^m -«— ' i , ' u 'li .i ii . 1 I • j DEFlNITIOr- PRONUNCIATJl j* ru I j 1 «<*^' V" 'm 1 ri k3 .';■ %i .PPENDIX AN ILLUSTRATION ■ • Jt J Book >f ^ i X. Webstefs Con&enseD Dictionarp. CONDENSED DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, WITH COPIOUS ETYMOLOGICAL DERIVATIONS, ACCURATE DEFINITIONS, PRONUNCIATION, SPELLING, AND APPENDIXES FOR GENERAL REFERENCE, CHIEFLY DERIVED FROM THE UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY OF NOAH WEBSTER, LL. D. EDITED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OP NOAH PORTER, D. D., LL. D., PRESIDENT OF YALE COLLEGE, BY DORSEY GARDNER, smitf) abtr ffifttm ^mxisvtls Illitstrattcntf. / NEW YORK AND CHICAGO : IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR, AND COMPANY. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: G. & C. MERRIAM AND COMPANY. Copyright, 1884, BY G. & C. MERRIAM & CO. PREFACE. The purpose of this volume is to supply, in as compact a form as is consistent with clearnesr, the orthography, pronunciation, meaning, and etymology of all English words which are likely to be encountered by the general reader or the student. Words of an exclusively technical or scier- tific nature are in general omitted, — both to reserve space for the adequate treatment of words in general use, and because the limited class of persons who desire information of this kind v.ouli in any case refer to encyclopedias or glossaries devoted to an especial field. Although the book is small, it will be found to contain a more 'copious vocabulary and fuller definitions of the essential words, than many dictionaries of greater bulk. The illustrations, which have been profusely used wherever they could aid the understanding of the subject, will be found in many cases to afford a clearer explanation than could be given by the use of words. Arrangement Of Words. — The great condensation of the book is due in part to the exclusion of definitions of derived words, which are in fact self-explanatory as soon a3 the root-word i3 thoroughly defined. For instance, under the vocabulary word Blame (p. 51), Blamable is de- fined, but not Blamableness or Blamably ; Blameles3, but not Blamele^ly or Blameless- ness ; Blameworthy, but not Blameworthiness : the words, however, are given ; also their pronunciation is invariably indicated by accents, or by respelling when necessary ; so also is the part of speech, by the conventional signs uniformly employed. — But the principal saving of space i3 due to the system of referring words, formed upon a common prefix, ta the first of these words which occurs alphabetically ; explaining there the prefix fully and cnce for all ; and then leaving the etymology of the root-word to be ascertained by reference to the uncompounded word in its proper place in the vocabulary. For example, the inseparable prefix In-, having a negative force, is fully accounted for in its regular alphabetical place, and its etymology under the next follow- ing word, Inability ; its euphonic changes (into i- before gn- ; il- before I- ; im- before m and p ; and ir- before r-) are described ; and then reference is made to the five vocabulary words under which such formative} are grouped : viz. : — Ignoble, covering 24 words, and occupying £ of a column. Illaudable, covering 25 words, and occupying \ of a column. Immaculate, covering 187 words, and occupying 3^ columns. Inability, covering G61 words, and occupying 12^ columns. Irrational, covering 72 words, and occupying 1 \ columns. Total 969 words, occupying 17f columns. In the Unabridged Dictionary the corresponding words, as ascertained by measurement, fill 147 of its much ampler columns ; and — by reason of the strictly alphabetical arrangement of that work — extend over 65 pages ( words of different derivation being of course intermingled with them), as against 8f pages of this volume. Another similar economy, which has effected the saving of much space, is illustrated by the following entry (p. 42) : — Be-, prefix, has sometimes an intensive force, as besprinkle. Prefixed to nouns or adjectives, it often has the meaning to make, and transforms them into verbs : thus Bedim, Befool, mean to make dim, to make a fool of. Sometimes it has the meaning of by, as Beside. For words beginning with Be- not found in this vo- cabulary, see the original word : thus, for Bedaub, Bedim, etc., see Daub, Dim, etc. A like saving has been effected in the case of many of these prolific prefixes. Thus, Re-, with its form Red-, having been accounted for (p. 471), the generality of words so constructed are disposed of by the note : " It may be prefixed to almost any verb and many substantives, the word so formed being usually self-explanatory." Still, when a difference in either pronunciation or iv PREFACE. meaning has taken place, both forms are given and defined : for instance, Rec'ollect' and Re- collect' are combined in a single paragraph (p. 474), as being of identical derivation ; but their widely divergent meanings are adequately defined ; while their etymology is left to be sought under Collect- System Of Grouping- — A saving similar to that made by associating words having the same prefix has been accomplished by consolidating into one paragraph words derived from the same root, provided they have the same initial letter. Thus, under the noun Air (p. 11) are given, first, the direct derivatives, the verb, To Air, the noun Airing, adjective Airy, adverb Airily, noun Airiness J then follow, alphabetically, the derived compounds — viz. : Air'bath, -bed, -bladder, etc., — of which there are 1G ; and the result is that 21 words are adequately accounted for in 42 lines, although a space equal to 5 of these lines is given to an illustration showing the construction of an Aik-pump ; whereas the corresponding words occupy just 200 lines of the broader columns of the Unabridged. Again, under Water (p. 668), this book covers 51 words in 188 lines, or about 2 columns, including 6 illustrations ; while in the Unabridged the word and its deriva- tions fill 7| columns, or 837 lines. — It must be explained, however, that, while words of identical etymology have been thus systematically grouped, great care has been taken to indicate the dif- ference between words having the same spelling and pronunciation, but a different etymology. Thus, on page 551, there are 4 separate paragraphs headed Sound, both the meaning and origin of these words and their derivations being totally distinct. There are also 3 entirely different words, Smack (p. 543), yet of the same pronunciation. This point is dwelt upon because, in many elaborate dictionaries, words from totally different sources and of dissimilar meanings have been grouped as if they were of identical origin — which is hopelessly confusing to a student of the language. — It should, however, be understood that only words having the same initial letter are thus associated ; but reference is made to cognate words, if they begin with a different prefix or compound, so as to show their common origin, however widely they may be separated alphabeti- cally. For instance, the paragraph Stand (p. 563) includes 22 words and phrases which fall alpha- betically under stand- ; and these fill but 73 lines, or about three quarters of a column, although 17 of these lines are devoted to the matter of etymology. That is, the etymologies are traced from the Anglo-Saxon, Old High German, Gothic, Icelandic, Dutch, Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit : then follow references (marked s. rt. = " from the same root as") to 42 cognate words derived from the French and Latin, to 11 from the Greek, and to 31 from various sources, — to 84 differ- ent words in all. To trace out the significance of this group of allied words, the student should examine each of them, with its derivatives. For example, in the case of Stand, its derivatives Understand, Understanding, etc., are grouped among the 67 words associated under the leading word Under J as are Withstand, etc., under With. But it is only under the stem-word — in this case Stand — that the etymologies have been printed in full, a note under each of the cognate words making a reference to the passage in which they are given. By this system many pages have been saved in the aggregate, although the etymologies are set forth with an almost unprece- dented fullness in some one place, to which reference is clearly made under each derived word. Pronunciation. — The marks indicating pronunciation have been made as few and as simple as is consistent with clearness and precision. The leading word of each paragraph is respelled pho- netically ; but subsequent words within the paragraph are respelled only in instances where the pronunciation changes, or where for any reason it might be doubtful.* — An unmarked vowel, followed by a consonant in the same syllable, is short (as am, end, in, odd, sun) : an unmarked vowel forming a syllable by itself, or ending a syllable, is long, or has its name sound (as a, be, di-al, no, fu-el, by) ; but a, not under the accent, forming or ending a syllable, has a brief sound of a in far, or in some cases a brief sound of long a in fate. Vowel sounds which are not thus ex- plained by their position, also the sounds of such consonants as have more than one sound, are marked in accordance with the key-line at the foot of each two adjoining pages. The diacritical marks there employed are self-explanatory, with the exception of that which designates the nasal sound illustrated in the key-line by the French word 5on&on. This n indicates that the preceding vowel is nasal, but care should be taken that the back part of the tongue is not pressed against the palate as is done in producing the English ng. For example, in making the French sound on we may proceed as if about to say ong (as in song), but stop before the sound ng is produced. Similarly the other French nasal vowel3 can be produced. * Where alternative pronunciations are T G.] — To regard with horror; to dislike or hate ex- tremely ; to detest. [L. ub and horrere, to bristle, shudder.] — Abhorrence, -hSrlens, ?;. Great hatred. — Abhorlent, a. Detesting; contrary; repugnant; — with to. — Abhor'rer, -hdr'er, n. One who, etc. Abib. a'bib. n. The 1st month of the Jewish eccle- siastical year. [Ileb.] Abide, a-bld', v. i. [abode (-bod''), abiding.] To con- tinue in a place; to dwell; to continue firm or stable. — r. t. To endure or bear; to await firmly. [AS. abidan, to abide.] — Abid'er, n. One who abides. — Abode', n. Place of residence; dwelling. Abietin, -tine, a-bi'e-tin, n. (Chem.) A resinous sub- stance obtained from turpentine. — Abi'etits, -tit, n. (Chem.) A substance resembling mannite found in the leaves of the silver fir. — Ab'ietlc, a. Pert, to the fir-tree. [L. abies, abielis, fir-tree.] Abigail, ab'T-gal, n. A ladj''s waiting-maid. Ability, a-bil'T-ti, n. Power to act, whether physical, moral, intellectual, conventional, or legal ; might ; talent; efficiency. [L. habilitas. See Able.] Abintestate, ab-in-tes'tat, a. (Law.) Inheriting the estate of one dying without a will. Abiogenesis, ab'I-o-jen'e-sis, Abiogeny, -oj'e-ni, n. Production of life from inorganic matter. [Gr. a pviv., bios, life, and genesis, genos, origin.] — Abiog'enist, n. A believer in, etc. Abirritate, ab-ir'ri-tat, v. t. (Med.) To diminish the sensibility of; to debilitate. — Abir'rita'tive, -tiv, a. Wanting in irritation; debilitated. — Abir'rita'tion, n. Want of strength. Abject, ab'jekt, a. Sunk to a low condition ; mean; worthless; groveling. — n. One in a miserable state. [L. dbjectus, fr. ab and jacere, to throw.] — Abjec'- tion, n. Meanness of spirit ; baseness. — Ab'jectly, alv. — Ab'jecteess, iu Abjudicate, ab-joo'di-kat, v. t. To give away in judg- ment. — Abjudication, n. Act of, etc. [L. ab and jurticare.] Abjure, ab-joor', v. t. [abjured (-joord'), -juring.] To renounce under oath, or with solemnity. [L. ab and jurare, to swear.] — Abjur'er, n. One who, etc. — Abjura'tion, n. Act of, etc. — Abjur'atory, a. Containing abjuration. Ablactation, ab'lak-ta'shun, n. The weaning of a child ; a method of grafting now called inarching. [L. ab and lac, lactis, milk.] Ablaqueate, ab-la'kwe-at, v. 1. To lay bare or expose. [L. ablaqueare.] — Abla'quea'tion, n. Act or process of laying bare the roots of trees. Ablative, abla-tiv, a. (Gram.) Applied to the 6th case of Latin nouns, in which words signifying car- rying away or taking from, are vised. [L. ablativus, fr. ab and ferre, latum, to carry.] Ablaut, ab'lowt, n. A change of the root-vowel in a word, — esp. to denote change of tense in a verb, of number in a noun, etc.: as, get, gat, got; man, men. [G., fr. ablauten, to be modified.] Ablaze, a-blaz', adv. In a blaze; highly excited. Able, a'bl, a. [abler ; ablest.] Having ability of any kind ; possessing sufficient power, means, skill, etc., to accomplish some end; qualified; efficient; ef- fective. [L. habilis, fr. habere, to have, hold.] — Ably, a'blT, adv. — A'ble-bod'ied, -bod'id, a. Hav- ing a sound, strong body ; robust. Ablegate, able-gat, n. An ecclesiastic charged with the duty of installing a cardinal. [L. ab and legare, legatwn, to send with a commission.] Ablepsy, ab'lep-sT, n. Want of sight; blindness. [Gr. a priv. and blepein, to see.] Ablution, ab-lu'shun, n. Act of cleansing or wash- ing ; religious purification ; water used in cleans- ing. [L. ablutio, fr. ab and luere, to wash.] — Ablu- ent, a. Cleansing ; purifying. — n. (Med.) A purifier of the blood; a detergent. Abnegate, ab'ne-gat, v. t. To deny and reject. [L. abueyare.'] — Abnega'tion, n. Denial and renuncia- tion. — Abnega'tor, -ter, n. One who, etc. Abnormal, ab-nor'nial, a. Contrary to rule, law, or system ; irregular. [L. ab and norma, rule.] — Ab- normality, -nor'mity, n. State or quality of be- ing, etc. ; irregularity ; deformity. — Abnor'mably, -mally, adv. Aboard, a-bord', adv. In a vessel; on board. — prep. On board of. Abode, a-bod'. See under Abide. Abolish, a-bollsh, v. t. [abolished (-bollsht), -ish- ing.] To do away witli utterly; to put an end to, destroy, make void, annul. [L. abolere.] — Abol''- ishable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Abollsher, n. One who, etc. — Abolishment, n. Act of, etc. — Abolition, -lish'un, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; a doing away with forever, — esp. of slavery. — Abo- li'tiomsm, -lish'un-izm, n. The principles or meas- ures of an abolitionist. — Aboli'tionist, n. One who favors abolition, — esp. of slavery. — Aboli lionize, -iz, v. t. To imbue with the principles of the abo- litionists. Abomasum, ab-o-ma'sum, -ma'sus, n. The fourth stomach of a ruminant animal. [L., fr. ab and omasum, tripe.] Abominate, a-boml-nat, v. t. To turn from, as omi- nous of evil ; to detest, abhor. [L. abominare, fr. ab and omen, a portent.] — Abominable, -na-bl, a. Execrable; hateful; shocking. — Abominably, adv. — Abom'ina'tion, n. Act of abominating; an object of disgust. Aboriginal, ab-o-rijl-nal, a. First original; primitive. — n. First or original inhabitant. — Aborigines, -nez, n. pi. The original inhabitants of a country. [L. ab and origo, origin.] Abort, a-bort', v. i. To miscarry in birth. [L. abor- tus, fr. aboriri, to fail, fr. ab and oriri, to rise, to be born.] — Abor'tion, n. Act of miscarrying; an immature product of conception ; anything which fails to come to maturity. — Abor'tive, -tiv, a. Im- mature; ineffectual; pert, to or causing abortion. — Abor'tively, adv. — Abor'tiveness, n. — Abor'- ticide, -sid, n. One who destroys, or the act of de- stroying, the life of a fetus before birth ; feticide. [L. cieaere, to kill.] Abound, a-bownd', v. i. To be in great plenty ; to be prevalent : to possess in abundance, — usually with in or with. [L. abundare, fr. ab and unda, wave, steam, crowd.] — Abun'dance, n. Overflowing full- ness ; plenty ; riches. — Abun'dant, a. Fully suffi- cient ; exuberant ; ample. — Abun'dantly, adv. About, a-bowt r , prep. Around ; surrounding ; near; concerning ; on the point of. — adv. Around ; here and there; nearly. [AS. abutan.] Above, a-buv', prep. Higher in place than ; superior to. — adv. Overhead ; in a higher place ; before in order of place ; higher in rank or power. [AS. abufan, fr. an, on, be, by, and ufan, upward.] — Abbve'board, -bord, adv. Not concealed; openly. — Above'-ground. Alive ; not interred. Abracadabra, ab'ra-ka-dab'- .■„„.„.„.»„» ra, n. A cabalistic word, A B formerly used as a charm, arranged in the form of a triangle. Abrade, a-brad', v. t. To rub or wear off. [L. ab and radere, to scrape, shave.] — Abra'dant, n. That which abrades; esp. powder used in grinding and polishing. — Abra'sion, -zliun, n. A rubbing or scraping off; substance worn off by at- trition. Abreast, a-bresf, adv. Side by side on a line. Abreuvoir, a/bre'vwar', n. A joint between stones in a wall. [F.] Abridge, a-brij', v. t. [abridged (-brijd'), abridg- ing.] To bring within less space ; to shorten, esp. by using fewer words ; to deprive , cut off ; — with of. (Math.) To reduce to a more simple expression. [F. abreger, fr. L. abbreviare.] — Abridgement, n. A shortening or diminution ; restriction ; a work abridged or epitomized ; summary; synopsis. Abroach, a-broch', adv. Broached ; letting out abracadabr abracadab abracada A B R A C A D A B R A C A A B R A C A B R A A B R A B A am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare; end, eve, term; in, ice; odd, tone, 6r; ABROAD ACANTHUS liquor ; in a *tate to be diffused. [From a, on, and OF. broche, spigot.] Abroad, a-brawd', adv. At large ; unconfined; out of a house or other inclosure, in foreign countries. Abrogate, ablo-^at, v. t. To annul by an authori- tative act ; to abolish; revoke ; repeal. [L. ab and rogare, royatum, to ask] — Abrogation, n. Act of, etc. — Abrogative, -tiv, a. Tending to, etc. Abrupt, ab-rupi', a. Broken ; steep ; sudden ; un- connected. [L. ab and rumpere } ruptum, to break.] — Abruptly, adv. — Abrup'tion, n. A sudden breaking off ; violent separation of bodies. — Ab- ruptness, ra. Steepness; suddenness; great haste. Abscess, abSes, n. A collection of pus or purulent matter in an accidental cavity of the body. [L. abs, a\va3", and cedere, cessum, to go.] Abscind, ab-sind', v. t. To cut off. [E. ab and scin- dere, scissum, to rend, cut.] — Abscission, -sizb/un, n. A cutting off. (Iihet.) A figure of speech, by which the speaker stops abruptly, as supposing the matter sufficiently understood. Absciss, abSis, n. ; pi. Abscisses, abSis-ez. Ab- scissa, -sisSa, n. ; pi. Lat. Absciss.e, -sisSe, Eng. Abscissas, -saz. (Geom.) One of the elements of reference by which a point, as of a curve, is referred to a system of fixed rectilineal coordinate axes. [L. ab and scindere, scissum, to cut.] Abscond, ab-skond', v. i. To secrete one's self; to decamp ; — used esp. of persons evading legal pro- cess. [L. ab, al)s, and condere, to lay up.] — Ab- sconder, n. One who, etc. ■ Absent, abSent, a. Withdrawn from, or not present in, a place ; inattentive to what is passing. [L. ab- sent, f r. abesse, to be away.] — AbSence, n. A being absent ; want; inattention to things present. — Ab'- sentiy, adv. In an absent manner : with the thoughts elsewhere. — Absent', v. t. To take or withdraw to such a distance as to prevent inter- course. — Absentee', n. One who absents himself from his country, office, post, duty, etc., esp. a land- holder who lives away from his estate. — Absentee'- ism, n. State or habit of an absentee. — AbsentSr, n. One who absents himself. Absinthe, abSinth, n. A cordial of brandy tinc- tured with wormwood. [F., fr. L. absinthium, worm- wood.] — Absin'thate, n. {Clieiu.) Absinthic acid combined with a base. — Absia/ filiate, -thT-at, v. t. To impregnate with wormwood. — Absin'thian, a. Of the nature of, etc. Absolute, abSo-lut, a. Freed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; arbitrary; unlimited; un- conditioned; finished; perfect; total; complete. [L. ab and solvere, solution, to loose.] — Absolutely, adv. In an absolute manner; positively ; arbitrarily. — Absoluteness, n. Quality of being absolute; com- pleteness; arbitrary power. — Absolutism, n. Ab- solute government or its principles. — Absolutist, n. An advocate of absolutism. — Ab'solutistlc, a. Be- longing to absolutism. Absolve, ab-solv', v. t. [absolved (-solvd'), -solv'- IHG.] To set free or release from, as from obligation, debt, responsibility, penalty, etc. ; to exonerate, ac- quit. [L absolvere. See Absolute.]— Absolution, n. (Civ. Law.) An acquittal. (Rom. Cath. Church.) A remission of sin. — Absolutory, a. Absolving. — AbsolvSr, n. One who, etc. — AbsolvSble, a. Ca- pable of being, etc. — AbsolvStory, a. That ab- solves. Absorb, ab-sSrb', v. t. [absorbed (-sorbd'), -sobb- ing.] To drink in, suck up, imbibe as a sponge, swallow up, or overwhelm; to engross wholly. [L. ab and sorbere, to suck in.] — Absorb'abillty, n. Capacity of being, etc. — AbsorbSble, a. Capable of being, etc. — AbsorbSnt, a. Sucking up; imbib- ing. — n. A substance or a bodily organ which ab- sorbs. — AbsorpSion, n. Act or process of being absorbed and made to disappear; engrossment or occupation of mind. — Absorp'tive, -tiv, a. Having power to absorb. — Absorptivity, n. Abstain, ab-stan', v. i. [abstained (-stand'), -stain- ing.] To forbear, or refrain, voluntarily ; esp. from indulgence of passions or appetites. — v. t. To hinder; to withhold from. [L. abs and tenere, to hold.] — Abstinence, n. The act or practice of ab- staining. — Abstinent, a. Bef raining from indul- gence; temperate. Abstemious, ab-ste'mT-us, a. Sparing in the free use of food and strong drinks; temperate. [L. absternitts, fr. abs and temetum, .strong wine.] — Abste'miously, adv. — Abste'miousness, n. Absterge, ab-sterj', v. t. [absterged (-sterjd'). -Stergixg.] To make clean by wiping; to cleanse by lotions, etc. [L. abs and teryere, to wipe.] — Abster'gent, a. Serving to cleanse; detergent. — Absterse', -sters', c. t. To cleanse by wiping. — AbsterSion, -shun, ». Act of, etc. — Abstersive, -siv, a. Having the quality of cleansing. Abstract, ab-strakf, v. t. lo draw from or separate; to epitomize or reduce; to purloin. [L. abs and tra- here, tractum, to draw.] — Abstract, a. Distinct from something else; separate; withdrawn from the concrete, or from particulars ; difficult ; abstruse; refined. — n. A summaiy, or epitome ; an abridg- ment. — AbstractSd, p. a. Separated : absent in mind. —AbstractSdly. Abstractly, adv. By itself; in a separate state. — AbstractSdness, n. State of being abstracted. — Abstraction, n. Act of abstract- ing or separating, or state of being separated; act of considering separately what is united in a complex object; an abstract or theoretical notion; a purloin- ing. — Abstractitious, -tish'us, a. Drawn from other substances, esp. from vegetables, without fermenta- tion. — Abstractive, a. Having the power of ab- stracting. — AbStractness, n. State of being abstract. Abstruse, ab-stroos', «. Hidden; hard to be under- stood. [L. abstrudere, abstrusum, to thrust away.] — Abstrusely, adv. Not plainly ; darkly. — Ab- struse'ness, n. Absurd, ab-serd', a. Obviously inconsistent with reason or common sense ; foolish ; preposterous ; ridiculous. [L. ab and surdus, indistinct, harsh- sounding; also deaf.] — Absurdity, n. Anything absurd. — Absurd'ness, n. — Absurdly, adv. Abundance^ See under Abound. Abuse, a-buz', v. t. [abused, (-buzd'), abusing.] To make ill use of; to misuse; to treat rudely; to maltreat; to revile. [L. ab and uti, usiis, to use.] — Abuse, a-bus', n. Ill use ; a corrupt practice or custom; rude language; reproach; insult. — Abu'- sive, -siv, a. Employing or containing abuse; scur- rilous; opprobrious; misapplied. — AbuSively, adv. — AbuSiveness, n. Abut, a-but', v. i. To terminate or border; to be contiguous. [F. aboutir, fr. bout, end.] — Abut'ment, n. That on which a thing abuts. (Arch.) The solid support of abridge, etc., at the end. — Abut'tal, n. The butting or boundary of land. Abutilon, a-bu'tl-lon, n. (Bot.) A genus of shrubs, commonly known as Indian mallows. [Arab.] Abyss, a-bis', n. A bottomless gulf; hell, or the bot- tomless pit. [G. a priv. and bussos, bottom.] — Abysmal, a-bizlnal, a. Bottomless ; unending. — Abyssal, -bis'al, a. Belonging to, or resembling, an abyss. — AbysSic, a. (Geol.) Pert, to an abyss; esp. to strata which formed the bottom of a deep sea. Acacia, a-kaShf-a, n. (Bot.) A genus of leguminous trees and shrubs, usually with thorns and pinnate leaves. [Gr. akakia, ft. ake, point.] — Ac'acin, -cine, -sin, n. The inspissated juice of several species of acacia; gum arabic. Acacio, a-kaShl-o, n. A heavy wood of the same family with the red mahogany. Academy, a-kad'e-mf, n. A garden near Athens (named from Academus) where Plato taught; hence, Plato's school of philosophy ; a kind of higher school or seminary ; an institution for the promo- tion of art or science. [Gr. akademeia.']— Academic, -ical, a. Of or relating to a higher institution of learning. — Academic, n. A follower of Plato ; a student in a college, university, etc. — Academics, n. (Met.) The Platonic philosophy. — Academ'- ically, adv. — Ac'ademiSian, -mish'an, n. A mem- ber of an academy, or learned society ; esp., of the French Academy. — Academicism, -sizm, n. The mode of instruction, esp. in fine arts, practiced in academies. Acaleph, akS-lef, n. (Zobl.) A radiate marine animal; a sea-nettle; a jelly-fish;— so called from its sting- ing power. [Gr. akalephe, a nettle.] Acanthus, a-kan'thus, n. ; pi. Eng. Acanthuses, Lat. Acanthi. (Arch.) An ornament resembling the foliage or leaves of the acanthus, as in Corinthian capitals. ( Bot. ) A genus of herbaceous prickly plants. [Gr. akanthos, fr. ake, point, and an- thos, flower.] — Acan- thaceous, -thaShus, a. Armed with prickles, Acantnus. sun, cube, full; moon, fobt; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, bo.NboN, chair, get. ACATALECTIC ACCOUNT as a plant. — Acan'thocar'pous, -kar'pus, a. ( Hut.) Having the fruit covered with spines. [Or. karpos, fruit.] — Acanthocephalan, -sef'a-lan, n. (Zo'ul.) A species of intestinal worm, having its proboscis armed with spines. [Gr. kephule, head.] — Acan'- thopod, n. (Zobl.) A species of insect having spiny legs. [Gr. pons, podos, foot.] — Acanthopodious, -po'dY-us, a. (But.) Having spinous petioles. — Acanthop / teryg ,r ious,-te-rij r I-vis, a. Thorny-finned, —applied to an order of fishes. [Gr. pteron, wing, fin.] Acat alec tic, a-kat-a-lek'tik, a. (Pros.) Not defective; — said of a verse which has the complete number of syllables. [Gr. akatalektos.] Acataleptic, a-kat-a-lep'tik, a. Incapable of being certainh' comprehended. [Gr. a priv. and katalam- banein, to seize.] Acauline, a-kawlin, Acaulous, -lus, a. Having no stem, but flowers resting on the ground. [Gr. a priv. and kaulos L stalk.] Accede, ak-sed', v. i. To agree or assent; to become a party, by agreeing to the terms of a treaty or con- vention. [L. accedere, accession, fr. ad and cedere, to go.] — Access, ak-ses' or ak'ses, n. A coming to ; near approach ; admittance ; the way by which a thing may be approached; increase; addition. — Ac- cessory, -sary, a. Accompanying : connected as a subordinate. — n. Something connected as a sub- ordinate. (Law.) One who is implicated in a felo- nious offense, though not present at its perpetration. [The spelling accessary is genei-alty preferred in the law sense.] — Accessorial, -soll-al, a. Pert, to an accessory. — Acces'sorily, adv. — Acces'soriness, n. — Accessible, a. Easy of access or approach. — Acces'sibiHty, n. — Accession, -sesh^un, n. Act of acceding and becoming joined; increase; that which is added. (Law.) A mode of acquiring property, by which the owner has a right to certain additions or improvements. Act of arriving at a throne, an office, or dignity. (Med.) The commencement of a disease. Accelerate, ak-sel'er-at, v. t. To quicken the motion or action of ; to hasten ; expedite. [L. ad and cele- rare, to hasten.] —Acceleration, -a'shun, n. A has- tening. — AcceKerative, -tiv, Accel'eratory, a. Quickening. — Accelerator, -ter, n. One who, or that which, etc. Accent, ak/sent, n. Superior force of voice upon one or more syllables of a word ; a mark used in writing to indicate this stress; a peculiar modulation of the voice. (Mm.) A slight stress upon a tone to mark its position in the measure. (Math.) A mark upon a letter or number, to distinguish magnitudes of similar kind, but differing in value. [F., fr. L. ac- centus, fr. ad and cantus, song.] — Accent, ak-sent r , v. t. To express or note the accent of; to pronounce or mark with, etc.— Accent'or, -er, n. (Mus.) A leader. — Accenfuable, -u-a-bl, a. Capable of being, etc.— Accent'ual, a. Relating to, etc. — Accent'uate, v. t. To mark or pronounce with, etc.; to bring prominently into notice ; to make conspicuous. — Accentuation, n. Act of placing accents in writing, or of giving accent to them in speaking. (Eccl.) Pitch and modulation of the voice in reading parts of the liturgy. Accept, ak-sepf, v. t. To receive with a consenting mind ; to admit and agree to. (Com.) To receive as obligatory, and promise to pay. [L. acceptare, fr. ad and capere, to take.] — Acceptable, a. Worthy, or sure of being accepted ; pleasing to a receiver ; agreeable ; welcome. — Accepfableness, -ability, n. — Acceptably, adv. — Acceptance, n. Fa- vorable reception. (Com.) An assent and engage- ment to pay a bill of exchange when due; the bill itself when accepted. (Law.) An agreeing to the act or contract of another. — Accepfant, n. One who accepts. — Acceptation, n. Meaning or sense. — Accepfer, n. A person who accepts ; esp. one who accepts a bill of exchange. Access. See under Accede. Accident, ak'sT-dent, n. An unexpected event; cas- ualty; contingency, pi. (Gram) The properties and qualities of the parts of speech. {Log.) An unes- sential property or quality. [F., fr. L. accidens, -den- tis, falling to, fr. ad and cadere, to fall.] — Acci- dental, a. Happening by chance, or unexpectedly ; non-essential; fortuitous; contingent; incidental. — n. A casualty. (Mus.) A sharp,"flat, or natural, oc- curring not at the commencement of a piece of mu- sic as the signature, but before a particular note. — Accidentally, acfo. — Ac'cidence, n. A book con- taining the rudiments of grammar. Accipiter, ak-sip'l-ter, n. A rapacious bird, as an eagle, hawk, etc. (Surg.) A bandage over the nose. — Accipltrine, -trin, a. Pert, to, etc. [L., fr. accipere, to seize.] Acclaim, ak-klam', v. t. [acclaimed (-klanuK), -claiming.] To meet with applause; to salute. [L. ad and clamare, to cry aloud.] — Acclaim', Accla- mation, -ma'shun, n. A shout of assent or appro- bation. — Acclam'atory, a. Expressing applause. Acclimate 1 ak-klilnat, Accli'matize, v. t. [acclima- tized (-tizd), -TiziNG.] To habituate to a climate not native. — Acclilnatable, a. Capable of being acclimated. — Acclima'tion, -cli'matiza'tion, -cli - mature, -ma-chur, h. Process of becoming, or state of being, etc. Acclivity, ak-kliv'T-tY, n. A slope, considered as ascending. — opp- to declivity ; rising ground. [L. ad and clivus, rising ground.] — Acclivous, -kli'vus, a. Rising \vith_a slope. Accolade, ak-ko-lad', n. The ancient ceremony of conferring knighthood, comprising a tap with a sword on the shoulder. [L._ad and collum, neck.] Accommodate, ak-komlno-dat, v. t. To render fit, or correspondent; to adapt; to furnish with something needed; to reconcile. [L. ad, con, with, and modus, measure.] — Accomlnodating, a. Affording accom- modation; helpful. — Accom'modalion, n. Act of fitting, or state of being fitted ; whatever supplies a want ; adjustment of differences; reconciliation. (Com.) A loan of money. — Accommodation note. One given by the maker to accommodate the receiv- er, who is to provide for it when due. — train. One which stops at minor or way stations, making less speed than express trains. — Accorn'moda'tor, -ter, n. Accompany, ak-kum'pa-iiT, v. t. [accompanied (-kum'pa-nid), -MTING.]. To go with as companion or associate. (3Ius.) To perform the accompaniment. [F. accompagner.~\ — Accompaniment, n. Some- thing that accompanies; an addition by way of orna- ment. (Mus.) A part performed by instruments accompanying voices ; also, the harmony of a figured bass. — Accom'panist, n. (Mus.) The performer who takes the accompanying part. Accomplice, ak-kom^plis, n. A co-operator or asso- ciate. (Law.) An associate in a crime. [L. ad and complex, interwoven, fr. plicere, to fold.] Accomplish, ak-kcm'plish, v. t. [accomplished (-plisht), -plishing.] To finish, complete, bring to pass, fulfill, realize. [F. accomplir, fr. L. ad and complere, to fill up.] — Accomplished, -plisht, p. a. Complete and perfected; esp., complete in acquire- ments. — Accomplishment, n. Act of accomplish- ing ; acquirement: attainment. Accompt, ak-kownf. See Account. Accord, ak-kord', n. Concurrence of opinion, will, or action; consent; harmony of sounds; concord; voluntary or spontaneous motion. (Law.) An agreement between parties in controversy, which bars a suit. —v. t. To make to correspond; to har- monize; to concede. — v. i. To be in accordance; to agree. (Mus.) To agree in pitch and tone. [L. ad, and cor, cordis, heart.] — Accordance, n. Agree- ment. — Aceord'ant, «. Corresponding; consonant; agreeable. — Accordantly, adv. — According, p. a. In harmony with; suitable. — Accordingly, adv. In accordance with. Accordion, ak-kQr'dT-un, n. A small keyed wind instrument, with me- tallic reeds. Accost, ak-kosf, v. t. To address; to speak first to. [L. ad and costa, rib, side.] — Ac- cosfable, a. Easy of access; affable. _ Accordion. Accouchement, ak-koosh-maN / ', ru_ Delivery in child- bed. [F.] — Accoucheur, ak-koo-sher'', u. A man who assists women in childbirth; a man-midwife. — Accoucheuse, -shez', n. A midwife. Account, ak-kownK, n. A reckoning; a statement of debts and credits; a statement of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.: a relation or description; importance; reason: consideration; sake. — v. t. To reckon or compute; to hold in opinion; to estimate. — v. i. To render a relation of particulars; to constitute a reason; to render reasons or answer for. [L. acZ and computare, to reckon.] — Accountable, a. Liable to be called to account and to suffer punishment ; amenable ; responsible. — Accountability, -abie- ness, 11. State of being, etc. — Accounfant, n. One who keeps, or is skilled in, accounts. — Account am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare; end, eve, term; In, ice; 5dd, tone, 6r; AC COUPLE ACOUSTIC current. A statement showing the Dr. and Cr. sides of a business transaction. Accouple. ak-kup'l, v. t. JTo join together: to couple. Accouter, Accoutre, ak-koo'ter, v. t. [accouteredoj" -COUTRED (-kilo'terd), -tekixg or -teixg (-koo' - - trinir).] To furnish with dress, equipage, or equip- ments, esp. those of a soldier. jF. accoutre}-.] — Ac- cou'terments, -trements, re. pi. Dress; equipage; trappings; esp. for military service. Accrementition. ak / kre-men-tish / un, re. (Physiol.) A process of generation in which an organic part sep- arates from the parent part, and becomes a distinct being. — Accrementitial, -tish'al, a. [L. accremen- tum, ir. accrescere, to increase.] Accredit, ak-kredlt, v. t. To give trust or confidence to: to receive, as an envoy, and give him credit and rank; to send with credentials; to procure credit for. [L. ad and credere, creditum, to believe.] Accretion, ak-kre'shun, re. An increase, esp. the in- crease of organic bodies by the internal accession of parts; increase by accession externally; growing together of parts naturally separate. [L. ad and crescere, to grow.] — Accres'cence, -kres'ens, re. Gradual growth. — Accres'cent, a. Increasing. — Accre'tive, -tiv, a. Growing by accretion. Accrue, ak-kroo', r. i. [accrued (-krood'), -cruixg.] To increase; to arise; to be added, as increase, profit, or damage. [F. accrue, increase, L. ad and crescere, to grow. J — Accru'ment, re. Accubation, ak-ku-ba'shun, re. A reclining on a couch, as practiced by the ancients at meals. [L. ad cmd cuhare, to lie down.] — Accumbent, ak-kum'bent, a. Leaning, as the ancients did at meals. — Accum''- bency, re. [L. ad and cumbere, to lie down.] Accumulate, ak-ku'mu-lat, v. t. To heap up in a mass; to collect or bring together. — v. i. To grow to a great size, number, or quantity; to increase greatly. [L. ad and annulare, to heap.] — Accu'mu- la'tion, n. Act of accumulating; state of being ac- cumulated; that which is accumulated; mass; heap. — Accumulative, -tiv, a. Causing accumulation; cumulative. — Accumulator, -ter, re. One who, or that which, etc.; ^sp. power, etc., in machinery. Accurate, ak'ku-rat, a. In careful conformity to truth, or to a standard, rule, or model; correct; pre- cise. [L. ad and curare, fr. cura, care.] — Ac'cu- rately, adv. — Ac'curacy, -ra-st, -rateness, -rat-nes, re. Precision resulting from care; correctness. Accurse, ak-kers', v. t. [accursed (-kersf - ), accurs- ixg.] To devote to destruction; to imprecate evil upon; to curse. [AS. a and cursian, to curse.] — Accursed, p. p. a. (part. pron. ak-kersf, a. ak- kers'ed.) Doomed to destruction or misery; worthy of a curse; detestable; execrable. Accuse, ak-kuz', v. t. [accused (-kuzdO, -cusing.] To charge with a crime, offense, or fault; to arraign; censure ; impeach. [L. accusare, fr. ad and causa, cause, lawsuit.] —Accusation, -za'shun, re. Act of, etc. ; that of which one is, etc. — Accusative, a. Pro- ducing or containing, etc. (Gram.) Applied to the case of nouns, on which the action of a verb termi- nates or falls. —Accusatively, adv. — AccuSatory, a. Pert, to, or containing, etc. — Accus'er, n. Accustom, ak-kus'tum, v. t. [accustomed (-kus' r - tumd), -tomixg.] To make "familiar by use ; to habituate or inure. — Accus'tomary, a. tJsual ; cus- tomary. — Accus'tomarily, adv. Ace, as, re. A single point on a card, die, etc.; the card or die so marked ; a very small degree; a trifle. [L. as, unity, unit, pound.] Aceldama, a-seKda-ma, n. A field purchased with the bribe which Judas took ; hence called the field of blood. [Heb. khelek, field, and dam, hlood.] Acephalous, a-sef 'a-lus, a. Without a head ; headless. (Bot.) Having the style spring from the base, instead of the apex. (Pros!) Deficient at the beginning, as a line of poetry. [Gr. a priv. and kephate, head.] — Acepb/alan, re. (Zo'ol.) A mollusk. Acerb, a-serb', a. Sour with bitterness. [L. acerbus.] — Acerbity, -itude, n. Sourness of taste, with bitter- ness and astringency ; harshness of manners. Aceric, a-sSrlk, a. Pertaining to, or obtained from, the maple; as, aceric acid. [L. acer, a maple tree.] Acescent, a-ses'ent, a. Turning sour; readily becom- ing tart or acid. [L. acescere, to turn sour.] — Aces / '- cence, -cency, re. Acetabulum, as'e-tab'u-lum, re. One of the suckers in the arms of the cuttle-fish. (Anat.) The socket of the hip-joint. [L., a vinegar cruet, cup.] — Acetab / - ulifera, re. pi. Cuttle-fishes having arms furnished with suckers. [L./erre, to carry.] Acetic, a-sefik or-se'tik, a. (Chem.) Composed of four parts each of carbon, hvdrogen, and oxygen. Acetic acid is the pure acid of vinegar. [L. acetum, vinegar.]— Acetate, as'e-tat, Ac'etite, -tit, re. A salt formed by acetic acid united with a base. — Ace'- tous, -tus, a. Sour : causing acetification. — Acef- ify, v. t. or i. [acetified (-lid), -fyixg.] Toturninto acid or vinegar, \\j.facere, to make.] — Acet / ifica / '- tion, re. — Acetim'eter, re. An instrument for ascer- taining the strength of vinegar, etc. [L. mctrum, measure. J— Acetim /- etry, n. Art of ascertaining, etc. Ache, ak, v. i. [ached (akt), aching.] To have, or be in, continued pain: to be distressed. — ??. Continued pain, opp. to sudden twinges, or spasmodic pain. [AS. xce, anache, acan, Gr. achein, to ache.] Achieve, a-cheV, v. t. [achieved (-chevdO, achiev- ix g.] To carry on to a final close ; to complete, ac- complish, realize. [F. achever, fr. chef, head, end, L. caput.]— Achievable, a. — Achiev'ance, n. — Achieve'ment, re. Act of achieving ; accomplish- ment ; a great or heroic deed; feat. (Her.) An es- cutcheon or ensign armorial. — Achiev'er, n. Achor, a'kor, re. A cutaneous disease on the head; scald-head. [L. and Gr.] Achromatic, ak-ro-mafik, a. (Opt.) Free from color; not showing color, from the decomposition of light. [Gr. a priv. and chroma, color.] — Achromaticity, -tis'i-tY, Achromatism, re. State of being achro- matic. — Achro'matiza'tion, re. Act of rendering, etc. ; deprivation of color. — Achro'matopsy, re. Inability to distinguish colors ; color-blindness ; Daltonism. [Gr. opsis, sight.] Acicular, a-sik'u-ler, a. Slender, like a needle; needle- shaped. [L. acicula, dim, of acus, needle.] — Acic / '- ularly, adv. — Acic'ulate, -ulated, a. Acicular. — Acic'ulite, -lit, re. Needle-ore ; an ore of bismuth, found in quartz, in long thin crystals. Acid, as'id, n. A sour substance.' (Chem.) A sub- stance having the properties of combining with alkalies and alkaline oxides, and of reddening most blue vegetable colors, and usually with a strong, sharp taste. — a. Sour, sharp, or biting to the taste ; tart. [L. acidus, fr. aatere, to make sharp.] — Acidity, ACidness. re. Quality of being, etc. — Acidify, v. t. [acidified (-fid), -fyix t g.] To make acid; esp. to convert into an acid, by chemical combination. [L./acere, to make.] — Acid v ifiable, a. — Acid'ifica'tion, re. — AcidiFic, a. Producing acid- ity. — Acidlfi/er, re. (Chem.) A principle necessary to produce acidity. — Acidim'eter, re. An instru- ment for ascertaining the strength of acids. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Acid'ulous, a. Slightly sour ; sub-acid ; sourish. [L. acidulus, dim. of acidus.] — Acid'ulate, v. t. To make slightly acid. — Acid'- ulent, a. Somewhat acid; sour; cross. Acierage, a'ser-ej, re. A process of coating a metal plate with iron by means of voltaic electricity; steel- ing. [F., fr. acier, steel.] — A'cerate, v. t. To con- vert into steel. Aciniform, a-sin'i-form, a. Formed like a cluster of grapes or a grape-stone; full of small kernels. [L. acinus, grape, grape-stone, and forma, form.] Acknowledge, ak-noKej, v. t. [acknowledged C-ejd), -edgixg.] To own, avow, admit; to recognize; to own with gratitude; to own, etc., in a legal form; to concede, confess, allow. [Prefix a, and knowl- edge.] — Acknowledgment, re. Act of, etc.; some- thing given or done in return for a favor; a declara- tion of one's own act, to give it legal validity. Aclinic, a-klinlk, a. Without inclination; — said of the magnetic equator, on which the magnetic needle is horizontal. [Gr. a priv. and klinein, to incline.] Acme, ak'me, re. The highest point; crisis. [Gr.] Acne, ak'ne, re. A small hard pimple. [Gr.] Acolyte, ak'o-lit, -lyth, -lith, re. A companion ; asso- ciate. (Astron.) An attendant star. (Eccl. Hist.) An inferior church servant. [Gr. akolouthein, to fol- low.] Aconite, ak r o-mt, re. Wolf's-bane, a poison. — Acon'- itine, -tin, re. The alkaloid of, etc. [Gr. akoniton.] Acorn, a'kern, re. The seed or fruit of an oak. [AS. secern, fr. secer, a field.] Acotyledon, a-kofl-le'don, re. A plant having no seed- lobes, or cotyledons. [Gr. a priv. and kotidedon.] — Acotyledonous, -led'o-nus, a. Having either no seed-lobes or such as are indistinct. Acoustic, a-kow'stik, or -koo'stik, a. Pert, to hear- ing, or to the doctrine of sounds. [Gr. akoustikos, fr. akouein, to hear.] — Acoustics, re. The science of sounds. — Acou'stically, adv. — Acoustician, -tish'an, re. One versed in, etc. sun, cube, full; moon, f<56t; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, boNbon, chair, get. ACQUAINT ADD Acquaint, ak-kwanf, v. t. To make familiar; to com- municate notice to ; to apprise ; to inform. [OF. acointer.] — Acquaintance, ». State of being ac- quainted; familiar knowledge; a person or persons well known. — Acquaintanceship, n. Familiarity; fellowship; intimacy. Acquiesce, ak-wT-es', v. i. [acquiesced C-wY-est'), -ESCING (-eslng.)] To rest satisfied; to concur, as- sent, comply. [L. ad and quiescere, fr. guies, rest.] — Acquies'cent, a. — Acquiescence, -cency, n. Si- lent assent. Acquire, ak-kwir', v. t. [acquired (-kwird / '). -quir- ing.] To gain, usually by one's own labor or exer- tions; to attain, earn", win. [L. ad and quserere, qusesitum. to seek.] — Acquirable, a. — Acquire'- rnent. Acquisition, -zish/un, re. Act of acquiring-; thing acquired; attainment; gain. — Acquisitive, -kwiz't-tiv, a. Disposed to make acquisitions. — Ac- quisitively, adv. — Acquisitiveness, n. State or quality of being acquisitive. (Phren.) The organ supposed to give rise to this desire. Acquit, ak-kwit r , v. t. To set free; to release, esp. from an obligation, accusation, suspicion, etc.; to clear, absolve ; (reflexivelu) to bear or conduct one's self. [OF. acquiter, to settle a claim, fr. L. quietus, discharged, free.| — Acquitment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Acquit'tal, n. (Laiv.) Deliverance from a charge, by a jury or court. — Acquit'tance, n. Acquitment; a writing which is evidence of a dis- charge; a receipt in full. Acre, a r ker, n. A piece of land containing ICO square rods, or 4-'J,o(50 square feet. [AS. secer, L. ager, Gr. agros, field.] — Acreage, a'ker-ej, re. A sum total of acres. — Acred, a'kerd, a. Possessing acres; landed. Acrid, aklid, a. Of a biting taste; sharp; harsh. [L. acer, acris, sharp.] — Ac'ridness, Acridity, re. A sharp quality; pungency. — Ac'rimony, Aclitude, re. Quality of corroding or dissolving; sharpness; severity ; asperity, tartness. — Acrimo / 'nious, a. — Acrimo'niously, adv. Acritochromacy, ak'rT-to-krolna-sY, n. Inability to distinguish between colors ; color-blindness ; Dal- tonism. [Gr. a priv., krinein, to separate, and chroma, color.] Acroamatic, ak'ro-a-matlk, Acroatlc, a. Meant only to be heard; oral; abstruse. [Gr. akroasthai, to hear.] Acrobat, ak'ro-bat, re. One who practices high vault- ing, rope-dancing, etc. — Acrobatic, a. [Gr. akros, on high, and bainein, to go.] Acrogen, aklo-jen, re. A kind of cryptogamous plant, which increases by growth at the extremity, — such as ferns, etc. — Acrogenous, a-kroj'e-nus, a. [Gr. akros, extreme, and gignesthai, to be born.] Acronycal, a-kronlk-al, a. (Astron.) Rising at sun- set and setting at sunrise, as a star; — opp. to cos- mical. [Gr. akros and mix, nuktos, night.] Acropolis, a-krop'o-lis, n. The higher part of a Gre- cian city; the citadel or castle; esp. the citadel of Athens. [Gr. akros and polis, city.] — Ac'ropoll- tan, a. Pert, to, etc. Across, a-kros', prep. From side to side of; quite I over; in a direction opposed to the length of. — adv. I From side to side; crosswise, [a, on, and cross.] Acrostic, a-kroslik, re. A composition, usually in | verse, in which the first or the last letter of every line, or of every word, read collectively, form a name or sentence. — a. Of or pert, to, etc. [Gr. akrostichon, fr. akros and stichos, line.] — Acros'- tically, adv. Acrotism, aklo-tizm, n. (Med.) A defect of pulsa- tion. [Gr. a priv. and krotos, the pulse.] Act, v. i. To exert power: to be in action or motion ; to behave or conduct; to demean one's self. — v. t. To perform, esp. on the stage ; to feign ; to assume the office or character of. — re. That which is done or doing; deed; a decree, edict, law, judgment, etc.; any instrument in writing to verify facts ; one of the principal divisions of a play ; a state of reality, or real existence, as opposed to a possible existence; a state of preparation. [L. agere, actum, to put in motion.] — Acting, p. a. Discharging the duties of another. — n. The performance of an assumed part. — Action, ak'shun, re. Exertion of power, or the effect of power exerted; motion produced; agency; thing done; a deed ; conduct ; demeanor ; series of events forming the subject of a play, poem, etc. (Orat.) Gesticulation. (Law.) A suit or process. (Com.) A share in the stock of a company. (Paint. Sf Sculp.) The position of the several parts of the Aculeate Stem. body. (Mil.) An engagement between troops. — Ac'tionable, a. (Law.) .Liable to a suit. — Ac'tion- ably, adv. — Ac'tionary, -tionist, re. (Com.) A stock- holder in a company. — Active, -iv, a. Having the power or quality of acting; engaged in action; ener- getic ; busy ; practical. (Gram.) Expressing ac- tion or transition of action from an agent to an ob- ject. — Actively, adv. — Actlveness, Activity, re. — Actor, akfer, n. One who acts ; esp. on the stage. — Actless, n. A female actor — Acfual. a. • Existing in act; real: carried out, — opp. to potential, virtual, theoretical, etc.; existing at present. — Act'- ually, adv. — Actuality, Act'ualness, re. — Act'ual- ist, n. One who considers actually existing facts or conditions, — opp. to idealist — Act'ualize. v.t. To make actual. — Actualization, n. — Acfuary, n. A registrar; a manager of a joint-stock company, esp. of an insurance company. — Act'uate. v. t. To put into action; incite to action. — Acfuation, n. Actinia, ak-tin'Y-a, n.: pi. Acti.vI.*:, -i-e. The sea- anemone, which has ray-like tentacles surrounding its mouth. [Gr. aktis, aktinos, a ray.] — Actin'iform, a. Having a radiated form. [L. forma, form.] Actinism, ak'tin-izm, n. A property in the solar rays which produces chemical changes, as in photog- raph}'. [Gr. aktis.] — Actinic, a. Of or pert, to, etc. — Actin'ograph, -graf, re. An instrument for re- cording variations in the actinic force of sunlight — Actin'ogram, n. The record made by an actino- graph. [Gr. graphein, to describe.] — Actinom / eter, n. An instrument for measuring the intensity of actinic rays. [Gj. metrov, measure.] Aculeate, a-kule-at, a. (Hot.) Having sharp points; pointed; — used of prickles fixed in the bark, opp. to thorns growing from the wood. [L. acu- leus, dim. of acus, nee- dle.] Acumen, a-ku'men, n. Quickness of perception or discernment; penetration of mind ; acuteness ; per- spicuity. [L., fr. acuere, to sharpen, fr. acus.] — Acu'minate. v. t. To render sharp or keen. — v.t. To end in a sharp point. — o. Having a long, taper- ing point. — Acu'minous, a. Acuminate. — Acu'- minalion, n. A sharpening ; termination in, etc. Acupression, ak'u-presh'un, Acupres'sure, -presh'er, n. (Surg.) The arresting of hemorrhage from an artery, etc. , by passing a needle through the wounded vessel. [L. acus and premere, pressum, to press.] — Acupuncture, -punk'chur, n. (Med.) The intro- duction of needles into the living tissues for reme- dial purposes. [L. pungere, punctum, to prick. J Acute, a-kuf, a. Sharp at the end ; pointed ; having nice discernment: shrewd: having quick sensibility; high, or shrill. (Med.) Having symptoms of sever- ity, and coming speedily to a crisis; — opp. to chronic. [L. acut us.] — Acutely, adv. — Acuteliess, n. Adage, ad'ej, n. A saying which has obtained credit by long use; maxim: proverb; aphorism. [F.] Adagio, a-da/io, a. (Mas.) Slow ; moving leisurely and gracefully. — n. A piece of slow music. [It.J Adamant, ad'a-mant, n. A stone imagined to be of impenetrable hardness ; — hence a diamond or other very hard substance. [Gr. adamas, -mantos, very hard stone or metal, fr. a priv. and daman, to tame, subdue.] — Ad'amante'an, -manline, -tin, a. Hard as, or made of, etc. — Adamantine spar. A very- hard variety of corundum. — Adamanloid, re. A diamond-like crystal, bounded by forty-eight equal triangles. Adam's-apple, ad-'amz-np'pl, n. A species of citron, also of banana; the projection formed by the thy- roid cartilage in the neck. Adansonia, ad-an-solil-a, n. The African calabash- tree-- baobab. . , , Adapt, a-dapt r , v. t. To make fit or suitable; to suit; adjust; attune. [L. ad and aptare, to fit.] — Adapt- able, a. Capable of being adapted. — Adaptabil- ity, Adapfableness, n. — Adaptation, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Adapfer, n„. One who adapts. (Chem.) A receiver with two necks ; an adopter. Add, ad, v. t. To join or unite, as one sum to another; to subjoin, annex. [L. ad and dare, to put, give.] — Ad'dible, -dable, a. — Addibillty, n. — Ad'ditive, -tiv, a. Addible. — Ad'der, re. One who or that which adds ; an adding machine, abacus. — Addi- tion, -dish'un, n. Act of adding: thing added; in- crease; augmentation. (Math.) The branch of arith- metic which treats of adding numbers. (3Ius.) A dot beside a note showing that its sound is to be ftm, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Tn, Ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; ADDER ADMONISH lengthened one half. (Law.) A title annexed to a man's name. — Addi'tional, a. Added ; more. — Additionally, ac/e. — Addendum, n.; pi. Adden- da, -da. A thing to be added; an appendix. [L.] Adder, ad'der, n. A venomous serpent. [AS. ietlor.] Addict, ad-dikt', v. t. To apply habitually; to ac- custom; to devote. [L. ad and dicere, dictum, to Bay.] — Addict'edness, Addiction, -dik'shun, n. Addle, ad'dl, a. Putrid; corrupt; producing nothing; barren. — v. t. To make addle, corrupt, or morbid. [AS. adela, mud.] Addres3, ad-dres', v. t. [addressed (-dresf), -dress- ing. J To prepare or make ready; to direct words or discourse to; to apply to by speech, petition, etc.; to direct in writing, as a letter; to woo. (Com.) To consign to another, as agent or factor. — re. A formal application, speech, discourse, etc. ; manner of speak- ing; skill; dexterity; tact; direction of a letter, or the name, title, and residence of the person ad- dressed. In plu., attention in the way of courtship. [F. adresser, fr. L. dirigere, directum, to direct.] Adduce, ad-dus', v. t. [adduced (-dust'), -ducing.] - To bring forward, present, cite, quote. [L. ad and ducere, ductum, to lead.] — Addu'cent, Adduc'tive, a. Bringing forward or together. — Adduc'tion, n. Act of, etc. — Adducible, -dus'I-bl. a. Capable of being, etc. — Adduc'tor, -ter, re. (Anal.) A muscle which draws one part of the body toward another. Adenology, ad-e-nol'o-jT, n. (Anat.) The doctrine of the glands, their nature, and uses. [Gr. ad en, gland, and logos, discourse.] — Adenog'raphy, n. A treatise on the glands. [Gr. graphein, to write.] — Adenot'- omy, n. Dissection of, etc. [Gr. temnein, to cut.] — Ad'enose, -nds, -nous, -nus, a. Gland-like. — Adeni'tis, n. Inflammation of the lymphatic glands. Adept, a-dept', a. Well-skilled; completely versed; proficient, —n. One who is adept in any art. [L. adipisci, adeptum, to arrive at.] Adequate, ad'e-kwat, a. Equal, proportionate, or cor- respondent ; fully sufficient ; requisite. [L. adse- qudre, adsequatum, to make equal to.] — Adequate- ly, adv. — Ad'equateness, Ad'equacy, -kwa-sf, n. Adfected. See Affected, under Affect. Adhere, ad-her', v. i. [adhered (-herd'), -hering.] To stick fast or cleave; to become united; to be at- tached or devoted, abide by. [L. ad and hserere, to stick.] — Adher'ence, Adher'ency, n. Quality or state of adhering; steady attachment. — Adher'ent, a. United with or to; sticking. — n. One who cleaves to or supports some person or cause ; partisan ; follower. — Adherently, adv. — Adhesion, -he'- zhun, n. Act or state of sticking; the force with which distinct bodies adhere when their surfaces are brought in contact. — Adhesive, -he'siv, a. Sticky; tenacious, as glutinous substances. — Adhe'sively, adv. — Adhe'siveness, n. Quality of adhering. (Phren.) The organ supposed to be the seat of a tendency to social or personal attachment. Adhortatory, ad-h6r'ta-to-rY, a. Containing counsel or warning. [L. ad and hortari, to incite.] Adieu, a-du', adv. Good-by; farewell. — n. A fare- well. [F. a Dieu, (I commit you) to God.] Adipose, ad'T-pos, Ad'ipous, -pus, a. Pert, to, or consisting of, animal fat ; fatty. [LL. adiposus, fr. adeps, fat.] — Ad'ipocere, -ser, re. A soft, unc- tuous, waxy substance, into which animal flesh is changed by immersion in water or spirit, or by burial in moist places. [L. adeps and cera, wax.] — Adipocerous, -pos'Sr-us, a. Of or pert, to, etc. — Adipocerate, -pos'er-at, v. t. To convert into, etc. — Adi'pocera'tion, re. — AdTpocer'iform, a. Having the appearance of, etc. [L. forma, form.] Adit, ad'it, re. A horizontal or inclined entrance into a mine; a drift; passage; approach. [L. ad and ire, itum, to go.] Adjacent, ad-ja'sent, a. Lying near to; contiguous, but not touching. [L. ad and jacere, to lie".] — Ad- ja'cently, adv. — Adja'cency, n. State of being, etc. Adjective, ad'jek-tiv, n. (Gram.) A word used with a substantive, to describe, limit, or define it, or to denote some property of it. [L. adjectivum, fr. ad and jacere, to throw.] — Ad'jectively, adv. — Ad- jectival, -ti'val or ad'jek-tiv-al, a. Pert, to, etc. Adjoin, ad-join', v. t. [adjoined (-joind'), -joining.] 'lo join or unite to. — v. i. To be contiguous, in contact, or very near. [L. ad and jungere, junctum, to join.] — Adjunct, ad'junkt, n. An appendage; a colleague. — a. Added ; united. — Adjunct'ly, adv. — Adjunc'tion, re. Act of joining; thing joined.— Adjunc'tive, -tiv, a. Joining ; tending to join. — n. One who. or that, whie.h. pie. — Adjunc'tively, adv. One who, or that which, etc.- Adjutant. Adjourn, ad-je"rn', v. t. [adjourned (-jernd'), -jourx- ing.] To put off to another time; to postpone; de- fer; prorogue. — v. i. To suspend business for a time ; to close the session of a public body. [F. ajourner, ix.jour, day.] — Adjourn'ment, n. Act of adjourning ; postponement ; the interval during which business is suspended. Adjudge, ad-juj', v. t. [adjudged (-jujd'), -judging.] To award or decree ; to sentence. [OF. ajuger, fr. L. ad and judicare, to judge.] — Adjudg'ment, n. — Adjudicate, ad-joo'di-kat. v. t. To try and de- termine; to adjudge. — Adju'dica'tion, n. Act of ad- judicating; sentence; judgment; decision. Adjunct. See under Adjoin. Adjure, ad-joor', v. 1. [adjured (-joord'), -juring.] To charge, command, or entreat solemnly, as if under oath. [L. ad aiuLjurare,juratum, to swear.] — Adjura'tion, n. Act of adjuring; the form of oath. — Adjur'er, n. One who, etc. Adjust, ad-just', v. t. To make exact or conforma- ble ; to fit, regulate, set right. [L. ad and Justus, right.] — Adjust'er, n. — Adjust'able, a. — Adjust'- ment, n. Act of, etc.; arrangement: settlement. Adjutant, ad'joo-tant, n. A military officer who as- sists the commanding officer in issuing orders, keeping records, etc. ; a large species of stork, found in India. [L. ad and juvare, jntum, to help.] — Ad'jutancy, n. Of- fice of_:m_adjutant. — Adju'- tor, -joc'ter, n. A helper. — Ad- ju'tfix, n. A female helper. — Ad'juvant, a. Helping. — n. An assistant. (Med.) A remedy. Admeasure, ad-mezh'6t>r, v. t. [admeasured (-mezh'dord), -measuring.] To take the dimensions of; to apportion. — Admeas'urement, -6t>r- ment, Admen'sura'tion, n. Act or process of, etc.; di- mensions. — Admeas'urer, n. One who, etc. Administer, ad-min'is-ter, v. t. [administered (-terd), -tering.] To manage; to dispense; to give or tender. (Law.) To settle, as an estate. — v.i. To contribute; to bring aid. (Law.) To perform the office of ad- ministrator. [L. ad and ministrare, -tratum, to serve.] — Admin'iste'rial, a. Pert, to admistration. — Admin'istrable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Ad- min'istra'tion, n. The act of administering ; the executive part of the government; distribution; the persons collectively intrusted with executing laws and superintending public affairs. (Law.) Manage- ment of the estate of one deceased. — Admin'istra'- tive, -tiv, a. Administering. — Admin'istra' tor, n. — Admin'istra'torship, n. Office of, etc. — Admin'- istra'trix, re. A woman who administers. Admiral, ad'mf-ral, n. A naval officer of the highest rank; the ship which carries him. [Ar. amir-al-bdhr, commander of the sea.] — Ad'miralship, n. Office of, etc. — Ad'miralty, n. The body of officers who manage naval affairs ; the building where they transact business. — Courts of admiralty. Courts having cognizance of maritime questions. Admire, ad-mir', v. t. [admired (-mird'), -miring.] To regard with wonder or surprise, mingled with approbation, reverence, or affection; to estimate or prize highly, — v. i. To wonder; to marvel. [L. ad and mirari, to wonder.] — Admir'er, n. One who admires; a lover. — Ad'mirable, -mT-ra-hl, a. Worthy of admiration; rare; excellent; surpassing. — Ad'mirably, adv. — Ad'mira'tion, n. Wonder ; esp. wonder mingled with esteem, love, etc. Admit, ad-mit', v. t. To grant entrance to; to receive as true; to concede, allow; to be capable of. [L. ad and miftere, missum, to allow to go.] — Admit'tedly, adv. Confessedly. — Admit'tance, re. Act of ad- mitting. (Law.) The giving possession of property. — Admis'sible, -sT-bl, a. Worthy of being admitted. — Admis'sibil'ity, re. Quality of, etc. — Admis'sive, -siv, a. Conceding. —Admission, -mish'un, re. Act of admitting; permission to enter; access; the grant- ing of a position not fully proved. Admix, ad-miks', v. t. To mingle with something else. [L. ad and miscere, mixtum, to mix,] — Admixtion, -miks'chun, re. A mingling of bodies. — Admix'- ture, -chot>r, re. A mixing; what is mixed. Admonish, ad-mon'ish, v. t. [admonished (-isht), sun, cube, full : moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. ADNASCENT 8 ADYTUM -isiiing.] To reprove gently; to counsel against wrong; to instruct, warn, advise. [L. ad and monere, to remind, fr. mens, mind.] — Admon/isher, Ad- monition, -nish/un, n. Gentle reproof; advice. — Admon'itive, -T-tiv, -itory, a. Containing admoni- tion. — Admon'itively, adv. — Admonitor, -ter, n. One who admonishes. Adnascent, ad-nas'ent, a. Growing to or on some- thing else. [L. adnasci, adnatus, to grow to or on.] — Ad'nate, -nat, a. {Bot.) Growing close to a stem. Ado, a-doo". n. Bustle; trouble; labor; difficulty. ^Pre- fix a, for to, and do.] Adobe, a-do'ba, w. An unburnt, sun-dried brick. [Sp.] Adolescent, ad-o-les'ent, a. Growing; advancing from childhood to maturity. [L. ad and olescere, to grow.] — Adoles'cence, -ens, -cency, -en-sT, n. Youth; the years from 14 to 25 in men, and 12 to 21 in women. Adopt, a-dopf, v. t. To select and take as one's own when not so before. [L. ad and optare, to choose.] — Adopfer, n. One who adopts. (Chem.) A re- ceiver with two necks. — Adop'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; receiving as one's own what is not natural. (Theol.) Man's acceptance, through God's grace, on justification by faith. — Adopfable, a. Capable, or worthy, of being, etc. — Adoptive, -iv, a. Adopted; adopting. Adore, a-dor', v. t. [adored (a-dordO, adoring.] To worship with profound reverence; to love intensely. [L. ad and orare, to pray, fr. os, oris, mouth.] — Ador'er, n. A worshiper; a lover. — Ador'able, a. Worthy of, etc. — Ador'ableness, n. — Ador'ably, adv.— Adora'tion, n. Worship paid to a divine being; homage to one in high esteem. Adorn, a-dQrn', v. t. [adorned (a-d6rnd , ) 1 adorning.] To render beautiful; to decorate; embellish; set-off; ornament. [L. ad and ornare, to deck.] — Adom''- ment, n. Ornament; embellishment. Adosculation, ad-os'ku-la'shun, n. (Bot.) The im- pregnation of plants by farma falling on the pistil; a species of ingrafting. (Physiol.) Impregnation by external contact, without intromission. [L. ad and oscidari, to kiss.] Adown, a-down'.jwej:). Down; toward the ground. — adv. Downward. Adrift, a-drift / ', a. or adv. Floating at random; at large. [Prefix a and drift."] Adroit, a-droif, a. Possessing or exercising skill or dexterity; ready in invention or execution; expert; clever. [Fr. a droit, to the right.] — Adroitly, adv. — Adroit 'ness, n. Adry, a-dri', a. Thirsty; in want of drink. Adscititious, ad'sT-tish/us, a. Taken as supplemental; additional. [L. adsciscere, to take knowingly.] Adulation, ad-u-la'shun, n. Servile flattery; syco- phancy. [L. adulari, to flatter.] — Ad'ula'tor, -ter, n. A servile flatterer. — Ad'ulatory, a. Adult, a-dulf, a. Having arrived at mature years, or to full size and strength. — n. A person or thing grown to maturity. [L. adultus.] — Adulfness, n. Adulterate, a-dul'ter-at, v. t. To debase or make im- pure by admixture of baser materials; to contam- inate; to corrupt, —a. Tainted with adultery; de- based. [L. adulterare, f r. ad and alter, other.] — AduPtera'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Adul'terant, -terator, n. One who, or that which, etc.— AduPtery, n. Violation of the marriage-bed. (Script.) Violation of one's religious covenant.— AduPterer, n. A man guilty of adultery. — Adul'- teress, n. A woman, etc. — Adul'terine, -tn or -in, a. Proceeding from adultery. — n. A child born in, etc. — AduPterous, a. Pert, to, or guilty of, etc. Adumbrate, ad-um'brat, v. t. To shadow faintly forth; to typify. [L. adumbrare, fr. ad and umbra, shade.]— Adum'brant, a. Giving a faint shadow. — Adumbration, n. Act of, etc.; a faint resemblance. Aduncous, a-dun/kus, a. (Bot.) Crooked ; bent in the form of a hook. [L. aduncus.] — Aduncity, -dun'- sT-tT, n. Hookedness. Adust, a-dusf, a. Burnt or scorched; hot and fiery. [L. adustas.] Advance, ad-vans', v. t. [advanced (-vansf), -van- cing.] To bring forward ; to raise in rank ; to ac- celerate the growth or progress of ; to help on ; to offer or propose; to supply beforehand; to pay for others, in expectation of re-imbursement. — v. i. To move forward; to improve; to rise in rank, etc. — n. Act of advancing; approach; improvement. (Com.) Additional price or profit; a tender; an offer; a fur- nishing of something before an equivalent is re- ceived; money or goods thus furnished. — a. Be- fore in place or time; — used for advanced; as, an adrance-guard. [F. avancer, fr. avant, before, for- ward, L. ante.] — Advanced, -vansf, p. p. Pro- gressive; imbued with novel ideas. — Advance'ment, n. Act or state of, etc.; improvement; promotion; payment in advance. — Advan'cer, n. A promoter. — Advan'eive, -siv, a. Tending to, etc. Advantage, ad-van'tej, n. Any state, condition, etc., favorable to some desired end; superiority of state, or that which gives it; benefit; profit, — v. t. [ad- vantaged (-tajd), -taging.] To benefit, to pro- mote. [F. avantage, fr. avant.] — Advan'tage- ground, n. Ground that gives advantage; vantage- ground. —Advantageous, -ta'jus, a. Being of, or furnishing, etc.; profitable; beneficial. — Advanta'- geously, adv. — Advanta'geousness, n. Advent, ad'vent, n. A coming; approach; esp. the coming of Christ ; a season of devotion including four Sundays before Christmas. [L. ad and venire, ventum, to come.] — Adventitious, -tish'us, a. Added extrinsically ; accidental; casual. (Bot.) Out of the usual place. — Adventi'tiously, adv. — Adven'tive, -tiv, o. Accidental ; adventitious. — Adven'tual, -cho"6-al, a. Pert, to the season of Advent. Adventure, ad-ven'chcSor, n. Hazard ; risk ; chance ; an enterprise of hazard; a remarkable occurrence; a thing sent to sea at the sender's risk. — v. t. f ad- ventured (-chot>rd), -Turing.] To put at hazard; to risk; to run the risk of attempting. — v. i. To try the chance ; to dare. [OF. aventure, fr. LL. adven- tura, an adventure.] — Adven'turer, n. One who, etc. — Adven'turesome, -sum, a. Incurring hazard; bold. — Adven'turous, a. Inclined to adventure; daring; attended with risk. — Adven'turously, adv. — Ad- ven'turousness, n. Adverb, ad'verb, n. ( Gram.) A word modifying the sense of a verb, participle, adjective, or other adverb. [L. ad and verbum, word, verb.] — Adver'bial, a. Relating to or like, etc. — Adver'bially, adv. — Ad- ver'bialize, v. t. To give the force or form of, etc. Adverse, ad' vers, a. Acting in a contrary direction ; conflicting; unfortunate. [L. ad and vertere, versum, to turn.] — Adversely, adv. — Ad'verseness, n. — Adver'sity, n. An event or series of events attended with misfortune; affliction; distress. — Ad'versary, n. One who is opposed ; antagonist ; foe. — a. Ad- verse ; antagonistic. — Adver'sative, -tiv, a. Not- ing opposition or antithesis between connected prop- ositions; — applied to the conjunctions but, however, yet, etc. — n. An adversative word. Advert, ad-verf, v . i. To turn the mind or attention ; to regard, observe. [L. ad and vertere, to turn.] — Adver'tence, -tency, -ten-si, n. Attention; consid- eration. — Adver'tent, a. Attentive; heedful. Advertise, ad-ver-tiz', v. t. or i. [advertised (-tizd / '), -tising.] To inform or apprise; to make known through the press. [OF. advertir, fr. L. ad and vertere.] — Advertisement, -ver'tiz-ment, or -ver-tiz /, ment, n. Information ; public notice through the press. — Advertiser, -tiz^er, n. Advise, ad-vlz r . v. t. [advised (-vizd'), -vising.] To counsel; to give information to; to apprise; to ac- quaint, consult. — v. i. To deliberate ; to weigh well, or consider. [F. aviser, fr. L. ad and videre, visum, to see.] — Advis'able, a. Fit to be advised; expedient. — Advis'ably, adv. — Advis'ableness, n. Fitness ; propriety. — Advis'edly, adv. With full knowledge; purposely. — Advis'edness, n. Deliber- ate consideration. — Advise 'mont, n. Counsel ; con- sultation ; consideration. — Advis'er, n. One who, etc. ; a counselor. — Advi'sory, a. Having power to advise; containing advice. — Advice, ad-vis', n. An opinion offered, as worthy to be followed; sug- gestion ; information as to the state of affairs ; coun- sel; intelligence. Advocate, ad'vo-kat, n. One who pleads a cause; esp. one who pleads the cause of another before a tri- bunal. — v. t. To plead in favor of; to maintain by argument; to defend, support, vindicate. [OF. ad- vocat, an advocate, f r. L. ad and vocare, vocatum, to call.] — Ad'vocacy, -ka-sT, Advocation, n. Act of, etc.; intercession. Advowson, ad-vow'zun, n. (Eng. Law.) The right of presenting or nominating to a vacant benefice. [OF. advouson, Law L. advocatio, fr. L. ad and vocare.] — Advowee, -vow-e', or Advow'er, n. One who presents, etc. Adynamic, a'dT-nam^ik, a. (3fed.) Of weak vital powers; feeble. [Gr. a priv. and aunamis, power.] Adytum, ad'I-tum, n. ; pi. Ad'yta, -ta. (Arch.) A secret apartment, esp. the place of the oracles in an- cient temples. [L.] am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 2nd, eve, term ; In, Ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; ADZ AFFRAY Adz. Adz, Adze, adz. n. A carpenter's tool for chipping. [AS. aclesa.] jEdile. Edile. e'dil, n. An officer in ancient Rome who cared for public buildings, streets, public spectacles, etc. [L. sedilis, fr. xdes, temple.] jEgilops, ej'I-lops, n. An abscess in the corner of the eye. [Gr. aix, goat, and ops, eye.] iEgis, e'jis, n. A shield, esp. Mi- nerva's shield ; anything that pro- tects. [Gr. aigis, goat's skin, a shield covered with it.] JEolian, e-olY-an, a. Pert, to ^-Eolia or ^olis, in Asia Minor ; pert, to .l. (Naut.) The sails on the mizzen mast and its stays. — state, n. The future life. thought, -thawt, n. Something thought of after an act; later thought or expedient. Aga, a'ga, n. A Turkish commander or chief officer. [Per. ak, aka, lord.] Again, a-gen', adv. Another time: once more; in re- turn; back. —Again and again. Often; repeatedly. [AS. ongegn.]— Against, a-gensf, prep. Abreast of ; opposite to ; in op- position to; in prepara- tion for. Agalaxy, ag-a-laks'i, n. (Med.) lailure to se- crete milk after child- birth. [Gr. apriv. and gala, galaktos, milk.] Agama, ag'a-ma, n. A vegetable-eating lizard of Guinea. [Native name.] Agamic, a-gam'ik, a. Produced by the fe- male without the male. — Agamous, ng'a-mus, a. (Bot.) Having no Agama aculeata. visible organs of fructification. [Gr. a priv. and gamos, marriage.] Agape, ag'a-pT, n. : pi. Ag'ap.e, -a-pe. A love-feast, or feast of charity, among the primitive Christians. [Gr., fr. agapan",to love.] Agape, a-gap', adv. Gaping, as with wonder. [Prefix a and gape.] Agaric, ag'a-rik, n. (Bot.) A family of fungi, includ- ing mushrooms; an excrescence growing on the trunk of trees, used for tinder, in dyeing, and in medicine; touchwood. — Agaric mineral. A deposit of carbon- ate of lime. [Gr. agavikon.] Agate, ag'et, n. A precious stone, varietv of quartz. (Print.) A kind of type, larger than pearl and small- er than nonpareil; —in England called ruby. [Gr. achates, fr. the river Achates.] (J^^This line is printed in the type called agate. Agatine. -tin, a. Pert, to or resembling, agate. — Ag'- atize, -tiz, v. t. [agatized (-tizd), -irziNG.] To con- vert into, etc. — Ag'aty, -ti, a. Of the nature of, etc. Agave, a-ga've, n. A genus of plants ; the American aloe, or centurv plant, from the juice of which the liq- uor pidque is made. [F., fr. Gr. agauos, noble.] Age, aj, n. Whole duration of a being; the part of one's lif cprevious to a given time ; the latter part of life; legal ; maturity ; a particular pe- riod of time in history; the people of a particular period; hence, a = generation; a century : era. — v. i. To grow old ; to show marks of age. [F. age, OF. aage, edage, L. aetas.]— Aged, a'jed, a. Advanced in age; old; ancient. — n. pi. Old persons. — Agedly, a'jed-lT, adv. Like an aged person. Agendum, a-jen'dum, n. ; pi. Agex'da, -da. Some- thing to be done; a memorandum-book ; a ritual or liturgy. [L.] Agent, a'jent, n. A person or thing that acts or has power to act ; one intrusted with the business of an- other ; a substitute ; a deputy ; a factor ; an active power or cause. [L. agens, agentis. fr. agere, to do.] — A'gentship, n. The office of an agent; agency. — A'gency, a'jen-sY, n. Quality or state of, etc. ; instru- mentality: office or duties of, etc.; bureau of, etc. Agglomerate, ag-glom'er-at, v. t. To wind into a ball ; to gather into a mass. — v. i. To collect into a ball. [L. ad and glomerare, fr. glomus, ball.] — Ag- glom'era'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Agglutinate, ag-glu'tT-nat, v. t. To glue or cause to adhere ; to unite by causing adhesion. [L. ad and glutinare, fr. gluten, glue.] — Agglu'tina'tion. n. Act of uniting, or state of being united. (Lang.) Union of several words in one compound vocable. — Agglu'tina'tive, -tiv, a. Tending to unite. — Agglu'- tinant, a. Uniting. — n. A viscous adhesive substance. Aggrandize, ag'gran-dlz, v. t. [aggrandized (-dizd), -DiziXG.] To enlarge; to make great or greater in power, rank, honor, etc. ; to augment ; exalt ; in- crease. [L. ad and grandis, great.] — Aggrandize- ment, -gran'diz-ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Ag'grandi'zer, n. One who, etc. Aggravate, ag'gra-vat, v. t. To make worse, more severe, more enormous ; to enhance; to give an ex- aggerated representation of; to provoke or irritate; to tease. [L. ad and gravis, heavy.] — Aggravation, -va'shun, n. Act of, or that which, etc. ; exagger- ated representation: provocation ; irritation. Aggregate, ag'gre-gat, v. t. To bring together ; to collect into a sum or mass : to accumulate, pile. — a. Formed by parts collected. (Law.) United in one body corporate. — n. An assemblage of par- ticulars; sum total ; lump. [L. ad and grex, gregi% flock.] — Ag'gregately, adv. — Aggregation, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Ag'gregative, -tiv, a. Causing aggregation ; collective. — Ag'grega'tively, adv. — Ag'gregator, -ter. n. One who, etc. Aggress, ag-gres'. v. t. [aggressed (-gresf), -gress- ixg.] To make a first attack ; to begin a quarrel. — n. Attack. [L. ad and gredi, gressum, to step.] — Aggres'sion, -gresh'un, n. First attack ; act lead- ing to controversy: invasion; encroachment. — Ag- gres'sive, -siv, a. ' Tending to. etc. — Aggres'sively, adv. — Aggres'siveness. ».— Aggres'sor, -ser, n. am, lame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; AGGRIEVE 11 AIR Aggrieve, ag-grev', v. t. [aggrieved (-grevd'). -griev- ing;. J To give pain to; to afflict : to oppress or in- jure ; to harrass. [L. ad and gravis, heavy.] — Ag- griev'ance, n. Injury; grievance. Aggroup, ag-groop / ', V. t. To bring together, group. Aghast, a-ga^t', a. or adv. Struck with amazement; stupefied with sudden fright or horror. [AS. gses- tan, to terrify.] Agile, ajll, a. Quick of motion; nimble: lively; bri-k. [L. agihs, fr. agere. to act.] — Aglleness, Agility. a-jiKl-tT, n. Quality of being, etc. Agio, a'jT-o, n. ; pi. A'gios, -6z. (Com.) Difference in value between metallic and paper money, or be- tween different coinages ; premium : sum given above the nominal value. [It. aggio, agio, exchange, discount.] — A'giotage, n. Maneuvers of specula- tors to raise or depress the funds; stock-iobbing. Agist, a-jisf, v. i. To take another's cattle to graze. [OF. giste, place to lie down in. fr. L. jacere, to lie.]— Agisfment, n. (Law.) Taking and feeding of other s cattle ; price paid for such feeding. Agitate, aj'Y-tat, v. t. To move with a violent irreg- ular action ; to shake : to disturb or excite ; to dis- cuss earnestly; to consider on all sides ; to revolve, debate. [L. agitare, to put in motion.] — Agitalion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; perturbation of mind; discussion. — Agita'tive, -tiv, a. Having power or tendency to, etc. — Agita'tor, -ter, n. Aglow, a-glo', adv. Ilot; bright with warmth ; glowing. Aglutition, ag-lu-tish/un, n. (Pathol.) Inability to swallow. [Gr. a priv. and L. glutire, glutitum, to swallow.] Agnail, agonal, n. Inflammation round a nail; a whit- low. [AS. angnsegl, fr. ange, compressed, nsegKnail.] Agnate, ag'nat, a. (Law.) Related on the father's side. — n. A male relation by the father's side. [F. agnat, fr. L. ad and nasci, natum, to be born.] — Agnalion, n. Descent in the male line. — Agna'tic, a. Pert, to, etc. Agnomen, ag-no'men, a. A name added, among the Romans, in celebration of some exploit. [L.] Agnostic, ag-noslik, a. Professing ignorance : in- volving no dogmatic assertion ; leaving undeter- mined. — n. One who, etc. [Gr. a. priv. and gnos- tikos, knowing, fr. gignoskein, to know.] — Agnos''- ticism, n. The condition of neither affirming nor denying, on the score of ignorance. (Theol.) The doctrine that the existence of a personal Deity can be neither asserted nor denied, proved nor disproved, because of the limits of the human mind, or of the insufficiency of evidence, — opp. to atheism and to theism; also, the belief of a Christian sect of the third century, that God did not know all things. Agnus Dei, ag'nus del. (Rom. Cath. Church.) A cake of wax bearing the figure of a lamb ; also a prayer begin- ning with these words. [L., lamb of God.] Ago, a-go', adv. or a. Past; gone. [AS. agan, to pass away.] Agog, a-gog', a. or adv. Highly excited by eagerness after an ob- ject. [W. grogr, activity, fr. gogi, to agitate.] Agoing, a-going, p. pr. In motion ; going ; ready to go. Agony, ag'o-nY, n. Pain that causes writhing Agnus Dei. or contortions of the body, like those in athletic con- tests ; anguish; pang. [Gr. agonia, causing writhing, fr. agon, contest.] — Ag'onist, n. One who con- tends for the prize in public games. — Ag'onism, -nizm, n. Contention for, etc. — Agonistic, -ical, a. Relating to prize-fighting, or to bodily or mental contest. — Ag'onize, v. i. [agonized (-nizd), -si- zing.] To writhe with agony; to suffer anguish. — v. t. To distress; to torture. — Ag'onizingly, adv. Agrarian, a-gra'rY-an, a. Relating or tending to equal division of lands. (Bot.) Growing wild. —n. One who favors equal division of property. [L. agrarius, fr. ager, afield.] — Agra 'nanism, n. Equal division, etc. ; the principles of agrarians. Agree, a-gre', v. i. [agreed (-gred'), agreeing.] To harmonize in opinion, statement, or action ; to yield assent, come to terms, resemble. (Gram.) To correspond in gender, number, case, or person. [F. agreer, fr. gre, good-will; L. grains, pleasing.] — Agree'able, a. Suitable; in pursuance or accord- ance ; pleasing ; ready to agree. — Agree'abillty, Agree'ableness, n. Quality of being, etc. — Agree'- ably. adv. — Agreelnent, n. A state of, etc. ( Gram.) Concord of one word with another in gender, num- ber, etc. (Law.) Union of minds in a tiling done or to be done ; a bargain, compact, or contract. Agrestic, a-greslik, -tical, a. Pert, to the fields; un- polished; rustic. [L. agrestis, fr. ager, field.] Agriculture, ag1-T-kul-ch<3br, n. The art or science of cultivating the ground; tillage; husbandry. — Ag- ricultural, a. — Agriculturist, n. One stilled in, etc. [L. ager, field, and cidtura, cultivation.] Agrimony, ag'rT-mo-ni, n. A wild plant having yel- low flowers. [LL. agrimonia."] Agrin, a-grin', adv. In the act of grinning. Agriology, ag-rl-oKo-ji, n. The comparative study of human customs, esp. of men in their natural state. — Agriol'ogist, «. A student of, etc. [Gr. agrios, wild, fr. agros, field, and logos, discourse.] Agrostis, a-groslis, n. (Bot.) A genus of grasses; bent-grass; red-top. [Gr. agrostis, grass.] — Ag'ros- tog'raphy, Ag'rostol'ogy, n. A description of the grasses; that part of botany relating to the grasses. [Gr. graphein, to write; logos, discourse.] Aground, a-grownd r , adv. On the ground; stranded. Agrypnia. a-gripliY-a, n. (3fed.) Sleeplessness. — Agrypnotlc, a. Preventing sleep. — n. Anything which, etc. [Gr. agrupnos, sleepless.] Ague, a'gu, n. Chilliness; an intermittent fever, at- tended by alternate cold and hot fits. — A'guish, a. [F. aigu, sharp, L. acutus.] Agynous, ajl-nus, a. (Bot.) Having fecundating, but not fruit-bearing, organs; male. [Gr. a priv. and gune, woman.] Ah, a, inter j. An exclamation, expressive of surprise, pity, contempt, joy, pain. etc. [F., L.] —Aha, a-ha/, interj. An exclamation expressing triumph, contempt, or simple surprise. Ahead, a-hedl adv. Farther forward; onward. Ahoy, a-hoi', interj. A sailor's call to attract attention. Ahull, a-hul', adv. With the sails furled, and the helm lashed on the lee side. Ai, a'e, n. The three-toed sloth, named from its cry. Aid, ad. v. 1. To support, by furnishing means to effect a purpose or prevent evil ; to assist, succor, befriend. — n. Help; the person or thing that aids; an aid-de-camp. [F. aider, fr. L. adjutare, to help.] — - Aid'ance, n. Assistance; help. — Aid-de- camp, ad'de-kax, n. ; pi. Aids-de-camr, adz-. (Mil.) One who assists a general officer in his military duties L [F.] — Aid'er, n. — Aid'ful. -ful, a. Aigret, a'gret. Aigrette'', n. The small white heron; the egret; a tuft, as of feathers, diamonds, etc. (Bot.) The feathery down of a thistle. [F.] Aiguille, a'gweel, n. A sharp rock or mountain top. [F.,_a needle, fr. L. avicula, dim. of acus.] Ail, al, v. t. [ailed (aid), ailing.] To affect with pain, physical or mental; to trouble. — v. i. To feel pain; to be troubled. — Ail, AiKment, n. Slight disease; indisposition; pain. [AS. eglan, to painT] Ailantus, a-lanlus, n. A genus of trees, native of India and China; — commonly, but improperly, spelt ailanthus. [Malay, ailanto, 1. e., tree of heaven.] Ailurus, a-lu'rus, n. The panda, a carnivorous quad- ruped of India, similar to the raccoon. [Gr. ailouros, a cat.] Aim, am, v. i. [aimed (amd), aiming.] To point with a missive weapon ; to direct the intention or pur- pose. — v. t. To direct or point, as a weapon ; to di- rect to a particular object. — n. The pointing or directing to an object, with a view to hit or affect it; the point to be hit, or affected; intention; direc- tion ; end; endeavor. — Aimless, a. — Aimlessly, adv. [OF. sesmer, fr. L. sestimare, to estimate.] Air, ar, n. The fluid we breathe; the atmosphere; a gas, as, fixed air; a light breeze; look or mien. (Mus.) A melody or tune. — n. pi. An affected, vain manner, —v. t. [aired (ard), airing.] To expose to the air ; to ventilate. [E., fr. L. and Gr. aer.~\ — Airing, n. Exposure to air; an excursion in the open air. — Airy, arl, a. Pert, to, made of, or re- sembling air; high in air ; exposed to the air; un- substantial; frivolous; lively. (Paint.) Having the light and aerial tints true to nature. —Airily, adv. In an airy manner; gay ly.— Airiness, n. Openness to the air; levity ; gayety. — Air'bath, n. An ar- rangement for drying substances in air of any de- sired temperature. bed, n. An air-tight bag, in- flated, and used as a bed. bladder, n. An organ in fishes, containing air, by which their buoyancy sfin, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. AISLE 12 ALE [W. is regulated. — -brake, n. (Mach.) A contrivance for stopping the motion of car-wheels by the use of compressed air. — -brick, n. An iron box of the size of a brick, built into walls for ventilation. — -cells, n. pi. Cavities for air in the leaves, stems, etc., of plants ; minute bronchial cells, in animals ; air- sacs. — drain, n. A space round the walls of a build- ing, to prevent dampness. — gun, n. A gun discharged by the elastic force of air. hole. n. An opening for air; a hole produced by a bubble of air. — plant, n. A plant apparently nourished by air only; -an epiphyte. — -poise, -poiz, n. An instrument for ascer- taining the weight of the air. pump, n. A ma- chine for exhausting the air from vessels. sacs, n. pi. Receptacles for air in the bodies of birds, which com- municate with the lungs, and render the body spe- Air-pump. cifically lighter. shaft, n. A passage for air into a mine. — -tight, a. Impermeable to air. — trunk, n. Aventilating shaft, opened from the ceiling to the roof. — vessels, n. Vessels in plants or animals, which convey air. Aisle, II, n. (Arch.) The wing of a building; a lateral division of a church, separated from the nave by piers; a passage in a church, etc, into which pews or seats open. — Aisled, lid, a. Having aisles. [F., a wing, fr. L. ala.] Ait, at, Eyot, i'ot, n. A small island. [Icel. ey, island.] Aitiology, i-tY-oKo-jT, n. The doctrine of efficient, as opposed to final, causes. [Gr. aitia, a cause.] Ajar, a-jiir', adv. Partly open, as a door. [AS. an cyrre, on the turn.] Akee, a-ke', n. A tree of Guinea, transplanted to the West Indies and South America; its fruit. Akimbo, a-kim'bo, a. With elbow bent outward. cam, crooked, and E. boiv.] Akin, a-kin', a. Related by blood; allied by nature. Alabaster, aKa-bas-ter, n. (Min.) A compact variety of sulphate of lime, or gypsum, of fine texture. — a. Pert, to, or resembling, etc. [Gr. alabastron.) Alack, a-lak', Alackaday, a-lak'a-da, interj. Excla- mations expressive of sorrow. Alacrity, a-lak'ri-ti, n. Cheerful readiness; ardor; liveliness; promptitude. [L. alacritas, fr. alacer, al- acris, lively.]— Alac'rify, -rf-fT, r. /. To make lively. Alamode, al-a-mod', adv. According to the mode or fashion. — n. A thin, glossy, black silk. [F.] Alan tine, a-lan'tin, n. A starchy substance; inuline. Alarm, a-larm', n. A summons to arms; a notice of approaching danger; surprise with fear or terror; ap- prehension ; a mechanical contrivance for awaking persons from sleep. — v. t. [alarmed (a-larmd'), alarming.] To call to arms for defense; to fill with apprehension ; to disturb. — Alarmingly, adv. — Alarmist, n. One who intentionally excites alarm. [F. alarme, fr. It. a IV arine, to arms!] — Alarm' -bell, 11. A bell that gives notice of danger. — -clock, n. A clock made to ring at a particular hour. — -gauge, -gaj, n. A contrivance applied to boilers to show when the steam is too strong or water too low. - — post, n. A place to which troops repair in case of alarm. watch, n. A watch that can be set to strike at a particular hour. — Alarum, a-la/rum, n. Same as Alarm; —applied to a contrivance attached to a clock for calling attention. Alary, aKa-ri, a. Wing-like. [L. ala, a wing. ] — Alate. a'lat, A'lated, a. Winged; having expan- sions like wings. Alas, a-las', interj. An exclamation expressive of sor- row, pity, concern, or apprehension of evil. [F. helas, L. ah! and I ass us, weary.] Alb, alb, n. An ec- clesiastical vest- ment of white lin- en.— Alb - Sunday, n. Low-Sunday, the -q| first Sunday after Easter, when per- sons newly b a p- tized wore albs in church. [L. albus, White.] Albatross, al'ba-tros. n Albatross. A very large web-footed sea- bird of the Southern Ocean. [Pg. alcatraz.] Albata, al-ba'ta, n. German silver, an alloy of cop- per, zinc (or tin), and nickel. Albeit, awl-be'it, conj. Although; be it so; notwith- standing. Albelen, aKbe-len, n. A fish of the trout species. Albertype, al'ber-tip, n. A picture printed from a gelatine plate prepared by means of a photographic negative. [From Albert, of Munich, the inventor.] Albescent, al-bes'ent, a. Becoming white ; wivitish. [L. albescere, to grow white.] — Albes'cence, n. The act of becoming L etc. Albicore, aKbT-kor, n. A sea fish of the tunny or mackerel kind. [F.J Albification, al'bi-f l-ka'shun, n. Act of whitening, or making white. [L. albus, white, and facere, to make.] Albigenses, al / bT-jen / 'sez, n. pi. A party of reformers, who separated from the church of Rome in the 12th century; — so called from Albi, in Languedoc. Albino, al-bi'no, n. ; pi. Albi'nos. A person or ani- mal having preternatural whiteness of skin, flaxen hair, and pink iris. [L. albus.] — Albinism, al'bi- nizm,w. State or condition of, etc. (Hot.) A whitish condition of the leaves and other parts of plants. — Albinis'tic, Albinofic, a. Affected with albinism. Albion, aKbT-un, n. A poetic name of England, — from its white chalk cliffs. [L. albus.) Albolith, aKbo-lith, n. A kind of artificial stone. Albora, al-bo'ra, n. A kind of itch or leprosy. Albugineous, al-bu-jin' r i-us, a. Pertaining to the white of an egg, and hence to the white of the eye. Album, arbum, n. A blank book, for the insertion of autographs, photographs, literary memorials, etc. [L., a white tablet, fr. albus.~] Albumen, al-bu'men, n. (Bot.) Nourishing matter found in seeds. (Physiol.) A substance existing nearly pure in the white of egg, and its chief com- ponent. [L., fr. albus.] — Albu'menize, -Tz, v. t. (Photog.) To cover or impregnate with, etc. — Albumin'iform, a. Formed like, or resembling, etc. — Albu / minim' r eter, n. An instrument to ascertain the quantity of albumen in a liquid. — Albu'minum, n. (C7iem.) Substance of cells inclosing the white of eggs. — Albu'minoid, n. pi. A substance resem- bling albumen; a proteid. — Albu'minous, a. Pert, to, etc. Alburnum, al-ber'num, n. The white and softer part of wood next to the bark; sap-w T ood. [L., fr. albus.] Alcahest, Alkahest, al'ka-hest, n. A pretended uni- versal solvent or menstruum of the alchemists. Alcaid, al-kad r , n. In Spain, the governor of a castle, fort, or the like; a jailer or warden. Alcalde, al-kaKde, n. In Spain, a magistrate or judge. Alcedo, al-se'do, n. A perching bird; kingfisher. [L.] Alchemy, aKke-mi, n. Occult chemistry; an ancient science which aimed to transmute base metals into gold, find the universal medicine, etc. [Ar. al-kimid, Gr. chemeia, fr. cheein, to pour.] — Alchem'ic, -ical, a. Relating to alchem}^. — Alchem'ically, adv. — Al'chemist, n. One versed in, etc. — Alchemisf- ical, a. Alcohol, al'ko-hol, n. Pure or highly rectified spirits; ardent spirits in general. [Ar. at-Tcahdl or al-kohl, kahdl, fine powder of antimon}'. The meaning has been extended from "fine powder " to "rectified spirit."] — AKcoholate, -at, n. A salt containing, etc. — AlcohoKic, a. Pert, to, etc. — AKcoholism, n. (Med.) A diseased condition of the system, from continued use of alcoholic liquors. — Al'co- holize, v. t. To convert into alcohol. — Alcoholo- meter, APcoholom'eter, n. An instrument for de- termining: the strength of spirits. Alcoran. See Koran. Alcove, aKkov or al-kov', n. A recess, or part of a room, separated from the rest by a partition. [F., fr. Ar. al-qobbah, tent, vault.] Aldehyde, aKde-hid, n. A volatile liquid produced by the oxidation of alcohol. [From al(cohol), L. de, from, and hyd(rogen), i. e., alcohol from which hydrogen has been taken.] Alder, awKder, n. A tree or shrub of several varieties. [AS. air, L. alnus.] Alderman, awKder-man, n. ; pi. Al'dermen. A mag- istrate or officer of a city or town corporation. [AS. eah/orman, fr. ealdor, an elder. — Alderman 'ic, a. — Al'dermancy, Aldermanship, n. Office of alder- man. Ale, al, n. A liquor made from malt by fermentation; an English country festival, so called* from the liquor drunk. [AS. eahi.] — Ale-conner, -kon'ner, n. An inspector of ale-house measures. — hoof, -hot)f, n. 5m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; odd, tone, 6r ; ALEE 13 ALLAY Ground-ivy. formerly used in making ale, instead of hups. — house, n. A place where ale is retailed. — -wife, n. A woman who keeps an ale-house. Alee, a-le', adv. < Xuut.) On the side opposite to the side on which the wind strikes, [or, on, and lee, fr. AS. hied, shelter.] Alembic, a-lem'bik, n. A chemi- cal vessel, formerly used in dis- tillation. [Ar. alanbiq, a still, fr. Gr. ambix, cup, cup of a stiil.l Alert, a-lerf. a. Watchful i vigi- lant ; moving with celerity. — alcuidic. I 'j.on the alert. Upon the watch. — Alertly, adv. — Alerfness, n. Briskness; watchfulness; prompt- itude; nimbleness. [It. all', on the, and erta, erect.] Alethiology, al'e-thT-ol/o-ji, n. The science of truth and evidence. [Gr. aletheia, truth, and logos, dis- course.] Alethoscope, a-leth'o-skop, n. An instrument for viewing pictures by means of a lens, so as to present them in their natural proportions. [Gr. alethes, true, and skopein, to view.] Alewife, al'wlf, n. ; pi. AleIvives, -wivz. An Ameri- can fish resembling a herring. [Ind. aloof.] Alexandrine, al'egz-anHrin, n. A verse of twelve syl- lables, or six iambic feet; — so called from a French poem on the life of Alexander. Alexipharmic, a-leks'l-far'niik, a. That expels or resists poison; antidotal. [Gr. alexein. to keep off, and pharmakon, drug, poison.] — Alexiterlc, -ical, -terl-kal, a. Resisting poison. Alfalfa, al-falla, h. A perennial plant, allied to clover. [Sp.] Alga, al'ga, n. ; pi. Alg.e, al'je. A grand division of crvptogamic plants, embracing sea-weeds. [L.] — AUgoid, a. Resembling, etc. — Algol'ogist, n. One versed in , etc. — AKgous, -gus, a. Pert, to, etc. Algarot, aKga-rot, n. An emetic powder, prepared from antimony. [From Algarotti, its inventor.] Algebra, al'je-bra, n. (Math.) That branch of an- alysis which investigates the relations and properties of numbers by means of letters and other symbols. — Algebraic, -bralk, -ical, a. Pert, to, or performed by, etc. — Algebraically, adv. By means of, etc. — Al'gebraist, n. One skilled in, etc. [Ar. jabara, to bind together, consolidate.] Algid, aKjid, a. Chilled with cold. — AKgide, -jid, a. Characterized by great coldness, said of certain dis- eases. — Algidity, n. — Algiflc, -jiflk, a. Produ- cing cold. — AKgor, -g6r, n. {Med.) Unusual cold- ness; chill at the onset of fever. [L. algidits, cold.] Algorism, aKgo-rizm, Algorithm, -rithm, n. {Hath.) The art of computing in any particular way. [Sp. abjoritmo.] Alguazil, al-ga-zeK, 71. A Spanish officer of justice. Alias, ail-as. adv. Otherwise; otherwise called: — a term used in legal proceedings to connect the differ- ent names of a party who has gone bj' two or sev- eral, and w T hose true name is doubtful. — n. {Laio.) A second or further writ issued after one has expired without effect ; an assumed name. [L.] Alibi, aKT-bi, n. {Laiv.) When one on trial for crime shows that he was elsewhere when the act was com- mitted, he is said to prove an alibi; hence, the de- fense under which this proof is made. [L., else- where.] Alien, aKyen, rt. Xot belonging to the same country; foreign; different in nature. — n. A foreigner; a foreign-born resident of a country, in which he has not citizenship. [L. alienas, foreign, fr. alius, other.] — Alienability, n. Capacity of being alienated. — Alienable, a. — Alienage, "n. State of being an alien. — Alienate, v. t. To convey or transfer to another, as title, property, or right; to make indif- ferent or averse ; to estrange. — a. Estranged. — Al'iena'tion, n. {Law.) A transfer of title, or legal conveyance of property, to another. State of being alienated or transferred ; estrangement, as of the affections ; derangement ; insanity. — Alienator, -ter, n. One who, etc. — Aliene, al-yen', v. t. To oonvey or transfer, as property; to" estrange. — Al- ienee," al-yen-e r , n. One to whom a thing'is sold. — Alienism, aKyen-izm, n. State of being an alien. Alienist, aKyen-ist, n. A physician who makes a specialty of insanity. — a. Relating to insanity. [F. alieniste, fr. aliene" , insane, fr. L. alms, other.] Aliferous, a-lifer-us, a. Having winsrs. [L. ala, a wing, and ferre, to carry.] — Aliform, aKT-, a. Having the shape of a wing. [L. forma, shape.] Alight, a-lif. v. i. To get down or descend, as from '.11 horseback: to dismount; to fall or descend, and settle, or bulge. [AS. Uhtan. gcli/itan.] Alight, a-llt', a. Lighted; burning. Align, a-lin', v. t. [aligned (-lindO, aligning.] To adjust or form by a line, as troops. — v. 1. To form in line. — v. t. {Engin.) To layout the ground-plan, as of a road. [L. ad and lined, line.] — Align'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; line of adjustment. (Engin.) Ground-plan of a road. [F. alignement.\ Alike, a-llk', a. Having resemblance: similar; with- out difference. — adv. [AS. onlic, antic.] Aliment, al r T-ment, n. That which feeds or supports; food; support: nutriment. [L. alimentum, fr. alere, to feed.] — Alimenfal, -ary, a. Pert, to, etc. — AFimenta'tion, n. Act or power of affording, etc.; state of being, etc. — Alimentlveness, a. ( I'liren.) The organ of appetite lor food or drink. [See Phrenology.] Alimony, al't-mo-nl, n. An allowance made to a wife out of the estate of a husband from whom she is separated. [L. alimonia, fr. alere.] — Alimo'- nious, -nT-us, a. Affording food; nourishing. Aliped, all-ped, a. Wing-footed. — n. An animal having toes connected by membranes serving as wings, as the bat. [L. ala~ and pes, pedis, foot.] Aliquant, al r l-kwant, a. Xot dividing another num- ber without a remainder. [L. aliquantus, some, moderate, from alius, other, and quantus, how great.] Aliquot, aKl-kwot, a. Dividing exactly, or without remainder. [L. aliquot, some, several, aliquoties, several times.] Alive, a-liv', a. Having life; not dead: susceptible. Alizarine, a-liz'a-rin, n. A coloring principle in mad- der. [Alizari. Eastern commercial name for madder.] Alkahest. See Alcahest. Alkali, al'ka-lt or -IT, n. { Chem.) One of a class of caustic bases, which are soluble in water and alco- hol, unite with oils and fats to form soap, neutralize and change reddened litmus to blue. [Ar. al-gali, ashes of glasswort.] — Alkalify, al-kal'T-fi or al'ka- li-fi, v. t. [alkalified (-lid), -fying.] To form or convert into, etc. — v. 1. To become changed into, etc. — Alkaligenous, -lij'e-nus, a. Producing, etc. — Alkalira'eter, n. An instrument to ascertain the strength or purity of, etc. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Alkalim^etry, n L Art of ascertaining, etc. — AK- kaline, -lin or -lin, a. Having the qualities of, etc. — Alkalinity, n. Quality which constitutes, etc. — Alkalizalion, n. The act of rendering alkaline by impregnating with, etc. — Al'kalize, -liz, v. t. To alkalify. — Al'kaloid, n. {Chem.) A salifiable base existing in some vegetables as a proximate prin- ciple. — Alkaloid'al, a. Alkoran, aKko-ran, n. The Mohammedan Bible; a tower of a mosque in which the Koran is read. All, awl, a. Every one; the whole. — adv. Wholly; altogether. — n. The whole number, quantity, "or amount ; the total. [AS. eall, al.] — All in all. Every thing desired. — All along. Continually; regularly. — All that. A collection of similar things; et castera. —All-fools' -day. The 1st of April, when it is a custom to play tricks, or make fools. — All- fours. A game of cards, containing four changes. To go on all fours, to move on four legs, or on two legs and two arms or hands. — All -hail. All health; a phrase of salutation. — All-hallow, -hallows, -hal- lowmas. All-Saints'-day. — All-hallow-tide. The time near All-Saints'. — All-Saints'-day. The first day of November, a feast in honor of all the saints. — All-souls' -day. The second of Xovember, a Ro- man Catholic solemnity, when the souls of the faith- ful are prayed for. — Allspice. An aromatic berry of the West Indies. —All-sufficient. Sufficient for every thing. — All told. All counted; including the whole number. — At all. A phrase of enforcement or emphasis, signifying, in the least; under any cir- cumstances. Allah, alia, n. Arabic name of the Supreme Being. Allantoine, al-lanlo-in, n. A substance found in the allantoic fluid ; allantoic acid. — Allantoid, al-lan'- toid or allan-toid, Allantois, al-lanlois or allan- tois, n. A thin membrane, situated between the chorion and amnion, around the fetus. [Gr. alias, t, in the air.] Alone, a-lon', a. Apart from, or exclusive of, others; single; solitary, [all and one.] Along, a-longl 'adv. In a line with the length; length- wise ; in a line, or with a progressive motion ; onward; in company ; together. — prep. By the length of, as disting. fr. across. [AS. and, toward, and lang, long.] — Alongside, adv. By the side of a ship. Aloof, a-loof ', adv. At or from a distance, but within view; apart. — prep. At or to a distance from ; away from. [D. te loef, to windward.] Alose. alos, n. Tlie American shad. [F., fr. L. alosa.] Alouchi. Aluchi. a-lu'che, n. A compound resin ob- tained from Madagascar. Aloud, a-lowd"", ailv. With a great noise; loudly. Alow, a-lo', adv. In a low place ; not aloft. Alp, alp, n. Avery high mountain ; — esp. in the mountain ranges of Switzerland. [Celtic] — AK- pine, -pTn or -pin, AKpen, a. Pert, to or like the Alps; lofty. — AFpenstock, n. An iron-pointed staff used in climbing the Alps. [G. stock, a stick.] Alpaca, al-pak'a, n. An animal of Peru, having long, line, woolly hair; a species of llama; a thin cloth made of al- paca wool mixed with silk or cot- ton. [Orig. Peruvian name.] Alpha, alia, n. The first letter of the Greek alphabet, used to de- note first. (Astron.) Used to des- ignate the brightest star in a con- stellation.— Al'phabet, n. The letters of a language arranged in order. [Gr. alphaoetos, fr. alpha and beta, the first two G>eek let- ters.] — Alphabet, Alphabetize, -Iz, v. t. [alphabetized (-Tzd), range in the order of an alphabet. — APphabeta'- rian, n. A learner of the alphabet; abecedarian. — Alphabetic, -ical, a. Of, pertaining to, or arranged in the order of, etc. — Alphabetically, adv. Alphonsin, al-fon'sin, n. (Surg.) An instrument for extracting bullets from wounds. Alquifou, al'kT-foo, n. An ore of lead, potters' ore. Already, awl-red' 1, adv. Before this time; now. Alsike, al'sik or aKsek, n. A kind of clover. [From Alsike, a parish of Sweden.] Also, awVso, adv. or conj. In like manner; likewise; too; in addition to. [From oil and so.) Alt, iilt, a. or 7i. (Mus.) The higher part of the scale. [L. altus, high.] Altar, awller, n. An elevated place on which sacri- fices are offered to a deity; in Christian churches, the communion table. [L. altare, altar, fr. same root as alius.] — Al'taragei, n. Profits of priests from offerings. cloth, n. The covering of an altar. — -piece, n. A painting over the altar; entire decora- tion of an altar. Altazimuth, al-taz'Y-muth, n. An instrument at- tached to telescopes for taking azimuths and alti- tudes at the same time. See Azimuth. Alter, awller, v. t. [altered (-terd), -teeing.] To make some change in; to vary; to change entirely or materially. — v. i. To become, in some respects, dif- ferent; to change. — Al'tered, part. a. (Geal.) Ap- plied to strata that have been changed since their de- position by heat, moisture, etc. [LL. alterare. fr. L. alter, another.] — AHerable. a. Capable of being altered.— Al'terableness, -ability, n. — Al'terably, adv. — AHerant, a. and n. Same as alterative. — Alteration, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; change; the change made. — AHerative, -tiv, a. (Med.) Having power to restore the healthy func- tions of the body without sensible evacuations. — n. An alterative medicine. Alpaca. To ar- Altercate, aller-kat, v. i. To contend in words; to wrangle. [L. altercari, fr. alter.] — Alterca'tion, n. Warm contention; controversy; wrangle. Alternate, al-ter'nat, a. Being"by turns; one follow- ing the other in succession; reciprocal, n. — That which happens by turns ; vicissitude ; a substitute. [L. alternare, alternation, to do by_turns, fr. alter.] — Alternate, aller-nat or al-ter'nat, v.t. Toper- form in succession; to cause to succeed by turns; to change reciprocally. — v. i. To happen or to act by turns.— Alter'nately, adv. — Alternation, n. Recip- rocal succession. (Math.) Changes or alterations of order in numbers; permutation.— Alternative, -tiv, a. Offering a choice of two things. — n. That which may be chosen or omitted: a choice of two things. — Alternatively, adv. — Alter'nativeness, n. Quality or state of being, etc. (Biol.) Alternate generation; a form of reproduction in which development from eggs alternates with that from buds, the individuals arising in the two methods differing from one an- other; metagenesis. — Alter'nant, a. (Geol.) In alternating layers. Althea, al-the'a, n. ( Bot.) A genus of plants includ- ing the marsh-mallow and hollylrbcks. [Gr. althaia, fr. aliliein, to make to grow, "to heal.] — Altheln, n. (Cliem.) An alkaline substance existing in the marsh-mallow; asparagine. Althorn, alfhorn, n. A musical instrument similar to the saxhorn. [Alt and horn.'] Although, awl-tho', conj. Grant all this; be it so; suppose that; notwithstanding. Altiloquence, al-tiKo-kwens, n. Lofty speech: pomp- ous language. [L. ultus, high, and loquentia, a speaking.] Altimeter, al-tim , e-ter, n. An instrument for taking altitudes by geometrical principles. — Altim'etry, n. Art of, etc. — [L. altus and mefrum, measure.J Altisonant, al-tis'o-nant, -onous, -nus, a. High sound- ing; pompous. [L. altus and sonans, sounding.] Altitude, allT-tud, n. Height ; perpendicular eleva- tion above the ground, or above a given level. (Astron.) Elevation of a celestial object above the horizon. [L. altitudo, fr. altus.] Alto, alio, n. (Mus.) The part sung by the lowest female voices, between tenor and soprano ; in in- strumental music, the tenor. Altogether, awl / to-geth / er, adv. With united action; without exception; completely. [All and together.} Alto-relievo, aPto-re-le'vo, -filievo, -re-le-a'vo, n. (Sculp.) High relief; the figure standing out from the background. [It. alto rilievo.] Altruism, allrOo-izm, n. Regard for others; devotion to the interests of others; unselfishness; opp. to egotism. — AUruist, n. One who, etc. — Altruistic, a. [F. altruisme; L. alter.] Aludel, alli-del, n. A chemical pot open at each end, used in sublimation. [Prob. of Arabic origin.] Alum, allim, n. A double sulphate of alumina and potassa . [L. alumen.] — Aluminate, a-lulni-nat, v. t. (Engraving.) To wash with alum-water, to pre- vent lines from running. — Aluminlform, n. Formed like alumina. — Alulnina, -mf-na, Al'umine, -min, n. (Min.) One of the earths, having two parts of aluminum and three of oxygen.— Aluminifer- ous, -nifer-us, a. Producing or containing alum. — Aluminium, Alu'minum, n. The metallic base of alumina; a very light white metal, not easily oxid- ized. — Alu'minous, a. Pert, to, or containing al- um, or alumina. — APumish, n. Of the nature of alum. — APum-stone, n. A mineral containing alum. Alumnus, a-lumlms, n. ; pi. Alum'ni, -ni. A pupil; a graduate of a college, etc. [L., fr. alere, to nourish.] Alva, al'va, n. A plant of the pondweed order, dried, and used for stuffing beds and upholstery. Alveary, aKvY-a-rY, n. A bee-hive; the hollow of the external ear. [L. alvearium, fr. alvus, belly, bee- hive.] — Alveolus, al-ve'o-lus, w. ; pi. Alve'oli. A cell in a honey-comb; the socket in the jaw in which a tooth is fixed. [L., small cavity, dim. of alveus, fr. alvus.] — Al'veolar, -lary, a. Pert, to or resembling tooth-sockets. — Al'veolate, a. Pitted like honey- comb. — Alvine, al'vin, a. Pert, to the lower belly or intestines. Alway, awKwa, AKways, adv. Perpetually; regularly at stated intervals; invariably. [All and way, pi. ways.] Am, the first person singular of the verb to be in the indicative mode, present tense. Amacratic, am-a-kratlk, a. Pert, to a lens which unites all the chemical rays into one focus. [Gr. ama, together, and kratos, strength.] sun, cube, full ; moon, f fi&t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNbox, chair, get. V AMADOU 16 AMENDE Amadou, am'a-doo, >>. A spongy, combustible prep- aration of agaric growing; on old trees. [F., tinder.] Amain. a-man', adv. Violently; suddenly, (ydut.) Suddenly, or at once. [AS. a, maegen, strength.] Amalgam," a-iiial'iraiii. /;. A compound of mercury, or quicksilver, with another metal: a mixture of different things. [Gr. malagma, any emollient, fr. malussein, to make soft.] —Amalgamate, -gamize, v. t. To compound or mix. — v. i. To unite in an amalgam: to coalesce, as a result of growth. — Amalgamation, n. Actor operation of, etc.; esp. the process of separating gold and silver from then- ores by mixing them with mercury; the blending of different things or races. — Amalgamator, -ma'ter, n. A machine for producing an amalgam. Amanuensis, a-maii'ii-en'sis, n. ; pi. -enses, -sez. One who writes what another dictates, or copies what is written; a copyist. [L. a manu, by hand.] Amaranth, ain'a-ranth, n. (Bot.) A genus of annual plants, with flowers and foliage of various colors and leaves that last long without withering; an imaginary flower that never fades; a purplish color. [Gr. am- arantos, fr. a priv. and marainein, to wither. — Am- aranthine, -ranthln, a. Of or pert, to, etc.; not fad- ing ; purplish. Amaryllis, am-a-riKlis, n. (Bot.) A bulbous plant, with large, lily-like flowers of various colors. [Name of a country girl in Theocritus and Virgil.] Amasi, a-ma/sY, n. A preparation of soured milk used in Central Africa. Amass, a-mas', v. t. [amassed (a-masf), amassing.] To collect into a mass or heap; to accumulate, pile up, gather. — Amass'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Amassing, n. Act of accumulating; what has been accumulated. — Amass'ment, n. Accumula- tion. [LL. amassare, fr. L. mussa, mass.] Amassette, a-mas-set', n. An implement used by art- ists to collect paint on the stone. [F.] Amasthanic, am-as-thenlk, a. Uniting all the chem- ical rays into one focus, — said of a lens; amacratic. [Gr. ama, together, and sthenos, force.] Amateur, am-a-ter / ', n. One who cultivates a study or art, without pursuing it professionally. [F., fr. L. amator, lover, fr. umare, to love.] — Amateurish, a. Inclined to be an amateur. Amative, am'a-tiv, a. Full of love ; amorous ; ama- tory. — Am'ativeness, n. (Phren.) Supposed seat of sexual desire ; propensity to love. [See Phrenol- ogy.] — Amatolial, Am'atory, a. Relating to, in- duced by, or expressive of, love. Amaurosis, am-aw-ro'sis, n. (Med.) A loss or decay of sight, without visible defect in the eye, usually from loss of power in the optic nerve. — Amaurotic, -rotlk, a. _ Pert, to, etc. [Gr. amajiros, dark, dim.] Amaze, a-maz', v. t. [amazed (-rnazd'), amazing.] To confound with fear, sudden surprise, or wonder; to confuse with terror and astonishment. — n. As- tonishment ; perplexity. [Prefix a and maze.] — Ama'zedly, -ed-li, adv.— Ama'zedness, n. — Amaze''- ment, n. A feeling of surprise and wonder ; per- plexity from, etc.; admiration; confusion. — Ama'- zingly, adv. In an amazing degree. Amazon, am'a-zon, n. One of a fabulous race of fe- male warriors, on the coast of the Euxine; a warlike or masculine woman; a virago. [Gr., fr. a. priv. and mazos, a breast, from the fable that the Amazons cut off the right breast, to use weapons more freely.] — Amazo^nian, a. Pert, to or resembling, etc.; belong- ing to the River Amazon, or to the surrounding country. — Am'azon ant. (Entom.) A warlike spe- cies o± ants. — Am'azonite, -it, Am'azon stone. (Min.) A variety of feldspar, found near the Ama- zon River, also in the Ural Mountains in Siberia, and in Colorado._ Ambages, am-ha^ez, n. A circuit of words; a circum- locution. [L., fr. arnbi, around, and agere, to go.] Ambassador, am-bas'sa-der, n. An envoy of the highest rank sent to a foreign government. — Am- bassadress, n. A female ambassador ; the wife of an ambassador. [F. ambassadeur, fr. LL. ambax- iare, to announce.] — Ambassadorial, a. Pert, to, etc. — Am'bassage, -bassy, -si, n. Embassy. Amber, am'ber, n. A yellow fossil resin, rendered electric by friction. — a. Of, resembling, or of the color of, amber. [Ar. 'anbar.\ — Am'ber-pine, n. A tree producing, etc. — Am'ber-seed, n. Musk- seed. Ambergris, am'ber-gres, n. A fragrant substance used in perfumery, etc. It is a morbid secretion of the intestines of the sperm-whale. [Amber and F. gris, gray.] — Am'breine, -bre-in, n. The active principle of ambergris. — Am'breic, a. — Am'brite, -brit, n. A fossil gum-resin resembling amber, found in New Zealand. Ambidexter, am-bi-deksler, n. One who uses both hands equally well; a double-dealer. [L. ambo, both, and dexter, right (hand).] — Am'bidexterlty, -ter'- Tf-tT, n. Power of using, etc. ; double-dealing. — Am- bidexlrous, -trus, a. — Ambidex'trousness, n. Ambient, arn'M-ent, a. Encompassing; surrounding. [L. ambiens, p. pr. of ambire, to go around.] Ambiguous, am-big^u-us, a. Doubtful or uncertain, esp. in respect to signification. [L. ambiguus, fr. ambigere, to wander about irresolutely. — Ambig'u- ously, adv. — Ambigliousness, Ambiguity, n. Ambit, am/hit, n. Circuit or compass. [L. ambitus.] Ambition, am-Dish/un, n. Eager desire of preferment, superiority, power, etc.; aspiration; greediness. [L. ambitio, a going around, esp. of candidates for office to solicit votes.]— Ambi 'turns, -shus, a. Possessing, controlled by, springing from, or indicating, ambi- tion. — Ambilionless, a. — Ambi'tiously, adv. — Ambiliousness, n. Amble, am^bl, v. i. To move, as a horse, by lifting together the two legs on one side; to pace; to move affectedly. — n. Gait of a horse. [L. anibidare, to walk.] — Am'bler, n. A horse which paces. Amblyopy, am'bli-o-pi, n. Obscurity of sight; incip- ient amaurosis. [Gr. amblus, dim, and ops, eye.] Ambreine. See under Ambergris. Ambrosia, am-bro'zha, n. (Myth.) The food of the gods, which conferred eternal youth. (Bot.) A genus of plants, including rag-weed, hog-weed, etc. [Gr., fr. a priv. and brotos, mortal.] — Ambro'sial, -zhal, a. Of, or pert, to, etc.; delicious. Ambrosian, am-bro^zhan, a. Pert, to St. Ambrose. Ambrotype, am'bro-tip, n. A picture taken on a pre- pared glass, in which lights are represented in silver, and shades by a dark background, visible through the unsilvered portions of the glass. [Gr. ambrotos, immortal, and tupos, impression.] Ambry, am^brl, n. An almonry ; a pantry. [OF. armarie, repository for arms.] Ambsace, amz'as, n. A double ace. [OF. ambes, ambs, L. ambo, both, and ace.] Ambulance, am'bu-lans, n. (Mil.) A flving hospital to follow an army in its movements. [L. ambulare, to walk.] — Am'bulance cart, n. A vehicle, for wounded persons. — Am'bulant. a. Walking; mov- ing from place to place. — Ambulation, n. Act of, etc. — Am'bulato'ry, a. Able or accustomed to, etc. (Law.) Not fixed in its legal character, but capable of being altered, as a will. — n. Part of a building intended for walking in, esp. a place inclosed by a colonnade or arcade, as a portico. Ambury, am'bu-rT, An'bury, n. A soft swelling on a horse, full of blood. _[AS. umpre, crooked vein.] Ambuscade, am'bus-kad, n. A lying concealed, to attack an enemy by surprise ; a concealed place from which to attack ; ambush. — v. t. To lie in wait ; to attack from ambush. [It. imboscata, to set in bushes, fr. in and bosco, LL. boscus, a w r ood ; E. bush.] — Am'bush, -bciosh, n. Act of attacking, etc.; an ambuscade; troops concealed, etc. — v. t. [am- bushed (-bdosht), ambushing.] To lie in wait for; to surprise; to place in ambush. Ameer, Amir, a-mer'. _Same as Emeer, Emir. Ameliorate, a-meKyo-rat, v. t. To make better; to im- prove. — v.i. To grow better; to meliorate. [L. ad and meliorare, to make better.] — Ameliora'tion, n. — Ameliorative, -tiv, a. Producing, etc. Amen, a / men r (in singing pron. a/men')- An ex- pression used at the end of prayers, meaning, So be it. [Gr. and Heb.] Amenable, a-melia-bl, a. Liable to be brought to account or punishment; responsible; willing to yield; submissive. [F. amener, to lead to, fr. LL. m'inare, to conduct.] — Ame'nably, adv. — Amenability, Ame'nableness, n. State of being, etc. Amend, a-mendl v. t. To change for the better; to cor- rect, reform. — v.i. To grow better. [F. amende?; L. a, from, and mendum, fault.] — Amend'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Amend 'atory, a. Con- taining amendment; corrective. — Amend 'er, n. — Amend'ment, n. An alteration for the better; cor- rection of faults; reformation by quitting vices; in public bodies, an alteration in a bill or motion by adding, changing, etc. (Law.) Correction of an error in a writ or process. — Amends', n. sing, and pi. Compensation for loss or injury ; satisfaction ; equivalent. Amende, a-maxd', n. A fine or punishment; repara- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; odd, tone, 6r ; AMENITY 17 AMPHIPROSTYLE tion ; retraction. — Amende honorable, -on'o-ra'bl. Public recantation or apology for injury. [F.] Amenity, a-men'Y-tT, n. Agreeableness in situation, climate, manners, etc. [L. amarnus, pleasant.] Amenomania, a-men'o-ma^nt-a, n. A kind of insan- ity in which the patient has agreeable delusions. [L. amounts and mania, madness/] (Pathol. ) Absence [Gr. a priv., men, [L; Amenorrhoea, a-men'or-re'd, n of the menstrual discharge month, and rhein, to flow.] Ament, am'ent, n. (Bot.) A species of inflorescence consisting of a scaly sort of spike, as in the alder, birch, etc. ; a catkin. — Amenta''- ceous, -ta'shus, a. _ Producing catkins. "" Ament. [L. amentum, thong or strap.] Amentia, a-men'shT-a, n. Imbecility ; idiocy, fr. Gr. a priv. and L. mens, mentis, mind.] Amerce, a-mers r , v. t. [amerced (-mersf). amer- cing.] To punish by a pecuniary penalty fixed by the court; to punish, in general. [OF. amercier, to fine, L. merces, wages.]— Amerce'able, a. Liable to, etc. — Amerce'ment, n. {Law.) Pecuniary pen- alty inflicted at the discretion of the court. — A- mer'cer, n. American, a-mer'T-kan, a. Pert, to America, — esp. to the United States. — w. Native of, etc., formerly applied to the aboriginal inhabitants; but now to descendants of Europeans born in America, esp. in the United States. [From Amerigo Vespucci.] — Americanism, -izm, n. Word, phrase, or idiom pe- culiar to America ; regard of Americans for their country or its interests. — Americanize, -Iz, v. t. [-ized (-Izd), -izixg.] To render American. Americim, a-mer'I-sim, n. A South American liz- ard. Ametabolic, a-met'a-bollk, a. (Zobl.) Pert, to insects which remain wingless and undergo no evident met- amorphosis. [Gr. a priv. and metabole, change.] Amethyst, am'e-thist, n. A subspecies of quartz, of a bluish violet color. [Gr. amethustos, remedy for drunkenness, the stone supposed to have this pow- er.] — Amethystine, -in, a. Pert, to, composed of, or resembling, etc. — Amethysfoline, -lin, n. Vol- atile fluid found in cavities of the amethyst. Amiable, a'mt-a-bl, a. Worthy of love; deserving of affection; charming. [L. amabilis, fr. amare, to love.] — A'miableness, -billty, n. — A'miably, adv. Amianth, am'T-aiith, Amianthus, am'T-an-thus, n. {Mia.) An incombustible flax-like mineral sub- stance, which may be wrought into cloth and paper. [Gr. amiantos (lithos), unsoiled (stone), fr. a priv. and miaincin, to stain.] — Amianlhiform [L. forma, shape] and Amianlhoid [Gr. eidos, form], a. Re- sembling, etc. " Amicable, am'T-ka-bl, a. Harmonious in mutual in- tercourse; friendly; peaceable. [L. amicus, friend.] — Am'icabillty, Amlcableness, n. — Anu'cably, adv. Amice, amis, Amlct, n. A loose flowing garment worn by pilgrims. (Eccl.) A piece of embroidered linen, worn on the head like a hood, or on the should- ers like a cape. [L. amicire, amictum, to wrap about.] Amid, a-mid', Amidst', prep. In the midst or middle; surrounded by; among. [AS. a and middan , mid- dle.] Amidships, a-mid'ships, adv. Half-way between the stem and the stern. Amiss, a-misl a. Wrong; faulty; out of order; im- proper. — adv. Wrongly, etc. [AS. a and mission, to miss.] Amity, ani'I-tY, n. Friendship ; harmony ; good un- derstanding. [F. amilie', fr. ami, L. amicus, friend.] Ammonia, am-mo , n1-a, n. A volatile alkali of a pun- tent smell; spirit of hartshorn. [From sal ammoniac, rst obtained near the temple of Jupiter Ammon, by burning camel's dung.] — Ammo'niac, -niacal. -ni r - a-kal, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. — Ammoliiac, or Gum ammoliiac, n. (Med.) Concrete juice of an umbel- liferous plant, from Persia. [Gr. ammoniakon, gum said to distill from trees near the temple of Jupiter Ammon.'] — Ammo'niated, a. Combined with am- monia, — used of metallic salts. — Ammolric, a. Of, or pert, to, ammonia. Ammunition, am-mu-nish / un, n. Military stores for attack or defense; articles used in charging fire-arms and ordnance; as powder, balls, shot, etc. [X. ad, for, and munitio, defense, fr. mimire, to defend.] Amnesty, am'nes-ti, n. A general pardon of offenses against government. [Gr. amncstia, a forgetting, fr. a priv. and mimneskein, to remember.] Amnion, amlii-on, Am'nios. n. (Anat.) The inner membrane covering the fetus. (/Jot.) The cover- ing of the embryo of the seed. [Gr., fr. anmos, a lamb, so called from its softness to the touch.] Amoeba, a-me'ba, n. (Zobl.) An animalcule capable of numerous changes of form. — Amae'biform, Amoe'Doid, a. Resembling, etc. — Amoe'bous, -bus, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. [Gr. amoibe, a change.] Amcebsean, am-e-be'an, a. Alternately answering. [Gr. amoibaios, alternate, fr. ameibein, to chancre.] Among, a-mung', Amongst, a-iiningst', prep. Mixed or mingled with; associated with; making part of the number of. [AS. among, fr. gemang, mixture.] Amontillado, a-mon'til-la/do, re. A dry sheny. [Sp.] Amorous, am'o-rus, a. Inclined to love ; prone to sexual enjoyment; enamored; in love; of, or caused by, love. [L. amor, love.] — Am'orously, adv. — Am'orousness, n. Amoroso, am-o-ro'so, n. A lover. — adv. (Mus.) Lov- ingly; tenderly. [It.] Amorph, arn'orf, n. (Chem. and Min.) A body with- out crystalline structure. — Amor'phism, n. A state of being, etc., as in glass, opal, etc. [Gr. a priv. and morphe, form.] — Amor'phous, -fas, a. Having no determined form; of no particular character; anom- alous. — Amor'photae, -fo-te, n. pi. (Astron.) Stars not comprised in any constellation. Amortize, a-m6r1iz, v. t. (Law.) To alienate in mortmain. [LL. amortisare, fr. L. mors, mortis, death.] — Amortization, Amortizement, -tiz-ment, re. (Laiv.) Act or right of alienating lands to a cor- poration, considered as transferring them to dead hands, or in mortmain ; extinction of debt, esp. by a sinking fund. Amount, a-mownf, )'. i. To rise or reach by accumu- lation ; to come in the aggregate ; to be equivalent. — re. Sum total ; effect, substance, or result. [F. monter, to ascend, fr. L. ad and mons, montem, mountain.]_ Amour, a-moor', n. A love intrigue. [F., fr. L. amor, love.] Ampelite, am r pel-it, n. An earth used to kill insects on vines; also, alum-slate. [Gr. ampelos, a vine.] Amphibious, am-fibl-us, a. Able to live in the air and water; adapted for living, etc.; partaking of two na- tures. — Amphibiously, adv. — Amphiblousness, n. [Gr. amphi, on both sides, and bios, life.] — Am- phibia, -I-a, n. pi. {Zobl.) The class of reptiles which includes the saurians. — Amphibian, n. An amphibious animal. —Amphibian, -ial, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. — Amphiblolite, -lit, «. Fossil remains of an amphibiousanimal. [Gr. lithos, stone.] Amphibole, am'fi-bol, n. (Geol.) Hornblende, which is easily mistaken for augite. — Amphibolic, -bollk, a. [Gr. amphibolos, ambisruous. equivocal.] — Am- philrolite, -lit, re. Hornblende ; trap-rock. [Gr. lithos, stone.] Amphibology, am-fi-boKo-jY, n. A phrase, proposi- tion, etc., susceptible of more than one interpreta- tion. [Gr. amphibolos and logos, speech.] — Am- phibological, -loj'1-kal, a. Of doubtful meaning. — Amphib^olous, -lus, a. Capable of two meanings. Amphibrach, am'fi-brak, n. (Anc. Pros.) A foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short. [Gr. amphibrachus, short at both ends.] Amphicar / 'pic, -carpous, am-fY-car / pus, a. (Lot.) Bear- ing fruit of two kinds. [Gr. ampyhi and karpos, fruit.] Amphictyons, am-fiklY-unz, n. pi. A council of dep- uties from the different states of ancient Greece. — Amphic'tyonlc, a.— Amphic'tyony, -fiklT-o-nY, re. A league of neighboring states. [Gr. Amphikluones, prob. fr. amphiktiones, neighbors.] Amphigean, am-fij r e-an, a. Extending over all the zones of the earth. [Gr. amphi and ge, the earth.] Amphigory, am-fig'o-rT, n. Nonsense verses; a rig- marole, with apparent meaning, but really meaning- less. [F. amphigouri, Gr. amphi and guros, circle.] — Amphigorlc, a. Nonsensical; absurd. Amphilogy, am-fiKo-jY, n. Amphibology ; partial truth; a truth so stated that its opposite might seem equally true. [Gr. amphi and logos, discourse.] Amphimacer, am-fira'a-ser, n. (Anc. Pros.) A foot of three syllables, the middle one short, and the others Ion?. [Gr. amphimakros, long on both sides.] Amphipneusta, am-fip-nu'sta, n. pi. (Zobl.) Perren- nibranchiate amphibians, having both gills and lungs. [Gr. amphi and pnein, to breathe.] Amphiprostyle, am-fiplo-stll, n. . A double prostyle, or an edifice with columns in front and behind, sun, cube, full ; moon, fd6t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, get. AMPHISBiENA 18 ANALECTIC but not on the fides. — Amphip rosty'lar, a. [Gr. amphi and prostidos, with columns in front.] Amphisbana. am-fis-be'na. n. A kind of serpent which appears, from the thickness of its tail, to have two heads, and to be able to move in either direction. [Gr. amphis'uiina, fr. amphi and bainein, to go.] Amphiscians, am-fisb/Y-anz, Amphiscii, -fish/I-i, n. pi. (Geog.) Dwellers between the tropics, whose shadows are cast to the north, or to the south, ac- cording to the position of the sun. [Gr. amphis- kios, throwing a shadow both ways, fr. amphi and skia, shadow.] Amphitheater, -tre, am-fT-the / 'a-ter, n. An oval or circular edifice, having rows of seats one above an- other, around the arena; the highest gallery in a theater. — Am'phitheat'rical, a. [Gr. amphi and theatron, fr. theasthai, to see.] Amphora, am'fo-ra, n. An ancient two-handled earth- en vessel. [L., fr. Gr. amphi and phorein, to bear.] Ample, am'pl, a. Large in size ; of great extent or bulk: fully sufficient. [L. amplus.] — Am'plitu'de, -tud, n. State of being, etc.; extent of capacity or intellectual powers, or of means, or resources. (Astron.) An arc of the horizon between true east or west and the center of the rising or setting sun or star. {Gun.) The range of a l)ody thrown. (Magnetism.) The arc of the horizon between the sun or a star, at its rising or setting, and the east or west point of the horizon, by the com- pass. — Amply, adv. — Amplify, an/- pll-il, V.t. [AMPLIFIED (-fid), -FYING.] . h „ To render larger, more extended, or Am P nora - more intense. (Rhet.) To treat copiously. — v. i. To grow or become large; to dilate. [L. 'facere, to make.] — Am / plifica /r tion, n. — Am'pliative, -plT-a- tiv, Am'plifica'tive, a. Serving or tending to, etc. — Amplifier, -fi-er, n. Ampulla, am-pul'la, n. An ancient flask or bottle, having a narrow neck and big bel- ly; a drinking cup. (Bot.) A hol- low leaf. (Anat.) A dilatation in the semi-circular canals of the ear. [L-] — Ampullaceous, -la'shus, a. Bottle-shaped. Amputate, am'pu-tat, v. t. To cut off, as a limb. — Amputa'tion, n. [L. amb, about, and putare, puta- tum, to prune.] Amuck, a-muk', n. Act of killing; slaughter. — adv. Wildly; indiscriminately. — To run amuck: To rush out frantically, attaching all comers, as is done by fanatics in the East. [Malay, amok.] Amulet, am/u-let, n. Something worn to prevent evil ; a charm inscribed with mystic characters. [F. amidette, L. amuleturn, Ar. hamala, to carry.] Amuse, a-muz', v t. [aml*sed (-muzd'), amusing.] To entertain agreeably: to keep in expectation, de- lude, divert. \F.amvser.~\ — Amuse 'ment, n. That which, etc. ; pastime. — Amu'ser. n. — Amu'sive, -siv, a. Capable of, etc. — Amu'sively, -singly, adv. Amygdalate, a-mig'da-lat, a. Made of almonds. — n. An emulsion made, etc. [Gr. amugdalon, almond.] — Amyg'daline, -lin, a. Pert, to, etc. — n. A crj-s- talline principle obtained from bitter almonds. — Amyg'daliferous, a. Producing almonds. (Min.) Ap- plied to a geode with a movable kernel. [L.ferre, to bear.] — Amyg'daloid, n. A variety of trap-rock, with imbedded almond-shaped minerals. — Amyg- daloid'al, a. Resembling amygdaloid. [Gr. eidos, form.] Amylaceous, am-Y-la'shus, a. Pert, to starch. -Am'- ylene, -T-Ien, ??. A hydro-carbon of anaesthetic prop- erties. —AmyKic, a. Of or from starch. [Gr. amulon, starch.] An, a. Commonly called the indefinite article. It signifies one or any, but less emphatically, and is used before a vowel sound. [AS. an, ane, Goth, ains, L. units.'] An. conj. If. [OV«.] [See Axd.] Ana, a'na, n. (Mad.) An equal part of each. [Gr.] Ana, a'na. A suffix to names denoting a collection of memorable sayings. Thus, Scaligerana is a book of sayings by Scaliger. Sometimes used alone as a noun. [Neut. pi. termin. of L. adjectives in -amis.) Anabaptist, an-a-bap'tist, n. (Ecct. Hist.) One who denies the validity of infant baptism, and maintains Ampulla. that those so baptized ought to be baptized again. — Anabaptis'tic, a. — Anabap'tism, n. The doctrine of, etc. [Gr. ana, again, and baptizein, to baptize.] Anabasis, a-nab'a-sis, n. Lit., a going up; esp., Cvrus' invasion of Asia; a great military expedition. (Med.) The first period, or increase of a "disease. — Anabatic, a. [Gr. ana, up, and basis, going.] Anacathartic, an'a-ka-thar'tik, a. Exciting dis- charges from the mouth and nose. — n. A medicine having this property: — opp. of cathartic. [Gr. ana, upward, katharsis, purging.] Anachoret, Anachorite. See Akchoket. Anacharis, an-ak'a-ris, n. (Bot.) A fresh-water weed which obstructs navigation : waterweed. [L., fr. ana, as if for an priv., and charts, grace.] Anachorism, an-ak'o-rizm, n. A practice or expres- sion differing from the usage of the country in which it is employed. [Gr. ana, against, and' choros, a country.] Anachronism, an-ak r ro-nizm, n. An error in chro- nology, by which events are misplaced in regard to each other. [Gr. ana, against, and chronos, time.] — Anachronistic, a. Involving, etc. Anaplastics, an'a-klasliks, n. That part of optics concerning the refraction of light; dioptrics. Anaclisis, an'a-kle'sis, n. (Med.) Position taken by a sick person in bed. [Gr. ana, back, and Mine, be'd.] Anacoluthon, an'a-ko-lulhon, n. (Rhet.) Want of sequence in the parts of a sentence, when one part has a different grammatical construction from an- other. — Anacolu'thic, -thical, o. — Anacolu'thic- ally, adv. [Gr. an priv. and akolouthein, to follow.] Anaconda, an-a-kou'da, n. A large snake of the Boa family, which Jives in South America. Anacreontic, a-nak / re-on /r tik, a. Pert, to, or after the manner of, the Greek poet Anacreon. — n. A poem in praise of love and wine. Anacrusis, an-a-kroo'sis, n. (Pros.) A prefix of unac- cented syllables to averse beginning with an accented syllable. [Gr. ana, up, and krouein, to strike.] Anadem, an'a-dem, n. A garland ; fillet ; chaplet. [Gr. anadema, fr. anadein, to tie up, to wreathe/) Anadiplosis, an'a-dt-plo'sis, ??. (Rhet.) A repetition of words in a sentence or clause, at the beginning of the next. [Gr., fr. ana, again, and diploun, to double.] Anadrom, an'a-drom, n. A fish that periodically leaves the sea to ascend rivers. — Anadlo-mous, -mus, a. [Gr. ana, upward, and dromon, a running.] Anaemia, a-ne'ml-a, n. (Med.) Deficiency of blood in the system. — Anae'mic, a. [Gr. an priv. and haima, blood.] — Anaemotlophy, -it, n. Lack of nourish- ment in the blood. [Gr. trophe, nourishment.] Anaesthesia, an-es-the'zhl-a, Anaesthesia, n. (Med.) Entire or partial loss of perception; insensibility pro- duced by disease or by inhaling ether, chloroform, nitrous oxide gas, etc' [Gr. an priv. and aisthesis, feeling.] — Anaesthetic, a. Capable of rendering insensible by being inhaled; characterized by insen- sibility. — n. That which produces, etc. — Anaes'- thetize, v. t. To produce, etc. Anaglyph, an'a-giif, n. An embossed or chased or- nament, worked in relief, — when raised on stone a cameo, when sunk an intaglio. [Gr. ana, up, and gluphein, to engrave.] — Anaglyphlc, -ical, Ana glyplic, a. Relating to the art of carving, engra- ving, enchasing, or embossing plate. Anagoge, Anagogy, an'a-go-jT, n. An elevation of mind; mystical interpretation of the Scriptures; ap- plication to the New Testament of types and alle- gories of the Old: one of four modes of Scriptural in- terpretation, the others being literal, allegorical, and tropological. (Med.) Rejection through the mouth of Dlood from the lungs. [Gr. anagoge, fr. ana, up, and agein, to lead.] — Anagogetical, -jett-kal, Ana- gogical. -gojt-kal, a. Mysterious; spiritual. — Ana- goglcally, adv. — Anagdgics, -gojlks, n. pi. Mys- tical interpretations, esp. of the Scriptures. Anagram, an'a-gram, n. A transposition of the let- ters of a name, forming a new word. [Gr. ana, back, again, and gramma, a letter.] — An'agrammatlc, -ical, a. Pert, to, or making, an anagram. — An'a- grammatlcally, adv. — An agram'matism, n. Act or practice of, etc. — An agram'matist, n. A maker of, etc. — An'agram'matize, v. t. To transpose, so as to form, etc. — v. i. To make anagrams. Anagraph, an'a-graf, n. A commentary. [Gr. ana, up, and graphein, to write.] Anal, a'nal, a. Belonging to or near the anus or open- ing at the lower extremity of the alimentary canal. Analectic, an-a-lek'tik, a. Collecting or selecting; made up of selections. — An'alects, Analec'ta, am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Odd, tone, or ; ANALEMMA 19 ANCHOVY -lek'ta. ti. pi. A collection of literary fragments. [Gr. ana, up, and legein, to gather.] Analemma, an-a-lemlna, n. (Geom.) A projection of the sphere on the piane of the meridian: an in- strument of wood or brass, showing this projection of the sphere, and having a horizon fitted to* it. A tabular mark on a terrestrial globe, to notify the sun's declination on any day in the year. [Gr. ana- lemma, a support, fr. analambanein, to take up.] Analepsis, an-a-lep'sis, n. (Med.) Recovery; conva- lescence. [Gr., fr. analambanein.} — Analep'tie, a. Corroborating; invigorating; giving strength after disease. — n. Restorative medicine. Analogy, an-aKo-jT, n. A likeness in some respects, between things otherwise different. (Geom.) Equal- ity, proportion, or similarity of ratios. [Gr. ana, similar to, logos, ratio, proportion.] — Analogical, a. According to, or founded on, analogy. — Analogi- cally, adv. — Analoglcalness, n. Quality of being, etc. — AnaKogism, -jizm, n. Argument from cause to effect; investigation by analogy.— Anal'ogize, -jiz, v. t. To explain or consider by, etc. — Analogous, -gus, a. Correspondent. — Analogously, adv. — An'- alogue, -log, n. — Anal'ogon, n. A thing analogous to some other thing. Analysis, an-al'T-sis, n. ; pi. Anai/yses, -sez. A reso- lution of any thing into its constituent elements; — opp. to synthesis. (Chem.) Separation of a compound into its constituents. (Logic.) The tracing of things to their source; resolving of knowledge into its orig- inal principles. (Math.) The resolving of problems by reducing them to equations. [Gr. analusis, fr. analuein, to unloose.] —Analyst, an'a-list, n. One who, etc. — Analytic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or fond of, etc. — Analytically, adv. — Analytics, n. The science of analysis. — An'alyze, -hz, v. t. [ana- lyzed (-lizd), -lyzing.] To separate into component parts ; to resolve into first principles or elements. — Analyzable -lTz'a-bl, a.— Capable of being, etc. — An'alyzer, n. Anamnesis, an-am-ne'sis, n. (Rhet.) A recalling something omitted. — Anamnestic, -nes- tik, a. Aiding memor}'. [Gr. ana, again, and mnesis, remem- brance.] Anamorphism, an-a-mor'fizm, n. A progression from one type to another; anamorphosis. [Gr. ana, again, and morphe, form.] — Anamorphosis, -m6r1o-sis or -m6r-fo'sis, n. (Persp.) A distorted representation of an image on a plane or curved sur- face, which, viewed from a cer- tain point, or by reflection from a mirror, appears in proportion. (Bot.) A morbid or monstrous development, or change of form, or degeneration. Ananas, a.-na'nas, n. The pine- apple. [Malay, nanaz, ananas.'] Anandrous, an-aii'drus, a. ( Bot.) Without stamens. [Gr. a priv. and aner, andros, a man.] Anapaest, an'a-pest, n. (Pros.) A jk <*' i i k I ! <&A m 1 f . Anamorphosis. In Greek and Latin versification, a foot of three syl- ables, the first two short, the last long; in English versification, a foot having two unaccented syllables, followed by an accented one ; — the reverse of the dactyl. [Gr. anapaistos, struck back, i. e., a dactyl reversed or struck back, fr. anapaiein, to strike back.] — Anapaestic, -ical, a. Anaphora, a-nafo-ii, n. (Rhet.) Repetition of words at the beginning of two or more successive clauses. (Med.) Discharge of blood or purulent matter by the mouth. [Gr., fr. ana, up, and pherein, to carry.] Anaphrodisia, an-af'ro-dizh'i-a, n. Impotence; ab- sence of sexual appetite. [Gr. an priv. and aphro- disia, sexual pleasure, Aphrodite, goddess of love.] Anaplasty, an'a-plas-tt, n. (Surg.) The art of re- storing lost parts or the normal shape. — Anaplas'- tic, a. [Gr. ana, again, and plassein, to form.] Anapodeictic, an'a-po-dlklik. a. That cannot be shown; undemonstrable. [Gr. an priv. and apo- deiktikos, demonstrable.] Anaptotic, an-ap-totlk, a. (Gram.) Losins: inflec- tion, — said of languages which lose inflection, as the English. [Gr. ana, back, and ptosis, inflection.] Anarchy, an'ark-t, n. Want of government in soci- ety ; confusion. [Gr. anarchos, without head or chief, fr. an priv. and arche, beginning.] — Anarch, an'ark, n. Author of, etc. — Anarchic, -ical, a. Lawless. — An'archist, n. One who promotes, etc. — An'archize, -Iz, v. t. To create anarchy in. Anarthropoda, an-iir-throp'O-da, n. (Zo'61.) Annulose animals which have no joints or limbs, as worms. [Gr. on priv., arthron, joint, and pous, podos, foot.] Anasarca, an / a-sar' r ka, n. (Med.) Dropsy of the cel- lular tissue. — Anasarcous, -sark / 'us, a. Dropsical. [Gr. ana, throughout, and sarx, sarkos, flesh.] Anastasis, an-a-sta'sis, n. (Med.) A rising up from sickness; recovery; a translation of humors to a su- perior part. [Gr. ana, up, and histanai, to stand.] — Anastatic, a. Pert, to a method of printing from zinc plates, having raised characters. Anastomosis, a-nas'to-mo'sis, n. ; pi. -hoses, -mo'sez. Inosculation of vessels, or the opening of one vessel into another. [Gr., fr. anastomonn, to furnish with a mouth.] —Anastomotic, -motlk, a. Pert. to. or characterized by, etc., — n. A medicine designed_to open the mouths of vessels. — Anas'tomose, -moz, v. i. [anastomosed (-mozd), -mosing.] (Anat. $,- Bot.) To inosculate; to unite as by anastomosis. Anastrophe, a-naslro-fY, n. (Rhet.) Inversion of the natural order of words. [Gr., fr. anastrephein, to turn back.] Anathema, a-nath'e-ma. n. (Antiq.) An offering to a deity, hung in a temple ; a curse pronounced by ecclesiastical authority ; person or thing anathema- tized. [Gr., fr. anatithenai, to dedicate, from ana, up, and tithenai, to set.] — Anath'ematize, -tiz, v. t, [anathematized (-tizd), -matizing.] To denounce with curses. — Anathe-'matizalion, n. Act of, etc. Anatine, an'a-tin, a. Pert, to ducks. [L. anas, duck.] Anatomy, a-nat r o-mY, n. Art of dissection; science oi the structure of animal bodies; act of dividing any thing, to examine its parts; thing dissected; a skele- ton. [Gr. ana, up, and temnein, to cut.] — Ana- tomic, -ical, a. — Anatomically, adv. — Anafo- mism, -mizm, n. Application of the principles of anatomy, as in art. — Anafomist, n. One who dis- sects, oris skilled in, etc.— Anat'omizalion, n. Act of, etc. — Anafomize, v. t. [anatomized (-mizd), -mizing.] To dissect; to lay open the interior struc- ture of; to analyze. Ancestor, an'ses-ter, n. One from whom a person is descended; forefather; progenitor. [L. antecessor, he who goes before.] — Ances'tress, n. A female ancestor. — Ancestral, -seslral, a. Relating to, or descending from, etc. — An'cestry, -trt, n. A series of ancestors; lineage; birth or honorable descent. Anchor, ank'er, n. An iron instrument for holding a vessel at rest in water ; a firm support; that which gives stability or security. — v. t. [anchored (-erd), anchoring] (Niaut.) To place at anchor. To fasten; to fix t in a stable condition. — v. i. To cast anchor; to come to anchor; to stop; to fix or rest. [L. anchora ; Gr. angkura, fr. angke, a hook.] — Anch'orable, a. Fit for anchorage. — Anch'orage, -ej, n.Aplace where a ship can anchor; the anchor and all necessary tackle for anchoring; duty imposed on ships for anchoring in a harbor. — Anchored, -erd, a. (Heraldry.) Shaped as a cross with extremities turned back like flukes of an anchor; written also ancred and ancree. — Anch'or- ground, n. Ground suitable for anchoring. — hold, n. The hold which the anchor takes; security. — -ice, n. Ice at the bottom of streams, and thus anch- ored to the ground ; ground-ice. smith, n. A maker of anchors. — At anchor or Riding at anchor, said of a ship kept from drifting by the anchor. — To cast, or drop, anchor. To sink the anchor in the sea to hold the ship from drifting. — To cat tfie anchor. To draw it up to the cat-head. — To fish the anchor. To raise the flukes by an appliance called a fish. — To shoe the anchor. To cover the flukes. — To sweep the anchor. To drag for a lost anchor. — To weigh anchor. To raise it from the bottom. — Anchor comes home when it drags from its hold. — Bower anchor. One of medium size, carried at the bow of a ship. — Kedge anchor. One of small size. — Sheet anchor. One of the largest and strongest kind. Anchoret, ank r er-et, -orite, -It, n. A hermit; recluse. — Anchoretlc, a. [Gr. anachoretes, fr. ana, back, and chorein, to retire.] — Anch'oress, n. A female hermit. Anchovy, an- eho'vY, n. A small sea-fish of the herring Anchor. aa, stock; &, shank; cc, flukes; t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. ANCHYLOSE 20 ANGUISH family. [Sp. anchova ; Biscayan anchuva, dry.] — Ancho'vy pear. A West India fruit. Anchylose. an'kT-los, v. t. [anchylosf.d (-lost), -losing.] To unite or fix immovably; stiffen. [Gr. angkulowi, to crook, stiffen.] — Anchylo'sis, n. An immovable condition of a joint. — Anchylofic, a. Ancient, an'shent, a. Old; of former times; advanced in years ; pristine ; antiquated; obsolete. — re. pi. Those who lived in former ages, opp. to the moderns ; very old men. [F. anden, LL. antianus, fr. L. ante, before.] — An'ciently, -IT, adv. In old times. — An'cientry, -rY, re. The honor of ancienf lineage; gentry; aristocracy. Ancillary, an'sil-la-rY, a. Subservient or subordinate, like a handmaid. [L. ancilla, a female servant.] Ancipital, an-sip'Y-tal, a. (Bot.) Compressed, and forming two opposite angles, as a stem of blue- grass. [L. anceps, ancipitis, two-headed, fr. am, for amb, on both sides, and caput, head.] Ancony, an'ko-nl, re. (Iron Works.) A piece of half-wrought iron, bar-shaped in the middle, but un- wrought at the ends. [Prob. fr. Gr. angkon, elbow.] And, conj. A particle which expresses the relation of addition, and connects words or sentences. [AS.] Andante, an-dan'ta, a. (Mus.) Rather slow; less slow than largo, more slow than allegretto. — re. A movement or piece in andante time. — Andantino, -telio, a. Slow, but quicker than andante. [It.] Andean, an-de'an, Andine, an'din, a. Pert, to the Andes mountains. Andiron, and'i-urn, n. A utensil for supporting wood in a fire-place; a fire-dog. [AS. brand-isen, brand-iron, or £. hand-iron or end-iron.~\ Androgynal, an-droj'Y-nal, -ynous, -nus, a. Having both sexes; hermaphroditical; having mental char- acteristics of both sexes. (Bot.) Bearing both stam- iniferous and pistillii'erous flowers. [Gr. androgynes, fr. aner, man, and gune, woman.] Android, an'droid, Androi'des, -dez, n. A machine in human form, which performs motions of a man. — An'droid, a. Resembling man. [Gr. aner and eidos, form.] Androphagi, an-drofS-ji, n. Man-eaters; anthropo- phagi. — Androph'agbus, -gus. Inclined to canni- balism. [Gr. aner andphagein, to eat.] Anecdote, an'ek-dot, n. A particular or detached fact; incident; story; tale. [Gr. anekdotos, not pub- lished, from an priv. and ekdidonai, to give out.] — Anecdo'tal, -dot'ic, -dotlcal, a. Pert, to, etc. Anemo-dynamometer, an / e-mo-din-a-mom / 'e-ter, re. An instrument for measuring; the force and velocity of the wind. [Gr. anemos, wind, du- namis, force, and metron, measure.] — A n e myograph, -graf, n. An in- strument for regis- tering the force of the wind. [Gr. graphein, to write.] — Anemog'raphy, -ft, n. A description of the winds. [Gr. graphe, description.] — AnemoKogy, -jY, re. Doctrine of, or treatise on, etc. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Anemom'- eter, n. Same as Anemo-dynamometer.— Anemom'- etry, n. Measurement by means of an anemometer. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Anern'oscope, n. A weather- cock, esp. a contrivance for bringing down the indi- cations of a wind-vane to a dial below. [Gr. skopein, to view.] Anemone, a-nern'o-nY, n. (Bot.) A genus of plants of the crowfoot family; wind-flower. [Gr., fr. an- emos, wind, which strips off its leaves.] Aneroid, an'e-roid, a. Dispensing with the use of quicksilver. — n. A portable barometer, which dis- penses, etc. [Gr. a priv., neros, wet, and eidos, form.] Anetic, an-et'ik, a. (Med.) Lessening pain; ano- dyne. [Gr. anetikos, relaxing, fr. aneinai, to loosen.] Aneurism, an'u-rizm, re. (Anat.) A soft tumor, arising from dilatation or rupture of the coats of an artery. [Gr. aneurusma, fr. aneurunein, to widen.] Anew, a-nu', adv. Newly; over again; afresh. Anfractuous, an-frakt'u-us, a. Winding ; full of turnings. [L. anfractus, a turning, fr. an for amb and frangere, fraction, to break.] — Anfractuoslty, -tY, re. State of being, etc. Angel, an'iel, n. A spirit, or spiritual being; an an- cient gold coin of England, bearing the figure of an angel. — a. Resembling, or belonging to, etc. [Gr. anggelos, messenger.] — Angelic, -ical, an-jeK- Anemometer. ik-al, a. — Angelically, adv. — Angellcalness, re. — Angelology, -0K0-JT, n. Doctrine of angelic beings. [Gr. Zoyos,_discourse.] Angel-fish, an'jel-fish, re. A species of shark, named from its large wing-like pectoral fins. Anger, an'ger, re. A strong passion or emotion of the mind ; indignation ; resentment ; wrath ; rage. — v. t. [angered (-gerd), angering.] To excite to anger; to provoke, displease. — An'gry, -grl, a. In- flamed, as a sore; touched with or showing anger; indignant; furious; choleric. — An'gerly, An'grily, -grY-lY, adv. [L. angor, strangling.] Angina, an-ji'na, re. Inflammation of the throat. [L.] — Angina Pectoris, -peklo-ris, re. , A distressing af- fection of the chest. [L.] Angiography, an-jT-og'ra-f T, re. (Med.) A description of the vessels in the body. [Gr. anggeion, vessel, and graphe, description.] — An / giol / 'o-gy, -jl, re. Trea- tise or discourse on, etc. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — An- giot'omy, -mi, re. Dissection of, etc. [Gr. tome, cut- ting.] Angle, an'gl, re. A corner. (Geom.) The difference of direction of two lines in the same plane that meet or tend to meet in a point ; or the dif- ference of direction of two planes intersecting, or tending E_ to intersect, each other. Fish- ing tackle. — v. i. [angled (an'gld), angling.] To fish with line and hook ; to use some bait or artifice ; to in- trigue. [Gr. angkulos, bent fr. C A E, right angle; CAD, acute angle; B A E, obtuse an- gle. le-iron. angkos, a bend or hollow.] — Angle of incidence. (Opt.) The angle which a ray of light makes with a perpendicular to that point of the surface of any medium on which it falls. — Angle of refraction. The angle which a ray of light refracted makes with a perpendicular to that point on which it falls. — A right angle. One formed by a right line falling on another perpendicularly, or an angle of 90 Q . — An ob- tuse angle. One greater than a right angle. — An acute angle. One less than a right angle. — Oblique angles. Angles that are either acute or obtuse.— Fa- cial angle. See under Face. — Visual angle. The angle formed by two rays of light, or two straight lines drawn from the extreme points of an object to the center of the eve. — An'gler, re. One who fishes with a hook. (Ic'hth.) A kind of fish; the fishing- frog. — An 'gle-bar. -iron, re. A rolled bar of iron of an angular shape, for the edges of iron safes, etc. ; or to connect the side-plates of iron boilers, etc. — Angular, an/gu-ler, a. Having . an angle or angles; pointed; form-!p ing an angle ; sharp and stiff in character. — An'gularness, -ler- ness, Angularity, -lar'I-tY, re. • Quality of being, etc. — Angu- larly, -Ier-1Y, adv. With angles; in the direction of the angles. — An /- - gulated, -la-ted, a. Formed with angles. — An'gulose, -los, a. Full of angles. Anglican, an'glT-kan", a. English; pert, to England. — re. A member of the church of England; esp. of the high-church or ritualistic party. [AS. An- gles, Engles, L. Angli, the Angles, the English.] — An'glicanism, n. Attachment to England or Eng- lish institutions, — esp. to the English church; the principles of the English church.— An'glicism, -sizm, re. An English idiom or expression. — An'glicize, -slz, v. t. [anglicized C-sizd), -cizing.] To render comformable to English idiom or analogies. — An- glo, an-'glo. A prefix meaning English. — Anglo- American. A descendant from English ancestors, born in America, or pert, to the descendants of Eng- lishmen in America. ma'nia. Excessive rever- ence for England or English institutions. — Nor- man. Pert, to the English Normans, or an English Norman. phobia. Fear or hatred of England. — -Saxon. Pert, to the Saxons who settled in England; the language of the English Saxons. Anglice, an^glt-se, adv. In English; in the English manner. [L.] Angor, an'gor, n. Intense bodily pain. [L.] Angry. Angrily. See under Anger. Anguilliform, an-gwiVY-fdrm, a. In the form of, or like, an eel. [L. anguilla, eel, and. forma, form.] Anguish, an'gwish, re. Extreme pain; agony; grief. [L. angustia, fr. angere, to press together.] am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Yn, ice ; odd, tone, 6r ; ANGULAR 21 ANOTTA Angular, Angularity. See under Angle. Anhelation, an he-la'shun, n. Short breath; difficult respiration. [L. anhelare, to breathe with diffi- culty.] Anhydride, an-hi'drid, n. (Chem.) An oxide of non- metallic bodies, — which may be formed from an acid by abstracting water. — Anhy'drite, -drit, re. {Min.) Gypsum which contains no M r ater. — An- hy'drous, -drus, a. Destitute of water. [Gr. an priv. and hudor, water.] Anil, anil, re. (Bot.) A shrub whose leaves and stalks yield indigo. — Anile, anil, re. A dark blue color. — Aniline, an'Y-lin or -lin, re. A dyeing material obtained from indigo, also from benzole in coal tar. — a. Pert, to dyes made from aniline. [ Ar. an-nil, the indigo plant.] Anile, anil, a. Old womanish; imbecile. — Anility, -nil-i-tY, An'ileness, -Il-nes, re. Dotage. [L. anus, old woman.] Animadvert, anl-mad-verf, v. i.. To turn the mind with intent to notice; to consider by way of crit- icism or censure; to remark, comment. [L. ani- mus, mind, ad, to, and vertere, to turn.] — Animad''- version, -ver'shun, n. Remarks by way of criti- cism, etc. ; strictures ; blame. — Animadver'sive, -siv, a. Having the power of perceiving. — An'imad- ver'ter, n. Animal, anl-mal, n. An organized living being hav- ing sensation and power of voluntary motion; an irrational being, as disting. fr. man. — a. Of, or rela- ting to, animals; pert, to the merely sentient part of a creature; consisting of the flesh of animals. [L., fr. anima, breath, soul, animus, mind ; Gr. anemos, wind.] — Anlmal-flow^er, n. A name for some zoophytes. — Animalism, n. State of mere animals; brutisnness. — Animal Ity, -Y-tl, n. State of animal existence. — Anlmalize, -Tz, v. t. [animalized (-Izd), -tziNG.] To give animal life or properties to; to convert into animal matter by assimilation; to ren- der or regard as merely animal; to supply, as a coun- try, with animals. — An'imalizalion, n. Act of, etc. Animalcule, an-Y-mal'kul, -culum, n. ; pi. -cula, -la. An anuria! invisible, or nearly so, to the naked eye. [Animalculse, as if from a Lat. singular animalcula, is a barbarism.] [L.. dim. of animal.] — Animal r - cular. -culine, -lin, a. Pert, to, etc. — AnimaKculist, n. One versed in the knowledge of , etc. Animate, an'Y-mat, v. t. To give natural life to ; to enliven, inspire, prompt, incite. — a. Alive. [L. ani- mare, fr. anima.] — Animated, p. a. Endowed with animal life; full of life; spirited; lively. — Anima''- tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; vivacity; spirit; sprightliness. Anime, an'Y-mY, n. A resin used to make varnish. [Sp.] Animosity, anl-mos^Y-tY, n. Violent hatred; active enmity; rancor; malignity. [L. animositas.] Animus, an'Y-mus, n. Intention; spirit ; temper. [L.] Anise, anls, n. A plant bearing aromatic seeds. [Gr. anison.] Ankle, an^kl, n. The joint which connects the foot with the leg. [AS. ancleow, dim. of arete, bent, neck.] — Anklet, n. An ornament for the ankle. Annals, an'nalz, n. pi. A history of events in chro- nological order; a series of historical events; an an- nual publication. [L. annalis (sc. liber), fr. annus, year.] — An'nalist, n. A writer of annals. — An- nalistlc, a. Pert, to, or after the manner of, etc. Annats, an'nats, n. pi. (Eng. Eccl. Law.) The first year's profits of a preferment; first-fruits. [L. annus.] Anneal, an-neK, v. t. [annealed (-neld /r ), anneal- ing.] To heat nearly to fluidity and. then cool slowly, to render less brittle ; to temper. [AS. anielan, to burn, kindle.] To heat, as glass, in order to fix colors. [OF. neeler, nieler, to enamel, LL. nigellare, to blacken, L. niger, black.] Annelata, -ellata, an-neKS-ta, Annelida, An'nelids, n. pi. Articulate animals having bodies formed of small rings, as worms. [L. annellus, a little ring.] Annex, an-neks', v. t. [annexed (-nekst'), annex- ing.] To unite at the end; to affix; to add; to con- nect, esp. as a consequence. — n. An extension of a building ; a subsidiary building ; an addition to a document. [L. ad and nectere, nexum, to fasten to- gether.] — Annexation, -a'shun, Annexion, -nek / '- 6hun,re. Act of annexing; addition; union. {Law.) Union of property with a freehold, forming a fix- ture. — Annexationist, n. An advocate of, etc. — Annexlble, a. That may be, etc. — Annex'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; thing annexed. Annihilate, an-ni'hY-lat, v. t. To cause to cease to be; to destroy the form or properties of. [L. ad, to, and nihil, nothing.]— Anni'hilable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Anni'MlaHon, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; destruction. — Anni'hila'tionist, n. (Theol.) One who believes that eternal punish- ment consists in annihilation; a destructionist. — Anni'hilatory, -rY, a. Tending to, etc. ; destructive. Anniversary, an-nY-ver'sa-rY, a. Returning with the year at a stated time. — n. A day celebrated each year. [L. annus, year, and vertere, to turn.] Annomination, an-nom'i-na'shun, n. A pun; a para- nomasia ; alliteration. [L. ad and nomen, a name.] Annona, an-no'na, n. A year's production or increase ; hence, provision s_f or a year's use. [L., fr. annus.] Annotate, an'no-tat, v. i. To make annotations or comments. [L. ad and notare, to mark.] — Annota''- tion^ta'shun, n. A remark, note, or commentary on some passage of a book. — Annolatory, -to-rY, o. Containing annotations. — An'notator, -ter, n. A commentator. Annotto, an-notlo, Arnatlo, Arnofto, n. A yellow- ish-red vegetable dyeing material. Announce, an-nowns*', v. i. [announced (-nownsf), announcing.] To give first notice of ; to make known, publish, advertise. [L. ad and nunciare, to report, fr. nuncius, messenger.] — Announcelnent, n. Act of, etc. ; declaration. — Announ'cer, n. Annoy, an-noi', v. t. [annoyed (-noid'), annoying.] To injure or disturb by repeated acts ; to incom- mode, vex, plague. [F. ennuyer, fr. L. in odio, in hatred.] — Annoy'ance, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which annoys. — Annoy r er, n. Annual, an'u-al, a. Returning or happening every year; yearly; performed in a year; lasting only one year or season. — n. A thing happening yearly; a work published once a year; a plant that lasts but one year or season. [L. annualis, fr. annus, year.] — An'nually, adv. Annuity, an-nu^Y-tY, re. A sum of money, payable yearly. [LL. annuitas, fr. annus.] — Annuitant, n. One who has an annuity. Annul, an-nuK, v. t. [annulled (-nuld /r ), annul- ling.] To make void or of no effect ; to repeal, nullify, set aside. [LL. annullare, fr. L. ad, to, and nullum, nothing.] — Annulment, re. Act of, etc. Annulet, anli-let, re. A little ring. (Arch.) A small flat fillet, encircling a column, etc. (Her.) A little circle borne as a charge in coats of arms. [L. an- nulus,& ring.] — An'hular, -lary, a. Ring-shaped; banded or marked with circles, dots, etc. — An'nu- lated, a. Having rings or belts. — An'nulose, -los, a. Furnished with, or composed of, rings. Annumerate, an-nuluer-at, v. t. To add to a num- ber. — Annumeration, -a'shun, re. [L. ad and numerare, to number.] Annunciate, an-nun'shY-at, v. t. To announce. [L. ad and nunciare, to report.] — Annuncialion, re. Act of, etc.; a festival, celebrated March 25th, in memory of the angel's announcement to the Virgin Mary. — Annun'ciator, -ter, re. Anode, an'od, re. The positive pole of an electric bat- tery. [Gr. ana, up, and hodos, way.] Anodyne, an'o-din, n. Medicine which allays pain. — a. Assuaging pain. [Gr. an priv. and odune, pain.] Anoint, a-nornf, v. t. lo pour oil upon; to rub with unctuous substances; to consecrate, by unction ; to smear or daub. [L. in and unguere, to smear.] — Anoint'ed, re. The Messiah. — Anoint'er, re. — Anoint'ment, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. Anomaly, a-nona'a-lY, -alism, -lizm, re. Deviation from common rule or analogy; irregularity, (,4s- r, n. Rearing of bees. [L. cultwra, cultivation.] Apices. See Apex. Apiece, a-pes', adv. To each; each bv itself. Aplanatic, ap-lan-atlk, a. Free from* spherical aber- ration, — said of lenses. [Gr. a priv. and planasthai, to wander.] — Aplan'atism, -tizm, n. Aplomb, a'plox, n. Assurance; self-possession. [F. a, to, and jilomb, lead: perpendicularity.] Apnoea, ap-ne'a, n. Want of breath; suffocation. [Gr. a priv. and pnein, to breathe.] Apocalypse, a-pok'a-lips, n. Revelation; disclosure; the last book in the Bible. [F., Gr. apokalupsis, fr. apo and kaluptein, to cover.] — Apoc'alyp'' tic, -lyp''- tical, a. Containing or pertaining to, etc. — Apoc'- alyplically, adv. Apocope, a-pok'o-pe, n. The cutting off of the last letter or syllable of a word. [Gr., fr. apo, from, and koptein, to cut.] — Apoc'opate, v. t. To cut off, etc. Apocrypha, a-poklY-fa, n. pi. Books whose inspira- tion is denied, and which are excluded from the canon of the Scripture. [Gr. apo and kntptein, to hide.] — Apoclyphal, -fal, a. Pert, to, etc.; not canonical; of uncertain credit; spurious. — Apoc r - ryphally,_«tf i\ — Apoc'ryphalness, n. Apode, ap'od, n. An animal that has no feet; a fish having no ventral fins. — Ap'odal, a. [Gr. a priv. and pons, podos, foot.] Apodeictic, ap-o-diklik, Apodeic'tical, also Apodic''- tic, -dlk-tik, Apodidical, a. Evident beyond con- tradiction. [Gr. apo and deiknunai, to show.] Apodosis, a-pod'o-sis, n. (Gram.) The consequent clause or conclusion in a conditional sentence, ex- pressing the result. [Gr., fr. apo, from, back again, and diaonai, to give.] Apogee, ap'o-je, n. (Astron.) The point in the orbit of the moon most distant from the earth. [Gr. apo, from, and gaia, ge, earth.] — Apoge'an, a. Apology, a-poKo-j I, n. Something said or written in defense or justification; expressed regret for some iniurious remark or act; excuse; anything provided by way of substitute ; a makeshift. [Gr. apologia, fr. apo and legem, to speak.] — Apologetic, -jetlk, -getlcal, a. Excusatorj' or defensive. — Apologet- ics, n. (Theol.) The defense of the Scriptures, and evidence of their divine authority. — ApoKo- gist, -jist, n. One who makes an apology. — Apolo- gize, -jiz, v.i. [apologized (-jizd), -gizing.] To make, etc. — Ap'ologue, -log, n. A moral fable. [Gr. apologos, tale, fr. apo and logos, speech.] Aponeurosis, ap'o-nu-ro'sis, n. ; pi. -roses, -ro'sez. (Anat.) A membrane connecting a muscle and a tendon, or surrounding a muscle. [Gr.] — Aponeu- rotic, a. — Aponeurot > omy, n. Dissection of, etc. [Gr. apo, neuron, tendon, and tome, a cutting.] Apophlegmatic, ap'o-fleg-matlk, a. (Med.) Exciting discharges of phlegm or mucus from the mouth or nostrils. [Gr. apo and phlegma.'] Apophthegm, ap'o-them. See Apothegm. Apoplexy, ap'o-plek-sY, n. A disease characterized by sudden loss of sense and voluntary motion, usu- ally caused by pressure on the brain. [Gr. apo, from, away, and plessein, to strike.] — Apopleclic, -plec'- tieai, a. Of, pert., or predisposed to, etc. Aposiopesis, a-po'sY-o-pe'sis, n. (Rhet.) An abrupt breaking off, as if the speaker was unable or un- . willing to say what he had in mind. [Gr. apo, from, and siopan, to be silent.] Apostasy, a-posla-si, n. Total desertion of one's faith, principles, or party. [Gr. apostasia, fr. apo andstenai, to stand.] — Aposlate, -tat, n. One who has for- saken, etc. — a. False, renegade. — Aposlatize, - tiz, v. i. [-tatized (-tizd r ), -xizixG.] To abandon, etc. Aposteme, ap'os-tem, n. An abscess ; a sore filled with purulent matter. [Gr. apostema, fr. apo and histemai, to stand.] — Aposlemate, -mat, v. i. To form into, etc. — Apostematous, -tem'a-tus, a. A posteriori, a pos'te-rY-oli. (Logic.) Reasoning a posteriori derives propositions from observation of facts, or principles and definitions from general- izations from facts, or infers causes from effects ; — the reverse of a priori. (Philos.) Knowledge ap>os- teriori is derived from facts through induction or experiment. [L.] Apostle, a-pos'sl, n. A person sent forth to execute some important business ; one of the twelve disci- ples of Christ sent forth to preach the gospel. [Gr. apostolos, fr. apo and stellein, to send.] — Aposlle- ship, n. The office, etc. — Apos'tolate, -to-lat, n. Mission ; apostleship. — Apostolic, -tollk, -ical, a. Pert, to an apostle or to the apostles, their times, spirit, or doctrines. — Apostollcally, adv. — Apos- am, fame, far, pasr, or opera, fare ; find, eve, term ; Yn, ice ; Qdd, tone, 6r ; APOSTROPHE 25 APPRAISE tol'icism, -sizm, -tolicity, -lis'T-tT, re. State or qual- ity of being apostolical. Apostrophe, a-pos'tro-fY, re. (Rhet.) A turning away from the real auditory, and addressing an imaginary one. (Gram.) Contraction of a word by omitting letters; the mark ['] denoting contraction. [Gr., fr. apo and strophe, a turning.] — Apostrophic, -strof 'ik, a. Pert, to, etc. — Apostroph'ically, adv. — Apos'- trophize, -flz, v. t. [-piiized (-lizd), -phizixg.] To address by apostrophe; to contract by omitting, etc. Apothecary, a-poth'e-ka-ri, re. One who prepares, drugs for medicinal use. [Gr. apotheke, repository.] Apothegm, Apophthegm, ap'o-them, n. A short, pitliy, and instructive saying ; a precept ; maxim. {Ap- othegm is now the prevalent spelling.] [Gr. apo- jjhthegma, fr. apo and phtfiengomai, to speak plainly.] — Ap'othegmat'ic, -ical, a. In the manner of, etc. — Apotheg'matist, re. A collector or maker of, etc. Apothem, ap'o-them, n. (Math.) The perpendicular from the center to a side of a regular polygon. [Gr. apo and thema, fr. tithenai, to place.] Apotheosis, ap-o-the'o-sis, re. Act of elevating a mortal to the rank of the gods. [Gr., fr. apo, away (from mortals), and theos, god.] — Apothe'osize, -slz, v. t. To deify. Apozem, ap'o-zein, re. (Med.) A decoction. [Gr. apozema, fr. apo and zein, to boil.] Appall, ap-pawl', v. t. [appalled (-pawld'), appal- ling.] To depress with fear; daunt, terrify. — v. i. To occasion fear. [E. and W. pall, fr. W. pallu, to fail; fr. same root as fail, fall.] — Appai'ment, re. — Appallingly, adv. Appanage, arrpan-aj, re. Land assigned by a sovereign prince to his younger sons; means of sustenance. [F. apanage, fr. L. ad, to, and. panis, bread.] — Ap- pan'agist, -jist, re. One who receives, etc. Apparatus, ap-pa-ra'tus, n. ; pi. -rat as or -ratuses. 'Ihings provided as means to some end; a set of im- plements. [L., fr. ad and parare, to make ready.] Apparel, ap-par'el, re. Coveringi'or the body; clothing; raiment; vestment. — v. t. Tappakeled or -elled (-eld), -elixg or -ellixg.] To dress; to cover with something ornamental; to embellish. [F. apareil.~\ Apparent. See under Appear. Appeal, ap-pel', re. (Law.) Removal of a cause or suit to a superior judge or court for reexamination or review ; right of appeal ; a summons to answer to a charge. A call for proof or decision, or to grant a favor; resort; recourse. — v. i. [appealed (-peld'), -pealixg.] (Law.) To remove a cause, etc. To re- fer to another; to call on for aid. — v. t. (Law.) To remove, etc.; to charge with a crime; to accuse. [L. appellare, appellatum, fr. ad and pellere, to drive.] —Appeal' able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Appellant,_-pel'lant, re. One who appeals. — Ap- pellate, -lat, a. Belonging to, or having cognizance of, appeals. — Appellation, re. Xame by which one is called; title; address. — Appellative. : tiv, a. Pert, to a common name. — re. A common, as distinguished from a proper, name. — Appel'latively, adv. — Ap- pel'latory, a. Containing an appeal. — Appellee', n. (Law.) The defendant in, etc.; one who is ap- pealed, or prosecuted, by a private man for a crime. ' — Appellor, -lor', re. One who institutes an appeal, or prosecutes another for crime. Appear, ap-per', v. i. [appeared (-perd'), appear- ing.] To come or be in sight; to become manifest; to seem, in opposition to reality. [L. apparere, fr. ad and parere, to come forth.] — Appear'ancs, re. Act of, etc.; thing seen ; phenomenon; semblance, or apparent likeness; personal presence; exhibition of the person; air; manner; mien. — Appear'er, re. — Apparent, ap-par'ent, «. Capable of being seen, or easily seen; plain; certain; evident; appearing to the eye, but not true or real; seeming. — Appar'ently, adv. — Appar'entness, n. — Apparition, -rish'un, re. Appearance ; thing appearing ; a preternatural ap- pearance; ghost; specter. — Appari'tional, a. — Ap- par'itor, -ter, n. An officer who serves the process of a spiritual court. Appease, ap-pez', v. t. [appeased (-pezd'), -peasixg.] To make quiet, pacify, compose, calm. [F. ap- paiaer, fr. L. ad and vox, peace.] — Appeas'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Appeas'ableness, re. — Ap- pease'ment, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Ap- pea3'er, re. One who, etc. — Appea'sive, -pe'siv, a. Having power to, etc. — Appea'sively, adv. Append, ap-pend', v. t. To hang or attach; to add, as an accessory; to annex. [L. ad and pendere, to hang.] — Append'age, n. Something added as sub- ordinate. — Append'ant, re. Tiling appended. — a. Hanging; annexed. — Append'icle, -T-kl, re. A small appendage. — Appendicular, a. Pert, to, etc.; esp. (Anal.) said of parts of the skeleton attached to the axial column, as the limbs. — Appendic'ulate, -lat, a. (Bot.) Having an appendage, as a leaf with lobes attached to the petiole. — Append'ix, re./ pi. -ixes; L. pi. -ices, -t-sez. Something added ; a concomit- ant; literary matter added to a book. Apperception, ap-per-sep'shun, n. (Metaph.) Per- ception that reflects upon itself; self-consciousness. [F., fr. L. ad a.nd_pe)~cipere, -ceptwn, to perceive.] Appertain, ap-per-tan'. v. i. [-taixed (-tand'), -taix- ixg.] To belong, relate. [L. ad and pertinere, to pertain.] — Appur'tenance, re. That which, etc.; an adjunct. — Appur'tenant, a. Belonging to by right. Appetence, ap'pe-tens, -tency, re. Strong natural de- sire; sensual appetite; tendency to seek or select. [L. appetentia, fr. ad and petere, to seek.] — Ap'pe- tent, a. Very desirous. — Ap'petite, -tit, re. Desire of gratification; esp. desire for food or drink. — Ap'- petize, -tlz, v. i. To create or whet, an appetite. — Appetiz'er, re. Something which, etc. Applaud, ap-plawd', v. t. or i. To praise by clapping the hands, acclamation, etc.; to commend; extol; cry up ; magnify. [L. ad and plaudere, to clap the hands.] — Applaud'er, Applause, -plawz', re. Act of applauding; approbation publicly expressed; com- mendation. — Applausive, -plaw'siv, a. Apple, ap'pl, re. A well-known tree and its fruit; the pupil of the eye. [AS. seppel.] — Ap 'pie-blight, -blit, re. The aphis, or plant-louse. bran'dy, -jack, n. Brandy made from, etc. but'ter, re. Cider apple-sauce boiled down to the consistency of butter. galls, -gawlz, re. pi. The commercial name for Dead Sea apples. — Apple of discord. A subject of contention or jealousy. — A. of the eye. The pupil. — A. of Sodom. Fruitbeautiful without, but composed of dust and ashes. Applicate, ap'pll-kat, n. (Math.) A right line drawn across a curve, and bisected by the diameter ; an or- dinate. [L. applicata (linea), fr. applicare, to apply.] Applique, ap-plek', a. Having a pattern which has been cut out and transferred to another foundation, as in a kind of lace. [F. appliquer, to put on.] Apply, ap-pli', v. t. [applied (-plid'), -plyixg.] To lay or place; to put, Dring, or cany; to use for a par- ticular purpose; to engage and employ diligently. — v. i. To suit or to agree; to have recourse. [L. appli- care, fr. ad and plicare, to hold.] — Appli'able, a. Capable of being applied. — Appli'ably, adv. — Appli'ance, re. Act of applying, or thing applied; instrument or means. — Ap'plicable, a. Capable or fit to be, etc.; suitable. — Ap'plicably, adv. — Ap'- plicabil'ity, Ap'plicableness, n. Quality of being, etc. — Ap'plicant, re. One who, etc. ; a petitioner. — Ap'plicate, a. Applied to some use. — Applica'- tion, re. Act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense; the thing applied; act of making request; act of fixing the mind; intenseness of thought. — Ap'- plicative, -tiv, -catory, -to-r T, a. Applying. — n. That which applies. Appoggiatura, ap-pod'ja-too'ra, re. (Mm.) A passing tone preceding an essential tone or an accented part of a measure. [It.] Appoint, ap-point', v. t. To fix; to establish; to consti- tute, prescribe, allot, assign, equip. — v. i. To deter- mine; to ordain. [OF. appointer, fr. L. ad and punc- tum, point.] — Appoint'able, a. Capable of being, etc.— Appointee', re. One who is, etc.— Appoint 'er, 11. One who, etc. — Appoint'ment, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; stipulation ; arrangement ; es- tablished order; pi. whatever is appointed for use and management. — Apportion, ap-por'shun, v. t. [-tioxed (-shuud), -tioxixg.] To divide and assign in just proportion. [L. ad and portio, portion.] — Appor'tioner, n. One who, etc. — Apportionment, re. Apposite, ap'po-zit, a. Very applicable ; fit ; rele- vant; pat. [L. ad aa&ponere, position, to place.] — Ap'positely, adv. — Ap'positeness, -sition, -zish'un, ii. Act of adding; accretion*. (Gram.) The state of two nouns (one of which explains the other) put in the same case, without a connecting word be- tween them. — Apposi'tional, a. Appraise, ap-praz', v. t. [appraised (-prazd'), ap- praisixg.] To estimate the worth of, esp. by per- sons appointed for the purpose. — Apprais'al, n. A valuation by authority. — Appraise'ment, re. — Ap- prais'er, ». One who, etc.; esp. one appointed and sworn to fix values. [Sometimes pronounced and written, apprize, apprizal, etc.]- [L. ad and. pretium, value.] stin, cube; full ; moon, fo"6t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, box'box, chair, get. APPRECIATE 26 ARBITER Appreciate, ap-preShT-at, v. t. To set a price on ; to estimate, esteem, value. To raise the value of. [Americanism.] — v.i. To rise in value. [L. ad and pretium.] — Appreciable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Appreciation, n. A just valuation; increase of value. — Appreciative, -tiv, -ciatory, -rY, a. Hav- ing just appreciation. — Appreciatively, adv. Apprehend, ap-pre-hend', v. t. To seize or lay hold of; to understand: to entertain suspicion or fear of; to arrest, conceive, imagine, dread. — v. i. To be of opinion; to believe. [L. ad and prehendere, to seize.] — ApprehendSr, n. — Apprehensible, a. Capable of being, etc. — Apprehension, -shun, n. Act of seizing; a taking by legal process ; a taking in the mind; conception; opinion; faculty by which ideas are conceived; distrust or fear of future evil. — Apprehensive, -siv, a. Fearful ; suspicious ; per- ceptive. — Apprehensively, adv. — ApprehenSive- ness, n. Apprentice, ap-prenlis, n. One bound to another to learn a trade or art. — v. t. [apprenticed (-tist), -ticing.] To bind out as, etc. [F. apprenti, a learner , fr. apprendre, to learn, f r. L. ad and pre- hendere.] — Apprenticeship, n. The condition of, etc.; his time ot service. Apprise, ap-priz', v. t. [apprised (-prizdO, -prising.] To inform; to give notice, verbal or written; to ac- quaint, make known, communicate. [F. apprise, judicial notification, fr. apprendre, to learn, teach.] Apprize. See Appraise. Approach, ap-prodi', v. i. [approached (-prochf), -proachixg.] To come or go near; to approximate. — v.t. To place near; to come near to. — n. Actor opportunity of, etc.; access; passage by which build- ings are approached, pi. (Fort.) Works covering ad- vances towards a fortress. [L. ad and propriare, to draw near, f r. prepe, near.] — Appro acb/able, a. Accessible. — Approacb/ableness, n. Approbate, ap'pro-bat, v. t. To express or manifest approbation of. [Rare.'] [L. approbare, approba- tum, fr. ad and probas, good.] — Approbation, n. Act of approving; consent, on the ground of propri- ety; approval; liking; attestation. — Ap'proba'tory, -rt, -bative, -tiv, a. Approving, or implying ap- probation. — Approve, -proov', v. t. [approved (-proovd''), -proving.] To be pleased with; to think well of ; to commend; to sanction officially. [OF. approver, fr. L. ad and probus.] — ApprovSble, a. Worthy of, etc. — ApprovSl, n. Act of, etc. ; appro- bation. — ApprovSr, n. One who, etc. — Approv /r - ingly, adv. Appropinquity, ap-pro-pink / 'wY-tT, n. Nearness. [L. ad and propinquitas, fr. prope, near.] Appropriate, ap-pra'pri-at, v. t. To set apart for a particular purpose, or for one's self ; to assign. — a. bet apart for a particular use or person; belonging peculiarly; fit; pertinent. [L. ad and proprius, one's own.] — Appropriable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Appropriately, adv. — Appro'priateness, n. — Ap- pro'prialion, n. Act of, etc.; thing, esp. money, set apart. — Appro'priator, -ter, n. One who, etc. (Law.) One who has an appropriated benefice. Approve. See under Approbate. Approximate, ap-proks'I-mat, a. Near to. (C7;em. & Math.) Nearly correct. — v. t. To carry or advance near; to cause to approach. — v. i. To come near; ap- proach. [L. ad and proximus, nearest, fr. prope.] — Approximately, adv. — Approximation, n. A coming near.— Approximative, a. Approaching. Appulse, ap'puls or ap-puls', n. A striking against; a touching, or very near approach. — AppulSion, -shun, n. A striking against by a moving body. — AppulSive, -siv, a. Striking against. — AppuK- sively, adv. [L. ad and pellere, pulsum, to drive.] Appurtenance. See under Appertain. Apricot, a/prf-kot, n. A fruit allied to the plum. [Fr. abricot, fr. Ar. al-birquq, L. prsecoqua, fr. prse, beforehand, and coquere, to ripen, cook.] April, a'pril, n. The fourth month of the year. [L. Aprilis, from aperire, to open, as the month in winch the earth opens for new fruit.] — April fool. One sportively imposed upon on the first day of April. A priori, a prt-oSi. Reasoning a priori deduces con- sequences from definitions formed or principles as- sumed, or infers effects from causes previously known; — the reverse of a posteriori. [L.] Apron, a'purn or a'prun, n. A cloth, or piece of leather, worn before the body, to protect the clothes. [OF. imperon, fr. LL. napa, cloth.] Apropos, ap'ro-po', adv. Opportunely ; seasonably ; Dy the way; to the purpose. [F.] Apsis. Aps, aps, n. The wood of the white poplar. Apse, aps, n. (Arch.) The domed part of a church, where the altar is placed. [L. and Gr. a]Jsis, arch, vault.] — Apsis, apSis, n. ; pi. -sides, -st- dez. (Astron.) One of the two points in an elliptical orbit which are at the greatest and least dis- tance from the central body. (Arch.) An apse. Apt, a. Fit ; suitable ; having a tendency ; liable ; ready; quick; qualified ; dexterous. [L. aptus, fr. apere, Gr. haptein, to fit.] — Aptitude, -tud, n. Disposition or tendency; readiness in learning; do- cility. — Aptly, adv. — Apfness, n. Apteral apler-al, a. (Entom.) Destitute of wings. (Arch.) Having no columns along the sides, but only in front— Aplerous, -us, a. (Entom.) Apteral. — Ap'teryx, -iks, n. ( Omith.) A bird of New Zea- land, of the ostrich family, having only rudimentary wings and no tail. [Gr. a priv. and pteron, wing.] Aptote, aplot, n. (Oram.) An indeclinable noun. [Gr. a priv. and ptotos, fallen, declined.] Aqua, a'kwa, n. Water; — a Latin word used in chemistry, in significations determined by words annexed. — A. fortis, f6r1is. Nitric acid. — A. ma- rine, ma-ren', or marina, -ri'n a. A variety of beryl, so called on account of its sea-green color. — A. regia, re'jT-a. Nitro-chloro-hydric acid. — A. vitse, vile. Water of life ; brandy. — Aquapuncture, -punk'- ch<56r, n. The introduction of water subcutaneously, to relieve pain. [L. pungere, punctual, to prick.] — Aqualium, n. ; pi. -ria. An artificial pond for rear- ing aquatic plants; glass tank for aquatic animals. — Aquatic, -kwatlk, -ical, a. Pert, to, inhabiting, or frequenting, water. — Aquatics, n. pi. Aquatic sports, — as swimming, rowing, etc. — A'quatint, -tints, n. A method of etching by aqua fortis, producing an effect resembling a water-color or In- dia ink drawing. [It. acqua tinta, dyed water.] — Aqueduct, ak'we-dukt, n. An artificial conduit for water. [L. ducere, ductum, to lead.] — Aqueous, a'kwe-us, a. Of the nature of, or abounding with, etc. ; watery ; made by means of water. — Aqueous huSnor. A transparent fluid, forming part of the eye. — Aquiform, a'kwY-f6rm, a. In the form of water. Aquiline, ak'wY-lin or -lin, a. Belonging to the eagle; curving; hooked ; prominent, like the beak of an eagle. [L. aquila. eagle.] Arab, arSb, n. A native of Arabia; a street vagabond ; a gamin. — Ara- besque, arS-besk, n. A species of or- namentation after the Arabian man- ner, intermingling foliage, fruits, etc., with other objects. — a. In the man- ner of the Arabians ; relating to the style of ornament called arabesque. — Arabian, a-ra'bY-an, Arabic, arS-bik, a. Pertaining to Arabia or Arabians. — ArSbic, n. The language of, etc. — ArSbism, n. An idiom of the lan- guage of, etc. — ArSbist, n. One versed in Arabic literature. Arable, ar'a-bl, a. Fit for tillage or plow- ing; plowed. — [L. arare, to plow.] Arachnida. a-rak'nl-da, n. pt. (Zo'dl.) The genus of spiders. — Arachlioid, -noid, a. Resembling a spider's web. (Anat.) Pert, to a thin membrane between the dura mater and pia mater. (Bot.) Having loose fibers, like cobwebs. [Gr. arachne, spider.] — Araneous, a-ra r ne-us, a. Resembling a cobweb; thin and del- icate. [L. aranea, spider, spider's web.] Arbalest, ar'bal-est, -balist, -fealet, -blast, Arcubalist, ar'ku-ba-list, n. A cross-bow, — Arbalister, Arcubal- ister, -ballst-eror-ba-lisfer, n. A cross-bowman. [L. arcuballista, fr. arcus, bow, and ballista, a military engine for projectiles, fr. Gr. ballein, to throw.] Arbiter, ar'bi-t'er, Arbitrator, n. One empowered to judge and determine, without control; an um- pire; one chosen by parties in controversy to de- termine their differences. [L.] — Arbitrable, a. Arbitrary ; determinable.— Arbitrage, -trej, n. Judg- ment by an arbiter, esp. as to traffic in stocks of differing values in different markets. — Arbitra- ment, n. Will; determination; award of arbitrators. — Ar'bitrary, -trSr-T, a. Depending on will or dis- cretion ; despotic ; bound by no law ; tyrannical; imperious; capricious. — Arbitrarily, adv. — Ax'- bitrate, -trot, v. t. To hear and decide, as arbitrators. — v. i. To decide ; to judge or act as arbitrator. — Arabesque. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, tSrin ; tn, Ico ; Odd, tone, or ; ARBOR 27 ARGAND LAMP Arbitration, n. Determination by, etc. — Arbitra r - trix, Ar'bitress, »■ A female arbiter. Arbor, ar'ber, n. A bower; a seat shaded by trees. (Slack.) A spindle oraxis. [L., atree.] — Arbo'reous, -re-us, Arbo'real, a. Be longing to, growing on, or of the nature of, trees. — ArboresCence, -sens, n. Re- semblance of, etc. — AboresCent, a. Resembling, etc. — Ar'boret, n. A small tree; a shrub. — Arbo- re'tum, n. t. A place for cultivating trees and shrubs. — Ar'boricuPture, -kuKchfior, n. Art of cultivating, etc. — Ar'boricuPtural, a. — Ar'boricuPturist, n. One who, etc. — Ar'borist, n. One wlio makes trees his study. — ArCoriza'tion. n. A tree-like appear- ance, esp. in minerals. — Ar'boriza, -iz, v. t. To form tree-like appearances in. — Ar'borous, -ber-us, a. Formed by trees. Arbuscle, ar'bus-sl, re. A dwarf tree. — ArbusCular, a. Shrub-like. — Arbuslum, a. A copse of shrubs. [L. arbuscula, dim. of arbor.] Arbute, ar'but, Arbu'tus, ?(. The strawberry tree, an evergreen shrub, whose berry resembles the straw- berry. [L. arbutus, akin to arbor.'] Arc, ark, n. Part of the cir- cumference of a circle or ^ rC- curve. [L. arcus, bow, arch.] — Arcograph, -graf , n. An instrument for drawing arcs without using a central point. [Gr. graphein, to write.] — Arc'uate, -at, -uated, a. Bent like a bow. — Arc'uation, n. A bending; convexity. Arcade, ar-kad', n. A series of arches; a walk arched above; a range of shops along an arched passage. [F., fr. L. arcus.] Arcanum, ar-ka'num, n. ; pi. -\A, -ni A secret. [L.] Arch, arch, a. Cunning or sly; mischievous in sport; roguish. [AS. ag, earg, bad, idle.] — Arcb/ly, adv. — Arcb/ness, n. Arch, arch, a. Chief; of the first class; principal; — used as a prefix in compounded words, most of which are self-explaining ; as, arch-apostle, arch- conspirator, etc. [AS. prefix arce-, erce-, L. and Gr. archi-, fr. same _root as Gr. archein, to be first.] — Arch-angel, ark-an'jel, n. An angel of the highest or- der. — angelic, -Sn-jeK-, a. Pert, to, etc. — bishop, arch-bishCp, n. A chief bishop; a metropolitan. — — bish/opric. n. The jurisdiction or diocese of, etc. — -deacon, arch-de'kn,/*. An ecclesiastical dignitary next in rank below a bishop. — deaConry, -deaCon- ship, n. The office and jurisdiction of, etc. — duke, arch-, re. Agrand duke; chief prince; now, strictlj r , a son of an Emperor of Austria. — duke'dom, n. The jurisdiction of an arch-duke or arch-duchess. — -duCal, a. Pert, to an archduke. — ducb/ess, n. A princess of the house of Austria. duch'y, n. Territory or jurisdiction, etc. — en'emy, arch-, n. The devil. — fiend, arch-fend', re. Thechief of fiends. — Archidiaconal, ark / T-di-ak , o-nal, a. Pert, to an archdeacon. — Archiepiscopacy, arkl-e-pis'ko-pa- sl, n. Estate of an archbishop. — Arcb/iepisCopal, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. Arch, arch, n. A curve line or part of a circle; any work in that form, or covered by an arch.— v. t. or i. [arched (archt), arching.] To form an arch. [F. arche, L. arcus, bow, arch.] — Arches court, arch'ez kort. An English ec- clesiastical court of appeal. — — Arcb/way, n. Passage un- der an arch. Archaean, ar-ke r an, a. Ancient. (Geol.) Pert, to the earliest geological period, including the azoic and eozoic ages. [Gr. archaios, ancient, fr. arche, be- ginning.] — ArchaeoPogy, ar- ke-oPo-jY, , n. The science of antiquities; a treatise on antiquities or ancient usages, customs, etc. [Gr. logos, discourse.]— Archaeological, a. Relating to, etc. — ArchseoPogist, re. One versed in, etc. — Ar- chaic, ar-kalk, -ical, a. Ancient, antiquated. — Ar r - chaism, -izm, re. An ancient or obsolete word or idiom; antiquity of style or use. Archer, arch'Sr, n. A bowman. [F., fr. L. arcus, a bow.] — ArchCry, n. Art of shooting with a bow. Archetype, ar'ke-tip, n. The original pattern of a work; the model from which a thing is made. [Gr. arche. and tupos, stamp, pattern.] — Archetypal, a. Original. Archil, ar'kil, n. A violet dye obtained from sev- eral species of lichen. [F. orcheil.] Arch. Archimedean, iir / kl-me-de /, an, a edes. — A. screw, or Archimedes' screw. An instrument for raising water, formed by winding a flexible tube round a cylinder in the form of a screw. Archipelago, ar-kl- pel'a-go, n. A\\j body of water inter Pert, to Archim- Archimedes' Screw. spersed with isles; a group of isles. -Archipelagic, -ajlk, a. [Gr. prefix archi- and pelagos, sea.] Architect, ark , T-tekt, n. One who plans and super- intends the construction of a building; one who contrives or builds up. [Gr. prefix archi- and tek- ton, workman.] — Architectlve, -iv, a. Adapted to use in architecture. — Architectonic, -tonlcal, a. Pert, to, or skilled in, etc. — Architectonics, re. The science of, etc.— Architectless, n. A female architect. — Architecture, -tekChdor, n. The art or science of building; frame or structure; workman- ship. — Architectural, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. Architrave, ar'kt-trav, ?;. (Arch.) Lower division of an entablature, the part resting immediately on the column ; an ornamental molding. [Gr. and L. prefix archi- and It. trave, L. trabs, beam.] Archives, ar'kivz, re. pi. Place in which public rec- ords are kept; records preserved as evidence of facts. [F., L. archivum, Gr. archeion, residence of a mag- istrate.] — ArChivist, -kt-vist, re. The keeper of, etc. Archivolt, ar'kY-volt, n. (Arch.) The inner contour of an arch, or a band with moldings running over the arch-stones, and bearing upon the imposts. [Gr. andL. prefix archi- and It. volto, vault.] Archon, ai-'kon, n. A chief magistrate in ancient Athens. [Gr., fr. archein, to rule.] Arctic, arklik, a. Northern; lying far north. [Gr. arktos, bear, the Northern Bear constellation.] — Arclics, n. pi. Warm water-proof winter overshoes. — Arctic circle. A lesser ciicle 23° from the north pole. Arcubalist. See under Arbalest. Ardent, ar'dent, a. Hot or burning; much engaged; intense ; fierce; vehement; fervent. [L. ardere, to burn.] — Ar'dently, adv. — Ar'dency, 11. Eagerness; zeal; heat. — Ardcr, ar'der, re. Heat; warmth of passion or affection; eagerness. [L.] Arduous, ardli-us, a. High or lofty; attended with great labor, like climbing heights; difficult. [L. ar- duvs, steep.] — Ard'uously, adv. — Ard'uousness, re. Are, ar. Present indie, pi. of the substantive verb, ety- niologically a different word fr. be, am, or was. Are, ar, n. (Metric Si/st.) A measure of surface; 100 sq. meters, or 119.6 sq. yards. [F., fr. L. area.] Area, alc-a, re. Any plane surface; the inclosed space around a building; a sunken space around a base- ment. (Geom.) Superficial contents of an y figure. [L.] Arefy, arC-fl, v. t. To dry. [L. arere, to be dry, and fucere, to make.] — Arefacliou, n. Act of, etc. ; dry- ness. Arena, a-relia, n.;pj. AeeItas, -naz; L. pi. Are'n^e, -ne. (Rom. Antiq.) The area in an amphitheater, for gladiators, etc., which was covered with sand; any place of public contest. [L., sand, sandy place.] — Arenaceous, -na'shus, a. Of the nature of sand; friable. — Ar'enated, a. Ground into sand. Areola, a-re'o-la, n. ; pi. -ol*, -le. An interstice or small space; the colored ring around the nipple, also around certain vesicles. — AreClar, a. Pert, to, or like, etc. ; filled with, etc. — AreClate, -lat, a. Marked by, etc. — Areola'tion, n. A small space bounded by something of different texture, color, etc. [L.,dim. of area.] Areometer, a-re-oirPe-ter, n. An instrument for meas- uring the specific gravity of fluids. [Gr. araios, thin, rare, and metron, measure.] — AreomCtry, n. Act of measuring, etc. Areopagus, ar-e-op'a-gus, n. A tribunal at Athens, held on a hill named for Ares, or Mars. [Gr. Ares and pagoi, hill.] — Areop'agite, -jit, n. A member of, etc. Aretaics, ar-e-talks, n. sing. (31oral Philos.) Sci- ence of virtue, — contrasted with eudsemonics, the science of happiness. [Gr. arete, virtue.] Argal, ar'gal, Ar'gol, n. Unrefined or crude tartar. [See Argil.] Argand lamp, ar'gand. A lamp having a hollow T wick under a glass chimney, producing a strong light. [Invented by Ai me Argand.] — A. burner, A ring- sQn, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boN'boN, chair, get. ARGENT 28 ARQUEBUSE shaped gas-burner, admitting a current of air through the center. Argent, ar'jent, o. Silvery; bright like silver, —n. The white color on a coat of anns. [L. argentum, silver, f r. Gr. argos. white.] — Argent'al, -gentle, a. Of, or pert, to, silver. — Ar'gentan, n. German silver. — Argentiferous, -us, a. Containing, etc.— Argen- tine, -tin, a. Pert, to, resembling, or sounding like, etc.: silvery. — n. (Min.) A silicious variety of carbonate of lime, having a silvery-white luster. White metal coated with silver. — Ar'gentite, -tit,re. Sulphide of silver; vitreous silver; silver glance. Argil, ar'jil, n. (Min.) Clay or potter's earth ; some- times pure alumina. [L. argilla, Gr. argillos, white clav, fr. argos.]— Argillaceous, -la'shus, «. Of the nature of, etc. —Argilliferous, -er-us, a. Produ- cing, etc.— Ar'gilloid, a. Resembling, etc. — Argif- lous, a. Clayey. Argive, ar'jlv, a. Pert, to Argos, in Greece. Argonaut, ar'go-nawt, n. One who sailed to Colchis with Jason, in the Argo, in quest of the golden fleece. (Zo'ol.) The nautilus. [Gr. nautes, sailor.] — Argo- nautlc, a. Pert, to the Argonauts. — Argosy, 'tir'- go-sT, re. A large ship. Argot, ar-go', n. The secret language of thieves, tramps, etc.; flash; cant. [F., prob. cor. of jargon.] Argue, ar'gu, v. i. [akgued (-gud), -guing.] To use arguments ; to reason; to contend in argument, dispute. — v. t. To debate or discuss, prove, persuade by reasons. [L. arguere.] — Ar'guer, re. — Argu- ment, n. A proof or means of proving ; process of reasoning; subject-matter, or abstract of the subject- matter, of a discourse, writing, picture, etc. — Argu- menfal, a. Belonging to, consisting in, etc. — Ar'- gumenta'tion, re. Process or act of, etc. — Argu- mentative, -tiv, a. Containing or addicted to, etc. — Argumen'tum ad homlnem. Unexpected conse- quences pressed against a man, from his own prin- ciples or conduct. [L.] Arhythmous, a-rith'mus, a. (Med.) Without rhythm or regularity, as the pulse. [Gr. a priv. and ruth- mas, rhythm.] Aria, a/rl-a, re. (Mus.) An air or song; a tune. [It., f r. L. aer, the air.] — Arietta, -efta, Ariette, -eif, n. A little aria. [It., dim. of aria.] — Ariose, ar't-os, a. Characterized by melody, as disting. fr. harmony. Arian, alY-an, a. Pert, to Arius, or his doctrines. — 11. A believer in Arius's doctrine, that Christ was only a superangelic being. — Alianism, -izm, re. Doctrine of, etc. Arid, arid, a. Dry ; parched up with heat. [L. arid us, fr. arere, to be dry.] — Aridity, Arldness, n. Absence of moisture; dryness. Aright, a-rtf, adv. Rightly ; without mistake. Arise, a-ilzl v. i. [arose (-roz''), arising (-rlzlng), arisen (-rizn').] To come or get up higher ; to mount, ascend, rise; to come into action, Deing, or notice; to proceed, issue, spring. [AS. arisan.] Aristocracy, ar-is-tokl-a-sY, re. A form of govern- ment, in which the supreme power is vested in a privileged order; nobility or chief persons in a state. [Gr. aristos, best, and kratein, to rule.] — Aristocrat, -rislo-krat or arls-, n. One who favors, etc. ; a proud or haughty person. — Aristocratic, -ical, a. Of, or pert, to, etc.— Aristocratically, adv. — Arislocrat- lsm, n. Habits or principles of, etc. Aristotelian, ar'is-to-teli-an, a. Pert, to Aristotle, a Greek philosopher. — n. A follower of, etc. Arithmancy, arlth-man'sl or a-rith , man-sT, 11. The foretelling of future events, by means of numbers. [Gr. arithmos, number, and manteia, divination.] — Arithmetic, n. Science of numbers; art of com- putation by figures. — Arithmetical, a. According to, etc. — Arithmetically, adv. — Arithmetician, -tish/an, n. One skilled in, etc. — Arithmom / 'eter, n. An instrument to facilitate arithmetical calcu- lations; an abacus. [Gr. metron, measure.] Ark, iirk, n. A chest, such as contained the Jews' ta- bles of the covenant; Noah's vessel during the del- uge ; a large boat for transporting bulky articles. [L. area, AS. ark.] Arm, arm, n. The limb between the shoulder and the hand ; anything resembling an arm, as the branch of a tree, or an inlet of water from the sea; power; might. (Naut.) The end of a yard; part of an anchor. (Mil.) A branch of the military ser- vice; an instrument of warfare. — n. pi. Instru- ments or weapons of offense or defense ; deeds or exploits of war. (Her.) Ensigns armorial. — y. t. [armed (armd), arming.] To furnish with weap- ons ; to add strength, force, etc.; to furnish with means of defense. — v. i. To be provided with means of attack or resistance; to take arms. [AS. arm, L. armits, Gr. armos, shoulder.] — Arm-chair, -char, n. A chair with arms to support the elbows. — -hole, -hoi, ii. The cavity under the shoulder; arm- pit; a hole for the arm in a garment. pit, n. The hollow under the shoulder. — Arm'ful, n. ; pi. -fuls. As much as the arms can hold. — less, a. Without arms. — like, a. Of the form of, etc. — Coat of arms, n. (Her.) A habit worn by knights over armor; an armorial device. — Stand of arms, n. A complete set for one soldier. — Small arms, n. Those not requir- ing carriages. — Arlnament, re. A body of forces equipped for war ; arrangements for defending a fortification ; ships' guns and munitions. — Ar / '- mature, -ma-chur, n. Armor. (Magnetism.) A piece of iron connecting the poles of a magnet, or electro- magnet, to complete the circuit. [L. armatura, fr. armare, to arm.] — Ar'miger, -ml-jer, n. (Her.) One entitled to armorial bearings. [L. arma, arms, and gerere, to carry.] — Armip'otent, a. Powerful in arms. [L. potens, powerful.] — Ar'mistice, -tis, re. A temporary cessation of arms; a truce. [L. stare, to stand still.] — Armlet, n. A small arm, as of the sea; a kind of bracelet. — Arrn'or, -er, n. Defensive covering for the body or for ships. [ME. armure.] — Arm'dr-bear'er, n.. One who carries another's armor or arms ; an esquire. — Ar 'morer, n. One who makes or has charge of, etc. — Armolial, a. Belong- ing to armor, or to a family escutcheon. — Ar'mory, n. A place where arms, etc., are kept or manufac- tured. (Her.) Science of coat-armor. Armada, ar-mii'da or -ma'da, n. A fleet of armed ships; esp. the Spanish fleet sent against England, a. d. 1588. [Sp.] Armadillo, arma-tliPTq, n. (Zo'ol.) An animal of South America, hav- ing the body encased in bony plates. [Sp., __._ dim. of armaclo, =5 armed.] ^-_^~^g^ Armillary, ar'mil-la-rt, a. Pert, to, or resem- Armadillo. bling, a bracelet or ring; consisting of rings or circles. — A. sphere. An instru- ment consisting of rings, all circles of the same sphere, representing the circles of the celestial sphere. — Ar / '- rniilate, -lated, a. Furnished with bracelets. [L. armilla, bracelet.] Arminian, ar-miii'i-an, n. A follower of Arminius, who denied predestination and kindred doctrines.— a. Pert. _ to Arminius or his princi- JUgs; pies. — Arminlanism, n. The tenets of, etc. Armure, ar'mur, n. A wool- en fabric, twilled, or woven with ribs on the surface. [F.] Army, ar'mY, n. A body of men armed and organ- ized for war ; a great number; a host. [F. ai~rnde, f r. L. armare, to arm.] — Arlny-worm, -worm, re. A voracious caterpillar, appearing in large hosts. Arnica, ar'nT-ka, n. (Bot.) A plant used in medicine as a narcotic and stimulant. — Ar'nicine, -ni-sin, n. A bitter resin, the active principle of arnica. Arnotto. See Annotto. Aroma, a-ro'ma, n. The fragrant quality in plants. [Gr.] — Aromatic, ar-o-matlk, -ical, «. Pert, to, or containing, etc.; fragrant; spicy. — Aromatic, n. A plant, drug, or medicine, fragrant, and usually pun- gent in taste. — Aromatize, -ro'ma-tiz or ar'o-ma-tiz, v. t. [aromatized (-tlzd), -tizing.1 To impregnate with, etc. — Aro'matous, -tus, a. Containing aroma. Around, a-rownd', prep. On all sides of ; about ; from one part to another of. — adv. In a circle; on every side ; at random ; here and there. Arouse, a-rowz', v. t. [aroused (-rowzd r ), arous- ing.] To awaken suddenly, excite, animate. Arpeggio, ar-pedlo, n. (Mas.) The production of the tones oi a chord in rapid succession, and not simultaneously. [It., fr. arpa, harp.] Arpent, ar'pent, re. A French land measure, used in Louisiana, where it contains 4,088 sq. yards. [F.] Arquebuse, ar'kwe-bus, re. A hand-sun, fired from a hook or rest. [D. Iiaak, hook, and bus, sun.] — Ar'- quebusier, -bus-cr', n. A soldier armed with, etc. Armillary Sphere. Jim, fame, fiir, pass or opera, fare ; eud, eve, term ; In, ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; ARRACK 29 AS Arrack, ar'rak, n. A spirit obtained from rice or the cocoa-nut tree, etc. [Ar. araq, fr. araqa, to sweat. J Arraign, ar-ran', v. t . [arraigned (-rand''), -raign- ixg.J (Law.) To call or set to answer at the bar of a court; to call in question, impeach, censure. [L. ad and ratio, reason.] — Arraign'ment, n. Arrange, ar-ranj', v. t. [arranged (-ranjd / '), -rang- ing.] To put or place m proper order; to adjust or settle. [F. arranger, fr. rani/, rank.] — Arrange r - ment. n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; result of ar- ranging; classification; preparatory measure; settle- ment ; adjustment by agreement. (Mus.) Adapta- tion of a composition to voices or instruments for which it was not written; a piece so adapted. Arrant, ar'rant, a. Very bad; notorious. [Arghand, p. pr. argh, to be cowardly, fr. AS. earg, timid.] Arras, arias, ?;. Tapestry; hangings, — made first at Arras in the Netherlands. Array, ar-ral n. Order; disposition in regular lines; posture for fighting ; an orderly collection ; dress; raiment. (Law.) A ranking of a jury as impan- eled in a cause; the panel itself; the whole body of jurors summoned to attend the court. — v.t. [ar- rayed (-rad'), -raying.] To dispose in order ; to deck or dress. (Law.) To set in order, as a jury; to call them man by man; to draw out, arrange, en- velop. [OF. arrai, fr. rai, order.] Arrear, ar-rer', n. sing., Arrears', n. pi. That which is behind in payment, or remains unpaid, though due. — Arrearage, -ej, n. The part of a debt unpaid. Arrect, ar-rekf, Arrect'ed, a. Lifted up; raised; erect. [L. arrigere, arrectum, to raise.] Arrest, ar-resf, v. t. To check or hinder the motion or action of. (Law.) To take or apprehend by au- thority. To seize on and fix ; to obstruct, delay, check, stop. — n. (Law.) The taking or apprehend- ing of a person; any seizure, or taking by power; hindrance. [L. ad and restore, to remain.] (Far.) A scurfiness of the back part of the hind leg of a horse. — Arrest'ment, n. (Law.) An order by a judge to detain. — Arrestalion, n. Act of arresting. — Arret, ar-ref or ar-ra', n. (F. Law.) A judg- ment, decision, or decree of a court or of parliament; an edict ; a seizure of persons or goods. [F.] Arris, arlis, n. (Arch.) The edge formed by two surfaces meeting, whether plane or curved. [L. arista, beard of an ear of grain, bone of a fish.] Arrive, ar-riV, v. i. [arrived (-rivd'), -riving.] Lit., to come to the shore; to come; to gain or com- pass an object by effort, practice, study, etc. [F. ai river, fr. LL. adripare, fr. L. ad and ripa, shore.] — Arri'val, n. Act of arriving ;. attainment or gain- ing of any objectj person or thing arriving. Arrogate, arlo-gat, v. t. To claim unduly; to as- sume. [L. arrogare, to claim as one's own, fr. ad and rogare, to ask.] — Arrogalion, n. Act of, etc. — Abrogative, -tiv, a. Arrogant. — Arlogance, n. Undue assumption of importance; haughtiness. — Arlogant, a. Assuming undue importance; over- bearing ; presumptuous. — Arlogantly, adv. Arrow, arlo, n. A pointed weapon to be shot from a bow. [AS. areive.] — Arlow-head'ed, -hed'ed, a. Shaped like the head of an arrow; — esp. applied to the wedge-shaped, or cuneiform, alphabetical char- acters found in inscriptions at Persepolis, Nineveh, Babylon, etc. — Arlowroot, -root, n. A tropical plant, and the starch which it yields. — wood, -wotid, n. A straight-stemmed shrub from which American Indians make arrows. — Arrowy, ar'ro-i, a. Con- sisting of, formed like, or resembling, etc. Arsenal, ar'se-nal, n. A public establishment for the manufacture or storage of arms and military equip- ments. [Sp., fr. Ar. darcinah, house of industry.] Arsenic, ar'se-nik. n. (Min.) A metal of a steel gray color, and brilliant luster. (Com.) Arsenious acid ; — a virulent poison, called also oxide of arsenic, ivhite arsenic, and ratsbane. [Gr. arsenikon, fr. arren, male, on account of its strength.] — Arsen'- iate, -t-at, n. A salt of arsenic acid. — Ar'senite, -it, n. A salt of arsenious acid. — Arsenic, -ical, a. Composed of, or containing, etc. — Arsenlcate, v. t. To combine with, etc. — Arse'nious, -nT-us, a. Com- posed of, or containing, etc. — Arseni / 'uretted, -sen''- uretted, a. Combined with, etc. Arsis, ar'sis, n. (Pros.) The part of a foot marked by a greater stress of voice. [Gr., fr. airein, to raise.] Arson, ar'sn, n. (Law.) Malicious burning of build- ings or ships. [L. ardere, arsiim, to burn.] Art, art. Second person sing., indie, mode, pres. tense, of the verb to be, but from were. [AS. eartJ] Art, art, n. Employment of means to accomplish an end; a system of rules for performing actions, — opp. to science; power of performing certain actions, acquired by experience, study, etc.; cunning; arti- fice; deceit; duplicity. [L. ars, artis, fr. Gr. arein, to fit together.] — Art'ful, -ful, a. Made, per- formed with, characterized by, or" using art or skill; practicing stratagem ; crafty' — Art'fully, adv. — Artfulness, n. — Arlifice, -tT-fis, n. Artful or skill- ful contrivance; device; finesse; deception; fraud. [L. ars and/acere, to make.] — Artificer, -tif'T-ser, n. A skillful workman in some art; one who con- structs and contrives. — Artificial, -fish'al, a. Made or contrived by art; factitious; hence, feigned; fictitious; cultivated; not indigenous. — Artifi- cially, adv. — Artifi'cialness, -ciallty, ar-tT-fish'T- al'i-tT, n. — Artisan, -zan, n. One skilled in any mechanical art ; a handicraftsman. — Artist, n. One who prof esses _and practices one of the liberal arts. — Artiste, ar-fesf, n. One who is dexterous and tasteful in almost any art. [F.] — Artistic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or characterized hy, art ; made in the manner of an artist. — Artless, a. Free from art, craft, or stratagem; ingenuous; contrived with- out skill or art; inartificial. — Artlessly, adv. Without art; naturally. — Artlessness, n. — Arf- union, -un'yun, n. An association for encouraging artists. Artery, arler-Y, n. One of the vessels which convey the blood from the heart to all parts of the body; an important channel of communication. [Gr. arteria, fr. airein, to raise, lift.] — Arterial, -tell-al, a. Pert, to or contained in, etc. — Artelialize, v. t. [-ized (-izd),-iziNG.] To communicate the qualities of ar- terial blood to. — Arte'rializa'tion, n. — Arte'ri- ot'omy, -mT, n. (Anat.) The opening of an artery to let blood; dissection of, etc. [Gr. tome, a cutting.] Artesian, ar-te'zhan, a. Pert, to Artois (L. Artesium), in France. — A. wells. Wells bored into the earth to reach water, which flows from internal pressure. Arthritis, ar-thrllis, n. (Med.) Any inflammation of the joints, esp. the gout. [Gr., fr. art/iron, a joint.] — Arthritic, -thritlk, -ical, a. Pert, to, or affect- ing, the joints. — Arthrography, -fT, n. A descrip- tion of, etc. [Gr. graphein, to describe.] Artichoke, arll-chok, n. An esculent plant resemb- ling a thistle. [It. articiocco.~] — Jerusalem a. A spe- cies of sunflower, bearing a tuber like the potato. [Jerusalem, corrup. of It. girasole, sunflower.] Article, arlf-kl, n. A distinct portion of any writing, consisting of particulars; a clause in a contract, ac- count, treaty, etc.; a distinct part; a particular com- modity or substance. (Gram.) One of the three words, a, an, the. — v. t. [articled (-kid), -cling.] To set forth in distinct articles; to bind by articles of covenant or stipulation. — v. i. To agree by ar- ticles; to stipulate. [F., fr. L. articuhts, dim. of ar- tus, a joint.] — Artic'ulate, a. (Nat. Hist.) Formed with joints. Distinctly uttered; clear. — n. (Zo'dl.) An animal having the body and members jointed. — v. t. To joint; to unite by a joint; to form into elementary sounds. — v. i. To utter articulate sounds ; to enunciate. [L. articulare, articulation, to join, to utter distinctly, fr. articulus.] — Artic.'- ula'r, a. Of, or pert, to, joints. — Artic'ulately, adv. Distinctly ; clearly. — Artic'ulalion, n. (Anat.) Junction" of the bones of a skeleton. (Bot.) Con- nection of the parts of a plant by joints, as in pods; one of the joints, as in cane and maize; one of the parts between joints. Utterance of the elementary sounds of language. — Artie 'ulator, -ter, n. One who joints; esp. one who puts together a skeleton; a distinct speaker. Artillery, ar-tiller-i, n. Offensive weapons of war; cannon; great guns; ordnance; the body of men in charge of cannon, etc.; the science of artillery and gunnery. [LL. artillaria, fr. L. ars, artis, art.] — Artillerist, n. One skilled in, etc. Arundinaceous, a-ruii'dT-na'shus, a. Pert, to, or re- sembling, a reed or cane. [L. arundo, reed.] — Ar'- undin^eous, -T-us, a. Abounding in reeds. Aruspice, a-rus'pis, Harus'pice, n. A priest, in an- cient Rome, who foretold the future by inspecting entrails of victims killed in sacrifice. [L. aruspex.] — Arus'picy, -pI-sY, n. Prognostication by, etc. Aryan, ar'yan or ar'Y-an, a. Pert, to an ancient people of Central Asia, from wiiom are supposed to descend the Celtic, Teutonic, Sclavonic, and other races ; Indo-European or lido-Germanic. [Skr. arya, excellent, honorable.] As, az, adv. Like; similar to; of the same kind with; while; during; in the idea, character, nature, or sun, cube, full ; moon, fotit ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. ASAFETIDA 30 ASSAULT condition of; for instance; by way of example; thus. [AS. eal swa, just so, just as," a! swa, als.] — As if, or «s though. Of the same kind, or in the same manner, that it would be if. —As for, or as to. In regard to, with respect to. — As it ware. A phrase used to apologize for some expression, which might seem inappropriate or incongruous. — Asivell. Also; too; besides. — As yet. Until now. Asafetida, -fcetida, as-a-fefi-da, n. A fetid inspis- sated sap from India, used in medicine. [Per. dzd, name of the plant, and L. fcetidus, stinking.] Asbestus, as-bes'tus, -bes'tos, n. (Min.) A fibrous variety of hornblende and pyroxene, making an incombustible cloth. [Gr. a priv. and sbennunai, to extinguish.] — Asbes'tiform, a. Having the struc- ture of, etc. — Asbes'tine, -tin, a. Pert, to, etc. Ascend, as-send', v. i. To mount; to go up; to rise. — v. t. To go or move upward upon; to climb. [L. ad and scandere, to climb, mount.] — Ascend 7 ' able, a. Capable of being ascended. — Ascend'ant, a. Above the horizon; superior; predominant. — n. Superior influence; an ancestor. (Astrol.) The horoscope, or that degree of the ecliptic which rises above the horizon at the time of one's birth. — Ascend'ency, ti. Authority; sway; control. — As- cen'sion, n. Act of ascending; esp. the elevation of our Savior to heaven. — Aseen'sional, a. Relating to, etc. — Ascen'sion day. The day on which our Savior's ascension is commemorated. — Ascent', n. The act of rising; way by which one ascends; an eminence or high place; the angle which an object makes with a horizontal line; inclination. Ascertain, as-ser-tan / ', v. t. [ascertained (-tand'), -taining.] To make certain; to establish; to And out for a certainty. [L. ad and certum, sure.] — Ascertainable, a. Capable of being, etc. — As'- certain'ment, n. A making or gaining certainty. Ascetic, as-sefik, n. One who practices undue rigor or self-denial in religious things. — a. Unduly rigid or self-denying. [Gr. askein, to exercise.] — Ascet'i- cism. -sizm, n. The practice of ascetics. Ascii, ash/I-I, Ascians, aslv'yanz, ?i. pi. (Geog.) In- habitants of the torrid zone, who have, twice a year, a vertical sun, and hence no shadow at noon. [Gr. a priv. and skia, shadow.] Ascitic, as-sit'ik, -ical, a. Tending to dropsy of the abdomen. [Gr. askos, belly.] Ascribe, as-krib', v. t. [ascribed (-kribdO, ascrib- ing.] To attribute to, as a cause or quality; to im- pute; to assign. [L. ad and scribere, to write.] — Ascrib'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — As'cript, a. Written by the side of another character. — As- cription, n. Act of ascribing; thing ascribed. Asexual, a-seks'u-al, a. Having no distinct sex. [a priv. and L. sexnalis, sexual.] Ash, n. A genus of forest trees, or their wood. [AS. assc] — Asb/en, a. Made or formed of ash-wood; of the color of ashes; ashy. — Asb/ery, -er-T, n. A place for putting ashes ; a place where potash is made.— Ash'es, -ez, n. pi. Earthy or mineral particles remaining after combustion; — among chemists, and in composition, used in the sing., as, bone-ash, pearl- ash ; the remains of what is burnt; remains of a dead body.— Ash-Wednesday, -wenz^dT. The first day of Lent. — Asb/y, -I, a. Ash-colored; like ashes. Ashamed, a-shamd', a. Affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt, impropriety, etc. [AS. dsca- mian, to make ashamed, fr. scamu, shame.] Ashlar, Ashler, ashler, n. Free-stones as they come from the quarry; hewn stones for facing walls. [OF. aiselle, dim. of aw, L. assis, plank.] — Asb/lering, n. The setting of ashlar facing; partition timbers in garrets reaching from floor to rafters. Ashore, a-sboi ,/P , adv. On or to shore; on the land. Aside, a-sid', adv. On, or to, one side; apart. — n. A remark in an undertone or by way of parenthesis. Asinine. See under Ass. Ask, ask, v. t.ori. [asked (askt), asking.] Tore- quire; to inquire, petition, beg, claim, demand, inter- rogate. [AS. ascian, acsian."] — Ask'er, n. One who asks. — (Zubl.) A water newt, eft. [AS. athexe.~\ Askance, as-kans', Askant', adv. Obliquely ; side- ways; toward one corner of the eye. [OF. a scanche, on the slope, obliquely, It. sehiancio, slope.] Askew, a-sku r , adv. Sideways; askant; awry. [Icel. a ska, on the skew, Dan. skjev, wry, oblique.] Aslant, a-slant', adv. At a slant; obliquely. Asleep, a-slep r , adv. In a state of sleep; at rest; dead. Aslope, a-slop', adv. With a slope or descent. Asomatous, a-so'ma-tus, a. Without a material body ; incorporeal. [Gr. a priv. and soma, body.] Asp. Asp, asp, Aspic, n. A small, hooded, poisonous serpent. [Gr. and L. aspis.] Asparagus, as-par'a-gus, n. A culinary plant. [Gr. ana, up, and spargan, to swell with sap.] — Aspar'agine,-jin,«. (Chem.) A crystalline substance in the juice of asparagus. — Aspar'- tic acid. An acid obtained from asparagine. Aspect, as'pekt, n. Look; mien; air; appearance to the eye or the mind ; position in rela- tion to the points of the com- pass. {Astrol.) The situation of one planet or star with re- spect to another. [L. ad and spicere, to look.] Aspen, as'pen, n. (Bot.) A species of poplar. — a. Pert, to the aspen. [AS. lesp, seps.~\ Asperate, as'per-at, v. t. To make rough. [L. asper, rough.] — As'perifo'lious, a. (Bot.) Having rough leaves. [Ij.jblium, leaf .]— Asperity, -per'i-tT, n. Roughness of surface, taste, or sound; harshness of spirit and language; acrimony; moroseness. Aspermatous, a-sper'ma-tus, Asper'mous, -mus, a. {Bot.) Without seeds. [Gr. a priv. undspeivna, seed. Asperse, as-pers', v. t. [aspersed (-perst'), aspers- ing.] To bespatter with foul reports or injurious charges; to calumniate, slander, defame. [L. ad and spargere, to strow, scatter.] — Asper'sion, -shun, n. A sprinkling, as of water or dust, in a literal sense ; spreading of calumnious reports; calumny. Asphalt, as-falf, -phaKtum, n. Mineral pitch; com- pact native bitumen. [Gr. asphaltos.~\ — ■ Asphaltlc, a. Pert, to, or containing, etc. Asphodel, as'fo-del, n. (Bot.) A perennial plant of the lily species; daffodil. [Gr. as2Jhodelos.~\ Asphyxia, as-fiks'i-a, -phyx , y, -Y, n. (3ted.) Apparent death, or suspended animation. [Gr. a priv. and sphuxis, throbbing pulse.] — Asphyx'ia'tion, n. The process of producing, or state of, asphyxia. Aspic. See Asp. Aspire, as-pir r , v. i. [aspired (-pird r ), aspiring.] To desire with eagerness; to long; to rise. [L. ad and spirare, to breathe, to blow.] — Aspir'ant, a. Aspiring; ardently desirous of rising. — Aspir'ant, Aspir'er, n. One who seeks eagerly. — Aspirate, as'pl-rat, v. t. To pronounce with a breathing or full emission of breath. — n. A letter marked with a note of breathing; a mark of aspiration (' ) used in Greek; the rough breathing; anon-vocal conso- nant. — a. Pronounced with a rough breathing. — Aspira'tion, n. Pronunciation of a letter with a strong emission of breath; strong wish or desire. — Aspira'tor, -ter, n. (Med.) An instrument for draw- ing out fluids from cavities of the body, — as pus, blood, etc. (Chem.) An apparatus for passing air or gas through liquids, by suction. Asquint, a-skwint , 1 adv. To the corner of the eye ; obliquely. [See Askance.] Ass, ass, n. (Zobl.) A quadruped of the horse family, having long, slouch- ing ears. A dull, stupid fellow; a dolt. [AS. assa, L. asinusJ — Asinine, as'T-nin a. Belonging to, or having the qualities of, an ass ; stupid ; obstinate. Assafetida, n. See Asafetida. Assagai, Assagay, as r - sa-ga, n. A dart or spear used by certain African tribes. [Sp. uzagaya.~\ _ Assail, as-saK, v. t. [assailed (-said'), assailing.] To attack with violence; to attack with a view to change feelings, conduct, etc.; to assault, beset, fall upon. [L. ad and salire, to spring.] — As- sail'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Assail'ant, n. One who, etc. — a. Assaulting, etc. — Assail'er, w. Assassin, as-sas'sin, n. One who kills or attempts to kill by secret assault. [Ar. hashishin, one who has drunk of the hashish.) — Assas'sinate, v. t. To murder by, etc. — Assas'sina'tion, n. Act of, etc. Assault, as-sawlf, n. A violent attack with blows, weapons, etc., or with words, arguments, appeals, Ass. am, fame, far, pass or opera, tare ; Snd, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Odd, tone, Or ; ASSAY 31 ASTER and the like; invasion; incursion; onset; charge. {Law.) An attempt or offer to beat another, but without touching his person: if the blow takes ef- fect, it is a batten/. — v.t. To attack with, etc. [L. ad and saltus, a leaping, fr. satire.] — Assault'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Assault'er, n. As3ay, as-sa', n. (Chem.) Determination of the quantity of any metal, esp. sold or silver, in an ore or alloy; the substance to oe assayed; a trial of weights and measures. — v. t. [assayed (-sad'), ASSAYING.] To subject to chemical examination, etc. — v. i. To attempt, try, or endeavor. [L. exa- gium, a weighing, a balance,] — Assay'er, n. One who tries or examines metals. Assemble, as-sem'bl, v. t. [assembled (-sem'bld), -bling.J To bring or call together; to convene; to congregate. — v. i. To meet or come together, to con- vene. [L. ad and simul, together.] — Assem'blage, -blej, re. Act of assembling; collection of individ- uals, or of particular things. — Assem'bly, -bli, n. A company collected in one place, usually for some common purpose; meeting, group. Assent, as-senf, n. The act of assenting, admitting, or agreeing to any thing; consent. — r. i. To admit a thing as true; to express agreement, concurrence, or concession. [L. ad and sentire, to feel, think.] — Assentation, re. Assent by way of flattery or dis- simulation ; adulation. — Assenta'tor, -ter, n. A flat- terer or dissembler. — Assent' er, n. One who assents. Assert, as-serf, v. t. To affirm positively; to aver, maintain, vindicate. [L. ad and severe, sertum, to join together.] — Assertion, -ser'shun, n. Act of as- serting; vindication. — Assert 'ive, -iv, a. Positive; affirming confidently. — Assert 'or, -er, re. — Assert '- ory, -er-T, a. Affirming; maintaining. Assess, as-ses', v. t. [assessed (-sesf), -sessing.] To tax; to value for taxation; to determine, fix, estimate. [LL. assessare, f r. L. assidere, to sit by.] — Assess''- able, a. Liable to be assessed. — Assess 'ment, n. Act of, etc.; valuation; sum charged. — Assess 'or. -er, n. One appointed to assess persons or property. — As3esso'rial, a. Pert, to assessors. Assets, as'sets, n. jil. Property in possession or money due, as opp. to liabilities. [F. assez, fr. L. ad and sat, satis, enough.] Asseverate, as-sev'er-at, v. t. To affirm solemnly. [L. ad and severus, .serious.] — Assev'era'tion, n. Assibilation, as-sib'I-la-shun, n. (Gram.) A making sibilant ; change of a dental or guttural consonant into a sibilant. [L. ad and sibilare, to hiss.] Assiduous, as-sid'u-us, a. Constant in attention ; sed- ulous; persevering; indefatigable. [L. ad and sed- ere, to sit.] — Assid'uously, adv. — Assid'uousness, re. — Assidu'ity, -I-tl, n. Constant application. Assiento, as-st-en'to, re. A contract by Spain with other powers to furnish slaves for Spanish Amer- ica. [Sp., fr. asentar, to make an agreement.] Assign, as-sin', v. t. [assigned (-slnd'), assign- ing.] To appoint, allot, apportion; to fix, desig- nate. (Law.) To transfer, or make over to an- other ; to transfer to, and vest in assignees, for the benefit of creditors. — re. (Law.) One to whom property is transferred. [L. assignare, fr. ad and signum, mark.] — Assign'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Assignation, -sig-na'shun, re. Act of, etc.; an appointment to meet at given time and place. — Assignee, as-si-ne', n. One to whom something is assigned. — Assignor, as-sin'er, n. One who, etc. — Assign'ment , a. An allotting to a particular person or use. (Law.) A transfer of title by writing; writ- ing by which an interest is transferred; transfer of a bankrupt's property to assignees, for creditors. — Assignor, -sT-nor', re. (Law.) One who assigns or transfers an interest. Assignat, as-in-ya', n. Paper currency, issued b} r the revolutionary'governmeutof France, based on secu- rity of the lands of the state. [F.] Assimilate, as-sim'T-lat, v. t. To cause to resemble; to convert into a like substance. — v. i. To become similar. [L. ad and similare, fr. similis, like.] — Assimilable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Assim'i- la'tion, re. Act of assimilating ; state of resem- blance or identity ; conversion of nutriment into the substance of the body. — Assim'ilative, -tiv, a. Having power of assimilating. Assist, as-sisf, v. t. To give support to; to succor. — v. i. To help; to attend. [L. ad and sistere, to stand.] — Assistance, n. Aid; relief. —Assist 'ant, a. Help- ing; auxiliary. — n. One who assists. Assize, as-siz', n. Lit., a sitting ; an order or regula- tion, esp. about the weight of bread, etc. (Law.) Periodical sessions of the superior courts in the counties of England, — usually in the pi. — v. t. [assized (-sizd'), -sizing.] To fix the weight, measure, or price of, by authority. [L. assidere, to sit by. See Assess.] — Assiz'er, n. One who as- sizes, or fixes weights, rates, etc. Associate, as-so'sht-at, v. t. To join in companv as a friend, companion, partner, etc.; to unite in the'same mass. — v. i. To unite in company. — a. Closely connected. — n. A companion; a mate. [L. ad and socius, companion.] — Asso'ciabil'ity, -sha-bil'T-tr, -bleness, n. Quality of being capable of association. — Asso'ciable. a. Capable of being, etc.; compan- ionable; liable to be affected by sympathy. — As- so'cia'tion, -shl-a'shun, re. Union ; connection; un- ion of persons in a society for some particular pur- pose.— Asso'cia'tional, a. Pert, to an, etc. — Asso'- cia'tionalism, n. (P/iilos.) Doctrine of associational- ists. — Asso'cia'tionalist, re. (Philos.) One who explains the higher functions and relations of the soul by the association of ideas. — Asso'ciative, -tiv, a. Tending or pertaining to association. Assonant, as'so-nant, a. Resembling in sound. (Pros.) Pert, to the rhyme called assonance; not consonant. [L. ad and sonare, to sound.] — As'so- nance, n. Resemblance of sounds; a kind of imper- fect rhyme. Assort, as-sorf, v. t. To distribute into classes; to furnish with all sorts. [L. ad and sortiri, fr. sors, lot.] — Assort'ment, re. Distribution into classes; things assorted. Assuage, as-swaj', v. t. ["assuaged (-swajd'), assua- ging.] To soften; to allay or lessen, as pain or grief; to appease, soothe, alleviate. [L. ad and suavis, sweet.] — Assuage 'ment, re. Abatement; mitigation. — Assua'ger, re. He who, or that which, assuages. — Assua'sive, -siv, «._ Softening; easing. Assuetude, as'swe-tud, re. Custom; habit. [L. as- suescere, assnetum, to accustom to.] Assume, as-sum', v. t. [assumed (-sumd'), assuming.] To take, or take upon one's self; to take for granted, or without proof ; to pretend to possess. — v. i. To be arrogant; to claim unduly. [L. ad and sumere, to take.] — Assum'er, n. An arrogant person. — As- sum'ingly, adv. — Assumption, -sum'shun, n. Act of assuming; supposition; thing supposed. (Logic.) The minor proposition in a categorical syllogism. (Eccl.) A festival in honor of the ascent of the Vir- gin Mary into heaven. — Assump'tive, sum-tiv, a. That is or may be assumed. — Assump'sit, n. (Law.) A promise or"undertaking, founded on a considera- tion; an action to recover damages for non-perform- ance of contract. [Pret. of L. assumere.] Assure, a-shoor', v. t. [assueed, (-shoord'), assur- ing.] To make sure or certain; to confirm; to as- sert; insure. (Law.) To covenant to indemnify for loss. [L. ad and securus, secure.] — Assur'ance, re. Act of assuring; a declaration inspiring credit; free- dom from doubt; firmness of mind; intrepidity; im- pudence; insurance; a contract to pay on occasion of a certain event, as loss or death. (Law.) Evidence of conveyance of property. — Assur'edly, adv. Cer- tainly; without doubt. — Assur'edness, re. State of being, etc. — Assur'er, n. One who, etc. Assurgent, as-ser'jent, a. (Bot.) Rising upward ob- liquely. [L. assurgere, to rise up.] Astatic, a-stat'ik, a. (Electro-magnetism.) ISTot tak- ing a definite position or direction; without polarity. [Gr. a priv. and histanai, to stand.] Astel, as'tel, re. (Mining.) A ceiling of boards, to protect persons in a mine. Aster, as'ter, n. (Bot.) A genus of plants with radi- ated compound flowers. [Gr., star.] — As'terisk, n. The mark [*] in printing and writing. [Gr. asteris- kos, dim. of aster.] — As'terism, -izm, n. A small cluster of stars. (Printing.) Three asterisks [***] directing attention to a particular passage. [Gr. asterismos, fr. aster.] — As'teroid, n. (Astron.) One of the small planets revolving between Mars and Jupiter. [Gr. eidos, form.] — Asteroid 'al, a. Pert. to, etc. — As'tral, a. Belonging to the stars; starry. — As'tral Lamp. n. An Argand lamp having the oil in a flattened ring. — Astrog'raphy, re. A de- scription of the stars. [Gr. graphein, to describe.] — Astrog'eny, -troj'-, re. The creation or evolutions of the heavens. [Gr. genos, birth.] — As'trolabe, -lab, re. An instrument for taking the altitude of the sun or stars at sea. [Gr. lambanein, labein, to take.] — AstroKatry, n. Star-worship. [Gr. latreia, worship.] — Astrol'ogy, -jT, n. Science of predicting events by the aspects of the stars. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — stin, cube, full; moon, f dot ; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, boN'boN, chair, get. ASTEEN ATROCIOUS Julirhrf astrology pretended to foretell the fate of nations and individuals. — Natural astrology predicted events of nature, such as the weather, etc. — AstroKoger, -jer, n. One who pretends, to foretell events, etc. — Astrologic, -lojlk, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. — Astron'omy, n. Science of the heavenly bodies. [Gr. nomos, law, rule.] — Astron''- omer, n. One versed in as- tronomy. — Astronomic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc.— As- tronomically, adv. Astern, a-stenv, adv. In, at, part of a ship; behind a ship. Asternal, as-ter'nal, a. Noting Astrolabe, or toward, the hinder the floating ribs, which do not join the breast-bone. [Gr. a priv. and sternon, breast-bone.] Asthenic, as-thenlk, a. Characterized by debility. [Gr. a priv. and sthenos, strength.] Asthma, as'ma, or az'ma, n. Disordered respiration, with cough and difficult breathing. [Gr., fr. aein, to blow\] — Asthmatic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or af- fected by, etc. Astigmatism, a-stiglna-tizm, n. Defective vision, from the rays of light not converging at one focus. [F. astigmatisme, f r. Gr. a priv. and stigma, a point.] Astir, a-ster', adv. In motion or action. Astonish, as-tonlsh, v. t. To strike dumb with sud- den fear, terror, surprise, or wonder; to amaze. [L. ad and tonare, to thunder.] — Astonishing, a. Of a nature to excite astonishment; surprising; won- derful; admirable; marvelous. —Astonishment, n. Confusion of mind from, etc. Astound, as-townd', v. t. To astonish. [AS. dstunian.~\ Astraddle, a-strad'dl, adv. With the legs across a thing, or on different sides of it. [Freq. of stride.] Astragal, aslra-gal, n. A molding around the top or bottom of a column or a cannon. [See Mold- ing.] [Gr. astragalos, ankle-bone.] — Astrag'aloid, a. Shaped like the ankle-bone. [Gr. eidos, form.] Astray, a-stra', adv. Out of, or from the right way ; wrong. Astrict, as-trikt'', v. t. To constrict ; to contract. [L. ad and stringere, striatum, to draw tight, strain.] — Astriclion, «. — Astringe, as-trini' r , v. t. [as- tkinged (-trinjdO, astrixgixg.] To bind fast, constrict, contract. — Astrin'gency, n. Quality of being astringent. — Astrin'gent, a. Binding; strengthening; — opp. to laxative. — n. Amedicine causing vital contraction in the organic textures. Astride, a-strid', adv. With the legs apart. Astute, as-tut', a. Critically examining or discern- ing; shrewd; subtle; sagacious. [L. astutus, shrewd, astus, craft.] — Astutely, adv. — Astute'ness, n. Asunder, a-sun'der, adv. Apart; separately. Asylum, a-silum, n. ; pi. Eng. Asy'lums, L. Asy'la, -la. A place of refuge; an institution for protection or relief, for the deaf and dumb, insane, etc. [L., Gr. asulon, fr. asulos, inviolable.] Asymmetry, a-sim'me-trf, n. Want of proportion be- tween the parts. [Gr. a. priv. and summetria.] Asymptote, aslm-tot, sometimes pron. a-simlot, ??. (Math.) A line which approaches nearer and nearer to some curve, but, though infinitely extended, would never meet it. [Gr. a priv., sun, with, and ptotos, falling.] — Asymtotlc, -ical, a. Asyndeton, a-sin r de-ton, n. (Rhet.) A figure which omits the connective, as, vent, vidi, vici (I came, saw, conquered). [Gr. a priv. undsundetos, bound to- gether.] —Asyndetic, a. Lacking connectives. At, prep, denoting presence or nearness in place or time (at home, at one o'clock); hence, relations of situation, condition, etc. (at war, at your service); after verbs of motion, direction towards (to run at). Atabal, at'a-bal, n. A kettle-drum ; a tabor. [Ar. 'at-Habl, drum.] Ataghan, afa-gan, Yat 'agnail, n. A long Turkish dagger. [Turk. yatagun.J Atavism, at'a-vizm. n. Reappearance of a disease, etc., in a family, after having disappeared for one or more generations. [I,, atavus, ancestor.] Ate, at, pret. of Eat. See Eat. Atelier, at'lY-a or a-tel'ya, n. An artist's workroom; studio. [F.j Athanasian, ath-a-na'zhan, a. Pert, to Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, or his doctrines. Atheist, alhe-ist, n. One who denies the existence Atlas of God. [Gr. a priv. and theos, god.] — A'theism. n. Disbelief in, etc. — Atheistic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. impious. — Atheistlcally, adv. Atheneum, -naum, ath-e-nelim, n.; pi. Eng. Athexe'- UMS, L. -x.-ea, -ne'a. A literary or scientific associa- tion; a public library and reading room. [Gr. Ath- enaion, the temple of Athene, or Minerva, at Athens.] Athenian, a-the'nl-an, a. Pert, to Athens, in Greece. Athermanous, a-ther'ma-nus, a. (Chem.) Not trans- mitting heat. — Ather'mancy, -sT, n. Impermeabil- ity to heat. [Gr. a priv. and tlierma, heat.] Athirst, a-therst', a. Thirsty; having keen desire. Athlete, ath'let, n. A contender for victory in trials of strength. [Gr. athletes, fr. athlon, prize.] — Athletic, -let'ik, a. Pert, to wrestling, boxing, and other manly exercises; strong; vigorous. Athwart, a-thwawrf, prep. Across, —adv. Sidewise; in a manner to cross and perplex. Atilt, a-tilt', adv. In the position of one making a thrust; with one end raised. Atlas, atlas, n. A collection of maps in a volume; a volume of plates or tables; a kind of silk- satin; a kind of large drawing paper. (Anat.) The first vertebra of the neck. [Atlas, a Greek demigod, said to bear the world on his shoulders, and whose figure was printed on the title- pages of old atlas- es.]— Atlante'an, a. Pert, to or resemb- ling Atlas. — Atlan- tes, -lanlez, n. pi. Figures of men, used as columns to sup- port entablatures. — Atlan'tic, a. (Geog.) Pert, to the Atlantic Ocean, or to the isle of Atlantis; descend- ed from Atlas. Atmosphere, at'mos-fer, n. (Physics.) The aeriform fluid surrounding the earth ; pressure of the air on a unit of surface ; a gaseous medium. [Gr. atmos, vapor, and sphaira, sphere.] — Atmospheric, -fer'- ik, -ical, a. Relating to, existing in, or dependent on, etc. Atoll, a-tol', n. A ring-shaped coral island surround- ing a lagoon. [Malay, ator, order, rank.] Atom, at'om, n. An ultimate or constituent particle of matter; a molecule; anything extremely small. [Gr. atomos, fr. a priv. and temnein, to cut.] — Atomic, a-tomlk, -ical, a. Relating to, or con- sisting of, atoms. — At'omism, n. The doctrine of, etc. — At'omist, n. One who holds to the atomical philosophy. — At'omize, v. t. To reduce to atoms or to fine spray, — said of liquids. — At'omizer. n. (Med.) An instrument for converting liquids into spray for inhalation, local anaesthesia, etc. Atone, a-ton', v. i. [atox t ed (-tond'), atoning.] To stand as an equivalent ; to make reparation, com- pensation, etc.; to expiate. — v.t. To reconcile; to answer or make satisfaction for. [From at one, i. e., to be, or cause to be, at one.] — Aton'able, a. — Atone'ment, n. Reconciliation ; reparation made by giving an equivalent for an injury. (Theol.) The expiation of sin made by Christ. — Aton'er, n. Atony, at'o-nY, n. (Med.) Want of tone; weakness of the organs, esp. of such as are contractile. [Gr. a priv. and tonos, tone, strength.] — Atonic, «. (Med.) Characterized by atony. (Gram.) Unac- cented ; destitute of vocality; surd. — n. (Gram.) a word that has no accent; an element of speech, produced by the breath alone. (Med.) A remedy for organic excitement or irritation. Atop, a-top', adv. At or on the top; above. Atrabilarian, at-ra-bY-la'ri-an, -rious, a. Affected with melancholy. _[L. atra bilis, black bile.] — At- rabillar, -yar, -bilious, -yus, a. Hypochondriac. Atramental, 'at-ra-men'tal, -tous, -tus, a. Black; inky. [L. atramentum, ink, fr. ater, black.] Atrium, alrT-um, n. ; pi. Atria, a'trY-a. (Arch.) An open space before a church. (Anat.) An auricle of the heart. [L., a court or entrance hall.] Atrocious, a-tro'shus, a. Extremely heinous; enor- mously wicked; flagrant. [L. atrox, fierce.] — Atro'* 2m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Qdd, tone, 6r ; ATROPHY 33 AUGITE ciously, adv. — Atro'ciousness, Atrocity, a-tros'- 1-tT, n. Enormous wickedness or crueUy. Atrophy, at'ro-f T, n. A wasting away from lack of nourishment. [Gr. atrophia, ir. a priv. aud treph- ein, to nourish.] Atropia, a-tro'pi-a, Atro'pina. At'ropine, -ro-pin, n. (Chem.) A very poisonous alkaloid extracted from the Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade. [Gr. Atropos, one of the Fates.] — At'ropism, n. {Med.) A diseased condition produced by using belladonna. Attach, at-tach', v. t. [attached (-tachf), attach- ing.] To bind, fasten, or tie; to take by legal au- thority; to lay hold on, by force or by moral influ- ence; to affix, gaiu over, win. — v. i. To adhere. [F. attacker; E. tuck, to fasten.] — Attachable, a. Ca- pable of being, etc. —Attach 'merit, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; a passion or affection; that by which one thing is attached to another; an adjunct. {Civ. Law.) A seizure by legal process; the writ commanding such seizure. — Attache, at-ta-sha', n. One attached to the suite of an ambassador. [F.] Attack, at-tak', v. t. [attacked (-takf), attack- ing.] To fall upon with force or with unfriendly words; to assail, invade. {Chem.) To begin to de- compose, by chemical agents. — n. A falling on with violence, or with calumny, satire, etc. ; onset ; in- road; charge. [F. attaquer, a form of attacker.'] Attain, at-tau', v. i. [attained (-tand'), attain- ing.] To come or arrive, by motion or efforts; to reach.—?;, t. To achieve; to gain; to equal. [L. attinere, to hold to. and attingere, to touch.] — At- tain'able, a. Capable of being, etc. [Improper^ used for obtainable, procurable.] — Attainability, Attain'ableness, n. — Attain'' ment, n. Act of, etc., that which is, etc. ; proficiency in knowledge. Attaint, at-tant', v. i. To stain; to disgrace. {Law.) To taint or corrupt, as blood; to taint, as the credit of jurors giving a false verdict. — n. A stain; spot. {Law.) A writ to inquire whether a jury has given a false verdict. {Far.) A wound on a horse's leg, made by over-reaching. [F. atteindre, fr. L. attin- gere, to touch.] — Attaint' ment, n. State of being at- tainted. — Attaint'ure, Attain'der, n. {Com. Law.) Stain, forfeiture, and corruption of blood on con- demnation for certain crimes. Act of attainting. Attemper, at-tem'per, v. t. [attempered (-perd), -peiung.] To reduce, modify, or moderate, by mix- ture; to soften; to mix in just proportion; to make suitable; to adapt. [L. ad and temperare, to soften.] Attempt, at-temt', v. t. To make trial of; to make an attack upon. — v. i. To make an effort or an attack. — n. An essay, trial, or endeavor. [L. ad and tentare, to try.] — Attempt'able, a. Attend, at-tend', v. t. To go or stay with; to wait on, accompany; to be united or consequent to. — v. i. To pay attention with a view to perceive, understand, or comply; to heed; to listen; to wait or be in waiting. [L. ad and tendere, to stretch (the mind).] — At- tend'ance, n. Act of, etc.; persons attending; a train; a retinue. — Attend 'ant, a. Present, or in the train; accompanying or immediately following, as conse- quential. {Law.) Depending on, or owing duty or service to. — n. One who, or that which, etc. — At- tent', a. Attentive. — Atten'tion, n. Act of attend- ing or heeding; act of civility; care; respect; regard; notice. — Attentive, -iv, a. Full of attention ; mindful ; civil ; polite. — Attentively, adv. — At- tent'iveness, n. Attenuate, at-ten'u-at, v. t. To make thin, or less viscid; to make slender; to draw out or extend in length. — v. i. To become thin, slender, or fine; to lessen. [L. ad and tenuare, fr. tenuis, thin.] — At- ten'uant, a. Thinning. — n. {Med.) A medicine that dilutes the fluids; a diluent. — Attenua'tion, n. Act of making thin or fine; pulverization. Attest, at-test', v. t. To bear witness to; to give proof of; to call to witness. [L. ad and testari, fr. testis, witness.] — Attesta'tion, n. Testimony; esp., offi- cial testimony. — Attest'or, n. One who attests. Attic, at'tik, a. Pert, to Attica, in Greece, or to its prin- cipal city, Athens. — n. {Arch.) A story in the upper part of a house; a garret. — Attic wit, Attic salt. A poignant, delicate wit. — Attic style. A style pure, classical, and elegant. —Attic purity. Special purity of language. — At'ticism, -sizm, n. Style or idiom used by the Athenians. Attire, at-tlr', v. t. [attired (-tird'), attiring.] To dress, array, adorn. — n. Clothes; dress; horns of a buck. [OF. atirer, fr. AS. tit; splendor.] Attitude, at'tl-tud, n. Posture or position. [F.. fr. LL. aptitudo, fr. L. aptus, suited, fitted.] — Attitu'- dinize, v. i. [attitudinized (-nizd), -nizing.] To assume affected attitudes. Attollent, at-tol'lent, a. Lifting up; raising. [L. ad and tollere, to lift.] Attorney, at-ter'nT, n. ; pi. Attor'neys. {Law.) One legally appointed by another to transact business for him. [OF. atorni, fr. L. ad and tomare, to turn.] — Power of attorney. A document by which one is authorized to transact business for another. — At- tor'neyship, n. Office of, etc. — Attorn'ment, n. {Law.) Agreement of a tenant to acknowledge the purchaser of the estate as his landlord. Attract, at-trakt', v. t. To draw or cause to tend to- ward; to cause to adhere or combine; to allure; to invite; to engage. [L. ad and trakere, traction, to draw.] — Attract' able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Attract'abil'ity, n. — Attract'ile, -il, a. Having power to attract. — Attraction, -trak'shun, n. {Physics.) An invisible powerin a body by which it draws any thing to itself; the power in nature tend- ing to draw bodies together or to produce cohesion, and resisting separation. Act of attracting; power or act of alluring, inviting, or engaging. — Attract'- ive, -iv, a. Having the power of, etc.; enticing; in- viting. — n. That which, etc. — Attractively, adv. — Attract'iveness, n. — Attractiv'ity, n. Quality or degree of attractive power. — Attract'or, -er, n. One who, etc. — At'trahent, n. That which, etc. Attribute, at-tiib'ut, v. t. To consider as belonging to; to ascribe to; to impute, refer, charge. [L. ad and tribuere, to bestow.] — Attribute, at'trl-but, n. A thing that may be attributed; inherent quality; essential or necessary property. — Attrib'utable, a. Capable of being attributed. — Attribu'tion, n. Act of attributing: quality attributed. — Attrib'u- tive, -tiv, a. Relating to, or expressing, an attribute. — n. A word denoting an attribute or quality. Attrite, at-trit', a. Worn by rubbing or friction. [L. ad and terere, tritum, to rub.] — Attrite'ness, ». State of being, etc. — Attri'tion, -trish'un, n. Act of wearing by friction; abrasion; state of being worn. Attune, at-tun', v. t. [attuned (-tund'), attuning.] To put in tune, arrange fitly, make accordant. Auburn, aw'bern, a. Reddish brown. [LL. aTbur- nus, fr. L. albus, white.] Auction, awk'shun, n. A public sale of property to the highest bidder; a vendue. [L. auctio, f r. avgere, auctwn, to increase.] — _Auc'tionary, a. Belonging to. etc. — Auctioneer', -er', n. The person who sells, etc. — v. t. To sell by auction. Audacious, aw-da'shus, a. Contemning restraints of law, religion, or decorum; bold in wickedness. [L. audax, audacis, fr. audere, to dare.] — Auda'ciously, adv. — Auda'ciousness, -dacity, -das'i-tt, n. Dar- ing spirit or confidence; venturesomeness; presump- tuous impudence; hardihood; boldness; effrontery; contempt of law or moral restraint. Audible, aw'dl-bl, a. Capable of being heard. [L. audire, auditum, to hear.] — Audibil'ity. Au'dible- ness, n. Quality of being, etc. — Au'dibly, adv. — Au'dience, n. Act of hearing; admittance to a hear- ing; an assembly of hearers. — Au'dit, n. An ex- amination, esp. of accounts, with the hearing of the parties concerned, by proper officers. — v. t. To ex- amine and adjust, as accounts. — Au'ditor, -er, n. A hearer or listener; one authorized to adjust ac- counts. — Au'ditorship, n. Office of, etc. — Au'di- tory, a. Pert, to the sense of hearing. — n. An as- sembly of hearers; audience. — Au'ditress, n. A fe- male hearer. — Audito'rium, n. The part of a the- ater, etc., occupied by the audience. [L.] — Au'di- phone, -fon, n. An acoustic instrument for enabling deaf persons to hear by means of vibrations trans- mitted through the teeth. [Gr. phone, voice.] Augean, aw-je'an, a. Pert, to Augeus or his stable, containing 3,000 oxen and uncleaned for 30 years ; filthy. Auger, aw'ger, n. A car- penter's boring tool; an in- strument for perforating soils or rocks. [AS. nafe gar, lit. a nave-borer.] Aught, awt, n. A whit; any thing ; any part. [AS. awiht, fr. a, one, andwi'At, thing.] Augite, aw'jit, n. A green- ish mineral, consisting Auger. eun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. 3 AUGMENT 34 AUTOMATON chiefly of silica, magnesia and lime, and occurring in lavas, trap, basalt, etc.; pyroxene. [Gr. augites, fr. auge, brightness.] Augment, awg-menf, v. t. To enlarge or increase; to swell; to make bigger. — v. i. To grow larger. [L. augmentare, fr. augere, to increase.] — Aug'ment, n. Enlargement by addition ; increase. (Gr. Gram.) A sign of past time: it is either a syllable prefixed to a word, or an increase of the quantity of the initial vowel. — Augmenfable, a. Capable' of being, etc. — Augmentation, n. Act of, etc. ; state of being, etc. ; thing added. (Mus.) In counterpoint and fugue, a repetition of the subject in tones of twice their origi- nal length. — Augmenfative, -tiv, a. Having the quality of, etc. Augur, aw'ger, n. (Rom. Antiq.) One who foretold future events by the actions of birds, or by other signs. One who pretends to foretell future events by omens; a soothsayer. — v. i. [augured (-gerd), auguring (-ger-ing).] To conjecture by signs or omens; to prognosticate. — v. t. To predict or fore- tell; to betoken. [L.; prob. a Tuscan word.] — Au'- gural, a. Pert, to, etc. — Au'gurate, v. i. and t. To augur. — Augura'tion, n. Act or practice of, etc. — Augu'rial, a. Of or relating to, etc. — Au'- gurship, n. Office of, etc. — Au'gury, n. Foretell- ing of events, etc.; an omen: prediction. August, aw-gusf, a. Creating extraordinary respect and veneration; grand; imposing; majestic. [L. augustus, f r. augere, to increase.] — August' ness, n. August, aw'gust, n. The eighth month of the year. [L., named in honor of Caesar Augustus.') — Augus'- tan, a. Pert, to Augustus or to his times. The Augustan age of any literature is the period of its highest state of purity and refinement. Augustine, aw-gustln, Augustinlan, n. (Eccl. Hist.) A monk of an order named from St. Agus- tine ; Austin friars ; White friars. — Au'gustinlan, n. One who follows St. Augustine in maintaining that grace is effectual from its nature, absolutely and morally, not relatively and gradually. Auk, awk, n. A sea-bird of the Alca family, includ- ing the penguin and puffin. [Prov. E. alk, NL. alca.] Aulic, awlik, a. Pert, to a royal court. — n. The ceremony of con- ferring the degree of doctor of divinity. [Gr. aide, hall, court.] Aunt, ant, n. A father's or mother's sister. [OF. ante, L. amita.] Aura, aw'ra, _n. ; pi. Aur.e, awle. Any subtile, invisible fluid, supposed to flow f com a body. [L., air.] — Au'ral, a. Pert, to the air, or to an aura. Aural, awlal, a. Be- longing to the ear. [L. »! M OneTkllTed A ?n , & Great Auk - (Alca impennis.) orders of the ear. — Au'ricle, -rT-kl, n. (Anat.) The external ear: see Ear; one of two muscular sacs at the base of the heart, resembling the ex- ternal ear of some quadrupeds. A kind of ear- trumpet. [L. auricula, dim. of auris.] —Auric r - ula, ». A species of primrose ; the bear's ear. — Auric'ular, a. Pert, to the ear, or to the sense of hearing; told in the ear ; secret ; recognized by the ear; received or traditional. (Med.) Pert, to the auricles of the heart. — n. A circle of feathers surrounding the opening of a bird's ear ; the little finger. — Auric'ulate, Au'riform, a. Ear-shaped. — Au'riscope, -skop, n. (Med.) An instrument for examining the Eustachian tube. — Auris^copy, n. Examination with, etc. [Gr. skopein, to view, ex- amine.] Aurated, awla-ted, a. Resembling gold. [L. aura- tus.] — Aureola, aw-re'o-la, Aureole, awle-ol, n. The circle of rays, with which painters surround the head of Christ, saints, etc. [L. aureolis, of gold, dim. of aureus, golden.] Auriferous, aw-rii-er-us, a. Yielding or producing gold. [L. aurum, gold, and ferre, to bear.] Aurin, Aurine, awlin, n. (Chem.) A red coloring matter produced by heating phenol with oxalic acid ana strong sulphuric acid, — used as a dye-stu ;"£, Aurochs, awloks, n. (Zo'ol.) The Bos urus, or bison, of Poland. [Gr.] Aurora, aw-rola, n. The dawn of day; redness of the sky before sunrise; a species of crowfoot. — Au- ro'ra borealis. A luminous meteoric phenomenon, supposed to be of electrical origin; northern lights. — A. australis. Southern lights. — Auro'ral, a. Pert, to, or like, etc. [L,.,ir. aureahora, golden hour.] Auscultation, aws-kul-ta'shun. n. Act of listening. (Med.) A method of distinguishing diseases, esp. in the thorax, by observing sounds, esp. by means of the stethoscope. [L. auscidtatio, a listening.] — Ausculta'tor, -ter, n. — Auscultatory, a. — Aus'cul- tate, -tat, v. t. (Med.) To examine by auscultation. Auspicate, aw'spl-kat, v. t. To give a favorable turn to in commencing. [L. auspicare, f r. auspex, a bird seer, diviner.] — Au'spice, -spis, n. ; pi. Au^spices, -spt-sez. Omen; augury; protection extended; fa- vor shown; patronage. — Auspicial, -spish/al,a. Pert, to auspices. — Auspicious, -spish/us, a. Having omens of success or favorable appearances; lucky; propitious. — Auspi'ciously, adv. Austere, aw-ster', a. Sour with astringency; severe in modes of judgment, living, or acting; rigid; harsh; rough; stern. [Gr. austeros.~] — Austerely, adv. — Austere'ness, -sterity, -ster'I-tY, n. Austral, aw'stral, a. Of or tending to the south ; southern. [L. auster, the south wind.] Authentic, aw-thenlik, -tical, a. Of approved au- thority ; to be relied on; true; certain; genuine. (Mus.) Having an immediate relation to the tonic, in distinction from plagal, having a correspondent relation to the dominant below the tonic. [Gr. au- thentikos, fr. authentes, one who does by his own hand.] — Authentically, adv. With marks of cred- ibility. — Authenticate, v. t. To establish by proof ; to render authentic ; to prove to be genuine. — Authentication, n. — Authenticity, -tis'I-tf, n. Quality of being, etc. Author, awlher, n. The beginner, former, or first mover of any thing; the creator; one who writes a book. [L. auctor, fr. augere, to increase, produce.] — Aulhoress, n. A female author. — Aulhorship, n. State of being, etc.— Authoritative, -thSr'l-ta-tiv, a. Having authority, or an air of authority ; pos- itive. — Authoritatively, adv. — Authority, n. Legal or rightful power; dominion; persons exer- cising command — chiefly in the pi.; influence of character, office, station, etc.; testimony; witness: the person who testifies; a precedent, decision of a court, official declaration ; a book, containing pre- cedents, etc. ; the name of its author. — Au / thoriza / - tion, n. Establishment by authorit}'. — Au'thorize, v. t. [-ized (-izd), -izing.] To clothe with author- ity, empower, legalize; to establish by authority; to give authority, credit, or support to. Autobiography, aw'to-bi-ogla-fT, n. A memoir of a person written by himself. [G. aiitos, self, bios, life, and graphein, to write.] — Au'tobioglapher, n. One who writes, etc. — Au / tobi / ograph1cal, a. Pert, to, or containing, etc. — Au'tobi'ographlcally, adv. Autochthon, aw-tok'thon, n. One sprung from the same soil he inhabits; an aboriginal or native; that which is original to a country. [Gr., from the land itself, fr. autos, self, and chthon, land.] — Autoch- thon 'ic, -toch'thonous, -nus, a. Indigenous ; abo- riginal; native. Autocrat, awlo-krat, n. An absolute sovereign; a title of emperors of Russia; one invested with inde- pendent power and unaccountable for his actions. [Gr. autos and kratos, strength.] — Autodacy,-s1, n. Independent or self-derived power ; uncontrolled right of governing in a single person; right of self- government in a state. — Autocratic, -ical, a. — Au- tocratically, adv. — Autodatrix, n. A female au- tocrat. Auto-da-fe, aw-to-da-fa, n. ; pi. Autos-da-fe, -toz-. Punishment of a heretic by burning, in conformity with a judgment of the Inquisition; the sentence then read. [Pg., act of faith.] Autograph, awlo-graf, n. One's own handwriting; an original manuscript. [Gr. autos and graphein, to write.] — Autographic, -ical, a. Pert, to an auto- graph ; pert, to, or used in, autography. — Auto- graphlcally, adv. — Autoglaphy, -ft, n. One's own writing; science of autographs; a process in lithography for transferring writing. Automath. awlo-math, n. A self-taught person. [Gr. autos and manthanein, to learn.] Automaton, a w-tom r a-ton, n.; pi. -axons; L.pl. -ata, -ta. A machine moved by interior machinery which am, fame, far, pass or opera, Lire ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Odd, tone, 6.- ; AUTONOMASY 35 AWE imitates actions of men or animals; any self-moving machine. [Gr. autos and niacin, to strive after, move.] — Automatic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or performed by, an automaton; self-acting; esp. applied to machine- ry, in which, movements commonly made by hand are made by the machine itself; not depending on the will; acting involuntarily. Autonomasy, aw-to-nom^a-st, n. (Rhet.) The use of a word of general signification for the name of a particular thing, — as "gone to town," for "gone to New York." [Gr. autos and onoma, name]. Autonomy, aw-ton'o-mT, n. Power or right of self- government; man's power, as possessed of reason, to give law to himself. [Gr. autos and nomos, law.] — Auton'omist, n. An advocate of, etc. Autoplasty, aw-to-plas'tl, n. (Surg.) The artificial repairing of lesions by transplanting healthy flesh from a neighboring part. [Gr. autos and plassein, to mold, form.] — Autoplastic, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. Autopsy, aw r top-sT, n. Personal observation or ex- amination. (Med.) Post-mortem examination. [Gr. autos and opsis, sight.] Autotype, aw'to-tip, n. A photograph made by au- totypy. — Autotypy, -tofi-pl or -to-ti'pY, n. A photographic method of making transcripts of pic- tures, by potassium bichromate as a chemical agent. [Gr. autos and tupos, an impression, image.] Autumn, aw'tum, n. The third season of the year; the season between summer and winter; fall. [L. autumnus, fr. augere, to increase, to furnish abun- dantly.]— Autum'nal, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. Auxiliar, awg-zil'yar, -iliary, -ziKya-rT, a. Helping; as- sisting; aiding; subsidiary. [L. auxiliaris, ir.'augere, to increase.] — Auxiliary, n. A helper; an assist- ant; esp., in thepl., foreign troops in the service of a nation at war. (Gram.) A verb helping to form the moods and tenses of other verbs. (Math.) A quantity introduced to facilitate some operation. Avail, a-val', v. t. [availed (-vakK), availing.] To profit; to assist; to promote. — v. i. To be of use; to answer the purpose. — n. Advantage; use; ben- efit; — pi., profits or proceeds. [L. ad and valere, to be strong, to be worth.] — Available, a. Capable of being used to advantage ; profitable; able to ef- fect the object; valid. — Avail'ably, adv. — Availa- bility, Avail' ableness, re. Avalanche, av-a-lansh', n. A snow-slip; a mass of snow, ice, or earth sliding down a mountain. [F., fr. L. ad, to, and vallis^ valley.] Avant-courier, a-voN'koo-rer, n. One sent in advance to give notice of another's approach. [F., fr. avant, before, and courier, fr. courir, to run.] — Avant- guard, a-vant'gard, n. The van or advanced body of an army; vanguard. [F. avant and E. guard.'] Avarice, av'a-ris, n. Excessive love of money or gain; cupidity ; greediness ; covetousness. [L. avaritia, ir.avere, to covet.] — Avari'cious, -rish'us, a. Act- uated by avarice; parsimonious; miserly; niggardly. — Avan'ciously, adv. — Avari'ciousness, n. Avast, a-vast', inter?. (Naut.) Cease ; hold ; stop. [Corrupted f r. D. hand vast, hold fast.] Avatar, av-a-tar', n. An incarnation or metamor- phosis of a deity among the Hindoos. [Skr. ava- tara, descent.] Avaunt, a-vant, inierj. Begone. [F. enavant, forward.] Ave-Mary, a've-ma'rl, n. A Latin prayer to the Virgin Mary, beginning Ave Maria [Hail, Mary]. Avenaceous, av-e-na'shus, a. Relating to oats. [L. avena, oats.] — Av'enage, -ej, n. Rent paid in oats. Avenge, a-venj', v. t. [avenged (-venjd'), aven- ging.] To vindicate by inflicting pain or evil on the wrong-doer; to revenge. [OF. avengier, fr. L. vin- dicare, to avenge.] — Aveng'er, n. Avenue, av'e-nu, n. An entrance; way; passage; an alley or walk, usually shaded by trees; a wide street. [F., fr. advenire, to come to.] Aver, a-ver', v. t. [averred (a-verd'), averring.] To declare positively ; to asseverate, affirm, protest; avouch. [F. averer, f r. L. ad and verus, truth.] — Aver'ment, n. Act of averring; positive assertion; verification; establishment by evidence. (Law.) Offer to justify or prove what is alleged. Average, av'er-ej, a. Medial ; containing a mean proportion; according to the laws of average. — n. A contribution to a general loss; a mean proportion; medial quantity; a medial estimate or general state- ment from a comparison of specific cases ; duty payable to shipmasters on goods. — v. t. [aver- aged (-ejd), -aging.] To reduce to a mean; to pro- portion. — v. i. To be or form a medial sum or quantity. [LL. averium.] Avert, a-vert', v. t. To turn or cause to turn off, aside, or away. — v. i. To turn away. [L. ab, a, from, and vertere, to turn.] — Avert'er, /(.—Averse, a-vgrs', a. Turned away; having a repugnance or opposi- tion of mind; disinclined; reluctant. — Aversely, adv. — Averse'ness, n. — Aversion, -ver'shun, n. Opposition or repugnance ; dislike ; contrariety of nature; cause of repugnance; disgust; antipathy. Aviary, a'vT-a-rl, n. An inclosure for keeping birds. [L. aviarium, fr. avis, a bird.] — A'vicuPture, -chur, n. Care of birds. [L. avis and cultura, culture.] Avidity, a-vid'I-tl, n. An intense desire; strong ap- petite ; eagerness. [L. avidiias, fr. avidus, eager.] Avocation, av-o-ka'shun, n. Act of calling aside, or diverting; the business that calls off. [Improperly used for vocation.'] [L. avocatio, fr. ab, a, from, and vocare, to call.] Avocet, -cette, av'o-set, n. An aquatic bird. [F. avocette.] Avoid, a-void', v. t. To keep at a distance from ; to make void ; to annul or va- cate ; to shun. (Pleading.) To defeat or evade, as a plea. — v. i.~ (Law.) To be- come void, va- cant, or empty. [OF. esveuaier, fr. L. ex, out, and viduare, to empty.] — A- Avocet. void'able, a. — Avoid'ance, n. Act of avoiding or of annulling; act of becoming, or state of being, va- cant. — Avoid'er, n. One who avoids; one who car- ries anything away, or a vessel in which things are carried away. — Avoid'less, a. Unavoidable. Avoirdupois, av'er-du-poiz', n. or a. A weight in which a pound contains 16 ounces, or 7,000 Troy grains. [F! avoir dupoids, to have (a fixed) weight.] Avouch, a-vowch', v. t. [avouched C-vowcht'), A- vouching.] To declare positively, maintain, sup- port. [OF. vocher, fr. L. vocare, to call.] — Avouch'- able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Avouch 'er, n. Avow, a-vow', v. t. [avowed (-vowd'), avowing.] To declare openly; to own; to acknowledge; to con- fess. (Law.) To acknowledge and justify, as an act done. [F. avouer, fr. L. vovere, votum, to vow.] — Avowa'ble, a. — Avow'al, n. An open or frank declaration. — Avow'edly, adv. Openly. —Avowee', n. An advowee; one who has the right to present to a benefice. — Avow'er, n. One who avows. — Avowt- ry, -rl,n. (Law.) Act of a distrainer of goods, who, in an action ox replevin, avows and justifies the taking in his own right. Avulsion, a-vul'shun, n. A tearing asunder; a frag- ment torn off. (Law.) Sudden removal of land from one man's estate to another's by an inundation, current, etc. [L. a, ah, and vellere, vulsum, to pluck.] Avuncular, a-vun'ku-lar, a. Of or pert, to an uncle. [L. avunculus, uncle.] Await, a-wat', v. t. To wait or look out for ; to ex- pect; to be_ready for. Awake, a-wak', v. t. [awoke, awaked (-wakf), awaking.] To arouse from sleep, or a state resemb- ling sleep; to put into action. — v. i. To cease to sleep, etc. — a. Not sleeping; wakeful. [AS. prefix d and wacan, to wake.]— Awaken, awak'n, v.t.&i. [-ened (-end), -ening.] To awake. [AS. awacnan.] — Awak'ener, n. Award, a-wawrd', v. t. To give by judicial determina- tion; to assign by sentence; to adjudge. — v.i. To determine; to make an award. — n. A judgment, sentence, or final decision; esp. decision of arbitra- tors; paper containing such decision. [OF. esivar- deir.] — Award'er, n. One who awards ; a judge. Aware, a-war', a. Watchful; vigilant; hence, ap- prised; cognizant. [AS. gewser.] Awash, a-wosh', a. Washed by the waves or tide. Away, a-wa', adv. Absent; at a distance; continu- ously; without intermission. — interj. Begone. [AS. onweg, aweg.] Awe, aw, n. Profound fear with admiration or rever- ence; dread; veneration. — v.t. [awed (awd), aw- ing.] To strike with, etc. [AS. ege, oga, Goth, agis.] — Aw'ful, a. Striking, or filling with, etc.— Aw'- sun, cube, full; moon, f 6t>t ; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, boN'bON, chair, get. AWEATHER 36 B AC C ALAURE ATE fully, ac/r. — Awlulness, n. — Awe'struck, a. Im- pressed with awe. Aweather. a-weBi'er, adv. (Xaut.) On the weather side, or toward the wind; opp. to ahe. Aweigh, a-wa', adv. (Xaut.) Drawn out of the ground, and hanging; atrip, — said of the anchor. Awhile, a-whil', adv. A space of time ; for some time; for a short time. Awkward, awklverd, a. Wanting dexterity ; with- out skill; bungling; ungraceful; clumsy: uncouth. [ME. awk, auk, contrary, wrong, and term.--M.wcZ.] — Awk'wardly, adv. — Awk'wardness, n. Awl, awl, n. A pointed instrument for making small holes. [AS. sel, alA Awn, awn, n. The bristle or beard of barley, oats, grasses, etc. [Goth, aliana, chaff.] — Awnless, a. Awning, awning, n. A covering fr. sun, rain, etc. [D. havenung, shelter, or Per. dwan, thing suspended.] Awoke'. See Awake. Awry, a-ri', a. or adv. Turned or twisted toward one side ; asquint. [AS. writhan, to writhe, twist.] Ax, Axe, aks, n. An instrument for hewing timber, chopping wood, etc. [AS. eax, sex, Gr. axine.] Axial. See Axis. Axil, aksll, Axilla, -ilia, ?i. The armpit. (Bot.) The angle between the upper side of a branch or leaf, and a stem or branch. [L. axilla.'] — Ax'illar, Axillary, a. Pert, to the armpit. (Bot.) Situated in, or rising from, the axilla. Axiom, aks'I-um, n. A self-evident and necessary truth or proposition; an established principle; max- im; aphorism; adage. [Gr. axioma, fr. axios, worthy.] — Axiomatic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or having the nature of, etc. — Axiomat'ieally, adv. Axis, aks'is, n. pi.; Axes, aks'ez. The straight line on which a body revolves. (Anat.) The second vertebra of the neck; a tooth-like process, on its tip- per surface, serving as a pivot on which the first vertebra turns. (Bot.) The central part or column of a plant, around which the other parts are disposed. A central or medial line between cor- responding parts. [L.] — Axial, -T-al, a. Pert, to, or like, etc. — Axiferous, -us, a. (Bot.) Consisting of an axis, without leaves or other appendages. [L. ferre, to bear.] — Axle, aksl, n. A shaft, rod, bar, or spindle forming the axis of a pulley, drum, or wheel. — Axletree, n. A transverse bar connecting the opposite wheels of a Axle. carriage. — Ax'unge, -unj, n. Wheel-grease ; the firmest part of the fat of animals. (Phar.) Hog's lard prepared for medical use. [L. axunga, fr. axis and ungere, to grease.] Ay, Aye, aT, adv. Yes; yea; — a word expressing assent. — n. An affirmative vote; a voter in the affirmative. Ayah, a'ya, n. In India, a native nurse or waiting maid. [Sp. aya, governess.] dv. Always; continually. [AS. a, aa, Gr. aei.] (Zo'ol.) A nocturnal quadruped Aye, a, ad, Aye'-aye, ai'ai, ri. found i n Mada- f:ascar, s o called rom its cry. Azalea, a-za"1e-a, n. A genus of flower- ing plants. [Gr. azaleos, dry, the plant growing best in dry ground.] Azimuth, az'T- muth, n. An arc «., \/. of the horizon in-iVi tercepted between 5| the meridian of n^ the place and a ver- tical circle passing through the cen- ter of any object. [Ar. as-samt, pi. as-sumut, a way or Aye-Aye. path.] — A. compass. A compass resembling the mar- iner's compass, but with a more accurate graduation of the card, and vertical sights. — Magnetical A. An arc of the horizon, intercepted between the vertical circle passing through any object and the magnetic meridian. — Azlmuthal, a. Azoic, a-zolk, a. Destitute of animal life. [Gr. a priv. and zoe, life.] — Azote, a-zof, n. (Chem.) A gas unfit for respiration; nitrogen. — Azotic, -zofik, a. Pert, to; formed or consisting of, etc. — Az'otize, -tiz, v. t. [azotized (-tizd), azotizisg.] To impreg- nate with, etc.; to nitrogenize. — Azo'tous, -tus, a. Nitrous, as azotovs a.c\d. Azure, azh'er or a'zher, a. Of a sky-blue; cerulean. — n. The blue color of the sky ; the blue vault above. (Her.) Blue, represented in engraving by horizontal lines. [Per. lajaward, blue.] — Az'urite, -it, n. (Min.) Blue carbonate of copper. Azygous, azl-gus, a. (Anat.) Without a fellow or corresponding part. [Gr. a priv. and zeugon, a yoke.] B. B, be. The 2d letter in the English alphabet ; a vocal labial consonant, the correlative of p. It is etvmo- logically convertible with m, p, f, v, and w. (Mas.) The nominal of the 7th tone in the model major scale (scale of C major), or of the 2d tone in its rela- tive minor scale (scale of A minor). — B flat (Bb.) The tone or half step, or semitone lower than B. Baa, bii, n. The cry of sheep. — v. i. To cry or bleat, etc. Babbitt metal, baVbit-mefal. An alloy of tin, cop- per, and antimony. [From the inventor.] Babble, bab'bl, v. i. [babbled (bab'bld), -bling.] To utter words imperfectly or unintelligibly ; to prate ; to chatter; to make a constant murmuring noise, as a stream running over rocks. — v. t. To • prate; to utter. [Imit. of 6a, ba, a child's first effort at speech, with freq. suffix -le; or freq. of blab.] — Bab'ble, Bab'blement, n. Idle talk; senseless prate; unmeaning words. — Bab'bler, n. An idle talker; a tell-tale. (Oridth.) A thrush-like bird, having chattering notes. Babe, bab, Baby, ba'bt, n. An infant; a doll. — a. Pert, to, or resembling, an infant. — v. t. [babied (ba'bid), babyixg.] To treat like a child. [W., Ga., and Ir., baban,W. mob, a son.] — Ba'byhood, -hotid, n. State of being, etc. — Ba'byish, a. Like, etc. ; childish. — Ba'by-farm, -farm, n. A place for boarding infants. — -farming, n. Business of keeping, etc. house, -hows, n. A toy house for children's dolls. — -jumper, -iump'Sr, n. An elastic suspensory support for a child. Babel, ba'bel, n. A confused combination of sounds; disorder. [Babel, where men's speech was con- founded.] Baboo, Babu, ba/boo, n. A title of respect among the Hindoos. [Bengalee, prince, master.] Baboon, bab-oon / ', n. A large species of monkey. Baby. See under Babe. Babylonian, Dab-1-lo /, nY-an, n. An inhabitant of Babylo- nia ; an astrologer, — the Chaldeans having affected skill in astrology. — Babylo r - nian, -lo'nish, -Ionic, a. Pert, to, or made in, etc.; tu- multuous ; disorderly. — Bab'ylonite, -it, n. The cu- neiform character. Bac, Back, bak, n. (Brewing and Distilling.) A tub or ves- sel for cooling, straining, and mixing the wort, etc. A fer- ry-boat for carriages, cattle, etc. [F. bac, ferry-boat, D. bak, tray, bowl.] Baccalaureate, bak-ka-law'- re-at, n. The degree of bach- elor of arts. — a. Pert, to, etc. bachelor of arts, fr. L. bacca Zaun', Day berry, wreaths of which the bachelors wore.] — Baccalaureate ser- mon. A farewell discourse to a graduating class at college. Baboon. [NX,, baccalaureus, am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 2nd, eve, term ; in, ice ; Odd, tone, Gr ; BACCARA 37 BAIL Baccara, Baccarat, bak-ka-ra', n. A French game of cards. Baccate, bak'kat, a. (Bot.) Pulpy, like a berry. [L. baccatus, fr. bacca, berry.] — Bac'cated, a. Having many berries. — Bacciferous, -sif'er-us, a. Produ- cing berries. [L. ferre, to bear.] — Bac'ciform, -sT- form, a. Formed like, etc. — Bacciv'orous, a. Sub- sisting on, etc. [L. vorare, to devour.] Bacchanal, bak'ka-nal, -nalian, -na'll-an, re. A dev- otee of Bacchus; one prone to drunken revels. — a. Pert, to reveling in intemperate drinking. [L. Bac- chus, god of wine.] — Bac'chanals, -nalz, -nalia, -na'lY-a, n. pi. Feasts in honor of Bacchus; drunken revels. [L. Bacchanalia, the feast of Bacchus.] — Bacchant, -kanf, n. ; L. pi. Bacchantes, -kan'tez. A priest of Bacchus; a bacchanal; a reveler. — Bac- chante, -kanf, n. A priestess of Bacchus ; a fe- male bacchanal. — Bac'chic, -kik, -chical, a. Pert, to, etc.; jovial with intoxication; drunken. Bachelor, bach/e-ler, n. A man who has not married; one who has taken the first degree at a college or university; a young knight. [OF. backeler, fr. LL. baccalarius, farm-servant, bacca, cow.] — Bacb/e- lor's-bufton, -buftn, n. A herbaceous perennial plant. Back, bak, re. The upper or hinder part of an animal; part opp. to the front; the rear; outward or upward part of a thing, as opp. to the inner or lower part; part opp. or most remote; part out of sight. — a. In the rear ; remote. — adv. To the place whence one came; to or toward a former state, condition, etc.; away from the front ; again ; in return. — v. t. [backed (bakt), backing.] To get upon the back of; to support or strengthen by aid; to force back- ward; to 'furnish with a back. — v. i. To move or go back. [AS. bsec] — To back out, or 6. down, to withdraw from an engagement. — To b. round, said of the wind when it shifts against the sun's course, indicating more bad weather. — To b. an anchor. (N~aut.) To lav down a small anchor ahead of a large one, to which it is fastened. — To b. ostein. In rowing, to manage the oars in a direction contrary to the usual method. — To b. the oars, or back water. To row backward. — To b. the sails. To arrange them so as to take out the wind, and cause the ship to move astern. — To b. tip. To support or sustain. — Back- er, n. One who, or that which, backs or supports another. — Backing, re. Act of supporting and en- couraging ; act of breaking a horse to the saddle ; preparation of a book for its cover, in binding. — Backs, n. pi. (Leather Dealing.) Leather from the stoutest ox-hides. — Backward, -wards, adv. With the back in advance; toward the back; on the back, or with the back downward; toward or in past time; from a better to a worse state ; in a reverse manner or direction ; contrarily. — Back'ward, a. Unwil- ling; averse; dull of apprehension; late or behind- hand. — Back'wardly, adv. — Backwardness, n. Aversion ; reluctance. — Backwardation, n. A broker's term for the allowance made for carrying over stocks to another day, instead of settling at once. — Back'bite, -bit, v. t. To speak evil of in the absence of the person traduced. — v. i. To revile the absent. — Back'biter, n. — Back'bone, -bon, n. The spine; firmness; spirit; grit. — door, -d6r, re. A door at the back of a building or cham- her ; a private passage ; indirect way. ground, n. Ground in the rear ; a place oi obscurity or shade. (Art.) The part of a picture behind, and subordinate to, the foreground. — handed, a. With the hand turned backward; indirect; oblique. — adv. With the hand, etc. — house, n. A building behind a main building; a privy. log, n._ A large stick, forming the back of a fire. — piece, -pes, -plate, -plat, n. Armor covering the back, —-side, n. Hinder part of any thing; the rear. sight, -sit, n. (Surv.) The first reading of the leveling staff. — slide, -slid'', v. i. [backslid (-sltd), p. p. -slid'den, -slid ; -sliding (-sliding).] To fall back or off ; to apos- tatize. — slid'er, n. One who, etc.; a renegade. — -staff, n. An instrument for taking the altitude of heavenly bodies. — stairs, -starz, n. pi. Stairs at the back of the house; a private or indirect way. — -stair, a. Indirect; illegitimate; undue. — stays, -staz, n. pi. (Naut.) Ropes from the top-mast heads to both sides of a ship, to support the mast. — -stream, n. A current flowing up-stream. — sword, -sord, n. A sword with one sharp edge. — -water, -waw-ter, n. Water held back, as in a stream, by some obstruction: water thrown back by the turn- ing of a water-wheel, etc. — woods, -wot>dz, n. pi. Forests or partly cleared ground on the frontiers of a newly settled country. — woods'man, n. An in- habitant of, etc. Backgammon, bak-gam'mon, n. A game plaved by two persons, upon a tray, with checkers and dice. — v. t. To defeat one's opponent, before he has moved his counters from the first quarter of the board. [Prob. Dan. bakke, a tray, and gammen, game.] Backshish, -sheesh, bak'shesh, n. In Eastern coun- tries, a present or gratuity. [Pers. bakhshish, fr. bakhshidan, to give.] Bacon, balm, n. Hog's flesh salted or pickled and smoked. [OF.; OD. bak, pig.] Baconian, ba-ko'nl-an, a. Pert, to Lord Bacon, or to his system of philosophy. Baculometry, bak-u-lom / 'e-trY, n. Act of measuring distances, heights, etc., by means of rods. [L. bac- ulum, staff, and Gr. matron, measure.] Bad, bad, a. [comp. worse (wers), superl. worst, (werst).] Wanting good qualities ; evil ; vicious. [Prob. fr. Celtic] — Bad'dish, a. Somewhat bad. — Badly, adv. — Bad'ness, re. Bad, Bade. See Bid. Badge, baj, n. A distinctive mark worn on the person. [OS. bag, bog, a ring, LL. baga, ring, ornament.] Badger, baj'er, re. Abu rro wing quadruped akin to the bear. (E. Law.) A person licensed to buy and sell corn. — v. t. [badgered (baj'erd), -er- ixg.] To follow up, as the badger is hunted; to pes- ter or worry. [F. blaireau, fr. OF. Indian Badger. blaier, badger, fr. blaage, store of corn, fr. LL. bladum, corn: the animal was believed to store up corn for winter.] Badigeon, ba-dij / 'un or -dizh'un, re. A mixture of plaster and freestone, to fill holes in statues; or of sawdust and glue, to fill defects in joiner's work; a kind of cement. [F.] Badinage, bad-e-nazh', n. Light or playful discourse. [F., fr. badiner, to joke.] Baffle, baf'fl, v. t. [baffled (-fld), -fling.] To treat with mockery; to check by shifts and turns ; to balk ; to frustrate, elude, foil. [Scot, bauchle, bachle, fr. Ic. bagr, a struggle.] — Baffler, re. Bag, n. A sack or pouch, to hold or convey any thing. — v. t. [bagged (bagd), bagging.] To put into a bag ; to seize or entrap. — v. i. To swell like a full bag. [AS. bselg, Gothic balgs, Ga. balg, bag, pouch.] — Bag'ging, n. Cloth or materials for bag's. — Bag'gy, -gl, a. Bulged out, like a bag. — Bag'- man, n. One who carries a bag; a commercial trav- eler. — pipe, n. A Scot- tish musical in strument, consisting of a leathern bag, and of pipes, into which air is pressed by the performer. — -pfper, n. One who plays on, etc. — wig, n. A kind of wig worn in the 18th century. Bagasse, ba-gas', n. Su- gar-cane after being crushed, usually dried for fuel. [F., fr. Sp. 6a- gazo, trash.] Bagatelle, bag'a-tel, n. A trifle; thing of no importance; a game played with balls on a board having holes at one end. [F., fr. It. bagatella, a trifle.] Baggage, bag'ej, n. The tents, clothing, utensils, etc., of an army; trunks, bags, etc., for travelers; lug- gage. [F. bagage, fr. OF. bague, bundle.] — n. A strumpet; a playful, saucy young woman. [F. ba- gasse, It. bagascia, a worthless woman.] — Bag'- gage-mas'ter, n. One in charge of passengers' bag- gage on railroads, boats, etc. Bagging. See under Bag. Bagnio, ban'yo, n. A bath-house; a brothel. [It., fr. L. balneum, bath.] Bah, ba, interj. An exclamation of disgust or con- tempt; pah. Bail, bal, v. t. [bailed (bald), bailing.] (Law.) To Bagpipe. sun, cube, full ; moon, fd&t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BAIT 38 BAMBOO 6et free from arrest, security being given for the ap- pearance of the person bailed ; to deliver, upon a contract that the trust shall be executed. To free from water. — n. (Law.) One who procures a pris- oner's release bv becoming surety tor his appear- ance in court; the security given. The handle of a kettle, etc. [OF. bailer, to keep in custody, fr. L. bajulare, to bear a burden.] — BaiKable, a. That may be, etc. — Bail-bond, n. (Law.) A bond given by prisoner and surety, to insure the prisoners ap- pearance in court: special bail in court to abide the judgment.— Bailee, baLe',?!. (Law.) One to whom goods are committed in trust. — Bairer, -or, -er, n. (Laic.) One who delivers goods to another in trust. — BaiKiff, n. A sheriff's deputy, appointed to make arrests, collect fines, summon juries, etc. — Baili- wick, n. (Law.) The precincts in which a bailiff has jurisdiction. [OF. baillie, jurisdiction of a bail- iff, and AS. -wic, station; L. vicus, a village.] — Bail'ment, re. (Law.) Delivery of goods in trust. Bait, bat, n. Thing used to catch fish, etc.; a lure; enticement ; temptation ; refreshment taken on a journey. — v. t. To put on or in, as on a hook, trap, etc., to allure game; to feed upon the road; to pro- voke and harass. — v. i. To stop for refreshment on a journey. [AS. baton, Ic. beita, to make to bite.] Baize, baz, re. A coarse woolen stuff, with long nap. [OF. bai, a reddish brown,_fr. LL. badius.] Bake, bak, v. t. [baked (bakt), baking.] To heat, dry, and harden; esp. to prepare for food, in a close place heated. — v. i. To do the work of baking; to be baked. [AS. bacan.] — Bake-house, -hows, re. A house for baking. — Ba'ker, re. One who bakes bread, biscuit, etc.; a portable tin oven. — Baker's dozen. Thirteen in number. — Ba'kery, -er-T, re. A place for baking; bakehouse. — Ba'king, «. Quan- tity baked at once. Bak'shish. See Backshish. Balance, baKans, re. An apparatus for weighing bod- ies; what is needed to equalize two quantities; act of comparing or weighing; an equipoise or just pro- portion; a regulating wheel in a watch. (Astron.) A sign in the zodiac , called Libra. [Improperly used for remainder.] — v. t. [balanced (-anst), -ancing.] To bring to an equipoise; to weigh in a balance ; to render equal ; to compare in relative force, value, etc.; to settle and adjust, as an account. (Dancing.) To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally. — v. i. To be in equipoise ; to hesitate. (Dancing.) To move toward, etc. [F., fr. L. bilanx, bilancis, having two scales, fr. bis, twice, and lanx, dish, scale.] — BaKancer, n. One who balances, or uses a balance. — Bal'ance-sheet. n. (Book-keeping.) A paper giving a balanee of accounts. Balcony, bar ko-nT, n. A gallery on the outside of a building. [It. balcone.] Bald, bawld, a. Destitute of natural covering, as of hair, feathers, foliage, etc.; destitute of ornament; unadorned. [Ga. and Ir. bal, spot, freckle, W. bali, whiteness on a horse's forehead.] — Baldly, adv. — Bald'ness, n. — Bald'faced, -fast, a. Having a white face, as a horse. — Bald'pate, -pat, n. A bald head; bald person. Baldachin, bal'da-kin, n. (Arch.) A canopy-like structure, an ornament over doors, thrones, etc. [Fr. Bal- dach, or Bagdad, whence came silks for canopies.] Balderdash, bawl'der-dash, n. A worthless mixture, esp. badly mixed liquor; a sense- less jargon of words: ribald- ry. [Dan. balder, noise, clat- ter, and daske, to slap, flap.] Baldric, bawKdrik, n. A war- rior's girdle. [OHG. balder- ich, AS. belt, L. balteus, gir- dle.] Bale, bal, n. A bundle of goods corded for transporta- tion. — v. t. [baled (bald), baling.] To make up in a bale. [F., a ball, pack, HG. balle, a ball, round body.] — BaKing-press, n. A press for compressing hay, cotton, etc., into bales. Bale, bal, n. Misery; calamity balu.] — Bale'-fire, -fir, re. A signal-fire; alarm-fire.— Bale'ful, a. Full of misery; calamitous; woful; sad. Bale, v. t. To free from water. See Bail. Ball and socket joint. Baldachin. :orrow. [AS. bealu, Baleen, ba-len r , n. Horny plates in the whale's mouth ; whalebone in plates. [F. baleine, whale, whalebone, L. balasna, a whale.] Balister. S_ee Ballista. Balize, ba-lez', n. A pole raised on a bank, as a guide to mariners. [F., f r. pal, stake, L. palus.~\ Balk, bawk, n. An unplowed ridge or strip; a great beam or rafter; a hindrance; disappointment. — v. t. [balked (bawkt), balking.] To leave un- touched in plowing; to disappoint; frustrate. — v.i. To stop abruptly in one's course. [AS. balca, a heap, OS. balko,a, beam.] ^ Balk'er, n. One who balks; one who signals the movements of shoals of fish. — Balk'y, a. Apt to turn aside or stop abruptly. Ball, bawl, n. Any round body; any round or protu- berant part of the body; a familiar game. — v. i. [balled (bawld), balling.] To form, as snow, into balls, as on the feet. [OF. balle, OHG. balla, palla.) — Ball and socket joint. A joint in which a ball moves within a socket, giving motion in every direction. — Ball '-cartridge, -kart-rij, n. A car- tridge containing a bullet. cock, n. A contrivance which admits wa- ter to a cistern, but is shut by a float- ing ball, when the cistern is full. — -proof, a. Impenetrable by bullets. — valve, n. (Mach.) A ball in a ' cup with a hole in its bottom, opera- ting as a valve. — vein, -van, n. (Min- ing.) A sort of iron ore, found in loose circular masses. Ball, bawl, n. A social assembly for dancing. [F. bal, fr. LL. ballare, to dance.] — Ballad, ballad, n. A pop- ular song in simple verses. [Proven, ballada (It. bal- lata), a dancing song, fr. LL. ballare.] — Ballet, baKla, n. A theatrical exhibition with music, dan- cing, etc. [F., dim. of bal.] Ballast, ballast, n. (Naut.) Any heavy substance E laced in the hold of a vessel, to stead} 7 it. Gravel, roken stone, etc., solidifying the bed of a railroad. — v. t. To furnish with, etc. [D ; Dan. bag, be- hind, in the rear, and last, burden.] Ballista, bal-lis'ta, pi. -tje, -te, Ballster, Ballister, baKis-ter or -lis'ter, n. A machine like a cross-bow, used anciently in war to throw stones. [L. ballista, fr. Gr. ballein, to throw.] — Ballis'tic, a. Pert, to, etc. — Ballistics, n. sing. The science of projectiles. Balloon, bal-loon'', n. A bag, of silk or other light material, filled with hydrogen gas or heated air, so as to rise and float in the atmosphere. (Arch.) A ball or globe on the top of a pillar. (Chem.) A spherical glass receiver. [Augm. of OF. balle. See Ball.] — Balloon 'tag, n. A broker's term for tempo- rarily raising the prices of stocks by fictitious sales, etc. — Balloonist, re. An aeronaut. Ballot, ballot, n. Orig., a ball used in voting; a writ- ten or printed vote; act of voting by balls or tickets; amount of votes cast. — v. i. To vote or decide by ballot. [F. ballote, dim. of balle. See Ball.] — Bal - lot-box, n. A box for receiving ballots. Balm, bam, n. An aromatic plant ; resinous sap of certain trees; a fragrant ointment; anything which heals, or soothes or mitigates pain. — v. t. To anoint with balm; to assuage. [F. baume, fr. Gr. babsamon, juice of the balsam tree.] — Balm'y, -T, a. Having the qualities of balm; aromatic; soothing; produ- cing balm. — Balmily, adv. — Balsam, bawKsam, n. An aromatic resinous substance, containing an es- . sential or volatile oil. (Bot.) A species of tree; an annual garden plant ; balsamine. (Med.) A mix- ture of natural balsams and other articles. — Bal- samic, -ical, BaKsamous, -sa-mus, a. Containing or resembling, etc. — Balsam 'ic. re. That which has the properties of, etc. — Balsamiferous, -us, a. Pro- ducing, etc. [L. ferre, to bear.] — Bal'samine, -min, n. (Bot.) The touch-me-not, or garden balsun. Balmoral, bal-mor'al, n. A thick woolen petticoat; a kind of shoe. [Balmoral Castle, Scotland.] Baluster, baKus-ter, n. (Arch.) A small column or fiilaster, supporting the rail of a staircase, etc.; the ateral part of the volute of the Ionic capital. [Im- properly called ban'nister.] [F. balustre, fr. Gr. bal- austion, flower of wild pomegranate.] — Balustrade, -trad, n. A row of balusters, joined by a rail. Balzarine, baKza-ren, n. A dress material of mixed worsted and cotton. Bam, bam, n. An imposition; cheat. — v. t. To cheat, wheedle. [Prob. contr. of bamboozle.] Bamboo, bam-boo', n. A kind of reed growing in tropical countries. [Malay.] am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 2nd, eve, term ; In, Ice ; 8dd, tone, 6r ; BAMBOOZLE 39 BAR Bamboozle, bam-bdo'zl, v. t. To play tricks upon. [Said to be of Gipsy origin.] Ban, ban,n. A public proclamation or edict; inter- diction ; curse, (pi) Public notice of a marriage proposed, — v. t. To curse; to execrate. [AS. ge- bann, a proclamation, OHG. ban, a summons.] Banana, ba-na'na, re. A species of the plantain-tree, and its fruit. [Sp.] Band, band, n. That with which a thing is bound or fastened. (Arch.) A flat, low molding; a continu- ous tablet or series of ornaments : the molding which encircles Gothic pillars and small shafts. See Molding. Means of union between persons ; a linen neck ornament worn by clergj'men; a com- pany united in design, esp. a body of armed men, or of musicians. — v. t. To bind, tie, or mark with a band; to unite in a troop, company, or confederacy. —v.i. To confederate. [AS. bend, bind an, to bind; G. bande, a gang, binden, to bind.] — Band'age, -ej, n. A fillet or swathe, for binding up wounds, etc. — v. t. [bandaged (-ejd), -AGixG.] To bind with, etc. —Bandeau, ban'do,' n. ; pi. -deaux, -doz. A narrow band or fillet; a head-dress. [F.] — Band'let, -elet, n. (Arch.) A little band; flat molding. — Band'box, n. A light paper box. — Ban'dog, n. A large dog; mastiff, [band, i. e., bound, and dog.'] — Band-mas- ter, n. The conductor of a band of music. Bandana, ^ianna, ban-dan'na, re. A kind of silk or cotton handkerchief. [Sp. bandana.] Banderole, ban'de-rol, n. A small flag carried on ships' masts or on military weapons. [F., fr. ban- diere, banner.] Bandit, ban'dit, re. ; pi. -dits or -ditti, -dit'ti. A lawless fellow ; brigand ; outlaw. [It. bandito, fr. bandire, to banish, fr. LL. bannum, OHG. ban.] Bandoleer, ban-do-ler', n. A leathern belt, over the right shoulder, worn by ancient musketeers to sus- tain their firearms; a leather case for powder. [F. bandouliere, fr. bande, band.] Bandoline, ban'do-lin, n. A gummy preparation for holding the hair in place. . . Bandore, ban'dor or ban-dor', n. A musical instru- ment similar to a guitar. [Gr. pandoura, a musical instrument, invented by Pan.] Band'rol, Ban'nerol. See Banderole. Bandy, ban'dY, n. A hooked club for striking a ball; the game plaved with it. — v. t. [bandied (ban'- did), bandying.] To beat to and fro, as a ball; to five' and receive reciprocally ; to exchange, toss about, agitate. [F. bander, to bind, to bend (a bow), also to band vat tennis.] — Ban'dy-leg, n. A crooked leg. — Bandy'-legged, -legd, a. . Bane, ban, n. A deadlv poison ; a cause of injury or destruction; ruin. [AS. bona, murderer.] — Bane'- ful, «. Noxious. — Bane'fully, adv. — Bane'fulness, re.— Bane'wort, -wert, n. Deadly nightshade. Bang, bang, v. t. [banged (bangd), banging.] To beat, as with a club ; to handle roughly, —n. A blow. [Ic. bang, a hammering.] . Bang, Bangue, bang, n. A narcotic and intoxicating drug made from Indian wild hemp (Cannabis In- died). [Pers. bang, hashish.] . Bangle, ban'gl, n. An ornamental ring worn upon the arm, also upon the ankles in India and Africa. [Hindoo bangri, bracelet.] Banian, Banyan, ban'yan or ban-yan', re merchant; a morning gown; the Indian fig tree, whose branches drop shoots which take root and form new stems. [Skr. banij, merchant, banijya, trade; markets be- ing 'held under the shade of the trees.] — Banian days. (JNaut.) Days in which sail- ors have no flesh meat. Banish, banish, v. t. [ban- ished (-isht), -iSHiNG.J To condemn to exile ; to drive away ; expel. [OF. banir. See Bandit.]— Ban'isher, re. — Banishment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Banister. See under Baluster. Banjo, ban r jo, n. A stringed instrument, resembling the guitar and tamborine. [Corrupt, of bandore.] Bank, hank, n. A ridge of earth ; steep acclivity; a flat; a shoal; abench of rowers in a galley. (Com.) Money deposited by a number of persons for a par- ticular use ; place for depositing money; a com- pany concerned in a bank. — v. t. [banked (bankt), banking.] To raise a mound or dike about; to in- A Hindoo Banian tree. close or fortify with a bank; to cover, as a fire, with ashes, etc. — v. i. To deposit money in a bank: to carry on banking. [AS. banc, bank, mound, OHG. punch, bank, bench, MHG. banc, bench, table, F. bangue, money-changer's table.] — Bank'able, a. Receivable at a bank, as bills ; discountable, as notes. — Bank'er, n. One who keeps a bank; one who receives and remits money, negotiates bills of exchange, etc. — Banking. ;/. Business of a banker. — Bank '-bill, n. In Amer., a promissory note of a bank payable to bearer on demand; a bank note. In Eng., a note or bill of exchange, of a bank, pay- able to order. — book, n. Book for recording brrik accounts. note, n. A promissory note issued by a bank, payable to bearer on demand, intended to circulate as money. — stock, n. A share or shares in the capital stock of a bank. Bankrupt, bank'rupt, n. A trader who breaks or fails; one unable to pay his debts. — a. Unable to pay debts; insolvent. — v. t. To break in trade; to make insolvent. [F. banqveroutte, a becoming bank- rupt, fr. It. banca, bench, and rotta, broken, fr. L. rumpere, rvptum, to break]. — Bankluptcy, -sT, re. State of being, or act of becoming, etc. Banner, ban'ner, n. A military ensign; standard of a prince or state; pennon. [F. banniere, bandiere, fr. LL. bandum, standard, MHG. band, a band, strip of cloth.] — Ban'neret, re. A knight of the class next below a baron, and entitled to bear a banner. [F.; dim. of banner. ] — Ban'nerol, n. A little flag. Bannock, ban'nok, n. A cake made of oat, rye, pea, or barley meal. [Ga. bonnach.] Banns, banz, n. pi. Notice given in church of an in- tended marriage. [See Ban.] Banquet, bank' wet, n. A feast; entertainment. — v. t. To treat with, etc. — v. i. To regale one's self, feast. [F., a feast, dim. of banc, table.] — Ban'queter, re. Banquette, ban-kef, n. (Fort.) A raised way inside of a parapet, from which to fire upon the enemy. (F., dim. of banc] Banshee, ban'she, Benshie, ben'she, n. An Irish fairy that warns of impending death. [Ga. & Ir. bean, woman, and sith, fairy.] Bantam, banlam, re. A small variety of fowl, prob. fr. Bantam, in Java. Banter, banler, v. t. [bantered (-terd), -tering.] To play upon in words and in good humor ; to rally, ridicule, deride. — n. Humorous railery, pleasantry. [Prob. slang, or fr. bandy.] — Ban'terer, re. Bantingism, banling-izm, n. The reducing of corpu- lence by a diet excludingfarinaceous, saccharine, or oily matter. [Fr. Wm. Banting, of London.] Bantling, bantling, re. A small child; an infant. [Fr. band and suffix -ling — one in swaddling bands.] Banyan. See Banian. Baobab, ba'o-bab, re. The largest known tree in the world, a native of trop- ical Africa. [Native name, in Senegal.] Baptism, baplizm, re. Act of baptizing; the application of water, as an initiation into the visible church of Christ. [OF. baptiser, fr. Gr. baptizein, bap- tein, to dip.]— Baptis / '- mal, a. Pert, to, etc. — Bap'tist, n. One who administers, etc.; esp. John, the forerunner of Christ; as a contr. of Anabaptist, one who rejects infant baptism, and considers im- mersion essential. — Bap'tistery, -tgr-t, re. A place where, etc.— Baptist'ic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. — Baptize, -tiz', v. i. [baptized (-tizdO, -tizing.] lo administer baptism to; to christen. — Bapti'zer, n. Bar, bar, n. A long piece of wood, metal, etc., esp. as used for obstruction; any obstacle which hinders or defends; a barrier; a bank at the mouth of a riv- er or harbor. (Law.) The railing about the place for counsel in courts of justice; the place in court for prisoners; the legal profession; a special plea con- stituting a sufficient answer to the plaintiff's action. Any tribunal; the counter of a tavern, etc., over which liquors are sold. (Her.) Baobab. across the escutcheon. (Mus.) Aline drawn per- pendicularly across the staff. — v. t. [barred (bard), barring.] To fasten with a bar ; to hinder; prevent ; to ex- Measure A horizontal mark Measure. 1 Bar. Bar. Double Bar. sun, cube, full ; moon, fo~6t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, bpxboN, chair, get. BARB 40 BAROUCHE cept ; to cross with stripes or lines. [OF. barre, W. bar, Ga. and Ir. barra.'] — Barrage, bar'rej, n. A mound or dyke, to raise the waters of a river. [F.] — Barricade, bar'rY-kad'', a. (Mil.) A defensive fortification to check an enemy; any bar, obstruction, or means of defense. — v. t. To fortify with any slight work. [F., f r. Sp. barricada, fr. bar- rica, a barrel.] — Bar'rie^-rT-er, ». (Fort.) A kind of fence, to stop an enemy. A fortress on the frontier of a country; any obstruction: limit or boundary. [F. barriere, fr. barre.'] — Bar'rier-reef, n. ^A. coral reef, parallel to a shore, usually of an island, and inclosing a lagoon. — Bar'rister, n. A counselor ad- mitted to plead at the bar. — Bar'-iron, bar'i-ern, n. Iron in long pieces, hammered or rolled out of pud- dle-balls, made from pigs. — keeper, -tender, n. One who sells liquor at a bar. — maid, n. A woman who, etc. — shot, n. Cannon-shot, consisting of a bar, with balls at the ends. — Bar'ring-out, n. Act of fastening school-room doors against a school-master. Barb, barb, n. Beard, or that which resembles it; the point that stands backward in an arrow, fish-hook, etc.; armor anciently worn by horses, set with iron spikes. — i'. t. To furnish with barbs; to clothe, as a horse, with armor. [F. barbe, L. barba, beard.] — Bar'bate, -bat, a. (Bot.) Bearing lines, spots, or tufts of hair ; bearded. — Bar'bated, a. Having barbed points. — Bar 'bel, n. A process appended to the mouth of certain fishes; a fresh-water fish, hav- ing four such barbs; superfluous flesh growing in a horse's mouth.— Bar'ber, n. One who shaves the beard, and cuts and dresses the hair, of others. — v. t. To shave and dress the hair of. Barb, barb, n. A horse of the breed originating in Barbary; a pigeon, orig. fr. Barbary. Barbacan, -bican, bar'bl-kan, n. (Fort.) An ad- vanced work defending the entrance to a castle or city. An opening in the wall of a fortress for guns. [OF. barbacane.~\ Barbarian, bar-ba'rT-an, n. A man in his rude, unciv- ilized state; a cruel, savage, brutal man. — a. Pert, to, or resembling savages; rude; inhuman. [L. bar- bams, Gr. barbaros.] — Barbaric, -bar'ik, a. For- eign; pert, to, or resembling, etc. — Bar'barism, -ba- rizm, n. An uncivilized state or condition; speech contrary to the idioms of a language. — Barbarity, -bar'T-tf, n. Manners of a barbarian; savageness; cruelty. — Bar'barize, -riz, v. i. To become barba- rous; to use a foreign or barbarous mode of speech. — v. t. To make barbarous. — Bar'barous, -rus, a. Uncivilized ; cruel ; contrary to the idioms of a lan- guage. — Bar'barously, adv. — Bar'barousness, n. Barbate, See under Barb. Barbecue, bar'be-ku, n. A hog, ox, etc., roasted whole; an open-air entertainment at which animals are roasted whole, — v. t. [barbecued (-kud), -cu- ing.] To dress and roast whole. [Prob. fr. F. barbe- a-queue, from shout to tail.] Barberry, bar'ber-rt, Berberry, ber'ber-rf, n. (Bot.) A hedge plant, bearing berries used for preserves. [F. and LL. berberis, fr. Ar. barbaris.] Barbet, bar-bet', n. A curly-haired variety of dog; a kind of bird having bristles at the base of the beak; a species of worm, which feeds on the aphis. [F., fr. barbe, beard, long hair.] Barbette, bar-bef, n. (Fort.) A mound of earth bearing guns to fire over the top of the parapet. See Casemate. [F.] Barbican. See Barbacan. Bard, bard, n. A Celtic minstrel; a poet. [Ga. and Ir.; W. bardd.] — Bardic, a. Pert, to, etc. Bare, bar, a. Without covering ; naked ; with the head uncovered ; destitute ; empty ; mere; simple. — v. t. [bared (bard), baring.] To strip off the covering of; to make naked. [AS. beer.'] — Under barejtoles. (Naut.) Having no sails set. — Bare'ly, -11, adv. Only; nearly; nakedly. — Bare'ness, n. — Bare'back, adv. On 'the bare back, as of a horse; without a saddle. — faced, -fast, a. With the face uncovered; without concealment: shameless; impu- dent. — facedly, -fast-lT, adv. — facedness. n. — foot, a. Si. adv. With the feet bare. — footed, -fV56t-ed, a. Having, etc. — headed, -hed-ed, a. Having the head uncovered. — legged, -legd, a. With the "legs bare. Bare. The old preterit of bear; now bore. See Bear. Barege, ba-razh', n. A thin dress stuff, of worsted or silk and worsted. [F. Bar&ges, a town in France.] Bargain, bar'gen, n. An agreement concerning the sale of property ; any agreement or stipulation ; a gainful transaction ; contract ; purchase. — v. t- [bargained (-gend), -gaining.] To transfer for a Bark. consideration. — v. i. To make a contract; to agree. [OF. bargaigner, to chaffer, fr. LL. barcaniare, to change about, shuffle.] — Bargainee, -gen-e'', n. (Law.) The party in a contract who agrees to re- ceive property sold. — Bargainer, n. The party who stipulates to sell and convey, etc. — Bargain- or, -gen-dr', n. (Law.) One who'makes a contract. Barge, barj, n. A pleasure boat; a large boat for pas- sengers or goods. [OF. barge, L. and Gr. bail's, a flat Egyptian row-boat, Coptic bari, boat.] — Bargee, bar-je', Barge'man, n. One who manages a barge. — -master, n. Proprietor of, etc. Barilla, ba-riKla, n. (Bot.) A sea-shore plant yield- ing- soda. (Com.) Alkali produced from the plant; impure soda, from ashes of sea-shore plants. [Sp.] Baritone. See Barytone. Barium, ba'YY-um, n. The metallic basis of baryta. [Gr. barns, heavy.] Bark, bark, n. The exterior covering of a tree; the rind. — v. t. [barked (barkt), barking.] To strip the bark from; to peel: to cover or inclose with bark. [Sw. & Dan.] — Bark'bound, -bownd, a. Hav- ing the bark too firm or close. — Bark 'or, n. One who strips trees of, etc. — Bark'ery, -er-T, n. A tan- house. — Bark'y, -T, a. Of, or containing, etc. Bark, bark, n. The noise made by a dog. — v. i. To make the noise of dogs; to clamor. [AS. beorcan, Ic. berkja, to bark.] — Bark'er, n. One who, etc. Bark, Barque, bark, n. (Naut.) A three-masted ves- sel, having fore and main masts rigged as a ship, and the mizzen as a schoon- er ; any small ves- sel. [F. barque; Sp., Ital., & LL. barca. See Barge.] — Bark'entine, -ten, n. A three-masted vessel, with fore- mast rigged like a ship, main and miz- zen masts like a schooner. Barley, bar'lT, n. A grain, of the grass family, used for making malt. [AS. bierlic, fr. bere, barley, and lie, for lee, a plant.] — Bar'ley -brake, -break, -brak, n. A game, played round stacks of grain. — corn, n. A grain of barley, about J inch in length ; a measure of length. sugar, -shug^er, n. Sugar boiled till brittle (former^ with a decoction of b~ar- ley), and candied. — water, -waw'ter, n. A decoc- tion of barley. Barm, barm, n. Foam rising upon fermenting malt liquors, used as leaven in Dread. [AS. beormaJ] — Barm'y, -Y, a. Containing barm or yeast. Barn, barn, n. A building for storing grain, hav, etc.; also for stabling cattle and horses. [AS. 'berern, bem, fr. bere, barley, and em, a storage place.] Barnacle, bar r na-kl, n. A shell-fish. [L. bernacula.'] — A species of goose found in the northern seas. [Peril, f r. LL. Hiberniculse, Irish birds.] — pi. (Far.) An instrument to put upon a horse's nose, to con- fine him. A pair of spectacles. [Prov. F. bemiques, OF. bericles, spectacles, fr. ~L.beryllus, crystal, from which spectacles were made.] Barometer, ba-rom'e-ter, n. An instrument for de- termining the weight of the atmosphere, changes of weather, or height of an ascent. TGr. baros, weight, and metron, measure.] — Barometric, -rical, a. Pert, to, or made by, etc. — Baromefrically, adv. — Barom'etry, -e-trT, n. Measurement by, etc. — Baro- scope, bar'o-skop, n. An instrument showing changes in the weight of the atmosphere. [Gr. sko- pein, to view.] — Baroscoplc, -ical, a. Pert, to, or determined by, etc. Baron, bar'nn,*??. In Eng. the lowest title of nobility; one ranking between a viscount and baronet. (Law.) A husband. [F. baron, OF. and OHG. bar, L. vir, a man.] (Cooke?-?/.) A double sirloin. — Bar'onage, n. The whole body of barons or peers; the dignity of, etc.; the land which t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BEWITCH 48 BIGGIN entangle, confuse, confound, puzzle, [be- and Prov. E. witdern, wilderness.] — Bewil'deredly, -dSrd-H, Bewil'deringly, adv. — Bewil'derment, n. State of being, etc. Bewitch, be-wich', v. t. [bewitched (-wichf), -WITCHING.] Togainan ascendency over by charms; to affect by witchcraft or sorcery; to fascinate. — Bewitcb/ery, -er-T, n. Charm ; fascination. — Be- witch'ingly, adv. — Bewitch'ingness, ».— Bewitch'- ment, n. Power of charming. Bewray, be-ra r , v. t. [bewrayed (-rad'), -wkating.] To disclose perfidiously, betray, [be- and ASr. wre- gan, to betray.] Bey, ba, n. A governor of a Turkish town or district; in some places, a prince ; — same as Beg. [Turk, beg, pron. 6a.] Beyond. , be-yond'', prep. On the further side of ; be- fore, in place or time; further than ; past; above, in dignity, excellence, etc. — adv. At a distance; yonder. [AS. begeondan, fr. geond, across, beyond.] Bezant. See Byzant. Bezel, bez'el, n. The part of a ring encompassing and fastening the stone. [F.] Bezique. See Besique. Bezoar, be'zor, n. A calculous concretion found in the stomach of certain ruminant animals. [OF. and Pg., fr. Per. pad-zahr, pad, expelling, and zahr, poison, for which the stone was a supposed antidote.] —Bezoar mineral. An oxide of antimony. Bias, bi'as, n. A weight on the side of a bowl which turns it from a straight line; a leaning of the mind; propensity towards an object; bent; prejudice; in- clination; a wedge-shaped piece taken out of a gar- ment to diminish its circumference. — adv. In a slanting manner; crosswise; diagonally. — v. t. [bi- ased (bi'ast), -asing.] To incline to one side; to give a particular direction to, prejudice, prepossess. [F. Mais, N. Catalan biax, slant, slope, fr. L. bis, double, and facies, face.] Biaxal, bi-aks'al, Biaxial, -I-al, a. {Opt.) Having two axes. [L. bis, twice, and axis.'] Bib, n. A cloth worn by children over the breast. [L. bibere, to drink, because worn when drinking.] — Bibacious, bi-ba'shus, a. Addicted to drinking. — Bibacity, -bas'I-tl, n. Love of, etc. — Bib^ber, n. One addicted, etc.; a tippler. — Bib'ulous, -u-lus, a. Absorbing moisture ; spongy; porous. Bibasic, bi-ba'sik, a. (Chem.) Capable of combining with two parts or equivalents of a base; or contain- ing two equivalents of abase to one of acid. Bible, bi'bl, n. The Book; the volume containing the Scriptures. [F., fr. L. and Gr. biblia, books, col- lections of writings, fr. Gr. bublos, the Egyptian Eapyrus, from which paper was made.] — Biblical, ilrll-kal, a. Pert, to the Bible. — Bib'lically, adv. — Biblicist, -ll-sist, Biblist, n. One who makes the Scriptures the sole rule of faith; a Biblical scholar. Bibliographer, bib-lI-og /, ra-fer, n. One versed in bibliography. [Gr. biblion, book, and graphein, to write.] — Bibliog /, raphy, -ra-fY, n. A history or de- scription of books and manuscripts. — Bibliograph''- ic, -ical, a. Pert, to bibliography. — Bibliograph''- ically, adv. — Bibliolatry, -oKa-trt, n. Homage Eaid to books, esp. to the Bible; belief in the ver- al inspiration of the Bible ; a superstitious rev- erence for the letter of the Scriptures. [Gr. la- treia, worship.] — BiblioKogy, «. A treatise on books; biblical literature. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Bib / 'lioman / cy, -man's!, n. Divination by selecting passages of Scripture at hazard. [Gr. manteia, divi- nation.] — Bib / lioma / 'nia, -ma'nl-a, n. A rage for possessing curious books. [Gr. mania, madness.] — Bib / lioma / 'niac, n. One who, etc. — Bib / liomani''- acal, a. — Bib'liophile, -fil, n. One who loves books. [Gr. philein, to love.] — Bib / liopho''bia, -fo'bl-a, n. A dread of books. [Gr. phobeisthai, to fear.] — Bib 7 - liop'olist, Bib'liopole'', n. A bookseller. [Gr. polein, to sell.] — Bibliothe'ca, -the^ka, n. A repository for books; library. [Gr. theke, case, box.] — Bib'- liothe'cal, a. Bicapsular, bi-kap'su-ler, a. (Bot.) Having two seed capsules to each flower._ Bicarbonate, bi-kiir^bo-nat, n. (Chem.) A carbonate having 2 equivalents of carbonic acid to 1 of base. Bice, Bise, bis, n. {Paint.) A pale blue color, prepared from blue carbonate of copper, or from smalt. [F. bise, fern, of bis, brown, black, blue.] Bicephalous, bi-sefa-lus, a. Having two heads. [L. bis, twice, and Gr. kephale, head.] Biceps, brseps, n. (Anat.) A muscle having two origins. [L. ois and caput, head.] — Bicipital, bi-sip'- I-tal, -tons, -tus, a. Having 2 heads. (AnaW) Hav- ing 2 origins. (Bot.)_ Dividing into 2 parte. Bichromate, bi-kru'mat, a. (Chem.) Having two parts of chromic acid to one of other ingredients. Bicker, bik'er, v. i. [bickered (-erd), -ering.] To skirmish; to contend in words or petulant alterca- tion; to quarrel, wrangle; to move quickly ; to be tremulous, like flame or water; to quiver. [VV. bi- cra ; hicrc, conflict, skirmish.] — Bick'erer, n. Bicolor, bi-kuKer, -ored, -erd, a. Of two colors. Bicorn, bi'korn, -corned, -k6rnd, -cornous, -kSr'nus, a. Having two horns or antlers; crescent-like. [L. bis and cornu, horn.] Biccrporal, bi-koKpo-ral, a. Having two bodies. — Bicor'porate, -rat, a. {Her.) Double-bodied. [L. bis and corpus, body.] Bicroral, bi-kroo'ral, a. Having two legs. [L. bis and cms, cruris, leg.] Bicuspid, bi-kus^pid, -pidate, -at, a. Having two points. See Tooth. [L. bis and cuspis, cuspid is, point.] Bicycle, bi'sl-kl, n. A two-wheeled velocipede. [L. bis and Gr. kuklos, circle.] — Bi'cyeling, n. Act of riding on, etc. — Bi'cyclist, n. One who, etc. Bid, v. t. [imp. bid or bade (bad); p. p. bid or bid- den; bidding.] To offer; esp. to offer to pay; to declare, as a wish, greeting, defiance, etc.; to order, command, invite. — n. An offer of a price, esp. at auctions. [AS. beodan, Goth, budan, to command.] — To bid fair. To offer a good prospect; to make fair promise. — Bid'der, n. Bide, bid, v. i. To dwell permanently; to inhabit. — v.t. To endure, suffer, wait for. "[AS. bidan, D. and Goth, beidan.] Bidental, bi-den'tal, -tate, -tat, a. Having 2 teeth or tooth-like processes. [L. bis and dens, dentis, tooth.] Bidet, bl-def or bt-da', n. A small horse; an article of bedroom furniture, used in washing the body. [F.] Biennial, bi-en'nT-al, a. Continuing for two years, and then perishing; occurring once in two years. — n. (Bot.) A plant that lasts for two years, and then perishes. [L. biennium, a space of two years, fr. bis and antius, year.] — Biennially, adv. 'Once in, or at the return of, two years. Bier, ber, n. A frame for conveying the dead to the grave. [AS. bser, s. rt. to bear?] Biestings, Beestings, besfingz, n. pi. The first milk given by a cow after calving. [AS. beost, bysting.] Bifacial, bi-fa'shal, a. Having the opposite surfaces alike. [TL.bis and facies, face.] Bifarious, bi-fa'rl-us, a. Twofold; in two rows. (Bot.) Pointing two ways. [L. bis and fan, to speak or say.] — Bifa'riously, adv. Biferous, bif r er-us, a. Bearing fruit twice a year. [L. bis and ferre, to bear.] Biffin, bif 'fin, n. An apple peculiar to Norfolk, Eng. ; a baked apple crushed flat. [F. beau fin, beautiful, fine; or, corrup. of beefin, as resembling raw beef.] Bifid, bi'fid, Bifidate, bii/id-at, a. (Bot.) Two-cleft; opening with a cleft. [L. bis and findere, fidi, to cleave or split.] Bifilar, bifl-ter, a. Two threaded; involving the use of two threads 1 [L. bis and filum, thread.] Biflorate, bi-flo^rat, -rous, -rus, a. {Bot.) Bearing two flowers. [L. bis and flos,fioris, flower.] Bifoliate, bi-fo'li-at^a. (Bot.) Having two leaves. — Bifo'liolate, -lT-o-lat, a. (Bot.) Having 2 leaflets, as some compound leaves. [L. bis and folium, leaf.] Biforate, bi-fo'rat, o. (Bot.) Having two perforations. [L. bis and. forare.foratum, to bore.] Biform, bi'fSrm, -formed, -i'Srmd, a. Having two forms, bodies, or shapes. — Biform , ity, n. A double form. Bifronted, bi-frunt^ed, a. Having two fronts. Bifurcate, bi-fer'kat, -cated, -ka-ted, a. Forked; di- vided into two branches. [L. bis and furca, fork.] — Bifurca / 'tion, ?*. A forking. — Bifurcous, -fer'- kus, o. (Bot.) Two-forked. Big, a. Having largeness of size, bulk, etc. ; great with young ; pregnant; full of something porten- tous ; proud ; arrogant. [Dan. bug, belly, bulge ; W. bog, Ic. bolga, a swelling.] — Big'ness, n. — Big'wig, n. A person of consequence. Bigamy, big'a-mT, n. (Law.) The crime of having two wives or husbands at once. [L. bis and Gr. ga- mos, marriage.] — Big_^amist, n. One guilty of, etc. Bigeminate, hi-jeni'i-nat, a. (Bot.) Having a forked petiole, with leaflets at the end of each division. [L. bis and geminare, geminatum, to double.] Biggin, big'gin, n. A child's cap or hood. [F. biguin, the cap worn by Beguin nuns.] — A piggin, or small wooden vessel ; a contrivance for holding coffee- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; BIG-HT 49 BINOMIAL grounds (a bag or perforated metallic vessel) through which boiling water is poured. [W.picyn; It. pigin, small pail; Ga. pigean, dim. of pige, pitcher, pot.J Bight, bit, re. (Geog.) A bend in the sea-coast form- ing a bay. (Xaut.) The double part of a folded rope; a round, bend, or coil anywhere except at the ends. {Dan. and Sw. bught, bight of a rope, also bay; AS. bige, bijge, bending, corner.] Bigot, big'ot, n. One unreasonably wedded to some religious creed, practice, ritual, etc. ; a devotee; hypocrite. [F.; it. bigotto.] — Big'oted, a. Obsti- nately devoted to a system, party, etc.. and illiberal toward the opinions of others. — Big'otedly, adv. — Big'otry, -rT, n. Perverse or blind attachment to, etc.; the practice or tenet of a bigot. Bijou, be-zhoo', n. ; pi. Bijoux, -zhoo''. A trinket, or a Tittle box; a jewel. [F.] — Bijou'try, -zhoo'trf, n. Small articles of virtu, such as jewelry, trinkets, etc. [F. bijouterie.'] _ Bijugate, bi-ju'gat, -goua, -gus, a. (Bot.) Having two pairs, as of leaflets. [L. bis andjugare, -atum, to join.] Bilabiate, bi-la'bT-at, a. (Bot.) Having two lips, as the corols of flowers. [L. bis and labium, lip.] Bilamellate, bi-lam'el-lat, -lated, -lat'ed, a. (Bot.) Formed of 2 plates. [L. bis and lamella, small plate.] Bilateral, bi-lafer-al, a. Having two sides; pert, to the two sides of a central organ or axis. [L. bis and latus, lateris, side.] — Bilat'erallty, n. State or quality of being, etc. Bilberry, bil'ber-rT, n. A shrub of the whortleberry family, and its fruit. [Corrup. of blueberry.] Bilbo, biKbo, n. : pi. Bil'boes, -boz. An iron bar or bolt with a sliding shackle and lock, to confine the feet of prisoners; a rapier. [Fr. Bilboa, in Spain.] Bile, bil, n. A yellow, greenish, bitter, viscid fluid secreted by the liver; ill-humor. [L. bills.'] — Bil- iary, MKya-rT, a. (Med.) Pert. to. or conveying, etc. — Bilious, -yus, a. Pert, to, or disordered in, the bile; having an excess of bile. — Biliousness, n. — Bi'lin, n. (Chem.) A resinous matter, the princi- pal constituent of the bile. — Bile'-duct, n. (Anat.) The canal which conveys bile ; the hepatic duct. Bile. See Boil, n. Bilge, bilj, n. The protuberant part of a cask. (Xaut.) The broadest part of a ship's bottom. — v. t. [bilged (bilid), bilgixg.] (Xaut.) To suffer fracture in the Dilge ; to spring a leak. [Same as bulge.] — Bilge / '- wa'ter, n. (Xaut.) Water upon the bilge of a ship. — BU'ey, a. Having the smell, etc., of Dilge-water. Bilingual, bi-lin'gwal, -guar, -gwar, a. Containing two languages. — Bilin'guous, -gwus, a. Having two tongues, or speaking two languages. [L. bis and lingua, tongue, language.] Biliteral, bi-lit'er-al, a. Consisting of two letters. [L. bis and litera, letter.] Bilk, bilk, v. t. [bilked (bilkt), bilking.] To disap- point, deceive, or defraud, by non-fulfillment of engagement. [Sw. balka, to partition off, whence balk; Goth, bilaikan, to mock, deride.] Bill, bil, n. The beak of a fowl; note of a bird. — v. t. To join bills, as doves; to caress. [AS. bile.] Bill, bil, n. A hook-shaped cutting instrument ; an ancient battle-ax; a pickax, or mattock. (Xaut.) The point of the fluke of an anchor. [AS. bil, D. bijl, Ic. bddr, Dan. Mil, Sw. bila, ax; G. bide, pickax; Skr. bil, bhil, to break, divide.] — BilK-hook, -hook, n. A small hatchet, with curved edge. — Bill'man, n. ; pi. -hex. One who uses a bill. Bill, bil, n. (Law.) A written declaration of wrong suffered, or fault committed ; an obligation given for money; a promissory note; a proposed law. An advertisement posted publicly; an account of goods sold or services rendered, with price annexed ; any paper containing a statement of particulars. [OF. Mile, LL. Mlla, a writing, fr. L. bulla, sealed writing, lit. seal.] — Bill of credit. A paper issued by a state, to circulate as money; a letter instructing a mer- chant to credit the bearer for goods or money. — of entry. A written account of goods entered at the custom-house. — of exceptions. A written statement of errors in law given to a judge before a verdict is rendered. — of exchange. (Com.) A written order desiring the drawee to pay, to the person designated by the drawer, a specified sum of money; a draft. — of fare. A list of articles of food ready at a hotel, etc. — of health. A certificate as to the state of health of a ship's company on leaving port. — of lading. A written receipt for goods shipped. — of mortality. An official return of deaths. — of pains and penal- ties. A legislative act inflicting punishment for trea- son or felony, without judicial conviction. — of rights. A summary of the rights claimed by a peo- ple. — of sale. An" instrument for the conveyance of goods and chattels. — of sight. A form of entry at the custom-house, by which goods may be provis- ionally landed for examination. — Bill'' -book, n. A book for recording notes, bills, etc. bro'ker, n. One who negotiates the discount of bills. post'- er, -stickler, u. One who posts up placards, etc. Billet, billet, n. A note in writing, or short letter; a ticket from a public officer directing soldiers where to lodge. — v. t. (JUL) To direct, by ticket, where to lodge; to quarter, as soldiers in private houses. [F., dim. of OF., bille, a writing.] —Billet-doux, bil'- le-doo'', n. A love letter. [F. ; doux, sweet.] Billet, billet, n. A small stick of wood. (Arch.) An ornament in Norman work, resembling, etc. [F. billette, billot, dim. of bille, log.] Billiard, bil'yard, a. Pert, to the game of billiards. — Bil'liards, -yardz, n. pi. A game played with balls, on a rectangular table. _[F. billard, fr. bille, ball.] Billingsgat.fi. biKlingz-gat, n. Foul or profane lan- guage; ribaldry. [The name of a London iish mar- ket, where this dialect prevails.] Billion, biKyun, n. According to Frencli numeration, a thousand millions, or 1,000,000,000 ; according to the English method, a million of millions, or 1,000,- 000,000,000. [L. bi'sand ~E. million.] Billow, biKlo, n. A great wave or surge of the sea. [Ic. bylgja, Sw. bofja, Dan. bblge, MHG. bulge; s. rt. bulge.] — Billowy, -lo-T, a. Swelling into, etc. Billy, birlT, n. A watchman's_club. Bilobed, bi'lobd, -lobate, -lo'bat, a. (Bot.) Divided into two lobes. [L. bis and Gr. lo\os, ear-lap.] Bilocular, bi-lok'u-lSr, a. (Bot.) Divided into, or containing, two cells. [L. bis and loculus, dim. of locus, place.] Bimanous, bi-ma'nus, a. (Zool.) Having two hands. [L. bis and manus, hand. | Bimensal, bi-men'sal, -mestrial, -mes'tri-al, -monthly, -munthlt, a. Occurring once in two months. [Li. bis and mensis, month.] Bimetalism, bi-mefal-izm, n. The use as legal ten- der of coins of two metals at a fixed relative value. — Bimetal'lic, a. — Bimefallist, n. One who advo- cates, etc. Bin, n. A box or inclosed place, used as a repository. — v. t. [binned (bind), binning.] To store in a bin. [AS. bin, manger, D. ben, G. benne, basket.] Binary, Di'na-rY, a. Compounded of two; double. [L. binus, two-fold, fr. bis.]— Binary arithmetic. That in which two figures only, and 1, are used, in lieu often. — Binary compounds. (Chem.) A compound of two elements. — Bi'nate, -nat, a. (Bot.) Double or in couples; growing in pairs. Bind, bind, v. t. [imp. bouxd (bownd); p.p. bound, formerly bouxdex ; binding.] To tie together or confine with cord, bands, etc.; to restrain or hold; to protect or strengthen by a band, or cover; to place under legal obligation to serve. — v. i. To contract; to grow hard or stiff ; to be restrained from mo- tion; to be obligatory. — n. A stalk of hops, which winds round a pole or tree. TAS. and Goth, bindan, D. and G. binden, Ic. and Sw. biuda, Skr. bandh, to bind.] — To bind over. To oblige by bond to ap- pear at a court. — To bind up in. To cause to be wholly engrossed with. — Bind'er, n. One who, etc., esp. who binds books; anything that binds; a bandage. — Bind'ery, -er-i, n. A place where books, etc., are bound. — Binding, a. Having power to bind or oblige; obligatory. — n. Act of fastening with a band; anything that binds, as a bandage, the cover of a book, or something to secure the edge of cloth from raveling. — Bind r -web, n. (Anat.) The connective tissue of the brain and spinal cord ; the neuroglia. — weed, n. (Bot.) A twining wild plant, a kind of convolvulus. — wood, n. Ivy. Binnacle, bin'na-kl, n. (Naut.) A box containing a ship's compass and a light to show it at night. [Pg. bitacola, F. habitacle, binnacle, fr. L. habitaculum, little dwelling, fr. hab- itare, to dwell. J Binocle, bin r o-kl, n. A telescope fitted with two tubes joining. [L. binus, twofold, and ocidus, eye.] — Binoc'ular, -nok-'u-ler, a. Having two eyes; with, or pert, to both eyes; adapted to the use of, etc. — Binoc'- \jj ulate, -lat, a. Having two eves. D . „„„,„ Binomial, bi-no'mY-al, n. (Alg.) An e x- ±sinnacie - pression consisting of 2 terms connected by the sign plus or minus; sis a + b, or 7 — 3. — a. Consisting of 2 terms; pert, to binomials. [L. bis nnd uomen, name.] sun, cube, full ; moon, fot)t ; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, boNbox, chair, get. BIOGENESIS 50 BITTERN Biogenesis, bi-o-jen'e-sis, Biogeny, -oj'en-T, n. The production of life from portions of mutter given off from previously living forms, — opp. to abiogeny or spontaneous generation. [Gr. bio*, life, and genesis, genos, birth.] — Biog'enist, n. A believer in, etc. Biography, bi-og'ra-n, n. History of the life of a person; biographical writings in general. [Gr. bios, life, & graphein, to write.] — Biog'rapher, -ra-fer, n. One who writes, etc. — Biograph'ic, -ical, -grafik-al, a. Pert, to, or containing, etc.— Biograph'ically, adv. Biology, bi-oKo-jt, n. The science of life and living things, animal and vegetable. [Gr. bios and logos, discourse.] — Biological, -loj 'ik-al, a. — BioFogist, n. One versed in, etc. liophagous, bi-ofa-gus, a. Consuming living crea- tures, — said of insectivorous plants. [Gr. bios and phagein, to eat.] Bioplasm, bi'o-plazm, n. The germinal matter essen- tial to the functions of living beings ; unaltered protoplasm. [Gr. bios and plasma, form, fr. plassein, to mold.] — Bioplasmic, -plaz'mik, a. Biparous, bi-pa'rus or bip'a-rus, a. Bringing forth two at a birth. [L. bis and parere, to bring forth.] Bipartible, bi-pixr'n-bl, -tile, -til, a. Capable of being dividedinto two parts. — Bipartite, bi-par'tit or bip'ar-tit, a. Having two correspondent parts, as a contract, one for each party; divided into two parts, as a leaf. [L. bis and partire, to divide, fr. pars, partis, part.] — Biparti'tion, n. Act of dividing, etc. Biped, bi^ped, n. An animal having two feet. [L. bis and pes, pedis, foot.] — Bipedal, -pe'dal, BFped, a. Having, or the_length of, etc. Bipennate, bi-pen'nat, -nated, a. Having two wings. [L. bis and penna, wing.] Bipetalous, bi-pefal-us, a. (Bot.) Having 2 petals or flower-leaves. [L^bw and petalian, Gr. petalon, leaf.] Biplicate, bi-pli'kat, a. Twice folded together. [L. bis and plicare, to fold.] Biquadrate, bi-kwod'rat, -rafic, n. (Math.) The 4th power, arising from the multiplication of a square number or quantity by itself. — Biquadratic, a. Pert, to, etc. [L. bis and quadratus, squared.] Birch, berch, n. A forest tree of several species; a rod of birch. [AS. beorc, birce, Skr. bhurja.] — Birch, Birchen, berch'n, a. Consisting of, or pert, to, etc. Bird, berd, n. A two-legged, feathered, flying animal. — v. i. To catch or shoot birds. [AS. brul, bird, esp., youngbird ; perh. s. rt. bredan, to breed.] — Bird'-cage, n. A cage for keeping birds confined. call, n. An instrument to decoy birds by imitating their cry. — -fancier, n. One who rears, collects, or sells birds. — -lime, n. A viscous substance used to catch birds. — -seed, n. Small seeds for feeding caged birds ; ca- nary seed, hemp, millet, etc. — Bird-of-paradise, -par / '- a-dis, n. A perching bird of New Guinea. — Bird's / '- eye, a. Seen from above, as if by a flying bird; general; not in detail. — Bird's'-eye Maple. Wood of the sugar-maple, full of knotty spots resembling birds' eyes. — Bird's^nest, n. The nest in which a bird lays eggs. — v. i. To hunt for birds' nests. Bireme, bi'rem, n. A vessel with two tiers of oars. [L. bis and remys, oar.] Birth, berth, n. Act of coming into life, or being born; lineage; extraction; natural state or position; \ act of bringing forth ; that which is produced, ani- mal or vegetable; origin; beginning. [AS. beordh, OFriesic, berthe, Sw. bbrd, Dan. bijrd.] — New birth. (Theol.) Regeneration, or the commencement of a religious life. — Birth'day, n. The day in which one is born ; its anniversary. — -mark, n. Some mark or blemish on the body at birth. place, n. The place where one is born ; place of origin. — -right, -rit, n. Any right or privilege to which a person is entitled by birth. Biscuit, bis'kit, n. Unleavened bread baked hard; a small loaf of leavened and shortened bread; a thin, crisp cake or cracker ; earthen ware after its first baking, before glazing. [F., fr. bis, twice, and cuit, cooked, fr. cuire, L. coquere, coctum, to cook.] — Meat biscuit. Matters extracted from meat by boil- ing, combined with flour. Bisect, bi-sekf, v. t. To cut into two parts. (Geom.) To divide into two equal parts. [L. bis and secare, secturn, to cut.] — Bisection, -sek'shun, n. Act of, etc. — Biseg'tnent, n. One part of a line, or other magnitude, divided into two equal parts. Bisexual, bi-seks'u-al, a. (Bot.) Of both sexes. [L. bis and nexus, sex.] Biserial, bi-se'rY-al, a. Arranged in a double series. [L. bis and series.] Bishop, bish/up, n. An overseer; a spiritual superin- tendent; in Episcopal usage, the highest of the 3 or- ders of the Christian ministry; a piece in the game of chess. [AS. biscop, fr. L. episcopus, Gr. episkojios, f r. Gr. epi, upon, and skopein, to view, inspect.] — Bish'- opric, n. A diocese; district over which a bishop has jurisdiction; office of, etc. [AS. bisceoprice.] Bismuth, biz'muth, n. A reddish-white metal, harder than lead, and brittle. [F., G.] — Bis'muthal, a. Of, or containing, etc. — Bismuth/ic, a. Pert. to,etc. Bison, bi'son or bi'sn, n. A quadruped of North America, popularly, but in- correctlv, called the buffalo. [F., L., Or.] Bisque, Bisk, bisk, n. A soup made of crayfish, or by boil- ing together several kinds of flesh. [F.] Bissextile, bis-seks'til, n. Leap year; every 4th year, in which a dav is added in the month of February. -a. Pert. American Bison. to, etc. [LL. bissextilis (annus), f r. L. bis and sextus, sixth, — because in leap year the 6th day before the calends of March (Feb. 24) was reckoned twice.] Bister, Bistre, bis'ter, n. A dark-brown pigment ex- tracted from wood-soot. [F. bistre, G. biester.] Bistort, bis'tdrt, n. A plant, called also snake-weed. [F. bistorte, fr. L. bis and torquere, tortum, to twist.] Bistoury, bis'too-rf, n. A surgical instrument for making incisions. [Fr. Pistoria, Pistoja, in Italy.] Bisulcate, bi-sul'kat, a. Two-furrowed. (Zobl.) Cloven-footed.— Bisul'cous, -kus, a. Cloven-footed, as swine or oxen. [L. bis and sulcus, a furrow.] Bisulphate, bi-suKf at, n. ( Chein.) A sulphate having two equivalents of sulphuric acid to one of the base. — BisuKphuret, -fu-ret, n. (Chein.) A sulphuret with two atoms of sulphur, as the electro-negative ingredient. [L. bis and sulphur, Skr. sulvari.] Bit. See under Bite. Bitch, bich, n. The female of the canine kind, as of the dog, wolf, and fox ; a name of reproach for a woman. [AS. bicce.] Bite, bit, v. t. [bit or bitten (bit'tii), biting.] To cut, crush, or seize with the teeth ; to cause sharp pain or smarting to; to cheat; trick; to take hold of; adhere to. — v. i. To seize or wound with the teeth or mouth; to cause hurt, pain, or injury. — n. Act of biting; the wound made by the teeth; a morsel; mouthful; the hold or purchase of a tool; a cheat; a trick ; a sharper; one who cheats. TAS. bitan, D. bijten, Ic. and Sw. bita, to bite, Skr. bhid, to break, cleave.] — To bite the dust, or the ground. To fall in death agonies. — Bit'er, n. One who, or that which, bites. — Bit'ing, a. Sharp ; severe ; sarcastic ; caustic— Bit'ingly, adv.— Bit'ing-in, n. (Etching.) Process of corroding metallic plates, by means of acid. — Bit, bit, n. A mouthful ; morsel ; bite ; hence, a small piece of anything; a small coin in several countries ; small in- strument for boring. [AS. bit, bite, fr. bitan.~) — The mouth-piece of a bridle, to which the reins are fastened. — v. t. To put a bit in the mouth of. [AS. otto?, dim. of bite, a bite, bit.] —Bit-stock, n. to hold the bit in boring. Bitt, bit, v. t. (A T aut.) To put round the bitts.— Bitts, bitz, n. pi. A frame of timbers to hold a ship's ca- bles. [Sw. beting, Dan. beding.] — Bit'ter, n. A turn of the cable which is round the bitts. Bittacle, bit'ta-kl, n. The box for the compass on board a ship. [See Binnacle.] Bitter, bit'ier, a. Having a peculiar, acrid, biting taste ; causing pain, smart, or distress ; character- ized by sharpness, severity, or cruelty; mournful; distressing; pitiable. [AS., D., Dan., Sw.,and G. bitter; AS. bitan, to bite.] — Bifterish, a. Some- what bitter. — Bit'terishness, n. — Bit'terly, adv. Bit'terness, n. — Bit'tern, -tern, n. The brine re- maining in salt 'works after the salt is concreted; a very bitter compound of quassia, cocculus indicus, etc. — Bifters, -terz, n. pi. Liquor, generally spirit- uous, in which bitter herbs or roots have been steeped. — Bit'ter-spar, -spar, n. A mineral consisting of car- bonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia, — the soluble salts of the magnesia being bitter. — Bit- ter-sweet, n. (Bot.) A climbing plant, whose root, when chewed, produces a bitter, then a sweet taste. — Bit'terwort, -wert, n. (Bot.) Yellow ed, a. Confounded; ac- cursed; detestable. — Blast'er, re. One who, etc. — Blast' fur'nace, -fer'nas, n. (Mech.) A furnace for smelting ores in which air is furnished by pneu- matic apparatus. pipe, re. The exhaust pipe of a steam-engine. Blatant, blalant, a. Bellowing, as a calf ; noisy ; bawling. [AS. blsetan, to bleat.] Blather, blarli / er, n. Foolish chatter. — v.i. To talk idly. [L. blaterare, to prate.] — Blath'erskite, -skit, re. An obtrusive babbler, or his talk. [Colloq.] — Blatter, blatler, v. i. To patter; to make a sense- less noise, to rail. [G. blattern, fr. L. blaterare.] Blaze, blaz, re. The stream of light and heat from a burning body; flame; light, as from flame; a white spot on a horse's face; a spot made on a tree by chipping off bark. — v. i. [blazed (blazd), bla- zing.] To shine with flame; to send forth bright light; to be conspicuous. — v. t. To mark, as bycfiip- pinga tree. [AS. blsese, a flame, fr. blawan, to blow; Ic. blys, Dan. blus, a torch, blaze.] —Blazing-star, n. A comet. Blaze, blaz, v. t. To publish far and wide, proclaim. [AS. blsesan, Ic. and Sw. blasa, Dan. blase, D. bla- zen, to blow, to sound.] — Blazon, bla'zn, v. t. [blazoned (bla'znd), -zoning.] To display, ex- hibit conspicuously, embellish, adorn ; to explain in proper terms, as the figures on armorial ensigns. — re. Art of drawing, or explaining coats of arms; the representation on coats of arms; ostentatious dis- play; publication. [F. and Sp. blason, coat of arms; Sp. blasonar, to blazon, to boast, f r. MHG. blasen, to blow, etc.] — Bla'zer, re. One who spreads reports. — Bla'zoner, n. One who proclaims, a herald. — Bla'zonment, n. Ostentation; publication. — Bla'- zonry, -zn-rt, n. Art of describing armorial bear- ings; exhibition of coats of arms. Bleaberry, ble'ber-rT, re. A plant having leaves like box, and purple berries. [Corrupt, fr. blueberry.] Bleach, blech, v. t. [bleached (blecht), bleaching.] To make white, or whiter, by removing the original color; to blanch. — v.i. To grow white. [AS. blse- can, Sw. bleka, D. bleeken, G. bleichen, to bleach; AS. blac, pale.]— Bleach'er, re. — Bleach'ery, -er-I, re. A place for bleaching. — Bleaching, re. Act or art of whitening, esp. of whitening fabrics by chem- ical agents, etc. Bleak, blek, a. Orig., without color; pale; hence, des- olate and exposed ; cold ; cheerless. — re. The blay, a small, white, river fish. [AS. Msec, blac, shining; OS. and Sw. blek, Dan. bleg, bleek, pale.] —Bleakly, adv. Desolately. — Bleak' ness, n. Blear, bier, a. Dim, or sore with rheum, — applied to the_eyes; causing dimness of sight. — v.t. [bleared (blerd), blearing.] To affect with soreness of eyes, or a watery humor; to make dim. [Dan. blire, plire, Sw. plira, blura, to blink.] — Blear'eye, -T, -eyedness, -Id-nes, re. (Med.) Chronic inflammation of the margins of the eyelids, with gummy secretion of the sebaceous humor. — Blear'eyed, a. Bleat, blet, v. i. To crv as a sheep. — re. The noise of, etc. [AS. blsetan, D.olaten, L. balare, to bleat.] Bleed, bled, v. i. [bled (bled), bleeding.] To lose blood; to die by slaughter; to drop, as blood, from an incision; to lose sap, gum, or juice; to pay or lose money. — v. t. To take blood from by opening a vein; to draw money from. (AS. bledan, fr. blod, blood.]— The heart bleeds, a phrase denoting great sympathy or pity. — Bleeding, n. A running of blood; hemorrhage. Blemish, blemish, v. t. [blemished (-isht), -ishixg.] To mark with deformity; to mar, or make defec- tive; to tarnish; defame. — re. A mark of deform- ity; spot; flaw; taint; imputation. [OF. blesmir, ble- mir, to wound, stain, fr. Ic. blaman, blue, livid.] Blench, blench, v. i. [blenched (blencht), blench- ing.] To shrink; to start back, from lack of cour- age or resolution; to flinch. — v. t. To baffle, dis- concert, break. [AS. blencan, to deceive.] Blend, blend, v. t. [blended or blent, blending.] To mix together. — v. i. To be mixed; to be united. [AS. blandan, Ic. and Sw. blanda, Dan. blande.] — Blend'er, re. Blende, blend, n. An ore of zinc, consisting of zinc and sulphur. [G., fr. blenden, to dazzle.] — Blend'- ous, -us, a. Pert, to, or containing, etc. Blenny, blen'nf, re. A fish of different species, hav- ing the skin covered with shining mucus. [Gr. blen- nos, fr. blenna, slime.] Bless, bles, v. t. [blessed (blest) or blest, blessing. T To make happy; to invoke a blessing upon. (Bib.) To praise, or glorify, for benefits. [AS. bledsian, bloed- sian, fr. blod, blood, in allusion to the consecration of the altar by sacrifice.] — Bless 'ed, a. Enjoying happiness or bliss; favored with blessings; impart- ing happiness; hallowed by associations; heavenly.- — Bless 'edness. re. State of being blessed; beati- tude; felicity; heavenly joys. — Bless'er.w. — Bless'- ing, re. A means of happiness ; that which pro- motes welfare; a benediction. — Blest, a. Made or making happy; cheering. Blet, blet, n. A decayed spot on fruit. [F. blette.] — Blet'ting, n. Spotted appearance of over-ripe fruit. Blew. See Blow. Blight, blit, re. Mildew; decay; what frustrates plans or withers hopes ; a species of plant-louse, destruc- tive to fruit trees. — v. t. To affect with blight ; to blast, frustrate. [Peril, fr. AS. blicettan, fr. blican, to shine, glitter ; MHG. blichen, to grow pale.] Blind, blind, a. Destitute of the sense of seeing; un- able to discern, understand, or judge; morally de- praved ; indiscernible; hidden; unseen. — v. t. To deprive of sight or discernment; to obscure; to de- ceive. — re. Something to hinder sight or keep out light; a screen; something to mislead the eye or un- derstanding. [AS., D., Sw., Dan., and G. blind; AS. blanden, to blend, make confused, blind.] — Blind'er, re. One who blinds; a piece of leather partially covering the eye of a horse. — Blindlold, a. Having the eyes covered; undi seeming. — v.t. To cover the eyes of ; to hinder from seeing. — Blindly, adv. — Blind'-man's-bufF, re. A play in which a blind-folded person hunts others. — Blind'- ness, re. — Blind'-side, re. Side on which one is most easily assailed; foible. — Blind'-worm, -werm, n. A small reptile, like a snake, whose eyes are nearly imperceptible; the slow- worm. Blink, blink, v. i. To wink; to see with eyes half shut; to glimmer. — v. i. To shut out of sight, avoid or evade, conceal. — n. A glimpse or glance. (Naut.) Dazzling whiteness about the horizon reflected from fields of ice at sea. [D. blinken, to shine. Dan. blinke, Sw. blinka, AS. blican, to twinkle.] — Blink'ard, re. One who blinks; that which twinkles, as a star. — Blink'er, re. One who blinks ; a blind for horses; whatever obstructs sight or discernment. Bliss, blis, re. The highest degree of happiness; felici- ty; joy. [AS. bits, bliss, contr. fr. blids, blidhs, bliss, fr. blidhe, happv.j — Bliss ful, a. Full of, etc. — Blisslully, adv. — Blisslulness, re. — Blithe, blithe, a. Gay ; sprightly. — Blithely, adv. — Blithe'ness, re. — Blithe 'some. a. Blithe. — Blithe'someness, re. Blister, blisler, re. A thin watery bladder on the skin; a tumor made by a separation of the film or skin, as on plants, or by swelling of the substance at the surface, as on steel; a vesicatory; a plaster applied to raise a blister. — v. t. [blistered (-terd), -tering.] To raise blisters upon; to give pain to, as if by a blister. — v. i. To rise in blisters. [OD. bluyster, blister ; Sw. blaster, bellows, fr. blasa, to blow.]— Blis'tery, -ter-T, a. Full of blisters. Blithe, etc. See under Bliss. Blizzard, bliz'zerd, re. A sudden, violent snowstorm, with high wind and extreme cold. Bloat, blot, v. t. To cause to swell or become turgid; to puff up, make vain; to smoke, as a herring. — v. i. To grow turgid, as by affusion of liquid in the cellular membrane ; to puff out ; to swell. [Ic. blotna, to become soft ; Sw. blot, soft, pulpy.] — am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; BLOBBER-LIP 53 BLUBBER par- Block. -Block' Bloat 'er, n. A small fish, usually a herrin. tiallv dried or smoked. Blobber-lip, blob'ber-lip, n. A thick lip. [Akin to bloat and blubber.] Block, blok, n. A solid mass of wood, stone, etc.; the mass of wood on which criminals are beheaded: the mold on which hats, bonnets, etc., are shaped ; a mass or row of buildings; a system of pul- leys arranged in a frame; any obstruction; a section of a railroad, having a telegraph- ic signal at its end, so that no train can enter it until it is reported clear of preced- ing trains. — v. t. [blocked (blokt), block- ing.] To hinder egress or passage from or into; to stop, obstruct; to secure or sup- ?ort by means of blocks. [W., Ga., and r. ploc, D. and Dan. blok, Sw. block.]— To block out. To begin to reduce to shape. - ish, a. Like a block; stupid: dull.— Block'ishly adv. — Block'ishness, n. — Block 'head, n. A stupid fellow ; a dolt. house, n. (JUL) A structure of heavy timber or logs for defense, loop-holed for musketry. — -tin, n. Tin in blocksor in- gots. — Blockade, blok-ad', n. The shutting up of a place ^ by troops or ships, to com pel ^fcSss^— S„^ a surrender from want, with- _T° ", out regular attacks. — v. t. To Block-house, shut up by troops or ships, etc.; to confine. — Block- ad'er, n. Blomary. See under Bloom. Blonde, blond, n. One having fair complexion and light hair and eyes. — a. Of a fair color or com- plexion ; fair. [F. blond, blonde.] — Blond'-lace, n. A fine kind of silk lace. — met'al, n. An English variety of clay iron-stone, used for making tools. Blood, blud, n. The fluid in the arteries and veins; rela- tion by natural descent ; kindred ; lineage, — esp. honorable birth ; the shedding of blood ; murder; temper of mind; disposition; excited feeling; pas- sion; a man of fire or spirit; juice of anything, esp. if red. (Stock breeding.) Descent from parents of recognized breed, — in horses, descent from Arab stock. — v. t. To let blood from; to bleed; to stain with blood; to inure to blood, as a hound. [AS. and Sw. blot, D. bloed, Ic. blodh, Goth, bloth ; fr. AS. bloiran. to bloom, flourish.] — Blood'ed, a. Having pure, or nearly pure blood; of the best stock. — Blood 'y, -T, a. Stained with, or containing, blood; attended with bloodshed; murderous. — v. t. To stain with blood. — Bloodily, -I-1T, adv. — Bloodi- ness, v. State of being, etc.; bloodthirstiness. — Blood'less, a. Without blood; dead: without shed- ding blood; without spirit. — Blood'lessly, adv. — Blood'bought. a. Procured at the cost of blood- shed. — guilt'y, a. Guilty of murder. guilti- ness, n. — heat, n. Heat equal to the temperature of blood, — about 08° Fahr. — horse, n. A norse of Arab stock. — hot, a. As warm as blood. — hound, n. A ferocious variety of dog, of acute smell, em- ployed to track men or animals. let'ter, n. One who lets blood, as in diseases ; a phlebotomist. — -let'ting, n. (Med.) Act of letting blood by opening a vein; venesection. — money, -mun'I, n. Money paid to the next of kin to one killed by another, or to one instrumental in causing another's death. — -rela'tion, n. One connected by blood or descent. — -root, n. A plant, named from the color of its root; bloodwort. shed, n. The shedding of blood ; slaughter; waste of life. — shed'der, n. — shed'ding, n. The crime of, etc. — shot, -shot'ten, a. Red and inflamed by a turgid state of the blood-vessels, as in diseases of the eye. — spav'in. n. (Far.) A dilatation of the vein inside the hock of a horse, forming a soft swelling. — stone, n. (Min.) A green silicious stone sprinkled with red jasper; hematite, a brown ore of iron. suck'er, n. An animal that sucks blood ; esp. the leech. — thirst'y, a. Desir- ous to shed blood, murderous. — thirst'iness, n. — -ves'sel, n. A vessel in which blood circulates; an artery or a vein. warm, a. Warm as blood; luke- warm. — wood, n. Logwood,— so called from its color. — Blood'y flux. Dysentery. mind'ed, a. Having a cruel, ferocious disposition. sweat, -swet, n. The sweating sickness, in which a dis- charge of_blood accompanies a profuse perspiration. Bloom, bloom, n. A mass of crude iron from the puddling furnace, undergoing the first hammering. [AS. bloma, mass, lump.] — Blom'ary, -ery, bloom r - er-I, n. The first forge through which iron passes after it is melted from the ore. — Bloom'ing, n. Process of making blooms, or of converting cast into malleable iron. Bloom, bloom, n. A blossom ; the flower of a plant; the opening of flowers ; an opening to higher per- fection, like that of buds into blossoms ; powdery coating upon newly-gathered fruits.— v. i. [bloomed (bloomd), blooming.] To produce blossoms ; to flower; to be in a state of growing youth and vigor; to show beauty and freshness, as of flowers. [Ic. Worn, Sw. blomina, Dan. blomme, D. bloem, L..flos.] — Bloom'ing, a. Flowering ; thriving in health, beauty, and vigor. — n. A clouded appearance of varnish upon the surface of a picture. — Bloom'y, -T, a. Full_of bloom; flourishing. Bloomer, bloom'er, n. A man-like costume for women ; a woman who wears it. [Fr. Mrs. Bloomer, who devised it.] Blossom, blos'sum, n. The flower of a plant, or the organs of reproduction, with their appendages. — v.i. [blossomed (-sumd), -soming.] To put forth blossoms; to bloom; to flourish and prosper. [AS. blostma, D. bloesem, fr. AS. blowan, to bloom.] Blot, blot, v. t. To spot or bespatter; to stain with in- famy, disgrace, disfigure ; to obliterate, expunge, efface, destroy. — n. A spot or stain; blur; an ob- literation; a spot in reputation; disgrace; blemish. [Ic. blettr, Dan. plet, a spot, stain, G. platsch, platze, a splash.] — Blot'ter, n. One who, or that which, blots. (Com.) A book for registering current mer- cantile transactions. — Blot'ting pa'per. Unsized paper, to imbibe wet ink. Blot, n. In the game of backgammon, a man left un- covered and liable to be taken up. [Dan. blot, Sw. blott, D. bloot, naked.] Blotch, bloch, v. t. [blotched (blocht), blotching.] To blacken; to spot. — n. A spot on the skin; a pus- tule or eruption. [AS. blsece, fr. blsec, black.] — Blotch'y. a. Full of, etc. Blouse, Blowse, blowz, n. A loose over-garment; smock-frock. [F. blouse, cf. Pers. baljad, a cloth or garment.] Blow, bio, n. A blossom; a flower; a bed of flowers. — v. i. To flower or bloom; to produce, cause to blossom. [AS. blowan. See Bloom and Blossom.] Blow, bio, n. Act of striking ; stroke ; a sudden or severe calamity. [OD. blauwen, to strike, D. blouwen, to dress flax, G. blduen, to beat with a beetle.] — At a blow. Suddenly, at one effort. — To come to blows. To fight. Blow, bio, v. i. [imp. blew ; p.p. blown; blowing.] To produce a current of air with the mouth; to move, as air; to breathe hard or quick; pant; puff; to sound on being blown into ; to brag. — v. t. To drive a current of air upon, or drive oy a current of air; to sound, as a wind instrument; to spread by report; publish; to deposit, as eggs by flies; to form by inflation; to swell by injecting air ; to put out of breath. — n. An egg deposited by a fly in flesh; the act of depositing it. (Naut.) A violent wind; a gale. [AS. hlawan, G.bldhen, L. flare, to blow, putt up.] — Blowy, blo'T, a. Windy. — A blow or blow-out. A drunken frolic, spree. — To blov) out. To remove salt from a boiler by steam at a high pressure. — To b. over. To pass away with- out effect. — Tob.up. To be broken and scattered by the explosion of gunpowder. — To b. hot and cold. To favor a thing at one time and slight it at another. — To b. off. To suffer to escape. — To b. up. To fill with air, puff up , kindle, burst or scatter by explosion, abuse or scold violently. — To b. upon. To bring into discredit. — Blow'er, n. One who blows ; a smelter. (Mech.) A contriv- ance for driving a current of air into something; a steam-jet to partially exhaust a chimney and cre- ate a blast-draught. A screen of metal to increase the draught through a fire or in a flue. — Blow'- hole, n. One of the nostrils by which a whale re- spires and ejects water ; a. hole in ice at which whales, fish, etc., breathe. — pipe, n. A tube for driving a current of air through a flame and concen- trating the heat on an object. — -off-pipe, n. A pipe at the bottom of a boiler, for discharging sediment. Blowse. See Blouse. Blowze, blowz, n. A ruddy, fat-faced woman. [D. blozen, to blush, Dan. blusse, to blaze, burn in the face, Sw. blossa, to blaze ; s. rt. blush.] — Blowzed, blowzd, Blow'zy, a. Coarse, fat, and ruddy-faced. Blubber, blub'ber, n. The fat of whales, etc., yield- ing oil. — v. i. [blubbered (-bSrd), -Bering.] To sun, cube, full ; moon, f<56t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BLUDGEON 54 BODY ■weep noisily, or so as to disfigure the face. — v. t. To swell the face with weeping. [S. rt. bladder and blow ; perh. an imitation of the bubbling sound of shaken air and water.] Bludgeon, bluj'un, n. A short cudgel with one end loaded. [Ir. blocan, little block, Ga. blocan, mallet, beetle.] Blue, blu, n. The color of the clear sky; one of the primary colors. (/>?•) Low spirits; melancholy ; blue-devils. — a. Of the color called blue ; low in spirits; over-strict in morals. — v.t. [blued (blud), bluing.] To make blue; to dye of a blue color; to temper (iron) until it is blue. [Ic. blar, Sw. bla, Dan. blaa, G. blau, F. bleu.] — Blue'ly, adv. With a blue color. — Blue'ness. n. — Blu'ish, a. Somewhat blue. — Blu'ing, n. Act of rendering blue; something to give a blue tint, as indigo. — Blue'bell, n. A plant bearing blue bell-shaped flowers. — berry, n. A kind of whortleberry. — bird, n. A small Amer- ican bird, resembling the English robin. — book, n. A parliamentary publication, so called from its biue paper covers. [Eng.] A list of persons in govern- ment employ. [Amer.] — bot'tle, n. A plant which grows among corn, and has blue bottle-shaped flow- ers ; a fly, with a large blue belly. — breast, n. A small European bird. — devib^-dev'lz, n. pi. Lowness of spirits ; hypochondria. fish, n. An edible salt water game fish; a name sometimes applied to the dolphin. grass, n. A valuable pasture-grass, in- digenous to the limestone region of Kentucky. — -gum tree, n. The Eucalyptus globulus, of Austra- lia, yielding a resin resembling kino. — light, -lit, n. A composition burning with a blue flame, used as a firework or a night signal at sea. — mass, n. {Med.) A preparation of mercury and conserve of roses, from which blue pills are made. — pe'ter, n. (Brit- ish Marine). A blue flag with a white square in the center, used as a signal for sailing. — pill, n. (Med.) A pill of prepared mercury, used as an aperient, etc. — stocking, n. A literary lady; a female pedant. — -stone, -vit'riol, n. (Chem.) Sulphate of copper, used as a caustic. Bluff, bluf. a. Rude or coarse ; blustering ; roughly frank; outspoken; steep; bold. — n. A bank pre- senting a precipitous front; a game of cards. — v. t. To frighten or deter ; to repel by gruffness. [OD. blaf, flat, broad, also, a boaster; D. blaffer, a boaster, noisy fellow, fr. blaffen, to bark, yelp. J — Bluff 'ness, n. — Bluffy, a. Having bluff s. Blunder, blun'der, v. i. [blundered (-derd), -der- ing.] To mistake grossly; to err through want of care. — v.t. To confuse, mix together. — n. A gross mistake; error; bull. [Sw. blunda, to shut the eyes, Sw. and Dan. blund, a doze, nap.] — Blun / aerer, n. — Blun'derhead, -hed, n. A stupid fellow. Blunderbuss, blun'der-bus, n. A short gun, with large bore for a number of balls, not requiring exact aim; a stupid, blundering fellow. [Corrupt, fr. D. don- derbus, thunder-gun.] Blunger, blunder, n. A wooden blade with a cross handle, to mix clay in potteries. [Same as plunger. ,] — Blun'ging, n. Process of mixing clay; plunging. Blunt, blunt, a. Having a thick edge or point; dull; dull in understanding; abrupt in address; uncere- monious. — v. t. To dull the edge or point of; to repress or weaken, as appetite, desire, etc. [S. rt. blind and blunder.] — Blunt 1y, adv. — Blunt 'ness, n. Blur, bier, n. That which obscures without effacing; a stain; blot; a dim, confused appearance. — v. t. [blurred (blerd), blurring.] To obscure without quite effacing; to cause imperfect vision in; to dim; to blemish, disgrace, sully. [Dan. plire, blire, Sw. plire, Sw. prov. blura, to blink; s. rt. blear.] Blurt, blgrt, v. t. To utter suddenly or unadvisedly; to divulge inconsiderately. [S. rt. blare, blast.] Blush, blush, v. i. [blushed (blusht), blushing.] To have a rosy color; to redden in the face, as from shame, confusion, or modesty. — n. A rosy tint; a red color suffusing the face; sudden appearance; glance; view. [AS. bh/scan, to glow. See Blowze.] Bluster, blus'ter, v. i. [blustered (-terd), -tering.] To blow fitfully with violence and noise; to talk noisily; swagger. — n. Noise and violence; threat- ening talk ; boisterousness ; turbulence; boasting; bullying. [Ic. blastr, a blast, Sw. blast, tempestu- ous weather. See Blast.] — Blus'terer, n. A swag- gerer; a bully. — Blus'teringly, adv. Boa, bo'a, n. A genus of serpents; a round fur tip- pet, shaped like a boa-constrictor. [L., perh. fr. bos, bull, referring to its size.]— Bo'a-constric'tor, -kon-strik/ter, n. A large serpent of tropical Amer- Boa-constrictor. ica, which crushes its prey in its coils. [L. constrin- gere, constrictuiu, to draw together.] Boar, bor, n. The male of swine not castrated ; the wild hog. [AS. bar.] — Boar'ish, a. Swinish; brutal._ Board, bord, n. A piece of , timber sawed thin ; a table i to put food upon; food; entertainment, — usually as furnished for pay; a council, or any authorized assembly or meeting. ( Naut.) The deck of a ves- sel ; interior of a vessel ; side of a ship ; line over which a ship runs between tack and tack. A table for a game; paper made thick and stiff like a board. (pi.) The stage in a theater. — v. t. To lay, spread, or cover with hoards; to go on board of, or enter; to furnish with food for compensation ; to place at board, for compensation. — v. i. To obtain food statedly for compensation. [AS. and Ic. bord, board, side of a ship, D. bord, board, shelf.] — Board and board. (Naut.) Side by side. — By the b. Over the side. — To go by the b. To suffer complete de- struction. — Board'er, n. One who takes and pays for meals at another's table. (Naut.) One who boards a ship. — Eoard'ing, n. A casing made of boards. — Board'ing-house, n. A house tor board- ers. school, -skool, n. A school where pupils have board and lodging. — Board' wa'ges, n. pi. An al- lowance to servants to purchase their own food. Boast, bost, v. i. To vaunt one's self; to brag. — v. t. To speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation ; to mag- nify or exalt one's self. — n. Expression of ostenta- tion, etc.; the cause of boasting. [W. bost, Ir. and Ga. bosd, a boast.] — Boast 'or, n. — Eoast'ful, -ful, a. Given to boasting. — Boastfully, -ingly, adv.'— Boast'fulness,?*. Boat, bot, n. A small open vessel; any vessel. — v.t. To transport in a boat. — v. i. To go in a boat. [AS. and Sw. bat, Ic. batr, D. boot, W. bad, Ga. bata.] — Boat'able, a. Navigable for small craft. — Boat'-bill, n. A wading-bird of South America, hav- ing a bill like a boat keel uppermost. — hook, -ho"6k, n. (Naut.) A hook on a pole, to pull or push a boat. — man, n. One who manages a boat. — swain, bo'sn, n. An officer who has charge of a ship's boats, sails, rigging, etc. [AS. swan. Ic. sveinn. a boy.] Bob, bob, n. Anything that plays loosely, or with jerks; bait used in angling; the ball of a "pendulum or plumb-line. — v. t. [bobbed (bobd), bobbing.] To move in a short, jerking manner; to strike with a quick, light blow ; to gain by fraud, delude ; to have the haircut short. — v. i. To have a jerking motion ; to angle with a bob, or with jerks of the bait. [Perh. onomatop. ; perh. fr. Ga. bog, to bob, fr. boc, a_blow, deceit; Ir. bogaim, I wag.] — Bob'- stays, -staz, n. pi. (Naut.) Ropes or chains to con- ' fine a ship's bowsprit downward to the stem or cut- water. — tail, n. A short tail, or a tail cut short; the rabble, used in contempt, — as in the phrase rag- tag and bob-tail. — wig, n. A short wig. Bobbin, bob'bin, n. A kind of spool on which thread is wound; round tape. [F. bobi?ie, bobbin, Ir. and Ga. baban, a tassel.] — Bobbinet, bob-bin-ef or bob'- bin-et, n. A kind of lace wrought by machines. Boblincoln, bob-lin'kun, Bob'olink,". The rice-bird, rice-bunting, reed-bird; an American singing-bird. Bob-white, bob'' whit', n. The American partridge or quail, — named_from its note. Bock-beer, bok'ber, n. A strong kind of lager beer. [G. bock bier, f r. 6ocA-, a goat.] Booking, bok'ing, n. A kind of baize or drugget. [Fr. Bockmg, Eng.] Bode, bod, v. t. To indicate by signs; to portend, foreshow. — v. i. To foreshow, presage. [AS. bo- dian, to announce, fr. bod, message; s. rt. bid.] Bodice, Boddice, bod'is, n. Stays; a corset. [Prop. the pi. of body.] Bodkin, bod'kin, n. A dagger; a pointed instrument for making holes, etc., or for drawing tape through loops. [W. bidogyn, dim. of bidog, short sword.] Body, bod'!,?!. The material substance of an animal; the principal part, in distinction from parts less im- portant; a person; a collective mass of individuals; a corporation ; a number of particulars taken to- gether; a system; any mass or portion of matter. (Paint.) Consistency; thickness. — v. t. [bodied am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 2nd, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Odd, tone, or ; BCEOTIAN 55 BONE (bod'id), bodying.] To produce in definite shape; to embody. [AS. boclig, Skr. band ha.] — Bod'ied, -id, a. Having a body, — usually in composition. — Bod'i- lesa, a. Having no material form; incorporeal. — Bod'ily, a. Having or containing a body; corpo- real; pert, to the body. — adv. Corporeally; entirely; completely. — Bod'y-clothes, -klothz, n. pi. Clothing for the body. color, -kul'er, n. {Paint.') Color that has body, or consistence, in distinction fr. a tint or wash, —-guard, -gard, n. A guard to protect the person; life-guard. — pol'itic, n. A state in its political capacity. snatcher, -snach'er, n. One who robs graves of bodies. Boeotian, be-o'shan, a. Pert, to Bocotia ; to its bad climate ; or to its dull and stupid inhabitants. Boer, boor, n. A Dutch colonist of South Africa. [D., a farmer. See Boor.] Bog. n. A quagmire ; marsh ; morass. — v. t. To whelm or plunge, as in mud and mire. [Ir. bog- achy Ga. bogan, fr. Ir. and Ga. bog, soft, moist.] — Bog'gy, a. Containing bogs; swampy. — Bog'-ore, n. {Min.) Cellular limonite; an ore of iron formed in marshes. — spavin, n. {Far.) An encysted tu- mor on the inside of the hough. — trot'ter, n. One who lives among bogs, — applied to Irish robbers. — -wood, n. Wood found buried in peat bogs, dark and hard, and used in ornaments. Bogey, Bogy, bo'gT, Bogle, bo'gl, Boggle, bog'gl, n. A hobgohlin; bugbear; specter; a nursery demon. — Bo'gle, Bo'gy, n. A small hand-car on railroads; a four-wheeled truck under a locomotive; an iron box to receive slag from a puddling furnace.. — Eog'- gle, v. i. [boggled C-gld), boggling.] To hesitate as if frightened; to waver, vacillate, shrink. [Scot. bogle, W. bivg ; specter, goblin.] — Bog'gler, n. Bogus, bo'gus, a. Spurious; counterfeit. [Corrupt. of Borgkese, the name of a swindler.] Bohea, bo-he', n. An inferior kind of black or green tea; black tea in general. [Fr. Wu-i, pron. by the Chinese bu-i, the name of hills where this tea grows.] Bohemian, bo-he'mT-an, a. Pert, to Bohemia or its inhabitants, to gypsies, or to hack-writers for the press. — n. A native of Bohemia; a gypsy; a needy writer, politician, artist, etc.. who lives by his wits. Boll, boil, v. i. [boiled (boild), boiling.] To be agi- tated by the action of heat ; to bubble, effervesce; to be hot or fervid; to be excited; to suffer boiling in liquid.— v. t. To cause to bubble by heat ; to j form oy boilintr; to subject to the action of heat in a boiling liquid. [OF. boillir, fr. L. bullire, to boil, fr. bulla, a bubble.] — To boil away. To evaporate by boiling. — Boiling point. The temperature at which a Fluid is converted into vapor, —for water at sea-level, 212° Fah. — Boil'er, n. One who boils ; a vessel in which anything is boiled. {Mech.) A metallic vessel in which steam is generated. — Boil'- ery, n. A place and apparatus for boiling. — Boil'- Ing, n. Act or state of agitation by heat; ebullition; act of subjecting to the action of neat. Boil, boil, n. A small inflamed tumor, which com- monly suppurates, — formerly written bile. [AS. byl, btjle, D. bule, bull.] Boisterous, bois'ter-us, a. Tumultuous; turbulent; noisy; roaring. [W. bwystus, brutal, fr. bivyst, feroci- ty.] — Bois'terously, adv. — Bois'terousness, n. Bold, bold, a. Forward to meet danger ; exhibiting or requiring spirit and daring; audacious; forward; impudent; taking liberties in expression; markedly conspicuous; steep or abrupt. [AS. beald, bald.] — To make bold. To take liberties; to use freedom. — Bold'Jy, adv. — Bold'ness, n. Bole, bol, n. The body or stem of a tree. [Sw. bal, Dan. bul.] — A kind of fine, compact, or earthy clay. [Gr. bolos, a clod.] Bolero, bo-la'ro, n. A Spanish dance. [Sp., fr. bola, ball.]_ Boll, bol, n. The pod or capsule of a plant ; a peri- carp; a Scotch measure, containing 2, 4, or 6 bush- els. — v.i. To form into a seed-vessel. [Dan. bulne, Sw. bidna, to swell; s. rt. bulge.] Bologna sausage, bo-16n'ya-saw-saj. A sausage of various meats and pork suet. [Bologna, in Italy.] Bolster, bol'ster, n. A long pillow or cushion; a pad; compress. — v. t. [bolstered (-sterd), -stering.] To support with a Dolster ; to hold up ; maintain. [AS., fr. bolla, a round thing, ball.] Bolt, bolt, n. An arrow; dart; a strong pin, to hold something in place ; a thunder-bolt ; shackle ; 28 ells of canvas. — v. t. To fasten with a bolt, re- strain; to blurt out; to swallow without chewing. — v. i. To start forth like a bolt, move abruptly, Bolt and Nuts. spring suddenly aside; to desert, as a party or or- ganization. — adv. With sudden meeting or collis- ion ; perpendicularly. [AS., OD. bolt, G. bolzen, a bolt, kind of arrow.] — Bolt'er, n. — Bolt'-head, n. {Chem.) A long glass vessel for distillations, a matrass or re- ceiver . — rope, n. {Kaut.) A rope sewed to edges of sails to strengthen them. Bolt, bolt, v. t. To sift ; to separate, as- ' sort, or purify; to examine closely. [OF. bulter, i . bluter, to sift, fr. LL. burra, coarse cloth.] Bolt'sprit. See Bowsprit under Bow. Bolus, bo'lus,??. {Med.) A rounded mass ; a large pill. [L., bit, morsel.] Bomb, bum, n. {Mil.) A hollow iron ball filled with explosives to be discharged from a mortar. [F. bombe, a bomb, fr. L. A, bolt; bombus, Gr. bombos, a booming sound.] — B, head; Bombard, bum-bard', v. t. To attack with C, nut; bombs. — Bombardier'', -der', n. {Mil.) D, check- One who throws bombs; an artilleryman. nut. — Bombard'ment, n. An attack with bombs. — Bomb'ketch, -ves'sel, n. {Naut.) A strong vessel carrying mortars for bombarding. — proof, a. Secure against penetration by bombs. shell, n. A bomb. Eombast, bum'bast, n. Orig., cotton or soft material used as padding ; hence, an inflated style ; fustian. — a. High-sounding ; inflated ; turgid. [LL. bom- box, L. bombyx, Gr. boinbux, cotton.] — Bombast'ic, a. Characterized by, etc. — Bombast'ically, adv. Eombazet, -zette, bum / ba-zet', Bom'bazine, -sine, -sin, -zen', n. A twilled fabric, with silk warp and worsted weft. [F. bombasin, fr. LL. bombacynus, made of bombax. See Bojibast.] Bombic, bom'bik, a. Pert, to, or obtained from, the silk-worm. [L. bombyx, silk-worm.] — Bombycinous, -bis'I-nus, a. Of the color of the silk-worm; trans- parent with a yellow tint. Eona fides, bo'na f i'dez. Good faith ; sincerity. — Bona fide, -ii'de. In good faith ; really. [L.] Bonanza, bo-nan'za, n. A sudden widening in a vein of silver; a successful venture, — esp. in gold or silver mining. [Sp., fair weather, prosperity.] Bonbon, boN'boN, n. Sugar confectionery ; a sugar- plum. [F., fr. bon, good.] Bond, bond, n. That which binds, fastens, or con- fines; a binding force or- influence. {Law.) A writing by which one binds himself, his heirs, executors, etc., to pay a sum. {Arch.) Union or tie of stones or bricks in a " wall. — a. In a state of servitude or captivity. — v. t. To secure payment ->_ of. by giving a bond. [An- other form of band, fr. Flemish Bond. AS. bindan, to bind.] — Bond'age, n. State of being under restraint; obligation. {Old Eng. Law.) Vil- lenage. — Bonded goods. Goods left in charge of cus- toms officers, — bonds being given for the payment of duties upon them. ware'house, n. A place where bonded goods are stored. — Bond'maid, n. A female slave. — man, n. A man slave. {Old Eng. Law.) A villain, or tenant in villenage. — serv'ant, n. A slave. — serv'ice, n. Slavery. — slave, n. One in slavery. — stone,?*. {Masoni-y.) A stone running through the thickness of a wall to bind it together. — tim'ber, n. A beam worked into a wall to tie or strengthen it longitudinally. —Bondsman, bondz'- man, n. ; pi. -men. A bondman. {Law.) A surety; one who gives security for another. — wom'an, n. A woman slave. Bone, bon, n. {Anat.) A hard whitish substance, com- posing the skeleton ; an integral portion of the skele- ton. — a. Made of bone. — v. t. [boned (bond), boning.] To take out bones from; to put whalebone into. [AS. ban, D. and Dan. been, Sw. ben.]— A bone of contention. Subject of dispute. — A b. to pick, or gnaw. Something to occupy or divert. — To pick a b. with. To quarrel with. — To make no bones. To make no scruple. — Body and Bones. Wholly ; unreservedly. — Bone'less, a. Without bones. — Bon'y, -1, a. Consisting of, full of, or pert, to, bones; having large or prominent bones. — Bone'ash, n. The residue from calcined bones, — used for making cupels and cleaning jewelry. — -black,??. {Chem.) A carbonaceous substance from English Bond. sfin, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BONESET 56 BORROW bones calcined in close vessels. cave, n. A cave containing bones of extinct animals. dust, n. Ground or pulverized bones, — used as a fertilizer. — earth, n. (Chem.) Earthy residuum after cal- cining bone, chiefly phosphate of lime. softer, n. One who sets broken and dislocated bones. — -spav'in, n. (Far.) A bony excrescence, on the in- side of the hock of a horse's leg. Boneset, bon'set, n. A medicinal plant; thoroughwort. Bonfire, bon'fir, /;. Afire to express public exultation, or for amusement. [E. bone-fire = a fire-to burn the bones and relics of saints.] Bonhomie, bon'om-e, n. Good nature ; simplicity. [F. bon, good, and homme, man.] Bonito, bo-ne'to, n. A fish of the tunny kind. [Sp., fr. Ar. baynis.] Bonmot. box'rao, n. A witty repartee; a jest. [F. bon, good, and mot, word.] Bonne, bon, n. A child's nurse. [F., fern, of bon.'] Bonnet, bon'net, //. A covering for the head. (Fort.) Part of a parapet elevated to screen the other part and its terre-pleine. (Naut.) An addition to a sail. A plate or a dome-shaped casing; a frame of wire netting over a locomotive chimney. [F., fr. LL. bonneta, a kind of stuff.] — Bon^neted, a. Wearing a bonnet. (Fort.) Protected by, etc. Bonny, bon'nY, a. Handsome ; gay ; plump ; well- formed. [Corrup. fr. F. bon, bonne.] — Bon'nily, adv. Bonny-clabber, bon'nl-klab'ber, n. Sour buttermilk; the thick part of soured milk. [Ir. bainne, milk, and clubar, mud.] Eon ton, boN toN. The height of the fashion ; fash- ionable society. [F., good tone, manner.] Bonus, bo'nus, n. (Law.) A premium given for a loan, charter, etc. An extra dividend paid out of ac- cumulated profits; a siim paid to an agent, above a share in profits or stated compensation. [L., good.] Bon-vivant, boN've-vaN'', n. A good fellow ; jovial companion. [F.; vivant, p. pr. of vivre, to live.] Bonze, bon'ze, n. A priest of many Oriental sects. [Corrup_. fr. Japan, busso, pious man.] Booby, boo^bT, n. A water-fowl allied to the pelican; the brown gannet; a dunce; stupid fellow. [Sp. and Pg. bobo, blockhead, buffoon.] Eoodhism. See Buddhism. Book, bot>k, n. A collection of sheets of paper, etc., bound together; a literary composition, written or printed; a subdivision of a literary work. (Iter.) A volume in which accounts are kept. — v. t. [booked (bdokt), booking.] To enter, write, or register in a book. [AS. boc, D. boek, Ic. and Sw. bok ; AS. boc, beech-tree, boards of which were writ- ten on.] — Bookish, a. Given to reading ; more acquainted with books than with men. — Book'- ishly, adv. — Book'ishness, n. — Without book. By memory or without notes ; without authority. — Book'bind'er, n. One who binds books. bind 7 - ery, n. A place for binding, etc. bind'ing, n. Art or practice of, etc. case, n. A case with shelves for holding books. (Bind.) A book-cover. cov'er, n. (Bind.) A case for a book ; a cover of cloth or other material prepared for casing a book. — -keop'er, n. One who keeps accounts, —-keeping, n. Art of recording mercantile transactions and keeping accounts. learned, -lernd, a. Versed in books; ignorant of life. learn'ing, n. Learning acquired by reading, — esp. as opp. to practical knowl- edge. — mak'er, n. One who writes and publishes books; a compiler; a sporting man who makes a rec- ord of bets. — mak'ing, n. The practice of, etc.; com- pilation ; systematized betting. mark, n. Some- thing placed in a book by which to find a particular place. — plate, n. A label indicating ownersnip, place in a library, etc., usually on the inside of the cover of a book. post, n. The post-office arrangement by which books are mailed. sell'er, n. One who sells books. shelf, n. A shelf to hold books. — -shop, -stall, -store, n. A place for selling books. — -stand, n. A stand for selling books in the streets; book-stall; a support to hold books. — worm, n. A worm or mite that eats holes in books ; one exces- sively addicted to study. Boom, boom, n. A spar for extending the bottom of sails; a chain cable or connected line of spars, cross- ing a river or other water; a pole set up in shallow water, to mark out the channel; in business, a strong demand for a commodity; an earnest popular in- terest in behalf of some measure. — v. i. [boomed (boomd), booming.] To rush violently, as a ship under press of sail. [D., boom, pole; s. rt. beam.] Boom, boom, n. A hollow roar; the cry of the bittern. — v. i. To make a hollow sound, roar, or cry. [OD. bommen, to drum.] Boomerang, boom^Sr-ang, n. A missile weapon of the natives of Australia, which describes remark- able curves, and falls near the thrower. Boon, boon, n. Gift; benefaction; grant; prayer or petition. [Ic, Dan., and Sw. bon, AS. ben, peti- tion.]— a. Gay; jovial; kind; bountiful. [F. bon.] Boor, boor, n. A countryman ; peasant ; clown; a rude and illiterate person. [D. boer, peasant, fr. bouwen, to till.] — Boor 'ish, a. Like a boor; clown- ish; illiterate. — Boor/ishly, adv. — Boor'ishness, n. Boose, Booze, Bouze, booz, v. i. To drink excessively; to guzzle. [OD. buisen, to drink deeply, fr. buize, a large drinking cup.] — Boo'ser, n. — Boo'sy, -zy, -zT, o. Intoxicated; silly; fuddled. Boost, boost, v. t. To lift or push from behind. Boot, boot, v. t. To profit; to advantage. — n. Differ- ence given to equalize an exchange; profit. [AS. and Ic. bot, Goth, bota, advantage ; s. rt. better.] — Bootless, a. Unavailing ; unprofitable. — Boof- lessly ,_adv. — Boot'lessnesB, n. Boot, boot, n. A covering for the foot and leg; a rack for the leg, to torture criminals; a leather-covered receptacle on a coach; a cover for a carriage, against rain and mud ; (pi.) a servant who blacks boots. — v. t. To put boots on. [OF. botte, a butt or barrel, a boot, G. butte, tub.] — Boot ana saddle. The_cavalry trumpet call before marching. — Bootee, boot-e'j n. A half boot. — Boof-crimp, n. A frame for shaping boots. — -jack, n. An instrument for drawing off boots. — -tree, -last, n. A block to stretch boots. Booth, booth, n. A temporary shelter; slight hut. [Ic. budh, Sw. and Dan. bod, Ga. buth, shop, hut; Ir. both, "W. bwth, hut.]— Boothy, Bothy, both'!, n. In Scot., a hut for farm servants. Booty, boofl, n. Spoil taken in war, or by violence; plunder. [Ic. byti, exchange, barter ; Dan. bytte, Sw. byte, bootv; Ic. byta, to divide, distribute.] Bopeep, bo-pep'', n. A children's play. Borage, bui-'rej, n. A garden plant, used as a cor- dial. [F. bouhache, fr. LL. borra, rough hair, the leaves being rough.] Borax, bo^raks, n. (Chem.) Biborate of soda; a salt formed bv combination of boracic acid with soda. [F. and LL., fr. Ar. buraq, Pers. burah, borax.] — Boracic, -ras'ik, Bo'racous, -cus, a. Pert, to, or pro- duced fr., etc. — Bo'rate, w, A salt formed by com- bination of boracic acid with a base. — Bo'ron, n. An elementary substance, allied to carbon, the base of boracic acid. — Bo / ruret / ', -roor-ef, n. A combi- nation of boron with a simple body. Border, bor^der, n. The outer part or edge of any- thing ; verge; brim; boundary. — v.i. [bordered (-derd), -dering.] To touch at the edge; to be ad- jacent; to come near to. — v. t. To make, or adorn with, a border; to touch at the edge. [F. bordure, LL. bordura, D.boord, margin, border.] — Bor^derer, n. One who dwells on a border. — Bor'der-land, n. Land on the frontiers; debatable land. Bore, bor, v. t. [bored (bord), boring.] To perfo- rate or penetrate; to form a round hole in; to weary by tedious iteration or dullness; to vex. — v. i. To pierce or enter by boring ; to be pierced or pene- trated by a turning instrument; to carry the nose to the ground, — said of a horse. — n. The hole made by boring: cavity of a fire-arm ; caliber ; one who, or that which, wearies by repetition or dullness. [AS. borian, D. boren, Ic. bora, Dan. bore, L,.forare, to bore.] — Border, n. One who, or that which, etc. — Border, Bore'worm, n. The teredo, a sea-worm which pierces and destroys submerged wood; also a worm which penetrates trees. — Bore'dom, -dum, n. State of being bored: ennui; the domain of bores. Bore, bor, n. (Physical Geog.) A tidal flood at the mouths of some rivers; a high and rapid flow. [Ic. bara, billow, Sw. bar, hill.] Bore, Born. See Bear. Boreal, bo're-al, a. Northern; pert, to the north or north wind. [L. borealis, fr. Boreas, north wind.] Boron. See under Borax. Borough, bur'ro, n. An incorporated town ; in Eng., a town that sends members to parliament; in Scot., a body corporate, with certain jurisdiction. [AS. burh, bm-g, D. burg, Ic, Sw., and Dan. borg, fort, cas- tle, fr. AS. beorgan, to protect.] — Bor'ough-Eng'- lish, -in'glish, n. (Eng. Law.) A descent of es- tates to the youngest son, or to the youngest brother, if there are no sons. Borrow, bofro, v. t. [borrowed (-rod), -rowing.] To take on trust, with the intention of repaying; to fim, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; 3dd, tone, 6r ; BORT 57 BOW take from another ior one's own use; to appropriate. I AS. borgiun, fr. borg, pledge, security, fr. beorgan, to protect.]— Bor'rower, n. £ort, b6rt, n. Fragments of diamonds used as pow- der for lapidary work. Boscage, bosk'ej, «. Wood ; underwood ; a thicket. (Fault.) A landscape representing thickets. [F., fr. It. bosco, G. bosch, butch, bush.] — Bosk, a. A tliicket. — Bosk'y, a. Woody; bushy. Eosh, bosh, n. Mere show; empty talk; folly. [Turk., empty, vain; Scot, boss, hollow; G. bosse, trifle.] Tosom, boVzum, n. The breast of a human being; the seat of the passions, affections, etc.; embrace; affectionate inclosure; inclosed place; interior; the part of the dress over the breast. — a. Intimate ; fa- miliar; dear. — n. t. [bosomed (-zumd), -omixg.] To inclose in the bosom ; keep with care ; hide from view; embosom. [AS. bosm, D.boezem, G. busen.] Boss, bos, n. A protuberant ornament ; stud, knob. (Meek.) The enlarged part of a shaft, on which a wheel is keyed, or where it is coupled to another; a swage or die for shaping metals. — v. t. To orna- ment with bosses; to stud. [F. bosse, a hump; It. bozza, a swelling; OHG. bozo, jiozo, D. bos, bunch, bundle.] — Bos'sy, a. Having bosses; studded. Boss, bos, n. A master workman or superintendent. — v. i. & t. To direct, superintend. [D. baas, master.] Boston, bos'ton, n. A game played by four persons, with two packs of cards, — introduced by French officers at Boston during the Revolutionary war. Botany. bot'a-nT, n. Science of the structure, classifi- cation, etc.. of plants. [Gr. botane, plant, fr. bos- kein, to leed, graze.] — Botanic, -ical, bo-tan'ik-al, «. Pert, to botany; relating to, or containing, plants. — Botan'icalry, adv. — Botanist, bot'an-ist, n. One skilled in, etc. — Bot'anize, v. i. [botanized (-Izd), -IZING.] To seek for and investigate plants. Eotch, bocli, n. An ulcerous affection. [OF. boce, bi >s> of a buckler, boil, — same as F. bosse. See Boss.] Eotch, bocli, n. A patch of a garment; work done bunglinglyj a clumsy performance. — v. t. [botched (bocht), botching.]" To mend or patch clumsily; to ex press < >r perform bur.glingiy. [OLG. and D. bot- ten, to striki-. repair.] — Botch'er, n. A clumsy work- man. — Botch'ery, n. Bungling work; patch work. Bot'fly. S.c Bo-is. Both, both. a. Sc pron. The one and the other; the two. —con j. , u^ed before the first of two coordinate words or phrases, followed by and before the other. [AS. h<>, Sw. bada, Dan. baade, G. beide.~] Bother, borh'fr, v. t. [bothered (-erd), -eking.] To tease or perplex. — n. One who, or that which, bothers: state of perplexity or annoyance. [Perh. fr. Ir. bvaidhirt, trouble, fr'.buair, to vex, grieve.] — Bothera'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Both'ersome. -er-sum, a. Causing bother. Bothy. See Booth. Bots, Botts. hots, a. pi. (Entom.) Small worms found in the intestines of horses. — Bof-fly. The insect whose eggs produce bots. [Ga. botus, belly-worm.] Bottle, bot'l, n. A narrow-mouthed vessel lor hold- ing Hquors; the contents of one. — v. t. [bottled (-tld), -tling.] To inclose in bottles. [F. bouteille, LL. butiada, dim. of butica, fr. Gr. butis, a flask.] — Boftle-green, n. A dark green, like that of a green glass bottle. — hold'er, n. One who gives a boxer refreshment between the rounds: a backer. — head, -nose, n. A cetacean allied to the sperm whale ; a kind of dolphin. — nosed, -nozd, a. Having a nose swollen at the end. Bottom, bot'um, n. The lowest part of a thing; foun- dation; base; low alluvial land along a river; aval- ley. (Naut.) The keel of a vessel; the vessel itself. Power of endurance: stamina; dregs orgrounds. — v. t. [bottomed (-tumd), -toming.] To found or build; to furnish with a seat or bottom. — v. i. To be based. [AS. botm, D. bodem, Sw. botten, bottom; Skr. budhna, depth, ground.] — Bot'tomless, a. Without a bottom; fathomless. — Boftomry, -rt, n. (Mar. Law.) A contract by which a ship is bound as security for repayment of money. Boudoir, boo r dw6r, n. A lady's private room. [F., fr. bnuder, to be sulky; perh. akin to pout.'] Bough, bow, n. An arm or large branch of a tree. IAS. bog, boh, bough, orig. arm, shoulder, Dan. boug, lc. bogr, Sw. bog, shoulder.] Bought. See Buy. Bougie, boo-zhe', n. (Surg.) A long, flexible instru- ment, introduced into the urethra, esophagus, etc., to remove obstructions. [F., wax-candle, bougie, tr. Bvaia, a town of North Africa.] Bouilli, bool'ye, n. (Cookery.) Beef, stewed and eerved_with sauce. [F., fr. bouillir, to boil.] — Bouil- lon, booKyoN, n. Broth; soup. (Far.) A disease of horses' feet. [F.J Boulder. See_BowLDER. Boulevard, boo-le-var', n. Orig. a bulwark; a broad public walk or street. [F., fr. G. bollwerk, bulwark.] Bouleversement, bool-vars-max', n. A turning up- sidedown; complete overthrow. [F., fr. boule, ball, and reiser, to turn.] Bounce, bowns, v. i. [BOi'xcED(bownst), bouncing.] To leap or spring suddenly; to beat or thump. — v. t. To drive violently against anything. — n. A sud- den leap or bound; a heavy, sudden blow or thump; a bold lie. [Platt-Deutsch, bunsen, to beat, knock, D. bonzen, to bounce, throw.] — Boun'cer, -ser. n. One who bounces: a bold lie; a liar; something big. — Boun^cing, a. Plump and healthy; lusty. Bound, bownd, n. External line of any "object or space, limit, confine, boundary. — v.t. To limit, terminate, restrain, circumscribe; to give the boun- daries of. [OF. bonne, LL. bodina, bonna, bound, limit, fr. Armor, boden, a cluster of trees, fr. bod, Ir. bot, a cluster.] — Bound'ary, -a-rf, n. That which fixes a limit, — esp. a visible mark. — Boundless, a. Without bounds ; unlimited ; infinite. Bound, bownd, n. A leap; spring; jump. — v.t. To move forward by leaps; rebound, as an elastic ball. [F. bondir, to bound, rebound, orig. resound ; s. rt. boom.] Bound, bownd, a. Destined; tending; going, or in- tending to go, etc. [Ic. buinn, prepared, ready, fr. bua, toget ready.] Eound, Eounden. See Bind. Bounty, Down'tY, n. Goodness ; liberality ; munifi- cence; that which is given liberally; a premium to encourage some object. [F. bont6, L. bonitas, fr. bonus, good.] — Boun'teous, -te-us, a. Disposed to give freely ; generous. — Eoun'teously, adv. — Boun'teousness. n. — Boun'tiful, -ful, a. Free in giving. — Boun'tifully, adv. — Boun /- tifulness, n. Bouquet, boo-ka / ', n. A nosegay ; bunch of flowers ; a perfume or aromatic odor. [F., fr. OF. bousquet, bosquet, bush, dim. of bois, wood.] Bourgeois, bur-jois r ,w. (Print.) A kind of type, in size between long primer and brevier. [Perh. the inventor's name.] g^" This line is in bourgeois type. Bourgeois, boor-zhwaw'', n. In France, a man of middle rank in society; a citizen. — Bourgeoisie, boor-zhwaw-ze'', n. The middle classes, — esp. those concerned in trade. [F., fr. OF. burgeis, citi- zen, fr. LL. burgus, a fort. See Borough.] Bourgeon, ber'jun, v. i. To put forth buds; to shoot forth, as a branch. [ F., a bud ; MHG. buren, to raise, push up.] Bourn, Bourne, born or boorn, n. A bound; limit; goal. [F. borne, corrup. of OF. bonne. See Bound.] — A stream ; rivulet ; burn. [AS. burna, burne, D. borii, Goth, brunna, spring, well.] Bourse, boors, n. A merchants' exchange; in France, the money market. [F., fr. Gr. burse, skin, purse.] Bout, bowt, n. A conflict ; trial ; as much of an ac- tion as is performed at one time; a turn. [Dan. bught, Sw. bugt, turn; s. rt. AS. beogan, to bend.] Bouts-rimes, boo / re-ma' r , n. pi. Words that rhyme, given to be formed into verse. [F., rhymed ends.] Bovine, bo'vin, a. Pert, to cattle of the ox kind. [L. bos, bovis, ox, cow.] — Bo'viform, a. Resembling, etc. Bow, bow, v. t. [bowed (bowd), bowing.] To bend, inflect, make crooked or curved; to turn from a nat- ural condition; to bend in respect, homage, conde- scension, etc.; to depress, subdue. — v. i. To bend, in token of reverence, civility, etc. — n. An incli- nation of the head or body, in token of respect, etc. [AS. bugan, Sw. buga, Skr. bhuj, to bend.] — Bows- er, n. Bow, bow, n. (IVaut.) The curving forepart of a ship; stem ; prow; the bow-oar. [Dan. boug, bov, Sw. bog, OHG. /were] — Bow'er, n. (Naut.) An anchor carried at the ship's bow, the second in size. — Bowline, bo'ltn, n. A rope which keeps the weather edge of a sail tight forward when the ship is close-hauled. — oar, bow'or, n. The oar near- est the bow of a boat; the one who pulls it. — sprit, bo- or bow-, n. A spar projecting from the bow of a ship. — sometimes called boltsprit. Eow, bo, n. Anvthing bent; a weapon by which an arrow is propelled; an instrument having a curved sun, cube, full ; moon, foot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BOWEL 58 BRAKE form, as a fiddle-stick. [AS. boga, D. boog, Dan. bue, bow; AS. bugan, to bend.] — Bo w-com^passes, -kum /, pas-ez,w. pi. Compasses with an arched plate on one leg, upon which the other Bow-compass, leg slides; compasses furnished with a bow-pen. — -drill, n. A drill revolved bv a bow and string. — -hand, n. (Archery.) The hand holding the bow, the left hand. (Mus.) The hand drawingjhe bow, right hand. knot, -not, n. A knot tied with a bow or loop of string, and readily loosened. — legged, -legd, a. Having legs curved outwards. — man, n. One who uses a bow; an archer. — net, n. An ar- rangement of wicker baskets for catching lobsters, etc. —pen, n. A kind of ruling- pen. saw, n. A narrow-bladed saw for cutting curves. — -shot, n. arrow. string, bow. — v. t. Bow-pen. The distance a bow shoots an n. The string which bends a To strangle with a bow-string, — a Turkish mode of execution. — win'dow. See Bay- wixdow, under Bay. — wood, n. The wood of the Osage orange, used by the North American Indians for bows. Bowel, bow'el, n. One of the intestines; an entrail; the interior part of anything; the seat of pity; com- passion. — v. t. To take out the bowels of; to evis- cerate. [OF. boel, fr. L. botellus, sausage, gut.] Bower, bow'er, n. One of the two highest cards in euchre, — the highest being the Right bower, the knave of the trump suit; the next the Left bower, the other knave of the same color as the trump. [G. bauer, peasant, f r. the figure sometimes used for the knave on cards.] Bower, bowser, n. Orig. a chamber ; a country-seat; cottage; a covered place in a garden; arbor. [AS. and Ic. bur, a chamber, Sw. bur, Dan. buur, cage ; AS. buan, to dwell.] — Bow'ery, a. Covering, as a bower; containing bowers. Bowie-knife, bo'i-nif, n. A kind of knife, worn as a weapon. [Col. Bowie, the inventor.] Bowl, bol, n. A concave vessel to hold liquids; the hollow part of anything. [AS. bolla, Ic. bolli, MHG. bolle, a bowl.] Bowl, bol, n. A ball. — v. t. [bowled (bold), bowl- ing.] To roll, as a bowl ; to pelt with anything rolled. — v. i. To play with bowls; to roll the ball on a level plain ; to move rapidly, smoothly, and like a ball. [F. boule, a ball for bowling, fr. L. bulla, bubble.] — To bowl out. In cricket, to knock down one's wicket by bowling. — BowKer, n. A player at bowls. — BowKing-alTey, n. A covered place, for playing at bowls. — green, n. Smooth ground, for, etc. Bowlder, Boulder, bol 'der, n. A large pebble. (Geol.) A mass of rock that has been transported by nat- ural agencies from its native bed. [Sw. bullersten, large pebble, fr. bullra, to thunder, in contrast to klappersteen, small pebble, which claps or rattles.] Box, Doks, n. A case or receptacle ; the quantity that a box contains; an inclosed space with seats in a theater, etc.; amoney-chest; a small house. (Mach.) A cylindrical, hollow iron, in which an axle-tree runs; a tube in a pump, closed with a valve; the bucket of a lifting pump. The driver's seat on a carriage; a present. (Bot.) A tree or shrub, the dwarf variety of which is used for borders in gar- dens. — v. t. [boxed (bokst), boxing.] To inclose in a box; to furnish with boxes. TAS. box, L. buxus, box- wood, or a case made of it; Gr. puxos, the box- tree, puxis, a case made of box-wood.] — In a box. In difficulty . — In the wrong box. At fault. — To box the compass. To name the points of the compass in order. — Box'berry, n. The wintergreen or check- erberry. tree, n. The larger variety of box. — -wood, n. The wood of, etc., — very hard and smooth, and used by engravers, turners, etc. Box, boks, n. A blow with the hand on the ear or head. — v. t. & i. To fight with the fist. [Dan. baske, to strike, slap, fr. bask, a slap, thwack ; Ga. hoc, a box, stroke.] — Box'er, n. Boxhaul, boks'hawl, v. t. [boxhauled (-hawld), boxhauling.] (Naut.) To wear, as a ship, when close-hauled, short round on to the other tack. Boy. boi, n. A male child; a lad. [East Friesic, boi, boy, OD. boef, G. bube, L. pupus, boy.] — Boy'hood, -ho"od, n. State of a boy, or of immature age. — Boy'- ish, a. Like a boy; childish; puerile. — Boyishly, adv. — Boyishness, n. Boyar, boy'er, n. _A nobleman of Russia. [Russ.] Braccate, brak'kat, a. (Ornith.) Having feathers which conceal the feet. [L. braccse, breeches.] Brace, bras, n. A prop or support. ( Carp.) A tim- ber crossing a corner from one timber to another. (Print.) A curved line connecting words or lines. tl boll, \ (Naut.) A rope reeved through a block ' bowl.) at the end of a yard. A pair or couple; a strap, supporting a carriage on wheels; a bit-stock; state of being braced or tight, (pi.) Straps to sus- tain pantaloons, etc. ; suspenders. — v. t. [braced (brast), bracing.] To furnish with braces, support, prop ; to tighten. (Naut.) To move around by means of braces. [OF., orig., the two arms; then, a measure of five feet, L. brachia, the arms.] — Bra'- cer, n. That which, etc.; a band, bandage. Bracelet, braslet, n. A wrist ornament ; defensive armor for the arm. [F., fr. L. brachile, armlet, fr. brachium, arm.] Brachial, brak'i-al or bra'kY-al, a. Pert, to, of the nature of, or like, an arm. [L. brachium.'] Brachycatalectic, brak'T-kafa-lek'tik, n. A verse wanting two syllables at its termination. [Gr. bra- chus, short, and katalegein, to leave off.] Brachygraphy, bra-kig'ra-fi, n. Short hand writing; stenography. [Gr. brachus and graphein, to write.] Bracken, brak'en, n. Fern. [See Brake.] Bracket, brak'et, n. (Arch. & Engin.) A support projecting from a wall or other surface, (pi.) (Naut.) Short, crooked timbers, resembling knees. (Print.) Hooks [ ] used to inclose a reference, ex- planation, note, etc. ; crotchets. — v. t. To place within, connect, or support by, brackets. [Akin to brace.) — Brack'eting, n. (Arch.) A series of ribs or brackets, supporting cornices, etc. — Brack'et- light, n. A lamp or gas-light projecting from a wall. Brackish, brak'ish, a. Saltish. [D. & LG. brak, brack- ish.]— Brack'ishness, n. Bract, brakt, n. (Bot.) A small leaf or scale, from whose axil a flower proceeds. [L. bractea, a thin plate.] — Brac'teal, -te-al, -teate, Bracfed, a. Hav- ing bracts. Brad, brad, n. A nail with little or no head. [Sw. brodd, Dan. brod.de, frost-nail.] — Brad'awl, n. An awl to make holes for inserting brads. Brag, brag, v. i. [bragged (bragd), -ging.] To praise one's self, or one's belongings, ostenta- tiously; to boast, bluster, vaunt. — n. A boast or boasting; thing boasted of; agame atcards. [W. bragio, to brag, fr. brae, boastful.] — Brag'gado'cio, -do'shi-o, n. A braggart; boast- er; empty boasting. [Name of a character in Spenser's " Faerie Queen."] — Brag'gart, n. A boaster. — a . Boastful. — Brag'ger. Brahma, bra/ma, n. (Myth.) The first person in the trinity of the Hindoos; the creator. — Brah'man, -min, n. One of the upper or sa- cerdotal caste among the Hindoos. — Brah- manlc, -ical, Brahmin / 'ic, -ical, a. Pert, to the Brahmans, their doctrines and worship, or to the religion of Brahma. — Brab/manism, -minism, ». The religion or doctrines of, etc. Braid, brad, v. t. To weave or entwine together; to plat; to mingle by rubbing in something fluid or soft. — n. A string, cord, etc., woven from different strands L [AS. bregdan, bredan, to brandish, weave.] Brail, bral, n. (Falconry.) A piece of leather to bind a hawk's wing. pt. (Naut.) Ropes to haul up,_or truss up, sails, for furling. — v. t. [brailed (braid), brailing.] To haul up into, or truss up with, the brails. [OF. braiel, a cincture.] Brain, bran, n. (Anat.) The whitish, soft mass in the upper cavity of the skull, which is considered the center of sensation and perception; the anterior or cephalic ganglion in invertebrate animals. The understanding. — v. t. To dash out the brains of; to destroy. [AS. brsegen, D. brein.] — Brainless, a. Without understanding. — Brain fe'ver. Inflam- mation of the brain. pan, n. Bones inclosing the brain; skull; cranium. sick, a. Disordered in the understanding. Brake, brak, n. (Bot.) A fern of different genera. A place overgrown with brakes, canes, brambles, etc.; a thicket. [AS. bracce, Sw. broken, fern; OLG. brake, bush ; D. braak, Dan. brak, fallow.] — Brack'en, n. Fern. — Bra'ky, a. Full of, etc. Brake, brak, n. An instrument to break flax or hemp; the handle for working a pump or fire-engine ; a frame for confining horses while oeing shod; an in- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 6nd, eve, tgrm ; tn, ice ; 8dd, tSne, 6r ; BRAMBLE 59 BREAK closure for cattle, horses, etc.; a heavy harrow for breaking clods after plowing ; an appliance for checking motion of wheels, machinery, etc., by friction ; a light wagon used in breaking horses. — v. t. To apply brakes, — esp. to wheels of a rail- road train. [OD. brake, a clog, fetter; Platt-Deutsch brake, an instrument for breaking flax, F. braquer, to break hemp; s. rt. break.'] — Brake 'man, n. One who manages brakes, — esp. on railroad trains. Bramble, bram'bl, n. A shrub of the genus Rubus, including the raspberry and blackberry; any rough, prickly shrub. [AS. bremel, brembel, D. braam, Sw. brombar. blackberry.] — Brain'My, -bit, a. Pert, to, like, or full of, etc. Bramin. See Bkahmax, under Brahma. Bran, bran, n. The coat of the seed of wheat, rye, etc., separated from the flour by bolting ; refuse sifted out of flour or meal. [W., bran, husk ; Ir., chaff; F., dung, dirt.] — Bran new, corrupt, of brand- new. — Bran'ny, -nT, a. Of or resembling bran. Branch, branch, n. A limb; a bough growing from a stem, or from another bough; a part extended from the main body of a thing, as a stream running into a larger one; a ramification ; a section or subdivis- ion ; department; a line of family descent, in dis- tinction fr. other lines fr. the same stock. (Law.) A warrant or commission given to a pilot. — v. i. [branched (brancht), branching.] To spread in branches, ramify; to divide into subdivisions, —v. t. To divide as into branches. [F. branche, a branch, W. braich, h.brachium, an arm, branch.] — Tobranch out. To speak diffusively, or with many words. — Root and branch. Entirely. — Branchless, a. With- out branches. — Brancb/y, a. Full of, etc. — Brancb/iness, n.— Branch/let, n. Little branch; twig. Branchial, bran'kt-al, a. Pert, to, or performed by means of, gills, as of fishes. [Gr. brangchion, gill.] — Bran'chlopods, -o-podz, n. pi. (Zobl.) An order of erustacea, generally minute, whose feet were supposed to act as gills. [Gr. pous, podos, foot.] Brand, brand, n. A hurniug or partly burnt stick; a sword, 60 called from its glittering brightness; an iron used for burning a mark; a distinctive mark made by burning with hot iron ; quality; kind; a mark of infamy; stigma. — v. t. To impress a mark with hot iron ; to stigmatize as infamous. [AS. and D., a burning; Sw. and Dan., a fire brand; AS. and OD., a sword; fr. AS. brinnan, to burn.] — Brand'ing-iron, Brand'iron, -i'ern, n. An iron used to brand with. — Brand'-new, a. Quite new, as if fresh from the fire, — written also bran- and brent new. — jroose, n. See Brant. Brandish, bran'dish, v. t. [brandished (-dish), -dish- ing.] To wave, as a weapon; to shake or flourish. — n. A flourish, as with a weapon, whip, etc. [F. brandir, f r. OF. brand, sword.] — Bran'disher, n. Brandling, brandling, n. A small, red worm, used as bait for fish. [S. rt. brand. See Brant.] Brandy, bran'dT, n. An ardent spirit distilled from wine or other liquors. [D. brandewijn, fr. branden, to burn, to distill, and wijn, wine.] — Bran'died, -did, a. Flavored or treated with brandy. Brangle, bran'gl.M. A wrangle; a squabble. — v. i. To wrangle, dispute; to squabble. [F. branler, to shake, It. branla, a brawl; perh. akin to wrangle.] Brank, brank, n. Buckwheat. [L. brance, a kind of Gallic bread-corn.] — A bridle for scolds. [Scot., to bridle, restrain; Ga. brang, Ir. brancas, a halter.] Branlin, branlin, n. A fish of the salmon kind, hav- ing marks like brands. Brant, brant, n. A species of wild goose, called also brand-goose and brent-goose. — Branf-fox, n. A kind of Swedish fox. — Bran'tail, n. The red start, a bird similar to the nightingale. [S. rt. brand, indicating redness, the color of burning wood.] Brash, brash, a. Hasty in temper. [G. borsch, harsh, impetuous; perh. akin to brusque.]— Brittle, as wood. — n. Refuse boughs of trees; truck; trash. (Geol.) Broken fragments of rocks underlying alluvial de- posits. Broken fragments of ice. (Med.) A rash or eruption. [Armor, bresk, brusk, fragile, brittle.] — Water-brash. A burning sensation in the stom- ach, with eructation of an acid liquid. — Weaning- brash. Diarrhea affecting children just weaned. Brass, bras, n. A yellow alloy of copper and zinc; impudence; a brazen face. pi. Utensils, ornaments, etc., made of brass; esp. plates attached to monu- ments, bearing raised or engraved figures. [AS. brass, Ga. prais. Ir. pros, W.J^res, brass; Ic. brasa, to harden by fire, Sw. brasa, fire.] — Brass'y, a. Of, or pert, to, etc.; hard as, etc.; of the color of, etc.; impudently bold. — Brass'iness, n. — Braze, braz, v. t. To solder, or cover or ornament with, etc.; to harden to impudence. —Brazen, bra'zn, a. Pert, to, or made of, brass; impudent, —v. t. To be im- pudent, or defiant. — Bra'zenly, adv. — Bra'sier, Bra'zier, -zher, n. An artificer in brass; a pan to hold coals. — Brazen age. (Myth.) The age suc- ceeding the silver age, when men had degenerated from purity. — B. faced, -fast. Bold, hardened, shameless. — B. sea. (Jewish Antiq.) A large ves- sel of brass, in Solomon's temple. — Brass band. A company of performers on brass musical instru- ments. — leaf, n. Brass in thin sheets. Brat, brat, n. A contemptuous name for a child. [W., a rag, pinafore; Ga. and Ir., cloak, apron, rag.] Braunite, brown'it, n. (Min.) A native oxide of manganese. [Fr. A. E. Broun, of Gotha.] Brave, brav, a. Of noble courage; bold, with gener- osity and dignity ; excellent ; beautiful. — n. A brave person ; esp., an Indian warrior; a hector ; a bully, — v.t. [braved (bravd), braving.] To en- counter with fortitude; to defy, challenge, dare. [F. brave, Sp., Pg., and It. hravo.] — Bravely, adv. — Brav'ery, -er-T, n. Quality of being, etc.; fear- lessness; showy appearance; ostentation. — Bra'vo, n.;pl. Bra'voes, -voz. A daring villain ; bandit; assassin or murderer. — Bravo, bra/vo, interj. Well done, excellent ! — Brava'do, n. Ostentation of bravery ; boast or brag ; threatening behavior ; a boasting fellow. [Sp. bravada.] Brawl, brawl, v. i. To quarrel noisily and indecently; to scold, wrangle, squabble; to roar, as water. — n. A noisy quarrel; loud contention; scurrility; uproar. [W., a boast, bragal, to vociferate; Ir. brag- aim, D. brallen, to brag.] — Brawl'er, n. Brawn, brawn, n. The flesh of a boar; full, strong muscles; strength; the arm. [OF. braon, slice of flesh, muscle.] — Brawn'y, -T, a. Strong ; big. — Brawn'iness, n. Braxy, brak'sY, n. Gall-scour, a disease of sheep ; mutton of sheep so affected. — a. Diseased with, etc. Bray, bra, v. t. [brayed (brad), braying.] To pound, beat, or grind small. [OF. breier, F. broyer, fr. MHG. brechen, AS. brecan, to break.] — Bray'er, n. A printer's instrument for mixing ink. Bray, bra, v. i. To utter a harsh cry, as an ass; to make a harsh, grating noise. — v. t. To utter with a harsh sound. — n. The sound of an ass; any harsh, grating sound. [OF. braire, LL. bragire, to bray; s. rt. break, bark, etc.] — Bray'er, n. One who brays like a n ass. Braze, Brazen, Brazier. See under Brass. Brazil-wood, bra-zil'wottd, n. A very heavy wood, of Brazil and other tropical countries, used for dyeing red. [Pg. braza, live coal, glowing fire, fr. the red color of the wood : the country was named f r. the wood.] — Brazilefto, n. An inferior red dyeing wood. — Braz'ilin, -iline, -in, n. (Chem.) A sub- stance contained in Brazil-wood and Sapan-wood, colored intensely red by fixed alkalies. Breach, brech, n. Act of breaking, or state of being broken; the opening broken ; rent; gap; a breaking, as of a law, obligation, etc.; a breaking up of ami- cable relations; quarrel. — v. t. (Mil.) To make a breach in the walls of, by artillery. [AS. brece, fragment, brice, a breaking, fr. brecan, to break.] — Breach'y, -T, a. Apt to break fences, — said of cattle. Bread, bred, n. Flour or meal baked in loaves, cakes, etc. ; provisions in general. [AS. bread, D. brood, Sw., Dan., and G. brod ; perh. s. rt. brew orbray.] — Bread / '-corn 2 _-k6rn, n. Grain of which bread is made. fruit, -froot, n. The fruit of a tree of the isles of the Pacific, which resembles bread, when baked, and is eaten as food. — stuff, n. Bread-corn; meal; flour. Breadth, bredth. n. Distance from side to side ; width. (Paint.) Quality of having colors and shadows broad and massive, and an arrangement of objects suggesting largeness and simple grandeur. [AS. brsedu, fr. brad. See Broad.] Break, brak, v. t. [imp. broke (brok) or obs. brake (brak); p. p. broke or broken; breaking.] To strain apart; to lay open by breaking; to disclose or divulge; to infringe or violate; to interrupt, termi- nate; to destroy the completeness of ; to dash, shat- ter, or crush; to bruise; to weaken or subdue; to im- part cautiously; to tame; to make bankrupt; to de- stroy the official character of; to cashier. — v. i. To come to pieces, burst asunder; to open from within; to come to view; to dawn ; to burst forth violently; to become weakened : to lose health or strength ; to fail in business; to change the gait; to exceed the Bttn, cQbe, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BREAKFAST 60 BREVET natural power, as the voice; to fall out; to termi- nate friendship. — n. An opening made by fracture ; an interruption; a pause; in writing or printing, a dash, or a blank or unfinished line; the dawn; an interruption of continuity: a large, four-wheeled carriage. [AS. brecan, D. breken, Ic. and Sw. braka, to creak, crack; Dan. brsekke, G. brechen, L. fran- gere, Gr. rhegnunai, to break.] — To break away. To disengage one's self abruptly; also, to become dis- sipated, as the clouds. — To b. down. To crush, overwhelm ; to come down by breaking ; to fail ; to yield to physical weakness or to grief. — To b. forth. To issue suddenly, as sound, light, etc. ; to give vent to, — with in or unto. — To b. in. To force in; to train ; discipline. — To b. in, or in upon. To enter violently or unexpectedly. — To b. loose. To extricate one's self forciblv. — To b. of. To cause to reform, or abandon. — To b. off. To separate by breaking, interrupt, put an end to; to desist. — To b. open. To open by breaking. — To b. out. To take or force out bv breaking: to burst forth; to appear suddenly; — also, to show itself in cutaneous erup- tions, — said of diseases; to become covered with cutaneous eruptions, — said of a patient. — To. b. over. To transgress; disregard. — Tob.up. To sep- arate into parts; put an end to; to become separated; to be dissolved; to disperse. —2b b. with. To fall out; to part friendship. — To b. the back, neck, etc. To dis- locate the same. — To b. bulk. To begin to unload ; to transfer in detail. — To b. cover. To burst forth from concealment. — To b.fast. To partake o± food after abstinence, esp. in the morning — To b. ground. To open the earth, as for planting or for a founda- tion; to begin to execute any plan. (A r aut.) To release the anchor from the bottom. — To b. the heart. To overwhelm with grief. — Tob. a house. {Law.) To violently remove any part of the house or its fasten- ings, with felonious intent. — To b. the ice. To over- come obstacles and make a beginning. — To b. jail. To escape from jail. — To b. a jest. To utter a jest. — To b. joints. To lay bricks, shingles, etc., so that one joint shall not coincide with another. — To b. a path, road, etc. To open a way through obstacles. — To b. upon a wheel. To stretch upon a wheel or frame, and break the limbs of, with an iron bar. — Break'able, a. Capable of being broken. — Break- age, -ej, n. A breaking ; allowance for things brok- en in transportation. — Break'down, n. Act of breaking down, as of a carriage; a riotous dance, terminating a ball. — Break'er, n. One who, or that which, breaks. (iVairf.) A small water-cask for boats. — pi. Waves breaking into foam against the shore. — Break 'bone fe'ver. (Med.) An acute fe- brile disease, epidemic in hot climates, marked by pains in the joints, and sometimes by an eruption; dandy fever ; dengue. — Break'-necK, n. A steep place, endangering the neck. — a. Producing dan- fer, etc. ; rapid. — water, n. Any contrivance, to reak the force of waves. — Brok'en, broken, p. a. Parted by violence; made weak; infirm; subdued; contrite. (Mil.) Degraded in rank ; cashiered. — Brokenly, adv. — Brbk'en-hearfed, a. Crushed by grief or despair. — wind'ed, a. Having short or disordered breath. Breakfast, brek'fast, n. The first meal in the day. — v. i. To break one's fast in the morning. — v. t. To furnish with the morning meal. Bream, brem.w. A name for three kinds of fish, found respectively in Europe, N. America, and the sea. [F. breme, OF. bresme, OHG. brahsema.) — v. t. (Ndut.) To burn filth, as grass, seaweed, etc., off from. [Perh. fr. G. brennen, to burn.] Ereast. brest, n. The part of the body between neck and belly; protuberant glands, in females, in which milk is secreted ; the seat of consciousness, affec- tions, and passions ; the heart. — v. t. To bear the breast against ; to oppose. [AS. breost, OHG. prust, fr. prestan, to burst.] — To make a clean breast. To make full confession. — Breasting, n. (Engin.) The curved channel in which a breast- wheel turns. — Breast '-bone, n. The bone of the breast; sternum. — hook, n. (Naut.) A knee-shaped timber in the stem of a ship, to keep the bows to- gether. — -knot, -not, n. A knot of ribbons worn on the breast. pin, n. A pin for fastening or ornament; a brooch. — plate, n. Defensive armor worn upon the breast; a strap across a horse's breast. (Jewish Anliq.) A part of the high priest's vest- ment. — plow, -plough, n. A plow, driven bv the breast, to cut turf. rail, n. The upper rail of a balcony or of the breastwork on a quarter-deck. — wheel, n. A water-wheel, which receives the stream at about half its height. See Water-wheel. — work, -werk, n. (Fort.) A defensive earth-work breast-high. (Jfaut.) A railing on the quarter-deck and forecastle. Breath, breth, n. Air respired; act or power of breath- ing naturally; life; time to breathe; respite; a sin- gle respiration, or the time of making it; a single act; an instant; a very slight breeze. [AS. brsedh.'] — Breathless, a. Out of breath; dead, expired. — Breathlessness, n.— Breathe, breth, v. i. [breathed (brethd), breathing.] To respire; to live ; to take breath, rest; to pass, as air ; to exhale, emanate. — v. t. To respire; to infuse bv breathing; to emit by the breath, utter softly, exhale; to cause to sound by breathing; to promote free respiration in; to exer- cise; to suffer to take breath; to put out of breath; to give air or vent to; to open. — Breath'er, n. — Breatb/able, a. That may be, etc. — Breatb/ing, n. Respiration; air in gentle motion; aspiration; secret prayer; exercise; utterance; breathing-place; vent. (Gram.) Aspiration; the sound expressed by the letter h. ( Gr. Gram.) A mark over the initial vow- el of a word to indicate aspiration. — Rough breath- ing (spiritus asper), a mark [*], signifying that the letter under it is pronounced as if preceded by h. — Smooth breathing (spiritus lenis), ['], indicating the absence of the sound of h. Breccia, brefcha, n. (Geol.) Rock composed of an- gular fragments, united by cement; conglomerate. [It., pebble, fragment.] — Brecciated, brek'shTt-a'ted, a. Consisting of, etc. Breech, brech, n. The lower part of the body behind; hinder part of anything, esp. the part of a fire-arm behind the bottom of the bore. — v.t. [breeched (brecht), breeching.] To put into breeches; to fur- nish with a breech ; to fasten with breeching. — Breeches, brich / 'ez, n. pi. A garment for men, cov- ering the hips and thighs; used in the sense of pan- taloons. [AS. brec, breeches, pi. of broc, breech, Ga. brog, shoe, briogais, breeches, L. braccse, breeches, said to be the only L-atin word of Celtic origin.] —To wear the breeches. To usurp the authority of the husband, — said of a wife. — Breeching, briching, n. The part of a harness round a horse's breech. (JTattt.) A rope to check the recoil of a cannon. — Breech - load ing. brechlod'lng, a. (Mil.) Receiving the charge at the breech instead of the muzzle. — load /r - er, n. A gun which, etc. Breed, bred, v. t. [bred; breeding.] To procreate; beget; hatch; to bring up ; nurse and foster ; to in- struct ; form by education ; to occasion ; to give birth to. — v. i. To bear and nourish young; to be generated, or to grow ; to raise a breed. — n. A progeny from the same parents or stock; a race al- lied by nativity or some distinctive qualities in com- mon; progeny; offspring, — applied to other things than animals. [AS. brocl, a brood, bredan, to nour- ish, cherish, D. broedan, to brood, G. oriiten, to hatch.] — To breed in and in. To breed from closely related animals of the same stock. — Breed'er, n. — Breeding, n. Formation of manners; education; nurture; training; deportment; behavior. Breese, Briz, Breeze, brez, Breeze'-fly, n. A buzzing fly of various species, which torments animals; also, the bot-fly. [AS. brimsa, G. bremse, gad-fly, Sw. b?-oms, D. b?-ems, horse-flv, fr. D. brommen, to hum, buzz ; Skr. bhramara, a bee, fr. bhram, to whirl.] Breeze, brez, n. A light wind; gentle gale; an excited state of feeling; quarrel, —v. i. To blow gently. [F. brize, Sp. brisa, Pg. briza, northeast wind ; It. brezza, a cold wind.] — Breez'y, -T, a. Fanned with gentle winds ; brisk. Breeze, brez, Briss, bris, Brist, n. Cinders; dust, rub- bish. [F. oris, debris, fr. b?-iser, to break; or OF. brese, braise, cinders.] Brent. See Braxt. Brethren, brethlen, n., pi. of Brother, used in sol- emn and Scriptural language for brothers. Brett, bret, n. A four-wheel carriage, with calash top; a britzka. Breve, brev, n. (Mus.) A note, I ^ I equivalent to two semibreves, or four minims. > > (L aw .) A hrief. (Print.) A curved mark [^] over a vowel, to indicate that its quantity is short. [It., fr. L. brevis. short; same as brief] — Brevity, n. Shortness of time or extent; conciseness. [See Brief.] Brevet, bre-vef, n. A warrant, granting a favor, title, dignity, etc. (Mil.) A commission in the army at large, but not with a particular command. — v.t. To confer rank upon by brevet. — a. Taking rank am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; Snd, eve, term ; In, ice ; 5dd, tone, or ; BREVIARY 61 BRING by brevet, — designating rank conferred for merit or special cause, and not in regular course of promo- tion. [F., fr. L. brevis, short.] Breviary, bre'vi-a-rl, n. An abridgment ; epitome; summary ; book containing the service of the Rom. Oath, or Greek church. [L. breviarium, fr. brei-is.] Brevier, bre-ver', n. (Print.) A kind of type, in size between bourgeois and minion. [Prob. used in printing breviaries.] gj^gf 3 This line is printed in brevier type. Breviped, brev'Y-ped, a. (Ornith.) Having short legs. [L. brevis and pes, pedis, foot.] — Brevlpen'nate, a. Short-winged, — applied to a division of birds, in- cluding the ostrich, swan, etc. [L. penna, wing.] Brevity. See under Breve. _ Brew, broo, v. t. [brewed (brood), brewing.] To boil or seethe; to prepare, as a liquor, from malt and hops, etc., by steeping, boiling, and fermentation; to contrive; plot. — v. t. To perform the business of brewing; to be in a state of preparation; to be form- ing or gathering. [AS. breowan, D. brouwen, G. brauen.] — Brewlige, n. Malt liquor; drink brewed. — Brew'er, n. — Brew'ery, -er-i, Brew'-house, n. A house where brewing is done. — Brewing, n. Act or process of, etc. ; quantity brewed at once. Briarean. bri-alt-an, a. Pert, to, or resembling, Bri- areus, a giant with a hundred hands. Bribe, brlb.n. Something given to pervert the judgment or corrupt the conduct ; that which seduces; allure- ment. — v. t. [bribed (bribd), bribing.] To influ- ence or corrupt by gifts: to gain by, etc. — v. i. To give, etc. [OF., a present, gift, esp. of broken meats fiven to beggars.] — Brfbable, a. — Brfber, n. — rfbery, n. Act or practice of giving or taking, etc. Bric-a-brac, brik'a-brak, n. A collection of antiqua- rian or artistic curiosities. [F.] Brick, brik, n. Clay and sand, tempered with water, molded into form, dried, and usually burnt; bricks collectively; a good fellow. — v. t. [bricked (brikt), bricking."] To lay with bricks. [F. brique, a brick, a fragment, D. brick, bit, piece, brick, tile, fr. breken, to break.] — A brick in his hat, used of a person in- toxicated.— Brick'bat, n. A piece of a brick. [See Bat.] — clay, n. Clay suitable for making bricks. (Geol.) Finely-laminated clay, overlying bowlder- clay. — kiln, -Iril, n. A kiln for baking or burn- ing, etc. — lay'er, n. One who builds with bricks. lay'ing, n. Art of, etc. — nog'ging, n. Brick- work filled in between timber framing. — tea, re. Tea-leaves, saturated with fat, or an alkaline solu- tion, and pressed into cakes. — work, n. A struc- ture of bricks. Bride, brld, n. A woman recently married, or en- gaged to be married. [AS. bryd, D. bruid, Sw. and Dan. brud, G. braut.] — Bri'dal, a. Pert, to a bride, or to a wedding ; nuptial. — n. Nuptial festival ; marriage. [Onsc. bride-ale, then bridall, fr. bride and ale, a feast.] — Bride'-cake, n. Cake for guests at a wedding. — -chamber, -cham'be'r, n. The nup- tial apartment. — groom, n. A man newly married, or about to be married. [Prop, bridegoom, AS. bryd- guma, D. bruidegom, fr. Goth, guma, man.] — maid, -man, n. Attendants on the bride and groom at a wedding. [These words are also spelled bridescake, bridesmaid, bridesman.] Bridewell, brld'wel, n. A house of correction, — so called fr. a hospital near St. Bride's or Bridget's well, London, subsequently turned into a work-house. Bridge, brij, n. A structure forming a roadway over a watercourse, ravine, etc. ; a support similar to a bridge, as for strings of a violin, the bony part of the nose, etc. — v. t. [bridged (brijd), bridging.] To build a bridge over. [AS. brycg, bricg, Ic. bru, Dan. and OSw. bro, bridge ; Ic. brun, eye-brow ; perh. akin to brow.] — Bridge'-board, n. (Arch.) A board supporting the ends of steps of wooden stairs. head, n. (Fort.) A work defending the en- trance to a bridge. — Bridging-joist, n. (Arch.) A binding-joist, or joist sustained by transverse beams below ; a ioist fixed to the flooring boards. Bridle, bri'di, n. An instrument to restrain a horse; a restraint; curb; check; part of a gun-lock. (Naut.) A cable, to enable a ship, when moored, to veer with wind and tide.— v. t. [bridled (brfdld), bridling.] To put a bridle upon ; to restrain, or control. — v. i. To hold up the head, and draw in the chin, as an expression of pride, scorn, or resentment. [AS. bndel, D. breidel, MHG. britel; perh. fr. MHG. briten, AS. bredan, to braid, weave.] — Brfdler, n. — Brf- dle-path, -way, n. A way for travelers on horse- Brig. back. — Bridoon, hrl-doon', h. (Mil.) The snaffle and rein of a military bridle, which acts independ- ently of the bit. [F. bridon, fr. bride, bridle.] Brief, "bref, a. Short in duration or expression; using few words ; concise; succinct. — n. An epitome; a statement in few words. (Law.) An abridgment of a client's case; writ summoning one to answer to an action. — v. t. (Law.) To make a brief of. [F. brief, bref, fr. L. brevis. See Breve.] — Apostolical brief. A letter of the pope on public affairs. — Brief- less, a. Having no brief; without clients. — Brief- ly, adv. Concisely; in few words. — Briefness, it. Brier, Briar, bri'er, n. A prickly plant. (Bot.) The sweet-brier and wild-brier, species of the rose. [AS. brer, Norm, brihre, fr. Armor, brug, heath.] — Brib- ery, -er-i, a. Full of briers; rough; thorny. Brig, brig, n. A vessel with two masts, square-rigged. [Abbrev. of brigan- tine.] — Hermaphrodite brig. A two-masted vessel, square-rigged forward and schooner- rigged aft. — Brig'an- tine, -tin or -tin, n. A small brig. [F. brig- antin, ong. a pirate vessel. See Brjgand.] Brigade, hrY-gad', n. (Mil.) A division of troops, larger than a regiment, commanded by a general officer. — v. t. To form into a brigade. [F. ; Sp. brigada, It. brigata, fr. brigare, to fight.] — Brigadier, brig-a- der', Brig'adier-gen'eral, n. The officer command- ing a brigade, in rank next below a major-general. — Brigade major. An officer who assists the brig- adier in his duties. Brigand, brig' and, n. A lawless fellow who lives by plunder ; a robber, freebooter. [F., a foot-soldier, It. brigante, fr. brigare, ix.briga, strife.] — Brig'and- age, n. Theft; robbery; plunder. Bright, brlt, a. Shedding light; shining; brilliant; of a quick intellect; sparkling with wit; manifest to the mind, as light to the eyes; clear; transparent. [AS. beorht, Goth, bairhts, shining, Skr. bhraj, to shine.] — Brightly, adv. — Brightness, n. — Bright- en, brifn, v. t. [-ened (-nd), -ening.] To make bright or brighter ; to make illustrious, or more dis- tinguished, shed light upon, make cheerful, make acute or witty. — v. i. To grow bright or brighter. Bright's Disease, britz'' diz-ez''. (Med.) A granular disease of the cortical part of the kidneys. [First described by Dr. Bright, of London.] Brill, bril, n. A fish of the turbot kind. [Corn, brilli, mackerel, fr. brith, streaked, speckled.] Brilliant, brifyant, a. Sparkling with luster; glit- tering; splendid; shining. — n. A diamond so cut as to reflect and refract the light. (Print.) The small- est type used in English printing. t^ m This line is printed in the type called Brilliant. [F. brillant, fr. briller, to glitter, sparkle, fr. L. beryl' lus, a precious stone, beryl.] — Brilliance, -iancy, -yan-st, n. Brightness; splendor. — Brilliantly, adv. Brim, brim, n. Kim, or border, of anything; edge, margin. — v. i. To be full to the brim. [AS. and Ic, surf, G. brame, outskirts, border; MHG. brem, border, brim.] — Brim'ful, -ful, Brirn'ming, a. Full to the top; completely full. — Brinfmer, n. A bowl full to the top. Brimstone, brim'ston, n. A hard, brittle, inflamma- ble substance; sulphur. [E., fr. AS. byrnan, to burn, and E. stone.] Brinded, brin'ded, a. Having different colors; varie- gated; streaked. [Same as branded. See Brand.] — BrinHle, -dl, n. State of being brinded; spotted- ness. — Brin^dled, -did, a. Spotted; brinded. Brine, brln, n. Water impregnated with salt; the ocean or sea; tears; pickle. [AS. bryne, salt water, fr. brinnan, to burn.] — Brfnish, a. Like brine; saltish. — Brfnishness, n. — Brfny, a. Pert, to brine, or to the sea; salt. — Brine'-pan, n. A pit of salt water, for evaporation. Bring, bring, v. t. [brought (brawt), bringing.] To convey to a person or thing; fetch; to make to come; procure; induce; influence; to convey, carry. [AS. hringan ; Skr. bhr i, to bear.] — To bring about. To effect; accomplish. — To b. back. To recall. — To b. down. To humble or abase. — To b. down the house. To elicit applause. — To b. forth. To pro- duce; make manifest. — To b. in. To introduce; stin, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BRINK 62 BROOD produce, as income; induce to join. — To b. off. To bear away, procure to be acquitted. — To h. on. To cause to begin, or to exist. — To b. out. To expose, detect. — To b. over. To bear across; also, to con- vert; to cause to change sides or opinion. — To b. to. To resuscitate. — To b. under. To subdue, repress. — To b. up. To nurse, educate; also, to come to the end of one's course. — To b. to. (Naut.) To check the course of, as a ship, by arranging the sails in a certain manner. — To b. by the lee. To incline rap- idly to leeward of the course. — Bring'er, n. Brink, brink, n. Edge, margin, or border x>f a steep place; verge. [D. and Sw.] Brisk, brisk, a. Full of liveliness and activity, of spirit or life; effervescing, as liquors; alert; nimble; quick; gay. — v. i. To appear with animation, — with up. [W. brysg, quick, nimble, bnjs, haste ; perh. s. rt. fresh, frisk] — Briskly, adv. — Brisk'ness, re. Brisket, bris'ket, n. The breast of an animal or that part of the breast next the ribs. See Beef. [OF. brischet.] Bristle, brisl, n. A short, stiff, coarse hair. (Hot.) A species of pubescence on plants. — v. t. [bristled (bris'ld), bristling (brisling).] To erect the bris- tles of, fix a bristle to. — v. i. To rise or stand erect, like bristles. [AS. byrst, Ic. burst, Sw. borst, D. borstel, a bristle ; Skr. hrish for bhrish, to bristle.] — To bris- tle up. To show anger or defiance. — Bristly, brislY, a. Thick set with bristles ; rough. — Bris'tliness, n. Bristol-board, bris'tol-bord, n. Fine pasteboard, with a smooth surface. — brick, n. A sort of brick for cleaning steel. — diamond, -di'a-mund or -di'mund, -stone, n. (Min.) Rock crystal, or crystals of quartz, found near Bristol, England. Britannia, brt-tan'nl-a, n. A compound of block- tin alloyed with antimony, bismuth, and copper. British, brifish, a. Pert, to Great Britain or its in- habitants, or to its original inhabitants. — Brifon, re. A native of, etc. —Briticism, -sizm, re. A habit or idiom peculiar to, etc. — British gum. A brown- ish substance, soluble in cold water, formed by heat- ing dry starch. Brittle, brit'tl, a. Easily broken; apt to break; frag- ile. [E., fr. AS. breotan, Sw. bryta, to break.] — Brit lioness, re. Britzska, bris'ka, re. A long carriage, with calash top. iR u s s . britshka, 'ol. bryczka, dim. of bryka, freight- wagon.] Broach, broch, re. A steel tool for smoothing or en- larging h o 1 e 6 in jg metal; a brooch. "== [See Brooch.] — Britzska. v. t. [broached (brocht), broaching.] To pierce, as with a spit; to tap; to pierce, as a cask, in order to draw liquor; to let out; to open for the first time, as stores; to make public, give out. [F. broche, spit, f r. LL. brocca, pointed stick, L. broccus, tooth, point. Same as brooch.] — Broach'er, re. A spit; broach; one who broaches. Broad, brawd, a. Wide; extended in breadth, or from side to side ; diffused; having a large measure of any thing or quality; ample; comprehensive; fross; obscene. [AS. brad, Ic. breidhr, Sw. and )an. bred.] — As broad as long. The same one way as another. — Broad'cast, n. (Agric.) A sowing of seed by casting it at large from the hand. — adv. Diffusedly; at large, — a. Dispersed, as seed thrown by the hand; widely spread. — Broaden, brawd'n, v. i. To grow broad. — v. t. To make broad, ren- der more comprehensive. — Broadlsh, a. Rather broad. — Broadly, adv. — Broad'ness, re. — Broad '- ax, -axe, re. A broad-edged ax for hewing timber. brim, n. A kind of hat worn by the Friends or Suakers; a Quaker. cloth, re. A fine woolen oth for garments, exceeding 29 inches in width. — -piece, re. A gold coin broader than a guinea. — -side, re. Simultaneous discharge of all guns on one side of a ship. {Naut.) A ship's side above water, from bow to quarter. (Print.) A sheet of paper containing one large page, or printed on one side only. — sword, -sord, n. One with broad blade and cutting edge; a claymore. — B. Church. (Eccl.) A body of men holding liberal or comprehensive views of Christian doctrine and fellowship, — applied esp. to a portion of the church of Eng. — B. gauge, gaj. A distance between the rails of a railroad greater than the standard gauge of 4 ft. 8} in.— B. pen'- nant, n. (Naut.) A square flag at a commodore's mast-head. — B. seal. The public seal of a state. Brobdingnaggian, brob'ding-nag'gi-an, a. Colossal; monstrous, — like the giant-land of Brobdingnag, in " Gulliver's Travels." Brocade, bro-kad', n. Silk stuff, variegated with gold and silver, or with patterns of flowers, etc.; other stuffs similarly wrought. [Sp. brocado, fr. brocar, to embroider.] — Bro'catel', -tello. -ka-tello, re. Coarse brocade for tapestry, carriage linings, etc.; marble, clouded and veined with various colors. [Sp. brocatel, F. brocatelle, It. brocatello.] — Bro- cad'ed, a. Worked as, or dressed in, brocade. Bro'cage. See under Broker. Brocard, brok'ard, n. An elementary principle or maxim ; a canon. {Brocardica, a collection of ec- clesiastical canons by Burkhard, Bishop of Worms.] Broccoli, brok'ko-W, n. A variety of cabbage, re- sembling cauliflower. [It., pi. of broccolo, a sprout, dim. of brocco, a skewer, stalk; s. rt. brooch.] Brochure, bro-shoor' - , re. A printed and stitched work of few leaves; a pamphlet. [F., f r. brocher, to stitch.] Brock, brok, n. A badger. [AS., Ir., Ga., Manx, and Dan. broc, W., Corn., and Armor, broch, a bad- fer; fr. Ga. and Ir. breac, speckled, W. brech, rindled, freckled.] Brogan, bro'gan or bro-gan', Brogue, bros, n. A stout, coarse shoe. [Ga. and Ir. brog, a shoe.] — Brogue, n. A coarse manner of pronunciation. Broider. See Embroider. Broil, broil, n. A noisy quarrel; fray; tumult; dis- cord. [F. brouiller, to jumble, make a tumult; perh. s. rt. brawl.] — Broil'er, n. A promoter of broils. Broil, broil, v. t. [broiled (broild), broiling.] To cook over coals or on a gridiron. — v. i. To be greatly heated. [OF. bririller, bruit; to broil, grill; s. rt. brew.] — Broil'er, n. A gridiron. Broke, Broken-hearted, etc. See under Break. Broker, bro'ker, n. One who does business for anoth- er ; an agent to effect contracts for a compensation. [ME. a middle-man, fr. broken, AS. brucan, G. brauchen, to have the use of, to manage.] — Broke, brok, v. i. To act as agent, esp. in love affairs. — Bro'cage, Bro'kage, -kej, Bro'kerage, n. The fee for acting as broker; a commission on sales. [ME. brocage.] — Bro'kerage, n. The occupation of, etc. Broma, bro'ma, n. A preparation of cacao seeds, or drink made from it. [Gr., food, fr. bibroskein, to eat.] Bromine, bro'min, n. (Chem.) One of the elements, related in chemical qualities to chlorine and iodine. [Gr. bromos, a stink.] — Bro'mal, n. An oily, color- less fluid produced by bromine acting on alcohol. — Br o 'mate, n. Bromic acid compounded with a base. — Bro'mic, a. Compounded of bromine and oxygen. — Bro'mide, -mid, n. A compound of bromine with a metallic or combustible base. — Bro'mite, -mit, n. An ore of silver; bromic silver. — Brolnism, -mizm, n. A cachectic condition caused by using bromine. Bronchi, bron'ki, -chia, -kY-a, -chise, -kT-e, n. pi. (Anat.) The ramifications of the windpipe in the lungs. [Gr. brongchia, brongchos, windpipe.] — Bron'- chial, -kT-al, -chic, -kik, a. (Anat.) Pert, to, etc. — Bronchitis, -ki'tis, n. Inflammation of the bron- chial membrane. — Bron'chocele, -ko-sel, n. Morbid enlargement of the thyroid gland; goiter. — Bron'- cho-pneumo / 'nia, -ko-nu-mo'nT-a, n. Inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. — Bronchotomy, -kofo-mT, n. An incision into the windpipe; tracheotomy; laryngotomy. [Gr. tome, a cutting.] Bronco, bron-'ko, n. A wild or half-tamed animal; esp. a cross between a horse and a mustang; a native California horse. [Sp., rough, wild.] Bronze, brSnz or bronz, n. An alloy of copper with tin, sometimes with other metals, esp. zinc; a statue, medal, etc., cast in bronze; a brown color; the color of bronze. — v. t. [bronzed (brSnzd or bronzd), bronzing.] To give the appearance of bronze ; to make brown; to make hard or unfeeling; to brazen. — a. Made of, or resembling, etc. [F., fr. It. bronzo, bronze, perh. f r. It. bruno, brown, brunire, to bur- nish.] — Bronze age. The prehistoric age succeed- ing the stone age, when men used implements of copper or brass. Brooch, broch, n. An ornament, with a pin to attach it to a garment. (Paint.) A painting all of one color, — v. i. To adorn with jewelry. [Same as broach, q. v.] Brood, brood, v. i. To sit on and cover eggs or young; to sit quietly; to remain long in anxious thought; to muse . _ v . t. To sit over, cover, and cherish. — n. Offspring; progeny. [AS. brid, a young one, esp. am, fame, f ar, pass or opera, fare ; 2nd, eve, term ; in, Ice ; Odd, tOne, 6r ; BROOK G3 BUCK young bird, D. broed, G. brut, a brood. See Breed.] — Brood'mare, re. A mare kept for breeding. Brook, brot>k, n. A small stream of water. [AS. broc, 6rooc,brook, D. broek, OHG. prusch, G. bruch, marsh; s. rt. break.) — Brooklet, re. A small brook. Brook, br<3ok, v. t. To bear, endure; to be contented with. [AS. brucan, D. gebruiken, Ic. bruka, OHG. pruhhan, to use, ~L.frui. Skr. bhuj, to enjoy.] Broom, broom, re. A genus of leguminous plants; a besom, or brush, to sweep floors, etc., — orig. made of the broom plant. [AS. hrom, broom, D.brem, s. rt. bramble.] — Broom^y, a. Full of, consisting of, etc. — Broom'-corn, re. A species of sorghum or Guinea-corn, bearing a head of which brooms are made. — stick, re. The handle of a broom. Broth, broth, re. Liquor in which flesh or anything else is boiled. [AS. brodh, fr. breowan, to brew.] Brothel, broth^el, re. A house of ill-fame. [OF. bor- del, dim. of borde, a hut, shed made of boards, D. bord, board.] Brother, brutb/er, n. ; pi. Broth'ers or Brethren, brethren (used in the solemn style). He who is born of the same parents with another, or of one of them only; one closely united to another by some common tie; one who resembles another. [AS. brod- hor, D. broeder, Sw. and D. broder, OHG. pruoder, L. /rater, Gr. phrater, Skr. bhratri, fr. bhri, to bear.] — Broth 'erly, a. Pert, to; kind; affectionate. — Broth / '- erliness, re. — Brotb/erhood, -hot>d, re. State of being, etc.; an association; a fraternity; a class of individ- uals of the same occupation. — Brotb/er-in-law, re. Brother of ajiusband or_wife; sister's husband. Brougham, broo'am or broom, re. A light close car- riage. [After Lord Brougham.'] Brow, brow, n. The ridge over the eye, with the hair upon it; the forehead; the edge of a steep place. [AS. braeiv, also bru, pi. brua, Ic. brun, Ga. bra, Pers. abru, Skr. bhru, eye-brow, fr. bhur, to move quickly.] — To knit the brows. To frown, scowl. — Brow'beat, -bet, v. t. [imp. browbeat; p. p. -beat- en; -beating.] To bear down with stern looks or arrogant assertions. Brown, brown, re. A dark color inclining to red or yellow. — a. Of a brown color. — v. t. [browned (brownd), browning.] To give a brown color to. [AS. and Sw. brun, D. bruin, Ic. brunn, G. braun; s. rt. burn.] — Brownish, a. Somewhat brown. — Brown''- ness, re. —Brown 1e, -T, n. A Scottish household spirit. — Brown'ing, re. Process of coloring brown ; a preparation of burnt sugar for coloring gravy, etc. — Brown 'bread, re. Coarse wheaten bread made of unbolted meal; a dark -colored bread made of wheat or rye, mixed with Indian meal. [Perh. corrupt, fr. bran-bread.] coal,«. Wood-coal; lignite, —-study, n. Mental abstraction; reverie. — B. stout. A su- perior kind of porter. Browse, browz, v. t. [browsed (browzd), brows- ing.] To eat or nibble off, as the ends of branches of trees, etc. — v. i. To feed on shoots of shrubs or trees. — Browse, brows, n. Tender branches or twigs of trees, etc. [F. brouster, to browse, fr. OF. broust, sprig, tendril, bud, MHG. broz, Armor, brous, bud.] — Browser, browz'er, re. An animal that browses. Bruin, brooln, re. A bear. [D., brown, fr. his color.] Bruise, brooz, v. t. [bruised (broozd), bruising.] To injure or crush; to contuse; to reduce to fragments; to fight with the fists; to box. — re. A contusion. [AS. brysan, to bruise, Ga. and Ir. bris, OF. bruiser, bruser, briser, MHG. bresten, to break; s. rt. burst.] — Bruis , er, n. One who, or that which, bruises; a boxer. Bruit, broot, re. Report; rumor ; fame. (Med.) A sound heard on percussion or auscultation. — v. t. To report; to noise abroad. [F., a noise, clamor, bruire, to make a_noise, roar, W. broch, din.] Brumal, broo'mal, a. Pert, to winter. [L. bruma, for brevissima, the shortest day in winter, fr. breris, short.] — Bru'mous, -mus, a. Foggy. — Bru'maire, -mar, re. In the calendar of the first French Repub- lic, the second month, fr. Oct. 25 to Nov. 21. [F., fog- month, fr. brume, fog.] Brunette, broo-nef, re. A woman of dark complex- ion. [F., brownish, dim. of brun, brown.] Brunt, brunt, re. The heat, or utmost violence, of an onset; force of a blow; shock; sudden effort, con- tact, or engagement. [Ic. bruna, to advance with the speed of fare, fr. brenna, to burn; s. rt. burn.] Brush, brush, re. An instrument of bristles, etc., for removing dust, laying on colors, etc. ; branches of trees lopped off ; brushwood; a thicket; a skirmish; a slight encounter; anything resembling a brush. — v. t. [brushed (brusht), brushing.] To apply a brush to; to pass lightly over; to remove or gather by brushing. — v. i. To move nimbly in haste; to skim over with slight contact. [OF. broce, brosse, brushwood.F. brosse, bush, brush, LL. brustia, brush, bruscia, thicket, MHG. broz, bud. See Browse.] — To brush up. To clean with a brush. — Brush'er, re. One who, or that which, etc. —Brush 'y, -T, a. Resembling, etc.; rough. — Brush 'inesa.n. — Brush''- wheel, re. A wheel without teeth, re-- volving another by friction; a revolving brush for polishing. — wood, re. A thick- et or coppice; small branches cut from trees. Brusk,Brusque,br6t>sk, a. Blunt ; rough ; Brush-wheel, rude. [F. brusque, rude, It. brusco, sharp, tart, sour, said of fruit, wine, etc.] — Brusquely, adv. — Brusque^ness, Brus'querie, -ker-e, re. [F. brusquerie.] Brute, broot, a. Not having sensation or reason; senseless; irrational ; unintelligent ; animal ; bes- tial; rough. — re. A beast; a low-bred, unfeeling person. [L. brutus, stupid.] — Bru'tal, a. Pert, to, or like, etc. ; cruel; inhuman. — Bru'tally, adv. — Brutality, re. — Bru'talize [-talized (-Izd), -iz- ing], Bru'tify [-tified (-tt-fid), -fying], v.t. To make a brute of, make brutal. — Bru'tish, a. Hav- ing characteristics of, etc. ; ignorant ; stupid; gross ; carnal; bestial. — Bru'tishly, adv. — Bru'tishness, re. — Bru'tism, -tizm, re. The nature, qualities, or actions, of a brute. Bryony, bri^o-nT, n. (Bot.) A genus of climbing . plants. [Gr. bruone, fr. bruein, to swell, grow luxu- riantly.] — Bry'onine, -nin, re. (Cheni.) An emetic and cathartic alkaloid obtained from its root. Bub, Bubby, bub-'bl, re. A brother. [Corrupt, of brother.] Bubble, bubl, re. A bladder of water or other fluid inflated with air ; anything empty ; a delusive scheme, — v.i. [bubbled (buhld), bubbling.] To rise in bubbles, run with a gurgling noise. — v.t. To cheat, deceive. [Sw. bubbla, Dan. boble, D. bob- bel, a bubble.] — Bub'bler, re. One who cheats; a fish which makes a grunting noise. — Bub'bly, -blT, a. Abounding in bubbles; bubbling. Bubby, bub'b'i, re. A woman's breast. (Prov. G. bubi.] Bubo, bu'bo, n. ;pl. Bumboes, -boz. (Anat.) The groin. (Med.) Inflammation, with enlargement, of a lymphatic gland, esp. _in the groin. [Gr. bonbon, gToin.] — Bubon'ocele, -sel, re. A tumor in the groin; inguinal rupture. [Gr. kele, tumor.] Buccal, buk'kal, a. Pert, to the cheek. [L. bucca, cheek.] Buccaneer, Bucanier, buk-a-ner r , n. A pirate ; free- booter. [F. boucanier, fr. boucaner, to smoke (meat, fish, etc.), fr. Caribbean boucan, place for drying in smoke, — first applied to Fr. adventurers in Hayti, who established hunters' camps.] — Buccaneering, re. Piracy. — Buccaneerlsh, a. Pert, to, etc. Buccinal, buk-si''nal, a. Trumpet-shaped. [L. huc- cina, a crooked trumpet.] — Buccina'tor, re. (Anat.) The muscle forming much of the cheek, used in blowing a wind instrument. [See Buccal.] Bucentaur, bu-sen'tawr, re. (Myth.) A fabulous monster, half ox and half man. [Gr. bous, ox, and kentauros, centaur.] — The state barge of Venice, used in the ceremony of espousing the Adriatic. [It. bucentoro.] Buchu, bu'ku, re. (Bot.) A plant used for diseases of the bladder. Buck, buk, re. Lye for soaking cloth, in bleaching; also liquor in which clothes are washed; cloth or clothes washed.— v.t. To steep in lye; to wash in lye or suds. (Mining.) To break up or pulverize, as ores. [Ga. buac, dung used in bleaching, Ir. buac, lye, buacar, cow-dung ; fr. Ga. oo,W. buw,buwch, cow, L. bos; Sw. byka, Dan. byge, OD. buiken, OF. buer, G. beuchen, to buck - wash.] — Buck- basket, -bas^ket, n. A basket for carrying clothes to the wash. Buck, buk, re. The male of the fallow deer, goat, sheep, rabbit, and hare, — also applied to male Buck. sun, cube, full ; moon, fotit ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get- BUCKBOARD 64 BULK Indians and negroes; a gay, dashing, young fel- low. — v. i. To jump viciously, with the head down, as if hutting, — said of mules, etc. — v. t. To confine, by passing a stick under the bent knees, and over the wrists, the hands being tied together before the shins. [AS. bucca, Ir. boc, D. bok, Ic. bukkr, he-goat; Sw. and G. bock, Dan. btik, Ga. boc, buck, he-goat ; Skr. bukka, goat. J — Buckish, a. Foppish. — Buck 'shot. n. Coarse shot used for lar^e game. — -skin, 11. Leather of deer, goats, etc. pi. Breeches made of it. — stall, -stawl, n. A net to catch deer. Buckboard. buk'bord, -wag'on, n. A rude vehicle, having a board resting on two axletrees. Bucket, buk'et, n. A vessel to hold liquids, etc. (Mach.) One of the cavities on the rim of a water- wheel ; the float of a paddle-wheel. See Watee- wheel. [Ir. buicead, Ga. bucaid, bucket, fr. Ir. and Ga. boc, to swell.] — Buck'etful, n. Contents of, etc. Buckeye, buk'i, n. A tree indigenous in the Western States; a nickname for a resident of Ohio. Buckle, buk'l, n. A frame with tongue or catch to fasten things together; a curl, or state of being curled or crisped, as hair.— v-. t. [buckled (buk'ld), buck- ling.] To fasten with a buckle ; to prepare for ac- tion ; set stoutly at work. — v. i. To bend, bow ; to struggle, contend. [OF. bode (F. boucle), boss of a shield, ring, fr. LL. bucula, boss of a shield, or buc- cida, shield, buckle, dim. of bucca, cheek.] — To buckle to. To bend to; apply with vigor to. — Buck /r - ler, n. A kind of shield. (Naut.) A cover fitted to the hawse-holes, to exclude water. [OF. bocler.] Buck-mast, buk'mast, n. Mast or fruit of the beech- tree. [Scot, buck, beech.] Buckra, buk'ra, n. The negroes' name for a white man. — adj. White. [Calabar, a demon, hence, powerful, superior.] Buckram, buk'ram, n. A coarse linen cloth, stiffened with glue. — a. Made of buckram; stiff, precise. [F. bougran, OF. boucaran, LL. boquerannus, buck- ram, fr. boquena, goat's skin, MUG. boc, goat.] Buckthorn, buk'thQrn, n. (Bot.) A genus of plants. Buckwheat, buk'hwet, n. A plant, whose seed is used as grain. [Scot, buck, AS. boc, beech, and E. wheat, the seeds resembling beech-mast; D. boekweit, G. buchweitzen.] Bucolic, bu-kofik, -ical, a. Pert, to a shepherd; pas- toral ; rustic. —Bucolic, n. A pastoral poem. [Gr. boukolos, cowherd.] Bucrania, bu'kra'nT-a, n. pi. (Arch.) Sculptured ox-skulls adorned with wreaths, etc. [L.] Bud, bud, n. An undeveloped branch or flower ; a prominence on certain animals, which grows into an animal, as a bud in a plant grows into a flower. — v. i. To put forth buds; to begin to grow, or issue from a stock like a bud, as a horn; to be in bloom, or growing. — v. t. To insert, as the bud of one plant, under bark of another, to raise a fruit different from the stock. [D. bot, a bud, botten, to bud, OF. boton, button, bud, boter, to push.] — Budlet, n. A little bud. Buddhism, bud'izm, n. The doctrine taught by the Hindu sage', Buddha, in the 6th century b. c, and adopted as a religion in Central and Eastern Asia, etc. [Skr. buddha, wise.] — Buddhist, biid'ist, n. A votary of Buddhism. — Bud'dhist, -isfi'c, a. Buddie, bud'dl, n. (Mining.) A wooden frame for washing ore. — v. t. To wash ore with, etc. Budelight, budlit, n. An intense white light, produced by purified coal-gas, burned in a peculiar Argand lamp. [Fr. Bude, residence of the inventor.] Budge, buj, v. t. &i. [budged (bujd), budgixg.] To move off, stir, wag. [F. bouger, to stir, It. bulicare, to bubble up, fr. L. bullire, to boil.] Budge, buj, n. Lamb-skin fur, used formerly as an edging, esp. of scholastic habits. — a. Lined with budge; hence, scholastic; austere or stiff. [F. bouge, a wallet, pouch of skin, G. balg, skin, L. butga, leath- ern bag.] — Budg'et, n. A bag or sack, with its con- tents ; a stock or store ; a governmental financial statement. [F. bougette, dim. of bouge.~\ Buff, buf, n. A sort of leather, from the skin of the buffalo, also of other animals, dressed in oil ; a mili- tary coat, made of buff-skin ; the color of, etc. ; the bare skin. (Med.) A grayish, viscid crust observed on blood. (Mech.) A wheel covered with buff leather, for polishing. — a. Made of buff leather; of the color of, etc., — between light pink and light yellow. [Contr. of buffalo.'] — BufFy, -T, a. Resem- bling, etc. ; like the blood called buff. Buffalo, buf 'a-lo, n. ; pi. Buf'faloes, -loz. A kind of wild ox of the eastern continent ; a buffalo-robe ; applied improperly to the bison. See Bisox. [Sp. bufalo, F. buffle, L. bufalus, bubalus, Gr. bouhalos, fr. L. bos, Gr. bous, ox.] — Buffalo-chips, n. pi. The dung of the bison, used as fuel. — clover, -grass, n. Plants of the western prairies. — robe, n. The skin of the bison, prepared with the hair on. Buffer, buffer, n. (Mech.) An Buffalo, apparatus to deaden concussion by moving bodies. [ME. buffen, Prov. E. buff, OF. bufer, buffer, to strike.] — A foolish fellow ; good-natured old fellow. [ME. buffen, to stammer.] Buffet, boof-a r or buffet, n. A sideboard or closet, for plate, china, etc. [F., cupboard.] Buffet, buffet, n. A blow with the hand ; cuff ; vio- lent resistance, as of winds and waves. — v. t. To box, beat, slap; to contend against, — v. i. To play at boxing ; to make one's way by buffeting. [Oi . bufet, a blow, esp. on the cheek. See Buffer.] — Buffeter, n. One who buffets ; a boxer. Buffo, buffer n. The comic actor in an opera. [It.] — Buffoon, -foon', n. One who amuses by tricks, iokes, and pleasantries ; a mimic ; mountebank ; clown. [F. bouffbn, It. buffone, fr. buffa, a trick, jest.]— Buf- foon / 'ery, -er-T, n. The arts of, etc. ; low jests ; pranks. — Buffoon Ish, a. Like a buffoon. Bug, bug, n. An insect of many species ; esp. a hemipterous insect which infests beds, etc. — Bug, Bug'bear, -bar, Bug'aboo, -a-boo, n. Something frightful ; a specter ; hobgoblin. [W. bwg, Ga. and Ir. bocan, Corn, bucca, a specter.] — Bug'gy, -gT, a. Abounding with bugs. — Bug'giness, n. Bugger, bug'ger, n. One guilty of buggery ; a vile creature. — Bug'gery, -T, n. A crime against na- ture ; sodomy. [F. bougrerie, heresy, fr. Bulgaria ] Buggy, bug'gT, n. A light four-wheel vehicle, with or without a calash top. Bugle, Bugle-horn, bu'gl-h6rn, n. A wind instrument for hunting or for military music. [OF. bugle, wild ox, L. bv.gv.lvs, dim. , of 60s, ox ; F. beugler, to bellow.] — ' Bu'gler, n. One who plays on, etc. Bugle, bu'gl, n. An elongated glass bead. [G. biigel, a rounded piece of wood or metal, dim. of MHG. bouch, Ic. baugr, AS. beag, armlet, orna- Bugle-horn, ment.] — Bu'gled, -gld, a. Ornamented with, etc. Bugloss, bu'glos, n. A plant used in dyeing ; ox- tongue. [Gr. bous, ox, and glossa, tongue, — fr. its long rough leaves.] Buhl, bul, n. A figure of brass, unburnished gold, etc., set into surfaces of ebony, tortoise-shell, etc. [Fr. Boule, a skillful French wood-carver.] Buhr-stone, bef ston, n. (Mm.) A flinty quartz, used for mill-stones. [See Bur.] Build, bild, v.t. [built (bilt)o?- (antiquated) builded; buildixg.J To frame, construct, and raise, as an edifice; to fabricate; to raise on any foundation ; to increase and strengthen. — r. i. To practice build- ing ; to construct, rest, or depend. — n. Form, or mode of construction. [OSw. bylja, to build; OSw., Ic, Dan. bol, AS. bold, house.] — Build'er, n. — Building, n. Act or business of, etc. ; thing built. Bul, bul, n. The 8th month of the Jewish ecclesias- tical year, — parts of October and November. Bulb, bulb, n. (Bot.) A bud growing from a plant, (usually below ground), and producing a stem above and roots below. (Anat.) A part shaped like bulbous roots. A protuberance on a stem, as the bulb of a thermometer. — v. i. To form bulbs. [F. & G. bidhe, L. bidbus, Gr. bolhos, bulbous root, onion.] — Bulbiferous, -er-us, a. (Bot.) Producing bulbs. [L. ferre, to bear.] — Bulb'ous, a. Having, containing, growing from, or shaped like, etc. Bulge, bulj,w. The protuberant part of a cask, etc. (Naut.) The bilge of a vessel. — v. i. [bulged (buljd), bulgixg.J To swell out; to be protuberant; to bilge, as a ship. [OSw. bulgja, to swell out, bulgin, swollen; s. rt.ball.boil, bowl, bilge, billoiv, belly, bulk.] Bulk, bulk, n. Magnitude of material substance; size; mass ; the majority ; the principal portion. (Naut.) The whole cargo of a ship when stowed. — v. i. To appear of great size or importance. [Dan., a lump, Ic. bulki, OSw. bolk, a heap, fr. Sw. bulna, to swell; also Sw. bid; Dan. bug, G. bauch, Ga. bulg, belly. See Bulge.] — /;* bidk. In a mass. — Laden, or stoioed in b. Having the cargo loose in the hold. — Sale by b. A sale of goods as they are, without weight or meas- ure. — To break b. (Naut.) To begin to unload.— am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; 5dd, tone, Sr ; BULKHEAD 65 BURBOT Bulk'er. n. (Naut.) One who ascertains the capaci- ty of goods, to fix the freight or shore-dues upon them. — Bulk'y, -T, a. Large. — Bulk'iness, re. Bulkhead, bulk'ned, re. (Naut.) A partition in a ship, etc., made with boards, etc. [Ic. balkr, Sw. ball; beam, partition.] Boll, bul, re. The male of any bovine quadruped, also of any large quadruped, as the elephant. (Astron.) Taurus, one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. (Slock Exchange.) One who buys stock on time, agreeing to take a certain amount at a future day at a stated price, bevond which he seeks to raise the market value. See Bear. — v. t. To endeavor to raise the price of. [OD. bolle, D. bul, Ic. boli, a bull; AS. bellan, to bellow/] — Bollock, re. A young bull; an ox, or castrated bull. [Dim. of bull; AS. bulluca.] — Bull'- bait'ing, -bafing, re. The practice of baiting or exci- ting bulls with dogs. — calf, -kaf, re. A male calf ; a stupid fellow. — dog, re. A variety of dog, of re- markable ferocity and courage, — "named prob. fr. being used to bait bulls or fr. the size of the head. — -fight, -fit, re. A combat with a bull. finch, re. A thick-necked singing-bird allied to the grossbeak. — -frog. re. A large species of frog, which makes a loud, croaking noise. head, re. A fish of the genus coitus ; also the cat-fish, or horned-pout; a stupid fel- low; lubber. — headed, -necked, -nekt, a. Unyield- ing; dogged. — rush, re. A large, strong rush, grow- ing in swamps or water. — trout, re. A large species of trout, ascending rivers periodically to spawn. Bull, bul, re. The seal appended to the edicts and briefs" of the pope ; an edict, or rescript of the pope. [L. bulla, a stud, knob, later a leaden seal.] — A blunder; use of language self-contradictory or ex- pressing ideas entirely different from those in- tended. [In allusion to papal edicts.] Bulldoze, buKdoz, v. t. To intimidate by violence. [Amer. political slang, ,] [Perh. bull's dose = cowhid- mg.] Bullet. bullet, re. A small ball; esp. one of lead for small-arms. [F. boulet, dim. of boule, ball, fr. L. bulla, stud, bubble.] Bulletin, bul'le-tin, re. A statement respecting some event, issued by authority for public information; Fublic notice, esp., of news recently received. [F., r. It. hulletino, dim. of bulla, a pope's bull.] — Bul''- letin-board, n. A board on which to post, etc. Bullion, bul'yun, re. Uncoined gold or silver in the mass; precious metal, coined or uncoined, when reckoned by weight and in mass. [OF. bullione, a mint, hence, metal taken there, fr. LL. bullare, to stamp, mark with a seal, fr. bulla, a seal.] Bulls -eye, bulz'T, n. (Naut.) A wooden block with- out sheave's, having a groove around it, and a hole through it. A thick piece of glass in a deck, roof, etc., to let in light; any circular opening for air or light; a policeman's lantern; the center of a target; a knob left on a sheet of plate-glass by the blow- pipe; a thick, old-fashioned watch. Bully, bul'T, re. A blustering fellow. —a. Jovial; merry.'— v. t. [bullied (buKlid), bullying.] To insult with blustering menaces; to treat with inso- lence. — v. i. To be noisy and quarrelsome; to swagger, crow, domineer. [D. bulderaar, a blus- terer, bulderen, to bluster, rage, roar, fr. bul, a bull.] Bulwark, buKwerk, re. (Fort/) An outwork for de- fense; a bastion. A means of defense; screen; shel- ter, pi. (Naut.) A ship's sides above the deck. — v. t. To fortify with a rampart; to protect. [Dan. bulvserk, fr. bid, log, and vserk, work.] Bumble-bee, bum'bl-be, re. A large bee; humble-bee. [OD. bommelen, _to buzz, hum; s. rt. boom.] Bumboat, bum'bot, re. (Naut.) A clumsy boat for conveying provisions, fruit, etc., for sale, to vessels off shore. [D. buniboot, a fisherman's or pilot's boat, which contains a bun, receptacle for fish, etc.] Bumkin, bum'kin, re. (Naut.) A piece of timber to which stays, sails, etc., are fastened. [OD. boomken, dim. of boom, tree, boom.] Bummer, bum'mer, re. A vagrant; forager; soldier seeking food and plunder ; dissipated fellow. Bump, bump, re. A thump; heavy blow; swelling or protuberance. — v. t. [bumped "(burnt), bumping.] To strike, as against anything solid. [W. pwmp, a lump, pwmpto, to thump, Dang, Corn, bum, Lr. and Ga. beum, a blow, also Ga. beum, to strike.] Bump, bump, v. i. To make a loud, heavy, or hollow noise, as the bittern. [W. bwmp, a hollow sound, L. bombus, Gr. bombos, a humming; s, rt. boom.] Bumper, bum'per, re. A cup filled to the brini. [Cor- rup. of E. bombard, cannon, large drinking vessel.] Bumpkin, bum'kin, re. An awkward, heavy rustic: a clown, or country lout. [Prob. same as buinkin; perh. fr. bump.] Eun, Bunn, bun, re. A small sweet-cuke. [OF. bugiu , F. beignet, a fritter, fr. bigne, a swelling fr. a blow; s. rt. bunch and bunyon.] Bunch, bunch, re. A protuberance; hunch; knob or lump; a collection, cluster, or tuft. — v. i. To swell out. — v. t. To form or fasten into a bunch. [Ic. bitnki, OSw. and Dan. bunke, a heap, OSw. bunga, to strike; W. pwng, a cluster, pwg, a swelling, pwmpio, to thump. See Bumi j .] — Bunch'y, -T, a. Swelling out, growing in, or like, etc. — Bunch 'iness. re. Buncombe, Bunkum, bun'kum, re. A body of constit- uents; speech-making for the gratification of con- stituents. [Fr. Buncombe county, X. C, which sent to the 16th Congress a representative addicted to such oratory.] Bundle, bun'dl, n. A number of things bound to- gether, esp. into a package for handling or convey- ance; a parcel; roll. — v. t. [bundled (bun'dld), bundling.] To tie or bind in a bundle or roll. — v. i. To set off in a hurry. [AS. byndel, dim. of bund, thing bound up, fr. h'indan, to bind, D. bondel, G. biinael, dim. of bund.] — To bundle off- To send off in a hurry or pet. — Bun'ole-pIFlar, re. A column or pier, with smaller ones attached. Bung, bung, re. The stopper of the orifice in the bilge of a cask; the hole itself. — v. t. To stop, as the ori- fice, etc.; to close. [W. hiong, orifice, bung, OD. bonne, D. bom, bung.] — Bung^hole, re. The hole in the bilge of a cask. Bungalow, bun / ga-lo, re. In India, a one-story house. [Pers. bangalah, Bengalese (house), bangla, thatched house, fr. Banga, Bengal.] Bungle, bun/gl, v. i. [bungled (bun'gld), bung- ling.] To act or work awkwardly. — v. t. To make or mend clumsily; to botch. [Prob. fr. E. bangle, fr. bang with freq. suffix -le, to strike often, i. e. clum- sily; Sw. dial, bangla, to work ineffectually, fr. banka, to strike.] — Bungler, re. A clumsy work- man. — Bung'ling. a. Unskillful; awkward; un- skillfully done. — Bung'tingly, adv. Bunk, bunk, re. A wooden case, for a seat by day and a bed at night; one of a series of berths m vertical tiers. — v. i. To go to bed in a bunk. [Sw. bunke, tub, coop; s. rt. bunch.] — Bunk'er, re. A tub, box, etc., to hold coal, etc. Bunyon, Bunion, bun^yun, re. (Med.) Enlargement and inflammation of the membranous sac at the ball of the great toe. [It. bugnone, a bunch, boil, OF. bugne, F. bigne, a swelling, Ic. bunki, bunch. See Bun.] Bunt, bunt, re. (Naut.) The middle part or belly of a sail. — v. i. To swell out, as a sail; to push with the horns; to butt. [Perh. corrupt, fr. Sw. buk, Dan. bug, belly, f r. same root as bow.] — Bunfline, re. A rope to haul up the body of a sail when taking it in. Bunting, bunfing, re. A bird allied to finches and sparrows. [Perh. fr. Scot, buntin, short and thick, plump; pern. fr. W. bontinog, having a large bontin, rump.] Bunting, bunting, -ine, -in, n. Thin woolen stuff, of which flags are made. [Perh. bolting cloth, fr. Prov. E. bunt, to sift (flour).] Buoy, boot, re. A float; esp. a floating mark to indicate objects beneath the water. — X v. t. [buoyed (bootd), buoy- ing.] To keep afloat; to keep from sinking into ruin or de- spondency; to fix buoys to; to mark by buoys. — v. i. To float; to rise by specific light- ness. [D. boei, a buoy, a fet- ter, LL. boia, a fetter, clog, the Buoy. buoy being fastened to its place.] — Buoy 'age, re. Buoys collectively ; the providing of buoys. — Buoy '- ant, a. Having the quality of rising or floating; bearing up, as a fluid; cheerful; vivacious. — Buoy / '- ancy, -an-st, re. Quality of floating; specific light- ness; cheerfulness. (Physics.) Weight just sufficient to submerge a floating body. — Buoy 'antly, adv. Bur, Burr, ber, re. A prickly envelope of the seeds of plants; the rough edge left by a tool in cutting metal; a guttural mispronunciation of the letter r. — v. t. To pronounce with a burr; to talk or whisper hoarsely. [E. ; Sw. borre, a sea-hedgehog, kardborre and Dan. borre, burdock, It. borra, cow-hair, LL. rcburrus, Gr. berrhon, rough.] — Burr'y. -T, a. Abounding in, or resembling, burs. — Bur'dock, n. A genus of prickly-fruited plants. Burbot, ber^bot, re. A fish shaped like an eel, having efin, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. BURDEN 66 BUSH beards on the nose and chin. [F. barbote, fr. barbe, L. barba, a beard. See Barbel, under Barb.] Burden, ber'dn, Bur'then, -then, n. That which is borne or carried; what is grievous, wearisome, or oppressive; the contents or capacity of a ship. — v. t. Iihkdened (-dend), -deni.ng.] 'To lav a heavy In id upon; to oppress. [AS. byrdhen, 1c. byrdhr, S.r. borc/a, G.brirde, Gr. j>horios, a burden, Skr. bliri, to carry; s. rt. bear.] — Beast of burden. An animal for carrying burdens. — Burden of proof [L. onus probandi.\ (Law.) The responsibility of fur- nishing the evidence necessarj' to decide^an issue raised in court. — Bur/denous," -us, -some, -sum, a. Grievous to be borne. — Bur'densomely, adv. — Bur'densomeness. n. Burden, ber'dn, n. The verse repeated in a song; chorus; refrain; that which is often repeated; the main topic. [F. bourdon, drone of a bagpipe, hum- ming of bees, LL. bur do, a drone bee, akin to buzz.] Burdock. See under Bur. Bureau, bu'ro, n. ; pi. Bu'reaux or -reaus, -roz. Orig., a desk with drawers for papers; the place where a bureau is used, or business transacted; a department for transaction of public business; the body of subordinate officers under the direction of a department chief; a chest of drawers for clothes, etc. [F., a desk, writing table, which was covered with (OF.) burel, baize. J — Bureaucracy, bu-ro'kra- sY, n. A system ef conducting government business by departments, each under a chief. [F. bureau- cratic Gr. kratein, to govern.] — Bu'reaucrat, n. One who governs through a bureau. — Bureaucrat'- ic, a. — Bureaucrat 'ically, adv. Burg, berg. n. Orig., a fortified town; a borough. [See Borough.] — Burg'age, -ej,«. (Eng.Laiv.) A ten- ure by which lands are held at a rent, or by services pert, to trade, etc. — Burgess, ber^jes, n. A freeman of a borough; a representative or magistrate of, etc. [F. bourgeois. See Bourgeois.] — Burg^grave, Bur /r - frave, n. In Ger., orig., one in command of a burg ; ut the title and domain became hereditary. [G. burggraf; graf count.] — Burgh, berg, n. Same as burg and borough, — Burgh "al, a. Pert, to, etc. — Burgh'er, n. An inhabitant of, etc. — Burg^o-mas'- ter, n . A chief magistrate of a municipal town in Holland, Flanders, and Germany. [D. burgemeester.] (Ornith.) An aquatic bird; the glaucous gull, of arctic regions. Burgamot. See Bergamot. Burgeois. See Bourgeois. Burgeon. See Bourgeon. Burglar, bergler, n. (Law.) One who breaks and en- ters a house, to commit a felony. [OF., fr. bourg and some corrup.of leres, L. latrb, robber.] — Burg / '- lary, -la-ri, n. Act of, etc. — Burglarious, -rT-us, a. Pert, to, or constituting, etc. — Burgla'riously, adv. Burgundy, ber''gun-dT, n. A kind of wine made in Burgundy, France. — Bur'gundy-pitch, -pich, n. Turuentine from which the essential oil has been distilled off. Burial. See under Bury. Burin, bu'rin, n. An engraver's tool having a sharp cut- ting point ; a n engrav- er's style of execution. ^ [F. ; MHG. bor en, to -r. • bore.] Bunn. Burke, berk, v. t. [burked (berkt), burking.] To mur- der, without marks of violence, to obtain a body for dissection ; to dispose of quietly or indirectly. [Fr. W. Burke, a Scotchman, who committed the crime in 1829.1 Burl, berl, v. t. [burled (berld), burling.] To dress, as cloth, by fulling; to pick knots, loose threads, etc., from. — n. A Knot or lump in thread or cloth. [Prov. F. bouril, a block, or end of thread, disfigur- ing cloth. See Bur.] — Burl'er, n. A dresser of cloth. Burlap, ber'lap, n. A coarse fabric of linen, jute, or hemp. [See Bur.] Burlesque, ber-lesk', a. Provoking laughter by ludi- crous images; jocular, ironical. — n. Ludicrous rep- resentation ; exaggerated parody ; satirical compo- sition intended to ridicule anything; caricature. — v. t. [burlesqued (-leskf), -lesquing.] To turn into ridicule. [F., fr. It. burlesco, ludicrous, burla, a trick, waggery, banter.] — Burlet'ta, -lefta, n. (Mus.) A comic opera; a musical farce. [It., dim. of burla.] Burly, bgr'lT, a. Of great bulk; stout; lusty; coarse and rough. [Ga. borrail, swaggering, Ga. & Ir. borr, a bunch, greatness; s. rt. bur.] — Bur'liness, n. Burn, bern, v. t. [burned (bernd) or burnt; bukn- ing.] To consume with fire ; to injure by heat; to change by exposure to heat; to produce an effect akin to that of heat. (Surg.) To cauterize. (Chem.) To combine with oxygen. — v. i. To be on fire; to be injured by excess of heat; to have the appearance of fire; to be hot or in a passion ; to act with de- structive violence; to be akin to fire in the effect pro- duced. — n. A hurt or injury caused by fire ; the op- eration of burning or baking. [AS. bsernan, byman, Ic. brenna, Sw. branna, G. brennen, to burn.] — To burn one's fingers. To get into unexpected trouble. — To bum out. To burn till the fuel is gone and the fire ceases.— Burn / 'ing -glass, n. A convex lens which produces intense heathy converging the sun's rays to a focus. — Burnt / 'of / f ering, n. Something offered to a deity and burnt on an altar. — Burn'er, n. One who burns or sets on fire; an appendage to a lamp or gas-fixture, to promote combustion. Burn, n. A brook. See Bourn. Burnettize, ber'net-iz, v. t. To preserve, as timber, by a solution of chloride of zinc. Burnish, ber'nish, v. t. [burnished (-nisht), -nish- ing.] To polish by rubbing with something hard and smooth ; to render bright. — v. i. To grow or become smooth or glossy. — n. The effect of bur- nishing; gloss; luster. [OF. burnir, brunir, to em- brown, polish, fr. brun. See Brown.] — Bur'nish- er, n. One who, or a tool which, etc. Bumoose, ber'noos, n. A loose hooded cloak for women, imitated from a garment of the Arabs. [F. bournous, fr. Ar. bumus.] Burr. See Bur. Burrow, ber'ro, n. A hole in the ground made by rabbits, etc., for shelter. (Alining.) A heap or heaps of rubbish. — v. t. [burrowed 6-rod), -rowing.] To excavate or lodge in a hole in the earth; to hide. [A form of Borough, q. v.] Burse, bers, n. Orig., a purse; a fund to maintain poor scholars; a student so maintained; a public meeting place for merchants; an exchange. [Also written bourse.] [F. bourse, LL. bursa, purse, ex- change, fr. Gr. burse, a skin.] — Bur'sar, -ser, n. A cash-keeper; purser; a student to whom a stipend is paid. — Bur'sary, -ser-T, n. The treasury of a col- lege, etc.; a charitable foundation in a university. Burst, berst, v. i. [burst ; bursting.] To fly or break open violently; to make any sudden change from restraint, invisibility, absence, etc., to an oppo- site state; to issue by a sudden removal of obstacles; to crack, split, sever. — v. t. To break or rend vio- lently ; to open suddenly, —n. A breaking forth ; disruption ; sudden explosion. [AS. berstan, D. bersten, to burst ; s. rt. break.] — Bursfer, n. Burt, bert, n. A flat fish of the turbot kind. Burthen. See Burden. Bury, ber^i, n. A borough ; manor; used as a term, of names of places, as, Canterbury. — v. t. [buried (bgr'id), burying.] To conceal by covering; esp. to cover out of sight, as in a grave, the ocean, etc.; to hide in oblivion. [AS. byrgan,byrigan ; s. rt. bor- ough.] —Tobury the hatchet. To cease war; an allusion to the custom of American Indians, to bury a tom- ahawk when concluding peace. — Burial, -f-al, n. Act of burying ; interment. — Bur'ying-ground, -place, n. A grave-yard; church-yard. Bus, bus, n. An omnibus. [Abbrev. fr. omnibus.] Busby, buz'bi, n. (Mil.) A militarv cap or bear-skin. Bush, bush, n. A thicket, or place abounding in trees; a branching shrub; a cluster of shrubs; a bushy branch cut from a tree ; a branch of ivy (as sacred to Bacchus); hence, a tavern sign, or the tavern it- self. — v. i. To grow thick or bushy. — v. t. To set bushes for, as for peas; to use a bush-harrow on, or for covering. [Dan. busk, D. bosch, OF. bos, F. bo is, bush, forest,] — Bush'y, -T, a. Full of bush- es; full and spreading, like a bush.— Bush'ineBS, n. — Bush '-bean, n. The common, low garden-bean; kidney-bean; French bean. — fight'ing, n. Irregu- lar warfare in woody country. — -har'row, n. (Agric.) A harrow made of bushes, for covering seeds, etc. — man, n. A settler in the backwoods 01 Australia. (Geog.) One of a tribe of savages near the Cape of Good Hope, — so named by the Dutch. [D. bosch-man, boschjes-man.] — whack'er, n. One accustomed to beat about bushes; a raw country- man; a scj-the for cutting brush; one engaged in predatorv excursions against an enemy. whack- ing, n. Traveling, or working a way, through bush- fim, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Yn, ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; BUSH 67 BUZZ es; pulling by the bushes, as in hauling a boat along a stream; irregular or predatory warfare. Bosh, bush, n. (Mack.) A metal ring or lining let into an orifice. — v. t. To furnish with a bush, or line with metal. [D. bus, a box, L. buxus, the box- tree. See Box.] — Bush'ing, n. A metal lining for a hole: a thimble. Bushel, bush'el, n. A dry measure, containing 8 gallons; a vessel of the capacity of a bushel, used in measuring; the circle of iron in the nave of a wheel. iOF. boissel, LL. boisellus, fir. bussula.. a little box, fr. ... bus is, Gr. puxis, a box. See Box.] — Bushel'"- age, -ej, n. A duty payable by the bushel. Busily, Business, etc. See under Busy. Busk, busk, n. A thin piece of metal, whalebone, or wood, worn in corsets. [F. busque, prob. corrupt, f r. biwte. See Bust.] Bask, busk, r. t. or i. To prepare, make ready, array. [1c. buask, to get one's self ready, bua, to prepare.] Bu3kin, bus'kin, n. A covering 'for the foot and leg, for hunters and actors in tragedy ; tragedy, as dis- ting. fr. comedy. [OF. brossequin, D. broos, a bus- kin ; perh. akin to E. brogue. ] — Bus'kined, -kind, a. Dressed in buskins; of, or pert, to, tragedy; tragic. Bosky. Same as Bosky. See under Boscage. Boss, bus, n. A kiss; a rude or playf ul kiss. — v. t. (bussed (bust), bussing.] To kiss. [OG. busse>i, F. baiter, to kiss ; Ga. bus, mouth; ~L.basium, a kiss.] Buss, bus, n. A two-masted herring-boat. [D. buis, herring-boat; OF. busse, G. biise, LL. bussa, buscia, boats of different kinds; s. rt. box.] Bast, bust, n. A piece of statuary representing the upper part of the human figure; the portion of the human figure between the head and waist. [F. baste, It. busto, Dust, fr. LL. bustum, the trunk.] Bustard, bus'tard, n. A bird of the Ostrich family. [F. bistarde, corrup. fr. avis-tard, L. avis tarda, slow bird.] Bustle, bus'l, v. i. [bustled (busld), bustling.] To stir quickly, be very active. — n. Great stir; tumult from excitement. Tic. bustlu, to bustle ; Dan. buse, to bounce, pop; proo. s. rt. busy.] — Bus'tler, n. Bastle, bus'l, n. A kind of cushion to expand ladies' skirts behind. Busy, biz'I, a. Engaged in business; occupied; con- stantly active; restless: active in what does not concern one; officious: pragmatical.— v. t. [busied (biz'id), busying.] To make or keep busy, employ, occupy. [AS. bysig, busy, bysgian, to employ, fa- tigue, D. oezig, busy, bezigen, to employ.] — Bus'ily, adv. — Business, biz'nes, n. That which busies one; employment; particular occupation for a liveli- hood or gain; traffic in general; concern; right or occasion of making one's self busy; affair; transac- tion; trade; profession; duty. — Bus'inesslike, a. Properly done; thorough; straightforward. — Busy- body, biz'T-bod-Y, n. One who officiously concerns himself with others' affairs, a meddling person. But, but, prep. & conj. [AS. butan, buton, from prefix be and ulan, uton, outward, without, from, ut, ule, out, without, abroad. Cf. About.] Except; besides; unless; save that; were it not that; otherwise than that; that not; only; solely ; merely ; on the contra- ry; on the other hand; yet; still; nevertheless. [AS. butan, (conj.) except, (prep.) besides, without; contr. fr. be, by, and utan, outside; D.buiten, except.] But, n. and v. See Butt. Butcher, buch'er, n. One who slaughters animals for food ; one who kills cruelly ; one given to slaughter. — v. t. [butchered (-erd), -ering.] To kill, as animals, for food; to murder, esp. barba- rously. [OF. bocher, orig. a killer of goats, fr. boc, F.bouc, he-goat, E. buck.] — Butcb/erly, -er-11, a. Grossly cruel ; murderous. — Butcb/erliness, n. — Butcb/ery, -Sr-i, n. Business of a butcher ; great slaughter ; massacre. — Butcb/er-bird, n. A bird of several species, destructive of smaller creatures. Butler, bufler, n. A servant in charge of the liquors, etc. [Norm. F. butuiller, a butler, fr. butuille, bot- tle.] — But'lerage, -ej, re. ( Old Eng. Law.) A duty on imported wine, orig. paid to the king's butler. — But'ler-ship, re. Office of butler. Butment. Same as Abutment. Butt, But, but, re. The larger end, as of a piece of tim- ber; an end; limit; bound; unplowed land at the end of a field; a mark to be shot at; object of aim; one at whom ridicule or contempt is directed ; a thrust given in fencing or by the head of an animal; the stoutest part of tanned ox-hides. (Carrj.) A kind of hinge, screwed to the edge of the door, which butts against the casing. The metal ring at the ends of fire-engine hose. — v. i. To join at the butt, end, or outward extremity; to be bounded; to abut; to thrust the head forward. — v. t. To strike by thrust- ing the head against. — Butte, but or bit, n. An iso- lated peak or abrupt elevation of land. [OF. bot, F. bout, end; F. butte, a knoll: but, a mark. fr. buter, OF. boter, to strike, push; s. rt. beat.] — Butf-hinge, re. See Butt, re. — Butt'-joint, Bufting : joint, re. (Carp.) A joint between two pieces of timber or wood. — Butt'-weld, re. (Mech.) A weld formed by forcing together flattened ends of iron or steel bars, at a welding heat. — But'tock, n. The rump, or protuberant part of the body behind. (Naut.) The convexity of a ship behind, under the stern. [Dim. of butt, end.] Butt, but, re. A pipe or large barrel, containing fr. 108 to 126 gallons. [OF. boute, F. botte ; another form of boot.] Butter, buffer, n. An oily, unctuous substance ob- tained from cream by churning. — v. 1. [buttered (-terd), -tering.] "To cover with butter. [AS. butera, buter, L. butyrum, Gr. bouturon, butter, fr. Gr. boits, ox, and tiuos, cheese.] — Bufterine, -in, re. A substitute for butter, made from animal fat; oleomargarine. — Buftery, -ter-T, a. Having the qualities, consistence, or appearance, of butter. — ft. A place for keeping butter, milk, provisions, etc.; a room in some colleges, etc., for the sale of re- freshments; a cellar in which wine is kept. [Perh. in part a corrup. of butlery, fr. butler.] — Butyra- ceous, bu-ti-ra'shus, Butyrous, bu'tT-rus, a. Hav- ing the qualities of, or resembling, butter. — Butyr- ic, a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, but- ter. — Buftercup, re. A plant having bright yel- low flowers ; crowfoot. fingered, -fin'gerd, a. Apt to drop things, as if from greasy fingers. — fly, re. A lepidopterous insect of different species. — -fly-valve, re. (Mech.) A valve consisting of two semi-circular clappers or wings hinged to a cross- rib. — man, n. One who sells butter. — milk, n. Milk remaining after the butter is separated from it. — nut, n. An American tree and its fruit, which contains oil; the nut of a South American tree, — called also the Savuari nut. — scotch, n. A candy made from sugar and butter. — tree, n. A tropical tree whose seeds yield a butter-like substance. Butteris. See under Buttress. Buttock. See under Butt. Button, but'n, n. A small ball; knob; a catch, to fasten together parts of dress, or to hold a door closed ; a bud; germ of a plant. (Assaying.) A round mass of metal remaining in the cupel after fusion, —v.t. [buttoned (but'nd), -toning.] To fasten with, etc. — v. i. To be fastened by, etc. [OF. boton, F. bouton, a bud, hence a button, fr. boter, to push out; s. rt. butt.] — But' ton-hole, n. The hole m which a button is caught. — v. t. To hold by the button or button-hole ; to detain in conversation ; to bore. mold, -mould, -mold, n. A disk of bone, wood, etc., which is made into a button by cover- ing it with cloth. wood, n. The North American plane-tree, producing rough balls ; the button-ball. Buttress, but'tress, n. (Arch.) A projecting support to the exterior of a wall ; a prop. — v. t. To support by a buttress ; to prop. — Bufteris, -ter-is, n. (Far.) An instrument to pare horses' hoofs. [F. bouter, to push, butt. See Butt.] Butyraceous, etc. See under Butter. Buxom, buks'um, a. Orig., obedient or yielding ; healthy ; jolly ; frolic- some. [AS. bugan, to bow, and suf- fix -sum, same, like.] — Bus/omly, adv. — Bux'omness, n. Buy, bi, v. t. [bought (bawt), buying.] To purchase ; to acquire by paying for ; to procure by a consideration f given. — v. i. To negotiate about a purchase. [AS. bycgan, Goth, bugjan, to buy; pern. s. rt. Skr. bhuj, to enjoy, use, L,. fungi.] — To buy off. To influence to com- pliance ; to detach by a consideration given. — To b. out. To purchase the interest of, — so that the purchaser takes the seller's orig. rights. — To b. on credit. To purchase, on a promise to pay at a future day. — To 6. the refusal. To give money for the right to take at a fixed price and time. — Buy'er, ft. Buzz, buz, v. i. [buzzed (buzd), buzzing.] To make a low, continuous, humming sound, as bees ; to speak with a low, humming voice.. — v. t. To make known by buzzing ; to spread, as report, by whis- Buttress. siin, cube, full ; moon, fott ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNbON, chair, get. BUZZARD 68 CACTUS pers. — n. A continuous, humming noise ; whisper; report spread cautiously. [Onomat.] — Buz'zer, n. One who, or that which", etc. Buzzard, buz'erd, n. ( Ornith.) A bird of prey, of the falcon family. A blockhead ; a dunce. [F.* busard, buse. buzzard, LL. busio, L. buteo, sparrow-hawk.] By, bi, prep. Near or next to ; from one to the other side of ; past ; with, as instrument, means, way, etc. ; through means of ; with aid of ; through.* — adv. Near ; present ; passing near; going or gone past. — a. Out of the common path ; aside ; — in composi- tion giving the meaning of something incidental, i ollateral, or private. [AS., OFries., OS., OHG., and ' ioth. bi, AS. big, D. bij, G. bet.] — By and by. Pres- ently ; before long. — By one's self. Alone ; solitary. — One by one, day by day, piece by piece, etc. Each one, day, piece, etc., by itself singly. — To come by. To get'possession of ; to obtain. — To do by. To treat, to behave toward. — To set by. To value, esteem. — To stand by. To aid, support. — By the head. (Naut.) Having the bows lower than the stern. — By the run. All together. — By the bye. In passing ; by way of digression ; apropos to the mat- ter in hand. — By'-end, n. Private end or interest; secret purpose. gone, a. Past ; gone by. — n. Something gone by ; a past event. — name, n. A nickname sobriquet. — path, n. A private path; obscure way. — play, n. A scene carried on aside, while the main action proceeds. — stand'er, n. A looker-on; a spectator. — word, n. A common say- ing; proverb. Bye, bi. n. A dwelling ; in certain games, the station of a player. [AS., a dwelling, fr. by an, to dwell.] By : law, bi'law, n. A law of a city, town, corpora- tion, etc. [Ic. bsejar-log, town law, fr. beer, town, log, law ; Sw. bylag, fr. by, village, and lag. law ; Dan. bylor, municipal law, fr. by, town, love, law.] Byssus, bis'sus, n. A fine cloth worn by the ancients; asbestus, a mineral having parallel fibers. (Conch.) A tuft of long, silky filaments, by which certain bivalves attach themselves to submarine bodies. (Bot.) A filamentous, fungous plant, growing in subterraneous places. [L., Gr. bussos, fine flax.] — ByssiFerous, -er-us, a. Producing, etc. VL.ferre, to bear.] — Bys'sine, -sin, a. Of, or like, silk. Byzant, biz'ant, Byz'antine, -tln,ra. (Numvi.) A gold coin, worth %2.~>, coined at Byzantium. — Byzantine, bi-zan'tin or biz'an-tln, a. Pert, to Byzantium. 0. C, se,the 3d letter in the English alphabet, has 2 sounds, one close (represented in the phonetic respellingsin this vocabularv by k), the other a sibilant (repre- sented by s). The digraph ch has 3 sounds, the 1st as in church (represented by cli), the 2d, as in chaise (represented by sh), the 3d, as in chorus (represented by k). — (21ns.) C after the clef is the mark of com- mon time, in which each measure is a semibreve, cor- responding to -i. C is also the name of a note in the scale; the keynote major, and the third minor, of the natural scale. — C is used as a contr. for L. cen- tum, a hundred. Cab, kab, n. Abbr. of Cabriolet, q. v. — A Hebrew dry measure of 2 5-G pints. [Heb. qab, hollow.] Cabal, ka-baF, n. A number of persons united to pro- mote their private views by intrigue: a junto; fac- tion ; plot ; intrigue. — v. i. [caballed (-bald'), -ballixg.] To plot, conspire. — Cabal', Cab'ala, kab'a-la, n. Secret tradition, or a mysterious science among Jewish rabbins; mystery. [F. cabale, fr. Heb. qabbalah, reception, mystery received, qabal, to take, receive.] — CaD'alism, -izm, n. Secret science of the cabalists. — Cab'alist, n. A Jewish doctor conver- sant with the cabala. — Cabalistic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. ; containing an occult meaning. — Cabalisfic- ally, adv. — CabaFler, n. One who cabals. Caballine, kab'al-hn, a. Pert, to ahorse. — n. A kind of aloes, used in medicine for horses. [L. caballus, Gr. kaballes, an inferior horse, nag.] Cabaret, kab'a-ra, n. A tavern. [F.; L. taberna, inn.] Cabas, ka/ba, n. Areticule; satchel. [F.,orig. pannier.] Cabbage, kab'ei, n. A garden vegetable, the head of i which is edible. — v. i. To form a head in growing. [OF. choux cabus ; cabus, great-headed, fr. L. caput, head.] — Cab'bage-rose, n. A kind of cabbage- shaped rose. — tree, n. A palm bearing an edible ! cabbage-like fruit. Cabbage, kab'ej, v. t. [cabbaged (-ejd), -bagixg.] To purloin. — n. Cloth retained by tailors when cut- ting out garments. [F. cabasser, to put into a basket, fr. cabas, basket.] Cabin, kab'in, n. A small room ; a cottage; hut; an apartment in a ship. — v. i. [cabined (-ind), cab- ining.] To live in a cabin, lodge. — v.t. To con- fine in a cabin. [W., Ga., and Ir. caban, dim. of W. cab, a booth.] — Cab'in-boy, n. A waiter in a ship. Cabinet, kab'in-et, n. A small room; closet; room for consultations ; secret council of a government ; a piece of furniture with drawers and doors; a place for valuables. [Dim. of cabin.] — Cab'inet-coun'cil. -kown'sil, n. Confidential council of a prince, etc. ma'ker, n. A maker of furniture; a joiner. Cable, ka'bl, n. A rope or chain to retain a vessel at anchor, suspend weights, contain and protect a tel- egraph wire, etc. — v. t. To fasten with a cable. — v. i. and*. To telegraph through a cable. [F.; LL. eaplwm, capidum, fr. L. capere, to take hold of.] — Ca'ble-gram, n. A message sent through a telegraph- ic cable. — Cable's-length. 720 feet. Caboose, ka-boos', n. (Naut.) A galley, or cook-house on deck; a box covering the chimney in a ship. A railroad tool-car. [F. cambuse, D. kombuis, Dan. kabys, Sw. kabysa, cook's room; D. kom, a porridge- dish, and bids, a pipe.] Cabriolet, kab'rl-o-la, n. A one-horse two-seated car- riage with calash top, and covering for the legs. [F., dim. of cabriole, It. capriola, a caper (of a goat),fr. It. caprio, wild-goat, L. caper, goat. See Caper.] Cacao, ka-ka'o or loi/ko, n. The chocolate tree of So. Amer. and the W. Indies. [Sp., fr. Mexican cacou- atl.~] — Cacaine, -ka'in, n. (Chem.) The essential principle of cacao. Cachalot, kash'a-lot, n. The sperm whale. [F.; D. kazHot.] Cache, kash, n. A hiding-place for provisions. [F., f r. cacher, to hide.] — Cachet, kash'a, n. A seal, as of a letter. — Let.tre de cachet. A sealed letter, esp. an order for imprisoning one obnoxious to the king of France or his ministers. — Cachepot, kash'po, n. An ornamental cover for a flower-pot. [F.; pot, pot.] Cachexy, ka-kek'st, n. A depraved condition of the system. [Gr. kakos, bad, and exis, state.] — Cachec r - tic, -tical, a. Cachinnation, kak'in-na-shun, n. Loud or immod- erate laughter. [L. cachinnatio, fr. cachinnare, to laugh aloud.] — Cachinnatory, -kin'na-to-rf, a. Consisting of_, or producing, etc. Cachou, ka'shoo'', n. A perfumed pill to correct the breath after smoking, etc. [F., catechu.] Cacique. See Cazique. Cackle, kakl, v. i. [cackled (kak'ld), cackling.] To make a noise like a goose or hen ; to laugh with a broken noise, giggle; to talk in a silly manner, prattle. — n. The noise of a hen, etc.; silly talk. [Onomat.; OD. kakelen, Sw. kakla, Dan. kagle, G. gackeln.] — Cackler, n. Cacochymy, kak'o-kim-T, n. (Med.) A vitiated state of the humors of the body, esp. of the blood. [Gr. kakos, bad, and chumos, juice.] — Cac'ode'mon, n. Orig., an evil spirit. (Med.) The nightmare. [Gr. daimon, demon.] — Cac'oe'thes. -o-e'thez, n. A had custom or habit ; bad disposition. (Med.) An in- curable ulcer. [Gr. ethos, custom, habit.] — Cacce'- raphy, -11, n. Bad spelling or writing. [Gr. graphe, writing.] — CacoKogy. n. Bad grammar or enuncia- tion. [Gr. logos, word.] — Cacophony, -koFo-nt, n. (Rhet.) A disagreeable sound of words. (Med.) A bad voice; altered state of the voice. (Mas.) A com- bination of discordant sounds. [Gr. phone, sound.] — Cacophonous, -kofo-nus, -phonic, -fon'ik, a. Harsh sounding. Cactus, kak'tus, n. ; pi. Cac'tuses, -ez, or Cac'ti, -ti. 5m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; tn, Ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; CAD 69 CALCULATE Cactus. A genus of tropical Amer- ican plants, having thick, fleshy stems, often armed with spines. [L.; Gr. kaktos.] Cad. kad, n. In Eng., the con- ductor of an omnibus ; an errand-boy: a low-bred, ob- trusive fellow; a snob. [Abbr. of cadet.']- Cad'dish, a. Vulgar; pretentious. Cadaverous, ka-dav'gr-us, a. Resembling a corpse; pale; wan; ghastly. [L. cadaver, a corpse, fr." cadere, to fall.] — Cadaverously, adv. — Ca- dav'erousness, n. Caddice, -dis, kad'dis, re. The larva of the caddice-fly, — used as bait in fishing. [G. kbder, bait.] — Cad / '- dice-fly, n. An insect, frequenting marshy places. Caddis, kad'dis, re. A kind of worsted lace or rib- bon. [Ir. & Ga. cadas, cadan, cotton, fustian, W. cadas, a kind of cloth.] Caddow, kad'do, n. A chough; jackdaw. [Ga. cadhag.] Caddy, kad'dl, n. A small box for keeping tea. [Malay kati, a weight of 21£ ounces.] Cade, kad, re. A barrel; cask. [Russ. kade, L. cadus, Gr. kados, a cask.] Cadence, ka'dens, re. A fall of the voice in reading or speaking ; a modulation of sound. {Mil.) A uniform time and pace in marching. (Mus.) A pause at the end of an air; a closing embellishment. — v. t. To regulate by musical measure. [F., fr. L. cadens, cadentis, p. pr. of cadere, Skr. cad, to fall.] — Ca'dency, -sY, re. Same as Cadexce. — Ca'dent, a. Falling. — Caden'za, -za, n. (Mus.) Modula- tion of the voice. [It.] Cader, Cadre, ka'der, re. (JUL) The frame or nucleus of a regiment; a list of officers and men. [F. cadre, It. qucS.ro, fr. L. qiiadrum, a square.] Cadet, ka-def, re. (Mil.) A gentleman who serves as a private, to obtain a commission; a young man in a military school. [F., younger or youngest son, Gascon capdet, fr. LL. capitellnm, dim. of L. caput, head (of the family).] — Cadefsnip, re. Position or condition of, etc. Cadew, ka-du r , Cade-worm. Same as Caddice. Cadge, kaj, v. t. To live on another meanly. [Scot. cache, caich, cadge, to toss, drive, ME. catch, to drive.] — Cadger, kaj'er, n. One who brings butter, eggs, etc., to market from the country; a huckster; one who lives upon others by trickery or begging. — Cadgy, kaj'I, a. Cheerful, as after eating or drink- ing. Cadi, ka'dY, re. ; pi. Ca'dis, -dYz. A Turkish local mag- istrate. [Turk.] Cadmean, kad-me'an, Cadmian, kad'mY-an, a. Pert, to Cadmus, prince of Thebes, said to have intro- duced into Greece 16 letters of the alphabet. Cadmia, kad'ml-a, n. (Min.) An oxide of zinc; for- merly, the ore of zinc, called calamine. [L., fr. Gr. kadmia, calamine.] — Cad'mium, re. (Chem.) A white, ductile, and malleable metal related to zinc. — Cadmium yellow. A yellow compound of cadmium and sulphur, used as a pigment. — CaK amine, -min, re. Silicate, formerly carbonate, of zinc. Caduceus, ka-du'se-us, n. (Myth.) Mercury's rod, — a wand entwined by serpents, and sur- mounted by wings. *[L., fr. Gr. kerux, a herald.] Caducous, ka-du'kus, a. (Bot.) Falling off quickly or easily. [L. caducus, fr. cadere, to fall.] — Cadu'city, -sI-tY, re. Tendency to fall; feebleness of old age. — Cadu'cibrau'chiate, -bran'kl-at, a. (Zo'ul.) Having temporary gills, — said of am- phibia, which lose their gills at maturity. [Gr. brangchion, a gill.] Caesar, se'zar, re. An emperor, — esp. of Germany, as being the successor of Au- fustus Cassar and the Roman emperors ; aiser. — Caesa'rean, Cesa'rean, a. Pert, to Cassar. — Cesarean section. (Surg.) An incision through the parietes of the ab- domen and uterus, to extract the fetus. [Fr. Julius Caesar, said to have been so brought forth, and named in consequence; L. csedere, csesum, to cut.] — Cae'sarism, -izm, re. Personal rule, by armed force, like Julius Caesar's ; imperialism. Caesura. se-zu r ra or-su'ra, n.; E.pl. C^esu'ras, -raz ; L. pi. -rje, -re. (Pros.) A pause or division in a verse; a separation, by ending of a word or pause in the sense, of syllables rythmically connected. [L., fr. csedere, to cut off.] — Csesu'ral, a. Pert, to, etc. Cafe", kaf'a, n. A coffee-house ; lunch-room. [F. cafe. See Coffee.] — Caffeic, -fe^ik, a. (Chem.) Pert, to, or obtained fr., coffee. — Caffeine, -fe'in, re. A white, bitter, crystallizable substance, ob- tained from, etc. Caftan, kaftan or kaf-tan', re. A Persian or Turkish garment. [Turk. qa/tdn.] Cag, kag, re. A small cask or barrel; keg. [Dan. & Sw. kagge, Ic. kaggi.~\ Cage, kaj, n. A box or inclosure, for confining birds, animals, criminals, etc. (Mining.) A hoist for rais- ing ores, persons, etc., from a pit. — v. t. [caged (kajd), cagixg.] To confine in a cage. [F., fr. L. cavea, hollow place, cave, cage.] Caiman. See Caymax. Caique, ka'ek or ka-ek', re. A Turkish skiff or light boat. [Turk, qaiq, boat.] Cairn, karn, re. A rounded or conical pile of stones. [Ir., Ga.,_and W. cam, heap.] Caisson, kas'son, re. (Mil.) A chest containing am- munition ; wagon for conveying military stores. (Arch.) A wooden frame used in submarine build- ing; a panel sunk below the surface. [F., fr. caisse, chest. See Case.] Caitiff, ka'tif, re. A mean, despicable person. — a. Base ; vile. [OF., a captive, wretched person, L. captivus, captive, prisoner, fr. capere, caption, to take ; s. rt. captive and have.'] Cajeput, kaj'e-put, re. An essential oil fr. the East Indies. [Malay, fr. kayu, tree, and pidih, white.] Cajole, ka-joK, v. t. [cajoled (-joldO, cajolixg.] To deceive or delude by flattery: to wheedle, coax, entrap. [OF. cajeoler, to flatter, to chatter like a bird in a cage, fr. OF., gaole,jaiole, dim. of cage.] — Cajoler. re. — Cajolery, -ler-I, re. A wheedling; coax- ing language; flattery. Cake, kak, re. A composition of flour, butter, sugar, etc., baked; a mass of matter concreted and flattened. — v. i. and t. [caked (kakd), cakixg.] To form into a cake, or mass. [Ic. and Sw. kaka, D. koek, G. kuchen, a cake, L. coquere, to cook.]— Cak'ing- coal, re. (Min.) Bituminous coal which becomes pasty or semi-viscid in the fire. Calabar beau, kaKa-bar ben'. The seed of a legu- minous plant of tropical Africa, poisonous, and used to produce contraction of the pupil of the eye, also in tetanus, neuralgia, and rheumatism. Calabash, kaKa-bash, re. The fruit of the calabash tree; a large gourd; a vessel made from the shell, etc. — — Cal'abash tree. A tree of tropical America. [F. callabasse, Pg. calabaca, great" gourd, fr. Ar. qar, a gourd, and aybas, dry.] Calaboose, kal-a-boos', re. A prison : jail. [Corrupt, of Sp. calabozo, dungeon, prob. fr. Ar. gaVdh, castle, and bus, hidden.] Calamanco, kal-a-man /, ko, re. A glossy, woolen stuff, ribbed or plain. [LL. calamancus," NGr. kamelau- kion, a camel's hair head covering.] Calamiferous. See under Calamus. Calamine. See under Cadmia. Calamity, ka-lam^I-tT, re. A great misfortune or cause of misery; disaster; mishap; mischance. [F. calam- ity, L. calamitas.] — Calamitous, -T-tus, a. Suffer- ing, or producing, calamity ; deplorable ; grievous. — Calamitously, adv. — Calam'itousness, re. Calamus, kal'a-mus, re. ; pi. -mi, -mi. (Bot.) Indian cane, a plant of the palm family; also, the sweet flag. [L.] — Calamif A erous, -er-us, a. Producing reeds. Calash, ka-lash', re. A light carriage with low wheels, having a top that can be raised or lowered, and often a movable front, making it either an open or close carriage; also, a Canadian two- wheeled vehi- cle; a hood of a carriage which can be thrown back; a hood-like head-covering. [F. caleche, G. kalesche, Russ. koliaska, fr. koleso, dim. of kolo, a wheel.] Calcar, Calcify, Calcine, etc. See under Calx. Calceated, kar'se-a-ted, a. Fitted with, or wearing, shoes; shod. [L. calceus, shoe.] — Cal'ceola'ria, -rY-a, re. (Bot.) A South Amer. herbaceous or shrubby plant, having shoe-shaped flowers ; slipperwort. Calculate, kal'ku-lat, v. t. To ascertain by arithmet- ical or mathematical processes, or by reckoning pe- culiarities or circumstances ; to fit by adaptation of means to the end ; to compute, estimate, rate. — v. i. To make a calculation. [Improperly used for intend or purpose.] [L. calculare, -latum, to reckon by means of pebbles, fr. calculus, pebble.] — Cal- culable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Calcula'tion, sun, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, th.en, boxbox, chair, get. CALCULUS 70 CALORIC n. Art, act, or result of, etc. — Cal 'dilative, -tiv, a. Pert, to, etc. — Calculator, -ter, n. One who, etc. Calculu3, kal'ku-lus, n. ; pi. -li, -li. {Med.) A solid concretion in the body, usually in the organs that act as reservoirs, and in the excretory canals. (Math.) A method of computation ; one of the branches of mathematics. [L., dim. of calx, a stone. See Calculate and Calx.] — Calculous, -lus, a. Like stone; hard; gritty; affected with stone or gravel. Caldron, kawKdrun, n. A large metal kettle or boiler. [OF.; L. calJarium, fr. caldus for calidus, hot.] Calefacient. kal-e-fa'shent, a. Making warm; heat- ing. — n. (Med.) A substance that excites warmth. [L. calefacere, to make warm, fr. color, heat, and facere, to make.] — Calefac'tion, n. Act of warm- ing ; state of being heated. — Calefac'tive, -tiv, -tory, -to-rl, a. Making warm. — Calefac'tor, -ter, n. A small stove. — Cales'cence, -sens, n. Growing warmth. — Cal'enture, -choor, n. (Med.) Delirium from the heat of the tropical sun at sea. [F., fr. Sp. calentura, L. calere, to be hot.] — CaKefy, -fi, v. i. To grow warm. — v. t. To make warm. Calendar, kaKen-dar, n. An arrangement of the di- visions of time, as days, weeks, months, etc. ; an almanac ; an enumeration of persons or things. — v.t. To enter in a calendar. — a. Contained in, or according to, etc. [L. caleniarium, a money-lend- er's account-book, recording the interest due on the caleads.] — Calendar month. A month according to the common or Gregorian calendar, as given in al- manacs. — C. year. A Gregorian year, or year of our Lord, ending Dec. 31. — Cal'ends, -endz, n. pi. The 1st day of each month among the Romans. [L. calendse, fr. calare, to call, proclaim, Gr. kalein, to call, summon.] Calender, kal'en-der, n. A machine or hot-press, to make cloths, paper, etc., smooth and glossy or wavy; one who calenders; one of a sect of Eastern der- vises, named from the founder. — v. t. [calen- dered (-derd), -derixg.] To press between rollers, etc. [F. calandre, corrup. of celaivlre, 1/L. celenira, f r. L. cylindrus, Gr. kulindros, cylinder, roller.] Calenture, Calescence. See under Calefacient. Calf, kaf, n. ; pi. Calves, kavz. The young of the cow; an ignorant, stupid person; a small island near a larger one; a mass of ice attached to an iceberg. [AS. cealf, D. and Sw. half, Ic. kalfr, Dan. kalb, G. kalb.y — Calve, kav, v. t. To bring forth a calf . [D. kalven, Dan. kalve, G. kalben.~] — Calv'ing, n. Act of, etc.; the breaking off of fragments from icebergs or glaciers. Calf, kaf, n. The fleshy part of the leg behind, below the knee. [Ic. kalfi, Ir. and Ga. kalpa.] Caliber, Calibre, kaKT-ber, n. Diameter of a round body, as of a bullet, or of the bore, as of a cannon or tube; mental capacity. [F. calibre, It. calibro ; perh. fr. L. qua libra? of what weight?; perh.fr. Arab, kalib, Per. kalab, mold, model.] — Callipers, -perz, Cal / iper-com / 'passes, n. pi. Com- passes with curved legs, for measuring the caliber of round bodies. Calice. See Chalice. Calico, kaKl-ko, n. ; pi. -coes, -koz. Plain white cotton cloth; printed cot- ton cloth, coarser than muslin. — a. Made of, etc. ; resembling, etc., — said of a horse, etc., having patches of color different from the general color. [Fr. Calicut, whence the cloth was first imported.] Caliduct, kal'I-dukt, n. A pipe to con- vey heat; a caloriduct. [L. calor, heat, and ducere, ductum, to lead.] Calif. See Caliph. Caligo, ka-li'go, n. (Pathol.) Dimness of sight, from a speck on the cornea; the speck itself. [L., dark- ness, mist.] — Calij'inous, -lij'i-nus, a. Affected with darkness or dimness; dark. Caligraphy. See Calligraphy. Calipash, kal'i-pash, n. Part of a turtle belonging to the upper shell, containing a gelatinous substance of a greenish tinge. — Cal'ipee', n. Part belonging to the lower shell, of a yellowish color. [F. carapace, Sp. galapago, tortoise.] Caliph, Calif, ka'lif, n. Successor or vicar, — a title of the successors of Mohammed. [Ar. khalifah, fr. khaV.ifa to succeed.] — Caliphate, -ifate, -ati n. Of- fice, dignity, or government of, etc. Calisthenic, kal-is-then'ik, a. Pert, to calisthenics. — Calisthenics, n. sing. Art, science, or practice of Calipers. healthful bodily exercise. [Gr. kalos, beautiful, and sthenos, strength.] Calk, kawk, v. t. [calked (kawkt), calking.] To drive oakum into the seams of, as of a ship, to prevent leaking; to put sharp points upon the shoes of, to prevent slipping on ice, — said of a horse or ox; to wound, with a calk, — said of a horse, etc. — n. A point on a shoe, to prevent slipping. [OF. cauauer, to tread, also to tent a wound or insert lint in it, L. calcare, to tread, trample, fr. calx, the heel; Ga. cole, to caulk, cram.] — Calking iron, kawk'ing-i'ern. An instrument like a chisel, used in calking ships. — Calk'er, Calkin, Caulk, Cork. Same as Calk, n. Call, kawl, v. I. [called (kawld), calling.] To in- vite or command to come or be present ; to con- voke, summon, bid; to give a name to; to desig- nate as for office, duty, etc.; to utter loudly. — v. i. To speak loudly, cry out; to make a brief visit. — n. A vocal address of summons or invitation; a public demand ; requisition; a divine summons; a short visit. (Hunting.) A uote blown on a horn. (Xaut.) A whistle to summon sailors to duty. (Fowling.) A noise in imitation of a bird; a pipe to call birds by imitating their voice. [AS. ceallian for callian, Ic. and Sw. kalla, D. and MHG. kallen ; s. rt. Gr. geruein, Skr. gar, to call.] — Call of the house. (Legis. Bodies.) A calling over the names of members, to discover who is absent. — To call back. To retract, recall, summon back. — Toe. down. To bring down, invoke. — To c. for. To demand, re- quire. — To c. forth. To bring or summon to action. — To c. in. To collect, summon together. — To c. off. To summon away, divert. — To c. out. To chal- lenge to fight, summon into service. — To c. over. To recite in order, as a roll of names. — To c. up. To bring to recollection, or into action. — To c. to mind. To recollect. — Call 'or, n. — Calling, n. A sum- mons ; occupation ; vocation ; business. Calla, kalla, n. A genus of plants of the order Ara- ceie. [Gr. kalos, kale, beautiful.] Calligraphy, kal-ligla-f 1, n. Fair or elegant penman- ship. [Gr. kalos and graphein, to write.] — Callig' r - raphist, -fist, n. An elegant penman. — CalligrapE''- ic, -ical, -grafl-kal, a. Calliope, kal-li^o-pe, n. (Myth.) The muse presiding over eloquence and heroic poetry. An organ whose tones are produced by steam instead of wind ; a steam-whistle on locomotives, etc. Callipash, Callipee. See Calipash. Callipers. See Calipers, under Caliber. Callisthenics, n. See Calisthenics. Callow, kaKo, a. Destitute of feathers; naked; un- fledged. [AS. calu, L. calvus, bald.] Callus, kallus, n. (Med.) Any preternatural hard- ness in the body, esp. of the skin; new growth of osseous matter uniting fractured bones. [L.] — Cal- lous, -lus, a. Hardened ; indurated ; obdurate ; un- feeling. — Callously, adv. — Callousness, n. — Cal- losity, -los'I-ti, n. A horny hardness of skin. Calm, kam, a. Not stormy; undisturbed by passion; still; tranquil; serene; placid. — n. Freedom from motion, agitation, or disturbance. — v. t. [calmed (kamd), calming.] To render still or quiet ; to ap- pease, compose, assuage. [F. cabne, calm, still, Pg. calma, LL. cauma, heat of the sun, Gr. kauma, fr. kaiein, to burn.] — Calmly, adv. — Calm'ness, «.— Calm'ative, -tiv, a. Tending to calm. — n. (Med.) A soothing medicine; a depressant. Calomel, kaKo-mel, n. (Chem.) A mild chloride of mercury, used as a medicine. [Gr. kalos, fair, and melas, black, — i. e. the white sublimate got fr. the black corrosive sublimate.] Caloric, ka-lorlk, n. (Physics.) The principle of heat; agent to which phenomena of heat and com- bustion are ascribed. [L. calor, heat.] — Calores''- cence, -es'ens, n. Conversion of heat-rays into light-rays. — Caloricity, -is'I-tT, n. Faculty of de- veloping heat, — esp. in animals, to withstand cold. — Calorific, a. Able to produce heat; heating. J\L. facere, to make.] — Calorific rays. Invisible heating rays emanating from the sun and burning bodies. — Calor'ifica'tion, n. Production of heat, esp. an- imal heat. — Cal'orie, -o-rl, n. The French unit of heat, — amount required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water 1° centigrade. [F.] — Calor'- iduct, n. A tube to convey heat. [L. ducere, duc- tum, to lead.] — Calorlfere, -fer, n. A hot-water heating apparatus for conservatories. [F., fr. L. ferre, to carry.] — Calorim / 'eter. n. An apparatus for measuring the amount of heat contained in bod- ies. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Calorim / 'etry, -trT, n. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; in, ice ; 8dd, tone, 8r ; CALOTTE 71 CAMPHOR (Chem.) Measurement of, etc. — Calor / imo / 'tor, n. A powerful kind of galvanic battery. [L. motor, a mover, fr. morere, to move.] Calotte, ka-lot', Calote, -lot', n. A skull-cap; cap of a sword-hilt. [F. calotte, dim. of OF. cole, a flat cap, prob. fr. L. galea, helmet.] Calotype, kaKo-tip, n. A kind of photographic pic- ture. [Gr. kalos, beautiful, and twos, stamp.] Caloyer, ka-loi'er, re. A monk of the Greek church. [XGr. kalogeros, fr. kalos and geron, old man.] Caltrap, kaKtrap, Cal'trop, Cal'throp, n. A plant whose fruit consists of rive prickly nuts united in a whorl. {Mil.) A ball stuck with four spikes, so that one must point upwards, — used to obstruct cavalry. [AS. calcetreppe, Olt. calcatrippa, star- thistle, fr. L. calcare, to tread. See Calk and Trap.] Calumet, kal'u-met, n. A pipe used by American In- dians as a symbol of peace and war. [F., fr. L. cala- mus, a reed.*] Calumny, karum-nY, re. False accusation; defama- tion; slander. [F. calomnie, L. calumnia.ir. caluere, to deceive; s. rt. challenge."] — Calum^niate, -nT-at, v. t. To accuse falsely and knowingly, asperse, vili- fy, traduce. — Calum nia'tion, re. 1 alse accusation. — Calum'niator, -ter, re. — Calum'nious, -nl-us, a. Containing or implying, etc. — Calum' r niously, adv. Calvary, karva-rY, re. A place of skulls; esp. the place of Christ's crucifixion ; a Roman Catholic chapel containing representations of Christ's pas- sion and death. [L. calvaria, skull.] Calve. See under Calf. Calvinism, kaKvin-izm, re. The theological doctrines of Calvin and his followers. — Cal'vinist, re. One who embraces, etc.— Calvinisfic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. Calx, kalks, n. ; E. pi. Calx'es, -ez ; L. pi. Cal'ces, kal'sez. (Chem.) Earthy residuum remaining after the calcination of a metal or mineral. [L., stone, limestone, Gr. kroke, flint, Skr. carkara, stone, gravel.] — Calcareous, -ka'rT-us, a. Of the nature of limestone; of, or containing, carbonate of lime, — Cal'cic, -sik, a. ( Chem.) Pert, to, or derived from calcium. — Calciferous, -sifer-us, a. Containing carbonate of lime. — Cal'ciform, a. In the form of chalk or lime. — Cal'cify, -fl, v. i. and t. To change into a stony condition, in which lime is a princi- pal ingredient. — Calcine, kal-sin' or. kal'stn, [calcixed_ (-sind or -sind), -cinixg], also CaKci- nate, -si-nat, v. t. To reduce to powder or a friable state, by the action of heat; to oxidize, as a metal. — v. i. To be converted into a powder, etc. — Cal- ciner, -singer, re. One who, or that which, etc. — Calculable, a. — Calcina'tion, a. Operation of, etc. — OWcin' r atory, -sin'a-to-ri, re. A vessel used in, etc. — Calcnrorous, -er-us, a. Eroding or eating into limestone. [L. vorare, to devour.] — Cal'cite, -sit, re. {Min.) Carbonate of lime. — Cal'cium, -st- um, re. {Chem.) The metallic basis of lime. — Calc / '- sinter, re. Loose and porous calcite. [G. kalk, lime, and sinter, dross.] — CaKcimine, -sY-min, n. A white or tinted wash for walls. — v. t. To wash with, etc. — Calcog'Taphy, n. Art of drawing with chalk, or of engraving in the style of chalk-drawing. — Calcog''- rapher, n. — Cal'car, n. An oven or reverberating furnace, used in glass manufacture. {Bot.) A tube into which a petal is lengthened at the base. [L. calcaria, a lime-kiln.] Calyx, kalix, n. : E. pi. Ca'lyxes; L.pl. Cat/yces, kaKT-sez. {Bot.) The outer covering of a flower. [L.; Gr. kalux, calyx, Skr. kalika, a bud; s. rt. chalice, helmet.] — Calycle, kal'T-kl, re. {Bot.) A row of leaflets at the base of the calyx .; outer covering or crown of a seed. [L. caly- cul.us, dim. of calyx.] Cam, kam, n. {Much.) A projecting part, of a wheel, etc., giving an alternating motion to a piece pressing against it. [D. kam, a comb, ridge, G. kamm, comb, cog.] — Cam'-wheel, n. A wheel of ir- regular outline, producing a variable motion. Camaieu, ka-ma'yoo, n. A stone engraved in relief; a painting in a single color. [F. See Cameo.] Camber, kam'ber, re. {Arch.) An arch or convexity on the top of a beam, or of an aperture. [F. cam- brer, to bow, crook, Gr. kamptein, to bend.] — Cam'- bering, a. Convex, — said of a ship's deck, etc. Cambist, kam'bist, re. A banker; one who deals, or is skilled, in exchange. [X. cambire, to exchange.] — Cam'bistry, -rt, re. Science of exchange, weights, measures, etc. Calyx. Camel. Camblet. See Camlet, under Camel. Camboge. See Gamboge. Camboose, kani-boos', re. {Naut.) A cook-room. See Caboose. Cambrel. See Gambrel. Cambric, kam'brik, n. A fine, white fabric of flax or linen: a cotton fabric, in imitation of linen cambric. [Fr. Cambruy, in Flanders.] Came. See Come. Camel, kam 1 ' el, n. A ruminant quadruped, used in Asia and Africa for carrying bur- dens. {Naut.) A contrivance for lifting ships over shoals. [OF. chamel, camel, L. camelus, G. kam- elos, Heb. gamal, Ar. jamal.] — Carn'oFs-hair, a. Made of camel's hair. — Camlet, Cam'elot, -e-lot, re. A cloth, orig. of camel's hair, now of wool or goat's hair with silk or thread. [F. camelot, It. cam- belotto.] Camellia, ka-mel'ya, re. A genus of evergreen shrubs. [Fr. the Jesuit, Geo. Jos. Kamel (or Camellus), who introduced it f r. Asia.] Camelopard, ka-mel'o-pard or kam'el-, re. (Zobl.) A ruminant, long-necked, African quadruped; the gi- raffe. [Gr. kamelopardalis, fr. kamelos (see Camel) and pardalis, leopard, pard.] Cameo, kam'e-o, re. ; pi. -os, -oz. A precious stone or a shell carved in relief. [F. camieu, It. cammeo, LL. camrnseits, perh. fr. G. camme, OF. game, L. gemma, a gem.] Camera, kam r e-ra, re. {Arch.) A vaulted roof or ceil- ing. The camera obscura. [L. See Chamber.] — Cam'era Lu'cida, -lu'si-da. {Opt.) An instrument which reflects a picture that may be traced on pa- per, etc. [L., light chamber.] — C. Obscura, -ob-sku'- ra. An apparatus which reflects external images, received through a lens, upon a white surface with- in a darkened chamber. [L., dark chamber.] — Cam'erated, -er-at-ed, a. {Arch.) Divided into chambers; arched or vaulted. Camisade, kam-t-sad / ', -sado, -sa'do, re. {Mil.) A shirt worn over a soldier's uniform, for recognition in the dark; an attack by surprise at night. [F. camisade, fr. OF. camise, shirt.] — Cam'isole, -sol, n. A waist- coat ; dressing-jacket ; straight-jacket. [F., dim. of camise.] Camlet. See under Camel. Camomile, Chamomile, kam'o-mll, re. A bitter plint, used in medicine. [LL. camomilla, Gr. chamaine- lon, lit. earth-apple, fr. charnai, on the earth, and melon, apple.] Camp, kamp, ?i. Ground containing tents, huts, etc., for shelter; company of persons encamped in the same spot. — v. t. [camped (kampt), camping.] To afford lodging for, as an army, travelers, etc. — v. i. To rest or lodge; to pitch tents, etc.; to encamp. [F., a camp, host, field ; L. campus, field ; LL. campus, AS. and ME. camp, D., Dan., and Sw. kamp, Ie. kapp, G. kampf, battle.] — Camp'bedstead, re. A compact, portable bedstead. — foKlower, re. A non- combatant who attends an army. — meeting, re. An encampment in a retired place, for devotion. — -stool, re. A stool which folds into a small compass. Campaign, kam-pan', re. A large, open plain ; an extensive tract without hills. (Mil.) The time that an army keeps the field. (U. S. Politics.) The con- test for an election; a canvass. — v. i. To serve in a campaign. [F.campaigne, open field, L. campania, a plain, esp. that around Naples, fr. campus. See Camp.] — Campaign^er, re. One who has served in campaigns; an old soldier; veteran. Campaniform, kam-pan'i-fdrm, a. {Bot.) In the shape of a bell. [LL. campana, bell, and L. forma, form.] — CampanoKogy, -jT. re. Art of ringing bells; a treatise on it. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Campan'- ulate, -u-lat, a. (Bot.) Bell-shaped. — Cam'panile, -ne'la, re. (Arch.) A bell-tower. [It. and LL. | Campestral, kam-pes'tral, -triari, -tri-an, a. Pert, to, or growing in a field, or open ground. [L. campester, -pestris, fr. campus, field.] Camphene, -phine, kam-fen', re. (Chem.) Pure oil of turpentine. [Contr. of camphor/en.] Camphor, kam-fer, re. The solidified sap of an East Indian laurel tree. [F. camphre, LL. camphora, Skr. karpura, Ar. kafur, camphor, fr. Malay ka- pur, chalk.] — Cam'phire, -fir,_ re. Obs. spelling of camphor. — Cam^phorate, -f er-at, v. t. To impreg- nate with, etc. — Camphoric, -fOr^ik, a. Pert, to, or having qualities of, etc. — Camphretic, -fret'ik, o. stini cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, get. CAMPION 72 CANON Pert, to a tribasic acid obtained from camphor by the action of nitric acid. Campion, kam'pl-on, n. A plant bearing poisonous berries. TProb. fr. L. campus.'] Cam-wood, kam'w6t>d, n. A hard, red dye-wood, from Sierra Leone. [Peril, abbrev. of Canqieachy wood.] Can, kan, n. A cup or vessel for liquids. — v. t. [canned (kand), canning.] To preserve in cans, as lish, veg- etables, etc. [AS. canna, Ic. and Sw. kanna, D. kan, a can, mug.] — Can'akin, -nikin, n. A little can. Can, kan, v. i. [imp- cocld.] To be able; to have power. [AS. cunnan, D. kunnen, Ic. and Sw. kanna ; s. rt. cunning, ken, know, uncouth.] Canaille, ka-naK or ka'na'y', n. The lowest class of people; the rabble; vulgar; shorts, or low grades of flour. [F., orig. a pack of dogs, fr. L. canis, dog.] Canal, ka-naK, n. An artificial water-course, esp. one for boats. (Anat.) A duct for the passage of liquids or solids. [F. ; L. canalis, a channel, trench, canal, also a reed-pipe; Skr. khan, to dig.] Canard, kan-ar' or kan-ard', n. An extravagant fabri- cation. [F.] Canary, ka-na'rl, n. Wine made in the Canary Isles. — Cana'ry-bird, -berd, n. A singing bird of the finch family, native in, etc. Cancan, kaN-k&N or kan'kan, n. Scandal; tittle-tat- tle ; an indecent French dance. [F.] Cancel, kan'sel, v. t. [canceled (-seld), -celing.] To cross and deface the lines of, blot out, destroy, obliterate, erase, abrogate, do away. {Print.) To suppress and reprint. — n. (Print.) The suppression and reprinting of a part of a work; the part thus al- tered. [F. canceller, Law L. cancellare, to draw lines across a deed, f r. L. cancellus, a grating, dim. of can- cer, a crab ; s. rt. chancel, chancellor, etc.] — Cancel- lated, a. Marked with cross lines. — Cancellation, n. Act of, etc. (Math.) Operation of striking out common factors. Cancer, kan'ser, n. The crab. (Astron.) A sign in the zodiac, denoting the northern limit of the sun's course. (Med.) A livid, scirrhous tumor, usually terminating in an ulcer, and rarely cured. [L. ; Gr. karkinos, Skr. karkata, a crab, fr. karkara, hard.] — Can'cerate, v. t. To grow into a cancer. — Cancer - a'tion, n. A growing cancerous. — Can'cerous, -us, a. Like, consisting of, or affected with, cancer. — Cancriform, kan/krl-fSrm, a. Crab-shaped ; like a cancer; cancerous. — Cancrine, kan'krin, a. Having the qualities of a crab. — Canker, kan/ker, n. An ulcer in the mouth ; anything that corrupts or cor- rodes. (Hort.) A disease in trees. (Far.) A disease of horses' feet. The dog-rose ; a caterpillar. — v. t. [-kered (-kerd), -kering.] To corrode, eat, cor- rupt, infect. — v. i. To become venomous; to waste away, grow rusty. — Can'kered, -kerd, a. Crabbed, venomous, or malignant, in temper. — Can'kerous, -us, «. Corroding like, etc. — Can'ker-rash, n. (Med.) A form of scarlet-fever, in which the throat becomes ulcerated. — worm, n. A worm destructive of trees and plants; span-worm; green-looper. Candelabrum. See under Candle. Candid, kan'did, a. Orig. white ; free from bias ; im- partial; open; frank; equitable. [F. candide, white, bright, also sincere, innocent, L. candidus, white, shining, bright, fr. candere, Skr. chand, to shine.] — Can'didly, adv. — Can'didness, n. — Can'dent, a. Heated to whiteness ; glowing with heat. — Can- didate, -dl-dat, n. One who seeks or is proposed for office or preferment. [L. candidates, clothed in white, — the dress of such applicants in Rome.] — Candidacy, -dl-da-sl, -dature, -da-chur, -dateship, -dat-ship, n. Position of, etc. — Can'dor, -der, n. Freedom fr. prejudice or disguise ; sincerity. [L.] Candle, kan'dl, n. Tallow, wax, spermaceti, paraf- fine, etc., inclosing a wick, and used to furnish light. [AS. candel, L. candela, fr. candere. See Candid.] — Can'dle-mas, ». The festival of the purification of the Virgin Mary, held Feb. 2, when many candles were burned. [AS. candelmsesse.] — Can'dle-coal, n. A bright-burning coal; cannel- coal. — light,?!. The light of, etc. — nut, n. The fruit of a Pacific island shrub, which burns with a bright flame : its oil is exported for soap-making. — -stick, n. A utensil to hold, etc. — Candela'brum, n. ; L. pi. -bra, -bra, E. pi. -brums. A tall candle- stick; stand for supporting lamps; chandelier. [L.] — Chandelier, shan-de-ler', n. A frame with branches for candles or other lights. [F.] — Chand- ler, chand'ler, it. One who makes or sells candles, also other commodities indicated by a word pre- fixed, as corn-chandler, ship-chandler. [OF. chande- lier, L. candelarius.] — Chandlery, -ler-I, n. Com- modities sold by, etc. Candy, kan 'dl, v. t. [candied (-did), -dying.] To con- serve or boil in sugar; to form into crystals, as sugar. — v. i. To change into, or become impregnated, or covered with, sugar; to be formed into crystals. — n. A preparation of sugar or sirup ; a confection of sugar. [F. candir, It. candire, to candy, fr. It. candi, Ar. and Per. qand, sugar, candy.] Candy-tuft, kan'dl-tuft, n. An annual plant, native of Candia. Cane, kan, n. (Pot.) A plant of several species, in- cluding reeds, as bamboo, rattan, etc., also sugar- 1 cane. A reed; walking-stick; staff; a lance made of cane. — v. t. [caned (kand), caning.] To beat with, etc. ; to make or furnish with, etc. [F. canne. L. canna, Gr. kanna, a cane, perh. fr. Heb. ganeh, a reed, Ar. qanat, a cane ; s. rt. cannister, cannon, can- on.] — Cane'brake, n. A thicket of canes. — Can'y, -I, a. Of cane, or abounding in canes. Canicula, ka-nik'u-la, Canicule, kan'I-kul, n. (Asti on.) A star in the constellation of Canis Major ; the Log- star, or Sirius. [L. canicida, dim. of canis, dog. J — Canic'ular, a. Pert, to, or measured by, the rising of the Dog-star. Canine, ka-nin', a. Tert. to dogs ; having the quali- ties of a dog. [L. canimts, fr. canis, dog.] — Canine teeth. The pointed teeth, between the incisors and grinders, — resembling a dog's teeth. See Tooth. Canister, kan'is-ter, n. A basket of rushes, reeds, etc. ; a case for holding tea, coffee, etc. [L. canis- trum, Gr. kanastron, wicker basket, fr. kane, kanna. See Cane.]— Canister-shot, n. (Mil.) A number of small iron balls inclosed in a case fitting a gun. Canker. See under Cancer. Cannabin, -bine, kan'na-bin, n. (Chem.) A poison- ous resin extracted from hemp (Cannabis Jndtca), giving hasheesh its narcotic effects. [See Canvas.] Cannel-coal, kan'nel-kol, n. A hard black coal, which burns with a clear flame. [Corrupt, of candle-coal ; Prov. E. cannel, candle. See under Candle.] Cannibal, kan'nl-bal, n. One who eats human flesh; a man-eater. [Sp. canibal, corrupt, of Caribal, a Carib, Caribbean, assimilated to Sp. canino, vora- cious, fr. L. canis, dog.] — Cannibalism, -izm, n. Act or practice of, etc.; murderous cruelty. Cannon, kan'un, n. A hollow metal cylinder closed A, cascabel; B, first re-en- force ; C, second re-en- force; D, chase; E, swell of the muzzle; F, trunn- ion ; G, rim-base ; a. base- ring; o, base of the breech. at one end, for throwing balls by the force of gun- powder. (Mech.) A hollow cylindrical piece, inclos- ing a revolving shaft. [F., fr. L. canna, reed, tube. See Cane.] — Cannonade, -ad', n. Act of attacking with balls from cannon. — v.t. To attack with ar- tillery^— ,v. i. To discharge cannon. — Cannoneer r , -ier', -er, n. An artillery-man. — Can'nonry, -rY, n. Cannon collectively ; artillerj'. — Can'non-ball. n. A ball to be thrown from, etc. — shot, n. A cannon- ball; the distance a cannon will .throw balls. Cannot, kan 'not. To be unable, [can and not, usu ally united in writing and printing.] Cannular, kan'u-lar, a. Having the form of a tube ; tubular. JL. cannula, dim. of canna, reed, tube.] Canny, kan'nl, a. Gentle; cautious; harmless; good. [Scot.; le,. kanna, to know.] Canoe, ka-noo', n. A boat formed of a tree trunk ex- cavated or of bark or skins. [Sp. canoa, a Caribbean word.] Canon, kan'un, «. A law or rule, esp. an ecclesias- tical law, or rule of doctrine or discipline ; the gen- uine books of the Scriptures ; a catalogue of saints. (MusA A continued fugue ; a round. One who holds a prebend in a ca- thedral, etc. (Print.) The largest size of type having a specific name, — former- ly used for printing the canons of the church. [AS. and L., a rule, law ; Gr. kanon, a rod, measur- ing rule, also a rule or ue ; a round. One who Aa Canon Type. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare; 2nd, eve, term; In, Ice; Sdd, tone, Cr; CANON 73 CAPIAS model, standard of right. See Cane.] — Can'oness, n. A woman who enjoys a prebend. — Canon'ic, -ical. a. Pert, to a canon ; according to the canon or rule. — Canon'ically, adv. — Canon/icalness, n. — Canon'icals. -alz, n. pi. Full clerical dress. — Ca- non'icate. -ik-at, Can'onry, -rT, -onshlp, re. The office of a canon. — Canonicity, -is'l-tl, n. State of belonging to the canon, or genuine books of Scripture ; canonicalness. — Can'onist, n. A pro- fessor of canon law. — Canonist 'ic. a. Pert, to a canonist. — Can'onize, -Iz, v. t. [-ized (-Izd), -iz- ING.] (Bom. Cath. Church.) To place upon the catalogue of saints. — Canoniza'tion, n. Ceremony or act of placing one deceased in the catalogue of saints ; state of being canonized. — Can'on law. (Eccl.) The law sanctioned by the church of Rome. Canon, Canyon, kan'yun, re. A gorge, ravine, or gulch, worn by streams. [Sp. canon, tube or hollow.] Canopy, kan'o-pY, n. A covering over a throne, bed, etc., or overhead. (Arch.) An ornamental projec- nets, fr. konops, gnat, mosquito.] Cant, kant, v. t. To incline, or place upon edge, as a cask; to give a sudden turn or impulse to; to cut off an angle from. — re. An inclination from a horizon- tal line ; a thrust, push, etc., with a jerk. [D., Dan., and Sw. kant, edge, margin, fr. D. kantre, to cant, upset, G. kante, corner/] — Cantle, kan'tl, re. A fragment, corner, or edge of anything; the hind-bow of a saddle. [OF. cantel, fr. G. kante.] — Cant'let, n. A piece. — Cant'hook, n. A lever with a hook at the end, for canting, or turning over, heavy logs. Cant, kant, v. i. To speak in a whining voice, or an af- fected, singing tone; to make whining pretensions to goodness.— n. An affected mode of speaking; a word or phrase hackneyed, corrupt, or peculiar to some profession; religious phraseology; secret language of gypsies, thieves, beggars, etc. — a. Affected, inele- gant, vulgar, — said of language. [L. cantare, freq. of canere, to sing.] — Cant'er, re. — Cant'ingly, adv. Can't, kant. A colloq. contr. for can not. Cantaleup, -loupe, kan'ta-loop, n. A variety of musk- melon. [Fr. Cantalupo, in Italy.] Cantalever, kan'ta-lev-er, Cantilever, kan'tt-, n. (Arch.) A bracket to support a balcony, eaves of a house, etc. [E. cant,' slant, angle, and lev- er.] Cantankerous, kan-tan'ker-us, a. Very vile or bitter ; perverse ; malicious ; contentious. — Can- n . , tan'kerousness, n. cantalever. Cantata, kan-ta/ta or -ta'ta, n. (3hts.) A poem set to music. [It., fr. It. and L. cantare, to sing. See Cant.] — Cantab 'ile, -Y-la, Cantilena, -te-la'na, n. A piece suited for singing ; a melody. [It.] — Can'- ticle, -tt-kl, n. A little song; pi. the Song of Solo- mon, a book of the Old Testament. [L. canticulum, dim. of canticum, a song.] — Can'tillate, v. t. To chant. [L. cantillare, dim. of cantare.] — Can'til- lation, n. Chanting. — Can'to, n. ; pi. Can'tos, -toz, A chief division, or book, of a poem. (Mils.) The soprano, or highest part. [It.] — Can'tor, n. The leader of a choir ; precentor. [L., singer.] — Can'- toral, a. Pert, to, etc. — Canzo'ne, -na, n. A song or air in 2 or 3 parts, with passages of fugue and imitation. [It.] — Canzonet'', n. A little song, in 1, 2, or 3 parts. [It., dim., of canzone.] Canteen, -tine, kan-ten', n. A soldier's vessel for car- rying liquor. [F. cantine, fr. It. cantina, a cellar, dim. of canto, a part, cornej, angle, G. kante. See Cant.] — Cantiniere, -ten'yar, n. A female sutler ; a vivandiere. [F.] Canter, kan'ter, re. An easy gallop. — v. i. [can- tered, (-terd), -teeing.] To move, as a horse, in a canter. — v. t. To ride upon, etc. [Abbr. of Can- terbury gallop, the pace of easy-going pilgrims.] Canterbury, kan'tSr-beVTt, re. A stand for music, portfolios, etc. Cantharis, kan'tha-ris, re. ; pi. -tharides, -th&r'Y-dez. (Entom.) A coleopterous insect or beetle, used for blistering; Spanish fly. [L. and Gr.] Canticle, Canto, Cantor, etc. See under Cantata. Cantine. See Canteen. Cantle, Cantlet. See under Cant. Canton, kan'ton or kan-ton', n. A small portion of territory, constituting a government; a part, or di- vision. — v. t. [cantoned (kan'tond or kan-tond r ), -toning.] To divide into districts or portions; to allot separate quarters to, as to troops. [F., a corner, a canton, LL. cantonum, a region, province, fr. canto, a squared stone, a province.] — Can'tonal, a. Pert, to, or divided into, etc. — Can'tonize, v. t. To divide into, etc. — Can'tonment, n. A division of a town, etc., assigned to particular troops. Canton flannel._See Cotton-flannel, under Cotton. Cantoon, kan-toon'", n. A kind of strong fustian. Canvas, kan'vas, n. A coarse cloth of nemp or flax, for tents, sails, painting, etc.; the sails of a vessel. [F. canevas, LL. canabacius, canvas, fr. L. cannabis, Gr. kannabis, Skr. cana, Per. kanab, hemp.] — Can''- vas-back, re. (Ornith.) A species of sea-duck, named from the markings of its plumage. — Can'vass, v. t. [canvassed (-vast), -VASSiNO.] To sif t, strain, exam- ine thoroughly, discuss, debate; to go through in the way of solicitation. — v. i. To solicit votes or inter- est. — re. Close inspection to know the state of; ex- amination in the way of discussion ; a solicitation or effort to obtain something. [Orig., to sift through canvas.] — Can'vasser, n. One who solicits votes or subscriptions, or examines returns of votes. Canyon. See Canon. Canzone, Canzonet, _See under Cantata. Caoutchouc, koo'chook, re. An elastic substance, ob- tained fr. the juice of several tropical plants; India rubber; gum elastic. [F., fr. Caribbean cauchuc] — Caout'chine, -chin, -cnoucine, -chob-sin, n. A vola- tile liquid distilled from, etc. Cap, kap, n. A covering for the head ; a cover ; top. — v. t. [capped (kapt), capping.] To cover the top or end of; to render complete, consummate; to provide with a cap. [AS. cseppe, LL. cappa, cape, cope, cap; perh. f r. L. capere, to contain.] — To cap verses. To name alternately verses beginning with a particular letter. — To set one's cap for. To seek a man's af- fections, with a view to marriage. — Cap pa'per. Coarse, brown paper, used for making bags; fools- cap, writing paper of a large size. — sheaf, n. The top sheaf of a stack of grain. — Cape, kap, n. Part of a garment, covering the shoulders; a cloak. [OF. cape, Pr., Sp., and Pg. capa, It. cappa, Ic. and Sw. kapa, DsLn.kappe, D. kap, G. kappe, fr. LL. cappa.] — Caparison, ka-par'I-sun, n. The covering of a horse ; trappings ; gay clothing. — v. t. [-soned (-sund), -soning.] To cover with, etc.; todress^ [Sp. caparazon, fr. capa.] — Capoch, -pouch, ka-pooch r , re. A monk's hood; the hood of a cloak. — v. t. To cover with a hoodj^ to hoodwink or blind. [Sp. ca- pucho.] — Capote, -of, n. A long cloak for women; a hooded cloak for soldiers, sailors, etc. [F.] — Cap'- uchin', -u-shen'', n. A Franciscan monk, whose dress includes a cowl; a hooded cloak for women; a kind of pigeon having hood-like feathers on the head. [F. capucin, fr. capuce, hood, cowl.] Capable, Ka'pa-bl, a. Possessing ability, qualifica- tion, or susceptibility; able; fitted; effective; skill- ful. [F., fr. LL. capabilis, fr. L. capere, to hold, contain.] — Capability, Ca'pableness, re. Capacious, ka-pa'shus, a. Having capacity; spacious; extended; having ability to take large views of things; broad; comprehensive; liberal. [L. capax, capacis, fr. capere.] — Capa'ciously, adv. — Capaciousness, re. — Capacitate, -pas'I-tat, v. t. To render capable, qualify. — Capac'ity, -ti, n. Power of receiving or containing; extent of room or space; ability; element of power ; condition or circumstances ; character. (Law.) Aptitude or qualification, as of age, resi- dence, etc. (Geom.) The solid contents of a body. Cap-a-pie, kap'a-pe''. From head to foot. [OF.] Caparison. See under Cap. Cape, kap, re. Part of a garment covering the shoul- ders. [See under Cap.] —A neck of land extending into the sea; a headland. [F. cap, It. capo, head- land, cape, fr. L. caput, head.] Capellet, kap'el-et, n. (Far.) A wen-like swelling on a horse's hock. [F. capelet.] Caper, ka'per, v. i. To leap or jump about, spring, dance. — n. A frolicsome leap; a skip; jump. [It. capriolare, to caper, leap like a goat, fr. capriolo, kid, dim. of caprio, roe-buck, wild goat, L. caper, capra, wild goat.] — Cap'riole, -rt-ol, re. A leap that a horse makes without advancing; a caper in dan- cing; a lady's head-dress. [F., fr. It. capriola, leap of a kid; s. rt. caln'iolet.] Caper, ka'per, n. (Bot.) The flower-bud or unex- panded flower of the caper-bush, used for pickling. [F. capre, L. capparis, Gr. kapparis, Per. kabar.] — Ca'per bush, C. tree. A genus of low shrubs, some of which produce berries, and others pods. Capias, ka'pT-as, n. (Law.) A writ or process order- sun, cube, full ; moon, fot)t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get, CAPILLARY CAPTIOUS ing the arrest of the person named in it; writ of ca- pias. [L., thoumayst take, fr. capere, to take.] Capillary, kap'il-la-rT or ka-piKla-ri, a. Resembling a hair; long and slender; pert, to capillary tubes or vessels. — Capillary, n. A fine vessel or canal; esp. one of the vessels connecting arteries and veins. [L. capillus, hair; s. rt. L. caput, head.] — Capillary at- traction and repulsion. The cause of the ascent or descent of a fluid in a capillary tube which is dipped in a surrounding fluid. — Capillarity, -lar'T-ti, n. State of being, etc. — Capillaceous, -la/shus, a. Having long filaments ; resembling hair. — Capil''- lament, n. A filament or hair-like fiber. Capital, capitals. kap r I-tal, a. Pert, to the head; involving forfeiture of the head or lif e ; first in im- portance. [F., chief, capital, L. cap>italis, pert, to the head, fr. L. caput, head.] — n. {Arch.) The head o r upper- most part of a col- umn , pi- laster, etc. |LL. cap- it ellus , dim. of L. c ap ut . ] The chief city in a cou n t r y ; Doric. Ionic, metropolis; a stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.; means of increasing one's power; influence. [F. capital, LL. capitale, wealth, stock, fr. L. cap- italist {Print.) A letter such as is used at the be- ginning of a sentence or proper name, and distin- guished by form K -rt n,T\T^T7> or size from the ABCDE1 1 ABCDEF o°fXe?ame le typ r e S Capitals. Small Capitals. {Fort.) The line bisecting the salient angle of a rav- elin. See Ravelin. — Capitalist, n. A man of large property. [F. capitaliste.] — Capitalize, -Iz, v. t. To convert into capital, as money or stock ; to com- mence with a capital letter. — Cap / italiza /, tion, n. Act of converting, etc. ; use of capital letters. — Cap /r - itally, adv. — Capitation, n. A numbering of per- sons: a tax upon each head; poll-tax; capitation tax. [F.; LL. capitatio, fr. L. caput.'] — Caplte, -1-te, n. (OE. Law.) A tenure of land directly from the king. [L., abl. case of caput.'] Capitol, kap'Y-tol, n. The temple of Jupiter, in Rome; the edifice occupied by a legislature; government- house. [L. capitolium, f r. caput.] Capitular, ka-pifu-lar, a. Pert, to a chapter. {Bot.) Growing in small heads, as dandelions. — Capif- ular, -ulary, -u-la-rT, n. An act passed in a chapter of knights, canons, etc.; a collection of laws or statutes ; a member of a chapter. — Capifulary, a. Pert, to the chapter of a cathedral. [LL. capitula- rium, book of decrees, capitulum, chapter of a book, cathedral chapter, dim. of L. caput.] — Capifulate, -u-lat, v. i. To surrender on stipulated terms, as an army, etc. [LL. capitulare, to arrange in chap- ters, hence to propose terms.] — Capit / ula / 'tion, n. A reducing to heads or articles; act of surrendering, etc. ; an instrument containing the terms of surren- der. — Capit / ula' r tor, n. Capivi, ka-pe've, n. A balsam. See Copaiba. Capnomancy, kap'no-man-sT, n. Divination by the motion of smoke. [Gr. kapnos, smoke, and mahteia, divination.] Capoch, Capouch, Capote. See under Cap. Capon, ka'pn or ka'pun, n. A cock gelded to im- £rove his flesh for the table. [AS. capun, D. kapoen, i. capo, Gr. kapon, a capon, fr. Gr. koptein, to cut.] — Ca'ponize, v. t. To castrate, as a fowl. Caponiere, kap-o-ner', n. {Fort.) A work placed in a ditch for its defense by fire-arms; often serving as a covered passage-way. [F. caponniere.] Caporal, kap'o-ral, n. A kind of smoking tobacco. [F., a corporal.] Capot, ka-pof, n. A winning of all the tricks of cards at the game of piquet. [Perh. abbr. fr. caput mortuum, q. v.; perh. fr. Heb. kapporeth, expiatory sacrifice, a curse.] Capreolate, kap're-o-lat, a. {Bot.) Having tendrils, or spiral claspers. [L. capreolus, wild goat, tendril.] Caprice, ka-pres', n. Sudden or unreasonable change of mind; fickleness; freak; whim ; vagary. [F.; It. capriccio, caprezzo, a caprice; perh. fr. It. caprio, ■ (frisk of) a goat; perh. fr. It. capo, heat, and rezzo, ague-fit.] — Capricious, -prish^us, a. Governed by caprice; unsteady; captious. — Capriciously, adv. — Capri'ciousness, n. — Capric'cio, -prefcho, n. {Miis.) A loose, irregular composition. [It.] Capricorn, kap'rT-kSrn, n. {Astron.) The 10th sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters at the winter solstice, about Dec. 21st. [L. capricornus, horned goat, fr. caper, goat, and cornu, horn.] — Caprinca'- tion, n. A hastening of the ripening of fruit, esp. of figs, practiced in the Levant. [L. caprificare, to ripen figs by the stinging of the gall-insect, f r. cap- rificus, wild fig, fr. caper and ficus, fig.] — Cap'ri- form, a. Having the form of a goat. [L. forma, form.] — Caprigenous, -prij^e-nus, a. Produced by a goat. [L. genere, gignere, to produce.] Capriole. See under Caper. Capsicum, kap'sY-kum, n. A genus of plants produ- cing red or Cayenne pepper. [NL., fr. capsa, box, the pepper being in pods.] — Cap'sicine, -sY-sin, n. {Chem.) The active principle of, etc. Capsize, kap-slz', v. t. [-sized (-sizdOi -sizingJ. To upset or overturn, as a vessel. — n. An overturn. [Perh. corrupt, of Sp. cabeceur, to nod the head in sleep, to pitch, fr. cabeza, the head, fr. L. caput.) Capstan, kap'stan, n. {Naut.) A machine to weigh anchor or draw up great weights, operating with a cable wound round it like a wheel and axle. [F. cabestan, Sp. cabestrante, fr. cabestrar, L. capistrare, to tie with a halter, fr. Sp. cabestro, L. capistrum, a halter, fr. L. ca- pere, to hold.] Capsule, kap'sul, n. {Bot.) A seed-pod or pericarp. {Chem.) A clay saucer for roasting or melting samples of ores, etc.; an evaporating dish. {Physiol.) A small membranous sac. A metallic cover for closing a bottle. A percussion cap. [F.; L. capsula, little chest, dim. of capsa, chest, fr. ca- pere, to hold.] — Capsular, -sulary, -Y, a. Hollow, like, etc.; pert, to, etc. — Cap'sulate, -lated, a. In- closed in, or as in, a chest, etc. Captain, kap'tan, n. The military officer command- ing a company or troop; also the commander of a ship, foreman of workmen, etc.; a military leader; warrior. [OF. capitain, LL. capitaneus, capitanus, fr. L. caput.] — Captain-general. (Mil.) A com- mander-in-chief. — C. -lieutenant. An officer, who, with the rank of captain, and pay of lieutenant, commands a company or troop. — Cap'taincy, -st, n. Rank, post, or commission of, etc. — Cap'tainry, -rt, n. Chieftainship: captainship. — Cap'tainship, n. Condition, rank, post, or authority of a captain; skill in military affairs. Caption, kap'shun, n. {Law.) That part of a legal instrument which shows where, when, and by what authority, it was taken, found, or executed. The heading of a chapter, section, or page. [L. captio, fr. capere, to take, seize.] Captious, kap'shus, a. Apt to find fault or cavil; fitted to catch or perplex ; petulant; fretful. [F. captieux, fr. L. captiosus, sophistical, critical, fr. capture, to snatch at, endeavor to take, f req. of ca- pere.'] — Cap'tiously, adv. — Cap'tiousness, n. — Cap live, -tiv, n. A prisoner taken in war; one charmed or subdued by beauty, excellence, or affec- tion. — a. Made prisoner; kept in bondage; serv- ing to confine; pert, to bondage. [L. captivus, fr. capere.] — Cap'tivate, v. t. Lit., to capture; to over- power with excellence or beauty, fascinate. — Cap- tiva''tion, n. Act of, etc. — Captivity, -tiv'Y-tt, n. State of being a prisoner or under control ; sub- jection. — Cap'tor, -ter, n. One who takes, as a pris- oner or a prize. [L.] — Capture, kap'chur, n. Act of taking by force; seizure; thing taken. '—v. t. To take by force, surprise, or stratagem. Capstan. &m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Tn, Ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; CAPUCHIN 75 CARDINAL Capuchin. See under Cap. Caput Mortuum, ka'put-m&r'tu-um. Residuum of dis- tillation or sublimation ; worthless residue. [L., dead head.] Car, kar, n. A small vehicle moved on wheels; a rail- road carriage; a chariot of war. [OF. car, cJiar, fr. L. carrus, a four-wheeled carriage used in Gaul; W. car, a raft, drag, Ga. car, cart, raft, Ir. carr, cart, dray; s. rt. L. currus, chariot, fr. currere, to run, Skr. char, to move; also E. career, cargo, carack, carpenter, charge, chariot.] — Carry, kar'rt, v. t. [carried (kar'rid). carrying.] To convey or trans- port; to bear; to cause to move forward/urge, im- pel; to transfer from one place to another; to effect, accomplish; to obtain possession of by force ; to bear the aspect of, exhibit, imply; to behave, con- duct, demean. — v. t. To convey or propel; to bear. [OF. carter, to carry, transport in a car, fr. car.] — To carry coals to Newcastle. To take things where thev already abound; to lose one's labor. — To c. off. To "kill. — To con. To promote, help forward; to manage, prosecute ; to behave boisterously. — To c. out. To put into execution, bring to a successful issue. — Carrying trade. Freighting. — Carriage, -rij, n. Act of carrying ; conveyance; that which carries; a vehicle; manner of carrying one's self; de- meanor; conduct. — Car'riageable, -rij-a-bl, a. Pass- able by carriages. — Car'rier, -rl-er, n. — Carriole, -I-ol, n. A small open carriage. [It. carriuola, dim. of car.] — Car'ry-all, -rf-awl, n. A light, four- wheeled one-horse covered vehicle. [Corrup. fr. cari- ole.] — Cart, kiirt, n. A two-wheeled vehicle for loads. — v. t. To carry in, etc. [AS. crset for csert, W. cart, Ga. and Ir. cairt, dim. of car.] — Cart'age, n. Act of, etc.; price paid for, etc. — Cart'er, n. — Cart-wright, -rlt, n. A maker of, etc. Carabine. See Carbixe. Carack, Carrack, kar'ak, n. A large ship of burden, formerly used by the Portuguese. [OF. carraque, fr. LL. carraca, ship of burden, fr. carracare, to lade a car. fr. L._ carrus, car.] Caracole, kar'a-kol, n. A half turn made by a horse- man. (Arch.) A spiral staircase. — r.i. To move in, etc.; to wheel. [F. and Sp. caracal, a snail, hence a spiral or twist.] Carafe, ka-raf , n. A glass decanter for the table or toilet. [F.] Caragheen. See Carrageen. Caramel, kar'a-mel, n. (Chem.) A black, porous sub- stance obtained by heating sugar to about 400°. A confection made of chocolate, butter, and molasses or sugar. [L. canna, reed, and mel, honey.] Carapace, kar'a-pas, Car'apax, n. A thick shell, cov- ering the turtle's back; upper shell of crabs, etc. [F. carapace, fr. Gr. karabos, a crustaceous animal.] Carat, kar'at, n. A jewelers' weight of 4 grains, used in weighing precious stones; a l-24th part, — a denomination used in determining the proportionate fineness of gold, which is supposed to be divided into 24 equal parts. [F., fr. Ar. qirrat, a carat, the 24th of an ounce, or 4 barley-corns, Gr. keration, the seed of the locust tree, nearly of this weight.] Caravan, kSr'a-van or kSr-a-van', n. A company of travelers, pilgrims, etc., traveling together for se- curity; a large carriage on springs, or train of car- riages, for conveying wild beasts, etc. [F. caravane, fr. Per. karivan.] — Caravan'sary, -sa-rt, -serai, -se- rl, n. An Eastern inn, where caravans rest at night. [Per. saray, palace, public edifice, inn.] Caravel, kar'a-vel, Carvel, kar'vel, n. A kind of light, round, old-fashioned ship; a boat used in the French herring-fishery. [F. caravelle, It. cararela, L. carabus, a light ship.] Caraway, kar'a-wa, n. (Bot.) A biennial aromatic plant of the parsley family, and its seed. A sweet- meat containing caraway seeds. [Ar. karwiya, kara- wiya, fr. Gr. knron, karbz, cumin.] Carbine, kar'bln, Carabine, kar'a-bin, n. (Mil.) A light musket used by mounted troops. [F. carabin, fr. OF. calabrien. a light-armed soldier, fr. calahre, LL. chadabula, a war-engine for throwing stones, fr. Gr. kataballein, to strike down.] — Carbineer, kar-bt-ner', n. A soldier armed with, etc. Carbon, ka^'bon, n. (Chem.) An elementary sub- stance, forming the base of charcoal, entering large- ly into mineral coals and graphite, and in its pure crystallized state constituting the diamond. [F. carbone, fr. L. carbo, coal; pern. s. rt. L. crernare, to burn.] — Carbonaceous, -na'shus, a. Pert, to, con- taining, or composed of, carbon. — Car'bonate, n. A salt formed by the union of carbonic acid with a base. — Car'bonated, a. Combined or impregnated with carbonic acid. — Carbon'ic. a. Of, or pert, to, carbon. — Carbonic acid. An acid composed of 1 part of carbon and 2 of oxygen, — a heavy gas, unfit tor respiration. — Carboniferous, -ifer-u*s, a. Pro- ducing, or containing, carbon or coal. [L./e?-re, to bear.] — Car'bonize, v. t. [-ized (-Izd),-izii> T G.] To convert into carbon. — Car / boniza , tion, n. Act or process of, etc. — Carbol'ic ac'id. A substance ob- tained by distillation of coal tar, used as an anti- septic and disinfectant; phenic alcohol; phenol.— Car'bolene, -len, n. A non-volatile hydrocarbon, used to increase the illuminating power of coal gas. — Car'bide, -bid, Car'buret, n. A combination of carbon with some other substance, the resulting compound not being an acid or base. — Car'bureted, a. Combined with, etc. — Car'burize, -bu-rlz, v. t. To combine with, etc., — said of mingling volatile hydrocarbons with gas, to increase its illuminating power. — Car / buriza / 'tion, n. Act, process, or result of, etc. — Car'buret'or, n. An apparatus to, etc. Carbonari, kar-bo-na/re, n. pi. Members of an Ital- ian secret political society. [It., lit. coal-men.] Carboy, kar'boi, n. A large glass bottle, inclosed in basket-work. [NGr. caraboyia, vitriol, which is sold in carboys.] Carbuncle, kar'bun-kl, n. (Min.) A gem of a deep red color, with a mixture of scarlet. (Med.) A ma- lignant boil. [L. carbuncidus, a small coal, gem, boil, dim. of carbo, a (live) coal.] — Car'buncled, -kid, a. Set with the stone called carbuncle; hav- ing a malignant boil; having red or inflamed spots. — Carbun'cular, a. Pert, to, etc.; red; inflamed. Carcanet, kar'ka-net, n. A chain or collar of jewels. [F. carcan, fr. Armor, kerchen, breast, bosom, circle of the neck, fr. kelch, circle, ring; perh. s. rt. L. cii-cus, circle, ring.] Carcass, Carcase, kar'kas, n. The dead body of an animal; corpse; the body, in contempt; decaying re- mains, as of a ship; the frame of a thing, unfinished or without ornament. (Mil.) A vessel holding com- bustibles, to be thrown from a mortar. [F. carcasse, It. carcassa, a bomb, shell (shell = body), corrupt, fr. LL. tarcasins, a quiver.] Carcel Lamp, kar'sel-lamp. A lamp in which the oil is raised through tubes by clock-work. Card, kard, n. A piece of pasteboard or thick paper, for various uses; a published note of statement, ex- planation, request, etc.; a paper on which the points of the compass are marked. — v. i. To play at cards ; to game. [F. carte, a paper, card, fr. L. carta, ear- lier charta, Gr. chartes, leaf of paper; s. rt. chart.] — On the cards. Noted for consideration; possible. — Card'-board, n. Stiff paper or pasteboard for making cards. — -case, n. A case for visiting cards. — cat- alogue, -log, n. A catalogue, as of books in a library, having each item upon a separate card. — table, n. A table for playing cards on. Card, kard, n. An instrument for combing wool or flax, or for cleaning the hair of animals. — v. t. To comb with a card; to mix, or debase by mixing. [F. carde, ~LL. cardvs, fr. L. cardials, a thistle, carSre, to card wool.] — Card'er, n. One who, etc. — Card'- ing-en'gine, -machine 7- , n. A machine for comb- ing, breaking, and cleansing wool or cotton, and forming it into a roll. Cardamine, kar'da-mln, n. A genus of plants, con- taining the lady's-smock, cuckoo-flower, meadow- cress, etc. [L. cardamina.] Cardamom, kar'da-mom, n. A leguminous plant of the East Indies, whose seeds are used in medicine. [Gr. kardamomon.] Cardiac, kar'dY-ak, -diacal, -di'ak-1, a. (Anat.) Pert, to or resembling the heart, also to the upper orifice of the stomach. Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach. — Car'diac, n. (Med.) A medicine which excites action in the stomach, and animates the spirits; a cordial. [Gr. kardiakos, fr. karclia, the heart.] — Car'diaFgy, -dT- al'jt, n. Heartburn. [Gr. algos, pain.] — Cardi- tis, n. Inflammation of the heart. — Cardiol'ogy, n. (Anat.) A treatise on, etc. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Car'dioid, -dt-oid, n. (Math.) An algebraic curve, shaped like a heart. [Gr. eidos, shape/] Cardinal, kiir'dT-nal, a. Of fundamental importance ; preeminent ; chief ; principal. — n. (Bom. Cath. Church.) One of the ecclesiastical princes of the pope's council. A woman's short cloak; mulled red wine. [L. cardinalis, principal, chief; orig. pert, to the hinge of a door, fr. cardo, a hinge, Gr. kradao, I swing.] — Cardinal numbers. The numbers 1, 2, 3, sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CARDOON 76 CARPUS etc., in distinction from first, second, third, etc. which are called ordinal numbers. — C. points. {Geog.) North and south, east and west. — C. vir- tues. (Antiq.) Prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude. — Car'dinalate, -at, -ship, n. Office, rank, etc., of a cardinal. — Car'dinal bird. A bird hav- ing scarlet plumage, of the hue of a cardinal's robes. flow'er, n. A herbaceous plant, bearing bril- liant red flowers. Cardoon, kar-doon', n. A salad plant, resembling the artichoke. [L. carduvs, thistle.] __ Care, kar, n. Charge or oversight, implying responsi- bility; attention or heed; caution; solicitude; watch- fulness; burdensome sense of responsibility ; trou- ble; the object of attention or anxiety. — v. i. [cared (kard), caring.] To be anxious or"solicitous; to be concerned; to be inclined or disposed. [AS. cam, cearu, OS. and Goth, kara, sorrow, care, fr. Goth. karon, to sorrow; not s. rt. L. cura, care.] — Care'ful, -ful, a. Attentive ; thoughtful ; cautious ; full of care or solicitude. — Care'fully, adv. — Care'ful- ness, n. — Careless, a. Having no care; inatten- tive ; negligent ; heedless ; unthinking ; free from anxiety . — ■ _Care' r lessly, adv. — Carelessness, n. Careen, ka-ren', v. t. (Naut.) To heave on one side, as a ship, to calk, repair, cleanse, etc. — v. i. To in- cline to one side. [OF. came, carene, L. carina, keel of a ship.] — Careen'age, n. Place where, etc. ; cost of, etc. Career, ka-rer', n. A race-course ; rapidity of mo- tion ; a race ; course_ of proceeding ; procedure. — v. i. [careered (-rerdO, careering.] To move rapidly. [F. carriere, a road, place for horseback exercise, OF. cariere, a road, fr. carter, to carry in a car. See Car.] Careful, Careless, etc. See under Care. Caress, ka-res', v. t. [caressed (-rest'), caressing.] To treat with fondness, affection, or kindness; to fondle. — n. Act of endearment. [F. caresse, fr. LL. caritia, dearness, fr. L. cams, dear, Skr. kam, to love; s. rt. charity, amorous.] — Caressingly, adv. Caret, ka'ret, n. (Print.) A mark [/\] indicating something omitted, either interlined above, or in- serted in the margin. [L., there is wanting, fr. ca- rere, to want.] Cargo, kar'go, n. ; pi. Car'goes, -goz. The lading or freight of a ship. [Sp. cargo, carga, burden, load, fr. cargare, to load, charge.] Caribou, kar'T-boo, n. The American reindeer. [Can- adian name.] Caricature, k&r'T-ka-choor', n. The exaggeration of that which is characteristic; a picture or description in which peculiarities are so exaggerated as to ap- pear ridiculous. — v. t. [-tured (-choordO, -Tur- ing.] To make a caricature of. [It. caricatura, a satirical picture, fr. caricare, to load, burden, blame, LL. carricare, to load a car. See Car.] — Carlca- tur'ist, n. One who, etc. Caries, ka'rf-ez, n. (.Med.) An ulceration of bone. [L., rottenness.] — Ca'rious, -rf-us, a. Affected with, etc. — Cariosity, -tX, n. Caries. Carinate, kar'T-nat, -nated, a. (Hot.) Shaped like the keel of a ship. [L. carina- tus, fr. carina, keel.] Cariole. See under Car. Carl, karl, n. A rude, rustic, rough man ; a kind of hemp. [AS. carl, Ic. karl, man, G. kerl, fellow.] Carline, karlin, Car'ling, n. (Naut.) A timber, ranging fore and aft, from one deck beam to another, directly over the keel, serving as a foundation for the body of the ship. [F. car- lingue, Sp., Pg., and It. carlinga.] Carmelite, karmel-it, n. A monk of the order of Mount Carmel, Syria; a kind of pear. Carminative, kar-min'a-tiv, a. Expelling wind from the body; warming, — n. (Med.) A medicine tend- ing to expel wind, or to remedy colic and flatulen- cies. [L. carminare, to card, hence, cleanse.] Carmine, kar'' nun, n. A pigment of crimson color, prepared from cochineal. [F. and Sp. carinin, contr. fr. Sp. carmesin, crimson, fr. carmes, cochi- neal; Ar. qiriniz, crimson.] Carnage, kar'nej, n. The flesh of slain animals; slaughter; massacre; havoc. [F., fr. L. caro, carnis, Gr. kreas, Skr. kravya, raw flesh ; s. rt. carcass, car- rion, charnel, crude.] — Car'nal, a. Pert, to flesh; fleshly; sensual; given to sensual indulgence; lust- ful; lecherous; libidinous. [L. carnalis, fr. caro.] — Car'nalist, n. One given to sensuality. — Car- Carinated leaf. naKity, n. Sensuality. — Car'nalize, -Tz, v. t. [-nal- ized (-nal-izd), -iziNG.l To make carnal. — "Car''- nally, adv. — Car'nal-mind'ed, a. Worldly-minded. — Car'nary, -na-rt, n. A vault or crypt of a church, containing human remains; a charnel-house. — Car- na'tion, n. Flesh-color. {Paint.) That part of a picture which represents undraped flesh. (Bot.) A species of clove-pink. [F., fr. L. carnatio, flesh- iness, fr. caro.] — Car'neous, -us, a. Consisting of, or like, flesh. — Car'ney, -nt, n. {Far.) A disease of horses, in which the mouth is so furred that they cannot eat. [L. carneiis.] — Car / nifica / 'tion, n. A turning to flesn. — Car'nify, -ft, v. i. To form flesh. — Carniv r ora, -o-ra, n. pi. An order of animals which subsist on flesh. [L. carnivorus, flesh-eating, fr. vo- rare, to devour.] — Carniv^orous, -rus, a. Flesh- eating. — Carnos^ity, -nos-Y-tl, n. A fleshy excres- cence; fleshiness. — Caruncle, kar-un^kl, n. {Anat.) A. small fleshy excrescence. (Bot.) An appendage at the hilum or scar of a seed. (Zool.) A naked fleshy excrescence on a bird's head. [L. caruncula, dim. of caro.] — Carun^cular, -culate, a. Pert, to, or formed like, etc. Carnelian. See Cornelian. Carnival, kar'nT-val, n. A festival celebrated before Lent. [F. carnaval, It. camovale, carnevale, fr. L. caro, carnis, flesh, and levare, to lighten, mitigate; not fr. L. vale, farewell.] Carob, kar'ob, n. A leguminous evergreen tree, of Spain, Italy, and the Levant. [Ar. kharrab.] Carol, kar'ol, n. A song of joy or mirth; a lay; a de- votional song. — v. t. [caroled (-old), -oling.] To celebrate in song. — v. i. To sing in joy or festivity; warble. [OF. carole, a sort of dance, carolle, a Christ- mas song, Armor, koroll, a dance, Corn, carols a choir, concert, W. carol, a song, fr. caroli, to carol, also coroli, to move in a circle, to dance, fr. cor, a circle, choir.] Carotid, ka-rofid, n. (Anat.) One of the 2 large ar- teries conveying blood to the head. — Carotid, -idal, a. Pert, to, etc. [Gr. karotides, fr. karos, sleep, torpor, the ancients believing that stoppage of their circulation caused sleep.] Carouse, ka-rowz', v. i. [caroused (-rowzd'), ca- rousing.] To drink abundantly. — v. t. To drink freely or jovially.— n. A drinking match or season of carousal. [F. carous, Sp. caraos, fr. G. garaus, adv., lit. right out, i. e., the instant emptying of a bumper, fr. gar, completely, and aus, out.] — Ca- rous / 'al, n. A jovial feast; banquet; merry making. — Carous'er, n. Carp, karp, v. i. To censure, cavil, or find fault, esp. without reason. [Ic. and Sw. karpa, to boast, wrangle.] — Carp'er, n. Carp, karp, n. A family of soft-finned, fresh-water fishes. [D. karper, Dan. kai-pe,S\v.karp, F. cai-pe, LL. and Sp. carpa.] Carpal. See under Carpus. Carpel, kar'pel, n. {Bot.) A simple pistil, or one of the parts of a compound pistil. [NL., dim. fr. Gr. ~ karpos, fruit.] — Car'- uarp * polite, -po-lit, n. A petrified fruit. [Gr. lithos, stone.] — Car'pology, -it, n. The branch of botany treat- ing of seeds and fruit. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Carpopb/agous, -pofa-gus, a. Subsisting on fruit; fruit-eating. [Gr. phagein, to eat.] Carpenter, karpen-ter, n. A worker in timber; a framer and builder of houses, ships, etc. [OF. car- pentier, LL. carpentarius, fr. carpentare, to work in timber, esp. in carriage-making. See Car.] — Car / '- pentry, -trt, n. Art of cutting, framing, and join- ing timber ; timbers connected by being framed to- gether, etc. Carpet, kar'pet, n. A heavy fabric for covering floors. — v. t. To cover with, etc. [OF. carpite, fr. char- pie, lint: LL. carpeta, carpita, thick cloth, dim. of carpia, lint, fr. L. carpere, to pluck, pull in pieces.] — Carpet knight. One who has not known the hard- ships of the field. — On the carpet. Under consid- eration; subject of deliberation. — Car'pet-bag, n. A traveling-bag, — orig. made of carpet. — Car'pet- ing, n. Materials for carpets: carpets in general. Carphology, kar-foKo-jt, n. (Med.) A delirious pick- ing at Ded-clothes, etc., — an alarming symptom in acute diseases ; floccillation. [Gr. karpos, thing plucked, nnd legem, to pick.] Carpolite, Carpology, etc. See under Carpel. Carpus, kar'pus, n. That part of the skeleton form- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Tn, Ice ; o"dd, tone, or ; CARRACK 77 CASSAVA ing the wrist, consisting of 8 bones, in 2 rows. [XL., fr. Gr. karpos, wrist.] — Car'pal, a. Pert, to, etc. Carrack. See Carack. Carrageen, kar-ra-gen' - , -rigeen'', ». A kind of sea- weed, used for jellies, etc.; Irish moss. Carriage, Carrier, etc. See under Car. Carrion, kar'rl-un, n. Dead and putrefying flesh. — a. Pert, to, or feeding on, etc. [OF. caroigne, char- oigne, LL. caronia, a carcass, fr. X. euro, flesh. See Carnage.] Carrom, kar'um, n. (Billiards.) The act of hitting two balls at once_with the ball struck by the cue. Carronade, kar-un-ad'', n. A short cannon, formerly used on ships. [Fr. iron works at Carron, Scotland!] Carrot, kar'ut, n. A plant having an esculent root. [L. carota.] — Car'roty, -I, a. Like a carrot in color; reddish-yellow. Carry, Cart, Carter, etc. See under Car. Carte, kiirt, n. A thrust at the inside of the upper part of the body in fencing. [F. quarte, fr. L. quar- tus, fourth.] Carte, kart, n. A bill of fare at a hotel. [F., a card. See Card.] — Carte-blanche, -blaxsh, n. A blank paper, signed, to be filled up as the holder pleases; uncon- ditional terms; unlimited authority. [F.; blancJie, white.] — C. -de-visite, de-ve-zef, re. A photographic picture of the size of a visiting card. [F.] — Cartel, kar-teK or kar'tel, n. (Mil.) A writing or agreement between belligerents, as for exchange of prisoners. [F. and Sp., It. cartello, dim. of It. and L. carta. See Card.] — Cartel, or cartel-ship. A ship employed in exchanging prisoners, or in negotiating with an enemy. — Cartog / 'raphy, re. Art of making charts or maps. [Gr. chartes, leaf of paper, and graphein, to write.] — Car'ton, re. Pastehoard; cardboard; a box of, etc. [F.] — Cartoon, -toon', n. (Paint.) A design on strong paper, to be painted in fresco. A colored design for mosaic, tapestry, etc. [It. cartone, aug. of L. carta.'] — Car'tulary, -Ia-rT, n. A register- book of a monastery, etc. ; a keeper of eccl. records. [LL. chartula, a document, dim. of L. charta, carta.] Cartesian, kar-te'zhan, a. Pert, to the French philos- opher Des Cartes, or to his philosophy. — n. A fol- lower of, etc. Carthusian, kar-thoo^zhan, re. One of a religious or- der named fr. Chartreuse, France. — a. Pert, to, etc. Cartilage, kar'tT-lej, n. (Anat.) A smooth, whitish, elastic substance: gristle. [F.; L. cartilago.] — Car'- tilag'inous, -laj'I-nus, a. Pert, to, or like, etc. Cartouche, kar-toosh'', «. (Arch.) A scroll-shaped tab- let; a modillion. (Mil.) A case of paper, etc., hold- ing a charge for a fire-arm; the box containing the charge; a case filled with balls, to be shot from a cannon; a soldier's ticket of leave or dismission. [F., fr. It. cartoccio, a roll of paper, cartridge, fr. It. and L. carta, paper. See Card.] — Car'tridge, -trij, re. (Mil.) A case of paper, pasteboard, etc., containing a charge for a fire-arm. [Orig. cartrage, corrupt, of F. cartouche.] — Blank cartridge. A cartridge with- out a ball. — Car'tridge-bag, re. A bag containing the charge for a cannon. — box, n. A case for car- tridges. — paper, n. A thick kind of paper. Caruncle, etc. See under Carnage. Carve, karv, v. t. [carved (karvd), carving.] To cut, as wood, stone, etc., in a decorative manner; to shape by cutting; to cut into pieces; to distribute or apportion to. — v . i. To exercise the trade of a carver; to cut up meat. [AS. ceorfan, D. kerven, Dan. karve; s. rt. grave.] — Carv^er, n. — Carving, n. Act or art of, etc.; device or figure carved. Carvel. See underCARAVEL. Caryates, ka-rT-a'tez, -atides, -afY-dez, n.pl. (Arch.) Figures of women, serving as columns to support entablatures. [L. Cari/ates, Gr. Karuatides, women of Caryae, priestesses of Diana.] — Caryafic, -afid, a. Of, or pert, to, etc. Cascabel, kas'ka-bel, re. That part of a cannon back of the base-ring. See Cannon. [L. scabellum, a Castanet.] Cascade, kas-kad', n. A waterfall. [F. ; It. cascata, waterfall, fr. cascare, to fall, fr. L. casare, to totter, fr. cadere, to fall.] Cascarilla, kas-ka-riKla, n. A plant of Jamaica, whose bark is used in medicine as a tonic. [Sp., dim. of cascara, peel, bark.] Case, kas, n. A covering, box, or sheath: that which incloses or contains; quantity contained in a box. (Print.) A frame subdivided' into " boxes " to hold type for the compositor. — v. t. [cased (kast), ca- sing.] To cover with or put in a case. [F. caisse, OF. casse, L. capsa, receptacle, box, cover, fr. capere, to contain, hold; s. rt. cash, chase. ] — Cas'ing, re. Act of covering any object with a thin substance; an outside covering. — Case'-knife, -nil', n. A large table knife, — formerly kept in a case. — shot, n. (Mil.) A case containing small projectiles. — worm, -werm, n. A grub or worm that makes itself a case; caddis-worm. — Case-harden, -har-dn,f. t. To hard- en, as iron, by converting the surface into steel. — -hardened, -dend, p. a. Having the surface con- verted into steel; hence, impervious to pity, shame, etc. — Case'ment, n. A hinged window case or frame; a hollow molding. [Abbrev. fr. encasement, fr. OF. encasser, to incase, inclose.] Case, kas, n. That which falls, comes, or happens; an event; circumstance; a particular instance; situa- tion; state; plight; a state of facts involving a ques- tion for discussion, esp. a cause in court. (Gram.) The form of nouns, indicating their relations to the sentence. [F. cos, fr. L. casus, a fall, accident, cu>e, fr. cadere, to fall; s. rt. casual^casuist, etc.] Caseine, ka'se-in, n. (Chem.) The curd or coagula- ble part of milk; the basis of cheese. [L. caseus, cheese.] — Ca'seous, -se-us, a. Pert, to, or like, cheese. Casemate, kas'mat, re. (Fort.) A bomb-proof chamber from which cannon may be fired through embrasures. [F. ; It. casamatta, f r. casa, a house, and matta, mad, foolish.] — Case'mated, a. Furnished with, or built like, etc. Casern, ka/zern,_ re. A ^ J^^l^ 6 - A^l a l? Casemate. lodging for soldiers in garrison towns; bar- racks. [It. casa, house, cottage.] Cash, kash, n. Coin or specie, — also bank- notes or paper con- would fire through the em- brasure in the wall ; a gun at C would fire en barbette, or over the parapet. D, a para- pet; E, scarp-wall, the outer face of which is the scarp ; a b, terre-plein. vertible into' money; a Chinese copper coin, perfo- rated and strung on a thread, worth about one tenth of a cent. — v.t. [cashed (kashd), cashing.] To turn into cash; exchange for money. [F. casse, a box (to keep money in), f r. L. capsa. See Case.] — Cash'-book, n. A book in which to register money received or paid. boy, -girl, n. A messenger in a store, to carry money from salesmen to cashier, pro- cure change, etc. — Cash balance. (Book-keeping.) The amount on the debtor side of the cash account. — C. price. The price at which a thing will be sold for immediate payment, — opp. to the price if sold on credit. — C. sales. Sales made for ready money; stocks sold for delivery on the daj" of transaction. — Cashier, -er', n. One in charge of the money, ac- counts, payments, etc., in a bank, etc. ; a cash-keeper. Cashew, lea-shoo', n. A South American tree of the sumac family. [F. acajou, corrupt, of acajaiba, the Brazilian name.] Cashier, kash-er / ', v. t. [cashiered (-erd r ), cashier- ing.] To dismiss from an office or place of trust, by annulling the commission of; to discard from service or from society. [G. cassiren, to cashier, fr. F. casser, to break, burst, fr. L. cassare, to bring to nothing, annul, fr. cassus, empty.] — Cassation, n. Act of annulling. — Court of cassation. The high- est court of appeal in France. Cashmere, kash'mer, n. A kind of shawl, orig. made in Cashmere, in Asia; a woolen stuff imitating true cashmere. — Cashmeref, n. A kind of ladies' dress goods, in imitation of, etc. Cashoo. Same as Catechu. Casino, ka-se'no, re. A small country house; a club- house. [It., dim. of casa, house.] — Cassino, -se'no, n. A game at cards. Cask, kask, re. A close vessel for liquids, made of staves, hoops, etc.; quantity contained in a cask. [Sp. casco, a skull, coat (of an onion), cask, helmet.] — Casque, Cask, kask, n. A piece of defensive ar- mor for the head and neck ; a helmet. [F. casque, Sp. casco.] Casket, kask'et, n. A small chest or box, for jewels, etc. ; a coffin. [Corrupt, fr. F. cassette, small chest, dim. of casse. hee Case and Cash.] Cassada. Same as Cassava. Cassation. See under Cashier. Cassava, kas'sa-va, n. (Bot.) A species of manihot, yielding tapioca. [Haytian kasnbi.] sfin, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, get. C AS SE -PAPER 78 OAT Casse-paper, kas'se-pa'per, n. Broken paper; the out- side quires of a ream. [F. papier casse.] Cassia, kash'a, n. (Bot.) A genus of leguminous plants, including senna; a species of laurel. (Com.) The cheaper kinds of cinnamon. [L.; Gr. kusia, Heb. qetsi'oth, cassia-bark, fr. qatsa, to cut, the bark being cut or peeled off.] Cassidony, kas'sl-do-nl, n. (Bot.) A species of cot- tonweed, cudweed, or goldy-locks; also, of French lavender. [Fr. Chalcedon,'in Bithynia.j Cassimere, kas'sl-mer, n. A twilled woolen cloth, for men's garments. [Corrupt, of cashmere.'] Cassiterite, kas-sifer-It, n. Oxide of tin, — the ordi- nary tin ore. [Gr. kassiteros, tin.] Cassius, kash'I-us, n. A purple pigment, obtained from chloride of gold. [Discoverer's name.] Cassock, kas'sok, n. (Heel.) A clergyman's garment, worn under the surplice or gown. [F. cosaque, cas- sock, It. casacca, a great coat, fr. casa, house.] Cassowary, kas'so-wa-rl, n. A bird of Java, resem- bling the ostrich. [Malay kassuwaris.] Cast, kast, v. t. [cast, casting.] To send or drive from by force; to throw, fling, impel; to direct, or turn, as the sight; to throw on the ground, as in wrestling; to overcome ; to throw oft, or shed; to compute, reckon; to make to preponderate; to form, by pouring liquid metal into a mold; to found; to distribute, as the parts of a play among actors. — v. i. To revolve in the mind; to receive form or shape; to warp. (Naut.) To fall off, so as to bring the ship's side to the wind. — n. Act of casting; a throw; thing thrown ; distance through which any thing is thrown; a chance or venture; act of casting in a mold; form into which any thing is cast or molded; thing cast in a mold; manner of appearance; assign- ment of actors' parts in a play; company of actors to whom the parts are assigned; a motion or turn, as of the eye ; look ; glance ; squint. [Ic. and Sw. kasta. Ban. kaste, to throw, fr. Ic. kostr, kos, a pile, heap.] — To cast aside. To dismiss, reject. — To c. away. To reject, lavish. — To c. down. To deject or depress. — To c. off. (Naut.) To loose, or untie. — To c. one's self on. To resign or yield one's self without reserve. — To c. in the teeth. To upbraid, twit. — To c. up. To compute or reckon ; to eject or vomit. — Casfer, n. One who, etc.; a phial or cruet for table condiments, or stand containing them; a swiveled wheel on which furniture is rolled. — Casting, n. Act of, etc.; thing cast in a mold; the warping of a board. — Cast'ing-net, n. A fishing net which is cast and drawn. — C. voice, C. vote. Vote of a presiding officer, determining the ques- tion, when the votes of the house are equally di- vided. — Casfaway, n. An abandoned person; a reprobate. — Casfoff, a. Laid aside; disused. Castanea, kas-ta'ne-a, n. A genus of trees, including the chestnut tree. [L.; Gr. kastanon, a chestnut.] Castanet, kas'ta-net, n. A noise-making instrument composed of spoon-shaped shells of ivory or wood, clapped together by the fingers. [Sp. castaileta, fr. L. castanea, the shape resembling that of chestnuts.] Caste, kast, n. One of the hereditary social classes in India; a separate and fixed order or class of society. [Pg. casta, a race, fr. casto, L. castus, pure, chaste.] Castigate, kas r tl-gat, v. t. To punish by stripes, cor- rect, chastise. [L. castigare, fr. castus, pure, and agere, to move, i. e., to keep pure; s. rt. chasten.] — Castiga'tion, n. Punishment by, etc. — Cas'tiga- tor, -ter, n. — Cas'tigatory, -to-ri, a. Tending to correction ; punitive. Castile Soap, kas'tel-sop. A hard soap, made with olive oil and soda, orig. in Castile, Spain. Castle, kas'l, n. A fortified residence, esp. of a prince or nobleman ; a fortress ; a piece in the game of chess. — v. t. In chess, to cover with a castle, — said of the king, when neither piece has been previously moved, and the king has not been in check. — v. i. In chess, to cover the king with a castle. [AS. cas- tel, L. castellum, dim. of castrum, a camp, fortified place.] — Castle in the air, or in Spain. A visionary project; a scheme with no solid foundation. — Cas^- tle-builder, -bild'er, n. One who builds castles in the air; a visionary. — guard, -ward, n. The guard which defends a castle; a tax on dwellings near a castle; a feudal tenure, obliging the tenant to per- form service. — Castellan, kas'tel-an, n. A gov- ernor or constable of a castle. — Cas'tellany, -nl, n. The lordship belonging to a castle. — Cas'tel- lated, a. Adorned with turrets and battlements, like a castle. — Castrametation, kas'tra-me-ta'shun, n. (Mil.) Art or act of encamping; laying out of a Ancient Castle. cell ; 15, donjon or keep; 16, barracks ; 17, barba- can ; 18, watchman ; 19, turret ; 20, chapel ; 21, belfry; 22, state court; 23, merlons ; 24, embra- sures. 1, moat; 2, draw-bridge; 3, wicket; 4, sallyport; 5, portcullis ; 6, outer walls; 7, parapet; 8, rampart; 9, loop-holes; 10, escutch- eon; 11, bulwark; 12, sen- tinel; 13, magazine; 14, a camp. [L. metari, to measure, survey.] — Castren'- sian, -shan, a. Pert, to a camp. Castor. See Caster, under Cast. Castor, kas'ter, n. A genus of animals, including the beaver; a substance of penetrating smell and bitter taste, found in the inguinal sacs of the beaver; a hat, esp. one made of beaver's fur; a heavy broad- cloth. [L.;Gr. kastor. Per. khaz, a beaver; Malay and Skr. kasturi, musk.] — Cas'tor-oil. The oil of a West Indian plant, — a cathartic. [Prob. fr. L. castoreum, a medicine made fr. the substance in the beaver's inguinal sacs.] Castor and Pollux, kas'ter-and-pol'luks. (Ifeteor.) An electrical phenomenon, thought to portend a cessation of a storm. See Corposant. Castrate, kas'trat, v. t. To deprive of the testicles, emasculate, geld. [L. castrare ; Skr. castra, a knife.] — Castra'tion, n. Act of, etc. Castrel, kas'trel, Kes'trel, n. A hawk resembling the sparrow-hawk. [F. cresserelle, quercelle, prob. fr. L. circuire, to go round.] Castrensian. See under Castle. Casual, kazh'u-al, a. Happening without design ; coming without regularity; accidental; incidental; occasional. [L. casus, a fall, accident. See Case.] — Cas'ually, adv. — Cas'ualty, n. That which, etc.; an accident; death; misfortune. — Cas'ualism, -izm, n. The doctrine that all things occur by chance. — Cas'uist, -u-ist, n. One who studies and resolves cases of conscience. — Casuist'ic, -ical, a. Pert, to cases of conscience, or of doubtful propriety.— Cas / '- uistry, -ri, n. Science of determining the right or wrong of acts and opinions of doubtful propriety. Cat, kat, n. (Zobl.) A well-known domestic animal. ■ (Naut.) A ship having narrow stern, projecting quarters, and deep waist ; tackle to draw an anchor up to the cat-head. A double tripod; a game at ball; a kind of whip. — v. t. (Naut.) To bring up to the cat-head, as an anchor. [AS., Ir.. and Ga. cat, Ic. kottr, D. and Dan. kat, F. chat, Sp. goto, It. gatto, Late L. catus, Ar. gift.] — Cafamount, n. A species of panther found in the northern United States. — Caferwaul, -er-wawl, v. i. To cry as cats in rutting time. — Cafgut, n. Cord, esp. strings for musical in- struments, made from the intestines of animals, esp. of sheep; a kind of canvas, with wide interstices. - Cafkin,?}. (Bot.) An anient; a kind of inflorescence, consisting of overlap- ping scales. — Caflike, a. Stealthy ; noiseless. — Cat 'ling, n. A little cat; moss, like cat's hair, growing about trees; catgut. (Surg.) A double-edged, sharp-pointed dismembering knife. — Cafbird, n. An American Dird of the A thrush family. — boat, n. A small sail- f boat, with one sail on a mast close to the bows. call, -pipe, n. A squeaking instru- ment, to interrupt play at theaters. — fish. n. A large voracious fish of the arctic seas ; also, an American fresh-water fish. — har'ping, -har / pin, n. (Naut.) A rope or iron leg, to brace in the shrouds of the lower masts behind the yards. — head, n. (Naut.) A timber projecting from the bow of a ship, Catkin. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Sdd, tone, or ; CATACAUSTIC 79 CATHARINE-WHEEL through which ropes pass to raise the anchor. — -hole, n. (S'aut.) One of two holes astern, to pass hawsers through. — mint, -nip, n. (Bot.) A strong- scented plant, sometimes used in medicine, and of which cats are fond. — nap, n. A short sleep. — o' -nine- tails, n. A whip with nine lashes. — stick, n. A club used in the game of ball called cat. — Cat'B'cradle, n. A game played by children, with a string about the fingers. [Prop, cratch-cradle, q. v. under Cratch.] eye, n. (Min.) A variety of quartz or chalcedony, exhibiting yellowish opales- cent reflections. paw, n. A dupe; the tool of an- other, — fr. the fable of the monkey's using the cat's paw to draw chestnuts from the fire. (Naut.) A light air, rippling the surface of still water; a pecul- iar turn in the bight of a rope, to hook a tackle on. — -tail, B. {Bot.) A tall flag, with long flat leaves; a grass, called timothy and herd's grass ; a catkin. Catacaustic, kat-a-kaws'tik, n. A caustic curve formed by reflection of light. [Gr. kata, against, and kaieiii, to burn.] Catachresis, kat-a-kre'sis, n. (Rhet.) An abuse of a trope ; a harsh or far-fetched metaphor. [Gr., fr. katachresthai, to misuse.]— Catachres'tic, -tical, a. Pert, to, etc.; forced. — Catachres'tically, adv. Cataclysm, kafa-klizm, n. An extensive overthrow ; a deluge. [Gr. kata, downward, and kluzein, to wash, dash. J Catacomb, kafa-kom, n. A cave or subterraneous place for the burial of the dead. [Gr. kata, and kunthe, a hollow, Skn kumbha, a pot.] Catacoustics, kat-a-koos'tiks or -kow'stiks, n. That part of acoustics which treats of reflected sounds or echoes. Catadioptric, kat'a-di-op'trik, -trical, a. Pert, to, or involving, both reflection and refraction of light. [Gr. kata, against, and dioptra, a geometrical instru- ment, fr. dia, through, and optein, to see, look.] Catafalco, kat-a-faKko, -falque, -falk / ', n. A temporary structure of carpentry, used in funeral solemnities. [It. catafalco, F. catafalque, fr. Sp. catar, to see, and falco, a'scaffold.] Catalectic, kat-a-lek'tik, a. (Pros.) Wanting a syl- lable at the end. [Gr. kata. down, legem, to stop.] Catalepsy, kafa-lep-st, n. (Med.) A sudden suspen- sion of the senses and of volition. [Gr. katalepsis, a grasping, f r. lambanein, to seize.] — Cataleptic, a. Catalogue. kat'a-log, n. A list of names, titles, or articles arranged methodically. — v. t. To make a list of. [F., fr. Gr. kata, down, fully, and legein, to say, tell.] — Catalogue raisorme", -ra'zo-na''. A catalogue of books classed according to their subjects. Catalpa, ka-tal'pa, n. A tree of North America, hav- ing large leaves and white flowers. [Indian.] Catamaran, kafa-ma-ran', n. A raft of India and Brazil, consisting of 3 connected logs, and moved by a sail ; a sail boat with an outrigger ; a large- wheeled truck for transporting heavy weights ; a cantankerous old woman. [Malay kettamaram, tied logs, f r. ketta, a tie, bond, and maram, timber.] Catamenia, kat-a-me'nt-a, n. (Med.) The monthly courses of females; menstrual discharges ; menses. [Gr., fr. kata, back, again, and men, month.] — Cat- ame'nial, «. Pert, to, etc. Catapeltic. See under Catapult. Cataphonics, kat-a-fonlks, n. Doctrine of reflected sounds. [Gr. kata, down, against, and phone, sound.] Cataphract, kafa-frakt, n. A piece of defensive ar- mor, formerly used by horsemen ; a horseman in complete armor; the armor of plate covering some fishes. [Gr. kata and phrassein, to inclose.] Cataplasm, kafa-plazm, n. (Med.) A poultice. [Gr. kata and plassein, to form, mold.] Catapult, kafa-pult, n. An engine anciently used for throwing stones, arrows, etc. [LL. catapulta, Gr. katapeltes, f r. kata and pallein, to swing, hurl, L. pallere, to drive.] — Catapelfic, a. Pert, to, etc. Cataract, kafa-rakt, n. A waterfall. (Surg.) An opacity of the crystalline lens, or of its capsule. [Gr. katarraktes, fr. kata and regnunai, to break.] Catarrh, ka-tar' - , n. (Med.) Inflammation of the mu- cous membrane of the air passages, with discharge of a watery or glairy fluid. [L. catarrhus, f r. Gr. kata and rhein, to flow.] — Catarrh'al, -ous, -us, a. Pert, to, produced by, attending, or resembling, etc. Catastrophe, ka-tas'tro-fe, n. A final event, usually of a calamitous nature; the unfolding and winding up of the plot of a play ; denouement. [Gr. katas- trophe, an overthrowing, fr. kata and strephein, to turn.]— Catas 'trophism, -fizm.n. Doctrine of catas- trophes, or of special interference with natural laws; eep. (Geol.) the theory that changes on the face of the earth were caused by, etc., — opp. to unir'ormism. — Catas'trophist, -fist, ?i. A believer in, etc. Catch, kach, v. t. [caught or (obs.) catciied, catch- ing.] To seize, esp. with the hand; to take captive, as in a snare ; to entangle ; to communicate to, fasten upon; to engage and attach to, charm ; to re- ceive, esp. to take by sympathy, contagion, or infec- tion; to come upon unexpectedly ; to find ; to over- take. — v.i. To be held or impeded by entangle- ment ; to spread by infecting. — n. Act of seizing ; seizure ; that which catches or is caught; gain ; a passing opportunity improved. (Mus.) A humorous round, in which the singers catch up each other's sentences. [Picard cacher, for OF. cachier, to chase, fr. LL. caciare, fr. L. capture, freq. of capere, to take, lay hold of.] — Catch'able, a. — Catcb/er, n. — Catcb/penny, n. Something worthless, esp. a book, intended to gain money. — a. Made to gain money ; worthless. — poll, -pol, n. A bailiff's as- sistant. [Fr. x>oll, the head.] word, n. The last word of an actor, summoning the one who is to speak next ; cue. (Print.) The first word of each page of a book inserted at the foot of the preceding page. A phrase caught up and repeated for effect. Catch, kach, Cutch, kuch, n. Commercial names for Catechu, q. v. Catchup, kach'up, Cat'sup, Ketch'up, n. A sauce made from mushrooms, tomatoes, walnuts, etc. [Chin. kitjapJ] Catechise, icat'e-klz, v. t. [-chised (-kizd), -chisixg.] To instruct by asking questions, receiving answers, and explaining and correcting, — esp. concerning points of religious faith ; to interrogate. [LL. cate- chizare, Gr. katechizein, fr. katecheein, to din into one's ears, fr. eche, a sound, echos, a ringing in the ears.] — Cat'echiser, n. — Cafechism, -kizm, n. A form of instruction by questions and answers ; an elementary book of principles, esp. of religious doc- trine, in the form of, etc. — Cafechist, n. One who, etc. — Catechisfic, -ical, a. Pert, to a catechist or to catechism.— Catechet'ic, -ical, -ket'ik-al, a. Pert, to, or consisting in, asking questions, etc.- — Cate- chefically, adv. — Catechumen, -ku'men, n. One receiving rudimentary instruction in Christian doc- trines ; a neophyte. Catechu, kat'e-ku, n. (Chem.) A brown, astringent, vegetable extract, obtained in India. [Cochin-Chin. cay cau.~i Category, kafe-go-rT, n. (Logic.) One of the classes of objects of knowledge or thought, by which they can be arranged in a system. State, condition ; predicament. [Gr. kategoria, an accusation ; in logic, a predicament, class, fr. kata, down, against, and agoreuein, to declaim.] — Categorical, -goVik-al, a. Pert, to, etc. ; admitting no conditions or excep- tions; absolute; express. — Categorically, adv. Catenary, kafe-na-rY, n. (Geom.) The curve of a cord hanging between two points not in the same vertical line. [L. catena, a chain.] — Cafenary, -na'rian, a. Pert, to or like a chain. — Cat'enate, -nat, v. t. To connect, in a series of links. [L. cate- nare, -natum, fr. catena.'] — Catenation, n. Union of parts, as in a chain. Cater, ka'ter, v. i. [catered (-terd), catering.] To provide food, buy or procure provisions, purvey. [OF. acat, F. achat, a purchase, LL. acaptwn, fr. ac- captare, to buy, freq. of L. accipere, to receive.] — Ca'terer, n. One who, etc. — Ca'teress, n. A woman who, etc. Caterpillar, kafer-pil-ler, n. The larve of a butterfly or lepidopterous insect. [OF. chattepeleuse, lit., a hairy cat, fr. chute, she-cat, and pelouse, It. peloso, L. pilosus, hairy, fr. L. pilus, a hair.] Caterwaul, Catharpin, etc. See under Cat. Cates, kats, n. pi. Food, esp. luxu- rious food; dain- ties. [Corrup. of acates. See Ca- ter.] Catharine - wheel, kath'a-rin-hwel, n. (Goth. Arch.) An ornamented circular window, with rosettes or radiating divis- ions. (Pyro- techny.) A re- volving wheel. Catharine-wheel Window. sun cQbe, full ; moon, foTJt ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, get. CATHARIST 80 CAVITY [Fr. St. Catharine of Alexandria, represented with a wheel, in allusion to her martyrdom.] Catharist. kath/a-rist, n. A pretender to more purity than others possess. [Gr. katharos, clean, pure.] — Cathartic, -thar'tik, -tical, a. Cleansing the bowels; purgative. — Cathar'tic, n. A medicine promoting alvine discharges. [Gr. kathairein, to cleanse, fr. katharos.'] — Cath'arize, v. t. To clean the surface of. — Cath'arism, -rizm, n. Process of chemically cleaning, etc. — Cathartiue, -thar'tin, n. The purgative principle of senna. Cathedra, Tca-the'dra or kath'-, n. A chair; esp. the seat of one in authority. [L. cathedra, Gr. kathedra, . fr. kata, down, and hedra, seat.] — Cathe'dral, n. The principal church in a diocese, where the bishop has his official chair. — a. Pert, to, etc. ; emanating from the chair of office, as of a pope or bishop ; offi- cial ; authoritative. Catheter, kath/'e-ter, n. (Surg.) A tubular instru- ment, introduced into the bladder to draw off urine. [Gr. katheter, thing put in, fr. kata and huenai, to send.] Cathetometer, kath-e-tom / 'e-ter, n. An instrument for measuring differences of vertical heights, — esp. of liquid columns in glass tubes. [Gr. kathetos, ver- tical height, and metron, a measure.] Catholic, kath^o-lik, a. Universal or general ; not narrow-minded, partial, or bigoted; liberal; pert, to, or affecting, the Roman Catholics. — n. A member of the Rom. Cath. church. [Gr. katholikos, univer- sal, fr. katholou, on the whole, in general, fr. kata, throughout, and holos, whole.] — Catholicity, -lis / '- i-tl, n. System of doctrine held by all parts of the orthodox Christian church ; also, by the church of Rome ; liberality of sentiment ; Catholicism. — Ca- tholicize, -Y-siz, v. t. To become catholic or a Rom. Cath. — Catholicism, -I-sizm, n. Quality of being, etc. ; the faith of the whole Christian church, or of the Rom. Cath. church ; adherence to the Rom. Cath. church; liberality of sentiment.— CathoKicon, n. A remedy for all diseases ; panacea. Catoptrics, ka-top'triks, n. That part of optics which explains the properties and phenomena of reflected light. [Gr. katoptron, a mirror, fr. optomai, I see.] — Catop'tric, -trical, a. Pert, to, etc. Catsup. See Catchup. Cattle, kaftl, n. pi. Domestic quadrupeds collective- ly, esp. those of the bovine genus. [OF. catel, chatel, fr. LL. capitale, captale, capital, property ; s. rt. capital, chattel. See Capital.] — Cat'tle-guard, n. A trench across a railroad where it crosses a high- way, to keep cattle from the track. — plague, n. The rinderpest, a contagious murrain affecting neat cat- tle and sheep. — show, n. An exhibition of domes- tic animals. Caucasian, kaw-ka'shan, n. One belonging to the Indo-European race, originating near Mt. Caucasus. Caucus, kaw'kus, n. A preparatory meeting for po- litical purposes. [Corrup. of calkers, who formed a political association at Boston in the Revolution.] Caudal, kaw'dal, a. Pert, to, or like, a tail. [L. cauda, tail.] — Cau'date, -dat, -dated, a. Having, etc. Caudle, kaw'dl, n. A warm drink for sick persons, a mixture of wine with eggs, bread, sugar, and spices. — v. t. To make into caudle. [OF. caudel, chaudel, fr. chald, chaxid, LateL. caldus, hot.] Cauf, kawf, n. A chest with holes for keeping fish alive in water; a vessel for raising coal from mines. [Perh. fr. L. cophinits, Gr. kophinos, basket.] Caufle, kaw'fl, n. A gang of captured negroes ; come. [Ar. kafala, caravan.] Caught. See Catch. Caul, kawl, n. A net or covering for the head. (Anat.) A membrane covering part of the lower intestines ; the omentum. A part of the membrane enveloping the fetus. [OF. cale, little cap, Ir. calla, OGa. calf, hood, cowl.] Caulescent, kaw-les'ent, a. (Bot.) Having a true or perfect stem. — Caulicule, -lT-kul, n. (Bot.) A short stem. (Arch.) One of the curled tops in a Corinthian capital. See Capital. — Cauliferous, -er-us, a. Caulescent. [L./erre, to bear.] Cauliflower, kawlt-flow'er, n. A variety of cabbage, having edible flower-buds. [Orig., cblliflower, fr. OF. col, L. caulis, a cabbage, and ¥.flori,fleuri, p.p. of fleurir, ~L.jlorere, to flourish.] Caulk, etc. See Calk. Cause, kawz, n. That which produces a result, or is the occasion of an action. (Law.) A suit or action in court; a legal process; case. The side of a ques- tion or controversy which one espouses and advo- cates. — v. t. [caused (kawzd), causing.] To effect by agency, power, or influence; to produce, be the occasion of. [F. ; L. causa, a cause.] — Caus'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Caus'er, n. — Causeless, a. Uncaused or uncreated, original in itself; without just cause, reason, or motive. — Caus'al, a. Rela- ting to, implying, or containing, etc. — Causality, -zart-tl, n. The agency of a cause. (Phren.) The faculty of tracing effects to theircauses. See Phre- nology. — Causation, -za'shun, n. Act of causing; agency by which an effect is produced. — Causa'- tionism, -izm, n. The doctrine that all things are produced through the agency of a causal force. — Causa'tionist, n. A believer that, etc. — Caus'a- tive, -tiv, a. Expressing a reason; causal; affecting, as a cause or agent ; causing. [LL. causare, to cause.] — Caus'atively, adv. Causeuse, ko-zez'', n. A lounge or sofa for two per- sons, sitting face to face. [F., fr. causer, to talk.] Causeway, kawz'wa, Causey, kaw'zT, n. A paved or raised way over wet ground. . [Orig., cawse, then cause)/, f r. OF. caucie ( = F. chausee), ir. LL. calciata (via), (road) paved with limestone, f r. L. calx, lime.] Caustic, kaws'tik, -tical, a. Destructive to the tex- ture of anything; burning; corrosive: severe; satir- ical; sharp. — Caus'tic, n. Any substance, which, applied to animal substances, burns, or destroys the texture. (Opt.) A caustic curve, — a curve to which the rays of light, reflected or refracted by another curve, are tangents. [Gr. kaustikos, burning, fr. kaiein, kauso, to burn.] — Caus'tieally, adv. — Caus- ticity, -tis'Y-tl, n. Quality or property of, etc. ; cor- rosiveness; severity of language; sarcasm. — Cau'- ter, n. A hot, searing iron. [Gr. kauterion, branding iron, fr. kaiein.'] — Cau'terism, -ter-izm, n. Appli- cation of caustics ; cautery. — Cau'teriza'tion, n. (Surg.) Act of burning a morbid part by applica- tion of fire. — Cau'terize, -Iz, v. t. [-terized (-izd), -izixg.] To burn or sear with fire or hot iron. — Cau'tery, -ter-T, n. A burning, as of morbid flesh, by a hot iron, or by caustic medicines. (Burning by hot iron is called actual cautery ; by caustic med- icines, potential cautery. ) Caution, kaw'shun, n. Prudence in regard to dan- fer; provident care ; wariness; heed; prudence; ex- ortation to wariness; warning; admonition. — v. t. [cautioned (-shund), -tioxing.] To give notice of danger to, warn. [OF., fr. L. cautio, security, fr. cavere, to take heed.] — Cau'tionary, -a-rY, a. Con- taining caution, or warning; given as a pledge. — Cautioner, n. — Cau'tious, -shus, a. Possessing or using, etc.; prudent; watchful; circumspect. — Cau'- tiously, adv. — Cau'tiousness, n. Cavalcade, kav'al-kad, n. A procession of horsemen. iF. ; It. cavalcata, f r. cavalcare, to ride, f r. cavallo, j. caballus, Gr. kaballes, a horse.] — Cavalier, -ler r , n. A horseman; knight; one of the court party in the time of King Charles I. — a. Gay ; sprightly ; brave; warlike; haughty. [F. ; It. cavaliere, a horse- man, chevalier.] — Cavalier'ly, adv. Superciliously. — Cav'alry, -rT, n. (Mil.) Mounted troops. [OF. cavallerie, It. cavalleria ; s. rt. chivalry. .] Cavatina, kav-a-te'na, n. (Mus.) An air of one move- ment, with little repetition of the words, and fre- quently preceded by a recitative. [It.] Cave, kav, n. A hollow place in the earth; den. — v. t. rcAVED(kavd), caving.] To make hollow. — v. i. To dwell in a cave. [OF. ; L. cavea, a cave, cage, f r. cavus, hollow.] — To cave in. To fall in and leave a hollow; to break down, yield. — Cavity, kav'I- tt, n. A hollow place; inclosed space; hollowness. — Cav'ern, -ern, n. A deep hollow place in the earth; cave. — Cav'ernous, -us, a. Full of caverns; hollow. [L. caverna.] Caveat, ka've-at, n. (Law.) A notice to some officer not to do a certain act until the interested party ia heard in opposition. (U. S. Patent Laws.) A de- scription of some invention, lodged in the office be- fore the patent right is taken out, as a bar to other applications respecting the same invention. Intima- tion of caution; warning. [L., let him beware.] Cavendish, kav'en-dish, n. Tobacco softened and pressed. Caviare, ka-ver'', Caviar, kav'e-ar, n. The roes of certain fish, prepared and salted, — used as a relish, esp. in Russia. [F. caviar, Turk, havi/ar.] Cavil, kav'il, v. i. [caviled (-ild), caviling.] To raise captious objections. — n. A false or frivolous objection. [OF. caviller, L. cavilluri, fr. cavilla, a jeering, caviling.] — Caviller, n. Cavity. See under Cave. 2tm, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 5nd, eve, term ; In, ice ; Qdd, tone, 6r ; CAVORT 81 CENT Cedar. Cavort, ka-vort', v. i. To bouud, frisk, prance. [Sp ca var, to paw (said of a horse).] Caw. kaw, v. i. [cawed (kawd), cawing.] To cry like a cow, or raven. — n. The noise of, etc. [Ononiat.] Cawker. Same as Calker. Cayenne Pepper, ka-en r pep'pe'r. A very pungent pepper, the product of several species of Capsicum. [Fr. Cayenne, S. Amer.] Cayman, ka'inan, n. ;pL Cay'mahs, -manz. A genus of American reptiles of the crocodile family; alli- gator. [Name in Guiana.] Cazique. ka-zek', n. A chief among some American Indians. [Sp. ctwiqive, fr. the language of Hayti.] Cease, ses, v. i. [ceased (sest), ceasixg.] To" come to an end, desist, forbear, stop; to be wanting. — r. t. To put a stop to, bring to an end. [F. cesser, L. a ssare, to go slowly, cease, freq. of cedere, ces- suti), to yield.]— Cease'less, «. Without cessation; incessant. — Cease'lessly, adv. — Cessa'tion, n. Act of discontinuing; stop; rest; intermission. Cedar, sender, n. An evergreen tree of different spe- cies. [AS. ceder-beam, cedar tree, L. cedrus, Gr. kedros.] — Ce'dar, -drine, -drin, a. Pert, to, or made of, etc. Cede, sed, v. t. To yield or surrender, give up. [L. cedere, cessum.] — Cession, sesh'un, re. A yielding or surrender, as bf property or rights, to another ; a"ct of ceding. Cedilla, se-dil'la, n. A mark under the letter c [g], to show that it is sounded like s; as in fagade. [It. zedialia, dim. of zeta, the Gr. letters, formerly writ- ten below the c, to give it the sound of s.] Ceil, sel, r. t. [ceiled (seld), ceilixg.] To overlay or cover the inner roof of. [E. cyll, syle, a canopy, F. ciel, heaven, also, a canopy, It. cielo, heaven, can- opy, ceiling, fr. L. cselum, heaven, a vault, Gr. koilos, hollow.] — CeiT'ing, n. (Arch.) The upper, interior surface of a room. (JVaut.') Inside planks of a ship. Celadon, seKa-don, n. A pale sea-green color. [F.] Celandine, seKan-din, re. A genus of plants of the poppy family; swallow-wort, — supposed to flower wberi swallows appear, and die when they go. [F. celidoine, Gr. cheliaonion, fr. chelidon, a swallow.] Celebrate, seKe-brat, v. t. To mention with praise, extol ; to honor by solemn rites, or by ceremonies of joy and respect ; to solemnize, commemorate. [L. celebrure, -brutum, to frequent, solemnize, fr. celeber, frequented.] — Cel'ebrated, a. Having celebrity; distinguished; famous. — Cel'ebrant, n. One who performs a public religious rite. — Celebra'tion, n. Honor bestowed; commemoration; praise; observ- ance with appropriate ceremonies; solemnization. — CeKebrator, -ter, n.— Celeb'rity, -rT-tT, re. Condi- tion of being celebrated; a person of distinction. Celerity, se-ier'T-tY, re. Rapidity of motion; swift- ness; speed. [F. celerite', L. celeritas, fr. celer, quick; Gr. keles, a racer.] Celery, sel'er-i, re. A plant of the parsley family, used as a salad. [F. celeri, It. seleri, L. and Gr. seli- non, parsley.] Celestial, se-lesfyal, a. Pert, to the spiritual heaven; heavenly; pert.' to the visible heavens, —re. An in- habitant of heaven. [OF. celestiel, fr. L. cselum, heaven. See Ceil.] — Celes'tially, adv. — Cel'es- tine, seKes-tin, n. (Mm.) Native sulphate of stron- tian, which has a sky-blue color. (Eccl. Hist.) One of a religious order founded by Pope Celestine V. Celiac, selT-ak, a. Pert, to the belly. [Gr. koilia, belly, f r. koilos, hollow.] Celibacy, se-lib'a-sl or seKY-ba-sY, n. The state of an unmarried man; bachelorship. [L. cselebs, unmar- ried.]— Celibate, sel'T-bat, n. Condition or life of an unmarried man; unmarried man; bachelor. Cell, sel, n. A small and close apartment, as in a prison or monastery; any small, closed cavity. (Organic Structures.) A minute sac, filled with fluid, fat, etc., forming, by development and reproduction, the cel- lular tissue of animals and plants. [L. cella, cell, hut, Gr. kalia, hut, Skr. gala, a stable; s. rt. conceal, L. celare.] — CeKlar, n. A space under a house. [L. cdlarium, a pantry, f r. cella.] — Cellarage, -ei, n. The excavation for, etc.; a cellar, or series of cellars connected; charge for storage in, etc. — Cellarer, -ist, n. (Eccl.) An officer in charge of, etc., or of procuring, keeping, and distributing provisions. — Cel'iular, a. Consisting of, or containing cells. [L. cellula, a little cell.] — Cel'lulated, a. Formed with cells. — Cellule, -ul, n. A small cell. — Cellulif- erous, -lifer-us, a. Producing little cells. [L.ferre, to bear.] — Cellulose, -los, a. Containing cells. — n. (Bot.) One of the substances constituting the cellu- lar tissue of plants. — Celluloid, a. A compound of gun-cotton, camphor, etc., imitating coral, ivorv, tortoise-shell, amber, etc., and used in manufactur- ing jewelry, etc. Celt, selt, n. One of a race anciently inhabiting Cen- tral and Western Europe, from whom come the Irish, Welsh, and Gael; a stone or metal implement found in barrows of the early Celts. [L. Celtse, Gr. Keltai, perh. fr. Ga. ceiltach, inhabitant of the forest.] — Celtic, a. Pert, to the Celts, or to their language. — n. The language of, etc., the remains of which are found in the Gaelic, Erse or Irish, Manks, and Welsh and its cognate dialects, Cornish and Armorican or Breton. — Celticism, -Y-sizm, n. A Celtic custom. Cement, se-ment / ' or sem^ent, n. Any substance used for making bodies cohere, as mortar, glue, etc. ; bond of union. [OF., fr. L. csementum, rubble, chippings of stone, fr. csedere, Skr. clihid, to cut.] — Cemert', v.t. To unite with, etc.; to unite firmly. — v.i. To unite and cohere. — Cementation, re. Act of ce- menting. (Chern.) Process of surrounding a sf lid body with powder of other substances, and heating until the properties of the body are changed by chemical combination with the powder, —as iron becomes steel by cementation with charcoal. Cemetery, senile- ter-T, n. A grave-yard; necropolis. [Gr. koimeterion, sleeping-room, cemetery, fr. koi- man, to put to bed, fr. keimai, I lie down; s. rt. L. quies, E. quiet.] Cenatory, sen'a-to-rY, a. Pert, to supper. [L. cozna, dinner, supper.] Cenobite, Coenobite, sen'o-bit, n. A monk in a con- vent or community, in opp. to a hermit or anchorite. [L. coznotium, Gr. koinooion, a convent, fr. koinos, common, and bios, life.] — Cenobitlc, -ical, a. Con- ventual; monastic. Cenotaph, sen'o-taf, n. A monument to one buried elsewhere. [OF. cenotaphe, fr. Gr. kenos, empty, and tapJws, tomb.] Cense, sens, «. t. [cexsed (senst), cexsixg.] To per- fume with odors from burning substances. [Abbr. fr. incense, fr. L. incendere, to Durn.J — Cen'ser, re. A vase or pan for burning incense. Censor, sen'ser, re. A Roman officer who registered the effects of citizens, imposed taxes, and inspected manners; an examiner of books, etc., before pub- lication, to suppress anything forbidden; one who censures; a harsh critic. [L., fr. censere, to give an opinion, tax, appraise.] — Censolial. -rY-al, -rian, a. Pert, to, etc., or to the correction of public morals. — Censolious, -rY-us, a. Addicted to, implying, or expressing, censure; fault-finding; carping; severe. — Censo'riously, adv. — Censoliousness, n. — Cen r - sorship, re. Office of a censor. — Censure, sen'sher, n. Act of blaming ; reproof ; disapproval ; repri- mand; abuse. — v.t. [censured (-sherd), -surixg.] To find fault with and condemn as wrong; to blame, reprehend. [L. censura, an opinion.] — Cen'sur- able, a. Worthy of, etc. — Cen'surableness, re. — Cen'surably, adv. — Cen'sus, n. An official enu- meration and registration of the people, estates, and other statistics of a country. [L., a register.] Cent, sent, n. A hundred, as, 10 per cent. ; an Amer- ican coin worth the 100th part of a dollar. [L. cen- tum.] — Cenfage, -ej, re. Rate by the cent, or hun- dred ; percentage. — Cen'tal, re. A weight of 100 pounds; hundred-weight. — a. Pert, to, or consist- ing of, etc. — Cen'tenary, -ri, n. Aggregate of 100 single things; esp. a century; 100 years; a cele- bration occurring once in, etc. — a. Pert, to, or con- sisting of, 100; occurring once in every 100 years. — CentenaHan, -rY-an, re. One 100 years old. — a. Pert, to 100 years. [L. centenarms.] — Centen'nial, -nY-al, a. Pert, to the 100th anniversary; happening once in 100 years. — n. A celebration of, etc. [L. an- nus, a year.] — Centes'imal, a. Hundredth; by the 100. — re. A 100th part. — Centes'ima'tion, _n. (Mil) A punishment inflicted on one person in 100. — Cen'tury, -tu-rY, n. A hundred; a period of 100 years. — Century plant. The American aloe, supposed to bloom but once in 100 years. — Centu'rion, -rl-on, re. A Roman captain of 100 foot-soldiers. [L. centurio.] — Centu'rial, -rY-al, a. Pert, to a century, or to 100 men. — Cen'tuple, -tu-pl, a. Hundred-iold. — v.i. sur., cube, full; moon, foot ; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, get. 6 CENTAUR 82 CHAFE [-tupled (-tu-pld), -topling.] To make, etc. [L. plicare, to fold.] — Centifo'lious, -lT-us, a. Having 100 leaves. [L. folium, a leaf.] — Centigrade, -tl- grad, a. Of 100 degrees; graduated into 100 equal parts. [L. gradus, a degree.] — Centigrade thermom- eter. A thermometer in which 0° indicates the freezing point, and 100° the boiling point of water. — Centare, -tar', n. A measure of area, contain- ing 1 sq. meter, about 1,550 sq. inches. [F.] — Cen' r - tigram, -gram, n. A measure of weight, — the 100th part of a gram = .15432 gr. avoir, [r .] — Centiliter, -til'T-ter or sen'ti-li-ter, -litre, -tT-le'tr, n. A meas- ure of capacity, — 100th of a liter, more than 0.6 eu. inch. [F.] — Centime, -tem, n. A coin, — the 100th of a franc. [F.] — Centimeter, -tim'e-ter or sen'tl- me-ter, -metre, son-te-ma'tr, ?;. A measure of length, — the 100th of a meter, more than .39 inch. [F., fr. L. centum and Gr^ metron, measure.] — Centiped, -tT-ped, -pede, -tt-ped, n. A species of many-jointed, wingless land articulates, having many feet. [L. pes, pedis, foot.] — Centum' vir, -ver, n. ; pi. -viei, -vt-rl. A Roman judge of common causes among the people. [L. vir, a man.] — Centum'' viral, -vi- ral, a. Pert, to, etc. — Centum' virate, -vt-rat, n. Office of, etc. Centaur, sen'tawr, n. (Myth.) A fabulous monster, half man and half horse. [L. centaurus, Gr. ken- tnuros.] — Centaury, -rT, n. A plant of several spe- cies, most of them weeds. [Gr. kentaurie, — the Centaur Chiron having used it medicinally.] Center, -tre, sen'ter, n. The exact middle point of anything; the middle portion; midst; point of con- centration; nucleus. (Arch.) A temporary framing on which vaulted work is built. — r. i. [centered or -tred (-terd), -tering or -tring.] To be placed in, etc.; to be central; to be collected to a point, be concentrated. — v. t. To place on, etc. ; to collec t to a point, concentrate. [F. centre, L. centrum, center, Gr. kentron, a spike, prick, center, fr. kentein, to prick.]— Centering, n. (Arch.) Temporary fra- ming on which vaulted work is built. — Central, a. Pert, to, placed in, or containing, the center; pert, to the parts near, etc.— Central'ity, -T-tl, n. State of being central. — Centralize, -Iz, v. t. [-ized (-Izd), -izing.] To draw to a central point ; bring to a center. — Centralization, n. Act of, or state of be- ing, etc. — Centrally, adv. — Centric, -trical, a. Placed in, etc. — Cen'trically, adv. — Centricity, -tris'T-H, n. State of being centric — Centrifugal, -u-gal, a. Tending to recede from the center. [L. fugere, to flee.] — Centrip'etal, a. Tending toward, etc. [L. petere, to move toward.] — Center-bit, n. An instrument turning on a projecting central point, for boring holes. See Bit. — board, n. (JVaut.) In small craft, a board keel, which may be drawn up or let down; a sliding keel. Centinel, Centry. See Sentinel. Cento, sen'to, n. ; pi. Ckn'tos, -toz. A composition formed by verses, etc., from different authors dis- posed in a new order. (Mus.) A medley on a large scale. [L.] Cephalic, se-fal'ik, a. Pert, to the head. — n. A med- icine for headache, etc. [Gr. kephale, the head.] — Cephalic index. (Physiol.) The ratio of the breadth to the length of the skull. — Cephalalgy, sefa-lal- jY, n. Pain in the head; headache. [Gr. algos, pain.] — Cephalog'raphy, n. A description of the head. [Gr. graphein, to write.] — Cephalom'eter, n. (Surg.) An instrument for measuring the head, esp. of the fetus during delivery. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Cephalopod, sef'a-lo-pod or se-fal'-, n. (Zool.) A mollusk having a distinct head, surrounded by a cir- cle of arms or tentacles. [Gr. pous, podos, foot.] — Ceph'alotrip'sy, -si, n. (Surg.) Act of crushing the head of the fetus in the womb, to effect deliv- ery. [Gr. tribein, to grind.] Ceramic, se-ram'ik, a. Pert, to pottery. [Gr. keramos, pottej-'s cla3 T , pottery.] Cere, ser, n. Naked wax-like skin at the base of birds' bills, — v. t. [cered (serd), cering.] To wax, or cover with wax. [L. cerare, ceratum, to wax, f r. cera, W. cwyr, It. and Ga. ceir, Gr. keros, wax.] — Cera'- ceous, -shus, a. Of the nature of, etc. — Ce'rate, -rat, n. (Med.) Thick ointment, made of wax, oil, etc. — Ce'rated, a. Covered with, etc. — Cerif er- ous, -er-us, a. Producing, etc. [L. ferre, to bear.] — Ceru'men, n. The wax of the ear. [NL.] — Ce'- rine, -rin, n. The part of bees-wax soluble in boil- ing alcohol. — Cere'cloth, n. A cloth smeared with melted wax. — Cere'ment, n. A cloth dipped in melted wax, used in embalming bodies. [OF.] — Cerog'raphy, n. A writing on wax; art of engraving on wax spread upon copper, from which a stereo- type plate is taken. [Gr. graphein, to write.] — Cero- graph'ic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. — Ceroplastic, n. Art of modeling in wax. — a. Pert, to, etc. [Gr. plassein, to form.] Cereal, se're-al, a. Pert, to edible grain, as wheat, rye, etc. — n. Any edible grain. [L. cerealis, pert, to corn, fr. Ceres, goddess of corn.] Cerebrum, ser'e-brum, n. (Anat.) The superior and larger division of the brain. [L., fr. Gr. kara, the head.] — Cer'ebral, a. Pert, to, etc. — Cerebellum, -bel'lum, n. ; pi. -bel'la, -la. The hinder and low- er division of the brain. [L., dim. of cerebrum.'] — Cerebellar, -bel'lous, -Ins, a. Pert, to, etc. Ceremony, ser'e-mo-nl, n. Outward rite ; external form in religion ; forms of civility. [F. ceremonie, L. cserimonia, a ceremony, Skr. karman, a religious action, a rite.] — Ceremo^nial, o. Pert, to, etc. — n. An established system of rules and ceremonies. — Ceremo'nially, adv. — Ceremo'nious, -nt-us, a. Con- sisting of, or according to, outward forms and rites; ceremonial; particularin observing forms; precise; formal.— Ceremo'niously, adv. Cerise, se-rez_^, a. Cherry-colored. [F., a cherry.] Ceroom, se-room', n. A bale or package of skins. [Sp. seron, aug. of sera, a pannier.] Certain, ser'tin, a. Assured in mind ; having no doubts; not to be doubted; fixed or stated; deter- minate ; indeterminate, or not specifically named; one or some. [OF.; L. certus, determined, fr. cer- nere, to sift, discriminate, Gr. krinein, to separate, decide.] — Certainly, adv. Without doubt or ques- tion ; in truth and fact ; without failure. — Cer'- tainness, n. — Certainty, -t t, Certitude, -tt-tud, n. Quality or condition of being certain ; exemption from doubt or failure ; a fact unquestionably estab- lished. — Cer'tes, -tez, adv. Assuredly ; in truth. — Certify, -fi, v. t. [-tified (-fid), -fying.] To testify to in writing; to make known or establish as a fact; to give certain information of or to. [LL. certificare, -catum, fr. L. certus and facere, to make.] — Certified check. A bank-check whose validity is certified by the bank on which it is drawn. — Certif- icate, -T-kat, n. A written testimony to the truth of any fact; written declaration legally authenti- cated. — v. t. To verify by, or furnish with, etc. — Certification, n. Act of, etc. — Certifier, -f I-er, n. Certiorari, sei^shl-o-ra'ri, n. (Law.) A writ from a superior court, to call up records of an inferior court, or remove a cause, to hasten justice, or correct errors. [LL. certiorare, to certify, fr. L. certior, comp.of certus, certain.] Cerulean, se-ru'le-an, a. Sky-blue. [L. csemdeus.~] Cerumen. See under Cere. Ceruse, se'rus, n. White lead. — Ce'ruse, Ce'rusite, Ce'russite, -sit, n. Native carbonate of lead. [OF. ceruse, L. cerussa, white lead; s. rt. L. cera, wax. See Cere.] — Ce tused, -rust, a. Washed with a prep- aration of white lead. Cervical, ser'vik-al, a. (Anat.) Pert, to the neck. [L. cervix, neck'.] Cervine, ser'vin, a. Pert, to the deer. [L. cervus, a Of the color hart, deer.] — Cer' vinous, -vl-nus, a. of, etc.; tawny. Cesarean, Cesar'iBm^ Cesura, etc. See Cesar, Cesura. Cespitose, ses'pt-tos, a. (Bot.) Growins in tufts; turf-like. [L. csespes, turf.] — Ces'pitous, -tus, a. Pert, to, or consisting of, turf; turfy. Cessation. See under Cease. Cessavit, ses-sa'vit, n. (O. Eng. Law.) A writ to re- cover lands when the tenant has not for two years performed the service constituting the condition of tenure. [L., he has ceased.] Cession. See under Cede. Cess-pool, ses'pool, n. A cavity in the earth to re- ceive sediment of water from drains. [Prop, sess- pool; Prov. E. soss, a mess of food, scraps, etc., suss, hogwash.] Cestus, ses'tus, «. A girdle, esp. of Venus; a loaded leather covering for boxers' hands. [L.] Cetacea, se-ta'se-a, n. pi. (Zool.) An order of mammiferous marine animals, inclu- ding whales. [L. cetus, whale, Gr. ketos, sea- monster.] — Ceta'cean, -shan, n. An ani- mal of the whale kind. — Ceta'ceous, -shus, a. Pert, to, etc. — Cetofogy, -jT. n. Nat- ural his_tory of, etc. [Gr. logos, discourse.] Chafe, chaf, v. t. [chafed (chaft), chafing.] To excite heat or irritation in by friction; to irritate; to fret and wear by rubbing; to Cestus. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 6nd, eve, term ; Tn, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; CHAFER 83 CHAMP provoke, inflame. — i-. i. To be excited or heated; to fret: to be worn by rubbing. — re. Heat or irrita- tion from friction : "agitation of the mind. [OF. chaufer, fr. LL. caleficare, L. calefacere, to make warm, fr. at/ere, to grow warm, and facere, to make.] — Chafer, cha'fer, re. — Chafery, cha'fer-i, re. A forge where metal is subjected to a welding heat. — Cha'fing-dish. re. A dish or vessel, holding coals, a lamp, etc., to heat what is put upon it; a portable grate. Chafer, cha'fer, n. An insect; cock-chafer; May-bug. [AS. ceqfar.] Chaff, chaf, re. The glumes, husk, or light, dry cover- ing of grains and grasses. (Bot.) Scales or bracts on the receptacle in composite plants. Worthless matter; refuse. [As. ceaf, D. kaf, G. kaff.] — Chaf- finch, re. A singing bird of the finch family, feed- ing on chaff. — Chaffy, -T, a. Containing, like, or light and worthless as, chaff. Chaff, chaf, re. Light, idle talk; ridicule. — v. i. [chaffed (chaft), chaffing.] To use, etc., by way of fun or ridicule. — v. t. To make fun of, banter. [Corrupt, of chafe.'] Chaffer, chaffer, v.i. [chaffered (-ferd), -fering.] To treat about a purchase, bargain, haggle; to talk much or idly. — v. t. To buy, purchase, exchange. [AS. ceap, a bargain, price, undfaru, a journey, busi- ness.] — Chaf ferer, re. Chagreen. See Shagreen. Chagrin, sha-griif . re. Ill-humor; vexation; peevish- ness; mortiucation. — v. t. [chagrined (-grind''), -GRINING.] To excite ill-humor in, vex, mortify. [F.,perh. meaning (E.) shagi-een, ~Per. saghri ; pern, fr. Genoese sagrina, to gnaw.] Chain, chan, n. A series of connected links or rings; that which confines, fetters, or secures; a bond; a se- ries of things connected and following each other in succession. (Surv.) An instrument for measur- ing land, consisting of 100 links, being 4 rods, or 66 feet, in length. (Naut.) An iron plate bolted at the lower end through the side to the ship's timbers. — v. t. [chained (chand), chaining.] To fasten or connect with, etc.; to enslave; to unite closely and strongly. [OF. chaene, chaine, It. and L. catena.'] — Chauf less, o. Without, etc.; unrestrained. --Chauf - bridge. n. A bridge suspended on chains; suspen- sion bridge. — gang, re. A gang of convicts chained together. —-mail, re. Flexible armor made of inter- laced rings. — pomp, re. A pump consisting of an end- less chain, carrying disks, passing upward through a wooden tube, and moving on wheels. — shot, re. (Mil.) Two cannon balls, con- nected by a chain, to cut down masts, etc. — stitch, n. A kind of stitch in sew- ing, made by interlocking threads. — -wales, n. pi. (Naut.) Planks bolted to a ship's sides to spread the lower rigging. See Chan- nels. Chair, char, n. A movable seat with a back, for one person; an official seat, as of a judge ; hence, the of- fice itself: the presiding of- ficer of an assembly; a vehi- cle for one person; an iron block to support and secure railroad tracks. — v. t. [chaired (chard), chairing.] To carry publicly in a chair in triumph. [F. chaire, pulpit, chaise, chair, OF. chaiere, chaere, chair, fr. L. cathedra, Gr. kathedra, seat, chair, pulpit. See Cathedra.] — Chair'man. w. ; pi. -men. The presiding officer of an assembly, committee, etc.; one who carries a chair or sedan. — Chair 'manship, re. Office of, etc. — Chaise, shaz, re. A two-wheeled, one-horse car- riage, with calash top. [F. See Chair.] Chalcedony, kal-sed'o-nf or kaf se-do-nf, re. (Mm.) An uncrystallized, translucent variety of quartz, usually whitish, and with a wax-like luster. [Fr. Chalcedon, in Asia Minor.] Chalcography, kal-kog'ra-f i, re. Art of engraving on copper or brass. [Gr. chalkos, copper, brass, and graphein, to write.] — Chalcog'rapher, -fSr, -raphist, -fist, re. An engraver on, etc. Chaldaic, kal-da'ik, Chaldee, kaf de or kal-de', a. Pert, to Chaldea. — re. Language of the Chaldeans. Chain-pump. Chaldron, chawfdrun or chafdrun, re. A dry meas- ure for coals, usually of 30 bushels, but varying. [OF. See Caldron.] Chalet, shaf a, re. A Swiss wooden cottage; a summer- house on a mountain. [F.] Chalice, chaKis, n. A cup; bowl; communion cup. [OF. calice, L. calix, Gr kulix, Skr. kalaea, cup.] Chalk, chawk, re. (Min.) A soft, white, earthy sub- stance, consisting of carbonate of lime. — v. t. [chalked (chawkt), chalking.] To rub or mark with chalk. [AS. cealc, D., Dan., Sw., and G. kalk, L. calx, lime-stone. See Calx.] — French chalk. Steatite or soap-stone, a soft magnesian mineral. — Red c. An indurated clayey ocher. — To c. out. To lay out, draw out, or describe. — ChaUfy, -f, a. Of, impregnated with, or like, etc. — Chalk'iness, re. — Chalk'-stone, re. (Med.) A concretion in the hands and feet of persons affected by gout. Challenge, chaflenj, n. An invitation to contest; a sentry's demand of the countersign from those ap- proaching his post; summons to single combat; de- mand made of a right; an exception to a juror or voter. — v. t. [-lenged (-lenjd), -lenging.] To call to a contest, call to answer, defy; to claim as due, demand as a right, make exception or objec- tion to, object to as not qualified to vote. [OF. cha- longe, calenge, a dispute, accusation, fr. L. calumnia, false accusation, caluere, to deceive; s. rt. calumny.] — Challengeable, a. — Challenger, re. Challis, Chally, shal-lT, re. A twilled, fine woolen fabric, for ladies' dresses. [F. chaly.] Chalybeate, ka-lib'e-at, a. Impregnated with some salt of iron. — n. Water, liquor, medicine, etc., containing iron. [L. chalybs, Gr. chahtps, steel.] Cham, kam, Ehan, Kan, re. The sovereign prince of Tartary. Chamade, sha-mad', re. (Mil.) Sound of a drum or trumpet, inviting an enemy to a parley. [F., fr. L. clamare, to_call.] Chamber, chanf ber, n. A retired room, esp. an upper room, for lodging, privacy, or study; a compartment or hollow, closed space; a place where an assembly meets; the assembly itself ; the cavity in a fire-arm where the charge is put. (Law.) A private place where a judge sits to hear cases, and do judicial business out of court. — v. i. [-bered (-berd), -Ber- ing.] To reside in or occupy as a chamber ; to be wanton. — v. t. To shut up, as in a chamber. [OF. chambre, L. camara, camera, a chamber, vault, Gr. kamara, vault, covered wagon.] — Chanfberer, n. One who intrigues or is wanton. [Obs.] — Chanf - ber-coun'sel, -couif selor, -er, n. A counselor who gives his opinion privately, but does not advocate causes in court. — maid, re. A woman who cares for chambers, or waits upon a lady. — Chamberlain, -lin, n. An attendant in charge of the chambers, as in a hotel; an officer of the private chambers of a nobleman or monarch; one of the high officers of a court; a treasurer or receiver of public money. [OF.] — Chanf berlainship, n. Office of, etc. Chambrel, kam'brel, re. The gambrel. See Gambrel. Chameleon, ka-mel'yun, re. A lizard-like reptile, whose color ' changes with that of objects about it, or when its temper is disturbed. [Gr. chamaileon, lit. ground-lion = dwarf lion, fr. chamai, on the ground, creeping, and leon, lion.] Chamfer, chauffer, v. t. [-fered (-ferd), -fering.] ( Carp.) To cut a groove or channel in; to flute. To cut or grind in a sloping manner; to bevel. — Chanf - fer, Chanffret, re. (Carp.) A small gutter in wood, etc.; groove, slope, or bevel. [Pg. chanfrar, to slope, hollow.] Chamois, shanfwa or shanf T, n. lope living on European mountain ridges; a soft leather, first prepared from its skin. [F.; MHG. gamz, ' G. gemse.] Chamomile. See Camomile. Champ, champ, v. t. [champed (champt), champing.] To bite with repeated action of the teeth, bite into small pieces, crush. — v. i. To bite frequently. [S'w. kamsa, to chew with difficulty, champ; Ic. kiaptr, Gr. gampha, Skr. jambha, a jaw.] — Champ^er, re. Chameleon. A species of ante- Chamois. sun, cube, full ; moon, f66t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CHAMPAG-NE 84 CHARACTER Champagne, sham-pan', n. A brisk, sparkling wine. [Fr. Champagne, France.] Champaign, sham-pan'', re. A flat, open country. — a. Flat; level. [F. See Campaign" and Camp.] Champerty, cham'per-tY, n. Maintenance of a law- suit, with an agreement, if successful, to divide the thing in suit. [OF. champart, field-rent, L. campi pars — camjms, held, and pars, share.] — Cham'per- tor, -ter, re. One who purchases a suit, or right of suing, and carries it on at his own expense, in order to obtain a share of the gain. Champion, cham'pY-un, re. One who engages in a contest; esp. who contends in behalf of another in single combat; one ready to fight all who offer. — v. t. [-pioned (-und), -pioning.] To furnish with, or attend as, etc. [OF.; LL. canvpio, a champion, combatant in a duel, fr. campus, battle, duel, war. See Camp.] — Cham'pionship, re. State of being, etc. Chance, chans, re. Absence of any defined cause ; for- tuity ; casualty ; an event without assigned cause; possibility of an occurrence; luck; hazard; oppor- tunity, —v.i. [chanced (chanst), chancing.] To happen, come, or arrive, without expectation. — a. Happening by chance ; casual ; fortuitous. [OF. chaance, cheance, fr. LL. cadentia, that which falls out (esp. in dice-playing), fr. L. cadere, to fall.] — Chance'-med'ley, re. (Law.) The killing of another in self-defense upon an unpremeditated encounter. Chancel, chan'sel, n. That part of a church con- taining the altar or communion table, — formerly inclosed with lattices. [OF.; L. cancellus, a grating. See Cancel.] — Chancery, chan'ser-Y, re. A hign court of equity ; equity ; proceedings in equity. [OF. chancelrie, the chancery or seal-office, a court, LL. cancellaria, record-room of a chancellor, f r. L. cancellus, grating. See Cancel.] — To get or hold in chancery. (Boxing.) To get the antagonist's head under one's arm, where it can be pommeled by the other fist; to have in one's power. — Chan'cellor, -sel-ler, re. A high judicial officer; the chief judge of a court of chancery. [OF. chancelier, LL. cancel- larius, chancellor, orig. custodian of records.] — Chancellor of the exchequer. A member of the Brit- ish cabinet, the highest finance minister of the gov- ernment. — Lord high c. of England. The presiding judge in the court of chancery, highest judicial offi- cer of the crown. — Chancellorship, re. Office of, etc. Chancre, shan'ker, re. An ulcer, esp. a venereal sore. [F. See Cancer.] — Chan'crous, -krus, a. Ulcerous. Chandelier,_Chandler, etc. See under Candle. Change, chanj, v. t. [changed (chanjd), changing.] To alter or make different; to cause to pass from one state to another; to substitute another thing for ; to vary, innovate, exchange ; to give other money, of the same aggregate value, for; to become acid or tainted. — v. i. To be altered, undergo vari- ation, pass from one phase to another. — re. Any al- teration; a passing from one state to another; sub- stitution of one thing for another ; alteration in the order of a series; permutation; that which makes a variety; small pieces of money, which may be fiven for larger pieces; the balance of money paid eyond the price of goods purchased; building for mercantile transactions. (Colloq. for exchange.) [OF. changier, changer, LateL. cambiare, to change, .fr. L. cambire, to exchange.] — Chan'ger, re. — Change 'able, -a-bl, a. Capable of change; appearing different under difference of circumstances; varia- ble; fickle; unstable.— Change'ableness, -abil'ity, -ti, re. — Change 'ably, adv.— Change'ful, a. Full of change ; mutable. — Change'fully, adv. — Change'fulness, re. — Change'less, a. Not admit- ting alteration; constant. — Change'ling, re. A child left or taken in the place of another ; one apt to change. — a. Taken or left in place of another. Channel, chan'nel, n. The bed of a stream; esp. the deeper part of a river or bay, where the main cur- rent flows. (Geog.) A strait or narrow sea between two portions of land. That through which any thing passes. (Arch.) A gutter or furrow, as in a column, pi. (Naut.) Planks bolted to the outside of a vessel, for spreading the lower rigging. — v. t. [-neled (-neld), -neling.] To form a channel in; groove. [OF. chanel, canel, L. canalis. See Canal.] Chant, chant, v. t. and i. To utter with a melodious voice, sing; to celebrate in song. (Mus.) To sing after the manner of a chant. — re. Song ; melody. (Mus.) Words recited to musical tones without mu- sical measure. [F. chanter, L. cantare, freq. of ca- nere, to sing; s. rt. cant.'] — Chant'er, re. One who chants ; the tenor or treble prpe in a bagpipe. — Chant'ress, n. A female chanter. — Chant'icleer, -t-kler, re. A cock, his voice in crowing being clear. — Chant'ry, -rT, re. An endowed chapel where masses for the souls of the donors are celebrated. Chaos, ka'os, re. An empty, infinite space ; unor- ganized condition of matter before the creation of the universe ; a disordered mass or state of tilings; confusion. [L. and Gr., fr. Gr. chainein, to gape, yawn; s. rt. chasm, hiatus, yawn.] — Chaot'ic, a. Resembling chaos; confused. Chap, chap or chop, v. t. [chapped (chapt), chap- ping.] To cleave or open longitudinally ; to split, crack. — v.i. To crack or open in long slits. — n. A cleft, gap, or chink in the flesh. — Chap, chop, u. The jaw, —generally in pi. [OD.koppen, D. knpj tv, Sw. kappa, Gr. koptein, to cut; s. rt. chip, clop.] — Chap'fallen, chop'fawln, a. With the lower jaw drooping; dejected; dispirited. Chap, chap, re. A man or boy; a youth. [Abbrev. of chapman, fr. AS. ceap, trade. See Cheap.] — Chap'- book. re. A small book, esp. one sold by hawkers. — Chap'man, re. ; pi. -men. One who buys or sells; a merchant; itinerant dealer. Chaparral, chap-ar-ral', n. A thicket of low ever- green oaks; thick bramble-bushes in clumps. [Sp., fr. Basque acha, rock, and aban-a, evergreen oak.] Chape, chap, re. A catch, as of a buckle; a metal tip of a scabbard. [F., a cope, chape. See Cap.] Chapeau, shap'o, re. ; pi. Chap'eatjs, -oz. A hat. [F.] — Chapeau Bras, -bra. A military hat which can be flattened and put under the arm. [F. ; bras, arm.] Chapel, chap'el, re. A place of worship connected with a church or with some establishment; in Eng. a dissenters' place of worship; a meeting-house; a choir of singers at the court of a prince or noble- man. [F. chapelle, OF. chapele, LL. capella, orig. the sanctuary where the cope (cappa) of St. Martin was preserved. See Cap.] — Chap'lain, -lin, re. An ecclesiastic who officiates in a chapel, or one attached to a ship, regiment, public institution, family, etc. — Chap'laincy, -si, -ship, re. Office or station of, etc. — Chap'ellany, -la-nT, n. A chapel and jurisdiction within the precincts of a church. — Chap'elry, -rt, w. Bounds or jurisdiction of a chapel. Chapellet, chap'el-let, re. A pair of stirrup leathers, with stirrups. See Chaplet. Chaperon, shap'er-ox, re. A hood or cap; a device on horses' foreheads in pompous funerals; one who attends a lady in public as a protector. — v. t. [chaperoned (-ond), -oning.] To attend in public places as protector. [F., a hood, aug. of chape, a cape. See Cap.] — Chap'eronage, -ej, n. Position or protection of, etc. Chapiter, chap'Y-ter, re. (Laiv.) A summary of mat- ters to be inquired of before justices ; articles. — Chap'iter, Chap'trel, n. (Arch.) The capital of a pier or pilaster which receives an arch; an impost. [OF. chapitel, L. capitellum, capital of a column, dim. of caput, head. See Capital and Chapter.] Chaplain, etc. See under Chapel. Chaplet, chap'let, re. A garland or wreath for the head; a string of beads used in counting prayers. (Arch.) A little* molding, carved into beads, olives, etc. a chapellet ; a tuft of feathers on a peacock's head ; a small chapel or shrine. [F. chapelet, a little head-dress, wreath, dim. of OF. chapel, hat, fr. chape. See Chapman. See under Chap, w. Chaptrel. Chapter, chap'ter, re. A division of a book. (Eccl.) A corporation composed of the clergy of a cathedral or collegiate church, and presided over by the dean. An organized branch of a society or fraternity; meet- ing of organized societies; place where delinquents receive discipline ; a decretal epistle. [Same as chap- iter; F. chapitre, fr. L. capitulum, dim. of caput, head. See Capitular.] Char, Chare, char [Eng.], Chore, chor [Amer.], n. Work done by the day; a single job or task. [ME. cherr, char, fr. AS. cierr, cyrr,D. keer, OHG. cher, a turn, space of time.] — Char'woman, re. A servant that works by the day. Char, char, v. t. [charred (chard), charring.] To reduce to charcoal by expelling volatile matter; to burn slightly; to hew, as stone. [ME. charren, to turn.] — Char'coal, re. Coal made by charring wood. — Char'ry, -rT, a. Pert, to, or like, charcoal. Character, kSr'ak-ter, re. A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or sign; manner of writing or printing ; sum am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; in, ice ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; CHARADE 85 CHAT of qualities distinguishing one person or thing from another; good qualities, or the reputation of possess- ing them; qualities belonging to an office or institu- tion ; estimate put upon a person or thing ; reputa- tion; force of will; energy; the possessor of a certain character: a person; account; description. — v. t. To engrave, inscribe, distinguish by particular marks, characterize. [L. and Gr., fr. Gr. charassein, to en- grave.) — Char'actoris'tic, -tical, a. Constituting the character ; peculiar. — Char'acterislic, n. That which constitutes, etc., or distinguishes a person or thing from another. {Math.) The index or expo- nent of a logarithm. — Char'acteris'tically, adv. — Characterize, -iz, v. t. [-terized (-ter-Tzd), -izixg.] To mark with a peculiar figure; to describe the qual- ities of; to mark or express the character of, desig- nate, entitle. — Char'acterizalion, n. Act of, etc. — Characterless, a. Having no peculiar character. Charade, sha-rad', n. A composition describing enig- matically objects, expressed by each syllable of a word, separately, and then by the word as a whole. [F.; perh. akin to Sp. charrada, speech of a clown, fr. charro, a churl, peasant.] Charcoal. See under Char. Chard, chard, n. A variety of white beet ; blanched leaves of the artichoke and other vegetables. [F. carde, L. carduus, thistle.] Charge, charj,n. The person or thing committed to the care or management of another ; exercise of cus- tody or care ; office ; commission ; an earnest com- mand, exhortation, instruction, etc. ; whatever con- stitutes a burden on property ; costs ; expense, — usually in pi. ; account of that due from one party to another; imputation; accusation; that quantity, as of ammunition, electricity, etc., which any appara- . tus, as a gun, battery, machine, etc., is fitted to hold; onset; attack; signal for attack. {Her.) A bearing on a field. An uncertain weight of lead, supposed to be 36 pigs, or 2,520 pounds. — v. t. [charged (chiirjd), charging.] To impose, as a load or burden, or as a task, duty, or trust ; to command, request, etc., earnestly; to give instructions to; to impose as a tax; to place to the account of, as a debt ; to accuse of; to place within or upon an apparatus or machine the quantity it is fitted to contain ; to load ; to bear down upon, rush upon, fall on. — v. i. To make an onset. [F., a load, charger, LL. carricare, to load, f r. L. carrus, a car. See Car.] — Charge''- able, a. Capable of being charged, imposed, or im- puted ; subject to be charged or accused; creating expense; costly ; burdensome. — Charge 'ableness, n. — Charge'ably, adv. — Charter, n. One who, etc. ; a large dish, — which bears a load; a horse, — used in charging ; war-horse. — Charge d' Affaires, shar-zha' daf-t&r'. A diplomatic representative, to whom are confided affairs of his nation, in the absence of an ambassador. [F.] — Charge^ship, n. Office of, etc. Charily, etc. See under Chary. Chariot, char'T-ot, n. A war car or vehicle ; a one- seated, four-wheeled carriage. — v.t. To convey in a chariot. [F., fr. char, car. See Car.] — Char'i- otee'', n. A four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two seats. — Char / ioteer / \ n. A driver. Charity, char'T-tt, n. Disposition to think favorably of others, and to do them good ; liberality to the poor; alms ; any act of benevolence ; a charitable in- stitution, or a gift to create and support such an in- stitution. [OF. charitet, f r. L. caritas, dearness, fr. cams, dear. See Caress.] — Sisters of Charity. (Bom. Cath. Church.) Communities of nuns engaged in works of mercy. — Charitable, a. Full of love and food will ; liberal to the poor ; pert, to, or springing rom, charity ; benevolent ; indulgent ; beneficent. — Charitableness, n. — Charitably, adv. Charivari, sha-re'va-re', n. A mock serenade of dis- cordant music. [F.] Charlatan, sharla-tan, n. A quack; empiric; mounte- bank. [F. ; It. ciarlatano, fr. ciarlare, to prattle, ciarla, tittle-tattle.] — Charlatanism, -izm, -tanry, -rT, n. Pretension to skilly quackery. Charles's Wain, charlz / ez-wan / '. (Astron.) The clus- ter of 7 stars in the constellation Ursa Major, or Great Bear: the Dipper. [AS. carles-wsen, the churl's or farmer's wain.]_ Charlotte-Russe, sharlot-roos, n. A dish of custard or whipped syllabub, inclosed in cake. [F. char- lotte, a dish of marmalade, and Eusse, Russian.] Charm, charm, n. Something possessing occult power or influence; that which attracts irresistibly; fasci- nation.— v. t. [charmed (channel), charming.] To subdue, control, or summon by occult influence ; to attract irresistibly, delight exceedingly, fasci- nate, enchant, captivate ; to fortify with charms or supernatural influences. — v. i. To act as a charm, please greatly. [OF. charme, an enchant- ment, fr. L. carmen, song, Skr. gams, to praise.] — Charm'' er, n. One who, etc.; a magician. — Charm ''- ful, a. Abounding with, etc. — Charming, p. a. Bewitching; pleasurable. — Charmingly, adv. Charnel, charliel, a. Containing remains of dead men or animals. [OF., fr. L. carnalis, carnal, fr. caro, flesh. See Carnage.] — Char'nel-house, n. A place where bones of the dead are deposited. Charqui, char / 'ke, n. In S. Amer., sun-dried beef,— corrupt, into jerked beef. Charry. See under Char. Chart, chart, n. A sheet of paper, pasteboard, etc., con- taining information arranged methodically, or tab- ulated; a map representing water and the adjacent land. — v. t. To lay down in a chart; to map. [L. charta, Gr. chartes, paper. See Card.] — Charta''- ceous, -shus, a. Resembling paper or parchment. — Charier, n. (O. Eng. Law.) A deed, or conveyance. An instrument in writing, bestowing rights and privileges ; act of incorporation ; a special privilege or immunity. (j\ T aut.) The letting or hiring a ves- sel by special contract. — v. t. [chartered (-terd), -tering.] To establish by charter; to hire or let by charter, as a ship. [LL. chartarium, archives.] — Magna Charta, mag'na-karla. The charter of English liberties, obtained from King John, a. d. 1215. [L., great charter.] — Charler-par'ty, -par'tT, n. (Com.) A conditional agreement for the hire of a vessel, between the owner or master and him who hires or freights it. [F. chartre partie, a divided charter, the instrument being cut in two, one part for each contractor.] — Chartism, -izm, n. The principles of a political party in Eng. who desired reforms set forth in a document called the People's Charter. — Chartist, h. A partisan of chartism. — Chartography, kar-togla-fl, n. Cartography; map- making. Chartreuse, shar-trez'', n. A Carthusian monastery in France ; an alcoholic cordial, distilled from aromat- ic herbs. [F.] Chary, charl, a. Not inclined to be free or liberal; close ; cautious. [AS. cearig, fr. cearu, care.] — Charily, -IT, adv. — Chariness, n. Chase, chas, v. t. [chased (chast), chasing.] To pursue, hunt; to urge onward, drive, persecute. — n. Hunting; pursuit; thing hunted; hunting ground. [OF. chacier, cachier, LL. caciare, to chase. See Catch.] — Chas'er, n. One who, etc. (JVaut.) A gun at the bow or stern, for use in a chase. Chase, chas, v. t. To engrave. [Contr. of enchase, q. v.] — n. The forward part of a gun from the trunnions to the swell of the mouth, — this part being formerly engraved or embossed. See Cannon. Chase, chas, n. (Print.) An iron frame to confine type, when arranged in columns or pages. [Same as case ; F. chasse, f r. L. capsa, box, case.] Chasible. See Chasuble. Chasm, kazm, n. A deep opening made by disrupture; a cleft; void space; gap; break. [L. and Gr. chasma. See Chaos.] — Chasnry, -T, a. Full of, etc. Chassepot, shas'po, n. A breech-loading rifle, or needle-gun, — the French infantry arm. [F. ; in- ventor's name.] Chasseur, shas-ser'', n. (Mil.) One of a body of light cavalry. An attendant upon persons of rank, wear- ing military plumes, etc. [F., a huntsman.] Chaste, chast, a. Pure from unlawful sexual inter- course ; virtuous ; pure from obscenity, or from bar- barous, affected, or extravagant expressions. [OF., fr. L. castas, pure.]— Chasteliess, Chaslity, -tT-tT, n. — Chastely, -IT, adv. — Chasten, chasli, v. t. [-ened (-nd), -ening.] To correct by punishment; to inflict pain upon in order to reclaim, chastize ; to purify from errors or faults. [OF. chastier, castier, fr. L. castigare. See Castigate.] — Chasfener, n. — Chastize, chas-iiz', v. t. [-tized (-tizdO, -tizing.] To chasten. [ME. chastisen. See above.] — Chas- tisable, -tiz'a-bl, a. Deserving to be, etc. — Chas'"- tisement, -tiz-ment, n. — Chastiser, -tiz^er, n. Chasuble, chazli-bl, Chasible, Cheslble, -T-bl, n. (Eccl.) The upper vestment of a priest in saying mass, having an embroidered cross on the back, and a pillar in front. [ME. chesible, F. chasuble, LL. casubula, dim. of LL. casida, a mantle, dim. of L. casa, house. See Cassock.] Chat, chat, v. i. To talk lightly and familiarly, — n. Light, idle talk; prate. (Ornith.) An American sun, cube, full ; moon, foot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CHATEAU 86 CHENILLE bird, of the warbler family.— Chat'ter, v. i. [-tered (-terd), -terixg.] To utter inarticulate sounds re- sembling language; to talk idly, carelessly, or rapid- ly ; to jabber, prate ; to make a noise by collision. — n. Sounds like a magpie's ; idle talk. [Onomat.] — Chattera'tion, n. Act of, etc. ; loquacity. — Charterer, n. A prater ; a noisy bird. — Chat'ter- box, n. An incessant talker. — Chat'ty, -t1, a. Conversing freely; talkative. — Chat'tiness, n. Chateau, sha-to /r , n. ; pi. -teaux, -toz'. A castle ; a country-seat. [F.] — Chateaux en Espagne. Castles in Spain, — i. e., in the air. — Chatelet. shafe-la, n. A little castle. [F., dim. of chateau, chastel. See Castle.] — Chat'ellany, -la-nl, n. Lordship or jurisdiction of a castellan, or governor of a castle. — Chat'elaine, -e-lan, n. A chain at a lady's waist-belt, for watch, trinkets, keys, etc. [F., lady of the cas- tle, — who wore keys at her girdle.] Chatoyant, sha-toi'ant, a. (Mm.) Having a change- able luster, like a cat's eye in the dark. — n. A hard stone, as the cat's eye species of chalcedony, which, when polished, presents an undulating light. [F., p. pr. of chatoyer, fr. chat, cat.] Chattel, chaftl, n. (Law.) Any property except freehold, or things which are parcel of it. [ME. and OF. chatel, same as catel. See Capital, Cattle.] Chatter, Chatty, Chatterbox, etc. See Chat. Chaud-medley, shod'med-lT, n. (Law.) The killing in an affray, while under the influence of passion, — opp. to chance-medley, killing in self-defense, or in a casual affray. [F. chaude meile, f r. chaud, hot, and mesler, meler, to mingle.] Chauvinism, sho'vin-izm, n. Fanatical patriotism ; blind adherence to an obsolete party, leader, or idea. [Fr. Chauvin, a character in Scribe's play, " Solrtat Laboureur," grotesquely devoted to Napoleon I.] — Chau'vinist, n. A pugnacious politician. Chaw, chaw, v. t. [chawed (chawd), chawing.] To masticate, as food; to ruminate, as the cud; to re- volve and consider, —n. Orig., the jaw; as much as the mouth holds ; a chew. [Once in good use, but now vulgar. See Chew.] Cheap, chep, a. Bearing a low price ; of small cost ; of small value. [AS. ceap, price, D. koop, Ic. kaup, Sw. kop, a bargain ; AS. ceapian, to cheapen, buy.] — Cheapen, che'pn, v. t. [-exed (-nd), -exixg.] To attempt to buy, chaffer for, beat down the price of. — Cheap'ener, n. — Cheap'ly, adv. At a small price. — Cheapness, n. Cheat, chet, v. t. To deceive and defraud ; to trick, outwit, impose on. — n. An act of deception ; a fraud; trick; imposture; one who cheats. [Abbrev. of escheat, q. v.] — Cheat 'or, n. Cheat, chet, n. Wheat ; bread ; chess, or false wheat. [Prob. fr. Norm. F. chete", F. achete. bought.] Check, chek, n. A sudden or continued restraint ; hindrance ; obstruction ; a mark put against items, in going over a list ; a token to identify a thing or person. (Com.) An order for money/payable on sight. Any counter-register used as security, as the correspondent cipher of a bank-note ; a kind of checkered cloth, as plaids, etc. (Chess.) Exposure of the king to the attack of an adversary's piece. A small chink or cleft. — v. t. [checked (chekt), checking.] To put restraint upon ; to hinder, re- press, curb; to rebuke or reprove ; to make a mark against, as against names, etc., in a list; to compare with a counterpart for correctness. — v. i. To make a stop, pause; to clash or interfere; to crack, as wood; to crack in checks, as paint, etc. [F. e'chec, OF. eschec, meaning, in the game of chess, " mind your king," fr. Per. shah, king, the principal piece in chess; F. tehees, chess, eschequier, chess- or checker- board, also exchequer.] — Check 'cr, v. t. [-eked (-erd), -erixg.] To variegate with cross-lines ; to form into squares ; to diversify with different qual- ities, scenes, etc. — n. One who, etc. ; a piece in the game of draughts or checkers. — Cheekier, Check'er- work, -werk, n. Work varied alternately as to colors or materials. — Check 'ers, -erz, n.- Draughts, — a game played on a board of 64 squares of alternate colors. — Cheeky, Checquey, chek'T, n. (Her.) A field or ar- morial bearing divided in check- ers. — Check^mate, -mat, n. The move in chess which renders fur- ther moving impossible, and ends the game; a complete check, de- feat, or overthrow. — v. t. (Chess.) To put (the adversary's king) in- Cheeky. ■ = f = =-^- ■ ' ^= ^A =| extricabl}' in check. To arrest completelv, termi- n ite. [F. echec et mat, G. schackmatt, fr. Per. shah mat, lit. the king is dead.] — Check'-roll, n. A list of employees. — string, n. A string by which one in a carriage or railroad car can call the attention of the driver or engineer. — Check /, er-ber'ry, n. (Bot.) The partridge-berry; also, the wintergreen. — board, n. Board for playing checkers upon. Cheddar, ched^der, n. A kind of cheese made at Cheddar, in England. Cheek, chek, n. The side of the face; assurance; im- pudence, pi. (Mech.) Pieces of a machine which form corresponding sides, or are similar and in pairs. pi. (Founding.) The middle part of a flask having more than two parts. [AS. ceace, D. kaak, Sw. kek, kak ; s. rt. jaw, orig. chaw.'] — Cheek by jowl. In familiar proximity; close. — Cheefy, -I, a. Impu- dent; brazen-faced. Cheep. See Chirp. Cheer, cher, n. The countenance and its expres- sion; state of feeling or spirits; state of gayety or mirth ; provisions for a feast; entertainment ; ex- pression of good spirits, by shouting, acclamation, etc._; applause ; encouragement. — v. t. [cheeked (cherd), cheerixg.] To cause to rejoice, render cheerful; to infuse life, courage, hope, etc., into; to unre or salute by cheers. — v. i. To trow cheer- ful, Decome gladsome. [OF. chere, LL. cara, the face, Gr. kara, Skr. ciras, the head.] — Cheerier, n. — Cheerful, -ful, a. Having good, spirits; calmly joyful; promoting happiness; expressing joy; lively; animated; sprightly. — Cheerfully, adv. — Cheer'- fulness, n. — Cheer'ily, adv. With cheerfulness. — Cheer'iness, n. — Cheer'ingly, adv. — Cheerless, a. Without joy, gladness, or comfort; gloomy; dreary. — Cheer'lessness, n.— Cheerily, a. Gay; not gloomy. — adv. In a cheerful manner; heartily. — Cheer'y, -T, a. In good spirits; lively; promoting, or tending to promote, cheerfulness. Cheese chez, n. Curd of milk, separated from the whey, and pressed; a mass of ground apples pressed together. [AS. cese, cyse, fr. L. caseus.] — Chees'y, -T. Like cheese. — Cheese '-cake, n. A cake made of curds, sugar, and butter. — mite, n. A minute wingless insect found in cheese. monger, -mun'- ger. n. A dealer in, etc. — press, n. A press for ex- pelling whey from curd in making cheese. Cheet, chet, v. i. To chatter or chirrup. See Chirp. Cheetah, che'ta, n. The hunting leopard of India. [Hind, chita.] Chef-d'oeuvre, sha'doovr', n. ; pi. Chefs-d'ceuvre. A master-piece; capital work in art, literature, etc. [F.] Chegre, Chegoe. See Chigoe. Cheiloplasty, ki'lo-plas-tT, n. (Surg.) Operation of forming an artificial lip from adjacent healthy flesh. [Gr. cheilos, a lip, and plassein, to form.] Cheliform, kel r I-f'6rm, a. Having a movable joint, which grasps by closing against a preceding joint or projecting part of it, as in a crab's claw. [Gr. chele, claw, and L. forma, form.] Chelonian, ke-lo'nY-an, a. Pert, to, or designating, the tortoise kind. [Gr. chelone, tortoise.] Chemise, she-mez', n. A shift, or under-garment, for females ; a wall lining an earthwork. [F., fr. LateL. camisia, a shirt, fr. Ar. qamis, shirt, garment of lin- en.] — Chemisette, shem / e-zet / ', n. An under-gar- ment worn over the chemise. [F., dim. of chemise.'] Chemistry, kem'is-tri, n. Science of the composition of substances and changes which they undergo. [Gr. chemeia. See Alchemy.] — Lnorganic chemistry. That which treats of inorganic or mineral substan- ces. — Organic c. That which treats of substances forming the structure of organized beings, and their products, whether animal or vegetable. — Practical or Applied c. That which treats of chemical prod- ucts useful in the arts or for economical purposes. — Pure c. That which treats of the elemental con- stitution of substances and their laws of combina- tion. — Chem^ist, n. One versed in, etc. — Chemlc, -ical, a. Pert, to, or resulting from the operations of the phenomena of, etc. — Chemically, adv. — Chem"icals, -alz, n. pi. Substances producing chem- ical effects. — Chem-'ism, -izm, n. Chemical attrac- tion; affinity.— Chem'itype, -T-tip, n. (Engraving.) An impression in relief, procured by chemical pro- cess, which may be printed from on a printing press. [These words were formerly written with y or i, in- stead of e, in the first syllable, chymistry or chimistry, etc. ; and pronounced accordingly.] Chenille, she-neK, n. Tufted cord, of silk or worsted, used in ladies' dresses. [F., a caterpillar.] am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; in, ice ; 5dd, tone, Sr j CHECQUE 87 CHIMERA ChevAUX-DE- Checque. Checquer. See Check, Checker. Cherish, chc'-fish, v. t. [cherished (-isht), -ishing.] To treat with tenderness; to hold dear, toster, com- fort, support. [F. cherir, fr. cher, L. ca>~us, dear. See Caress. J — Cher'isher, n. Cheroot, she-roof, n. A kind of cigar. Cherry, chgr'rl, n. (Bot.) A small stone-fruit, and the tree which bears it. A cordial composed of | cherry-juice and spirit. — a. Of the color of, etc.; red. [OF. cer fee, ~L^cerasus, Gr. kerasos.] Chersonese, kefso-nes, re. A peninsula. [Gr. cher- sonesos, fr. chersos, land, and nesos, island.] Chert, chert, n. (Min.) An impure, flint-like quartz or hornstone. [Celtic; Ir. ceart, pebble, Ga. curr, a shelf of rock.] Cherub, chgfub, n. ; pi. Cher'ubs; Heb.pl. Cher'- ibim. (Scrhrt.) A mysterious composite being, de- scribed in Ezek. i. and x. ; one of two symbolical figures, forming the Mercy-seat upon the Ark of the Covenant. One of an order of angels; a beautiful child, — artists having represented cherubs as beau- tiful children. [Heb. kerub.] — Cherubic, -roo'bik, -bical, a. Pert, to, etc.; angelic. Cherup, cher'up, v. i. To chirp. — v. t. To excite by chirping. — re. A short, sharp noise, as of a crick- et. See Chirp. Chesible. See Chasuble. Chess, ches, re. A game played by two persons on a board containing 04 squares. [Fr. Per. shah, king, — the principal piece. See Check.] — Chess-board, re. The board used in, etc. — man, n. Piece used, etc. Chess, ches, re. (Bot.) A kind of grass growing among wheat. [Per. khas, evil, weed, thistle.] Chest, chest, re. A box, to hold articles; the part of the body inclosed by the ribs and breast-bone; tho- rax. (Com.) A case for transporting tea, opium, etc. ; quantity such a case contains. [AS. cyste, L. cista, Ga. kiste, chest, box.] Chestnut, Chesnut, chestnut, n. (Bot.) The fruit of a tree, inclosed in a prickly pericarp or bur; the tree itself: its timber. — a. Of the color of a chestnut; reddish brown. [OF. chastaigne, L. castanea, Gr. kastnnon, fr. Castana, in Pontus.] Chetah. See Cheetah. Cheval-de-frise, shvaf de-frez, F R I S E , shvo'-de-irez : F. pron. shvod'trez'. (Mil.) A timber traversed with spikes, used for defense. [F.. fr. cheral, horse, and Erise, Friesland.]_ Chevalier, shev-a-lef, n. A Cheval-de-i'rise. horseman ; knight ; gallant young man ; a member of certain orders of knighthood. [F., fr. cheval, horse. See Cavalier, under Cavalcade.] Cheveril, chev'e'r-iL re. Soft leather made of kid- skin; a yielding disposition. — a. Pliable. [OF. chevrel, kid, dim. of chevre, L. capra, goat.] Cheviot, chev't-ut, re. A rough cloth for men's wear, — named from the wool of sheep bred in the Cheviot Hills, Scotland. Chevisance, shev't-zans, re. (Law.) A making of con- tracts; bargain; an unlawful agreement or contract. [OF., fr. chevir, to come to an end, perform.] Chevron, shev'run, re. (Her.) An honorable ordi- nary, representing two rafters of. a house meeting at the top. (Mil.) Distinguishing marks on the sleeves of non-commissioned officers. (Arch.) A zigzag ornament. [F., rafter.] _ Chew, choo, v. t. [chewed (chood), chewing.] To bite and grind with the teeth, masticate; to rumi- nate mentally, meditate. — v. i. To perform the action of, etc. ; to meditate. — re. Thing chewed, or held in the mouth at once; a cud: [AS. ceowan, D. kaaiven, OHG. chiuwan, G. kauen, to chew.] Chiaro-oscuro, Chiar-oscuro. See Clare-obscure. Chibouque, -bouk, che-book', re. A Turkish tobacco pipe. [Turkish.] Chic, shek, n. Style; knack. — a. Stylish. [F., little.] Chicane. shi-kan > , n. An artful subterfuge, — esp. ap- plied to legal proceedings; shift; cavil: sophistry. — v.i. To use artifices. [F., fr. OF. chicaner, to wrangle, pettifog, fr. Mediaeval Gr. tzukanion, fr. Per. chaugan, a Dat used in the game of polo.] — Chica'ner, re. One who, etc.; a caviler ; unfair dis- putant. — Chica'nery, -ner-T, n. Mean or unfair ar- tifice, to perplex a cause ; trick; quibble. Chich, chich, re. A dwarf pea; chick-pea. [L. deer.'] Chick, chik, Chicken, chik'en, n. The young of fowls, esp. of the domestic hen; a young person. [AS. cicen, dim. of cocc, cock.] — Chickling, n. A little chick. — Chick'en-hearted, a. Timid, —like a chicken. pox, ?<. ( Med.) A mild disease of chil- dren, contagious and eruptive. — Chick-pea. -pe, n. A species of pea, used as lentils. See Chich. — -weed, n. A creeping weed, eaten by fowls. Chickadee, chik'a-de', n. A bird of >, T orth America; the black-cap tit-mouse, — named from its note. Chickaree, chick^a-re', n. The Araer. red squirrel. Chicory, chik'o-rt, n. A plant used for adulterating coffee; succory; endive. [F. chicor6e,~L. dchorium, Gr. kichorion.] Chide, chid, v. t. [imp. chid or (obs.) chode; p. p. chid or chidden ; chiding.] To rebuke, reproach, blame, scold. — r. i. To find fault; to make a rough, clamorous, roaring noise. [AS. cidan.] — Chfder, n. Chief, chef, a. Highest in rank or office; most emi- nent, influential, or important: principal; prime. — M. Head or leader; chieftain; commander; most im- portant person or thing. (Her.) The upper part of the escutcheon. [OF. chief, chef, fr. L. caput, the head.] — In chief. At the head. (Eng. Law.) From the king. — Chiefly, adv. In the first place; prin- cipally; above all; for the most part. — Chief bar'- on, n. (Eng. Law.) Presiding judge of the court of exchequer. — -jus'tice, -tis, n. Principal judge of a supreme court. — Chieftain, -tin, n. The head of a troop, army, or clan ; leader. [OF. chevetaine, fr. LL, capitanus ; same as captain.'] — Chieftaincy, -sY, -tainship, re. Rank or quality of, etc. Chiffonier, she-fVnl-a' or shif-fon-er', n. A recepta- cle for rags or shreds; a movable closet; a rag-picker. [F., fr. chiffon, rag.] Chignon, shen'yoN, n. A woman's back-hair knotted at the back of the head. [F., nape of the neck.] Chigoe, chig'o, Chig-re, -er, Chig'ger, Jig'ger, n. A flea-like insect of tropical Amer. [Sp. chico, small.] Chilblain. See under Chill. Child, child, n. ; pi. Children, chifdren. A son or daughter; immediate progeny of human parents; a young person, pi. Descendants. [AS. cud, D. and G. kind; fr. Goth, kilthei, the womb.] — To be with child. To be pregnant. — Chihfhood, n. State of a child; time in which one is a child. — Childish, a. Of, or pert, to, etc.; puerile. — Childishly, adv. — Childishness, n. State or qualities of, etc.; weak- ness of intellect. — Childless, n. Destitute of off- spring. — Childlessness, n. — Chihflike, a. Like, etc.; submissive; dutiful. — Child' bear'ing, -barr- ing, re. Act of producing children. ■ — bed, -bed, re. State of a woman bringing forth a child, or in labor; parturition. birth, -berth, n. Act of bringing forth a child; travail : labor. — Child's play. Trifling or easy work. — Chifdermasday, n. An anniversary (Dec. 28), in commemoration of the children slain by Herod; Innocents' Day. [child, mass, and day.] Childe, child, in Amer. ; child or child, in Eng., re. A title formerly prefixed to the oldest son's name. Chiliad, kiFY-ad, re. A thousand; esp. 1,000 years. [Gr. chilias.] — Chifiarch, -ark, re. The commander of 1,000 men. [Gr. archos, leader, fr. archeinAo lead.] — Chif iasm, -azm, re. The doctrine of Christ's per- sonal reign on earth during the millennium. — Chil''- iast, n. A millenarian. Chill, chil, a. Moderately cold; tending to cause shiv- ering; cool; formal; distant; depressed; dispirited. — re. A disagreeable sensation of coolness, with shivering; a check to enthusiasm or warmth of feel- ing; discouragement. (Metal.) A method of cast- ing iron, so as quickly to cool the surface: a mold in which to cast iron. — v. t. [chilled (child), chill- ing.] To strike with a chill, make chilly, affect with cold; to check enthusiasm, depress, discour- age. (Metal.) To produce, by sudden cooling, a change of crystallization near the surface, increas- ing the hardness of the metal. [AS. cyle, cele, cold- ness, fr. celan, to cool, f r. col, cool.] — Chilf y, -T, a. Moderately cold. — Chilf iness, Chilfness, n. — Chif blain, -blan, n. A blain on hand or foot, caused by cold. — v. t. To produce chilblains upon. Chimb, Chime, chim, Chine, re. Edge of a cask, formed by the ends of the staves. [LG. kimm, D. kivi.] Chime, chim, n. Harmonious sound of bells, or other musical instruments; a set of bells tuned to one an- other ; correspondence of proportion, relation, or sound. — r. i. [chimed (chimd). chiming.] To sound in harmonious accord ; to be in harmony ; correspond ; to jingle, as in rhyming. — v. t. £o more, strike, or cause to sound in harmony. [OF. cimbale, cymbale, L. cymhalutn, Gr. kumbalon, cym- bal. See Cymbal.] — Chf mer, n. Chimera, kY-me'ra, n. (Mi/th.) A monster vomiting sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxboN, chair, get. CHIMNEY 88 CHLORINE Chimpanzee. flames, and having a lion's head, goat's body, and dragon's tail. A Vain or foolish fancy. [L. chi- msera, Gr. chimaira, she-goat, monster.] — Chimer- ical, -m5r'ik-al, a. Merely imaginary; capable of no existence except in thought; fantastic; delusive. — Chimer'ically, adv. Chimney, chini'iil, n. ; pi. Chim'neys, -niz. Passage through which smoke is carried off; a glass tube above a flame, to create draught and promote com- bustion. (Mining.) A rich spot in a lode. [OF. cheminSe, LL. caminata, chimney, fr. L. canunus, health, forge, flue.] — Chim'ney-piece, n. A shelf above a fire place. — pot, n. A cylinder of earthen ware at the top of chimneys, to prevent smoking.— -swal'low, n. (Ornith.) A swallow which builds in, etc. — sweep, -sweeper, n. One who cleans, etc. Chimpanzee, chim-pan^ze, n. The African orang- outang, a species of mon- key resembling man. Chin, chin, n. The lower ex- tremity of the face, below the mouth. [AS. cin, chin, D. kin, Dan. and Sw. kind, Ic. and G. kinn, OHG. c/iinni, L. gena, Gr. genus, cheek, Skr. hanu, jaw.] China, chi-'na, n. A species of earthen ware originally m ide in China : porcelain — Chi'na as'ter. (Bat.) A species of the Aster fam- ily, having large flowers. — C. grass. (Bot ) An Asi- atic nettle, having fibers used for ropes, textile fabrics, etc.; ramie. Chincapin, chink'a-pin, n. (Bot.) The dwarf chest- nut. [F. chinquapin:'] Chinch, chinch, n. The bed-bug; an insect resem- bling the bed-bug in odor, destructive to grain. [Sp. chinche, bug, fr. L. cimex.~\ Chinchilla, chin-chiKla, n. A small rodent animal, having soft pearly-gray fur. [Sp.] Chincough, chin'kawf, n. (Med.) Hooping-cough. [E., prop, chink-cough; chink=Seot. kink, to labor lor breath in coughing; D. kinkhoest, Sw. kikhosta, chincough, fr. Sw. kikna, to gasp.] Chine, chin, n. The back-bone or spine of an animal; a piece adjoining the back-bone, cut for cooking. See Beef. The chimb of a cask. — v. t. To sever the back-bone of. [OF. eschine, spine, fr. OHG. skina, a needle; perh. s. rt. L. spina, a thorn, spine.] Chink, chink, n. A small cleft or fissure; a gap or crack. — v.i. To crack, open. — v.t. To open, or form a fissure in; to fill up the chinks of. [AS. cinu, a chink, crack, fr. cinan, to split, crack, chap.] — Chink^y, -1, a. Full of chinks; gaping. Chink, chink, n. A clink, or sharp sound, as of metal struck lightly ; money ; cash. — v. t. [chinked (chinkt), chinking.] To cause to sound by collis- ion. — v. i. To make a small, sharp sound, as by the collision of metal. [Onomat. See Clink, Jix- GLE.] Chinquapin. See Chincapin. Chinse, chins, v. t. (Naut.) To thrust oakum into the seams or chinks of. Chintz, chints, n. Cotton cloth, printed in different colors. [Hind, chhint, spotted cotton cloth, chhinta, spot, chhintnd, to sprinkle.] Chip, chip, v. t. [chipped Cchipt), chipping.] To cut into small pieces. — v. i. To break or fly off in small pieces. — n. A piece of wood, stone, etc., sep- arated by a cutting instrument; fragment broken off. [E., dim. of chop; G. and OD. kippen, OSw. kippa.] — Chip bon'net, C. hat. Head-coverings made of wood split into filaments. Chipmunk, -monk, chip'munk, -muck, -muk, n. A squirrel-like animal; the striped squirrel. Chipping-bird, chip'ping-berd, n. An Amer. sparrow. Chirograph, ki'ro-graf, n. (Old Law.) A writing re- quiring a counterpart, — a charter-party ; the last part of a fine of land, commonly called the foot of the fine. [Gr. cheir, the hand (OL. Mr, hand, Skr. hri, to seize), and graphein, to write.] — Chirogra- pher, -rog'ra-fer, n. One proficient in writing. — Chirographic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. — Chirog /r - raphist, n. A chirographer; one who tells fortunes by examining the hand. — Chirog'raphy, -ft, n. Art of writing ; writing done with one's own hand; handwriting. — Chirol'ogy, -jT, n. Communication of thoughts by signs made by the hands and fingers; dactylology. [Gr. logon, speech.] — Chi / 'roman / cy, -si, n. Divination by inspection of the hand; palm- istry. [Gr. manteia, divination.] — Chi "roman'cer, -ser, -man'tiat, n. One who divines, etc. — Chiron / '- omy, -ml, n. Gesture. [Gr. nomos, law.] — Chi'ro- plast, n. (Mm.) An instrument to teach fingering. [Gr. plassein, to shape.] — Chirop'odist, n. One who treats diseases of the hands and feet; esp. one who removes corns, warts, etc. [Gr. pons, podos, foe t.] — Chirurgeon, -rer'jun, n. A surgeon. [F. chirur- gien, fr. Gr. cheir and ergein, to work.] — Chirur'- gery, -jer-Y, n. Surgery. Chirp, cherp, v. i. [chirped (cherpt), chirping.] To make a short, sharp sound, as fowls, birds, crickets, etc., do. — v. t. To make cheerful, enliven. — n. A short, sharp note. [E.; onomat.; cf. D. kirren, to coo, OHG. kirran, to creak, L. garrire, to chatter, Gr. gerus, speech, Skr. gir, the voice.] — Chirp'or, n. — Chirrup, chlr'nip, v. t. [chirruped (-rupt), chirruping.] To quicken or animate by chirping; to cherup. — v. i. To chirp. — n. Act of chirping; chirp. — Chir'rupy, -1, a. Cheerful; chatty. Chisel, chiz'el, n. An instrument sharpened to a cut- ting edge, used in carpentry, joinery, sculp- ture, etc. — v. t. [chiseled (-eld), -eling.] To cut, pare, gouge, or engrave with a chisel; to cut close, as in a bargain. [OF. cisel, L. sicili- cida, dim. of sicilis, sickle, fr. secure, to cut.] Chisleu, chis'lu, n. The 9th month of the He- brew year, — parts of November and Decem- ber. [Heb. kisleu.] Chisley, chizli", a. Having a large admixture of pebbles or gravel, — said of a soil between sand and clay. [AS. ceosel, gravel.] Chit, chit, n. The first germination of a plant; a shoot; sprout; a child or babe. [AS. cidh, shoot, sprig; s. rt. child, kith, kin.] — Chifty, -t T, a. Full of sprouts. — Chit'chat, n. Famil- CMse , iar or trifling talk; prattle. Chitine, chi'tin, n. (Chem.) A peculiar principle, containing nitrogen, found in the skin of insects and shell of crustaceans. [Gr. chiton, corselet.] — Chi / '- tinous. -us, a. Chitterlings, chifter-lingz, n. pi. (Cookery.) The smaller intestines of swine, etc., fried for food. [AS. cwvlh, belly.] Chivalry, shiv'al-rl, n. A body of knights serving on horseback; cavalry; the dignity or system of knight- hood; practice of knight-errantry; qualifications or character of knights. (Eng. Law.) A tenure of lands by knight's service. [OF. chevalerie, horse- manship, knighthood, fr. cheval, horse. See Caval- cade.] — Chiv'alric, -alrous, -fus, a. Pert, to, etc.; gallant. — Chiv'alrously, adv. Chives. See Cives. Chlorine, klo'rin, n. (Chem.) A heavy gas of green- ish color, — a constituent of common salt. [Gr. chloros, pale green, fr. chloe, verdure, grass, Skr. hari, green, yellow.] — Chlc'ric, a. Pert, to, or ob- tained fr., etc. — Chlo^rate, n. A salt formed by the union of chloric acid with a base. — Chlo'iide, -rid, n. A compound of chlorine with another ele- ment. — Chloride of lime. A combination of lime and chlorine, used in bleaching and disinfecting:. — Chlorid' r ic, a. Pert, to a chloride. — Chlo^ridize, -iz, -idate, -at, v. t. To treat with a chloride ; esp. (Phot.) To cover a plate with chloride of silver. — Chlo^rous, -rus, a. Electro-negative ; noting an acid containing equal parts of chlorine and oxygen. — Chlorina''tion, n. A process for extracting gold by exposing auriferous material to chlorine gas. — Chlc'ral, n. A liquid compound of chlorine, car- bon, hydrogen, and oxvgen, obtained by the action of chlorine upon alcohol. [Fr. clilor(ine) and a?- (cohol).'] — Chloral hydrate. A compound of chloral with water, — used as a hypnotic. — Chlo'ralism, -izm, n. A morbid condition, from excessive use of chloral. — ChloraKum, n. An impure solution of chloride of alumina, — antiseptic and disinfectant. — Chlo^rodyne, -din, n. An anodyne medicine containing chloroform, opium, etc. — Chlo'roform, n. A volatile compound of carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine, — an important but dangerous anaesthetic agent. — v. t. To treat with, or place under the in- fluence of, etc. [Fr. chlor(ine) and form(yl), fr. L. formica, an ant, formic acid having been originally obtained f r. red ants.] — Chloronreter, n. An in- strument for testing the strength of chloride of lime. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Chlbrom / 'etry, n. Act of testing, etc. — Chlo'rophyl, -til, n. (Bot.) The green coloring matter of plants. [Gr. phullon, a leaf.] — Chloro'sis, -ro'sis, n. (Med.) Green sickness, — a am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Tn, Ice ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; CHOCK 89 CHRIST disease of young females. (Hot.) A disease in plants, giving them a pale hue. Chock, chok, v. t. To stop or fasten as with a wedge, block, etc. — v. i. To fill up, as a cavity. — n. Some- thing to confine a cask, etc., by fitting into the space around or beneath it. [See Choke.]— Chock '-full, -ful, a. Completely full. Chock, chok, v. i. To encounter, — re. An encounter. [F. choc, a shock. See Shock.] Chocolate, chok'o-lat, n. A paste made from the seeds of the Theobroma cacao ; the beverage made by dis- solving chocolate-paste in boiling water. [Sp., fr. Mexican chocolatl.] Chogset, chog'set, n. An edible salt-water fish; the burgall, Conner, or blue perch. Choice. See under Choose. Choir, Quire, kwir, n. An organized company of singers. (Arch.) The part of a church appropri- ated to the singers ; the chancel. The corporate body of a cathedral. [OF. choeur, fr. L. chonts, Gr. choros, band of singers.] — Chorus, ko'rus, n. Orig. a dance in a ring, round dance; a dance with sing- ing, band of singers and dancers; that which is sung by, etc.; part ot a song in which the company join the singer. — Cho'ral, a. Pert, to a choir; sung in chorus. — re. (Mus.) A hymn-tune. — Cho'rally, adv. — Choragic. -Tajik, a. Pert, to a choragus, — the leader of a musical entertainment. [Gr. cho- ragosJ] — Cho'rist, re. A singer in a choir. — Chor- ister, kSr'is-ter, n. One of a choir; a singer in a con- cert; a leader of a choir. Choke, chok, v.t. [choked (chokt), choking.] To ren- der unable to breathe; to stifle, suffocate, strangle; to obstruct by filling up or clogging; to hinder or check. — v. i. To have the windpipe stopped; to be checked, as if by choking. [E.; Ic. koka, to gulp, kok, the gullet; s. rt. cough.'] — Chok'er, re. One who, or that which, chokes or puts to silence; that which cannot be answered; a collar or cravat. — Chok'y, -T, a. Tending to, etc. — Choke'-full, a. Full to choking, quite full. [See Chock-full.] — Choke'- cher'ry, -cner'rY, re. (Bot.) A species of wild cherry, and its astringent fruit. — damp, n. Carbonic acid gas accumulated in wells, mines, etc., — destructive of life by preventing respiration. — pear, -par, n. A kind of pear having a rough, astringent taste. Choler, koKer, n. The bile, — formerly supposed to be the seat of irascibility; irritation or the passions; anger; wrath. [L. and Gr. cholera, bile, a bilious complaint, fr. Gr. cttole, bile, cholos, bile, wrath, anger; s. rt. L. fel, E. gall.] — ChoKera, -er-a, re. (Med.) A disease characterized by bilious vomiting and purging, and by spasms in the legs and arms. — Cholera morbus. A milder form of the disease. — Chol'ic, Cholinlc, a. Pert, to the bile. — Chol'eric, a. Abounding with choler, or bile; irascible; angrv. — ChoKericly, adv. — Chol'erine, -er-in, re. (Med.) The precursory symptoms of cholera; the first stage of epidemic cholera. — Choles'terine, -ter-in, re. (Chem.) A fatty substance, resembling spermaceti, found in the bile and biliary concretions. [F., fr. Gr. chole and stear, stiff fat.] — Cholesteric, -les'ter- ik or -les-ter'ik, a. Pert, to, or obtained fr. choles- terine. — Chol'ochrome, -krom, re. The coloring mat- ter of the bile. [Gr. chroma, color.] Chomer, cho'mer, re. A Hebrew measure. [See Hosier. ]_ Choose, chooz, v. t. [imp. chose (choz); p.p. chosen or chose; choosing.] To make choice of, prefer, elect. — v. i. To make a selection, prefer; to have the power of choice. [AS. ceosan, D. kiezen, Ic. kjosa, to choose, Skr. jush,_ to enjoy; s. rt. gust.] — Choos'er, re. — Choice, chois, n. Act or power of choosing; election; option; preference; care in, etc., discrimination ; thing chosen; best or preferable part. — a. Worthy of being, etc.; selected with care; uncommon; rare. [OF. chois, a choice, fr. choisir, to choose.] — Choice'ly, adv. "With care in choosing; excellently. — Choiee'ness. re. Chop, chop, v. t. [chopped (chopt), chopping.] To cut into pieces; to mince; to sever by blows; to seize or devour greedily. — v.i. To come upon or seize suddenly. — re. Act of chopping; a stroke; piece chopped off, esp. a piece of meat. [OD. koppen, to cut off, behead, Sw. kappa, G. kappen,Tu~L. coppare, Gr. koptein, to cut.] — Chopper, re. One who or that which, etc. — Chop'house, v. An eating-house where chops, etc., are sold. — stick, re. A Chinese eating implement. Chop, chop, v. t. To barter, exchange; to give back and forth, bandy. — v. i. To wrangle, altercate, dispute. (Xaut.) To veer or shift suddenly. [Same as cheap, cheapen ; D. koopen, to buy, barter.] Chop, chop, n. Quality; brand; a permit or clearance. [Chin.] Chops, Chop-fallen, etc. See under Chap. Chopin, chopIn, n. A high patten formerly worn by ladies ; a Scottish liquid measure, containing a quart. [G. schoppen, a liquid measure, orig. a scoop, fr. schopfen, to scoop.] Choral, Chorister, Chorus, etc. See under Choir. Chord, k6rd, re. String of a musical instrument, (dfus.) A harmonious combination of tones simultaneous- ly performed. (Geom.) A right line, uniting the extremities of the arc of a circle. See Segment. — v. t. To provide with musical chords or strings. [L. chorda, Gr. chorde; same as cord.] Chore, chor, re. A small job. pi. Jobs about the house, barn, etc., to be attended to at set times. [See Char.] Chorea, ko-re'a, re. (3fed.) St. Vitus's dance; a dis- ease attended with irregular movements of the vol- untary muscles. [Gr. choreia, dance.] Choree, ko-re r , re. (Anc. Pros.) A trochee, or foot of 2 syllables, the 1st long and the 2d short; a tribrach, or foot of 3 short syllables. [Gr. choreios, pert, to a chorus. See Choir.] — Choriamb, ko'rf-amb, re. (Anc. Pros.) A foot of 4 syllables, the first and last long, the others short ; that is, a choree and iambus united. [Gr. choriambos ; iambos, iambus.] — Chori- am'bic, re. A choriamb. — a. Pert, to, etc. Chorion, ko'rl-on, re. (Anat.) The exterior mem- brane investing the fetus in the womb. (Bot.) The outer membrane of seeds. [Gr., skin.] — Cho'roid, re. (Anat.) The second coat of the eye. See Eye. — a. Pert, to, etc. [Gr. eidos, form.] Chorography, ko-rog'ra-fT, re. Art of making a map or description of a region or country. [Gr. choros, place, and graphein, to describe.] — Chorog'rapher, re. — Chorographical, -graf r ik-al, a. Pert, to, etc. Chose, shoz, re. (Law.) A thing; personal property. [F., fr. L. causa, cause.] -■ Chose in action. A thing to which one has a right, but not possession. Chose, Chosen. See Choose. Chough, chuf, re. A bird of the crow family. [AS. ceo ; D. kaauw, Dan. kaa, Sw. kaja; onomat.] Chouse, chows, v. t. [choused (chowst), chousing.] To cheat, trick, defraud. — re. One easily cheated; a tool; gull; a trick; a sham; imposition. [Fr. a Turk, chiaous' (interpreter), who perpetrated a no- torious swindle in London, in 1609.] Chowchow, chow'chow, a. Of several kinds mingled; mixed. — re. A kind of mixed pickles. [Chin.] Chowder, chow'der, n. A dish of fish, pork, biscuit, onions, etc., stewed. — v. t. To make into, etc. Chrestomathy, kres-tonT r a-thT, re. A selection of pas- sages, used in acquiring a language. [Gr. chrestos, useful, and mathein, to learn.] Chrism, krizm, re. (Gr.&Bom. Cath. Churches.) Oil consecrated by the bishop, formerly used in baptism, confirmation, ordina- tion, and extreme unction. [L. and Gr. chrisma, fr. Gr. chriein, to anoint.] — Chris'mal, a. Pert, to, etc. — Chris- ma'tion, n. Act of applying, etc. — Chris / 'matory, -to-rT. re. A vessel to hold the chrism. — Chris / om, -um, a. Anointed with, etc. — n. A white ves- _ ture, so anointed, put on a child at =£ baptism or on a dead infant. Christ, krist, n. The Anointed, — an r , . appellation of the Savior, synonymous cnrisma- with Heb. Messiah. [L. christus, Gr. tory. christos, fr. chriein, to anoint.] — Christen, kris'n, v. t. [christened (-nd), -ening.] To baptize ; to give a name, denominate. [AS. cristnian, fr. cris- ten, a Christian.] — Christendom, kris'n-dum, re. That portion of the world in which Christianity prevails, opp. to heathen or Mohammedan lands ; the whole body of Christians. [AS. cristendom.] — Christian, kris'chun, re. A believer in the religion of Christ ; one born in a Christian country, or of Christian parents ; a Danish gold coin, worth $4. — a. Pert, to Christ or his religion; professing Chris- tianity ; pert, to the church ; ecclesiastical. — Chris- tian name. The name given in baptism, — opp. to the family name, or surname. — Christian, krlsf- yan, re. One of a sect of Baptists, called Disciples of Christ. — Christianity, kris-chT-an-'T-tl, re. The re- ligion of Christians; system of doctrines and pre- cepts taught by Christ. — Chris'tianiza'tion, -chun- t-zaf shun, re. Conversion to Christianity. — Chris''- sun, cube, full ; moon, f,6"6t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CHROMATIC 90 CICERONE tianize, -chun-Iz, v. t. [-ized (-izd), -izing.] To make Christian, convert to Christianity, imbue with Christian principles. — Chris'tianly, adv. In a Christian manner. — Chrisfless, krisf-, a. Having no faith in Christ. — Christmas, kris'mas, n. The festival of Christ's nativity, Dec. 25th. — Christ''- mas-box, n. A box in which presents are put at Christmas ; a Christmas present. tree, n. An evergreen tree, illuminated and hung with presents and decorations at Christmas. — ChristoPogy, -jY, n. A treatise concerning Christ; doctrine of the Scrip- tures respecting Christ. [Gr. logos, discourse.] Chromatic, kro-mafik, a. Relating to colorr (Mns.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half-steps or semitones) of the scale, instead of the regular inter- vals of the diatonic scale. [Gr. chromatikos, suited for color, fr. chroma, color.] — Chromatic scale. (Mus.) The scale consisting of 13 tones, including 8 scale-tones and 5 intermediate tones, — the interme- diate tones having formerly been printed in colors. — Chromatics, n. Science of colors. — Chro'mo- lithog'raphy, n. Lithography adapted for print- ing in oil colors. [Gr. hthos, stone, and graphein, to engrave.] — Chromo-lith / 'ograph, Chro'ino, n. A lithographic picture in oil colors. Chrome, krom, Chromium, krolnY-um, n. A hard, brittle, grayish-white metal, difficult of fusion. [Gr. chroma, color, — its compounds having many beau- tiful colors.] — Chro'mic, a. Pert, to, or obtained fr., etc. — Chrc'mate, n. (Chem.) A salt obtained by the union of chromic acid with a base. Chronic, kron'ik, -ical, a. Pert, or according to time; continuing for a long time. [Gr. chronikos, f r. cliro- nos, time.] — Chronicle, kron'T-kl, n. A register of events in the order of time; a history ; record, pi. Two books of the Old Testament. — v. t. [chron- icled (-kid), -cling.] To record in history; regis- ter. [Gr. chronica, annals.] — Chronicler, n. A writer of, etc. — Chronogram, -graph, -graf , n. An inscription in which a certain date is expressed by numeral letters, as on a medal struck by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632 : — ChrlstVs DVX ; ergo trIVMphVs, in which the capitals, considered as numerals, give, when added, the sum 1632; an instrument to re- cord time in astronomical and other observations. [Gr. graphein, to write.] — Chronog'rapher, n. A chronologer. — Chronol'ogy, -jY, n. Science of com- puting time by periods, and assigning to events their proper dates. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Chronol''- oger, -ogist, n. One skilled in, etc. — Chronologic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc.; according to the order of time. — Chronologically, ado. — Chronom'eter, n. A time-keeper; esp. a portable time-keeper of supe- rior accuracy, (Mus.) An instrument to measure the time of a musical movement. [Gr. metron, meas- ure.] — Chronomefric, -rical, a. — Chronom'etry, -trY, n. Art of measuring time by periods. — Chron''- opher, -fer, n. An electric instrument signaling time to distant points. [Gr. pherein, to carry.] Chrisalid, kris'a-lid, Chrys'alis, n. ; pi. Chrysal- ides, -sal'Y-dez. A form into which the caterpillar or larve of butterflies, moths, and some other in- sects, passes, and from which the perfect insect emerges. — a. Pert, to, or resembling, etc. [Gr. chnisallis, the gold-colored sheath of butterflies, fr. chrnsos, gold.] — Chrysanthemum, -an'the-mum, n. (Bot.) A genus of composite plants, including the sun-flower, marigold, etc. [L., fr. Gr. chrusanthe- mon; anthemon, flower.] — Chrys^oberyl, -ber-il, n. {Mill.) A yellowish-green gem, consisting of alu- mina and glucina. [L. chrysoberyllus ; Gr. berullos, beryl.] — Chrysolite, -lit, n. (Min.) A greenish mineral, composed of silica, magnesia, and iron. [L. chrysolithus ; Gr. Hthos, stone.] — Chrys^oprase, -praz, n. (3fin.) A kind of massive quartz, of a grayish or leek-green color. [Gr. prason, a leek.] Chubb, chub, n. A thick, fresh-water fish of the carp family. [Dan. kobbe, a seal (animal), Pro v. Sw. kub- bug, chubby, plump.] — Chub'bed, -by. -bY, a. Like a chub; plump, short, and thick. — Chub'biness, n. Chuck, chuk, v. i. To make a noise like a hen calling her chickens ; to cluck, laugh mockingly, — in a broken, convulsive manner. — v. t. To call, as a hen. — n. Call of alien; a sudden small noise; word of endearment. [Onomat. ; same as cluck.] Chuck, chuk, v. t. [chucked (chukt), chuckixg.] To strike gently; to throw, with quick motion, a short distance; to pitch. (Mech.) To place in, or hold by means of, a chuck. — n. A slight blow un- der the chin. (Mach.) A contrivance fixed to the mandril of a turning-lathe to hold the material to be operated upon. [F. choquer, to give a shock, D. schokken, to jolt, shake, schok, a bounce, jolt; s. rt. shake, shock.] — Chuck'-far'thing, -f ar'rhmg, n. A play in which a coin is pitched into a hole. Chuckle, chuk'1, v. t. [chuckled (chuk'ld), chuck- ling.] To call, as a hen her chickens; to cluck; to fondle, cocker. — n. A short, suppressed laugh of exultation or derision. — v. i. To laugh in a sup- pressed or broken manner. [Freq. of choke.'] — Chuckle-head, n. A numbskull; dunce. Chuff, chuf, n. A coarse, dull, or surly fellow ; a clown. [Perh. fr. W. cyff, stock, stump.] — ChufFy, -Y, a. Fat or swelled out, esp. in the cheeks ; surly ; rude; clownish. — Chuff Hy, -Y -IT, adv. Chum, chum, n. A chamber-fellow, esp. in a college. — v. i. To occupy a chamber with another. [Perh. fr. AS. curaa, a guest; perh. contr. of F. camarade, a comrade, chamber-fellow, fr. L. camera, chamber.] Chunk, chunk, n. A short, thick piece of anything. [Ic. kumbr, a log, fr. kubba, to chop; s. rt. chop, chub.] — Chunck'y, -i, a. Short and thick. Church, cherch,??. A building for Christian worship; a body of Christian believers worshiping together, or having the same rites and ecclesiastical authority; the collective body of Christians; ecclesiastical in- fluence, authority, etc. — v.t. [churched (chercht), churching.] To unite with m publicly returning thanks in church, as after childbirth. [AS. cyrice, circe, D. kerk, Dan. kirke, G. kirche, Scot, kirk, fr. Gr. kuriakon, a church, fr. kurios, the Lord, fr. kuros, might.] — Church , ly, -IT, a. Pert, to, etc. ; fond of church services ; attaching importance to ecclesiastical decrees, etc. — Church'y, -Y, a. Char- acteristic of, etc.; fond of church forms. — Church'- man, n. ; pi. -men. An ecclesiastic or clergyman; an Episcopalian, as disting. fr. other Protestants. — Church'manship, n. State of being, etc. — Church'- ward'en, -wawrd'n, n. An officer charged with the pecuniary interests of a church or parish. — Church''- yard, n. Ground adjoining a church, in which the dead are buried ; a cemetery. Churl, cherl, n. A rustic; a countryman or laborer; a rough, surly, ill-bred man; one illiberal or miserly; a niggard. [AS. ceorl, Ic, Dan., Sw., and G. karl, man, Scot, carle, D. karel, fellow.] — ChurKish, a. Like a churl; narrow-minded; surly. — Churl'ishly, adv. — Churlishness, n. Churn, chern, n. A vessel in which cream is shaken, to separate the butter from other parts. — v. t. [churned (churnd), churning.] To agitate, in order to make butter; to shake violently. — v.i. To agitate cream, etc. [Ic. kirna, a churn, D. and G. kernen, to churn, fr. Ic. kjama, D. kern, pith, mar- row; s. rt. corn, kernel.] — Churn'mg, n. Quantity of butter_made at once. Chute, shoot, n. A rapid descent in a river; an open- ing in a dam for descent of logs, etc. ; a shoot, a fun- nel or slide for loading or unloading grain, coal, etc.; flume; penstock. [F., fr. L. cadere, to fall.] Chyle, kit, n. (Physiol.) A milky fluid, derived from chyme, and entering the circulation by the lacteal vessels. [F., fr. Gr. chvlos, juice, fr. cheein, to pour; s. rt. gush.] — Chylifac'tion, n. Act or process by which chyle is formed. — Chylifac'tive, -tiv, ChyKi- fica'tory, a. Forming into chyle. — Chylifica'tion, n. Formation of chyle by digestive processes. — ChyPous, -lus, a. Consisting, or partaking of chyle. Chyme, kim,w. (Physiol.) The pulp formed by food in the stomach, mixed with the gastric secretions. [Gr. chumos, juice, fr. cheein, to pour.] — Chymifica- tion, kim'T-f Y-ka/'shun, n. Process of becoming chyme. — Chymlfy, -ii, v. t. To form into chj'me. — Chymous, kim'us, a. Pert, to chyme. Chymistry, etc. See Chemistry. Cicada, si-ka'da, n. ; pi. -vje, -de. (Entom.) A hem- ipterous insect, the male of which makes a shrill, grating sound; the harvest fly, q. v. [L.] Cicatrice, sik'a-tris, n. A scar remaining after a wound is healed. [F.] — Cicatrix, sY-ka'triks, n. ; pi. Cicatrices, sik-a-tri'sez. Same as Cicatrice. [L.] — Cic'atrize, -triz, v. t. [-trized (-trizd), -tri- zing.] To heal and induce the formation of a cica- trice in. — v. i. To heal or be healed. — Cic'atriza'"- tion, n. Process of, etc. Cicero, sis'e-ro, n. (Pi-int.) The name, esp. among French printers, for a type the size of small pica, — used, in an early edition of the works of Cicero. Cicerone, che-cha-ro'ne or sis'e-ro'ne, n. One who shows strangers the curiosities of a place. [It., same as L. Cicero.] — Ciceronian, sis-e-ro'nY-an, a. Re- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; End, eve, term ; In, ice ; 8dd, tone, 6r ; CIOISBEO 91 CIRCUMAMBIENT sembling Cicero in style or action. — Cicero'' nian- lam, -izm, n. Imitation or resemblance of, etc.; a Ciceronian expression. CiclBbeo, che / chi>-ba / 'o or se-sis'be-o, «. The professed gallant of a married woman, fit.] Cider, si'dSr, n. A drink made from the juice of ap- ples. [F. cilre, cider, fr. L. sicera, Heb. shekar, strong drink, Heb. shakar, to be intoxicated.] — Ci r - derkin. n. A liquor made from the refuse of apples after the juice is pressed out for cider. Ci-devant, sed-voN', a. Former; previous. [F.] Cigar, sY-gar', n. A roll of tobacco, for smoking. [Sp. cigarro; orig. a kind of tobacco in Cuba.] — Cigar- ette', -et', n. A little cigar; tobacco rolled in paper for smoking. Cilia, sil'Y-a, n. pi. The hair of the eyelids; hairs on the margin of any body. [L.] — Ciliary, -a-rt, a. Pert, to the eyelashes, or to hairs or hair-like ap- pendages in animals or vegetables. — Cillate, -ated, a. (Bot.) Furnished with filaments resembling eyelashes. (Anat.) Covered with filaments en- dowed with vibratory motion. Cilicious, st-lish'us, a. Made, or consisting, of hair. [L. cilicium, a covering, orig. made of goat's hair, fr. Cilicia, in Asia Minor.] Cima, si'ma, n. A kind of molding. See Cyma. Cimeter, sim'e-tSr, n. A short sword with a recurv- ated point, used by Persians and Turks. [Written also scimetar, scymetar, and scimiter.] [F. caneterre, It. scimitarra, prob. corrup. of Pers. shamshir, cim- eter, lit. lion's claw, fr. sham, nail, and sher, lion.] Cimmerian, sim-melY-an, a. Pert, to the Cimmerii, a fabulous people said to have dwelt in dark caves; intensely dark. Cinchona, sin-ko'na, n. (Bot.) A genus of trees of the Andes in Peru and adjacent countries, produ- cing a medicinal bark, known as Peruvian or Jes- uit's bark ; the bark itself. [Perh. fr. the Countess of Cinchon, cured by the bark in 1638 ; perh. from kina, kinken (F. quinquina), Peruvian name for the tree.] Cincture, sink'cher, n. A belt ; girdle ; that which encompasses; inclosure. (Arch.) A ring at the top and bottom of a column, separating the shaft from the base and from the capital. [L. cinctwra, fr. cingere, cinctum, to gird; Skr. kanchi, girdle.] Cinder, sin'der, n. A small particle remaining after combustion ; small coal, with ashes ; ember ; scale thrown off in forging metal. [AS. sinder, fr. syn- drian, to separate; not fr. F. cendre, L. cinis, ashes.] Cinematics, sin-e-matlks, n. sing. Science of motions considered in themselves, or apart from their causes. [Gr. kineo, to move.] Cinerary, sin'er-a-rf, a. Pert, to, or containing ashes. [L. cinerarius, fr. cinis, ashes, Gr. konis, dust, Skr. kana, a grain, powder.] — Cineralion, n. Reduction of anythingto ashes by combustion. — Cinerilious, -ish'us, a. Having the color or consistence of ashes. — Cinerescent, -es'ent, a. Somewhat like ashes. Cinnabar, sin'na-bar, n. Red sulphuret of mercury or quicksilver ; vermilion. [LateL. cinnabar-is, Gr. kinnabari. Per. zinjarf] Cinnamon, sin'na-mon, n. The inner bark of a tree, of Ceylon, aromatic and of a pungent taste. [L. cinnamomum, Gr. kinamomon, fr. Heb. qinnamonT] Cinque, sink, n. The number 5 upon dice or cards. [F. cinq, L. quinque, five.] — Cinqueloil, n. (Bot.) A plant having leaves resembling the fingers of the hand. (Arch.) An ornamental foliation having 5 points or cusps. [Foil = F. feuille, L'. folium, leaf.] Cion, Scion, si'un, n. A young shoot or sprout of a plant. [F. scion, OF. cion, fr. F. scier, L. secare, to cut ; s. rt. section, scissors, saw, etc.] Cipher, siler, n. (Arith.) A character [0] which, r, but w" nothing, rhen standing by itself, expresses placed at the right hand of a whole" number, in- creases its value tenfold. A person of no worth ; a combi- nation of letters, as the initials of a name ; an enigmatical char- acter ; a private alphabet for safe transmission of secrets. — v. i. [ciphered (-ferd), CI- PHERING.] To practice arith- metic. — v. t. To write in oc- cult characters ; to represent. _f r. Ar. sifr ; same as zero.'] Circean, ser-se'an, a. Pert, to Circe, a fabled en- chantress ; magical ; noxious. Circensial, -sian. See under CiRcrs. Circle, ser'kl, n. A plane figure, bounded by a curve Cipher. [F. chiffre, OF. cifre, line called its circumference, every part of which is equally distant from "a point within it called the center ; the line bound- ing such a figure ; a circumference, (As- tron.) An instrument of observation, whose graduated limb consists of an entire Circle, circle. A round body ; sphere ; orb ; compass ; cir- cuit; a company assembled about a central point of interest ; a coterie; a series ending where it begins ; a form of argument in which unproved statements are used to prove each other ; a province or princi- pality. — v.t. [circled (-kid), circling.] To re- volve around ; to encompass, inclose. — v. i. To move circularly. [L. circulus, a circle, dim. of cir- cus, a ring.] — Circle of perpetual apparition. At any given place, the boundary of that space around the elevated pole, within which the stars never set. — C. of perpetual occultation. Boundary of that space around the depressed pole, within which the stars never rise. — Great c. A circle whose plane passes through the center of the sphere, dividing it into two equal parts. — Lesser c. One whose plane does not pass through the center of the sphere, di- viding it into unequal parts. — Hour c. A great circle of the celestial sphere. — Dress c. The lowest gallery in a theater. — Family c. The gallery above the dfess circle. — Cir'clet, -klet, n. A little circle, as of gold, etc. ; a round body; orb. — Cir'cular, -ku-lar, a. Pert, to a circle; round; repeating itself ; illogical ; inconclusive ; adhering to a fixed circle of legends; cyclic ; mean ; address to a number of per- sons having a common interest.— n. A circular letter, copies of which are sent to various persons. — Circu- lar numbers. (Arith.) Those whose powers terminate in the same digits as the roots. — C. sailing. (Naut.) The method of sailing by the arc of a great circle. — Circularity, -ISt'I-M, n. State_of being, etc. — Cir'cularly, adv. — Cir^culate, -lat, v. i. To move in a circle ; to pass round ; to pass from place to place, hand to hand, etc. — v. t. To cause to pass, etc. ; to diffuse ; disseminate. — Cir^culable, -la-bl, a. Capable of being, etc. — Circulalion, n. Act of, etc.; currency: circulating coin, bills, etc.; extent to which anything circulates. — Cir'culator, -ter, n. — Cir^culatory, -rl, a. Circular; circulating. Circuit, ser'kit, n. Act of moving or revolving around ; a journeying from place to place in the ex- ercise of one's calling ; region passed over in such a journey, esp. that over which jurisdiction, as of a judge, etc., extends; that which encircles anything, as a crown ; distance around any space ; space in- closed within a circle, or within certain limits. — v. t. To move or make to go round. [F., fr. L. circuire, -itum, fr. circum, around, and ire, to go.] — Circui- tous, -ku'Y-tus, a. Going round in a circuit ; in- direct. — Circultously, adv. Circumambient, ser-kum-am^bl-ent, a. Surrounding; inclosing on all sides. [L. circum, around, about (orig. ace. of circus, circle), and ambire, to go round.] — Circumam'bulate. -lat, v. i. To walk round about. [L. ambulare, to walk.] — Circumam / bula ,r tion, n. Act of, etc. — Circumbendibus, n. A circuitous route. [Vulgar.] — Cir'cumcise, -siz, v. t. [-cised (-sizd), -cising.] To cut off the foreskin of, in the case of males, or the internal labia, in females. (Script.) To render holy. [L. circumcidere, fr. csedere, to cut.] — Cir'cumciser, n. — Circumcis- ion, -sizhlm, n. Act of, etc. (Script.) Rejection of the sins of the flesh ; spiritual purification ; the Jews, as disting. fr. uncircumcised races. — Circum- clusion, -klu'zhun, n. Act of inclosing on all sides. HL. claudere, to shut.] — Circumduct, -dukt', v. t. To lead about or astray. (Law.) To contravene ; nullify. [L. ducere, ductum, to lead.] — Circumduc- tion, n. A leading about, an annulling. — Circum'- ference, -fer-ens, n. The line that encompasses a cir- cular figure ; periphery; space included in a circle; anything circular ; external surface of a sphere or orbicular body. [L./erre, to bear.] — Circum / feren r - tial, -shal, a. Pert, to, etc. — Circum'ferenlor, -ter, n. A surveyors' instrument for taking horizontal angles and bearings. — Cir'cumflex, n. A wave of the voice embracing both a rise and fall on the same syllable; a character, or accent, denoting in Greek a rise and fall of the voice on the same long syllable, marked thus T~ or ^-]; and in Latin and some other languages, a long and contracted syllable, marked [*•]. — v. t. To mark or pronounce' with a circum- flex. [L. flectere, flerum, to bend.] — Circum^fluent, -fluous, -floo-us, a. Flowing around ; surrounding in the manner of a fluid. [L. ftuere, to flow.] — Circum- sun, cube, full ; moon, fd6t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboir, chair, get. CIRCUS 92 CIVET fuse, -fuz', v. t. To pour round, spread round. [L- fundere, fusum, to pour.] — Circumfusion, -fu'zhun, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Cir'cumgvra''- tion, -jY-ra'shun, re. Act of turning or whirling round. [L. gyrare, to turn around.] — Circumja r - cent, -sent, a. Lying around ; bordering on every side. [L.jacens, p. pr. of jacere, to lie.] — Cir'cum- loculion, -ku'shun, re. A circuit of words ; peri- phrase. ("L. loqui, Jocutum, to speak.] — Cir / cumloc / '- utory, -lok'u-to-rT, a. Pert, to, etc.; periphrastic. — Circumnavigate, -nav'T-gat, v. t. To sail around ; pass round hy water. [L. navigare, -gatum, to sail, fr. navis, ship.] — Circumnavlgable, -ga-bl, a. Ca- pable of being, etc. — Cir / cumnav / iga r tion, re. Act of, etc. — Cir / cumnav / iga' r tor, -ter, n. One who, etc. — Circumpolar, a. About or near the pole. [L. polus, pole.] — Cir'cumposilion, -zish-un , n. Act of placing in a circle, or state of being so placed. [L. ponere, positum, to place.] — Cir / cumrota /, tion, -ta'- shun, re. Act of revolving round ; state of being whirled round. [L. rotare, to turn round, fr. rota, wheel.] — Circumrolary, -tatory, -ta-to-rT, a. Turn- ing, rolling, or whirling round. — Cir^cumscribe, -skrlb, v. t. [-sceibed (-skribd), -scribing.] To in- close within a certain limit, hem in, limit, restrict, restrain. [L. scrtbere, scriptum, to write, draw.] — Cir- cumscrib'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Circum- scrib^er, n. — Cireumscrip'tion, -skrip-shun, n. Ex- terior line determining the form or magnitude of a body ; limitation by conditions, restraints, etc. ; bound ; limit. — Circumscrip'tible, -tl-bl, a. Ca- pable of being, etc. — Circumscriplive, -tiv, a. De- fining the external form. — Cir'cumspect, -spekt, a. Attentive to all the circumstances of a case; cautious; watchful ; vigilant. [L. spicere or specere, spectum, to look.] — Circumspection, -spek'shun, n. Attention to, etc. ; deliberation ; wariness ; forecast. — Cir- cumspect r ive, -iv, a. Looking round every wa; ry way ; ly, adv. careful of consequences. — Cir'cumspect'! — Cir'cumspect'ness, n. — Cir'cumstance, -stans, re The condition of things surrounding an event ; something attending on a fact, though not essential thereto ; a particular incident or adjunct, pi. Con- dition in regard to worldly estate; state of property. — v. t. [-stanced (-stanst), -stancixg.] To place relatively, or in a particular situation. [L. stans, p. pr. of stare, to stand.] — Circumstantial, -stan'shal, a. Consisting in, or pert, to, circumstances, or par- ticular incidents; abounding with, or exhibiting all of, the circumstances ; minute ; particular. — n. Something incidental to the main subject, but of less importance. — C. evidence. (Laiv.) Any evi- dence not direct and positive. — Cir'cumstan'tiaK- ity, -shi-al'T-tT, re. State of anything as modi- fied by circumstances ; particularity in exhibiting circumstances ; minuteness. — Cir'cumstanlially, ^shal-lt, adv. According to circumstances ; in every particular. — Cir'cumstanliate, -shY-at, v. t. To place in particular circumstances ; to enter into de- tails concerning. — Circumvallate, -val'lat, v. t. To surround with a rampart. [L. vallare, to wall, fr. vallum, rampart.] — Cir'cumvallalion, n. (Mil.) Act of surrounding with a wall ; a line of field works surrounding the camp of a besieging army.— Circumvent'', v. t. To gain advantage over, by arts, i stratagem, or deception ; to deceive, deluded [L. venire, ventum, to come.] — Circumvention, -ven'- shun, n. Deception ; fraud ; imposture. — Circum- ventlve, -iv, a. Deceiving by artifices. — Circum- vest', v. t. To cover round as with a garment. [L. vestire, to clothe, fr. vestis, garment.] — Circumvolve, -volv / ', v. t. [-volved (-volvd /r ), -volvixg.] To roll round, cause to revolve. — v. i. To revolve. [L. volvere, volutum, to roll.] — Cir / cumvolu' r tion, n. Act of, etc. ; thing rolled round another. Circus, ser'kus, n. ; pi. Cie'cuses, -ez. (Roman An- tiq.) An open or inclosed space, or the edifice in- closing it, for games and shows. A circular inclos- ure, for feats of horsemanship; the company of per- formers in a circus, with equipage. — Cirque, serk, n. A circus. [F. cirque, L. circus, lit. a ring, circle, Gr. kirkos, frikos, AS. hring.] — Circensial, -sen''- shal, -sian, -shan, a. Pert, to the circus, in Rome. Cirrus, strlus, n. ; pi. CiR r Ei, -ri. (Bot.) A tendril. (Meteor.) A form of cloud composed of thin fila- ments, resembling a brush or masses of woolly hair. (Zool.) A slender, fringe-like appendage. [L., a curl, tuft of hair.] — Cirriferous, -rif 'er-us, a. Producing tendrils or claspers, as a plant. [L./erre, to bear.] — Cirliped, -rl-ped, n. (Zool.) A crustaceous an- imal, which throws out from its bivalvular shell a froup of legs resembling a curl. [L. pes, pedis, oot.] — Cirrocumulus, -kulnu-lus, n. (Meteor.) A fleecy-looking cloud, composed of the cumulus broken up into masses. [L. cumulus, a heaped-up mass.] — Cirrostralus, n. (Meteor.) A cloud re- sembling the stratus in its main body, but the cirrus on its margin. [L. stratus, p. p. oi_stei~nere, to spread out J] — Cirlous, -rus, -rose, -ros, a. (Bot.) Having, or terminating in, a curl or tendril. Cisalpine, sis-aKpin, a. On the hither (Roman) side of the Alps, — i. e. south of the Alps. [L. cis, on this side, and Alpes, the Alps.] — Cisatlantic, a. On this side of the Atlantic Ocean. — Cismonlane, -tan, a. On this side of the mountains. — Cis'pa- dane, -pa-dan, a. On the hither (Roman) side- of the Po, — i. e. on the south side. [L. Padanus, fr. Padus, river Po.] Cissoid, sis'soid, re. (Geom.) A curve invented by Diocles. [Gr. kissos, ivy, and eidos, form.] Cist, sist, n. (Arch.) A chest or basket. (Antiq.) A Celtic tomb having a stone chest covered with slabs. [Same as chest; L. cista, Gr. kiste.~\ — Cislern, n. A reservoir for water or other liquids. [OF. cis- terne, L. cisterna, fr. cista.'] Cistercian, sis-ter'shan, n. One of an order of Bene- dictine monks established orig. at Citeaux, France. Cit, Citadel, Citizen, See under City. Cite, sit, v. t. To call upon officially or authoritative- ly ; to summon ; to quote, name, or repeat, as the words of another ; to call or name, in proof or con- firmation of. [F. citer, L. citare, citatum, to cause to move, summon, freq. of ciere, to call, excite, Skr. ci, to sharpen.]— Cit 'al, n. Summons to appear ; citation ; quotation. — Cita'tion, n. Official call or notice to appear ; paper containing such notice ; act of citing a passage from another person ; words quoted; enumeration; mention. — Cit'atory, -ri, a. Having the power or form of citation. — Cit'er, n. Cithern, situ'em, Cit'tern, n. A musical instrument, like the guitar. [Same as guitar ; L. cithera.'] Citron, sit'run, re. A tree cultivated for its fruit ; the preserved rind of the fruit. [F. ; LL. citro, Gr. kitron, a citron, kitrea, citron tree.] — Cifrate, -rat, re. (Chem.) A salt formed by the union of citric acid and a base. — Cifric, a. Of, or pert, to, an acid in the juice of lemons and allied fruits. — Cifrine, -rin, a. Like a citron or lemon ; of a lemon color. — re. (Min.) A yellow, pellucid variety of quartz. — Cit / '- rul, n. The watermelon. [NL. citreolus.'] City, sit'l, n. A large or corporate town ; inhabitants of a city. [F. cite', L. citas for civitas, a commu- nity, fr. civis, a citizen ; s. rt. L. quies, E. hive,home, quiet.'] — Citizen, -Y-zen, n. An inhabitant of a city ; a freeman of, etc., disting. fr. one not entitled to its franchises ; a native born or naturalized in- habitant of a country. [OF. citeain, F. citoyen.] — Citizenship, n. State of being, etc. — Cit, re. A contemptuous abbr. of citizen ; a pert townsman. — Cit'adel, n. A fortress in a fortified city. [It. ciu tadella, dim. of citta, a city, L. citas.] — Civic, siv'- ik, a. Pert, to, or derived fr., a city or citizen. — Civil, «. Pert, to a city or state, or to a citizen in his civic relations ; lawful or political, as opp. to military ; pert, to an organized community ; civil- ized ; having the manners of one dwelling in a city; courteous; complaisant. — Civil death. (Law.) That which cuts off a man from civil society, or its rights and benefits. — C. engineering. Science of construct- ing public works. — C. law. The law of a state, city, or country; esp., the municipal law of the Roman em- pire. — C. war. A war between citizens of the same country. — C. year. The legal year, appointed by the government.— Civ'iUy, -II, adv. — Civilian, sY-viK- yan, n. One skilled in the civil law ; one engaged in pursuits of civil life, not military or clerical. — Civility, -1-tt, n. Courtesy of behavior; politeness ; good-breeding, pi. Acts of politeness ; courtesies. — Civilize, -iz, v. t. [-ized (-izd), -izing.] To re- claim from a savage state ; to educate, refine. — Civilized, a. Reclaimed, etc. ; cultivated, — Civ / '- iliz'able, a. — Civ'ilizalion, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Civlsm, -izm, re. State of citizenship. Cives, sivz, Chives, chlvz, n.; pi. A species of garlic, growing in tufts. [F. cive, a leek, L. csepa, onion ; prob. s. rt. caput, a head. J Civet, siv'et, n. A substance of a musky odor, used as perfume. (Zool.) A carnivorous animal producing civet, ranking be- tween the weasel and fox, na- "fc.v.V"*"" 1 ' '«/■ mm* Civet. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 6nd, eve, term ; tn, Ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; CLABBER 93 CLATTER tive of North Africa. [F. civette, fr. Late Gr. zape- tion, fr. Ar. zebed, zabad.~\ Clabber, klab'bgr, n. Milk turned so as to become thick or inspissated. — v. i. To turn thick. [SeeBoxxv- CLABBER.] Clack, klak, v. i. [clacked (klakt), clacking.] To make a sudden, sharp noise, as by striking or crack- ing ; to clink, click: to talk rapidly and continually. — v. t. To cause to make a sudden noise; to clink; to litter rapidly and inconsiderately. — n. A sharp, abrupt sound made by striking ; anything that causes a clacking noise' ; continual talk ; prattle ; prating. [D. klak, MHG. klac, a crack ; D. klakken, G. krachen, to crash, crack ; Ir. and Ga. clog, Gr. kladzein, to make a din.] — Clack'er, n. — Clack''- valve, n. (Mach.) A valve with a flap, which falls with a clacking sound. Claim, klam, v. t. [claimed (klamd), claimixg.] To call for, challenge as a right, demand as due. — v.i. To be entitled to anything. — n. A demand of a right or supposed right; a right to demand; title to anything in possession of another ; thing de- manded ; that to which one has a right. (Mining?) A space of ground worked under the law. [OF. clamer, claimer, to call for, cry out, L. clamare, to call out, Skr. kal, to sound.] — Claim 'able, a. — Claim '- ant, n. One who claims. — Claimant, a. Crying earnestly; clamorously beseeching. — Clamor, klam'- 5r, n. Loud and continued shouting or exclama- tion; loud noise; uproar; vociferation. — v. t. [clam- ored (-erd), -okixg.] To salute or stun with noise. — v.i. To vociferate, make importunate demands. [OF. andL., an outcry.]— Clarn'orous, -us, a. Noisy; turbulent. — Clam'orously, adv. — Clam 'orousness. n. Clairvoyance, klar-voi'ans, n. A power, attributed to mesmerized persons, of discerning objects not present to the senses. [F., fr. clair (L. darns'), clear, and voir (L. videre), to see.] — Clairvoy'ant, a. Pert, to, etc. — n. One who, etc. Clam, klam, n. (Condi.) A bivalve shell-fish. pi. (Ship Car}).) Pincers for drawing nails, pi. (Mech.) A kind of vise. [Same as damp, q. v.] — Clam''- bake, n. A preparation of clams baked between lay- ers of seaweed ; a picnic party regaled with it. Clam, klam, v. t. [clammed (klamd), clamming.] To clog, as with glutinous or viscous matter. — v. i. To be moist or sticky. [AS., clay, a plaster.] — Clam / '- my, -ml, a. Soft and sticky. — Clarn'miness, n. Clamber, klam'ber, v. i. [-bered (-berd), -Bering.] To climb with difficulty, or with hands and feet. [Ic. klambra, to pinch together ; s. rt. damp, climb.] Clamor, etc. See under Claim. Clamp, klamp, n. A piece of timber or iron, to fasten work together; a mass of bricks heaped up to be burned ; or of ore to be smelted ; or of coal to be converted to coke. (Ship-building.) A plank on the inner Eart of a ship's side, to sustain the earns. One of a pair of pieces of soft material, to cover the jaws of a vise ; a heavy f oo tste p. — v. t. [clamped (klampt), clamping.] To unite or ren- der firm by a clamp. — v. i. To tread heavily or clumsily; to clump. [D. and Sw. klamp, G. klampe, a clamp ; D. klampa, Dan. klampe, to clamp, grap- ple, MHG. klimpfen, to press tighty together ; s. rt. dam, dimb, dump, cramp. See Cramp/} Clan, klan, n. A tribe or collection of families, united under a chieftain, and bearing the same surname ; a clique ; a sect, society, or body of persons. [Ga. clann, descendants, Ir. dand, descendants, tribe, clan.] — Clan'nish, o. Closely united, like a clan; disposed to unite. — Clan'nisnly, adv. — Clan'nish- ness, re. — Clan'ship, n. State of union. — Clans'man, klanz'man, n. One belonging to the same clan. Clandestine, klan-des'tin, a. Withdrawn from pub- lic notice; kept secret ; underhand; slv; fraudulent. [F. dandestin, L. clandestinus, fr. clam, secretly ; perh. dam-dies-tinus. hidden from daylight.] — Clan- destinely, adv. — Clandes'tineness, n. Clang, klang, v. t. [clanged (klangd), clanging.] To strike together with a ringing metallic sound. — v.i. To produce, etc. — n. A ringing sound. [L. clangor, a loud noise, clangere, to make, etc., Gr. klangge, a clang, kladzein, to clash, clang ; D. klank, Sw. and Dan. klang, a clang ; onomat.] — Clangor, • klan'gor, n. A sharp, shrill, harsh sound. — Clan'- gorous, -us, a. Making -a clangor. — Clank, klank, n. The loud, ringing sound made by a collision of sonorous bodies. — v. t. and i. [clanked (klankt), clanking.] To make, etc. Clamp. Clap, klap, v. t. [clapped (klapt), clapping.] To strike with a quick motion, making a noise by the collision; to thrust, drive, or put, hastilv or abrupt! v; to manifest approbation of, by striking the hands together. — v. i. To come together suddenlv with noise ; to strike the hands together in applause ; to enter briskly. — n. A loud noise made bv collis- ion : a stroke ; thrust ; sudden explosion ; striking of hands in approbation. [Ic. and Sw. klappa, U. klap- pen, to clap (the hands) ; s. rt. clack, clip.']— Clap'- per, n. One who, or that which, etc. ; the tongue of a bell. — Clapboard, klab'berd, n. In Amer., a board thicker at one edge than at the other, for covering houses ; in Eng., a stave, —v. t. To cover with clapboards.— Clap'trap, n. A trick to gain applause. — a. Not genuine. — Clap'perclaw, v. t. lo fight and scratch ; to revile, scold. Claque, klak, n. A collection of persons engaged to applaud a theatrical performance. [F. See Clack.] — Claquer, kla-ker', n. One employed, etc. Clarence, klar'ens, n. A close four-wheeled carriage. Clarendon, klar'en-dun, n. (Print.) A narrow, heavy- faced t3 7 pe, of all sizes. WW~ This line is in Clarendon type. Clarejobscure, klar'ob-skur, Claro-obscuro, kla'ro-ob- skoo'ro, n. Light and shade in painting; a design of two colors. [It. chiaro (L. clarus), clear, and oscuro (L. obscurus), obscure.] Claret, klar'et, n. A French pale wine ; a dark-red wine from Bordeaux, etc. [F. clairet, claret, fr. L. clarus, clear.] Clarichord. klar'Y-kSrd, n. A musical instrument like a spinet. [L. clarus, clear, and chorda, string.] Clarify, klar'i-fl, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.] To make clear, purify from feculent matter, defecate, fine ; to brighten or illuminate. — v.i. To become pure, as liquors ; to grow clear or bright. [OF. clarifier, L. clarificare, fr. clarus, clear, and facere, to make. See Clear.] — Clarification, n. Act of, etc. — Clar'ifi/er, n. That which, etc.; vessel in which, etc. Clarion, klar'T-un, n. A kind of trumpet, whose note is clear and shrill. [OF. ; F. clairon, LL. clario, fr. L. clarus, clear.] — Clarionet', Clarinet, re. A wind reed instrument, used in military bands. Clash, klash, v. i. [clashed (klasht), clashing.] To dash noisily together, come in collision, inter- fere. — v. t. To strike noisily against. — re. A meet- ing with violence ; contradiction, as between con- flicting interests, purposes, etc. [Same as clack, q. v.; Sw. and G. klatsch, a clash, fr. klak;.'] Clasp, klasp, n. A catch, for holding together the parts of anything; a close embrace. — v. t. [clasped (klaspt), clasping.] To shut or fasten together with a clasp ; to embrace ; grasp. [A form of clap and clamp; AS. clyppan, to grasp.] — Clasp'er, n. One who, or that which, clasps, as a tendril. — Clasp-knife, -nif, re. A knife, whose blade folds into the handle. Class, klas, n. A group of individuals possessing common characteristics ; a number of students of the same standing ; an order or division of animate or inanimate objects. — v. t. [classed (klast), class- ing.] To form into a class, arrange in classes, rank together. — v. i. To be grouped or classed. [F. classe, a rank, order, L. dassis, a class, assembly of people, army, fleet; s. rt. calare, to cry out, publish, Gr. kalein, to convoke.] — Class-mate, n. One in the same class. — Clas'sic, -sical, a. Of the first class or rank, esp. in literature or art ; orig. pert, to the best Greek and Roman writers, now, also, to the best modern authors ; pert, to the Greeks and Latins ; chaste ; pure ; refined. — Clas'sic, re. A work of acknowledged excellence ; one learned in the classics. [L. classicus, pert, to the classes of the Rom. people, esp. to the first class, fr. classis.] — Clas'sicalism, -izm, Clas'sicism, -sizm, n. A clas- sical idiom, style, or expression. — ClassicaFity, Clas'sicalness, *n. Quality of being classical. — Clas'sically, adv. In a classical manner ;_ accord- ing to a regular order of classes. — Clas'sicist, -sist, n. One skilled in classical learning. •— Clas'sicize, -slz, v. t. To render classic. — Clas'sify, -sl-fl, ». t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.] To distribute into classes, ar- range, rank, systematize. [L. facere, to make.] — Clas'sifica'tion, n. — Classify ic, a. Constituting classes. — Clas'sifica'tory, a. Pert, to, admitting of, or forming the basis of, classification. Clatter, klat'ter, v. i. [-tered (-terd), -tering.] To make rattling sounds ; to rattle with the tongue, prate. — v. t- To strike and make a rattling noise. — stin, cube, full ; moon, fl- -men. An ordained minister. — Cleric, klgrlk, n. A clerk, or clergyman. — Cleric, -ical, a. Pert, to the clergy; also to a clerk or copyist. — Clericalism, -izm, n. Clerical domination or" influence. — Clerk, klerk, n. Orig., an educated person; scholar; in Eng., a lay parish officer, who leads in reading the responses of the Episcopal church service, and otherwise assists in it; a scribe; penman; accountant; an assistant in a shop or store, who sells goods, keeps accounts, etc. [Pron. Mark in England.] [AS. and OF. clerc, a priest, fr. L. clencus.] — Clerkly, a. Scholar-like. — Clerk'ship, n. Condition or business of, etc. Clever, klev'er, a. Possessing skill, talent, or adroit- ness; showing skill in the doer; having fitness, pro- priety, etc.; well-shaped, handsome, good-natured, kind-hearted. [Amer.] [Perh. corrup. of ME. de- liver, agile, nimble, ready of action, fr. OF. delivre, free, prompt, diligent, fr. L. liber, free.] — Clev'- erly, adv. — Clev'erness, n. Clevis, klevls, Clevy, klev'T, n. A draft-iron on the end of a cart-tongue or plow-beam. [Fr. rt. of cleave, to adhere, hold fast, q. v.] Clew, Clue, klu, n. A ball of thread; thread ' used as a guide in a labyrinth: that which guides one in anything doubtful or intri- cate. (Naut.) The outer lower corner of ' a sail. — v. t. [clewed (klud), clewing.] Clevis. (Naut.) To draw up to the yard, as a sail. To direct, as by a thread. [AS. cliwe, D. and MHG. kluwen, ball of thread, D. kluwenen, to wind.] Click, klik, v. i. [clicked (klikt), clicking.] To make a small, sharp noise, as by gentle striking; to tick. — n. A small, sharp sound; a peculiar articu- lation used by natives of Southern Africa. — n. A small piece of' iron, falling into a notched wheel; a am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; CLIENT 95 CLOTH detent; pawl. [Onomat.; dim. of clack; D. klikklak- kcu, to clash together.] Client, kli'ent, n. (Rom. Anti//.) A citizen under the protection of a patron. A dependent; one who ap- plies to a lawyer for advice, direction, etc., in a question of law. [F.; L. aliens for cluens, one who hears (advice), fr. cluere, Gr. kluein, Skr. cru, to hear.] — Client'al, a. Dependent; of, or pert, to, a client. — Cli'entship, n. State or condition of. etc. — CU'entage, -ej, n. Clients collectively; a body of clients. — Clientele, -tel', re. A body of clients, de- pendents, or supporters. [F.] Cliff, klif, n. A high, steep rock ; precipice. [AS. clif, Ic. and D. klif ; prob. not s. rt. cleave, to split, but perh. s. rt. cleave, to adhere to, clamber, climb, etc.] — Cliffy, -T, a. Having cliffs; craggy. Climacteric. See under Climax. Climate, kli'mat, n. (Arte. Geog.) One of 30 zones of the earth, parallel to the equator. Condition of a place in relation to temperature, moisture, etc. [F. climat, L. clima, Gr. klima, fr. klinein, to lean, slope.] — Climatic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or limited by climate. — Cli'matize, -tlz, v. t. [-tized (-tizd), -tizing.] To acclimate. — v. i. To become acclimated. — Clima- tology, -jl, n. Science of, or a treatise on, climates. [Gr. logos, discourse.] Climax, kli'maks, n. (Rhet.) An arrangement in which a sentence rises, as if step by step, in impor- tance, force, or dignity. The highest point; great- est degree; acme. [L.; Gr. klimax, a ladder, stair- case, fr. klinein, to lean, slope ; s. rt. lean.'] — Cli- macteric, kli-mak'tSr-ik orklim-ak-terlk, a. Pert, to a critical period of life. — n. A critical period in human life, or one in which change is supposed to take place in the constitution; any critical period. [Gr. klimakter, step of a ladder.] — ■ Grand or great climacteric. The 63d year. Climb, klim, v. i. or t. [climbed (kllmd) or (obs. or vul- gar) clomb (kl5m), climbing.] To ascend by means of hands and feet; to mount laboriously or slowly. [AS. climban, D. and MHG. klimmen; s. rt. clip, cleave, clamber.'] — Climb'able, a. — Climb^er, n. Clime, klim, re. Same as Climate. Clinch, klinch, Clench, v. t. [clinched (klincht), clinching.] To make or hold fast, grasp, gripe; to render firm, confirm, establish. — re. Act or pro- cess of, etc.; or that which serves to hold fast; a pun. (Naut.) A kind of knot and seizings to fasten a cable or gun to ring-bolts. [ME. clenchen, to rivet, fasten firmly, D. klinken, to sound, tinkle, also to rivet, fr. klink, a blow, rivet, Dan. klinke, Sw.klinka, a latch, rivet, OF. clenche, a latch.] — Clinch 'or, re. One who, or that which, etc.; a decisive argument. Cling, kling, v. i. [clung, clinging.] To adhere closely, hold fast, esp. by winding round or em- bracing. — v. t. To cause to adhere to. [AS. clin- gan, to shrivel up, dry up, Dan. klynge, to cluster, a cluster, Sw. klange, a tendril, clasper, clanga, to climb ; s. rt. clamber, clamp, climb, clip, clump, cramp.] — Cling'y, -X, a. Adhering closely. — Clingy- stone, n. A variety of peach, whose pulp adheres closely to the stone. Clinic, klin^ik, -ical, a. Pert, to a bed; confined to bed by illness ; bed-ridden. — Clinic, re. One con- fined, etc. [L. clinicus, a bed-ridden person, a phy- sician, fr. Gr. kline,_ a bed, fr. klinein, to slope, lie down.] — Clinique, -ek', re. An examination of dis- eased persons By medical professors in presence of their pupils. [F.] Clink, klink, v. t. [clinked (klinkt), clinking.] To make a small, sharp, ringing sound. — n. A ring- ing sound. [Ic. kling! ting! tang!, klingja, to ring, D. klinken, to sound, tinkle, klink, a blow. See Click.] — dinkier, re. Several bricks united by heat; scoria, or refuse of a furnace; vitrified mat- ter ejected from a volcano. [D. klinker, a hardened brick (which is sonorous), klinke, a tile.] — Clinks- stone, n. (Min.) An igneous rock of feldspathic composition like porphyry, but lamellar. Clip, klip, v. t. [clipped (klipt), clipping.] Orig., to embrace, encompass; to cut off, as with a single stroke; to curtail, cut short. — v.i. To move swift- ly. — n. An embrace; a cutting; shearing; product of a single shearing; a blow or stroke with the hand. [AS. clyppan, to embrace, Ic. and Sw. klippa, to clip, shear, — fr. the drawing closely of the edges of shears; s. rt. cleave, climb.] — Clip'per, n. One who clips; esp. who cuts off edges of coin. (IVaut.) A fast-sailing vessel, having the bow sharp and long. — Clip'ping, n. Act of embracing, cutting off, or curtailing; thing clipped off. Cliqne, klek, n. A narrow circle of persons; coterie; set. [F., fr. cli'/uer, to clack, make a noise, D. klik- ken, to click, inform, tell. See Click.] Cloak, klok, n. A loose, outer garment; a disguise or pretext. — v. t. [cloaked (klokt), cloaking.] To cover with a cloak; to hide or conceal. [OF. cloque, cloche, LL. cloca, a bell, cape; s. it. clock, q. v.] Clock, klok, n. An instrument for measuring time. [AS. clucga, W. and Corn, clock, LL. cloca, clocca, F. cloche, a bell; Ir. and Ga. clog, D. klok, Ic. klukka, Sw. klocka, G. glocke, bell, also clock. See Clack.] — Clock'-work, -werk, n. Machinery of, or resem- bling that of, a clock. Clod, klod, n. A lump or mass, esp. of earth, turf, or clay; the ground, earth; the body as compared with the soul; a dull, stupid fellow; a dolt. — v.i. To collect into concretions ; to clot. — v. t. To pelt with clods. [A form of clot, q. v.; Sw. klod a, a lump of snow, clay, etc.] — Clod'dy, -dT, a. Full of clods; earthy; mean; gross. — Clocrdish, a. Gross; low; stupid. — Clod'' -hopper, n. A rude, rustic fel- low; clown; bumpkin. — Clod r pate, -poll, -pol, n. A stupid fellow; dolt; blockhead. — Clod'pated, a. Cloff. See Clough. Clog, klog, v. t. [clogged (klogd), clogging.] To en- cumber, or load, esp. with something that sticks fast; to obstruct so as to hinder motion, choke up, em- barrass, impede, hamper. — v. i. To become loaded or encumbered ; to coalesce or adhere. — n. That which hinders motion ; an embarrassment; a heavy shoe ; wooden shoe. [E., fr. AS. clseg, clay; s. rt. clew, cleave, clot.] — Clog'gy, -gt, a. Having power to clog. — Clog'giness, n. Cloister, klois'ter, re. A covered arcade ; a monastic establishment. — v. t. [cloistered (-terd), -ter- ing.] To confine in a cloister. [OF. cloistre, L. claustrum, fr. claudere, claitsum, to shut, shut in, in- close. See Close.] — Clois'tral, Claus'tral, klaws'- tral, a. Pert, to, or confined in, etc. — Clois'terer, re. An inmate of, etc. Cloke. See Cloak. Close, kloz, v. t. [closed (klozd), closing.] To bring together the parts of; to stop, shut; to bring to an end, conclude; to inclose, encompass, confine. — v. i. To come together, unite or coalesce; to end, terminate. — re. Union of parts; junction; termina- tion; end; a grapple in wrestling. (Mus.) End —pi of a strain of music; cadence. An inclosed — H place; esp. a field or piece of land; a passage " from a street to a court, and the houses with- _|j in; the precinct of a cathedral or abbey. [OF.ni clos, inclosed, p. p. of clore, L. claudere, clau- sum, to shut, shut in.] — Clos^er, n. — Closure, klo'- zhur, re. Act of shutting; a closing; that which shuts, incloses, or confines; end; conclusion. — To close with. To accede, consent, or agree; to grapple with. — Close, klos, a. Shut fast; closed; tight; pent up; confined; secret; stagnant; without motion or ventilation; secretive; reticent; parsimonious; nig- gardly; dense; solid; compact; adjoining; near; in- timate; confidential; adhering to rule; strict; accu- rate; precise; evenly balanced; doubtful. — adv. In a close manner or state. — Close communion. With Baptists, communion in the Lord's supper only with those baptized by immersion. — C. breeding. Breeding between animals nearly akin. — C. corpo- ration. A body which fills its own vacancies, and is not open to the public. — C. vowel. (Pron.) One pronounced with a diminished aperture of the lips, or with contraction of the cavity of the mouth. — Closely, adv. — Close'ness, re. — Close '-bodied, -bod'- id, a. I itting the body exactly. — fist'ed, a. Covet- ous; niggardly. — hauled, -ha wld, a. (JVaut.) Kept as near as possible to the point from which the wind blows. — stool, re. A box containing a chamber ves- sel for the sick. — Closet, kloz'et, re. A room for re- tirement or privacy; a small, close apartment, for utensils, articles of furniture, etc. — v. t. To shut up in a closet ; to take into a private room for con- sultation. [OF., dim. of clos, an inclosed place.] Clot, klot, n. A concretion, esp. of a soft, slimy char- acter; a coagulation. — v.i. To concrete or coagu- late; to be formed into clots or clods; to become gross. [D. kluit, a clod, kloot, a ball, sphere, Ic. and Sw. klot, Dan. klode, sphere, ball. See Clod.] — Clot'ty, -«, a. Full of, etc. Cloth, kioth, ft. A woven stuff of fibrous material; a profession, or the members of it, esp. the clerical profession. [AS. cladh, Ic. klsedhi, Dan. and Sw. klsede, cloth ;_D. kleed, G. kleid, garment*] — Clothes, klofchz or kloz, n. pi. Covering for the body, or of sun, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CLOUD 96 COAPTATE a bed; garments; dress. [AS. cladhas, pi. of cladh.] — Cloth measure. The measure of length of surface by which cloth is sold, — a division of the yard into quarters and nails. — Clothes' wringer. A 'machine for wringing water from clothes alter washing. — Clothe, kloth, v. t. [clothed (klotnd) or clad, clothing.] To put garments upon, furnish with raiment ; to cover or invest, as with a garment. — v. i. To wear clothes. [Ic. klsedha, D. kleeden.] — Clotb/ing, n. Raiment; covering. — Clotb/ier, -yer, n. One who makes, sells, dresses, or fulls cloth. Cloud, klowd, n. A collection of visible vapor sus- pended in the atmosphere; a mass of smeke or dust icsembling vapor; a dark vein or spot in marble, etc.; that which has a lowering or threatening as- pect; a great crowd or multitude. — v. t. To be overspread with clouds; to render dark or obscure; to variegate with colors. — v. i. To grow cloudy or obscure. [AS. clud, a mass; s. rt. clew, cleave, clot, clod.} — Cloud'y, -T, a. Overcast or obscured with, or consisting of, clouds; lacking clearness; not eas- ily understood; having the appearance of gloom; marked with veins or spots. — Cloud'Uy, -I-lI, adv. — Cloud'iness, a.— Cloudless, a. Unclouded. Clough, kluf, u. A narrow valley between hills. [Ic. kloji, fr. kluifa, to cleave ; same as cleft.] Clough, Cloff," klof, n. An allowance of two pounds in every hundred weight, after deducting tare and tret; a sluice for letting off water. Clout, klowt, n. A piece of cloth, leather, etc., for a patch; the center of an archer's butt; an iron plate on an axletree. [AS. clut, Ir. and Ga. clud.'] — v. t. To cover with cloth or other material; to patch; join in a clumsy manner; to guard with an iron plate. — Clouf-nail, n. A nail for securing patches of iron, etc., also for soles of shoes. Clove, klov, a. A pungent aromatic spice, the unex- panded flower-bud of the clove tree. [F. clou, a clove, fr. L. clavus, a nail, — the clove being nail- shaped.] — Clove'-gilly-flower, -jiFli-flow-er, -pink, n. The carnation pink. Clove, klov, n. (Hot.) One of the small bulbs devel- oped in the axils of the scales of a large bulb. [AS. clufe, perh. fr. cleofan, to cleave.] Clove-hitch. Cloven,'etc. See under Cleave. Clover, klo'ver, n. (Bot.) A plant of the grass kind. [AS. clss/re. D. klaver, Dan. klover ; prob. fr. AS. cleofan, to cleave.] — To live in clover. To live lux- uriously, or in abundance. Clown, klown, n. A husbandman; rustic; an ill-bred man ; the fool in a play, circus, etc. — v. i. To act as a clown. [Ic. khmm'a clumsv fellow; s. rt. clump, club, clumsy.] — Clown^ish, a. Like, etc.: ungainly; boorish. — Clown'ishry, ad v. — Clown'ishness, n. Cloy, kloi, v. t. [cloyed (kloid), cloyixg.] To glut, or satisf}', satiate, surfeit. [OF. doer, F. clouer, to nail up, fr. L. clavus, nail.] Club, klub, n. A heavy staff, wielded with the hand; one of the suits of cards, having a figure like the clover-leaf. — v.t. To strike with a club. [Ic. and Sw. klubba, Dan. klub, club; Sw. and Dan. Mump, a lump.] — Club'foot, n. A short, deformed foot. [Dan. klumpfod.] — foot'ed, a. — law, n. Violence. Club, klub, n. An association of persons for some common object, at joint expense. — v. i. and t. To combine to promote some common object: to pay one's proportion of a common expense. [G. klub; same as clump (of people).] — Club^bish, a. Dis- posed to associate. — Club'nouse, n. House occu- pied by, etc. — room, n. Place where a club meets. Cluck, kluk, v. i. [clucked (klukt),-CLUCKixG.] To make the noise of a brooding hen. — v. t. To call, as a hen does her chickens. — n. (Pron.) A peculiar articulation used by natives of South Africa. [Ono- mat. ; AS. cloccian, D. klokken, Dan. klukke, G. glucken, to cluck. See Clack, Click.] Clue. Same as Clew. Clump, klump, n. A shapeless mass of wood, etc.; a cluster of trees; the compressed clay of coal strata. [Dan. and G.: s. rt. clamp, club. See Club.] Clumsy, klum'zY, a. Without grace of shape, man- ners, etc. ; awkward ; uncouth. [Sw. klummsen, D. kleumsch, benumbed with cold ; s. rt. clam, clamp, cramp.] — Clum'sily, -zT-H, adv.— Clum'siness, n. Clung. See Clixg. Cluniac. klu'nl-ak, n. One of a reformed order of Benedictine monks, — so called fr. Cluny.i^ France. Cluster, klus'ter, n. A number of similar things growing, joined, or collected together; a crowd. — v. i. [clustered (-terd), -terixg.] To grow in clusters, gather in a bunch or mass. — v.t. To col- [AS.; s. rt. clifian, - Clus'tery, -T, a. lect into a bunch or close body, to adhere to, E. cleave, cling.] Growing in, or full of, etc. Clutch, kluch, v. t. [clutched (klucht), clutching.] To seize, clasp, or gripe with the hand ; to close tightly, clinch. — v.i. To catch, snatch. — n. A~. gripe; seizure; grasp. 1 (Mach .) A projecting piece, for connecting shafts, so as to be disen- gaged at pleasure ; the cross-head of a piston-rod. pi. The hands ; hence, power Clutch. rapacity. [ME. 'clucchen, to claw, clechen,'to snatch, fr. AS. gelsec- can, to seize; s. rt. latch.] Clutter, klut'ter, n. A confused collection; confu- sion; disorder. — v. t. [cluttered (-terd), -terixg.] To crowd together in disorder, fill with things in confusion. — v. i. To make a bustle, or fill with confusion. (W L cktdair, a heap, pile.] Clypeate, klip'e-at, a. {Bot.) Shaped like a round shield; scutate. [L. clypeus, a shield.] Clyster, klis'ter, n. (Med.) An injection into the bowels^ [L.: Gr. kluster, fr. kluzein, to wash.] Coach, koch, n. A large, close, four-wheeled carriage. — v.t. To convey in a coach; to cram, or prepare for an examination. [F. coche, fr. 1. concha, shell, boat.] — Coacb/ee, n. Slang name for a coachman. — Coach'-box, n. Seat for the driver of a coach. — Coacb/man, n. One who drives a coach. Coaction, ko-ak'shun, n. Force ; compulsion. [L. coactio, fr. con, together, and agere, actum, to drive.] — Coact'ive, -iv, a. Serving to compel or constrain: acting in concurrence. Coadjutor, ko-ad-ju'ter, n. One who aids another, or is empowered to perform the duties of another; as- sistant ; colleague ; co-worker. [L. ; con, with, ad, to, juvare, to help.] — Coadju'trix, n. A female as- sistant. — Coad'jutant. a. .Mutually assisting. Coagent, ko-a'jent, n_. An assistant or associate. Coagulate, ko-ag'u-lat, v. t. To cause to change into a curd-like state, — said of liquids. — v.i. To un- dergo coagulation, thicken, curdle. [L. coagulare, fr. coaguhmi, rennet, fr. con, together, and agere, to drive.] — Coag'ulable, a. — Coag'ula'tion, n. Act of, etc. — Coag'ulative, -tiv, a. Causing, etc. — Co- ag'ulator, n. That which causes, etc. — Coag'u- lum, n. A coagulated mass, as curd. [L.] Coal, kol, n. Wood charred, or partiallv burnt; char- coal. (Min.) A black, solid, combustible substance, - consisting mainly of carbon, used for fuel. ■ — v. t. [coaled (kold), coalixg.] To burn to coal, char; to mark with charcoal; to supply with coal. — v.i. To take in coal, — said of steam-vessels. [AS. col, Ic, Sw., and JIHG. kol; prob. s. rt. Skr. jval, to blaze.] — To carry coals. To submit to degradation or insult. — To carry c. to Newcastle. To do some- thing superfluous; to lose one's labor. — Tohaul over the c. To scold or call to account.— CoaKery, -er-T, Colliery, koKyer-T, n. A place where coal is dug. — ColKier, -yer,"n. A digger of, or dealer in, coal; a vessel for transporting coal. — CoaKy, -T, a. Pert. to or containing coal. — Colly, kol'T, n. Black grime or soot of coal or burnt wood. — v. t. [collied (kol'id), -lyixg.] To render black. — Coarneld, n. A region where coal abounds. — heav'er, n. One em- ployed in discharging coal from ships, cars, etc. — -measure, -mezh'er, n. The measure used in ascer- taining the quantity of coal, pi. (Geol.) Strata of coal with the attendant rocks. — oil, n. Petroleum. — pit. n. A pit where coal is dug, or charcoal made. — scut'tle, n. A utensil for holding coal. — tar, n. A substance, distilled from bituminous coal. — -whip'per, n. One who raises coal from a ship's hold. Coalesce, kG^-les', v. i. [coalesced (-lestO. coa- lescixg.] To grow together; unite into one mass; unite in society. [L. coalescere, fr. con and alescere, to grow up, freq. of alere, to nourish.] — Coales''- cence, -sens, n. Act of, etc.; union. — Coales'cent, -sent, a. Growing together.— Coalition, -lish'un, n. Union in a body or mass; a temporary combination of persons, parties, states, etc., having different in- terests; confederacy: combination; conspiracy. Coamings, Combings! kom'ingz, n. pi. (Aawi.) The raised borders or edges of the hatches. Coaptate, ko-ap'tat, v. t. To adjust, as parts to each other, — esp. (Surg.) to adjust the parts of a broken bone. [L. con and aptare, aptatum, to adapt.] — Co- aptation, -ta'shun, n. Adaptation of, etc. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Tn, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; COARSE 97 COCOON Coarse, kors, a. Large in bulk, or composed of large parts; not refined or nice; gross; rough; indelicate. [Orig. course, prob. contr. for in course.] — Coarse'ly, -lr, it'lv. — Coarse'ness, n. Coast, ko^t, a. Orig. the exterior line, or border of a country: edge of the land next to the sea; sea-shore. — v.i. To approach; to sail by or near a coast; to sail from port to port in the same country; to slide down a hill on a sled, upon snow or ice. fF. cote. OF. coste, L. costa, rib, side; s. rt. accost, cutlet.] — Coasting trade. Trade between different ports of the same country, as disting. fr. foreign trade. — Coasfer. n. A person or vessel that sails along a coast trading from port to port. — Coast'-line, n. Outline of a coast; shore line. — Coast'wise, adv. By way of, or along, the coast. Coat, kot, n. A man's outer garment ; the habit or vesture of an order of men ; an external covering, as fur or hair of a beast ; a layer of any substance covering another ; a tegument ; that on which en- signs armorial are portrayed. — v. t. To cover with a coat. [OF. cote, LL. cota, a garment, tunic ; s. rt. AS. and E. cote, E. cot.] — Coat of arms. (Her.) A habit worn by knights over armor : an armorial de- vice. — C. of mail. Armor covering the upper por- tion of the body, consisting of a net-work of iron rings. — Coatee', n. A short coat. — Coafing, n. Any substance used as a cover or protection ; cloth for coats. — Coafarmor, n. Coats of arms ; armori- al ensigns. — card, n. A card bearing a coated fig- ure ; viz., the king, queen, or knave. Coax, koks, v. t. [coaxed (kokst), coaxing.] To persuade by insinuating courtesy, flatterv, or fond- ling; to wheedle, fawn. [ME. cokes, simpleton, gull, dupe : perh. s. rt. cockney.] — Coax'er, n. Cob, Kob, n. The top or head ; hence, that which is large, round, etc. ; a person at the top, or distin- guished ; a rich, covetous person ; a lump or piece, as of stone; a spider ; a short-legged and stout vari- ety of horse ; tne spike on which, grains of maize grow. [W. cob, a tuft, spider, cop, top, crest, Ga. copan, boss of a shield, cup, D. kop, head, man, cup.] — Cob'ble, Cob'ble-stone, Cob'stone, n. A rounded fragment, as of coal, stone, etc. — Cob'nut, n. A large nut; a child's game played with nuts, also the nut winning the game. — Cob'web, n. A spider's net ; a snare or device. — v. t. To cover with, or as with, cobwebs. [Fr. W. cob, spider, and E. web ; or abbr. of ME. attercop-web, fr. AS. attorcoppa, spider, fr. ator, poison, and coppa = W. cop.] Cobalt, ko'bawlt, n. A reddish-gray metal, brittle, and difficult of fusion : its oxides are used in glass manufacture to produce the blue varieties called smalt. [G. kobalt for kobold, a goblin, LL. cobalus, Gr. kobalos.] — Cobalfic, -ous, a. Pert, to, etc. Cobble, kob'bl. n. A fishing-boat. See Coble. —A stone. See under Cob. Cobble, kob'bl, v. t. [cobbled (-bid), cobbling.] To make or mend coarsely, as shoes; to do bun- glingly. [OF. cobler, coubler, to couple, join to- gether, L. copulare.] — Cob'bler, n. A mender of shoes; a clumsy workman ; a beverage composed of wine, sugar, lemon, and broken ice. Coble, kohl, n. A boat used in herring fishery. [W. ceubal, skiff, ceubren, hollow tree, ceuo, to hollow.] Cobra de capello, ko^bra-da-ka-pel'lo. The hooded snake, a venomous reptile of the East Indies. [Pg., serpent of the hood.] Cocagne, kok-an'', n. An imaginary country of idle- ness, luxury, and delight ; the land of cockneys, — applied to London and its suburbs. [F. ; It. Cu- cagna, fr. cucca, sweetmeats, fr. L. coquere, to cook.] Cocciferous, kok-sifer-us, a. Bearing berries. [L. coccum, a berry, and/en-e, to bear.] Cochineal, koch/I-nel, n. A plant-louse found upon the Mexican cactus; the dried insects used as a scar- let dye-stuff, from which carmine is made. [Sp. cochinilla, fr. L. coccinus, scarlet, and coccum, berry, cochineal, the ancients supposing the insect to be a berry.] Cochlea, kok'le-a, n. (Anat.) The spiral cavity of the internal ear. [L., a snail shell.] — Cochleary, -le-a- rt, -ate, -le-at, -ated, a. (Nat. Hist.) Having the form of a snail-shell ; spiral ; turbinated. Cock, kok, n. The male of birds, esp. of domestic fowls ; a vane shaped like a fowl, weathercock ; a chief man, leader ; an instrument to let out liquor from a cask, spout. [AS., fr. OF. coc, F. coq, L. coccus, a cock ; onomat. ; Gr. kokku, cry of the cuckoo, also of the cock, Skr. ku, to cry, kuj. to cry as a bird.] — Cock-a-hoop. Triumphant ; exulting. G leg. {Bot) Cock, kok, n. cocking.] Cock, kok, n. [F. huppe, a bird's crest.] — Cock and bull ftoi //. An improbable or baseless story. — Cock'y. -t. a. Pert ; swaggering ; saucy.— Cockade, -ad', n. A rosette or knot of ribbons, etc., on the hat. [Corrup. fr. F. co- quarde, fr. coq.] — Cock'atoo'', n. A bird of the par- rot kind, having a crest of feathers which it can raise or depress. [Onomat.; Malay kakatua ; kakak, the cackling of hens, kukuk, crow of a cock.] — Cock'atrice, -tris, n. The basilisk : a fabulous ser- pent, hatched by a serpent from a cock's egg, and whose breath or look was fatal. [OF. cocatii'ce, crocodile, LL. cocatrix, crocodile, basilisk.] — Cock'- crow, -crow'ing, n. The time at which cocks crow ; early morning. — Cock'er, n. One who follows cock- fighting; a dog of the spaniel kind, used for start- ing up woodcocks, etc. — Cock'erel, n. A young cock. — Cock'fight, -fight'ing, -match, n. A con- test of game-cocks. — loft, n. The top-loft ; upper room. — pit, n. An area where game-cocks fight. See also under Cockboat.] — Cocks'comb, -kom, n. The caruncle or comb of a cock. (Lot.) A plant of different genera. A vain, silly fellow; a fop. [See Coxcomb.] — Cock'spur, n. The spur on a cock's A variety of hawthorn. A pile of hay. — v. t. [cocked (kokt), To set up in piles. [Dan. kok, a heap.] Act of turning or setting up ; thing set up ; the gnomon or style of a dial. — v. t. To set erect, turn up ; to place upon the head jauntily. [Ga. coc, to cock.] — Cock-eye, n. A squinting eye. — horse, n. A child's rocking-horse. Cock, kok, n. The hammer of a gun-lock. — v. t. To draw back the cock, in order to fire. [It. cocca, F. coche, the notch of an arrow ; F. decocher, to let fly an arrow, encocher, to fit an arrow to the bowstring.] — Cock'feather, n. (Arch.) The feather above the notch, when the arrow is fitted to the string. Cock, Cockboat, kok'bot, n. A ship's small boat. [OF. coque, It. cocca, Sp. coca, LL. cocco, cogo, D. and Dan. kog ; prob. fr. L. concha, a shell.] — Cock'- bill, n. CNciut.) Position of the anchor, when sus- pended from the cat-head, ready to drop. — pit, n. A room under the lower gun-deck, used for the wounded during action. — Cockswain, kok'sn, n. The person who steers a boat. Cockchafer, kok'chaf-er, n. (Entom.) The May-bug or dor-beetle. [Corrup. of clock-chafer, Scot, clock, beetle.] — Cock 7, roach, -roeh, n. An insect of sev- eral species, infesting houses, ships, etc. Cocker, kok'er, v. t. [cockered (-erd), -ering.] To treat with tenderness, fondle, pamper. [F. coque- liner, to dandle, W. cocri, to fondle.] Cocket, kok'et, n. A custom-house certificate that goods have been entered and paid duty ; the office where goods are entered for export. [Prob. corrup. for L. quo quietus, — words used in the certificate.] Cockle, kok'!, n. (Bot.) A weed that grows among corn, corn-rose ; the darnel. [AS. coccel, Ga.cogali, tares.] — (Conch.) A bivalve shell fish having a cor- rugated shell. [W. cocos, cocs, cockles, L. cochlea, a snail, concha, Gr. kongche, a mussel, cockle.] — v. t. To contract into wrinkles, like ridges of the cockle-shell. — v. i. To take the form of wrinkles. — Cockier, n. One who takes and sells cockles. — Cockle-shell, n. The shell of, etc. — Cock'le-Btairs, n. pi. Winding or spiral stairs. Cockney, kok'nY, n. ; pi. -neys, -niz. An effeminate person; a resident of London. — a. Pert, to or like, etc. [F. coquin, a beggar, sneak, fr. coquiner, LL. coquinare, to serve in a kitchen, fr. L. coquina, kitch- en ; prob. not fr. Cocagne.] — Cock'neydom, -nl- dum'w. The region of cockneys ; London. — Cock''- neyism, -nl-izm, n. Qualities, man- ners, or dialect of, etc. Cocoa, ko'ko, n. (Bot.) A palm tree producing the cocoa-nut. [Pg. and Sp. coco, a bugbear, ugly mask, also a cocoa-nut, from the" likeness of the nut to an ugly face.] — A preparation made from cacao seeds; a beverage made from it. [Corrup. of cacao, q. v.] — Cocoa shells. The dried husks_of cacao seeds. Cocoon, ko-koon'', n. An oblong case which contains the silkworm in its chrysalis state; the case constructed by an insect to contain its larve. [F. cocon, dim. of coque, a shell.] — Cocoon'' ery, -er-t, n. A place for silk-worms, when feeding and form- ing cocoons. Cocoa tree. sun, cube, full ; moon, fottt ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNDON, chair, get. 7 COCTION 98 COHORT Coction, kok'shun,?!. Act of boiling. (Med.) Altera- tion experienced by morbific matter before elimina- tion. [L,. coctio, a boiling, digestion, fr. coquere, coctum, to cook,] — Coc'tile, -til, a. Made by bak- ing, as bricks. Cod, kod, n. A husk or envelope containing seeds ; a Eod ; the scrotum. [AS., a ag.] — (Ichth.) A fish in- habiting the northern seas. [G. gadde, L. gadus, Gr. ga- dos.] — Cod'ling, n. A young _ , cod. — Cod'liver oil. A fixed ^ oa - oil obtained from livers of the cod, very nutrient, and used medicinally for rheumatism, skin diseases, pulmonary consumption, etc. Coddle, kod'Ml, v. t. [-dled (-did), -dling.] To par- boil ; to treat tenderly. [Perh. corrup. fr. caudle.} Code, kod, n. A collection, system, or digest of laws. — Comdex, n. ; pi. Codices, kod'l-sez. A manuscript; book; code. [F. code, fr. L. codex, orig. trunk of a tree, hence tablet, book.] — Cod'ify, -fi, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.] To reduce to a code or digest, as laws. [L. facere, to make.] — Cod'ifica'tion, n. Act of, etc. — Codicil, -I-sil, n. A supplement to a will. [L. colicillus, dim. of codex.'] Codger, kod^jer, n. A mean person ; curmudgeon ; odd old person. [Perh. corrup. of cottager.] Codlin, -ling, kodling, n. An immature apple ; a cooking apple. [Fr. cod, a pod.] Coefficient, ko-ef-fislfent, a. Cooperating ; acting in union to the same end. — n. That which unites, etc. (Math.) A known quantity put before letters or quantities, to show how often to take them. [L. co and efficere, to cause, fr. ex, out, and facere, to make.] — Coefficiently, adv. — Coefifciency, -sT, n. Cooperation. Coehorn, ko r h6rn, n. (Mil.) A small bronze mortar, — invented by Baron Coehorn. Coeliac, Celiac, se'll-ak, a. Pert, to the belly or in- testinal canal. [Gr. koilia, belly, fr. koilos, hollow.] Coemption, ko-emp'shun, n. Act of purchasing the whole quantity of a commodity. [L. con and emere, emptum, to buy.] Coequal, ko-e'kwal, a. Equal with another ; of the same rank, dignity, or power. — n. One who is, etc. — Coequality, -kwol'T-tT, n. State of being, etc. Coerce, ko-ers', v. t. [coerced (-erst'), coercing.] To restrain by force, constrain, repress, compel. [L. con for cum, with, and arcere, to inclose, confine, area, a chest.] — Coer'cible, -sY-bl, a. Capable of being, or deserving to be, etc. — Coercion, -er'shun, n. Act or process of, etc. ; restraint. — Coer'cive, -siv, a. Compelling, or able to compel ; compulsory. Coessential, ko-es-sen'shal, a. Partaking of the same essence. — Coessentiality, -sht-aKl-ti, n. Participa- tion of, etc. Coetaneous, ko-e-ta'ne-us, o. Of the same age ; be- ginning at the same time. [L. con and setas, age.] Coeternal, ko-e-ter'nal, a. Equally eternal. — Co- eter'nity, -VS., n. Equal eternity with another. Coeval, ko-e'val, a. Of equal age. — n. One of the same age. [L. con and serum, lifetime, age.] Coexist, ko-egz-isf, v. i. To exist at the same time. — Coexist'ence, n. Existence at the same time with another. — Coexisfent, a. Existing, etc. Coextend. ko-eks-tend', v. t. To extend through the same space with another. — Coexten'sion, -shun, n. Equal extension. — Coexten'sive, -siv, a. Coffee, kof fe, n. The berries of a tree growing in warm climates of Asia and America ; a drink made from the roasted berry, by decoc- tion. [Turk, qahveh, Ar. qah- weh.] — Coffee-house, n. A ^> house for the sale of coffee and ** other refreshments. mill, n. A mill for grinding coffee. — -pot, n. A covered pot in which coffee is boiled, or brought upon the table. r „ Coffer, kof fer, n. A chest, esp. Coffee. for money. (Arch.) A sunken panel. (Fort.) A hollow work across a dry moat, serving as a parapet with embrasures. A lock to receive a barge. — r. t. [coffered (-ferd), -fering.] To place in a coffer. [OF. cofre, cofin, fr. L. coyihinus, Gr. kophinos, a basket.] — Coffer dam. (Engin.) A box of timber, to exclude water while constructing piers, etc. Coffin, kof fin, n. The case in which a body is inclosed for burial. (Far.) The hollow part of a horse's hoof. (Print.) A wooden frame inclosing the stone on which forms are imposed. — r. t. [cuf- fined (-find), -fixing.] To put into, etc. [Same as coffer.} — Coffin-bone, n. (Far.) A horse's foot- bone inclosed within the hoof. Coffie, kof fl, n. A gang of slaves going to market. [Ar. kafala, caravan.] Cog, kog. v. t. and i. [cogged (kogd), cogging.] To wheedle, deceive ; to thrust in, by deception. [W. coegio, to trick, pretend, coeg, empty, vain.] — n. A tooth on a wheel, transmitting motion. — v. t. To fix a cog upon, furnish with cogs. [Ga. and Ir.; Sw. kugge, cog ; It. cocca, F. coche, notch. See Cock.] — Cog'-wheel, n. A wheel with teeth. Cog, Coggle, kog/gl, n. A boat ; fishing-boat. [Ic. koggr, koggi, W. eweh.] Cogent, ko'jent, a. Having great force; pressing on the mind; not easily resisted; convincing; conclu- sive. [L. cogens, p. pr. of cogere, to force, fr. con and agere, to drive.] — Co'gently, adv. — Co'gency, -st, n. Power of constraining; force. Cogitate, koj'T-tat, v. i. To engage in continuous thought, reflect. [L. cogitare, -tatum, to think, fr. con and agitare, to agitate, freq. of agere.] — Cogi- tation, n. Act of thinking; meditation; contem- plation. — Cogitable, a. Capable of being made the subject of thought. — Cogitative, -tiv, a. Pos- sessing, or pert, to, the power of meditation; given to thought; contemplative. Cognac, kon'yak, n. A brandy formerly made at Cognac, France. [Written improp. Cogniac] Cognate, kog'nat, a. Allied by blood or birth ; kin- dred in origin, formation, etc. — n. (Law.) One connected with another by kindred ; one related to another on the female side ; one of several things allied in origin. [L. cognatus, fr. con and nasci, natus (orig. gnasci, gnatus), to be born. See Con- nate.] — Cogna'tion, n. Relation by descent from the same original; participation of the same nature. (Law.) Relationship between descendants from the same father and mother. Cognize, kog'nlz, v. t. To recognize, perceive. [L. cognoscere, fr. con and noscere (orig. gnoscere), to know.] — Cognizee, -see, kog- or kon'l-ze', n. (Law.) One to whom a fine of land is acknowledged. — Cognizor, -sor, kog- or kon-Y-z6r', n. (Law.) One who acknowledges the right of the cognizee in a fine ; the defendant. — Cognition, kog-nish'un, n. Act of knowing; object known. — Cog'nitive, -tiv, a. Knowing. — Cognizable, kog'- or kon'1-za-bl, a. Capable of being known, or apprehended ; fitted to be a subject of judicial investigation. — Cog'ni- zance, kog'- or kon'T-zans, n. Knowledge or notice; observation ; recognition ; judicial knowledge or ju- risdiction. (Law.) An acknowledgement or confes- sion. A badge, to indicate the party to which one belongs. — Cognizant, kog'- or kon'I-zant, a. Hav- ing knowledge of . — Cognoscible, kog-nos'sY-bl, a. Capable of being known; liable to judicial cogni- zance.— Cognos'cibillty, n. Quality of being, etc. — Cognoscente, -sen'ta, n. ; pi. -centi, -sen'tY. One who knows: a connoisseur. [Olt.] — Cogno'vit. n. (Law.) An acknowledgment by a defendant of the justice of a plaintiff's claim. [L., he acknowledges.] Cognomen, kog-no'men, n. A surname; the last of the 3 names of an ancient Roman, denoting his family. [L., fr. con and nomen (orig. gnomen), name, f r. noscere, to know.] — Cognomlnal, a. Pert, to a surname. — Cognom / ina , tion, n. A surname. Cohabit, ko-hablt, v. i. Orig., to dwell with, or in- habit the same place or country; to live together as husband and wife. [L. con and habitare, to dwell.] — Cohabitant, n. One who, etc. — Cohab'ita'tion, n. Act or state of, etc. Co-heir, ko-ar', n. A joint heir.— Co-heiress, ko-ar'es, n. A joint_heiress. Cohere, ko-hef , v. i. [cohered (-herd'), cohering.] To stick together; to follow regularly m the natural order ; to cleave, adhere, agree, fit. [L. con and hserere, to stick.] — Coher'ence, -ens, -ency, -en-si, n. A sticking together; suitable connection; consist- ency. — Coher^ent, a. Sticking together; connected by some relation of form, order, etc.; consistent. — Cfoher'ently, adv. — Cohe'sion, -zhun, n. Act of sticking together; attraction by which particles of homogeneous bodies unite; a state of connection or dependence. — Cohe'sive, -siv, a. Having the power of cohering. — Cohe'siveness, n. Cohort See Coehorn. Cohort, ko'h6rt, n. (Rom. Antiq.) A body of about 500 or 600 soldiers. Any band of warriors. [L. co- hors; s. rt. court, yard!] &m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; COIF 99 COLLOCATE Coif, koif. n. A covering tor the head; cap. [OF.; LL. cojia, MUG. kujj'e, kupfe, cap; s. rt. G. /cop/, E. cup.] — Coifed, koif t, a. Wearing a coil'. — Coiffure, -fur, n. A head-dress. [F.] Coigne, koin. Quoin, koin or kwoin, n. A corner or external angle; corner-stone; a wedge. [F. coing, coigne, corner, L. cuneus, wedge. See Coin.] Coil, koil, v. t. [coiled (koild), coiling.] To wind in rings, as a rope. — n. Rings formed by winding, etc. [OF. coillir, L. colligere, to collect; s. rt. cull.] — n. Noise; tumult. [OGa. and Ir. goill, war, fight.] Coin, koin, n. A corner or external angle; a wedge to raise, lower, fasten, or level anything, as a can- non, printer's form, etc.; a piece of metal stamped with characters, making it legally current as money; that which serves for payment or recompense. — v. t. [coined (koind), coining.] To stamp and convert into money; to mint; to make or fabricate. [OF., a wedge, stamp upon coin, coin — orig. stamped by means of a wedge; L. cuneus, wedge; s. rt. Gr. konos, peg, cone, E. cone, hone.]— Coin'age, -ej, n. Act or art of coining; money coined; expense of coining; act or process of forming; invention; fabrication. — Coiu'er, n. One who makes coin; a minter; coun- terfeiter; inventor or maker. Coincide, ko'in-sld, v. i. To fall together, agree in position, correspond, be identical. [L. con and in- ciclere, f r. in, upon, and cadere, to fall.] — Coincid'er, n. — Coincidence, -sT-dens, n. Act or condition of falling together; agreement or concurrence, esp. of events at the same time. — Coincident, a. Having coincidence; agreeing. Coir, kwoir, n. Cocoa-nut fiber for matting, ropes, etc. [Tamil cuyer, a rope.] Coition, ko-ish /, un, n. Sexual intercourse; copulation. [L. coitio, fr. con and ire, itum, to go.] Coke, kok, n. Mineral coal charred, or deprived by fire of volatile matter. — v. t. [coked (kokt), coking.] To convert into coke. [ProD. same as cake.] Col, kol, 74. A mountain pass. [F., a neck.] Colander, kuKen-der, n. A vessel with a perforated bottom for straining liquids. [L. colum, sieve, fr. colore, to strain.] Colchicum, kol'kY-kum, n. A genus of plants, inclu- ding the meadow saffron, whose bulbs are used me- dicinally for gout and rheumatism. [L.] Colcothar, koKko-thar, n. (Chem.) Brown-red oxide of iron remaining after calcination of sulphate of iron, — used for polishing glass, etc. [NL.] Cold, kold, a. Destitute of warmth, physical or moral; bleak; chill; indifferent; spiritless; reserved. — n. Absence of warmth; sensation produced by escape of heat; chilliness. (Med.) A morbid state of the animal system produced by cold; a catarrh. [AS. ceald, Dan. kold, D. koud, G. kalt.] — In cold blood. Without excitement, passion, or compunction; de- liberately. — Cold shoulder. Deliberate neglect or contempt. — Coldly, adv. — Cold'ness, n. — Cold'- blood'ed, -blud'ed, a. Having cold blood; without sensibility; hard-hearted; not thoroughbred, — said of animals. — chu'el, n. A hard chisel for cutting cold metal. — short, a. Brittle when cold. — sore, n. (Pathol.) A herpetic eruption, about lips or nos- trils, attending catarrhal inflammation. Cole, kol, n. A plant of the cabbage family; esp. the species called also rape, which does not head like the cabbage. [L. caulis, stalk, cabbage ; same as kail.] — Cole'wort, -wert, n. Cabbage cut young, before the head is firm. [AS. wyrt, a wort.] Coleus, ko'le-us, n. A plant of the mint family, hav- ing variegated leaves. [Gr. koleos, a sheath, — fr. the manner in which its stamens are united.] — Co- leop'teral, -terous, -op'ter-us, a. Having wings covered with a case or sheath, as beetles. [Gr. pteron, a wing.] — Coleop'terist, n. One versed in the study of, etc. Colic, kol'ik, n. (Med.) Acute pain in the bowels, f rowing more severe at intervals. [F. coligue, fr. Gr. olikos, suffering in the (kolon) colon.] — Lead colic, Painter's c, or Plumber's c. Colic produced by slow poisoning with lead. — Colicky, -T, a. Pert, to, etc. Coliseum. Same as Colosseum. Collaborator, kol-lab'o-ra'ter, n. An associate in labor, esp. literary or scientific; co-worker; assistant. [F. collaborateur, fr. L. con and laborare, to labor.] Collapse, kol-laps', v. i. [-lapsed (-lapsf), -lapsing.] To fall together suddenly, shrink up. — n. A falling together, as of the sides of a hollow vessel. (Med?) A sudden failing of the vital powers. [L. con and labi, lapsus, to glide down, lapse.] — Collap'sion, -shun, n. State of falling together, or shrinking up. Collar, kollar, n. Something worn round the neck. (Arch.) A ring or cincture; astragal of a column'. (Mech.) A ring-like part of a machine, for holding something to its place. (iVaur.) An eye in the bight of a shroud, to go over the mast head. — v. t. [COL- LARED ("-lard), -laring.] To seize by the collar, put a collar on. [OF. collier, L. collare, neck-band, fr. collum, neck.] — Collar- beam, n. (Arch.) A horizontal piece of timber bracing two opposite raf- ters. — bone, n. (Anat.) The clavicle, a bone joining the breast-bone and shoulder-blade. Collard, kollard, n. A kind of cabbage whose leaves do not form a close head. [Corrup. of colewort.] Collate, kol-laF, v. t. To compare critically; to gather and place in order, as sheets of a book for binding. (EcclJ To present and institute in a benefice, —v. i. (Eccl.) To place in a benefice, as by a bishop. [L. con and ferre, latum, to bear.]— Collation, -la /r - shun, n. Act of bringing together and comparing; act of conferring or bestowing. (Eccl. Law.) Pre- sentation to a benefice by a bishop. An unceremo- nious repast or lunch. — Collalive, -tiv, a. Passing or held by collation. — Colla'tor, -ter, n. One who collates manuscripts or books. (Eccl. Law.) One who collates to a benefice. Collateral, kol-lafer-al, a. On the side of; subordi- nate^ connected; indirect. (Genealogy.) Descend- ing from the same ancestor, but not one from the other. — n. A collateral relation; security given in addition to a principal promise or bond. [L. con and latus, lateris, a side.] — Collateral security. Se- curity to perform covenants, or pay money, besides the principal security. — Collaterally, -IT, adv. Colleague, kolleg, n. One united with another in the discharge of some duty; partner; associate. — v. t. or i. To unite with in the same office. [F. collegue, L. collega, fr. con and legate, to send on an embassy.] Collect, kol-lekt / ', v. t. To gather into one body or place, bring together; to infer as a consequence, de- duce. — v. i. To be assembled together, accumu- late; to infer, conclude. [OF. collecter, LL. collec- tare, to collect money, L. collecta, a collection in money, fr. con and legere, tectum ; to gather, read.] — To collect one's self. To recover from surprise; to regain composure or self-possession. — Collect'ed, a. Not disconcerted; self-possessed; cool; composed. — Collecfedness, n. — Collectible, -T-bl, a. Capa- ble of being gathered or inferred. — Collect, kol A - lekt, n. A short, comprehensive prayer. — Collecta'- nea, -ne-a, n. pi. Passages selected from various authors; anthology; chrestomathy. [L.] — Collecta'- neous, -ne-us, a. Gathered; collected. — Collection, -lek'shun, n. Act of collecting; thing gathered; contribution; assemblage; crowd; mass; compila- tion ; selection. — Collective, -iv, a. Formed by fathering; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; de- ucing consequences. (Gram.) Expressing an ag- gregate of individuals. Tending to collect. — Col- lectively, adv. In a body; unitedly. — Collect' or, -er, n. One who collects or gathers. (Com.) An officer who receives customs, taxes, or toll. — Col- lecforship, -orate, n. Office or jurisdiction of, etc. College, kollej, n. A collection or society of men; a society of scholars incorporated for study or instruc- tion; an establishment for students acquiring lan- fuages and science. [F.; L. collegium, fr. colligere. ee Collect.] — Colle'gial, -giate, -jf-at, a. Pert, to, etc. — Collegian, -giate, n. A member of, etc. Collet, kollet, n. The part of a ring in which the stone is set. [F., fr. col, L. collum, neck.] Collide, kol-lid% v. i. To strike or dash together. [L. collidere, fr. con and Isedere, to strike.] — Collision, -lizh/un, n. Act of, etc.; a state of opposition; in- terference; clashing. Collie, Colly, koKlf, n. A Scotch shepherd's dog. [Ga. cuilean, Ir. cuileann, a whelp, cu, a dog.] Collier, Colliery. See under Coal. Collimation, koUl-ma'shun, n. Act of aiming at a mark, or of leveling or directing the sight to a fixed object. [F., fr. L. collimare, to aim.] — Line of colli- mation. The axial line of the telescope of an astro- nomical or geodetic instrument. — Collima'ting, a. (Opt.) Pert, to, etc. — Collima'tor, n. A telescope arranged to determine errors of collimation. Collingual, kol-lin/gwal, a. Having, or pert, to, the same language. LL. con and lingua, tongue.] Colliquefaction, kol-lik / we-fak / 'shun, n. A melting together of bodies. [L. con, liquere, to be liquid, and facere, factum, to make.] Collision. See under Collide. Collocate, koKlo-kat, v. t. To set or place; station. sun, cube, full ; moon, fcfot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, riien, boNboN, chair, get, COLLODION 100 COMBAT [L. con and locare, location, to place, fr. locus, a place; s. rt. couch.] — Colloca'tion, n. Act of pla- cing:; state of being placed, esp. with something else. Collodion, kol-lo'dl-un, n. (Chem.) An adhesive so- lution of gun-cotton in ether and alcohol, vised to close wounds, and in photography. [Gr. kollu, glue.] Collop, kol'lop, n. A slice of meat; piece of anything. [E.; OSw. /cottons, G. klojms, slices of meat.] Colloquy, kol'lo-kwl, n. Mutual discourse; confer- ence; dialogue. [L. colloquium, fr. con and loqui, to speak.] — Collo'quial, a. Pert, to, or used in, com- mon conversation. — Collo'quially, adv~— Collo'- quialism, -izm, n. A common form of expression. — CoPloquist, -kwist, n. Speaker in a conversation. Collude, kol-lud', v. i. To conspire in a fraud, act in concert. [L. con and ludere, to play.] — Collud^er, n. — Collu'sion, -zhun, n. Secret agreement and co- operation for fraud; deceit; connivance. — Collu- sive, -siv, a. Fraudulently concerted.— Collu'sively, adv. — Collusiveness, n. — Coliu'sory, -so-rT, a. Characterized by collusion. Colluvies, kol-lu'vi-ez, n. sing, and pi. A mass of refuse matter; filth. [L., fr. con and luere, to wash.] Colly. See under Coal. Colocolo, kol-o-kolo, n. A wild cat of South Amer. Colocynth, koKo-sinth, n. {Med.) The coloquintida, or bitter apple; the pith of a species of cucumber, — a strong cathartic. [Gr. kolokunthis, -thidos.] Cologne, ko-lon'', n. A toilet liquid, composed of al- cohol and aromatic oils, — orig. made in Cologne. Colon, ko'lon, n. (Anat.) The largest of the large intestines. (Gram.) A point [:] marking a pause greater than a semicolon, less than a period. [Gr.] Colonel, ker'nel, n. (Mil.) The chief commander of a regiment. [F., fr. It. colonello, colonel, orig., a little column, dim. of colonna, L. columna, column.] — Colo , nelcy, -si, -ship, n. Office, rank, or commis- sion of, etc. Colonnade, kol / on-nad r , n. (Arch.) A series of col- umns placed at regular intervals. [F.; It. colonnata, fr. colonna. See Colonel.] Colony, koKo-nl, n. A company of people in a re- mote country, and subject to the parent state ; the country colonized. [L. colonia, fr. colonus, farmer, fr. colerc, to cultivate.] — Colo'nial, a. Pert, to, etc. — CoFonist, n. A member of, etc. — Col'onize, v. t. [-nized (-nlzd), -nizing.] To plant a colony in ; to people by colonies. — v. i. To settle in a distant country. — CoFonizer, n. — CoPoniza'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — CoPoniza'tionist, n. An advocate of, etc. ; esp. of colonizing Africa, by negro emigrants from America. Colophon, koKo-fon, n. An inscription on the last page of a book, used before title-pages were intro- duced, containing the place or year of publication, printer's name, etc. [LateL. and Gr., summit, finishing stroke.] Colophony, koFo-fo'nY or ko-lofo-nt, n. Dark-col- ored resin distilled from turpentine. [Fr. Colophon, in Asia Minor.] Coloquintida. Same as Colocynth. Color, kuPer, n. A property of light causing the eye to distinguish differences in the appearance of ob- jects ; a hue or tint as distinguished from white; that used to give color; paint; pigments; false show; pretense. (Phren.) The organ indicating percep- tion of color. See Phrenology, pi. A flag, ensign, or standard. — v. t. [colored (kuKerd), -oring.] To change the hue of ; to give color to, dye, tinge, paint, stain ; to give a specious appearance to, palli- ate, excuse. — v. i. To turn red, blush. [L., fr. celare, to cover, conceal ; cf. Skr. varna, color, fr. var, to cover, conceal.] — Complementary color. One of 2 colors so related that when blended they pro- duce white light. — Primary colors. Those devel- oped from the solar beam by the prism, viz., red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, — re- duced by some authors to 3 — red, yellow, and blue. See Light. — CoPorable, a. Designed to cover or conceal ; specious ; plausible. — CoForableness, n. — CoPorably, adv.— Colora'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — CoPorature, n. (Mus.) A variation or shading of notes for harmony.— CoKored, -erd, a. Having color or plausible appearance. — Colored people. Persons of negro descent. — Colorific, a. Communicating or producing color. — CoForist, n. A painter skilled in coloring. — CoKorless, a. Des- titute of color. — Colorim / 'eter, n. An instrument for measuring the depth of color, esp. in liquids. [Gr. metron, measure.]— CoKor-blindness, n. Im- perfect perception of colors ; Daltonism. — -ser- geant, -sar'jent or -ser'jent, n. (Mil.) A non-com- missioned officer, the color-bearer of a regiment. Colorado beetle, kol-o-ra'do-be'tl. The potato-bug,— a destructive yellow beetle, orig. fr. Colorado. Colossus, ko-los'sus, n. ; L. pi. -Si, -si ; E. pi. -Suses, -ez. A gigan- tic statue; esp. that at the en- trance of the harbor at Rhodes. [L.; Gr. kolossos.] — Colos'sal, -se'an, a. Gigantic. — Colosse'iim, n. Vespa- sian's amphi- theater in Rome. [Also written Coli- seum.'] Colporteur, kol- por-ter' r , CoP- porter,?i. One who peddles religious tracts and books. [F. colporteur, fr. colporter, to carry on one's Colossus of Rhodes, neck, fr. col (L. collum), neck, and porter (L. por- tare), to carry.] — CoFportage, -ej, n. Distribution of, etc.— CoFstaff, n. A staff for carrying burdens on two persons' shoulders. [F. col and E. staff.] Colt, kolt, n. The young of the horse kind ; a young, foolish fellow. [AS. ; prob. s. rt. Goth, kuni, kin, E. child.] — Colfish, a. Like a colt ; frisky. — Colt's / - foot, n. A plant whose leaves were once used me- dicinally. Colter, Coulter, koFter, n. The sharp fore iron of a plow, to cut the sod. [AS. and L. cutter ; Skr. krit, to cut.] Colubrine, koKu-brin, a. Pert, to serpents ; cunning; sly. [L. coluber, serpent, adder.] Columbary, koFum-ba-rY, n. A dove-cot ; pigeon-house. [L. columbarium, fr. colum- ba, dove.] — CoFumbine, -bin, n. A genus of plants whose flowers have beak-like spurs. Columbiad, ko-lum^bt-ad, n. (Mil.) A species sorter, of heavy cannon. [Fr. Columbia = United States.] Column, koFum, n. (Arch.) A cylindrical support for a roof, ceiling, etc., composed of base, shaft, and capital ; a pillar. (Mil.) A body of troops in files with a narrow front. (Naut.) A body of ships in line, so as to follow in succession. (Print.) Figures, words, or lines set perpendicularly one above an- other. [L. columna, fr. columen, top, culmen, highest point.] — Colum^nar, a. Formed in or like, etc. — Columella, -la, n. (Bot.) An axis, supporting the carpels of some fruits ; the stem in mosses, which is the axis of the capsule. [L., dim. of columen.] Colure, ko-lur /- , n. ; pi. Colures, -lurz / '. (Astron. and Geog.) One of two great circles intersecting at right angles in the poles of the equator. [L. co- lurus, Gr. koloia-os, lit. curtailed, fr. Gr. kolos, clipped, and oura, tail, — part of each being always below the horizon.] Colza, koFza, n. A variety of cabbage whose seeds afford an oil used in lamps. [Sp.] Coma, ko'ma, n. (Med.) Morbid propensity to sleep; lethargy. [Gr., fr. koiman, to fall asleep.] — Co / '- matose, -tos,_-tous, -tus, a. Drowsv; lethargic. Comate, ko'mat, «. Bush} 7 ; hairy. [L. coma, nair.] Comb, kom, n. An instrument with teeth, for adjust- ing hair, wool, etc. ; the crest on a cock's head ; the top, or crest of a wave ; the structure of wax in which bees store honey. — v. t. [combed (komd), combing.] To separate, disentangle, cleanse, ad- just, or lay straight, — v. i. (Naut.) To roll over, as the top of a wave ; to break with white foam. [AS. camb, D. and Sw. kam, G. kamm, a comb, crest, Dan. kam, comb, cam on awheel.] — Comb^er, n. One who, etc, ; a long, curling wave. Combat, kom'bat or kum'bat, v. i. To struggle or contend, as with an opposing force. — v. t. To fight with, oppose by force, resist, oppose. — n. A strug- gle to resist or conquer. (Mil.) An engagement; conflict; encounter. [OF. combatre, to combat, It. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Sdd, tone, or ; COMBINE 101 COMMINGLE com (L. cum) and battre (L. batuere), to beat, fight.] — Com / 'batant. a. Contending ; disposed to con- tend. — n. One who, etc.; a champion. — Com / '- bater. ?). — Com'Dative. -iv, n. Inclined to, etc. — Com'bativeness, »■ Disposition to, etc. (Phren.) The organ indicating it. See Phrexology. Combine, koni-bln', v. t. [-bixed (-bind'), -boting.] To unite or join. — v. i. To form a union, confeder- ate: to unite by affinity. [L. con and Mints, pi. bird, two and two.]— Combin'er. «.— Combin / 'able, a. Ca- pable of, etc. — Combina'tion, n. Union or connec- tion; coalition : conspiracy. (Math.) Variation of any number of quantities in all possible ways. Combustible, kom-bus'tl-bl, a. Capable of taking fire and burning ; inflammable ; easily excited ; quick; irascible. — ?;. A substance that will, etc. rL. con and were, ustum, Skr. ush, to burn.] — Com- bus'tibleness, -tibil'lty, n. — Combus'tion, -chun, n. A taking fire and burning; conflagration. Come, kum, v. i. [imp. came ; p. p. come ; coming.] To move hitherward, draw near, approach ; to ar- rive at some state or condition, occur, happen ; to become evident, appear. [AS. cumman (imp. cam, p. p. cumen), D. komen, Skr. gam.] — To come about. To come to pass, arrive ; to change. — 7b c. 6.'/. To obtain, gain, acquire. — To c. down with. To pay over, deposit in payment. — To c. home. To come close, press closely, touch the feelings, interest, or reason. (JS~aut.) To be loosened from the ground, — said of anchors. — To c. in for. To appear and claim a share of. — To c. into. To join or comply with. — To c. off. To depart from, escape; to take place. — To c. out. To become public, be published ; to enter soci- ety; to end. — To c. short. To be wanting, fail. — To c. to. To consent or yield ; to amount to ; to recover, as from a swoon. — To c. up with. To overtake. — To c. upon. To fall on, attack, invade. — A come-doum. A downfall ; sudden descent in position. — Comber, n. — Come-oufer, n. One who leaves a church, garty, etc., declaring it corrupt. — Coming-in, re. Intranee; arrival. Comedy, kom^e-dl, n. A dramatic composition of an amusing character. [OF. comedie, L. comoedia, Gr. komodia, fr. komos, a banquet, and ode, ode, lyric song.] — Come'dian, n. An actor in, or writer of, etc. — Come'dienne'', -ma / iX-en r , n. An actress in, etc. [F.] — Come'dietta, -ta, n. A little comedy. [It.] — Com'ic. -ical, a. Pert. to. etc.; exciting mirth; laughable. — Comi'cally, adv. — Comlcalness, re. — Comicality, -T-tT, re. That which is, etc. Comely, kum'W, a. Handsome ; graceful ; well-pro- pcrtioned. — adv. In a becoming or graceful man- ner. [AS. cymlic, fr. cyme, becoming, suitable (fr. cuman, to come), and lie, like.] — Comeliness, n. Comestibles, ko-mes'tf-blz, re. pi. Eatables. [F., fr. L. con and edere, esum or estum, to eat.] Comet, kom^et, re. A member of the solar system, moving in an eccentric , orbit, and consisting of a E 5 ^ >>ftfe^ --Wj===[ nucleus, an envelope, and I — *S3 S -"" a tail. [OF. comet?., L. sms , ,: ■ .- ---— __j cometa, comet, fr. Gr. I kometes, long-haired, fr. come (L. coma), hair.] — Com'etary. -a-rT, Comef- ic, a. Pert, to, or resem- ^=j bling, etc. — Cometog r - WT raphy, -ft, re. A descnp- | tion of, etc. [Gr. grct- m phein, to write.] — Com''- et-find'er, -seek'er, re Comet. A telescope, with large field of view. Comfit, kum'fit, Com'nture, -ur, re. A dry sweetmeat; a confection. [L. con and facere, to make.] Comfort, kum'furt, v. t. To relieve or cheer under affliction or depression ; to solace, invigorate, re- fresh, animate. — re. Strength and relief under af- fliction ; support : a state of quiet enjoyment, or whatever causes it ; a wadded quilt ; a neck wrap- ping. [OF. conforter, to comfort, LL. confortare, f r. L. con and fbrtis, strong.] — Com^forter, n. One who, etc. (Script.) The Holy Spirit. A woolen tippet ; wadded quilt. — Com^fortable, a. Afford- ing or enjo3'ing, etc.: free from pain or distress. — re. A coverlet. — Com'fortably, adv. — Comfortable- ness, n. — ComTortless, a. Miserable ; forlorn. Comfrey, kum'frT, n. A genus of plants used in med- icine. [L. conferva, fr. confervere, to boil together, to heal, — fr. its healing power.] Comic, Comicality, etc. See under Comedy. Comitia, ko-mish'T-a, re. pi. (Rom. Antiq.) Assem- blies of the people to elect officers and pass laws. [L., fr. con and ire, itum, to go.] — Comi'tial, -mish'- al, a. Pert, to comitia or popular assemblies. Comity, kom'T-tl, n. Courtesy of intercourse ; civil- ity ; good breeding. [L. comitas, fr. comis, affable.] Comma, kom'ma, n. A character [,] marking the smallest grammatical division of a sentence. [L. ; Gr. komma, a stamp, clause of a sentence, comma, fr. kojrtein, to cut off.] Command, kom-mand / ', v. t. To order with authority; to exercise supreme authority over ; to have under influence, control, or vision ; to exact or enforce, bid, direct, overlook, claim, — v. i. To have au- thority, possess chief power, govern. — re. An au- thoritative order ; exercise of authority ; right or possession of authority ; ability to overlook, control, or watch ; a body of troops under a particular of- ficer. [OF. commander, L. commendare, to entrust to one's charge, later, to command, order, fr. con and mandare, to commit, entrust ; same as commend.] — Commandant, -danf, re. A commanding officer. [F.] — Command'er, n. A leader ; the chief officer of an army, or a division of it. (Navy.) An officer next above a lieutenant. A heavy, wooden mallet. — Command'' ery, -er-T, -ry, -rf, n. A manor belong- ing to an order of knights, and controlled by a com- mander ; a preceptory ; a lodge of the Freemasons called knights templars. — Command r ing, a. Fitted to control; imperious. — Command^ment, n. An au- thoritative order ; precept. (Script.) One of the 10 laws given by God to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. Commeasurable. Same as Commensurable. Commemorate, kom-mem'o-rat, v. t. To call to re- membrance, or celebrate with honor and solemnity. [L. con and memorare, -atum, to call to mind, fr. memor, mindful.] — Commem / orable, a. Worthy to be, etc. — Commem'orative, -tiv, -tory, -to-rl, a. Serving to, etc.— Commem / ora / 'tion, re. Act of, etc. ; a public celebration. Commence, kom-mens / ', v. i. [-mexced (-mensf), -mexcixg.] To begin, originate; to take the first university degree. — v. t. To enter upon, begin, begin to be or to appear. [F. commencer, It. comin- ciare, fr. L. con and initiare, to begin, fr. initium, a beginning.] — Commence / 'ment, n. First existence of anything; rise; origin; beginning; the day when university degrees are conferred. Commend, kom-mend / ', v. t. To commit or intrust for care or preservation; to present as worthy of re» gard; to praise; to recommend to the kind reception of. [See Command.] — Commend'er, re. — Com' mend'able, a. Capable or worthy of, etc. — Com- mend'ableness, re. — Commend'ably, adv. — Com' menda'tion, n. Act of, etc. ; praise; applause; e message of respect; compliments. — Commend'atory, -to-rT, a. Serving to commend; holding a benefice in commendam. — Commen^dam, n. (Eccl. Law.) A vacant benefice committed to the holder until a pastor is supplied. The holding of such a benefice [For L. in commendam.'] — Commend'atary, -ta-rt, re. One who holds, etc. Commensurate, kcni-men'shoo-rat, a. Having a com- mon measure; commensurable; equal in measure or extent; proportional. — v. t. To reduce to a common measure. [L. con and mensurare, -atum, to meas- ure.] — Commen'surately, adv. — Commen / sura'- tion, n. State of being commensurate. — Commen / '- surable, a. Having a common measure. — Commen / '- surableness, -rabiKity, n. Capacity of having, etc. — Commen'surably, adv. Comment, koni'ment, v. i. To explain by remarks, criticisms, etc.; to write annotations. — n. An ex- planatory remark, observation, etc. ; annotation ; stricture. [F. commenter, fr. L. commentari, to con- sider, explain; s. rt. L. mens, mind, Skr. man, to think.] — Corn'mentary, -ta-rf. n. A series, collec- tion, or book of comments, etc.: a memoir of partic- ular transactions. — Com^mentator, -menter, n. Commerce, korn'mers, n. Exchange of merchandise between different places or communities; extended trade or traffic; social or personal intercourse; famil- iarity. [F., fr. L. commercium, fr. con and merx, mercis, goods, wares.] — Commercial, -mer'shal, a. Pert, to, or engaged in commerce; mercantile. — Commer /, cially, adv. Commination, kom-mf-na'shun, n. A threat; denun- ciation of punishment or vengeance. [F. ; L. copi- minatio, fr. con and minari, to threaten.] — Commin- atory, -min-'a-to-rT, a. Threatening punishment. Commingle, kom-min''gl, v. t. [-mixgled (-gld), -mix- glixg.] To mingle together in one mass, or inti- sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. COMMINUTE 102 COMPACT mately; to blend. — v.i. To mix together, become blended. [L. con and E. mingle.'] Comminute, koin'ml-nut, v. t. To reduce to minute particles, pulverize, grind. [L. con and minuere, mimitum, to diminish.] — Comminu'tion, n. Act of reducing to small particles; pulverization; attenua- tion by removing small particles. Commiserate, kom-miz^er-at, v. t. To feel sorrow, pain, or regret for; to be sorry for; to pity, feel for, condole. [F., fr. L. con and miserari, to pity, fr. miser, wretched.] — Commis'era'tion, n. Act of, etc. — Commis / 'erative, -tiv, o. Feeling or expressing, etc. — Commis' r erable, a. Deserving, etc. — Corn- mis'' erator, n. Commissary, kom'mis-sa-rt, n. A deputy; commis- sioner. (Mil.) An officer in charge of a special de- partment, esp. that of subsistence. [LL. commissa- rius, fr. committere, to commit, fr. con and mittere, to send.] — Commissarial, -sa'ri-al, a. Pert, to, etc. — -riat, n. (Mil.) That department charged with sup- plying provisions for the soldiers; the body of offi- cers in that department; office of a commissary. — Com"'missary-gen /, eral, n. The head of the commis- sary department. — Com'' missarysMp, n. Office or employment of a commissary. Commit, kom-mif, v. t. To give in trust ; to do, per- form, effect; to place beyond one's control ; to pledge or bind, — used reflexively. [L. committere. See Commissary.] — Committment, n. Act of commit- ting, esp. of committing to prison. — Commit'tal,M. Act of committing ; a pledge. — Commifter, n. — Commit'tible, a. Capable of being, etc. — Commis- sion, -mish / 'un, n. Act of committing, doing, or per- forming; a formal warrant of committing some trust to a person; a company of persons joined in the ex- ercise of some duty. (Com.) The acting under au- thority of, or on account of, another; thing to be done as agent for another; brokerage or allowance made to an agent. — v. t. [-missioned (-mish/und), -missioning.] To give a commission to, appoint, depute, delegate. [F., fr. L. commissio, a mandate, charge.] — Commis'sioner, n. One commissioned to execute some business for an employer; an officer in charge of some department of the public service. — Commis'sionaire' - , -nar r , n. A factor; commission- merchant; one stationed in a public resort to receive commissions or act as guide, messenger, etc. [F.] — Commis'sion mer'chant. One who transacts busi- ness on commission, as the agent of others, receiv- ing a rate per cent, as his reward. — Commit'' tee, -te, n. A select number of persons appointed to attend to any business, by a legislative body, court, or any collective body of men acting together. — Commit / - teeship. n. Office of a committee. Commix, kom-miks', v. t. or i. [-mixed (-mikst'), -mix- ing.] To mix or mingle; blend. [L. con and E. mix.] — Commix'tion, -chun, n. Mixture. — Com- mix'' ture, -chur, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; mass formed by mingling ; compound. Commode, kom-mod r , n. A woman's head-dress; a chest of drawers ; a bedroom convenience, — a close- stool. [F.; Lr. commodus, convenient, lit. in good measure, fr. con and modus, measure.] — Commo / 'di- ous, -dT-us, a. Affording ease and convenience; fit; comfortable. — Commo'diously, adv. — Commo'di- ousness, n. — Commod'ity, -I-tl, n. That which af- fords convenience or advantage, esp. in commerce; goods, wares, etc. Commodore, kom'mo-dor, n. The commander of a squadron ; leading ship in a fleet of merchantmen. [Sp. comendador, knight-commander, fr. comendar, to charge, fr. L. commendare. See Command.] Common, kom'un, a. Belonging equally to more than one, or to many indefinitely; serving for the use of all; general; public; often met with; not distin- guished by rank or character; commonplace; mean; vulgar. — n. An uninclosed tract of public ground. (Law.) The right of taking a profit in the land of another. — v. i. To have a joint right with others in common ground; to board together; eat at a table in common. [OF. commun, L. communis, common, gen- eral, fr. con and mvnis, obliging, binding by obliga- tion.] — Common carrier. One who undertakes, for hire, to transport goods. — C. chord. (Mus.) A chord consisting of the fundamental tone, with its third and fifth. — C. council. A representative council for the government of a city. — C. gender. (Gram.) One which is either masculine or feminine. — C. laic. The unwritten law; law derived from immemorial usage and universal reception, disting. fr. written or statute law. — C. measure. (Arith.) A number which will divide each of two or more numbers ex- actly. — C.noun. (Gram.) The name of one of a class of objects, as disting. fr. a proper noun, the name of a particular person or thing. — C. Pleas. A court for trying civil actions. In the U. S., it some- times has criminal jurisdiction. — C. Prayer. The liturgy of the Prot. Epis. church. — C. sense. Sound, practical judgment; the instantaneous decision of unperverted reason. — C. time. (Mus.) That variety of time in which the measure consists of 2 or 4 equal portions. — C. verb. One which is both active and passive. — In common. Equally with another, or with others. — Com'mons, -munz, n. pi. The mass of the people; the commonalty; the lower house of the Eng. parliament; provisions, food, fare; a club where all eat at a common table. — Com'monable, a. Held in common; allowed to pasture on common land. — Com'monage. -ej, n. Right of pasturing on a common; joint right ot using anything in common with others. — Com'monalty, -al-tT, n. The common people ; body of citizens. — Com'moner, n. One under the degree of nobility; a member of the House of Commons; one having a joint right in common ground; a student of the second rank in the univer- sity of Oxford, England.— Corn'monly, adv. Usu- ally; ordinarily; for the most part. — Com'monness, n.— Com'monisn, a. Common-place; vulgar. — Com / '- mon-place, a. Common ; trite ; hackneved. — n. (Rhet.) A general idea applicable to different sub- jects; a trite remark. — v. t. To enter in a com- mon-place book, or to reduce to general heads. — Corn'mon-place'-book, n. A book for recording things to he remembered. — Commonweal, -wel', -wealth, -welth, n. Prop., a free state; a popular government ; republic ; whole body of citizens. Commotion, kom-mo /, shun, n. Violent motion; agita- tion; a popular tumult; perturbation or disorder of mind; excitement. [F.; L. commotio, fr. con and motio, motion, fr. movere, motum, to move.] Commune, kom-mun', v. i. [-muned (-mund /r ), -mu- ning.] To converse together familiarly, confer; to receive the communion, partake of the Lord's sup- per. [OF. communier, L. communicare, -catum, to communicate, fr. communis. See Common.] — Com- mune, kom'mun, n. A small territorial district in France; municipal self-government. (F. Hist.) A socialistic political party in France, — esp. in Paris. [F.] — Commu'nal. a. Pert, to a commune. — Com''- munism, -nizm, n. Doctrine of community of prop- erty among all citizens of a state or society; social- ism. — Corn'munist, n. An advocate of, etc. — Com- mu'nity, -nT-tT, n. Common possession or enjoy- ment; a society of persons having common rights, interests, etc.; society at large; the public, or people in general. — ComimV'nicate, -nT-kat, v. t. To im- part for common possession, bestow, confer; to re- veal, or give, as information. — v. i. To share or participate; to have intercourse or means of inter- course. — Commu''nicable, a. That may be, etc. — Commu'nicableness, -cabil'ity, n. — Commu'nica''- tion, n. Act of communicating; intercourse; means of passing from place to place; that which is com- municated ; commerce; correspondence; news. — Commu'nicative, -tiv, a. Inclined to communicate. — Commu'mcativeness, n. — Commu/'nicator, -ter, n. — Commu'nicatory, -to-rf, a. Imparting knowl- edge. — Communion, -mun'yun, n. Intercourse be- tween persons; union in religious faith; fellowship; a body of Christians having one common faith and discipline; the celebration of the Lord's supper. — Commu'nicant, n. A partaker of the Lord's supper. Commute, kom-mut'', v. t. To put one for the other, exchange; to substitute, as a greater penalty for a less; to pay less for in gross than would be paid for separate trips, —v. i. To bargain for exemption; to arrange to pay in gross. [L. con and mutare, muta- tum, to change.] — Commu'table, a. Capable of being exchanged. — Commu'tabil'ity, -I-ti, n. — Commuta'tion, n. Change; barter. (Law.) Sub- stitution of one penaltv for another. Purchase of a right to go upon a certain route during a specified period, for less than the aggregate charge for separate trips; an outright sum given as equivalent for a, pro rata payment. — Commu'tative, -tiv, a. Relative to exchange: interchangeable. — Com'' mutator, -ter, n. (Elec.) An apparatus for directing the course of the current of a voltaic battery. Compact, kom-pakf, a. Closely and firmly united; solid; dense; brief; succinct, —v. t. To drive or press closely together, consolidate; to unite or con- nect firmly, as in a system. [L. compingere, -pactum, ftm, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; $dd, tone, Or ; COMPACT 103 COMPLETE to join together, f r. con and pangere, to set, fix; s. rt. fang.] j — Compactly, -edlv, -ed-lt, adv. In a com- pact manner. — Compact ness. re. Compact, kom'pakt, re. An agreement between par- ties; covenant; contract. [L. compacisci, -pactum, to agree with, fr. con and pacisci, to covenant.] Company, kum'pa-nT, n. State of being a companion; act of accompanying; an assemblage or association of persons; guests, disting. fr. the members of a fam- ily; a corporation; a firm; partners whose names are not mentioned in the title of the firm. (Ml.) A subdivision of a regiment. (Ifaut.) The crew of a ship. — v. i. To associate. [OF. companie, compag- nie, fr. LL. companies, a company, a taking of meals together, f r. companis, food taken with bread, fr. L. con and pants, bread.]— To keep company. To ac- company, attend; to associate frequently or habitu- ally, esp". as a lover. — Companion, kom-pan'yun, n. One associated with another; comrade; ally; accom- plice. [OF.] — Companion hatch. (Naut.) A porch over the entrance of the cabin. — C. ladder. One by which officers ascend to the quarter-deck. — C. way. A staircase leading to the cabin. — Companionable, a. Agreeable as a companion; sociable. — Compan'- ionableness, n. — Companlonabiy, adv. — Compan'- ionship, n. Fellowship; association. Compare, kom-par', v. t. [-pared (-pard'), -paring.] To examine the mutual relations of; to represent as similar, for purposes of illustration; to liken. (Gram.) To inflect according to degrees of com- parison. — v. i. To hold comparison; to be like or equal; to admit of comparison. [F. comparer, L. comparare,-atum, to adjust, set together, fr. con and parare, to prepare.] — Compar'er, n.— Comparable, lcom / 'pa-ra-bl, a. Capable or worthy of comparison. — Com'parably, adv. — Comparative, -par'a-tiv, a. Estimated by, or proceeding from, comparison ; having power of comparing. (Gram.) Expressing a greater or less degree of a quantity, or quality, than the positive. — Comparatively, adv. In a comparative manner; by comparison; relatively. — Comparison, -I-sun or -I-sn, n. Act of comparing; comparative estimate. See Phrenology. (Gram.) Inflection of an adjective or adverb in its several degrees. (Rhet.) A simile or similitude. Compartment, kom-part'ment, re. One of the parts into which a thing is divided. [F. compartiment, fr. L. con and partire, to divide, fr. pars, part.] Compass, kum'pas, n. A circuit; circumference; an inclosing limit; boundary; an inclosed space; area; extent; capacity. (Mus.) . feja, Range of notes comprehended It^a^S *#■<«? by any voice or instrument. ~^>arare, to buy.] Comprehend, kom-pre-hend / ', v~. t. To include by con- struction or implication ; to take into the mind, ap- prehend the meaning of, conceive, understand. [L. con and prehendere, -nensum, to seize, fr. prse, before- hand, and obs. hendere, to seize ; s. rt. Gr. chanda- nein, E. get.} — Comprehensible, -sT-bl, a. Capable of being comprehended, included, or understood. — ComprehenSibleness, -sibiPity, re. — Comprehen'- sion, -shun, re. Act of, etc. ; thing comprehended or inclosed within narrow limits ; summary ; epit- ome ; capacity of the mind to understand ; percep- tion. — Comprehensive, -siv, a. Including much within narrow limits; extensive; full. — Compre- hensively, adv. — Comprehensiveness, re. Compress, kom-pres', v. t. [-pressed (-presf), -press- ing.] To press together, bring within narrower limits, crowd, condense. [L. con and pressure, freq. of premere, pressum, to press.] — Com^press, re. (Surg.) A folded piece of linen, to make pressure on any part. [F.] — Compressible, a. Capable of being, etc. — Compress'ibleness, -ibiPity, re. — Com- pression, -presh'un, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Compressive, -iv, a. Having power to, etc. — Compress'or, -er, n. Anything which, etc. — Corn- pressure, -presh'ur, re. Act or force of one body pressing against another ; pressure. Comprise, kom-prlz'', v. t. [-prised (-prizd'), -pris- ing.] To comprehend, include, embrace, imply. [F. compris, p. p. of comprendre, L. comprehendere. See Comprehend.] — Compris'al, re. Act of, etc. Compromise, kom'pro-miz, re. A mutual promise to refer a dispute to the decision of arbitrators; adjust- ment by mutual concessions.— v. t. [-mised (-mizd), -mising.] To adjust by mutual concessions, com- pound ; to commit, put to hazard, compromit. [F. compromis, p. p. of compromettre, to compromit, fr. L. con and promittere, -missum, to promise.] — Com'- promis'er, re. — Com'promit, v. t. To pledge, prom- ise : to put to hazard, by some act which cannot be recalled, bring into danger, compromise. Comptroller. See under Control. Compulsion, Compulsory, etc. See under Compel. Compunction, kom-punkShun, re. Poignant grief or remorse; the sting of conscience. [OF., fr. L. com- pungi, -punctns, to feel remorse, fr. con and pungere, to prick, sting.] — Compunctious, -shus, a. At- tended with, etc. Compurgation, kom-per-gaShun, re. (Law.) The justifying a man's veracity by the oath of others. [L. con and purgare (=purum agere), to make pure.] — Compurgator, re. One who testifies to the inno- cence of another. Compute, kom-put / ', v. t. To determine by calcula- tion, cast up, count, enumerate. [L. con andputare, putatum, orig, to make clean = make clear, settle.] — ComputSr, re.— Computable, a.— Computation, re. Act or process of, etc.; reckoning; account. Comrade, korn'rad, re. A mate, companion, or associ- ate. [Sp. camarada, a company, also a partner, fr. Sp. and L. camara, chamber. See Chamber.] Comtism, koNfizm, re. Positivism ; the doctrine of the F. philosopher, August Comte, that all knowl- edge is experience of facts acquired through the senses, and that we know nothing of causes or laws, hut only phenomena. — Comfist, a. Pert, to, etc. — n. A Positivist. Con, kon. An abbr. of L. contra, against : in the phrase pro and con, for and against, it denotes the negative or contrary side of a question; as a sub- stantive, it denotes one who is in the negative. Con, kon, v. t. [conned (kond), conning.] Orig., to am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; in, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; CONATION ]0o CONCORD know: to study, try to fix in the mind, peruse. [AS. tmnian, to examine into, fr. cunnan, to Know.] Conation, ko-na'shun, n. (Phil.) The faculty of vol- untary agency. [L. conari, -atw>, to attempt!] — Co'- native. -tiv, «. Pert, to an attempt; endeavoring. Concamerate, kon-kam'Sr-at, r. t. To arch over, vault. [L. con and camerare, -atum, to arch, fr. camera, vault. See Chamber.] — Concamera'tion, n. An arch or vault. Concatenate, kon-katS-nat, r. t. To link together, unite in a series. [L. con and catenare, -atum, to chain, fr. catena, a chain.] — Concatenation, n. A series of links united, or of things depending on each other. Concave, kon'kav, a. Hollow and curved or rounded, — said of the interior of anything hemispherical. See Lexs. — n. A hollow ; arched vault. — v. t. [CONCAVED (-kavd), -caving.] To make hollow. L. con and cavus, hollow.] — ConcavaSion, n. Act of making, etc. — ConSaveness, n. Hollowness. — Concavity, -kav'Y-tl, n. The internal surface of a hollow ; rounded body ; space within such body. — Conca'vo-conSave, a. Concave on both surfaces; double-concave. See Lens. — Conca'vo-con'vex, a. Concave on one side and convex on the other. — Conca'vouB.j-vus, a. Concave. Conceal, kon-seK, v. t. [-cealed (-seld'), -cealing.] To hide or withdraw from observation ; to withhold from utterance, disguise, dissemble, secrete. [L. con and celare, to hide ; s. rt. hall, hell, hole, hull, etc.] — ConcealSble, a.— ConcealSr, n. — Conceal- ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; place of hid- ing ; secret place. (Law.) Suppression of truth. Concede, kon-sed', v. t. To yield or suffer to pass ; to admit to be true, grant, admit, give up, surrender. — ». i. To yield or make concession. [L. con and cedere, cessum, to cede, grant.] — ConcesSion, -sesh' - - un, n. Act of granting ; thing granted ; boon ; a privilege, or right granted by government. — Con- cesSionist, n. One who favors, etc. — ConcesSive, -siv, a. Implying, etc. Conceit, kon-sef, n. That which is conceived in the mind ; idea ; thought ; image ; a quaint fancy ; af- fected conception; opinion; estimation; esp. overes- timation of one's self; vanity. — v. t. To conceive, im- agine. — v. i. To form an idea, judge. [OF. concept, conceit, p. p. of concevoir, to conceive. See Con- ceive.]— -Conceit'ed, a. Entertaining a flattering opinion of one's self ; vain; egotistical. — Conceit'- edly, adv. — ConceitSdness, n. Conceive, kon-sev', v. t. [-ceived (-sevdO, -ceiving.] To receive into the womb and breed ; to form in the mind, as a purpose ; to picture to the imagination, understand, believe, think. — v. i. To become preg- nant ; to have a conception, idea, or opinion ; to think. [OF. concever, concevoir, L. concipere, con- ception, fr. con and capere, to take, hold.] — Con- ceivSr, n. — ConceivSble, a. Imaginable. — Con- ceivSbleness, n. — Conceivably, adv. — Concept, konSept, n. An abstract general conception. — Conception, -sepShun, n. Act of conceiving ; state of being conceived ; formation in the mind of an image, idea, etc.; apprehension; image, etc., formed; notion; a universal; power or faculty of forming an idea in the mind. [F.] — Concep'tive, -tiv, a. Ca- pable of conceiving. — Conceptual, -u-al, a. Pert, to, etc. — ConceptSalism, -izm, n. (Metaphys.) Theory that the mind has the power of forming for itself general conceptions of individual objects. — Concep'tualist, -tionalist, n. A believer, etc. Concent, kon-senf, n. Concert of voices ; harmony. [L. con and canere, cantum, to sing.] Concenter, -tre, kon-senler, v. i. [-centered or -tred (-terd), -tering or -tring.] To come to a point, or meet in a common center. — v. t. To draw or direct to a common center, bring to a point. [F. concentrer, L. concentrare, fr. con and centrum (F. centre)^ center. See Center.] — Concentrate, kon-sen'trat or konSen-trat, v. t. To bring to a common center, unite more closely, combine. — Con- centra' tion, n. Act of, etc. (Chem.) Volatilization of part of a liquid, to increase the strength of the remainder. — Concen'trative, a. Serving to, etc. — Concen'trativeness, n. (Phren.) Power of concen- trating intellectual force. See Phrenology. — Concentrator, -ter, n. (Mining.) A pneumatic ap- paratus for separating dry comminuted ore, accord- ing to the specific gravity of its particles. — Con- cen'tric, a. Having a common center. — Concen'- trically, adv. — Concentricity, -tris'I-ti, n. State of being concentric. Conch. Concern, kon-sSrn', v. t. [-cerned (-sSrnd'), -CBRN- ING.1 To relate or belong to, be of importance to ; to take an interest in ; to disturb, make uneasy. — n. That which relates to one, or affects the wel- fare ; interest in, or care for, any thing. (Com.) Persons connected in business ; a firm and its busi- ness. [F. concemer, fr. L. concemere, to mix, mingle, later, to belong to, regard, fr. con and cernere, to sift, decree, observe.] — ConcernSdly, -ed-lT, adv. In a concerned manner. — Concerning, prep. Pert, to ; regarding ; with respect to. — Concern'ment, n. Thing in which one is concerned; affair; particular; interposition; meddling; solicitude; anxiety. Concert, kon-sgrf, v. t. To plan together; to plan: devise. — v. i. To act in harmony, form combined plans, take counsel. [F. concerter, It. concertare, to concert, contrive, fr. L. con and serere, sertum; to join together.]— Concert, n. Agreement in a de- sign or plan; harmony: musical accordance or har- mony ; a musical entertainment. — Concer'to, n. A musical composition written for a principal instru- ment, with accompaniments for a full orchestra. [It.] — Concertina, -telia. n. A musical instrument of the accordion species. — ConSert-pitch, n. The pitch generally adopted for a given tone, by which other tones are governed. Concession, Concessive, etc. See under Concede. Conch, korjk, n. A marine shell. (Arch.) The domed semicircular or polygonal ter- mination of t h e choir of a church; apsis. See Apsis. [L. concha, shell, Gr. kongke, mus- sel, Skr. qankha, conch-shell.] — Concha, kon'ka, n. (Anat.) The external ear, by whichi sounds are collected and trans-i mitted to the internal ear. See " Ear. [L.] — Conchoid, konk''- oid, n. (Geol.) A curve of the 4th order. [Gr. eidos, form.] — Conchoid'al, a. (Min.) Having elevations or depressions in form like the valve of a bivalve shell. — Conchology, -kolS-jY, n. Science of shells and animals inhabitin.2 them; mal- acology. [Gr. logos, discourse.]— Conchological, -loj / '- ik-al, a. Pert, to, etc. — ConcholSgist, n. One versed in, etc. Conciliate, kon-sil'T-at, v. t. To win over; to gain from a state of indifference or hostility. [L. con- ciliare, -atum, fr. consilium, assembly, union. See Council.] — ConciPiaSion, n. Act of, etc.; recon- ciliation. — Conciliator, -ter, n. — Conciliatory, -to- rt, a. Tending to conciliate; pacific. Concise, kon-sis', a. Expressing much in a few words; laconic: terse; succinct. [F.; L. concims, brief, p. p. of concidere, to cut down, fr. con and csedere, to cut.] — Concisely, adv. — Concise , ness, n.— Con- cision, -sizh'un, n. A cutting off; division; faction; circumcision. Conclave, kon'klav, n. A private apartment, esp. that where the cardinals meet to electa pope; as- sembly to elect a pope; the body of cardinals; a pri- vate meeting. [F. and L., fr. L. con and clavis, key.] Conclude, kon-klud', v. t. To close, as an argument, by inferring; to bring to an end; to make a final judgment or determination of; to infer, finish, end. — v. i. To come to an end, close; to form a final judgment. [L. concludere, -clusum, fr. con and clau- dere, to shut. See Clause.] — ConcludSr, n. — Con- clusion, -zhun, n. Last part of anything; final de- cision; determination; deduction from premises; an experiment. (Law.) End of a pleading; an estoppel or bar by which one is held to a position which he has taken. — Conclusive, -siv, a. Pert, to a close; ending debate or question; final; decisive; defini- tive. — Conclusively, adv. — Conclusiveness, n. Concoct, kon-kokf, v. t. To digest; to mature, per- fect, ripen; to devise, plan, plot. [L. concoquere, -coctum, to boil together, digest, think over, fr. con and coquere, to cook. See Cook.] — ConcoctSr, n — Concoc'tion, n. Digestion; act of bringing to ma- turity, etc.; act of planning ;- contrivance. — Con- coctlve, -iv, a. Having power to, etc. Concomitant, kon-kom't-tant, a. Accompanying, or conjoined; concurrent; attending, —n. One who is, etc.; an accompaniment. [L. con and comitari, to accompany, fr. comes, a companion. See Count.] — Concomitantly, adv. In company with others. — Concomitance, -itancy, -Y-tan-sY, n. State of, etc. Concord, kon'kdrd, n. A state of agreement ; har- mony; union. (Gram.) Agreement of words with one another, in gender, number, person, or case. sun, cube, full ; moon, fot)t ; cow, oil ; linger pr ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CONCORFORATE 106 CONDYLE (Mus.) A consonant chord; consonance; harmony. [F. Concorde, L. concordia, fr. con and cor, cordis, the heart.] — Concord'' ance, -ans, n. Agreement ; accordance; a verbal index to a work, in which pas- sages containing the same word are arranged alpha- betically, with references to the text.— Concord'ist, n. A compiler of a concordance. — Concord 'ant, a. Agreeing; correspondent; consonant. [L. and It. concordare, to agree.] — Concord'antly, adv. — Con- cor'dat, n. A compact or agreement, — esp. be- tween the pope and a sovereign for the regulation of ecclesiastical matters. [F., fr. It. concordato, a convention, p. p. of concordare.] Concorporate, kon-k&r'po-rat, v. i. To unite in one miss or body. — a. United in, etc. [L. con and cor- pus, corporis, body.] Concourse, kon'kors, n. A moving or running to- gether; an assembly; crowd; place of meeting. [F. concours, L. concursus, fr. con and currere, to run.] Concrete, kon'kret, a. United in growth; formed by coalition of particles into one Dody; united in a solid form. {Logic.) Existing in a subject; not ab- stract. — n. A compound or mass formed by con- cretion. {Arch.) A mass of stone chippings, peb- bles, etc., cemented by mortar. {Logic.) A term designating both a quality and the subject in which it exists; a concrete term. — Concrete', v. i. To unite or coalesce, as separate particles into a mass. — v. t. To form into a mass. [L. con and crescere, cretum, to grow. See Crescent and Create.] — Concretely, adv. — Concrete'ness, n. — Concretion, n. Act of concreting; mass or solid matter formed by congelation, condensation, coagulation, or other like natural process. {Geol.) A nodule, produced by aggregation of material around a center. — Con- cre'tional, a. Pert, to concretion. — Concre'tive, -tiv, a. Promoting, etc. — Con'crement. n. Collec- tion formed by, etc. — Concrescence, -kres'ens, n. Act of growing by, etc. — Concres'cive, -siv, a. Growing together. — Concre'tianism, -shan-izm, n. {Psychol.) Doctrine that soul and body are gener- ated together and grow in common. Concubine, kon'ku-bin, n. A paramour ; a woman who cohabits with a man without being his wife; a wife of inferior condition. [F.; !L. concubina, fr. con and cubare, to lie down.] — Concu'binage, -bl- nej, n. State of being, etc.; the cohabiting of a man and woman not married. — Concu'Dinal, -binary, -ner-1, a. Pert, to, etc. Concupiscence, kon-ku'pis-ens. n. Unlawful desire, esp. of carnal pleasure; lust. [F.; L. concupiscentia, f r. concupiscere, f r. con and cupere, to desire.] — Concu'piscent, a. Libidinous; lustful; salacious. Concur, kon-ker / ', v. i. [-curred (-kerdO, -curring.] To meet in the same point; to act jointly; to unite in opinion, assent, coincide, approve. [L. con and currere, to run.] — Concur / 'rence, -rens, n. A com- ing together; union; conjunction; joint rights, im- plying equality in different persons. — Concur , rent, a. Acting in conjunction; cooperating; associate; concomitant ; joint and equal in authority. — n. Joint or contributory cause. — Concur'rently, adv. Concussion, kon-kush'un, n. Act of shaking or agi- tating, esp. by the stroke of another body; state of being shaken; shock. [F.; L. concussio, ir.concutere, -cussum, to shake together, fr. con and quatere, to shake.] — Concus'sive, -siv, a. Having power to, etc. Condemn, kon-dem'', v. t. [-demned (-demd /r ), -defi- ning (-dem'mng).] To pronounce to be wrong, blame, censure, pronounce judicial sentence against, doom; pronounce unfit for service. [L. con and damnare, to damn, condemn.] — Condem r ner, n. — Condensable, a. Worthy of, etc.; blameworthy; culpable. — Condemnation, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; reason of a sentence; judgment. — Con- demnatory, -to-rt, a. Bearing condemnation. Condense, kon-dens-', v. t. [-densed (-densf), -dens- ing.] To make more close, compact, or dense; to compress, consolidate, thicken. — v.i. To become close or more compact; to grow thick or dense. [F. condenser, L. condensare, -satum, fr. con and densare, to_thicken, fr. densus, thick, dense.] — Conden'sate, -sat, v. t. & i. Same as condense. — Condens'er, n. One who, or that which, etc., esp. {Mach.) a vessel for condensing vapor into a liquid form. See Steam Engine. — Condensable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Condensation, n. Act of, etc. — Conden'sative, -tiv, a. Having power or tendency to, etc. Condescend, kon-de-send', v. i. To let one's self down; to relinquish rank, or dignity of character; to recede willingly from one's rights ; to deign, vouchsafe. [F. condescendre, fr. L. con and descen- dere, to descend.] — Condescend'ingly, adv. — Con- descension, -sen'shun^i. Act of, etc.; complaisance; courtesy; affability. Condign, kon-din'', a. Deserved; merited; suitable. [OF. condigne, L. condignus, well-worthy, fr. con and dignus, worthy.] — Condign'ly, adv. Accord- ing to merit. — Condign'ness, n. Condiment, kon'dl-ment, n. Something to give relish to food. [L. condimentum, fr. condire, to season.] Condisciple, kon-dis-si'pl, n. A fellow-disciple ; school- fellow. Condition, kon-dish'un, n. State or situation as re- gards external circumstances ; quality ; property ; attribute ; that which must exist as the occasion or concomitant of something else; stipulation; article; terms. — v. i. [-ditioned (-dish'und), -tioning.] To make terms, stipulate. — v.t. To contract, stip- ulate; to impose conditions on. [F.; L. conditio, a covenant, condition; s. rt. indicare, to point out, also E. token : not f r. L. condere, to put together.] — Conditional, a. Containing, implying, or depend- ing on, etc.; not absolute. {Gram. & Logic.) Ex- pressing a condition or supposition. — Condi'tionaK- ity, -1-tT, n. Quality of being, etc. ; limitation by terms. — Condi'' tionally, adv. With certain limita- tions; on particular terms; not absolutely. — Condi- tioned, a. Circumstanced, — as tvell-conditioned. Conditory, kon'dl-to-rl, n. A repository to hold things. [L. conditorium, fr. condere, to put together, hide.] Condole, kon-doK, v. i. [-doled (-dold /r ), -doling.] To express sorrow at the pain of another. [L. con and dolere, to grieve.]— CondoKer, n. — Condole'- ment, -dolence, n. Expression of sympathy, etc. Condone, kon-don', v. t. [-doned (-dond'), -doning.] {Eccl. Law.) To pardon; to forgive for a violation of the marriage vow. [L. condonare, -natum, to re- mit, fr. con and donare, to give.] — Condona'tion, n. Act of pardoning. {Eccl. Law.) Forgiveness by a husband of his wife, or by a wife of her husband, for a breach of marital duty. Condor, kon'dor, n. A large bird of the vulture fam- ily, found in the Andes; a gold coin of Chili and the U. S. of Colombia, worth 10 pesos, or more than $9. [Sp., corrup. of Pg. cuntur.] Condottiere,kon-dot-te-a / 'ra. n. ; pi. -eri, -a're. In Italy, the leader of a band o f mercenary soldiers, living by pillage; a brigand. [It., fr. Li. con and ducere, to lead.] Conduce, kon-dus', v. t. [-DUCED (-dust'). -DU- Cing.] To promote, answer, or further an end; to tend, contribute. [L. con and ducere, ductum, to lead. See Duke.] — Condu'cible, -st-bl, -cive, -siv, a. Tend- ing to promote or forward. — Condu'cibleness, -ci- birity, -civeness, -siv-nes, n. — Conduct, -dukt, n. Act or method of leading, commanding, etc.; skill- ful guidance; generalship; that which leads, guides, escorts, or brings safely; convoy; guard; warrant; manner of guiding one's self ; behavior; deport- ment ; demeanor. — Conduct', v. t. To lead or guide, escort, attend; to lead as a commander, di- rect, control; to manage, regulate, carry. — v. i. To behave, act. — Conduct'ible, a. — Conduct'ibil'ity, n. — Conduction, -duk'shun, n. {Physics.) Trans- mission through, or by means of, a conductor. — Conductive, -iv, a. Conducting. — Conductivity, n. Quality or power of conducting or giving pas- sage to molecular action. — Conducfor, -er, n. One who conducts; a leader; guide; manager; one in charge of a railroad train. {Physics.) A substance, esp. a metallic rod, forming a medium for the trans- mission of some substance or fluid, esp. of heat or electricity. — Conduct'ress, n. A woman who, etc. Conduit, kon'- or kun'dit, n. That which conducts or conveys; esp. a pipe, canal, etc. [F.; fr. LL. conduc- tus, escort, also canal, fr. conducere. See Conduce.] Conduplicate, kon-du'plY-kat, a. (Bot.) Doubled or folded together. [L. con and duplicare, to double.] Condyle, kon'clil, n. {Anat.) A rounded projection at the end of a bone ; knuckle. [F. ; Gr. kondulos, fr. kondos, knob.] — Condyloid, a. Shaped like, etc., — said esp. of the projection articulating the lower Condor. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; CONE 107 CONFOUND Cone. jaw with the head. TGr. eidos, form.] — Con'dylope, -rll-loj), Condyl'opod, n. (Zoo?.) An articulated animal, with jointed legs, — as crabs, insects, etc. [Gr. perns, podos, foot.] Cone, kon, )(. A solid body, tapering to a point from a circular base. (Bot.) The conical fruit of evergreen trees, as of the pine, fir, cedar, etc. [F. ; L. conns, Gr. konos ; s. rt. L. cnnetts, wedge, Skr. q o, to sharpen, E. hone. See Coin.] — Conic, kon'ik, -ical, a. Formed like, resembling, or pert, to, etc. — Conic section. (Geom.) A curve line formed by the intersection of a cone and plane, — a parabola, hyperbola, or ellipse. — Con'ically, adv. In the form of, etc.— Con'icalness, n. — Con'ics, n. sing. That part of geometry treat- ing of the cone and its curves, re. pi. The curves formed by the intersection of a plane and cone. — Co'niform, a. Cone-shaped ; conical. [L. .forma, form.] — Coniferous, -nif'er-us, a. {Bot.) Bearing cones, as pines, etc. [L. ferre, to bear.] — Co'noid, -noid, n. Anything cone-shaped. {Geom.) A solid formed by the revolution of a conic section about its axis. — Co'noid, -noid'al, a. Nearly, but not ex- actlv, conical. [Gr. eidos, form.] — Conoid'ic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or formed like, a conoid. Confabulate, kon-fab'u-lat, i\ i. To talk familiarly together, chat, prattle. [L. con undfabulari, -latum, to converse, fr.fabula, a discourse. See Fable.] — Confabula'tion, Con'fab, n. Familiar talk. Confect, kon'fekt, re. A sweetmeat ; comfit ; confec- tion. [L. conficere, -fectum, to prepare.] — Confec'- tion, re. A preparation of fruit, etc., with sugar ; act of making confects. — Confec'tioner, n. One who makes or sells confections, candies, etc. — Confec'- tionery, -er-T, n. Sweetmeats in general; confections; candies; place for making or selling, etc. Confederate, kon-fed'er-at, a. United in a league; engaged in a confederacy. — re. A person or nation engaged in a confederacy; an ally. — v. t. and i. To unite in a league. [L. con and fcederare, -atum, to league, fr.fcedus, foederis, a league.] — Confederacy, -a-sl, re. A league or covenant ; union between per- sons or states ; persons, etc., united by a league. (Lcnv.) An unlawful combination ; conspiracy. — Confedera'tion, n. Act of confederating ; league ; compact for mutual support ; parties to a league. — Confed'erative, -tiv, a. Pert, to, etc. Confer, kon-fer', v. t. [-feered (-ferd'), -ferring.] To grant a permanent possession; to bestow, award. — v. t. To discourse or converse seriously ; to com- pare views. [F. conferer, to commune, L. conferre, to bring together, bestow, fr. con and ferre, to bring.] — Conference, -ens, n. Act of conversing ; interchange of views ; meeting for consultation ; interview. [F.] — Confer'rable, a. Capable of be- ing conferred. — Confer'rer, n. Conferva, kon-fer'va, n. ; pi. -yje, -ve. (Bot.) A fresh- water plant consisting of slender-jointed green fila- ments. [L. con and fervere, to boil.] Confess, kon-fes', v. t. [-fessed (-f est'1 -fessixg.] To acknowledge or admit, as a crime, fault, debt, etc. ; to own or recognize ; to admit as true, assent to. (Eccl.) To declare (one's sins) to a priest, in order to receive absolution ; to hear such confession ; to dis- close or reveal, as an effect its cause. — v. i. To make confession. [OF. confesser, fr. L. con and fateri, fessus, to acknowledge. See Fame.] — Con- fessedly, -ed-lt, adv. By confession; avowedly; un- deniably. — Confession, -f esh'un, n. Acknowledg- ment ; avowal ; admission of a debt, obligation, or crime. (Eccl.) Act of disclosing sins to a priest. A formulary stating articles of faith. — Confessional, re. The seat where a confessor sits to hear confessions. — Confes'sionalism, -izm, re. The principle of mak- ing confession ; principle of formulating the beliefs of a church into a confession of faith, and exacting acceptance thereof from its members. — Confes'- sionary, -a-rT, a. Pert, to auricular confession. — Confess'or, -er, re. One who acknowledges his sins or obligations. (Eccl.) One who professes faith in the Christian religion. A priest who hears confessions. Confide, kon-fid', v. i. To put faith, believe. — v. t. To intrust, give in charge. [L. con and fidere, to trust.] — Confid'er, n. — Confidant', re. m., -fidante', re. /., -iY-dant'. A confidential friend. [OF.] — Confidence, -fl-dens, re. Act of confiding ; belief in the reality of a fact or integrity of a person ; that in which faith is put ; feeling of security; self- reliance ; assurance ; expectation ; hope ; courage. — Confidence-man, re. One who appeals to another's confidence in order to swindle him ; a plausible scoundrel. — Confident, a. Having confidence ; trustful ; self-reliant ; having an excess of assur- ance; occasioning confidence.— Confidently, adv. — Confidential, -shal, a. Enjoying confidence; com- municated in confidence. — Confidentially, adv. Configure, kon-fig'ur, v. t. [-figured (-urd), -using.] To arrange or dispose in a certain form, figure, or shape. [L. con and figurare, to fashion, fr. figura, form.] — Config'ura'tion, n. External form. (Astrol.) Relative position or aspect of the planets. [F.] Confine, kon'fin, re. Common boundary ; border ; limit. — Confine'', v. t. [-fixed (-find''), -fixing.] To restrain within limits ; to bound, immure, re- strict. — v. i. To have a common boundary ; to border. [F. confin, near, adjoining, confmer, to abut upon, confine, fr. L. con and finis, a boundary.] — Confinable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Confin er, re. One who, or that which, etc. — Con'finer, re. One who lives on confines; a borderer. — Confine 'ment, re. Restraint within limits; imprisonment; detention by sickness, esp. by child-birth. Confirm, kon-ferm', v. t. [-firmed (-fermd'), -firm- ixg.] To make firm, give strength to, render fixed or certain; to render valid by formal assent. (Eccl.) To administer the rite of confirmation to. [F. confirmer, fr. L. con and firmare, -atum, to make firm, fr. fii~mus, firm.] — Confirm'er, re. — Confirm'able, o. — Confirma'tion, re. Act of confirming, or estab- lishing; that which confirms, convincing testimony; ratification. (Eccl.) A rite in Episcopal churches by which one baptized is admitted to the full privi- leges of the church. — Confirm' ative, -tiv, a. Hav- ing power to confirm. — Confirm'atory, -to-rf, a. Serving to confirm ; corroborative ; pert, to the rite of confirmation. Confiscate, kon'fis-kat or kon-fis'kat, v. t. To appro- priate, as a penalty, to public use. — a. Appropri- ated, etc. [L. confiscare, -catum, to confiscate, fr. con and fiscus, basket, purse, treasury.] — Confis'cable, a. Capable of being, etc. ; liable to forfeiture. — Confiscation, re. Act of appropriating, as a penalty, to the public use. — Con'fiscator, re. One who, etc. — Confis'catory, -to-rT, a. Consigning to, or pro- moting, etc. Conflagration, kon-fla-gra'shun, re. A great fire. [F., fr. 1/. con and flagrare.-gratum, to burn.] Conflict, kon'flikt, re. Violent collision ; a striving to oppose or overcome ; the last struggle of life ; pang ; agony. — Conflict', v. i. To strike or dash together, meet in collision, struggle, strive, battle. [L. con and fligere, flictum, to strike; s. rt. bloiv.'\ — Conflict'ive, -iv, a. Tending to conflict. Confluence, kon'flu-ens, re. The meeting or junction of streams : place of meeting ; running together of people ; crowd; multitude. [L. con and ftuere,fiux- um, to flow.] — Confluent, a. Flowing together ; running one into another ; meeting in a common current or basin. (Bot.) United at the base. — re. A small stream flowing into a large one ; place of meeting of streams, etc. — Con'flux, re. A flowing together of currents; assemblage; concourse. Conform, kon-f'6rm', v. t. [-formed (-f6rmd'), -form- ing.] To shape in accordance with, make alike, bring into harmony or agreement with. — v. i. To conduct in accordance, comply, yield, render obe- dience. (Eng. Eccl. Hist.) To be a conformist. [F. conformer, fr. L. con and foi-mare, -matum, to fash- ion, fr. forma, form.] — Conform'er, re. — Conform'- able, a. Corresponding in form, shape, opinions, etc. ; similar ; like ; in proper form ; disposed to compliance; submissive. (Geol.) Parallel, or nearly so. — Conform'ableness, -abil'ity, n. State of being, etc. (Geol.) Parallelism of two sets of strata in contact. — Conform'ably, adv. With, or in, con- formity. — Conform'ate, a. Having the same form. — Conforma'tion, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; agreement ; harmony ; structure of a body ; form ; make. — Conform'ist, re. One who complies with the worship of the church of England. — Conform'- ity, -Y-tf, re. Correspondence' in character, etc. ; congruity. (Eng. Eccl. Hist.) Compliance with the usages of the established church. Confound, kon-fownd', v. t. To mingle and blend, so as to be indistinguishable ; to throw into confu- sion ; to abash, dismay, defeat, ruin, intermingle. [F. confondre, fr. L. con and fundere, fusum, to pour.] — Confound'er, re. — Confound'ed,p. a. Con- fused; perplexed; very great; enormous; abomina- ble. — Confound'edly, adv. Enormously, greatly. sun, Cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CONFRATERNITY 108 CONJUNCT Confraternity, kon-f ra-ter'nY-tY, n. A brotherhood. TF. confraternite, fr. L. con and fraternitas, brother- hood, fr. /rater, brother.] — Confrere, koN'frar, n. An associate. [F. : F. frere = L.. frater.] Confront, kon-frunt / ', ?'. t. To stand facing, or in front of; to face; to stand in direct opposition to, oppose; to set together for comparison, compare. [F. con- fronter, fr. front, Jj.frons, frontis, forehead, front.] — Confron'ter, n. — Confronta'tion, n. Act of, etc. Confucianism, kon-fu'shan-izm, n. The doctrine of Confucius, founder of the ethical system of China. Confuse, kon-f uz', v. t. [-fused (-fuza'), -fusing.] To jumble together, render indistinct or obscure, dis- order, abash, disconcert, perplex, distract. [Same as confound ; L. con and fundere, fusion, to pour.] — Confusedly, -ed-lT, adv. — Confus^edness, n. — Con- fusion, -fu'zhun, n. State of being mixed or blend- ed so as to produce indistinctness or error ; loss of self-possession ; shame ; overthrow ; defeat ; ruin. Confute, kon-f fit', v. t. To put to silence; to prove to be false or defective, disprove, set aside, oppugn. [F. confuter, to confute, fr. L. confutare, -tatum, to cool (by mixing cold water with hot), to damp, allay, fr. con and rt. of fundere, to pour.] — ConfufeiCn. — Confutable, a. — Confufant, n. One who confutes or tries to, etc. — Confutation, n. Act of, etc. Conge, kox'zha or kon^je, n. Act of taking leave ; parting ceremony ; a bow or courtesy. {Arch.) A molding in form of a quarter round; a cavetto ; apophygee. See Molding. — v.i. [congeed (-zhad or -jed), congeing.] To take leave with civilities; to Bow or courtesy. [F., leave, license, dismission, fr. LL. com.iatus, leave, corrup. of L. commeatus, a traveling together, leave of absence, furlough, fr. con and meare, -atum, to go_, pass.] — Conge d'elire, koN-zhad-ler - ' or kon / ia-da-ler / \ The king's license to choose a bishop. [F., leave to choose.] Congeal, kon-jeK, v. t. [congealed (-jeld'), -geal- ing.] To freeze, stiffen with cold, or from terror. — v. i. To grow hard or stiff. [OF. congeler, fr. L. con and gelare, -atum, to freeze, fr. gelu, cold.] — Con- geal'able, a. — Congeal'ment, n. Act or process of congealing ; mass congealed ; concretion. — Con- gelation, -je-la'shun, n. Process or act, or state of being, etc. ; thing congealed ; congealment. Congener, kon'je-ner, n. A thing of the same genus, or allied in kind. [L., fr. con and genus, kin.] Congenial, kon-jen'yal, a. Partaking of the same feeling; kindred; svmpathetic. [L. con and genialis, genial, q. v.] — Conge'nialness, -nial'ity, n. — Con- gen'ite, -jen'it, -ital, a. Of the same birth; begot- ten together; dating from birth. [L. con and gignere, genitum, to produce.] — Congen'itally, adv. Conger, kon'ger, Con'ger-eel, -el, u. A large species of sea-eel. [L.; Or. gonggros.] Congeries, kon-je'ri-ez, n. sing, and \~>l. A collection of particles into one mass ; a heap ; combination. [L., a heap, fr. congerere. See Congest.] Congest, kon-jest'', v. t. To collect into a mass or ag- gregate. [L. con and gererere, gestum, to bring, carry.] — Congestion, -jes'chun, n. {Med.') An un- natural accumulation of blood in any part of the body. — Congest'ive, -iv, n. Indicating, or attend- ed by, accumulation of blood. Conglaciation, kon-gla'shY-a'shun, n. Act of chan- ging into ice ; congelation. [L. conglaciare, -atum, to freeze, fr. con and glacies, ice.] Conglobe, kon-glob /r , v. t. [-globed (-globd/'), -glob- ing.] To gather into a ball. [L. conglobare, -batum, fr. con and globus, a globe.] — Congloba'tion, n. Act of, etc. ; a round body. — Conglo'bate, -bat, a. Formed or gathered into a ball. — v. t. Same as Conglobe. — Conglo'bately, adv. In a round form. — Conglobulate, -glSb'u-lat, v. i. To gather into a globule. [L. globulus, dim_. of globus.] Conglomerate, kon-glom'er-at, a. Gathered together in a mass; collected. (Bot.) Closely clustered to- gether. (Geol.) Composed of stones, pebbles, etc.; cemented together. — v. t. To gather into a round body. — n. Collection ; accumulation. (Geol.) A rock, composed of pebbles, cemented by mineral substance. [L. conglomerare, -atum, to wind into a ball or clew, heap together, fr. con and glomus (s. rt. globus), clew of thread, ball.] — Conglbm / era , tion, n. A gathering into, etc.; accumulation. Conglutinate, kon-glu'tY-nat, v. t. To glue together; unite by some tenacious substance. — v.i. To coa- lesce. — a. Glued together in one mass. [L. con and glutinare, -atum, to glue, fr. gluten, glue.] — Con- glu'tina'tion, n. Act of, etc.; junction; union. — Conglu'tinative, -tiv, a. Uniting by glue, etc. — Conglu'tinant, a. Serving to unite ; healing. — n. (Med.) A medicine that promotes the closing and healing of wounds. Congo, kon'so, Con'gou, -goo, n. A black tea, a su- perior quality of Bohea. [Chin, kimg-foo, labor.] Congratulate, kon-grafu-lat, v. t. To wish joy to on some happy event; to felicitate. [L. con and gratu- lari, -latus, to wish joy, fr. giatus, pleasing.] — Con- grafulant, a. Rejoicing in participation. — Con- gratulation, n. Act of, etc. — Congrat'ulator, n. — Congratulatory, a. Expressive of, etc. Congregate, kon'gre-gat, v. t. To collect into an as- semblage. — v. i. To come together; assemble; meet. [L. con and gregare, -gatum, to collect in flocks, fr. grex, a flock.] — Congregation, n. Act of, etc. ; col- lection of separate things; assembly of persons, esp. a religious assembly. — Congregational, a. Pert, to a congregation, to the system of Congregationalism, or, esp., to that of the associated evangelical Trini- tarian Congregational churches; independent.— Con- gregationalism, -izm, n. A system of church gov- ernment which vests ecclesiastical power in each local church, as a self-governing body; independ- ency. — Congrega'tionalist, n. Congress, kon'gres, n. A meeting of individuals; esp. of two persons of opposite sexes for sexual inter- course ; an assembly, as of deputies, envoys, or com- missioners; the assembly of senators and representa- tives of a nation, esp. of a republic; convention; con- vocation; synod; council; diet. [L. congrecli, -gi-essus, to meet together, fr. con and gradi, to go, fr. gradus, a step.] — Congressional, -gresh'un-al, a. Pert, to, etc. — Congres'sive, -siv, a. Encountering; coming together. — Congress-man, n. ;pl. -men. A member of the U. S. Congress. Congruence, kon , groo-ens, n. Suitableness of one thing to another; agreement; consistency. [L. con- gruere, to agree together, accord, congruus, suitable.] — Con'gruent, a. Possessing, etc.— Congrulty, -Y-tY, rt. Quality of being, etc.; fitness; harmony. — Con'- gruous, a. Having congruity; pertinent; appropri- ate. — Congruously, adv. Conic, Coniferous, etc. See under Cone. Conium, ko'ni-um, n. (Bot.) An umbelliferous plant, poison hemlock. [NL., fr. Gr. koneion.] — Co'nia, -nY-a, Co^nine, -nin, n. An alkaloid obtained by dis- tillation of hemlock with potash-lye, intensely poi- sonous, paralyzing the motor nerves. Conjecture, kon-jek'chur, n. Formation of an opin- ion on presumptive evidence; surmise. — v. t. and i. [-TUEED (-churd), -tueing.] To infer on slight evi- dence, surmise, suspect, guess. [F.; L. conjectura, a guess, fr. conjicere, to cast together, fr. con and jacere, to throw.] — Conjee' turer, n. — Conjee' tur- able, a. — Conjec'tural, a. Depending on, etc. — Conjee 'turally, adv. Conjoin, kon-jom'', v. t. [-joined (-joind r ), -joining.] To join together, associate, connect. — v. i. To unite, join, league. [F. conjoindre, fr. L. con and jungere, junction, to join, q. v.] — Conjoint'', a. United ; associated. [F.] — Conjoint 'ly, adv. Conjugal, kon'ju-gal, -ju'gial, -jY-al, a. Belonging to the marriage state; matrimonial; connubial; nuptial. [F. conjugal, L. conjugalis, conjugialis, pert, to mar- riage, fr. conjugium, marriage, conjugare, -gatum, to unite, fr. con and jugum, a yoke; s. rt. join, yoke!] — Conjugally, adv. — Conjugality, n. Marriage state. Conjugate, kon^ju-gat, v. t.. (Gram.) To inflect, as verbs. — n. A word agreeing in derivation with an- other.— a. United in pairs; yoked together. (Gram.) Agreeing in derivation with other words. [L. conju- gare. See Conjugal.] — Conjugate diameter. (Geom.) A diameter parallel to a tangent at the vertex of the primitive diameter. — Conjugation, n. (Gram.) Act of inflecting, as a verb; a scheme exhibiting all the parts of a verb ; a class of verbs inflected in the same manner through their various forms. Conjunct, kon-junkt'', a. United; conjoined; concur- rent. [L. con and jungere, junctum, to join.] — Con- junction, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. (Astron.) Meeting of two or more stars or planets in the same degree of the zodiac. (Gram.) A connective or con- necting word.— Conjunc'tive, -tiv, a. Closely united ; serving to unite. (Gram.) Following or introduced by a conjunction ; contingent. — Conjunctively, Con- junctly, adv.— Conjuncture, -junk'chur, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; connection; combination; an occasion or crisis as the effect of the combination or concurrence of circumstances. — Conjunc'tiva, -tt- va, n. (Anat.) The mucous membrane covering the eye-ball and inner surface of the lids. [L.] &m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Sdd, tone, Or ; CONJURE 109 CONSIDER Conjure, koii-joor', v. t. [-jlred (-joord'), -jurixg.] To call on or summon solemnly, adjure. [F. con- jurer, to adjure, also, to conjure or exorcise a spirit, fir. L. con and jurare, -atum, to swear. See Juky.] — Conjur'er, ».— Conjure, kun'jer, v. t. To affect, produce, excite, etc., as if by magic, or by supernat- ural power; to enchant, charm, bewitch." — v. i. To practice magical arts. — Con/jurer, n. One who con- jures, or practices magic or legerdemain. — Conju- ra'tion. n. Earnest or solemn entreaty; practice of magic arts; incantation. Connate, kon'nat or kon-nat', a. Born with another; existing from birth. (Bot.) United in origin; united into one body. [L. connatus. See Cognate.] — Connas'cence, -nas'sens, -cency, -sen-si, n. The common birth of two or more at the same time; a being produced with another ; act of growing together, or at the same time.— Connas'cent, a. Pro- duced at the same time. — Con- connate L,eai. natural, kon-nach'er-ral, a. Connected by nature; inborn; inherent; participating of the same nature. [OF. connaturel, fr. L. naturalis, natural.] — Con- nat'urallty, n. State of being, etc. Connect, kon-nekf, v. t. To knit or fasten together; to establish association between. — v. i. To become joined or coherent; to have close relation. [L. con and nectere, nexum, to bind, knit, join, Skr. nah, to bind.]— ConnecCedly, adv. — Connection, -nek''- shun, n. Act of , or state of being, etc.; persons or things connected together; continuity; junction; de- pendence; relationship. — Connective, -iv, a. Hav- ing power to connect. — n. {Gram.) A word that connects other words or sentences; a conjunction. — Connectlvely, adv. — Connecfor, -er, n. One who, or that which, etc.; esp. a flexible tube connecting glass tubes in pneumatic experiments.— Connexion, Connexlve. Same as Coxxectiox, Connective. Connive, kon-niv / ', v. i. [-nived (-nivd'"), -xivixg.] To close the eyes upon, wink at, forbear to see. [F. contriver, L. connivere, to close the eyes, overlook, fr. con and rt. of nictare, to wink.] — Conniv'ance, n. Voluntary oversight; collusion. — Conniv'ent, a. Forbearing to see ; designedly inattentive. {Nat, Hist.) Brought close together. — Conniv'er, re. Connoisseur, kon-is-ser', n. A critical judge or master of any art, esp. of painting, music, and sculpture. [OF.,fr. connoistre, to know, fr. L. con and gnoscere, to know.] — Connoisseur'ship, n. Skill of, etc. Connote, kon-nof, v. t. To make known together with, imply, denote or designate, include. [L. con and no tare, to mark, fr. nota, mark, note.]— Con- nolative, -tiv, n. Implying something additional. {Log.) Implying an attribute; attributive. — Conno- tative term. One denoting a subject and implying an attribute. Connubial, kon-nu'bY-al, a. Pert, to marriage or the marriage state; conjugal; nuptial. [L. connubium, marriage, fr. con and nubere, to veil, marry.] Connumeration, kon-nu / mer-a /, shun, re. A reckoning together. [L. con and nwnerare, to number.] Conoid, etc. See under Cone. Conquer, kon'ker, v. t. [-qcered (-kerd), -querixg.] To acquire by force ; to subdue, vanquish, sur- mount, master. — v. i. To gain the victory; over- come, prevail. [OF. conquerre, fr. L. con and quse- rere, -situm, to seek. See Quest, Query.] — Con- querable, a. — Conqueror, -er, n. — Conquest, kon r - kwest, n. Act of, etc.; thing conquered. (Feudal Law.) Acquisition of property otherwise than by inheritance. [F.] Consanguineous, kon-san-gwin'e-us, a. Of the same blood; related by birth. [L. con and sanguineus, of blood, fr. sanguis, blood.] — Consanguinity, -f-tT,re. Relationship by blood or birth. Conscience, kon'shens, n. The faculty which decides on the lawfulness of our actions and affections; moral faculty; moral sense; the estimate or deter- mination of conscience; real sentiment; truth; jus- tice; honesty; reasonableness. [F.; L. conscientia, fr. con and scientiu, knowledge, fr. scire, to know. See Science.] — Conscience clause. An article in a law, etc., exempting from certain of its provisions persons who cannot conscientiously obey them. — Conscienceless, a. Having no conscience. — Con- scientious, -shT-enShus, a. Governed by strict re- gard to the dictates of conscience; scrupulous; just; upright. — Conscientiously, adv. — Conscientious- ness, n. — ConScionable, -shun-a-bl, a. Governed by or according^ to conscience ; reasonable : just. \== conscience-able.] — ConScious. -shus, ". P< issess- mg the faculty of knowing one's thoughts or men- tal operations; capable of perceiving sounds, act:-, or sensations; made the object of consciousness; aware; apprised; sensible. [L. conscius, fr. conscire.] — Con- sciously, adv. Knowingly. — Consciousness, n. Knowledge of what passes in one's own mind: im- mediate knowledge of any object; state in which one knows what is passing around one. Conscript, konSkript, a. Enrolled; written; regis- tered. — n. One taken by lot, to serve as a soldier or sailor. — Conscript', v. t. To enroll, by compulsion, for military service. [L. con and scribere, scriptum, to write.] — Conscript fathers. The senators of an- cient Rome. — Conscrip'tion, n. A registering; an enrollment of those liable to be drafted for military or naval service. Consecrate, konSe-krat, v. t. To make, or declare to be sacred; to appropriate to sacred uses; to enroll among the gods or saints, apotheosize, canonize; to render venerable, dignify. — a. Consecrated; de- voted; sacred. [L. consecrare, -cratum, fr. con and sacrare, to consecrate, fr. sacer, sacred.] — Conse- cra'tion, n. Act or ceremony of consecrating; ded- ication; canonization; apotheosis. — ConSecrator, n. Consecution, kon-se-kuShun, n. A sequel; train of consequences; series of things that follow one an- other. [L. con and sequi, secutus, to follow.] — Con- secutive, -u-tiv, a. Following in a train; uninter- rupted in succession; following as a consequence or result. {Mas.) Following in the same order. — Con- secutively, adv.— ConSequence, -se-kwens, re. That which flows out of, and follows, something on which it depends. (Log.) A conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference; deduction; connec- tion of cause and effect. [L. consequens, p. pr. of consequi.] — Inconsequence. Hence; for this cause. — In c. of. By reason of; as the effect of. — Ofc. Of importance, value, or influence. — Consequent, a. Following as a result or inference. {Log.) Follow- ing by necessary inference, or rational deduction. — n. That which follows, etc. {Log.) A conclusion or inference. {Math.) The second term of a ratio. — Consequently, adv. — Consequential, -kwenShal, a. Following, etc.; assuming an air of consequence; pompous. — Consequentially, adv. With just de- duction of consequences; logically; by consequence; in a regular series; with assumed importance. Consensus, kon-senSus, re. Agreement; accord. [L., fr. con and p.p. of sentire, sensum, to feel. See Sense.] — Consent'', n. Agreement in opinion or sentiment; correspondence in parts, qualities, or operations; voluntary accordance with what is done or proposed by another; accord; concurrence; free-will. — v.i. To agree in opinion or sentiment; to yield to guid- ance, persuasion, or necessity; to give assent, ac- cede, comply, permit, acquiesce. — Consent'' er, n. — Consentaneous, -ne-us, a. Consistent; agreeable or accordant; suitable.— Consentaneously, adv. — Con- senta'neousness, n. — Consentient, -senShent, a. Agreeing in mind; accordant in opinion. Conserve, kon-serv /r , v. t. [-served (-servd'), -serv- ing.] To save, preserve, protect; to prepare with sugar, etc., for preservation, as fruits, etc. — re. Any- thing conserved, esp. a sweetmeat, of fruit, etc., prepared with sugar. [F. conserver, to preserve, fr. L. con and servare, -atum, to keep, serve. See Serve.] — ConservSr, n. — ConservSble, a. Capa- ble of being, etc. — Conserv'ant, a. Preserving from destruction or decay. — ConserVancy, -sT, Conser- vation, n. Act of, etc. — Conservative, -tiv, a. Preservative ; disposed to maintain existing institu- tions. — n. One who, or that which, preserves from ruin, injury, or radical change; one who desires to maintain existing institutions and customs. — Con- servatism, -tizm, re. Disposition or tendency to preserve what is established; opposition to change. — Conservator, kon-ser-valer or kon^-, n. One who preserves from injury, violation, or innovation. — Conservatory, -to-rY, a. Having the quality of pre- serving from loss, decay, or injury. — n. A place for preserving things, esp. a greenhouse for plants; that which preserves from injury; a public place of in- struction in learning or art. Consider, kon-sid'er, v. t. [-sidered (-sid'erd), -ek- ing.] To think on with care, fix the mind on; to have regard to, take into view or account; to esti- mate, think, view. — v. i. To think seriously, ma- turely, or carefully, reflect, deliberate. [F. consid- erer, L. considerare, -atum, to observe, orig. to in- siin, cube, full ; moon, f 6t>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxboN, chair, get. CONSIGN 110 CONSTRAIN spcct the stars, fr. con and sidus, sideris, a star. See Contemplate.] — Consid/erer, n. — Considerable, a. Possessing consequence; of some distinction ; noteworthy; respectable; of importance or value; moderately large. — Considerableness, n. Some de- gree of importance, etc. — Considerably, adv. — Considerate, a. Given to consideration or sober reflection; mindful of the rights, claims, and feel- ings of others. — Considerately, adv. — Consider- ateness. ?i. — Consid/era'tion, n. Act of consider- ing; careful thought; deliberation; appreciative re- gard ; claim to notice ; some degree of consequence; ground of opinion; influence. (Law.) The material cause of a contract ; compensation ; equivalent. Consign, kon-sin*', v. t. [-signed (-sind'), -signing.] To give, transfer, or deliver, formally; to commit, intrust. (Com.) To give into the hands of an agent for superintendence, sale, etc. To assign, appro- priate. [F. consigner, to consign, deliver, I>. consig- nare, to seal, attest, warrant, fr. con and signare, to mark, sign, fr. signum, a mark. See Sign.] — Con- signer, n. — Consignment, n. Act of, etc. ( Com.) Thing consigned; goods sent to a factor for sale; the writing by which a thing is consigned. — Con- signee, -sT-ne', n. One to whom goods are delivered in trust, for sale, etc.; a factor. — Consigner, n. One who consigns, esp. who consigns goods to an- other. — Consignatory, -rT, n. A noint signer; one who affixes his signature along with others. Consist, kon-sist', v. i. To be in a fixed or permanent state; to be, exist, subsist; to be consistent or har- monious. [F. consister, L. consistere, fr. con and sis- tere, to stand, make to stand, fr. stare, to stand.] — To consist in. To be constituted by. — To c. of. To be composed or made up of. — Consistent, a. Pos- sessing firmness or fixedness; having agreement with itself at different times, or harmony among its parts; accordant; congruous; uniform. — Consistently, adv. — Consistence, -ency, -en-si, n. State of being, etc.; a combination; firmness; substantiality. Consistory, kon-sis'to-ri, n. A solemn assembly or council. (Eng. Church.) The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop. (Rom. Cath. Church.) The college of cardinals at Rome. A church tribunal. [LL. con- sistorium, assembly, place of assembly, fr. consistere. See Consist.] — Consisto'rial, -rT-al, a. Pert, to, etc. Consociate, kon-soShT-at, v. t. To associate. — v. i. To form an association. [L. con and sociare, -atum, to join, unite, fr. socius, a companion.] — Conso / cia' r - tion, n. Intimate union ; alliance ; association ; a union of neighboring churches. Console, kon-soK, v. t. [-soled (-sold'), -soling.] To cheer in distress, comfort, soothe. [F. consoler, fr. L. con and solari, -atum, to solace.] — Consoler, n. — ConsolSble, a. — Consola'tion, n. Act of comfort- ing or state of being comforted; that which com- forts. — Consolatory, -sSl'a-to-ri, a. Tending to com- fort; pert, to consolation. Console, kon'sol, n. (Arch.) A bracket; a projecting ornament on the keystone of an arch. [F., fr. L. con and solidus, solid.] — ConSole-table, n. A table whose leaf is supported by brackets. Consolidate, kon-sol'T-dat, v. t. To make solid, unite or press together into a compact mass; to unite, as va- rious particulars, into one body, con- dense, compress. — v. i. To grow Console, firm and hard, unite and become solid. — a. Con- solidated. [L. con and solidare, -atum, to make solid.] — Consor / ida /r tion, n. Act of consolidating. (Law.) Combination of several actions into one. — ConsoK- idative, -tiv, a. Tending to, etc.; healing. — ConsoK- idant, a. Serving to, etc. — n. A medicine that unites and heals wounded flesh. — Consols, kon-solz' or konSolz, n. pi. The Eng. funded government secu- rity, formed by consolidation of different annuities. Consomme, koN-soin-ma r , n. (Cookery.) A broth made very strong by boiling. [F., p. p. of consommer, to consummate, q. v.] Consonant, kon'so-nant, or.. Having agreement; con- gruous; consistent. (3fus.) Harmonizing togeth- er ; accordant. — n. An articulation which is uttered with a more open sound called a vowel; a letter rep- resenting such articulation. [F., fr. L. con and so- nare, to sound.] — Consonant SI, a. Pert, to, etc. — Coneonantly, adv. In a consonant, consistent, or congruous manner. — Coneonous,-nus, a. Agreeing in sound ; symphonious. — Consonance, -nancy, n. (Mus.) A pleasing accord of sounds produced simul- taneously. Agreement; unison; harmony. Consort, konS6rt, n. A companion or partner; esp. a wife or husband; spouse. [L. consors, a sharer of property = brother or sister, later wife, neighbor, fr. con and sors, lot, share.] — Queen consort. The wife of a king, as disting. fr. queen regnant, who rules alone, and fr. queen dowager, the widow of a king. — Consort', v. i. To unite or keep company; asso- ciate. — v. t. To join, as in affection, company, etc. Conspectus, kon-spek'tus, n. A general sketch or out- line of a subject; sj'nopsis; epitome. [L., p. p. of conspicere, to see plainly, fr. con and specere, to look ; s. rt. spy.] — Conspicuous, -u-us, a. Obvious to the eye; manifest; noted; illustrious. — Conspic'- uously, adv. — Conspiceousness, n. Conspire, kon-spir'', v. i. [-spired (-spird / '), -spiring.] To covenant for an evil purpose, plot together; to concur to one end, agree, combine, league. — v. t. To plot, combine for, concur in. [F. conspirer, L. conspirare, -atum, fr. con and spirare, to blow. See Spirit.] — Conspirer, n — Conspiracy, -spirS-st, n. A combination of persons for evil; concurrence to one event; combination; plot. — Conspiretor, -ter, n. Constable, kunSta-b.l, n. A high officer in medieval monarchical establishments. (Law.) An officer of the peace, bound to execute warrants of judicial officers. [OF. conestable, L. comes stabulis, count of the stable.] — Conetableship, n. Office of, etc. — Constabulary, -la-ri, a. Pert, to, or consisting of constables. — n. The body of constables in a district; constabulary force. Constant, konetant, a. Not liable to change; stead- fast; permanent; perpetual; resolute; firm. (Math. & Physics.) Remaining unchanged or invariable. — n. That which is not subject to change. (Math.) A quantity whose value always remains the same in the same expression. [F., fr. L. con and stare, to stand.] — Constantly, adv. — Constancy, -sT, n. Quality of being, etc.; freedom from change; firm- ness of mind, esp. under sufferings, in attachments, or in enterprise; stability; resolution. Constellation, kon-stel-laShun, n. A group of fixed stars; assemblage of splendors or excellencies. [F.; L. constellatio, fr. con and Stella, a star.] Consternation, kon-ster-naShun, n. Amazement or terror that confounds the faculties; horror; amaze- ment. [F., fr. L. consteifiare, -natum, fr. con and sternere, to strew.] Constipate, konSti-pat, v. t. To stop, as a passage, by filling it, and preventing motion through it; to ren- der costive. [L,.con and stipare, to cram, pack.] — ConstipaSion, n. Act of crowding; state of being crowded; condensation; costiveness. Constitute, konSM-tut, v. t. To cause to stand, es- tablish, enact; to give formal existence to, compose, form ; to appoint, depute, or elect to an office or employment, [L. constituere, -ttitum, to cause to stand together, establish, fr. con and statuere, to set, f r. stare, statum, to stand.] — Constitutor, n. — Con- stiteent, -u-ent, a. Serving to form, etc. ; compo- nent ; elemental ; having power to elect or appoint. — n. The person or thing which establishes, etc.; component part ; element ; one who assists to ap- point or elect a representative to an office. — Con- stitution, ra. Act of constituting; formation; state of being ; natural condition ; conformation ; prin- ciples or fundamental laws which govern a state or other organized body of men ; an authoritative or- dinance, regulation, or enactment. — Constitu- tional, a. Pert, to or inherent in the constitution ; in accordance with, or authorized by, the constitu- tion of a government or society ; regulated by, de- pendent on, or secured by, etc. ; for the benefit of the constitution. — n. A walk or other exercise for health or the constitution. — Con'stitu'tionaKity, n. State of being constitutional, or inherent in the natural frame; state of being agreeable to the frame of government, or authorized by its provisions. — Constitutionally, adv. In accordance with, etc. — Constitutive, -tiv, a. Tending, assisting, or having power, to constitute or enact. Constrain, kon-stran / ', v. t. [-strained (-strand''), -straining.] To secure by bonds, bring into a nar- row compass, hold back by force, urge with irresist- ible power, necessitate. [OF. constraindre, fr. L. con and stringere, strictum, to draw tight. See Strict.] — Constralner, n. — ConstrainSble, a. — Constrainedly, adv. — Constraint, -stranf, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; that which constrains ; compulsion ; urgency. — Constrict'', v. t. To draw together into a narrow compass, contract, or cause to shrink. — Constricted, p. a. Drawn together; 5m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; CONSTRUCT 111 CONTEND coiit: cfd: crumped. (Bot.) Compressed so as to be smaller in certain places than in others. — Con- Btric'tion, «. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Con- strictive, -iv, a. Serving to bind. — Constrict'or, -er, n. That which, etc. ; esp. a serpent which sur- rounds its prey with its folds and crushes it. — Con- Btringe. -string', v. t. [-stringed (-strinjd'), -strin- ging.] To draw together, contract.— Constrin'gent, a. Having the quality of contracting. Construct, kon-strukt', v. t. To put together the constituent parts of ; to devise and put in an or- derly arrangement. [L. consti~uere, -structum, to build, construe (a sentence), fr. con and struere, to heap up, pile.] — Con'struct, a. Formed by, or pert, to, construction, interpretation, or inference. — Construct'er, n. — Construe'' tion, n. Act of con- structing: act of building, or of devising and form- ing ; fabrication ; composition ; manner of putting together the parts of anything. (Gram.) Syntac- tical arrangement. The method of construing or explaining a declaration or fact ; understanding ; interpretation ; sense. — Construction of an equa- tion. (Math.) The drawing of such lines and fig- ures as will represent geometrically the quantities in the equation, and their relations to each other. — Constructional, a. Pert, to construction. — Con- strue 'tionist, n. One who construes a writing or public instrument. — Constructive, -iv, a. Having ability to form ; derived by interpretation. — Con- structively, adv. — Construct'iveness, n. Ten- dency to, etc. (Phren.) The faculty which leads to the formation of parts into a whole. See Phre- nology. — Construe, -stroo', v. t. [-strued (-strood'), -STRUING.] To exhibit the construction of, as of a sentence or clause ; to interpret, translate. Constuprate, kon'stu-prat, v. t. To violate the person of, ravish. [L. con and stuprare, -praturn, to ravish, fr. stuprum, rape.] — Constupra'tion, n. Act of, etc. Consubstantial, kon-sub-stan'shal, a. Having the same substance or essence. [L. con and substantia, essence, substance, fr. substare, to be present, exist, f r. sub, under, and stare, to stand.] — Consubstan'- tiate, -sht-at, v. t. To unite in one common sub- stance or nature. — Con'substan'tia'tion, n. Iden- tity of substance. (Theol.) The actual presence of the body of Christ with the bread and wine of the Lord's supper. — Consubstan'tialist, -shal-ist, n. A believer in, etc. — Con'substan'tial'ity, -shl-al'Y-tY, n. Coexistence in the same substance. Consuetude, kon'swe-tud, n. Habit; custom; usage. [L. consuetudo, fr. con and suescere, suetum, to De wont.] — Consuetu'dinary, -Y-na-rY, a. Customary; derived from usage; from time immemorial. Consul, kon'sul, n. One of the 2 chief magistrates of the Roman republic, after the expulsion of the kings ; one of the 3 supreme magistrates of France from 1799 to 1804 ; an officer appointed by a govern- ment to protect the interests of its citizens abroad. [L., prob. from consulere. See Consult.]— Consu- lar, -lary, -ri, a. Pert, to a consul. — Consulate, n. Office, jurisdiction, or residence, of, etc. — Con'sul- ship. n. Office, or term of office of, etc. Consult, kon-sult', v. i. To seek opinion or advice, take counsel, deliberate. — v. t. To ask advice of ; to decide or to act in favor of ; to deliberate upon. [F. consulter, L. consultare, -tatum, freq. of consulere, to consult, consider.] — Consult'er, n. — Consulta'- tion, n. Act of consulting or deliberating ; a meet- ing, esp. of lawyers or of doctors, to consult. — Con- sult' ary, -atory, -a-to-rY, a. Formed by, or result- ing from, etc. ; advisory. Consume, kon-sum', v. t. [-sumed (-sumd'), -sum- ing.] To destroy, as by decomposition, dissipation, waste, or fire ; to swallow up, absorb, dissipate. — v. i. To waste away slowly. [L. con and sumere, sumptum, to take, fr. sub, under, up, and ernere, to buy.] — Consum'er, n. — Consum'able, a. — Con- sump'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. (Med.) A gradual decay or diminution of the body ; esp. a disease seated in the lungs, attended with hectic fever, cough, etc. — Consumptive, -tiv, a. Having the quality of consuming ; destructive ; affected with, or inclined to, consumption. — Consump'- tively, adv. — Consumptiveness, n. Consummate, k on' sum-mat or -sum'mat, v. t. To bring to completion, raise to the highest point or degree, perfect, achieve. — Consum'mate, a. Carried to the utmost extent ; complete ; perfect. [L. con- suininare, -matum, fr. con and summa, a sum.] — Con- sum'mately, adv. — Consumma'tion, n. Act of, etc. ; completion ; close ; perfection. Contact, kon'takt, n. A close union of bodies ; a touching or meeting. [L. contvngere, -taction, to touch closely, fr. eon and tangere, to touch. See Tact, Tangent.] — Contagion, -ta'jun, n. (Med.) Transmission of disease from one person to another, by contact; a medium or agency to transmit disease; pestilential influence ; act or means of propagating influence or effect. — Conta'gious, -jus, a. (Med.) Communicable by contact or approach ; infectious; catching. Containing or generating contagion ; pes- tilential; communicable from one to another. — Conta'giously, adv. — Conta'giousness, n. — Con- ta'gionist, n. One who believes in the contagious- ness of certain diseases. — Conta'gium, -jT-um, n. Contraction of disease by contact with, or by in- halation of germs from, a diseased person. — Con- tig'uous, -u-us, a. In contact ; near ; adjoining. — Contiguously, adv. — Contig'uousness, -tigu'ity, n. State of being, etc. — Contin'gent, -jent, a. Liable, but not certain to occur ; dependent on what is un- known ; incidental ; casual. (Law.) Dependent for effect on something that may or may not occur. — n. A contingency ; what falls to one in an ap- portionment ; quota ; proportion. — Contin'gently, adv. — Contin'gence, -gency, n. Quality of being, etc.; possibility; casualty; chance. Contain, kon-tan', v. t. [-taijced (-tand'), -taining.] To hold within fixed limits, comprehend, comprise; to be able to hold, inclose. —v. i. To live in con- tinence or chastity. [OF. contenir, L. continere, -tentum, fr. con and tenere, to hold.] — Container, n. — Contain'' able, a. — Content', a. Having the de- sires limited by present enjoyment ; satisfied ; at rest. — v. i. To satisfy the mind of, appease, please, gratify. — n. Satisfaction ; moderate happiness ; that which contents. — Content or Content', «., gen. in pi. That which is contained; power of con- taining ; capacity. — Content'ed, a. Content; satis- fied. — Content'edly, adv. — Content'edness, n. — Content'ment, n. Satisfaction of mind ; acquies- cence ; that which affords satisfaction ; gratifica- tion. — Con'tinent, n. (Geog.) One of the large bodies of land on the globe. The main land of Eu- rope, as disting. fr. the islands, esp. fr. England. — a. Restraining the indulgence of desires or pas- sions, esp. as to sexual intercourse ; temperate ; chaste. — Con'tinence, -nency, n. Voluntary re- straint of one's desires. — Continently, adv. — Con- tinent'al, a. Pert, to a continent, esp. to Europe as disting. fr. England, or to the Amer. colonies during the Revolution. Contaminate, kon-tam'Y-nat, v. t. To soil, stain, or corrupt by defiling contact ; to pollute, defile, taint. — a. Having defilement; corrupt. [L. contaminare, •natum, fr. contamen, contagion, fr. con and tangere, to touch. See Contact.] — Contam'inable, a. — Contam / ina'tion, n. Act of, etc.; pollution; taint. Contemn, kon-tem', v. t. [-temned (-temd'), -tem- ning (-tem'ning).] To consider and treat as un- worthy of regard ; to reject with disdain, despise, scorn. [F. contemner, L. contemnere, -temtum or -temptum, fr. con and temnere, to despise.] — Con- tem'ner, n. — Contempt', n. Act of, or state of be- ing, etc. (Law.) Disobedience of the rules of a court of justice or legislative body.— Contempt'ible, a. Worthy of, etc. ; abject ; vile ; mean ; base; piti- ful. — Contempt'ibleness, n. — Contempt 'ibly, adv. — Contempt'uous, -u-us, a. Manifesting, etc.; scorn- ful; insolent; fastidious. — Contempt'uously, adv. Contemplate, kon'tem-plat or -tem'plat, v. t. To look at on all sides, regard with care, meditate on, study ; to have in view, as contingent or probable, look forward to, ponder, plan, purpose.— v. i. To think studiously, muse, meditate. [L. contemplari, -platum, to observe, consider, (prob. used orig. of the augurs observing auspices), fr. con and templum, temple. See Consider.] — Con'templator, -ter, n.— Contemplation, n. Act of, etc. — Contem'plative, -tiv, a. Pert, or addicted to, etc.: studious; thought- ful ; having the power of thought or meditation. — Contemplatively, adv. — Contem'plativeness, n. Contemporaneous, kon-tem'po-ra'ne-us, a. Living, acting, or transpiring at the same time ; contem- porary. [L. contemporaneus, fr. con and tempus, temporis, time.] — Contem'pora'neously, adv.— Con- tem'pora'neousness, n. — Contem'porary, -po-ra-ri, a. Living, acting, or transpiring at the same time. — n. One who lives at the same time with another. [L. temporarius, temporary.] — Contem'porariness, n. Contempt, Contemptuous, etc. See under Contemn. Contend, kon-tend', v. i. To strive in opposition, or siin, cube, full ; moon, f<56t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CONTENT 112 CONTRIBUTE in debate, engage in discussion, vie, emulate, dis- pute. [F. contendre, L. contendere, fr. con and ten- dere, tentum, to stretch.] — Contend'er, n. — Con- ten'tior;, n. A violent effort to obtain or resist ; strife in debate ; struggle ; quarrel ; feud ; compe- tition ; discord. [F.] — Conten'tious, -shus, a. Apt to contend; involving contention; quarrelsome; liti- gious ; perverse; peevish. — Conten'tiously, adv. — Contentiousness, n. Content, Contentment, etc. See under Contain. Conterminate, kon-ter'niT-nat, -minal, -minous, -nus, a. Having the same bounds or boundaries; contigu- ous. [L. con and terminare, -natum, to-border upon, terminus, border.] — Conter'minable, a. Capable of being regarded as, etc. Contest, kon-tesf, v. t. To make a subject of dispute; to strive earnestly to maintain; to dispute, contro- vert, oppose. (Law.) To resist, as a claim, by course of law. — v. i. To engage in dispute, strife, etc.; to contend, vie, emulate. [F. contester, L. contestari, -tatus, fr. con and testari, to bear witness, fr. testis, a witness.] — Con'test, n. Earnest dispute; strife; combat; battle; debate; difference; strife. — Con- testable, a. — Contest 'ant, n. One who, etc. — Con- testation, n. Act of, etc. Contest, kon'tekst, n. The parts of a discourse which precede or follow a particular passage. [L. contextus, a joining together, order, construction, fr. con and texere, textum, to weave.] — Contex'ture, -teks'ehur, n. Composition of parts ; system ; texture. — Co'n- tsx'tural, a. Pert, to, etc. Contiguous, Contingent, etc. See under Contact. Continence, Continent, etc. See under Contain. Continue, kon-tin^u, v. i. [-tinued (-tin'ud), -tinu- ing.] To remain in a given place or condition; to be permanent or durable, steadfast or constant; to endure, last, persevere, persist, stay. — v. t. To pro- long, protract, persist in. [F. continuer, L. continu- are, -atum, fr. continuus, holding together, fr. conti- nere. See Contain.] — Contin'uer, n.— Contin'uous, -u-us, a. Without break, cessation, or interruption; constantly prolonged; extended. — Continuously, adv. — Continuity, n. State of being continuous; uninterrupted connection ; cohesion. — Contin'u- able, a. Capable of being continued. — Contin /, ual, a. Proceeding without interruption; very frequent; often repeated; of frequent recurrence; perpetual; incessant. — Contin'ually, adv. — Continuance, n. Permanence, as of condition, habits, abode, etc.; per- severance; continuation; constant renewal; propa- gation. — Contin'uate, v. t. To join closely together. — a. Intimately connected; uninterrupted. — Con- tin'uator, -ter, n. One who, etc. — Contin.'ua/tion, n. Act of continuing, or the state of being contin- ued ; that which extends, increases, supplements, etc. — Contin^uative, -tiv, n. (Rhet.) A statement expressing permanence or duration. (Gram.) Aeon- nective; conjunction. Contort, kon-t^rf, v. t. To twist together, writhe. [L. con and torquere, tortum, to twist.] — Contor / - tion, n. A twisting; partial dislocation of a limb. — Contor'tive, -tiv, a. Expressing contortion. Contour, kon-toor r , n. Bounding line ; outline; periph- ery. (Mil.) Horizontal outline of ground or works of fortification. [F., fr. contourner, to turn round, encompass, fr. L. con and tornare, to turn, f r. tornus, Gr. tornos, a lathe.] Contraband, kon'tra-band, a. Prohibited by law or treaty; forbidden. — n. Prohibited merchandise or traffic. [F. contrebande, It. contrabbando, prohibited goods, fr. contra, against, and bando, LL. bandum, proclamation. See Ban.] — Contrabandist, n. A smuggler in time of war. Contract, kon-trakt r , v. t. To draw together or nearer, reduce to less compass; to bring on, be liable to; to make a bargain for; to betroth, affiance. (Gram.) To unite into one long vowel or diphthong, — said of concurrent vowels. — v. i. To be drawn together or reduced in compass; to make an agreement, cov- enant, bargain. [1 . contracter, L. contrahere, -trac- tum, fr. con and trahere, to draw.] — Con'tract, n. An agreement between parties, imposing obligations and conferring rights upon each; covenant; com- pact; stipulation; obligation; a formal writing con- taining such agreement. (Gram.) A word in which concurrent vowels are contracted. [F.] — Contract '- ed, p. a. Drawn together; narrow. — Contracfedly, adv. — Contract'edness, n. — Contract'ible, -I-bl, a. Capable of contraction. — Contracfibleness, -ibil / '- ity, n. Quality of being contractible. — Contract''- ile, -il, -ive, -iv, a. Tending to contract. — Contrac- tility, n. The inherent quality by which bodies shrink or contract. — Contraction", n. Act of, or state of being, etc. (Math.) Process of shortening any operation. Anything in a state of abbreviation. (Gram.) The shortening of a word, by uniting con- current vowels or omitting a vowel or syllable. — Contractor, -er, n. One who, etc.; esp. one who contracts to perform work upon specified terms. Contra-dance, kon'tra-dans, n. A dance in which partners are arranged in opposite lines, — written, corruptly, country-dance. [F. contre-danse.~\ Contradict, kon-tra-dikf, v. t. To assert the contrary of, gainsay, deny; to be contrary to, oppose. [L. contra and dicere, dictum, to speak.] — Contradict '- er, n. — Contradiction, n. An assertion of the con- trary to what has been said; opposition or repug- nancy; incongruity; contrariety. — Contradictious, -shus, a. Filled with contradictions; inclined to con- tradict. — Contradicfive, -iv, a. Contradictory. — Contradict 'ory, a. Affirming the contrary; imply- ing denial; inconsistent; repugnant. (Logic.) Op- posed in every possible respect. — n. A proposition which denies or opposes another in all its terms; contrariety ; inconsistency. — Contradictorily, adv. — Contradicforiness, n. Contradistinguish, kon-tra-dis-tin , 'gwish, v. t. [-tin- guished (-gwisht), -guishing.] To distinguish by contrast. [E. contra and E. distinguish, q. v.] — Con'- tradistinc Hon, ».— Con'tradistinc'tive, -tiv, a. Dis- tinguishing by, etc. Contraindication, kon'tra-in-dl-ka'shun, n. (Med.) A symptom or indication that forbids the treatment which the disease might suggest. Contralto, kon-tral'to, n. (Mus.) The part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices ; alto or counter-tenor; the voice or singer performing this part. — a. Pert, to, etc. [It. See Alto.] Contraposition, kon / tra-po-zish / 'un, n. A placing over against; opposite position. (Logic.) Conversion in particular propositions. Contrapuntal, -ist, etc. See Counterpoint. Contrary, konlra-rl, a. Opposite; different; contra- dictory; given to opposition; perverse; wayward. (Logic.) Opposed in quality only. — n. A thing of opposite qualities; a proposition contrary to another. [OF. contraire (trisyllabic), L. contrarius, fr. contra, against.] — Con'traries, -riz, n. pi. (Logic.) Propo- sitions opposed in quality only, but of which the falsehood of one does not establish the truth of the other. — Contrariety, -ri'e-tl, n. State or quality of being contrary; something contrary to, or inconsist- ent with, something else; discrepancy; repugnance. — Con'trarfly, -rl-ll, adv. — Contrariness, n. — Con'trariwise, -wiz, adv. On the contrary ; on the other hand; in a contrary order; conversely. Contrast, kon-trasf, v. t. To set in opposition, in order to show superiority or give effect. — v.i. To stand in opposition; exhibit contrast. [F. contraster, LL. contrastare, f r. L. contra and stare, to stand.] — Con'trast, n. Opposition of things or qualities; com- parison by contrariety of qualities. Contrastimulant, kon-tra-stim'u-lant, n. (Med.) An agent counteracting the effect of a stimulant, esp. one stimulant which acts as an antidote to another. — o. Antidotal to or counteracting, etc. Contratenor, kon'tra-ten-Sr, n. (Mus.) A middle part between tenor and treble; counter-tenor; contralto. Contravallation, kon / tra-val-la , shun, n. (Fort.) A trench with a parapet, formed by besiegers between their camp and the place besieged. Contravene, kon-tra-ven''. v. t. [-vened (-vend'), -vening.] To meet in the way of opposition, come in conflict with, contradict, nullify, obstruct, op- £ose. [LL. contravenire, -ventum, to break a law, fr. ,. contra and venire, to come.] — Contraven'er, n. — Contraven'tion, -ven'shun, n. Act of, etc. Contraversion. See under Controvert. Contretemps. koN-tr-toN', n. An unexpected acci- dent, creating confusion; mishap. [F.; contre (L. contra) and temps (L. tempus), time.] Contribute, kon-trib'ut, v. t. To give to a common stock or for a common purpose. — v.i. To give a part, furnish a portion, lend assistance. [L. con and iribuere, tributum, to pay.] — Contrib / 'utor, -tgr, n. — Contrib^utable, a. — Contribution, n. Act of, etc.; thing contributed. (Mil.) Imposition levied on a conquered people. (Law.) Payment, by several jointly liable, of their shares of a loss by one of the number, or payment by him for all, with reference to their common liability. — Contrib , utive, -tiv, a. Tending to contribute; contributory. — Contrib'- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Sdd, tone, Or ; CONTRITE 113 CONVEY utory, a. Contributing to the same purpose; pro- moting the same end. — Contrib'utary, a. Paying tribute to the same sovereign. Contrite, kon'trit, a. Broken down with grief or pen- itence; repentant; humble; sorrowful. [L. contritus, thoroughly bruised, later, penitent, p. p. of conte- rere, fr. con and terere, to rub, grind. See Trite.] — Contritely, adv. — Con'triteness, n. — Contrition, -trish'un, n. State of being contrite; deep sorrow for sin; compunction; self-reproach; remorse. Contrive, kon-trlv', v.t. [-TRivED(-trivd'), -triving.] To form by exercise of ingenuity, devise, invent, plan, concert, plot. — v. i. To make devices, plan. [OF. controver, to find, fr. con and trover (F. trou- ver), to tind, f r. LL. tronare, to invent, devise.] — Contriver, n. — Contriv'able, a. — Contriv'ance, n. Act of, etc.; thing contrived; an act of cunning; scheme; invention; project; artifice; shift. Control, kon-trol', n. Orig., a register kept to check another register ; that which serves to check, re- strain, or hinder; power to check; restraining influ- ence; direction; superintendence. — v. t. [-trolled (-Hold'), -trolling.] To restrain, govern, over- power, counteract. [Formerly written comptrol and controul.\ [Corrupt, fr. ME. conter-rolle, OF. contre- rdle, duplicate roll or register, L. rotulus. See Roll.] — Control 'lable, a. — Controller,^*. One who, etc. — Controller, Comptroller, kon-trol'er, n. An officer appointed to keep a counter register of accounts, or to control or verify the accounts of other officers. — Control'lership, n. Office of, etc. — Control'ment, n. Power or act of controlling; state of being, etc. Controversy, kon'tro-ver-sY, n. Maintenance of opin- ions discordant with those of others ; dispute; de- bate; wrangle; quarrel; hostility. [L. controversia, a dispute, f r. contra and vertere, versum, to turn.] — Controvert, v. t. To make matter of controversy ; to contend against, contest; to debate, deny. — Con'- troverter, -vertist, -ver'sialist, -ver'shal-ist, n. One who, etc. ; a disputant ; polemic. — Controvertible, a. Capable of being, etc. — Controvert'ibly, adv. — Controversial, -shal, a. Pert, to, etc. ; disputa- tious. — Controversially, adv. — Contraver'sion, n. A turning to the opposite side ; antistrophe. Contumacy, kon'tu-ma-sT, n. Persistent obstinacy ; stubborn perverseness. {Law.) "Willful contempt of, and disobedience to, lawful summons or rules of court. [L. contumacia, fr. contumax, -macis, stub- born ; perh. s. rt. temnere, to contemn.] — Contuma- cious, -ma'shus, a. Exhibiting contumacy ; con- temning authority. {Law.) Willfully disobedient to summons or orders of a court. — Contumacious- ly, adv. — Contuma'ciousness, n. Contumely, kon'tu-me-lT, n. Rudeness compounded of haughtiness and contempt ; reproach. [F. con- tumelie, L. contumelia ; perh. s. rt. contumax.'] — Con- tumelious, -lt-us, a. Overbearingly contemptuous ; insolent ; reproachful. — Contume'liously, adv. — Contume'liousness, n. Contuse, kon-tuz', v. t. [-tused (-tuzd'), -tusing.] To beat, pound, or bray together ; to bruise by beat- ing. [L. con and tundere, tusum, to Druise, Skr. tud, to strike.] — Contusion, -zhun, n. Act of or state of being, etc. Conundrum, ko-nun'drum, n. A sort of riddle in which some odd resemblance between unlike things is proposed for discovery ; a puzzling question, . whose answer involves a pun. [Perh. corrupt, of L. conandum, thing to be attempted, fr. conari, to attempt.] Conusance, Conusant. Same as Cognizance, etc. Convalesce, kon-va-les', v. i. [-lesced (-lest'), -les- CING.] To recover health and strength after sick- ness. [L. cojivalescere, fr. con and valere, to be strong.] — Convalescence, -sens, -cency, n. Recov- ery, etc. ; state of a body renewing its vigor after sickness. — Convalescent, a. Recovering, etc. — n. One recovering, etc. — Convales'cently, adv. Convection, kon-vek'shun, n. Act or process of con- veying or transmitting. (Physics.) A process of transmission, as of heat or electricity, by currents in fluids. [L. con and vehere, rectum, _to carry.] Convene, kon-ven', v. i. [-vexed (-vend'), -ventbtg.] To come together, meet m the same place, assemble, unite. — v. t. To cause to assemble, call together, convoke ; to summon judicially to meet or appear. [F. convenir, fr. L. con and venire, ventum, to come.] — Conven'able, a. — Conven'er, n. — Convenient, -yent, a. Adapted to an end; fit; becoming; afford- ing convenience ; commodious. — Conveniently, adv. — Convenience, -yens, -iency, n. State of be- ing, or that which is, convenient ; an accommoda- tion. — Content, n. A community of recluses de- voted to a religious life ; a body of monks or nuns; a house occupied by such a community ; abbey ; monastery; nunnery. — Convent'ual, a. Pert, to, etc. — Conventicle, -T-kl, n. An assembly, esp. for pub- lic worship. — Conventlcler, -Y-kler, n. One who supports or frequents, etc. — Convention, n. Act of coming together ; arbitrary custom ; usage ; an assembly of delegates for a deliberative purpose; an informal or preliminary compact, as hetween belligerents, etc. — Conventional, a. Formed by agreement ; stipulated ; growing out of, or depend- ing on, custom ; sanctioned by usage. — Conven- tionally, adv. — Conventionality, n. State of being, etc. — Conventionalism, -izm, n. What is estab- lished by convention or informal agreement. — Con- ventionalist, n. One governed by, etc. ; one who adheres to a convention or treaty. — Conven'tion- ary, a. Pert, to a convention. Converge, kon-verj', v. i. [-verged (-vend'), -ver- ging.] To tend to one point, incline and approach nearer together. [L. con and vergere, to turn.] — Conver'gent, a. Converging. — Conver'gence, -gen- cy, -jen-sl, n. Quality of, etc. Converse, n. and a. See under Convert. Converse, kon-vers', v. i. [-versed (-versf), -vers- ing.] To keep company, or have familiarity ; to commune ; to talk familiarly, chat. [F. converger, fr. L. conversari, to live with any one, orig. pass, of conversare, to turn round, freq. fr. con and vertere, versum, to turn.] — Con' verse, n. Familiarity; talk; conversation. — Convers'er, n. — Conver'sable, a. Qualified for conversation ; sociable. — Conver'sa- bleness, n. — Conver'sably, adv. — Con'versant, a. Having customary intercourse ; familiar by use or study ; versed ; having concern or relation. — Con- versation, n. Familiar intercourse ; close acquain- tance ; informal talk : discourse ; colloquy ; confer- ence. — Conversa'tional, a. Pert, to, etc.; colloquial. — Conversationalist, -tionist, n. One who excels in, etc.— Conver'sative, -tiv, a. Relating to intercourse with men ; social. — Conversazione, kon'var-sat'se- o'na, n. ; pi. -ONI, -o'ne. A meeting or company for conversation, esp. on literary subjects. [It.] Convert, kon-vert', v. t. To change from one form, substance, religion, party, use, etc., to another ; to turn, transmute, appropriate. — v. i. To be turned or changed ; to undergo a change, be transmuted. [L. convertere, -versum, to turn round, change.] — Con'vert, n. One converted from one opinion or practice to another ; esp. one who turns from sin to holiness; proselyte; neophyte; pervert. — Convert'- er, n. One who, etc. (Mech.) A retort in which iron is decarbonized and converted into Bessemer steel. — Convertible, a. Capable of being, etc. ; transmutable ; transformable; capable of heing ex- changed or interchanged ; reciprocal. — Convert'- ibleness, -ibil'ity, n. — Convert'ibly, adv. — Con- vertend', ?i. (Logic.) A proposition submitted to the process of conversion, — or of being made the converse. — Con' verse, -vers, n. (Logic.) A propo- sition produced by interchanging the terms of an- other. (Math.) A change in the form of a propo- sition, inverting its order and making the conclu- sion the premise. — a. Turned about ; reciprocal. — Con'versely, adv. — Conver'sion, n. Act of changing from one condition to another ; transmu- tation ; change from one side, party, etc., to another. (Law.) An appropriation of property. (Logic.) Act of interchanging the terms of a proposition. (Math.) A change of the form of a proposition. (Mil.) A change of front. (Theol.) A radical change of heart or moral character. Convex, kon'veks, a. Rising or swelling into a roundedform. — n. Aconvexbody. SeeLEXs. [L. conrexus, fr. convehere, to bring together.] — Con'- vexly, adv. — Convex'edness, -vex'ity, -vexness, n. State of being convex ; exterior surface of a con- vex body. — Convex'o-con'cave, a. Convex on one side, and concave on the other. — Convex'o-con'vex, a. Convex on both sides. — Convex'o-plane, a. Con- vex on one side, and plane on the other. Convey, kon-va', v. t. [-veyed (-vad'), -veyixg.] To carry from one place to another ; to transfer to an- other, make over ; to impart or communicate. [OF. conveier, convoier, to convey, convoy, conduct, fr. L. con and via, a way.] — Convey'er, n. — Convey'- able, a. — Convey'ance, n. Act of conveying ; transmission ; transference ; instrument or means of conveying. (Law.) A written instrument by sun, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, 8 ?et. CONVICT 114 COPPER which property or title is conveyed from one to an- other. — Convey'ancer, n. {Law.) One who draws up conveyances of property. — Convey'ancing, n. {Law.) Act or practice of, etc. — Convoy', v. t. f-voYED (-void'), -voying.] To accompanv for pro- tection. — Con'voy, n. Act of, etc. ; a protecting force accompanying ships or property ; the ship or fleet protected; property convoyed; a drag or brake upon wheels of a vehicle when going down hill. Convict, kon-vikf, v. t. To prove guilty of an of- fense charged ; to pronounce guilty, as by legal decision ; to show by proof ; to confute, convince, confound. [L. eo« and vincere, vidian, to conquer.] — Con'vict, n. One proved guilty of crime ; male- factor ; felon ; criminal. — Convi'c'tion, n. Act of proving, finding, or adjudging guilty ; act of con- vincing of error ; confutation ; state of being con- vinced, esp. of being convicted of sin, or by one's conscience. — Convicfive, -iv, a. Fitted to, etc.— Convince'', v. t. [-vinced (-vinsf), -vincing.] To overcome by argument, satisfy by proof, persuade, convict. — Convin'cer, -ser, n. — Convin'cible, a. — Convincingly, adv. Convivial, kon-viv't-al, a. Relating to an entertain- ment ; festal ; jovial ; social ; gay. [L. convivium, a feast, fr. con and vivere, to live.] — Conviviality, n. Good humor or mirth attending festive occa- sions. — Conviv'ially, adv. — Convive, kox-vev', n. A boon companion. [F.] Convoke, kon-vok', v. t. [-voked (-vokf), -yoking.] To call together, summon, assemble, convene. [L. con and vocare, -catum, to call.] — Convocation, n. Act of, etc.; assembly or meeting. {Church, of Eng.) A general assembly of the clergy, by their repre- sentatives, to consult on ecclesiastical affairs. Con- gregation; congress; convention; synod; council. Convolve, kon-volV, v. t. [-volved (-volvd''), -volv- ing.] To roll or wind together, twist. [L. con and volvere, volutum, to roll.] — Con'volute, -lut, a. {Bot.) Rolled together, or one part on another. — Convoluted, a. Curved or rolled together. — Con- volu'tion, n. Act of rolling or winding together, or one thing on another; state of being, etc. — Convol- vulus, n. ; pi. -vuli, -vu-li. {Bot.) A genus of plants comprising many species ; bind-weed. [L.] Convoy. See under Convey. Convulse, kon-vuls'', v.t [-vuLSED(-vulsf),-vuLsiNG.] To draw or contract violently and irregularly, as the muscular parts of the body; to agitate, disturb, rend. [L. con and vellere, vulsum, to pluck.] — Con- vul'sion, -shun, n. {Med.) Unnatural contraction of the muscular parts. Any violent and irregular motion ; commotion ; disturbance ; spasm. — Con- vul'sive, -siv, a. Producing, or attended with, etc. — Convulsively, adv. Cony, ko'nT or kun'i. n. A rabbit. [Perh. E. ; D. konijn, Dan. kanin, G. kaninchen, rabbit ; perh. fr. OF. connil or connin, fr. L. cuniculus, rabbit, Skr. khan^to dig.] Coo, koo, v. i. [cooed (kood), cooing.] To make a low sound, as pigeons. [Onomat.] Cook, kdok, v. t. [cooked (kot>kt), cooking.] To Erepare, as food for the table, by boiling, roasting, aking, broiling, etc. ; to concoct, tamper with, alter. — v. i. To prepare food for the table. — n. One who, etc. [AS. coc, fr. L. coguere, to cook, coquus, a cook.] — Cookery, -er-i, n. Art or practice of, etc. Cooky, kdok'T, n. A small, thin, sweet cake. [D. koek, cake,^lim. koekje.] Cool, kool, a. Moderately cold ; producing coolness ; calm, or free from excitement by passion ; dispas- sionate ; self-possessed ; manifesting coldness or dis- like; chilling ; negligent of propriety in minor mat- ters ; impudent. — n. A moderate state of cold. — v. t. [cooled (koold), cooling.] To make cool or cold ; to moderate the excitement of ; to allay, as passion; to calm, moderate. — v.i. To become less not ; lose heat ; to become less ardent or more mod- erate. [AS. col D. koel, Dan. kbl, G. l~uhl.] — Cool- er, n. That which cools or abates heat or excite- ment; a vessel in which liquors, etc., are cooled. — Cool'ish, a. Somewhat cool. — Cool'ly, adv. In a cool manner. — CooKness, n. State of being cool ; moderate cold; want of ardor, zeal, affection, etc. ; calmness; indifference. — CooK-headed, a. Having a temper no_t easily excited ; free from passion. Cooly, -lie, kooli, n. An East Indian porter; a la- borer transported from the East, for service else- where^ [Hind, and Tartar kuli, laborer.] Coom, koom, n. Dirty, refuse matter, as that in boxes of carriage-wheels or at the mouth of ovens. [Cf. G. kahm, D. kaam, mold gathered on liquids, F. cambouis, cart-grease.] Coomb, Comb, koom, n. A dry measure of 4 bushels, or half a quarter. [AS. cumb, D. kom, G. kumpf, hol- low vessels, fr. LL. cumba, stone tomb or trough, Gr. kiinibe, bowl, boat; s. rt. cup.'] — Coomb, Coombe, koom.jra. A valley on the declivity of a hill. Coop, koop, n. A barrel or cask; a grated box or in- closure for_small animals, esp. poultry. — v. t. [cooped (koopt), cooping.]- To confine in a coop, orin a narrow compass; to crowd, confine, imprison. [AS. cijpa, basket, D. kuip, tub, Ic. kupa, cup, bowl, G. kufe, coop, tub, fr. L. cupa, tub, Gr. kupe, hole, hut, Skr. kupa, pit, hollow ; s. rt. cup, q. v.] — Cooper, kdop- or koop r er, n. One who makes barrels, tubs, etc.— v. t. To do cooper's" work upon.— Coop r - ery, -X, n. Trade of, etc. — Coop'erage, -ej, n. Price paid for cooper's work; place where cooper's work is done; business of a cooper. Cooperate, ko-op^er-at, v. i. To act or operate jointly with another. [L. con and operare, -atum, to work.] — Coop'era'tion, n. Act of, etc.; concurrent effort or labor. — Cooperative, -tiv, a Operating jointly. — Coop'orator, -ter, n. Coordinate, ko-dr'dl-nat, a. Equal in rank or order; not subordinate. — v. t. To make coordinate, or equal in rank; to harmonize. — n. A person or thing of the same rank with another, pi. {Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by which the posi- tion of a point is defined with respect to fixed lines, or planes, called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. [L. con and ordinare, -atum, to arrange.] — CoSr /, dinately, adv. — Codr / dina / 'tion, n. State of being, etc.; act of harmonizing different parts or ob- jects. — Cobr'dinative, -tiv, a. {Gram.) Express- ing orjndicating coordination. Coot, koot, n. A short-tailed water-fowl, frequenting lakes and still waters; a stupid fellow; simpleton. [D. koet, W. cwtiar, lit. bob-tailed hen, fr. cwta, docked, and iar, hen, cwtau, to shorten; s. rt. ait.] Cop, kop, n. The conical ball of thread formed on a spindle. [ W., a tuft. See Cob.] Copaiba, ko-pa'ba, -va, -va, n. {Med.) A resinous juice, of a bitterish, pungent taste, from a tree of Spanish America. [Sp. and Pg., fr. Brazil, ciqiauba.] Copal, ko'pal, n. A resinous substance from 2 East India and S.Amer. trees — used in manufacture of varnishes. [Sp., fr. Mexican copalli, resin.] Copang, ko'pang, n. A Japanese gold coin, worth nearly $11. Coparcenary, ko-par'se-na-rt, n. {Law.) Partnership in inheritance; joint heirship. [See Paecenary.] — Copar r cener, n. A joint heir. — Coparceny, -nT, n. An equal share of an inheritance. Copartner, ko-parfne'r, n. A joint partner; associate; partaker. — Copartnership, n. Joint interest or con- cern; an unincorporated business association. Cope, kop, n. A covering for the head; anything ex- tended over the head, as the vault of the sky; a sacerdotal cloak. {Founding.) The top part of a flask. [Variation of cape, q. v.] — Copying, n. (Arch.) The highest course of masonry in a wall. — Cope''- or Copying-stone, n. Head or top stone, in a wall, etc. Cope, kop, v. i. [coped (kopt), coping.] To strive, contend, esp. on equal terms or with success; to match, equal. — v.t. To match one's self against. [D. koopen, to buy, bargain; s. rt. AS. ceapian, to cheapen. See Cheap.] Copeck, -pek. See Kopeck. Copernican, ko-per'nl-kan, a. Pert, to Copernicus, a Prussian astronomer who taught the solar system now received. Copier. See under Copy. Copious, ko^pt-us, a. Large in quantitv or amount; abundant; rich; full; exuberant. [OF. copieux, L. copiosus, fr. copia, plenty; prob. fr. con and rt. of opes, riches.] — Co'piously, adv. — Co'piousneBB, n. Copper, kop^per, n. A metal of reddish color, ductile, malleable, and tenacious; a coin, also a vessel, esp. a boiler, made of copper. — v. t. [coppered (-perdX -PERING.] To cover or sheathe with copper. [D. koper, G. kupper, F. cuivre, LL. cuper, L. cuprum (contr. fr. Cuprium ses, Cyprian brass), fr. Gr. kup- rios, pert, to Cyprus, whence the Romans got cop- per.] — Cop'pering, n. Act of covering with, or a covering of, etc.— Cop'perish, -pery, -T, a. Contain- ing or like, etc. — Cop'per-head, n. A poisonous American serpent, which gives no warning of its at- tack. — plate, n. An engraved plate of polished copper; a print from such a plate. — smith, n. One who manufactures copper utensils. — worm, n. A am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, tSrm ; tn, ice ; Sdd, t5ne, Or } COPPICE 115 CORN small worm, which penetrates the bottoms of ships; the ring : worm. — Cop'peras, n. Sulphate of iron, or green vitriol; a green salt, of a styptic, astringent taste. [OF. coperose, peril, fr. L. cii/iri rosu, copper- rose; ci. Gr. chalkanthos, copperas, lit. brass-flower.] Coppice, kop'pis, Copse, kops, n. A wood of small growth; underwood; brushwood. [OF. copeiz, newly cut wood, fr. coper, to cut, fr. cop (F. coup), a blow, stroke, LL. colpns, L. colaphus, Gr. kolaphos, a blow.] — Copse, v. t. To trim or cut, as brushwood. Coprolite, kop'ro-lit, n. (Geol.) Petrified dung of ani- mals. [Gr. kopros, dung, and lithos, stone.T — Cop- rolific, a.— Coproph/agous, -rof'a-gus, a. Feeding on dung. [Gr. phagein, to eat.] — Copropb/agan, n. A beetle which lives upon the dung of animals. Copt, kopt, n. A descendant of the ancient Egyptians; an Egyptian Christian, esp. of the ancient Mono- physite church. [Ar. kibti, pi. kibt, an Egyptian.] — Cop'tic, a. Pert, to, etc. — n. The language of, etc. Copula, kop'u-la, n. (Logic.) The word uniting the subject and predicate of a proposition. [L., for co- apula, fr. con and rt. of apere, to join, Gr. haptein.] — Cop'ulate, -lat, v. t. To unite in sexual embrace. [L. copulare, -latum, fr. copula.'] — Ccpula'tion, n. Act of coupling; coition. — Cop 'illative, -tiv, a. Serv- ing to couple. {Gram.) Uniting the sense as well as the words. — n. (Gram.) A copulative conjunction. — Cop'ulatory, -to-rl, a. Pert, to, etc.; copulative. Copy, kop'T, n. A writing like another writing; trans- ecript; book printed according to the original: one of a series of repetitions of an original work. (Print.) Manuscript, etc., for the compositor. Anything to be imitated ; a model ; pattern. — v. t. [copied (kop^id), copying.] To write, print, engrave, etc., after an original; to imitate, transcribe, model after. — v. i. To do a thing in imitation of something else. [F. copie, copy, also abundance, fr. Jj.copia, plenty. See Copious.] — Cop^ier, -yer, -T-er, -yist, n. One who, etc. ; a plagiarist. — Cop'y-book, n. A book containing copies for learners to imitate. — hold, n. (Fug. Law.) A tenure of estate by copy of court roll; land held in copy-hold. — hold'er, n. One pos- sessed of land in copy-hold. — Cop'ying-press, n. A machine for taking, by pressure, a copy of manu- script recently written. — Cop'yright, -rit, n. An author's exclusive right to print, publish, and vend his own works, for his own benefit, during a certain time. — v. t. To secure by copyright, as a book. Coquette, ko-kef, n. A vain, trifling woman, who en- deavors to attract admiration, andgain matrimonial offers, intending to reject her suitor. [F., fern, of coquet (dim. of coq), a little cock, i. e. vain as a cock, strutting.] — Coquet', v. t. To attempt to attract notice, admiration, or love, with a view to disap- point. — v. i. To trifle in love. [F. coqueteri] — Co- quefryj -rt, n. Affectation of amorous advances; trifling in love. [F. coquetterie.] — Coqueftish, a. Practicing coquetry; befitting a coquette. Coquina, ko-ke'na, n. A soft whitish stone, formed of shells, found in Florida, etc. [Sp., shell-fish.] Coracle, kor'a-kl, n. A boat used in Wales, made by covering a wicker frame with leather or oil-cloth. [W. corwgl, dim. of corwg, a trunk, carcase, civrwg, frame, boat.] Coracoid, kor'a-koid, n. (Anat.) A small, sharp pro- cess of the shoulder-blade, shaped like a crow's beak. — a. Shaped like a crow's beak. [Gr. korax, crow, and eidos, form.] Coral, kor'al, n. The solid secretion of zoophytes, produced within the tissues of the polyps, consist- ing almost purely of carbonate of lime; a piece of coral; spawn of the lobster, which has the color of coral. [OF.; L. corallum or -Hum, Gr. korallion.] — Cor'alline, -lin, a. Consisting of, like, or contain- ingcoral. — n. (Bot.) A submarine, calcareous plant, consisting of many-jointed branches, resembling moss; a piece of certain minute corals, growing in moss;like form; a red coloring matter obtained by treating phenol with sulphuric and oxalic acids. — Cor'alloid, -loidal, a. Formed or branching like, etc. [Gr. eidos, form.] Corb, k6rb, n. A basket used in coaleries. (Arch.) An ornament in building; corbel. [L. corhis, basket.] Corban, kOr'ban, n. An alms-basket. (Jewish Antiq.) An offering or sacrifice devoted to God; vow by which one bound himself not to give to, or receive from another, some particular object. [Heb. qorban, offering to God, Ar. qurban, sacrifice, victim.] — Corb, ». Alms-basket. Corbeil, Corbel, kSr'bel, n. (Arch.) A bracket of stone, Corbel. wood, or iron, often carved in the form of a basket, head, etc., pro- jecting from a wall to support a cornice, parapet, end of an arch,^ or other structure or mass ; the [ vase or tambor of the Corinthian column; a niche. — Cor^bel, v. t. To furnish with corbels. [OF. cor- bel, F. corbe.au, fr. It. & LL. corbella, little basket, dim. fr. L. corbis, basket; also F. corbeilte, fr. L. corbicula.] Cord, k6rd, n. A strinsr, or small rope; a solid meas- ure, equivalent to 128 cubic feet; a pile 8 ft. long, 4 ft. high, and 4 ft. broad, — orig. measured with a cord. — v. t. To bind with a cord; to pile up, as wood, for sale by the cord. [F. corde, LL. corda, L. chorda, cord, Gr. chorde, string, orig. of gut.] — Cord'age, -ej, n. Ropes or cords,— used collectively. — Cordelier, kord'le-a or k6r de-ler', n. One of the religious order of St. Francis; a Gray friar; one of a violent Jacobin party during the French Revo- lution. [F., a twist of rope.] — Cordeliere, -lyar', n. A black, knotted silk handkerchief. [F.] — Cordon, k6r r doN or kQi'don, n. A ribbon borne as a badge of honor. (Arch.) The edge of a stone on the out- side of a building. (Fort.) The projecting coping of the scarp-wall. (Mil.) A series of military posts. [F.] — Corduroy, kor'du-roi, n. A thick cotton stuff, corded or ribbed on the surface. [Prob. for F. corde du rot, king's cord.] — Corduroy road. A roadway having logs laid side by side across it, as in marshy places, — so called from its ribbed surface. Cordate, k&r'dat, -dated, a. (Bot.) Having the form of a heart. [OF. and L. cor, heart.] — Cor r dately, adv. In a cordate form.— Cordial, kdr'dl-al or k6r r - jal, a. Proceeding from the heart; hearty; sincere; affectionate; tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate. — n. Anything that comforts and exhilarates. (Med.) That which invigorates, esp. medicine which does so. (Com.) Aromatized spirit, employed as a bever- age. [F.] — CordiaKity, n. Sincere affection and kindness; warmth of regard; heartiness. — Cor'di- ally, adv. — Cor'dialness, n. Cordovan, kSi-'do-van, n. Spanish leather, or goat- skin tanned and dressed; cordwain. [Sp., from Cor- dova, or Cordoba.] — Cordwainer, kSrd'wan-er, n. A worker in cordovan leather; shoemaker. [E. cord- wain, corrupt, of Cordovan.] Core, kor, n. An ancient Hebrew dry measure; a homer. [Heb. cor.J Core, kor, n. The heart or inner part of a thing, esp. of fruit. (Founding.) The internal mold which, forms a hollow in casting. — v. t. [cored (kord), coring.] To take out the core or inward parts of. [OF. and L. cor, heart.] — Corner, n. Corespondent, ko-re-spond'ent, n. A joint respond- ent; one associated with another in a suit, as in an action of crim. con. Coriaceous, ko-rf-a'shus, a. Consisting of or resem- bling leather; leathery. [L. corium, leather.] Coriander, ko-rt-an^der, n. A plant whose seeds are considered in medicine as stomachic and carmina- tive. [F. coriandre, L. coriandrum, Gr. koriannon, fr. koris, bug, fr. the bug-like smell of the seeds.] Corinthian, ko-rin / 'thT-an, a. Pert, to Corinth. (Arch.) Pert, to the Corinthian order of architecture, pro- fusely ornamented. See Capital. Cork, k6rk, n. The outer bark of the cork tree, of which stoppers are made; a stopper for a bottle, jug, etc. — v. t. [corked (korkt), corking.] To stop or furnish with cork. [Sp. corcho, D. kurk, Dan. and Sw. kork, fr. L. cortex, -ticis, bark.] — Corked, k6rkt, a. Tasting of the cork, — said of wine. — Cork'y, -T, a. Of or pert, to, etc. — Cork'-jacket, n. A jacket having pieces of cork inclosed within can- vas, used to aid in swimming, — -screw, n. A screw for drawing corks from bottles. Cormorant, kSr'mo-rant, n. A voracious web- footed sea-bird, of the pelican family ; a glut- ton, or gluttonous ser- vant. [F. cormoran, fr. Sp. cuervo marino, L. corvus marinus, sea- crow.] Corn, k6rn, n. A single -as seed of certain plants, as wheat, rye, bailey, and maize; a grain; the various cereal or fari- naceous grains growing Cormorant. sun, cube, full ; moon, fo"6t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxboN, chair, get. CORN 116 CORRECT in ears, and used for food ; in Scot., oats ; in the U. S., maize, or Indian corn ; plants which produce corn ; a small, hard particle ; a grain. — v. t. [corned (k6rnd), corxixg.] To preserve with salt in grains, cure by salting ; to form into small grains, granulate ; to feed with grain : to render intoxicated. [AS.; Ic, Dan., Sw., G. korn; L. granum.~\ — Corn'y, -T, n., Producing or containing, etc. ; tasting well of malt. — Corn'-broom, n. A broom made from the tops of sorghum or broom- corn, whose stalks resemble Indian corn. — cob,?;. The spike on which the kernels of Indian corn grow. cock'le, n. A weed having bright flowers. — crake, n. A bird frequenting corn-fields, the land-rail. shelter, n. One who, or a machine which, separates kernels from the cob. — shuck, n. The husk covering Indian corn. starch, n. A preparation fr. maize used in puddings, custards, etc. Corn, korn, n. A hard, horn-like induration of the skin, esp. on the toes. [F. come, LL. corna, fr. L. cornu, horn; s. rt. horn.] — Corneous, -us, a. Horn- like ; of a horny substance. — Corn'y, -Y, a. Strong, stiff, or hard, like a horn. — Cor'nute, -nuted, a. Grafted with horns ; horn-shaped. Cornea, kSr'ne-a, n. (Anat.) The strong, horny, transparent membrane forming the front part of the eye ball. See Eye. [L., fr. cornu.] Cornel, kdr'nel, n. A shrub and its fruit ; dog-wood. [F. cornille, LL. corniola, L. cornus, fr. corna, horn, because of the Jiardness of the wood.] Cornelian, k6r-neKyan, n. A kind of chalcedony. TOften spelled caimelian.] [F. cornaline, Pg. corne- lina, It. corniola, G. carneol, fr. \i. cornu, horn, from its semi-transparent, horny appearance.] Corner, kdr'ner, n. The point where converging lines meet ; angle ; space between converging lines or walls which meet; an inclosed or retired place ; a part ; an embarrassed position. (Stock Exchange.') The condition of a stock or commodity when a future delivery, in excess of the amount in the market, has been undertaken by parties who are therefore compelled to settle with the buyers at ficti- tious rates ; a scarcity of a commodity, created for the purpose of increasing profits. — v. t. [corxered (-nerd), -xerixg.J To drive into a corner, or into a position of difficulty or necessary surrender ; to get control of, — said of stocks. [OF. cornier, LL. corneria, corner, angle; akin to L. cornu, horn, pro- jecting point.] — Cornerstone, re. The stone at the corner of two walls, uniting them ; esp. the stone at corner of the foundation of an edifice ; that which is indispensable. — Cor'nerwise, adv. Diagonally; with the corner in front; from corner to corner. Cornet, kSr'net, re. (Mus.) A wind instrument blown with the mouth ; a species of trumpet ; a certain organ stop or register. A cap of twisted paper, used Dy grocers. (Mil.) The standard-bearer in a caval- ry troop. [F., dim. of corne, L. cornu, horn.] — Cor / '- netcy, -sT, n. Office of a cornet. — Cor /P net-a-pis /r - ton, n. A brass wind instrument, like the French horn, with valves moved by pistons. [F.] Cornice, kftr'nis, n. (Arch.) A molded projection finishing the part to which it is affixed. [OF. and It.; LL. comix, -ids, fr. LL. coronix, frame, Gr. kor- onis, cornice, lit. crooked; s. rt. L. corona, q. v.] Cornish, k6rn / 'ish, a. (Geog.) Pert, to Cornwall, Eng. — n. The dialect or people of, etc. Cornucopia, kSr-nu-ko'pY-a, n. ; pi. -yim, -pT-e. The horn of plenty, overflowing with fruits and flowers, — an emblem of abundance. [L. cornu, horn, and copia, plenty.] Corol, kor'ol, Corolla, ko-roKla, n. (Bot.) The inner part of a flower, surrounding the organs of fructification and composed of leaves, called petals. [L., a little crown, garland, dim. of corona, q. v.] — Cor'ollate. -lated, a. Like, or having, corollas. — Corollary, -la-ri, n. That which follows over and above a proposition demonstrated; an in- ference; deduction; consequence. [L. cor- ollarium, a present of a garland, hence a gratuity, additional inference.] Corona, ko-ro / ha, n. ; pi. -~8M, -ne. (Arch.) A large, flat member of a cornice. (Anat.) The upper surface, as of a tooth. (Astron.) Corolla. A luminous appearance surrounding the moon during a total eclipse of the sun. a ' PfV^" (Bot.) A crown-like margin of the top of Petalea ; a flower ; an appendage at the top of "' J^-Pf, some petals or seeds. (Meteorol.) A circle, petaled. around a luminous body, as the sun or moon; a phase of the aurora borealis, formed by convergence of luminous beams around a point in the heavens. [L., garland, wreath, fr. Gr. korone, curved end of a bow, koronis, -nos, curved.] — Coronal, a. Pert, to the kingly crown, or to coronation, or to the crown or top of the head, or (Astron.) to the corona. — n. A crown ; garland ; the frontal bone. — Coronary, -na-rT, a. Pert, to, or resembling a crown. — re. A small bone in a horse's foot. — Corona'tion, n. Act or solemnity of crowning a sovereign. — Coroner, n. An officer of the law appointed to inquire into the manner of a violent death. [LL. coronator, lit. one who crowns.] — Coronet, n. An inferior crown worn by noblemen ; an ornamental head dress. (Far.) The upper part of a horse's hoof. [F., dirru of OF. corone, crown.] — Corc'nis, ru (Gr. Gram.) A sign of contraction ['] placed over a word. Corporal, kdr'po-ral, n. (Mil.) The low- Coronet. est officer of an infantry company. (Naut.) An officer under the master at arms. [Corrupt, fr. F. caporal, It. caporale, a chief, corporal, LL. capora- lis, commander, fr. It. capo, L. caput, head.] — Cor / '- poralship, n. Office of, etc. Corporal, kdr'po-ral, a. Pert, to the body ; having a body or substance; not spiritual; material; bodily. — re. (Eccl.) A linen cloth, to cover the elements in the eucharist. [F. corporel, L. corporalis, bodily, fr. L. corpus (OF. corps, cors), body.] — CorporaKity, n. State of being, etc. — Corporally, adv. — Corpo- rate, a. United in an association, and endowed by law with rights and liabilities of an individual ; in- corporated ; pert, to a corporation. — Cor'porately, adv. In a corporate capacity. — Corporation, n. A body politic or corporate, authorized to act as a single person, and with the capacity of a perpetual succession. — Corporator, n. A member of a cor- poration. — Corpo'real, a. Having a body; consist- ing of a material body or substance ; material. — Corporeally, adv. — Corpo'reaKity, -re'lty, re. Materiality. — Corpo'realism, -izm, re. The doctrine that body is the only real existence ; materialism. — Corpo'realist, n. One who denies the reality of spiritual existences ; a materialist. — Corps, kor, pi. korz, n. sing. 8z.pl. A body of men, esp. of troops ; an organized division of an army. — Corps-d'armee, kor / dar / ma / ', n. A portion of a grand army possessed of all constituents of an independent army. [F., body of the army.] — Corpse, k6rps, Corse, k6rs, re. The dead body of a human being. — Corse'let, re. A light breastplate. (Entom.) The part of a winged insect answering to the breast of other animals. [F.] — Cor'set, n. An article of women's dress, inclos- ing the waist ; stays. — v. t. To inclose in, etc. [F.] — Corsage, -sej, re. The boddice of a woman's dress. [F.] — Corpulent, a. Having an excessive quantity of flesh; fat; pursy; obese. [F.; L. corpu- tentus.] — Cor'pulently, adv. — Corpulence, -lency, -si, n. Fatness. — Corpus Chris'ti, -kris'ti. (Eccl.) A festival of the church of Rome, kept on Thursday after Trinity Sunday, in honor of the eucharist. [L., body of Christ.] — Corpuscle, kSr'pus-l, re. A minute particle, or physical atom. (Anat.) An ani- mal cell. [L. corpusculum, dim. of corpus.] — Cor- puscular, -la'rian, a. Pert, to, or composed of, etc. — Corpus r cule, n. A corpuscle. Corposant, k6rpo-zant, re. A flame-like appearance seen at the mast-head and yard-arms of ships on tempestuous nights. [It. corpo santo, holy body.] Corradiate, kor-ra'dl-at, v. t. To concentrate to one point, as light or rays. [L. con and radiare, -atum, to radiate, q. v.] — Corra'dia'tion, n. Corral, kor'ral, n. A yard or inclosure, esp. for cat- tle, etc. [Sp., fr. corro, a ring, circle, fr. L. currere, to run.] — Corral', v. t. To surround and inclose ; to pen, as cattle. Correct, kor-rekt / ', a. Conformable to truth, recti- tude, propriety, etc. ; free from error ; accurate ; ex- act ; regular. — v. t. To make or set right ; to bring to the standard of truth, justice, etc. ; to reprove or punish for faults; to obviate or remove, counteract or change, rectify, emend, punish, chasten. [L. cor- rigere, -rectum, fr. con and regere, to lead straight.] — Correct'ly, adv. — Corrector, -er, re. — Correct'- ness, n. — Correc'tion, n. Act of correcting; emen- dation of errors; change for the better, amendment; punishment; discipline; what is substituted in the place of what is wrong; counteraction of what is in- convenient. — House of correction. A house where am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, tSrm ; In, Ice ; Qdd, tone, or ; CORRELATE 117 COSMOS disorderly persons are confined; a bridewell. — Cor- rectional, -rec'tive, -tiv, a. Tending, or having power, to comer.— Correc'tive, /;. That which has, etc. — CorrecOively, adr. — Corrigendum, -rt-jen'- dura, n.; pi- -gen da, -da. A word or thing to be corrected. [L., fut. pass. p. of corrigere.] — Cor'ri- gible, -rT-jT-bl, a. Capable of being, etc.; deserving chastisement. — Cor'rigibleness, n. Correlate, kor-re-laf, v. i. To have reciprocal or mu- tual relations; to be mutually related. — v. t. To bring into mutual relation ; to make, or regard as, coincident. JX. con and E. relate, q. v.] — Correlat- ion, n. Reciprocal relation. — Correlative, -tiv, a. Having or indicating, etc. ; reciprocal. — n. One who, or that which, stands in a reciprocal relation to some other. ( Gram.) The antecedent of a pronoun. — CorrelOtively, adv. Correspond, kor-re-spond', v. i. To be adapted, be congruous ; to have intercourse or communication, esp. by letters ; to agree, fit, write. [L. con and E. respond, q. v.] — Correspondent, a. Having or in- dicating correspondence ; suitable ; congruous; con- formable. — n. One who corresponds ; one with whom intercourse is carried on by letters. — Corre- spondOntly, -ingly, adv. In a corresponding man- ner; suitable. — Correspondence, -ency, n. Mutual adaptation of one thing to another ; congruitv ; fit- ness ; friendly intercourse ; esp. by letters ; letters between correspondents. — CorrespbnOive, -siv, a. Answerable : adapted. Corridor, kor'ri-dor, n. (Arch.) A passage-way to apartments independent of each other. [F.; It. cor- ridore, fr. correre, L. currere, to run.J Corrigendum, Corrigible, etc. See under Correct. Corrival, kor-ri'val, n. A fellow-rival ; competitor ; co-rival. — a. Ha vingopposing claims; emulous. Corroborate, kor-robO-rat, v. t. To make more cer- tain, confirm. [L. con and ronorare, to strengthen, fr. rdbur, hard wood. See Robust.] — Corroborant, a. Strength-giving; confirming.—??. (Med.) A medicine which, etc. — Corrob'oraOion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; confirmation. — Corroborative, -tiv, a. Corroborating ; confirmatory. — n. A corrobo- rant. — Corroboratory, -to-rt, a. Corroborative. Corrode, kor-rod', v. t. To eat away or consume by de- grees; to canker, gnaw, rust, wear away. [F. corroder, fr. L. con and rodere, rosurn, to gnaw. See Rodent.] — Corrodent, a. Any substance that corrodes. — Corrod'ible, -roOible, a. Capable of being, etc. — CorroOion, -zhun, n. The eating away by slow de- grees, as by the action of acids on metals. — Corro''- sive, -siv, a. Eating away ; having the power of gradually wearing, consuming, or impairing ; acri- monious; fretting or vexing. — n. That which, etc. — Con-osive sublimate. Bi-chloride of mercury, a virulent acrid poison. — Corro'sively, adv. — Corro'- siveness, n. Corrugate, korOob-gat, v. t. To form or shape into wrinkles or folds. — a. Shaped into wrinkles ; fur- rowed; contracted. [L. con and rugare, to wrinkle, fr. ruga, wrinkle.] — CorrugaOion, n. A contrac- tion into wrinkles. — Cor'rugant, a. Able to, etc. Corrupt, kor-rupf, v. t. To change from soundness to putrescence; to putrefy; to change from good to bad, vitiate, debase, entice, bribe. — v. i. To be- come putrid or tainted, rot; to become vitiated, lose purity. — a. Changed, etc.; spoiled; tainted; de- praved; perverted. [L. con and rumpere, ruptum., to break in pieces. See Rupture.] — Corruptly, adv. — Corrupter, n. — Corruptible, a. Capable of being, etc. — n. That which may decay and perish; the human body. — Corrupfibleness, -ibillty, n. Susceptibility of corruption. — Corruptibly, adv. — Corrap'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; prod- uct of corruption; putrid matter; putrescence; de- filement; contamination. (Law.) Taint or impurity of blood, by which one is disabled from inheriting or transmitting any estate. — Corruptive, -iv, a. Having the quality of corrupting. — CorruptOess, n. Corsage, Corse, Corselet, etc. See under Corporal. Corsair, kSrOar, n. A pirate ; piratical vessel. [F. OOrsaire, Proven, corsari, one who makes the corsa, Proven, and It. corsa, course, cruise, L. cursus, fr. currere, to run. See Course.] Cortege, kftr'tazh', n. A train of attendants. [F., fr. It. corteggio, train, fr. corte, court, q. v.] Cortes, kfirles, n. pi. The legislative bodies of Spain and Portugal, composed of nobility, clergy, and rep- resentatives of cities. [Sp. and Pg. corte, court.] Cortex, k6r1eks, n.; pi. -tices, -ti-sez. Bark of a tree; outer covering. (Med.) Peruvian bark. (Anat.) a. Pert, to the crow or raven. [L. Co-secant, Co-tan- gent. A membrane covering any part of the body. [L.] — Corlical, -ti-kal, a. Pert, to, consisting of, or re- sembling, bark or rind; external. — Corlicate, -ca- ted, a. Having or resembling, etc. — Corticiform, -tis'i-fSrm, a. Resembling bark. [L. forma, form.] — Corlicose, -kos. -cous, -kus, a. Resembling or made of bark. — Corlicino, -tT-sin, n. A carpeting material made of ground cork and India rubber. Corundum, ko-ruii'dum, n. (Mm.) The earth alumina, as found in a crystalline state. [Hind, kurand.] Coruscate, korlis-kat o/» ko-rus'kat, v. i. To throw off vivid flashes of light; to glitter, gleam, sparkle. iL. coruscare, -catwn, to vibrate, glitter; pern. s. rt. j. currere, to run.] — CorusOant, a. Flashing. — Corusca'tion, a. A flash of light or of intellectual brilliancy; blaze; radiation. Corvet, k6r'vet, Corvette, kor-vef, n. (Xaut.) A sloop of war, ranking below a frigate, and carrying not more than 20 guns. [F. corvette, Sp. and Pg. corveta, corvette, fr. L. corbita, a ship of burden, fr. corbis, basket.] Corvine, kSr'vin, corvus, crow.] Corybant, kor't-bant, n. ; E. pi. -basts; L. pi. -bas- tes, -tez. A priest of Cybele. [Gr. korubas, -bantos.] — Corybanlic, a. Madly excited, like priests of Cy- bele, when celebrating her rites. Corymb, korlmb, n. (Bot.) An inflorescence, in which the lesser flower-stalks rise to the same height, form- ing an even surface. [L. corymbvs, Gr. korumhos.] — Corymbose, ko-rimOos or kor'-, a. Consisting of, or resembling, etc. Corypheus, kor'T-felis, n. The chief or leader of a Greek dramatic chorus ; any chief or leader. [L. coryphaeus, Gr. korupliaios, fr. koruphe, head.] Co-secant, ko-seloint, n. (Geom.) The secant of the complement of an arc or angle. In the fig- ure, AD is the secant of the arc CE, and the co-secant of the complement of that arc, or BE. [For co. secans = comple-_ menti secans, secant of the com-" plement. See Secant.] — Co''- sine, -sin, n. The sine of the complement of an arc or angle. In the figure, BF is the sine of the arc CF, and the co-sine of EF, the complement of that arc. [For co. sinus. See Sine.] — Co-tan'gent, n. The tangent of the complement of an arc or angle. In the figure, CD is the tangent of the arc CE, and the co-tangent of EB, the comple- ment of that arc. [For co. tangens. See Tangent.] Cosey, Cosily. See Cozy. Cosmetic, koz-metlk, -ical, a. Improving beauty, esp. of the complexion. — Cosmetic, n. An exter- nal application, to improve the complexion. [F. cosmetique, fr. Gr. kosmetikos, skilled in decorating, fr. kosmos. See Cosmos.] Cosmos, koz'mos, n. The universe, — so called from its perfect arrangement ; the system of law, har- mony, and truth combined within the universe. [Gr. kosmos, order, also, the world, universe.] — Cos /P - mic, -mical, a. Pert, to the universe, and having reference to universal law or order; pert, to the solar system as a whole. (Astron.) Rising or setting with the sun; not acronycal. — CosOnically, adv. With the sun at rising or setting. — CosmogOny, -nT, n. Science of the formation of the world or universe. [Gr. genein, to bring forth.] — CosmogOnist, n. One versed in, etc. — Cosmoglaphy, -fT, n. Description of the world or universe, including the figure and relation of its parts, and manner of representing them on a plane. [Gr. graphein, to describe.] — Cos- moglapher, n. One versed in, etc. — Cosmograpb/- ic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. — CosmolOgy, -jT, n. Sci- ence of the world or universe; or a treatise on its structure and parts. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Cos- molOgist, ??. — Cosmoplas'tic, a. Pert, to the for- mation of, etc. [Gr. plassein, to form.] — Cosmopol- itan, -mopOlite, -lit, n. One who has no fixed resi- dence, but is at home in everyplace; a citizen of the world; one who regards the interests of mankind rather than of his own class or country ; a liberal. [Gr. polites, a citizen.] — Cosmopolitism, -lT-tizm, n. Condition or character of a cosmopolite. — Cosmo- rama. -ra/ma, n. An exhibition, through a lens, of drawings of different parts of the world. [Gr. hor- ama, a sight, f r. horan, to see.] — Cosmoram 1c, a. BC Co-sine. sun, cube, full ; moon, fot)t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. COSSET 118 COUNTENANCE Pert, to a cosmorama. — Cosmotheism. -the'izm, re. The philosophical system which identifies God and the universe; pantheism. [Gr. theos, god.] — Cos- mothefic, a. (Metaph.) Assuming the actual ex- istence of the physical world. [Gr. tithenai, to place.] Cosset, kos'set, n. A lamb reared by hand; a pet. — v. t. To fondle, pet. [It. casiccio, fr. casa, house.] Cost, kost, n. Amount paid for anything; charge; ex- pense; whatever, as labor, self-denial, suffering, etc., is requisite to secure benefit; loss of any kind; det- riment; suffering, pi. (Law.) Expenses in litiga- tion.— v. t. [cost, costing.] To require to be given, expended, or laid out for ; to require To be borne, cause to be suffered. [OF. coster, to cost, L. constare, to stand together, consist, cost, fr. con and stare, to stand.] — Cost'ly, -IT, a. Of great cost; expensive; sumptuous. — Costliness, n. Costal, kos'tal, a. Pert, to the side of the body or ribs. [L. costa, rib.] Costard, kos'tard, n. A large apple; the head, fr. its shape. [ME., fr. OF. coste, a rib, this kind of apple being ribbed or ridged.] — Cos'tard- or Cos'ter-mon- ger, -mun.' r ger, n. An apple-seller; peddler of fruit. Costeaning, kos'ten-ing, n. Process by which miners seek lodes. [Corn, cothas and stean, dropped tin.] Costive, kos^tiv, a. Retaining fecal matter in the bow- els; constipated. [Corrupt, fr. F. constipe, fr. L. con- stipare, -patum. See Constipate.] — Cos'tiveness, n. Unnatural detention, etc. Costume, kos-tum ,r or kos'tum, re. An established manner or style, esp. of dress; adaptation of acces- sories, as in a picture, poem, etc., to the circum- stances described. [F. and It.; LL. costuma ; s. rt. custom.'] — Co3turfl /r er, re. A dealer in, etc.; esp. in fancy costumes for balls, theaters, etc. Cot, kot, Cote, kot, n. A small house; cottage; hut; also, a shed or inclosure for beasts; a cover for a eore finger. — Cot, Cott, kot, n. A sleeping place of small size; a little bed; cradle; folding bedstead. [AS. cote, D. and Ic. kot, G. koth, LL. cota, cot, hut; 8. rt. coat.] — Cofbetty, -bet-tT, -quean, -kwen, re. A man who busies himself with women's affairs. — Cots'wold, -wold, n. Sheep-cotes in an open coun- try. — Coftage, -tej, n. A small dwelling; cot; hut. — Coftager, Cofter, n. One who lives in a cottage. Co-tangent. See under Co-secaxt. Cotemporaneous, etc. See Contemporaneous. Coterie, ko-te-re'', n. A set of persons who meet famil- iarly; a club. [OF. coterie, LL. coteria, a tenure of land by cotters (F. cottiers) who clubbed together.] Cotillon, Cotillion, ko-tiKyun, n. A dance of 8 per- sons; quadrille; tune regulating the dance. [F., lit. a petticoat, fr. cotte, coat, frock.] Cotter, kofter, n. A wedge-shaped piece of wood, iron, etc., for fastening the parts of a structure; a key. [Perh. corrupt, fr. cutter.] Cotton, koftn, n. The fibrous down enveloping the seeds of the cotton-plant; thread or cloth made of cotton. — a. Made of, etc. — v. i. To rise with a regular nap. [F. and Sp. coton, Ar. gutn, qutun.] — Cotton flannel. A twilled cotton fabric, with a long plush nap; Canton flannel. — C. velvet. Velvetwhose warp and woof are of cotton, and the pile of silk. — Cotton^y, -T, a. Downy; soft, like cotton; contain- ing, or like, cotton; cheap looking.— Cof ton-gin, -jin, n. A machine to separate the seeds from cot- ton. plant, n. A plant of several r^, ^ species, growing in warm climates, and bearing the cotton of commerce. — -seed, n. The seed of, etc., — yielding oil and oil-cake. — waste, n. The ref- use of cotton factories. wood, n. (Bot.) An American tree of the pop- lar kind. — wool, n. Cotton in its raw state. Cotton, koftn, v. i. To unite together, agree, adhere. [W. cyteno, to consent, coincide.] rw+™ ^lo^t- Cotyledon, kot-Y-le'don, n. (Bot.) A cotton-plant, seed-lobe of a plant, which involves and nourishes the embryo plant, and then perishes. [Gr. kotuleilon, fr. kotule, a cup; perh. s. rt. hut.] — Cotyled'onal, a. Having the form of, etc. — Cotyled'onous, -nus, a. Pert, to, etc.; having a seed-lobe. Couch, kowch, v. t. [couched (kowcht), couching.] To lay down or deposit; to compose to rest; to put in language, phrase, state. — v. i. To lie down, as on a bed, repose; to lie down for concealment, hide; to bend the body, as in reverence, pain, labor, etc. — n. A place for rest or sleep; a layer of barley pre- pared for malting. (Painting, Gilding, etc.) A pre- liminary layer, as of color, size, etc. [OF. coucher, colcher, to place, L. collocare, to place together, fr. con and locus, a place.] — To couch a cataract. (Surg.) To depress it by means of a needle in order to its removal. — To c. a spear, or lance. To place the butt in the projection on the side of armor called the rest, so bringing it into position for attack. — Couch/ant, a. Lying down; squatting. (Her.) Lying down with the head raised, — said of a lion or other beast. — Couch'er, re. — Couch'-grass, n. A species of grass which extends rapidly its creeping roots. Cougar, koo'gar, n. (Zobl.) A species of panther found in southern N. Amer. ; also the puma or S. Amer. lion. [F. couguar, S. Amer. dialects, cuguacuara, cuguacuarana.] Cough, kawf , re. A violent effort of the lungs to throw off irritating matter. — v. i. [coughed (kawft), coughing.] To expel air from the throat or lungs with force or noise. — v. t. To expel from the lungs by a cough, eject by a cough, expectorate. [Ais. hwostan, D. kv.gchen, MHG. kuchen, to cough.] — Cougher, kawfer, n. Could, kdbd, imp. of can. See Can. Coulter. Same as Colter. Council, kown'sil, re. An assembly for consultation or advice; congress; diet; convention; convocation. [F. concile, L. concilium, f r. con and calare, to call.] — Coun'cil-man, n.;pl. -men. A member of a coun- cil, esp. of the common council of a city. — Couns- ellor, -er, n. A member of a council. Counsel, kown'sel, n. Mutual advisement, instruc- tion, or interchange of opinions; exercise of delib- erate judgment; result of consultation; deliberate purpose; one who gives advice, esp. in legal matters; collectively, the legal advocates united in the man- agement of a case. — v. t. [counseled (-seld), -sel- ing.] To advise, admonish, or instruct; to recom- mend. [OF. conseil, consel, fr. L. consilium, deliber- ation, fr. consulere, to consult, q. v.]— To keep coun- sel. To hold a purpose, etc., as a secret. — Coun'- selor, -er, n. One who, etc.; an adviser; one who is consulted and gives advice on questions of law; a barrister. — Coun'selorship, n. Count, kownt, v. t. To number, enumerate, reckon, compute; to consider as belonging to one, esteem, ascribe. — v.i. To number or be counted; hence, to swell the number, add strength or influence; to depend, rely. (Law.) To plead" orally, —n. Act of numbering, or amount ascertained by numbering; reckoning. (Law.) A statement of a plaintiff's case in court. (Crhn. Law.) One of several charges in an indictment. [OF. cunter, confer, fr. L. compu- tare, to reckon ; same as compute.] — Counter, kown'ter, re. One who counts, or keeps an account; that which indicates a number; a piece of coin- shaped metal, wood, etc., used in reckoning; a table on which money is counted, and goods laid for ex- amination by purchasers. — Count'er-jump'er, n. A salesman in a shop. — Count'able, a. — Countless, a. Innumerable. — Count'ing-house, -room, n. Place for keeping accounts, etc., and transacting business. Count, kownt, re. A nobleman in Europe, equal in rank to an English earl. [OF. conte, comte, fr. L. comes, -itis, a companion, count, fr. con and ire, Hum, to go, Skr. i.\ — Count-palatine. Orig., the judge and highest officer of German kings, after- ward of German emperors and archdukes; later, an officer delegated by German emperors to exercise certain imperial privileges. — Countless, re. The consort of an earl or count. — Coun'ty, -tT, re. Orig. an earldom; a territorial division of a state, for pur- poses of administration, justice, etc. ; a shire. — County corporate. A count}' invested with particu- lar privileges by charter, grant, etc. — C. court. A court having jurisdiction over a county. — C. pala- tine. In Eng., one having particular privileges, — so called a palatio (from the palace), because the owner had originally royal powers in administering justice. — C.town. A town where the county busi- ness is transacted; shire town. Countenance, kown'te-nans, re. Appearance or ex- pression cf the face; aspect; mien; the face; fea- tures ; encouraging aspect ; favor ; aid. — v. t. [-nanced (-nanst), -xaxcixg.] To encourage by a favoring aspect; to sanction, approve, support. [OF. contenance, L. continentia, fr. continere, to con- tain, maintain, comport one's self.] — Out of counte- nance. "With the countenance cast down; not as- sured; confounded; abashed. — To keep the c. To preserve a composed look. — Coun'tenancer, re. Sm, fame, far, pass or opera, f&re ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; 8dd, tone, 6r ; COUNTER 119 COUPLE Counter. See under Count, v. t. Counter. kown'tSr, a. Contrary; opposite. — adv. Contrary; in opposition; in an opposite direction. [This word is prefixed to many others, chiefly verbs and nouns, expressing opposition.] — n. (Xaut.) An arched 6pace in the stern of a vessel. (Mas.) Coun- ter-tenor. (Far.) That part of a horse between the shoulders and under the neck. The back-leather or heel part of a boot; heel stiffening of a shoe. [F. contre, L. contra, against, fr. con and rt. of trans, beyond.] — Coun'ter-tim'ber, n. (Xaut.) A timber in "the stern of a vessel, strengthening the counter. Counteract, kown-ter-akf, v. t. To act in opposition to, hinder, defeat, frustrate. — Counterac'tion, n. Action in opposition; resistance. — Counteract'ive, -iv, a. Tending to, etc. Counterbalance, kown-ter-baKans, v. t. [-balanced (-anst), -ancing.J To oppose with an equal weight; act against with equal power or effect; countervail. — n. Equal opposing weight; equivalent. Counter-brace, kown'ter-bras, n. (JS'aut.) The brace of the foretopsail on the leeward side of a vessel. Counterchange, kown-ter-chanj', v. t. To exchange; reciprocate. — Coun'terchange, n. Exchange; re- ciprocation. Countercharm, kown-ter-charm / ', v. t. To destroy the effect of a charm upon. — Coun'tercharm, n. That which dissolves or opposes, etc. Countercheck, kown-ter-chek', v. t. To oppose, check. — Coun'tercheck, n. Check; stop; rebuke. Counter-deed, kown'ter-ded, n. (Law.) A writing which destroys, invalidates, or alters a public deed. Counterdraw, feown-ter-draw', v. t. [imp. -drew; p. p. -drawn; -drawing.] To copy, as a design, by tracing upon some transparent substance, through which it appears. Counter-extension, kown'ter-ex-ten'shun, n. (Surg.) Fixation of the upper portion of a limb while ex- tension is practiced on the lower portion, as in cases of fracture or luxation. Counterfeit, kown'ter-fit, v. t. To put on a sem- blance of, esp. for a bad purpose; to imitate without right, and to deceive or defraud; to forge. — v. i. To dissemble, feign. — a. Having resemblance to; fabricated to defraud by passing the false copy for genuine; false, spurious, hypocritical. — n. "That which, etc. ; a likeness; counterpart; one who per- sonates another; an impostor; cheat. [OF. contre- fait, p. p. of contrefaire, fr. contre and faire, L. facere, to make.] — Coun'terfeiter, n. One who, etc.; esp. one who forges bank-notes or coin; a forger. — Coun'terfeitly, adv. By forgery; falsely. Counter-gage, kown'ter-gaj, n. (Carp.) A method of measuring joints, by transferring. Counter-guard, kown'ter-gard, n. (Fort.) A low work before the salient point of a bastion, to pre- serve the bastion. Counter-indication, kown'ter-in'dT-ka'shun, n. (Med.) Any symptom which forbids the use of a particular remedy in disease. Counter-irritate, kownfer-ir'n-tat, v. t. (Med.) To produce counter-irritation in. — Coun^ter-ir'ntant, n. That which, etc. — Coiin' ter-irrita'tion, n. Ir- ritation excited in one part of the body to relieve ir- ritation in another part. Counter-jumper. See under Count, v. t. Countermand, kown-ter-mand', v. t. To revoke, as a former command. — Coun'termand, n. Revocation of a former command. [F. contremander, fr. contre and mander, to command, L. manrfare.] Countermarch, kown-ter-march', v. i. (Mil.) To march back, or in reversed order. — Coun'ter-march, n. A marching back. (Mil.) A change of the wings or face of a oattalion. Counter-mark, kown'ter-mark, n. An additional mark on goods, to afford security or proof. (Far.) An artificial cavity made in the teeth of horses when the crown is worn smooth, to disguise their age. — Countermark'', v. t. To apply, etc. Counter-mine, kown'ter-min, n. (Mil.) A gallery under ground, from which to destroy the mines of the enemy; means of counteraction. — Counter- mine'', v. t. (Mil.) To oppose by a counter-mine. To frustrate by secret and opposing measures, —v. i. To make a counter-mine or counter-plot. Counterpane, kown'ter-pan, -point, n. A coverlet for a bed. TOF. cmdrepoinct, Dack-stitch or quilting- stitch, also a quilt, corrup. fr. coutrepoincter, to quilt; coutre = coute, qideute, a quilt, fr. L. culcita, cushion, quilt; LL. culcita puncta, stitched quilt, pungere,ptinctwn, to prick, stitch.] — Coun'terpane, n. (O. Law.) A counterpart. [OF. contrepan, a pledge, pawn, fr. contre a.\v\ pan, pawn.] Counterpart, kown'tgr-part, n. A part corresponding to another part; copy; duplicate; a thing that may be applied to another so as to fit perfectly, as a seal to its impression; hence a person or thing having qualities lacking in another; an opposite. (Mus?) The part arranged in connection with another. Counter-plea, kown'ter-ple, n. (Law.) A replication to a plea or request. Counterpoint, kown'ter-point, n. A cover for a bed. [See Counterpane.] — (Mus.) The art of composing music in parts, the setting of a harmony of one or more parts to a melody. [OF. contrepoinct, lit. point against point, — musical notes having been indicated by dots or points.] Counterpoise, kown-ter-poiz', v. t. To act against with equal weight, counterbalance. — Coun'terpoise, n. A weight sufficient to balance another; equal power acting in opposition; relation of two such forces; equilibrium; equiponderance. Counter-poison, kown'ter-poi-zn, n. A poison that destroys the effect of another. Counter-proof, kown'ter-proof, n. (Engraving.) A print taken off from another just punted, and there- fore a reverse of it. — Counterprove /r , -proov', v.t. To take a copy in reverse. Counter-revolution, kown'ter-rev-o-lu'shun, n. A revolution opposed to a former one, and restoring a former state of things. Counterscarp, kown'ter-skarp, n. (Fort.) The ex- terior slope of the ditch; the whole covered way, with its parapet and glacis. Countersign, kown'ter-sin, v. t. To sign in addition and opposite to the signature of a principal, — to at- test the authenticity of a writing. — n. The signa- ture of a secretary, etc., to attest authenticity. (Mil.) A private signal "or phrase, which must be given to pass a sentry. — Coun / 'ter-sig / nal, n. A correspond- ing signal. Countersink, kown'ter-sink, v. t. To form, as a de- pression, to receive the head of a screw or bolt be- low the surface; to cause to sink, as a screw or bolt, even with or below the surface. — n. A depression for receiving the head of a screw; a tool for forming such depression. Counter-tenor, kown'ter-ten'er, n. (Mus.) A middle part between tenor and treble. Counter-timber. See under Counter. Countervail, kown-ter-vaK, v. t. [-vailed (-valdOi -vailing.] To act against with equal force, power, or effect ; to thwart, balance, compensate. [F. contre and valoir, L. valere, to avail.] — Coun'ter- vail, n. Equal weight, strength, or value; compen- sation; requital. Countervallation, kown'ter-val-la'shun, n. (Fort.) A chain of redoubts around a fortress, to prevent sor- ties by the garrison; construction of such works. Cqunterview, kown'ter-vu, n. An opposite or oppos- ing view; opposition; contrast. Countess. See under Count, n. Counting-house, Countless, etc. See under Count, v. t. Country, kun'trf, n. A region; region of one's birth, residence, or citizenship; rural regions, as opp. to town; inhabitants of a region. (Law.) A jury, as representing the citizens of a country; one's con- stituents, or the public. — a. Pert, to the territory away from a city; rural; rustic; destitute of refine- ment ; rude. [OF. contree. It. and LL. contrada, f r. L. contra.] — Coun'trified, -trt-fid, a. Having the appearance and manners of, etc. ; uncouth. — Coun'try-dance, n. See Contra-dance. — man, n. ; pi. -men. An inhabitant or native of a region; a fellow-citizen; a dweller in the country, as opp. to the city; a rustic. — woman, n.; pi. -women, -wim / '- en. — seat, n. A dwelling in the country. County. _See under Count, n. Coupe, koo-pa r , n. A compartment in a French dili- gence, or in a railroad carriage ; a four-wheeled close carriage for two persons. [F., p. p. of couper, to cut.] Couple, kup'l, n. Two things of the same kind con- nected or taken together; a betrothed or married pair; brace. — v.t. [coupled (kupld), coupling.] To link or connect together, join; to unite as male and female, marry. — v. i. To come together as male and female, form a sexual union, embrace. [F., fr. L. copida, a bond, band. See Copula.] — Coup'ler, n. — Couplet, n. Two lines of verse that rhyme with each other. — Coupling, n. Act of bringing or coming together ; connection ; sexual sfin, cube, full ; moon, fot»t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. COUPON 120 COWARD union. Qlach.) That which couples one thing with another, as a hook, chain, etc. Coupon, koo'pon or -poN, n. {Com.) An interest cer- tificate attached to a transferable bond, to be cut off for payment when interest is due. [F., fr. cou- per, to cut.] Courage, kur'ej, re. The quality enabling one to en- counter danger without fear ; bravery ; daring ; firmness; resolution. [F., fr. OF. and L. cor, the heart.] — Coura'geous, -a'jus, a. Possessing, or characterized by, etc.; bold; hardy; enterprising. — Coura'geously, adv. — Coura r geousness^w. Courant, koo-ranf, -ran'to, re. A piece of music in triple time; a lively dance; a newspaper. [F. cou- rant, p. pr. of courir, to run, L. currere, cursum.~\ — Cou'rier, -rT-er, n. A messenger sent in haste, usu- ally on public business; an express; an attendant on travelers, who makes arrangements for them on the way. [F.J — Course, kors, re. Act of moving from one point to another; path traversed; motion considered with reference to its direction; line of progress ; progress from point to point without change of direction; also, one of a succession of motions in different directions considered as one act; orderly progress; methodical action; conduct; behavior; a succession of practices connectedly fol- lowed; part of a meal served at one time. {Arch.) A continued level range of brick or stones through- out the face of a building. %>l. The menstrual flux. (Naut.) The principal sails of a ship. See Sails. • — v. t. [couksed (korst), coursing.] To run, hunt, or chase after, pursue; to run through or over; to cause to run. — v. i. To run, as if in a race or in hunting. [OF. cours, L. cursus, fr. currere.~\ — In course. In regular succession. — Of c. By conse- quence ; in natural order. — Courser, n. One who, etc.; esp. a swift horse. Court, kort, n. An inclosed space; yard or area; resi- dence of a sovereign, nobleman, etc.; palace; per- sons composing the retinue of a sovereign, etc.; as- sembling of the retinue of a sovereign; attention to one in power; conduct designed to gain favor; po- liteness; civility. (Laiv.) A legal tribunal, includ- ing judges, jury, lawyers, sheriffs, etc.; the judge in a case, as disting. fr. the counsel. The session of a judicial assembly; any jurisdiction, civil, military, or ecclesiastical. — v. t. To seek the favor of, strive to please, pay court to; to seek in marriage, woo; to attempt to gain by address, solicit. [F. coin; OF. cort, curt, LL. cortis, court-yard, retinue, tribunal, L. cors, cortis, inclosure, cattle-yard.] — Court/er, n. — Courf-card, n. See Coat-card. — day, n. A day in which a court sits to administer justice.— -dress, n. A dress worn at court. — hand, n. The handwriting used in records and judicial proceed- ings. — house, re. A house in which courts are held. -leet, re. {Eng. Law.) A court of record held annu- ally, in a particular hundred, lordship, or manor, before the steward of the leet. — martial, -mar'shal, n. ; pi. Courts-martial. A court consisting of mil- itary or naval officers for trying offenses against military or naval law. — plas'ter, n. Sticking-plas- ter made of silk. — yard, re. An inclosure round a house. — Courteous, kerfyus, a. Of court-like or elegant manners; pert, to, or expressive of, courtesy; well-bred; polite; complaisant. — Courteously, adv. — Courfeousness, n. — Courtesy, kert'e-sT, re. Ele- gance of manners; act of civility or respect; urban- ity; affability; good-breeding; favor or indulgence, as disting. fr. right. — Courtesy, kerfst, n. A ges- ture of respect or civility by women. — v. i. [courte- Sied (-sid), -syixg.] To bow the body slightly, with bending of the knees,_as an expression of civility or respect. — Courtier, korfyer, n. One who frequents courts; one who courts favor. — Court'ly, a. Pert, to a court; court-like; high-bred; dignified and ele- gant; disposed to favor the great; fawning; obsequi- ous; sycophantic — Courtliness, re. High-breeding; elegance of manners. — Courfship, re. Act of solic- iting favor by complaisance or flattery; act of woo- ing in love. — Courtesan, kert'e-zan, n. Orig. a fol- lower of the court; a prostitute; harlot; strumpet. [Sp. cortesana, fern, of cortesano, pert, to the court, courteous, fr. corte, court.] Cousin, kuz'n, n. One collaterally related more re- motely than brother or sister; a title given by a king to a nobleman, esp. to one of the council. [F.; LL. cosinus, contr. fr. L. consobrinus, child of a mother's sister, fr. con and sobi~inus, cousin-german, fr. sostor, sister.] — Cousinly, a. Like or becoming a cousin. — Cous'inship, n. Relationship of, etc. — Cous'in- ger man. -jeVman, n. ; pi. Cousins-german. A first cousin; cou6in in the first generation. Cove, kov, re. A small inlet, creek, or bay; recess in the sea-shore ; a strip of prairie extending into wood- land; recess in a mountain side ; a boy or man. — v. t. {Arch.) To arch over. [AS. cqfa, chamber, cave, Ic. kofi, hut, cell, G. koben, cabin, pig-sty.] — Cov'- ing, re. {Arch.) Projection of the upper stories of a house over those beneath; jambs of a fire-place. Covenant, kuv'e-nant, n. A' mutual agreement in writing and under seal ; contract; stipulation; a writing containing terms of agreement. {Theol.) The promises of God as revealed in the Scriptures, conditioned on certain terms on the part of man, as obedience, repentance, faith, etc. {Law.) A form of action for violation of a contract. — v. i. To enter into a formal agreement, bind one's self by con- tract, agree, bargain, stipulate. — v. t. To grant or promise by covenant. [OF. convenant, covenant, p. pr. of ccmvenir, to agree, fr. L. convenire. See Con- vene.] — Covenanter, n. One who makes or sub- scribes a covenant. — Covenantor, n. {Law.) The party who makes a covenant. Cover, kuv'er, v. t. [covered (-erd), -ering.] To overspread or envelop; to brood or sit on; to hide from sight, conceal; to place under shelter, protect, defend; to extend over, be sufficient for, compre- hend or include, account for or solve, counterbal- ance; to copulate with, — said of the male; to keep under aim, or aim at point-blank. — re. Anything laid, set, or spread over another; an envelope; lid; thing which veils or conceals; screen; disguise; con- dition of concealment, shelter, or defense. {Hunt- ing.) "Woods, underbrush, etc., which shelter game. A table-cloth and furniture; esp. table furniture for one person at a meal. [F. covrir, couvrir, It. cop- rire, fr. L. cooperire, to cover, fr. con and operire, to shut, hide.] — Covered, -erd, p. a. Designed for concealment, shelter, etc. — Coverer, n. — Cover- let, re. The uppermost cover of a bed. [OF. covre- lit, fr. covrir, and lit, a bed, L. lectus.'] — Covert, a. Covered over: hid; sheltered. {Law.) Undercover, authority, or protection, as a married woman. — re. A place which covers and protects; shelter; defense; feathers covering the bases of birds' quills. [OF.] — Covertly, adv. Secretly. — Covert-bar'on, a. {Laiv.) Under the protection of a husband; married. — Coverture, -er-chur, n. Covering; shelter; de- fense. {Law.) Condition of a woman during mar- riage, — i. e., under the cover or protection of her husband. Covet, kuvet, v. t. To wish for eagerly, inordinately, or unlawfully; to long for, hanker after, lust after. [OF. coveiter, It. cubitare, L. cupere, to desire.] — Covetable, a. — Coveter, re. — Covetiveness, -iv- nes, re. {Phren.) Excessive desire of accumulating property ; acquisitiveness. See Phrenology. — Covetous, -us, a. Very desirous; excessively eager; avaricious; penurious; miserly. — Covetously, adv. — Covetousness, re. Covey, kuv'i, re. An old bird with her brood of young; a small flock of birds; a company; set. [F. couve'e, fr. couvi, p. p. of couver, to sit or brood on, fr. L. cvbare, to he down.] Covin, kuv'in, re. {Law.) A collusive agreement be- tween persons to prejudice another. [OF. covine, covaine, fr. convenir. See Covenant.] — Cov'tnous, -us, a. Deceitful; collusive; fraudulent. Cow, kow, re. ; pi. Cows ; old pi. Kike. The female of bovine animals. [ME. cm, cou, pi. ky, kye, and kin, kwyn; AS. cm, pi. cy, D. koe, Sw. and Dan. ko, Olr. and Ga. bo, L. 60s, Gr. 6oms, Skr. gu.~\ — Cow'- bird, re. The cow blackbird, an Amer. starling. — -catcb/er, re. A frame in front of a locomotive, to catch or throw off obstructions on the track. — herd, re. One who tends cows. — hide, re. The skin of cattle, or leather made from it; a whip made from it. — v . t. To beat with, etc. — lick, n. A tuft of hair turned up, — as if licked by a cow. — pox, re. {Med.) A disease which appears in pimples on the cow, the matter from which is used for vaccination, as preventive of small pox; kine-pox. — slip, re. A species of primrose, growing in moist places. [AS. cuslyp2>e, fr. cm and slyppe, dung.] — tree, re. A South American tree which yields a fluid like milk. Cow, kow, v. t. [cowed (kowd), cowing.] To depress with fear, sink the spirits or courage. [Ic. kuga, to tyrannize over, Dan. kue, to bow, subdue.] Coward, kow r ard, re. One who lacks courage; a timid or pusillanimous man; craven; poltroon; dastard. — a. Destitute of courage; timid; base; pert, to a cow- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; odd, tone, 6r ; COWER 121 CRANE ard: proceeding from, or expressive of, cowardice. [OF. couard. It. cotardo, fr. OF. coe. It. coda, L. cauda, a tail; perh. one who turns tail.] — Coward- ice, -is, n. "Want of courage. — Cow'ardly, -IT, a. Wanting courage; befitting a coward; timorous; pusillanimous; mean; base.'— adc. In the manner of, etc. — Cowardliness, n. Cower, kow'Sr, v. i. [-ered (-erd), -ering.] To sink by bending the knees; to crouch, esp. through fear. [Ic. and Sw. kura, Dan. kure, to doze, lie quiet.] Cowl, kowl, n. A monk's hood or habit; a cap for chimney-tops. [AS. cufle, Ic. kufl, kofl, L. cucullus, cap, hood; s. rt. L. scutum, a shield.] — Cowled, kowld, o. Wearing a cowl. (Bot.) Shaped like, etc. Cowl, kowl, n. A vessel for water, carried on a pole, or cowl-staff, between two persons. [OF. cuvel, cureau, dim. of cure, L. cupa, tub.] Cowry, kow'rt, n. A small shell, used for money in Africa and the East Indies. [Hind, kauri.] Coxalgia, koks-aKjt-a, -al'gy, -it, n. {Med.) Pain in the hip; hip-joint disease. [F. coxalgie, fr. L. coxa, hip, and Gr. algos, pain.] Coxcomb, koks'kom, n. A strip of red cloth notched like the comb of a cock, on the cap of a licensed fool; the cap itself : a vain superficial pretender to accomplishments; a fop. (Bot.) A plant producing red flowers like a cock's comb. [Corrupt, of cock's comb.] — Coxcombical, -comical, -kom'ik-al, a. Be- fitting a coxcomb; foppish. — Coxcomb^ically, adv. — Cox'combry, -kom-rt, n. The manners of, etc. Coxswain. See Cockswain, under Cockboat. Coy, koi, a. Shrinking from approach or familiarity; sny ; modest ; bashful. [OF. coi, coil, L.- quietus, quiet.fr. quies, rest.] — Coy^ish, a. Somewhat re- served. — Coy'ly, adv. — Coy'ness, n. Coyote, koi-ot*, n. The prairie wolf. [Sp., fr. Mexi- can coyotl.] Coz, kuz, n. A contr. of cousin. Cozen, kuz'n, v. t. [cozened (kuz'nd), -ening.] To cheat, beguile, deceive. [F. cousiner, to claim kin- ship for convenience, to sponge.] — Coz'enage, -ej, n. Practice of, etc.; artifice; trick. — Coz'ener, n. Cozy, Cosey, ko'zT, a. [cozier, coziest.] Snug; com- fortable; easy. — n. A woolen covering to retain heat in a tea-pot. [F. causer, to talk, chat, fr. G. kosen, OHG. choson.] — Co'zily, adv. Crab, krab, n. (Zo'61.) A crustaceous animal, having the body covered by a crust- like shell or carapax; it has ten legs, the front pair of which terminate in claws. (Bot.) A wild apple ; the tree producing it, — named from its astringent taste. (Mech.) A crane for moving heavy- weights, esp. ships. [AS. crab- ba, Sw. krabba, Ic. krabbi, Dan. and G. krabbe, D. krab, L. carabus, Gr. karabos, crab; D. krabben, L. scalpere, to scratch.] — Crab '-apple, n. A small, sour kind of apple. [Sw. krabbapleT] — tree, n. The tree bearing, etc. — -louse, n. A kind of louse infesting the human body. — Crab'bed, a. Harsh; rough; peevish; morose; difficult; perplexing; cramped or scrawled, — said of handwriting. [D. kribben, to quarrel, be cross, fr. krabben (above), kribbig, peev- ish; Ic. krab, a crabbed hand, krabba, D. krabbelen, to scrawl, scribble.] — Crab'bedly, adv. — Crab'bed- nesB, n. Crack, krak, v. t. [cracked (krakt), cracking.] To break without entire separation of the parts; to fis- sure; to rend with grief or pain, distress, disorder, derange; to cause to sound abruptly and sharply; to snap; to utter smartly and sentehtiously; to cry up, extol. — v. i. To be fractured without quite sepa- rating; to go to pieces, be ruined or impaired; to utter a loud or sharp, sudden sound. — n. A partial separation of parts, etc.; a chink; crevice; a sound as of anything suddenly rent; craziness of intellect; insanity. — a. Of superior excellence. [AS. cear- cian, D. kraken, G. krachen, Ga. cnac, to crack; D. krak, G. krach, Ga. crac, a crack.] — Crack'-brained, -brand, a. Impaired in intellect. — Crack'er, n. One who, or that which, cracks; a small firework, ex- ploding with a sharp noise; a kind of hard biscuit. — Crackle, krakl, v. i. To make slight cracks, or small, abrupt, snapping noises, frequently repeated. [Freq. of crack.] — Crackle, CracS'lin, n. A kind of china, having the glaze or enamel apparently cracked in all directions. — Crackling, n. Small, abrupt cracks or reports; rind of roasted pork. — Crab. Crack'nel, a. A kind of brittle biscuit. [F. craque~ Hit. D., krakeling.] Cradle, kra'dl. n. A rocking bed for infants ; place in which anything is nurtured or protected during immaturity; infancy. (Agric.) A light framework added to a scythe, to receive grain as cut, and lay it in swaths. (Engraving.) Ah instrument for pre- paring plates for mezzotints. (Ship-building.) A framework of timbers to support a vessel when out of water. (Surg.) A case for a broken bone. — r. t. [cradled (kra'dld), cradling.] To lay, or rock in a cradle; to nurse in infancy; to cut and lay with a cradle, as grain. — r. i. To lie or lodge, as in a cra- dle. (Mining.) A machine rocked by the hand for washing out auriferous earth. [AS. cradol, W. crtjd ; s. rt. L. crates, E. hurdle.] Craft, kraft, n. Dexterity in manual employment; the employment itself ;* a trade ; cunning, art, or skill; artifice ; guile. (Ifaut.) Vessels of any kind. [AS. crseft, Sw., Dan., and G. kraft; s. rt. cramp.] — Craffy, -I, a. Skillful at deceiving ; cunning ; sly ; shrewd. — Craffily, adv. — Craffiness, n. — Crafts 'man. n. : pi. -men. One skilled in a manual occupation ; an artificer ; mechanic. Crag, krag, n. A steep, rugged, broken rock. (Geol.) A partially compacted bed of gravel mixed with shells, of the tertiary age. [W. craig, Ga. and Ir. creag.] — Crag'ged, -gy, -gY, a. Full of, etc.— Crag'- gedness^ -giness, n. Crake, krak, n. (Ornith.) A species of rail frequenting corn, etc., whose cry is a grating croak. [Onomat.] Cram, kram, v. t. [crammed (kramd), cramming.] To stuff, crowd, fill to superfluity; to fill with food beyond satiety ; to qualify for examination by hasty preparation. — v. i. To eat greedily, stuff ; to make a hasty review of studies. [AS. crammian, to stuff, Ic. kremja, to squeeze. See Cramp.] Crambo, kram^bo, n. A play in which one gives a word, to which another finds a rhyme ; a rhyme. [Perh. fr. Cramp.] Cramp, kramp, n. A restriction or restraint ; an iron instrument to hold together timbers, stones, etc. ; a piece of wood on which the upper leather of a boot is stretched. (Med.) A spasmodic contraction of a muscle. — v. t. [cramped (krampt), cramp- ing.] To hold tightly pressed together, restrain from free action ; to form on a cramp, as boot legs ; to afflict with cramp. [Sw. and D. kramp, Dan. krampe, cramp; Sw. kramna, Dan. krampe, a cramp- iron ; D. krammen, G. krampen, to fasten with cramps; s. rt. cram, clamp, crimp, crumple, and perh. crab. See Clamp.] — Cramp'y, -t, a. Diseased with, or producing, cramp. — Cramp'-fish, n. (Ichth.) The torpedo, or electric ray, whose touch imparts a shock of electricity. — iron, n. A cramp; vise. — Cramp'- it, n. A metal tip of a sword-sheath ; a chape ; a cramp-iron. — Crampoons, -poonz', n. pi. Hooked ?ieces of iron, for raising heavy materials. (Mil.) ron points worn on shoes to keep a foothold, as in clinibing ramparts. [F. crampon.] Cran, kran, n. A measure by which fresh herrings are sold, holding about 37i gallons. [Ga. cvann.] Cranberry, kran'oer-rl, n. " A red, sour berry, used for making sauce, etc. [Corrup. of crane-beri^y, fr. its long stalk ; G. kranbeere, Dan. tranebser, Sw. tranbar. See Crane.] Cranch. See Craunch. Crane, kran, n. (Ornith.) A wading bird, having long bill, legs, and neck. A machine for moving heavy weights ; an arm turning on a vertical axis, for supporting kettles, etc., over a fire ; a si- phon, or bent pipe, for drawing liquors out of a cask. (Naut.) A piece of wood or iron with two arms, used, in pairs, to stow j spare spars in. — v. t. [craned (krand), craning.] To cause to rise; to raise, as if by a crane. — v . i. To stretch the neck in order to observe something ; to Crane, balk at a dangerous leap, etc., show timidity. [AS. cran, D. kraan, G. kranich, Dan. trane, Sw. trana, Ic. Irani, W., Corn., and Armor, garan, Gr. geranos, L. grus, crane (bird), also D. kraan ; Dan. and Sw. kran, G. krahn, Gr. geranos, crane (machine).] — Crane's'bill, n. (Bot.) The geranium, which has an appendage of the seed-vessel resembling the beak of a crane. (Surg.) Long-beaked pincers. — Cran' age, n. Right of using sQn, cube, full ; moon, fo~ot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CRANIUM 122 CREED Crane. a crane in loading ; price paid for the use. Cranium, kra'nT-um, re.,* pi. -nia, -a. (Anat.) The skull of an animal ; brain-pan. [L. ; Gr. kranion, skull, Lara. Skr. cira, the head.] — Cra'nial, a. Pert, to, etc. — CranioKogy, -jT, re. Science of the struc- ture of the skull, and its rela- tion to the faculties of the mind ; phrenology. [Gr. logos, discourse.]— Craniol'ogist, -jist, re. One versed in, etc. ; a phrenologist. — Cra'niolog/ical, a. Pert, to, etc. — Craniom / 'eter, re. An instrument for measuring skulls. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Crani- om'etry, -trT, re. Art of, etc., to discover their spe- cific differences. — Cranios^copy, -pT, re. Examina- tion of the skull, to discover the parts of the brain supposed to be the organs of particular faculties. [Gr. skopein, to view.] — Craniotomy, -mi, re. (Surg.) Opening of the fetal head to effect deliv- ery. [Gr. temnein, to cut.] Crank, krank, re. {Mach.) A bent axis, serving as a handle to communicate circular motion, or to change circular into reciprocating motion, or the reverse. A bend, turn, or winding ; a conceit con- sisting in a change of the form or meaning of a word ; a fit of temper ; a whim, absurd notion ; one full of cranks, or deranged. — a. ( Naut. ) Liable to careen or be overset, as a ship. Full of spirit; brisk; lively. [D. kronkel, a little bend, krengen, to careen, Dan. krienge, to heave down, lurch ; D. and G. krank, sick.] — Crankle, kran^kl, v. i. To run in a winding course ; to bend and turn. — r. t. To break into bends, etc.; to crinkle. — re. A bend ; crinkle. Cranny, kran'nT, re. A small, narrow opening ; fis- sure ; crevice ; chink ; a secret, retired place : hole. — v.i. To make crannies; to haunt or enter by crannies. [Dim. fr. F. cran, L. arena, a notch, Skr. krit, to cut.] — Cran'nied, -nid, a. Full of, etc. Crape, krap, re. A thin, transparent stuff, made of raw silk gummed and twisted, used for mourning garments. [F. crepe, fr. L. crispius, curled, crisped.] — Crap'y, -1, a. Resembling crape. Crapulent, krapli-leiit, -ulous, -lus, a. Sick from in- temperance. [L. crapula, sickness from, etc.] Crash, krash, v. t. [crashed (krasht), crashing.] To break to pieces violently.— v. i. To make a loud, clattering sound, as of many things breaking at once.— re. Mingled sound of things breaking. [Same as crack and craze ; Sw. krasa, Dan. /erase, to crackle.] Crash, krash, n. Coarse linen cloth. [See Crass.] Crass, kras, a. Gross ; dense ; coarse. [L. crassus, thick, fat, for crattus, closely woven.] — Crassi- tude, -T-tud, re. Grossness ; thickness. — Crass'a- ment, re. Thick part of a fluid, esp. of blood; a clot. Cratch, krach, re. A manger or open frame for hay; a crib. [F. creche, manger, OS. kribbia, E. crib.'] — Cratch-cradle. Form of the cratch, made upon the fingers with string; scratch-cradle, cat's-cradle. Crate, krat, re. A hamper of wicker-work, for crock- ery. TL. crates, a hurdle.] Crater, kraler, re. The aperture or mouth of a vol- cano. [L. and Gr., a bowl, fr. Gr. kerannimai, to mix.] — Craterlform, a. Cup-shaped. [L. forma, form.] Craunch, Cranch, kranch, v. t. [cRAUNciiED(krancht), crauxching.] To crush with the teeth, chew nois- ily, crunch. [Onomat.] Cravat, kra-vaf, re. A neck-cloth. [F. ; from the Croatians (F. Cravates) in the Austrian army, from whose dress it was adopted in France in 1636.] Crave, krav, v. t. [craved (kravd), craving.] To ask with earnestness and humility; to long for, beg, beseech, implore. [AS. crafian, Sw. krafva, Dan. krseve.] — Crav'er, re. Craven, kra'vn, n. One vanquished in battle ; a weak-hearted fellow; coward; dastard. — a. Cow- ardly with meanness; spiritless. [OF. cravanti, fr. crevanter, to break.] Craw, kraw, n. The crop or stomach of fowls. [Dan. kro, Sw. krafva.] Craw-fish, Crs'y-nsh, kraw'-, kraUsh, n. (Zo'ol.) A crustaceous fresh-water animal, resembling the lob- ster, but smaller. [ME. crevis, fr. OF. crevisse, F. e'erevisse, OHG. crebiz, G. krebs ; s. rt. crab.] Crawl, krawl, v. i. [crawled (krawld), crawling.] To move slowly, as a worm ; or on the hands and knees, as a human being ; to creep ; to advance slowly and feebly ; to have a sensation as if insects were creeping about the body. —re. Act or motion of crawling. [Ic. krafla, to paw, scrabble, Sw. krala, Dan. kravle, to creep.] — CrawKer, re. Crayon, kra'un, re. A piece of chalk, or other soft sub- stance, for drawing; drawing made with pencil or crayon. — v. t. [crayoned (-und), -oning.] To sketches with, etc. [F., fr._craie, L. creta, chalk.] Craze, kraz, v. t. [crazed (krazd), crazing.] Orig. to break into pieces, crush ; to confuse, impair ; to de- range the intellect of, render insane. — re. State of craziness; insanity; a strong habitual desire or pas- sion. (Pottery.) A defect in the glaze of earthen- ware, causing it to crack. [See Crash.] — Cra'zy, -zT, a. Broken ; decrepit ; disordered in intellect ; deranged. — Cra'zily, adv. — Cra'ziness, re. — Cra'- zy bone. The end of the elbow, a blow upon which benumbs the arm. Creak, krek, v. i. [creaked (krekt), creaking.] To make a sharp, harsh, grating sound, as by friction of hard substances. — v. t. To produce a creaking sound with. — re. The sound produced. [Onomat. See Cricket.] Cream, krem, re. The unctuous substance forming a scum on the surface of_milk; the best part of a thing. — v. t. [creamed (kremd), creaming.] To skim or take off by skimming, as cream ; to take off the best part of. — v. i. To become covered with cream, or thick like cream ; to assume the appearance of cream. [F. creme, LL. crema, cream, L. cremor, the milky substance obtained by soaking corn.] — Cream of tartar. Purified tartar or argal, the bi-tartrate of potassa, — which rises, like cream, to the surface of liquor in which it is purified. — Cream'y, -T, a. Full of, or like, etc. — Cream'-cake, re. A cake filled with custard made of cream, eggs, etc. — cheese, n. Cheese formed of milk mixed with cream. Crease, kres, re. A mark made by folding. —r. t. [creased (krest), creasing.] To make a crease in. [Armor, kriz, W. krych, a wrinkle.] Creasote. See Creosote. Create, kre-af, v. t. To bring into being, cause to exist, originate ; to be the occasion of, produce ; to constitute, appoint, make. [L. creare, -atum, to create.] — Crealion, re. Act of, etc. ; esp., of bringing the world into existence ; constitution ; formation ; thing created, as the universe.— Crea'tionism, -izm, re. Doctrine that the soul is immediately created by God, — opp. to traducianism. — Crea'tor, -ter, re. One who, etc. ; esp. the Supreme Being. — Crea / '- tive, -tiv, a. Having power to create, or creating.— Crealiveness, re. — Creature, kre'ehur, re. Thing created; esp. a being created with life ; animal; man; one who owes his fortune to another ; a servile de- pendent. [OF.] Creche, kresh, re. An asylum for very young children during their mothers' working nours. [F. See Cratch.] Creed, kred, re. A summary of what is believed ; esp. of Christian belief. [From L. credo, 1 believe, the first word of the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, fr. credere, -itum, Skr. craddadhami, to believe.] — Cre'dence, -dens, re. Reliance of the mind ; trust ; belief; what gives claim to credit or confidence. — Cre'dent, a. Believing ; giving credit. — Creden- tial, -shal, a. Giving a title to credit. — n. That which, etc. ; pi. testimonials or certificates showing that one is entitled to credit, or has authority or official powers. — Credible, a. Capable of being believed ; worthy of belief. — Credlbleness, -ibil / - ity, n. — Credibly, adv. — Credit, re. Reliance on the truth of something said or done ; belief ; faith ; reputation derived from the confidence of others; es- teem ; reputation ; authority derived from character or reputation ; influence "derived from the confi- dence or favor of others ; interest. (Com.} Trust given or received ; expectation of future payment ; mercantile reputation. (Book-keeping.) The side of an account on which are entered values received; items entered on such side of an account. — v. t. To confide in the truth of ; put trust in, believe ; to enter upon the credit side of an account, set to the credit of. — Credit fancier, kra-de'f ox-se-a', n. A com- pany for carrying on local improvements by means of loans upon real estate. [F. ; fonder, landed, fr. fond, L. fundus, land.] — C. mobilier, -mo-be-le-a', re. A joint-stock company for banking purposes and the promotion of public works by means of loans on personal estate. [F. ; mobilier, personal, fr. L. mo- bilis, movable.] — Creditable, a. Deserving or pos- sessing, etc. ; reputable ; estimable. — Credltable- ness, re. — Creditably, adv. — Creditor, -er, re. One who gives credit in business matters; one to whom am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 2nd, eve, term ; Tn, ice ; Odd, tone, Or ; CREEK 123 CRINITE money is due. — Cred'ulouB, -u-lus, a. Apt to be- lieve on slight evidence ; easily convinced or im- posed upon; unsuspecting. — Cred'ulously, adv. — Cred'ulousness, Credu'lity, -lf-ti, n. Readiness to believe without sufficient evidence. Creek, krek, n. A small inlet, bay, or cove ; a small river or brook : anv turn or winding. [AS. crecca, D. kreek, Sw. krik, Ic. kriki, F. criquei] Creel, krel. n. A wicker basket, lor carrying fish. [Ga. craidhleag.] Creep, krep, v. i. [crept, creeping.] To move along, as a reptile does ; to move on hands and knees, crawl; to move slowly, feebly, timorously, or stealthily ; to steal in, insinuate one's self; to fawn; to grow, as a vine, clinging to other support: to have a sensation of insects crawling upon the body. [AS. crespan, D. kruipen, Sw. krypa.~\ — Creep v er, n. One who, or that which, etc. ; a creeping vine ; a fixture with iron points worn on the shoe to prevent slipping. (Ornith.) A small bird, allied to the wren. jil. An instrument with hooks or claws to drag the bottom of wells, etc. — Creep'ingly, adv. By creep- ing; slowly; sneakingly ; ignobly. Cheese, Crease, Kris, kres", n. A Malay dagger. [Ma- lay kris.] Cremate, kre-maf, v. t. To burn, esp. a corpse. [L.cre- mcare, -atum, to burn.] — Crema'tion, «. Act of, etc. Cremona, kre-mo'na, n. A superior kind of violin, made at Cremona, in Italy. Crenate, kre'nat, -nated. a. (Bot.) Having the edge notched like a scallop-shell. [L. crena, notch. See Ckakity.] Creole, kre'ol, n. One born in America, or the West Indies, of European ancestors; one born in tropical America, or adjacent islands, of any color. [F., fr. Sp. criollo, prop, created, grown up, contr. fr. cria- dillo, dim. of criado, p. p. of criar, to create, edu- cate.] Creosote, kre'o-sot, n. (Chem.) An oily, colorless liquid, having the smell of smoke, and strong anti- septic properties, obtained from distillation of wood. [Gr. kreos (L. card), flesh, and sozein, to preserve.] Crepitate, krep'T-tat, v. i. To burst with a sharp sound, crackle, snap. [L. crepitare, -tatum, freq. of crepare, to rattle.] — Crepita'tion, n. Act of, etc. Crept. See Creep. Crepuscular, kre-pus'ku-lar, -culous, -lus, a. Pert, to twilight ; glimmering ; imperfectly clear. [L. cre- pusculum, twilight, dim. of creper, dark.] Crescent, kres'ent, a. Increasing ; growing ; shaped like the new moon. — re. The increasing moon; moon in her first or last quarter; figure of the new moon, borne in the Turkish flag; the flag itself; the Turkish power. [L. crescens, -centis, p. pr. of cres- cere, to increase, fr. creare, to create.] — Cres'cive, -siv. a. Increasing : augmenting ; growing. — Cres- cen'do, a. (Mus.) With a constant- ly increasing volume of voice, — a direction for the performance of Crescendo music, indicated as in the margin. — n. A gradual increase in the fullness of tone with which a passage is performed; a passage to be per- formed with constantly increasing volume of tone. [It.] Cress, kres, n. (Bot.) A salad plant of various species. [AS. cserse, cressse, D. kers, G. kresse.] Cresset, kres'set, n. An open lamp, on a beacon, lighthouse, etc., or carried on a pole. [OF. crasset, D. kruysel, a hanging lamp, fr. kruyse, cruse, pot.] Crest, krest, n. A tuft, or other natural ornament, on an animal's head, as the comb of a cock; the plume or other decoration on a hel- met ; the helmet itself ; the head, as typical of high spirit ; pride ; courage. (Her.) An appendage placed over the 6hield. The rising part of a horse's neck : see Horse. The foamy, feather-like top of a wave. (Fort.) The top line of a slope. — v. t. To furnish or adorn with a crest; to serve as a crest for. [OF. creste, L. crista, crest of a Crest. (Her.) bird.] — Cresfed, a. Having, etc. — Crest-fallen, -faw T ln, a. With lowered front or hanging head; drooping; dejected; cowed. Cretaceous, kre-ta'shus, a. Having the qualities of, or abounding with, chalk. [L. creta, chalk.] — Creta'- ceously, adv. Cretic, kre'tik, n. (Gr. & L. Pros.) A poetic foot, composed of one short between two long syllables. [L. Creticus (pes, foot), a Cretan (metrical) foot.] Cretin, kre'tin, n. (Med.) An idiot of a kind* fre- quent in the valleys of the Alps, generally afflicted also with goiter. [F., for crestin, fr. L. castrare, to emasculate, hence stunt.] — Cre'tinism, -izm, n. Condition or disease of, etc.; idiocy; goiter. Cretonne, kre-ton /r , n. A fabric having a warp of hemp and woof of flax, — used to upholster furni- ture. [Creton, the originator.] Crevasse, kre-vas', n. A crevice or split, as in a gla- cier; a breach in the levee or embankment of a river. [OF., fr. crever, to cleave, burst asunder, L. crepare, to crackle, burst.] — Crevice, -is, n. A narrowjipenins from a split: a cleft; fissure; rent. Crew, kroo, n. A company of people associated to- gether; throng; assemblage; a ship's company; the seamen belonging to a vessel. [OIc. kru, a crew; Sw. dial, kry, to swarm; s. rt. crawl.'] Crew. See Crow. Crewel, kroo'el, n. "Worsted yarn slackly twisted. [For clewel, dim. of clew, ball of thread.] Crib, krib, n. The manger or rack of a stall; stall for cattle; inclosed bedstead for a child; bin for stor- ing grain, salt, etc.; a literal translation of a classic author. — v. t. [cribbed (kribd), cribbing.] To shut in a narrow habitation: to pilfer or purloin. — v. i. To crow T d together, be confined. [AS. : D. krib, Ic. and Sw. Jci-ubba, crib, manger.] — Crib''- bage, -bej, n. A game at cards, in which the dealer makes up a third hand for himself, partly from his opponent's. — Crib^bage-board, n. A board with holes, to score the game at cribbage with pegs. — Crib^bing, n. (Mining.) A plank lining of a shaft, etc. (Far.) A horse's trick of gnawing the crib. Cribble, krib'bl, n. A coarse sieve or screen. — v. t. [cribbled (-bid), -bling.] To cause to pass through a sieve or riddle ; to sift. [L. cribellum, dim. of cribrum, a sieve; Skr. kri, to separate.] Crick, krik, n. A spasmodic affection, esp. of the neck or back. [Same as creek.] Cricket, krik'et, n. An orthopterous insect, having a chirping note. [OF. criquet, fr. criquer, to creak, rattle, D. kriek, a cricket, krikkrakken, to crackle.] A game with bat, ball, and wicket; a low stool. — v. i. To play at cricket. [Dim. fr. AS. cricc, staff; s. rt. cnttch.) — Crick'eter, re. Cricoid, kri'koid, a. (Anat.) Resembling a ring. [Gr. krikos, ring, and eidos, form.] Cried, Crier. See under Cry. Crime, krim, n. A violation of law, divine or human; esp. a gross offense, outrage, or great wrong; sin; vice. [F.; L. crimen, crimmis.] — Crinv'inal, Rrlnv''- 1-nal, a. Guilty of, involving, or pert, to crime. — n. One guilty of, etc. — Crim. con., abbr. of Crim- inal conversation. (Laiv.) Adultery. — Crim / iiially, adv. — CriminaKity, -T-tT, n. Guiltiness. — Crinv r - inate, v. t. To charge with, or convict of, crime; to impeach. — Crimina' r tion, n. — Crirn'matory, -to- rt, a. Pert, to or involving crimination; accusing. Crimp, krimp, a. Easily crumbled. — v.t. [crimped (krimpt), crimping.] To form into ridges, waves, or plaits ; to pinch and hold, seize, decoy. (Cook- ery.) To cause to contract, or to render crisp, as the flesh of a fish, by gashing it, when living, with a knife. — n. One who decoys. [Akin to cramp; D. krimpen, Sw. krimpa, to shrink, G. krimpen, to crumple, shrink cloth.] — Crimple. krimp'T, v. t. [CRImpled (-Id), -ling.] To cause to shrink or draw together, contract, curl, corrugate. Crimson, krim'zn, n. A deep-red color tinged with blue. — a. Of a deep red color. — v. t. [crimsoned (-znd), -soning.] To dye with crimson. — v. i. To become crimson; to blush. [OF. cramoisin, LL. cramoisinus, Ar. and Per. qirmisi, crimson, Skr. krimija, produced by an insect (i. e., cochineal), fr. krinn, insect, and jan, to produce; s. rt. carmine.] Cringe, krini, v. t. [cringed (krinjd), cringing.] To cause to shrink, contract, draw together. — v. i. To draw one's self together as in fear or servility; to bow obsequiously, fawn. — n.- Servile civility; a mean bow r . [AS. cringan, to sink in battle, suc- cumb; s. rt. crank.] — Crin^ger, n. Cringle, krin'gl, n. A withe for fastening a gate. (Naut.) An iron ring on the bolt-rope of a sail; a rope, having a looped end to secure it to a sail. [Ic. kringla, circle, ring, kringar, pulley ; Sw. knng, around, D. Taring, circle.] . Crinite, kri'nit, a. Resembling a tuft of hair. _ [L. crinis, hair.] — Cri'natory, -rt, a. Pert, to hair.— Crin'oline, -lin, n. A lady's stiff petticoat, — orig. of suu, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, bONbou, chair, get. CRINKLE 124 CROSS hair-cloth, afterwards expanded by hoops. [F. crin (L. crinis), hair, and lin (L. linum), flax. See Linen.] — Crinose'', -nos', a. Hairy. Crinkle, krinkl, v. t. [crinkled (-kid), -ling.] To form with short turns or wrinkles. — v. i. To run in and out in short bends. [Freq. of cringe.] Cripple, krip'l, n. One who creeps, halts, or limps. — v. t. [crippled (-pld), -pling.] To deprive of the use of the limbs, esp. of the legs and feet ; to lame, deprive of strength or use, disable. [D. kreupel, lame, Ic. kryppill, G. kru^pp>el,jL cripple. See Creep.] Crisis, kri'sis, n. ; pi. -SES, -sez. The decisive mo- ment; turning-point. (3Ied.) The change of a dis- ease which indicates recovery or death. [L.; Gr. krisis, fr. krinein, to decide, separate.] Crisp, krisp, a. Formed into stiff curls or ringlets; having windings or indentations; brittle; friable; effervescing ; sparkling, — said of liquors. — v. t. [crisped (krispt), crisping.] To curl, as the hair; to wreathe, as branches of trees; to wrinkle or curl on the surface or edges. — v. i. To form little curls. [AS.; L. crispus, peril, s. rt. L. carpere, to pluck, E. harvest.] — Crispier, n. One who, or that which, crisps. — Crisp 1y, adv. — Crisp'ness, n. — Crisp'y, -t, a. Formed into short, close ringlets; frizzled; prepared so as to break short; brittle. Crispin, kris^pin, n. A shoemaker. [St. Crispin, pa- tron saint of the craft.] Criss-cross, kris'kros, n. A mark formed by two lines crossing, usually at right angles ; a child's game played on paper or a slate. — adv. In op- posite directions ; with opposition or hindrance. [Corrupt, of Christ-cross.] — Ciiss '-cross-row, n. See Christ-cross-row. Crith, krith, n. (Chem.) The unit of weight for gases, being 0.0896 gram. [Gr. krithe, a barley-corn.] Critic, kritlk, n. One skilled in judging of the merits of literary or art works ; a connoisseur ; a harsh judge; caviler ; carper. — a. Pert, to, etc. [Gr. kritikos, able to judge, krites, a judge, fr. krinein. See Crisis.] — Critical, a. Having skill to judge of literary or artistic matters; exact; nicely judicious ; captious ; pert, to criticism ; character- ized by thoroughness and a reference to principles; pertaining to, or indicating, a crisis or turning- point; decisive : of doubtful issue ; attended with risk. — Critically, adv. — Critlcalness, ».— Criti- cise, -siz, v. t. [-cised (-sizd), -cising.] To examine and judge as a critic; to animadvert on. — v. i. To act as a critic, pass judgment, animadvert. — Critl- ciser, n. — Criticism, -sizm, n. Art of judging of beauties and faults; judgment passed or expressed; detailed examination and review. — Critique', krt- tek',n. Art of criticism; critical examination or estimate of a work of literature or art; thorough analysis of any subject. [F.] — Crite'rion, -rt-un, n. ; pi. -ria, -rt-a, or -rions. A standard of judging; approved or established rule, principle, or test, by comparison with which a judgment is formed. Croak, krok, v. i. [croaked (krokt), croaking.] To make a low, hoarse noise in the throat, as a frog or crow; to forebode evil, grumble. — v. t. To utter in a low, hoarse voice. — n. The sound of a frog, raven, etc. [Onomat.; cf. crake, creak, crow.] — Croak'er, n. One who croaks, complains unreason- ably, or habitually forebodes evil; a small Amer. fish, which croaks when caught. Crochet, kro-sha', n. A kind of netting made with a small hook. — v. t. To do netting with, etc. [F., dim. of croc, a crook.] Crock, krok, n. An earthen vessel; pot; pitcher; cup; smut collected on pots, kettles, etc. ; soot ; lamp- black. — v. t. To blacken with soot, or with the coloring matter of cloth. — v. i. To give off crock, smudge, blacken. [AS. crocca, Ic. krukka, Sw. kruka, D. kruik, G. krug, Ga. crog, W. crochan, pot, pitcher, Skr. karaka, water-pot, karkari, pitcher.] — Crock'ery, -er-Y, n. Earthen-ware; vessels of clay, glazed and baked; pottery. Crocket, krok'et, n. {Arch.) An ornament in imitation of bent foliage. [See Crook.] Crocodile, krok'o-dil, n. A large amphibious reptile of Africa and Asia. [F. ; L. croc- odilus, fr. Gr. krokodeilos, a lizard.] — Crocodile tears . False or affected tears; hyp- ocritical sorrow.— Crocodil'- ian, -dtl't-an, a. Pert, to, etc. Crocodile. Crocus, kro'kus, n. A genus of early flowering plants; a mineral powder of a deep yellow or red color. [L. ; Gr. krokos, crocus, saffron, Skr. kunkw- ma, Heb. karkom, Ar. karkam, saffron.] Croft, kroft, n. A small close, or inclosed field, for pasture, tillage, etc. [AS.; D. kroft, a hillock.] Cromlech, kromlek, n. A structure of upright stones, with flat ones resting on them, found in countries formerly occupied by the Celts, and supposed to be sepulchers or druidical altars. [W., fr. crom, bend- ing, and llech, flat stone.] Cromorna, kro-mor'na, n. (3fus.) A reed stop in the organ, of a tone resembling the oboe. [G. Tcrumm- horn, crooked horn.] Crone, kron, n. An old woman, — usually in con- tempt; more rarely an aged man. [Ir. and Ga. crion, dry, withered, W. crino, to wither.] — Cro'ny, -n Y, n. Intimate companion; associate; familiar friend. Crook, kr<56k, n. A bend, turn, or curve; device used as a subterfuge; trick; artifice; an instrument bent at the end, esp. a shepherd's or bishop's staff. — v. t. [crooked (krdokt), crooking.] To turn from a straight line, make crooked, bend, turn from rec- titude, pervert. — v. i. To be bent or curved. [Ic. krokr, Sw. krok, Dan. krog, Ga. crocan, W. crwg, a hook, crook; s. rt. crochet, cross, crutch.] — Crook '- back, n. One who has a crooked back or round shoulders. — Crook'ed, p. a. Characterized by a crook or curve; bent; not straightforward; perverse. — Crook/edly, adv. — Crook'edness, n. Croon, kroon, n. A low, continued moan; murmur; a simple piece of music; plain, artless melody. — v. t. [crooned (krobnd), crooning.] To sing in a low tone, hum; to soothe by singing softly. — v. i. To make a continuous noise in a low, hollow tone, as cattle do when in pain; to moan; to hum, sing, or murmur softly. [Scot.; onomat.] Crop, krop, n. The protuberant stomach of a bird, situated in the breast; the craw; the top of any- thing, esp. of a plant; that which is cropped or gath- ered from a single field, or of a single kind of grain, fruit, etc., or in a single season; fruit; harvest. — v. t. [cropped (kropt), cropping.] To cut off the ends of, bite or pull off, pluck. — v. i. (Geol.) To appear above the surface, as a seam or bed of coal; to come to light, be manifest,— with out. [AS.; D. krop>, G. kropf, W. cropa, Ga. and Ir. sgroban, a bird's crop; D. kroppen, to cram, grow to a round head.]— Crop'per, n. A kind of pigeon having a large crop; a hurt by a fall from a horse. (Mech.) A machine for facing cloth by means of spiral knives. — Crops, n. pi. Thejegion above the shoulder in the ox. — Crop'eared, -erd, a. Having the ends of the ears cut off. Croquet, kro-ka', n. A game in which wooden balls are driven by mallets through hoops arranged on a lawn. [F., dim. of croc, hook.] Croquette, kro-kef, n. {Cookery.) A ball of minced meat, seasoned, and fried. [F., fr. croquer, to crunch.] Crosier, kro'zher, n. The official staff of an a r c h b i s h o p , or bishop. [OF. croce, LL. crocia, crochia, crook; s. rt. cross.] Cross, kros, n. A gibbet, consist- ing of two timbers placed trans- versely ; the theological and re- ligious import of the death of Christ; the Christian doctrine; the gospel; the symbol of Christ's death, and hence, of Christianity; affliction regarded as a test of virtue; trial; vexa- tion; disappointment. (Arch.) £&■ ^ 1S V°? ?• , A cross-shaped ornament. The °- Archbishop s. cross-like mark signed by those unable to write; a mixing of breeds or stock, esp. in cattle-breeding; product of such intermixture. (Sw~v.) An instru- ment for laying off offsets perpendicular to the main course. — a. Lying athwart; transverse; intersect- ing ; adverse ; contrary ; perverse ; unf ort un ate ; peev- ish or fretful; ill-humored; mutually inverse; inter- changed. — v. t. [crossed (krost), crossing.] To put across or athwart; to draw something, as a line, across; to pass from one side to the o thereof ; to run counter to, thwart, clash or interfere with; to debar; to make the sign of the cross upon; to cancel, erase; to mix the breed of. — v. i. To lie or be athwart; to pass from one side toward the other, or from place to place; to interbreed. [Proven, cros, crotz, fr. L. crux, crucis, cross, orig. gibbet.] — Crossly, -It, adv. a. Crosiers. Sm, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term •, tn, Ice ; Cdd, tone, fir ; CROTCH 125 CROWN In a cross way; peevishly.— Cross 'ness, n.— Cross'- wise, adv. In the form of a cross; across. — Cross''- ing, re. Act by which anything is crossed; act of in- terbreeding ; intersection of roads : paved walk across a street. — Cross'-ac'tion, n. (Law.) An ac- tion brought by defendant against plaintiff on the same matter as the original suit. — bar, re. A trans- verse bar. — beam, n. (Arch.) A beam running from wall to wall of a house. — bill, n. (Law.) A defend- ant's bill in a chancery or equity suit. — bill, re. (Ornith.) A bird, the mandibles of whose bill curve in opposite directions, and cross each other. — bow, «. A weapon formed by placing a bow crosswise on a stock. — breed, re. A breed produced from parents of different breeds. — bun, re. A cake marked with across. — cut, re. A short cut across. (Mining.) A level driven across the course of a vein. — cut-saw, re. A saw managed by 2 men, one at each end, for cutting large logs crosswise. days, n. pi. (Eccl.) The S days preceding the Feast of the Ascension. — -exam'ine, v. t. [examined (-ind), -ining.] (Law.) To examine for the purpose of eliciting facts not brought out in direct examination or controverting the direct testimony. — exam'ina'tion, n. Exam- ination of a witness, called by one party, by the op- posite party. — eyed, -Id, a. Having the eyes turned toward the nose, so that they look in directions which cross one another. — fire, n. (Mil.) The cross- ing of lines of fire from two or more points. — -grained, -grand, a. Having the grain or fibers crossed; perverse and untractable; contrary; vexa- tious. — -jack, kro'jak, n. (Naut.) The lower yard of the mizzen-mast. — legged, -legd, a. Having the legs crossed. — patch, n. An ill-natured person. — -piece, n. A piece of any structure fitted crosswise. — pur'pose, n. An opposing purpose; that which is inconsistent or contradictory, pi. A game in which questions and answers concur so as to involve ludi- crous combinations of ideas. — To be at cross-pur- poses. To act counter to one another unintention- ally. — ques'tion, v. t. To cross-examine. ref- erence, n. A reference made from one part of a book to another, where the same or a similar subject is treated of. — road, n. A road crossing another; by- road. — ruff, n. The play in whist when partners trump different suits, and lead accordingly. — sea, n. (Naut.) A chopping sea, caused by waves run- ning in different directions. — tie, n. A sleeper con- necting the rails of a railroad. — tree, n. (Naut.) A timber at the upper ends of the lower masts. — Crosslet, n. A small cross. (Her.) A cross whose arms are terminated with small_crosses, or again crossed near the end.— Crucial, kroo'shal, a. Formed like, or pert, to, a cross; severe; searching, as if by Buffering on the cross. [F.] — Cru'ciate, -shl-at, a. (Bot. ) Having leaves or petals arranged crosswise. — Cruciferous, -er-us, a. Bearing a cross. (Bot.) Cruciate. [L./erre, to bear.] — Cru'cify, -sY-fi, v. t. [-cified (-fid), -fying.] To fasten to a cross; de- stroy the power of, subdue completely. [OF. cruci- fier, fr. L. figere, fixum, to fix.] — Crucifixion, -fik /r - shun, n. Act of, etc.; death on the cross; intense Buffering. — Cru'cifix, n. Figure of a cross, with Christ upon it. — Cru'ciform, d. Cross-shaped. (Bot.) Having 4 equal petals, disposed crosswise. — Cru- cigerous, -sij'er-us, a. Bearing, or marked with, etc. [L. gerere, to bear. J — Crusade, -sad', n. A me- diaeval military expedition to recover the Holy Land from the Mohammedans; any expedition for a re- ligious purpose ; a hot-headed or fanatical enter- prise. [Froven. crosada,F. croisade.] — Crusad'er, re. One engaged in, etc. — Crusa'do, n. A Portu- guese coin, having a cross stamped upon it. [Pg. cruzado, fr. cruz, cross.] Crotch, kroch, n. Place of division, as of a trunk into branches; fork; a forked piece of wood, metal, etc. [F. croc, a hook, Ic. krokr, a crook. See Ckook.] — Crotch^et, n. A forked piece of wood; crotch. (Mus.) The 3d principal note, equal in duration to J aminira, marked with a hook, the stem of which may turn up or down according to its situ- ation. (Print.) A bracket. See Bracket. Acrooked or perverse fancy; whim; conceit. [Same as crochet; dim. of F. croc] — Crotcb/ety, -X, a. Given to crotchets; whimsical. Croton-bug, kro'tun-bug, n. (Entom.) A kind of cock- roach. [Perh. in reference to the Croton water sup- Crotchets. ply of New York.] — oil, n. (Med.) A vegetable oil of hot, biting taste, — a powerful drastic cathartic. [Gr., a dog-louse, tick, also the plant whose seeds yield castor and croton oils, and are shaped like ticks, perh. fr. Gr. krotein, to rattle.] Crouch, Krowch, v. i. [crouched (krowchtV crouch- ing.] To bend down, stoop or lie low, bend obse- quiously, stoop meanly, fawn, cringe [See Crook.] Croup, kroop, n. The buttocks of certain quadrupeds, esp. of a horse; place behind the saddle. [F. croupe. Crupper, hind part of a horse, Ic. kroppr, hunch, hump; same as crop.] — Crupper, Crouper, krup'Sr in Amer. ; krQp'er in Eng., n. xhe rump of a hor^e; a strap passing under a horse's tail and holding the saddle back. — v._*. To fit with, etc.— Croupier, kroo'pT-er or kroo-per', n. One at the lower end oi the table as an assistant-chairman at a dinner; one who watches the cards and collects the money at a gaming-table. [F.] Croup, kroop, n. (Med.) An inflammatory affection of the larynx or trachea, accompanied by a hoarse ringing cough and difficult respiration. [Scot., the disease, also to croak, cry hoarsely; AS. hropan, Ic. hropa, D. roepen, G. rufen, to call.] Crow, kro, n. A large bird, usually black, uttering a harsh, croaking note ; an iron lever with a claw shaped like a crow's beak; the voice of the cock. — v.i. [imp. crew or crowed; p.p. crowed (krod) or (obs.) crown (kron); crowing.] To make the shrill sound of a cock; to shout in exultation or de- fiance; to brag; to utter a sound of joy, as an infant. [AS. crawan, D. kraaijen, G. kraehen, to crow; AS. crawe, Ic. kraka, a crow; s. rt. crake, croak, crane.] — Crow'-bar, n. A bar of iron, used as a lever.— -foot, n. (Bot.) A genus of plants; crow-toe. (Naut.) Cordage suspending an awning. (Mil.) A caltrop. — keep'er, n. A stuffed figure; scarecrow. — quill, n. A pen made from a crow's feather, also trom steel,— for fine writing or drawing. — Crow's-feet, re. pi. Wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes. — -nest, n. (Naut.) A look-out place on a mast. Crowd, krowd, v. t. To press or drive together; to fill by pressing, encumber by excess of numbers or quantity ; to press by solicitation, dun, treat dis- courteously. — v. i. To press together in numbers, swarm; to urge or press forward. — n. A number of persons or things closely pressed together; the lower orders of people; throng; multitude; vulgar; rabble. [AS. creodan. to crowd, press, D. kruijen, to push (a wheelbarrow), drive ; AS. croda, a crowd.] — Ta crowd sail. (Naut.) To set an extraordinary spread of sail. — Crowd'er, n. Crown, krown, n. A wreath encircling the head, esp. as a badge of merit, dignity, or power; a jeweled cap or fillet worn on the head as an emblem of sover- eignty; any object sought for as a prize; anything imparting beauty, dignitv, or distinction; one enti- tled to a regal or imperiat crown ; the sovereign; re- fal or imperial power; sovereignty; royalty; a coin earing the image of a crown; topmost part of any- thing; the part of a hat above the brim and the flat circular part at the top. (Arch.) The highest mem- ber of a cornice; summit of any part of a building. (Bot.) An appendage at the top of the claw of some petals; the head of a root: see Root. (Naut.) That part of an anchor where the arms join the shank; also, bights formed by turns of a cable. — v. t. [crowned (krownd), crowning.] To invest with a crown, or with royal dignity; to adorn, dignify; to form the topmost part of, complete, perfect. (Mil.) To effect a lodgment upon. [OF. corone, crown, L. corona. See Corona.] — Crown'er, re. — Crown'- glass, n. The finest window-glass, formed in large circular plates or disks. — impe'rial, n. (Bot.) A plant of the lily family, having showy, drooping flowers. — law, n. In Eng., that part of common law applying to criminal matters. lawyer, n. One who acts for the crown, or pleads in criminal cases. — office, n. (Eng. Laio.) A department of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of criminal cases. — pa'per, n. Paper of a particular size, which formerly had the water-mark of a crown. post, n. (Arch.) See King-post. — prince, n. The prince royal who succeeds to the crown. — saw, re. (Mech.) A tubular saw, — a hollow cylinder with teeth on the edge. — wheel, n. (Mach.) A wheel with cogs at right angles to its plane. — work, re. (Fort.) An outwork running into the field, consist- ing of two demi-bastions at the extremes, and a bas- tion in the middle, with curtains. sun, cube, full ; moon, fd&t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CRUCIAL 126 CUBE Crucible. Crucial, Crucify, Crucifix, etc. See under Cross Crucible, kroo'sT-bl, n. A chemical vessel or melting-pot, capable of enduring great neat without in- jury. [LL. crucibulum, a hanging ^ lamp, also melting-pot, fr. OF. cruche, earthen pot, creuset, D. kroes, pot, crucible.] Crude, krood, a. In its natural state; not cooked or prepared for use; raw; unripe; immature; not reduced to order or form; undigested; hasty and ill- considered; displaying superficial and^undigested knowledge. (Paint.) Coarsely done; not accurately colored. [L. crudvs, raw; s. rt. Skr. krura, sore, cruel, E. raw.] — Crudely, adv. — Crude'ness, Cru'dity, -dY-tT, n. Condition of being, or that which is, etc. Cruel, kroo'el, a. Disposed to give pain ; causing, or fitted to cause, pain, grief, or misery; savage; in- human ; pitiless. [OF.; L. crudelis; s. rt. c nidus. See Crude.] — Cnrelly, -el-lT, adv. — Cru'elty, -tl, n. Character of being, etc.; a cruel deed. Cruet, kroo'et, n. A small glass bottle for vinegar, oil, etc.; a caster. [OF. creuset, D. kruik, kroes, pitch- er, jug. See Crucible.] Cruise. See Cruse. Cruise, krooz, v. i. [cruised (kroozd), cruising.] To go back and forth on the ocean ; to wander hither and thither on land. — n. A voyage without settled course. [D. kruisen, to cross, crucify, also to cruise, or traverse backwards and forwards, fr. kruis, F. croix, L. crux, cross.] — Cruis r er, n. One who, or a ship that, cruises. Cruller, krul'ter, n. A kind of crisp sweet-cake boiled in fat. [Sw. krullig, crisp. See Curl.] Crumb, krum, n. A small fragment or piece, esp. of bread ; the soft part of bread. — v. t. To break into crumbs or small pieces. [AS. cruma, D. kruim, G. krume, a crumb; D. kruimelen, G. kruemela, to crum- ble.] — Crumb'-cloth, n. A cloth under a table to receive falling fragments. — Crum'ble, -bl, n. A very small fragment ; small crumb. — v. t. [crum- bled (-bid), -bling.] To break into small pieces. — v. i. To fall or break into, etc., decay, perish. — Crum'hly, -bit, a. Easily crumbled ; brittle.— Crum'- my, -ml, a. Full of crumbs ; soft ; not crusty. Crumpet, krum'pet, n. A kind of soft bread-cake, not sweetened. [W. crempog, pancake, fritter.] Crumple, krum r pl, v. t. [-pled (-pld), -fling.] To press into wrinkles or folds, rumple. — v. i. To shrink irregularly, wrinkle. [Freq. of cramp.] — Crum /, pling, n. A small, withered apple. Crunch, krunch, v. i. [crunched (kruncht), crunch- ing.] To chew with violence and noise, craunch ; to grind or press noisily. [Onomat. ; D. schransen, to eat heartily.] Cruor, kroo'or, n. Gore ; coagulated blood. [L.] Crupper. _See under Croup. Crural, kroo r ral, a. Pert, to the leg; shaped like a leg or root. [L. cms, cruris, leg.] Crusade, Crusado. See under Cross. Cruse, kroos, n. A small cup or bottle. [Tc. krus, a pot, Sw. krus, mug, Dan. kraus, jug, D. kroes, cup, crucible. See Crock, Cruet.] — Cru'set, n. A goldsmith's crucible or melting pot. Crush, krush, v. t. [crushed (krusht), crushing.] To press and bruise between hard bodies ; to over- whelm by pressure ; to overcome completely, sub- due, ruin. — v. i. To be pressed into a smaller com- pass by external force ; to be condensed. — n. A violent compression. [OF. cruiHr, to crack, break, Sw. krysta, Dan. kryste, Ic. kreista, kreysta, to squeeze.] — Crush'er, n. Crust, krust, n. The hard, external covering of any- thing; any concretion. — v. t. To cover with a hard case., or crust; to incrust, envelop, —v. i. To gather into a hard crust ; to concrete or freeze at the sur- face. [OF. cniste, L. crusta, crust of bread ; Ir. cruaidh, hard, Gr. kruos, frost.] — Crust'y, -T, a. Of the nature of crust ; hard ; of a harsh exterior or rough manner ; surly; morose. — Crustily, adv. — Crustiness, n. — Crusta'cea, -she-a, n. pi. One of the classes of articulated animals, including lob- sters, shrimps, and crabs, which have a crust-like shell covering the body and legs. — Crusta'cean, n. An animal of the class Crustacea. — «. Pert, to, etc. — Crusta'ceol'ogy, n. Science of the Crusta- cea ; malacostracology. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Crusta'ceous, -shus, a. Pert, to, or having, a crust- like shell ; crustacean. Crutch, kruch, n. A staff with a cross-piece, to be placed under the arm for support in walking. [D. kruk, Sw. krycka, G. kruecke, LL. crocia. See Crook.] — Crutched, krucht, p. a. Supported on crutches ; marked with the sign of the cross. — Crutched friar. (Eccl.) One of a religious order, whose members bore the sign of the cross, — crossed friar, crouched friar. Cry, kri, v. i. [cried (krid), crying.] To speak, call, or exclaim loudly ; to vociferate, proclaim; to weep and sob ; to bawl, as a child; to utter inarticulate sounds, as animals. — v. t. To utter loudly or vehe- mently ; to advertise by outcry. — n. A loud utter- ance; outcry; clamor; expression of triumph, won- der, pain, distress, etc. ; public advertisement by outcry ; a pack of hounds. [OF. crier, It. gridare, Sp. gridar, fr. L. quiritare, to shriek, freq. of queri, to lament.] — To cry up. To extol publicly. — To c. down. To decry, depreciate, dispraise, condemn.— Cry'ing, «. Calling for notice ; compelling regard; notorious ; heinous. — Cn/er, n. One who, etc. ; esp. an officer who proclaims the orders of a court or gives public notice by proclamation. Cryolite, kri'o-lit, n. (Min.) A mineral found only in the gneiss of Greenland, which melts easily; com- mercial ore of aluminium. [F. cryoliihe, fir. Gr. kruos, hoar-frost, and lithos, stone.] Crypt, kript, n. A subterranean cell or cave ; esp. a vault under a church, for burial purposes. (Arch.) The space under a building ; subterranean chapel ; hiding-place. [L. cn/pta, Gr. krupte, fr. kruptein, to hide; s. rt. grot.] — Cryp'tic, -tical, a. Hidden; se- cret; occult. — Cryp'togam, n. (Bot.) Aflowerless plant, or one which does not fructify by means usu- al to others. [Gr. gamos, marriage.] — Cryptoga'mi- an, -gamlc, Cryptog r amous, -mus, a. Pert, to cryp- togams, or to cryptogamy ; having the fructification concealed. — Cryptog'amy, -mt, n. Concealed fruc- tification. — Cryptography, -fY, n. Art of writing in secret characters ; secret characters or cipher. [Gr. graphein, to write.] — Cryptol'ogy, -it, n. Se- cret or enigmatical language. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Cryp'tonym, -nim, a. A concealed name, known only to the initiated. [Gr. onoma, name.] Crystal, kris'tal, n. (Chem. and Min.) The regu- lar form which a substance assumes in solidify- ing ; a fine kind of glass ; glass of a watch case. — a. Of, or like, crystal ; clear ; transparent. [OF. cristcd, L. crystallum, fr. Gr. krustallos, clear ice, rock-crystal, fr. krustainein, to freeze, fr. kruos, frost.] — Crystalline, -lin , a. Of crystal ; having a texture produced by crystallization ; imperfectly crystallized ; resembling crystal ; pure ; clear ; pel- lucid. — Crystalline humor, or lens. A white, trans- parent, firm substance, formed like a convex lens, in the vitreous humor of the eye : see Eye. — Crya'- tallize, -liz, v. t. [-lized (-lizd), -lizing.] To cause to form crystals, or assume crystalline form. — v. i. To be converted into, etc. — Crys'taHiza'tion, n. Act of, or thing formed by, etc. — Crystallography, -fT, n. Doctrine or science of, or treatise on, crys- tallization. [Gr. graphein, to write.] Ctenoid, ten'oid, n. A fish having unenameled scales, jagged at the edges. [Gr. kteis, ktenos, a comb, and eiclos, form.] Cub, kub, n. A young animal, esp. the young of the bear. —v. t. or i. [cubbed (kubd), -bing.] To bring forth (animals). [Ir. cidb, cub, whelp, cu, dog, W. cenau, whelp, ci, dog; s. rt. L. cants, dog, E. hound.] Cube, kub, n. (Geotn.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides. (Arith.) The product of a number multi- plied twice into itself ; as, 4x4 =16x4=64, the cube of 4.— v. t. [cubed (kubd), cubing.] To raise to the third power, by multi- plying a number into itself twice. [F. ; L. culms, Gr. kuhos.]— Cube Cube. root. (Arith.) The number or quantity which, multiplied into itself, and then into the product, produces a certain cube; thus, 3 is the cube root of 27. — Cu'bic, Cu'bical, a. Having the form or prop- erties of a cube ; contained, or capable of being contained, in a cube.— Cubic equation. An equation in winch the highest power of the unknown quan- tity is a cube. — C.foot. A solid foot, equivalent to a cubical solid, which measures a foot in each of its dimensions. — C. number. A number produced by multiplying a number into itself, and that product by the same number. — Cu'bically, adv. — Cu'bic- alness, n— Cu'bature, -chur, n. Process of determin- ing the cubic contents of a body. — Cu'biform, a. Cube-shaped. [L. forma, form.] — Cu'boid, -boid / '- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Qdd, tone, 6r ; CUBEB 127 CUNNING- al, a. Having nearly the form of, or resembling, a cube. [Gr. eidos, form.] — Cu'bo-cube, re. (Math.) The Gth power. — Cu'bo-cu'bo-cube, n. 9th power. Cubeb, ku'beb, re. A small, spicy, tropical berry, stimulant and purgative. [Hind, kababa.] Cubit, ku'bit, n. (Anat.) The fore-arm. A measure of length, — the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger. [L. cubitus, lit. bend, elbow, Gr. kuptein, to bend.] — Cu/bital, a. Pert, to the cu- bit or ulna; of the length of, etc. Cucking-stool, kuk'ing-stool, ». A ducking-stool, in which scolds, etc., were fastened and plunged into the water. [Pern, corrupt, fr. ducking-stool.] Cuckoo, kdok'oo, re. A bird, named from its note, which lays its eggs m other birds* nests. [Onomat.; F. coucou, L. cu- culus, Gr. kok- kux, Skr. ko- kila.] — Cuck'- oo-spit, -spit' tie, n. An exuda- tion o r spume on some plants, esp. about the joints of lav- ender and rosemary. — Cuck'old, re. A man whose wife is un- American Cuckoo, faithful. — v. t. To make a cuckold of. [OF. cou- cuol, fr. coucou.] Cucullate, ku'kul-lat or -kuKlat, -lated, a. Covered, as with a hood or cowl, resembling a hood. [L. cuadlus, cap, cowl.] Cucumber, ku'kum-ber, re. A creeping plant and its fruit. [L. cucumis, -meris.] Cucurbit, -bite, ku-kSr'bit, n. A chemical vessel used in distillation, orig. of the shape of a gourd. [L. cucurbita, a gourd.] — Cucur / bita / 'ceous, -shus, a. (Bot.) Of, or like, the melon and cucumber family. Cud, kud, re. Food brought up into the mouth by ruminating animals from their 1st stomach, and chewed a 2d time; a piece of chewing tobacco; quid. [Fr. rt. of AS. ceoivan, to chew; same as qirid.] Cuddle, kud'dl, v. i. [cuddled (-did), -dling.] To lie close or snug ; to squat, crouch, snuggle. [AS. cudh, familiar, D. kudde, a flock, OD. cudden, to flock together.] — Cud'dy, -dT, re. (Want.) A small cabin in a boat. A very small apartment. Cudgel, kuj'el, re. A short, thick stick ; club. — v. t. (cudgeled (-eld), -eling.] To beat. [W. cogyl, Ga. cuaille, club.] — Cud'geler, re. Cue, ku, n. A tail ; esp. a tail-like twist of hair at the back of the head ; last words of an actor's speech, regarded as a hint for the succeeding player to speak; hint or intimation; the part one is to perform; a straight rod used in playing billiards. [F. queue, OF. coe, L. coda, cauda. tail.] Cuff, kuf, n. A blow with the open hand ; a stroke ; box; buffet, — v. t. [cuffed (kuft), cuffing.] To strike with the flat of the hand, as a man ; or with talons or wings, as a fowl. [Sw. kuffa, to thrust, push, kufva, to suppress, cow.] — re. The fold at the end of a sleeve. [S. rt. coif.] Cuirass, kwe-ras', n. A piece of armor, covering the body from neck to girdle. [OF. cuirace, LL. coratia, breastplate, fr. L. corium (F. cuir), hide, leather.] — CuirasBier, -ser', n. A soldier armed with, etc. [F.] Cuish, kwis, re. Defensive armor for the thighs. [F. cuisse, thigh, fr. L. coxa, hip.] Cuisine, kwe-zen', n. The kitchen ; style of cooking ; cookery. [F., fr. L. coquina, for cuhna, kitchen, fr. coquere, to cook.] — Culinary, -na-rt, a. Pert, to the kitchen or cookery. Culdee, kul-de'', n. A monk of an order once estab- lished in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. [Corrupt. fr. L. Cultor Dei, worshiper of God; Ir. ceilede, fr. cede, servant, and de, gen. of dia, God.] Cul-de-sac, koold'sak 7- , n. A street closed at one end; a trap. (Mil.) A position in which an army has no exit but to the front. (Nat. Hist.) A bag-shaped cavity, or organ, open only at one end. [FT] Cull, kul, v. t. [culled (kuld), culling.] To sepa- rate, select, or pick out. [OF. coillir, cueillir, L. colligere, to collect.] — CulPer, n. One who, etc.; esp. one who selects wares for market. Cullender. See Colandee. Cullis, kul'lis, n. A fine and strong broth; a savory jelly. [F. coulis, fr. couler, to strain, fr. L. colore, to filter, strain.] (Arch.) A gutter in a roof ; a chan- nel. [F. coulisse, groove.] Cully, kuIIY, n. An associate of prostitutes ; one easily deceived; a mean dupe. — v. t. To trick, cheat, or impose on; to deceive. [L. coleus, culeus, the scrotum, OF. coidllon, coillon, a vile fellow.] Culm, kulm, n. (Bot.) The stalk or stem of corn and grasses. [L. cubitus, stalk, stem.] (Min.) Anthra- cite coal, esp. when found in small masses; glance- coal. [W. cwlm, knot or tie.] — Culmiferous, -er-us, a. Bearing culms, or producing straw; containing glance-coal. [L. ferre, to bear.] Culminate, kiuVmi-nat, v. i. To reach the highest point of altitude, or of rank, size, numbers, etc. — a. Growing upward, as disting. fr. lateral growth. [L. cuhnen, same as columen, top. See Column.] — Culmina'tion, re. Attainment of, etc. ; passage across the meridian; transit. Culpable, kuKpa-bl, a. Deserving^ censure; worthy of blame; faulty; censurable. [OF., fr. L. culpare, -atwn, to blame, fr. culpa, fault.] — CuKpableness, -bil'ity, -tl, re. — CuKpably, adv. — Cul'prit, n. One accused or convicted of crime; a criminal. [Prob. corrupt, fr. culpate.] Cultus, kuKtus, Cult, n. Homage; worship: a system of religious belief, worship, or rites. [L. cultus, care, reverence, fr. colere, cidtum, to cultivate.] — Cul'tivate, v. t. To till, fertilize; to direct special attention to, foster, cherish ; to improve by labor, care, or study; to civilize, refine. [F. cultiver, LL. cultivare, -atom, fr. L. colere.] — Cultivable, a. — Cultiva'tion, n. Art or practice of, etc.; tillage; fostering care ; civilization ; state of being culti- vated ; advancement in physical, intellectual, or moral condition, refinement; culture. — Cul'tiva- tor, -tSr, re. One who, etc.; an implement used in the tillage of growing crops, to i loosen the surface of the earth. — Culture, kuKchur, re. Act of, etc.; cultivation; refinement of mind or man- ners. — v. t. [cultured Cultivator, (-churd), -Turing.] To cultivate. [F. ; L. cultura.] Culterj kuKter, n. A colter. See Colter. jL., knife.] — Cul'trate, -trated, a. (Bot. & Ormth.) Sharp-edged and pointed, like a pruning knife. Culverin, kuKver-in, n. A long and slender piece of ordnance, formerly used. [OF. couleuvrine, fr. couleuvre, L. colubra, serpent, adder.] Culvert, kuKvert, re. An arched drain for water un- der a road, canal, etc. [OF. coulouere, gutter, fr. couler, to flow, L. colare, to filter.] Culvertailed, kuKver-tald, a. United, as pieces of timber, by a dove-tailed joint. [AS. culfre, L. columba, dove.] Cumber, kum'ber, v. t. [-bered (-berd), -Bering.] To hang or rest on as a troublesome weight; to be burdensome or oppressive to; to clog, obstruct, em- barrass, impede. [OF. combrer, to hinder, LL. cumbrus, a heap, corrupt, fr. L. cumulus.] — Cunv'ber- some, -sum, a. Burdensome or hindering; not easily managed ; oppressive ; vexatious. — Cum / 'bersome- ly, adv. — Cum'bersomeness, re. — Cum'brance, -brans, n. Encumbrance. — Cum^brous, -brus, a. Rendering action difficult; giving trouble. — Cum / '- brously, adv. — Cum^brousness, n. — Cu'mulate, -lat, v. t. To heap together; amass. [L. cumulare, -latum, fr. cumulus.] — Cumula'tion, n. Act of, etc. ; a heap. — Cu'mulative, -tiv, a. Forming a mass ; aggregated; augmenting ; gaining or giving force by successive additions. (Lctiv.) Given by the same testator to the same legatee, — said of a legacy. — Cu'mulus. n. (Meteor.) One of the four primary forms of clouds, — being massed, and often bringing rain. [L.] — Cu / mulo-stra' ,, tus, re. A form of cloud between cumulus and stratus, which is in layers. Cumfrey. See Comfrey. Cumin, kum'in, n. An umbelliferous plant, resem- bling fennel, and having aromatic seeds. [L. cum- inum, Gr. kuminon, Heb. kammon.] Cunctative, kunk'ta-tiv, a. Causing or prone to de- lay; tardy. [L. cunctari, -tatus, to delay.] Cuneal, ku'ne-al, -neate, -neated, -neat'ic, -niform, -ne'iform, a. Having the form of a wedge; pert, to the wedge shaped characters in ancient Persian and Assyrian inscriptions. [L. cuneus, a wedge, and forma, form.] Cunning, kun'ning, a. Well-instructed ; skillful ; sun, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. CUP i28 cxiftse Cupola. experienced ; given to underhand maneuvering ; artfully deceitful; sly; crafty ; exhibiting skill or craft; ingenious; curious. — n. Faculty or act of using stratagem ; deceit ; art. [Ic. kunnandi, knowledge, fr. kunna, AS. cunnan, to know.] — Cun'ningly, adv. — Cun'mng-ness, n. Cup, kup, n. A small drinking vessel; contents of a cup; cupful; a drink composed of wine iced and flavored ; that which must be endured ; portion ; lot. {Surg.) A cupping-glass, pi. Repeated pota- tions ; revelry ; drunkenness. — v. t. [cupped (kupt), cupping.] To supply with cups. (Surg.) To bleed by scarification and a cupping-glass. [AS. cuppe, fr. L. cupa, vat, cask, Gr. kupelton, cup, fr. kupe, a hollow, Skr. kupa, a well, hollow. See Coop.] — Cup'ping, n. (Surg.) Operation of drawing blood with a cupping-glass. — Cup'ping- glass, n. A glass cup to be applied to the skin, to draw blood by exhausting the air. — Cup'bearer, n. One who fills and hands the cups at an entertain- ment. — Cup'board, kub'erd, n. A closet with shelves, for cups, plates, etc. — Cu r pel, n. A small vessel used in refining precious metals; a shallow crucible. — Cupel', v. t. To separate by means of a cupel; refine. [L. cupella, dim. of cupa.] — Cupella''- tion, n. The analyzing or refining of gold, silver, etc., in a cupel. — Cu'pola, -la, n. ; pi. -las, -laz. (Arch.) A spherical vault on the top of an edifice. The round top of a furnace; the furnace itself. [It., fr. L. cupula, a little cask, dim. of cupa.'] — Cu'pule, -pul, n. (Bot.) A little cup, as of the acorn. (Nat. Hist.) A fleshy concave disk by which cuttle- fish, etc., grasp and cling. Cupidity, ku-pid'I-tl, n. Eager desire for possession, esp. of wealth ; covetousness ; lust. [F. cupidite", L. cupiditas, fr. cupere, to desire, whence Cu- pido, Cupid, god of love.] Cupreous, ku'pre-us, a. Of or resembling copper ; coppery. [L. cupreus, fr. cuprum, copper.] — Cu- priferous, -er-us, a. Containing or affording cop- per. [L./en-e, to bear.] — Cu'prite, -prit.n. (Chem.) A salt consisting of cuprous acid and a base. (Min.) Red copper ore. Cur, ker, n. A worthless or degenerate dog; a worth- less, snarling fellow. [Sw. kurre ; OD. Icorre, dog, Ic. hurra, to murmur, grumble.] — Cur^rish, a. Like a cur ; quarrelsome ; churlish. — Cur / rishly, adv. — Cur^rishness, n. Curable, Curate, Curator, etc. See under Cure. Curacoa, koo-ra-so / \ n. A cordial, flavored with orange-peel, cinnamon, and mace, first made in the island of Curacoa. Curare, -ri, ku-ra're, n. A South American vegetable poison used by Indians upon arrows, etc., — de- stroying control by the nerves of the voluntary muscles. [Written urari, woorali, wourari, etc.] Curassow, ku-ras'so, n. A So. Amer. bird having a short, compressed bill, much arched from the base, and the orbits and cheeks more or less naked. Curb, kSrb, n. A check or hindrance; esp. a chain or strap upon a horse's bit, which may be drawn tight- ly against the lower jaw; a wall to hold back a mass of earth in its place ; a wall set within or round the mouth of a well; a curb-stone. — v. t. [curbed (kerbd), curbing.] To bend to one's will, restrain, confine; to furnish with a curb, as a well; to re- strain by a curb, as a bank of earth. [F. courier, L. curvare. to bend ; s. rt. curve.] — Curb^roof, n. A roof having a double slope; gambrel roof; mansard roof. — stone, n. A stone placed edgewise against earth or stonework to prevent its giving way. Curd, kerd, n. The coagulated or thickened part of milk, eaten as food, also of any liquid. — v. t. To curdie; congeal. — v.i. To become coagulated or thickened ; to separate into curds and whey. [Ir. cruth, Ga. gruth, curds.] — Curd'y, -T, a. Like, or full of, etc. — Cur'dle, -dl, v. i. and t. [curdled (-did), -dling.] To change into curd, coagulate or concrete ; to thicken, congeal. Cure, kur, n. Spiritual charge; care of souls; office of a curate; curacy; medical care; remedial treat- ment of disease ; successful remedial treatment ; restoration to health; remedy; restorative. — v. t. [cured (kurd), curing]. To heal, restore to health, soundness, or sanity; to remedy, remove; to pre- pare for preservation by drying, salting, etc. — v. i. To effect a cure; to be healed. [OF.; L. cura, cure; perh. s. rt. L. cavere, to pay heed to ; not s. rt. E. care, q. v.] — Curler, n. — Cur'able, a. That may be, etc. — Cur'ableness, -ability, n. — Cureless, a. Incurable. — Cur'ative, -tiv, a. Pert, to the cure of diseases ; tending to cure. — Cura'tor, -ter, n. A superintendent, as of a museum, etc. ; trustee; guardian. [L.] — Cu'rate, -rat, n. One who has the cure of souls; orig., any clergyman; now, an assistant to a rector or vicar. — Perpetual curate: One not removable at pleasure. — Cu'racy, -sY, n. Office or employment of, etc. — Cu'rious, -rY-us, a. Solicitous to be correct; careful; scrupulous; ex- hibiting care; artfully constructed; eager to learn; habitually inquisitive; inviting and rewarding in- quisitiveness; singular. [F. curieux, OF. curios, L. curiosus, careful, fr. cura.] — Cu'riously, adv. — Cu r - riousness, n. — Curiosity, -Y-tY, n. State of being, etc.; scrupulousness; disposition to inquire, investi- gate, or seek after knowledge ; inquisitiveness; that which is curious, or fitted to excite or reward attention. [F. curiosite", L. cwiositas.] — Cu'rio, n. ; pi. -rios, -rY-oz. An article of virtu from abroad, esp. fr. China or Japan. [Abbr. of curiosity.'] — Curd, ku-ra r , n. A curate; parson. [F.] Curfew, ker'fu, n. The ringing of a bell at nightfall, orig. a signal to cover fires, extinguish lights, and retire to rest. [OF. couvre-feu, fr. couvrir, to cover, and feu, fire.] Curl, kerl, v. t. [curled (kerld), curling.] To twist or form into ringlets or coils; to deck as with curls; to raise in waves or undulations; to ripple. — v. i. To bend into ringlets, as hair; to move in curves, spirals, or undulations. — n. A ringlet, esp. of hair; an undulating or curving line; flexure; sinuosity; a disease in potatoes, in which the leaves seem curled and shrunk up. [D. krul, Dan. krolle, a curl ; D. krullen, Dan. krolle, Sw. dial, krulla, to curl; Sw. krullig, crisp, D. kreuk, Dan. krog, Sw. krok, a crook.] — CurKer, n. — CurKy, -Y, a. Hav- ing curls; tending to curl. — CurKiness, n. — CurK- ing-irons, -tongs, n. ; pi. An instrument for curl- ing hair. Curlew, kerlu, n. A wading bird, of the snipe kind. [Named fr. its cry ; OF. corlieu. It. chiurlo, Sp. chi- orlito, LL. corlinus.] Curmudgeon, ker-muj'un, n. An avaricious fellow; miser; niggard ; churl. _ [Corrupt, f r. cor n-m udgin g, corn- hoarding; ME. muchen, OF. mucer, to hide.] — Curmud'- geonly, a. Currant, kur'rant, n. A small dried grape, used in cookery; a garden shrub, and its berry. [Fr. Cor- inth, Greece, whence raisins were exported.] Current, kur'rent, a. Running or moving rapidly; now passing or present, in its progress; circulating through the community; generally received; com- mon. — n. A stream, esp. of a fluid; ordinary pro- cedure; progressive and connected movement. [OF. curant, p. pr. of curre, L. currere, to run.] — Cur'- rently, adv. — Cur'rentness, n. — Cur'rency, -sT, n. State or quality of being current; general accept- ance ; circulation ; current value ; general estima- tion; money. — Cur'ncle, -rt-kl, n. A chaise drawn by two horses abreast. [L. curriculum, a course, also a light car, dim. fr. currere.]— Curric'ulum, n. A racecourse; a specified course of study. [L.] Curry, kur'rY, v. t. [curried (kur'rid), currying.] To dress by scraping, cleansing, beating, smoothing, and coloring, — said of leather ; to comb, rub, or cleanse the skin of, — said of a horse. [OF. conroier, courroyer, to dress leather, f r. conroi, equipage, gear, fr. con and roi, array, order, Sw. reda, Dan. rede, order, Ic. reidhi, tackle ; s. rt. array, ready.] — To curry favor. To seek to gain favor by flattery, or officious civilities. [ME. favell, a horse.] — Cur'ner, -rT-er, n. A dresser of leather. — Cur^ry-comb, -kom, n. An instrument for cleaning horses. Curry, kurort, n. A kind of sauce used in India, con- taining pepper and other spices; a stew of fowl, fish, etc., with curry sauce. — v. t. To cook with curry. [Pers. khur, meat, flavor, taste, khurdi, broth.] Curse, kers, v. t. [cursed (kgrst) or curst, cursing.] To wish evil against, execrate ; to bring evil upon, vex, harass or torment, injure. — v. i. To use pro- fane language, swear. — n. Imprecation of evil; Curlew. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; in, Ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; CURSIVE 129 CUTLET malediction; imprecation; that which brings evil or affliction ; torment. [AS. cursian, to curse, curs, a curse ; perh. fr. Sw. Jcorsa, Dan. horse, to make the sign of the cross, Sw. and Dan. kors, cross.] — Curs''- ed. a. Blasted by, or deserving, etc. ; execrable; hateful. — Cure'ecUy, adv. — Curs'er, ». Cursive, kSr'siv, a. Running ; rapid ; flowing. [L. eurrere, cursum, to run.] — Cur'sory, -so-rT, a. Char- acterized by haste ; hastily performed ; superficial ; careless. — "Cur'sorily, adv. — Cui"'soriness, n. Curt, kert, a. Characterized by brevity ; short ; con- cise ; abrupt ; crusty. [L. curtus, "clipped ; s. rt. shear.] — Curtly, adv. — Curfness, n. — Curtail, -tal r , v. t. [-tailed (-tald'), -tailing.] To cut short, abridge, diminish. [OF. courtault, cowtaut, docked, fr. court, short, L. curtus.~\ Curtain, ker'tin, n. A movable cloth screen or cover- ing intended to darken or conceal. (Fort.) Part of the rampart and parapet between the flanks of two bastions. — v. t. [curtained (-tind'), -taixixg.] To inclose, or furnish, with curtains. [OF. cortine, cur- tine, a curtain, fr. LL. cortina, small court, inclos- ure, rampart, dim. of cors, cortis, a court.] — Cur / '- tilage, -lei, n. (Law.) A yard, court-yard, or piece of ground pert, to a dwelling-house. [LL. curtile, court, court-yard, fr. L. cors.] — Cur'tain-lec'ture, -chur, n. A reproof given by a wife to her husband within the bed-curtains, or in bed. Curtesy, kerfe-sT, n. (Laiv.) A husband's life es- tate in the lands of his deceased wife, when he has had issue by her, capable of inheriting. [Prob. f r. court. See Curt.] Curule, ku'rool, a. (Rom. Antiq.) Belonging to a chariot, — said of the chair of certain magistrates, borne in a chariot when they went to council. [L. curulis, fr. currus, chariot, fr. eurrere, to run.] Curve, kerv, a. Bent without angles ; crooked J curved. — n. A bending without an- gles ; thing bent ; a flexure. (Geom.) A line of which no three consecutive points are p in the same straight line. — curve. v. t. [curved (kervd), curving.] To bend, crook, inflect. — v. i. To bend. [L. curvus, Gr. kurtos, bent ; s. rt. circle, curb.] — Curv'edness, -ity, -Y-tY, n. State of being, etc. — Curv'ate, -ated, a. Curved. — Curva'tion, n. Act of, etc.— CurVature, -chur, n. Continual flexure of a line or surface from a recti- linear direction. — Curvilin / 'eal, -ear, -e-ar, a. Con- sisting of, or bounded by, curve lines. [L. linea, line.]— Cur'vet. n. A leap of a horse ; a prank ; frolic.— w. i. To make a curvet; to frisk. — v. t. To cause to, etc. [It. corvetto, a curvet, corvettare, to corvet, fr. corvare, L. curvare, to bow, bend.] Cushat, kush'at, n. The ring-dove or wood-pigeon. [AS. cusceote.] Cushion, kush'un, n. A stuffed bag, to sit or recline upon; any stuffed or padded surface. — v. t. [cush- ioned (-und), -ionixg.] To seat on, or furnish with, etc. [OF. coissin. It. aiscino, fr. L. culcita.] Cusp, kusp, n. (Arch.) A projecting point in the or- namentation of arches, panels, etc.; a pendant of a pointed arch. (Astrol.) First entrance of any house in the calculations of nativities, etc. (Astron.) The point or horn of the crescent. (Math.) The point at which two curves or branches of the same curve meet. [L. cuspis, -piclis, point.] — Cuspid, n. (Anat.) One of the canine or eye teeth: see Tooth. — Cusp'- idal, a. Ending in a point. — Cuspidate, -dated, a. (Bot.) Having a sharp end, like a spear-point. Cuspidor, kuspl-dor, n. A spittoon; an earthenware waste-basket. [Sp. escuspidor, fr. escuper, to spit.] Custard, kuslard, n. A dish composed of milk and eggs, sweetened, and baked or boiled. [OF. crous- taae, f r. L. crustare, -atum, to encrust.] — Cuslard- ap'ple, n. {Bot.) A plant of the West Indies, whose fruit contains a yellowish, custard-like pulp. Custody, kuslo-dt, n. A keeping or guarding ; esp. judicial or penal safekeeping; restraint of liberty; confinement ; imprisonment. [L. custodia, fr. custos, a guardian ; s. rt. hide.] — Custo'dial, -dt-al, a. Pert, to, etc. — Custo'dian, n. One who has, etc. ; a keeper; superintendent. Custom, kuslum, n. Way of acting ; habitual prac- tice ; habitual buying of goods ; business support; patronage. (Law.) Long established practice, or usage, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent. The customary toll, tax, or tribute, pi. Duties imposed on commodities im- ported or exported. [OF. costume, custume, LL. costuma, fr. L. consuescere, -suetum, to accustom, fr. con and suere, to be accustomed; perh. fr. suus, one's own.] — Cuslomable, a. Common; habitual; sub- ject to the payment of duties.— Cus'tomably, -arily, -rT-lT, adv. In a customary manner ; habitually. — Cus 'ternary, a. According to custom ; established by common usage; conventional. (Lau:.) Holding or held by custom. — Cus'tomer, n. One who fre- quents a place to buy; a purchaser ; buyer.— Ugly customer. One difficult to manage. — Cus'tom- house, n. The building where duties are paid, and vessels entered or cleared. Cut, kut, v. t. [cut, cutting.] To separate the parts of with a sharp instrument ; to make an incision in, divide, sever; to hew, as wood; or mow and reap, as grain or corn ; to remove by cutting; to dock ; to shape by cutting, carve, hew out ; to wound the sensibilities of ; to intersect, cross ; to castrate or geld. — i'. i. To serve in dividing or gashing; to ad- mit of incision or severance ; to divide, sever, inter- sect, etc.; to run rapidly ; to divide a pack of cards, to decide the deal or trump. — n. An opening made with a sharp instrument ; a cleft ; gash ; wound ; a stroke with an edged instrument; that which wounds the feelings; a notch, passage, or channel made by cutting ; surface left by a cut ; portion severed or cut off ; an engraved block ; impression from such an engraving; act of dividing a pack of cards; right to divide; manner in which a thing is cut or formed; shape ; style ; fashion. [W. cwtau, Ga. cutaich, to shorten, dock ; W. civta, short, bob-tailed, cwtws, a lot, Ga. cutach, short, cut, a bob-tail, piece, Ir. cut, a short tail, cot, a part, share.] — A short cut. A cross path which shortens the way.— Cut and dried. Pre- pared beforehand ; not spontaneous. — C. glass. Glass having the surface shaped by grinding and polishing.— To c. a dash, or a figure. To make a dis- play. — To c. capers. To play pranks, frolic. — To c. down. To fell; to abash, shame; to lessen, diminish. — To c. out. To remove from the midst; to shape by cutting, fashion ; to take the place of, supersede. — To c. sliort. To arrest or check abruptly, abridge. — To c. under. To undersell. — To c. up. To cut to pieces, damage, destroy. — 7b c. the acquaintance of, or to c. a person. To drop intercourse with, avoid recognizing. — To c. the cards. To divide a pack into portions. — To c. the teeth. To put forth teeth. — To c. across. To pass through in the most direct way.— To c. in. To divide, or turn a card, for de- termining who are to play. — To c. in or into. To interrupt. — Cutler, n. One who, or an instrument which, etc. ; a front tooth, that cuts; an incisor. (JVaut.) A small boat used by ships of war ; a sloop-rigged ves- sel with, a bowsprit which may be run in upon deck. A one-horse sleigh. — Cuf- fing, n. Act or operation of, etc. ; something cut, cut off, or cut out, as a twig cut from a stock for grafting; an „ . . excavation cut through a cutter. hill. — Cut'off, n. That which cuts off or shortens. (Mach.) An attachment to a steam-engine which cuts oft the passage of steam from the steam-chest to the cylinder. purse, n. One who cuts purses, to steal their contents, — said when purses were worn at the girdle ; a thief : pickpocket. — throat, n. One who cuts throats ; a murderer ; ruffian ; as- sassin. — a. Murderous; cruel. — water, n. (Naut.) Fore part of a ship's prow, which cuts the water : see Ship. Part of the pier of a bridge, formed with an angle directed up the stream. — worm, n. Alarve or caterpillar which eats or cuts away plants. Cute, kut, a. Clever; keen; sharp. [Abbr. of acute.] Cutis, kulis, n. (Anat.) The true skin ; a dense resisting membrane, next below the cuticle. [L., skin; s. rt. hide.] — Cuta'neous, -ne-us, a. Pert, to, upon, or affecting, the skin.— Culicle, -tT-kl, a. The outer skin; scarf-skin; epidermis. (Bot.) The thin external covering of the bark o-f a plant. [L. cutic- ida, dim. of cutis.] — Cutic'ular, a. Pert, to, etc. Cutlass, kut'las, n. A broad, curving sword, with but one cutting edge. [F. coutelas, It. coltellaccio, fr. F. coutel. It. coltello, a knife, dagger, fr. L. cultellus, knife, dim. of culter, plowshare.] — Cutler, n. One who makes or deals in cutlery. [OF. cotelier.] — Cutlery, -ler-Y, n. Business of a cutler; cutting in- struments in general, or in the mass. Cutlet, kutlet, n. A piece of meat, esp. of veal or sun, cube, full; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNbON, chair, get. " 9 CUTTLE 130 DACE mutton, cut for broiling ; generally part of the rib with the meat belonging to it. [F. cotelette, dim. of cote, L. costa, a rib.] Cuttle, kut'tl, CutHe-fish, n. A molluscous animal, having ten arms furnished with cu- pules or sucking cups, by which it attaches itself to other bodies. [AS. cudele, OD. kuttel-visch, G. kuttel-ftsch.~\ Cyanogen, si-an'o-jen, n. (Chem.) A compound radical, being a gas com- posed of 1 equivalent of nitrogen and 2 of carbon, an essential ingredient in Prussian blue. [Gr. kuanos, dark blue, and rt. of gennaein, to beget.]— Cyanic, a. Pert, to, or containing, etc. — Cy r - r . ,. „ , anate. -nat, n. A salt in which the ^uttie-nsn. acid is cyanic acid. — Cy'anide, -nid, n. A basic compound of cyanogen with other elements. — Cya- nom'eter, n. An instrument for measuring degrees of blueness, as of the sky. [Gr. metron, measure.] Cycle, si'kl, n. An imaginary circle or orbit in the neavens ; an interval of time in which a certain succession of events is completed, and then returns again and again in the same order. (Bot.) One en- tire round in a spire or circle. [F. ; L. cyclus, Gr. kuklos, circle, cycle, Skr. chakra, wheel, circle, as- tronomical figure ; s. rt. circle, curve, ring.] — Cycle of the moon, or Golden number. A period of 19 years, after which the new and full moons occur again on the same days of the month. — C. of the sun. A pe- riod of 28 years. — Cyclic, siklik, -lical, a. Pert, to, or moving in c.ycles. —Cyclic poets. Certain epic poets who followed Homer, and wrote on the Trojan war, — keeping within the circle of a single subject. — Cy'doid, n. (Geom.) A curve generated by apoint in the plane of a circle when the circle is rolled along a straight line, keeping always in the same plane. [Gr. eidos, form ] — Cycloid'al, a. Pert, to, etc. — Cyclom / 'etry, -trl, n. Art of measuring cir- cles. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Cy'clone, -klon, n. A rotatory storm or whirlwind of extended circuit. — Cyclope'dia, -pae'dia, -pe'dl-a, n. The circle or compass of the arts and sciences, or of human knowl- edge ; a dictionary of arts and sciences ; encyclo- pedia. [Gr. engkuklios juaideia, lit. circular (^com- plete) instruction ; en, in, and kuklos; pai icia, in- struction, fr. puis, pai'/os, a child.] — Cyclopedic, a. Pert, to the circle of the sciences, or to a cyclopedia; encyclopedic. Cyclopean, si-klo-pe'an, a. Pert, to the Cyclops ; gi- gantic: vast and rough; massive. (Arch) Pert, to the earliest buildings found in Greece, consisting of roughly-hewn, uncemented rocks. [Gr. Kuklops, one of a mythical race of giants in Sicily, having one circular eye in the center of the fore- head ; kuklos, circle, and ops, eye.] Cygnet, sigliet, n. A young swan. [L. cygmis, Gr. kuknos, a swan.] Cylinder, silln-der, n. (Geom.) A solid body which may be generated by the rotation of a parallelogram round one of its sides ; a body of roller-like form, of which the longitudinal section is ob- long, and the cross-section circular. [OF. cylindre, L. cylindrus, Gr. kulindros, lit. a roller, fr. kulindein, kuliein, to roll.] — Cylinder. Cylin r dric, -drical, a. Formed like, or having prop- erties of, etc. — Cylin^driform, a. Formed H'lc. <.'c. [L. forma, f orm.J -^ Cyllndroid, n. A solid body resembling a right cylinder, but having the bases elliptical. [Gr. eidos, form.] Cyma, si'ma, n. (Arch.) A member or molding of the cornice, the profile of which is wave-like in form. [Gr. kuma, a wave.] (Bot.) A cyme, q. v. Cymbal, sim / 'bal, n. A dish-shaped musical instru- ment of brass, held in the hand, and producing, when two are struck together, a ringing sound. [OF. cimbale, cymbale, L. cymbalum, Gr. Tcumbalon, fr. kumbos, cup, basin, Skr. kumbha, pot; s. rt. cup.] Cyme, sim, n. (Bot.) A flat-topped or convex flower- cluster, like a corymb, except that the inflorescence commences with the terminal buds. [L. cyma, Gr. kuma, cabbage sprout.] — Cy'mose, -mos, -mous, -mus, a. Containing or in the form of a cyme. — Cymling, n. A squash. Cymric, kimlik, a. Pert, to the Cymry, or people of Wales, or to their language; Welsh. [W. Cymru, Wales.] Cynic, sinlk, -ical, a. Having the qualities of a surly dog; snarling; surly; austere; pert, to the dog-star; pert, to the philosophers called cynics, or to their doctrines. — Cynic, n. One of a sect of ancient phi- losophers, named from their morose tenets; one who holds views resembling those of the cynics; a snarler; misanthrope. [Gr. kunikos, dog-like, a cynic, fr. kuon, a dog, L. canis, Ir. cu, Skr. Gvan.~\ — Cynic- ally, adv. — Cynlcalness, n. — Cynicism, -sizm, n. Practice or principles of a cynic. Cynosure, sin'o-shoor or si'no-shoor, n. The constel- lation of the Lesser Bear, to which, as containing the polar star, the eyes of mariners are often di- rected; anything to which attention is turned; cen- ter of attraction. [L. cynosura, Gr. kunosoura, name of the constellation; kunos oura, dog's tail.] Cypress, si'pres, n. A coniferous tree, generally ever- green, and having wood remarkable for durability, — anciently used at funerals, and so an emblem of mourning. [OF. cypres, L. cyparissus, cupi'essus, Gr. kuparissos; prob. not f r. Cyprus.] Cyprian, sip'ri-an, n. A native of Cyprus; a lewd woman; harlot. —a. Pert, to the island of Cyprus, renowned for the worship of Venus; pert, to lewd- ness, or those who practice it. Cyriologic, sir'l-o-lojlk, a. Pert, to capital letters. [Gr. kurios, chief, and logos, discourse.] Cyst, sist, n. (Physiol.) A pouch or sac, without opening, containing morbid matter. [Gr. kustis, fr. kuein, to hold, contain.] — Cystica. Having the form of, or living in, etc.; containing, pert, to, or contained in, etc. — Cyslocele, -sel, n. Hernia of the urinary bladder. [Gr. kele, tumor.] — Cyst'ose, -os, a. Containing, or resembling, a cyst; cystic. — Cystofomy, -mt, n. Act of opening cysts; esp. the operation of cutting into the bladder to extract a stone, etc. [Gr. temnein, to cut.] Czar, Tzar, zar, n. A king; chief; a title of the em- peror of Russia. [Russ. tsare, L. Csesar.] — Czarina, za-re'na, n. Title of the empress of Russia. [Russ. tsaritsa.] — Czarowitz, zar'o-wits, n. Title of the eldest son of the czar of Russia. [Russ. tsar&vitch.] — Czarev'na, -na, n. Wife of the czarowitz. [Russ.] Czech, tchek, n. One of a branch of the Slavonic race, including the Bohemians, Hannacks (or Moravians), and Slovacks. D. D, de. The 4th letter in the English alphabet. (Mus.) The 2d note of the scale, corresponding to Re. Dab, dab, v. t. [dabbed (dabd), dabbixg.] To strike gently, as with the hand or a soft or moist substance. — n. A gentle blow; sudden hit; a lump of anything soft, with which something is dabbed; a small, flat fish, allied to the flounder. [OD. dabben, to pinch, knead, dabble, G. tappen, to grope, fumble; s. rt. tap.] — Dab'ber, n. That with which one dabs; an implement used in printing, stereotyping, etc. — Dab'ble, v. t. [dabbled (-bid), -blixg.] To wet by little dips or strokes, moisten. — v. i. To play in water, as with the hands; to work in a superficial manner, touch here and there, tamper, meddle. [Freq. of dab; OD. dabbelen.] — Dab'bler, n. Dab, Dabster, dab'ster, n. One skilled at his business; an expert. [Prob. corrupt, fr. adept or dapper.] Dabchick, dab'chik, n. A water-fowl allied to the grebe; dipchick; didapper; dobchick; a babyish per- son. [Sw. doppa, D. doopen, to dip, G. taufen, to baptize, and E. chick.] Da capo, da-ka/po. (Mus.) A direction to return to. and end with, the first strain, — indicated by Z>. C. [It., fr. da, from, and capo, head, beginning.] Dace, das, n. A river fish, of silvery color. [F. dard, OF. dars, fr. LL. dardiis, a dart, fr. its swiftness.] am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; 6nd, eve, term ; in, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; DACTYL 131 DANCE Dactyl, dak/til, n. (Pros.) A poetical foot of 3 sylla- bles, 1 long, followed by 2 short, or 1 accented fol- lowed by 2 unaccented. [L. dactylus, Gr. daktulos, finger, dactyl.] — Dac'tylar, a. Pert, to, etc. — Dac- tylic, a. Pert, to, or consisting of, dactyls. — n. A line consisting chiefly or wholly of dactyls. — Dac'- tylist, n. A writer of, etc. — DactyloKogy, -iT. n. A method of communication for the deaf and dumb, in which motions of the fingers answer to the writ- ten alphabet. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Dactil / iog / '- raphy, -ft, n. Art of gem-engraving. [Gr. daktuhos, finger-ring, and graphein, to write.] Dad. Daddy, dad'dY, n. Father, —a word used by children. [W. tad, Corn, tat, Armor, tad, tat, Ir. daid, Gr. and Skr. tata, father.] — Dad'dy -long-legs, n. A spider having a small round body, and very long, slender legs; the crane-fly. Daddle, dad'dl, v. i. To walk unsteadily, like a child or old man; to do anything slowlj-. [Scot, daidle.] Dado, da'do, n. (Arch.) The die or square part in the middle of the pedestal of a column; that part of an apartment between plinth and impost molding; an arrangement of moldings, or a border of wood or paper, around the lower part of the walls of a room. [It. and Sp., a die, cube, pedestal; s. rt. die, q. v.] Daedal, de'dal, Daedalian, -da'll-an, a. Formed with art; ingenious; intricate. [Fr. Daedalus, a mythic craftsman.] — Daedalous, ded'a-lus, a. (Bot.) Hav- ing a margin with windings, — said of leaves. Daffodil, daifo-dil, n. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Narcissus, having a bulbous root, and beautiful flow- ers, usually yellow. [Corrupt, fr.. F. flew d'affro- dille, OF. asphodile, L. asphodelus. See Asphodel.] Daft, daft, a. Delirious; insane; foolish. [Scot.] Dag, dag, n. A dagger; poniard; a kind of pistol for- merly used. — Dag'ger, n. A short sword; poniard. (Print.) A mark of reference in the form of a dag- ger [t], — called also obelisk. — v. t. To pierce with, etc.; to stab. [W. dagr, OGa. daga. Armor, dag, dager, F. dague, a dagger, ME. and OD. daggen, to stab.] — To look daggers. To look fiercely, reproach- fully, or angrily. — At d. drawn. At enmity. Dag, dag, n. A loose end, as of locks of wool; a leath- er latchet. [AS., anything loose.] — Dag'-lock, n. A dirty lock of wool on a sheep. Daggle, dag'gl, v. t. [daggled (-gld), -gling.] To trail so as to wet or befoul; to wet, dirty. — v. i. To be drawn through water and mud; to draggle. [Prov. E. dag, to sprinkle, Sw. dagga, to bedew, fr. dagg, dew; s. rt. dew.] — Dag'gle-tail, n. A filthy person; Blattern; slut. Daguerreotype, da-ger'o-tlp, n. A method of taking pictures by photography, on plates of silvered cop- per, etc.; picture so produced. — v. t. [daguerreo- typed (-tipt), -TYPING.] To represent by the photo- graphic art, as a picture; to impress with great dis- tinctness. [Fr. Daguerre, inventor's name.] — Da- gTierre'otyper, -typist, n. One who takes, etc.— Daguerrean, -guerreian, -ger'T-an, n. Pert, to Da- guerre or to his invention. — Daguerre / otyp / 'ic, -typ'- lcal, -tTp / '-, «. Of, or pert, to, the daguerreotype. — Daguerre'otypy, -tlp-T, n. Art of producing, etc. Dahlia, daKya, n. A genus of flowering plants native to Mexico. [Fr. Andrew Dahl, a Swedish botanist.] Daily. See under Day. Daimio, di'mt-o, n. One of the feudal nobles of Japan. [Jap., fr. Chin, ta wing, great name.] Dainty, dan'tT, a. Delicious to the taste; toothsome; elegant in fofm, manner, or breeding; requiring dainties; over-nice; fastidious; ceremonious. — n. That which is delicious, delicate, or nice; delicacy. [OF. daintie, agreeableness, dain, dainty, quaint, curious, fr. L. dignitas, dignity, worth, digitus, worthy. J — Dain'tily, -tt-lt, adv. — Dain'tiness, n. Dairy, da^rT, n. Place where milk is kept, and made into butter or cheese; business of making butter and cheese. [ME. daierie, deyerie., fr. deye. Tc. deigja, Sw. deja, maid servant, dairymaid.] — Dai / '- rymaid, n. A female servant in charge of milk, etc. — man, w. One who sells milk, butter, cheese, etc. Dais, da'is, n. A raised floor at the upper end of the dining-hall; upper table of a dining-hall; seat with a canopy for those at the high table. [OF., fr. L. discus, platter, table, Gr. diskos, quoit, round plate.] Daisy, da'zT, n. A common spring flower. [AS. dae- ges-eage, day's eye, daisy.] Dale, dal, n. A low place between hills; vale; valley. [AS. dsel, Dan., Sw., D., OS., and Goth, dal, G. that] — Dales'man, n. ; pi. -men. One living in a dale. Dally, dal'lT, v. i. [dallied (-lid), -lying.] To waste time in effeminate or voluptuous pleasures, or in idleness and trifles; to linger, delay; to interchange caresses; to use fondling or wantonness. [AS. dxveli- geati, to err, be foolish, Ic. dvala, to delay, D. dwa- len, to err, wander ; s. rt. dwell.) — Dal'lier, n. A fondler; trifler. — Dal'liance, -lT-ans, n. Act of, etc. Dalmatica, dal-mafik-a, n. (Eccl.) A white gown, worn over the alb and stole, by deacons in the Rom. Cath. church, — imitated from a dress orig. worn in Dalmatia. Ajobe of kings in the middle ages. Dal Segno, dal san'yo. (Mus.) A direction to go .r,. back to the sign, and repeat from thence to the 7J« close. [It., from the sign.] Daltonism, dawl'ton-izm, n. Inability to distinguish certain colors ; color-blindness. [Fr. the chemist Dalian, who had this infirmity.] Dam, dam, n. A female parent, — used of beasts, or of a woman, in contempt. [Corrupt, f r. dame, q. v.] Dam, dam, n. A mole, bank of earth, wall, etc., to ob- struct the flow of water. — v.t. [dammed (damd), damming. J To obstruct or restrain the flow of, by a dam; to shut up, confine. [D. and Dan. dam, 'ic. dammr, Sw. and G. damm, a dam, D. dammen, Sw. damma, to dam.] Damage, dam'ej, n. Any permanent injury to person, property, or reputation; hurt; loss; mischief ; detri- ment, pi. (Laiv.) A compensation or indemnity to one party, for a wrong or injury done by another. — v. t. [damaged (-ejd), -aging.] To inflict injury upon, hurt, impair. [OF., fr. L. damnum, damage.] — Damageable, a. Capable of being, etc — Damn, dam, v. t. [damned (damd), damning (damping or dam'ning).] To condemn; to adjudge to punish- ment or death; to censure. (Theol.) To condemn to punishment in the future world. To condemn as bad, by hissing, etc. [OF. damner, L. damnare, -na- tum, fr. damnum.] — Damned, damd, in serious dis- course dam'ned, p. a. Sentenced to punishment in a future state ; hateful; abominable. — Damnation, -na'shun, n. (Theol.) Condemnation to eternal pun- ishment. — Dam'nable, a. Worthy of, etc.; odious; detestable. — Dam'nably, adv.— Dam'natory, -rT, a. Condemning to damnation; condemnatory. Damascene, dam'as-sen, Dam'son, -zn, n. A kind of plum. [L. Damascenus, of Damascus, celebrated for its plums.] — Dam'ask, a. Pert, to, originating at, or like, the manufactures of Damascus; having the color of the damask rose. — n, A stuff with raised figures, woven in the loom, — orig. made at Damascus, of rich silk, now made of silk intermin- gled with flax, cotton, or wool; linen woven in imi- tation of the figures in damask silk. — v. t. [dam- asked (askt), -asking.] To decorate with orna- mental figures, as silk with raised flowers, etc., or steel with etchings, or inlaid devices; to embellish, variegate. — Damask color. That of the Damask rose. — D. rose. A variety of rose native to Damas- cus. — D. silk. A heavy, rich, figured silk, — usually called damask. — D. steel. A fine quality of steel orig. made at Damascus, and valued for sword- blades.— Dam'asken, -een, v. t. To damask.— Dam'- askin, n. A kind of saber, — orig. made at, etc. Dame, dam, n. A lady in rank or culture; the mis- tress of a family in common life; mistress of a com- mon school; a matron. [F., fr. L. domina, fern, of dominus, a lord.] — Dam'sel, -zel, n. A young un- married woman; girl. [F. demoiselle, fr. LL. domi- cellus, a page.] Damn, Damnable, etc. See under Damage. Damp, damp, a. Moderately wet; moist; humid. — n. Moisture; humidity; fog; dejection; depression; dis- couragement pi. (Mining.) Gaseous products, elim- couragement pi. (Mining.) inated in coal-mines, wells etc. — v. t. [damped (dampt), damping.] To moisten, make humid, ren- der chilly, depress or deject, discourage. [D. and Dan., vapor, Sw. damb, dust, G. damp/, vapor, D. dampen, to steam, Dan. dampe, to reek.] — Dampen, dampen, v. t. or i. [-ened (-nd), -ening.] To make or become moist. — Damp'er, n. That which damps or checks ; as a valve in a flue, to regulate the draught of air, or a contrivance in mechanism, to check some action at a particular time. — Damp'ness, n. Mod- erate humidity; moisture. Damsel. See under Dame. Damson. See under Damascene. Dance, dans, v. i. [danced (danst), dancing.] To move with measured steps, or to a musical accom- paniment; to move nimbly or merrily, caper, frisk. — v. t. To cause to dance, dandle. — n. A brisk amusement, in which the movements of persons are regulated by art, in figures and by the sound of in- struments. (Mus.) A tune by which dancing is reg- stin, cube, full; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DANDELION 132 DAUB ulated. [OF. dancer, F. danser, to dance, fr. OHG. danson, to draw along, trail ; s. rt. L. tendere, to stretch.] — To dance attendance. To wait obsequi- ously.— Dan'cer, n.— Danseuse, dawN-sez', n. A female dancer, esp. at a theater, etc. [F., fern, of danseur, a dancer.] Dandelion, dan'de-li'un, n. A plant, with large yellow compound flowers. [F. (tent de Ztcwi,- lion's tooth, from the size and form of its leaves.] Dander, dan'der, n. Corrupt, of Dandruff, q. v. — Anger or vexation. [Low.] — To get up one's dander, or have one's dander raised. To get into a passion. Dandle, dan'dl, v. t. [dandled (-did), -dling.] To move up and down m affectionate play, as an in- fant ; to caress, fondle ; to treat as a child, toy with, pet. [OD. danten, to do foolish things, trifle, fr. dant, a capricious, effeminate man, OHG. taen- delti, to trifle, dandle, lounge, fr. tant, G. land, a trifle, idle prattle.]— Dan'dler, n. — Dan'dy, -dt, n. One who affects finery in dress and manner; a fop; coxcomb. [OF. dandin, fr. OD. dant.] — Dan'dy- ism, -izm, n. Manners and character of, etc. Dandruff, dan'druf, -driff, -der, n. Scurf which forms on the head, and comes off in scales. [W. ton, surface,_skin, and perh. W. drwg, Ga. droch, bad.] Danger, dan'jer, n. Exposure to injury, loss, pain, etc. ; peril ; hazard ; risk ; jeopardy. [F., orig. ab- solute power; hence power to harm; fr. LL. domin- ium, power. See Dominate.] — Dan'gerous, -us, a. Attended with, or causing danger. — Dangerously, adv. — Dan'gerousness, n. Dangle, dan'gl, v. i. [-gled (-gld), -gling.] To hang loosely, or with a waving, swinging, or jerking mo- tion. — v.t. To cause to dangle; to swing. [Dan., Sw., and Ic. dingla, to dangle; Svr.danka, to saunter about.] — To dangle about, or after. To hang upon importunately, beset, follow obsequiously. — Dan r - gler, n. One who hangs about others, esp. women. Dank, dank, a. Damp ; moist ; humid ; wet. [Sw. dial., a marshy place, Sw. dag, dew. See Daggle.] — Danklsh, a. Somewhat damp. Daphne, daf 'ne, n. The laurel, a diminutive shrub, having a fragrant flower. [Gr.] Dapper, dap'per, a. Little and active; nimble; neat in dress; smart. [D., bold, G tapfer, brave.] Dapple, dap'pl, a. Marked with spots of different shades of color; variegated. — n. One of the spots on a dapple animal, —v.t. [dappled (-pld), -pling.] To variegate, spot. [Ic. depill, a spot, dot, f r. dapi, Sw. dial, depp, pool of water; s. rt. dip, dimple.] Dare, dar, v. i. [durst (derst), daring.] To have sufficient courage; to be bold, enough; to venture. — v. t. [dared (dard), daring.] To have courage for, venture to do; to profess courage to meet; to challenge, provoke, defy, brave [AS. durran, to dare {dear, I dare, dorste, I durst or dared), Goth. dars, OHG. tar, Gr. tharsein, Skr. dhrish.] — Dar'er, n. — Daring, a. — Dar Ingly, adv. — Dare'-devil, n. A rash, venturesome fellow. Dark, dark, n. Destitute of light; not reflecting or radiating light; obscure; not easily seen through; mysterious ; hidden ; destitute of knowledge and culture; unrefined; evincing foul traits of charac- ter; vile; wicked ; foreboding evil; gloomy; suspi- cious. — n. Absence of light; obscurity; condition of ignorance; secrecy. [AS. deorc, D. donker, Sw., Dan., and G. dunkel, dark.] —Darken, darken, v. t. [-ened (-nd), -ening ] To make dark or black, obscure, render dim, deprive of vision; to render ignorant or stupid, to render less clear or intelli- gible; to cast a gloom upon; to make foul, sully. — v. i. To grow dark or darker. — Dark'ener, n. — Darkish, a. Somewhat dark ; dusky ; dim. — Darkly, adv. — Dark'ness, n. State of "being, etc.; obscurity ; gloom ; secrecy ; state of ignorance or error; wickedness; impurity; want of clearness or perspicuity; calamity; perplexity. — Darkling, a. In the dark. — Dark'some, -sum, a. Dark; gloomy; obscure. — Darkly, -Y, n. A negro. Darling. See under Dear. Darn, darn, v. t. [darned (darnd), darning.] To mend, as a hole, by imitating the texture of the stuff with thread and a needle. — n. A place mended by darning. [W. darnio, to piece, break in pieces, fr. W., Corn., & Armor, darn, piece, OF. dame, a slice, a broad and thin piece.] — Darn'er, n. Darn, darn, v. t. A substitute for the profane damn. Darnel, dar'nel, n. A weed, — rye-grass. [OF. dame, stupefied; Sw. darrepe, darnel, fr. dar, stupefying, and repe, name of the weed.] Darnex, Darnic. Same as Dornic. Darrein, dar'rin, a. (Law.) Last. [OF. darrein, derrain, fr. L. de and retro, back, backward.] Dart, dart, n. A weapon thrown by the hand; a javelin; any missile weapon; anything that pierces and wounds. — v. t. To throw with a sudden thrust, hurl, launch; to throw suddenly or rapid- ly ; to send, emit, shoot, — v. i. To be let fly or launched; to start and run with velocity; to shoot rapidly along. — n. A fish, the dace. rOF.; F. dard, AS. darodh, Ic. darradhr, a dart, Sw. dart, a dagger; perh. s. rt. AS. derian, to injure.] — Dart'er, n. One who darts or throws a dart. (Ornith.) The snake-bird, a bird of the pelican family, — which darts out its long neck at its prey. Darwinian, dar-win'Y-an, a. Pert, to the theory of natural selection, struggle for existence, and sur- vival of the fittest, taught by Charles Darwin in his "Origin of Species" and other works. — ?;. One who helieves, etc. ; an evolutionist.— Dar'winism, -winlanism, -izm, n. The doctrine of evolution. Dash, dash, v. t. [dashed (dasht), dashing.] To throw with violence; to break, as by throwing or collision; to put to shame, confound; to throw in or on in a rapid, careless manner, overspread par- tially, touch here and there ; to form or sketch rapidly or carelessly ; to erase by a stroke, strike out, obliterate. — ?•. i. To rush or strike violently. — n. Violent striking of two bodies; crash; sudden check; frustration; ruin; an admixture, infusion, or adulteration ; a partial overspreading ; a rapid movement, quick blow, sudden onset; capacity for quick, bold movements against an enemy ; a vain show or blustering parade; a flourish. (Punctuation.) A mark or line, thus[ — ], denoting a break, stop, or transition in a sentence, or a change in its construc- tion, a significant pause, or an unexpected turn of sentiment. (3Ius.) A mark [T] denoting that the note is to be performed in a short, distinct manner; the line drawn through a figure in the thorough- bass, as a direction to raise that figure half a tone higher. (Racing.) A single trial of speed, — disting. fr. a heat. [Dan. daske, Sw. dial, daska, disa, to slap.] — Dasn/er, n. That which, etc. ; a dash- board. — Dash'y, -Y, a. Ostentatiously fashionable: showy. —Dashingly, adv. Conspicuously.— Dash-- board, -bord, n. A board on the front of a vehicle to intercept mud, etc. Dastard, daslard, n. One who meanly shrinks from danger; coward; poltroon. — a. Meanly shrinking; cowardly. [OD. dasaert, a fool, Ic. dsestr, exhaust- ed, breathless, p. p. of dsesa, to groan, lose breath from exhaustion, Sw. dial, dasa, to lie idle.] — Das'- tardize, v. t. [-ized (-Izd), -izing.] To make a das- tard of. — Das'tardly, a. Meanly timid ; base. Data, dala, n. pi. Factsgiven or admitted; ground of inference or deduction. — Dalum, n. Something given, esp. as a standard; a datum-line, a horizontal line or level, from which surface points are reck- oned in surveying. [L. datus, -a, -urn. p. p. of dare, to give.] — Date, dat, n. Specification of the time when a writing, inscription, coin, etc., was execu- ted; precise period or time of; epoch; end; conclu- sion; duration; continuance. — v. t. To note the time of writing or executing; to fix the time of; to refer to as a starting point. — v. i. To have begin- ning, have a date. [F., fr. LL. data, a date, fr. dare.] — Dateless, a. — Da'tive, -tiv, n. (Law.) That which may be given or disposed of at pleas- ure. (Gram.) The case of a noun which expresses the remoter object, generally indicated in English by to or for with the objective. — a. (Law.) Capa- ble of being disposed of at will and pleasure; re- movable, as disting. fr. perpetual, — said of an officer; given by a magistrate, as disting. fr. being cast upon a party by the law. Pert, to the dative. Date, dat, n. The fruit of the date-palm. [OF., fr. L. dactylus, Gr. daktulos, a finger, also a date, fr. the shape of the fruit.] — Date'-palm, -pam, -tree, n. The genus of palms bearing dates. Daub, dawb, v. t. [daubed (dawbd), daubing.] To smear with soft, ad- hesive matter; to plaster ; to paint in a coarse or unskillful manner ; to dis- guise, conceal. — n. A viscous, sticky application. (Paint.) A picture coarse- ly executed. [OF. dauber, to plaster, prob. orig. dalber, fr. L. dealbare, Sp. jalbegar, to whitewash, plaster, fr. L. de, down, and albare, to whiten, fr. alius, white.] — Daub'er, n. — Daub'ery, -er-i, n. A daubing; imposition. Date tree. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Yn, Ice ; fidd, tone, 6r ; DAUGHTER 133 DEAN Davits. Daughter, daw't^r, n. A female child or descendant. [AS. dohtor, D. dochter, Dan. and Sw. dottcr, Goth. dauhiar, OHG. tohter, G. tochter, Gr. thugatcr, Skr. duhitri; s. rt. t/i<{7.] — Daughterly, -II. a. Becom- ing a daughter; filial. — Daugh' ter-in-law, n. The wife of one's son. Daunt, dant, w. t. To repress or subdue the courage of, dismay, appall, intimidate. [F. dompter, OF. danter, fr. L. domiture, to subdue, freq. of domare, to tame; s. rt. tame.] — Daunt 'less, a. Incapable of being, etc.; bold; intrepid. Dauphin, daw'fin, n. The eldest son of the king of France, and heir of the crown. [Fr. Dauphine, a French province, the lords of which had as their crest a dolphin, OF. dauphin, daidphin, L. del- phinus.] — Dau'phiness, n. Wife of the dauphin. Davenport, dav'en-port, n. A writing-table. Davit, davit or da'vit, n. {Naut.) A spar used on ships, as a crane to hoist the anchor to the top of the bow. pi. Arms projecting over a ship's side or stern, having tackle to raise a boat . by. [Prob. corrupt, fr. F. davier, forceps.] Davy-lamp, da'vT-lamp, n. A lan- tern whose light is inclosed within wire gauze, as a protection against explosions of gases in mines, — invented by Sir Humphrey Da vy. Daw, daw, n. A bird of the crow family; jackdaw. [E.; onomat.] Dawdle, daw'dl, v. i. [-dled (-did), -dlixg.] To waste time in trifling employment, trifle. — v. t. To waste by trifling. [See Dandle.] — Daw'dler, n. An idler. Dawn, dawn, v. i. [dawned (dawnd), dawning.] To begin to grow light in the morning, or to open and give promise, as the understanding or character. — n. The break of day; first appearance of light; first opening or expansion: beginning. [AS. dagian, to dawn, fr. dseg, day, G. tagen, fr. tag. See Day.] Day, da, n. The period from sunrise to sunset; period of the earth's revolution on its axis, — divided into 24 hours; a specified time or period; day of battle; successful contest ; victory. [AS. dseg, D., Dan., and Sw. dag, Ic. dagr, Goth, dags, G. tag ; not s. rt. L. dies, Ir. dia, W. dydd, day.] — Civil day. The day used in ordinary reckoning of time, among most nations beginning at midnight. — Day by day. Daily; every day ; continually. — Days in bank. {Eng. Laiv.) Stated days for the return of writs and appearance of parties. — Days of grace. {O. Eng. Law.) Three days beyond the return day in the writ for the party summoned to make his ap- pearance. {Merc. Law.) Days allowed, usually 3, for payment of a note, after the specified day of payment. —Day's work. {Naut.) The reckoning of a ship's course for 24 hours, from noon to noon. — One day, or one of these days. At an indefinite time in the future.— Daily, dalT, a. Happening or pert, to each successive day; diurnal; quotidian. — adv. Every day; day by day. — n. A publica- tion appearing every day. — Day'-book, n. A book in which are recorded the accounts of the day. — -break, n. The first appearance of light in the morning; dawn of day. dream, n. A vain fancy; reverie; castle in the air; unfounded hope. — labor, n. Labor hired or done by the day. — light, n. The light of day, or of the sun. — spring, n. The be- ginning of the day; dawn. — star, n. The morning star. — time, n. Time between sunrise and sun- setting. — Days'man, n. ; pi. -men. An umpire or arbiter, — who appoints a day to hear a cause. Daze, daz, v. t. [dazed (dazd), dazing.] To over- power with light, dazzle, confuse, bewilder. [Ic. dasa, to become weary or exhausted, Sw. dasa, to lie idle; s. rt. doze and perh. dizzy and dull.'] — Daz- zle, daz'zl, v. t. [dazzled (-zld), -zling.] To overpower with light ; to surprise with brilliancy or display of any kind. — v. i. To be intensely bright; to be rendered blind or dim by excess of brightness. — Daz'zlingly, -IT, adv. Deacon, de'kn, n. {Eccl.) In some communions, one admitted to a grade in the ministry lower than priest or elder; in others, a church officer who assists the pastor at the Lord's Supper, etc. [AS., fr. L. diaco- nus, Gr. diakonos, orig. a servant.] — To deacon out. To read line by line, as a hymn, for others to sing, as was formerly done by deacons. — Dea'coness, n. A woman specially devoted to the service of the church — caring for the sick, etc. — Dea'conry, -rT, -ship, Diaconate, di-ak'o-nat, n. Office or ministry of a deacon or deaconess.— Diac'cnal, a. Pert, to, etc. Dead, ded, a. Destitute of life ; put to death ; inani- mate ; resembling death in appearance or quality ; without show of life; without motion; inactive; un- productive ; unprofitable.; dull; monotonous or un- varied; producing death; sure as death; wanting in religious spirit. {Law.) Cut off from the rights of a citizen, or property holder. {Engin.) Not impar- ting motion or power. — adv. To a degree resem- bling death; to the last degree; completely; wholly. — n. The most quiet or death-like time ; period of profoundest repose or gloom, pi. Those who are dead ; the departed. [AS. dead, D. dood, Dan. and Sw. dod, Ic. daudhr, Goth, dauchs.] — Dead ahead. {Naut.) Directly ahead, — said of the wind. — D. drunk. So drunk as to be helpless. — D. language. A language no longer spoken. — D. letter. A letter uncalled for at a post-ofhce and sent to the general post-office to be opened ; that which has become ob- solete. — D. lock. An interlocking or counteraction of things, producing an entire stoppage. — Deads, dedz, n. pi. {Mining.) Places yielding no ore; heaps of refuse, containing no ore. — Deadly, -IT, a. Ca- pable of causing death ; mortal ; fatal ; destructive; willing to destroy ; implacable. — adv. So as to re- semble, or to cause, death ; mortally ; implacably. — Dead'liness, n. — Dead'ness, n. State of being or seeming dead ; inertness ; coldness ; indifference. — Dead'en, ded'n, v. t. [-exed (-nd), -ening.] To impair in vigor, force, or sensibility; to lessen the velocity or momentum of, retard ; to make spirit- less ; to deprive of gloss or brilliancy. — Dead'-an- gle, n. {Fort.) The space before the parapet out of reach of the fire of the garrison. — beat, a. Tired out. — n. One whose constitution or resources are exhausted; a worthless idler who sponges on others. — center, -point, n. {Mach.) Either of the 2 points in the orbit of a crank at which the crank and con- necting-rod lie in a straight line. coForing, n. {Paint.) The first layer of colors, usually gray. — -eye, n. {Naut.) A wooden block, pierced with 3 holes, to receive the lanyard. — head, n. One who receives free tickets to theaters, public conveyances, etc. — heat, n. A race in which the competitors come in even. house, n. A morgue; place for the temporary reception of dead bodies. — latch, n. A kind of latch whose bolt may be so locked that it cannot be opened from within by the handle, or from without by the key. lift, n. The lifting of a thing at disadvantage; lift made w r ith main strength; an extreme exigency. — light, n. {Naut.) A strong shutter for a cabin window, to exclude water. — line, n. A line inclosing space in a military prison, on passing which a prisoner is liable to be shot. — march, n. A piece of solemn music for a funeral. — reck/oning, n. {Naut.) Method of determining a ship's position without celestial observations. — wall, n. A blank wall, without windows, etc.— - -water, n. {Naut.) The eddy water Dead-light. closing behind a moving ship. — weight, n. A heavy or oppressive burden. Deaf, def or def, a. Wanting the sense of hearing; un- willing to hear ; not to be persuaded. [AS. deaf, D. doof, Dan. dov, Sw. dof, Ic. daufr, G. taub ; proD. s. rt. Gr. tuphos, smoke, stupor, E. dumb.] — Deafen, v. t. [-ened (-nd), -ening.] To make deaf, stun. {Arch.) To render impervious to sound, as a floor, by filling the space beneath it w r ith mortar, etc. — ■ Deafness, n. — Deaf-mute, n. One deaf and dumb. Deal, del, v. t. [dealt (delt), dealing.] To divide, distribute ; to throw out or bestow successively or indiscriminately. — v. i. To make distribution ; to traffic, trade, carry on business ; to act, have trans- actions w r ith, manage, treat. — n. A part or portion; an indefinite quantity, degree, or extent; division or distribution of cards; portion distributed ; divis- ion of a timber by sawing ; a pine or fir board or plank, esp. one above 7 inches in width, and exceed- ing 6 feet in length; wood of the pine or fir. [AS. dselan, D. deelen, Dan. dele, Ic. deila, Goth, dailjan, to divide, share, fr. AS. dsel, D. and Dan. deel, Ic. deild, Goth, dails, a portion, also D. deel, board, plank, and Ic. deild, dole, dealings.] — Deafer, n. One who deals ; a trader. — Dealing, n. Manner of treating others ; trade; distribution, as of cards. Dean, den, n. An ecclesiastical dignitary, subordinate to a bishop; an officer in universities; head or t-ecre- siin, cube, full ; moon, foot ; GPW, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DEAR m DECARBONIZE tary of a college faculty. [F. doyen, OF. deien, a dean, fr. L. decanus, one set over 10 soldiers, later, over 10 monks, hence a dean, fr. decern, ten ; s. rt. ten.] — Dean'ery, -er-Y, ??. Office, revenue, residence, or jurisdiction, of a dean. — Dean'ship, n. Office of, etc. — Dec'anal, a. Pert, to a deanery. Bear, der, a. Bearing a high price ; costly ; marked by scarcity, and exorbitance of price ; highly val- ued; much esteemed ; greatly beloved ; precious. — adv. Dearly; at a high rate. — n. A dear one; dar- ling. [AS. deore, dyre, Ic. dyrr, Dan. and Sw. dyr, D. duur, dear, expensive, OHG. tiuri, G. theuer, dear, beloved, sacred.] — Dearly, adv.— Dear'ness, n — Darling, darkling, a. Dearly beloved; regarded with tender fondness ; favorite. — n. One who is, etc. [AS. deorling, dim. of deore.] — Dearth, derth, n. Scarcity, rendering dear; want; famine ; barren- ness ; poverty. [Ic. dyrdh.] Dearborn, der'bern, n. A lisrht 4-wheeled carriage. Death, deth, n. Cessation of bodily life ; decease ; de- mise; dissolution; exit; total privation or loss; man- ner of dying ; cause, agent, or instrument of loss of life; a skeleton, as the symbol of death ; danger of death. [AS. deadh, D. dood, Dan. and Sw. do!, Ic. daudhi, Goth, dauthus, G. tod. See Dead.] — Civil death. Separation of a man from civil society or en- joyment of civil rights, as by outlawry, banish- ment, entering into a monastery, etc. — Death's door. A near approach to death. — Spiritual death. (Script.) Corruption and perversion of the soul by sin, with the loss of the favor of God.— Deathless, a. Not subject to death or destruction; immortal. — Deathly, -it. a. Resembling death or a dead body; deadly; fatal. — Death'-bed, n. The bed on which one dies; the closing hours of life. — rate, n. The ratio of the number of deaths to the population. — -rattle, n. A rattling in the throat of a dying per- son. — warrant, n. (Law.) An official order for the execution of a criminal. watch, n. An in- sect that makes a ticking noise, vulgarly thought to prognosticate death. — Death's'-head, n. A figure representing a human skull. man, n. ; pi. -men. An executioner ; hangman. Debacle, de-ba'kl, n. A violent rush of waters ; con- fused rout ; overthrow; breaking up. [F., fr. bacler, to bar, fr. L. bacidus, a bar.] Debar, de-bar', v. t. [-barred (-bard), -barring.] To cut off from entrance, as if by a bar or barrier ; to shut out, exclude, deny, refuse, [de and bar.] Debark, de-bark', v. t. [-barked (-barkt), -barking.] To land from a ship or boat, disembark. — v. i. To leave a vessel and pass to the land. [F. de"barquer, fr. barque. See Bark.] — Debarkation, n. Act of, etc. Debase, de-bas', v. t. [-based (-bast'), -basing.] To reduce to a lower state of worth, dignity, purity, etc. ; to abase, degrade, lower, [de and base.] — Debas'er, n. — Debased, -bast', a. (Her.) Turned from its base ; upside down. — Debase'ment, n. Act of or state of being debased ; degradation. Debate, de-bat', n. Contention in words or argu- ments ; dispute ; controversy. — v. t. To fight or strive for, contend for in words or arguments, con- test, argue, dispute. — v. i. To engage in strife or combat, contend, struggle, deliberate. [F. debattre, to debate, fr. L. de, doton, and batuere, to beat. See Batter.] — Debating society. A society for debate and improvement in extemporaneous speaking. — Debat'er, n. One who debates ; a disputant. — De- bat'able, a. Liable to be, etc. ; disputable. Debauch, de-bawch', v. t. [-bauched (-bawcht), -bauching.] To corrupt in character or principles ; to vitiate, pollute, seduce. — n. Excess in eating or drinking ; drunkenness ; gluttony ; lewdness ; an act of debauchery. [OF. desbaucher, fr. des (L. dis), away from, and bauche, LL. bugia, little house, workshop, i.e., to entice away from work.] — Deb- auchee, deb-o-she', n. A sensual or dissipated per- son ; rake ; libertine. — Debaucher, -bawch'er, n. — Debauch'ery, -er-T, n. Corruption of fidelity ; in- dulgence of the appetites; intemperance ; lewdness. — Debaucb/ment, n. Act of debauching. Debenture, de-ben'chur, n. A writing acknowledg- ing a debt ; a custom-house certificate entitling an exporter of imported goods to a drawback. (Com.) Securities for money loans. [Fr. L. debentur, they are due, fr. debere, to owe, — these receipts begin- ning Debentur mihi, etc.] Debilitate, de-bil'T-tat, v. t. To make feeble, faint, or languid; to weaken, enervate, relax. [OF. de- biliter, L. debilitare, -tatum, fr. debilis, weak, fr. de and habilis, able ; i.e., unable.] — Debil'ity, -tl, n. State of being feeble, or weak ; languor ; infirmity; imbecility. [OF. debilite 1 , L. debilitas.] Debit, deb'it, n. A recorded item of debt; debtor side of an account ; debt. — v. t. To charge with debt ; enter on the debtor side. [L. debere, debitum, to owe, fr. de and habere, to have.] — Debt, det, n. That which is due from one to another ; obligation ; lia- bility ; a duty neglected or violated ; fault ; crime; trespass. [OF. cfette, debte, L. debita.] — Debt'or, -er, n. One who owes another money, goods, or services ; one indebted. [OF. deteur, L. debitor.] Debonair, deb-o-n3,r', a. Characterized by courteous- ness, affability, or gentleness ; complaisant. [OF. debonaire = de bon aire, of good manner.] — Debo- nair'ly, adv.— Debonair'ness, n. Debouch, de-boosh', v. i. To issue out of a confined place, or from defiles. [F. deboucher, fr. de and boucher, to stop up, fr. boucJie, mouthy L. bucca, mouth, cheek.] — Debouchure, da'boo'shoor', n. The outward opening, as of a valley, river, etc. [F.] Debris, da-bre', n. (Geol.) Fragments, taken collec- tively; esp., fragments from a mountain, piled up at the base. Rubbish ; remains ; ruins. [F., fr. OF. desbriser, to rend asunder, fr. briser, to break. See Breeze or_BRiss, also Bruise.] Debut, da-boo', n. A beginning or first attempt; first appearance, as of an actor, public speaker, etc. [F., first stroke, first throw in a game, fr. but, an aim. See But, n.] — Debutant, -tiiN', n. One who makes his first appearance before the public. [F.] — Debu- tante, -taNt', n. A woman who, etc. [F.] Decade, dek'ad, n. The sum or number of 10. [F., fr. Gr. dekas, -ados, a company of 10, fr. deka, L. decern, AS. ten. See Ten.] — Dec'agon, n. (Geom.) A plane figure of 10 sides and 10 angles. [Gr. deka and gonia, angle, f r. goivu, knee.] — Dec'agram, n. A decimal weight of 10 grams, or 154.38 grains Troy. [F. decagramme. See Gram.] — Decahe'dron, n. ; pi. -dra, -dra. (Geom.) A solid figure having 10 sides. [Gr. hedra, seat, base ; s. rt. sit.] — Decahe'- dral, a. Having 10 sides. — Decaliter, de-kal'l-ter or dek'a-li-ter, n. A decimal measure of capacity, containing 10 liters, or 610.28 cu. inches = 2 gallons and 64.44 cu. in. [See Liter.] — Dec'alogue, -log, n. The 10 commandments. [F. ; L. decalogus, Gr. dek- alogos, fr. logos, a speech.] — Decal'ogist, -jist, n. One who explains the decalogue. — Decam'eron, n. A work comprised in 10 books ; esp. a collection of tales of Boccaccio. [It. decamerone, fr. Gr. deka and meros, part ; not fr. hemera, a day.] — Decameter, de-kam'e-ter or dek'a-me-ter, n. A decimal meas- ure of length = 10 meters = 393.71 inches. [See Meter.] — Decan'drous, -drus, a. (Bot.) Having 10 stamens. [Gr. aner, andros, a male.] — Dec'apod, n. (Zobl.) A crustacean with 10 feet or legs, as crabs, lobsters, etc. [Gr. pons, podos, foot.] — Dec'- aster, n. A decimal solid' measure = 10 steres = 10 cu. meters =353.166 eu. inches. [See Stere.] — Dec'- astich, -stik, n. A poem consisting of 10 lines. [Gr. stichos, a row.] — Dec'astyle, -stil, n. (Arch.) A building having a portico with 10 columns in front. [Gr. stidos, column.] — Dec'asyllaVic, -sil-lab'ik, a. Consisting of 10 syllables. [Gr. sullabe, syllable, q. v.] — Dec'uple, -u-pl, a. Tenfold; multiplied by 10. — n. A number 10 times repeated. — v. t. To make tenfold ; to multiply by 10. [Gr. dekaplous, fr. deka.] — [See further under December.] Decadence, -dency. See under Decay. Decalcomania, de-kal'ko-ma'nY-a, -manie, -ma'ne, n. Art of permanently transferring pictures or designs to china, glass, marble, etc. [F. de'calcomanie, fr. de and calquer, to trace, copy, ir. L. calcare, to tread under foot.] Decamp, de-kamp', v. i. [-camped (-karat'), -camp- ing.] To move away from a camping-ground, de- part suddenly. [F. de'camper, fr. L. dis, away, and campus, camp, q. v.] — Decamp'ment, n. Departure from, etc. ; a marching off. Decanal. See under Dean. Decant, de-kant', v. t. To pour off gently, as liquor from its sediment; to pour from one vessel into an- other. [F. decanter, It. decantare, fr. de, down, and canto, side, corner. See Cant.] — Decanta'- tion, n. Act of, etc. — Decant'er, n. A vessel used to decant liquors or receive decanted liquors ; one who decants. Decapitate, de-kap'i-tat, v. t. To cut off the head of, behead. [LL. decapitare, -tatum, fr. L. de and caput, capitis, head.] — Decap'ita'tion, n. Act of, etc. Decarbonize, de-kar'bon-iz, v. t. [-ized (-izd),-iziNG.] To deprive of carbon, [de and carbonize, q. v., un- Sm, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; DECAY 13o DECLINE der Carbon*.] — Decarlsoniza'tion, n. Act or pro- cess of depriving a substance of carbon. — Decar'- burize. -bu-rlz, v. t. Same as Decarboxize. Decay, de-ka', v. i. [decayed (-lead"), decayixg.] To pass gradually from a sound, prosperous, or per- fect state, to one of imperfection, weakness, or dis- solution; to fail; to rot. — v. t. To impair, bring to a worse state. — n. Gradual failure of health, sound- ness, prosperity, etc.: decline. [OF. decaer, fr. de and caer, L. cader'e, to fall.] — Deca'dence, -dency, -sT, n. Decay ; fall ; deterioration. [F.] — Deciduous, -sid'u-us, a. Of temporary existence ; shed yearly, as leaves or antlers; not perennial or permanent. [L. deciduns, falling, fr. decidere, f r. de and cudere.] — Decid'uousness, re. Decease, de-ses', re. Departure, esp. departure _from this life; death: demise. — v. i. [deceased (-sesf), deceasing.] To die. [OF. deces, fr. L. decedere, -oessum, to depart, fr. de and cedere z to go.] Deceive, de-sev', v. t. [-ceived (-sevd /r ), -ceivixg.] To lead into error, impose upon, delude, insnare, disappoint. [OF. decerer, L. decipere, -ceptum, to de- ceive, fr. de and capere, to take.] — Deceiv'er, n. One who deceives; a cheat; impostor. — Deceiv'able, a. Subject or liable to be, etc. — Deceit, -set', n. Attempt or disposition to deceive; deception; fraud; imposition. — Deceit'ful, -ful, a. Trickish; fraudu- lent. — Deceit 'fully, adv. — Deceiffulness, n. — De- ception, -sep'shun, re. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which, etc.; deceit. [OF.] — Decep'tive, -tiv, -tory, -to-rl, a. Tending to, etc. ; misleading. December, de-sem'ber, re. The 12th or last month in the year. [L-, fr. decern, ten, this having been the 10th month with the Romans, whose year began in March. See Decade and Tex.] — Decern'' vir, -ver, re. ; E. pi. Decemvirs, -verz, L. pi. -vinr, -vt-ri. One of 10 magistrates, who had absolute authority in an- cient Rome. [L., fr. decern, and vir, a man.] — De- cern'' viral, -vt-ral, a. Pert, to, etc. — Decern'' virate, -rat, n. Office or term of office of, etc.; a body of 10 men in authority. — Decen'nary, -sen'na-rT, n. A period of 10 years. (Law.) A tithing consisting of 10 neighboring families. [L. annus, a year.] — Decen^- nial, -nf-al, a. Consisting of, or happening once in, etc. — Decillion, -siKyun, n. A number consisting, by English notation, of a million involved to the 10th. power, or 1 with 60 ciphers annexed; by French or common notation, a thousand involved to the 11th power, or 1 with 33 ciphers. See Numeratiox. [L. decern.'] — DecilKionth, -}-unth, a. Pert, to, etc.; preceded by a decillion less one. — n. The quotient of 1 divided bv, etc.; one of a decillion equal parts. — Decigram, des'T-gram, n. A decimal measure of weight equal to 1-10 of a gram, or 1.5438 grains Troy. [F. decigramme, fr. L. decimus, tenth, fr. decern, and F. gramme: see Gram.] — Deciliter, de-sil'l-ter or des'Y-le-ter, n. A decimal measure of capacity = 1-10 liter = 6.1028 cu. inches. [See Liter.] — DeVimal, des'T-mal, a. Pert, to decimals; numbered or pro- ceeding by tens. — re. A number expressed in the scale of tens; decimal number; esp. decimal frac- tion. [OF., fr. L. decimus.] — Decimal fractions. Fractions whose denominator is some power of 10, as Jjr, -f7wr) an( l is uot usually expressed, but is signified by a point at the left of the numerator, as .2, .25. — Circulating or circulator)/ decimal. A deci- mal fraction in which the same figure, or set of fig- ures, is constantly repeated; as, 0.354354354; called also recurving decimal. — Dec'imate, v. t. To take the tenth part of, tithe; to select by lot and kill every tenth man of ;_ to destroy a certain portion of, devastate. [L. decimare, -matum, fr. decimus.] — Decima'tion, n. — Decima'tor, -ter, n. One who, etc. — Decimeter, de-sim'e-ter or des'T-me-ter, re. A decimal measure of length = 1-10 meter = 3.9371 inches. [See Meter.] — Decime, da-sein', re. A French coin = 1-10 franc, about 2 cents. [F.] — Dec- ister, des'is-ter, re. A solid measure, the 1-10 of a stere, or cubic meter = 3.5317 cu. feet. [See Stere.] — Decu'rion, -rT-un, n. A Roman officer command- ing 10 soldiers. [L. decurio, fr. decuria, a division of 10, fr. decern.] — [See also under Decade.] Decent, de'sent, a. Suitable in words, behavior, dress, and ceremony; free from obscenity; modest; mod- erate, but competent; respectable. [F.,fr. L. decens, -centis, p. pr. of decere, to become, befit, fr. decus, honor, fame.] — De'cently, adv. — De'centness, n. — De'cency, -st, n. State or quality of being decent; proper formality ; modesty ; what is becoming. Deception, Deceptive, etc. See under Deceive. Decide, de-sid /r , v. t. To determine the result of, settle, end, conclude. — v. i. To determine, form a defi- nite opinion, come to a conclusion, give decision. [OF. decider, L. decidere, -ciswn, fr. de and csedere, to cut; s. rt. L. scindere, to cut.] — Decid'ed, a. Free from ambiguity; unequivocal; unquestionable; free from doubt or "wavering; determined; positive; un- deniable: clear. — Decid'edly. adv. — Decid'er, n. — Decid'able, a. Capable of being, etc. — Decis'ion, -sizh'un, n. Act of settling or terminating, as a con- troversy-; determination; conclusion; account or re- port of a conclusion, esp. of a legal adjudication; quality of being decided; prompt and fixed deter- mination. — Deci'sive, -siv, o. Having the power or quality of deciding a question, etc. ; marked by promptness and decision; final; conclusive; positive. — Decisively, adv. — Deci'siveness, n.— Deci'sory, -so-rT, a. Able to decide or determine. Deciduous. See under Decay - . Decipher, de-si'fer, v. t. [-phered (-ferd), -pherix~g.] To translate from a cipher into intelligible terms; to find out the meaning of, reveal, [de, neg. and cipher, q. v.] — Decipherable, a. — Decipherer, n. Deck, dek, v. t. [decked (dekt), deckixg. | To cover, overspread; to dress, clothe, esp. to clothe with ele- gance, arrav, adorn; to furnish with a deck, as a vessel. — re. The floor-like covering of a ship; a pack of cards. [OD. decken, to hide, D. dekken, G. decken, L. tegere, Gr. stegein, to cover, AS. theccan, to thatch; D. dek, a deck, cover, Gr. tegos, stegos, roof; s. rt. thatch.] — Deck'er, n. One who, or that which, decks or adorns; a vessel which has a deck or decks, — used esp. in composition. — Deck'hand, n. (J^aut.) An inferior seaman, who works on deck, not aloft. Declaim, de-klam', v. i. [-claimed (-klamd'), -claim- ixg.] To speak rhetorically, make a formal oration, harangue; to speak or talk pompouslv and elabo- rately; to rant. — v. t. To utter in public, deliver in a rhetorical or set manner. [OF. declamer, L. de- clamare, -matum, f r. de and clamare, to cry out.] — Declaim'' er, n. — Declamation, n. Act or art of, etc.; a set speech; pretentious rhetorical display, with more sound than sense. — Declam/'atory, -to-rt, a. Pert, to, etc.; characterized by rhetorical dis- play ; without solid sense or argument. Declare, de-Mar', v. t. [-clared (-klardO, -clarixg.] To make known publicly, publish, proclaim; to as- sert, affirm. (Com.) To make full statement of , as of goods liable to taxes, duties, etc. — v. i. To make a declaration, proclaim one's self. (Law.) To state the plaintiff's cause of action in legal form. [OF. declarer, L. declarare, -atum, fr. de and clarus, clear.] — To declare one's self. To avow one's opin- ion.— Declar'edly, -ed-lY, adv. Avowedly; explicit- ly. — Declaration, re. Act of declaring ; thing de- clared: document by which an assertion is verified. (Law.) That part of the process or pleadings setting forth the plaintiff's cause of complaint; the narra- tion or counts. [F.] — Declar'ative, -klar'a-tiv, -atory, -to-rT, a. Making declaration, etc.; explan- atory; assertive; affirmative. Decline, de-klm', v. i. [-clixed (-klind'), -clixixg.] To bend over or hang down, as from weakness, weariness, despondency, etc.; to tend towards a close or extinction; to" fail, sink, decay ; to turn aside, deviate, stray ; to refuse. — v. t. To bend downward, depress; to turn away from, refuse to comply with, reject courteously, shun, avoid. (Gram.) To inflect in order in the changes of gram- matical form. — n. Afalling off; tendency to a worse state ; deterioration. (Med.) That period of a dis- order when the symptoms abate in violence; a grad- ual wasting away of the physical faculties. Decay; consumption. [OF. decliner, L. declinare, fr. de and clinare, to bend, incline, lean; s. rt. L. clivis, a hill, slope, E. lean.] — Declin'er, n. — Declin'able, a. That may be declined; admitting of inflection. — Declension, -klen'shun, n. Declination; descent; slope: afalling off from excellence; deterioration; decay ; act of courteously refusing ; declinature. (Gram.) Inflection of a word, according to gram- matical forms; the form of the inflection of a word declined by cases. — Dec'linate, -lT-nat, a. (Bot.) Bending downward, in a curve; curved downward; declined. — Declina'tion, n. Act or state of bending downward, or of falling off from excellence, or of deviating or turning aside; obliquity; withdrawal. (Astro)i.) Angular distance of an object from the celestial equator. (Dialing.) The arc of the hori- zon, between the vertical plane and prime vertical circle, or between the meridian and the plane. sun, cube, full ; moon, fotit ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, thep, boxbox, chair, get. DECOCT 136 DEEM (Oram.) Act of inflecting a word through its vari- ous terminations. — Declination of the compass, or needle. Variation of the needle from the true merid- ian of a place. — Dec'linator, -lT-na-ter, n. An in- strument for taking the declination of a reclining plane. — Declin'atory, -klin^a-to-rT, a. Containing a refusal. — Declinliture, -klin'a-chur, n. Act of put- ting away or refusing. — Declinometer, re. An in- strument for measuring the declination of the mag- netic needle. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Declivity, -kliv'T-tt, n. Deviation from a horizontal line; de- scent of surface; inclination downward; 3, descend- ing surface; slope. [F. declivity, L. declivitas.] — Declivous, -kli'vus, -clivitous, -kliv'T-tus, a. Grad- ually descending; sloping. Decoct, de-kokf, v. t. To prepare b3 T boiling, make an infusion of, prepare for assimilation by the heat of the stomach, digest. [L. decoquere, -coctum, to boil down, fr. de and coquere, to cook. See Cook.] — Decoctlble, a. Capable of being boiled or di- gested. — Decodion, n. Act of preparing by boil- ing ; an extract prepared by boiling. Decollate, de-koKlat, v. t. To sever the neck of, be- head, decapitate. [L. decollare, -latum, fr. collum, the neck.] — Decollation, n. Act of beheading. [OF.] — De'collete', da'kol-le-ta', a. Leaving the neck and shoulders bare; low-necked, as a dress. [F.] Decolor, de-kul'er, v. t. To deprive of color, bleach. [F. decolorer, L. decolorare, fr. de and color, color.] — Decol'oralion, n. Removal or absence of color. Decompose, de-kom-poz r , v. t. [-posed (-pozdO, -pos- ing.] To separate the constituent parts of, set free from chemical combination, resolve into original elements. — v. i. To become resolved from existing combinations; to undergo dissolution, [de and com- pose, q. v.]— Decompos'able, a. — Decomposition, -zishlm, n. Act of, etc.; analysis; state of being separated; release from previous combinations. Decompound, de-kom-pownd', v. t. To compound or mix with that already compound; to reduce to con- stituent parts, decompose. — a. Compound of what is already compounded. (Bot.) Several times com- pounded or divided, as a leaf or stem, [de intens. and compound, q. v.] — Decompound'able, a. — Decom- posite, -pozlt, a. Compounded more than once. Decorate, dek'o-rat, v. t. To adorn, embellish, orna- ment, beautify. [L. decorare, -atum, to adorn, fr. deem, decdris,~an ornament, grace; s. rt. decere, to befit, decorus, seemly.] — Dec'orator, -ter, n. — Dec- ora'tion, n. Act of decorating; that which enriches or beautifies; ornament. —Decoration day. May 80th, on which the graves of those who fell in the Amer. civil war are decorated with flowers. — Dec'- orative, -tiv, a. Suited to embellish; adorning.— Decorous, de-kolus or dek'o-rus, a. Suitable to the time, place, and occasion; becoming; proper; seemly. — Decorously, de-ko'- or dek'o-, adv. — De- corousness, de-ko'- or dek'o-, n. — Decolum, n. Propriety of speech, manner, etc.; dignity. [L.] Decorticate, de-korlT-kat, v. t. To take off the exte- rior coating or bark of; to peel. [L. decorticare, -ca- tum, fr. de and cortex, bark.] — Decor'tica'tion, n. Decoy, de-coi / ', v. t. [-coyed (-koidO, -coying.] To entice into a snare, lead into danger by artifice, en- trap, insnare. — n. Anything intended to lead into a snare; esp. a sportsman's lure to entice birds into a net or within shot; a place into which wild fowls are enticed. [L. de-, down, and OF. coi, coy, quiet, tame. See Coy.] — Decoy'-duck, n. A duck, or im- itation of a duck, employed to decoy o_thers. Decrease, de-kres r , v. i. [-creased (-'krest'), -creas- ing.] To become less, be diminished gradually. — v. t. To cause to lessen, make less. — n. A becom- ing less; gradual diminution; decay; wane, as of the moon. [L. decrescere, -cretum, fr. de and crescere, to grow.] — Declement, n. State of becoming grad- ually less; quantity lost by waste, etc. — Decres'cent, -kres'ent, a. Decreasing. — Decres- cendo, da-kres-en'do, a. (Mus.) With decreasing volume of sound, — a direction to performers, written Decrescendo. upon the staff, or indicated as in the margin. [It.] Decree, de-kre', n. An order or decision by a court or other competent authority; law; statute;' ordinance; edict, —v. t. [decreed (-kred'), -creeixg.J To de- termine judicially by authority, or by decree; to order, appoint. — r. i. To decide or appoint author- itatively, determine decisively. [OF. decret, fr. L. decernere, decretum, to decree, lit. to separate, fr. de and cernere, to sift, separate, decide, Gr. krinein ; s. rt. sheer, skill.] — Decre'tal, a. Containing, or pert. to, a decree. — n. An authoritative order or decree; esp. a letter of the pope, determining some question in ecclesiastical law; a collection of the pope's de- crees. — Decre'tist, n. One versed in the decretals. -Deere live, -tiv, a. Having the force, or of the nature of a decree; determining. — Dec'retory, dek'- re-to-rl, a. Established by decree; definitive; serv- ing to determine; critical.— Decletorily, -rT-lT, adv. Decrepit, de-kreplt, a. "Wasted or worn bv the in- firmities of old age. [Incorrectly written decrepid.] [L. decrepitus, noiseless, hence moving noiselessly like aged people, fr. de and crepitus, a noise, prop, p. p. of crepare, to crackle.] — Decrepltness, -itude, n. — Decrepitate, -tat, v. t. To roast or calcine, so as to cause a continual explosion or crackling. — v. i. To crackle, as salts when roasting. — Decrep'ita'- tion, n. Act of decrepitating. Decrescendo, Decrescent. See under Decrease. Decretal, Decretory, etc. See under Decree. Decry, de-krr', v. t. [-cried (-krldO, -crying.] To cry down; to censure as faulty, mean, or worthless; to depreciate, detract, disparage. [OF. descrier, to call in bad coin, to discredit, disparage, fr. des (L. dis) and crier, to cry.] — Decri'er, re. — Decri'al, n. Clamorous censure; condemnation by censure. Decumbent, de-kum'bent, a. Bending or lying down ; prostrate ; recumbent. (Bot.) Reclining on the ground, and tending to rise at the summit. [L de- eunibens, p. pr. of decumbere, fr. de and cumbere, for cubare, to lie down.]— Decum / 'bently, adv. — De- cumljence, -bency, -si, re. Act, posture, or state of, etc. — Decum'biture, -chur, re. State or time of con- finement from sickness. Decuple. See under Decade. Decurion. See under December. Decurrent, de-kurlent, n. (Bot.) Extending down- ward, as the base of a leaf. [L. decurrens, p. pr. of decurrere, fr. de and currere, cursum, to run.] — De- cur'sive, -siv, a. Running down; decurrent. Decussate, de-kus'sat, v. t. To cross at an acute angle; to intersect or lie upon in the form of an X. [L. decussare, -satum, to cross, fr. decussis, a coin worth 10 asses (decern asses) and marked with an X (= 10). See Ace.] — Decus'sate, -sated, a. Crossed ; intersected. (Bot.) Growing in pairs, each at right angles to the pair above or below (Rhet.) Consisting of 2 rising and 2 falling clauses, in alternate opposition to each other. — Decussa'- tion, n. Act of crossing at an acute angle; state of being crossed; intersection in the form of X. Dedecorous, de dek'o-rus, a. Disgraceful; unbecom- ing. [See Decorous.] Dedentition, de-den-fishlm, n. The shedding of teeth, [de and dentition, q. v.] Dedicate, ded'I-kat, v. t. To set apart and consecrate, as to a divinity, or for a sacred purpose; to devote, or give wholly or earnestly up to; to inscribe or ad- dresses to a patron. — a. Set apart; consecrated; dedicated. [L. dedicare, -catum, to devote, fr. de and dicare, to proclaim, devote.] — Dedicator, -ter, ». One who dedicates, esp. a book. — Dedicatee', n. One to whom a thing is dedicated. — Dedica r - tion, n. Act of, etc. — Dedicatory, -to-rf, -to'rial, -ri-al, a. Composing or serving as a dedication. Deduce, de-dus', v. t. [-duced (-dust'), -ducing.] To derive by logical process; to obtain as the result of reasoning, infer. [L. de and ducere, ductum, to lead.] — Deduce'ment, n. Act or process of dedu- cing; that deduced; inference. — Dedu'cible. -sY-bl, a. Capable of being deduced or inferred. — De- duct, -dukf, v. t. To take away, in calculating; subtract. — Deduction, n. Act or method of de- ducing, inferring, or concluding; act of deducting or taking away ; that deduced; inference; conclu- sion; that deducted; part taken away; abatement. — Deductive, -iv, a. Of, or pert, to, deduction; capable of being deduced from premises; deducible. — Deductively, adv. — Dedu'cive, -siv, a. Perform- ing the act of deduction. Deed, ded, n. That which is done, acted, or effected; an act ; illustrious act ; achievement ; exploit ; power of action ; agency ; efficiency. (Law.) A sealed instrument in writing, containing some transfer, bargain, or contract, esp. in regard to real estate. — v. t. To convey or transfer by deed. [AS. deed, D. and Dan. daad, Ic. dadh, act.] — In deed or indeed. In fact ; in truth ; verily. — Deedless, a. Inactive. Deem, dem, v. t. [deemed (demd), deeming.] To conclude on consideration; to think, judge, regard. — v. i. To be of opinion, think, estimate. [AS. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; DEEP 137 DEFINE rfcnimi, to judge, deem, D. doemen, Ic. dsema, to doom; AS. dom, a doom, judgment.] Deep, dep, a. Extending far below the surface; of great perpendicular dimension; extending far back from the front; low in situation; hard to penetrate or comprehend ; m3 T sterious ; profound ; secret; of penetrating cr far-reaching intellect ; thoroughly versed ; profoundly moving or affecting; penetra- ting; thorough; profoundly quiet or dark; unmixed; sunk low ; depressed ; abject ; strongly colored ; dark ; intense ; of low tone; grave; heavy. — adv. To a great depth; far down; profoundly; deeply. — w. That which is deep, esp. deep water; the ocean; that which is profound ; most quiet or profound £art ; the midst ; the depth. [AS. deop, D. diep, >an. dyb, Ic. djvpr, G. tie/; s. rt. dip, dive.] — Deeply, adv. — Deep'ness, n. — Deep'en, dep'n, v. t. [-exed (-nd), -exing.] To make deep or in- crease the depth of, make darker or more intense, more poignant or affecting, or more grave or low in tone. — v. i. To become more deep. — Depth, n. Deepness ; measure of deepness ; a deep, or" the deepest, or the middle, part, — as, depth of winter. [Ic. dupdh, D. diepte.'] Deer, der, n. sing. and.pZ. A ruminant quadruped of several species, the males of which have antlers. [AS. deor, Goth, dins, DUG. tior, L. /era, Gr. therion, wild animal, D. (Her, Dan. and Ic. dyr, Sw. djur, animal, beast.] — Deer's talking, -stawk'ing,«. The hunt- ing of deer on foot, by stealing upon them un- awares. Deface, de-fas', v. t. [DEFACED (-fast'), -FA- CING.] To destroy or mar the face or external ap- pearance of; to disfigure; to spoil by obliterating Deer important features of. [OF. desfacer, fr. des (L. dis) and face (L. fades), face.] — Deface 'ment, n. Act of or condition of being, etc.; that which, etc. — Defa'cer, n. De facto, de-fak'to._ Actually; in fact; existing. [L.] Defalcate, de-fal'kat, v. t. To cut off, take away or de- duct part of, — used chiefly of money, accounts, etc. [LL. defalcare.-catum, to deduct, orig. to cut off with a sickle, fr. L. de and falx,falcis, sickle.] — Defalcation, n. A cutting off; diminution; deficit; withdrawment ; that cut off ; an abstraction of money, etc., by an officer having it in charge ; em- bezzlement. Defame, de-fam', v. t. [-famed (-famd'), -faming.] To harm the good fame of by slanderous reports; to speak evil of, asperse, slander, calumniate. [OF. defamer, L. diffamare, f r. de and fama, report.] — Defam'er, n. —Defamation, def-a-ma'shun, n. Ma- licious circulation of reports injurious to another; Blander; detraction; aspersion. — Defam'atory, -to- rt, a. Containing defamation. Default, de-fawlt', n. Omission of what ought to be done ; failure ; lack ; destitution. (Law.) A neg- lect of, or failure to take, some step necessary to se- cure the benefit of law. — v. i. To fail to appear in court; to let a case go by default, —v.t. To fail to perform. (Law.) To call (one who should be pres- ent in court), and make an entry of his default, if he fails to appear. [OF. de.ffav.te, defaidt, f r. de and faute,falte, fault, fr. IL.fallere, to fail.]— To suffer a default. To permit an action to be called without appearing to answer. — Default'er, n. One who makes default or fails to appear in court when called; one who fails to account for money in his care; a delinquent; peculator. Defeat, de-fet', n. An overthrow, as of an attack, an army, etc. ; rout ; frustration. — v. t. To render null and void ; to overcome or vanquish, as an army ; to resist with success, ruin, subdue, foil, frustrate. [F. defaite, fr. defaire, to undo, fr. de (L. dis) and faire (L./ocere), to make or do.] — De- feasance, -fe'zans, n. A rendering null or void. (Law.) A condition, relating to a deed, which be- ing performed, the deed is defeated or rendered void; or a collateral deed, made at the same time with a conveyance, containing conditions, on per- formance of which the estate then created may be defeated. [Norm. Law F. defaisance.] — Defea'- sible, -fe'zt-bl, a. Capable of being defeated, an- nulled, or made void. Defecate, defe-kat', v. t. To clear from impurities, as lees, dregs, etc.; to clarify, purify; to free from extraneous or polluting matter. — v.i. (Med.) To void excrement. — a. Freed from anything that can pollute ; refined ; purified. [L. de.fsecare, -catum, fr. de and J 'sex, f tea's, dregs, lees.] — Defeca'tion, n. Defect, de-fekt', n. Want of something necessary for completeness ; imperfection; failing; blemish ; de- formity; fault. [L. defectus, a want, prop. p. p. of deficere, to fail, f r. de and facere, to do.] — Defect- ive, -iv, a. Wanting in substance, quantity, or quality ; incomplete ; imperfect ; faulty. (Gram.) Lacking some of the usual forms of declension or conjugation. — Defectively, adv. — Defective- ness, n. — Defec'fcion, n. Act of abandoning a per- son or cause to which one is bound .; apostasy ; backsliding. — Defi'cient, -fish'ent, a. Wanting to make up completeness; not sufficient; inadequate; short. [L. deficiens, p. pr. of defcere.] — Defi'ciently, adv. — Defi'cience, -ciency, -shen-sY, n. State of be- ing, etc. ; want ; failure. — Deficit, -T-sit, n. Defi- ciency in amount or quality ; lack. [L., 3d pers. pr. of deficere, lit. it is wanting.] Defend, de-fend', v. t. To repel danger or harm from, guard from injury. (Law.) To deny, as the claim of a plaintiff; to contest, as a suit. [OF. de- fendre, L. defendere, -fensum, fr. de and (obs.) fendere, to strike.] — Defend'er, n. — Defend'ant, n. One who makes defense against evil ; defender. (Law.) The party opposing a complaint, demand, or charge, at law or in equity. — Defen'sative, -sa-tiv, n. That which serves to guard or defend, as a plaster for a wound. — Defense', -fence', n. Act of, state of being, or that which, etc. ; protec- tion ; guard ; fortification ; apology ; justification. (Law.) The defendant's answer or plea. — De- fenseless, -fence'less, a. Destitute of defense; un- protected. — Defen'sible, -sT-bl, a. Capable of be- ing defended. — Defen'sive, -siv, n. Serving to de- fend; proper for defense ; carried on by resisting attack; in a state or posture to defend. — n. That which defends; a safeguard. — To be on ike defen- sive, or to stand on the a. To be in a state of resist- ance. — Defen'sively, adv. — Defen'sor, -ser, n. (Law.) An advocate in court; guardian or protec- tor; defendant. (Eccl.) The patron of a church; officer in charge of the temporal affairs of a church. Defer, de-fer', v. t. [-fereed (-ferd'), -ferring.] To put off, postpone to a future time, delay, adjourn, protract. — v. i. To put off, delay, wait. [OF. dif- ferer, to defer, delay, L. dijferre, to bear different ways, also, to delay, fr. dis, apart, and ferre, to bear.] — Defer'rer, n. Defer, de-fer', v. t. To lay before, submit respect- full y, refer. — v. i. To yield from respect to the wishes of another. [OF. deferer, to charge, accuse, L. deferre, to bring down, bring a thing before one, fr.de, down, and ferre, to bear.]— Deference, w. A yielding of judgment or preference to the opinion of another; regard; respect. — Deferen'tial, -shal, a. Expressing deference; accustomed to defer. Defiance, Defier, etc. See under Defy. Deficient, Deficit, etc. See under Defect. Defile, defll', n. A narrow way, in which troops can march only in a file, or with narrow front ; a long, narrow pass, as between hills, etc. — v. i. To march off file by file ; to file off. [F. defiler, to file off, de- file, orig. to unravel, fr. de (L. dis), apart, and filer, to spin threads, f r. fil, a thread, also a file, rank, L. filum, a thread. See File.] Defile, de-fil', v. t. [-filed (-fild'), -filing.] To make unclean, render foul or dirty, pollute, cor- rupt; to make impure or turbid; to sully; to tarnish, as reputation, etc.; to vitiate ; to debauch, violate ; to make ceremonially unclean. [ME. defoiden, to tread down, also to make foul, partly fr. OF. de- fouler, to trample on, f r. de and LL. folare, fullare, to full cloth: see Full, v. t. ; partly fr. AS. f/lan, to make foul, fr. ful, foul : see Foul.] — Defil'er, n. — Defile'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; foul- ness ; uncleanness ; pollution. Define, de-fin', v. t. [-fined (-find'), -fining.] To bring to a termination ; to end ; to determine the boundaries of, mark the limits of ; to determine with precision, fix the precise meaning of, explain, expound or interpret. [OF. definer, L. definire, fr. de and finire, -itum, to set a bound, f r. finis, end, limit.] — Defin'er, n. — Defin'able, a. — Definite, def 'I-nit, a. Having certain limits in extent, or in sun, cube, full ; moon, fd6t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxboN, chair, get. DEFLAGRATE 138 DE JURE signification ; precise ; fixed ; exact ; serving to de- fine or restrict. — Definitely, arfr.— Def'initeness, n. — Defini'tion, -nish'un, n. Act of defining, dis- tinguishing, explaining, etc.; description of a thing by its properties ; explanation of the meaning of a word or term. (Log.) An enunciation of the con- stituents making up the logical essence. — Defin / 'i- tive, -tiv, a. Determinate ; final : Conclusive ; un- conditional. — n. (Gram.) A word used to define or limit the extent of the signification of a common noun. — Definitively, adv. — Defin'itiveness, n. Deflagrate, defla-grat, v. i. (Chem.) To hum with a sudden and sparlcling combustion. — v. t. To cause to burn, etc. [L. de and flagrare, -gratum, to flame.] — Deflagration, n. A sparkling combustion, with- out explosion. — Deflagrable, de-fla'- or defla-, a. Having the quality of burning, etc. — Defla- grator, n. A form of the voltaic battery producing rapid and powerful combustion. Deflect, de-flekt'', r. i. To turn aside, deviate from a right line, proper position, course, or direction ; to swerve. — v. t. To cause to turn aside. [L. de and fleeter cflcxum, to bend.] — Deflection, n. Act of, etc. ; deviation. (A T aut.) Departure of a ship from its true course. (Opt.) Deviation of the rays of light toward the surface of an opaque body. — De- flexure, -flek'shur, n. A bending or turning aside. Deflour, -flower, de-flowr', v. t. [-floured or flow- ered (-flOWrd' r ), -FLOURING Or -FLOWERING.] To deprive of flowers ; to rob of the choicest ornament, esp. of virginity: to ravish, seduce. [OF. defteurer, LL. deflorare, to gather flowers, ravish, fr. de and flos, floris, a flower.] — Deflour'er, -flower'er, n. — Deflora'tion, n. Act of, etc. Defluxion, de-fluk'shun, n. (Med.) A discharge or flowing off of humors. [L. defluxio, f r. de and flu- ere,fluxum, to flow.] Deforce, de-fors', v. t. [-forced (-forsf), -forcing.] (Law.) To keep from the lawful possession of the owner. [OF. deforcer (LL. diff'orciare), fr. de and force, LL. fortia, power, fr. Li.fortis, strong.] — De- force'ment, n. A wrongful withholding, as of lands or tenements, to which another has a right. — Defor- ciant, -shant, n. (Eng. Law.) One who keeps out, etc. — Deforcia'tion, -shY-a'-, n. (Law.) A withhold- ing by force or fraud from rightful possession. Deforest, de-for^est, v. t. To clear of forests, destroy the trees of. Deform, de-form'', v. t. [-formed (-formdOi -form- ing.] To mar or alter in form, disfigure, render dis- pleasing or ugly. [OF. defforme, L. deformis, ugly, ±r. de and forma, form, beaut}'.] — Deformation, n. Act of, etc. — Deform^edly, adv. In an ugly manner. — Deform'er, n. — Deformity, -Y-tT, n. State of be- ing deformed ; want of symmetry ; irregularity of shape or features ; anything destroying beauty, grace, or propriety; distortion ; defect ; absurdity. Defraud, de-frawd r , v. t. To deprive of right by fraud, deception, or artifice: to withhold wrongfully, injure by embezzlement, cheat, deceive, frustrate. [OF. defrauder, L. defraudare, fr. de and fraus, fraudis, fraud.] — Defraud'er, n. Defray, de-fra', v. t. [-frayed (-fradO. -fraying.] To meet the cost of, bear the expense of. [OF. de- frayer, fr. de axidfrait, LL. fractus, cost, expense, fr. L. frangere, fraction, to break.] — Defray' al, -ment, n. Act of, etc. — Defray'er, n. Deft, deft, a. Apt ; fit ; dexterous ; neat. [AS. daft, fr. dafan, to be fit or apt.] — Deftly, adv. Defunct, de-funkf, a. Having finished the course of life; dead; deceased. [L. defunctus, p. p. of defungi, to discharge, depart, die, fv.de and fungi, to per- form.] — n. A dead person. Defy, de-fl', v. t. [defied (-fid'), -fying.] Orig., to renounce faith or obligation with, reject. To pro- voke to combat or strife ; to act in hostility to ; call out to combat, challenge, dare, brave. [F. defer, LL. diffidare, prop, to commit a breach of faith, fr. L. dis and fides, faith.] — Defi'er, n. — Defi'ance, -ans, n. Act of, etc.; a challenge ; provocation; state of opposition. —DeA'ant, a. Full of, etc.; bold; in- solent. Degenerate, de-jen'Sr-at, v. i. To be or grow worse than one's kind ; to be inferior or degraded; to de- teriorate. — a. Having deteriorated ; mean ; base ; low. [L. degenerare, -atum, fr. degener, degenerate, f r. de and genus, generis, birth, race.] — Degen'erate- ly, adv. — Degen'erateness, n.— Degeneration, De- generacy, -sY, n. Act of becoming, or state of hav- ing become degenerate; decay; meanness: poorness. — Degenerative, -tiv, a. Tending to degenerate. Deglutinate, de-glutY-nat, v. t. To loosen by dissolv- ing the glue which unites ; to unglue. [L. de and glutinare, fr. gluten, glue.] Deglutition, deg-lu-tish^un, n. Act or power of swal- lowing. [Jj.de and glutire, to swallow.] Degrade, de-grad', v. t. To reduce to a lower rank or degree ; to deprive of office or dignity ; to reduce in es- timation, character, or reputation; abase; lower; re- duce. (Geol.) To wear down, as hills and mountains. [OF. degrader, L. degradare, fr. tie and gradus, rank. See Grade.] — Degraded, p. a. Reduced in rank, character, etc. ; sunken ; low ; base. (Nat. Hist.) Presenting the typical characters in an imperfect condition. — Degradtngly, adv. — Degradation, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; diminution of strength, efficacy, or value. (Geol.) A gradual wearing down or wasting, as of rocks, banks, etc., by the action of water, frost, etc. (Nat. Hist.) Condition of a type which exhibits degraded forms, species, or groups. Degree, de-gre r , n. One step upward or downward, in quality, rank, acquirement, etc. ; grade ; grada- tion; point of progression to which one has arrived; station ; quality ; extent ; grade to which scholars are admitted in recognition of their attainments by a college or university. (, Genealogy.) A certain re- move in the line of descent, determining proximity of blood. (Geom.) A 360th part of the circumfer- ence of a circle. (Algebra.) State as indicated by sum of exponents. A division, space, or interval, marked on a mathematical instrument, etc., as on a thermometer. (Mus.) Difference in elevation be- tween 2 notes. [OF. degre, degret, fr. L. de and gradus. See Degrade.] — By degrees. Step by step; by little and little. — To a degree. To an ex- treme ; exceedingly. Dehiscent, de-his'sent, a. (Bot.) Opening, as the cap- sule of a plant. [L. deandhis- cere, to yawn, gape; s. rt. chaos, yawn.] — Dehis / 'cence, -sens, n. Act of gaping. (Bot.) The opening of pods and of cells of anthers at maturity, to emit seeds, pollen, etc. Dehort, de-h6rt / \ v. t. To urge to abstain from, dissuade. [L. de and hortari, -tatus, to urge, exhort.] — Dehortalion, n. — Dehorfatory, -to-rY, a. Tend- ing to dissuade. Deicide, Deify, etc. See under r Deity. Dehiscent Silicula. Deign, dan, v. i. [deigned (dand), deigning.] To think worth j", vouchsafe, condescend. — v. t. To condescend to give. [OF. deigner, degner, L. dig- nari, fr. dignus, worth} 7 . See Dainty.] Deity, de'Y-tY, n. The collection of attributes which make up the nature of a god; divinity ; godhead ; a god or goddess. — The deity. God, the Supreme Be- ing. [OF. deite, L. deitas, fr. deus, AS. Tiw (whence Tuesdav), Ic. tivi, OHG. Ziu (whence Ziwes tac, G. Dienstag, E. Tuesday), W. duw, Ga. and It. dia, Skr. deva, god, Gr. Zeus, Jupiter, fr. Skr. div, to shine ; s. rt. L. dies, day; not s. rt. Gr. theos, a god.] — Deist, n. One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; one who professes no form of religion, but follows nature and reason; a freethinker. — Deistlc, -ical, a. Pert, to deism or to deists. — Deist'ically, adv. — De'ism, -izm, n. Doctrine or creed of, etc. — Deify, -Y-fl, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.] To make a god of, apotheosize ; to treat with supreme regard, render god-like. [OF. deifier; L. facere, to make.] — De'ifi'er, n. — Deif ic, -ical, a. Making divine. — De'ification, n. Act of, etc.— De'iform, a. Like a god; of godlike form. [L. forma, form.] — Delcide, -sid, n. Act of killing a divine being, esp. of putting Christ to death ; one concerned in, etc. [L. csedere, to cut, kill.] — Deip- arous, -ip'a-rus, a. Bringing forth a god, — said of the Virgin Mary. [L. parere, to bring forth.] Deject, de-jekf, v. t. To cast down the spirits of, dis- courage, dishearten, depress. [L. dejicere, -jectum, fr. de and jacere, to throw.] — Dejectedly, adv. In a dejected manner; sadly. Deject'edness, n. — De- ject'er, n. — Dejection, n. Lowness of spirits from grief or misfortune; melancholy; weakness. (Med.) Act of voiding excrement ; matter voided. — Dejec - ture, -jek'chur, n. Excrement. Dejeuner, da-zhg-na', Dejeune, da-zhSn', n. A break- fast; lunch. [F., fr. L. dis and jejumis, fasting.] De jure, de-jute. By right; of right; by law, often opp. to de facto. [L.] gm, fame, far, pass or oper4, fare ; end, eve, term ; Yn, Ice ; Qdd, tone, or ; DEKAG-RAM 13 ( J DELVE Dekagram. Dekaliter, etc. See Decagram, etc., un- der Decade. Delaine, de-lan', n. A fabric for ladies' dress-goods, — orig. all wool, now of cotton and wool, or worsted. [F. de laine, of wool.] Delay, de-la', v. t. [-layed (-lad'), -laying.] To put off, defer ; to stop, detain, or hinder, for a time, retard the motion of, procrastinate, protract. — v.i. To move slowly, linger, tarry. — re. A deferring; procrastination ; a lingering; stay ; detention. [OF. cielai, It. dilata, fr. L. dis and ferre, latum, to bear, whence, defer] — DelayCr, n. Dele, dele, v. t. (Print.) Erase, remove, — a direc- tion to cancel something which has been put in ^. type: usually expressed as in the margin. [L., Q, imper. of delere, deletum, to destroy, blot out.] — Delete, -let", v. t. To blot out. erase, destroy. — Delelion, n. Act of, etc. — Deleble, del'e-bl, a. Capable of being, etc.— Del'etelious, -rl-us, a. De- structive to life; poisonous; pernicious. — Delen'da, -da, n. pi. Things to be erased. Delectable. Delectation, etc. See under Delicate. Delegate, deKe-gat, v. t. To send as one's representa- tive ; to commission, depute ; to intrust to the care or management of another, assign, commit. — re. One deputed to represent another ; one elected to represent the people of a territory in Congress, with the right of debating, but not of voting ; a deputy ; representative; commissioner; attorney.— a. SentTto act for another; deputed. [L. de and legare, -gatum, to send, depute.]— Delegation, re. Act of delega- ting ; appointment of a delegate ; one or more per- sons representing others, as in Congress, etc. (Law.) A substitution by which a debtor gives a third per- son, who becomes obliged in his stead to the creditor. Delenda, Delete, Deleterious, etc. See under Dele. Delf, delf , Delft, Delffware, re. Earthen ware, covered with white glazing,_— orig. made at Delft, Holland. Deliberate, de-liber-at, v. t. To weigh in the mind, consider maturely, reflect upon, ponder. — v. i. To take counsel with one's self, weigh the arguments for and against a proposed course of action, reflect, consider. — a. Weighing with a view to decision; carefully considering probable consequences ; cir- cumspect; formed with deliberation; well advised; not hastv or sudden; slow. [L. deliberare, -atum, fr. de and fibrare, to weigh, fr. libra, a balance.] — De- liberately, aiv. — DelibCrateness, n. — DeliVera''- tion, n. Act of, etc. — Deliberative, -tiv, o. Pert. to, or proceeding or acting by deliberation. — Delib'- eratively, adv. In the way of deliberation. Delicate, deKt-kat, a. Full of pleasure; delightful; pleasing to the senses, or to a nice or cultivated taste; softly tinted, — said of color; fine or slender, — said of thread; slight or smooth, light and yielding, — said of texture; soft and fair, — said of the skin or a sur- face ; refined; scrupulous not to offend, — said of manners or feelings; tender, not able to endure hard- ship, — said of constitution, health, etc.; requiring nice handling; dainty; nicelv discriminating. [L. delicatiis, luxurious; delicia, luxury, pleasure, deli- cere, to amuse, allure, fr. de and lacere, to allure.] — Delicacy, -ka-sf, re. State or condition of being del- icate; agreeableness to the senses; nicety of form, texture, or constitution; frailty or weakness; ex- treme propriety; susceptibility or tenderness; effem- inacy ; luxury; self-indulgence ; critical niceness ; that which is pleasing, delicate, or refined; a luxury or pleasure; thing pleasant to the senses, esp. to the sense of taste; a dainty. — Delicately, adv. — Del r - icateness, re. — Deli'cious, -lish'us, a. Affording ex- quisite pleasure; most grateful to the senses, esp. to the taste. [OF. delicieiis, LL. deliciosus, fr. L. de- licia.] — Deli'ciously, adv. — DeU'ciousness, re. — Delight, de-liK, n. A high degree of gratification of mind; lively happiness; joy; that which affords de- light. — v. t. To give great pleasure to; to please highly.— v. i. To have or take delight. [OF. deliter, L. delectare, -atum, to delight, freq. of delicere, F. delit, delight (noun).] — Delighfful, -ful, -some, -sum, a. Affording, etc.; delicious; charming. — Delight 'fully, adv.— Delightlulness, re. — Delec'ta- ble, a. Delightful. [F.; L. delectabilis.] — Delec'- tably, adv. — Deledableness, re. — Delecta'tion, re. Deligate, dell-gat, v. t. (Surg.) To bind up, band- age. [L. de and ligare, to bind.] — Deliga'tion, n. Act or operation of, etc. Delimit, de-limit, v. t. To lay out, as the boundary of a country. [L. de and E. limit, q. v.] — Delimita'- tion, n. Act of, etc.. esp. when a rearrangement of territory is made; a boundary -line. Delineate, de-lin'e-at, r. t. To represent by sketch, design, or diagram; to portray to the mind, depict, sketch, picture, describe. [L. de and linrare, -atum, to draw in outline, fr. linea, a line.] — Delin'ea'tion, re. Act of, etc. ; description ; portrait ; outline ; draught. — Delin'ea'tor, -ter, re. One who, etc. — Delin'eament, -e-a-ment, re. Representation by, etc. Delinquent, de-linklvent, a. Failing in duty; o"ffend- ing by neglect of duty. — re. One who fails to per- form his dutv; an offender; one who commits a fault or crime. [L. delinquens, p. pr. of delinquere, to be wanting in duty, fr. de and hnquere, to leave.] — De- linquency, -wen-sT, n. Failure or omission of duty; fault; crime. Deliquesce, del / T-kwes / \ v. i. [-quesced (-kwesf), -quescing.] To dissolve gradually and become liq- uid by absorbing moisture from the air. [L. de and liquescere, to melt, fr. liquere, to be fluid.] — Deli- quescent, -sent, a. Liquefying in the air. (Bot.) Branching so that the stem is lost in the branches. — Deliquescence, -sens, re. Act or state of being, etc. — Deliqliiate, -lik'wT-at, v. i. To deliquesce. — De- liq'uium, re. ( Chem.) A melting or dissolution in the air, or in a moist place. [L.] Delirium, de-lir^I-um, n. (Med.) A state in which one's ideas are wild, irregular, and unconnected; mental aberration. Strong excitement; wild enthu- siasm; insanity; frenzy; madness. [L., fr. delirus, one who leaves the furrow in plowing, fr. de and lira, furrow.] — Delirium tremens, (ilea.) A violent delirium induced by excessive and prolonged use of intoxicating liquors. — Delirious, -T-us, a. Suffer- ing from, etc.; wandering in mind; insane. — Delir / '- iousness, re. — Delirlant, re. (3Ied.) A poison which occasions mental aberration — as belladonna. Delitescence, del-i-tes'sens, -cency, -sen-sT, re. State of being concealed; retirement. (3fed.) The period during which poisons lie dormant in the system. [L. delitescens, p. pr. of delitescere, fr. de and lates- cere, to hide one's self, fr. latere, to lie hid.] Deliver, de-aVer, v. t. [-ered (-erd), -ering.] To free from restraint, set at liberty, save from evil; to give or transfer, part with to, make over; to com- municate, pronounce, utter, impart; to give forth in action, discharge; to relieve of a child in child-birth. TF. ddlivrer, LL. deliberare, to liberate, give over, f r. L. de and liberare, to set free. See Liberate.] — Deliverer, re. — DelivCrance, -ans, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.— Delivery, -er-T, re. Act of, or state of being, etc.; rescue; release; surrender; ut- terance; parturition; freedom; preservation. Dell, del, re. A small retired dale or valley; ravine; dingle. [Same as dale. q. v.; OD. delle, pool, ditch.] Delphian, dellT-an, Del 'phic, a. (Gr. Antiq.) Rela- ting to Delphi, in Greece, and its oracle; oracular. Delphin, -phine, deKfin, a. Pert, to the dauphin of France or to an edition of the classics, prepared for his use. [See Dauphin.] — DeKphine, a. Pert, to the dolphin, a genus of fishes. [L. delphinus, a dol- phin.] Delta, della, re.; pi. -tas, -taz. The Greek letter A; a triangular tract of land; esp. the space between 2 mouths of a river. (Geol.) Alluvial flats formed about diverging mouths of a river. — Delloid, a. Like the Greek A; trian- fular. [Gr. delta and eidos, form.] — )eltoid leaf. (Bot.) One of triangular form. — D. muscle. (Anat.) The mus- cle in the shoulder which moves the arm directly upward. / Delude, de-tud'', v. t. To lead from j! truth or into error, mislead the judg-* ment of; to frustrate or disappoint; to deceive, beguile, cheat. [L. de and ludere, htsum, to play, mock.] — De- ri i^^ i 00 -f luder, re. - Delud'able, a. - Delu'- Ve[toia ieat - sion, -zhun, n. Act of , or state of being, etc.; false belief; error; illusion; fallacy. — Dehvsive, -siv, a. Fitted or tending to mislead. — Delu'sory, -so-rT, a. Apt to delude. Deluge, deKuj, re. An overflowing of the land by water; an inundation; esp. the flood in the days of Noah; anything which overwhelms, as a great ca- lamity. — v. t. [deluged (-ujd), -uging.] To over- flow, as with water, inundate, drown; to overwhelm under a general calamity. [F. de'luge, OF. deluve, L. diluvium, fr. dis and luere, to wash.] Delve, delv, v. t. [delved (delvd), delving.] To dig; to open with a spade; to fathom, penetrate, trace out. — v. i. To labor with the spade. [AS. delfan, D. delven ; s. it. dale, dell.] — DelvCr, re. sQn. cube, full ; moon, f 6t>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DEMAGNETIZE 140 DEMOTIC Demagnetize, de-mag' net-iz, r. t. [-ized (-Tzd), -iz- ing.] To deprive of magnetic polarity; to restore from a sleep-waking state, [de and magnetize, q. v.] Demagogue, dem'a-gog, n. One who controls the mul- titude by specious or deceitful arts; an artful politi- cal orator. [F. ; Gr. demagogos, fr. demos, the com- mon people, and agein, to lead.] — Dem'agogism, -gog-izm, -agogy, -gog'T, -agog'ery, -er-I, n. Arts or practices of, etc. Demain. See Demesne. Demand, de-mand', v. t. To ask or call for, as one who has a claim, right, or power, to ejiforce the claim; to make requisition of ; to inquire earnestly or authoritatively, question; to require as necessary; to be in urgent need of. {Law.) To call into court, summon. — v.i. To make a demand, ask, inquire. — n. Act of, etc.; requisition; exaction; earnest in- quiry; question; diligent search; manifested want; tiling claimed; claim. [OF. demander, L. deman- dare, f r. de and mandare, to entrust.] — In demand. In request; much sought after. — On d. On presen- tation and request of payment. — Demand'able, a. — Demand'ant, n. One who demands; the plaintiff in an action. — Demand'er, n. Demarcation, -kation, de-mar-ka'shun, n. Act of marking, or of setting a limit; division; separation; a limit ascertained and fixed. [F. demarcation, fr. de" (L. de), down, and marquer, to mark; not fr. de"- marquer, to take away a mark, fr. L. dis, etc.] Demean, de-men', v. t. [-meaned (-mend''), -meaning.] To manage, conduct, treat, deport. [OF. demener, to conduct, guide, manage, fr. de and mener, to con- duct, LL. minare, to lead from place to place; L. minare, to urge, drive on, minari, to threaten.] — v. t. To debase, lower, degrade. [A blundering for- mation f r. E. mean, base.] — Demean'or, -er, n. Man- ner of behaving; conduct; deportment; mien. Dementia, de-men'shl-a, n. Loss of mental power as a result of brain-disease. [L., madness, dementire, to be out of one's mind, f r. de and mens, mentis, mind.] — De'mency, -sT, n. Dementia. — Demen'tate, -tat, a. Deprived of reason. — v. t. To deprive of reason. — Dementa'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Demephitize, de-mefl-tlz, v. t. [-tized (-tizd), -tiz- ing.] To purify from foul, unwholesome air. [Fr. de and F. mephitiser, to infect with mephitis, q. v.] Demerit, de-merit, n. That which deserves blame or detracts from merit; fault; crime; vice; state of one who deserves ill. [OF. demerite, LL. demeritum, fr. L. de and meiyre, to deserve L See Merit.] Demesne, de-men - ', -main'', -man, n. {Law.) The chief manor-place, with that part of its lands not granted out in tenancy. [OF. demaine, domaine {demesne being a false spelling), fr. L. dominium, lordship; same as domain, q. v.] Demicadence, deni'I-ka'dens, n. (Mus.) An imperfect cadence, or one that falls on any other than the key- note. [F. demi, half (It. demi, L. demidius, fr. dis, apart, and medius, middle), and cadence, q. v.] — Demi-god, n. A fabulous hero, half divine, pro- duced by the cohabitation of a deity with a mortal. — Deml-lune, -lun, n. (Fort.) A work beyond the main ditch of a fortress, and in front of the curtain between 2 bastions, to defend the curtain; a ravelin. See Ravelin.— Demimonde', -moNd', n. The lower half of society; persons of doubtful reputation; esp. women kept as mistresses. [F.; monde, L. mundus, the world.] — Demi-rep, n. A woman of suspicious chastity. [Contr. of demi-reputation.'] — Dem'i-ri/- lie'vo, -re'le-a'vo, n. (Sculp.) Half-relief, or the standing out of a figure from the background by half its thickness. [It.] — Dem'i-seml- qua'ver, -kwa'ver, n. (Mus.) A short note, equal in time to the half of a semi-qua- ff j Demi-*emi-miavers ver, or l-32d part of ^ ueml " eml ronoun. (Gram.) One distinctly designating that to which it refers. — Demon'stra- tively, adv. — Dem'onstra'tor, n. One who, etc. — Demon'stratory, -rf, a. Tending to, etc. Demoralize, de-mor'al-iz, v. t. [-ized (-Izd), -izing.] To destroy or undermine the morals of; to render corrupt in morals, discipline, courage, etc. [F. de"- moraliser, f r. de (OF. des, L. dis, apart) and moral- iser, to expound morally.] — Demor'auza'tion, n. Act of, or state resulting from, etc. Demotic, de-motlk, a. Pert, to the people; popular; common. [Gr. demotes, a commoner, fr. demos, the people.] — Demotic alphabet or character. A forrn am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; gnd, eve, term ; In, ice ; Sdd. tone, Or ; DEMULCENT 141 DEOXIDATE of writing used in Egypt since (i or 7 centuries B. c, for books, deeds, etc.:*a simplification of the hieratic character; — called also enchorial character. Demulcent, de-mul'sent, a. Softening, mollifying, lenient. — /!. (Med.) A substance of a bland, mu- cilaginous nature, to protect the tissues from the action of irritant humors. [L. dcmulcens, p. pr. of demulcere, to sooth, fr. de and muLxre, to allay.] Demur, de-mer r , v. i. [-murred (-merd r ), -murrinq.] To delay, pause, suspend proceedings in view of a doubt or difficulty. (Law.) To raise an objection, and abide upon it for decision by the court. — re. Stop; pause; hesitation as to proceeding ; suspense of decision or action. [OF. aemeurer, demourer, to stay, fr. L. demorari, to retard, delay, fr. de and morari, to delav. fr. mora, delay; prob. s. rt. L. memor, mindful.] — Demur^rage, -rej, n. (Com.) Detention of a vessel by the freighter beyond the time allowed by her charter-party ; payment for such detention. [Also applied to land carriage, by wagons, railways, etc.] — Demur /, rer, n. One who demurs. (Lavj.) A stop in an action upon a point to be determined by the court before further pro- ceedings canbe had. Demure, de-mur', a. Of sober or serious mien ; of modest appearance ; grave ; modest in outward seeming only; making a show of gravity. [OF. de murs = de bons murs, of good manners; murs fr. L. mores, morals.] — Demure'ly, adv.— Demure'ness, re. Demy, de-mi', n.; pi. Demies, -miz'. A size of paper next smaller than medium. — a. Pert, to, or made of, this size of paper. [Demi : see Dem icadence.] Den, den, re. A cave or hollow place in the earth, for concealment, shelter, or security ; a customary place of resort; haunt; retreat. — v.i. To dwell as in a den. [AS. denn, OD. denne.] Denarius, de-na'rl-us, re.; pi. -eh, -rt-T. An old Roman coin worth about 16 cents, — orig. worth 10 of the pieces called as. [L., fr. deni, 10 by 10, fr. decern, ten. See December.] — Den'ary, -rT, a. Con- taining 10; tenfold. — re. The number 10. Denationalize, de-nash'un-al-iz, v. t. [-ized (-Izd), -izing.] To divest of national character or rights, by transference to the service of another nation, [de and nationalize.'] Denaturalize, de-nach'er-al-iz, v. t. [-ized (-izd), -izixg.] To render unnatnral ; alienate from na- ture: to denationalize, [de and naturalize.] Dendrite, den'drlt, re. (Min.) A stone or mineral, showing branching figures resembling trees. [Gr. dendron, a tree; s. rt. drus, tree, oak, E. tree.] — Dendritic, -drlfik, -ical, a. Containing, etc. — Den'droid, a. Resembling a shrub or tree. [Gr. eidos, form.] — Den'driform, -drT-16rm, a. Den- droid. [I*, forma, form.] — DendroKogy, -jY, n. A treatise on trees ; natural history of trees. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — DendroKogist, n. One versed in, etc. — Dendrom^eter, n. An instrument to meas- ure trees. [Gr. metron, measure.] Dengue, den'ga, re. A violent fever, with rheuma- tism, epidemic in tropical countries, — called also dandy-, bouquet-, and bucket-fever. See Break- bone fever. [Called dandy in Brit. W. India islands, from the attitudes of the sufferers; corrupt. by Spaniards into Sp. dangue, dengue, lit. prudery.] Deniable, Denial, etc. See under Deny. Denim, denim, re. A coarse cotton drilling used for overalls, etc. Denizen, den'l-zn, re. An adopted or naturalized citizen; a stranger admitted to residence in a for- eign country; dweller; inhabitant. — v.t. [-zened (-znd), -zening.] To make a denizen, provide with denizens. [OF. deinzein, fr. deinz = F. dans, ~L. de inlus, from within.] — Denization, re. Act of, etc. Dennet, den'net, re. A 2-wheeled carriage, like a gig. Denominate, de-nom'I-nat, v. t. To give a name or epithet to, entitle, name, designate. — a. Having a specific name; specified in the concrete as opposed to abstract. [L. denominare, -atum, fr. de and nomen, a name.] — Denomlnable, a. Capable of being, etc. — Denom'ina'tion, re. Act of, etc. ; that by which anything is styled; a name, esp. a general name indicating a class of like individuals; a class, or collection of individuals, called by the same name; a sect. — Denonrlna'tional, «. Pert, to, etc. — Denominative, -tiv, a. Conferring or possessing, etc.: derived from a substantive or adjective. — n. (Gram.) A verb formed from a noun either sub- stantive or adjective. — Denom , ina / tor, -ter, n. One who, or that which, gives a name. (Arith.) The number below the line in vulgar fractions, snowing into how many parts the integer is divided. (Alg.) That part of any expression below the horizontal lint- signifying division. Denote, de-not', v.t. To indicate, point out, mark; to be the sign of, signify, mean, intend. [OF. de- noter, L. denotare, fr. de and riot are, to mark, nota, a mark.] — Denot^ able, a. — Den'otalion, n. Denouement, da-noolnox, n. The catastrophe, esp. of a drama, romance, etc.; solution of a mystery; issue; event. [F., fr. dtuouer, to untie, fr. de (L. dis) and noue (L. nodus), a knot.] Denounce, de-nowns r , v. t. [-nounced (-nownsf), -nouncing.] To give formal or official notice of, announce, declare ; to threaten by some outward expression ; to point out as deserving of punish- ment, etc., inform against, stigmatize. [OF. de- noncer, L. denuntiare, -atum, to declare, fr. de and nuntius, a messenger. See Nuncio.] — Denounce''- ment, re. Notification, esp. of a threat, calamity, etc.; denunciation. — Denoun'cer, n. — Denun'ciate, -shl-at, v. t. To denounce. — Denun'cialion, n. Act of, etc.; that by which anything is denounced; public accusation. — Denun / cia / tor, n. — Denunci- atory, -to-rt, a. Containing, etc.; accusing. Dense, dens, a. Having the constituent parts closely united ; close ; compact. [L. densus, Gr. dasus.] — Densely, adv. — Den'sity, -sl-tt, re. Quality of be- ing, etc. (Physics.) The proportion of solid matter to a given bulk or volume. — Densimeter, n. An apparatus for measuring the specific gravity of liq- uids. [Gr. metron, a measure.] Dent, dent, re. The mark made by a blow; indenta- tion. —v.i. To make a dent upon, indent. [Same as dint, q. v. ; not s. rt. F. dent, tooth.] Dental, denial, a. Pert, to the teeth. (Gram.) Formed by aid of the teeth, etc. — n. An ar- ticulation formed by aid of the teeth or gum of the teeth. [L. dens, clentis, tooth.] — Dental formula. (Zobl.) A notation of the number and kind of teeth of mammiferous animals. — Denlate, -tated, a. Toothed; sharply notched; serrate. — Dentalion, re. Form or formation of teeth. — Den'ticle, -tl-kl, n. A small tooth or projecting point. [L. denticulus, dim. of dens.] — Denticulate, -lated, a. (Bot.) Notched into little tooth-like projections ; finely dentate. — Dentic'ulalion, n. State of being, etc. — Denliform, a. Having the form of teeth. [L. forma, form.] — Den'toid, a. Dentiform. [Gr. eidos, form.] — Denlifrice, -fris, re. A powder to clean the teeth. [L. dentifricium, fr. fricare, to rub.] — Den'til, n. (Arch.) An ornamental pro- jection in cornices. — Denlist, re. One who cleans, extracts, repairs, or fills natural teeth, and inserts artificial ones. —Den'' tistry, -rY, re. Art or profes- sion of a dentist. — Denature, -ture, re. An artificial tooth or set of teeth. — Dentilion, -tish'un, re. Pro- cess of cutting the teeth. (Zobl.) System of teeth peculiar to an animal. [L. dentire, -ituni, to cut teeth.] Denude, de-nudl v. t. To divest of all covering, make bare or naked, strip. [L. de and nudare, -datum, to make naked, fr. nudus, bare.] — Den'uda'- tion, re. Act of, etc. (Geol.) The laying bare or wearing away of rocks, as by running water. Denunciate, Denunciatory, etc. See under Denounce. Deny, de-ni'', v. t. [denied (-nid), denying.] To contradict, gainsay, declare not to be true; to re- fuse, reject ; to refuse to grant, withhold ; to dis- claim connection with, responsibility for, etc.; to disown, abjure. [OF. denier, deneier, L. denegare, fr. de and negare, to say no.] — To deny one's self. To decline the gratification of desires, practice self- denial. — Denver, n. — Deni'" able, a. — Denial, re. Act of, etc.; assertion of the untruth of a statement; contradiction ; refusal^ disavowal. Deobstruent, de-ob'stroo-ent, a. (Med.) Removing obstructions ; aperient. — re. (Med.) A medicine ■which opens the natural passages of the fluids of the body; an aperient, [de and obstriient, q. v.] Deodand, de'o-dand, re. (Eng. Law.) A thing which has caused a person's death, and is therefore given to God, that is, forfeited to the crown, to be applied to pious uses. [L. Deo dandum, to be given to God.] Deodorize, de-o'der-iz, v. t. To deprive of odor, esp. of bad odor from impurities. — Deo'dorizer, re. Deontology, de-on-tol'o-jT, re. Science of that which is morally obligatory. [Gr. deon, deontos, necessary, p. n. of dei, it is necessary, and logos, discourse.] — DeontoKogist, re. One versed in, etc. Deoxidate, -ydate, de-oks't-dat, v. t. (Chem.) To de- prive of oxygen, or reduce from the state of an ox- ide, [de and oxidate.] — Deos'lda'tion, n. Act or sun, cube, full; moon, foot; cow, oil; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DEPART 142 DEPRESS process of, etc. — Deoxidize, -diz, v. t. [-dized (■dizd), -dizixg.] To deoxidate. Depart, de-part', v. i. To go forth or away; to quit, leave, or separate from a place or person; to quit this world, decease, die. — v. t. To leave, quit, re- tire from. [OF. departir, fr. de and partir, to part, L,. partiri, to divide, fr. pars, a part.] — Depart' - ment, n. A part or portion; a distinct course of life, action, study, etc.; subdivision of business; esp. one of the principal divisions of executive government; territorial division; esp. one for governmental pur- poses; a military subdivision of a country; sphere; province: district. — Departmental, a. Pert, to, etc. — Departure, -par'chur, n. Act of departing; death; abandonment, as of a'rule of dut} r , action, plan, etc. (Navigation & Surv.) Distance east or west from the meridian from which a ship or course departs. Depend, de-pend', v. i. To hang; to be sustained by something above; to be in suspense, remain unde- termined; to rely for support, stand related to any- thing, as to a cause or condition; to trust, confide, rely; to be in a condition of service. [OF. dependre, \j. dependere, fr. de and pendere, to hang.] — De- pendent, -ant, a. Hanging down; relying on, or subject to something else for support; conditional; subordinate. — n. One who, or that which, etc.; one sustained by, or relying on, another; a retainer; a corollary; consequence. [L. p. pr. dependens, -entis ; F. p. pr. dependant.] — Dependence, -ens, n. Act or state of, etc.; mutual connection and support; con- catenation; inter-relation; subjection to the direction of another; inability to provide for one's self; reli- ance; trust; thing dependent. — Dependency, -sT, n. State of being, etc.; thing hanging; that attached to something else as its consequence, subordinate, sat- ellite, etc.; a territory remote trom the state to which it belongs, but subject to its dominion; a colony. — Depend'ently, ado. — Depend'er, «. Dephlegmate, de-fleg'mat, v. t. To deprive of super- abundant water, as by evaporation or distillation; to rectify. [NX. depluegmare, -matum, fr. de and L. phlegma, phlegm.] — Deph'legma'tion, n. Operation of separating water from spirits and acids by evap- oration or distillation; concentration. Dephlogisticate, def-lo-jis'tf-kat, v. t. (O. Chem.) To deprive of phlogiston, or the supposed principle of inflammability, [de and phlogisticate.] — Dcphlogis- ticated air. Oxygen gas, — so called b} r Priestley. Depict, de-pikt', v. t. To form a painting or picture of, portray; to represent in words, describe. [L. de and pingere, pictum, to paint, whence, pictura, pic- ture.] — Depicture, -pik'chur, v. t. [-tcred (-churd), -Turing.] To make a picture or painting of. Depilatory, de-pil'a-to-rt, a. Having power to remove the hair and make bald. [L. depilare, to strip of hair, fr. de and pilus, hair.] Deplete, de-plet', v. t. (Med.) To empty, as the ves- sels of the human system, by venesection; to ex- haust the strength, vital powers, or resources of. [L. deplere, depletum, to empty out, fr. de and plere, to fill.]— Depletion, n. Act of, etc. (Med.) Venesec- tion; blood-letting. — Deple'tory, -to-rt, a. Calcu- lated to deplete. Deplore, de-plor', v. t. [-plored (-plord'), -plorixg.] To feel or express deep grief for; to weep, convey as tokens of grief, mourn, lament, bewail, bemoan. [L. de and plorare, to cry out, wail, lament.] — De- plor'er, n. — Deplor'able, a. Pitiable; sad; calami- tous; wretched.— Deplor'ableness, n.— Deplor'ably, adv. Lamentably; miserably. Deploy, de-ploi', v. t. [-ployed (-ploid'), -ploying.] (Mil.) To open, extend, display. — v.i. To open, extend in line. [Same as display ; F. deployer, to un- roll, OF. desployer, to unfold, fr. des (L. dis) and ployer (L. plico.re), to fold.] — Dep'loita'tion, n. Same as Exploitation. [F.] Deplume, de-plum', v. t. [-plumed (-plumd'), -plum- ing.] To deprive of plumes or plumage, lay bare, expose. [L. de and plumare, to cover with feathers, fr. pluma, feather; deplumis, featherless.] — Dep'lu- ma'tion, n. The stripping or falling off of feathers. (Med.) A disease of the eyelids, attended with loss of the eyelashes. Depolarize, de-po'lar-Tz, v.t. (Opt.) To deprive of polarity, [de and polarize.'] Depone, de-pon', v. t. [-poned (-pond'), -poning.] To assert under oath, make deposition of, depose. —v. i. To testify under oath, make an assertion, give tes- timony. [L. de and ponere, to put.] — Depo'nent, a. (Gram.) Having a passive form with an active meaning, — said of certain verbs. — n. (Law.) One who gives a deposition under oath. (Gram.) A de- ponent verb. [L. deponens, laying down, p. pr.] Depopulate, de-pop'u-lat, v. t. To deprive of inhabi- tants, dispeople. — v.i. To become dispeopled. [L. de and popul are, -atum, to lay waste, deprive of peo- ple, f r. populus, a people.] — Depopulation, n. Act of, or stateof being, etc. — Depop'ula'tor, -ter, n. Deport, de-port', v. t. To transport, carry away, ex- ile; to demean, conduct, Behave. [OF. deporter, to bear, endure, L. deportare, to carry down, remove, fr. de and portare, -atum, to carry.] — Deportation, n. Act of or state of being, etc.; banishment; trans- portation. — Deport'ment, n. Manner of deporting one's self, esp. with respect to the courtesies and du- ties of life;_demeanor: conduct._ Depose, de-poz', v. f. [-posed (-pozd'), -posing.] To reduce from a throne or high station, degrade, di- vest of office; to bear written testimony to, aver upon oath. — v. i. To bear witness, testify by depo- sition. [OF. deposer, fr. de and poser, to place; L. pausare, to pause, later, to place, fr. ponere, positum, to place.]— Depos'able, a. Capable of being de- posed. — Depos'al, n. Act of divesting of office. — Depos'er, n. One who, etc. — Deposit, -pSz-, v, t. To lay down, place, put; to lay away for safe keeping, store; to commit to the custody of another; esp. to place in a bank, as money, to be drawn at will. — n. That which is deposed, or laid down, esp. matter precipitated from solution in liquid; that intrusted to the care of another, esp. money left with a banker, subject to order. [F. depositer, L. devonere.] — In deposit, or on deposit. In trust or safe keeping as a deposit; in a state of pledge. — Depositary, -I-ta-rY, n. One with whom anything is left in trust; a trustee; guardian. (Law.) One to whom goods are bailed, to be kept for the bailor without recompense. — Deposition, -zish'un, n. Act of deposing or de- positing; precipitation; act of setting aside a public officer; displacement; removal; thing deposited; sed- iment. (Law.) Testimony taken down in writing, under oath or affirmation; affidavit. — Depositor, -T-ter, n. One who makes a deposit. — Depository, -Y-to-rT, n. Place where anything is deposited for sale or keeping. — Depot, de-po' or de'po, n. A place of deposit; warehouse; storehouse. (Mil.) A station where stores are kept, or recruits assembled and drilled; the headquarters of a regiment. A rail- road station. [Same as deposit ; "F. depot, fr. OF. de- post, pledge, gage, L. depositnm, thing laid down.] Deprave, de-prav', v. t. [-praved (-pravd'), -pra- ving.] To make bad or worse, corrupt, contaminate, pollute. [OF. depraver, L. depravare, -vatam, fr. de and pravus, crooked, depraved.] — Dep'rava'tion, n. Act of or state of being, etc.; corruption; profligacy. — Depravity, -prav'T-tt, n. The state of being cor- rupted; extreme wickedness. Deprecate, dep're-kat, v. t. To seek to avert by prayer, pray for deliverance from, regret deeply. [L. deprecari, -catum, fr. de andprecari, to pray, fr. prex, a prayer.] — Deprecation, n. Act of depreca- ting; prayer that evil may be removed; entreaty for pardon. — Dep'reca'tive, -tiv, a. Having the form of a prayer; deprecatory. — Dep'reca'tor, -ter, n. — Dep'recatory, -rY, a. Serving to deprecate; tending to avert evil by prayer. Depreciate, de-pre'sht-at, v. t. To lessen in price; to represent as of little value, disparage, traduce, de- tract, underrate. — v. i. To fall in value, become of less worth, sink in estimation. [L. de and preliare, -atum, to prize, tv.pretium, price.] — Depreciation, n. Act or state of, etc.; reduction of worth. — De- pre'cia'tive, -tiv, a. Inclined to underrate; tending to depreciate. — Depre'cia'tor, -ter, n. — Deprecia- tory, -to-rt, a. Tending to depreciate. Depredate, dep're-dat, v. t. To subject to plunder and pillage; to despoil, lay waste; to destroy by eat- ing, devour. [L. de and' prsedari, -datum, to plun- der, fr. prseda, plunder, prey.] — Depredation, n. Act of or state of being, etc. — Dep'reda'tor, -ter, n. Depress, de-pres', v. t. [-pressed (-prest'), -press- ing.] To press down, cause to sink, let fall; to bring down or humble; to cast a gloom upon; to embar- rass, as trade, commerce, etc.; to lessen the price of, cheapen. [L. deprimere, depressuM, fr. de and pre- mere, to press.] — To depress the pole. (Naiit.) To cause it to appear lower or nearer the horizon, as by sailing toward the equator.^— Depression, -presh'un, n. Act of or state of being, etc.; a falling in of the surface; a cavity or hollow; humiliation; dejection; despondency; embarrassment or hindrance, as of trade, etc. (Astron.) Angular distance of a celes- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; Qdd, tone, 6r : DEPRIVE 143 DESERT t; I ulijtc: below the horizon. (Ah/.) Operation of reducing to a lower degree, — said of equations. {Sitrg.) A method of operating for cataract; couch- ing. — Depress'ive, -iv, a. Able, or tending to de- press. — Depress'or, -er, n. Deprive, de-priv', ;-. t. [-prived (-privd'), -PEIVING.] To take away, remove; to dispossess, divest, divest of office, depose, dispossess of dignity, esp. ecclesi- astical; to strip, bereave, rob, despoil. [L. de and privare, to bereave, deprive, fr. prints, one's own, private.] — Depriv'er, n. — Depriv'able, a.— Dep'ri- va'tion, n. Act of or state of being, etc. (Eccl. Law.) The taking away from a clergyman his benefice or dignity. Depth. See under _Deep. Depurate, dep'u-rat, v. t. To free from impurities, heterogeneous matter, or feculence; to purify. [LL. depurare, -atum, fr. L. de and purare, to purify, fr. purus, pure.] — Depuration, n. Depute, de-put', v. t. To appoint as substitute or agent; to delegate. [OF. deputer, to depute, fr. L. cfeputare, -tatum, to cut off, prune, also impute, later, to select, fr. de and putare, to cleanse, prune, arrange, think.] — Deputation, n. Act of, etc.; person or persons deputed by another party to act on his behalf. — Dep'utize, -tiz, v. t. To depute.— Dep'uty, -tT, n. One appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him: lieutenant; delegate; envoy; agent; vicar. [OF. depute.] Deracinate, de-ras'T-nat, v. t. To pluck up by the roots, extirpate. [F. deraciner, fr. racine, L. radix, radicis, root.] Derange, de-ranj', v. t. [-ranged (-ranjdO, -ran- ging.] To put out of place, order, or rank, throw into confusion or disorder, disturb in the action or function, render insane ; to displace, unsettle, dis- concert. [F. de" ranger, fr. de and ranger, to range, fr. rang, row, rank.] — Derange'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; disorder ; esp. mental disorder ; insanity; lunacy; mania. Derelict,"d6r / 'e-likt, n. Forsaken by the natural own- er or guardian ; abandoned ; abandoning responsi- bility ; unfaithful. — n. (Law.) A thing volunta- rily abandoned by its proper owner ; a tract of land left dry by the sea, and fit for use. [L. derelictus, p. p. of derelinquere, to forsake wholly, fr. de and relinquere, to leave.] — Dereliction, n. Act of leav- ing with an intention not to reclaim ; state of being, etc.; unfaithfulness. (Law.) The gaining of land from the sea. Deride, de-ruK, ?\ t. To laugh at with contempt, turn to ridicule, mock, taunt. [L. deridere, -7-isum, fr. de and ridere, to laugh.] — Derid'er, n. — Derid'ingly, adv. — Deris'ion, -rizh'un, n. Act of, or state of be- ing, etc.; an object of contempt: laughing-stock; scorn ; mockery ; insult. — DerPsive, -siv, a. Ex- pressing, or characterized by, derision. — DerPsive- ly, adv. — DerPsory, -so-rT. a. Mocking ; derisive. Derive, de-riv', v. t. [-rived (-rlvd'), -riving.] To receive, as from a source, obtain by transmission ; to trace the origin, descent, or derivation of, recog- nize transmission of, deduce, infer, draw. — v. i. To flow, proceed, be deduced. [OF. deriver, fr. L. de- rivare, -t:atum, to drain, draw off water, fr. de and rivus, a stream.] — Deriv'er, n. — Deriv'able, a. Ca- pable of being, etc. ; transmissible ; inferrible. — Derivation, n. Act of procuring an effect from a cause, means, or condition, as profits from capital, truth from testimony, conclusions or opinions from evidence ; act of tracing origin, as in grammar or genealogy ; state or method of being derived; thing derived; derivative; deduction. (Math.) Operation of deducing one function from another according to some fixed law. (Med.) A drawing of humors from one part of the body to another. — Derivative, -rtv /r - a-tiv, a. Obtained by derivation; secondary.— n. Any- thing obtained, or deduced, from another. (Gram.) A word formed from another word. (Mus.) A chord, not fundamental, but obtained from another by inversion. (Med.) That adapted to produce a derivation. (Math.) A function expressing the re- lation between two consecutive states of a varying function. — Deriv'atively, adv. Derm, dgrm, n. The natural covering of an animal; skin. [Gr. derma, dermatos, fr. derein, to skin, flay; s. rt. tear.']— DernPal, a. Pert, to, etc. — DermaP- gia, -jt-a, n. (Med.) Neuralgia of the skin. [Gr. algos, pain.] — DermatoPogy, -o-jT, n. Science of the structure of the skin, and its diseases. [Gr. log- os, discourse.] Dernier, der'nY-er, a. Last; final ; ultimate, [F., fr. Derrick Crane. L. de retro, F. derriere, behind, fr. L. retro, back- ward, behind. J — Bender ressort. Last resort. [F.] Derogate, der'o-gut, v. t. To annul in part, repeal partly, restrict ; to detract from, disparage, depreci- ate. — v. i. To take away, detract. — a. Diminished in value: damaged. [L. derogare, -gatum, fr. de and rogare, to ask.] — Derogation, h. Act of, etc. (Stock Exchange.) An alteration or lessening of a contract to sell stocks. — Derog'atory, -to-rl, a. Tending to, etc.: injurious. — Derog'atorily, adv. Derrick, der'rik, n. A mast supported at the top by stays or guys, with tackle for raising heavy weights. [Name of a London hangman, hence of a gallows.] — Derrick crane. A crane, the boom or derrick of which can be brought to different angles with the upright. Derringer, der'rin-jSr, n. A short- barreled, large-bored pistol. [In- ventor's name.] Dervis, -vise, der'vis, Der'vish, n. A Turkish or Persian monk ; esp., one who professes poverty and leads an austere life. [Per. dar- vish, poor.] Descant, des'kant, n. A variation of an air ; a discourse formed on its theme, like va- riations on a musical air; a comment. (Mus.) The highest part in a score ; soprano ; a composition in parts; art of composing in parts. — Descant', v. i. To sing a variation or accompaniment; to comment, discourse with particularity. [OF. descant, des- chant, fr. des (L. dis) and cant, chant (L. cantus), song, L. cantare, to sing.] — Descant'er, n. Descend, de-send', v. i. To pass to a lower place ; to come or go down in any way, etc. ; to plunge, fall ; to make an attack, as if from a vantage-ground ; to lower one's self, condescend; to pass from the more general or important to the particular or more trivial; to be derived, proceed by generation or by transmis- sion. (Astron.) To move to the southward. (Mus.) To fall in tone, pass from a higher to a' lower tone. — v. t. To go down upon or along ; to pass from the top to the bottom of. [OF. descendre, L. de- scendere, -censum, fr. de and scandere, to climb.] — Descendant, re. One who descends, as offspring, however remotely. [OF., p. pr. of descendre.] — De- scendant, a. Descending; proceeding from an an- cestor or source. [L. descendens, -entis, p. pr. of de- scendere.] — Descend'er, n. — Descend'ible, a. Ad- mitting descent; capable of being transmitted by in- heritance.— Descendibility, n.— Descen'sion, -sen'- shun, n. Act of going downward ; descent ; degra- dation. — Descen'sional, a. Pert, to, etc. — Descen'- sive, -siv, a. Descending; tending downward; hav- ing power to descend. — Descent^ n. Act of, etc. ; incursion ; sudden attack ; progress downward, as in station, virtue, etc., from the more to the less im- portant, from the better to the worse, from a higher to a lower tone, etc. ; derivation as from an ances- tor ; lineage ; birth ; extraction ; transmission by succession or inheritance; sloping surface ; decliv- ity; thing derived; descendants ; issue ; a step in the process of derivation ; a generation. Describe, de-skrib', v. t. [-scribed (-skribd'), -scri- bing.] To form or represent by lines, real or imagi- nary ; to sketch in writing, give an account of, rep- resent, recount, explain, depict ; to have or use the power of describing. [L. describere, fr. de and scri- here, scriptum, to write. See Scribe.] — Describ'er, n.— Describ'able, a. — Description, -skrTp'shun, n. Act of describing ; sketch of anything in words ; class to which a representation applies ; qualities distinguishing such a class. — Descriptive, -tiv, a. Tending to, or having the quality of, etc. ; contain- ing description. — Descriptively, adv. — Descry, de-skrP, v. t. [-scried (-sknd'), -scrying.] To dis- cover by the eye, as distant objects, faintly seen, espy, detect, discern. [Same as describe ; OF. de- serve, for descrivre, L. describere.] — Descrper, n. Desecrate, des'e-krat, v. t. To .divest of a sacred character; to treat sacrilegiously* [L. desecrare, -cra- tum, f r. de and sacrare, to declare sacred, fr. sacer, sacred.] — Desecration, n. Act of, etc. Desert, de-zerf, n. A reward. See under Deserve. Desert, de-zert', v. t. To part from, end connection with. (Mil.) To leave without permission, forsake in violation of duty. — v. i. To quit a service with- out permission, run away. — Des'ert, a. Forsaken; without life or cultivation; waste: barren; desolate. sun, cube, full; moon, fotit ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxboN, chair, get. DESERVE 144 DESTITUTE — re. A deserted or forsaken tract of land; a wilder- ness; solitude. [OF., waste, deserted, also a wilder- ness, L. desertus, p. p. of deserere, to abandon, fr. de and severe, to bind, join.] — Desert'er, n. One who forsakes his duty, post, party, or friend ; esp. a sol- dier or seaman who quits the service without leave. — Deser'tion, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. Deserve, de-zerv', v. t. [-served (-zervd'), -serving.] To earn by service, merit, be entitled to. — v. i. To be worthy of recompense. [OF. deservir, L. de- servire, f r. de and serrire, to serve, servus, a servant.] — Deserv'er, re. — Desert', re. Thing deserved ; re- ward or punishment merited ; worthj due. [OF. deserte, p.p. of deservir.] — Deservedly, adv. Justly. — Deserv'ingly, adv. In a deserving manner. Deshabille, des-a-bil', re. An undress ; careless toilet. [F., fr. de'shabiller, to undress, fr. des and habiller, to dress.] Desiccate, des'ik-kat or de-sik'kat, v. t. To exhaust of moisture; to dry. [L. desiccare, -catum, fr. de and siccare, to dry, fr. siccus, dry.] — v. i. To become dry. — Desic'cant, a. Drying. — re. {Med.) An ap- plication that dries a sore. — Desicca'tion, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Desic'cative, -tiv, a. Dry- ing; tending to dry. — n. An application tending to dry up secretions. Desiderate, Desideratum, etc. See under Desire. Design, de-sin' or -zin', v. t. [-signed (-slnd' or -zind'), -signing.] To draw the preliminary out- line of, sketch for a model; to mark out and exhibit, appoint, designate ; to form a plan of, contrive ; to intend or purpose. — v. i. To nave a purpose, in- tend.— re. A preliminary sketch; plan ; preliminary conception ; scheme ; contrivance ; adaptation of means to a preconceived end ; object for which one plans; aim; intent; decorative figures, as of a medal, embroidery, etc. [OF. designer, L. designare, -natum, fr. de and signare, to mark, signum, a mark, sign.] — Designer, re. — Designedly, -IT, adv. By design ; intentionally. — Design'able, a. Capable of being marked out. — Designate, des'ig-nat, v. t. To mark out and make known, indicate, call by a distinctive title, denominate, style; to point out by distinguish- ing from others; to set apart for a purpose or duty. — Designa'tion, re. Act of, etc.; indication; selection and appointment for a purpose; that which desig- nates; appellation; use or application; signification. — Des'ignative, -tiv, a. Serving to indicate. — Des'- ignator, -ter, re. Desipient, de-sip'T-ent, a. Trifling ; foolish ; sport- ive. [L. desipiens, p. pr. of desipere, to be foolish, fr. de and sapere, to be wise.] Desire, de-zir', v. t. [-sired (-zird'_), -siring.] To long for the enjoyment or possession of, wish for, express a wish for, entreat, request. — re. Natural eagerness to obtain any good ; expressed wish ; peti- tion ; object of longing ; inclination. [OF. desirer, L. desiderare, -atum, to long for, fr. sictus, sideris, a star. See Consider.] — Desir'er, re. — Desirous, -us, a. Feeling desire; covetous; eager. — Desir'- ously, adv. — Desir'ousness, re. — Desir'able, a. Worthy of, etc. ; fitted to excite a wish to possess. — Desir'ably, -bit, adv. — Desir'ableness, re. — Desid'- erate, -sid'er-at, v. t. To be sensible of the lack of; to want, miss, desire. — Desid'erative, -tiv, a. Ex- pressing or denoting desire. — n. An object of de- sire ; desideratum. {Gram.) A verb formed from another by change of termination, and expressing desire of doing wnat is indicated by the primitive verb. — Desid'era'tum, re. ; pi. -ta, -ta. That of which the lack is felt ; a want generally acknowl- edged. [L., p. p. of desiderare.] Desist, de-sist', v. i. To stand aside, cease to proceed or act, forbear. [OF. desister, L. desistere, fr. de and sistere, to put, place, fr. stare, to stand.] — De- sist'ance, re. Act or state of desisting. Desk, desk, re. A table with a sloping top; frame or case; pulpit; the clerical profession. [Same as <7is7i and disk; AS. disc, L. discus, disk, platter.] Desman, des'man, n. ; pi. -mans, -manz. An amphib- ious animal; the musk-rat. Desmine, des'min, n. {Min.) A mineral that crystal- lizes in little silken tufts ; stilbite. [Gr. desmos, bundle, ligament, fr. dein, to bind.] — Desmol'ogy, -jT, re. {Physiol.) Science of the ligaments. [Gr. logos, discoursed Desolate, des'o-lat, v. t. To deprive of inhabitants, make desert; to lay waste, ruin, ravage. —a. Des- titute of inhabitants; laid waste, in a ruinous con- dition; left alone; without a companion; afflicted. [L. desolare, -atum, fr. de and solare, to make lone- ly, fr. solus, alone.] —Desolately, adv.— Des'olater, re. — Desola'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; a desolate place or country ; ruin ; havoc ; devasta- tion; ravage; destitution; gloom. Despair, de-spar', v. i. [-spaired (-spard'), -spair- ing.] To be without nope; to give up all expecta- tion, despond. [OF. desperer, L. desperare, fr. de and sperare, to hope.] — re. Loss of hope; that which is despaired of. — Despair'er, re.— Despairingly, adv. — Des'pera'do, -per-a'do, re. A desperate fellow; one urged by furious passions; madman. [OSp., p. p. of desperar.] — Des'perate, -at, a. Beyond hope; despaired of; past cure; proceeding from despair; without regard to danger or safety ; rash ; head- long ; frantic. — Des'perately, adv. — Des'perate- ness, re. — Desperation, re. Act of despairing; state of despair or hopelessness. Despatch. See Dispatch. Despise, de-spiz', v. t. [-spised (-spTzd'), -spising.J To look upon with contempt, have a low opinion of, contemn, disdain, slight, undervalue. [OF. de- spiz, p. p. of despire, L. despicere, fr. de and specere, to look.] — Despis'er, re.— Despicable, a. Fit to be despised ; mean ; pitiful ; paltry ; sordid ; base; degrading. — Des'pieableness, re. — Des'picably, -bit, adv. — Despite', -spit', re. Extreme malice; angry hatred ; an act prompted by hatred, — prep- In spite of ; notwithstanding. [OF. despit, L\ de- speclus, contempt, p. p. of despicere.] — Despite'ful, -fill, n. Full of despite; malignant. — Despite'fully, adv. — Despite'fulness, n. Despoil, de-spoil', v. t. [-spoiled (-spoild'), -spoil- ing.] To strip or divest, as of clothing ; to rob, be- reave, rifle. [OF. despoiller, L. despoliare, -atum, f r. de and spoliare, to rob, spolium, spoil, booty.] — Despoil 'er, n. — Despo'lia'tion, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. Despond, de-spond', v. i. To give up, abandonhope, become dispirited or depressed. [L. despondere, to promise away, to lose courage, f r. de and spondere, to promise solemnly.] — Despond'ence, -ency, -en- st, n. State of desponding ; discouragement ; de- jection. — Despond'ent, a. Marked by, or given to, etc. — Despond 'entry, -ingly, adv. — Despond'er, re. Despot, des'pot, re. One who possesses absolute power over another; esp. a sovereign invested with abso- lute power; one who rules regardless of a constitu- tion or laws; a tyrant. [OF. aespote, LL. despotus, Gr. despotes; s. rt. Gr. posis, husband, Skr. pati, lord, L. potens, powerful.] — Despotic, -ical, a. Having the character of, or pert, to, a despot; ab- solute in power; tyrannical; arbitrary. — Despot'- ically, adv. — Des'potism, -izm, re. The power, spirit, or principles of, etc.; tyranny; a government directed by, etc.: absolutism; autocracy. Despumate, des'pu-mat o/- de-spu'mat, v. i. To throw off impurities, form scum, foam. [L. despumare, -atum, fr. de and spumare, to foam, fr. spuma, froth, scum.] — Des'puma'tion, re. Separation of the scum on the surface of liquor; clarification. Desquamation, des'kwa-ma'shun, re. {Med.) Separa- tion of the cuticle or epidermis in flakes or scales; exfoliation. [L. desquamare, -atum, to scale off, fr. de and squama, scale.] Dessert, dez-zert', re. A service of pastry, fruits, etc., after an entertainment. [F., fr. desservir, to clear the table, f r. de and servir, to serve at table.] — Des- sert'-spoon, re. A spoon intermediate in size be- tween a tea-spoon and table-spoon. — spoonful, n. ; pi. -spoonfuls. Contents of, etc. Destemper, des-tem'per, Distem'per, re. {Paint.) A peculiar sort of painting with opaque colors, ground and diluted with water, glue, etc. [F. de"trempe, fr. de and tremper, to dip, soak, for temprer, L. tem- perare, to temper.] Destine, des'tin, v. t. [-tined (-tind), -tining.] To determine the future condition or application of, set apart by design; to fix, as by an authoritative decree, establish irrevocably, design, mark out, de- vote, ordain, allot, bind. [OF. destiner, L. destinare, -atum, fr. destina, a support, proof ; s. rt. stand.] — Destination, re. Act of destining or appointing; that to which anything is, etc.; predetermined end, object, or use; point aimed at ; purpose ; lot; fate; end. — Des'tiny, -tY-nT, re. That to which one is destined; fate; doom; the fixed order of things; the power conceived of as determining the future. — Des'tinist, re. A believer in destiny; fatalist. Destitute, des'tt-tut, a. In want; devoid; deficient; lacking; needy ; indigent. [L. destitutus, p. p. of destituere, to set away, forsake, fr. de and statuere, am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; 8dd, tone, or ; DESTROY 145 DEUTEROGAMY to set.] — Destitu'tion, n. State or condition of be- ing, etc.; deprivation; poverty. Destroy, de-stroi', v. t. [-stroyed (-stroid'), -stroy- i.vg.J To pull down, break up the structure and organic existence of; to bring to naught, put an end to, esp. to the life, prosperity, or beauty of; to de- molish, ruin, extirpate, annihilate, kill. [OF. de- struire, to destroy, L. destruere, -stmctum, to pull down.fr. de and struere, to build.] — Destroy'er, re. — Destruc'tible, a. Liable to, or capable of being, etc. — Destruc'tibiKity, -Y-tY, n. — Destruction, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; destroying agency; cause of ruin. — Destrue'tionist, n. One wiio de- lights in destroying that which is valuable. (T/ieol.) One who believes in the final destruction of the wicked. — Destructive, -tiv, a. Causing destruc- tion; tending to bring about ruin, death, or devas- tation ; mortal ; deadly ; ruinous ; mischievous. — n. One who destroys ; a radical reformer; destruc- tionist. — Destructively, adv. — Destruc'tiveness, re. Quality of destroying. (Phren.) The faculty which impels to, etc. See Phrexology. Desudation, des'u-da'shun, n. {Med.) A copious sweating; profuse or morbid perspiration. [L. des- udatio, ir. c/eand sudare, to sweat.] Desuetude, des'we-tud, re. Cessation of use; discon- tinuance of practice, custom, etc.: disuse. [L. desue- tudo, fr. de and suescere, to become accustomed.] Desulphurate, de-suKfu-rat, v. t. To deprive of sul- phur. Desultory, des'ul-to-rY, a. Leaping from one subject to another, without rational connection; without logical sequence ; disconnected ; rambling ; discur- sive; loose. [L. desultorius, fr. desultor, a leaper, f r. desilire, desuttum, fr. de and satire, to leap.] — Des'- ultorily, -rY-lY, adv. — Des'ulto'riness, re. Detach, de-tach' r , v. t. [-tached (-tachf), -tack- ing.] To part, separate, disunite; to separate for a special object, — used esp. in military language. [F. detacher, to unfasten; s. rt. tack. See Attach.] — Detacb/ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; thing detached, esp. a body of troops or part of a fleet detailed for special service. Detail, de-taK, v. t. [-tailed (-taW), -tailing.] To relate in particulars, particularize. (Mil.) To ap- point for a particular service. — Detail, de'tal or de-taK, re. A minute portion; a particular, — used chiefly in the plural; a narrative of minute points. (Mil.) The selection for a particular service of a person or company; person or company so selected. [OF., a small piece, fr. detailler, to cut into parcels, ir. rfeand tailler, to cut; s. rt. tailor.] — DetaU'er, n. Detain, de-tan', v. t. [-TAi.VEDC-tand'), -taining.] To keep back or from, restrain from proceeding, hold in custody, arrest, check, delay, hinder. [OF. de- tenir, L. detinere, -tentum, fr. de and tenere, to hold.] — Detain'er, n. One who detains. (Law.) Deten- tion of what is another's, even when the original taking was lawful. (Eng. Law.) A writ authoriz- ing a prison-keeper to keep a person in custody. — Detainment, re. Act of detaining. — Detain'' der, n. (Law.) A writ. — Detinue, -T-nu, n. A person or thing detained. [OF.] — Detent', re. (Mech.) That which locks or unlocks a movement, as wheelwork in a clock. [OF. detente.'] — Detonation, re. Act of, or state of being, etc.; restraint; delay. [OF.] Detect, de-tekf, v. t. To uncover, And out, bring to light, discover, expose. [L. delegare, -tectum, fr. de and tegere, to cover.] — Detect'er, -or, -er, n. — De- tection, n. Act of, etc. ; discovery. — Detective, -iv, a. Fitted for, skilled, or employed in, etc. —re. A policeman whose business is to detect rogues. Deter, de-tgr, v. t. [-terred (-terd'), -terring.] To prevent by fear; to hinder or prevent by opposing motives from doing that to which one is impelled. [L. deterrere, fr. de and terrere, to frighten, terrify.] — Determent, n. Act of, etc. ; that which, etc. — Determent, -ter'rent, a. Tending to, etc. Deterge, de-terj', v. t. [-terged (-terjdO, -terging.] To cleanse, purge away. [L. detergere, fr. de and tergere, to rub or wipe off.] — Detergent, -jent, a. Cleansing ; purging. — n. (Med.) A medicine that cleanses the vessels or skin from offending matter. — Deter'sion, -shun, re. Act of, etc. — Detersive, -siv, a. Having power to, etc. — Deter'sively, adv. Deteriorate, de-te'rY-o-rat, v. i. To make worse. — v. t. To grow worse, be impaired in quality, degen- erate. [L. deteriorare, -atum, fr. deterior, worse.] — Dete'riora'tion, n. State of growing worse, or of having grown worse. Determine, de-ter'min, v. t. [-mined (-mind), -min- ing.] To fix the boundaries of, mark off and sepa- rate, set bounds to, bring to an end, fix the form or character of; to bring about, as a cause, an effect; to fix the course of, impel, direct, ascertain definitely, settle by authoritative sentence, resolve on, bring to a conclusion or resolve. (Logic.) To define or limit by adding a differentia. (Physical Sc.) To ascer- tain the quantity of. — v. i. To come to a decision, resolve, limit, settle, shape, decide. [OF. deter- mine)', L. determinare, -atum, fr. de and terminare, to bound, terminus, boundary.] — Determiner, n. — Determinable, a. — Determinant, n. That which serves to determine. (Math.) The sum of a series of products of several numbers, formed according to specified laws. — Determinate, -nat, a. Having defined limits; fixed; established; conclusive; posi- tive. — Deter'minately, adv. — Deter'niina'tion, re. Act of determining, or state of bein°; determined; tendency to a certain end; a judicial decision, or ending of controversy ; thing determined upon ; resoluteness; decision of mind. (Chem.) The as- certaining the amount of any ingredient in a sub- stance. (Logic.) Act of limiting a concept or no- tion by giving its essential constituents; addition of a differentia to a concept or notion, dividing its extent. (Nat. Hist.) The referring of minerals, plants, etc., to their species. — Determinative, -tiv, a. Having power to determine; conclusive. Deterrent. See under Deter. Detersion, Detersive, etc. See under Deterge. Detest, de-test', v. t. To hate extremely, abhor, abom- inate, loathe. [OF. detester, to loathe, L. detestari, -talus, to imprecate evil by calling the gods to wit- ness, fr. de and testari, to testify, fr. testis, a wit- ness.] — Detest'able, a. Worthy of, etc.; abomin- able; execrable; abhorred. — Detest'ably, adv. — Detestation, det'es- or de'tes-ta'shun, n. Act of, etc.; hatred; loathing. — Detest'er, n. Dethrone, de-thron', v. t. [-throned (-thrond'). -throning.] To remove or drive from a throne, de- pose. [OF. desthroner, fr. des (L. dis) and throne, throne, LL. thronus, episcopal seat, Gr. thronos, seat.] — Dethrone'ment, re. Deposition. — Dethron'er, n. Detinue. See under Detain. Detonate, det'o-nat, v. i. (Chem.) To explode with a sudden report. — v. t. To cause to explode. [L. detonare, -atum, to thunder down or away, fr. de and tonare, to thunder; s. rt. stun, thunder.] — Detona'- tion, n. Explosion by inflammation of combustible bodies. — Det'onize, -niz, v. t. [-xized (-nizd), -niz- ing.] To cause to explode, burn with an explosion, calcine with detonation. — v. i. To detonate. Detort, de-tSrt', v. t. To turn from the original or plain meaning, pervert, wrest. [L. detorquere, -tor- turn, fr. de and torquere, to twist.] — Detor'tion, -sion, -shuru n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Detour, da-toor r , n. A turning; circuitous route ; deviation from the straight or usual path. [F., fr. detourner, to turn aside, fr. de" and tourner, to turn.] Detract, de-trakf, v. t. To take away, take credit or reputation from, decry, depreciate, vilify, slander, traduce. — v.i. To remove a part, take away repu- tation, depreciate worth. [L. detrahere,-tr actum, fr. de and trahere, to draw.] — Detraction, re. Act of, etc.; calumny; aspersion; censure. — Detract'or, -er, re. — Detract'ress, n. A female detractor. — Detract'- ory, -o-rt, a. Defamatory; derogatory. Detriment, det'rY-ment, re. That which causes dam- age; diminution; injury; prejudice; mischief; harm. [OF.; L. detrimentum, loss, lit. a rubbing away, fr. deterere, -tritum, fr. de and terere, to rub.] — Detri- ment'al, a. Causing detriment ; pernicious. — De- trition, -trish'un, n. A wearing oft or away. — De- tritus, n. ( Geol.) A mass of matter worn from solid bodies by attrition. [L., p. p. of deterere.] Detrude, de-troocK, v. t. To thrust down, push down forcibly. [L. de and trudere, to shove.] — Detru'- sion, -znun, re. Act of, etc.; the slipping of one por- tion of a substance over another. Detruncate, de-trun/kat, v. t. To shorten by cutting, cut off, lop. [L. de and truncare, -catum, to shorten, fr. truncus, maimed, cut short.] — Detrunca'tion, n. Deuce, dus, n. (Gaming.) Two; a card or die with 2 spots. [F. deux, L. duo.] Deuce, dus, re. An evil spirit; demon; the devil. [D., OF., and L. Dews, God, — a Norman oath.] — Deu'- ced, -sed, a. Devilish; extravagant; enormous. Deuterogamy, du-ter-og'a-mY, n. A 2d marriage, after the death 01 the first husband or wife. [Gr. deutcros, second, and gamos, marriage.] — Deuterog'amist, re. One who, etc. — Deuteronomy, -o-mY, n. (Bibl.) .11, cube, full; moon, fo"6t ; cow, oil) linger or ink, then, bo.vboN, chair, get. 10 DEVASTATE 146 DIACAUSTIC The 5th book of the Pentateuch, containing the 2d giving of the law by Moses. [Gr. nomos, law.] — Deu- terop'athy, -thT, n. {Med.) A sympathetic affection, as headache from an overloaded stomach. [Gr. pathos, suffering, fr. pathein, to suffer.] — Deuter- os'copy, -pT, n. Second sight; meaning beyond the literal sense; second intention. [Gr. skopia, a look- ing out.] — Deutoxlde, -id, n: { Cnem.) A compound of 2 equivalents of oxygen with 1 of a base. Devastate, dev'as- or de-vaslat, v. t. To lay waste, desolate, demolish, pillage. [L. de and vastare, -ta- tum, to lay waste, fr. vastus, waste.] — Devastation. n. Act or, or state of being, etc. {Law.) Waste of the goods of the deceased by an administrator. Develop, de-veKup, v. t. [-oped (-upt), -oping.] To free from a cover or envelope, disclose or make known, unfold gradually, exhibit, detect. {Math.) To change the form of (an algebraic expression) by executing indicated operations without changing the value. {Photog.) To render (a picture) visible by subjecting it to chemical action. — v. i. To go through a natural evolution, by successive changes to a more perfect state; to become visible gradually. [F. developper, fr. de and s. rt. F. enveloper, E. to wrap, lap.'] — Development, n. Act of, etc. {Math.) Act of expanding an expression into another of equivalent meaning; the equivalent expression into which another has been developed. — Development theory. {Nat. Hist.) Doctrine that all existing forms of matter and spirit were developed by uniform laws from simpler forms, without creative act. Devest, de-vest' v. t. To divest. {Law.) To alienate, as title or right, deprive of. — v. i. To be lost or alienated, as a title or an estate. [Except in the legal sense, spelled divest, q. v.] Deviate, de'vY-at, v. i. To go out of one's way, turn aside from a course, swerve, digress, deflect, err. [L. deviare, -atum, fr. de and via, a way.] — Devia r - tion, n. Act of, etc.; state of having deviated; error. — De'vious, -vi-us, a. Out of a straight line; indi- rect; going out of the right course of conduct; err- ing. — De'viously, adv. Device. See under Devise. Devil, devl, n. The evil one, Satan, represented in Scripture as the traducer, father of lies, tempter, etc.; an evil spirit; false god; an expletive express- ing emphasis. {Manuf.) A revolving cylinder armed with spikes, for tearing-, cutting, or opening raw materials, as cotton, wool, rags, etc. A very wicked person; a dish, broiled with much pepper. — v. t. To make like a devil; to cut up cloth or rags in, etc.; to grill with pepper. [AS. deoful, deofol, L. diabolus, Gr. diabolos, fr. diaballein, to slander, traduce, fr. dia, across, and ballein, to throw.] — Printer's devil. The youngest apprentice in a printing office, who runs errands, sweeps, etc. — To play the d. with. To interfere with, molest, ruin. — Devilish, dev'l- ish, a. Like, or pert, to, the devil ; wicked in the extreme ; infernal ; hellish ; satanic ; detestable. — Dev'ilishly, adv. — Deviltry, -1-trT, n. Diabol- ism; malicious mischief. — Devllkin, n. A little devil. — Devll's-darnlng-nee'dle, n. A dragon-fly, having a long, cylindrical body, resembling a nee- dle. — Devil-fish, n. A name of several sea-creatures, esp. of a genus of ray found in the Atlantic, and of the cuttle-fish. — Di'abollc, -ical, a. Like, or pert, to, the devil; impious; nefarious; demoniac. — Di- abolically, adv. — Di'abollcalness, n. — Diablerie, dya'bl-re', Diablery, dY-abler-T, n. Deviltry; sor- cery; mischief. [F. diablerie, fr. diable, devil.] Devious. See under Deviate. Devise, de-viz', v. t. [-vised (-vlzd r ), -vising.] To form in the mind by new combinations of ideas, ap- plications of principles, or arrangement of parts; to strike out by thought; to plan for, purpose to ob- tain. {Law.) To give by will, — used of real estate; to bequeath. — v. i. To form a scheme, lay a plan, contrive. — n. Act of disposing of real estate by will; a will or testament, properly of real estate; property given by will. [OF. deviser, to regulate, bequeath, talk, It. divisare, to divide, describe, think, L. divi- dere, -visum, to divide; OF. devise, a division, proj- ect, emblem, It. divisa, division, share, choice, LL. divisa, portion of land, decision, mark, device.] — Devis'able, a. Capable of being devised, invented, contrived, or bequeathed. — Devisee, -ze', n. {Law.) One to whom a devise is made or real estate be- queathed. — Devis'er, n. One who devises; an in- ventor. — Devis'or, -Sr, n. {Law.) One who gives real estate by will; a testator. — Device, de-vis', n. Thing devised, or formed by design; contrivance; invention ; a stratagem ; a heraldic motto, usually connected with an emblematic picture; power of de- vising; invention; genius. Devoid, de-void', a. Destitute; not in possession. [OF. desvoider, to empty out, fr. des and void, L. vidwus.] Devoir, dev-w6r', n. Duty; service owed; due act of civility; compliment. [F., fr. L. debere, to owe.] Devolve, de-volV, v. t. [-volved (-volvd'), -volving.] To roll onward or downward, overthrow; to trans- fer from one to another, deliver over, hand down. — v. i. To pass by transmission or succession ; to be handed over or down. [L. de and volvere, to roll.] — Devolution, n. Act of, etc. Devote, de-vof, v. t. To appropriate by vow, set apart by a solemn act ; to consign over, execrate, doom to evil ; to give up wholly, direct the attention of wholly or chiefly; to attach, addict, dedicate, re- sign, doom, consign. [L. de and vovere, -votum, to vow, promise solemnly.] — Devot'edness, n. State of being, etc.; addictedness. — Devotee', n. One wholly devoted, esp. to religion; one superstitiously given to religious ceremonies; a bigot. — Devofer, n. — Devo'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; af- fection; esp. feelings toward God appropriate to the act of worship; religiousness; piety; act of devoted- ness or devoutness; thing consecrated; an object of affection. [OF.] — Devo'tional, a. Pert, to, used in, or suited to, devotion. — Devout, -vowf, a. Ab- sorbed in religious feelings; pious; reverent; ex- pressing piety; warmly devoted; earnest ; prayer- ful ; sincere. — Devoutly, adv. — Devout'ness, n. Devour, de-vowr', v. t. [-voueed (-vowrdO, -vouh- ixg.] To eat up greedily, consume ravenously; to seize on and destroy or appropriate greedily," self- ishly, or wantonly; to enjoy with avidity, consume, waste, annihilate. [OF. devorer, L. devorare, fr. de and vorare, to consume.] — Devour'er, n. Dew, du, n. Moisture from the atmosphere condensed by cool bodies upon their surfaces, esp. at night. — v. t. [dewed (dud), dewing] To wet with dew, bedew. [AS. deaw, D. dauiv, Ic. dogg, OHG. tou.] — Dew'y, -l, a. Covered, or appearing as if covered, with dew; pert, to or like dew; falling gently. — Dewiness, n. — Dew'-drop, n. A drop of dew. — -lap, n. The fold of skin, etc., hanging from the throats of oxen, which laps or licks the dew in grazing; a fold of skin, etc., on the human throat or chin, esp. when flaccid with age.- — point, n. {Meteor.) The temperature at which dew begins to f orm. — -ret'ting, n. Process of softening and re- moving mucilage from the fibrous and cellular por- tions of flax and hemp, by exposing the stalks to dew, rain, sun, and air. Dexter, deks'ter, a. Pert, to, or on, the right hand; right, as opp. to left. [L.: Gr. dexios, dexiteros, Skr. dakshina, on the right, fr. daksh, to suit, be strong.] — Dexterity, -ter'i-tT, n. Readiness and physical grace; activity of the mind; quickness and skill in managing affairs ; adroitness ; tact; aptitude; fac- ulty. — Dex'terous, -trous, -trus, a. Ready and ex- pert; skillful in contrivance; quick at inventing ex- pedients; done with dexterity; apt; handy; versed. — Dex'terously, adv. — Dex'terousness, n. — Dex'- tral, a. Right, as opp. to left.— Dex'trorse, -trorsal, -tr6r'sal, a. Rising from right to left, as a spiral line or a climbing plant. [L. dextrorsvm, contr. f r. dextrovorsum, -version, toward the right side, fr. dexter, right, and p. p. of vertere, vortere, to turn.] — Dex'trose, -tros, n. Grape-sugar; starch-sugar; sugar obtained from starch and dried fruits, — which causes a right-hand rotation in polarized light. Dey, da, n. The European title for the governor of Algeria, before its conquest by the French. [Turk. dai, orig. a maternal uncle ; in Algiers, the com- mander of the Janizaries, who frequently became pasha of that province.] Dhow, Dow, dow, n. A coasting vessel of Arabia, East Africa, etc. [Ar.] Diabetes, di-a-be'tez, n. sing. Si pi. {Med.) A disease attended with a persistent, excessive discharge of urine. [Gr. diabainein, to stand with the legs apart, fr. dia, apart, and bainein, to go.] — Diabetic, -ical, a. Pert, to, or afflicted with, etc. Diablerie, Diabolic, etc. See under Devil. Diacaustic, di-a-kawslik, a. Pert, to a species of caustic curves formed hy refraction. — n. {Med.) That which is caustic by refraction, as the sun's rays concentrated by a convex lens, — used as a cau- tery. {Math.) A curve formed by the consecutive intersections of rays of light refracted through a lens. [Gr. dia, through, and kaiein, to burn.] am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare : Pnd, eve, term ; Tn, Tee ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; DIACONAL 147 DICHOTOMIZE Diagonal. Diag'onally, -IT, adv. Diaconal. Diaconate. See under Deacox. Diacoustic, di-a-kows'tik or-koos'tik, a. Pert, to the science of refracted sounds. — Diacous'tics. n. Sci- ence of the properties of sound refracted through different mediums. [Gr. dia and akouein, to hem.] Diacritic, -ical. di-a-krit'ik-al, ft. Separating; indica- ting something to be distinguished. [Gr. dia, be- tween, and krtnein, to separate.] Diadem, di'a-dem, n. A fillet, worn as a badge of royalty ; a crown ; sovereignty ; dignity. (Her.) An arch rising from the rim of a crown, and uniting with others over its center. [OF. diademe, L. and Gr. diastema, fr. Gr. dia and dein, to bind.] Dixresis, Dieresis, di-er r e-sis, re. ; pi. -ses, -sez. ( Gram.) The separation of 1 syllable into 2 ; a mark [ "] over the second of 2 adjacent vowels, to denote that they are to be pronounced separately, as, aerial. [L. diaeresis, Gr. diairesis, fr. dia and hairein, to take.] Diagnosis, di-ag-no'sis, n. (Med.) Determination of a disease by distinctive characteristics. Scientific de- termination of any kind. [Gr., fr. dia and gnosis, inquiry, knowledge, fr. gignoskein, to know.] — Di- agnostic, a. Pert, to, or furnishing, a diagnosis ; indicating the nature of a disease. — n. Symptom by which a disease is distinguished from others. Diagonal, di-ag'o-nal, a. (Geom.) Joining 2 not ad- jacent angles of a quadrilateral or multilateral figure, and divid- ing it into 2 parts ; crossing at an angle with one of the sides. — n. A right line drawn from one an- fle to another, not adjacent, of a gure of 4 or more sides. [Gr. dia and gonia, corner, angle.] In a diagonal direction. Diagram, di'a-gram, n. (Geom.) A figure to illus- trate a statement, or facilitate a demonstration. An illustrative outline or drawing. [L. and Gr. dia- gramma, fr. Gr. dia and graphein, to draw.] — Di'a- graph, -graf, re. An instrument used in perspective. Dial, di'al, re. An instrument showing the time of day from the shadow of a style on a graduated sur- face ; the graduated face of a time-piece on which the time is shown by pointers. jXL. dialis, pert, to a day.fr. L. dies, day.] — Di'aling, n. Science of measuring time by dials ; art of constructing dials. — Di'aliat, n. A constructor of, etc. — Di'al-plate, re. The graduated face of, etc. Dialect, di'a-lekt, re. Means or mode of expressing thoughts ; language ; tongue ; local form of a lan- guage; idiom ; patois : phraseology. [F. dialecte, L. dialectos, manner of speaking, Gr. dialektos, speech, discourse, language of a district, fr. dia. and legein, to choose, speak.] — Dialec'tic, -tical, a. Pert, to a dialect or to dialects ; logical. — Dialectics, re. sing. That branch of logic which teaches the rules of rea- soning ; application of logical principles to discur- sive reasoning. [G. dialektike (techne), (art of) dis- cussing by questioning.] — Di'alecti'cian, -tish'an, re. One versed in dialectics ; a logician ; reasoner. — Dialogue, -log, re. A conversation between two or more, esp. in theatrical performances; a composi- tion in which persons are represented as conversing. — Dial'ogist, -jist, n. A speaker in, or writer of dia- logue. — Dial'ogist'ic, -gist'ical, a. Pert, to, or in form of, dialogue. — Dial'ogize, -jiz, v. i. To dis- course in dialogue. Diallage, di'al-lej, re. A dark-green laminate mineral, a variety of hornblende or augite. [Gr., change, fr. the change of luster between its natural joints.] Dialysis, di-al'i-sis, re. ; pi. -ses, -sez. A diasresis. (Rhet.) Asyndeton. (Med.) Debility ; a solution of continuity ; separation of parts. [Gr. dia and luein, to loose.] — Dialyt'ic, -lit'ik, a. Unloosing. Diamagnetic, di'a-mag-net'ik, a. Pert, to, or exhibit- ing the phenomena of, diamagnetism. — n. A sub- stance which, in afield of magnetic force, takes a position at right angles to that of the ordinary mag- net. — Di'amagnet'ically, adv. — Diamag'netism, -izm, n. Science of diamagnetic phenomena ; con- dition of magnetic action which characterizes dia- magnetics. Diameter, di-am'e-ter, n. (Geom.) A right line through the center of a figure or body, terminated by the opposite boundaries. Length of a straight line through the cen- ter of an object from side to side; width; thickness. (Arch.) The distance through the lower part of the shaft of a column, tised as a unit for measuring all the parts Diameter. of an order. [OF. diametre, L. and Gr. diametros. Dia- fr. Gr. dia and metrein, to measure.] — Diam'etral, a. Pert, to a diameter. — Diamefric, -rical, a. Pert, to, etc. ; directly adverse. — Diamet'rically, adv. In a diametrical direction ; directly. Diamond, di'a-mund or di'mund, re. A mineral and gem remarkable for hardness ; crystallized carbon ; a geometrical figure otherwise called rhombus or lozenge ; one of a suit of playing cards, stamped with the figure of a diamond. (Print.) A small type, in size between pearl and brilliant. [OF., Gr.,and D. diamant. It. and Sp. diamante, corrup. of adamant, q. v.] 63™ This Hue is printed in the type called Diamond. 1Jla j Diapason, di-a-pa'zon, re. (Gr. Mus.) The oc- moncl - tave or interval which includes all the tones. Con- cord, as of notes an octave apart ; harmony ; entire compass of tones ; scale or pitch for giving a stand- ard pitch; one of certain stops in the organ, which extend through the scale of the instrument. [L. and Gr., contr. of Gr. diapason chordon sumnhonia, con- cord through all the notes.] Diaper, di'a-per, n. Figured linen cloth for towels, napkins, etc. ; a towel or napkin ; infant's breech- cloth. (Arch.) Paneling filled up with arabesque gilding and painting, or with wrought work in low relief. — v. t. [diapered (-perd), -perixg.] To variegate with figures, as cloth ; to put a diaper on, as a child. — v.i. To draw figures. [OF. diapre, diaspre, figured cloth, diaspre, jasper, a stone used in jewelr3 r , Olt. diaspro, L.jaspis, Gr. iaspis.] Diaphanous, di-af'a-nus, a. Transmitting rays of light, as glass ; transparent ; clear. [Gr. dia and phainein, to show, appear.] — Diaphaneity, -ne'i-tl, n. Quality of being, etc. Diaphonics, di-a-fon'iks, re. Doctrine of refracted sound. [Gr. dia and phone, sound, tone.] Diaphoresis, dr'a-fo-re'sis, n. (Med.) Augmentation of insensible perspiration. [Gr. dia and pherein, to carry.] — Diaphoretic, -ical, a. Having power to, etc. — Diaphoretic, n. A medicine which, etc. Diaphragm, di'a-fram, n. A dividing membrane or partition, commonly with an opening through it. (Anat.) The muscle separating the chest from the abdomen ; midriff. [L. and Gr. diaphragma, fr. Gr. dia and phragnunai, to inclose.] Diarrhea, -rhcea, di-ar-re'a, n. (Med.) A morbidly frequent evacuation of the intestines. [L. diarrhoea, Gr. diarrhoia, fr. dia and rhein, to flow.] — Diar- rhet'ic, -rhoefic, a. Producing, etc. Diary, di r a-rT, n. A register of daily occurrences ; journal; blank-book dated for daily memoranda. rXi. diarium, fr. dies, day.]— Di'arist, n. One who keeps, etc. Diastase, di'as-tas, n. (Chem.) A nitrogenous sub- stance, generated during germination of grain for the brewery, which accelerates formation of sugar during fermentation. [Gr. diastasis, fr. diastenai, to divide, fr. dia and stenai, to stand.] Diastole, di-as'to-le, n. (Med.) A dilatation of the heart. (Gram.) A figure by which a syllable nat- urally short is made long. [Gr., fr. dia and stellein, to set, place.] Diastyle, di'a-stll, n. (Arch.) An edifice in which 3 diameters of the columns are allowed for each inter- columniation. [Gr. dia and stidos, column.] Diatessaron, di-a-tes'sa-ron, n. (Anc. Mus.) The interval of a fourth. (Theol.) A harmony of the 4 Gospels. [Gr., fr. dia and tessares, four.] Diathesis, di-ath'e-sis, n. (Med.) Bodily condition, esp. that which predisposes to a particular disease. [Gr., fr. dia and tithenai, to place, put.] Diatonic, di-a-ton'ik, a. (Mus.) Pert, to the scale of 8 tones, the 8th of which is the octave of the first. [Gr. diatonikos, fr. dia and teinein, to stretch, tonos, a stretching, tone.] — Diatonic scale. (3lus.) A scale consisting of 8 sounds with 7 intervals, of which 2 are semitones and 5 whole tones. Diatribe, di'a-trib, re. A continued discourse or dis- putation; an invective harangue; reviling; reproach. [Gr., fr. dia and tribein, to rub.] Dibber, dib'ber, Dibble, dib'bl, n. A pointed hand instrument, to make holes for planting seeds, etc. — Dib'ble, v. t. [dibbled (-bid"), -bling.J To plant with a dibble, make holes for planting seeds, etc. — v. i. To dip, as in angling. [Fr. dip, q. v.] Dice, etc. See under Die, n. Dichotomize, di-kofo-miz, v. t. To cut into 2 parts, halve, bisect. (Astron.) To exhibit as a hail-disk or semicircle. — v. i. To divide into 2 parts or pairs. [Gr. dichu, in two (Gr. dis, L. bis, Skr. dvis, twice ; sun, cube, full : moon, foot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, get. DICHROISM 148 DIFFIDENT s. rt. Gr. and L. duo, Skr. dva, E. tivo), and temnein, to cut.] — Dichofomous, -mus, a. (Bot.) Regularly dividing by pairs, from top to bottom. — Dichot- omy, -mt, n. Division of genera into 2 species. (Astron.) That phase of the moon in which it shows half its disk. (Bot.) Successive division and sub- division of a stem, etc., into 2 parts. (Logic.) Di- vision of a class into 2 sub-classes opposed to each other by contradiction. Dichroism, di'kro-izm, n. (Opt.) Property of pre- senting different colors by transmitted light, when viewed in 2 different directions. [Gr. dis, twice, and chroa, chroma, color.] — Di'achro'mafic, a. Having or producing 2 colors. — Diachro'mic, a. Furnish- ing 2 colors, — said of defective vision, in which the compound colors are resolvable into 2 elements only, instead of 3. Dickens, dik'enz, n. The devil, —used as a vulgar interjection. [Contr. of devilkins.] Dicker, dik'er, n. The number of 10, esp. 10 hides or skins ; a chaffering barter of small wares, — v. i. To negotiate a dicker; to barter. [L. decuria, a division containing 10, fr. decern, ten.] Dickey, Dicky, dik'!, n. A seat behind a carriage, for servants, etc. ; a bosom to tie over the front of a shirt ; a shirt-collar. Dicotyledon, di / kot-T-le / 'don ; n. (Bot.) A plant whose seeds divide into 2 lobes in germinating. — Dicoty- ledonous, -nus, a. Having 2 cotyledons. Dictate, dik'tat, v. t. To deliver, state, or utter, for another to reduce to writing ; to communicate with authority ; to deliver to a subordinate, as a com- mand; to prescribe, enjoin, urge. — v. i. To deliver commands.— n. A statement delivered with author- ity ; authoritative rule or principle ; order ; direc- tion; impulse; admonition. [L. dictare, -tatum, freq. of dicere, to say.] — Dicta'tion, n. Act of, etc. — Dicta'tor, -ter, n. One who, etc.; one invested with absolute authority, esp. in times of distress. — Dic- tato'rial, -rl-al, a. Pert, or suited to a dictator; ab- solute ; imperious ; overbearing. — Dictato daily, adv.^- Dicta 'torship, n. Office or term of office of, etc. — Dicta'tress, -trix, n. A female who dictates. — Dicta'ture, -ta'chur, n. Dictatorship. Diction, dik'shun, n. 'Choice of words ; selection of terms, manner of expression ; style ; phraseology. [F. ; L. dictio, fr. dicere, dictum, to say ; s. rt. Gr. cleiknunai, Skr. dig, to show.] — Dic'tum, n. ; pi. -ta, -ta. An authoritative saying or assertion. (Law.) A judicial opinion by judges on points not necessa- rily in the case. — Dic'tionary, -a-ri, n. A book in which words are alphabetically arranged and ex- plained; a lexicon ; vocabulary ; a work containing information in any department of knowledge, ar- ranged alphabetically, under heads. [F. dictionnaire, NL. dictionariu.ni, fr. L. dictio.'] Did. See Do. Didactic, -tical, di-dak'tik-al, a. Fitted or inclined to teach ; arranged in a form suitable for instruc- tion ; preceptive. [Gr. didaktikos, fr. didaskein, to teach.] — Didac'tically, adv. — Didac'tics, n. Art or science of teaching. Didactyl, di-dak'til, n. An animal having 2 toes. — Didac'tyl, -tylous, -us, a. Having 2 toes. [Gr. dis and daktulos, finger, toe.] Didapper, did'ap-er, n. A diving bird; the black-chin grebe; dab-chick. [For dive-dapper; E. dapper, dopper, diver, Sw. doppa, to dip. See Dip, Dive.] Diddle, did'dl, v. i. To totter, as a child in walking. [Scot., to shake, jog.] Dido, di'do, n. ; pi. -DOS, -doz. A trick; antic; caper. Didst. Second per. imp. of do. See Do. Die, di, v. i. [died (did), dyino.] To cease to live, become dead, expire, become lost or extinct ; to sink, faint; languish, with weakness, discourage- ment, love, etc.; become indifferent; to recede and grow fainter, become imperceptible ; to become vapid, flat, or spiritless, as liquor. [Ic. deyja, Sw. do, Dan. doe, Goth. diwan.~\ Die, di, n. A small cube, marked on its faces with spots from 1 to 6, used in gaming, by being thrown from a box ; /HHlf fl MSA any small cubical body. [PI., in this sense, Dice (dis); in the fol- lowing senses,DiES(diz).] (Arch.) !J,_lg The cubical part of the pedestal, between base and cornice. The piece of metal on which is cut a device to be stamped (on a coin, medal, etc.); one of two pieces of hard- ened steel forming together a female screw for cut- ting the threads of screws. [OF. det, later de, pi. Dice. dez, LL. dadus, a die, lit. thing given forth, fr. datus, p. p. of L. dare, to give.] — Dice, dis, n. ; pi. of. die. A game. — v. i. To play with dice. — Di'cer, n. One who, etc. — Die'-sink'ing, n. Pro- cess of engraving dies. — stock, n. An implement for holding dies while cutting threads on screws. Dieresis. Same as Diuresis. Dies non, di'ez-non. (Law.) A day on which courts are not held. [L. dies non juridicus.] Diet, dfet, n. Habitual food ; victuals ; course of food selected with reference to a particular state of health. — v. t. To feed, nourish, esp. to cause to eat and drink sparingly, or by rule. — v. i. To eat, feed, esp. to eat sparingly. [OF. diete, diet, LL. dieta, a ration, Gr. diaitia, mode of life, diet, perh. fr. diao for zao, I live, Zend ji, Skr. jiv, to live; s. rt. quick.'] — Dfetary, -a-rT, a. Pert, to, etc. — n. Rule of diet; allowance of food. — Dietetic, -ical, a. Pert, to the rules of, etc. — Dietetics, n. That part of medicine or hygiene relating to, etc. — Diet'er, -a'rian, n. One who observes rules for, etc. Diet, di'et, n. A legislative or administrative assem- bly in some countries of Europe. [Same as preced- ing, bnt influenced by L. dies, a day — day ap- pointed for business, assembly.] Differ, differ, v. i. [-fered (-ferd), -fering.] To be or stand apart, disagree, be unlike or discordant; to have a difference or quarrel. — v. t. To cause to be different or unlike. [L. dis, apart, and ferre, to bear.] — Difference, -ens, n. Act of, or state of be- ing, etc. ; disagreement; dissension ; cause of dis- sension ; occasion of quarrel ; that by which one thing differs from another ; characteristic quality. (Logic.) Quality or attribute added to those of the genus to constitute a species ; differentia. (Math.) The quantity by which one quantity differs from another. — v. t. [differenced (-enst), -encing.] To cause to differ, make different, distinguish. — Different, a. Distinct; of various or contrary na- ture, form, or quality; unlike; dissimilar. — Dif- ferently, adv. — Differentiate, -shT-at, v. t. (Math.) To obtain the differential, or differential coefficient of. (Logic.) To distinguish or describe, by giving the differentia, or specific difference of a thing; to define exactly, specialize. — v. i. To constitute, mark, or show a difference; to discriminate. — DiP- fer-en'tia'tion, -shY-a'shun, n. (Logic.) Act of dis- tinguishing a thing, by giving its differentia, or spe- cific difference. (Math.) Act or process of differen- tiating. (Physiol.) Production of a diversity of parts by a process of evolution or development. (Metaph.) Tendency in being, organic or inorganic, to assume more complex structure or functions. — Differen'tia, -shT-a, n. (Logic.) The distinguish- ing part of the essence of a species; specific differ- ence. [L.] — Differencial, -shal, a. Creating a dif- ference; discriminating; special. (Math.) Pert, to a differential. (Mech.) Differing in amount or in producing force, — said of motions or effects; in- tended to produce difference of motion or effect, — said of machinery, etc. — n. (Math) An increment, usually an indefinitely small one, given to a vari- able quantity. — Differential calculus. One of the higher branches of mathematics. See Calculus. — D. coefficient. Limit of the ratio of the increment of a function of a variable to the increment of the variable itself, when these increments are indefi- nitely small. — D. coupling. (Much.) A slip-coup- ling to regulate the velocity of the connected shaft. — D. gear. A combination of wheel-work produ- cing a motion equal to the difference between two other motions. — D. motion. A single combination producing such a velocity-ratio as would ordinarily require a train of mechanism. — D. screw. A com- pound screw producing a motion equal to the dif- ference of the motions of the component screws. — D. thermometer. One measuring small differences of temperature. Difficulty, dif r i f-kul-tT, n. State of being hard to ac- complish, or to deal with; a thing hard to accom- plish ; a controversy ; variance or disagreement ; obstacle ; perplexity ; distress ; objection. [OF. difficulty, L. difficultas, fr. dis and facilis, easy.] — Difficult, a. Hard to make, do, or perform: beset with difficulty; not easily wrought upon; not com- pliant: painful; austere; rigid.— Dif flcultly, adv. Diffident, dif fT-dent, a. Wanting confidence in others, or in one's self ; distrustful; timid; bashful; reserved. [L. diffidens, p. pr. of diffidere, to distrust, fr. dis and fidere, to trust.]— Dif fidently, adv.— Diffidence, -dens, n. State of being, etc. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; DIFFRACT 149 DIM Diffract, dif-frakf, v. t. To break or separate into parts. [L. dis and frangere, fractum, to break.] — Diffrac'tion, n. (Opt.) The deflection and de- composition of light in passing by the edges of opaque bodies or through slits, causing the appear- ance of fringes of prismatic colors. Diffuse, dif-fuz / ', v. t. [-fused (-fuzd'). -fusing.] To pour out and spread, as a fluid; to send out, or ex- tend, in all directions ; to expand, disseminate, spend, waste, publish, proclaim. [L. (lis and fun- dere, fusum, to pour, spread.] — Diffus^er, n. — Dif- fus /, edly. adv. In a diffused manner; dispersedly. — Diffus'edness, n. — Diffu'sible, -zT-bl, a. Capable of being, etc. — Diffu'sibil'ity, n. — Diffusion, •zhun, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; dissemina- tion ; spread ; propagation ; dispersion. — Diffuse', -fus', a. Poured out ; widely spread ; not re- strained, esp. as to style ; copious; prolix; ampli- fied. — Diffusely, adv. — Diffuse'iiess, n. Quality of being diffuse; esp. in writing, the use of many words to express the meaning; lack of conciseness; verbosity. — Diffu'sive, -siv, a. Having the quality of, etc.:' capable of spreading by flowing; extend- ing. — Diffu'sively, adv. — Diffu'siveness, n. Dig, dig, v. t. [dug or (obs.) digged (digd), dig- ging.] To turn and throw up, as the earth ; to loosen or remove with a spade, etc.; to delve; to hollow out, as a well; form, as a ditch; excavate. — v. i. To work with a spade, etc., do servile work, delve. [AS. dician, to make a dike, Dan. dige, to dig. See Dike.] — Dig/ger, n. — Dig'ging, n. Act or place of, etc. pi. Places where ore, esp. gold, is dug: regions; localities. Digamma, di-garn'ma, n. A letter (F) of the Greek alphabet, which early fell into disuse, pron., prob., like E. 10. [Gr., fr. dis, twice, and gamma, because formed like 2 gammas, one above the other.] Digastric, di-gas'trik, a. (Anat.) Having a double belly; pert, to a muscle between the lower jaw and the mastoid process. [Gr. dis and gaster, belly.] Digest, di-iest', v. t. To arrange methodically; work over and classify ; to prepare in the stomach for conversion into blood, turn into chyme, — said of food; to think over, reflect upon; to bear with pa- tience. (Chem.) To soften Dy heat and moisture. {Med.) To suppurate. — v. i. To undergo diges- tion; be prepared by heat, suppurate. [L. digerere, -gestum, to separate, dissolve, fr. dis and gerere, to bear, wear.] — Di'gest, n. Thing digested; esp. that which is worked over, classiiied, and arranged ; compendium ; abridgment ; pandect; a collection of Roman laws. [L. digestion.] — Digesfer, n. One who digests; thing that aids digestion; a closed ves- sel, for dissolving bones, etc., by exposure to a high temperature. — Digest'ible, -T-bl, a. Capable of being, etc. — Digest'ibleness, -ibillty, n. Quality of being, etc. — Diges'tion, -chun, n. Act of digest- ing; classification; conversion of food into chyme; preparation by heat and moisture; gradual solution; production of pus. — Digest'ive, -iv, a. Causing, used for, or pert, to digestion. Dight, dit, v. t. [dight or dighted; digi-itijtg.] To put in order, dress, adorn. [AS. dihlan, MHG. dih- ttn, G. dichten, fr. L. dictare, to dictate, q. v.] Digit, dij'it, n. A finger; a finger's breadth, or 3-4ths of an inch. (Arith.) One of the ten figures, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, by which numbers are expressed. (Astron.) A 12th part of the diameter of the sun or moon. [L. digitus, a finger, an inch.] — Digital, a. Pert, to the fingers, or to digits. — Dig 'ltate, -tated, a. (Bot.) Having leaflets arranged, like fin- gers, at the extremity of a stem, or petiole. — Digi- ta'tion.n. Adivisioninto finger - like processes. — Dig'itiform, -T-tT-f6rm, a. (Bot.) Formed like fin- gers. — D i g ' i t i g r a d e , : grad, a. (Zobl.) Walk- ing on the toes. — n. An animal that steps on its toes, as the lion, wolf, etc. [L. gradi, to step, walk.] Jfenif Digitate Leaf. Dignify, dig'nT-fi, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.] To invest with dignity or honor, give distinction to. [OF. dignifier, LL. dignificare, f r. L. dignus, worthy, and facere, to make.] — Dig'nity, -ti, n. State of being worthy or honorable ; elevation of mind or of rank; quality inspiring respect ; loftiness and ele- gance ; one holding high rank. [OF. dignite, L. dignitas, fr. dignus.] — Dig'nitary, -ta-rt, n. One who possesses exalted rank, esp. ecclesiastical rank. Digraph, di'graf, n. A combination of 2 written characters to express one sound. [Gr. dis, twice, and graphein, to write.] Digress, dt-gres', v. i. [-gressed (-gresf), -gress- uro.] To turn aside; esp. in writing or speaking, to turn aside from the main subject of attention or course of argument; to turn aside from the right path, deviate, expatiate, amplify, transgress. [L. dis, apart, and gradi, gressus, to step.] — Digres / '- sion, -gresh^un, n. Act of, etc.; part of a discourse deviating from its main design ; transgression ; offense. — Digres'sional, a. Pert, to, or consisting in, etc. — Digres'sive, -iv, a. Departing from the main subject. — Digress Ively, adv. Dike, dik, n. A ditch; channel for water made by digging ; bank thrown up to exclude water from low lands. (Geol.) A wall-like mass of mineral matter, filling up fissures in the original strata. — v. t. [diked (dikt), dikixg.] To surround, protect, or drain by dikes. [AS. die, D. dijk, Ic. diki, Dan. dige, Sw. dike, dike; Gr. teichos, Skr. dehi, mound, rampart; s. rt. ditch, dig, dough.] Dilapidate, di-lap'T-dat, v. t. To suffer to fall into decay or partial ruin ; to diminish by waste and abuse, squander. — v. i. To get out of repair, be- come decayed, go to ruin. [L. dilapidare, -datum, to scatter like stones, fr. dis and lax>is, a stone.] — Dilap-'ida'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; ecclesiastical waste. — Dilap'idator, n. One who causes dilapidation^ Dilate, dT-laf or di-laf, v. t. To enlarge or extend in all directions, expand, distend, spread out, am- plify, expatiate. — v. i. To expand, swell; to speak largely and copiously, expatiate, descant. [OF. dilater, fr. L. dilatus, spread abroad, fr. dis and latus, p. p. of/erre,to carry.] — Dilat'er, n. — Dila''- tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; expansion. — DiFata'tion, n. Same as dilation. [OF.] — Dila'- table, a. — Dila'tabiPity, n. — Dila'tive, a. Causing dilatation. — Dilafor, n. That which expands; a muscle that dilates any part. — DiPatory, -to-rt, a. Inclined to put off what ought to be done at once; given to, or marked with procrastination; intended to make delay, or to gain time and defer action; sluggish : backward ; tardy. — Dil'atorily, adv. — Dil'atoriness, n. Dilemma, dl-lern'ma or dT-lern'ma, n. (Logic.) An argument which affords an antagonist alternatives, but is conclusive against him, whichever alterna- tive he chooses. A perplexing state ; difficult or doubtful choice. [L. and Gr., fr. Gr. dia, between, and lambanein, to take.] Dilettant, dil-et-tant', -tante, -tan'ta, n. ; pi. -tanti, -te. An admirer of the fine arts ; an amateur ; esp. one who follows an art desultorily, without serious purpose, or for amusement. [It. dilettante, p. pr. of delettare, L. delectare, to delight.] — Dilettan'teism, -ta-izm, n. Quality of being, etc. Diligent, diKi-jent, a. Interestedly and perseveringly attentive ; steady in application to business ; prose- cuted with care and constant effort ; assiduous ; sedulous ; industrious ; careful. [L. diligens, p. pr. of diligere, to esteem highly, fr. dis and legere, to select.] — DiPigently, adv. — Diligence, -jens, n. Quality of being, etc.; assiduity; industry. Diligence, de-le-zhaxs / ', n. A French stage-coach. [F.] — DiPly, -IT, n. A stage-coach. [Contr. of diligence.'] Dill, dil, n. A plant bearing pungent and aromatic seeds. [AS. dile, D. dille, Sw. and G. dill.] Dilly-dally, diKH-daFli, v. i. To loiter or trifle. [See Dally.] _ Dilute, dl-lut / ', v. t. To make thinner or more liquid by admixture with something ; to diminish, by mix- ing, the strength, flavor, color, etc., of ; to reduce, esp. by addition of water. — v. i. To become thin. — a. Thin ; attenuated ; reduced in strength, as spirit or color. [L. diluere, dilution, fr. dis and luere, to wash.] — Dilufer, n.— Dilution, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — DiPuent, -u-ent, a. Diluting. n. That which, etc.; esp. what weakens the blood, by mixture with it. — Dilu'vial, -vT-al, a. Pert, to, or produced by, a deluge, esp. the deluge in Noah's days. — Dilu'vian, a. Pert, to a deluge.— Dilu'vion, -Mm, n. (Geol.) A deposit of superficial loam, sand, etc., caused by action of the sea. [L. diluvium.] Dim, dim, a. Not bright or distinct; of obscure luster, sound, or vision; dull of apprehension; dark; mys- terious, sullied, tarnished, —v. t. [dimmed (dimd), sun, cube, full ; moon, f<56t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxboN, chair, get. DIME 150 DIPTERAL Dimming.] To render obscure, darken, dull ; to de- prive of distinct vision, darken the senses or under- standing of. [AS. dim, Ic. dimmr, S\v. dimmig, dim, S\v. dimma, a iog, a mist; Skr. tamas, gloom, fr. tarn, to choke, obscure. ] — Dimly, adv. — Dimness, n. — Dirn'mish, a. Somewhat dim. Dime, dim, n. A silver coin of the United States, worth 10 cents ; the tenth of a dollar. [F. i OF. disme, L. decimus, the tenth, fr. decent, ten.] Dimension, dY-men/shun, n. Measurement in length, breadth, and thickness ; extent ; size ; application; importance. {Alg.) A literal factor, as numbered in characterizing a term. [OF.; L. dimensTo, fr. dis and inetiri, mensus, to measure.] — Dimen'sive, -siv, a. Marking the dimensions or limits. Dimeter, dim /- e-ter, a. Having two poetical measures. — n. A verse of 2 measures. [Gr. dis and metron, measure.] Dimidiate, dl-mid'Y-at, v. t. To divide into 2 equal parts. — a. Divided into two equal parts, {jfiat. Hist.) Consisting of but one half of what the nor- mal condition requires, appearing as if halved ; hav- ing one half set off against the other in functions. [L. dimidiare, -atum, fr. dimidias, half.] — Dimid/i- a'tion, n. Act of, etc. Diminish, dT-minlsh, r. t. [-ished (-isht), -ishing.] To make smaller ; to lessen the authority or dignity of. (Mits.) To make smaller by a semitone. To take away, subtract, abate, reduce, impair. — v. i. To become or appear less or smaller ; to lessen, [dis and E. 7ninish, fr. OF. menusier, LL. minutiare. fr. L. minvere, -nutum, to lessen.] — Dimin'ishable, a. — Diminlsher, n. — Diminu/tion, -nu'shun, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; reduction in size, quantity, degree, dignity, or consideration. {Law.) Omission, inaccuracy, or defect in a record. [OF.] — Diminlitive, -tiv, a. Of small size; minute; little. — n. Something of small size or value ; insignifi- cant thing. ( Gram.) A derivative from a noun, de- noting a small or young object of the kind denoted by the primitive. — Diminutively, adv. — Dimin'- utiveness, n. — Dimin / uen / 'do, adv. ' -— (Mus.) In a gradually diminishing — ' manner, — a direction, written on Diminuendo, the staff or indicated as in the margin. [It., p. pr. of diminuire, to diminish.] Dimissory. See under Dismiss. Dimity, dim'i-tY, n. A kind of stout, white, cotton cloth, ribbed or figured. [Gr. dimitos, dimity, lit. made with double thread, fr. dis and mitos, a thread of the woof.] Dimorphous, di-m6r /, fus, a. Occurring under 2 dis- tinct forms. {Cn/stallog.) Crystallizing under 2 forms fundamentally different. [Gr. dis and morphe, form.] — Dimor'phiim, -fizm, n. Property of being, etc. Dimple, dim'pl, n. A slight natural depression on the surface of the body, esp. on the cheek or chin ; indentation on any surface. — v. i. [dimpled (-pld), -fling.] To form dimples, sink into depressions. — v.t. To mark with, etc. [Same as dingle, dim. of dip."] Din, din, n. Loud, stunning noise ; racket ; clamor. — v. t. [dinned (dind), -ning.] To strike with con- tinued or confused sound; to stun with noise. [AS. dyn, Ic. dynr, din ; AS. dynnan, to make a loud sound, Ic. dynja, to pour, rattle down like hail, Skr. dhuni, roaring, dhvan, to roar, buzz.] Dine, din, v. i. [dined (dind), dining.] To partake of the noon meal, or principal meal of the day ; to take dinner. — v. t. To give a dinner to or at. Yf. diner, OF. disner, LL. disnare.~\ — Din'ner, n. The principal meal, entertainment; feast. [F. diner. ,] Ding, ding, v. i. [dinged (dingd), dinging.] To talk with vehemence, importunity, or reiteration ; to bluster ; to sound, as a bell, ring, tinkle. — n. A thump or stroke, esp. of a bell. [Onomat. ; Ic. deng- ja, to hammer, Dan. dsenge, Sw. danga, to bang.] — Ding'-dong, n. The sound of bells; a repeated and monotonous sound. Dinghy, Dingey, din'gY, n. A boat of the East Indies; a ship's smallest boat. [Bengalee.] Dingle, din'gl, n. A narrow dale or valley between hills. [See Dimple and Dip.] Dingo, din'go, n. The Australian native dog. Dingy, din'jY, a. [-gier, -giest.] Soiled; sullied; of dark color; dun. [Fr. dung.] — Din'giness, n. Dinner. See under Dine. Dinosaur, dKno-sawr, -saurian, -saw'rY-an, n. (Pa- leon.) An extinct reptile, of gigantic size, having characteristics of mammals and of birds. [Gr. dei- nos, terrible, and saura, lizard.] Dint, dint, r. t. To make a small cavity on, bv a blow or pressure. [AS. dynt, Sw. dial, dunt, a blow ; Ic. dyntr, a dint,_dynta, to dint.] Diocese, di'o-ses, n. The district in which a bishop exercises ecclesiastical authority. [OF.; L. diozcesis, Gr. dioikesis, lit. housekeeping, administration, prov- ince, fr. Gr. dia and oikein, to manage a household, fr. oikos, house.] —Diocesan, di-os'e-san or di'o-se'- san, a. Pert, to, etc. — n. A bishop. Dioptric, -trical, di-op'trik-al, a. Assisting vision by means of the refraction of light; using refraction in- stead of reflection, as a lighthouse with lenses in- stead of reflectors; pert, to dioptrics. [Gr. dioptra, an optical instrument for taking heights, fr. dia and optein, to see.] — Diop'trics, n. Science of the re- fraction of light in passing through different media, esp. through different lenses. Diorama, di'o-ra/ina or -ra'ma, n. View of a paint- ing, illuminated and seen through an opening ; building for such an exhibition. [Gr. dia and ho- rama, a sight, tiling seen, fr. horan, to see.] — Dio- ramlc, a. Pert, to, etc. Dip, dip, v. t. [dipped (dipt) or dipt, dipping.] To immerse in a fluid and withdraw again ; to plunge, as into difficult}', engage ; to take out by immersing and removing again some receptacle, as a ladle, pail, etc. — v. i. To immerse one's self ; to remove some- thing, by immersing and withdrawing a receptacle; to thrust in and partake ; to enter slightly or curso- rily; to incline downward. — n. Action of dipping, or of plunging for a moment into a liquid ; inclina- tion downward ; slope ; pitch ; sauce to be dipped out with a spoon ; a dipped candle. [AS. dippan, dyppan, D. dyppe; s. r-t. deep, dive."] — Dip of the horizon. (Astron.) Apparent angular depression of the visible horizon below the true or natural hori- zon. — Dip of the needle, or magnetic dip. Angle formed by the line of magnetic force, 'with a hori- zontal line. — Dipped candle. One made by repeat- edly dipping a wick in melted tallow. — Dip'per, n. One who, or that which, etc. ; a vessel for dipping liquids. (Ornith.) A small diving bird, resembling the blackbird ; the dabchick, a N. Amer. grebe ; also, the spirit-duck, of N. Amer. {Astron.) The 7 prin- cipal stars in the constellation of the Great Bear, — arranged in the form of a dipper. — Dip'ping-nee'dle, n. A magnetic needle, suspended to move in a ver- tical plane and indicate on a graduated circle the magnetic dip. Dipetalous, di-pefal-us, a. {Bot.) Having 2 flower- leaves or petals. [Gr. dis and petalon, leaf.] Diphtheria, dif- or dip-the'ri-a, n. {Med.) A virulent zymotic disease, in which the mucous membrane, esp. of the throat and air passages, becomes coated with a false membrane. [Gr. diphthera, leather (the membrane).] — Diphtheric, -ther'ik, -theritlc, a. Pert, to, etc. Diphthong, dif''- or diphthong, n. {Orthoepy.) A union of 2 vowel sounds pronounced in one sylla- ble, as, ou in out, — called a proper diphthong; union of two vowels in the same syllable, only one of them being sounded, as, ai in rain, — called an improper diphthong. [OF. diphthongue, Gr. diphthonggos, with 2 sounds, fr. dis and phthonggos, sound.] — Diph- thongal, -thon^gal, a. Pert, to, or consisting of , etc. Diphyllous, dif 'il-us or di-fil'us, a. {Bot.) Having 2 leaves, as a calyx, etc. [Gr. dis and phullon, leaf.] Diploe, dip'lo-e, n. {Anat.) The network of bone tissue between the plates of the skull. {Bot.) The cellular substance of a leaf. [Gr., fr. diploos, dou- ble.] Diploma, dY-plo-'ma, n. ; pZ. -mas, -maz. Orig. a state letter of recommendation, — consisting of 2 leaves ; a writing conferring some authority, privilege, hon- or, etc. ; esp. a record of a literary degree. [L. and Gr., lit. thing folded double, fr. "Gr. dis and ploos, fold.] — Diplo'macy, -st, -matism, -tizm, n. Art of conducting negotiations between nations, esp. in securing treaties; dexterity in securing advantages. — Dip'lomat, -mate, -mat, -mafic, Diplo'matist, n. One emploved or skilled in, etc. — Diplomatic, -ical, a. — Diplomatically, adv. — Diplomatics, n. Science of diplomas, or art of reading ancient writ- ings, public documents, etc.; paleography. Dipper, Dipping-needle. See under Dip. Dipsomania, dip-so-ma'nl-a, n. Inordinate desire for alcoholic liquors; oenomania. [Gr. dipsa, thirst, and mania, mania.]— Dipsoma'niac, n. One who has, etc. Dipteral, dip'ter-al, a. {Entom.) Having 2 wings only. {Anc. Arch.) Having a double row of columns on each flank, as well as in front and rear. [Gr. dts am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; Snd, eve, term ; tn, Ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; DIPTOTE 151 DISAVOW pteron, wing.] — Dip'- U8, -us, a. Having 2 Dipterous Insect. a, balancers or poisera. dreadful ; hor- and terouB wings, as among insects, or wing-like processes, as in plants. Diptote, dip'tot, n. (Gr. & L. Gram.) A noun which has only two cases. [Gr. dis and ptotos, falling, fr. pip- tein, to fall.] Diptych, dip'tik, n. An an- cient tablet, having 2 fold- ing leaves ; a catalogue of bishops and saints. [Gr. dis and ptussein, to fold.] Dire, dlr, a. Evil in a great degree rible; terrible. [L. dims, Gr. r/einos, terrible, Skr. di, to fly.] — Dire'ness. n. — Dire'ful, -Jul, a. Same as Dire" — Dire'fully. adv. Direct, dT-rekt', a. Straight ; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous ; straightforward ; not swerving from truth and openness ; sincere ; immediate ; unam- biguous; absolute: in the line of descent; not collat- eral. (Astron.) In the direction of the general plane- tary motion, or from west to east. — v. t. To give di- rection or bearing to; to determine the course of; to point out the proper course to, put upon the right track*; to instruct as a superior; to put a direction or address upon, superscribe.— v. i. To give direction, act as guide. — n. (Mus.) A character [ W] placed at the end of a staff on the line or space of the first note of the next staff, to apprise the performer of its situation. [L. dirigere, -rectum, to straighten, direct, fr. dis, apart, and regere, to rule, control.] — Direct chord. {Mm.) One in which the fundamental tone is the lowest. — D. .fire. {Mil.) One in a direc- tion perpendicular to the line of troops or to the parapet aimed at. — D. tax. A tax assessed directly on possessions, disting. fr. taxes on articles of con- sumption, or customs. — Directly, adv. In a di- rect, immediate* express, or absolute manner ; straightway; immediately. — Direcfness, n. — Di- rect'er, n. — Direc'tion, n. Act of directing, or of aiming, regulating, guiding, or ordering; authorita- tive instruction; address of a person written upon a thing sent; superscription; course upon which any- thing is moving or aimed to move ; line or point of tendency; body of persons charged with the manage- ment of a matter ; administration ; management ; government. —Directive, -iv, a. Having power, or tending, to direct. — Direct'or, -er, n. One who, or that which, etc. ; esp. one of a body of persons ap- pointed to manage the affairs of a company ; part of a machine which directs its motion or action. — Direcforate, -rat, n. A body of directors, or the office of director. — Directorial, -rt-al, a. Having the quality of, or pert, to a director or directory. — Direcforship, n. Office of, etc. — Direct'ory, -rT, a. Containing directions ; directorial. — n. A col- lection of directions, rules, or ordinances ; esp. a book of directions for the conduct of worship ; a book containing the names and residences of the in- habitants of any place ; a body of directors ; esp. a committee which held executive power in France under the first republic— Direefress, n. A woman who, etc. — Direcfrix, n. A directress. (Geom.) A line along which a point in another line moves, and which governs its motion and determines the posi- tion of the curve generated by it, or along wliich the generatrix moves in generating a warped or sin- gle curved surface; a straight line so situated with respect to a conic section that the distance of any point of the curve from it has a constant ratio to the distance of that point from the focus. — Dir'igent, -T-jent, a. Directing. — n. (Geom.) A directrix. Direption, dl-rep'shun, n. Act of plundering or de- spoiling. [L. dire)itio, fr. diripere, -reptum, to tear asunder, plunder, fr. dis and rapere, to seize.] Dirge, derj, n. A piece of mournful music, to accom- Eany funeral rites. [Contr. from the first word of a ymn beginning " Dirige gressus meos,'" formerly sung at funerals.] Diligent. See under Direct. Dirk, derk, n. A kind of dagger or poniard. — v. t. To stab with, etc. [Ir. duirc] Dirt, dert, n. Any filthy substance, as excrement, earth, mud, dust, etc. — v. t. To make foul or filthy; to soil, dirty. [Ic. drit, OD. driet, dirt; Ic. drita, D. drijten, to void excrement.] — Dirt'y, -T, a. [dirt- ier, dirtiest.] Defiled with dirt; nasty; filthy; foul; serving to defile; sordid; base; groveling. — v. t. [dir- functions among negroes, in which there is an irre- sistible desire to eat dirt; use of clay for food, among poor whites of the South and certain savage tribes. Act of eating one's words, or of enduring insult. Diruption, dY-rup'shun, n. A bursting or rending asunder. [L. dis and rumpere, ruptum, to break.] Disable, dis-a-'bl, v. t. [-abled (-a'bld), -ablixg.] To render unable or incapable, make unfit for service, disqualify, incapacitate. (Law.) To deprive of legal right or qualification, [dis priv. (L. dis, orig. dris, fr. duo, two, hence, in two, apart, away; s. rt. bis) and able, q. v.] — Disability, -t-tt, n. State of being disabled: want of competent physical or intellectual power, opportunity, etc., or of legal qualification. Disabuse, dis-a-buz'', v. t. [-bused (-buzd / '), -busing.] To free from mistake, undeceive, set right. Disadvantage, dis-ad-van'tej, n. Deprivation of ad- vantage; unfavorable or prejudicial quality, condi- tion, circumstance, etc.; prejudice to interest, fame, credit, profit, etc.; loss; damage. — Disad'vanta 7 '- geous, -ta'jus, a. Attended with, etc. ; inconven- ient: detrimental. — Disad'vanta'geously, adv. — Disad'vanta'geousness, n. Disaffect, dis-af-fekf , v. t. To alienate the affection of, rill with discontent and unfriendliness; to dis- turb the functions of, disorder. — Disaffection, n. State of being, etc.; disgust; ill-will; disloyalty; hos- tility. Disaffirm, dis-af-ferm', v. t. To affirm the contrary of, contradict, deny. (Law.) To refuse to confirm; to annul, as a judicial decision. — Disaffirm 'ance, n. Act of, etc. (Law.) Overthrow or annulment by the decision of a superior tribunal. — Disaffirms. - tion, n. Act of, etc.; refutation. Disagree, dis-a-gre', v. i. [-greed (-gredO, -gree- ing.] To fail to accord or agree; to lack harmony, be at variance ; to differ in opinion, be unsuited, have unfitness. — Disagree'able, -a-bl, a. Not agree- able, conformable, or congruous; exciting repug- nance; offensive; displeasing. — Disagree'ableness, n. — Disagree'ably, adv. — Disagree'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; difference of opinion; un- suitableness; a falling out or controversy; discrep- ancy; variance; jar; wrangle; discord. Disallow, dis-al-low', v. t. [-lowed (-lowd'), -low- ing.] To refuse to allow, permit, authorize, or sanc- tion ; to disown and reject, disapprove, prohibit, condemn. — v. i. To refuse permission, etc. — Disal- low'able, a. — Disallow'' ance, -ans, ». Act of, etc.; prohibition; rejection. Disannul, dis-an-nuK, v. t. To annul, render void, nullify. Ulis intens., not priv., and annul.] Disappear, dis-ap-per'', v. i. [-peared (-perd'), -pear- ing.] To vanish from sight, become invisible, cease to appear or to be perceived; to cease to be or exist, become merged in something else. — Disappear 'ance, -ans, n. Act of, etc. Disappoint, dis-ap-poinf, v. t. To defeat of expecta- tion or hope, hinder of result, tantalize, balk, de- feat. — Disappointment, re. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which, etc.; miscarriage; frustration^ Disapprove, dis-ap-proov', v. t. [-proved (-proovd'), -proving.] To pass unfavorable judgment upon; to regard as wrong or inexpedient; to censure; to re- fuse official approbation, decline to sanction, disal- low. — Disapprovingly, adv. — Disapproval, Dis- approbation, -pro-ba / shun, n. Act of disapproving. — Disapprobatory, -to-rT, a. Containing disappro- bation; tending to disapprove. Disarm, diz- or dis-arm /r , v. t. To deprive of arms or of means of attack or defense; to deprive of means or disposition to harm. — Disarmament, n. Act of, etc. — Disarm^er, n. Disarrange, dis-ar-ranj', v. t. To unsettle or disturb the order or due arrangement of. — Disarrange''- ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; confusion. Disarray, dis-ar-m', v. t. To throw into disorder, break the array of; to undress, unrobe. — n. Want of array or regular order; dis'order; confusion; state of being imperfectly attired; undress; dishabille. Disaster, diz-as'ter, n. Orig. a baleful aspect of a planet or star. An unfortunate event; esp. a sudden misfortune; calamity; mischance; grief. [OF. des- astre, fr. des (L. dis) and astre (L. astrum, Gr. aster), a star, planet, also destiny, fate.] — Disastrous, -trus, a. Attended with, etc. — Disastrously, adv. Disavow, dis-a-vow', v. t. To refuse to acknowledge, deny responsibility for, approbation of, etc.; to dis- siin, cube, full ; moon, fo"6t ; cow, oil ; linger, or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DISBAND 152 DISCOURAGE prove, disown, disallow. — Disavow'al, u. Act of, etc.; disclaimer. — Disavow'er, n. Disband, dis-band', v. t. To loose the bands or banded existence of ; to disperse; esp. to break up the mili- tary organization of. — v. I. To become separated or scattered ; esp. to quit military service by breaking up organization. — Disband'ment, n. Act of, etc. Disbar, dis-bar', v. t. To expel ( barristers) from the bar. Disbark, dis-bark', r. t. To put on shore, disembark. Disbelieve, dis-be-lev', v. t. Not to believe; to hold not to be true or actual;_to refuse credit to. — Disbe- liever, «.— Disbelief, -lef, ?». Act of, etc.; refusal of credence; unbelief; system of error. Disburden, dis-ber'dn, v. t. To rid of a burden, lay off as oppressive, become relieved of, unload, disen- cumber, free. — v. i. To ease the mind. Disburse, dis-bers', v. t. [-buesed (-bersf), -bursing.] To pay out, expend. [OF. desbourser, fr. des and bowse, purse. See Burse.] — Disburse 'merit, n. Act of, etc.; what is paid out. — Disburs'er, n. One who disburses money. Disburthen, dis-bgr'thn, v. t. To disburden. Disc. See Disk. Discard, dis-kard', v. t. To throw out of the hand as useless, — said of cards; to cast off or dismiss; put or thrust away, discharge, cashier, reject. Discern, diz-zern r , v. t. [-cerned (-zernd''), -ceen- ING.] To behold as separate, note the distinctive character of, make out and distinguish by the eye, recognize, perceive with the mind, apprehend, pen- etrate, discriminate, descry. — v.i. To see the dif- ference, make distinction. [OF. discerner, L. dis- cernere, f r. dis and ceniere, Gr. krinein, to separate ; s. rt. discreet.] — DiscernCr, re.— Discernible, -Y-bl, a. Capable of being discerned; perceptible; visible; evident; manifest. — Discern'ibleness, n. — Discern'- ibly, adv. —Discern'' ment, n. Act of discerning; faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; judgment; discrimination; pen- etration; sagacity. Discharge, dis-charj', v. t. To relieve of a charge, load, or burden, unload; to let go the charge of, as a gun; to relieve from a state of tension, as a Leyden jar; to relieve of something weighing upon one, as a debt, claim, accusation, etc.; to relieve of an office or emplojnnent, take out or remove, as a charge, bur- den, contents, etc.; to let fly, as a missile, shoot; to relieve one's self of, by fulfilling conditions, per- forming duty, etc.; to perform or execute, as an of- fice, or part; to give forth, emit or send out, give vent to, utter. — v. i. To throw off or deliver a load, charge, or burden. — re. Act of , or state of being, etc.; thing discharged. — Dischar'ger, re. One who, or that which, etc.; esp. in electricity, an instrument for discharging a Leyden jar or electrical battery. Disciple, dis-si'pl, n. One who receives instruction from, or accepts the doctrines of, another; pupil; follower; adherent; supporter. [OF. ; L. discipulus, fr. discere, to learn, fr. docere, to teach.] — Disci'- pleship, re. State of being a disciple. — Discipline, -si-plin, n. The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training to act in accordance with rules; subjection to rule: punishment byway of cor- rection and training. (Eccl.) Reformatory or penal action toward a church member. Subject-matter of instruction. — v. t. [-plined (-plind), -plixing.] To educate, develop by instruction and exercise; to accustom to regular action, bring under control, drill; to improve by corrective methods; to inflict ecclesiastical censures and penalties upon. [OF.; L. disciplina.'] — Dis'cipliner, re.— Disciplinable, -a-bl, a. Capable of being, liable or deserving to be, etc. — Dis'ciplinableness, n. — Disciplinary, -a-rT, a. Pert, to, or intended for, etc. — Dis'ciplina'rian, -rT- an, a. Pert, to, etc. — re. One who, etc.: esp. one who enforces rigid discipline. — Dis'ciplinant. n. (Eccl.) One of a religious order who practice scourg- ing themselves, or impose other rigid discipline. Disclaim, dis-klam', v. t. To reject all claim to; to deny ownership of, or responsibility for; to refuse to acknowledge, disown, disavow, renounce, reject. (Law.) To decline accepting, as an estate, interest, or office. — Disclaimer, re. One who, etc. (Lav;.) A denial, disavowal, or renunciation, as of a title, claim, interest, estate, or trust. A public disavowal, as of pretensions, opinions, etc. Disclose, dis-kloz', v. t. To unclose, open; to remove a cover or envelope from; to bring to light; to make known, as that which has been kept secret, divulge, tell, utter. — v. i. To burst open, gape ; to make a disclosure or revelation. — Disclos'er, ». — Disclo''- sure, -klo'zhur, n. Act of, etc.; thing revealed. Discoid. See under Disk. Discolor, dis-kul'er, v. t. To alter the color of, stain, tinge; to alter the true complexion or appearance of . — Discol'ora'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; spot; stain. Discomfit, dis-kunr'fit, v. t. To scatter in fight, break up the plans of, throw into perplexity and dejec- tion, disconcert, rout. —n. Rout; overthrow; dis- comfiture. [OF. desconftz,x>- P- of desconfire, to van- quish, fr. des and confire, L. conficere, to finish, pre- serve.] — Discom'fiture, -f T-chur, re. Act of, or state of being, etc.; defeat; frustration. Discomfort, dis-kum'fert, n. Want of comfort; in- quietude. — v. t. To destroy or disturb the comfort, peace, or happiness of. Discommend, dis-kom-mend / ', v. t. To mention with disapprobation, blame; to expose to censure or ill favor.— Discommend'able, a. Deserving, etc.— Dis- corn'menda'tion, re. Blame; censure. Discommode, dis-kom-mod', v. t. To put to inconven- ience, incommode, annoy. Discommon, dis-kom'un, v. t. To deprive of the right of common, or of theprivileges of a place. Discompose, dis-kom-poz', v. t. To disarrange, inter- fere with, break up; to throw into disorder, destroy the composure of; to put out of place or service, de- range, agitate, ruffle, fret, displace.— Discomposure, -po'zhur, re. State of being, etc. Disconcert, dis-kon-serf, v. t. To break up the har- monious progress of, throw into disorder, discom- pose, abasli, confuse, frustrate. — Disconcer'tion, re. Disconnect, dis-kon-nekt', v. t. To dissolve the union or connection of, sever. — Disconnection, re. Disconsolate, dis-kon'so-lat, a. Destitute of comfort or consolation; deeply dejected; melancholy; inspir- ing dejection; saddening; cheerless. [L. dis and con- solan, -latum, to console.] — Disconsolately, ado. — Discon'solateness, re. Discontent, dis-kon-tenf, n. "Want of content; un- easiness and inquietude of mind; dissatisfaction. — v. t. To deprive of content, make uneasy, dissat- isfy. — Discontentedly, adv. — Discontenfedness, -ment, n. State of being, etc.; inquietude. Discontinue, dis-kon-tin'u, v. t. To interrupt the con- tinuance of ; to intermit, as a practice or habit, put an end to; to cease attention to, or entertainment or reception of; to break the continuity of, disunite. — v. i. To lose continuity or cohesion of parts; to be separated or severed; to part. — Discontin'uer, re. — Discontinuance, -ans, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; want of continuity of parts. (Law.) A break- ing off or interruption of an estate; termination of an action in practice by the voluntary act of the plaintiff; entry on the record that the plaintiff dis- continues action; technical interruption of the pro- ceedings in pleading, when a defendant does not answer the whole of the plaintiff's declaration, and the plaintiff omits to take judgment for the part un- answered. — Dis'contin'ua'tion, re. Breach of con- tinuity; discontinuance; disruption. — Discon'tinu'- ity, -nu't-H, re. Want of continuity or cohesion. — Discontiguous, -u-us, a. Not continuous. Discord, dis'kOrd, re. Want of concord or agreement; variance leading to contention and strife; dissension; clashing, (Mus. ) Union of musical sounds which strikes the ear disagreeably, owing to the incommen- surability of the vibrations which they produce. [OF.; L. discordia, fr. dis and cor, cordis, heart; s. rt. heart.] — Discord'ant, a. At variance; clashing; jarring; opposing. (Mus.) Not in harmony or con- cord. — Discord'antly, adv. — Discord'antness, re. — Discord'ance, -ancy, -an-sT, re. State or quality of being, etc. ; inconsistency. Discount, dis'kownt, n. An allowance made upon an account, debt, price asked, etc.; deduction for in- terest, in advancing money upon a bill or note not due; act of discounting. —Discount, dis'kownt or dis-kownf, v. t. To deduct from an account, etc.; to loan money upon, deducting the allowance for interest. — v. i. To lend money, abating the dis- count; to anticipate and make allowance for. — Dis- counter, n. — Discountable, a. Discountenance, dis-kown'te-nans, v. t. To put out of countenance, put to shame, abash; to refuse to countenance or give approval to, discourage. — re. Unfriendly regard; cold treatment; disapprobation. — Discoun'tenancer, re. Discourage, dis-kur'ej, v. t. To extinguish the cour- age of, deprive of confidence; to deter one from, am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; DISCOURSE 153 DISGRACE dishearten one with respect to, dissuade, discoun- tenance. — Discour'ageable, o. — Discouragement, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which, etc. — Discour'ager, ». Discourse, dis-kors', n. Orig., power to run over, to compare and judge; oral exposition of a subject; talk; conversation; dissertation or treatise; sermon. — v. i. [-coursed (-korsf), -coursing.] To exer- cise reason; to talk or treat of in writing, in a formal manner. — v. t. To utter or give forth. [OF. clis- coitrs, L. disenrsus, a running about, conversation, f r. (lis, apart, and currere, to run.] — Discours /, er, n. — Discours'lve, -iv, a. Reasoning ; containing dia- logue or conversation. — Discursive, -ker'siv, -sory, -ser-T, a. Discoursive-. rambling; digressive. — Dis- cursively, adv. — Discur'sion, -shun, n. Expatia- tion; desultory talk: act of discoursing. Discourteous, dis-kerfyus or -ker'te-us, a. Uncivil; rude. — Discourteously, adv. — Discourtesy, -te-sl, n. Rudeness of behavior or language. Discous. See under Disk. Discover, dis-kuv'er, v. t. To remove the covering or envelope from, expose to view, make known; to ob- tain for the first time sight or knowledge of, as of a thing not known; to find out, disclose, reveal, im- part, detect, invent. — Discoverable, a. — Discov'- erer, n. One who discovers; one who first finds out an unknown country, or a new principle, truth, or fact; an explorer. — Discovery, -er-T, n. Act of, etc' ; thing discovered. Discredit, dis-kred'it, n. Want of credit; act of dis- crediting, or state of being discredited; disgrace; re- proach, —v. t. To refuse to credit, disbelieve, de- prive of credibility or of credit, bring reproach upon. — Discreditable, a. Tending to injure credit; dis 1 graceful; disreputable. Discreet, dis-kref, a. Possessed of discernment or discretion; wise in avoiding evil, and in adapting means to ends; circumspect; wary. [OF. discret, L. discretus, p. p. of discernere, to 'discern. See Dis- cern.] — Discreetly, adv.— Discretion, -kresh'un, n. Quality of being discreet; sagacity; freedom to act according to one's own judgment. — At discre- tion. Without conditions or stipulations. — Discre''- tional, -ary, -er-i, n. Left to discretion; unrestrained except by judgment. — Discre'tionally, -arily, adv. At or according to discretion. — Discrete, -kref, a. Separate; distinct; disjunctive; containing a dis- junctive clause, — opp. of concrete. — Discrete move- ment of the voice. A leap from one pitch to another. — D. proportion. Proportion where the ratio of the means is different from that of either couplet. — Dis- cre'tive, -tiv, a. Disjunctive; separating. Discrepant, dis-krep'ant, a. Discordant; at variance; disagreeing; different. [OF.; L. discrepans, p. pr. of discrepare, to differ in sound, fr. dis and crepare, to make a noise, crackle; s. rt. decrepit."] — Discrep / '- ance, -ancy, -an-st, n. State or quality of being, etc. Discriminate, dis-krim'T-nat, v. t. To separate, dis- tinguish; to mark as different, distinguish by a pe- culiar note or sign. — v. i. To make a difference; to distinguish accurately. — a. Distinguished; having the difference marked. [L. discrirninare, -atum, to divide, separate, fr. discrvnen. a space between, sep- aration, fr. discernere. See Discern.] — Discrim / '- inately, adv. Distinctly. — Discrirn'mateness, n. — Discrim'tna'tion, n. Act of , or state of being, etc.; faculty of nicely distinguishing ; that which dis- criminates; mark of distinction. — Discrim'inative, -tiv, a. Marking a difference; characteristic; observ- ing distinctions; discriminating. Discrown, dis-krown', v. t. To deprive of a crown. Discursion, Discursory, etc. See under Discourse. Discus, dis'kus, n.; Js.pl. Discuses ; L. pi. Disci, -si. A quoit ; a disk. [L. See Disk.] Discuss, dis-kus', v. t. [-cussed (-kusf), -cussing.] To break up, disperse; to examine or consider by disputation. {Law.) To exhaust a remedy against, as against a debtor before proceeding against the surety. [L. discutere, -cussum, to shake asunder, fr. dis and quatere, to shake ; s. rt. qnash.] — Discuss 'er, n. — Discus'sion, -kush'un, n. Act or process of discussing; examination by argument; debate; dis- putation.— Discuss 'ive, -iv, a. Able or tending to discuss. — Discu'tient, -shent, a. Serving to dis- perse morbid matter. — n. A medicine to disperse a tumor or any coagulated fluid in the body. Disdain, dis- or diz-dan', v. t. [-dained (-dand /r ), -daining.] To reject as not deserving notice ; to look with scorn upon, contemn, despise. — v. i. To be filled with contemptuous anger. — n. A feeling of contempt and aversion ; haughtiness ; scorn ; arrogance. [OF. desdein, disdain, desdegner, to dis- dain, fr. des (L. dis) and de'jner (L. dignari), to deem worthy, fr. L. dignus, worthy. See Deign.] — Disdain'rul, -ful, a. Full of, or expressing, dis- dain ; contemptuous ; haughty. — Disdain'rolly, adv. —Disdain 'fulness, n. Disease, diz-ez', n. Orig., lack of ease; uneasiness; a morbid condition of bodv; sickness; disorder; dis- temper; malady. — v. t. To afflict with sickness,— used almost exclusively in the p. p. diseased. Disembark, dis-em-biirk', v. t. To put on shore, land, debark. — v. i. To goon land. — Disem'barka''- tion, n. Act of, etc. Disembarrass, dis-eni-bai-'ras, v. t. To free from em- barrassment or perplexity ; to clear. — Disembar- rassment, n. Disembody, dis-em-bod'T, v. i. To divest of the body, free from the flesh, discharge from military organi- zation. Disembogue, dis-em-bog'', v. t. [-bogued (-bogd'), -BOGUiNG.] To discharge at the mouth, as a stream; to vent. [Sp. desembocar, fr. des (L. dis), em (L. in), and boca (L. bucca), jnouth.] — DiEembogue'ment. -em / boucb.ure /r , -aN'boo-shoor, n. Discharge of the waters of a river, etc. [F. Louche, mouth.] Disembowel, dis-em-bow'el, v. t. To take out the bowels of, eviscerate, gut. Disembroil, dis-em-broil , v. t. To free from confusion, disentangle. Disenable, dis-en-a'bl, v. t. To deprive of power, dis- able, disqualify. Disenchant, dis-en-chanf, v. t. To free from en- chantment or spells. — Disenchanfer, n. — Disen- chantment, n. Disencumber, dis-en-kum / 'ber, v. t. To free from en- cumbrance or impediments. — Disencum'brance, n. Disendow, dis-en-dow', v. t. To deprive of endow- ment. Disengage, dis-en-gai', v. t. To release from some previous connection or engagement ; to liberate, free, extricate, disentangle, wean. — v. i. To re- lease one's self, set one's self free, become de- tached. — Disenga'gedness, -ga'jed-nes, n. State of being, etc. — Disengage'ment, -gaj'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; freedom from engrossing occupation; leisure. Disennoble, dis-en-no'bl, v. t. To deprive of that which ennobles.lower, degrade. Disenroll, dis-en-roK, v. t. To erase from a roll or list. Disentangle, dis-en-tan'ghv. i. To free from entangle- ment, extricate from complication or perplexity, unravel, clear, disengage. — Disentanglement, n. Disenthrall. See Disinthrall. Disenthrone, dis-en-thron', v. t. To deprive of a throne, dethrone. _ Disentomb, dis-en-toom', v. t. To take out from a tomb, disinter. Disestablish, dis-es-tab'lish, v. t. To unsettle or break up what has been established. — Disestab- lishment, n. Act_or process of, etc. Disesteem, dis-es-tenr, n. Want of esteem; low re- gard ; disfavor. — v. t. To feel an absence of es- teem for, regard with disapproval; to slight. — Dis- es'tima'tion, n. Disesteem; disfavor. Disfavor, dis-fa / ver, n. Want of favor ; disesteem; state of not being in favor; an unkindness; dis- obliging act. — v. t. To withhold or withdraw favor from, regard with disesteem. — Disfa/vorer, n. Disfigure, dis-fig'ur, v. t. To mar the figure or appear- ance of; to render less complete or beautiful, de- face, injure. — Disfig'urement, -ura'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which disfigures. Disfranchise, dis-fran'chiz, v. t. [-chised (-chizd), -CHisiNG.] To deprive of a franchise or chartered right; to dispossess of the rights of a citizen, or of a particular right, as of voting, holding office, etc. — Disfranchisement, n. Disgorge, dis-e6rj', v. t. [-gorged (-gorjdO, -gor- ging.] To eject from the stomach, throat or mouth; to vomit ; to pour forth violently, as if from a mouth; to give up, make restitution of . — v. i. To vomit forth what anything contains, make restitu- tion. [OF. desgorger. See Gorge.] — Disgorge''- ment, n. Act of disgorging; thing disgorged. DiBgrace, dis-gras'', n. Lack or loss of favor, support, or countenance ; ignominy ; infamy ; that which brings dishonor; cause of shame; opprobrium; re- proach; dishonor.— v. t. [disgraced (-grasf), -gra- cing.] To deprive of favor, dismiss with dishonor, bring reproach or shame upon, degrade, defame, sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DISGRUNTLE 154 DISORGANIZE debase.— Disgraceful, -ful, a. Bringing disgrace or dishonor; shameful; ignominious. — Disgrace'- fully, adv. — Disgrace'fulness, n. — Disgra'cer, n. — Disgra'cious, -shus, a. Ungracious ; unpleasing. Disgruntle, dis-grun'tl, v. t. To disappoint, dis- please, disconcert. Disguise, dis-glz', v. t. [-guised (-gizd'), -guising.] To change the guise or appearance of; esp. to con- ceal by an unusual dress, hide by a counterfeit ap- pearance; to affect or change by liquor; to intoxi- cate. — n. A dress or exterior put on to deceive; artificial language or manner assumed for decep- tion; change of manner bv drink; slight-intoxica- tion. [OF. desguiser. See Guise.] — Disguis'edly, adv. Iii disguise. — Disguis'er, n. Disgust, dis-gust', n. Repugnance to what is offen- sive ; aversion ; distaste ; dislike. — v. t. To pro- voke disgust in, offend the taste of, displease. — Disgust'ful, -ful, a. Provoking disgust; nauseous. — Disgust'ingly, adv. In a manner to, etc. Dish, dish, n. A vessel used for serving up food; any particular kind of food; state of being concave or like a dish. — v. t. [dished (disht), dishing.] To put in a dish, for serving at table; to make like a dish ; to frustrate or disappoint. [Same as disk and desk, AS. disc, L. discus. See Disk.] — Dish'ful, -ful, n.; pi. -fuls, -fulz. Contents of, etc. — Dish- cloth, -clout, n. A cloth for wiping dishes. Dishabille, dis-a-bil', n. Same as Deshabille. Dishearten, dis-hart'n, v. t. [-heartened (-hart'nd), -exing.] To deprive of heart, courage, or hope; to dispirit, depress, deject. Dishevel, dt-shev'l, v. t. [-ELED(-ld),-ELiNG.] To dis- arrange or cause (the hair) to hang loose. [OF. des- cheveler, f r. des (L. dis) and chevel (L. capillus), hair.] Dishonest, diz- or dis-on'est, a. Wanting in honesty; fraudulent; disposed to deceive ; characterized by fraud. — Dishon'estly, adv. — Dishon'esty, n. Want of honesty, probity, or integrity; violation of trust; dishonor; unchastity; incontinence. Dishonor, dis- or diz-on'er, n. Want of honor; dis- grace; ignominy; shame; reproach. — v. t. To de- prive of honor, bring reproach or shame on; to vio- late the chastity of, debauch, ravish ; to refuse to accept or pay, — said of a draft or acceptance which is due and is presented. — Dishon'orable, a. Bring- ing or deserving dishonor; shameful; base; want- ing in honor; disgraced. — Dishon'orableness, n. — Dishon'orably, adv. — Dishon'orer, n. Disincline, dis-m-klln', v. t. To excite the dislike or aversion of . — Disin'clina'tion, n. State of being disinclined; unwillingness; aversion; repugnance. Disinfect, dis-in-fekt', v. t. To cleanse from infec- tion. — Disinfect'' ant, n. That which, etc. — Disin- fection, n. Act of, etc. Disingenuous, dis-in-jen'u-us, a. Not noble: mean; unworthy ; wanting in candor or frankness. — Dis- ingenuously, adv. — Disingen'uousness, n. Disinherit, dis-in-her'it, v. t. To cut off from hered- itary right, deprive of an inheritance. — Disinher'- itance, -ison, -T-zn, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Disintegrate, dis-in'te-grat, v. t. To separate into integrant parts. — Disin'tegrable, a. — Disin'tegra'- tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. (Geol.) Wearing away of strata by atmospheric action. Disinter, dis-in-ter', v. t. To take out of the grave; to bring out, as from hiding. — Disinter'ment, n. Disinterested, dis-in'ter-est-ed, a. Not influenced by regard to personal advantage; free from self-inter- est; unbiased; impartial ; Indifferent. — Disinter- estedly, adv. — Disinterestedness, n. Disinthrall, dis-in-thrawl', v. t. To release from thraldom, emancipate. — Disinthrall'ment, n. Disjoin, dis-join', v. t. To part, disunite, separate.— v. i. To hecome separated, part. — Disjoint', v. t. To put out of joint, dislocate; to separate at junc- tures, break in pieces; to break the natural order and relations of. — v.i. To fall or break in pieces. — Disjoint'ly, adv. In a disjointed state. — Dis- junct', -junkf, a. Disjoined ; separated. — Dis- junction, n. Act of disjoining ; disunion ; a dis- junctive proposition. — Disjunct'ive, -iv, a. Tend- ing to disjoin; separating; disjoining. — n. (Gram.) A disjunctive conjunction or proposition. — Dis- junctive conjunction. (Gram.) One connecting words or clauses expressing an opposition or separation in thought. — D. proposition. One in which the parts are connected by disjunctive conjunctions. — D. syllogism. {Logic.) One in which the major propo- sition is disjunctive. — Disjunctively, adv. Disk, Disc, disk, n. A flat, circular plate; a discus; quoit. (Astron.) The face of a celestial body. (Bot.) The whole surface of a leaf; central part of a radiate compound flower; a part of the receptacle expanded under or around the pistil. [L. discus, quoit, plate, Gr. diskos, quoit, fr. dikein, to throw ; s. rt. desk, dish.~\ — Disc'ous, -us, -oid, -oid'- al, a. Disklike; circular, wide, and flat. — Discoidflowers. (Bot.) Compound flowers, consisting of tubular florets only, as the tansy. Dislike, dis-llk', n. Positive and usually permanent aversion; an- tipathy; repugnance. — v.t. To have an aversion_to, Dislocate, dis'lo-kat, v. t. To dis- place, disjoint, put out of joint. — a. Dislocated. — Dislocation, _, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. -Luscoid Flowers. (Geol.) Displacement of rocks or portions of strata from their original position. (Surg.) A disjoint- ing; luxation. Dislodge, dis-loj', v. t. To drive from a lodge or place of rest or repose, or of hiding or defense. — v. i. To go from a place of rest. — Dislodg'ment, n. Act or process of dislodging or state of being dislodged. Disloyal, dis-loi'al, a. Not loyal; false to allegiance; faithless; treacherous; perfidious; false in love; in- constant. — Disloy'ally, adv. — Disloy'alty, n. Want of loyalty or fidelity. Dismal, diz'mal, a. Gloomy to the eye or ear; sor- rowful and depressingto the feelings; dreary; dole- ful; sorrowful; melancholy. [Pern. fr. OF. dismal, LL. decimalis, decima, a tithe, fr. L. decern, ten, — i. e., in tithing time.] — Dis'mally, adv. Dismantle, dis-man'tl, v. t. To deprive of dress, strip, deprive of apparatus, furniture, equipments, defenses, or fortifications. Dismast, dis-mast', v. t. To deprive of masts. Dismay, dis-ma', v. t. [-mayed (-mad''), -Maying.] To disable with alarm or apprehension ; to fill with distressing fear, daunt, appall. — n. Loss of firm- ness and energy through fear; discouragement; ter- ror ; horror ; consternation. [Sp. desmayar, OF. es- mayer, It. smagare, orig. dismagare, fr. OlIG. & AS. magan, to be able, have might or power, E. may.] — Dismay 'edness, n. State of being, etc. Dismember, dis-mem'ber, v. t. [-bered (-berd), -Ber- ing.] To divide limb from limb, strip of essential parts, mutilate, sever. — Dismem'berment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; mutilation ; division; sep- aration. Dismiss, dis-mis', v. t. [-missed (-mist'), -missing.] To send away, cause or permit to go; to remove from office, service, or employment ; to lay aside or re- ject, as a petition or motion in court. [L. dimittere, -missum, fr. dis and mittere, mission, to send.] — Dis- miss'al, -mis'sion, -mish'un, n. Act of dismissing; leave to depart ; removal from employment ; dis- charge ; a setting aside as trivial or invalid. — Dis- miss'ive,_ -iv, a. Giving dismission, or leave to de- part. — Dim'issory, -er-T, a. Dismissive; dismissing to another jurisdiction. Dismount, dis-mownt', v. i. To come down, descend, alight from a horse. — v. t. To throw or bring down from an elevation, place of honor and authority, etc. ; to throw or remove from a horse, or from a gun carriage ; to break the carriages of (pieces of artillery). Disobey, dis-o-ba', v. tl To neglect or refuse to obey; to break the commands of. — v.i. To refuse obe- dience. — Disobe'dience, -df-ens, n. Neglect or re- fusal, etc. — Disobe'dient, a. Neglecting or refus- ing, etc. — Disobe'diently. adv. Disoblige, dis-o-bhj', v. t. To offend by an act of un- kindness or incivility ; to be unaccommodating to. — Disobli'ger, n. — Disobli'gingly, adv. — DisoV- liga'tion, n. Act of, etc. — Disob'ligatory, -to-rt, a. Releasing obligation. Disorder, dis-or'der, n. Want of order ; neglect of system; breach of public order ; disturbance of the peace of society ; disturbance of the functions of the animal economy or of the mind ; malady; dis- temper. — v. t. To disturb the order of, throw into confusion ; to make sick ; to disturb the regular operations of, derange, discompose. — Disor'derly, -IT, a. In a state of disorder. — Disor'derliness, n. Disorganize, dis-6r'gan-Tz, v. t. To break or destroy the organic structure or connected system of ; to throw into utter disorder. — Disor'ganiz'er, n. — Disor'ganiza'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; tn, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; DISOWN 155 DISREGARD Disown, diz- or dis-on', v. t. To refuse to own or ac- knowledge ; to disavow, disclaim, renounce. Disparage, dis-parSj, v. t. [-aged (-ejd), -aging.] 1o dishonor by comparison with what is inferior, injure by depreciating comparisons, decry, under- value, detract from, degrade. [OF. desparager, fr. des (L. dis) and parage (LL. paraticum, paragium), rank, fr. L. par, equal. See Peek.]— DisparSge- ment. n. Injurious comparison with an inferior; indignity : derogation ; disgrace. — DisparSger, n. Disparate,' dis'pa-rat, a. Unequal ; unlike ; dissim- ilar. (Logic.') Pert, to 2 coordinate species or di- visions. — Dis 'parates, n. pi. Things so unlike that they cannot be compared with each other. [L. dis- par, unequal, unlike; dis and par.~\ — Disparity, -par'T-tt, n. Difference in age, rank, condition, or excellence ; dissimilitude ; disproportion. Dispark, dis-park', v. t. To throw open, as a park; to set at large, release. Dispart, dis-parf, v. t. To part asunder, divide, sep- arate. — v.i. To separate, open, cleave. — n. (Gun.) The difference between the thickness of metal at the mouth and at the breech of a piece of ordnance; a piece of metal, cast on the muzzle, to make the line of sight parallel to the bore. — v. t. To allow for the dispart in, when aiming ; to do away with the dispart of, by making the diameter of the base- ring and swell of the muzzle equal. Dispassion, dis-pash'un, n. Freedom from passion. — Dispassionate, a. Free from, or not dictated by, passion ; cool ; temperate ; impartial ; unruffled. — Dispassionately, adv. Dispatch, dis-pach', Despatch'', v. t. [-patched (-pachf), -patching.] To send off on a special er- rand, usually in haste; to get rid of by sending off ; put out of the way; esp. to put to death, kill; to dis- pose of, as business. — v. i. To make haste. — n. The sending of a messenger in haste ; any sending away ; rapid performance, as of business ; prompt- ness; speed; a message sent off, esp. from one public officer to another. [OF. despescher, fr. des and pescher, to hinder, LL. pedicare, fr. pedica, a fetter, f r. pes, pedis, a foot.] — Dispatcher, n — Dispatch'- ful, -ful, a. Bent on haste ; indicating haste. Dispauper, dis-paw'per, v. t. (Law.) To deprive of a pauper's claim to public support, or of capacity of suing in forma pauperis. DispeK dis-peK, v. t. [-pelled (-peldO, -pelling.] To drive away, banish, dissipate. [L. dis and pel- lere, to drive.] Dispense, dis-pens', v. t. [-pensed (-pensf), -pen- sing.] To deal or divide out in portions; to apply, as laws, to particular cases; to administer, carry out. — v.t. To permit neglect or omission, suspend op- eration, followed by ivith. [Same as spend; OF. dis- penser, L. disjxnsare, to weigh out, dispense, fr. dis- pendere, -pensuin, to spread, expand, fr. dis and pan- dere, to spread.] — DispensSr, n. — Dispensable, a. Capable of being dispensed or administered, of be- ing dispensed with. — Dispensary, -sa-rT, n. A place in which medicines and medical advice are given gratis to the poor ; shop in which medicines are prepared. — Dispensation, n. Act of dispen- sing or dealing out ; thing dispensed ; esp. ( Theol.), a system of principles, promises, and rules ordained and administered. The granting of a license, or the li- cense itself, to do what is forbidden.— DispenSative, -tiv, a. Granting dispensation. — DispenSatively, adv. — Dis'pensa'tor, n. A distributor ; dispenser, — DispenSatory, -to-ri, a. Granting, or authorized to grant, dispensations. — n. A book of directions for compounding medicines; a pharmacopoeia. Dispeople, dis-pe'pl, v. t. [-pled (-pld), -pling.] To depopulate. Dispermous, di-sperm / 'us, a. (Bot.) Containing 2 seeds only. [Gr. dis, twice, and sperma, seecL] Disperse, dis-pers', v. t. [-persed (-perst / '), -pebs- ing.] To scatter here and there; to spread, asknowl- edge, light, etc., diffuse, disseminate ; to cause to vanish or separate. — v. i. To separate, vanish, be dispelled. [L. dispergere, -spersum, to scatter abroad, . fr. dvi and spargere. to scatter ; s. rt. sparse.'] — Dis- persed harmony. (Mug.) Harmony of such a na- ture that the tones composing the chord are widely separated, as by an octave or more. — DispersSr, n. — DisperSion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. (Opt.) Separation of light into its different colored rays. Dispirit, dis-pir^it, v. t. To depress the spirits of ; dishearten, depress, daunt, frighten. Displace, dis-plas', v. t. To change the place of, re- move, put out of place ; to discharge, depose, dis- miss, discard. — Displace'able, a. — Displace Snent, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; quantity of water displaced by a floating body, as by a ship. (Medical Chem.) A process by which soluble substances are extracted from organic matter. Display, dis-pla', v. t. [-played (-plad'), -playing.] To unfold, spread wide; to exhibit, set in view os- tentatiously, parade, expand. — n. An unfolding; exhibition ; manifestation ; parade. [Same as de- ploy ; OF. desploier, -pleier, to unfold, exhibit, f r. des (L. dis) and plover, pleier, plier (L. plicare), to fold ; s. rt. pljf.] — DisplaySr, n. Displease, dis-plez', v. t. [-pleased (-plezd /r ), -pleas- ing.] Not to please ; to excite a feeling of disap- probation or dislike in, make angrv, offend, disgust, vex, affront. — Displeas'ure, -plezh'er, n. The feeling of one displeased; slight anger or irritation; that which displeases. Disport, dis-porf, n. Play; pastime; diversion. — v. i. To play, sport. — v. t. To divert or amuse. [OF. des- porter, fr. des nn&porter, L. portare 2 to carry.] Dispose, dis-poz', v. t. [-posed (-pozdO, -posing.] To distribute and put in place, set in order, regulate; to assign to a service or use, bestow for an object or purpose ; to give a tendency or inclination ; esp. to incline the mind of .—[OF. disposer, fr. dis and poser, to place. See Pose.] — To dispose of. To determine the fate of, exercise the power of control over ; to pass over into the control of some one else; to part with, get rid of. — Disposed', -pozd', p. a. Inclined; minded. — DisposSr, n. — DisposSble, a. Subject to disposal ; liable to be made use of. — DisposSl, -sure, -zhur, n. Act or power of, etc.; direction; dis- tribution.'— Disposition, -zisb/un:, n. Act of, or state, or manner of being, etc. ; arrangement ; or- der; tendency to any action or state resulting from natural constitution ; natural aptitude of mind or acquired aptitude or character ; moral character. Dispossess, dis-pos-ses' or -poz-zes', v. t. To put out of possession, eject. —Dispossession, -sesli'im or -zesh'un, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. (Laio.) An injury to real property which consists of a dep- rivation of possession. Dispraise, dis-praz', n. Detraction from praise ; cen- sure; reproach; disparagement. — v.t. To withdraw praise from; to censure, blame. — DispraisSr, n. Dispread, dis-pred', v. t. To spread abroad, expand widely. — v. i. To expand, be spread. Disproof. See under Disprove. Disproportion, dis-pro-porShun, n. Want of propor- tion or symmetry, of suitableness or adequacy. — r. t. To make unsuitable, mismatch. — Dispropor'- tionable, -tional, -tionate, a. Unsuitable; inade- quate. — DisproporSionably, -ally, -ately, adv. Disprove, dis-proov r , v. t. To prove to be false or er- roneous; to confute, refute. — DisprovSr, n. — Dis- provSble, a. — Disproof, n. Act of, etc. ; convic- tion of error ; refutation. Dispute, dis-put', v. i. To contend in argument, argue a question for and against, discuss, debate ; to strive in opposition to a competitor. — v. t. To argue for and against, discuss ; to struggle for the possession of ; to oppose by argument, call in ques- tion, controvert, doubt, argue, impugn. — n. Con- troversy ; debate ; struggle ; altercation. [OF clis- puter, L. dispidare, -atum, from dis and putare, to think, orig. to make clean, clear up.] — DisputSr, Dis'putant, n. One who, etc.— Dis'putable, a. Ca- pable of being, etc. ; controvertible. — Dis'putable- ness, n. — DisputaSion, n. Act of, etc.; argumenta- tion.— DisputaSious, -shus, DisputStive, -pufa-tiv, a. Inclined to dispute ; apt to cavil or controvert. Disqualify, dis-kwoKT-fi, v. t. To render unfit, inca- pacitate ; to deprive of legal capacity, power, or right. — DisquaFificaSion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; disability; esp. legal disability; depriva- tion of legal right or capacity; want of qualification; that which disqualifies. Disquiet, dis-kwiSt, n. Want of quiet or tranquillity; uneasiness; restlessness; anxiety. — v. t. To render unquiet, make uneasy, disturb. — DisquiSter, n. — DisquiStness, -etude, -tud, n. Want of peace or tranquillity; disturbance; agitation; anxiety. Disquisition," dis-kwt-zish'un, n. A systematic in- quiry into, or discussion of, any subject; elaborate argumentative essay; dissertation; an immethodical discussion. [L. disquirere, -quisitum, to examine, fr. dis and qnserere, to seek. See Query.] Disregard, dis-re-gard r , v. t. Not to regard; to pay no heed to, neglect, slight. — n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; omission to notice. — DisregardSr, n. sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DISRELISH 156 DISTEMPER Disrelish, dis-rel1sh,w. Want of relish; distaste; aver- sion; bad taste; nauseousness. — v. t. Not to relish; to feel disgust at; to make nauseous. Disrepute, dis-re-put', -rep'utalion, n. Loss or want of reputation or credit; disesteem; dishonor; dis- grace. — Disrep'utable, a. Not reputable; tending to bring into discredit; low; mean; shameful. — Dis- rep'utably, adv. Disrespect, dis-re-spekt', n. Want of respect or rev- erence; incivility; irreverence. — v.t. To show dis- respect to. — Disrespectlul, -ful, a. Wanting in re- spect; uncivil.— Disrespecffuily, adv. Disrobe, dis-rob r , v. t. To divest of a robe, or of that which clothes or decorates. — Disrob^er, n. Disrupt, dis-rupt', a. Eent asunder; broken. [L. dis and rumpere, -ruptum, to break, burst.] — Disrup''- tion, -ture, -chur, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Disruptive, -iv, a. Causing, or accompanied hy, etc. Dissatisfy, dis-satls-fi, v. t. To render unsatisfied or discontented; to displease. — Dissat'isfadion, n. State or condition of being dissatisfied or discon- tented; displeasure; disapprobation; dislike. — Dis- Bat'isfac'tory, -to-ri, a. Causing dissatisfaction. Dissect, dis-sekf, v. t. To cut in pieces, as an animal or vegetable, to examine the structure and use of its parts; to anatomize; to analyze into its constit- uent parts, for purposes of science or criticism. [L. dis and secare, sectum, to cut.] — Dissect Ible, a. Capable of being dissected. — Disseclion, n. Act of dissecting, or of separating into constituent parts for critical examination. — Dissecfor, -er, n. Disseize, dis-sez', v. t. (Law.) To deprive of actual seizin or possession ; to dispossess wrongfully. — Disseizee'', -se-ze', n. One disseized, or put out of possession of an estate unlawfully. — Dissei'zin, n. Unlawful dispossessing of one actually seized of the freehold. — Disseizor, n. (Law.) One who, etc. Dissemble, dis-seni'M, v. t. [-sembled (-bid), -bling.] To hide under a false semblance, put an untrue ap- pearance upon, disguise, mask; to make pretense of, feign, dissimulate, cloak, cover. — v. i. To con- ceal the real fact, motives, intention, or sentiments, under some pretense. [OF. dis and sembler, to ap- pear. See Dissimulate, under Dissimilar.] — Dis- Bern'Mer, n. One who,_etc; a hypocrite. Disseminate, dis-sem'I-nat, v. t. To sow, as seed; to scatter for growth and propagation ; to spread or ex- tend by dispersion, diffuse, circulate, disperse. [L. dis and seminare, -natum, to sow, fr. semen, seed.] — Dissem'inalion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; diffusion ; dispersion. — Dissem'inative, -tiv, a. Tending to, etc. — Disseminator, n. Dissent, dis-senf, v. i. To differ in opinion, disagree. (Eccl.) To differ from the established church. To be of a contrary nature. — n. Act of dissenting; dif- ference of opinion; disagreement. (Eecl.) Separa- tion from an established church, esp. that of Eng- land. [L. dis and sentire, to feel, think, judge.] — Dissenta'neous, -ne-us, a. Disagreeing; contrary. — Dissenfer, n. One who dissents; esp. one, not a Roman Catholic, who separates from the church of England; a dissident. — Dissenlient, -shent, a. Dis- agreeing; declaring dissent. — n. One who, etc. — Dissen'sion, -shun, n. Violent disagreement in opinion; breach of friendship and union; strife. Dissertation, dis-ser-ta'shun, n. A formal or elabo- rate discourse, disquisition, essay. [L. dissertare, -iatum, to debate, freq. of disserere, to set asunder, discuss, fr. dis and severe, to join, bind.] Disserve, dis-serv r , v. t. To injure, hurt, harm. — Disservice, -is, n. Injury ; mischief. — Disserv'- iceable, a. Unserviceable; harmful; injurious. Dissever, dis-sev'er, v. t. To part in two, divide asun- der, sever. [OF. dessevrer, f r. dis and sewer, L. sep- arate, to sever.] — Disseverance, n. Act of, etc. Dissident, dis'sl-dent, a. Not agreeing; dissenting — n. (Eccl.) One who separates from the established religion; a dissenter. [L. dissidents, p. pr. of dissi- dere, to sit apart, disagree, fr. dis and sedere, to sit.] — Dis'sidence, n. Disagreement; dissent. Dissilient, dis-siKl-ent or -yent, a. Bursting and opening with an elastic force. [L. dissiliens, p. pr. of rlissilire, to leap or burst asunder, fr. dis and sa- lire, to leap.]— Dissillence, n. Act of leaping or starting asunder. Dissimilar, dis-sim'T-ler, a. Unlike; heterogeneous. — Dissimilarity, -la-'I-tT, n. Want of resemblance ; unlikeness; dissimilitude. — Dissimilarly, -ler-11, adv. — Dissimilitude, -tud, n. Want of similitude; unlikeness ; dissimilarity. (Rliet.) A comparison by contrast. — Dissimlilate, -lat, v. i. To dissemble, feign. [OF. dissinnder, ~L. dissimulare, fr. dis and similis, like.] — Dissim'ulalion, n. Act of, etc. Dissipate, dis'sl-pat, v. t. To drive asunder; to de- stroy by wasteful extravagance, scatter, spend, squander, consume, lavish. — v. i. To separate and disappear, waste away, vanish; to be extravagant, wasteful, or dissolute in the pursuit of pleasure. [L. dissipare, -patum, fr. dis and obs. supare, to throw.] — Dissipation, n. Act of dissipating or dispersing; state of dispersion; a dissolute course of life ; profuseness in vicious indulgences ; a trifle distracting attention^ state of distracted attention. Dissociate, dis-so'shl-at, v. t. To separate, disunite. [L. dis and sociare, to unite, fr. socius, a companion.] — Disso'cialion, -shT-a/shun, n. Act of dissocia- ting; state of separation; disunion. (Chem.) Decom- position of chemical bodies effected by heat or me- chanical force, without intervention of chemical at- traction. — Disso'ciable, -sha-bl, a. Not well as- sorted; incongruous; unsuitable to society. — Disso''- cial, -shal, a. Unfriendly to society. Dissolve, diz-zolv', v. t. [-solved (-zolvd')i -solv- ing.] To separate into component parts; to break the continuity of, disconnect; to convert into a liq- uid, melt, liquefy; to destroy the power of; to ter- minate, cause to disappear. (Law.) To annul, re- scind. — v.i. To waste away, be dissipated; to be- come fluid, be melted; to fade away, vanish. [L. dis and solvere, solution, to loose.] — Dissolved blood. (Med.) That which does not readily coagulate. — Dissolvable, a. — Dissolvent, a. Having power to melt or dissolve. — n. That which has, etc.; a men- struum ; sol vent. — Dissolv'er , n. — Dissoluble, dis'« so-lu-bl, a. Capable of being dissolved, liquefied, or disunited. — Dis'solute, -lut, a. Abandoned to vicious pleasures; wanton; vicious; licentious; lewd; debauched. — Dis'solutely, adv.— Dis'soluteness, n. — Dissolution, n. Act of dissolving, sundering, or separating into component parts ; change from a solid to a fluid state; change of form by chemical agency; dispersion of an assembly by terminating its sessions; breaking up of a partnership; extinc- tion of life; state of being dissolved; destruction. Dissonant, dis'so-nant, a. Discordant; unharmonious; disagreeing; incongruous. [L. dissonans, p. pr. of dissonare, to be discordant, fr. dis and sonare, to sound.] — Dis'sonance, -nancy, -si, n. A mingling of discordant sounds; jargon; want of agreement; incongruity; inconsistency. Dissuade, dis-swad', v. t. To advise or exhort against. [OF. dissuader, L. dissuadere, -suasum, fr. dis and suadere, to persuade.] — Dissuad'er, n. — Dissua'- sion, -zhun, n. Act of dissuading ; exhortation against a thing; a dissuasive. — Dissua'sive -siv, a. Tending to dissuade. — n. An argument, or coun- sel, employed to deter one from a measure. Dissyllable, dis-silla-bl, n. A word of 2 syllables only. [OF. dissyllabe, L. disyllabus, Gr. disullahos, Gr. di and sullable, syllable.] — Dissyllabic, a. Con- sisting of, etc. Distaff, dislaf , n. ; pi. Distaffs. The staff for holding the flax, tow, or wool, from which thread is drawn in spinning by hand; the holder of a distaff; a woman. [AS. distsef.] Distain, dis-tan', v. t. [-tained (-tand'), -talking.] To stain, sully, disgrace. [OF. desteindre, fr. des (L. dis) and teindre (L. tingere), to tinge, dye.] Distant, dislant, a. Separate; far sep- arated; remote, — in place, time, con- •i-'ioi'Hi. sanguinity, etc.; reserved in manners; cold; faint, obscure, — as from distance. [OF.; L. distans, p. pr. of distare, to stand apart, fr. dis and stare, to stand.] — Dislantly, adv. — Dislance, -tans, n. Space be- tween two objects; remoteness of place; interval of time; respect; ceremoniousness. — v. t. [distanced (-tanst), -tancing.] To place at, or cause to appear as if at, a distance; to leave behind in a race, sur- pass, excel. — Angular distance. The angle of sep- aration between the directions in which two bodies are seen; apparent distance. Distaste, dis-tasf, n. Aversion of the taste; dislike of food or drink; disrelish; disgust; alienation of af- fection; displeasure; dissatisfaction. — v.t. Not to have relish for; to dislike the taste of, loathe. — Dis- taste'ful, -ful, a. Unpleasant to the taste; displeas- ing to the feelings; nauseous; offensive; repulsive; manifesting dislike. — Distastelully, adv. Distemper, dis-tem'per, n. A morbid state of the am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; DISTEND 157 DIVAN animal system. — esp. of brutes; ill humor, or bad temper. "{Paint.) A preparation of opaque or body colors, with size instead of oil ; destemper. — v. t. [distempered (-perd), -Peking.] To derange the functions of, whether bodily or mental, briir„ r dis- ease upon; to disturb, make ill-humored. (Paint.) To make into distemper. — Distem /, perature, -chur, n. Commixture of contrarieties; confusion ; dis- turbance; slight illness; mental uneasiness. Distend, dis-tehd", v. t. To lengthen qut, stretch or spread in all directions, dilate, expand, swell. — v. i. To become expanded or inflated. [L. dis and ten- dere, to stretch.]— Distensible, -st-Bl, a. — Disten- tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; space occu- pied by the thing distended. Distich, dis'tik, n. (Pros.) A couple of verses mak- ing complete sense; a couplet of 2 lines, of different kinds of verse, repeated in the same order. [Gr. distichon, fr. dis, twofold, and stichos, row, rank.] — Dis'ticn, -tichous, -us, a. Having, or disposed in, 2 rows; two-ranked. Distill, dis-tiK, v. i. [-tilled (-tild r ), -tilling.] To fall in drops, flow gently; to use a still, practice dis- tillation.— v. t. To let fall in drops; to subject to, or obtain by, distillation; to rectify, purify. [L. dis and stillare, -atum, to drop, f r. stilla, a drop.] — Dis- till'er, n. — Distill'able, a. — Distilla'ticm, n. Act of falling in drops ; operation of extracting spirit from a substance Dy evaporation and condensation; rectification; substance extracted by distilling. — Destructive distillation. (Chem.) Distillation of sub- stances at very high temperatures. — Distill'ery, -er-T, n. Works where distilling is carried on. Distinguish, dis-tin'gwish, v. t. [-guished (-gwisht), -guishixg.] To separate or recognize by visible marks; to separate by definition of terms or logical division of a subject; to recognize by characteristic qualities; to make to differ, discriminate; to make eminent or known, honor. — v. i. To make dis- tinctions, exercise discrimination. [OF. distinguer, L. distinguere, distinctum, to distinguish, mark with a prick, fr. dis and obs. stinguere, to prick; s. rt. Gr. stizein, to prick, E. sting.) — Distin'guisher, n— Dis- tinguishable, rt.— Distinguished, -gwisht, p. a. Having distinction; eminent; noted; illustrious. — Distinguishing, p. a. Constituting difference, or distinction from everything else ; peculiar ; char- acteristic. — Distinct, dis-tinkt", a. Having the dif- ference marked ; distinguished ; spotted ; varie- gated; separate in place; not united by growth or otherwise ; different ; individual ; not to be con- founded with any other thing; definite; clear; ob- vious. — Distinctly, adv. — Distinctness, n. — Dis- tinc'tion, n. Marking off by visible signs ; divis- ion ; discrimination ; distinguishing quality ; esti- mation of difference; conspicuous station; superi- ority; rank; note; eminence. — Distinctive, -iv, a. Marking or expressing distinction. — Distinctively, adv. With distinction; plainly. Distort, dis-torf, v. t. To twist out of natural shape, force out of the true posture or direction, wrest from the true meaning, deform, pervert, bend. [L. dis and torquere, tortum, to twist.] — Distortion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; visible deformity. — Distort'ive, -iv, a. Causing or having distortions. Distract, dis-trakf, v. t. To perplex, confuse ; to agitate by conflicting passions; to render insane, craze, — used in the p. p. [L. dis and trahere, trac- tum, to draw ; s. rt. draw.] — Distrac'tion, n. Con- fusion of attention, or of affairs ; perturbation of mind; a state of disordered reason. — Distract Ive, -iv, ct. Causing perplexity. — Distraught", -trawt'', a. Distracted. Distrain, dis-fran', v. t. [-trained (-trand'), -train- ing.] (Law.) To seize for debt, without legal pro- cess. [OF. destraindre, L. distringere, -striatum, to pull asunder, fr. dis and stringere, to hurt, com- press, strain.] — Distrainor, -Sr, n. — Dis'trict, n. A defined portion of a state or city for legislative, elective, or other purposes; portion of territory of undefined extent; quarter; tract; region; country. — v. t. To divide into districts. [OF.; LL. districtus, a district, orig., within which a lord may distrain.] — District court. U. S. A subordinate tribunal hav- ing jurisdiction over certain cases within a judicial district. — Distress", n. Extreme suffering, of body or mind; that which occasions suffering ; state of danger or necessity. (Law.) The act of distraining; thing taken by distraining. — v. t. [distressed f-tresf), -tressing.] To cause pain or anguish to. (Law.) To seize for debt, distrain. [OF. distresse.] — Distress'ful. -ful, a. Inflicting, indicating, or pro- ceeding from, distress. Distribute, dis-triiyat, v.t. To divide among sev- eral ; to dispense, administer, apportion, allot, as- sign; to divide or separate, as into classes, orders, etc. — v. i. To make distribution. [L. dis and tri- buere, tributum, to impart. See Tp.ibuti:.] — Dis- trinuter, n. — Distributable, rt. — Distribution, n. Act of distributing or dispensing; almsgiving; sepa- ration into parts or classes; classification: arrange- ment of topics in a discourse. (Print.) The sepa- ration of type, and placing each letter in its proper box. — Distributive, -tiv, a. Tending to distribute: dealing to each his share. (Logic.) Assigning the various species of a general term. (Gram.) Express- ing separation or division. — Distrib'utively, adv. District. See under Distrain. Distrust, dis-trusf, v. t. Not to confide in or rely upon; to mistrust, disbelieve. — n. Doubt of re- ality or sincerity; suspicion of evil designs. — Dis- trusfful, -ful, rt. Apt to distrust; suspicious; dif- fident; modest. — Distrust'fully, adv. Disturb, dis-terb", v. t. [-turbed (-terbd"), -turb- ing.] To throw into confusion; to interfere with, terminate abruptly; to agitate the mind of, render uneasy, discompose, perplex, trouble. [OF. des- tourber, L. disturbare, fr. dis and turbare, to dis- turb, fr. turba, a crowd, tumult. See Turbid.] — Disturnance, -ans, a. Derangement of the regular course of things ; confusion of the mind ; public commotion; brawl; disorder. (Law.) Interruption of a right. — Disturb^er, n. Disunited dis-u-nit", v. t. To destroy the continuity or union of; to break the concord of, divide, sever, sunder, separate. — v.i. To part, become separate. — Disunity, -nl-tl, n. State of separation. — Dis- union, -un'yun, n. Termination of union; a breach of concord and its effect; in U. S., severance by any State of connection with the Federal government. — Disun'ionist, n. An advocate of disunion. Disuse, dis-us / ', n. Cessation of use, practice, or ex- ercise; cessation of custom ; desuetude. — Disuse, -uz", v. t. [-used (-uzd"), -using.] To cease to use or practice, desist from employing; to disaccustom. — Disu'sage, -zej, n. Gradual cessation of use, etc. Ditch dich, n. A trench in the earth, esp. one for draining wet land, for fencing inclosures, etc.; a fosse or moat. See Ravelin. — v. t. [ditched (dicht), ditching.] To dig a ditch in. — v. i. To make a ditch. [Same as dike, q. v.] — Ditch'er, n. One who digs ditches. Ditheism, di'the-izm, n. Doctrine of the existence of 2 gods, good and evil; dualism. [Gr. dis, double, and theos, god.] — Ditheist'ic, -ical, a. Pert, to, etc. Dithyramb, dith't-ram, -ram'bus, n. An ancient Greek hymn in honor of Bacchus. [Gr. Dithuram- bos, a name of Bacchus, a hymn in his honor.] — Dithyram'bic, a. Pert, to, or like, etc.; wild, im- petuous, and boisterous. — n. A dithyramb ; a poem written in wild, enthusiastic strains. Ditone, di"tSn, n. (Mus.) An interval comprehend- ing 2 whole tones. [Gr. dis and tonos, a tone.] Dittany, dit"ta-ni, n. (Bot.) An aromatic perennial plant, whose leaves smell like lemon-thyme, and yield an essential oil. [OF. dictame, Gr. diktamnos, the herb growing on Mt. Dicte, in Crete.] Ditto, difto, contr. Do., n. That which has been said; the aforesaid thing; same thing. — adv. As before; in the same manner; also. [It.; L. dictum, thing said, fr. dicere, to say r .] Ditty, diftt, n. A song; esp. a little poem to be sung. [OF. ditie, a kind of poem, fr. L. dictation, thing dictated, fr. dictare, to dictate.] Diuresis, di-u-re'sis, n. (Med.) Excretion of urine. [Gr. dia, through, and ouron, urine.] — Diuretic, rt. Exciting the secretion and discharge of urine. — n. A medicine which, etc. Diurnal, di-er'nal, a. Pert, to the daytime; daily; recurring every day; performed in a day; constitu- ting the measure of a day. (Bot.) Opening during the day, and closing at night. — n. A book of the daily service of the Rom. Catli. Church for the " little hours." [E. diurnalis, fr. dies, a day; same as journal.] — Diur'nally, adv. Daily; every day. Diuturnal, di-u-ter'nal, a. Of long continuance; last- ing. [L. diutumus, fr. diu, a long time, old abl. form of dies, day.] Divan, dT-van", n. A book; collection of poems; ac- count-book ; a council ; the Turkish council of state; royal court; court of justice; office for cus- toms; the council chamber; audience chamber; sa- sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbox, chair, get. DIVARICATE 158 DOOIMACY Divaricate Petals. loon for company; a kind of cushioned seat. [Per. and Ar.] Divaricate, di-var't-kat, v. i. To part into 2branch.es; to open, fork, diverge from. — r. t. To divide into 2 branches. — a. (Bot.) Widely divergent. [L. dis and varicare, -catum, to spread apart, straddle, fr. varus, bent apart.] — Di- var'ica'tion, n. A parting; forking; wide divergence ; equivocation. (Xat. Hist.) Intersection of fibers at different angles. Dive, div, r. i. [dived (divd), di- ving.] To descend or plunge into water head first; to plunge thorough- ly into any business or condition; to sink, penetrate. [AS. dyfan, dufan, Ic. dyfa; s. rt. dip.'] — Di'vef, n. One who dives, or who goes deeply into a business. (Ornith.) A bird of certain genera, given to diving. — Di'ving-bell, n. A hollow vessel, orig. bell-shaped, air-tight, except at the bottom, in which one may go into deep water. — Dive'dapper, re. (Ornith.) The didapper, q. v. Diverge, dT-verj r , v. i. [-verged f-verjd''), -ver- ging.] To tend from a common point in different directions; to deviate gradually from a given line; to vary from a type, or a normal state, or from the truth. [L. din and vergere, to incline, tend, verge.] — Diverge'ment, Divergence, -gency, -sT, re. A re- ceding from each other in radiating lines. — Di- vergent, a. Deviating gradually, etc. Divert, dX-verf, v. t. To turn off from any course, direction, or intended application ; to turn from business or study; to please, amuse, entertain, rec- reate. [OF. divertir, L. divertere, -versum, fr. dis and vertere, to turn.] — Diverfer, n. — Divers, di'- verz, a. Several; sundry; more than one, but not man}'. — Di'verse, -vers, a. Different in kind; un- like ; dissimilar. — adv. In different directions. — Diversely, adv. In different ways, or directions. — Diversity, -tt, n. A state of difference ; unlike- ness; multiplicity of difference; variety. — Diver- sion, -shun, n. Act of turning aside, from any oc- cupation, object, etc.; that which diverts from care or amuses ; solace ; recreation ; sport. {Mil.) Act of drawing the attention and force of an enemy from the principal point of attack. — Divert Ive, -iv, a. Tending to divert; amusing. — Diversify, -fl, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.J To make diverse or various in form or qualities. [F. diversijier, LL. diversificare, fr. L. diversus anifacere, to make.] — Diver'sifica'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.— Diver'sified, -fid, p. a. Distinguished by various forms, or by a variety of aspects. — Diversiform, -form, a. Of a different form; of varied forms. [L. forma, form.]— Divertisement, de-verliz-mox, n. A ballet, etc., between acts of longer pieces. [F.] Divest, df-vest', v. t. To strip, as of clothes, arms, or equipage; to deprive. [L. dis and vestire, to clothe, fr. vestis, garment.] — Divestiture, -l-chur, re. Act of, or state of being, etc. Divide, dI-vid /_ , v. t. To sever into parts; to cause to be separate; to make partition of among a number, apportion; to make discordant or hostile; toseparate into 2 parts, for ascertaining opinions for and against a measure. {Logic.) To separate into species. — v. i. To be separated, part, open; to vote by separating a legislative house into 2 parts. [L. dividere, -visum, fr. dis and obs. videre, to know, prob. s. rt. videre, to see.] — Dividend, n. The share of interest or profit of stock in trade, etc., be- longing to each proprietor. (Arith.) A number or quantity to be divided. — Divid'er, n. One who, or that which, divides ; esp. (pi.) an instrument for dividing lines, describing circles, etc.; compasses. — Divisible, -viz'I-bl, a. Capable of beins, etc. — Divis'ibillty, re. Quality of being divisible. — Di- vision, -vizn/un, re. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which divides; portion separated by the divid- ing of a mass; difference in opinion or feeling; dif- ference of condition; separation of the members of a deliberative body to ascertain the vote. (Arith.) Process of finding how many times one number or . quantity is contained in another; rule b3 r which the operation is performed. (Mil.) A section of an army or fleet, complete in itself, and commanded by a general officer. — Divisional, a. Marking, express- ing, or making division; pert, to a division or dis- trict. — Divi'sive, -siv, a. Forming division or dis- tribution; creating division or discord. — Divi'sor, -zer, n. (Arith.) The number by which the div- idend is divided. — Common divisor. Any number dividing 2 or more numbers without a remainder. Divine, dl-vm', a. Pert, to, proceeding from, or ap- propriated to God, or celebrating his praise; above what is human ; superhuman; godlike ; holy; sa- cred; pert, to divinity or theology. — re. A priest; clergyman; one skilled in divinity; theologian. — v. t. [divined (-vlnd'), -vining.] To foresee or foreknow, foretell, presage, prognosticate. — v. i. To practice divination, impart presages of the fu- ture, have presages or forebodings, guess or con- jecture. [OF. divin, devin, divine, also a diviner or augur, theologian, deviner, to divine, predict ; L. divinus, divine, s. rt. divus, godly, dews, God.] — Divin^er, n. One who practices divination. — Di- vina'tion, n. Act or art of divining or foretelling future events; augury; omen. — Divinely, adv. In a godlike manner; by the agency of God. — Divin/''- ing-rod, n. A forked rod, commonly of hazel, used by seekers for water or metals under ground. — Divinity, -vin/ f-tT, n. State of being divine ; god- head; the Deit3 r ; God; a false god; a celestial being, inferior to God, but superior to man; supernatural power or virtue; awe-inspiring character; supreme dignity; science of divine things; theology. Divisible, Division, etc. See under Divide. Divorce, dt-vors / ', n. (Law.) A legal dissolution of the marriage contract; separation of a married wom- an from the bed and board of her husband ; separa- tion of things closely united ; the sentence or writ- ing dissolving marriage. — v. t. [divorced (-vorstO, -vorcing.] To separate by divorce, disunite, sun- der. [OF.; L. divortium, a divorce, fr. divortere, a form of divertere, to separate. See Divert.] — Divorce'able, a. — Divorce^ment, n. Divorce. — Di- vorcer, n. Person or cause producing divorce. — Divor'cive, -siv, a. Having power to divorce. Divulge, dI-vuli / \ v. t. [-vulged (-vuljd'), -vulging.] To make public, disclose, impart. [F. divulguer, L. divulgare, fr. dis and vulgare, to make common, fr. vulgus, the common people.] — DivuPger, n. Divolsion, dl-vuKshun, re. Act of plucking away ; a rending asunder. [L. divulsio, f r. dis and relieve, vul- sum, to pluck.] — DivuPsive, -siv, a. Tending to, etc. Dizen, diz'n or di'zn, v. t. [dizened (-znd), dizen- ing.] To dress gaudily, deck, overdress. [ME. dysyn, to put flax on (distaffs), hence to clothe, deck.] Dizzy, diz'Y, a. Having a sensation of vertigo; giddy; confused ; indistinct ; causing giddiness ; unreflect- ing; heedless. — v. t. To make giddy, confuse. [AS. dysig, silly, OD. duyzigh, dizzy.] — Diz'ziness, n. Djinn, jin, re. See Jinnee. Do, do, re. (Mus.) A syllable attached to the 1st tone of the major diatonic scale for solmization. Do, doo, v. t. or auxiliary, [imp. did ; p. p. done (dun) ; doing.] To perform, execute, make ; to produce, as an effect or result ; to perform com- pletely, finish, accomplish ; to cook completely ; to translate or transform into, as a written text; to de- ceive, play a trick upon, hoax, humbug. (Stock Exchange.) To cash or advance money for, as a bill or note. — v. i. To act or behave ; to fare ; to be in a state with regard to health. [AS. don (imp. dyde,p. p.gedon), D. doen (imp. deed, p. p. gedaan); s. rt. deed, deem, doom.] — To do over. To make over, perform a second time. — To do up. To pack together; to iron and starch (linen). — To do will). To dispose of, make use of. — To have to do with. To have concern, business, or intercourse with ; to deal with. — To do for. To put an end to, ruin, dis- appoint, etc. — To do without. To get along with- out. — To have done. To have made an end. — To have done with. To have completed ; to be through with. — Do'er, re. One who, etc. ; an actor ; agent. Do, doo, v. i. To be worth, be fit, avail, manage, ac- complish a purpose, — as, tliis will do. [Prov. E. dow, AS. dugan, to be worth. See Doughty.] Do.,pron. dit1o._ See Ditto. Doab, Dooab, doo^ab, re. In India, a tongue of land between the confluence of rivers. Docetism, dos'et-izm, n. Doctrine that Christ suffered only in appearance. [Gr. dokein, to appear.] Docile, dosll, a. Teachable ; ready to learn ; tract- able. [F. ; L. docilis, fr. docere, to teach ; s. rt. di- dactic, disciple, doctor, etc.] — Docility, -tT, n. Teachableness. — Doclble, a. Docile. [L. docibilis, fr. docere.'] — Doclbleness, -ibillty, n. Docimacy, dos r T-ma-sT, n. Art or practice of apply- ing tests to ascertain the nature, quality, etc., of ob- jects. [Gr. dokimasia, an essay, examination, fr. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Tn, Ice \ Odd, tone, Cr ; DOCK 150 DOLLAR dokimazein, to assay metals.]— Docimas'tic, a. Prov- ing by experiments. Dock, dok, n. A plant, some species of which are weeds, having a long tap-root. [AS. clocce, a dock, Ga. dogha, burdock, Gr. daukos, a kind of carrot.] Dock, dok, v. t. [docked (dokt), docking.] To cut off, as the end of a thing, curtail, clip ; to deduct from ; to destroy or defeat, bar. — n. The stump of a tail, or part left after clipping ; case to cover a horse's clipped tail. [W. tocio, to clip, Ic. elockr, a short tail, Sw. docket, a skein (of silk) = length cut off.] — Dock'et, n. A summary or digest; a label tied to goods. (Law.) An abridged entry of pro- ceedings in an action, or list of such entries ; list of causes ready for hearing or trial. A list of matters to be acted on in any assembly. — v. t. To make an abstract of the heads of ; to enter in a docket, mark the contents of on the back, as of papers. Dock, dok, n. An inclosure or basin to receive vessels ; space between 2 piers for ships; place where the ac- cused stands in court. — v.t. To place in a dock. [OD. dokke, a harbor, Dan. dokke, Sw. docket, G. docke, a dock, LL. doga, ditch, canal, Gr. cloche, re- ceptacle, fr. dechesthai, to receive.] — Dry or grav- ing dock. A dock from which water may be exclu- ded. — Floating or sectional d. A water-tight struc- ture for raising vessels out of water by its buoyancy. — Wet d. One where the water is shut in, and kept at a given level, to load and unload ships. — Dock'- age, -ej, n. Charge for the use of a dock. — Dock- yard, n. A repository for naval stores, timber, etc. Doctor, dok'ter, n. One qualified to teach; a learned man ; one who has received the highest degree in a faculty; one licensed to practice medicine ; .a physi- cian ; a mechanical contrivance to remedy a diffi- culty. — v.t. [doctored (-terd), -toring.] To at- tend or treat as a physician ; to make a doctor; to alter for the better ; to adulterate, tamper with, fal- sify. — v. i. To practice physic. [L., a teacher, fr. docere, doclum, to teach.] — Doc'toral, a. Pert, to the degree or practice of a doctor. — Doc'torate, -at, -ship, n. The degree of a doctor. — Doc'toress, Doc /r - tress, n. A female doctor. — Doc' trine, -trin, n. Act of teaching ; instruction ; thing taught ; bod3 r of principles in any branch of knowledge ; dogma ; tenet. [F. ; L. doctrina, fr. doctor.'] — Doc'trinal, a. Pert, to, or containing, etc. — Doc'trinally, adv. — Doc'trinaire', -tre-nar', n. One who rigidly ap- Slies to practical concerns the abstract doctrines of is own philosophical system ; a political theorist ; propounder of new opinions. — a. Pert, to, etc. — Doc'ument, n. An original or official paper, relied upon as the basis or support of anything else. — v. t. To furnish with documents. [F. ; L. elocumentum, f r. docere.] — Document , al, a. Pert, to, consisting in, or derived from, etc. — Documentary, -rT, a. Pert, to written evidence ; consisting in documents. Dodder, dod^der, n. A parasitical vine, which, de- caying at the root, is nourished bv the plant sup- porting it. [Dan.; Sw. elodra, G. dotter.] Dodecagon, do-dek'a-gon, n. (Geom.) A regular poly- gon, bounded by 12 equal sides, and containing 12 equal angles. [Gr. do- deka, twelve, and gonia, an angle.] — Dodec'a- he'dron, n. A regular solid contained under 12 equal and regular penta- gons ; a solid having 12 equal faces. [Gr. hedra, seat, base.] — Dodec / ahe /r - dral, a. — Dodec'astyle, Dodecahedrons, -stll, n. (Arch.) A portico having 12 columns in front. [Gr. stutos, a column.] Dodge, doj, v. i. [dodged (dojd), dodging.] To start suddenly aside, be evasive, quibble. — v. t. To evade by starting aside. — n. Act of evading by some skillful movement ; a dexterous device or trick. [Perh. s. rt. Scot, dod, to jog, North E. dad, to shake; cf. Skr. dhu, to shake.]— Dodg'er, n. Dodo, do'do, n. ; pi. Do'does, -doz. A large bird of Mauritius, now extinct. [Pg. eloudo, silly.] Doe, do, n. A she-deer ; esp. the female of the fallow- deer. [AS. da, a doe; Dan. daa, a deer.] — Doe'skin, n. Skin of the doe ; compact, twilled woolen cloth. Doer. See Do. — Does, duz. Sdpers. pr. ind. of Do. Doff, dof, V. t. [DOFFED (doft), DOFFING.] To put off (dress) ; to rid one's self of, defer. [Contr. of do off.] Dog, dog, n. A quadruped of the genus Canis; a mean, worthless fellow ; a fellow, — used humor- ously. (Astron.) One of the 2 constellations in the southern hemisphere. An andiron. (Mech.) A grappling iron ; an iron with fangs to secure a log to be sawed; a catch or clutch, esp. the carrier of a lathe, and an adjustable stop to change the motion of a machine tool. — v. t. [dogged (dogd), dog- ging.] To follow insidiously or persistently ; to worry ; hunt. [D. dog, Sw. dogg, mastiff, Dan. dogge, bull-dog.] — To give or throw to dogs. To throw away, as useless. — To go to the dogs. To be ruined. — Dog'ged, a. Surly ; obstinate. — Dog'- Churl- of the A one-horse vehicle for sportsmen. — cheap, a. Cheap as dog's meat: very cheap. — day, n. One of the days when Sirius, or the Dogstar. rises and sets with the sun: they commence late in July, and end early in September. fish, n. A species of shark. — -Latin, n. Barbarous Latin. — rose, n. A species of rose which bears the hip ; the eglantine or sweet- briar. star, n. Sirius, in the constellation Cetnis Major. — -tooth, n. A sharp pointed human tooth, between the incisors and grinders ; eye-tooth ; ca- nine tooth. See Tooth. (Arch.) An ornament con- sisting of tooth-like projections. — trot, n. A gentle trot, like a dog's. watch, n. (Naut.) One of 2 watches of 2 hours each, between 4 and 8 p. M. — -wood, n. A genus of large shrubs or small trees, having hard and serviceable wood. — Dog's-ear, dogz'er, n. The corner of the leaf of a book turned down.— v. t. To turn down, etc. — Dog'-eared, -erd, a. Having the corners, etc. — Dog'gerel, -ger-el, a. Low in style and irregular in measure, — said of poetry. — n. Mean, undignified verse. Doge, doj, n. The chief magistrate in the republics of \ enice and_Genoa. [It., fr. L. dux, duke, leader.] — Do'gate, -gat, n. Office or dignity of, etc. Dogger, dog'ger, n. (Naut.) A two-masted fishing vessel, used by the Dutch. [D., codfish.] Dogma, dog^ma, n. ; E. pi. -mas, -maz ; L. pL -mata, -ma-ta. That which is held as an opinion : an es- tablished tenet ; peremptory opinion, a principle of doctrine asserted without sufficient evidence. [L. and Gr., f r. Gr. elokein, to think ; s. rt. L. decet, it behooves, Skr. elacas, fame.] — Dogmatic, -ical. a. Pert, to a dogma r disposed to assert authoritatively; magisterial; positive. — Dogmatically, adv. Arro- gantly; positively. —Dogmatics, n. sing. Science of Christian doctrines ; doctrinal theology. — Dog' r - matism, -tizm, n. Arrogance or positiveness in opin- ion.— Dog'matize, v. i. [-tized (-tlzd). -tizing.] To assert positively ; teach with bold and undue con- fidence. — Dog'matist, -tiz'er, n. Doily, doi'lY, n. A small napkin, generally colored, used with fruit and wine. [Manufacturer's name ; peril, also D. dwaal, a towel.] Doit, doit, n. A small Dutch coin, worth about half a farthing; any small piece of money; any trifle. [D. duit ; perh. s. rt. dot, perh. fr. F. d'huit, of S, i. e., the l-8th of a penny.] Dolabriform, do-lab'rY-fdrm, a. (Ned. Hist.) Having the form of an ax or hatchet. [L. dolabret, pickax, and forma, form.] Dolce, doKcha, Dolcemente, doPcha-menfa, adv. (Mus.) Softly ; sweetly, — a direction to the per- former. [It, fr. L. ehdeis, sweet, soft.] Doldrums, dol'drumz, n. vl. A part of the ocean near the equator, abounding in calms, squalls, and light baffling winds. — To be in the doldrums. To be in a state of listlessness or fretfulness ; to be bored. Dole, dol, 11. Act of dividing and distributing ; thing distributed; alms ; gratuity. — v. t. [doled (dold), doling.] To deal out in small portions ; distribute. [AS. did, elsel, same as deal. See Deal.] Doleful, doKful, a. Full of grief; piteous; rueful; wo- ful; gloomy; dismal. [OF. doel, duel, grief, mourn- ing, doloir, L. dolere, to grieve, f r. r/o7o/\ grief.] — Dole'fully, adv. — Dole'somOj-sum, a. Doleful ; sor- rowful. — Do'lor, n. Pain; grief; distress; anguish. [L.] — Dolorif'erous, -er-us, a. Producing pain or distress. [L. ferre, to bear.] — Dolorif'ic, -ical, a. Causing pain or grief. [L.facere, to make.] — DoK- orous, -us, a. Full of, or occasioning grief; painful; distressing. — DoPorously, aelv. — Doloro'so, -zo, adv. (Mils.) In a pathetic manner. [It] Doll, dol, n. A puppet or image of a baby for a child. [Perh. fr. OD. dol, a whipping top, dollen, to sport, play; perh. Dol, contr. of Dorothy.] Dollar, dol'ler, n. A silver coin of the II. S., equal to 100 cents ; a coin of similar value, current in Mex- stixi, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DOLMAN 160 DOOR ico, S. Amer., Spain, etc. ; the value of a dollar. [Abbr. of Joachimsthaler, a coin first made about 1518 fr. silver, mined at Joachimsthal, Bohemia.] Dolman, doKman, n. A lady's cloak. [Turk. dolaman.~\ Dolmen, dol'men, Tol'men, n. A stone table, found among relics of the Druids ; a cromlech. [Celt.] Dolomite, dol'o-mit, n. (Oeol. & Min.) A magnesian carbonate of lime. [Fr. the F. geologist, Dolomieu.] Dolphin, dol'fin, n. (Ichth.) A cetaceous mammal, the true dolphin ; also a fish of about 5 feet in length, celebrated for its changes of color when dying. (Entom.) A species of aphis infesting beans. (Newt.) A rope or strap wound round a mast -to support the puddening when the lower yards rest in the slings ; a spar secured to an anchor to which cables may be bent ; a mooring-post. [OF. daulphin, L. delphimts, Gr. delphis.] Dolt, dolt. n. A heavy, stupid fellow, blockhead, ig- noramus, dunce, simpleton. [Corrup. of dulled.] — Doltish, a. _ Dolt-like; stupid. Domain, do- man', n. Dominion; authority; territory over which dominion is exerted; landed property; estate; esp. land about the mansion-house of a lord, and in his immediate occupancy. (Law.) Owner- ship of land, estate, or patrimony, in one's own right. [OF. domaine, fr. L. dominium, lordship, fr. dominus, a lord. See Demesne.] — Eminent domain. In U. S. the inherent sovereign power of a state, giving to the legislature the control of private prop- erty for public uses. Dome, dom, n. A building; house. (Arch.) A struc- ture above the roof, usually hemispherical in form; cupola; an erection resembling a cupola. [OF., fr. LL. and Gr^doma, a house, Gr. domos, a building.] Domesday, doomzHa. See Doomsday, under Doom. Domestic, do-mes'tik, a. Pert, to the house or home, to one's place of residence and family, also to a na- tion considered as a family, or to one's own coun- try; intestine; remaining much at home; devoted to home duties or pleasures; living near the habitations of man; tame; made in one's own house, nation, or country. — n. One who lives in the family of an- other, as hired assistant; pi. articles of home manu- facture, esp. cotton goods. [F. domestique, L. domes- ticus, fr. domus, house.] — Domes'ticate, -fi-kat, v.t. To make domestic, conduct as if at home, accustom to live near the habitations of man, tame.— Domes'- tica'tion, n. Act of domesticating. — Domestic Ity, -tis'I-tl, n. State of being domestic; a household act or life. — Domicile, -sil, n. An abode or man- sion; place of permanent residence. (Law.) Resi- dence at a particular place accompanied with proof of an intention to remain there. — v. t. [domiciled (-sild), -ciling.] To establish in a fixed residence. [OF.; L. domicilium, fr. domus and perh. celare, to hide.] — Domicil'iary, -sil'Y-a-rf or -sil'ya-rf, a. Pert, to domicile, or the residence of a person or family. — Domiciliary visit. (Law.) A visit to a private dwelling, esp. to search it, under authority. — Domiciliate, -T-at, v. t. To domicile.— DonVicil'- ia'tion, n. Permanent residence. Dominate, dom'T-nat, v. t. To predominate over, rule, govern. — v. i. To predominate. [L. dominari, -natum, fr. dominus, a lord, f r. domus, house ; s. rt. domare, to tame, E. tame.'] — Dominance, -nancy, -st, n. Ascendency ; authority. — Dominant, a. Ruling; prevailing; predominant. — n. (Mus.) The 5th tone of the scale. [F.] — Dominant chord. (Mus.) The chord based upon the dominant. — D. estate or tenement. (Law.) The estate to which a servitude or easement is due from another estate. — Domina'- tion, n. Act of dominating; exercise of power in ruling; government; authority; the 4th of the sup- posed orders of angelical beings. [F.] — Dom'ina- tive, -tiv, a. Ruling; imperious. — Domlnator, -ter, n. A ruler or ruling power; predominant influence. — Domineer'', v. i. [-neered (-nerd'), -neering.] To rule with insolence or arbitrary sway. [OD. domineren, OF. dominer, fr. L. dominari.] — Domm'- ion, -yun, n. Supreme authority; predominance; territory over which authority is exercised. [LL. dominio.] — Dominical, a. Pert, to, or given by, our Lord; indicating Sunday. [OF.] — Dominical letter. One of the first 7 letters of the alphabet, used in almanacs to denote Sunday. Dominican, do-min'T-kan, a. Pert, to' the Dominicans, or to St. Dominic— n. A monk of the order founded by Dominic de Guzman; a predicant; preaching- friar; jacobin; black-friar. Dominie, dom't-nt, n. In Scot., a schoolmaster, par- son. [L. dominus, a lord, master.] — Domino, n. ; pi. Dominos. -nos or -noes, -noz. A cape with a hood, formerly worn by priests over head and face ; a hood worn by canons of a cathedral church; a woman's mourning veil, or half-mask; a loose cloak, with a hood, used as a disguise; one wear- ing a domino, pi. A game played with 28 pieces of ivory, indented with spots from a 1 to double 6. One of the pieces of the game. [Sp., orig. dress worn by a master, f r. domine, a mas- ter, L. dominus. See Dominate.] — Don, n. Sir; Mr. ; Signor, — a title of courtesy in Spain ; a grand personage, or one, affecting consequence, pi. The heads of colleges and fellows of English universi- ties. [Sp., lit. master, fr. dominus.] — Dona, don'ya, n. Lady ; Mistress ; Madam, — a Spanish title of courtesy for women. [Fern, of don.] — Don'na, -na, n._ The title of a lady in Italy. [It.] — Duenna, doo-en'na, n. ; pi. -nas, -naz. The chief lady in waiting on the Queen of Spain; an elderly lady in charge of youngladies in Spain or Portugal; a gov- erness. [Sp. duena, same as E. and F. dame.] Don, don, v. t. [donned (dond), donning.] To put on, invest one's self with, — opp. to doff. [Contr. of do on.] Donate, do'nat, v. t. To give, esp. for a specific ob- ject. [L. donare, -atum, to give, fr. donum, Gr. doron, Skr. dana, a gift; s. rt. anecdote, date, dose, dower, etc.] — Dona'tion, n. Act of giving; thing given or bestowed, gift, grant. (Law.) Act by which one voluntarily transfers to another the title to a thing of which he is owner, without any consideration. [F.] — Donation-party. A party assembled at the house of some one, each bringing some present. — Don'ative, don'a-tiv, n. A gratuity, present. (Eccl. Law.) A benefice conferred by the patron, without presentation, institution, or induction by the ordi- nary. — a. Vested or vesting by donation. — Dona'- tor, do-na't§r, n. (Law.) A donor, giver. — Do'nor, -ner, n. A giver; benefactor.; (Law.) One who con- fers a power.— Donee', -ne', n. One to whom a gift is made. (Law.) Party executing a power; appointor. Donatism, don'a-tizm, n. (Eccl. Hist.) Principles embraced by African schismatics of the 4th century, called Donatists, fr. Donatus, their leader. Done. See Do. Done, dun, p. p. Given out; issued; made public,— used in the dating clause of an official public docu- ment. [Done', done, corrup. of F. donned, p. p. of donner, L. donare, to give. See Donate.] Donjon, dun'jun, n. A tower in ancient castles, the strongest part of the fortifications; the keep. See Castle. [Same as dungeon, q. v.] Donkey, don/kT, n. ; pi. -keys, -kiz. An ass, or mule; a stupid or obstinate fellow. [Dim. of dun, a name for a horse, fr. the color.] — Don'key-en'gine, n. A small assistant engine in steam-vessels. — pump, n. One feeding boilers, worked by the donkey-engine. Donna. See under Dominie. Donor. See under Donate. Doodle, doo'dl, n. A trifler, simpleton. [Perh. contr. of do little; perh. fr. Scot, dawdle, to be slovenly.] Doom, doom, v. t. [doomed (doomd), dooming.] To pronounce sentence or judgment on, condemn; to ordain as penalty; to mulct or fine; to assess a tax upon; to destine, fate. — n. Judicial sentence; penal decree; that to which one is sentenced; penalty; un- happy fate. [AS., Sw., and Dan. dom, Ic. domr, OHG. tuom, judgment, Gr. themis, law, Skr. dha, to place, set; s. rt. deem.] — Dooms 'day, doomz'da, n. A day of doom, sentence, or condemnation; day of the final judgment. — Dooms'day-book, n. A book compiled by order of William the Conqueror, con- taining a survey of all lands in England, that they might_be doomed, or adjudged for taxation. Door, dor, n. An opening in the wall of a house for going in and out at; frame by which such an open- ing is closed; means of access; entrance-way, and the apartment to which it leads. [AS. dura, D. deur, Dan. dor, OHG. tor, G. thuer, Gr. thura, Skr. dvara.] — In doors, or within doors. Within the house; un- der cover. —Next door to. Near to; bordering on. — Out of doors, or xoithout doors, and, colloq., out doors. Out of the house, in open air, abroad. — To lie at one's door. To be imputable or chargeable to. — Door'-keeper, n. One who guards the entrance of a house or apartment; a porter, janitor. — nail, n. The nail or knob on which the knocker of a door strikes, — hence the phrase, dead as a door-nail. — am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; 6dd, tone, 6r ; DOR 161 DOUBT -plate, ». A plate upon a door, bearing the resident's name, etc. — post, n. The jamb or side piece of, etc. — way, n. The passage of, etc. Dor, Dorr, dor, Dor'-beetle, Dor'-bug, n. A large, brownish, destructive tree-beetle ; the cockchafer ; May-bug; — the imago of the voracious white grub- worm. [AS. dora, drone, locust.] Dorado, do- ra'do, n. A southern constellation, con- taining 6 stars. (Ichth.) A large fish, a species of dolphin. [Sp., gilt, fr. dorar, to gild.] Doree, do-re' or do'rl, Do'ry, -n, John'-dory, n. (Ichth.) An acanthopterygious fish, of a golden yel- low color. [Corrup. of Y.'jaune-doree, golden yellow.] Dorian, do'rl-an, Doric, dor'ik, a. Pert, to Doris, or the Dorian race, in ancient Greece. (Arch.) Pert, to, or resembling, the 2d order of columns, between the Tuscan ana Ionic. See Capital. (Mus.) Of, or pert, to, one of the ancient musical keys, marked by severity tempered with gravity and joy.— Dor'- icism. -sizm, n. A phrase of the Doric dialect. Dormant, ddr'mant, a. Sleeping; not in action; qui- escent; not disclosed, asserted, or insisted on. (Her.) In a sleeping posture. — n. (Arch.) The large beam lying across a room; a joist; sleeper. [F., p. pr. of dormir, L. dormire, to sleep.] — Dor'mancy, -si, n. State of being dormant. — Dormant partner. ( Com.) A partner who takes no share in the active business, but shares in the profit or loss; sleeping or silent partner. — Dor'mer , D.-win r - dow, n. (Arch.) A vertical win- dow on the inclined roof of a house.— Dor'mitive, -tiv, n. (Med.) A medicine to promote sleep; an opiate, narcotic, sopo- rific. — a. Causing sleep. — Dor' - mitory, -rT, n. A room or set of rooms for sleeping in; bed-room. [L. dormitorium, fr. dormitor, a sleeper, fr. dormitare, to sleep, Dormer-window, freq. of dormire.] Dormouse, dor'mows, n. ; pi. -mice, -mis. A small ro- dent mammal which feeds on acorns, nuts, etc., like the squirrel, and is torpid in winter. [Prov. E. dor, to sleep (s. rt. doze, q. v.), and mouse.'] Domic, dSr'nik, n. Coarse damask and table-linen, made at Dornick or Tournay. Dorsal, dQr'sal, a. Pert, to the back. JT.; LL. dor- salis, f r. L. dorsum, the back.] — Dorsiferous, -er- us, -sip'arous, a. (Bot.) Bearing seeds on the back of the leaves, as ferns. [L. ferre, to bear, parere, to bring forth.] — Dos'el, n. (Arch.) Tapestrv at the back of an altar, etc. — Dos'sier, -sl-a, n. The back of a chair; head of abed; bundle of papers. [F., fr. dos, back, L. dorsum.] Dory, do'rl, n. A fish. See Doree. — A canoe or small boat. Dose, dos, n. Quantity of medicine given at one time ; as much as one can take, or as falls to one to receive; anything nauseous that one must take. — v. t. [dosed (dost), dosixg.] To form into doses, give in doses, give medicine to, give potions to constantly and without need, give anything nauseous to. [F.; Gr. dosis, fr. didonai, Skr. da, to give.] Dosel. See under Dorsal. Dossil, dos'sil, n. (Surg.) A pledget or portion of lint of cylindrical form. [F. dousil, LL. duciculus, peg, tap for a cask, fr. L. ducere, to draw.] Dost, dust. Second per s. pr. of do. Dot, dot, n. A small spot, made with a pen or point. — v. t. To mark with dots or specks, diversify with small detached objects. — v. i. To make dots or specks. [D. dot, a little lump, Sw. dial, dett, dot, point, something dropped, Ic. and Sw. dial, delta, to drop, fall.] — Dot 'ted, p. a. Marked with dots; di- versified with small, detached objects. — Dotted note. (Mus.) A note followed by a dot to indicate an in- crease of length equal to i of its simple value. — D. rest. A rest lengthened by a dot. [Notes and rests are sometimes followed by 2 dots, to indicate an in- crease of length equal to § of their simple value.] $ Sr :J: fcr Dotted Notes and Rests. Dot, a dowry, Dotal, Dotation. See under Dower. Dote, dot, v. i. To have the intellect impaired, esp. by age, so that the mind wavers; to be excessively or foolishly fond. [OD. doten, to dote, mope, Ic. dotta, to nod with sleep, OF. redoter, to dote, talk senselessly.] — Do'ter, -tard, n. One who, etc. — Do'tage, -tej, n. Childishness; imbecility: senility; excessive fondness; weak and foolish affection.— Dot'tard, n. A decayed tree. [For dotard.] — Dot'- terel, -ter-el, -trel, n. A wading bird, like the plover, easily taken by stratagem ; a silly fellow; dupe. Double, dub'1, a. Twofold ; multiplied by 2 ; in- creased by its equivalent; in pairs; presenting 2 of a set together ; coupled ; divided into 2 ; vacilla- ting; deceitful. (Bot.) Having several rows of pet- als formed by cultivation from stamens and car- pels. — adv. Twice; twofold. — v. t. [doubled (-Id), -ling.] To multiply by 2, make twice as great, duplicate; to fold one part upon another part of; to contain or be worth twice as much as; to pass around or by. (Mil.) To unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one. — v. i. To increase or grow to twice as much; to return upon one's track. (Print.) To set up a word or phrase a second time by mistake. — n. Twice as much; that which is doubled together; a plait; fold; a turn in running to escape pursuers; a trick ; shift ; artifice ; a counterpart; a roofing slate of the smallest size used. [OF.; L. duplus, lit. twice full, fr. duo, 2, and jAvs, s. rt. plenus, full.] — Dou.le counterpoint. (Mus.) That species of counter- point in which 2 of the parts may be inverted, by setting one of them an octave higher or lower. — D. note. (Mus.) A note of double the length of the semibreve or minim; a breve. — Tod. upon. (Mil.) To inclose between 2 fires. — Doub'ler, ?;. — Doub'- ly, -II, adv. In twice the quantity. — Doub'leness, n.— Double-base, -bass, -bas, n. (Mus.) The largest and lowest-toned instrument in the violin form. — -breast'ed, a. Lapping over on the breast, with but- tons on each side. — dealer, n. One who acts two different parts; a deceitful, trickish person. — deal- ing, n. Artifice ; duplicity. — end'er, n. (Naut.) A vessel which can sail with either end foremost. — -ea'gle, n. An Amer. gold coin worth $20. — en'try, n. A mode of book-keeping in which 2 entries are made of every transaction,_so that one checks the other. — face, -facedness, -fast/hess, n. The acting of different parts; duplicity. — flow'er, n. (Bot.) A flower having several rows of petals, as the result of cultivation. — mind'ed, a. Having different minds at different times; unsettled ; wavering; unstable. quick, n. (Mil.) The fastest step, in marching, next to the run, requiring IGo steps in one minute. — a. Performed in, etc. — v. t. & i. To move in double-quick time. — salt, n. (Chem.) A com- Eound salt consisting of 2 salts in chemical com- ination. — star, n. (Astron.) Two stars so near to each other as to be seen separate by means of a telescope only. — tongued, -tungd, a. Speaking dif- ferently about a thing at different times; deceitful. — Double-entendre, d6o /, bl-oN-toif / 'dr, n. An ex- pression admitting of a double interpretation, one of which is of ten indelicate. [F.; entendre, to mean.] — Doublet, n. Two of the same kind ; a pair; couple. (Print.) A word or phrase unintentionally doubled. Inner garment of a man ; waistcoat. (Lapidary Work.) A counterfeit stone, composed of 2 pieces of crystal, with color between them. (Opt.) An arrangement of two lenses for a micro- scope, to correct spherical aberration and chro- matic dispersion, pi. Two dice, having each the same number of spots on the upper face. [OF., dim. of double.] — Doubloon', -loon', n. A Spanish and Portuguese coin, double the value of the pistole, worth nearly $16. [Sp. dohlon, fr. ddblo, double.] Doubt, dowt, v. i. To be in uncertainty respecting anything ; to be undetermined, waver, fluctuate, hesitate; to fear, be apprehensive, scruple, suspect. — v. t. To question or hold questionable, hesitate to believe; to fear, apprehend, suspect, believe. — n. Uncertainty of mind or of condition; fear; ap- prehension ; difficulty expressed or urged for so- lution; objection. [OF. douter, doubter, L. dvhitare, -tatum, to doubt, be of two minds, fr. dubius, doubt- ful, f r. duo, two.] — Doubt'er, n. — Doubt'able. -a-bl, a. Capable of being doubted ; questionable. — Doubtful, -ful, a. Not settled* in opinion; admit- ting of doubt'; not clear or certain ; not easy to be defined, classed, or named; ambiguous; equivocal; of uncertain issue; affected by fear. — Doubt' fully, adv. — Doubt'fulness, n. — Doubtless, adv. With- out doubt or question; unquestionably. — Du'bious, -bl-us, a. Doubtful. — Du'biously, adv. — Du'bi- ousness, n. — Du'bitable, a. Liable to be doubted. — Dubita'tion, n. Act of doubting. — Du'bitative, -tiv, a. Tending to doubt. stin, cube, full; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boxbo>', chair, 11 ret. DOUCEUR 162 DRAFT 1 r, so NL/uL/UU irna- \ I Eouceur, doo-ser'', n. A present; gift; bribe. [F., fr., (Ioujc, sweet.] Douche, doosh, n, A jet of water or vapor directed upon some part of the body, to benefit it medicinal- ly. [F., fr. It. duccia, conduit, water-pipe, spout, fr. rlocciare, to pour, fr. L. ductus. See Duct.] Doujh. do, n. A mass of flour or meal moistened and kneaded, but not yet baked. [AS. dah, D. deeg, Dan. and Ic. deig, Goth, daigs, dough ; Goth. deigan, to knead, Skr. dih, to smear.] — Doughty, -T, a. Like dough ; soft ; yielding to pressure. — Dough'-face, n. One who is easily molded. — Dough'nut, n. A small cake, usually^ in form of a ring, sweetened and fried in lard. Doughty, dow'tl, a. Characterized by bravery; val- iant ; redoubtable. [AS. dyhtig, fr. dugan, to be strong ; Dan. dygtig, able, fr. due, to avail; Sw. dugtig, Ic. dygdhugr, fr. Sw. and Ic. duga, to avail. See Do.] —Dough'' tily, -t Y-lT, adv. — Dough/ tiness, n. Douse, dows, v. t. [doused (dowst), dousing.] To thrust or plunge into water ; to dip. [Not the same as dowse, q. v. J [Sw. dunsa, to plump down.] Dove, duv, n. A bird of the pigeon family, some species of which are domesticated; a pigeon; esp. tame pigeon. [AS. dufa, OS. dura.] — Dove'-cot, -cote, -kot, n. A building or box for doves. — Dove r - tail, n. (Carp.) A joint or tenon . . . _ . made by letting one piece, in the Annn \\ form of a dove's tail spread, into a \ y^^jAOLD corresponding cavity in another, so V_//_ALALaL/ that it cannot be drawn out. — v. ' [-tailed (-tald), -tailing.] To uni by, etc. ; to fit ingeniously. — Dove tail-mold / ing, n. (Arch.) An or ment in Norman architecture, con- ^„ v „t„ii. sisting of a rounded molding form- ing a series of figures in the form of a dove's tail. Dover's Powder, do , verz-pow /, der. (Med.) A com- pound of ipecacuanha, opium, and sulphate of potash or sugar of milk, a sedative and sudorific. [Named fr. the inventor.] Do ,vabl6. Dowager. See under Dower. Dowdy, dow'dT:, a. Awkward; vulgar-looking. — n. An awkward, ill-dressed woman. [Scot, dawdle, slovenly, daw, da, sluggard, drab, Goth, dauths.] — Dow'dyish, a. Like a dowdy. — Dow'diness, n. Dowel, dow'el, v.t. [-eled (-eld), -eling.] To fasten together by dowels. — n. A dowel-pin ; a piece of wood driven into a wall, so that other pieces may be nailed to it. [F. douette, a tap or socket, G. doebel, a peg, plug.] — Dow'el-pin, n. A pin of wood or metal used for joining two pieces, as of wood, stones, etc. Dower, dow'er, n. Endowment; gift; property with which a woman is endowed, esp. that which a woman brings to a husband in marriage, or that portion of a man's real estate which his widow en- joys during her life, or to which a woman is en- titled after the death of her husband. [OF. doaire, douaire, LL. dotarium, fr. L. dotare, -atum, to endow, fr. dos, dot is, gift, dowry, Gr. dos, a gift, Skr. da, to give.] — Dow'ered -erd, a. Furnished with dower, or a portion. — Dow'erless, a. Desti- tute of, etc. — Dow'ry, -rt, n. A gift ; the estate which a woman brings to her husband in marriage; portion given with a wife ; dower. — Dot, dot, n. In France and in Louisiana, a dowry. [F., fr. L. dos.] — Do'tal, a. Pert, to, constituting, or comprised in, etc. — Dota'tion, n. Act of bestowing a dowry on a woman, or of establishing funds for the sup- port of (an institution, charity, etc.). — Dow' able, a. Capable of being endowed; entitled to dower. — Dow'ager, -jer, n. (Eng. Law.) A widow en- dowed, or having a jointure. A title given in Eng. to a widow, to distinguish her from the wife of her husband's heir bearing the same name. [OF. cloua- giere.) — Queen dowager. The widow of a king. Dowlas, dowlas, n. A kind of coarse linen cloth. [Prob. fr. Doullens, in France.] Down, down, n. Fine, soft, hairy outgrowth from the skin or surface of animals or plants. [Ic. dunn, Sw. dim, Dan. duun; s. rt. fume, dust.] — Down'y, -t, a. Covered with, made of, or like, down; soft; quiet. Down, down, n. A hillock of sand thrown up by the wind near the shore; a tract of sandy, level," and barren land. pi. A road for shipping in the Eng. Channel. [AS. dun, a hill, Ir. and Ga. dun, hill, fort] Down, down, prep. In a descending direction along; toward the mouth of a river. — adv. In a descend- ing direction; tending to a lower place or condition; from a remoter or higher antiquity; to a less bulk; in a low position or condition; on the ground; in humility, dejection, misery, etc. — a. Downcast ; dejected; downright; plain; absolute; positive; downward; proceeding from the chief terminus. — n.pl. A state of depression; abasement; failure, — as, ups and downs. [Corrup. of ME. adoivn, AS. of- dune, off, or from, the hill. See above.] — Down in the mouth. Low spirited; dejected. — D.with. Take down, throw down, put down. — Up and d. With rising and falling motion; back and forth; hither and thither. — Down'cast, a. Cast downward; di- rected to the ground; flowing or circulating down- ward. — n. (Mining.) The ventilating shaft down which air passes to a mine. — fall, n. A falling downward; sudden descent from rank, reputation, happiness, etc. ; destruction ; ruin. fallen, a. Fallen; ruined'. — haul, n. (Naut.) A rope made fast to the upper corner of a sail, to haul it down. — -heart'ed, a. Dejected in spirits. hill, n. Decliv- ity ; slope. — a. Descending ; sloping. pour, «. A pouring downwards, as of rain. — right, adv. Straight down ; perpendicularly ; in plain terms; absolutely. — a. Plain ; artless ; unceremonious ; blunt, — said of persons ; undisguised ; absolute ; unmixed, — said of things. sit ting. n. Act of sitting down; repose. — stairs, a. Below; upon a lower floor. — adv. Down the stairs ; to a lower floor.- — throw, n. (Geol.) A dislocation in strata, in which the beds on one side appear thrown below the corresponding strata on the other. trod, -trod'den, a. Trodden under foot. — ward, -wards, adv. From a higher place to a lower; in a descend- ing course ; from a remote time. — ward, a. Mov- ing or extending to a lower place; tending toward the earth or its center ; descending from a head or source ; tending to a lower condition or state. Dowry. See under Dower. Dowse, dows, v. t. [dowsed (dowst), dowsing.] To strike in the face. (Naut.) To strike or lower in haste, slacken suddenly. [Xorw. dusa, to cast down from, OD. doesen, to beat heavily, strike : prob. s. rt. dash, not s. rt. douse.] — To extinguish. [AS. dwaescan, to extinguish.] Doxology, doks-oKo-jT, n. A short hymn of praise to God. [LL. and Gr. doxologia, fr. Gr. doxa, glory (lit. opinion, fr. dokein, to think), and legem, to speak.] — Doxolog'ical, a. Pert, to, etc. Doxy, doks'I, n. A sweetheart, mistress, or para- mour; a prostitute. [EFriesic dokke, Sw. docka, MHG^ tocke, a doll.] Doze, doz, v. i. [dozed (dozd), dozing.] To slum- ber, sleep lightly, be drowsy or half asleep. — v. t. To pass or spend in drowsiness. — n. A light sleep ; drowse ; slumber. [Ic. and Sw. dial, dusa, Dan. dose, to doze, AS. cnvses, stupid ; s. rt. dizzy, and perh. daze, dull, dwell.] — Do'zy. -z i, a. Liclined to sleep ; drowsy ; sluggish. — Do'ziness, n. Dozen, duz'n, n. ; pi. Dozen (before another noun) or Dozens, -nz. A collection of 12 individuals ; a set of 12 ; an indefinite number. [OF. dozaine, fr. doze, L. duodecim, twelve. See Duodecimal.] Drab, drab, n. A woman of vile character ; a strum- pet; prostitute. [Ga. drabag, Ir. drabog, a slattern, Ir. drub, a spot, stain.] Drab, drab, n. A thick, woolen cloth of a dun color ; a dull brownish-yellow or gray color. — a. Of a dun color. [F. drap, Sp. trapo, L. drappus, cloth.] Drabble, drab'bl, v. t. [-bled (-bid), -bung.] To draggle; to wet and befoul. — v.i. To fish for bar- bels with a long line and rod. — Draff, draf, n. Ptef- use ; lees ; dregs ; hog-wash ; "rains given to cows. [Ic, D., and Sw. draf, draff, Dan. drav, dregs, Ga. drabh, grains of malt, Ir. drabh, grains, refuse: s. rt. drab.] — Draffy, -T, a. Waste ; worthless. Drachma, drak/ma, n. ; E.pl. -mas, -maz. L. pi. -mje, -me. A Greek silver coin ; a Greek weight of about 2 dwt. 7 gr. Troy. TL. : Gr. drachme, lit. a handful, used of a coin and of a weight, fr. drassesthai. to grasp.] — Dram, Drachm, dram, n. In apothecaries' weight, l-8th ounce, or 60 grains ; in avoirdupois weight, l-16th ounce ; a minute quantity, mite ; as much liquor as is drunk at once ; habitual intem- perance. [OF. drame, drachme.] Draconian, dra-ko / 'nT-an, a. Pert, to Draco, an Athe- nian lawgiver, who punished all crimes with death; rigorous ; cruel. Draft, draft, n. Act of drawing, esp. of loads by beasts. (Mil.) A selection of men from a military band, also from any collection of persons. An or- der directing the payment of money ; bill of ex- change; deduction from the gross weight of goods ; a figure described on paper ; sketch ; outline ; depth am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; tn, Ice ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; DRAG 163 DRAW of water necessary to float a ship ; a current of air. — v. t. To draw the outline of, delineate ; to com- pose and write : to draw from a military band or post, or from any company; to detach. [Corrup. of draught, q. v. under Draw.]— Draff -horse, n. A horse employed in drawing, esp. heavy loads. — Drafts'man, n. Same as Draughtsman. —Drafts, n. A game. [See Draughts, under Draw.] Drag, drag, v. t. [dragged (dragd), dragging.] To draw along by main force, pull, haul ; to pulverize (land) by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to pass through" (water) with a drag ; to draw along labori- ously, as something burdensome ; to pass in pain or with difficulty. — v. t. To be drawn along on the ground ; to move heavily or slowly onward ; to fish with a drag. — n. A net, to be drawn along the bot- tom under water, to raise sunken bodies; a sledge for heavy bodies ; a carriage; a heavy harrow, for break- ing up clods ; a burglar's implement for forcing safes ; something to retard the progress of a mov- ing body ; a clog ; a heavy motion, as if dragged along. (Founding.) The bottom part of a flask. [A form of draw, q. v. ; Sw. dragga, to search with a grapnel, fr. drag, a grapnel, Dan. drag, a pull, draught, haul, Ic. drag, iron rim on a sledge, Sw. and Ic. draga, Dan. drage, to draw.] — Drag'-bar, n. A coupling used on railroads. net, n. A fishing net drawn along the bottom of the water. — sheet, n. (Naut.) A contrivance to lessen the drift of a vessel in a gale. — Draggle, drag'gl, v. t. [-gled (-gld), -GLING.] To dirty by drawingon the ground or on wet grass ; to drabble. — v. i. To become wet or dirty by, etc. [Freq. of drag.] Dragtfes, dra-zha', n. pi. (Pharmacy.) Sugar-coated pills, etc. [F., fr. NL. and Gr. tragemata, sweet- meats. See Dredge, v. t.] Dragoman, drag'o-man, n. ; pi. -MAM'S. An inter- preter, in the Levant and the East. [Sp. ; Ar. tarju- man, interpreter, Chald. targum, interpretation.] Dragon, drag'un, n. (Myth.) A monstrous winged serpent or liz- z a r d, with crested head and claws. A fierce, violent person. (As- tron.) A north- ern constella- tion figured as a dragon. A luminous ex- halation from marshy grounds, mov- ing like a winged ser- pent ; a short musket hooked to a swivel at- Dragon, tached to a soldier's belt, decorated with a drag- on's head at the muzzle. (Zool.) A genus of E. Indian reptiles, having an extension of the ribs, covered with a fringe-like arrangement of the skin, which enables it to glide through the air for short distances. [In Scripture the term dragon is applied to marine fishes or serpents, to venomous land ser- pents, and to Satan.] [F. and Sp. ; L. draco, Gr. drakon, lit. sharp-sighted one, f r. drakein, Skr. dric, to see.] — Drag'on-fish, n. The dragonet. fly, n. (Entom.) A genus of swift insects, having strongly reticulated wings and along body.— Drag'- on's-blood. n. A red, resinous substance obtained from several tropical trees. — head, n. (Bot.) A plant of several species. (Astron.) The ascending node of a planet, indicated in almanacs by the sym- bol SI. — tail, n. The descending node of a planet, indicated by IS. — Drag'onet, n. A little dragon. (Ichth.) A fish of the goby family. — Dragoon', -goon', n. (Mil.) A cavalry soldier, — formerly trained to serve also on foot. — v. t. [dragooned (-goond'), -gooning.] To reduce to subjection or f>ersecute, by soldiers ; to harass, force, persecute. F. and Sp., dragoon, also dragon, perh. fr. using the musket so named.] — Dragoon'-bird, «. (Omith.) A Brazilian bird, having a large_ crest of feathers above the bill. — Drag'onade', -nad', n. The perse- cution of French Protestants by soldiery under Louis XIV. ; any devastating incursion. Drain, dran, v. t. [drained (drand), draining.] To draw off by degrees ; to empty or exhaust of ; to make gradually dry or empty; to exhaust of wealth, resources, etc. ; to filter. — v. i. To flow off gradu- ally; to be emptied of liquor by flowing or dropping. — h. Act of draining, or of emptying by drawing off ; that by which anything is drained, a channel, trench, water-course, sewer. [AS. drehnigean, dren- ian, to drain, Ic. dragua, to draw along ; s. rt. drag, dreg.] — Drain'er, n. — Drain'able, a. — Drain'age, -ej, n. A draining; mode in which the waters of a country pass off by its streams. (Engin.) System of drains removing water from towns, etc. Drake, drak, n. The male of theduck kind; thedrake- fly; a small piece of artillery. [Contr. of ME. en- drake, male duck, fr. AS. ened, duck ; OIc. atulriki, drake, fr. ond, duck ; Sw. anddrake, Dan. andrik, drake, fr. and, duck ; Goth, reiks, chief, mighty.] Dram. See under Drachma. Drama, dra'ma or dra'ma, n. A composition, to be acted, representing phases of human life ; a real series of events invested with dramatic unity. [L. and Gr., fr. Gr. dran, to do, act.]— Dramatic, -ical, a. Pert., appropriate to, or resembling, a drama. — Dramatically, adv. By representation ; in the manner of the drama. — Dram'atist, n. Author of a dramatic composition ; writer of plays. — Dram'a- tize, -tlz, v. t. [-tized (-tizd), -tizing:] To com- pose in the form of the drama, represent in, etc. — Dram'atis Perso'nae, -ne. The characters repre- sented in a play; interlocutors in a drama. — Dram'- atur'gy, -ter'jt, n. Art of dramatic poetry and rep- resentation. [Gr. ergein, to work.] Drape, drap, v. i. [draped (drapt), draping.] To make cloth. — v. t. To cover or adorn with drapery. [F. draper, to make cloth, fr. drap, cloth. See Drab.] — Dra'per, n. One who sells cloths. — Dra'- pery, -per-T, n. Occupation of a draper ; cloth, or woolen stuffs in general; garments witli which any- thing is draped; hangings of any kind, esp. clotn- ing of the human figure in sculpture and in paint- ing. Drastic, dras'tik, a. (Med.) Acting with violence; powerful. [Gr. drastikos, fr. dran. See Drama.] Draught, etc. See under Draw. Dravidian, dra-vid'T-an, a. Pert, to the aboriginal races of India, esp. those of the southern districts ; pert, to the languages of S. India, apparently the native idioms before the invasion of tribes speak- ing Sanskrit, — the Tamil being the most important. [Drarida, Skr. name for southern Hindostan.] Draw, draw, v. t. [imp. drew (drob) ; p. p. drawn ; drawing.] To bring toward or after one by force ; to pull along, drag ; to attract, entice, bring forth, as, to pull from a receptacle, extract, deduce from premises, receive from a lottery, win; to remove the contents of, as, to drain by emptying, extract the bowels of; to inhale, utter or produce by inhalation; to extend in length, stretch ; to extend, or produce, as a line on any surface, form by marking, produce, as a sketch or picture ; to form a figure or picture of, delineate, depict ; to write in due form, prepare a draught of; to require a depth of (water) for floating, — said of a vessel ; to sink in water. — v. i. To pull, exert strength in drawing ; have force to drag along ; to exert an attractive force. (Med.) To act as a sinapism, — said of a blister, poultice, etc. To furnish transmission to smoke, gases, etc.; to un- sheathe ; to sketch, paint, etc. ; to become con- tracted, shrink ; to move, come, or go, lit., to draw one's self, — with prepositions and adverbs; to make a written demand for money deposited or due. — n. Act of drawing, draught ; a lot or chance drawn ; part of a bridge raised up, swung round, or drawn aside. [ME. drawen, AS. and OS. dragan; s. rt. drag. See Drag] — Drawn butter. Butter melted for use as gravy. — D. game, or battle. One in which neither party wins ; one equally contested. — To draw a curtain. To cause a curtain to slide, in closing or unclosing. — To d. back. To receive back, as duties on goods. — To d. in. To bring or pull in, collect; to entice, inveigle. — To d. interest. To pro- duce or gain interest. — To d. off. To withdraw, abstract. — To d. on. To bring on, occasion, cause. — To d. up. To compose, draught, form in writing; to arrange in order, as troops ;* to array. — Draw'er, n. One who, or that which, etc. One who draws liquor ; one who delineates, a draughtsman ; one who draws a bill of exchange or order for payment ; thing drawn ; a sliding box in a case ; pi. an under- garment for the legs. — Drawee', n. Person to whom an order or bill of exchange is addressed, or on whom it is drawn. — Draw'back, n. A discourage- ment or hindrance. (Com.) Money paid back ; son, cube, full ; moon, fott ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNDON, chair, get Drawl 1G4 DRILL esp. duties paid back by the government, on ex- portation of commodities on which they were levied. bridge, n. A bridge to be raised up, let down, or drawn aside. See Castle. head, n. {Railroad Much.) A buffer to which a coupling is attached. — -knife, Draw'ing-knife, n. A joiner's tool for shav- ing off surfaces, by drawing it toward one. — Draw'- ing, n. Act of pulling or attracting ; a representa- tion on a plain surface of the appearance of objects; distribution of prizes in a lottery.— Drawing-room, n. A room for the reception of company ; room to which company withdraws from the dining-room ; company assembled in such a room ; a reception of company in it. [Prop. withdrawing-room.']—'DraM.ght, draft, n. Act of drawing or pulling ; as, of moving loads, of drawing a net, of drinking, (Mil.) of draw- ing men from a military band or from any company, of delineating; representation; thing drawn, as, that taken by sweeping with a net; quantity drawn in at once in drinking; a potion or potation : (Mil.) forces drawn, a detachment ; a sketch, outline, or repre- sentation ; (Com.) an order for payment of money, bill of exchange, draft; a current of air ; that which draws, as, a sink or drain ; pi. (Med.) a mild vesi- catory, a sinapism. Capacity of being drawn. (Jtiaut.) Depth of water necessary to float a ship, esp. when laden. (Com.) Allowance on goods, to insure full weight, pi. A game played on a check- ered board; checkers. The bevel given to the pat- tern for a casting, that it may be drawn from the sand without injury to the mold. — a. Used for drawing; drawn directly from the barrel, etc. — v.t. To draw out, call forth". [Fr. AS. dragan ; D. and Dan. dragt, a load, Dan. dragen, to draw ; same as draft, q. v.] — Draught'-board, n. Board on which draughts are played. —Draughts'' man, n. ; pl.rMES. One who draws writings or designs. Drawl, drawl, v. i. and t. [drawled (drawld), drawl- ing.] To utter in a slow, lengthened tone. — n. A lengthened utterance of the voice. [Extension of draw; D. dralen, Ic. dralla (= drag-la), to loiter.] Dray, dra, n. A low cart for heavy burdens drawn by a horse; a drag; a squirrel's nest. [AS. drsege, a draw-net, fr. dragan, Sw. drog, a dray, lit. thing drawn. See Drag, Draw.] — Dray'age, -ej, n. Use of a dray, or charge therefor. — Dray'man, n. ; pi. -men. One who attends a dray. Dread, dred, n. Overwhelming apprehension of dan- ger; reverential fear; awe; terror; dismay; an object of fear. — a. Exciting fear; terrible; frightful; ven- erable in the highest degree. — v. t. To fear in a great degree; to regard with terrific apprehension. — v. i. To be in great fear. [AS. drssdan, OS. dradan, OHG. tratan, to dread.] — Dread'ful, -ful, a. In- spiring dread, awe, or reverence; terrible ^shocking. — Dreadlully, adv. — Dread'fulness, n. — Dread y - less, a. Free from dread; intrepid. — Dread'naught. -nawt, n. A fearless person ; a garment of thick cloth, to exclude storm and cold; the cloth itself. Dream, drem,n. A series of thoughts in sleep; a sleep- ing vision; an idle fancy or suspicion; revery; va- gary. — v. i. [dreamed (dremd) or dreamt (dremt), dreaming.] To have images in the mind, during slumber; to let the mind run on in revery; to antici- pate as a coming reality; to imagine. — v. t. To im- agine, think of, or believe in a dream, or in an anal- ogous state. [AS., a sweet sound, harmony, joy, OS. drom, joy, dream, Dan. and Sw. drom, D. droom, Ic. draumr, G. traum, dream; s. rt. drum, drone ; not s. rt. L. dormire, to sleep.] — To dream away, out, through, etc. To pass in revery or inaction; to spend in idle vagaries. — Dreamier, n. — Dream'y, -f, a. [dreamier; dreamiest.] Full of dreams; appro- priate to dreams. — Dreamless, a. Free from, etc. Drear, Dreary, drer'T, a. [drearier; -iest.] Excit- ing cheerless sensations orassociations; comfortless; dismal; gloomy. [AS. dreorig, sad, orig. bloody, fr. dreor, blood, gore, G. traurig, sad, fr. OHG. tror, gore.] — Drear'ily, -t-lf, adv.— Dreariness, n. Dredge, drej, n. An instrument to take by dragging, esp. a machine for taking up mud, etc., from the bed of a stream. — v.t. [dredged (drejd), dredging.] To catch, gather, or deepen with a dredge. [OF. drege, D. dregnet, AS. draege-net, drag-net: fr. D. dragen, AS. dragan, to draw. See Drag.] — Dredg'- er, n. — Dredglng-machine', n. An engine to take up mud from the bottom of rivers, docks, etc. Dredge, drej, v. t. To sprinkle flour on (meat, etc.). — n. A mixture of oats and barley sown together. [OF. dragde, mixed grain, digestive powder, now a sugar plum, It. treggea, fr. Gr. tragemata, dried fruits, fr. trogein, to gna.w. See Dragees.J — Dredg'- er, n. A utensil for dredging meat. Dregs, dregz, n. pi. Corrupt or defiling matter con- tained in a liquid, or precipitated from it: feculence; lees : sediment; the vilest part of anything. [Ic. dregg, Sw. dragg, lees, dregs, lc.draga, to draw; not s. rt. G. dreck, dirt, nor Gr. trux, dregs.] — Dreg'- gish, a. Full of, or foul with, lees; feculent.— Dreg'- gy, -gT, a. Containing, etc.— Dreg'giness, n. Drench, drench, v. t. [drenched (drencht), drench- ing.] To cause to drink; esp. to put a potion down the throat of, as of ahorse; to purge violently; to wet thoroughly, soak, saturate with liquid. — n. A drink; draught; esp. a potion of medicine forced down the throat ; one that causes purging. [AS. drencan, to drench, fr. drincan, to drink, D. drettken, to water (a horse), Ic. drekkja, Sw. dranka, to steep, G. traenken, to soak.] —Drench'' er, n. Dress, dres, v. t. [dressed (drest) or drest, dress- ing.] To make straight. (Mil.) To arrange as sol- diers in a straight line, align. To adjust, put in good order; to treat with remedies, as a sore; to prepare for use, get ready. (Mach.) To cut to proper di- mensions; to smooth or finish work. To put clothes upon, attire, array, adorn; to break and train for use, as a horse. — v. i. (Mil.) To arrange one's self in a line of soldiers. To clothe one's self. — n. Clothes; garments: a lady's gown; attention to ap- parel, or skill in adjusting it. [OF. dresser, drescer t to set up, arrange, dress, fr. LL. drictus, contr. fr. L. directus, direct, straight.] — To dress up, or out. To dress elaborately, artificially, or pompously. — To d. a ship. (Naut.) To deck her with colors. — Dress r - er, n. One who, etc.; esp. a surgeon's assistant who dresses wounds, etc.; a table on which food is pre- pared; a cupboard for dishes, etc. — Dressing, ru Dress; raiment; an application to a sore or wound; manure spread over land. (Cookery.) Stuffing ; forcemeat. Gum, starch, etc., used in preparing silk, linen, etc. (Arch.) An ornamental molding around doors, windows, etc. — Dress'y, -i, a. At- tentive to, or showy in, dress. — Dress'-coat, n. A coat with narrow skirts, disting. fr. a frock-coat. — -goods, n. pi. Fabrics for womens' and childrens' outer garments. mak'er, n. A maker of gowns, etc.; mantua-maker. — Dressing-gown, n. A light gown, used while dressing ; a loose wrapper worn within doors by gentlemen. room, n. An apart- ment in which to arrange one's dress, etc. Dribble, Driblet. See under Drop. Drier. See under Dry. Drift, etc. See under Drive. Drill, dril, v. t. [drilled (drild), drilling.] To pierce or bore with a drill; to train in the military art, instruct in the rudiments of any branch of knowledge. — v. i. To muster for military or other exercise. — n. A pointed instrument for boring holes in metals and other hard substances: see Bit, under Bite; a drill-press; training of soldiers in the military art; instruction and exercise in any busi- ness. [D. drillen, to n bore, also to train to Jl arms ; s. rt. thrill.] — - Drilling, n. Act of piercing with a drill. — Drill'-press, n. A ma- chine-tool for boring in metal. — sergeant, -sar'jent, n. A non- commissioned officer who drills soldiers. Drill, dril, v. t. and i. To sow (seeds) in rows, drills, or channels. — n. An implement for making holes for sow- ing seed; a furrow to put seed into. [Same as trill, cor- r u p t . of trickle ; cf. st W. rhillio, i to put in ac=# row, f r . rhill, row, tren c h . ] — Dril'ling, n. Act of plant- ing with a drill. —Drill'' -plow, -plough, n. grain in drills. Drill-press. A plow for sowing Sm, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; in, ice ; 5dd, tone, 8r ; DRILLING 165 DROPSY Drilling, drilling, n. A coarse linen or cotton cloth, for trowsers, etc. [G. drillich, fr. L. trilex, -icis, hav- ing-j threads, fr. tres, three, and licium, a thread.] Drink, drink, v. i. [imp. deaxk, formerly drunk; p. p. druxk or drank, formerly drunken; drinking.] To swallow anything liquid; to partake of intoxi- cating liquors in merriment, feasting, etc., or to ex- cess. — v.i. To swallow (liquids), imbibe, absorb; to take in through the senses, hear, see. — n. Liquor to be swallowed. [AS. drincan, D. drinken, to drink; B. rt. drench, drown, perh. drag.] — To drink to. To salute in drinking. — Drink 'or, n. One who, etc.; esp. who uses spirituous liquors to excess.— Drink'- able, a. — Drunk, «. Overcome by drinking; intox- icated; inebriated. — Drunk'en, -n,a. Drunk; given to excessive drinking; pert, to or proceeding from intoxication. — Drunkenness, ». State of being, etc.; inebriety; disorder of the faculties as if from intoxication. — Drunk'ard, n. One who habitually drinks to excess; a toper, inebriate. Drip, etc. See under Drop. Drive, driv, v. t. [imp. drove (drov); p. p. driven (driv'n); driving.] To push forward, compel to move on; to chase, hunt; to urge on and guide, as beasts drawing a vehicle; to take in a carriage. (Min- ing.) To dig horizontally. To urge, impel, hurry for- ward, force, constrain; to carry on, prosecute. — v. i. To rush and press with violence; to be impelled; to proceed by urging on a vehicle or the animals drawing it; to aim or tend to a point. — n. An ex- cursion in a carriage, — disting. fr. a ride, which is taken on horseback; a road prepared for driving; a strong direct blow given to a cricket ball. [AS. drifan, D. drijven, Ic. drifa, Sw. dri/va, Dan', drive, MHO. triben, to drive.]— To let drive. To aim a blow, strike with force. — Driv'er, n. One who or that which, etc. ; esp. one who drives horses, runs a locomotive, oversees slaves, etc. (Mach.) That which communicates motion to something else. (Naut.) The after-sail in a ship, etc.; spanker: see Sail. — Drive'-way, n. A passage-way for carriages.— Driv' - - ing-band, n. (Mach.) A belt or gearing for trans- mitting power to machinery. — shaft, n. A shaft for, etc. — wheel, n. A wheel that communicates motion; wheel of a locomotive upon which the en- gine acts. —Drift, n. That which is driven; a mass of matter forced into its present position; a drove or flock, as of cattle, birds, etc.; act or motion of drift- ing, force which impels; course along which any- thing is driven; tendency of an act, argument, etc.; object aimed at; import of words. (Arch.) The hor- izontal force which an arch exerts. (Geol.) A col- lection of earth and rocks distributed over portions of the earth's surface. (Mech.) A conical hand- tool for shaping a hole in metal. (Mil.) A tool for driving down the composition in a firework. (Min- ing.) A passage under ground. (Naut.) Direction of a current; distance to which a vessel is drawn off from her desired course ; a piece in the sheer-draught, where the rail is cut off. — v. i. To be driven along by a current of water; to be driven into heaps. (Min- ing.) To follow a vein, prospect. — v. t. To drive into heaps. [D., a drove, current; Ic, a snow-drift; Sw., impulse; G. trift, a drove, herd.] — Drift 'y, -Y, a. Full of, or tending to form, drifts. — Drift'-sail, n. (Naut.) A sail used under water in a storm, to keep the head of a vessel right upon the sea, and prevent her driving too fast in a current. — way, n. A common way for driving cattle in. (Mining & Naut.) Same as Drift. — wood,?*. Wood drifted or floated by water. — Drove, drov, n. A collection of cattle, etc., for driving or in motion-, a moving crowd of people. (Agr/) A drain or channel for irrigating land. [AS. drcif, fr. drifan.] — Drov^er, n. A driver of sheep, cattle, etc. Drivel, drivel, v. i. [-eled (-Id), -eling.] To let spit- tle flow from the mouth, like a child or dotard; to be weak or foolish; to dote. — n. Slaver; saliva flowing from the mouth; unmeaning utterance; nonsense; a fool; idiot. [ME. drauelen, Platt-Deutsch drabbeln, to slaver; s. rt. Ir. drab, a stain: see Drab; Sw.draf- vel, nonsense.]— Driveler, drivl-er, n. A slabberer; idiot; fool. Drizzle, driz'zl, v. i. [-zled (-zld), -zling.J To rain gently, fall in very small drops. — v. t. To shed in minute drops. — n. Fine rain or mist; mizzle. [Freq. f r. AS. dreosan, to fall, Dan. drysse, to fall in drops.] — Driz'zly, -zlT, a. Shedding small rain. Droll, drol, a. Fitted to provoke laughter ; queer ; funny; comical. — n. One who raises mirth by odd tricks; jester; buffoon; antic; something exhibited for sport; a farce. [F. droie, a w r ag, droler, to play the was, drolerie, waggery, D. drollig, odd, Sw. and Ic. troll, a hobgoblin.]— Droll'ish, a. Somewhat droll. — Droll'ery, -er-T, n. Quality of being droll; archness; fun. Dromedary, drum/e-dSr-Y, n. A species of camel hav- ing one bunch on the back, — disting. f r. the B actri an Camel, which has two. [OF. dromedaire, LL. dromedarius, L. dromas, fr. Gr. dramein, Skr. dram, to run.] Drone, dron, n. The male of | the honey-bee, which makes i no honey, but after living a few weeks, is killed or driven from the hive; a lazy fellow; Dromedary, sluggard. — v. i. [droned (drond), droning.] To live in idleness. [AS. dran, Dan. drone, Sw. dro- nare, fr. drona, to drone, fr. the sound made by the insect.] — n. A humming, low sound; that which gives out a monotonous tone, as, the largest tube of the bagpipe. — v.i. To give a low, heavy, dull sound. — v. t. To read or recite in a dull, monotonous tone. [D. dreunen, to make a trembling noise, Sw. drona, to drone, bellow, Dan. drone, to rumble, Skr. dhran, to sound.] — Dron'ish, a. Like a drone; idle; slug- gish. — Drone'-bee, n. The male bee. — fly, n. A two-winged insect resembling the drone-bee. — pipe, n. The largest tube of a bagpipe. Drool, drool, v. i. To drop saliva. [Contr. fr. drivel.] Droop, droop, v. i. [drooped (droopt), drooping.] To sink or hang down, as an animal, plant, etc., from weakness ; to grow faint, be dispirited, flag, languish. [Ic. drupa ; s. rt. drjupa, to drip, drop.] Drop, drop, n. The quantity of fluid which falls in one small spherical mass, globule about to fall, smallest easily measured portion of a fluid; what- ever is arranged to drop, hang, or fall from an ele- vated position, as, a door or platform opening down- ward, trapdoor, machine for lowering weights to a ship's deck, contrivance for lowering a gas jet, cur- tain which drops in front of a stage, etc.; a drop- press. (Mach.) Distance of a shaft below the base of a hanger, pi. Any medicine measured by drops. (Naut.) Depth of a sail, from head to foot, amid- ships.— v. t. [dropped (dropt), -ping.] To pour or let fall in drops, distill; to cause to descend sud- denly, let fall; to let go, dismiss, set aside; to com- municate in an indirect, cautious, or gentle manner; to lower, as a curtain, the muzzle of a gun, etc.; to send by dropping into the post-office box, as a letter; to cover with drops, speckle, bedrop; to give birth to, — said of sheep, cattle, etc. — v. i. To distill, fall in globules, let drops fall; to descend suddenly, abruptly, or spontaneously ; to die suddenly, come to an end, cease; to come unexpectedly; to fall or be depressed; to lower. (Naut.) To be deep in ex- tent. [AS. dropa, D. drop, Ic. dropi, Sw. droppe, a drop; AS. dropian, Ic. drjupa, to drop.] — Drop se- rene. (Med.) An affection of the retina, causing blindness, — prob. so called because it produces no visible change in the organization of the eye. — To drop astern. (Naut.) To pass or move toward the stern; to slacken the velocity of a vessel, to let an- other pass her. — To d. down. (Naut.) To move down a river, or toward the sea. — Droplet, n. A little drop. — Drop'per, n. — Drop '-letter, n. A let- ter dropped into a post-office box, for delivery in the same town. — press, n. A machine for emboss- ing, punching, etc., hy means of a weight made to drop on an anvil. — scene, n. A curtain which drops in front of the stage, in a theater. — wort, -wert, n. (Bot.) A species of Spirsea, including some orna- mental shrubs.— Drip, v. i. and t. [dripped (dript), dripping.] To let fall in drops. — n. A falling in drops; that which falls in drops. (Arch.) Edge of a roof; eaves; cornice. [Dan. dryp, a drop, dryppe, to drip, AS. drypan, to let drop.] — Drip'ping, n. What falls in drops, as fat from roasting meat. — Drip'-stone, n. (Arch.) A tablet over door-ways, windows, etc., to throw off rain. — Drip 'ping-pan, n. A pan to receive the fat dropping from roasting meat. — Drib'ble, -bl, v. i. [-bled (-bid), -bling.] To fall in drops, or in a quick succession of drops; to slaver, as a child or idiot. — v. t. To throw down in drops. [Freq. of drip.] — Driblet, -let, n. A very small drop; small quantity or sum. Dropsy, drop'sY, n. (Med.) An unnatural collection of serous fluid in any part of the body. (Bot.) A disease of plants, occasioned by excess of water. sfin, cube, full ; moon, fot>t ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, box box, chair, get. DROSKY 166 DUCK [OF. hydropisie, L. hudropisis, Gr. hudrops, fr. hu- aor, water; s. rt. ivater.] — Drop'sical, a. Diseased with, like, or pert, to, dropsy. — Drop'sicalness. n. Drosky, dros^kY, n. A 4-wheeled Eussian carriage ; a kindof victoria used in German cities. [Euss. drojki.] Drosometer, dro-som'e-ter, n. An instrument for measuring the quantity of dew on the surface of a body. [Gr. drosos, dew, and metron, measure.] Dross, dros, n. The scum or extraneous matter of metals, thrown off in meltim*; rust; crust of metals; impure matter; refuse. [AS. dros, prop, what falls, fr. dreosan, to fall, D. droesem, dregsy G. drusen, lees, dregs, druse, ore decayed by the weather.] — Dross'y, -X, a. Composed of, like, or pert, to dross; worthless. — Dross'iness, n. Drought, drowt, n. Dryness of the weather, prevent- ing growth of plants. [AS. drugadhe, fr. drug- ian, to dry, dryge, dry; D. droogte, fr. droog, dry.] — DroughVy, -1, a. Characterized by drought ; wanting rain; arid; adust; thirsty. — Drought 'i- ness, n. — Drouth, n. Same as Drought. Drove, Drover. See under Drive. Drown, drown, v. t. [drowned (drownd), drown- ing.] To overwhelm in water, submerge, deluge; to deprive of life by immersion, sink under water till dead ; to overpower, overcome. — v. i. To be suffocated in water or other fluid. [AS. druncnian, Sw. drunkna, Dan. drukne, to be drowned, fr. Sw. dricka, Dan. drikke, to drink.] Drowse, drowz, v. i. [drowsed (drowzd), drows- ing.] To sleep uosoundly, slumber. — v. t. To make heavy with sleepiness. — n. A slight or imperfect sleep ; a doze. [AS. drusian, to be sluggish.] — Drow'sy, -zl, a. [-sier, -siest.] Inclined to doze; heavy with sleepiness; disposing to sleep ; stupid ; soporific. — Drow'sily, adv. — Drow'siness, n. Drub, drub, v. t. [drubbed (drubd), drubbing.] To beat with a stick, thrash, pommel. — n. A blow with a stick or cudgel; a thump. [AS. drepan, to hit, slay, Ic. drepa, Sw. drapa, Dan. drabe, to kill, Sw. drabba, to hit.] — Drub'ber, n. Drudge, druj, v. i. [drudged (drujd), drudging.] To work hard, labor in mean offices with toil. — n. One who drudges. [Ir. drugaire, a drudge, slave.] — Drudg'er, n. — Drudg'ery, -er-Y, n. Act of drudging; hard labor; ignoble toil. Drug, drug, n. Any substance used in the composi- tion of medicine, or in dyeing or in chemical opera- tions; any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable. — v. i. [drugged (drugd), -ging.] To ad- minister drugs. — v. t. To season with drugs; tinc- ture with something offensive or injurious; dose to excess. [ME. dragges, fr. OF. dragee : see Drage"es and Dredge, v. t. ; or ME. drogges, fr. OF. drogue, It., Sp., and Pg. droga, a drug, trash, rubbish, prob.fr. D. droog, dry.] — Drug'gist, n. One who deals in drugs, esp. one who buys and sells, without compounding them. — Drug'get, n. A coarse woolen cloth, to protect carpets. [OF. droguet, dim. of drogue, Sp. droguete. It. droghetta, dim. of droga.] Druid, droo^id, n. A priest among the ancient Celts in Gaul, Britain, and Germany. [Ir. and Ga. druidh, magician, W. derwydd, a druid.] — Dru'idess, n. A female Druid; enchantress. — Druidlc, -ical, a. Pert, to, or like Druids or their religion. — Druld- ism, n. System of religion, philosophy, etc., of, etc. Drum, drum, n. (Mus.) A hollow cylinder or hemi- sphere, upon which vellum is stretched, to be beaten with a stick. {Mil.) A drummer. Anything drum-shaped, as a sheet-iron radiator, receiving heat from a stove-pipe ; a cylindrical box in which figs, etc., are packed. (AnatJ The tympanum or barrel of the ear. (Arch.) The upright part of a cupola; also the bell-formed part of the Corinthian and composite capitals. (Mech.) A cylinder revolv- ing on an axis, for turning wheels by means of straps around it. (Ichth.) A fish which makes a drumming or grunting sound under water. — v. i. [drummed (drumd), drumming.] To beat on a drum, beat with the fingers, as with drum-sticks; to beat, as the heart, throb; to go about to gather recruits, secure partisans, customers, etc. — v. t. To execute on a drum, as a tune; with out, to expel with beat of drum; with up, to assemble by beat of drum, gather; without up, to solicit the custom of. [Peril, onomat. and s. rt. drone ; Dan. drum, a booming sound, Ic. thruma, to rattle, E. thrum ; D. trom, Dan. tromme, G. trommel, a drum.] — Drum'- mer. n. One who beats, etc.; a traveling salesman. — Drum'ming. n. Act of beating (a drum); act of striking repeatedly with the ends of the fingers, etc.; noise made by a partridge by beating his wings upon his sides. — Drum-fish, n. See Drum, n. — head. n. The upper part of a drum ; top of a capstan, pierced with holes for levers used in turning it. — Drum-head court-martial. (Mil.) A court-martial called sud- denly or on thefield. — major, n. Chief drummer of a regiment; leader of a military band or drum corps when marching. — stick, n. [stick for beating a drum; upper joint of a fowl's leg, shaped like, etc. Drummond-light, drum'mund-lit, n. An intense light, produced by turning 2 streams of gas, one oxygen and the other hydrogen, upon a ball of lime, or a stream of oxygen gas through a flame of alcohol. [Fr. the inventor.] Drunk, Drunkard, etc. See under Drink. Drupe, droop, n. (Bot.) A pulpy, coriaceous or fibrous pericarp or fruit, without valves, containing a nut or stone with a kernel. See Pericarp. [Ir., a stone-fruit, fr. L. drupa, Gr. tiruppa, an over-ripe olive, fr. drupepes, ripened on the tree (drus, tree, and peptein, to cook, ripen), or fr. drupetes, falling from the tree (piptein, to fall).] — Drupa'ceous, -shus, a. Producing, pert, to, or like, etc. — Dru'- pel, >i. Any fleshy or pulpy fruit having many small stony seeds, as the raspberry. Druse, drobs, n. (Mining.) A cavity in a rock, stud- ded within with crystals or filled with water. [G., crystallized piece of ore, Bohem. druza.] Druse, drooz, n. One of a peculiar Arabic-speaking sect or people of Mt. Lebanon, Syria. Dry, dri, a. [drier, driest.] Free from moisture, as (said of the weather) free from rain or mist, (of vegetable matter) from juices or sap, (of animals) not giving milk, (of persons) thirsty, needing drink, (of the eyes) not shedding tears; destitute of that which interests or amuses ; unembellished ; plain ; characterized by shrewdness, or sarcasm ; sharp. (Fine Arts.) Exhibiting a sharp, frigid preciseness of execution. — v. t. [dried (drld), drying.] To free from moisture. — v.i. To grow dry, lose mois- ture; to evaporate wholly, be exhaled. [AS. dryge, D. droog, G. trocken, dry; s. rt. drought, drug, perh. drink.] — Dry-cupping. (Med.) Application of a cupping-glass without scarification of the skin. — D. goods. (Corn.) Cloths, laces, ribbons, etc., disting. fr. groceries. — D. measure. A measure of volume for dry or coarse articles. — D. wine. That in which saccharine matter and fermentation are so balanced, that they have decomposed each other, and no sweetness is perceptible. — To d. up. To scorch or parch with thirst; to stop talking. — Driver, Dry'er, n. — Dry 'rug, a. Adapted to exhaust moisture; rapidly becoming dry and hard. — Dryly, adv. — Dry'ness, n. — Dry'bone, n. (Min.) Smithsonite ; carbonate of zinc. — dock, n. See Dock. — nurse, n. A nurse who attends and feeds a child by hand. — point, n. A needle used in copper-plate en- graving to draw fine lines and make dots in stip- pling and shading. — rot, n. Decay of timber, con- verting its substance into dry powder. — rub, v . t. [dry-rubbed (-rubd), -rubbing.] To rub and cleanse without wetting. — salt'er. n. A dealer in salted or dry meats, pickles, sauces, etc., also in drugs, dye-stuffs, and chemicals. salt'ery, n. Articles kept by, or business of, a dry-salter. Dryad, dri'ad, n. (Myth.) A nymph of the woods. [L. dryas, Gr. druas, fr. drus, tree; s. rt. tree.] Duad, Dual, Duarchy, etc. See under Duo. Dualin. See Nitro-glycerine. Dub, dub, v. t. [dubbed (dubd), -bing.] To strike with a sword and make a knight; to invest with any dignity, entitle; to prepare (a game cock) for fight- ing, by trimming the hackles and cutting off the comb and gills. [AS. dubban, to dub, OSw. and Ic. dubba, to strike; perh. same as dab.V — Dub'ber, n. Dubious, Dubitation, etc. See under Doubt. Ducal, Ducat, Duchy, etc. See under Duke. Duces tecum, du'sez-te'kum. (Law.) A process ordering one to bring specified documents, etc., with him into court. [L., You will bring with you.] Duck, duk, n. A kind of coarse cloth or light canvas, for tents, small sails, bed-sacking, etc. [D. doek, linen cloth, Dan. dug, Sw. duk, G. tuch, cloth.] Duck, duk, n. A water fowl; a dip of the head. [Dan. dukand, Sw. dykfagel, a diver (bird).] — v. t. [ducked (dukt), ducking.] To plunge into water and suddenly withdraw; to immerse; to plunge the head of in water, immediately withdrawing it; to bow, stoop, or nod. — v. i. To plunge the head in water; to drop the head or person suddenly. [D. duiken, to stoop, Dan. dukke, Sw. dyka, to dive]. £m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, Joe ; Odd, t5ne, Or; DUCK 167 DUNG — To make ducks and drakes. To throw a flat stone, etc., obliquely upon the water, making it rebound: to squander. — Lame duck. A de- faulter at the stock ex- change. — Duck'er, n. One who, etc. ; a plun- ger; diver; a cringing, servile person; fawner. — Duck'ling, re. A young duck. — Duck'- bill, re. (Zo'ol.) A mam- miferous animal of Au- Duck (A. boschas). stralia and Van Diemen's Land, having a bill like a duck's, with the head of a quadruped ; ornitho- rhynchus. — Duckling-stool, n. A chair in which common scolds were formerly tied, and plunged into water ; cucking-stool. Duck, duk, re. A pet, darling. [Dan. dukke, Sw. docka, OHG. tocha, doll. See Doxy.] Duct, dukt, re. Any tube by which a fluid or other substance is conducted to its destination. [L. ducere, ductum, to lead. See Douche, Duke.] — Duc'tile, -til, a. Easily led or drawn out; tractable; flexible ; pliable ; obsequious ; capable of being drawn out into wire or threads. [F. ; L. ductilis, f r. ducere.] — Duc'tileness, -til'ity, -T-tY, n. Dudeen, dud'en, re. A short tobacco-pipe. [Ir. dud- heen.] Dudgeon, duj'un, re. A small dagger; hilt of a dagger. [G. degen, sword; MHG., dagger.] Dudgeon, duj'un, re. Anger ; resentment ; malice; ill-will; discord. [W. dychan, a jeer, dygen, malice, resentment, dueg, spleen.] Duds, dudz, n.pl. Old clothes ; tattered garments; effects in general. [Scot, dud, rag, D. todde.] Due. du, a. Owed; proper to be paid or done to an- other ; required by the circumstances ; suitable ; enforced by conscience ; becoming ; appropriate; fit ; appointed ; exact ; liable to come at any mo- ment ; owing; occasioned. — adv. Directly; ex- actly; duly. — re. That which is owed, or which custom, station, or law requires to be paid; a fee; emolument; right; just title or claim. [OF. deu, p. p. of devoir, L. debere, to owe. See Debt.] — Duly, -IT, adv. In a due, fit, or becoming manner; regu- larly: at the proper time. — Due'-bill, n. {Com.) A written acknowledgment of a debt, not payable to order or transferable by indorsement. — Du'ty, -tt, re. What is due from one to another; esp. what one is bound, by any obligation, to do, or refrain from doing ; service rendered ; respectful obedience, — said esp. of military service ; reverence ; regard. (Com.) Tax, toll, impost, or customs; excise. — Du'teous, -te-us, a. Performing what is due; or what law, justice, or propriety requires. — Du'teous- ly, adv. — Du'teousness, n. — Du'tiable, -tt-a-bl, a. Subject to the payment of a duty. — Du'tiful, -ful, a. Performing obligations required by law, justice, or propriety ; submissive to superiors ; controlled by, or proceeding from, a sense of duty ; obedient ; respectful. — Du'tifully, adv. — Du'tifulness, re. Duel, du'el, n. A combat between 2 persons; esp. a premeditated fight between 2 persons to decide a difference. — v. i. To fight in single combat. — v. t. To attack or fight singly. [F. ; It. duello, L. duellum, fr. duo, two ; L. duellum, helium, war.] — Du'elist, re. One who, etc. — DueKlo, n. A duel; practice of dueling; code of laws regulating it. [It.] Duenna. See under Dominie. Duet. See under Duo. Duffel. Duffle, duf r fl, re. A coarse woolen cloth, with thick nap. [D., name of a town in the Netherlands.] Dug, dug, re. A teat, or nipple, esp. of a beast. [Sw. dagga, Dan. daegge, to suckle, Skr. duh, to milk.] Dug. See Dig. Dugong, du-gong', n. A swimming mammal of the E. Indian seas, having the aquatic habits of the whales, but herbivorous. [Malay duyong.] Duke, duk, re. Orig. a leader; chief; in Eng. one of the highest order of nobility next below the Prince of Wales; in some European countries, a sovereign prince without the title of king. [F. due, L. dux, ducis, fr. dueere, to lead; s. rt. tug, duct, conduct, adduce, etc.] — Duke'dom, -dum, n. Seigniory or possessions, title or quality, of a duke. — Duch/ess, re. The consort of a duke; a lady having the sov- ereignty of a duchy in her own right. [F. duchesse, fern, of due.'] — Du^cal, a. Pert, to, etc. [F.] — Du'- cally. adv. — Ducb/y, -T, n. Dukedom. — Duc'at, n. A coin of several countries in Europe, struck in the dominions of a duke. [OF.; It. aucato.] — Duc'a- toon', ». A silver coin of several countries of Eu- rope. [F. & Sp. ducaton, fr. ducat.] Dulcet, duKset, a. Sweet to the taste, the ear, or the mind; luscious ; melodious ; harmonious. [OF. doucct, doled, Olt. dolcetto; OF. dols, dolce, L. dulcis, sweet.] — Dul'cify, -sY-fi, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fyixg.] To make sweet ; sweeten. [L. facere, factum, to make.] — Dul'cifi- ca'tion, n. — DuKcimer, n. A stringed instrument, pla3 r ed on with little sticks Dulcimer, or metallic rods. [OF. doulccmer, Sp. dulcemele, fr. L. dulce rnelos, sweet song, L. and Gr. melos, song.] Dull, dul, a. Slow of understanding ; slow in action, motion, perception, sensibility, etc. ; lacking sharp- ness; blunt; not bright or clear to the eye ; heavy; gross ; insensible ; furnishing little delight or vari- ety ; inanimate; sluggish; tarnished; obtuse. — v. t. [dulled (duld), -ling.] To make dull, stupid, or sluggish ; stupefy ; to make blunt ; to dim or ob- scure ; to deprive of activity. — v. i. To become dull. [AS. dol, dwol, Goth, dwals, foolish, stupid, D. dol, G. toll, mad.] — DulTard, n. A stupid per- son ; dolt ; dunce. — DulKness, n. — Dully, adv. Dulse, duls, n. (Hot.) A sea-weed, which adheres to rocks, and is sometimes eaten. [Scot.] Duly. See under Due. Dumb, dum, a. Without power of speech ; not will- ing to speak ; mute ; silent. [AS. ; Ic. dumbr, Goth. dumbs, G. dumm, mute ; D. dom, Sw. dumb, Dan. dum, stupid.] — Dumbly, adv. — Dumb'ness. n. -~ Dumb '-bells, re. Two spheres of iron connected by a bar, for swinging in the hands. — show, n. Gesture without words; pantomime. — -wait'er, re. A movable frame to carry dishes, etc., from one story to another. — Dumbfound, -founder, v. t. To strike dumb, confuse. — Dumb-bells. Durn'my, -mT, n. One who is dumb; a dumb-waiter; a sham package in a shop ; figure on which clothing is exhibited; a locomotive with condensing engines, and without the noise of escaping steam; the exposed hand when 3 persons play at cards ; a clumsy, awk- ward, or thick-witted fellow ; one who plays a merely nominal part in any action; a thing which is not what it pretends to be. — a. Silent; mute; sham. Dump, dump, n. A gloomy state of the mind ; melan- choly ; despondency, — usually in pi. [Dan., dull, low, Sw. dial, dumpin, melancholy, p. p. of dimba, to steam, D. dompig, damp, misty, fr. dompen, to quench; s. rt. damp.] — Dumpish, a. Dull; stupid; moping. — Dump'ishly, adv. — Dumplshness, re. Dump, dump, v. t. [dumped (dumpt), dumping.] To unload from a cart by tilting it. [Sw. dompa, Sw. dial, dimpa, to fall down plump.] Dumpy, dump'*, a. Short and thick. [Cf. D. domp- neus, a misshapen nose, Ic. dumpa, to thump, Sw. dumpa, to dance awkwardly.] — Dumpling, n. A thick pudding or mass of paste in cookery. Dun, dun, a. Of a dark color ; partaking of brown and black; swarthy; dark; gloomy; obscure. — v.t. To cure, as codfish, so as to give them a dun color. [AS. dunn, dark, Ir. and Ga. donn, brown, W. dron, swarthy.] — Dun'fish, re. Codfish rendered dun by curing. — Dun'msh, a. Somewhat dun. Dun, dun, v. t. [dunned (dund), -ning.] To beset, or ask with importunity, as a debtor, for payment. — n. One who duns ; an urgent demand of payment. [Same as din ; AS. dynnan, Ic. dynja, to make a din, duna, to thunder.] — Dun'ner, n. A dun. Dunce, duns, re. A person of weak intellect ; a dul- lard ; dolt ; thickskull ; simpleton. [Orig. a nick- name applied by the Thomists, or followers of Thomas Aquinas, to the Scotists, disciples of Johan- nes Duns Scotus.] Dunder, duii'der, n. The dregs of cane-juice, used in distilling rum. [Sp. redundar, to overflow.] Dunderhead, dun'der-hed, -pate, -pat, re. A dunce. [Prov. E., fr. D. donder, thunder.] Dune, doon, re. A low hill of sand on a sea-coast. [AS. dun, same as down, q. v.] Dung, dung, n. The excrement of an animal. — v. t. [dunged (dungd), dunging.] To manure with dung. (Calico Print.) To immerse in a bath of cow- sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. DUNGEON 168 DYAD dung diffused in hot water. — v.i. To void excre- ment. [AS. and OFries.; s. rt. dingy.] — Dung'y, -Y, a. Full of, etc. ; nasty ; vile. — Dung'-fork, n. A fork with several tines, used to remove or spread dung. — hill, n. A heap of dung ; any mean situa- tion or condition; a vile abode. Dungeon, dun'jun, n. A donjon, q. v., and see Cas- tle ; a secure prison ; esp. a dark, subterranean place of confinement. [OF. donjon, LL. domnio, dunjo, contr. fr. dominio, a principal possession, dominion. See Domain, Dominate.] Dunker, dunk'er, n. Same as Tunker. Dunlin, dunlin, n. (Ornith.) A species of sandpiper. [Prob. Celtic ; s. rt. dune, down.) Dunnage, duifnej, n. (Naut.) Loose materials laid on a ship's bottom to raise goods above injury by water in the hold; loose articles wedged between parts of the cargo, to hold them steady. [Prob. s. rt. dune.] Duo, du^o, n. (Mus.) A duet. [L., two ; Gr. duo, Skr. dva. See Two.] — Duet, du-ef, n. A musical composition for two performers. [It. duetto, fr. due = L. duo.] — Du'ettfno, -te'no, n. A short duet. [It, dim. of duetto.] — Du'al, a. Expressing or con- sisting of the number 2; pert, to 2. — Du'alism, -izm, n. The dividing into 2 ; anything divided into 2 ; a twofold division ; a system which assumes, or is founded on a double principle. — Du'alist, n. One who believes in dualism. — Dualistlc, a. Consist- ing of 2; pert, to dualism or duality. — Duality, -1-ti, n. That which expresses 2 in number ; division ; separation ; state or quality of being 2. — Du'ad, n. Union of 2 ; duality. [Gr. duas, duados, fr. duo.] — Du'archy, -ar-kT, n. Government by 2 persons. [Gr. arche, government.] — Du'ple, -pi, a. Double. [L. duphts,] — Duple ratio. (Math.) That in which the antecedent term is double the consequent. — SiCi-diqile ratio. The reverse of duple ratio. — Dum- pies, a. Double ; twofold. [L., fr. duo and plicare, -catum, to fold.] — Duplex ratio. (Math.) Product of a ratio. — D. escapement. A peculiar kind of watch escapement, in which, the scape wheel hav- ing 2 sets of teeth, a double action takes place at each vibration of the balance. — Du'plicate, -kat, a. Double ; twofold. — n. That which exactly resem- bles something else ; a copy ; transcript ; "counter- part ; that which is of the same kind as some other thing, but not necessarily resembling it in other re- spects. (Laio.) A document essentially the same as another, and differing from a mere copy in hav- ing all the validity of an original. — v. t. To double; to make a copy of. (Physiol.) To divide into 2 by natural growth or spontaneous action. — Duplicate proportion or ratio. (Math.) The proportion or ratio of squares. — Duplication, n. Act of duplica- ting. (Physiol.) Act or process of dividing by nat- ural growth or spontaneous action. — Duplicative, -tiv, a. Having the quality of doubling. — Du'pli- cature, -chur, n. A doubling ; a fold, as of a mem- brane or vessel. — Duplicity, -plis'I-tT, n. Double- ness of heart, speech, or dealing ; dissimulation ; deceit; guile; deception. (Law.) The use of two or more distinct allegations or answers, where one is sufficient. — Duumvir, dii-uni'ver, n. ; pi. -viki, -vT-ri. One of 2 officers or magistrates in ancient Rome united in the same public functions. [L. duo and vir, man.]— Duum'virate, -rat, n. Union of 2 men in one office ; office, dignity, or rule of, etc. Duodecimal, du-o-des'T-mal, a. Proceeding in com- putation by twelves. [L. duodecim, 12 ; fr. duo and decern, 10.] — Duodecimals, n.pl. (Arith.) A kind of multiplication in which the denominations pro- ceed by twelves, as of feet and inches. — Duodecl- -mo, a. Formed of sheets folded so as to make 12 leaves. — n. ; pi. -mos. A book in which a sheet is folded into 12 leaves ; the size of a book thus com- posed, — usually indicated thus: 12mo, or 12°. [L. in duodecimo, fr. _duodecimus, 12th, fr. duodecim, 12.] — Du'odene, -den, n. (Mus.) A group of 12 tones, arbitrarily used as a unit of construction. [L. duo- deni, 12 apiece.] — Duoden'ary, -den'a-ri, a. Pert, to the number 12 ; twelvefold ; increasing by twelves. — Duode'num, n. (Anat.) The first of the small in- testines, about 12 fingers' breadth in length. [NL.] Dupe, dup, n. One who is misled ; a gull. — v. t. [duped (dupt), duping.] To deceive, trick, mis- lead by imposing on one's credulity. [F., orig. the name of the hoopoe, a bird easily caught.] Duple, Duplicate, Duplicity, etc. See under Duo. Dure, dur, v. i. [dured (durd), during.] To endure, last, continue. [F. durer, L. durare, -atum, fr. durus, hard, lasting, Ir. and Ga. dur, dull, hard, obstinate, firm, W. dir, certain, sure ; Gr. dxmamis, force.] — Dulable, a. Able to endure or continue in a par- ticular condition; not perishable or changeable; per- manent ; firm ; stable ; constant. — Du'rableness, -billty, -ti, n. — Du'rably, adv. — Dur'ance, -ans, n. Continuance ; duration ; imprisonment ; duress. — Dura'tion, n. Quality of enduring; continuance in time ; prolonged existence ; portion of time during which anything exists. — Duress, dules or du-res', n. Hardship ; constraint ; imprisonment. (Law.) State of compulsion in which one is induced, by re- straint of his liberty or menace of bodily harm, to do some legal act, or to commit a misdemeanor. [OF. duresce.] — During, prep. In the time of ; as long as the action or existence of. [Orig. p. pr. of durcT] — Durom / 'eter, n. An instrument for testing hard- ness of material, esp. of steel rails. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Dura-mater, dula-ma'ter, n. (Anat.) The outer membrane of the brain. [L.,lit. hard mother, — called mater, because formerly thought to give rise to every membrane of the body.] Durst. See Dare. Dusk, dusk, a. Tending to darkness or blackness ; darkish. — n. Imperfect obscurity ; twilight ; a color partially black or dark. [AS. deorc, dark, Sw. dial, dusk, a shower, duskug, misty.] — Dusk'y, -T, a. Partially dark or obscure; dark-colored; gloomy; sad ; intellectually clouded. — Duskily, adv. — Dusk'iness, n. — Dusklsh, a. Partially obscured. Dust, dust, n. Very fine, dry particles of earth, etc. ; powder ; fine sand ; the earth as the resting-place of the dead; the grave; a low condition ; gold-dust ; money ; specie. — v. t. To free from dust, sprink- le with dust, reduce to powder. [AS. and Ic, dust, D. duist, Dan. dyst, fine flour, Sw., Dan., and G. dunst, vapor, L. fumus, Skr. dhuma, smoke, Skr. dhuli, dust, dhu, to blow, shake off.] — To raise, or kick up, the dust. To make a commotion. — Dusfer, n. One who, or that which, etc. ; an overgarment to protect the clothes from dust. — Dusvy, -T, a. [-ier, -iest.] Filled, covered, sprinkled with, or like, etc. — Dustiness, n. — Dust'brush, n. A brush for removing dust, as from furniture. — man, n. ; pi. -men. One who carries away dirt and filth. Dutch, duch, a. Pert, to Holland, to its inhabitants, or their language, — used also, incorrectly, of Ger- mans. — v. t. To render clear and hard by dipping into hot oil, sand, etc., — as goose-quills. [G. deutsch, lit. belonging to the people, MHG. diutisk, Goth. thiuda, AS. theod, a people, nation; s. rt. L. Teutones, Teutons, Skr. tu, to be strong.] — Dutch cheese. A small, round, hard cheese, made from skim milk. — D. clinker. A long, hard brick made in Holland. —D.foil, leaf, or gold. An alloy of copper and zinc, rolled or beaten into thin sheets. — JD. oven. A tin screen for baking before a fire ; a shallow iron kettle for baking, with a cover to hold burning coals. — D. pink. Chalk or whiting dyed yellow, and used in distemper, and for paper-staining, etc. — D. tile. A glazed and painted ornamental tile, used in the jambs of chimneys. Duumvir. See under Duo. Dwarf, dwawrf, n. An animal or plant much below ordinary size ; esp., a diminutive man. — v. t. [dwarfed (dwawrft), dwarfing.] To hinder from growing to the natural size ; to stunt. [AS. dweorg, dioeorh, D. dicerg x Ic. drergr, Sw. and Dan. dverg, a dwarf.] — Dwarfish, a. Like a dwarf ; very small; petty ; despicable. — Dwarflshness, n. — Dwarf- wall, n. (Arch.) A low wall, not as high as the story of a building. Dwell, dwel, v. i. [dwelled (dweld) usually dwelt, dwelling.] To abide as a permanent resident ; to inhabit for a time ; to be domiciled, reside, stay, remain. [AS. dwellan, to retard, delay, dival, dull, torpid, Ic. dvelja, Sw. dvaljas, to dwell, tarry.] — To dwell on, or upon. To continue on, occupy a long time with, hang on with attention, be absorbed with. — Dwelfer, n. — Dwelling, n. Habitation ; abode ; domicile. — Dwelling-house,??. A house intended for residence, disting. f r. a store, office, etc. — place, n. Place of residence, abode. Dwindle, dwin'dl, v. i. [-dled (-did), -dling.] To diminish, waste away. — v. t. To make less, bring low; to break, disperse. — n. Process of dwindling ; decline. [AS. dwinan, Ic. dvina, Sw. tvina, to dwin- dle, Skr. dhvams, to fall to pieces, perish.] Dyad, dfad, a. (Chem.) Having an equivalence of 2; capable of being substituted for, combined with, or replaced by, 2 atoms of hydrogen. — n. A couple; pair. (Chem.) An atom whose equivalence is 2, am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; Tn, ice ; Odd, tone, 6r ; DYAK 169 EARNEST etc. [F. dyade, L. dyas, dyadis, Gr. duas, duados, the number 2, fr. duo, q. v.] Dyak, di'ak, n. One of the aboriginal race of Borneo, Sumatra, Celebes, etc. [Malay, savage.] Dye, di, v. t. [dyed (did), dying.] To stain, color, give a new and permanent color to. [AS. deagan, to dve, deag, deah, dye, color.] — Dy'er, n. — Dye'- house, re. Place where dyeing is carried on. — stuff, re. Material used in dyeing. Dying. See Die. Dyke. See Dike. Dynamic, di-nam'ik, -ical, a. Pert, to strength or power, or to dynamics. — Dynamics, n. sing. Sci- ence of moving forces, — opp. to statics ; the moving moral or physical forces of any kind, or laws which relate to them. (3fus.) Science of the force of mu- sical sounds. [Gr. dunamis, power, dunasthai, to be strong. See Dure.]— Dynam'eter, n. (Opt.) An instrument to determine the magnifying power of telescopes. [Gr. metron, measure.]" — Dynamof- rical, a. Pert, to, etc. — Dy'namite, re. See Nitro- glycerine. — Dyn'amonv eter, re. An instrument for measuring power, esp. that of animals, men, or machines. —Dyn / amomet / 'ric, -rical, a. Pert, to a dynamometer, or the measure of force. — Dy'nasty, -tl, re. Sovereignty ; esp. a race of kings, of the same line, governing a particular country. [Gr. du- nasteia, lordship, f r. dunastes, a lord, f r. dunasthai.] — Dynas'tic, a. Pert, to, etc. Dyscrasy, dis'kra-sY, n. (Med.) An ill habit or state of the constitution. [Gr. dvekrasia, fr. dus-, insep- arable pref. with a bad sense (= E. mis-; s. rt. Skr. dus-, dur-, Ir. do-, Goth, tus-, tuz-, Ic. tor-, OHG. zur-, G. zer-), and krasis, mixture.] Dysentery, dis'en-tSr-Y, re. (Med.) Inflammation of the rectum or colon, with griping pains, desire to evacuate the bowels, and discharges of mucus and blood. [Gr. dus- and entera, intestines, fr. entos, within.] — Dysenteric, -ical, a. Pert, to, accom- panied with, proceeding from, or afflicted with, etc. Dysmenorrhea, dis-men'o-re'a, n. (Med.) Difficult menstruation. [Gr. dus-, menes, menses (pi. of men, menos, month), and rhein, to flow.] Dyspepsia, dis-pep'sT-a or -sha, -sy, -sT, n. (Med.) Dis- turbance of the functions of the stomach ; chronic difficulty of digestion. [Gr. duspepsia, fr. dus- and peptein, * to cook, digest.] — Dyspep'tic, -tical, a. Afflicted with, pert, to, or consisting in, etc. — Dys- pep'tic, n. One afflicted with, etc. Dysphony, dis'fo-n'i, n. (Med.) Difficulty of speak- ing, from an ill disposition of the organs of speech. [Gr. dus- and phone, sound, voice.] Dyspnoea, disp-ne'a, n. (Med.) Difficulty of breath- ing. [Gr. dus- and pnoe, pnoie, breathing, pnein, to blow, Dreathe.] Dysury, dis'u-rY, re. (Med.) Difficulty in discharg- ing urine, with pain and heat. [Gr. dus- and ouron, urme.] — Dysu'ric, a. Pert to, or afflicted with, etc. E. E, e, the 2d vowel and 5th letter of the English alpha- bet, is usually silent at the end of words, but indi- cates that the preceding vowel has its long sound, where otherwise it would be short, as in mane, mete, which without the final e would be pronounced mdn, met. (Mus.) E is the 3d tone of the model diatonic scale. Eb (E flat) is a tone intermediate between D and E. Each, ech, a. A distrib. adj. pron., used either with or without a following noun, and denoting every one of the individuals composing a whole, con- sidered separately from the rest. [To each corre- sponds other. Each other is used elliptically for each the other.] [ME. eche, elch, AS. selc (rjerh. for eal lie, all-like, perh. for a lie, ever-like), Scot, ilk, Uka, D. elk, OHG. eogalih, G.jeglich.] Eager, e'ger, a. Orig. sharp; sour; keen; excited by desire in pursuit of an object ; ardent to pursue, perform, or obtain; earnest. [OF. eigre, aigre, L. acer, acris, keen; s. rt. acrid, vinegar.'] — Ea'gerly, adv. — Ea'gerness. n. Ardor; vehemence; avidity. Eagle, e'gl, n. A rapacious bird of the falcon family: its figure is used as a heraldic emblem and for standards and em- blematic devices; a gold coin of the U. S., worth $10. [OF. aigle, L. aquila, prop. fern, of aquilus, brown.] — Ea'gless, n. A female eagle. — Ea r - v , glet, n. A young eagle. r-agie. — Ea'gle-eyed, a. Sharp-sighted. Eagre, Egre, e'ger, Hygre, Higre, hi'ger, re. A flood tide moving violently up a river, in one or more massive waves. [AS. egor, eagor, Ic. segir, ocean.] Ean, en, r. t. or i. 1 o bring forth (young). [See Yean.] Ear, er, n. The organ ox hearing; sense of hearing; willingness to listen; attention ; regard ; part of any- thing like an animal's ear. [AS. eare, D. oor, Ic. Xo, Sw. and OHG. ora, Dan. and MHG. ore, G. , L. auris, Gr. ous, ear ; L. audire, Gr. aio, to hear, Skr. av, to be pleased, take care.] — About the ears. In close proximity. — By the e. In close per- sonal contest.— Up to the e. Deeply absorbed.— Button ear. In dogs, an ear falling in front, and hiding the inside. — Rose e. In dogs, one folding at the back and disclosing the inside. — Eared, erd, a. (Ornith.) Having^ prominent feathers resembling ears, — as some owls, etc. — Ear 'less, a. Without ears ; deaf ; unwilling to hear. — Earning, re. (Kaut.) A rope attached to the cringle of a sail, by which it is bent or reefed. — Ear'drop, re. An ear- ring. (Bot.) The auricula, a kind of primrose. lap, n. Tip of the ear. — -lock, n. A curl of hair near the ear; love-lock. — mark, re. A mark on the ear, by slitting or cropping, to identify a sheep, etc.; any distinguishing mark. — v. t. To mark for identification. — ring, re. An ornament suspended from the ear by a ring passing through the lobe. — shot, re. Reach of the sense of hearing; distance at which words may be heard. — trump / et, re. An instrument to aid in hear- a - neiix; o. ant- ing. — wax, re. Cerumen ; a sub- J stance secreted by the glands of the ear. wig, n. A leaf-eating insect, vulgarly believed to creep through the ear into the brain. [AS. eor-wicga ; wicg, horse, fr. wegan, to carry.] Ear, er, n. The spike of Indian corn or other grain, containing the kernels. — v. External Ear, or Auricle. pha, or sca- phoid (boat- like) fossa ; d. tragus ; e. anti- tragus ; f. the concha; g. lobe, or lobulus. To form ears, as corn. [AS. ear, D. aar, Ic, Dan., and Sw. ax, Goth, ahs, OHG. ahir; s. rt. L. acus, needle, E. aivn.~] Ear, er, v. t. To plow or till. [AS. erian, erigan, Ic. erja, MHG. eren, era, L. arare, Gr. aroun.] Earl, erl, re. A nobleman of Eng. ranking below a marquis and above a viscount. [AS. eorl, lc.jarl, warrior, hero, OS. erl, man; perh. s. rt. Gr. arsen, male; perh. contr. of AS. ealdor, an elder.] — Earl''- dom, -dum, re. Seigniory, jurisdiction, or dignity of an earl. — Earl'-mar'shal, n. An officer of state in Eng. who marshals great ceremonials, and is the head of the herald's office. Early, er'lT, a. In advance of the usual or appointed time; timely; not late. — adv. Soon; in good sea- son; betimes. [AS. serlice, per. See Ere.] Earn, em, v. t. [earned (ernd), earning.] To de- serve by labor; to acquire by service or performance. [AS. earnian, to earn, OHG. amen, G. ernten, to reap, fr. OHG. aren, arn, G. ernte, harvest.] — Earning, re. Thing earned; wages; stipend. Earnest, er'nest, a. Ardent in the pursuit of an ob. ject; eager to obtain; intent; fixed; eager; zealous; fervent; hearty. — re. Seriousness; reality. [AS. eornest, D. and G. ernst, MHG. ernest, earnestness; sijn, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ipk, then. boNbON, qhair, ret. EARNEST 170 ECCENTRIC Ic. era, brisk, vigorous, Gr. ornumi, to excite.] — Earnestly, adv. — Ear'nestness, n. Earnest, er'nest, n. A pledge given in token of a bargain made. [W. ernes, em, a pledge, emo, to give a pledge, Ga. earlas, earnest-penny, Prov. E. arles ; peril's, rt. Gr. arrabon, L. arrha, OF. arrhes, Heb. erabon, a pledge.] — Ear'nest-mon'ey, n. Money paid to bind a bargain or to ratify a sale. Earth, grth, n. The globe we inhabit; the world; the solid materials forming it ; dry land ; soil of all kinds, including gravel, clay, loam, etc.; the ground; a region; country; the people on the globe. (Chem.) A tasteless and 'inodorous, uncolored, earthy-look- ing, metallic oxide; a similar oxide, having a slight alkaline reaction. — v. t. [earthed (ertht), earth- ing.] To hide in, or cover with earth. — v. i. To retire underground, burrow. [AS. eordhe, D. aarde, Ic.jordh, Dan. and Sw. jord, G. erde; s. rt. Gr. era, the earth, peril, aroun, to plow; see Ear, v. t.] — Earth 'en, -n, a. Made of earth, or of burnt clay, etc. — Earth'y, -T, a. Of or pert, to, etc.; terrestrial; gross; unrefined. — Eartb/iness, n. — Earthly, -IT, a. Pert, to earth; not heavenly or spiritual; sordid; carnal ; mean ; groveling ; of all things on earth ; possible. — EarthUness, n. Quality of being, etc.; excessive attachment to earthly objects ; worldli- ness. — Earth'ling, n. An inhabitant of the earth; a mortal. — Earth'ward, adv. Toward the earth. — Earth^bath, n. A covering (a patient) with earth or sand, usually warmed, for remedial purposes. board, n. (Agric.) The board of a plow, that turns over the earth ; mold-board. — clos'et, n. A privy in which dry earth is used to deodorize the fecal matter. nut, n. (Bot.) The farinaceous, sweet root of an umbelliferous plant; the seed-ves- sel and seed of a leguminous plant, called also pea- nut. — quake, n. A shaking or concussion of the earth, due to subterranean causes. — work, n. {En- gin.) The removal of large masses of earth, in constructing canals, railways, etc. (Mil.) A forti- fication made by throwing up embankments of earth. — worm, n. (Zool.) A cylindrical, annulated worm, without head or external organs, found ev- erywhere in moist loam ; angle-worm. A mean, sordid person. Ease, ez, n. Freedom from pain, trouble, toil, con- straint, etc. ; repose ;_tranquillity ; facility; readi- ness. — v.t. [eased (ezd), easing.] To free from what pains, disquiets, or oppresses; to render less painful, disgusting, or oppressive; to release from pressure or restraint, shift a little. [OF. aise, It. agio, Pg. azo, ease; perh. s. rt. Ga. adhais, ease; not s. rt. eadhe, easy.] — To ease off, or away. (Naut.) To slacken gradually. — To e. a ship. (Naut.~) To put the helm hard-a-lee, or regulate the sail, to pre- vent her pitching when close-hauled. — Eas'y, -T, a. [easier, -iest.] At ease; free from pain, etc.; not causing pain or exertion; not difficult; causing ease or comfort ; not resisting ; tranquil ; calm ; compliant. (Com.) Not straitened in money mat- ters. — Easily, -IT, adv. With ease ; readily; gently. — Easiness, n. — Eas'y-chair, n. An arm-chair for rest. — Ease'ment, n. That which gives ease; con- venience ; accommodation. (Laiv.) A liberty or advantage without profit, which one proprietor has in another's estate distinct from ownership of the soil, as a way, water-course, etc. Easel, e'zl, n. A wooden frame to support pictures while being painted. [D. ezel, G. esel, ass.]_ East, est, n. The point in the heavens where the sun rises at the equinox ; point opposite the west; eastern part of a country; regions east of any country; esp., the southern parts of Asia. — a. Toward the rising sun. — v. i. To move toward the east; to orientate. [AS.; D. oost, Ic. austr, Dan. and G. ost, Sw. ostan, east, L. aurora, Gr. eos, Skr. ushas, dawn.] — East-north-east, east- south-east, etc. See Compass. — Easf- ern, a. Situated in, etc.; oriental; go- ing toward the east. — Easfernmost', a. Most east- ern. — East'ward, adv. Toward the east. — Easf- erly, -IT, a. Coming from, also, situated or moving toward, etc. — adv. On or toward, etc. — Easting, n. (Nav. Sf Surv.) Distance eastward from a given meridian. Easter, esfer, E. day. n. A festival, celebrated on the Sunday after Good Friday, commemorating Christ's resurrection, corresponding to the Jewish Easel. passover. [AS. eastro, Easter festival, fr. Eastre, a goddess whose festival was in April; s. rt. east.] Easy 1 See under Ease. Eat, et, v. t. Jimp, eat (et) or ate (at); p. p. eat (et) or eaten (et'n); eating.] To swallow or partake of as food; to corrode, as metal, by rust; to con- sume gradually, as a cancer, the flesh; to waste or wear away; to devour, gnaw. — v. i. To take food, feed; to taste or relish. [AS. etan, D. eten, Ic. eta, Sw. ata, Dan. sede, Goth, itan, OHG. ezzan, G. essen, L. edere, Gr. edein, Skr. ad; s. rt. fret.] — To eat one's words. To take back what one has said; retract. — To eat in or into. To corrode, gnaw, con- sume. — Eat'er, n. — Eafable, a. Capable of, or fit to be, etc.; esculent; edible. — n. Anything that may be eaten. — Eating-house, n. A house where food is sold ready cooked; restaurant. Eau-de-Cologne, o'de-ko-lon', n. A perfumed spirit, orig. prepared at Cologne. [F., water of Cologne.] — Eau-de-vie, -ve, n. Brandy. [F.; vie = L. vita, life, fr. vivere, to live.] Eaves, evz, n. pi. (Arch.) The lower edges of a roof, overhanging the walls. [AS. efese, clipped edge of thatch, eaves, Ic. rips.] — Eaves'drop, v. i. To stand under the eaves or near the windows of a house, to listen to what is said within; to seek to hear others' conversation. — Eaves'dropper, n. Ebb, eb, n. The reflux of the tide; return of tide- water toward the sea; a falling to a worse state; de- cline ; decay. — v. i. [ebbed (ebd), ebbing.] To flow back, return, as water toward the ocean ; to fall to a worse state, recede, sink. [AS. ebba, the ebb, ebban, to ebb; D. eb, e&oe, n., ebben, v.; Dan. ebbe, n. and v.; Sw. ebb, n., ebba, v.; s. rt. even.] — Ebb / - tide, n. Reflux of tide-water ; the retiring tide. Ebionite, e'bT-o-mt, n. One of an early sect of Jew- ish Christians, combining Judaism with Christiani- ty, rejecting much of the New Testament, and ac- counted heretics by the Christian fathers. [Heb. ebjonlm, the poor, a Jewish name for Christians.] Ebony, eb'o-nT, Eb'on, -un, n. A hard, heavy, and durable wood, usually black, which admits of a fine polish. [OF. ebene, L. hebenus, ebenus, Gr. ebenos, ebene, Heb. hobnim, fr. eben, a stone, fr. its hard- ness.] — Eb'on, a. Of, like, or black as ebony. — Eb'onize, v. t. [-ized (-Izd) -izing.] To make black like ebony. — Eb'onite, -it, n. India-rubber hard- ened by vulcanization, black like ebony, and used for buttons, combs, electrical apparatus, etc. Ebriety, e-bri'e-tT, n. Intoxication ; drunkenness ; inebriety. [F. ebriete", L. ebrietas, fr. ebrius, drunk.] — Ebrioslty, n. Partial intoxication ; habitual drinking to excess. Ebullient, e-buKyent, a. Boiling over, as a liquid; manifesting exhilaration or excitement, as of feel- ing. [L. ebullire, to bubble up, fr. e, out of, and bullire, to boil. See Boil.] — Ebullience, -yens, -iency, -sT, n. A boiling over. — Ebullition, -lish / 'un, n. The operation of boiling; effervescence; mani- fest exhilaration of feeling. [OF.] Eburnean, e-ber'ne-an, a. Made of ivory. [L. ebur- neus, fr. ebur, ivory.] — Eburna'tion, n. (Pathol.) A diseased condition of bone or cartilage, making them unnaturally dense, and like ivory. Ecarte, a'kar-ta', n. A game at cards played with a pack from which all cards below the 7s are removed. [F., p. p. of ecarter, to discard, fr. es (L. ex, from) and carte, card, q. v.] Ecbatic, ek-batlk, a. (Gram.) Denoting mere re- sult or consequence, — disting. fr. telic, which de- notes purpose. [Gr. ek, out, and bainein, to go.] Ecbolic, ek-bollk, n. Producing abortion, — said of medicines. [Gr. ekbole, abortion, fr. ekballein, to cast out.] Ecce-homo, ek'se-holno, n. A picture representing the Savior given up to the people by Pilate, and wearing a crown of thorns. [L., behold the man.] Eccentric, ek-senlrik, -trical, a. Deviating from the center or from the line of a circle; pert, to eccen- tricity or to an eccentric; not having the same cen- ter,— opp. to concentric ; deviating from the usual course ; irregular; anomalous ; odd ; whimsical. — n. A circle not having the same center as another partly contained within the first ; one who, or that which, deviates from regularity. (Ast.ron.) The supposed circular orbit of a planet about the earth, but with the earth not in its center, in the Ptole- maic system. (Mech.) A wheel having its axis of revolution out of its center of figure, used to obtain a reciprocating or alternate motion from a circu- lar one. [OF. eccentrique, fr. LL. eccentros, Gr. £m, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term • *n, ice ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; ECCHYMOSIS 171 EDGE ekkentr os , f r. ek, out, and kentron, center.] — Eccen''- trically. ach-. — Ec- centricity, -tris' Tf-tT, n. State of being, etc. ; oddity. (As- tron.) Distance of the center of the or- Eccentric of Steam-engine. bit of a heavenly body from that of the body around which it revolves. Ecchymosis, ek-i-mo'sis, n. (Med.) A livid spot caused by effusion of blood under the skin. [Gr., fr. ek, out, and cheein, to pour.] Ecclesiastic, ek-kle'zl-as'tik, -tical, a. Pert, to the church or to its organization. — Eccle'sias'tic, n. A clergyman ; priest. [LL. ecclesiasticus, Gr. ekklesi- astikos, pert, to the ekklesia, assembly, church, fr. ek- kalein, to call forth, summon, fr. ek, out, and kalein, to call.] — Eccle'sias'tically, adv. — Eccle'sias'ti- cism, -sizm, n. Strong attachment to ecclesiastical observances, privileges, etc. — Eccle'sias'tes, -tez,n. Lit. a preacher; a book of the Old Testament.— Eccle'sias'ticus, n. A book of the Apocrypha. — Eccle'siarch, -zY-ark, n. A ruler of the church. [Gr. archos, leader.] — Eccle'sioKogy, -jY, n. Science of church building and decoration. [Gr. logos, dis- course.] — Eccle'siolog'ical, -lojlk-al, a. Pert, to, etc. — Eccle'sioKogist, n. One versed in, etc. Echelon, esh'e-lon, n. (Mil.) The position of a mili- tary body in the form of steps, or with one division more advanced than another. [F., fr. Schelle, lad- der, scale, L. scalaJ] Echinus, e-ki'nus, n. ; pi. -ni. A hedgehog'. (Zobl.) A sea-urchin; sea-hedgehog. (Bot.) A prickly head of a plant. (Arch.) A molding carved with eggs and anchors. [L. ; Gr. echinos, hedgehog.] — Ech'- inate, ek'Y-nat, -nated, a. Prickly, like a hedgehog. — Ech/inite, n. A fossil echinus. Echo, ek r o, n. ; pi. -oes, -oz. A sound reflected or reverberated to the ear. — v. t. [echoed (-od), -Oing.] To reverberate or send back; to repeat with assent, adopt. — v. i. To be reverberated; to cause an echo, be attended with an echo. [L. and Gr. ; Gr. echos, eche, a ringing in the ears ; s. rt. Skr. vag, to cry, howl, L. vox, a voice, E. catechise.'] — Echom'- eter, n. (3fus.) A scale for measuring duration of sounds, and determining their powers. [Gr. metron, measure.] — Echom'etry, -tri, n. Art of, etc., also of constructing vaults so as to produce echoes. Eclaircise, ek-lar'sez or -siz, v. t. To make clear, ex- plain. [F. iclaircir, fr. clair, L. clarus, clear, q. v.] — Eclair 'cissement. -sis-maN or -sis-ment, n. The , clearing up of anything obscure. [F.] Eclat, a-kla' or e-kla/, n. Brilliancy of success or ef- fort ; demonstration of admiration ; applause. [F., f r. e'ciater, to burst forth, OF. esclater, to shine, fr. OHG. schlizan, to split, burst; s. rt. slit.] Eclectic, ek-lek'tik, a. Selecting; choosing at will. — n. One who follows an eclectic method in philos- ophy, science, religion, etc. [Gr. ek, out, and legein, to choose.] — Eclectic physician. One belonging to no recognized school, but claiming to select medi- cines, etc., from all. — Eclec'tically, adv. — Eclec- ticism, -tY-sizm, n. Act, practice, or system, of, etc. Eclipse, e-klips', n. (Astron.) An interception of the lignt of the sun or moon, by _» intervention of s o m e other body, either between it and the eye, or between the lumi- , nous body, and that illumi- ^ s \ nated by it. Temporary or par- Tvi tial loss of brilliancy, luster, _ .. c honor, etc. — v.t. [eclipsed Eclipses. e>, sun; (-klipst'), -sing.] To darken E > earth i M > or hide (a heavenly body) ; moon, to obscure, darken, or extinguish the beauty, luster, or honor, etc., of ; to throw into the shade. — v.i. To suffer an eclipse, become eclipsed. [OF. ; L. eclipsis, Gr. ekleipsis, a failure, esp. of the sun's light, fr. ek and leipein, to leave.] — Eclip'tic, n. (Astron.) An imaginary great circle of the sphere, — the apparent path of the sun, or real path of the earth, as seen from the sun. (Geog.) A great circle on the globe, answering to the celestial ecliptic. — a. Pert, to, or described by, the ecliptic ; pert, to an eclipse. Eclogue, eklog, n. A pastoral poem, in which shep- herds converse with each other; a bucolic; idyl. [F. iglogue, L. ecloga, pastoral poem, Gr. ekloge, a selec- tion, esp. of poems. See Eclectic] Economy, e-kon'o-mY, n. Management of domestic affairs, esp. as to expense or disbursement ; the internal, and esp. the pecuniary, management of any undertaking, corporation, state, etc.; system of rules by which anything is managed; thrifty house- keeping ; frugality; parsimony. [F. e'conomie, OF. atconomie, L. ozconomia, Gr. oikonomia, fr. oikono- mein, to manage a household, fr. oikos, house, and nemein, to deafout.] — Economic, -ical, a. Pert, to the household; domestic; pert, to economy or man- agement of pecuniary affairs, private or public ; saving of unnecessary expense; prudent in expen- diture ; managed with frugality ; pert, to the re- sources and wealth of a country. — Economically, adv. — With economy ; frugally. — E'conom'ics, n. sing. Science of domestic and internal management; political economy. — Econ'omist, n. One who man- ages with frugality ; one conversant with political economy. — Econ'omize, v. t. [-mized (-mizd), -miz- ING.] To use with prudence, expend with frugality. . — v. i. To manage pecuniary concerns frugally. Ecraseur, a-kra-zer', n. (Surg.) An instrument, used instead of a knife, to sever diseased parts by the tightening of a chain, without hemorrhage. [F., fr. ecraser, to crush. — Ecrasement, a-kraz-moN'', n. The operation of, etc. [F.] Ecstasy, ek'sta-sY, n. A state in which the mind is carried away beyond the reach of ordinary impres- sions ; frenzy ; excessive joy ; rapture ; insanity ; madness. (Pathol.) A disease accompanied by loss of sensibility, voluntary motion, and mental power, the body being erect and inflexible. [OF. ecsiase, LL. ecstasis, a swoon, trance, Gr. ekstasis, displace- ment, a trance, fr. ek and histanai, to stand.] — Ec- static, -ical, a. Rendering one beside one's self ; delightful beyond measure; rapturous. Ecthlipsis, ek-thlip'sis, n. (Lat. Pros.) A figure by which a final m, with the preceding vowel, is cut off before a vowel beginning the next word. [Gr., fr. ek and thlibein, to press.] Ectype, ek'tlp, n. A copy from an original; a cast in relief from a design. [Gr. ektupos, worked in relief, fr. ek and tupos, stamp, figure.] — Ec'typal, -ti-pal, a. Taken from the original; imitated. — Ectypog / '- raphy, -ft, n. A process of etching, giving lines raised on the plate, instead of sunk. Ecumenic, ek-u-men^ik, -ical, a. General ; universal, — said esp. of church councils. [LL. oecumenicus, Gr. oikoumenikos, fr. oikoumene (ge), the inhabited (world), fr. oikein, to inhabit, oikos, house.] Eczema, ek-ze'ma, n. (Med.) An eruption of mi- nute vesicles upon the skin, without fever. [Gr., fr. ek and zein, to boil.] Edacious, e-da'shus, a. Given to eating ; voracious ; devouring. [L. edax, fr. edere, to eat.] — Edacity, -das'T-tY, n. Greediness ; voracity. — Edible, -Y-bl, a. Fit to be eaten as food ; esculent ; eatable. — Ed'ibleness, n. State of being edible. Edda, ed'da, n. One of 2 mythological books of the old Scandinavian tribes, containing Sagas of gods and heroes, — one in prose, the other in poems. [Ic, lit. great-grandmother (of Scandinavian poetry).] Eddy, ed^dt, n. A current of air or water running back, or opposite to the main current ; a current moving circularly; whirlpool. — v. i. [eddied (-did), -dying.] To move as an eddy. — v. t. To collect as into an eddy. [Ic. and Sw. dial, idha, Dan. ide, an eddy, fr. Ic, Goth., and OHG. id-, AS. ed-, back.] Edelweiss, a'dl-vls, -weisse, -vis'sa, n. A white flow- er of the Swiss Alps. [G., fr. edel, noble, and weiss, weisse, whiteness, purity.] Edematous, e-dem^a-tus, -tose, -tos, a. Pert, to, or af- fected with, a serous humor. [Gr. oidema, tumor, fr. oidein, to swell.] Eden, e'dn, n. The garden where Adam and Eve first dwelt ; a delightful region. [Heb., delight.] Edentate, e-den'tat, n. An animal of the sloth and armadillo tribes, wanting fore teeth and canines. [L. edentare, -latum, to render toothless, fr. e priv. and dens, dentis, tooth.] — Eden'tate, -tated, -tal, -talous, -us, a. Destitute of teeth ; of, or pert, to, the sloth and armadillo tribes. Edge, ej, n. The thin cutting side of a blade ; that which cuts as an edge does ; any sharp terminating border ; readiness or fitness to cut ; acrimony ; se- verity ; border or part adjacent to the line of divis- ion ; verge; skirt; brink; early part; beginning. — v. t. [edged (ejd). edging.] To furnish with an edge, sharpen ; to furnish with a fringe or border ; to make sharp or keen, provoke to action, urge or egg on ; to move by little and little. — v. i. To move sideways or gradually ; to sail close to the wind. sun, cube, full ; moon, f(56t j cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. EDIBLE 172 EFT [AS. ecg, D. egge, Ic. and Sw. egg, Dan. eg, G. ecke ; 6. rt. L. acies, Skr. acri, edge, Gr. ake, point.] — To set the teeth on edge. To cause a disagreeable tin- gling sensation in the teeth, as from contact with acids, or bv a grating noise. — Edging, n. That which forms an edge or border. — Edge'wise, adv. In the direction of, etc. — Edge'-bone, n. A bone of the rump, which, in dressed beef, presents itself edgewise to view. — tool, n. A sharp instrument. Edible. See under Edacious. Edict, e'dikt, n. That which is proclaimed by au- thority ; special proclamation of command or pro- hibition; law; decree; manifesto. [L. edicere, edic- tum, to proclaim, fr. e, out, and dicere, to say.] Edify, ed'T-fi, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.] To instruct and improve in knowledge, esp. in moral and relig- ious knowledge. [OF. edifier, L. sedificare, to build, fr. Pedes, a building, and facere, to make.] — Ed'ifi- ca'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; a building up, esp. in a moral and religious sense. —Edifice, -fis, n. A building; fabric,— chiefly applied to large structures. [F.] — EdifiCial, -fish'al, a. Pert, to an edifice. — Edlfi/er, n. One who builds; one who im- proves another by moral instruction. — E'dile, -dil, n. (Rom. Antiq.) A Roman magistrate, in charge of buildings, highways, public places, etc. [L. sedilis, f r. sedes.] — E'dileship, n. Office of edile. Edit, edit, v. t. To superintend the publication of ; prepare for publication. [L. edere, editum, to give out, publish, fr. e and dare, to give.] — Editor, -er, n. One who edits, esp. who prepares, superintends, and corrects a book, newspaper, etc., for publication. [L. j — Editolial. a. Pert, to an editor. — n. An article by the editor of a newspaper.— Editolially, adv. In the manner or character of an editor. — Editorship, n. Business or office of, etc.— Edf tion, -dish'un, n. The publication of a literary work ; number of copies published at once. Educate, ed'u-kat, v. t. To bring up, as a child ; to cultivate and discipline the powers of the mind, in- struct, train, indoctrinate. [L. educare, -catum, fr. educere, to lead forth, bring up, fr. e and ducere, to lead.] — Educa'tion, n. Actor process of, etc. ; tui- tion ; nurture; teaching; breeding. — Educa'tional, a. Pert, to, etc. — Educationist, n. One versed or interested in, etc. — Ed'ucator, n. One who educates or instructs. [L.] Educe, e-dus', v. t. [educed (-dust'), -cing.] To draw forth, as if from concealment, elicit, extract. [L. educere, eductum. See Educate.] — E'duct, n. Thing brought to light by separation, analysis, or decomposition. — Education, n. Act of drawing out or bringing into view. — EductCr, -er, n. Edulcorate, e-dul'ko-rat, v. t. To render sweet, sweeten. (Chem.) To purify. [L. e and dulcorare, -atum, to sweeten.fr. dulcis, sweet.] — Edul / cora / '- tion, n. Act of edulcorating. Eel, el, n. A species of soft-finned, snake-like fishes. [AS. eel, D., Dan., and G. aal, Ic. all, Sw. al, L. anguil- la, Gr. engchelus, eel ; L. unguis, Gr. echis, Skr. ahi, snake.] — Eel'-grass. n. A grass-like marine plant. — pot, n. A basket or trap used for catching eels. pout, n. The burbot, a fresh-water fish. E'en, en. A contr. for Even. E'er, ar. A contr. for Evee. Eerie, Eery, elf, a. Awe-inspiring; weird. [Scot.] Effable, ef 1 a-bl, a. Capable of being uttered or ex- plained; explicable. [L. effari, to utter, fr. ex, out, and fari, to speak.] Efface, ef-fas / ', v. t. [-faced (-fast'), -facing.] To erase or scratch out, rub off, render illegible, blot out, obliterate, cancel ; to remove from the mind. [F. effacer, fr. e priv. and face, L. fades, face.] — Efface'ment, n. Act of, etc. Effect, ef-fekf, n. That produced by an agent or cause ; result of causation ; impression produced ; power to produce results ; efficiency ; consequence intended, pi. Goods ; movables ; personal estate. — v. t. To produce, as, a cause, or agent, cause to be; to bring to pass, accomplish, achieve. [OF.; L. effectus, an effect, fr. efficere, -fectum, to effect, fr. ex and. facere, to make. See Fact.] — For effect. For display, or for the purpose of producing an impres- sion. — Effect 7 ' or, -er, n. One who, etc. ; a maker ; creator. — Effectlble, a. Capable of being, etc.; practicable ; feasible. — Effec'tion, n. Creation or production. (Geom.) Construction of a proposition. — Effective, -iv, a. Suited or tending to, etc. ; in condition to act efficiently ; efficacious ; forcible ; energetic. —Effectively, adv. — Effectiveness, n.— Effecfual, a. Producing, or able to produce, an in- tended effect ; adequate ; efficient. — Effecfually, adv. — Effect'ualness, n. — Effect'uate, -u-at, v. t. To bring to pass, achieve, accomplish. — Effica'- cious, -shus, a. Effectual ; powerful. [L. efficax, fr. efficere.'] — Efficaciously, adv. — Efficaciousness, Efficacy, -sT, n. Quality of being, etc. ; virtue : force; energy. — Efficient, -fishCnt, a. Causing effects ; producing results ; effective ; effectual. [F.] — n. The producing agent or cause. — EflV- ciently, adv. — EffiCience, -ciency, -fishCn-sI, n. Efficacy. Effeminate, ef-feml-nat, a. Soft or delicate to an un- manly degree; womanish; weak; voluptuous; cow- ardly. — v. t. To make womanish, unman, weaken. [L. effeminare, -atum, to make womanish, fr. ex and femina, a woman.] — Effeminately, adv. — Effem'- inateness, -inacy, -sT, n. Unmanly softness. Effendi, ef-fen'dl, n. Master; sir, — a title of a Turk- ish state official or one learned in the law. [Turk. efendi, fr. modern Gr. aphentes, Gr. authentes, a des- potic master, ruler. See Authentic] Efferent, efler-ent, a. Conveying outward; discharg- ing. [L. efferens, p. pr. of efferere, to bear out, fr. e and/e?'re, to bear.] Effervesce, ef / fer-ves / ', v. i. [-vesced (-vest'), -ves- cing.] To be in a state of natural ebullition; to bub- ble and hiss; to exhibit feelings that cannot be re- pressed. [L. effervescere, fr. ex and fervesccre, to be- gin boiling, fr. fervere, to boil.] — Effervescent, -sent, a. Gently boiling or bubbling, by disengage- ment of gas. — Efferves'cence, -cency, -sen-sf , n. Act of, etc.— EffervesCible, -sf-bl, a. Having the quality of, etc.; capable of producing effervescence. Effete, ef-fet', a. No longer capable of producing young; of worn-out energy; barren; worn out with age or excessive indulgence. [L. effetus, effcetus, fr. ex and fetus, q. v.] Efficacious, Efficient, etc. See under Effect. Effigy, effY-ji, Effigies, -fij / 'T-ez, n. Image of any person or thing; likeness in sculpture, painting, etc.; impression on a coin representing the prince by whom it was issued. [L. effigies, fr. effingere, to form, fr. ex and fingere, to form.] — To burn or hang in effigy- To burn or hang an image of the person in- tended to be disgraced. Effloresce, ef-flo-res'', v. i. [-eesced (-rest'), -res- cing.] (Chem.) To change over the surface, or throughout, to a powder; to become covered with a whitish crust or light crystallization. [L. efflores- cere, fr. ex and ftorescere, to begin to blossom, fr. florere, to blossom, fr. flos, a flower.] — Efflores'- cence, -cency, -sen-st. n. (Bot.~) Time of flowering. (Med.) Eruption, as in rash, measles, small pox, etc. (Chem.y Formation of powder on the surface of efflorescing bodies, as salts, etc.; powder or crust thus formed. — Efflorescent, -sent, a. Liable to effloresce; covered with efflorescence. Effluent, ef'flu-ent, a. Flowing out. [L. ex and flu- ere,fluxum, to flow.] — Effluence, -ency, -en-sT, n. A flowing out; that which issues; effluvium; efflux; emanation. — Efflu'vium, n. ; pi. -via, -vt-a. Subtile or invisible emanation ; esp. noisome or noxious exhalation. [L.] — Efflux, -fluxion, n. Act or state of, or that which, etc.; emanation; effluence. Effort, eflert, n. An exertion of power, physical or mental; endeavor; struggle; attempt; trial; essay. [F. efforcer, to endeavor, fr. OF. force, LL. fortia, strength. See Force.] Effrontery, ef-frunt'er-t, n. Excessive assurance ; shamelessness. [OF. effronterie, impudently, fr. L. ex and from, frontis, forehead. See Affront.] Effulgent, ef-ful'jent, a. Diffusing a flood of light; shining; splendid. [L. ex and fulgere, to shine.] — Efful'gently, adv. — Effufgence, -jens, n. State of being, etc.; extreme brilliancy. Effuse, ef-fuz', v. t. [-fused (-fuzd'), -fusing.] To pour out, as a fluid, spill, shed. — v. i. To emanate, issue. — a. (Bot.) Spreading loosely, esp. on one side. [L. ex and fun- ' dere, fusum, to pour.] — Effu'- sion, -zhun, n. Act of pouring out ; thing poured out. (Pa- thol.) Escape of a fluid out of its natural vessel into another part ; secretion of fluids from the vessels, as of lymph or se- Effuse Branch. rum, on different surfaces. — Effu'sive, -siv, a. Pouring forth largely. — Effu'sively, adv. — Effu'- siveness, n. Eft, eft, n. A salamander or newt. [AS. efete, prob. Sm, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; fn, xce ; 6dd tone, 6r } E. G. 173 ELD 8. rt. Gr. ophis, serpent, Skr. apada, reptile, fr. a priv. and pad, foot.] E. g. or Ex. gr. Contr. for Exempli gratia, q. v. under Example. Egad, e-gad', interj. An exclamation of exultation or surprise. [Prob. corrupt, of the oath " by God."] Egg, eg, n. A body produced by a female animal, within which, when impregnated, the embryo of a new individual is developed: eggs of oviparous ani- mals contain a supply of nourishment for the em- bryo, and are usually inclosed in a spheroidal shell. Anything egg-shaped. [AS. and Dan. seg. D. and G. ~ei, Ic. egg, Sw. agg, Ir. ugh, W. wy, L. ovum, Gr. oon.] — Egg-nog', n. A drink consisting of eggs beaten up with sugar, milk, and wine or spirits. — Egg'-plant, n. A plant allied to the tomato, bearing egg-shaped eatable fruit. Egg, eg, v. t. [egged (egd), egging.] To urge on; instigate. [Ic. eggja, to goad, fr. egg, edge, q. v.] Eglantine, eglan-tin or -ttn, n. A species of rose; sweet-brier. [F.; OF. aiglantine, as if fr. LL. acu- lentus, prickly, fr. L. aculeus, dim. of acus, needle.] Egoism, e'go-izm, n. {Philos.) Subjective idealism. An excessive love of self; selfishness. [F. egdisme, fir. L. ego, I.] — E'goist, n. A follower of Descartes or Fichte; believer in the doctrine of subjective idealism ; one given to egotism. [F. egoiste.] — Ergo- tism, -tizm, n. Practice of too frequently using the word /,• self-praise ; self-commendation ; conceit; vanity. — E'gotist, n. One who, etc. — Egotist 'ic. -ical. a. Addicted to, manifesting, or pert, to ego- tism; vain; self-important; opinionated. — E'gotize, v. i. [-tized (-tTzd), -tizixg.] To commit, etc. Egregious, e-gre'jus, a. Disting. fr. common men or actions, — generally in a bad sense; extraordinary; monstrous; precious. [L. egregius, lit. chosen out of the flock, fr. e and grex, gregis, flock.] — Egre'- giously, adv. Greatly; remarkably; shamefully. Egress, e'gres, n. Act of going out or leaving; power to leave; departure. [L. egredi, egressum, to go out, fr. e and gradi, to step, go.] — Egres / 'sion,-gresh , un, n. Act of going out; egress. Egret, e'gret, n. {Ornith.) The lesser white heron. A heron's feather. {Bot.) The flying, feathery, or hairy crown of seeds, as down of the thistle. (Zool.) A kind of ape. [F. aigrette, OF. hairon, Ic. Jtegn, AS. higere,& heron.] — Egrette', -gret^, n. A tuft of feathers, diamonds, etc. ; an ornament of ribbons. [See Aigret.] Egyptian, e-jip'shun, a. Pert, to Egypt, in Africa.— n. A native of Egypt; a gypsy, — supposed to have originated in Egypt. — EgyptoKogy, -oKo-jT, n. Sci- ence of, or a treatise on, Egyptian antiquities. — Egyptol'ogist, -jist, n. One versed in, etc. !Eh, 6, interj. An expression of inquiry or slight sur- prise. [AS. se, ea, D. he, G. ei.] Eider, i'der, E-duck, n. A sea-duck, which breeds in remote northern regions, and produces fine down. [Ic. sedhr, Sw. eider, Dan. ■ederfugl.] — Ei'der-down, n. Down of the eider-duck. Eidograph, i'do-graf, n. An instrument for copying drawings on the same or a different scale. [Gr. eidos, form, and graphein, to draw. Eight, at, a. Twice 4 in number. — n. The number freater by a unit than 7; the sum of 4 and 4; a sym- ol representing eight units, as 8 or viii. [AS. edhta, D. and G. acht, Ic. and Sw. atta^ Ir. ocht, L. octo, Gr. okto, Skr. ashtan.] — Eighth, atth, a. Next in order after the 7th; consisting of ■one of 8 equal parts into which anything is divided. — n. One ■of 8 equal parts ; an eighth part. ■{Mas.) The interval of an octave. j[AS. eahtodha.'] — Eighth note. {Mus.) The 8th part of a whole note, or semibreve; a quaver. — Eighthly, adv. In the 8th place. — Eighteen, at'en, a. Twice 9 in number, —n. The number greater by a unit than 17; sum of 10 and 8; a symbol representing eighteen units, as 18 or xviii. i[AS. eahtatyne.~] — Eighteenth, -enth, a. Next in ■order after the 17th; consisting of one of 18 equal parts into which any thing is divided. — n. One of 18 equal parts; the 8th after the 10th. — Eighty, aft, ■a. Eight times ten; fourscore. — n. The sum of 8 times 10; symbol representing eighty units, as 80 or Ixxx. [AS. eahtatig.] — Eightieth, -l-eth, a. The Eider-duck. 4 U Eighth Notes. next in order after the 79th; consisting of one of 80 equal parts into which any thing is divided. Eisteddfod, is-tefch / 'vod, n. The Welsh national con- gress of bards, etc. [W., session; eistedd, to sit.] Either, either or i'ther (analogy and the best usage favoring e'ther), a. or pron. One or the other, — properly of 2 things; each of two, the one and the other. — conj. Either is always correlative to or, and precedes it, indicating the first of certain things, any one of which is true, is to be done, etc. [ME. either, eyther, aither, ayther, AS. segther, contr. fr. seghiosether (fr. a, aye, ever, ge- prefix, and hivatther, whether), D. ieder, OHG. eowedar, G. jeder.~] Ejaculate, e-jak'u-lat, v. t. To throw out, as an ex- clamation. — v. i. To utter ejaculations. [L. ejac- ulan, -latum, fr. e and jaculari, to throw, fr. jacu- lum, javelin, dart, ir.jacere, to throw.] — Ejac'ula''- tion, n. Uttering of a short, sudden exclamation or prayer ; exclamation or prayer uttered. {Med.) Emission of semen. — Ejac'ulatory, -to-rT, a. Cast- ing or throwing out; suddenly darted out; uttered in short sentences. — Eject, -jekf, v. t. To throw out, cast forth; to drive away, expel violently, or with disgrace; to dispossess, as of land, dwellings, etc. [L. ejicere, ejectum, fr. e and jacere.] — Ejec'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. — Eject'ment. n. Ex- pulsion ; ejection. {Law.) A species of mixed ac- tion, which lies for recovery of possession of real property, and damages and costs for unlawful de- tention of it. — Eject'or, n. {Law.) One who ejects, or dispossesses another of his land. Eke, ek, v. t. [eked (ekt), eking.] To increase, en- large, extend; to supply what is scanty, prolong, — generally with out. — adv. In addition; also; like- wise. [AS. ecan, Ic. auka, L. augere, to augment; AS. eac, Ic. avk, Sw. och, Dan. og, and, also.] Elaborate, e-lab'o-rat, v. t. To produce with labor; perfect with painstaking. — a. Wrought with labor; highly finished. [L. e and Uiborare, -atum, to labor, fr. labor.] — Elaborately, adv. — ElaVora'tion, n. Act or process of producing with labor; state of be- ing so produced. {Physiol.) Natural process of for- mation or assimilation, performed by living organs in animals and vegetables. — Elab'orative, -tiv, a. Serving or tending to elaborate. — Elab'ora'tor, n. Elaine, e-la'in, n. The liquid principle of oils and fats. [Gr. elaia, olive tree, elaion, olive oil.] Jjlan, a-lax', n. Ardor; zeal, from passion; enthusi- asm ; brilliancy and glow, from emotional excite- ment; dash. [F., fr. dlancer, to dart, lancer, to hurl.] Eland, eland, n. The largest species of S. African antelope; the Cape elk. [D.] Elapse, e-laps', v. i. [elapsed (-lapsf). elapsing.] To slide, slip, or glide by; to pass away silently, as time. [L. elabi, elajisus, fr. e and labi, to fall, slide.] Elastic, e-las'tik, a. Springing back; having the in- herent property of recovering its former figure ; springy; readily returning to a previous condition, after Deing depressed or overtaxed. [Gr. elaunein, to drive; s. rt. L. alacer, brisk.] — Elasticity, -tis'- I-ti,«. Quality of, etc.; rebound; power of resistance to, or recovery from, depression or overwork. Elate, e-laf, a. Lifted up; elevated; having the spirits raised by success or hope ; flushed with confidence; puffed up; proud; swelling. — v. t. To exalt the spirit of, elevate or flush with success. [L. elatus, p. p. of efferre, to carry out, but for tlatus; s. rt. tollere, to lift.] — Ela'tion, n. Inflation of mind; self-esteem or pride, resulting from success. Elbow, eKbo, n. The joint connecting arm and fore- arm; any flexure or angle, esp. if obtuse, as of a wall, building, etc. ; also an angular or jointed part of any structure. — v. t. [elbowed (el'bod), -bow- ing.] To push with the elbow, as when one pushes by another. — v. i. To jut into an angle, project; to push rudely along, jostle. [AS. elboga, D. elleboog, Ic. alnbogi, G. elTeiwogen ; ir. AS. el (L. idna, Gr. olene), elbow, and boga, a bending, bow; Skr. aratni, elbow.] — At the elbow. At hand; near. — Out at e. Ragged; shabby ; in reduced circumstances. — E. grease. Energy; vigorous and continued labor. — EKbow-chair, n. A chair with arms to support the elbows; arm-chair. — room, n. Room to extend the elbows; room for motion or action. Eld, eld, n. Old age; old people; old times; antiquity. [AS. yldo, seld, eld, fr. eald, old; Ic. old, an age, alar, old people.] — Eld'er, a. Older; more advanced in age; prior, as in origin. — n. One who is older; a senior; an ancestor; predecessor; one who, on ac- count of age, acts as ruler or judge; one occupying an office requiring experience and dignity. [AS. siin, cube, full ; moon, foot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNbox, chair, get. ELDER 174 ELEMENT yldra, compar. of eahl ; ealdor, elder, prince, eld- ran, parents.'] — Eld'erly, -II, a. Somewhat old. — Eld'ership. n. Seniority; office of elder. — Eld'est, a. Oldest. [AS. yldesta.] Elder, eld'er, n. A genus of plants having broad um- bels of white flowers and dark red berries. [AS. ellen, LG. elloorn ; perh. same as alder.'] — E.-flow'er, n. Flowers of two species of elder, dried, for fla- voring sweet wines. El Dorado, el-do-ra'do. A fabulous region in S. Amer. supposed to be immensely rich in gold, gems, etc.; any country abounding in treasure. [Sp., the golden region ; el, the, and dorado, p. p. of dorare, to gild.] Eleatic, e-le-atlk, a. Pert, to a sect of philosophers, so called f r. Elea, or Velia, in Italy. — n. One of, etc. Elecampane, el'e-kam-pan'', n. A plant whose root has a pungent taste, and was used as a stomachic; a sweetmeat from the root. [Abbr. fr. F. enule-cam- pane, L. imda campana — inula, name of the plant, campana, growing in the field, fr. campus, field.] Elect, e-lekf, v. t. To pick out, make choice of; to select for office or employment, select by vote, choose, prefer, appoint. (theol.) To designate, as an object of mercy or favor. — a. Chosen; taken by preference. (Theol.) Set apart to eternal life. Chosen, but not invested with office. — n. One chosen or set apart, pi. (Theol.) Those chosen for salvation. [L. eligere, electum, fr. e and legere, to gather, choose.] — Electlcism, -I-sizm, n. Eclec- ticism. — Elocution, n. Act of choosing; choice; act of choosing one to fill an office; power of choosing; free will ; discriminating choice ; discernment. (Theol.) Predetermination of individuals as ob- jects of mercy and salvation. Those ele_cted. [OF.] — Electioneer'', -er', v. i. [-eeeed (-erd^), -eer- ing.] To use influence, argument, or arts for se- curing the election of a candidate. — Elective, -iv, a. Exerting the power of choice; making selection; pert, to, consisting in, or dependent on, choice ; be- stowed by election. — Elective affinity, or attraction, (Chem.) Tendency to unite with certain things rather than with others. — Electlvely, adv. By choice or preference. — Elect'or, -er, n. One who elects, or has right of choice; one entitled to vote in favor of a candidate for office, or legally qualified to vote; one of the princes of Germany formerly entitled to choose the emperor; one chosen, by vote of the people in the U. S., to elect a president and vice-president. — Elecfress, n. The wife or widow of a German elector. — Elecforal, -er-al, a. Pert, to, or consisting of, electors. — Elect' orate, -er-at, n. Dignity of an elector ; electorship ; territory of an elector. — Eligible, -jl-bl, a. Legally qualified; worthv to be chosen : desirable; preferable. [F., fr. L. eligere.]— Eligibly, -UX^adv. Suitably. — El- igibleness, -billty, -tl, n. — Elite, a-lef, n. A choice or select body; best part of anything. [F.] Electrum, e-leklrum, n. Amber; an amber-colored alloy of gold and silver used by the ancients; Ger- man silver plate. [L. ; Gr. elektron, amber, which has electric powers when rubbed.] — Elec'tric, -tric- al, a. Pert, to, occasioned by, derived from, or con- taining, electricity ; capable of occasioning elec- trical phenomena. — Eleclric, n. A non-conductor of electricity. — Eleclrically, adv. In the manner, or by means of, etc. — Electri'cian, -trish'an, n. One versed in the science of, etc. — Electricity, -tris'I-tl, n. A subtle agent or power in nature, evolved in any disturbance of molecular equilib- rium, whether from chemical, physical, or mechan- ical cause; science of the phenomena of the electric fluid. — Eleclrifi'able, a. Capable of receiving, or of being charged with, etc. — Eleclrify, -fi, v. t. [-fied (-fid), -fying.] To charge with electricity; to give an electric shock to; to excite suddenly; to surprise, esp. by something pleasing or inspiriting. which the actions, feelings, etc., of a mesmerized person are supposed to be controlled by the will of the operator; science of the electrical currents de- veloped in living organisms. [E. biology, q. v.] — Elec'tro-chemlstry, n. Science of the agency of electricity in effecting chemical changes. — Elec- trode, -trod, n. Either of the so-called poles of the voltaic circle. [Gr. hodos, a way, path.] — Eleclro- gild ing, n. Process of gilding copper, etc., by vol- taic electricity. — ElectroKogy, -jT, n. Science of the phenomena of electricity and its properties. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — ElectroKysis, -I-sis, n. Act or process of chemical decomposition, by the action of electricity, or galvanism. [Gr. lusis, a dissolving, fr. luein, to loose, dissolve.] — Elec'trolyte, -lit, n. A compound decomposable, or subjected to decom- Eosition, by an electric current. [Gr. lutos, dissolu- le.] — Eleelrolyze, -liz, v. t. [-lyzed (-lizd), -lyz- ing.] To decompose by direct action of electricity or galvanism. [Gr. luein, to dissolve.] — Elec'tro- mag'net, n. A mass of soft iron, rendered tem- porarily magnetic by a surrounding coil of wire through which a current of electricity is passing. — Elec'tro-magnetlc, a. Pert, to magnetism, as con- nected with electricity, or affected by it. — Elec'tro- mag'netism, n. Science of the development of mag- netism by voltaic electricity, and of the currents evolved. — Electrometer, n. An instrument for measuring the quantity or intensity of electricity, or which indicates its presence. [Gr. metron, meas- ure.] — Elec'tro-molor, n. Apparatus for genera- ting a current of electricity. — Elec / tro-mus / 'cular, a. Pert, to the reaction of the muscles under, or their sensibility to, etc. — Elec'tro-neg'ative, -tiv, a. Hav- ing the property of being attracted by an electro- positive body, or a tendency to pass to the positive pole in electrolysis. — n. A body which, etc. — Eledrophone, -ion, n. An instrument for procur- ing sound by means of electric currents. [Gr. phone, sound.] — Elec'tro-posltive, a. Of such a nature relatively to associated bodies, as to tend to the negative pole of a voltaic battery, while the as- sociated body tends to the positive pole. — Elec'tro- scope, -skop, n. An instrument for detecting changes in the electric state of bodies, or the 6pecies of elec- tricity present. [Gr. skopein, to see.] — Elec'tro-ther'- apeu'tics, -theVa-puliks, n. Science of the appli- cation of electricity as a curative agent. — Electro- type, -tip, n. A plate faced (by electric deposition) with a shell of copper, silver, etc.. and backed with type-metal, presenting a facsimile of an engraving, page of type, etc. — v. t. [-typed (-tlpt), -typing.] To take copies of by electrotypy. [Gr. tupos, an im- pression, f r. tuptein, to strike."] — Elec'trotyp'er, n. — Elec , trotyp / y, -I, n. Process of making electrotypes. Electuary, e-lekt'u-a-rl, n. A medicine composed of powders, made up into a confection. [OF. lectuaire, electuaire, L. electuarium, fr. elingere, Gr. ekleichein, to lick away, fr. ek and leichein, to lick.] Eleemosynary, el-e-mos'I-na-rl, a. Pert, to, or in- tended for the distribution of, charity; given in, or founded or supported by, charity. — n. One who subsists on charity. [LL. eleemosynarius, an almoner, fr. Gr. eleemosvne, alms. See Alms.] Elegant, eKe-gant, a. Pleasing by grace and beauty; polished; graceful; refined; exercising a nice choice. [OF.; L. elegans, fr. e and legere, to choose, select.] — EKegantly, adv. — EKegance, -gans, -gancy, -si, n. State or quality of being elegant ; grace ; that which is elegant. Elegy, eKe-jI, n. A mournful or plaintive poem; fu- nereal song. [OF. elegie, L. elegia, Gr. elegeia, fr. elegos, a lament, a poem in distichs, perh. fr. las- kein, to scream.] — Elegiac, e-le'jl-ak or el-e-ji'ak, a. Pert, to elegy, or written in elegiacs; used in elegies. — n. Elegiac verse. — Elegi'acal, a. Ele- giac. — EKegist, n. A writer of, etc. — EKegize, -jiz, v. t. To lament in an elegy; celebrate in ele- giac verse; bewail. Element, eKe-ment, n. One of the simplest or essen- tial parts of which anything consists; one of the ul- timate, undecomposable constituents of matter ; a simple portion of that which is complex; one of the essential ingredients of any mixture; one out of several parts combined in a system or aggregation. (Anat.) One of the smallest natural divisions of the organism. {Math.) An infinitesimal part of any- thing of the same nature as the entire magnitude considered. One of the necessary data upon which a calculation depends, pi. The fundamental prin- ciples of any system in philosophy, science, or art; rudiments. That which ancient philosophy sup- posed to be simple and undecomposable, as the 4 so- called elements, — air, earth, water, and fire ; state natural to anything, or suited for its existence, pi. (Reel.) The bread and wine in the eucharist. [OF.; L. elementum, a first principle, perh. fr. alere, to nourish.] — Element 'al, a. Pert, to the elements, first principles, and. primary ingredients, or to the 4 supposed material elements ; pert, to first prin- ciples ; rudimentary. — Elementally, adv. — Ele- mentary, -rl, a. Having only one principle or constituent part; pert, to the elements, rudiments, am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare: end. eve, term; In, ice; Odd, tone, 6r; ELENCH 175 ELUL etc.; treating of first principles of a science or art; simple; uncombined: initial: introductory. Elench. e-lenk', n. (Logic.) That part of anargument on which its conclusiveness depends: a vicious and fallacious argument adapted to deceive ; sophism. [L. elenchus, Gr. elengchos, fr. elengchein, to confute, prove.] — Elench/ ical. a. Pert, to, etc. Elephant, el'e-i'ant, n. A pachydermatous quadruped of India or Africa, hav- ing a trunk or prehen- sile proboscis and 2 ivo- ry tusks, — the largest land animal now liv- ing. [OF. olifant, ele- phant, L. and Gr. ele- phus, elephant, Heb. eleph, aleph, ox, AS. olfend, camel.] — E 1 e- phant paper. Drawing paper of large size, be- mg 28 by 23 inches. — Elephan'tine. -tine, a. Elephant. Pert, to or like, etc.: huge; immense.— EPephanti''- asis.n. (Med.) One of several skin diseases, attended with destruction or deformitv of the part affected. [L. and Gr., — the skin resembling an elephant's.] Eleusinian, el-u-sin'I-an, a. Pert, to Eleusis, in Greece, or to_secret rites of Ceres, there celebrated. Elevate, el'e-vat, v. t. To lift to a higher place, raise, exalt; to animate, cheer; to ennoble, dignify; to raise to a higher pitch or greater degree of loudness; to intoxicate slightly; to lighten, lessen by detrac- tion, diminish. — a. Elevated ; raised aloft. [L. elevare, -atum, fr. e and Jevare, to make light, lift, f r. levis, light.] — Eleva'tion, n. Act of, or condi- tion of being, etc. ; an elevated place. (Astron.) Altitude. (Gunnery.) Angle between the line of direction of a gun and the plane of the horizon. (Arch.) View of a machine, building, etc., drawn to scale, and without regard to perspective. — EK- eva'tor, -ter, n. One who, or that which, elevates; esp. a contrivance for lifting persons, also goods, grain, etc., to an upper floor; a building containing elevators for grain. (Anat.) A muscle which raises a part of the body. (Surg.) An instrument for rais- ing a depressed portion of a bone. — Eleve, a-lav', n. One brought up by another ; a pupil; disciple. [F., f r. e'lever, L. elevare, to bring up, educate.] Eleven, e-lev'n, a. Ten and one added. — n. The sum of 10 and 1; a symbol representing eleven units, as 11 or xi. ; the players on one side in a game of cricket, 11 in number. [AS. endlufon (en = an, one), D. and G. elf, Ic. ellifu, Dan. elleve, Sw. elfva.~\ — Elev'enth, -nth, a. Next after the 10th ; constitu- ting one of 11 parts into which a thing is divided. — n. One of 11 equal parts. Elf, elf, Elve, elv, n. ; pi. Elves, elvz. A diminutive spirit, supposed to haunt desert places, and delight in mischievous tricks. — v. t. To entangle. [AS. self, Ic. alfr, Dan. and Sw. alf, OHG. alp, G. elf.] — Elfin, a. Pert, to, etc. — n. A little elf; sprite; urchin. —Elfish, Elvish, a. Elf -like ; mischiev- ous. — Elf-ar'row, n. A flint shaped like an arrow- head, vulgarly supposed to be shot by fairies. — -lock, n. Hair knotted, as if the work of fairies. Elicit, e-lis'it, v. t. To draw out, bring to light. [L. elicere, elicitum, fr. e and lacere, to entice, allure.] Elide, e-lid / ', v. t. (Gram.) To cut off or suppress, as a syllable. [L. elidere, elisum, fr. eand Isedere, to dash against.] — Elision, -lizb/un, n. The cutting off, for the sake of meter or euphony, of a vowel or syllable, esp. a vowel at the end of a word before another /vowel in the following line. Eligible, Elite. See under Elect.. Eliminate, e-lim/Y-nat, v. t. (Alg.) To cause to dis- appear from an equation. To set aside as unim- portant in a process of inductive inquiry; to leave out of consideration ; to obtain by separating, as from foreign matters; to deduce, infer. [L. elim- inare, -atum, f r. e and limen, threshold.] — Elim'- ina'tion, n. Act of expelling or throwing off. (Alg.) The causing a quantity to disappear from an equation. The obtaining by separation; deduction. Elixir, e-liks'er, n. (Med.) A compound tincture or medicine. (Alchemy.) A liquor for transmuting metals into gold. The refined spirit, or quintessence; cordial or invigorating substance. [Ar. el (the) iksir, philosopher's stone.] Elizabethan, e-liz'a-beth'an, a. Pert, to Queen Eliza- beth, her times, or the architecture then prevalent. Elk, elk, n. A large monogamous European deer, with Ellipse. [AS.; Elm. palmate antlers, allied to the Amer. moose: a large polygamous Amer. deer, with branching antlers, a congener of the European red deer. [Ic. elgr, Sw. elg, MHG. elch, L. aices, Gr. aflfce.] Ell, el, n. A measure of length, chiefly for cloth: the English ell is 45 inches ; the Flemish, 27; Scotch, 37.2; French, 54. [AS. eln, D. and G. elle, Ic. alin, Sw. aln, D. alen, ell, cubit; L. idna, elbow, cubit, Gr. olene, elbow, q. v.] Ellipse, el-lips', n. (Geom.) An oval figure bounded by a regular curve, — the section of a cone by a plane passing obliquely through its opposite sides. — EHip'- sis, n. ; pi. -ses, -sez. (Gram.) Omis- sion ; a figure of syntax, by which words are omitted. [L. ellipsis, Gr. elleipsis, defect, fr. en, in, and leipein, to leave, — the inclination of the ellipse being in- ferior to that of the side of the cone.] — Ellip'soid, -soid, n. (Geom.) A solid, all plane sections of which are ellipses or circles. [Gr. eidos, form.] — Ellipsoid'al, a. Pert, to or like an ellipsoid. — El- liptic, -tical, a. Pert, to or like an ellipse; having a part omitted; defective. — Ellip'tically, adv. Ac- cording to the form of an ellipse. (Gram.) With a part omitted. — Elliptic'lty, -tis'T-tT, n. Deviation from the form of a circle or sphere. Elm, elm, n. A tree of several species. Sw. aim, Ic. almr, G. ulme, orig. elme, L. idmus."] Elocution, el-o-ku'shun, n. Mode of delivery of anything spoken, esp. of a public discourse. [L. elocutio, fr. e and loqui, locutus, to speak.] — Elocu'tionary, -a-rT, a. Pert, to elocution. — Elocution- ist, n. One versed in, or a teacher of, etc. — EKoquent, -kwent, a. Able to express strong emotions ; in an elevated and effective man- ner; adapted to express emotion with fluency and power. [F., fr. L. eloqui.] — El'oquently, adv. — El'oquence, -kwens, n. Expression of, etc.; what is eloquently said or , written ;_ oratory; rhetoric; persuasive speech. Eloge, alozh, n. A funeral oration; panegyric on the dead. [F., fr. L. elogium, a short sayitig, inscription on a tombstone, fr. Gr. logos, speech.] Elohistic, el-o-hisfik, a. Pert, to Elohim, — said of passages in the Old Testament, where Elohim. is used instead of Jehovah, as the name of the Supreme Being. [Heb. elohim, one of the names of God.] Elongate, e-lon'gat, a. Drawn out at length. — v. t. To lengthen, extend, stretch out. [LL. elongare, -gatum, f r. L. longus, long.] — Elonga'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; protraction; extension; that which lengthens out ; removal to a distance; de- parture; intervening space. (Astron.) Angular dis- tance of a planet from the sun. (Surg.) Lengthen- ing of a limb from disease or injury, or in reducing a fractured bone, etc. Elope, e-lop r , v. i. [eloped (-lopf), eloping.] To run away, or escape privately, — said esp. of a woman, who runs away with a lover. [D. ontloopen, to escape, f r. out- (= G. ent-, AS. and-, Gr. anti-, in opposition to) and loopen, to run ; s. rt. leap.] — Elope'ment, n. Secret departure. Eloquence, etc. See under Elocution'. Else, els, a. &pron. Other; one or something beside. — adv. & conj. Beside ; except that mentioned ; otherwise; if the facts were different. [AS. elles, otherwise, gen. of el, other ; Goth, aljis, fr. alis, other, L. alias, fr. alius.] — Else'where, -hwar, adv. In any other placej in other places indefinitely. Elucidate, e-lu'sl-dat, v. t. To make clear or mani- fest, explain, illustrate. [LL. ehicidare, -datum, f r. L. lucidus, clear.] — Elu'cida'tion, n. Act of, or that which, etc. ; explanation ; exposition ; illustra- tion. — Elu'cida'tive, a. Making, or tending to make, clear. — Elu'cida'tor, -ter, n. One who ex- plains; an expositor. Elude, e-lud', v. t. To avoid -by artifice, stratagem, or dexterity; to remain unexplained or undiscovered by ; to evade, escape, shun, mock. [L. e and ludere, lusum, to play.] — Eludlble, a. — Elu'sion, -zhun, n. Escape by artifice or deception; evasion. — Elu'sive, -siv, -sory, -so-rl, a. Tending to elude ; evasive ; fallacious ; deceitful. — Elu'soriness, n. Elul, elul, n. The 0th month of the Israelitish eccl. year — parts of August and September. [Heb. dial, to harvest.] 6un, cube, full ; moon, foot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNboN, chair, get. ELUTRIATE 176 EMBRACE Elutriate, e-lulrT-at, v. t. To purify by washing. [L. elutriare, -atuin, fr. eluere, to wash.] Elve, Elvish. See under Elf. Elysium, e-lizhl-um, n. ; E. pi. -iums, -T-umz, L. pi. -i a, -I-a. (Myth.) The abode of the blessed after death ; any delightful place. [L. ; Gr. Elusion, for E. peclion, the Elysian field.] — Elysian, -f-an, a. Pert, to, etc. ; blissful. Elytron, ell-tron, -trum, -trum, n. ; pi. -tra, -tra. (Entom.) A wing-sheath or outer wing of a beetle. [Gr. elutron, fr. eleuein, to roll round.] Em, em, n. (Print.) The space occupied by the letter m when a square type, used as a unit for "measuring printed matter. Emaciate, e-ma'shl-at, v. i. To lose flesh gradually, waste awav. — v. t. To cause to lose flesh gradu- ally. — a. Emaciated. [L. emaciare, -atuni, fr. e and macies, leanness, macer, lean.] — Ema/cia'tion, n. Condition of becoming, or state of being, etc. Emanate, em'a-nat, v. i. To issue forth from a source ; proceed, as a fountain, take origin, flow, arise, spring. [L. emanare, -natum, f r. e and manare, to flow ; s. rt. madere, to be moist.] — Emana'tion, n. Act of, or thing which, etc.; effluvium ; efflux. — Em'anant, a. Emanating ; passing forth into an act; making itself apparent by an effect. Emancipate, e-man'sf-pat, v. t. To set free from servitude voluntarily; to liberate; to free from any- thing exerting undue or evil influence. — a. Set at liberty. [L. e and mancipare, -patum, to transfer ownership in, fr. manceps, one who buys (lit. takes in hand) property, fr. manus, hand, and capere, to take.] — Eman'cipalion, n. Act of, or state of be- ing, etc. ; liberation; release ; freedom. — Eman'ci- pa'tor, -ter, n. Emasculate, e-mas'ku-lat, v. t. To castrate, geld ; to render effeminate. — a. Deprived of virility or vigor; unmanned. [L. emasculare, -latum, fr. e and masculus, masculine, dim. of mas, male.] — Emas / - culalion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Embalm, em-bam / , v. t. [-balmed (-bamd'), -balm- ing.] To preserve from decay by balm or other aro- matic oils or spices; to perpetuate in grateful remem- brance. [OF. embaumer, fr. en- (L. and E. in-) and baume, balm. See Balm.] — Embalm 7, er, n. Embank, em-bank'', v. t. [-banked (-bankf), -bank- ing,] To inclose with a bank, bank up. — Em- bank'ment, n. Act of surrounding or defending with a bank ; a mound or bank. Embargo, em-bar'go, n. A prohibition by public au- thority, and for a limited time, of departure from a port ; any hindrance or restraint. — v. t. [embar- goed (-god), -going.] To hinder from leaving port, by law or edict ; to hinder from going forward, by an embargo. [Sp., fr. embargare, to arrest, fr. em- (L. in-) and barra, a bar. See Bar.] Embark, em-bark'', v. t. [-barked (-barkf), -bark- ing.] To put on board a vessel ; to engage, enlist, or invest in any affair. — v. i. To go on board of a vessel, engage in any business, enlist. [OF. em- barquer. See Bark.] — Embarkation, n. Act of, etc.; thing embarked. Embarrass, cm-barlas, v. t. [-rassed (-rast), -rass- ing.] To hinder through perplexity, render intri- cate, confound, perplex, disconcert, abash, distress. (Com.) To incumber with debt, make incapable of paying. [F. embarrasser, fr. barre, Proven, barra, pi. barras, a bar, q. v.] — Embarlassment, n. A state of entanglement or confusion ; perplexity arising from insolvency, or inability to discharge debts. Embassy, em'bas-sY, n. The public function of an embassador; persons sent as embassadors; dwelling or office of an embassador. [OF. embassade, fr. LL. ambascia, a message. See Ambassador.] — Em- or Ambassador, n. A minister of the highest rank sent by one government to another, to represent the appointing power, in matters between the gov- ernments. — Embas'sadolial, a. Pert, to, etc. Embattle, em-baftl, v. t. [-tled (-tld), -tling.] To arrange in order of battle, prepare or arm for battle. Embay, em-ba', v. t. [-bayed (-bad'), -baying.] To inclose in a bay or inlet ; to landlock. Embed, em-bed', v. t. To lay as in a bed ; to bed. Embellish, eni-bellish, v. t. [-lished (-lisht), -lish- ing.] To make beautiful or elegant by ornaments; to adorn, decorate, grace, illustrate. [OF. embellir, fr. em.-, en-, and bel, beautiful. See Beau.] — Em- bellisher, n. — Embellishment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; ornament; beauty; adornment. Ember, em'ber, n. A remnant of burning wood, smoldering amid ashes, — used chiefly in pi., to sig- nify hot cinders covered with ashes. [AS. semyrian, Ic. eimyrja, Dan. emmer, embers.] Ember days, em'ber-daz. (Eccl.) Certain days set apart for fasting and prayer in each of the 4 sea- sons of the year, — being the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday after the 1st Sunday in Lent ; the feast of Whitsuntide; Sept. 14th; and Dec. loth: the weeks in which these days fall are called ember weeks. [AS. ymbren, ymbryne, orig. a circuit, fr. ymbe (G. urn-, L. ambi-), around, and ryne, a running, fr. rinnan, to run, hence OSw. ymberdagar ; Sw. tamper-dagar, corrupt, fr. L. quatuor_ tempora, the 4 seasons.] Ember-goose, em'ber-goos, n. A web-footed bird, of the Arctic regions ; the great northern diver ; loon. [Norw. embergaas, G, inwer, D. embervogel.~] Embezzle, em-bez'zl, v. t. [-zled (-zld), -zling.] To appropriate fraudulently to one's own use. [ME. emhecyll, to confuse, imbezil, to take away, bezzle, to squander. See Imbecile.] — Embez'zlement, n. Appropriation to one's own use of what is intrusted to one's care. — Embez'zler, n. Embitter. SeelMBiTTER. Emblaze, em-blaz', v. t. [-blazed (-blazdO. -blazing.] To emblazon. — Embla'zon, -zn, v. t. [-zoned (-znd), -zoning.] To deck in glaring colors, decorate ; to adorn with figures of heraldry or ensigns armorial. [OF. blasonner.] — Embla'zoner . n. — Embla'zonry, -rt, n. Heraldic or ornamental decoration. Emblem, em'blem, n. An object symbolizing some other object, quality, etc. ; figure ; type ; symbol ; adumbration. [OF. embleme, a device, emblem, L. and Gr. emblema, ornament, fr. Gr. emballein, to put in, lay on, fr. en, in, and ballein, to throw, thrust, put.] — Emblematic, -ical, a. Pert, to, comprising, or using emblems. — Emblematically, adv. By way or means of emblems ; in the manner of em- blems. — Emblem'atist, n. A writer or inventor of emblems. — Emblem'atize, v. t. [-tized (-tizd), -tizing.] To represent, as by an emblem, sym- bolize. — Em'bolus, n. Something inserted in an- other; that which thrusts or drives, as a wedge or piston. (Pathol.) A plug lodged in a blood-vessel, — usually a clot of fibrine, detached shred of a mor- bid growth, globule of fat, etc. [L. embolus, Gr. embolos, f r. Gr. emballein.] — Em'bolizm, -izm, n. Intercalation; the insertion of days, months, etc., in an account of time, to produce regularity. (Pathol.) Occlusion of a blood-vessel by an embolus, — when in the brain, causing apoplexy and paralysis. [Gr. embolisma.~} — Embolic, -bolis'mal, -liz'mal, -Jis / '- mic, a. Pert, to, etc. Emblement, em'ble-ment, ».. (Law.) The produce or fruits of land sown or planted ; the claim of an outgoing tenant for growing crops. [Norm. F. em- blear, fr. OF. bled, ble, grain.] Embody, em-bocKl, v. t. [-bodied (-bodld), -body- ing.] To form into a Dody, invest with matter, make corporeal; to collect into a whole, incorporate, concentrate. — Embodiment, n. Act of, state of being, or that which is, etc.; a complete system, like an organized body. Embogue, em-bogl v. i. To discharge, as a river, its waters into the sea or other river. [See Disembogue.] — Embog'uing, -boglng, n. Mouth of a river. Embolden, em-bold / 'n, v. t. [-ened (-nd), -ening.] To give boldness or courage to, encourage. Embolic, Embolism, Embolus. See under Emblem. Embonpoint, oN-boN-pwoNl n. Plumpness of person ; fleshiness. [F.; en bon point, in good condition.] Embosom, em-bdt>z / 'om, v. t. To take into the bosom, cherish; to hide or half conceal. Emboss, em-bos', v. t. [embossed (-bosf), -bossing.] To cover with bosses or protuberances, ornament in relief, fashion raised work upon. [OF. embosser. See Boss.] — Emboss'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. ; raised work. Embouchure, oN-boo-shoor / ', n. A mouth, or opening, as of a river, cannon, etc. [F. See Debouch.] Embowel, em-bow'el, v. t. [-eled (-eld), -eling.] To remove the bowels of, eviscerate, embalm ; to hide in the inward parts, bury, secrete. Embower, em-bow'er, v. i. [-ered (-erd), -eking.] To lodge or rest in a bower. — v. t. To cover with a bower, shelter with trees. Embrace, em-bras / ', v. t. [-braced (-brast'), -bra- cing.] To clasp or inclose in the arms, press to the bosom, cherish with affection ; to surround or in- close ; to include as parts of a whole, or divisions of a part, comprehend ; to seize eagerly, welcome. — v.i. To join in an embrace. — n. Close encircling with the arms ; pressure to the bosom; clasp; hug. am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; end, eve, term ; In, ice ; 5dd, tone, 6r ; EMBRASURE 177 empiric EE, Embrasures in a parapet. AA, Merlons. tOF. embracer, to embrace, fr. en (L. in) and bras, j. brachi urn, arm. See Brace.] — Embra'cer, n. — Embrace'inent, n. A clasp in the arms; embrace.— Embra'cery, -sSr-Y, n. (Law.) An attempt to cor- ruptly influence a jury, court, etc. Embrasure, em-bra'zhSr, n. (Fort.) An opening in a wall or parapet, through which cannon are discharged: See Casemate and Castle. (Arch.) The enlargement of the aperture of a door or window, on the inside of the wall, to give more space or light. [F., fr. OF. ernbraser, to chamfer off door jambs, fr. en and braser, to chamfer, bevel.] Embrocate, em'bro-kat, v. t. (Med.) To rub (a dis eased part) with spirit, oil, etc. [It. emhroccare, L. embrocare, -catum, Gr. embrechein, to soak in, foment, fr. en, in, and brechein, to wet ; s. rt. rain.] — Embro- cation, n. Act of rubbing a diseased part ; lotion with which an affected part is washed. [OF.] Embroglio. See Imbroglio. Embroider, em-hroid'er, v. t. [-ered (-Srd), -erixg.] To cover with ornamental needle-work or figures. [OF. en and broder, border, to broider, fr. bord, edge, hem ; s. rt. border.] — Embroid r erer, n. — Embroicl/- ery, -Sr-Y, n. Variegated needle-work : decoration. Embroil, em-broil'', v. t. [-broiled (-broild'), -broil- ixg.] To throw into perplexity, contention, or trouble ; to entangle, encumber,' disturb, trouble. [OF. embrouiller, fr. brouiller, to tangle, jumble. See Broil, ».] — Embroil'ment, n. State of conten- tion or confusion; disturbance. Embrue. See Imbrue. Embryo, em'brt-o, n.; pi. -os, -oz. The germ of an organized being, in any stage of ante-natal devel- opment, — in egg, womb, or seed. [OF. and Gr. em- brtjon, fetus, fr. Gr. en and bruon, p. pr. of bruein, to be full of a thing, swell ; perh. s. rt. brew.] — In em- bryo. In an incipient or undeveloped state ; in con- ception, but not yet executed. — Embryology, -jY, m. Science of the development of the embryo of animals. [Gr. logos, discourse.] — Embryog / 'eny, -oj'e-nY, n. Embryology. [Gr. genesis, origin.] Emend, e-mend', v. t . To amend. [See Amexd.] — Emenda'tion, n. Act of altering for the better; cor- rection; alteration of a text, to give a better reading. [L. emendare, -atum, to free from fault.] — Em'en- da'tor, -ter, n. — Emend'atory, -to-rY, a. Pert, or contributing to, etc. Emerald, em'er-ald, n. (Min.) A precious stone of a rich green color. (Print.) A kind of type, in size between minion and nonpareil. [OF. esmerande, L. smaragdus, Gr. smaragdos, Skr. marakata.~\ C^This line is printed in Emerald type. Emerge, e-merj / ', v. i. [emerged (-merjd'), emer- ging.] To rise out of, or as out of, a fluid; to issue and appear. [L. emergere. See Merge.] — Emer''- gence, -gency, -jen-sY, n. Act of, etc.; sudden ap- pearance ; unforeseen occurrence ; pressing neces- sity ; exigency. — Emer , gent, a. Rising out of a fluid or anything that covers ; issuing ; suddenly appearing ; calling for prompt action ; urgent. — Emer 'sion, -shun, n. Act of rising, etc. Emeritus, e-mer^Y-tus, n. ; pi. -iti, -ti. One honorably discharged from public service. — a. Honorably discharged from performance of public duty, — said of an officer in a university, etc. [L., one who has served his time, fr. e and merere, to merit, serve.] Emerods, em'e-rodz, -roids, n. pi. (Med.) Hemor- rhoids; piles. [Corrup. fr. hemorrhoids, q. v.] Emersion. See under Emerge. Emery, em'er-Y, n. (Min.) An extremely hard, com- pact, dark-colored, granular mineral, allied to co- rundum and sapphire, — used for grinding and polish- ing metals, stones, and glass. [ME. and OF. emeril, smeriglio, Gr. smeris, fr. smart, smechein, to rub, It. wipe; s. rt. smear.] — Emery cloth or paper. Cloth or paper coated with powdered emery for polishing metal, etc. — E. wheel. A wheel so faced, for polish- ing ; buff-wheel ; glazer. Emetic, e-metlc, a. Inducing to vomit. — n. Med- .icine which, etc. [Gr. emetikos, fr. emein, to vomit.] Emeute, a-mut' A seditious commotion or mob, riot. [F., fr. L. emovere, to move out, stir up.] Emication, em-Y-ka'shun, n. A living off in small particles, as heated iron or fermenting liquors; scin- tillation. [L. e andmicare, -catum, to sparkle.] Emiction, e-mik'shun, n. The discharging of urine; urine. [L. e andjningere. miction, to make water ] Emigrate, em'Y-grat, v. i. To remove from one conn- try to another, for residence. [L. e and migrare, -yratum, to migrate.] — Emigrant, a. Pert, to an emigrant; removing from one countrv to another. — m. One who, etc. — Emigration, n. Removal to an- other country for residence ; a body of emigrants. Eminent, em'Y-nent, a. High: lofty; towering; ex- alted in rank, office, or public estimation ; distin- guished; conspicuous; prominent; illustrious. [L. eminere,to stand out, be prominent, fr. e and minere, to project.] —Eminent domain. See Domaix. — Em'- inently, -IT, adv. — Eminence, -nency, -sY, n. A height, elevation; an elevated situation among men; distinction; preferment; a title of honor, appl. to a cardinal in the Rom. Cath. church. Emir, Emeer, e-mer', n. An Arabian prince, military commander, and governor of a conquered province; in Turkey, an honorary title of the descendants of Mohammed. [Ar. amir, prince, fr. amara, Chald. and Heb. amar, he commanded; s. rt. admiral.) Emit, e-mit', v. t. To send forth, cause to issue: to issue forth, as an order or decree; to send into circu- lation, as notes or bills of credit. [L. e and mittere, mission, to send.] — Emissary, -sa-rY, n. A secret agent, to advance the interests of his employers; a spy. — a. Exploring; spying. — Emis'sion, -mish''- un, H. Act of sending or throwing out; issue ; thing sent out, or put in circulation at one time. — Emis'- sive, -siv, a. Sending out; emitting. Emmet, emlnet, n. An ant or pismire. [AS. semete, G. ameise ; perh. s^rt. Ic. ama, to annoy.] Emolliate, e-mollY-at, v. r. To soften, render effem- inate. [L. e and mollire, to soften, fr. mollis, soft.] — Emorlient, -yent, a. Softening; making supple. — n. (Med.) An external application to alia y irri- tation, and alleviate soreness, swelling, and pain. — Emolli'tion, -lish^un, n. Act of softening. — Em- mollescence, -lessens, n. The lowest degree of fusi- bility. [L. e and mollescere, to become soft.] Emolument, e-moKu-ment, n. Profit arising from of- fice ; gain ; that which promotes public or private good. [OF.; L. emohtmentum, lit. a working out, fr. emoliri, to work out, fr. e and moles, a mass.] Emotion, e-mo r shun, n. A moving of the mind or soul; state of excited feeling; agitation. [L. e and movere, motum, to move.] — Emo'tional, -tive, -tiv, a. Pert, to, or attended or characterized by, emotion. Empale, em-pal'', Impale'', v. t. [-paled (-paid'), -palixg.] To inclose, surround, shut in; to put to death b} r fixing on a stake. [OF. empaler, to spit on a stake, f r. en (L. in) and pal (L. pialus), stake.] — Em- or Impalelnent, n. A fencing, or inclosing with stakes; execution by thrusting a stake into the body. (Bot.) The calyx of a plant. Empanel, em-pan'el, n. A list of jurors ; a panel. Emperil, em-pt?r11, v. t. To put in peril, endanger. Emperor. See under Empire. Emphasis, em'fa-sis, n. ; pi. -ses, -sez. (Rhet.) Stress of utterance given to words or parts of a discourse, intended to be impressed specially on an audience; peculiar impressiveness of expression or weight of thought. [L. and Gr., fr. Gr. en, in, and jihasis, an appearance, phanein, to show.] — Em'phasize, v.t. [-sized (-sizd), -sizixg.] To utter with stress of voice, lay emphasis upon, make emphatic. — Em- phatic, -fatlk, -ical, a. Uttered with, or requiring, emphasis; attracting attention; forcible; impressive; striking. — Emphatically, adv. Emphysema, em-fl-se /, ma, n. (3Ied.) A swelling pro- duced by air in the cellular tissue. [Gr., fr. en and phusan, to blow.] Empire, em'pir, n. Supreme power in governing: do- minion of an emperor, or, rarely, of a king; predom- inant influence; sway; rule; control; government; state. [OF.; L. imperium, command, fr. imperare t to command, fr. in and parare, to make ready, order; s. rt. parade.] — Em'peror, -per-er, n. The sover- eign of an empire, — a title superior to king. [F. empereur, OF. empereor, L. imperator.] — Em'press, n. The consort of an emperor; a woman who rules an empire. [OF. empereis, L. imperatrix.] Empiric, em-pirlk or em'pir-ik, n. One who relies upon experiment and observation; one who confines himself to applying the results of his own observa- tion; esp., a quack doctor, charlatan. — Empiric, -ical, a. Pert, to, or founded upon, experiment or experience; depending upon, etc., without due re- gard to science and theory. [OF. empirique, L. em- piricus, Gr. empeirikos, fr. empeiria, experience, fr. sun, cube, full; moon, f oot ; cow, oil; linger or ink, tlien, boxbox, chair, get. 12 EMPLASTIO 178 ENCOUNTER en and peira, trial, attempt; s. rt. Gr. poros, a way, E./are.j — Empirically, adv.— Empiricism, -sizm, n. Method or practice of an empiric; practice of medicine founded on experience, and neglecting science; quackery. (Metaph.) The doctrine that all knowledge is derived from experience. Emplastic, em-plas'tik, a. Fit to be applied as a plas- ter; glutinous; adhesive. [Gr. emplassein, to daub over. See Plaster.] Employ, em-pM', v. t. [-ployed (-ploidO, -ploying.] To keep in service; to use as instrument, means, or materials, or as agent, servant, or representative. — n. Employment. [OF. employer, to employ, fr. L. implicare. See Implicate.] — To employ one's self. To apply one's time and attention; to busy one's self. — Employer, n. — Employ^, ox-plw8-ya /r , Em- ployee', -ploi-e ,r , n. One employed. [F. employe'.'] — Employ'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which engages or occupies; service; agency. Emporium, em-po / rT-um, n.; L. pi. -eia, -rf-a, E. pi. -riums, -umz. A place of extensive commerce or trade; commercial city; mart. [L.; Gr. emporion, fr. emporia, commerce, emporos, passenger, merchant, f r. en and poros, a waj r , poreuesthai, to travel.] Empower, em-powder, v. t. [-ered (-erd), -ering.] To give legal or moral power or authority, or physi- cal force to. Empress. See under Empire. Empressement, oN-pres^moN, n. Eagerness; zeal. [F.] Emprise, em-priz /P , n. An undertaking, enterprise. [OF., fr. en and prise, a taking, fr. prendre, to take, L. prendere.] Empty, emp'tt, a. [emptier, -tiest.] Containing nothing; void; not tilled; destitute of effect, sincer- ity, or sense; unable to satisfy; hollow; waste; de- serted; producing nothing; lacking sense; destitute of reality, or real existence; unsubstantial. — v. t. [emptied (-tid), -tying.] To exhaust, deprive of the contents. — v. i. To pour or flow out, discharge itself, become empty. [AS. semtig, fr. semta, leisure.] — Emp'tiness, n. State of being empty; void space, or vacuum; exhaustion; destitution; want of solid- ity or substance; unsatisfactoriness; want of knowl- edge or sense.— Emp'' tying, n. Act of making empty. pi. The lees of beer, cider, etc.; yeast. Empyema, em-pi-e^ma, n. (Med.) A collection of blood, pus, etc., in a cavity of the body, esp. of the pleura. _ [Gr., f r. empuein, to have abscesses, fr. en anipuein, to separate, fr. puon, pus.] Empyreal, em-pir'e-al, a. Formed of pure fire or light; refined beyond aerial substance. [Gr. empuros, in fire, f r. en and pur, fire ; s. rt. fire.'] — Empyrean, -pY-re'an, a. Empyreal. — n. The highest heaven, where the ancients supposed the pure element of fire to subsist.— Em / pyreumat''ic, -pt-ru-mafik, -ical, a. Pert, to, or like the taste or smell of burnt animal or vegetable substances. Emu, Emeu, e'mu, n. A very large bird of Australia, related to the ostrich. [Pg. ema.] Emulate, em'u-lat, v. t. To strive to equal or excel; to vie with, rival. [L. semulari, -atus, fr. semulus, emulous.] — Emulation, n. Act of attempting to ex- cel; desire of superiority, with effort to attain it; competition; rivalry; contest; strife. — Em'ulator, -ter, n. A rival ; competitor. — Em'ulous, -lus, a. Ambitiously desirous of like excellence with an- other; rivaling. — Em'ulously, adv. Emulgent, e-muVjent, a. (Anat.) Milking or drain- ing out, — said of the renal arteries and veins. — n. An emulgent vessel; a remedy exciting the flow of bile. [L. emidgere, emulsmn, fr. e and midgere, to milk.] — EmuFsion, -shun, n. A soft, smooth, milk- like remedy, formed by mixing oil with water and gummy or saccharine substances or yelk of egg. [OF.] — Emul'sive, -siv, a. Softening; milk-like; yielding oil by expression; producing a milk-like substance. Emunctory, e-munk'to-rT, n. (Anat.) Any organ of the body serving to carry off excrementitious mat- ter. [L. emungere, emunctum, to blow the nose, wipe, cleanse, fr. e and mungere, to blow the nose.] Enable, en-a'bl, v. t. [-abled (-bid), -bling.] To give strength or ability to; to supply with sufficient power, [en- causal (F. en-, L. in-) and able, q. v.] Enact, en-akt', v. t. To decree, make into a law; to perform; to act the part of, play. — Enact 'ive, -tiv, a. Having power to enact, as a law. — Enact'ment, n. The passing of a bill into a law; a decree; the acting, as a part in a play. — Enacfor, -er, n. Enallage, e-nalla-je, n. (Gram.) A substitution of one gender, number, case, person, tense, mode, or voice, of the same word, for another. [Gr., fr. en and allassein, to change.] Enamel, en-am'el, n. A substance like glass, but more fusible and nearly opaque; thing enameled. (Anat.) The smooth, hard substance covering the crown of a tooth. — v. t. [-eled (-eld), -eling.] To cover with, or paint in, enamel; to form an enamel-like surface upon. — v. i. To practice enameling. [F. en and amaile, amel, corrupt, fr. OF. esmail. It. smalto, enamel, MHG. smelzen, D. smelten, to smelt.] — Enam'eler, -elist, n. One who, etc. — Enam'elar, a. Like enamel; smooth; glossy. Enamor, en-am'er, v. t. [-ored (-erd), -oring.] To inflame with love, charm, captivate. [OF. enamourer, fr. en and amour, L. amor, love.] Encage, en-kaj', v. t. To shut up in a cage. Encamp, en-kamp', v. i. [-camped (-kampf), -camp- ing.] To form and occupy a camp. — v. t. To form into a camp. — Encamp'ment, n. Act of pitching tents or forming huts for temporary rest ; place where an army or company is encamped; camp. Encaustic, en-kaws' tik, a. Pert, to the art of burning in colors, — appl. to a painting in wax liquefied by heat, also to painting on glass or porcelain, or wher- ever colors are fixed by heat. — n. The method of painting in heated or burnt wax, etc. [OF. encaus- tique, wrought with fire, Gr. engkaiein, to burn in, fr. en and kaiein (fut. kauso), to burn.] Enceinte, oN'sanf, n. (Fort.) The main inclosure. — a. (Law.) Pregnant; with child. [F.,fr. e.nceindre, to gird about, surround, L. incingere, fr. in and cin- gere, to gird.] Encephalic, en-se-fallk, a. Pert, to the head or brain. [Gr. engkephalon, the brain, fr. en and kephale, the head.] — Encephalopathy, -thY, n. (Pathol.) Dis- ease referable to disorder of the brain. [Gr. pathein, to suffer.] Enchain, en-chan', v. t. [-chained (-chand'), -chain- ing.] To chain, fasten with a chain ; to restrain. — Enchain'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Enchant, en-chanf, v. t. To charm by sorcery, hold as by a spell, delight highly, captivate, fascinate, en- rapture, bewitch. [F. enchanter, fr. L. incantare, to chant a magic formula against one, fr. in and can- tare, to sing.] — Enchanfer, n. One who, etc. ; a sorcerer, magician. — Enchant'ress, n. A woman who, etc. — Enchant 'ment, n. Act of enchanting; use of magic arts, spells, or charms; that which en- chants ; incantation ; magic ; sorcery ; witchery. Enchase, en-chas', v. t. [-chased (-chasf)* -chasing.] To inclose in a border or rim, encircle; to adorn with embossed or engraved work. [F. enchasser, f r. chdsse, same as chassis, frame, caisse, chest, case, q. v.] Enchorial, en-ko'rT-al, -choric, -kor'ik, a. Pert, to a country; native; popular; common, — said esp. of the common written characters of Egypt, disting. f r. the hieroglyphics. [Gr. engchorios, domestic, fr. en and chora, place, country.] Encircle, en-ser'kl, v. t. [-cled (-kid), -cling.] To form a circle about, embrace ; to go or come round, encompass, inclose, surround, environ. Enclave, en'klav, n. (Geog.) A tract of land sur- rounded by foreign territory. (Her.) Something let into another. — v.t. To inclose within other land. [F., fr. L. in and clavis, a key.] Enclitic, en-klifik, -ical, a. (Gram.) Subjoined, — said of a word or particle so closely united to the preceding word as to seem to be part of it, and to lose its own accents, sometimes varying the accent of the preceding word. — n. (Gram.) A word closely joined to another. [Gr. engklitikos, fr. en and klinein, to incline; s. rt. lean.] Enclose. See Inclose. Encomium, en-ko'mT-um, n. ; E. pi. -ums, L. pi. -a, -a. Formal praise; high commendation; eulogy; pane- gyric; applause. [Gr. engkomion, a laudatory ode, fr. en and komos, revelry; s. rt. comic] — Enco / miast, n. One addicted to praise; a panegyrist, eulogist. [Gr. engkomiastes.] — Enco'miasfic, -ical, a. Bestowing praise ; laudatory. Encompass, en-kum'pas, v. t. [-passed (-past), -pass- ing.] To describe a circle about, inclose, surround, invest, hem in, shut up. — Encom'passment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Encore, oN-kor / ', adv. Once more; again, — a call for a repetition of a part of a play, etc. — v. t. [-cored (-kordO, -coring.] To call for, etc. [F. ; It. ancora, still, again, abbr. of L. in hanc horam, to this hour.J Encounter, en-kown'ter, n. A meeting face to face; a running against ; a hostile meeting ; conflict ; skirmish ; combat ; rencounter ; onset. — v. t. [EN- am, fame, far, pass or opera, fare ; fend, eve, term ; Tn, Tee ; Sdd, tone, 6r ; ENCOURAGE 179 ENGAGE countered (-terd), -tering.] To come against face to face; esp., to meet in opposition or with hostile intent. — v. i. To meet, esp., as enemies. [OF. en- contrer, to encounter, fir. en (L. in) and contre (L. contra), against. See Counter.] Encourage, en-kur'ej, v. t. [-aged (-ejd), -aging.] To give courage to, inspire with spirit or hope, em- bolden, incite, cheer, stimulate, comfort, promote, forward. [F. encourager, fr. en and courage, fr. cceur, L. cor, heart.] — Encour'agement, n. Act of, etc.; incentive; that which supports, promotes, or advances. — Encour'aging, a. Furnishing ground for hope; favoring.— Encour'agingly, adv. Encrinite, en'kri-mt, n. The stone-lily, a fossil ani- mal of the star-fish family, the joints of whose stems are small calcareous disk's. [Gr. en and krinon, lily.] Encroach, en-kroch', v. i. [-croached (-krocht*'), -croaching.] To enter gradually into the rights and possessions of another, intrude, trench, in- fringe, trespass. [F. en and croc, a hook.] — En- croach'er, n. — Encroach/ ment, n. Act of, etc. ; that taken by encroaching on another. Encumber, en-kum'ber, Incum'ber, v. t. [-bered (-berd), -Bering.] To impede the action of, as with a burden; to load with debts, mortgages, etc.; to clog, oppress, embarrass, hinder. [OF. encombrer. See Cumber.] — Encumbrance, n. That which im- pedes action ; clog ; impediment ; that which en- cumbers an estate; debt; lien; burden; hindrance. Encyclical, en-siklik-al, a. Sent to many persons or places; circular. [Gr. engkiiklios, circular, succes- sive, fr. ewand kuklos, ring.] —Encyclopedia, -paedia, en-si'klo-pe'dl-a, n. The circle of sciences; esp., a work in which the branches of science or art are discussed separately, and usually in alphabetical order. [Same as cyclopedia, q. v.] — Ency'clope'di- an, a. Embracing the whole circle of learning. — Encyclopedic, -pedlcal, a. Pert, to an encyclo- pedia; universal in knowledge. — Ency'dope'dist, n. The compiler of an encyclopedia ; one whose knowledge embraces the whole range of science. Encysted, en-sisfed, a. Inclosed in a cyst, bag, blad- der, or vesicle. End, end, n. The extreme or last portion; concluding part; the conclusion; result ; termination of being or of happiness; destruction; cause of destruction or death; object aimed at; purpose; what is left; remnant. — v. i. To bring to an end or conclusion, finish, terminate; to destroy, put to death. — v.i. To come to the end, be finished, cease. [AS., Dan., and G. ende, D. einde, Ic. endi, Skr. anta, an end, limit.] — Enduing, n. Termination; result. (Gram.) The terminating letter or syllable of a word. — End'- less, a. Without end or conclusion ; perpetually recurring ; eternal ; interminable ; infinite ; inces- sant; void of design. — Endless screw. (Mech.) A screw combined with a wheel and axle, its threads working into teeth on the periphery of the wheel. — Endlessly, adv. — Endlessness, n. — End ''wise, -wiz, adv. On end; erectly; with the end forward. Endanger, en-dan^jer, v. t. [-gered (-jerd), -gering.] To put to hazard. Endear, en-der', v. t. [-deared (-derd r ), -dearing.] To make dear, or dearer. — Endear 'ment, n. Act of, or state of being, etc.; that which, etc. Endeavor, en-dev'er, n. A putting forth of power for some end; an attempt; trial; effort; exertion. — v. i. [endeavored (-erd), -oring.] To exert power to accomplish an object; to attempt, try, essay, aim. — v. t. To attempt to gain, [en causal and JfE. and OF. devoir, duty. See Devoir.] Endecagon. See Hendecagon'. Endemial, en-de'mT-al, -demlc, -domical, -demlk-al, ffi. (Med.) Peculiar to a people, nation, or district. [Gr. en and demos, a people.] Endive, en'div, n. (Bot.) A species of succory, — used as a salad. [F. ; L. intubus.] Endocardium, en-do-kar'dY-um, n. (A>iat.) The lin- ing membrane of the cavities of the heart. [Gr. enaon, within, and kardia, heart.] Endogen, en'do-jen, n. A plant which increases in size by internal growth and elongation at the summit, in- stead of externally, and having no distinct pith, as the rattan, palm, cornstalk. [Gr. endon, within, and genesthai, to be pro- duced.] —Endogenous, -doj'e- nus, a. Increasing by internal growth and elongation at the summit. Endogen. Endorse, Endorsement, etc. See Indorse, etc. Endoscope, enHo-skop, n. Apparatus to explore the urethra and bladder. [Gr. endon & sko/ ein, to view.] Endow, en-dow', r. r. [-dowel (-dowdOi -dowixq.J To make pecuniary provision for; esp., to furnish with dower; to enrich with any gift, quality, or faculty, indue. [F. en and douer, to endow. See Dower.] — Endow'ment, n. Act of settling a fund or provision for the support of any one; property, fur.d, or revenue permanently appropriated to any object; gift of nature; talents; natural capacity. Endue. See Indue. Endure, en-dur', v. t. [-dured ("-durd'), -during.] To remain firm under, sustain, brook, undergo; to bear with patience, bear up under. — v. i. To con- tinue in the same state without perishing, abide, last; to remain firm under trial, sustain suffering patiently. [OF. endurer, fr. en and durer, to last. See Dure.] — Endur'able, a. — Endur'ance, n. A state of lasting or duration ; continuance ; act of bearing pain or distress without sinking; patience; fortitude; resignation. Eneid, JEneid, e-neld, n. An epic poem, by Virgil, in which iEneas is the hero. Enema, e-ne'- or en'e-ma, n. (Med.) An injection, or clyster, thrown into the lower Dowel. [D. and Gr., fr. Gr. en and hienai, to send.] Enemy, en'e-mT, n. One who is actuated by unfriend- ly feelings; one who hates ; adversary ; opponent ; foe. [OF. enemi, L. inimicus, f r. in priv. and amicus, friend.] — The enemy. (Theol.) The evil one; the devil. (Mil.) The opposing force, — used as a col- lective noun, either sing, or pi. — En'mity, -ti, n. Quality of being, etc.; hostility; rancor; hatred: ill- will ; malevolence. [ME. enmite, OF. enamistiet, later inimitie, fr. en pnv. and amitiet, amity, q. v.] Energy, en'er-jt, n. Internal or inherent power ; power efficiently exerted ; strength of expression ; emphasis; vigor; spirit. (Mech.) Capacity for per- forming work, or moving against resistance. [OF. energie, Gr. energeia, fr. en and ergon, work; s. rt. work.] — Energetic, -ical, -jetlk-al, a. Exerting force ; active ; exhibiting energy ; operating with vigor and effect ; powerful ; efficacious ; potent; effective. — Energetically, adv. — En'ergize, -jiz, v. i. [-gized (-jlzd), -gizixg.] To act with force or vigor. — v. t. To give strength to. Enervate, e-ner r vat, a. Weakened; without force. — v. t. To deprive of nerve, force, strength, or cour- age; to enfeeble, debilitate ; to cut the nerves of. [L. enervare, -vatum, fr. e and nerrus, nerve.] — En- erva'tion, n. Act of, or state of being, etc. Enfeeble, en-fc'bl, v. t. [-bled (-bid), -bling.] To render feeble, deprive of strength, weaken, debili- tate, enervate. — Enfee'blement, n. Enervation. Enfeoff, en-fef, v. t. [-feoffed (-feft'), -feoffixg.] (Law.) To give a feud to, invest with a fee. [c«- and lilE. feffen, OF. feoffer, Law L. infeofare. bee Feoff, under Fee.] — Enfeoffment, n. (Laiv.) Act of giving the fee-simple of an estate; deed convey- ing the fee. Enfilade, en-f T-lad /r , n. (Mil.) A line or straight pas- sage. — v. t. To pierce, scour, or rake with shot through the whole length of (a work or line of troops). [F., fr. enfiler, to thread, go through a street, rake with shot, fr. en scaAfil, thread, ~Li.filum.~\ Enfold. See Infold. Enforce, en-fors / ', v. t. [-forced (-forst r ), -forcing.] To put force upon, constrain, compel; to make or gain by force; to give force to, strengthen, urge with energy; to put in force, give effect to. — Enforce''- able, a. — Enforcelnent, n. Act of enforcing; com- pulsion ; restraint ; a putting in execution ; that which enforces. — Enfor'cer, n. Enfranchise, en-fran'chiz, v. t. [-chised (-chizd), -chising.] To set free, liberate, release: to make free of a city, corporation, or state, naturalize. [See Franchise.] — Enfranchisement, n. Release from slavery or custody; admission to the freedom of a corporation_or state. — Enfran'chiser, n. Engage, en-gaj r , v. t. [-gaged (-gajd'), -gaging.] To put under pledge, bind, "involve; to gain for service, enlist; to win and attach ; to occupy; to enter into contest with, encounter. — v. i. To be- come bound; to embark, take a part, enlist; to enter into conflict. [F. engager, fr. en and gage, q. v., pledge, pawn.] — Engaged', p. a. Pledged; prom- ised; esp., promised in marriage; betrothed; greatly interested ; earnest. — Engaged columns. (Arch.) Columns partly sunk into the wall to which they are attached. — E. wheels. (Mech.) Wheels in gear with sun, cube, full ; moon, fdot ; cow, oil ; linger or ink, then, boNbox, chair, get. ENGENDER 180 ENSCONCE each other, — the driver being the engaging wheel, the follower the engaged. — Engage'ment, n. Act of, or state of oeing, etc.; thing engaged or pledged; that which engages; obligation; en- grossing occupation; avocation; employment ; promise. {Mil.) A general action or battle; com- bat ; fight. — Enga'ging, p. a. Winning ; attractive. — Enga'- gingly, adv. Engender, en-jen'der, v. t. [-dered (-derd), -dering.] To form in embryo, procreate ; to cause to exist, produce; to sow the seeds of, breed, beget, occasion, cause. — v. i. To be caused or pro- duced. [F. engendrer, L. ingen- erare, f r. in and generare, to be- _ get, fr. genus, generis, birth. Engaged Columns. See Gender, Genus.] Engine, en'jin, n. (Mech.) A machine in which me- chanical powers are combined; any instrument by which any effect is produced; esp. one designed to kill; anything used to effect a purpose; means. [OF. engin, fr. L. ingenium. genius, also an invention." See Ingenious.]— Engineer', -er', n. One skilled in engineering; one who manages an engine; one who carries through an enterprise by skillful or artful contrivance. — v. t. [engineered (-erd'), -eering.] To perform the work of an engineer; to guide or carry through a measure or enterprise. — Engineer'- ing, n. Science and art of utilizing natural forces and materials, — divided into military engineering (the designing and constructing defensive and of- fensive works) and civil engineering (the design- ing and constructing machinery and fixed public works, as roads, canals, etc.) — En'ginery, -jin-rT, n. Act of managing engines, or artillery; engines in general; instruments of war. English, in'glish, a. Pert, to England, its inhabitants, or their language. — n. The people of England; the language of the English nation and of their descen- dants in other countries; a peculiar impulse given to a ball in the game of billiards. (Print.) A kind of type, in size between pica and great primer. The type called English — Eng'lisn, v. t. [-lished (-glishf), -lishing.] To translate into English, Anglicize, interpret. (Bil- liards.) To strike (a ball) with the cue, so that the ball receives a rotary motion deflecting it from its natural course. [AS. Englisc, fr. Engle, Angle, the German tribe who settled in Britain.] Engorge, en-g6rj', v. t. [-gorged (-g6rjd'), -gorg- ing.] To swallow with greediness. — v.i. To feed with eagerness or voracity. [F. engorger, fr. en and gorge, throat. See Gorge.] — Engorge'ment, n. Act of swallowing greedily. (Med.) Congestion. Engraft, Engraft. See Ingraft. Engrail, en-gral', v. t. [-grailed (-grald'), -grail- ing.] To variegate or spot, as with hail; to indent or make ragged at the ed