f 129 Copy 1 By ELLIXINSeAn, The W/deAwahbOty. At State and Pearl- at State and Pearl The Pivot AND Center, of Albany's Wmrl h/Z9 A 5 K^ '^ COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY DAVID M. KINNEAR ALBANY, N. Y. / ©C!,A4n5074 JAN IC iSI? COMPLIMENTS OF DAVID M. KINNEAR FURNISHER OF STANDARD AND ROLLER Venetian Blinds BEST INSIDE WINDOW BLINDS IN THE WORLD Suitable for Residences, Schools, Hotels and Office Build- ings. Only Blinds with which light can be properly regu- lated. Also used largely on Piazzas, Verandas and Porches. Also Furnisher (previous to each year's Fly Season) of the very best Made-to-Order Window Screens and Made-to-Order Screen Doors Order Screens in the Winter for delivery in the Spring Circulars, Samples and Prices sent on Application Address D. M. KINNEAR ARKAY BUILDING, ALBANY, N. Y. P. O. Box 295 :«^p^^a^k«« ALBANY'S PRESENT MAYOR HON. JOSEPH W. STEVENS MAYOR OF ALBANY, 1917 INVITATION TO ALL Come and Live with us in Beautiful, Historic Albany (Capital City of the Empire State) For delightful location, satisfactory climate, business facilities and social environment, unexcelled in the United States. THE WIDE AWAKE CITY Location Discovered by Hendrick Hudson in 1609 (The Oldest Settlement in the North) Chartered as a City, thro' the efforts of Peter Schuyler, in 1686 (The oldest Chartered City in the United States) Now a Hustling, Thriving, Enterprising City of 120,000 INHABITANTS Delightfully Situated on the Left Bank and at the head of Navigation on the Beautiful Hudson River, 150 miles from Tidewater, and known far and wide as "THE CITY BEAUTIFUL" Albany Bids You Welcome AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO ONE At State and Pearl — at State and Pearl, The center of All)any's busiest whirl, At State and Pearl — • at State and Pearl, The tryst for the boy and the tryst for the girl ; If the stones could talk and the bricks could cry. As the automobiles go whizzing by, What tales would be told, some a century old. Of meetings and greetings, some shy and some bold, Of promises made and of promises broken. Of words, peradventure, that shouldn't be spoken, Of men and of deeds that the corners have known. Since good Peter Schuyler petitioned the throne ; Of multitudes gathered at times in the street And the trample of millions of Albany feet ; Of the hustle and bustle, the push and the go. From the days of Old Peter to the days of Old Joe ; Of the loves and the hates, the hopes and the fears 7\t Albany's center thro' many long years, But all in the lives of the boy and the girl, At the corner of State and Pearl. ■-1 a^'". s £ ' Li ^ iq la TiSSS S 3._ UENwEm AND Johnson ABfatiTBcra • ftviTAuo NY • 1916 • THE NORTHWEST CORNER The New Hotel Ten Eyck as it will appear when completed AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO TWO Four corners, of course, there couldn't be less, And one of them now in a terrible mess, For old Tweddle Building, the pride of our youth. Must fall for a modern skyscraper, forsooth, And so, through the work of the Dagos and Mike, We now see uprearing the mammoth Ten Eyck ; Ten Eyck — what a vision the name brings to view, Whose lofcby is known as the " Kingdom of Chew," Where statesmen do gather, politicians do talk And the laws are all made for the State of New York; (Such laws — so many, so mixed, so confusing, Got the people all guessing, the lawyers all musing) ; Ten Eyck — where the candle at either end flickers. While " statesmen " put thro' all their deals and their dickers ^ Ten Eyck — where some banquets are held we can boast, Whose echoes are heard from the coast to the coast; Ten Eyck — where Society now and then meet And dance till the morning in silk stockinged feet; It sure is the center of Albany's whirl, At the corner of State and Pearl. iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii I II imiiiiiiiiii I iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Ill I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiMii I liiiiiiiiiiiiiH 1 gl < ^ AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO THREE Alas and alack, as we look straic^ht across, (Of the Northeastern corner I'm speaking-, of course) We see an old relic of Albany's past. And Bender and Dexter hold on to it fast; You hardh^ can blame them with rents mounting- higher, But some day a hustler wall take a real flyer. He'll cover the plot with bright shining gold dollars. And then they'll let go for " Mazuma" just hollers; Be patient, Albanians, and you will yet view A structure that'll be an eye opener for you; From the " State " on the east to the " Home " on the north, It will fill the whole space with a building of worth ; Don't know what they'll call it but make a suggestion, " Peter Schuyler's " a name that is great beyond question ; 'Twill reflect the Old Dutch in its scope and design, But be modern in every convenience and line; Who's the chap going to build it? I really don't know, But the fellow who does, he will be the whole show ; Lord hasten the day when that dream will unfurl, At the corner of State and Pearl. ^\ ' // fiL^ml jl -m! tiim\KJ IS AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO FOUR On an opposite corner — Southwest I may say. We now point with pride to Pete Kiernan's " R. K. ; " Now Pete is a hustler, with that you'll agree, Tho' he may not be " blessed "' with a family tree ; Pete isn't Old Dutch but he's Irish all right, And the Irish help somewdiat in Albany's might, Our Bradys and Nolans and Farrells and Glynns. Have something to do with our outs and our ins ; And Pete's building holds the delight of our town, The Chamber of Commerce — Ed. Coffin's renown; Don't shoot — they are doing the best they know how, And no one calls Albany an " also ran " now; All Chambers of Commerce have troubles to meet, And the "kickers" have double soled shoes on their feet; We're blooming and booming right there in Arkay, Where bankers and business lights meet every day, AA'hile out on the corner great deals are put thro', Which change all the farms into streets that are new, And a ten mile radius soon we can twirl. From the corner of State and Pearl. AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO FIVE Just one corner more and then I am through; It's not very old and it's not very new; It's the County Bank corner which all of us know As staid and conservative — sure but not slow ; As firm as Gibraltar, it seems to portray The solid, substantial, Old Albany way, For Sanders and Wheeler and the men at the helm Are about as well known as the "Albany Elm ; " A corner historic is this famous Southeast. And there stood the " Staats " house, in annals not least. For over two centuries braving all gales, With ])ricks l)aked in Holland and monster Dutch nails, Succuml^ing. at last, to improvement's great sway While " Sturgeontown " folks souvenirs took away; Many stirring events can that corner review. Colonial, Revolutionary and Civil War too; Great men. great achievements, great deeds there unite, A large share of U. S. history to write. And it still throbs daily with a stir and a whirl At the corner of State and Pearl. THE PLAZA AND THE D. & H BUILDING Adjoining will be the beautiful Journal Building completing the Triangle AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO SIX As you stand at the corners, look up and down street And a beautiful viewpoint your vision will meet; The street we call State, without exaggeration, The noblest of thoroughfares in this whole nation; Conceived by the Dutch, it is Albany's pride, Twelve hundred feet long- and two hundred feet wide, Not level and fiat like an Illinois farm. But mounting up hill and therein is its charm; At the foot gently laved by the beautiful river. At the head stands the Capitol — ours now forever. From Broadway to Eagle a gradual rise Till the Capitol's domes pierce the azure blue skies; There's no street can equal it, here or abroad. It takes the first prize and the highest award; Friends Brunner and Lay and the highbrows all say. It's the artistic street of the country today. And when, in a year, we complete up the Plaza, From river to Steal House 'twill be a pazaza ; So tourists, stop off, take a peep and a whirl, From the corner of State and Pearl. THE NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY BUILDING. ALBANY, N Y. AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO SEVEN Let no one suppose from these verses set down, There are only two streets in old Albany tow^n, But, before leaving- these, gentle reader, we'll say, There's sure " something doing " in each every day ; On State stand the banks, so full they near burst, Commercial, the State, two Trusts and the First, And the old M. & F. whose years are five score, With its stock always quoted five hundred or more; While the Savings Banks, National, County and City, The Home and the Albany make up the ditty. Business houses line Pearl, business houses line State, And the business they do it is right to call " great," While Broadway and Beaver, Hudson, James, Lodge and Green, Maiden Lane and Steuben and some others are seen, All aiding old Albany's commerce to rise. Till it now stands the highest of towns of its size; \\\ matters of finance we're first — none excel, In matters of trade — well the figures will tell ; In shipping facilities the town can't be beat, Being located just where the East and West meet; Manufacturer, you're welcome, get into the whirl That revolves around State and Pearl. AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO EIGHT And now, gentle reader, with a touch and a go, We'll point out some other things pleasant to know; In the first place, like Rome, ancient Rome of renown. We're built upon hills — seven hills make the town ; And, also like Rome, where all roads led of yore, Alany roads lead to Albany — nearly a score, Good roads, sucli as Dufifey, our hustling Commish. Is building all over York State with a rush ; Now, whether you're poor, moderate wealth or just wealthy, You know. that a hilly town always is healthy, And that is our record — statistics show straight, We're the healthiest city in any old State ; And. likewise, like all hilly towns, we are clean, Xo dirt, filth and mud on our streets ever seen, Xo dirtv black smoke smudging soot on your collar. We prohibit soft coal — come, Phoebe Snow, holler; And, with our location, while mountains surround us. All the storms, hot and cold, just simply pass round us; Make vour home with us. friend and revolve with the whirl That commences at State and Pearl. iiilliilllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiilllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllillliiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllliiiiiiiiii^ AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO NINE J- Yes, come here and live ; — love your own native place — But reside in the city that's setting- the pace; We've made more improvements in this little town lately Than any old burgh — no matter how stately ; They call us " The City Most Beautiful " now, The name fits us right and Ave'll tell you just how; In the first place the river, where work being- done Will give us the handsomest "River Front" known; Our Plaza's unique, nothing- like it e'er seen. Right down at the docks blooms a bright spot of green, Screened ofif from the railroads and all ugly view By the Flemish creation that Marc Reynolds drew ; Our streets are well paved, well lighted, well kept And Boulevards now round our city have swept; Our residence district lies high on the hills Where you get Summer breezes but miss Winter chills; Our parks are the finest, both Washington and Lincoln, Our drainage is perfect, the best. I am thinking, There's still more to say but get into the whirl. Be a "Booster" at State and Pearl. ^I>>>ll"< IIIIO Ilillllllllllilllllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiii AT STATE AND PEARL CANTO TEN In the matter of water we can say to you sure, We have an alntndance and perfectly pure; Our beds of hltration where thousands were spent. Furnish aqua which tests just a hundred per cent; Car service is frequent thro" all city streets, Transportation facilities all reason meets; Prett}' sul)urbs surround us in every direction, If you crave "country life" you can have your selection; To the north we have Loudonxille, Troy and Menands, To the east are the Ilillview and Elliot lands, Just south you'll hud Selkirk and Castleton best, A\'hile Elsmere, Delmar and Slinqerlands lie west; Every one of them rural, every one of them fine, Every one of them served by an Autobus line; Now listen, sojourners in all other places, Don't 3^ou think we've put Albany right thro' her paces? And, with our advantages, told here in verse, Can't you go a bit further and fare very much worse? Come li\e here in Albany — come quickly, come now, Write any Albanian and he'll tell you how, And he'll take your right hand in a true, friendly twirl At the corner of State and Pearl. Albany as a Manufacturing Center Albany is the best manufacturing center in the United States. Its geographical location makes it so and its shipping facilities are unexcelled. It is the natural dividing point between the East and the West and wears, with pride, its title of "The Great Western Gate- way." Other places have attempted to appropriate that title without any show of reason and with nothing to back up their claims. There is only one " Great Western Gateway." That title l)elongs to .Mhany. Consider the location. It is at the head of navigation on the Hudson river, a river that carries the greatest commerce and the great- est number of passengers of any river in the world. In a very few years the State of New York will complete its barge canal and Albany will be the eastern terminus of the same. The United States Gov- ernment is committed to the policy of deepening the channel of the Hudson, as far as Albany, to twent}--seven feet, thus allowing freight carrying ships to dock here. Just south of the city is an immense tract of level land bordering on the river and owned by the city, upon which can be built the greatest system of docks in the United States. These will undoubtedly ])e built as soon as the barge canal and the Hudson river deepening are actualities. Besides water transportation, the railroad facilities of Albany are the best. Six great trunk lines enter, divide, break cargo and ship, with Albany as the dividing point. Cargo is then shipped from Albany to the west, the great northwest and the southwest by the New York Central, West Shore and the Delaware & Hudson. Elec- tric lines run in every direction from .Mliany to a distance of many miles, and autobuses serve all nearby local points with frequent service. Three bridges span the Hudson at .Albany, two railroad bridges and one auto, electric and foot liridge. Alliany is also the natural trading center for a population of nearly 500,000 people located w^ithin seventy-five miles in all directions. Here industry never seems to lag and the citizens are always on the alert to advance the supremacy of the city in every way. To the energetic and hustling Inisiness man of twentieth century ideals and instincts this city especially appeals. Manufacturers desiring to locate in Albany will find quantities of good building land both to the north and south of the city, adjacent to all shipping facilities, which can be bought at reasonable prices. P"or full information address Chamber of Commerce, Albany, N. Y. Albany as a Residential City The advantages of Albany as a residential city are manv ; it's the healthiest city in the United States and for many years its death rate has been the lowest, due partly, but not entirely, to its location on hills. While built on hills it is surrounded on all sides b}' still higher hills, which act as storm breakers. Many times, during severe win- ters, while places only a short distance from our city are in tlie grip of a terrible storm, Albany has escaped storm entirely. Albany has two beautiful parks, Washington and Lincoln. Wash- ing Park has long been noted as a charming beauty spot, and Lincoln, while newer, has a most delightful natural situation with a view from the upper part of it unexcelled anywhere. When this park is com- pleted, in about a year's time, it will have the finest grounds in the country for all kinds of sports and pastimes, al)solutely free to the public. The streets of Albany are well paved, lighted and kept; no black smoke hovers over the city, consequently all buildings are bright and clean; the educational facilities are the very best; police and fire departments unexcelled ; with the best filtration beds in the country we have an abundance of water; the sewerage system, nearing com- pletion, includes an intercepting sewer v.hich carries all sewage miles below the city ; a garbage incinerating plant is now being constructed. The social side of Albany is all that could be desired; functions of every kind are constantly being held ; fine theatres and halls, all the Ijest pla_vs, concerts and movies, dancing parlors, and every form of rational amusement one could ask for ; churches of all denomina- tions ; branches of every fraternal organization on earth. Many beau- tiful private residences, some fine apartment houses and five first-class hotels; four splendid daily papers, all bright, clean and newsy and with large circulations. Taxes and rentals are reasonable and Ali)any's bonds lead the market on premium worth; the banking facilities are the best in the country; the drives around .Albany are charming, no matter in which direction you go; the beautiful Hudson lies at your feet, the finest sail in the world and on the finest steamboats in tb.e world. Some day we're bound to put through a bill for purchasing Ijuildings and mak- ing a park around the Capitol ; when that day comes Alliany will ha\e the finest civic center in the country. All)any is a ])eautiful city, a healthful city and a good place to live in. Albanians will lie glad lo welcome newcomers and you couldn't dri lietter than come and live in BEAUTIFUL, HISTORIC ALBANY ALBANY'S FIRST MAYOR HON. PETER SCHUYLER MAYOR OF ALBANY. 1686 Albany, N. Y. The richest city in the country in reminiscences of Old Dutch, Colonial, Revolutionary and later times. A most charming place for the scholar, historian and literary man to reside but equally attractive to the devotee of fashion or the hard-headed, active, energetic business man or manufacturer, whose sole thought is of making dollars and plenty of them. All will find Albany a most delightful city to live in. All Are Welcome 014 108 384 3 I Join the Nineteen-Twenty Club j^n / •"W. The Wide Awake City