In memory of the dead of the First Regt. Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1861-64 Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., May 21, 1911 PRAISE YE THE FATHER Gounod Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes PRAYER REVEREND EDWARD ANDERSON Past Chaplain-in-Chief Grand Army of the Republic Colonel 12th Indiana Cavalry SOLDIER'S FAREWELL Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes HONORABLE J. STEARNS CUSHING Governor's Council LOYAL SONG Kucken Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes PRESIDENT WALTER L. COLLINS Boston City Council OUR HEROES ...:.... Nevin Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes MEMORIAL ADDRESS HON. JOHN L. BATES, Ex-Governor of Massachusetts SUNSET . . Vanderwater Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes AMERICA Double Quartette and Audience jWemorial ^zMtt In memory of the dead of the First Regt. Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1861-64 Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., May 21, 1911 PRAISE YE THE FATHER Gounod Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes PRAYER REVEREND EDWARD ANDERSON Past Chaplain-in-Chief Grand Army of the Republic Colonel 12th Indiana Cavalry SOLDIER'S FAREWELL Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes HONORABLE J. STEARNS CUSHING Governor's Council LOYAL SONG Kucken Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes PRESIDENT WALTER L. COLLINS Boston City Council OUR HEROES ...:.••• Nevin Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes MEMORIAL ADDRESS HON. JOHN L. BATES, Ex-Governor of Massachusetts SUNSET. . . . Vanderwater Beethoven and Harvard Quartettes AMERICA Double Quartette and Audience .5 •V5 The Honored Dead OF THE First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the War for the Preservation of the Union, 1861-65 This Roster includes the names of those Comrades of whom we have knowledge of the date and place of their death ; we feel positive of the deaths of others, but have no exact record we can present. Field and Staff. Names Robert Cowdin Napoleon B. McLaughlin *George D. Wells Clark B. Baldwin ♦Charles P. Chandler Gardner Walker William H. Lawrence George H. Johnston tJoseph Hibbert, Jr. Charles E. Mudge John R. Lee William P. Cowie Miles Farwell Richard H. Salter Edward A. Whiston Francis Le B. Munroe Thomas F. Cakes tNeil K. Gunn tisaiah L. Pickard John B. Garvie Warren H. Cudworth Rank in Regiment Colonel Colonel Lieut.-Colonel Lieut. -Colonel Major Major Adjutant Adjutant Adjutant Adjutant Quartermaster Quartermaster Quartermaster Surgeon Surgeon Asst. Surgeon Asst. Surgeon Asst. Surgeon Asst. Surgeon Asst. Surgeon Chaplain Date of Death July 9, 1874 Jan'y 27, 1887 Oct. 13, 1864 Nov. 10, 1890 June .30. 1862 Oct. 7, 1873 Nov. 22, 1874 April 26, 1889 April, 1865 July 13, 1892 Dec. 13, 1908 July 10, 1871 May 14, 1876 Aug. 4, 1893 Feb'y 23, 1909 Aug. 14, 1904 Feb'y 29, 1876 June 3, 1863 July 19, 1865 Nov. 29, 1883 Place ok Death Boston, Mass. Middleton, N. Y. Cedar Creek, Va. Melrose, Mass. Glendale, Va. Boston, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Minneapolis, Minn. Mississippi River Boston, Mass. Brookline, Mass. San Francisco, Cal. Somerville, Mass. Boston, Mass. Springfield, Mass- Reading, Mass. Titusville, Pa. Falmouth, Va. Indianola, Texas Halifax, N. S. East Boston, Mass. Line Officers. Henry A. Snow Captain Aug. 13, 1905 Edward Pearl Captain Nov. 28, 1902 Alfred W. Adams Captain July 6, 1899 ♦Charles E. Rand Captain May 2, 1863 Sumner Carruth Captain March 10. 1892 Abial G. Chamberlain Captain May 9, 1890 Ebenezer W. Stone Captain April 13, 1904 Edward A. Wilde Captain Sept. 3, 1891 Frank H. Ward Captain Dec. 28, 1886 George H. Smith Captain April 29, 1878 * Killed and mortally wounded. t Died in the service. Clifton Heights, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Ottawa. Kansas Chancel lorsville, Va. Andover, Mass. Brockton, Mass. Washington, D. C. Medellion, So. America Chelsea, Mass. Augusta, Maine Rank in Date of Names Regiment Death George E. Henry Captain Dec. 31, lt)07 Charles M. Jordan Captain March 30, 1899 Charles S. Kendall Captain May 15, 1880 William C. Johnston Cai)taiu Nov. 21, 1890 P'rancis W. Carruth Captain March 6, 1872 Henry Parkinson Captain Nov. 18,1901 John McDonough Captain Aug. 11, 1906 Forrester A. Pel by Captain *Mose8 H. Warren Captain May 12, 1864 John S. Clark Captain June 19, 1872 John L. Rogers 1st Lieutenant Nov. 7, 1898 •William H. Sutherland 1st Lieutenant June 30, 1862 William L. Candler 1st Lieutenant Dec. 20, 1892 *Charle8 L. Chandler Ist Lieutenant May 24, 1864 *John M. Mandeville Ist Lieutenant Aug. 29, 1862 Horatio Roberts Ist Lieutenant April 20, 1894 *Henry Hartley Ist Lieutenant July 2, 1863 Frank Thomas 1st Lieutenant April 25, 1911 Amos Wfbster 1st Lieutenant Nov. 3, 1898 Shedrick K. Morris 1st Lieutenant Oct. 23. 1874 George My rick 1st Lieutenant May 31, 1901 John S. Willey Ist Lieutenant May 14, 1904 Frederick E. Dolbeare 1st Lieutenant May 30, 1907 William E. Hayward Ist Lieutenant Aug. 27, 1869 George L. Lawrence 1st Lieutenant Sept. 26, 1893 William T. Drury 1st Lieutenant Dec. 12, 1902 ♦William H. B. Smith 2d Lieutenant July 18, 1861 Elijah B. Gill, Jr. 2d Lieutenant July 21, 1861 Robert A. Saunders 2d Lieutenant August. 1867 Daniel G. E. Dickinson 2d Lieutenant ♦Oliver AValton 2d Lieutenant Sept. 19, 1864 *James Doherty 2d Lieutenant March 26, 1865 Nathaniel Averill 2d Lieutenant April 6, 1906 Harrison Hinckley 2d Lieutenant July 27, 1896 Edward G. Tutein 2d Lieutenant July 12, 1905 Rufus M. Maguire 2d Lieutenant Place of Death BrookUne, Mass. Washington, D. C. East Boston, Mass. North Eastou, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. East Boston, Mass. Dorchester, Mass. New York City Spottsylvunia, Va. Boston, Mass. Charlestown, Mass. Glendale, Va. Brookline, Mass. North Anna River, Va. 2d Bull Run, Va. Chelsea, Mass. Gettysburg, Pa. Chelsea, Mass. Washington, D. C Boston, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Togus. Maine Dorchester, Mass. Waterville. Maine Fitchburg, Mass. Boston, Mass. Blackburn's Ford, Va. Bull Run, Va. Lowell, Mass. At Sea Winchester, Va. Petersburg, Va. Roxbury, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Revere, Mass. At Sea Non. Com. Staff. William C. Manning tAlfred A. Swallow James G. Miller Alfred C. Dana William N. Hart James W. Lewis Sergt.-Major May 5, 1901 Q. M. Sergt. July 30, 1862 Q. M. Sergt. Nov. U, 1889 Hospital Steward Oct. 14, 1906 Prin. Musician April 7, 1902 Prin. Musician Feb'y 25, 1904 Washington, D. C. Harrison's Landing, Va. Roxbury, Mass. Franklin, Mass. Mattapan, Mass. Brookline, Mass. Band. John F. Spaulding Reuben W. Twitchell J. Handel Proctor Charles Bancroft Thomas S. Bates George E. Buel Charles A. Chase Warren E. Gilchrist James Goodwin Hiram B. Ingalls James Laughrens Frank W. Lewis George B. Moody Loren L. Moors Leader Leader Leader Musician Musician Musician Musician Musician Musician Musician Musician Musician Musician Musician January, 1878 Aug. 13, 1895 Jan'y 19, 1871 Feb'y 11, 1895 Feb'y 16, 1864 Jan'y 27, 1908 Dec. 23, 1903 March 26, 1908 Jan'y 20, 1907 May 5, 1881 Nov. 17, 1885 Feb'y 21, 1904 Nov. 22, 1894 Oct. 24, 1884 Olft Associaiip^ NOV 2 iffl Boston, Mass. Chicago, 111. Franklin Falls, N. H. Gardner, Mass. Washington, D. C. Franklin Falls, N. H. Leominster, Mass. Lunenburg, Mass. Marblehead, Mass. Franklin Falls, N. H. Townsend, Mass. Hampton, Va. Hampton, Va. Leominster, Mass. Rank in Date ok Names Regiment Death Frank H. Rathburu Musician April 12, 1865 Allen P. Scribner Musician Feb'y 2, 1902 Benjamin C. Stevens Musician Feb'y 12, 1893 Charles Tisdale Musician April 10, 1875 John Tisdale Musician June 1, 1898 Stephen A. Tisdale Musician Dec. 27, 1906 George M. Wetherbee Musician Jan'y 29, 1893 Hibbard P. Wheeler Musician March 14, 1895 Luke A. Wilder Musician Aug. 18, 1906 Company A. William Gibson 1st Sergeant Sept. 24, 1903 George H. Stone Ist Sergeant March 13, 1868 Daniel E. Connors Sergeant Dec. 14, 1880 Frederick W. Stowe Sergeant James M. Johnston Sergeant Dec. 8, 1873 Henry Mclutire Sergeant May 29, 1909 James Field Sergeant Jan'y 29, 1876 James A. Pratt Sergeant Oct. 10, 1891 Andrew J Washburn Sergeant Oct. 14, 1887 John H. Miner Sergeant Jan'y 18, 1892 *John T. Robinson Sergeant July 17, 1863 Cornelius J. Crowley Corporal Jan'y 19,1901 tJ. Frank Getchell Corporal Feb'y 3, 1863 *Henry Evans Corporal July 2, 1863 *William F. Cochrane Corporal May 20, 1884 Clarence H. Thayer Corporal Oct. 11, 1873 Horace E. Whitefield Corporal April 4, 1881 *James M. Mellen Corporal June 23, 1865 John C. Singer Corporal March 16, 1910 William F. Butler Corporal Feb'y 10, 1906 Charles B. Manning Corporal Nov. 8, 1886 George W. Funk Corporal Sept. 24, 1872 *Lewis H. Hutchings Corporal May 6, 1864 Daniel A. Carney Wagoner Oct. 28, 1892 John Abrams Private Dec. 22, 1885 William Abrams Private Aug. 16, 1906 John H. Adams Private July 22, 1907 tThomas A. Baker Pri ?ate Nov. 26, 1862 William Bowes Private Dec. 11, 1904 Nicholas Butler Private Dec. 6, 1870 Frank Carter Private Dec. 30, 1877 Edmund D. Chamberlin Private Oct. 13, 1891 Henry Chapman Private Oct. 12, 1884 William P. Chase Private Aug. 1, 1895 *Robert J. Cowdin Private June 3, 1864 George B. Crane Private Jan'y 28, 1871 James W. Davis Private Jan'y 4, 1892 James A. Delaney Private Oct. 15, 1898 Charles A. Dwyer Private May 21, 1871 George A. Evans Private April 27, 1910 *Henry Finninly Private June 30, 1862 *Joseph Francis Private May 5, 1862 tJoseph W Funk Private Oct. 16, 1864 ♦Lewis G. Getchell Private June 25, 1862 Michael Graff erey Private Dec. 6, 1883 William Gregory Private Sept. 6, 1899 Charles D. Griggs Private June 11, 1877 John B. Griggs Private July 17, 1899 Francis C. Grimm Private Feb'y 20, 1891 *Curtis W. Grover Private May 5, 1862 Charles H. Harper Private Oct. 23, 1862 Place of Death New York Harbor Bridgeton, Maine New Haven, Conn. Leominster, Mass. Leominster, Mass. Leominster, Mass. San Francisco, Cal. Leominster, Mass. Dayton, Ohio Suffern, N. Y. Roxbury, Mass. South Boston, Mass. California South Boston, Mass. Bath, N. Y. Cambridge, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Gettysburg, Pa. Providence, R. I. Falmouth, Va. Gettysburg, Pa. Spottsylvania, Va. Port Elizabeth, So. Africa Washington, D. C. Hilton Head,S. Carolina Gangs, Me. Dorchester, Mass. Cambridge, Mass, Brookline, Mass. Wilderness, Va. Hampton, Va. Portland, Ore. New Bedford, Mass. Boston, Mass. Alexandria, Va. Chelsea, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Boston, Mass. Westlield, N. J. Cambridge, Mass. Shady Grove, Va. Boston, Mass. Lynn, Mass. Charlestown, Mass. West Roxbury, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Glendale, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Washington, D. C. Oak Grove, Va. Manchester, N. H. Boston, Mass. St. Louis, Mo. Charlton, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Williamsburg, Va. West Roxbury, Mass. Rank in Daie of Names Regiment Death i Joseph H. Harper Private May 17, 1862 Charles H. Uatch Private Aug. 27, 1908 •William Hughes Private May 6, 1864 William H. Jewell Private Sept. 25, 1907 •Joseph T. Johnston Private June 17, 1864 Daniel G. Kelly Private May 14, 1868 Thomas Kelly Private April 12, 1863 James King Private April 23, 1880 Alonzo B. Langley Private Nov. 22. 1902 t Leonard Lewis Private Oct. 10, 1864 John Lynt'h Private Dec. 3, 1907 William J. Manary Private Nov. 25, 1907 *John Martin Private Aug. 29, 1862 Francis A. McCrillis Private July 27, 1863 Terrence McGrath Private June 15, 1890 Charles Mcintosh Private Dec. 1, 1896 Francis H. Mcintosh Private Oct. 11, 1885 John Muldowney Private Jan'y 1, 1871 Michael P. Mulruy Private April 23, 1901 David r. Muzzey Private Aug. 3. 1910 ♦John O'Dea Private Jan. 30, 1862 ♦George W. Parks Private July 2, 1863 ♦John Pettis Private July 2, 1863 ♦Julius A. Phelps Private June 30, 1862 Benjamin F. Pierce Private Sept. 3, 1902 John E. Roberts Private June 14, 1895 •John C. Ready Private Patrick Keardon Private Aug. 3, 1888 George W. Stoddard Private Oct. 20, 1887 Sewall F. Tibbetts Private March 31, 1884 tWilliam H. Trowbridge Private July 1, 1862 tJoseph W. Turner Private June 12, 1862 tAugustus Waterman Private Feb'y 12, 1885 Charles H. Whitney Private Jan'y 31, 1871 Hiram Williamson Private Nov. 22, 1903 John C. Withington Private Jan'y 20, 1896 Isaac M. Woodworth Private Feb. 19, 1909 Company B. Joseph A. Verge 1st Sergeant July 9, 1896 James E. Armstrong Sergeant March 6, 1901 George A. Howe Sergeant March 5, 1902 John A. Irving Sergeant Dec. 1, 1894 Milton Robbins Corporal Dec. 14, 1903 William H. Brown Corporal May 19, 1908 George H. Challis Corporal Nov. 14, 1870 George N. Coffin Corporal Oct., 1903 David P. Thompson Corporal Nov. 10, 1878 Joseph T. Wilson Corporal Nov. 24, 1885 Nathaniel M. Allen Corporal July 30, 1900 William A. West Corporal March 8, 1902 +Edward E. Whipple Corporal Sept., 1863 William B. Simmons Corporal Jan'y 21, 1907 Stephen P. Danforth Corporal July 30, 1908 William F. Wallace Musician Feb'y 13, 1910 William S. Battis Private Nov. 30, 1904 John A. Beyer Private Jan'y 10, 1909 •Alvah A. Bicknell Private Aug. 26, 1862 Charles H. Brown Private Nov. 15, 1898 Henry H. Brown Private May 9, 1864 Frederick W. Broaders Private Aug. 17, 1893 Lewis W. Chase Private Oct. 7, 1905 Place of Death Fortress Munroe, Va. South Boston, Mass. Wilderness, Va. Brooklyn, N. Y. Petersburg, Va. Cambridge, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Maplewood, Maine Andersonville, Georgia Togus, Maine Shelton, Conn. 2d Bull Run, Va. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Decker, Pa. Togus, Maine Boston, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Glendale, Va. Gettysburg, Va. Gettysburg, Va. Glendale, Va. Bethesda, Md. Boston, Mass. San Jose, California Boston, Mass. Dover, N. H. Malvern Hill, Va. Fair Oaks, Va. Searsport, Maine Brookline, Mass. Waltham, Mass. Everett, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Boston, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Waltham, Mass. Vallejo, Cal. Fitchburg, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Winchester, Mass. Newbury, Mass. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. South Acton, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Baltimore, Md. Winthrop, Mass. Chicago, 111. Hempstead, England Chelsea, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. 2d Bull Run, Va. Chelsea, Mass. Hudson, Mass. Boston, Mass. Mattapan, Mass. Names Thomas E. Collins Estes Conant tGeorge T. B. Coun Michael Condon Daniel Coughlin John D. Cutler Leonard A. Dakin *Williani Doherty John Drudy Abram M. Dunbar Beecher L. Duran *David H. Eaton John Garney James Giles *Thomas L. Glover *George Golden Daniel Goodwin Thomas Goodwin Harry Gray James Higgins Horace L. Hill *James Irving Frederick W. Keller James Kelly *Jacob Kesland Joseph E. Kimball William H. Knowlton David Lane James J. Lanery James Lawson tJohn W. Lightbody tJohn H. Lounder Dennis Mahoney Andrew C. McKenna Daniel F. McKie John B. McKay *James McNulty Charles H. Messer Edward A. Misena Charles F. Morgan Joseph E. Nutter tCharles E. Noyes Garrett O'Neal Artemus Parmenter Zelotes Prince •James Eedding David Reid Joseph H. Rice Cornelius Roach *Charle6T Robbins Joseph W. Robbins *George E. Smith Joseph A. Smith Lewis G. Smith *William Soper Daniel D. Stevenson George W. Sullivan *George D. Trim James P. Turnbull John J. Underwood *Seth T. Varney John F. Wood Isaac E. Jones Rank in Regiment Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Company C. let Sergeant July 3, 1869 Date of Place of Deat m Death Dec. 21, 1884 Boston, Mass. July 30, 1889 Tunbridge.Vt. Sept. 18, 1863 Boston, Mass, East Boston, Mass. Feb'y 6, 1875 Boston, Mass. July 11, 1873 Boston, Mass. Feb. 23, 1885 Aug. 9, 1864 Petersburg, Va. Jan. 19, 1S08 Brookiyn, N. Y. Jan'y 16, 1909 Winthroxi, Mass. July 4, 1881 Boston, Mass. Aug. 16, 1863 Dec. 1, 1908 East Boston, Mass. Sept. 25, 1864 Boston, Mass. Sept. 5, 1862 Washington, D. C. July 13, 1863 Jan'y 23, 1884 Jan'y 6, 1900 Ossipee, N. H. Feb'y 20, 1863 Jefferson City, Mo- San Francisco, CaK July 18, 1888 East Boston, Mass. June 26, 1862 Oak Grove, Va. July 12, 1899 Togus, Maine Dec. 24, 1869 East Boston, Mass. Aug. 10, 1863 Feb'y 22, 1896 Abington, Mass. Oct. 24, 1908 Maiden, Mass. July 19, 1885 Boston, Mass. Dec. 25, 1897 Norwood, Mass. Feb'y 2, 1900 Boston, Mass. April 20, 1864 Annapolis, Md- Oct. 11, 1663 Boston, Mass. Sept. 17, 1864 Boston, Mass. 1877 Out West April 2, 1898 Lynn, Mass. June 28, 1896 Santa Monica, Cal'. Sept. 1, 1863 Baltimore, Md. Feb'y 22, 1909 Roxbury, Mass, Nov. 16, 1893 East Boston, Mass. July 31, 1885 East Boston, Mass. Feb'y 4, 1896 East Boston, Mass. July 28, 1862 New York City March 26, 1881 Boston, Mass. Natick, Mass. June, 1906 Marshfield, Mass. May 5, 1862 Williamsburg, Va. Dec. 8, 1896 East Boston, Mass. Jan'y 3, 1885 Portland, Me. March 18, 1892 Boston, Mass. May 3, 1863 Chancellorsville, Va Feb'y 17, 1899 East Boston, Mass. Aug. 29, 1862 2d Bull Run, Va. Oct. 11, 1898 Columbus, Ohio Dec. 1, 1883 East Boston, Mass. Oct. 11, 1864 Petersburg, Va. Oct., 1906 Montville, Me. Oct. 9, 1885 East Boston, Mass. July 2, 1863 Gettysburg, Pa. Oct. 25, 1910 New York City Dec. 23, 1896 Wellesley, Mass. Washington, D. C. Oct. 5, 1905 East Boston, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Rank in Date ok Names Regiment Death Thomas Connell 1st Sergeant March 25, 1903 George A. Tenney 1st Sergeant May 14, 1865 Benjamin F. Mead 1st Sergeant March 2, 1899 Thomas C Brackett Sergeant Sept. 20, 1869 Edward W. Delaney Sergeant Feb'y 27, 1863 Amasa 1'. Johnson Sergeant July 2, 1888 David L. Messer Sergeant June 15, 1894 Eben 0. Avery Sergeant May 4, 1882 ♦Edward J. McGinnis Sergeant July 2, 1863 James H. Powers Sergeant August 28. 1905 Isaac S. Kennedy Corporal Jan'y 19, 1909 William H. Deverson Corporal May 15, 1892 William Lewis Corporal May 6, 1885 John H. G. Munroe Corporal July 21, 1909 Samuel W. Wharff Corporal Oct. 20, 1898 Thomap H. Rees Corporal Feb'y 5, 1910 Parron C. Paine Corporal Jan'y 28, 1907 *George E. Wright Musician June 30, 1862 John J. Welch Musician April 17, 1873 John A. Williams Wagoner May 14, 1884 tDavid W. Hale Wagoner May, 1862 John Alden, Jr. Private Aug. 22, 1905 Joseph B. Alexander Private March 9, 1870 John W. Anderson Private Feb'y 8, 1899 William J. Bell Private July 14, 1904 William B. Benson Private June 17, 1876 Emerson Bigelow Private April 26, 1871 'Bernard Blessington Private Aug. 29, 1862 Thomas Boyd Private Nov. 6, 1907 Joshua A. Brackett Private Dec. 5, 1872 James Callahan Private Dec. 19, 1899 John Chamberlain Private Dec. 26, 1891 George G. Crafts Private Aug. 1, 1902 Joseph B. Critchett Private Sept. 24, 1882 Sylvanus Currant Private Jan'y 7,1891 William Dixon Private Dec. 1, 1904 ■fRichard A. DriscoU Private Aug. 1862 John Dorrane Private July 11, 1892 John Dwyer Private Oct. 5, 1865 *Orrin Edwards Private July 2, 1863 William W. Estabrook Private March 3, 1893 David Fanning Private June 3, 1872 Marcellus E. Fay Private Nov. 18, 1878 Elbridge Fisher Private Nov. 21, 1882 Robert Flynn Private May 7, 1875 Edward J. Ford Private May 30, 1891 Thomas Gallagher Private Nov. 6, 1864 George Gawan Private Nov. 29, 1877 John J. Goddard Private July 22, 1896 Benjamin Goodspeed Private Aug. 9, 1879 James Good, Jr. Private May 27, 1909 Samuel A. Goodhue Private Dec. 8, 1894 -^Charles P. Grant Private July 10, 1861 William C. Hatch Private Oct. 12, 1901 Alonzo L. Hayes Private June 24, 1909 Wentworth Hawkins Private Nov. 26, 1873 John U. Hoffman Private Jan'y 28, 1883 Nathaniel T. Hollis Private Oct. 13, 1883 ♦William C. Hull Private Nov. 27, 1863 John Hunneman Private May 27, 1906 Charles A. Jackson Private March 30, 1867 *William Kelverton Private July 2, 1863 George E. Knights Private June 1(1, 1872 'William H. Lattimer Private July 2, 1863 Christian A. Landgreen Private Sept. 10, 1901 Place of Death Augusta, Maine Hubbardston, Mass. Quincy, Mass- Boston, Mass. Charlestowu, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Salmon River, Cal. Xew Haven, Conn. Gettysburg, Pa. Dayton, Ohio Hudson, Mass. Boston, Mass. Everett, Mass. Boston. Mass. East Boston, Mass. Louisville, Ky. East Boston, Mass, Glendale, Va. Boston. Mass. Duxbury, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Desota, Mo. Boston, Mass. Southboro, Mass. 2d Bull Run, Va. Brighton, Mass. Boston, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Togus, Maine Boston, Mass. Togus, Maine Baltimore, Md. Fort Edward, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Gettysburg, Pa. Togus, Maine Milford, Mass. Farebault, Minn. Boston, Mass. Fall River, Mass. Togus, Maine Boston, Mass. Hyde Park, Mass. Somerville, Mass. Togus, Maine Togus, Maine Washington, D. C. Georgetown, D. C Togus, Maine East Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Juliestown, N. Y. Togus. Maine, Locust Grove, Va. East Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Gettysburg, Pa. Boston, Mass. Gettysburg, Pa. Names Henry W. Lyman ♦William F. Mahlman tWilliam McConnick John McLaughlin John A. Neal Albion D. Pierce William H. Reynolds Samuel B. Reading John Richards Robert B. Smith George W. Swain Cornelius L. Tilton William T. Tow Elijah Tuells Ephraim Ward Benjamin White *Charles H. Woods *Charles A. Brazier Seth F. Clark William Vincent Thomas M. Miler *Isaac Williams *Frederick Rau John G. S. White James M. Sprague tStedman Bennett William R. Rice William S. Henay Robert B. Dunn Zachariah L. Barton *George R. Baxter Isaac Scott ♦Stephen Badger Edward C. Brown Charles B. Jackman George E. Haines Charles A. Lambert William Roland John D. Pierce John O. Senter Edward W. Lydston Charles A. S. Hardy Joseph E. Andrews Charles F. Batchelder tWilliam H. Bemis John F. Berry Gideon B. Blasland John H. Bowles James Bryant Benjamin F. Buxton *Hugh Calhoun Aretus C. Chamberlain William ClafEey *Thomas Colleran William H. Conway Lemuel P. Cram James Cunningham Elbridge Currier Thomas Curley Rank im Date of Place of Regiment Death Death Private July 4, 1905 Lowell, Mass. Private Dec. 22, 1862 Private Dec. 8, 1862 Philadelphia, Pa. Private Oct. 27, 1903 Govan, Scotland Private April 7, 1883 Indian Territory Private Jan'y 1, 1878 South Boston, Mass. Private March 30, 1896 East Boston, Mass. Private March 1^, 1884 New York City Private Aug. 11, 1906 Danville, 111. Private ^ Jan'y 6, 1901 Hampton, "Va. Private 1866 At Sea Private Oct. 21, 1862 Private June 9, 1901 East Boston, Mass. Private Nov. 19. 1904 Chelsea, Mass. Private Jan'y 16, 1908 Southville, Mass. Private April 15, 1889 Dendron, Va. Private July 10, 1863 Gettysburg, Pa. Company D. l8t Sergeant May 5. 1862 Williamsburg, Va. 1st Sergeant Dec. 30, 1862 Washington, D. C. 1st Sergeant May 3. 1901 Brooklyn, N. Y. Sergeant June 12, 1888 Mansfield, Mass. Sergeant June 30, 1862 Glendale, Va. Sergeant June 30, 1862 Glendale, Va. Sergeant April 20, 1892 Boston, Mass. Sergeant July 20, 1888 Somerville, Mass. Corporal Aug. 5, 1863 Washington, D. C. Corporal Albany, Me. Corporal Jan'y 11, 1891 Roxbury, Mass. Corporal Oct. 21, 1904 West Poland, Me. Corporal Feb'y 15, 1877 Roxbury, Mass. Corporal May 3, 1863 Chancellorsville, Va. Corporal Oct. 28, 1890 Chelsea, Mass. Corporal May 3, 1863 Chancellorsville, Va. Corporal Aug. 11, 1863 Roxbury, Mass. Corporal Aug. 18, 1903 Everett, Mass. Corporal Jan'y 23, 1907 Jamaica Plain, Mass. Corporal Nov. 3, 1897 Jamaica Plain, Mass Corporal Sept. 17, 1885 Roxbury, Mass. Corporal Feb'y 13, 1893 Dorchester, Mass. Corporal Aug. 16, 1885 Boston, Mass. Corporal Aug. 31, 1897 Everett, Mass. Musician April 23, 1870 Roxbury, Mass. Private Aug. 23, 1874 Boston, Mass. Private Aug. 10, 1883 Boston, Mass. Private Aug. 20, 1861 Washington, D. C Private Aug. 29, 1873 Boston, Mass. Private Feb'y 8, 1890 Roslindale, Mass. Private May 31, 1874 Private Nov. 17, 1874 Boston, Mass. Private May 11, 1375 Boston, Mass. Private Aug. 29, 1862 2d Bull Run, Va. Private April 3, 1890 Chelsea, Mass. Private Jan'y 15, 1911 Johnson City, Tenn. Private Sept. 7, 1864 Petersburg, Va. Private Dec. 4, 1880 Boston, Mass. Private Feb'y 7, 1904 Chelsea, Mass. Private March 4, 1895 Boston, Mass. Private April 25, 1889 New York City Private Aug. 25, 1863 New York City Names Robert K. Danforth Charles H. Dean William De Castro William H. Douley George W. Downes Levi Estes William K. Ford Daniel E. George Newton Gilbert John E. E. Goward tAurclius Gray Benjamin F. Graves Edward W. Griggs Thomas M. Gridley Robert S. Hamilton Walter Hewes *Hector Ingraham ♦John Kyle Horatio G. Littlelield Daniel D. Macomber William T. Mansfield *James M. Mathews James K. McCrea tDaniel B. Miller George Murray James H. Nugent James G. Parker Joseph M. Phillips Preserved B. Phillips tThomas W. Reynolds Atwell Richardson *Warren R. Shackley William R. Sherman Charles O. Tillson George F. Whall James B. Whitten William H. Wiggin John H. Wyatt Frederick Pearce Thomas Straugman Hugh Cummings George E. King George T. Baldwin *William Kelren Francis Duffee Joseph C. Riley Samuel Britten Albert Pearce tAlbert A. Farnham ♦Horace O. Blake David B. Murphy James A. Lakin Joseph A. Smith ♦George O. Baxter William G. Bird •Charles A. Brown Charles E. Burditt *George W. Burditt Thomas W. Campbell Robert Cantwell Rank in Date of Place ok Regiment Death Delvfh Private Aug. 21, 1899 ToguB, Maine Private Nov. 19, 1883 Chelsea, Mass. Private April 7, 1881 Boston, Mass. Private Oct. 12, 1908 Plymouth, Mass. Private Dec. 10, 1900 Cliftondale, Mass. Private April 27, 1889 Dorchester, Mass. Private Oct. 18, 1907 Toledo, Ohio Private Feb'y 5, 1902 Natick, Mass. Private Feb'y 6, 1900 Private March 29, 1899 Matta])an, Mass. Private Dec. 15, 1861 Budd's Ferry, Md. Private Nov. 3, 1862 Boston, Mass. Private March 3, 1903 Dorchester, Mass. Private Feb'y 26, 1889 Wellington, Mass. Private Jan'y 3. 1892 Boston, Mass. Private Oct. 19, 1878 Norwood, Mass. Private June 25, 18G2 Oak Grove Va. Private June 30, 1862 Glendale, Va. Private Aug. 13, 1906 Chelsea, Mass. Private California Private Aug. 21, 1909 Boston, Mass. Private July 2, 1863 Gettysburg, Pa. Private Dec. 7, 1887 Roxbury, Mass. Private June 15, 1861 Groton, Conn. Private Oct. 20, 1900 Parsonsfield, Me. Private Jan'y 31, 1897 Roxbury, Mass. Private Monterey, Cal. Private June 18, 1882 Woburn, Mass. Private May 26, 1867 Maiden, Mass. Private Aug. 5, 1862 Harrison's Landing, Va Private July 9, 1889 Roxbury, Mass. Private May 5, 1862 Williamsburg, Va. Private April 2, 1885 Boston, Mass. Private Feb'y 28, 1873 Roxbury, Mass. Private Oct. 19, 1892 Highlandville, Mass. Private March 6, 1907 West Kennebunk, Me. Private Aug. 26, 1863 Boston, Mass. Private Feb'y 7, 1880 Medford, Mass. Company E. 1st Sergeant Sept. 18, 1883 Cleveland, Ohio 1st Sergeant May 24, 1909 Mattapan, Mass. Sergeant April 5, 1909 Mattapan, Mass. Sergeant Sept. 27. 1894 Boston, Mass. Sergeant Oct. 2, 1867 Melrose, Mass. Sergeant July 2, 1863 Gettysburg, Pa. Sergeant Feb'y 24, 1902 Prescott, Arizona Sergeant Aug. 10, 1897 Boston, Mass. Corporal Dec. 13, 1896 Corporal Dec. 21, 1894 Boston, Mass. Corporal Nov. 15, 1863 Richmond, Va. Corporal June 25, 1862 Oak Grove, Va. Corporal Dec. 4, 1873 Boston, Mass. Corporal Oct. 2, 1898 W^estfield, Mass. Wagoner Oct. 11, 1898 Reading, Mass. Private June 25, 1862 Oak Grove, Va. Private March 8, 1907 Boston, Mass. Private May 3, 1863 Chancellorsville, Va. Private Sept. 7, 1898 Dorchester, Mass. Private May 5, 1862 Williamsburg, Va. Private Aug. 19, 1904 Boston, Mass. Private March 18, 1908 Covington, Ohio Names tSamxiel S. Chadwick William L. Champney John S. Craig George H. Crocker *Samuel H. Cox George W. Dalton Richard Demery George E. Dillaway John Duffield Cornelius Elms George W. Elms James Fleming William H. Fuller *William B. Gaskins Samuel A. Goodrich William H. Gray Fritz Hatchky Conrad Herman Miab Howes William Holmes John B. Howe Charles A. Jones Richard W. Kane Michael A. Kelly Robert Kenney *Frederick S. Kettelle Robert Kirkland William H. Lanagan tTbomas Lawson John Leahey James S. Locke John Mahoney George S. Munroe Samuel Moulton Michael Neth Jeremiah O'Brien Cbarles J. Oldbam Joseph H. Pierce Edward Potter John F. Potter Wallace Ransom Oren S. Severence Moses Sackett William B. Shackford Edward Shattuck William Shields Thomas E. Sloan William A. Stevens Ferdinand Tanner tjohn C. M. Tucker *Edward P. Whitcomb Reuben S. Whittier George W. Wilkins John S. Willcut Samuel W. Young William O. Young Rank in Regiment Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Date of Death Jan'y 6, 1880 March 13, 1878 Sept. 29, 1901 Jan'y 9, 1864 July 16, 1899 July 20, 1886 June 5, 1895 Oct. 14, 1893 April 23, 1908 Jan'y 27, 1909 May 18, 1869 Aug. 31, 1904 June 25, 1862 Dec. 21, 1884 March 24, 1887 Oct , 1897 Aug. 16, 1892 April 25, 1883 Feb'y 4, 1899 Dec. 17, 1889 Dec. 25, 1893 Oct. 21, 1872 May 9, 1890 April 20, 1901 1863 Feb'y 5, 1897 March 1, 1867 April 23, 1863 June 6, 1882 June 30, 1872 Aug. 20, 1890 Nov 21, 1896 Aug. 31, 1896 March 20. 1891 Dec. 13, 1883 March 25, 1875 May 12, 1899 April 5, 1885 Feb'y 5, 1900 Nov., 1909 April 22, 1910 Oct. 8, 1862 Nov. 19, 1866 Dec. 20, 1902 Feb'y 26, 1900 June 23, 1901 Dec. 17, 1891 July 11, 1878 June 23, 1«62 June 30, 1862 Nov. 11, 1901 July 4, 1891 May 10, 1874 Dec. 27, 1862 Feb. 22, 1876 Place of Death Richmond, Va. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Quincy, 111. Dorchester, Mass. Dorchester, Mass. Togus, Maine, Boston, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Charlestown, Mass. Taunton, Mass. Oak Grove, Va. Cambridge, Mass. Boston, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Orange, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. New York City Boston, Mass. Boston, MasR. Soraerville, Mass. Boston, Mass. New Orleans, La. Potomac Creek, Va. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Dorchester, Mass. Hull, Mass. Lexington, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Boston, Mass- Boston, Mass^ Boston, Mass. Lewiston, Me. Charlestown, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Medford, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Melrose, Mass. Dorchester, Mass. South Norwalk, Conn. South Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Fair Oaks, Va. Glendale, Va. Hudson, Mass. Dorchester, Mass. Campello, Mass. Dorchester, Mass.. Boston, Mass. William H. Jepson Clifton F. Kendall Jerome Carleton John J. Bennett Company F. 1st Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sept. 20, 1909 Feb'y 4, 1888 Aug. 6, 1902 Aug. 18, 1877 Everett, Mass.. Boston, Mass. San Francisco, Cal. Boston, Mass. Names James E. Qribben Thomas G. Handley Daniel K. Hobart John F. Hooper George O. Hubbard John F. Jackson William H. Johnson John A. Jordan Andrew B. Karcher Thomas Kennedy Thomas Lathrop Leverett L. Lockwood Samuel T. Long John Lucas Dennis A. Mahoney Peter W. Marlow Francis McDonald James McGail Daniel McKenzie Charles McMackin William Maer George J. Moore Samuel L. Moore Andrew Murphy Garrett Nagle Joseph A. Newcomb James Norton Thomas S. Parker tAugustus R. Pope tEdward Rafferty tWilliam R. Rice •Thomas Roome Richard P. Rowe Theodore N. Rowe George B. Savage William A. Searles Charles G. Shaw *James Silvey *Williara H. Smart Granville T. Spooner George E. Stanwood Stillman F. Symonds tHenry Tarbox Charles F. Wells *Henry J. Whitten *Philemon White tThomas H. Williams ♦William Wilson Lionel D. Phillips ♦Thomas Harding Charles H. Carruth John Harvey Samuel B. Bassett *Thomas H. Bigelow Samuel S. Pratt Isaac Alston Patrick J. Donovan Edward L. Jones Jonathan J. Frost John H. Newling William A. Smith Rank in Date ok Place ok Regiment Death Death Private Aug. 4, 1881 Greenfield, N. H. Private Feb'y, 1866 At Sea Private Dec. 10, 1891 Private Sept. 18, 1909 Biddeford, Me. Private Nov. 28, 1904 Roslindale, Mass. Private Dec. 10, 1888 Chelsea, Mass. Private Sept. 22, 1871 Brighton, Mass. Private March 23, 1887 Private Dec. 10, 1908 Milton, Mass. Private Feb'y 18, 1895 Boston, Mass. Private Jan'y 3, 1909 Cohasset, Mass. Private Nov. 24, 1897 Cambridge, Mass. Private June 14, 1891 Boston, Mass. Private Jan'y 11, 1871 Boston, Mass. Private June 29, 1900 South Boston, Mass. Private March 25, 1893 Private Oct. 15, 1865 Boston, Mass. Private Oct. 11, 1866 Boston, Mass. Private Feb'y 12, 1898 Roxbury, Mass. Private Feb'y 5, 1885 Private Jan, 13, 1890 Boston, Mass. Private May 6, 1892 Charlestown, Mass. Private March 13, 1892 Boston, Mass. Private Oct. 23, 1910 Boston, Mass. Private May 14, 1895 Togus, Maine Private May 14, 1895 Togus, Maine Private May 3, 1890 Roxbury, Mass. Private June 14, 1897 Chelsea, Mass. Private Aug. 23 ,1864 Andersonville, Georgia Private Sept. 11, 1864 Fortress Monroe, Va. Private June 5, 1884 Mexico, Nev. Private July 18, 1861 Blackburn's Ford, Va. Private Nov. 19, 1888 Boston, Mass. Private Oct. 5, 1871 Charlestown, Mass. Private July 12, 1893 Charlestown, Mass. Private March 25, 1898 San Francisco, Cal. Private Feb'y 15, 1898 Togus, Maine Private July 18, 1861 Blackburn's Ford, Va. Private July 18, 1861 Blackburn's Ford, Va. Private March 14, 1887 Boston, Mass. Private April 6, 1897 Maiden, Mass. Private April 5, 1903 Chicago, 111. Private July 30, 1862 Harrison's Landing, Va Private Nov. 4, 1895 Hingham Centre, Mass. Private June 25. 1862 Oak Grove, Va. Private July 6, 1862 Willis Church, Va. Private April 22, 1862 Yorktown, Va. Private May 3, 1863 Cbancellorsville, Va. Company H. Ist Sergeant June 17, 1908 Los Angeles, Cal. Sergeant July 18, 1861 Blackburn's Ford, Va. Sergeant April 23, 1S73 Andover, Mass. Sergeant March 6, 1872 Chelsea, Mass. Sergeant Oct. 19, 1910 Winfhrop, Mass. Sergeant June 2, 1863 Sergeant June 28, 1906 Revere, Mass. Sergeant Jan'y 28, 1908 Chelsea, Mass. Sergeant Oct. 24, 1887 Charlestown, Mass. Corporal Sept. 30, 1903 East Derry, N. H. Corporal Sept. 20, 1901 Medford, Mass. Corporal Aug. 29, 1881 Boston, Mass. Corporal March 8, 1909 Boston, Mass. Names Rank in Regiment Date of Death Place of Death William T. Wright Corporal t Henry A. Pierce Corporal Orville Bisbee Corporal David McClure Corporal John P. Jones Corporal Horace A. Sawyer Musician Charles H. Alger Private Nathaniel Allen Private tRobert Andrews Private *Walter B. Adams Private *Charles A. J. Appleton Private Mark H. Appleby Private tWilliam C. Bachellor Private tHenry S, Bailey Private Alexander B. Baker Private *6eorge Bacon Private *Joseph H. Bigelow Private Sargent Blaisdell Private Benjamin Blanchard Private William H. Campbell Private John W. Chessman Private Samuel Childs Private Thomas Chittick Private Leonard Clark Private William B. Clement Private *Enoch C. Cornell Private *Pliilander Crowell Private John R. Cudworth Private William G. Cushing Private Nathaniel T. Davis Private John W. Day Private *William J. Dinsmore Private Thomas N. Drawbridge Private John G. Drown Private *Stephen G. Emerson Private George I. Flanders Private Calvin T. Fletcher Private tWilliam A. Fox Private William Gerrish Private Charles Gilbert Private George H. Green Private George W. Grey Private Christopher C. Grover Private *Edward Gross Private Edward F. Hadley Private Robert P. Hallgreen Private Theodore F. Haskell Private Samuel C. Heald Private Augustine E. Horton Private Nelson S. Huse Private Jonathan C. Ilsley Private Charles A. Jackson Private Edward C. Jacobs Private John M. James Private Stephen E. Jennings Private William M. Jewett Private Henry Johnson Private *Lawrence H. Kelly Private *Allan A. Kingsbury Private Horace A. Lamos Private William H. Lane Private George G. Learned Private Samuel F. H. Learned Private *Nathan A. Loud Private *Wil]iam H. Luke Private Oct. 19, 1867 Feb'y 22, 1863 Feb'y 16, 1890 March 19, 1889 April 27, 1870 March 30, 1897 Feb. 11, 1907 Dec. 1, 1904 Nov. 24, 1864 April 26, 1862 Oct. 19, 1864 April 26, 1890 Sept. 29. 1862 Nov 30, 1862 Nov. 13, 1894 July 18, 1861 Sept. 22. 1862 1879 Oct. 18, 1897 April 21, 1903 March 15, 1903 July 8, 1887 Jan'y 2, 1881 March 14, 1906 June 30, 1906 Feb'y 24, 1902 July 18, 1861 Aug. 20, 1886 Dec. 2, 1862 Feb'y, 1884 July 16, 1898 Sept. 3, 1862 June 3, 1895 March 22, 1896 May 3, 1863 March 6, 1907 March 17, 1905 Nov. ], 1863 April 12, 1903 Jan'y 3, 1867 June 31, 1898 April 21, Oct. 16, 1890 May 12, 1864 June 23. 1900 June 21, 1910 June 22, 1871 May 31, 1902 April 24, 1904 Feb'y 1, 1908 March 7, 1910 Oct. 3, 1909 Feb'y 11, 1865 Nov. 28, 1901 July 11. 1900 August 7. 1894 July 2, 1863 April 26, 1862 Feb'y 16, 1889 Oct. 11, 1909 Feb'y 19, 1905 Oct. 20, 1907 Oct. 24, 1864 Sept. 13, 1862 Chelsea, Mass. Washington, D. C. Chelsea, Mass. So. Stoddard, N. H. Chelsea, Mass. Lynn, Mass. Togus, Maine Ottawa, Canada Florence S. C. Yorktown, Va. Middleton, Va. Cambridge, Mass. Alexandria, Va. Hunter's Ford, Va. Worcester, Mass. Blackburn's Ford, Va. N. H. Chelsea, Mass. Jonesville, Wis. Rochester, N. H. Lynn, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Black Rock, Conn. Chelsea, Mass. Edgartown, Mass. Blackburn's Ford, Va. Chelsea, Mass. Hingham, Mass. Everett, Mass. Somerville, Mass. Hopkinton, Mass. Beverly, Mass. Chancellorsville, Vst. Ripton, Vt. Worcester, Mass. Richmond, Va. Chelsea, Mass. Boston, Mass. South Boston, Mass.. Danvers, Mass. Boston, Mass. Spottsylvania, Va. Linden, Mass. Titusville, Pa. Chelsea, Mass. Washington, D. C. Fitchburg, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. New York City Somerville, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Gettysburg, Pa» Yorktown, Va. Grand Rapids, Mich. Togus, Maine Chelsea, Mass. West Somerville, Mass. Hatcher's Run, Va. Washington, D. C. Names Rank in Regiment Date of Death Place of Deaih Henry Mason, Jr. William McConnell William H. Montague John G. Moore Richard Ij. Morrison *John H. Murphy *Thomas Needham ♦George N. Xoyea David W. Osborne Joshua Parsons Elbridge G- Perley Frank H. Rogers Thorndike H. Sawyer William H. Seavey tChauncey C. Smith ♦William D. Smith Robert Spavin Joseph W. Spooner George H. Stone George S. Sullivan Martin G. Tewksbury Thomas Thombs Joseph W. Thurston Stephen T. Tower Eli Veazie Henry Walker William Welch *Albert F. Wentworth Lemuel F. Woods Frederick Wyman John York *George W. Harris William W. Eaton James Finney *Andrew Bertram *Charles F. Ferguson James W. Dana *01iver E. Simpson George E. McQuestion Charles Burbank *Luther M. Bent t Richard McKay ■*Franz Singer William H. Homans Timothy Hurley Isaac Clark Alexander Grant John F. Harney *William R. Benson John J. Priest J. Foster Doane Edward F. Allen John D. Andrews John Bell Jacob Bohnant William H. Bradley Isaac C. Breck John E. Brituell Horace M. Brown Michael H. Burke Charles Carroll Henry L. Chamberlain Jonn B. Cilley Patrick Cox *Jeremiah Crowell John Duggau Andrew J. Emery Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private June 9, 1895 Nov. 25, 1894 May 12, 1864 March 11, 1881 Aug. 27, 1895 April 26, 1862 July 18, 1861 April 26, 1862 June 5, 1900 Oct. 29, 1901 Jan 'y 14, 1890 Sept. 14, 1897 Aug. 28, 1893 Nov. 11, 1893 Sept. 8, 1863 April 20, 1862 June 26, 1866 Aug. 10, 1876 Feb'v 16, 1870 May 16, 1905 Jan'y 26, 1891 March 18, 1866 Aug. 12, 1868 May 18, 1879 Aug. 11, 1906 Oct. 22, 1902 July 18, 1861 Feb'y 22, 1904 April 30, 1867 April 25, 1874 Company I. 1st Sergeant 1st Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Musician Musician Wagoner Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Aug. 29, 1862 July 22, 1878 Nov. 29, 1876 May 30, 1862 Sept. 19, 1863 Dec. 2, 1880 July 19, 1861 Dec. 23, 1904 March 21, 1908 Oct. 15, 1862 June 10, 1862 Oct. 10, 1862 Aug. 16, 1893 Dec. 24, 1885 Jan'y 7, 1875 March 31, 1906 Aug. 26, 1873 May 5, 1862 Dec. 3, 1891 June 30, 1893 Oct. 4, 1875 Aug. 13, 1861 Feb'y 2, 1865 Nov. 14, 1880 Oct. 22, 1909 May 21, 1891 June 4, 1871 July 4, 1871 Jau'v 8, 1898 Sept. 15, 1889 June 13, 1899 June 4, 1875 March 23, 1863 June 30, 1862 Dec. 25, 1874 Jan'y 17, 1893 Chelsea, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Salem, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Yorktown, Va. Blackburn's Ford, Va. Yorktown, Va. Peabody, Mass. So. Jefferson, Me. Chelsea, Mass. Maiden, Mass. Portland. Me. Marblehead, Mass. Edgartown, Mass. Yorktown, Va. At Sea Chelsea, Mass Chelsea, Mass. Bangor, Me. Roxbury, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Lunenburg, Mass. Boston, Mass. Blackburn's Ford, Va. Somerville, Mass. Charlestown, Mass. Boston, Mass. 2d Bull Run, Va. Watertown. Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Hyde Park, Maes. Nashua, N. H. Boston, Mass. Poplar Hill, Va. Hyde Park, Mass. Lynn, Mass. Boston, Mass. San Antonio, Texas Boston, Mass. Williamsburg, Va. Cohasset, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Ashland, Mass. Pittsfield, N. H. Charlestown, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Arlington, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Glendale, Va. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. ( Names Dennis Fielding Edward Finnigan Thomas Flynn Harrison Fuller *Warren H. Gardner William R. Grade Nicholas S. Hall Elisha R. Harrington Joseph Higgins Caleb Houston George Johnson Franklin Jones George P. Kilburn George A. Kimball *Isaac Langland tJames M. Leonard Charles J. Lloyd Patrick Mahoney Eugene McClare James McGuire George McLean tDaniel P. Mears George W. Mozart Mark B. Mulvey John J. Murphy William Murray John Naudasher Micajah Newhall George G. S. Norris John A. Nugent Charles Patson tWilson Pinkham *Frank P. Rollins Cyrus C. Sargent tWilson D. Stone Andrew H. Stranger Augustus Towle George H. Tyner Patrick White Charles N. Wilkinson *Samuel Wilder Sampson Woodhall Rank in Regiment Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Date of Death Dec. 31, 1869 Sept. 21, 1907 Dec. 15, 1879 Oct. 28, 1908 July 10, 1862 Feb'y 6, 1887 June 11, 1864 Feb'y 9, 1910 June 24, 1863 Dec. 7, 1886 April 12, 1906 April 13, 1880 April 29, 1892 Dec. 17, 1897 June, 1876 Dec. 10, 1862 May 16, 1868 Feb'y 7, 18S2 Feb'y 22, 1866 June 3. 1865 Jan'y 10, 1898 July 18, 1862 Jan'y 16, 1875 Feb'y 18, 1882 Feb'y 21, 1906 Sept, 23, 1879 May 21, 1886 March 20, 1906 Sept. 24, 1876 April 14, 1879 Aug. 15, 1896 Aug. 10, 1863 June 5, 1864 Jan, 14, 1901 July 24, 1900 Feb'y 2, 1889 May 10, 1871 March 8, 1903 May 3, 1863 July 27, 1901 Place of Death Boston, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass, Roxbury, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. West Bethel, Me. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Chelsea, Mass. Watertown, Mass. Boston, Mass. Tampa, Fla. Custer Massacre Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Washington, D, C. Albany, N, Y, Richmond, Va. Togus, Maine Boston, Mass, Cambridge, Mass. Andover, Mass. Chelsea, Mass, East Saugus, Mass. Lowell, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Milwaukee, Wis. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. New York City Kingston, Mass. Calestoca, Cal. Boston, Mass, South Boston, Mass. Revere, Mass. Chancellorsville, Ya, Chelsea, Mass. Company K, Thomas Neas John Y, J. Clark John H. Holden George D. Robinson Daniel Kelley Benjamin F. Chase *George G. Richardson John F, Baxter Horace S. Wrisley '*Peter Fitzgerald William Evans Thomas Brown *George Everett William Hoeneman Peter Wolfe * Frank Bovard Henry Crocker tJohn T. Barstow John O. Bacon William H. Beal Louis Bird William R. Boag James Burns William Campbell Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Musician Musician Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Jan'y 30, 1911 Sept. 8, 1863 Feb'y 3, 1897 Dec. 1, 1908 Sept. 19, 1866 May 13, 1904 June 24, 1862 Feb'y 15, 1880 Oct. 14, 1881 March 31, 1865 Jan'y 11, 1905 Jan. 7. 1910 July 12, 1863 Dec, 25, 1875 Nov. 19, 1896 July 30, 1862 April 12, I860 Dec, 9, 1862 May 4, 1904 Aug. 21, 1876 March 26, 1906 March 26, 1896 Dec. 22, 1897 April 17, 1881 Newton, Mass, Newark, N, J. Maiden, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Oak Grove, Va. Boston, Mass. Orange, Mass, East Bridgewater, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Gettysburg, Pa. Roxbury, Mass, Roxbury, Mass. Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C, Lynn, Mass. Hiugham, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass, Rank in Names Regiment ♦Robert M. Carson Private ♦William Clark Private Michael Connor Private David B. Copeland Private John CouUahan Private John Caven Private George Curtis Private 'John Dolan Private Albert Drew Private ♦George Everett Private John B. Fay Private nVilliam B. Hall Private Joseph A. Hamilton Private Charles W. Hathaway Private Adrian Hendricks Private Conrad Herman, Jr. Private John H. Hess Private William M. Hollis Private James G. Hooper Private John G. Housen Private William I. Hudson Private Frank Hutchins Private ♦James K. Ivers Private *We8ley Jackson Private Edward Kelley Private Gorham S. Kendrick Private Michael Kenney Private William J. Ketler Private John Lane Private * William Lang Private Frederick W. Maple Private Allen P. Mason Private Thomas T. Mason Private William McBarron Private Charles B. McCausland Private ♦James McCuen Private Francis McGiiinness Private James McGonagle Private ♦Patrick McGuire Private tHorace Mclntire Private *Richard McNally Private George H. Miller Private *Thomas L. Moran Private ♦John W. Nelling Private tJoseph Oldracher Private Frank Partridge Private Thomas Parkinson Private John Patterson Private Lora A. Payson Private Edward A. Pike Private John J. Powers Private Orange S. Richardson Private Conrad Rosemeyer Private *John P. Ross Private Mathew M. Ruth Private Marcus Sidrick Private Langdon Sheriff Private *George M. 8tillings Private Thomas Tanyham Private Richard L. Thayer Private George W. Thompson Private S