GV 835 .M3 Copy 1 er Boat xd Book^ »^^^ii.. :, :&^^^^* The Rudder Publishing Co. New York ° S., longitude 147° E. The directional force of the magnetic needle is influenced principally by these magnetic poles, and thus it is that the direc- tion assumed by the needle varies at different positions on the earth's surface. The direct cause of this variation is not yet conclusively established. Man> and various theories have been advanced regarding it, some authorities -Qcribing it to influences wholly within the earth, others to influences ox^cide the earth, while others yet ascribe it to a combination of both, tu^ ^j^^ 63 generally held is that the earth may be regarded as a "huge mrignet",*to which magnetic condition in combination with other influences, within or without, is due the phenomenon known as the variation of the needle. Now, at any position on the earth's surface the angular difference between the direction assumed by the needle, after coming to rest, and the meridian passing through the position is termed the variation of the needle for that particular position. If, for example, there should be an angle of 5° between the direction in which the needle points and the true North and South line or meridian, the variation would be 5° East or West according as the needle points to the right or left of true North. This situation varies, at different parts of the world; also some lines or places have no variation. Having no variation at these places, the magnetic compass points to the true or geographical North pole. The variation of the compass is not constant, but has an annual change. In navigating by compass, it is necessary to know what this varia- tion is at different parts ; the charts of the locality show this variation, whether Easterly or Westerly, also the yearly increase or decrease. Also United States Coast Pilot Book gives varia- tions for waters covered. On new Government charts will be found a diagram compass, or compass Rose the outside circle marked in degrees from o to 360 — this is true North. The inside division showing points and quarter points, this circle is mag- netic, the inside needle pointing to the magnetic North for that locality. The degrees found between the magnetic needle and true North of the outer, o^ degree circle, are the degrees of variation for the lo'>^^fty, Easterly or Westerly, whichever it may be. A. previously stated the compass needle always points to 64 the magnetic North unless influenced by other attractions. This other attraction must receive consideration when using a com- pass aboard a boat. This error is called Deviation Another important factor which the navigator has to con- tend with is the deviation found on every ship or boat. This compass error is caused by the iron, steel and other magnetic elements, such as the iron rails, stanchions, stays, etc. ; elec- trical equipment, the engine or parts of the cargo. Keep all of the above as far away from the compass as possible. This error is not found alike on different courses, because the compass card does not turn with the boat. The attraction does turn, and assumes new relations on different courses. This makes the problem arising from deviation extremely troublesome, as it is necessary to ascertain the amount of error on each course in order to know what to allow. Placing magnets at different points about the compass overcomes this attraction, and is called compass adjusting, but a certain amount of error always remains. Compass adjusting is a profession in itself, and the boatman or boat owner who finds his compass off will find money well spent, by calling in the services of a professional adjuster. Deviation is also referred to as. East- erly or Westerly. Leeway Leeway is not a compass error, but may be caused by the wind being either starboard or port. A vessel sailing with the wind abeam will slide off to leeward more or less, and her actual course will not be that steered by the boat's compass. A good plan to use when possible is to heave the log, then bring the line to the center of the compass, and its angle to the boat's course will show the amount of leeway. Leeway to 65 starboard is the same as Westerly Variation; leeway to port the same as Easterly Variation, and the rules for correction are made likewise. On power boats leeway as a rule is not con- sidered, and the operator can forget this problem of navigation. Across the Current An allowance has to be made; as an example, a boat mak- mg 10 miles an hour, crossing a stream having a 3-mile current on the starboard beam, would have to allow a drift to port of three miles for every hour run. Providing, of course, there was no wmd to port to offset some of the drift. In laying down the course, figure as near as possible the time likely to make the run; say, 10 hours. 10x3=30, so allow 30 miles to the right or left of your point, against the drift or tide. Tide or current must be taken into consideration in making runs. A 2-mile current means twelve with tide, or about eight against, of course taking wind into account. Note There is only one North Magnetic Pole. Observations have mdicated that it is located Northwesterly from Hudson Bay on the Western side of the Peninsula of Boothia, in the region of the intersection of the parallel of 70° North latitude with the meridian of longitude 97° West of Greenwich. There is also a South Magnetic Pole, or region over which the South end of the magnetic needle points vertically downward. A point of this region was located in 1908 by the Antarctic Ex- pedition under Lieutenant Shackelton. It is on the Antarctic Continent, to the southward of Tasmania, in latitude 72° 25' South and longitude 155° 16' East of Greenwich. It has been surmised that the magnetic poles of the earth have a progres- sive movement with the course of time, but this has not been proved. 66 Applying Compass Error The New Style compass rose (printed on all new charts), marked in degrees from o to 360, has been adopted for its clearness, simplicity and the precision with which compass errors can be applied. When it is used there is no occasion for the mariner to imagine himself at the center of the compass card and apply his correction differently in each quadrant. There is only one rule and, if followed, there need be no further thought given the matter, for there will be no mistakes made. Rule.— If the compass error is E. or + (plus) the true course is greater than the compass course; if it is W. or — (minus) the true course is less than the compass course. In other words, you add to the needle for Easterly and subtract from the needle when Westerly. To Make a Compass Course a True Course Examples. — (i) Compass error 8° E., compass course 70°; the true course is 78°. (2) Compass error 6° E., compass course 230° ; the true course is 236°. To Make a True Course a Compass Course (3) Compass error 11° E., the true course 135°; compass course 124°. (4) Compass error 17° E., true course 6° ; compass course 6° — 17° equals — 11° equals 349°. When Error is Westerly (5) Compass error g° W., compass course 325°; true course 316°. (6) Compass error 13° W., true course 142°; compass course 155°. This compass error is made up of two things, variation and 67 deviation. Broadly speaking variation is the effect of the earth's magnetic force upon the compass needle, while deviation is the effect upon that same needle of iron built into the ship or carried as cargo. When the conditions are favorable the most accurate way of obtaining the compas error is by observation with the compass itself upon the course that is being steered. When this is done the true course is obtained by the one operation of applying the compass error. When this can not be done the compass error is obtained by combining the deviation, obtained from a calculated table of deviations, with the local variation of the place. The local variation is shown on the chart used. At times the variation may be Westerly and the deviation Easterly; in that case, subtract the smaller from the greater and apply. iVt times the errors counteract one another, one being 5 degrees Easterly and one 5 degrees Westerly. Then again you may have 5 degrees of Westerly variation and 5 degrees West- erly deviation and will have to allow for a total of 10 degrees Westerly attraction. The navigator must not forget when taking, or making up, his own courses that if he uses the inside circle of the rose (or compass dial printed on the chart) that this inside circle is magnetic, and no allowance is necessary for variation; also when courses are given as magnetic. Finding the Compass Deviation A knowledge of the compass only is necessary. Finding the compass error by range bearings is much easier than by azimuths of the sun or stars. It is customary, if the error is found to be small, to make up a steering card and keep it at hand. If the error is found to be great, you will feel more comfortable to 68 have a competent man adjust it and make up a card for any small errors that remain. Before swinging the boat, see that the lubber line on the compass is exactly fore and aft and that she is on an even keel. Then remove all metal from the vicinity of the compass that does not belong there permanently. Awnings and other things must -be remembered. One kind of iron at 6 feet will affect the compass as much, perhaps, as another kind at 5 feet. It is pretty sure that anything at 7 or 8 feet is harmless. All this having been attended to, select the best range available, that is, choose two permanently fixed objects as far apart as possible ; a beacon and a lighthouse, or tower, that is marked ac- curately on the chart. I would not be so willing to trust two buoys unless they were known to be accurate, like a buoy marking a danger, or a bell on the edge of a shoal. Large sea- ports will always have the buoys right, unless some unusual accident has shifted them. Little shallow harbors and those with shifting sandbars can not be trusted. Two range lights, such as are placed by the Government as channel ranges, are sure to be accurate and should be used if possible. Having decided on a range, . any point of the compass will do, but I think we would all prefer North or South. Get out your chart and rule a line through the two marks and with your parallel rule find the exact magnetic range. Then prepare your card with the whole points of the compass. In one column, write over the top, "Ship's Head," next to that "Range Bearing," then "Deviation," and the last column "Course Made Good," being careful to keep each on its proper line. When using it, look in the Made Good column for the course you want, and then look in the Ship's Head column for the course to steer to make that course. 69 How you will turn the boat will depend on the weather and the conveniences at hand. On a calm day, in a good harbor, you can pull her around with a dinghy or a small launch. If there is a current, you may be able to anchor across tide and pay out chain until she rides to a stern kedge anchor. Then haul in the chain and pay out on the kedge until she rides to her chain, bow on. She would need a kedge out in any case to check her on each point, long enough to allow the compass to settle and record the bearing. If you swing her from, say. North to South with no deviation, you need not bother any more, for there is none. It must be understood that deviation is always for the ship^s head. Be sure to be far enough from the mark you take aim over that the diameter of the circle she swings in will not change the range bearing. Get as far away as you can — a mile is little enough if convenient, two miles is better unless the boat is quite small.. In any case swing in as small a circle as you can. In the case of a power boat you can sail over the line on all courses, and take the range bearings as you cross. We will suppose your range turned out to be N.E. magnetic. We will begin by placing the boat directly on that point, bringing the bow and the two marks on one line. If the range bears N.E. by the boat's compass, there is no error on that point. Now put her on the next point, and so on around the com- pass. If the range still remains N.E. by the compass on all points, there is no error. When determining the error, it is easy to make a mistake; it is so natural, if the range changes to the Eastward, to think the deviation is Easterly, when the reverse is the fact. If you will think a moment, the range itself can not alter. If the range becomes East- erly, it is bacause the compass needle has been forced WESTERLY, leaving the range to the Eastward of the correct 70 magnetic bearing. Therefore, if your point moves to the right of the range, the deviation is Easterly; if to left, Westerly. Or to reverse : if the range changes to the Westward or left of N.E., deviation Easterly; to right, deviation Westerly. Study diagrams. When the boat is placed on N.E., if you find the range to be N.E. ^ E., you have ^ point of Westerly deviation. The course made good will be N.E. ^^ N. Each time you check the boat, write the range bearing on the card on the same line next to the Ship's Head column. Also on the same line, the Deviation and Course Made Good, which are to be worked out after all the rest is finished. N.E. N.E.J4E. ^ pt. W. N.E. by N. 2° N. N.E. by N. N.E.2°E. N.byW. N.N.E. N.N.E. N.E. N.N.W. N. by E. N. by E. N.E. N.W. by N. 2° N. North North N.E. N.W.I/4N. 2° W. N. by W. N.E W.^N. N.N.W. N.E. 2°E. N.W. by N. N.E.2°N. V4 pt. E. N.W. N.E.I/4N. V2 pt. E. West N.E.i/^N. N.E.^^N. Fixing a Position The most accurate method available to the navigator of fix- ing a position relative to the shore is by plotting with a pro- tractor sextant angles between well-defined objects on the chart; this method is based on the *'three-point problem'* of geometry. For its successful employment it is necessary: First, that the three objects be well chosen; and, second, that the observer be skilful and rapid in his use of the sextant. The latter is only a matter of practice. 71 I The three-arm protractor consists of a graduated circle with one fixed and two movable radial arms. The zero of the graduation is at the fixed arm and by turning the movable arms each one can be set at any desired angle with reference to the fixed arm. To plot a position, the two angles observed between the three selected objects are set on the instrument, which is then moved over the chart until the three beveled edges in case of a metal instrument, or the radial lines in the case of a trans- parent or celluloid instrument, pass respectively and simultane- ously through the three objects. The center of the instrument will then mark the ship's position, which may be pricked on the chart or marked with a pencil point through the center hole. This method gives the m.ost accurate results of any and, because of its precision, is largely employed in surveying. It is especially valuable in navigation, particularly when the objects are very far distant, because it is not subject to errors arising from imperfect knowledge of the compass error, improper logging, or the effects of currents. In war time, when the com- pass may be knocked away or rifle fire make it undesirable to expose the person more than necessary, a sextant offers great advantages, as angles can be obtained at any point where the objects are visible. This contingency makes it especially desira- ble that all officers on board our fighting ships should become expert in this method of fixing a ship's position. In many narrow waters, also, where the objects may yet be at some dis- tance, as in coral harbors or narrow passages among mud banks, navigation by. sextant and protractor is invaluable, as a true position can, in general, be obtained only by its means. Fixing a -Position by Cross Bearings and Other Methods A navigator in sight of land whose position is shown upon the chart may also locate the boat's position by several methods, without the use of a sextant. The best method to locate the boat's position when sailing within sight of known points of land or lights, is that of cross bearings. Cross bearings require two objects, and there ought to be from 45 degrees to 130 degrees between these objects to get a correct position; First, note course being steered, then take the bearings of points or lights selected, correct the bearings for deviation, then with parallel rules carry the bearing of one object from the compass rose (printed on chart) to the object itself; draw a pencil line on the chart according to the bearing. Do the same from the second light (point or object) and the point where the lines cross will be the position of the ship. When possible, a third object should be also used, and its bearings taken, as it affords a valuable check-up, as the three lines should intersect at the same point, or the position; if they don*t intersect, the error is in the observation, or the compass, or the plotting. All compass bearings are, of course, dependent upon the accuracy of the compass, also upon the correctness -and use of the local variation. RANGES TAKEN FROM SHORE A most accurate and valuable line of position is obtained coming in line with a lighthouse or some known point; such a range, of course, is free from all compass errors, and should be used whenever there is an opportunity. by noting, when possible, two known and well-situated objects which can be brought to range, that is, one back of the other in a line of sight from the boat. For instance, a church spire, stack, or water tower which is shown on the chart, When sailing in sight of land a boat's position can be :3 nxed by using angle bearings. There are many methods more or less confusmg and somewhat complicated. The commonest form of th,s problem and the one most used is called the Four pomt or Bow and Beam Bearing. The first bearing is taken when the object is broad on the bow, which is 4 points or 45 degrees from ahead. The second bearing is taken when the object xs abeam, which is 8 points or 90 degrees from ahead. The distance at the second bearing and the distance of the object abeam are the same, and are equal to the run between he beanngs tlius taken. The method of obtaining position by two beanngs of the same object is one of great value, by reason of the fact that it , is frequently necessary to locate the boat when there is but one landmark in sight. Careful navigators seldom, If ever, miss the opportunity for a bow and beam bear- ing m passing a lighthouse or other well-plotted object It mvolves little or no trouble and always gives a feeling of added security, however little the position may be in doubt. The objection to using the above when passing a dangerous point IS that you are abeam of your object before you learn the distance off. Two AND Four Point Rule By taking the first bearing when the object is 2 points off the bow (or 221^ degrees), and a second bearing taken when the object is 4 points off the bow (or 45 degrees), seven-tenths of the run between these two bearings will be the distance from the object being passed. This is called "doubling the angle on Oie bow , two and four point" or the "seven-tenths" rule There is an advantage in using the "two and four point bearings" over the "bow and beam bearings", as you find the probable distance that the object will be passed before it is abeam. 74 Still a better method is to take the first bearing at 26y2 degrees from ahead and the second at 45 degrees. When the first bearing is taken at 26^ degrees from ahead and the second 45 degrees, the distance at which the object will be passed abeam will equal the run between bearings. If about to pass an object, abreast of which there is a danger, a familiar example of which is when a lighthouse marks a point ofif which are rocks or shoals, a good assurance of clearness should be obtained before bringing it abeam, either by doubling the angle on the bow, or by using the 26^ degrees — ^45 degrees bearing. The latter has the advantage over the former if the object is sighted in time to permit of its use, as it may be assumed that the 45 degrees (bow) bearing will always be ob- served in any event, and this gives the distance abeam directly. It must be remembered that, however convenient, the fix obtained by two bearings of the same object will be in error unless the course and distance are correctly estimated, the course made good and the distance over the ground being required. Difficulty will occur in estimating the exact course when there is bad steering, a cross current, or when a boat is making leeway. Errors in the allowed run will arise when she is being set back or ahead by a current or when the logging is inaccurate. Boats not equipped with a patent log must estimate the distance covered, by the usual speed of the boat, allowing, of course, for head winds, tide, etc. Easy Rule. — By taking a bearing of any known fixed object, the boat's position is found by taking a bearing at 2-^ or 4 points off the course, then take another when the first has doubled on the object. The distance the boat has traveled will be her distance from the object at the second bearing. 75 FINDING DISTANCE OF ANY FIXED OBIECT When a light is made at night, it is important that the dis- stance off be known as soon as possible. Too frequently the distance is judged or more properly guessed, and sometimes leads to disaster. It is often of equal importance to get the distance off of a lighthouse, point or other object during the day. The method called the "four point bearing", is generally known to seamen and it has only one objection, that is, it gives the distance off when nearest the danger. However, there are many opportunities for its use when the boat is known to be outside the danger. As an example, suppose the course is N. by E. and a light is made bearing N.N.W. which is 3 points on the port bow. How far off will the boat pass the light? In the Light List book, it is found that the light is visible 19 miles on a clear night. Enter the table shown in this work with 19 miles and 3 points and it will be found that the boat will be 10.6 miles off when the light is abeam. Because of the continuous and uncertain changes of the atmosphere, this method can only be considered approximate; but will serve as a precaution. If the weather is such that the light is visible less than 19 miles, the boat will pass nearer the light, while if the distance the light is seen is more than 19 miles, the boat will pass the light at a greater distance. Continuing this course, note the reading of the log when the light bears N.W. by N., which will be four points on the bow. When the light is abeam note the reading of the log again. In this case it is found that the boat ran 10.6 miles, which was the distance off when the light was abeam. When the hght was abeam, a sounding should be obtained and the depth compared with that on the chart. This 76 fixes the position of the boat with absolute certainty. Con- tinuing on this course, note the log when the light bears S.W. by W., or four points abaft the beam. If the distance then run is less than 10.6 miles it is evident that a current, change in the deviation, or some other influence is setting the boat to port of her course. On the other hand, if the distance run is greater than 10.6 miles, she is being set to starboard of her course. The only object in taking the bearing abaft the beam is to learn if the boat is making her course good, and if she is the distance must be 10.6 miles or very close to it. When the distances off of lights are obtained, it must be remembered that sometimes lighthouses are well inland and the position of the light on the chart should be noticed. Also the least distance the boat can pass the light in safety. Sometimes a light is made unexpectedly and it is not certain that the boat can stand on that course without danger. The light can be brought abeam and kept there until the original course is reached, when she will have circled part way around the light and clear any possible danger. As an example, suppose the course to be N. >^ W. and Cape Canaveral Light is made bearing N.N.W. The chart shows that the boat is standing into danger, and if the light is brought abeam or a little abaft it at once, the boat will be standing offshore and out of danger. The course is altered as often as necessary to keep the light nearly abeam until she has the light abeam and heading N. ^ W. when she will be out of danger and may continue on her course. If in a case of this kind it is desired to know the distance of the light at once, bring it abeam, note the course and keep it until the bearing has changed to one point abaft the beam. The distance off at the time of the second bearing will be five times the distance run. 11 In this case, say the boat ran 34 miles (changing the bearing one point), 3.4x5 = 17.0 miles, the distance off at time of second bearing, which according to the chart is a safe distance. When sailing along high land, the heights of certain peaks are given on the chart, and the distance off may be accurately determined with the sextant without any great amount of labor. Practical Table for Finding the Distance Off a Vessel Will Pass Any Light Example : A light is visible 17 miles, and is made 3 points on the bow. How far oft* will she pass the light, if course is not changed? Under 3 points and opposite 17 miles is the dis- tance — 9.4 miles. Table of Elevations with Their Distances of Visibility 5 2'.55 70 9'.56 10 3.61 75 9.90 15 4.43 80 10.22 20 5. II 85 10.54 25 5.71 90 10.84 30 6.26 95 II .14 35 6.76 100 II 43 40 7 -^^ no 11.99 45 7 -(^7 120 12.52 50 8.08 130 13.03 55 8.48 140 13.52 60 8.85 150 14.00 65 9.21 160 14.46 Example: Sandy Hook light, height 90 feet, just visible. Height of eye aboard the boat 20 feet. 78 Tabular number for 90 feet 10' .84 " 20 " + 5. II Distance off the light = 15-95 This table gives the approximate distance a boat may be away from a light or object, in clear weather. FOG SIGNALS When running in a fog the mariner should acquaint himself with the characteristics of fog signals for the locality he may be in, whether a bell, horn or siren. A bell is always struck at timed intervals, and a distinction as to the light is made by knowing the intervals and character of the strokes. This also applies when the light is equipped with a horn or siren which are all timed as to their sounds, the Light List for the locality giving full particulars. When running in shallow water and where there are no fog signals, soundings taken by the hand lead should be made every few yards, and of course the boat's speed should be at its slowest. Soundings when taken in suc- cession for a short period of time and set down on paper as they are taken, are of great service to fix a position if the paper with the marks is placed on the chart and shifted until sound- ings of about the same depth are located on the chart. ^ The boat's heading, of course, must be considered when shifting the paper about, in order to move the paper in the same direc- tion as the boat is sailing. The lead is really the best guide the mariner has in a fog, as it is always true, while sound signals have many freaks and whims and can not altogether be relied upon. Sound is conveyed in a very capricious way through the atmosphere. Apart from the influence of the wind large areas of silence have been found in different directions and at dif- 79 ferent distances from the origin of sound, even in clear weather, therefore, too much confidence should not be felt as to hearing a fog signal. The apparatus, moreover, for sounding the signal often requires some time before it is in readiness to act. A fog often creeps imperceptibly toward the land and is not observed by the lighthouse people until upon them; a ship may have been for many hours in it and approaching the land in confidence, depending on the signal which is not sounded. When sound travels against the wind it may be thrown upward ; a man aloft might hear it, though inaudible on deck. Taken together these facts should induce the utmost cau- tion in approaching the land in fogs. The lead is generally the only safe guide and should be faithfully used. Therefore, the mariner should not assume — First. That he is out of ordinary hearing distance because he fails to hear the sound. Second. That because he hears a fog signal faintly, that he is at a great distance from it. Third. That he is near it because he hears the sound plainly. Fourth. That the distance from and the intensity of the sound on any one occasion is a guide to him for any future occasion. Fifth. That the fog signal has ceased sounding because he does not hear it even when in close proximity. That sound waves do not travel as far or as fast during foggy weather as they do when fine and clear, is due to the greater density of the atmosphere during thick weather, and is a fact that no seaman is in ignorance of. Supposing the weather to be thick, but dead calm, there are reasonable distances at which the sound of certain fog signal 80 apparatus would be expected to reach the ear; but no sound is heard. However, another vessel may be a half-mile or even a mile farther off and those on board hear the sound distinctly, a circumstance that is not at all uncommon. In running for a point that is directly ahead, the sound of the fog signal will be heard and then lost, and afterwards again heard and so on, and during the time the signal will be in proper operation. And in running so as to pass the signal station a certain distance off, the sound is often heard when the station is three or four points on the bow and not heard when the station is abeam the point to which the passing ship approaches nearest to it; but heard again some time after passing the station. Every seaman knows that the direction from which the sound of a fog signal comes can not be located with any degree of certainty unless the sound-producing device is quite close. In fact, there are times when the sound apparently comes from points of the compass directly opposite to each other. It seems reasonable, in this case, to suppose one of these sounds to be an echo of the original, but then there comes the difficulty of determining the original. Then again, instead of one of the sounds being an echo, they may be the fog signals of two dif- ferent ships. While navigators are quite familiar with the above phe- nomena, no theory has ever been advanced and accepted as a proper explanation. A great number of descriptions and diagrams of sound waves have been examined, and as none can be found to satisfy the above conditions for explanatory purposes, it indicates that this very important branch of the subject has escaped the notice of those eminent scientists who investigate matters of this nature, which well deserves their attention. The only theory that seems 81 to account for these so-called mysteries of sound, is that the sound waves increase in size as the distance from the source becomes greater until they become huge waves and pass over a ship that happens to be in that unfortunate position and descend so that those on board the ship at the greater distance would hear the sound. It then appears that a ship running for a fog signal station that is directly ahead must pick up and lose the sound, as the signal can not be heard when the sound waves are passing over the ship. The same theory may be applied to the case of a ship having the fog signal station on her bow and passing it not at a great distance. It has been noticed that as soon as a fog signal is heard sufficiently distinct to determine the interval of the blast and silence, and to locate the direction from which the sound comes, the source of the sound is not far off. The only way to distinguish an echo from a fog signal is not to sound the signal with a uniform blast. Blow a very long or short blast occasionally. If a long blast is given and a short one is heard, or a short one is given and a long one heard, it is quite evident that the sound is not an echo. How- ever, as a matter of safety and precaution, these sounds should not be considered as echoes at any time, as there are too many opportunities for fatal error. An echo will be heard all the time the same, while a fog signal will seem nearer or farther away at each blast. It then follows that no dependence can be placed in fog signals so far as hearing their sounds any great distance, and when heard, it is not known whether they are near or not and the direction from which the sound comes can not be de- termined by the ear. 82 Caution Regarding Fog Signals Mariners are cautioned that, while every endeavor will be made to start fog signals as soon as possible after signs of fog have been observed they should not, when approaching the land in a fog, rely implicity upon these fog signals, but should always use the lead, which in most cases will give sufficient warning. A fog often creeps imperceptibly toward the land and a vessel may have been in it some time before it is observed at a lighthouse. As sound is conveyed irregularly through the atmosphere, mariners are strongly cautioned that they must not place dependence on judging their distance from a fog signal by the power of the sound. Under certain conditions of the atmosphere the sound may be lost a short distance from the station, as there may be silent areas or zones, or the sound may carry much farther in one direction than in another, and these conditions may vary in the same locality within short intervals of time. Mariners must never assume that the fog signal is not in operation because they do not hear it even when in close proximity. The above applies particularly to fog signals sounded in air, as steam or air whistles, sirens, horns, or ordinary bells. Attention should be given to observing a fog signal in positions where the noises of the ship are least likely to interfere with the hearing, as experience shows that though such a signal may not be heard from the deck or bridge when the engines are running it may be heard when the ship is stopped or from a quiet position; it may sometimes be heard from aloft, though not on deck. SUBMARINE BELLS Submarine Bells have an effective range of audibility greater than signals sounded in air, and a vessel equipped with receiv- ing apparatus can determine the approximate bearing of the 83 signal. These signals can be heard also on vessels not equipp with receiving apparatus by observers below the water-line, but a bearing of the signal can not then be readily determined, VELOCITY OF SOUND I Til miles for intervals from one to twenty seconds, at average Summer temperature I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .21 .42 ^63 .85 1.06 1.27 1.48 1.70 I.9I 2.12 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2.33 2.54 2.75 2.96 3.18 3.40 3.61 3.82 4.03 4.24 In feet per second at different temperatures, enabling to find distance by sound o 1084 .60 10 1089 70 20 1094 80 30 1099 90 40 I 104 100 50 I 109 212 This table will be found accurate for calm weather, and useful in determining distance by the time intervals between visible phenomena, such as flash of a gun or vapor from a whistle, etc., and the audible report or blast. The table can also be used to find the distance of storms. THE TIDES In obedience to the laws of gravitation the sun and the moon 1 1 14 I119 1 124 1 129 1134 Boiling Pt. 84 each exert an attractive influence upon the earth. Although the sun's mass is so very much greater than that of the moon — being twenty-eight million times as great — yet the effect of the tide attraction of the sun is only seven-sixteenths "that of the moon. One reason for this is that the sun is nearly 400 times further off than the moon. The effect of this attraction is seen in the ocean tides. The v^^ater is drawn, or pulled out, as it were, towards the attracting bodies. When the sun and moon are acting on the same side of the earth, the combined attrac- tion produces the greatest possible rise of water, known as spring tides. When the sun and moon are pulling in opposite directions, neap tides are produced. Owning to the revolution of the earth on its axis in 24 hours, the tidal wave travels once around the earth in that time. And since the tidal wave is double — there being two points of high water — each seacoast has high tide twice a day. But as the moon revolves around the earth it takes 54 minutes longer for a particular place to be brought opposite the moon again. Hence the tides are 54 minutes later every day. Along the Atlantic Coast the rise and fall has several ranges. As an example Key West, Fla., has about 14 inches between high and low water, some of the Florida Keys about 3^ feet rise. Fernandina, Fla., has a rise of 5 feet 9 inches. Port Royal Sound, Ga., has a rise and fall of about 7 feet. At Charleston, S. C, the rise and fall is about 5 feet. Cape Hat- teras has about 3^^ feet rise and fall. Sandy Hook, about 45^ feet while at Montauk Point the range of tide is only about 2 feet. The Bay of Fundy has the biggest ranges of tides along the Atlantic Coast, some places having a mean rise of 44 feet 2 inches and a spring tide of over 50 feet. A careful study of the Government Tide Book is really surprising with the tide ranges for different points. 85 in addition to the forward and back movement of the water in wind or tidal waves, each ocean is traversed by a system of currents, or continuous movement of the water in the same direction. Several causes combine to produce these continuous currents; the principal cause, however, is the inequality in the density of the water in different parts of the sea, arising from different temperature and saltness. GULF STREAM The direction in which ocean currents flow is greatly modi- fied by the rotation of the earth, the configuration of the coast and sea bottom and by prevailing winds. The great current known as the Gulf Stream has a wonderful influence upon the climate and commerce of America and Europe. The waters of this current have a high temperature, through having per- formed a long tropical journey across the Atlantic and along the coasts of South and Central America. In the Straits of Florida the Gulf Stream is 32 miles wide and has a velocity of four miles an hour. The temperature here is 82°. The Gulf Stream flows Northeast, but is separated from the coast of the United States by a colder current from the North. HIGH AND LOW WATER A knowledge of the times of high and low water and of the amount of vertical rise and fall of the tide is of great importance in the case of vessels entering or leaving port, especially when the channel depths are less than or near. their draft. Such knowledge is also useful at times to vessels run- ning close along a coast in enabling them to anticipate the effect of the tidal currents in setting them on or off shore. This is especially important in fog or thick weather. Tidal Streams. — In navigating coasts where the tidal range 86 is considerable, especial caution is necessary. It should be re- membered that there are indrafts to all bays and bights, although the general run of the stream may be parallel with the shore. The turn of the tidal stream offshore is seldom coincident with the time of high and low water on the shore. In some channels the tidal stream may overrun the turn of the vertical movement of the tide by three hours, forming what is usually known as tide and half tide, the effect of which is that at high and low water by the shore the stream is running at its greatest velocity. The effect of the tidal wave in causing currents may be illustrated by two simple cases : (i) Where there is a small tidal basin connected with the sea by a large opening. (2) Where there is a large tidal basin connected with the sea by a small opening. In the first case the velocity of the current in the opening will have its maximum value when the height of the tide within is changing most rapidly, i. e., at a time about midway between high and low water. The water in the basin keeps at approxi- mately the same level as the water outside. The flood stream corresponds with the rising and the ebb with the falling of the tide. In the second case the velocity of the current in the opening will have its maximum value when it is high water or low water "vithout, for then there is the greatest head of water for pro ducing motion. The flood stream begins about three hours after low water, and the ebb stream about three hours after high water, slack water thus occurring about midway between the tides. Along most shores not much affected by bays, tidal rivers, 87 etc., the curreiit usually turns soon after high water and low water. The swiftest current in straight portions of tidal rivers is usually in the middle of the stream, but in curved portions the most rapid current is toward the outer edge of the curve, and here the water will be deepest. The pilot rule for best water is to follow the ebb-tide reaches. Countercurrents . and eddies may occur near the shores of straits, especially in bights and near points. A knowledge of them is useful in order that they may be taken advantage of or avoided. A swift current often occurs in the narrow passage con- necting two large bodies of water, owing to their considerable difference of level at the same instant. The several passages between Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay are cases in point. In the Woods Hole passage the maximum strength of the tidal streams occur near high and low water. Tide Rips and Swirls occur in places where strong currents occur, caused by a change in the direction of the current, and especially over shoals or in places where the bottom is uneven. Such places should be avoided if exposed also to a heavy sea, especially with the wind opposing the current ; when these condi- tions are at their worst the water is broken into heavy choppy seas from all directions, which board the vessel, and also make it difficult to keep control, owing to the baring of the propeller and rudder. When planning a few days* cruise one must not overlook the opportunity to take advantage of the tides. A current of 2 miles means a lot to a lo-mile boat as it either adds or takes away 2 miles from her speed an hour. The current in most of the large and long reaches, such as St. Johns River, Fla., Dela- ware Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Hudson River, etc., usually does not turn and run up stream until nearly flood high at the mouth, and in order to take advantage of the current a careful study of the tide table for v^ater about to be used is worth while. As an example, a vessel leaving Cape Henlopen on a day when high water at Philadelphia occurs at ih. iim. a. m., and low water at 8h. i8m. a. m., desires to carry a favorable current water at iih. 20m. p. m. Her speed being 12 knots, at what time should she get underway and what will be the state of the tide? The Government Tide Book shows that the most favorable time for leaving Cape Henlopen is about three hours before low water at Philadelphia, which is given as occurring at 8h. i8m. a. m. ; hence, if the vessel leaves Cape Henlopen about 5 a. m. on that day, and runs at a speed of 12 knots, she will carry a favorable current averaging about 1.9 knots, with a rising tide all the way. A vessel leaving Philadelphia and running 12 knots can carry a favorable current only about one-half the way. The most favorable time to leave is about the time of low water at Philadelphia. She will then have an unfavorable current averag- ing about I knot as far as Stony Point and carry a favorable current averaging about 1.3 knots the remaining distance. As far as Fort Delaware the tide will be rising; from Fort Dela- ware to Cape Henlopen the tide will be falling. A vessel at anchor in New York Harbor desires to pass through the East River in the afternoon of a day when high water at Governors Island occurs at 5h. 04m. p. m. and low water at iih. 20m. p. m. Heh speed being 12 knots, at what time should she get underway so as to carry a favorable current all the way, and what will be the state of the tide? 89 I The Government Tide Book shows that the most favorable time for going out from Governors Island is about three hours before high water, which is given as occurring at sh. 04m. p. m. ; hence, if the vessel is abreast of Governors Island at 2 p. m. on that day and runs at a speed of 12 knots, she will carry a favorable current averaging about 1.6 knots all the way. If she is abreast of Governors Island at 5 p. m., or the approximate time of high water, and runs at a speed of 12 knots, she will carry a favorable current through Hell Gate, but will meet a contrary current near College Point. In both cases the tide will be rising throughout the course to Execution Rocks. Or supposing a vessel leaving the Navy Yard desires to pass out of Boston Harbor on the morning of a day when low water at the Navy Yard occurs at ih. 03m. a. m. and high water at 7h. 07m. a. m. Her speed being 10 knots, at what time should she get underway so as to carry a favorable current all the way to Boston Lightship, and what will be the state of the tide? The most favorable time for leaving the Navy Yard is about three hours after high water, which is given as occurring at 7h. 07m. a. m. ; hence, if the vessel leaves the Navy Yard about 10 a. m. on that day she will have a favorable current averaging about 1.6 knots and a falling tide all the way to the Lightship. A vessel entering the harbor and passing Boston Lightship about three hours before high water at the Navy Yard will have a favorable current averaging about 1.6 knots and a rising tide all the way to the Navy Yard. A Government Tide Table with its tables and diagrams will save many a gallon of gasolene if used, and the advantage of the currents considered. 90 TO MARK A LEAD LINE The hand-lead has nine marks and eleven deeps, and is marked to 20 fathoms, as follows : 2 fathoms, two srtips of leather. 3 fathoms, three strips of leather. 5 fathoms, white cotton rag. 7 fathoms, red woolen rag. 10 fathoms, a piece of leather with one round hole. 13 fathoms, same as for 3. 15 fathoms, same as for 5. 17 fathoms, same as for 7. 20 fathoms, with two knots. The deep-sea lead is marked the same as the hand-lead up to 20 fathoms and from there it is marked : For 25 fathoms, one knot. For 30 fathoms, three knots. For 35 fathoms, one knot. For 40 fathoms, four knots. These are known as the ''marks." The numbers omitted, as I, 4, 6, 8, etc., are called the "deeps," and they are spoken of together as the "marks and deeps of the lead-line." Soundings by the hand-lead are taken while the vessel has headway on, the leadsman throwing the lead forward and getting the depth as the vessel passes, while the line is nearly perpendicular. A hand-lead used for moderate depths may weigh up to 14 tb and a good leadsman will get soundings in depths up to 5 fathoms with a boat making 8 knots. The sounding machine takes soundings at much greater speed, the depths, etc., being the main factors. There are several types of sounding machines, but small boats are equipped with only the hand-lead, 91 nds I SOUNDING To Take a Sounding with the hand-lead, the leadsman stands forward and gives the lead a swing in order to throw it ahead, so that the lead will be on the bottom by the time he gets over the spot, and the line is straight up and down. The deeper the water and the faster the boat is moving, the farther ahead the lead will have to be heaved. The instant the lead reaches bottom the slack of the line must be hauled in, so that it will not be hanging in a bight when the leadsman gets over the lead. He communicates the soundings obtained thus : If the depth corresponds with either of the above marks he says, **By the mark 5 or 7!' If the mark is a little below the surface, he says, ''Mark under water 5 or 7!' If the depth is greater or one-half more than any of the marks, he says, ''And a quarter',' or "And a half 5 or 7." If the depth is a quarter less, he says, "Quarter less 5 or 7." If he judges by the distance between any two of the marks that the depth of water is 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, or 21 fathoms, he says, '^By the deep, 4, d," etc. THE LEAD LINE The lead line should be of some material that will not stretch or shrink excessively, and the line should be wet when being marked. Braided line is usually used, and some marks are woolen rags and some cotton, that they may be distinguished at night either by feeling or by putting the mark in the mouth. A boat frequenting shallow waters should have a mark at 3 feet in case her draught is about that depth. The ordinary bamboo fish-pole is very handy to have aboard a boat to take soundings and can be either painted red, white and blue for the first few feet, or marked with a piece of cotton string at 3 feet, and another at 6 feet or one fathom. 92 WIND AND WAVES Wind in air in motion. The direction of the wind is desig- nated by the point of the compass from which it blows. All winds are caused directly or indirectly by changes of tempera- ture. If two neighboring regions become very unequal in tem- perature from any cause, the air of the warmer region, being- lighter than the other, will ascend and be poured over it from above, while the heavier air of the colder region will flow in below to supply its place. The rotation of the earth alone pro- duces no permanent wind, because the atmosphere has the same velocity of rotation as that of the portion of the earth upon which it rests, but the earth's rotation materially modifies the operation of other disturbing causes. Sea waves are the direct effect of the friction caused by the wind passing over the water, and calms are due to the absence i0f such friction. The terms wave and swell are not infrequently confounded by inexperienced persons ; but seldom or never by a seaman. However, a sea can be formed on a very heavy swell, and at the same time be distinct from the swell. The term used in describing this condition would be — a sea and a swell; but if the velocity of the wind should remain constant or increase, the swell will finally become a part of the sea. The theory advanced by some that waves have a progressive motion, is erroneous. In the most violent gales a surface drift is experienced and rarely exceeds one mile per hour, except in rotary storms, where this drift sometimes reaches to about five miles per hour; but the body of water which extends above the surface remains in the same position. An interesting experiment may be made to prove this by 93 throwing overboard a piece of wood when a ship is anchored in an open roadstead during a heavy sea. The sea will appear to run by the ship very rapidly, which is evidently responsible for the turn — a sea is running, and for the theory that waves travel. However, the piece of wood will drift no faster than the current, which is also a result of the friction of the wind passing over the water. A short chop, cross or lumpy sea does not have the appear- ance of running by the ship, as one sea apparently rises from the trough of another. It is a common practice among navigators to allow for a heave of the sea, which is the effect of the sea breaking on or very near the ship. A very heavy swell is often experienced hundreds of miles from the center of disturbance, and is nothing more than the subsiding sea seeking its proper level. If increasing, it indicates coming wind, usually strong; but if decreasing, the disturbance is not approaching. Sometimes a swell is due to some volcanic disturbance, or to the luna-tidal wave. Beyond any doubt, the former is more or less responsible for the long, easy, almost constant swell of the Pacific. -The North Atlantic seems to be quite free from volcanic disturbances from the fact that during the summer months it is often smooth as a mill-pond. Frequently from a change of wind, a cross sea will be ex- perienced, and is sometimes described as lumpy; but so long as the wind continues steady, the new sea will cut down the old and become more regular; but if the wind should be frequently changing, the sea will become more lumpy. The greatest height of waves so far recorded is 42 feet from the trough to the crest, and uncommon to seamen. 94 SIZE OF OCEANS The Pacific Ocean contains an area of 80,000,000 square < miles, Atlantic 40,000,000, Indian 20,000,000, Southern about 10,- ' 000,000, Arctic 5,000,000. The oceans occupy three-fourths of the surface of the earth. A mile down in the sea the water has a pressure of a ton to every square inch. If a box 6 feet deep was filled with sea water which was then allowed to evaporate, there would be 2 inches of salt left in the bottom of the box. Taking the average depth of the ocean to be 3 miles, there would be a layer of salt 440 feet thick covering the bottom, in case all the water should evaporate. In many places, especially in the far North, the water freezes from the bottom upward. Waves are deceptive things. To look at them one would gather the impression that the whole water traveled. This, however, is not so. The water stays in the same place, but the motion goes on. In great storms waves are sometimes 40 feet high, and their crests travel 50 miles an hour. The base of a wave (the distance from valley to valley) is usually con- sidered as being fifteen times the height of the wave. There- fore, a wave 25 feet high would have a base extending 375 feet. The force of waves breaking on the shore is 17 tons to the : square inch. The depth in fathoms is as follows: Atlantic 2,013 3,875 ! Pacific 2,126 4,655 [ Indian 1,829 3,020 ^ Arctic 845 2,650 Antarctic 1,500 1,975 J Mediterranean . . 738 1,430 Irish 120 355 95 English Channel. 55 150 German 48 * Levant 36 Adriatic 22.5 Baltic , 21.5 The Southern Ocean below Cape Horn reaches a depth of 2,275 fathoms, and ofif Cape of Good Hope, 2,850 fathoms. The average depth of the Bay of Biscay is 600 fathoms. OIL ON WATER In using oil for modifying the sea, the one great difficulty is to have the oil reach the water far enough to windward to give the boat the benefit of its effect. The simplest method of distributing oil is by means of canvas bags about i foot long, filled with oakum and oil, pierced with holes by means of a coarse sail needle, and held by a lanyard. The waste pipes forward are also very useful for this purpose. Thick and heavy oils are the best. Mineral oils are not so effective as animal or vegetable oils. Raw petroleum has given favorable results, but not so good when it is refined. Certain oils, like cocoanut oil and some kinds of fish oil, congeal in cold weather, and therefore are useless, but may be mixed with mineral oils to advantage. When running before a gale, distribute oil from the bow by means of oil-bags or through waste pipes. It will thus spread aft and give protection both from quartering and following seas. If only distributed astern, there will be no protection from the quartering sea. Running before a gale, yawing badly, and threatening to broach-to, oil should be distributed from the bow and from both sides, abaft the beam. 96 i\ Where it is only distributed at the bow, the weather quarter is left unprotected when the ship yaws. However, with oil-bags abaft the beam as well as forward, the quarter is protected. A vessel can be brought closer to the wind by using one or two oil-bags forward, to windward. With a high beam sea, use oil-bags along the weather side at intervals of 40 or 50 feet. In a heavy cross sea, as in the center of a hurricane, or after the center has passed, oil-bags should be hung out at regular intervals along both sides. Drifting in the trough of a heavy sea, use oil from waste pipes forward and bags on weather side. These answer the purpose very much better than one bag at weather bow and one at lee quarter, although this has been tried with some success. Heading into a head sea, use oil through forward closet pipes. Oil-bags would be tossed back on deck. Crossing a bar with a Hood-tide, to pour oil overboard and allow it to float in ahead of the boat, which would follow with a bag towing astern, would appear to be the best plan. As before remarked, under these circumstances the effect can no<" be so much trusted. On a bar, with the ebb-tide running, it would seem to be useless to try oil for the purpose of entering. For hoarding a wreck, it is recommended to pour oil over- board to windward of her before going alongside. The effect in this case must greatly depend upon the set of the current and the circumstances of the depth of water. For a boat riding in bad zveather from a sea anchor, it is recommended to fasten the bag to an endless line rove through 97 a block on the sea anchor, by which means the oil can be diffused well ahead of the boat and the bag readily hauled on board for refilling, if necessary. A vessel hove to for a pilot, should distribute oil from the weather side and lee quarter. The pilot boat runs up to wind- ward and lowers a boat, which pulls down to leeward and around the vessel's stern. The pilot boat runs down to leeward, gets out oil-bags to windward and on her lee quarter, and the boat pulls back around her stern, protected by the oil. The vessels drift to leewa*-d and leave an oil-slick to windward between the two. Towing another vessel in a heavy sea, oil is of the greatest service, and may prevent the hawser from breaking. Distribute oil from the towing vessel forward and on both sides. If only used aft, the tow alone gets the benefit. At anchor in an open roadstead use oil in bags from jibboom, or haul them out ahead of the vessel by means of an endless rope rove through a tail-block secured to the anchor chain. In addition to the above*, there are other cases where oil may be used to advantage, such as lowering and hoisting boats, riding to a sea anchor, crossing rollers or surf on a bar, and from lifeboats and stranded vessels. DISTRESS SIGNALS When a vessel is in distress, and requires assistance from other vessels, or from the shore, the following shall be signals to be used or displayed by her, either together or separately. In the Day Time A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute. The International Code signal of distress indicated by N. C. The distant signal, consisting of a square flag, having either above or below it a ball or anything resembling a ball. 98 The distant signal consisting of a cone, point upwards, having either above or below it a ball or anything resembling a ball. A continuous sounding with any fog-signal apparatus. At Night A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute. Flames on the vessel, as from a burning tar-barrel, oil-barrel, etc. Rockets or shells throwing stars of any color or description, fired one at a time, at short intervals. A continuous sounding with any fog-signal apparatus. SIGNALS FOR A PILOT Day Time Jack at the fore; International Code Signal P T; Inter- national Code flag S, with or without the code pennant over it; the distant signal, consisting of a cone point upward, having above it two balls or shapes resembling balls. At Night Pyrotechnic light, commonly known as a blue light, every fifteen minutes; a bright white light flashed or shown at short or frequent intervals just above the bulwarks for about a minute at a time. U. S. WEATHER SIGNALS Storm Warning (a red flag, eight feet square, with black center, 3 feet square), indicates that a storm of marked violence is expected. This flag is never used alone. Red Pennant (8 feet hoist and 15 feet fly) displayed with the flags, indicates Easterly winds, that is, from the Northeast to South, mglusiye, and that the storm center is approaching. 99 White Pennant (8 feet hoist and 15 feet fly) displayed with tlie flags, indicates Westerly winds, that is, from North to South- west, inclusive, and that the storm center has passed. Red Pennant if hoisted above the Storm Warning, winds are expected from the Northeast Quadrant; when below, from, the Southeast Quadrant. White Pennant if hoisted above the Storm Warning, winds are expected from the Northwest Quadrant ; when below, from the Southwest Quadrant. Night Storm Warnings. — By night a red light will indicate Easterly winds ; a white above a red light will indicate Westerly winds. Hurricane Warning (two storm warning flags, red and black centers, displayed one above the other) indicates the expected approach of a tropical hurricane or an extremely severe and dangerous storm. No Night Hurricane Warnings are displayed. A yellow flag with white center is a cautionary signal. Signals should be read from the top of the staff downward. These signals indicate the other forecasts for the twenty-four hours commencing at 8 o'clock a. m. General Barometer Indications A stationary barometer indicates a continuance of existing conditions, but a slight tap on the barometer face will likely move the hand a trifle, indicating the tendency to rise or fall. Rising. A gradual but steady rise of the barometer, indi- cates settled fair weather. A rapid rise indicates clear weather with high winds. Falling. A very slow fall from a high point is usually connected with wet and unpleasant weather without much wind. A rapid fall indicates stormy weather, 100 A rapid fall or a rapid rise intimates that a strong wind is about to bow, and that this wind will bring with it a change of weather. What the precise nature of the change is to be must, in the main, depend upon the direction from which the wind blows. If an observer stands with the wind blowing on his back, the locality of low barometric pressure will be at his left and that of high barometric pressure at his right. With low pressure in the West and high pressure in the East, the wind will be from South ; but with low pressure in the East and high pressure in the West the wind will be from the North. The barometer rises for Northerly wind (including from Northwest, by the North, to Eastward) for dry or less wet weather, for less wind, or for more than one of these changes — except on a few occasions when rain, hail or snow comes from the Northward with strong wind. The barometer falls for Southerly wind (including from Southeast, by the South, to Westward) for wet weather, for stronger winds or for more than one of these changes — except on a few occasions when moderate wind with rain (or snowO comes from the Northward. The above applies to readings in the Northern hemisphere. The readings in the Southern hemisphere are practically the reverse of these. A single observation of the barometer without reference to the conditions prevailing at definite intervals is liable to be mis- leading. The important thing to know is, has the rise or fall been a gradual one or has it been rapid? If the barometer is stationary, how long has this condition existed? Whether prog- nostications from barometer observations are based on a knowl- edge of all these conditions, and never from a single observation. To obtain advantageous results from the use of a barometer, 101 its reading should be recorded at regular intervals. At the same time a record of the temperature and the direction of the wind should be made. During very bad or unsettled weather, and at times when such weather is expected, the obser- vations should be as frequent as may be convenient. During fine or settled weather, the barometer will stand highest at loh a. m. and loh p. m., and lowest at 4h a. m. and 4h p. m. This oscillation amounts to about .05 of an inch. It then follows that if the reading of the instrument is the same at loh in the morning as it was two or three hours earlier, it is equivalent to a fall of .05 of an inch. The other hours of high and low must be considered when the observations are of any importance. Weather Indications The mariner or seaman usually becomes a good weather prophet, regardless of the barometer and its general use. And a little attention and study of the natural weather indication, such as sunrise, sunset, clouds, etc., not only becomes interesting but can be used to real value by any layman who will take the trouble to observe such. It is an erroneous idea, which many people still possess, that the moon has some influence upon the weather, but comparisons made in many parts of the world have proved that it is only an accidental coincidence. When we take into consideration the fact that there are only seven days between the lunar phases, it stands to reason that there must come some atmospherical changes within these periods, but not necessarily with any regularity. Observations of the sunrise and sunset are most essential. The moon also has characteristics which foretell good and bad weather, but a study of the sunrise and sunset is most valuable, especially along the middle coast. A gray sky at sunrise indicates fine weather, 102 A red sky at sunrise usually indicates bad weather with strong winds and probably rain. (A sailor's lingo: Red at night, sailor's delight; Red in the morning, sailors take warning.) A sunrise appearing high and streaks of light showing through banks of clouds instead of at the horizon, indicate wind, or more of it. A sunrise appearing low on the horizon with no cloud for- mation, indicates a fine d^y. A yellow or brassy-looking sunset, or the sun going down in a bank of dark clouds, and shooting out rays above the bank, are all sure signs of bad weather, probably within twelve hours. A red or coppery sunset, although clouded at the horizon, fore- tells fine weather. The seaman's proverb is, "When the sunset is clear, an Easterly wind you need not fear/* Cirrus clouds, white, wavy lines, or curled whisps called mares' tails, and ciro-cumulus clouds, small rounded, fleecy clouds, giving the sky a mottled appearance and commonly called mackerel scales, floating four or five miles above sea level, are indications of bad weather within twenty-four hours and likely resulting in very strong winds. After a period of fine weather, the first indications of a change is the appearance of mackerel scales and mares' tails, followed by a general overcasting, which grows into cloudiness, and is a sure sign of wind and rain. The higher and more distant the clouds appear, the longer and more extensive the coming bad weather will generally prove to be. Hard-edged, oily-looking clouds indicate strong winds or rain, and when they are rolled or ragged, the stronger the coming wind will prove to be. High, upper clouds, crossing the sky in a different direction from the lower clouds, indicate a change in wind to the direction in which the upper strata are moving. 103 To sum up cloud indications in general; the light, soft clouds with delicate coloring and undefined forms denote fine weather and light breezes, while the heavy, oily, ragged, black clouds with hard, definite forms and unusual coloring are sure signs of bad weather. Small, irregular, black clouds, sometimes called "Little Devils," when to windward, with the wind North or Northwest, denote strong, puffy winds from that quarter. A dark, gloomy sky denotes wind, while a light blue sky denotes light breezes. Thunder-storms which occur in the early evening are said to be a sure sign of a clear day following. When the atmosphere is exceptionally clear ,so that distant objects stand out more plainly than usual and sound carries further than ordinary, bad weather, probably rain in Summer, will follow within twenty-four hours. If, after a spell of bad weather from N.E. to S.E., the wind veers to some point between N.W. and S.W., through the Northerly quadrant, or, as we say, *'backs around,'' the resulting fair weather will be of short duration, but if the wind works around in the same direction that the hands of a clock move, then the period of fair weather will be longer. When the wind comes up with the sun it is likely to go down with it, but when it rises as the sun sets, it is likely to blow hard all night and probably the next day. A heavy ground swell at sea, or a heavy surf on the beach, foretell a hard blow coming or one nearby. This indication is a sure one for most all fishermen along the coast. The Moon A clear moon indicates frost. A dull-looking moon means rain. 104 A halo around the moon indicates a storm. If the moon looks high, cold weather may be expected. If the moon looks low down, warm weather is promised. The new moon on her back always denotes wet weather. A double halo around the moon means very boisterous weather. If the moon changes with the wind in the East, then shall we have bad weather. If the moon be bright and clear when three days old, fine weather is promised. When the moon is visible in the daytime, then may we look forward to cool days. When the points of the crescent of the new moon are very clearly visible, frost may be looked for. If the new moon appears with its points upward, then will the moon be dry, but should the points be downward more or less rain must be expected during the next three weeks. Rule for Finding a Vessel's Speed Frequently it is of some importance to know the exact speed of a vessel at such times when the only opportunity to obtain it is from a short run. The following method is avail- able for any run, no matter how short: Rule — Note the interval of time and the distance run. Then multiply the distance run by the number of minutes in one hour and divide the product by the number of minutes in which the run was made. The result will be the speed per hour. 105 TIME AND KNOT SPEED TABLE. When the mtnutes and seconds of time are known in which a vessel passes over the measured mile,' this table will give her rate of speed in knots per hour. 60.000 58.064 57-143 56.250 55-384 54-545 53-73' 52.941 52.174 51.428 50.704 50.000 49-315 48.648 48.000 47-368 46.753 46.154. 45-570 45.000 44.444 43.902 43-373 42.857 42.353 41.860 41-379 40.909 40.450 40.000 39-561 39- '30 38.710 38.298 37.895 37.500 37."3 36-364 36.000 35-644 35-294 34-95' 34.615 34.286 33-962 33.644 33-333 33.028 32.727 32-432 32-143 3',858 31-579 3 '.'304 31.034 30.769 30.568 30.202 30.000 29.752 29.508 29.268 29.032 28.800 28.571 28.346 28,125 27.907 27.692 27.481 27.273 27.068 26.866 26.667 26.471 26.277 26.087 25.899 25-714 25-532 25-352 25-175 25.600 24.828 24.658 24.490 24.324 24.161 24.000 23.841 23.684 23.529 23-377 23.226 23-077 22.930 22.785 22.642 22.500 22.360 22.2^2 22.086 21-951 21.818 21.687 21.557 21.429 21.302 ii.176 21.-053 20.930 20.809 .20.690 20.571 20.455 20.339 20.000 19.890 19.780 19.672 I9-565 19.459 '9-355 19.251 19149 19.048 18.947 18.848 1.8.750 18.653 18.557 18.461 18.367 18.274 18.182 18.090 18.000 17.910 17.822 17-734 17.647 17.561 17,476 1-7.39' 17.308 17.225 17.143 17.062 16.981 16.901 16.822 16.744 16.667 16.590 16.514 16.438 16.364 l6.2dO 16.216 16.143 16.071 16.000 I5-, . ■I 5-859 15.789 15.721 15.652 15.584 15.S'7 » 5.451 15.38S 15-319 15-254 16.190 !0.225 15.126 15-063 5.000 4-938 4.876 4.815 4-754 4.694 4-634 4-575 4.516 4458 4.400 4-343 4.286 4.229 4-173 4