Class. Book. OopigktN . COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr. The Divine Gift of Mediumship THE DIVINE GIFT OF MEDIUMSHIP LECTURES ON THE PROBLEMS OF LIFE Given by~> jf RICHMOND 1^ BISHOP c^t©2e School of Natural Science Boston, cMassachusetts 1914—1915 fcsTOP)^ PUBLISHING HOUSE BOSTON Copyright IQ15 By Richmond Iy. Bishop AUG 12 1915 ©CI.A410089 INTRODUCTION THE gift of mediumship is a subject of great significance and profound interest to all stu- dents of spiritual matters; and yet it has al- ways 'been difficult to obtain information about it. Very little has been written, or placed in available form for the inquirer. To this task Mr. Bishop has brought his own splendid gifts as a spiritual teacher, and the result is here given, under the title of "The Divine Gift of Mediumship." Thus at the start the author shows his realization that mediumship is a divine gift, and the student is prepared for the rev- erent treatment accorded it in this book. No difficult or technical language is used. The reader is given valuable instruction in spiritual growth, in the one way that is always most acceptable and vitally in- teresting — namely, in the story of the author's own development. This story precedes the lectures, lay- ing the foundation for the application of principles brought out by the author's experiences. When anyone assumes to teach others, the question always arises : How does he know these things ? What is his authority? And finally, there is often the feel- ing, when the teacher merely expounds and affirms, that the student's problem is in some way different ; that his life is more difficult, his conditions harder than others, and hence that the easy progress indi- cated by the instructions given is not possible for him. This usual condition is fully met by Mr. Bishop in this book, by the simple and direct way in which he tells the story of his spiritual experiences, from early childhood, to his entrance into public work. It is thus seen that the spiritual growth which he is trying to help others attain, came to him through the daily experiences that are common to all men ; through the joys and sorrows that come into every life. Thus the way is made easy, because each one recognizes some- thing of his own intimate life in the story of the author's life. To be able to tell a personal experi- ence, in a way that appeals to all, is the supreme achievement of the writer. This Mr. Bishop has done with a charm of style that holds the reader's interest throughout, and a clearness of detail that gives the best possible reason why he is fitted to speak as a teacher, on the subjects of the lectures that follow. A. H. C. CONTENTS Chapter Introduction ..... Page 9 I. Autobiographical .... 13 II. Natural Science .... 73 III. Life ...... 81 IV. Character. ..... 89 V. Charity ...... 97 VI. Harmony ..... 105 VII. The Problem of Life and the Wel- fare of Humanity 113 VIII. Prayer ...... 125 IX. Love ...... 135 X. The Voices of Silence . 143 XL The Unknown .... 151 XII. The Relationship of the Unseen to the Seen ..... 171 XIII. The Spiritual .... 185 The Divine Gift of Mediumship CHAPTER I. AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. The Harmonial Philosophy of Natural Science reveals the great eternal light that will shine down through the ages and enable man to recognize the spiritual laws that interblend in what is called by the materialist the physical laws. These laws have not entered the consciousness of the material scientist because he is living on the plane of phy- sical or material investigation and studying the phenomena of effects in that realm which does not offer its wonderful world of causation to the mind that is dense to the spiritual perception that Nature unfolds through spirit. The time has come when the materialist must be questioned as to the cause of phenomena, and as to 14 THE DIVINE GIFT the life beyond so-called death. He must answer us as man to man, not as the scientist who will reply only in the language of external conclusions, but as an individual who has become familiar with the processes of Nature, and whose own soul sees within the material forms and knows that there is no effect without a cause, no result except through progressive development, no such thing as inertia or death, but a change of form and combination of matter, and an endless cycle of infinite life that calls him through his awakened mind to his immor- tal spirit to answer the questions of the world in clear and independent reasoning, and to maintain the truth of Nature's laws and Nature's life as it points to Deity and to immortality. If the under- standing of the materialists could be opened to the importance of this recognition, and realize what result such doubts have upon their own develop- ment and how unfortunately they have retarded the world's consciousness of spiritual truth by their own inflexible statements, they would weigh the evidence very carefully before they gave forth opin- ion that brings doubt to the minds that rely upon the investigations of learned men. And furthermore if they had the slightest con- ception of their own regret as they awaken in the spiritual sphere and come to a realization of their own earthly blindness, they surely would enter into OF MEDIUMSHIP 15 the portal of spiritual truth while here, and where causation reveals itself so lovingly. During the years that I gave to the experiences and investigations of the spiritual conditions, it was my privilege to be shown some of the lowest planes of development as well as the highest. My life had been dedicated to the search for truth. Experiences of such a nature, out of the usual things of daily life, had brought me to the consciousness that there was a wonderful power and wonderful expressions intermingling with the usual affairs that were not well understood. My desire for the truth regarding these manifestations led me to very careful, very thorough investigations, and I was ready to sacri- fice many earthly privileges if I could but satisfy myself regarding what seemed to me the greatest truth of life. Every step of the way was an onward march up the heights of spiritual illumination and experience, a perfectly natural result of my own organism, my love of truth, my fearlessness of results, and my love of knowledge. In this quest I was guided by one of the spiritual masters who has told me that he stood by the side of my dear mother and guarded our organisms before J was born. This guardian angel from the sphere of spirit said that from this point of view my life was in his care, and that through my earthly experience of studentship and 16 THE DIVINE GIFT of teaching, he would accompany me and that throughout eternity we would be associated in this spiritual progression. Under these conditions I prepared for my life work. The following brief sketch of some of the most important experiences of my life, may give a better understanding of my preparation for the work I have undertaken as a teacher and practitioner of Natural Science. I was born in Cornwallis, Kings County, Nova Scotia, August 12, 1868, of Scotch and English an- cestry. My father, John Leander Bishop, was a man of sterling characteristics, fearless, just, hon- est and kind. My mother, Sarah (Bigelow) Bishop, was a woman of tender, sympathetic qualities, noble and loving. The recollections of our home life and of my brothers and sisters, are very vivid and go easily back to the time when I was only four years old. My mother and father and their people had true psychic gifts that are especially characteristic of the Scotch race, but these experiences were not under- stood by them, and their religious beliefs did not allow any confidence in the manifestations that came from time to time. One of these spiritual manifestations they after- ward told me of came at the time my little brother passed away in the year 1865, just at twilight, when OF MEDIUMSHIP 17 my mother, greatly grieved by the death of her little boy, was alone in the room, waiting for my father, who had just gone to the spring near by, for the drinking water. On my father's return he noticed that my mother was very pale, and he asked her if she were ill. She said that she was not, but she said that in the room where the little form had been laid, she heard the sound as of a thousand hands clapping — so it was not strange if she looked pale and disturbed. My father tried to persuade her that this was impossible — and that she was nervous from the shock of their child's transition. She asked him to sit beside her and he did so. In a few minutes the room was again filled with the sound of the clapping of many hands. My father went directly into the room, and all was silent. He examined the room thoroughly, and could find no visible cause of the sound, then returned to mother. As soon as he was again seated there was an outburst of beautiful music. They recognized the voices of dear friends and relatives who had passed on to the higher life, and must have received some peace and comfort from this wonderful demonstration of love that was given them in their sorrow. This music was re- peated during the next seven days at the same twilight hour. After that through the following years I have heard my father and mother speak of 18 THE DIVINE GIFT the beautiful emanations of light and the wonderful interblending of colors that usually came at night after they had retired. My mother was a wonderfully gifted medium, but did not understand her power, and so the use was not made of it that would have been possible other- wise. Dear, faithful mother to her family, an ex- ample of honor and of love! She has now joined her dear ones that are living in the spirit spheres. In 1872, my dear, old grandmother, Margaret Bigelow (my mother's mother), was not well, so my mother wanted her to come to our home that she could better take care of her, and she was with us for about a year. My grandfather was a ship builder, and in the early days had lived in a log cabin which I well remember. My grandmother's visit to us was a great delight to me. She was one of the true, old-fashioned type of women that blessed that generation, and my boyish heart went out to her in the fullest of love. We were devoted companions. She evidently found something in me that won more than the usual love of a grandparent, and I was very lonely for her after she went back to her home. With the loving wisdom of age, she cautioned my mother to be careful of me, and watchful over me — for she felt that I had different qualities then than is usual among little children. Doubtless her intuitive spirit recognized the gifts OF MEDIUMSHIP 19 that were even then unfolding, and which were called out but a short time afterward when she had passed onward to the eternal home. In the meantime a baby sister had come to me, — Josephine, — who seemed to comfort me for the loss I felt in giving up my grandmother, and whom I loved intensely. It seemed to me that I worshipped this little sister, and when she, too, was taken from me at the tender age of thirteen months, I felt as if nothing could ever seem beautiful again. My heart was broken. I could not play — all I seemed to think of was my little Josephine, — and then one night my grandmother and baby sister came to my bedside. I saw them clearly. I talked with them, and went to sleep comforted and happy. This was in 1875, and I was too young to question why or how this was so. I only knew that my dear ones were again with me. One night my mother happened to hear me talk- ing, and told me that I must not lie awake and talk, but must go to sleep. I told her I was talking with my grandmother and sister. Mother asked me if I could see them, and I said that I could. She watched me anxiously, and was much disturbed. In the meantime my little brother who had passed away before I was born came to me in the company of a spirit, a tall man, with a long, white beard. He was dressed in white garments, and looked un- 20 THE DIVINE GIFT like any one I had ever seen. I remember that he held his hands over me and blessed me, and said, "My little man, you are born with a power that shall bring light and life to the world. I anoint you with God's blessing, and I will guide you throughout eternity." I was very happy with these visitors, but my mother became very much alarmed, and made me promise that I would turn on my side, and close my eyes when I went to bed. I did this, but I could still see the beautiful forms and faces of my dear ones. Mother wept and prayed over me, and became so unhappy that evidently the spirit visitors felt that it was unwise to continue their manifestations in this visible manner to me, and so their visits ended, and our life went on in its usual way. I well remember that when the spirit guide blessed me, I felt an indescribable power that has been an influence with me like a golden thread running through my life, no matter what the reverses or hard- ships were, there was always an influence of love and light and power that guided me onward, that grew stronger with the years, that unfolded from experience, and that is still with me the most trea- sured part of life. So the spirit manifestations that came to me in childhood ceased, and the years went OF MEDIUMSHIP 21 on without any thought or any especial recall of those experiences. When I arrived at the age of twenty-four years I found it necessary to make a most important deci- sion. A question was before me, so serious that I was overwhelmed by its responsibility. I was in great doubt as to my own wisdom. I was young. I needed advice. I wanted to do right. I wanted to know what was right, — and I feared that if I confided the question to earthly friends their advice might be influenced by their love for me, and be tarnished by selfishness. I was alone, and greatly troubled. I felt inspired to look to the unseen for guidance, and I said, "If there are intelligent souls in the higher life, whether they be my people or strangers to me, I ask with love that they assist me now, — and I demand my right to decide this question, and to be led accord- ing to truth, whether it is for or against me. / ask for truth!" I waited calmly. The answer came to my con- sciousness so clearly, so unmistakably, that I at once acted upon it, and the decision changed my whole life. I then felt that I wanted to know more about the higher life, and the loved ones there, and the laws of communication, for I realized within myself that there was something wonderful and beautiful in the 22 THE DIVINE GIFT help I had received, and that to know more of this truth would be the most inspiring thing in the world. My mother and father were Baptists. We knew nothing of Spiritualism as a practice or a belief. It was my desire to investigate for myself, and not take the opinion of any one as to its truth. I could be convinced only by my own experience, and I was willing to give my life, if necessary, to know the truth. The possibility of spirit communion — if a truth — could be the most beautiful thing in the world. If it were a delusion I wanted nothing of it. I talked the matter over in our own home, for it seemed to me that was the place in which to make our investigations. We all were ready to study the subject further, and so we began our sittings, — my father and mother, four brothers, one sister and two aunts (one my father's sister, the other my mother's sister) made up our circle. We kept one room for this purpose, and met together twice each week, beginning our sitting at eight o'clock in the evening. This was by the direc- tion of the same spirit that came to my bedside when I was a little child and then blessed me and foretold a spiritual work for me — this spirit had again shown himself to me as a loving counsellor. Our first meeting was held in 1894. Our chairs were placed in a circle. Two draperies were hung across the corner of the room that the power might OF MEDIUMSHIP 23 be better concentrated. I sat behind these draperies. The door was always kept locked during our meet- ing. We were a loving, harmonious family seeking to know the truth about spiritual manifestations. We always began our sitting with music — and our own harmonious relationship made the right con- ditions for spiritual results. We were happy in the thought that we were in the presence of our de- parted ones we loved so much, and we felt thank- ful to that Great Source of Infinite Power that He had led us to a way whereby we could obtain more knowledge. We continued these meetings for eight years, — and the memory of the love, the harmony, the peace, the uplift, the conscious communion with loved ones, the instructions of the higher souls, the visions of heavenly scenes, the wonderful un- folding of God's principles and the better under- standing of the power and purpose of life, the development that resulted through these sittings, are the most precious treasures of my life. Some of those experiences I shall place before you, that their truth may help other souls who are trying to find more light, and more truth. Our progress was gradual — as is the law of any unfold- ment. My experience during our first meeting was that of more consciousness of the peace and uplift and power that comes as a beautiful influence from 24 THE DIVINE GIFT the spirit loved ones. Bright lights came and went before my eyes. These lights were small, and of different colors, blue and golden, and would remain for about twenty seconds, then pass away — then come again. This continued throughout the sitting. We all felt a happiness in this experience, and de- cided that we would meet together again. At the second meeting, after we had sung, I felt the arms of some spirit about me, and I lost consciousness to waken in the embrace of my beloved grandmother. I had not seen her since the experiences of child- hood — when I so dearly lover her. She had changed in looks, but I knew her, and was very happy in her presence. My little sister Josephine was with her, also the little brother who had passed over to spirit life before I was born. They had grown up in the years — just as we all do, whether in earth or in spirit life, but the love ties in the spirit consciousness of us all, makes known our dear ones to us, and we do not realize the things of time and space when we meet together in this love and heavenly harmony of souls. There were two other beautiful spirit souls that greeted me with such love as I had never ex- perienced before, so pure, so gentle, so celestial in expression. These two angel messengers brought many distant relatives to me, that I had never seen before, and I realized with delight what a wonderful home it was in this heavenly land. The atmosphere OF MEDIUMSHIP 25 was indescribable, my stay seemed short, and I opened my eyes to the earthly scenes, exclaiming to the people in the circle, "Where are they, where are all the friends, where have they gone!" My father said, "No one else has been here — what do you mean?" Then I told him that I had been talking to grandmother and sister Josephine, and my brother Everett — and then I realized that I had been in spirit life, and it was there that I had talked with our loved ones. Our second meeting closed, and my people had many questions to ask about my experience. It gave us much to think about, and it can be readily understood that we were anxious to continue these sittings. The following eight years were full of beautiful spiritual experiences and phenomena. One evening while arranging the chairs for the circle I attempted to take one of them away as one member of the family was ill and could not be present with us, but a spirit power stopped me, and so this chair was left vacant. After we had sung, this chair moved out from the circle, with- out the aid of any earthly hands, and was placed in the center of the room. The spirit intelligences were asked to lift the chair — and the chair was raised by spirit power, suspended in the midst of the room, passed around it again to the center, then back to the place in the circle from which it was 26 THE DIVINE GIFT taken. This was another evidence of spirit phe- nomena. A very wonderful experience came to me about five months later when an unusual spiritual power seemed to pervade our midst, and I felt as if 1 were passing upward out of my body and became a ra- diant center of golden light. I felt as if it had left my body, and yet I was held in the earthly atmos- phere, for I could see and hear all that was about me, and feel the guidance of the spirit friends as they accompanied me in the strange journey around the upper part of the room. "More slowly," they cautioned, "very steadily — move along with me," and so we seemed to float in the air, passing around the room. This took about ten minutes — then I felt my consciousness again unite with my physical form which had re- mained sitting apparently dead to the realization of life. My reasoning power, my sense of time, and distance and of seeing and hearing, all seemed to be concentrated in this form of golden light which separated itself from the material body, and yet was connected to it by its own life element, enabling me to be united with it again as usual. No doubt but this was the preparatory work for my going out still further in spirit life — an experience I have already narrated in the volume of The Philosophy OF MEDIUMSHIP 27 of Natural Science (p. 35). I can but repeat briefly beautiful privilege that was then given to me, for it is all in accord with the natural principles of the universe of spirit as it interblends so wonderfully and so wisely with the material structures. The beauties and love powers of. the seventh sphere are unexplainable to mortal ear — but if you will listen with the soul faculties and open your inner self to the contemplation of sublime truths you will receive imperishable treasures into your life, and become aware that the heavenly is dis- tinguished by its spirit of universal service, and perfect love. The unseen guide asked me if there were any- thing in life I desired that this sphere did not con- tain, and when I began to think of the innumerable beauties by which divine wisdom expressed itself, my soul was filled to overflowing with love of Deity. Here was everything to make life one grand sym- phony. Every one I met radiated happiness, they all loved each other. There was no discord. All was harmony. It was a blending of lives in God's per- fect love. There was no malice nor wickedness. 28 THE DIVINE GIFT The imperfections of the earthly expression could not enter there. My guardian angel who conducted me there was an ancient spirit, a teacher from one of the higher planes of life, and as we entered the seventh sphere two beautiful souls who stood by its portals smiled and greeted us, and said, "Enter in." They were clothed in white garments, and carried symbols of liberty in their hands. As we passed through the beautiful, white etherial mist that separated this sphere from all others, two brilliant lights appeared, one in front of my face, and one in front of my guides. This light which seemed about three feet away shone through the seventh sphere and lighted our way. When we were in this sphere I was conscious of a wonderful uplift of power, and as I drew near the celestial souls who lived upon this plane, I Breathed in a life force of a most refined nature. It was a drinking in of life, of love, of purity, — a perfume of loveliness and goodness — an atmosphere that was pervaded by every holy influence. The spirits appeared to be clothed in garments of etherial texture, which reflected the beauty and purity of their surroundings. Everything was symbolic of its own spiritual ascen- sion and progression, so exquisitely adapted to every loving thought that you would long to be with them OF MEDIUMSHIP 29 always. It would make you understand that life is a thing of beauty, and of love, a love that never dies, but that grows higher, stronger, purer, which is a purity of heart, soul and purpose. It is the divine love of the angels you and I will grow to be some day in the distant ages, as we ascend from sphere to sphere. Let us work together to hasten that day, and to bring the kingdom of that thought, or heaven, to earth. The plants and flowers of that sphere were very beautiful, some of which were like those of earth, but many were of a type I have never seen in this expression. Some of these flowers of the seventh sphere seem to lift their heads and smile as they unfolded their faces of beauty and gave forth their breath of love and purity. Here the birds sang when invited to and their songs were strains of wonderful music. No other bird did I ever hear sing so beautifully. Their coloring was soft, delicate and harmonious. It was all one grand, united outpouring of life thoughts, rising from the Infinite, and flowing up in the hearts and souls of everything that had its dwelling place in this illumined sphere. As I looked about, I discovered at a distance the structure of a beautiful temple which was situated in the rays of a glowing light. It was the center of 30 THE DIVINE GIFT wonderful power — attracting from the great spiritual sun, God Almighty. My inmost self was drawn toward this illuminated edifice which seemed as a fountain of light, and I re- quested my guide to go with me and visit this temple of life where the great Positive Mind, God, was at- tracting me. My guardian smiled and said, "My child, you can- not go there for if you did you would never return to earth." I answered him by saying that I did not want to return to the earth life. Again he smiled and said to me, "You must return, your work in earth is not done." I looked at him fair in the eyes and said, "How can you ask me to go back to the earth after bringing me to the seventh sphere where all is peace and bliss?" He placed his hand upon my head and said, "My child, do you want another to carry your burdens and to suffer your experiences? Would that be just?" And then my earthly selfishness fell from me and I saw the wiser plan of life. He said to me, "Go back to earth, take up the cross that awaits you, and when you are passing through the dark vales of life, you will never be alone for I will be near you to lead, guide and protect you, and to lead you from the entanglements of life into the broader fields of wisdom and truth. You shall be a leader of men, and when your work is done in OF MEDIUMSHIP 31 the earthly life we will welcome you here with out- stretched arms." He then said, "Follow me!" and we passed back through the beautiful mist of life that separated that sphere from the earthly plane — and we returned to earth to fulfill this mission. . . . It is possible for the students of these immortal truths to progress and grow into such an unfold- ment of their own divine attributes, that under god- like conditions they can leave the material conditions and in spirit go from the physical body, and in com- pany with a master or teacher from the spiritual spheres visit the scenes of the future home, and communicate with the loving souls who now dwell there. Among the spirit visitors to us during one of our meetings was that of a man who appeared before me smiling pleasantly and greeting me as if glad to be with us. While there was something natural to me about his face, yet I was sure I had never seen him before, — then I recognized him from a picture that had come to us ten years previously as my Uncle John Bigelow, who had gone to New Zealand before I was born. I asked if this were not my Uncle John Bigelow, and he smiled and bowed — and then went away. My father was inclined to question the accuracy of this as the family had received no news of his passing 32 THE DIVINE GIFT away — time and distance having made correspond- ence very irregular, then, too, we had moved from Nova Scotia to Boston, and my uncle's sons had lost our address — we learned this later when my father wrote one of the sons to ask him if his father had passed away. The reply came that the father had passed to the higher life three years before this — and so the truth and genuineness of this spirit mani- festation made a great impression upon our family circle. At another time the spirit of a man stood before me whom I had never seen. His visit was directed to my father so I described him. He carried a gun, and seemed very sorrowful and wept as he looked into my father's face. He gave me his name — and at this my father was spellbound. "Well, well!" he exclaimed, ''this is indeed won- derful. It is an old neighbor of mine who died be- fore you were born — it is the one that shot that beautiful dog of mine — and now he has come to tell me of his regret." The spirit begged me to ask my father's forgive- ness for his cruel act so long ago — and my father said : "Tell him I forgive him freely. It did grieve me to lose my dog — but I hold no unkind feeling now. Go onward, my friend, and find all that is bright and happy in the home yon are now in." OF MEDIUMSHIP 33 I heard the spirit give a moan of relief, and say: 'Thank God I have found the way to right this wrong," and he disappeared. This incident illustrates most clearly the uner- ring law of cause and effect — how the evil deed done here follows us wherever we go, and troubles our consciousness until we find the way to act with justice and with love toward those we have injured, and in turn receive their love and their forgiveness. The spiritual laws never change. During three of these years my two brothers had passed into spirit life. When the younger one went out from our home into the home above, I was ter- ribly grieved. It seemed to me as if my earthly ex- perience had brought more trouble and sorrow than I could 'bear, and I retired that night wishing either that I could have been taken in his place — or that I too would waken in the morning in the heavenly home. The moonlight was shining in my room, flooding it with its pale light and as I looked upward the face of my dear grandmother smiled into mine; this came drifting toward me until her cheek rested on mine in indescribable love and gentleness — and though no word was spoken the strength and tend- erness of her caress brought such comfort, such en- couragement, such a harmonizing outlook upon the trials and sorrows of this life, that I was filled with a renewed purpose to go on uncomplainingly, and to 34 THE DIVINE GIFT live for the dear ones who were still in earth life and who were bearing the same sorrows that is the com- mon lot of all! Daring these years of trial and adjustment, the contrast between the spiritual conditions which were revealed to us at our sittings, and the unloving and unjust surroundings that are too great a part of the material world was depressing and dispiriting. It wore upon me, and I thought deeply upon the truths that were unfolding before me. These were the eter- nal verities. The earthly standards were but tem- porary creations and abstractions made by man — I wondered at their power over people — and I still wonder that they have so false a standard of value. At this time I was conscious of the protecting care of an Indian chief whom I would find outside the house waiting to accompany me as I went to my work. His presence signified physical strength and a sustaining power necessary while I was giving so much thought and time to these investigations be- sides attending to my customary business. One of my friends became very ill, and was not ex- pected to live. I went to call upon him and stayed by his bedside a few minutes. He feebly asked me to come again, so I went again in a few days. He told me that he had felt a little stronger and asked me to take his hand. I did so. He then rallied a little and wanted to talk with me. He knew OF MEDIUMSHIP 35 that his case had been pronounced hopeless, and he himself could see no ray of light to encourage him, until I had come, and he had realized a certain strength since my visit. Then to my vision he seemed to be enveloped in a beautiful light that came from that spark of life and filled his soul with hope of getting well. This illumined his thoughts and per- meated his body and aided in casting off the con- gested conditions from which he was suffering. I was hastened away by his sister, who feared that a longer call would tire him, but he made me promise to visit him again in a few days, saying I had helped him more than the medicine of the physician or the prayers of his friends. I went to my home and thought this over. 1 asked my spirit guardian to consult with me as to the possibility of healing this friend. The ancient spirit told me that I would not be permitted by my friend's family to do this. I asked this spirit to allow me to try that I might know the truth. He granted my request, and I went to my sick friend, who told me that he was better, and believed it was from some power that had come to him when I had visited him. This man had no knowledge of my recent spiritual expe- riences, and at this time I had not told him that I was trying to heal him — I simply explained to him some of the spiritual laws of life, and took both his 36 THE DIVINE GIFT hands, and we were silent together. I was con- scious of a strong spiritual power, and clearly saw the ancient spirit guardian and another spirit stand- ing beside us. To my opened vision the walls of the room seemed to recede, and the beautiful faces of numberless spirits made an enclosure, which seemed to form the room we were in. They were there to witness the work. In a few minutes my friend spoke, and said he was rilled with strength — that he was not sick, and that he wanted to arise and dress. He called his sister and asked for his clothing — but she would not listen to any explanation and refused to help him as he had asked her. He declared if he could but get up he would promise never to be sick again and there is no doubt but that he would then have recovered if she had granted his request. It was as my guide had foreseen, and I had to go away, grieved at the unbelief, and the failure to be given the needed co-operation of the family. So my friend was kept in his bed, and the illness dragged on for a long time — but the power had held him to life here, and he did not pass over — but he did not regain his health, even after he was up and about. He was greatlv emaciated and seemed about to col- lapse again when he came to me and asked for spiritual treatments which I gladly gave him. This was a work for truth — and no payment was ever OF MEDIUMSHIP 37 considered or made. In two months he had become strong and well, and had gained until he had reached his normal weight of two hundred and six pounds. Meantime our family circles continued. We were learning the great laws of life in the harmoniza- tion of spirit and matter. Through the protecting love of my guardian spirit I had been permitted to behold the higher spheres of spirit, and where I shall be privileged to enter again after I have ful- filled the mission of the first visit, and need the greater knowledge that can come only through such illumined avenues. Through the liberty and har- mony and love that dwell in spiritual laws, I was allowed to see the lower planes of spirit spheres that I might know for myself what was true, and what was merely theoretical or dogmatic in the teachings of the past. These experiences of spirit consciousness are in- describable. The preparations are according to spiritual necessity. I found myself surrounded by the power of perfect peace. It uplifted me by har- monious strains of music that breathed forth from the love that was in Nature. I felt within my physi- cal body the cessation of its usual strength, and I closed my eyes to open the spiritual vision, and found myself sustained by a strength more wonder- ful than anything that the physical body can realize. As I was wakening to the spiritual consciousness 38 THE DIVINE GIFT I heard the strains of beautiful music, and I asked my spiritual guide and teacher what this music was, for I then knew that I had opened my eyes to the spiritual world. He smiled and said: "It is your own soul self singing in harmony with the spiritual harmony." Then I was awakened more fully to the perfect oneness in life. Angelic forms were near us and my guide made me acquainted with these friends, whose radiance lighted our way, the plane less il- lumined by the glory that comes only through the best development of the soul self. These beautiful companions greeted me with gentleness. They smiled their welcome, and with far-reaching looks, and with glowing eyes of glad- ness and an expression of love, life, and truth, they bowed to me in grace and tenderness. We then proceeded on our journey. We appar- ently drifted downward through an atmosphere which was dark and dense in comparison with the ethereal sphere of light in which I had awakened. We traveled through this walled space, which was illuminated and made clear by the radiance of the two angels who guided and led the way for my celestial teacher and myself. One of the angels of light looked and one smiled and said, "Do you fear?" My soul self was only lifted to a still more earnest OF MEDIUMSHIP 39 desire for truth, and I was thrilled with courage and power. I answered, "I am willing to trust my life anywhere in the protecting, loving care of such guides. I am willing to take every risk — if you call it risk — to know the truth." They gently passed on, and we drew near to the suffering souls who were then living in the memory and regret of their wasted earthly life. The two angels halted on the way, and were so enveloped in the glory of their own light that they were not vis- ible to me, yet they illumined the world around and below them. My guide was standing beside me, and said : "Now you can look." The atmosphere grew clearer, the density that depressed our consciousness disappeared and we breathed easily and saw distinctly that which was about us. The conditions are saddening to remem- ber. My heart was overwhelmed by pity for the unfortunate beings who must begin their spiritual experience in such weakness and unhapiness. Even their bodies lacked the development and noble pro- portion that conies through character and goodness. They seemed dwarfed and crippled by their mis- deeds and unlovely lives. Their faces seemed pinched and full of misery. At first I could not look upon such misfortune ; they did not seem like living men. 40 THE DIVINE GIFT I questioned my guide, and he said: "They are living souls. They are what they made themselves, by their acts while in the earthly life." I was deeply impressed by this revelation. I saw as never before how the deeds, how the motives, how the ignorance, how the unwise affections form life and deform the soul of man. I then knew that when the body was wholly put aside, and the spirit stepped into the boundless realms of the infinite, it went free of all pretense, free of all restriction, and stood forth in just the semblance that the life here had been fashioning it. I was filled with a desire to give to the earth world God's unchangeable truth. My spiritual self was expanded by larger and nobler purposes. My heart was filled with thanksgiving that I had been privileged to see with my own consciousness the truth of cause and effect, of the perfect adaptation of spirit to its own sphere, and of the blessed provi- sion the deific principle prepares for the unfolding of the darkened mind and the unprogressed soul. The truth of God is made manifest every day — even hour, throughout eternity. It is the same revelation that we grow according to our use of life, and we gravitate to our own sphere wherever that may be — even in this life — or in the home eternal in the heavens. I was filled with a great desire and love OF MEDIUMSHIP 41 to be an instrument by which this truth could be given to mankind. The illumination from the two angels grew softer and smaller, and the darkness around the unhappy souls of that sphere grew dense again. They are engulfed in their own darkness, and will be in this shadow until their spiritual consciousness calls for enlightenment and strength, that they may respond to the never dying personality within that, according to its own spirit life will gradually see with its own spiritual eyes, and hear with its own spiritual ears, and feel with its own intuitive knowledge, the jus- tice that unerringly gives according to the capacity to receive light and life and power and wisdom. It is a sorrowful thing to see this spark of life so nearly extinguished by dark deeds. It is a sadden- ing thing to realize that the purity of the spirit must be so environed by unspeakably base condi- tions while in the earthly life, and the soul affections given to foul and unworthy desires, that the men- tality cannot grow and develop in the likeness of wisdom, but must remain ignorant, uncultured and depraved. The awfulness of the suffering in this present sphere, and the unpreparedness of that soul for anything like the higher planes of life is most sorrowful — but the great lessons of life must be learned by every experience, and the true under- standing of the laws of spirit in Nature will teach 42 THE DIVINE GIFT the world how to direct the growth of the soul. We are not to judge who are victims of their own un- worthiness, or of their own responsibility, or of their destiny. We are to help make a better environ- ment here, that each individual may be born into purer conditions, and unfold here the soul develop- ment that shall have entrance into the higher con- ditions in the next sphere. Natural Science will save souls from the deform- ing influence of physical ignorance and spiritual limitations, and open the understanding to the laws of justice and progression, which are God's perfect expressions. Then shall the face be turned toward the great soul center, and be illumined by the rays of celestial principles as they shine through every expression, whether in this sphere or in the darker places of the soul life. The growth is gradual there, even as it is here. The unhappy ones are aided by the angels of light, and by the master teachers of the higher planes. Through the avenues of eternal progres- sion they will make their way — even as we ascended upward and left the vales of shadows. The angels accompanied my guide and myself to the earth. We found ourselves free from the dark- ness, and stood upon a plane of safety. This ex- perience wrote itself in a language upon my heart never to be forgotten, never to be outlined. The OF MEDIUMSHIP 43 memory will always serve to stimulate me to more earnest endeavor to present truth and the helpful- ness of truth to the world. It is not given to many to visit these spheres, not even those from the higher planes go there unless upon some special er- rand of mercy or of illumination, and upon leaving me my guide blessed me and said : "This has been granted to you that you could better understand the gradations of spirit and the result of the lives that are misspent. You will live not for earthly things, nor the fleeting pleas- ures of a temporary existence, but to ever develop the spiritual life that you may become a teacher and illuminate the ever-living soul that is in all humanity that they may learn more of the great laws of life that are expressed through the wisdom and love of Deity. Your life and light will shine down through the ages. I will always be near you." The angels of light smiled and blessed me. I was filled with unspeakable language that ex- pressed only in the silence of the soul. They drew near to my physical body, and my spiritual self united with its earthly temple to fulfill my mission in earth life and to respond to the teachings of those great souls. At the last of my sittings I had desired to know more about the phenomena of materialization, and I asked the guardian spirits who were my teachers 44 THE DIVINE GIFT in this realm of spiritual investigation and educa- tion if I might be permitted to see this and judge for myself the possibility and the advisability of such demonstrations of power. During our sittings we had often seen ethereal forms pass to and fro, but they were not tangible. Now the time had come for a further experience. After sitting a few evenings the form of a young woman materialized, smiled to us — de-materialized, then materialized again, then became smaller, and finally appeared in the ethereal form and drifted upward to the ceiling, then downward to the floor and disappeared. In a few moments one of my younger brothers who had passed away since our circle was formed came in our midst as a material- ized spiritual being, and stood before us. It was a wonderful, indescribable thing to look upon, and feel such a tangible reality in our presence of one who had been so familiarly and so dearly beloved in our family life, and then who had vanished from our material surroundings by this great event we misname death. I grasped his arm and said: "Henry, is this you?" He spoke plainly so that all in the room heard him answer: "Yetf His face was as natural to us as when he was in OF MEDIUMSHIP 45 the earth life, and he expressed his love for us, his protecting care, and his tender interest in all our experiences. The occasion was one that we all cherished with great thankfulness. I thank God for the wonderful privileges that his principles give us. Our dear ones were all wel- come visitors to us. In this life we are spirit em- bodied — in that life they are spirit dis-embodied. It is only because of the general misunderstanding that has arisen through man's ignorance of spirit- ual law that the possibility of communion and com- munication has been denied. And, furthermore, the living in the present only, the recognition of only the visible effects, the ignorance of cause, the indifference to future existence as developed by the way life is used here — the dependence of the masses upon a traditional irrational religion, has been the easier way to slip along on the surface of appear- ance and has allowed humanity to live selfishly and cruelly. Spirituality teaches justice in every act of life. It allows no happiness in the disregard of the rights of others. It gives no peace to the ungener- ous and the unloving. It teaches you that as you live here — so do you waken tomorrow upon your entrance to the higher spheres. If arbitrary and in- tolerant here — so are you dwarfed in the immortal attributes. If you have opposed the revelations of the Infinite spirit and in your ignorance kept others 46 THE DIVINE GIFT from the enlightenment of truth then will you still be slow to see and comprehend the beautiful laws of life. In just that degree that you have hindered the progressive development of yourself and your friends, in just that degree are you miserable, and your progress will be retarded. It is a natural and a beautiful privilege that we all have as a part of our own life and individuality to recognize and to commune with our departed loved ones, and to receive help and instruction from the higher minds of the higher spheres. We need to work out our own spirituality through these natural avenues, and be harmonious in our physical, mental and spiritual development that they may work together, well poised, for the unfoldment of larger spiritual consciousness. This lifts the soul from materialism and the limited views of life. This enables the individual to view all sides of life and to understand the principles that have hitherto been more or less obscure. In this way the physical and the spiritual inter- blend until through chemical changes the grosser matter of the spiritual body becomes refined, the mind is illumined by spirit wisdom, and the vision is opened to the beholding of the spiritual realities, and in this awakening you realize the power that is in all life. Very few people have reached this knowledge-^- OF MEDIUMSHIP 47 probably not one quarter of the world's population have advanced into the appreciation of the truth that nature reveals. The people of spiritual experiences, of vision, of seer-ship, of illumination, of understanding of the spiritual causation, of principles and effects have always existed in all ages and in all climes. That which is remote is often that which receives the most consideration; that which is near and on every hand is that which is criticised, denied, ridiculed, and mis- understood! And yet it is these very manifestations — it is these very truths that open the avenue to our knowledge of spiritual conditions and the continuity of life. The demonstrations that give us reason to believe in the presence of our loved ones — lost awhile — is the most precious thing in human experience. And whence the criticism! Why the unfairness! Does this not emanate from minds limited by the material conditions and experiences — no matter how- great is the scholarship if it is buried in tradition or myth, or encrusted by materialism that has no in- sight further than what the senses observe, and no awakening of the higher faculties to the omnipotent revelations of the whole of life as it expresses itself universally in all of Nature. What is man that he should judge of the Infinite, and limit the principles and powers of that which is limitless! Why should any individual assert a right to contradict the con- 48 THE DIVINE GIFT sciousness of truth that comes to another through experience different from their own. If there are many who live in the one-sided expres- sions of the earthly life, why should they decry the larger powers and assertions made by the few? Should not justice and fairmindedness prevail be- tween both classes? If the lives of many are so artificial, so ignorant, so unthinking that they do not behold the spiritual laws that unfold in Nature and that control life, why should they deny that such laws exist? The spiritual man is shaping his life to better conform with Deific law. He is seeing Nature with spiritual eyes, and he is hearing the truth with spiritual ears; he is sensing the harmony of all manifestations with his spiritual faculties — he is not waiting until the change called death shall open his consciousness to divine understanding, but he is viewing the beautiful devel- opments of life while he is in the earthly experience. The limitations of mortals upon this little planet earth cannot check progress or influence the great divine principles of evolution. The spiritual un- foldment will go on as surely as the seas ebb and flow. The laws of Nature are revealing themselves and opening the consciousness of men to truth. This truth is already blooming in the hearts of man- kind and unfolding souls with a knowledge of the beauty that is spread over the earth illumining life OF MEDIUMSHIP 49 with a radiance unseen before. In this way mankind is being lifted from ignorance and selfishness into kindness and charity. The love of Deity is ever flowing into the earthly channels even as the sunlight warms and gladdens and vivifies this material exist- ence, and brings forth the perfume enclosed in the heart of the flower. The spiritual faculties of seeing, hearing, sensing all things are the faculties that are immortal and that we take with us when we enter the spiritual spheres. We are here to develop these, and it is inconsistent and limited to deny the existence of the larger things of life. It is as absurd to attempt to shut out the spiritual possibilities as for man to draw a chalk line around himself and refuse to see anything beyond that boundary; such narrow confines make their view pitifully restricted. Let us enter into the uses and misuses of the spir- itual gifts. Let us be kind, honest, and just to all conditions as we find them. The same laws control all spiritual gifts that con- trol all expression in life. The visible and the in- visible are one reality differing only in the condition and refinement. It is all Spirit in Nature. The laws of Nature are the laws of life. Life is the un- foldment of spiritual laws. This teaches us that we can obtain such knowledge of these principles that we can add to our own enlargement of vision and 50 THE DIVINE GIFT character, or we can remain indifferent or wilfully ignorant of the divinity in us all, and so become dense and dwarfed in the true development. Thus we have the privilege of constructing our lives — and we also have the same liberty of misusing our divine attributes and in a sense live in the destructive qual- ities of material existence. Deity's laws are such that we can build through the natural avenues of life, through the interblending of spirit and matter, through the communion with spiritual teachers, through association with the mas- ter minds of the higher spheres, and so uplift our own selves and upbuild all humanity. Or we can by the same law of cause and effect gravitate to the lower planes of life and find association among the grosser expressions and live there until truth calls us from our misdeeds, and wakens us to the meaning of life. In this process of individualization you must sooner or later realize what is the truth. God has given you his beautiful laws that will give you health, happiness and justice if you choose to live in har- mony with them. Mankind is given its liberty of its own responsibility. God's justice must be recog- nized, his laws fulfilled, and the individual possi- bilities and gifts used righteously in order to make true progress. The "gifts" which seem to be of a higher spiritual- ity than the usual development have been recognized OF MEDIUMSHIP 51 throughout the history of every nation and respected by the thoughtful writers. Persia, Egypt, Chaldea, India, China and Japan had their seers and prophets — and in later days Grecian and Roman civilization records the regard that the heroes gave to the utter- ances of the sacred priestesses and sibyls. In the European countries such gifts have always been in evidence — while the book that is the familiar author- ity of a large part of the world today makes direct statements regarding the variety of these gifts. A most familiar passage is that from I Corinthians, 1 2th chapter, 8th verse: "For to one is given by the spirit the word of wis- dom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discerning of spirits." I Corinthians, 13th chapter, 1st verse: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become as sound- ing brass and a tinkling cymbal." Let us learn of these beautiful gifts through nat- ural law, let us be charitable, let us gather more knowledge of the gifts God expresses through his children. Too often it has happened that the sincere expo- nents of spiritual truths have been passed by and the superficial investigator has not chosen wisely when 52 THE DIVINE GIFT he has attended either public or private demonstra- tion of the possibility of spirit communication. The world is full of imposters, of charletans. What is true in one phase of life is true in all others. No pro- fession, no business association, no religious associa- tion, no government is free from pretenders. This is an undeveloped part of human nature, and we should be universal enough to recognize this fact when we are dealing philosophically with any ques- tion or any relationship of life. The spiritualist me- dium should not be the only one to suffer the preju- dice of people simply because that gift has been sim- ulated, and dishonest men and women have taken advantage of the over-credulous or the ignorant or the selfish seeker after a sort of knowledge that is not uplifting nor beneficial, and through tricks and some phases of psychic power have played upon hu- manity disastrously. They advertise in such a man- ner through the secular press, they promise to do marvels, that the victim of these sad disappointments revenge themselves upon all mediums by their lack of discrimination and by their ill-judged conclusions. On the other hand honest, scientific and careful investigations have been systematically made that all phases of the unusual gifts or demonstrations might be better understood. Mediumship in its different manifestations, spiritual phenomena and materializa- tion, magnetism, clairvoyance and the various OF MEDIUMSHIP 53 psychic powers have attracted the attention of the public. Whatever the conclusion is, whatever the decision arrived at by any one or number of the investigators, it must always be remembered that the individual judges only according to his individual capacity and enlightenment, so the value of his opinion is entirely in proportion to his knowledge of universal truth. He may be a man of great or unusual scientific at- tainments, yet he may be able to see only external manifestation and reason wholly from exterior con- ditions and have no exact understanding of the in- terior cause which produces the various phases of so- called mediumship or of clairvoyance. Just here let me define mediumship as an instrumentality through which spiritual beings communicate or impress con- sciously or unconsciously ; which results in some form of spiritual phenomena — mental or physical — while clairvoyance is literally clear-seeing, and is wholly constitutional with the individual so gifted and has nothing to do with outside spirit aid. The different phases of mediumship have already been analysed and defined, as has been the psychic qualities that are a part of the individual expression. The manifestation of these powers is as old as hu- manity itself for it is a part of humanity's life, and does not, and has not, and never will depend upon the denials or the affirmation of the investigator. 54 THE DIVINE GIFT Thank God the truth of spiritual law has been beauti- fully evident to many a noble soul, not only to the suffering ones whose hearts have been comforted by loving message, but some of the world's most famous poets, artists, philosophers and men of science have been outspoken in their endeavor to enlighten the world as to the importance of this truth. Human experience has its similarities — its points of convergence, and spiritual experience comes to an individual in just the manner that is most natural to his temperament and constitution. Many of these experiences are private and personal, but none the less convincing — many of them are of public demon- stration, where they meet the belief or the prejudice of people just as it may happen. But surely the opin- ion of such a thinker as William James, late Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University, is worthy of respect. To this we could add a long list of names of the thinkers of all nations — perhaps those of Al- fred Russell Wallace, the eminent English scientist, William Crookes, so well known by his discoveries in electricity and inventions, and just now Sir Oliver Lodge, who has addressed the British Association of Scientists and called their attention to the spiritual considerations as the most important question before them. These men have investigated these demon- strations through reputable media. Spiritual gifts are as true today as in the days of OF MEDIUMSHIP 55 Jesus or any other spiritually organized soul. There are prophets, seers, and sages. Transfiguration is as true today as it was when Peter, John and James went into the mount with Jesus and witnessed his transfiguration. Materialization is as true today as it was when Jesus materialized and asked the doubtful Thomas to feel of the wounds in his side that he might be con- vinced of the truth of his personal reality. The same laws of life exist today as they did two thousand years ago, — only we should be doing greater things — even as Jesus foretold. He tried to show that the laws of Nature were the laws of life, and that these were the laws by which he worked, and he foresaw that time and progress would develop greater things for the coming generations. Through wrong inter- pretation of these laws man has ignored the more spiritual revealments. The world has progressed in the knowledge and uses of material conditions, and has obtained much exact knowledge of material structures, formation and the so-called "kingdoms of the world" — it has de- veloped the land, built generously, invented usefully, and is constantly making important discoveries and progressing in a most interesting manner so far as external life is concerned, but even though the world is taking more notice of humanity in all its aspects and working earnestly for a human progress, the 56 THE DIVINE GIFT most beautiful, life-giving, fruitful law underneath all conditions has been lost sight of — the spiritual law that governs the illumination of the individual and that is destined to refine, uplift, and educate the whole of mankind. The lack of this knowledge has limited man's pro- gressive development. Here and there has the light of the spirit shone unmistakably. Emanuel Sweden- borg, the Swedish philosopher and scientist, is a well known example of spirit illumination, and our own Andrew Jackson Davis is, without doubt, the great- est soul that has ever developed in any age. His mind was opened to receive wisdom from the master minds of the higher spheres, and his own spirit easily entered into the knowledge of the principles of spirit, and he grew in wisdom and gave to the world the completest exposition of the truth that has ever been written. His life itself is an inspiration of love and wisdom, — and his writings are destined to yet awaken the minds of the people to a larger knowledge, a fuller understanding of divine life throughout the uni- verse, and quicken the spirit of humanity into nobler living that is the purpose of the earthly experience. These are God given gifts through the natural de- velopment of the spiritual principle, and I plead most earnestly that all those more especially endowed may use these gifts for the highest purposes, that the darkness and destruction that comes of misuse may OF MEDIUMSHIP 57 pass away, and this work of the spirit may lift all people to a higher plane of thinking and realizing and living, when they may more consciously unite with God and the angels for the upbuilding of truth through God's divine principles that flow into this sphere by the interblending of spirit through com- munication. There will be no dark valley even as Dwight M. Moody declared as he was passing to spirit life. Some writers who have not understood the spiritual laws of communication have been of the opinion that such interblending of lives is injurious to media. In reply to this, I must again call your attention to the laws of Deity as they flow through every avenue of nature — and I must again repeat my statement that people are very limited in their understanding and use of these principles — they observe "experience" and re- port it from their own point of view instead of from a more universal recognition of the spirit power and life that harmonizes with matter for eternal unfold- ment and progress. Manifestation of spirit through individuals differs just as individuals differ in temperament, character, and wisdom. This is true in both spheres of life — only whatever is in spirit life is more refined than when it was in the material body — yet that same spirit has gone into the higher sphere with the real qualities that characterized the individual when on 58 THE DIVINE GIFT the earthly plane, and if the life of the medium is of such a nature that the less developed and less wise spirits are attracted into that life, the demonstrations and the communication cannot be of so wise, or re- fined, or uplifting, or so true a nature as that which results from different living in both cases. But the laws of spirit are such that no real injury can ever come by contact with the spirit spheres. The medium may be injured by his or her own lack of wisdom in the use or misuse of these powers within themselves — just as any individual may injure his own life by misusing the perfectly good and benefi- cent properties that are a part of the material condi- tions here. It is greatly to be desired that the so- called spiritual worker should become more truly spiritual and enlightened and it is just as desirable that the materialist should become more illumined as to the great universal principles and more just as a result of greater wisdom. Any medium, or any person who lives in harmony with eternal law must unfold to nobler proportions of character, and attract the nobler influences from the higher spheres. These spiritual minds are superior to anything in earth, more intelligent, more loving, more refined, more powerful. Their most earnest desire is expressed for the upbuilding of humanity. These high souls have lived through the earthly ex- perience and have been in spirit life so long that they OF MEDIUMSHIP 59 have grown away from the imperfections and densities of this sphere. Their lives are cleansed from all that is gross in thought or deed or affection, they have risen above the limitations of materialistic ignorance, they have become wise in the use of the great Deific principles and they bring into our at- mosphere the glory and beauty of celestial under- standing. They are living in a higher unfoldment of God's laws — the same laws that give life in every condition, the same principles that permeate every expression, only advanced, refined, unfolded — and they have become as God in the spontaneous expres- sion of the infinite and immortal attributes of soul. They are radiant with light, life, and truth which is the building foundation of all life. They radiate these qualities wherever they go, and to come in touch with such souls is a privilege of the highest order. It means light, and life, and truth to your souls, as you receive their radiations and their thought — even as it did to come in touch with Jesus when he was upon the earth. The relationship of such spirit helpers to the earthly mediums has none of the qualities of hypnosis. It is not a case of one mind dominating another, or of a gross power filling an individual with soul paralysis and outside sug- gestion. Whatever the use or the purpose of hypnotism as it is now experimented with in this earthly plane, 60 THE DIVINE GIFT whether for scientific information regarding the hidden, psychic power, whether for suggestive help to the deficient, the weak, or the criminal, whether for evil purposes of mastery of one mind over an- other, it must always partake of the limitations of the understanding of the one who uses it, and it must be a questionable operation of the benefit of an active mind over one that is passive. The real object of spiritual influx of life is to awaken the soul, arouse the mind, inspire the whole life of the individual with the better knowledge of his immortal attributes and the purpose of life. It is not partial in its exercise — it is not limited in its environment or its understanding. It is the breath- ing in of the life elements, it is the quickening power of the whole life, it is spiritual in its principle and in its purpose, and it is not to be confounded with the materialistic phenomena of the unex- panded soul in this sphere, forcing its own will into the will of another by rendering the physical func- tions inactive. The spiritual power of the arisen souls acts upon the physical form of the medium by quieting the outer senses and wakening the interior sensibilities — or by thus gathering the life forces from external sensation that the soul and spirit may be more alive and thus more easily express itself, in whatever way is most natural to the medium that is receiving the OF MEDIUMSHIP 61 inspiration from the higher mind. This liberates the spiritual faculties of the media whereby they must be inspired to a greater realization of truth and unfold their own character more in the likeness of their heavenly associates. The spiritual helper never depresses the mind or body of the earthly companion, but, as a magnet, lifts him to a higher conception of spiritual values, where he may see for himself the radiant heights of individual possibilities, quicken his intellect that it may respond more readily to the higher attune- ment and interblend in a more beautiful unity of purpose with the spiritual, and be more awakened to the light, love and life of the wisdom of God, and in this power be made more positive with the Great Positive Mind. This is the communion of the spheres, this is the communication of disembodied spirits with the embodied spirits, this is the inter- blending of the principles of life for the upbuilding and unfoldment of all God's children in the Universe of Life! This must make clear the fact that the exercise of mediumship is of itself an uplifting, up- building means of unfolding the spiritual power, and of adding to physical strength and is of itself not to be confused with the results that come to both mind and body from hypnotic association in this sphere with the will force that is imperfect and unwise in its manifestation. 62 THE DIVINE GIFT There is discrimination to be used in the exercise of any gift. There are physical conditions to re- gard. Excess in any direction has its penalties. Balance and proportion should be the aim of every individual whatever his interest or employment. But the medium cannot be injured by association with the spiritual guardians. They may be injured while in that sensitive, passive condition to this material sphere by coming in contact with the un- pleasant, inharmonious, destructive, disturbing at- mosphere of the people who come to them for help in their questionings and their perplexities. Man makes his own entanglements, consciously or un- consciously, as he lives in violation of God's laws. Then, as often happens when he finds himself sinking from the weight of the heaviness of his own condi- tions, he goes to a medium for help — and the spirit- ual gift is used to give advice, or comfort, or sus- taining power to the soul in trouble. The selfish- ness, the falsity of such people is a shock to the in- terior sensibilities, and has its impairing effect on the physical strength — and then the world in its ignorance blames the spiritual influences for that which ignorance and selfishness is alone accountable for. These congestions, and dross, these dis- turbances are not in harmony with God's beautiful expressions in the higher unfoldment, where wis- dom and truth and love and power characterize the OF MEDIUMSHIP 63 lives of the arisen souls. These higher beings live in oneness with the Father, and are a fountain of light and life to all who come in contact with them; they permeate the medium with these life-building elements. An experience of my own will illustrate the truth of this statement. I remember one occasion especially some years ago, when I had been suffering from a severe cold and was greatly prostrated by fatigue from over- work, and then took an additional cold which made me feel very ill and exhausted so that when the Sunday morning arrived, on which day I was en- gaged to speak at Fall River, Mass., I was hardly able to leave my bed and was in danger of fainting at any minute. I thought the matter over. I had no time to get any one else to speak for that society, so I managed to make the trip, and in a half dazed condition found myself upon the platform ready to speak. Then I saw a spirit of great power and beauty who stood beside me, who said: "I will take charge of this meeting through your organism," and I gladly welcomed this help. At the close of the meeting, as the spirit influence left me, and my own consciousness to outward events returned, I found myself strong and well. I had no illness, no weariness. I was uplifted and filled with strength and I remained well — which shows that it was not a sudden enthusiasm or powerful emotion of my own 64 THE DIVINE GIFT that would buoy me up temporarily, but proves that our bodies can be greatly assisted by the wisdom and strength that spiritual beings can radiate by their presence and power. This is a revelation of God's perfect life as it expresses itself in progressed souls who live in light and love and wisdom. Who can know these principles but those whose lives have blended with those lives of the great sphere of spirit? Surely these are not truths to those who sit in the seats of the scornful and criti- cise all manifestations that are not natural to them- selves. There have always been prophets and false prophets, the immature, the ignorant and the un- wise, and there are those who give their lives to find the truth. This cannot be otherwise, for this is the first sphere, the first expression of life where we are individualized for our immortal journey, and it is here that we naturally find imperfect conditions that result from immaturity and inexperience. But, thanks be to God, the great soul magnets of the higher spheres are turning their faces toward the light, and they are ready to give that light to the people of earth, that the beautiful radiations of wisdom and power may be received into the organisms of the earthly beings. There is nothing more human or more natural than to receive the thoughts of your departed dear OF MEDIUMSHIP 65 ones, and it is a beautiful thing to be conscious of their messages of love. The man or woman of cold intelligence who would place psychical laws upon a man-made system to please a class of people who consider themselves able to judge of these higher unfoldments simply because they may have more experience in materialistic observation makes a grave mistake in this attempt to popularize a spirit- ual principle that it may adorn a fashionable plat- form. The spirit of God is not limited. It descends upon the poor and the unlettered, it enters the hearts of the sorrowful, it is a universal quality that depends not upon riches, nor honor, nor scholar- ship, nor titles, nor university degrees. It speaks to the humble, it seeks admission to the great. It is ready to illumine every soul. It has the bread of life in its outstretched hand. It has the illumina- tion of wisdom in its expressive glance. It has com- fort in its loving heart, it has unfoldment and har- mony in its inspiring wisdom. It has not readily gained admission into the in- tellects that have not opened themselves to the large and universal consideration of all truth, it has hardly been accorded courteous attention by the dogmatism of religious minds already domi- nated by a system, it has been dismissed by the proud as undesirable in its equalizing qualities, and it has been rejected unheard by the selfish from 66 THE DIVINE GIFT whom too much of their liberty was demanded that they might give more liberty to others. Pure spirit makes its own likeness in the lives of all spirit, and though it shine with its wonderful ra- diance as clearly in this sphere of matter as in its own home of light, yet it nourishes, sustains and gives life to us all. It manifests itself in absolute conformity to the individual temperament and un- foldment, as indeed do all the other gifts and privi- leges of this life, and the use each individual makes of his or her especial gift is wholly in proportion to the wisdom of the individual. But to criticise un- fairly — to condemn unjustly, to be blind to the uni- versal as well as the special aspects of truth is lim- ited, while to arbitrarily assume authority over the way truth manifests itself, and to sweep aside the avenues by which the light has come — simply because the channels have not been as clear, or as well placed as might be agreeable to some other individuality is unjust indeed. Would this be the Christ principle? Must not God's love and light shine in its own way, untar- nished by worldly selfishness and pride? Would it not be better to go among the poor, the uneducated, the unwise, the lowly even as Jesus did and help them by our love, our patience, our. charity, by our own inspiration and wisdom, that they may better use the gifts of life, and that we in return may re- OF MEDIUMSHIP 67 ceive greater truths through the harmony and un- foldment of all souls. Centuries ago an immortal caution was spoken to individual injustice, and Jesus befriended the outcast until one without sin should cast the first stone. This charity is as worthy emulation today — for over each of us are always wiser souls who see our individual imperfection, and would strive to help us to unfold beauty of character. This should give us a very humble spirit when we attempt to set others right according to our own imperfect standard. Our own inequalities are very apparent to critical beholders, and each individual whatever the attain- ment, or the scholarship, or the worldly success or the administrative power, or the spiritual "gift" is always overshadowed by something higher, and by greater wisdom in some other direction which could very easily offer criticism if it were so minded to those less expert and less cultured. So it is not be- coming in any individual to assert superiority, be- cause the superiority here in any walk of life is very imperfect and very unequal when viewed by a wisdom that looks into the whole life and unfoldment. The aim should be for a steady upbuilding first of self — that equalization which must come of body, of mind, of soul, and must be permeated by love and by wisdom; then that life will send out its radiations into the lives of others, and humanity will gradually 68 THE DIVINE GIFT respond to the spirit of love that seeks to uplift the whole race, that would liberate every soul from the thraldom of injustice, of inequality, of ignorance, of suffering, of a misuse of its splendid gifts, of the sway of materialism, it would touch the intellect and show that true enlightenment which comes through a love of truth, it would unfold a greater charity in the hearts, it would inspire the individual to become poised, healthy in body, firm in mind, powerful in spirit, it would give to every person that courage which knows that there is every possibility to so build life here that its foundation will support the charac- teristics that are enduring throughout eternity. After eight years of this educational experience in the phenomena and philosophy of spiritual laws and manifestations from the unseen spheres of life, my ancient spirit guardian made it known to me that I was to go out into the world and carry the light that had come to me into the dark places yet unreached by the spiritual illumination and that I was to work for the enlightenment of humanity. This was a consideration so serious, so unexpected to me, so unwished for that I was greatly disturbed and saddened by the responsibility that I suddenly found confronting me. I had entered into these in- vestigations for the purpose of finding the truth for OF MEDIUMSHIP 69 myself — and in this experience I had enjoyed the co-operative interest of our family circle. I had no thought of making public our investigations, and I felt wholly unprepared for a work so outside my own plan of life. I wished to live quietly, simply, and enjoy in my own humble way the blessings that had come to me, so I opposed this request of my spiritual guide, and resolutely objected to what seemed placed before me for my undertaking. I felt as if the end of life had come, so unpleasant was the thought of this sacrifice. This selfishness on my part was met by my beautiful spirit guide with a loving smile. "My dear child," he said, "you know how valuable is time to the leaders of your nation?" I replied that I did. "Then," said he, "can you not see how val- uable is time to the souls that have lived in earth life, and have dwelt long in spirit and so understand what must be done to accomplish the uplifting of man- kind? Can you expect that wise spirits would devote all this time to you, for your own personal enlight- enment, if you were not to make known to others the value of these great truths, and so help others to arise in their own spiritual strength?" I was touched by this new consideration, and felt the truth of his appeal to my consciousness. "We are depending on you," he continued, "as an instru- ment with us, that we may give more light to the 70 THE DIVINE GIFT world, and aid in the uplift of humanity. Let us work for the universal good of all people." I felt the loving influence of the dear ones of our own family who had passed to spirit life, and I saw their beckoning hands — I was inspired with a deeper knowledge of God's love and harmony, and appre- ciated as never before what blessings had come to me through the unselfish labors of my spirit friends. I would arise in one-ness with them in the expression of universal principles of life. I was conscious of being called to a higher expression, and a larger realization of the obligations of the individual to mankind in general — and I said that I would be equal to this call. These beautiful spirit friends have guided me as they felt it wise, and we shall be associated in work throughout eternity. In the succeeding years I have gained more strength and wisdom through further experiences, and I gladly give this in whatever way is necessary for the greater good that must result as time goes on. My desire is to make clearer the Deific principles to the world, and thus I am working, not only to better individualize myself, but to help others to an unfoldment of their own soul principles that they too may enlighten the minds of others and bring this baptism of the Spirit to all mankind, that they may see with their own spiritual eyes, and hear with their OF MEDIUMSHIP 71 own spiritual ears, and realize in their own conscious- ness the beauty and the happiness that comes in serving this Divine Principle that is the life of every living creature, and that illumines every form in life. Through this spiritual refining power and wisdom shall we all individualize a spiritual character, and radiate these truths into the universe. Thus the har- monies of God's love inspires us by its music and we go on in tune with all that is vibrating through- out the spheres, and sing our souls' song in the uni- versal symphony of souls. OF MEDIUMSHIP 73 CHAPTER II. NATURAL SCIENCE. The School of Natural Science has for its purpose not only the better understanding of the questions of health, but the subjects that pertain to the whole of life. Natural Science deals with the laws of Na- ture. These are the immutable laws of life that can- not be changed by man. These are the laws that are necessary for every one to understand, for it is only through true knowledge that improvement can be made in the conditions that environ mankind. This Science of Nature applies to all things that live and have their expression. These governing principles have not been discovered by those who live in the material interests only, for their eyes are closed to the inner forces, and the manifestations that reveal themselves so surely to the thoughtful student of Nature. This science refers you first to the blending of 74 THE DIVINE GIFT spirit life — which is Deific life — through every uni- versal expression. When we open our eyes to look at Deity as He manifests Himself in every phase of life, then we have laid the cornerstone of the foun- dation of our educational structure. This is the requisite preparation for entrance into the great university where we advance, step by step, grada- tion by gradation, learning more of the wondrous mechanism of the material system, comprehending more and more of the living, loving principle that dwells in the visible forms, till we have become ready, through this wonderful educational process, to enter the invisible habitation, even there to con- tinue our search for truth and to eternally develop our own soul's treasures throughout infinity. Harmony — the harmonious interblending of mat- ter and spirit — is the block of the structure. When we have achieved something of harmony, then do we begin to know something of the beauty of this life. As we look upon the forests, as we see the rip- pling streams, as we breathe the fragrant air, as we hear the music of the birds, as we feel the rapture of the invisible associations, we are conscious of the universal vibration that awakens our soul self to responsiveness, and in harmony of spirit we are up- lifted by this singing of the universe as it reveals God's love and power. OF MEDIUMSHIP 75 So we must look for the blending of the smaller things, and through this rise to the larger apprecia- tion and understanding of life, for only as we find the keynote can we establish our harmony. This is not the explanation as recognized by man, but that understanding that is created by the Great Life higher than ours. It is not for man to worship, but for man to live! It is for man to make a gradual growth, to unfold in the material form which has been developed as a temple in which to individualize the spirit — and if we are clean in body and soul, we shall find that our temple is clean to live in. Life is eternal! Earth life is but a small fraction of life, and in the few years we are to stay here we must learn the laws of life that we may be harmoni- ous in the great universe of life. The opportunity is as good today as when you step out into the unseen. You are living today in eternal life, and after your transition you will still be living in eternal life. Why wait? Why dream? Why not come to the realization of your opportuni- ties for a better progress in the truer unfoldment now? As this process of growth goes on, and as you live more in accord to natural law, you will be- come stronger, nobler, purer, with an indestructible foundation of truth. There is nothing grander than truth! There has 76 THE DIVINE GIFT been no religious conception loftier than truth. The awakening of your soul means the uncovering of truth for you, that you may walk out into the light of truth, and live by its clear radiance. So do we construct our lives. God never forces nor compels man to live according to any special way or special belief. You have been placed here by the constructive forces of life, and the way you use these forces depends upon your understanding of them, and of your willingness to be led by the universal laws that determine all results. As man lives his day, just so surely he receives at night what is due him. The spiritual laws give us perfect justice. If we are living in the constructive laws, then we are ascending and building a stronger expression. We have only the destruction in life that man makes for himself. We have only the result that has come of man's use or misuse of the forces of life. We have the penalties and the benefits of his understanding — or misunderstanding. Man must be called back to the foundation princi- ples — to the truth of life. He must recognize Deity in all things and harmonize himself to the natural laws and open his own soul to receive not only the better things of this life as it spreads its beauty and its blessing on every hand, but he must ascend in his own spirit to receive the reflex of the higher minds that have passed onward, and so become more OF MEDIUMSHIP 77 and more cognizant of the destiny that awaits him and be led to the hilltop of a vaster scene and a more elevated conception and aspiration of his own conduct and growth. Man has simply lived according to man's ideal, drifting out on the surface of events to an uncharted sea. Why has not man recognized this! Why has he not listened to the voices that have come from time to time — like that one of old crying in the wilder- ness — speaking that he may repent and prepare the way in his own soul for the blessing of truth and its guidance. Why has he not changed his course and made safer paths for the generations which came after him? Because the wheel of progress moves slowly. It is a question of evolution — of growth, of better reasoning power. But progress is a principle in every form of life, and it is leading man into the likeness for which he was destined. It is lifting man from the materialis- tic plane where he is living only in materialism, — in a state of doubt dense as granite that cannot re- ceive spiritual thought — it is leading him from these conditions of selfishness into a more universal ap- preciation of the rights of mankind. What is this soul self that is given to man? The soul self is given not to worship, but as a balancing power to equalize the physical and the mental and 78 THE DIVINE GIFT to awaken the spiritual being that never dies, but lives eternally. A few more seasons and we are thrust out of this life. The spirit leaves the body — and we step out from earth into the sphere which is wholly spiritual. But even while we are housed here in the earthly body we are in spirit life, for there is no life possible that is not of spirit — it is only through divisions of time and space, of density and rarity, of what we call spirit and matter, that we are able to make definition and apparently sepa- rate that which is indivisible. It is all a question of form and condition, and of progressive develop- ment. If the scientists have been taught to reason wholly from a materialistic point of view, if because of their inflexible rule to admit of no premise and no con- clusion that cannot be proved except by visible demonstration through matter, that does not estab- lish any truth for the soul that sees deeper into the causes of life and knows that the life energy of all forms is the invisible spirit. And because this can- not be shown in their laboratories through material demonstration they turn deaf ears to the voice that calls through all expressions, and close their eyes to the wonderful beauty of the spiritual vision that re- veals itself in every form. We must not be made doubtful by the failures of these external scientists to establish the cause of life! OF MEDIUMSHIP 79 Nay, rather must we hold them to the facts that we present, and to the reasoning processes that can show the interblending of spirit and matter, for this is life! We are spirit beings now. This body is our house. This world is our dwelling place. The ani- mation of the whole is spirit. The governing laws are spiritual. Why not learn to live according to these laws? These truths will guide you out from all trouble- some conditions — for these conditions are not life. They are only your conception of life. Walk out into the freedom and truth of your own soul, and there find health and all the other conditions that favor enlargement of life from every point of view. Power comes with wisdom and knowledge. Power comes not of ignorance. In Nature there is a limitless universal power that lives in everything. Natural Science opens to the individual an understanding of these laws that truth may be perceived and used for the upbuilding of humanity. There is no limitation to this accom- plishment because the soul self deals with that which is limitless. It depends upon us to what de- gree we progress, and how we operate these princi- ples, for in that proportion do we achieve life — and life is given to us. Man is accountable for his own condition in life. That which man earns through his own effort is his 80 THE DIVINE GIFT forever. All that you gain here in wisdom and power, in the knowledge of the soul lives on through eternity. What you learn here you do not have to learn when you step out from this life and take your place in the advanced spheres. These thoughts must arise within your own soul self as you contemplate the conditions of life and destiny. Natural Science opens its arms to embrace the universe. None shall be cast aside, but all shall be included by its revelations. When we speak of Natural Science we are speak- ing of the laws of life. This school is needed. It brings a system to you that gives you tangible truths. It will teach you how to take care of your- self physically, mentally, spiritually. It means for you to become a powerful individual, a master of your own being — physically, mentally and spirit- ually — master of every condition in life that you come in touch with. This truth is to feed every soul. Natural Science is kind to all. It will stimulate man to higher im- pulses. It takes him kindly by the hand as a brother and leads him out from the stumbling blocks to the higher foundation that shall be as a habitation of safety for all eternity. OF MEDIUMSHIP 81 CHAPTER III. LIFE. As we look back over the past and into the fu- ture we find from the viewpoint of Natural Science that there has been much to retard the unfolding of man to higher conditions. Interests have been circumscribed by material considerations and lim- ited to the apparent facts that seem most evident. When I use the expression Life, I mean eternal life — life as a whole, for life is endless and this sphere of existence is but a small part of the whole. We begin here as children to individualize and develop the immortal characteristics, and the ques- tion arises, How are we doing this? The question also arises as to the life beyond — and regardless of our religious preferences and beliefs, we must rec- ognize the fact that it is a life governed by spiritual law, and when we become cognizant of that fact 82 THE DIVINE GIFT then must we understand that spiritual laws are the larger part of life. The line of separation has been drawn not only by the ignorant people, but by the educated as well, to whom the principles of spiritual life are not evi- dent and who are limited by material considera- tions, so that the great soul fountain that inter- blends throughout all expressions has not been ac- cepted into the consciousness of mankind gener- ally. Few there are who deny the continued existence, for the spiritual within is ever working for recogni- tion, but the absolute knowledge of immortality and of the Deity within all life is not given to them nor made by them a living reason upon which to base belief or scientific statement. As soon as man recognizes a life beyond this, then must he recognize spiritual law, not as a thing apart from life, but the governing factor that is within all life. They must recognize this life within their own being and follow their own spiritual con- sciousness, develop their own strength and individ- uality and not be drawn hither and thither in the at- tempt to pattern after other personalities. The sooner you look into your own life and ex- pand it, the sooner will you achieve what at the be- ginning seems impossible. Then as you begin to grow you are on the way to more celestial condi- OF MEDIUMSHIP 83 tions; the banks of fog in which you have drifted will gradually clear; you will look out further on the great expanse of futurity and upon the ethereal waves of Deific principle you will find the responding love in Nature that uplifts you, that strengthens you, and that comes to you as a baptism of the holy spirit from the great throbbing heart of life called Deity. That life is an illuminating force filled with light, filled with the love of truth, of justice, of harmony, filled with everything that can make your life ex- pand till your own organism is permeated, and you find the physical, mental and spiritual working to- gether in harmony. If you have a splendid physi- cal body and a weak spiritual development what will be the result? Can you have these beautiful qualifications we have just spoken of? No, indeed! You need the principles of life that will help you to become a large spiritual character, a force today, a power that will be felt by all mankind — a power that is not limited to material things, but a power that is universal, an inspiration that will speak to the heart of man and open his vision to larger and higher living. I find that so many people are waiting — they do not know what they are waiting for — but some- thing not of the present, something that comes in some mysterious way to miraculously change the 84 THE DIVINE GIFT dull things of the present into a sort of fabulous radiance and glory, unlike the every-day environ- ment, and more heroic than their own small en- deavors. But the tomorrow comes with the same stubborn facts, and the future has arrived — not in guise dreamed of and waited for — but as a just re- sult of the day after day of expectation without the attempt of making it a growth of progress realized. Today is the day of awakening! Today is the day to form a truer acquaintance with your soul- self and its immortal powers. Then you will find yourself no longer living by limited circumstance, you will no longer value the external and the fleet- ing, for the spirit is throbbing in your breast, and the spiritual principles are singing the songs of love and peace, and the desire will arise within you to grow to the heights, and so live that the world may be made better for your living in it. What has the old way of telling you to be good ever accomplished? Has it ever awakened you to the real value of life, or has it ever put implements of usefulness in your hands? It is the old story of casting your burdens on another, of being good through the deeds of another, of waiting for the glorious by and by — and the result is that your own accomplishment is as far off as ever. The lan- guage of the East came to us — the same drifting toward the vast unknown, the same mysterious ful- OF MEDIUMS-HIP 85 fillment of another, the same, unaccountable presen- tation of the wonders of Nature, the same waiting for a more glorious era when mankind shall be sud- dently raised to impossible heights of happiness. Natural Science unveils the truth and shows that there are no mysteries — no achievement without preparation and growth. The great unseen is be- fore your gaze at this very hour. The most impor- tant thought of all is the necessity to begin to live your life now. I care not how far off your ideal may be, or the distance you find yourself from the spiritual realizations, but" if the awakening has come, whether from the East or whether from the West, or whether from the heavens beyond and over all, that mystery of life is solved for you from this hour. This truth which Natural Science can give to you comes from one of the larger souls who went from earth life and is completing a work to which I have dedicated my life. Now, cannot the declaration be made for your- self! That spirit within your mentality speaks to you surely of the sweetest, the grandest, the most untarnished things in the world, it opens your soul to the beholding of one of the greatest revelations of love — a love for wisdom and a love for truth. It is like a fountain when once opened, it is bub- bling up from pure crystal waters, cleansing your 86 THE DIVINE GIFT life, baptising your very being to spiritual realiza- tion. Then you do not find it necessary to remove stumbling blocks, you do not have to avoid the thorns, for you have become lifted up, your feet are placed upon the foundations of truth. The imper- fect things fall away. Sadness, worry, distress, and all the troublesome appearances of this expression are left behind you. Now you are no longer ham- pered by the limited things, for you have become universal. You can see God as he manifests him- self. You listen with your spiritual ears; you see with your spiritual eyes; you sense with your spiritual consciousness, feeling your own soul-self rising to the heights of all these love principles which are bringing home to you grander music from God's great universe to harmonize you with yourself. Through this harmony of love principles you are living in a higher plane of life, even though in this material organism. Do not feel that you should be tied down in earth life or enslaved by anything. We are spirit — only embodied according to our present condition. The disembodied are your friends who are living in the spiritual spheres, and are often in your midst and visit you, that you may be guided by their love and wisdom to more intelligently ful- fill the destiny of your own individuality. If you will recognize yourself as a spirit today you will OF MEDIUMSHIP 87 find that the narrow things of time have drifted away upon the bosom of the limitless sea of eter- nity. The universal love light fills all space. Life is a thing of beauty that never dies, but lives on for- ever. You and I have the same kindly privilege of this light, and this love, and this life. You and I can draw from this same great fountain, and find the same harmonious laws in all forms. Life is en- tirely in our hands. We mould and fashion our events to take the shape that our ideal patterns. We can break all shackles that bind us to lower life, and build with a power stronger than any of the storms that shall rise to wreck it. We can build life full of spiritual love, full of help for our brother man and sister woman. Start on the way today. Climb the great spiritual Alps of truth, view the limitless landscape that is flooded by the sunshine of wisdom and truth. Come face to face with the great laws of God, and you will be able to operate these laws. The thought that you are a free-born soul is a good thought to leave with you — that through your own liberty you may open your life to the spirit light and unfold into the larger things and rise day by day into that knowl- edge and power that is guiding you to the great soul source which is the life of life. OF MEDIUMSHIP 89 CHAPTER IV. CHARACTER. In considering the question of character building we must refer you to Nature's laws and the great divine principle that permeates all things. This is necessary in order to find the proper adjustment. In meeting people we find in them some things that attract us, some things that disappoint us — some- thing that seems unequal, a lack of poise, a want of completeness. It is not a satisfactory answer to say that we are living in very imperfect conditions, for in all of life there is cause and effect, so we must investigate the characteristics still farther to find the cause of the lack of balance. It is well to find out whether we have a tendency to build up or to tear down — whether we are equalizing our nature in fairer pro- 90 THE DIVINE GIFT portions, according to the possibilities lodged in every soul. In this expression one may have a well-developed physique, and yet the spiritual proportion may be very deficient. It is not wise to expect more than is in the person, but the question is that which re- lates to the development of what one really is, for the greatest factor in life is the unfolding of the spiritual. True, we are placed in a material world, and this is the world we are to live in during the physical existence, but if we live in wholly material effects we find ourselves wholly unmindful of the spiritual cause thus being weighed in the balance and find ourselves wanting in equal development, or the beau- tiful expression that results by union of the two. We must open the doors of our physical life to the spiritual truth. We must swing wide the portals of our being that from the dungeon of igonrance our souls may be liberated, and the imprisoned spirit go forth from its slavery to become its own master of circumstances. This is what Abraham Lincoln did for an en- slaved race. We find in him great spirituality that expressed itself in charity for all of humanity. The universal principle in character is that which liberates it, and is that which liberates others. It is an evidence in itself that the spirit is unfolding and OF MEDIUMSHIP 91 permeating the very atoms of the whole being with new life for justice. It is this unfolding of the spiritual part that gives you anything individually beautiful when you enter the life beyond the grave. It is really all that makes life beautiful here. It is this that allows us to live in the fullness of experience here as we prepare for the future existence in the higher spheres. It relieves us of the obstructions that mankind has been storing up. Mankind meets with trouble and injustice because it has not yet freely opened its heart and consciousness to that great beauty that shines from the other sphere, the love that sings its sweetness into the lives of mortals, the justice that recompenses every life according to spiritual charity and the liberty that bids all sad- dened souls go free from their depths of slavery. These are some of the things we can appreciate in earth life. The materialists complain at the hardness of life here — but they scoff at spiritual truth — they are not philosophical, for after making their own bed they are unhappy at its lack of comforting qualities. This is inconsistent to complain of the result of our own hands. In speaking of spiritual qualities I would banish from your minds the usual thought that solemnity is spiritual — solemnity only adds to your burdens. In the great character of Deity we find that sunshine 92 THE DIVINE GIFT is a power, a living principle that sheds warmth and love from the great source of light, and this warmth and love will reach any man that will turn his face to that great center called God. Even if you are in the darkness caused by your own degradation, the light is shining toward you from the great spiritual sun, and in the heights of this great loving character we find the infinite charity that ever opens its arms to sustain and give justice to all those who are ready to receive the spiritual embrace and be led, a welcome guest, into that beautiful home of celestial principles where the soul-self is illumined and refreshed. Can we not understand that spiritual unfoldment is the union or the adjustment of the physical, men- tal and spiritual within us, whereby we are thrilled by a harmony impossible otherwise. So when we speak of Deity's laws, we are not to feel meek and lowly, we are to realize we are children of the In- finite Father, and are to gather knowledge from this fount of wisdom that is expressed throughout all life, and in this love and wisdom feel only the happier things of loving, feel only the truth, see only the brightness that illuminates the way, and know only the larger love that gives charity and justice to our sister woman and brother man. Then shall we smile and not weep. Then shall we sing and not sigh, then shall we walk forth into the OF MEDIUMSHIP 93 sunshine of our own soul into the larger life that is of all humanity. It is not necessary to set aside certain moments, certain hours, certain days in which to express these principles, but express them at all times, under all conditions. It may be in the market place, it may be in the social hour in our own homes, or it may be in an hour when we are confronted by serious responsibilities, grave ques- tions, overwhelming griefs — but in these hours we shall know the true light and sunshine that comes from the equal development of the physical, mental and spiritual characteristics. In the development of the spiritual nature it is beautiful to think that we are dealing with limitless life. The material life is limited. It drifts back into the elements from which it came, and is beautiful only when individualized by the spirit. It is a beautiful thought to realize that after you have gathered all the truths you can absorb into your life and live them through Deity's laws in Na- ture, there is just as much left to draw from as on the first day you feasted on the living elements. It is limitless in time, limitless in space, unfathom- able in all manifestations and conceptions. This gives us a glimpse of the wonderful power that is beyond the comprehension of any soul be- cause it is infinite and eternal. We have everything that is cheering, everything 94 THE DIVINE GIFT that is uplifting, everything that is attractive as we go on our way, there is everything the living soul can need for the development of its best character- istics. This life, when separated from the great perfect life is small, is limited, is cold, is unkind, is selfish, and without the golden thread of love that is interwoven in and out the souls of men, binding them in love, uniting humanity in sympathy, this life is not worth the living. But however much this is disregarded, the truth remains the same, and even if not lived here, the spiritual life must prevail when you enter the spirit- ual domain. God does not make the darkened condition. Man makes it and carries its consequences with him wherever he goes. We find the well adjusted man radiating sunshine. He is always ready to give light to others, to lend a hand to the unfortunate, and to speak the kindly word when it is helpful; such a soul sends seeds of love over the universe which shall spring up into trees of life and knowledge, shel- tering and sustaining humanity. Are you expressing Deity's principle through your own natural organism? Are you doing the work of a master of life? Are you a being who is radiating the principles from the great soul center, and in this earthly life living joyfully, justly, wisely, naturally, so that when the great change called OF MEDIUMSHIP 95 death opens your vision to immortal realities you will meet these with your spiritual eyes open, your spiritual ears hearing the heavenly harmonies be- cause you have realized these principles on earth, and thus enter the higher life a freed soul? If so, you find the home you yourself have builded because you have lived with spiritual unfoldment in the ma- terial life, and developed your character in accord with natural principles. This character has unfolded itself through the natural avenues which begin here and lead onward and upward eternally. OF MEDIUMSHIP 97 CHAPTER V. CHARITY. As we speak of Charity we find ourselves standing upon the threshold of our own consciousness, here to surge out on the sea of life and to use for our guid- ance the chart that we find best adapted for our own particular course. Charity manifests itself unexpectedly in lives, as to time and place and thought according to the persons concerned. The common conception of charity is one that usually defines material giving — thus we have charitable institutions, charitable associations in connection with private and public endowments and appropriations for the benefit of the poor and the unfortunate. But true Charity is a living spirit. It is an inner flower that blooms forth in the heart of man and manifests itself in the outer expression as it ministers 93 THE DIVINE GIFT both to the inner life of humanity and to the supply of material necessities. It is an essence that lives in the spiritual consciousness. It expresses kindness, harmony, love, — it is a universal principle of sun- shine and gladness that glows in the faces of mortals and radiates its power into the consciousness of all within its reach. It is one of the finer senses. It is a characteristic of the individual that should receive cultivation. Charity is a solvent for all the problems that con- front mankind in life. With Charity you are enabled to understand your brother man and sister woman and realize his or her position arid condition in life, and to judge of it justly — to do unto all as you would be done by, if the circumstances were reversed and it were you yourself who were experiencing that life's particular phase. The artificial and the super- ficial judgments are swept away by the revelations Nature makes, for in these laws we are shown kind- ness, justice and truth. You then have the key to every situation and condition that confronts every human soul, and it gives to you the open door to your own consciousness, and it depends upon your- self whether you act in a spirit of gladness and up- lifting encouragement, or whether you reply in the spirit of pharisaical criticism. People too often make their own obstacles. Char- ity never punishes. • Charity expands the under- OF MEDIUMSHIP 99 standing. Chanty is one of the luminous rays of the soul's illumination by which we discern more clearly the reason of the darkness in humanity's sad experi- ences. It is a part of the eternal light that pene- trates all shadows and reveals the love that lives in every heart. You do not step downward as you seek to find the way to help your brother, you do not take the posi- tion of evil in coming in contact with its results ; you lift the victim of its wretchedness to your plane, and there make him an equal, by giving him an equal opportunity to express the qualities that your light has revealed to him. Charity is not something to talk about — it is some- thing that thrills us by its vibratory force. It awakens mankind spiritually, mentally, physi- cally, and has of its substance enough that is merciful to give of its abundance to the whole world — not only its material needs — but its spiritual life as well For in these wonderful, stimulating spiritual forces the mental can assert itself in just the degree the in- telligence of the individual responds to its awakening power. This is a truth that man will find in his own consciousness when he gives up his physical form to the control of his spiritual self. Then spirit assumes the power of life; then will these grand truths be manifest in every individual. Vibration expresses itself in every condition ol 100 THE DIVINE GIFT life. These principles have been brought into ma- terial instruments that are used for material pur- poses, even to the upbuilding of physical health. The rays of light, the rays of atmosphere, are classified and their uses analyzed. Their relationship to the individual life has been established — and the differ- ent rays of light have been experimented with for the cure of various diseases. If man can manufacture out of his own conscious- ness instruments to produce these physical effects by vibration of light or electricity, why then is not his own consciousness that made these instruments in- telligent enough to use that mentality without the external aids? This mentality is affected and stimu- lated by the depths of your own consciousness to send through your own organism these vibrations, these rays of light and life that illuminate your own center within by the light that is the life force, the very Deific principle which draws us nearer the great oversoul of life. This is a greater perfection than can be obtained by any material force through any mechanical construction or device! Why not use these rays of the human soul instead of experiment- ing with the cruder material waves of light that come through material substance, instead of that higher development which is a part of the vibratory life of the eternal, immortal, infinite spirit! OF MEDIUMSHIP 101 These powerful rays can be sent through your own organism. These vibrations whose center is within your own inmost soul is the life force of every life, and what is there on earth that can compare with its purity and power! The world has been too long rocked to sleep by materialistic motions, but the time for the awak- ening has come. Childhood is outgrown, and we have now reached maturity. The sleep of ignorance is not enlivening to the higher faculties. Material- ism has ministered long enough to the senses. The mental qualities have been dedicated long enough to material advance, and now let the consciousness that is superior to the exhibitions of mechanical instru- ments be given its right to demonstrate its intuitive wisdom and wonderful dominance over matter. This refers you back to the truth that spirit pro- duced matter, thus proving spirit to be the higher intelligence and power. Every manifestation in the world points to the fact that spirit is the living es- sence in all persons and powers, so why should man- kind continue to live enslaved by materialism. Let us not be limited by the materialistic concep- tion of Charity, for it is of spirit, and when man rec- ognizes spirit in any form then has he recognized spiritual law, and broken the bonds of his material- istic limitations. He has taken away the foundation for his previous argument whereby he attempted to 102 THE DIVINE GIFT prove that matter comprises all that we know. Char- ity not only brings to others the helping hand, upon which the heart is placed — but the very spirit of kind- ness smiles in the act of mercy, and through which material aid expresses itself by spiritual fullness and greatness. Charity is so large, so broad, so peace- ful, so loving, so powerful, so wonderful that it be- comes limitless in its expressions. Man cannot reach out to its wonderful heights nor comprehend its vast deeps, nor exhibit its great power. We are thankful that we can find our way out from the nar- row avenues of materialistic confines, out into the broad field of thought that is illuminated by our own spiritual consciousness, and there find that from the little things that we have gathered we have built the foundation for the wonderful structure of Char- ity that is so vast in its universal forms that we can never explore all it contains as a Temple of Justice and Mercy. This spirit of Charity must be unfolded in its beauty in our own lives, for it lives with us always. It is with us on all occasions, all times, whatever the obstacles, or whatever the beauty is that lies before us — it is the spirit of life that is a part of the immor- tal consciousness, it is a part of every individualiza- tion. It enriches your inner life with the perfume of its perfect flowering, as it unfolds the blossom of your OF MEDIUMSHIP 103 own soul. We must observe this expression of per- fect life, and cultivate it. This beautiful flower of flowers from the garden of life, hidden from the vis- ion of man because of his lack of charity — unrealized by the cold world because of its unconsciousness of the truer beauty that unfolds so slowly in the atmos- phere of materialism. But the light and life and color and perfume are in every soul, and from this spiritual material you are forming yourselves as individuals. Are you making your soul's garments from the texture of earthly material? What is the quality of your covering? Are you weaving the substances of life from the obstructions you have made? Are you filling the background with darkness that is igno- rantly made day by day because you have not known the light that comes of Charity? Is it made of the materials that we banish at the resurrection — is it woven of that which corrupts and fetters the soul? It is here that you are weaving the tapestry for your home in spirit not made with hands. Is it pat- terned with the brightness that shines from the love that Charity gives you, or of the misdeeds and mis- understandings, and wrong so ignorantly, so pitifully done in this beautiful natural life given us by God? The spirit of charity sweetens life; it is the con- sciousness within you of God's light, love and truth, 104 THE DIVINE GIFT and beams through your gaze out into the world that all humanity may be helped by its gleam. Flowers will spring up by the wayside, beautiful in color, fragrant in perfume, warm and loving, — flowers that will weave themselves in the tapestry you are weaving for the temple of. your spirit. These thoughts are not formed by the ideas that mankind has given forth, but from the true spirit of love that you forever have these things God has given you, and through which you have been awakened and your consciousness aroused by the comprehensive consideration that Natural Science gives. Charity is the spirit of Love that is expressed by any individual however humble, at the moment it is needed, and in the way it is needed. These beauties and these glories radiate from the soul center a brilliance that blinds the mortal eyes, but gives sight to the immortal vision. Its great forces of life are everlasting. Its love is extended to all that all may know and live its power through the. avenues opened to your better understanding thrcttsrh Natural Science. OF MEDIUMSHIP 105 CHAPTER VI. HARMONY. As we are about to consider the beautiful subject of Harmony let us look out into life itself that the angels may strike the silver strings and sound the melodies of Nature. We find here the sweetest tones that the soul can respond to. We find not only the symphony of har- monious sound, but the symphony of color; we find the light that radiates from its jeweled crown illum- ining the hearts of those whose intelligence beholds its rays divine. Harmony is the spirit of loveliness that has been ill-treated, misunderstood, ignored, ill-governed by so many, that even though they have used it as a watchword they have never manifested it in any way in connection with themselves or introduced it into their surroundings and so have never beheld its wonderful beauty. 106 THE DIVINE GIFT Harmony is a two-fold force in the universe, its wisdom, its power, its love is always seeking to unite the elements of life, seeking to unite human souls into greater consciousness of their own spirit- ual, mental and physical possibilities, and awaken them to the realization of this beautiful principle that flows throughout every natural avenue. Harmony in its loving wisdom unites individuals through their own knowledge, spiritually, socially and mentally, so we find this a mighty factor of the unseen, a powerful, beautiful angel that is illumi- nating the darkness in life and surely singing its way into the hearts that are shadowed, dispelling discord by its own vibrations, and thrilling human- ity with nobler and gentler music than the sounds of warfare and strife. It is unselfish and universal in its love and kind- ness. It is ever ready to blend itself into the lives of all the children of the universe wherever they may be. I feel that it is almost impossible to express in language what this spirit of harmony is to our con- sciousness, or to use any word that shall express its value, its grandeur; its luminous effect when it once becomes the ideal principle in any life. It is a wisdom so charitable in its conception that it is ever ready to be the peacemaker in hours of trial — when the dark clouds of sadness and grief have encom- OF MEDIUMSHIP 107 passed the soul so strongly it seems as if they would never be lifted, nor the sun ever shine in upon the life. Here we find Harmony uttering a prayer that the darkness be dispelled and that the sunshine may pour down, and flood the consciousness with har- monious realizations of the greater truths within the soul-self and that have their source in the great center of all that is love and wisdom and Harmony. Its admission never fails to unite those who are at war with themselves, or with each other. So we find in this soul-life such a radiant delicacy of spir- ituality, so boundless, that it reaches out into infin- ity — throughout the whole universe of matter and spirit, and yet it has been ignored, unrecognized in this world of discordant purposes and has had to wait in silence for the time to come when humanity as individuals or as a whole shall welcome its sweet utterance. The great wells of life are overflowing with truths yet unperceived by many. From this Deific foun- tain I would bring a thought unspoken by man, that there may be born into our consciousness this greater knowledge, and that we may give these thoughts to others that the world may be impreg- nated by wisdom and become acquainted with this beautiful spirit of Harmony. This would be the world's chiefest blessing. It would remove from life the most serious stumbling blocks in the path- 108 THE DIVINE GIFT way of man. I know of nothing the world is suf- fering more from the want of than Harmony ! One reason for this is the lack of comprehension of its true meaning. The world has considered only the outer material meaning of the word, and has not beheld its true spiritual significance as it lives in all life, in every sphere, in every universal law and so this most merciful angel has suffered the enmity instead of the friendship of mankind, and yet is mankind's tenderest friend. In entering the spiritual consideration of any- thing we are entering into the fundamental laws of the universe, thus we shall round out in our own mentality a larger conception of harmony than is otherwise possible. We shall behold its radiance that shines in the lives of others, we shall see the motion of the planets, we shall understand the music of the spheres — we shall find that Harmony is an infinite, eternal principle worthy of our high- est thought and aspiration. Thus we will be wafted away upon a flood of light by its sweet songs, for we shall then hear the music of our own soul's symphony that sings its part in the orchestration of life, we shall sound the one string of this universal unseen instrument that brings to every heart the baptism of living music that thrills and stimulates every organ of your physical being, and lifts you out from the smaller things of every-day considera- OF MEDIUMSHIP 109 tions, leads you out from the darkened pathway and places you on this cloud of such ethereal yet wonderful power that it seems like a bed of ease upon which you drift in a universe of love, united in motherly and sisterly harmony, drawing others unto you that they may be glorified by this same singing of the soul as it realizes the music of Deity's universal symphony. Thus we find the true relationship of each to the other, and know the joys and the sorrows and the obstacles in every life. From the great fountain of heaven's soul-center comes the baptism for every soul because it has been won by its own beautiful quality, it has won by its own beautiful light, which is still radiant and luminous by the light of the heights, and as the angels look down to us can we not feel their spir- itual harmony and the love of our dear ones who dwell in this unseen sphere? Is this thought not filling our souls, is not this the true spiritual music which harmonizes with our consciousness and brings us close to the border line of the seen and the unseen? It is all an interblending of spirit and matter. It is all for your unfoldment as an individual upon this plane, that you may go on from this prepara- tory structure to the many mansions in the great celestial domain, where this spirit of love thrills 110 THE DIVINE GIFT every life and radiates back to those who still live here, who still love and are loved ! The great so- called mystery has passed away. The great curtain has been pushed aside, and as each consciousness enters here, finding its own place through its own principle of harmonious relationship then shall it see with its own spiritual eyes, and feel with its own spiritual faculties, and hear with its own spirit- ual ears, no longer held by the cold things of mate- rial limitations, no longer held by the thought of material death, but freed by eternal life with larger realizations, and greater joy in this consciousness of the boundlessness of this life. It is as if the soul had blossomed into the unseen, — a spiritual flower that has thrust itself through the veil that the beauty and purity and harmony of that sphere may be realized as is not possible in this environment, — for it is here that you see with spiritual eye, and hear with spiritual ear, and know with spiritual consciousness. Take home to yourself this beautiful harmony of spirit. Nestle it close by your side, hover it to your breast, make it your companion, let it live with you and never perish, let it light your atmosphere and never vanish; let it sing its songs to your heart, and let your spirit flow through all the material conditions so that these may be warmed and enlivened and never grow cold. Make yourself worthy this beautiful OF MEDIUMSHIP 111 angel while here, that it be ever found at your side accompanying you in all your relationships and ex- periences, even if you have to walk the downward path of misfortune it may then lead you to the heights of your own consciousness and never be lost from your sight. You are thus a part of this har- mony. You have won it — it will live with you throughout eternity. OF MEDIUMSHIP 113 CHAPTER VII. THE PROBLEM OF LIFE AND THE WELFARE OF HUMANITY. The Problem of Life has presented itself to the world since life began. The best minds in all ages have given themselves to the solving of this problem — the life of humanity has been given to the sustaining of material life — and still the question presents it- self just as complex and unanswered as it did at the beginning. The research work of historian and scientist has furnished only partial theories and isolated attempts to give a practical theory upon which to base some action, but the same facts are stubbornly before us. Man has gone on his way accumulating a materialistic supply, and brought to his home the needs of the hour — and we must ask how has he brought these comforts and these luxuries, or even the necessities? How has he succeeded in ministering to his own especial wants, while such in- 114 THE DIVINE GIFT equality of substance and comfort exists for the other half of mankind? How has the individual amassed his wealth? How has he obtained his pleasure? Can any man have in abundance without oppressing some other man? If so what is his gain? Has he solved the problem of life? Has he added to the welfare of humanity? No man has solved the problem of his own life or any other life unless he has lived so that he has helped his brother man, and because this is not the general aim in the life of every individual is the cause of all class distinction, and the reason why there are such contrasts in conditions, and makes the gulf between labor and capital, and the great un- rest in the social and industrial world. This is a living demonstration, this is a fact! Man has accumulated in his own materialistic way, he has toiled and gained for selfish purposes, he has reckoned only to his own advantage, and that is the reason the problem is standing before us at this time. The ques- tion has not been met with the full realization of the bearing that every life has upon this question. Single attempts are made by generous souls to right the wrongs of oppression, reforms are instituted by wiser minds, and lives are given freely that the con- dition of the enslaved may be improved, but until there is a truer and better understanding of the laws of life the general situation will remain the same — unbalanced, incomplete. OF MEDIUMSHIP 115 The School of Natural Science would turn people's minds to spiritual law, to cause and effect, that the world may be moved by the truth of Nature in its universal methods, for in this truth is the curative for all the ill and ignoble conditions of life. The wealthiest as well as the poorest man is strug- gling with the facts of life. The poor, depressed children of the world are struggling for a mere exist- ence ; the middle class are struggling to be respectable and to gain some part of the advantages that even now are just beyond their reach; the wealthy are struggling for still more wealth and power, and complain that the poor expect too much from them! All classes complain of each other, all classes fret against conditions, all classes make the unrest so acute that warfare is constantly breaking out in one form or another, and there is no settled peace among nations, or among industries. These facts tell us that each class is at fault. Each class is living on the surface, — whether voluntarily or involuntarily, whether from choice and attraction, or whether from oppression and injustice, the people are living in materialistic considerations, and are suffering the effects that are a natural result of their own inter- pretation of life. To live unequally either in the material or spiritual consideration means unbalance, and by this nothing is adjusted. The world's problems must be grasped 116 THE DIVINE GIFT in their full and equal proportion as they affect all classes, all conditions, — the welfare of the present and the welfare of the future. The ideals, the energy, the attainments of the whole world are toward materialistic triumph. It is very necessary, and very appropriate that everything pertaining to mate- rial life should have the fullest consideration, that mind, genius, invention should flower forth into all the beauty and power that shall make this world and its nations a perfect world — for Nature has given us every resource, and has made man a comprehensive, intuitive, inventive, industrious, artistic, resourceful being — but it is not beautiful nor appropriate that in the exercise of his faculties toward the materialistic ends that he should dominate those who happen to be weaker, or snatch from those whose reach is not so long as his own, or gain for himself through the sure loss of the others — and so have no heed of the other part of his own life that would direct him toward a spiritual unfoldment and interblending that would enlighten him as to truth and justice and solve once and forever his problem and the world's problem of life. So long as men live only on the materialistic side of life, they will never know the spiritual. It is the spiritual conception that must unfold the solution of every problem in the great universe of life. This is the unlimited fountain of truth, the only source of OF MEDIUMSHIP 117 energy, and it is here that the mind must go to find the laws that make harmony possible. When we awaken to this fact we find ourselves as a real part of life, and that life has a real relationship to us in all the possible unfoldment of purposes. Life means to us just what we make it, just in what manner we solve its problems, just in what degree we are con- scious of its wonderful spiritual possibilities, so we must refer to this consciousness within each indi- vidual, and until the scholar and scientist realizes this inner source of truth and the laws of spirit the problem will not be solved upon purely educational systems. It is these men who are educating the world. They have the power to lead people as they choose. They are the recognized authority, and when one of these learned men or scientists admits the pro- bability of the spiritual cause of life, and the immor- tality of the individual spirit and the connection be- tween spirit and matter, then the world suddenly takes notice and listens momentarily as if this truth had never been uttered before. This shows us how unmistakably the universities shape the thought of the times. How their profes- sors have the confidence of the people, how the scien- tists by chemical experiments in matter, are consid- ered equal to the task of passing judgment upon the great questions of causation, how medical authority determines the methods of treating the human body, 118 THE DIVINE GIFT and how all questions of brain, body, earth and plan- ets and the social conditions are analyzed and classi- fied according to the prevailing educational system and the conclusions of these learned men are the accepted standards that form the thought of the peo- ple. Their progress or lack of progress, the history of learning generally, its sources and its attainments need not be detailed here. It has accumulated much that is valuable in data, in material science, in historic significance, but it will always be insufficient and halt- ing until it accepts the truth of the interior principles that are the laws of all existence and all phenomena, and that must regulate all life if we are to have the true expression of life. Educators must awaken to the universal realities of Cause and Effect. The School of Natural Science has started out in the hope of turning the intelligence of mankind toward the great spiritual laws and thus to an under- standing of spiritual life — for all life is spiritual. Without spirit there is no life. We hope to give to the world a truth that will awaken mind within itself, so it will know with its own spiritual faculties, and see with its own spiritual eyes, and hear with its own spiritual ears, and if we only plant the seed that even fifty years later springs up into this wonderful tree of knowledge, we shall feel that this work cannot be measured in its value. It is spirit that will live in OF MEDIUM-SHIP 119 the words that are spoken, because back of them and back of this work is spiritual power. In this inspiration we find the angel of love that is ever hovering above humanity seeking to raise the consciousness of mankind that it may grasp this truth and hold it high that it may be seen in all its beauty and grandeur. Men may search the highways and byways of life — all the theories and creeds and social systems in the universe — but so long as the welfare of human- ity is measured by material or economic considera- tions alone, and the problems of life weighed in the scales not truly balanced by spiritual principles, then will the reason be shown for the failure to accomplish a true adjustment in the affairs of hu- manity. The evils have grown since the beginning. Ignorance is the cause of injustice. Selfishness pre- vails in the struggle for existence. Ambition is the legitimate result of selfishness — and in this confu- sion of power and weakness the world has not been able to see clearly into the cause and relief of unfor- tunate situations. But the universe has its own power within itself and within every condition to adjust and save itself, for it is not of one quality alone — matter — it is of spiritual essence that is pro- gressionally interpenetrating all conditions, and, ac- cording to its own law, bringing light into darkness 120 THE DIVINE GIFT and opening the inner life to a knowledge of its principles and its power, and its eternity. Many grand and beautiful things have been ac- complished through the material considerations, but just so far as it lacks spiritual illumination, it fails in just that degree to bring about the desired result. Just so long as man is dense to spiritual light, just so long will his true development be retarded. The darkness is as real to his spiritual blindness as is the density of granite walls to his natural eyes. Until man extends himself beyond the limitations he will continue to travel the same old paths, and get no further from the selfhood of materialism. This ignorance exists in all classes, in all people, large and small, poor and rich, young and old, in all nations and in all conditions. Life is viewed from one circle — each standing at his own particular arc or segment, but seeing only within the circle, and not turning to look beyond the outer rim of its boundary. Man possibly is not to blame for this — he has been so engrossed by the material problem of life that he has left his education to the minds of those he considered qualified to teach, and placed the care of his soul in the hands of priests and min- isters who could generally assure him ease and re- ward in the next existence. But the mind of man will think for itself. It will awake from ignorance, its own principles of progres- OF MEDIUMSHIP 121 sion born of its own spiritual life will liberate man so that he will find the right words and apply them to the questions of life, and thus he will break from the rule of injustice and set aside the selfish systems and work toward his own soul freedom and the soul freedom of every individual. Here and there in all ages a few have been touched by the spiritual inspiration, and these sensitive souls have been con- scious of the spiritual laws, and realized that free- dom was the birthright of every individual. If they could have been given this freedom by the self- made authorities, then they would have made this truth a system for every life, and there would have been no problem such as we are now considering. These Deific principles would have breathed the life- giving elements of self knowledge, of spiritual law, of the freedom of every created soul, of the rights of every individual to these laws into the conscious- ness of all mankind, but instead of this has been oppression and injustice and slavery and ignorance. The great creative force of life is not known, and it is as if men were walking with blinded eyes in a world of sunshine. Even the sun worshippers gave thought to the great form of life that sustained them, and so knew they could not exist if there were not matter created by spirit. Therefore there must be a quality of spirit in our sunshine, so let us think of that as spiritual, as well as material, power that 122 THE DIVINE GIFT is sustaining life and begin to harmonize ourselves with Deity, and from these first principles go on to the realization of the larger considerations. Let us attract all of these life-giving elements of spirit even as the earth attracts the vivifying rays of the sun, and let us use this life for our own sustaining power whereby we may be healed physically, men- tally and truly harmonized with spirit. Life is filled with everything. There is all that man needs in all conditions and at all times, every- thing that is adapted for his health, happiness and prosperity — all that welfare can ask! Man was born into this wonderful garden with everything to supply his wants, everything to minister to his love of beauty; into this he was born free — for God is a God of Freedom. But man in his ignorance did not know how to use this freedom, or allow others the blessed gift of all gifts, his own self right — but in his inexperience and immaturity has not ad- vanced very far yet upon the broad highway of knowledge, but has stumbled along in narrow paths and deprived himself of much that was beautiful and enjoyable. This is all very natural, all very much in accord with progressive development, of learn- ing through experience, and so from this ignorance we know the flower of wisdom will blossom sooner or later, and that man will seek to know more the great life that is unfolding itself in the material OF MEDIUMSHIP 123 existence. The wonder is that the response does not come more quickly. Man knows his own fail- ure — he must recognize that his system is not a success — or he would not complain of it — and he should not blame God for the inequalities and the bondage of life when God gave him Freedom. Unfortunately the individuals who have seen be- yond the limitations of any age, who have stepped out in thought beyond the prescribed line, who have sought to give freedom that men might be reformed, who have called the world to awaken to truth, these men who would bring more light to the world have suffered the misunderstanding of the people, and the hand that bears the torch has been struck down by those that would live in darkness. But we have stepped out of the limitations im- posed by mankind, walk in the freedom of our own lives, seeking light and truth, and the harmonization that comes through spiritual law. Then do we have power, and then do we have wisdom — and of this power and wisdom do we give to the world healing for the physical ills, healing for the social wounds, healing for the suffering souls. The science that is of Nature prefers to open your eyes to a knowledge of your own power to an understanding of the energy of life, that each one may attract the life-giving force that is a part of his spiritual equilibrium, and that makes his own har- 124 THE DIVINE GIFT mony of body and soul, and by this knowledge give freely that the elements of perfect life may be brought to the consciousness of the whole world. This is the fulfillment of the law of life, the creative universal force is equal to every need, and its truth will solve every problem. This is the law of God. Love it, control it for your own welfare, walk With it as a brother and as a sister, live with it in peace, act it in every expression, be conscious of it as the natural law of life. Then you will find yourself a part of life, not as you now understand it, but made clear through the spiritual light that is unlimited in height and depth and breadth and penetration, for its illuminating effect is universal. This is yours to live today, not to wait until you are thrust out into spirit, but to live it here as spirit, and then when you open your eyes in that life you have not only enjoyed its beauties and its truths and its privileges and its power here, but you are better fitted to enter into the fuller freedom of the same laws and principles in the life that is there. OF MEDIUMSHIP 125 CHAPTER VIII. PRAYER. A formal, customary prayer used for the masses is of no value either to the one who makes it or the ones who listen. Natural Science refers you to nat- ural resources and to natural law, whereby you may understand the uses of prayer, so through these prin- ciples we must take into consideration the existing conditions of life — of the individual and the source of all life. Why should there be any question as to the use of prayer or as to its value and propriety since we find that prayer has been a customary voluntary and involuntary way of appeal to the Power outside the realm of the world's immediate reach, through all the ages. This would indicate that there is no doubt as to the efficacy of prayer — that the results have not 126 THE DIVINE GIFT been in accord with the general understanding and purpose of prayer. It seems to us that the reason of this is that people have been praying from their own lives as they have been living them in a narrow, unenlightened ma- terialistic sense, and that their prayers are a part of their own conditions, and the result is that intellec- tually it is of no benefit, and cannot reach the great soul formation for it comes merely from the surface of life and not from their own soul organism. Thus prayer is just what man has made it, and having made such petitions and lived in such con- ditions, man inconsistently complains at the lack of result of prayer, and is disappointed that the ex- pected answer is not a realization. So he becomes almost an infidel, unbelieving in spiritual things be- cause they are not manifested according to his dark and narrow thought. He simply has not received the things he hoped for — and not seeing the great prin- ciples of cause and effect as they are interwoven in every condition of life, he becomes doubtful of any purpose or design or immortal destiny in life, and feels that it is all a bewildering maze of blind chance or destiny — and continues on in more materialistic efforts. We see that this is error, and that accord- ing to Nature it is impossible to receive something we have cut ourselves out from by our own forms of thought and ways of life. OF MEDIUMSHIP 127 It is only justice that we do not receive what we thus ask — and we would turn the mind to the great spirit life that lives in all forms and that permeates all things, and in this way open the door of God's divine laws of spiritual truth that the question may be solved, and the answer brought home. Then shall we find the spirit self freed and liberated from the conditions that made it powerless by its material conceptions, and then shall the soul rise to heights within man and flood his thought with spirituality in such a prayer that he will no longer question, but in the mirror of life — in the dancing waters — will see the reflected life of Deity and will receive his answer. Such a prayer means that man is reaching to the heights to be sustained and assisted to better the ma- terial conditions that have held him in darkness. Such a prayer grows out from the spirit self to co- operate with the great souls from the higher life, and to receive that Deific spirit that comes from the heights whose truth is everlasting and can meet the requirements of every life. This prayer is a prayer from the soul-self and it vibrates with the mighty power of God's wisdom and love. Then is the soul-self an instrument whose inner being rings out in harmonious tone from the organism of the one who prays and its sweet melo- dies are felt by all who listen. Its ascension to the higher altitudes is felt by all who come in reach of 128 THE DIVINE GIFT its beautiful atmosphere. This is the true prayer of the life of spirituality that is no longer drumming away on the density of man's material corruption, no longer is it a prayer that is merely pleasing to the minds of the selfish or flattering to the ambitions of those who wish to be powerful in material pleasures. This prayer is the angel of love that you will feel in your consciousness. Its waves of inspiring wisdom will be felt, and the sweet peace of its love will per- meate every atom of your material organism; the sunshine of eternal life will pour upon you as an es- sence of life that is passing through the gateway of your own being, because your soul-self has reached out into the universe of angels and has called for their help — called for the interblending of their life with yours, called for their assistance to cleanse the atmosphere that is dense and stifling to your con- sciousness, and through which your own higher prin- ciple does not make its way without the power of the arisen loved ones. Thus we find in the sacredness of such a prayer the answer that is according to its knowledge, ac- cording to the great spiritual laws of life, according to the perception of truth, and according to the sin- cerity of the individual for such possibilities; then will the answer come home to you and yours because in the questions as to the benefit of prayer the reply must come through the great natural-spiritual law OF MEDIUMSHIP 129 for the interblending of Deific force and life that can permeate all forms and penetrate all things, and illuminate all darkness, and lift all men to a higher realization of spiritual principles. So would I impress upon your minds the sacred- ness of this beautiful, radiant gateway that opens your life, and that is the entrance through which is received the ever-living principles that you would in- vite into your consciousness. Your own soul asks as it feels the need of being strengthened, supported, sustained and nourished by a higher spirituality than you see about you, that you may grow from a babe to a wonderfully developed power within yourself, that you may become well poised, independent, that you may gain for yourself the power out of the life elements that you attract through this radiant gateway, that you may control every action, every motion of your life materially and mentally; that no longer will you be struggling in the narrowness of material ideals and opinions, no longer feel the weakness of an unsupported material- istic life without the spirit, no longer feel the dark- ened hours of despair and loneliness, disheartened because the radiant fields of life do not appear to you in your saddened hours, but you will feel yourself beaming with the sunshine of God's love flowing in through this radiant gateway in answer to the call of the spirit of your own life, and after you have be- 130 THE DIVINE GIFT come a strong, spiritual character greater reward shall be yours because you are surging out on the great deeps of life, you are reaching out to the great source of refinement, to the heights of the ethereal atmosphere that is the strongest power that prevails in any form of life, and you have gained for yourself through prayer this wisdom and peace and love that shall live with you every hour, every day as long as life is, and that lasts throughout eternity. So in this thought of prayer we find the spirit of prayer. This is the only kind of prayer that God answers, for this is in accord with his wonderful con- structive life, according to the beautiful life that is more merciful to man than man could ever make life for himself. This conception of prayer and its manner of an- swer could not be thrust on man in his ignorance; he could not behold it in its true significance, he would not understand its uses at all, — so until the world has felt the power of a true spiritual reaching out into the universe for universal benefits for the unselfish needs of all mankind, it must go on in ignorance of the true life and prayer and receive only the kind of answers that the prayer can bring. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing! But when we find mere form drifting away on the seas of time and men awaken to the consciousness of spiritual baptism that comes from purity of thought, OF MEDIUM SHIP 131 that comes from a desire for the welfare of all, with- out an atom of personal selfishness or wish for per- sonal gain, when this is felt, and when the world reaches this condition when man shall realize he is living in the great ethereal love of God's great pulsat- ing heart, when man knows he is calling upon the higher sources for the advance of his own spiritual welfare of all mankind, when he sees before his vision like a revelation of life all the power that flows from the spiritual sources for spiritual unfoldment, then the bars that are stronger than prison bars — the bars of selfishness that have confined his spiritual faculties — those bars will be broken and his spirit will leap from within its little dwelling place to the heights of life where he may see the great picture of life, and sense the great soul magnet whose waves of love and truth are so powerful that he is lifted into a closer union, and realizes a larger power for unself- ishness, a greater knowledge of love and tenderness that harmonizes within himself from these beautiful conditions. Prayer will fall as the windfall from the apple trees when these grand truths have been unveiled from darkness and prayer will be known as the greatest blessing, as the guardian angel that will guard and guide thee most tenderly; then there will be no more inquiries, no more questions as to the use and benefit of prayer, but mankind being freed from error, un- 132 THE DIVINE GIFT folded to larger and stronger beings, realize the flower of purity that has unfolded within their life, and know that its perfume will penetrate every ma- terial organism, and that every soul will be seen, and known and treasured by all who come in touch with the ennobled beings. This is the prayer of God. This is the connecting link between you and the Deific self and these are the great waves of spirit power that live in all space and are the Deific principles and properties of the whole universe. This is the law of cause and effect, of asking and receiving. This unveils all the mysteries in man's life. This answers all questions in man's life. This has inter- blended the avenues of his own spirit life in its ascen- sion to the fountain of souls that is flowing, har- moniously singing the sweet, love songs of the angels. Then will no more questions be asked about prayer — it will be seen and known for what it has proven itself to be — and for what it is known to ac- complish. It stands as a thing of purity — it is the open gate- way through which messages come that stimulate and uplift the spirituality — it is a controlling influ- ence in your life. This will be seen as a spiritual vision by all who have opened their spiritual eyes, and will be felt by all who have opened their spir- itual faculties, their character will be known for its OF MEDIUMSHIP 133 spiritual unfoldment, it will be seen as the beautiful gateway of the soul-self that has been the asker of heavenly realities, it will be known as the true peti- tioner of prayer. The interblending of such lives for such noble truths will make the universe a likeness of the celestial spheres. This was the first prayer of man — and now we have reached the height where it is the prayer of the universe — the prayer of angels bowing in reverence to God the creator of all life, all being — that has baptized all things with his love and his purity. OF MEDIUM-SHIP 135 CHAPTER IX. LOVE. Love is a universal principle that lives in all the phases and expressions of life — its source is God, to whom we refer as Love! To deal justly with this subject it is necessary to refer to the laws of life as they reveal themselves in the material, mental, and spiritual expressions, and in this consideration we must be most charitable and kind so far as the mistakes and shortcomings are concerned, for we find in every human being many qualities of love, and different degrees and man- ifestations of this principle according to the individ- ual temperament and development. There is the spiritual love which reaches out into the universe of life to all living souls, and which has justice and kindness in its brotherly and sisterly un- selfishness and there is the opposite of this in the selfishness that would claim all benefits for self, 136 THE DIVINE GIFT and gather in for personal use whatever there is in life that seems desirable for individual use and com- fort. The person who dwells only in the materialistic phase of life accepts the material standard in all things, and has not awakened to the spiritual sig- nificance of any of the great moving principles of life that have their origin in love. Their mentality is material, so it is impossible for them to conceive of anything that pertains to life, except in a very limited and narrow way. The higher impulses are stifled and obstructed, therefore their material, sel- fish lives cannot be sweetened and illumined by the life principle that is of itself beauty and light. There is much that is destructive that has come through such people — the innocent suffer at their hands, for this is the natural result that comes from the malic- ious, the selfish, the ignorant, when associated with the spiritual love which is purity, and can only mean sadness to both who are concerned. There is another step down the ladder of life which is more serious, more sad, than this of the merely selfish element, and that is the one in which we find the person has fallen so far below the nar- row, selfish love that he is isolated from even that expression, and becomes within himself a monster, incapable of appreciating anything in life that is elevating or refining, and having known only sel- OF MEDIUM-SHIP 137 fishness and the disillusions of the material ideals, after losing sight of even the chance of selfish gain, grasps at lust and calls this love — which is the greatest insult that could be brought to this divine life. We find this creature with no love for anything of an upward tendency, with no love for even their own development, no love for the furtherance of any cause of righteousness, no love for growth, no love for anything higher than the condition in which they have fallen by their own acts, and by their own acts they have welded their heart on the anvil of their own injustice so it has become too hard for any love that may exist on any higher plane of life than the one they are living in. Let us look at the truer expressions as we reach out into the grand universe of life and love, for we find that in its principle love is the purest element that exists. It is the beautiful life that moves the whole universe. Wherever there is love in the soul of man, then are his highest aspirations carried out, for he rec- ognizes the spirituality of his own being, and thus finds the highest element the soul is heir to. This is the great fountain that flows through the men- tality and permeates the whole life with the ele- ments that compose its own life — it means the up- ward tendency of all souls, the expression of all 138 THE DIVINE GIFT that is good and true. If at any time this love spirit feels the need of support, of being sustained and strengthened to larger possibilities of life it reaches out into the universe to draw to itself from that beautiful fountain from God's ever-flowing and everlasting source of love, that will refresh and re- plenish and baptize your own spirituality with a larger, deeper, stronger, fuller understanding, fuller knowledge, greater wisdom and higher love to just that degree of beauty and charity that the individ- ual can receive and is able to radiate it to all souls that it may be felt by all friends and associates as a love for truth, a love for justice, a love for right, a love to lift upward all who are lower down, and bring them to a realization of the power and glory of Love. This love element, as we find it in the universe, seems to cement the very atoms of life — it is a part of every building process, it is the magnet of all attractions, it is the great force in the movement of the solar systems, of all the agitations of mankind, of every thought that brings new methods of work, it is the life of all that is beautiful in art, in poetry, in industry, in anything that is ennobling and for the welfare of the world. It is the greatest defense of life, for it is the pro- tecting power that exists; it is the spirit of mercy for those less unfolded in the true expressions, and OF MEDIUMSHIP 139 in the consciousness of every individual speaks sooner or later and leads him into the truth and the wisdom of all that is good. Oh, that the spiritual faculties could be opened to see these spiritual guides of the affections ! But man has so turned his back on the spiritual and maintained only the material that he has ignored his own best self, and lost his opportunities for greater happiness through his selfish loves, his love of wealth, his selfish love of power, his love to build monuments that are of this world, his love of mas- tery over the ignorant has made his life cold and dark and distressed and destructive. But if he could only be awakened to the true element of spirituality that his eyes could behold love, if he could see this as it permeats every portion of life, and remolds it into beauty, and sweetens it with the untiring, eter- nal love elements, then he would forsake the selfish love, and soar out into the universe and become at peace and know the happiness that the heights pour in upon his soul. This is a love that never forsakes you; it is your protector, your adviser, the beauti- ful angel of light and truth and wisdom that can lead you out from the densest darkness into the ra- diant pathway that leads you upward to the heights of purity and truth. When you feel this love rush- ing over you, when this fills you, then the master minds are inspiring you to the unfoldment of your 140 THE DIVINE GIFT own love character, and this is the highest type of love that can live in the heart of man. This will ever shine forth and radiate your face as you meet your brother man and sister woman, as you give your protecting hand to the unfortunate and reach out to the little children who are wandering, un- cared for, and gather them into a more favorable condition. This love travels from mind to mind and touches the soul. It plants its seed in the heart of every man and woman and springs up into pre- cious flower ten-fold in loveliness. From this will come understanding — and you will draw all men unto you. Some will wonder, some will misunder- stand, and some will understand for their spiritual sense has felt that love element as they grope to- ward the light and power that may illumine and sus- tain them in their dark hours. Let this thought of love and purity sink deep in your consciousnessness and find its lodging place and live with you. This is the balancing power that always advises you aright. It places you on a seat of justice and makes you just. You listen to the still small voice of love that speaks in your soul, and you respond with the harmonious tones that key themselves to all that is sweet and enduring. Love is characterized by delicacy and all that is etheral in appearance, yet its power is inconceivable. I ask you here tonight to join hands in express- OF MEDIUMSHIP 141 ing this spiritual conception of love that it may be born anew to earth, that we may gather from the unseen teachers the inspiration to treasure love in its purity and beauty and frangrance; that we shall hold it in our grasp that its essence of love elements nourish us, that its light will shine in our darkness, and its life accompany us in our loneliness, that we may give this to the world that the war of ignor- ance (not made by God, but by the ignorance of man) may be quelled and that peace may result; and that light and life and power will force its way into every condition, and that the ignorant souls living in the worldly passions may be permeated with the diviner impulses and see the destruction that comes of selfishness. This is the most merciful truth that could be con- sidered by human souls. May the angel of love chisel its way through the hardened conditions of material life and with its arrow sharpened with tender love, pierce the hearts of all such that they may bleed at the revelation of such disaster, and may turn and be face to face with the angel of love who shall point the way to the universal expression of the love elements that there may be growth and unfoldment and wisdom; — that those lonely, dark- ened souls may start on their pathway with hearts lifted to the truth, and though the hill be hard to climb they shall find palms of victory waving along 142 THE DIVINE GIFT their journey, and at last discern the beckoning hands of the angels of love in this earth life, that are showing them the way to higher impulses and more ennobling love, until at the end of the journey they see the heights and can gaze on the fountain of love, whose pure waters are baptizing the world and cleansing every atom from the solar spheres to the planet earth — this love that holds in its em- brace all that is of eternal truth and goodness. OF MEDIUMSHIP 143 CHAPTER X. THE VOICE OF SILENCE. We are standing at the gateway of Heaven listen- ing with our spiritual consciousness to the voice of silence, the voice of the universe. We have now entered into the silence which is immeasurable, in- conceivable in all its manifestations. It is the throbbing of God's love in the spiritual conscious- ness of every soul, both seen and unseen, in the universe. That which is expressed only by the material voice are the external things of life, usually express- ing the superficial things and thus are limited in their expression as these do not harmonize spiritually with the great voice of silence. As we surge out into the mighty deeps of silence we drift out into the breadths of unlimited life that expresses itself for higher spirituality through the transmission of the truth of the soul. The voice of 144 THE DIVINE GIFT silence is mighty in its power because it carries with it the universal spirit of life that not only expresses itself in man, but lives in every manifestation of life. Its expression is so refined, so sensitive, so luminous that it is filled and illumined by the radia- tions of the highest expression of all life and power that the materialist does not understand nor see, and is, therefore, ignorant of it, and so he lives in the shadow of life instead of in its wonderful light. He is living in the weaker side, the negative con- dition of life, and is thus limited in all of his con- ceptions, and has only that which the earth offers without the interblending of the spirituality that is spoken by the voice that has never been heard by the mortal ear of man, for it speaks with the still small voice in the language of Deity to the soul. This expressive voice and its beautiful tone, un- heard except in the silence of spirit, has been the causation of all material existence, yet man has not received its true life, not become powerful through it because he has not opened the gateway of heaven to himself, which is the gateway of his own spiritu- ality out from his material self, and so has drawn the line that severs himself from that which feeds every living thing that ever was created, and he continues to live under the influence of the past interpretations of his earthly heritage. We would call his attention to the limitless con- OF MEDIUMSHIP 145 ditions, not with the voice of censure, but with the language of love that we may open his conscious- ness to hear the music that is ever vibrating in the universe, by the voice that ever speaks throughout immensity, and is in harmony with the angels of the higher life, that he, too, may sense with his spiritual faculties the vibrations that are ever reaching out through the great universe, permeating and pene- trating all materialism, that it may awaken the soul to receive this divine harmony and become attuned to its sweet, melodious wisdom. These vibrations are but evidences of this voice that is not spoken by material tongue. Its great waves are carried through the world and felt by all sensitives and interpreted by all souls capable of receiving the silent language of life that not only is guiding the great onward movements of progres- sion, but is holding the planets in their orbits and encircling your own physical organism by the radia- tions of the soul, that each one may be brought in harmony with the spirituality of his own being. This attunement means the at-one-ment with the great life that you may find in its immensity every- thing your intelligence is capable of receiving. Thus we find that the voice of silence is not a plastic voice of the material vocal organs, or a lan- guage spoken to suit the narrowness of a one-sided life. It is that great voice of justice, it is that great 146 THE DIVINE GIFT voice of power, it is that great voice of love with its tender ethereal breath that is wafted out in the uni- verse to you and to me. It is the most powerful because it gives us the highest conception of life. It cannot be heard by the material ear, but as we reach out into the universe of silence can we not sense our spiritual consciousness reaching out into the wonderful expansiveness of life? Do we not find ourselves forgetting self, losing self-conscious- ness, as it were, and with the awakening of self to its true consciousness find ourselves coming back, coming back — coming back to the soul center which has been out into the great unseen to commune in this silence when material voices are not heard and all utterance is still. It is in this stillness, in this quietude of life, when you find yourself alone with yourself, that God is consciously present and throughout the ages has repeated the command: "Be still and know that I am God!" Under these conditions you find yourself rising to the heights within you. You find your soul ris- ing because you have closed the natural portals and opened the portals of silence, and you hear, as if whispered from the distance, this voice of gentle- ness as it speaks softly to you. You may think at first because of its very gentleness that you mis- interpret it, but it is always the strongest that is the most refined, it is the most powerful that is the OF MEDIUMSHIP 147 most ethereal, it is the most persuasive because it is the most loving, for it is only through love that you can win any real victory, and in the silence of that hour, and in the presence of yourself can you not assert the strongest love that has ever been asserted? You find that through the law of attrac- tion when you have sent that thought of love you are drawing back to yourself tenfold of all you gave, and in that silence of eternal life you have sent your highest love a messenger and you receive what speaks in the very soul of man. As a man thinketh, so is he! Man has been think- ing too long through the avenues of the negative condition of the material life. He has been thinking too long and building too many idols of material construction which sooner or later must fall before his vision. He has with pleasure and ambition built them because he has been ignorant of the result of such labor. To him they are the most beautiful idols he can conceive of, and he has hewed it as a sculptor would hew with chisel and hammer, stroke upon stroke, watching his idol take shape and ex- pression, molding and forming, year after year, and when he is nearly ready to bow down and worship the work of his hands, his idol falls before his gaze and he finds himself stunned and staggered by the calamity, for he thought it was going to be some- thing his selfish life would always have to worship, 148 THE DIVINE GIFT that in this he would always find it a wonderful work, but in its fall his dreams are shattered, and he, too, is almost dashed down on the rocks of such disaster, to find himself awakened from his dream of material purposes, haunted by the disillusions of the past, he opens his eyes to behold the worthlessness of his idol, and after suffering the penality of his own ignorance, he totters to a resting place and there sits alone with the voice of silence that at last he must listen to. Out of this great unseen he finds the restorative that is ever penetrating and per- meating the life elements with vigor and with power, illumining every experience, and in the quietude of the silence, away from the clatter of materialism, he reviews the situation. He has learned his lesson. He has tasted of the fruits of good and of evil. He sees both sides of life. He has opened his spiritual consciousness humbly and meekly to the great laws of life that solve every question. Here he is fed by that everlasting food that lives throughout eternity. Here he is nourished as a mother would nourish her child, and out of this silence he is led by the voice of the soul and is filled with wisdom and love, and he realizes that he has been corrected by the princi- ples of life in Nature, and he follows the light that radiates from the silence, and in place of the tears and distress, there is now gladness and rejoicing as he looks back on his fallen idol and knows its worth- OF MEDIUMSHIP 149 lessness. His lessons learned in sadness are as jewels placed upon a string, now shining forth from the unseen life to be possessed by his own conscious- ness. Now they are as beacon lights — and he bows in reverence to the angel of silence that revealed his true treasures, and he joins with this angel in thanksgiving to the great giver of all light that is capable of giving all human souls all that is needed and all that can be conceived of, and bring to that soul that has found the beautiful, radiant gateway of silence, heaven on earth. Thus he has become a spirit in mortal form, a spiritual man, not lost in ignorance and superstition, but found in the glory of eternal wisdom and light — bathed in this foun- tain of silence that flows to all mankind. This voice of silence thrills every heart. Then are the ques- tions answered, not by the voice of man in the ma- terialistic world, but answered by that glorious voice of silence that speaks in the heart and soul of all who are led to seek it. This beautiful fountain is ever flowing with love and spirituality and truth. It is ever stimulating man with justice, with sincerity of purpose, with firmness to stand for right, with fearlessness for truth; it is never shattered nor jarred by the opinion of the world; it is never influ- enced by the demons of the materialistic conditions, hut firmer than steel forged by the smith, welded by the silences of life, it has been molded and formed 150 THE DIVINE GIFT into wisdom ; it is born in the deeps of the conscious- ness soothed by the bosom of love of Deific princi- ple that always speaks and is manifested in the golden hour of silence. Thus the erring one conquered over death. Thus he was victorious over material conditions and be- came universal in principle, saved, not lost — be- cause he found himself! He became the highest type of humanity, made and attuned to harmony, fitted to live and play his part in the great symphony of the universe. All has been accomplished by the great giver, the great molder, by the great power of the voice that speaks only as the voice of silence. This is the voice heard by the angels as they respond in harmony and sing the praises of the Infinite wisdom. These universal melodies will throb in the hearts of every individual. These principles never die, but grow larger, nobler, stronger, kinder because of their ever-living, ever- lasting divine qualities of truth and love. OF MEDIUMSHIP 151 CHAPTER XL THE UNKNOWN. Almighty God of the Universe, Thou art here and everywhere. We are a part of Thee, and Thou art a part of us. Tonight we launch our bark on the great unknown that we have here opened our spiritual consciousness to, that we might have more knowledge of thy life. We have closed the door of our material life because we realize the limited possibilities of this physical life and we would harmonize the mental and the soul self which is the great light between our consciousness and the great light that has been unknown to the materialist who is absorbed by the earth life. We find ourselves being uplifted into a brighter, yet softer illumination where all is light and life — where there is no darkness, but one eternal day. We find ourselves under these conditions harmonizing with this great light of the universe. We find our 152 THE DIVINE GIFT hearts throbbing with its glowing and glorifying radiance which fills all souls. We awaken to a greater realization of our oneness with all life, and we look back to review the hours that have been passed in the earthly journeyings and we find that all have been as a great lesson. There is nothing to look back upon that is arbitrary and given by author- ity, nothing to look back upon that can compare with what we are receiving, but that we may comprehend and to better realize that we are a part of the unpro- gressed life, and with this knowledge of the great processes of the everlasting life and everlasting love we can understand how we have found our way up through the thicket and are standing in the universal light, love, and truth of all that the experiences in life mean for us. This review is but to awaken us to see with keener vision, and to realize the great unknown and to sense the great refinement of its delicacy and beauty. Even though it has been thought to be so ethereal by the inquiring minds of earth, yet it is more tangible in every respect than the earth life. We find ourselves surrounded by the beauties of this wonderful garden of the heights where in the unfolding of flowers we find them not as they appear in the earthly life, but far more progressed, and such is their phase of life and stage of existence that these flowers are formed as beautiful faces that are thus OF MEDIUMSHIP 153 molded by the all-wise plan of Deity through the change and interchange of elements, and by the pro- gression in this form of life that exists for the flow- ers, they have attained a condition far more perfect than any of their expressions in the material life. There is intelligence in their beautiful faces, and as you look closely there comes to you a recognition in the smile they give you, and their fragrance goes out to all who love it and who express their love for the flower, because of their intelligence they have full control of their life, and they radiate beauty in just the way they are experiencing the great law of life and of those in harmony with it. This type of life is not living without progression. We speak as we see, we speak as we know, and yet this is unknown to many thousands and who dis- believe the revelations that come through the sources of light and truth. In the presence of God and the angels we declare this that we now behold. In this beautiful garden of this sphere we find that the birds are more beautiful in their plumage, more intelligent in their life because they, too, have pro- gressed up from more material conditions to this spiritual expression; they have sung their praises to Deity so sweetly when man has been in need of their thrilling notes, and so he has been lifted out of sad- ness by their songs in the forest, and many a soul has taken courage and inspiration from these little 154 THE DIVINE GIFT messengers of the infinite love, and has found his way into the universal harmonies through the melo- dies poured forth from the soul of the bird. We find them intelligent, and manifesting love, harmonizing their lives together in unison with the great symphony of life, responding to the call of Deific law, ready to respond to us when we request their music, giving their thoughts to human souls, and still singing the praise of Deity, still singing the laws of life and manifesting their beautiful adaptation in the great universal order of life. The birds and the flowers are loved and under- stood by the souls in this sphere, as together the_y progress in harmonious interblending of love and wisdom. We find the trees have an existence here. This is not a barren life — it is a life of color and music and verdure more beautiful than any material expression, for it is spiritual — the progressed spirituality of that which has lived on earth and has ascended in ethereal essences to become a part of the great unknown. The trees have been a welcome refreshment to mankind in their toil and heat of the day, and the shade of the leaf-covered branches has been an im- portant part of their mission in life. But that is not all, as you may have thought when these leaves have fallen and nature has sunk into the stillness and sleep of the changing season, and their sturdy forms decay OF MEDIUMS-HIP 155 and break down as the years of storm and sun beat upon them. They have become worn out from their toil and labor — and die — but they are not lost; we find the spiritual expression goes on just the same, and in the higher spheres has become more beauti- ful, more refreshing, more graceful, its waving branches in harmony with the great unseen life of Deity, a harmony with the great souls who are pass- ing by and linger in the soft shadow of their trans- parent foliage. Thus we find all the forms of life that have pro- gressed through the material uses, for their spiritual essences live on and on. There is no death! All is life! We are surrounded with these beautiful refreshments of form and color and melody, and their delicacy thrills and feeds our lives, and makes a more perfect harmonization in every form of life. The flowers, the grasses, the trees, the waters, and the landscapes, the birds and the atmospheres, all that we find, all that we meet, all that we see, reveal the perfect harmony that is never marred by discord, because through Time and the great law of life everything has unfolded these beauties and these melodies, your soul has grown into its nobler expression, and discord has gravitated to its lower plane there to play its educating part until it is wholly outgrown — for there is no oppor- tunity in this sphere for anything to enter or to exist 156 THE DIVINE GIFT that is not harmonious. All this beauty fills your whole consciousness, and you find it impossible to ask for anything more — yet there is still the inner burning love in your breast for still more knowl- edge, still the onward movement to add more power, still more strength, still more activity, still more life to the great universe of life, for you are a part of it, and as you become more advanced in all your won- derful manifestations are you not adding to the wheels of life that are turning and turning ever on- ward, and becoming ever stronger because of the great responsibility that you play, that is your part in the universe? You do not forget the souls left behind. !Your own lessons in this first experience are ever before you, not because of their sadness, not because of their disappointments, but because through these wonderful lessons given you by ex- perience you have gained your life, your character, your glorification, your freedom. God's love is lim- itless in all its possibilities, and because of this you turn and think backward to the life of earth, and you can know and remember your hours of wan- dering in darkness and ignorance, your uncertainties and your mistakes, and you sense the suffering that comes from those limited conditions that were the environments of your ancestry because of the past teachings of material life — that were of earth and not of spirit — and as you now know the truth, and OF MEDIUMSHIP 157 so your soul reaches down to your brother man and sister woman and you realize the sacredness of the life living in them, you realize that each one is a soul entity, their light dimmed only because of the material density around them, their expression re- stricted because of the small space that confines them, the ignorance that keeps the soul in slavery because it is not privileged to exercise its own beau- tiful rights, and so you desire to become a greater power — not for self, but as a great and wonderful magnet of spirituality, and with hands outstretched to the suffering you send a ray from your own soul that reaches the hearts of men and they feel a spirit- ual unrest, a desire for more knowledge of that which is beyond the grave. You are not standing alone, but thousands of souls on that same plane with you are working with you, not in sadness but in gladness and in the glory of truth. Thus you are glorified as you work to lift up those lower down, and advance that part of life in Deity. Your assistance is needed in all these ex- pressions and you are a part of God and the heights of life because you have been molded and formed by deeds and acts that are inspired by love of truth, and in this you are helped by those still higher and you go on in your own soul's progression in the discharge of your duties in universal life. In every sphere you find life a great stage, and 158 THE DIVINE GIFT you have your part to play, and as you are in har- mony with yourself you are in harmony with your loved ones, in harmony with the angels who have gone on still higher. . . . We can see from the heights a light that shows itself as a jewel of indescribable brightness glowing with life, the symbol of a great center of powerful radiations — even then as a jewel cut in a most artis- tic form, almost inconceivable, inexpressible, as it throbs and pulsates with all the eternal principles of life — yet my spirit consciousness is open to this great vision, this wonderful revelation of the soul center of the heights, this mighty concentration of power, whose rays are too penetrating to be re- sisted by any formation. Language cannot explain this grandeur and beauty and power. The material understanding is not conscious of this spiritual ex- pression. Here I see thousands of arisen souls bowing in reverence to this great illuminating life- giving power — and among those near this soul cen- ter there is one whose characteristics and bearing seems to me from all appearances to be Jesus — bowing humbly to this luminous radiance, within this life center, so beautiful in all its effects, intelli- gent beyond my comprehension or any man's un- derstanding. This intelligence searches into every portion of life, and every form of life — its light is felt in the very soul of all life, in all entities, and all OF MEDIUMSHIP 159 souls on every plane, its sight can penetrate throughout every sphere (for it is as the eye of the whole universe), its vision is limitless, and matter cannot obstruct its rays. Within this great soul center is known all the workings of life from the lowest form, and the darkened condition to the highest development, because this is the great center of spirit. I see no personal God — but this light as the fountain of truth and love. It is re- freshing to all mankind. It is upbuilding to all mankind. It is the great life that attracts all things unto itself in its own likeness and spirituality. It is the life that lives in all forms of material life. It is the causation of all existence in every sphere, every manifestation — and every expression and manifestation is a part of this great life. While I have been speaking I have been told by this wonderful character, Jesus, that it is impossible to know the real inner working, the real inner ex- pression, the real inner essence of this great center, but that I was privileged and blessed with this op- portunity to express all that is possible now, from what I saw, and from what I sense, and from what I know, and that the blessing revealed from this vision will be a new book, a new ray of truth, a new thought in life for the salvation and the re- deeming of more lives from superstition and from 160 THE DIVINE GIFT the enslavement that is the result of material den- sity and ignorance. As we turn to mankind in the earth life, we would say in all love, and all charity, and all reverence to the most humble one struggling alone, even to those held by conditions seemingly unbearable and be- yond human endurance, well may you turn your faces to truth and smile — not because of your pres- ent suffering, but because of the great work it is doing in your life. It is hewing and breaking down conditions that have been gathering for years in your life, conditions more powerful than could ever be molded by muscle and sinew of man, and be- cause of this power of inner experience you are hew- ing your way, and forming your conscious-self until the light within will be touched more powerfully by this light above from the soul center, and your own life will be liberated and will shine forth and will be free to act naturally, and kindly, and normally, and intelligently, and will respond to this great law of life because of its own birthright of freedom, be- cause of its own privilege to play its part of life, because it is of power and is a part of the great soul life that is the same in principle yet differing in in- dividual expression. You are ever cutting in your own life that wonderful gem that radiates in a small degree in likeness to the one we have beheld in the spiritual sphere. OF MEDIUMSHIP 161 Thus you may work intelligently, diligently, and patiently, and hopefully, bravely bearing the bur- dens that seem so heavy, and are yet so small in the eternity of life. Man allows such pitifully little things to play such an important part in his mate- rial existence that bows in sadness and sits down in distress and becomes materialistic in his opinions, and superstitious in his beliefs, that he shows him- self weaker than the flower that in the garden of life pushes its roots deeper for sustenance, and gath- ers strength to force its way upward to the light and beauty of the atmospheric needs, and even then thrust out its thorns in self-protection that it may flower in its natural loveliness and fulfil its des- tiny despite wind and storm. Man is given an individuality that he may act independently and live naturally. If this were not so, he would be only as the flower and perish at the end of the season — even then to exist in the chemistry of nature without the immortality of con- sciousness. But as man is an individual he must act as an individual, he must be allowed his free- dom even if he wanders afar or sits down by the wayside in despair, before his awakening comes, be- fore this power from on high reaches down and touches his life with its beam of light — then he turns to the heights to look for the source of this warmth and illumination that has kindled a new 162 THE DIVINE GIFT life within his consciousness, and he sees that light is from the height where billions of his brother men have found their way, led by the lessons that were their steps up the steep ways of their experience, and that from their elevation and unfoldment are sending to him a life force that will arouse him to action until he step by step climbs up the path that leads to the higher expression. Then he in turn finds his way back to the earth plane that he may disperse some of the darkness in the lives of others, and strengthen those who are weak, and give truth to those who wander in error, and lead humanity onward to true spirituality that they may lift their heads and raise their eyes to the heights and behold the vision from the unknown. Thus is mankind touched by the unseen; thus are they inspired by divine love ; thus are they attracted up- ward — and the seed you have sowed — you shall find as you retrace your steps backward — has become a refreshing, up-building, strengthening, sustaining force in some life, and you will better understand how out from this unknown, this unseen, from these heights, the master teachers, the great souls work for the redemption of humanity, that all men and all women may stand in their position as they ad- vance in the universal order of Infinite life. Thus we pass onward, yet ever backward, strug- gling for the heights, then downward to the sad- OF MEDIUMSHIP 163 dened mortals who in the silence are touched by those from the Unknown, inspired and kindled by love from the unseen, penetrated by the ray of light that enters their darkness, and from the soul center of all life receive the illumination that will ever light their pathway and lead them ever upward to higher and higher expressions. When this light touches a sensitive its revelation is spontaneous, and such an individual grows more in harmony, kinder, more loving, nobler, more in one- ness with the great center of life that is made by your soul and mine. If we listen closely we can almost hear from the great throbbing heart of humanity the pounding and the beating, the pulsating of life through the material organism that is working unconsciously in man's consciousness, unconsciously when man is going downward, yet in spite of the decline he is in reality on the way to progression, for he needs the lesson that prepares him for his awakening, and that will turn his face to grandeur, and larger and more beautiful truths that he will find in the silence and in the unknown. He will then listen from his own soul center, and hear as we hear the clicking and the working and the struggling of the inner life the expanding of the Deific elements in the soul of man. So his mental faculties awaken through this great spiritual lesson of his own life, and of 164 THE DIVINE GIFT the marvelous reconstructing forces that in the soul life of humanity sounds to us as a quarry where through noise and gases and explosions and chis- eling the children of earth are cut into the immortal forms that are in likeness to Deity. Do not despair! You are working in the quarry of your own life, and out of its mistakes, out of its short-comings, out of its inequalities, out of its sad- nesses, out of its trials, out of its desolate hours, out of its despair, you are working to hew out the living image, you are cutting away the coarse things of life, you are relieving the soul of its material con- fines — though even that very materiality was nec- essary to refine your life, and make these processes possible, that you may arise in freedom to inherit some day this life called unknown. It is unknown to the materialist who is building his character in granite denseness of earthly compositions and de- sires, it is not found alone in the ignorant or the un- fortunate, but ofttimes in those who are regarded as the world's authorities, men and women of learning, of position, of influence, those who are honored and whose judgment is respected as a very judge of judges, to whom this world gropes and turns be- cause of their material or intellectual attainments. By these thousands are led from the true goal be- cause of their so-called position and education, their scientific researches, their classic institutions, and OF MEDIUMSHIP 165 the consideration bestowed upon them by those less learned. Let us find this enlightenment which has come like a lesson from the unknown. It is absolutely necessary that we find the light that will lighten us still further into the unknown, that we shall go on- ward still further, and hear still more of God's mel- odies of love and wisdom as it flows from the heights, that we may become finer instruments to hear and see and know and live, and find our own life pulsations beating in harmony with the master teachers, even as the Nazarene, may we be in- spired to know what has been conceded to be un- knowable. We shall find what man cannot give or take away from us, we shall attain that which cannot be bought or sold. We shall gain that freedom to hear and see and know these wonderful truths that are free to all who live in the spirituality of their own being. We can adjust our lives while here with the spiritual vibrations of the higher expres- sions, and we can so love spiritual truth and har- mony that we need never allow the material condi- tions to restrict our souls or fetter our individual- ism. We can so treasure the forms that are the homes of our immortality that we may never be un- just to our physical expression or break the laws which are the wisdom of our beings, but so live, 166 THE DIVINE GIFT so love this mortal temple that when we lay it down, and no longer need it, we put it aside in thanksgiving for its perfect adaptation to our needs, rejoicing in it as a beautiful garment that we have been privileged to wear here, that through it we could become an immortal soul formed into an in- dividual life — a life that is our own — our very own — with all the life principles, all the life privileges, all the life senses of all the faculties that can be at- tuned and harmonized to melodious utterances, and to the radiating of the gifts from the unknown. You find yourself glorified for you have endeav- ored to glorify your life by living in beauty and love, and have attracted this light to lighten the path of other souls. Its beauty deepens, and its radiations become yet more powerful, even as they are more delicate and spiritualized, and you now find yourself bowing in reverence to the source of your own life because of its victory, and because of its unfoldment, and its harmonization, and you ut- ter thanksgivings to the loved ones who worked with you for your salvation from darkness ; you rejoice with them. You have not bought your way, or rested idly on any one's bosom, but through sun- shine and rain, through tempest and through calm, through the turning and the surging of life's ways you have been molded by your own inner powers as they have struggled toward the radiant center, OF MEDIUMSHIP 167 and you have made yourself what you are; not as humble servant do you bow to any one, but you raise your head to the great universe of all life, because through these principles you have won the harmonization of your higher self, and are living in the atmosphere of the unknown. Here music em- anates from all souls, and all of life's expressions. It is a living essence in the atmosphere, a great symphony not played by souls, but by the great spirit of that sphere are the melodious praises sent out into the vibrating harmonies of all life. The delicacy and beauty of that sphere is made by all that live in it. Even the flower that works its way upward is a part of the life and truth of God. All the beauties of vegetation, all the colors of changing light, radiate the truth of progression. The soul that has made its painful way is a part of the life that is sacred, for he understands that he has individualized his own character, allowing every characteristic of his whole being to express itself, so that he has not lost sight of self, but has unfolded, expanded to a beautiful realization of his real char- acteristics, of his every throb, and pulsation of his own self. This is one of the greatest truths in Nature that we can conceive of — the revelation of the unfoldment and individual realization that we discover in the unknown. While you are fulfilling your own characteriza- 168 THE DIVINE GIFT tion, you are radiating all these elements in just the accord of your own characteristics, in express- ing them to others, and you also never lose one joy that has been a part of your own life. In this awak- ening of the entire consciousness you know yourself — you experience the life that has flowed in your being from the time you began the earthly expres- sion, — it is all yours, even the thrill of love that you as a babe sensed in your mother's arms when she sang her lullabies as you nestled against her breast, — you have not lost even that hour, not a moment, so clear is your own realization of your selfhood, and of the hours of forgotten childhood, — all these live in your unfoldment and you stand face to face with your own individuality as you are on the heights, and still have the inspiration in your own soul to go onward that you may find more wonderful, more enduring truths in the still un- known to you, that exists in eternity and still fur- ther on reveals that which reaches higher and higher into the far greater unknown — which will appear to you, as high above you as that tonight which seems unknown. This is progression in love and truth and in loyalty to yourselves and to each other. It is the light that always lives, leading you forever on, and you, as a progressive child, will bow as did the great Nazarene to this soul center, not in humil- ity, but in rejoicing, in reverence, and in love, — be- OF MEDIUMSHIP 169 cause you find that your life always means such a process, such a wonderful molding power, such an unfoldment, such an advance, such a joy, such a light that it is unspeakable by human tongue, in- describable by human language. OF MEDIUMSHIP 171 CHAPTER XII. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE UNSEEN TO THE SEEN. We have entered into the silence through the avenue of our soul, we have illumined our mentality within the spiritual consciousness complying with Nature's laws as they manifest themselves in the material and the spiritual, that we may unfold some thought upon the subject of the Relationship of the Unseen to the Seen, that we may hereby gain some new expression and a better understanding that will be helpful to the lives of all who are seeking spiritual unfoldment. We look out into the unseen realizing the mighty force of life from the soul center. Here we sense the truth through our spiritual consciousness that spirit is the causation of matter. This reveals to us that all material forms of life have taken their form for the growth and unfoldment of the soul, that spirit may be individualized in the earthly expression. Thus 172 THE DIVINE GIFT we find that spirit is the great Mother and Father God of all earthly forms and manifestations, that none should perish, but that all should be permitted to grow through the wisdom and Deity in this beau- tiful avenue that has been prepared and opened by that all-wise creative force that is constantly unfold- ing and growing and expanding into larger and greater and more beautiful expressions and manifes- tations in the universe of life. Thus we find that all earthly children are as beings in the first room in the school, preparing for the larger and higher classes of the next room of the unseen. In this school of life you are placed on your own resources that you may — and must — through your own personality, express both materially and spiritually and thus gain your own experience in your own individualization. It is necessary for each one to work out his own salvation. Although each one is overshadowed by higher, diviner minds of the un- seen, and though the love of these souls for their dear ones in earth brings their guardianship to them, — and also because they are talented instruments who can be used as a luminous force whereby the life elements of the unseen may shine through this physical instrument that the lesser intelligent souls may be assisted with their spiritual illumination, — each is placed on his own resources and must, through his own personality, both physically and OF MEDIUMSHIP 173 spiritually, gain the individualization that of itself works out its own salvation. We find that those in the higher life, dwelling in the unseen, are ever loving and kind because they have grown nearer to the more perfect expression of Deity's life, being imbued with that love and life and light and charity and justice and tenderness that is ever reaching out to assist the children in the lower classes, as would the teachers in this life smile on the children in their guardianship, and with earnest love ever give the truest guidance and the best instruc- tion and the most helpful assistance that their pupils may advance and unfold mentally, morally, and physically. This illustrates one of the natural laws of life that even though wise assistance is always near, yet it is the pupil himself who determines his advance and attainments. This beautiful truth is ever (shining from the unseen that it may illuminate the minds of all mortals. It is a radiant force, — yet there are many souls in the earth life who are walking in the lower planes of materialism utterly ignorant of this beau- tiful relationship of the unseen to the seen. These individuals are standing in the shadow that is cast by their own ignorance which obscures the radiance that is ever shining and penetrating the darkness of material life. It is necessary for that soul to awaken and gain his 174 THE DIVINE GIFT own light according to his earthly experience. It is through this that he must awaken to the spiritual. This is the principle of individualization, of unfold- ing one's own character, of being free to realize and to understand according to one's own capacity. Each one must experience his own growth according to the life elements of his constitution which were formed by conditions that existed at the time these life ele- ments were formed, and that gave him his nature, his character, and his own peculiar individuality — whereby all differ from each other, and therefore must have their own experience which is best adapted to their growth and in a sort of harmonious relation- ship to their requirements and their possibilities. Therefore it would not be well for the materialist on a low plane of life to suddenly behold the beauti- ful relationship of the unseen to the seen, for he must have the molding and forming influence of his own experience. These are absolutely necessary to him because of the condition of the life elements that surrounded him at the time of his formation, that through what may seem abnormal experiences, — ■ but which the philosopher knows to be normal, be- cause of the life elements that existed in his parent- age at the time he was conceived, — this individual must traverse the path which his own nature requires, and in a sense chooses. This emphasizes the necessity of charity for all OF MEDIUMSHIP 175 mankind — by all of mankind — at all times and under all conditions, because no one can judge another soul or know of the life qualities or qualifications that enter his life as a fortunate or unfortunate heritage from ancestry and from environment. The soul, through its own life, must work out its freedom and its salvation. If conditions are unfavorable, then it becomes a struggle through sorrow, through labor, through sadness — falling, rising, struggling again, making a desperate attempt to gain the heights, and after this struggle, this courage, this brave ambition, after almost gaining what seemed a firm foundation of truth through this spiritual awakening, falls again, but rises with renewed endeavor to see more clearly, to remove the shadows, and through his own life to see the spirit which is ever illuminated by the light of truth which is ever shining from the unseen to the seen, and by which he is ever stimulated, made larger, conceiving of more light, more truth, so once again he gathers his forces and looks back upon his past life to find it has been a struggle with the things he no longer cares for or can ever use to his advantage. He then sees these as the ashes that have fallen from the cleansing fires of his own life, and looking to the heights he is inspired by the unseen, and by the souls of the unseen as they unite in a stronger force to help him. He senses this outpouring of life elements, and he 176 THE DIVINE GIFT once more battles for the right, battles for the truth, battles for his own unfoldment, and rushes forth with power to win the victory. His own spirit leaps from the restricting conditions and seeks the unseen. He has sprung from the prison cell that was formed by the dross of physical imperfections, and he has gained a higher plane in the material life, this time to hold back the enemies that were of the past condi- tions that surrounded him at the time of his first formation — the effects of his heritage — and now he is held firm on the rock made by his own efforts to build upon a foundation of truth. He does not fail in this attempt because of the wonderful, artistic work that has been done in the throbbing and pulsating of the elements of his inner life, both spiritually and physically, that have formed this rock foundation at last — a foundation that will never fail him, but will hold him firm in his position upon the rock of his own spirituality. He has made this — it is his by the principle of his own birthright. He bows in reverence to the great spiritual law that radiates from the soul center of the universe, from the unseen to the seen. His spiritual conscious- ness has realized fully every step of the way of his progression from the time he was able to think and remember — even the sweet dreams of childhood and the good night kiss of his sainted mother. With this OF MEDIUMSHIP 177 spiritual consciousness of the past life, with the knowl- edge of the beauty of it and the struggles of it, and of his battling for the right, he is enveloped in a still larger life still more illumined, still stronger, still more powerful, because of this conscious review of his unfoldment in the all-wise Deity's wonderful and beautiful laws, both material and spiritual through the unseen and the seen. His spiritual faculties are keen. His sensitive organism is so keenly attuned to the outworking of his own unfoldment he can sense the most delicate vibration. He now sees with his spiritual eyes, and knows with his spiritual faculties because of this growth and unfoldment, and this expansion of the soul. He is so attuned to the higher vibrations, so sen- sitive to the spiritual expressions that he senses the thrills of the loving music that is ever flowing from the unseen to the seen. Thus he yet awakens to still more truths in his own character. He finds that a beautiful instrument has been made and that so deli- cate and sensitive are its strings the most beautiful music can be played upon it, — the universal music which vibrates from the unseen to the seen, and the harmony of heaven is within his own life. Again he awakens to still greater realizations, be- cause he is in tune with the divine presence of his own life, and is playing his part as an instrument in the great symphony of the universe. He has individual- 178 THE DIVINE GIFT ized himself as a fitted character to maintain this position in life, and he comes to the spiritual awaken- ing to just the degree in his present unfoldment, at the same degree as is his relationship to the unseen as it reveals itself to the seen. He now senses the dear ones that he loved in the earth life — the family ties, and because of these ties he realizes the beauty of his struggles and the suffering, and knows that he has experienced his re-birth from the shadow of his own ignorance to the glorious sunshine that radi- ates from his own spiritual consciousness, radiates from his own soul center, and he finds himself stand- ing in the rays of eternal spiritual light, and becomes more conscious of the higher teachers that are ever ready to assist a worthy soul that, though strong, is ready to be assisted because of this love for growth. He no longer walks in the shadow of his path life — perplexed as to its meaning — but he has gained the beautiful knowledge that there never was and never will be death — but that all is life, and growth, and re-birth. He is now to enjoy the wisdom and loving presence of such souls from the unseen, and realize how beautiful are the truths that have been given him through his own spiritual consciousness, that is even then reaching out still further toward the higher position where he will find still greater truth, still larger life, because of the spirit's incentive for spiritual growth. OF MEDIUMSHIP 179 Thus he stands on the rock of his own life, graven in beautiful proportion, and firm of base, placed where he can view from the unseen to the higher room in the school — and review the lower grades that were as the valleys of his past experience. He can also feel the return of thanks sent him from the unseen by the souls who can now radiate light, life, and truth with a kindly spirituality to the souls who know not what they have to go through — and it is all wise that they know not the experience that awaits them in their journey to the position of strength and knowledge — else they would despair. But with the most delicate and inspiring wisdom, of such luminous, limitless knowledge, step by step they make their own conditions that they may helpfully harmonize with all such souls and prepare their backs for the burdens, and thus work out the salva- tion that comes through the refining processes of progression. Thus the character gains for itself absolute free- dom. The fetters are now broken and cast aside. The limited conditions are outgrown, the one-sided life that pertained only to the material organism has been rounded out into the completeness of the spirit- ual interblending of body and soul in the universal expression and liberty of the limitless, and can now unite with the fullness of the unseen, and be lighted by the radiance of truth. 180 THE DIVINE GIFT He now realizes that the possibilities for the mold- ing and forming of larger life is endless; that still greater character, greater power, greater wisdom, greater love can be expressed, that the more fully he realizes that he is a universal child of the universal principles of God's love and life, the more freely can he give unto others this knowledge of the soul's pos- session. He has, indeed, been re-born. The archi- tectural work of his own life has built the rock of his life's balance, and foundation. He now understands the relation of the unseen to the seen. He looks out over the great immeasurable, unfath- omable life, inconceivable in all its glory of love ele- ments — its radiance and interblending of light — filled with qualities of harmony, of love, of peace, its glory of silence, — its breath of life that breathes with kind- ness to the children in the universe who cannot per- ceive or conceive of its wondrous possibilities — and then he looks back upon the little life of earth, — and with the largeness of his soul and spiritual compre- hension he feels that he can hold the earth world in the hollow of his hand. He looks upon mortals as upon babes in the uni- verse — some creeping, — some yet unable to creep, sit- ting, waiting, and hoping for growth — that they may creep some day — some are tottering as little babes learning to walk, falling, rising, onward moving, — OF MEDIUMSHIP 181 falling, gaining — some seem to be developed to the consciousness of children in the first room in the school, old enough to listen, to catch some thought — looking for a glimpse of something spiritual that they may find the key that will open their own life to them- selves, and grow larger and go further on — thus he finds the earth world is but a small place in the kin- dergarten stage of the great world within a world, whose progressive wheels turn within progressive wheels, expressing within itself the great expression of all the expressions of Deity and the Universe. The Unseen is ever radiating back its beautiful expression to the children in the seen. No longer does the question remain unsolved to this character who has attained spiritual growth and vision. It is only with eyes of tenderness that he looks, only with a radiant smile, only with the loving con- sciousness that throbs out from the great, pulsating inner self as he realizes the experiences of the in- terblending of the unseen and the seen as it ex- presses itself to all mortals. This is the position of knowledge and wisdom in life. Then there is no more questioning because of the greatness or the smallness of life — it has all been answered. There is no more judging — because the working out of imperfect conditons that have been unjustly manifested through heritage has been accomplished, 182 THE DIVINE GIFT and the great Judge of all Judges has judged not the children of earth — the less fortunate brothers and sisters in the school of life. It is all one great moving, onward, upward, un- folding, growing, and experiencing and expressing the still higher life elements and princples that are breathing forth in every pore of his material organ- ism — the finding of the way to the very fountain of his life, absorbing, releasing, becoming still more refined and purified by the great refining of the uni- verse that is ever moving and turning — because motion is the causation of all life — and with this great moving and refining process the jewel from within — or the unseen of his own life — is becoming more brilliant, more radiant because of the still more refined elements that are still hewing and cut- ting and grinding this gem into still more perfect form, and because of its more perfect form, the more radiance it expresses. We find the onward growth never ceases, and in the meantime the seeds of all the loving acts that have been cast by the pulsating of the inner life have become as beautiful flowers, still unfolding in more delicate expressions, more beautiful in forma- tion, lovelier to behold because the spiritual eyes have been made clearer, the senses have become finer, and penetrate more comprehensively into the life of this plane. These elements are in harmony OF MEDIUMSHIP 183 because spirit and soul in the material organism have made a character unfold as a universal being in the universe of life, receiving the still more re- fined, the still more beautiful, the still more perfect, because the soul is still a more perfect power in life, better fitted to move onward in the great processes of all life's motions in Deity's universe, to a greater degree of helpfulness, both in the unseen and the seen. Thus we find that this soul may be a type in ex- pression of a part of the universe that has worked its way up through all darkness and obstructions, and lonely hours of despair, wandering in the ob- scure avenues and fogs of material life, struggling upward to the heights where he has found the re- lationship of the unseen to the seen, accomplishing this at last through such efforts of faithfulness to self in the response to the call of the voices of the unseen, that thus inspired he has become a beauti- fully developed being in the higher perfections of the perfect elements of the higher life. He has be- come radiant as a part of the higher soul self, and has thus caused the universe of eternity to move out into still larger expressions. And because he has learned the great lesson of life that has ever been spoken to the soul of all human life, that has ever hovered over the hearts of all souls with such 184 THE DIVINE GIFT tenderness and love to God in his universe, he has entered into the very causation of the relation of the Unseen to the seen. OF MEDIUMSHIP 185 CHAPTER XIII. THE SPIRITUAL. We have gathered together in the divine source of our highest spirituality opening our conscious- ness through its highest avenues of our own life elements which are spiritual, and close our material self, that in this way we may gather thoughts and visions from the unknown that will aid each one in the progressive journey of life from this time throughout all future experiences. There are three beautiful souls that now appear to my vision at this time from the unknown source of life, drifting downward from higher conditions in what at first seems like a luminous vapor, trans- parent and bright like white and gold. This is not material but formed of spiritual substance. As the three spirits draw nearer I see that their gar- ments are very etherial, their faces look almost transparent, such is their soul refinement, yet they 186 THE DIVINE GIFT are radiant with light, life and spirituality. Their eyes seem to speak with the reflection of heaven. They are peace within themselves, and fill my soul with more than mortal lips could possibly explain. If you were to behold them they would lift you to such a high consciousness of spiritual atmosphere you would be willing to leave your position in earth life and journey with them. Their thought ex- presses volumes to you. Their smile is filled with character and with love. They are radiating the highest principles of light because of their years of progression and unfoldment in higher truths. They smile and say they are quite pleased with the effort to describe them. The other spirit is a man who is like a fortress, a mountain of strength and power that lives within his character. He shows absolute control and mastery of himself and his position, whatever condition or whatever the experience under which he is placed may be. He has the pilot's seat in the vehicle that has brought them here, and as I ask for an explanation of this wonderful conveyance which they seem to be trav- eling in, he tells me it is made of spiritual substance, designed through spiritual mental power and wis- dom, and that while in this unknown source of life there is no material apparatus of any kind, the men- tality is all that is necessary in bringing together suitable elements for the construction of any kind OF MEDIUMSHIP 187 of mechanism one wishes to use, provided he or she has learned the laws of life sufficiently in every phase, to use the mental power in whatever rate of vibration is necessary for the designing and con- structing of the contrivance desired. I understand that according to the unfoldment and development of consciousness of souls in this plane that they are permitted to have all they as entities are capable of constructing by the unfold- ment of their own powers through the wisdom of the deific principles of higher life, and through the principles that live in all creation from the lowest to the highest. That life element holds everything in it necessary to live in, and in which to develop and operate all things that are necessary in life, all things that are beautiful, and this is true on every plane of existence throughout eternity, and in just the degree of usefulness and beauty, and adaptabil- ity that the life principles in the individual mind can unfold, and use — this we find in the plane of the unknown. They have reached the progressive stage here where they can construct beautiful things for themselves according to their own genius and add to the comfort and pleasure of others. They are not limited as to wonderful devices, beauty of de- sign, or skillful construction, because they are con- scious of limitless intelligence that is continuously 188 THE DIVINE GIFT unfolding in all who are in these spheres of pro- gression. So we find that this spirit has constructed this beautiful vehicle, that is wonderful beyond hu- man expression. It is delicate in finish, radiant in color, etherial in appearance, modeled unlike any- thing constructed for travel on the earth plane, either by land, or water, or atmosphere, but com- bines in its form the highest principles of adapta- bility to the etherial ethers, and by its own inherent powers of elements that are intelligence themselves seems to guide itself in complete obedience to the wishes of the spirit master. Firm and strong, yet light and graceful, it em- bodies the truth that the highest elements are the most refined and powerful and that they are the cause of all that is lower, that here in the earthly plane we work in their material form, not realizing that these very life impulses exist in higher vibra- tions that can be so easily manifested in mechanical- spiritual constructions through the unfolded wis- dom of the higher beings as they perceive the qual- ities and the uses of the elements and substances that are living principles of every form that the uni- verse contains, and that also through these living principles is the inspiration or vibratory cause of all the advance that takes place on any plane of life. Thus nature's forms reproduce themselves, by their living principles in every condition, under all cir- OF MEDIUMSHIP 189 cumstances, and in systematic progression. This spirit addresses the other two angels of light, and bows to them in reverence as if it were a privilege to know two such souls and a privilege to be in their presence, but this is given him because he has been faithful in his field of service for human right and the advance of those who are here in the earth plane. The other two souls have deemed it their pleasure to encourage and assist him in his won- derful work and struggle that ignorance may be dispelled in the material plane and man brought into a larger realization of life and activity and have more knowledge of the wonderful constructions in every plane of existence. The atmosphere of these souls might be spoken of as the breath of heaven that has breathed upon us. They have now this unfoldment for themselves through years and centuries of progressive life. As they start upward I feel my own soul consciousness gliding away with them because of the powerful centers of their own lives, because of the loving, attractive atmosphere of purity, and I would gladly drift with them even if it meant never to return. Their coming is to reach out more into the soul center of the universe to gather at this time more truth from that source, for this is necessary to com- plete the work that the world shall awaken to this 190 THE DIVINE GIFT wisdom and use it. This is being done because of the result that will be obtained through the clear- ness of this truth, through the beauty of its methods that these souls are preparing to give to the world. We are carried a little nearer this great center of life of spirit energy, to that circle of truth that is made up of the essences that have been gained by the progression and development and advancement and expansion and unfoldment of smaller truths into larger truths. This is the result of the eternal progression of every entity, while enlarging their own life they have added to this fountain, this soul center (from whence their life came), for everything is done through natural causes. Something cannot be formed or developed or created from nothing — but it is the unfoldment and development out of the larger things of the universe, out from these life principles to human consciousness, both in earth and in spirit, that growth and development of even the worlds of matter, as well as spirit, is constantly building for the finer construction of souls as spirits pass onward. In these life principles is all that is necessary for all growth. In this sphere of matter mankind is constantly improving conditions through a better knowledge of science and is continually adding to the world of beauty in this material plane. The whole universe is being unfolded into finer realizations because OF MEDIUMSHIP 191 progressed souls have unfolded in their own con- sciousness and in the consciousness of all the life principles that they contain within themselves. All this gives mankind freer action and a higher out- look. This is the causation of the continual unfoldment. It is the outreaching of human life to the source of its own inspiration and wisdom. This soul center holds these life principles, and every entity is also a center of life principles, yet this is the center of all centers. Its outward appear- ance was described in a former lecture, while now we are to obtain more knowledge of its power and action. As I behold it from this wonderful vehicle of light, with these beautiful souls who assist me to this position, I can see that the inner circle of this center is continuously moving, and revolving, and turning and vibrating with an indescribable motion of rapidity. This is not the abiding place of souls who have lived in earth-life and have progressed to this center, but because of this wonderful expansive- ness of life, this motion and vibration and action, this gathering of forces and powers, it is from the highest entities, from these life principles that con- tain everything necessary for life, that there have been emanating as sparks (if you wish a familiar illustration) from entities in progression and because 192 THE DIVINE GIFT of processes within itself that this soul center is the birthplace of souls who are filled with all these life elements and principles, which is the essence of spirit, made up of the wisdom of the universe, and are thus born and molded into form to enter into the earth-life there clothed with the physical body, for the complete individualization, to experience life in its natural order to go up the ladder of pro- gression, onward from mother earth, upward through every plane, until they become unfolded souls, not only unfolded within themselves, but from experiences have added to their consciousness of all life, and have added living elements to the fountain that gave them their immortal birth, and have fulfilled the law — they have taken nothing without giving something — and they have won their own growth and by their wisdom and power are luminous intelligence to guide others to the same unfoldment of consciousness. They fill their positions as masters in a masterly way. All the life faculties are surrounding this center and the all-wise life is ever encircling the outer circles of this center. There are many circles within this great center and it is a wonderful pro- cess of interblending of powers that is beyond the expression of human language to describe what I see and what I sense. ,Yet I hope some new thought has been gathered OF MEDIUMSHIP 193 as a new truth that will add to the completeness and better understanding of the principles of universal progression, and of the life elements of the universe. I would that man may have an intelligent idea of the universe of life, and know that it is not a place created by any one special being, that superstition and error have taught. We no longer want ignor- ance as a stumbling block in life, but we desire that when man leaves the earthly expression he may pass on and not look back with regret upon a wasted period of time, but that he may know that through truth, he has built for himself a wonderful existence through the endless chain of thought, every link of which is perfect in its fulfillment of the law of progression and unfoldment throughout the endless spheres of eternity. That he no longer may wish to worship idols, but as a conscious being realize that nothing is so high, so pure, so ennobling but that it is offered to him for his uses in every-day life, for his unfoldment of character, for his right use of all his powers and for his harmonization of all that is in every expres- sion and every experience of his whole being, that he may live and realize that through his higher fac- ulties he may have all knowledge of the constructive purposes and principles, and may understand his own individuality and its relationship to all human- ity. May his mind be cleansed of its past conditions 194 THE DIVINE GIFT and superstitions, and may his heart be unlocked by a new desire for life. He will realize that a new flower has been unfolded within, and that he can live in the beauty of its fragrance and love, for the love from the heights has such life principles, it has no limitations, but opens the understanding to everything it is capable of knowing and realizing. Its luminous beauty floods the life with a radiance that is unspeakable — beyond explanation, and be- cause of man's spiritual birthright he has the im- mortal incentive for growth and unfoldment in wis- dom and in such a life as these beautiful souls have lifted me into, that there I may gather truths that speak not with mortal lips but reveals itself in the beauty of life that thrills the soul by its silent utter- ances and revelations — the language of the unseen and the unknown to mortals here. This is a guiding star that you may be led to know more of deific love and principle that inspire the consciousness of all who have opened this gate- way of spirit to see and know that their own har- mony is heaven, and that this short message is but one more round in the ladder of progression where- by they may ascend higher and live nearer the higher privileges of the spiritual plane. OF MEDIUMSHIP 195 A medium is one who stands at the divine gate- way of mortal and spirit life, who receives and transmits thoughts between the two worlds. A Spiritualist is one who has unfolded the prin- ciples of the soul into mortal consciousness. Let he who is perfect, demand perfection. Let he who will think, know the truth. The truth will set you free. tl5R^5X ...9.1 ; congress 1 III 022 172 011 8