:'yM\m-^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, COPYRIGHT OFFICE. No registration sS=mt of this hook- as a preliminary to copyright protec- tion has been found. Forwarded to Order Di' iiJN 24 J9j0 (Date) (Apr. 5, loni— S.OCHI.) Cedar LaJ^e j^ssemblage New York Cit^ Office 45 Broadway, Suite 76 TELEPHONE. 726 RECTOR Copyrighted, 1909 GEO. DONALDSON, Ph. D. JUN ^. ''AI'tM'-^' •^^SMkk^:i^-%^:^^^ THE Institution herein presented has been estabHshed as a result of the strong desire among local Educational Workers for a convenient place where a com- bination of an ideal rural vacation and a thoroughly modern opportunity for self-advancement can be secured. The Cedar Lake Idea is to promote the newest thoughts, conceptions and plans which serve to advance Teachers in their profession with membership fees reduced to a very nominal sum, and cost of travel and incidental expenses brought to a minimum. A MONG the picturesque Watnong Mountains of Morris County, •^^^- Cedar Lake Assemblage is within easy reach of New York being only one hour's pleasant ride on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad — " The Road ' ' , of Anthracite." This is a clean, whole- some, and in every way desirable Summer Resort with [; - > {> Educational Features that are creating a world w;i interest, and is attracSSg large number of intellig( cultured people who want summe homes, amid congenial surroundings. New Citv. npHE neighborhood of Cedar Lake Park lends itself naturally to the purpose. "*■ The charming Lake, (one mile long and half mile wide,) thickly wooded Hills and Glens and the beautiful Drives, make it a truly ideal spot for a Summer Home, while the proximity to the great Metropolis and its easy access render it also an extremely desirable location for a great Summer Assembly. There are several hundred acres of this most desirable land, including beautiful Cedar Lake, and the continued success of all the features planned in connection with this undertaking is assured by the warm interest manifested by educational workers. This tract of land is carefully restricted against the undesirable features that attract boisterous and disorderly crowds, so that families who locate here are not subject to the demoralizing influences so common to the usual summer resorts. The grounds are so planned that all families locating here have easy access to the Lake — which is set apart in perpetuity for their use ; they are also always within a few minutes w^alk of the Auditorium, (planned to be accessible and convenient to every- body) in which the lectures, entertainments and services of the Assemblage take place. 'T^HE thousands of local teachers have no summer assembly of such "*■ magnitude within as easy reach as this, where educational and civic problems are discussed by recognized masters in the various courses, and in connection with which families can have delightful homes at moderate expense, while business men who are obliged to be in the City during the day can spend their evenings with their families — either at home or at some high class entertainment or intellectual feast ^(^ f^/f^i ' I ''HE Advisory Board of Cedar Lake Assemblage is composed of -*- eminent Educators and Clergymen who have had wide experience in the work of similar organizations ; they have the co-operation of distinguished scientists and specialists in various fields and are fully capable of con- -^ ducting the Educational Features on the broadest lines consistent with the m^^ purpose. A matter of fully as much import- ance as, ipornpetent members for an Advisory Board, is that j|;he»-jl:fi^iess affairs of the Assemblage be capably con- 1. To insure efficient management the control i" purely business dealings is lodged in he hands of a Corporation^ — designated as the Arbor Realty Company, the Officers and Directors of which are prominent and suc- cessful business men. . 'V A CAREFULLY selected list of Charter Members of Cedar Lake Assemblage "*^^ are now being enrolled. They not only share in the profits of the Organi- zation, but, by lending their support and influence at this time, confer a lasting benefit to their fellow workers by aiding in the establishment of a beneficient institution; at the same time they acquire a very profitable investment, from a business standpoint. Charter Members subscribe from ten dollars to one-thousand dollars. A ten dollar subscription carries with it all the privileges of the As- semblage for one year, and each additional multiple of ten dollars that is subscribed entitles all privileges for that many years more. In addition to this, each Charter Member receives one share of the Preferred Stock of the Company for every ten dollars subscribed. ''-*^fe These shares will at any time also be re- ceived as cash payment for building plots. npHIS stock is preferred as already stated (that is — dividends must first be paid ■*" on the preferred stock before any dividends may be declared on the common stock) and pays 7% cumulative dividends and also carries voting power — insuring to the Charter Member an actual voice in the management of all affairs. All profits accruing from the sale of lots, from rentals or any other source of business conducted by the Company, will be distributed among the shareholders. The capital stock of the Company is $350,000 con- sisting of 35,000 shares of the par value of $10 each, divided into 25,000 shares of Preferred, 7% cumulative interest bear- -a^^^^^QOO shares of Common stock. A limited "'imber of the Preferred shares are available for Charter Member subscribers who are school teachers and whose endorsement — as reflected by their membership — will be of benefit to the Assemblage. ' I ''HE Assemblage meetings will be so regulated as not to crowd upon the social intercourse and pleasure seeking which are essential to a genuine vacation. By both day and night there'will be healthful and delightful entertainments, but every resident, visitor and member will be at perfect liberty to spend his time as he deems best. For those who enjoy Jhe pastimes, there is boating, canoeing, bathing and fishing. While provisions are being made for permanently furnishing all forms of healthful pastime on land and water, the central feature of Cedar Lake Park will always be the Teachers' Summer Assemblage — there being no other assem- bly of this character near New York. i lie Jjcpoi ai i^cnvuic The Main Street at Rockaway Depot 1 &^fWttfc '.?;•' E I N 1 -» -- p J >■ •?'i''* 1^ \ ' . r^ r '^,^ J? ^^ *? '^/^''^'; "'"t.Jtr-"'' \X7HIL.E the Assemblage, in reflecting the Cedar Lake Idea, will adopt the ' best features of educational assemblies and Chautauquas, yet it will have a tone peculiarly its own. In civic matters the social and economic questions of the day will be handled only by men experienced in such fields. In educational matters the school problems and methods will be presented regularly by eminent and well known speakers who are leaders in the educational world. These lectures while covering various branches will be shaped with special reference to the work in our public schools. An unusual opportunity will thus be furnished Teachers to come into personal touch with masters of their chosen pro- fession and ambitious workers can thus be greatly assisted and advanced in their work, while enjoying an ideal vacation among congenial, restful and healthful surroundings. While the Assembly will be open throughout the summer these lecture courses will be arranged for that part of the season which will best accom- modate the specialists who give the instruction and those desiring to take the courses. 'TpHE Park is beautifully laid out. While enclosed to exclude the general public, "*■ free admission is guaranteed to all lot owners and shareholders and their families. The wide sweeping views from the many elevations of the property (from 700 to 1000 feet above sea level) can scarcely be surpassed. The many spreading trees furnish refreshing shelter from the summer's sun. Plans are now under way for the erection of a substantial hotel to be located on a commanding elevation. It is doubtful if any other summer hotel is more advantageously situated. Also, small cottages for rental only, will be erected on the outsP of the property. The buildings of the Company provide a substant source of income to the shareholders. The strong moral, intellectual, refined tone dominating Cedar Lake Assemblage will appeal to all who seek an uplifting atmosphere in which to spend their vacation. . Directors and Officers EMORY F. DODSON . . President. Sup't Grand Central Terminal with John Peirce Co. WILLIAM A. CAMPBELL . . Vice-President District Sup't Public Schools, Greater New York. JOHN H. LITTLE . . Vice-President J. H. LITTLE & CO . Carpets and Furniture GEORGE F. ADAMS . . Treasurer Cashier. Natif)nal Reserve Bank HERBERT ALDHOUS . . Sec'y & Asst Treas. ALDHOUS & CO., Insurance & Real Estate KNICKERBOCKER TRUST CO. . Registrar 10 ll'5^-■ SEYMOUR DUDLEY CO. 64 Fulton Street New York.