, to be taken by the j^eas and nays, shall be necessary to the passage of such laAV, and every such law shall provide for levying an annual tax sufficient to pay the annual interest of such debt, and the principal thereof when it shall become due, and shall specifically appi'o- priate the proceeds of such taxes to the payment of such principal and interest; and such appropriation shall not be repealed nor the taxes post- poned or diminished until the principal and interest of such debt shall Jiave been wholly paid. YI. — Xo debt shall be contracted by the State except as herein provided, unless the proposed law for creating such debt shall first be submitted to a direct vote of the electors of the State at some general election ; and if W. T. STOIVE, Dealer In Boots and Shoes, 8 Second Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. Every Housekeeper uses ELFRED'S BAKING POWDER. 28 HISTORY AND I) I K E C T O R Y OF such proposed law sliall be ratified by a majority of all the votes cast at such general election, then it shall be the duty of the Legislature next alter sucli eloetion, to enact such law and create such debt, subject to all the provisions and restrictions provided in the preceding section of this article. VII. — The State may borrow money to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the State in time of war; but the money thus raised shall be ap])lied exclusively to the object for which the law was authorized, or to the repayment of the debt thereby created. VIII. — The State shall never be a party in carrying on any works of internal improvement. ARTICLE TWELFTH. CORPORATIOXS. Sec. I. — The Legislature shall pass no s)>ecial act confirming corporate powers. Corporations may be created under general laws,' but all such laws may be amended or I'epealed. IL — Dues from corporations shall be secured by individual liability of the stockholders to an additional amount equal to the stock owned by each stockholder ; and such other means as shall be provided bylaw ; but 8uch individual liabilities shall not apply to railroad corporations nor corporations lor religious or charitable purposes. III. — The title to all property of religious corporations shall vest in trustees, whose election shall be by the members of such corporations. IV. — No right of way shall be appro])riated to the use of any corpo- ration until the compensation therefor be first made in money or secured by a deposit of money to the owner, irrespective of any benefit from any improvement proposed by such corporation. V. — Provisions shall be made by general law for the organization of cities, towns, and villages ; and their |)ower of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit, shall be so restricted as to prevent the abuse of such power. VI. — The term corporation, as used in this ai'ticle, shall include all associations and joint-stock companies having powers and privileges not possessed by individuals and partnerships; and all corporations may sue and be sued in their corjjorate name. ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. BANKS AND CUUUEN( Y. Skc. I. — No bank shall be established otherwise than under a general ba nkin I li K C T O R Y O V made by eiilier br.uu-li of tlie Legislature, and if two-tliiixls of all the members elected to each House shall concur therein, such proposed amend- ments, together with the yeas and nays, shall be entered on the journal; and the Secretary of State shall cause the same to be published in at least one newspaper in each county of the State where a newspaper is pub- lished, for three months preceding the next election for represent Uives, at which time the same shall be submitted to the electors for their ap- proval or rejection ; and if a majority of the electors voting on said amenrinting shall be let on contract to the lowest respon- sible bidder, by such executive officers, and in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. V. — An accurate and detailed statement of the receipts and expendi- tures of the jnablic moneys, and the several amounts paid to whom, and on what account, shall be published as prescribed by law. VI. — The Legislatuie shall provide for the |)rotection of the rights of women in accjuiring and possessing proj)orty, real, ])ersonal, and mixed, separate and ai)art frcnn the hu.sl»and; and shall aLso provide for their equal rights in the possession of their children. VII. — The Legislature may reduce the salaries of officers who shall neglect the perlbrmance of any legal duty. Mrs. W, T. STOXE, I>ealer in lliHiner) Goods No. 110 Felix Mreet, l^t. Jo^epli, ITlissouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 31 MANUFACTURER OF TIN, COPPER, & SHEET IRON "VV ^ R E , Galvanized Iron Cornice, Eoofing, Gutter, and Pipe. DEALER IN JlND SOLE AGENT FOR BITR'S PATENT DIPROVED ^llELESS ©QQE S,.i:OV ^ '^'^ PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, Commercial St., bet. 3d and 4th Sts., South side, ATCHISON, KANSAS. Job T\'ork of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. YIII. — The temj)orary seat of Government is hereby located at the city of Topeka, county of S]jawnee. The first Legislature under this Constitution shall provide by law for submitting the question of the permanent location of the Capital to a popular vote, and a majority of all the votes cast at some general election shall be necessary for such location. IX. — A homestead to the extent of one hundred and sixty acres of fixrming land, or of one acre within the limits of an incorj)orated town or city, occupied as a residence by the family of the owner, together with all the improvements on the same, shall be exempted from forced sale under any process of law, and shall not be alienated without the joint consent of husband and wife when that relation exists; but 7)o pro|)erty shall be exempt from sale for taxes, or for the payment of obligations contracted for the purchase of said premises, or for the erection of improvements thereon: Pt-ovided, The provisions of this section shall not apply to any process of law obtained by virtue of a lien given by the consent of both husband and wife. Every Housekeeper uses ELFRED'S BAKING POWDER, 32 IIISTOKY AND DIKECTORY OF The popular vote for Presitkiit at the last Presidential Election (in 1864) was as follows: Union candidate, Lincoln, 16,441. Democratic candidate, McClellan, 3,691. Union majority, 12.750, The Constitution of Kansas gives a vote to every white male adult "W"ho has resided six months in the Slate and thirty days in the town, who is either a citizen or has declared his intention. A'<(mes and Salaries of the Kansas State Officers and Judges of Courts. S. J. Crawford Governor 62,000 00 per annum. N. Green Lieut. Governor 6 00 per day, R. A. Barker. Sect'y of Slate 1,500 00 per annum. J. R. Swallow Auditor " 1,500 00 " •' M.Anderson Treas. " 1,200 00 " « P. McVicar Snp't Pub. Instruction 1,200 00 " " G. H. Hoyt Att'y Gcner.al 1,000 00 " " JUDGES OP THE SUPREME COURT. S. A. Kingman Chief Justice ll.SOO 00 per annum. J. Saiford Associate Justice 1,500 00 " " L. D. Bailey " " 1,500 00 " " JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURT. D. W, Brewer 1st Dist $1,500 00 per annum, R. St. Clair Graham 2d " 1,500 00 " '' C. R. Gilchrist 3d '' 1 ,500 00 " " D.M.Valentine .* 4th « 1,500 00 " " J. IL Watson 5th " 1,500 00 " " D.P.Lowe 6th " 1,500 00 " Wm. Spriggs 7th " 1,500 00 " " James Humphries 8th " 1,500 00 " " S. N. Wood 9th " 1,500 00 '* " united states coxgressman. Sidney Clarke. united states senators. S. C. PoMEROY. E. G. Ross. Mark M. Delahay, U. S. District Judge, G. B. Lines, U. S. Pension Agent. C. C. Whiting, IT. S. 3Tarshal. SAM S. McOIBBOXS A; CO., Dealers in Boots an, Kansas. CUSTOM WORK DONE TO ORDER^^ Terms of the District Court in the State of Kansas. 1st District. — Leaven irorth Count >/^ on tlie 1st Monday in March, May, and September; and the second Monday in November. (Leaveinvorth County Seat.) Wt/andot(e Count i/, on the 1st Monday in April and October. (Wyandotte County Seat.) 2d District. — Atchison Co((nti/,ou the 4th Monday of February, 2d Mon- day of June and November. (Atchison County Seat.) Doniphan Counti/, 3d Monday of March, 2d Monday of September and December. (Troy County Seat.) Broicn Countij, 1st JNIonday of April, and 2d Monday of October. (Hiawatha County Seat.) Nemaha Coimty, 2d Monday of April, and 3d Monday of October. (Seneca County Seat.) Jtlarshall Count;/, 3d Monday of April, and 4ih Monday of Oetolier. (Marysville County Seat.) 3d District. — Jefferson CER. 44 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF inent ; they are accustomed to do their own thinking and wish to educate the youth of the country to do the same. In order to accomplish this, tlie excellent system of schools adopted and fianied from the workint^s of all other systems in older States are adopted by our State. It is based upon the principle that the property of the State shall educate the childreu of the State. Taking the report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State made to December 31, 1867 (or including the year 18G7), we see that the number of school districts organized in 1866 was 986, and in the year 1867 there were reported 1,172 school districts organized, showing an in- crease in one year of 186 districts. The number of persons of school ages in the year 1866 was 54,723, and in the year 1867 there were reported 62,833, an increase in one year of 8,110, of which there are enrolled in public schools 39,449 ; average daily attendance 20,573 ; average time school has been taught within the year, 4.6 months; number of children studying the alphabet, 2,672; spelling, 20,162 ; reading, 20,293; vocal music, 1,276 ; penmanship, 9,942 ; mental arithmetic, 7,776; written arithmetic, 7,275; geography, 6,984; drawing, 590; grammar, 3,540; composition, 1,349; history, 746; botany, 104; physiology, 183; book-keeping, 134; natural philosophy, 294 ; chemistry, 221 ; algebra, 57. There are 1,205 teachers employed in 1867 ; in 1866 there were 1,086, showing an increase in one year of 119 teachers; number of teachers em- ployed in select schools, academies, and colleges, 107; add this to 1,205 employed in public schools, and it gives a total of 1,312. Average wages paid to male teachers employed in public schools, 839.44 per month ; to fe- male teachers, ^26. 41 per month ; whole amount paid for teachers' wages in public schools, for the year 1867, $170,436.39, being an increase over the year 1866, of 854,522.28. Number of school-houses ; log, 241 ; frame, 339 ; brick, 15 ; stone, 108 — being a total of 703. The total value of school- houses is estimated at $573,690.08 ; being an increase over the year 1866, of $254,792.77. Estimated value of schofl^ apparatus, $18,754.56 ; increase over the year 1866, of $11,140.18. Each school district is authorized to raise money to build a school- house and furnish it with apparatus, and to pay its teachers. The sources of the permanent school-fund are as follows : — The proceeds of the sales of school lands. The estate of persons deceased without heir or will. The five per-ccntums on the sales of United States public-lands within the bounds of the State. And a- the Slate becomes more populous, the revenue from the deceased without heir or will, will constantly increase. There is now a permanent school-fund of $96,796.56, bearing interest. As an encouragement for each district to attend to its duties, the State gives to each, according to the number of scholars, their proportion of money raised by assessment of one mill on a dollar, upon all the taxable DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 45 WATHENA V^OOLEN MiLLS, COOK & CHANDLER, - - - . PROPRIETORS, ('I'wo Blocks South of St. Josepii Street, on Railroad.) WATHENA, - - - - - KAjSSAS, MANUFACTURERS OF PI.AI.\ A1\D I>I.ABS> ri.AXXEI>S, KNITTING AND WEAVING YARNS, &c. The Iliffhest Price jjaid in Cash for Wool. property of the State. The amount received from tliis source during the last year, amounted in the niigregate to §54,959.27. For the present, we are dependent upon this revenue, together with the district tax, but the future is bright indeed. The State contains 80,000 square miles, or 51,200,000 acres of hind. Out of this every 16th and 36th section (or its equivalent) in each town- ship in the Stale is set apart for the endowment of common schools. One-eighteenth of this gives for the common schools 2,844,444 acres. Should this land sell for three dolhirs per acre, we sh;ill have a fund of $8,533,322. The income from this, at six per cent, per annum, will give us a yearly income of $511,999.92, which income would give to each scholar several dollars, or enough in each district to estnblish a graded school, with a principal and assistants for nine months m each year. In addition to the fund before mentioned, all moneys which shall be paid by persons as an equivalent for exemption from military duty, the cle.ir proceeds of estrays, where the ownership) of whicli shall vest in the taker- up, and the proceeds of fines for any breach of the |)eual laws, shiill be exclusively applied to the support of the common schools. From all of which sources a considerable amount is received and disbursed each year. Probably no State in the Union has by its constitutional law, provided for so large and constantly accumulating school-fund as Kansas. The blessings of a free education are seciu-ed to all generations by the framers of our governmental system, beyond the possibilities of chance or misfortune. The following are sonic of the prominent institutions of learning in the State. Name, character, and where located, etc. State UxiversitYj ... . . . Lawrence. " Agricultural College, . . . Maidiatt;ui. " Normal School, .... Ilmporia. " Blind Asylum, .... Ossawatomie. " Deaf and Dumb Asylum, . . . Olatlia. Agciit*, i*rinolpa! OHiee, n Baptiste Franklin Barrett Marshall Baciielor KHoy Banner Jetferson liath Woodson Baxter Springs Bourboa Btiaaar Chase Beach Valley Piketon Beaverton M iami Ik'lmont Woodson iiennington Ottawa I5erea Anderson ]5ig Timber LI lis Big Creek liourbon Big Springs Douglas IMack Jack Douglas Blooming Grove Linn liine. General Ageney, 77 Felix tiri, J. S. SllOKT, Agent. DONIPnAK COtTNTT, KANSAS 4T JONAS l^AHMER. C. F. VAN HCSKIUK. LAHMER & VAN BUSKIRK, DEALERS IN Mi|j[c ant) ^>iui) iiii)-6oobs, anti Groceries, WHITE CLOUD, - - - KANSAS. ALSO GENTS' EVIINISHIXG GOOJJS, Notions, Trimmings, Queensware, Hardware and Wooden-ware. POST-OFFICE. COUNTY. Blooiviitiirton Douglas Blue Mounds Linn ]51ue Kiiiiids Linn Brooklyn Linn Bnrlingaine Osage Burlington Coftee Canton Anderson Cai)to Station "Wabaunsee Capionia Nemaha Camp Creek Cotfee Carlyle Allen Carter's Springs Cherokee Carson Brown Catholic Mission. .. .Dorn Cato Bourbon Carrville Labette Cedar Point Chase Centralia Nemaha Central Citj' Nemaha Centerville Linn Centropolis Franklin Chet()i)a Labette Chelsea Butler Cherokee City Cherokee Cherry Creek Anderson Chapman's Creek. . ..Dickinson Circleville Jackson Clay Center Clay Clarksburg Cherokee Clay ton ville Brown Clear Creek Marion Clifton Washington Clinton Douglas Cual Creek Atchison Cold Springs Allen Colona Woodson Coxes' Creek Bourbon Columbus (Discont'd)Doniphan Charleston (;Discout'd)r)oniphan Charleston Wabaunsee Cook's Ford JeflFerson Concord Ottawa Cottonwood Falls Chase POST-OFFICE. CntTNTY. Coy ville Wilsnn Council Grove Morris Corners Station Wyandotte Crooked Creek Jett'erson Cresco Anderson Cross Creek Jackson Davis : Douglas Dayton Bourbon Decora Lyon Detroit Dickinson Delaware City Leavenworth Dennison Franklin De Soto Douglas Delphoe Cloud Doniphan Doniphan Dry Creek Cherokee Dover Shawnee Donners Station .... Saline Easton Leavenworth Eden Atchison Eldon Pottawatomie Eldorado L-ving Elizabethtown Bourbon Erie Nehama Eugene Shawnee F'dwardsville Wvandotte Elk Creek Sh'irley El wood Doniphan Elrnendar Madison Emporia Lyon Endora Douglas Eureka Greenwood I'orest Hill Lyon Fort Leavenworth. . .Leavenworth Fort Lincoln Bourbon Fort Riley Davis Fairland Marshall Fairmount Leaven wortli Far West Morris Fort Scott Bourbon Fort Zarah Piketon Fort Barker Ellsworth Fort Earned Piketon ELFRED'S BAKINO POWDER flic best in the Market. 48 IIISTOKY AND DIRECTOR Y OF POST-OFFICE. COUNTY. Fort Do'ljie Piketoii Fort IIa)s Elli.s Fniiikliii Douglas Freiiioiil Litiu G;ilesviJle Clay (raiHliier Jgliiison Giiriiftt Anderson GatesvilJe Clay Geary City Dduipliaii Geneva Allen Gleiidale Bourbon Granada Neinalia Grant Davis Grasshopper Falls. . . Jt-ltVrson Greenwood Franklin Guitard btation Marshall Graiitville JetfersDii Greely Andersun Iladdani AVasJiington llanilin JJrown Hampden Cottee Ilartlord Lyon Henry ville Kiley Hiawarlia Hrown Hibliard Juhnsun Highland Doiiijihan Hickory Creek Franklin Hoge Leavenworth Hamilton AVashington Holton Jackson Hnmbolt Allen Huron Atchison Hyatt A nderson Indian Creek Linn Indianola Shawnee Inka Neosho lola Allen Iowa Point Doniphan Irving Marshall Jackson Linn James' Crossing . . . .Jackson Janesville Greenwood Jefferson City Jetlerson Jerome Anderson Junction City Davis Kanwaka Douglas Kaw City . Jetlerson Kennekuk Atchison Kenton Davis Kickapoo Leavenworth Ki( kapoo Mis-sion. . ..Atchison Keokuk Linn Kiawa I'iketon Lafayette Doniphan Lacoiui W<»odson Lancaster Atcliison Lane Franklin Laneshiirg Maisiiall Lamb's Point Dickinson J.anesticld Joluison POST-OFFICE. COUNT', Lawrence Douglas Leavenworth City. . .Leavenworth Leconipton Douglas Leon Morris Le Roy (Coffee Lexington Johnson ]/imestone Washington Lincoln Nemaha F^ittle Stranger Leavenworth Locust Grove Atchison Log Chain Nemaha Lyons Miami Lindon Nemaha Jvouisv'ille Pottawatomie Lost Springs Marion Lenape Wyandotte Lima Clay Lowell Labette McKinney Douglas Madison Greenwood Maircstown Shawnee Mowhattan Piiley ^laiisan Allen Maple Hill Wabaunsee Mapleton JJourbon Marion Douglas Marion Center Marion Marniiton Bourbon Marysville Marshall MeriiiUK^k Marshall Miami Village Miami Middle Creek Chase Mill Creek Bi)urb()n Mineral I'oint Anderson .Mission Creek Wabaunsee Minneola Lee Moneka Linn Mount Vernon Doniphan Madura Clay Muddy Ci-eek Marion Magnolia Bourbon McCarnish Johnsoii Monmouth Cherokee Marshall Saline Moiitauiu Nectsho .Medina Jefferson Monument Station. ..Jetlerson Manstield Linn Monrovia Atchison Monticello lohnson Moor"'s Kanch Marion Miami Lyon Mound City Linn Mt. Florence Jetlerson Mount .Mr}' Woodson Mount (iilead Andersmi Mount IMeasant Atchison Mount Sterling Bourbon .Muscotali .\tchison Nashville. Coffee The finest selection of American IVatelics and Clocks are to be round at J. Ci001>L.SVE'S, OO Ediuond J!»treet, &»t. Joiiepli, JMiiisouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 49 6. W. PHAEES. WM. 11. RICUAP.DSON PHARES & RICHARDSON, J0ii5t, ^igii, ^ #nmincntal painters, GRAINERS, GLAZIERS, AND PAPER HANGERS, WATHENA, - - KANSAS. POST-OFFICE. COUNTY. Neosho City Coffee Neosho Falls AVoodsoa Neosho Rajiids Lyon Nearinons Station. . ..Wyandotte New Albany Wilson North Cedar JacksoQ New Eureka Jackson New Falls Washington New Lancaster Miami Neuchatel Nemaha Norman ville Donijjhan Nottinjrhani Marshall Oakwood Linn Ogden Riley Ohio City Franklin Ole Jefferson Olatlie Johnson Ontario ; Jackson Ottawa Franklin Osage Miami Oskaloosa Jefferson Oswego Labette Osborn Neosho Osage Mission Neosho Ossawatomie Miami Osark Anderson Osawkie Jefferson Ottumwa Coffee Padonia Brown Palermo Doniphan Palmyra Douglas Paola Miami Parallel Washington Pardee Atchison Paris Linn Pawnee Bourbon Pawnee Fork Piketon Peoria Franklin Petersburg Leavenworth Pleasant Grove Greenwood Pleasant Ridge Leavenworth Pleasant Spring Nemaha Plum Grove Atchison 4 POST-OFFICE. COUNTT. Plymouth Lyon Ponny Creek Brown Potosi Linn Powiiattan Brown Prairie City Douglas Pleasant View Leavenworth Pond Creek Ellis Preston Linn Perry ville Jefferson Pittsburg Wilson Quindaro Wyandotte Randolph Riley Riintoul Franklin Ray ville Bourbon Reno Scott Redes Brown Richardson Osage Richland Miami Ridge Farm Doniphan Ridgeway Shawnee Rhodes Anderson Roekford Pottawatomie Richmound Lyon Ridge Linn Rome F"ranklin Rising Sun Jefferson Riley City Davis Robinson Brown Rock Creek Pottawatomie ' Rockville Miami Rodgersville Washington Rossville Jackson Rosy vale Brown Rovella Linn Sac and Fox Agency . Osage Sabatha Nemaha St. George Pottawatomie St. Nicholas Atchison Salina Saline Scotland Jefferson Scii>io Anderson Seneca Nemaha Shawnee town Johnson For Note, Letter, and Cap Paper, go to J. B, BtcCLEERT and CO., 103 Felix Street. 50 HISTORY AND DIKECTOEY OF POST-OFEICE, COUNTY. Shell Rock Falls Greenwood Sheridan Lyon Sherman Johnson Salt Springs Saline Sabia Saline Silver Lake Shirley Salt Marsh Republic Syracuse Doniphan Sarcoxie Leavenworth Spring: Valley Leavenworth Smitliland Jackson St. Marysville Miami Shawnee Johnson Springfield Cherokee Shields Jefferson Sigel Douglas Silver Creek Chase Six Mile Creek Chase Solomon City Saline Spencer Atchison Spring Dale Leavenworth Spring Hill Johnson Squiresville Johnson Stanton Miami St. Mary's Mission . . . Pottawatomie Sumner (discontinM) . Atcliison Tecumseh Shawnee Toledo Chase Tonganoxie Leavenworth Topeka Sliawnee Towanda Irving Troy Doniphan Turkey Creek Bourbon Twin Mound Douglas Twin Springs Linn Tylers Brown Toutsville Miami I'OST-OFFICK. COUNTY. Trading Post Linn Tiblow "Wyandotte Ununda Brown Uniontown Johnson Union Cliase Unadilla Pottawattomie Verdigris Greenwood Vienna Pottawatomie Virgil Greenwood Vermilion City Pottawatomie Waliaunsee Wabaur.see Wakansa Douglas Walker Brown Walnut Grove Doniphan Walnut Hill Bourbon Walton Osage Wasliington Wasiiington Waterloo Lyon Wathena Doniphan Waushara Lyon Waveland Sliawnee AVestmoreland Pottawatomie AVhite Cloud Doniphan Williamsport Sliawnee Whitehead (discont'd)Doniphan Willow Springs Douglas Wilmington Wabaunsee Winciiester Jetl'ersoli Wolf River Doniphan Wyoming Marsliall West Point Davis Williamstown Jefferson Whitewater Otoe Walnut Creek Irving Wyandotte Wyandotte Xenia Bourbon Yeandale Wabaunsee List of money-order Post-Offices in the United States up to March 1st, 1868, and Kates of Commission charged for money-orders — to wit: On orders not exceeding $20.00, 10 cents. Over $20.00 and not exceeding $50.00, 25 cents. No single order issued for more than fifty dollars. All larger sums of money can be remitted by procuring additional money-orders. STATE. OFFICE. COUNTY. Alabama, Decatur, Morgan, " Eufaula, Barbour. *' Greenville, Butler, " Iluntsville, Madison. " Mobile, Mobile. " Montgomery, Montgomery. " Selma, Dallas. " Tuscumbia, Franklin. ELFRED & Y01T\0, Druff;;ists and Apotliccarie!*, S. ^V. cor. 4tb and Edmond S»treetf, St. Joseph, Slisfourl. DONIPHAN COUNTY, K A. N 8 A S , 51 BURKHALTER & FORNCROOK, CORNER MAllX STREET AND LEYEE, WHITE CLOUD, KANSAS, DEALERS IN €xmttm, §x$i\m, ^ktlitif, Grents' Furnisliing Groods, cfec, » IIISTOKY AND DIRECTORY OF STATE. OFFICE. COUNTY. Indiana, Lawrenceburg, Lebanon, Dearborn. Boone. « Liberty, Union. «( Ligonier, Noble. «c Logansport, Loogoot'.e, Cass. Martin. t( Madison, Jefferson. « Marion, Grant. (( Martinsville, Morgan. Michigan City, Monticello, La Porte. White. Mount Vernon, Muncie, Posey. Delaware. New Albany, New Castle, Newport, Noblesville, Floyd. Henry. Vermilion. Hamilton. (( Peru, Miami. « Petersburg, Pike. « Plymouth, JNIarshall. (( Princeton, Gibson. Rensselaer, Richmond, Rochester, Jasper. Wayne. Fulton. Rock port, Rockville, Spencer. Parke. « Rushville, Rush. ■ (( (t Salem, Seymour, Shelbyville, South Bend, Slielby. Jackson. Shelby. St. Joseph. (( Sullivan, Sullivan. (( it it «( (( Terre Haute, Tipton, Valparaiso, Vernon, Vevay, Vigo. Tipton. Porter. Jennings. Switzerland. u Vincennes, Knox. It Wabash, Wabash. u Warsaw, Kosciusko. <( t( (( Iowa, Washington, Waterloo City, Winchester, Afton, Daviess. De Kalb. Randolph. Union. ELFRED & YOUIVO, Drii;;;;iMts and Apothecaries, Second St., aud S. W. cor. 4tli and £diuoud Streets, St. Joiepta, Slisiouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 69 ALBRECHT & HUBER. <^4 JSTo, 43 FELIX ST., north of 3Iarket Square, ST. JOSEPH, m:o. Wat§hj©s, ©l©ek§, CittstGal] ®@k©s, ^nd Je^welry of every Description REPAIRED and WARRANTED. Particular attention given to tho selection of Spectacles and Optical Instruments. STATE. OFFICE. COUNT V. Iowa, Albia, Monroe. (( Anamosa, Jones. U Bedford, Taylor. t( Bloomfield, Davis. t( Boonesborough, Boone. (( Burlington, Boone. (( Cedar Rapids, Linn. iC Chariton, Lucas. (( Clarinda, Page. M Council Bluffs, Pottawatomie. t( Davenport, Scott. « Decorah, Winneshiek. (« Des Moines, Polk. (( De Witt, Clinton. {( Dubuque, Dubuque. <( Eddyville, Wapello. (( Eldora, Hardin. <( Elkader, Clayton. (4 Fairfield, Jefferson. (( Fort Dodge, Webster. For School Books go to J. B. ^TleCLSERY &, CO., 103 Felix 60 IIISTOKY AND DIREGTOKY OF STATE. OFFICE. COUNTY. Iowa, Fort Madison, Lee. <( Glen wood, Mills. <( Grinni'li, Powshiek. (( Independence, Buchanan. (( Indiaiiola, Warren. «( Iowa City, Johnson. (( Keokuk, Lee. It Keosauqaa, Van Buren. u Knoxville, Marion. it Lansing, Allemakee. (( Leon, Decatur. (( Lewis, Cass. (( Lyons, Clinton. {( McGregor, Clayton. i( Manchester, Delaware. it Maquoka, Jackson. 4C Marengo, Iowa (( Marion, Linn. (( Marshnlltown, ^Marshall « Mount Pleasant, Henry. t( Muscatine, Muscatine. (( Nevadn, Story. (( New Jefterson, Greene. « New Oregon, Howard. u Newton, Jasper. a Osceola, Claike. (( Oskaloosa, Mahaska. « Ottumwa, Wapello. u Sidney, Fremont. u Sigourney, Keokuk. it Sioux City, Woodbury. a Tipton, Cedar. it Toledo, Tama. li Vinton, Benton. (( Wapello, Louisa. « Washington, Washington. (( Waterloo, Black liawk. (( West Union, Fayette. (( Winterset, Madison. Kansas, Atchison, Atchison. (( IJaldwin City, Douglas. ti Emporia, Lyon. n Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth. (( Fort Scott, Bourbon. For Drns: A, Y 4tli uud l]dinoud !!>trcet», St. Jottcpli, OFIVO'S, S. ^V. cor. mifeittouri. DON'IPIIAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 61 L. D. STOCKING, TMOY, nONIPHAK COUNTY, KANSAS, Manufacturer of, and Dealer in, WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELRY. Particular attention given to Repairing. STATE. OFFICE, COUNTY. Kansas, Grassliopper Falls, Jefferson. (( lola, Allen. (( Junction City, Davis. (( Lawreisce, Douglas. i( Leavenworth City, Leavenworth. (( Manhattan, Riley. (( Marys\ille, Marshall. (( Mound City, Linn. U Olathe, Johnson. i( Paola, Miami. (( Topeka, Shawnee. « Troy, Doniphan. (( Wathena, Doniphan. C( Wyandotte, Wyandotte. Kentucky, Bowling Green, Warren. i( Catlettsburg, Boyd. t( Columbus, Hickman. it Danville, Boyle. (( Frankfort, Franklin. (( Harrodsburg, Mercer. ct Henderson, Henderson. t( Lebanon, Marion. tt Lexington, Fayette. i( Louisville, Jefferson, tt Maysville, Mason, tt Nicholasville, Jessamine. {( Owensborough, Daviess, (( Paducah, McCracken. « Paris, Bourbon, M Russellville, Logan, t( Shclbyville, Shelby, Louisiana, Baton Rouge, E. Baton Rouge. i( Monroe, Ouachita. For Wall Paper and Window Slindcs, go to J. B. IttcCLEERY * 1 ^^^^ ^^ j^jj ,,^,,j^ Street. 62 HISTORY AND DIRECTOKT OF STATE. Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, OFFICE. Natcliitoches, New Iberia, New Orleans, Opelousas, Plaqut-mine, St, Francisville, Alfred, Augusta, Bangor, Batii, Belfest, Bethel, Biddleford, Brunswick, Buclvsport, Calais, Camden, Dexter, Eastport, Ellsworth, Farmington, Gardiner, Iloulton, Lewiston, Maehias, Mechanics' Falls, Norway, Portland, Prcsque Isle, Richmond, Rockland, Skowhegan, South Berwick, Waterville, Winterport, "Wiscasset, Yarmouth, Annapolis, Baltimore, Cambridge, Chestcrtown, Cumberland, Easton, Elkton, COUXTY. Natchitoches. St. INI.-utins. Orleans. St. Landry. Iberville, West Feliciana. York. Kennebec. Penobscot. Sagadahoc. Waldo. Oxford. York. Cumberland. Hancock. Washington. Knox. Penobscot. Washington. Hancock. Franklin. Kennebec. Aroostook. Androscoggin. Washington. Androscoggin. Oxford. Cumberland. Aroost<>ok. Sagadahoc. Knox. Somerset. York. Kennebec. Waldo. Lincoln. Cumberland. Anne Arundel. Baltimore. Dorchester. Kent. Alleghany. Talbot. Cecil. --«-t„\<^rirS?i^V^r?t^iS"XS!S'«u^r^^^ DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 63 W. H. "WILSOlSr, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Wathena, Kansas, STATE, OFFICE. COUNTY. Maryland, Ellicott's Mills, Howard. (( Emniettsburg, Frederick. (( Frederii-k, Frederick. (( Fiostbui-gh, Alleghany. tc Hngerstown, Washington. u Ilavre-de-Grace, Harford. 1( Middletown, Frederick. t( Port Deposit, Cecil. (( Princess Anne, Somerset. l( Salisbury, Somerset. (C Westminster, Carroll. Massachusetts, Amherst, Hampshire. (( Andover, Essex, M Boston, Suffolk. u Bridgewater, Plymouth. i« Cambridge, Middlesex. (( Cambridgeport, Middlesex. (( Charlestown, Middlesex. {( Chelsea, Suffolk, u Chicopee, Hampden. (( Clinton, Worcester. (( Dedham, Norfolk. (( East Hampton, Hampshire. (( Edgartown, Dukes. u Fail River, Bristol. « Fitchburg, Worcester. (( Gloucester, Essex. (( Great Barrington, Berkshire. l( Greenfield, Franklin. (« Groton Junction, Middlesex. il Haverhill, Essex. ii Holyoke, Hampden. (( Lawrence, Essex. (( Lee, Berkshire. (( Lowell, Middlesex. Highest Ca§li Price Paid for Rac^H, at J. B. ]tIcCI.EERY & CO.'S, <)4 HISTORY AND DIRECTOIiY OP STATK, OFFICE. COUKTy. Massachusetts, Lynn, Esi^ex. u Marblehead, Essex. u Milford, Worcester. (( Nantucket, Nantucket. t( Natick, Middlesex. « New Bedford, Bristol. (( Newbury port, Essex. {( Newioii, Middlesex. tt North Adams, Berkshire. tl Northampton, Hampshire. m Palmer, Hampden. li Pittstield, Berkshire. It Plymouth, Plymouth. tt Provincetown, Barnstable, ( Roxbury, Norfolk. tt Salem, Essex. (( Sandwich, Barnstable, tt Springiield, Hampden. ti Taunton, Bristol. «( Waltham, Middlesex. (( Ware, Hampshire. u Webster, Worcester. (( Westtield, Hanipden. (( Williamstown, Berkshire. {( W^orcesier, Worcester. u Yarmouth Port, Bai-n stable. Michigan, Adrian, Lenawee. u Albion, Calhoun. u Allegan, Allegan. t< Alpena, Alpena. (( Ann Arbor, Washtenaw. u Battle Creek, Calhoun. (( Bay City, Bay. (( Berrien Springs, Beirien. M Big Rapids, Mecosta, i( Charlotte, Eaton. U Cold Water, Branch. tt Corunna, Shiawassee. tt Croton, Newaygo. tt Detroit, Wayne. (( Downgiac, Cass, (( East Saginaw, Saginaw. i( Escanawba, Delta. »trcct8, i!>t. Joiepli, Missouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 65 NATHAN PRIGX:^ TROY, KANSAS. "Will Practice in the Courts of the Second Judicial District. STATE. OFFICE. COUNTY. Michigan, Galesburg, Kalamazoo. (( Grant. Joseph, iniskouri. t»i|;ii or the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY KANSAS. 11 A.. T. JOHISrSOIN', AND DEALER IN HIDES AND FURS, T H. O "E', IS. -A. 3Nr S -A. S. STATE. New York, OFFICE, Lansingburgh, Le Roy, Little Falls, Lockport, Lyons, Malone, Medina, Middletown, Monticello, Mount Morris, Newburg, New York, Niagara Falls, Norwich, Nyack, Ogdensburg, Olean, Oneida, Oswego, Owego, Palmyra, Peckville, Penn Yan, Plattsburg, Port Chester, Port Jervis, Potsdam, Poughkeepsie, Pulaski, Rhinebeck, River Head, Rochester, Rome, Rondout, Rouse's Point, COUNTV. Rensselaer. Genesee. Herkimer. Niagara. Wayne. Franklin, Orleans. Orange. Sullivan, Livingston. Orange. New York. Niagara. Chenango, Rockland, St. Lawrence. Cattaraugus. Madison. Oswego. Tioga. Wayne, Westchester, Yates. Clinton. Westchester. Orange. St. Lawrence. Dutchess. Oswego. Dutchess. Suffolk. Monroe. Oneida. Ulster. Clinton. SAM S. MeGIBBONS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Josepb, Missouri. Sign of the JBlcphant. Empire Sewing ]VIacliine,\f^EL.I^S& RICH]*IO]VD, Geii'l Western Agents, Principal Otflee, cor. 2(1 and Francis Slreets, St. Josepii, miitsouri. Y2 HISTOKT AND DIRECTORY OF STATE, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, ••sar OFFICE. Sag Harbor, Sandy Hill, Saratoga Springs, Schenectady, Schoharie, Seneca Falls, Sherburne, Sing Sing, Skaneateles, Stapleton, Suspension Bridge, Syracuse, Ton a wand a, Troy, Utica, Union Springs, Valatia, Warrensburg, Warsaw, Watertown, Waverly, Wellsville, Westfield, West Point, Whitehall, White Plains, ' Williamsburg, Yonkcrs, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, Greensborough, New Berne, Raleigh, Salem, Salisbury, Tawboro, Wilmington, Akron, Alliance, Ashland, Ashtabula, Athena, COUNTY. Suffolk. Washington. Saratoga. Schenectady. Schoharie. Seneca. Chenango. Westchester. Onondaga. Richmond. Niagara, Onondaga. Erie. Rensselaer. Oneida. Cayuga. Columbia. Warren. Wyoming. Jefferson. Tioga. Allegany. Chautauqua. Orange. Washington. Westchester. Kings. Westchester. Orange. JNIecklenburgh. Pasquotank. Cumberland. Guilford. Craven. , Wake. Forsyth. Rowan. Edgecombe. New Hanover. Summit. Stark. Ashland. Ashtabula. Athens. rSE ELFRED'S BAK.IIVG POWDER. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 73 c ^^ ^ Ho: r^^ MA.11^ STREET, WHITE CLOUD, - - KANSAS. JOHN H. UTT, - PROPRIETOR. Jhis house is a J_arge Jhree ^tory Brick, located in the central portion of the business of the city, has laAl iMY ,. ^. .V 'h\T? (^ ic) «l ic) iYp'kdi ^\ ^LL WELL LIGHTED, AND THE TaBLE ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST THE MARKET AFFOI^S. » > <♦►-«-<- Desirable Accommodations both to the Resident and Traveling Public. Good Stables in Connection with the House, JStages Leave this Wouse Daily for the North and East. E^FRED & l'OlT\G, I>rii|;si«it«i and Apothecaries, Second St., and S. W. cor. 4th and Kdmoud Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. Empire Scwins llacliine, WET.I^S &. RICH:tIOND, Gen'l Western Agents, Prineipal Otiice, <-or. 2<1 and Franc'i§ l§trect§, St. Joseph, missouri. 74 JIISTOKY AMD DIRE C T O R Y OF STATE. .OFFICE. COUNTY. Ohio, Barnesville, Belmont. tt BelU'fbntaine, Logan. a Bluffton, Allen. .' «' Bowling Green, Wood. Bryan, Bucyrus, Williams, Crawford. (( Cadiz, Harrison, Cambridge, CanfieM, Canton, Guernsey. *• Mahoning. ' Stark. (( CarroUton, Carroll. (( Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga. 11 Chardon, Geauga. a ■ Chillicothe, Ross. i( Cinciimnti, Hamilton. (( Circleville, Pickaway, it u Cleveland, Clyde, Columbus, Cuyahoga. Sandusky. Franklin, (( Coshocton, Coshocton, (( Crestline, Crawford. Dayton, Defiance, Montgomery. Defiance. « Delaware, Delaware. « Dresden, Eaton, Muskingum. Preble. (( <( Elyria, Finley, Fostoria, Lorain. Hancock. Seneca. « Fredericktown, Knox. « Fremont, Gallipolis, Garrettsvile, Sandusky. Gallia. Portage, (( Greenfield, Highland, (( Greenville, Darke. (( Hamilton, Butler. (( (( Hillsborough, Hudson, Highland. Summit. u Ironton, Lawrence. (C Jackson, Jackson. aHT Jefferson, Kenton, . Ashtabula. ^ j^t S Hardin. ^ (( Kinsman's, Trumbull. {( Lancaster, Fairfield. HAM S. IVfcOIBBONS & CO., Dealers kel Square, St. Joi»ei:li, ::ili»iiouri. in Boots and Shoes, 9Iar- Sit;n or the l::iei»hant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 75 T. H, MOORE & BROTHER, DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, IOWA POINT, Kansas. ALSO Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Queensware, Hardware, "Woodenware, &c. STATE. OFFICE. COUNTY. Ohio, Lebanon, Warren. a Lima, Allen. (( Logan, Hocking. (( London, Madison. • (( McArtbur, Vinton. ' (( McCoiiiiellsville, Moi'gan. (( Mansfield, Richland. (( Marietta, Washington. 11 Marion, Marion, (C Marysville, Union. <( Massillon, Stark. (( Maumee City, Lucas. « Medina, Medina. (( Miamisburgh, Montgomery. (( Miamisville, Clermont (( Middletown, Butler. (C Millersburgh, Holmes. (( Morgan, Ashtabula. « Mount Gilead, Morrow. (( Mount Vernon, Knox. (( Napoleon, Henry. (C Nevada, Wyandot. • (( Newark, Licking. (C New Lexington, Perry. (( New Lisbon, Columbiana. ({ New London, Huron. (( New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas. (( New Richmond, Clermont. (( Norwalk, Huron. <( Oberlin, Lorain. (( Oroville, Wayne. (( Ottawa, Putnam. Empire Sewiiiff Machine, 1VEL,L,<^ & RICH:iI0XD, GenM \Testern Agentc, Principal Ofllce, ., of the county of , and State of , in con- sideration of the sum of {/irre name amount paid) dollars in hand, paid by D. E., of the county of , and State of , the receipt whereof SAM S. IfIc€i;iBBO\>i & CO., Bcaiers in Boot n and Siiocs, ITIar- Itet Square, St. Josepli, Missouri. Sign of tlie l^lepliant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 85 II. R. AY. HARTWIG. N. J. SCHLUPP. H. R. W. HARTWIG & CO., AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC "^'1 itf f til §tmmst G-roceries, Tobacco, Cigars, &c.. No. 36 Third St., ST. JOSEPH, MO. is hereby acknowledged, have b.irgained and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey, and confirm unto the said D. E,, his heirs and assigns, forever, the following premises, situated in the county of , in tlie State of , to wit : {/tere glee a description of' the land or estate conveyed, f idly) to have and to hold the said premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said D. E., his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said A. B., .ind 0. B., his wife, for them and their heirs, hereby covenant to and with the said D. E., his heirs and assigns, that the premises aforesaid are free and unencumbered, and that they will warrant and forever defend the title thereto unto him, the said D. E., and to his heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof the said A. B., and C. B., his wife, have there- unto set their hands and seals, this day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and Executed in presence of ) Signed, A. B. E.G. \ H. I. ) C_ g_ USE ELFRED'S BAKIWO POWDER. 86 HISTOEY AND DIRECTORY OF No. 2. ACKNOWLEDGMEXT. 8S. State of County of Be it remembered that on this day of , a. d. 186 , before the undersigned, a {here state whether a justice of the peace or v'hot officer) in and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeared A. B., to me personally known to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing deed as grantor therein, and acknowledged the same to be his own voiuntar}' act and deed. And the said C. B., being examined by rao separate and apart from her said husband, and the contents of the said deeti being by me made known and explained to her, declared that she did voluntarily sign and acknowledge saiil deed as grantor therein, and released all claims by way of dower or otherwise to said premises described in said deed. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name (cuicl if an officer icith a seal, say "and affixed my seal "), on the day and year afore- said. * F. G. No. 3. — Register's Certificate. State of I gs • County of ) ' ' I, H. I., Register of Deeds within and for the county aforesaid, hereby certify that the within and foregoing deed, together with the certificate of acknowledgment therein, was received by me for record on the day of , A. D. 186 , and that the same is truly recorded in my office, in book , page In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at office in , this day of , a. d. 186 . . .^^ . II. I., ] Seal. V Register of Deeds. No. 4, — Quit-claim Deed, or Release. Know all men by these presents : That we, A. B., and B. B., wife of the said A. B., of the county of , and State of , in consideration of {here namet he amount) dollars in hand, paid by C. D., of the comity of , and State of , do hereby remise, release, and forever quit claim unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, forever, all our title, interest, and estate, legil and equitable, in the following pr.m.- ises, with the appurtenaiicjs situate in th:; co mty of , and State of , and bounded and described as follows, to wit : {here give a perfect description of the pretn ises. ) W. T. STOXE, Dealer in Boot*i and Shoes, § Seeond Street, St. Joseph, JMiMourl. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 87 A. HECKENDORF, MANUFACTUKER OF AND DEALER IN Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters, No. 77 EDMOND STREET, Saint Josejih, - - - - - lllssoiiri. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day of , A. D., 186 . Sisrnod, sealed, and de-^ A. B. •] Seal, j- livered in ]iresence of ^ — ' A. B. B. B. j Seal, j- Ac1<:noioled(jmcnt, tJtc, same as Warranty Deed. E. F. r G. H. No. 5. — Mortgage. Know all men by these presents, That we, A. B., and B. B., wife of the said A. B., of the county of , and State of , in consideration of the sum of {Jicre state the consideration) in hand, paid by C. D., of the county of , and State of , have bargained and sold, and do hereby grant and convey unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, forever, the following ))remises situate in the county of , and State of , and described as follows, to wit : {here give a full descrijjtion of the premises) to have and to hold the said prem- ises with its appurtenances unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, for. ever. Provided always, and these presents are upon this coiidition, that whereas the said A. B. hath executed to the said C. D. his promissory notes (or say single bill or bond as the case may he) of even date herewith for tlie payment of the following sums of money at the times following : dollars on the day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and {and viention each note or bond, and the amount of each and time xchen due, and, if drawing interest, maJce the statement in connection with each note). Now if the said A. B. shall pay said several sums of money to the said C. D., or his assigns, when the same respectively become due, with the interest thereon, then these pres- ents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. Buy Boot§ and l^hocs of W. T. STOXF., No. S Second Street, St. Joseph, iMLisiouri. Empire Sewins^flucliinc, WELLS & RICIi:»IO\»,Geii'l Western Agents, Principal Ollice, » fl C3 *J OJ «^ OQ >» ,— V (S -TS f»» «(-i (S '5 s o o o = 1 .(^* . — H -o X X = — re S S y c- — f^ .« » » S i^ ic -o «> « = — w .« ^s X 5 A 1 WJ> 3» ?• .(1 Si 3» .c jc — T £,— -▼,- r, :-: 1 - (C ^: •* 36 e« to OS t. .e X — ..- ^1 i-*~<^C*<:*3<»n?dTfr0>4-«teWr-i-t:-XX>30 3:3-- i|iiilillliliillliliililllllilil l!gsiiliiHiiii|llllllliiliiiiil ||SSi1iililiiliH||i|||||ii|il5i| ^liigiliilliiillillolliiliilill i|i§liili|iil|iili||4liiiiii|ili i|siisiiiiii|iiiililiilill§iliii ilillliilliililliililllllliliiii * ^ 7-5 5 '.i X 5^ — « ■"?: 7C 'jc 3 — ic o •-« » 5 — M J; -a X c — K -o -3 y. o „ _ „ « « „ a-, «-MCr•r:c*-^ec:^-^eot-^:ot-^^o e«»oxOre-^ooTt- ■d ft 25 53ESgS|g5gP5|2K|3S|SS||5|S§| 2gg§SS?Ss|2S§§.?|S|g|2|||g|S||| .J* • «-nOt-teOr-c«? — r-MOr-rt-»-MCt-ceO»-I«0*-P9©t-P90 • i «-£2:;ggS^?3?5$3:;S3SSS5S?SJ:S5«gSS| — o«*o<«ka«t-«oto>--t|iM^l2;:^^3i;;2^'^*-'^<^*'*'>^*~iO0» = V3 O Jf o c- = a> - H ^ d rt ■*-' c O 5^ J= o o p ^ o C3 rt (H V 0) S *3 •5 i^ S B: = 2 == o 'fi .';= a fi ^ 0^ O j2 2 2*^ ••^ ^ >» ^ et? o ^ ;ih ^ a) C n3 ^^ 4-> c3 -»^ a> ^ ^ o bfl c o ^ o ^ TJ c •S c *j fl a 3 ^ y2 'rS O _3 m C3 c3 ns O) rO 3 o ^ r- r^^ ■(-> f= ^ ;; ■73 c S .n ,o S ■s-i 03 ' 1 o 1 o o Oi V. o ■r. o 'S 03 H -a ;t()n tp. Abbott, Lsaac N., livery stable keeper, res EI wood, Wasliington tp. Abbott, Joel B,, laborer, res Elwood, Washington tp. Abbott, John, res |^ m s e Troy, Center tp. Abbott, Andrew, laliorer, res | ni s e Troy, Center t)3 — (with Wni. Warner). Ablxiy, Nelson, farmer, res 2 m e Watliena, Washington tp. Alibey, Volney, fanner, res U ni e AV^atliena, on R R, Washington tp. Abbey, Alverton, farmer, res 2 m e Wathena with Nelson Abbey, AVashingt<.»n tp. Aberley, John, former, 3^^ m ne Troy, n esMTroy and Columbus r'd, Center tp. Abrams, Henry, farmer, |^ m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Abrams, Joshua, farmer, res | ni se White Cloud, Iowa tp. Abrams, O. W., farmer, res 1 m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Abrams, G. W., Jr., res with G. W. Abrams, Iowa tp. Acton, Abram, farmer, Po White Cloud, res 4 J m s T^ bite Cloud, Iowa tp. llr§, W, T. STOXE, Dealer In Millinery Goods, So He Felix Mreet, Vi. UoHepli, JUi»M>uri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 95 W . R. POWER, ^ovu'iU'diHg and Cflinuussiion |iWcvcIuiut, DEALER IX GMAIN AXl) PRODUCE; ALSO AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN HORSE INSURANCE COMPANY, AND SEVERAL OTHER GOOD COMPANIES; PALERMO, KANSAS. Adams, Newton, fanner, Po Doniplian, res 5 m n w Doniphan on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Adams, G. C, farmer, Po Donijilian, res 3|- m n Doniphan, w s'd Troy and Doniphan r'd, Wnyne tp. Ade, Jolm, farmer renter, on Samuel Nees' place, Wayne tp. Agee, Benjamin, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 2 m n e JDoniphan, s s'd 8t, Joseph r'd, Wayne tp. Agee, Mrs. Martha (widow), res near Benjamin Agee, Wayne tp. Albertson, Albert, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 m n Doniphan, e s'd Troy and Doni|)han r'd, Wayne tp. Alberts, Albert, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 2 m n e Doniphan, Wayne tp. Alford, John, farmer renter, Po Highland, res 2 m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Alford, J., farmer, Po Highland, res 2|- m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Alfrev. John, farmer, Po Lafayette, res 4 m e Highland, Iowa tp. ALLEX, DAVID. Dentist, res Highh.nd, Iowa tp. Allen, Peter C, laborer, res Elwood, Washington tp. Allen, W., res e s'd Creal st, cor Creal and Mill sts. Wathena, Wash- ington tp. Allen, S. A., foreman Wathena Woolen Mills, res cor Creal and Limestone sts, Wathena. Allen, J., foreman Wathena Woolen Mills, res cor Creal and Lime- stone sts, Wathena. Allison, J., printer, res White Cloud, Iowa tp. Alwood, E., minister (Baptist), res cor Bryan and Limestone sts, AVathena. Amerene, Fred, gardener, res Elwood, Washington tp. Amsbury, S. F., farmer, res f m 8 w Highland^ Iowa tp. Anderson, Daniel, farmer, Po Highland, res m w Syracuse, and 10 m 8 w Highland, Wolf River tp. Every Housekeeper uses ELFRED'S BAKING POWDER. 96 II I S T O K Y AND D I K E C T O R Y O F Anderson, Gunder, former, Po Geary City, res 2^ m n Geary City, w s'd Troy r'd, Wayne tp. Anderson, O'Neal, former renter, Po Doniphan, res 2 m n w Geary City, e side Brush Creek, "Wayne tp. Anderson, , farmer, res H m n Doniplian, n s'd Troy r'd, Wayne tp. Anderson, N,, former, res 1 m n Doniphan, on Doniplian and Troy r'd, Wayne tp. Anderson, Andres, former, res 1 m n Doniphan, on Doniphan and Troy rM, Wayne tp. Anderson, Orel, former, res 1 m n Doniphan, Waj-ne tp. Anderson, S. C, farmer, Po Doniplian, res 2|- m s e Doniphan river bottom, Wayne tp. Anderson, Mrs. Elizabeth, res 3 m s e Doniphan, Wayne tp. Anderson, M.. foborer, res 4^ m s e Watliena, on R P, Wasliiiiirton tp. Anderson, J. K. P., clerk for J. B. Elledoe, Troy, b'ds at Troy Hotel. Anderson, John J., farmer, res 2 m s w Palermo, n Palermo and Pe- tersburg r'd, Marion tp. Anderson, Samuel, farmer, res 2 m s \v Palermo, e Palermo and Pe- tersburg r'd, Marion t]>. Andrews, L. II., laborer, res White Cloud, Iowa tp. Ant, H., farmer, Po Donijihan, res 5 m n Doniphan, w s'd Brush Creek, Wayne tp.. Arbogast, David, farmer, res 1^ m s w Walnut Grove, and 5 m s e Highland. "Wolf River tp. Archer, George J., physician and farmer, res ^ m e Highland, Wolf River tp. Armstrong. Wm., laborer, res Doniphan, AVayne tp. ARMSTRONG, SAMUEL, butcher, res Troy Market, w^ s'd pub sqr, on Main st, bet Myrtle and Chestnut sts, Troy, Center tp. Arnold, Tliomas, farmer renter, Po White Cloud, res 34- m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Arnold, Wm., farmer, Po White Cloud, res 3^ m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Arnold, D., farmer, res 3 m s Wliite Cloud, on Cedar Creek, Iowa tp. Ayers, Wm., former, Po Doniphan, res 4 m n Doniphan, w s'd Troy r'd, Wayne tp. Ayers, L., shingle-maker, "Wathena, Washington tp. B. Backard, J. T., farmer renter, res Palermo, Clarion tp. Bacott, Jolin, farmer, res 4 m s w Palermo, on (ieary City r'd, Marion tp. Back, Wm. P., former, res 1 m c Highland, s s'd Telegraph r'd, Iowa tp, Po Highland. Back, A., farmer, res 1^ m no Highland, Po Highland, Iowa tp. SAH S. ]?fcOIBBO\S A; CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, Tflar- Kel )>>(|uure, St. Josej^li, i^iouri. 98 HI8TOKY AND DIRECTOKY OF Baler, "Wm., laborer, res 2 m s Palermo, Marion tp (for Steel & Lawson). Banks, A., col'd, farmer renter, res 2 m s e Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Bannard, John, barber^ res WKite Cloud, Iowa tp. . Barlow, Jktn'^s,' fai*mer, res 14 m s w Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Barber, Wm., farmer and carpenter, res near Walnut Grove Po, and 6 m n w Troy, Wolf River tp, Bartlett, E. M., laborer, res 2^ m s Highland, with Sylvester Bone- steel, Wolf River tp. Bartlett, A. II,, farmer, res 5 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Bartel, Thomas, O. S. B., res near Catholic Church, Wolf River tp. Bamett, N., col'd, laborer, res West Watliena, Wasliington tp. Barlow, A. A., lime-burner, res Bellemont, Washington tp. Barr, Geo^ W-.y^-miller (Barr & Furgnson, Wathena Mills), res n s'd St. Joseph st. West Watliena. Barkef, Joliri-, fai*rner,- res 2ms Palermo, Marion tp. BARTLETT, J, J., mechanic (Abbott & Bartlett, Doniphan Mills), res Doniphan. iSamer, Christopher, farmer, res 3|- m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Barner, John J., farmer, res 3 m s w Palermo, Marion tp, Bassett,. H. E,, farmer, Po Wathena, res 4 m n e Charleston, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp, Bassett, David, stdck-dealer, Po Troy, res 4 m n e Charleston, ri s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp, 5ast, John EC., laborer, for D. M. Rauls, 4 m n e Highland, Iowa tp* Baxley, Napoleon, , Elwood Bottom, Washington tp. BAYLESS, A. H., merchant, res Highland, Bayless, Abe, col'd, laborer, res 3 m below White Cloud, on river, Iowa tp. Bayless, W. H., farmer and stock-dealer, res |- m s Highland, Iowa tp. Bayne, B., farmer^ Po Walnut Grove, res 3 m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Bayne, Wm. J., farmer and postmaster, res Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp. Bear, Jacob, farmer, Po Wathena, res 4|^ m n Wathena, w s'd Wathe- na and Bur Oak r'd. Bur Oak tp, Beaty, Joseph, farmer, res IJ^ m s w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Waynfe tp. Beaver, Isaac, clerk for A. B. Syrans, Doniphan, Wa^iie tp. Beary, J,, minister (German M. E,), res Bellemont, Washington tp. Beardsley, II. S., nursery and book ag't, res cor Doniphan and Fre- mont sts, Wathena. -Bearman, C. M., laborer, res Wathena. Mrs. W. T. STONK, Dealer in l?Iiiiinery Cioodw, \o. 110 Felix Street, St. Joseph, missouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 99 J. H. SAUETDSRS^ DEALER IK LANDIS' BUILDING, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, Beckett, James M., sawyer, res White Cloud. Beeler, Jackson, farmer, Po Iowa Point, res 3 m s e White Cloud, on Iowa Point and White Cload r'd, lovra tp. Beeler, AVm. D., lumberman (Beeler & Sons), res Block 09, White Cloud. Beeler, John S., lumberman (Beeler & Sons), res with W. D. Beeler, White Cloud. Beeler, John, farmer, res ^ m e Highland, Iowa tp. BEELER, GEO. W., hotel-keeper (Beeler House), Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Beeler, Bolivar, farmer, Po Iowa Point, res 4^ m n Highland, Iowa tp. BELL, HIRAM, cabinet-maker and furniture dealer, Main st. White Cloud. Bell, Henry, col'd, farmer renter, res West Watliena. Bell, Robert, col'd, laborer, res AVest Wathena. Bellj F. M., farmer, res 3 m n w Troy, on Troy and Lafayette r'd, Center tp. Bennett, Geo. W., farmer, res 7 m s w Troy, Wolf River tp. Bennett, Abram, farmer, res 8 m s w Troy, Wolf River tp. Benuou, James, farmer, Po Palermo, res 3 m u Geary City, e s'd Troy r'd, Wayne tp. Bender, Henry, laborer for Wm. B. Hall, 1^ m n Geary City, Wayne tp. Bennett, Thomas, farmer, res 7^ m s w Troy, Wolf River tp. Bentley, Frank, laborer, res s e part of White Cloud. Bender, Mrs. Clara J. (widow), res 1^ m n Geary City, n s'd St. Joseph r'd, AVayne tp. L.ci <>■ For Drug«« and Itlcdiciiics go to ELFRED & YOUIVO'S, S. W. cor 4th and Edniond Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 1 00 n I S T O li Y AND D I K E C T O R Y OF Benjamine, Geo. A., physician (ass't surgeon U. S. A. in Department of Dakota), res Doniphan. Benbrick, Charles, farmer, res 2 J- m n e Troy, s s'd Troy and Colum- bus r'd, Center tp. Berry, Isaac, laborer for Wm. Syinns, 6 m n w Doniphan, e s'd Jor- dan Creek, Wayne tp. Berry, Sampson, col'd, farmer renter, res 2 m n w Wathena, n s'd Troy r'd, Washington tp. Berry, Francis, farmer, res 1\ m s w Troy, n s'd Troy and Syracuse r'd, Center tp. Berry, Wm., farmer, res l^m s w Tro}', with Francis Berry, Center tp. Betts, Geo., Sr., laborer, res Elwood Bottom, Washington tp. Betts, Geo., Jr., laborer, res Elwood Bottom, Washington tp. Betts, James H., farmer renter on J. N. Booth's farm, Elwood Bottom, Washington tp. Beuchampj H. N., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 6 m w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Beuchamp, John J., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 6 m w Doniphan on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Bicknell, George, farmer, res n s'd mac'ad r'd e of Wathena, Wash- ington tp. Birkhauser, P.W., farmer, res 1 ra w Troy s s'd Telegraph r'd, Center tp. Bird, G., mason, res Highland, Iowa tp. Bishop, William, minister (Presbyterian), res Highland. Bitner, J. T., res |^ m n w Syracuse, 10 m s w Troy, Wolf Kiver tp. Bixler, Fred., Sr., farmer, Po Wathena, res 3 m n Wathena e s'd Columbus and Wathena r'd. Bur Oak tp. Bixler, Fred., Jr., res with Fred. Bixler, Sr., Bur Oak tp. Bixler, Lewis, res with Fred. Bixler, Sr., Bur Oak tp. Bixby, William N., lumberman (Beeler & Sons), res on Levee, White Cloud. Blankenship, Thomas, farmer, Po Wathena, res 2 m n e Columbus, s s'd Bur Oak and Wathena r'd, Bur Oak tp. Black, William R., farmer, res 1 m n w Wathena, s s'd Troy and Wathena r'd, Washington tp. Blair, Joel P., farmer, res 4 m n w Wathena s s'd Troy r'd, Washing- ton tp. Blair, Samuel, farmer, res 1} m n w Troy, Center tp. Blair, John, farmer and plasterer, res 5 m n e Normanville, Wolf River tp. Blair, P., pilot on Mo River, res with Samuel Blair, Center tp. Blood, Marion, laborer, Wayne tp. WILCOX & CilRRS' Sewing Itlaohlne. General Agenej , 77 FcIU Street, St. Joseph, iTlittsoiiri, J. S. SHOUT, Agent. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, 101 ELWOOD AND SAINT JOSEPH FLEMING & HOWARD, Proprietors, ELWOOD, - - - KANSAS. Makes regular trips from Elwood to St. Joseph and back. L. V. FLEMING, -------- CAPTAIN. No pains will be spared to render all accommodations to the Public. AL\VAY!5« A. SURE CHOsas^XIVG. Boatwright, James, farmer renter, res Elwood, "Washington tp. Boatwright, Jasper, laborer, res with James Boatwright, Elwood. BODEli, HENRY, Jr., merchant (Henry Boder, Jr., & Co.), cor Main and Walnut sts, res cor Walnut and Seneca sts, Troy. BODER, LEWIS, merchant (Henry Boder, Jr., & Co.), b'ds with Henry Boder, Jr., Troy. Bohr, Nicholas, Sr., farmer, res 3 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Bohr, Nicholas, Jr., res with Nicholas Bohr, Sr., Marion tp. Bohr, John, res with Nicholas Bohr, Sr., Marion tp. Bohr, Matthew, farmer, res 2|- m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Boiles, Lewis, farmer, resn e part of White Cloud. Bonesteel, Sylvester, farmer and carpenter, res 2^ m s Highland, in Wolf River tp. Booth, L. C, farmer, res on RR s e Wathena, Washington tp. Booth, W., farmer, 1 m s e Wathena on RR, Washington tp. Booth, James II,, farmer, 1 m s e Wathena onRR, Washington tp. Booth, Charles, farmer, res 1 m se Wathena on RR, Washington tp. Booth, D. C, laborer for L. Smith, Troy Hotel, Troy, ELFRED & YOITIVG, Driig^gists and Apothecaries, S. "W. cor. 4th and Edmond Greets, St, Joseph, JVIissouri. 1 02 H 1 S T O K Y AND 1) I K E C T O li Y OF Borton, "William R,, farmer renter, res Palermo, Marion tp. Boston, Mrs. Alvira, widow, Po Wathena, res 2 m s e Columbus, n s d Boston Ferry r'd, Bur Oak tp. Boston, John, former, res with Mrs. Alvira Boston, Bur 0:ik tp. Boulbj, L. H., farmer, res Wolf River tp, near Normanville. Boulware, P. A., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 m n Doniphan, e s'd Pock Creek, Wayne tp. Bowman, John, Po Wathena, res 1 m n e Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Bowers, M., farmer, Po Watliena, res 5 m n w Wathena, w s'd Wathena and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Bowen, Michael, farmer, Po Highland, res 3 m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Bowen, T. M., laborer, res White Cloud, Iowa tp. Bowers, J., laborer, res White Cloud, Iowa tp. Bowman, B. P., minister (Methodist) and farmer, res 3 m n Wathena on Old Troy r'd, Washington tp. Bozarth, Allen B., farmer renter, res Charleston, Center tp. Bozarth, Jacob, merchant, Charleston, Center tp. Bozarth, Allen, Bellemont, Washington tp. Bradley, Patrick, farmer, res ;^ m s w Norman ville. Wolf River tp. Bradner, A. A., butcher, w side Doniphan st., bet St. Joseph and Mill sts, Wathena. Brannan, Michael, blacksmith, res cor Bryan and Fremont sts, Wathena. Brady, John T., saddle and harness maker, n s'd St, Joseph st, bet Bryan and Doniphan sts, Wathena. Bradley, F. M., carpenter, res Troy. Brande, Chas. D., physician, office and res Parson House, Wathena. BRANTANO, ANTONE, druggist and postmaster, Main st., bet Walnut and Chestnut sts, Troy. Brandt, Wm,, wagon-maker, res Charleston Center tp. Brandt, Fred., wagon-maker, res Charleston Center tp. Bray, Nelson, carpenter, res 2 m s Palermo, Marion tp. Breading, John, farmer renter, Po Highland, res 2 m n w Highland, Iowa tp. BRENNER, GEORGE, produce dealer (A. & G. Brenner), Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Brenner, Jacob, farmer, res Doniphan. Breathell, J., coFd, laborer. White Cloud. BRENNER, ADAM, produce dealer (A. & G. Brenner), Doniphan, Wayne tp. Brennan, Thomas, clerk for A. B. Symns, Doniphan. Brier, Charles, laborer, Geary city, Wayne tp. SAM S. TTIcOIRBOVS & CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, IVIar- kct Square, St. Joseph, ITllskOuri. Sit;n of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 103 PRAIRIE NURSERY^ ON SOUTH WHITE CLAY CREEK, TWO MILES SOUTHWEST OF ATCHISON, KANSAS. GEORGE BALL, Proprietor. CHOICE NURSERY STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES: Apple, Pejir, Plum, Cherry, and Peaoli Trees — Orape Vines, Raspberrle<«, Blaekberriets, Cioosel>erries, Currants, Rhubarb, Linneus and Victoria Roses, &e. With over twenty years' experience in the business, eleven years west of the Mississippi, I profess to know something of what is suitable to the climate. 3>Sr O A. Gr JS no- 1* IS X3 AO: Z> Xs O "ST X3 x> . Briggs, James, farmer, Po Wathena, res. 3 m n e Columbus, near Mo Kiver, Bur Oak tp. Briggs, G, A., farmer, Po White Cloud, res 3| m s e on Telegraph r'd, Iowa tp. Bright, James, farmer, Po Wathena, res 3|^ m e Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Brimm, J. J., farmer, Po White Cloud, res 3ms Wliite Cloud, Iowa tp. Brittain, Joseph, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 7 m n w Doniphan, on Atchison r'd, Wayne tp. Brinton, W., farmer i-enter, Po White Cloud, rep 3^ m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Briggs, John W., carpenter, res Troy. Brittain, John, brickmaker, res Liberty st, bet Myrtle and Walnut sts., Troy. Bromley, G. W., farmer, res 3^ m n w Troy, Wolf Eiver tp. Broadsword, John, farmer, Po Wathena, res Burton Hollow, Bur Oak tp. Broadsword, J. II., res with John Broadsword, Bur Oak tp. Brock, B. H., merchant, Po Watliena, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp. SAM S. IVIcGIBBONS Ac CO., Dealers in Boots and §hoes. Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Missouri, Sign of the Elephant. Empire «cwfns]Wacliine,WELL.S Sc R1Clfno\D,Oen'l Western Agent*, Principal Otn. Brooks, Wm., farmer, res White Cloud. BrowTiing, L. D., farmer, Po Highland, res 2^ m e Highland, Iowa tp. Browning, E. S., farmer, Po Highland, same as L. D. Browning, Iowa tp. Browning, Jas., farmer, Po Highland, res 3|^ m e Highland, Iowa tp. Browning, G. W., minister, Po Highland, res 3^ m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Browning, F. N., farmer, Po Highland, res 3 m e Highland, Iowa tp. Brown, Sara'l, minister, Po Highland, res 2^ m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Brown, Wendell, laborer, Doniphan. Broomfield, James, laborer, Doniphan. Brock, G., farmer renter, res 1|^ m s w Doniphan, on Kock Creek, W^ayne tp. Bronson, Tliomas, laborer, Wathena, res on Bryan st. Bronson, Augustus, carpenter, res with Thomas Bronson, Wathena. Brown, Elijah, col'd, laborer, res Elwood. Brown, John, col'd, laborer, res Elwood. BrowTi, J. A., col'd, laborer, res Elwood. Brown, Melvin B., farmer, res 3ms Troy, w sM Troy and Doniphan r'd, Wayne tp. BBOWISr, FRANK, clerk Dist. Court, office Main st, between Chest- nut and Poplar, res cor Myrtle and Second sts, East Troy. Brown, Julius, farmer, 1^ m s e Troy, ^ m s Peter's Creek r'd. Center tp. Brown, D. W., teacher, res Troy. BROWN, W. H., physician, cor East Main and Elm sts, Troy. Brown, Jesse, Sup. County Poor-House, res Washington tp. Brown, R. A., farmer, 1 m n Palermo, Marion tp. Bruce, T., farmer, res 5 m s w Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Bruce, C. W., laborer, with William Spencer, Wolf River tp. Brumbaugh, J. S., saloon-keeper, cor Chestnut and Main sts, Tro}'. Bruner, Moses, farmer, res Highland. Bruner, A., blacksmith, res Highland. Bruner, M., laborer, res Highland. Bruce, John, farmer renter, Po Doniphan, res 8 m w Doniphan on Iiulependence Creek. USE ELFRED'S BAKJNCt POWDER. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 105 J. BOOT ^ SHOE MAKER, jriGHLAWD, Kansas. HARNESS REPAIRED AT ALL TIMES, AND AT LOWEST RATES. Brjan, M. E., farmer, res ^ m w Watliena, s s'd Troy r'd, Washing- ton tp. Bryan, "William, res with M. E. Bryan. Buchenan, John, baker, res n s'd St. Joseph st, bet Bryan and Doni- phan sts, Wathena. Buck, George, farmer, Po Atchison, res 8^ m s w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Buck, P. M., minister (Methodist), Highland, Iowa tp. Bullock, W. W., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 4 m n e Doniphan, n s'd Brush Creek, Wayne tp. Bundy, A. T., farmer, Po Troy, res with William A. Bundy, Bur Oak tp. Bundy, A. P., Po Troy, res same as William A. Bundy, Bur Oak tp. Bundy, William A., farmer and carpenter, res 4^ m n e Charleston, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Burtnett, William, carpenter, res Mill st, between Doniphan and Bryan, Wathena. Burzette, G. G., physician, res Doniphan st, bet Limestone and Fre- mont, Wathena ; b'ds with T. M. Hamilton. Bursk, Daniel, clerk for Cyrus Leland, Jr., Troy. Burke, James, farmer, res 4 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Burdick, A. J., res with Joseph Combs, Wathena. Burke, John, laborer, res Normanville, Wolf Kiver tp, — with John Normile. Burl, Walter, farmer, res 5 m w Troy, Wolf Piver tp. BUPJvIIALTER, CHARLES, grocer (Burkhalter & Forncrook), foot of Main st on Levee, res Poplar st. White Cloud. Burkhalter, Peter, butcher. Main st, AVhite Cloud. Burkhalter, Frederick, butcher, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. EI^FRED A YOriVO, I>rii^j;ist»i and Apolliecarles, Second Sf., and ». W. cor. 4tli and Edniond »>trcel8, i»t. Josiepli, Ifli!iM>uri. Empire Sewing Maeliine, 1VEL.I..S & RICH]?IOXD, Gen'l IVestern Agents, Prineipal Otiice, cor. 2d and Franeis Streets, St. Joseph, IVlisisouri. 106 II I S T O K Y AND D Hi K C T O R Y OF Biirclifield, J. \V., farmer, res 1|^ m s e Highland, s s'd Telegraph r'd, Iowa tp. BURKLEY, Mrs. C. L. widow, milliner. Main st. White Cloud. Burr, A. B., farmer and book agent, res 2 m n Troy, e s'd Charles- ton r'd. Busey, Jatnes, farmer renter, with S. W. Busey, Marion tp. Busey, S. W., farmer renter, res ^ m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Buster, AVilliam, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 4 m w Doniphan, on Inde- pendence Creek, Wayne tp. Bush, William, carpenter, b'ds with AV. II. Small wo od, Wathena. Butler, James, farmer, res 1| m n e Doniphan, in Bottom, Wayne tp. Butler, William, apothecary, Po AVathena, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Butler, Robert, farmer renter, Po Wathena, res 2|- m s e Columbus, n s'd Columbus and AVathena r'd. Bur Oak tp. Butler, William B., farmer renter, Po Wathena, res near Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Butler, Edward, farmer renter, Po Wathena, res same as AVilliam B. Butler, Bur Oak tp. Butler, Thomas, farmer renter, res 3 m s Palermo, Marion tp. Butcher, AVillis, col'd, farmer renter, res 1|- m s Palermo, Marion tp. Butzer, Fred., wagon-maker, St. Joseph st, bet Moss and Bryan sts, Wathena. c. Cable, Jonathan, carpenter, res White Cloud. Calbutt, B., mason, res Highland, Iowa tp. Calber -Harrison, farmer, res 1|- m s e Troy. Calbert, Theodore, with Harrison Calbert. Campbell, G. P., farmer renter, with M. B. Miller, Wolf River tp. Campbell, Henry M., farmer, res joining Highland on s s'd. Campbell, Armstead, farmer, Po Highland, res 4 m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Campbell, A., farmer, Po Highland, res 8 m e Highland, Iowa tp. CAMPBELL, ADAM E., merchant, res cor St. Joe and Bryant sts., Wathena. Campbell, James, farmer, res 3 m e Wathena on RR, AVashington tp. CAMPBELL, B. S., Sheriff Doniphan County, b'ds with Charles Higby, Troy. CA3IP, C. C, miller (Troy Mills), and farmer, res Park st, bet Walnut and Chestnut sts, Troy. SAIV S. lffcOIBBO]VS Sc CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, TTIar- ket Square, St. Joseph, JUissouri. Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 107 Elf 41E1 i:.J€irom piiiSiii; MAIN STREET, WHITE CLOUD, Kansas. BIXjLIAIiD HALL ATTACHED Also Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Campbell, Charles, farmer, res 3|^ m s e Troj, in Geary City r'd, Center tp. Cam, F, M., farmer, res H m s Palermo, Marion tp. Carter, J. M., farmer, PoWhite Clond, res |^ m w White Cloud, Iowa tp. Carder, Joel, farmer renter, res Doniphan. Carroll, Arthur, laborer, Elwood. CAPSON, C. C, Sr., (Carson House, Carson & Son), cor Doniphan and St. Joseph sts, "Wathena. CARSON, C. C, Jr., (Carson House, Carson & Son), cor Doniphan and St. Joseph sts, Wathena. Cartling, Peter, farmer, res 1^ m n e Syracuse, Wolf Piver tp. Carson, Samuel, laborer for Carson & Son, Cai*son House, Wathena. Carson, A., farmer, res "3^^ m n w Wathena, on old California r'd, Washinfjton tp. Cames, Isaac, laborer, res North Wathena. Carpenter, John G., wagon-maker, res Troy. Carr, James, blacksmith, res Charleston, Center tp. Cardonier, Frank, farmer, res 3^ m s w Palenuo, Marion tp. Cardonier, H., farmer, res 3 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Case, Frank, farmer renter, res 3 m s Highland, on John Snyder's farm. Wolf Piver tp. Case, Frank, farmer. Highland, Iowa tp. Case, B. C, farmer, Highland, Iowa tp. Cash, Wm. J., insurance ag't, res Chestnut st, bet Liberty and Main sts, Troy. CASE, ED., merchant, cor Main and Walnut sts, Troy, res on Park st. CASH, B. S., Physician and Surgeon, cor Liberty and Myrtle sts, Troy. Cathren, Augustus, farmer renter, res n w Doniphan, Wayne tp, on Rock Creek, Empire Sewin&rinacliine,^VEL,L.S & RI€li:7Io:VD,Gen'l VFestern Agents, Priiieipal Office, <>or. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Josepli, IVIissourl. 108 HISTORY AND DIKECTORY OF Caveganbaj, David, farmer renter, res 3 m w Troy, s s'd Troy and Hio;hland r'd, Center tp. Chapson, J., farmer, Po Highland, res 3 m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Cbapson, S., farmer, Po Highland, res 4 m n w Highland. Iowa tp. Chapman, O. G., res 3^ m w Wathena, on n s'd Troj and Wathena r'd. CHANDLER, J. A., Cook & Chandler (Wathena Woolen Mills), res cor Fremont and Creal sts, Wathena. Chappell, Wm., farmer, res 2 m w Troy, Centpr tp. Chaffee, Charles H., farmer renter, res Palermo, Marion tp. Chill, Z., farmer, Po Wathena, res IJ m n Columbus, e s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Cliilton, Tliomas L., farmer, res 4 m n w Geary City, Wayne tp. Christia!!, Wm., farmer, Po Troy, res 3 m n e Charleston, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Christel, H., farmer, res 2 m w Palermo, Marion tp. Christel, George J., farmer, res 2 m w Palermo, Marion tp. Churchill, Henry, farmer, Po Highland, res 2^ m s w Highland, Iowa tp. Clark, Joseph C, farmer, res 2^ m s w Walnut Grove, 5 m s e High- land, Wolf River tp. Clark, ISr. C, physician, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp, Po Wathena. Clark, Alvis, col'd, farmer renter, res 2^ m e Columbus, near Mo River, Burr Oak tp. Clark, Heniy, col'd, farmer renter, res 2|^ m n e Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Clark, John, farmer renter, Po Doniphan, res 7^ m n w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. CLAYWATER, JOHN F., merchant, res Levee, Bellemont. Claywater, John, laborer, Elwood. Clark, Richard, carjienter, res North Wathena. Clark, George, shingle-maker, res with Mrs. E. Clark, Bellemont. Clark, James, farmer, res with Mrs. E. Clark, Bellemont. Clark, Mrs. E. (widow), res Bellemont. Clary, Henry, farmer, res 3 m n Troy, near Charleston r'd. Center tp. Clary, Isaac B., farmer, res 3 m n Troy, e s'd Charleston r'd. Cen- ter tp. Clem, George, farmer, res 4 m s w Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Clementson, C, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 m n Doniphan, w s'd Brush Creek, Wayne tp. Clementson, O. C, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 ra n Doniphan, w s'd Brush Creek, Wayne tp. Clementson, Lewis, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 4^ m n Doniphan, es'd Peter's and Rock Creek r'd, Wayne tp. Fashionable millinery at Mrs. ^V. T. STO!«E'S, 110 Felix Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 109 R. GUNN. C. H. DARBY, D. D. S. GUNN & DARBY, Surgeon lUentiot^^ Southeast corner Third and Felix Streets, St. JOSEPH, Missouri. Particular attention J^^^^/^?^^^^ given to the preserva- ^"^^-^^^^t;^-^ Children's teeth tion of the natural ^|^^^^^S^^ carefully attended to. teeth, ^^^^^^^^^^^ TEETH INSERTED FROM ONE TO A FULL SET, IN ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS OF THE ART. Clementson, T., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 m n Doniphan, e s'd Brush Creek, Wayne tp. Clem, Aaron, farmer, Po Doniplian, res 7^ m n w Doniphan, on In- dependence Creek, Wayne tp. CLEMENSON, JAMES F., shingle-maker, res on Levee, White Cloud. Clifton, John, farmer, res 5 m s Highland, Wolf Kiver tp. Clouc'h, C. C, farmer, res 6|^ m s Highland, AVolf River tp. Clutter, M. L,, farmer, res 1 m n Geary City, e s'd St. Joseph r'd, Wayne tp. Clutter, Alfred A., farmer, with M. L. Clutter, Wayne tp. Coats, Wm.. laborer, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Coats, Joseph, col'd, lai^orer, res Pakrmo, Marion tp. Coarter, John M., farmer, res 1 m n Wathena, on Bellemont and AVathena Bottom r'd. Cobb, Samuel, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 2^ m n e Doniphan, in Bluffs, Wayne tp. Coger, G. C, wagon-maker, Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Cokeley, Joel, farmer, res White Cloud. > & CO., Healers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Josepli, Mitikouri. Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 115 TROY, DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. BLACKSMITHINC, HORSESHOEmC, AND REPAIRING, Done in the neatest style on short notice. SHOP NEAR TROY MILLS, Druram, Wm., laborer, s of 4th and Market sts, White Cloud. Driimmond, T. J., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 2 m n Doniphan. Drunimond, S., farmer and stone-mason, Po Geary City, res 1]- m n Geary City, AVayne tp, Drummond, Wm. P., farmer renter, res Doniphan. Drusselmeyer, II., ftirmer, res 1ms Wathena, on river bank, Wash- ington tp. DRYDEN, JAMES E., County Commissioner (Pres. Co. Board), res El wood, Washington tp. Dubacli, B., farmer, Po Wathena, res 2 m e Columbns, Bur Oak tp. Dubach, C, farmer, res 1 m n e Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Dubeeh, Fred., merchant (Wilson, Mahony & Co.), n s'd St. Joe st, bet Bryan and Doniphan sts, res with C. Maliony, cor Limestone and Creal sts, Wathena. Dubeck, Christian, lumberman (Bellemont Saw Mills), I'es Bellemont. Dunkin, John W., farmer, res 3 n e JS^urmanville, AVolf River tp. Dunkin, Charles, farmer, 6 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Dunkin, M., farmer renter, Po White Cloud, res 3|- m e White Cloud, Iowa tp. Dunkin, Mann, col'd, laborer, White Cloud, Iowa tp. Dunn, R. H., farmer renter, Po Troy, res 2 m n w Columbus, n s'd Columbus and Troy r'd, Bur Oak tp. Dunlavy, Patrick, laborer, res s e part White Cloud. Dunham, Samuel, farmer, res 1 m n Bellemont, on Mo River, Washins:- ton tp. Duncan, Frank, laborer, Elwood Bottom, Washington tp. Duncan, Carter, col'd, farmer renter, res Elwood. Durkey, J., wagon-maker, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Dutton, H. W., carpenter, res Iowa Pointj Iowa tp. Dutton, Job, farmer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Dutton, Andrew, carpenter, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp.. Empire Se\vin;;:nacliinc,lVE:TvI.S & RICH^OXD, Gen'I Western Agents, Principal Oltioe, ror. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joscpii, Missouri. 116 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Dyke, F. Y., farmer, res 2 m s w Highland, Iowa tp. Dyke, James, farmer, res 3 m below White Cloud, Iowa tp. Djsert, Henry, col'd, labt»rer, res West Wathena. Dysert, Carter, cord, farmer renter, res El wood, Washington tp. E. EDGERLY, S. J., nurseryman (Highland Nursery), res ^ ni s High- land, Iowa tp. Edwards, John, farmer, res Lafayette, Center tp. Edwards, Joseph, farmer renter, res 4 m n w Troy, Center tp. Ege, Wm., farmer, Po Doniplian, res 5|- m n w Doniphan, on High- land and Atchison r'd, Wayne tp. Ege, Edwin, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 6 m ii w Doniphan, e s'd Jor- dan Creek, Wayne tp. EGE, COL. A. G., real estate agent, res Elm st, bet Liberty and Main sts., Troy. Ege, Wm., farmer, Po Troy, res 4 m n e Charleston, Bur Oak tp. Egler, James M., farmer, Po Troy, res 1 m e Syracuse, n side Denver r'd, Wayne tp. Elkin, James, farmer, res Walnut Grove with Wm. J. Bayne, Wolf Piver tp. Ellis, Henry, laborer, 4 m s w White Cloud, Iowa tp. Ellertson, Peter, farmer and carpenter, res 2 m n Geary City, w side Troy r\l, Wayne tp. ELLEDGE, JOHN B., saloon, Walnut st, Troy. Ellsworth, William, toll-collector, res toll-gate ^ m n Elwood, Wash- ington tp. Elliott, J. W., jeweler, St. Joseph st, Wathena. Elswick, Thomas, laborer, res Bellemont, W^ashington tp. Elwell, Wm., farmer, with E. W. McKay, AV'olf River tp. Elwinger, John, teamster, Elwood. Emmerson, D. M., clerk, res White Cloud, Iowa tp. ENDERLINE, ERNST, saddle and harness maker, Doniphan. Engeman, Daniel, farmer, Po Wathena, res 1ms Columbus, n side Smith Creek, Bur Oak tp. EYANS, E., stove and tinware dealer, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Evans, S., farmer, res on Pottawatomie road, 4^ m w Wathena, Wash- ington tp. Evans, Y., farmer, res s Wathena, on Palermo r'd, Washington tp. Evans, D. B., carpenter, res f m e Wathena, n s'd mac'ad r'd. SAW S. IflcOIBBOlVS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Slioes,9Iar- lid Square, St. .IoNt',»ii, ITIiMswuri. Sign of the l::iepliant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 11' Blacksmithing $c Wagon-making, HIGHLAND, Kansas. I^EPAIRING^ DONE TO OHDEIl. Particular attention given to Custom Work. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Evingtoii, J., farmer renter, Po Highland, res 4 m s e Highland. Iowa tp, Ewing, J., col'd, laborer, Highland. Ewing, S. D., farmer, rib Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Ewing, Robert, with Charles O. Madanlet, Marion tp. F. FAIExVLL, WILLIAM, cabinet-maker and furniture dealer. Main st. White Cloud, res e side Poplar st. Earrow, Valentine, carpenter, res Doniphan. Farrow, Joseph, farmer renter, res 1^ m s w Doniphan, Wayne tp., on Rock Creek. Farons, John, laborer, res 2 m e Wathena, in Elwood Bottom, Wash- ington tp. Fee, J. L., farmer, res li m w Wathena, n side Troy r'd, Washing- ton tp. Fee, William, farmer renter, Washington tp. Fenton, J. K., farmer, res 4 m s Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Fenton, Samuel, farmer, res 4ms Syracuse, AVolf River tp. Fennir, Luke, O. S. B., res near Catholic church, Wolf River tp. Fenno, O. W., farmer, res 4 ui w Wathena, n of Troy r'd, Washing- I ton tp. i Fetter, Lucas, farmer, Po Wathena, res 4 m n Wathena, n s'd Bur Oak and Wathena r'd, Bur Oak tp. Fields, Reuben, car])enter, res on Jessee st, bet Chestnut and Creal. Wathena, Field, Francis M., carpenter, res Poplar st, Troy. Fillmore, Isaac, farmer, res 3 m s White Cloud. Finnegan, Jas., farmer renter, on W. A. McCabe's farm, Wolf River tp. Buy Bootsi aisd Shoes of W. T. STO\E, Xo. 8 Second Street, St. Jo»epli, ]ni!»i>oiiri. Empire Se wins Maclii lie, AVE Ll^SiSc RICH]?IOXD,Gen'i Western Agents, Prineipai Ottice, eor. 2cl and Francis Streets, 118 HISTORY AND DIK ECTOR Y OF Finlev, William, farmer, Po White Cloud, res 4 m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Fish, C. G., farmer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Fish, Wra., laborer, res 1|- m s w Iowa Point. Iowa tp. Fisli, , farmer, res cor Liberty and Walnut sts, Troy. Flanegan, Michael, laborer, res Elwood. Flauegan, Francis, farmer, res 3i m s w Palermo, n s'd Troy and Pe- tersburg r'd, Marion tp. Flanegan, James, farmer, res 3^ m s w Palermo, n s'd Troy and Pe- tersburg r'd, Marion tp. Flanegan, Thomas, tarmer, res 4 m s w Palermo, n Troy and Peters- burg r'd, Marion tp. Flander, John, farmer renter, res 2 m s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Fleming, Elijah, farmer, Po Wathena, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Fleek, Isaac, farmer, res 4 m w Wathena, on Troy r'd, Washington tp. Fleming, George, farmer and cooper, Po Wathena, res 2 m s e Colum- bus, w s'd Bur Oak and Wathena r'd, Bur Oak tp. FLEMING, L. Y., captain steam ferry (Fleming & Howard), res Elwood. FLEMING, II. B., ferryman (Fleming & Howard), res Elwood. Fleming, Wm., col'd, farmer renter, res 3 m w Wathena. Flickenger, Robert, lumberman, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Flickenger, Samuel, engineer, res Doniphan. FLINN, D. W., proprietor Iowa Point Mills, res Iowa Point. Flinn, M., laborer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Flinn, D. M.. wool-carder, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Floyd, Edwin D., employee of Adam Brenner, Doniphan. Floyd, T. F., farmer, res 8 m n w Doni[)han, Floyd, Wm., laborer, res Doniphan, s s'd Atchison r'd, Wayne tp. Follett, II. C, farmer, res 5^ m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Foley, Augustus, farmer, res 3|- m s Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Foley, Sliepherd, farmer renter, res Doniphan. Foley, Michael, farmer and carpenter, res 4 m n w Wathena, on Old California r'd, Washington. Forbs, B., merchant (Lane & Forbs), Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Forbs, W. IL, farmer, Po Highland, res 4 m n Highland, Iowa tp. Forker, R., farmer renter, res ^ m s w Highland, Iowa tp. Ford, E., farmer renter, Po Highland, res 2^ m w Highland, Iowa tp. Ford, C. W., carpenter, res Iligliland. FORNCROOK, W. IL, merchant (Burkhalter & Forncrook), foot of Main St, White Cloud. Fordham, Wm., cabinet-maker, b'ds with D. McCoy, North Wathena. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 119 Prairie Nursery, HIGHLAND, Doniplian County, i^Ji,lfgJ^g, A. GENKEAL ASSOETMENT OP TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, and PLANTS, Grown with a View to give the Best Satisfaction to the Planter. ^LUMSy QZriJVCJEJS, G^ATU riJVjEJS. blackberries , Raspberries, Goosebei^ries, Curra?ils, Sh^a7i>berries, ^verg7'€e?iSf For Ornaments, Hedges, "Windbreaks, and Groves. IN LARGE OR SMALL. QUANTl-i^fiS, OP THE BEST VARIETIES. ROSES, FLOWERING SHRUBS and PLANTS, PEONIES, DAHLIAS, GLADIOLUS, TUBE ROSES. IMPORTED BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING. Sweet Potato Plants, Apple Grafts. CIONS TAZEU FROM BEAEINQ TREES, AND WOEZED IH GOOD STOCKS. Pi'iee Liist furnished to Applicants. AI3DR.ESS, E. SNYDER, HIGHLAND, KANSAS. USE ALFRED'S BAKTWG POIVDER. 120 HISTORY AND DIKECTOKY OF * Forrest, M., farmer, res 3 m s Troj, e s'd Troy and Doniplian r d, Center tp. Foster, Samuel, laborer, col'd, res White Cloud, Iowa tp. Fosheo, P., farmer renter, on mac'ad r'd, Washington tp. Fox, John R., farmer, Po AVatliena, res 1|^ m w Columbus, w s'd Bur Oak and Watliena r'd. Bur Oak tp. Fox, George, farmer, Po Highland, res 2 m w Highland, Iowa tp. Fox, C. E., farmer, Po Highland, res 5 m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Fox, Dana, minister (Metliodist), res Highland, Iowa tp. Fox, G. G., farmer, res 2 in u Highland, Iowa tp. Frankhouse, J., laborer, with 0.calcr in Boot«» nnd Shoes, 8 Second Street, St. Joetcpli, MittMOuri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 121 J. Q. ^. TROY, HrjdHLANDr = ««o = «„„«« KANSAS. AGENT FOR TIIK FRAXKM]^ and IflEDALLIOIV Double Til read-Table ALSO, DOTY'S WASHER AND UNIVERSAL WRINGER. , Furguson, A. M., miller (Barr & Fur,ES & RICH:»I0XD, Gen'l Western Agcuti, Principal Ollloe, «*or. 2d unci Pruncis Streets, St. Joseph, missouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY K A N S A ]25 TROY STEAIVl FLOURiNG MILLS. Troy, TRACY & CAMP, Proprietors, Kansas. AN EXCELLENT AKTU'LE OF ALWAYS ON HAND. The highest 3Larket Price paid for Wheat and Corn, Giintzelmaii, J., fanner, Po Watliena, res If in s e Coliinibus, s sM Bur Oak and Watliena r\l, Bur Oak tp. Gurwell, AVni., farmer, Po IHii::lilaii(l, res 5 ra s e IIii:;lilaii(l, Iowa tp. Gurwell, James, fanner, Po Highla.id, res 4|^ m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Gurney, Senica, physician, Iowa Point, Iowa tp, Gutznian, Charles, farmer renter, 4 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. H. Hackney, Thomas, merchant, n s'd St. Joe st, bet Doniphan and Bryan sts, res Court st, Wathena. HACKLEY, SAMUEL A., lumberman (Wathena Saw-mill), on KR, foot of Moss st, res Fremont st, AVathena. Hackley. J. A., res with Samuel Ilaekley, Wathena. Hack, Wm., laborer, res ^ m s Wathena. Hack, Charles, AVat hen a House, cor St. Joe and Bryan sts, Wathena. Haddix, Mrs. E., (widow,) Po Troy, res at mouth of Iladdix Hollow, Bur Oak tp. Haddix, A. J., farmer, Po Troy, res 2^ m n e Charleston, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Hague, J. J., engineer at Troy Mills, res cor Liberty and Poplar sts, Troy. Ilagenderfer, Frank, farmer, res 8 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Hagge, George, farmer, res ^ m w Normanville, AVolf River tp. HAGGARD, E. D., stove and tinware dealer (Haggard Bros.), Main st. White Cloud. Every Housekeeper uses ELFRED'S BAKIXG POWOER, 120 HISTORY AND D I K E C T O K Y OF HAGGARD, GEORGE, stove and tinware dealer (Haggard Bros.), Main st, AVliite Cloud. HxHIAIsT, F. C, boot and slioe maker, res Doniplian. Haines, Mat, grocer (M. Haines & Co.), s s'd St. Joe st, bet Brjan and Doni})lian, AVatliena. Hall, Yolney, farmer renter, res 5 m s Highland, Wolf River tp. Hall, Cornelius, farmer, Po Watliena, res 4^ m n e Troy, n s'd Old California r'd, Bur Oak tp. Hall, C, col'd, farmer renter, on B. Beeler's farm, Iowa tp. Hall, John, laborer, res Iowa Point, low^a tp. Hall, Wm. B., farmer, Po Geary City, res 1^ m n Geary City, Wayne tp. Hall, Isaac, farmer, res 4 m n w Troy, Center tp. Hall, Wm., laborer, res Wathena. Hampton, E. T., farmer, res 6 m w Troy, Wolf River tp. Hamilton, Mrs. E., (widow,) Po Troy, res 1|- m n e Charleston, s s'd Ciiarleston and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Hamilton, T. M., merchant, w s'd Doniphan st, bet Fremont and Lime- stone sts, res cor Doniphan and Limestone sts, Wathena. Hamner, Wm. Mc, farmer, res |- m w Troy, n s'd Telegrapli r'd. Center tp. Hampson, J, F., farmer, res cor Park st and Highland r'd, Troy. Hamlin, Thomas, farmer, res 3 m n w Troy, s s'd Telegra[)h r'd, Center tp. Hamlin, Joseph, gunsmith, res Palermo, Marion tp. Hammond, Jeff, farmer renter, res 4 m s Palermo, Marion tp. Hander, AVm., laborer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Hancock, John, farmer renter, res 1 m w Wathena, on Troy and AVathena r'd, Washington tp. Ilannan, Arcliimedes, farmer, res 1 m w Wathena, on old Troy r'd, Washington tp. Hannan, Josephus, laborer on Peter Manvill's place, 1 m n e Watliena, Washington tp. Hannan, , laborer on Peter Manvill's place, 1 m n e Wathena, AVashington tp. Ilannan, IL, laborer on Peter Manvill's place, 1 mile n e AA^athena, AV^ashington tj). Hannan, John P., farmer renter, res e s'd Poplar st, AA^hite Cloud. Hanson, Mrs. Nancy A., (widow,) res Doniphan. Hanson, O. C, farmer, res 2|- m u w Geary City, AVayne tp. Ha)ist)i), AV. 11. J carpenter, res 2 ms w Palermo, Marion tp. SATll S. ^Jrl«BI!5BO"V« Ac CO., Biviilers Isn BJools anul l^iSaocs, Mar- DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, 127 ^ ^ MANUFACTUKER OF, AND DEALER IN ^> South Sixth St., West Side, (Below Commercial House,) ST. JOSEPH, MO, Especial attention given to the Manufacture of Gents' Fine Boots. Hardy, C. S., farmer, 3 m w Troy, on Highland and Tro}^ r'd, "Wolf River tp. Hardy, S,, farmer, res 4 m ^v Troj, Wolf Tiiyer tp. Hardy, Samuel, farmer, res 4 m w Troy, Wolf River tp. Har[)er, F., farmer, res 5 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Harper, J. B., farmer, res 5 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Harper, J. T., farmer, res -ij^ m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Hartraan, John, farmer, Vo AVathena, res 2 m s e Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Harden, Henry, col'd, laborer, res White Cloud. HARRIS, WILLIAM, cari)enter and joiner (Wakefield & Harris), White Cloud. Harshberger, S. J., teacher, res White Cloud. HARPSTER, J., saloon. Main st. White Clond. Harpman, Wm., teacher, Wayne tp, Po Doniphan. Ilartman, AVm., merchant, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Harvey, Robert, farmer, 2|^ n w Wathena, Washington tp. Harvey, Frank, laborer, res Bellemont. Harding, John, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 4 m w Doniphan, on Inde- pendence Creek, Wayne tp. Hartsock, Mrs. F., (widow,) res 6 m w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Ilargis, J., farmer, res 5 m b w Troy, at Cold Springs, Wolf River tp. Hargis, J., farmer renter, Po Troy, res h\ in n w Doniphan, on Syra- cuse and Doniphan r'd, Wayne tp. Ilargis, Martin, farmer renter, Po Troy, res 5|- m n w Doniphan, Wayne tp. Empire Scwius :?fac5iiiic, WEf^I^S &. RICHHOVO, Gcn'l ^Vestcrn Agentsi, Principal Olfice, & YOIT\c;, T>riiffs:i«ittY esieru Ageiii«i, B^Jiiii'ipai Otiu'c, <■«»'. 2<1 auh, farmer, res ^ m n w Geary City, Wayne tp. Hill, Thomas, farmer, res ^ m w Geary City, e s'd Troy r'd, Wayne tp. Hillman, Richard, plaster, res West Wathena. Hill, James, chairmaker, res 2^ m s Palermo, Marion tp. Hill, S. R., farmer, res 4- m s Palermo, Marion tp. Hill, Joseph, res with W. C. Hill. Hines, W., farmer, res Highland, Iowa tp. Hines, H. H., clerk for Bailey & Noyes, Wliite Cloud. ilinchman, Wm. H., mason, 1 m s w Doniphan, Wayne tp. Hoffman, Daniel, farmer, Po Wathena, res |- m s Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Hoffman, Edward F,, laborer, s e part of White Cloud. Hoffman, L. A., clerk for A. and G. Brenner, Doniphan. Holland, P., laborer, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Holton, Wm., laborer, b'ds with P. Bancroft, Wathena. Holt, Joel, lawyer, office Bryan st, b'ds with A. J. Mowsey, Wathena. Holland, Thomas, farmer, res 3|- m n w AVathena. Holland, L. T., res with Thomas IJollaud. Holland, J., farmer renter, res 2f in n Highland, Iowa tp. Holmes, N., farmer, res 4 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Holt, Monroe, col'd, farmer renter, Po Wathena, res 3 m n e Charles- ton, s s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Honard, John, farmer, res 3ms Highland, Wolf River tp. Hook, John S., brickmaker, res e s'd Main st, White Cloud. Hooker, J. A., farrier, res Bellemont. Hooker, Julius, with J. A. Hooker. Hook, Henry, laborer. White Cloud. Hoping, , farmer, res 8 m n w Doniphan, Po Doniphan, Wayne tp. Homer, John, miller, res White Cloud. Homer, Isaac, farmer, Po Atchison, res 8 m w Doniphan on Inde- pendence Creek, Wayne tp. Homer, Thos, res Poplar st. White Cloud. Iloverson, E. N., freighter, Po Doniphan, res 4|^ m s e Troy, Wayne tp. Howell, R. A., grocer. North Wathena. Howell, Eli, res on mac'ad r'd, near Wathena. Get your IVatolios, C ooks, and Jewelry, rejmiired and iv'ar« runted, at J. liOOI>L.lVE''S, IVo. OO Edmund l!>lrcet, l»t. Josepli, ]?li8Soui i. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 131 ERNST ENDERLEINE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SADDLES AND HARNESS, WHIPS, Ji^rMP^ COLLARS, lOx'idles, -ao/^y HALTERS, ', <&:c., &;o., «feo., WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE TO ORDER, DOinPEAN, KANSAS. The Iiig^liest Cash Price paid for Hides. Iludnell, L., farmer renter, res 4|- m s Troj, e s'd Doniphan r\l, Po Doniphan. Iludnell, M. L., carpenter, Doniphan. Iludnell, Ilerod, physician, Doni})han. Ilughbanks, G., coFd, laborer, Highland. Hulan, O., farmer, res 1 m w Wathena, on Troy and Wathena r\l. Ilulse, Richard, farmer, res 3|- m s w Troy, \v s'd Tro}^ and Doni- phan r'd. Hunter, George, laborer, Highland. Hunter, S., laborer, res Highland. Hunter, William, farmer, res Highland. HUNT, HARMON D., hardware dealer, s s'd St. Joe st, bet Bryan and Doniphan, res cor Bryan and Limestone sts, Wathena. Hurst, Daniel J., laborer, res s s'd Main st, White Cloud. Huss, William, farmer, res 6 m w Troy, 5}j m s e Highland, and 1 m s e Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp. Huss, Fielding, farmer renter, res 3^ m s w Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp. Huss, Michael, farmer, res 3|- m s w Palermo, Marion tp. EL.FR£D'S BAKI^VG POWDER the best in tbe Market. 132 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Hutcliins, Eldridge, fanner, Po Doniphan, res -1 m w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. I. Ide, Judson, farmer, Po Highland, res 3f m w Highland, Iowa tp, lies, Price, farmer, res 2 m w Troy, n s'd Denver and St. Joe r'd, Center tp. lies, Bruce, laborer for F, M. Tracy, s s'd Myrtle st, bet East Main and Second sts, Troy, Inman, J, B., wagon-maker, Palermo, Marion tp. Inmau, J, C, wagon -maker, Palermo, Marion tp. IRYIN, S. M., minister (Presbyterian), res Highland, Iowa tp, Irvins, Obediah, farmer renter, res 4 m s Palermo, Marion tp. Jackson, J., farmer renter, Po Wathena, res 3ms Columbus, e s'd Columbus and Bellemont r'd, Bur Oak tp. Jacks, Daniel, farmer, Po Wathena, res f m w Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Jacks, N,, laborer for Daniel Jacks, Bur Oak tp, Jackson, Charles, farmer, Po Highland, res 4 m s e Highland, Iowa tp, Jackson, Isaac, laborer, res with M, D. Baker, 2^ m e Highland, Iowa tp. Jackson, William, laborer, res 2 m n Bellemont. Jackson. John, laborer, res with F. M. Tracy, Troy, James. Jerry, farmer, Po Doniphan, n-s 1^ m se ]3oniphan, Wayne tp. JAMES, CIIAllLES, mason and brickmaker, res Troy. Janicke, William, farmer, res m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Jarratt, Hillsman, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 3 m n w Doniphan, Wayne tp. Jasper, Charles, farmer, Po Highland, res 3 m s e Highland, Iowa tp. rlasper, M., farmer renter, Po Highland, res 2| m e Highland, lawa tp. Jefferson, C, col'd, laborer, res Highland, Iowa tp. Jeffers, L. A., farmer, res 1 m e Highland, Iowa tp, Jenkins, Henry, farmer renter, res 1|^ m e Walnut Grove, Wolf - River tp, Jenkins, John, farmer, res 1 m n e Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp. Satisfaction al\vay§ ^ivcn and Goodx warranted, at J. OOOD- LIVE'S} 9io. 60 Edinoiid Street, St. Joiepli, miaisouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 133 MICHAEL McGEE, MANUFACTUHER OF HARNESS, COLLAUS, WHIPS, &c., Keeps the above articles constantly on hand "Where he will always be glad to receive visits from his friends and customers. Made Strong and Sold Cheap. ISP" Orders from abroad promptly attended to. .^^ JVb. 9 Second Street, - - - ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. Jenkins, James, farmer, Po Troy, res 2 m e Charleston, e s'd Claries- ton and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Jenkins, David, farmer, res 2 m s e Charleston, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Jennings, C. F,, farmer, and insurance agent, res 1ms "Wliite Cloud, lowH tp. Jennings, S. L., mechanic, res White Cloud. JENKINS, E. J., lawyer, office Main sf, bet Poplar and Cliestnut, res n s'd Myrtle, bet E Main and 2d sts, Troy. Jessee, D., f\irmer renter, res ^ ra n Highland, Iowa tp. Jessee, J., farmer, res 1 m n Highland, Iowa tp. Johns, Ayers, laborer, at Railroad House, Troy, Johns, Wm., farmer renter, res n Springer's farm, Wolf Piver tp. Johnson, Henry, farmer, res 1 m e Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Johnson, Beckworth, farmer, res 2J m s w AYhite Cloud, Iowa tp. Johnson, George, laborer, res White Cloud. JOHNSON, J NO. P, real estate ag't, res Highland, Iowa tp. Johnson, Nelson, laborer, res 4^ m n e Doniphan, with John Whita ker, Wayne tp. Empire Sewing ]»IacIiiiie,^VEL,I^S & RlCHinoXO, Gen'I Western Agents, Principal Oflice, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, <»t. Joscpii, Missouri. 134 II I S T O K Y AND D I li E C T O K Y OF Jolinsoii, Lewis, farmer, res 2^ m s e Walnut Grove, Wolf Hiver tp. Johnson, K. A., tinner, witli D. B. Jones, St. Josepli st, Watbena. Johnson, E.., laborer, col'd, res North Wathena. Johnson, Abraham, farmer, res 2 m n Bellemont, Washington tp. Johnson, Collins, cord, laborer, res Elwood Bottom, AVashington tp. Johnson, Amos, physician and painter, res Wathena. Johnson, Abraham, farmer, res 4^ m n w Wathena, Washington tp. Johnson, Wm. Jl., cattle dealer, res Walnut st, bet Main and Seneca sts, Troy. Johnson, S. K., res s s'd Myrtle st, bet 2d and 3d sts, Troy. JOIINSOX, A. T., saddle and harness maker, Walnut st, bet Liberty and Main sts, Troy, b'ds at Troy Hotel. Johnstone, D. M., lawyer, res Main, bet Myrtle and Walnut sts, Troy. Joice, Patrick, farmer, res 7 m s w Troy, Wolf "River tp. Joice, Thomas, farmer, res 7 m s w Troy, Wolf River tp. Jones, Charles, farmer, res Wolf River tp, 9 m s w Troy. Jones, Jesse W., farmer, res 2^ m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Jones, Jesse, farmer, res 4 m e Highland, Iowa tp. Jones, Athan, col'd, laborer, res Highland, Jones, Charles, farmer and mechanic renter, Po Doniphan, res 8 m s w Doniphan, w s'd Atchison r'd, Wayne tp. Jones, Jacob, shingle-maker, res Elwood. Jones, D. B., stove and tinware dealer, n s'd St. Joe st, bet Doniphan and Bryan, Wathena. Jones, Joshua, col'd, laborer, res Elwood bottom, Washington tp. Jones, John, col'd, fanner renter, res Elwood bottom, Washington tp. Jones, Isaac, col'd, farmer renter, res Elwood, Washington tp. Jones, Henry, coFd, laborer, res Elwood bottom, AVashington tp. JONES, CHARLES J., nurseryman (Jones & Baker, Kansas Nur- sery), Troy, b'ds at Troy Hotel. JONES, JOHN IL, nurseryman (Jones & Baker, Kansas Nursery), Troy, b'ds at Troy Hotel, .lones, Harry, col'd, laborer, res North Wathena. Jones, Charles, Jr., b'ds at Troy Hotel, Troy. Jordan, Wm., farmer, Po Wathena, res 2^ m n e Columbus, n s'd Boston Ferry r'd. Bur Oak tp. Joseph, Isaac N., farmer, Po Wathena, res 4 m n e Troy, s s'd Troy and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Juno, John, laborer, res West Wathena. SAlfl S. ]»Ic«IBBO!VS Sk, CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseftli, jflissouri. Si^n ol' the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 135 J. LEIGH, M. D., ALSO DEALER IN Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Provisions, Hardware, Q,ueeusware, aud General Merchandise, HIGHLAND, - - - KANSAS. K. Kavanaugh, Hugh, farmer and stone-mason, Po Doniphan, res 2 m n e Doniphan, in river bottom, Wayne tp. Kayton, F. M., laborer, resin bottoms near Bellemont, AVasliington tp. Kay, P., engineer, res El wood, Keathley, P., farmer renter, Po Highland, res 4 m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Kearnes, Patrick, farmer renter, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Keilfer, S., farmer and shoemaker, Po Wathena, res 34 m s Columbus, Bur Oak tp. • Kelson, Hugh S., farmer, res 4 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Ketson, James O., larmer, res 4 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Kelly, S., col'd, farmer renter, res on B. Beeler's farm, near Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Kellogg, Thomas, laborer on John Coster's place, Washington tp. Kelly, J., shoemaker, res in country, 2f m w Highland, Iowa tp. Kelly, S., col'd, laborer, res White Cloud. Kelly, F., farmer, res s w part White Cloud. KELLEY, PHILIP, boot and shoe maker, Main st, White Cloud. Kelly, James, farmer renter on B. Agee's farm, Wayne tp. Kelly, James R., farmer renter, with D. Gindsley, Marion tp. Kendall, A. M., farmer, res 2|- m n w Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp. Kennon, , farmer renter, res I m w Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp. Kennedy, P., laborer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Kennedy, James, Po Highland, res 3 m e Highland, Iowa tp. Kentzler, Theodore, cabinet-maker, res Geary City, Wayne tp. 13G HISTORY AND DIKECTORY OF Kent, Joseph, farmer, res 4|^ m n Geary City, east s'd Troy r'd, Wayne tp, Po Doniphan. Kent, Absolem, farmer, res 3|^ m s e Troy, w s'd Troy and Geary City r'd. Center tp. KenhofF, Micliael, farmer, res 3 m w Palermo, Marion tp, Kenhoff, Charles, fanner, res 3 m s w Palermo, Marion tp, Kenison, Samud, farmer renter, res 4|^ m s Palermo, Marion tp. Kenison, Charles, farmer, res 2^ m s Palermo, Marion tp. Kepher, Casper, shingle-maker, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Kepler, Lawrence, farmer, res 3^ m s w Palermo, Wayne tp. Ketcham, Geo., farmer renter, Po Doniphan, res 2^ m. n e Doniphan, in bottom, Wayne tp. Keton, A., , res Palermo, Wayne tp, Killkirney, A,, farmer, res 8 m s w Troy, Wolf River tp. Kimball, Samuel, sawyer, Po Troy, res 4 m n e Charleston, with Wm. Ege, Bur Oak tp. Kimber, Robert, grocer, Palermo, Marion tp. King, Samuel, farmer, Po Troy, res 1 m n e Charleston, on Columbus and Charleston r'd. Bur Oak tp. King, Charles, laborer, North Wathena. King, Mrs. Emily, (widow,) res Palermo, Marion tp. Kinkade, George, farmer, res 1ms Palermo, Marion tp. Kinkoft', Angust, blacksmith, res Doniphan. Kirkpatrick, S,, farmer, Po Wathena, res 2|^ m n Wathena, on w s'd Wathena and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Kirwin, James, farmed, res 8^ m s w Troy, near Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Kirwin, P., farmer, res 8^ m s w Troy, near Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Kirwin, John, laborer, res on levee, White Cloud. Kirby, Wm., farmer, res 2 m n Doniphan, e s'd Doniphan and Troy r'd, Wayne tp, Kirby, John, farmer, res If m s Troy, on Doniphan and Troy r'd, Center tp. Kirby, Thomas, farmer, res 1^ m s Troy, on Doniphan and Troy r'd, Center tp. KTRWAN, JOHN T., clerk of Doniphan County, res Troy. Kittsmiller, E. G., farmer, res Highland, Iowa tp. Kittsmiller, Frank, farmer, res Highland, Iowa tp. Kizer, O., laborer, AYathena. Klink, Jacob, farmer, res 2|^ m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Klipple, P., farmer, res 2 m e Troy, s s'd St. Joseph r'd. Center tp. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 137 1860. 1868. GEO. BTJELL, Manufacturer and Dealer in North Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Custom Carding and. Spinning on reasonalale tenns, Klose, Austin, farmer renter, Po Highland, res If m w Iliglilaud, Iowa tp. Klose, Daniel, farmer, res with Anstin Klose, Iowa tp. Klose, Joseph, farmer, res Highland, Iowa tp. Klose, Jacob, farmer, res Highland, Iowa tp. Klose, Hiram, fjirmer, res 1^ m s w Highland, Iowa tp. Klose, J., tanner, res 1|- m s w Highland, Iowa tp. Klose, Frederick, laborer, Highland. Knopp, Reuben, miller, res North Wathena. Knopp, Peter, painter, res ^yathena, with R. Knopp. KOTSCH, J. FRANK, boot and shoe maker, w s'd Main st, bet "Walnut and Cliestnut sts, res cor Part and Walnut sts, Troj. Lading, Charles, fanner, res 6 m s w Troy, "Wolf River tp. Ladd, M, L., farmer, res 1|- m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Ladd, Cjrus, farmer, with M. L. Ladd, Marion t]). LAIIMER, JONAS, merchant (Lahmer & Yanbuskirk), Main st, White Cloud. Lambert, Sterling, farmer, res 6 m s w Highland, "Wolf River tp. Lamer, Henry, farmer, Po Lafayette, res 4 m e Highland, Iowa tp. Lamer, II., ftirmer, res 4 m e Highland, Iowa tp, PoIIigldand. Lancaster, George, ftirmer, Po Atchison, res S^ m w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tjx £LFREI>'g BAKIIVG POWDER the best in the Market. d 138 HISTORY AND DIKECTOKY OF Lancaster, John, farmer, Po Atchison, res 8^ m w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Lancaster, Taylor, farmer, Po Atchison, res 8^ m w Doniphan on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Lancaster, William, farmer, Po Atchison, res 8^ m w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, Wayne tp. Lanchester, J., farmer, res 4 m s Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Landis, Daniel, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 m n Doniphan, e s'd Troy and Doniphan r'd, Wayne tp. Landis, 11., farmer, res 3 m s e Troy, Center tp. Landis, John, farmer, Po Troy, res 4 m s e Troy, e s'd Troy and Doniphan r'd, Wayne tp. Landon, j\rark T., clerk for Franklin & Frick, Doniphan. Landon, M. S., clerk for Franklin & Frick, Doniphan. Lane. J. T., mercliant (Lane & Forbs), Iowa Point, Iowa tp. LANG, CHARLES, brewer (Gerardy & Lang), Wathena. Lnngen, Barney, clerk, Doniphan. Langan, Michael, farmer, res 1^ m n e Doniphan, n s'd St. Joe rd, Wayne tp. Langan, Joseph, farmer, res |- m n e Doniphan, n s'd St. Joe rd, Wayne tp. _ Langsdon, F. M., laborer, res Doniphan. I Larkins, William, horse-trader, res AVathena. ) Larzelere, A., farmer, res 2 m w Wathena, on Pottawatomie r'd, Washington tp. LARZELERE, G. W., editor and publisher, Wathena Reporter^ w s'd Doniphan st, bet St. Joseph and Mill sts, res s s'd Fremont st, bet Bryan and Moss sts, Wathena. Larzelere, S. M., printer, b'ds with G. W. Larzelere, Wathena. Larzelere, A. D., printer {ReporUr Q^Qii)^ res Wathena. Larzelere, J. O., farmer, res on Pottawatomie r'd, Washington tp. Larzelere, Charles, farmer, with A. Larzelere, Washington tp. Larman, Casper, farmer, res 2 m w Wathena, Washington tp. Larman, Frank, res with Casper Larman, AVashington tp. Laughlin, John, farmer, Po I)oni])han, res 1^ m n e Doniphan, on river bottom, Wayne tp. Langhlin, Wm., farmer, res 1|- m n e Doniphan, on river bottom, Wayne t]\ Lavardy, Henry, Po Doniphan, res 4 m n w Doniphan, on Rock Creek, Wayne tp. Layering, Jacob, Jfarmer renter, Po Wathena, res 1^ m n Columbus, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. SAM S. IflcOIBBONS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Slioes, Mar- liet l^quare, St. Josepli, JTlistnuiiri. Sx'^w of ilie Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 139 IRA D. STOCKING, DEALER IN lmtU3^ §U4k^^ mk ^tmtm^ OPTICS, GOLD PEKS, AB FANCY GOODS. 3IAIJS STUEBT, . . IVIilte Cloud, Kansas, Repairing done to Order. Lawson, M., farmer renter, res 5 in w Troy, Wolf River tp. Lawson, Nelson, laborer, res 5 ni w Troy, with M. Lawson, Wolf Iviver tp. Lawson, N., laborer, witli A. Nigus, Wolf River tp. Lawhorn, S., Sen,, farmer, Po Troy, res 5 m n e Troy, c sVl Troy and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Lawborn, S., Jr., farmer, Po Troy, res 5 m n e Troy, e s'd Troy and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Lawhorn, D., farmer, Po Troy, res 5 m n e Troy, e sVl Troy and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Lawhorn, James, ftirmer, Po Troy, res 5 m n e Troy, e s'd Troy and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Lawson, Thomas, lumberman "(Steel & Lawson), Petersburg bottom, Marion tp. Lawson, A., res Washington tp. Layman, Samuel, farmer, res 1|- m s Columbus, n s'd Smith Creek r'd. Bur Oak tp. Layman, G., farmer, Po Wathena, res 1|^ m s Columbus, n s'd Smith Creek r'd. Bur Oak tp. Leach, B. B., merchant, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Leach, G. E., express ag't, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Ledington, Wm., farmer, res 1^ m s e Doniphan, Wayne tp. LE DUC, E. II., physician and dentist, office and res cor E. Main and Elm sts, Troy. Lee, Hugh, farmer, res 5 m s w Troy, 3 m s e Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp. SAM S. ITIcOIBBO^S & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, JVliskouri. Sign of the Ir^lephaiit. ETcry Housekeeper uses ELFRED'S BAKING POWDER. 140 HISTORY AND DIRECT OEY OF Lee, Abbott, farmer renter, Po Doniphan, res 2 ra n e Doniplian, Wayne tp. Lee, David, farmer, res 2^ m s e Troy, w s'd Troy and Geary City r'd, Center tp. Leichner, M., farmer, Po Wathena, res ]|^ m s e Columbus, n s'd Bur Oak and Wathena r'd, Bur Oak tp. Leidia, II., teacher, Po Wathena, school 2 m n e Columbus, n s'd Bos- ton Ferry r'd, Bur Oak tp. Leil, Antone, farmer, Po Wathena, res 14 m s e Columbus, s s'd Bur Oak and Watliena r'd, Bur Oak tp. LEIGIT, J., physician and merchant. Highland. Leland, Howard, farmer, res with Cyrus Leland, Sr., f m w Troy. Leland, C^tus, Sr., farmer, res f m w Troy, s s'd Highland and Troy r'd. Leland, Cyrus, Jr., merchant, cor Main and Walnut sts, Troy. Lemon, K. W., mer-.-hant, cor St. Joseph and Bryan sts, Wathena. Lewis, J. T., physician, Po Wathena, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Lewis, Adam, laborer. Highland. Lewis, M. L., farmer, res 2|- m s Wathena, Washington tp. Lewis, Ward L., lumberman, Elwood. Lewis, Wni., Wathena. Lewis, James, Wathena. Lewis, Spencer, Wathena. Lewis, Abraham, farmer, renter res 3 m n e Troy, w s'd Charleston and Troy r'd. Center tp. Lewis, William, farmer renter, res 3 m n e Troy, w s'd Cliaarleston and Troy r'd. Center tp. Lewis, James K., laborer, res Lafayette. Lible, John, farmer, res 6 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Lible, George, farmer, res 6 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Lible, Martin, farmer, res 6 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Lichliter, Wm., farmer, Po AVathena, res 6 ra n e Troy, w s'd Troy and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Lichliter, John M., farmer renter, Po Wathena, res with Wm. Lich- liter, Bur Oak tp. Limpus, Sanford, baker. White Cloud. Lincoln, Alcmzo, farmer renter, Palermo, INfarion tp. Lincoln, John, farmer, res 1^ ra n w Palermo, Marion tp. Lindsley, Darwin, farmer, res 1 m w Palermo, Marion tp. Lindsley, James T., blacksmith, res Palermo, Marion tp. Linker, Peter, farmer, res 5 m s e Troy, e s Troy and Geary City r'd, Center tp. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 141 SAMUEL McGHUMPHY, BUILBER & COiTBACTOl 111 all kinds of Mason "Work. Watliena, Kansas, Linton, George, farmer renter, res 5 m w AYathena, on Troy r'd, Washington tp. Lisles, Silas, laborer, res Doniphan. Little, Nathan N., farmer, res 3 m s w Palermo, Marion tp, Livermore, G. P., (retired,) res cor Moss and Limestone sts, Wathena. Lockard, S. L., planing mills (Lockard & Parks), levee, Wliite Cloud. Locker, Gustavus, saloon-keeper, i)oni])han. Loftin, John P., farmer, Po Geary City, res 1^ ra n Geary City, n s'd St. Joseph r'd, Wayne tp. Long, J. S., physician, res Ifm s Highland, on Highland and Atchi- son r'd, Iowa tp. Long, J. II,, farmer, res 1^ m s w Troy, 3 m e Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Long, John, farmer, res 7^ m s w Troy, near Syracuse, Wolf Iliver tp. Loncks, James, saloon-kee[)er, Doniphan. Low, J. D., farmer, Po AVathena, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp. LOW, A. C, merchant (Low, Tate & Cowan), Doniphan. Low, A,, Po Doniphan, res I| m n w Doniphan, s s'd Rock Creek, Wayne tp. Low, John AV., res 2| m n w Doniphan, s s'd Troy r'd, AVayne tp. Loyd, David, farmer, res 2^ m e Syracuse, AVolf River tp, Loyd, George, farmer, res 2^ m e Syracuse, AA^'olf River tp, Loyd, Iletiry, farmer, res 7 m s w Troy, AVolf River tp, Lucas, Fred, farmer, Po AVathena, res 1 m n e Chill's Mill, Bur Oak tp. Lucignini, Vincent, saloon-keeper, Elwood. Lucignini, C, saloon-keeper, Elwood. Luke, AA^m., laborer, res Elwood, AVashington tp. Lumboy, Louis, cooper, Palermo, Marion tp. Lyndby, C. D., laborei-, 1ms and 4| m w Troy, Wolf River tp, with O. Kelson. Agcntii, Principal Ollice, tor. 2d and Francis Streets, $!»t. Joseph, J^Iissouri. 142 HISTORY A 2f D DIRECTORY OF Lyons, A., laborer, res 1^ m ii Walnut Grove, Wolf River tp, with G. D. Gilraore. Lyons, Thomas, farmer, res 7|^ m s w Troy, Wolf River tp. M. MACOMBER, SAMUEL A., blacksmith, Myrtle st, bet Liberty and Main, Troy, b'ds at Troy Hotel. Macomber, Richard, laborer, res Troy. Madison, John, farmer renter, Po Doniphan, Wayne tp. Madoulet, John B., Jr.. farmer, res 3^ m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Madoulet, John B., Sen., farmer, res 3|- m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Madoulet, Charles O., farmer, res 4 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Madenger, L., farmer, res 2 m w Palermo, Marion tp. Mahatfy, Daniel E., farmer, Po Doniplian, res 7^ m n w Doniphan, e s'd Atchison r'd, Wayne tp. Mailler, Robert C, farmer, res |- m n e Troy, \v s'd Charleston r'd. Center tp. Mailler, John, farmer, res Liberty st, bet Walnut and Chestnut sts, Tioy. Majors, Mrs. Sarah, (widow,) Bur Oak tp. Malen, J., farmer, res 4 m e Syracuse, Wolf River tp. Mallott, , farmei-, i-es 7 m s Highland, Wolf River tp. Mailers, John, farmer, res 2|- m s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Malone, George, laborer, res Elwood bottom, Washington tp. Manuel, James, farmer, Po Wathena, res 3 m n AVathena, on w s'd Wathena and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Mann, John, engineer, res Doniphan. Mann, Jackson, farmer, res 3| m n w Wathena, ^ m ii Troy r'd, Washington tp. Mann, William, farmer, res ?>^ m n of Wathena, n of Troy and Wathena r'd, Washington tp. Mann, J. G., farmer renter, res 4 m w Wathena, on Old Troy rd, Washington tp. Mansfield, Shelton, farmer renter, Po Troy, res 4J- m n e Highland, Iowa tp. Manville, Peter, Sr., bhicksmith and farmer, shop at Bsllemont, res 1. m n e Wathena, on river bank, AVashington tp. Manville, Peter, Jr., farmer, res 1 m n e AVatliena, with Peter Man- ville, Sr. MAQTTILKEX, SAMUEL, i)hotograplier, IMain st., AVhite Cloud. WILCOX & CilBB^' SCM in;; ITIacliine. Cieneral Asency, 77 Felix !!»lreet, Sf>t. Joisepii, Iflissouri, J. $». SIIOKT, Affeiit. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 143 THOS. CONNELLY & CO., TVnoLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN EEHTS' FDUISBIM BOOIS, Cor. Third and Felix Sts., BT. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. Maqiiilken, John M., cabinet-maker, White Cloud. Mareell, J., farmer, res 2 m n w Walnut Grove, 2|^ s e Ilio-liland Wolf River tp. Marley, Michael, fanner, res 8^ m s w Trov, Wolf River tp. Marcolf, Jacob, farmer, Po Wathena, res 3 ni e Columbus, near river, s s'd Wathena and Bur Oak r'd, Bur Oak tp. Markham, Stephen B., farmer, res 2|- m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Markham, Edgar, farmer, Po Highland, res 3^ m n Highland, Iowa tp. Marshall, Wm., coPd, laborer, res White Cloud. Marmaduke, Joseph, colYl, laborer. White Cloud. Marion, Thomas, painter, res w s'd Poplar st, AVhite Cloud. Markham, William, farmer renter, res 2ms Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Martin, John, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 4 m s e Troj, n s'd Troy and Doniphan r'd, AVayne tp, Martin, William, fanner, res 5 m s e oS'ormanville, Wolf River tp. Martin, A. C, fanner renter, Po Wathena, res 3^- m e Columbus, near river. Bur Oak tp. Martin, J. S., physician, res Highland, Iowa tp. ELFRED'S BAKING POWDER the best in tlie Market. 144 11 I 3 T O K Y AND D I K K C T O K Y OF Martin, Lutlier, farmer, Po Doniplian, res 4 m s e Trov, with John Martin. Martin, Richard, farmer, Po Geary Citj, res ^ m n Geaiy City, w s'd St. Joe r"d, Wayne tp. Martin, Miles, farmer, res, &c., with Richard Martin, Wayne tp. Martin, AVm. H., farmer, res 2 m n Doniphan, Wayne tp. Martin, Franklin, farmer, res with Wm. 11. Martin, Wayne tp. IMartin, Isaac, farmer, res 2|- in n e Doniphan, in Bluffs, Wayne tp. Martin, Joseph, farmer renter, near Bellemont, Washington tp. Martin, James E., farmer renter, res near Bellemont, Washington tp. Marolf, Christ., farmer, res 2^ m n AVathena, Washington tp. Marolf, Fred., farmer, res 2^ m n Wathena, W^ashington t}). Marolf, Benedict, farmer, res 2^ m n Wathena, in Washington tp. Marolf, Ijenjamin, farmer, res 2^ m ii Wathena, Washington tp. Marcey, Milton, laborer, res Wathena. Markum, James, blacksmith, res Charleston, Center tp. Massey, Asa, laborer, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Mathena, Francis, employee of A. ik G. Brenner, Doniphan. Matliena, Francis, laborer, res Doniphan. Mathena, Jacob, laborer, Doniphan. ]\Iathena, Mrs. Mary, (widow,) res Doniphan. Manck, J. F., mechanic, res on levee, AVhite Cloud. Mauck, M.S., farmer, res White Cloud. Maiick, David M., laborer, west part of AVhite Cloud. Maurer, John, shoemaker, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Maxwell, E. S., lawyer, office at T. Hackney's store, St. Joe st, Wathena. Maynes, Thomas, farmer, res 7 in s w Troy, 4 m e Syracuse, Wolf River tp. May, Trreal, laborer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. May, C, laborer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp, Mayiiard, James B., farmer and U. S. Commissioner, res 1 m s Troy, w s'd Troy and Doniphan r'd. Center tp. Maynard, Charles, farmer, res 2 in s Troy, e s'd Troy and Doniphan r'd, Center tp. ]Mc Adams, II. L., farmer, res 1^ m n w Troy, Center tp. Mc ADAMS, J. Y., boot and shoe maker and minister (Methodist), n s'd public square, Walnut st, bet Liberty and Main sts, Troy. McAleer, L. T., farmer, res 4 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. McAllister, Charles, blacksmith, Doniphan st, res cor Limestone and ]>ryan sts, AVathena. McAllister, II. A., res with Charles McAllister, Wathena. Tlic liiiest seleeCioii of Ainerieaii M'alolies aiio round ul J. tiiOOUl^lVE'S, 00 Ecliiiond !!>trcet, l!>t. Joseph, ]Vliti»ouri. DO XI THAN COTTNTY, KANSAS. 14i J^. 3BH.-A.ISrT.A.TSJO, DEALER IK TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Yarniiitlies, Coal Oil, and Lamps, Wines, Liquors, Tobaeco, and Cigars, Books and Stationery, &c., Ac, McCabe, W. W., farmer, res 3 m e Normanville, Wolf River tp. McCulloch, T. H., Po Wathena, res 2.} m n Columbus, ii s'd Charles- ton and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. McCuUocb, "Wra., Po Wathena, res 2 m n Columbus, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. McCulloch, John A., Po Wathena, res 2 m n Columbus, n s'd Charles- ton and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. McCartj, Patrick, farmer, res f m n Normanville, AVolf River tp. McCarty, Frank, farmer, Po Wathena, res 3 m n Wathena, e s'd Bur Oak and Wathena r'd, Bur Oak tp. McCarty, Frank, farmer, res 4 m n Wathena, on Bur Oak line, Wash- ington tp. McCarty, J., farmer, Po Wathena, res 4|^ m n Wathena, e s'd Wathena and Bur Oak r'd. Bur Oak tp. McCallister, , farmer, Po Wathena, res 2^ m s e Columbus, Bur Oak tp. McCurasey, R., farmer renter, Po White Cloud, res 3 m s e White Cloud, Iowa tp. McCreary, John, farmer, res 2 ra s White Cloud, Iowa tp. McCreary, H. D., blacksmith, res Highland, Iowa tp. McCrum, Joseph, produce merchant, res Doniphan. McCart, W., farmer renter, Po Doniphan, res 7 m n w Doniphan on Atchison r'd, Wayne tp. McCune, Alex., farmer renter, res Doniphan, Wayne tp. McClelland, E. D., farmer, res 4 m w Wathena, n s'd Troy and Wa- thena r'd, Washington tp. 10 For Note, LiCtter, and Cap Paper, go to J. B. AicCL.£ERT and CO., 103 Felix Street. 140 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF McClelland, John, farmer, res with E. D. McClellan, Washington tp. McClelland, Wm., farmer, res 3 m w Troy on St. Joseph and Denver r'd, Center tp. McClelland, Thos. J., Po Troy. McCUelland, Wm. H., Po Troy. McClelland, Frank M., farmer, res 4 m w Troy, Center tp. McCall, Mrs. L., (widow of Elijah McCall,) res Doniphan, Wayne tp. McConnell, John H., laborer, res Wathena. McCormick, J. T., detective, res Wathena. McCahan, Alex., lumberman, res 3|- m s Palermo, Marion tp. McClellan, Wm., laborer, for Steel & Lawson, Marion tp. McClellan, John, farmer, res 4 m s Palermo, Marion tp. McClellan, Thomas, farmer renter, res 3i m s Palermo, Marion tp. McClellan, Leander, farmer, res 2|^ m n Wathena, Washington tp. McCoy, David, butclier, res North Wathena. McCoy, Micliael, farmer, res 3 m w Palermo, Marion tp. McDavid, John, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 6 m n w Doniphan, e s'd Jordan Creek, Wayne tp. McDaniel, J., Jr., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 m n w Doniphan, on Doniphan and Syracuse r'd, Wayne tp. McDaniel, J., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 4|^ m n w Doniphan, on Rock Creek, AVayne tp. McDina, Patrick, farmer, res Lafayette, Center tp. McDonald, T. D., res cor Limestone and Creal sts, Wathena. McDowell, J. 11., fai'mer renter, res 4 m s e Highland, Wolf River tp. McDowell, R. M., farmer renter, Po Highland, res 1 m e Highland, Iowa tp. McDowell, M., farmer renter, res on Mission farm, near Highland, Iowa tp, McGalliard, James C, farmer, res 2^ m n w Troy, Center tp. McGuire, T., laborer, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. ^ ; McGlothem, T. J., engineer, res Doniplian. .y j McGorry, Daniel, laborer, res Doniphan. ' McGHUMPllREY, SAMUEL, stone-mason, res Wathena. McGee, John, lumberman, 1 m n Bellemont, Washington tp, res a,t Bellemont. ^ McGee, Thos. C, farmer, res 1 m n e Wathena, on river, near Belle- mont, AVashington tp. McGee, James, farmer, with Thos. C. McGee, Washington tp. McGillery, Walter, book ag't, Troy. McHach, Francis, farmer, Po Doniphan, res5 m n Doniphan, on Rock C'reek, Wayne tp. El.rRI::D & \Ol\ii, Drn;,'i;if«f*« and ApoflieeuricK, ^. W. eor. 4tli uud Ediuoud !!»treetii, St. Joseph, iflisKOuri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 147 FOUNDED IN 1S36, wslt i Itik i«lwl SITUATED IN THE VILLAGE OF HIGHLAND, ONiPHAN County, fxsL ..^ ixr s j^ s W. ®, r^l^ M. B.^ gflmelpalt REV. W. BISHOP, Chairman, Board of Trustees. REV. S. M. IRVIN, Cor. Secretary, " HON. JNO. P. JOHXSON, Treasurer, " rot- Prcr! ret:-. Tj'.-rd F*<'S!«'i:s. &r.. ro to .1", H. :^"o€i:^I]i:![lY ;■: a 1-;'.. 1.0'? .. .-iiX r'.'rf.-vi. ^ l^^ IIISTOKT AND DIRECT OKY OF Mcliach, P., fanner, Po Doniphan, res 5 in n Doniphan, on liock Creek, Wayne tp. McINTOSII, DUNCAN, Register of Deeds for Doniphan County, res cor Liberty and Walnut sts, Troy. McKern , farmer, res 3^ in n Troy, on Lafayette r'd, Center tp. McKay, E. W., res 8 m w Troy, 5 s e Highland Wolf Eiver tp. McLauo-hlin, 11. D., fanner renter, res 6 m s w Doniphan, w s'd Jor- dan Creek, Wayne tp. McNerlay, M., farmer, res 1|- m s e Syracuse, Wolf River tp. McNamee, , farmer, Po Doniphan, res 5 m n Doniphan, e s'd Rock Creek, Wayne tp. McPherson, J. H., shoemaker, res Doniphan st, bet Mill and St. Joseph sts, Wathena. McPherson, R. T., laborer, res Wathena. McTaggert, John, farmer, res 4^ m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. McVey. Matthew, shingle-maker, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Meek, Henry J., farmer renter, Po Troy, res 2 mn e Charleston, s s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Meek Richard, farmer renter, Po Troy, res 3 m n e Charleston, s s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Meek, F. M., farmer renter, Po Troy, res d^ m n e Charleston, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp. Meek, Samuel, farmer, Po Troy, res 3| m n e Charleston, n s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp. Meek, James M., farmer renter, Po AVathena, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Megenityj Wm., farmer, Po Doniplian, res 9 m n w Doniphan, Wayne tp. Megenity, John, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 9 m n w Doniphan, Wayne tp. Meidenger, Emanuel, fanner and fruit-grower, res 1 m w Bellemont, on s s'd Old California r'd, Washington tp. Melbourn, Ed., livery-stable keeper, Elwood. Meng, Andrew, farmer, Po AVathena, res f m e Columbus, w s'd Smith Creek, Bur Oak tp. Meng, Andrew, shoemaker and farmer, Po AVathena, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp. Meng, George, farmer, Po Wathena, res f m e Columbus, on Smith Creek r'd. Bur Oak tp. Mercell, C, farmer, res 2^ m s e Highland, AVolf River tp. ^Mercer, AVm., farmer renter, res 2^ m s Highland, Wolf River tp. Mercer, AVm. M., farmer renter, res 2] m s Highland, Wolf River tp, on S. Bonesteel's farm. ELFRED & YOriVO, I>riiff;;irii;;ei!its and Apothecaries, Second St., »u., 103 ITellx 156 HISTOKY AND DIKECTORY OF OPwTON, J. C, lumberman, res AYliite Cloud. Oruni, Wm. J,, farmer, res |^ m n e Syracuse, Wolf Kiver tp, Osborn, John, farmer, |^ m s e Troy, Center tp. Osgood, J. W., shoemaker, Geary City, Wayne tp. O'Tool, Daniel, tailor, res Elwood. Otto, Leopold, physician, res 1 m n w Geary City, AVayne tp, Overlander, G. W,, farmer, res 1^ m s Highland, Iowa tp. Overlander, W., farmer, res ^ m s e Highland, Iowa tp. Owens, John, col'd, laborer, res Elwood. Ozenburg, August, laborer, Po Wathena, res Bur Oak tp. P. Pace. George, laborer, res Elwood. Paden, J. D., farmer, res 5 m n w Troy, Wolf River tp. Page, Prof. W. T., Highland. Page. Thomas, plasterer, res Wathena. PALMER, P. S., lumberman (Palmer & Orton), res s e part White Cloud. Parker, B. O., livery-stable keeper, s s'd St. Joseph st, bet Bryan and Moss sts, Wathena, res Mill st, bet Bryan and Doniphan. Parker, Wm., farmer, res 5 m s Highland, Wolf River tp. Parker, J., farmer, Po Highland, res 3^ m n Highland, Iowa tp. Parker, R., farmer, Po Highland, res 4 m n Highland, Iowa tp. Parker, Wm., farmer, Po Highland,, res 4 m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Parker, John, farmer, Po Highland, res4 m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Parker, C, farmer, res 3|- m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Parker, Wm., farmer renter, res 3^ m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Parker, Lewis, farmer, res n s'd Highland, Iowa tp. Parker, Wm., laborer, res Elwood. ' Parker, Warren, farmer, res 1 m s e Wathena, Washington tp. Parker, C. II., farmer renter, res 1 m s e Wathena, Wa^^hington tp. Parker, Thomas, lime-burner, res with Warren Parker, Washington tp. Parks, II., farmer renter, Po Doniphan, res 4 m w Doniphan, AVayne tp. Parr, Tazwell, farmer, Po Doniphan, res 7 m w Doniphan, on Inde- pendence Creek, Wayne tp. Pattiker, Jacob, farmer, Po Wathena, res 1^ m s Columbus, w s'd (Jolum])us and Wathena r'd, Bur Oak tp. Pattiker, Joseph, farmer, ]>artner of Jac(jl) Pattiker. For Drn{;« and ]TIo<1ioincA so to FI.FRFD & TOI^^O'S. S. ^V. cor. nil and Ji:(liia4»nd J^lreelM, l§t. Joi^epli, I?li»i«touri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 157 Pktek Geeaedy.] [CuAiiLES Lang. Brewery, WATHENA, ... - KANSAS. GERARDY & LANG, Proprietors, MANUFACTTJKEKS AND DEALERS IN Constantly on hand a larGfe quantity of Beer, Ale, &c., &c., which we will supply at lowest rates. WE DELIVER OUR PRODUCTS TO PATRONS. Patterson, Alexander, carpenter, Geary City, "Wayne tp. Pauli, Peter, fanner, res 4 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Paulay, John, farmer, res 2|^ m s w Normanville, Wolf River tp. Paulette, E., broker, Wliite Chmd. Paul, J. Fred., plasterer, Wathena. Payne, Robert T., farmer, res 2| m w Troy, Center tp. PAYNE, J. B., merchant (Payne & Reed), Lafayette, Center tp. Payne, David L., farmer and representative, res Bur Oak tp. Pearod, J. L., farmer renter, on Samuel Nees' form, Wayne tp. Pearson, Charles, farmer, res 3 m s Palermo, Marion tp. Peisker, , laborer, AVashinirton tp. Penny, E. H., farmer, Po AVhite Clond, res 3 m s w White Cloud, on Highland and Wiiite Cloud r'd, Iowa tp. Penny, J. E.,» farmer, Po White Cloud, res 2| m s White Cloud, Iowa tp. Penny, J. W., farmer, res 2^ m s w White Cloud, Iowa tp. Penney, Thomas IL, vineyard, Bellemont, res on Bluffs, Bellemont, Washington tp. Perry, James, laborer, with Robert Morris, Bur Oak tp. Tr->- \Yi\U Pis-per amd Window Shades, go to J. B. TMclXEERY a. id CO.. ii'iS ri'Ux SiroeS. 158 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF PERRY, ALBERT, lawyer, office cor Liberty and Walnut sts, res s s'd Chestnut st,-bet Main and Liberty, Troy. Perkins, Ned, farmer, Po Wathena, res 1 m n Chill's Mill, Bur Oak tp. Peterson, John N., farmer renter, res |- m n Geary City, Wayne tp. Peterson, C. W., laborer, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Peterson, Alexander, carpenter, Geary City, Wayne tp. Pettigo, Robert, farmer renter, res 2 m e Wathena, on mac'ad r'd, Wasliington tp. Pfaffley, John, blacksmith, St. Joseph st, AVathena. PIIARES, G. W., painter (Phares & Richardson), Bryan st, bet St. Joseph and Mill sts, Wathena. Philes, S. J., farmer renter, res Watliena. PHILLIPS, C. H., merchant (Phillips & Smalhvood), Doniphan. Phillips, Isaac, merchant, res Doniphan st, between Limestone and Fremont sts, Wathena. Philbrick, JJL., representative and warden State Prison, also insurance ag't, res Donijihan. Phol, F., farmer, res 2^ m n Wathena, Washington tp. Pickett, AVilliam E., farmer, Po Doniphan, res 3|- m n Geary City, Wayne tp, w s'd Troy r'd. Pickard, J., farmer, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Pickard, John, Doniphan. Pierce, Jacob T., farmer, Po Iowa Point, res 2 m s Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Pierce, Thomas, laborer, res 2ms Iowa Point, Iowa tp. PIERCE, J. C, livery-stable, Main st. White Cloud. Pierce, J. R., farmer, res 1 m s e Wiiite Cloud. Piker, Charles, tanner, 2|- m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Piker, John G., farmer, res 4^ m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Plank, P., farmer, res 1^ m s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Plank, G., farmer, res 1| ni s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp. Plotner, C. II., teamster, res Union House, Highland. PLOTNER, SAMUEL, grocer and prop'r. Union House, Highland. Plowman, J. R., druggist and surveyor, Iowa Point, Iowa tp. POIRIER, CONSTANT, vineyard and nursery, h m w Wathena. Pool, T. G., minister, res Highland. Porter, Alexander, farmer, res 5 m n w Wathena, Washington tp. Porter, Allen, justice of the peace, res Elwood. Porter, F. M., lal)orer, res Elwood. Porter, Nathan, res Elwood. POWER, WM. li., commission and produce merchant and insurance ag't, Palermo, INlarion tp. ELIRl^D &. YOr\«, I>ruff$;i. K., farmer renter, res 7|- m w Doniphan, on Independence Creek, A¥ayne tp. Queen, James T., teamster, res near Normanville, Wolf River tp. Quinell, Wm., farmer, res 3|^ m n w Highland, Iowa tp. Quintine, Sampson, laborer, 4 m s w Syracuse, Wolf Kiver tp. B. Raftery, Owen, farmer renter, res 4 m n w of Troy, n s'd Telegraph r'd, Center tp. liafshire, Charles, farmer, res 4 m s w Troy, Center tp. liamsel, Andrew, laborer, res ^ m s Wathena, AVashington tp. Pamsel, Jacob, farmer, res ^ m s AVathena, Washington tp. Ransome, Ira, farmer renter, res 3|- m s Highland, AV^olf River tp. Rank, George, farmei", res 1 m s Syracuse, Wolf River tp. RANKIN, G. W., carpenter (Rankin & Dillon), Highland. Ransom, C, col'd, laborer. North Wathena, res Moss st, bet Fremont and Jesse. Ransom, AVilliam, col'd, wagon-maker. North Wathena, Bryan st, bet Jesse and Fremont. Randolph, J., farmer res 3-|- m s w Palermo, Marion tp. liapp, Matthew, farmer, Po AVathena, res 3^ m s e Columbus, on Bluffs, Bur Oak tp. RAPPELYE, CHARLES, Treasurer Doniphan County and real estate dealer, res on Park st, bet. Chestnut and Myrtle, office Main st, bet Chestnut and Poplar, Troy. Rappelye, AYm., farnier, res 2 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Ra[)pelye, M., farmer, res 3 m b w Palermo, Marion tp. Rath, Henry, farmer, res J m s Palermo, Marion tp. liauls. A., farmer, Po Highland, res 4 m e Highland, Iowa tp. liauls, David M., farmer, Po Higiiland, res 4 m e Highland, Iowa tp. Raulston, Frank, laborer, res W'iiite Cloud, liaulston, James, car})enter, res w s'd Pophir st, A\'hite Cloud. EI.FKF.D & VOB^XC;. I>rii;:;;;iHlN and Apotlit^arit*!^, «*o«'v tlio IS^a,ili*oa., merchant, Doniphan. Symns, J. C, ck-rk for A. B. Symns, Doniphan. T. Tallman, Isaac, res Troy. Tambor, Antone, farmer, 3 m n w Wathena, Washington tp. Tate, M. G., mason, res 2^ m n e Doniphan, Wayne tp. ELFRED & YOUNG, Driiffgists and Apothecaries, Second St., and S. \V. cor. 4th and Edmoud Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. For l>riifsrs and ITIediciiies g^o to E;L,FR1!:D & YOUNG'S, S. W. cor. iJlh a?e«a KdinJDJi«!! ^^Jrceis, St. Joseph, Missouri. 17-i UISTOKY AND DIRECTOKT OF Tate, George, mason and farmer, res 2|^ m u e Doniphan, in river bottom, Wayne tp. TATE, J. A., merchant (Low, Tate & Cowen), res Doniphan. Tate, Z., farmer, res 2^ m n e Doniphan, Wayne tp. Taylor, Charles, farmer renter, res 1 m n e Charleston, w s'd Charles- ton and Columbus r'd. Bur Oak tp, Po Troy. Taylor, Isaac, col'd, farmer renter, res 2 m w Highland, Iowa tp. TAYLOR, J. M., engineer, res Water st. White Cloud. Tavlor, James, laborer, res El wood. TAYLOR, D. C, sawyer, White Cloud. Taylor, Joshua, trader, res Blutf st. White Cloud. Taylor, D., farmer, res 4^ m e Highland, Iowa tp, Po Layfayette. Taylor, Joseph, farmer renter, res 2 m w Highland, Iowa tp,Po High- land. Taylor, Jesse, farmer, res Geary City, Wayne tp. Taylor, Edwin, laborer, res Elwood bottom, Washington tp. Taylor, Frank, farmer renter, res 2 m s Palermo, Marion tp. ] Tchany, Wm. A., laborer for P. Helm, Wayne tp. Teare, Thomas, laborer, res White Cloud. TENNENT, SIDNEY, lawyer, office n s'd Walnut, bet Liberty and Main sts, res cor Liberty and Walnut, Troy. Tharp, T., col'd, laborer, res White Cloud. Tharp, William, farmer, res 2f m s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp, Po Iowa Point. Tharp, J. D., farmer, res 3| m s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp, Po Iowa Point. Thacker, Geo. R., laborer, res s e part White Cloud. TII ACKER, A., (A & L. Thacker,) White Cloud grist and carding mills, res White Cloud. THACKER, LEVI, (A. & L. Thacker,) White Cloud grist and card- ing mills, res White Cloud. Therst, Frank, saloon-keeper, cor Doniphan and St. Joseph sts, Wa- thena. Therst, A^ictor, saloon-keeper, with Frank Therst, Wathena. Therin, C, laborer, res West Wathena. Thomas, John, farmer, res 3|- m s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp, Po Iowa Point. Thomas, F., carpenter, res Iowa Point. Thomas, W., farmer renter, res 4J^ m e Highland, Iowa tp, Po La- fayette. Thomas, George, farmer renter, res 4|^ me Highland, Iowa tp, Po La- fayette. lllrs. W, T. STONE, Dealer in Millinery Goods, \o, U© Felix Street, V>t, ITosepii, Missouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 175 IICACO WAGON DEPOT, Commercial Street, ATCHISON, Kansas, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS IN I Of the Best Manufacture. WAGON MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. SEEDS FOR THE FARM AXD GARDEN. Also Agents for JOHN P. MANNEY & DODGE'S mm MMS^MEB AW© mQjWMR^. Thomas. James, laborer, res Wathena. Thomas, Richard, laborer, res Wathena. Thomas, Wm. P., farmer renter, res A\''athena. Thompson, Joseph, col'd, blacksmith, Highland. Thompson, D., farmer, res 4 ra s e Highland, Iowa tp, Po Highland. Thompson, Nelson, farmer, res 3 m n w Geary City, w s'd Troy and Geary City r'd, "Wayne tp, Po Geary City. Thompson, Mrs. Emeline, (widow,) res 1^ m eTroy,n s'd Troy and St. Joseph r'd. Center tp. Thompson, Richard Thayer, farmer, res with Mrs. Emeline Thompson, Center tp. Thrump, E., farmer, res 2^ m s e Iowa Point, Iowa tp, Po Iowa Point. Tiberghean, L., laborer, res Bellemont, "Washington tp. Tidron, "Wm., farmer, res 3 m s w Walnnt Grove, "Wolf River tp. Tiffany, C. C, clerk for A. B. Symns, res Doniphan. Tindle, Wm. II., farmer, res 2^ m e Columbus, near Mo River, Bur Oak tp, Po Wathena. For Drugs and ]?Ie,Oen'l Western Agents, Principal Oilice, cor. 2d aisd Fraitcis Streets, St. Joseph, Iflissouri. 182 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Wliite, Hiram, farmer, res 2|- m s Palermo, Marion tp. White, Jule, laborer, res 2ms Troy, e s'd Doniphan and Troy r'd, Center tp, Po Troy. "Wliite, JSTewton, laborer, res Doniphan. White, M. J., laborer, res 1|^ m w El wood. White, N. P., laborer, res 1|^ m w Elwood. Whittenting, L., farmer, res 1|- m s e Highland on Telegraph r'd, Iowa tp, Po Highland. Whitney, Simon, col'd, laborer, res White Cloud. Whitney, O. C. stone-mason, and mayor of city of White Cloud, res White Cloud. Whipple, Arnold, laborer, res n e part White Cloud. WHITHAM, JOHN, brick-mason, res w^ s'd Main st, White Cloud. Whitaker, John H., farmer, res 4|- m n e Doniphan, e s'd Brush Creek, Wayne tp, Po Doniphan. Whitaker, Samuel G., farmer, res 4^ m n Doniphan, e s'd Pock Creek r'd, Wayne tp, Po Doniphan. Whitaker, David, res Doniphan, Whitson, Mrs. Elizabeth, (widow,) res 3 m s Palermo Whitson, Moses, farmer, res 2 m n w Walnut Grove, Wolf Piver tj). WTiorton, Benjamin S., farmer, res 4 m n w Doniphan, n s'd Pock Creek r'd, Wayne tp, Po Doniphan. Whorton, Edwin, farmer, res with Benjamin S. Whorton, Wayne tp. Whorton, James, res with Benj. Whorton, Wayne tp. Wickham, Albert, laborer, res Troy. Wicker, G. H., clerk for A. B. Symns, Doniphan. Wietman, M., farmer, res Columbus, Bur Oak tp, Po Wathena. Wike, Christopher, farmer, res 3|- m n Doniphan, Wayne tp. WILKmSOJSr, GKEEN, col'd, blacksmith, Main st, bet Chestnut and Poplar sts, res bet Main and Liberty, on s s'd Poplar st, Troy. Wilkinson, P., farmer, res 7 m n w Columbus on Bur Oak r'd, Bur Oak tp, Po Wathena. Williams, J. S., farmer, res 8^ m s w Troy, Wolf River tp. Williams, Wm., farmer, res 1^ m e Charleston, ^ m s Charleston and Columbus r'd, Bur Oak tp, Po Troy. Williams, John P., farmer renter, res ^ m n e Columbus, Bur Oak tp, Po Wathena. AVilliams, Joseph, farmer, res 1 m e Columbus, n s'd Smith Creek r'd, Bur Oak tp, Po Wathena. Williams, James C, farmer, res 4 m n e Wathena, on Haddix Hol- low r'd and Peter Creek r'd, Po Wathena. Get your IValchcs, Cocks, and ycMcIrj, repaired and war- ranted, at J. GOODLIVE'S, ^o. 00 Edmond Street, St. Joseph, Iflissourl. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 183 HENRY REISNER, DEALER m STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & PROYISIOXS, CROCKERY, &c., &c., H. REISNER & CO., ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Ili$rlie§t inarkct Price paid for Produce. Williams, James, farmer, res 1 m s Higliland, Iowa tp, Po Iliglilaud. Williams, James, farmer, res 2 m e Highland, Iowa tp, Po Highland WILLIAMS, E., bricklayer, res w s'd Main st, White Clond. Williams, James, laborer, on mac'ad r'd, Washington tp. Williams, R. M., real estate ag't, res White Cloud, b'ds at City Hotel. Williams, D. A., farmer renter, res 2 m s White Cloud, ^ m w High- land and White Cloud r'd, Iowa tp, Po White Cloud. Williams, Thomas, farmer, res 2 m s e Troy, on Pottawatomie r'd, Center tp. Wilcox, AValter, farmer renter, res Highland, Iowa tp. Willey, J. H., laborer, res Highland. AVilley, S. R, farmer, res 2 m s w Troy, w s'd Doniphan and Troy r'd, Wayne tp, Po Troy. Wilmoth, Wilson, farmer, res 4 m n w Geary City, w s'd Troy r'd, Wayne tp, Po Palermo. Wilson, Mrs. Sarah, (widow,) res 6 m w Troy, Wolf Eiyer tp. Wilson, John, merchant (Wilson, Nahrung & Co.), bet Bryant and Doniphan sts, Wathena. WILSON, W. H., carpenter, res Jesse st, bet Doniphan and Creal sts, Wathena. Wilson, Henry, suryeyor, res n s'd St. Joseph st, Wathena. Wilson, M., res Palermo, Marion tp. Wilson, George M., farmer renter, res 3|- m w Palermo, Marion tp. Wilson, A. J., farmer renter, res 3 m s w Palermo, Marion tp. Wilson, Charles II., former, res block '74, Palermo, Marion tp. Wilson, S., res with Charles Wilson, Palermo, Marion tp. Empire Scwins Machine, ^VEL.L,S & RICHMOIVD, Gen'I Vre§terii Aifcnts, Principal Oflice, cor. 2L,lVE'S, 60 E^dmond Street, St. Joseph, I?lisiiOuri. 18G HISTOKT AND DIEECTOEY OF Wyiicoop, John, blacksmitli, res Mill st, bet Moss and Bryan sts, Watliena. Y. Yancli, John, farmer, res 6 m s w Highland, Wolf River tp. Young, J., farmer, res 3 m e Columbus, in bluffs, Bur Oak tp, Po Wathena. Young, J., teamster, res Iowa Point, Iowa tp. z. Zeizer, Ignitz, grocer, s s'd St. Joseph st, bet Bryan and Doniphan sts, AVathena. Ziegler, T., clerk for Craigs & Motter, Wathena, b'ds with W. B. Craig. Zimmerman, John C, farmer, res 4 m s w Troy, s s'd Highland and Troy r'd, Wolf River tp, Po Troy. Zimmerman, John, carpenter and millwright, in Bellemont House, Bellemont, Washington tp. Zimmerman, Lewis, farmer, res 1 m s Troy, e s'd Doniphan and Troy r'd. Zimmerman, John, Jr., farmer, res w s'd Center st, s of Poplar st, Troy. Zimmerman, D. B., lumberman, Lafayette, Center tp. Zimmerman, John B., farmer, res f m e Charleston, s s'd Charleston and Columbus r'd, Center tp, Po Troy. Zimmerman, Martin, farmer, res 2^ m s w Troy, n s'd St. Joseph and Denver r'd, Center tp. Zimmerman, Jacob, farmer, res 1 m s Troy, e s'd Troy and Doni- phan r'd. Center tp, Po Troy. Zimmerly, D., farmer, res 3 m e Highland with J. Kennedy, Iowa tp. SAM S. McGIBBONS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Miskouri. Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 187 DO:^IPHAI^ COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Giving the name at\d location {as near as 2)i"ttcticahle) of every indi- vidualin Doniphan County, unavoidaNe errors excepted — arranged alphahetically wider appropriate headings. .^ G- f; isr T s . « BOOK. Beardsley, II. S., Watliena. Burr, A. B., Troy. Close, Frederick, Highland. McGilliny, Walter, Troy. POWER, J. C, Troj. Sbreve, C. W., W bite Cloud CLAIM, PENSION, AND BOUNTl STRATTOX, E. W., Doniphan. Smallwood, W. II., Wathena. EXPRESS. BAILEY & NOTES (United States), White Cloud. BRxVNTANO, A., (Merchants' Union,) Troy. BURKHALTER & FORNCROOK (Merchants' Union), White Cloud. Leach, G. E., " Iowa Point. IIILLER, AUG., " Wathena. Shields, S. C, " Highland. INSURANCE. Cash, Wm. J., DREXNING, F. n., Troy. Wathena. ALFRED'S BAKINO POTl^DER the best in the Market. 188 niSTORT AXD DIEECTOEY O:^ Jennings, C. F., POWEK, J. C, POWER, W. K, Pliilbrick, J. L., STRATTON, E. W., Shreve, C. W., White Cloud. Troy. Palermo. Doniphan. Doniphan. White Clond. NURSERY. Beardslej, H. S. Wathena. r>ATENT. BODER, IIEK., Jr., (Wood Preserver), Troy. WALKER, JOSEPH, (Drive Well), Troy. REAL ESTATE. Creal, II. S., DRENNING, E. H., EGE, COL. A. G., HARDING, BENJ., JOHNSON, J. P., LARZELERE, GEO. W., POWER, J. C, RIPPEY, W. D., RAPPELYE, CHARLES, STRATTON, E. W., Smalhvood, W. II., TRACY, FRANK M., UTT, JOHN H., Williams, R. M., Wathena. AYatliena. Troy. Wathena. Highland. Wathena. Troy. Wolf River. Troy. Doniphan. Wathena. Troy. White Cloud. White Cloud. WASHING^ AND SEWING- MACHINE. TROY, J. Q. A., Highland. ATTORNEYS. DRENNING, F. II., HAWKINS, II. C, Holt, Joel, JENKINS, E. J., Johnston, D. M., Highland. Troy. Wathena. Troy. Ti'oy. SAM S. IVIcGIBBONS & CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, mar* kct Square, St. Joseph, miissourl. Sit;n of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 189 ED. C A.SE, DEALER IN Dry-Ooods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, &c<, k, TROY, DOXIPHAX COIJXTY, Kaiisa!«. Morton, C. C, El wood. Maxwell, E. S., Watliena. Nash, Lyman, Wathena. PEERY, ALBERT, Troy. Powers, Isaac, Jr., Troy. PRICE, NATHAN, Troy. Stout, X. K., Troy. TENNENT, SIDNEY, Troy. AUCTIOlSrEERS. Sloan, S. B., White Cloud. ASSISTANT U. S. ASSESSORS, DRENNING, F. IL, Wathena. PRICE, NATHAN, Troy. BAKERS. Buchenan, John, Wathena. Simpers, Sandford, White Cloud Statemiller, G. A., Wathena. SPRINGER, J. S., White Cloud Stubbs, F. N., Troy. BUTCHERS. ARMSTRONG, SAMUEL, Troy. Burkhalter, Fred., Iowa Point. Burkhalter, Peter, White Cloud Bradner, A. A., Wathena. Cox, Zeke, Wathena. Dockhom, Charles, Elwood. Donahoo, A. L., Troy. Dieter, Peter, Wathena. ELFRED'S BAKINO POIYDER the best in tbe market. 190 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Haines, Mat., & Co., McCoy, David, Stewart, West, (cord,) "Wathena. "Wathena. Troy. BAHBEI^S. • Barnard, John, Robinson, A. Alex., (col'd,) Wliite Cloud. Watbena. GEEAED & LAKG (Watbena Brewery), Watbena. Sigle, Cbarles, Elwood. Wydermeyer, Peter, (Iligbland Brewery,) Highland. BILLIARDS. Brumbaugh, J. S., COOPER, IL, ELLIDGE, JNO. B., GERARD Y, JOHN, Therst, F. & V., Troy. White Cloud. Troy. AVatbena. Watbena. BLACKSMITHS. Brannan, Michael, Carr, James, DAY, GEORGE, Geer, P. C, Goklsborougb, W. H., Hastness, D. F., Henderson, G. W., Ivinkofl', Aug., Lever, , Liiidsley, James, mills'^ a. C, MACOiMBER, SAMUEL A., McAllister, Cbarles, Marknm, James, jMcCreary, M. D., Neibling, S. H., (country,) Buy Boot*i mul Shoes of ^V. T. STO^E, Joseph, ITIissoiiri Watbena. Charleston. Highland. Iligbland. Geary City. Iowa Point. Doniphan. Doniphan. Watbena. Palermo. White Cloud. Troy. Watbena. Charleston, Highland. Iowa Township. No. § Seeond Street, St. DONIPHAN COUNTY KANSAS, 191 CHEAPEST DRY-COODS HOUSE IN KANSAS. QARD & NEWCOMB, WIIOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN -a o =±1 bo HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING -5 GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS, &c., ^ ATCIIISOPrii^'{;iLE AND HARNESS-MAKERS. Bailey, Loyd, Bur Oak. Brady, J. T., Wathena. ENDERLENE, ERNST, Doniphan. GARLOCK, D. G., White Cloud. JOHNSON, A. T., Troy. Schnell, Henry, Doniphan. Stickney, G. W., Troy. SOAP-MAKER. Tracy, Andrew, Wathena. STOCK-DEALERS. Bayless, W. IL, Highland. Bassett, David, Troy. COOK & CHANDLER, Wathena. Cook, J. E., near Wathena. Gordon, M. A., White Cloud. Johnson, Wm. R., Troy. NOBLE, M. D., White Cloud. RIPPEY, W. D., Wolf River. ELFRED A; YOUXG, 1>russMn and Apothecaries, S. W. cor. 4tll ^ and £dm(»ud Streets, St. Joseph, Mistonri. >^ DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 209 FRED. BA.ER]VIAIsr, WHOLESALE DEALER IN AND gent;s furnishing goods, TVo. SO Tliir-d. St., near Pacific House, (dr. headinq's block,) ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. Troy, L. R., Iowa tp. Taylor, Joshua, White Cloud. Utt, Milton, White Cloud. SURVEYORS. Plowman, J. R., Iowa Point. RIPSSEY, W. D., Wolf River. WATERS, A. W., (county surveyor,) Troy. Wilson, Henry, Wathena. SHING-LE-MAKERS. Baker, David, Wathena. CLEMENS0:N", J. F., Wlute Cloud. Clark, George, Bellemont, Curtis, John M., Palermo. Jones, Jacob, Elwood. Keipher, C, Geary City. McVey, Matthew, Iowa Point. U J If. McCXEEKY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu Bool&i, Stationery, d^c, 103 Felix Street, St. Josepli, Mo. 210 HISTORY A.ND DIKECTORT OF STOVE AND TINWARE DEALERS. Brurabangh, J. S., Troj, EVANS, E., Iowa Point. HAGGARD, BROS., White Cloud. Jones, D. B., Wathena. MORRIS, J. J., White Cloud. WERNER, MRS, K, Doniphan. SALOONS. Brumbaugh, J. S., Troy. COOPER, HENRY, White Cloud. ELLEDGE, JOHN B., Troy. GERARD Y, JOHN, Wathena. Gramer, S., Wathena. HARPSTER, J., White Cloud. Loucks, J., Doniphan. Locker, G., Doniphan. Lucignani, V. & C, Elwood. Therst, T. & Y., Wathena. XJNDERTAKERS. BELL, HIRAM, White Cloud. Miller, Peter, Wathena. TONER, JAMES, Troy. VETERINARY STJROEONS. Hooker, J. A., Bellemont. RITTENHOUSE, D. F., Wolf River. Rhue, John, Troy. WAOON-MAKERS. Butzer, Fred., Wathena. Brandt, Wm., Charleston. Brandt, Fred., Charleston. Coger, G. C, Columbus. Carpenter, John G., Troy. DAY, GEORGE, Highland. Durkey, J., Iowa Point. Henderson, G. W., Doniphan. SAH S. IflcOIBBOXS & CO., Dealers in Boots and isihoes, Mar- ket !!»quare, SI. Joseph^ Mistouri. Sign of the Elepliaut. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, 211 TROY, KANSAS. Will practice in the Courts of the Second Judicial District. InmaTi, J. BL, Palermo, Inman, J. C, Palerraa KYERSON, K W., White Cloud. Kansome, TVm., (col'd,) White Cloud, SCHLETZBAIJM & SCHNELL, Doniphan, Sprigle, Joseph, Wathena. Weger, J. J^., Doniphan.. Empire Sewing Macliine, ^VEL.r.S & RICHTWOIVI), Gen'I Western Agents, Principal Ollice, cor. 2<1 and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 212 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF DONIPHAN COUNTY SOLDIERS' REGISTER. LIST OF SOLDIERS WHO ENLISTED FROM DONIPHAN COUNTY, DURING THE LATE REBELLION, GIVING THE LATEST RANK, COMPANY, AND REGIMENT (AS NEAR AS PRACTICABLE), ARRANGED BY RANK, GRAD- ING FROM HIGHEST DOWN, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. If the name searched for does not appear in the following li»t, refer to the ''''List of Soldiers who were hilled in the Army^'''' page 250. Note. — The inanj changes that have occurred since the close of the late war renders it impossible to make a cwrect record of all the soldiers who went from our county ; but, by diligence and extra exer- tions, we have collected the following list, which is as near a perfect record as can be obtained. Those 7)iarTced * were hilled or inissing. ABBREVIATIONS. Co., Company; iFeg'., Regiment ; Brig'r-Gen^l, Brigadier-General; Co?., Colonel; Lietif., Lieutenant ; Maj., Major ; Q. M., Quartermaster ; Q. M. S., Quartermaster Serg^eant ; Sergf. Maj., Sergeant Major; Ca2)i., Captain; E. Q. 31., Regimental Quartermaster; Sergt., Sfrgeant; Corp., Corporal; H^afifV, Wagoner; Mus'n, Musician; Bug., Bugler; Cav., Cavalry; Infty, Infantry ; Kan. Yol., Kansas Volunteers ; Surg., Surgeon ; Com., Commissary ; Asst, As- sistant. Lee, Albert L., Brig'r Gen'I U. S. Yols. Enlisted at Elwood as Maj. 7th Cav. Kan. Yol., and in line of promotion attained his present rank. Herrick, Thomas P., Col. 7th Reg. Cav. Kan. Yole. Enlisted at High- land as Capt, Co. A, 7th Cav., and in line of pro- motion attained his present rank. Wheeler, J. B., Lieut. Col. 13th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Enlisted at Palermo, David, D. II., Maj. 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted at White Cloud. ft:LFKEI> & YOU\s«. Repairing Done to Order. Grant, E. H., Maj. and Surg. 10th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf tj. Enlisted from Troy. Woodworth, C, A., Maj. 13th Keg. Kan. Yul. Inf ty, Eoyd, John J., Capt. Co. F, lOfch Reg. Kan. YoL Inf tj. Enlisted at Troy. *Beeler, Marion N., Capt. Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. En- listed from Troy as 1st Lieut., and promoted, vice Henry Haverherst resigned. Cheneworth, B. P., Capt. Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inft'y. Enlisted from Elwood. Frankhouse, J., Capt. Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. YoL Inf ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Flickenger, Samuel, Capt. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. En- listed from Geary City. Harrington, K, Capt. Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enlisted from Palermo. Haverherst, Henry, Capt Co, B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enlisted fr-om White Cloud. Morrick, John L., Capt. Co. I, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Elwood. Penney, Richard, Capt. and Q. M, S., U. S. Yol. Appointed from Bellemont. Pitts, Aaron M., Capt. Co. D, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland, Payne, David L., Capt. Co. — , — Reg. Kan. Yol. Enlisted from Columbus. Price, Nathan, Capt. Co. F, 10th Reg. Kan. Yoh Inf ty. Enlisted from Geary City. Robertson, Hugh, Capt. Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enlisted from Troy. Empire Sewing Macliine,^VEI.I.S & RICTHWOXD, GeiiT Westerw Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 214: niSTOEY AND DIRECTORY OF Smallwood. W. IT,, Capt. Co. G, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. coFd Inf tj. Enlisted from Watliena. Utt, Levi II., Capt. Co. A, Ttli Reg. Kan. YoL Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Badger, TT. P., 1st Lieut, and Adjutant I3th Reg. Kan. YoT. Inrtj. Enlisted from Columbus. Bradner, A. A., 1st Lieut. Co. I, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf \y. En- listed from Elwood. Coleman, C. J., 1st Lieut. Co. H, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. col'd Inf'tj. Enlisted from Elwood. Campbell, B. S., 1st Lieut. Co. C, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. Fleming, Elijah, 1st Lieut. Co. K, lOth Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'tj. Enlisted from Columbus. ^Haze, Robert, 1st Lieut. Co. I, Tth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Columbus. Howe, W. W., 1st Lieut. Co. I, Yth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Columbus. Josephs, Peter A., 1st Lieut. Co. A, Is-t Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. En- listed from Elwood. Kotsch, J. Frank, 1st Lieut. Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. Eu- listed from Troy. Larzelere, A., R. Q. M. 3d Cherokee (Indian) Reg. Enlisted from Washington township. Leland, Cyrus, Jr., 1st Lieut. Co. F, 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Troy. Leland, Cyrus, Sr., 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M, 13th Reg. Eiin. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Troy. Low, Alfred C, 1st Lieut. Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. En- listed from Doniphan, McElroy, J. C, 1st Lieut. Co. H, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Highland. Nixon, Joseph A, 1st Lieut. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Enlisted from Troy. Smith, S. D., 1st Lieut, and Assistant Surgeon 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Elwood. Saxey, Alfred, 1st Lieut. Co. — , — Reg. Kan. Yol. Enlisted from Troy. Snyder, Ebenezer, 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. Tth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. liny Boots and Shoes of IV. T. STO\K, No. 8 Second Street, St. Joseph, ]91issouri. DONIPHAN COTTNTT, KANSAS. 215 DAVID VALENTINE & Co., IMPORTERS or ml © WHITE GOODS, & WOOLENS, 356 BRO^DTV^^Y. iQhoi M. Ramsey, Smith, G. W., 1st Lieut, and Adj't. 13tli Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf tj. Enlisted from Columbns. Smith, Wm. C, Jst Lieut. Co. C, 14:th Eeg, Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Elwood. Tracy, F. M., 1st Lieut. Co. I, 1st Eeg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Enlisted from Troy. Traej, Robert, 1st Lieut. Co. A, 1st Kan. Yol. Inf tj. Enlisted from Ehvood. Brjan, John, 2d Lieut. Co, F., 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inftj. Enlisted from Doniphan, Outter, A. A., 2d Lieut. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inftj. Enlisted from Geary. Ford, C. H., 2d Lieut. Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Enlisted from Elwood. Lahmer, Thos. H., 2d Lieut. Co. A, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. Langeheineken, A., 2d Lieut. Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. luf'ty. Enlisted from Troy. rSE ELFRED'S bakhvo poutder, 216 HISTORY AND DIRECTOKY OF Eandolph, Joseph, 2cl Lieut. Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'tj. En- listed from Palermo. *Riley, Langton M., 2d Lieut. Co. 1, 13tli Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inftj. Enlisted fi-om Elwood. Smith, Charles O., 2d Lieut. Co. A, 1st Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inftj. Enlisted fi'om Elwood. Taylor, D. C, 2d Lieut. Co. A, 7th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Trant, James M., 2d Lieut. Co. B, 2d Eeg. Kan. Yol. col'd Inf ty. Enlisted from Troy. Weston, Wm., 2d Lieut. Co. I, 7th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Bellemont. Lansing, J. W., Hospital Steward 7th Eeg. Kan. YoL Cav. Enlisted from Bellemont. Fox, Simon M., Sergt. Maj. 7th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. Hunt, Harmon D., Sergt. Major 7th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Mowrey, Andrew J., Ordnance Sergt. l-lth Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Elwood. Isgregg, , Quartermaster Sergt. Co. K, 14th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Land is, John, Quartermaster Sergt. Co. F, 10 th Eegt. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Laventz, H. A., Quartermaster Sergt. Co. A, 7th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Syracuse. Searcy, Wm. C, Quartermaster Sergt. Co. C, 14th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Elwood. Luce, Henry, Com. Sergt. Co. 1, 13th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enhsted from Troy. Morse, David 'N., Com. Sergt. 7th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Wolf Eiver. May, T. E., Com. Sergt. Co. K, 14th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Stanley, Levi, Com. Sergt. Co. C, 14th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. BeiTy, Alexander, 1st Sergt. Co. A, 13th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Infty. En- listed from Doniphan. Baily, H. C, 1st Sergt. Co. II, 14th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enhsted from Bur Oak. Downs, Jacob, 1st Sergt. Co. B, 16th Kan. Yol. Infty. Enlisted from Wayne township. EI.FKEI> dc YOr\riis:^i««lN and Ai»ollicoarios, Second St., uisd f>. \\. c»r. 8th siiuJ Ettsuund Streets, fet. Joti«|rh, Mis*.tJMri, ^ DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 217 E. J. JEISTKIN^S, TT©iiE¥ AT LAW DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. Will Practice in all the Courts of the Second Judicial District. Drenning, F. II., 1st Sevgt. Co. A, 1st Eeg. Ivan. Vol. Inf'ty. En- listed from Elwood. Haskell, A. J., 1st Sergt. Co. F, lOth Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enlisted from Troy. Handley, David, 1st Sergt. Co. K, 14tli Eeg. Kan. Vol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Irvine, Stewart, 1st. Sergt. Co. I, Ytli Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Elwood, Lavery, J. C, 1st Sergt. Co. A, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. Laird, J. F., 1st Sergt. Co. I, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Troy. Landon, M. T., 1st Sergt. Co. F, 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. " En- listed from Doniplian. Messick, D., 1st Sergt. Co. D, 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. O'Madaulet, Charles, 1st Sergt. Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. En- listed from Palermo. Wilder, John II., 1st Sergt. Co. C, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. Alexander, W. II., Sergt. Co. C, llth Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Anderson, Andres, Sergt. Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. En- listed from Geary City. *Anstey, Simeon, Sergt. Co. I, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enlisted from Elwood. Berry, Jolm, Sergt. Co. D, 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Bryan, James, Sergt. Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Enlisted from Center Township. Every Hou§ekeeper uses ELFRED'S BAKIKG POWDER. 218 HISTORY AND DIKECTOKY OF Blanblits, Henry, Sergt. Co. F, 10th Reg. Kan, Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Beuler, J., Sergt. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Campbell, H. N., Sergt. Co. — , 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. Chill, Alfred, Sergt. Co. I, Tth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Columbus. Cowan, Hugh, Sergt. Co. F, 10th Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Chitton, T. L., Sergt. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Chappel, Wm., Sergt. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Collins, Wm. J., Sergt. Co. D, Uth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Dapries, F., Sergt. Co. C, 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Easterbrook, S. A., Sergt. Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted at Elwood. Flinn, R. J., Sergt. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Troy. Frazier, II. H., Sergt. Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Troy. Gilispie, II. J., Sergt. Co. K, 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Graves, Sampson, Sergt. Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. En- listed from Troy. Housel, Hiram, Sergt. Co. I, Tth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Doniphan. Hoverson, Ed., Sergt. Co. I, 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. Hyler, John, Sergt. Co. F, 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Doniphan. *Jone8, John, Sergt. Co. I, 13tli Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Elwood. King, E. II., Sergt. Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Palermo. Kent, Jacob, Sergt. Co. B., 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Eidisted from Wathena. Lewis, Mellen, Sergt. Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. Enlisted from Elwood. For ISibJcs, ToKiaiiivaM, nii<] ll.viiiB2-i£Sitok<( j,'-«» to J ii. Mc- C'L£ER¥ &, CO., lOa Felix btrect. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 219 To Purchasers of Sewing Machines! Has again carried oif the highest honors at the Principal Fairs the present season. HIGHEST PRIZE FIRST PREMIUM at New York State Fair, held at Buffalo. GOLD 3IEDAL at Fair of the Maryland Institute. ONI.Y GOLD MEDAIi at tlie Massacliusetts Mechanics' Association. ATVI> THE FIl^SSiT I'I^E3XnJ:^X At the Fair of the American Institute, New York. REPORT OF COMMITTEE. On the 12th of September the Great Fair and Exhibition of the American Institute was opened in New York. As usual the display of Sewing Machines was large, and the com- petition strong ; but after a six weeks' trial the friends of the Florence had the satisfaction of seeing their favorite again triumphant, and for the second time bearing off the highest honors of the American Institute. Below we give an extract from the Report of the Com- mittee on Sewing Machines, read at the close of the Fair. " The whole number of Serving Ma>hinss on exhibition is thiiteen; of these tivelve are entered for competition. TJte artich bearing the No. 730 {Flokexce Sewing Machine) is decided to be the BKST ON EXHIBITION. // must also be stated incidentally that this is better than any of its class knotvu to the Judges. Its merits are: 1st.— Good Material and thorough Workmanship. 2d.— More absolute novelty than marks the usual improvements in Sewing Machines. 3d.— The ingenious arrangement by a positive motion for adjusting the thread during the passage of the Shuttle and the gathering up of it in the finish of the stitch. 4th.-The KEVERSIBLE feed. 5th.— The variety of work that can be done'upon it. TTe, tlierefore, decide that it receive tlie award of first class. "Wm. Pratt, Signed, iR.i S. Cady, L. J. Knowles." This is to certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the Report of tlie Jirdges of Sewing Machines at the 37th Annual Fair, 18G7. New York. November 11, 1807. John W. Chajibers, Sec'y Board Managers. It would seem as if this succession of triumphs should be snfiScient to convince every unprejudiced person of the great superiority of the Florence over all others as a Family Sewing Machine. Every 3Iachine Warranted, Send for Circular. WM. E. PLANT, 612 North Fourth Street, Empire Sewing Mnciiiiie, ^VEI.!.S & RICIi:»IOX», Gen'l Western Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, IVIissouri. 220 HISTORY AND DIBECTOKY OF Low, John W., Seroi;t. Co. I, Tth E.eg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Doniphan. Ledington, G. W., Sergt. Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. En- listed from "Wolf River township. Lease, Thos. L., Sergt. Co. D, 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Lunsford, W. J., Sergt. Co. D, 11th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. McSparran, R. J., Sergt. Co. C, 11th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Elwood. McTaggart, John, Sergt. Co. A, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. McAdams, H. L., Sergt. Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'tj. Enlisted ' from Troy. Neelan, Robert, Sergt. Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'tj. Enlisted from Wolf River tp. Neal, John, Sergt. Co. H, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. Enlisted from Troy. Ogan, John O., Sergt. Co. A. 13th Reg, Kan. YoL Inf 'ty. Enlisted from Troy. Pickard, John E., Sergt. Co. G, 8tli Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. En- listed from Geary City. Paul, J. Fred., Sergt. Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Troy. Plummer, John W., Sergt. Co. D, 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. En- listed from White Cloud. Pryer, Samuel, Sergt. Co. D, lltli Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from White Cloud. Richardson, G. W., Sergt. Co. I, 13th Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Elwood. Roberts, P. O., Sergt. Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from AVolf River. Rea, Irving, Sergt. Co. II, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Highland. Robb, C. D., Sergt. Co. F, 10th Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Syracuse. Smith, J. F., Sergt. Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf'ty. Enlisted from Palermo. Smitli, John, Sergt. Co. A, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Enlisted from Highland. Santer, John, Sergt. Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Enlisted from Elwood. USE ELFRED'S BAKING POAVDER. DONIPHAN" COUNTY, KANSAS. 221 SAMUEL PLOTNER, DEALER IN AND CONFECTIONERIES, HIGHLAND, .... KANSAS. ALSO Proprietor of Union House, Groorng;g:icitfi and ApotliccariCM, S. W. cor. 4th and Edinond Streets, §t. Joseph, ^Tlissouri. u a a ;; (( (( u a a u a a a a a a a i( a u On a (( a a u u DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 227 Mrs. N. WERNER, MANUFACTURER AND TIN-WAKE, HOLLOW-WARE, and JAPAN-WAEE, Posf-Offlce Building, DONIPHAN, KANSAS. All Kinds of Tin-ware Made to Order. Brown, W. K., Co. G, 8tli Reg, Kan. Vol. Inf ty. Brown, James H., Co. G, 8th " " " " Baldwin, J. W., Co. F, 10th Brogan, Patrick, Co. F, 10th Ball, Llojd, Co. F, 10th Bo wen, Jonas, Co. F, 10th Berry, D. R., Co. F, 10th Burker, James, Co. F, 10th Beall, A. R., Co. F, 10th Brown, W. R., Co. F, 10th Bohr, John, Co. F, 10th Baird, Joseph, Co. A, 13th Bowen, Thomas, Co. A, 13th Botkin, C. D., Co. A, 13th ^Bird, Joseph II., Co. A, 13th Barton, W. C, Co. A, 13th Bauer, J. J., Co. A, 13th Bait, J. IL, Co. A, 13th Baird, A. J., Co. A, 13th Bromley, G. W., Co. A, 13th Barber, Daniel, Co. B, 13th Bennett, Thomas J., Co. B, 13th Butler, William B., Co. B, 13th Butler, Edward S., Co. B, 13th Bentley, Creed, Co. B, 13th Berry,^J. M., Co. C, 13th Bristo, Nicholas, Co. C, 13th a u u u « u a a a a u ii a a it a a u ' a u iTi Or. A 1 cf « « « « a u ii u « (( U « (( Lid del, James, Co. A, 1st Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Lucey, Patrick, Co. A, 1st Longworth, John, Co. A, 1st " ^Lancaster, Jas. 11., Co. A, 7th " Lewis, Wm., Co. B, 7th " *Lewis, Joseph, Co. C, 7th " *Laird, F. J., Co. I, 7th " " " Lcib, John, Co. I, 7th " " " " Leiber, Charles, Co. I, 7th " " " " Low, John W., Co. I, 7th " " " " Landis, Daniel, Co. F, 10th Landis, Henry, Co. E, 10th " " Laws, Thomas M., Co. E, 10th *' " Long, Kathan C, Co. E, 10th " " Lewis, G. W., Co. A, 13th " " Lawrence, Edward, Co. B, 13th " " Lee, David A., Co. B, 13th " " Leechler, M., Co. B, 13th Layering, Jacob, Co. C, 13th " Lawhorn, James, Co. C, 13t]i " " " " Lawhorn, Sherad, Co. C, 13th " Lethington, W. K., Co. C, 13th " Lyon, A., Co. C, 13th " Lyon, R. F., Co. C, 13th " Lovelady, Wm., Co. C, 13th Lucignani, Yincent, Co. I, 13th " SAm S. McGIBBO^VS &, CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St, Joseph, Missouri. Sign of the Elephant. u a u « a a ii u u a (( (( u u « (( <( u ii. u a ii li. u u (( DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 239 ^M m I ABBOTT &, BARTLETT, Proprietors, DONIPHAN, - - - KANSAS. Are prepared to do both Merchant and Custom work, on short notice, and in the best manner. CAPACITY 100 BARRELS PER DAY. Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of Grain. Liemaster, J. A., Co. C, 14th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Lee, Henry, Co. C, 14th " " Levell, A., Co. D, 14th " " Lincoln, George, Co. D, 14th " " Lasapella, Batin, Co. G, 15th " " Lovelady, Jackson, Co. D, 16th " " Lyman, Chas. F., Co. D, Sth " " " Infty. M. Mermick, A. E., Co. A, Ist Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. *Mitchell, S. A., Co. A, 1st l( u u Murphy, Michael, Co. A, Ist (( (( (( Mallory, J. B., Co. A, Ist (( t( i( Mossman, Y., Co. A, 1st a a a Maynard, John, Co. A, 1st a u « Mower, John, Co. A, 1st a a n McDonald, John, Co. A, 1st li a il McCreary, Geo, C, Co. A, 1st il u u McCartney, Wm., Co. A, 1st (( a u For Drugs and ]9Iedicliics go to ELFRED A; YOUNG'S, S. W. cor Itli and Edsiu>nd J^Sreels, St. Joseph, Missouri. * 240 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Mclrviiie, John, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. May, Dexter, Co. A, 7th Moore, AVm. W., Co. A, 7th Marsiield, Henry, Co. A, 7th McKay, Dixon, Co. A, 7th Monerovia, Alex. B., Co. A, 7th Morse, David W.; Co. A, 7th McSparran, John, Co. I, 7th McCrum, J. P., Co. I, 7th McCrume, A. H., Co. I, 7th Mitchell, Samuel D., Co. I, 7th Mandalet, J. B., Co. G, 8th Martin, Abner, Co. G, 8th *Maitinger, Jacob, Co. G, 8th Michaels, Louis, Co. G, 8th Miller, Wm., Co. G, 8th Miller, Jacob, Co. G, 8th McFalls, J. W., Co. E, 10th Miller, Augustus, Co. E, 10th McNutt, Simon, Co. E, 10th Morris, John, Co. E, 10th McCarty, Daniel, Co. E, 10th Michell, Thos. J., Co. E, 10th McCulloch, J. A., Co. K, 10th Menkin, John, Co. K, 10th Mui'phy, Wm., Co. K, 10th McGinnis, G. Q., Co. K, 10th Myers, Robert, Co. A, 13th McCulloch, W. J.B., Co. A, 13th " McGahard, J. C, Co. A, 13th McCarney, S. J., Co. A, 13th *Mailler, Thomas C, Co. A, 13th " Mowery, D., Co. A, 13th Merritt, Robert, Co. A, 13th Merritt, A., Co. A, 13th Maquilken, J., Co. B, 13th Moore, W. D., Co. B, 13th Mobley, J. W., Co. B, 13th Mohr, Peter, Co. B, 13th Massua, A., Co. B, 13th Montgomery, R., Co. B, 13th Marolph, Fred., Co. B, 13th Mrs. W. T. STOIVF, I>calor in Millinery Goods, No. 110 Fells feitreet, St. Joseph, Missouri. u roprietor, THIS HOUSE HAS fiECENTLT BEES RSSTOVATED AIID IKTexv'ly F'xxrxiislieci, AND WILL BE FOUND A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, "With desirable accoramodatioos both to the resident and traveling public. A good LIVERY and FEED STABLE attached. Tajlor, E. B., Co. A, 13th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty, *Terrel, John, Co. A, 13th " " " ^' Thompson, J. W., Co. A, 13th " " " '' Tindell, J. B., Co. B, 13th '' *' " " Treakle, J. T., Co. H, 13th " " " " Teas, Thomas, Co. H, 13th " '' '' "■ Trent, James, Co. I, 13th . " " " " Trent, Henry, Co. I, 13th Thomas, W.P., Co. I, 13th Tiberghim, Ji., Co. I, 13th Tucker, Joseph, Co. I, 13th Themin, Lewis, Co. D, 14th Tindall, D. B., Co. B, 15th XJ. Underwood^ p. A., Co. A, 7th Eeg.Kan. YoL Cav. Ulh, I. X., Co. B, 13th " " « Infty. a n a ii a u a (( (( Cav, u u Empire Sewiiiff]TIacliiiic,l^Ei:.I.S & RICJIIlff»\T», Oen'I WesterH Agents, Principal Ollice, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St, Joseph, Missouri. 248 ' HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Van Seenwen, C, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inftj. Yalfried, Gottried, Co. A, 1st " " Toek, Otto, Co. A, 1st Yicken', Ira M., Co. A, Ttli " " " Car. Yaro-sett, Peter, Co. I, 7th Yineyard, John, Co. G, 8th " " " Infty. *Yickery, Eli T., Co. C, 13th " " " Yaxiirhn, Albert, Co. D, 14th " " " Cav. Yau^Deusen, Albert, Co. D, 14th" '' " Y'aldron, D. C, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. *AValker, E. S., Co. A. 1st Weythman, Lewis, Co. A, 1st 'Whitney, Oliver C, Co. A, Tth W^ilder, John II., Co. C, Tth Winder, Adam, Co. C, Tth *Woods, Daniel, Co. I, Tth YTatson, James, Sr., Co. I, Tth Whiteliead, J. K, Co. I, Tth Y^akes, James, Co. I, Tth Y^onnbold, Thomas, Co. I, Tth AVeis, FrecL, Co. G, 8th Weis, J. G., Co. G, 8th Yliite, II., Co. G, 8th AVhitson, AVm. W., Co. G, 8th Y^ilson, J. Y., Co. G, 8th Y^ilson, G. M., Co. G, 8th Wood, Thomas L., Co. G, 8th Y'right, Eli S., Co. G, 8th YHiite, James, Co. E, 10th *Wilson, Y^m. C, Co. K, 10th Yineyard, Henry, Co.K. 10th Y^ood, Thomas, Co. K, 10th Y^illianis, James, Co. A, 13th Wilson, A. J., Co. A, 13th Yllliams, J. S., Co. B, 13th Walker, Joseph, Co. B, 13th Weightman, — , Co. B, 13th 6 a:?! S. 11o«IBBO\S A; CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, OTar- licl Square, St. Joseph, IVlissouri. Sign oi" the Elei^hant. (( ii a a (( a li ii u a li li u li- ii 11 u (( li ii a a ii ic li li a ii a li ii ii li u (C ii a li li (( a a " I nft;) (( u li u u a a il a 11 li 11 a li li il u a ii u li it 11 11 li (c li (C ii a li (( a li li il (( (( li il a a ii 11 a a ii il li u u il a ii u il u a ii il (( ii ii ii DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 249 TRIU MPHS FOR 1867. TliG Highest Prize PARIS EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, 1867. The onlsr Gold. IVIedal MASSACHUSETTS MECHANICS' ASSOCIATION, After Five successive weeks' exhibition. First Premium FAIR OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE, NEW YORK, After Six successive weeks' exhibition. FAIR OF MARYLAND INSTITUTE, After Four successive weeks' exhibition. First Premium NEW YORK STATE FAIR, HELD AT BUFFALO, Besides the ighest Premiums AT NUJNIEROUS MINOR FAIRS. OVEIT 40,000 jVXACHIIVES IIV TJSE. SEXD FOR REPORTS AND CIRCULARS. WM. E. PLANT, General Western Agent, 612 NORTH FOURTH STREET, bet. Washington Av., and Green St., ST. LOUIS, Mo. »j.t:i jour vvuicnes, tj.ocHs, ano Jewelry, repaired and war- raiitid, al J. CJOODLIVE'S, Xo. 60 Edmoud «>»ireet, St. Joseph, Iflissoui i. 250 HISTOKY AND DIKECTOET OF Wallard, Win. Co. B, 13th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty, White, Thomas, Co. B, 13th " " " " Willson, Samuel, Co. B, 13th " " " " Washburn, H., Co. B, 13th " " " " Woods, Nicholas, Co. B, 13th '' " " " Wiley, J. W., Co. B, 13th " " " " Whitecloud, Jasper, Co. B, 13th " " Washbm-n, James, Co. B, 13th " " Warren, S. E., Co. C, 13th Ward, James W., Co. C, 13th " " Williams, John R., Co. C, 13th " " Wilson, Hiram, Co. C, 13th " " Wisehart, J. D., Co. C, 13th " " Welchhouse, Geo. Co. H, 13th " " Wynn, David, Co. H, 13th " " W^ade, R. H., Co. H, 13tli " Warburton, J. F., Co. I, 13th " " Witchanack, S., Co. D, 14th " " Weightman, Wm. Co. D, 14th " " White, Frank, Co. D, 14th " " White, Geo. A., Co. D, 15th " " Welch, James, Co. D, 16th u n a Cav ii 11 Tonng, Geo. H., Co. A, 1st Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Young, John, Co. I, 13th List of Soldiers who were killed or died in the Army — who ENLISTED FROM DoNIPH^yST CoUNTY — GiVING E.ANK AND DaTE OF Death as near as practicable — Arranged alphabetically ACCORDING TO NaMES. Archer, Thomas, private, Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Fayetteville, Ark., January 9th, 1862. Alexander, G. J., private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Ivan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Springfield, Mo., Feb. 13th, 1«63. Abbott, Samuel, corporal, Co. I, Tth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died Dec. 17th, 1801 (place not known). Anstey, Simeon, sergeant, Co. I, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Fayetteville, Ark., Feb. 22d, 1863. Satisraetion always g^iveii and Goods warranted, at J. GOOD- L.1V£'S, So. 60 £:dnioiid !»treet, St. Joseph, Jllissouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 251 THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED STABLE Ii\ THE CITY. Best of Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, and first-class Horses to let. , BUYS A]Xr> J^ELLJS} jsjtOCK: OF ALL lilJVDS. Commercial Street, ATCHISON, KANSAS. GOOD YARDS FOR STOCK ATTACHED. Browning, A, J., private, Co. C, 13th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died in Hospital at Cane IliH, Ark., Dec. 15tli, 18G2. Burke, James, private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan, Vol. Inf'tj; was killed at battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10th, 1861. Beuler, J., sergeant, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf \v. Died at home, of fever. Burd, W. C, private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Cane Hill, Ark., Dec. 25th, 1862. Bollinger, Levi C, private, Co. C, Tth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 26th, 1861. Cowger, William, drummer, Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. Died at Camp Babcock, Nov. 6th, 1 862. Cisna, James, private, Co. A, 13tli Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. Died at Fayetteville, Ark., Dec. 19th, 1862. Cordominer, Yictor, corporal, Co. F, 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. Died at Wyandotte, March 26th, 1862. Collins, William IL, private, Co. T, Tth Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Killed at Coffee Hill, Miss., Dec. 5th, 1862. Dailey, John G., private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Springfield, Mo., Feb. 16th, 1863. Devine, George N., private, Co. A, 1st ^eg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty ; was killed at battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10th, isGl. Dresselmeyer, IL, private, Co. G, Sth Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 26th, 1863. Dooley, Henry, private, Co. C, 9th Reg.. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died in 1862 (date and place not known). The finest seleetion of Ameriean "Wat dies and Clocks are to be found at J. li^«OI>I^IVE'S, «0 l^dssiond Street, St. Jo!>iepli, ]taiS!>»oijrJ. 252 HISTORY AND DIRECTOKT -OF Dooley, John G., private, Co. C, IStli Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'tv. Died Feb. 16th, 1864: (place not known). Darby, , (date, &c., not known). Darhart, G, C., private, Co. I, 7th lleg. Kan. Vol. Cav. Died at St. Louis, Mo., October 31st, 1862. Egerton, Y. E., private, Co. C, 13th Eeg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Springfield, Mo., March 11th, 1S03. Etherton, James, private, Co. G, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf 'ty. Died at Mellville, Mo., May 7th, 1863. Fox, Thomas, private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty ; was killed at battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10th, 1861. Graham, J. 11., corporal, Co, I, 7th Tieg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died from wounds received at Coffee Hill, Miss., Jan. l'Jth,lS62. Gibson, Henderson, private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Springfield, Mo., March 9th, 1863. Gilmore, B. F., private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Missing at battle of Prairie Grove, Dec. 7th, 1862. Huline, Thomas, private, Co. I, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died at Corinth, Miss., Oct. 19th, 1862. Hughes, R. L., private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died Feb. 16th, 1862 (place not known). Hatcher, Eli S., private, Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at West Point, Mo., Feb. 11th, 1862. Hinds, W. C, private, Co. 11, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Inf ty. Died at Fayetteville, Ark., Jan. 11th, 1863. Hayes, Robert, 1st Lieut., Co. I, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died of disease at Corinth, Miss, (date not known). Hammill, Edward, private, Co. C, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Drowned in Missouri River at Fort Leavenworth, October 11th, 1861. James, George A., private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died at Springfield, Mo., Feb. 8th, 1863. James, John, sergeant, Co. I, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty; was killed at battle of Prairie Grove, Dec. 7th, 1862. Kunderson, , private, Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty; was killed at Chattanooga, Tenn.. Sept. 19th, 1863. Luther, Alfred J., private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died March 22d, 1863 (place not known). ' Longworth, John, private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty; was killed at battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10th, 1861. Lancaster, James, private, Co. A, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died at Bethel, Tenn., Sept. 4th, 1862. SIM S. ]?IeC;iBB<>\S & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, ]TIis»ouri. Sis" «f the Klephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 253 J. B. PAYNE. Wir. J. REED. PAYNE & REED, Lafayette^ - - - Ivansas. DEALERS IN |iii'g"#00ib, i$t»tmt]S, ^§ntiiwM!^, """^ BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, DRUGS & MEDICINES, &c., &c., &:c. Lewis, Joseph, private, Co. C, 7tb Reg. Kan. Vol. Cav. Died at Co- rinth, Miss., Sept. 20th, 1862. Laird, F. J., private, Co. I, 7th Reg. Kan. Vol. Cav. Died at Mound City, 111., October 31st, 1862. Mansfield, R. R., wagoner, Co. B, 13th Reg. Kan. Vol. luf ty. Died at Spi-ingtield, Mo., Feb. 5th, 1863. Mitchell, S. A., private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan, Vol. Inf ty. Died at Grand Junction, Miss., Nov. 18th, 1862. Mailler, Thomas C, private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf ty. Died at Springfield, Mo., Feb. 21st, 1863, of fever. Miu-ray, B., private, Co. C, 13tli Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died at Camp Babcock, Kov. 21th, 1862. Maitenger, Jacob, private, Co. G, 8th Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died at TuUahoma, Tenn., July 2uth, 1863. Neese, William, private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died at Fayetteville, Ark., Jan. 2d, 1863. Pry, Thaddeus T., private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died at Fayetteville, Ark., Nov. 28th, 1863. Palmer, WiUiam H., private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died from wounds received at Springfield, Mo. (date not known). Quick, William, private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died at Camp Babcock, Nov. 28th, 1862. Ross, Charles G., private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died at Camp Babcock, Sept. Tth, 1863. Riley, L. M., 2d Lieut., Co. I, 13th Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf 'ty. Died, from wounds received at Prairie Grove, Dec. Tth, 1862. Reed, Eli, private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Vol. luf'ty; was killed at battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. lUth, 1861. ^ Empire Sewiiis Machine, AVEI.I.S & RICH:noX», Gen'l Western Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2cl and Francis Streets, ^t. Joseph, Missouri. 254 HISTORY AND DIKECTOEY OF Rolil, Charles, corporal, Co. I, 8th Reg. Kan Yol. Inf ty. Missing at Chattanooga, Sept. 9th, 1863. Smith, Charles, private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Vol. Inf tj. Died Sept. 16th, 18G3 (place not known). Stillwell, Stephen, private, Co. A, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Killed at Little Blue, Mo., Nov. 11th, 1861. Shelling, Francis, private, Co. I, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. "Was killed near Coffeeville, Miss., Dec. 5th, 1862. Shaw, Isaac, private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. luf'tj. Died Sept. 7th, 1863 (place not known). Stewart, J. F., private. Died in spring of 1865. Stewart, Stephen, private, Co. C, 9th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died in spring of 1865. Sprouse, Benj., corporal, Co, G, 8th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Was killed at Chickamanga, Sept. 19th, 1863. Schwope, G., private, Co. G, 8ih Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died at Nashville, Tenn., April 23d, 1863. Silence, Levi, private, Co. E, lOih Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died in the Cherokee Nation, July 10th, 1862. Silence, C. W. M., private, Co. E, 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty, Died at Fort Scott, Kan., June 4th, 1862. Speak, J. J., private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died at Fayetteville, Ark., June 6th, 1863. Spearman, Uriah, private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died at Cane Hill, Ark., Dec. 15th, 1863. Stillwell, Wm. A., private, Co. A, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died at Cane Hill, Ark., Dec. 4th, 1863. Thorp, Simeon B., corporal, Co. I, 7th Reg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died at Corinth, Miss., Aug. 9th, 1863. Yickery, Eli T., private, Co. C, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Was killed at battle of Prairie Grove, Dec. 7t]i, 1862. Wilson, Wm. C, private, Co. K., 10th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Was killed at battle of Prairie Grove, Dec. 7th, 1862. Woods, Daniel, private, Co. I, 7th Ueg. Kan. Yol. Cav. Died at Humboldt, Kan., Oct. 31st, 1862. Walker, E. S., private, Co. A, 1st Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died Sept. 27th, 1863 (j)lace unknown). Warren, S. E., private, Co. C, 12th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Died at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., March 26th, 1863. Young, John, private, Co. I, 13th Reg. Kan. Yol. Infty. Was killed at St. Joseph, Mo. (Date unknown.) ALFRED'S BAKING POWDER the best In the Market. DONIPUAN COUNTV, KANSAS. 255 t 51 EDMOND STREET, St- J'osGjpJiXf IS/L o m The largest photograph down to the smallest are made at this gallery. NEGATIVES PHESERVED. Old pictures enlarged to ant size desired, and finished in Ink, Water- Colors, or Oil, in a superior manner. CAPACITY OF CISTEKNS IN U. S. GALLONS FOK EACH TEN INCHES IN DEPTH. ' Galls. A cistern 2 feet in diameter, for each 10 inches deep. 19.5 do n do do 30.6 do 3 do do 44.6 do H do do 59.97 do 4: do do 78.33 do H do do 99.14 do 5 do do 122.40 do H do do 148.10 do 6 do do 176.25 do H do do 206.85 do 7 do do 239.88 do n do do 275.40 do 8 do do 313.33 do 8i do do 353.72 do 9 do do 396.56 do H do do 461.40 do 10 do do 489.20 do 11 do do 592.40 do 12 do do 705. do 13 do do 827.4 do 14: do do 959.6 do 15 do do 1101.6 do 20 do do 1958.4 do 25 do do 3059.9 ALFRED'S BAKIJVG POWDER the best in the Market. 256 HISTORY AND DIRECTOKY OF « EL 2 P' c (3 E* © Pj ct O O p g p' o P' o I ©©OOOOOTtf^tOfcSh-- p" 000000©000©«OOOOtOOO-3CiC;'lf»-CUt«l-'?> s C;00O^UiWt— '©000©00000©©©00©000<^ -JC«-a©W-J00-lWWl--r^©OOO©®OO©©©©©S" Kir- 4^|MI4p-<.r- ^ ^ en if^ CO to 1— ' ^ CiGCOOiW^Cn>^WbOi-'©©©0©©©0©©©©000 — . CCOiOCOOCOOSOiOJ — 05tf-iCtsS■-•f-l-'00000©Ogr i 1 L^ H-l )— 1 ^& Cn«s30-J0ll0l— •(-• ocn©0tO0T(co-itni>3i-'i-'©0©©©©©©©O©©S ©o©o©©c;<©wocnto©-ioii>stotoi-' — i-i"Oco?' Is 1 to 1 m to bO 1— ' ^-' ©iJiom©oitotoi-i>-' ^ 1 ooooo©tj>eai©cxtoioi-'i-'0©©©o©©®o©o ©0©©©00©©©OCi©tn©Cn>f.(fiCOOJtOM — l-iOf* [4- Kt- K»- «f- Uf- to cn -J 01 1*^ to l-i ^ ©m©w©w-JOj(f>.toK-i i 1 0©0©©©cnOCn©tn-ICsrf>'W'--l-i>-'i-i©©©©©©sr ©©®©©©©0©©©Ol©W©mOilO©«D-J05h*»W'— P" »«H fc^-* «H •=♦-' wf-* CO •-' H- ©CniOtOOJCCt-'i-i ^ CO©©©©Cni>SCD<35tOI-i|-' .1 ©0©©©©0©©0©mLO«DC5CObObObOH-«H-i|-'©©©-l-'OOCnt3«iO>COj'' OJ CO to I-- 1— ' ©©4-t»tOOCOtOl-'h-' ^ ©©OOC©O*>.00t005C0t0l— ►- OCO©©©©OOCO©*-C<0lOCiW<>t>.t^-t003t0h-i|-'©rt ©©©©©©©0©©©©©0©Orf^OOtOOJ©lf'OOU>05f "© © "c 'o S '© CT lb- CO to H-i pi O©©O©C:©OOO©Cni^C0hS>^ "1 ©©©oo©o©©©©oo©©©OOo>~rC5tn(f»-Coiot-iai s For School Booki go to J. B. I»I«CI^EERY & CO., 103 Felix Street. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 257 t2! w k (S V^ *^ CM to <-' 0_ 2 "o^O o"o o"o Oi *^ W hS I-" p' OOOOOOOOOOOCn^t^totoi— ' C) s 5 0000000000000000«5CO-IOCTlf».WlOI-'CC 5 "€» s J"" o coo-Tcnwi-it-ioooooooooooooooooorr 4 lOOOOOSOOOOailf-tOf-OOOOOOOOOOOOOi" b "5 N<- «.p.4|-~>-*-r- & »> « H-. -^ 3 CO p cjt 1^. jc I"-" J, ■ob0*..b-lWC5CTlf^ls3i-'OOOOOOOOOOOOOO^ h^O^DOtOOTOOI^O-JC^OTOilf^lOf-'i-'H-if-'OOOO OO. ^ « f*t~fih-*-i— *-r- K,^*-|is*.h-t<^— ^(^f«f- *.)w*.H*-H *.fW*-|Mt«,v-Mf-4-H ^ .. . ■ 1 lO -- I-' ^ 3 ^ (f«. _" 00 JJl lO •-' j-" „ ^'iiiC-. '-JbocO^;^^-'OOUll^^>-'l-lOOOOOOOOO©C^Of;J■ -IOO-JO^iC^^^lJ5-J-JOO«OCJ^I^^WO>W1^3tOI^^^— — '1— 'OOOi" tcf- ^^^-*.^- *.,ist*^ rf*.fwrc^-**h- 1 o a CT to to l-J hJ ^^ 00 JO to -J H-i en JO to f-" ►J ^J* ct. fe; lo^wbioooeolo^^enbsbot-'t-'ooooooooooo ? 03C--WOC5W — WOlOOO«r'10-Tl-'CJi-Tlf>-#'WWlO^I— o^ .3^ s ^ -J OD -J Ot W l-i , „ Oi _-^I p to Oi -I O) ^ O CO >-' ^^ G> 1= ouioin'ob^^o'tobi'-JOo-JCitoi-'i-'i— ii-"i-'OOOOOo OOOOOOU»00--IC.T)f».tOOCO-ICnC- — ^ s >i^- K.>- t^h— t-lis J^h-tih-i-la j.^<.)-*.p i« ? ^ to K- ^ 1-1 a p p p en p CI -J (f». p -q CO J_i j-i J-> ^ ^ s o o o o o o bi o bx o CI ^ kf^ o -T CO w to to to 1-1 hJ 1— 1 o o o Ht- Kf- N.H »i»- Ht- i" ^ * o -J CJ to to >-i ^ 3 CCtOC — rfx-JCOtOlOl-' a. C; o p p o o en 00 1— ' J*>- ;-! to to to >-' (^ M o C: s o "c; O O O O O O C' bo ^ *. -J Oi o» #>- >(>■ to to kO >-i o ^ (0 OSCOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOt-SCTOJ^rf^-J. 5 o k _oja«ju- JO _fcoj-i t: 3 "o"o"o~o'o"o en ^ to to t-- £ ooooooooooooirf^wioi-' ^. , a 0000000000000000«>00-JOC7^);>.tO^O^-r s ^ w w (72 H o 17 EmDire Sewing Machine, WKLri^s ac KiuHinwi^Mj^jren'i vveBieru Agcnti, Principal OiHce, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, ^t. Joseph, missouri. 258 HISTORY AND DIKECTORT OF B- "o "o "o 'Vo "o Cn hf». to to t-" ^ ooooooooooooitf^totoi— ' . C ooooo©ooooo©oooo«)Oo-:rc5Wrfi.wboi-'2 to I-. (-■ -^ 'm'w'oCXJCTbSI-'t-'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5 o o oo o> It^ to 1— ' ^* 'rf>.'bo'i-'i-''o'o'oc»o>ff^toi-'ooo©oooooooooo cic*5oorf».c£>tf^OJtJOtoi— O©ooa5*-ioi-'i— 1— 'i—i-'©©©©^ 1 1 ocn>^.oitoi-'©a>to(»i^-toi-'i-'©o©©©©©o©©©2- ©0©©©©W<»f'WtO>-'©05bOOOrf^WWtOtOts3 — I— '©©CD !zi C300O5C7'W(-'©tO>*^©00I^WtO>-"©©©©©©^©©©2. o>cooi©c«©ODa5tAWi-'©watoioo-joo'Oihf^cotOHJ©y ©©oo©©U'©u'Octoo-JO'bototoi— '►-'►-'I— '©©o; ©0©©©©00©©©C©W©Wt<5©-jrcnto©-J©«tO' en to to (-• H-" , OQiOOiOCJ'kOtOt-'t-' * ©©00©©OxOCn©0'tOtOP— 'H- ' 00©©©©©©©©©U<©0©t^'*>»*-WWt^^5'-''~'®i ©©©0©©©©©©©0©©©©t"©t"©f©tn©cn' O tJi rf^ w to l-" ^ ©oo©o©cnt(»-wtoi-« ©©©00©0©©0©Cn)UWtOI-' O '©©00©000©©©©0©0©«0(»-IOSO'l^>tOtOI-i?' ©o©©o©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© j3 jai j^ ^ JO J-" "o"© ©OOOfrf'-WtOt-' ©©©OOOOOOOOOTrfi.WlO)-' ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©ecoo-JOJWhfkWto s w CO H o SAM S. McCJIBBOXS A; CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- iict Square, St. Joseph, Missouri, Sign of the JBlcphant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 259 J. W. McCHESNEY. G. R. HILDEBRAJSTT. IVIcCHESNEY & HILDEBRANT, MANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Of Every Variety and Description. Also, Fire Clay. POTTEET--CHAELES ST., between 6th & 7th STS., (opposite turners' hall,) ST. JOSEPH, MO. Orders from the Trade respectfully Solicited. WEIGHTS OF A CUBIC FOOT OF VAEIOUS SUBSTANCES. Loose earth or sand, 95 pounds per Cubic foot. Common soil, Strong soil, Clay, Clay and stones, Cork, Tallow, Brick, Ten cubic yards of meadow hay will make a ton. In old stacks, or large ricks of hay, eight to nine cubic yards will weigh a ton. Eleven or twelve cubic yards of dry clover weigh a ton. MASOISriO, Arcania Lodge, No. 31, Doniphan, Kansas. "Was organized on the 29th of December, 1858, by Jacob Sagin, R. "W". D. Gr. M., with the following members : U. D., A. R. Forman, J. W. Shepherd, J. F. Forman, B. S. Wharton, H. W. Harrison, G. W. Waller, and O. Brown. The following Officers were appointed, and remained in office un- til the Grand Lodge granted a charter, October 17th, 1860. A. R. Forman, W. M., J. W. Shepherd, S. W., J. F. Forman, J. W. 124 a ti 127 u a 135 (( <( 160 (( (( 15 (( (( 59 u li 125 a a ELFBED Sc YOJTSG,^ Druggists and Apothecaries, S. 1¥. cor. 4th and Edmond Streets, St. Joseph, KliBsouri. 260 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF The following Officers were elected J^ovember 3d, 1860, for ensu- ing year : A. E. Forraan, W. M. Geo. Eees, S. W. J. F. Forman, J. W. September 21st, 1861, for ensuing year. R. T. Nesbit, W. M. J. L. Pbilbrick, S. W. I. N. Smallwood, J. W. September 20tli, 1862. J. L. Philbrick, W. M. W. J. Orum, S. W. R. T. Nesbit, J. W. September 19th, 1863. J. L. Philbrick, W. M. J. F. Weger, S. W. A. R. Forman, J. W. September 17th, 1864. J. L. Philbrick, W. M. I. N. Smallwood, S. W. A. R. Forman, J. W. September 16th, 1865. I. N. Smallwood, W. M. R. T. :N'esbit, S. W. H. W. Hudnall, J. W. After the above election the annual meeting was changed from September to June, and on June 23d, 1866, were elected, I. N. Smallwood, W. M. H. W. Hudnall, S. W. E. A. Spencer, J. ^Y. June 15th, 1867. I. N. Smallwood, W. M. W. II. Nesbit, S. W. E. A. Spencer, J. W. Number of members, forty-three. Lodge in a flourishing condition. Regular Meetings, Saturday eyenings, on or before full moon. Troy Lodge, No. 55, of A. F. & A. M. Organized February 4th, 1867. R. T. Nesbit, W. M., C. C. Camp, S. W., Henry Boder, Jr., J. W., L. Smith, Treasurer, P. S. Soper, Secretary. ELFRED'S BAKING POWDEB tho best In the Market. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 261 FRAI\IKLIEI BABGOGK^ IfTOiiif AT 1 AND Real Estate Agent, TROY, DONIPHAN COUNTY, Will practice in all the Courts of the Second Judicial District, Particular attention given to the examination of titles to Keal Estate, and paying taxes for non-residents. ABSTRACTS FOBWAJRDEiy, Received cliarter, October, 1867, and on the 27th of December, 1867, the following officers were elected and installed to wit: C. C. Camp, W. M. Henry Boder, S. W. Isaac M. Lee, J. W. Meets first Saturday after full moon each month. Lodge in a very flourishing condition. Wathena Lodge, U. D. A. F. & A. M. Organized February 18th, 1868. Stedman Hatch, W. M. William II. Smallwood, S. W. Obe. Craig, J. W. M. E. Bryant, Treasurer. A. E, Campbell, Secretary. M. Haines, S. D. John Gerardy, J. D. Thomas Higgins, Tiler. Meets on the 1st and 3d Tuesdays in each month. Lodge in a flourishing condition. Empire Sewing; IVI&cli.ne, 1TEL.L.S & RICHMOND, Oen'I Western Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 262 HISTORY AND DIKECTOKT OF Smtthton Lodge, J^o. 1, Iowa Point. Thomas Vanderstin, "W. M. OFFICEI^S OF DOISriFHAlSr coihstty. James E. Drjden, A. B. Sjmns, John H. Utt, B. S. Campbell, Charles Eappelye, John T. Kirwan, X. K. Stout, Frank Brown, John C. Gordon, Duncan Mcintosh, Gear J Hickman, Seneca Gumey, A. W. Waters, J. C. Williams, County Commissioner. " Sheriff. " Treasurer. " Clerk. " Attorney. District Clerk. Probate Judge. Pegister of Deeds. County Sup't Pub. Instruction. Coroner. Smweyor. Assessor. COXJUTS IN DO]>^IPHAN COUNTY. Held at Troy. Prolyate Court meets first Monday in January, April, July, and October. Co'trimissioners' Court meets, regular terms, 1st Monday in Janu- ary, April, July, and October (called terms, every alternate month, beginning 1st Monday in January). TO^v^TNSHIP OFFICERS. Justices. 0. C. Whitney, White Cloud, Iowa Township. Israel May, u a u H. N. Seaver, Highland, " " Jonatlian Darby, Wolf Piver Township. D. W. Morse, (( a u P. S. Soper, Troy, Center Township. L. Smith {ex-o^eio\ <( u a Alfred Saxey, <( u u DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 263 i^^wmmm ^#*f *^ ^ 4lrMf-i^lxa-ix Ooixnty, KANSAS. Doniphan, in Wayne Township, has an attendance of 23 scholars. District No. 15. Has one school house, situated in Wolf River To"vm- ship, 9 miles west of Doniphan, has an attendance of about 21 scholars. District No. 16. Has one good school house, situated near Norman- ville, Wolf River Township, has an attendance of about 28 scholars. District No. 17. Has one school house, situated 4 miles southwest of Troy, in Wolf River Township, has an attendance of about 17 scholars. District No. 18. Has one good school house, situated 4^ miles south of Highland, in Wolf River Township, has 43 schol- ars in district. District No. 19. Has one school house, situated 7 miles south of High- land, in Wolf River Township, has an attendance of about 13 scholars. District No. 20. Has one school house, situated 24^ miles west of Troy, in Center Township, has an attendance of about 15 scholars. District No. 21. Has one good frame school house, situated at Troy, in Center Township, 213 children of school ages in district. District No. 22. Has one frame school house, situated If miles south of Troy, on Doniphan road, 43 scholars in district, and an attendance of 30. ELFRED & YOlT\«, I>rii$;^ist«i and Apo!liecarie§, S. ^V. cor. 4th and Edmund streets, Ht. Jo§epIi, j7Iisf«ouri. 2 68 IIISTOKY AND DIRECTORY OF District Ko. 23. Has one school Louse, situated d^ miles northeast of Troj, in Center Township, has 74: scholars in dis- trict. District I^o. — Situated 4^ miles northeast of Doniphan, has one school house, 108 scholars in district, attendance TO. District No. — Has one school house, situated near Smith Creek, in Bur Oak Township, has 40 scholars. District No. — Has one school house, situated on Charleston and Columbus road, about 3 miles northeast of Charles- ton in Bur Oak Township, has 70 scholars in district. District No. — Situated in Center Township, has one school house and 74 scholars. District No. — Has one good school house, capable of seating 100 scholars, is situated at Geary City, in "Wayne Town- ship ; 60 scholars in district, attendance 25 scholars. District No. 29. Has one school house, situated 2|- miles northwest of Highland, Iowa Township, District No. 30. Has one good scliool house, situated 2 miles north of Iowa Point, Iowa Township. District No. 31. Has one scliool house, situated 2^ miles southwest of White Cloud, Iowa Township, 83 scholars in district. District No. 32. Has one school house, situated in "Washington Town- ship, 41 miles west of AVathena, on Peter's Creek road, T5 scholars. District No. 33. Has one school house, situated in "Wolf River Town- ship, has 47 scholars, with an average attendance of about 30. District No. 34. Has one school house, situated 4 miles west of Pa- lermo, Marion Township. District No. 35. Has one good school house, situated 4 miles south of Palermo, Marion Township, has an attendance of 35 scholars. District No. 36. Has one school house, situated at Charleston, Cen- ter Township, has 50 scholars in district. District No. 37. Has one school house, situated near Manuels, in up- per part of Washington Township. District No. 38. Has one school house, situated in Bur Oak Town- ship, near Pish Island. District No. 39. Has one good school house, situated 2 miles south of Highland, in Iowa Township. District No. 40. Has one good school house, situated 2^ miles north- DONIPnAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 269 WILLIAM C. STEWART, Cfliilraclor, §iii(bfr, ^ ^ia\\t-€\\itn , MASON WORK OF ALL KINDS. WaTMlK^. - » « K.aK§A;S» east of Doniphan, in Wayne Township, lias 38 schol- ars. District No. 41. lias one school house, situated 3^ miles southeast of Highland, in Iowa Township. District No. 42. lias one school house, situated 4|- miles northwest of Troy, in Center Township, has an attendance of 48 scholars. District Ko. 43. lias one go(xl school house, situated at White Cloud, about 200 children of school ages. District No. 44. Has one school house, situated in Bur Oak Town- ship, has about 30 scholars. District No. 45. Has one school house, situated 4 miles southwest of Highland, in Wolf River Township, average attend- ance 23 scholars. District No. — Has one school house, situated at Columbus, in Bur Oak Township, about 75 scholars in district, at- tendance 40. District No. — Has one school house, situated 8 miles northwest of Doniplian, on Independence Creek, Wayne Town- ship ; 50 scholars in tlie district, attendance 28 scholars. District No. 48. Has one school house, situated 5^ miles west of Troy, in Wolf River Township, has an average attend- ance of 19 scholars. District No. 49. Has one school house, situated 4|- miles northwest of Truy, in Center Townsliip. For miscellaneous Books, go to J. B. 9IcCL.EERY &, CO., 103 FelLs Street. 270 HISTORY AND DIRECTOKT OF District No. 50. District No. 51. District No. 52. District No. 53. District No. — District No. 55. District No. 56. District No. 57. District No. 58. District No. 60. District No. 61. District No. 62. District No. 63. District No. 64. District No. GG. District No. 68, Has one school house, situated 4 miles northwest of Doniphan, in Wavne Township. Has one school house, situated 6 miles northwest of Doniphan, in Wayne Township. Has one school house, situated 6 miles southeast of Highland, in Wolf Kiver Township, Has one school house, situated in Bur Oak Township. Has one school house, situated on Independence Creek, in Wayne Township, 8 miles west of Doni- phan. Has one school house, situated at Bellemond, Wash- ington Township. Has one school house, situated 2|- miles south of Iowa Point, Iowa Township. Has one school house, situated near Normansville. Wolf River Township. Has one school house, situated at Iowa Point, Iowa Township. Has one school house, situated 3^ miles north of Troy, in Center Township. Has one school house, situated at Highland, Iowa Township. Has one school house, situated 2 miles southwest of Highland, in AVolf Piver Township. Has one school house, situated in Gladden Bottoms, Washington Township, 4 miles north of Wathena. Has one school house, situated 3|- miles southeast of Iowa Point, in Iowa Township. Has one school house, situated 2^ miles north of Wa- thena, has 50 scholars. Has one school house, situated in Wolf Eiver Town- ship ; has an attendance of 25 scholars. SAM S. McGIBBOIVS &, CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, mar- ket Square, St. Josepb, Missouri. Sign or tbo Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 271 CBIVKRALi AOKKTCT^ No. n Felix St., St. Joseph, Mo. BUY NO SEWING MACHINE Until you have examined the "Whic^ has taken over 160 First Premiums in the past Two Years, Sustaining 35 points 01 superiority over all others, A2TD IS FULLY WAREANTED IN EVERY PARTICULAR, FOR OVER FIVE YEARS. OIL. SILK, THREAD, NEELLES, SABNUM'S SEZF-SETTJES, AND THE New Marker and Tucker for all Sewing Machines FOR SALE. First-Class Second-Haiul Machines Cheap. ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED IN THE BEST MANNER, AGENT FOR THE LAMB KNITTING MACHINE. Agents "Wanted in Northwest Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. J. S, SSOMT, Agent, Highest Cash Price Paid for Rag§, at J. B. ^cCLEERY & CO.'s, 103 Felix Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. 272 niSTOKT AND DIKECTOKY OF HISTORY OF DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. OUR LOCATION, SOIL, IMPROVEMEXT, ADVANTAGES, PRODUCTS, RESOURCES, &o. Doniphan County forms tlie northeastern extremity of the State of Kansas, bordering upon Nebraska and Missouri. It is bounded on the north by Nebraska, on the northeast, east, and southeast by the Missouri River, and joins Atchison County on the south, and Brown County on the west. We have an area of three hundred and seventy-six square miles. The greatest distance from north to south is twenty-seven miles, and from east to west twenty- five miles. Our present population is estimated at about fourteen thousand, against eight thousand and eighty-four in the year 1860. The great- est portion of this increase has been since the spring of 186G, and each year increases the number of actual settlers in proportion. Our county contains two hundred and forty thousand four hundred and ninety-seven acres of land, of which twenty-four thousand one hundred and twenty acres (or about one-tenth of all the land in the county), is timber. There are about fifty thousand acres under fence of which about forty-five thousand acres are in a good state of culti- vation, leaving one hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and ninety-seven acres uncultivated, and awaiting improvement. Doniphan County has a great advantage in location over all other counties in Kansas, being bordered on three sides almost entirely by the Missouri Kiver. The river here makes a great horscrshoe bend, coming within two miles of our western line on the north, then taking a southeasterly direction to about the central part of the county, thence taking a direction south, until it reaches the point occu- pied by the town of Elwood, thence a southwesterly course to the southern boundary of the county, here coming witliiu about twelve miles of our western line, giving us in its meandering course, ninety- two and one-half miles of navigable river. This secures to us greater advantage for good markets, convenient to all points of the county, and outlets for our products than any otlier county in the magnificent State of Kansas. SAM S. McGIBBONS & CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Missouri, Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 273 JOHN GERARDY, RETAIL DEALER IN WATHENA, KANSAS. Good IBilliavd Hall ^Vttaclied. Tlie surface of the country is what is termed rollinor or undulating, risino; from the numerous streams in terraces, until it reaches the liio-h prairies, which extend for miles unbroken, sav^e by some small water- course, which adds much to the value and beauty of the county. Unlike the prairie States east of us, we have no swamps or sloughs, as the drainage is entirely by the running streams, which make their way to the great Missouri. Our soil is a rich black loam, ranging in depth from two to ten feet, with a subsoil of clay, and generally free from rock, except along the range of river-bluffs, where the best of limestone is found in quantities sufficient for all purposes of building, improving, and for the supply of the best of lime. We can raise with little labor almost any product of the temper- ate zone, in such quantities as to guarantee a good return for all ex- penditures. Our resources are not yet known to ourselves, each year brings to light something heretofore unknown in our county. We have an abundance of tlie best coal mines, which are being worked on a very limited scale, and in several localities good indications of petroleum have been found, and no doubt a few years will bring to light some of the best petroleum wells in the country. The present products of the county are corn, wheat, oats, rye, hemp, barley, and buckwheat, all of which 3'ield bountifully. We are beginning to have a little of our home- grown fruit, but we are too young yet to place tliis in the list of staples, yet observation has proven tliat we can and will raise fruit of all kinds in as great quantities as any other State. IS EL.FRED & YOinVG, Drnggrists and Apothecaries, S. IV. cor. 4th and Edmond Streets, St. Joseph, ]Mis*«ouri. 274 HISTORY AND DIRECT OR Y OF For stock raising we claim extraordinary advantages, as we have the best-watered county in Kansas, and the prairies afford without labor an abundance of the best pasture and hay. The county is watered by the following water-courses: beginning at the north, is Cedar Creek, Which rises from numerous springs in the western part of ihe county, taking a northeasterly direction to within about three and one-half miles west of Iowa Point, and from thence taking an easterly direction and emptying into the Missouri River at the town of Iowa Point, This stream is not sufficiently large for driving machinery by water-power, but serves to supply the county with good stock water, and drains about fifty square miles of the northwestern part of the county. Wolf River. This creek is one of the largest in the county, it rises near the western line of the county, a little south of the center, and extends into Brown County. This creek, with its tributaries, drains a large scope of country ; rising as it does near the county line, it takes an easterly direction for about four or five miles, which brings it near the center of Wolf River Township, from tlience assumes a northeasterly direction for about six miles, or until it reaches Walnut Grove Post- Office, from thence runs a little west of north, and empties into the Missouri River near Lafayette, or about six miles below Iowa Point. This creek could be made of great value to our county, as it is suf- ficiently large to drive heavy machinery for eight or nine months in the year. There are large bodies of timber skirting this stream, from source to mouth. Mosquito Creek. This creek rises near the center of the county near Troy, and takes a direct north course, emptying into the Missouri River, at or near Mount Vernon ; this stream is not sufiiciently large to drive machin- ery, but affords great benefit to the county, as its whole lengtii is studded with heavy timber. Peter's Creek. This is the next creek worthy of note, although there are several north of it, which are generally denominated branches, as they are only a mile or two in length, and generally drain their fountain-heads, during the latter part of the summer and fall. Peter's Creek rises at Troy, near the center of the county, running almost due east to Wa- thena (eight miles), and from thence due soutli, about one mile, and Sl^ S. l»lcCiIBBO\S &. CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, mar- ket Square, St. .losei'h, MisMOuri. Sij;«» of urposes. OUE SlOTTLEMENTS. The first settlement in Doniphan County was made at what is known as the Missouri Faem, being then the Iowa and Sac Mission, situate about three-fourths of a mile east of the present village of Highland, on one of the branches of Wolf River. This mission was first established by missionaries who were sent 4from the east to establish institutions of civilization among the tribes of Indians who then occupied this portioii of the territory. This occurred during tiie year ISob or \'3i't. * A good school was next established for the benelit of tlie Indians, which became a flour- ishing institution, regulated and controlled by the most complete and Christian influences; tliis had a great civilizing efl'eet upon the Indians, who took a deep interest in the teachings of the missionaries. Tiie es- tablishment of a tradingpost was next, under the supervision of gentle- men ai)pointcd to that l)rancii of duty. This remained the only settlement or trading post for a numljor of years. In the epring of 1852, a trading post vras established at Belleniont (Whitehead), and in April of the same year, a trading post was opened at Wathcna. and in the fall of 1852, a trading post was SAm S. ITIcOiniSOXS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Siiocs, i91ar- ket Square, St. Josepii, itlissouri. Sign of tiie £ieph&ut. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 2 77 F. C. H^H^isr, MANUFACTURER OF. AND DEALER IN i}m% ■^uku&;W{x^px^, DONIPHAN, KANSAS. Repairing of all Kinds Done to Order at Moderate Rates. estahlislied at Elwood (Rose Port). The next settlement was made at Doniphan, in tlie year 1853. These settlements were only trading posts, and therefore improve- ment was very slow ; in fact there was no improvement made in the way of opening farms, and not much enterprise exhibited, as the whole country was then in the hands of, and under the exclusive contred of the Indians. In the year 1854, treaties w'ere made with the Kickapoo, Iowa, and Sac Indians, and the lands ceded to the United States (the Kicka- poo treaty took place at Doniphan, and that with the lowas and Sacs, at the mission), and the country was thrown open for settlement, and an immense tide of emii^ration bearan to flock into Kansas, and im- provetnents began at the several points on the river (Iowa Point, Charleston, Bellemont, Wathena. Elwood, and Doniphan). Town companies were organized, and towns laid out at these several points, and their growth was very rapid. Upon the organiza- tion of the Territory of Kansas in May, 1854, and during the session of the first Territorial Legislature, many of these towns received city cliarters, and all gave great promise of a large and permanent growtli. In the organization of Doniphan County, Bellemont (Whitehead), - was appointed the temporary seat of justice for the county, and all the county business was transacted at that place until a. d. 1856. About the middle of September, the b^ard of County Commissioners ordered their next meeting to be held at Troy, the present county seat, and in the month of October, all the public books, ttc.,were re- moved to Troy. For Blank-Books of all kinds ?ro «o J. B. l»IcCL,EERY & CO., 278 niSTOKT AND DIRECTOKY OF We have several lively and promising towns in the county, of which there w^ill be found sketches following this " history." Cities and Towns. "White Cloud, in Iowa Township, is situated at the extreme north eastern corner of the county and State, on the bank of tlie Missouri River, two miles from the Nebraska line on the north, and about the same distance from the Brown County line on the west, sixteen miles from Troy, the county seat. This city has upward of one thou- sand inhabitants ; was incoi^porated by the Territorial Legislature, and still retains its city organization, and elects its Mayor and Council annually. There is animmenseamountof lumber manufactured at this place. White Cloud is a good market for home products, and is a prominent landing on the Missouri Kiver. Iowa Point, in Iowa Township, is situated on the Missouri River, at the mouth of Cedar Creek, five miles southeast of White Cloud, and twelve miles northwest of Troy the county seat. This town was at one time one of the most prominent towns in the county, supported a large amount of trade, one newspaper (the Iowa Point Dispatch), and mechanical and professional branches in abundance ; but as the county improved, other points sprung up and took the lead, and this place was compelled to yield to the superior advantages of other points ; but she still retains a lively trade, supporting seven stores of all branches, one hotel, one grist and flouring mill, one carding-mill, one saw-mill, and other trades and professions in proportion. There is a large amount of grain annually shipped from this point, and goods are landed here for many parts of Brown and Doniphan counties. Highland, in-Iowa Township, is a flourishing and enterprising vil- lage, situated three-fourths of a mile west of Mission-farm, ten miles northwest from Troy, the county seat. Tiiis town is noted for its educational advantages. The Highland University is located here. There is a good business done here, and a proportionate amount of all branches of trade and professions. Troy, the county seat of Doniphan County, is situated in Center Township, near the geographical center of the county, and on the di- vide between the head waters of Peter's and Mosquito creeks, and has .fl,bout eight hundred inhabitants, this is a lively and enterprising city, chartered by the Territorial Legislature, and elects its Mayor and Council annually. Troy is in the central part of the best farming country in the State. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 270 JAMES FOLEY & BRO., PRACTICAL Steam & Gas-Pipe Fitters, DEALERS LN i, If r^iiljh} §xm mul §>nlvm'\kt& f ipi OF ALL DIMENSIONS. Steam and Water Gauges, Brass Valves, Faucets, &c. Malleable and Cast Iron Fittings. Lift and Force Pumps for hand or power. Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Rubber Hose, Gum Packing, &c. A Choice Assortment of the Best Wooden Pumps FURNISHED AND FITTED UP ON REASONABLE TERMS. Patent ^VcII Material always on Hand. LAFAYK'rrE is situated on the Missouri River, in Center Township, south of the mouth of Wolf River, and northwest of the mouth of Mosquito Creek, is six miles due north of Troy, has stores and saw-mills necessary to supply the demand, and is a good landing for steamboats. W ATHENA is situated near the mouth of Peter's Creek, in Wash- ington Townsliip, is the largest town in the county, has one thousand, ' four hundred inhabitants, and is a lively and flourishing city. There are fourteen stores, two grist-mills, one woolen manufactory, one saw- mill, two hotels, and professional and mechanical branches in propor- tion. AVathena is one of the best markets in the county for all kinds of farm and stock production?, is convenient to the Missouri River on the north and south ; distance to Troy, the county seat, eight miles ; St. Joseph, Missouri, four and one-half miles. Elwood is situated at the eastern extremitj^of the county, in "Wash- ington Township. This was at one time tlie hirgest town in the county, claiming upward of two thousand inhabitants, but the treacherous bottom land upon which it is situated has been so much torn up and washed away, tliat the city has gone down to a great extent. This is the starting point for the St. Joseph and Denver Railroad, also the St. Joseph, Wathena, and Troy macadamized road. EI^FRED & YOlTI'fG, Driiji^g^ists and Apothecaries, S. W. cor. 4th and Fidmond Streets, St. Joseph, ]9Ii»«caicrM in Boots and Shoes, IVfar- iii-1 S<|iiare, SI. Juse;)!!, Mlsisiouri. $»i<;n of tiie l^Iiophunt. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 287 HIR^M BELL, Cabinet-Maker & Undertaker, MAIN STREET, "W^laite Cloud, Kansas. Furniture of all kinds furnished or made to order. Coffins made, and attendance given to funerals. BED-SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES FOR SALE. ter of the county. This provision requiring the county seat to be located within a given distance of the geographical center of the county, was incorporated in tlie act so as to enable the county to pre- empt of the government of tlie United States one quarter section of land for the benefit of the county, under the provisions of an act of Congress granting to counties where the public lands are situated, the right to enter one hundred and sixty acres of the public lands for the establishment of eeats of justice therein. On the I2th of October, 1S55, the commissioners appointed for the pur})ose established the seat of justice for Doniphan County, on the summit between the head waters of Peter's and Mosquito creeks, which is the present city of Troy. This is shown by the report of the said commissioners which is now on file in the ofiice of the county clerk. This report was accepted by the Board of County Commis- sioners, and Troy became the county seat. On the 15th day of Octo- ber, 18.35, a survey was ordered by the Board of County Commission- ers, and a partial survey was made by James Foreman, and on the 15th day of December, the first sale of lots occurred ; and on the 16th day of September, 1856, the Board of County Commissioners then in session at AVhitehead (Bellemont), the temporary seat of justice, ordered their next meeting to be held at Troy, and on the 20th day of October following, the meeting of the commissioners was held at Troy, and the public books and papers of the county were removed to Troy, where they have since remained. Since the establishment of the seat of justice at this place all county business has been transacted here, and all meetings of a public £\}:- feiates, SJate-E»e2!i'i9s. &e., jro Js> J. B. ]?I«€5>EE5il' & CO., i03 Felix street. 288 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF character where the public good was interested, have been held at this place. In the year 1S57, a company w^as organized called the Troy Town Company, and had surveyed, in addition to Troy proj^er, a quarter section of land adjoining the town on the east, which portion is known and designated as East Troy. During the session of the Territorial Legislature in 1859 and '60, the citizens made application to liave the town incorporated, which api>lication was granted, the act giving as an incorporated town all the rights and privileges as a city wnth a Mayor and Council ; this act of incorporation includes East Troy extending the city limits to con- tain one half section of land. Since the act of incorporation, how- ever, there have been some additions to the city, to wit : llayton's ad- dition and Leland's addition. Since the incorporation the city has ever maintained her organiza- tion. That Troy will make a great city is not expected, but that it will maintain itself as one of the first towns in the county can not be doul^ted. The St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad passes through this place forming a junction here. This gives us superior advantages as we are surrounded by an unsurpassed farming country, and will soon have an outlet for all our products, which will give us the additional advantages of a good market for all kinds of farm products. The first house Ma^ erected on the town site in 1855, since which time the town has been constantly improving, and a person who has invested in property here can always realize an advance on their prop- erty. "We have four large dry-goods and grocery stores ; one grocery store exclusive; one drug store ; one stove and tinware store ; one bakery and confectionery ; one saddle and harness store and manufactory; one boot and shoe store; one large steam flouring and grist mill ; one large woolen factory in process of construction ; one job })rinting-office ; two large fine churches ; two school-houses ; three hotels ; one livery and feed stable; a large nursery, and a large proportion of all other branches of trade and profession; and funds have been provided to erect a large brick house for a high school. The imj)rovements of the city are of a permanent and creditable character. We have more brick buildings than any other town in the county. We are so centrally located as to remain an all-important town in the county, which is destined to be one of the leading points in nortliern Kansas. SAm S. ]?IcOIBBO]VS &, CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, mar- ket l^quare, St. Joseph, Missouri, Sign of the Eicpliaut. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 289 CHEISTIAN" MOTEE, Wathenap KansasM Our population is estimated at about eight luindred. There is a magniiiceiit public square located in the center of the city which is tilled with shrubbery and trees, and is a great ornament to the city, and our inhabitants are of a go-aliead, enterprising class, and business is at all times good at this point. ^\^ ATHENA (WASHING-TOlSr TOWNSHIP). Wathena is situated near the mouth of the fertile valley of Peter's Creek, where the creek makes its way through the Missouri River blufi's, and at the western terminus of the St. Joseph, Wathena, and Troy macadamized road. The Missouri River here makes a great horseshoe bend, coming within one and one-fourth miles of the town on the south, and one mile in a northeasterly direction, while it is four miles to the river in a direct east line. We are distant from St. Joseph, Missouri, four miles west ; eight miles east of Troy, the countj' seat; twenty-eight miles southeast of White Cloud; twenty- two miles east of north from Atchison ; tifty-one miles east of north from Leavenworth, and seventy-tive miles northeast from Topeka, the State capital. Situated as it is at the edge of the bluffs, where the extensive (Elwood) bottoms intersect the high rolling prairie, and being within good shipping distance on the north and south, we have built up a very pretty and enterprising commercial village, sur- rounded by every thing to make a large city at no distant da}-. We have easy of access all the materials for building, such as rock and timber, all wnthin our own little domain, while the extensive 19 Agents, Principal Ollice, <*or. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, ^lissouri. 290 HISTORY AND D I li E C T O R T OF river bottom supplies us witli abundance of fuel and lumber at a very low price. Surrounded as we are by as good a farming count'-j'^as the world can produce ; we have here a self-sustaining city of upward o 1,400 inhabitants. The town site was originally occupied by Peter Caddri, M'ith .. Kickapoo (Indian) wife, who cultivated a small field and acted as interpreter for the Kickapoo tribe of Indians up to the year 1S47, at which time he removed to Petersburg (about six miles south from this place). In 1852 the site was again occupied by Wathena (chief of a small body of Kickapoos)»who cultivated a small field, raising an abundance of corn and vegetables. In 1854 the Kickapoo Indians, by treaty, ceded their lands to the United States, and the country was opened for settlement by pre-emption. AVathena, however, subsequently sold his improvements to Mr. M. E. Bryan (still living here), who obtained possession of the " claim " on which it was situated. Wathena's wigwam was at that time situated a few rods north of the place now occupied by the large steam flouring-mill. It was built with a frame-work of poles tied together with hickory bark and covered with elm bark, and after his removal was used for a church for some time. The town, comprising the southeast quarter of section twenty-eight, township three, range twenty-two, was laid off in 1856, by Mr. M. E. Brvan and others, and the first (store) house was built and oc- cupied by Thompson Kemper in 1856, and the same year Albert Heed built the hotel now known as the Wathena House. The town progressed very slowly from 1856 up to 1850, after which all enterprise seemed to have died out, and we were at a stand still, barely retaining our quota of inhabitants until the autumn of 1864; at which time the spirit of enterprise was again revived, and the lots so long vacant and unimproved gradually began to show the spirit of improvement ; and in 1865 emigration began to settle raj)idly among us, and the noise and bustle of building, the incessant pounding and raking of saw and hammer were music to our ears. Houses were began and finished in the same week. We would see the emigrant as he entered with his white covered wagon, noting our excellent nat- ural advantages, and ere long he would be seen accumulating the material for building a house and becoming " one of us," and the covered wagon would assume the character of the lumberman's dray, and but few days would elapse ere we would see him comfortably "- housed ;" and thus it has grown up to the present time (March 1868), and now occupies, in addition to the original site, N'orth Wa- USE £L.FR£D'S BAKING POWDER. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 291 ■VTm. IIETIIERIXGTOX. A. BTRAM. O F WM. HETHERINCTON ^ CO., Atchison, Kaiisas, PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections jflade and Promptly Remitted. Drafts for Sale on all Eastern and Western Cities, and all parts of the Continent of Europe and Canada. thena, Constantinople, "WJalson's addition, Seaman's addition, and Small- wood's addition, and enterprising inhabitants numbering upward of 1,4-00. We have five dry-goods stores, four grocery stores, two drug stores, one liarclware store, one tin and stove store, two harness and saddle shops, two meat markets, one steam flouring mill, one water grist-mill, one steam saw-mill, two brick-yards, one large steam woolen manufactory, two boot and shoe stores, two jewelry stores, one cabinet and furniture store, one weekly news- paper (the Watliena Reporter), two livery and feed stables, two liotels, one photograph gallery, one brewery, one bakery, one paint shop, four blacksmith shops, two wagon shops, one omnibus line, and a liberal supply of all professions and mechanics ; besides school-houses, one large brick church. The Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, Christian, Universalist, Baptist, and Lutheran denomina- tions have each an organized congregation ; and not many months will pass before each of these denominations will have a chuich erected for their worship. The surrounding country has a soil of nnsui-passed fertility, and with a very little labor will produce bountifully nearly any product of the temperate zone, and ready sale is always found in our market for all products of the farm or garden, at prices which will soon enrich the producer. A large amount of pork is annually packed, and farmers al- ways, find ready sale for their hogs. The Denver and St. Joseph llailroad is completed to this place For Steel Pens, L,ead Peneils, &o., go to S. B. McCI^EERY iind CO., IO:J Felix SJree«. 292 HISTOKY AND DIEECTOEY OF and we will in a short time hear the whistle of the locomotive among ns. Tiie surrounding country is settling up very rapidly, and every man of ordinary talent can, by close application, accumulate means to live upon the best the country produces. Few locations in the great- West offer better advantages to the new comer than Wathena, which is the outlet for a great portion of the immense agricultural products of our magnificent county. HIGMILANr) UNIVERSITY, JligJdcmd, DonijyJian County^ Kansas. The origin and progress of this institution has been so connected with what was long known as the Iowa and Sac Mission, that an intelli- gent notice of the former requires us to commence with the latter. In the spring of the year 1837 {thirtij-ong years ago), i\\QVve^hy- terian Board of Foreign JNIissions commenced a mission among the Iowa and Sac Indians, then the owners and occupants of what is now the larger part of Donij^han and Brown counties. This mission was continued as long as the Indians remained within reach of it. In the year 1854, the United States Government made a treaty with these tribes removing their claims from this part of their lands ; and the country was thrown open for settlement. The mission was a point of attraction especially for persons favor- able to education and moral and religious improvement, which secured at an early day that for which it is now noted, an intelligent, industrious and moral community. And this is one of the fundamental and essen- tial elements for the foundation of a successful institution of learning. It is difficult to say when the inception of this institution com- menced in the minds of those engaged in its foundation. It was known to be thought of, and talked of, long before the claims of the aborigines were removed, or the country thrown open to the whites. It required no great foresight to see that a country so fertile and invi- ting as this would not remain long in the hands of a people who had neither the ability or the will to improve it, and that it must soon fall into the hands of those who seem to be willing and able at all haz- ards to elbow every thing out of their way. However, to jirepare the way for the coming race became an object of interest to the missionaries, and the early and thoughtful inhabi- tants. SAM. S. MoOIBBO^S & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket «!»(iMare, Si. Josejili, Missouri. Sign of tlie Ciephant. J DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 293 M. D. IsrOBLE, IWhite Cloud, - - l£ansas, DEALER IN ALL I§ also Interested in tlie Wliile Cloud Steam Ferry. Soon after the enterprising whites took possession of the country (in 1855), the village of Highland was laid out. This village is two miles west from where the old mission stands. This was thought to be a suitable place for the contemplated high school, and on the first lithographed chart of the town it is stated to he "Intended as a seat of Learning." As early as the year 1856, a school was commenced in a "loo-- cabin " (the first house built on the premises, and had been occupied for a time as a " pre-emption house"). This school was commenced by a pious clergyman in prayer and faith, though with but a few scholars, and it is gratifying to know that for twelve years, including the years of war and conflict in our nation, this school has been constantly kept up, except the usual vacations. Through the energy and industry of the friends of the school, the first log-cabin gave wa}^ to a neat frame building, and at the reqnest of the friends and patrons of the school, its management was trans- ferred to the " Highland Presbytery " (old school), and that body took control of it under the title of the " Highland Presbyterian Academy." In November, 1857, the Highland Presbytery appointed a board of nine trustees to take charge of tlie afi'airs of this institution, with a request that they should apply to the Legislature for a charter, by which the property could be held, and the business mana£::ed as a body corporate. In obedience to this request, a liberal charter was obtained from the Territorial Legislature in the winter of 1857-8, under the title of " The Highland University." The original charter gives the control of the institution to the Presbytery, but a supplemental act of the Legislature, passed in the winter of 1865-6, transfers the control from the Presbytery of High- land, to the Synod of Kansas. Empire Scwins Machine, ^VEL,L,S& RICifMOXI>,Gen'l ITcstern Agents, Prineipal Otllee, cor. 2d and Francis* Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 291 HISTORY AND DIKECTORT OF The charter places the institution under the immediate control of nine trustees, who hold their office three years each ; these trustees are divided into three classes, of three each, three of whom go out of office each year, and their places filled by appointment of the Synod of Kansas. Ey the terms of the charter the institution is secured to the Presbytei'ian church. It has all the privileges and advantages usually conferred upon the highest institutions, and by tlie constitution of the State, as well as by statuary provisions, its property is exempt from taxation. Its present condition and prospects are satisfactory, and as prosper- ous as could be expected for a country so new. The present building is of brick, 40 by 60 feet, and walls twenty- five feet high, and so constructed as to be one wing of amain building yet to be erected. It is divided into a large chapel room, 40 by 40 ; two school-rooms 20 by 40 each ; two recitation rooms, a room for apparatus, one room for a library, and an entrance hall. It stands on the most eligible grounds in the village, and is en- dowed with four blocks, or about eight acres of ground ; besides this, the institution owns nearly two hundred lots scattered promiscuously through the village. The apparatus is in good condition, and used to advantage in the school ; its estimated value is between one thousand and twelve hun- dred dollars. A respectable nucleus for a library is now on hand ; the books are not yet numbered, and no catalogue made out, but the value can not be less than $1500 (fifteen hundred dollars). The entire property, with books and apparatus, has been estimated by a committee appointed for the purpose by the Synod, at $15,000 (fifteen thousand dollars). The nuniber of students now (March, 1868) upon the rolls is one hundred and sixteen, with an average attendance of one hundred. At present it is a mixed school, including both sexes. All the high- er branches of the English and the Classics are taught, and the school contains a strictly primary department for those in the elementary studies. The aim of the institution is to reach the point indicated by the name of '' Universlti/y^ where all the departments of learning may be reached. This Institute is located in the nortlnvestern part of the county and State, four miles from the Missouri River, and about ten miles south of the northern line of the State, and in one of the most fertile and productive regions; from its cupola may be seen the States of DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 295 PARKER & SPALDING, REPKESEXTIKG /ETNA, PHENIX, LORILLARD, AND UNDERWRITERS, Aggregate Capital, - - over $10,000,000, ATCHISON, KANSAS. Nebraska and Missouri, and, indistinctly, Iowa. In these adjacent States there is no such institution near, and in our own State there is no attempt of the same kind nearer tlian sixty miles ; our county has, therefore, the advantage of a good start in the right direction, and can furnish to surrounding counties and States the means of educa- tion. An endowment of one hundred thousand dollars sliould be secured to this young institution, and we can see no reason why our State Legislature, who have been so liberal to more central and southern institutions, might not be expected to do something for this part of our State. The history and present condition of our young institution ought to commend it to every one. Its foundation was laid in the bloody and eventfid struggles of our infant State, and thus far a watchful Providence has guarded it, and now, more than ever, the friends of ed- ucation, religion, and order, should rally around it; and Eastern friends, ■who long and praj-erfully contributed to the Iowa and Sac missions, should look upon it with interest and favor, as an outgrowth from the missionary work, and a living exemplification of the reflux influence of a good and generous Christian work. ELWOOD (WASHITSTG-TON TOWNSHIP). ElM'Ood is situated at the eastern extremity of Doni])han County, on the western bank of the Missouri River, where the river makes a sharp bend, washing the city upon the north, east, and south. This point was first occupied by Thompson, in the fall of 1852, and soon after the village of Rose Port occupied a small portion of the ground known now as Elwood, and retained the name of Rose Port until the summer of 1857, at which time a company was organized, For School Books go to J. B. WoCLEERY &, CO., 103 Felix Stroef. 296 HISTORY AND DIKECTOKY OF known as the " Elwood Town Company." This company purchased the land around Rose Port, and during the same season, purchased Hose Port, and surveyed and entered the city of Elwood, under a charter granted by the Kansas Territorial Legislature, and commenced her career as one of our Kansas cities. During this season, a newspaper was started, called " The Elwood Advertiser^'' which sent forth its weekly issues to herald the progress of our young State. The growth of the city was almost incredible, and in 1858, we had ten stores, three good livery and sale stables, a good steam ferry, three good hotels (one of them the " Great AVestern, " the largest hotel in the State, being 200 by 4:0 feet, and three stories high), all professional and mechanical branches were proportionally repre- sented. During this season the Elwood Advertiser changed its name, and came out as " The Kansas WeeMi/ Eress,''^ and was published until June, 1859, when it again changed its name, to appear as " The Uwood Free EressT Elwood continued to grow rapidly up to this time, and in July, 1859, boasted upward of 2,000 inhabitants. In the spring of 1859, M^lien the river was at its highest, the banks being very sandy, began to cave and fall into the river, and, in one month, the river had made such inroads into the treaciierous soil, that many people were compelled to move their houses to save them. This, however, did not impede the growtli of the town, and it continued to grow rapidlj", until the spring of 1860, during this spring the river again commenced sapping the foundation of our city, this time carry- ing away acres of the best and thickest populated portion of the city, threatening to carry us away altogether. This frightened the inhabitants, and Elwood began to show signs of going down, and the tide of em'gration sought a more permanent investment for their means. And in 1861, Elwood was but a shadow of its former self. The newspaper was discontinued, and nearly all brandies of trade were brought to a stand-still, buildings were sold at one-half the origi- nal cost, and removed, some into the country for farm-houses, and many helped to build up other towns in the county. This was a heavy blow to Elwood, and one from which she has not yet recovered ; but at the present time (April, 18GS), there are good signs of improvement. This is the starting point for the St. Joseph and Denver Pailroad, upon which work is going on rapidly. AYe have now in operation three stores, two livery and sale stables, one hotel, one steam ferry, and a proportional amount of mechanical branches of trade, a good niar-adainized road runs west four miles, and a gradually increasing population. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, 297 BAILEY & i^TOTES, DEALERS IN Jtcif Jl^ Faaej Dry-Ooodi AND G-ROCERIES. WHITE CLOUD, - - - ■ KANSAS. ALSO Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Queensware, Hardware, and "Woodenware. TVe are distant from St. Joseph, Missouri, three-quarters of a mile ; from Watheua, four miles ; and from Troy, the county seat of Doni- phan County, twelve miles. We have a rich country surrounding us, and good opportunities are afforded to make a good grain and produce market here. DOISriPHAlSr (WAYNE TO^VISTSMIP). Doniphan is situated in the extreme southeasterly portion of the county, on the Missouri River, in a wide, fertile valley, extending hack from the river nearly two miles. This town is one of the most important in the county, being the most extensive grain market in northern Kansas. This, like most other towns in the county, is an outgrowth of the " Indian trading ' post," which was first established at this point, in the ^-ear 1853, and in the year 1855, a "'Town Company" was organized, and, upon ap- - plication, received a city charter. Soon following, city officers were elected, and our career as a city begun and a bright future opened up before us; and, like all cities of those days, property changed hands readily at extraordinary high prices, and our growth was very rapid — the demand for "corner lots" far exceeding the capacity of our young city. Our streets were graded, and every thing put in the best order possible. In the year 1857, the land office was located at this place, bringing with it a great number of speculators, who, being moneyed men, put their funds in circulation in our midst. As a necessity in Empire sc\vin? maciiine, «vi:^l'csierii Agents, Priucipal Otiiee, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, at. Joseph, Missouri. 298 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF connection with the land office, lawyers and real estate agents were numerous, and our streets were bordered with their offices. Our growth continued for several years, and we were looking forward to the time when Doniphan should occupy the first place in the State as a city. The " Constitutional ist'''' was the first newspaper established, and became the leading institution of the city, as through its columns we could tell^the world at large, the great advantages of our country. This enterprise could not exist, however, and soon ceased its issues and was finally removed from our city. The next was ''^ The Crusader of Freedom^'' which was published weekly, for a short period of time, when it, too, took up the line of march, and was removed from our city. '"''The Doniphan PosV was the next newspaper to establish among us, and this one promised to be a living institution, but with all the energy tliat could be put into it, it was destined to sink, and, about the year 1860, also followed the others to some other point. Our city, like our newspapers, was des- tined to go down, and began her retrogressive movement, in the year ^858, at which time the land office was removed, followed by the law- yers, tfec, and we came to a stand -still, all branches of business sudden- ly became dull, and we were destined to retire into the shades of the more fortunate cities. Houses were removed to other parts of the county, and but a short time elapsed ere we Avere classed among the cities of the past. During the last two years, however, we have been graduall}^ im- proving, and up to the present time (1868) boast the best grain market in Kansas. We have a good proportion of all branches of trade and manufactories, and our population is continually increasing. We are the outlet for the products of nearly one-half the county. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, 299 THE DAILY, TPJ-AVEEKLY, AND WEEKLY -*->-<♦►-<-»- Atchison^ & CO., Proprx«torSj KANSAS. THE PREE PRESS IS THE LARGEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN NORTHERN KANSAS. ■Z'DESZUVE S: Daily per year, by Mail, Tri-"Weekly per year, by Mail, "Weekly, _ - _ _ $8 00 4 00 2 00 TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the "Free Press" is now larger than that of any other newspaper in Northern Kansas, and is rapidly increasing. Our Weekly Paper commends itself to the attention of the Farmers of the State, because of the full and accurate Market Rqwrts which it furnishes, as well as because of the general information on Agricultural and Miscellaneous topics given in its columns. It is emphatically a paper for the Farmer and for the home circle. %^ AWm l?@® ^E11T"11©, HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED A SUPERIOR CYLINDER POWER PRINTING PRESS, We are prepared to do all kinds of Job Work, whetlier Books, I^amplilets, Posters, Circiilars, OR PINE On very short notice and at low rales. Particular attention paid to Ornamental Printing, Printing in German executed on short notice. Address, - - - F. A. ROOT & CO., ATCHISON, KANSAS. J. B. incCLrF.ERY & CO., ^VIiole§ale and Retail I>ealer§ in Books, Stationery, &c^ 103 Felix Street, St. Josepb, Klo. 300 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PEEAMBLE. We the People of the United States, in order to form a more per- fect union, establish jnstice, insure domestic tranquillity, proviJe for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and es- ablish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Section I. — All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. II. — 1st. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications re- quisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legis- lature. 2d. No person shall be a representative who shall not have at- tained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not when elected be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3d. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, accord- ing to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of tlie Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of JV^cio //a)nj).s/ii/'e shall be entitled to choose three ; J/(ifi.calcrs fii Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Missouri, Sigu of the Klephaut. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 305 J. h:a.e,ipster, RETAIL DEALER IN MAIJSr STBEET, WJiite Cloud, Kansas, Next door to Bailey & Xojes. such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings ; and 18th. To make all laws which shall be, necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States or in any department or officer thereof Sec. IX. — 1st. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be proliibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such im- portation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person.. 2d. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be sus- pended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. 3d. No bill of attainder or expostfaoto law shall be past. 4:th. No capitation or other direct tax .shall be laid, unless in pro- portion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. 5tli. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. 6th, No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to or from one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 7th. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account 20 Agents, Principal Olticc, ror. 2<1 and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 306 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF of the receipts and expenditures of all public money sliall be published from time to time. 8th. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall without the consent of the Congress accept of any present, emohi- inent, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign State. Sec. X. — 1st. Ko State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or con- federation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit ; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. 2d. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolute- ly necessary fur executing its inspection laws ; and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agree- ment or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or en- gage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. AETICLE II. Sec. I. — 1st. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Yice-President chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : — 2d. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no senator or representative, or person holdii's an office of trust or i)rofit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. 3d. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted ibr, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the Govern- ment of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. SAIff S. ]ncC>iI!SRO\!<> & CO., Dealers in Boots and Snoes, Iflar- , ket Square, St. Joseph, JTlissouri. Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 307 Joseph Sciiletzbauji. Adam Sciixell. IacksmitB:s & DONIPHAN, - - - - KANSAS, Would aniiounco to the public that they are now prepared to do all work in their line with promptness and dispatdi. We have the largest and most commodious shop in the county, and have facilities superior to all smaller shops for Manufacturing and Painting Wagons, making Farming Implements, and repairing Farming Machinery, Plows, &c., &c. Special attention given to Horse and 3Itde Shoeing, Thankful to the public for past favors, we would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all tlie certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. Tlie person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Ivepresentatives shall immediately' choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the rein-esentation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose, shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majiu-ity of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice- President. But if there should remain two or more who have eqnal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-President. EL.FRED & YOtnVG, Driigglits and Apothecaries, S. W. cor. 4th and Edmond Streets, St. Josepli, Missouri. 30S HISTORY AND DIRECTOKY OF 4tli. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 5th, No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligi- ble to that office who shall not have attained to the age of tliirty-tive years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 6th. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Yice-President ; and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resigna- tion, or inability, both of the President and Yice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accord- ingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. Tth. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which lie shall have been elected, and he shall not re- ceive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. 8tli. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : — " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. II. — 1st. The President shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States ; he may i-ecpiire the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices; and he shall have power to grant reprieves and ])ardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment 2d. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators pres- ent concur; and he shall nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint embassadors, other public minis- ters and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law. But the Con- gress inay by law vest the ajtpointment of such inferior ollicers, as they SAM S. McCilBBONS &. CO., Kealcrs in Boots and Shoes, Mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Missouri, Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY KANSAS 309 C. HARTZELL, " " PROPRIETOR, Corner of SECOND & MITCHELL STREETS, NORTH SAINT JOSEPH, « MISS FARMERS AND TRAVELERS WILL FIND First-Olass Accommodations at Second-Class Eates. Good Stock Yard and Stables, and Feed always on Hand, think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. 3d. The President shall liave power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. III. — He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their con- sideration sucli measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them, to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive embassadors and other public minis- ters ; lie shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. IV. — The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misde- meanors. ARTICLE III. Sec. I. — The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good be- havior, and shall at stated times receive for their services a compen- sation which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. EI^FBED & YOUNG, Druggists and Apolliecaries, S. W. cor. 4th and Edniond Streets, St. Joseph, J91is$ouri. 310 IIISTOKY AND DIRECTORY OF Sec. II. — 1st. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made or w^hich shall be made under their au- thority; to all cases affecting- embassadors, other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to con- trovesries to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more States ; between a State and citizens of another State ; between citizens of different States ; between citizens oft he same State claiming lands under grants of different States ; and between a State, or th*e citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens, or subjects. 2d. In all cases affecting embassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a State shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all tlie other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, wdth such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. 3d. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any State the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Skc. III. — 1st. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confes- sion in open court. 2d. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. AETICLE lY. Sec. I. — Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sec. II. — 1st. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. 2d. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another State, shall on demand of the executive authority of the State from which he SAM S. :racCiinBONS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, ITIar- ket Square, St. Joseph, ]TIisiouri. Sign of the £Jlephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 311 E. H. Le dug, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, TROY, DONIPKAISr COUNTY, liansas,/ ALSO Teeth inserted from one to a full set at reasonable rates and iu the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS OF THE ART. fled, be delivered up, to be removed to tlie State having jurisdiction of the crime. 3d. ISTo person held to service or labor in one State mider the laws thereof, escaping to another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. III. — 1st. JSTew States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the junc- tion of two or more States or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. 2d. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular State. Sfx\ TV. — The Constitution shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and on application of the Legislature, or the Executive (when the Legislature can not be convened), against domestic violence. AETICLE y. Sec. L — The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, SAM S. McGIBBOXS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, liar, ket Square, St. Joseph, Missouri. Sign of the Elephant. Agents, Principal Otlice, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 312 HISTOEY AND DIRECTOKT OF or, on the application of the Lesi'ishxtures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which in either case shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three-fom'ths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress : — Pi'ovided^ That no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner aflPect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE XI. Sec. L— 1st. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. 2d. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 3d. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial ofticers,botli of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE YII. Skc. I. — The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. Done in Convention by the unanimous consent of the States pres- ent, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 313 Stratton's General Agency, FOR THE Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, COLLECTING WAR CLAIMS, EFFECTING INSURANCE, Conveyancing, & Paying Taxes for Non-Residents. "Will take Depositions and Acknowledgments as ]NroTA.EY Public. E. W. STRATTON, VonipJian, Kansas, GEOEGE WASHINGTON, Presidents and Deputy from Yirguiia. New IlamjysMre. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Nathaniel Gorham, Wm. Samuel Johnson, Massachusetts. Connecticut. RuFus King. Roger Sherman. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. \Ym. Livingston, David Brearley, Wm, Patterson, Jona. Dayton. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, Robert Morris, Thomas Fitzsimons, James Wilson, Thomas Mifflin, George Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouv. Morris. 314 Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. HISTORY AND UIKECTORY OF Geo. Rked, John Dickinson, Delaware. Jacob Broom. RUNNING Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett, Maryland. James JVIcHenry, Dan. of St. Tiios. Jenifer, Daniel Carroll. John Blair, Wm. Blount, Virginia. James Madison: Jr. North Carolina. Richard Dobbs Spaight, Hugh Williamson. South Carolina. J. RuTLEDGE, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Charles Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Wm. Pew. Georgia. Abr. Baldwin Attest, WILLIAM JACKSOlSs Secretary. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 31t AMENDMENTS TO TILE CONSTITUTION. The conventions of a number ot tlie States having, at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstrnction or abnse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added, Congress, at the session begun and held at the city of New York, on Wednesday, the 4th day of March, 1789, proposed to the Legis- latures of the several States, twelve amendments, ten of which only were adopted. They are the ten first following : — ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of re- ligion, or pi'ohibiting tlie free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to as- semble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security ot a tree State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be in- fringed. ARTICLE III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE lY. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and eifects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Empire Sewinjj Machine, AVECliS & KICIi:w03fD, Gen'I W^estern Agents, Principal Ollice, cor. 2«l and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Iflissouri. 316 HISTOKY AND DIKECTOKY OF AKTICLE V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise in- famous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. AETICLE YI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the State and dis- trict wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. AKTICLE YII. In suits at common law, wliere the value in controversy shall ex- ceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved ; and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. AETICLE YIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the jpeople. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the UnitcdJStates by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respect- tivey, or to the people. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 317 1^. E. 3S^ICKERS01Sr & CO., MANUFACTURERS AXD DEALERS IN Citizens of Kansas, by purchasing of us, you patronize Ton confer a favor on us and benefit 3-ourselves, for you get an article 25 per cent, better tlian you can buy anywhere else for the same money. We Warrant every tiling Ave INIannfacture. (SIGN OF THE BIG BEDSTEAD), ATCHISON, KANSAS. H. E. NICKERSON & CO. ARTICLE XI. The judicial power of tlie United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. AETICLE XII. 1st. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Yice- President, one of whom at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in dis- tinct ballots the person voted for as Yice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, wliich lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of Government of the United States, directed to the Presi- dent of the Senate ; the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding tliree, on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, Empire Sewing Maciiinc, ^VEtl^S & RICH^nO^TD, Gen'I Western Agents, Principal Ollice, cor. 2cl and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Ulissouri. 318 HISTORY AKD DIKECTORY OF tlie President. But in clioosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, Ijefore the fourth day of March next following, then the Yice- President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. 2d. The person having the greatest number of votes as Yice-Presi- dent, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the w^hole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Yice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two- thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. 3d. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of Presi- dent shall be eligible to that of Yice-President of the United States. ARTICLE XIII. If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them or either of them. (Note. — The eleventh article of the amendments to the Constitution, was proposed at the second session of the third Congress ; the twelfth article at the first session of the eighth Congress, and the thirteenth article at the second session of the eleventh Congress.) ARTICLE Y. of the Constitution of the United States, clearly and distinctly sets forth the mode and manner in which that instru- ment may be amended, as follows : " The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which in either case shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, SAM S. McOTBBOIVS & CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, ]Uisi>ouri, Sign or the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS 319 ^ [^ W M [I:m 11,1 ^ W^ CHAS. HIGBY, Proprietor, ^' 9 TROY, KANSAS, (North Side Public Square.) Good accommodations both to the RESIDEISTT AND TI^AVELING- PUBLIC. Board "by tlie Day ox* ^A'^eek LlYERY AND FeED StABLE AtTACHED CliA-HO-ES IvIOZDEHA-TE. or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification, may be proposed by the Congress." In accordance with this article of the Constitution, the following resolution was proposed in the Senate, on the 1st day of February, 1864 :— Jiesoliyd, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, two-thirds of the House concurring, that the following article be proposed to the Legis- latures of the several States, as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which when ratified by thrce-fourtlis of said Legis- latures shall be valid to all intents and purposes as a part of the said Constitution, namely : — ARTICLE XIII. Sec. I. — Neither slavery nor involuntary servi- tude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within tlie United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Sec. II. — Congress shall have power to enforce this Article by ap- propriate legislation. Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, missouri. 320 niSTOKY AND DIEECTOKT OF NOTES UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Desceibing to some extent the Duties devolving upon the President and his Cabinet, and Salary of each. The Government of the United States is a federal democratic re- public. It is based upon the Constitution of 1TS9, and amendments thereto. All legislative powers are vested in Congress, which consists of a Senate and House of Representatives, The " House of Representatives " is composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and in number in accordance with the population of each ; in order to ascertain the number each State is entitled to, a census is taken every ten years. Each State is entitled to at least one representative. Vacancies are tilled by intermediate elections. The House chooses its Speaker and other officers. No person under twenty -five years of age, who has been less than seven years a citizen of the United States, and who is not a resident of the State electing him, is qualified for representative. Each Territory is entitled to one delegate, who has the right to de- bate on subjects in which his Territory is interested, but is not allowed a vote. The " Senate'' consists of two members from each State, elected by the Legislatures thereof respectively for six years. One-third the whole body is renewed every two years, and if va- cancies happen, by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any State, the executive of such State makes a tempo- rary a})p()intment until the next meeting of the Legislature, which fills Buch vacancy. Senators must be at least thirty-three years old; must liave been citizens of the United States for nine years, and be citizens of tlie State from which they are chosen. Each senator has one vote. Hie Vice-President of the United States is ex officht President of the Senate, but a president pro iempore !»AM S. il3c4;iIllfiO\^ Sc CO., Dealers in Boots and Slioes, Mar- iict Square, St. Joseph, ]?Iissouri. Sxi^ix of the Elepliant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 321 IOWA POINT Or. "W. FLIIsTlSr, Propinetor, COMMERCIAL STREET, % POINT, » . . KANSM, (Opposite A. & G. BRENNER'S GRAIN WAREHOUSE.) The Highest Cash Price Paid for ^\^heat. is elected by and from among the Senators, who, in the absence of the president acts in his stead- Besides its ordinary legislative capacity, the Senate is vested with certain judicial functions, and its members constitute a High Court of Impeachment. No person can be convicted by this court unless on the finSing of a majority of the Senators, nor does judgment extend further than to removal from office and disqualification. Representatives have the sole power of Impeachment. The com- pensation of members of Congress is five thousand dollars per annum, and mileage, at twenty cents per mile, in going to and returning from the seat of government. The pay of the presiding officers of both Houses is six thousand dollars per annum. The constitutional government went into operation on the 4th of March, 1789, but a quorum of the first Congress, which met at New York City, was not formed until April Gth, nor was the first President of the United States inaugurated until the 30th of April. The Executive Power is vested in a President, who is elected by an Electoral College, chosen by popular vote or by the Legislature of 21 Agentf, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, ]?Iissouri. 322 HISTOKY AND DIRECTORY OF the State, the number of electors being equal to the number of Sena- tors and Representatives from the States to Congress. His term of oflfice is four years but he is eligible for re-election. The electors forming the college are themselves chosen in the manner prescribed by the laws of the several States. A majority of the aggregate number of votes given is necessary to the election of President and Vice-President, and if none of the can- didates have such a majority, then the election of President is deter- mined by the House of Representatives, and that of the Yice-Presi- dent by the Senate, from among the three candidates having received the highest number of electoral votes. The vote is taken by States, the Representatives of each State having but one vote. No person can be President or Vice-President who is not a native- born citizen of the United States, and of the age of thirty-live years, and must have been a resident of the United States for fourteen years. The President is Commander in Chief of the army and navy, and of the militia when in the service of the Union. With the concur- ence of two-thirds of the Senate, he has the power to make treaties, appoint civil and military officers, levy war, conclude peace, and do all that rightly belongs to the executive power. He has a veto on all laws passed by Congress, but so qualified, that notwithstanding his disapproval any bill becomes a law after its ap- proval by two-thirds of both Houses of Congress. 'ihe President has a salary of $ 25,000 per annum, and " The White House " at Washington for a residence during his official term. The Vice-President is cx-officio President of the Senate, and in case of the death, resignation, or other disability of the President, the powers and duty of that office devolve upon him for the remainder of the term for which the President was elected. In case of the disa- bility of the Vice-President, the President of the ^QW2iXQ ^t'o-iempore takes his place. The administrative business of the nation is conducted by several officers with the title of Secretaries, etc., who form what is termed the " Cabinet." These are the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Interior, the Postmaster-General, and the Attorney- General, the last being the official law authority for advisement in administrative affairs. Each of these preside over a separate depart- ment. The " Department of State " was created by an act of Congress of the 15th of Sept., 1789 ; by a previous act of July 2Tth, 1789, it was denominated the Department of Foreign Affairs. It embraced Empire Sewing; Machine, ^VEL,LS dc RICIHnOXD, Oen'I Western Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 323 DE. W. H. BOWEJNT, COMMERCIAL STREET, All operations per- ^^ ^ ^^^^^ taining to Dentistry ■^\'^£/.J^^- latest and most ap- I keep myself posted i^^"" ments relating to my C^ are executed on the proved principles, as in all the improve- profession, and adopt '^ ^^^^^ ^^ such as are of The Greatest Utility to my Patrons. All Work Warranted to give Entire Satisfaction. TOOTHACHE AND ALL NEURALGIC PAINS STOPPED INSTANTLY. until the establishment of the Department of the Interior, 1849, what, in some other governments, are styled the Department of Foreign Affairs and Home Department ; but the duties now being divided, it confines its operations almost entirely to foreign matters, hence its original title might, with propriety and convenience, be restored. The Secretary of State, conducts all treaties between the United States and foreign powers, and corresponds officially with the public ministers of the government at foreign courts and with ministers of foreign powers resident in the United States. He is intrusted with the publication of all treaties with foreign powers, grants passports to American citizens who are visiting foreign countries. He has charge of the great seal of the United States, but can not affix it to any commis- sion imtil signed by the President, nor to any instrument without the authority of the President. The Secretary of State has a salary of $6,000 per annum. The "Department of the Interior/' was established by an act of Congress of the 30th of March, 1849. The Secretary of the Interior is intrusted with the supervision and management of all matters connected with the public domain, St. Joseph, miiisouri. 824 HISTORY AND DIRECTOKY OF Indian affairs, pensions, patents, public buildings, the census, the pen- itentiary of the District of Columbia, the expenditures of the Federal Judiciary, etc. Each of these interests is managed in a separate bureau or office, the immediate head of which is called Commissioner, Superintendent, or Warden, as the case may be. The salary of the Secretary of the Interior is $6,000 per annum. The " Department of the Treasury " was created by an act of Con- gress of the 2d of September, 1789. The Secretary of the Treasury superintends all the fiscal con- cerns of the Government, and upon his owm responsibility recommends to Congress measures for improving the condition of the revenue. All public accounts are finally settled at this department ; and for this purpose it is divided into the office of Secretary, who has the general superintendence; the offices of the two Controllers; the office of the Six Auditors ; the office of the Commissioner of Customs ; the Treasurer's office ; the Registrar's office ; the Solicitor's office ; and the office of the Coast Survey, * The salary of the Secretary of the Treasury is $6,000 per annum. Tlie " Department of War " was created by an act of Congress of the 7th of August, 1789, and at first embraced not only military but naval affairs. The Si-xretaky of War, superintends every branch of military affairs, and has under his immediate direction the Adjutant-General's office, the Quartermaster-Gen eral's Bureau, the Paymaster's Bureau, the Subsistence Bureau, the Medical Bureau, the Engineer Bureau, the Topographical Bureau, the Ordnance Bureau, and the Freedmen's Bureau, and the Department has the superintendence of the erection of fortifications, of making public surveys, etc. The salary of the Secretary of War is |6,000 per annum. The " Department of the Navy " was created by an act of Congress of the 30th of April, 1798. The Secretary of the Navy issues all orders to the naval forces and superintends naval afiairs generally. Attached to the Depart- ment are a Bureau of Docks and Navy- Yards ; a Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography ; a Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs ; a Bureau of Provisions and Clothing ; a Bureau of Medical and Surgical Instruments, etc. ; and the National Observatory at Washington is un- der the control of the Navy Department. The Secretary of tlie Navy receives a salary of $6,000 per annum. The " Post-Office Department " was established under the author- ity of the old Congress. Empire Sewing Iflachlnc, Yri:L.L<•><< Grooc^. Ijii"\7-03:ry StA.lc>lo .A-tta-olxoca.- The Postmaster-Gkneral has the chief direction of all postal arrangements with foreign as well as with Federal States. The gen- eral business is managed by the Assistant Postmaster- General, who presides respectively over the Contract oflfice, the Appointment office, and the Inspector's office. The Postmaster-General receives a salary of $6,000 per annum. The " Attorney- Gp:neral" who is considered as forming a part of the Cabinet, and who is the constitutional adviser and defendant of the Government, is generally a man of the greatest acquirements in his profession. The Attorney-General receives a salary of S-tjOOO per annum. The " CiKcun Courts " are held by a Justice of the Supreme Court assigned to the Circuit, and by the Judge of the District in which the Court sits. Chief-Justices of the Supreme Court receive $5,000 per annum. SAn S. McGIBBONS &, CO., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, Missouri. Sign of the Elephant Eiiis»jrc Sewing T?f aclilne, 1VEI.I.S & RICHMOND, Gcn'I Western AsentB, Principal Office, cor. 2cl and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. 326 HISTOKY AND DIRECTORY OF THE INDIAN S. Statement showing the Tribes of Indians -within the limits of the United States, made up from the last general reports in possession of the Indian Office at Washington. Number of souls and place of residence of each tribe. Name of Tribe. Arrapahoes, Arickarees, Assinaboines, Apaches, Apaches, Apaches, Blackfeet, Choctaws, Choctaws, California Tribes, Place of Besidence. ]^o. of Souls. Arkansas and Platte Kivers, 3,000 Upper Missouri River, 800 Upper Missouri River, 3,360 Arkansas River, 310 Texas, 1,025 New Mexico, 6,Y00 Upper Missouri River, 6,500 Mississippi, 425 West of Arkansas, 16,490 California, 30,000 Comanches and Kioways, Texas and New Mexico, 25,000 Comanches, Arkansas River, 4,000 Cherokees, • West of Arkansas, 17,500 Cherokees, N. Carolina, Tenn., Ga., and Ala., 2,000 Chippewas of the Miss., Minnesota, 2,300 Chippe was of Swan Cr'k, Michigan, 130 Chippewas of Swan Cr'k, Kansas, 40 Chippewas of Lake Sup., Mich., Wis., and Minn., 5,000 Chippewas and Ottawas, Michigan, 4,T00 Chippewas of Saginaw, Michigan, 1,200 West of Arkansas, 4,700 New York, 150 West of Arkansas, 23,000 Alabama, 230 Kansas, 100 Chickasaws, Cayugas, Creeks, Creeks, Christians or Munsees, SAM S. McGIBBOMS A. CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, Mar^ kct Square, St. Joseph, Missouri. Sign of the £lcphant. S g DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 327 BEST IN AIHZSRIGA! S ^ Farmers, if you will consult your own interest, you will at g 'u once go to i^ J. GA.RSIDE & CO., « "2 -A.To:B:iso3Nr, - - dbl^xxsas, 5 rt AND BUT A tl Brinkerhoof Corn Shelter, O V cS ^ And at the same time they will pay you the o t SIGJSJEST I*JRICJE FOB YOUR PRODUCE, ^ ej AND WILL SELL TOTT A 2^ JACKSON WAGON AT A LOW PRICE «^ O COMMISSION MEKCHANTS, BAILEOAD AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Cheyennes, Arkansas and Platte Elvers, 3,000 Crows, Upper Missouri River, 3,600 Caddoes, Texas, 5,000 Catawbas, North and South Carolina, 150 Delawares, Kansas, 700 Gros Ventres, Upper Missouri Kiver, 900 lowas, Kansas and Nebraska, 400 lones, Texas, 700 Keechies, Wacoes, and ) r^ ^5^ Towacorras, ) Kansas, Kansas, 1,400 Kickapoos, Kansas, 300 Kickapoos, Texas, 550 Kaskaskias, Kansas, — Kiowas, Texas, — Kiowas, Arkansas River, 2,800 Lipans, Texas, 800 Missourias, Nebraska, — Minatarees, Upper Missouri River, 2,500 For Miscellaneons Bookt, ^o to JT. B. HcCLiEERT & CO., 103 Felix Street. Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Josepli, missouri. 328 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF Miamis, Indiana, 300 Miarais, Kansas, 200 Menomonees, Wisconsin, 2,000 Mandans, Upper Missouri River, 300 Muscaleros or Apaches, Texas, 450 Navajoes, "New Mexico, 8,000 Ottawas, Michigan, — Ottawas, Kansas, 310 OiieidaSy Wisconsin, 950 Oneida^ New York, 250 Oraahas, Nebraska, 600 Osages, West of Arkansas, 4,116 Onondagas, New York, 570 Ottoes, Nebraska, 400 Oregon Tribes, Oregon, 15,000 Pawnees, Nebraska, 4,300 Pneblo Indians^ New Mexico, 10,000 Pokcas, Nebraska, 600 Pottawatomies, Kansas, 2,410 Pottawat^s of L. Huron, Michigan, 60 Pottawatomies, Michigan, 300 Piankesliaws, Weas, Pe orias, and Kaskaskias. > Kansas, 200 Quapaws, West of Arkansas^ 314 Senecas, New York, 2,057 Senecas (Sanonsky), West of Arkansas, 180 Senecas and Shawn ees [ West of Arkansas, (Lewistown), 308 Seminoles, West of Arkansas, 2,500 Seminoles, Florida, 300 Sacs and Foxes of Mo., Kansas and Nebraska, 175 Sacs and Foxes of Miss. , Kansas and Nebraska, 700 Shawnees, Kansas, 400 St. Eegis Indians, New York, 575 Sioux of the Plains, Platte and Arkansas Rivers, 5,600 Sioux of the Missouri, Upper Missouri River, 16,000 Sioux of the Miss., Minnesota, 6,900 Stockbridges, Wisconsin, 250 Stockbridges, Kansas, 17 Towaccaros, Texas, — Tuscaroras, New York, 315 Tonkawass, 'Texas, 450 ELFRED & YOUNG, Drucclsts and Apothecaries, S. IT. cor. 4tli and Edmond Streets, St. Joseph, MLissouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 329 -WILLIS & BLISS, Watchmakers & Jewelers, ATCHISON, KANSAS, DIALERS IK FiMi jiWiLEiY, ^M^^^^m. C L @ € H S 7 PLATED WARE, Ws£L*a?«'iiiL.Li» & KiUHjniu^^u, tjren'i ivesterii Agenti, Principal Ottlce, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, missourl. 332 HISTOKY AND DIRECTORY OF John Quincy Adams of Massaclmsetts, was inaugurated March -Ith, 1S25 ; born 1767 ; died 1848 ; held office one term. Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, was inaugurated March 4th, 1829 ; born 1767; died 1845 ; held office two terms. Martin Yan Buren of New York, was inaugurated March 4th, 1837 ; born 1782 ; died 1862. William Henry Harrison of Ohio, was inaugurated March 4th, 1841 ; born 1773 ; died in office, April 4th, 1841. John Tyler of Yirginia, Vice President, succeeded President Harri- son at his death, was born 1790 ; died 1862. James K. Polk of Tennessee, was inaugurated March 4th, 1845 ; born in 1795 ; died in 1849 ; held office one term. Zachaey Taylor of Louisiana, was inaugurated March 4th, 1849 ; born 1784 ; died in office, July 9th, 1850. Millard Fillmore of New York, Vice-President^ succeeded Presi- dent Tajlor at his death ; born in 1800. Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire, was inaugurated March 4th, 1853 ; born in 1804 ; held office one term. James Buchanan of Pennsylvania, was inaugurated March 4th, 1857 ; born in 1791 ; died 1868 ; held office one term. Abraham Lincoln of Hlinois, was inaugurated March 4th, 1861 ; bom 1809; died 1865 ; held office one term ; was elected second term, and served to time of his assassination, April 14th, 1865. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Vice-President^ succeeded President Lincoln at his death. VICE-PRESIDENTS. John Adams of Massachusetts, 1789 ; born 1735 ; died 1826 ; two terms. Thomas Jefferson of Yirginia, 1797 ; born 1743 ; died 1826 ; one term. Aaron Bdrr of New York, 1801 ; born 1756; died 1836 ; one term. George Clinton of New York, 1805 ; born 1739 ; died in office 1812 ; two terms. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, 1813 ; born 1744; died in office, 1814 ; one term. Daniel D. Tompkins of New York, 1817; born 1744; died 1825; two terms. John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, 1825 ; born 1782; died 1850; two terms. SAM §. ]*IcGIBB01VS &. CO., Dealers In Boots and Shoes, mar- ket Square, St. Joseph, IVIissouri. Sign of the Elephant. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 333 ?> SAW MtLL$, FRANKLIN &, FRICK, Proprietors, Manufacturers and Dealers in COTTO.NWOOD & SYCAMORE 'LUMBER, Ijath. and Shingles. Maktin Van Bueen of Xew York, 1833 ; born 1782 ; died 1862 ; one term. Richard M. Johnson of Kentucky, 1837 ; born 1780 ; died 1850 ; one term. John Tylkr of Virginia, 1841 ; born 1790 ; died 1862 ; one term. George M. Dallas of Pennsylvania, 1845 ; born 1792 ; one term. Millard Fillmore of New York, 1849 ; born 1800 ; one term. AVilliam II. King of Alabama, 1853 ; born 1786 ; died 1853 ; died in office. John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, 1857 ; born 1821 ; one term. Hannibal Hamlin of Maine, 1861 ; born 1809; one term. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, 1865. NAME, BIRTH, AND PROFESSION OF THE SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. James Bartlett was bom at Amesbury, Mass., in November, 1829 ; was a pliysician. William Whipple was born at Kittery, Maine ; was a sailor. Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, missouri. 334 HISTORY A.ND DIRECTORY OF Matthew Thornton was born in Ireland, in 1Y41 ; was a physician. John Hancock was born at Quincj, Mass., in 1737 ; was a merchant. Samuel Adams was born at Boston, Mass., in 1737; was a merchant. John Adams was born at Qiiincj, Mass., in 1735 ; was a lawyer. Robert Treat Paine was born at Boston, Mass., 1732 ; was a lawyer. Elbridge Gerry was born at Marblehead, Mass., in 1743 ; was a mer- chant. Stephen Hopkins was born at Providence, R. L, in 1727 ; was a farmer. William Ellery was born at IN'ewport, R. I., in 1727 ; was a lawyer. Roger Sherman was born at Newton, Mass. ; was a shoemaker. William Williams was born in Conn., in 1731 ; gentleman. Oliver Wolcott was born in Conn., in 1726 ; was a lawyer. William Floyd was born at Long Island, N. Y., in 1724 ; was a farmer. Philip Livingston was born at Albany, N. Y., in 1716 ; was a mer- chant. Francis Lewis was born at Llandaff, Wales, in 1713 ; gentleman. Richard Stockton was born at Princeton, K. J., in 1730; was a lawyer. Lewis Morris was born at Harlem, K. Y., 1726 — farmer. John Witherspoon was born at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1723 — minister. Francis Hopkinson was born at Philadelphia, Pa., in 1754 — lawyer. John Hart was born at Huntington, Pa., — farmer. Abraham Clark was born at Elizabethtown, N. J., in 1730 — lawyer. Robert Morris was born in England, in 1734 — merchant. Benjamin Rush was born at Rybury, Pa., in 1735 — physician. Benjamin Franklin was born at Boston, Mass., in 1705— printer. John Morton was born at Ridley, Pa., in 1724 — surveyor. George Clymer was born at Philadelphia, Pa., in 1739 — merchant. James Smith was born in Ireland, in 1715 — lawyer. George Taylor was born Ireland, iji 1716 — physician. James Wilson was born in Scotland {date not known) — gentleman. George Ross was born at Newcastle, Del., in 1730 — ^lawyer. Cesar Rodney was born at Dover, Del., in 1730 — gentleman. George Reed was born in Maryland, in 1734 — lawyer. Thomas McKean was born in Chester County, Pa., 1731— lawyer. Samuel Cliase was born in Maryland, 1741 — lawyer. William Vana was born in Maryland, in 1741 — lawyer. Thomas Stone was born at Pointon, Md., in 1734 — lawyer. Charles Carroll was born at Annapolis, Md., in 1737 — lawyer. George Wythe was born near Chesapeake Bay, in 1736 — lawyer. __ Empire Sewing Maciiinc, WEI.LS &. RICHMOND, Gen'l Western Agents, Principal Office, cor. 2d and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 335 PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Medical Purposes, PERFUMERY, FANCT AND T®cl]©t A\rtkC©t, SHOULDER BRACES, &c., ;•: This is a "WHITE MAHTS Government, made by WHITE MEIT, E^":^ WiilTf'fi' MEN and their Posterity FOREVER ! Payment of the National Debt — (if it is ever paid) — ia <3reenl)aeks. A currency that^' is good enough for Working- Men, Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Artisans, and Editors, is good enough for Yankee Slioddyocrats ! DOWN WITH THE BONDHOLDERS! Subordination of the Military to the- Civfl Authorities ! DoiTirn witli tlie Satraps ! ! Equal Taxation and the Righpfcl Representatiok op all thb States, or ANOTHER REBEELION!! Revohition must be met by Counter-Eevolution — Force by Force — Violence by Vio- lence — and UsuBPATioN should be overtlirown, if needs be, ey toe Bayonet 1 ! DOWN WITH TEST OATHS AND RE6ISTRATI0N!! Vive La Republique ! ! At a meeting held by the Democracy, in this city, October 19th, the following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted : — Resolved, That we regard the Missouri Vindicator as the true and faithful exponent of our party principles, and recognize it as the organ of the Democratic party in the Nortliwest 22 338 HISTORY AND DIEECTOKY OF MitNUFACTURER Or ST. JOSEPH, MO. I desire to call particular attention to my manufacture of ' FIRST-CLASS FARM WAGONS. My shops are located on the C. r, Kansas. Office in Bird's Block, on Commercial Street, bet. 3d and 4th Streets. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, 341 DECKER BROTHERS, Inventors and only Patentees for the Celebrated DECKER BBOTHERS' PATENT IRON FRAME ^.^ o^ M. 91 BLEECKER STREET, Ono block west of Broadway, No^w York. 342 HISTORY AND DIRECTOET OF E3 ]VI 1=^ I R El Sewing Machine. THE LATEST IMPBOVEMENT. Has a straight needle, makes the LOCK STITCFT, which will NEITHER RIP nor RAYEL and is alike on both sides ; does perfect sewing on every kind of material, from Leather to the finest Muslin, with cotton, silk, or linen thread, from tho coarsest to the finest. It Hems, Fella, Binds, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, and Gathers. EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE. ^WELLS & RICHMiOISrD, GENEBAL AGENTS, comer Second and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, Missouri. HEAR WHAT TIIEY SAT ABOUT IT (by permission) : We certify that wo reside in SL .loseph, Mo. ; that we are familiar with and have used nearly all the StAndard Sewing Machines; that we are now using the Empire Machine, and prefer it above all others. W. E. FOUSTEK, Tailor, corner Fourth ond Edmond. E. CUKTI8, Frederick Avenue. MUS. CAKTEU, Dressmaker, Third Street, near Charlo». CIIAS. W. CAMPBELL, Spencer's Store, Felix Street TIIADDEUS UEAOY, Tailor, Market Square. GUS. HEINDRICKS. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 343 XNO. M. FRAZEK R E. TURNER TURNER, FRAZER & CO., WHOLESALE ili@ll§. Nos. 7 & 9 Third St., T. bTOISSPX^ » Missouri. 344 HI8TOKY AND DIEECTORT OF JNO. S. LEMON. ISAAC HOSEA. f ij WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic PiY-iises NOTIONS, CLOTHING, &c., &c., JNTo. ^ ^onrth Street, ST. JOSEPH, MO. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS, 345 A WHITE MAN'S PAPER I N KL j2L INT S -A. S - It lllilf $i Itttttt t T)A.TT.^ ^ISTD A\^EEK:LTr. The Patriot having no political competition in Northern Kansas, has a larger circulation than any other paper in tlie Counties north of the Kansas River. T E H M: S : Daily, per Year, "Weekly, $9.00. 2.00. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED AT CUSTOMARY RATES. NELSON ABBOTT, Proprietor, ATCHISON, KANSAS. 346 HISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN $tl$tf* AND CLOTHING CORNER OF FOURTH and FELIX STS., ST. JOSEPH. MO. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 347 M. G. FISH. HENRY FISH. M. Q. FISH & CO., 0¥ ^ CAREIAGES, BUGGIES, AND SADDLE HOUSES TO HIRE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, Horses, New and Second-Hand Buggies, and New and Second-Hand Harness. I EQU tf^j^x^ f^v)j9^ ST. JOSEPH, MO. 348 HISTORY AND DIKECTORT OF 0ir not" ^ Northeast Comer of EAST MAIN 5;; MYETLE STS., Troy, - - - Kansas, LEO.>IAilD mmi, PiOiHi(tor. The best Accommodations to the Public generally. pOOD ^TABLES AND ^TOCK YaRD IN PONNECTION WITH THE HoUSE. IVo Exorbitant Bills. DONIPHAN COUNTY, KANSAS. 349 Largest and Best Selected Stock OF PINE LUMBER IN THE CITY. AT THE MICHIGAN LUMBER YARD (LATE LYON Sc CO.,) (S@)ra©ir F<^MrtEi] andl Hdssatite Streets, ST. JOSEr*H, 310. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IX iKTES Hi TJ itj: :o E! n , Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Lime, Hair, Cement, and Plaster. AGENT FOR WALTER A. WOOD'S CEIEBRATEO SELP-RMING REAPER ANO PRIZE MOWER, Russell & Co.'s Reapers and MoAvers, Russell & Co.'s P];emium Thrashing Machines, Manufac- tured at Massillon, Ohio, CANDEE, SWAN & CO/S Celebrated Moline Plows, AIi^Q) MAY mMMJm. B^^ Parties wishing to purchase are respectfully invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. 1 19 7 ■^^. ,?5 %t- >^* -'-V^',-,!^^;* ■■-''/. -•■. '^. ■^" .-.' \' ,A' ,-,S^ ^^ J- -i .■0- 7 0-. -o- > '\' .0 0^ '0-% ^ <^^^ \' ^ ^ ' " A <^ -r. - T-

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