SF 489 .P7 f12 :opy 1 imsi^Kimmm.'Simit THE FEATHER PLYMOUT ROCK BOO y T. F. McGR LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, COPYRIGHT OFFICE. No registration of title of this book as a preliminary to copyright protec- tion has been found. Forwarded to Order Division (Date) (All!-. 5, 1901— fi.OOO. The Feather's Plymouth Rock Book ^ By T. F. McGREW ^ COPYRIGHTED 1905 By GEO. E. HOWARD WASHINGTON, D. C. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two CoDies Received MAK 12 m^ Ccpyriiiiit Entry CUSS XXc. No, COPY 8. Rece'vsd irrom Copyrisht Office. -^9 ;,p 'o§ •^^ r.^ "CONTENTS. By T. F. McGri'W Introduction ' • -4 Barred Plymouth Rocks 5 Advancement of the Plymouth Rocks. . . .10 Standard Shape Considered 14 Barred Plymouth Rock Color. .... 26 General Needs and Defects. .... 30 White Plymouth Rocks 45 Buff Plymouth Rocks S7 Penciled Plymouth Rocks ^>7 INTRODUCTION. During- the years intervening between 1884 and 1889 the rehitiouship existing between Mr. Joseph WaUaee and the writei- Avas tdose and beneficial. Dur- ing the time he was compiling the data for his series on Amcriran P>ree(ls we met frequently and many let- ters ]iass('d between us. 'I'cu yeai's have passed since these books were issued, and it is my pleasure to at- tempt to complete this work. The group of American foAvls as set apart by the Standard of Perfection. i)i'esents what might ])e called the "money-makers" for the fanciers of to-day. Two very important members of the family have become almost obsolete. We doubt if any meritorious Domi- niques could be found in our country, and the Javas are seldom seen. Fc^llowing, as we often do, the gold- en phantom, we often pass by the better in our eager- ness to possess ourselves of lauded wonders. The fol- lowing attempt to help on the advance of our Ameri- can efi'ort to ju-oduce the best breeds of domestic fowls on earth, we dedicate to our deceased friend. ]Mr. Joseph Wallace. T. F. McGrew. New York City. CHAPTER I. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Their Ancestors Traced. The most important factor in the older of our American breeds, is the so-called American Domi- nique. Having furnished the proper color and bar- ring for our original Plymouth Rocks, to it should go the honor of having started the American fanciers upon an almost endless task of training, within bounds, the shape and color demands of our Barred Plymouth Rocks. Having the honor of being the original ancestor of the Rock family, the Dominique should have at our hands at least a meagre descrip- tion. Of four books we have before us — all American publications, from 1845 to 1871 — three of them men- tion the Dominique. P>y illustration they are shown to have very long, flowing tails: the two main tail- feathers very long aud full. The gi'ound-color was light, barre;! l)y slaty-blue lines across the feathers: the females rather darker in color than the male. The illustration of same here presented is modeled to suit the Standard and at the same time to show their original make-up as recorded over forty years ago. Dr. John C. Bennett, in his book published in 1850, tells us that the Domini(|ue was brought into this country by the French, and that they Avere always very prolific layers, matured early, and stood both inbreeding and cross breeding without deteriorating, proving both their i)urity and stability of breed char- P 1 Y ni o u t h E ( ) (• k s actei'Isties. These qualities are fully upheld by all who write of them. "The Book of Poultry," by Lewis Wripht, furnishes the most satisfactory infor- mation of our American Domini([ues, in the illustra- tion of a pair bred from stock sent over to Enyland about 1870; also l)y i-eproducin^- feathers from both males and females. These fealliers show an edo'ini;^ in hackle and wiuLi-bow feather of male, also in hackle of female. This same edciniz' shows itself to this day in some of our m;de Plymoulli IJocks. Whethei- IIk^sc fowls came to this country from some other land oi- were p)'oduc(Ml here, we presume Avill nev(M' be known, luit th(^se so-called cuckoo colors I'esult from ci'osst^s of black and Avhite fowls. These same coloi-s made their apyiearance in the production of Cochin liantams in a ci-oss of a Black Bantam and a AVhitc l>oo1(^d. The shik^ admixtui-e of colors pro duced the Cuckoo Cochins, Doi-kiTii^s, and Scotch (ii'jiys. and when (\stnblished it is V(M'v i)i'onounced in its pi-o(lii('1ion. If castinu' our opinion ;is to the ori«;in of the Amei'ican Dominirpies we shonid venture to say they favored the Cuckoo Doi'kinu' or Sc(^tch (irays, and may ha\e come from much the same origin. Black Javas. The female side oi the alliance that produced our Plymoutli Kock fowl is admitted to be the Black Java. But little is recorded of them in early poultry books. They are mentioned by Dr. Bennett as the Oreat Java foAvl. As to their color he states, "black or dai'k auburn-color, with lartje l)lack Ici^s: they have single combs and are of p-ood size; their plumage de- cidedly rich." The Rev. H. S. Ramsdell in Avriting of P 1 y m o II t h Rocks. the origin of the Plymouth Rock mentions the Javas as having been introduced into Connecticut in about 1840: its plumage black and glossy: its size large: slate-colored, smooth legs : ])ottom of feet yellow. Thus we find the rich Black crossed with the Barred Dominique as the ancestor of our Plymouth Rock family. When the Dominiques were crossed upon the Javas, they produced a fowl that ^Ir. H. Simpson, Jr., called an improved Dominicpie. In writing of them in 1870, he states that they are an improved Domini((ue, larg- er in size and with single comb. The early Plymouth Rock was an enlarged type of the Domini(|ue, having the full flowing tail of both ancestors. The great affinity of the blood union of these two breeds gives ground for consideration. ]\Iight not this same Java fowl have fui-nished one side of the cross that pro- duced the Dominique? And the head and the comb of the Domini(iue remind one of the Hamburg head and comb. IMight it be within the possibilities that the so-called penciled Dutch fowl came here with the early settlers and hel]H^d to lay the foundation of the soon-to-foUow American bi-eeds ? We know full well that the Dominique color is strong and self-asserting. This color is said to have shown itself as quite domi- nating over the black: at the same time the single comb of the Java quickly won the day. This might indicate a single-coml) ancest(n' for the Dominique. The whole result might incline one to the opinion as above stated. The Plymouth Rock as produced was a large fowl and rather on the dark order as to color. To im- prove this a second cross with the Dominique was tried, then a Cochin cross to improve shape and tail- P 1 y m o nth R o c- k s . formation. These additional crosses ofave to the Ply- mouth Kock the blood lines of four breeds to battle into submission. These crosses Avill continue to come to the surface from time to time and shoAV themselves when least expected. AVere it ]iossible to know all the mixtures, admixtures, and plans ftn- mating- all our fowls, one couhl cak-ulate ahead, providing he (■(luld ];ni)vr individual s]!ecime!s. In the production of one of the varieties of Orping-- tons. Ilaraluiriis. keuhorns. and Dorking's were used. From these crosses of black and white fowls, some of Cuckoo iir Domini(|ue barrinp- were produced. This fact aaain points to the intluence of the ban-ini:- of the TTamburi;' as one of the elements in the makinu' of Dominiques as does the tendency toward white in rar-lobes. Barred Plymouth Rock Pullet CHAPTER II. Advancement of the Pljonouth Rocks. The size and general useful qualities of the Ply- mouth Koeks attracted early attention and the whole body of American fanciers became more or less in- terested in their improvement. Many additional or lop crosses were made, amonu' them the Cochin cross that endowed them Avitli a seeminyiy everlasting? heri- 1ai;-e of Itotlier in the way of feathers on leqs. This same fault clinii's to thcii- all)ino sport, the White [Jock showiuu' the almost iunuovable damap'e that comes with au ill-selected cross. Bad color of beak and leys and faulty coudis botliered for many years, also bad coloi- of wines and tail. All these faults have been slowly subdued until they are fairly well under control. One has simply to look l)ack twenty yearn to fully realize the vast imin'ovements in the entire make-up of our l^arred Rocks. The masterly hand of the en- thusiastic fancier li;is guided them into their present position and made them ready for the finishinu' touch that will sui-ely ho jdaced U]ion them. No one can 1eel satisfied in theii- partial coup^letion. They nmst be made moi-e uniform in both shape and color. Breed cliaractei-istics must be so Avell established in them that all varieties of the breed Avill be true Plymouth TJoclcs. The vast number of types to be seen simply stands as a landmark of their incompleteness. 10 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK MALE n V 111 o u t li Rocks. There always has been one type that leaned some- M'hat to the Cochin formation of cushion and tlntf. This we shonld not consider the better type. For the most useful fowl, we think, the true Plymouth Rock type, as described in the Standard should be the ab- solute rule. Personal preference should be abandoned entirely in the establishment of the uniform type. This should insui'e better and more regular form the whole land ovei-. A Plymouth Rock is not a true member of the family unless he has the breed char- acteristics in perfection. Fine coloi- is not breed for- mation. Shape over color will, beyond all question, advance the breed formation: color over shape must tend to deo-eneration of breed distinctions. Color is their variety emblem: it should be of tiie most perfect quality and well burnished for disv)lay, but a specimen lacking in true breed shai)e or fcn-m should be termed a masquerader, who struts ab(nTt in our variety colors unadvised of the fact that he is out of his class and should be moved to the auy-other- variety class. A determined demand on the part of all breeders for more recognition of the true shape or form would add much to their general improvement. In no other way can perfection of form be assured, for so long as color of any variety outclasses true breed (jualities. just so long will the In-eed be hamper- ed in its advancement to perfection. We hear the (piestion often asl:(Ml. why can not the .iudges come closer together in their work ? This is largely due to the fact that avc have no absolute rule for shape and color. Ask yourself while looking at a class of several hundred specimens, which specimen is the correct guide for true shane and color ^ Then consider to what breed the balance belong, for surely II P 1 y m <) 11 1 li 1\ o c k s they do not all show the same form, and in some eases the two extremes are almost as far apart in shajie as a Ije^hoi-ii and a Java. When breeders, fanciers, and judues all join liaiids in one determined demand that all spceimeiis considei'ed in any class ir.nst show IIk^ true chai'actcristics belonuinL;- 1o the hi-eed, IIkmi and oidy then Avill we I'each a settled perfection of foi-m : hut so lonu' as the ])i'cs('nt nrunuM' is followed of a!- lowiui;' ])oor shai)e to he carried jhronuh hy litu^ cohn*. no selth'd rr.le of shape c;ni be established. AVc ha^•e (diauued, rcN'iscil, and made over our Standai'd. We distniaiilicd foi- ycai's our tiiu'st s]i(>ci- mens for a twisted IValher in Avini;-; we wi'ite and (piiblilc about a sliuht defect in color (d' eye and (\ai'- lobe, and allow li\'(> or six prizes 1o lie awai'ded in a class Avhci'c often as many different types as speci- mens ai'c represented within the award lindt. All these can iu)1 be I'i^ht. 'i'he fault is as nnndi or even more that (d' the ])i'ee(le;s than the .inil'.''es. foi- v,'e all enconra'.^(' it. to a L';reatei' or l(>ss (^xtent. by not de- mandini;' 1h(> true 1y]ie. ()ur opinioji is that a speci- men of inferioi' f(n'm shoidd always he set a.side as not belotmini;' to the breed, no matter ho^v beaidiful the pIuunL'c: and in sayin;:;- this Ave must not b(> undei'- stood as undervaluing' color, for we consider it of nn)st im])or1ance. n(>xt to shajx'. T>ut few a1)solnt(^ (dianL;-es have been made in th(> standai'd demand as to shape. AYhile this is the fact as to the law that iiuides. many absolute chanu'es and improvements have been made in the bii-ds themselves, ^fany specimens have been seen that abnost meet the highest ideal of Plynunith "Roclc perfection, so u'rand in both form and coloi- that one mnst stand and u-aze in admiration. This superiority may have added one 12 Plymouth Rocks. or two points more to their score than is given to specimens much their inferior in all respects. If we have no method of showing due credit for superiority, we surely have power to rebuke inferiority, and its use is our weapon for forcing improvement. Advance the general (juality by ignoring inferiority. ]\lany of the early troubles, such as l):id-eolore;l legs and ear-lobes, splashes in plumage, and bad-colored plumage have largely decreased: the color of wings and tails much improved, and the formerly clouded a])pearance had almost l^ecome a thing of the past, until the recent demand for color to the skin over all other qualities took possession of judges and writers alike, whose preferences in this line have au'nin cloud- ed the plumage of the greater portion of those pro- duced, caused by the efil'ort of breeders to secure the style most preferred by those wbo bnng up the red and the blue ribbons. Xo one should object to any advancement or improvement of color: all should ap- plaud its achievement, providing other more impoi-t- ant qualities are not forgotten nor injured in the en- deavor to secure the so-called better color. 13 CHAPTER III. Standard Shape Considered. The greatest aclvaiu'eiuent made in our Standard sinee its conception, is the placinsi' in ti-ronps all va- rieties, including' Bantams, that beloiiL;' to one hreed and the constrnction ol' o7ie rul(^ or shaj^e des."ri]')tion for male and female of llie wliole uroup, thns demand- ini;- that bnt one form will l)e admitted as standard for all. If this laile should he I'iu'idly adhei-ed to liy all, the time is not far distant M'hen Ave shall have all vai'ieties of each hreed so exactly alike in ii'enera] form that no mistake c;in he nKuh"" in ]')laeinut they do. The test of the matter is often presented in livinsi' illustration "when an old and suc- cessful breeder is called upon to ]^lace the awards, and others quite as successful exhibit their best for his selection. No one has th(^ ri^ht to claim superior judument over others of like ability: but all should unite in the production of standard foi'm within the liius laid down by themselves, and insist that the only one propel' shape should be recoo'nized by an award. One must admit the superior ability of those who form our sj^ecialty elulis. We must also bow in defer- ence to their wordinp; of the Standard. But, while doino- this, we surely have the riuht to expert that tliey of all others should adhere to the one only reco<2:- nized I'lymouth Roclc sha])e and teach us by object- lessons l)()th in producini4' and selectins: them in the shoM'-room. Shape of the Male. Our Standard calls foi- a head of medium size, sur- mounted by a comb medium oi- under medium in size, Avith five even and well-detined serrations. To com- plete the head, the specimen must have the short, stout beak with regular curve: fine, larixe eye; and Avell-shaped ear-lol)es and wattles. This does not call for a lariie or small head, but one of medium size. The same with com]) : medium or under medium is the demand. Now stop to consider these two very im- portant points. First : IToav shall we decide just what is medium in size for these sections? It can only be decided l)y the law of proportion. What might be 16 P 1 y m o u t li I\ c k s jnst the proper head and comb for one specimen would be out of proportion on another. This rule can not be absolute as to measurement of just what con- stitutes the proper size for every case. So. it should be considered as an elastic rule to be applied by the law of proportion in each case. At the same time we can readily understand that a lar^e, coarse head, havin.o- an oversized comb and badly-shaped beak, will not fill the standard demand for a Plymouth Rock head; nor will a small, ill- shaped head and' comb come within the demand. All can see this to be the fact. If one little side-spris,- on au otherwise perfect comb should be cut one-eighth of it."^ whole value, what should be the punishment for head and comb entirely outside of standard description? If a specimen has a head, comb, beak, wattles, and ear-lobes other than called for by the Standard, should it be considered as a Plymouth Rock ; or should it be set aside as not belonoing- to the breed? This is the only way to consider all sections of the Standard, and while its application to the letter would produce a panic in poultry affairs it is the only safe guide to fol- low in selecting specimens for our breeding-pens. The illustration above, as to faulty head-sections, should be applied more stringently to other sections; neck, back, body, tail, thighs, and shanks, all medium in length. Now, medium, as compared with what? One must conclude that this means, as compared with other breeds of the American class. These same sec- tions in Wyandottes must be short, back of Java long. This of necessity carries with it a long body. Other sections of the Java, also these sections of the Domi- nique, are medium as called for in Plymouth Rock standard. Consider the length of back and body of 17 P 1 V 111 o nth Ti () (• k s the Java. As compared with this, the Plymouth Rock should be medium and the Wyandotte short. This fact should be a g'uard aurainst a confusion of Rock and Wyandotte shape. Under these conditions should a barred fowl havinjj: a long Java body and back be considei'ed as a Plymouth Rock? Or should one hav- ing the shoi't, com})act shape of the Wyandotte stand ahead of the proper form? This is the way to proper- ly consider section by section our Standard shape. The description of back, though plain in its de- mand, is nnieh disregarded. "Inroad, of mediu'.n lengtli aiid rising with a slight concave sweep to the tail." This does not call for a full cushion, nor a long, fiat back; but it docs call for a bi-oad bade, not a narrow, pinched one. It a Is > 1c! Is us very ]~)lainly as to a slight concave sweep to ilu' tail. This is about as adopted at Indianajiol^s in IS'^.'^. The point for consideration here is. the mca'iinu- of "a sliglit con- cave swcc])."" Concaved is to be hollow or I'ounded. This description calls foi- a !)1'o.m1. medium length back, having a slightly i-ouu-IimI liollow that gently curves to the tail. No mention is made of any Ikic]^: formation that should encourage a tcn:l(Micy toAvai'd a cushion. Tliis tendency shr.uld be cnllivated s!)me- Avhat in the Wyandotte, bill not in the l^lymouth J^)cks. Bi-easl broad, deep, w(MI rounded: this is very short and pi-ecise. A na)'i"ow breast does not belong to this breed, lUMther does a shallow, tlat breast. The breast must be deep from to]i of back down to point of keel- bone, wliich )nust be cari'ied well forwai'd. making the l)reast full a"'l round, fasliiimed more like a Dorking than a liCuhorn. Plymouth Rocks that have a tend- ency to stand up like a Game fowl always lack proper From Back aud Cu^liion ( f Pu let. Resu't < f Siii, le Mating. P 1 Y m o 11 t li 1{ () (• k s breast-formation. Tliere is l)ut the one proper breast and l)()(ly-f()rinati(»n, so ])l;iinly described in the Stand- ard : all otliers should l)e discarded as not be- longing- to the l)reed. Fluff mocbn-ately full. There is nothinu' in this descrij^tion of l^ack, l)reast, and liody that leads any one to consider a bird fashioned after the Cochin type, nor will the Leuhorn or (ianie type till tlie (b-niand. The ti'ue I'lyniouth Rock shape so plaiidy (b^hned sliould l)e ])i'oduced and none other considere(b TiCus, l»oth Ihiglis and shanks, medium in lenuth. noithei- lony' nor short. The whole description of the bird calls for a well-formc(k compact l)ody, well pbieed upon strong- legs, of medium leng-th, present- ing a strong, vigorous action: not a short, inactive fowl, nor a spindling- specimen on stilts. A careful consideration of all standai-d (h^nands is the only ]»roper mclhod for s-acccss. Legs should be set well a])art, othei-wise they have a tendency to narrow the lireast. Knocked knees should he considered as al- most a disciualitication. They are far more injurious in every way than cither M'hite in ear-lobe or bad color in plumage. The use of such specimens as stock birds is not to be considei'ed. Shape of Female. The standard description foi- shape of female is al- most identical with the description of male. Havinn: I)aid special attention to this, I shall only call atten- tion to two very important sections of the female — back and fluff. The early standard for Plymouth Rock females, called foi- the following hack for fe- male: "Broad, of medium length, slightly cushioned from center of back to tail." This description favor- ed the cushion formation of back. This was slightly 20 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE P 1 y m o 11 1 li R o c k s modified at Indianapolis in 1888. No change made at Chicago in 1893. The description for back has not been changed since the meeting of 1888. At the re- vision at Boston, January. 1898, the descriptions of ])ack for both male and female were made the same. The clause demanding more cushion development for female than for male was left out. tluis favoring the proper Plymouth Rock back, and discouraging Coch- in development. The former description of Plymouth Rock and Wyandotte back-formation for females call- ed for identically the same shape, only the latter was described as short. Today the description is bet- ter, but both should be improved and made more defi- nite. Their shape is not alike, and the description should make this plainer. As to the description of fiuff, "moderately full" we think too indefinite. The inclination to increase the alidomen of the old hens with fat and thus show a much fuller fluff than l^elongs to the breed is not proper, as per the description. A full-appearing fluff' is not the proper formation under the Standard. It has no part in the make-up of proper Plymouth Rock form and should not be encouraged. This undesirable amount of abdomen and fluff gives them the appear- ance of having short legs, and undcr-body appear- ance of a smooth-legged Cochin, all of which should be considered as outside of proper form and discour- aged by non-recognition in the Plymouth Rock classes. We copy the following from a letter written by Messrs. Bradley Brothers, of Lee, Mass., for Reliable Poultry Journal's book on Plymouth Rocks: "(^^olor. — Color may be sul)divided into two sec- tions: Color proper, and form of barrings, counting 21 P 1 Y 111 () 11 I ll I\ O (• k s eighteen and twenty i^oints respectively. Color is found in ground and har. Pure ground-color is clear, grayish-white or bluish-gray, the same shade all through the hird, both in outer color and under-color, l)oth-in tiights and tails, coverts, sickles, and all the same shade of clearness everywhere. "The ground-l)ars are to hold their color uniform througliout, without merging into or mingling with the dark bar. "LikeAvise the color of the dark bar sliould be as nearly as possible exactly even from head to foot, in flights and tail, coverts and sickles, eveiy ])ar exactly tlie same shade as its neighbor. The edges should be firm and of same shade as the center; no mingling or merging and no color shown except pure dark blue. A pure ground-color in males is attainable and gives great beauty evcTi if the bars ai'c a little uneven in tl'.c different sccti(^ns. In fact, it is expected that the outer bars shall he a little harder in color than those underneath. Some judges prefer a hard, nearly black bar: others, a rich, mellow bar, while in ground-color some like a pearly, almost white, and others a more clouded l)lue. l^ut whatever the degree of color the purity should remain the same. A bird shoAving this pui'e color whether it be liclit. medium, or dark, is, as far as color goes, a thing of beauty; and when the barring is regular, it presents a picture long to be re- membered. "Form of Barring. — Barring to Ix^ pure in form, should show its tAvo edges equally distant apart the whole Avidth, and should go straight across tlie feather or be only slightly curved, all the bars on each feath- er to be of unifoi'm distance apart and parallel to one another, and all sections to nmtch Avell together in ap- 22 Plymouth K o c k s . pearance of bar. For further requirements see the Standard. Absolutely pure barring is not attainable, hence is not required, but the nearer it is approached the finer the effect, and with this approach the zebra lines are seen. The choicest males show this pure barring nearly perfect on the outside and frequently it is found well developed in the under-color. "The heaviest color sections are neck, breast, and back. Some judges prefer a pure outside color and will cut lightly for weak under-color. Others ad- mire perfection in under-color and will somewhat overlook a slight outside cloudiness if the under-bar- ring is ideal. "Form. — Com]>ai'e the cut of a Cochin cockerel with that of a Leghorn and notice the grand work which the poultry fathers have done in giving our best breed, the Bai-red Rocks, the large body and mar- ket carcass of the former, but with the activity and laying points of the latter. Clasp the Plymouth Rock cockerel by the keel-bone and place the other hand on the back. Are the two (piite a distance apart "? Then the body is 'deep.' See if the keel-bone is me- dium in length rather than short. This is to prevent the deep body from being too Cochiny. See if the body rapidly widens as you press fi-om the keel-bone outward at the sides and upward. This is 'broad.' Observe if there is roundness and curve of plumpness to body — this is 'full.' Press the hand again.st the breast. Does it feel like the end of a tea-cup, or the side of a small luimpkin ? If the latter, then it is standard. See that the keel projects enough to make the breast stand out nuiderately forward in its lower part See that the l)ack is bi'oad at each end and is medium in length, not short. All these are carcass 23 P 1 y 111 <) n t li R <) c k s measurements and count, exclusive of the thighs, thir- teen of tlie twenty-six points. They are largjely de- termined by the liand. "The sections of neck, tail, wing's, and legs count more for style and typical carriage, but frequently a bird with fine carcass measurements appears lack- ing in these, from a poorly-shaped neck or tail and, of course, should be cut only in the latter sections. View the bird from the i-ear. The tail should be spread at the base and well supplied with coverts be- cause it connects witli a bi-oad l)ack. Still, wings and tail are medium length to give the large body full support in the air. The neck-hackle is abundant and flowing because it comes down on to a broad back, and the legs are well a])ni't because they are joined to the sides of a bi'oad body. Still, neck and legs are 'medium' length, not short, to iTisure activity and foraging (pialities. The only parts where abundant feathering is re(|nired ai'e the eminently useful rain- shedding sections, neck and saddle." 24 HACKLEo-^HEN BREAST^fHEN. BREAST of COCK. HACKLE orCOCK. SADDLE. ^-^ COCK. Hambu g Feather, i-Ssc Dominique Feather, 1850 CHAPTER IV. Barred Plymouth Rock Color. If it were possil)le to he fully assured as to the composition of the Dominique color, one ctmld start from the foundation and trace it to the jn-esent. If (n-iii-inally the Dntcli penciled or Ilamlnir^- and a blac;: fo^vl we know the foundation was l)lack and white; if a white fowl on one side and lilack on the other still l)lack and white: if com]iosed of hlack and white, why not Idack and white still .' All this argument helps those who advocate color-description beinii' de- scribed as black and white to theii' belief, but in this same line of thoniiht. if the Rari-ed l\(»cks are black and wliite. wliat of Iloudans and Anconas ' If black and white desci'ibcs tlie color of tiiese two varieties it will not make an intelligent description for the Barred Rocks, unless it is our intention to lireed them black and white. If it is intended to Imld to the same color now called the pro[)er shadinii' for them, plain black and Avhite will not describe it. If the descrip- tion for color is to be altered or chany'ed. great judii'- ment should ])e used in tlie selection of words to de- scribe it. Y\'e do not say. nor do we claim to l)e able to say what woi-ds Avould describe the color of Barred Ply- mouth Rocks better than those we have : but. on one l)oint wc are Avell satisfied, which is. that tlie sieneral public, or better to say the larger l)ody of the breed- 26 P 1 y m o 11 1 li K o c k s ers at large, consider the color about as described in our present Standard, and they will vote almost as a whole in favor of same rather than to have it de- scribed as black and white or in words less descriptive of the color than we now have. No doul)t but that the placing of the color and the blending of the same give the appearance more or less of blue shading. As compared with a Silver Penciled Hamburg it is not black, nor is it blue when compared with an An- dalusian. At the same time, when considered alone, it has the bluish appearance to the mind's eye of the great majority of fanciers, and it would be fatal to change the wording for others less descriptive of the color. The demand in the Standard for the same shade of color for both males and females, it is claimed by ex- perts, makes it quite impossible to produce them from what is called single matings, or both from the same mating. So few males have ever been shown of the same color as the best females that one might say no sure pbm has been discovered whereby they can be produced to any certainty. AYe have examined thous- ands of feathers, belonging to both sexes and have seen but few specimens that matched in color. If this can not be accomplished by or under the separate mating plan of to-day, where or how will it be ac- complished ? Or, must we admit it to be quite im- possible, and change our standard to meet the condi- tion? I have stated before, and still believe that the final solution of the color problem will be found in the sin- gle-mating plan, not by following same a year or two, but by careful attention to the selecting of the most perfect colors and mating them together year after 27 P 1 y m () n t li li o c k s . year till the proper color is established. This can not be aeeom])lished in a short time. The unnatural con- ditions brought about by double matings, cross mat- ings and single mating for the jiast fifty years can not be overcome unless close attention and care a'-e be- stowed upon the effort and ample time is given to overcome these troubles and establish a true breed- ing strain. We saw as fai' back as 1885 a strain of Barred Ply- mouth Koclcs that Avere bred on the single-mating plan, the males and females far more alike in color than we see to-day. The same ])erson that produced those specimens is now at work on the same lines with good success, and another under our influence is making a most satisfactory effort in the same di- rection. Should their care and patience continue a year or two longer we hope to see more than one blue ribbon won by specimens produced by the single-mat- ing system, both males and females of better and clos- er shade of color than seen to-dav. 28 From Cushion of Hen and Pullet. Tail-Covert of Ccckerel. CHAPTER V. General Needs and Defects. Some two years afjo I wrote an article that brought to me letters from all over the country, showing the great interest taken in the subject. This article is partially reproduced below with changes and addi- tions. '"We ai'e often a])t to lose sight of the most im- poi'tant i'actoi'S in nuitters under our consideration by directing too nnu'h attention to those of lesser im- poi'tance. This may be instanced in considering color in our birds. We might be led to believe that the under i)ortions of coloi- in some varieties constitute the whole bird. AVhile no one can be blamed for having a jirefei'ence and an opinion of his owu, yet when that opinion is made jn-ominently public it has its iuHuence either for or against tlu^ (|uestion at is- sue. If the opinion is at variance with the accepted law it loses its influence, from the fact that it has no foundation and can simply be looked upon as a preference for some one tlieory outside of the stand- ard law. "We take, for instance, the law which governs the true formation of Cochin fowls. The denmnds there- in set forth are about the same as they have always been, with little change in the general description from that recorded for this class by English l)reeders some fifty years ago. Under this same description 30 ^-^^ii^^^ WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK MALE P 1 V m () n t li Iv () c k s at least four distinct types of l)irds exist. Even in Eno'land we find the veiy tall, Hat-breasted specimen, Avith the heavy hocks which are so much despised by the majority of our peoi)k\ They nlso have the round, compact Cochin with the shorter les', which is more to our notion of proper Cochin requirements. "It is my purpose to use the Barred Plymouth Rock as an example to illustrate how the handlins: of any breed or variety of breed will influence its whole make-up in respect to form and color. The standard description of shape of Plymouth Rocks has not been changed enough in twenty years to make any con- siderable change of form in any section of the bird. Every one seems to understand fully just what, to their notion, can be called the true Plymouth Rock shape, and there seems to l)e quite as many notions of form as there are people who express them: but each and every one demands that they nnist be barred to the skin. The Barred Plymouth Rock, the most use- ful of all fowls, may be pushed into its own grave by breeder and judge alike, simply from requiring too dark under-color of barring to the skin. "When it is possible for females that lack size and weight and are faulty in form, to win over others of fine form, size, and color simply because they have the best barring to the skin, it is time to stop to con- sider whether or not this method should be fostered. When males with fine under-color can win over I)irds that are their superiors in every other respect than the barring to the skin, the day is not far distant when their popularity as a public favorite will end. The question is : Shall the Barred Rocks be valued on the bars, or shall they stand out as they should, on a clear sea, beautifully adorned by attractive colors of a per- 31 From Breast of Pullet, Back and Breast of Cockerel. P 1 V ni o 11 1 li K o e k s . feet hue, free from all untrue shadings that must come with too much under-color?" Without contending atiainst any one's opinion or the color description of our Standard, the true beauty of the color of a Barred Rock is its purity. The richer the color of the barring and the purer the light .or white of the plumage the more beautiful are the blendings. The almost white color, so beautifully barred with the darker shade as to give the blue and white shading of a female, is the ideal color. We can not hope to influence the masses against this beauti- ful combination that gives the blending which pro- duces the much-admired blue tint or finish of a mod- ern, up-to-date, rich-colored female. So long as we can hold this desirable style and finish of surface- color, all the barring possible can not injure them ; but as soon as the barring begins to cloud the sur- face-color it is beyond your control and injurious. The beauty of surface-color of our Barred Rocks has suffered more in the last five years than any of us would like to admit. During this period the desire for under-barring has gained a firm hold upon us. Even under the score-card system the discretion of the handler has been so influenced that under-color re- ceives more consideration than proper form. This is made more plain by the disposition to name the number of bars in each particular section of the specimen, thus drifting unconsciously into a method that places the number of bars over quality, bring- ing to the surface the undercurrent of the past five years; that is the natural outcome of the tendency to favor and to produce that manner of fowl which proves to be a winner. Judges form public opinion in poultrydom, as do the newspapers and orators in 33 Chick Feathers. P 1 y 111 o 11 1 li Rock s the political world. For this reason the jud.fres are by far the strongest element for and a.irninst any con- dition, and their guidance may, if allowed to lead us wrong, prove a ruin to our highest hopes. The Sensible Color JMarkings. — The barring of a Barred Rock, whether male or female, should consist of narrow bars of darker color upon the lighter color: these narrow bars to be close together in all sections, the neck and saddle to be the closest of all. and the wing and tail-barring to be wider and heavier than other sections. The positive demand is that the bar- ring must show the entire length of the feather, ex- cept where mostly composed of down, the shade of color to be uniform throughout. This wording calls for })arring that shows the whole or entire length of the feather, but it does not demand that the under- barring must be as deep or dark in color as upon the surface. It is quite possible to have the true surface- coloi-. also under-bai'ring of the required construction as called for in the Standard. To obtain under-barring we must mate year after year birds of the same blood lines that have the best barring obtainable. This will increase the proportion of dark color in the blood of the fowls, the presence of which may lu-ing a bi-ownish 1)lend upon the edge of the lighter color, destroying the close lines between the light and dark colors that produce the bluish cast, obtained only upon closely-cut specimens. The effort to obtain the demanded under-color produces so few fe- males fit for keen competition that many disappoint- ments come to those wlio strive to have the best. These discouraging results may pull the Barred Rocks down in the scale of popularity, as shown by the largely increasing interest in other breeds. 35 Ply 111 () nth Rooks This demand for under-eolor in males is reducing the number of eleo'ant specimens formerly seen to a limited few of the accepted (juality of ])arrino:. We are strontrly of the opinion that the comins' favorite will be Barred Plymouth Rocks, the male and female of an even color, both of the same shade or as nearly so as male and female can be, with under-barring of sufficient strength to uphold and maintain the beauti- ful blue cnst upon the surface-plumage. Some such are seen to-day and are growing in favor with the fancy. Line Breeding on Single-Mating Plan. — At this time we must depend entirely upon hearsay and theory, for no one lias even partially succeeded in establishing any set lines for success under this plan. Experi- ence teaches us that like will produce like, and fully realizing that all stock at hand has the admix- ture of double matings in its veins, we may select a male and female of most perfect Plymouth Rock shape, both of the admitted proper shade of color, the male just a little darker than the female. For this single-mating plan we shall select at least three pairs to constitute our start. In each we would use the proper colored female, paired with different col- ored males to test the first season's work. There- after the best-colored specimens would l)e mated to- gether until the bad features of double mating should be driven out and the proper color built up and es- tablished as the dominating color. In doing this we might lose the much-sought-for under-l)ai-riiig. But one of the most attractive varie- ties would be built up and advanced to a greater ])oi)U- iarity. We know it has been said, time and time again, that this can not be accomplished — so was it said that 36 From Saddle cf male, Fluff aad Cushion of Female. P 1 T m o 11 1 h R o c k s the Buff Rocks would be a passing fancy. It can be done and will be done, and when complete all will see its value. It has taken almost fifty years to brincr the Plymouth Rocks to their present position. "We must not expect in a few years' time to undo, re- build, and perfect upon a new line that which it has taken so many years to establish. It will take time, and he who attempts to produce more perfect speci- mens upon the new must show at least the patience of those who produced the Buffs and AVhites. With the pr()i)er beginning as to (juality of stock, care in mating, and the keeping of ])erfect records, the task will be inoi'e quickly accomplished than might be ex- pected ; for after the first ycai' imjirovement would be rapid, if the foundation slock were of the best. The lU'oducing of the higher-grade stock on the single-nuiting j)lan calls for uuitings that will pro- duce both males and females of ecpud quality from one j)air. This is what is known as the single-mating sysit"!!. Some of the most succc^ssfnl under the doiiblc-mating system come ncai'cr cai'li year to the single-mat itig plan. Thei'c is no use for any one to claim lliat as good are produced ;it this time under the strictly single-mating plan as are i>rodueed by following the other method, for the very reason that no one has a single-mating line that can be depended upon to r(q)roduce to a certainty — equal to being de- pended upon for new blood, or for a certain start. For this reason a new line of blood must l)e establish- ed. This will take time, money, and patience, but we feel })ronq)ted in saying it will bring its reward. The Double-^^lating System. — This system of mat- ing calls for females, in each case, that are darker in color than the male. It is claimed that the original 38 Plymouth Rocks black hen, mated to the original Domini(|iie male, created this condition, and that for all time to come the females will be darker in color than the males. Whether or not this is the reason we can not say, but we all know it is a fact ; and to overcome this way of breeding-, males of the lighter color are used. For the production of standard-colored cockerels, males of the most perfect standard color are mated to females that are from one to three shades darker than standard color, as may be the preference or judg- ment of the breeder and his knowledge of their re- producing powers. This manner of mating should produce cockerels of the proper shade of color for exhibition purposes. The females from the same mat- ing will be too dark for exhibition purposes but should make the very best for producing cockerels another year. Success in any of these matings de- pends largely on the clearness and evenness of color and barring in both the male and the females. The females from such matings are usually a little darker in color than the females from which they are bred. At times they come entirely too dark to be of any use. To remedy this, lighter-colored males must be used. For the production of standard-colored pullets, fe- males of perfect standard color and barring should be mated to a male two or three shades lighter in color than they. The greatest care must be given in selecting these males to assure the most perfect bar- ring throughout. An indifferently barred male is al- most worthless in any or all of these matings. When these two lines are thoroughly established, experi- ence will teach just which shades of color v/ill suc- ceed the best. Until this experience is gained onlv two principles can be depended upon : A standard-colored 39 Plymouth Rock s male to darker females for cockerels; standard-color- ed female to a lighter-colored male for pullets. At this advanced stage in poultry breeding it is worse than useless to hope to produce good or even fair exhibition fowls from inferior l)reeding stock. To succeed under any plan of mating one must have the best possible blood lines to dc})end upon. It is useless to hope for good results from poorly-bred stock. Good line breeding is as necessary as good in- dividuality ; both the breeding and the quality must be in the specimen used. The Pea-Comb Plymouth Rock. This variety of the Plymouth Rock family was ad- mitted to the Standard at Indianapolis in 1888. After ten years of recognition it was dropped from the Standard at Pioston in 18!)8. After ten years of pul)lic favor at the hands of the American Poultry Association, they became almost extinct, proving our long-advocated theory that to be a valu- able standard variety more distinctive marks should be demanded than simply the changing of the style of comb, or the removing from or the placing of feathers upon their legs. I copy the following from the pen of i\Ir. H. S. Babeock, by his permission : "For several years prior to this date the Pea-Comb Barred Plymouth Rock was bred l)y a number of breeders, amonjx whom the most prominent were M. A. Bush, of I\Ielrose, IMass., and II. S. Babeock, of Providence, R. I. ]Mr. Bush, in 1888, retired from breeding poultry and sold his entire stock to Mr. Balicoek. Since 1888 the variety has ])een bred by quite a large number of persons, chiefly men who 40 WHITE P!_YMOUTH ROCK FEMALE P 1 V m o 11 1 h R o (' k s keep fowls for practical use, and has been distributed to all parts of the country. "In searchino- for its origin the writer has received hundreds of letters showing that in various flocks, at sundry times and in divers places, pea-combed chickens have appeared, the parents being single- combed, thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks. These fowls were so kept that a cross was impossible, in some cases being the only variety upon the place or in the immediate vicinity. The testimony was simply over- whelming in favor of the assertion that the pea-comb- ed birds were just as pure in blood as the single- combed ones, and hence they were regarded as a 'sport' of the Single Combed Plymouth Rocks. A 'sport' they have been called and perhaps justly, though there appears a possibility of considering them a reversion, for it appears from considerable testimony that the Single Comb Barred Plymouth Rocks had in their veins a decidedly mixed blood. For example, ]\Ir. I. K. Felch declared in an article, written about the time the Pea-Comb Barred Plymouth Rock was admitted to the Standard, that a certain breeder of Single Combed Barred Plymouth Rocks, acting upon his advice, had bred into his strain the blood of tli« Light Brahma, and that when the Light Brahma blood had been reduced to one-eighth the resulting birds were winners. Again, a prominent breeder of Barred Plymouth Rocks told the writer that he had personally crossed into the original Essex strain a Black Red Pit Game, in order to give more vivacity to the fowls and then had bred out the strictly Game characteristics. It was also learned that another prominent early strain had in its composition the 41 Plvmoiith Rocks. blood of the Dark Brahma, and it is well known that the Black Java used in the makinp: of the original Plymouth Rocks was an Asiatic fowl, and all Asiatic fowls have a tendency to produce pea combs. Inas- much as the Brahmas, Light and Dark, are pea-comb- ed fowls, and as Pit Games produce all manner of eondjs — single, rose, nub, strawberry and pea — and as all Asiatics have a tendency toward the production of the pea-coml), it is impossi])le that the com!) upon the Plymouth Yloek is due not to sporting, which means the production of an entirely new character, one not possessed by an ancestor, but to reversion, in this instance affecting the comb only of the fowls. But to one or the other cause, either to sporting or re- version, the pea-comb of the Plymouth Pock uuist be referred, for no inuueiliate t-i'oss for its jiroduction was ever made. The Pea-Comb Plymouth Rock is as pure in blood as its single-combed ancestor: it is a Plymouth Rock and nothing else. "After the writer had succeeded in introducing the Barred variety he ])roduced a Pea-('ombed AVhite Plymouth Rock in the following way: lie Avas l)reed- ing the White Plymouth Rocks with single combs at the time and a friend of his. Mr. F. B. Butts, of East Providence, R. I., purchased of J. C. Harris, of Venango, Penn., a setting of White Plymouth Rock eggs. In the brood hatched fj-om these eggs was a strapping, big, handsome cockerel with a pea-coinb, a clear case of sporting if the White Plymouth Rocks have no pea-coml)ed l)lood in their veins. I\[r. Butts gave this cockerel to Mr. Babcock. This was the sec- ond Pea-Comb White Plymouth Rock the writer had ever owned, the first being a sport from the barred 42 Plymouth Rocks. birds of Mr. M. A. Bush — a beauty, white as the .<=>-ow, but which unfortunately died before he left any stock behind him. The Butts' bird was crossed upon the writer's Sing^le Combed Whites and Pea-Combed Barred females, and the white chickens with pea- combs were preserved and bred top:ether, producing the Pea-Comb White Plymouth Rocks." 43 \\\\, r^.1^1.^ White Plymouth Rccks. CHAPTER VI. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Their Origin and General Improvement. I submit for your consideration tlie words of the secretary of the American White Plymouth Rock Chib, with reference to the origin of the White Plymouth Rocks, believing his words to be well selected and complete : "As a general rule, statements regarding the origin of any particular breed of fowls are susceptible of criticism, and in many cases a thorough and exhaus- tive investigation only serves to bring to light con- ditions which make positive assertions generally an anwise policy. This state of affairs exists more par- ticularly as regards the time and place of origin when considered as aft'ecting Plymouth Rocks, and for this reason the statements made in this brief arti- cle will be such as are absolutely beyond contradic- tion and which are really facts that will not admit of argument. The White Plymouth Rocks are, in the common acceptation of the term, 'sports' from the Barred variety. By this term is meant that from the mating of Barred Plymouth Rocks there results in the progeny a white fowl which is simply and truly a White Plymouth Rock, and can not consistently be called anything else, although an effort was made at one time to have them designated in the Standard 45 Plymouth Rocks as White Birmins^hams, etc. This chiim recfardinfr their oriirin has been assailed from the time of tlieir introchietion to the present date and will perhaps never be aceej^ted by some writers (?) and friends of otliei" breeds, but the utter lack of foundation of tlie anti-sport aru'ument is clearly demonstrated when the underlying' facts in the case are considered. It is conceded that the American Domini(jne, the Black Java, and the White Birminoham were usetl in the make-up of the Barred Plymouth Rocks. There were probal)ly other breeds used also, but these, we know, were the ancestors of some of the foremost strains. It will, therefore, lie seen that the Ihi-ds from this malinu' would necessai'ily, in acc(n-dance with the hiws of nature, oceasionally pr(Hlu('e in the ]iro^eny a solid white fowl, derivinii' color from the White Birmiimhnm cock and ])ossessinL;' the characteristics of all tlu'ce lirceds. Such a result is to be expected. It is an illustralion of Ihe truism that 'we can not i^et aAvay from our ancestors.' It will have to he ad- mitted that the 's]-)ort' theory, as reuai'ds certain other breeds, has been advanced t(^ limits that are entirely out of reason, and in most cases the claims of this nature m;;de for some lireeds are visionary in the extreme. "If white ])ro^('ny ever resulted from black parents it is propei'ly tei'ined all)inoism and it is a condition not to be desired, iov the reason that it carries with it a lack of stamina and a i^enerally weak and inferior condition in all i-espects. The throAvinu' of white sjiorts by Barred Plymouth Rocks is not an altoo-ether uncommon occurrence, and is explained as above, the cause beinti- the white f(nvl used in orifjinatinp: the Barred Rocks. This reversionary tendency is 46 Plymouth K o c k s . oftener found in the crossing' of the Essex strain of Barred Rocks with other strains, but is liable to be found in any Hock. The writer has been told by ]\Ir. I. K. Felch, Judiie II. A. Brido-e, of Columbus, Ohio, and I\Ir. 11. S. Babcock, of Providence, R. I., that they have had white 'sports' from Barred Plymoutli Rocks. The veracity of these disinterested tientlemen can not for one moment be questioned, and their names are mentioned in this connection for the pur]iose of show- ino- the falsity of the statements sometimes seen to the effect that white spoi't.s always appear in some remote location, or in the yards of some breeder unknown to the fraternity. "The first l)i"eeder of prominence to place them be- fore the public was ]\Ir. Oscar F. Frost, of ^lonmouth. Me. The 'sports' which were the foundation of j\Ir. Frost's strain were hatched in his yards in ISTT), and were the result of a matini>- of the Essex and Drake strains of Barred Plymoutli Rocks. They were care- fully mated and only the pure white prop-eny selected for Ijreeders, till in a few years Mr. Frost had a larse number of beautiful white birds that were the exact counterpart of their ancestors, except in color, and an exhibit of them at a bird-show in Boston, in 1881, attracted wide-spread attention. In the meantime other parties had been experimentino- alon."' the same line and the futui-e prospects of the fowls were so bright that unscrupulous breeders began to introduce foreign blood in order to supply the demand which by this time had developed to large proportions. In a short time the Eastern States were flooded with specimens that were everything but White Plymouth Rocks, and M'hite fowls of all conceivable shapes and sizes were palmed oft' on the public as White Rocks. 47 P 1 V m o 11 1 li li () e k s . To this condition of affairs is attributed the stand taken by many persons at that time that they were not 'sports' from the Barred variety. The result was that the justly-earned standing and reputation of the AYhite Plymouth Rocks Avere well nitrh injured beyond the point of recovery, but thanks to the hon- esty of Air. Frost and other reputable breeders, the breed was preserved and propagated in its purity, and when dishonesty and misrepresentations had run their course, the i^enuine Plymouth Kocks were still in the land and ready to make a fresh start in the race for popular favor. "The credit for their introduction in the West properly belongs to Mr. S. M. Williams, of ]\Ionroe- ville, Ind., in whose yards the first specimen appeared in 1883. Mv. Williams was then a breeder of Barred Plymouth Rocks, and had the reputation of breeding as good birds as could be fouiul. When the first Avhite chick appeared, he was very loth to nuike the fact known, and quickly disposed of it. However, the persistence with which they appeared in the prog- eny of the fowls mated to a certain cock-bird led him to give the matter some thouglit, and resulted in his establishing a strain which he called the Empires. Previous to their introduction l)y Mr. AA^illiams the White Rocks were comparatively unknown in the West. They were first exhibited at Ft. Wayne, Ind., in 1886; also at Chicago and Cincinnati in the same year. By this time they had begun to create the same favorable impression in the West that the Frost strain had in the East, and their entrance to popular favor was accompanied by the same conditions that had to be contended with in the East ; namely, the foisting upon the public of all kinds of white fowls 48 P 1 V ni o 11 1 li 11 o c k s . under the name of White Plymouth Rocks. The White Javas, White Dirigos, White Erminettes, Snow- flakes, Puritans, and other cross breeds furnished a reojular Kh)ndike for their breeders, and a.u'ain the name of White Plymoutli Ixocks suffered a set-back from which it took some time to recover. "The genuine AVhite Rocks Avere not to be downed, however, and they ai;ain survived the handicaps placed upon them, and for several years have been bred in their purity until noAv they are found in tke yards of thousands of bree:lers, and ai*c proviiiu' their fitness for the position they occupy — that of beinij the best all-purpose fowl we have to-day. It will be some time, however, before the evil effects previously men- tioned will be entirely eradicated. But breeders are becoming: educated to know what constitutes a White Rock, and we do not find near so many specimens now with backs and tails approaching the Leghorn type, and with willow leji's, which are an indication oi White Java blood. The breed is now in a position Avhere counterfeits can not injure it, and we predict that it will at an early date receive the consideration to which it is entitled. To all persons Avho in the past have not had success with the White Rocks we would earnestly say, do not condemn the breed until you have given it a fair trial. Your birds may not have been pure bred. Counterfeits of all things are usually very undesirable,. but a counterfeit White Plymouth Rock is, more than any one thing, to be despised. You will not be disappointed if you try White Ply- mouth Rocks that are White Plymouth Rocks, in fact as well as name." — Frank Heck, New Albany. Ind. The writer saw the first lot of White Plymouth Rocks produced, in the yards of Mr. Williams, of 49 P 1 V HI o 11 1 h Rocks. Monroeville, Indiana. From that time to the present I have paid special attention to their advancement; and no one saw the organization of the White Ply- mouth Rock Club with more pleasure than I, for I recognize in them the guardians of their future. Under their patronage true Plymouth Rock form will be advanced and adhered to. The smooth-legged, Cochin-formed females will not have the preference. I mentioned this when writing of the Barred variety. At the same time I consider it of sufficient import- ance to be repeated under each variety, but more es- pecially so in connection with the Whites, so that it may be quite impossible for a Single Combed White Wyandotte to win as a W^hite Rock. Their different breed characteristics should be so fully developed that the shape of one could not be mistaken for the other; the establishing of same should be the most important mission of all those who are interested in the two breeds. In luindling the White Plymouth Rocks three very important features nuist be looked after; namely, size, true Plymouth Rock shape, and color. We consider size of the greatest im[)ortanee in all white fowls. With it should go health and vigor. White fowls of all kinds are naturally more delicate than those of stronger color. Either the high or vigorous constitu- tion carries with it some tint in the plumage, or else the presence of the yellow or creamy tint in plumage adds sti'ength and vigor to the specimen; for of one fact we are assured, that the specimens having the rich-colored beak and legs usually show some tint of a yellowish shade in \y,\r\s of the plumage, and with it usually comes the greatest vigor. 50 P 1 y m o 11 1 h E o c k s . In considering size, bone formation should ])e well considered. A good, strong shank is quite important, denoting strength and ]ilenty of bone. The true breed shape should be present, or the si)ecimen should be discarded from your mating. It is the wildest folly to countenance poor shape in any member of a pen of White Rocks, for if that feature is lacking, the whole value is gone, for such a specimen is a nonde- script, of no value, and is sure to bring lasting injury to your flock. Better by far have three specimens of perfect form than thirty of moderate quality. Like will produce like, or its inferior. If of only moderate quality, none but the best can be counted upon to give the highest quality of stock and to be assured of this they, must be line bred. White as a color is quite as difficult to produce as any of our variety colors. When we come right down to the fine point, only a few specimens are seen that are anywhere near pure white: the majority have the yellowish cast among the plumage, and many of them have more or less a sprinkling of black. Usu- ally those showing the sprinkling are the M'hitest in feather. I quote l)elow from my own former state- ments as to white color: "W^e have digressed from our immediate subject for the purpose of showing the importance attached to color and to the science of producing certain de- sired shades. To return more properly to what we have in mind (and doing so in the natural order under which it should be considered) we will take up the subject beginning with white. As we are treating of color, it may be justly claimed that we should not treat of white, since in its purity it is practically the absence of all color. AVhat it is in fact does not 51 P 1 Y 111 O Tl t ll I\ (> (• k S affect the question under discussion, for in poultry breeding' it is accepted as color in many varieties of our domestic fowls. But how numy of us know what true white is? Very few have seen it in its purity, such as can be found only in a substance that has been bleached, as ]iaper when it comes from the bleach- tubs, so very white that it dazzles and almost blinds the eyes. On cx})osurc to aii- and li.uht it beu'ins at once to l)ecome tainted in its ])urity and assumes color, or, at least, the first indication of c(^lor. So with white fowls — the (piality Avhich ju-oduces the yellow beaks, leg's, and skin will taint the ((uills of the feath- ers with a yellow iiigment which gives to the pure white a creamy or yellowish cast. This taint in the color, under influence of the air and sun and light, changes to yellow the surface which often hides a pure under-color. AVith age and the action of the sun the taint becomes moi-e marked, for in this case the tendency is not to fade out so long; as the yellow pigment is kept to give the proper shade to beak, legs, and skin. The desired combination is not a natural one. It is forcing nature and consequently must entail Avork, for at every step we are met with the tendency of the beak, legs, and skin to fade or of the plumage to lose its ])urity. "Take any breed or variety of white fowls, and for years breed in line for white beaks, legs, and skin, and you will find it easy to produce liirds of pure white plumage, so free from anything foreign that little, if any, bad color will show in their feathering^. When this is obtained, it shows the most total absence of color in their system, other than what is furnished through the blood. This, I believe, is the only way in which the pure and unchangeable white can be ob- 52 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK MALE P 1 y 111 o u t h Rock s tained. The purer it is and the freer from foreign substance the less it will suffer from the action of the sun and lio-ht. As long as the pure white plumage must be intluenced by color of legs and skin, only a limited number of good specimens can be produced, and these only by the greatest care in shielding them from the sunlight and its glare. Where the yellow pigment exists, the tendency of discoloration is so great that to maintain the white in its purity de- mands constant cai-e. an instant of neglect ])eing suffi- cient to undo all the work of many months. "Xotwiihstanding all tlie work that has been done and is still being done to produce pure white plumage with yellow beaks, legs, and skin, no one has as yet been al)le to so control these two colors as to keep the color of the skin fron) influencing the i)lnmage, though, of course, there have been many cases of ])artial success, running from the very lightest taint to all the different degrees verging to yellow. Neither has any ])l;iusil)le theory been advanced as to how the same can be accomi>lished other than by shielding from exposure to the sunlight. In the nuijc^rily of specimens raised during one season it is almost use- less to strive to obtain jjcrfect white, liut it is well to select the \ery best and to give them complete pro- tection from direct sunlight. It is even safer yet to confine them in quarters where even the reflection of the glare of the sunshine can not reach their plum- age. "This is prol)ably the hardest problem which the fancier has to solve, and instead of trying to guide nature in the channel which circumstances make a logical way, he strives to go against the laws of na- ture and compel that which has been proved to l)e in- 53 P 1 V m o nth Rocks compatible : that is, to produce a pure white fowl in a specimen that is required to have yellow pigment. The result is notliing more than the natural blending of colors which are kept in dangerous jn-oximity. We are by no means prepared to state that the pro- ducing of fowls' with white plumage and yellow beaks, legs, and skin is an impossibility, but it must be borne in mind that producing is not even half the battle. The aim must be to obtain the qualities desired so firmly established in the specimen that reproduction will not be a matter of doubt but an assured fact, and that no extraordinary care shall be needed to avoid the discoloi-ation which at this writing is the bane of every breeder of white fowls. "In everything there is a right and a wrong way, and if you wish to produce perfectly white plumage you must avoid the source of youi' ti"oid)le: in other Avords, remove as much as possible that which is re- sponsil)le for the tainting. Tliis you will find in the (|uills, whence it is absorbed from the yellow skin. Select for breeders the purest white-plumaged speci- nuMis you have, pure white in (piills, with beaks and legs very pale in coloi', using these as the foundation on which you are to l)nild your pure white strain. Prom year to year select your lu-eeders on the same lines, and in the course of time you will establish a true pure white plumage, accompanied by very pale- colored l)eak, legs and skin. In no other known way can pure white plumage be produced with any cer- tainty. There ai-e certain laws of nature that can not be overridden (at least for the present, with our limited knowledge), and it does not look as if the producing of white plumage with yellow beaks, legs^ 54 P 1 y m o 11 1 h Tv () c k s . and skin comes under that class. Only the future can prove the facts in the case, and if the past is to be taken as a criterion of the future, but few of us will live to see the problem satisfactorily solved." d:) Buff Plvmoutb Rock CHAPTER VII. BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Their Orig-in, Ancestors, and Improvement. The fact that one is of royal birth will s^ive him great advantao-es. At the same time, there is magic in a name well applied. Such a magic has saved the Biifif Rocks from being cast aside. The first of this class that came to my notice Avere far inferior to a Rhode Island Red of the present day, l)nt the name carried with it respect, which encouraged their ad- mirers to work for success. Early in the eighties we advised the use of Buft' Cochins upon White Rocks. Had we at that time known the real qualities of the Rhode Island Reds, we would have advised the use of the Rhode Island Red Single Comb males upon the White Plymouth Rock females, showing very yellow plumage. This to-day we think would pro- duce them in a few years; but such a course would be useless at this time, from the fact that so many real meritorious specimens are present to select from. This variety is an outside production forced upon the Plymouth Rock family as a member of its house- hold without its sanction. For quite a while it was an unwelcome guest, now a well-received member and a credit to the breed of its adoption. I shall relate their origin as given in the official catalogue of the club : 57 Plymouth Rocks. "Origin of the Buff Rocks bred by J. D. Wilson. "For lack of an article on the origin of the Buff' Rock I will take the liberty to give Mr. J. D. Wil- son's letter to me, explaining his strain in particular, to the Buff Rock breeders, as I think it will be of interest to all. " 'Dear Mr. Denny: In reply to your inquiry, how my strain of Buff' Plymouth Rocks originated, I will briefly tell you. I found in a relative's yard a male bird, being a cross between the American type of Butt' Cochin and Light Brahma that possessed all that could be desired to ])reed to. He had a beauti- ful, even golden surface-coloi-, clear hackle, small eomb, red lobes, ])erfectly clean legs, and weighed twelve ])()uiids. 1 selected two of the best fenudes with the l)est feathering on legs and greatest length of tail-feathering and containing very even surface- color. The result of this mating was far beyond my expectation. This was in 1888 and I have carefully selected the best in my judgment each year until now they are bi-eeding as true to name as any other varie- ty of the Rock family. " 'I have been written to a great many times as fo their origin; have, however, refrained from giving it, as a knowledge of their exact breeding could not aid to hasten on their popularity. It was from the very first exhibit that the popularity of this beautiful ])utt'-colored bird won the admii'ation of the fancier and their sterling ([ualities will continue to hold them at the front. " "A perfectly solid male Buff' Plymouth Rock throughout is certainly phenomenal in my experience. I have succeeded in raising only one such. However, customers are constantly writing t)ut descriptions of 58 P 1 J in o 11 1 b Rocks. such a rare bird, wanting? to buy at a reasonable price of five dollars— not \vishin<>- to pay a fancy price for such. Of course, they are very io-norant of the breed, or they would not expect so much for a trifle. " 'You will now know that Rhode Island Red blood does not constitute the make-up of my strain. " 'My first exhibit was made at the World's Fair, '93, making: a clean sweep, and their creditable show- ing won the Buff Plymouth Rock recoo-nition to American Standard of Perfection. Since, they have won first prizes at many of our leading shows, also first prizes, silver cups, and medal at the leading English shows. Trusting this may be of interest to you and many other successful breeders, I am very truly, (Signed) J. D. Wilson.' " This description of their origin gives to us an idea of their foreign make-up as to the Plymouth Rock family. It might be well to state that the White Ply- mouth Rock and Rhode Island Red ])l()0(ls were also used in their improvement. These combined pro- duced a fowl that, like all cross-bred stock, proves to be a very prolific layer. Tbere can not be any theory advanced as to why they should continue to be bet- ter egg-producers than others of the same family. As to their proper color, I submit below my opinion on buff color as published in the Poultry ^lonthly, of Albany. True Buff Color. — It must be smooth, even, and not mottled. The surface ticking most undesirable. All specialty clubs that guide the future of our buff varie- ties should stand firm for the Standard demand for true buff color, therein described as "Surface-color thoughout one even shade of rich golden-buff\ free from shafting or mealy appearance, the top-color of 59 Plymouth Jl o c k s . male and neck of female showinfic the metallic gloss luster, under-color a lighter shade, as free as possi- ble from all foreign color; other things being equal, the specimen showing the richest under-color shall receive the jireference." One has simply to study the wording of this descrip- tion to discover that it fully describes the demands for true buff color. Consider the meaning "one even shade." This does not describe a specimen having different shades of color in neck, back, wing-bow, and breast-color. Four or five shades of color on one specimen will not fill the demand. Even two shades is outside of the rule. Of whatever shade of color, it must be one even shade, to meet the first demand. The next and most important ]iart of the color de- sci'iption are Ihe woi'ds "rich Lioldcu-bult'. " This is not a pale lemon nor an orange-color; neither is it red, nor i-eddish-brown ; l)ut simply a rich, true buff of golden Inie, free from red, pink or brown. The only shade we have in metal or made color that ap- proaches the description is pure gold as used by the dentist, and some of this has a tendency to the copper- color, Avhiie othei's shade toward l)rass. Some have the notion that the pale, thin lemon-color, so weak in under-color that the white shows through, is the true color. This will not do for either show or breeding ]nirposes. These two sections teach us that the color must be true and even; neither of several shades nor so thin of color as to show white ticking. From the latter alwa\s come white wings and l)ad undei'-color, with a tendency to white in tail-plumage. It must be perfectly even in color all ovei-, and true golden-buff. The next important demand is, "free from shafting 60 Plymouth Rocks or mealy appearance.'' The shaftini:: may come from the quills of the feather being either of a liirhter or darker shade than the web of the feather. Mealiness is a mixing- and mottling of lighter and darker shades in the wel), and is one of the most undesirable features possible to encourage. Better end its possibility for injury with extermination. The top-color of males and the neck of females should have the bright, metallic luster that is indica- tive of health and high condition. The lack of either lessens its luster and deadens the color of the whole plumage, t'nder-eolor has great encouragement in color description, and is of great importance ; but it should be noticed that under-color should be of a lighter shade than surface-color. It must be remem- bered, in considering a very light-colored bird, that under this description its under-color would be very light. The tendency for a year or two is toward pale, un- pronounced, washy color for butt' males. This is an error. Such specimens can be produced by mating a very red bird to a straw-colored white female of the same breed. It points to weakness of color, and is not what the Standard demands. Another mistake is the ett'ort to get rid of all black or shaded colored feathers in tail at the expense of wing-flights and under-color. Have had our attention called to specimens with no other color than bufif in tail. Close attention to wing-flights and secondaries of such specimens usually displays a weak, mealy ap- pearance. The gain in tail is lost in wing and under- color. The natural hiding-place for the excess of color or weakness of same seems to be in the most ex- treme parts of the body. White comes to our black- 6i P 1 V m o 11 1 li R () (' k s est specimens on the tips of flight-feathers, and in the toe-feathering of all dark-colored birds. The black shading of all buff fowls hides itself naturally in the same locality. It can be corralled as simply a shading of main tail-feathers, and there it should be kept. Our effort to have solid-colored buff, ])ure and free from all foreign color, is quite commendable, and when accomplished should be applauded; but remem- ber, under-color nuist not be lost sight of, for it is the foundation of solid surface-color; and while many cling too closely to the too-much-under-color theory, a moderate shade of under-color is (piite necessary. Have heard it said that it should be quite as practi- cal)le to produce a pure buff' fowl as a i)ure white one. Who has produced any number of pure white fowls? When one is so produced without any trace of cream or straw shading, its advent is hei-alded well over the land. Quite as many pure buff' fowls are produced as pure white ones. When speaking of- white fowls, re- member that cream or straw-tint is the same to them as the black shading is to buff' ones. No shade of color known to fowls is as hard to pro- duce in perfection as true buff; no shade of color pro- duces an equal pei" cent of bad colored specimens, con- sidered from the standi'toint of the show-])en : no color has had one-half the consideration, nor has any color stood the criticism it has; and under all this double demand for far moi-e excellence of color than in any other, an equal pi'oportion of good colored specimens of buffs are produced in all buff varieties to the same proportion of other colors. The one stumbling-block to their greater perfection is the great diversity of opinion as to what is the proper shade of color. This has been so from the ad- 62 P 1 V m o Ti t h R o (• k s vent of the so-called Yellow Shanghais, and will con- tinue for all time; for as yet no accepted shade has gained absolute possession of the mind's eye of even a majority of our judges, who, in the active service, do more to mold opinion than all others besides. No one can take to himself the claim to be the absolute authority, for the shade selected by each is his right- ful opinion, the holding of which should have due re- spect. It is our fconsuming desire to have the buff fowls outrank all others as guides to greater perfection of color. We are not alone in our anguish. The Barred Rocks and Brown Leghorns are tossed upon the waves of color contention, and the change of judges in the Brahma classes proves the unsettled problems of fash- ion in shape and color. There can not be much doubt but that the same blood, to a large extent, flows within the veins of the majority of both the Plymouth Rocks and Buff Wyan- dottes of the present day. While these are disputed points, a careful study of all the facts finally leads one to the above conclusion. While dwelling upon the subject it is natural to mention all the Buff' varieties. Science in handling them has only had a pai'tial show. Two extremes of color are at fault with all of them— the too-red, with black tails; and the too-pale, with white under- color and a tendency to lacing in hackle and ticking on wing-bows. Of all the Buff' varieties the Buff' Leg- horn females have the most perfect breed charactei'- istics. All these breeds and varieties can l)e improved in color ]\v adding a little under-color to the lighter- colored birds, thus building up the color from under the surface, and in this way driving away the lacing 63 P 1 V m o n t b R o o k s and tickin*,'' from the surface. The removinc: of this weakness in surface-color by streniitheninii- from the under-color will enrich the shade and not bring blue or black into the wings or tail. Do not work for too much under-color. Have just a little improvement each year, so the surface-color may absorb and dis- tribute the color through and thi-ough evenly, and thus proniote evenness of shade. A pure, even color, though a little reddish in shade, is better than an un- even shading of any color. Trueness and evenness in color must be the first consideration when deciding on color, and it is just as easy to have the color even in one shade as in the other, hoth being a difficult prol)lem. It is quicker by far to build up the lighter shade tlum to drive the black from the wings and tail and the red from the surface of the darker specimens. The formation of the Buff Rocks must be trained within the lines of Plymouth Rock breed characteristics. Too many adopt the plan of overlooking defects in form if the color is right. This is a policy that will eventually prove the downfall of any variety. The secret of suc- cess with White Wyandottes lies in their having strong breed characteristics. If the sub-varieties of any breed become popular, their continued popularity depends upon their true breeding cpialities. The success in handling any fowl depends upon the close study given to the question of quality. Only (luality can bring continued success. We may gain some popularity by purchase of winners, but this is of short duration. The producing of a line of speci- mens showing a family resemblance is the true test of mei'it. and by this alone can we gain lasting reputa- tion. To do this the record of the hen as a producer 64 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK FEMALE P 1 V in <) 11 1 h K o (* k s. must be known. The day has tione by when we can depend on our ability to i>uess the mother of a speci- men from tlie reason that we think they look alike. Some certain method must be adopted that will tell us beyond doubt what hen laid the egi^-. One jrood method which would enable us to a certainty to de- cide on this question, is to either breed in pairs, or use some other reliable means to discover which hen in the pen laid the ep-g-. 8ha]>e Considerations. — The only way possible to gain good standard shape in our young stock is to have it present in our breeding fowls. No matter what color variety w^e may select as our preference it must ever be borne in mind that each and every variety of all breeds must have the same shape or form. The specimen cut set forth as the emblem of Plymouth Rock form — as selected by the members of the Barred Rock fraternity — should be an identical likeness of that preferred by those who favor the White and Buff varieties. Breed characteristics should be the same in all, but so long as there is any question as to this just so long will there be confusion of opinions. When selecting mating stock, all specimens that do not have most excellent shape should be discarded. No matter how good the color, if shape is bad the specimen should be discarded. At the same time, the best color possible to obtain in the specimens having the finest shape should be striven for. Perfection of form in all varieties should first be striven for and added to this should be perfection of color. It is by far an easier task to gain color than it is to regain shape, (^n every side we see new varieties, distin- guished by their color and the shape is fairly good. Seek for shape first and build up the color afterwards. 65 P 1 y 111 <> 11 ( li T; o c k s . li' ^ood color is olitaiiied and poor sluipe tlie cliances are that color will he lost in the ei'l'ort to uain the better shape. Ill all niatinus it should he remeiiibered that color intluence comes lari;ely fi'oiii the male, while size is influenced more ])y the female; both having' infhience over all that pertains to the general make-up. ']'o be assured of fine, larue specimens, lai-fic females should be used in the breedini::-yards. It is also true that very little dejiendence can l)e ])lace(l on a male havint; inferior color; and under no conditions should inlerior specimens l)e made use of wnth the hope of iiettin<; superior cliicks from them, for it can't be accom- plished. It is too much against the law of uature. 66 PENCILED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Ardent fanciers who have the greatest admiration for the Plymouth Kocks have originated two penciled varieties, one of which is called the Partridge Ply- mouth Rock, the other Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. These are Plymouth Rocks in form, the one having the color and markings of the Partridge Wyandotte, the other the color and markings of the Silver Pen- ciled Wyandotte. Some of the strains of these two varieties have been built up through crossing several other varieties. ]\Iany of them, however, have come from the single comb sports from the Partridge and Silver Penciled Wyandottes. To be successful in the handling of these the very ])est colored specimens must be selected and mated for the same color results that must be obtained in the Wyandottes of the same name. The Java Fowl. The inodern or present day Javas are bred in two varieties, the black and the mottled. The l)lack is said to have originated in ^Missouri in 1852 or there- al)outs. As they are now l)rod tliey are fashioned somewhat after the Plymouth Rocks, having longer backs, flowing tails, and darl\ or black shanks, which have a tendency to a lighter shade as the fowls add to their age, bottoms of feet yellow. The iNIottled Java is of a broken or mottled black and white throughout the black predominating, shanks and toes of a dark color mixed with yellow. Some of these have almost the same color of shank as have the ^7 P 1 y 111 o 11 1 h Iv o c k s Iloudiiiis and Aneoiias. The Mottled Javas originated in the early seventies, the result of a cross of a large white hen with a black Java male. Jersey Blues. Jersey Bines are mentioned among our earlier recoi-ds of American fowls, and are the i-esult of a cross between the great IMalay and some of oui- tlo- mestic fowls. The IMalay of early day did not have the distinct black-red colors of tlie present. The hackle, back, and sadcUe of tlie male were of a pale reddish-yellow', the body and tail-color black. This fowl crossed U])on our native stock produced a rather long-legged coarse fowl that was only valued as a medium-grade mai'ket fowl and ])()oi' egg-])roducei". Their color is I'ccordcd as of a black cast. One would conclude from their general make-ui) that there was some of the eai'ly-type Black Si)anish in their blood. The original Jersey l>lues weighed about twelve to sixteen pounds pei' ])air. Blue fowls have come fi'om Dai'k Bi-ahma and Black Spanish crosses. The Bi-ahma. like the Malay, is of Asiatic origin. Blue fowls have come from the Black ]\Iinorcas.. The same result has come from other like crosses. So wo are led to conclude that some clean-legged black fowl was ]vdvt of theii- make- up. Most natui-al to conclude it must have been either the Java or Spanish, both of which were known in New Jersey at an early day. The absence of the white ear-lobe would point to the iNlalay-Java cross. The Jersey Blues, as we now see them are a large, heavy- bodied fowl, favoring a Spanish-Java cross. They have dark eyes, dark l)eaks and legs. The color of 68 Plymouth K o c k s the male is slaty-bhie for breast and body, the feather laced around the edge with a darker color ; top-color very dark bluish black, the tail same color. The fe- male is the same slaty color all over, neck and tail a shade or two darker than body color, each feather laced same as l)reast of male. They have single combs and red ear-lol)es. The Jersey Blue is (juite like the Blue Andalusian in color and marking. It is con- sidered larger. They lay a brown colored egji; of a very rich Havor and are above the average as to the number laid each year. They are a fine, large, vigorous fowl. Their greatest disadvantage with us is their dark beaks and legs. The ])lue-laced fowls come from the cross usually of white and l)lack fowls. The Andalusians, the Jer- sey Blue, and Blue Langshans are all marked alike. The Jersey lilues, even at this late date, throw some chicks having feathers on their legs, showing the presence of some feather-legged ancestor. Rhode Island Reds. No new bi-eed of fowls has attracted more attention and gained more popnlai'ity in so short a time as have the Rhode Island Reds. When they first attracted at- tention there were single comb, rose coml), and pea comb varieties. The rose comli and the single comb varieties have become quite popular ; the pea comb has almost disappeared from public attention. The single comb variety was admitted to the Standard February, 1904. ' The rose comb variety is asking for admission under several separate names. The origin of the Rhode Island Reds is claimed to be an admix- ture of Asiatics, Red Malays, Red Cochin Chinas, 69 1* 1 y Jii o 11 I li K () (• k s . Brown Legliorns, and Anally some Plymouth Rock and Wyandotte blood. As we now have them, the single comb varieties are nnich like the JMymouth Kock in shape; the rose comb variety more like the Wyandotte, color of plumage, top-color of male rich brilliant red. Main tail feathers and two main sickle feathers black or greenish black, shanks and feet yellow, the ])reast color of the male red, bnt not so rich nor so l)rilliant as the top color of the male. Plumage color of the female throughout should be one even shade of color about like the breast cohn- of the male. It is called golden buff. AVe think that it is better described as a light snuff brown; black tails and black ticking in the neck of the females is permissible. In fact the Standard calls for black or greenish black main tail feathers, but states that females of (Mjual value in all other res])ects, the one without the ticlcing in the neck shall have the preference. The Rhode Island Reds have greatly improved in the last few years; large classes of them are sliown at the winter shows, and they have many enthusiastic admii'ei's. Without (luestion they are fme egg-pro- ducers and splendid market poult'ry. Since the estalilishing of a Standard that is very rigid in its descriptions of type and color for the Rhode Island Reds, there has ])een great improvement in them, and they liid fair to become one of the ])opu- lar Amei-ican varieties. It has lieen stated of them that they gained their reputation upon their economic merit. Farmers who kee]i aiul rear them in gi-eat numliers claim that in size, length and fullness of breast, they are fully the ecpml of any of the Ameri- can varieties. Their distinctive color places them in a class entirel.y to themselves. 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 841 046 3 Tlie World's Grtfttcst tmitrj Paper Published monthly for over ten years in Washington, D. C. It is the most attractive paper issued in the interest of poultry and pigeons. MOST BEAUTI- FULLY ILLUSTRATED. Send for sampk copy and show it to your friends. ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEAR THE FEATHER'S LIBRARY No. I. DISEASES OF POULTRY. By D. E. Sal- mon, D. V. M. Fully illustrated. Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.00. No. 2. THE FEATHER'S UP-TO-DATE POUL- TRY HOUSE. Paper, 25 cents. No. 3. THE AMERICAN FANCIER'S POUI.- TRY BOOK, Profusely illustrated. By Geo. E. Howard. Paper bound, 5a cents; cloth, $1.00. No. 4. PLYMOUTH ROCKS, colored illustratioss. By T. F. McGrew. Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.00. No. 5. AVYANDOTTES. Colored illustrations. By T. F, McGrew. Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.00. No. 6. POCKET MONEY POULTRY. By Myra , V, Norys. Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $x.oo. No. 7. THE EGG QUESTION SOLVED. By T. F. McGrcw. Paper, 25 cents; cloth, 50 cents. No. 8. HOV/ TO GROW CfilCKS. By T. F. Mc- Grew. Paper, 25 cents; cloth, 50 cents. No. 9. THE HOMING PIGEON. Illustrated. Pa- per, as cents; clotb, 50 cents. No. 10. THE FEATHER'S PRACTICAL PIGEON BOOK. By J. C Lx)ng. Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.00. No. 1 1. MONEY IN SQUABS. Profusely illus- trated. By 1. C. Long and G. H. Brinton. Paper, 50 cents; cloth. $F.oo. Na 12. THE FEATHER'S PRACTICAL SQUAB BOOK. By W, E Ric«. Paper, .50 ce^its ; cloth, $1,00. Gi:0- JC. HOWARD 714 Tweilth St..N.,W. WASHINGTON, D. C.