-..m:. '^ ■"^i -y.^^^ Cattle Registry Associations American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association, Chas. Gray, Secretary, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. American Galloway Breeders' Association, R. W. Brown, Secretary, Carrollton, Mo. American Hereford Breeders' Association, R. J. Kinzer, Secretary, Kansas City, Mo. American Polled Shorthorn Breeders' Association. J. W. Martz, Secretary, Greenville, Ohio. American Polled Hereford Breeders' Association, B. O. Gammon, Secretary, Des Moines, Iowa. Red Polled Cattle Club of America, H. A. Martin, Secretary, Richland Center, Wis. American Shorthorn Breeders' Association, F. W. Harding, Secretary, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING By EDWARD N. WENTWORTH ARMOUR'S BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND ECONOMICS Assisted by V. H. MUNNECKE MANAGER ARMOUR AND COMPANY'S DRESSED BEEF DEPARTMENT and by JAMES BROWN IN CHARGE OF CATTLE BUYING FOR ARMOUR AND COMPANY ARMOUR'S BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND ECONOMICS R. J. H. De LOACH. Director UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO iqzo REQ. NO. 462. S53 ^^ lbs. Silage 12 lbs. Ration No. 4 Barley or Broken Wheat 10 lbs. Roots 10 lbs. Alfalfa Hay 6 lbs. Coarse Hay No limit In the foregoing rations oil meal may always be sub- stituted for cottonseed meal, barley or kafir for corn, and any of the legume hays (alfalfa, clover, velvet bean, cowpea, soybean, lespedeza or peanut vine) for any other. It is important that the feed of the growing steer calf contain plenty of protein and mineral matter, hence such feeds as clover, alfalfa, and silage should be given in abundance with some oats, and cottonseed or linseed meal. Calves that are to be fed out as long yearlings or two-year-olds, or to be sold as stockers at a year old, may be fed quite largely the first winter on cheap rough- ages but it pays to give small amounts of concentrates in order to keep the calves growing in a thrifty condition. It is highly important that calves be castrated when young, usually at six to eight weeks of age, because there is less danger of checking growth. The object of this is to prevent reproduction, to increase the fattening pro- pose Twenty-Six PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING pensity, to make the animal easier to handle, and to improve the quality of the meat. One of the greatest dangers to livestock improvement comes from permitting calves with only one or two crosses of improved blood to grow into bulls, thus replacing well bred bulls on farms and ranches. In order to insure success in castration, one must carefully wash and disinfect the hands and instrument? before operating and the wound after opera- tion, must make a large free opening to permit good drainage and prevent pus accumulations in the wound and must permit the calf plenty of exercise to keep the swelling down. Calves turned to pasture immediately after the operation recover more quickly than those confined to the stable, since the chances of infection are less. If calves are to be turned off as veals it is not necessary to castrate and they should be pushed along with skimmed milk, flax-seed meal and such other feeds as they can learn to consume, .until they are six to twelve weeks old and fat enough to market. Great care must be taken to see that the skimmed milk is sweet and not fed in dirty receptacles, as the digestive system of the calf may be deranged and scours or some other ailment result. Very few calves of beef breeding are killed as veals, the majority of such calves coming from milking herds. There are certain general principles The Advantage connected with the feeding of cattle of Young that each farmer should bear in mind. Cattle The younger the animal the cheaper the gain. The older the feeder the easier to fatten. The older the cattle the greater the proportion of roughage consumed. The older the cattle the less the labor and shelter required. The greater the abundance of pasture and cheap feeds and the more limited the fattening feeds, the greater Page Twentv-Seven PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING the profit in marketing cattle as stockers and feeders. Older cattle digest their feed less closely than young cattle, and both digest whole grain less closely than ground grain. The more ^limited the feeding space and the greater the supply o'f concentrates, the greater the opportunity for hogs to follow cattle. One pig weighing seventy to eighty pounds should be allowed for three steers. After all the big problem in feeding Essentials of is to satisfy the requirements of the a Complete animal, and a study of the require- Ration ments is necessary in order to feed scientifically and economically. Gen- erally speaking the needs of the animal may be grouped under four heads: Growth, energy, fattening, and health regulation. Growth is dependent on the nitrogenous sub- stances in the feed, and is supplied by such feeds as bran, milk, cottonseed meal, linseed meal, gluten feed, cowpeas, soybeans, alfalfa, and clover. Feeds which supply energy consist mainly of carbohydrates and fats, and are furnished by corn, barley, wheat, rye, prairie hay, straw, fodders, silage, grass, etc. Fattening powers are furnished by the same feeds as those that supply energy. At one time it was supposed that a simple estimate of the amounts of these feeds that would furnish a well balanced diet was sufficient in order to have successful results in feed- ing, but it is now known that there are certain ingredients of the ration that have only a slight food value, bufthat promote the utilization of the feed and the general health of the animal. Foremost among these may be mentioned mineral matter, such as salt, .lime, etc., which is known to be essential to successful feeding, but there is another class of substances known as vitamines found in certain fats and proteins that promote the body processes in much the same way that lubricating oil promotes the Page Twenty-Eight PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING work of the tractor without contributing to the energy that runs it. This is found in the hulls of cereals, cottonseed, flaxseed, timothy, some roots and alfalfa and clover hays. Corn is notoriously lacking in some of these substances, and animals fed corn alone get the "burned-out" appearance due to the lack of certain of these essential compounds in the feeds. Except for these health promoting substances however, one feed in a certain class may be substituted for another, according to cheapness in a given community, as bran for linseed meal or cottonseed meal, and kafir for corn or barley. Because of this possibility of substitution it is important that the feeder should study feed values, as only by such a system can he make a business-like profit on his feeding operations. One of the most important feeds Silage from the standpoint of health pro- motion is silage, which provides the steer and growing animal with succulent green feed the year around. While corn is pre-eminently the best silage plant, kafir, sunflowers, cane, oats and peas, alfalfa, and soybeans with oats make a very desirable product. The principle involved in ensiling feeds is manifold: in general fermentations change the sugars of the plant to acids, and preserve the total food value more perfectly than any other method of feed preservation. If there is a shortage of starches and sugars as in alfalfa, peas and beans, it must be made up by mixing corn, cane, oats, rye, or some similar agent. Molasses has been used satisfactorily where cheap enough, being sprinkled over the green legume as it goes through the silage cutter.. The two most important provisions in silage making are the presence of these sugars and the exclusion of air. I f too much air is present, the silage putrefies, hence one must be careful to tramp such crops as oats very carefully in order to drive the air from the hollow stems. There are six distinct advantages from ensiling crops. The relative expense is low ($2.50 Page Twenty-Nine PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING to $7.50 a ton, depending on investment in silo and machinery and labor conditions) , it can be made available for any season of the year, less of the feed value is wasted, it is eaten with practically no waste, the weather handi- caps the making of silage less than putting the crop up in any other form, it makes weeds available for feed if mixed with the silage crop, and it can be stored in less space than the same feed dry, in the ratio of 2 to 5 as far as food value is concerned. The requisites of a good silo are: Requisites of 1 — airtight walls; 2 — cylindrical shape a Good Silo (to prevent corners which fill improp- erly) ; 3 — smooth, strong, perpendicular walls (to prevent air pockets); and 4 — depth (to give pressure on the mass of fermentling feed, to reduce the percentage loss through fermentation of top layers before they can be fed, and to reduce the loss of food nutrients, which are greatest in upper part). Silos may be made of staves, brick, hollow tile, concrete, stone or steel. Pit silos with cement lining and concrete curb may be used in arid and semi-arid climates, but the material used anywhere for structure depends upon local conditions. See illustration on page 32. The diameter of a silo to be erected Silo should be determined from the number Capacities of animals to be fed, the idea being to feed about two inches of silage off the top to prevent spoilage. The minimum amount to be fed daily, to attain this depth of feeding, is shown in the following table, allowing twenty-five pounds per head : Diameter of Silo Minimum Amount of Silage Number Head 10 feet 520 pounds 21 1 1 feet 625 pounds ^5 12 feet 745 pounds 30 14 feet 1,015 pounds 41 16 feet 1,325 pounds 53 s Thirty PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Diameter of Silo Minimum Amount of Silage Number Head 1 8 feet 1 ,680 pounds 67 20 feet 2,075 pounds 83 12 feet 2,510 pounds 100 24 feet 2,985 pounds iiq 26 feet 3,505 pounds 140 In order to determine the capacity of a silo, multiply the number of cubic feet in the silo by 40 pounds, the average weight of a cubic foot of silage. As a matter of fact, this figure will vary according to the height of the silage in the silo, and those interested in a really accurate result can use the following average weights: Weight at Given Depth 18.7 33-1 46.2 56.4 61 .0 The^ deeper the silage gets the more a cubic foot of silage at that depth weighs and the heavier the average of all the silage is. Average Weight for pth of Silage Whole Depth I -foot 18.7 lo-feet 26.1 20-feet 33-3 30-feet 39.6 36-feet 42.8 Page Thirty-One PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Part V. Management of the Beef Herd There are three systems of handling Three Types beef-bred herds in common usage in of Cattle the United States. The straight beef Farming system in which the steers are grown out as cheaply as possible is adapted to regions where pasture is plentiful and cheap and is practiced more widely in United States than any other method of beef production. The dual purpose system is used more commonly in the general farming states although up to the present it is not more popular than the straight beef system if the numbers practicing it be any criterion. In this system the cows are 'milked and the calves are raised on skimmed milk and supplemental feeds. The dual purpose calves as a rule are not as economical beef producers as the straight beef calves but when grown out and fattened they frequently make very acceptable beef. The dual purpose system is com- mendable only when adhered to properly, and is likely to be quite unsuccessful if it is attempted to turn the beef animals into a dairy herd. The baby beef system is a highly specialized method and is adapted to such districts as the cornbelt where there is a good supply of feeds for fattening and sufficient pasture for the summer maintenance of the breeding cows with their calves. While it requires a little more equipment to handle the herd the best market prices can be obtained in baby beef as well as in the dual purpose systems, if the calves are dropped in the fall and finished to market in the summer and early fall. If calves are dropped in the spring they should come late in February, March or early April, but if they come in the fall, late August, September and early October are preferable. The Page Thirty-Two A tile sJlo representative of one of the many types of per adopted throughout the country. I iJ^ PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING question as to the better time can be settled only by a study of individual farm conditions, taking into con- sideration the equipment, labor, pasture and feed supply. Cows raised for the production of The Maintenance calves only, can be fed very cheaply of the during the biggest portion of the year Breeding Herd by using silage and dry roughages combined with a small quantity of such feed rich in protein as oilmeal or cottonseed meal. If clover or alfalfa hay is available, these may be omitted except during the periods immediately following calving and for two weeks before breeding. Such cows do not require anything more than open shelter except at calving time, when they must be placed separate from the rest of the herd. If fall calving is practiced little shelter for the cow at parturition is* required, but if the calves come in February, March and April, both dam and off- spring must be sheltered from the extremes that some- times occur at that season of the year. The purchase of feeds for breeding cows should not be discouraged when necessary, since a suitable purchase may be more than repaid in the additional growth of the calf. Suc- cessful cattle raisers must grow the necessary roughages however, and for this part of the ration can well adopt the slogan "Grow all you feed and feed all you grow." In the summer the cow herd will be maintained largely on pasture but if the pastures are short supplements must be provided. Silage is the best agent for this but if not available dry roughage such as hay or green forage crops should be provided. After harvest, the cows can be maintained for a time on the stubble and grass growth in the fields, in fact some men plant clover or other crops which will develop after harvest for this very purpose. In the South, velvet beans may be utilized for the pasture of fall and early winter while farther north the stalk fields are available. In the winter hay and silage will provide the main dependence but when protein feeds are nec- Page Thirty-Three PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING essary from one to two pounds of linseed or cottonseed cake may be fed. The fundamental requirement for The Pasture economical beef cattle production is plentiful and permanent pasture. In the cornbelt, bluegrass pasture has proved to be the most satisfactory permanent proposition, but white clover mixtures make a little richer feed of it. From a temporary standpoint good returns may be obtained from mixed timothy and red clover while in shaded areas orchard grass and red top should be used. In the range country native grasses have been found superior to anything seeded, but care must be taken not to overstock them or both variety and amount of herbage are lost. Considerable success has been found in parts of Kansas and Oklahoma by restricting the pasturage on certain areas and seeding the remainder in order to renew the growth. The farmer who feels that his pasture is deserving of a little investment and care will find the distribution of suitable fertilizers will promote the growth of grass very decidedly. Advice as to the kind of fertilizer or the amounts should be obtained from the state experiment station or from the county agri- cultural agent. In the South, Bermuda grass and les- pedeza have been found highly resistant to drouth and their use in southwestern states may possibly be extended. The farmer must remember that while the grasses are natural in most of the sections of America, they are not spontaneous under heavy systems of pasturage, and discing, seeding, and occasional fertilizing are necessary to obtain the greatest returns. Hay provides the winter substitute The Contents of for pasturage on most farms. The the Hay Stack successful farmer will calculate the amount of hay he needs to carry his cattle through the winter, allowing from ten to sixteen pounds per head, per day, depending on the availability of Page Thirty-Four PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING such other feeds as straw, corn stalks, and silage. In order to calculate this it is desirable for him to Icnow how to determine the number of tons of hay in the stack. The ordinary method of determining this is first to find the volume of the stack in cubic feet and then to Peaked atack Average stack Fvai stack IF HBICirr IS THREE-FOURTHS OF WIDTH. IF HEIGHT EQUALS WIDTH. New hay 190S Old hay 1673 Hew hay 1714 Old hay 1529 IF HEIGHT IS OIJE-FOURTH GREATER THAN WIDTH. N©* hay 17U Old hay 1529 To determine contents of hay stack multiply length by width by over and divide by the number indicated above in order to obtain the number of tons. Page Thirty-Five PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING transform it to tons. To determine this the farmer will measure the width and length of the stack and then get the distance from the ground on one side to the ground on the other at a point which is about the average height of the stack.- Having obtained these three figures for width length and over, they are multiplied together and divided by the figures shown in the accompanying diagram depending on the shape of the stack and the length of time the hay has been in the stack. The resultant figure will give the number of tons of hay in the stack. One of the most important factors Sanitation on in success with beef cattle is the the Farm health of the herd. The cheapest way in the long run to safeguard the breed- ing animals is by the prevention of disease and sanitation. Every cattleman should provide himself with an isolation shed and pen to which sick animals can be taken. This will secure privacy and rest for the animals and in addi- tion will limit the spread of contagious or infectious disease. After a diseased animal has been removed from this lot all straw and manure not exposed to the sunlight and wind should be carefully burned and the shed 'and feed troughs should be disinfected, either with lime or a spray. Special care should be taken to provide bright, clean, sanitary quarters for calving as a step taken in time here may prevent serious losses later due to hemorrhagic septicemia, scours, sore eyes, snuffles, and various other calf diseases. Feed troughs, water tanks, and other places where cattle commonly come in contact with each other should be kept scrupulously clean and should be disinfected frequently. Page Thirty-Sir PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Some of the commonest diseases Cattle \vhich American cattlemen have to Diseases (ace are lump jaw, blackleg, contagious abortion, foot and mouth disease, foot rot, hemorrhagic septicemia and tuberculosis, while the following are the commonest parasites which have to be combated ; Texas fever tick, lice, screw worms, ox warble and mange. Lump Jaw. Lump jaw is a chronic non-infectious disease that affects the jaws of cattle and the udders of swine. It is caused by a fungus that is frequently found on barley beards, oat stubble and various grasses, although it does not grow outside of the animal body. It appears as a hard tumor-like swelling on the jaw in the early stages of the disease, but later becomes ulcerated from the inside, causing slobbering and difficulty in chewing. The animal becomes emaciated and frequently starves to death. The most satisfactory way to handle the animal is to begin fattening it at the first signs of disease and ship to market before the affection becomes too marked. Such animals are subjected to rigid examination after death and if the disease is localized in the head the animal is passed as fit for food. Blackleg. This is a highly contagious disease that affects cattle between the ages of six and twenty-four months. It is usually fatal in the course of twelve to thirty-six hours after the animal first shows signs of sickness. However, the animal may have been infected from three to five days previous to the first symptoms. The animal shows a high fever, loss of appetite and great depression, while it usually stops chewing its cud in the very earliest stages. Swellings appear over the heavily muscled parts of the body and if one strokes the skin in these parts a distinct crackling is heard and felt. There is no satisfactory remedy and the best method is preven- Page Thirty-Seven PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING tive treatment by means of vaccination. The losses following this are less than one-half of i percent. Contagious Abortion. This is a chronic and highly insidious disease that is confined to the organs of repro- duction and is probably the most widely spread disease in cattle. It is caused by a specific germ which is more likely to infect heifers than cows and which seldom affects the bull. During the early months after breeding the animal appears normal but the calf may be born from three to five months prematurely. Some cows may be- come "carriers" of the disease without themselves being sick. Skilled veterinarians are required to recognize these animals by means of blood tests. The only treat- ment possible is preventive. Immediately after the animal aborts all of the litter should be disposed of by burning and the stable floor should be disinfected with a strong liquid. The cow should be douched with a i per- cent solution of salt at blood temperature to prevent the accumulation of pus. Some investigators at present urge the use of a vaccine, but this has not yet been perfected. Foot and Mouth Disease. Although this disease is not common in America, there have been several serious scourges from it, the last in the years 1Q14-15. It affects cattle worse than other stock and the mortality ranges from I to 3 percent. The disease opens with a moderate fever and the appearance of blisters in the mouth and between the hoofs. A profuse flow of saliva is stimulated which hangs from the mouth in viscid ropes. No attempt is made to treat the disease in the United States and infected animals are immediately slaughtered. Foot Rot. Cattle that are forced to stand in filthy lots occasionally suffer from a contagious hoof disease known as foot rot. The animals become lame, develop a hot and painful swelling around the hoof and lose their appetite and flesh. The "proud flesh" which appears must be trimmed away, the pus tracts drained and a dis- Page Thirty-Eight PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING infectant applied. In cattle the best remedy is pine tar held in place by a bandage passed between the claws and tied around the pastern. Hemorrhagic Septicemia. This disease runs a short course in cattle that frequently ends in death and affects calves more commonly than older animals. The method of infection is not known although cattle on pasture are less likely to be affected than those under confinement. The animals refuse feed, exhibit a severe fever, show difficulty in breathing and develop swellings in the throat and brisket. When the intestines are affected the animals show signs of colic and pass bloody manure. Once the disease is developed medicines are useless, hence efforts are directed toward preventing the spread to other animals. All unaffected animals should be removed to fresh quarters and vaccinated, and the infected buildings and lots disinfected. Tuberculosis. This is one of the most serious diseases affecting cattle because of the possibility of its transmis- sion to man. It is readily transmitted to hogs following cattle, in many cases as high as 25 percent being rendered unfit for food. The disease is so named because small tubercles form in the internal organs. Infection is usually spread by eating food or drinking fluids con- taminated by the discharges from infected animals. Frequently animals severely afflicted with the disease show no signs of it externally. If the lungs are affected there may be a cough and difficulty in breathing, while if the intestines are involved, a chronic diarrhea is present. The two common tests for the presence of tuberculosis are the injection test and the intradermal test with tuberculin. In the first case the animal shows a marked rise in temperature a few hours after injection if affected with the disease, while in the second case a small hard swelling develops at the point of inoculation within twenty-four to ninety-six hours. Treatment is unsatis- Page Thirty-Nine PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING factory and the only practicable method known is the preventive one which removes all infected animals and utilizes sanitary methods. Texas Fever Tick. Only a few years ago this pest was prevalent throughout the southern states, but is being rapidly eradicated by means of the quarantine. Its ill effects come through the injury to the cattle in sucking their blood and infecting them with the germs of a disease that results in high fever and occasionally death. The vitality of most infected animals is so low that they are not profitable to handle. The most suc- cessful means of getting rid of the tick is by periodic dipping. Cattle Lice. These parasites do the most damage in the winter months and are more likely to infect thin cattle than fleshy ones. They can best be disposed of by dipping in the fall before cold weather sets in, followed by a second dipping seven to ten days later to kill any lice hatching after the first treatment. Screw Worms. During hot weather screw worms may appear in wounds, cuts or sores, as a result of eggs laid in these parts by a fly. The most effective treament is to open the wounds, to wash them with gasoline, and to daub them with pine tar. Warbles. The ox warble is a grub which develops under the skin in late winter or early spring, bores a hole through it, and drops to the ground where it hatches into a fly. There are no preventive measures known but the grubs ready to drop from the animal should be squeezed out and destroyed and those not quite ready to emerge should be dislodged with a sharp knife. Mange. Mange is caused by a small mite that attacks the skin causing it to become scurfy. It spreads from one animal to another by contact and can be remedied by dipping or spraying. Page Forty Tubercular cow apparently healthy in appearance which reacted to the tuberculin test and was found diseased on killing. (See page 39.) A steer showing a pronounced case of lump jaw. (See page 37.) PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Ring Worm. This disease is quite similar to mange but causes circular patches on the skin instead of a general infection. It is most common during the winter and spring and is usually found on the heads and necks, although it may affect any part of the body. It causes severe itching and is remedied with iodine and nitrate of mercury ointment. Stables should be disinfected. As a general practice it is advisable The Cow and to provide quarters for calving even Her Calf though it may not be necessary to use them ordinarily. The average breeding cow needs little assistance if she is in a vigorous, healthy condition, nor do most calves, but there are many that die which would have lived if assistance had been available at the proper time. As soon as the calf is born all membranes should be removed from the mouth and nose and if the calf is not strong, a slight pull on the tongue and pressure in the ribs may stimulate breathing. The cow should be allowed to dry the calf herself and to give it its first care, although the calf may need assistance the first time to find the udder. The calf should always receive the first milk from the udder unless the cow is feverish and her udder inflamed, since it acts as a mild purgative. Clean, sanitary quarters are a distinct asset to any breeding farm. For convenience in determining the Gestation time the cow is due to calve, the time Table of service being known, a gestation table is given on page 42, by the use of which it is very easy to determine the approximate time a cow will calve. It will assist in keeping accurate breed- ing records. Page Forty-One PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Gestation Table for Cows (283 Days) Explanation- Find date cow was bred in first column and month bred in top hne The date in column below opposite date bred will be the time at which the cow is due to calve. Jan. F^b. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Dayof Mo'th Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sepi-. Bred , jj 8 II 10 u ,1 II 11 10 12 12 10 10 q 12 1 1 12 12 12 12 1 1 3 4 5 6 n I 3 1 J 1 1 10 13 12 13 13 13 13 12 12 1 1 14 13 14 14 14 14 13 15 16 15 16 13 14 13 14 12 13 15 16 14 15 15 lb 15 lb 15 16 1? 16 «4 15 16 17 18 7 8 17 18 17 18 15 16 IS 16 It 17 18 16 17 Vs 17 18 17 18 17 18 q lO IQ iq 17 17 lb iq 18 iq iq iq iq lO 20 18 18 17 20 iq 20 20 20 iq 11 iq iq 18 21 20 21 21 21 21 11 12 11 10 20 IQ 22 21 22 22 22 22 n 14 i6 23 23 21 2 1 20 13 22 23 23 23 23 24 22 22 11 24 23 24 24 24 24 23 ^5 16 25 26 23 24 23 24 22 23 25 26 24 25 25 26 25 26 25 26 25 26 24 11 27 28 17 i8 ^7 18 17 18 ^5 2fc ^5 26 24 25 27 28 26 27 27 28 27 28 27 28 27 28 IQ iq 2Q 27 27 26 2q 28 2q 2q 2q 2q 30 30 28 28 27 30 2q 10 30 30 30 11 Nov. I Dec.i 2 2q 30 2q 30 28 Mar. I Apr. I 30 May I June I July I 2 31 Aug. I Sept", Oct. I 13 14 1 3 3 4 31 Ian. I 31 Feb. I 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 11 27 i8 30 31 4 5 6 7 8 q 10 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 q 10 4 5 6 7 8 q 4 5 6 7 8 q 10 4 5 6 7 8 q 10 5 6 7 8 q 10 4 5 6 7 8 q 10 5 6 7 8 q 5 6 7 8 q 10 Pti^e Forty-Two PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAiSING Part VI The Cattle Industry As a producer of beef the United The United States leads the world. On January States Position i, 1920, there were 68,132,000 cattle in Beef reported by the Bureau of Crop Production Estimates, of which 44,385,000 were beef animals. These exceeded the nearest competitive beef country by over a third. For iQiQ the relative figures on cattle, including milk and draft animals as well as beef, were given as follows by the Year Book of Figures of the Chicago Daily Drovers' Journal : India 147,335,000* United States 67,866,000 Russia 52,052,000 Brazil 28,962,000 Argentina 25,867,000 Germany 20,317,000 France 12,1 8q,ooo Canada 10,051,000 Australia 9,924,000 Uruguay 8,193,000 Not all of these countries are meat surplus countries, however, as many of them consume more than they produce. The nine principal meat export countries are the United States, Argentina, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay, Mexico, Denmark and Paraguay. Brazil is rapidly progressing in beef cattle production and the day is not far off when she, too, will be a factor in the world's beef markets. •Includes buffaloes and millions of draft cattle. Proportion of beef cattle relatively low. Page Forty-Three PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING During the war America exportecf The American large quantities of beef which per- Beef Export mitted high prices to the producer. Trade During the five years 1910-1914 the average exports of beef products totaled 71,717,597 pounds, while during the five years of war, 1915-1919, the average exports were 385,612,976 pounds, an increase of approximately 538 percent. America's principal customers for the last seven years are indicated by the following table : Country 1913 1Q14 iQi5 IQ'^ United Kingdom.. 26,292,537 19,353,985 152.865,431199,583,322 France i53>430 67,542106,455,420 60,162,930 Italy 408,775 437,55^ 11,871,446 53,633,048 Netherlands 50,661,952 48,888,764 37,183,392 30,373,211 Scandinavia 15,850,056 15,677,189 34,389,858 36,275,700 Germany 23,809,562 19,572,376 1,393,312 850 Country 1917 1Q18 1919 United Kingdom. .205,616,173 390,033,935 347,932,906 France 58,672,952 68,800,838 53,152,973 Italy 14,019,782 17,634,774 65,045,368 Netherlands 14,040,591 329,694 Scandinavia 24,825,785 1,417,317 22,481,954 Germany During times of peace the export Relation of trade is a very minor factor in support- Export Trade ing beef prices. In the past ten years to Cattle we have exported the following per- Production centage of our annual beef crop: Total Beef Production 1910 9,621,000,000 1911 9,398,000,000 19 1 2 8,997,000,000 191 3 8,559,000,000 1914 8,236,000,000 191 5 8,728,000,000 1916 10,224,000,000 1917 12,779,000,000 191 8 10,200,000,000 1919 9,050,000,000 Page Forty-Four Total Beef Percent Beef Exports Exported 127,405,575 1-3 + 93,618,984 I .0 — 64,378,658 0.7 + 40,059,655 0.5— 33.1^5,114 0.4+ 277,558,938 3.2— 320,132,447 31 + 322,766,893 2.5 + 521,844,093 5-2— 485,762,509 5-4— PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING The war increased the percentage of our beef exports almost five times, the average for the first five years quoted above being .8 percent, while for the last five years it was 3.9 percent. The figures quoted above are for the fiscal years closing June 30. They do not include the period of the great drop in exports which occurred during the last half of igiq. If one compares the calendar years iqi8 and iqiq, one factor in the drop- ping beef prices of that period becomes apparent, for exports of 6qq,qq6,7i2 pounds in iqiS drop to ^ 46, ^47,8^2 pounds in iqiq. It is difficult to say just where the per- centage of exports becomes large enough to be important, economic and political conditions having greater effect perhaps than any mathematical relation. Page Forty-Five PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING move the beef on hand, and the competition of other meats and foods for the favor of the family pocketbook. Illustrations of factors causing general trends in prices are the seasonal changes in the meat appetite of the buying public, the seasonal variations in receipts, the influence of the export trade, and such unusual occurrences as the recent war. l^he most important factor of all of these is the ability to sell beef and this is almost perfectly correlated with the volume of beef on hand as related to volume of busi- ness, and is entirely unrelated to the cost of production of the cattle. One of the chief factors contributing Seasonal to low prices for the average feeder is Variations the tendency for every cattleman to in Price market his steers in the period Novem- ber to April. The chart opposite presents a study of the prices of native beef on the Chicago market over a period of twenty years and shows that prices for this class of cattle are above the average of the year from April to mid-October, and below the average for the remainder of the year. Of course there have been years in which this was not true, but it represents the average condition over this time. The deviations below the average price for the year are greatest in January, Feb- ruary, June, November and December, while the least occurs in the period July to October. Furthermore, in the November to May period, the monthly average price runs nearer the bottom of the deviations from the average annual price, while in the period May to October, the monthly average runs nearer the top of the devia- tions from the average annual price. This means that the man who markets in the latter period not only gets better prices for his stock, but that he is much more likely to top the market, simply because the monthly average tends to run nearer there. Page Forty-Eight PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Because prices are higher at this The Problem of time does not necessarily mean that Marketing Beef the farmer feeder will get greater in All Seasons profits. Beef production depends on the annual cycle of the year, steers fatten on the crops that mature during the year, but meat is eaten on the daily cycle based on the frequency with which man gets hungry. It therefore happens that the bulk of the cattle come on the market in the months Sep- tember to February, after they have eaten the crops of the preceding season. Man's appetite runs throughout the year, however, and if he is to be assured a supply of meat at all times, someone must carry the cost of holding either animals or meat over to the leaner m.onths. If the animal is killed the market must absorb the cost of hand- ling or storing ; if it is held over for better prices the feeder must pay this cost in feed, equipment and maintenance. It therefore becomes an individual problem for each farmer to determine, whether the additional costs of carrying his cattle over will be more than the rise in price he will probably get. Few are competent to advise with him except the men of his locality who are familiar with con- ditions. Possibly the county agricultural agent can be of service in this connection. The two simplest ways of taking Methods of advantage of the better markets in Reaching the the seasons of lean supply are, first, Most Favorable to buy half finished cattle that some Markets other shipper has put on the market and feed them for thirty to sixty days, depending on condition, and, second, to handle the animals by cheap maintenance and suitable farm equipment to carry over into this favorable time. The first system is best adapted to feeders who live close to a big livestock market. At almost any time during the winter the careful buyer can go on the market and watch for steers selling at prices he can afford to consider for further Page Forty-Nine PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING feeding. On the stockyards markets he will have to compete for warmed-up cattle with packer and speculator buyers to a greater extent than for the customary type of feeders, but he will find certain days in every week (not always the same day by any means), when there are more of this type on the market than can be absorbed and he can buy right. He may find it to his advantage to do this twice in a winter rather than once, in order to get the most economical use of his feed. He will need dry bot- tomed feedlots, and protection from the north and west in the more severe sections of the country, and he cannot profitably depend on the steers doing much rustling of their own, but must have facilities for bringing the steers' feed to them. The other system depends on finishing the steers on grass while it is still lush and requires silage and in some sections, soiling crops (peas, oats, vetch, cane, rye, etc.) as supplements. It adapts itself to baby beef production as calves of one spring can be marketed in July or August of the following year. Sufficient winter shelter will be required for these calves to keep them from using too much of their feed to provide heat. This system of feeding and finishing will do well on high priced land, but is of little value in the range and semi-range states where the system of production is too extensive. The relative effect of supply and The Effect of demand on cattle prices on the hoof Supply and is shown in the chart on page 4g. Demand on The two upper curves are not on the Hoof Prices same scale, one square on the curve for market receipts representing 50,000 animals while one square for A.rmour's purchases repre- sents only 4,000 animals. To make the curves directly comparable the heights in the first curve should be multi- plied 12.5 times. In the case of the two lower curves, however, the general parallelism is quite marked. The fluctuation of hoof prices is not as great as that in dressed beef, because the price of byproducts does not vary with Page Fifty PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING the price of beef but remains relatively constant. On the other hand it will be observed that the purchases of Armour and Company bear only an indirect relation to the price of dressed beef. In general, purchases were low when prices were high and vice versa, but there are almost as many exceptions as illustrations. This is simply another way of saying that prices went up when Armour and Company did not have the beef to supply, while with increased supplies, prices dropped. If the points along the dressed beef curve and the live cattle curve are compared for divergence in direction, periods in which supply overrode demand to a slight degree will be noted. In September, iqi/, and Septem- ber, iqi8, dressed beef prices rose while hoof prices dropped, but it will be noted that in each case the number of cattle on the market materially increased— in the first instance 65,000 head or 27.6 percent of the previous month's receipts, and in the second instance, i55>ooo head or 64.6 percent. On the other hand, in November, iqi8, and July and August, iqiq, dressed beef prices dropped while hoof prices rose. This was unquestionably due to the fact that our purchases of the months preceding each of these periods were extremely light, while each preceded a period when the beef trade normally picks up, in the first case for Christmas, and in the second for the advent of cooler weather. Page Fifty-One PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Part VIII The Beef Carcass There are eight standard wholesale The Relative cuts from the carcass; the round, the Value of loin, the flank, the rib, the chuck, Carcass Cuts the plate and the shank, as shown in the illustration on page 56, and the suet secured from the free fat of the animal. There is a pronounced difference in the value of different car- casses and in the value of the cuts produced from different parts of the same carcass. The quality of the carcass is dependent on the relative thickness of the lean meat, its tenderness, the interspersion of fat among the muscle fibers, the firmness of the flesh, the freedom from bruised spots, the rich redness of the lean meat, and the clear white of the sound firm fat. Carcasses poorly protected by fat cannot stand handling in the fresh meat trade, while carcasses too darkly red in the lean and too yellow in the fat indicate age or finish on feeds that produce a more perishable carcass. Two very important factors affecting the value of the carcass are the lightness of the bone and the relative proportion of the valuable cuts. When beeves are handled in bulk, as in Armour and Company's Dressed Beef Department, the average proportion of the different cuts is usually figured for convenience in pricing, but if the carcasses are sold to the retailer, the proportion of valuable cuts is especially important. The demand as reflected from the retailer is shown by the different price per pound in the following table, in which the carcasses are considered by the cwt., thereby show- ing the percentages of the different cuts. The same price is allowed for the cuts from both carcasses in order to show the effect of the more valuable portions on the profits. In practice carcasses showing as great differences as recorded here would sell for different prices per pound Page Fifty-Two PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Steer No. i Steer No. 2 Cuts — Price per lb. Wt. cut Value Wt. cut Value cwt. cwt. Round $0.22 24 $5.28 22 $4.84 Loin 34 18 6.12 16 5.44 Flank 11 35 -385 4 -44 Suet .145 35 -5075 4 -44 Rib 27 10 2.70 8 2.16 Chuck 12 25 3.00 27 3.24 Plate 10 13 1-30 14 I 40 Shank q5 3 -^85 5 .475 Total $iq.5775 $18,575 In other words, on each hundred pounds bought in the proportions listed above, steers like No. i, would be worth $1.00 more than steers like No. 2, even though their meat was of exactly similar grade. On a 650-pound carcass, this difference would be $6.50. It is very seldom that two steers Factors in showing the difference in proportion Carcass Values of cuts cited in the foregoing would produce meat of similar value, but one carcass would be of lesser quality than the other. During the winter iqiQ-20 it frequently happened that the highest quality beef sold around 23 cents a pound wholesale, while good quality stuff was bringing about 18.5 cents. Two carcasses cutting up similar to those discussed in the foregoing paragraph would yield whole- sale cuts as follows: Steer No. i Steer No. 2 Cut Per- Price Value Per- Price Value cent per lb. cent per lb. Round 24 $0.20 $4.80 22 $0.18 $396 Loin 18 .46 8.28 16 .3Q ^-^4 Flank 3.5 .08 .28 4 -oS -3^ Suet 3.5 .16 .^6 4 -i^ -^4 Rib 10 .36 3.60 8 .30 2.40 Chuck 25 .16 400 27 .12 3-^4 Plate 13 .10 1.30 14 -OQ i-io Shank 3 -o? -^i 5 -o? -3^ Total $23.03 $18.41 Page Fifty-Three PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING In this case two differences of importance exist between the two steers, percentage of valuable cuts and quality of cuts. The difference is expressed as $462 per hundred, or $27.72 on a 600-pound carcass. Retail stores will take the cargass of the first steer at an advanced price because the retailer can make more from it himself, and because he can dispose of it to a better class of trade. The next paragraph shows how these differences are reflected to the producer. The following actual cases taken The Relation of from animals killed in May, iqio, Carcass Price to by Armour and Company show how Hoof Price the demand for different classes of meat is transformed into the value of steers on foot. Only animals of superior breeding and proper finish can make the class of beef represented by carcass No. i, and the majority of them weigh from 1250 pounds up, although there is- no reason why animals of this quality cannot be produced in the cornbelt at 950 pounds for example, when fed from birth. The second class of steer comes more usually from range stock. In the particular instances here quoted, the steers purchased by our buyers to meet the 2 1 cent trade demand weighed 1400 pounds, while the others weighed 11 10 pounds. The data for steers of each class at this time is shown in the following table: Steer No. i Steer No. 2 Carcass, price $0.21 $0,185 Carcass weight 840 lbs. 610 lbs. Value carcass $ 1 76 . 40 $ 1 1 2 . 85 Credits— Hides, offal, etc 40.58 31 -41 Killing and overhead 10.50 8.32 Net credits 206 . 48 ^'^^ \^ Live weight 1400 lbs. 1 1 10 lbs. Possible hoof price per cwt $i4-75 $12.25 The actual prices paid were $14.80 and $12.20. From long experience the Dressed Beef Department can figure what it can afford to pay for steers or heifers of any type Page Fifty- Four PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING and weight in order to produce a particular grade or class of beef, the costs being known in terms of averages, and the corrected costs being made for each lot in terms of the actual record of the animals purchased. The figures shown in the preceding table represent corrected costs and not averages used for preliminary estimates. Each morning the Armour cattle buyers are furnished with a statement of the costs of the beef from the animals they purchased the day before, as well as the actual dressing percentage. The principal factor involved in the judg- ment of the buyer is the ability to estimate the dressing percentage closely, and after years of experience the best buyers become unbelievably accurate. But more than an estimate of the dressing quality is needed, as the buyer must be able to recognize the type of animal that will produce the kind of beef which the Dressed Beef De- partment needs to fill its orders or its shortages. Page Fifty-Five PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Part IX Market Classes of Cattle Cattle are placed in classes according How Cattle to the use to which they are put, while Are Classified they are graded according to their merit in fulfilling this purpose. The three major classes are beef cattle, butcher stock, and feeders and stackers. Beef cattle produce carcasses suitable for the wholesale trade, of the better grades, Nos. i or 2, and of standard quality. Butcher stock produces either an inferior grade of carcass, or else only partially produces marketable cuts. Feeders and stockers are animals that must be developed further before being slaughtered, feeders being ready to go into the feed lot at once, and stockers being too thin or too small to fatten until they have been further developed on cheap feeds. Each of these classes has a certain number of sub-classes, although there is no rigid distinction between them, the daily condi- tion of supply and demand materially affecting the classi- fication. For example light-necked, thin stags on one day's market may be slaughtered as a common grade of stag, while another day they may be sent back to the country as feeders, depending on the relative need for butcher stock or feeders The principal classes and sub- classes are indicated in the following outline: fBeef Steers I Yearling Steers Beef Cattle j Yearling Heifers I Heavy Heifers [Stags Page Fifty-Six Wholesale cuts of the beef carcass. No. 3 round. No. 1 round. Note the fuller shape of the No. 1 round and the better marbling of fat with lean. Also the surface of the No. 1 round is velvety and dry as compared with the darker wetter surface of the No. 3 round. PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Butcher Stock Cows Bulls Veals Feeders and Stockers ■ Kosher Butcher Cutter Canner Butcher Bologna Selected Medium Heavy Feeder Steers Yearling Steers Yearling Heifers Feeder Cows Feeder Bulls Springer Cows Springer Heifers Stocker Steers Stocker Heifers Obviously not all of the animals How Cattle that are placed in a particular class Are Graded on a given day are equally suited to meet the requirements of that class. Hence they are graded according to their ability to realize these requirements. The standard grades are prime, choice, good, medium, fair, plain, common and poor. Prime animals are fully finished and of improved type. Choice animals are practically as good in type, but are not so perfectly finished. Good animals are not as desirable as prime, either in condition or type. Medium steers are practically of the same quality as good, but not their equal in condition, while fair steers fall below medium in quality, type and condition. Both medium and fair steers are quite numerous on the market, nearly 50 percent of steers falling in these two grades. Plain steers are deficient in type and quality, but carry some 'flesh, while common steers lack flesh to a greater extent. Poor steers are typical of their name, inferior in practically all respects. Page Fifty-Seven PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Characteristics of The following general description Different Grades of each of the grades of cattle will be and Classes of found applicable on the average to cattle on the spring Chicago markets of IQ20: Beef Cattle and Butcher Stock Grade Weight Condition Prime Beef Steers . . . 1 500- 1 600 Ripe Choice Beef Steers. . 1 250-1450 Good Good Beef Steers . . . 1 250-1450 Good Medium Beef Steers . 1 200- 1 400 Average Fair Beef Steers 1050-1 250 Average Plain Beef Steers. . . . looo-i 1 50 Fair Common Beef Steers qoo-1050 Light Poor Beef Steers 800- 950 None Type Excellent Excellent Good Average Average Deficient quality and form Few signs of good breeding Very inferior While the other classes and sub-classes vary in weights from those quoted above, the general statements as to type and condition hold good throughout. In some cases a few of the grades are omitted or new grades are created to meet special conditions in a particular class of stock. The following table shows the grades applied to the other classes : Class Grades Yearling Steers Prime, Choice, Good, Medium, Fair. Plain, Common. Yearling Heifers Extra Fancy, Fancy, Prime, Choice. Good, Medium, Fair, Plain, Common. Heavy Heifers Extra Fancy, Fancy, Prime, Choice, Good, Medium, Fair, Plain, Common. Stags Choice, Good, Medium, Plain, Common, Light, Thin. fKosher — Prime, Choice, Good. J Butcher— Choice, Good, Fair, Plain. [Cutter — Good, Fair, Plain. [Canner— Good, Fair, Plain, Common, Poor, {Butcher — Prime, Choice, Good, Medium, Plain. Bologna— Choice, Good, Medium, Plain, c5)mmon. Light. Selected — Prime, Choice. Medium— Choice, Good, Fair, Poor. Heavy—Choice, Good, Fair, Poor. Page Fifty-Eight Cows, Bulls Veals. PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Extra fancy heifers are females showing very light development in the essentially feminine characters; that is, they are trimmer of middle and smoother through the hooks and rump than usual, being prime in other par- ticulars. They usually are very well bred and extremely uniform. Fancy heifers are similar to extra fancv except that they are slightly less uniform, and usually a little lighter. Kosher cows are of good size, and well enough finished to make a thick forequarter for the Jewish trade. The quarter is cut off behind the fifth rib, and thickness of meat is essential in order to produce the requirements. Light thin stags are animals that border between feeders and canners. Their name is indicative of their type and quality. Prime selected veal calves weigh from 135 to 165 pounds and are fat. Medium weight veals run from no to 150 pounds, the better grades being heavier, and the poor to fair veals average from 1 10 to 125 pounds. Heavy veals weight 200 to 350 pounds, the plain skim milk calves in this class ranging from 200 to 300 pounds. Feeders and stockers are graded in a Grades and manner similar to finished cattle, but Classes of the determining factors are based on Feeders and their ability to gain rather than their Stackers ability to kill. Feeder steers have the following classification : Grade Weight Breeding Type Fancy selected.. 1 000- 1 150 Nearly pure beef blood Uniform, beefy Choice 1000 High in beef blood Beefy Good Qoo One or two crosses pure bulls Above average Medium 850- qoo Mixed Below average Fair 800- 850 Some cold blood evident Rougher, plainer Page Fifty-Nine PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Other classes of feeders and stockers grade as shown in the next table, their differences between grades approxi- mating that shown in the foregoing. Class * Grades Weights Yearling steers. . .Choice, good, fair, common 500-^50 Stocker steers.... Fancy selected, choice, good, fair, common boo-800 Feeding heifers . .Yearlings, choice, good, fair, range 600-800 Feeding cows. . . .Choice, good, fair, plain 650-850 Springer cows. . . . Good, fair 750-qoo Springer heifers. . Good, fair 700-800 'Feeder bulls Choice, good, fair 800-1 100 In the spring of 1920 feeder steers brought about 25 to 50 cents per cwt. more in the corresponding grades than yearlings, due to their ability to finish faster, while stock- ers sold about a dollar lower than feeders. Heifers in corresponding grades, brought from 75 cents to a dollar more than cows, while feeder bulls were generally listed about 25 cents above feeder cows. In the early days of the cattle industry, feeder and stocker values were set by subtracting the cost of feeding from finished cattle, but as the demand for dressed beef raised the prices of unfinished animals, the margin on which the feeder operates no longer has any relation to the cost of finishing, but is determined by the value of the unfed animal for killing purposes. The feeder buyer frequently finds competition on the highest type of feeder cattle because a limited sale demand exists for just such cuts as the raw feeder produces. The fact that a certain percentage of this type of animals can be used for beef, particularly in the face of market scarcity, has led to a competition with feeder buyers, that has been difficult for them to understand. Many have interpreted this competition to mean that finished cattle are no longer desired, but this is by no means true, since the market can handle only a limited portion of unfinished cattle of this character. Page Sixty PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Part X Cattle Types While finished cattle are classed How Type Is and graded on the market as indicated Determined in the foregoing paragraphs, there are distinct differences in type between choice feeders and choice killing steers. The factors that determine whether an animal shall be classed as a beef steer and graded choice include high dressing percent, high proportion of valuable cuts, ability to produce a No. I carcass and a size suitable to produce retail cuts most readily marketable. The price paid for live animals is based on these points entirely. On the other hand when a feeder buys a steer he is looking for the points that will indicate profitable utilization of his feed. A steer of this sort has a large rugged frame, a strong chest and constitu- tion, enough depth to indicate a strong feeding capacity, and a loose, mellow, sappy hide that provides a vigorous circulation and a high degree of health. It will be noted that none of the points making the animal profitable as a feeder have any relation to the efficiency with which the steer cuts out, hence the type suitable both to the trade and the feeder is a compromise. This is the type which has come to recognition in the big fat stock shows of England and America, and in its ultimate development provides the show yard champions. The usual champion steer is fed to a flesh unprofitable to the feeder from a market standpoint, since the final gains of such an animal are very costly and there is ordinarily too much fat to permit the animal to be cut up profitably by the butcher. It therefore happens that many times steers gaining high honors in a show are considered less valuable by practical feeders and sell for less on the beef markets than animals of lower show rank. Page Sixty-One PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Nevertheless in the long run this Characteristics compromise type of steer (see page 41 ) of the Standard is the one that gives best returns at all Types of Beef stages of his development. Such an Steer animal as viewed from the side should be straight in top and underline, deep, low-set, stylish in carriage, symmetrical in all parts, and possessed of a smooth, thick, meaty appearance. From the rear he should be wide throughout and even; smooth through the shoulders, hook points and rump; and deep and thick in thigh, lower round and twist. From the front he should show a pronounced breadth from shoulder top down through the breast, his neck and shoulder vein should be plump with fat, his head short, broad and well-dished, and his legs set well apart. Such a steer will carry thick cuts in the valuable parts and be proportionate between his carcass and the internal organs that provide his meat making machinery. He should be thick, smooth and mellow to the touch in all parts of his body, and as refined in bone, skin and hair as possible without reducing his ruggedness or vigor. Since beef cattle sell by the pound a big steer at a given age is always preferable to a smaller one of the same general merit. The fat cattle buyer must not only Dressing determine what kind of carcass the Percent animal he buys will produce, but he must also determine what the steer will yield, in terms of carcass to live weight. This is known as the dressing percentage and depends on the condition, the freedom from paunchiness, the type and the quality. Fat steers always outdress animals of less finish, the degree of their condition being judged in accurate detail by the filling of the tongue root, brisket, shoulder vein, fiank and twist, in addition to the general covering over the body. The fill of the digestive organs with feed and water is as important as the condition. In shipping, steers of 1200 pound weight frequently Page Sixty-Two PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING shrink 40 to 60 pounds, due to the emptying of the diges- tive tract, which is 3 to 5 percent of the entire weight of the animal. A difference in estimate of i percent dress on a 1200 pound steer selling at 15 cents a pound is $1.80, and many mistakes of that sort reduce to zero the usefulness of a buyer. The broad thick type of steer will outdress the steer of wedge-shaped dairy type even when condition and fill are the same, by 3 to 5 percent, while quality in hide, head and bone may affect the dressing ratio by i to 2 percent. The average run of steers killed by Armour and Com- pany dress, about 53 percent, good to choice ranging from 56 to ^q, and steers of extra good show type, going from 5Q to 63. The champion steer at the 1920 Fort Worth show was killed by Armour and Company and dressed 67.48 percent. The world's record is on a spayed heifer killed at the Smithfield Fat Stock Show in London, that made 76.75 percent. Fat cows dress about 56 per cent, and canners from 35 to 43 percent. Page Sixty-Three PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Part XI Marketing Cattle Much of the profit that may have Preparations for been acquired during the feeding Shipping operation may be lost when the animals are sent to market. Faulty shipping methods may cause such a great difference in the loading weight of the steer at home and its selling weight at the market that the feeder may actually make or break on this margin. This shrink" is caused by the failure of the animal to eat and drink the normal amount, and by scouring. Long hauls, rough handling, improper feeding, extreme weather, exhaustion and numerous minor factors affect the amount of shrink and nothing will eliminate it entirely. It averages about 4.0 percent of the animal's weight. Grass, silage and pulp- fed cattle shrink more than grain fed, while such grades as canner cows shrink more proportionately than finished stock. If about two days before shipping a less washy ration is substituted for the regular ration, the shrink may not be so great, although if the change is too sudden the animal may be upset. On the other hand, too dry a ration works a severe detriment to the selling condition of the cattle. To withhold water before shipping and to feed salt is cruel and deceives no one except the shipper himself. A normal fill is always accepted but both packer buyers and feeder buyers can easily recognize animals in abnormal condition. ^- . . The following suggestions issued by ^nipping ^-j^g National Livestock Exchange Counsel should prove helpful : Always route your shipment through to destination and designate each road handling it. Page Sixty-Four. - PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Always carefully insert the number and kind of each species of stock loaded. Always see that car order information is inserted when the car furnished differs from the car ordered. Always insert the words "ordinary live stock" in the description of stock except that "chiefly valuable for breeding, racing, show purposes or other special uses." Always insert in the proper space the rate which you understand is to be applied. If the rate and route con- flict it is the agent's duty to so inform you. Always give specific instructions as to the place of feeding enroute, indicating the kind and quantity of feed to be furnished. Always release your shipment to the 36-hour limit unless, in your opinion, the 28-hour limit should be observed. Always declare the full value of other than "ordinary live stock," otherwise you cannot recover more than the declared value in case of loss. Never accept a contract where the carrier's agent seeks to limit the liability of the carrier. Never declare the value of "ordinary live stock." The agent cannot lawfully require this of you. Never pay a rate on "ordinary live stock" dependent upon the declared value. If it has been paid file a claim to recover the overcharge. Never let the railroad agent route your shipment against your own preference. The law gives this right to you exclusively. Never send an attendant unless he is an experienced livestock man. The responsibilities are too great to risk amateurs. Page Sixty-Five PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING Never pay loading or unloading charges at public markets nor at intermediate feeding stations, except when you order the stock fed there. The law imposes upon the carrier the duty of performing this service. Always order your car right and in ample time. Always protect your rights in cases where cars are substituted. Always bed your car properly. Always mark your livestock legibly for identification. Always partition different kinds of livestock and tie dangerous animals. Always check your railroad billing weight against sale weights to avoid overpayment. Always pay no more nor no less than the full lawful charge. The center of consumption of beef Handling Cattle in the United States averages approxi- at the Market mately iioo miles distant from the center of production. As a result of this, a complex but very efficient marketing system has been developed. Cattle shipped to central markets are handled by the trunk railroad, the terminal railroad at the market, the stock yards company and the commission firm before they are manufactured into meat and other products, while the meat passes through the wholesale markets, either directly into the hands of the retailer, or through the intermediate hands of the jobber. Yet, so efficiently is this done in most cases that the retailer can purchase meat more cheaply that has gone through all of these hands and has traveled all of these miles, than he can butcher the animal and sell the meat therefrom himself. Furthermore, by so doing he is insured against disease and can have a greater variety of meats to suit the public taste. The terminal railroad receives the cars Page Sixty-Six PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING from the main line, spots them at the chutes for loading and unloading, returns them to the transfer tracks and receives its return by payment of so much per car. The stock yards company receives the cattle from the railroad at the unloading chute, counts them, and delivers them to the commission firm at their pens. This company does all the weighing, counts the shipments in the cars and records the entire transaction from unloading to selling. For this, it receives yardage fee. It also furnishes the feed to the shipper for which he must pay. The com- mission firm acts as the selling agent to the shipper. It rents blocks of pens from the yard company and engages in selling or buying the cattle of the shipper. In order to do this, the commission men must know accurately, both cattle and the market, and follow its changes from day to day. Practically no shippers are frequent enough visitors to the market to be able to place as accurate a value on their property as the commission salesman. The commission firm is the final link in the establishment of a cash market since it provides credit for each individual shipper, who is probably unknown to the stockyards company and prepares for him the bill of sale, deducts charges and prepares the check for the shipper often before he has received his own money from the buyer. Cattle bought by Armour and Com- Slaughtering pany for slaughter are driven across Cattle to their holding pens. From here they are driven up a long chute or incline to the killing beds on the top floor of the plant. Here they pass into a long line of knocking pens, two to each pen, and are there dispatched with a heavy blow of the sledge. They are then hoisted by the hind legs for sticking, the blood being caught in buckets for use in further manufacture of byproducts, feed and fertilizer. The heads are skinned out, washed and prepared for the Government inspector. The carcass of each individual animal holds its place in rotation throughout the entire Page Sixty-Seven PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING operation, all parts cut from it being kept in the same order until the Government inspector has finally passed it. Armour and Company is very proud of the rigid and efficient inspecting force from the Bureau of Animal Industry which supervises the killing and meat prepara- tion in its plants. After the heads have been removed the cattle are moved out from the sticking rail and are laid down on the floor with the feet in the air. The fore and hind legs are skinned out and unjointed at the knee and hock. The legs are sent down another chute to be made into combs, knife handles and glue. The hide is then opened down the center of the belly and skinned off the sides by a set of very expert workmen who with one stroke turn back the hide from the belly to the floor. The cattle are then hooked through the hocks and partially raised from the floor, the middles opened, the entrails removed, placed in a sterilized moving pan and inspected. While this is going on other men skin out the rump and pull the hide free from the round. Extreme care is needed in working here as the hide from the rump makes the very best grade of leather, and any cuts cause serious loss. The tails are skinned out and started on the road to the soup factory. The carcass is then raised completely, the hide removed from the back and "hide droppers" follow to remove the skin entirely from the legs and shoulders. The carcass is now split through the center of the back bone from tail to neck by means of long cleavers and so accurate is the work that jagged cuts and bone splinters are very rare. The split carcass passes on a moving trolley, is given a thorough scrubbing with warm water and brushes, wiped' dry and sent white and clean to the last Government inspector. If no disease has been found in any part of the animal it is stamped, "U. S. Inspected and Passed," and sent to the coolers. If infection is found the carcass is switched onto the Government rail and a thorough examination made. Condemned meat is so stamped and kept under Government lock until Page Sixty-Eight PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING put in the tank for inedible grease and other by-products. U. S. inspected meat is always safe meat. The Chicago packing plant of Armour and Company can handle i So cattle at a time, the entire operation from knocking to final inspection taking about an hour. The beef hangs in a temperature of about 34 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 48 hours and is then quartered or cut up otherwise, loaded into the refrigerator car and sent to the branch house for sale to the retailer. Fresh beef is perishable and its handling demands a continuous attention to tem- perature and a maximum of speed in distribution. When cattle killing first became a Byproducts centralized business there were only two standard products from the animal marketed, the beef and the hide. Due to the utilization of the byproducts in the modern packing plant, both the dressed meat and the hide bring less than the animal cost on foot, enabling the packer to shave to the lowest degree, 'the margin between buying and selling price on the cattle he buys and their products. A representative condition on falling markets is shown in the following steer, purchased by Armour and Company in May, iqio: Purchase price, 1,400 pound steer $207 .20 Selling price (wholesale) 840 pound carcass .... $ 1 76 . 40 Selling price, hide 28 . 10 Killing and overhead costs 10 . 50 Credits for raw byproducts 1 2 . 48 Loss on steer -7^ Total $2 1 7 . 70 $2 1 7 . 70 If it were not for the byproducts the loss on this steer would have been $13.20. Armour and Company do not always make a profit per head on their cattle. In iqi/ the profit was $1.35 per steer while in iqiS and iqiq an actual loss per animal was sustained. The possibility of converting these materials which formerly were waste products is based entirely on volume. Page Sixty-Nine PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING No small packing plant can afford to organize factories for the manufacture of these materials, but must put in the waste pile everything except what can be most easily assembled. The sources of the byproducts are the hide, the blood, the \yaste meat, the viscera, the glands and the bones. From the hair and hide come all kinds of leather, brushes, binder for plaster, felt, padding, hair for uphol- stering and mattresses and glue. From the sinews, fats and blood come bloodmeal, filler for leather, ammoniate for fertilizer, meat meal, lubricating oils, oleomargarine, soap, glue, case hardening bone, gelatine, isinglass and stearine. From the glands and the viscera come gold- beaters' skins, perfume bottle caps, tennis strings, clock cords, drum snares, violin strings, surgical ligatures and pharmaceuticals (such as extract of thyroid, pituitary liquid, pineal substance, suprarenals, pancreatin, adrena- lin, pepsin, rennet, thrombo-plastin, etc.) From the bones come combs, buttons, hairpins, umbrella handles, napkin rings, tobacco boxes, buckles, crochet needles, knife handles, dice, chessmen, electrical bushings, washers, artificial teeth, bone rings for nursing bottles, glue, case hardening bone, gelatine, fertilizers, oils, grease, soap and red bone marrow. From the hoofs and horns come various manufactured articles of horn, such as inkwells, combs, hair-brush backs, etc., and neatsfoot oil. In the larger manufacturing plants not a single element of what was formerly called "packers' waste" is discarded as of no value. Page Seventy PROGRESSIVE BEEF CATTLE RAISING References BOOKS ON BEEF CATTLE 'Western Live Stock Management," E. L. Potter (MacMillan & Company). 'Types and Classes of Live Stock," H. W. Vaughan (R. S. Adams & Company). "Live Stock Judging and Selection," R. S. Curtis (Lea & Febiger). 'Judging Live Stock," John A. Craig (Kenyon Printing & Mfg. Co.,) _ 'Principles and Practice of Judging Live Stock," Carl W. Gay (MacMillan & Company). "Cattle Breeds and Management," , (Vinton &Z Company, London). "Types and Breeds of Farm Animals," C. S. Plumb (Ginn & Company). "The Breeds of Live Stock," C. W. Gay (MacMillan & Company). "Shorthorn Cattle," A. H. Sanders (Breeders* Gazette). "The Story of the Here fords," A. H. Sanders (Breeders' Gazette). "History of Shorthorn Cattle," MacDonald &z Sinclair (Vinton 62 Company, London). "Fifty Years With the Shorthorns," Robert Bruce (Vinton & Company, London). "History of Hereford Cattle," MacDonald &Z Sinclair (Vinton & Company, London). "History of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle," MacDonald & Sinclair (Vinton & Company, London). "Aberdeen- Angus Cattle," A. L. Pulling (Vinton 6z Company, London). "Cattle, Breeds and Origin," David Roberts (Dr. David Roberts, Waukesha, Wis.) BOOKS ON FEEDS "Feeds and Feeding," Henry &Z Morrison (The Henry-Morrison Co., Madison, Wis.) "Productive Feeding of Farm Animals," F. W. Woll (Lippincott). "The Feeding of Animals," W. H. Jordan (MacMillan & Company). "First Principles of Feeding Farm Animals," C. W. Burkett (Orange Judd Company). Page Seventy-one PROGRESSIVE BEEF C A T T L E R A I S I N G "Profitable Stock Feeding," H. R. Smith (Howard R. Smith, Union Stock Yards, Chicago). "The Scientific Feeding of Animals," O. Kellner (The MacMillan Company, London). BOOKS ON BREEDING "The Principles#of Stock Breeding," J as. Wilson (Vinton 6^ Company, London). "The Breeding of Animals," F. B. Mumford (MacMillan fij Company). "Breeding Farm Animals," F. R. Marshall (Breeders' Gazette). "The Breeding of Farm Animals," M. W. Harper (Orange Judd Company). "Inbreeding and Outbreeding," East &z Jones (Lippincott). "Heredity and Eugenics," W. E. Castle (Harvard University Press). BOOKS ON DISEASES "Diseases of Cattle," United States Department of Agriculture. "Common Diseases of Farm Animals," R. A. Craig (Lippincott). "Principles of Veterinary Science," F. B. Hadley (Saunders). Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, available for free distribution by the Department: "Lespedeza or Japan Clover," Farmer's Bulletin No. 441. 'Red Clover," Farmer's Bulletin No. 455. 'Market Hay," Farmer's Bulletin No. 508. 'Vetches," Farmers' Bulletin No. 515. "Crimson Clover," Farmers' Bulletin Nos. 550, 579 and O46. 'Making and Feeding of Silage," Farmers' Bulletin No. 578. 'Beef Production in the South," Farmer's Bulletin No. 580. 'Economical Cattle Feeding," Farmer's Bulletin No. 588. 'Sudan Grass," Farrhers' Bulletin No. 605. 'Breeds of Beef Cattle," Farmers' Bulletin No. 612. 'Cottonseed Meal for Feeding," Farmers' Bulletin No. 655. 'Field Peas," Farmers' Bulletin No. 6qo. 'Stock Losses from Poisonous Plants," Farmers' Bulletin No. 720. 'Natal Grass," Farmers' Bulletin No. 726. 'Contagious Abortion," Farmers" Bulletin No. 7Q0. 'Production of Baby Beef," Farmers" Bulletin No. 811. "Home-made Silos," Farmers" Bulletin No. 855. 'Dehorning and Castration," Farmers' Bulletin No. 949. 'Growing Beef on the Farm," Farmers" Bulletin No. 1073. Page Seventy-two •1 - . . i ' ' i t" i Li ^ - ^ c l>1 -0 V if" ff 2" "> f TZ 4J T3 m 3 1. > Q E L. ^ -J^ ^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l a 3> 1-' -♦J 1- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 • '•M <0 _l- -d Q i "^ 'ly^^^^^^^^l CL ' — t. m K-. 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