Class PS2\5^ Book 3^CCZ Gopyiight}^? COPYRIGHT DEPOSm TRUTH BY COLONEL JOHN A. JOYCE Author CKecItered Life; Jewels of Memory; Peculiar Poems; Zigzag; Complete Poems; Brickbats and Bouquets; Oliver Goldsmith; Edgar Allan Poe; Beautiful Washington; Personal Recollections of Shakspere and Truth. Truth is Truth forever. — Joyce. SECOND EDITION. REGAN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE CHICAGO, ILL. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Twc Cooiris Hecelved MAK 2b m9 Copyrijjfit biitry 'CLASS «- AXC, Ho, cofy a. Copyright, 1909, BY JOHN A. JOYCE, Washington, D. C. DEDICATION. 1 dedicate this book to the Reader who has money enough to buy it and mind enough to understand it ! J. A. J. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION— TRUTH. I present this fragrant bouquet of wisdom to the present and coming ages, culled out of the celestial garden of my mind, and while the idea has been expressed a billion times before, it has never been equaled or surpassed in brevity, style, number and independence by any other author in ancient or modern years ; and when the man made bibles of the globe fail to furnish text for sacerdotal sermons, viy Truth will supply the deficiency! J. A. J. SECTION ONE God is good. Love is eternal. Fear only fear. Work is wealth. God is mystery. Work is wisdom. Gold is governor. Truth is what is! Saving is having. Despair is victory. Cash is conqueror. Tyranny is torture. God reigns eternal. Labor is conqueror. Great care is dumb. Genius herds alone. Sorrow is universal. Passion is perdition. Death tells no secrets. Truth is immortality. TRUTH God is life and death. Truth laughs at a lie. Goodness is greatness. Truth is truth forever. Inconstancy is failure. Wrong can find no rest. Civility begets civility. Pluck commands luck. Character is happiness. Fire burns but to build. Cheerfulness is wisdom. Patience is preservation. Self love is self sacrifice. Cheap things are cheats. Tyrants have no friends. The Devil is destruction. Money manages morality. Passion is poison to truth. Care is mental crucifixion. It is lonesome to be great. Wet goods ruin dry goods. A bullet bluffs the blufifer. Nature is never in a hurry. Will-power is world power. The unborn are the lucky. TRUTH Anger is a suicidal passion. Magnanimity is victorious. Virtue is constant victory. Constant fear is half death. Adversity shows no favor. The great are pasquinaded. Overdoing is often undoing. Cash is a convenient power. Many a couple is not paired. Genius is a disease for work. Poverty invites persecution. Health generates happiness. Doing nothing is hard work. Guilt is a silent executioner. A manly man is never cruel. Bribery and theft are twins. Envy is a cancerous disease. True wisdom has no cunning. Hypocrisy, thy name is man ! Grief is your worst governor. Life is the greatest plagiarist. Cleanliness is the gift of God. The belly is the glutton's eye Doing, triumphs over talking. Death is better than slavery 10 TRUTH Conciliation catches two birds. Self control is a safe situation. Bullets are the best diplomats. Good roads prevent profanity. Dollars are powerful debaters. Exclusiveness is deterioration. Daily duty is daily happiness. Golden graft is glittering ruin. Revenging injury is expensive. Death is the tomb of pleasure. A bad cause is better banished. Necessity is the spur to genius. Hate and love are born blind. Pay your debts and be happy. Do something now or get out. Love and force rule the world. Successful vice imitates virtue. Mind and money manage men. No person is always fortunate. Envy is the cancer of the soul. The loser receives no applause. Better be abused than ignored. Malice macerates contentment. The luck of a coward is failure. Suspicion is death to happiness. TRUTH 11 Debt is danger and destruction. Envy is as universal as the air. Visions are the ghosts of desire. Money saving is peace of mind. Money is never above the man. Fault-finding generates enemies. Purchased fidelity is easily sold. Hypocrisy, thy name is politics ! Wisdom and wine soon separate. Haste hobbles its best intention. Secret sin is the deadliest friend. The devil is the father of doubt. Dependence descends to despair. Nerve and gold win everywhere. Lip wisdom has little experience. A good name shines in the dark. Foolish spending is rapid ending. Hate is the hyena of happiness. Idleness is the grave of endeavor. Love with reciprocity is robbery. Punishment surely follows crime. The Leader must lead or be led. Love can give no reason for love. No mill no meal, no woe no weal. The cheapest clothes are dearest. 12 TRUTH Consolidation is the fiat of Fate. Solitude is the nursery of genius. Gold is the governor of mankind. By failure we may learn success. Poverty parts the dearest friends. The good have constant pleasure. Our enemy will teach us wisdom. Death is the dawn of eternal life. Suffering is the father of wisdom. Where are the dead of yesterday? A dollar or two is a friend so true. Passion spending is wanton waste. No one is continuously successful. Dependence is a desperate misery. It is better to help than to hinder. Death to tyranny is life to liberty. Dyspeptic envy is a bad neighbor. Conscience is the umpire of action. Pretension is the poison of power. Weeds, like idle words, are useless. Cattle people never rule anywhere. The dunce is the enemy of genius. Equity is the soul of even justice. Man is a moving mass of microbes. God and conscience onlv know us. TRUTH 13 "S\ big business man never blusters. Decent dignity hinges on humility. GambHng is the whirligig of a fool. ~-^leep is the vestibule of the grave. Conscience never takes a vacation. Dictators are despicable defrauders. Great knowledge is lonely isolation. Proverbs are the pearls of wisdom. We grow weary of continued bliss. A good deed is the fruit of the soul. Many trusts have become mistrusts. Carelessness and haste trip success. Immediate credit is copious capital. War is the paralysis of commerce. Envy and censure follow the great. Equity is the benevolence of justice. Life is a slip, a flip, a rip and a tip. Poverty is the propeller of genius. Those we have saved may slay us. He who grants no mercy gets none. Sleep is the twin brother of death. Gold climbs over the highest fence. Economy is the master of revenue. The disease of avarice is incurable. Fear is suspicious, mean and cruel. 14 TRUTH Time and truth are immortal twins. A solemn promise is a debt unpaid. Fear is the foxy enemy of fortitude. Unbidden guests are painful pests. Midnight larks are daylight sharks. Glory is the grave of wretchedness. Purpose points the plough of labor. That chattering chap has little wit. Capital is the cause of lasting labor. Grief is often the forerunner of joy. We are, we are not, and then what? Those who live in fear die in despair. The right Rebel is the liberty ruler. A tuneful tongue is a daily triumph. He makes us, takes us and saves us. Poverty becomes the slave of riches. Disease is the dividend of pleasure. Truth is the only tyrannical success. Life and Death are eternal partners. Courage is sharper than any sword. Good credit is often as good as gold. Fear is the race-horse of the coward. Sleep is the nightly vidette of death. Never doubt a good and true friend. Self government is best government. TRUTH 15 Intense temperance is intemperance. Death and the barber yell — "next!" Opportunity is the vidette of ability. Never be familiar with an unequal. By and by is in the land of nowhere. The most universal success is failure ! There is no victory without venture. Wisdom and gold are glorious twins. Those conquer who believe they will. A negative man is a positive failure. Falsehood is the father of fanaticism. A great man ever believes in himself. Excessive delight often ends in grief. Death has no delinquent tax payers. Gold gotten by dishonor is too dear. Sudden riches make sudden poverty. Ignorance and fear generate cowards. An unlucky friend is poor company. Your conduct and friends are alike. Poets are the most potent preachers. Pride and vanity lead to destruction. The man lives longest who lives best. Self commanding is all commanding. One more heart-beat and we are not! There is no friendship without faith. 16 TRUTH A great man can afford to seem little. Poetry is the golden fabric of the soul. Danger is the beacon light of glory. Great gifts are breakers of friendship. Generosity should generate gratitude. Praising your neighbor props yourself. Virtue, like water, ever seeks its level. Greed for gold is a torturing passion. Fire, flood and greed are bad masters. The greatest men have the least envy. A leap in the dark is the act of a fool. Experience is the mother of memory. A bad example is a contagious disease. A muddy mind makes a beastly body. Tarnished chastity cannot be repaired. Constant complaint freezes friendship. Poetry cannot gild the pill of poverty. Charity and mercy are twins of truth. We ourselves are good or bad fortune. A lucid sentence needs no explanation. Wisdom epigrams explain themselves. The avaricious are inferior individuals. Hard work is the great helper of hope. We are what we think, eat and drink. The curse of a scoundrel is a blessing. TRUTH 17 The saloon is the vestibule of the jail. A great head can rule a million hands. It requires an expert to cheat a cheat. The microbe is the master of the man. There is no holiday for envy and hate. Few sane men die without some fear. Gluttony is the grave digger of glory. Jesus Christ was a glorious iconoclast. Liberty and law are legitimate twins. Too much assertion results in failure. Indecision is the graveyard of slavery. Love and desire are convertible terms. The hyena of hypocrisy seldom sleeps. Sneers and insults die by inattention. Work and patience will cure poverty. Competence is a sofa of contentment. Decency is delicacy of heart and soul. Reason is the royal ruler of humanity. Old age is the relic of vanished youth, A stinging jest has often lost a friend. Sin is the Tabasco sauce of daily diet. Bigotry is the yoke mate of ignorance. Flattering a friend may prove his ruin. Risk will triumph where caution fails. Conscience and coal control the world. 18 TRUTH Birth is trouble and death is triumph. Sincerity is a great element of success. Despair is the brave man's last trump. Fruit beyond our reach is sour anyhow. Doomsday is ever open for the guilty. The heaven of a miser is a hell of greed. A shameless person is a walking crime. Fast and weep and you'll be left alone. A petulant tongue is a poniard of pain. The mulberry leaf contains a silk dress. Farthings and figs are good physicians. Enough never satisfies greed or vanity. By courting danger we marry success. Dollars and decency delight every one. Wine makes man merry and miserable. Poetry is passion punctuated with love. Change is the only unchangeable thing. Epigrams are the edge-tools of thought. Necessity forces us to pocket our pride. Poverty and modesty are twin failures. Time is the tramp tattler of centuries. A botch workman will get botch wages. Planting diseased seed develops no corn. Bread and gold are priceless partners. Intense fear has little sense and no pity. TRUTH 19 Misfortune moulds the greatest courage. Those who preach reform often deform! Pkick and pounds promulgate progress. Fame seldom escapes the shafts of envy. The bread of idleness is not digestible. The National Labor Day is a loafer day ! Anticipating evil is a step to its fruition. Truth is a constant rebuke to falsehood. True valor must be rooted in discretion. Time is continually creating and killing. Consistency is the lost jewel of equality. Crows and confidence are slow growers. The shortest life is the purest and best. Gold is the God of the nickel-soul miser. Prudence is the grand master of passion. Despair strikes the last blow for victory. The American is a synonym of freedom. Silence is the golden sign of philosophy. Freedom is the first bom child of Nature. Justice is often a name for court jugglery. The public press is the national preacher. Principle is the true leader of the people. Never do the right thing the wrong way. Debt is the tangled tether of temptation. Every wise saying is a text for a sermon. 20 TRUTH No public man is greater than his office. Folly is the prime minister of vain glory. Tolerating wrong encourages destruction. Expectation has many disappointments. Circumstance is the monarch of mankind. Conscious guilt is a cowardly companion. Your pillow is often your best counsellor. Lucky men secretly applaud themselves. Pride of character is the prop of progress. Every person leads a double or triple life. Reason is often a slave of tyrant custom. The greatest old age advances backward. By helping everybody we help ourselves. Every day we build or break character. A great idea dynamites the worst wrong. Security is next door neighbor to danger. It is easier to catch cold than catch cash. A wink is the best speech at an auction. A flattering tongue is a sneaking enemy. Wisdom is expressed in the fewest words. A desperado may become quickly a hero. Sorrow and suffering are spurs to genius. Those who cannot command must obey. Cheating and stealing are cunning chums. Fear and cruelty are co-partners of Satan. TRUTH 21 Affectation is the thin veneering of a fool. Dwelling on defeat makes it more intense. The mind is mirrored in the countenance. Political compromise ends in final failure. Death to tyrants is compensating justice. Ceremony is the gauze of false friendship. Your cunning often discovers your crime. Truth based on work is ever triumphant. Strenuous life produces an earthly death. Increase of wealth brings additional care. Laughter often cloaks the deepest sorrow. Great misfortune develops true character. Over capitalization is financial overthrow. An obedient wife commands her husband. The perfectly contented person is coffined. Cheap labor is rotten labor in a Republic. Hitting, and not talking, wins the battle. Science is the Adjutant General of Truth. Meal, and not words, fills the kitchen bag. Poetry is the passionate music of the soul. An ass prefers shucks and thistles to oats. Gentleness is the private route to success. Extreme caution has often lost the battle. Money is the magic magician of mankind. Human nature is stronger than human law. 22 TRUTH Turn a deaf ear and dark face to scandal. A big reason is stronger than a big stick. As we live here but once, let us live well. No one can be sure of another day of life. Envy follows close on the heels of success. The hide of the ass is made for the stick. Daily conduct is the true test of character. Constancy is the rugged oak of all virtues. A bully is a coward disguised by bluster. A bushel of wheat may make a rich miller. Toast bread and favors are soon forgotten. Divorce is the cancer of home destruction. The loss of credit is the loss of citizenship. He who does not care will not win or wear. The rain on the hills will grind at the mills. Love and flowers sweeten the bread of life. Patriotism is the pyramid of a Republic. The virtuous look upon disgrace as death. Many once remembered are soon forgotten. Virtue and honor outlast riches and fraud. Conscience is the only true court of justice. Love and hate eat bread at the same table. Bread to the toothless is a trying necessity. Time strengthens truth, weakens pretense. Discretion defeats impulse and impudence. TRUTH 23 Truth is the sovereign blessing of mankind. The people rule, who have gold and reason. Soul and heart fire the tongue of eloquence. ^Loyalty to royalty is treason to the people. Idleness is the mother of hunger and crime. Character is ever supreme over reputation. Virtue is an inspiration from Omnipotence. Gold, greed and gall stumble to a final fall. The bark of a dog dies in the roar of a lion. Liberty and love are the parents of truth. The red flag is the wrong flag in a republic. Man is the best and worst animal in nature. The law of nature is surpassed by re-action. He who fears nothing is the greatest ruler. Continual borrowing is continual sorrowing. An unbridled tongue is an incurable disease. When hopes are cashed despair is smashed. Poetry is the passion flower of imagination. Eternal hope is the forerunner of certainty. Public opinion makes or unmakes any law. In sunny weather prepare for stormy hours. With three triumphs Pompey lost his head. Mammoth money making is misery making. The vilest weeds have undiscovered virtues. The redeeming quahty of charity is silence. 24 TRUTH Amusement is the best medicine for sorrow. Sunrise, virtue and crime are daily visitors. • All the millionaire thieves are out of prison. A pound of caution is worth a ton of repair. Clemency to the cruel is caustic to the kind. He who feasts on credit will fast on failure. In the spirit realm all are equal and happy. Idleness is the father of hunger and crime. The beginning of life is the surety of death. We are most what we study, eat and drink. Glory is the golden glitter of fantastic fame. Never refer to former sorrows and disputes. Ingratitude breaks the dishes it feeds from. A wicked conscience is its own executioner. Calamity is the crucible that tests character. Experience is the blind man's schoolmaster. Affliction is the seed time of contemplation. No one is master of his birth, life and death. Many people are as lucid as a lump of mud ! Political booms burst like bloated bladders. The foolish buyers are in the large majority. We never forgive those who greatly help us. The tongue has often cut its master's throat. A popular proverb is as lasting as humanity. Patent paragraphs are pillars of philosophy. TRUTH 25 Positive character has no negative weakness. Disappointment is the enemy of expectation. The perpetual motion is a perpetual failure. Modesty and virtue are twins of consolation. Idleness, dirt and poverty are bosom friends. Suspecting your fellows is doubting yourself. Candor is a brave virtue but a bad diplomat. Charity sees the need and not the individual. The fewest words express the greatest truth. There is no party stronger than gold interest. Diligence is the delight of duty and devotion. Debt is the dire delusion of false expectation. Dreamers and poets are pioneers of progress. To willingly obey is to deserve to command. Difficulties are the stepping stones to victory. A hurt in the heart and soul is never healed. God never wrote a line of any bible or creed. The best answer to an insult is a sudden hit. Despair is the last link in the chain of defeat. An ounce of certainty is worth a ton of hope. Greed for gold is the guilty pioneer of crime. Chains of gold often break the links of love. The good person has no reason to fear death. People without reason are beasts of brutality. Cause and efifect are inseparable companions. 26 TRUTH Conscript soldiers have no patriotic courage. Virtuous people should avoid scandal gossips. Men of character can defy those of repetition. Courts are the slippery steps of uncertainty. Constant drippings will fill the leanest purse. Discord roams the earth with ragged dress. Bankruptcy of character is the worst failure. Virtuous deeds are loftier than royal lineage. The greatest smoke nuisance is the cigarette. The expedient often crowds out the excellent. Our best guardian angels are truth and work. Wise people seldom talk of their misfortunes. Success obtained by fraud is absolute failure. The compromising mushman is ever a failure. Solitude is the school for future conversation. Daily life and business needs financial grease. Sudden anger and passion lead to destruction. Poverty and ignorance are pathetic partners. Unlicensed liberty drifts into bloated bigotry. Confidence and success are close companions. Courage and cowardice are catching elements. Extreme civilization culminates in barbarism. Necessity is the father and mother of success. A pewter cup cannot be burnished into silver. Moral law is ever superior to government law. TRUTH 27 The virtuous person is his own best company. Successful crime is often blazoned as a virtue. Man is but a chemical mass of spiritual gases. Gold and power tip the scales of even justice. Fits of fancy are finer than misfits of clothes. Every tyrant finds a scape goat for his crime. There is no reason for the creation of failures. Vinegar dispositions destroy the honey of life. Gold and ambition are the rulers of mankind. Those who desire success do not always get it. Sleep is the pleasant grave of earthly trouble. Necessity is the axe and plough of the farmer. Antiquity is no voucher for honesty or purity Anarchy of the mind will annihilate the body Patience is the plank road to perfect pleasure Bitter to the brave is the breakfast of charity. Old birds select the wheat and leave the chaff. When Greek fights Greek, Death is the dealer. Purple cloaks often cover a putrid conscience. Anarchy of the mind generates assassination. Divine revelation is only human imagination. Common danger generates faithful friendship. Teeth and tongue are constant grave diggers. The deepest grief finds no expression in words. Naked truth may shock, but never can shame. 28 TRUTH "Don't care" is the original parent of poverty. Great knowledge is superior to glittering gold. Hit your enemy first and threaten afterwards. Chronic catarrh must have a rotten conscience. Principle has no policy and policy no principle. The leader and the led will very soon be dead. A proverb is perfect proof of positive principle. Moral training is superior to material training. Poverty and suspicion are vicious companions. Work will chase away the hounds of poverty. Literature is the perfumed garden of the soul. It is no honor to be a friend of certain people ! The death of a tyrant is the life of the people. Time and life keep us drifting to eternal sleep. Will power is the powder and lead of victory. The lawyer, like the strumpet, works for a fee. A selfish, tyrant character can never be great. There is nothing greater than human thought. Those who have deceived are seldom believed. Haste wastes water in filling an empty bottle. Little people like little pots are heated quickly. The highest policy is often the lowest morality. A decent dog is superior to an ungrateful man. The poorest man who loves his country is rich. Power acquired by guilt is lost by treachery. TRUTH 29 The Jesuit jails the mind of justice and Hberty. Ideals are the wrungs in the ladders of victory. Bad manners should be manicured by a mallet. Integrity is inborn, and not an acquired virtue. Suspicion, envy and fear are incurable diseases. Trade and talk are the roads to market money. Thank God every day that it is not any worse. Were there no receiver there would be no thief. Better laugh in your heart than in your sleeve. Life without friends is like a tree without fruit. The early riser will catch cold, worms and fish. Giving to the wicked injures the good and wise. Giving with the hope of receiving is base usury. Envy banquets on the body and bones of merit. All men are equal before the law, if they buy it. A good cobbler is better than a bad shoemaker. Many great men are very little when found out. The plunger for principle is the leader of power. An independent soul is the greatest gift of God. Vicious vanity is the vice of the vacant varlet. Grieving for the impossible is the act of a fool. Hope can carry a heavy load of gold and glory. A man who limits his abihty lessens his success. Conquering a bad habit is the greatest victory. Poverty of the soul is the greastet degradation. 30 TRUTH Small people are great in their own estimation. Love and peace are your best breakfast guests. Expense should ever be subordinate to income. Vices colored by virtuous actions are vices still. Never contract any debts that you cannot pay. Justice is the cornerstone of every other virtue. The darkest fate may be lightened by fortitude. Age ripens us as fruit for celestial consumption. Weakness invites attack and strength repels it. Suicide is a cross between courage and bravery. Bread, cheese and kisses are crumbs of comfort. Disease and the Doctor are dangerous visitors. No one remains very long the oldest inhabitant. Contented poverty is better than weary wealth. The bitterest medicine makes the quickest cure. Egotism based on personal wisdom is justifiable. Wisdom, wealth and running water ever change. The prodigal of time soon meets the undertaker. Good manners are letters of credit to a stranger. Money helps to heal the deepest scars of sorrow. Necessity and Ambition are pilgrims of progress. The angler and the poet are natural co-partners. Grand achievements alone give title of nobility. The severest critics are those who cannot create. A varnished lie is a great tribute to naked truth. TRUTH A dose of discretion is better than a dozen pills. It is ever dear to buy from a wandering huxter. Anger is the worst guest you can take to dinner. A day of work will outweigh a week of wishing. The tongue of the foolish is a rod of wickedness. The Senator from Cuba rises to a point of order ! Wanting more than you need is constant misery. The charity that begins at home spreads abroad. The most cunning counterfeiter detects himself. Crime and punishment are inevitable partners. Honest doubting may end in positive conviction. Courtesy and virtue are inseparable companions. Maxims are the milestones of intense experience. Depending on another destroys individual effort. Violated modesty never survives a willing insult. The greatest disgrace is idleness and ingratitude. Nature is a constructive and destructive mystery. Soft words are physicians for distempered minds. Be careful in promise, but quick in performance. Decent diet cures more ills than devoted doctors. Delay and haste have lost alike present victories. The keenest vice is clothed in virtuous garments. When hope is gone, no Hght can gild the gloom. The chastisement of love has no hate in the lash. A broadcloth suit does not fit well on a peasant. 32 TRUTH Envy, like a hound, pursues the peerless runner. It is great to be generous, but greater to be just. A scar of crime on the heart can never be erased. The living coward may gloat over the dead hero. God alone is responsible for birth, life and death. Suspicion is an enemy to virtue and happiness. The birth of anything is the death of everything. Flattery is an insinuating insult to an able man. Willing work will kill the wiles of wicked worry. Honesty does not herd long with cattle of crime. There are no weapons strong enough to arm fear. We can multiply our years by dividing our work. A genius has no capacity to take care of himself. A tyrant Judiciary is the worst curse of a nation. A poor start in the race of life makes a bad finish. When your sword is short let your jump be long. The air we breathe is the immortality of the soul. The rich who are vexed by trifles have no peace. Good luck follows in the wake of persistent work. Nerve, knowledge and luck are sisters of success. The fuller the human cask the less noise it emits. The triumphs of trickery and fraud are transient. The brutal sows of wealth eat their own progeny. The good farmer and weeds are deadly enemies. The smallest enemy may do the greatest injury. TRUTH 33 The agreeable man is the philosopher of society. Comfort with conscience is concentrated pleasure. The head should ever be commander of the heels. He who is ever prepared to die leads a happy life. Envy and selfishness are ingrained in humanity. A jolly failure breaks the back of disappointment. Courage, with truth and action, is ever victorious. Study, work and economy are triplets of triumph. The human countenance is a chart of character. Vanity and selfishness are handmaids of. tyranny. Christmas is the cashier of charity and generosity. Shoe pinchers of thought foot the bills of iniquity. Friendship is the most fragrant flower of the soul. Memory is the magic wizard of pleasure and pain. The most deadly weapons are the arrows of guilt. It is impossible to destroy a truly good character. A lofty thought is never sown on barren ground. Doing too much is worse than not doing enough. Mother Earth is a host who murders every guest. New Year is the nesting time of good resolutions. Poverty makes a person a coward or a desperado. More work and less talk will increase your salary. You will learn more by listening than by talking. Great cities are secret sewers of plot and passion. Poverty is a marked crime even in its own circle. 34 TRUTH A good man is better alone than in bad company. Those who govern by terror die by the same rule. The tears of the funeral are dried at the wedding. It is an easy matter to compromise with a corpse. There is no pathway without a puddle or pit-fall. Better wear diamonds of the soul than of the suit. The Jew is jostled by jealousy but wins by work. A stand-still nation is a rusty and dying country. Break the legs of a bad habit or it will break you. He who gives an insult must be ready to take one. The commercial Jap is as crooked as a dog's leg. It is easier to prevent a bad habit than reform it. Rushing fortune tramples on the sneaking coward. Sudden wealth and fame are dangerous partners. Wisdom, wealth and nerve control the continents. Suspicion scars the soul that secretly entertains it. Why does not the Creator kill wicked temptation? The superior nature ever rules the inferior mortal. Ingratitude is the infidelity of a natural scoundrel. Weakness, cunning and selfishness generate fraud. Abstinence is the strongest defense against disease. Fanatical religion is the nursery of human slavery. Promptness and honesty are the props of business. Gambling is the intoxicating draught of the idler. Never judge or condemn on one-sided testimony. TRUTH 35 The sunshine of friendship melts the coldest heart. Never build a fine house on another man's ground. An honest detective is the noblest work of society. "My policy" is only another name for my tyranny. The virginity of truth repels the vice of vulgarity. Party spirit should never dominate national glory. Sickness and poverty are the greatest misfortunes. Patronage sometimes wins a presidential election. The brain babies are most mischievous youngsters. Pin-head people propagate pauperism and crime. We repay great obligations with secret ingratitude. Laughter, like sunshine, permeates every situation. Bigotry and hate follow their victims to the grave. The wise should never display their flags of failure. A crown of love and joy dulls the thorns of sorrow. The bases of the base-ball game is the gate money. He who is false to himself cannot be true to others. Subjects for the gallows are born in every country. The suicide of your enemy is the greatest revenge. Mind and money are the main-masts of manhood. Gold gotten without cost is quickly spent and lost. A gift bearer is a welcome guest in any household. There is no heaven for the loafer and the criminal. Time, and not reason, is the true healer of sorrow. Bad thoughts and bad actions lead to a bad death. 36 TRUTH Jesus is just and God-like in his truthful teaching. Do not wait for another bird to feather your nest. A regiment of heroes will whip a corps of cowards. It is better to lose your cash than your character. The tongue is often the grave digger of our hopes. The first step in crime is the last step in happiness. There is no limit to nervous and sentimental fear. Make well enough better, talk, but write no letter. The greatest and the best are bothered by unrest. Decision of character is the crown-jewel of success. Peace is but the nesting and hatching time of war. Anxiety about future misfortune is present misery. Good and bad behavior are as infectious as disease. A divine and benign fanatic is a mysterious citizen. He who rebels against wrong revolves for the right. Poetic fame is the essence of earthly immortality. There are worse companions than poverty and love. When law cannot catch a criminal tyrant, lead can. War with justice is better than peace with tyranny. Productive and valuable work is your best indorser. Mixed metaphors are as common as mixed motives. Dirt, doubt and duplicity are devils of destruction. Appetite and digestion will relish the roughest meal. Moderate eating and drinking are your best doctors. Reputation is often won and lost without deserving. TRUTH 37 Daring deeds are the drastic decorations of divinity. Man may manage war, but cannot manage weather. Vice and happiness have no speaking acquaintance. Constant complaining brings sure aihng and faihng. Better defeat with honor than victory with shame. A bluffing, blustering, egotistical talker ends in ruin. Learning without wisdom is like a pie without fruit. Ridicule is the revolver that punctures politicians. Poverty and patience should be congenial brothers. Love and laughter can digest the roughest victuals. The riches of a literary genius outlive all calamities. Men, like crows, seek their various roosts at sunset. Deceit, dirt and damnation are triplets of the devil. Between the precipice and the wolf, stone the beast. The dice box of God is ever loaded with triple sixes. The American Jew is a bold, brilliant business man. One-sided courtesy and generosity do not last long. Royal famihes of long lineage are of short duration. The loftiest poet has a lightning streak of insanity. Credulity in a prince is punishment to his subjects. Tyrants and tigers should be shot out of existence. Love, confidence and cash will help us to happiness. Man is the lord of reason and philosopher of speech. Faults in the poor are only eccentricities in the rich. Trouble comes by the ton and leaves by the pound. 38 TRUTH Wealth secured by fraud is lost by pride and folly. Self-reliance is the safety valve of a sensible citizen. The applause of the mob is dangerous to the State. An ounce of performance is worth a ton of promise. Nature is the very last creditor we think of paying. Better the royalty of labor than the luxury of case. Conscience sits as judge in the soul of the universe. Greed and gold are the incentives to work and war. The lead cure is the only sure medicine for tyrants. Better be a free wood pigeon than a captive prince. He who loves his fellow man is the greatest citizen. Reasoning with a fool is a waste of words and time. Life feeds on life and death is caterer for the worm. It is easier to break a young colt than an old habit. Perseverance and pride are pile-drivers of prosperity. Egotism is often another name for matchless ability. Good luck follows continuous good words and work. The editorial preacher occupies his pulpit every day. The poorest freeman is better than the richest slave. Purity of principle is a daily promoter of prosperity. People will take your cash quicker than your advice. A tender heart is a poor attorney for a tyrant head. The longest day is short to the bright business man. The Reaper Death has a harvest of eternal summers. When sensual pleasure ceases, spiritual glory begins. TRUTH 39 Famous ancestors have produced infamous posterity. Favors granted without asking are doubly valuable. vSuspicion, envy and greed are sleepless companions. Education has never civilized envy, greed and hate. Gold, girls and good dinners are delicious diplomats. Desperate valor often conquers the smiles of fortune. Worthless wives make woeful want in the household. The soldier wreck is an object of pathetic patriotism. Commerce and war follow the cross and the crescent. Humming or singing at your work makes labor light. Many men have a great faculty for making mistakes. Management of many affairs mangles some of them. Self -development is more sensible than self-sacrifice. There is no such a thing as disinterested friendship. Money makes the miser miserable in his dying hours. Assertion with a blow is a very convincing argument. Radical resolution for a good end is ever triumphant. Hoping, hopping and helping move the world along. Your best introductory letter is a hundred-dollar bill. The shrewdest robber leaves foot prints of his crimes. Posterity will "mark time" at my tomb and thought. We secretly dislike those who have helped us greatly. Rickety chairs and false friends will break under you. Greed, envy, hate and war have never been civilized. Bad thoughts and bad company make a bad ending. 40 TRUTH Loud talk and abuse are marks of malicious mortals. Calm virtue and bravery deprive death of its terrors. Counterfeit men and coin are soon or later detected. A charity dinner is a lesson of conscious humiliation. Strikes and riots are the skirmish lines of revolution. Mental grief kills as many people as material trouble. The richest man is he who desires and needs the least. A false word like dynamite destroys a man or a city. The viper of lust desire will poison a palace of peace. You never will be wise by another man's experience. Teachers of morality should be men who practice it. The stalled ox and tyrant do not want investigation. The grain of kindness is vastly increased by sowing. The noble soul hopes on forever, the abject despair. Great conquerors leave ruin and glory in their track. We should thank God for entertaining a just vanity. Genius is ever wrecked on the rocks of intemperance. All things begin to die the moment they are created. A bad man, like a rotten apple, destroys his fellows. The love of admiration makes many a person a hero. Love, loyalty and labor are the trinity of the nation. Love is the poetry of passion and delight of delusion. Great men, like lofty temples, fall with a great crash. Living without honor or respect is worse than no life. The dragon of doubt dives into the valley of despair. TRUTH 41 By the sword and the purse a nation is perpetuated. Change of fortune need not be a change of character. Truth and trade touch the world of labor and capital. Poverty has rocked the cradle of many a great man. Work is the lever and truth the fulcrum of triumph. Never abuse a man to another man behind his back. An ignorant, poverty person is as useless as a corpse. How would you like to be treated that way yourself? Cares and crosses are rungs in the ladder of victory. A flawless character is as rare as a flawless diamond. He who destroys a tyrant deserves a crown of glory. A hint will manage a gentleman, and a club a clown. Our best friends in age or misfortune are good books. The first stroke in crime is a fatal blow to conscience. Many a one eats bread by the sweat of another brow. The mansion is in the mind before it is in the marble. A busy man will not insist on a visitor taking a chair. Pumping from a dry well is a waste of work and time. The best diplomatic minister for monarchy is money. Every person is a conscious or unconscious hypocrite. Grieving over losses increases your amount of trouble. Intelligent work speaks much louder than your voice. Education can never make straight a crooked nature. Doubting your own ability is destruction of endeavor. Sympathy, sincerity and sobriety are steps to success. 42 TRUTH Small performance is much better than large promise. Answer a fool in his talk and a wise man in his silence. A corrupt and cunning heart makes a cowardly hand. Millionaire Senators have made miserable legislators. Deliberation and execution should be prompt friends. Criticising intimate friends is a thankless undertaking. The optimist wears a bright and imperishable flower. Corrupt wealth is ever against virtuous encroachment. Purchased political power ceases when pounds depart. Providence and patriotism are co-partners of progress. Bullets are the greatest messengers of human liberty. Necessity breaks down the strongest barriers of nature. We never rebuke anyone for flattering our weakness. Brilliant thoughts are the rough diamonds of oratory. Society respectability consists in not being found out. Many criminals to prevent detection should die today. Honest and constant work will assure a living income. Spending time and money lavishly is the act of a fool. Remorse for past folly is a waste of thought and time. He who keeps his temper keeps property and friends. Happy are healthy people who are content with little. Dirt is the debased scourings of the devil's household. Gentle words and prompt action are tools of triumph. The law-maker often becomes the worst law breaker. Time, temperance and work turn the trick of success. TRUTH 43 Promotion through merit is best for giver and receiver. Slavery of mind and body are the worst earthly evils. The business man is the best man in any community. Public opinion is the most potent power in the world. Finding and silently keeping a lost purse is stealing it. Individual man is but a symptom of the human race. The sneak, coward and tyrant hate to hear the truth. The great man has a clean brain, heart and daily hfe. Belief and trust in something is the way to get things. A man with a hobby is at least interesting to himself. A clean conscience in a clean body makes a clean life. No man who is a true man can be another man's man. A half-witted friend is more of a nuisance than a fool. The lawyer behind the legal lie is the villain of the age. He who will not defend his liberty will soon be a slave. The secret, lonely liquor drinker is his own undertaker. He who will not take counsel will take condemnation. Every Caesar, at his pinnacle of glory, had his Brutus. Grieving in public is the worst kind of social hypocrisy. Believe a tricky politician and a harlet the same day. Word friendship cannot compare with cash friendship. Financial affairs should be concluded before disclosed. Historical research is the entering wedge of knowledge. The political straddler is a prospective political failure. Conscience is the culminating crown of contentment. 44 TRUTH Courage and chastity are invincible elements of victory. Soul imprisonment is far worse than stone confinement. Courage and fortitude will conquer in every misfortune. Kissing and political appointment go by personal favor. Honest poverty is terribly tested by golden temptation. Injustice and depravity are sanctioned by cruel custom. Irrepressible hope is the original vidette of immortality. Passionate temper detracts from the strength of ability. Conquering man is conquered by the conquering worm. Fortune found by fraud vanishes like the morning mist. The wisest men occasionally do the most foolish things. Dollars and decency are the best letters of introduction. A thoughtless and careless person is a dangerous friend. Justice and financial interest are not on speaking terms. Constant political agitation is the salvation of a nation. Rushing, radical men become quickly great or a corpse. The snow can never successfully compete with the sun. Crops need good seed, good farmers and good weather. When diplomats speak the truth they are not believed. There is less hypocrisy in a tavern than in a tabernacle. Idleness and sleep are the heaviest taxes we pay in life. Vain little man is often the victim of his own verbosity. The envious and idle are toll-gate keepers for the devil. A brave, jolly and contented old man is a cheering sight. Home without heart is like a cold hearth without a fire. TRUTH 45 A faithful dog is better and greater than a false friend. The cyclone is the soaring song and soul of the Infinite. The gall of bitter words spoils the honey of just actions. Cheating in the price and the goods is a double swindle. Positive and absolute men are most prone to mistakes. The tyrant few steal power from the thoughtless many. Put your trust in principle and not palpitating people. Soul liberty is the polar star of independent humanity. One-sided harmony and compromise will end in failure. Individual virtue is the great prop of public prosperity. A drafted soldier is a doubtful and dangerous support. Charity of soul and heart are ministering angels of love. He who flatters you without reason is not your friend. The honest poor are far happier than the criminal rich. The eunuchs of morality are so from age and necessity. Those who war against fate have failure for their folly. A blot on white paper and character is suddenly seen. The dearest friend may play the guest once too often. Truth is the toughest element in the world of morality. There is no calamity that a brave man cannot endure. The person is great who can sacrifice pleasure to duty. Club life is a confession of personal vanity or weakness. Here and now is the place for pleasure and prosperity. A happy heart and a full purse are genial companions. Swearing is a sign of vulgarity and poverty of thought. 46 TRUTH Talk and act pleasant and people will pay you in kind. Time moves slow to the idle and fast to the industrious. The poor and the weak are ever the victims of injustice. We must sacrifice our dignity for the prize of victory. Some men like the jackass may be known by their bray. Does anybody believe that a real virgin ever bore a son ? The greatest fool is the man who thinks he knows it all. The man of the hour will soon be the man of oblivion. An ass richly loaded with purple and gold is still an ass. Hope is the honey of life and doubt the gall of suspicion. Dealing with a man of words is like fondling a pet bear. The tongue of the wise is a sword of defense and power. It is the value and not the volume of things that counts. It is not the verdict, but crime, that makes the convict. Government by commission may lead to dark perdition. Conservative consideration is the court of jealous justice. Many people enjoy pleasure with a funeral countenance. No monument of clime or time has ever glorified a crime. He lived a life of ninety years and never generated tears. When the fox becomes a monk the chickens go to sleep. Brain and bullion can enact and annul any human law. Write your vengeance in water and your love in granite. The bumping bucket is ever battered by the stony well. The most infinitesimal particle of air is equal to all of it. The best way to treat a sardonic sneer is not to notice it. TRUTH 47 Being right in the day of battle is worth a thousand men. Too much law is worse than no law, for self-preservation. The bowels and brain are confidential business partners. Assassination kills the tyrant, but prolongs the tyranny. Truth, memory and eloquence make the greatest preachers. Prosperity tests your enemies and adversity your friends. Unequal and tyrannical laws create famine and revolution. Subjective soul sentiment is superior to objective influence. Pretense, policy and peculation prevail among many men. Poverty and cowardice are the worst enemies of mankind. Fortune without contentment is like labor without love. Passion and success are the flatterers of wealthy iniquity. The willing, cheerful, sober man will ever find employment. The greatest and most cowardly mob crimes go unpunished. Soul-lit, lofty aspiration makes a grand, enduring nation. Religious fanatics are the worst enemies of personal liberty. Statute law cannot eradicate the original crimes of nature. . Silent men like plump oysters have luscious internal value. Intellect, labor and generosity are co-partners of progress. Human nature is more powerful than the supreme court. The man with strong brain will command golden bullion. The persistent, honest bigot is only dangerous to himself. The true statesman never barters his conscience for oihce. A fool may not be a criminal, but a criminal is ever a fool. If the cap of thought does not fit, it is foolish to wear it. 48 TRUTH It is doing God's work to kill any kind of a tiger or tyrant. Only in life for a little day and then a lump of coffined clay. Irrepressible hope and a brave heart are never conquered. The hungry stomach without ears cannot listen to reason. A dollar is the devoted, delighted dispenser of hospitality. Habit is the heaviest harness worn by fashionable fools. Never accept a gift that will humble your independence. The most eloquent preacher is often the greatest pharisee. Truth is battered every hour but maintains eternal power. Curses and prayers from the same mouth are unavailing. The cloak of hypocrisy covers the undershirt of ingratitude. The banker, broker and butcher are boomers of business. Poverty and prosperity reveal our true friends and enemies. A crooked mind and body cannot perform straight deeds. When the soul or breath leaves the body it dies instanter. It requires a great character to fight and conquer a sneer. High birth and low training is bad form for a gentleman. Those who are ready and willing to die conquer the grave. The simplicity of truth is the surest sign of its immortality. Pay cash for what you need and don't plant rotten seed. The defeated Party is entitled to the "growl," all they get. Sunshine you will ever find follows storms of air and mind. The prize of the criminal is soon lost in secret speculation. Those who are rail-roaded by Death have no return ticket. Better meet a danger instanter than fear it in the future. TRUTH 49 Devotion for any subject is a sure road to victorious results. The poetry of prose is stronger than the prose of poetry. My truth and soul nerve have ever been my best supporters. The brass kettle is an enemy to the beautiful earthen pot. Great brain and heart must combine to make a great poet. The brains in a book are more valuable than any binding. A light heart makes a merry dancer even in rough clogs. Prudence and principle are the main props of prosperity. Those who think justly and endure bravely are happiest. Pretense without principle is a morning-glory of ambition. Lightning, thunder and rain shiver the earth with pain. Principle sacrifices to policy every day in every business. Bankruptcy in soul is worse than bankruptcy in shillings. Bravery and truth, like old brandy, need no rectification. A selfish and desperate leader is destined to destruction. Those who are praised to-day may be censured to-morrow. Punishment pursues crime as closely as night follows day. Desperate mind and rapid force find fortune in adversity. A demagogue is a duplicate deceiver of dastard destruction. A secret without value may be uttered with indifference. Life is serious and seeming; keen hypocrisy of dreaming. Impulsive generosity is often the cause of our misfortune. We learn many valuable lessons from a sneaking enemy. Bankers, brokers and boomers are the pioneers of business. Those who lie, rob and murder are wretched everywhere. 50 TRUTH Contention with ignorance is a waste of words and wisdom. Hesitation and equivocation are the sneaking sisters of a He. Those who have the fewest wants have the most happiness. The poHtical demagogue, Hke the poor, is always with us. KindHng the fire of hate garners the ashes of destruction. The most beautiful bouquet is a symphony of loving deeds. "Blood will tell" when poured on the altar of patriotism. A cynical smile and sneer are weapons of invincible power. Cold and humiliating is the dinner set by public charity. The master is often the unconscious slave of his servant. Labor is the master of food, clothes, shelter and pleasure. Daily business is the real boss of every brilliant success. My soul is the Delphian Oracle of my literary expression. The tyranny of Capital is the breeder of "Night Riders"! The scars of divorce leave a trail of shimmering shame. Men and nations are best cultivated when they are free. Lovers once but strangers now, false to every votive vow. Heroes are wanted badly in war, but neglected in peace. Every heart-beat sounds the funeral knell of our existence. Wisdom words work their way through a world of difficulty. Pounds and politeness pry" open the doors of any domicile. War with honor is far better than peace with humiliation. Making your work your pleasure is instant joy and treasure. Converting an enemy into a friend is an impossible feat. Birth, life and death are the triple milestones to eternity. TRUTH 51 Early rising, study and planting beat the late and lazy. The family fireside is the best altar of human happiness. The music of the forest choir surpasses every human lyre. Great temptation is the real test of honesty and character. Anger lets down the bars of safety and invites invaders. Lofty and exalted spirits are the airy eagles of mankind. When the people cease to think and vote, tyranny prevails. Purity of character is the most glorious gift of happiness. A country of law without conscience is devoted to death. The ignorant tyrant is far more cruel than the intelligent. The brain, tongue and hand are the triumvirs of victory. Bullets are more triumphant in war than reason and virtue. The willing horse is ridden to death by thankless ingrates. Reason and electricity are gradually destroying monarchy. Pushing persistency prevails in every good undertaking. Public opinion controls empires, kingdoms and republics. Suspicious and petulant parents make treacherous children. Financial interest breaks the strongest human friendship. Cunning, pretense and hypocrisy are suicidal implements. The cunning customer crumbles into commercial failure. Acquired cultivation is never superior to natural ability. The tyranny of monarchy hatched the American Republic. Bravery should meet calamity with calmness and serenity. Those who become suddenly rich become suddenly poor. Money moves the manhood and mechanism of mankind. 52 TRUTH Riches will disclose your flatterers, poverty your friends. Constant application to one subject will generate success. Round numbers when standing alone amount to nothing. Every man who does well deserves periodical promotion. Daily work and economy are guarantees against poverty. Every day is the best day if we think and act that way. He spent the last day of his life at his desk doing good ! A scar on the body is healed quicker than one on the mind. A calf that associates with a pig will soon learn to eat dirt. A corn field may not have eyes, but it has good long ears. A brave man will quickly agree with another brave man. The wise man meditates on the consequence of every act. He who knows himself best is modest, polite and generous. vSuspicion and envy are tributes that vice pays to virtue. The Dictionary is better and more accurate than any bible. The sweetest songs are surcharged with a strain of sadness. The hypocrite of humility is the secret bully of audacity. A hungry appetite gives rare relish to the roughest meal. The Salvation Army are trying to save the drunken army. Words of wisdom wing their winning way down the ages. The party that constantly attacks in politics or war wins. Anger blinds a man to his interest and generates enemies. Laughter and hope are the most genial companions of life. A virtuous minority is far superior to a vicious majority. Ignorance, hate and poverty will ruin any home or state. TRUTH 53 Noble ancestry can never gild the crimes of their posterity. Maxims are milestones of reason on the road to rectitude. Many persons starve for love and food in stately mansions. Money is the great lever and fulcrum of political success. Great excellence is envied in life and monumented in death. Religion is the greatest consolation to the soul of sorrow. Those who work well to-day have no fear for to-morrow. He who is ever prepared for disappointment never feels it. He who equips himself as a walking arsenal invites attack. The dust of the prince and the pauper are indistinguishable. The art of successful war is the highest modern civilization. The automobile continues to be the executioner of the rich. The "yes" and "no" man is generally successful in business. Sentiment is the soul of success and the pivot of patriotism. The chariot wheels of time rive ruts in the bravest faces. The smallest grain of gold dust holds the soul of sublimity. A drop of poison thought will destroy a pint of pleasure. Wit and humor are the wine and bread of generous society. One man right is stronger than a multitude of men wrong. A trapped politician, like a rat, squeels and bites in vain. Riches are but golden rungs in the ladder of losing life. A gimlet mind must not attempt to make an auger hole. To achieve greatness is more glorious than to be born so. Money goes from day to day, but virtue never fades away. It is far better to pawn your watch than your conscience. 54 TRUTH The one-man power has caused the death of many nations. Miserable is the man who attends the funeral of his hopes. Certainty in a friend is the very essence of daily pleasure. Spring is getting awful tired of winter lingering in her lap. The fraud and the fool have the same symptoms of failure. We are rated by the world by our own persistent measure. Greed and envy closely allied are never right or civilized. Ridiculing the wretched is the act of a heartless coward. Party leaders who lose are the promoters of those who win. People are still clothed by flax, cotton, wool, fur and silk. Poor, indeed, is the newspaper that has no drastic opinions. When hope is the only coachman, poverty is the passenger. Money without brains is as useless as beauty without sense. Courage in adversity is the lamp that lights us to victory. The best of people have vices and the worst have virtues. Fraud and wealth are ever at war with honesty and work. Light, air and truth are the God-like elements of creation. Self-belief, self-respect and self-help are bracers of victory. We never truly forgive or forget the deep wounds of defeat. A stormy sunset is often the harbinger of a glorious sunrise. The lion devours the deer and the worm devours them both. Life is not worth living when love and truth are absent. It is a poor Congress that cannot increase its own salary. Length of days without length of virtue is length of misery. Lincoln was loftier than the men and questions of his time. TRUTH 55 There are very few men who can talk long and talk well. The best poetry of life is the potent power of devoted deeds. Day by day we lose our life, passing from all earthly strife. A good fruit tree is often more valuable than a family tree. The true and brave soldier is the first citizen of a Republic. The flower of pity blossoms in the heart of every good man. When you are offered a great bargain go to the next market. A sordid round of daily life is ever present in each strife. What is crime in the poor is only eccentricity in the rich. Those who cease to think and work will soon cease to live. If censure is true we should reform ; if false it is harmless. 'The ring of the rich resists the pleading power of the poor. Reason has ever a round-trip ticket on any train of thought. The brave man who knows how to die can never be a slave. He who permits a fault is as bad as he who commits one. Humility with a dagger up its sleeve is in a safe situation. Life is death and death is life, never ending joy and strife. Praying for fortune is not half as effective as working for it. Never a night without a day and every mortal sad or gay. The universal rolling air is all the soul that's here or there ! Do not forget that we were all boys and girls at one time. The man with the idea is greater than the man with the hoe. It is far better to believe in your abiHty than to doubt it. It is better to be lame in body than in mind and morality. A just critic is far more valuable to us than a friendly one. 56 TRUTH When worried and tired we want a sofa and a true friend. The eye of the master is an extra hand to the laborer. The laws of nature are more potent than the laws of man. The brain of a lazy person is the workshop of the devil. He who dances to every man's tune has none of his own. This earth is but a wayside inn on our journey to eternity. The best way to beat calumny is to ignore and despise it. He who has more money than wit will not have it long. The world is ever indebted to a generous man and a genius. Preaching a virtuous life is not half as good as living it. Every sunset is a dark shadow on the coffin lid of hope. Do not let the habit of taking a back seat become chronic. The pains we plant for others will fruit in our own fields. No one is finally disgraced by the word and act of another. You can lock out a thief, but cannot shut out a liar. SECTION TWO What we do not know of the har and hater will not annoy us. Suspicion and persecution are the poison weeds of coward- ice. The performance of daily duty generates continuous pleas- ure. The soul within this hut of care is nothing but the ambient air. The good that palpitates within will ever conquer sordid sin. He who has poetry in his soul has sugar in his sentimental tea. Never hypothecate gilt-edged bonds for pot-metal prom- ises. Man, the greatest of cannibals, is continually eating him- self. Every intelligent laborer should receive five dollars per day. The religious missionary is the vidette of greed, gold and war. Imported cheap labor is the dearest and worst in the long run. 57 58 TRUTH Were equal justice dealt to all no mortal could escape a fall. Somebody or something is working for or against us every day. The man of wisdom is seldom flattered by those who know him. The Ins and the Outs of this world are continually equal- ized. Race and religion and capital and labor are constantly at war. Envy, greed and ambition are the plodding pioneers of war. Happy is the blooming bride with love and riches by her side. Love, liberty and law are the lingering beams of civiliza- tion. The insane effervescence of passion is a passport to perdi- tion. Those who steal, stab their soul with a stiletto of destruc- tion. The poor find little comfort in the riches of proud neigh- bors. Public opinion is the marching vidette of continual revolu- tion. The wisest man may often learn lessons of fortune from a fool. Crime is the thistle and weevil in the wheat field of the soul. TRUTH 59 Every triumph of virtue over vice strengthens the lofty soul. Rejoice for what you have and grieve not for what you miss. A lie is helped by the truth, but truth is never helped by a lie. Moral courage is the sentinel at the headquarters of the soul. Envy, jealousy, malice and hate are hatched in the same nest. Back number poets and philosophers are front numbers now. The patriotic songs of a nation echo its glory down the ages. Trying and failing is only a new incentive to the brave man. A noble nature will defy and suppress bigotry and fanati- cism. The truly wise and shrewd. man will not seem to be too wise. All happiness from pole to pole is from the virtue of the soul. A beautiful woman and a back 'door are dangerous neigh- bors. Spare us from the obsequious, the flatterer and friendly bore. A grain of rice is more to a starving man than a grain of gold. 60 TRUTH A tyrant in the home and state should be cut off by honest fate. The good we do from day to day will brighten our celestial way. Loving, truthful, glorious man is built upon the God-like plan. Those who provide for the worst will enjoy some of the best. In God and gold we surely trust, the helpers of all human dust. The silent zero atmosphere with deadly chill brings in the year. Pain and pleasure, right and wrong are but a discordant song. Poets are responsible for the manufacture of mythical gods. Pounds, pleasure and praise are the chief desires of man- kind. Loyalty and love are the guardian angels of every house- hold. Policy and cowardice are moving main springs of man- kind. The assault of the highway automobile deserves a dose of lead! Voice and ink have been the greatest educators of man- kind. Thought, word and action should ripen into the fairest fruit TRUTH 61 A brilliant man in any state inspires the fiend of envious hate. Announcement of your failure will fly faster than your fame. When the physical appetite is a glutton, the mental is a slave. Two or twenty block heads are not better than one brain head. The wise and generous man may rest easy in doing daily good. A man of character and honor will never commit a bad deed. One criminal act destroys the good reputation of a life time. The conquered are considered wrong and the victorious right. Merchants are the matchless and moving monarchs of the state. Nothing is evil or good unless a person thinks and feels it so. What a little creature of a little hour is even the greatest man! How the little fellows chuckle at the down-fall of a great man! Be foxy with a foxy man and silent in the presence of the wise. Nations are but specks of dust on the whirling wheels of time. 62 TRUTH The flitting changes of the mind are fickle as the vagrant wind. The boasting companions of truth often stab her in the back. Truth is ever bad or good, evolved from human brother- hood. Beautiful, religious and social hypocrisy are common as grass. Continual giving and no receiving ends in final estrange- ment. The crafty cuckoo is the "mutual friend" of the feathered tribe. Insidious social bribery is as common and universal as grass. Regret and remorse are wretched guests at the breakfast table. Envy and avarice are deformed sisters of scandal and greed. The poison of pelf and hypocrisy destroys the human heart. We commit mistakes with more rapidity than we correct them. Boast not of your wealth to-day; to-morrow it is swept away. Money is the most magnificent minister marching on the globe. Fire is no respecter of persons or things, consuming all alike. TRUTH 63 In contemplating good we find the greatest pleasure of the mind. Concealed robbery and murder are the twin jailers of the mind. The modest wise are the most triumphant in their silent work. Many people in trying to do too much accomplish very little. Facility and perfection come by constant thought and labor. It is ever right to kill a cruel tyrant in any way, time or place. A neighbor who carries scandal to you will take a load away. Every moment, hour and day we change and quickly pass away. Brothers of bullion are far more friendly than brothers of blood. Capital is the very first essential to the employment of labor. Money won by marriage melts away like the dew of the dawn. Failure to the brave man is only an incentive to greater effort. The earth is frozen, even in summer, to the lazy human swine. Personal and public events in the long run must turn out justly. 64 TRUTH Secret cares and crimes are the twin jailers of the tortured mind. Crime may prosper for a time, but Fate detects its poison sUme. My liberty to act and think cannot be curbed by what I drink. Work and sport are side by side, like a faithful groom and bride. Jealousy is a plant of slow growth in a brave and noble mind. To live for one's country is more cheering than to die for it. Angels of the mind are the beautiful thoughts we feel and utter. Official friendship lives and dies with the tenure of the office. Life at best is only an intricate jumble of impulsive inci- dents. The hair trigger of thought fires faster than that of a pistol. The good and true man can ever laugh at censure and abuse. Children may be bent like weeds and trained to do honest deeds. The greater the liar, robber and killer, the greater the crime. The sense of duty, like our shadow, clings to us to the grave. TRUTH 65 All administrations have as many friends as there are offices. The poet is the promoter of principle and puncher of policy. No one is independent who is forced to work for daily wages. Fill your enemy with envy and contemplate his punish- ment. Eloquent thoughts and words are winged for immortal flight. Be strong in soul, in body, in truth and in gold, and fear no ill. To be found out is the crime, and- poverty is the jealous jailer. Occultism is the imagination of knowledge you do not know. When mind and body disagree there is no earthly har- mony. When the automobiles run over embankments the people laugh. Intemperance is the father and mother of disease and crime. The soul power of the human race fills all the universe of space. The joyous man on land or foam is he who claims a happy home. The chicken soon becomes the inside companion of the hawk. 66 TRUTH Sacerdotal wind instruments are the non -producers of the world. There is a rock and a hole in the political road for rough riders. Doing one thing well is better than doing many things badly. How many secret scoundrels are garbed in purple and fine linen ! The United States is the largest Trust Company in the world. There are more butchers of language than butchers of lambs. We soon agree to wear a collar if it is buttoned with a dollar. Eloquent words without deeds are like withered wayside weeds. The cleanliness of mind is displayed in the outward gar- ments. The very poor must be happy, as they expect nothing worse. In the long run the fraud and thief get the hot end of the poker. Reformation without equity is like a household without virtue. Wishes and work are not on speaking terms with some people. Taft is the brilliant exemplification of truth, love and justice. TRUTH 67 Tyranny and cruel laws generate poverty, famine and death. Burning soul and conscience is worse than burning your house. Supreme egotism is the first step to tyranny and leads to death. The dreamer is the earliest pioneer of progress and pros- perity. The secret injury we inflict on another rebounds on our- selves. A philosopher in a cabin is mightier than a monarch in a castle. God and Nature are just the same, a grand ideal and a name. When mind and body try to outdo nature, failure is the result. The best Keely cure for intemperance of any kind is will power. The unwilling hand and heart hews on the log house of failure. An illiterate man is often wise while an educated man is foolish. Character is what we are, reputation is what they say we are. He who is filled with spleen and greed is very miserable indeed. Though washed and painted every day, the crow is still a crow. 68 TRUTH He spurns the bribe with his Hps and takes it with his hands. He who is above contempt is not below the notice of virtue. When bad people speak good of us, there is doubt of our virtue. There can be no lasting agreement between right and wrong. The oldest and dullest breast may wear the brightest jewels. Death quickly transmits our riches and reputation to others. Our enemies are often our best friends by telling us of our faults. The great commander never blames another for battle defeat. No living animal can hide from the hounding hunter Death. The wicked are constantly punished by soul-prods of re- morse. A man who cannot manage himself cannot command others. Cords of silk and fetters of gold are galling to the proud person. Temper the tongue, lash lust, bridle the belly and be happy. He who will not master himself must be mastered by others. TRUTH 69 Creeds and crowns are surely crumbling before the rule of reason. A crazy mind is the culminating conflict of nature with reason. Eloquent and short discourse is ever valued in social circles. Push and persistence puts the people on the plain of pros- perity. The trusts and the courts keep the Republican party in power. He who conquers a bad habit is a victorious general of virtue. The tyrant mind for power or cash is destined to eternal smash. The apple butter of truth is better than the vinegar of virtue. The cat, fox, wolf, tiger, lion and snake murder for their meals. The devotion of a dog puts to shame the false devotion of a man. Cash customers find no trouble in purchasing religious favors. When we cease to think good and do good we should cease to live. Friendship purchased by pounds is sold for tlie same reason. Cowards die every moment, fearing an enemy with every breath. 70 TRUTH Say and do what you mean and give the other talker a chance. Critics and cormorants feed on the fallen and fly from the strong. How often we rouse the hare for the shot of the other hunter. He who does not flatter or borrow is an independent citizen. A brave and honorable soldier has never been a voluntary robber. The preacher and politician perambulate for pence and pounds. The older brother often carried the younger brother in his pocket. A ten-dollar bill to the afflicted is better than a ton of advice. 'Tis better to die on land or wave than live a moment as a slave. Every effort for the good and true will make a hero out of you. The man with a boil of grievance is a bore to his best friends. He who attempts to disfranchise his neighbors is a selfish tyrant. A wild, runaway horse is as bad as a madman without reason. The anarchy of law is more disastrous than the anarchy of liberty. TRUTH 71 The brain and the belly are the leaders of happiness or misery. The lofty man and oak are ever exposed to the worst storms. The philosopher who can bridle his thought will not need a spur. The mind of the man is shown in the mansion and the manor. Be gentle with inferiors and you show your superior nature. Continuing in an unprofitable business will work final failure. Indifference and carelessness are the advance fools of failure. Lean meat makes thin broth, as cunning words make false friends. A sound spirit and stomach are our greatest earthly friends. Wisdom, wit and work will waft you on the wings of victory. Good counsel and example are stairs to the upper story of success. The son or daughter who hate their parents will be hated in time. It is as hard to make a friend of envy as to twist a rope of sand. The air and sun are the soul of the smallest bud or blade of grass. 72 TRUTH Slander dare not enter the door of a good and honest person . Truth is truth in hfe or death, supreme unto our latest breath. The heretic philosopher is ever the superior of the orthodox tyrant. The sunshine of love is ever more powerful than the snows of hate. A year of glorious manhood is worth a century of decrepit old age. A tight cask and silent man hold wine and confidence the longest. Clothes make the outward man, but conscience makes the inward. Connnon sense is the green grass of longevity and lingering wealth. Gold is the father and mother of innumerable crimes and virtues. Vultures are ever ready to pounce on the carcass of mis- fortune. Fortitude and faith in the shadow of defeat is partial victory. Abridging the right to vote is shackling the limbs of liberty. The censure phrase of a philosopher stabs deeper than a dagger. The bankruptcy of mind is worse than the bankruptcy of money. TRUTH 73 Wit and humor are the electric candles of banquets and beauty. Quick wit and good nature outrun wisdom in parlor society. The battleships of a nation are the vidcttes of its per- petuity. Coin thoughts from the mint of mind circulate and wear forever. Wisdom and wealth are great, but charity and mercy are greater. The lazy man has great admiration for the industrious worker. He who cannot resist generosity or severity is a slave of passion. The pohtical press bureau has killed many a politician it favored. The promises of tyrants are dead sea fruit on the branches of hope. The spirit and sense of justice are greater than any worldly fortune. When you have no character or collateral the banks have no cash. Short and decisive talk to a business man will win his respect. A man, like a ship, sinks when he carries more sail than ballast. When the §word is greater than the law tyranny and blood prevail, 74 TRUTH Trying to say and do better things will meet with final success. Eminence is the "bull's eye" for the shafts of envy and censure. Those who will not face danger at once do not deserve victory. Those who accept charity wield a link in the chain of slavery. Impulse, egotism and cruelty are the triple traits of tyrants. Your cash purchase, though dear, is much cheaper than a present. Bullion without brain is soon conquered by brain without bullion. Personal jealousy and hypocrisy appear in high official station. Greed, ambition and corruption destroy individuals and nations. Intemperance, poverty and necessity have made many thieves. Impatience and self-sufficiency are stumbling blocks to success. The sunbeam of truth is never tarnished by the dark dust of a lie. An ignoramus in youth will be a dotard and pauper in old age. Good luck and mild temper are largely of our own pro- duction. TRUTH 75 The roses of June have departed and nature is half broken hearted. A vacillating, trimming, uncertain man seldom makes a success. The man behind the law is greater than the man behind the gun. Drink and food have great influence on our health and conduct. Immediate and desperate danger is the best test of true courage. The splendid ceilings of the great do not remove the cares of state. Every one is as selfish as sunshine absorbing everything in reach. The politician who is constantly declining an office secretly wants it. Man is a mass of microbes meandering to mysterious oblivion. When your money and pluck have departed your friends are few. The policeman on the beat of conscience often sleeps on his post. Many people give a sausage of hypocrisy to secure a ham of truth. He who can endure every vicissitude robs misfortune of its sting. Custom is the tyrant of the ignorant and the deceiver of the wise. 76 TRUTH Common sense and education are unconquerable compan- ions. Grace, gentility and generosity germinate gentlemen and ladies. A good, intelligent private citizen makes the best public officer. Death, in some mysterious shape, allows no mortal to escape. When the people are not trusted plutocracy and tyranny prevail. Covetousness and greed are cancers of continuous con- tention. Radical earnestness is the Adjutant General of labor and victory. Right and wrong are ever warring, and the soul and body scarring. The weak and cunning resort to fraud to accomplish their purpose. The anarchy of liberty is better than the anarchy of tyranny. The world may bury my body, but cannot bury my wisdom thought. The friendship of some notorious characters is fatal to the receiver. The castles we build in the air are greater than rocks rich and rare. Conscript soldiers secretly kill the cause they are forced to fight for. TRUTH 77 A stab with the tongue is often more fatal than that of a stiletto. The last lick and bullet in a fight are the elements of sure victory. Mental and physical bravery are your best friends in trouble. The advocates of reform often deform what they would correct. Individuals and nations often flatter only to betray and destroy. Mendicant Monks who constantly beg are no use to God or man. The robber-trust barons must be shot out of their tyrant saddles. The heritage of good brain, body and name is the best fortune. Wealth, egotism and old age are open to the wiles of flattery. A vast man is created every thousand years to build and destroy. From the ruins of antiquity we learn how to build modern temples. There are more people intoxicated with whiskey than thought. When political gifts are exhausted political friendship departs. Eating little and talking less will keep you from all sad distress. 78 TRUTH Truth needs not for its preservation the salt or sugar of flattery. The devious demagogue is the deceitful destroyer of his country. A pioneer of principle is persecuted in life and monumented in death. Delicacy, decency and virtue are delicious dishes of con- solation. The circumambient universe is all wisdom, intellect and eternity. Pretending to be what you are not will soon reveal what you are. The bigot shall not crush my will, so long as I can fight and kill. Silent and sincere gratitude is ever the best evidence of a friend. The silent frost with mystic hand shackles the rivers and the land. My words my monument shall be when death displays eternity. He who intelligently trusts God and himself makes no mistake. Successful age brushes out of sight spleen, suspicion and remorse. Discretion is bravery and desperation is the brother of insanity. The poets of all climes and sods have manufactured all the gods. TRUTH 79 The memory of bad deeds of the past is a secret curse to the soul. Courts are dark pits for the poor and shining peaks for the rich. The Czar of Russia is the royal cancer in the body of nations. To ignore or strike first a bad enemy is the best step to victory. Those who quarrel with their bread and butter will go hungry. Duplicity and diplomacy are pleasant vices in imitation of truth. Placing persons in your unpayable debt makes them enemies. Passion continually propagates and destroys its own children. Prophets of evil are boomeranged by their polluting pre- dictions. Government ownership of railroads will end in political tyranny. Greatness depends upon excellence of knowledge and conduct. Soul faith and constant work will surmount every earthly obstacle. There is no truth or happiness in the bottom of a morning cocktail. Many men do wrong by design who never do right by even mistake. 80 TRUTH The brave, moral, courageous man is built upon the God- like plan. Though a man be wise, his poverty will only yield him dishonor. The common, personal and political scold is a common nuisance. Predicting victory for a friend or cause is a good way to assure it. Curiosity has often destroyed the earthly peace of husband and wife. The good man ever merits praise as truth and love fill all his days. The brave little flea may eat a meal from the leg of a lion or giant. The greatest traveler has never circled the boundary of the soul. God is directly responsible for all the good and evil in the universe ! The true philosopher has not a particle of policy in his principle. We see the body soon decay, but what of mind that leaves this clay.'' It is a mean Congress that does not increase the salaries of clerks. A pointed paragraph of principle is preferable to a page of policy. When the pot and the kettle quarrel, the "black hand" is visible. TRUTH 81 Sweet hope is ever on the wing and Hfts the peasant to be king. A good and true friend will defend your name in absent moments. Associating with a liar and a coward will bring you to perdition. We may meet death with courage, but cannot ignore or despise it. Great and strong is the character in league with grim necessity. Wisdom, like the ground worm or coral insect, moves anything. We are never alone when in the company of virtuous thoughts. In all animated nature man is the royal robber and murderer. Robbing according to law is the scheme of modern busi- ness men. The guest who neglects to tip the waiter will find himself neglected. In convincing a man or splitting a log do not run against the grain. The union or disunion of labor and capital brings success or failure. Greed, ambition or religion have caused all the wars of the world. Your asseveration and talk will not help to get you em- ployment. 82 TRUTH Every public administration has its patriots, pets and puppets. Poets and philosophers are the pioneers and patriots of progress. Cracked crocks and characters can never be perfectly mended. Speak and act your soul sentiment if the devil stands at the door. Live as we may by cash or trust, whether good or bad, die we must. He who is able to defy fashion is the king of his own opinions. Greatness of character is ever allied to humility of heart and soul. Dexterity and perfection are the result of practical ex- perience. The sanctuary of soul prayer is the audience chamber of Jehovah. Genius and hard work are constant and inseparable partners. A bad mind, word and deed are the cutting cancers of the soul. The ghost of some dear dead friend inspires the secrets of the soul. The law's delay is the most potent to prevent punishment of crime. Character is the granite corner stone of every great human building. TRUTH 83 Railroad traveling acquaintances may ripen into friendship or fraud. A secret word against a friend often breaks the love of a life time. Population and credit thrive on the ratio of their intrinsic morality. The thought incubator produces many dolly-varden chickens. A flirt is her own flatterer, and by trying to allure misses to secure. Indigestion of victuals and ideals produce painful con- stipation. He who is a glutton for praise will be a gudgeon for secret laughter. Men and nations win by love and virtue, and lose by hate and vice. The soul of the individual is a part of the soul of the universe. The "scape goat" in this world may be the great goat in the next. He who coins a new and lofty thought is a benefactor of his race. The greatest man in field or wood is he who does the great- est good. The sunshine of generosity melts the snow fields of guilty iniquity. There is ever a bullet and bomb in the ore for the body of a tyrant. 84 TRUTH No tyrant can reign long where liberty is armed with light and lead. Be careful in treading on the sore toe or thought of your neighbor. The wise, the strong and the brave rule o'er the land and the wave. The Fourth of July is the annual milestone of the American Republic. The life of one man has changed the destiny of millions of people. Like restless children at their play we fret or laugh our little day. Trouble will not worry you long if you face and fight it instanter. Scars on the soul are more deep and deadly than those on the body. Secret chicanery and cunning crime culminate in future exposure. Some men are born to rule with love and justice or hate and ruin. A hungry fish or man bite at any bait and are caught by curiosity. A great man can rise above himself and forgive and forget an injury. He who denies committing a bad deed adds falsehood to his crime. Gentlemen and ladies are mild and polite to the weak and poor. TRUTH 85 The air battleships will make all the ocean war vessels obsolete. Speech is a two-edged sword, often cutting the man who wields it. The ulcers of the mind are more incurable than those of the body. The slavery of creeds are but the fanatical habits of centuries. Constant political praise is a dangerous symptom of de- struction. The editorial "We" is ever egotistical, impudent and arrogant. Tyrants are the poison products of poverty, ignorance and fear. Many a genius banquets on the atmosphere of empty applause. The generous heart and soul are the richest earthly blessings. We alternately hate and love those who have injured or served us. Mankind today is just the same in all his greed for wealth and fame. The mistakes and misfortunes of another will never correct your own. Cheating the cheater is a satisfaction even to an honest character. Discernment, prudence and energy build the greatest structures. 86 TRUTH Courtesy is the perfumed bouquet of consideration and gentility. Altruistic tariff legislation for colonial dependencies is all they get. A man can make a fool of himself without the least pro- vocation. Constant reiteration of a brilliant lie will make it look like the truth. Public opinion and the wind are variable sisters of un- certainty. In all animated nature man is the monumental robber and murderer. Every one should carry a night key to the door of devotion and duty. A man may be first among his equals but last among his superiors. The melancholy man is happy in attending the funeral of his hopes. A glorious, patriotic lie serves about the same purpose as the truth. In sifting the cinders of the past we get more clinkers than coal. The traitor and the tyrant are tarantellas and tigers of humanity. The British government is the most refined tyranny on the globe. The aroma of truth ever rises over the canker worm of falsehood TRUTH 87 Future danger may be avoided by present provisions against it. Laughter, love and liberty are the lingering lights of humanity. The dynamite of ideals blasts the strongest quarry of ignorance. You will make few mistakes when your teeth and pocket are closed. Old Mother Earth is the salt, sugar and bread-bowl for humanity. Nature has no profit and loss account; everything goes and stays. Virtue and vice constantly mingle in the melting pot of humanity. Labor and Capital are the Siamese twins of progress and prosperity. A night of direst defeat is often followed by the sunrise of victory. There is no human being that is not a slave to some thing or person. He who kills another in a fit of passion kills his own happiness. Man is but the creature of a day who struts and frets and flits away. The secret of happiness and success is constant remunera- tive work. Our destiny we can't avoid, and what is made nmst be destroyed. 88 TRUTH The snow-ball rollers in the park are laughing school boys on a lark. Those who die for love are not brave enough to live and toil for it. Thought is the seed of action and wise action is the fruit of victory. Systematic advertising is the secret of many a successful politician. A quick, impulsive, snappy man is at heart a generous character. It is foolish to be troubled in spirit, words or body about future ills. You can conceal a thousand dollars, but not a hole in your coat. We remember injuries with malice and kindness with in- difference. Lofty and noble characters never indulge in the vice of vulgarity. Greed and graft and want and hate are rotten pillars of the state. The mind a heaven or hell can make a saint or devil at the stake. By generously helping others we are planting seeds for our own fruit. Many a man has become accidentally great and little by false report. The sale of words and watermelons have their good and bad seasons. TRUTH 89 Those who are prepared for disappointment will not be aggrieved. The edged tool of thought cuts the ideal in the seal of character. The sneaking, suspicious and restless man is a daily hell to himself. Time plays on the harp strings of the heart with celestial vibrations. Monopoly of land, trade and gold are the dire destroyers of nations. The optimist and pessimist change places with the change of fortune. England and Ireland maintain the friendship of the wolf and lamb. Silent contempt is more deadly to a fraud than open vengeance. Great is the man who knows how to grow old without grumbling. Wheat without chaff and character without blemish is never seen. Youth, health, wealth and ability are a quartette of conquerors. Suspicion, prejudice and hate are cunning and cruel counsellors. Genius forces recognition even from the deepest pits of poverty. Audacity and desperation often win where reason and caution fail. 90 TRUTH Self-reliance and self-sacrifice are self-helping agents of happiness. Virtue shines in immortal green while vice and faults are daily seen. Gay life and death walk side by side as faithful as a groom and bride. Those who trust in good work and gold will have God on their side. Dishonesty is the most expensive element in human character. No one can be true to the negative and positive at the same time. Blessed is the man who can go to his daily work as a recreation. Curiosity between husband and wife makes future life miserable. The despotism of freedom is often worse than the tyranny of slavery. Individual selfishness is the real basis of progress and prosperity. The intense and radical individual for truth is long re- membered. Conscience, courage and concentrated action culminate in victory. Daily business discontent is an incentive to progress and prosperity. It is better to wear a thread-bare coat than a thread-bare conscience. TRUTH 91 The paradise of blooming youth is lost in the fading glory of old age. Why does not God create a new human being without ancestors? Only the wise minority of mankind can appreciate lofty literature. Brains, beauty, bullion and brevity are matchless cards of success. The man succeeds from floor to shelf who believes intensely in himself. Brain, blood and impulse are the erratic products of humanity. Envy, jealousy, malice and hate are continuous hounds of hunger. Wishing and weeping are poor pleaders for work and prosperity. Never hear the working whistle of the factory outside the front door. Incessantly predicting prosperity is a great means for its realization. Old creeds are crumbling to decay and like the mist must melt away. It is easier for some people to lie than to blow dust off a dictionary. Dear friends we love from day to day are skipping to the silent clay. Religious and political tyranny have destroyed the liberty of Ireland. 92 TRUTH There can be no real virtue or happiness without a clear conscience. When pubHc measures mingle into men, men melt into monarchy. Wanting, working and saving are three grand milestones to fortune. The industrious and intelligent man is seldom out of a paying job. The greatest love and fairest beauty are found in doing daily duty. The lesson of defeat is the dearest and best in the school of wisdom. Pork, potatoes, pie and platitudes make a good meal foi politicians. Hope is the hallucination of having a thing not in your possession. To steal your gold is mean, but to steal your thought is monstrous. Sentiment is the cimeter that cuts the gordian knot of difficulties. We still inhale with every breath the flying germs of pain and death. Constant advertising is the pushing plough of political prosperity. Happiness is daily found in love, work, faith, generosity and honor. The least said about any of your failures is best for future prosperity. TRUTH 93 Adversity is the cold iron stairway to the lofty peaks of prosperity. Nature is the greatest continuous tyrant and conquers all opposition. Pork and potatoes for the poor are better than pungent platitudes. Death lurks in every living thing from beastly blood to royal king. Sharp words cut deeper and last longer than the wounds of a sword. The air we breathe from pole to pole is nothing but the living soul. Squalor, poverty, crime and ignorance are a quartette of corruption. Bandits for liberty are braver and better than tyrants for slavery. He who is honestly indebted to another is a secret slave of remorse. The Irishman leaps, the Englishman reaps and the Scotch- man keeps. Proverbs are the punctuation points of passionate philosophy. Work is the only thing that keeps the world from deadly stagnation. Fiddlers and fifers of fortune are ever acquainted with misfortune. A true patriot uses all power for his country and a poltroon for himself. 94 TRUTH It is easy to keep the castle of virtue that was never assaulted. The tyrant stride of wealth and power may kill a nation any hour. Man has not yet learned the alphabet in the deep volume of nature. No mortal on the land or wave can answer what's beyond the grave. Slavery in any form is the rotten apple in the barrel of humanity. A brilliant thought beneath the sky shall never wither, fade or die. Secretly sighing for "what might have been" is a foolish occupation. The God-given glory within us is our greatest support in misfortune. Diffidence and prudence are poor promoters of patriotism and power. Longing for what you cannot get is waste of thought and foolish fret. Action and good result are ever rewarded by business proprietors. Passionate people and hot stoves are to be avoided most of the year. We cannot catch turkeys or trout without hunting forest and stream. The wise man makes opportunity and takes advantage of his work. TRUTH 95 Those who profit by crime are as guilty as those who commit it. Those who assert that man was ever a God have never proved it ! The man with riches, power and friends is the man who gets more. A great and good man never violates the laws of nature or society. He who cheats and fools himself is the victim of an ig- norant ass. When mind and body pull apart there is no pleasure in the heart. A deliberate criminal act can never be erased from the conscience. The emblems of present poverty are the remains of past prospertiy. Communism is the bastard child of anarchy and ends in barbarism. The fawning subordinate of a tyrant is more cruel than his master. Care is drowned in the wine cup, but leaves dark dregs of remorse. My songs and sayings when I'm gone shall echo sweetly one by one. Genius is ever envied by those who cannot follow its lofty flight. Every hour and day presents a new opportunity to a brave man. 96 TRUTH It is better to ask for something you want than want for something. Continuance of thought and labor will generate peace and prosperity. Nerve and impudence often outmatch modesty and knowledge. Idleness and intemperance to-day bring want and misery to-morrow. No material criticism curbs the true poet, philosopher or statesman. The public at last are nearly always right in their final judgment. The tricky, plotting politician is never bothered with contrition. If all women are flirts and all men are liars, what is love and truth? Direct action and talk are the true elements of a brave gentleman. Wealth and health will soon decay and earthly pleasures pass away. Greed for gold and land and power destroys the world every hour. In work we find the sweetest rest, as truth and love give us the best. It is as hard for some people to keep a secret as a sieve to hold water. Bravery and independence are the characteristics of a noble man. TRUTH 97 Bigotry, poverty and whiskey continually slaughter the human race. Jughandle justice has been dealt to the Indian by the White man. Right and wrong are eternal enemies, antagonistic as the cat and rat. A hook baited with glittering gold catches any kind of human fish. The wise man lives according to nature and the virtue of doing good. The man who has no appreciation of himself cannot inspire it in others. A plentiful supply of bread, beef and brains cheapens the commodity. Each plant, poet and philosopher have their parasites of destruction. The love of gold and power is the first step to political destruction. The soul and heart filled with the fewest desires find the most peace. A dog never bites his master, leaving that to relatives and friends. No man has any respect for a robber, although he may be one himself. A clear countenance and sweet voice is a flower of name- less beauty. Tender heads and hearts are ill-fitted for the storms of rushing life. 98 TRUTH Here today and away tomorrow fills up this world of joy and sorrow. Hypocrisy, cupidity and falsehood lead directly to secret' criminality. A smile on the lips and a dagger in the heart is the trend of a traitor. Man is a brute of brilliant sway ; kills and devours from day to day. The measure and the man are ever superior to the money of the man. How often as the years prolong we hear our mother's cradle song. Study in youth what you propose to live by in manhood and old age. Thousands of criminals live and die without exposure and punishment. The man who commits a crime is the executioner of his peace of life. We meet and love and part and die and know not of the reason why. A good, bright countenance is a letter of recommendation everywhere. Laugh, and the world laughs with you ; weep, and you weep alone. The fires on the altar of fame arise from the noble ashes of the dead. A foolish old man and silly young woman are ludicrous voke mates. .TRUTH 99 The oily tongue of the hypocrite is poison to individuals and nations. He who has a "nose for news" must be a valuable hound of the press. Labor is the golden link in the glittering chain of fame and fortune. Better the freedom of the eagle than the slavery of fashion- able society. Grabbing and grasping with a greedy hand loses the bulk of the grain. Hope is the sunshine of the soul lighting up the declivities of difficulty. It would be a great gain if we could permanently lose our bad temper. Great and glorious is the man who can constantly control his passions. Truth, like a solid rubber ball, can stand all kicks in field or hall. The Auto has become the expert executioner of wealthy enthusiasts. Poverty and necessity are the hand cuffs and ankle chains of ignorance. Cheating, robbing, murdering man is built upon the devil's plan. When wisdom associates with wickedness, crime is the commander. Hot hell or heaven we can find by searching our own mystic mind. 100 TRUTH Justice with truth is far more glorious than peace with humiliation. Praise and censure are often the hasty tributes of mis- information. He who kicks against the pricks of truth must pocket his punishment. Political Hars can never reach the sounding altitude of poetic lyres. Weakness makes us obstinate and timidity urges us to desperation. Patience is the slowest growing plant in the garden of expectation. People seek you for pleasure or profit and shun you for fear of pain. Age creeps on like the shades of night, blotting each mortal out of sight. The air we breathe from pole to pole is nothing but the soaring soul. The poor farmer is known by his rusty plows, pigs, hoes and harness. Imagination makes mountains of trouble out of mole hills of suspicion. The storms in the sea are not as fearful as those in the sinning soul. Honest praise for honest work will generate more and better work. After deceit and diplomacy come bullets and bayonets and victory. TRUTH ,01 toltrow''"' ''™"'' '""'' """' '''= '^' --* '-'"- msprr:So:."' ^°"^ ^^^ '"^ «'^-- '-- of -estia. roffnd'die' "' "' '"'■ '" """^" '™'' """' "°-<""- "P^". reslgttlr '"' '"'""' "'^" '^«^ "^^'^ »■"> ™"'™^ liqui/aZ""^' ^''"^"^ '^ -^ """"^^^ '-- of -«"g thf^sea'2""" '" ""' ''''"'^' "^ "■"' P"^^^ P™'-'='^ u„deTst:„t ""'" "'" ""^ '^"^ "''^" --"P"^ ^■"' -' co-^'partaerf "'' '"' ''' ""'^ ^'^ •=^"^" "^ -«--y anSr*"'^ ""' "^ " '"^ '"°^-''™^^' P^'-- -y- of ^etelrt' """ """"' "'""' "^'P"' " """^^ "-^ '<^"drils God is the only great power, all else frail as thistle down on the blast. Trust in the Lord, but at the same time work with wit and wisdom. rusht ^rillT ^'''' ^^""^ '''°'^" ^^^ ^'"' """'^ '^^"^'^ ^^^^ ^^^ 102 TRUTH When we are dead and cannot feel, the world will love and lie and steal. Perfect perjury puts many a person in and out of the penitentiary. No person can be happy in mind or body who harbors a secret crime. Brain, bullion and industry displace ignorance, poverty and laziness. Worshiping God by proxy is like having another man eat your dinner. Do not let the "green bugs" of envy enter the wheat field of your soul. A happy heart and genial smile can all the world with love beguile. When money and morality meet in conflict, money wins — ■ temporarily. Constant asseveration of friendship leaves a doubt as to its sincerity. The habit of drinking intoxicating liquors is slow but sure suicide. Better be an expert cobbler of shoes than a poor cobbler of literature. The morality of philosophers is mightier than the money of monarchs. The love and work we show today shall triumph o'er our coffined clay. Time passes very slow and sorrowful to the lame, lying and the lazy. TRUTH 103 Death is the only sure cure for heartless and unconscion- able tyrants. We grieve for a day over the loss of the great and soon forget them. The home life in the United States is becoming a flat arrangement. An inferior mind in power is a sad situation for superior subordinates. An honest opinion, though wrong, should be tolerated until righted. The crimes and wars we see today tortured the ages passed away. Good health and laughing cheer are faithful friends from year to year. Anarchy is the product of tyrant laws, and the rule of no rule is death. The loneliest mortal on earth is a man without a conscience or a country. Liberty is the lightning of free public opinion and shatters every tyrant. Though death be slow or death be fast let's laugh and love unto the last. Confidence cannot be bought, but like summer dew comes unpurchased. Ambition, like a voracious appetite, never finds enough to masticate. The Japanese may scold and sneeze, yet Uncle Sam may take his ease. 104 TRUTH No human life, high or low, has a guarantee of an hour's continuance. Secret charity is the sweetest consolation to the giver and receiver. Clipping coupons and editorial paragraphs are pleasant amusements. The Auto race and the Auto smash have no respect for the man or cash. Too much sail and too little ballast sink the greatest human craft. Genius, like the force of a mountain flood, cuts out its own channel. The minority in the right will ever conquer the majority in the wrong. Rain, snow, ice and fire do not hinder the brave in being and building. The "Night Riders" of today will be on the Grand Jury of tomorrow ! An old man who has nothing to boast of but his years has lived in vain. The electric lights of nightly pleasure remain for all a joy and treasure. Look on the poor pale corpse of any man and then say who is great! Freedom has never turned its back to the future of liberty and progress. Tyrant popes, princes and presidents are the poison vines of humanity. TRUTH 105 The luxury of honest love is greater than glittering gold or diamonds. Tomorrow will be the sport of fools and the wisdom of philosophers. Reminding a friend of your former gifts does not make him happier. Man has ever been the most desperate murdering beast on the globe. Near by plug prose writers are ever jealous of poetic philosophers. Money is the motive that propels priests, preachers, princes and patriots. Wind up the watch of your wit and it will not run down on your time. Do not measure your pint of honesty in the other man's peck measure. The soldier boys so bright and gay deserve much better pork and pay. Calumny is the crime of the coward and the poison wound of wickedness. The song and sigh of the soul are deeply implanted in poetic hearts. Proverbs are the brightest and sharpest arrows in the quiver of wit. Heaven and hell from day to day are with ourselves at work or play. To confess a bad habit and try to break it is the act of a brave person. 106 TRUTH The coldest character, hke the flint, often holds the hottest spark of fire. Prayer from the Hps without work from the hands avail- eth nothing. Men of unequal brain, body and bullion never become true friends. A man with one radical opinion will not sit on two stools of argument. The fastest runner at the start is often the slowest runner at the finish. Golden opportunities grow on the highest trees of the highest hills. Many people bear good reputation because they are not truly known. The cold frost of impenetrable truth will ever kill a flowering lie. Hope will starve when fed on pity, but prospers on pork and potatoes. Why does God allow the devil to tempt weak man with blackest evil? No man is left upon the shelf, who bold and bravely helps himself. The living Homer starved for bread, and dying, glory came instead. A Washington Newspaper Club has been roasted on its own gridiron. In home or street in church or state, we can't escape the blows of fate. TRUTH 107 A phrase of kindness or cruelty lasts longer than the person who utters it. The financial realizations of age are compensations for loss of youth. To be doing "well enough" is no reason that we should not do better. Profane and vulgar conversation is the evidence of a human brute. The Rake's progress leads to the perdition of the pauper and madman. Public administrations often become personal rings for personal gain. Daily drunkenness is slow suicide and a cowardly evasion of daily duty. Coal, coke and iron ore, steel their way into the utilities of prosperity. The boys and girls on roller skates are laughing at the grinning fates. My wisdom words on brilliant pages will thrill the hearts of future ages. Sighing for past opportunities is a poor way to find present or future ones. Veritas vinclt— truth conquers, is the greatest epigram of all the ages. The air we breathe is soul and life and thrills us in our joy and strife. Grains of thought ground into the flour of action make the loaf of life. 108 TRUTH Those who speak and act too soon or too late are ever disappointed. The sun and air and rain and earth give force to every kind of birth. Legislative boot Ucking for Executive favor is humiUating Americanism. Blessings and curses given by man to man amount to so much hot air. When the wool-sack is greased with gold, justice glides off the bench. The world finally estimates a truthful man at his own measurement. The birth-right stamp of nature is the true passport to every success. Some wisdom epigrams make the reader jump as if he had sat on a tack. Golden-selfish interest makes the enemies of yesterday friends today. The dead leaves of November are the ghostly messengers of leafy June. A brilliant son and pupil are never envied by father or schoolmaster. Expecting to get what you do not deserve will prove disappointing. Present trouble to the wise is a great teacher against future failure. The character man, like the lion, is recognized instantly in an}' crowd. TRUTH 109 No power was ever known to save a mortal from the gloomy grave. How much time could be saved if men would talk less and act more. Fashionable sociability quickly ceases when cash and health depart. The light from the lofty soul illuminates the darkest neighborhood. The constant repetition of a lie will induce you to believe it is the truth. A politician out of power is as helpless as a craw fish without a tail. The longest and greatest life is wrecked on the stormy shores of time. The grass grows as green o'er the conquered as where the victorious rest. The greedy man shall come to grief just like the prowling, sneaking thief. Your personal daily conduct is the best evidence of your soul character. Politeness is the polished pearl in the necklace of beauty and brilliancy. Read, study, ponder and digest the thoughts that seem to be the best. A multifarious man doing justice without prejudice is a rare character. Jealousy and envy pursue living merit and honor departed intellectuality. no TRUTH Compliments and flattery will be sweet sauce to the toughest meal. Money is the magic mallet that knocks off the pri7e in every contest. He who would have silver in his pocket must have silver on his tongue. A crooked stick and a crooked man are made in old Dame Nature's plan. Sound mind, body and money are the three great requisites for happiness. A simple and trusting man will not make a successful business man. Accepting something for nothing is the death of personal independence. National greed, envy, malice and hypocrisy have never been civilized. The habit of looking on the bright side of life will get what we seek. The pampered rich only envy the poor for their appetite and digestion. Will power alone conquers the gnawing desire for intoxi- cating liquors. Wine will banish care, for a short season, but gather more for a long one. The rebuke and enmity of some men is a great help to sterling virtue. The brave soldier who retreats over the hill will shoot from its crest. TRUTH 111 Hit wrong on the raw side and conscience will grandly commend you. Energy, economy, patriotism and wisdom generate the best American. Executive greed and tyranny are the worst enemies of human liberty. A man of your own trade and profession will be your natural enemy. Authors, actors and politicians prosper by continuous advertisement. The stalled oxen in political power are only fattened for final slaughter. A multitude of men cannot rise higher or sink lower than the individual. Each little man has his little day and like morning mist he melts away. Ambition and power are the greediest gourmands of politi- cal peculation. Those who plant seed on stony ground should not expect a rich harvest. To hear, see and say nothing is to live in peaceful but silent slavery. On earth below or heaven above long absence conquers faith and love. Imagination cannot trace the date or clime of our indi- vidual parents. Study yourself from day to day and thus prolong your breathing clay. 112 TRUTH Grieving for lost opportunity is the very worst way to find a new one. Speaking and doing good today is an assurance of happi- ness tomorrow. Selfish mental and physical interest is the ruling motive of all mankind. How beautiful and glorious are the productions of truth and innocence ! The embezzlement of power and pounds is practiced by pelf politicians. The appearance of truth counteracts all the good of the original article. Her willing footsteps ever near no more on earth shall thrill mine ear. The soul spirit of humanity is the light house of liberty and prosperity. Gods, angels, saints and devils are but the creation of poetic insanity. The principal should never do through an agent what he can do himself. The best cure for mind and body is strict temperance and Doctor Nature. Necessity and ambition are the great propellers of labor and prosperity. The credit of a lifetime may be lost in a moment and never regained. Clemency and mercy in a ruler are strong props of his administration. TRUTH 113 The man who thinks, writes and prints real poetry is a rare individual. When mind and matter separate will my proud soul be saved by Fate? Industry, prudence and temperance will lift any person out of poverty. There is no drug or knife strong enough to remove the cancer of envy. Old Homer wrote immortal rhyme and Plato thought for truth and time. You will never know some men even if you eat a ton of salt with them. Men, monkeys, mice and midgets are made by the same Celestial Artist. A true, sensitive gentleman is very lonely in this jostling, rushing world. A discriminating, sound stomach is the greatest aid to a brilliant mind. Virtue is ever master of vice that dies with the cancer of its own nature. It is only a coward who asks another to do what he dares not do himself. How lonely, solitary and sad is the wisest soul In the crowded street. A javelin of thought will fly farther and deeper than a javelin of steel. The experience of another person is of little value to the actor of today. 114 TRUTH Farewell, farewell, sweet fleeting breath ; I go to rest with glorious death. If political parties are as bad as represented the voters must be worse. Feast, drink and dance with your equals and sorrow will not linger long. Individual reciprocity of friendship is necessary to its continuous life. Temptation will teach you the true integrity of your own heart and soul. I believe in God from will and choice, and more than all in John A. Joyce. Intensity of truth and action is the volcanic flame of the real orator. The bray of an ass and voice of a fool cannot be changed by society rule. Building castles in the air is better than breaking hearts upon the earth. Secrecy, suspicion and envy eat out the hearts that entertain them. A cowardly legislative majority deserves defeat by the brave minority. Good for good and evil for evil is the practical philosophy of common life. Mind, money and manhood are rough ashlers in the tem- ple of masonry. Promoting the happiness of others is the best means to secure our own. TRUTH 115 Firmness and intense concentration of mind cure the ills of the body. There are yet several "undesirable citizens" who have not been found out. All hens and cats are born to scratch, and poverty must pine and patch. The greatest, richest, brightest men are destined to the grave-yard den. Planting good words and acts produce a harv^est of finan- cial abundance. Weary and dependent are the feet that climb the stairs of another person. A barrel of whiskey contains a thousand crimes and a million of tears. A frown, grunt and kick are all that can be expected from a human brute. Desperate opposition is the best opportunity for a brave and great man. Editorial brick-bats and bouquets are bounding beatitudes of benevolence. We build and boom from day to day and leave but em- blems of decay. Building and living in castles of air will make a man happy most anywhere. The fish that swims in sauce and wine no more shall drink the ocean brine. The rulers and generals of today are soon forgotten when they pass away. 116 TRUTH When Suspicion moves into the household, Faith and Love move out. When bankers in China lose their depositor's money they lose their heads. The bravest man in joy or sorrow may shed a tear each coming morrow. Those who flatter our pleasant vices are enemies of our sterling virtues. When your enemy imagines you are a coward his defeat is near at hand. Doing immediate good to another is great satisfaction to a generous soul. Nothing is invincible or impregnable to the brave brain, heart and hand. There never was a savage that e\er had any virtue, happi- ness or nobility. When friends, fortune and health depart, then self-reliance props the heart. A great person can make opportunity, and take immediate advantage of it. Sharing the honor and not the labor is a secret humiliation to a brave man. Many people use the cloak of Christ to cunningly cheat their customers. When llesh and bone decay to dust, no more shall reign our love or lust. Truth with immortal brilliant bloom shall flourish o'er the silent tomb. TRUTH 117 The summer clam may have a sweet voice, but he is very silent in its use. Even the dark shadow of death cannot terrify the heart of a brave man. The shadow and echo are not good substitutes for the body and voice. Constant cheerfulness is the best medicine for any mind or body disease. The brave and good man is tortured at seeing the wrong he cannot right. Contrivance and persuasion for victory are better than fraud and force. Retired Army and Navy Officers are the patriotic jewels of the Republic. He who holds the heel of the lash may command the power and cash. Some people are honest because they cannot rob without being found out. It is easy for the honest man to decide between dark evil and bright good. The life sap of old Mother Earth in spring gives every- thing new birth. Little men suddenly elevated to high office give large autobiographies. How often the shadows of misfortune induce us to fight our imagination. You can conquer and kill calumny by not noticing its vile insinuations. 118 TRUTH Boasting of what you will do is not so impressive as what you have done. Nature produces crooked and poison plants as she does pilfering people. The puritan, cynic and hermit mind are not fitted for civilized society. The eyes and ears of man are often led astray by the impulsive voice. Those who are prepared for failure break the back of disappointment . Crime, like a lost crow in a snow storm, roosts on the rocks of hunger. A narrow intellect cannot understand a broad and lofty hero of thought. He who conquers the body through fear fills the mind with vengeance. The poor man who buys fine clothes may wear them out in a pawn shop. Capital and labor, like the blades of a scissors, are useless when separated. If hope could be exchanged for money every man might be a millionaire. In the daylight of youth we should gain fortune for the night of old age. The person who cannot stand and defy criticism does not deserve to exist. Personal and political hypocrisy is as common as air, grass and water. TRUTH 119 The greatest schemer is often caught in the trap he sets for his neighbor. Education is the lighthouse of hberty and ignorance the tomb of slavery. When gold and honor take their flight, vain man is wrapped in darkest night. In home and nation there has never been room enough for two Caesars ! Do not talk or write unless you can compose clean, truthful phrases. Perfect party organization is the prompt promoter of all political success. It matters not where Death takes place, it comes to all the human race. The beautiful ideal of the soaring soul is a sacred sacra- ment of success. The owl and the snake are imitators of voracious and crawling people. You will get more knowledge by thinking and listening than by talking. Riches, health and intelligence are poor props without perfect freedom. The vulgar and ignorant rich are more despicable than the vulgar poor. To be remembered for the good we do is present^'consola- tion to the true. Commercial credit will last as long as people believe in your cash value. 120 TRUTH If politicians had less policy and more principle our laws would be better. Those who utter and hear slander should be hung by the tongue and ears. The devil and saint in strutting man are jointly working God's own plan. All forms of religion are manufactured by man as money making schemes. The serious face of greed is an unwelcome guest in the halls of pleasure. He who is haunted by the ghost of his secret crime is in constant misery. The people often destroy their greatest men from pure peevish jealousy. It is the soul and not the earthly situation that gives pleasure or pain. Modesty, politeness, knowledge and cash can flourish in any community. A new pilot with an old ship is not as safe as an old pilot with a new ship. We first rear the palace in the soul before it shines in marble splendor. A great ideal dynamites its irrepressible course into the real glory of life. Men of strident mental and physical force lead in every avocation of life. Fate, whether early, long or late, destroys the fraud in home and state. TRUTH 121 There can be no good laws or good power unless the Ruler is innately, good. Guessing the right road of life is not as sure as measuring it by experience. Political spider-webs are quickly smashed by the sudden rush of a hornet. There is no healing antidote against the virus of a bad woman's tongue. In chasing wealth by force or stealth you lose your honor and your health. The fearless and desperate in battle are the winners of victory or death. The greatest man is finally blotted out as completely as the lost Atlantis. He who flatters himself into victory will be defeated by the same enemy. No power on earth can spoil or kill the glorious, un- conquerable will. The selfishness of ambitious and tyrannical rulers embroils the world in war. Good books are our best companions and lighten the load of daily life. The religion of love, liberty and equality is good enough for all humanity. An honest, truthful, unselfish lawyer is the solitaire gem of the profession. Detracting from the praise and glory of another does not add to your own. 122 TRUTH A scar in the sapling remains in the oak, as youthful vice shows in old age. Time levels the loftiest monuments of princes to the lowest dust of peasants. Personal, political and religious fanatics are the worst tyrants on earth. When we shall see our own mistakes, the rain will turn to tea and cakes. Absolute health and happiness arc the rarest jewels in the crown of life. ]\lcn and nations without conscience and justice drift to decay and death. A bad enemy will do you more injury than fifty friends can do you good. If children, fools and drunkards tell the truth what do other people tell? The plain people find no value in glittering jewels, emblems of human vanity. Fact and fancy should be congenial brothers and lighten each other's load. The loss of money may be replaced, but the loss of honor is never regained. Doing without what you cannot purchase is a preservation of independence. Constantly helping others is erecting the lasting mansion of our own glory. We grieve but little for another's woe and gladly see the troubles of a foe. TRUTH 123 Be the last to tell a dear friend an unpleasant truth; let his enemies do it. Governmental prosecution of wealthy trusts is a game of how not to do it ! Political administration proposes and the people deposes at the ballot box. The extraneous objective life is controlled by the sub- jective soul force. With air and sun and falling showers God gives his children grain and flowers. ' Historical lies linger and last through the ages with the strength of truth. The branches of our vice or virtue will take form from the original stem. Happy is the man who needs no recommendation or borrowed money. Many people believe that whiskey is liquid fire and dis- tilled damnation. Poor midgit man has never yet discovered the divine secrets of nature. A Tomboy-girl will make a manly companion for a Molly- coddle merchant. Wealth may bring great honor and power, but cannot assure happiness. A man who has made a fortune by fraud is secretly hated by his neighbors. Feathers, fur, wool and hair are the first garments of animated nature. 124 TRUTH Common sense, honesty and work are the best civil-service recommendation . The voracious greed of the wicked for gain aids in their speedy detection. Charity, hke the air, rain and sun, covers all with its glorious tributes. Plain food and tranquillity of mind are the great pre- servers of health. Ambition is the lofty ladder that reaches to the starry skies of triumph. When our virtues and vices are coffined the harlot of envy is softened. Silence is the shield of the coward when truth demands brave expression. The prince never becomes a peasant, but the peasant becomes a prince. Weak men, like mice, hide under the clods and flags of official patronage. Bullets and bayonets are the strongest diplomats in national contests. Catering to corrupt success is a cowardly culmination of business conduct. Independence, faslehood and tyranny characterize the coward in power. A night of despair may be obliterated by the morning sunshine of hope. Heaven and hell are sentimental trappings of the hopeful and fearful mind. TRUTH 125 It is impossible for a philosopher of principle to advocate a policy measure. A great philosopher and statesman is only consistent in his inconsistency. The blackberry crop of a farm betrays a lazy husbandman and lean granary. The morning dew will soon pass by and mount the sun- beams to the sky. Wisdom, wit and epigrams are the pepper and salt of editorial columns. Congress should represent the plain people and not the purple plutocrats. The changes in the weather and the Panama Canal are continued stories. The greatest rulers and generals have died the most miserable deaths. Carrying concealed weapons is a partial confession of a guilty conscience. Oriental proverbs and fables are the first parents of modern epigrams. To know how to live up to a high purpose is a master- piece of manhood. While we are in the hands of Fate we may guide her cast with soul impulse. "Love thy neighbor as thyself" does not include the man in the wrong pew. Great promise and little performance is not a link of lasting friendship. 126 TRUTH Eternal hope with wings in motion soars over every mount and ocean. Do your daily duty as you see and feel it, and not as your neighbor dictates. He who works honestly and persistently for his employer works for himself. The favor and praise of the world are as fleeting as the leaves in October. In moments of famine a loaf of bread is more valuable than a gold brick. The faces, feet and hands of mankind will show their natural character. Knowledge without understanding is like a full stomach without digestion. Constant and just belief in yourself will secure the belief of your neighbors. The continuity of prosperity depends greatly on your wisdom and work. The true patriot and lover of his country is himself suffi- cient for ancestry. The orator and the audience are but a combination of mutual eloquence. A contrary disposition is ever found in a monkey, a woman and a hen. The poor are doubted by the poor and spurned by all from door to door. The hands on the clock of time never turn back and the dead never return. TRUTH 127 Through all this earth in emerald green the hand of Providence is seen. Mind aristocracy is much more valuable and lasting than money aristocracy. Do not take up the time of a business man by asking him fool questions. Buying what you do not need will make you sell what you want to keep. How quickly we belittle and condemn what we cannot imitate or surpass. In time of war false and true vouchers for government supplies are twins. The free use of pen, ink and paper has paralyzed many a plotting politician. A person should pay no attention to censure or praise when undeserved. It is not wealth or rank or state, 'tis "git up and git" that makes men great ! Variety reading for the mind is relished as much as variety food for the body. Our personal and political constitution should be our first and last care. A man who sets his watch with everybody's watch will not have correct time. When everything seems to go wrong on the outside, ex- amine your inside. We quickly miss our meals and teeth as death entwines its somber wreath. 128 TRUTH Verbal intoxication is often more dangerous than the bacchanaUan sort. The wounds of the heart and soul are more deadly than those of the body. Blending past sorrow with present joy gives a guarantee of future pleasure. The pedigree of the honest peasant is often cleaner than that of the prince. Civilization is consideration, commendation and charity for your neighbor. There is no man, town, city, state or nation that owns the Republican party. Dreams are the delineators of celestial visions pinioned with eternal hope. Flowers and cash for the living are more valuable than tears for the dead. There is not a day or flitting hour that does not conquer wealth and power. The impatient, impulsive tyrant mind will soon be left in ruin far behind. Every true individual can bow and kneel at the altar ol the human heart. Your friends depart with the decrease of your reputation , health and wealth. Our words and acts from day to day may rule when we have passed away. Why does a just God create a human animal who lies, robs and murders? TRUTH 129 Political, religious and social revolutions are the grand videttes of liberty. Pursuing the right in the wrong way is not as bad as doing wrong in any way. The memory of a great and good man is a priceless heri- tage to the people. The garb of a nun or monk cannot change the lustful desire of the heart. With waves of heat and waves of cold grim Death destroys the young and old. How lightly we glide o'er life's wave and boast on the brink of the grave. There is more good than evil in the world, as sunshine exceeds the storm. Thousands of human beings may thank God that they are not found out ! The scales of justice are often as frail and thin as those on the back of a bass. Peace of mind, soundness of body and financial prosperity promote longevity. Many politicians who attempt construction of government end in destruction. It is harder to fight the temptations of prosperity than those of adversity. When you come to the cross-way of business life take the best traveled road. It is more natural for novel minds to lie inadvertently than tell the truth. 130 TRUTH Truthful and honest action in the morning will help you at noon and night. A pubHc office is often a private trust for the promotion of personal friends. Great strength and instinct live alone in the man, the eagle and the lion. Continuous favorable advertisement is the very life of a practical politician. The clean-cut quality of your work will be noticed by the boss and rewarded. The plain, persistent, patriotic person is ever in power in any community. Bayonets and bullets may control the body, but cannot convince the mind. Thinking and believing about great deeds will propel you to their enactment. Great characters like great buildings have firm and rock- ribbed foundations. Learning without common sense is like putting a gold ring in a pig's nose. Memory monuments of literature are more lasting than marble and bronze. Washing and airing private linen for the public eye are foolish proceedings. Heart and soul friendship is not diminished by absence, adversity or death. Fine jewels, dresses, mansions and land will quickly ripen the love of woman. TRUTH 131 When trouble comes to cloud your view, just laugh it off for something new. Virtue engrafted in the sapling of youth will shine forever in the tree of truth. The exchange of old for new political bosses brings little relief to the people. The ungrateful are full of pride and hate — snakes of crawling humanity. The birds that wing the ambient air are filled with joy and hope and care. The living links in the chain of life drop hour by hour in this world of strife. When eyes and teeth and heart grow old there's no more joy in fruit or gold. Freedom and slavery are as antagonistic as cats and rats or right and wrong. Perhaps within the great Hereafter, we'll know the house from floor to rafter. Religion is a revolution of conscience for the mysterious soarings of the soul. Arrogance lifts its nose into the murky atmosphere of contempt and hate. With a clear brain, good health and brave heart you can defy all misfortune. Treat the devil of doubt with contempt, and faith will be your companion. Sound mind, body and pocket are golden links in the chain of prosperity. 132 TRUTH A tyrant love of power finally ends on the jagged rocks of disappointment. Politeness and perseverance permeate through the most intricate problems. Some fruit and grain of Mother Earth have never failed since we had birth. The cold of the atmosphere and heat of the body are constantly at war. The man of sweet and sunny mind pure pleasure through the world will find. Certain reproaches are commendations, and praise is sometimes slander. A man who thoroughly knows himself has a good under- standing of others. Energy, impudence and audacity are great elements of temporary success. Telling the truth to a superior endangers the official life of the subordinate. The thumb of thought is never safe between the hammer and anvil of doubt. He lives long and well who performs one great deed for the benefit of mankind. Secret crime jails the mind and roasts the victim on the gridiron of remorse. Children who lie to their parents will not hesitate to utter falsehood to others. The United States mail and the weather are as certain as taxes and death. TRUTH ] 33 In the darkest valley of despair the brave man will quickly strike first and last. Those who advocate a principle and neglect a condition are false reformers. Expense and extravagance excommunicate you from peace and pleasure. The pushing, pugnacious punching man will be eventually punched out of life. The most successful dealer in Wall street is the rich speculator out of it. The diamonds, rubies and emeralds of wisdom outwear the jewels of mines. The worst feature of matrimony is the probability of producing ingrates. Diamond-pointed paragraphs of thought shine and cut like precious jewels. No one has ever seen a truly wise man, because he looks out of his own eyes. Compromise is the golden link that binds the friendship of men and nations. If health and wealth you wish to find, eat light, drink light and feed your mind. The poorest peasant of the plain is greater than the richest prisoner in a palace. The dark garments of grief should be exchanged for the bright colors of joy. Imagination is the palace of the soul and the delightful delusion of divinity. 134 TRUTH Time is the cheapest and dearest jewel in the crumbHng casket of humanity. The grub worm and cockroach are created for the delecta- tion of the chicken. Daily enterprise earns a fortune while doubt and despair drift to destruction. Brandy is a bludgeon that has often beaten to death the patrons of Bacchus. Some characters, like icebergs in a sutnmer sea, create a chill whenever seen. The ignorance of religious devotees is only equaled by their fanatical hate. The purity of snow and woman become defiled by mixing with earthly things. Few men grasp victory from defeat, but many men are defeated by victory. Nature's noble man is superior to the manufactured article of monarchy. Laughter on the lips and sorrow in the heart are dis- agreeable neighbors. He who owes an honest debt must surely pay it to be square with himself. An honest difference of opinion should be taken with mutual equanimity. A good and able lawyer need not enter into the whirlpool of doubtful politics. The climate and soil of a country will indicate the char- acter of its citizens. TRUTH 135 The human dove face may have the tongue of a serpent and claw of a hawk. To be kindly thought of when we pass away is consolation for our trials today. He who can laugh at the frowns of Fortune breaks the force of her enmity. The dignity of some men is so oppressive that it chills the presence of honesty. Why should I fight what others think, or dictate what they eat and drink? By securing lasting fame in this world we break the force of the tyrant death. When character and credit are lost the grave is the best place for the wreck. To the truly brave man adversity is the lever that lifts him into prosperity. What a hot, dusty, crooked road leads up to the glimmer- ing heights of fame ! When wealth and power rule the body and soul, destruc- tion is near at hand. Great Destiny prevails from pole to pole, yet guided by the Pilot of the soul. Insane passion that robs and murders at will should be shot like a mad dog. It is better to have one per cent of contentment than ten per cent of prospect. Cheap food, cheap clothes, cheap labor and cheap friends are ever the dearest. 136 TRUTH Those who Hsten to the alluring voice of vice violate the injunctions of truth. The secret curiosity of the heart has often lost the virtue of the innocent soul. The man who constantly boasts of his bravery entertains a doubtful audience. Great wealth and power must soon decay, but wisdom shall not pass away. The honey of prosperity may be gathered from the wild flowers of adversity. Religion should embrace all humanity and tolerate the truth in every creed. Bad weather, like bad character, breaks the spirit of the bright and beautiful. Be brave enough to out-live past failures and you will de- serve future success. The longest day and century are very short in the calendar of eternity. Judicial injunctions do not enjoin when the executive department opposes. Principle without policy, is the rarest gem in the casket of moral philosophy. The large old barnyard cock is ever jealous of the young and crowing rooster. The moving, attacking force, nine times out of ten, con- quers the hesitating. He who is an expert in any line of business will find ready and profitable work. TRUTH 137 The censure of enemies keeps alive and perpetuates the praise of our friends. No amount of money can compensate a gentleman for the loss of his honor. The impulsive eloquence of the orator is the lightning stroke of conviction. The statesman who controls the purse and sword can defy all competitors. There is a universal inequality in the brain and body of all animated nature. Latitude and longitude do not measure the patriot's love for his country. An imperfect thought, like an imperfect seed, will pro- duce imperfect fruit. Hope and work, like Otis elevators, take us to the top story of expectation. To live in the memory of the good is craved by all our human brotherhood. A wise man will endeavor to surround himself with men greater than himself. Great is the person who is not humbled by adversity or elated by prosperity. A government of the truth, by the truth and for the truth cannot be destroyed. Envy feeding on viper salad grows green with jealousy and black with hate. Our secret passions, like a nest of vipers, sting and kill when least expected. 138 TRUTH The greatest ambition of office holders is to perpetuate themselves in power. Those who tolerate falsehood and tyranny join in their destructive qualities. The winter crow, through storms of snow, can find his roost at sunset glow. The wise man sees the finish at the beginning of the building of the ship. The twins — Dignity and Dullness — have often passed current for Wisdom. The intelligent "hireling" often becomes the proprietor of the establishment. God's original stamp on the conscience and countenance cannot be eradicated. In God we trust and in Roosevelt we burst into revised American prosperity. True philanthropy and benevolence never advertise their donations to charity. An able, corrupt and wicked lawyer is the trust anaconda of the American bar. Brain, bullion and law ever subdue and conquer innocence, poverty and passion. The imprisonment of the body is often the best for the salvation of the soul. Crosses and losses are given to all and none are exempt in the spring or the fall. Telling and acting the truth will induce the other indi- vidual to do likewise. TRUTH 139 A royal, lofty, intellectual tyrant is preferable to a petty puppet of despotism. He who thoroughly understands himself need not stop to explain to the world. We come and go like shadows on the sea or hopes that soar to vast eternity. Individuals and banks are "perfectly good" until they are broke and found out. He who builds a house to suit everybody will have no house to suit himself. Freedom of thought, word and action is the real glory of an American citizen. Those who deal in liquors and tobaccos prosper on the passions of mankind. The secrets of internal nature are closely guarded from preaching humanity. The losing gambler has no friends and the winning one but little conscience. There is no faker so strenuous as the newspaper catch head-line advertiser. He who can express the truth in the fewest words is the greatest philosopher. Those who are praised the highest today may be damned the lowest tomorrow. The fire hose of the people must extinguish the fiery arrogance of tyrants. The winds of human passion are more destructive than the storms of nature. 140 TRUTH We do magnanimous things for others that they may rebound to ourselves. Corporations and trusts secretly bribe the shrewdest lawyers in the nation. A sporting mind, although a losing one, is never bereft of irrepressible hope. A clear conscience can ever rest in peace on the pillow of pride and prosperity. Overloading the brain and belly with rich and luscious food is self-slaughter. The American people have an impulsive way of smashing idols on election day. Tyrant justice and the Japanese keep step with spiritual and material interest. When passion fires the heart and brain, destruction rules with shame and pain. Public officers are soon forgotten when out of power — the empty nest is useless. The bright sunrise of success often sets amid the clouds of sorrow and defeat. Many good friends will give you a ton of sympathy and not an ounce of cash. The greatest pilot at the wheel and compass of life can be substituted instanter. The secret swindling of mankind under the guise of religion and law still prevails. To be remembered for the good we spread is consolation for the glorious dead. TRUTH 141 Many business men brag and boast most when on the brink of bankruptcy. The legislator, executive and courts are the secret tools of wealth and power. Bullies are brutal braggarts, knocked out by the first blow of a brave man. When a man prefers his enemies to his friends he is in league with the devil. Suspicion and envy, like the sting of the adder, poisons the system of society. The darting, glinting summer swallows find insect food o'er hills and hollows. Real dignity and greatness never dread contact with the poor and humble. A spot of scandal on the pure white bosom of chastity can never be cleaned. What a world of sorrow the bullet of one crazy fanatic can bring to a nation ! The gods are good to work and truth through tottering age or rushing youth. The daily foot prints of the gardener is a promise of vegetables and fruits. The greatest health and wealth and power are crushed within one little hour. What is crime in the huts of poverty is only eccentricity in the halls of wealth. The lips of love backed by the devotion of a true heart can never prove false. 142 TRUTH We quickly contribute for our selfish glory and move like a snail to help others. Virtue preserves the health of the mind as daily exercise strengthens the body. The soul is the sunlight of Omnipotence piercing all nature with its immortal life. The newspaper and magazine cannot rise higher than the proprietor and editor. Presenting the naked truth to the eyes of the weak is a dangerous proceeding. Those who are most happy with the least are least happy with the most. The desire of some people for praise is as voracious as a hungry hog for slops. The grindstone of poverty will wear off even the nose and toes of a philosopher. Praise and promotion to the faithful laborer is as necessary as pork and potatoes. Were all mankind created white and honest there would not be a war of races. Unexpected happiness is like a refreshing rain shower to a field of fading corn. The glaring mistakes of great men weigh but little in the scales of final success. The political deceiver and demagogue is an ever present nuisance in a republic. The king of disease walks the world with noiseless tread and voiceless as death. TRUTH 143 He who preaches virtue and truth on Sunday must prac- tice them on Monday. Many a subordinate writer has more brains than the editor and proprietor. Hope, action and reflection wing us through youth, manhood and old age. Great tact and common sense, are better quaHties in a President than talent. The hawk, the fox and the preacher are natural enemies of the chicken family. The royal robe of a millionaire would buy a million meals for starving mankind. To manipulate the wealthy and wise you must scratch them where they itch. A scar in the confidence of a friend is the death knell of continuous friendship. The brave and true heart never alters in the mount of light or vale of gloom. Revolution and blood are the only final means to extirpate injustice and tyranny. Climbing into power on another man's ladder is the act of a sneak and a coward. TeUing the plain, blunt truth may not be good policy, but is ever good principle. Wise words and noble deeds in life will prolong your name and fame after death. I smash the wrongs of vested rights and right the wrongs of the poor and weak. 144 TRUTH The weather and disease attack mortals at birth and assure ultimate death. Private good conduct is a better protection than the panoply of pubHc law. Desperation in the face of great danger has often triumphed over immediate death. The tyranny of trusts can only be broken by the trip hammer of revolution. The cunning, corrupt and cowardly mind undergoes perpetual punishment. It is easy to preach the simple life when surrounded with luxurious habiliments. True courtesy springs from the kindness of the heart and the purity of the soul. A man of truth and desperation is ever given the right of way — until he is shot ! Regret and remorse for follies of youth will cause us in age to act up to truth. The pope, prince and president may prosper on pork, parsnips and potatoes. Even the poorest have bread, meat and fish, and the richest have the same. Preaching virtue and practicing vice is doing the work of his Satanic majesty. Love and laughter can shake away the groans and wrinkles from an age of misery. Hope of personal and political gain blinds us to the truth of men and principles. TRUTH 145 The inheritance of brain is far more valuable than the inheritance of bullion. We can do for posterity what posterity never did for us — think and act. Common sense is a compartment car where everybody finds a cushioned seat. The blood of revolution has ever been the bloom and fruit of national prosperity. The inalienable right of many individuals is natural and unconscious stupidity. Sisters of charity and brothers of mercy are beatitudes of earthly consolation. The saloon, the jail and the scaflFold are the triple steps to criminal conclusion. The modem preachers of politics, religion and science have gold and fame in view. There is no honest word or work that goes uncompensated in the plan of creation. A man who is master of his honesty rules the best craft in the stream of business. Intense desire to secure impossible things is a thorn in the heart of happiness. The brutality of wealthy and educated frauds is far worse than criminal poverty. Scandal, falsehood and vengeance will be consumed by their own fires of hate. God gives personal opinion to every mortal and tolerates every creed and crime. 146 TRUTH The hunger and voracity of a cat are desperately increased by the sight of a rat. An American first, last and all the time should be the boast of every state citizen. How we cling to the deformities of our bad habits and often ignore the good ones. It is impossible to enslave free people who maintain a free vote and a free press. Gold may be a salve for infamy and crime, but wretched is the life that feels it. The great robber often imprisons or hangs the little rogues to save himself. Dainties and delicacies delight the debauched, but not the devoted and sober. He who allows prosperity to run ahead of his pocket will cripple his companion. Those who are ready to praise virtuous and noble actions take part in the glory. No citizen has a right to deny or withhold citizenship from any other citizen. It is better to strike first and even pay a fine than to be hit by the other fellow. Those born into the lap of wealth and power are deprived of individual ambition. The doors of paradise ever stand open for the reception of the benevolent man. When people are in your debt they have a sudden way of evading your presence. TRUTH 147 The warts and carbuncles of the mind cannot be extirpated by the iodine of desire. Covetousness for getting more deprives us of the enjoy- ment of what we have. The political liar is the most perennial patriot in the plati- tudes of prevarication. The first crack in confidence between friends lets in the daylight of dissolution. Promotion in salary and business depends largely on your own energy and talent. Those who mingle with bad characters and briers must expect to be scratched. The rushing world will praise loudly false merit and often censure modest worth. Audacity, regulated by reason, is absolutely necessary to the winning politician. The man of the hour will soon pass away and even his memory melt to decay. He who openly attempts to reform the world has a thank- less and dangerous job. Labor and capital working together can prosper each day in all kinds of weather. Nature alone inspires the true poet and wings him into the heaven of skylarks. The political embezzlement of money and power prevails in pampered provinces. The sun is the solitaire diamond pin shining in the starry breast of Omnipotence. 148 TRUTH Waiting for justice and prosperity on a hungry stomach is torture to the proud. The just vengeance of oppressed people finds periodical glory in kilHng tyrants. Character, like an ocean crag, can challenge the assaults of the roughest storms. He who attempts business without means would bail up the ocean with a sieve. Homer, Plato, Christ and Shakspere were the greatest poets and philosophers. The tired heart and soaring soul ever craves a better land than this sordid sphere. Most human clocks run down at eighty and are not wound up this side of eternity. False flattery and secret egotism have often ruined the politeness of an author. The first entrance into a conspiracy of crime is the final parting with happiness. Throwing pearls of praise over a corpse is a useless waste of be jeweled eloquence. The wheel of fortune is ever in motion for those who deeply think and work. Science is silently and surely slaughtering cunning creeds, crowns and corruption. Thinking and talking about a lost cause only stirs the secret nettles of defeat. The friendship of a courtier lasts just as long as the loaves and fishes of patronage. TRUTH 149 Men, like rough or smooth diamonds, are ever appreciated for their intrinsic value. War conducted with wisdom, freedom and great force is a triumphant certainty. The straggling, broken fences of a farm indicate no thrift or bank account. Tyrant labor and tyrant capital should have no place in the American Republic. Cutting shoe strings from another man's leather is easier than tanning your own. The politician who uses the people to serve himself will not use them very long. A great reputation built upon the glory of a lie is a gnawing cancer to remembrance. Pain and pleasure alternate like cold and heat, night and day or right and wrong. A brilliant morgue of classical literature becomes the lighthouse for posterity. Prejudice puts the blackest and brainiest negro below the meanest white man. A prisoner without money or a lawyer is as helpless as a hen in a Texas blizzard. Great fish are caught by small bait as beautiful belles are lured by gold and glory. Selfishness and hypocrisy are universal and damnable traits in human nature. Firefly characters only emit a transient light like their prototypes of the lawn. 150 TRUTH Virtue, integrity and intelligence in private life will be a reflex in public station. He who is anchored in the haven of truth will weather the storms of adversity. Perseverance and continual persistency in any sphere of life eventually triumph. He who worships at any human shrine forgets his man- hood and independence. The financial inequalities of mankind are as glaring as their mental attributes. Be not startled by quick warning, but face dark death and say Good Morning ! Work, patience and time are absolutely necessary to secure any lasting good. Regrets and remorse in old age are the wicked children of youthful indiscretion. The smallest men have the largest autobiography in the Congressional Directory. Spontaneous and unselfish love for other people is the secret of true happiness. Give it a laugh and a song and a cheer and the world will respond year after year. Some people have a great faculty of trying to do the right thing in the wrong way. The long tails and tongues of foxes and tattlers should be caught in the same trap. Those who cannot stand investigation and criticism should move out of public sight. TRUTH 151 The spiritual individual is as far above the sordid man as the stars above the sea. We flatter those in poHtical power for the purpose of using them for personal gain. The picture of a friend in the heart is a thousand fold dearer than on the wall. Prosecution of illegal corporations and trusts begins and ends in talk, talk, talk. The eloquent epigram, poem or book betrays the true soul and heart of the author. He who cheats a Jew, a Yankee or a Scotchman is welcome to his bargain. We fall at last whether drunk or sober, like withered leaves in bleak October. Every idea and human being created are only quotations from ancestral progeny. A sincere remorse for vanished intemperance is a great help for future sobriety. Light eating, drinking, working and sound sleeping pro- long life and happiness. A pill of cold lead can cure the disease of any tyrant in home, church and state. Some people talk so fast that Echo has no chance to catch up with their last words. God is the great Artist and pictures the colors of divinity on his universal canvas. The philosopher of a daily newspaper must tickle the interest of every reader. 152 TRUTH Financial policy often prevents the production of back- bone political editorials. When crops of thought and grain are ripe they should be cut and cured instanter. The love and cheers of friends today are better than a thousand blasts of fame. Many a poor old cask of human care carries within the good wine of knowledge. A bad custom with good reason is worse than a good custom with bad reason. How many beautiful and patriotic lies are chiseled on mouldering monuments ! Great men know how to hide their ability to more easily conquer their adversary. Many business men and corporations boast the loudest on the brink of bankruptcy. Virtuous or wicked environment for the young will change even natural disposition. Soul virtue is the basis of true character more lasting than granite mountains. A large number of postmaster politicians get a dose of oblivion before they die. Those who live for the good of other people have found the secret of true happiness. The office seeker in the last administration may be the office holder in the next. The great power of silence is shown in the constant germi- nating quality of nature. TRUTH 153 The secret immoralities of the rich are the gnawing cancers of their sure destruction. When we cease to think, speak and act wisely, wickedness takes the helm of reason. The worst and best die just the same, and each goes down with guilt or fame. The Pope, Prince and President are cradled and coffined in weakness and oblivion. When ignorance rules the body and mind the poor human wreck is soon left behind. The constitutional judgment knot of the supreme court can be cut by the sword. The ignorant and intelligent are alike flattered if you praise their pet schemes. Plant the sound seed of thought and work and you will reap a harvest of success. Vanity and egotism are at the bottom of the philanthropic donations of millionaires. Constant and sure employment for labor is best for the individual and the state. Drinking liquor and preaching temperance is as consistent as vice educating virtue. We often leap by one bound from the depths of despair to the heights of delight. He who has the mind of a prince and the purse of a pauper is a very miserable man. The trying vicissitudes of youth are rungs in the ladder of manhood and success. 154 TRUTH Continual disappointment in love and business is a severe test of human character. Beautiful proverbs and platitudes preached by politicians have no practical utility. Longevity depends largely on care and prudence for mind, body and fortune. Those who wield the sword successfully can make and unmake any human law. We would rather believe a lie that flatters us than a truth that condemns us. Between bread and bourbon Kentuckians kindle the fires of feuds and hospitality. Good and bad destiny can be colored and changed by radical personal conduct. Reputation is built up deed by deed like bricks in con- structing lofty mansions. Many of the daughters of the American revolution look like great grandmothers. He who introduces you to a great and wise book may be your greatest benefactor. A prince today and pauper tomorrow will teach the lesson of joy and sorrow. The muck-rakers, hay-rakers and gold-rakers are victorious in their separate spheres. No one, whether Pope, Prince or President, ever forced the wrong into the right. Great men, with intrepid and lofty minds, will rise over the strokes of misfortune. TRUTH 155 There never was a person in this world indispensable to its progress or happiness. Desire to leave a good and honest name behind is the best evidence of a great man. A scholar derives his greatest candle light from the rushing world of love and work. The criminal has often sat on the bench with the scape- goat victim in the dock. Telling and acting out the naked truth is the special mission of the lofty philosopher. Conversation is the sugar of thought sprinkled over the pound-cake of sociability. Thoreau was as transcendental as the sheen on a sunbeam or the vision of a dream. Emile Berliner, voicing down the ages, shall long resound on glowing, golden pages. Talking your soul sentiment to a stone wall is safer than confiding in Congressmen. We learn more from the observation and study of mankind than from all the schools. A well regulated night key would save us from expressing innumerable fabrications. Political hero worship is as transient as defeat or victory in a presidential election. There are not many of us who will be remembered one hundred years from now. Broken vows, broken idols and broken hearts are the saddest ruins of humanity. 156 TRUTH Eloquent platitudes without principle are as weak as war ships without water. The price of living grows higher and higher like the blaz- ing ashes of volcanic fire. We seldom tire listening to our praise, but fall asleep to the glory of our neighbor. The silent sow and brutal boar in the financial trough are the fat hogs of humanity. Many words might be left unsaid to the great advantage of vain, impulsive people. When the devil and debt drive your coach the passenger is doomed to destruction. The flowers of earth and stars of heaven are the poetic emblems of Omnipotence. When a man designedly insults you with his tongue, knock him down with your fist. A fool is flattered by his own philosophy and failure lies in wait at every crossing. Man has no initiative in his birth, life or death, and what he is he is not by his will. "Cease to do evil and learn to do well," and thus escape the warning wrath of hell. A clean-cut literary phrase maker is the razor that shaves off the warts of the world. He who regrets the past, neglects the present and fears the future is a natural failure. Disappointment, dissatisfaction and despair are but spurs of success to a brave man. TRUTH 157 The best and most profitable club for any man to join heartily is his own library. Dimes and dollars, pence and pounds, stop with the hare and run with the hounds. The self-reliance and vaulting vanity of a great man is felt more than expressed. He who can close his eyes forever without a single regret is a supreme philosopher. The unprecedented things we say and do are the longest remembered by mankind. The loss of one social straw in a stack of pandering poli- ticians will not be missed. A key of gold can unlock the pad-lock of a stable or the dead-lock of a legislature. The rocky will power of the soul breaks to pieces the dashing waves of destiny. Those who love work and duty for their own sake become famous without intention. Truth, honor, work and economy will guarantee success in every avocation of life. Great is the mortal who can endure the highest and lowest fortune with equanimity. It is nobler to fight the troubles of life to the end than cowardly commit suicide. The great and glorious of long ago have vanished like the sheen on mountain snow. Crushing sin beneath our feet is harder than crushing candy between our teeth. 158 TRUTH Greater men live and die unknown than those who are constantly in public view. Traveling in bad company and brier fields will scratch and bleed the best people. The politician who is cheered to the skies today may be hissed to hades tomorrow. Conscience is the chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means of each individual. When a man loves his neighbor as himself he will be found in the graveyard of glory. Mankind is a moving mass of mysterious selfishness and hugger-mugger hypocrisy. Brain, beauty, grace and a low, sweet voice in woman are imperishable adornments. Our Uncle Sam runs this grand Nation and laughs at threats and dire dictation. The man who can make opportunity and circumstance is master of every situation. A degenerate who boasts of illustrious ancestors adver- tises his own degradation. The royal robbers and murderers of monarchy should be extirpated from the earth. Excess of thought and action will ultimately produce excess of misery and ruin. Antecedent human action and consequent effect are twins of failure or success. The productions of a man's brain or hand should be la- beled by his own estimate. TRUTH 159 He who doubts himself and underrates his power will be overpowered Ijy failure. A philosopher without office is a thousand fold stronger than a politician in power. Remembering happier days will brush away the stormy clouds of the passing hour. The good conduct taught by all churches is a good reason for their existence. To ignore or defy spleen, scandal and vengeance is the part of a true philosopher. The axe, the plough and the hammer are the original implements of civilization. Those who feel that they have nothing to say or do might give the undertaker a job. A polite "good morning" on the broad way of life is a cheer for the business day. The hope of the smart politician does not always ma- terialize at the ballot box. Brilliant coquettes may lose their reputation, but not their virtue and character. Although truth be hid in a hole or a haystack, it never fails to spring to the light. The optimistic mind is a magical menagerie of munificent and mellifluous happiness. The silent soul spirit of a good book ever awaits com- munion with a true friend. The severest slavery is for a poor philosopher to be obli- gated to a rich ignoramus. 160 TRUTH Sharp politicians do unprecedented things to call attention to their fantastic schemes. Fanatical converts from one religion to another are as unstable as running water. The ignorant, hungry and shelterless are not managed by the platitudes of morality. He who attempts to reform public vices is in danger of deforming his own virtues. The great difference between Capital Union and Labor Union is brain and bullion. A bad conscience filled with corrupt motives is worse than a den of rattlesnakes. To be remembered for the good we do is sweeter than bright drops of honey dew. Who can forget the dashing hand sleds of boyhood or the kiss of his first sweetheart ? While detecting and blaming the blunders of others we make a dozen of our own. A wise and lofty phrase wings its brilliant flight through the literary storms of ages. Confidentially telling friends their faults is a sure way of breaking the links of love. The statesman is the hero for principle, the politician a plodder for pelf and power. Daily physical exercise is the best doctor and renders no bill for professional service. The Secretary of State is not the Root of all evil, but the gold and glory of all good. TRUTH 161 Great and blessed is the one who can be master of practical matters from day to day. The fall from intense friendship and love is the most deplorable situation in life. There seems to be no particular haste to increase the sal- aries of government clerks. Brain and capital have never finally failed in moulding labor to their financial will. Education, civilization, Christianity and war are a quar- tette of natural destroyers. The fed dog barks a welcome to his master while the hun- gry cur snarls in the street. Should we never waken from a sound sleep. Death will be robbed of its usual victory. Harmonious body, clothes, cash and language are the greatest helps to happiness. A rich and truthful saying is an imperishable clinker in the ash heaps of humanity. Experience without knowledge and wisdom is as useless as a bucket without a bottom. Good conduct among the rich or poor is the best test of virtue and true citizenship. It is pathetic to behold a generous and noble heart strug- gling with an empty purse. The sunny soul and heart are never afflicted with the sleet and snow of suspicion. In the makeup of this every day world, the innocent con- stantly suffer for the guilty. 162 TRUTH The friend who praised us to the skies last year may damn us to oblivion today. The finest human ships are blown ashore on the waves and rocks of intemperance. The mistakes of yesterday and today will meet us as ghosts of failure tomorrow. The religious and political hypocrites are cut from the same bolt of shoddy cloth. The greatest mind absorbs and includes all the little minds in the neighborhood. Mental, physical and financial selfishness is the pro- peller of all human action. God in his mercy gives sunshine and rain and mingles each life with pleasure and pain. Common news items die with the day, but true maxims and epigrams live forever. Tyrants of thought and power are the most dangerous vipers of animated nature. It cannot be honestly expected that the daily editor shall be at his best all the time. A person without purpose, principle or pounds is as useless as a bucket without hoops. Knowledge is a very jealous mistress and allows no flirting with pretence and egotism. The masonry of manhood is the most magnificent order in the Lodge of Humanity. The created cannot know its maker any more than a spin- ning top knows the turner. TRUTH 163 The true philosopher extracts rainbows of hope from the storm-clouds of misfortune. How waves of human earth worms wriggle and roll into the dark ocean of oblivion ! The lover is the lever that lifts the weight of sorrow from the shoulders of humanity. Beautiful boasting with brains, bravery and bullion to back it benefits everybody. Living along the rough edges of want will make you thoughtful and economical. How ready we are to overlook our own failings while rebuking those of another ! The natural disposition and form created in animated nature is never eradicated. Vanished glory is like the sputtering of a dying candle in the socket of remembrance. In the brightest sunshine of our prosperity there lurk the darkest clouds of adversity. The work of the mind, heart and hand of every person is for sale for power and gold. If the ox and the tiger changed dispositions each of them would soon starv^e to death. Though storms obscure, the stars still shine and hungry hearts may wine and dine. He who pockets an intended insult for the sake of policy is a poltroon and a coward. A man just out of prison without a dollar or friend is in trim to commit a new crime. 164 TRUTH By sitting on porcelain door knobs an author cannot hatch out beautiful birds of fancy. Those who die for liberty and truth can be assured that their cause shall never die. He who has uttered a great thought and performed a great deed has lived long enough. He who is weak enough to form an undesirable friendship is base enough to betray it. People have often lost their liberty by lack of vigilance and courage to maintain it. A brave, outspoken, impulsive man is far better for a friend than a smooth sneak. The fool burns his candle at both ends while the philoso- pher is a light unto himself. Laws are made by the rich and strong to bamboozle and swindle the poor and weak. He who sharpens his tongue on the anvil of truth will out- last the hammer of scandal. United labor, ruled by reason, can mould the laws of the Republic at the ballot box. It is better to be popular with the many poor than have the regard of the few rich. Ambition for wealth and power has destroyed the happi- ness of families and nations. This nation is too great for any man or state to prevent its progress and perpetuity. The frost work of cold misfortune is soon dispelled by the warm sunshine of labor. TRUTH 165 It is far more profitable for the people to build one hundred school houses than one jail. When the bottom rail is on top the grubs, bugs and roaches die in the sunshine. Moral, individual and international opinion will soon arbitrate the causes of war. Dirt, whiskey and fanatical religion are continual de- stroyers of the human race. Some characters, like the skylark, flood the world with showers of melody and love. The doctrine that the King and the people can do no wrong is but a flattering lie. A combination of sentiment and business lasts as long as sympathy and cash prevail. Those who pay no personal or real taxes are the servants and slaves of those who do. The golden tie of material business binds political parties into one mass of monopoly. Ignorance, bigotry and imagination are the perennial springs of fanatical religion. Garlands on the brow of blatant beauty and power have been won by silent workers. He who does good for the sake of the good never puts a mortgage on his conscience. A twenty-ton American battleship will be the best peace Commissioner of the future. Never associate with a man that you would be unwilling to introduce to your family. 166 TRUTH Today his name is lauded to the skies, tomorrow shows the graveyard where he lies. The lineage of men and women who do not reproduce themselves dies out forever. Microbes are the messengers of the creator to masticate the membranes of mankind. The study of the uniformity of nature will help us to round our lives with reason. Every garment of human happiness is interwoven with concealed threads of sorrow. There is no honor in belonging to a rich, social, eating, drinking and gambling club. Politeness is the perfume of daily life and punctuates the purity of personal principle. Envy and jealousy cling to the sordid mind like the shell to a diamond-back terrapin. Silver, gold and diamonds do not bring sure happiness, but great trouble when lost. A wise man mixes with the crowd and gathers knowledge from passion and adversity. This transient life is rounded by a sleep where all in turn may laugh or sigh or weep. Honesty and intelligence of individual citizens is the corner-stone of the republic. Out of ten thousand Sunday preachers there is not one of them that says anything! While fortune gives us gold and glory today it gives us pain and poverty tomorrow. TRUTH 167 The soundness of apples and potatoes cannot be judged by their outside appearance. The pen dropped from his cold, dead hand and left him a wreck on the shores of time ! "Don't care" goes to the pawnshop, the poor house, the prison and the potters' field. Shedding tears over the ashes of dead hopes does not cure the scars of disappointment. We may be content and happy with a mill when others are miserable with a million. The poorest home in the land is happy when lit by the light of love and confidence. The royal robbers and murderers of monarchy must be exterminated by the people. There is no sensible person perfectly happy, for mind and body are ever in contention. The candle light of genius while irradiating the pathway of the world consumes itself. The crooked conscience and the crooked camel cannot help their natural affiictions. The repetitions in the Christian bible are as numerous as the quotations in Confucius. Liberty and slavery of mind and body are universal ele- ments of light and darkness. Wealth and power continually encroach on the poor and weak in all lands and climes. While we proclaim our triumph for to-morrow, death tears the parchment of life to-day. 168 TRUTH A true friend when you are absent will not listen to your censure by scandal mongers. It is better to be filled with the light of exaggerated hope than the darkness of doubt. Governmental injunction is of doubtful relief, and no one knows who will be hit next. Reparation may be made for crime, but its memory will haunt the actor to his grave. Liberty and self-reliance are the inalienable rights of every individual and nation. The keen public man who seemingly does not seek promo- tion is sought by the people. A trickling leak in the strongest dam will, if not stopped, destroy the whole structure. Continual perseverance prevails with the plodding patriot and progressive philosopher. Advice to the pauper is poor consolation to a hungry stomach and battered brain. He is a wise man who does not bother himself about get- ting things he does not want. Hit a liar with a club of truth and you quickly jolt him from his pedestal of pretence. When health, money and reputation are gone it is time to put up the shutters of life. Talk, indifference and idleness are daily travelers to the poorhouse and potters' field. No citizen of the Republic should be sent to prison without a trial by a jury of his peers. TRUTH 169 The hearts of the rich are often nesting places for the hornets of fear and remorse. Hold your head and eyes to the sun and stars and leap along to the mounts of glory. It is difficult for the eagles of literature to commingle with sparrows of their profession. Labor receives ten per cent of all working business, while capital takes ninety per cent. In strikes and lockouts capital has ever had the power to starve labor into submission. Thank God every day for endowing you with patience, perseverance and patriotism. The erratic irregularity of genius is condoned by the greatness of his productions. The greed of money getting will blind a man to every honorable and lofty purpose. A cripple marching in the straight line of duty will out- walk the crooked speculator. A philosopher may become an atheist, but an atheist never becomes a philosopher. Thinking too little and talking too much denotes the mind of an egotistical blatherskite. Those who are covered with the gold and honey of life attract the flies of humanity. An impulsive and passionate man shortens his life by a link every time he gets angry. Death and the grave are thoroughly impartial, giving eternal Justice to all mankind. 170 TRUTH The butcher and ball player at the ballot box are as power- ful as the broker and banker. He who will endure and suffer most in silence for the sins of others is a great character. Energy and matter are combination forces and never lose a particle of their birth right. Secret corruption, like an internal cancer, must work to the surface of final exposure. The fantastic charms of passionate beauty win the wisest men away from right reason. Every encroachment of Executive power is a link in the chain of the people's slavery. Wisdom words are wafted on the wings of hope and an- chored in the harbor of faith. The sunshine of the soul is a never ceasing blessing in the roughest storms of adversity. A good and great thought will ever find winning words to wing it through the ages. The captains of industry are the devouring anacondas in the tangled forest of finance. Accepting praise and credit when not deserved is the act of a weak and shallow man. Money to a brave and good man is but a means to help the world to higher progress. Truth is perpetual and immortal, clothed with the gar- ments of beauty and justice. The rough ashler portrait of a poet and philosopher is found in his soul-lit writings. TRUTH 171 One hundred years from now you will not be troubled about what people say or do. The cynic is the crabapple and the persimmon of pam- pered, egotistical impudence. Money in the hands of a fool is as dangerous as a lighted match in the hand of a child. It is cheaper to give cash to a poor friend than to lend him money he will never pay. The most glorious thought of the greatest man is but a repetition of ancient wisdom. The greatest drama on the world's stage is "Hypocrisy," and each mortal plays a part. He who pleads poverty as a reason for employment injures his chances of success. The perfume of flowers and garlic, like good and bad characters, is easily discerned. Those who have little brain and beauty are secretly jealous of those endowments. Beauty is a blossom of benevolence basking in the garden of innocence and generosity. The seed and promises we plant with the best intention may never produce any fruit. Those who secretly give alms to the poor make cash de- posits in the banks of eternity. We climb the stairs of success with labor and fatigue, but descend with lightning failure. The patriotic, political platitudes of politicians are pipe dreams of glittering hypocrisy. 172 TRUTH Liberty and tyranny pray alike to an unknown God for war, power, gold and victory. Golden coin conquers the greatest courts while Justice sits in rags at the castle gate. Death has no terrors for the mystic mind that leaves its grand poetic thoughts behind. Intense individual opinion when consolidated into multi- tude opinion rules the nation. Light eating, drinking, working and sound sleeping prolong the life of any person. Political deceit and duplicity are as common as grass and as uncertain as running water. The life and example of a brave and generous man is a lesson for the latest posterity. Those who draw thought from the inexhaustible reservoir of divinity are unconquerable. The stomach is the master of man and quickly rebels against the tyranny of habit. Plastic hypocrisy and delightful duplicity is the play of plodding patriotic politicians. Mean, envious and unsuccessful people predict the failure of their prosperous neighbors. A good conscience without religion is far better than religion with little conscience. Pleasant fairies and fantastic fakers are the familiar friends of laughing childhood. The genuine Poet teaches the philosophy of hope, beauty, bravery, sublimity and truth. TRUTH 173 The public schools are the work shops that turn out the sharpest tools of the republic. There are more fish caught by silver and golden hooks than by lines, nets and traps. Some public men are so contemptible that they never rise to the dignity of being hated. A great and deep literary man who defied everybody's sympathy is not great at all. He who gives credit to an enemy for honest virtue gives evidence of his own greatness. He who enforces and executes the law impartially is greater than he who makes it. British horses, cattle, sheep and hogs occupy the lands once owned by Irish farmers. Saying nothing at the right time is better than saying something at the wrong time. Few men of eighty years of age ever die in the home or county where they were born. In a casket of literary jewels it is easy to pick out the solitaire diamonds of thought. The consolation of religion to the old, poor and ignorant is not understood by the wise. The brutality of the ignorant mob is about on a par with the refined cruelties of tyrants. A great man needs no flattery or bracers to keep him erect before the rushing world. Compromise between capital and labor is as necessary as felicity between man and wife. 174 TRUTH A man often triumphs in adversity while he fails in the seductive paths of prosperity. Intelligent and continuous work in any branch of business will meet with a rich reward. Success is the continuous criterion of business ability that even one failure may destroy. We can read our own minds best by looking through the eyes and actions of other men. There may be some excuse for being ignorant, but- none for being vulgar and insulting. Truth has all roads leading to its destination and each person selects their own route. Spots on the sun and character are more noticeable in the full meridian of their splendor. The indelible iodine of crime is never washed from the hand and heart of the criminal. The newspaper is the looking glass of today and the thermometer of public opinion. He who knows he is wrong and persists in it is a good sub- ject for the active undertaker. Light shoes, light mind and golden purse dance bravely in the most brilliant ball room. Wealth, power, dignity, fame and glory are the five essentials of earthly happiness. We cannot avoid the final fiat of fate, but we can, from hour to hour, temper its blow. The sneaking and tricky book publisher silently but surely drifts into bankruptcy. TRUTH 175 Forwardness or reservation in conversation are each dangerous to social conviction. The geometrical philosophy of a poem is in proportion to its synthetical construction. The sunrise and sunset of life have no memory for the meridian of vanished splendor. Sowing grains of wisdom in the sub-soil of conscience and duty produces immortal crops. The sabbath bells now ring for frills and collars, but more than all for dimes and dollars. Keep the snow and ice out of your heart and you will be able to defy that on the street. Undetected criminals suffer constant punishment by the self-imprisonment of the mind. The conscience of the public is reflected in the sentiment of the honest daily newspaper. The daily habit of depending on your own work and truth is the greatest help to triumph. It is harder to change the real nature of man than to make sugar salty or salt sweet. Those who constantly think of evil ever find the dark and crooked road to its indulgence. The proud, plug editor with brief pomposity perches on a tripod of tottering temptation. When a nation honors loyalty and treason alike, right and wrong have lost their meaning. Clothes, jewels, palaces and gold cannot change the soul and heart of a corrupt person. 176 TRUTH The poor and kind in the right will finally prevail over the rich and wicked in the wrong. The universal sweep and golden glow of a comet is a mystic flash from the eye of Jehovah. How the waking mind brings visions of absent loved ones into our daily walk and work! An independent and lofty character is not appreciated by the common herd of mankind. Every one has a different road to perfect happiness until death rings down the curtain. We remember and forget our friends in proportion to their prosperity and adversity. The equalization of salaries should be adjusted on the quality of the work performed. Grasp opportunity quickly and tightly by the beard and you can twist him into success. The soul respect we pay to genius is not measured by the praise or pounds we contribute. The man who respects and loves his family will have deep consideration for his neighbors. Counting prospective profits is as uncertain as calculating chickens from a setting of eggs. Stock and bond speculators are as necessary to commercial business as blood to the body. Plotting for pelf, plunder and political power puts a patriot on his way to the penitentiary. The gods and devils since old Homer's time have been the passions of sweet love or crime. TRUTH 177 The private or public man who will acknowledge his wrong and rectify it is a good citizen. BulUon cannot buy contentment of body and mind or purchase the prize of true love. Preaching purity and piling up pelf and power is the secret game of the cunning politician. Each individual can make life a curse or a blessing ac- cording to thought and action. The aristocracy of brain is more brilliant and powerful than the aristocracy of bullion. Riches, pride and information may give pleasure, but never imparted genuine virtue. Prohibiting the indulgence of natural desire only adds to the flames of secret inclination. Few men, like the pendulum of a great clock, swing their daily life with even regularity. The gods should have given a second life to the good to distinguish them from the bad. The glowing flash of imagination illumes the unborn centuries with immortal words. The sneaking guerrillas of literature write behind the nom de plume or the editorial "We." The great editor and statesman give the people new subjects for daily consumption. The political wind mills of the Great Republic keep the nation from rot and stagnation. Like the yellow fever mosquito, envy and suspicion poison every object they touch. 178 TRUTH When some people have nothing to do they grumble at those who are doing something. Many a cashier has been morally poisoned unto death by handling other people's money. The weak and poor though wise will not be taken into society or confidential business. Bullion and bullets are the greatest negotiators of peace between individuals or nations. The beautiful decorations of the soul may be seen in the surroundings of the household. Those who will not provide umbrellas for prospective storms deserve to be drenched. When the voters of a Republic are for sale, money, mon- archy and tyranny will prevail. The secret and silent corruption of the mind and body are fatal elements of humanity. When virtue is weighed in the balance against glittering gold, vice laughs in its sleeve. Those who close their thoughts and open their countenance will not have much to explain. The bullet of the oppressed laborer will some day beat the bullion of the wealthy criminal. To be envious of another man's brain, bravery and honest wealth is torture to little souls. If there is a life after death it will certainly be far better for the good than the bad man. The knock on the door by the Postman is more frequent than the knock of Opportunity. TRUTH 179 The prose of Plato, Shakspere, Voltaire and Emerson contain lofty poetic philosophy. A true friend, like the evergreen, will wear you fresh in his heart the whole year round. When some characters seem to be retreating they are only advancing in another direction. An honest man who owes a debt and cannot pay it is troubled more than the creditor. When the wolf of hunger barks at your door, an axe of work will drive away starvation. Never allow duties to accumulate, but dispatch them like the reaper among ripened grain. The constant greed of railroad tyrants is the growing cancer of their final destruction. Attending strictly to your own daily business will be a great example to your neighbor. When you have nobody to love and nobody loves you it is time to find a friendly sexton. Never squirm or squeal when you are hurt and your enemy will have no consolation. A good person is like a bank of sweet violets, ever perfum- ing the surrounding atmosphere. An honest> countenance and warm hand are passports through the ranks of every land. Regret, repentance and reformation are sequent mile- stones with the thoughtless man. Every violation of conscience, like a broken string in a harp, mars its harmonies forever. 180 TRUTH Believing in yourself from day to day will give you con- stant strength and right of way. The commander in chief of every home should be love, truth, confidence and generosity. Those who talk the most about giving a square deal are often the first to give a foul deal. The peasant and king are each on the wing to the myster- ious realms of the vast unknown. Those who fight and bleed for their country have two great reasons for personal glory. The daily editorial incubator must not fail to hatch out full-fledged chickens of thought. The Revolutionary defenders of our liberty were the videttes of our victories to-day. Since the creation of man the passions of envy, malice and greed have never been civilized. Women and sheep without reason jump the fence of fashion because their leaders do. A great thought, like a sound seed of corn, is never lost in the blooming fields of humanity. The school of bitter experience is the best teacher for indifferent and wreckless people. He who has ever lived in the valley cannot have lofty mountain thought or experience. The abuse and cruelty we extend to others often return to ourselves in ten -fold measure. Some characters, like the pack mules of the Andes, are born to bear the burdens of life. TRUTH 181 He who gratuitously attends to another man's business will soon have none of his own. The more rapid and deadly become implements of war the sooner will peace be assured. The laws of honor and propriety are more keenly obeyed than those on the statute books. A great ofifice makes a wise man greater and better, but renders a foolish man ridiculous. When the clouds are dark and the heart is sad, it's then high time to be merry and glad. The dust of the prince and the pauper are blown alike by the withering winds of centuries. How quickly politicians cease to support you when no longer in need of your assistance. The poetry of practical politeness and punctuality is a propelling pattern of prosperity. Many of the common crimes of common people may be laid at the door of Dame Nature. The literary tailors of Tooley street are still cutting and sewing their egotistical garments. He who wings his thoughts with brilliant feathers of speech shall fly over countless centuries. It is a keen satisfaction to survive your enemies, but sorrowful to outlive your friends. When the last acorn falls from the tree of hope we may still hope for another tree of life. If secret sins and crimes were written on the brow, most people would travel in the night. 182 TRUTH The praise or blame we get from others is not as valuable as that from our own conscience. While solitude is the schoolmaster of genius, conversation is the professor of understanding. "I'll try" is the hero of endeavor and pushes his banner of victory to the heights of fame. When wealth, health and character are lost, charity and the undertaker are badly needed. He who is brave enough to defy caste, wealth, power and bigotry will be long remembered. There is no thought of any author that has not been thought of by some other author. True souls that love and labor through all wrong are made by the Eternal brave and strong. The love songs of the centuries have never ceased to echo in the soul-lit aisles of humanity. The most beautiful and brilliant lie is but crippled de- formity stumbling to destruction. He who sticks his nose and fingers into an enemy's political potpie must expect to be burned. Friends and flowers will decay and die, but the perfimie of their existence will linger forever. When office holders nominate at national conventions the people decapitate at the polls. Happiness comes not from wealth or power, but love and work through every fleeting hour. A man with one satisfied desire is far better off than he who has a thousand expectations. TRUTH 183 The annual grain crop of fools is reaped and milled by financial and sacerdotal sharpers. The severe suppression of the rights of the people hastens the explosions of liberty. The tyranny and arrogance of wicked capital are only matched by that of wicked labor. Science and Liberty are gradually and surely prying the pulpit preachers out of their jobs. Though wrecked in his first venture, a great man may finally make a prosperous voyage. It is far better to be in contempt of tyrant courts than in contempt of conscience and truth. There never was a human being born who was more of a God than any other human being. The thoughtless, rushing, dashing man will stumble in time over the cliffs of destruction. If a brainless man could be improved into a seedless orange it would benefit the world. Thumbs and blunt fingers of intellect are not implements of expert editors or watchmakers. Interest to a pawn broker often exceeds the amount of the loan, leaving the principal unpaid. Many men meander into mistakes as swiftly as mountain streams rush over rocky boulders. Poetry is the vidette of philosophy, and philosophy is the pilot of patriotism and prosperity. Life and death are continuous co-partners and reproduce each other with eternal regularity. 184 TRUTH What would mankind do without the annual food pro- duction of dear old Mother Earth ? Every man may kneel for himself at the altar of his con- science in the sabbath of his soul. A light load of wealth on the up-grade of life is better than a heavy one on the down-grade. The brilliant, pushing, soliciting author never fails to float his work on the intelligent public. Destructive earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, cyclones, floods and storms do not last long. The wise politician keeps in friendly touch with the house- hold subordinates of a great man. Telling and acting the bkmt truth may bring you enemies, but will never bring you disgrace. The higher you climb the mountain of fame and fortune the greater will be your final fall. The continual play of politics by persistent politicians is the secret of their general success. A man who backs his bravery with a bullet or a bowie knife is a good citizen to let alone. The man who was absolutely honorable and unpurchasable in all things died many years ago. There are more good people than bad ones as the wheat in the fields far exceed the briers. Knowing the right and pursuing the wrong will quickly destroy the proud and the strong. The strong and wicked in home, church and state have ever oppressed the weak and poor. TRUTH - 185 Greasing the cart wheels of your understanding will lighten the load of your troubles. The editorial gridiron roasts are not relished by pampered politicians or peculating patriots. It is well to stoop a little to conquer, but at the same time keep a keen knife up your sleeve. The blush of the maiden and blush of the flower all sparkle and fade in the course of an hour. A dollar and a meal in life are better than a milhon words of praise to the cold ear of death. Liberty regulated by law is the foundation stone of American progress and prosperity. Far better to feel one day of truth, love and beauty than endure a year of remorse and fear. The greatest and loftiest men in home, church and state get a final fall from earthly power. We can honestly respect a great legal office and at the same time despise and hate the holder. He who freely thinks, talks and acts is the best citizen of any State and a terror to tyrants. When rehgion and politics are preached from the same altar the devil laughs in his sleeve. The ripest apples and cherries are out of reach, hke the rare gifts of poetry and eloquence. A political leader must lead with fresh and novel principles if he would retain place and power. When you make a conspiracy to rob or murder safely, let none perform the job but yourself. 186 TRUTH Great internal thought knocks at the front door of the soul for outlet to successful action. Every nation has the right to say and do what is best for its personal, political preservation. Hunger is the greatest leveler of pride and works the greatest instrument of recuperation. The cold formality of official and social aristocracy freezes the benevolent rills of the heart. Could the wisdom in age be our companion in youth how many mistakes might be avoided. The barking of a dog at the moon does not disturb the equanimity of the queen of night. Political platforms are only clap-trap phrases to hide the real meaning of political hypocrites. The financial prosperity of an actor, author or politician depends on constant advertisement. The complaining, cantankerous, quarrelsome citizen is ever a nuisance in any community. A dependent daughter on the golden skirts of the great is a miserable microbe of humanity. Do not flatter yourself a moment with the thought that grim death will not pay you a call ! Charity is the central sun of generous humanity, and the morning star of illuminated virtue. Blowing the sparks of hate in the ashes of memory may resurrect another fire of desolation. Only a statesman can smooth out the lumpy wrinkles from the cloth of party contention. TRUTH 187 The buds of early affection are often nipped by the bitter frosts of suspicion and indifference. Putting words and ideas in the mouth of a dead philosopher is as cowardly as kicking a corpse. The faults and warts on the face of a friend should not be made the subject of conversation. The good lord, good devil individual in home, church and state is a most exasperating fraud. A book of witty epigrams is as brilliant as a shower of blazing meteors in a midnight sky. Doing your full duty from day to day in any business of life will give you sure employment. A man who is constantly calling other men liars is an impudent and natural liar himself. The sweet breads of legislation are given to the rich while soup bones are thrown to the poof. A man can think and tell and act a flattering lie so long that he will believe it to be true. The cost and value of any article, from brains to beef, is a sliding scale of uncertain quantity. Independence, sincerity and patriotism are the three best elements of the daily editorial. A quick workman with a dull axe will do more work than a lazy workman with a sharp axe. Political friendship is a Dolly Varden Coquette, changing her lovers as quickly as her dress. Prejudice, envy and hate trail on the track of truth, but never injure this co-partner of time. 188 TRUTH When the man knocks hard and loud at the front door of opportunity he generally gets a job. Truth may be tortured into a thousand different forms and colors, but it still remains the truth. The sharpest human axe is polished out of existence on the imperishable grindstone of time. Never listen to suspicion, scandal, vulgarity and abuse from any man against another man. The fanaticism of temperance and holy virtue runs into cruelty and tyranny of government. The ashes of hope on the hearthstone of memory may still contain a spark of illumination. It is a very difficult undertaking for any man to become thoroughly acquainted with himself ! Count that day lost if no good word or deed from out thy soul and heart and hand proceed. The Standard oil, standard meat and standard steal are the triple tyrants of the Republic. The remembrance of past pride and golden fortune brings a shiver of regret to present misery. The nature of a common hypocrite is as unchangeable as the sneaking sinuosities of a hyena. Become an expert in one line of practical business and prosperity will perch on your porch. How little the rushing, selfish world cares about anything but its own sports and speculations. Those who continually accept favors and charity destroy their self-respect and self-reliance. TRUTH 189 The author huckster who sells his literary wares direct to the public is the bravest of his tribe. Offensive partisanship is not offensive if you secretly favor the administration candidate. When your capacity to entertain has departed your former friends follow the same road. God must love justice and equality, as he gives to all alike heat, cold, rain, snow and sunshine. The Jubilee of the people rising from the ashes of adversity is the most glorious sight in nature. Imperial selfishness, withdrawing from the world, gets the sneer and the laugh of derision. Martin Luther thanked God that he had made him a poor man, but there was only one Luther. The common people were seemingly made for the use of politicians and cunning corporations. The gormandizer of bread and meat is often more in- temperate than the whiskey drinker. The caw of the crow and the song of the robin awake the ploughman of the vales and hills. The world believes in a long line of historical lies that answers for all the purpose of truth ! Virtue is as common as light, air and grass, extending her favors to all who court her benefits. Bearing the galling yoke of difficulties in youth prepares us in old age to be modest in success. When a man knows himself to be bankrupt in morality, he soon becomes bankrupt in money. 190 TRUTH A cunning politician in power who feels his mediocrity will evade contact with an able man. A nation cannot rise higher or sink lower than the greatest and worst of its individual citizens. So-called civilized nations war against each other and kill millions of men for the glory of God ! A guilty man, though rich, who is forced to live with himself, is a most miserable creature. A fool cannot answer a wise question any quicker than a wise man can answer a fool question. A bad public man will destroy a good measure while a good man will mend a bad measure. A successful conspiracy launches a new party or nation, and wipes out the odium of treason. The soul and sun are ever in perpetual motion, infusing life into all things in the universe. Show us the man who prefers glory to gold and we will show you a real philosopher or poet. Hucksters of thought and vegetables must mingle daily with the people to sell their wares. A sensible, conservative, honest man is very seldom called upon to apologize for his acts. Disappointment and defeat conquer the crowd, but the truly brave man battles on to death. The greatest men, like the tallest trees, are hit by the storms and lightnings of destruction. The greed and tyranny of criminal corporations are the primary cause of strikes and riots. TRUTH 191 The true philosopher has never engaged in the wild, sordid scramble for wealth or power. The Panama Canal is the most pyramidal and colossal public undertaking ever encountered. Great fame sits like a mourner on a mountain top wrapped in the glittering garb of eternal snow. The pleasures of old age are only found in happy mental contemplation and literary ambition. There is no appeal from the decision of the Grand Jury of the people at the national ballot box. He who shoulders the sins and burdens of another is a generous-hearted fool or philosopher. The brave heretic is the hero of reason and the slayer of ignorance and fanatical imagination. The grafting propensity of some people is as persistent as the midnight motions of a mosquito. Small farms carefully cultivated by Caucasians will con- tinue the glory of the great Republic. The snarl and sneer on the countenance of some putrid people is disgusting as a slimy snake. He who offers a bribe to a boodle legislator should be the first to feel the cell of a penitentiary. Passion will kill the greatest character, as the lightning destroys the strongest earthly object. Any shrewd man with a million of dollars can become a member of the United States Senate. The philosopher who coins wisdom proverbs finds im- mortality in the memory of mankind. 192 TRUTH Fancy and financial success are more congenial com- panions than hard labor and poverty. Tattered clothes betray the smallest vices, while rich robes conceal and protect the worst crimes. An ignorant, vicious and lying enemy should receive the treatment administered to a mad dog. Executive, legislative and judicial tyranny should be guillotined for the glory of the people ! Congress is the latest expression of the conscience of the people and is supreme in this republic. Beware of the arrogant fellow with a high-push hand shake, who is at heart a fool or fraud. All the complimentary words and varnish in the world will not emblazon or cover a failure. A corrupt corporation President, like the Ant Eater, in- cludes numerous inside stock holders ! Moral epigrams, enmeshed in eloquent and harmonious words, are the diamonds of literature. The politician is the chameleon of humanity changing his coat and color with every contact. Disfranchising an American citizen is the crudest crime in the calendar of political corruption. Those who violate moral and economic laws secretly or openly suffer the penalty of the fraud. God alone knows if we exist beyond the grave, and never yet has told a pauper, prince or slave ! Many men arrogate to themselves all the virtues and to the balance of mankind all the vices. TRUTH 193 How many churches in the world would open their doors if there was no pay for the preachers? He who can win without exultation and lose without depression is a matchless philosopher. Your best introduction is a bright eye, good features, a pleasant voice and fine suit of clothes. Believing in everything you see, hear and feel, without investigation, generates future failure. We still may triumph through the ambient air when we are armed with the dagger of despair. Like crying children we turn to Mother Earth for food and shelter and in her bosom find relief. The man who mobs the mob with the fearless force of eloquence is monarch of the occasion. Erecting castles of hope on the future conduct of another is as baseless as the vision of a dream. An honest party man is a better citizen than a kicking mugwump of independent arrogance. The light houses on the stormy shores of the soul are daily replenished by the oil of Omnipotence. An ambitious, political, financial boss has no real following but that purchased by his secret cash. Every rich and ambitious politician hires a Press Bureau to flatter and laud his little greatness. In descending the sunset slopes of old age our movement is accelerated by doubt and remorse. In wave after wave, both early, long, and late, human creatures break upon the rocks of fate. 194 TRUTH An ignorant, vicious and lying enemy should receive the treatment administered to a mad dog. The gods destroy those who have reached the acme of fortune and build up those in poverty. A philosopher who eats with his knife in the presence of "society scrubs" is set down as a fool. One man who thinks and expresses a great thought is worth a billion of beefy bull whackers. Victorious today and vanquished tomorrow run ever through the meshes of joy and sorrow. It is as natural for some people to lie and steal as a swan to swim or a swallow to sail in the air. Do not sigh or weep for the losses of yesterday, but plan at once for the prosperity of tomorrow. The grief of the rich heir on the surface is as deep and broad as the property of the deceased. When your money and character are gone, the undertaker and sexton will be your best friends. Some villainous characters go through the world without censure because they are not observed. A cheerful morning greeting by the boss brings a flash of sunshine to his working subordinates. The invisible lightning stroke of paralysis of head or heart knocks the greatest mortal to oblivion. The greatest secret office seekers are those who continually tell the public they do not want office. He who kills one is a murderer, but he who kills ten thousand or a million of men is a hero. TRUTH 195 The poorest laborer may rest at ease after honest work if his desires do not outrun his dollars. A positive-negative man has as much influence in pohtical Hfe as a mouse in a convention of cats. Individuals and states never erect a monument to any of their infamous and treasonable acts. It is not egotism or vanity when a man states the exact truth about his personal achievements. The loss of true love and respect is the greatest misfortune that can befall any wise human being. The few educated sharpers of mankind live upon the ignorance and labor of their neighbors. Miserable must be the person whose pleasure depends upon the action of fashionable society. Dressing and living for the eye and admiration of others is a sure sign of a vain and weak mind. The passing of a peevish President is as pleasing to the people as the passing of a stormy day. Baptism, confession and confirmation are only polished links in the chain of sacerdotal slavery. Where beauty, biscuits and beef-steak enthrill the break- fast table contentment reigns supreme. Governments are not destroyed by the laboring poor, but by the greedy, powerful, criminal rich. The world owes a daily debt of intellectual gratitude to Homer, Plato, Christ and Shakespeare. We can look bravely and serenely at the troubles of another, but flinch quickly at our own. 196 TRUTH The poor and the weak are pushed to the wall while the rich and strong shine br.;ve at the ball. He who retains the confidence and companions of a scoundrel will soon become one himself. If we could coin expectation into realization the list of millionaires would be increased daily. The person equipped by nature with common sense has a diploma that no university can bestow. Bribery destroyed the oratorical Demosthenes and greed for gold blackened his eloquent name. A great accumulation of knowledge and gold will place any person in the highest station of life. Secret fraud and crime, like the cancer, must sooner or later break out and expose the criminal. Inordinate and insulting egotism in any private or public person is the worst feature of humanity. We can never find in any situation the contentment that has taken flight from the heart and soul. The rain, frost and snows of adversity can be utilized by the brave for the sunshine of prosperity. The man who can crowd the work of two business days into one should receive a double salary. Trying to discover what we do not know in nature is better than halting at seeming impossibilities. News paragraphs, like the morning glory, die in a day, but philosophic paragraphs live forever. The greatest writers have been the greatest plagiarists — • Virgil, Goethe and Shakespeare leading. TRUTH 197 You cannot prosper without the friendship and assistance of the world, but it can do without you. Every good and great man grows greater as the sunset of his years gild the glory of his lofty soul. Official title of nobility does not grant nobihty of character or make a royal scoundrel a gentleman. Public opinion is as variable as the March wind and far more chilling to the defeated candidate. Many men join churches, clubs, lodges and parties to secretly promote their personal interest. The first crack and leak in the dam of your integrity will soon open the flood gates of destruction. The promises and pounds we receive in prosperity will quickly vanish in the day of adversity. A politician who proposes to sit on two stools of policy will finally find himself flat on the floor. A man will deny his age for the sake of business ambition, while a woman will for vanity and love. Those who inherit the sunshine of the soul can dispel the clouds and storms of doubt and defeat. The business man who succeeds by secret plots and cheat- ing deals will fail by the same tricks. The good shepherd will eat mutton with great relish and yet kill a wolf for doing the same thing. It requires deep thought and action to conmiand complete- ly a herd of cattle and regiment of men. Little, mediocre men are ever blustering to make up by surface force what they lack by nature. 198 TRUTH Epigrams and maxims are nuggets of knowledge, entering the brain like lightning through an oak. The "Dred Scott" decision of the United States Supreme Court was the vidette of the rebellion ! District Attorneys are often secretly manipulated to relieve rich criminals and prosecute poor ones. A spark of love-lit fire in the ashes of remembrance may be blown into a conflagration of affection. There's nothing now said and written that has not been said and written a billion times before. The lash of afiliction is the ladder upon which wise men climb to heights of power and pleasure. When you cease to care for yourself and your daily con- duct, the world will second your neglect. The mutual confidence of husband and wife is the brightest jewel in the household of human felicity. Thinking, looking and feeling for the bright side of life will usher you into pleasure and prosperity. The professions in a political platform are as frail as the proverbial pie-crust, made to be broken. A good cause conquers with a small force while a bad cause is defeated with millions in its defense. Affliction makes a good man better and brighter, as out of darkest storms come peace and sunshine. The person who is ever boasting of dead ancestors has nothing more to commend him to society. Some people try to find work as if they were playing hide and seek, ever dodging the main object. TRUTH 199 The most luxurious victuals feed the fattest microbes in the fairest bodies for future graveyards. Editors, authors and preachers are the philosophic trip hammers in the rolling mills of mankind. Fortune may strip us bare of wealth, power and reputation, but cannot deprive us of a master mind. The scorn and contempt of honest people for rich criminals is a constant imprisonment to the guilty. A character individual does not need a club, lodge cr society to dignify his merit and fame. The mind of man, like the Alpine peaks, shines supreme over the foot hills of material mediocrity. Gold may gild the licentiousness of society flyers, but they are secretly despised by decent citizens. He who wings his thoughts with the brilliant feathers of speech shall fly over countless centuries. What if the whole world forgets thee, God is ever nigh to receive the last sigh of thy parting soul. The practical politician is a kaleidoscope of public opinion, and while pretending to lead is ever led. Evil is the worst companion you can have in adversity, for hope never enters its dark chambers. If you have no pence or pounds give the unfortunate poor at least encouragement and not censure. He who can endure undeserved odium for a season will triumph over cowardly scandal mongers. Those who have never known poverty cannot appreciate the misery of their unfortunate brothers. 200 TRUTH He who attends strictly to the conduct of his daily living need not be alarmed at his sudden dying. An honest, good and prosperous man, who has no pride of ancestry, may well be proud of himself. Do your talk with cheerful glee and the master mechanic or proprietor will see to your promotion. How often the brave eat the weeds and thorns of grief while bearing sugar and bread for others. Your merit may not be recognized at once, but a steadfast energy never fails to bring good results. In business matters come at once to the stump of conver- sation and cut into the timber of interest. In the circumlocution of business conversation the wise man can soon detect the sneak and fraud. Business without brain and bullion will fall as surely as the noon time-ball of the war department. Oliver Cromwell was the greatest fanatic, tyrant, robber and murderer of the seventeenth century. The political opinion of a man in public office and interested in continuous salary is of no consequence. Out of labor, sacrifice, prayer and penance comes the sweet happiness of reflection and charity. Giving up a certain small salary for an uncertain large salary does not display practical wisdom. Many national politicians get the unanimous cheers of their fellow citizens, but not their votes. If the tears of sorrow were fashioned into diamonds of joy we would be blessed beyond measure. TRUTH 201 There is no action in human Ufe without consequence, and no consequence without pain or pleasure. Though the clouds be dark and threatening, the silver lining of your soul will brush them away. Blot out the vanity, folly, greed and crimes of mankind and there would be very little history left. The avaricious man, like Mount Aetna, bears within him- self the fire and brimstone of destruction. The guilty rich are the worst citizens of any government and are only fit for fertilizing graveyards. The wildest boys and girls make the best men and women when managed with kindness and reason. Do not arrogantly demand your rights unless you are in a position to command and enforce them. When spleen, wrath and hate take possession of your n)ind-mansion, virtue and love move out. It requires a great social artist to tell a lie in such an eloquent manner as to pass for the truth. Pedigree and riches will not make a man great without the lofty aspiration of soul independence. It is better to build a chicken coop, dog house or log cabin, than to tear down a city, state or nation. Every appointment by any state, city or national Execu- tive makes ten or more disappointments. The public exchange of liar, coward and crook between politicians is disgusting to decent citizens. The best way to deal with a dressed-up arrogant fellow is to be perfectly indifferent to his presence. 202 TRUTH Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln were the Big Four Presidents of the United States. When the rich briber is imprisoned with the pohtical boodler there will be some justice in law. When the mind and the body of man kick against each other, disease and death umpires the case. The pride of family, character and intellect leads any man into the performance of illustrious deeds. The virtuous, independent, generous, patriotic editor is the best daily preacher in the republic. Were it not for trouble and misfortune we could not have the sweet consolation of conquering them. When men constantly decline what they are not offered they willingly accept when it materializes. It is better to breakfast on a rasher of bacon and chunk of bread than run in debt for a big dinner. The dead limbs of ancient religion must be cut off the modern trunk of philosophy and science. A hog in office commands attention, but outside he wobbles to the slaughter house of failure. He who can reason and act correctly from the unexpected incidents of daily life is a true philosopher. The beautiful lies chiseled on beautiful monuments is only the evidence of beautiful forgiveness ! The Jew is still used as the scape-goat of the nations for the greed and tyranny of so-called Christians. When you hit a wrong, strike with a sledge of thought and crack the crown of ignorance and tyranny. TRUTH 203 Tyranny and slavery are very bad habits and should be extirpated from the heart and soul of man. A poHtical house divided against itself cannot stand any longer than the faith of a family mansion. A person of noble and innocent instincts never suspects the mean maneuvres of sneaking mankind. The pleasure we feel for sledding down hill on the glistening ice and snow pays us for walking up again. The popularity of an Executive wanes in proportion to the remains of official favors he has to bestow. The honest, good, brave and beautiful are largely in the majority in the various ranks of humanity. Great novel writers have a deep vein of poetry running through their eloquent and pathetic prose. The laborer who kicks against unjust capital today may be the capitalist tomorrow who is kicked. When foreign sugar interferes with domestic sugar, the financial sugar of trust legislation prevails. Frequent popular elections are ever best for the common people to maintain their rights of freedom. The coin of thought uttered from the mint of genius is a more lasting currency than silver and gold. The loss of gold, character and friends is not fully ap- preciated until they have departed forever. A law is not a practical law until the supreme court of the United States pronounces it constitutional. The innate virtue and prosperity of the home is the real guarantee of the perpetuity of government. 204 TRUTH A sneak and a robber, like the prowling fox or tiger, are destined for the trap and bullet of justice. To be cheated in business by a religious man does not par- ticularly soften the sorrow of the victim. The false and fantastic play of human hypocrisy is continu- ous as the lapping waves on the sea shore. We could never see the good in erecting envy, jealousy, malice, greed, poison, robbery and murder. Head-long pride and bounding ambition butt against the granite walls of insurmountable opposition. The worm of a whiskey still is not as complicated as the stomach and intestines of meandering man. The only true freeman is he who will express his soul thoughts without policy, duplicity or fear. The systematic, mathematic man will win more praise and prizes than a glinting, brilliant character. Ignorance, carelessness, laziness and over-feeding shorten the mental and physical life of humanity. When the sincerity and honesty of the soul and heart take flight the individual is like an empty tomb. Jumping into trouble and quarrel is as natural to school boys as the flitting fights of street sparrows. There can be no true, good and lasting literature without a true and talented man behind the pen. A good dog with a bad name, and a bad dog with a good name, are unfortunately nothing but dogs. When we slip on the down grade of adversity the road seems to be already greased for our flight. TRUTH 205 True Christianity and charity should conquer the worid with their lessons of kindness and equality. The political demagogue feeds upon the ignorance and bigotry of the foolish masses of mankind. "Offensive partisanship" is only so in subordinates, the President and cabinet clerks being immune ! Christ never demanded pew-rent, Peter pence, pounds or dollars from his poor and needy followers. Be honest and just to your employer, working in the open, and he will not fail to find your value. Genius feels the necessity of isolation to impulsively hatch out problems of seeming impossibility. He who talks by the hour and says nothing is like the idle wind humming through a weather vane. The mystic magician of spiritual words weaves the web of fanaticism around the victims of religion. How little we think of the pathetic ruins of the mind tottering today in the asylums of the world. He who gives up the spirituality of his soul for material things is lost to all true love and happiness. The plutocracy of pride and pelf permeates the props of the nation and rots the ribs of the republic. Amendments to existing laws are impulsively proposed before the original law is enforced or tested. The impudence, audacity and tyranny of wealth and power have been the constant scourge of mankind. The inborn principle of selfishness and greed continually encroaches on the other elements of nature. 206 TRUTH A grain of corn, wheat and rice are more valuable to mankind than all the diamonds of the mine. A towering, triumphant man is a torture to the envious, but a glory to the patriot and philosopher. Bread, clothes and shelter to the living Poet would be more sensible than a monument after death. Conscience is the court of last resort where the hell of crime or the heaven of virtue predominates. The saint and the sinner sit in the block house of the soul and switch us ofT to salv^ation or destruction. Never mention or boast of your aches, pains, pounds or purple pride and the listener will be happier. The successful battles of a nation are the inextinguishable light houses of its present and future glory. The revelation of religion is but the cunning manipulation of man for his social and financial interest. Love of philosophy keeps us at home while love of admira- tion urges us to the reception and banquet. Grieving for the mistakes and misfortunes of the past is a poor way to secure prosperity for the future. A sharp-pointed aphorism is a javelin of shining thought, and never fails to hit the bull's eye of truth. The cheese-paring economy of a nation in its army and navy ever proves an expensive experiment. The greater the difficulties we encounter in pursuing success the greater will be our final triumph. On the mantelpiece of our mind there are idols of bad habit that should be broken every morning. TRUTH 207 Every man may be the architect of his fortune, but he is first fashioned by the Divine Draughtsman. The individual robber and murderer can never compete with the desperation of the pubhc criminal! The best way to get rid of a fool friend is to lend him a dollar that he promises to pay "tomorrow." The Fates throw us into adversity and lift us into victory with the indifference of a smiling coquette. When we write what we think and not what other people think, we have some chance for future fame. Better go down to honorable defeat with old friends in battle, than rise by treachery with new ones. The race of men and mice alike meander in monotonous rain to the dark tenting grounds of oblivion. Books marshalled on shelves, in military precision, are the nucleus of an army of victorious wisdom. When the best things we expect turn out bad and the worst turn best, there is instant consolation. Doing good without design and getting credit for it by accident is a real source of personal pleasure. The favor of popes, princes and presidents is a perishable asset in the store house of personal economy. Flattering praise by preachers over the cold, dead ears of coffined clay should have been given in life. The seven o'clock morning merchant will be an hour ahead in cash of his eight o'clock competitor. The comfort of a pipe and a mug of ale with an old friend cannot be measured by the bigot and fanatic. 208 TRUTH When the body slumbers the soul awakens and revels in the flowery uplands of delicious dreams. The mind and body of mankind are created unequal, live and love unequal, and dare and die unequal. Can you place your hand on your heart and truthfully swear that you never envied a human being? He who can weigh his words and measure his actions with mathematical precision is master of victory. The tyrant in home, church and state should be relegated to the cold embrace of the nearest graveyard. Those who discover their secret vices and root them out of their souls become celestial gardeners. The dead-head pass passengers will hereafter have to wait for on head and dead head railroad collisions. Sententious and epigrammatic thought flashes through the mind like a glistening arrow through the air. The grass will grow greener and the flowers will grow brighter over the grave of the generous giver. We inherit the virtues and vices of our ancestors in pro- portion to our environments and education. Those who cannot find peace and happiness in their own mind and body cannot expect it elsewhere. The honest man is never afraid of being caught, and works, sleeps and dies in blissful innocence. The man who has lost all sense of pride and shame is merely a meandering wild beast of humanity. The best prayers for morning, noon and night are loving words and acts for your family and friends. TRUTH 209 The sun, moon, planets and stars are light houses of truth, pointing us to the heaven of Omnipotence. The person who cannot whistle, sing and laugh is ever jealous of the happy-go-lucky wit who can. Calm weather to a tempest-tossed mariner is as sweet as the voice and purse of a friend in adversity. The personal power of a President is greatly enhanced by his official power, and the one is the other. Religion is the first bom child of imagination conceived and uttered from the soaring soul of the poet. He who earns his bread by the sweat of another person's brow has no regard for the biblical injunction. The road makers of new thought and invention are the greatest pioneers in the highway of progress. The poet is a palace builder, peopling his soul structures with the fantastic fairies of celestial harmony. When interest and dividends are not earned on corporation bonds and stock, loss and bankruptcy prevail. A bottle of wine and a terrapin stew have often induced the most cautious to reveal important secrets. The small minority of brain and energy ever control the great majority of human beef and ignorance. The poet paints in passionate words the purple colors of his soul on the glowing canvas of imagination. - Politicians in every land and clime are bribed to support the reigning administration by gold or office. Poets are the pioneers of everlasting truth and dare to think what they say and say what they think. 210 TRUTH Religious agents for the Insurance Company of God are but financial fakers for their material support. The sneak, hypocrite, coward, bigot and liar are a quin- tette litter of sin from the bitch of humanity. Virtue varies not with the voice of censure or praise, but holds truth as the polar star of its philosophy. Be prosperous, independent, and lofty and you will heap hot coals on the head of your sneaking enemy. The best way to sympathize with a friend's total failure is to silently hand him a hundred-dollar bill. Woman nourishes us in youth, gives us pleasure in man- hood and relieves and comforts us in old age. Conquerors, creeds and crowns pass away like the clouds, leaving behind the truth of the four seasons. We find some encouragement and consolation in seeing people who are more miserable than ourselves. The present day should be the best day, for the past is unchangeable and the future cannot be divined. The intensity and brilliancy of the mind masters the failings of the body and prolongs lingering life. The greatest victories of the world have been gained by heroic men of truthful and practical egotism. To break the back of a bad habit and substitute a good one requires constant care and heroic courage. A heaven of reward and hell of punishment seem to be a necessary teaching for the weak and ignorant. Daily mental, moral and physical exercise is absolutely necessary to health, happiness and prosperity. TRUTH 211 Only ideal and romantic writers live in the heaven of literature, prose plugs dying with materialism. The good and great daily editor furnishes the pure food of thought for the working masses of mankind. The President has no real friends, only those in office and those who expect office, temporary substitutes. The pure in heart perfume the paths of pleasure and gild the gloom that darkens the voiceless grave. He who pays the highest price for secret corporation trans- actions can control any financial stock market. When the courts are secretly leagued with tyrant wealth, the common people are on the verge of slavery. Show me persons who wear the secrets of their hearts on their sleeves and I will show you innocent fools. Measures are ever superior to men who truckle to gain temporary success and lose a lasting triumph. Rotten seed never produces a good crop no more than bad manners and morals produce a grand character. Poverty, ignorance and crime must be legally prohibited from producing children to disgrace civilization. Writers who have nothing to say require columns, pages and chapters to explain what they don't know. A rich man who forgets the friends of his youth and poverty will have no friends but those he buys. Keep your secrets and troubles to yourself and look prosperous and your enemies will gnaw the file. The purity, nobility and innocence of the heart and soul are badly exchanged for greed, doubt and guilt. 212 TRUTH The reign of popes, princes, priests and preachers is pro- longed by the ignorance of the common people. The vicarious sacrifice of one person for the sins of another is not the true principle of justice and equality. Chastise the truant good with reason and they will im- prove, but the bad grow worse by punishment. If we know as little after death as we did before birth, there is no reason to be alarmed for any consequence. Many great men have had little conscience when it inter- fered with their personal and political ambition. Social ostracism for political reasons can be played by the minority as well as the majority pretenders. Poets, patriots and philosophers are remembered down the ages when kings and dynasties are forgotten. Can anybody tell what the so-called Redeemer of mankind redeemed when everybody is in pawn to death? Wealth may secure personal ease and luxury, but cannot command respect unless accompanied by virtue. A true philosopher is never knocked from his pivot of principle by the peevish prejudice of the people. As we forget others we will be forgotten, each daily and yearly wave of time covering up its predecessor. Those who profess to despise money are generally indi- viduals who have no financial capacity to get it. The man who submits his principles for the solution of opposite parties will have no principle in the end. To be continually blessed with health, wealth, wisdom and love is the lot of very few human creatures. TRUTH 213 Sordid, cynical souls have no sense of poetry, and are jealous of those inspired by the Magic Muses. The rainbow of hope spanning the sensitive soul leaves a lingering light on the darkest earthly highway. How indifferent and listless we are to the moans of mis- fortune until they echo in our own household! When the bibles of the globe fail to furnish text for sermons this wisdom volume will supply the deficiency. Greed, selfishness and egotism are the three strong links in the chain of vaulting ambition and tyranny. The marvelous mystic and mechanical inventions of man are only in the primer of his future discoveries. To get a business dollar out of some citizens is as difficult as the work of a Dentist in extracting teeth. The only difference between individual murderers and war kings is the bloody magnitude of the crime. The riches of a coward and a fraud only make him more conspicuous in the eye of contempt and disgust. The wise and the foolish, the small and the great will be remembered alike ten thousand years from now ! Tyrannical politicians who attempt to eliminate other politicians are frequently eliminated themselves. A salad of thought with a variety of vegetable and veal voracity aids the digestion of delicious delusion. An apt phrase of contempt and pungent philosophy will puncture the bloated bladder of pelf politicians. The selfish, corrupt and tyrannical politician is the prowl- ing tiger of a republic and should be destroyed. 214 TRUTH The virtuous maxims of many rulers are uttered to fool the people, and while talking good they do evil. He who tries to act on everybody's opinion will have no opinion of his own, and is worthless as a leader. Quoting the wisdom of dead philosophers and patriots strengthens the cracking arches of government. The good Lord, good Devil, independent political editor is a criss-cross between a mermaid and a jackass. There are many civil government officers who are only rooting lice on the blistered back of the republic. When a politician preaches platitudes to the people he only punctuates the philosophy of his pretence. Fear of punishment here or hereafter causes many million- aires to contribute to charity or public utility. The self-concentrated, lofty egotism of Abraham Lincoln was wrapped up in his immortal common sense. Preaching the "square deal" and dealing the foul deal is the daily doing of pelf and platitude politicians. We constantly hug the ghosts of lost hopes and try to imagine the products of loved failures a success. Any citizen who tries to disfranchise another citizen, in state or nation, is a tyrant enemy of his country. The labor union and capital union might pool their passion, and call in reason to settle strikes and lock-outs. He who concentrates the concentrated thought of others is more epigrammatic than the original composer. The go-between, "mutual friend," double dealer and diplomatic deceiver must be a miserable creature. TRUTH 215 Decency is the law of instinctive nature and pervades the heart and soul of every true gentleman and lady. One blast of scandal dynamite has destroyed the reputa- tion in an hour that required fifty years to build. What a lonesome Republic this would be without the daily message or proclamation of the President! The world is marching forward in its majesty and might to conquer for the ages all the principles of right. Why God or civilization allow torturing tyrants to rule anywhere is a mysterious conundrum to mankind. The constantly moving body attracts the greatest atten- tion and in time suffers the greatest destruction. A nation without truth, love, patriotism and unity among its own citizens is on the high road to destruction. Many men betray their secret of wealth by talking too much, like the cackling hen when she lays an egg. Stormy weather has no respect for the sailor, milkman, breadman, newsboy, letter-carrier or policeman. From the earliest ages the rank injustice and terrible tyranny of monarchy have invited assassination. Mark Twain has been marking time to the tune of royalty, and hurling humor at the obtuse British bull-dog. Corporation hunters use impenetrable lawyers as "decoy ducks" to catch the fool flock of flying humanity. Secret chicanery, fraud and tyranny eat their way into the public view like the horrible sores of cancer. Poison weeds grow quick and healthy without care, while grain, fruit and flowers need constant cultivation. 216 TRUTH The habit of cultivating the acquaintance of truth will make you more polite and generous to the world. Never abruptly rush into a business man's presence when he is diligently engaged at work or conversation. Instead of giving sympathy and advice to a fallen man or woman, hand them on the quiet a ten-dollar note. If you know what you will surely do in an emergency, you can calculate on the conduct of the enemy. He who graduates from the college of Hard Knocks has a diploma that fits him for any practical business. Though you may wade knee deep through a river of evil, be sure not to remember anything but the good. Those who sit and sigh on the banks, for the flooded river to run by, never cross to golden opportunities. When we have corrected and cured our own faults it will be time enough to mention those of our neighbor. The double-dealing President who said "Let no guilty man escape" pardoned all those who plead guilty. There is an eternal spring in the heart of true love that has never been frozen in the winter of misfortune. Concentration of personal, financial and political power is the great highway to the mountain top of fame. Proprietors and editors of newspapers color their public sentiment in the interest of their private fortune. The grain of wheat from an Egyptian tomb will reproduce itself after a seeming death of five thousand years. Every one can wing away on the gauzy pinions of hope for a few moments and defy the cruel fetters of fate. TRUTH 217 The poetic spirit is the brightest angel of the soul, soaring unbounded in the limitless realm of intellectuality. Those who read and study with their eyes and not their minds will gain very little knowledge to remember. When subject soldiers cease to fight for tyrant monarchs, true liberty will begin to dawn on the human race. When the linch-pin of reason drops from the hub of your soul, the wheels of your carriage fly to destruction. We coldly respond to the crying claims of charity while we quickly contribute to anything for selfish glory. The poets of the United States, and there are only three at the present time, are millionaires in their minds. The supreme court of last resort is the battlefield, where the plaintiff and defendant get a bloody judgment. Lift up your heart, head, soul and eyes to the sun, believing in yourself, and victory will perch on your banner. The most perfect plans of pelf politicians are punctured by the ballot pikes of the people on election day. Continuous wealth, passion and power breed corruption and tyranny, and ends at last in utter destruction. The irrepressible Jew is still doing business at the same old stand of the original Solomon, Isaac and Jacob. Those who are intensely intoxicated with thought or whiskey may end their days in a lunatic asylum. Memory of mighty deeds performed for home and country thrills the soldiers' soul in the sunset hours of life. The poet's fame outlasts the dynasties and monarchs of his day and illuminates the records of unborn ages. 218 TRUTH He who will pluck flowers of knowledge from the garden of literature can perfume the pathway of daily life. The people are constantly fooled by the financial and religious sharpers who rule them with tyrant law. The sober, industrious man who toils daily for home and family is the prop that perpetuates the Republic. The strongest man physically and mentally in home, church and state will ever dominate in public life. The bloated brow of Bacchus has never banished a wrinkle from the passionate pulsations of the human heart. He who steers the thought of mankind is a greater pilot of the ship of state than any mariner on the ocean. In the public hall or in the working world the man who takes a back seat will not gain the front of success. In angling the rushing streams of human life we catch more fish with brilliant bait than dull earth worms. The mountains of the globe are constantly in motion, silently restless as the bottom of the deepest ocean. A political guide, like a forest woodsman, must be an expert to hold his job, with the wandering citizens. Nations, religions, creeds and parties grow old and die like individuals, to make room for new institutions. Do the small duties that lie close to hand and you will be fit to conquer the large ones that remotely beckon. The wrestling match of winter and summer weather forces human athletes to "grip" for their existence. Selling bonds and stocks at par, that are worth only thirty cents, is the scheme of political corporations. TRUTH 219 Those who love you for yourself will anticipate your desires and wants, and proceed for their realization. The Grand-Father's clock of humanity runs down on earth to be wound up in the halls of heavenly bliss. If there is any justice or future life for men and animals the mule should do the riding and lashing hereafter. The spirit of wine softens the hardness of hearts and old age like the furnace fire melts crude and cold metal. Publicity and court prosecution for corporation robbers are the best means to destroy their tyrant influence. When failure and defeat perch on the banner of your hopes, be the last to mention or moan over the misfortune. A good fellow is another name for a fool who burns his candle at both ends and lights himself to darkness. A tyrant is never safe and has no real joy or peace, fearing an enemy in every room, hall, park, path or road. Yesterday is the grave yard of blasted hopes, today the seed time of joy and tomorrow the fruit of work. Expose your words and wares in any market for sale and they will be pronounced good or bad for the price. With a smile and a hand-shake on the surface the jealous politician secretly stabs in the cellar of expectation. The successful battle crimes of the ages have rewarded the victors with laurel and the vanquished with rue. The withdrawal of the wise and virtuous from your asso- ciation is an evidence that vice is your companion. He who consents to be warmed and fed at another man's fire and table knows not the glory of independence. 220 TRUTH There can be no real true and lasting friendship without the intellectual and moral union of soul sentiments. For more than fifty years the world has placed Poe in the sky of literature among the stars of first magnitude. He is a very wise man who can be brief or diffuse enough in conversation to make argument acceptable to all. The sorrow, poverty and desolation of the sighing soul are pictured in the famished face and battered brow. After the terrific mountain storm has passed the bending shrub looks at the prostrate oak with exulting pride. Heaven, hell and purgatory are only words representing good, bad and indiff"erent situations of life and death. There are twenty bankers in the Ohio penitentiary, but not one printer, a fine tribute to this jolly world worker. A thousand censures to the honest man behind his back are as powerless as a bag of feathers against a storm. When the servant of a free country becomes its tyrant he should be immediately transformed into a corpse. Tramping around on the volcanic crust of exposure and ruin is a constant punishment to the secret robber. When sub-marine and alta-marine torpedoes are fired against ocean battle ships utter destruction prevails. Religious, political and commercial fanaticism have been the unconscious pioneers of progress and civilization. A million-dollar criminal need not worry about fines or imprisonment so long as his money and lawyers last. When noble families are out of brains, buUion and business, they have only foolish pride and memory for support. TRUTH 221 Those who sit on the smoldering ruins of their fortune take pleasure in viewing the sorrowful looks around them. Wisdom gives us wealth and power, and wisdom will give us fortitude when she takes these worldly gifts away. He who labors for another must constantly guard himself against wounds and death in dangerous employment. A great law-maker is false to his constituents if he sac- rifices his wise judgment to their passionate opinions. The billions of the past knew as much about the future as the future bilhons will now know about the past. The duplicity and rapacity of predatory corporations keep ahead of any law that congress has yet enacted. He who is black-balled by a society club should be thank- ful that he escapes association with jealous enemies. The love of the practical politician for the "dear people" becomes more intense as the election day draws near. The great American Republic is rapidly drifting into a financial and political ring of administration tyranny. Many children are weaned from the home and affection of parents like June chickens from the native coop. When the qualifications for white and black voters are equally executed, white-black birds will be flying! A surfeit of hog- wash, wordy platitudes by prowling poli- ticians is nauseating to citizens of common sense. The pope, prince and president have no real heart and soul- lit friends, only acquaintances for financial interest. Counting and hatching political candidates is as uncertain as hatching healthy chickens out of promiscuous eggs. 222 TRUTH Some ministers preach so long and loud that the con- gregation are annoyed between sleeping and waking. Canals through a nation are as necessary to the commercial health as the veins and arteries to the human system. There are guilty men undiscovered who should be in prison and innocent men in prison who should be out. The greatest care should be taken of brain, eyes, heart and stomach, the grand quartette of our fleeting existence. The lightning strokes of wisdom flash from the brain of the brave philosopher without any policy of direction. The love of country is in-bred in the true heart "and accentuated by the patriotism of the eloquent tongue. The oratorical brilliancy of Bryan, like an evening rain- bow, spans the political sky of the American Republic. Thirty-three years after the death of a great man is the proper time for him to write a truthful autobiography ! Advocating the rights of labor publicly and clipping cou- pons privately is the ruse of many writers and talkers. The habit of having a smile and good word for everybody will fill your pathway with the sunshine of sympathy. The poisonous cancer of Bureaucracy of government is the most fatal in its insidious progress to destruction. To vote everything down that is up and everything up that's down is the philosophy of the voter of today. Beware of the cold-hearted wretch who cannot laugh or shed an honest tear at the dark shrine of misfortune. The covetous man has a nightmare of expectations for a bed-fellow and a morning of misery for a companion. TRUTH 223 Capital without labor is like a man without hands, and labor without capital is like a man without victuals. The little spites and little jealousies of little people have often embroiled the peace of individuals and nations. The dog in the manger is never so mean and contemp- tible as when barking at the stride of public progress. Education, Religion and Civilization continue to manufac- ture implements for the future slaughter of mankind. Humiliating are the devious means that proud poverty employs in securing a few dollars for bare existence. The mighty wrong may often overpower the majestic right, but wrong finally dies by its internal rottenness. How quickly the loyal followers of a king or general leave his cause after defeat and serve the master they hated ! The hcense of a poet and a saloon keeper permit them to intoxicate the world with their passionate productions. If we were absolutely deprived of the faculty of admiration there would be no society or theatrical entertainments. The industry and patience of the coral insect and ant might be studied and imitated by so-called lordly men. Nations are but glittering pebbles on the fly wheel of time whirled into obHvion by the cyclones of centuries. The national political demagogue and tyrant is as rampant today as in the olden time of Pericles and Pisistratus. Prosperous and happy environment to the child is like good soil, refreshing rains and sunshine to tender plants. The absolute honesty of mankind would starve Detectives, Policemen, Lawyers, Judges, Jailers and Executioners. 224 TRUTH If we never know what people do against us it is not done at all, and they have their spleen without consolation. Nations are hourly preparing implements and munitions of war to wound and kill each other for gold and power. The glories of yesterday are no more and the triumphs of tomorrow will rest side by side with vanished splendor. The executive tyrant who is continually knocking the people will be surely knocked in turn out of existence. When God gives an individual a crooked eye, nose, hand or foot the surgeon can straighten the freaks of nature. Woman is a matchless mess of microbes meandering over the earth for the benefit of garment and jewel factories. Blowing your own horn is the proper thing if it contains the golden thought and golden grain of practical virtue. Those who consent to all opinions in social conversation are parasites, while those who contest are cross-grained. Many of the ancestors of the ruling monarchs of today were war robbers and murderers of matchless iniquity. Convince a man of wealth and power that your work is for his financial interest and your employment is secure. The brilliant, egotistical man will win his way through a thousand difficulties where modest ability abjectly fails. Those who are depressed by poverty are filled with sus- picion, disputes, jealousy and heart-burning trepidation. The soul does not sleep in the windowless chamber of the grave, but reigns in the spiritual regions of immortality. Storms and earthquakes tear down the loftiest palaces of princes, leaving the lowly hut of the peasant unharmed. TRUTH 225 Industry, economy, sobriety, honor and morality are promulgated by the Young Men's Christian Association. He who innocently suffers for the crime of another should sit at the right hand of Justice and pleasure in paradise. The sonnet form of poetry is cold, jerky and inharmonious, touched with technicality and without heart or lucidity. Your neighbor who receives dividend-checks and clips cash-coupons does not object to trusts and corporations. When the decisions of the courts collaborate with criminal capital, the rights of the common people will be crushed. Few politicians are patterns of virtue for people to imitate, but often examples of duplicity and peculation to avoid. People should be more particular in hiding and patching the cracks in their conscience than those in their clothes. The best medicine for the New Year is forgetting and forgiving the strokes and scars of envy, malice and hate. Politics and rehgion may travel on the peaceful highway of a repubhc without ever coming to contention or clash. By licking the boots and kissing the hands of power, official sneaks retain their humiliated bread and butter. The end-seat street-car passengers take the toe-crushing, rain showers and hot sun with philosophic equanimity. The furnace fire of friendship will soon grow cold unless the coal of interest is heaped on its smouldering embers. Your immediate dining and drinking friends will not secretly love you too much if you are witty and brilliant. An individual and nation thoroughly armed with virtue, bravery and ammunition will not be suddenly assaulted. 226 TRUTH When tyrannical local laws usurp individual rights, the law is secretly evaded and police regulation justly defied. When a prominent citizen commits a prominent crime he should receive a prominent punishment, but he doesn't. In the midnight of earthly sorrow there is an angel of hope and mercy that reconciles us to the worst situation. To cherish and preserve the memory of patriotic, battle- field ancestors, is the best guarantee of national existence. Race, language and religion are insurmountable barriers to the national friendship of the Japanese and Americans. Politicians are constantly putting forth patent pills of thought to purge the people with bamboozle philosophy. Jealous generals and envious admirals have often lost their own glory and destroyed the hopes of their country. The glory of a man, city or country is found in celebrating the patriotic deeds of great warriors, statesmen and poets. An individual and nation will move forward to fight for gold, land and power when they believe they can conquer. The President who can make himself as common as sun- shine, water and grass will be ever relished by the people. Many people fear and hate those whom they secretly injure and are too cowardly to confi^ont them face to face. The taste and tension of youth tremble under teeth of old age, destroying even the aroma of vanished pleasure. Critics are more apt to point out your mistakes than your triumphs, as they seldom create anything but displeasure. You must trust yourself in the gloom of adversity before you can fully appreciate life on the pinnacle of prosperity. TRUTH 227 Fame is but the shadow of a dream, an echo of vanished hopes, borne away on the tireless wings of torturing time. An official fraud and legislative robber steers clear of a shrewd, honest man, fearing the detection of his schemes. The air, the sun and the rain are the grandest gardeners in the universe, chemical farmers of mysterious abundance. Blessed is the individual whose morning, noon and night of life are filled with intelligent conscience and competence. The constant departure of mortals is as natural and un- noticed as the falling of autumnal leaves from forest ranges. Many vacant churches and cathedrals might be turned with profit into bread, clothes, furniture and shoe factories. The officer who profits by political contributions cannot be perfectly free in the selection of his executive assistants. The politician who is openly refusing a position that is not officially offered is secretly accepting what he cannot get. Poets and orators through all ages have been the videttes of liberty, and tyrants tremble at their songs and eloquence. Great corporations and trusts move their fraud cases from state to sympathizing judges of United States courts. If mankind was absolutely honest for one year, detectives, policemen, jailers, lawyers and judges would starve to death. Verses are as common as the leaves of the forest, but genuine poetry is the orchard in the wilderness of literature. Lobby attorneys move around State legislatures and the Congress of the United States as snake bribers of criminality. When labor receives a share in the large profits of capital, strikes, lockouts and riots will be extirpated from business. 228 TRUTH The news of human accidents and death are but daily and yearly repetitions of the same old catalogue of destruction. Philosophers alone decline the social and political honors of royalty in order to preserve their personal independence. The cowardly and brave of animated nature are created so by Jehovah, who is absolutely responsible for all things. On Thanksgiving Day the successful candidate dines on turkey and the defeated man may feast on garnished crow. When the business man begins to eat up his principal instead of his profits, bankruptcy is his next door neighbor. The secret opinions of the cowardly and thieving part of mankind are imitations of rats, foxes, wolves and jackals. The objective force of nature acting on the subjective soul of the poet produces the loftiest rhymes and philosophy. Luxury and licentiousness in high places is a vicious example to set the starving hordes of ignorance and poverty. The earthquake, tidal wave, volcano, cyclone and light- ning stroke are the Divine messengers for human destruction. Those who lie through the force of imagination are harmless in comparison with those who lie by dastard design. If any man attempts to change the original words or tune of "The Star Spangled Banner," shoot him on the spot! Natural and literary philosophers are the true pioneers of progress, having no policy in the principle they announce. Act honestly and nobly today and the criminal ghost of tomorrow will not whisper and grin at your midnight pillow. The chilling winter countenance of unfortunate people is a glaring contrast to the summer smiles of pleasing mortals. TRUTH 229 The tyrant American millionaire who imports cheap and ignorant Asiatic labor is the worst enemy of the Republic. Pity the rich rooter whose sordid soul is soured and shriveled by his daily greed and devotion for dusty dollars. Bad blood among the inmates of the Republican household is a cheering sight to those who would "divide and conquer" ! A President out of power has not as much influence as the policeman that guards the portals of his former mansion. Do not flatter a person with your friendship when you do not mean it and become a hypocrite in your own estimation. Gay old men flirting with fresh young ladies in street cars have no idea how jealous they make the natty conductors. Any man with political ambition, brains and bullion can buy a seat in any legislature, Senate, Congress or parliament. Scholars who burn their golden lines of truth into the altars of human hearts are the real preachers of perfection. A rapid change in the dirt and rock of the Panama Canal is needed more than the constant changes in the Commission. When positive and negative opinion try to reign in the same brain the positive quickly evicts its vacillating brother. The God-given glory of giving is far more pleasant than receiving, as spontaneous generosity engenders no obligation. When you discover that an old friend is a fraud say nothing, but quit his personal conjunction and communion. A rich thief is no happier than a poor one, although his gold may purchase exemption from personal imprisonment. SECTION THREE Matter and force in nature always existed and cannot be increased or diminished by any religious opinion of midget man. We can do everything and anything in reason if we work strong enough and long enough with persistent body and mind. Policy quickly changes for pounds and dollars, while principle stands firm and unpurchased on the ramparts of truth. Devils and angels of thought are constantly visiting the palace of our soul, each courting recognition and entertain- ment. The priest, monk and nun, n on -producers, violate the command of God to multiply, be fruitful and replenish the earth ! ' Continual hammering will crack the hardest stone, as incessant political agitation will overthrow any corrupt party. How easily we favor any side of any private or public question where our sentimental or financial interest is at stake ! A brave, independent philosopher in rags leaves behind him silken thoughts to clothe the world in virtuous habili- ments. 230 TRUTH 231 False weight, false measure bottled and canned lies are the elements of the manufacturer and commercial seller today. The railroad presidents seem to be stronger than the legislative, executive and judicial departments of the United States. Nothing but a bloody revolution will smash and destroy tyrant corporations and trusts that secretly command the courts. God creates good and evil things in all the domain of nature and what man pronounces poison, God may pronounce purity. If secret sins and crimes are cremated with the body there is nothing left but the cold ashes of fading remem- brance. Pessimistic and envious people block the wheels of progress and are extremely jealous of anything they cannot financially control. The tunes of love touched from the chords of memory will often unite estranged hearts in private and public station. Those who graduate in the modern garden of common sense are stronger than those who compound with the ancient classics. Peace maintained by the loss of honor, bravery and legal rights is the most pernicious situation of individuals and nations. Cruelty to dumb animals, poor orphan children and pris- oners continues every day by secret tyrannical and cowardly keepers. 232 TRUTH Innocent members of state legislatures have a peculiar habit of electing millionaire candidates to the United States Senate ! Capital can rest contented when the supreme court of the United States is composed of former corporation and trust lawyers. Very few politicians have finally succeeded in adopting and abandoning successively public measures for personal interest. Primary truth, like a pure -white triple-cut diamond, reflects its sparkling rays and brightens everything in its vicinity. Many magazines and newspapers are subsidized or owned by criminal millionaires to color editorials for their robbing schemes. The working men of any business establishment will quickly take color and force from the superintendent or manager. The Japs may find out some day that the American soldiers and sailors are not Russian serfs and conscripted peasants. When one class of railroad travelers are exempt from paying fare the other travelers have to support presump- tive pets. Prudence and supervision of individual and official respon- sibility will eventually defeat the best hatched scheme of duplicity. The editor who can compose practical literary philosophy for his readers is the household and office preacher of mankind. TRUTH 233 Self-love is imperious, obedient, sincere, false, pious, timid, bold and cruel, a constant conglomeration of cunning con- trarieties. The true, moral sentiment of the world in the long run controls the nations, stronger than marching armies or royal dynasties. The corruptions of the mind and body should be purged every morning, that truth and health may be cleanly preserved. We do not understand why the Creator does not make intelligence, prosperity and good health contagious instead of disease. The pompous selfishness and boasting of some married people over the bachelor crew does not generate benevolence of temper. The liberty-loving intelligence of this grand electric age is surely shattering the foundation stones of malicious monarchy. Go to the monuments, temples and tombs of vanished ages and behold the vanity and evanescent glory of presump- tive man! After a noted man departs from frantic life, the people and press never forget to mention his most prominent escapades. The national Executive can nullify any order or decision of the United States courts by administrative intensity or negligence. The creditor is ever happier than the debtor, as the one has only anxiety, while the other has humiliation, penury and remorse. 234 TRUTH The perpetual political scold who preaches moral plati- tudes is a nuisance and ignorant of his impudence and presumption. When a man is endowed by nature with a greater heart and soul than his neighbors, he is quickly acknowledged their commander. When the executive department of government conceals facts demanded by the legislative department, there is something rotten in the case. MH 26 )gv%