BRIDGE RULES RHYME GV 1)3 Gass GtV" 1 1 I I Book ,1D 3 RHYMING RULES OF BRIDGE H. C. DuVAL PAFRAETS BOOK COMPANY TROY NEW YORK 1902 THE LibRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received M 16 1903 Copyist entry CLASS 4K* XXc. No. COPY B. . Copyright, 1902, by H. C.DDVAL, ■ Oh Muse forgive me, Critics all — desist, My Rhymes, tho' bad, Perchance may teach you Whist. NO TRUMP MAKES Aces three and guarded Queen No Trump hand is plainly seen. Aces four No Trump at once Otherwise you'd be a dunce. Aces three No Trump for then Each in Honors counts as ten. Guarded King in each array With an Ace, No Trump's the play. Aces two and guarded King Say at once No Trump's the thing. NO TRUMP LEADS Holding six with King and Ace, Fourth best on the table place. Ace and King with five you hold, Lead the King we're plainly told. Holding four with King and Queen, Fourth best is the play I ween. Holding King and Queen and five, Make the King your opening drive. Ace and five, for proper lead Fourth best will supply your need. NO TRUMP LEADS * * Ace and six, if this the case Promptly lead out with the Ace. Holding only King, Queen, Ace Give the King the opening place. If you're holding Queen, Jack, ten Queen the first to call on then. But if it is Ten, Jack, King Leading Ten's the proper thing. With a re-entry card, Ace, Queen and Jack Play Ace, then Queen In making the attack. But sans re-entry It is plainly seen With Ace, Queen, Jack The best lead is the Queen. 3 DECLARED TRUMP LEADS Short suits it is well to lead If of trumps you stand in need. No short suit lead we are told If an Ace, King suit you hold. Lead the King and smiling bland Scan the cards in Dummy's hand. If you have the deal, refuse Either Clubs or Spades to choose. If you're holding King or Ace Lead the King to start the pace. Holding Ace, King, Queen in hand Lead the King you understand. If you hold Ace, King and Jack With the King begin attack. King lead plainly will unfold Ace or Queen or both you hold. 4 DOUBLING Four tricks in Spades, or five to double, Otherwise you're seeking trouble. To double a Heart and take the tricks Be sure of five and a possible six. Doubling's wisest in the fight If the maker's on your right. HEART MAKES Honors one in Hearts of six Make it Hearts — you'll take the tricks. Five in Hearts with Honors two Hearts the "make" you surely do. Four in Hearts with Honors three And something else, Hearts make, you see. Ace, King, Queen and one — Make Hearts No one from this rule departs. Sure Heart hand I much prefer No Trump then would be to err. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS It is never well to name Diamonds in a rubber game. Diamonds you will never find Wise when you're a game behind. Diamonds or Hearts are grand Honors four within your hand. "Lead through strength is quite correct Up to weakness don't neglect. If poverty your hand pervades Take no chances, Make it Spades. Best of Rules beyond a doubt, Keep in mind what cards are out. And of all things don't ignore Carefully to watch the score. JAN 10 1903