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Poultry Culture.
Raise, Manage, Mate and Judge
Thoroughbred Fowls.
Natick, Massachusetts.
Poultry culture as a farm product — Census of 1870 —
Mr. Mansfield's Experiment — Poultry and egg
production a source of wealth to the people —
Statistics presented to the Chicago Convention,
1878 — Startling Facts — France — Belgium 13
Light Brahmas — Plymouth Rocks — Wyandottes —
Brown Leghorns — Langshans — Silver-Spangled
Hamburgs — Black Spanish — Houdans — Par-
tridge-Cochins — Black-breasted Red Games, etc. 23
Americans lovers of beauty — The well bred form a '
line of '''' good ones " — We like strong blood — Con-
stitution and vital force — The Strains of Light
Brahmas — The Burnham Strain — The Rankin
Strain — The Philadelphia Strain — The Autocrat
Strain — Duke of York — The Chamberlin Strain,
now widely known as the " Felch Strain " 37
Secretary Flint, Mr. Felch, Mr. Hersey and Mr.
Cheever discuss the whole question of Poultry
Culture 67
The necessity of watchfulness — The best hatching
time from May 20 to June 10 — Cockerels safest
for winter breeding — The influence of feed on
color — We can assist nature very materially 83
The location healthy for man will generally be so for
poultry — Light soils good — The land needs cul-
tivating — The early bird catching the worm — If
the land be poor keep the horse-hoe at work —
Poultry culture requires eternal vigilance 91
An open shed protected from storm and wind — Plan
of building suggested — Special provision of tar
felting for cold sections — Avoid box-nests —
Roosts longwise — Nail kegs useful — Model coop
far twenty chickens — Coops for Village use — ,
Buildings for incubation set apart — Hatching
chickens — Chicken-house — Brooder — Every cor-
ner a death trap 97
The kind of food suitable — Foraging by the flocks —
Be careful to maintain an even animal heat —
Good food preserves the plumage — Great need
of ventilation 125
Importance of regularity in feeding — Bill of fare —
Corn — Wheat — Barley — Oats — Beans — Excelsior
meal — Keep the food sweet — Milk is a whole food
— Beware of distemper — Have some clover 129
Artificial Incubation first successful in 1884 — The
" Year " — The " Machine " — The Incubator needs
careful operation — Careful study required — Incu-
bators cannot be made self-regulating — Monarch
Incubator — Mr. Rankin's experiment — 3,000 ducks
raised — Mr. Buffington's experiment 140
Their medical treatment — Fungus in the blood — Dis-
temper — Roup — Chicken-pox — Diphtheria — The
red spider louse — Diarrhoea — Treatment 149
Their proper mating — Rev. W. H. H. Murray-
Color — The dam — Breast and body — Mating of
the sexes — Light Brahmas — Dark Brahmas — Par-
tridge-Cochins — Buff Cochins — The mating —
The Black-Breasted Red Game — Royal mating
No. I — Brown-Breasted Red Games — Red-Pyle
Games — Golden Duckwing Games — Silver Duck-
wing Games — To mate solid black or white fowls —
Black Hamburgs — The Houdan — Plymouth Rocks
- — Brown Leghorns — Wyandottes — Silver-gray
Dorkings — Golden-Spangled Hamburgs — Silver-
Spangled Hamburgs — Silver-Penciled Hamburgs
— riolden-Penciled Hamburgs — Silver-Spangled
Polish — Golden-Spangled Polish — Silver-laced
Sebright Baniams — Golden-laced Sebright Ban-
tams — Game Bantams 165
The American Poultry Association's " Standard of
Excellence " — Symmetry — Color — " The survival
of the fittest " — " Like begets like " — Never
forget the ancestry 265
Symmetry — Light Brahmas — " Phi Beta II, . No.
5876 " — Pullet taken to score — Dark Brahmas —
Pullet "Juanetta" — Buff Cochins — Buff Cochin
cock — Buff Cochin pullet — Partridge-Cochins —
Cock "King" — Pullets — White Cochins — Lang-
shans — Black Cochin pullet — Black fowls —
Black-Breasted Red Games — Black Red Game
pullets — Black Red Game cock — Brown Red "^
Games — Cockerel No. i — Brown-Red Game pul-
lets and hens — Duckwing Games — Cockerel —
Game Bantams — Silver-Spangled Hamburgs — A
cockerel — Golden-Spangled Hamburg — The
hen — Brown Leghorn — White Leghorns — Cock-
erel — Plymouth Rocks — Cockerel — Plymouth
Rock pullet No. i — Wyandottes — Cockerel —
Wyandotte cock — White Crested Black Polish —
Cockerel — White Crested Black Polish pullet —
Houdans — Houdan pullet — Black Javas — Java
hen — Pullet — Silky fowls — Japanese Bantams... 271
Turkeys fond of corners — These places dangerous —
Bronze turkeys — Narragansett turkeys — How to
judge turkeys 381
Rouen Ducks — Judging of Rouen ducks — Ayles-
bury and Pekin ducks — The Call duck 393
Embdem geese — Toulouse geese — " My geese are
ganders " — Judging of these two varieties — Chi-
nese geese — The Brown China — White Chinese
geese — African geese 404
Cleanliness in feeding — The cramming process —
Open judging — The right of protest 417
Frontispiece, I. K. Felch.
Bantams: Page.
Black-Breasted Red Game 327
Golden-laced Sebright 263
Japanese 375
Red-Pyle Game 262
Black Spanish 30, 155
Dark 191
Dark Brahma Cock 281
Dark Brahma Hen 285
Light Brahmas 23, 185
Light Brahmas, Felch Strain 57
Light Brahma Cock ' 277
Light Brahma Hen . . . 50
Brooder 118
Chicken House , 119
Ground Plan 118
Black 139
Buff 201
Buff Cochin Cock 289
Buff Cochin Pullet 293
Partridge 32, 197
Partridge-Cochin Cock 297
Partridge-Cochin Pullet 301
White 305
The Model Coop for Twenty Chickens 107
Colored 249
Pekin 401
Rouen 395
Black-Breasted Red 33, 207
Silver Duck wing 215
Ennbden 406
Toulouse 409
Black , 218
Silver Penciled 257
Silver Spangled 29, 128, 253
HOUDANS 31, 221
Incubator, The " Monarch " 145
Black 365
Langshans 27, 309
Brown 26, 233
Rose-comb Brown ; 85
White 173
White Leghorn Cock 335
Plymouth Rock 24, 225
Cock 339
Pullet 347
White Crested Black 75, 356
Poultry House 99
Silky Fowls 373
Bronze Gobbler 387
Wyandottes 25, 66, 239
NOT long ago I took a journey with an old friend
through the eastern portion of Massachusetts.
The main purpose of our trip was to find out a suitable
place for the establishment of poultry breeding on a
very extensive scale. One day, in the course of conver-
sation, my friend said to me : " Mr. Felch, if you will
write a poultry book, telling what you know about the
management of chickens from shell to griddle, giving a
bill of fare, and showing how to care for them each and
every day till they are four months old, taking nothing
for granted, but giving the results of your own experi-
ence and observation, your book would be invaluable
to every poultryman and breeder in the land."
In addition to this flattering opinion I received
about the same time a letter from a publisher asking
me to furnish the subject-matter for a work on poultry
culture. After due consideration I have resolved to
undertake the task, and I hereby dedicate this work to
that friend and to the publisher, and I hope that some
good, at least, may come of the venture.
It is a very grave consideration that there are eleven
lions of families in America whose sons are growing
lo find the avenues of trade and manufacture more
and more crowded every day. If some of these should
turn their attention to the business of poultry breeding
and culture, they might find the occupation both pleas-
ant and profitable. But it should be remembered that
this business needs to be carefully learned, and it is my
purpose to make this a thoroughly reliable hand-book
for poultrymen everywhere. The work does not affect to
be one of great literary brilliancy: my chief purpose has
been to give the results of a life-long experience and
observation with the feathered pets of the poultry-
yard, I. K. FELCH.
Natick, Mass., September 17, 1885.
.* Wfi>Ni4l\>Wi«?ll
IN 1873 we made our maiden speech on " POULTRY
Culture as a Farm Product." We shall never
forget the look of incredulity and surprise depicted
on the faces of the four hundred farmers who listened
to us on that occasion. The following is the substance
of that speech :
Although the poultry interest of the nation has
been considered of minor importance, yet when we in-
vestigate we find the egg and poultry product to be
much larger than any other agricultural product or
industry, and we become amazed at the amount of
wealth annually accumulated by practical poultry keep-
The census for 1870 informs us that the cotton crop
was 3,011,996 bales ; the corn crop, 761,000,000 bushels;
the wheat crop, 288,000,000 bushels; the value of all the
cattle, sheep, and swine slaughtered or sold to be slaugh-
tered was $398,956,376; the hay crop, 28,000,000 tons,
valued at $14 (a high estimate), was $384,000,000.
The assertion that the egg and poultry produce of
the States exceeds either of these large products is
met with derision ; yet it is true, and the produce finds
no rival save in the entire meat and dairy products com-
Compute the nine miUions of famiHes in the States
as consuming but two dozen eggs per week, and twenty
dollars' worth of poultry per year, and we have (com-
puting eggs at twenty-five cents per dozen) over $405,-
000,000. Nor is this all. Large as it is, to it must be
added the consumption by the saloons, restaurants,
confectionery establishments, our thousands of hotels,
together with the medicinal and chemical and exporta-
tion demands, which will swell the amount to not less
than five hundred millions of dollars as the annual prod-
uct^ of the United States; an interest worthy of our
considerate investigation. When we commence to
make figures, we become surprised at their magnitude ;
and that you may not underrate the hotel consumption,
you have only to consult the encyclopedias to learn
that the hotels consumed sixty-two millions four hun-
dred and eighty-three thousand dollars' worth of eggs
and poultry for the year 1879. There must, of course,
have been a great increase since that time.
The consumption of meat to each guest per day at
the Grand Pacific, the proprietor of the hotel informs
us, is $2.50, and two-thirds of that amount is for poult-
ry, game and eggs. Another item should be consid-
ered in this connection, and that is, thousands of prairie
farmers, who live so remote as to make the running of
meat-wagons unprofitable, are obliged to rely on their
farms for fresh meat, and it is a fact that two-thirds of
it is poultry and eggs. It is the custom with them in
early winter to kill and pack in snow and ice the sup-
plies of poultry for home use. This, with the richer
third of the population who consume far more than the
estimate offered, will more than make up for the poor
of our eastern cities, who consider poultry a luxury
and seldom indulge in its use. With these items as
data, we claim our estimate of five hundred millions to
be far less, rather than more, than the actual yearly
product, which, as we have said, makes the industry of
poultry breeding and keeping one of the largest in
which our farmers are interested. Like in comparison
as the giant oak to its acorn origin is this large product,
made up from the small collections from the small flocks
of fowls seen about the doors of the hamlet and farmhouse
in numbers of twelve, twenty, thirty and fifty, and wh£re
a larger number is seen so rarely that they become the
exception. These flocks pay a large profit on their
cost of production, as may be seen by consulting the
different societies' reports. In 1858, we see that thirty-
eight fowls, kept in small yards, under unfavorable
circumstances, with a market at thirty-eight cents for
corn, sixteen and two-thirds cents for eggs, and fifteen
cents per pound for poultry, yielded a net profit of
$1.38 per head. In 1861, Mr. Mansfield's experiment
with one hundred hens, having a free range of the
farm, consuming but ninety-three bushels of corn or its
equivalent, produced one hundred and forty-seven eggs
each (no chickens being raised that year), and yielded a
net profit on eggs alone of $1.35 per head ; to which,
had the value of the guano been added, the figures
would have reached the sum of $1.60. These and
other statements are to be found in the Middlesex
South Society's reports, of $2, $2.25 and $2,50 per head
profit per annum ; and last, but not least, the banner
statement of Mr. Whitman in 1873. With fifty-one
Leghorns, which laid two hundred and seven eggs each,
which he sold for thirty-one cents per dozen, the cost
of keeping the fowls being $1.13 each, he shows a profit
of $4.04 per head, proving conclusively that these
small flocks pay much better with' care than do other
farm stock.
We have no reason to change our opinion, for
the amount must be increasing each year. We as
a nation are consuming more poultry and eggs every
year. We are not alone in our belief of the magnitude
or in our faith in the future of this immense in-
terest or industry, and we subjoin from the pen of the
able writer, Captain J. E. White, an article on the
future capabilities of the country in poultry breeding
as compared with other countries.
France is, perhaps, the only nation that recognizes
the poultry and egg trade as a source of wealth to its
people, and protects and encourages it as it would any
other business which brings a revenue to, and betters
the financial condition of, its citizens. Under this fos-
tering care the poultry and egg trade of that country
has grown year by year until it has reached gigantic
proportions — not only meeting the demands made
upon it for home consumption, but also supplying
English markets with more than $13,000,000 worth of
this class of food annually. The value of eggs and
poultry sold in home markets and consumed by the
French people is estimated at $110,000,000; add to
this the exports to England and we have $123,000,000,
which represents an industry that is looked upon by
too many of our farmers and business men as being
"too insignificant to merit consideration." It must be
borne in mind that this $123,000,000 represents only
the eggs and poultry consumed annually— it does not
include the stock carried over to begin -business upon
the following year. The value of the stock on hand —
which is carried over for the purpose mentioned — is
estimated at about $45,000,000, thus showing that the
annual poultry and egg production of France amounts
to $168,000,000.
Doubtless most of those who may read this article
will conclude — when they reach this point — that no
other nation is as productive in this particular as the
French, but the facts, supported by reasonable estimates,
demonstrate that the United States are vastly more so.
"In 1878 a convention of butter, cheese and egg pro-
ducers was held in Chicago ; the most careful and relia-
ble statistical reports that could be gathered relating
to these products were placed before this convention ;
from them we find that the annual production of eggs
was valued at $180,000,000, and poultry sold at $70,
000,000." Thus, according to this report, which I shall
presently show to be incorrect, $250,000,000 were
annually realized from a business " too insignificant to
merit consideration." To some it will sound like one of
Munchausen's stories, but to those who are in the busi-
ness and understand something of its magnitude, it
seems like a too modest tale ; it does not tell half the
story. The population of the United States is more
than fifty millions. If each one of this population were
to eat an egg to-day there would be consumed in eggs
alone, at the present market price, $1,000,000; and if
each one were to eat an egg each day for a year, the
consumption of this one article of food would amount
in the aggregate to $365,000,000; add to this the value
of the poultry consumed, Avhich is estimated at $121,-
666,648, and it- will be seen that the eggs and poultry
consumed in the United States annually represent a
money value of $486,666,648 ; add to this $45,000,000,
the value of the stock carried over, and to this the
sum realized from sales of fancy fowls and eggs, which
is not less than $500,000 annually, and you have the
enormous sum of $532,166,648, which is $32,000,000
more than the value of the corn crop of the United
States for 1879, ^md $189842,857 more than the wheat
crop of the same year. But some " doubting Thomas"
will say that there are thousands of our people who do
not eat an egg each day. Granting this to be true, we
must face the fact that many other thousands eat from
two to four daily, and that eggs enter very largely into
the composition of many articles of food which we con-
sume each day, such as cakes, pies, salads, coffee,
custards and puddings ; and we must not neglect to
include in our account the eggs used in saloons, and for
medicinal and chemical purposes.
Perhaps there are few of our professional men,
clerks and merchants, who, when they run like wild
men to a restaurant and order a cup of coffee and a
piece of pie, stop to think that when they have finished
their lunch they have rendered unfit for incubation two
or three eggs ; but such is the fact. Then we are not
SO certain that there are many thousands of our people
who do not consume eggs or poultry in some form
daily. We might jump to the conclusion that our
poorer classes could not afford it ; but it would be a
jump in the wrong direction, for whoever has traveled
and been ordinarily observant has noticed that the poor
almost always keep poultry. This estimate is based
upon the supposition that the average price of eggs,
the year round, is but twenty-four cents per dozen ; and
this supposition, I venture to say, is not sustained by
the facts, because at most times in the year — during
the winter, fall and latter part of summer — they bring,
in our own markets, from thirty-five to fifty cents per
dozen, and in eastern markets from fifty to sixty-five
cents, the price, of course, depending upon the supply
and demand. Many of the eastern hotels make con-
tracts with those who keep large flocks of fowls to
furnish them so many dozen of eggs and so many
pounds of dressed poultry daily, and pay for these eggs,
in consideration of their being fresh laid, from forty to
sixty cents per dozen.
We are further indebted to Mr. James E. White for
the following array of facts, which will be read with
great interest :
If France, with an area of 204,147 square miles, of
which only 98,460 is capable of cultivation, realizes
more than $200,000,000 annually from her poultry in-
terests, it can easily be seen that the United States,
with an area of 3,587,681 square miles, of which 1,700,-
000 is capable of cultivation, should with the same care
and labor realize from the same source $3,264,000,000
annually. But, of course, in order to make the con-
ditions equal, it would be necessary for the United
States to be as densely populated as France.
The present population of that country is 38,905,-
788, which would give each individual — if an equal
division of the land was made — two acres of soil
capable of cultivation ; whereas, the population of the
United States is 55,000,000, which, under the same
allotment, would give about twenty acres of good land
to each inhabitant ; hence, this country is as capable of
sustaining a population of 550,000,000 as France is of
sustaining her present population, and if the produc-
tion per capita only equals that of France, the sum
total annually would be $3,264,000,000. But it has
been shown that the production and consumption of
this class of food is much larger per capita than it is in
France, and if each citizen of the United States con-
sumes as much of this food when our population
reaches 550,000,000 as they now do, the annual value of
this industry will not be less than $5,596,000,000.
It will be remarked by those who have not given
the food supply of this country thoughtful consider-
ation, or the ultimate population and productiveness
that attention which it deserves, that the writer of this
article is visionary and enthusiastic ; but, my friends, if
you look over the figures carefully you will see that the
probable extent of this industry, when this country is
fully developed, is capable of a correct mathematical
solution, and is made on the basis that if 55,000,000
people eat so much in one year, how much will 550,-
000,000 eat in the same time ?
Belgium is one of the smallest powers in Europe ;
its area is 11,373 square miles, and its population is
about 5,253,821. It is the most densely populated
country in the whole world, and about 60 per cent of
its area is under the most exhaustive cultivation, that
being all of it that is capable of producing good crops.
In order that the extent of the country may be more
fully understood, it may be well to mention, the fact
that it is not nearly as large as the state of Georgia,
while its population is more than three times greater ;
and tnis little country produces annually, as shown in the
statistics of that country, "274,967,824 eggs — or forty-
eight eggs for each man, woman and child in Belgium ;
and this is accomplished in a country " where the most
persistent effort is made to cause the land to produce the
food necessary for home consumption, and where a vast
amount of labor and money is expended in the cultiva-
tion of the soil."
If such results are obtained under such unfavorable
circumstances, what may not be accomplished in a
country as favorably situated as ours ?
It is the duty of all men who have the development
of this country at heart to encourage the greatest
possible production of every commodity that we can
produce with profit, and among other industries the
poultry and egg business must not be neglected. The
farmers must be made to understand that the thorough-
bred fowls are as much superior to the barn-yard fowls
as the Herefords, Jerseys and Anguses are to the com-
mon cattle that roam over our prairies ; and when they
understand this, they will improve their fowls.
Much more could be quoted to show the magnitude
and the need of the development of this industry as a
source of wealth to the nation, but above all this,
farmers of America, remember that poultry keeping
has more than a money value for you. Interest your
boys in it, for thereby they learn many of the princi-
ples that underlie the successful breeding of stock, —
fitting them, when older, the better to manage cattle
and horses. The rapid production of chickens enables
them to try as many experiments in a few years as
would take a lifetime with stock. In the breeding of
fowls they learn that like produces like more surely,
and only, as a rule, where the stock is bred in line, and
that to produce chickens uniform in type and color
they must have, in both sire and dam, a preponderance
of the blood of the desired type ; they must mate kin-
dred blood judiciously, avoiding too close relationship,
— for by mating fowls of one blood for three genera-
tions we produce sterile eggs. They learn that pre-
potency of sire is more marked in the mating of
kindred blood, and in the offspring of dams of weak
constitution, and when appearing in the coupling of
radically different blood, that it is an exception and
not the rule. They learn that the blood mQst difficult
to subjugate, in the end has more lasting quality, and
does the flock the most good as a new infusion of
blood ; these interests, once awakened, cannot slumber;
the boys become thoughtful, and as they grow older
their assistance becomes much more valuable than any
help you can hire.
WHILE we show several experiments in our in-
troduction, we may affirm that all the different
breerls will pay a handsome profit, if furnished quarters
suitable for their condition, and properly cared for;
and, generally, it is best for the breeder to make a
specialty of the kind his taste shall dictate. But with
our thirty years' experience with all the so-called thor-
oughbred varieties, we are led to advise, taking into
consideration the individual merit and associate worth,
the selection of Light Brahmas, Leghorns, Wyandottes
and Plymouth Rocks, for they will be found to pay
the best for extra care, for all practical uses.
The Brahma is a superior winter layer, producing the
larger number of her eggs from October to May. As
poultry, the chicks have to be killed quite young, — say
eight to ten weeks old, as broilers ; the most profitable
time as roasters being at eight months. This makes
them late as poultry, but to make up for it in a meas-
ure, the virgin cocks are tender enough for roasting at
even twelve to thirteen months, more so than the
native at seven or eight months. If the males be sepa-
rated from the females when five months old and fed
through till March, when poultry meat invariably ad-
vances in price, the breeder will find them sought for
by hotel and restaurant keepers, to supply the place of
turkeys, and that they will sell at a price of only about
five cents per pound less than capons.
The Plymouth Rocks are good average layers, and
in them the poulterer finds an excellent breed from
which to produce broilers and summer roasters for our
seaside or all summer resorts. In round numbers, ten
dozen eggs per year is about what they will each lay, and
hatch and raise you a brood of chickens, and in this case
the brood is gratis, for they will lay less eggs, we think,
if deprived of the privilege of indulging in the natural
instinct of reproduction.
So long as the breeder of Plymouth Rocks will be
content 'to have them occupy this middle ground be-
tween the larger and smaller breeds, and endeavor to
increase by breeding to that end the production of
large eggs, they will hold their position of favor against
all rivals.
The Wyandottes of late have come in for public
praise and patronage. They are in the same class with
Plymouth Rocks, and become their greatest com-
petitors. Their breeders claim for them par excellence
as broilers, and the merit of being better layers. In this
we would, perhaps, accept the fact that their eggs are
larger, but we fear they will not lay as many. What
they may develop into in the coming years cannot be
foretold. While we would admit them as equals, we
are not yet ready to accept them as superior to their
blue rivals. They are shorter jointed, more blocky, in
some cases, and if they settle down to this as a uniform
type, and a close-feathered, fine-boned race, they cer-
tainly will deserve the boom they are at this writing
The Leghorns are a non-sitting variety, and one of
the largest producers of eggs, being most prolific during
the warmer months. Their chickens make nice early,
though small, broilers, and should be killed as such, for
as roasters their skin is tough and carcass too small,
their chief merit being in egg production alone. They
are very quick growers, many pullets commencing to
lay at four months and a-half old, and there are cases
on record in our own yard where they have laid at
three months and three weeks old. We have also
started with eggs and produced three generations in
three hundred and sixty-three days. This precocity
enables one to raise his stock birds even after the sea-
son is too far advanced to rear successfully the larger
Of the above we consider the Brahma the best of
all the Asiatic breeds. The Langshan will lay an egg
as large, and perhaps as many of them, and of the
same desirable color of shell, but their white skin
drives them into a second-rate poultry, as judged by
the New England demand for golden yellow carcasses
when dressed.
The Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes, and we may
add possibly for purely practical use the Dominique, are
breeds to fill the middle ground, and from which to
look for the broiler supply, and the Leghorns to give us
the largest number of eggs in a year, and to produce
them in the larger numbers at the time our incubating
breeds are busy with the rearing of their chickens.
Thus you see how peculiarly adapted one to the
other the four breeds are, and all of them are hardy,
standing much neglect. With them the farmer easily
caters to the wants of the markets the year round.
With the above breeds as stock the yearly product
will average one hundred and fifty eggs and eight
chickens to each hen, which will sell (taking Natick
market for 1885 as a basis) as follows:
12^ dozen eggs, at 25 cents per dozen $3 12
4 pairs of chickens, 28 lbs. , at 25 cents per lb 7 00
American guano 25
Total $10 37
The cost of producing the same being :
Keeping of hen $1 15
15 eggs for incubation 38
Cost of growing 8 chicks to 35 lbs. live weight, at ()% cents
per pound — 3 32
Interest on investment and casualties 60
Total $545
These figures may seem high, but for the last ten
years the same market has averaged from 31 to 32^^
cents per dozen for eggs, and grain has ruled very
much lower.
To notice some of the other breeds, we will say " the
Hamburg family " is one of merit as egg producers,
yielding about one hundred and sixty-five eggs per
year, as a rule ; and there is a case on record where a
single hen of the Golden-Spangled variety laid one
hundred and fifty-one eggs in six months. As poultry,
the meat and bones are dark, so much so as not to be
desired by market-men. The race is delicate, and hard
to rear, but when six or eight months old seems to
have become quite hardy, except it be a predisposition
to the disease called " black comb," but why the disease
should be so termed we cannot understand. To be
sure, the comb turns black, but the causes come from
derangement of the egg-producing organs. We have
seen them lie down, their combs become black, and
they, to all appearance, dead, when all at once they
would expelthe egg, and in a few moments be singing
about the yard as well as ever.
The different varieties of this family are Golden-
Spangle, Golden-Penciled, Silver-Spangle, Silver-Pen-
ciled, — this last being the old-time Bolton Gray, under
which name it was first imported into this country.
The white and black varieties are of more recent date
than the first four named ; the black we think the
most hardy and prolific of them all.
The Spanish was long known as one of the best
layers, and in fact the old Minorcas were in every
respect equal to the Leghorns, but the breeding of the
white face upon this breed has resulted in the fact that
much of their merit has been sacrificed. Their eggs
are larger than those of any other breed, but in num-
ber they fall much behind the average. They are
extremely delicate as chicks, but Avhen once matured
they seem reasonably hardy ; and the contrast of a pure
white face and ear-lobe with their metallic, green-black
plumage makes them much admired. As poultry,
here in America, we would not 'concede, perhaps, that
they were up to the average. Their dark legs and
white meat are not preferred by the masses.
The Dominique is every way equal in merit as to
number of eggs, and in poultry equally as good, as the
Plymouth Rock; it being rather under size compels it
to take a second place. In all other points, what has
been said for the Plymouth Rocks would apply to the
The French class, comprising Houdans, LaFleche
and Creve Coeur, while highly appreciated in France,
have failed to give general satisfaction in New Eng-
land. But Mr. Aldrich, of Hyde Park, has been
successful with the Houdans, and claims for them all
that is excellent as table fowls, besides being a good
average producer of eggs ; they are more inclined to
non-sitting than otherwise. But the Houdan and
Creve Coeur require warm, dry quarters. They, like
the Polish, are inclined to roup if confined in damp
The LaFleche are the most delicate to rear of the
whole class, and in our northern climate are much
troubled with a weakness in their hmbs. A good
healthy hen of this breed, we believe, will lay more
eggs from March to October than any other breed, not
excepting the Leghorn.
The Cochins are, in England, much preferred. They
are good mothers, being covered with long, fluffy
feathers. They are hardy, and as layers in winter are
hard to excel. Their eggs are furnished with a thick
shell, and in closely bred birds are extremely hard to
hatch. There are the Partridge, Buff, White, and
Black varieties, all having their admirers, the Partridge
being the most beautiful, while the Black has undoubt-
edly the most merit, for they are good layers and fine
POULTRY culture! 33
poultry. For one dollar " The American Standard of
Excellence" can be obtained, which gives a full de-
scription of the different breeds.
We shall give special attention to description, as to
color and type, under the head of " Judging."
The game varieties find many admirers, and for a
juicy broiler or a roaster under six months old, and
as the mothers of chicks, they have no equal ; for the
latter, however, we think the cross of a game cock on
a Partridge-Cochin hen pretty and serviceable, as they
are more apt to receive all chicks given them to rear.
The pure game, while very jealous of the care of her
own, is death to all orphans or chickens not hatched by
her. The games cannot be said to be first-class layers,
as 128 eggs is all we can concede they will produce in
a year in small flocks, and if too much crowded they
will fall short of these figures. The Bantams, many of
them, lay more and greater weight of eggs in proportion
to their own weight than do the larger breeds. Were
eggs sold by weight, as they should be, we believe the
Brahmas and the Bantams would be better appreciated
than now. These Lilliputian hens are nice mothers,
and pay to raise for this office alone.
Speaking of the weight of eggs reminds us of seeing
weighed the other day twelve taken from a basket of
Brahma eggs that weighed two pounds and two
ounces, and a dozen taken from a basket of them col-
lected from the native farm stock on the Cape that
weighed but one pound and two ounces, just one pound
difference. Wherein is the justice of selling them by
the dozen ? Bantam's eggs will weigh fifteen to the
pound, and twenty-two ounces is standard weight for
the Bantam hens themselves, while the Brahma pullet of
eight pounds was the producer of the two pounds two
ounce dozen. Bantam eggs are the smallest in the list,
yet they are the largest twice over in proportion to the
weight of the producers. It matters not what the
breeds are. One bushel of corn or its equivalent in
other flesh-growing foods, will produce nine to eleven
pounds of live weight in poultry, and one has only to
weigh his fowls to approximate their food cost, for
cost of care must be added.
When fowls are fed sparingly, being kept short, they
become a bill of expense, for there are no stocks that
pay so poorly if neglected. But if extra care be taken
to furnish them all that nature lavishes in her bounty
upon them, there are no creatures in the barn-yard will
pay you so well for that care. A greater profit will be
realized from all those breeds that hatch and rear their
own young if you allow them each to hatch and rear
one brood of chicks during the season, for the incubat-
ing season gives the laying functions rest, and you get
more eggs, we are confident, in the year, beside the
care of the brood of chicks gratis ; and as the chicks
will pay one hundred per cent profit on their cost, you
will find that many of the incubating breeds will pay
as well, and even better, than some of the non-sitting
varieties. In all breeds it will be found to pay to take
pains to make your selections from the best laying
families of the breed, for there is as much difference in
them as there is in the Shorthorn breed of cattle for
Whichever breed we may select to keep it will not
be found well to keep them beyond the second season,
as young stock do much better — such yearlings as
molt early. One had much better keep thus selecting
about a half to carry over into the third year; the bal-
ance of the fowls coming two years old should be sold
as poultry just before chickens come into market, when
they bring a much better price, and their value will re-
place them with young stock. If the young stock is
to be reared on the farm, it will necessitate the rearing
of as many chickens as the breeding stock number, for
chicks hatch nearly equal as to sex, which only enables
you to replace the two-year-old birds each year sent to
In nearly all the cases where we find people breed-
ing in a practical way, we find them using only what
we call native or mongrel stock. This, we believe, is a
mistake, for the thoroughbred is worth as much, and
many of the breeds far more, for this practical work;
and should all use the thoroughbred, killing, as they do
now, one-third for poultry, using the larger number left
to produce eggs for the market, using as breeders only
the best they raise, selling only for breeding purposes
when a fair price (say from two dollars and fifty cents
to ten dollars each) could be realized, they would in
this way raise the standard and come to learn that in
every twelve fowls they kept they had the value of a
cow, and caring for them as well they would find they
paid as well.
Show us a farmer who is conscious of capital invested
in his fowls and we will show you a farmer who makes
money out of them. The greater the number raised,
the higher the price you will be able to command for
the best individual specimens. This has proved true in
cattle. (See History of Shorthorn Cattle in America.)
It is every day proved in the case of fowls. Twenty-five
years ago we sold Light Brahmas at one dollar each,
and the price was considered a fair one, the native then
selling for thirty-three cents. When the price increased
to twenty-five dollars per trio, it became the town talk ;
but in the past three years, when we have sold cockerels
at one hundred dollars, and trios at one hundred and
fifty dollars, it has ceased to be a surprise, and really
it is not in keeping with bulls at seventeen thousand
dollars each. We expect to live to see specimens of
superior excellence sold as high as two hundred and
fifty dollars. Already, in England, five hundred dollars
a trio has been realized.
IN setting up your boys in the business of practical
poultry keeping, or for breeding thoroughbreds
for the market, it is well that they have a motive and
aim in view, — something that will interest and instruct
them as well as help them to make money. We will
therefore give a rule to secure uniform type and color
in breeding, or how to establish a strain of such blood,
hoping by interesting them in the theory to interest
them in the practical workings of it.
The American people are lovers of " beauty " in
everything; a beautiful horse, a beautiful cow, all de-
mand a price far above those of equal merit that fail in
symmetry. Then in breeding aim to attain : first,
beauty or symmetry ; second, color ; and both coupled
with merit as egg producers ; and as the first two are
to be transmitted in a greater degree by the male, it
becomes of great importance that he should possess
those desirable features.
In selecting a sire be sure that he is well-hred and
comes from a line of ^^ good ones" a bird which is the
counterpart of his sire, for then you have a double
guarantee that he will control the offspring. As a rule,
the offspring bred back to the grandsire — the sire and
grandsire being alike — :we start with almost a certainty
of success, if we do our part in the mating. Having
made our selection, we must put our foot down and
stand firmly to the rule of breeding to no sires but this
one, or males of his get, and none of them that do not
assume the likeness of the sire, thus establishing aline,
or " strain of blood," which, in a single word, means
In the hen secure first, productiveness as to eggs ;
second, a robust constitution, coming from a long-lived
race ; third, color ; lastly, symmetry ; and from this
mating select the large pullets that most resemble the
sire, and breed them back to the sire. This second
crop of birds will be three-fourths the blood of the sire
you selected as the founder of your strain.
Now the more stubbornly the blood of the first -dam
gives up to the blood of the sire, the more good it will
do us when subjected properly to him.
Many select well bred hens of a weakly constitution
to make the first cross, for they assert, and truthfully,
that the sire, being so robust and strong, nearl)' all the
chicks favor the sire. This is all true, but it is also
true that the blood used in the hen is weak and will
fail in lasting quality. We like strong blood ; that
which in the first cross seems to fight for the breeding
influence ; that which has got to be bred back to the
strain desired, and the control given if only by a pre-
ponderance of blood. We then get a lasting good
from the cross. Constitution and vital force must
come from the dam, form and color from the sire; and
in all the matings the introduction of new blood must
be with a thought to that end.
The crossing of two well bred strains oftentimes pro-
duces a distinct and new type which is very beautiful.
To secure this new type (which is in itself a fact that
the two elements producing were of equal strength, as
neither controlled the breeding), and to perpetuate it,
it would in that case be wise to select a dam of delicate
though pure blood, thus giving the sire all the chance
possible to stamp his offspring ; then by breeding his
pullet back, to concentrate his breeding in his grand-
children, they also being his children ; then we could
go on, by selections of coarser or stronger dams for
new blood for the strain. The American breeder is of
a restless nature ; he wants something that is peculiar
to himself, something in which he can be identified.
You find them all over the country chopping up the
blood of their birds by the introduction of new sires,
first from one flock, then from another, hoping thereby
to have something different. They succeed ; but when
they have got it they are disappointed that no one else
wants it. They think the bottom has gone out of the
chicken business, and they curse the business and
retire. Of such we will say, the business is better off
when they do retire. Now there is but one way
to reach uniformity in breeding, no matter whether
it is horses, cattle or fowls, and that is by " in-breed-
ing," and like poison, it may kill or cure, just according
as we display good judgment in its use.
Whenever we introduce new dams to a strain, breed
their progeny back to the sire of the strain, and never
use sires from this new introduction of blood until the
blood has become thoroughly subjected to the strain.
To explain : If the chicks of the mating of the pul-
lets to sires of the strain are not all in type like the
strain, then breed back again, and do not use a male as
a stock bird until the desired affinity of the blood has
been accomplished. As a rule, use no male with less
than seven-eighths of the blood of the strain, nor females
with less than three-fourths of the blood of your strain
as stock birds.
If all the breeders would adopt this plan of breed-
ing, and would keep a record, they would then see the
importance of pedigree, and how beautifully all these
things are governed by a natural law. We can mix the
blood of our birds as easily as we mix the paints
that give us different tints in color. By adhering to
this mode one breeder becomes of benefit to his neigh-
bor breeder, for by crossing strains the pullets become
of equal value to each ; each breeding back to his re-
spective strain makes the blood of his neighbors' strain
feed the blood of his own. When breeders learn this,
and work together, they will all be better ofT, and may
become founders of families in fowls, as now breeders of
Shorthorns become in cattle. We will follow out this
subject by considering
We speak of fowls as being of such and such a per-
son's strain, but with no significance in the sense of
individuality. Fowls cannot be said to be of a strain
unless it can be shown by history or pedigree of blood
that they possess fifty per cent or more of the blood of
the strain. A type that reproduces itself is simply the
result of an established strain.
It is proper to speak of Williams', Oilman's, Buz-
zell's. Dibble's or Bacon's stock, but to speak of strains
of blood in this connection is all wrong, for there does
not exist, nor has there ever been more than four strains
of Brahma blood brought to the country, and we have
to number the birds Mr. Burnham calls Grey Shanghais,
to reach even that number.
If A purchase a cock of B, and the second year pur-
chase one of C, to follow it upon his flock, the chicks
cannot be called A's strain ; nor can it be called A's
stock, only in the sense of ownership, for the blood is
one-half C's, one-fourth B's, and only one-fourth the
original blood of A's stock, C's stock being the more
proper name, since it has twice as much blood of that
strain as either of the others.
The word strain implies, in breeding, a strict ad-
herence to the blood of a particular family or
Importation, admitting no more foreign blood than is
necessary to sustain the health and vigor of the race.
In this chapter it is our purpose to show what
strains have been received and to what extent they
have been retained, showing as far as possible what
the principal Light Brahmas of the country are made
up of ; for the time has come when information show-
ing that a recorded history of blood and breeding of
both sire and dam is needed.
One may have females of one strain and purchase a
male of another, and by in-breeding secure both in
their purity, for there is a constant waste going on in
the blood, which must be replaced ; and we think it
can be demonstrated that more than one-eighth of
foreign blood has to be introduced before the original
suffers any organic change, and that this one-eighth
is consumed by the original in supplying this waste
spoken of. To illustrate our position, we will mate
the strains as we would a pair of chicks of one strain,
and show that the same rule of in-breeding applies to
them as to the fowls of an established strain. We
mate a Felch sire to an Autocrat hen ; the first season
the progeny is one-half Autocrat and one-half Felch.
In the second year we mate these pullets to this same
sire, No. i Felch, and produce chicks that are three-
fourths Felch and one-fourth Autocrat. We also mate
a cockerel of the first cross to the Autocrat dam, and
produce progeny three-fourths Autocrat. The third
year we mate the three-fourths Felch pullets again to
the original sire, and we produce seven-eighths Felch
birds, while again mating a three-fourths Autocrat
cockerel to the original dam, we produce a progeny
seven-eighths Autocrat. We have now produced the
two strains from a single pair, and we claim them to be
in their purity, for the blood of each has been grad-
ually reduced in each family until entirely consumed.
Beyond the point named it will not do to go, as further
in-breading would result in sterility ; yet we can take
birds from each of these families of the third year's
breeding and repeat the same process " ad libitum."
We can vouch for this experiment up to this point
of seven-eighths. It is on this principle that we have
the pure Duchess and pure Princess cattle ; and al-
though we may say a cow is one one-hundred-and-t wenty-
eighth Old Favorite, yet is purely the blood of Old
Favorite of Shorthorn fame, we are consistent, for this
infusion of one-eighth new blood but supplies the
waste in the original ; consequently nothing is added,
and the blood remains pure.
Among horsemen the rule generally followed is to
breed out, as they term it, once, and breed in twice, by
which process they reach only the three-fourths rule,
which is hardly enough to secure against loss of type
and color in poultry , for we have demonstrated that
one-eighth is the amount actually consumed, and if we
do not breed in to that extent our flock gradually
changes in type and color. If with a strain once
established we make a cross, and breed back to sires of
the strain having out-crosses other than the ones we
have described above, we can breed in so far as to pro-
duce chicks sixty-one sixty-fourths of the blood of the
original strain. Males of such production are valuable,
but the females are generally poor layers and poor
breeders, producing small, tough-shelled eggs, which
seldom hatch.
The matings that produce birds three-fourths and
seven-eighths the blood of the original strain (this being
the prolific stage of in-breeding) have the most merit as
egg-producers and show-birds. Pride in one's strain,
and a desire to keep up the prepotency in the male
line, should be the only inducement to breed beyond
the seven-eighths cross.
To do this work of breeding, and the more easily to
control it, a record or pedigree should be kept by every
breeder ; and all males and pens of females used as
breeders be named, if for no other reason than to give
them an individuality, and to fix them in memory.
All breeders should keep a pedigree-book. The
time has come which compels us to do so for self-pro-
tection, for the prominent strains are becoming more
or less intermingled. The Standard by its influence
is converting the different strains into one common
type and color. Since there is no outward indication
of difference of blood, one can see how essential a
pedigree is, so that in mating we may be sure of a cross
when we purchase a sire or dam. One hardly wishes
to send one thousand miles for specimens to put into
his flock and find them identical in blood with his own.
The cattle-breeder, in purchasing a bull to stand at
the head of his herd, looks up his pedigree, and by
that pedigree is enabled to select one that is bred in
line with his own stock, yet with a cross of blood
that will by its introduction improve his herd and be
consumed by it, without changing in any way the in-
dividuality of the strain of blood he takes pride in
This introduction of new blood is but the feeding of
the strain, and it is of as vital importance to know
that we feed the blood as to know what we feed in the
manger to support the life of the organism.
A truthful record or pedigree would crush out the
existing jealousies and restore harmony, for it compels
breeders to stand or fall upon their own merits, and
makes the blood and the specimen of a strain worth as
much in one man's hands as in another's, as we now
see demonstrated in Shorthorn cattle.
None can fail to see what a benefit it would be if a
printed record or history of all the Light Brahmas now
bred in the States could be made as a basis — a founda-
tion-blood from which to obtain a pedigree, or to use in
mating, and what an influence it would have on the
same by bringing such strains and sub-strains into
notice, and as a result furnish a ready market.
The real strains being once established, and the sit-
uation understood, the breeder would be relieved of
the annoyance of having inferior stock palmed off as
his strain by irresponsible parties, and the blunders in
mating made by purchasers would be prevented. The
pedigree discloses the breeder, and the assertion that
such are Felch, Autocrat or Philadelphia birds, if
proved by a pedigree, has a meaning, and protects the
honest breeder. We know many are opposed to pedi-
gree, for it prevents the selling of superannuated hens
as yearlings, and presents to the amateur too sure a
rule for breeding ; for the selfish say, " Let the begin-
ners do as we did, and work out the problem for
themselves by experience."
In looking over the winning birds for the past ten
years it is surprising to see how universally it is true
that they are the result of uniting two strains, and
breeding back to one of them. As we present the his-
tory of the different strains and sub-strains, or flocks
composed of two or more strains, with statistics as to
their breeding, the rule will be apparent.
This strain was, as he affirms, and as we understand
the matter, the Gray Shanghai of 1849-50. From this
blood was produced the fowls presented to the Queen.
In 1866 the purest blood of this strain was found in
the possession of Mr. Phillips, and was known and
handled by Mr. Williams and Mr. Comey as Phillips
birds. Mr. Phillips, just before his death, in conversa-
tion with Mr. Comey, asserted that his flock was from
the birds sent to the Queen by Geo. P. Burnham, that
he had bred them as closely as he could, using but one
or two top crosses, and breeding back in a general way.
He did not preserve the strain by any fixed rule of in-
breeding, yet he must have preserved to a large degree
the original blood, as his birds, to a large extent, come
with single combs. They were dark in blood, preserv-
ing the Chittagong characteristic of dark undercolor.
The blood of this Chinese strain has been used to a
considerable extent by breeders of other strains, as we
will show anon. Until 1856 or 1858 these birds were
known as Chittagongs, or Single-Combed Brahmas, as
was also the Rankin strain.
The original birds of this strain were from India.
This Mr. Rankin can clearly show. They were large
in frame, had low single combs, dark undercolor in
back, and large, lemon-colored legs with a prominent
greenish-blue vein down the inside. The last feature
seems to have followed the crosses of this strain with
other strains, and seems to have been transmitted more
readily than any other. Up to 1866 this strain or im-
portation was kept pure. About that time the differ-
ent exhibitions ceasing to give prizes to Single-Combed
Brahmas, Mr. Rankin was compelled to use top crosses
of pea-combed sires from the Chamberlin strain, and
other sub or mixed strains, to secure the engraftment
of the pea-comb on his strain ; and as breeding back so
as to retain the pea-comb would be too discouraging a
process to accomplish his purpose, it is more than
probable that the race hardly held its own as a strain,
for it would be obliged to retain fully fifty per cent of
the original blood to be called a strain now.
These birds, however, have been largely used by
the breeders of other strain's, for Mr. Rankin shipped
large numbers of them to v3onnecticut, and to and
about Philadelphia, which, with the Dr. Kerr birds,
have largely entered into, and, being subject to top
crosses of the Chamberlin strain, have become the
origin and foundation-blood of the Philadelphia (Tees)
The Philadelphia strain was known as Kensington
or Tees stock about 1867 and 1868. While these birds
can hardly be called a distinct strain, yet as such they
have been used, in connection with those of the Ran-
kin strain, by the breeders of the Autocrat and Cham-
berlin strains, and the crosses have proved of the very
best, and as auxiliaries deserve a notice in this connec-
This sub-strain (so to speak) which comprised the
Brahmas in and about Philadelphia in 1866, were the
winners in the Philadelphia and the New York exhi-
bitions in that year, and were called the " Tees " birds.
In conversation with Messrs. Henry, Tees, Sharpless
and Herstine, we learned that the foundation-blood
was originally from India and the Dr. Kerr birds which
were from China. Whether they made allusion to the
birds sent to Philadelphia by Mr. Rankin or to birds
direct from Chittagong we cannot say, and it makes
but little difference, for, as they afTfirmed, they were
single-combed as a rule, and large of frame, with pale
yellow legs.
From 1863 to 1868 these birds were converted into
pea-combed stock by top crosses of birds from Con-
necticut and New York, which were probably from the
ChamberHn strain or birds of hke origin. At least
we know this to be true in the case of the bird known
as the fourth-prize cock of New York, in 1868, at the
rink, he being from a cockerel bred by Mr. Pool, of
New York, and out of hens by Baron Sanborn 302,
bred by I. K. Felch.
We have spoken of the peculiar color and vein in the
leg of the Rankin strain, and the power with which the
race transmitted it.
The fact that this feature, though in a milder de-
gree, was apparent in the crosses of the Philadelphia
birds with those of the Felch, also with the crosses of
the Autocrat strain, seems to indicate that the Rankin
or similar blood entered largely into the foundation-
blood of the Philadelphia birds of that period, as the
parties we have alluded to affirm. Again, the birds
brought from Philadelphia in 1868 and 1869 had the
color of the ChamberHn leg, yet they still retained the
Rankin shape of bone, being more round in its forma-
tion than that of the ChamberHn stock. It will be
seen that all the birds purchased of Mr. Williams from
his so-called " Favorite Stock " did not materially alter
the blood, for they were but the result of mingling the
blood of the Rankin, Burnham (the Phillips Stock), and
the ChamberHn strains, which is like the blood of the
Philadelphia strains, for Burnham's and the Dr. Kerr
birds they affirm were alike and from China.
These birds were quite short in the back as com-
pared to the Autocrat or ChamberHn strains.
One fact worthy of note here is, that the old hen
exhibited by Charles Tees in 1867, then eleven years
old, was as fine a Light Brahma hen in color and size
as has been shown since, and her beautiful pea-comb
shows that there were pea-combs and bluish under-
colored specimens bred in 1856. She weighed fourteen
pounds and four ounces, a larger weight for a Brahma
hen than has since been bred, thirteen pounds and
fifteen ounces, and fourteen pounds being the best
weight for a Felch bird, and fourteen pounds, and two
ounces the largest Autocrat hen on record. The writer
fails to see that the Almighty has suffered man to in-
crease the size beyond that of the original.
There were several breeders of these Philadelphia
birds of 1868, and if they have kept a record of the
top crosses used since that time that have been of a
different strain, it will be of much interest to others ;
for, as breeders, we are compelled to breed to that
form and color defined in the Standard of Excellence,
and our strains constantly needing blood-food, it makes
it necessary that the blood of each strain be different,
and thereby does it become more valuable.
All the strains are dependent one upon the other
for this blood-food, and not only is it a personal inter-
est to preserve these distinct types of blood, but it
becomes a general necessity, for a strain that is iso-
lated soon runs out ; the loss of color and vitality soon
works its own ruin.
The top cross of Beauty Duke upon the Philadel-
phia birds, as Mr. Wade and the writer understands
the matter, was simply adding a new top cross to the
amount of one-fourth the blood of the Chamberlin
derived from the cross of the fourth-prize cock of New
York, 1868, with Felch hens. But if, as it has been
claimed, he was the progeny of a son of Duke of York
and a Philadelphia hen, upon a Felch and Philadelphia
hen, then he carried into his Philadelphia harem one-
eighth the blood of Old Autocrat and one-eighth
Chamberlin blood, as a top cross upon the Philadelphia
birds of i<
The history of this bird. Autocrat, is Avell known.
Mr. Estes purchased the bird in Fulton Market, New
York, the seller avowing that he was imported. The
subsequent history of this bird, his strong breeding
quahties, the fact that when the blood was crossed
with other strains it produced new types, this, with the
pearl eye so different from the prevailing bay eye in
other Brahmas, to our mind presents grounds for be-
lieving the assertion that he was imported, although
there is no proof to that effect.
This bird was bred one season to females whose
foundation-blood was the George P. Burnham birds,
being the progeny of the stock sent to the Queen by
that gentleman, the birds being " Phillips Stock," so
called by Mr. Williams, who sent them to Mr. Estes.
In 1866 Mr. Estes presented Autocrat to Mr. Williams,
who bred him to the best birds he could procure from
several sources.
The better to understand the advantages received
by the breeders of Light Brahmas through the advent
of " Old Autocrat " it is necessary to say that before
the war Mr. Williams' stock of Light Brahmas con-
sisted of the Chamberlin blood, through purchases of
them at Valley Falls, the Burnham blood and the
blood of the Rankin importation. When Mr. Williams
returned from the war, his old love clinging to him, he
commenced again by purchasing the best stock he
could procure in his locality, the same being descend-
ants from stock he bred before going south ; also birds
of Mr. Strout, of Framingham, that were from a cock
purchased in Abington, mated to a Felch hen by a son
of Baron Sanborn 302 ; also, hens of H. G. White,
which were pure Felch, by Baron Sanborn 302. Birds
bred from these elements were the foundation-blood in
Mr. Williams' yards, and out of which came his " Fav-
orite Stock," and the same were in his possession when
Old Autocrat appeared on the stage. Autocrat was
mated to the best birds to be found in all these
elements, and the male produce was Autocrat 3d,
Eaton's Autocrat, Lord Berkeley and two other sons.
Old Autocrat died early in the season. Lord
Berkeley was a dark-plumaged bird, and as he bred
very dark he was sold to go west.
Autocrat 3d was a very large bird, but did not prove
a good sire, many of his chicks coming single-combed.
The greenish-blue vein was prominent in the leg, which
strongly indicated a Rankin cross in his dam. He was
lost by sickness, and his place filled by Eaton's Auto-
crat, who proved a good sire, but the plumage of his
chicks was dark. Li all these Autocrat crosses the
dark undercolor prevailed.
One of the other sons was sent to Mr. Estes, of
North Carolina, where he was bred to birds of the year
previous, out of the Phillips birds by Old Autocrat,
producing the birds Colossus, Apollo and Triumph, all
of which were purchased by Mr. Williams. That the
blood of old Autocrat was radically different from
other established strains is apparent in the fact that
whenever crosses were made with it they proved good,
showing increased size and producing new types, which
had equal strength in breeding with other established
The friends of the old bird express a regret that he
could not have lived, and his progeny bred back to
him, thinking that the results would have been aston-
ishing, and they consider his death a misfortune.
Now we do not concur in this opinion, although
friendly to Old Autocrat, for his progeny bred too dark.
It may be said that this fault of the progeny was de-
rived from the Phillips hens. To this we cannot assent,
for to admit this is to concede the merit of breeding to
the Phillips stock, and to admit that Old Autocrat was
weak in breeding qualities, and as all breeding tends
to grow lighter it is this very dark breeding that has
made his blood so valuable to breeders of other strains.
The whole rank of breeding within two years will hail
the advent of another such bird with joy. To prove
that this dark blood and breeding is the work of Old
Autocrat we will say that all the crosses of the old
bird with the Felch stock resulted in dark-plumage
birds. The progeny of Autocrat 3d, whose breeding
indicated so strongly the Rankin descent, bred even
darker than the others ; the cross of Son of Colossus
with the Felch hen Penelope was also dark. A son
of Duke of York out of a Tees hen, even-mated to
Felch hen, bred dark ; yet the Rankin blood bred to
Felch did not breed dark, nor did the Tees hen bred to
Natick, the Felch cock, prove dark. We could cite
other cases of like breeding, all of which goes to prove
Old Autocrat to have been dark in blood, and in our
judgment, had he lived to have been bred to his own
progeny, they would have been so dark that he and
his descendants would have been abandoned. As it is,
he and his blood have proved a blessing, and where
breeders of other strains have had the patience to wait
and breed back have been very much appreciated.
The fact that the hens he was bred to in Mr. Williams'
hands were of a mixed strain of blood made his prog-
eny of far more value, for it gave the power of breeding
more readily to his influence, and they being thus made
up, gave the preponderance of blood to Old Autocrat,
which with this great strength of breeding which we
have shown entitles the blood to the name of a
"strain." One thing is certain, his blood has been the
only competitor the Chamberlin-Felch strain has ever
had, and surely the Felch and the Autocrat birds have
done more to make the interest in light Brahmas what
it is in America than all other causes combined.
So thoroughly has Mr. Williams become identified
with this strain that to a great extent it is quoted as
Williams stock. But there are others in a like manner
quoted, which makes it fair to state that Mr, Comey,
of Quincy, Mass., as well as Mr, Williams, its principal,
is breeding the Autocrat strain, fed by the blood of the
Felch and the Philadelphia strains, and that of other
sub-strains, to maintain its vitality,
Mr, Comey 's Duke of York was a grandson of Old
Autocrat in a double sense, for both his sire and dam
were the progeny of Old Autocrat out of the Phillips
hens, bred by Mr. Estes. The Phillips hens, as we have
described above, were in foundation-blood the same as
the stock sent to the Queen by Mr. Burnham. The
Duke of York was a vigorous bird, and lived to be bred
to his own progeny, and also to the Philadelphia hens
purchased of Chas. Tees by Mr. Comey, and to this
mating we believe should be given the credit of bring-
ing out in its best form the breeding qualities of the
Duke, for sons by the Duke out of his daughter, mated
with the pullets by him out of the Philadelphia hens,
proved excellent birds ; but the first cross with the
Philadelphia hen developed poor combs, as did the
Philadelphia stock with the Felch hens.
It may be asked by the friends of Philadelphia stock
where the progeny of Colossus got their faulty combs.
We will say, just where the Tees stock got them, — from
the Rankin. The blood was there, and large birds
could not be forced without its development.
Mr. Comey made crosses of the Rankin strain, which,
as he informs us, he abandoned, as it with the York
blood developed nothing desirable but size. Since
1869^ Mr. Comey has confined himself principally to
different Autocrat crosses, as can be seen in the Duke
of Norfolk, Duke of Springfield, etc., descendants of
Colossus, Apollo, and Triumph. He has adhered more
closely to in-breeding than most other friends of the
In closing our remarks upon the blood of Autocrat
we will say that, so far as they allude to Mr. Williams,
they were submitted to him, and after examination by
that gentleman we received the following :
Mr. Felch :
I have your manuscript, and have carefully read it. I cannot see
that you have made any mistakes or said anything that is not true ;
neither could I add anything that would make the history more com-
plete. Wishing you success, I am, Yours truly,
This strain is well known as coming from the birds
that were found by Mr. Knox in the India ship in New
York city in 1847. The first to breed these birds were
Mr. Chamberlin and Mr. Cornish, of Connecticut, and
Mr. Smith and Mr. Childs, of Rhode Island, the last-
named individual winning the Albany and Barnum ex-
hibitions of New York. The strain was in but very
few hands up to 1852, at which time at Boston it
created the sensation which gave to the breed an iden-
tity and a name. For several years it went by the
name of Brahmas or Short-Legged Chittagongs, the
breeders clinging to the then good reputation of the
Chittagong. But from 1857 to 1865 we see the Chitta-
gong conceding the palm to the Brahma, by returning
the compliment and being exhibited as Single-Combed
Brahmas; and finally, in 1865 we find them discarded
altogether as a race — the edict that all Brahmas should
have a pea-comb sending them into oblivion.
This Chamberlin strain from its advent has bred, as
a rule, pea-combs and orange-yellow legs. The early
specimens being creamy white, and the prevailing un-
dercolor bluish-white, it has been a struggle to keep
this bluish undercolor, for all strains grow lighter, and
at the present writing, with all the care to retain it,
one-half of the specimens will come white in under-
color. To secure fine neck-hackles and dark tails and
wings, this bluish-white undercolor is absolutely neces-
sary; and in introducing new blood into a strain one can
see how important it is that a dark specimen be chosen.
Felch Light Brahmas.
From the original birds bred by Mr. Chamberlin
came the cock Imperial 300 (the male that has been face-
tiously mentioned as the bird Mr. Felch bought for a
dollar or two out of a hen-cart), the founder of the well-
known Felch strain of Light Brahmas. The female to
which Imperial 300 was mated came from eggs bought
from Mr. Childs (alluded to above), and were from Virgil
Cornish, being in blood the same, and the name of Cham-
berlin strain would be far more appropriate as indicative
of its origin ; but as the breeding world has seen fit in its
generosity to know the strain by the name of the writer
of this work, he can only accept the situation.
The writer is well aware that but for his love for
the breed during the lull in the chicken fancy, from
1855 to 1864, when nearly all the fanciers allowed their
fowls to run out, so to speak, and accidental good luck
in the way of an egg laid by Old Princess, out of which
Honest Abe 307 was hatched, he too would have lost
his interest, and with it would have been lost the pedi-
gree and proof of blood that has preserved the identity
of the strain.
The writer would prefer that the strain should be
known by the name of its original founder rather than
to have it as it is, for he is now made responsible for
the breeding of the strain, it matters not who mates
them nor how far they are removed from his breeding,
for then he could stand or fall on his own merits as a
breeder, and his reputation would only be affected by
the specimens bred by him and sold by himself.
In speaking of the management of the strain, we will
do so in the first person, submitting the following :
Since the purchase of Imperial 300 and the egg out
of which I produced the hen Lady Childs, I have kept
a true record of blood and breeding of all the families
of the strain. This discloses all the introductions of
new blood, and from what source it has come. These
introductions of new blood have been m^ade on the
principle that all animal life is suffering a continual
waste, and is in as constant need of blood-food in a re-
productive sense as it is of daily food to supply the
waste in the individual, and experience teaches that no
strain can be sustained without this supply.
The blood used to vitalize the strain in my hands
has been: First the blood in the old Nanturier hen, as
seen in the use of Duchess, in 1858, being used as
stock in my pedigree fowls in the hen Princess 362,
which was one-eighth Nanturier blood. The next
cross was Lady Mills 364, she being three-fourths
Chamberlin and one-fourth Burnham blood, her one-
fourth foreign blood being derived from the then
so-called Chittagong or Gray Shanghai, from the
Burnham Queen strain. Since 1865 all new blood has
been drawn from the Autocrat strain, as seen in the
following birds (see my pedigrees in the World's Pedi-
gree Book):
Autocrat Belle 392, Eaton Belle 407, Lady Ips-
wich 1022, and Maud Williams 4146, and the cocks
Experiment 337 and Ned Williams 4145, a brother
to Duke of Springfield, The crosses from the Phila-
delphia birds being Chicago Belle 382, Mrs. Strout 404
and the cockerel fourth-prize cock of New York, 1868.
By the tracing of these pedigrees it will be seen just
how much blood other than the Chamberlin (the orig-
inal blood) is now represented in the Felch birds, or
strain now bred by me. I will speak of some of the
characteristics developed by these crosses.
While it was asserted at the 1852 Exhibition at Bos-
ton that this was a breed that would never run out,
and although there has never been a breed so severely
in-bred, yet all this introduction of blood was necessary
to preserve the original type and color, for if contin-
ually in-bred a loss of constitution, a change of type,
and a reversion to white in color would have followed,
while the third in-breeding" of new blood to a strain
will invariably result in fine specimens.
In the early crosses of Autocrat blood with the
Felch the progeny was invariably too dark in plumage,
and although oftentimes developing new types, the
first in-breeding would restore three-fourths of the
progeny, while a portion of the males would revert to
light color, as in the case of Moses 327. The third in-
breeding to the strain was necessary to a full restora-
tion to the Felch type and color. (For my reason for
that, see notes in history of Old Autocrat.)
The cross of Experiment 347 (Autocrat) with Co-
lumbia 386 (Felch) produced chicks of the same char-
acter, which took two in-breedings to restore.
The cross of Son of Colossus (Autocrat) to Penelope
1019 (Felch) presented the same feature, but the third
in-breeding to the strain produced birds scaling 92 to
94 points, and many won first prizes. I think that had
Old Autocrat lived to have been bred to his own prog-
eny, his blood, so highly prized by breeders of other
strains as new blood, would have been discarded. As
it is, I presume Mr. Williams and myself have often-
times been censured, or at least the stock has been, for
this very virtue — strength of breeding — by those striv-
ing to cross the strains, and many a good bird aban-
doned, which, had it been bred back to either strain,
would have developed fine stock.
The tendency to breed dark when the Autocrat and
Felch crosses are made still exists. The cross of Phi
Beta 5876, with Juno III 5879, produces a fine
lot of females, but males too dark in some cases.
These pullets known as Juanetta 5994, mated to the
Felch cock Daniel Webster II 5999, continued to breed
dark enough to produce fully eight per cent of the chicks
with slate-colored backs. These birds are generally
males, and grow up to have fine hackles, wings and
tails, with quite dark undercolor to backs, and when
they prove females they are, as a rule, too dark for
exhibition purposes. While this is on the dark ex-
treme, it is better than to have all hatch absolutely
white, for then there is more or less loss for want of
color in neck, wings and tail. One such cross is, how-
ever, worth three times a cross that resulted in all
chicks hatching pure white.
The believers in dark undercolor, with myself, would
approve, while those so strenuous in their belief in the
white undercolor of back in breeding stock would con-
The early crosses of the Philadelphia birds with the
Felch invariably produced lopped combs, and many
that maintained their upright position had the middle
division much too high. This and the development of
the greenish-blue vein on the leg show clearly the India
cross in the blood of the Philadelphia birds.
The color was easily controlled, and although there
was seemingly no difference in the size, yet the prog-
eny were much larger in the first cross, and were
longer in arriving at maturity. Chicago Belle 382
weighed twelve pounds at twelve months old. This
cross, as developed in Prince 321 by Honest Abe 307,
proved a very desirable one, as can be proved by H. S.
Ball, T. L. Sturtevant, and Mark Pitman, all of whom
used him in breeding. Again Tees Duke (Philadelphia
blood) bred to Lady Fay (Felch) by a son of Honest Abe
307 produced the sire and dam of the two hens known
as Sturtevant hens, each weighing thirteen and one-
fouith pounds, which were never exhibited without win-
ning a prize. Their sire and dam were not large, as Mr.
Strout, of Framingham, Mass., their breeder, can testify.
The fourth-prize cock of New York for 1868 was
one half Philadelphia, one-fourth Felch, and one-fourth
the blood of fowls bred by Mr. Pool, of New York.
This cock bred to Felch pullets, daughters of Honest
Abe 307 produced Lady Rice 405, out of which, by a
son of Honest Abe 307 (Optimus 3 1 5) was bred Coeur de
Leon 326, one of the best Light Brahma cocks ever bred
in America, and the sire of many prize chicks, among
which was PoqonnuckgQQ, Ben Lidi 2777, Coeur de Leon
VI, Leo 2776, and others, selling from $25 to $100 each,
producing $1,425 worth of chicks in a single season.
All these crosses of Philadelphia blood were controlled
in color, which leads me to consider the top crosses of
the Philadelphia birds to be Chamberlin blood, or that
of a kindred nature. I speak of these crosses to show
how dependent the breeder of one strain is upon those
breeding another, and that whenever new blood is
taken into any strain of well-bred birds, when it is re-
duced by in-breeding to that quantity which will soon
be consumed by the strain, the best results are reached.
This constant feeding of the blood is necessary, and
without it no strain can long survive. By one system-
atic rule we can keep repeating results year after year.
Science tells us that we are changing constantly ;
the waste in our blood is renewed by new blood, yet
the blood in breeding type is the same. So is it with
strains. The new blood by in-breeding becomes the
weaker and the prey of the original blood that con-
sumes it, constantly invigorating the original and not
changing it in the least in type and color.
The stock known as the " Sturtevant birds" were
in the main Felch blood, and after the first year's
breeding remained three-fourths Honest Abe blood
and one-fourth that of the fourth-prize cock of New
York in 1868, the former being Felch, the latter one-
half Philadelphia, one-fourth Felch, and one-fourth
Pool blood. Coeur de Leon 326 was bred by T. L.
Sturtevant, thirteen-sixteenths Felch blood, and as I
have said, was one of the best birds ever bred in Amer-
ica. Mr. Sturtevant did not appreciate him, always
supposing his best birds came from a bird which has
many times won at the Boston Exhibitions. That Mr.
Sturtevant was honest in his belief is apparent in the
fact that he loaned Cceur de Leon to H. F. Felch for
the season of 1874, with the results previously described.
The cross of the Philadelphia blood with the Felch,
as developed in the breeding through Prince 321 and
Coeur de Leon 326 in the yard of Thos. L. Sturtevant,
and later in the mating of Coeur de Leon 326 with
Parepa 395 by Moses 327, by H. F. Felch in 1874, was
no doubt the best coupling of two strains ever made.
Had Mr. Sturtevant's zeal for poultry culture been as
lasting as it was fervent at times he would have led the
van. But his greater love for his dog and gun, and the
pressure of business, have led him to abandon the breed-
ing of poultry for the present.
To review the subject of strains, we come to this
fact : that there are but very few strains and very few
marked specimens from which originality of type has
been established ; and when we indulge in top crosses
we destroy the strain, unless we resort to in-breeding
to secure the benefit of the cross, and to insure the
type of the strain.
We find also that all the strains or subdivisions of
strains were, in their origin, dark in undercolor, and
that with age they grow lighter, and if left to them-
selves they may lose their original type, change being
written on all, and only by persistent effort can these
original types be retained. We should feel that as
long as we deliver up into other hands these strains as
good as we receive them, we have been equal to the
task of breeding them, and should be considered breed-
ers ; and that if we can improve a breed, surely we
deserve praise. I am one of the few that say there are
no better specimens exhibited to-day than were exhib-
ited years ago. But I do believe the general average
is far better. The excellence of the few is controlled
by a fixed law, viz.: The eternal fitness of things, which
says, " Thus far canst thou go, O man, and no farther."
We are not endowed with the infinite, and our matings
are sometimes blunders.
SECRETARY FLINT: I have been exceedingly
interested in the paper which has been read by-
Mr. Felch. I am sure he has come up to the expec-
tations of those who had so much confidence, when
they invited him to prepare this paper. Mr. Felch has
had many years of thorough and careful experience
and accurate observation, and I am sure the principles
which he has enunciated in his paper will be of great
interest and great value to the large number of poultry
breeders in this state.
I should very much like to hear the experience and
observation of those who are now engaged practically,
every day, in poultry breeding. There are a great many
questions, I know, that many persons wish to hear dis-
cussed, and there are others here who can discuss them
better than I can. I have been a somewhat extensive
poultry breeder in the course of my life. I have kept
a great variety of fowls ; too great a variety,
altogether, I am sure, for profit. I have generally come
to the conclusion that where profit, for poultry and
eggs together, is concerned, the Light Brahma is the
best breed, but as egg producers the White Leghorn,
and perhaps one or two other breeds, greatly surpass
So far as the feeding of poultry is concerned I am
pretty well satisfied that farmers and those who keep
poultry are inclined to feed too much corn. Corn, as
you all know, will induce fat, and when poultry are to be
fatted for market they can be fatted probably
quicker and more economically upon corn or cornmeal,
heated, than upon any other substance ; but as far as
my experience has gone, it is not advisable to feed
corn if you wish to get the largest number of eggs ; it
induces too great fat, especially if the hens are kept in
some confinement. Hens that are allowed the whole
range of the farm may be fed upon almost anything.
They run off what little extra fat they get, perhaps,
by eating too much corn ; but poultry that are con-
fined, or partially confined, ought not to be fed too
much upon corn. Oats, or any of the smaller grains,
and vegetables, potatoes, fish, and that class of food,
it seems to me, are very much better.
As far as the feeding of fresh or cured rowen or
young clover is concerned, I have no doubt that what
Mr. Felch has said is correct.
Question, Is there any danger of making White
Leghorns so fat by feeding them on corn that they
cannot fly?
Mr. Felch: I don't think you can give them any-
thing that will fat them so that they cannot run or fly.
But as egg producers there is no question that the
White Leghorn family is the best. They will forage
for themselves^ and pretty thoroughly, and they are
stronger in their feet than the Asiatic breeds, if we are
to judge by the damage they will do in the garden.
Question, Do you have bottoms to your coops ?
Mr. Felch: I do not. I have simply platforms
for early spring, on which to place the coops, in the
summer allowing them to set upon the ground.
Question. How do you feed the clover rowen ?
Mr, Felch: After curing it becomes brittle ; sim-
ply feed in a rick, as to stock. If it is cut up too fine,
and fed carelessly, they will waste it.
Question. Which is the best, the Brown or White
Leghorn ?
Mr. FelcH: I would not say one was better than
the other.
Question, Do you have any difficulty in hatch-
ing chickens from the eggs that are laid by the
Asiatics ?
Mr. Felch: That is the danger of the whole busi-
ness. They sometimes become so very fat that it
will be almost impossible to hatch an egg from them.
Turn them right out and give them food that will not
fat them, and you will find that the eggs will hatch well,
Mr, Hersey, of Hingham: Mr. Felch says that
close breeding in-and-in tends to sterility, I would
like to inquire if he has had any actual tests of this,
and if so, w'hat difficulties he has encountered?
Mr. Felch: What I mean by in-and-in breeding
is breeding birds of the same blood or pedigree to-
gether. I always take pains when I am breeding in
line, ** breeding in," as I term it, to so mate that there
will be a change of blood, and secure the chick in
blood different from sire and dam. It is always better
to breed back to the sire than to breed the chicks to-
gether. When introducing a new element of blood, I
find oftentimes that this works well. This is a rule I
have followed for twenty years. I believe I was one
of the first to adopt this course. I never buy a male
bird, and consequently I have been obliged to make
this new blood for scores of others ; and when I buy
a new bird, I treat it in that way, breeding the pullets
of the first cross right back to a sire of that strain, and
never use a male bird until I have reduced the foreign
blood to one-fourth or one-eighth. Now if you breed
in-and-in for three generations, that is, breed brothers
and sisters, in three generations, it will be almost im-
possible to hatch an egg.
Mr. Hersey: Have you had any actual tests of it?
Mr. Felch: Yes sir ; I believe, as a rule, the state-
ment I make will hold good. There may be excep-
tions ; there are exceptions to all rules. But I think if
any one follows that rule, so that he will know exactly
what he is doing, he will find that I am correct. But
the fact is, a great many do not know. They will have
a flock of birds, and they will save a young cockerel
from them and breed from them, thinking they are all
of one blood. If they will start from one single dam and
breed her chickens together, and their chickens and
then a third lot, I am quite sure they will reach a point
where the eggs will not hatch. Unless you have a
flock of hens in one enclosure you can see how easily
you lose track of them. You cannot get uniformity
unless you breed your line of sires to the same strain of
blood. I think any one who has tried it will agree
with me in what I have said on that subject.
Mr. HerseY: I suppose we meet together here to
gather facts, and whatever the result of our experi-
ments may be, it is for our interest to know about
Twenty-five years ago I started for the purpose of
demonstrating, one way or another, whether we should
be able to breed in-and-in or not. I took a white
native, and from that white native I have bred for twen-
ty-five years, and still the eggs hatch. During the
twenty-five years only three times have I introduced
anything different, and those three times it was done
by eggs and eggs only, and the male birds were not
kept, only the females. But during the last two years
no new blood has been introduced into my flock, and I
have bred in-and-in as closely as possible. My poultry
yard is so situated, and so fenced in, that no other
poultry can come near them. Now the result is that
my eggs hatch a great deal better than my neighbors'.
Three years ago (which was the last year I had the care
of them myself) I set four sittings of thirteen eggs
each, and every one of them hatched ; and of four
others, eleven hatched. I think there was not a single
sitting that year that gave less than six chickens from
thirteen eggs.
Now I admit that I have been careful in breeding
to take only those fowls which were physically strong
and perfectly healthy. I think that this is a point to
which we must look carefully. I believe that healthy
birds will bring healthy offspring. But perhaps I
ought not to say what I believe. I only rose to state
these facts. It is an isolated case, covering a period of
about twenty-five years. If there were twenty-five
other individuals here who could stand up and say that
they had tried the same thing, with the same result, we
might be able to come to some correct conclusion.
Perhaps a single experiment is not sufficient.
Now if other people have tried the experiment of
in-and-in breeding, and failed, — if they have really
tried it, and not guessed at it, — of course that must
count against the experiment which I have made. But
I hope that if this Board shall meet in this or any
other hall ten years from this time there will be many
individuals, who will be able to rise up and say, " I
know from practical tests what the result is of breeding
Mr. Felch: The gentleman who has just taken
his seat says that the introduction of blood was by
eggs, saving the females. That does not meet the case,
for he put half a dozen new elements into his stock
every time he introduced the eggs, which might have
helped him out. I do not see that his case touches
the point which I advanced, for one introduction of six
pullets would have carried him through the whole
twenty-five years, and the eggs would have hatched
Mr. Bill, of Paxton: I have had some experience
in keeping hens, but I rise chiefly to add a word to
what was said on one point by the gentleman who
gave us the very instructive and interesting essay, and
that point is this. He spoke of hen-houses in the
sides of hills, near our farm buildings, so that the fowls
might forage in the pasture with the cattle. Now he
did not state what breed of hen would be the best for
that purpose, but I judge from my own experience that
a kind of hen not much in favor, perhaps, with most
hen fanciers, — I mean the Black Red Game, — is the
one best adapted to that purpose.
There is an impression abroad among hen dealers,
and those who have not inquired into the matter, that
the Black Red Game, or Game hens, are of little value
except for their fighting qualities, but with all my
keeping of the Games, I never have seen one fight but
once, and that was with a White Leghorn, and he got
awfully thrashed, so I am not keeping him for that
purpose. But I find that in the pastures the Games
have the foraging quality, and that is the point I rose
to make. I know tolerably well four or five kinds of
Game birds, and any of them will walk off and feed by
themselves several hundred rods, — almost a quarter of
a mile.
Another notion that is prevalent about them is that
they are quite wild. That comes partly from the
name — Game. But I find that the Games are as gentle,
if you treat them gently, as any hens I ever had any-
thing to do with. As to their laying qualities, I have
kept them several years and I am confident that they
do lay well. I would not say that they are as good
layers as the White Leghorn or the Brown Leghorn,
but I do not know any other family, except the Leg-
horns, that excels the Game in laying qualities.
Another point about the Game is, that their eggs
are from a quarter to a third larger than the Light
Brahmas', or than almost any of the pure-blooded
hens with which I have had anything to do, except the
I would like to ask a question about the Black
Spanish. What does Mr. Felch know about them, as
to their laying quahties, constitution, etc.?
Mr. Felch: The Black Spanish, before the Leg-
horn came into notice, was considered the best laying
fowl. They lay large eggs, but they do not lay a large
number of them. I think that a full-bred Black Span-
ish will lay about one hundred and twenty-eight eggs
in a year, — about what our native fowls will do. Prob-
ably there is not half a dozen eggs a year difference in
what the Black Spanish, the Game and native fowls will
lay, and as a rule the Game eggs are much smaller than
the Brahma.
Question. How do the Black Spanish stand the
cold weather in the winter?
Mr. Felch: Poorly. A Black Spanish chicken is
a miserable thing while growing, but when once grown
the fowl seems to be quite hardy. It is a beautiful bird
to look at — there is no question about that. If a man
does not care how much it costs him to produce and
keep a flock of Black Spanish birds he can have them
and they will do very well, but they are not profitable
managed in a practical way. I tried to find the breed
that a person with the least experience could do the
best with, everything considered, and that is why I
selected the Leghorn, Plymouth Rock and Light
Brahma ; and here let me say that no matter what the
breed is, the Almighty has so fixed that thing that they
will all pay a profit, if properly managed. A man wants
to take the breed that pleases him, and if he does that
he will be likely to take good care of it and make a
profit. One man likes the Black Red Game, another
the Brown Leghorn, and another the Brahma. I do
not agree with those who say that the Buff Cochin is
the best bird of the lot. The Buff Cochin is a splen-
did hen to raise chickens, and they are handy to have
for that purpose. They look large, but they are not
really so. They are very full feathered, and their
feathers make them look large.
Mr. Vincent: The Black Spanish do not want to
Mr. FelcH: No ; but they are of weak constitu-
tion. Still, I can hardly say that, because, when once
grown, they seem to be hardy, if you can keep them
away from the frost. Their wattles and combs are
easily chilled, and that seems to take all the life out of
them until spring.
Question. What do you consider the best cross?
Mr. Felch: I consider the best cross in the
world is the cross of a White Leghorn cock on a Light
Brahma hen. I say a White Leghorn, because that
cross will produce a uniform white color. There will
be no parti-colored feathers, which is an advantage in
preparing poultry for the market.
Question. -What would be the quantity of eggs
produced by that cross ?
Mr. Felch: They will produce as much as either
of the thoroughbreds. I have birds in my family of
Brahmas that have laid for twenty-three successive
months without' sitting ; but that is unnatural. I have
received several letters this season from parties to
whom I have sent birds of this family stating that
their birds have laid the entire season without wanting
to sit. The Brahmas, both Dark and Light, do not lay
in that way as a rule.
The Leghorn I call a hardy bird. The Black Span-
ish I call a delicate bird, because they are predisposed
to disease. The whole Spanish class must have dry,
warm quarters, or they will have the roup. They will
have catarrh in the head, and roup follows, and all the
attendant diseases. You cannot put them in a damp
place with impunity.
Mr. Cheever: Is there any limit to the number
of eggs that any one of the breeds of hens can lay? I
think I have seen it stated in some paper, — from a
French authority, — that the ovaries are limited. Do
you know anything about that ?
Mr. Felch: I do not feel competent to answer
that question. I have seen it stated that a hen will
not lay after she gets to be four or five years old. But
two years ago there was a light Brahma hen at the.
Exhibition in Boston that was twelve years and three
months old, and she laid three days out of the week.
I have had a Light Brahma in my yard this year
eight years old, and she laid some forty-odd eggs. I
believe, therefore, that hens will lay until they are
pretty old. I do not believe, as some do, that they
will cease laying at four or five years of age, but as a
rule, birds after they are three years old begin to fall
off in the production of eggs.
Question. Are not pullets the most economical
kind to keep for eggs ?
Mr. Felch: The second year appears to be the
year of greatest profit. You may raise two chickens, —
a pullet and cockerel, — and the day they are twelve
months old the pullet will have supported herself and
the cockerel, and if sold at the end of twelve months
that cockerel is net profit. You may base your calcu-
lations ,of profits upon that and you will find it to be
true. A Leghorn, when she commences to lay, will
lay usually until she molts, and generally will not
commence to lay again until the next spring. But you
get the start of a year, or longer, before it comes to
that, if she has good blood in her.
Question. If you were only keeping a few hens
for eggs, what kind would you select ?
Mr. Felch: If I were keeping hens for eggs
alone, I should most certainly keep the Leghorn breed
in preference to any other. Keep the pullets up to the
time of molting, and then sell them and replace them.
Question. Have you had any experience in regard
to the laying qualities of the Hamburg?
Mr. Felch: The Hamburg family will lay as many
eggs, probably, as the Leghorn. They are handsome
birds, and if any one has an eye for beauty, and wants
a few handsome birds for eggs alone, I should recom-
mend the Hamburg family. They are a little tender
in raising, but like the Black Spanish they seem to
become hardy afterward. They lay well. I have had
Hamburgs that laid one hundred and fifty-one eggs in
six months. That is recorded in the report of the Mid-
dlesex South Agricultural Society for the year 1858,
and it is also reported, I think, in the State Agricult-
ural Report of that year. The Black Hamburg is, I
believe, the best of the family, for their chickens are
easily reared, and that, perhaps, is attributable to a
cross. I think there is a Black Spanish cross that went
into the original Golden Hamburg, that produced the
Black Hamburg. The other varieties of the Hamburg
family are the Silver and Golden- Spangled and the
Silver and Golden-Penciled. The white and black are
two varieties of that class produced within my recollec-
Question. How long do you allow your chicks to
run with the hen ? Do you have many deformed, one-
sided chickens? I am troubled that way.
Mr. Felch: I do not take the hen away until she
weans the chicks herself ; yet it is as well to remove
her to the laying house when the chicks are from five
to seven weeks old, according to the season. I have
the partings, or slats of my chicken coops, three inches
apart, and when my Brahma chicks raise one or both
wings to go in or out of the coop, I leave the door
open, for in squeezing in and out through the openings
between the slats they easily slip their hips down, thus
making them one-sided, or deformed, as you have
spoken of. I have seen an entire brood ruined by
being reared beside a picket fence of one and one-half
inch spaces.
The foregoing discussion clearly shows the interest
the farmers of the country are taking in this great
question of poultry culture. They look upon it from a
money point of view. They want to know how many
eggs can be produced, and at what cost, and demand
practical worth with exhibition excellence.
The rule with all breeds should be to kill all the in-
ferior specimens, whether they be male or female, and
demand that the beautiful specimens be so in a double
sense, " Handsome is as handsome does."
If we breed from none but the most prolific layers
we shall the more surely improve our stock, in laying
qualities. The policy of keeping all the females is a bad
one ; they should be weeded out if they are poor layers.
While the results quoted in the essay have been
accomplished, and can be again, we can cut down the
figures to a net profit of one dollar per head, and the
margins are then even better than can be realized upon
cattle or horses.
There is no danger of over-stocking the market, for
poultry seems to be a. necessity. Our southern breth-
ren are in a large measure dependent upon it in warm
weather. In all seasons it is to be preferred to beef or
mutton and it always rules higher in the market.
So long as beef, mutton and pork remain at their
present prices, and when (as is the fact) a pound of
poultry can be raised for the same price per pound, we
see no reason why it will not be a profitable business.
Even in this season of low prices in other provisions
we find fresh eggs quoted at twenty-seven to thirty
cents per dozen, in August, and corn but seventy-five
cents per bushel at retail.
A bushel and one peck of corn, or its equivalent,
will support a laying hen one year, and if she produces
but eleven dozen of eggs, no more than is obtained
from the unimproved sort, it will leave a margin of two
dollars and thirty-six cents per head for the care of the
flock, which would pay, we opine, as well as the major-
ity of the professions.
We would not counsel the use of mongrel stock, as
breeders, under any circumstances, nor the use of de-
formed specimens, only in the case of necessity. Even
deformity caused by accident may have so shocked the
nervous system as to affect the breeding.
We know of a case where a hen had her foot
caught in a steel trap and, being in it some time
before being hberated, had her nervous system so
shocked that after the toes were amputated five-sixths
of the chicks hatched from her eggs the following
season were club-footed in the limb corresponding
to the one mutilated on the dam. We know not all,
nor even a small number, of like accidents would pro-
duce a similar effect, but we cite the case to show that
if an accident can affect the breeding how much more
an hereditary deformity would affect it.
Cross-bred fowls are, in the majority of cases, far
more prolific as egg producers than the native, or even
the thoroughbreds from which they were bred, and in
all animal or vegetable life this will be found true.
Therefore we must always produce them from the two
thoroughbreds, for to breed from the cross will be to
A FEW general remarks as to repairing diseased or
broken plumage, etc., may not come amiss.
If in white birds, or in the white in parti-colored
specimens, colored feathers appear, especially if black
feathers appear in white, they will oftentimes, if
pulled, be replaced by feathers true to the color of the
Young cockerels are often attacked by older birds
and their plumage marred, in which case the feathers
so injured grow slim and longer than the others. We
have seen sickle feathers, corrugated along the quill and
white in a black tail, removed, and afterward replaced
by a perfectly black pair. We should not despair of
an otherwise exhibition bird till we had removed^ these
diseased and faulty feathers and given time for them
to grow anew, for the majority of cases prove their
restoration true to color.
The only way we can keep our stock in presentable
plumage during the breeding season is by watchfulness,
and by removing all diseased and broken feathers, which
will be replaced by new ones ; otherwise the fowls
must wear their broken plumage till the molting season,
and look badly.
A Light Brahma having say from two to twenty
black-tainted feathers in the back, if they are pulled,
will often replace them with white ones. The process
can be repeated till all are secured true to color.
The best time to hatch the breeding-stock we be-
lieve to be from May 20 to June 10. Such birds
come in the time of year when they do not suffer from
cold, and they grow rapidly and continually till mature.
Cold weather comes on just in time to check their
laying, and generally they will not have laid more than
ten or twelve eggs before we are ready to use them,
and we get them vigorous from the freshness of young
productive life. Again, the adult fowls molt and rest,
and generally have laid but few eggs before their eggs
are needed for incubation. From such pullets, and
these rested hens, we believe the best eggs for incuba-
tion are procured. Early pullets that commence lay-
ing in the fall, and lay through to March, sustaining a
strain of six months' laying, we do not consider as good
for the breeding-pen as the pullets named above. We
believe the time and the way which approaches nearest
nature's fitness of things the best to produce our breed-
ing stock.
The first forty eggs laid by a hen after molting,
or the eleventh to the fiftieth egg laid by a pullet, are
better, and the chicks from them prove larger and finer,
than those laid afterward during the same breeding-
Cockerels are the safest for winter breeding. A
good plan is to use a cockerel till April i, and then
turn the harem over to a young male coming two years
old, from which to raise your breeding-stock, thus pro-
ducing them in the time of year nature intended. Such
birds generally have more symmetry and merit than
those unnaturally produced.
There can be no definite rule for number of females
to one male ; this the breeder's good sense must deter-
mine. There must be enough so that copulation will
not be accompanied with coercion. This number will
be found to be in Asiatics, from eight to fifteen ; in
Plymouth Rocks, ten to twenty; Houdans from ten to
fifteen, and in Leghorns the number can still be in-
creased. Where less numbers are kept the male should
not be allowed to run with the females constantly.
Experience teaches that twenty are better than two.
Two years ago we had birds penned in numbers rang-
ing from six to eighteen, and in every case the eggs
from the larger number hatched the best. In one pen
they utterly failed, and when we increased the number
to fifteen birds nearly all the eggs hatched, and the
progeny were largely female.
The feed while the plumage is growing, both in
chicks and molting fowls, has much to do with its
color. Writers affirm that the reason wild birds are so
stereotyped in color is because of their freedom to select
just what food they need. We do not think it so much
the kind as the supply of it, and protection from the
injurious effects of the sun, that controls the color ; nor
do we acknowledge that the wild partridge is any more
stereotyped in color and form than Partridge-Cochins.
This question was raised at the Connecticut Poultry
Exhibition, when H. F. Felch and H. S. Ball re-
tired to the market and plucked feathers from different
partridges and brought the same to compare with the
Cochins then on exhibition, which showed them to be
no nearer uniform in plumage ; another fact, the part-
ridges had both smooth and feathered legs.
If a chick be starved, it will not only be dwarfed in
stature but will fail in color. We have seen speckled
half-starved Light Brahmas when put on generous diet
slough their objectionable coats and grow plumage true
to their kind.
The finest specimens are those that do not cease to
grow from the time they hatch till full maturity. A
chick that suffers a severe check in its growth while
young seldom proves a prize bird, and when hatched
in winter provision should be made for producing
green vegetable food in the way of green oats, to carry
them through till the grass comes in the spring.
The care of the flock does not consist entirely in
furnishing it enough to eat, but watchful oversight,
seeing to it that they do not huddle in large numbers
in one place at night. We used to think that it was
injurious to allow them to roost before six months of
age, but we have altered our opinion and recommend
it at the age of sixteen weeks. They should be induced
to occupy low perches two inches wide, for there will
not be one-half the injury arising from this as from the
poisonous influences of their exhalations when crowded
into small coops.
If we take pains to cover the chicks whose weaning
comes in a cold season of the year by throwing a
blanket over the coop to keep off the cold night air, or
to coop the broods in the afternoon when cold east
winds are blowing, we many times secure the season's
success. By these little attentions at just the right
time we enhance our chances of winning at the winter
We can assist nature to do her work perfectly.
We do not consider it a sin to straighten a hare-Hp or
crossed eyes in our children, or, if the muscle of the
leg be contracted, to use the knife, that they may walk
without limping the remainder of their lives, nor do
we consider these things injurious to reproduction.
And taking this care of our own offspring wherein is
the sin if by judicious means we secure perfect devel-
opment in our chicks ? In nine cases in ten chicks
hatch with a perfect organism ; now is not any work
legitimate that secures its perfect development ?
Should a chick hatch web-footed the web should be
cut back to its proper structure, thus liberating the
toes to grow in their legitimate angles. While the
comb in Light Brahma chicks will hatch perfect, its
peculiar shape makes it less likely to develop properly
than a single comb. In many cases bad combs can be
prevented by proper treatment.
The first thing that nature does in case of a wound
is to repair it. Therefore, if the middle division is
seen to be growing too rapidly, the serrations of this
division should be pricked with a sharp instrument so
as to make them bleed. This process will check the
growth of this division and allow the side divisions to
grow into proportion with it. If the middle and one
side seem to be growing faster than the other side, the
same process of treatment appHed to both will allow
the weaker division to grow into proportion with them.
An old cock may give a chick a severe peck on one
side of the comb so as to turn it to one side. A cor-
responding wound on the other side will maintain it in
its proper position. By this means we succeed in mak-
ing the comb grow into proper shape. Is it not better
to do so than to let it grow into an irregular, de-
formed mass, and then turn butcher and cut and slash
the comb, making a bad job of it, and receive the just
censure of our fellow-breeders? Three-fourths of all
the bad combs are the result of external causes and
unnatural feeding to produce very large birds.
The leg-feathering can be wonderfully assisted in
its growth, and many a crooked toe saved, by pulling
all foul feathers. The skin of the foot and leg is tough
and the f-eathers oftentimes grow along under it from
one-fourth to one-half an inch before penetrating the
skin, thus causing the toe to turn in. We have pulled
these feathers four times before succeeding in making
them grow properly.
The breeders and amateurs as a rule are too lazy
to attend to all this minutiae (and the writer is as
guilty as any one he knows, yet a guide-board may
tell the way, if it does not go itself).
WE have in our introduction endeavored to show
the magnitude, and create an interest, in the
poultry culture of our country. To such as intend to
make it a life business the selection of a location be-
comes one of vast importance. Where man finds a
healthy abode poultry may be expected to thrive.
Yet a clay subsoil, unless the land be very rolling and
all surface drainage complete, should be shunned; when
flat and marshy, with no retreat from it, will always
bring failure. A clay subsoil, if it be a slope to the
southeast, south or southwest, terminating in a meadow
lot through which a stream may run if underdrained,
becomes one of the very best of situations upon which
to raise poultry. All houses upon such land should be
floored over, leaving an air space between it and the
ground. At the very top of the elevation, if the land
be trenched for i8 inches in depth beneath the under-
pining, the same terminating in a drain, would enable
you to dispense with the floor. Yet safety upon such
soil demands a floor to all roosting and laying depart-
ments. Such underdrained lands are strong, producing
heavy crops of grass. Therefore they will support much
larger numbers to the acre, and their heavy grass crops,
while they furnish the forage for the fowls, consume
more completely the dropping as plant food, and secure
a healthy condition of things. A constant supply of
grass does much more to keep the egg-basket full than
many are willing to concede.
Light soils are good, but demand far more work in
cultivation, or the number kept upon the acre must be
far less. We believe it far better to keep no more upon
the land than it will furnish green food to than to con-
fine large numbers and furnish the feed from other
lands. If the land be light, oats must be cultivated for
green food (we say oats, believing them best for this
reason: they contain twenty-two per cent of muscle and
three per cent of bone).
The land needs cultivating also by the use of the
horse-hoe to keep the surface fresh and clean from the
collection of the dropping. This hoeing should be done
regularly. When the vegetation fails to assimilate the
dropping it generally kills out all vegetation. The sur-
face becomes hard and sour. Cut into it and you dis-
cover a thin green crust. Long confinement of fowls
on such inclosures is fatal to a healthy condition and a
high state of productiveness, and eggs laid by these
fowls are to a large extent infertile.
The old idea that any land is good enough to raise
chickens on is a fallacy. Let one flock be grown on a
rich soil, abundant in honeysuckle clover, and note the
health and prime condition of plumage, the molting
always complete. In contrast to this, see the occupants
of a sandy hillside, where the grass crop is meager and
sorrel abounds, in their faded spotted plumage, which
indicates incomplete molting and light, thin condition.
In the one case they get insect life and vegetable food
in abundance. In the other they depend upon their at-
tendants to furnish it, which in many instances is not
forthcoming. If this difference is discernible in the
plumage, there will be equal difference in muscle also.
We know this difference exists, and following it one
gets less eggs by full twenty per cent from fowls grown
on poor sandy soil. Land that will produce three
tons of hay to the acre will support four times as many
fowls as will an acre that produces but one ton. Land
on which water stands should not be used except for
geese and ducks. For them even a meadow lot, where
the water does not reach the magnitude of a pond, is
far better, for constant indulgence in water is by no
means advantageous to ducks till six weeks old. When
nature gives us a hillside of loam with gravel subsoil,
inclining south to heavy soil, and terminating in a
meadow lot there, in such we have the best of all loca-
tions, for in such we have instant drainage from about
our buildings, yet a soil that brings to the surface the
earthworms every night, and as the season advances,
even in summer, the fowls find in the meadow a cool
forage ground rich in slugs and insect life.
Have any of my readers watched from their chamber
windows the chickens as they come from their coops
at half past three in the morning, and deploy out into
a skirmish line that sometimes covers acres, leav-
ing the feed laid out for them the night before? See
them return to the coop and a short season of brooding
under the mother-wing, and wait the daylight to come
out to their breakfast of grain. Why do they do
this? Take your lantern some morning and take a
stroll with them, and see on your walk the earthworms
laying at full length on the surface, also the insects, the
beetles, the grasshoppers, cold and stiff in the cold dew,
at the mercy of your flock of chicks. Kill some morning
a cockerel that has taken this morning walk and you will
find his crop well filled, and you will have the solution of
the mystery and the origin of the old saw that " the
early bird catches the worm." Again, watch just at
twilight, after the chickens have eaten their evening
meal of grain. All go on a grazing expedition, feeding
upon grass as regularly as possible in your pasture lot.
With these things before your very eyes you no longer
hesitate as between rich and poor land as a location.
If compelled to raise on poor land, then keep the
horse-hoe at work. Sow the oats for green food, fur-
nish fish and flesh and grain in abundance. Fowls will
consume what is equivalent to twenty pounds of hay
a year, and the acre that produces three tons, with the
fall feed taken into account, will support four hundred
fowls and keep green. Such luxuriant growth would con-
sume all the dropping and save a vast amount of labor in
cultivation of a soil so light as to support one hun-
dred fowls only. To keep fowls without cultivation
involves much more labor in the distribution of the
food, for to feed ten thousand fowls on one hundred
acres, or on twenty-five acres, will make quite an item
in the labor account. Yet there are locations where a
loam soil, having a subsoil of gravel, with sand be-
neath all, would admit of houses as described below, —
these houses the ends and back of which could be made
with cement.
In most of our pastures there are dry knolls and
southern sloping hillsides, in which excavations could
be made fifteen by twenty-five feet, the ends and north
sides walled up, leaving but the one side of the laying
room and roof to be built of lumber; even the roof
could be thatched, or earth-covered. All of which
could be home-constructed, or by the employment of
cheap labor. These habitations would be warmer in
winter and cooler in summer. These quarters, located
far enough apart to save the expense of fencing for
yards, would save the labor of forage crops and all
meat-food till the frost cut off the natural supply.
No farmer should be excused from utilizing all
such facilities adjacent to his building, which, with the
barn-cellar and orchard, would in most cases enable
him to keep at least two hundred and fifty fowls, all of
which could be cared for by the younger members of
the family, and the profits would secure older and
abler help for the heavier work of the farm, while
many a boy would be made a thinking, practical farmer,
happy in his lot, who is now chafing under his hard
home-life, waiting only for age to liberate him.
The effect of geographical location we should not
forget in this connection. He who thinks to succeed
in poultry culture without almost eternal vigilance,
and the practical application of the doctrine that pre-
vention is far better than cure, had better never com-
mence. Yet one who will put the same care and
study, the same close attention and watchful business
energy, into this calling as are employed by our mer-
chant princes or bank presidents in their calling will
surely succeed. He who trusts to luck in the majority
of cases fails. We therefore do well to consider the
fact that the northern, middle and New England
states are exempt from cholera, but that her cold, flat,
wet lands engender roup and catarrhal affections. That
along the shores of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans cholera
is the exception and not the rule, and that there high
lands are exempt in a large measure from roup.
Where cleanliness in the quarters is maintained the
salt sea breezes seem to have a salutary effect. The
short intervals of snow in these reigons all help in the
preservation of health and profits of the business. The
balance of the states being not free from chicken
cholera the breeders have to watch and strive for
health by greater care, by keeping fewer fowls to-
gether, and by more cultivation and the feeding of less
corn, and free use of sulphur, to fight the competition
of the other states having only the longer seasons,
whereby to compete successfully. In fever and ague
districts, fowls are more liable to suffer from cholera
than in sections of the same county even that are free
from it. Thus to him who would make poultry cult-
ure a business the question of location becomes one of
the greatest importance, and failing in a perfect loca-
tion we must by artificial means and man's device con-
vert it into such to a certain degree before we can
hope to be successful.
IT is no part of our purpose to present plans which
we would not use ourselves, but rather to present that
one which we deem the best for all practical purposes.
All buildings must in a measure conform to the neces-
sities of the locations upon which they are reared.
Therefore we can only present our theory, and leave
the reader to use it as best he may, by remodeling his
old houses or using our plan in his new structures. It
has become a necessity that fowls must have exercise
in the open air each and every day if we would be cer-
tain their eggs will hatch in the winter months. And
all broilers for the months of February to July must
be hatched in the cold months of the year. One-half
of the cause of eggs hatching poorly in March and
April is the fact that the fowls have been housed
closely all winter.
Our cut represents the best and only plan so far
published in which with the least trouble, in the warm
portion of each day a sun and dust bath in the open
air can be enjoyed by the fowls, and the balance of the
day the same space can become additional house room.
An open shed protected from wind and storm is the
place of all others a fowl will select for the purpose.
The cut we take by permission of the Ferris Publishing
Co., from their work, the Wyandotte Fowl, it being our
original idea. These open sheds, having a southern ex-
posure protected from wind and storm, enable the
fowls to enjoy the open air each day, by the attendant
at lo A. M. opening the front by swinging it inward,
and thereby completing the partition which makes
the inclosure of the laying and roosting room, while
the balance of the house becomes an open shed,
which as such the fowls enjoy until the sun begins to
get into the west and the air becomes too cold,
when the keeper returns the partition to the front, and
our building becomes a house entire. In mild weather the
partition can stand ajar, the better to air out the whole
This plan represents a building 13x25, which, so far
as the laying room goes, having the two-foot projec-
tion, makes that room 15x15, and a shed 10x13. The
front posts 7 feet, rear posts 5 feet, front roof 8^ feet,
rear \i]4 feet, the smaller door being hinged to the
swinging front, the two covering ten feet, leaving three
feet of stationary partition, which completes, with the
door, the partition, when the building is divided into
shed and house. This arrangement saves a vast
amount of labor in shoveling snow or littering down in
front of the ordinary fowl houses, and the fowls may
enjoy the air, for they will not travel on snow if they
can avoid it.
Fowls may be housed closely all winter, and by high
keeping be made to lay a large average number of
eggs, but not one of them will hatch. This is why we
urge this plan. If you are in the egg trade it will save
you hundreds of disappointed purchasers. It will
insure you a larger brood of chickens from the eggs
you set at honie. This is but tlie repetition of advice
given ten years ago. In severe cold weather the plan
gives us the whole in enlarged quarters made secure
from the weather. In heavy rain storms the fowls are
no longer forced to take shelter in the fence corners or
under the cart, which only form a poor protection.
Again, this plan puts the breeder in a position to sell
eggs that will hatch all the winter through. There are
many inquiries for^ggs for the incubator trade during
the cold months. If you anticipate running incubators
yourself, to raise broilers by artificial means, then you
cannot do without such a building.
These houses can be built double, the whole being
15x50 feet, a solid partition in the middle making two
laying rooms 15x15 and a shed of 10x15 feet at each
end of the house. Such houses built in rows, with a
fence running from the front of the one to rear of the
other, would secure the fowls in colonies of fifty each;
the buildings being ten roods apart would secure
their returning to their own quarters to lay and roost,
— the plan we deem the best of all with which we are
acquainted. If you desire others, there are works at
twenty-five cents each in which you can have your
choice of a hundred styles in architecture. But we
present no other plan, for we know this will secure the
best results.
In the coldest sections of the country we would
recommend they be constructed and finished by tack-
ing tar felting on to the frame, then board in, and from
the inside tack the lapped edges of felt to the board-
ing. This would make it wind tight and warm enough
to defy an arctic winter. Built of matched spruce, the
cost single is $85, and double $160 each. But as differ-
ent localities will vary in cost we refrain from giving
specifications ; each tenement will house fifty fowls in
health and productive condition.
The droppings from fowls are very poisonous, and
it is very essential that they have thorough ventilation.
At the same time we must not expose the flock to a
direct draught of air. Fowls left to themselves will
not stand in a draught, and when compelled to, they
take cold as easily as does the human family.
The ventilators should reach the floor. In winter,
ventilate from within three inches of the floor, and in
summer from both top and bottom of the room. The
bad air falls and is drawn off from the bottom, and
saves the heat made by the solar action by your glass
fronts, and as the warm air rises for the same reason
to ventilate from top we lower the temperature and
make the room cool and comfortable. In the winter,
when dull cold weather at times collects the congealed
respiration from the fowls in an anchor frost, this is
soon disposed of by burning a kerosene light for a
short time, and the opening for a short time of the
upper ventilation, and all that damp, chilly sense of
feeling when visiting the house will be disposed of.
Remember this and see to it in time to save you many
cases of roup, and thereby keep up the egg production.
A window 4x6 feet in the extension front and one
5x3^ in the swinging front, the sill eighteen inches
from the floor, will warm and light the rooms, dry out
the gravel loam, which will help in the work of deodor-
izing the dropping, enabling you to keep a larger num-
ber on the same space than otherwise. The plan of
having the whole front constructed of glass is bad, for
in that case the house becomes too warm in the day-
time and cools rapidly at night, making so much
change in the temperature as to work disastrously.
Even with the windows we recommend if in winter
shutters were used to close over them they would make
the house much warmer through the night.
Avoid all permanent or box-made nests, which be-
come harbors for lice. Avoid also the old plan of an
inclined plane for roosts, for all the fowls will strive to
occupy the highest perch, and many a fight and fall
will be the result, which will vastly increase the list of
casualties, while the low and level plan saves many
from lameness and internal injury; for while a hen will
walk up to her perch, if she has the chance she will in-
variably fly down. Roosting low makes them less
breachy ; even the smaller breeds, if reared on low
perches, will not require a fence more than four and a
half to five feet high to fence them in. The floor of
the house should be kept covered three to four inches
deep with a coarse-fine gravel, not so fine as to be
called sand, yet having a loam mixture in it. This will
deodorize all the filth and stench, besides making a
loose and soft substance to alight upon in descending
from the roosts
Across the rear of the laying room construct a plat-
form three and a-half feet wide, thirty inches from the
floor, and one foot above the same make the roosts by
having them extend from back to front across the plat-
form, eleven short roosts three and a third feet each.
This can be done by two stringers, one at the back,
hinged to the house, the other thirty inches forward
furnished with legs one foot long, the whole to swing
up while cleansing the platform, which should be done
every morning where fifty fowls are kept in a flock, and
not be left till afternoon.
Why do I not have the roosts longwise ? A boy would
say " Because." I say so to, for fowls will crowd and
will roost very near the same place in the roost each
night. These short roosts will hold but five birds. If
two long roosts were put in longwise, they would all
crowd for the back roost, and the front one would be
used by those unable to get a foothold on the back
one. Can you not see that such a plan is best ? Fowls
are more sensitive than they are credited with being.
This crowding will effect the egg-basket. One of my
breeders who has bred Light Brahmas for me twelve years
says : " When you come over here leave the dog at
home, for the excitement caused by him among the
hens costs me a dozen eggs every time he comes, and
some soft-shell eggs laid at night upon the roost." So
everything about your building that will conduce to a
quiet and comfortable life means a gain for you in eggs.
The width of these roosts should be about two and a
half inches, the sharp corners rounded off.
Under the platform it would be well to construct a
rack to hold common nail kegs. Let them be laid on
their sides with a stringer three inches wide against
which the open end of the kegs may rest and face
inward, so that the fowls will approach the nest from
under the platform. The fifteen feet will enable you
to get in twelve kegs, or nests. Make holes in the bot-
tom large enough to admit the hand to gather the
eggs. The rack being portable the kegG can be re-
moved at will to be scalded or lime-washed, to prevent
lice from infesting them. The nests will be just high
enough to cause the fowls to take a short spring to
approach them, and as they step in they cover the
nest ; having laid, they jump down and are away from
them. Nests so low and easy of access that a fowl can
stand upon the floor and reach the egg are conducive
to egg-eating, while this plan, with one or two earthen
nest eggs kept in the nest, will seldom bring about
the evil. The plan gives a sense of security and
secrecy. If you have only a village lot, and are limited
in space, and the flock has from necessitj^ to be con-
fined upon the least possible amount of ground, each
house and shed should have two yards, that one may
be sowed with oats while the fowls occupy the other —
and when the oats are four to five inches high, let the
flock occupy this yard while the other is treated in like
manner, thus furnishing the raw vegetable food so
necessary to them. Besides, this treatment keeps the
yard clean and sweet. These fowls, so yarded, will eat
all, even scratching the roots out of the ground, giving
them a needed exercise.
Do not forget that if you would reap the best re-
sults in eggs, and eggs that will hatch, that the closer
you follow our advice in this matter the better you will
be off. If you sow these yards but once in a season
you may fairly calculate that your profit will be fifty
cents on the dollar, and the death rate in your flock
large. Go into a hen yard that is so small as to be
barren, and cut down with a spade, and for about an
inch of the crusted top you will find a dirty green mat-
ter, full of poison to the fowls. Do you wonder that
they die of cholera or suffer from scurvy legs when
confined for months in such yards with no green food ?
Why should they be otherwise? And yet we keep
them there and eat the fowls so confined.
We are aware that small flocks give the owner a
greater individual yield in eggs, but when we are
building for their sole use, and catering for large
numbers of them as a business, we can best do this in
houses of two tenements for fifty each. Poultry-raising
must of necessity become of more and more import-
ance, and in view of all this we have recommended the
building to that end. If 5,000 fowls are to be kept, it
is an easy matter to construct fifty such houses. If
you wish to limit your operations to a home flock, then
build a small house on the same plan.
To build for the use of growing chickens on the
farm, or wherever the natural way is adhered to, which
is of course the best way, we have but one plan to
offer. We have to nearly grow the young stock to
replace the old before we are ready to kill off the old
fowls. These chickens from this necessity have to occupy
their chicken quarters into the fall of the year ; at least
it is most convenient for us that they should. Many a
breeder uses old three-cornered coops because they
used to do so in old times ; many know better, and are
aware that the extra growth and merit in one season's
crop of chickens would more than pay the cost of new
ones, yet he will keep on making them do, knowing
that the sooner he shall resort to comfortable quarters
that all subsequent seasons the change will bring him
a profit.
Our plan is to hatch enough chickens at one time
that we may double up the broods and give twenty-
chicks to one hen to occupy the coops, as per cut
below, being three feet wide at the base and five feet
long, with thirty-inch posts, with a paling frame, the
paling being three inches apart, used in the front while
the hen is confined therein with her brood, the same
being removed at weaning time and three roosts put in,
as indicated by the three dark spots. In this house
the twenty chickens can harbor till the fall. Five
such coops as these would serve a colony of one hundred
chickens if placed twenty-five feet apart, say upon
a square, 30x30, with the odd one in the center. When
the males are removed, at twelve weeks old, to be
shipped as broilers, two of the coops could be removed
to serve a later hatched colony, the three coops re-
maining would be sufficient to accommodate the
pullets till they were removed in the fall to the winter
quarters made vacant by the killing of the old stock.
These quarters should be thoroughly cleansed with
lime-wash, and fresh gravel and loam supplied to the
floor to the depth of four inches, when they would soon
repay your outlay by discounting in the shape of eggs.
A single brood of chicks will thrive and take care
of themselves. With care, one hundred can be reared
in a flock, and all do well. But if more are to be
reared care should be taken to confine those of the
same age together — the February and March chickens
in one field, April and May chickens in another, and
those hatched later in a third. With such care each lot
will be found to do well ; but if running all together
the young ones will get trampled to death by the
older ones. One hundred chickens hatched the same
week, colonized upon one feeding lot, would all grow
up an even lot. These colonies could be located so as
to feed four hundred upon an acre of land, and the
result be good.
Smaller coops for village use, where one or two flocks
are reared for home use, can be made thirty inches
square, sides fifteen inches high, double roof, sides, end
and roof made of matched board, except the front end,
which may be palings three inches apart ; these will ac-
commodate twelve to fourteen chickens till the fall.
Many think anything will do for a chicken coop, and
stakes driven in front of a barrel are resorted to regard-
less as to how near one paling is to another. In confin-
ing hens with their chickens the distance between the
palings should be no nearer than to confine the hen, and
when she weans her brood the door to the coop should
be left open. The nailing on of the slats so near as to
make it difficult for the chickens to squeeze through
is the fruitful cause of so many crooked, ill-formed
fowls. We have seen an entire brood so deformed
from being reared beside a picket fence. It is pleasant
to see a bird grow up perfect. But this deformity
many times makes a difference of ten dollars in a man's
purse at show time. Keep this in mind, my amateur
reader, when building for the chickens.
In these larger coops it will be seen they are fash-
ioned with an awning front. The natural tendency of
the chickens to stand outside the palings to feed makes
this a necessity in wet weather, and it prevents the hot
sun from making the coops uncomfortable in hot
weather. He who looks out for these little comforts
in building does more than he thinks toward filling his
purse in the fall. It is the last point that wins the
prizes. In the use of the same coops spoken of, if they
can be placed under a shed it will pay. We may have
four birds to score ninety-two points and bring us ten
dollars each, but if by care and these little attentions
we bring one up to ninety-five points and win over all,
the price oftentimes reaches ten times that sum. One
such bird pays for this extra care and building for their
comfort. One thing is certain, we never reach this
excellence when we are careless of the well-being and
comfort of our growing stock. And it is fair to say
the whole flock is correspondingly better if your best
one has beaten in a fair competition your neighbor's
We have no sympathy with the breeder who stands
under a sun umbrella and watches his hens with their
extended wings gasping for breath when he complains
of the death-rate in his flock. Watch at ten to eleven
o'clock in a warm day and see the chickens and fowls
retire to a shady spot and remain till four o'clock in
the afternoon. If your yards are not furnished with
shade trees then provide for shade by building open
sheds. The expense will not be great and will prove
to be most economical in the long run. In all build-
ings for poultry it is not the question what a coop costs,
but what is the difference between what good coops
and the very best coop will cost. A coop is a necessity.
If the better one will secure you ten more eggs in a
year from each hen, then in building for fifty hens it is
policy to build the best one at an additional cost of
fifty dollars. For the investment brings a twenty per
cent income on the same. We believe the best is the
cheapest in the end.
A building set apart for incubation is one of im-
portance, yet it can be used for wintering males when
not in use for hatching chickens. This can be any size
one cares to make it, but it must be heated in winter
to sixty degrees if you are to reap the best results.
To build one convenient, and to accommodate the
largest number possible, 1 should build 18x36 feet,
with 7-foot posts, leaving a walk around the entire
room 2^ feet wide, and a 3-foot walk down the middle.
Between these walks I should build two tiers of setting
rooms, which would give me 120 feet in length and 5^
feet in width. This would consist of a shelf on which
to set the nest, and yard or dust-room to each of
four feet. The room can be made in sections 4x4, in
which three hens can dust as they leave the nest
they occupy on the shelves spoken of, or one can
carry the plan further and by partitions make each
hen a dusting room of fifteen inches wide and four
feet long. Let the breeder do as he pleases in this.
The plan gives space for setting ninety-six hens at
one time. The lower tier can be upon the ground,
the tier over it, the platform could be covered by
earth four inches deep and by sprinkling down these
runs occasionally the heat of the room would preserve
a humid atmosphere. The nest boxes should be fifteen
inches square. Being portable, they can be taken away
at will to be cleansed and made up new. If the house be
nine-foot posted a third tier of these nest accommoda-
tions could be added. Let the building end to the south,
and glass four feet wide extend from sill to gable, the
door in the north end. For a short time each day open
door and window and have a draught of air through.
To air it out in summer they could be left open and the
room kept comfortable. In winter ventilate from the
bottom, your ventilations reaching from floor to cupola.
In heating this house let the temperature be forty at
the bottom and sixty at the height of a man's head,
which would be two feet above the second row of nests.
If three tiers were put in we would let the temperature
run down so that sixty degrees would register at the
height of the third row of nests.
If only the ground was used one could build the
rows by frames of wire eighteen inches high only, and
all in portable frames to hook together. So, also, can
the partition be portable, where two tiers are in use,
and when you had hatched all the chickens for the
season they could be taken down and packed away.
This house in winter is a necessity if broilers are to be
the business of the breeder. This house must be
warmed. Why, there are not three hens in five that
show a disposition to set before April ist that will
hatch a chicken, for the reason they have not heat
enough to counteract the atmospheric influence and to
hatch the eggs. The warming of this room reduces
the atmospheric influence to summer heat, and leaves
the heat of the hen to do the work. Nature times the
incubating inclinations of the fowls and birds at a season
when sixty degrees of Fahrenheit heat is the average
temperature. This plan is the best as a saving of labor.
If you will carry it out to setting two hens in one yard,
dividing into thirty inch by four feet yards, there will
be no trouble, and when they come off with their broods, •
as a rule, will agree. We would heat the house by
means of a common hot-house boiler, running the
waterpipe around the entire room, the boiler being
stationed in the north end, at the door, and passing the
pipe down the west side and returning on the east.
These nests I would make up by a layer of carbolic
lime in the bottom and hay chaff above, with as Httle
hay or cut straw as would nicely form a nest, which
should be made flat on the bottom (and by watchful-
ness be kept so), the nest being large enough for
the eggs to lay without crowding, the shape to be as
near the shape of a well formed egg cut through from
end to end. If there is a raiser who does not compre-
hend my meaning, let him boil an egg hard and cut it
in two, longways, the flat side will be the shape of the
bottom of the nest, in miniature. If chaff cannot be
had, then fill the boxes up with sandy loam two inches,
and sprinkle the earth well with water, and spread a
handful of carbolic lime over it and build the nest of
hay or straw, not using a large amount. The heat will
draw the moisture — the moist heat so necessary for
From November to March, even in these warmed
houses, put but eleven eggs under a hen, unless she be
of good size, when thirteen may be the number. After
April 1st thirteen may be the uniform number used.
Place all the nests on the outside, and feed from the
middle passage, water and feed arranged so they can
run their heads out through the slats to obtain it.
These birds will invariably feed and drink before nine
o'clock each morning, when all the droppings should be
raked off by means of a fine rake and taken away, and
the house have the airing out spoken of above.
After April ist the chicken houses designed for
twenty chickens (see cut) could be utilized by putting
in a row of three nests on the back side, making the
nests on the ground, and a portable yard for dusting
be attached, all being outdoors. When they hatch, the
house should be thoroughly whitewashed and one of
the hens left with twenty chickens, before spoken of.
A very good mode of setting hens is to sink a barrel
on its side one-third into the ground, filling up with
earth even with the earth on the outside, using a small
quantity of hay to form the nest, especially in early
spring. This, you see, will prevent the cold air from
reaching the eggs through the hay from the under side
and chilling them, while the earth in the barrel becomes
heated by the hen, which increases your chances for
an early brood. Place one of the small chicken-coops
described in the front of the barrel, and by the means of
a slide-door admit the hen to and from the nest. The
coop becomes a feeding and dusting yard for her while
sitting, and a home for her and her brood when hatched,
besides preventing her from deserting her eggs. As
the season approaches June and July pour into the
barrel, before putting in the earth, a half-pailful of
water. The heat of the hen will draw the moisture up
and prevent too rapid evaporation in the eggs, and
secure for you a better hatch.
By setting an even number at a time and doubling
up the broods you can reset the hens thus released
(which generally do better the second time), by which
means you secure eighteen clutches of chickens from
twelve incubating hens, which will produce, as a rule,
about one hundred and twenty-five chickens that will
be marketable. The overplus will be found to not
more than make good the casualties and deformities.
This plan of hatching and rearing the chickens away
from your fowl-houses releases them from and pre-
vents the incubation of millions of lice, which are
generally produced by setting the hens where they are
in the habit of laying. If you wish to see every louse
and red-spider louse, which is the same as the bed-bug
for the human family, concentrated into twenty inches
square, just allow a few hens to incubate in the laying
room of your hen-houses. The day before the hens
are to hatch, let the place of setting them be what it
may, it will pay you to sprinkle the eggs and wet down
about the nest, and to make sure that the nest is per-
fectly flat. At this time the egg-shells are very brittle.
If the nest is hollow, so all the eggs press toward the
center, the chances are that there will be more or less
killed in the nest and more or less eggs will ,be-
come crushed in, and the chicken prevented from
liberating itself. The chicken first, by aid of a little
cone-shaped nib on the beak, presses against the shell
and chips a hole. Air begins then to inflate its
lungs, and he in his struggle begins to turn in the shell,
he all the time pressing this nib against the shell. In this
way he cuts a seam around the shell, and when this is
accomplished the shell falls in twain and the chicken
comes to the outside world independent of all else but
warmth and feed to secure its growth.
If these shells become crushed in, then the chicken
cannot turn in the shell, and it dies. The same is the
result if the hen has set too constantly, and the chicken
is dried in the shell, as it is called. The last is helped
by immersing the eg^ in warm water for a moment the
day before they are due to hatch. Sometimes breeders
chip a hole in the shell and thus remove the chicken.
When this occurs the keeper should break the shell
away from the opening, and if where the chicken has
broken through the inner lining looks dry for about a
circle of half an inch down then the chicken must be
liberated. This is best done by crumbling the large end
of the egg, then rupture the skin and roll it toward the
other end to prevent bleeding ; liberate the head only
and leave the chicken's body in the other half of the
shell and place it under the hen again. If the hen has
covered her eggs in a proper manner for twenty-one
days, the morning of the twenty-second they should be
examined and the shells broken, and if the chickens are
alive they should be helped out, but as a rule those
helped from the shell on or after the twenty-second day
seldom live to amount to anything. The hen as a
rule will remain on the nest after the chickens are
hatched for twelve to twenty hours, or till the chickens
nearly all come out from under her and show a disposi-
tion to eat. Then she will leave her nest with her
brood. If the hen is to be reset the chickens should be
taken from her as fast as hatched and passed under the
hen we intend to rear them, for when a hen once calls
her brood from the nest she will seldom submit to be
Many rear their chickens artificially after hatching
them by the natural means, and make each hen set for
six to nine weeks, and even for twelve weeks has a hen
been induced to remain on the nest. Turkeys are easily
taught to do the work of incubation ; they are easily
managed for that length of time. We think that even
where artificial means are used no one should buy
an incubator till they have first learned the lesson
to rear artificially the chickens. This can be easily
done by taking care of a season's flock hatched by
hens, by the use of brooders, and buildings for their
use, and as the broiler business commences in October
one is ready for practical operation when chicken-
hatching by natural means has closed.
We have known of instances where hundreds of
chickens have been reared during a winter when the
only brooding facilities afforded them consisted of sev-
eral wooden boxes lined with flannel or woolen carpet
or old buffalo skin, the boxes being placed near a stove
at night and in severe weather. There are many farm-
ers who rear all their spring chickens in this way,
and some of them sell several hundred dollars' worth
every year. There is absolutely no obstacle to the
successful prosecution of this work, provided always
that the chickens are given the proper treatment. If
they have warmth, fresh air, cleanliness, freedom from
vermin, gravelly sand to run on, a variety of food and a
daily supply of either chopped grass, oats, cabbage or let-
tuce, they may be raised in any number desired. These
conditions are absolutely essential.
There can never be an artificial mother invented
that will equal the mother hen, and when we consider
the many failures of the hen to hatch her eggs in the
early part of the season we can see of what value an
incubator perfect in its work would be, for it makes
every hen, inclined to sit, of far more than double her
original value, for she can be furnished chicks to rear
of double the number she would be able to hatch, and
in cases of failure to hatch a full brood of twenty to
thirty chicks can be supplied for her to rear. There is
no artificial heat to compare with the breast and feath-
ers of the hen. Yet the farmer's plan awakens an in-
ventive genius for a brooder, and teaches us a lesson of
not relying too much upon the brooder itself. We are
aware that hens crush quite a percentage of the chick-
ens in the nest. To obviate this all hens that have
been sitting sixteen days on eggs can be relieved of
them and the eggs placed in the incubator during the
last three to five days of incubation, and that percent-
age saved, thus making a good incubator of far more
value as an auxiliary with the hens in this important
work of reproduction. Our plan for a chicken house is
different from all others we have examined, and our
brooders different. But Mr. Tribon, of Brockton, Mass.,
has the same thing, to all intents and purposes, only he
uses a plain sheet of zinc instead of the water pans,
relying on dry hot air, which we are not sure is just as
well in the winter as to secure the moist heat over hot
water, as per our plan of brooders.
5X (2
\/" V N^ V" V^ ^ ^
5X 12
Hall Way 3 ft. wide -6 Inches lower than the Chicken Rooms
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4-
Our chicken house is 15x40 feet in the main build-
ing, cut up into a hallway (see ground plan), 3x40 feet,
and six inches lower than the chicken rooms, eight in
number, matching the eight wire projections 5x4 in
front to enable the chicks to take the air at will. They
should be induced to take advantage of them by feed-
t4 -^
ing- them meat, exciting them to exercise while enjoy-
ing the tidbits of their noon meal. Each of the 5x12
foot rooms is furnished with a brooder (see Figs. 3 and
4), the base (Fig. 3) being made square in front with a
door to admit the lamp, the two sides and rear end
being cut mitering, so as to have a base nine inches
high. On this base rests a galvanized iron pan three-
fourths of an inch deep, the rear flange wide enough to
let through a tube of tin one and one-half inches in
diameter, that all smoke may escape from as well as
give draft to the lamp. Above the flange of the pan
(by which means it it is held in its position) a strip one-
half inch, or say three-fourths inches thick, and one
inch wide is nailed, except on each side and end is left
a gap of one inch, making an air-hole three-fourths by
one inch (see Fig. 3.), and upon this rim rests the
floor of the brooder one-half inch thick, thus leaving
between the floor and the water in the pan an air-space
one inch in height. In the center of brooder floor see
tube two inches high and one and one-half inches in
diameter that draws the hot air up from over the tank
as it becomes warmed in its passage from the sides
through the air-hole over the water, and it is radiated
out over the chicks and escapes through the fringe of
the brooder cover (Fig 4), the cover resting on the base
(Fig. 3), as indicated by dotted lines. The brooder is
heated by a kerosene lamp of the Diamond burner
style. The base of brooder is 45x48 inches when it
rests on the floor, and 30x36 on the floor of the
brooder, the cover being 22x30 inches long. On a
warm night the chicks will lay all round the cover on
the rim of the floor outside, and for this reason we
make the cover smaller than the floor of the brooders.
By our ground plan you see from the hallway these
brooders (Fig. 2, A) are fitted into the chicken rooms
so the floor of the brooder only rises two inches above
the chick's earth floor ; this gives them easy access to
the brooder. This we believe the best and cheapest
brooder one can build, except Mr. Tribon's, of Brock-
ton, spoken of. In winter we see no reason why it
would not work as well, and come a trifle cheaper.
These conveniences with the house is sufificient to rear
four hundred chickens to four weeks old, when they can be
removed to a house of like dimensions, which may be
heated by a stove, and the chicks taught to go to roost
on low roosts, as we do not believe in the use of the
brooder more than four weeks. At the end of the four
weeks in their second house they can be removed to the
houses described before for growing stock and laying
hens, with three houses like the one illustrated, using
the brooder for four weeks in one only ; one has ac-
commodation for the growing of twelve hundred broil-
ers all the time, as at twelve weeks the males are ready
for market and the females should be taken to their
laying quarters. Fifty are kept in a colony through
all these stages of growth.
Print this in large letters and post it up in every
house used for chicken raising. For this reason we
represent all the chicken rooms with rounded corners,
made so by sheet tin or straw board or leather-board or
tar felting. Let the circle be as large as the middle of
a flour-barrel. Chickens will huddle in a corner, and a
corner is a dangerous place to be crowded into ; being
unable to liberate themselves they go down and under,
being deprived of air, and many are trampled to death.
The care to dispose of the corners in these rearing de-
partments will save you many dollars in the course of
a year.
These brooders will not do all the work alone. The
house must be kept warm enough to keep the chickens
from crowding the brooders. When the house is cool
they will cling to the brooders. This cannot be a
healthy condition of things. A stove will answer all
purposes, for the brooders themselves will do much
toward heating the house if the ventilation be prop-
erly cared for. The house should be ventilated from
the hall-way, it being the lowest place ; yet it should
be furnished with ventilation at the roof in seasons of
wet, cold weather, that all dampness from roof by frost
may be carried off. Keep the house at fifty degrees
six inches from the floor. This would be sixty-five to
seventy degrees at the height of a man's head. Re-
member the chickens are compelled to stay on the
floor. If this is done they will not use the
brooders except as they come in from their out-
door noon runs and at night. Thus they escape the
unhealthy conditions that follow huddling, which is in-
creased by a cold house. Two houses such as we have
described, with an incubator of five hundred and sixty
egg capacity will enable a breeder to hatch and rear one
hundred chickens a week. This will give him four weeks
for each incubation, and only the hatching of about
seventy-two per cent of reasonably fertile eggs — those
that stand the tenth day test. This, it will be seen by
our experiment in the foregoing chapters, will be far
below the work that others have accomplished, but a
reasonable average and about that of the natural way-
experienced by the fowls themselves.
All this care you must learn by experience, and, as
we have said, it will cost you less for this experience if
you furnish yourself with all these conveniences before
buying the incubator. This getting experience with
large numbers of chickens before we know how to
creep has driven three-fourths of all who have under-
taken it out of the business, and poultry culture has been
condemned by them when it was owing to their own
incapacity or want of experience that led to failure.
My reader, if you have no money to put into the
business, keep out of it, for poultry keeping is not a
business to be run successfully without capital. When
we say that poultry will pay the most for the amount
of capital invested we do not mean it to be understood
that you can make poultry pay with no capital. Con-
stant watchfulness does the work. We have catered for
fifty chickens in a brooder, because we think a woman
can take care of twice if not three times as many as
she can in larger broods, where five times that number
run together. We believe also that the chickens will
be larger. For the food consumed at the end of four
months of age, if the increase of weight should be but
one ounce each, how long will it take you to pay for
the extra cost of building? Take your pencil and
see what an item it will be to a man who rears but
five thousand chickens a year. Three hundred and
thirteen pounds of poultry meat per year will build quite
a village of breeding-houses in the course of ten years.
IN the closing of a previous chapter we left our
reader with the chickens to be taken from the hatch-
ing quarters. But we go back a step to consider the
feed and care of the fowls to produce the eggs in the
shell fit for incubating. We have given you our plans
for houses. The fowls who occupy them may be fed
with boiled vegetables (purslane, cabbage, squash, seed-
cucumbers or potatoes), mashed with wheat-bran and
cornmeal while hot, feeding the same at the morning
meals in such quantities as will be eaten up by nine
o'clock, allowing the flock to forage till four or five o'clock,
when a full feed of small grain and a small portion of
corn may be given to them, adding to the morning
meal fresh ground scraps or meat in some form, three
days in each week. This will be found sufficient till
the frost prevents the further growing of forage crops ;
then change the feed to what soft food they will eat up
at the morning meal, — small grains, sunflower seed,
etc., at noon, and what corn they will eat at evening.
This will maintain the most even animal heat for the
twenty-four hours ; it being health and heat that pro-
duce the eggs, the hen being simply a machine which,
if carefully run, must produce the o.^^ or die. During
the winter months, feed chopped cabbage and turnips,
and rowen hay. Rowen clover is an excellent substi-
tute for grass, and is the only thing we can find that
will produce eggs that will make the golden sponge-
cake in winter.
It also preserves the plumage in all the brightness
and beauty possible, and is a grand help toward pre-
serving the vitality of the eggs for incubating pur-
poses; nor must we forget to feed, during confinement,
in the soft feed, as often as once each week, sulphur in
doses of a dessertspoonful to ten hens. Pulverized
charcoal will be found an excellent thing to occasion-
ally feed with the soft food, or in a crushed form, for
the fowls to go to at will, — charred grain being the
very best form, but it is most expensive ; corn, roasted
like coffee, being a nice way to furnish it. In a nut-
shell, let the adults who are to produce the eggs we set
be fed with vegetables, fish, flesh and grain daily, if con-
venient to do so. Let the vegetables be mashed with
excelsior meal. To care for the flocks, to get the best
eggs and the largest number, is really a science. When
one keeps a large number it is an easy matter to have
a. ^^ fat hens' coop,'' so-called. Eggs laid by an exceed-
ingly fat hen seldom prove fertile. The keeper who is
up to his business has two pens, which he calls the
lea7i quarters and the fat pen. At night, as he goes his
rounds, and feels of the birds to note their condition,
he will notice one, it may be, or two — sometimes three,
in a flock of twenty-five, that are excessively fat. These
should be placed by themselves and fed with sulphur,
wheat, bran and oats till reduced to a nice working
order, when their eggs may be expected to hatch.
Again, the keeper finds here and there a lean one ; of
these he makes a pen, to which he feeds meal, corn
and fat-producing food till he betters their condition,
and thus he shows himself master of his business, and
will find in the end the profits on the right side of the
ledger. Ventilation, feed and flesh all in perfect order,
and there will be no grumbling because the birds look
shabby or that the eggs do not hatch.
IN treating this subject we have nothing new to
offer beyond the experience of thirty years with
the different breeds. We know that regularity in
feeding, protection from storm and cold winds, warm,
well ventilated quarters, and wholesome, sweet food, all
these are essential to success in poultry raising. Exer-
cise in the open air a part of each day is an absolute
necessity. If engaged in rearing fowls artificially you
cannot be told too often that the chickens must go out
of doors, if but for ten minutes each and every day ;
that the houses must be kept warm enough to prevent
their going to the brooder only as a child runs to the
stove to warm as they come in from the sharp air of
winter, or retire for the night. This, and the regular
course of feeding which we now offer you in a bill of
fare, is our course pursued from shell to griddle and
the spit.
'"I The first meal for chickens after being taken from
the nest should be boiled eggs, chopped fine, shells
and all, also baked corn cake or excelsior meal cake
crumbled into scalded milk ; no fluid as drink but the
scalded milk. After the first twenty-four hours, after
their gizzards have become filled with egg-shell, gravel,
etc., let their meal in the early morning be excelsior
meal, bread and scalded milk; at ten o'clock granulated
corn; at two o'clock the excelsior, bread and milk, and at
six o'clock canary seed, millet seed, and granulated
corn. This if the hen be confined and the chickens
have their liberty to find grass and insect food. Thus
feed till two weeks old, when it will be found that few
or any deaths will have occurred, and the chickens
started well for rapid and vigorous growth. If the
season be winter and we are raising them by artificial
means — by brooders — and all food furnished to them
in confined quarters, like those described in our
chicken house and its brooders, we would have a rule
by which the attendant should feed them each and
every day, to-wit : after they were two weeks old, add-
ing to the above mode of feeding till two weeks old,
boiled beef or sheep's haslets, chopped fine, one meal
per day ; also green oats raised in frames at the win-
dows, cut fine. To take its place when short of the
green oats, steamed rowen clover, chopped fine ; this,
with the use of boiled fish, would supply the place of
the green grass and such food natural for them in sum-
mer, without which chickens cannot be reared. They
must have vegetables, meat and grain, and have them
every day, if good results are to follow. Chickens at
two weeks old, thus started for us, we would continue
the bill of fare, to-wit :
Breakfast. — Excelsior meal, bread and milk.
Ten O'CLOCK Meal. — Boiled meat, chopped fine,
with steamed clover.
Two O'CLOCK Dinner. — Excelsior meal, bread and
Supper. — Granulated corn, oats and barley.
Breakfast. — The broth in which meat was boiled,
thickened while it was boiling (and when the meat was
taken out) with excelsior meal.
Ten O'CLOCK. — Chopped mangel wurzel beets,
and after eating what they would, allow to finish fill-
ing their crops with granulated corn.
Two O'CLOCK Dinner. — The balance of the broth,
mush and a pan of sour milk, if to be had, to pick at till
five or six o'clock.
Supper. — All the granulated corn, oats and wheat
they would eat should be given.
Breakfast. — Fish chowder made palatable with
salt and pepper, boiled potatoes, and thickened with
cornmeal and shorts.
Ten O'CLOCK. — Oats and wheat, and all the steamed
clover or green chopped oats they would eat.
Dinner. — Cracked corn and balance of the chowder
if not wholly disposed of at the morning meal.
Supper. — Cracked corn and barley.
Breakfast. — Chopped sheeps' haslets and warm
mush of wheat, bran and cornmeal.
Ten O'CLOCK. — Cracked corn and wheat.
Dinner. — All the steamed clover they would eat,
and as dessert what excelsior meal cake they would
dispose of.
Supper. — Cracked corn and oats. Give sour milk in
a pan to go to at will.
Breakfast. — The meat soup thickened with excel-
sior meal.
Ten o'clock. — Green oats, chopped onions and
light feed of granulated corn.
Dinner. — Balance of the broth, mush and barley
to finish up.
Supper. — Cracked corn and wheat.
Breakfast. — Raw chopped meat and excelsior
meal mush, scalded and fed warm.
Ten o'clock. — Chopped cabbage, lettuce and tur-
nips, or mangel wurzels, throwing then a little granu-
lated corn.
Dinner. — Excelsior mush with barley.
Supper. — Granulated corn and oats.
Breakfast. — Fish chowder, warm (made as above).
Ten o'clock. — Steamed rowen clover and barley.
Dinner. — Excelsior meal cake and scalded milk.
Supper. — Cracked corn and wheat with sour milk
ad libitum.
It is not absolutely necessary to bake excelsior for
them after the chickens are two weeks old. It may be
scalded, but we think it pays to bake it. We make
the excelsior meal by grinding into a fine meal in the
following proportions : twenty pounds of corn, fifteen
pounds of oats, ten pounds of barley, ten pounds of
wheat bran. We make the cakes by taking one quart
of sour milk or buttermilk, adding a little salt and
molasses, one quart of water in which a large heaping
teaspoonful of saleratus has been dissolved, then thicken
all with the excelsior meal to a little thicker bat-
ter than your wife does for corn cakes. Then bake in
shallow pans till thoroughly cooked. We believe a
well appointed kitchen and brick oven pays, and in the
baking of this food enough for a Aveek can be cooked
at a time. Our brick -oven should be heated once a
week, when the sheeps' haslets could be baked so
they will chop easily on baking day: but if steam
boilers are used the food can all be steamed easier.
Granulated corn we secure by first grinding the corn
into a coarse meal and bolting out the fiour that comes
from the chit, so-called, or endosperm. Oat groats
or steamed oats may be fed dry; this is expensive,
but during the first two weeks will be a very nice food
for them. After continuing the bill of fare described
from two weeks till eight weeks old, the chickens can
be taken to the fowl quarters, and enter on three
meals per day, which can be what any grown fowl
would eat. vBut vegetable foo'd and meat food must
be regularly given, for so long as muscle and bone are
growing we must cater for them and furnish muscle
and bone-growing material.^
Corn furnishes eleven per cent only of muscle and
one per cent of bone.
Wheat, 15 per cent of muscle, i per cent of bone.
Barley, 17 per cent muscle, 2 per cent bone.
Oats, 22 per cent muscle, 3 per cent bone.
Beans, 22 per cent muscle, no bone but rich in
nerve tissue.
Thus we have in the excelsior meal feed 17 per cent
of muscle-growing material and ij4 per cent of bone-
growing substance. This excelsior meal feed has the
praise of all who have used it, and when we assert that
hens lay 20 per cent more eggs, and that Asiatics will
weigh one pound more at twelve weeks old by its use
in baked cakes and scalded milk, we but state a fact
that can be vouched for. But we are asked : Why be
at the trouble of making this meal when we can feed
these different grains from day to day? We answer by
saying. You will not take the pains to feed them
every day, and in the proportion named. We all know
that in plant life it is necessary for thrift and growth
and a full crop that the ground in which it is planted
must contain the constituents that go to make up the
plant we would raise ; that if but one of the ingredi-
ents be wanting that growth ceases, — so it is in this
excelsior meal. The fact that more eggs are secured
and larger chickens grown by its use, over the old farm
way of raising them, should be the one fact to secure
its use. Let the gain be but two ounces each on five
thousand chickens in a year and we have six hundred
and sixty-six pounds of broilers, which, at forty cents
per pound, gives us the net sum of $266.40, which will
pay pretty well for making what bread we feed to them
before they are twelve weeks old.
Again, we cook the food and it is kept sweet until
eaten up. No sour pans and fermenting food lying
about. The old water-and-meal dough that in one
hour in the sun commences to ferment, the old boards
and ground, sour as can be, the continued eating of
this sour mixture off the sour boards and ground, dis-
turbed state of the bowels, acrid discharges, diarrhoea,
and death, are all prevented and a rapid growth in-
stead secured, because the chickens are healthy and
the pullets raised to lay earlier in life, and to be
better layers through life for your trouble. Is
the picture overdrawn? Try the excelsior meal, and
if we have made a mistake, notify us. We are aware
that seed food is the natural food for fowls, and for this
reason we recommend the granulated corn, for it can
be fed dry with the millet and canary seed to fill their
crops at night, as we give the adults corn and grain to
retire on, and substituting the larger grains as they
grow to be able to swallow and masticate them. We
are sensible that raw meat can be fed in such quanti-
ties as to be unwholesome for them. At liberty in the
summer time they secure all that is necessary till frost
comes and closes the earth and prevents the earth-
worms comJng to the surface, and cuts off the insect
supply, when we must furnish it to them in the shape
of flesh and fish in a reasonable supply. We have tried
to designate what that should be in our bill of fare.
In keeping large numbers of fowls it is easy to cater
as indicated in the foregoing. Milk is a whole food in
itself, and where one lives near a creamery skim milk
and buttermilk can be had at from eight to fourteen
cents per can. We would keep it on hand for daily use
even at the highest price named.
As soon as the males are large enough to weigh
three pounds to the pair take them to suitable fatting
pens, furnished with clean gravel, and feed four times a
day on corn and barley-meal and pork scraps scalded
together, also corn and barley whole, with crushed
charcoal in a box, that they may help themselves ; give
one feed a day of chopped celery and whole corn ;
darken this coop for two hours after feeding. In ten
to fourteen days they will be plump and weigh four
pounds to the pair, and be appreciated by our seaside
If we are to make roasters of them, if Plymouth
Rock, grow to five months old, if Brahma, to six and a
half months old, then shut them up for a two weeks'
fattening process, as spoken of above, when they will be
surely first-class roasters.
As the pullets are to be kept for egg producers, a
different course should be pursued. We believe first
in selecting the best layers as stock birds ; we also
b'elieve they can be reared to be better layers by feeding
almost wholly muscle and bone material, and avoiding
all fat-producing food. When eight weeks old let them
have all the exercise they can be induced to take ; let
their food be milk, wheat, flesh, fish, and constant
supply of green vegetable food, and you will find they
will commence earlier to lay and be the better and
more prolific egg-machines, for you built them into such
a structure. Note the diiTerence in the number of eggs
laid by such a flock as compared with the pullets bred
haphazard, and who have roughed it for an existence
up to six months old.
Through all this course see to it that all drinking-
pans are kept clean and that the water be changed at
the very least once each day. We believe it will pay
you to do it twice, morning and at four o'clock. Roup
of itself is not contagious, only as through the drinking
vessels. It is therefore advisable to have a hospital,
to which remove all ailing stock. If you do not care to
doctor them, kill all sick and ailing specimens on
their discovery. When the chickens reach an age from
sixteen to twenty-six weeks old, — classing the breed, to
wit : the Leghorns and other small breed, sixteen to
twenty weeks ; Plymouth Rock and other middle size
fowls at eighteen to twenty-four weeks, and Asiatics
at twenty- six weeks old, — they will be seen to be
dropping their hackle and tail feathers. At this indi-
cation be on the look out for what we term distemper,
which seems as sure to come as measles with children.
They show very red in face and comb, they act in a
listless manner, showing a disposition to sit on the
roost or ground, and move exceedingly slow. As this
falling of feathers becomes apparent, put at the ratio
of two grains of bromide of potassium in the water
they would naturally drink in a day, every other day
for a fortnight, when the trouble will be disposed of,
many being prevented from having it at all, others
having it lightly^' The disease is generally followed by
thirst, which may oe adjusted by a dose of from one and
a-half to three grains, as the thirst compels or induces
them to drink. They generally eat but little while the
trouble lasts, which will be about three days, when
they return to their food and all is over. Bad cases,
where the face swells and the nostrils run, will make it
necessary to inject into them by the aid of a crowji
bottom oil filler, kerosene oil, and the throat should be
\ gargled with the same, when it will be found all that is
I necessary to ward off the roup in nineteen cases in
I twenty, and then the twentieth case can be removed
jas recommended in roup.
While our bill of fare and care for chickens from
shell to griddle will apply to both the natural and arti-
ficial rearing of them, many of my readers will care
only to raise them to supply home consumption, and
perhaps some few early chickens that they may show
them at their fall fairs. Let this be as it may, it is
never advisable to hatch them till they will be able to
have quarters on the ground, when they will get the
young grass by the time they are four weeks old, for
they will certainly have rheumatism and prove worth-
less. If you hatch them earlier than this you must
sow frames erf oats in your kitchen windows, if you
have no hot-house, that the green oats may be had for
them each day as a substitute for the grass. These
frames, set upon the stove and warmed through, will in-
crease the growth of the oats, and a frame 20x30
inches will raise oats enough for a brood till the grass
comes in the spring. We are too many times apt to
believe»we can get along without this green food, or a
substitute. But to make sure of success, one should
have an acre or so of clover, which can be cut three
times by cutting when, say, six to eight inches high,
just before it blossoms — left to wilt in the sun and
finished drying in the barn lofts. In this way secure a
sufificient crop to make it serve you till you have
enough for the uses heretofore described. To enable
your customer for your egg to make the golden-colored
custard will be an inducement for them to remain your
customers; and remember this clover alone will do
this, fed to hens in winter. Again, be sure of this crop.
O say that the capabihties of poultry husoandry
have not been even dreamed of, could the artificial
hatching and raising of the chickens for broilers be
demonstrated as practical, none will deny. There is
actually no limit to the industry. Until 1884 ^o one
can claim the artificial plan as having proved a success.
The ever-increasing demand of our city hotels and res-
taurants, the rich families, and continual increase in
our summer resorts, has proved immense, and the de-
mand of the future for broilers, who shall estimate what
it will be? But whoever has seen a demand in the
country that did not create a supply? There is no
other resource than that artificial incubation and rear-
ing of the chickens must meet this demand. The
question is asked almost daily, " Is there an incubator
that is reliable in the hands of common people?" We
answer that in the hands of seventy-five per cent of the
human race. No. Is there an incubator that a man or
woman can be taught to run successfully? We answer.
Yes. And here is the first lesson to be taught, that
ordinary women and children cannot run incubators.
All the incubator makers up to one year ago have as-
serted that " any woman or child can run it." They
have deserved defeat, and their incubator has been
worthy only of condemnation. It has been the rock
on which their enterprise has failed. We beheve there
are incubators that can be run by intelligent men and
women, but there are none that can be run successfully
by people who have not come to the age of judgment,
for it is safe to say not one incubator in forty that have
been purchased has been run the second season. And
there is not an incubator put upon the market that can
be run successfully by the printed rules sent out with
it. We made this assertion to one of the most success-
ful incubator manufacturers, and it was not disputed.
The assertion is far from being a bold one, when made
against the incubators collectively. Yet we believe
"The Year" and the " Machine " have come when we
may be said 'to be looking upon the dawn of practical
artificial poultry culture. Let the incubator be what
make it may, the operator must love the work, learn
every piece and adaptability of its mechanism. He
may with profit be well schooled in embryology, the
influence of the atmosphere upon the eggs and its
work in connection with evaporation, the humidity of
the heat, the growth and increase of animal heat en-
gendered in the shells in conjunction with the temper-
ature surrounding the machine externally, the regula-
tion of the heat applied by the lamps or stoves. There
is not one of them all that does not fluctuate very
much, and each hour has to be watched and provided
for. The attendant alone is responsible for all this.
No child can do this, and not five per cent of the busi-
ness men and acknowledged smart women we meet can
do it. When the attendant becomes an expert he so
controls, as many have become able to do, these in-
fluences by the sense of feeling, to wit : putting his
hand into the incubator and judging by the feeling,
and not by looking at the thermometer, having become
so to speak a living thermometer. Then the machine
is safe in such hands ; such persons can be said to be
masters of the situation. Eternal vigilance has been
the price paid for this knowledge. With such intelli-
gence to control them may it be said that we have in
this year of our Lord, 1885, incubators that contain
within themselves the conditions nature furnishes for
hatching eggs. The egg is one of the most beautiful
of creations; yet how much depends upon the condi-
tion and care of the hen that laid it whether it ever
becomes a chicken.
To the careless observer it consists of ^but two ele-
ments within the shell, the yelk and the surrounding
albumen. Yet the careful student finds within these a
multiplicity of features and conditions quite beyond
the vision of the ordinary experimenter.
Now to study an egg requires a trained hand and
eye. It also requires in the student a knowlege of an-
atomy, and a skillful manipulation of the microscope.
As the embryo chicken advances in growth and
perfection, it is necessary that every phase and re-
quirement of its embryohood should be studied and
Professors Huxley, Agassiz, Foster, Balfour, Bisch-
off, Dollinger and Karl Ernst Von Baer, have de-
voted years to the study of the egg, and to their
scientific labors we owe most of our knowledge of
Their studies were confined entirely to the physio-
logical life of the chick, and none of them pursued
their labors to a utilitarian end ; that is, they worked
as scientists, not as inventors. Yet all knowledge
possible does not come amiss.
The greatest source of failure has been the endeavor
to make them self-regulating. Electricity has proved
too delicate, and therefore too treacherous a means, and
the temperature has fluctuated. Under the hen 105
is the extreme the eggs can reach ; and experience has
shown that if incubators run above 106 during incuba-
tion there will be a corresponding mortality; that if the
temperature goes to 1 15 degrees it may not decrease the
number hatched, yet it will cause a mortality among
the chickens from twenty-five to sixty per cent. When
the machines run evenly, never below 99 or above 105,
or in the use of incubator thermometers the heat be
maintained at 103 to 106 (they being gauged three
degrees high), then the mortality would not be beyond
three per cent over those hatched by the mother hen,
and, the same care exercised in the rearing of them, one
would have to be a keen observer to see any difference
between the incubator and naturally hatched one. It
is fair also to say, when the machine is allowed to run
so high that a certain per cent in increase in mortality
is discernible, that the chickens that live are impaired
in a like ratio as compared to those hatched and raised
in the old way.
As these chickens advance in the embryotic life
they engender animal heat. This increases each day
from the tenth to the twenty-first, when they break the
shell. This demands the attention of the man in
charge, and a constant change in the means of regu-
lating the incubator, and should be attended to every
sixteen hours, to say the least. Then how foolish it is
to say a machine can run alone. An incubator that
hatched its chickens at 105 degrees, the moment the
chickens are removed from it the temperature runs
down to 92. This shows that the chicks themselves
influence the heat twelve to thirteen degrees, and a
machine left to run itself would, when taking into it the
same amount of air, reach 1 17 degrees. If the regulator
prevented it by a larger amount of air admitted, the
moisture in the machine would become exhausted,
and the chickens dry in the shell and fail to hatch
at all. It is as the operator becomes an expert and
able to control all these complications that he or she
becomes valuable ; and the day is not far distant when
such experts will command from $1,000 to $3,000 a
year, for the poultry men have paid out all the money
they propose to for crude help on incubators ; and the
incubator that in the hands of even these experts will
hatch even ten per cent more than its competitors will
be the one to be used to the exclusion of all others. We
have been slow to recommend any particular incubator,
but for practical use the production of broilers in April
to September ist makes incubators a necessity. The
eggs must be hatched at a time of year from November
to March, when hens will not sit. We kick against
the pricks no longer, and say the time has come for
a reliable incubator, and experts in the form of intelli-
gent women to run them and to care for the chickens
hatched by them. Women, when interested in the
work, are better than men. We have tried to show
you the danger of crowding by the young chickens,
but ducks can be raised artificially with far less danger
in this respect. They can be grown in larger numbers
on the same ground and in flocks of from two to three
hundred with less danger of death by suffocation. The
best duck record we have any knowledge of was by the
use of the Monarch incubator, March i, 1885. One tray
was filled with duck eggs ; when tested it gave sixty-
seven fertile eggs, of which sixty-five hatched. May i6th,
two trays were filled with duck eggs and put in another
Monarch machine; 168 eggs proved fertile, and 164
eggs gave us ducks. At the next trial the whole
incubator was used, and from the 379 fertile eggs 362
ducklings came forth. It then being too late for
broilers the machines were used (four of them) solely
for duck eggs as fast as thirty-five ducks could furnish
them, till at the present writing 3,000 ducklings can be
seen upon this farm of James Rankin. Up to the time
1,800 were hatched, the oldest being but ten weeks old,
only three ducklings had died from any cause whatever.
At this time the oldest were being marketed and
weighing from near eight to eleven pounds to the pair.
The growth was surprising. The last hatch was July lo,
when 260 ducklings were hatched from 278 fertile eggs.
Thus has the percentage been from ninety-two to as
high as ninety-seven per cent of the fertile duck eggs.
These green ducks, as they are called, started off at
■$3.00 a pair in June, selling now (July 17) at $2.00 a pair.
In the meantime we have been marketing eighty pair a
week, the average age being nine weeks old and aver-
age price up to present writing being about $2.40 per
pair, and their cost twenty-six cents per head. Quite a
profit for a four-months' business. You can put these
young ducks into the brooding houses in lots of one
hundred and fifty each ; they need the brooders only
about ten days. Their first food should be the boiled
infertile eggs, boiled hard and mixed with an equal
amount of excelsior meal bread crumbs — the whole
peppered a little with cayenne pepper — and scalded
milk to drink, putting the milk in a fountain so they
can only put in their beaks to drink ; after the first two
or three days the baked excelsior meal bread and milk
can be abandoned, and cornmeal, two parts, oatmeal, one
part, and wheat bran, one part, with seven to ten per cent
ground beef scraps, scalded and let soak six to twelve
hours. This whole mixture can be scalded or mixed
with skim milk. Feed for first four weeks five times per
day — three times per day afterward — boiled potatoes
or other vegetables mashed with ground meal and
scraps. Ducklings need more meat and vegetables than
do chickens. When fattening them use milk for drink
and celery chopped fine for the last week if you wish to
give them the wild celery flavor of the wild mallard.
The Pekin duck was used in the foregoing experi-
ment. During all this time these young ducks have had
only water to drink given to them in fountain drinking
vessels in which they could only put their beak. The
very young duck should be confined in grass runs say'
20x150 feet. When six weeks old they may have
a field large enough to keep green. They graze like
cattle, and grass and vegetables must be furnished
them constantly.
Mr. Buffington, on seeing the success above stated,
put 400 eggs into his Monarch incubator. How many
infertile eggs were taken out on testing day we did not
learn, but 323 ducks were hatched and doing well.
We say so far as ducks are concerned artificial hatch-
ing and rearing is a success, and their growth rapid and
the ducklings larger than those hatched and left to
the natural care of mother ducks. That chickens are
being raised for broilers successfully we are compelled
to acknowledge, and we say that while heretofore we
have been no friend of or believer in incubators we wish
to be understood that at least we are no longer preju-
diced, and believe in the possibility that with experts to
run them they are the only means by which the broiler
business can be carried on successfully. We have
cited the use of the Monarch incubator for the rea-
son that the foregoing has been achieved by it and we
believe it less complicated and easier regulated and a
safe machine in the hands of people of general intelli-
gence. Other incubators are successful, but not being
personally acquainted with or knowing of experiments
resulting from them we speak only of this one.
We give this experiment in duck raising for the
reason that it is neAv, and a means whereby the fast de-
cHne in the wild duck and game supply of the country
in our opinion is to become a substitute. The past
season thousands of these green ducklings, celery and
milk and barley fattened, have caused the lips of many
an epicure to smack, with the accompanying assertion
that they gave unmistakable evidence of their feeding
upon young wild celery. The fact is, these ducklings
so raised and nicely cooked are the best meat that
wears feathers, and he who has never eaten one so
reared and fattened has yet to learn what is the finest
of all poultry.
To treat of the subject of artificial incubation in an
exhaustive manner was not our intention. The care of
chickens artificially we have dealt with in a previous
chapter, and have expressed all that need be said. The
use of incubators from October to March 1st for chick-
ens as broilers, and their use for green ducks from March
to July, seems to double the poulterer's time and facili-
ties in their use. May the years to come be as fruitful of
improvement as have the last three in this direction,
and poultry culture will maintain its supremacy as an
agricultural industry.
WE shrink from writing upon this subject, for we
are not an M.D., and we only give our views
upon and treatment of a few of the most fatal diseases
that we have had occasion to deal with.
We believe in prevention, and when fowls are sick,
in extermination, more than in doctoring. When fowls
have their liberty they are seldom ill, and when they
are confined, if we are careful to furnish a good supply
of vegetable food, health generally attends them.
In most of the fatal diseases there is a poisonous
fungus growth in the blood. Fowls never perspire, and
the heart beats one hundred and fifty times per minute.
The evils that are easily thrown off by perspiration
with them have to be exhaled by respiration, and as a
result we find the seat of nearly all the fatal diseases to
be in the head, throat and lungs. Rapid respiration and
circulation therefore become necessary to expel the
vapory excretions.
The chanticleer of the farm -yard whose liberty is not
proscribed will have a battle every week and not seem
the worse for it, while in a similar instance one kept in
a poorly ventilated house, and fed upon unwholesome
food, will suffer from inflammation and canker, and in
very many cases death will follow. And why? Because
the blood is poor and even poisoned, and unable to do
the work of repairing the damage until it has thrown
off the poison from which it is suffering. The former,
rich in a healthy circulation, commences the work of
recuperation the moment the wounds of the battle
stop bleeding.
We are all aware that iron is one of the very best
of blood tonics, and if we but observe we shall see that
fowls kept upon an iron and sulphur charged soil are
generally more healthy and show better luster in their
plumage than those kept upon a dry and arid plain.
The reason is that the vegetable growth is but the em-
bodiment of the soils, one furnishing rich iron and
sulphur deposits, the other destitute of them.
The breeder, if he would be successful, will do well
to consider his location and furnish artificially that
which is lacking in his soil. "From dust to dust"
is true of all things, and it behooves us to see of what
kind of dust we build our chickens.
The best doctors are those who watch the patient
while well, and prevent sickness, instead of waiting for
symptoms and then doctoring them (the expectant
plan, so called), and finds his remedies in the regulation
of the diet.
So the breeder best takes care of his flock who
keeps a watchful eye upon them while at roost. If the
droppings from it show a costive tendency then feed
freely of vegetables, such as boiled potatoes, turnips,
or cabbage mashed "with bran and meal while hot. If
the droppings show a relaxed tendency, then cease
giving vegetables, and resort to baked johnny-cake,
corn, and tincture of iron. Sour or sweet milk is one
of the best things to feed poultry at all times. Fowls
thus carefully fed are seldom sick, unless it be that they
have what we term the " distemper."
This disease all chickensare heir to, and it generally
takes them about the time they are from twenty-two to
twenty-six weeks old, and at the time they are shedding
their second chicken feathers, preparatory to putting
on their freedom suits, so to speak.
If carefully watched little or no medicine is needed,
and so light is the disease that it hardly deserves a
place in this catalogue, yet if not jealously watched it
becomes the most fruitful in the introduction of roup
and consumption.
^.-Symptoms. — A listless, quiet mien, a disposition to
remain on the roost in the day-time, face and comb
quite red, and a puff or fullness of the face under the
eye. The second day a white froth is discernible in
the corner of the eye. A decided loss of appetite is
also noticeable.
Treatine7it, — If noticed, and the disease taken in
hand before the appearance of the froth in the eye, it
will usually only be necessary to wash the head and
beak clean, and blow down through the nose into the
throat either with the mouth or by means of a rubber
nipple, thus clearing the tear tube, and bathe the head
and wash the throat with a solution of carbolic acid —
one part acid to ten parts water. The birds should be
kept in a quiet place and allowed nothing but water, in
which place three grains of bromide of potassium per
day. The best way to administer it, if the fowl will
drink of its own accord, is to apportion its water to
what it will take in the day. In this way they take it
homoeopathically. But if dumpish — neither eating nor
drinking of their own volition — then administer the
dose in a pill of soft bread, inject, by means of a crown
bottom oil dripper, kerosene oil into the nostrils. A
still better way is by the use of a crooked nozzle rubber
syringe, placing the point in the cleft of the roof of
the mouth and syringe the nasal passage clear, when
the action of the oil will be to allay the inflammation.
One treatment is sufficient in three-fourths of the cases.
It seems to run about three days, when they regain
their usual appearance of health , many have it so
light as not to be noticed. In aggravated cases, where
the face is swollen and eyes become watery from the
closing by inflammation of the tear tubes, the head
and throat should be thoroughly steamed by the use
of a large sponge and hot water. The tear tube should
be cleared (as before explained), a dessertspoonful of
castor oil given, and the bathing of the face and throat
with the solution of carbolic acid continued at short
This distemper may be called a cold or the incipient
stages of the roup. We will not quarrel about names,
but simply say that in our opinion it is no more roup
than a cold is measles. There is no offensive smell to
the breath as in roup, but if neglected it will excite
roup. We have not the slightest doubt of this; in
fact, know it to be the case, and the breeder has the
choice of adopting the adage, '' A stitch in time saves
nine," and attending to this mild, easily-managed dis-
temper, or to neglect it and have that scourge of a
poultry house — THE ROUP — to contend with.
y When roup appears our advice is to kill the affected
one and turn your attention at once to the flock, giving
sulphur in the ratio of a tablespoonful to fifteen fowls
every other day for a week, feeding tincture of iron,
eight drops to a hen every day in their soft food,
which will pay to be boiled rice, until treatment is over.
With this be sure that the ventilation is complete and
free from direct drafts upon the fowls. For the benefit
of those who wish to cure the disease we give the fol-
lowing symptoms and our method of treatment :
Symptoms. — Swelling of the head, watery discharges
from the eyes and nostrils, which are very fetid and
offensive to the smell, following which these dis-
charges become acrid and result in a congealed yellow
coating to the mouth and tongue, called canker —
which we term a poisonous fungus growth in the
Treatment. — Wash and steam the head and throat
with hot water in which a dash of carbolic acid is
added. Clear the nasal passage to throat by an
injection of carbolic water, one part carbolic acid to ten
parts of water, or by the use of kerosene oil and the
crooked syringe, as spoken of in distemper. Gargle
the throat with kerosene oil three mornings running,
when all the canker of throat and mouth will generally
cleave off, leaving the mouth and throat red but clean.
We have seen cruel though ignorant people remove
this canker of the mouth with a stick or nail. All this
kind of treatment but aggravates the disease. Give a
dessertspoonful of castor oil, and follow with a gill of
milk in which two grains of bromide of potassium has
been dissolved, night and morning.
The milk can be easily administered by taking the
bird by the under beak and drawing the neck upward
till straight, when the milk poured from a tea-pot will
run into the crop without the effort of swallowing.
At the end of about four or five days the effect of
the bromide in the blood, and the solution of carbolic
acid as a bath, and the kerosene as a gargle, may be
seen in the sloughing off of the cankerous substance
from the tongue and mouth, when the fowl will
commence to mend. The treatment at this stage
should be nourishing food, with occasional doses of
sulphur, and the fowls will regain their health and
sprightliness. In some cases the bromide seems to fail
in overcoming the poison in the blood. We have used
Fowler's solution, one drop a day, and in a week seen
the birds commence to mend, but when the disease
hangs on for a long time we think it poor policy to
breed from such, for we find such birds susceptible to
colds. They have become so debilitated that their
recuperation, and the watching for a long time before
they will lay, makes the hatchet a better means of
eradicating the disease in those isolated cases.
Symptoms. — An eruption of the comb, face and
wattles, raised and warty in appearance, and in color a
White Face Black Spanish,
yellowish white. When the crests are removed, these
warty substances resemble a bunch of tiny spiles set
into the flesh. They bleed profusely.
Treatment. — Remove the birds from the flock, and
touch the crowns of their pustules with citric ointment
and allow them to dry down to a black scab, which will
be ripe in about seventy-two hours, when, if lifted off,
will take with it the little white roots of the disease,
from one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch in length.
Give each morning for four days a pill made as follows:
Tablespoonful of common flour, tablespoonful of flour
of sulphur, twenty grains cayenne pepper, twenty-five
to twenty-eight drops '' Fowler's solution." (If the
Fowler's solution cannot be had, use sixty grains of
bromide of potassium instead.) Mix with cream, and
make into twenty pills.
Dissolve four grains of quinine in half a pint of
milk, giving half in the morning and half at evening ;
feed while treating, boiled onions mashed with oatmeal
and boiled rice. If the disease attacks the eyes so as to
close them and prevent their eating make the food into
pellets half the size of one's little finger, which, if
dipped in milk and the bird held as described in roup,
will slip down the throat readily.
If the sulphur acts too powerfully upon the bowels
scald the milk given, which will check its influence on
the bowels and cause it to work more strongly in the
blood. The disease is so like the " yaws," described by
Dr. Quinn, we are of the opinion that it is a kindred
one, if not the same.
Roup sometimes accompanies it, but they are not
alike. This has a run, and requires from five to seven
days to treat it. We tried specimens of a strong con-
stitution by giving milk and water, and without treat-
ment, which recovered. It is very contagious, and on
its first appearance kill the specimen afflicted, and by
the use of vegetables, sulphur and iron treat your flock
to check its spreading. Cleanse the house in which the
disease appears as thoroughly as you would a house
that had been visited by small-pox. It is, like that, a
cutaneous disease.
We give to this new and very fatal disease the above
name on account of its symptoms.
Symptoms. — The face and throat become exceed-
ingly red and inflamed ; so much so, that if cold water
is applied it will evaporate in steam on account of the
heat produced by the inflammation. Six hours after
this feverish appearance in the throat and face the
throat becomes coated with a yellowish leathery lining,
which may be removed by putting down the throat a
compressed sponge, liberating it and withdrawing it,
when it will take up the coating, leaving the surface 'of
the throat a whitish red, thickly studded with minute
raw spots from which this poison fungus growth seems
to exude.
If the throat be left without sponging out more
than six hours the coating will adhere to the throat in
the same manner as the canker does in roup.
Diarrhoea attends the disease, the discharges resem-
bling a mixture of oil, snuff and chrome green paint.
Exhaustion is very great, so much so that we have
given a cock of twelve pounds weight two ounces of
brandy with two ounces of milk in the morning and he
showed no evidence of intoxication whatever.
Treatment. — Steam 'the head and throat with hot
water to which a Httle carbolic acid has been added,
and sponge the throat as described in roup, also gargle
the throat with kerosene oil, or still better, the follow-
ing recipe: Sulpho carbolate soda, sixty grains; glyc-
erine, cinnamon water, of each two tablespoonfuls.
Give a small teaspoonful three times daily, and gargle
the throat as above with a teaspoonful of the followmg
mixture in a half glass of water:
5 — Saturated solution of chlorate potash 4 tablespoonfuls.
Tincture chloride iron i teaspoonful.
Then touch the most prominent spots with a camel's
hair pencil, dipped in the above.
To keep up the strength during treatment add a
beaten &^'g to a goblet of milk with a tablespoonful of
brandy in which previously dissolve three grains of
quinine, giving a third, morning, noon and night.
When the eruption we have called chicken-pox ac-
companied the disease, it seemed to act as a counter-
irritant, and more fowls recovered when thus afflicted,
than when troubled with the throat disease alone.
In the light of our experience we should not try to
save a single specimen, but should kill and bury them
at once, and attend to the sanitary condition of the re-
mainder of the flock, by giving Fowler's Solution at the
rate of one drop to a fowl in the water and continue it
for eight or ten days.
Should this disease visit one in the form of an epi-
demic, it would be no less, and we are fearful, much
more fatal than chicken cholera.
This disease is in very many cases caused by care-
lessness. Flying down from high roosts to a floor
which is always more or less covered by small gravel
stones results in bruises that are precisely like what
we usually call "stone-galls."
The flesh of the foot being so tough, the pus can-
not escape, therefore, if not attended to, it must con-
geal, and an ungainly, troublesome foot be the result.
The fowl goes lame, and careless of its comfort, we
in nine cases in ten fail to investigate in time to pre-
vent serious trouble. When discovered before the
pus congeals, lance the swelling at the rear of the
foot, and the pressure upon it in walking will press
the pus out and there will be a much smaller callous
than if allowed to settle down of its own accord.
We have treated cases by making an incision in
front and rear of foot, and those on shank by opening
at top and bottom, and by the use of a syringe and a
solution of carbolic acid, of one part of acid to ten
parts of water, cleanse them thoroughly, when they all
heal up.
In most cases we are not aware of the trouble till
the pus is congealed, when it is almost impossible to
press it out unless we take with it some portion of the
layers of the foot, which would be worse for the fowl
than to use a strong liniment to take out the soreness,
and let the inflammation settle down into a corn.
When the swellings are upon the shank or knee-
joints, which are generally the result of rheumatism or
gout, the fowl may as well go to the block, for it is a
doubtful policy to breed from such a specimen.
But some have a mania for doctoring, in which case
use strong liniment, and "bind the shanks and joints in
leaves or bulbs of the skunk cabbage, and give inter-
nally, one drop each morning, of Fowler's Solution,
for a month, or bromide of potassium, three grains
per day, until the trouble is cured.
Bumble-foot may be prevented in a great degree by
providing low roosts and keeping the floor of the fowl-
house covered three inches deep with loamy sand,
which costs less than to doctor fowls for the want of it.
This pest is the scourge of the poultry-house, and
the source of more trouble and annoyance than any
other hindrance to poultry keeping. The quarters
often become literally alive with them before the
breeder is aware of their presence. They sap the life
blood from the fowls and reduce to skeletons and de-
bilitate a flock to such an extent as to make the sea-
son unprofitable. Working only in the night, they
escape notice and have things their own way.
Fowls that are sitting upon eggs are generally the
greatest sufferers, for these lice instinctively seek out
such hens as are about to hatch their broods, and many
a hen sacrifices her life to her motherhood.
In this case the hen becomes sallow in face and
comb — actually bloodless, the lice having consumed
the blood to such an extent as to cause death, and
many fowls, whose death has been attributed to dis-
ease, have been murdered by these pests.
The quarters should be constantly watched, and all
the cracks and knots on or about the roosts saturated
with coal tar and kerosene oil, or carbolic acid. The
houses must be kept free from them, for the exhaustive
influence of these marauders not only entails the loss
of blood to the fowls, but, by reducing their strength,
renders the flock more liable to the diseases we have
It is therefore the best and surest step toward ward-
ing off disease to have an absolutely clean poultry-
house. If from one to three pounds of sulphur be
mixed with the loamy sand and gravel covering the
floor, in which the fowls may dust themselves, and
kerosene oil used as described, the fowls occasionally
dusted while on their roosts with a dredging box filled
with sulphur and Persian insect powder, or carbolic
powder, their quarters will be cleansed. Cleanliness
coupled with judicious feeding is what makes fowls
profitable. So great a nervous irritant are these species
of vermin that in two flocks equally well fed the
flock which occupies quarters infested with lice will not
lay at all, while those free from this annoyance will lay
nearly every day. This fact proves them to be an ex-
pensive enemy to the poulterer.
We do not go so far as some writers and say that
all disease is caused by lice, but will say that many a
fowl would not have suffered disease were it not for
this barn or spider louse. Breeders, look for them at
all times. Do not wait for them to make themselves
known, and force their acquaintance upon you.
This is most liable to attack chickens under two
weeks old, and fowls during incubation, unless one is
careful as to the diet given.
In chickens, scalded milk as drink, keeping water
from them, will usually correct the evil, but sometimes
it seems to visit the yard to a degree almost equivalent
to cholera. Discharges resemble oil and snuff mixed,
with green streaks through it. The fowl shows great
exhaustion, and moves about to all appearance as if no
muscles were moved but those of the legs.
Treatment. — For setting hens we have used one
tablespoonful of the following mixture in a quart of
water, giving them no other drink till cured.
Sweet Tincture Rhubarb 2 oz.
Paregoric 4 oz.
Bicarbonate Soda \ oz.
Essence Peppermint i dr.
Water 2 oz.
With young chicks, if the scalded milk failed to cor-
rect the evil, put one teaspoonful of the above mixture
in one half-pint of the milk.
Care should be taken to discontinue the treatment
when a cure is effected, as one extreme is as much to
be avoided as the other.
In the event of a stubborn case in adult birds put
one teaspoonful of Squibbs' Diarrhoea Mixture in a pint
of water and give as a drink, and generally a cure will
follow in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
You will see by the formula that this is a'very power-
ful medicine, and much care should be employed in
its use :
Laudanum. . . ., i oz.
Tincture Capsicum i oz.
Tincture Camphor I oz.
Chloroform — pure 3 dr.
Alcohol 5 dr.
If fruit cans are used as drinking vessels they should
be discarded when they commence to corrode, as the
rust is an oxide of tin^ and in many cases brings on
diarrhoea. Many a valuable bird has been lost in this
way under the erroneous idea that they were getting
iron and consequently strength, for where oxide of
iron may do no harm oxide of tin is poisonous.
THE word " thoroughbred," Webster defines : Bred
from the best blood ; completely bred ; accom-
With the above before us we are led to assert that
we have pure blood, and absolutely thoroughbred fowls
— other writers to the contrary notwithstanding.
No one denies that we have thoroughbred cattle,
which, by judicious coupling, have been bred to a uni-
form type that is recognized at a glance.
We have, for instance, the short-horn cattle, in color
any shade found in red and white ; the Devon, which
in its purity is confined to dark red ; the Jersey, in its
varied shades found in fawn, white and black, and the
Ayrshire, in any and all shades of color. Now have
we not in the Light Brahma, Dark Brahma, Cochin,
Hamburg, Houdan, Game, Spanish and Dorking, fowls
as deserving the title thoroughbred as any of the cat-
tle we have named ?
Have they not been " Bred from the best blood " —
completely bred — and does any one deny that the
breeding has been accomplished ?
In the cattle there is quite a diversity in color, but
the fowls we have named will, even in color, produce
their progeny in one uniform type, the family likeness
more completely defined than is seen in the cattle, yet
the same writers asserting we have no thoroughbred
fowls maintain that we have thoroughbred cattle.
It is our purpose in this treatise to chronicle some
part of our experience, describing, as far as we can, a
perfect sire and dam, and presenting our views of mating
for breeding fowls, claiming them to be thorough-
Practical knowledge becomes, in one sense, science,
and should be disseminated, and no theory that does
not stand the test of experiment be valued or promul-
The Rev. W. H. H. Murray truly says, "We strike
the bottom facts that underlie all breeding when we
read this sentence : ' Every seed should bring forth after
its kind^
^^Find the highest type to perforin the paternal act, and
we can repeat the typical creation. Find two parents that
represent the original idea in any organism, and we can
repeat the original idea''
These and kindred expressions fire the thoughtful
breeder to his very center, and he searches to find out
what constitutes a perfect sire, and what are the requi-
sites of a perfect dam, that from the pair he may pro-
duce his ideal of perfection, combining health, beauty
and utility in the offspring.
The sire should have a sound constitution, perfect
color and symmetry (that form of structure produced by
the harmonious blending of perfectly formed parts, as
described by the Standard). He should be mild and
courteous to his dames, showing no lack of procreative
vigor; courageous, even pugnacious, in the defense of
his harem.
It is not only necessary that he possess all these indi-
vidual qualities, but he should have a record, or pedigree,
that shows all his breeding qualities to be the result of
ancestral blood and perfect breeding. Thus we have
a really perfect sire. Such males, coming from a line
of like sires, invariably stamp their progeny in the like-
ness of their own personality. Experience teaches that
the sire, in his line, has greater influence in determining
the color and form of structure than the dams.
The fact that chickens generally favor the grandsire
makes it all-important that the male line should not be
broken, and that the sire should be typical in symmetry
and color.
Before speaking of the color qualification, and its in-
fluence in mating, we will submit the following, proved
by several experiments, that our deductions may be
better understood.
It is asserted by pigeon fanciers that if a pigeon,
white in plumage, beak and toe-nails (it matters not
from what colored ancestors it may have been bred),
will, if it breed at all, breed true to white. An Albino-
Spanish fowl, if pure white in plumage, beak, and legs,
will ever after breed true to white.
We produced in 1862 a pair of white sports from
Golden-Spangled Hamburgs. The male had bluish-
white toes ; the progeny came one-third Golden-Spangled
in color, while a cockerel from the pair, in all respects
white, bred to his dam and to his sisters, produced all
white chicks.
Generally all sports, so called, are white in color, or
we think a better expression is, that they are void of
By causes which cannot be explained the function
of color fails to furnish its quota to the chicken's organ-
ism, therefore the chickens must be considered a new
type, and lost to the breed, for they cannot be expected
to transmit a color which they never inherited.
We admire a pure white back and undercolor in a
Light Brahma pullet, with a clearly defined stripe in
the hackle. But if successive matings of sire and dam,
both being white in undercolor, are indulged in, the
result will be faded and eventually white birds. A
plumage like that of the Light Brahma, made up of
white and black, cannot be exempt from the shading of
the one color into the other with which it is associated ;
and in this breed the Standard wisely acknowledges
both white and bluish undercolor, and gives no prefer-
ence to either shade in adjudicating for premiums.
This position is a just one, and judges should not
deviate from it, for without this dark undercolor in the
sire we cannot sustain the breed. It matters not what
our likes and dislikes are or may be, nor how we may
breed for our own amusement, yet in all public expres-
sions we should be careful to speak of each breed in its
true light, and all truthfully-recorded experiments be-
come of much value in counteracting whatever false
ideas may appear in print from time to time.
Experience teaches us that the whole tendency of
breeding is to breed Hghter in color. We have only to
call to mind the Light Brahmas of the past to see how
all of the strains have grown lighter in color. We
all know that the original birds were dark in under-
color, and that light specimens then were the exception.
We know also that a flock colonized and left to them-
selves grow lighter in color and finally become nearly
or quite white.
In view of these facts we say all males of faded
light color in plumage should be killed for poultry.
In no case should they be used as breeders, for they
are never good producers of males, and although they
may for a season beget good females, these in their turn
will revert in their breeding to their faulty sires. Why
try to utilize these males and expect them to perform
a work that is impossible? They cannot be expected
to produce color when they utterly fail in that quality.
Yet in the face of all this experience we see breeders
using, year after year, white-necked Light Brahma,
faded, light-colored Plymouth Rock, Light Buff Cochin,
or splashed-breasted, bronze-thighed Partridge-Cochin
sires, expecting by the aid of counteracting influences
in the dams to reach perfection in color.
Should all the breeders of Plymouth Rocks step out
boldly, using none but perfect-colored sires, they would
perfect the color of their breed, which they will never do
by mating extremes, as is now the universal rule. Why
do these breeders forget these facts : " That every seed
should bring forth after its kind''; that the sire in his
line has the greatest influence in determining the color of
the offspring, and that there is a loss in color by breeding?
Waste is written on everything. We are compelled
to establish a sinking fund in all operations in life, life
itself working on that plan.
In all penciled or barred plumage we find the
ground color to be the lighter in shade ; and as breed-
ing strength fails (as it may by severe in-and-in breed-
ing, producing debility or a weakened constitution) we
find the progeny reverting to this lighter or ground
color, those of white losing their brilliancy of color,
black becoming mixed with white ; Light Brahmas
growing pale, and even white in the neck, tail and
wings, and finally yellowish white; Buff Cochins to
pale buff, white in flights and tail ; Partridge-Cochins
to clay-colored breasts, not penciled, and males buff-
mottled in breast ; the Golden-Spangled cock to red-
dish brown breasts, with white appearing along the,
lower line of the body ; therefore good color not only
requires the best mating of blood, but is also depend-
ent upon the health of the parent birds while breeding.
Nine-tenths of all the blunders in mating for breed-
ing occur in
and a corresponding number of all the breeders, in
mating their stock, fail to consider that color is the
especial work of the sire.
To be sure, good care and generous food help most
materially, for feathers, like grass, grow most luxuri-
antly under favorable circumstances. Poor food, poor
plumage. It starves alike with the body. This can
well be remembered by those who expect they have
done their whole duty when they buy nice stock and
expect it to produce premium chickens.
The color of the hackle of a sire is to be considered,
especially as it is to influence and control the hackles
of his sons, for the hackle is purely male plumage, and
the beauty of his sex ; while the color of his neck,
before putting on his garb, will determine his breeding-
strength in the color of his pullets. A male that grows
up black in neck, to be replaced or covered by a white
hackle, having a yellow beak void of a black stripe,
will, as a rule, beget pullets dark and many quite black
and smutty in the neck, and male chicks white in the
hackle, like himself ; while a male with dark beak, very
dark neck and back, as he becomes a cockerel, having a
royal rich black striped hackle, will generally beget
both sexes too dark, if anything like Standard females
are mated to him. But such males are very valuable
in restoring the progeny of hens that are light in color
of neck, wings and tails ; thus utilizing hens that must
otherwise go to the block.
The reader may ask why recommend the mating of
very dark sires to light females, and condemn matings
made "vice versa."
In answer we will say :
1. The tendency is always to breed lighter in color,
and the sire fails in this respect.
2. The sire, in his line, has the greatest control of
the color of the offspring.
3. Chickens favor more strongly the grandsire.
4. A white-necked sire will beget smutty-necked
females, which in turn revert to their pale sire, and if
a like sire be mated to the rule of all white under-color,
the same having been the breeding of the females,
they will produce progeny all pale and faulty in color.
Experience teaches that cockerels with dark fine
hackles, bluish undercolor, and black wing-flights and
tail, are the progeny of perfect or dark-plumaged sires.
So universally true is this that it may be accepted as a
Our strongest argument in favor of the dark sire
and rejection of the pale one is that experience says it
is best, and that is our law.
The male of all breeds whose plumage is made up
of black and white, or is parti-colored, owing to their
profusion of hackle and tail, compared with the females
of their breed, appear much lighter in color ; conse-
quently they are darker in breeding functions than
they appear ; and the first point an experienced breeder
considers, in Penciled and Spangled Hamburgs and
Plymouth Rocks, is the breast, bars of the wings, and
color of beak, before considering the general surface
color, knowing that if dark or light in these points that
such will be the breeding and influence on the prog-
Many find fault with the Standard, saying that to
mate specimens by it is to make a failure in breeding.
The fault is not so much in the Standard as in our
failure to consider the difference in the plumage of the
sexes when we apply the Standard.
Size in the sire is of little importance if he be fully
up to the medium weight of his race. An overgrown
sire is useless as a breeder. The one just above the
average, vigorous and healthy, will beget one hu-ndred
chicks weighing more pounds than will the overgrown
male of the same brood.
Size and weight should be considered in the light of
the general average. The best sire is the one that
shows the least difference in the weight of the indi-
viduals of his progeny.
In the small breeds we may with safety choose our
sires above the average weight, for it is a singular fact
that in the largest specimens of the Asiatics and the
smallest specimens of the smaller breeds will be found
the most faulty birds.
This question of mean weight has been one of con-
tention among breeders, for a large appearing specimen
in the show coop for a long time in America, while
open judging was the rule, generally won the prizes.
Those who believed in all the breeds that practical
worth should be closely watched, that by breeding they
should not suffer and be disgraced, soon saw that ex-
cessive weight was not found in the most prolific speci-
mens, also that many a bird had the credit of being
large without the weight, as tested by the scales ; that
a long loose plumage as a rule did not cover the birds
of the most merit as egg-producers, and soon in the
American Standard size became size and weight, and
finally, in the last edition, weight only. The best meat
is that which is firm in fiber. The blocky, solid,
close-feathered, smooth-surface plumaged birds as a
rule are the best practically, and we in the past fifteen
years have seen a vast improvement in all the larger or
Asiatic breeds. The question is no longer. Is he the
largest one in the exhibition ? but. Is he the best one ?
Is the strain a practical one ? Do they lay at an early
age? and. Are they prolific layers? And from such the
breeders are looking for sires. The fact that a male is
half the breeding pen makes it all-important that he not
only be typical in all the foregoing, but that his worth
often is increased threefold from being the son of an
especially prolific dam, and pedigree in fowls is no longer
looked upon in derision, but many times demanded by
the would-be purchaser. If the breeder cannot give
authentic pedigrees he has to be able to state of what
the strain, and show that the stock has not been subject
to mongrel crosses in his hands, to hold the trade.
Whatever is of advantage in breeding, whatever of im-
portance pedigree is in horse and cattle, so in a corre-
sponding degree is it of worth in fowls ; and one does
well in his selection of sires to see that their pedigree
is in keeping with their physical development and
Constitution, prolific-laying, size and color, are im-
portant, and are to be preferred in the order named.
In addition to this a good record of blood and egg-
productive merit in her ancestry are to be considered
in selecting dams for any breed.
A sound constitution and perfect health while breed-
ing has much to do with producing prolific-laying
stock; also with the luster and brilliancy of self-
The dam produces the material for the chicken-
structure ; the sire the life of that structure.
The egg is to the chicken what the endosperm is to
plant life — a store-house containing the requisites to
produce a perfect chicken structure. The life-germ
that is to absorb all this, being thereby built up into
independent life, is imparted by the sire.
Unlike the animal kingdom, the hen performs her
work as independently and completely without the
male, as by copulation with him.
The egg-passage, running from the egg-sac to the
vent, is a receptacle, a work-house, in which the secre-
tions of both dam and sire are made up into packages
called eggs. In this work-room impregnation takes
place. The 'ovaria, when grown to a certain size, burst
their sacks and are expelled into this oviduct, there to
receive the spermatozoa of the male, and in their pas-
sage through become incased in the albumen, the lin-
ing and shell in turn, and expelled at the vent, perfect
There are in this passage, while a hen is in a healthy
laying condition, from four to six eggs in their differ-
ent stages of development ; the last two nearest the
vent being beyond the influence of the male, if the
hen has not been previously exposed.
All the secretions deposited in the egg-passage must
find an escape at the vent, for nothing goes back from
it into the dam's organism by absorption, as is asserted
by some writers.
We have seen cases where, by means of a cartilagi-
nous circle about the vent, fowls have been prevented
from laying their eggs, and in such cases the eggs in
the egg-passage will form one over the other till death
is caused by inward pressure ; and we have before now
taken from the carcass a mass as large as a six-pound
cannon-shot, cooked solid by fever heat. We have
taken from the egg-passage of a turkey five eggs, com-
pletely formed and shelled, completely cooked by in-
. The following experiments seem to prove that the
spermatozoa will live, doing its work of impregnation,
in this egg-passage, only about ten days, and we may
say that the dam is pregnant for that length of time.
We placed a hen that had hatched and reared a
brood of chicks, without exposure, with a cock for
three hours, then isolated her in a coop by herself.
The first two eggs she laid in the next forty-eight
hours were not fertile ; eight of the nine laid in the
ten days thereafter were fertile. Those laid after
that time were not fertile.
We placed a hen by herself that had been exposed
while rearing her brood, and seven out of the eight
eggs laid during the ten days afterward were fertile,
but all eggs laid after that time were not.
We took a hen that had just finished her litter,
wanting to incubate, and exposed her to the male for
three days, then cooped her by herself. None of her
eggs were fertile. In this case we take it for granted
the incubating fever had not abated so as to admit of
an effective copulation.
These experiments, which we can vouch, for, seem
to indicate that if females are cooped ten days before
saving the eggs it will protect the breeder in the
purity of the blood of the chickens ; but as some
believe that the whole litter of eggs is affected it is
the better plan, in changing hens from one male to
another, to do it at the close of a litter of eggs ; but
we are satisfied that after the fifth egg, after the
change is made, the chicks would in nineteen cases
in twenty be the progeny of the associate sire.
We believe the longer the spermatozoa remains in
the egg-passage without being appropriated the more
sluggish it becomes, and that the fresh semen, being
more active in its animalcule life, secures the impregna-
tion of the eggs. This is speculation, but, neverthe-
less, in accordance with our experience.
If examined by the microscope there will be found
no organic difference in the germ found in the yelk of
the egg and that of the freshly ejected spermatozoa,
both resembling a polywog, and there is no chance, as
the author of "Secrets in Fowl-Breeding" asserts, for
the dam to be contaminated by a chance copulation
with a male not of her breed.
There can be no grounds for belief that a dam cop-
ulating with a sire of a different breed has lost her
purity of blood, and that we can never afterward
breed thoroughbred stock from her. We do not
wonder, if he believes this, that he asserts, in the com-
mencement of his work, that we have no absolutely
thoroughbred fowls.
There can be no contamination of the blood or
breeding of the dam from this cause, unless it can be
proved that there is a union of arterial circulation
between the fetus or chick and the dam. This is be-
yond proof, for there is no circulation in the egg till
incubation takes place, and this is carried on inde-
pendent of the dam, and may be a thousand miles
away. Again, we have cases on record where an egg
laid thirty-three hours after copulation hatched. It is
clearly shown that the two eggs nearest to the vent are
generally past impregnation, but in this case the
second one was reached, and OAving to the time it
takes to develop an egg the vital germ must have been
taken into the egg at once, which precludes altogether
the idea that the dam becomes injured in her blood by
absorption through the act of copulation out of her
We are surprised to see men foreshadowing this
belief in their advertisements, for surely breeders of
experience cannot believe it, and must look upon it as
advancing a false theory, which does the amateur no
, Size in the dam is all-important if great weight in
the progeny is* the desideratum ; for, as we have shown,
the dam furnishes the structure, and must thereby
control the size to a much greater extent than the sire.
Secure dams of good average size. If they are to
be used to vitalize some other strain it is necessary
that they be coarse in structure and large in bone,
for these qualities become toned down by in-breeding.
They should also be dark in plumage to counteract
the loss of color in breeding. In support of the
above we will say that -we mated two large hens to a
cockerel weighing less than nine pounds, and which,
as a cock, did not reach twelve pounds till three years
old, and then only when exceedingly fat. Not one of
his progeny, at eight months old, weighed less than
nine pounds, and many of them twelve and one-half
, pounds. Again, we mated a cock of ten and one-half
pounds to ten-pound hens, and the result was, at ten
months old the entire male progeny was larger than
the sire, many of the cockerels weighing twelve and
one-half pounds before twelve months old. Yet for
all this we would caution breeders not to go to ex-
tremes in this direction.
The larger the bone and structure the longer it will
take to mature the specimen.
The smaller the bone and offal, in comparison to
weight, the quicker will they mature. As a rule such
chickens are the most profitable as poultry, giving
better returns for food consumed. They lay earlier
in life, and such are always the most prolific layers
through life.
These early-maturing, compact, close-feathered
birds generally win the early exhibitions, while those
of larger bone and more fluffy plumage, requiring more
time to mature them, have been more successful in the
show pen in the winter months.
Both these types the breeder of Asiatics is com-
pelled to breed, for both have their admirers, the
poulterer and those of a practical turn of mind pre-
ferring the former, and many of the fanciers the latter.
Our own idea, and we believe the true position, is
to take the happy medium, and advance in size no
faster than we can secure with it the full merit of egg
production and symmetry.
Breeders have been too apt to believe in the adage
that like produces like, and carry their belief to the
individual, and for reason of this belief have many
times discarded the very best birds of the flock so far
as color goes, but we will take this rhatter up under the
proper heads. Most prominent and most to be consid-
ered in both sire and dam are
These are of more importance, especially in the
form of structure, for practical use and in the exhibi-
tion pen than many at first conceive.
A specimen perfect in these respects has an in-
creased chance to win over one failing in these points,
for a failure of two points in form of breast and body
will affect the symmetry of the specimen two points
more, making in the aggregate four points ; while to
fail even four points in the hackle (and such a speci-
men is seldom exhibited, since it has no associate in-
fluence) is no worse for the specimen than two points
as described above — a hint breeders may well heed in
selecting their breeding stock or specimens for exhibi-
How few specimens we see that fill literally the re-
quirements of the Standard, " breast full, broad, round,
carried well forward, body broad and deep, which, to
secure this shape in breast must be rounded at the side,
giving the round side-sweep which is admired wherever
All who saw Light Brahma cock Leo 2'j']6, exhib-
ited at Lowell by Damon & Marshall, or the Dark
Brahma cockerel exhibited at Boston by Mr. Water-
house in the winter of 1876-77 will appreciate this
This formation gives better form and carriage of
wings, finer symmetry and more grace of carriage, yet
we see many birds used by breeders failing in all this
and their place usurped by others whose only excellence
is a good neck-hackle. A word to the wise is sufficient.
In relation to color in the breeds we consider first
the Light Brahmas, for it is with this breed we have
worked out most of our experience, and it comes easier
for us to employ it in illustration ; but in all other
breeds, so far as they have been as well established in
blood, and bred upon the same plan or rule, we find the
same results.
We can give no rule to be applied to all breeds unless
all breeders have established the rule of breeding one
line of sires, preserving it unbroken, and breeding all
new blood introduced back to sires of the strain, basing
all on the law of in-breeding. We expect some may
mate by our advice as they understand it, and fail ; but
It will not be the fault of the rule, but the fault of the
previous breeding of the stock.
Before going further we will explain what we term
the " cape." It is the feathers that grow from the
shoulder joints along the arm of the wing and cover
the back entirely at the neck, spreading laterally toward
the tail, helping to form the flatness of the back between
the shoulders, and is covered by the hackle of the bird
when standing erect. In Light Brahmas it is either black,
black and white, or white, and either must be tolerated
in the breed. The wings and neck are made up of black
and white, and the cape is the connecting link of these
two sections ; and where a pure white cape is found,
generally the specimen fails in color of wing or is short
in the stripe of hackle-feathers ; yet for all this, some
judges will cut a color other than white in this locality.
As a defect the present rendering of the Standard makes
the color for males to read : black and white, wholly
white becoming defective ; and that of the females to
read: white or white and black. Should the cape become
wholly black in a female, she would have to be cut for
the defect. With these remarks we would mate as
follows :
Mating No. i. — Cockerel in form and color as
described by the Standard, weighing from ten and one-
half to eleven and one-quarter pounds, with the stripe
in hackle-feathers, black commencing well up and run-
ning in a narrow, clear black stripe to the point, dark
beak, cape black and white, undercolor bluish-white,
with deep bay eyes.
Hens weighing from nine to ten pounds; in form
and color as described by the Standard, and white and
black cape, with white undercolor and bay eyes.
This I think none will deny is mating by the Stand-
ard, and we call it the " ne plus ultra " for all Light
Brahmas for the male line of one's strain.
Mating No. 2. — Cocks with wide black stripe in
hackle and black ticks discernible in saddle near the tail,
cape black and white, undercolor nearly white, medium
dark beak, and bay eyes ; in other respects as described
by Standard, weighing from eleven and one-half to
twelve and one-half pounds.
Pullets in form and color as described by the Stand-
ard, being dark in the cape and bluish-white at shoulder,
shading to white toward the tail, white undercolor,
selecting them well up in size. Such a mating will pro-
duce females that should please all. This and the
Mating No. i we term perfect in all respects, as neither
of the specimens are disqualified, but there is a mating
we prize better than all, from the fact that the results
from it are always good and the pullets used always
sell for the most as hens, for the reason that in seven
out of ten they molt out all the disqualification which
has forced them the first year to remain on our hands,
and in Mating No. j we describe two sets of females
that we would use, the first being the disqualified one.
Mating No. j. — Mate males M'ith hackles that have
a good fair black stripe, but edge of feathers free from
any smoky tinge, nearly white undercolor and cape,
wing-flights about one-half black, coverlets of tail
black, laced with white, lesser coverlets white. Fe-
males of Standard form, intense black stripe in hackle,
very dark cape, undercolor of back so dark as to show
black spots in the web, but not on the surface, tail
black, flights black, Standard in other respects. We
have been criticised for this mating, but we do know
that such females produce the largest number of
chicks to score ninety or more points, when mated as
Mating No. /j.. — Male as described in No. 3. To
females that have neck nearly black or what is called
smutty, the white edge of feather smoky edged or en-
tirely wanting, with black cape and dark undercolor.
Of course, in all thes-s matings for color, the form of
structure is taken for granted to be as near the Stand-
ard as we can find it ; the males to be of Standard
weight and the females well up to or beyond the weight
laid down for perfection.
Mating No. 5. — Males very dark in hackle, even
smoky edged, beak very dark in stripe, cape and under-
color very dark, even showing in web of feather, wings*
as dark as possible, tail black, and eyes a deep bay.
(The bay eye is the strongest sighted and the strongest
Females with extremely light necks, wings, cape,
undercolor and tail, and light or pearl eyes — in fact in
and of themselves worthless, only as they possess good
blood, being unfortunate in individual appearance —
what the writer terms scrubs.
This last we term utility mating, and rarely none
but the first three matings should be found in tlie
breeding pens of any first-class breeder. But there are
poor people whose purses are not long enough to pay
for the best birds, and they are compelled to buy from
the last two matings and wait a year or two to produce
the fine ones they covet, — this theory will surely do.
If the blood be pure they will have some as fine birds
as from the last, but not as large a percentage of their
chicks will be found in the list above ninety points.
This mating utilizes many birds that would other-
wise go to the block. Such mating of these extremes
in color many times produces fine chickens. A breeder
carried away by in-and-in breeding oversteps the
bounds of reason, and this great want of color is the
result. His birds being well bred, the restoration of
color is easily accomplished. You may say we should
not give countenance to such mating. Would you
send to the butcher a white Princess Shorthorn heifer,
or would you breed her to a red bull and make her val-
uable in color of her calves? Her pedigree, which
shows her blood to be very fine, is the guarantee that
if judiciously mated she will produce good results, and
for this last mating we will say that with the exception
of five to seven per cent of the chicks they will most
likely be of as good an average of the Mating No. 4.
All the male progeny of this Mating No. 5 that
does not come well up to the Standard should be killed
for poultry. It is a questionable policy to use the
males as stock-birds (and especially if they are to fill
the place as one of your line of sires) that come from
this extreme mating. All faded, white-hackled males
should be killed.
Let these rules of mating Light Brahmas, also the
rule of breeding in line of sires, be rigidly observed,
taking into the breeding-stock no more than one-fourth
of blood other than the strain, and it will matter not
whether it be Felch, Autocrat or English, the result
cannot fail to be good with the necessary difference in
the relationships of the different matings described.
To make a rule and have it apply to all breeds it is
necessary that the circumstances be the same in each
case, and when we offer a rule for mating Dark Brahmas
upon principles derived from experiments wrought out
with the light variety, we expect the same results,
if the same rule of breeding, viz., adhering to a line of
male ancestry, has been observed. We say male line,
for it is that line which has the greatest influence, as we
have shown.
There is no breed that has proved so disastrous in
the hands of amateurs as the Dark Brahma, and with
which we have to be so cautious when we introduce-
new blood. The peculiar color and penciling of the
plumage is such that a radical change of blood always
deranges it, and, therefore, the necessity of a slow
process of feeding the blood. While a three-fourths
bred Light Brahma would be nearly perfect, the dark
variety would not carry more than an eighth of blood
out of the family, and retain the family characteristics
of penciling and shade.
This makes it a necessity to first establish family
strains of blood, and then adhere closely to an unbroken
line of sires, breeding back to that line of sires when-
ever new blood is introduced. There is no breed that
demonstrates this necessity more clearly. For a striking
example of it, we have only to call to mind the king of
1877, the cockerel "Agamemnon," bred by Chas. A.
Sweet, of Buffalo, N. Y., that won first and special at
the International Exhibition held at Buffalo, N. Y., in
February, 1877. This bird came from an unbroken line
of sires for four generations from an imported bird, and
from a female line bred back strongly to the same line
of sires.
When the breeders of this variety will recognize this
necessity, and each of the different importations be
preserved as near as possible in the family purity of
blood, then will they be more valuable to the trade, as
we have shown in speaking of the strains of Light
Brahmas. Then, also, can we apply the following rules
with almost as certain results as can be obtained with
other breeds.
Were we to make a specialty of the breed, we would
select the best cockerel we could find, and a large-boned
pullet with coarsely-penciled plumage, each from differ-
ent families of blood, and breed them and their progeny
for four years, as follows:
Cock I
Group 1
> J^
Mating the first year to produce group i ; the
second year a pullet from group i to cockerel No. i ; a
cockerel the exact type of his sire to hen No. i ; a
cockerel like the sire to the pullet approaching the
nearest to perfection, breeding them in-and-in, pro-
ducing in their turn groups 2, 3 and 4, and the third
year mating as indicated by the lines, producing groups
Nos. 5, 6 and 7 ; in all the young stock using no males
that were not the type of the sire, nor pullets other
than the desired type in penciling of feathers and form
of structure. In this way producing three families
alike in type and different in blood, yet made of the
same cross. This trouble will put any breeder on a
firm footing, and ever afterward if he uses none but
females in the introduction of new blood, and receives
group 7 in the light of new blood, disposing of the
cockerels, putting in the new hen 8, breeding as indicated
by the lines, disposing of all cockerels as scrubs or
poultry that have not more than fifty per cent of the
blood of the strain, he will need have no fear that his
birds will not breed well and his customers be pleased.
We can recommend the following matings with a
feeling of certainty as to 'grand results:
Mating No. i. — Hens that are standard, which were
nearly perfect, steel-gray pullets in their first year
mated to a cockerel, metallic-black in breast and thighs,
medium dark beak, hackle and saddle, broad in the
black stripe and decided in shade. This mating should
be made in producing the male line.
Mating No. 2. — Hens that were fine as pullets but
have become bronze-hued as fowls mated to a cockerel
with a black breast, evenly dotted with minute white
spots, black thighs, hackle and saddle well striped, and
medium dark beak.
Mati^ig No. J. — To pullets that are as near the
Standard as possible, having closely-penciled throats,
mate a cock black in breast and thighs, which as a
cockerel had a breast spotted, as described in No. 2.
This will produce the best females.
Mating No. ^. — To pullets good in other respects
but light in color of breast, mate cocks black in breast
and thighs, with broad black stripe in hackle and sad-
dle, with very dark beak, said cock having been black-
breasted when a chick.
Mating No 5. — To hens good in color which as pul-
lets were not penciled in breast, mate cockerels dark in
all respects, even in beak, stripe of hackle, breast and
thighs ; the white even so charged as to be smoky-
laced. This is in keeping with mating No. 5 of Light
Nos. I and 3 are the 7ie plus ultra of all the breeds.
In all these matings we should prefer long-bodied
hens, but not so long as to narrow at the saddle. The
cock should have sufficient length of back to preserve
the true Brahma type. The race is too fast approach-
ing the Cochin shape, an evil I hope the breeders will
strive to remedy, for in doing so they will have less
trouble in keeping up the breed to Standard weight.
This point should be kept in mind when introducing
new blood, and large, coarse specimens should be
chosen, for they tone down wonderfully by in-breeding.
If a strain is disposed to breed extremely light in
color, then no cockerels with spotted breasts should be
used even in Mating No. 2 ; but should they be predis-
posed to the dark extreme, cocks with spotted breasts
should be used in Mating No. i, and cocks slightly
mottled in their breasts in Mating No. 3.
All really light-colored, stripeless-hackled and sad-
dled cockerels should be killed, for their use will, as a
rule, produce bad results. All pale, non-penciled-
breasted pullets should be used as incubators the first
year, and all that do not ripen into good color and
have penciled breasts, as hens, should be used as
poultry. The others should be mated as in Mating
No. 5.
We cannot leave the breed without a word to such
breeders as Mr. Sweet and Mr. Mansfield, who we learn
have devoted much thought to their breeding, and who
are, in a measure, breeding upon the plan herein laid
down, expressing a hope that they will preserve their
strains as pure in family blood as possible, and that
in connection with the breeding of their stock they will
use a public record for the preservation of the history
of their respective strains, either the "World's Pedigree
Book" or the "American Poultry Association's Reg-
Buyers of this breed are seeing this necessity, and
we believe it will pay for the trouble. The history of
this breed has been much like that of the first ten years
of the Light Brahmas. The fact that the majority of
the breeders believe frequent crosses necessary, and
the complication of color, has been the means of caus-
ing many to abandon the breed. We believe the breed
can be made a popular one if the rules herein laid
down are followed.
Mati7tg No. I. — Cockerel weighing ten to eleven
pounds, hackle and saddle rich bay, the black in the
same being metallic greenish-black and broad in the
stripe, metallic-black breast and thighs, fluff showing
a bronze tinge, indicative of rich brown blood.
Hens as described in the Standard. This mating
is the best that can be made for the male progeny.
Mating No. 2. — Cock weighing eleven to twelve
pounds, and of the same color as described for cockerel
in Mating No. i.
Pullets large in size, and in color reddish-brown
ground, penciled with a deep brown, with Standard
neck and tail. This mating will produce finer females
than males.
Mating No. j. — Males showing bronze-black tips to
breast feathers, even slight mottlings of bay color,
with thighs slightly bronzed, and a narrow black stripe
in the hackle and saddle.
Females in plumage brown, penciled with black.
Such faulty hens, by this mating, help to produce
many good males.
Mating No. ^. — Males very dark in beak, hackle,
saddle, breast and thighs, wings and tail. Females
favoring the light extreme, being lightly penciled in
breast, with hackle in which the penciling of brown
mottles the black stripe. This mating, like the dark
sire Mating No. 5, in the Light Brahmas, often pro-
duces fine chicks.
All pale-hackled, splashed-breasted, and bronzed-
thighed males should be killed, and in subsequent
matings so mate that one of the sex shall come from
either mating No. i or No. 2. Females with clay or
non-penciled breasts, or those with leaden-gray and
black mixed in the plumage, should never be used as
It is a sad sight to see so many specirriens fail in
color. Many are better described as brown penciled
with black, and buff penciled with brown. The Stand-
ard color, " rich brown penciled with a darker brown,"
should be better appreciated ; so popular has the red-
dish buff penciled with dark brown become that the
judge who literally follows the Standard finds many to
condemn his judgment.
This breed is as difificult to handle as the Dark
Brahmas, and equal care in introducing new blood
should be exercised.
The breed requires close breeding to maintain the fine
outlines of penciling, and we think if all the statistics
could be procured it would be proved that more prize-
winners have come from the breeding-in line, as we
know to be the case in other breeds. The above have
been the matings of Partridge-Cochins for the past ten
years, and perhaps cannot be altered for the better ;
yet were we to make up one pen for a gentleman
for his own especial use we should do it as follows:
A cockerel with a head short, with plumage dark
red, low comb, bay eyes, short, well arched beak, with
dark brown stripe down the upper mandible, wattles
well developed, but not wrinkled ; ear-lobe large, neck
well arched, not long in appearance, having a full .flow-
ing hackle, that was the color of a dark Mandarin
orange, with a clear black stripe down the center, ter-
minating in a nice fine tapering point that reached the
point of the feather ; no white under color of the hackle ;
with a back deep red, matching the wing-bows of same
color, and representing with them a deep red saddle-
bag thrown across his back — the saddle that had a
crowning sweep from back to tail of orange-red striped
to match the rieck plumage ; breast that was round as
an apple, and carried forward with prominence; color
of the same, being black with bronze reflections ; wings,
other than the rose, being black in the butts, with
bronze-black bars, such as would be about a point
defective by the Standard ; tail black, with greenish
reflections, fluffs black, smoked over with a reddish
bronze, that did not show at a distance ; legs set well
apart, apparently strong with outer and middle toes
and shank well feathered with black and brown feath-
ers ; no white in tail or wing flight, the latter having a
broad maroon stripe on the outer web ; no white under
color of saddle. Such a male, to score about ninety-
two points by the Standard, would be a most royal
breeder mated to hens and pullets described by
the Standard, with, say, three in twelve being dark
specimens, just dark enough to lose in color of back
and wings, three points for bay to dark, the dark pen-
ciling being the predominating color. They would look
a trifle dark, but not mar the even look of the flock at
a distance. Such a mating, to our minds, would be
the most valuable one a breeder could make, and
should demand the highest price.
There is no more beautiful picture on the lawn than
a prime, even-colored reddish-buff male, and twelve
females that match him in color — in their fresh and
unbroken plumage. To mate which, however, birds, if
of the same age, if the pullets be of a pure clear reddish
buff (orange buff, the term some use), and a cock be
their mate, may be of the same color. Such a male
would have been as a cockerel, a very dark, almost a
red buff, so to speak. This inexorable law of decay
makes us ever on the lookout for this waste in color.
We therefore say :
most to be coveted would be a cock of one even red-
dish-buff color from head to tail, with no white under
color in him ; his tail black, tipped out with chestnut ;
the coverts chestnut, streaked with dark color; lesser
coverts reddish buff, and in form Standard, or to con-
form to description given in gentleman's mating for
Partridge-Cochins. To such a sire mate pullets of the
same rich buff color free from white in flights and
undercolor, chestnut tail or buff, dark color showing in
flights. Pullets fully up to Standard weight. With
such a mating males and females would appear in the
progeny of a high order.
Mating No. 2. — A cocjcerel of a deep reddish-buff
color, with chestnut tail and wings, Standard in other
respects, should be mated to hens that are pure buff in
color, medium in shade, and in form of structure as
described in the Standard, coming from pullets the
year before that were dark buff.
Mating No. j. — A cock of medium shade, the result
of a reddi h-buff cockerel, but showing black in wings
and tail, mated to pullets that are good exhibition color,
will produce fine females, while pullets very dark in
shade mated to this same bird will produce fine males.
Mating No. /f.. — Males dark in every respect, even
having nearly black tails, should be mated to hens of
pale buff, though of an even shade. Where pullets are
used in same pen with hens the pullets should be fully
five to seven shades darker if the male is to prove
equally good in his mating with both.
This, as looked at from a Light Brahma standpoint,
may not seem good policy. But many a buff breeder
has learned to his sorrow and the flattening out of his
purse that in killing for several years these reddish-buff
males that they appear less frequent in the chickens,
and he has rejoiced at it, till he came to mate up in the
spring he found all his males tainted with white in
flights and tail and undercolor, and he in a position to
be obliged to purchase some of those to what has seemed
to him scrubs, these dark red buff males, to enable him
to regain his lost color. These faded colored hens are
the very mates for such birds, and from their female
progeny to mate, to reap the benefit of these dark males.
When these pullets are mated to Standard-colored
males of his strain, show me the man that discards alto-
gether these dark males in his breeding, and I will show
you a breeder who is mourning over his lost prestige of
color in his buff.
King of the gallinaceous race ; to mate which man
has only to select Standard specimens, and the work is
done. Thoroughbred they are, and have been, since
one of them crowed and announced to the world that
Peter had denied his Lord. Leaving the ark to found
the universal poultry kingdoms, while its sports and
arts of men have multiplied the varieties into what we
call breeds, it has maintained its individual type and
color, suffering man to sway its color a few shades, but
ever maintaining that which ever was and ever will be.
The Black-Red of the farm-yard. The fashion and par-
tiality now tends to a light or orange red and an ashen
brown, and demands quite a change in the mating of
ten years ago. We therefore make this assertion before
going to the work of mating. The Black-Red is the
only game that can and does give us chicks true to
color and true game type in ninety-two per cent of the
chicks raised ; that all others, except the white, will
breed Black-Red chicks in their offspring, thus
disclosing the fact of their prime sire; that the white
disclose their mongrel breeding by the want of true
Game Standard form. Therefore in our mating we
claim that no one can keep up the Games other than
Black-Reds without cross breeding, so-called.
But to return to Black-Reds, and to give
A cock with a head medium long, but when trimmed
giving a long, clean taper forward, yet set on strong
at juncture with neck, beak willow, strong and more
than slightly arched, face bright red, plumage being
quite red, eyes a bright red, large and full, neck long
and arched and in color orange-red (we mean that
color seen in the dark-rind oranges, not a red-clay
color), the center having a darker shade, but free from
any black or dark-brown, the hackle being short and
terminating between shoulders and not reaching far on
to the back, nor should it cover the shoulder-points
of wings. Back (wings being set high up) being
flat at juncture with neck, and in color of plumage a
rich red, and matching wing-bows in shade; saddle
feathers shading from back into an orange-red, the same
or a trifle lighter than neck-hackle. Breast should be
full enough to have a slight curve in its sweep from
shoulder-point to shoulder-point and a fair full sweep
from throat to breast-bone, which should be perfectly
straight. The body being round at side but tapering
at sides to tail, the lower tapering by a curve line of
stern to tail, the back being a straight line from hackle
to tail, breast and body being a rich metallic black.
The wing should be in appearance strong, but not
too long ; heavy at butts, which causes them to remain
uncovered by breast plumage, the points carried close
to thigh-points slightly covered by the scanty saddle ;
thighs strong and medium length, covered with black
plumage, which, carried close to the body, are full in
outline. Tail medium long. My own taste would be
long black, the main sickle being full five inches longer
than tail proper, the lesser sickle diminishing in size
rapidly to the seventh or smallest, being quite short ;
the tail carried close together and at medium height ;
shanks olive color, of fair length, not stilty ; toes long,
all four flat on the ground, and spur set low down on the
To such a male breed well grown pullets with
small head, long in appearance, plumage light
brown, small comb, bright, full, red eyes, with
dark horn-colored beaks, ear-lobes red, also wattle,
both very small but fine in texture ; neck long but
not cranish, having a finished and graceful carriage,
the color of plumage being a gold color with black stripe
down center (this combining of the colors has given it
the Standard description, but we prefer our own); back
medium in length, flat-iron shape, wide at shoulder and
receding in a taper to tail at sides, but flat straight line
on top from shoulder to tail ; breast tolerably full, pre-
serving a circular outline from side to side, and throat
to breast bone, which should be straight, breast being
light salmon color shading to an ashen brown color of
body and underparts near thighs. Body compact, solid,
tapering toward tail. Stern tapers as much as consist-
ent with the sex ; wings fair size, put on high up, which
gives the flat appearance of back not held close to
breast, but front held smoothly folded close against the
sides ; back and wing-bows are ashen brown, penciled
with black (but it has the appearance of dark brown
pencilings), free from a red or salmon tinge, primaries
a dull black or dark brown ; tail a dull black, carried
at an angle of forty-five degrees and held neatly to-
gether ; thighs rather long, sufficiently large to look
strong, the plumage a light ashen brown ; shanks should
be olive color and of fair length, not stilty ; feet flat
on the ground, hind toe being low down on shank and
reaching the ground in a fiat pressure. They should be
close-feathered specimens, the plumage clinging close
to body.
From this mating the progeny, both male and female,
ninety per cent of the chicks will be all one could wish
or should expect.
Mating No. 2. — Cockerels, all we have described in
the Royal mating, except that in the red of his plumage
it be darker in shade, reaching an almost rich red, as
seen in the old Standard.
To them mate hens that were as pullets like pullets
of No. I, but have as fowls molted into light brown,
penciled with dark brown, their legs and beaks hav-
ing taken on the lighter shade of color of age, in fact
approaching the color called " Weedon."
Mating No. j. — A male in form and structure same
as described in Royal Mating No. i, except that he
be taller, long in thigh and shank and lighter in the red
To him mate those pullets that have bred to dark
in color throughout, having short thighs and shanks,
being dark brown, penciled with black, and having a
dark salmon-colored breast. This is a utility mating
to be sure.
What may have been said so far as it affects form
in the structure of the Royal mating affects the brown
red also. But in color a brown-red is a black bird, with
the following exceptions : The head plumage is a very
dark red, his eyes are black, beak a very dark brownish
black, hackle laced with dark red near head and shading
in a wide lacing into lemon color at the point, the
breast feathers being a reddish brown in the shaft and
round the tips laced with same color, black at the neck
and shading into a black body and thighs, back and
wing-bows a very dark red, saddle shading from dark
red into lemon color at points of the feather, neatly
striped with a fine line of black ; tail black and like the
Royal cock ; legs a dark olive. Such should be the
cock in the Royal mating in brown-reds.
Pullets, in appearance, black, with this qualification :
Head dark brownish black, beak black, eyes dark brown
or black, comb, ear-lobe and wattles a purple-red, neck
plumage lemon color, striped with black ; back a brown-
black, legs dark olive; black in all other parts not
described and in form of structure as described for hens
in Royal black-reds.
Mating No. 2. — Cockerel same in form, color of eyes,
shanks as cock described above, except that the breast
have only the brown-red shaft in the feather, lacing of
hackle being narrow and darker in color, back and wing-
bows extremely dark, saddle in the lacing being orange-
red instead of lemon color, thighs and shanks very
long, balance as to structure as in male No. i.
Females to be hens that are light color, being nearer
a dark brown than black, hackle very light, the black
stripe in same more or less penciled with lemon color ;
thighs and shanks appearing rather short for Game
symmetry; eyes and shanks in color as Mating No. i.
Mating No. j. — Male very high colored in hackle
and saddle, with back and wing-bows light red, breast
having full shaft and wide lacing of bronze-red, even
some breast feathers cherry color, light color beak and
legs, eyes approach bay.
To such, mate females black, with no other color
except the gold lacing of the neck plumage with brown
and black legs, black beak and black eyes ; in all else
Standard described as to form of structure.
Here we find hard work to keep up to the Standard
in color, and a race that loses color fast by both age
and by breeding, the average color of the chicks being
below the rich color of the parent stock.
In this breed we have this course only lo pursue,
for they are the result of black-red males on white
Game hens, or hens white, that have been produced
from white sport and white mongrels by breeding into
the Game blood, and we must make a large allowance
in color decay.
Mating No. i. — Cock in form and symmetry as
described in Standard, but in color to wit: Head chest-
nut-red, beak yellow with a dark stripe, eyes red, hackle
a deep chestnut-red, back and wing-bows rich red, saddle
shading into a light brown red, breast being a white
laced with a chestnut color, body and thighs white, tail
white, carried as described for Royal cock, shanks yel-
low. To such a male breed pullets that are deep brownish
red at the head, comb and wattles red, eyes red, neck
white, deeply laced with bright gold color, back white,
clouded with chestnut color, breast a salmon color, the
body having a shading of a light salmon color, ending
in thighs white, beak and shank yellow, tail white.
Mating No. 2. — Cockerel Standard in form, but in all
the chestnut and shading in color to be of a deeper
tinge than described in the cock No. i. To him mate
hens that are lighter in their chestnut shading than
described for pullets of No. i, mating hens that as pul-
lets had filled pen No. i the year before.
Mating No. j. — A black red male such as I describe
for the Royal mating in black red. To him mate females
that are nearly white that have been bred from Matings
Nos. I and 2, for this is the only way you can keep up
color in Red Piles. Kill every male so bred. The
prime colored pullets from this mating mated to a light-
colored male, the get of No. i, will reduce the blood
so the pullets from such a mating can be mated to
cockerels that have come in line of No. i. Never, under
any circumstances, use a male that is the result of
cross-breeding for color as Mating No. 3.
Cock Standard in form and stature, with plumage to
wit : head straw color, eyes red, hackle the color of the
straw of ripe rye, or what is called cut straw — free
from dark stripes of any kind ; back a copper red,
saddle dark straw color, breast and body black, wing-
bows golden red, approaching copper red in center, with
black butts and steel-blue wing coverts, which form the
deep wide bar of the wing, secondaries dull black
on inside web, with a yellowish white on outside web,
primaries black on upper web and whitish yellow on
the lower web, tail and thighs black, beak and shanks
yellow. To such a male mate pullets with medium long
head, dark gray in color, beak yelk)w, eyes red, neck
whitish gray striped with black, neck being medium
long, back being a silver gray minutely penciled
with black, with the shafts a silver color, breast a rich
salmon color, body shading from breast into dark gray
with same shade to thighs, wing-bows a silver gray
minutely penciled with black, primaries a blue slate,
the secondary being a lighter shade called slaty gray,
the three rows of single coverts being tinged with the
salmon color, shafts of plumage being a white gray, tail
proper a slaty black, the tail coverts being of same
shade as back, shanks yellow.
Matifig No. 2. — Cockerel Standard in symmetry and
stature, whose neck and saddle are a deep straw color,
whose back and wing-bows are very dark red or dark
brown copper color. In other respects as in Mating
No. I.
To him mate those hens that are pale salmon color
in breast, white lacing to neck hackle. In other respects
like pullets described in Mating No. i.
The mating resorted to to keep up these bright
colors is best brought about by the mating of a black
red hen that has a faded color, which is known as the
" Wheaten Hen," to the cock No. i ; and pullets that
come from such a mating that are Standard Golden
Duckwing color mate to a cockerel bred from pen No. i
that is in neck, hackle and saddle akin to Silver Duck-
wing color. In this way get the benefit of the black
red blood that brightens up all Game colors, but never
use a male from this cross.
These are simply a Golden Duckwing that have the
back and saddle faded to a silver white where it is straw
color in the Golden, with a back and wing-bow silver white
instead of red or copper color in the male ; and the hen
the same as the Golden, only that there is no salmon
tinge in the lower part of the wing. Therefore we are
obliged in all these Game matings to borrow blood to
keep up the colors, and in this breed we say few
breeders that breed Yellow Duckwings but what breed
the Silver variety also.
If we knew just what the cross was that produced
this variety we should know better how to mate, but
reason supports the assertion that the Silver Dorking
was the mother crossed with a Golden Duckwing cock,
for the variety fails woefully in Game symmetry and
stature. To secure a Standard Game symmetry in this
race is an exception to the rule.
We say for Mating No. i. — A cock with a , silver
white head, olive beak, red eyes and pure silver hackle
(the less hackle we have the better, for the race, as a
rule, is heavy in the hackle) ; back and saddle white,
breast and body coal black ; primaries and secondary
white in their lower web and black in their upper
webs ; the bows clear silver white, butts black ; wing-
coverts, a steel blue, making prominent bars across
wings ; tail wholly black ; thighs long, and shanks
medium long and olive in color. To such a male, of
Standard form, mate if you have them hens that are of
the following description : Head long, color silver gray,
willow beaks, eyes red, small combs, whichy with wattles
and ear-lobe, are red ; no white in the latter ; neck as
long and graceful as possible, being a nice silver gray
color, striped with black, the black will be penciled with
gray; back and wing-bows silver color, penciled mi-
nutely with a dark stone color; shaft of feathers white ;
breast, light red wine color, shading to an ashen gray
body and thighs, the stern being a steel gray color ;
primaries and secondaries are a stone gray, the outer
webs being lighter in shade ; tail a dark stone gray,
approaching to dull black; thigh, ashen gray in color;
shanks, olive color.
Mating No. 2. — Cockerel, in description like cock in
Mating No. i. To him, hens that have been bred in
a Golden Duckwing mating that fill description given
pullet in Mating No. i for Silver Duckwing ; their
wings absolutely free from any tinge of salmon color.
Mating No. j. — May be a cock or cockerel as de-
scribed in Mating Nos. i or 2. Mate to him hens that
are up in color, except that they be pale in the breast,
color being a light salmon, in all other respects up to
Game Standard form. These colors must be main-
tained. The short-legged females (the majority of
these we see in the yard, and many times in the show
pen) can only be used to advantage with a very long
thigh and shank in their male mates. If you cannot
so mate them they had better be used to hatch and rear
chicks than to waste time in the use of them as breeders.
In the self-colors, like white and black, a good con-
stitution and health while breeding is all-important, no
matter what the breed, for brilliancy of color and purity
of shade are dependent upon it.
The rule to guide in mating is as follows :
A metallic-black male mated to females of the same
hard smooth surface color is the best for both males
and females, but such a cock mated to females dead
black, lacking in brightness and metallic surface, will
breed fine pullets, but the male progeny is generally
much poorer than the female. In black there is little to
do beyond these two distinctions of color. The metal-
lic hard-finished surface and the dull black, if crossed,
restores to the progeny the metallic-black desired.
Birds of this cross should be mated to those of the
metallic-black mating.
In solid white specimens a!l v/c have to consider is
form, health and purity of the plumage color, and to
bear in mind that the sire transmits the purity of color
to the greatest degree. That in white birds it is folly
to mate anything but white, both in web and shaft, to
produce our male breeder, but females with yellowish
tinge and yellow quills must be mated to absolutely
white males, that the female from the mating coming-
all white may be used with male of the pure white
matings, and the color held in control — but males from
yellow females are not reliable ; health in all self-color
is, as in all breeding, highly essential to success.
The Houdans in France and England rank very much
as the Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes do in America,
furnishing excellent poultry in summer and early fall,
and withal being very good layers, filling the middle
ground between the small and large fowls of the lands.
The first importations of these fowls proved very
unsatisfactory ; those coming from France being much
smaller than those imported from English breeders,
the stock having improved in size under their super-
vision. Since the introduction of Houdans into Amer-
ica the breed has greatly improved, and we now have
yards in America where they are seen in perfection.
They are less subject to roup than formerly, home-bred
birds being equally as hardy as other breeds, except the
The breed, made up as it is of plumage in feather
white and black, makes them more subject to loss in
color by age than most parti-colored breeds, and a
pullet one-fourth white will generally appear quite
evenly divided in the two colors as a hen ; while a
cockerel quite black oftentimes as a cock appears in
the regulation uniform, and at three or four years old
looks tolerably white on the lawn.
Therefore, in mating, the breeder has to allow not
only for loss in color for breeding, but also for the loss
by age, and must commence with the young stock
much darker in one of the sexes than he desires, and
in his purchases of new blood ought to select dark
The shape of the crest is of far more importance in
the cock than the size of it : while in the hen, the
size of the crest should take precedence. The points
most desired are: symmetry, form of the sections, and
color in the males, and size, health, size of crest, and
fullness of beard in the females. With this be sure to
have health and egg-productive merit. Therefore we
recommend mating for the best results in the male
Mating No. i. — Cockerels a little more than one-
fourth white, small in comb, finely formed crest, and
full in beard ; in other respects Standard.
Hens of good average size that have ripened into
Standard color, from pullets that were quite dark in
plumage, large crests, full beard, and small combs.
Mating No. 2. — Cock that has ripened into Standard
color from a cockerel like No. i.
Pullets somewhat darker than Standard color ; in
form of crest, legs and toes as described in Standard.
Such a pen will breed good birds of both sexes.
Mating No. j. — Males evenly broken in white and
black plumage.
Females very dark in plumage. If this mating be
kept up there will soon be less light-plumaged birds,
and the plumage will be more uniform than it would
if light-colored sires were used.
Mating No. /f.. — Male nearly black, with beak and
legs dark-colored.
Pullets showing three-fifths or more white in plum-
age. In this way all the stock can be utilized except
extremely light-colored cockerels of the breed, which
should be killed, for their use will in a few years bleach
out the flock to a greater extent than is desirable.
We see no reason why this breed cannot be kept up
to Standard color ; and surely its practical worth has
been very much improved.
What a few have done in size, the many ought to be
able to do ; but in making weight, do not lose sight of
the egg-productive merit, for that once impaired would
be a severe blow to the breed.
This breed, in its different families, is cross-bred in
foundation blood, with top crosses of the Dominique
to secure the color. To notice some of the modes which
have produced these beautiful birds we cite :
1. Black Spanish on White Cochin, top crossed with
2. Black Spanish on Gray Dorkings, top crossed
with Dominique.
3. Dominique on Buff-Cochin hens, reaching the
result through the strong breeding-color quality of the
Dominique by years of breeding.
4. White Birmingham on the Black Java, top
crossed with Dominique.
5. White Birmingham on the Black Java, and the
progeny bred together, the progeny coming white and
black, and Dominique. These Dominique-colored
birds, bred with the males produced by Mating No. 4,
produced the best and surest breeders for color of
plumage and legs, and were known by many as the
Essex strain, being the same in foundation blood as
seen in the so-called Mark Pitman birds of 1872-3.
Thus we see that they are the result of mating
thoroughbreds so strong in color-pigment as to produce
new types, neither being strong enough to control the
color. Thus has the color of this breed been estab-
lished, and the fact that light and dark colors have
been mated to produce the breed has caused breeders
of this variety to adopt the theory that the color must
be maintained by mating the birds by the same rule.
It should be remembered that this breed is cross-
bred in its origin, and being in most cases not far
removed from the first crosses there will be a con-
tinued struggle of the different bloods for supremacy,
and we find more cases of reversion to the original
than in older and well established breeds ; yet the
same law, in the main, controls it, and although both
sexes in the progeny do not grow lighter alike, yet the
tendency is for the males to breed to the light extreme,
while a large percentage of the females are good in
color and the balance favor the dark extreme ; yet
when we consider the whole progeny (although we are
led to doubt the general rule when we think of the few
black pullets that sometimes appear) the preponderance
of testimony goes to prove that it, like all other breeds,
grows lighter by breeding.
We now have the breed well on the way to perfec-
tion, and as we shall be troubled less with reversion of
the progeny to the first crosses the farther we get from
them, all can see the folly of trying to make the breed,
instead of buying those now perfected
The universal rule of mating light-colored males to
dark-colored females is clearly a mistake, for the
male in his line generally stamps the males in plum-
age like himself — a type in this case which we do not
We mated in 1876 a more than medium-dark male
to nearly black-barred females, and the result was the
best colored flock of Plymouth Rock chickens we ever
saw. There was not a black pullet in the lot, and the
lightest shade in the males would be called medium
color, while a light-gray male used on these same
females produced but few desirable colored females,
and all but very few of the cockerels were the counter-
part of the sire. Surely in this breed it pays to " find
the highest type to perform the paternal act " if we
expect to produce our ideal chickens.
These rules must not be condemned upon one ex-
ception. " A single swallow does not make a summer."
A light cockerel for a single season may breed splendid
chicks, breeding back to a perfect sire, but it is morally
certain that his sons will revert, with double force to
the evils found in him ; for, if in all other breeds we
find the rule that the chicks favor the grandparents,
why should this prove an exception ? The breed, as it
becomes more and more perfected, will be governed
more and more by the rule applying to other breeds.
In the light of our experience with this breed so
far, and finding it so in unison with our experiments
with the Light Brahmas, we recommend the matings
of this breed as follows :
Mating No. i. — Males with breast of the color de-
sired in the females, with yellow beak and legs, with
neck, back and tail evenly barred, the light shade
predominating, yet free from any white feathers in
flights or tail, mated to females in plumage slightly
darker than, yet accurately described by, the Standard.
This should be the mating to preserve the male line.
Mating No. 2.— A cock like the one described in
Mating No. i, mated to females slightly lighter in color
than described by the Standard, will be found to pro-
duce such females as the popular taste requires ; but
the males will be hardly up to color.
Mating No. j.— Males a light medium in color,
mated to the very darkest females. Males exceedingly
dark from this mating should not be used in one's best
pens, for the very extremes should be avoided.
Mating No. ^.— Males much darker than the me-
dium, with very deep yellow beak and legs, mated to
hght-colored females (those having either gray breasts
and white or cloudy neck feathering), will be found to
produce many very fine chicks, and the mating stands
upon the same basis as Mating No. 6 in Light Brahmas.
All the faded light-colored males should not be used in
breeding for fancy points. They cannot do the breeder
any good, unless wanted for poultry purposes.
The above have been for ten years the modes of
mating with most breeders, except that the high price
paid for light-colored females has led many to breed
their very best even-colored light pullets to extremely
light-colored males, and a large percentage of prime
females have been bred, but from a thoroughbred point
of view this is all wrong, for every male has been killed
for poultry and thereby one sees one-half the progeny
sacrificed. It has led others to wish to change the
Standard, and to make this light gray male they have
been raising a Standard-colored male, instead of
mating Standard-colored males and females together]
when twice as many chicks to the hundred would
reach ninety or more points than is the case in the!
mating alluded to above, for in that case probably three-
eighths of the birds reach ninety or more points, for
hardly one in the male half reach ninety, while males
of Standard color mated to females of Standard color
will breed at least three-fourths to score ninety or
more. The discussions of late in the journals have
disclosed this state of things to the knowing ones.
The color of the breast, eye and beak are the best
indications of color in breeding. A sire medium in
color of plumage, with a deep yellow beak, in which
is seen indications of a color-stripe, and with a deep
bay eye, will breed darker-colored chicks than will a
sire dark in plumage, light in beak, and having a light-
colored eye.
We believe the requirements of the Standard in the
color of the leg to be too arbitrary. There is no rea-
son why this breed should not be as impartially dealt
with as the Dark Brahmas, and like them allowed to
be yellow or dusky yellow in the legs. There is more
dark leg blood in the Plymouth Rock than in the Dark
Brahma. Again, the females seldom if ever come yel-
low in leg when chicks, but as they approach maturity
grow brighter in color and clearer in shade, becoming
quite yellow by the time they lay their first egg.
The late action of the American Poultry Society
has done much to preserve the breed in its most prac-
tical form, the weight now being more in keeping with
the eternal fitness of things, and a weight at which
greater beauty and more prolific laying are the result.
They are a breed made up of cross-breeding the
thoroughbreds, and by this same breeding have we
got to maintain the race in its present popularity. The
last edition of the Standard has made it better, how-
ever, for a smoky tinge to front part of leg in females
now is allowed to go uncut. An absolute yellow leg
with no black scales or smoky tinge must be admitted
in the females as in the minority, and we are almost
forced to say the exception to the rule of color. The
males hatch lighter in color of legs, generally quite
yellow from the start, not one in ten exhibited being
cut in the legs for color. All chicks molt twice before
they are old enough to breed, the females growing
lighter in color till the third month, while the males
as a rule molt darker — so much so that many, a cock-
erel gets condemned to help fill the broiler market that
if kept to molt into a mature bird would win prizes.
As a rule a male to score ninety-four points will
bring twice — yes, three times — what a pullet will to score
the same. We all see the tendency the females have
to breed to black. This is not strange, the first maternal
ancestor was a Black Java hen. While the males breed
back to white the White Birmingham mate of the Java
hen. We have said that by cross-breeding we should
keep up this blood. There are numerous White Sports
in Plymouth Rocks to-day being sold as White Plym-
outh Rocks. If these were to be bred to prime colored
males and bred back they would do much to dispose of
the dark, smutty specimens now in use. Or should some
one breed a large white Asiatic to prime males, and
breed back for two generations before using the cross
in stock, the same would help to counteract this now
prevailing tendency to very dark females. Much more
could be said on this cross-bred race, but I close with
what I call the best mating for Plymouth Rocks, — one
upon which I will stake my prophecy as a breeder, my
integrity and reputation as a mater of them, and my
fortune as a man, as being the one that will produce
more Standard, or more chicks to score ninety or more
points in a hundred, than any other mating to be made :
A cockerel weighing eight and a-half to nine pounds,
having a low, straight, evenly serrated comb of six to
eight serratures; medium size head, bluish gray, marked
across with dark blue ; eyes a bright red ; wattles
rather large, though of fine texture; fair size, bright red
ear-lobes ; necks of fair length, well arched and full in
hackle, the color being almost white shown on white
paper, the bars across being very dark blue ; back flat
at shoulder, not long in appearance, color being bluish-
gray, barred with the darkest shade known to blue,
the back having a nice concave sweep as it turns in a
sharper sweep to tail; from hackle to tail back lower at
saddle than at hackle (all cuts are made much higher
there, but they are wrong) ; tail carried well up, but not
reaching the perpendicular position of the sickles ; tail
medium size, sickles reaching some three inches
beyond the tail proper ; saddle shading lighter than
back to a tail that is still lighter in its shadings of
bluish-gray, marbled with a darker shade of blue ; a
breast full, broad and round — not a pouter pigeon ex-
hibition, but a well turned one, matching well onto a
round-sided body, breast and body being better ex-
pressed by a light steel-gray undercolor, barred with a
deep blue, the bars reaching over the thighs ; the hock
being clearly defined in profile ; the smoky bars
visible even in the bluish-gray fluff; legs yellow, fair
length. Such a male, bred to pullets that are of Standard
form and symmetry, but having this light steel-gray
ground-color of plumage evenly based with a deeper
blue throughout, will forever put to shame the breed-
ers who tell us that no one can breed Plymouth
Rocks unless they breed two pens. Let it be what-
ever mating one may call it, it is all the mating he
who has but one pen can afford to have if he is to be
considered a first-class breeder.
The first importation of Brown Leghorns into this
country was in 1853. This importation was bred along
the Mystic river, Conn,, and they were then called Red
Leghorns. These fowls were short in leg, red in ear-
lobe, and very small in size. The modern acquisition
of white ear-lobes, long legs, and not more than five
points in the comb, the dark brown color, and greater
weight, has been the result of the following crosses
known to the .writer : Spanish sires bred upon Black
Red Game hens, and the progeny bred to Brown Leg-
horn cocks, and this progeny inbred to sire ; again.
Black Red Game sire upon Black Spanish dams, and
the progeny bred to Brown Leghorn cock and inbred
as before, and Black Spanish hens bred to Brown Leg-
horn cocks, and the progeny inbred.
Thus we have birds of a type far different from the
original ones, and the Brown Leghorns of 1885 are as
much different in color and type from those of 1853 ^-s
can well be imagined, and they well deserve the appel-
lation of an American-bred bird. Now there is an
excuse for these crosses. They were found to be
chance birds in their own country, but in acclimating
proved a valuable acquisition to this country's poultry
stock. Finding the stock indifferently bred in its native
country, it was considered easier to produce blood
for new infusions from a foreign element, which was of
greater benefit than to rely on new importations.
Were we making a specialty of the breed, we would
certainly make the following crosses for future use,
viz: A Black Red Game cock upon a mahogany-
breasted Partridge-Cochin hen, breeding a pullet of
this mating to a Black Spanish cock ; and that progeny
to a fine Brown Leghorn cockerel, and breed his pul-
lets back to him. The breeder would in this way get
the needed size, quiet disposition, and the constitution
of the Cochin, and also run clear of the white feathers
produced by the use of the Clayborne Game of recent
Breeders will appreciate this trouble, and such a
stock of birds will in three years be much valued. They
are needed now, for the race is fast losing size and
stamina. Of course, size and constitution can be
given in a single cross, but such a cross would be too
crude. The half-bred Spanish and Game pullet will
do this, but it would injure one's reputation to put
such eggs on the market. Patience and perfect breed-
ing pays.
In these crosses, and in fact in all crosses, let the
point sought for be the get of the breed in which it is
the prominent feature. For instance, if you would
cross for a white ear-lobe use the Spanish male on the
Leghorn female, for the progeny carry back to grand-
sires, and Spanish crosses will show the white ear even
in the sixth generation. The result that breeders are
striving for can be more easily attained in this way
than by the use of the Spanish hen. The Brown Leg-
horn race is faulty in this respect for just this reason,
and it is a very strong proof that the original fowls were
red in the lobe. We find it much easier to get females
with fine ears than males.
In mating the race as we find it at the present time
we would recommend the following:
Mating No. i. — Sire, a cockerel with a rich bay hackle
striped with black, which as a chick was also known
to have had the neck feathers black in stripe, comb
having but five points, and in other respects Standard.
The dam pure salmon brown, but not that deep
shade sometimes seen ; the ground-color of back and
wing coverts pure brown, penciled with a darker
brown, and the feathers of saddle lapping on to the
tail having a sage tinge to the brown color. Wings
free from all red or brick color; the hackle free from
all yellowish-brown pencilings ; comb that stands
partially erect, rolling at about one-half its height, and
in other respects as near to the description of the
Standard as can be obtained.
This is the " ne plus ultra," and should be the
mating for the male line. The femciles from this mating
will be fine also.
Mating No. 2. — Males as near Standard as possible,
except the combs should have five points, and the
neck-hackle may be a light bay with a tolerably good
stripe in it. A very narrow but black stripe is to be
preferred, though one broader but not much darker
than a brown may be tolerated.
Females quite dark in the salmon shade of breast,
wings and back brown with penciling that shades
nearer black than brown ; also wings free from any red
shading. In other respects Standard. Such a mating
will produce as fine females as Mating No. i.
Mating No.j. — Males of a like character as described
in Mating No. 2, yet a lighter shade can be indulged in.
Pullets with exceedingly dark breasts, and having
the red tinge in the wings. This reddish tinge is a
serious fault, yet such birds produce many fine chicks.
Mating No. ^. — Males dark-bay hackled, the stripe
-being very distinctly defined, even at the base, so wide
as to form a black necklace around the neck — in fact,
the dark extreme in color, and Standard as to form.
Females, those we term the light extreme, whose
back and wing coverts look like faded brown cloth, and
pale in breast color.
The progeny may be restored to color in this cross
and faulty females thereby utilized. The light, straw-
hackled, mottle-breasted, and bronze-thighed males
should be killed, for to use them is an evil to be
shunned, as described in other breeds. The first and
second matings are considered the perfect ones, and
the third and fourth those of expediency or necessity.
The breed is certainly one of the best for practical
purposes, and with the Plymouth Rock seems to fill a
place in the economy of poultry that none of the other
varieties are so well capable of doing.
This can be claimed as an American breed. We
must also admit it to be of a cross-bred origin, and like
the Plymouth Rock ranks as among the middle size
breeds and pre-eminently fitted for the farm and poult-
erers' uses. As a producer of broilers to weigh four
pounds to the pair at twelve to thirteen weeks old it
has no equal. It is more than an average producer of
eggs of good size. They are the result of crosses of
Silver-Spangled Hamburg males with Buff Cochins, also
with Dark Brahmas. While in some of the original
crosses the French breeds were included, latterly these
several crosses have been mated together, and the type
now known as the Wyandottes the result. The cock
resembles much the Dark Brahma males, the wide bar
of the wing the same with this exception : there is a
row of triangular white spangles through the same and
a second row near the wing-bow extending up for three
to four of these spangles in length.
At the present time the breed is having a " boom "
— nothing else expresses the wild interest manifested in
it. The breed is fortunate in the position it holds,
being like and with the Plymouth Rock the only two
breeds that hold that middle ground between the Asi-
atic and smaller breeds. They grow about two weeks
quicker than the Plymouth Rocks, and fully forty days
quicker than the Brahmas and Cochins, making them
highly appreciated by both the farmer and the fancier.
As show birds they are handsome, the females having
a plumage that at the head is a nice black-laced narrow
white-centered feather, breast being white with a narrow
lacing of jet black shading toward the tail, the white
centers growing smaller till all merge into a coal-black
tail. The fluff being a dark slate, or rather white
smoked over with black to give the above appearance.
So far, the race shows great loss in color by age and
breeding. Many of the pullets (though as such are nice
in color) become quite white as fowls of two years of
age, and already we see these white birds advertised as
White Wyandottes. We see also the rose-comb
White Leghorns mated to white and nearly white speci-
mens, and the progeny offered as White Wyandottes.
We are sorry to see this White Hamburg blood again
worked over, as was the case with White Leghorns,
and there will be another strife to get them again recog-
nized as White Wyandottes. But we see far more
utility and a better chance to secure a better bird by
its use in this way, and by its crossings with large white
females — a cross breed that could be accepted as a White
Wyandotte with far better grace and consistency than
to have accepted the rose-comb White Leghorn.
To mate these birds, we have for years to use the
greatest care and judgment, allowing for this great loss
in color by breeding in our matings, and all males, if
the best results are to be obtained, must be the darker
throughout, and a male line first established, if we
ever hope to see this variety breeding to a uniform
type. The breeder who first secures in his breeding a
male line that can be said to be sure in this respect to
reproduce his sons in their own type and general color,
will be the breeder to reap the greatest profit from his
labors. This should be the first work of the breeder of
them. A course of breeding as recommended in Dark
Brahmas would be the shortest and surest road to
We have elements in this breed hard to manage.
For example, it is difficult to secure a perfect hackle
in all else and not have the black smut fringe the
outer edge of the white lacing of the hackle. The
first cross or mating toward success we believe to
be a cockerel weighing eight pounds, with a nice
head with a broad crown, thus looking short in head,
with a dark beak, having a yellow point to same, and
bright bay eyes. If we can get it, a silver colored
head, comb low down, following closely the curve of
the crown and as wide at base as at the top, and taper-
ing to a shorter spike from the center than in Ham-
burg males. Large Hamburg combs should be con-
sidered an abomination. The top of the comb should
be as evenly corrugated as possible. The Standard calls
it small points, but the uneven surface of the top of
the comb cannot by any means be called points. He
should have thin pendent ear-lobes, rich red in color,
wattles well developed and fine in texture. Neck well
arched, plumage of same abundant, which gives neck
a rather short appearance, securing the color as near as
possible to silver color striped with black, but do not
discard him if the black runs up the sides of the white
from the point of hackles if other parts- in breast,
body and wing-bar are what we desire. Back short,
apparently flat at shoulders, and white, with a saddle
that maintains a concave sweep to tail. Let the back
fall off from hackle to just before it makes the turn up-
ward to the tail. Saddle should be silver color, striped
with black, the back being a plain silver color, also the
wing-bow of this same color, approaching white, wing
fronts mixed with if not quite black, primaries black,
with a narrow outer edging of white; in the secondaries
the outer web should have a wide white lacing, balance
black. Wing coverts should be in the upper web coal-
black, and turning the point with a hook around the
point of feather, coming to a point at the lower edge
of outer web, which should be white. These feathers
lapping out over the other give us the wide Dark
Brahma bar, with the row and a half of white spangles
through it. Breast at throat black and looking quite
black in front of breast, but if the feathers be parted,
will show narrow white centers, these white centers
growing larger as the breast merges into the body ; but
the thighs should hold black with the fluff being dark
slate color, breast full and round, hocks well defined in
profile, the fluff by no means enveloping them. Tail
black throughout. Such should be the male to found
our line of sires.
To which mate hens that were fair colored pullets,
but in their transition to fowls have lost their color
somewhat, they, however, being all that is desirable in
comb, being like the male described, but smaller, hav-
ing a neck hackle that retains the black stripe with
white lacing, back that has but slight convexed turn to
cushion, breast may have crescent black tips to the
plumage and wing, the white centers in the bow being
free from black pencilings, wings whose coverts have
black centers, striped and small black points, fluff may
be light colored and tail tinted with white, the saddle
having large white centers, which may be penciled,
thighs gray; in fact, a rather light specimen, but not so
light that at a few rods off she would look shabby on
account of her color. This our first cross, "why?" be-
cause to mate a full Standard colored female to such a
bird would be to breed black females. We have now
started, giving the male the darker blood, and as color
comes with greater force from the male, give him the
task to darken up the progeny from the female stand-
point, which is lighter. From this, or crosses like this,
which we call the initiatory cross, we will have
females of prime color in a Standard sense. We will
also have females that will fall but very little be-
low it in color. These latter we will in the sec-
ond year mate to their sire as the established link
in starting our line of sires, while we also mate the
dam to a cockerel that has come to the exact image of
the sire No. i, and from their chicks we select our
Standard colored pullets, which shall make up our first
pen and mating, and the cockerels, the produce of the
old cock with the pullets spaken of, will come our first
sire in line, and we say, after all this initiatory work,
Mating No. i. — A male like our original described
sire, except that the breast be black with small white
centers, thighs stone color Avith fluff dark stone color
approaching black.
Mate pullets weighing full five ana three-quarters to
six pounds, full breasts, plumage of same fully laced, yet
the white center of good size, and to grow smaller in the
plumage and the black lacing wider as it approaches the
tail, when it merges into a full black tail and dark stone-
colored fluff, with thighs nearly black, beak and shanks
yellow, comb as described in the ancestors. This
mating to produce one line of sires, and no sire should
be used from any other mating if we hope to see this
breed reach that accuracy and uniformity of breeding
we see in Light Brahmas.
Mating No. 2. — A male that has the form of struct-
ure consistent with Standard requirement, and good
clear color ; save, I care not how black he be in breast,
wing-bar and tail, with dark stone-colored fluff. With
such mate the pullets that look well from a distance,
but show breast off in color, the lacing having crescents,
the white in the middle of web of feather reaching
the outer edge, with wide white center, penciled in
the cushion plumage, and having light-colored fluff and
Mating No. j. — Cockerel having a pure silver-colored
lacing and neck, back nearly white, silver white laced
breast with wide centers, gray thighs and breast, wing-
bar, if possible, with the color described, gray fluff, tail
black, beak and leg yellow.
Females with dark heads and beaks and dark hackles,
back and cushion nearly black, heavy laced breast, body
and thighs, and fluff black. Males from such a mating
should all be killed as broilers. The Standard-colored
pullets from such a mating will make good mates for
Standard described male from Mating No. i.
This plan will have to be followed out before we
can sell eggs with the confidence, we now feel in selling
eggs from Black Red Games, Light Brahmas and White
Leghorns, and until such a line of breeding has been
accomplished no purchaser of eggs from this breed has
any right to censure the seller of them, for he is
doing the best with what he now has in this battle of
breeding a cross-breed up to that state of perfection in
which he can say their breeding has been accomplished,
and they are thoroughbred.
There is but one mating for these birds ; any other
is a utiHty one, and only necessity should force us to
make them.
A male of Standard description, or, in our own
words, to weigh eight or more pounds, with a large
head, silver white in color, beak flesh color and well
curved, red eyes, single comb of medium size, having
six even serrations ; no side sprigs ; ear-lobes of fair
size, with nice, well rounded wattles ; neck so full in
plumage as to look large and not long, yet we would
not say short in describing it ; the hackle being as near
a light silver color as possible ; the breast full and
heavy, large for the breed, and black as can be ; body
long, yet full sided, black, with short, heavy thighs, also
black in color; tail large and very full, all of which
should be black and casting green reflections in the
sun ; the lesser coverts only may be edged with silver
white ; shanks, what is called flesh color, nearly the
color of one's finger nails ; five toes, the last or upper
one making a scimeter shape in its sweep upward
toward the hock.- Such is the only male to be used
in this breed, mating him with females, to wit :
those weighing from five and one-half to six pounds, as
near as possible, having a neat shaped head, silver-gray
in color, with eyes a bright bay or red ; beak not long,
but well curved and the color of one's thumb nails ;
comb single, fine in texture, which causes it to fall to
one side, smoothly, however ; ear-lobe fairly developed ;
wattles small, but well rounded in outline; a full plum-
aged neck, causing it to look rather short, and what is
termed gray slate color, with white shafts to feather,
each side of which nearly black, and outer edge of
feather light gray in shade ; back rather long, of good
width, the feathers being silver color, penciled minutely
with stone color, the combination giving them the
silver-gray color of the Standard ; breast should be
carried forward, being full and of the color of the
robin, a dark shade of salmon ; the breast-bone is
carried low, giving body a deep look in profile, yet
good specimens are quite round at the side ; the color
of body not so dark a shade as breast, but fading out
into ash color in thighs, the fluff being stone color;
primaries a dark stone color, approaching black, with
secondaries same color, the outer edge being silver-gray ;
the wing-bows silver color, minutely penciled over with
a stone color, the wing being large but closely folded to
sides and embedded at the butts in breast plumage;
tail stone gray outside, the inner webs shading darker
in color; shanks a white flesh color, fine toes, the hind
one the largest and turned well up toward shank.
To mate any of the balance would be folly, for all
those having a reddish shade in wings or body plumage
would be but poor material ; one can only turn them
over to the colored cocks to breed for the spit, and to
use male with splashed breast and gray thighs is but
increasing the disqualified birds in their progeny.
simply follow the Standard description in both male
and female for color and form ; be sure they are in
perfect health. Discard all others for. poulterer's pur-
poses. As a race they have not been considered beau-
tiful, nor have they been numerous in our poultry
exhibitions, but are bred, from the epicure's stand-
point, for table purposes, but of late more attention is
manifest in the breed, and they are sought for for
Standard merit as well as utility.
Mating No. i. — Cock with a small neat head, rich
deep bay in color, beak dark horn color, eyes bay, face
free from white, ear-lobe nearly round arid white comb
about twice the width across the top surface as the
skull is wide, being square in front and running back
with a nice 'taper into a well formed spike, which
should hold up from the skull so as to preserve a straight
line from center of comb to rear peak of the same; a
full flowing hackle of rich bay striped with black to
point of feather ; back reddish or dark bay, the tips of
feathers having ticks of black ; the saddle, like the neck,
should shade to a golden bay and the feather striped
with a well defined stripe of black; breast very large
and round, plumage a golden bay, the tips of the
feathers spangled with a round black spot, a body round
at sides; plumage the same as breast and clinging
close to the form, large long wings, primaries black
with lower edge bay in color, secondary a golden bay
in lower web, tipped with black, crescent in form, the
inner well merging into black. Wing coverts should
form two distinct bars across the wing, greenish black ;
these bars must be distinct and striking; tail black
throughout, under part of body and fluff free from
taints of white ; shank not long, yet they should not
look short and give the bird a low-set appearance,
slaty-blue in color.
To such a male mate pullet with a head of same
general description except the comb, wattles very sir.all in
comparison to the male, a neat, well arched neck, the
colors distinct, having no golden penciling in the black
stripe. The spangle throughout should be round black
spots and light enough in color to show the spots dis-
tinctly, not lapping one on the other except in back, and
there as little as possible ; bay eyes, Standard form —
and we have the mating to produce our best males.
Mating. No. 2. — A cockerel in color as above de-
scribed for cock No. i, being well developed in breast.
To such mate the pullets Standard in form of body,
but having the crescent-shaped spangles, also the hens
that have lost color from molting, being pullets the
year before, as described in Mating No. i.
Mating No. j. — Male of good bright golden bay
color, whose spangles in breast and body have taken a
crescent shape rather than the round spangle, and
slight falling off in the black ; marking of body and
thighs the golden color, creeping into the tail plumage.
Mate those very dark pullets whose backs show very
little golden color between the large black points of
the feather and black undercolor, whose tail coverts
are nearly black and breast spangles overlap one
another. From this mating many times we get some
of the finest females.
We think it folly to use Golden Hamburgs, male or
female, that are tainted with white spots along the
lower part of body. The race is purely a fancy one,
and unless up to Standard in all points will not sell for
a price that pays. While Mr. Wright considers them
poor layers, we cannot agree with him, for we have
had hens that laid 151 eggs in six months. The eggs
are small, however, and poultry not appreciated. They
are kept for their beautiful plumage and symmetrical
We often hear the remark that the Silver differs
from the Golden variety simply in that it is white
in the plumage where the Golden is of a golden bay
color. This is a sad mistake. To mate this breed for
Mating No. i, we say, males as near Standard de-
scription as it is possible to get them, except in tail
proper so dark as to be a slaty-gray, mixed with white;
lesser sickles tainted in a like manner, but the tip of
the feather having the full round black spangle. To
this male mate females of Standard description
Mating No. 2. — Males with Standard-described
comb, ear-lobes, wattles, beak and legs, eyes very
black, breast very dark, looking quite black in front
— no matter if fully one-third the breast feathers
be solid black. To this male mate pullets with
crescent-shaped spangles, with indistinct bars across
the wings, whose breast spangles have lost the brilliant
black gloss, also hens that have lost color in molting,
the black having lost the metallic luster so much de-
sired, in form of breast and body as described by
Mating No. j. — Male that preserves all the charac-
teristics of the markings of the breed, only that the
black spangles are very small, the bar of wing, though
distinct, very narrow, tail white, with the black spangles
still retained (they will most likely be a dull black),
breast free and open, no black spangles overlapping,
yet of good Standard form and symmetry. To such a
male mate females that are so large in their spangles as
to show the back black, and in the breast the spangles
overlap badly ; tail grizzled with stone color, and sides
of body quite dark. While we must call this extreme
mating in color, many times one's best show birds come
from this source, especially the females.
These birds are smaller than their spangled cousins,
a trifle shorter in body, and a more trim-shaped bird —
a nice mate for
Mating No. i. — A cock with a short, small head,
white beak, bay eyes, comb medium size, the crown
twice the width of base, square in front and making a
nice taper to rear and terminating in a nice spike that
while it seems to turn up only holds its level position
with crown of comb over the eyes ; a nice, close-fitting,
round, white ear-lobe, pendent wattles, a nicely arched
full-hackled neck that is pure white in color ; back not
long, but silver white in color; saddle grayish white,
the breast large and full, white in color, no marks of
foreign color in the same ; body round, white or
slightly tinged with slate near thighs ; wing-bows white
when closed ; primaries and secondaries white, except
in the inside web of secondary, which should be black ;
tails black, except sickles, which should be edged with
white ; shanks, a blue preferred.
To the above male mate females .as near Standard
described color as it is possible to get them, whose
breasts are penciled distinctly across and well up to the
In this breed it is poor economy to mate poor
females. The loss in breeding is severe, and only by
the use of the darkest male with good females can we
keep the race up to a high degree and nice pencelings.
If we had a lot of white-breasted indistinct-penciled
females we would mate them to a Black Hamburg
male, and the distinctly-penciled female coming from
the progeny we would mate to the penciled male, and
thus create new blood, rather than try to breed up the
faded specimens. One too dark is a valuable speci-
men in breeding. A very dark male can be mated to
the indistinct-penciled-breast pullet, and a good season's
hatch be the result, but as a rule to use light specimens
only results in a lot of chicks of a like description.
being a darker color, we have a better chance to
breed up a lot of second-class females and two matings
can be made with success, and to mate which we would
Mating No. i. — Cock, Standard form, medium size
comb, bay eyes, with a rich I'ed at juncture with head,
terminating in golden bay at tip of hackle feathers ;
ear-lobe small and white ; breast large and full for size
of the bird, rich red at throat, shading downward, and
terminating in a golden bay body and bay thighs ;
shanks, blue ; wings rich bay in the bows ; outer web
of both primaries and secondaries bay, inner web
black, those of secondaries penciled, with black tips
presenting a spangle down the upper edge of wing near
To this male mate the pullet and hens that carry
the penciling dark and heavy well up to throat, and
whose penciled surface throughout seems the greater
as compared to the light bars, and having no white or
gray mossy spots in plumage.
Mating No. 2. — Cockerel rich dark bay, whose tail is
quite black, having in the sickles a very dark bay edg-
ing or wholly black. In other general description as in
male of No. i.
To which mate the hens having lost color by molt-
ing, and the pullet whose breasts lack penciling and
whose general color would be called light as compared
to females of No. i. From them generally come very
good females. Few females come so dark as to make
it advisable to use a light-colored male, and we cer-
tainly advise the killing of all not fully up to Standard
described color — any one that opens to a merely white
undercolor. Golden Hamburgs with white in under-
color are as worthless as a Buff Cochin male with white
undercolor. Send to the poulterer all females that show
white gray coloring in the plumage.
Many are not aware of the fact that to place a pair
of these birds on exhibition to match in a gen-
eral observation of color and to appear alike that the
female will be spangled with full round black spots,
Avhile the male will be laced with black. The Standard
acknowledges both, and in all its descriptions says
spangled or laced. A male with spangled plumage
looks very light in color as compared to a female of
like plumage. This fact, and the fact that a heavy
laced plumage in the male is much handsomer, makes
the breeder of them choose such a male to head the
pens they choose to transmit their line of sires ; there-
fore, in
Mating No. i. — We would choose a well grown
cockerel whose crest was large and every feather in it
flowed back smooth from and starting high in front, not
parted in the middle, but falling to the side of neck in
line with, not below, the lower edge of hackle, the
color of plumage black at the skull, white or gray in
the middle of the feather, balance heavily laced with
black, thus saving the crest from any white blotches ;
comb very small, consisting of two small horns nearly
or quite lost in the crest ; ear-lobes white (an over-
grown straggling crest is an abomination); neck carried
well back and very much arched, plumage black laced
and long; breast appearing very prominent, and the
plumage of the same laced with black ; body tapering
from breast to tail ; plumage white, the tips of feathers
being black, spear pointed, the lacings not extending
the full length of the web of feathers ; back straight
from hackle to tail (not humpbacked), color white with
tips laced with black, saddle full and long and well
laced up from the points in black ; wing-bows white,
perfectly laced with black ; primaries and secondaries
white, having crescent-shaped black points to feathers ;
the coverts white, ending in full black spangles with
perfect bars across the wings ; tail (if the bird be all
I have described he will not have a Standard tail)
proper will be black and white mixed, the sickles gray,
with full black tips, lower coverts of like character;
but should one be lucky enough to secure a Standard
tail the bird would be a prize. To such a male
mate females with dark beaks, dark eyes, and a full
round crest (secure a perfectly round crest and all the
size you can) — a crest other than round is a defect. If
pullets, they may have a black white-laced crest ; if
hens, they should be white centered and black edged,
exceedingly small combs, white ears, the neck should be
long, well arched, head being carried well back, hackle
white, edged with black, a good broad back at shoulder,
straight on the upper line and tapering at the sides to
tail, plumage white, with round black splangles; breast
full large, plumage white, spangled round and black ;
body tapers from breast to tail, having the same
spangled plumage as breast; wing-bows white, fully laced
with black ; primaries, secondaries and coverts white,
ending in a heavy crescent of black, tail having the
spangle round, not moon shape ; slaty-blue legs.
The above is the best mating to be made.
Mating No. 2. — A male with all of the above Stand-
ard form and symmetrical carriage, but plumage in
breast, body and thighs, spangled, not laced.
To him mate those females so heavily laced in plum-
age as to look black in the back and breast, tails quite
dark, the dark specimens of the race.
Mating No. J. — A cock that has held his plumage
to be like male described for Mating No. i, mate with
him pullets lighter than those described for Mating
No. I, the spangles being small, also the hens that have
lost color by age, showing white in crest, and a falling
off in the wing markings, being good form, both in
body and crest.
You have only to follow the same rule, substituting
the word golden bay for white. The only thing to keep
in mind is the different style of markings. We used to
see a pair win over all comers, and not one in fifty knew
why a laced cock and spangled hen made the best and
most even-balanced colored pair of a show. For the
black and white varieties, see page 219. Health in
these varieties is everything. No race shows its effect
in the chickens more than they. While it is essential
that all breeding stock be in perfect health to get the
MATING. ■ . 263
best results, it is of the greatest importance that the
Polish race enjoy it, and have healthy, roomy quarters.
In mating these birds one has only to secure males
of Standard color and form, except that the two top
feathers of tail take quite a curve and incline to a
scimiter in shape approaching sickles. Without this in-
dication not one male in ten will be fruitful. When
the Standard says sickles are disqualifications it was not
intended to disqualify birds with these scimiter-shaped
feathers that exceed in length the balance of tail
proper one inch to an inch and one-half (a feather to
be a sickle must be the shape of a sickle — the unjust
disqualifications should cease), a rich golden bay, laced
with black — no white in undercolor. To such a male
mate female of bright orange bay, with brilliant black
lacings ; combs on both perfect in spike — like the
Golden-Penciled Hamburgs. We cannot mate such
to pay us. There is never a male so dark that he will
lift a faded white undercolored, white-spotted female's
progeny up to a first-class Standard.
Mate Standard described birds for Mating No, i,
and to the medium light female use the darkest and
blackest laced males, while the very white, poorly laced
pullets should be bred to a black, rose-combed male,
and the prime marked female of this cross mated to an
evenly-laced, lightish colored male, the get of our
Standard matings, and breed the progeny back. The
road to nice color and health will be quicker traveled
than to try to utilize a poor lot of females in any other
One has only to follow the rule given for Games,
taking care to secure the best station and symmetry
possible. Our Bantams lose station badly, as they
grow small in size. It is folly to breed them too small.
We think that these birds just within the limit of
weight are apt to be the best scoring specimens. We
believe, also, to hatch them in May, June and July better
than to hatch late in fall.
THE "Standard of Excellence," published by the
American Poulterers' Association, contains the
acknowledged groundwork or law by which all the
judging of fowls in America is done, its scale of points
being the numerical value of perfection of the sections
in their sums total, the judges enumerating the out or
point value of the defects, their sum total deducted
from the full number of points being the value in
points of the specimen judged. We do not think any
breeder's library can be complete without the last
edition of "The Standard of Excellence."
Being familiar with this standard makes all scores of
fowls understood. With " Standard " in hand the judg-
ing of the breed will be more clearly understood by
amateur breeders. To old-timers who have long since
learned the lesson, we have nothing to say, but to
the novices in breeding and judging of fowls our
work is dedicated. Such a work as the " Standard "
must, therefore, if effective, and to result in good, be
authoritative. They who say it is only to aid, leaving
the judge to take the extreme views and interpret the
text in a like manner — to such we say, you are not
judging in accordance with its teachings. But the
judge, if an honest one, will form his idea of symmetry
by carefully considering what a harmonious blending of
all the sections, they being of Standard described form,
what such a harmony would produce as a picture, what
such a living model would be — not what he, as a judge,
may wish it to be. In color, also, should he fall squarely
into line with the teachings of the Standard, and not in-
dulge in expressions to wit, " If I could have my way,
every feather on a Brahma should be white," and take the
very extreme in his desire to disqualify under the clause
black in the web of plumage, doing so when the bluish
white shade the web, which should be cut for being
defective, and waiting for the color to be ^'■positive
black,'' as stated in the Standard, to disqualify. Some
judges in their dislike disqualify for one isolated fluffy
black feather if found in the back or breast, doing it
under such interpretation. This was not the intention
of the standard makers. Some birds present a back
spattered with black the moment the white surface color
is disturbed. This is the defect the makers "^ould
eradicate, not to disqualify for a single feather, but a
plurality, say three or more, when such dark objection-
able color appears to such an extent as to have a harm-
ful effect in and show a defect of blood and breeding. In
other words, we are to take the text of the Standard as
we would that of common law. Using it in that spirit,
all its teachings become plain and work harmoniously.
aiding all in their efforts to breed, mate and judge
the breeds. This makes the " Standard " the companion
book of all poultry literature.
It is a copyright, and from necessity must become
a companion work, and, as we show its working in the
act of judging, we must leave it to teach each breeder
what each breed must be to become Standard in its
merits, and he or she who secures one will read, we
hope, what we have to say on judging with twice the
interest for having first read the " Standard " for the
breed under discussion.
When breeding by the teachings of the Standard, or,
I may say, breeding with a desire to reach the Standard
merit, the work of breeding, of mating especially, be-
comes a study — it has an aim in view. We often hear
the false assertion that to mate Standard specimens is to
fail in the production of Standard progeny. We must
emphatically deny this. We know of no breed that we
cannot take a male as described and breed a female as
near perfect Standard description as nature will allow
us to come to it, and produce the largest number of
chicks to score ninety or more points in the progeny.
Because one can deviate from the Standard mating and
produce one of the sex more perfect, causing the other
sex to score much lower from its effects, is no fault of
the Standard. No leaf is perfect ; no one specimen in
animated nature is perfect — no being save "One," the
Father of the Universe. He created all things : he
pronounced them "■good,"' not '' perfect ^ If from his
hand nothing came perfect, then why should we mortals
demand an absolutely perfect working of the machin-
ery of mental invention ? We mate for the best
possible results — the fittest survives ; the lower order
are to perish that the best may live. The best is to do
the work of breeding and the races be kept up to a
high order of excellence.
When any breeder can name a mating other than
that found among these birds to score ninety-one points
or more, that will produce one hundred chickens, male
and female, to score a larger average number of points,
then we will acknowledge the Standard a failure.
The first breed that will be doubted will be the
Partridge-Cochin. But please wait. Does it not give
you two types for males in color — thus allowing you to
vary the color of the females? But in form of the
structure there is but one law ; the selection of a male,
one between the shades of rich red and orange red
may be a Standard color, if striped with black, and
if no bronze appear would enable the bird to score
ninety-two points — he would be a Standard specimen.
To such a Standard pullet be mated, the progeny, both
male and female counted, will breed chicks and give
two points odds over any flocks produced by any
other mating possible in the breed. Because to win
on a cockerel one sees fit to sacrifice the whole fem.ale
progeny to the hatchet on account of indistinct marking,
that an absolute coal black breast and body may be
obtained, the fault lies with the breeder, not the Stand-
ard. An absolute Standard mating of the Plymouth
Rocks will produce the largest number of Standard
points and give any other mating in the breed two and
one-half points handicap, and beat them out. The
darkest male raised is by no means the Standard
male, but the male that looks bluish-gray, barred with
stone-blue bars, whose feather, when plucked and
laid on sky-blue paper, looks gray, barred with nearly a
black, but when on the fowls has a blue tinge to plum-
age. This means both the light and dark bars. A
blue ground barred with black is by no means a Stand-
ard bird. Therefore, when the Standard cplor meets
in both male and female we get true Standard color
mating, and with Standard form, produces in every
breed the highest order of perfection in the progeny.
Again, in black fowls, the metallic black is produced
in the best and deepest intensity when both male and
female are of this rich, glossy Standard color. The
male of Standard blacks will often restore rusty black
in the female to a nice and rich black in the progeny.
But a rusty black male will invariably tarnish and
lower the whole season's get, few if any reaching
the bright metallic luster the dam may have possessed.
It is suicide to breed a poor male. He who ignores
the Standard form and color "sows but the wind to
reap the whirlwind." "Like as a race begets like."
This is not true of the individual to so great an extent,
for there is an ancestral influence, and it is said one
cannot get rid of his ancestors. A modest specimen
from a good and well-bred flock is a safer bird than a
prime though chance bird from a poor and ill-bred
The breeder, in his mating, will never forget the
ancestry. He looks out that his male line be faultless,
and as he mates, his mind often runs back for several
generations for data that control his actions in mating
— especially does he do this if prompted to use a speci-
men that is wonderfully good in all but one section,
that one being very objectionable. No such defect
having affected the ancestors, he will chance the good
he hopes to gain by the cross, feeling the strength of
ancestral breeding will overrule the exceptionally bad
section in question.
The Standard is made up with the law of waste in
color in breeding and by age recognized, and in all its
mating the progeny will be found much darker than
the present stock when one year older; and he who
does not acknowledge its influence shows but little
wisdom and gives little heed to the school of observa-
tion. Each revision of the Standard has shown a
strengthening in its influence in this respect. These
few hints at Standard influence may not come amiss as
an introductory to our mode of judging and as a finis
to our mode of mating.
WE are surprised that so few men are able to
apply the Standard scale of points rapidly and
correctly. We think the trouble lies in their un-
willingness to throw aside all personal and precon-
ceived opinions and let the Standard do the work. If
we take up the Standard and allow it to teach us what
the form and color of each section is, there will be no
trouble. The majority, when they apply the Standard
to a pet bird, exclaim, '■'the Standard does not fit my
bird "; they are vexed, and judgment trails in the dust,
If they say the birds are not up to the Standard, and
ask the question of their judgment, " How much does it
fail?" having no feeling of disappointment, but simply
score out the percentage one's judgment declares on
the instant to be the value of the defect, before one
had scored ten birds in that spirit the plan would work
easily and safe. There is but one question that should
be put to one's judgment, that is, what percentage of
the value of the section am I cutting? to wit: here is
a faulty back, it is oval in shape and bad in color. The
whole value is six ; equally divide in form and color, to
cut two points ; judgment says at once thirty-three per
cent. If judgment sustains the percentage as just, one
may feel that he does not err in his work. The first
lesson is to lear7i the Standard, and to learn the form
and color of each breed by Standard description, then
one will make less mistakes in symmetry, and this is
the most fruitful cause of the great differences be-
tween judges. One judge says without symmetry the
standard would have no flexibility. We are of the
opinion a standard should not have any. No law is a
good one that is not arbitrary and explicit in its appli-
we have always maintained, was a useless section, and
still worse, it has no definition by description as applied
to fowls. We have only been able to say it was the
harmonious combination of all the parts perfect in
form. Therefore any one section, imperfect in form
mars symmetry, thus causing an additional cut under
that head. Then why not do away with it ? — for it takes
the position of a stern father who, when his child is
whipped at school for some short coming, there having
■baid the penalty, thrashes him when he gets home for
the fact. Does such usage as a rule carry with it a
sense of justice to the mind of the child? Cutting for
symmetry takes the same position. Here are two
specimens, one perfect in symmetry, the other out one
and one-half in symmetry, one in shape of back, one
out for carrying tail too low, one for carrying head too
far forward. The one to become perfect like the other
has only to carry his head back and save the one ; to
carry the tail in proper position and save that point;
straighten up in the back by carrying the wings higher
up, all of which we have seen done ; there have been but
three points corrected. Now by that improvement
we have bettered the bird four and one-half points, for
we have made him equal to the symmetrical one ; then
it becomes clear to any one that the bird was taxed
one and one-half points for the fact of being faulty,
and that every bird perfect in symmetry is scored from
one-half to two and one-half points, as a rule less severe
than these birds that are cut for defects. If symmetry
is to remain in the Standard, then let it represent fif-
teen points, and cover all defects of form, and let the
other section be apportioned for color, health and con-
dition, and profusion of feathering, etc., etc. To do
this would be folly, then as between the two evils we
say that symmetry^ must surely go when next the
Standard is revised, for justice demands it. We want
no flexible, bending standards, that allow under the
cut of symmetry a power to manipulate the prizes to
such an extent as to do injustice.
So long as it is a part of the Standard we must not
ignore its force, but the rule should be to cut one-half
as hard unless it be that breast and body are the de-
fective sections ; this is the practical worth of the
specimen. A flat breast cut from one to one and one^
half should, we think, sustain a cut of one in symmetry,
and should symmetry be abandoned we think the ten
points should be concentrated in the breast, body,
bac-k and neck, thus augmenting the number of points
in those sections. This done, many an unpleasant
difference between judge and exhibitor would be
avoided, this question of taste in symmetry would be
taken out of dispute and each section come down to
Standard description, every defect of which would be-
come so self-evident that the why and wherefore could
be explained easily and clearly. The many articles on
the subject of judging are doing much to enlighten
the breeders, but in our essay we shall take the actual
score of some individual birds and elucidate from the
fact. To say a bird may be cut from one to three
points as in degree a certain defect may appear, seems
to fail to enlighten the general reader. We therefore
commence this chapter on judging by presenting the
A male, to be considered perfect in symmetry, should
have a comb erect, neck finely arched, breast full in its
sweep from throat to thighs, round in the sides, wings
carried high to give a flat back, the saddle no fuller than
to preserve a concave sweep from back to tail, the lat-
ter carried tolerably upright and spread at base, the
sickle not much exceeding the length of the tail proper,
legs that stand well apart nearly parallel with each
other, the fluff while full not to destroy the profile of
hock joint. With this assertion or pen picture we
score the cockerel
" PHI BETA II, NO. 5876" :
Symmetry. — Breast falls away from the full round sweep from
throat , I
Weight. — Being full Standard weight o
Condition. — Being smooth in the leg scales, plumage unbroken,
and in perfect health o
Head. — Broad, full over the eyes, the beak being yellow, with
dark stripe down the mandible o
Comb. — Firm, evenly serrated, but a trifle thick at the point, and a
trifle too high i
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Both being of equal length, and tine in
texture, the latter well rounded o
Neck. — Perfect in shape, but the black in the hackle is not bright
enough, nor does it reach high enough up i^
Back. — Straw-colored by the sun i
Breast and Body. — Breast is broad and round at sides, but is
too fiat in front I
Wings. — Set on right, color all right, except a slight discolora-
tion of wing-bows I
Tail. — All that could be desired, being spread at base, and well
developed and black, except the lesser coverts are grayish
black, not black centers ^
Fluff. — Being full, but not enveloping he hocks, is all right. . . o
Legs. — Stand well apart. Straight from in front and feathered to
middle toes, being yellow and smooth in scale o
Total points out 7
The birds scoring 93
It will be seen that breast alone was faulty in form,
and that being flat in front caused the cut of symmetry
a point. But this bird is a good all-over specimen, and
scores high up, the effect of the scorching rays of the
sun being the cause of nearly all the color cuts of back
and wings.
Symmetry Cuts, — For the reason: Tail droops, abdomen hangs
low, wings falling away from back, and back has lost its
concave sweep, bad condition the cause of two-thirds the
trouble 4
Weight. — Weighing over eight pounds o
Condition. — So fat that her tail droops badly, abdomen hangs
low, being sallow about the face 3
Head. — Too long, and being depressed at base of comb, and fails
to project above the eyes i}^
Comb. — Is too large, and while firm on the head turns to one side
so as to crook all three of the divisions. Though of less
importance than the same in males we cut 3
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Being well rounded and red in color. . o
Neck. — Being well arched, and the feather black laced perfectly
with white o
Back. — The tail drooping so badly the concave sweep to tail is
destroyed i
Breast and Body. — Being round in front and sides as it joins
the body, and white o
Wings. — Having fallen away from the back so as to bring them
below their proper position. Though perfect in color, we cut. Ij4
Tail. — Droops to a level with back, has white tail coverts 2^
Fluff. — Hangs so low as to come far below the hocks, and so
profuse as to embed the thighs in soft feathers, destroying the
smooth side surface 2
Legs. — Middle toes not being feathered. Scale yellow and smooth i
Total points out 19^2
The bird scoring 80^
Now from the effect of her drooping tail, her sloping
back, and falling down of abdomen, we cut 4 points in
symmetry, then we have cut but four-sevenths the outs
in the sections which effect symmetry, and reduce the
specimen in flesh, restore her muscles to healthy action.
shrinking her fluff to reasonable size, letting the tail
resume its natural shape, and the result would be :
Symmetry, for Cochin fluff ^
Size, lyi lbs I
Condition. o
Head 1%.
Comb 3
Ear-lobes and Wattles o
Neck o
Back o
Breast and Body o
Wings o
Tail I
Fluff, always will be too large and full about thighs ^
Legs I
Total points out 8^
The bird scoring 91)^
and you have a first-class specimen. We have seen
birds in just this condition that have been forced for
excessive weight and have been censured for the score
in conformity with the above. This definite score and
comment upon them we believe will awaken an interest.
If it but sets the amateur to buying score cards, and
applying them by scoring his specimens at home,
more will be effected than all the lectures on the sub-
ject will do, the best lesson being experience with the
pencil and card.
If the head be carried too far forward so as to lessen
the arch of neck, giving it too straight a look or crouch-
ing position, cut a point. If the saddle be so full as to
destroy the concave sweep, that being the extreme of
the one caused by the drooping tail, cut a point. If
breast be both flat in front, and, viewed from front,
wedge-shaped, not round at sides, cut two points. If
legs be turned in at hocks, cut one to three points if
they come close together. If the tail be pinched to-
gether, sickle running out straight, for both evils cut
two points, or one each, as one or both appear. Wings,
if too low down, giving back an oval shape from side to
side at the shoulders, cut both wings and back one each.
Middle toes smooth, cut one-half point for each one,
or one point for this failure in Brahmas or Asiatics.
This was a compromise among breeders, and in the last
revision the requirement was added, but with the under-
standing it have but one point of value in adjudicating
for prizes. White lesser coverts in males and tail
coverlets in females, cut one point ; white in sickles
of males, from one to two points. We mean that by
the movement of the plumage by the wind, if white
appear above the coverlets by partial parting them, it
shall show to the surface. To dig down to the very
roots of the sickle to disclose it is not a just thing to
do, for the quill-points of nearly every feather in a Light
Brahma is white. A reasonable construction of the
English language and fitness of things to which it is
applied is to govern you in all things, there being no
exception to that rule.
seldom score as high as Light Brahmas, for the com-
plication of color makes it impossible. Each minute
defect must be noticed in its comparison. This has a
tendency to cut down the general average so that in
sweepstake prizes the Darks seldom win over the
Lights. The male taken for illustration was one of ex-
JUDGING. ^ 283
ceedingly beautiful appearance as he stood at a dis-
tance, nearly all defects being hidden from view.
Symmetry. — Grand, for he was round in breast, in front and sides,
back broad and flat, his saddle having the nice concave
sweep to a tail that was carried in a perfect angle with
back sickles spreading laterally o
Weight. — Perfect ; weighing just ii lbs o
Condition. — In perfect health, no plumage broken, legs smooth, o
Head. — Broad over eye, the eyes bay, beak horn color o
Comb. — Had side sections perfect and scrrates even, but middl
section grew too fast for the sides and had to curl or take a
serpentine shape I
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Perfect in color and shape o
Neck. — The very tips of the black stripes v/ere very black, but
did not extend up the feather, so that the displacement of the
hackle by the wind or movement of the head disclosed them
to be gray in stripe. < i%
Back. — Fair in color, but saddle had the black stripes all grizzled
up by a gray color i^
Breast and Body. — All right, being black and as described above o
Wings. — All right in color when folded, but come to open them
the interior flights were white, This is a sad fault in Light
Brahmas, but still greater one in Dark Brahmas 3
Tail. — As we have said, grand in shape, but white showed in
sickles two inches about coverts, tail proper one-third the
length white 3
Fluff. — So light in undercolor as to give the fluff a gray look
when closely inspected 2
Legs and Toes. — Nice in all else, but the lower portion of the
feathering was wholly white i^
Total points out , , 12,%
The bird scoring 86|^
And we saw the bird we had exclaimed would score
almost a hundred, viewing him at a few rods off, shrink
by examination to 86^ points, only ly^ points above
the minimum score of first class. Now these are seri-
ous outs in breeding, as white to a large extent in wings
and tail have a strong effect upon the beauty of all
they get. This bird in off-hand judging would pass for
more than his value, while one defective in body, i ;
breast, i ; back, i ; and carriage of tail, i ; thus making
a cut of 2^ necessary in syrnmetry, would not get a
full score at the hands of a judge, and most likely be
placed second to the one first described and scored. We
say : White in wings, from i to 3, as in degree ; white
in sickles, j5^ to 2 points ; white in tail proper, ^ to 3 ;
bronze or red patches in wing-bow, from ^ to 2 points ;
bronze in wing-bars, i^ points; bare middle toes, i
point ; pinched in tail, i point ; splashes of gray in
breast, i to 2^ points. Round, even, white spots in
breast are not defects, though some breeders may pre-
fer to breed from solid black.
Symmetry. — Cushion too high, being convex i
Weight. — Weighing 7^ pounds i
Condition. — Had back plumage worn off, unable to say what
pencilings were t%
Head. — Brown, not steel gray i
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — White in centers of ear-lobes i
Neck. — Black in hackle, penciled with gray i
Back. — Where not broken, was minutely penciled, not penciled
in circular lines across the feathers 2
Breast and Body. — Was not penciled up to throat, and had stray
feathers in it, approaching the color of Partridge-Cochins. ... 3
Wings. — Were Standard, except white shade in flights in lower web i
Tail. — Pinched, and too much buried in cushion, Cochin shaped i
Fluff. — All right, being a beautiful stone color o
Legs. — Well feathered and dusky yellow o
Total points out 13 ''<
The bird scoring 86 J^
It will be seen in this specimen that, excepting the
cushion and pointed tail, all were defective in color and
condition, and the specimen cannot be called an exhi-
bition bird, for even with symmetry set aside she will
score but ninety points and would fail to win in close
competition, though large numbers of first prizes have
been awarded birds no better. P'ew pullets that have
a breast as defective as this one, being off in penciling
and having reddish feathers in breast, have perfectly
penciled wings ; and it is seldom that a back gets cut
one and a half to two points for color and character of
pencilings that the wing does not suffer within one-half
to one point as much.
The whole question of judging by points is expressed
in the one line : It compels minute examinations of
each and every section laid down hi the Standard for the
breed. Now any course that secures this makes the
work better done than to rely on a casual or even a
close survey, when the specimen is not handled.
Self-colored birds simply become a question of uni-
form shade and brilliancy of color and correct under-
color. The awards in this breed have many times been
waited for in suspense and anxiety beyond any other,
for the reason so many of them will score so near alike.
We have seen five awards made in the scope of one
and three-quarter points in a competition of one hun-
dred and sixty-two entries. It can be safely said no
man could say which was absolutely best. There was
but one way to do : Score them and let the footing of
the cards do the work. The expression, a rich, clear
buff, means, of course, a reddish buff. A lemon color is
not a biff. Those birds approaching a yellow buff be-
come defective ; those birds that drop off into a pale
drab are defective, and must suffer for color. White in
undercolor becomes a serious defect ; Avhite or black in
tail and wings again comes in for punishment. They
having a form known as Cochin symmetry, we define
it, to wit:
having a low, evenly-serrated comb, a short, well-arched
full-hackled neck, short back and full and abundant
saddle in which the tail is nearly buried, the tail being
rolled ; the sickles so smali as to be lost in the tail
coverlets; breast full; broad, deep, thick body, having
a fluff that stands out about the thighs ; shanks short,
heavy and profusely feathered, may be allowed to pass
uncut in symmetry. A peculiar specimen of this breed
came under my notice a short time ago — a cock :
Symmetry. — Back scant in saddle, drooping to a sharp concave
sweep to tail i^
Weight. — Full in weight o
Condition. — Fluff had partially been picked off by hens, but bal-
ance was prime color; there was no evidence of ill-health, and
as it was an accident we checked it (x) o
Head. — Short, broad, and color rich buff , o
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — One had been torn off. i
Neck. — To all outward appearances it was a rich, bright buff and
even in shade, but had a white undercolor for two full inches
from the flesh 3
Back. — Flat at shoulder, but the back saddle discolored and un-
dercolor white 3^
(This section is worth 10 points. Here we find fully i^
points in form of saddle out, and fully 33 per cent defect in
color; fully ^ of the length of feather was not buff, yet that
which showed to surface was regulation shade).
Breast and Body. — This was all one could desire in form, but
spotted by isolated deep buff feathers, on an otherwise pale
buff breast, and added to this white undercolor 3
Wings. — Bows were red; balance of wing a rich buff, with both
black and white in the flights. This is a bad complication. The
bow had gone beyond a rich buff or even bay; the flights had
white "2.%
Tail. — Were it not for the white which appears in the sickles
would be called good for the two inches of white in them. ... \yi
Fluff. — This, in consideration of the x in condition, we connected
it with the same and cut for the reason it would be better un-
derstood under fluff, than to cut a yi point in each i
Legs. — All right o
Total points out 17
The bird scoring 83
Here, again, is a magnificent-looking bird in general
appearance that is certainly a poor one for breeding
purposes, and one standing in a show-room, a visitor
who does not discriminate between Brahma and Cochin
symmetry would deem severely used by the judge. It
only proves how unreliable is the opinion of the visit-
ing public at our poultry exhibitions. These defects
appear in a less or greater degree, and have to be fur-
nished in cut from one-half to three points ; a cut of
over three points seldom occurs in exhibition birds.
Symmetry. — So near up that judgment says not to cut, but because
of its very excellence we look the bird over a second time and
come to the conclusion the cushion is not quite full enough,
and make the cut half under protest ^
Weight. — Full o
Condition. — Health perfect o
Head. — Fine in shape and color, eye bay o
Comb. — Low, firm, evenly serrated o
Neck. — One even rich buff, and undercolor even, but of ligbter
shade where covered from the air o
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Perfect , o
Back. — One nice shade of rich buff, matching perfectly the neck
hackle, both in surface and undercolor . y^
(Ah, but we cut for symmetry, because this back was defect-
ive, and to make our score consistent we have to go back and
erase symmetry or cut now for back, and we again under
protest cross out the o, and cut ^ point.)
Breast and Body. — "We see no particular fault, but we so far
have found nothing to cut, and we look all over carefully and
find just the merest difference in the shades of the surface
plumage ; undercolor is all right ; again cut under protest. . . . i
Wings. — We pull them out ; they are nice ; the bows are even
rich buff. We are now fully on the watch ; the specimen is
going to score too high for our reputation as a judge, and
in despair cut
Tail. — The last resort. We are conscious that we would like it a
trifle smaller and more pointed, yet it seems a pity to cut, but
again we cut ^
(Knowing each and every time we have cut so far we have
cast all doubts against the specimens, when the rule has
been with us to give the specimen the benefit of at least one-
half of them.)
Fluff. — Nice in color and profusion o
Legs and Toes. — Alas, they are nearly perfect ; the middle toes
are feathered to near the end, but she is a Cochin, and we
again cut her i
Total points out 3^
The bird scoring 96)^
The belle of the exhibition, and for all that she has
been scored closer than any bird on exhibition, it is an
absolute fact that each and every bird that scores
ninety-four or more honest points (remember we say
honest points) receives a closer score than is the case
with birds that score eighty-eight to ninety-three. Not
one judge in fifty that will not, when he finds a bird
score ninety-five, go carefully over the ground to be
sure he has made no mistake, and to see if he has cast
a full half of all the doubts against the specimen.
Like the Dark Brahma, accuracy of penciling goes a
long way in securing the prizes. Among the males the
most common defects are found in a too flat and low
saddle, and too prominent sickle feather, white in under-
color of hackle, and white in wing and shank plumage.
These cut deep. It will be seen, as in the case with
the Buff cock already alluded to, not only that, but
some judges, failing to analyze closely, are apt to cut in
breast and body because of the defect spoken of in
Symmetry. — Too flat in saddle, being a perfect Brahma shaped
back I
Weight. — lo^ pounds >^
Condition. — Come to handle would turn black in comb, show-
ing symptoms of apoplexy 2
Head. — All right, having deep red plumage o
Comb. — Low behind and high in front, with only four serrations,
uneven at that • 2
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Fair in texture, good color o
Neck, — Short and having a nice arch, black stripe, prime, but
the rich bay edging was smutty, with the lower row of hackle
feathers black 2
Back. — Flat at shoulders, saddle flat, undercolor of saddle white,
but the black stripe line 2
Breast and Body. — Full and round, black in surface but opened
to a white undercolor 2
Wings. — Bronzed spots in the bar, with white along the center
of inside web of primaries i^
Tail. — Prime color, but cuts through saddle i
Fluff — Bronzed up with bay color. . i
Legs. — Prime in the size and carriage, but the plumage was
mottled with white i
Total points out 16
The bird scoring 84
A fine looking bird to the gaze of the ordinary vis-
itor to an exhibition or poultry yard — but eighty-three
and one-half is a low score to write to a man expecting
to sell ; and many such birds are sold to the purchaser
who sees them, and highly prized by the seller, both
of whom are sadly deceived in him. This bird changes
hands at a large price and comes before a judge, and
the result is hard feelings expressed — the seller branded
as a cheat. In an old-fashioned, open judged show,
he would be found among the winning samples on
are often found light in weight. To show under seven
months of age but a small number reach Standard
weight, and not a large number even exceed disqualify-
ing weight. A Cochin looks larger than it will weigh.
But the failure to be accurately penciled is the mis-
chief — and to get a cushion full enough to secure full
Symmetry. — Back flat, breast wedge-shaped i^
Size. — Weighing only 6 pounds , 3
Condition. — In health and smooth in plumage o
Head. — All right, beak well arched o
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — These in nine cases out of teti are all
right o
Neck. — Black in the neck, hackle badly penciled with yellow.
(A slight penciling now goes uncut.) ly^
Back. — Flat in cushion, plumage a leaden dull black in the
penciling, the lighter shade of black being dark brown. (A
back is valued at ten points, six for color, four for shape. In
the cut we at 2>}i points have cut but 33 per cent for shape
and Y®^ for color. When the colors in it are wrong and the
curved line penciling lost one sees the specimen is judged
leniently) 3^
Breast and Body. — The light color is more buff or even drab
than rich golden bay. It fails in the penciling also; large
spots void of it, the body being void of penciling on thighs. . 2 j^
Wings. — The bows are minutely penciled a brown surface, with
pepper sprinkled over; no curved lines in it. The primaries
void of the bay edge 2^
Tail. — Black, the upper feathers a dark brown, penciled so
densely as to give a leaden-black look. Tailfanned out like a
Brahma 2
Fluff. — Dark brown, having no rich brown shading i
Legs. — Long and thinly feathered ; middle toes bare 2^
Total points out 20
The bird scoring 80
Close scrutiny, tells on the exquisite pencilings. If
birds fail in sections that are valued at ten points the
defect has a greater value. We have known of a
breeder taking a pen he called fair breeders to an ex-
hibition to sell. By an error they were scored and
valued at seventy-nine to eighty-three points. They
were sold at $3 each, when before the score was made
$5 each was refused. Yet a Dark Brahma, Wyandotte,
Partridge-Cochin, or Penciled Hamburg pullet that
scores from eighty-five to ninety are as strictly first-
class as a Light Brahma, Black Red Game, Plymouth
Rock and White Leghorn that score ninety to ninety-
three and a half — and the number in one hundred
raised as many ; yet we see them once in a while, the
former, that score ninety-three to ninety-five points.
A few general remarks may not come amiss in speak-
ing of this breed under the head of judging. "An egg
is an egg." We hear one say a Cochin's is a Cochin's,
and should all be of one Cochin form. Yet we know
that there is not a single variety but the Buff that so
many in one hundred conform to the recognized Cochin
shape, and that the Partridge is the largest and heaviest
of all the Cochins. The weight of the Standard de-
manded to enable them to compete is too heavy, and
in all the varieties the weights for pullets are too large,
and for hens in the White Cochin breed also. We have
only four points leeway between perfect weight and
the weight which disqualifies. Wherein is the consist-
ency that debars a young chick that is growing at four
points under perfect weight ? It is simply a question
of permission to compete, and an arbitrary measure in
favor of a poorer, larger specimen, for it gives the
prize to the poorer bird by preventing a better one
from competing. A pullet of five pounds pays five
points for the privilege to compete with one of seven
and a-half pounds. The one of lesser weight has to
make up in points of merit more than the difference
in weight to win the prize. Then one sees at once the
blunder of setting disquahfying weights too high.
This cause alone cuts down the exhibits in White
Cochins at least fully fifty per cent in all our exhibi-
tions, and in consequence we see the prizes won by far
less beautiful specimens ; and so true is this that three-
fourths of the prizes go to birds of other than Cochin
shape, the birds that reach the weights being invariably
of a Brahma type, indicative of the crosses resorted to
to attain the size necessary to wiji. Allow birds to
compete at five pounds for pullets, six pounds for hens,
six and a-half pounds for cockerels and eight and a-half
pounds for cocks, and the numbers would increase
threefold, the societies be that much richer in entry
money, and the quality of the specimens increased —
competition being so much sharper, greater attention
would be paid to them.
We build poultry by' the pound, and the cost will
be found not to deviate much per pound, no matter
what the breed. Then, as a show bird, all those quali-
ties which make a specimen beautiful and a show
attractive should be fostered. We care not how large
a specimen be, if all out of feather and ungainly in
form none stop to admire him, and only when so ugly
and ill-shaped as to excite ridicule will he attract in
comparison to birds of nice proportions and beautiful
plumage. In all judging the specimen stands or falls
upon the perfection of its parts, each by themselves
considered, and we say of the White Cochins, that
we have seen them as beautiful as we represent
them in the cut, for we have seen absolutely per-
feet section ; therefore, we are enabled to give you a
perfect picture of each and every section, and to show
you how a perfect bird will look having all these per-
fect sections harmoniously joined together — and only
so joined and possessed do they get a full score for
symmetry, and we say in judging
Symmetry. — If the neck be carried back over the
breast it mars Cochin shape, and we cut a point. If the
back has a concave circular sweep from back to tail, we
cut a point, for it has a Brahma shape back, not a Cochin
shape, for that should be convexed in its contour. If
the fluff is short, being slender of stern, then we cut a
point, for form is faulty, because the fluff does not
stand out about the rear and thighs and give that heavy,
broad appearance conceded essential to Cochin sym-
metry. A full, broad breast is demanded if the lines
be nearly straight from throat to thighs. It certainly
injures symmetry a point.
Condition. — If a pure white breed come into a
show pen all begrimed with dirt, and plumage broken,
it should certainly suffer two points, even if there be
no apparent symptoms of ill-health. If legs be scabby,
rough and unsightly, a cut of one to three points is
none too much. If one eye be closed by the first stages
of roup, one point ; if an eye be gone, two points.
Weight. — A specimen weighing but seven and one-
half pounds, when nine and one-half pounds is perfect,
the specimen loses four points for failing in two pounds
of flesh.
Head. — There is no question but a clear bay eye is
the best, but as we often witness a pale eye and a
yellowish bay, the Standard makes us hesitate to make
a distinction, yet no one but would give five dollars
more for a bright bay eye in a bird scoring ninety-three
or more points, the expression to face is so much bet-
ter. In beholding a specimen a seeming want of some-
thing to make the head harmonize with neck will be
found in this different color of eye — the expression it
imparts. So much is this noticeable that a judge, while
not allowed to cut, will not hesitate to give such a
specimen the preference on an equal score. If the
head be narrow, having a pinched look, we cut one
point; if beak be not well arched and skull not well
over eye, one point.
Comb. — If very large, one-half to two points; if
turning from a straight line on the head, one-half to
one and one-half; one point for each side sprig or
indication of its removal ; if less than five serrations,
one point ; if unevenly serrated, from one-half to two
points ; if rolling over to the side from the top, dis-
Wattles and Ear-lobes. — If wattles be short, one
to two points ; if one be shorter than the other, one
point ; a prominent wattle is indicative of procreative
vigor. This is the reason of severe cutting for defect
named. White ear-lobes one point.
Neck. — If neck be not carried forward and making
a nice curve from one-third, the way from head to back,
cut a point. If the plumage be shaded with yellow,
then cut from one to three points as this evil appears,
the latter when so deep as to shade the quills of the
plumage ; one to two points for twisted condition of
the feathers.
Back. — Wide at base of hackle and having a gentle
rise of saddle to tail ; this recognized failure to take the
full convexed sweep, as seen in the Buff variety, causes
the judge to cut lighter for a flat saddle than he
would in the Buff or Partridge cocks. We say if scant
in saddle, one point ; if back be oval from wing to wing,
one point ; if rouched back, two and one-half points ;
if back be shaded with lemon color, one to two points.
Breast AND Body. — If flat in front, one point; if
wedge shape, viewed from in front, one point ; if plum-
age be tinged with yellow or straw color, one-half to
two points, as in degree. Body if not deep, one point ;
if plumage be shaded, one to one and one-half.
Wings. — Large wings, one point ; primaries show-
ing below secondaries, one to two points ; yellow tinge
in wing-bows, one to two points ; yellow quills in second-
aries or primaries, one half to two and one-half points.
Tail. — Sickles showing prominently, one point ; if
they be long and stiff, two points; tail cutting through
saddle, one to one and one-half points ; if squir-
rel tailed, two points ; if yellow quills show in tail
proper, one and one-half points ; lemon shadings in
tail coverts, one point.
Fluff. — If scant, one point ; if so short as to show
thighs clean cut, two points is none too much.
Legs. — If plumage of thighs be webbed out, to
give profile to thigh, one point ; if long in second joint,
one point ; if middle toes be bare, one point ; if shanks .
be sparsely feathered, one to two points; if legs be
spotted with green or black, from one to two points;
if toes be crooked cut one point for each toe affected.
The above would be our treatment of a White
Cochin cock in the show pen.
The Hen. — For all faults of form and defects of
comb, ear-lobes and wattles, the same rules will apply-
as in Buffs.
The cuts for color would be for the yellow along the
quills of the plumage, and as a rule they affect the neck
one-half to one point, back one to one and one-half
points, tail seldom but one point ; breast and body
seldom more than one point in color; wings saffrony,
from one to one and one-half points for color. This
yellow tinge seldom visits the females more than one-
half that it does the male. Why the sun does not
have the same effect upon the hen it does upon the
male, we cannot account for on any other basis than
that the continual laying through the season prevents
the fat feeding the plumage and thus helping the sun
in its burning effect upon the same.
Up to this writing no breed has been more unsatis-
factorily judged than this. The breed came into the
Standard under much opposition, and a demand that
they be required to be bred to a type as distinct from
Black Cochins as possible for two black breeds to be.
It matters not which of the two breeds, Black Cochin
or Langshans, derived their best characteristics from
the other. To say a Langshan is perfect in form they
must have a more than medium-sized comb standing
erect and evenly serrated, with no side sprigs ; a head
short and broad, black eyes, and a neck long in com-
parison to a Cochin's, with a long flowing metallic black
hackle, which has to be lifted to disclose a flat back
at that point. Saddle must be one starting at or near
the hackle, running in an inclined plane high up on the
tail, the tail being large and long, with long, flowing
sickle and numerous lesser sickles ; breast fairly devel-
oped ; sides well-rounded, with moderately developed
fluff; legs long as compared to Cochins, the shanks
and outer toes fairly feathered. Such is a pen-picture
of a male entitled to a full score for symmetry.
In contradistinction to this, we scored, not long
since, a cock as a
Symmetry. — He was short in neck, tail and legs, with perfect
Cochin back 2
Condition. — Health and plumage all right o
Weight. — Weighed 9 lbs, should weigh 10 lbs 2
Head. — Beak not as blue-black as desirable, eyes light colored. . iJS^
Ear-lobes AND Wattles. — Red, fine-textured; all right o
Neck. — Short ; plumage short and dull black 2
Back. — Brahma-shape, had scant saddle for a Langshan; green-
ish-black luster 2Y2,
Breast and Body. — Breast well developed; plumage had lost
the metallic luster 2
Wings. — Had the blue light spots in web, a color hard to say was
black; metallic luster wanting, and withal quite small 3
Tail. — A nice rolling Cochin tail, small and wanting in sickles. . . i^
Fluff. — Rusty black i
Legs. — Feathered profusely, middle toes partially feathered,
shanks and toes in color good iJS^
Total points out 19
The bird scoring 81
This bird had a white skin, no white in plumage.
There is no clause in disqualification to bar such from
competing. Compare the Standard to score and see if
judgment is not a fair one. Now give this same bird a
yellow skin and a yellow bottom to his foot, and take
the same description I have given here and compare
with a Black Cochin Standard and see if the following
would not become a fair, honest score for him :
Symmetry o
Condition o
Weight. — Weighs but 9 lbs 4
Head yi
Back 2>^
Breast and Body 2
Tail o
Fluff i
Legs X
Total points out 10^
The bird scoring 89^
Do these two scores demonstrate a difference in the
breeds beyond the mere skin and color of feet? There
is not the slightest doubt the above cock was bred from
a Cochin flock that had had Langshan crosses upon it.
In the same exhibition a case just the opposite, in the
shape of a female entered as a
Symmetry. — Head was small, neck long, with full, flowing hackle,
high, straight cushion, the two top tail feathers quite curved
and long i^
Weight. — Being b% lbs i
Condition. — No fault to find o
Head. — Small, dark brownish black i
Comb. — A fine small comb on serrate, a bit curled (x) o
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — No fault for either breed o
Neck. — Long plumage, full, but not quite black enough ^2
Back. — Short cushion, high and straight i
Breast and Body. — Not round and full, wedge-shape, color good xyz
Wings. — Good shape, bright black o
Tail. — Long, spread at base, too wide for a Cochin x}^
Fluff. — Full and nice black color o
Legs AND Toes. — Shanks long, scantily feathered, outer toes hardly
covered 2%
Total points out 10^
The bird scoring 89 j-^
This female has every indication o.f being Lang-
shan bred. Let us make her white in skin and pink in
feet, and apply the Standard for Langshan, cutting for
the defects as the description of each of the above sec-
tions seem justly to warrant, and see if they will vary
much from the following:
Symmetry o
Weight. — Being 6%. tt>s o
Condition o
Head. — Color bad i
Comb, etc o
Ear-lobes and Wattles o
Neck j4.
Back o
Breast and Body 1 1^
Wings o
Tail o
Fluff o
Legs i]4.
Total points out ... 4^-^
The bird scoring ........ 95 ^
making a Langshan five points better than she was
as a Cochin. Does this scoring disclose to you the dif-
ference in the breeds? If not, our labor is lost. Lang-
shans must be cut if in saddle they are like a Cochin,
oval in their sweep to tail, or if, like a Brahma, they are
concave in their contour ; for each they should be cut
one point. If void of long, flowing sickles and side-
hangers, they must suffer from one to two and one-half
points as in degree they approach a perfect-rolled
Cochin tail. If legs be wanting in the violet-pink
between scales and bottom of feet, they must be pun-
ished from one to two points. If middle toe be par-
tially feathered, one to two points, as in degree it shall
reach a perfect-feathered Cochin foot and feathering,
when the specimens become disqualified as being well-
feathered on middle toe. See balance of disqualifica-
tion in Standard. A single white feather in either foot
does not disqualify; if three or more are found, they
under present ruling will be barred from competition.
In judging black fowls, let the breed be what it
may, to do it with strict justice one must have a nice
discrimination for color and the shades in the same
color. It is not only necessary that the birds be black,
but that in Cochins, Langshans, Black Hamburgs,
Bantams and Polish that the black be a metallic black.
Note the difference between a common dead black and
that disclosed by breaking a piece of hard coal. The
judge who scores two birds in a shaded coop, not tak-
ing them out to get the effect of the light upon them,
does a great injustice to other competitors ; for to
shade a Standard colored Langshan robs him of half
his beauty, while to shade a dead black fowl adds fifty
per cent to the density of her color — and a fine colored
cock and poor hen in the shade be made to match well
as to color in the show pen, When we see judges
taking some birds out of the pen and leaving others in,
in doing their work, we are apt to feel that they are
tired, careless ox tricky ; we leave circumstances to de-
termine which.
In white fowls, also, the trouble is in the straw-
color appearing in surface color, yellow quills in
plumage. The light discloses these defects, while a
shaded coop hides a multitude of defects. The bright
dark, brilliant colored birds are made all the more
beautiful by a strong light, and the white or nearly
white and black by the influence of a subdued light
and a blue canopy, the best upper-light for all. It is,
therefore, the best plan in arranging an exhibition,
both as to treating each exhibitor the best you can
and to make the exhibition the most attractive
possible, is to keep this rule in mind, and to place all
brilliant colored birds in the lightest part of the hall
and the white ones in the darkest ; but in judging let
all be carried to some room where all have the same
light. But we digress. White birds are cut in color
as yellow shades mar the pure white required in the
plumage. In all living shades of white, oil and white-
lead paint is a good Standard, cutting for shading as
white till it becomes yellow, when the plumage
becomes foreign to the breed. The exception to this
is when plumage becomes burned by the sun and
weather. This can be determined by lifting the
plumage and seeing what it is where it has not been
exposed, and to see if the quills are yellow also. If
the quill be yellow where not exposed we must con-
sider that the sun is not the whole cause of the foreign
color. In White Leghorns we find it necessary to cut
from one to three points as this evil appears in back
and wings ; in tail not often a cut beyond one point is
found necessary. These few remarks will make it un-
necessary to take up individually the white breeds, and
we shall consider the colored varieties of the same
races. Thus will those defects affecting form be dis-
posed of.
I can give you no better pen-picture of true sym-
metry and beauty in a male than already given you in
the Royal Mating No. i. Our exhibitions disclose
less difference in the score of Black Reds than any
other breed ; yet there are many vexing questions that
come up to make the position of judge a trying one.
Oftentimes two sections in a bird make a wonderful
difference in personal appearance. We judged two
Black Reds recently, to wit :
No. r.
Symmetry and Station. — Shanks long and turned in at knees;
her neck cranish in its arch 2^
Condition o
Color. — Wings had the brickish red, back showed no shaft, was
tinged with reddish brown 3
Head. — Long, snaky o
Ear-lobes and Wattles o
Eyes. — Dove color i
Neck. — Long, but carried bent like a crane i
Back. — Oval, fell off at tail i
Wings. — Did not tuck them closely JS^
Tail. — Pointed, but carried too high ^
Legs. — Bent in too much at knees i
Feet. — Toes not straight. i
Total points out ii}4
The bird scoring , SS}4
No. 2.
Symmetry and Station — Was low in station, had short neck,
shanks and thighs 3
Condition o
Color, — Ashen gray back, nice in shafts and penciling, breast
pale salmon shown in flights 2
Head. — Short, round i
Ear-lobes and Wattles o
Eyes. — Bright red o
Neck. — Short plumage reaches bej'ond shoulder points i
Back. — Straight as a board o
Wings — Well tucked o
Tail. — Too wide spread i
Legs. — Too short shanks 1 1^
Feet. — Prime o
Total points out g)^
The bird scoring 90^
NoAv had the long-legged, high-stationed bird won,
there would not have been a word said. The breeders
of Standard Games would no more have put the short-
necked, short-legged hen in their breeding pens than
they would have thought of flying, while the pit men
would not have given one cent for the knock-kneed,
crane-legged, small-bodied pullet that had been imported
at a large expense. Yet these very men, when asked
if the cut for coIqj" was a just one, acknowledged that
it was ; when asked if I had cut the defect found in
legs too much, answered no ; and when I said sym-
metry in the one bird was as defective as in the others,
only from different causes, then you had the war with
the breeders' opinions, each of which was fashioned
after the end he had in view for his birds.
Symmetry and station mean more than long legs.
A cock to stand in perfect symmetry must have his
eye over his foot just along the shank. The female,
because of her heavier portions, will carry her head
just a trifle forward of that point. The backs of both
must run straight as a line and on an inclined plane
from neck to tail. The short hen did this, while the
tall, rangy one carried hers horizontally, and it was arch-
ing in its contour. Her neck, while long enough, was
jerked up into a crook more than an arch, the short
one being alike cut for its being one inch shorter than
the other. The judge must defend the rights of exhib-
itors even at a loss of reputation, and it is just these
cases when the judge can do injustice and save cen-
sure that take the courage to do right for right's sake
and take the censure that always follows.
A short-legged, short-necked and wide-tailed pullet
may stand in perfect Game poise, her cut being one of
station alone, while another that failed to poise in a
Game position gets the cut for symmetry, and if these
long shapely legs turn in at the hock and show weak-
ness as well as awkwardness, the latter must be cut
under symmetry and station, and the former in section
of legs. It is a pleasure to look at a bird that scores
high, like this well trimmed, symmetrical
Symmetry and Station. — Head exactly over the feet, the whole
carriage upright ; full round breast; thigh and shank, in line
from in front; tailatangleof 45 degrees, coming close together,
with sickles extending 5 inches beyond tail proper ; hackle
long, but strong, without a crane look to the specimen o
Condition. — Perfect health, not a feather broken o
Color. — See Standard, except that he has no bay edge to pri-
maries, and a red line runs up the sickle shafts i^
Head. — Long, tapering, smooth o
Comb, etc. — All trim, smooth, no wrinkles or folds o
Eyes. — Fire red o
Back. — As straight as a board o
Breast and Body. — A little hollow at throat ; color good i
Wings. — He let the lower edge of flights fall one-half the width
of lower feather. ^
Tail. — Perfect in carriage, being 45 degrees in its slant from
body, very closely folded, and long o
Legs. — Trim, long, not stilty, olive color o
Feet. — Had long toes, perfectly straight, and all four came down
flat on the ground o
Hardness of feather is ignored in judging. — — >■
Total points out 3
The bird scoring 97
In this there is nothing to despoil symmetry in any
way. Taking a profile view of the bird, the dent in front
of breast did not affect his outline, and he escaped, yet
we cut a trifle harder in breast and body, and on the
whole we have the best Black Red Game cock we ever
scored. By applying the test of the Standard the reader
will see the adaptability of the score symmetry and
station, and symmetry in all other breeds puzzles the
novice. In scoring, when you commence leave this
section out and score those sections that are described
in the Standard, and when you are through with your
specimen see if you have cut any section for the shape
of it. If so, when and how much,' then fix in your
mind a bird as different'from the one you are scoring
as a Standard one would make him, and you will get
both an idea of what perfect symmetry is and how
much the one you are scoring should be cut. For
symmetry is perfect when all the sections are per-
fect shape and carriage is that described in the
Standard. The Black Red Game is the best study for
symmetry we have in the whole fowl race.
In symmetry and station they should be the same
as Black Reds, the differences .being in color of plum-
age and eye only, our lesson being in color as we
score the specimens. One sees more poor colored
specimens in this variety than in any other, for the
reason that Ginger Reds have been discarded and they
try to force them into this class. At a little distance
a very faulty bird may look very well, and many for
this reason find their way to the exhibition room. We
have in mind now two birds pointed out at a distance
of four rods off, with the remark that they were twins.
See their score :
Symmetry and Station. — Legs fairly long, set on well; tail too
large and wide-spread ; head carried slightly forward 2
Condition. — All right o
Color. — Was orange-red with black stripe in hackle ; breast
black, with plumage at throat black, edged with red, with a
yellowish-red shaft to feather ; saddle matched hackle ex-
actly ; back and wing-bows dark crimson red ; balance all
right, with black tail o
Head. — Short and black, too much oval shape i
Comb, etc. — Was well trimmed. ... o
Eyes. — Dark brown o
Neck. — Long, close hackle o
Back. — Was oval in line from neck to tail i
Breast and Body. — Not full nor broad enough at shoulders. .... ij!^
Wings. — All right, smoothly tucked o
Legs. — Prime in color (olive), smooth in scales o
Feet. — Toes not flat on the ground ; were short also i^
Total points out 7
The bird scoring 93
" A daisy," the owner exclaimed. "And much better
than the other," we remarked. " Not much," the
breeder again put in. The Standard made the follow-
incf work of the so-called twin :
Symmetry and Station. — Eye exactly over foot; short in shank
and neck ; symmetry being all right, but station oif i^
Condition (x) o
Color. — Head not dark red ; the black in hackle penciled with
a yellowish brown ; back light red, 'also wing-bows ; saddle
failed in the black stripe, being penciled with yellowish red ;
shafts too near same color of feather in the breast, the
centers being reddish brown, not black ; reddish brown along
side of body, the black not metallic in shadings 4^^
(Owner's lip drops.)
Head. — Short, like the other
Comb, etc. — Not trimmed smooth, bunchy about ear-lobes
Eyes. — Red, should be dark brown ,
Neck. — Short, hackle too long
Back. — Straight o
Breast and Body. — All right to appearance, but bone is crooked,.
Wings. — Carried lower ; primaries in sight
Legs. — Had a sprain, bunch just below knee joint (x)
Feet. — Had bad toes on right foot, inner one turned in
Total points out 14^
The bird scoring 85^
Just came inside of first-class breeding stock.
" The d 1!" exclaims Mr. . "Who would
have thought there was such a difference ? Surely
' distance lent enchantment ' to that view. I think
those are the best ones — that exhibitors talk about
leaving at home, eh? " Bronzy red may look black at a
distance, so also a coal-black stripe, and one of duller
shade, penciled slightly, a few rods off show no suscep-
tible difference, but under the Standard and close in-
spection all defects come to light.
often disappoint in a like manner. See the difference
in the following :
Symmetry and Station. — Neck short, legs short also, tail wide
and full, carried head forward, does not get it up over the
foot when standing erect 3
Condition. — Generally all right, no sick birds as a rule go to shows, o
Color. — Black as a coal all over, neck hackle laced with golden
yellow, no brown tinge in any part 2
Head. — Long and snaky o
Comb, etc. — White in ear-lobes and a comb that lopped I
Eyes. — Black o
Neck. — Too short i
Back. — Straight as a board o
Breast and Body. — Breast bone crooked i
Wings. — Drops the lower primary; feather in sight i
Tail. — Too broad i
Legs. — Short i
Feet. — Square on the ground o
Total points out 11
The bird scoring 8g
Her competitor:
Symmetry and Station. — Neck long, nice in the arch of the
same, legs in length and harmony with neck, head carried
over foot, tail carried close together o
Condition. — All right o
Color. — Neck black, laced with gold; back shaded with golden
brown; breast shaded with brown, in all else black o
Head. — A bit short y^
Comb and Wattles. — Comb straight and evenly serrated, ear-
lobes red o
Eyes. — Black o
Neck. — Long and graceful o
Back. — Straight, flat and tapering o
Breast and Body. — Round and full at sides, the whole hard as a
rock , o
Wings. — Carried too low, show primaries below secondaries i^
Tail. — Carried right and close together .' o
Legs. — Position good, scales perfect. .,. o
Feet. —
Alas! Our work has been done for nothing. She
carries her fourth toe alongside the inner ones, and is a
duck-footed specimen. DisquaHfied, reduced all to
nothing, and our expectations cast to the ground ; our
97 or 98 point bird is worthless as an exhibition speci-
men ; the sweepstakes prize goes to our competitor.
But let the lesson teach you to examine each and every
section to see that no disqualifications exist to disap-
point you. Score cards for each breed cost but little,
and on them are printed the disqualifications.
A novice would hardly be able to say what was a
Yellow Duckwing pullet in contradistinction to a
Silver Duckwing, the greater difference being in the
males — there being no disqualifications that will pre-
vent a breeder's showing the females in both classes.
We had at a recent exhibition presented to us a stag
which had been scored ninety-five and one-half points ;
but we found him, as we apply the Standard, a
Symmetry and Station. — Short in neck, thighs and shank, with
a hackle that covered the shoulder points, with tail carried
high and wide-spread, for which we cut, as their effects upon
symmetry 3
Condition. — Being in perfect health o
Color. — Head was a deep straw-color, hackle the same, blotched
with copper-color, saddle like hackle, body splashed with
yellow and white along the side, copper and white in the
curling feather under tail 4
Head. — Was short and chubby (x) i
Comb, etc. — Well and smoothly dubbed o
Eyes. — The best eye is a bay one, but brownish-red is admissi-
ble — was the latter o
Neck. — Hackle was long and flowing ; shoulder points were
covered i
Back. — Was straight but was narrow at shoulders ^
Breast and Body. — Was full in breast, round at side, breast-
bone was straight, stern a nice upper curve to tail o
Wings. — Set out from breast, closely folded points hid in saddle
feathers — Standard o
Tail. — Was wide-spread and carried above a moderate elevation 1%
Legs. — Were too short, had knee bunches inside, just below
hock ij4.
Feet. — Set square on the ground, with hind toe straight to rear, o
Total points out 12)^
The bird scoring 87^
Yet there was all this difference between our score
and the judge who scored the bird one week before.
I asked, Did the judge take the bird from his coop ?
Then he did not cut the specimen but two in color,
did he? This we found to be the fact, and that was all
the defect of color visible till his wings were lifted and
his tail turned back. Legs were not cut, yet the bunches
were in sight. Symmetry and station were cut but one
point, back and tail allowed to go uncut, remarking
that Duckwings had not the symmetry seen in Black
Reds, yet the Standard describes both alike in form and
the judge can know no other laM^ A specimen shown
as a Golden Duckwing pullet we found to be in
Symmetry and Station. — Short neck, long, full hackle, tail wide-
spread, legs short 3
Condition o
Color. — Head silver gray ; neck, the black each side of shaft pen-
ciled with gray ; back, ash color, penciled with stone color,
giving it the color called ashen gray, the shaft showing
silver color ; wing-bows like back, no reddish shading on them ;
flights and tail as described in Standard for Silver Duckwings. . 3
Head. — Long and snaky o
Comb, Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Had while in ear-lobe i
Eyes. — Red o
Neck. — Too short ; hackle covered shoulder points i
Back. — Straight and fiat-iron shape o
Breast and Body. — Full, broad and round ; nice turn to lower
line of body and stern o
Wings. — Folded closely o
Tail. — Carried wide-spread and high i
Legs. — Shanks short i
Feet. — Rear toe turned inward i
Total points out 11
The bird scoring 89
This specimen lost two points in competing in a
Golden Duckwing class, when as a Silver Duckwing
she would save the two points for color, a Golden
Duckwing demanding a dark gray head, dark salmon
^ JUDGING. 337
color in breast, and a reddish shading to wing-bows.
A novice does not discriminate between the two.
Color in .Games becomes a section of itself, and has but
twelve pdints, while in other breeds the value varies
from nineteen to twenty-seven points, having twice
the average value ; thirty-three per cent cut in one being
four points, and nine points in the other. Score a
specimen in your own yard, a Golden Duckwing cock-
erel, and then go over him again, applying the Silver
Duckwing standard, computing your cuts on the per-
centage plan, and see what change it will be necessary
to make in color. These object-lessons of comparison
we think quite as useful as an essay confined to the
one variety.
are scored by the Game standard only in weight. It
will be seen by actual measurement that a Bantam
with the same length of leg, neck and tail in propor-
tion to his weight will not look so high and so gamey,
so to speak. The judge, therefore, will look, to the
uninformed, as cutting hard for defects in legs and sta-
tion. If he goes so far as to be thought cutting
severely by the novice he can be very sure that he is in
error. These little pets are generally purer in their
shades of color, and generally score very high. Sweep-
stakes prizes for highest scoring birds of an exhibition
find their way to Black Red-Game Bantam pens often.
We can give no new idea of scoring Bantams over that
of the larger Games.
In this variety, when the defects occur in comb, ear-
lobes and wattles, breast and body, wings or tail, the
specimens are apt to score low down, for the reason
that an out in them is valued at 50 to 100 per cent
more than in other sections. They as a breed score
lower in comparison to their general appearance in the
yard than do most other breeds, to wit:
Symmetry and Station. — Head small ; comb slightly canted over
neck ; graceful, full flowing hackle, with a nice long saddle
plumage ; tail long ; sickle large and long ; legs medium, and
carriage upright o
Condition. — Had comb lacerated by fighting i
Head. — Short, small ; eyes dark o
Comb. — Canted tc^one side, but firm in position, was wide across
center, having a circular sweep, not a nice taper, to spike. . . 4
Ear-lobes. — One-third surface red in color, and too long and
pendulous 3^
Wattles. — All right o
Neck. — All right in color, but about one-third the feathers had
black tips, or spangles; fully 33 per cent of the color gone. . . i
Back. — All right in shape, but with saddle void of the
spangle ; about one-fourth of the feathers being black at tips, 2
Breast and Body. — Breast had white lacings to the black
moons ; the body was spangled with dull black ; had a
crooked breast-bone 3
Wings. — Were good in bow and fine in secondaries, black
spangles, dull black coverts, had crescent tips, making the
bars narrow. Primaries had no spangles 3
Tail. — Tail proper was very dark gray ; sickles had gray lower
webs, tip of same black ; spaugle of coverts crescent shape. . 2^
Legs. — Thighs streaked with gray ; had two crooked toes i^
Total points out 21^
The bird scoring 78^
Apply the Standard here and see if I have not been
as lenient as judgment will permit ; yet such a bird at a
distance usually seen on the walk would certainly be
called a fine appearing one, and we must consider 85 to
88 points of as much value in this breed as 90 to 93
in Brahmas. As a Standard of quality, by noting the
score it will be seen that faulty as he was in form, that
affected his general symmetry, he was not cut, and the
profile pleasing, and one hardly willing to concede the
score correct, but we cannot alter it.
In scoring a hen we take one of the Golden variety.
A very prevalent defect in color of this breed is a
round white or gray spot in the black spangle along
the under line of body plumage and white in the
undercolor. It was once our lot in the old Standard
ruling to disqualify fifteen out of a class of seventeen
for this defect. The present Standard does not dis-
quahfy, but the defect is a grave one. Combs are more
faulty, as a rule, than in the penciled varieties. Gen-
eral observation is not a safe guide in selecting speci-
mens for exhibition. Nothing but a close inspection
will save us from disappointment. We have seen a
very prepossessing specimen result in the following
score by the Standard :
Symmetry. — Neck gracefully arched, back had a graceful curve
to tail, carried tail at a moderate elevation, breast full and
round, making a nice picture o
Condition. — Health and plumage unbroken o
Head. — Golden bay, but had white dots in the black ; beak light
color, eye pearl, face too blue under eye 2^
Comb. — Large and shaky ; was a doubt as to calling it dis-
qualified 3
Wattles o
Neck. — Hackle had the golden lacing smoked up the outside
edge , I
Back. — Back all right, except at the very tip of the black
spangles white marks the size of No 8 shot ly^
Breast and Body.' — Breast full, and no real fault with spangles,
except being dull in the black shading ; body spotted the
whole length of the under part with white spangles in the
larger black ones ; breast-bone crooked 2^
Wings. — Showed shiny bluish-gray spots in inner web of both
primaries and secondaries 2
Tail. — These light spots in the tail proper ; a loss of the
metallic luster, tip dull black 2
Legs and Toes. — Shanks flesh color, rough in scales near
juncture with foot i ^
Total points out 16
The bird scoring 84
Here again we find to follow Standard description
we are compelled to score out the above points, but it
is a very low score, and drops our seemingly nice speci-
men below the minimum of the Standard value of
first-class. We think such birds, though they are often
used as breeders, should be sent to the scrub pens, for
it is hard work to restore such, color. The use of the
Black Hamburg, and to breed back the female get, is the
only way to utilize them if necessity compels their use.
Corrugated combs, tainted ear-lobes, crooked breast-
bones and too dark color in females, the greatest evils
and hindrance to high scoring. More birds are dis-
qualified for wry tail and twisted combs than any other
cause, and the question how far can the comb be cor-
rugated and escape the penalty of " disqualified " /(3r
twist in the comb or loped comb. A male's score to
demonstrate :
Symmetry. — Comb is very large, back part swings round from
center of back of neck ; carries head a little forward from
effect of large, heavy comb ; tail keeps shifting from one to
the other side, and cuts through saddle, being carried too
erect, next door to squirrel tail 2%
Size. — Of medium size o
Condition. — Plumage looks dull, carriage indicates low vitality. . i^
Head. — Dark red, short, deep; beak has a pale stripe, eyes are
a pearl, face yellowish red, under eye indications of coming
white 2
Comb. — Is large, being very high in front ; sides are raised in
ridges and folds, but edge maintains its straight line down
to beak, from back of skull it turned off to the side, yet
stands erect in front; this is a bad comb, having 7 serrations,
and we sum up the defects, 2 for the folds, i^ for size,
xYz for turning off to the side 5
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — In this case were pendulous, pure
white, but streaks of red through it 2
Neck. — -Fair length, surface color as described in Standard,
but come to lift the hackle, we find almost an inch of white
(had it exceeded an inch, we should have had to disqualify).
When a specimen competes on the rule of doubt the judge is
compelled to cut J^ the section "}%
Back. — Dark red, saddle good in surface color, under color at
roots of tail and sickles full ^ inch white i%
Breast and Body. — Breast full, round, black; body along the
sides bronzed up with reddish bay; breast bone not quite
straight (x) x%
Wings. — Show red in the black bar, also black spots in the bows,
with sheeny spots in primaries 2
Tail. — Cuts through saddle and weak in position, changing
from side to side; color good (x) 2
Legs and Toes. — Shanks too much smoked up, with two black
scales I
Total points out 24}^
The bird scoring 75.5^
The specimen has scored very low, — seventy-five and
a-half points. Certainly a breeder Avould be foolish to
use such a bundle of defects as a sire when the fact is
before him that he is mating this defective influence to
his whole get. A defective female would be far less
injurious, for the male influence is greatest in the re-
production of type.
As a rule, this combination of defects seldom meets
in one specimen, but often nearly as bad — 78, 79 80 and
81 — are seen in the records of our first-class exhibi-
tions. Ninety in a hundred pullets of this breed will
score from 86^ to 94 points, with one to three in a
hundred reaching 94^ to 96^^. As many as three
exhibitions in five will show up a pullet to score 95 to
96 points. It is safe to say a Brown Leghorn pullet
that will score full in symmetry, comb and ear-lobes
will exceed in score 94 points, and we never saw one
score 96 that was cut in symmetry.
The following score will not vary one-half point in
any one of the sections of pullets that score 96.
Symmetry o
Weight o
Condition o
Head o
Comb. — Just falls off a bit from being straight in front y^
Ear-lobes and Wattles y^
Neck. — Is penciled in the back i
Back o
Breast and Body. — Pale salmon color >^
Wings. — Red in lower part of them i
Tail. — A rich brown color o
Legs , o
A rich brown, penciled with a dull black, gives a
nice even brown shade to back, and up onto the tail ; a
rather pale salmon breast, and a bit of red in the wing-
bows, and pencilings in the stripe of the hackle, gener-
ally follows this nice color, and 96 points or more are
never reached without it. What cuts most of these
down from this high score that have this nice Standard
color is generally a comb that folds once or twice and
is cut from i to 2 points ; falling off in the roundness
of breast and sides, i point ; ear-lobes tainted, from
}4 to 1)4 points, which, you see, will takeout from i)4
to 4 more points, and you see them scored all the way
from 92 to g6y2, but they are all rich brown looking
The controversy among the friends of this breed as
to the shade in color makes it desirable that we give
our opinion upon the manner in which it is often
judged. If our manner of presenting it be singular,
excuse us: we shall be satisfied if the point made be
strong, and breeders awakened to the taint in color
that is so 'prevalent that we find many breeders weary
in the fight of keeping their stock up to a high con-
dition of excellence, and crying out that the Standard
be interpreted to favor the breed. In our score we
present a specimen commonly met with. We propose
to score him as is often done, without handling beyond
what can be done through the palings of a show-pen,
then to examine him critically afterward.
Symmetry. — Erert in carriage; comb medium, firm on the head,
having a fine sweep from front to rear; having five serrations;
tail carried so upright as to pass the perpendicular line i
Size. — Good, large bird for the breed o
Condition. — Quick, healthy ; plumage whole o
Head. — Short and deep, white; beak yellow, face red, eyes bright
bay o
Comb, etc. — Comb in which no faults appear o
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Thick and heavy in the enameled, but
decidedly yellow in color i)^
Neck. — Long, surface color white o
Back. — Good in form but slightly straw-color; saddle still deeper
shaded with yellow 1)4.
Breast and Body. — Full and broad; body plump, color not
quite as white as we would like, but let it go with check. ..(x) o
Wings. — Bows shaded with straw-color, not quite white enough. . ^
Tail.- — Magnificent in fullness, but sickles pass the perpendicular
line I
Legs and Toes. — Grand in color and smoothness of scale o
Total points out syi
The bird scoring 94 j!^
And we exclaim, What a grand bird ! Every visitor not
interested in the competition exclaims he is the best
bird on exhibition. But Mr. B., who noticed that you
took his out of the pen to look him over, asked why
you did not take this one. You were tired and wanted
to get through, but you go back to see if you have not
in such a course committed a blunder, and knowing
that what error you have committed must be one of
color you take the bird out and lift his hackle off the
back, and see that a rim half an inch wide around the
lower edge is decidedly straw color in the light, and you
say one point out. You lift his back to see the quills
throughout are quite yellow, or butter color. You
say he is fat, which will affect it some, but I must cut
him one-half point. You open his wing, to find to
your astonishment seven of the quills in primaries and
secondaries that are dark straw color the whole length,
and you sigh when you add one and a half points to
the wing cut. Tail is certainly all right, but we will
look and find even sickle shafts yellow for three inches
long, and we cut again one point more and the idol of
the exhibition falls to ninety and a half points, taking
the third or fourth prize instead of the sweepstakes.
This object-lesson is but the experience of judges we
could name, nor can any of us say we may not fall into
the same apparent injustice if we fail to take every
white bird out of the show pen and examine them in
every section.
What is the shade of blue perfect in a Standard
sense? A question often asked and hard to answer.
Describe any shade of color you like on paper and send
five men to a bundle of sticks painted, and it is safe to say
not more than two in the five will return with the
right one. Our Standard in describing the color tries
to do it in one clause. The facts are as represented in
the living specimen. The back is the darkest both in
shade and from the fact that in this section the plum-
age overlaps much more, giving it a still darker blue
appearance ; and while we have in appearance a bird
bluish-gray, barred with a darker blue, it is also a fact
that feathers plucked from the specimen and described
as a single feather must be described as whitish-gray
barred with blue black. While there is absolutely no
shade which is a blue black, yet the light color of the
feather combined with the dark bars looks darker than
a navy blue, and the expression is used as preferable to
black, for we know that it-is not black in prime speci-
mens. The light bars, when looked at one feather lying
over others, should look a bright, clear, bluish-gray, and
the dark bar a very dark blue. These same feathers
laid on white paper will come very close to a white and
black ; and the wording of the Standard, from the fact
of so many feathers being sent in letters to would-be
customers as giving the best and surest description to
prevent disappointment, and ending the description in
the Standard, "and giving a blue tinge to plumage,"
establishing the fact also that massed in plumage the
color should indicate blue. We believe the change an
error of judgment, the good old description, bluish-gray
barred with a deeper blue, being a far better descrip-
tion of the birds that please the fancier in these days.
The greatest faults of color are found in the muddy or
blurred light colored bars, and dead black darker bars
instead of dark blue bars. He who cannot readily
discern between a heavy blue and a black bar surely
should not be considered a good judge of Plymouth
A specimen that has the light bars tinged with a
muddy look may be so bad as to get a cut of one point
in all four of the following sections, to wit : neck, back,
breast and wings and tail ; even this would make five
points, and then not be cut to the extent of full jus-
tice, and with this very evil we have seen birds get a
score of ninety-five points. If the light bars are a full
deep sky-blue, and the darker bars black, then surely
we cannot cut less than one and one-half in neck, one
and one-half in back, two in breast and body, two in
wing; if the tips fold smoothly, and this muddy molas-
ses and butter discoloring seen upon the tail cover-
lets, two more, and in the whole color be punished
nine points, and it would be a light cut when we con-
sider that twenty-six points are allowed for color in the
different sections. Defects in form of back will have
an influence on the appearance of breast and body, and
many times we see a bird cut two in back and two
more in breast and body, when the latter cut is unjust.
Whenever a bird has a low rump or an oval back, un-
less the judge has had experience he will in very many-
cases cut for breast and body in Plymouth Rocks. The
best illustration of this will be found in the accompany-
ing cut.
Assume the cut itself to be perfect in back and
breast and body ; cut a piece of paper to reach down to
dotted lines in back so as to hide balance of back above
them, then see what a difference in the shape ; but by
the process we know that breast and body is the same,
the whole fault being in the back. Then it behooves
a judge to make sure where the real fault lies. In this
case add only to back that between upper line and
dotted lines to restore the bird to harmony of propor-
tion. Symmetry is the only section that should be cut
for defects found in other parts. One sees how easy
ezperienced judge and an amateur would vary all of
these points in such a specimen.
Symmetry. — Back drops off near tail, and head carried forward. . ij^
Weight. — Weighs 9 pounds o
Condition. — A few feathers broken o
Head. — Beak has a thread-line of dark color. ^
Comb. — None can say to a hair's breadth what that shape
shall be if it be an even sweep from back to a flanged
rear. If there be no corrugation on the one side and
no twists over the beak they may have 5 to 7 serrations
if they be in proportion, the middle one the largest, but
if, as in this case, it turns off only a little from a straight
line cut Yz
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — If red and no accident happens
they generally have little to cut, for if they have enamel
coating on them then they are disqualified. If, as in the
cockerel before us, one is shorter than the other, cut I
Neck. — Having a well arched and full hackle, whitish gray
barred with a deep-blue, should go uncut; if white in under-
color, no clouded bars across it, then cut I|^
Back. — This should, to be perfect, have a slope from neck to a
point just back of hips, when the saddle should turn in a
moderately sharp concave sweep to tail. In this case color
was bluish gray barred with navy blue, but with the defect.
(See cut.) We allow Y^ point for color, i^ for form. This
is 50 per cent cut for shape 2
Breast and Body. — This being Standard color, full and round,
and sides rounded, we see no reason to cut it at all O
Wings. — In this living example we find in the flights white spots
on web, and a bronzy brown bar here and there in the wing-
bows, and we cut I ^
Tail. — With this hollow out of back the tail looks long and slim,
but build the back up to its proper position and do we need
to alter the tail at all to satisfy the demands of the Standard ?
We think not o
Fluff. — Not so full as to hide the hocks o
Legs and Toes. — These are a trifle long, but toes are not quite
straight, not really crooked, but have a long curve from
shanks to tips; color good i^
Total points out lO
The bird scoring go
And with this fault, and in all eight sections defective,
we have ninety points, a pretty good one in a Standard
sense of first-class. But a man who looks at portraits or
animal pictures with simply an artist's eye for the beauti-
ful, having no thought or knowledge as to the anatomy
and characteristics of a breed, or take three-fourths of
our breeders of Plymouth Rocks, whose judgment was
prejudiced by an interest in the competition, in all
probability a majority of them would cut, to wit :
symmetry 2, back 2, breast and body 2, and tail i.
We have seen just this exhibition of judgment expressed
over a bird of like character as our cut represents. We
have spoken of symmetry, the wish of some that it be
retained for the flexibility it gives the Standard. If
such a bird were scored without symmetry, such would
be fairly scored, but a bird that looks awkward suffers
in an ever-increasing ratio by the influence of symmetry
in the Standard. A judge who cared more for his rep-
utation than for justice could cut deep in such cases
and shut out such specimens from winning, and his
course would not be questioned because the flexibility
of the Standard coming in here, there being no de-
scription for symmetry by which to question his ideal
of symmetry, the answer, " Well, it's my idea of it,"
would silence them all.
Fine colored pullets are scarce, and to win takes a
very pure colored one indeed. The difference between
the winning birds and the balance of the fifty per
cent of the best birds we raise is small. Bright blue
tinged pullets will attract universal attention, while one
clouded in the light colored bars brings censure for
judgment in cases where they win, and win they often-
times do, and fairly. For instance, note the difference
in the two birds here presented :
Symmetry. — Head of medium size, carried high, having a yellow
beak and bay eye, which gives a bright expression ; comb
erect ; a nice tapering neck ; back had just rise enough in
cushion to break the concave form of back ; tail carried closed
to a point ; breast round as a ball in front, and making a
complete juncture with body o
Weight. — byi pounds o
Condition. — Whole plumage and in health o
Head. — Small ; yellow beak and bay eyes o
Comb. — Erect but rather large ; one side sprig i^
Ear-lobes and Wattles — Red, no white in them o
Neck. — Long, tapering, light bars grizzled with black, bars
black 2
Back — Shape all we could wish, but color stone-color with black
bars 1%
Breast and Body. — Form all right; color dark blue barred
with black 2
Wings. — Fold in a smutty black point ; bows bluish gray with
black bars 2
Tail. — Light color in them, clouded bars, nearly black i j^
Fluff. — Very dark stone-color, approaching blackT i
Legs and Toes. — Have several black scales i
Total points out 12^2
The bird scoring 87^
This, it will be seen, is a very dark colored speci-
men. But there is but one step from a blue black to a
black bar, the greater cut being for the influence of the
darkened light bars, that converts the pretty bright
blue-tinged specimen into an objectionable one.
One may be ever so beautiful in color, but they may
be so unfortunate in form and defective in comb, and
lack in weight, and pretty as they may look to the
general observer be forced to take a second position
to even a dark specimen, to wit :
Symmetry. — Short in neck ; close cleaving plumage to back ;
breast wedge-shaped ; tail spread out ; legs turn in a bit at
knees, all of which affect symmetry seriously, though the
evil in each section be not so great 2
Weight. — 6 pounds i
Condition. — Wet nostrils, breath fetid 1
Head. — Beak white ; eye white, dull i
Comb. — Has a twist in front, too high behind i^
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Ears have a fatty, white appearance,
not red and nice i
Neck. — Trifle short ; head little forward i
Back. — No crowning of cushion i
Breast and Body. — Wedge-shaped ; body thin i j^
Wings. — Carried loosely to sides ; flights hang too low i
Tail. — Fanned out, not pointed ^
Fluff o
Legs and Toes. — Legs have black scales i
Total points out 13^
The bird scoring 86 j^
Nineteen in twenty, to take a look and say, would
give this specimen the prize just for her bright colored
bluish-gray plumage. The Standard fairly applied, she
is fairly beaten.
For this favorite color look at a summer sky, with
its light azure blue, then bar it across evenly with a
dark blue, and you have a perfect-colored Plymouth
Rock, one of America's most popular fowls.
This new breed must for some time yet score low
in Standard points so far as the majority of the speci-
mens are concerned. Yet a few isolated specimens
reach ninety to ninety-two in the males, and we have
seen specimens to score ninety-four and one-half in
females. This complication of color, or rather com-
bining a penciled and spangled race, and out of which
to establish a lace plumage, has been no easy matter,
and in describing our matings we have said much on
this subject, and we cannot add anything under the
head of judging than in a general way, to score speci-
mens that represent the best we have yet seen and
judged, and those that are peculiarly faulty.
The best male it was our lot to judge the past sea-
son was the following
Symmetry. — Was short and well arched in neck ; breast full and
round ; back had just the right slope to the commencement
of saddle, which curved in a beautiful sweep upon the tail,
which was of good size and fully developed, and carried
moderately upright ; legs medium in length, thighs and hock
joints preserving their profile o
Weight. — 6)4 pounds 2
Condition o
He.\d. — Short, crown was broad ; plumage silver color, bay eyes, o
Comb. — Medium size, not quite square in front, fell back in an
even sweep, and good spike, slight hollow in middle of upper
surface '. I
Ear-lobes and Wattles o
Neck. — Silver white, center stripe good, not perfect ; black on
edge of feathers , i^
Back. — Back flat at shoulders, edge of saddle feather colored
up with copper black color 2
Breast and Body. — Round at sides, but little flat in front ;
color black, with small white centers i
Wings. — Nicely folded, bars solid, like a Dark Brahma, with
white in flights ; coverts solid black on upper web, and for
an inch from tip of under web 1 1^
Tail. — Black, full, carried moderately upright o
Fluff. — A too light color i
Legs and Toes. — Yellow and nice o
Total points out lo
The bird scoring go
This was one of the best birds of this breed scored
by me the past year. It is a breed that baffles the
breeder, and such a specimen is as rare as a ninety-four
point Plymouth Rock. The description of the wing
coverts in the Standard should not have stopped where
it did, for fully one-half of the best birds shown have
coverts the feather of which is a black upper web, the
black rounding the point with a hook and terminating
at the edge of the lower web about half an inch from
its point. This description was to have been added to
the last edition of the Standard, but from some mis-
chance was by the printer left out.
The females in form are almost the same as a Plym-
outh Rock, except the tail not carried so much to a
point, being well spread at base. Ninety-four and one-
half points is the best score we, as a judge, as yet have
given to any specimen, and we think but three of them.
Nature seems to say to us that "none are perfect ; no.
not one." Even in our old breeds in male or female,
few will approximate to loo points. All the improve-
ment man seems to make is to increase by care and
watchfulness the number of these superior specimens.
We may in ten years in this breed run the best speci-
mens up to ninety-three to ninety-six for a very few of
the best females, and the males get an isolated score of
ninety-five. This will be very high if the score be an
honest one. In all the exhibitions so far the males
have scored from eighty-one to eighty-nine, as a rule,
and the examination of the scores show the largest cut
to be in neck, breast and body or wings, the latter rul-
ing the highest, while in females they cut heavily in
breast and body, neck and back, and prizes won on
males scoring as low down as eighty-one ; in fact we
have seen such birds sold as being prize winners.
Breeders have little thought of their reputation when
they give publicity and inferred breeding merit by such
certificate on birds below the Standard demands for
first-class stocks. A cock to score like the following
cannot be a credit to any breeder:
Symmetry. — Long in neck and legs ; breast thin, dropping into
wedge shape, viewed from in front, with narrow saddle ; tail
pinched with straight sickles 2
Weight. — 7 pounds 3
Condition. — Plun).age broken i^
Head. — Long and narrow ; eyes pearl color i^
Comb. — Very large, surface very uneven, flanging in circular side
sweep ; from front to spike, which turned sharply to left side. 4
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Ear-lobes a pale yellowish red with
white in center i J^
Neck. — Long, hackle straw color, centers mixed gray and black,
outer edge of same shaded through with a dark copper color, 3
Back. — Oval at shoulders, scant in saddle, allowing tail to cut
through ; color much like neck 3
Breast and Body. — Wedge-shape, good color, but run into
gray thighs i^
Wings. — Were set on low down ; bows good color, flight one-half
white ; bars entirely wanting 4
Tail. — Carried too high, being a squirrel tail ; white half the
length of sickles, the whole carried close and straight 2^
Fluff. — A light gray. ... i
Legs and Toes. — Shanks long and turned in at knees 2
Total points out 30^
The bird scoring ^9)4
This bird was shown by a novice, a young man who
had bought the bird as a breeder on the following rec
ommendation : "I can sell you a cock I bred from last
season, and one that will do you good as an infusion of
blood with the pullets you name." We ask the ques
tions. Have we cut too deeply for the faults as we de-
scribe them ? Do they not stand the test when we con-
sider the percentage of the whole section ? and. Do they
not, as you consider each section, show the doubts in
judgment cast in favor of' the .specimen? If so, what
must we think of a breeder who will ship such a bird
to a man who tells him he knows nothing about the
breed, as one that will do his flock good by -the infu
sion of blood from such a bundle of defects as this
score presents ? A pullet we once scored sold for $3,
and we saw it win over the seller's pullet ; he refused
$20 for her. We find the buyer used better than he
deserved, to wit : .
Symmetry. — Having a fine arched neck, a full rounded cushion,
tail fanned out with base widespread, and rich curling feathers
black as a coal underneath ; breast round, both at sides and in
front o
Weight. — Weighed six full pounds o
Condition. — In perfect health o
He.'^d. — Nice form, but eye pale, light color i
Comb, — Was void of spike 3
Ear-lobes and Wattles o
Neck. — The lower row of hackle feathers a little smutty i
Back. — Nice white center, good size, but slightly penciled. . .(x) o
Breast and Body. — Breast nearly perfectly laced. i
Wings. — As near perfect as one sees • o
Tail. — Black as a coal o
Legs and Toes. — Nice color, one middle toe a little crooked. ... ^
Total points out 6^
The bird scoring. 93^
This was the sweepstakes pullet of a noted exhib-
itor, and has attained an enviable reputation, having
won several prizes. The breeder saw only the bad
comb and crooked toe ; he did not look her all over and
reckon up her good points or stop to see the defects
in her aggregated but six and one-half. He chanced
a bird against her that had a spangled breast, that lost
three points in weight, and had a white fluff. When
figuring up the card the owner said, "You have made a
mistake, for I sold the bird you have given first to for
I wish you would show me why my pullet did not
win." We answer him that we could do that without
going to the coop, your bird is light weight and white
in fluff. Not believing it he went and looked, coming
back and acknowledging that he did not know she
was spangle-breasted and white in the fluff till then.
Spangle-breast looks the same as a laced one on the
yard, if the spangles are moon-shaped, which often de-
ceives. By constantly scoring our birds we become
familiar with the Standard, and acquainted with our
birds. We would as soon think of walking in the rain
without an umbrella and expect to keep dry, as to win
at a poultry exhibition without first scoring our birds
at home to decide which to carry.
The cuts for this breed as seen in our poultry jour-
nals are nearer right and give a more accurate idea of
symmetry than do most cuts of Plymouth Rocks and
Wyandottes. We demand of the male specimens, tO'
be perfect in form and symmetry, that the crest be
large and flow backward to the sides in an even mass,
not parted or falling forward ; that the neck be well
arched, head carried well back, back sloping to tail,
that comes up with a sharp angle, the same being
large, sickles long, with a profusion of lesser sickles ;
breast carried well forward in a full round front, body
plump, legs not long. Such should demand a full
score. But how different from this do many speci-
mens appear at our leading exhibitions. This breed,
made up as it is of white and black plumage, is a dififi-
cult one to preserve the black in its entirety, for all
black breeds, if too much in-bred or if in a low state of
vitality while breeding, invariably show it in white
taint in the black plumage, and when white crests are
the peculiar feature, to secure both in perfection man
has to step in with art of his own to help in this com-
plete division of color. To read the Standard, and
with it look upon an illustration of the breed made
perfect in form and color, taking that as a rule by
which we measure, do you marvel at the following
specimens scoring below ninety points?
SViMMETRY. — Head carried forward, giving neck a straight ap-
pearance ; crest falling out from the center, falling to front
as well as side and back; backwhat is termed "rouched," being
oval from hackle to tail; tail, though 'arge, drooping; breast
and body wedge-shaped from in front 2^
Size. — Small for the breed i
Condition. — Suffering from incipient stages of roup; breath
fetid ; nose filled up r
Head. — Beak too short; nostrils not rising above crown of beak, i
Chest. — Fully to front; does not flow back smoothly and is not
large enough, the sides of it do not reach side of hackle near
wattles 3%
Comb. — Large, looks like an elk's flange to their horns lyi
Neck. — Too straight; head carried forward of breast, and a dis-
position to show streaks of white in undercolor i^
Back. — A round back, both from side to side and from hackle to
tail lYi
Bur.AST AND Body. — Too thin breast, wedge-shaped; color
fairly good i%
Wings. — Not well tucked; lack the metallic luster on surface
plumage, flights and secondaries have sheeny light spots,
some so light as to be white in the center of them to the length
of a half inch; this is a serious fault, for if the white be found
one inch in length the birds would be disqualified 2%
Tail. — Color fairly good, but carried too trailing i
Legs. — Medium in length, and black o
Total points out i8^
The bird scoring 8i J^
We know we have dealt fairly with this specimen,
yet see the havoc in the general result. Few male
Polish reach a score above ninety points, even in our
exhibitions, where it is expected that the very best
specimens, the best five per cent of the birds raised, are
only sent. It is fair to say that the poorer fifty per
cent do not score eighty points in a single instance.]
We as exhibitors and by our exhibitions raise the|
Standard and capabilities of the breed so high that wej
lower the commercial value of the average stock and]
give a fictitious value to the winners. Practically the
best fifteen f)er cent of one flock is worth as breeders I
one as much as another, but the one that wins the
prize out of the fifteen will sell for five times what the
poorest one of the fifteen would sell for, the success
as breeders depending upon the mating, and for want
of knowledge in this the high priced one proves worth-
less, for all his winning and high price paid.
Many of the females score high, one of bright color
and in perfect health, having a good plump body and
perfectly round crest carried close together, generally
wins a position above ninety, and we have seen them
go to ninety-seven points.
Symmetry. — She having a large perfectly round crest, with a nice
sharp arch to neck ; back straight, tail fanned out, breast round
and carried forward, medium long legs, is not cut o
Size.' — Good fair size, being plump and solid in fiber of flesh o
Condition. — Healthy, active, no broken plumage o
Head. — Not large, beak tapers, nostril high o
Breast. — Not so large as to look too heavy, but good si::.:, carried
close, like a snowball carried in a black saucer o
Comb. — Two nice little horns concealed in crest o
Ear-lobes and Wattles. — Standard o
Neck. — Well arched, black as a coal o
Back. — Straight and metallic black o
Breast and Body. — Full, round in front, and black ; sides round
and body black o
Wings. — Here we stop to find them full of light spots in flight
and secondaries 3
Tail. — Fanned out, and coal black o
Legs. — Black and nice in scale o
Total points out 3
The bird scoring 97
Such a specimen it was once our lot to score, the
best one and only one I remember of such excellence.
The Standard describes the section that which receives
no cut, and gives us the score card full lOO points, and
it is from the perfect that we judge the imperfect, thus
it is in each section we first consider, to wit : crest is
fifteen, large size is important, and we say nine points
of the fifteen represent size and shape and color. We
find a crest half the size it should be, but prime in color,
then we cut four points. Half the lookers-on think the
cut a light one, for these have the whole fifteen points
in mind. The claim that some judges make that they
can use ten points for size is erroneous. The Standard
does not say a bird shall be disqualified if it has no
crest, but no good judge would hesitate to disqualify
such a bird as unworthy, or take the stand that until it
has a crest it is not a Polish, but we can cut from one
to nine points for size and shape, and six points for
color. A crest wholly black could be cut but six
points or so in degree as the defects appear. As a gen-
eral rule in crest the cuts will run from one and a half
to five points ; not many specimens that cut below
seven in crest, while in other sections one-half to
two points is seldom exceeded in sections valued under
ten points, with one-half to three points in those
having ten points as their Standard value. Judgment
is a quick worker; it is a lightning calculator. The
moment the mind takes the number of the section it
tells at a flash the percentage it is damaged by the de-
fect, and he who will always keep in mind the value of
the perfect section will seldom err if he takes his first
impressions as to the value of the defects in hand.
JUDGING. ' 359
Silver and Golden Polish males will be found to score
the highest when they have a laced plumage, and
females when they have a spangled plumage, and as we
stated in mating, a laced cock and spangled hen look to a
general observer to be the best matched in the pen,
the greatest failure in this variety being found in
wings, crest and tail. The -Polish race are birds of
plumage; they carry more weight of plumage in com-
parison to weight of flesh than any other. This beauty
is maintained at a cost of muscle. The young chicks
feather out quickly, and it is with difficulty they are
raised. If they get thoroughly wet while quite young
generally it results fatally. They are raised for their
beauty and eggs ; for poultry they are not desirable.
To judge them we do not so much consider the prac-
tical as we do plumage and color of the same, with
carriage ; in symmetry the same profile is demanded as
in the Black Polish. One is surprised to see how many
males of this breed will score from eighty-seven and
a-half to ninety and a-half and to see how few reach
ninety-two. We have judged a whole season and not
given a score beyond ninety-one and a half. This is a
cock that won wherever exhibited:
Symmetry. — As described in W. C. Black Polish o
Weight. — Was a noble, large specimen o
Condition. — Strong, in perfect health, and prime condition of
plumage o
Head. — Had a fine nostril ; a deep, bright, dark eye o
Crest. — Was large, fine shape, nicely laced, but had white in
center 2
Comb. — Small, " V " shape o