-cv 1 ° ©9 A HAND BOOK FOR Price, S° Cents. PUBLISHED BY JENKINS' GRAPE AND SEEDLING NURSERY, WINONA, COLUMBIANA COUNTY, OHIO. MUCCCLXXVI. Harris k Company, Printers. Salem, Ohlft. NEW INVENTIONS AND LABOR-SAVING DEVICES, WE are aware that Nurserymen do not like the conserv- atism that withholds by secrecy, and protects by patents, special methods and devices of value in the business ; but while every one must admire the open freedom and generosity that has gen- erally characterized the Trade, it is no more than just and fair that parties should have a moderate and reasonable compensation for their improvements and labor-saving processes. What we have noted below are simple, practical devices, each of which will often, in a single season, pay back to the purchaser many- fold its cost. Jenkins 1 Seed- Washer Is an arrangement by which the water is thrown through the apple pomace so as rapidly and effectually to separate the seed. Itisoperated in a stream, or at a common pump, and can be made of any capacity. The device can also be applied, with some modi- fication, to the ordinary seed-washing boxes. One, to five bushels per hour can be separated, — according to capacity of the washer. Any carpenter, or person of ordinary ingenuity can put up the arrangement. (Price for Model, with Individual (Right to make for own use, $*>.oo. Address^ J. JENKINS, BOX 45, WINONA, COLUMBIANA CO., OHIO. The Callousing Process. When a cutting has calloused, it is very sure to emit roots and make a plant without further trouble. This appears to be the only really effective method of accomplishing the process. It has caused a great decrease in the expense of producing vines from cuttings, and should be known by every Nurseryman who keeps up with his profession. Full Explanation and (Directions, §2.00. Address, J. JENKINS, BOX 45, WINONA, COLUMBIANA CO., OHIO. .0 o *X ® ff PM Ofa *£ JE&& Copyright Secured. PREFACE. Qjfi if T has not been the design, in this little work, to produce any- vpt. thing elaborate, or exhaustive of the subject, but rather a brief digest, concise, practical in its bearings, combining much in little. Covering the points of greatest interest to the practical nurserymen, avoiding, as far as may be, technicalities, and giving clear hints and directions that would have been worth hundreds of dollars to us in our own early experience. -AJRT O^ 1 ^ 5 I^OI :, -^0--^. , T , I02^^. There are, in reality, but two ways in which trees and plants multiply themselves. 1st. By seeds. 2nd. By buds. _<£>_ Seed. Is the ripened ovule, the product of the fertilized flower of the plant and consists of an outer covering, be it one or more coats, and the kernel. The kernel is the living organism, with food in store, and consists of the embryo, a miniature plantlett, with the life-principle and the albumen which nourishes the plant until the time that it can feed itself from the soil. The embryo consists of a stemlet and seed-leaves (Radicle and Cotyledons) lying dormant, but ready to burst forth into life when surrounded by the proper conditions of heat and moisture. .A- ZB-u.3. May be compared to a seed, but is more completely developed, more intimately connected with, and carries within itself a more intense image of the parent. Buds broken from our forest trees and sown with care, can often be made to grow. Some plants naturally multiply themselves by throwing off buds of some kind. The potato tuber consists of buds with a store of nourishment, all formed and thrown off from the roots, or rather from underground stems connected with the roots of the potato plant. Similar instances are found in the artichoke, dahlia, the bulbs and corms of the lily, the crocus, etc. The strawberry throws off buds from its runners; the blackcap raspberry from 4 Propagation of Forest Trees. the tips of its canes; other raspberries and blackberries from buds formed on the roots. The seed in all plants produces an individual which, though of the same species, differs to a greater or less extent from the parent ; whereas the bud plants are a simple and exact reproduction ; being, indeed, a part of the original plant, but separated and self-supporting. The seed prop- agates the species, the bud, the individual. A branch cut from a tree, in its main features, resembles the tree entire, and the analogy may be traced to the twig and to the leaf. A skeletonized leaf forms a miniature picture of the tree on which it grew. Even a fraction of a plant-leaf is made to produce an entire plant in the hands of the florist. Seed. 3?ropa-gra,ti©rj.. 3^a,isingr of Forest Trees. Seeds to germinate must have the proper conditions of heat and moisture. These conditions vary greatly with different seeds. The moisture in which one kind of seed would flourish would be destructive to another class, causing them to rot instead of forcing growth ; and the heat necessary to start one class of seeds would dry up and utterly destroy the germ of another class. So that experience and close attention are necessary to success- ful propagation. The propagator should be an earnest student of nature, a close observer of the wants and habits of trees, and plants, and able, constantly, to draw hints and instructions from what he may see. Most of our forest trees ripen their seeds in the Fall. When the autumn winds blow, and the rains come, they fall to the ground. Then the leaves, having accomplished their mission on the tree, loosen their hold, fall to the ground with the seed, and in their death cover and protect the young germs of the new life. As a general rule, forest tree, and many other seeds should be planted in the Fall soon after they ripen, or, if reserved for Spring planting should be mixed with earth, moss, leaves, or other material to prevent drying, imitating, in a measure, the conditions and protection as observed in nature. Propagation of Forest Trees. Seed, of tlxe 2_ ^To-sreltiy in Grape 0~aJ.t-a.re- Pieron of France describes a method of "sowing the vine on the vine." He makes a small hole with a gimlet in the lower part of the stock, in the Spring when the sap is flowing. Into this hole- he drops a grape seed of thekind desired, which will germinate; being kept moist by the sap, and will incorporate itself with the old vine, and grow up as one of the branches. At a proper time the old vine may be cut away. IDI^7"ISI03Sr SE003ST3D- 3Propa,gfa,ti©n. "by B*u.cLs. This method of propagation, as was intimated in the opening section, covers by far the greater proportion of the operations of the Nurseryman, and may be subdivided into — 1. Propagation by cuttings or slips, including root cut- tings and division. 2. Propagation by layers, including runners and sprouts. 3. " " budding. 4. " " grafting, including inarching. 5. " " bulbs, corms and tubers. Oio.ttiri.g-s Are usually made in Autumn, from the last season's growth; many of the fruit and ornamental trees, plants and shrubs are thus multiplied. A heel of the old wood is often left on the cutting and is supposed to facilitate growth. Some plants throw off buds more readily from the roots than the tops, and are propagated by root cuttings. Some that can not be raised readily from ripened wood, not emitting roots freely, are propagated by using slips of the green wood, called Green Wood cuttings. These seldom suc- ceed in out-door propagation, but often do better than any other in the Green House. Propagation by Cuttings. 17 Propagation by Division is instanced in box-edging where each stem is split off and down, and carries with it a few of the roots belonging to the plant entire. The daisy, aster, marjoram, drc, are often increased by division. These differ from ordinary cut- tings only in retaining a few roots of the original plant. Cuttings are made of various lengths but as every bud, under favoring circumstances, may unfold into an independ- ent existence, it is unnecessary with many plants to / use more than single joints or nodes. X'ropsigra.ticaa. cf G-rape from. O'u.tting's. The cuttings should be made in the Fall or early Winter; buried in the ground, or packed away in moist sawdust or moss in the cellar. Cuttings were formerly made a foot o r eighteen inches long, but so great length is of doubtful advant- age, as they do not usually make vines Grape Vinc from singll . Eje . as symmetrical in appearance nor as well rooted as do the shorter cuttings. Two bud cuttings are made by severing the cane immediately below the lower bud and from |- inch to 1^ inches above the upper bud. Two and three bud cuttings are the most popular. When the variety is rare and rapid multiplication is desired, single eyes may be used and the advantages of a two- bud cutting retained by making a slanting cut across the node of each bud. The beginning of the cut being opposite and below the direct line of the Two-Bud Grape Oil £""• how'the cut bud, an d the terminus ^ to \ inch above. We have "cross b the "odt 8 seen beds of cuttings prepared in this way that grew utilizing evarv f^ ftg ^ as ^^ having twQ an( ^ ^qq fc^s. m 18 Propagation by Cuttings. Preparation, of O-ro-a.ri.cL a.n.cL Planting-. Beds are thrown up six or eight feet wide, with alleys a loot or more in width and depth between them. Let the soil be thor- oughly spaded and pulverized, and the top raked nearly level from side to side. Place a board one foot in width across the bed and open a shallow trench with the spade along the edge of the board, this trench is usually slanted forward that the cuttings may more readily lie in their places. In this the cuttings are placed one or two inches apart, the upper bud just below the surface ; the dirt is then drawn up and pressed against them and the board turned forward its width for a new trench. After the beds are planted they may be mulched with rotten sawdusi, leaves, cut straw, or other material. Our practice has been to irrigate by damming an adjoining stream and running water through the alleys between the beds. Peterman's n^Eetliod.. Cuttings of two and three eyes are used and the bark is pared off to within an inch of the top bud. The cuttings are then coated with a sort of mortar or groat made of clay loam. A line is stretched in the open field along which a trench is opened : the cuttings are laid in the trench with the top buds | an inch or more above the surface, and the soil drawn up and pressed against them. The rows are made three or four feet apart and cultivated with a horse-hoe, &c. The groat or mortar on the cutting keeps it moist after planting, thus assisting its growth. We doubt whether enough is gained by paring off the outer bark to pay for the extra trouble. O-ermari l^/Lat]a.o6L. Cuttings are prepared about one foot in length. A line is stretched in the open field to make the row straight. The planter takes a sharp spade and plunges it perpendicularly into the ground at right angles from the line and to a depth about equaling the length of the cutting; the handle is then thrown back to make a a wider opening, and the spade withdrawn ; two or three cuttings are put into this opening at the sides and in the middle, the top buds being an inch above ground. The spade is now plunged in an inch or two forward of the first cut and as the handle is thrown Propagation by Cuttings. 19 back it firmly presses the soil against the cuttings while it makes an opening for the next, and so the operation is repeated to the end of the row. This is an excellent plan. The work is finished up. The soil, from the very nature of the operation, is pressed firmly against the cuttings. It foims a broad row of vines. These rows being placed three or four feet apart are worked to a great extent with the cultivator. The Callousing Process for single buds or longer cuttings positively secures the growth of nearly every one. See page 2 of cover. G-reeaa House Propag-ation. In this case single eyes ?.re used with half an inch of wood above and one or two inches below each bud. These are planted in pots and placed in borders immediately over the flues or hot water pipes so as to receive bottom heat, or sometimes the border is filled with sand and they are planted in this without using pots. When they reach the height of two or three inches they are trans- planted into three-inch pots and from these to the open ground. By the use of the patent transplanting boxes (see page 3 of cover), these operations are greatly facilitated and eighteen or twenty vines are planted as quickly as one can be from a crock. G-reeaa. "WoodL O-a.tti03.g-s Are used only for in-door or Green House propagation. Slips taken from vines that have made their growth under glass succeed the best; two joints of the cane are taken, cutting immediately below the lower bud and J inch above the upper bud leaving a leaf attached to the latter. These are then placed closely in the propagating beds, the glass shaded and the atmos- phere kept moist until they have rooted Green wood Grape cutting. and commenced growth. The opera- tions of potting, transplanting, &c, being the same as for single eyes of old wood. 20 Propagation by Cuttings. Hose C-a.ttin.g-s. These are made early in the Autumn from the same season's growth. They are from four to eight inches in length, and preferred with a heel of the old wood, and are planted in a cold frame or border in much the same way as grape cuttings. Late in the Fall, after the ground has begun to freeze, cover them heavily with straw, so that the frost will not reach them. The following Spring this covering is removed, and usually the greater proportion of the cuttings grow. We have followed nearly the same plan with the Currant and Gooseberry, and with abundant success. Evergreen Cia-ttings May be made of Siberian Arbor Vitge, Irish Juniper, etc., in the early Fall months. They are planted in a cold frame or hot bed after the heat is about spent. They usually callous before heavy freezing. When winter sets in cover them with straw so as to protect from frost ; this is removed in the Spring and the larger proportion of the cuttings make a vigorous growth. Well-ripened shoots should be used for cuttings; the unripe wood, known by its lighter appearance, nearly always fails from damping off. Cuttings may also be made in the Spring, and as late as July, from the previous season's growth, and planted with a fair pros- pect of success. Other Evergreens, as the Norway Spruce, etc., that grow readily from the seed, are seldom raised from cuttings. IR.©©t 0-u.ttin.g-s. As a general rule, all plants that throw up sprouts and suck- ers from the roots are readily multiplied by root cuttings. These are made by carefully taking up the roots and cutting them in pieces two to four inches long; these are then planted in drills, covering | to one inch deep, when they soon develope buds. Each piece of the root forming a plant. Pyrus Japonica; the Rasp- berry, exclusive of the Blackcaps: the Blackberry; and some- times the Plum, Cherry, Pear, &c, are propagated in this way. Propagation by Layers. 21 FROPAGATIOU B"^ L^^IE^S. This is a very certain and often a very convenient method of multiply- ing many of the fruits and flowers. Some plants emit roots very readily, the mere contact with the ground being sufficient: nature often accom- plishing the layering process, as in the case of the Raspberry, Strawberry, &c. Some persons object to layering, claiming that layers weaken the parent plant ; the return of the elaborated nourishment and life circu- j lation from the leaves back to the roots being arrested. But if a portion of the original plant is left without layering this objection | loses its force. ^efiaaitioaa. of Xja,37-ers. Layers are branches or por i tions of bran- ches that have Plant Layer. Cane Laid I) contact and covered with the soil and thus caused to throw out roots, after which the rooted layer is separa- ted from the parent. been placed in Sprouts Growing up from Layered Cane. Stool Layering of the Quinc Stool Lasers. Some trees or bushes may be en- couraged to throw up a large number of branches or canes near the ground bv severe cutting back, and may then be ayered by simply making a mound of dirt around them. This method, which is called Layering by Stools, is fre- quently followed in propagating the Quince, especially the Angers. 22 Propagation by Layers. Where roots are not readily thrown out, the operation of tongueing is resorted to ; this is simply cutting into the cane or branch where it is bent down into the ground and making a slit forward through the center for an inch or two. The cut is usually com- menced just below a bud and may be above, below, or at the side. After pegging down the branch at the point where it is tongued, cover with fine soil several inches deep. Often a slight twist given to the branch where it is bent into the ground is sufficient without making the tongue, as either process checks the flow of sap and thus encourages the formation of roots. In some cases where it is desirable to obtain layers from branches that can not be made to reach the ground, a box of earth is elevated on stakes and the branch passed through the box and soil. SprovLts euacL Sha-clsers From the roots are a kind of layers, though the process seems reversed, the branch in the former case emitting roots and in this case the root throwing up a branch. Some plants multiply them- selves very readily in this way, so much so, as often to become a nuisance, as for instance, the Silver-Poplar, Locust, etc. Many Roses and other shrubs throw out long underground shoots or stems on which roots are formed and which may be separated from the original shrub or bush. The Morello Cherry, some Raspberries, Blackberries, Plums, Pears, and other fruits, multiply themselves by sprouts from the roots. A great advance in the art of propagating from layers has been, made by the use of the Layering Tube, by which the growth of every bud is secured, and the plant or vine multiplied with the greatest rapidity. See page 3 of cover. This is a favorite method with nurserymen of multiplying particular varieties. Its main advantages are: The facility and rapidity with which it is performed; its certainty when the conditions are prop- erly regarded ; and the rapid multiplication of distinct varieties by thus securing the growth of each bud. Propagation by Budding. 23 Objections have been urged on account of the limited time in which it can be successfully performed, and the unsightly crook near the base which a young budded tree usually presents. The conditions necessary for successful budding are: 1st. The stock in which the bud is inserted mnst be in active growth so that the bark will run or slip. 2d. The new growth of the tree or plant to be propagated must be sufficient to make full, plump, well-matured buds. In some stocks the sap appears too watery early in the sea- son. In these cases the budding should be deferred until it thickens and is depositing its annual ring of "pulp " or woody fiber imme- diately under the bark. Then the implanted bud will the more certainly unite and incorporate its growth with the stock. Tla.e Season, of lO-u.d.d.iaag' Is usually midsummer and early autumn though the bark will run on many stocks when the leaves unfold in spring; budding performed at this time is called Spring Budding. In this case the buds must be taken from the new growth of the previous year. They should be kept dormant in an ice house until used. Often they will force a strong growth, and buds of this growth can be again used for Fall budding. This is called double working,and'is sometimes resorted to where it is desirable to increase a new variety very fast. For summer budding the full development and maturity of the buds may be accelerated by pinching back the growing shoots. Tl^e Process of 33-a.d.d.izigf- When the buds on the young shoots are sufficiently developed the stocks are gone over and all side-shoots or sprouts are rubbed off for a few inches above th e ground, this is usually done a few days before budding them. A transverse cut is made at a smooth spot on the stock and a perpendicular slit downward from this for a distance of one or two inches. The corners of vance-s Method, in- the bark beina: sliarhtlv elevated with the point of the serting bud C where ° c •> A a bud has been cut I.,-, If,-. /Q or , n ,.t 1 out of the stock. unite, (bee cut.j 24 Propagation by Budding. The operator then takes the stick of buds and entering the knife above, brings it out | an inch below the bud or eye. A little wedge of wood is thus cutout with the bud and. 1,1 i ^ bark, the removal of which is ad- vis e d by some nurs- erymen, but as i t does not seem to interfere at all with the uniting o f the tissues, and the removal is tedious and fraught with some danger to the eye of the bud, it is usually omitted. Into the cut previously made in the stock the bud is now inserted and pressed downward under the bark, then tied by passing strings of bass matting or cotton yarn around the stock thus pressing the bark closely over, the bud : care must be used not to allow the ligature to rest on the eye of the inserted bud. In ten days or two weeks the ties are removed by passing a knife \\| over them at the back of each stock ; thus severing them at one cut, or by un- winding. When the stock is growing rap- idly the operation must be attended to s ^a^d^i Mil eat lier to avoid injury to the stock and bud by Btran- ,„t ami sin and gulation, and if the bud is found not fully united it bud ready for in- £J ' ' J v sert,on - must be tied up again. CuttiiiL' a Bud. Propagation by Budding. 25 In early budding the stocks are often headed back immedi- ately after the buds have "taken," and the ties are removed, thus forcing the growth of the young bud immediately. But in later budding the operation is left and the inserted bud remains dor- mant until the following Spring The heading back is accom- plished by a clean cut commencing an inch or more above the bud "and passing back- ward and upward, severing the stock. All sprouts must be removed when- ever they appear after the stock is headed back, so that the growth may go exclusively to the bud. Some prefer leaving more of the old stock as a support to which the young shout is tied, but this is not often really necessary. Tying bud growth to stump of old stock. ZE^Im.g' ZB-a-d-d-irLgf Is accomplished by taking off a ring First Seaso - n ' 8 Urbwth tTOm Bud " of bark from the stock | inch wide, more or less, and replacing it by a similar ring containing the bud to be propagated. This offers no advantage over the other methods ex- cppt in the case of the Grape, which sometimes suc- ceeds better budded in this manner. The principles involved in both budding and grafting are the same. The circulation, nutrition and growth of plants is carried on by a system of cells, which make up their structure in a great measure, and by the exosmosis and endosmosis between these cells, an interesting botanical study ; but will not be taken up in this work, which is designed to be brief and practical rather than theoretical. 26 Propagation by Grafting. However, it is found that tissues or cellular formations of like nature, placed in contact readily unite and form a continuous growth ; hence the process of grafting, etc. The cellular growth is carried on immediately beneath the outer bark in all except the endogenous plants, hence the cambium layer or annular ring gen- erally known as the inner bark of both stock and scion should come in close contact in order to unite in -growth. 2STa,t-u.ra-l <3-ra,ftin.g' By inarching may be frequently observed in our native for- ests, where one branch or tree has come in contact with another, and, swayed by the wind, the inner bark of each has been exposed by the continued friction and the cellular growth being homoge- neous, they have united. Sometimes we see trees of entirely dif- ferent natures which appear to be joined, but in these cases it is found to be merely a sort of dove-tailing, the cell circulation not uniting or crossing from one to the other. The nurseryman in selecting scions and stocks chooses those of like nature ; thus the most perfect union for the apple is the apple, though it will form a union with other fruits bearing similar seeds, as, for instance, the quince and pear; but the union is notso perfect, often dwarfing the tree and producing precocious fruiting. This is taken advan- tage of in dwarfing the pear on the quince. Hence fruits bearing seeds are grafted on fruits of similar' nature and bearing- similar seeds, and stone fruits on stone fruits. The plum is frequently budded or grafted on the peach, and vice versa, and the apricot, nectarine, etc., flourish on either. In the case of stone fruits, as the peach, plum, and cherry, most nurserymen prefer working them by budding, limiting the opera- tion of grafting to the seed fruits and mainly to the apple. The usual methods of uniting stock and scion, are known, as splice, whip, cleft, side, and saddle grafting. Splice Grafting is the simplest form. The stock and scion, which should be the same size, are shaved down to a like angle or slope, and then fitted and bound together. Propagation by Grafting. 27 Cleft Graftings. Stuck cut and split, and Scions inserted. Whip Grafting is a modification of splice, and differs only in splitting or tongueing the stock and- scion midway on the . sloping cut of each as shown in the engraving, and thus locking them together ; it also gives a more ex- tended surface of the cambium or growing tissues. Cleft Grafting is pre- ferred when the stock is much larger than the scion, as in renewing the tops of orchard trees. The stock, in this case, is cut square across, then split, and the scions, having been shaved down to a wedge shape, are inserted as shown in the cut. Suc- cess depends on having the inner bark of the stock and scion contiguous. In Crown or Side Grafting; the stock is cu t Whi i ,Gr " fti "«- square across as in cleft grafting, a slit is made through the bark and the scion, shaved down on one side only, and having a shoulder to rest on the cut surface of the stock, is inserted between the bark and wood similar to the inserting of a bud. The same operation may be performed without cutting off the top of the stock by cutting a notch transversely, and a downward slit from this, then inserting the scion and tying it like a bud. Another plan of side grafting is to plunge a knife at an angle, downward through the bark, and into the wood of the stock. The scion is inserted into this puncture. The cut surfaces must be covered with grafting-wax to protect them from drying winds or excess of moist- ure, and to hasten the cellular formation by the exclusion of air. In Saddle Grafting the operation of cleft- grafting is reversed, the stock being shaved to a wedge- saddie Grafting sna p e) an( } the scion split and pressed over it. 28 Propagation by Grafting. Crraftian.gr of -A_pple Stoclrs, Etc. The nurseryman's grafting on stocks is usually performed during the Winter, and fills up the time when there is little else on hand. The stocks which have been stored away in the cellar, packed in moss or saw-dust the previous Fall, are cut into pieces 3 to 6 inches long, the tops having be^n removed down to the collar, or junction of the root with the top. Many prefer the upper or first cut of the root, claiming that the union is more perfect, and natural, at the collar. Be this as it may, we know that most excel- lent trees are produced from the lower cuts, and the grafts show little, if any, difference in their relative growth. The scions are prepared like the roots, i. e., cut into lengths of 4 to 8 inches, and joined usually by whip-grafting. A good grafter will put up over a thousand a puuting^Koot^Graft^ pressing dirt j.^ Alter the parts ai e locked toget her they are tied with waxed- thread, or covered wiih melted grafting- wax at the point of union, and then packed away in the cellar in moist saw-dust, moss or soil. The Waxed Thread is made by drawing cotton yarn (about No. 3 is generally used) through melted wax. It may be wound on a reel, or cut into lengths ready for tying. Grafting- Wax is made of equal parts of rosin, bees-wax and tallow melted together. Though various formulas are given the above is good as a general rule. When the wax is applied hot the proportion af rosin should be greater; but in making wax for covering the thread a larger proportion of tallow should be used, that it may be more pliable. The operation of grafting may be greatly facilitated by the use of the device noted on page 3, of cover, by the use of which the novice can cut and join the grafts with as great precision and rapidity as the experienced workman. Propagation by Grafting. 29 G-ra.ftIn.g- tla.e "\7"irxe Is a difficult operation, the inner bark being very thin, and the flow of sap so profuse as to prevent the uniting of the cellular growth. The scions should be kept in the ice bouse until the vine to be grafted has come out in leaf. The sap is now thickened, and depositing its annual ring of growth, and the graft will more readily unite. In Cleft Grafting the stock is cut off and the scions in- serted close to the ground and then covered with soil to the top bud. Side-Grafting is performed by plunging a knife at an angle, downward toward the root, and then inserting the scion. Or a cane may be laid down, the buds at each joint cut out, plunge a knife directly through the nodes and insert the scions through the joints, the buds having been removed, their place is supplied by the scions, or grafts, and a cell circulation is soon established. The scions are prepared as for cleft grafting, except that a shoulder is left on either side which rests on the cut surface of the cane. The cane and the inserted scions are then covered with soil to the upper buds. The advantages of this new method of grafting the vine are, 1st: the scion more readily unites, owing to the greater depo- sition "of the cellular growth, or cambium at the joints. 2d: the split closes tightly over the scion and renders tying unnecessary. In.a-rcli.in.g- tlxe "T7~ine. Owing to the difficulty encountered in forming a union with the Grape by the processes of ordinary grafting and budding, in- arching is resorted to and appears to be the only really certain method of changing one variety to another. Inarching may be performed either on ripe or green wood. If on ripe wood, the new variety should be planted beside the vine it is to be inarched upon, or may be set beside it in a box or crock. It is better to keep the vine back so that when the oper- ation is performed the buds may be just swelling, while the vine used as the stock should have opened its leaves. A slice of 30 Propagation by Grafting. wood 2 or 3 inches long is then re- moved on both stock and scion. The scion may be tongued up- ward and the stock downward, though they will unite very well without tongueing. The two cut surfaces are now brought together closely as in grafting, are bound with muslin or wrapping yarn, and protected with moss, or clay. In about a month the union will be perfected. The bandage should be loosened, but not removed, and the stook should be frequently pinched back in order to throw the growth into the inarched branch, and finally in the Fall, the stock should be cut off entirely immediately above the junction Inarching. Tlie dotted lines below show where the with the neWVine, atld theneW new variety is cutoff and removed after the union is ' perfected: and above, where the wild vine is severed. vme g everec l an d removed beloW. The operation on green wood is virtually the same, and is performed in June, July and August. Greater care must be used in joining the young growth and in protecting the union with moss or clay ; and it is better to have this point well shaded from the direct rays of the sun. The tender varieties, such as the Eebecca, etc., will succeed much better if inarched on strong- growing stocks, like the Concord, or Clinton. A curious and useful application of the principle of inarch- ing is sometimes made by bending in a cross-branch from fork to fork of a tree to prevent its splitting. A young branch of the same tree is bent across from limb to limb, the bark is pared off from branch and limbs where they join, and the joints closely tied. The farther joint should be higher than the first to give some circulation of sap in the young branch. If properly done and circumstances favor, the cross-piece will unite the two halves of the tree by a brace of nature's own workmanship, thus effect- Propagation from Bulbs, Etc. 31 ually preventing the tree from splitting by the action of the wind or the weight of a heavy load of fruit. E'ropa.grsLtion. frozn. BulITos, T'-u.'foers, dec. We have a familiar example of propagation from tuberous roots in the sweet potato. The Hyacinth Buib. Dahlia and Peony are the same in their arrange- ment of roots and in propagation. The Irish Potato differs in being an enlargement of an underground stem thrown off from the root proper. The Iris, or Flower-de-luce, has a long, irreg- ular underground stem (Rhizoma) emitting roots below, and throwing up leaves above, and is propagated by division. The Crocus, the Daffodil, Hyacinth, and Lily, are propagated by corms and bulbs. The corm is a thickened, root-stem, supplied with buds in the transverse wrinkles along its sides where the axils of the leaves joined it the previous summer, as the Crocus. The bulb is formed almost altogether by the bases of the leaves of the previous season, overlapping each other in the form of scales, and the buds which produce the new crop of bulbs are protected within these scales, as the Hyacinth, Lily, &c. The Lily of the Valley forms little bulbs, or bulblets, in the axils of the leaves above ground. The tuberous roots, &c, are often started in the Green House, or hot bed, the same as the sweet potato ; and as the buds constantly start the rooted stemlets are separated and plant- ed, and thus multiplied indefinitely. Bulbs are usually planted in Autumn, though they may be kept over in a dry, frost-proof cellar, and planted in the Spring, if preferred. They are largely imported from Holland by nur- serymen every Fall. Florescence, rEIsrloricLiizsitioTi., Etc. Flowers are the organs of re-production of plants. Flowers are perfect as far as fertilization is concerned if stamens and pistils only are present. Perfect is used here in the sense of completeness. All plants of the higher orders produce flowers which gen- erate the fruit and the seed. 32 The Art of Propagation. The flower produces the fruit, the fruit the seed, the seed the individual of the species. Flowers are perfect and imperfect. A perfect flower has its stamens, pistils, petals and calyx perfect. The stamens and pistils Eire alone concerned in re-production. The pollen, or fertilizing powder is produced on the anthers of the stamens. The pistil receives and absorbs the pollen from the stamen and generates the fruit and the seed. A flower is imperfect when some of its parts are lacking. Where the stamens are lacking, or have been removed, fer- tilization can only take place from other flowers of the same species having these organs perfect. The fertilizing pollen may be carried long distances to the pistils by winds or insects. In hybridization the anthers are re- moved from the stamens when the flower d-V first opens, and before the pollen is shed, as shown in the cut of a grape flower. o.S2K S e ^r 6 .When the flower is fully developed the pollen D G «;^ from another plant-flower of the same species is carried antl,ersremoved to the pistil. The dust may be carried on a camel's hair pencil, or a flower plucked and the stigma of the pistil touched with its anthers. This generates a seed which is presumed to perpetuate the marked characteristices of both parents. In this way a choice, delicate fruit not possessing hardihood, may be crossed on a coarser fruit that is vigorous and hardy. The resultant seed is presumed to produce a fruit possessing both delicacy and vigor. Jenkins 1 Layering Tube, For the rapid m amplication of vines by Layering can be made at a cost of less than a quarter of a cent by any one of ordinary ingenuity, or will be supplied in quantity by the in- ventor. By their use every bud is insured to grow, unless pre- viously winter-killed or injured ; and the variety can be multiplied to any extent. Trice of Model {credited on future order for right) by mail, pre=paid .50. (Price of Model, with individual right to make for own use, S2.00. Address, J. JENKINS, BOX 45, WINONA, COLUMBIANA CO., OHIO. Jenkins' Transplanting Boxes Are designed to facilitate the operation of transplanting from the Green House. A row of 15 or 20 vines can be transplanted in an open drill in a field as quickly as a single vine from a pot. It is simple, effective, and inexpensive. (Price of Model, with individual right to make for own use, pre=paid by mail, §1.00. Address, J. JENKINS, BOX 45, WINONA, COLUMBIANA CO., OHIO. The Grafting Device Enables a novice to graft with equal precision and nicety, and with as great rapidity as the most experienced workman. Smallest size, by mail pre=paid r -..jo cents. Larger " " " S1.00 Address, J. JENKINS, BOX, 45, WINONA, COLUMBIANA CO., OHIO. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS » ~m M 000 933 630 8 She Jlrtof ' Sco/jcfoatio/c A Treatise on the Rapid Multiplication of stock for Jfat&rtymm, §aidmeM, -Jhri-yh, and ^rerifbodif. Price, S° Published by JENKINS' GRAPE AND SEEDLING NURSERY. Every one remitting for the work is entitled to 50 cents additional stock, with the first cash order of $10.00, and upwards; as it is intended to make the book virtually a gift to customers. Address, J. JENKINS' Grape and Seedling Nursery, Ti'iiio/ia, tol tun Liana to., thio. Suour Jduple Sree- 4 ), etc., Cut Such. The Sugar Maple is universally admired for its grace, sym- metry, and beauty, and its gorgeous autumn coloring. We have, for a number of years made a specialty of furnishing Nurserymen, and others, with Seedlings and Trees by the quantity- The Trees should be cut back, near the ground, when they throw up a strong and vigorous shoot like the Peach. Latterly, our largest custo- mers have instructed us to cut them back at the Nursery; thus saving freights on a lot of useless wood, and facilitating, and reducing the expense of packing. Send for special prices and Catalogue of Forest Trees and Seedlings, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, Concord, and other Grape Vines, with a general assort- ment of Nursery stock. tutcf/oouC') zllee. Address, J. JENKINS' Grape and Seedling Nursery, Jh'ncna, toliimbiana to., thio. MONEY ORDER OFFICE, SALEM, OHIO.