CopyriglitW. o^^ ;^^z^;?2^ ^^W^-^^^W '^^^^^^^^ (^f/^. ^-/S. XHK CONSTRUCTOR A HAND-BOOK MACHINE DESIGN F. REULEAUX Professor at the Royal Technical High School at Berlin, Royal Privy Cotincillor, Member of the Royal Technical Deputation, Corresponding Member of the Institute of Lombardy and of the Swedish Technical Society, Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Stockholm, Honorary Member of the Technical Societies of Riga and Erfurt, of the Technical Society of Frankfurt a M., of the Society of Arts of Geneva, of the Flora Society of Cologne, of the American Philosophical Society and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers With Portrait and over 1200 Illustrations AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED FROM THE Fourth Enlarged German Edition HENRY HARRISON SUPLEE, B. Sc, Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Member of thg Franklin Institute H. H. SUPLEE WEST CHELTEN AVENUE 1893 Copyright, 1890, by John M. Davis. Copyright, 1893, by Henry Harrison Suplee. Entered at Stationers Hall. l(r Si^l^ Translator's Preface. In presenting to the engineering profession of England and America this translation of Reuleaux's Constructor, a few prefatory remarks may be permitted. Although the first edition of the German work appeared as long ago as 1861, and translations have been made into French, Swedish and Russian, no English translation has hitherto been made, notwithstanding the fact that repeated editions and enlargements of the original German work have appeared. The translation here given, therefore, is the first presentation to English speaking engi- neers of a work which during the past thirty years has acquired the highest reputation over all Europe, and is so well known to German reading engineers and students in this country that no excuse is needed for its present appearance. The freedom with which the author has drawn from English and American sources as well as from Continental practice gives the work a value not found in other treatises upon machine de- sign, while the vast improvement which has been made by the introduction of the kinematic analysis and the resulting classification of the details of the subject, cannot fail to appeal to the instructor as well as to the practising engineer. The translation has been made from the Fourth Enlarged German Edition of 1889, the last which has appeared in the original, and is complete and unabridged in every respect. The introduction to this edition is especially worthy of note, as it contains the author's summary of the principles set forth in his larger work on Theoretical Kinematics,* and the more so as it includes a brief glance at the still wider subject included in his work on Applied Kinematics, as yet unpublished in Germany, and embodying a mass of manuscript which it is trusted will at no distant day be given to the public. The work of translation has been done with the especial sanction and exclusive authoriza- tion of Prof. Reuleaux, by whom also the portrait and special introduction to the American edition have been furnished. The transformation of the notation of the work from the metric system to the English values has involved much labor and while it is too much to expect entire freedom from errors, not- withstanding the care which has been given to this portion of the work, it is trusted that but few errors will be found. It is especially requested that any corrections which may be found neces- sary will kindly be sent to the translator for future use. HENRY HARRISON SUPLEE. Philadelphia, September, 1893. * It is to be regretted that Prof. Kennedy's translation of this valuable work is now out of print, and it is hoped that a 7 edition may be Jssued. Author's Introduction to the American Edition. The present translation of the Constructor places my book before a large circle of readers who have been practically active and energetic in the development of machine design, for no one of the technical professions has been followed by the English-speaking race with more activity and success than that of the construction of machinery. I therefore take pleasure in prefacing this book with a few words of special introduction. During the series of years in which my Constructor has grown from a small beginning to a large volume, the practice of machine construction has also been continuously developing, so that in every new edition changes and additions have been necessary. Much new matter has been added in this edition to the theoretical portion ; first, in the section on Graphical Statics, cenabling many numerical calculations to be dispensed with, using in their places graphical meth- 7[-1-Kiy] } ■ - [(D-0^-7[-^.O'] ,.(386) THE CONSTRUCTOR: A hand=book: ok ivtachink design. BY K. REUIvEAUX. Section L— STRENGTH OF MATERIAI.S. Introductory. The study of the strength of materials ultimately depends upon the question of the resistance which rigid bodies oppose to the operation of forces, and the following definitions are to be noted : SuPERPiciAi< Pressure is the pressure upon a unit of surface. Tensile Strength is the resistance per unit of surface, which the molecular fibres oppose to separation. Modulus of Resistance is the strain which corresponds to the limit of elasticity, compression and extension, each hav- ing a corresponding modulus. Modulus of Rupture is the strain at which the molecular fibres cease to hold together. Modulus of Elasticity is the measure of the elastic exten- sion of a material, and is the force by which a prismatic body would be extended to its own length, supposing such extension were possible. Theoretical Resistance is the force which, when applied to any body, either as tension, compression, torsion or flexure, will produce in those fibres which are strained to the greatest extent a tension equal to the modiilus of resistance ; or, in other words, it is the load which strains a body to its limit of elasticity. The Practical Resistance often improperly termed merely Resistance, is a definite but arbitrary working strain to which a body may be subjected within the limits of elasticity. The Coefficient of Safety is the ratio between the theo- retical resistance and the actual load, or, what amounts to the same thing, the ratio between the elastic limit and the actual tension of the fibres. The Breaking Load is that load which causes in those fibres which are subjected to the greatest strain, a tension equal to the modulus of rupture ; in every case this is equal to the force necessary to tear, crush, shear, twist, break, or otherwise de- form a body. * The Factor of Safety is the ratio between the breaking load and the actual load. As a general rule, for machine construction, the Coefficient of Safety may be taken as double that which is used for con- struction subjected to statical forces. Circumstances may also require it to be taken as either greater or less than the custom- ary value, sometimes even narrower than is permitted for stati- cal forces. Care must be taken never to permit a material to be strained in use to its theoretical resistance ; although, indeed, there are some materials, such as wrought iron, v.-hich have been strained slightl)'- beyond the limit of elasticity, without re- ducing the breaking load, or causing any apparent injury. (See The determiuatiou of the breaking load, and consequently the use of the modulus of rupture, is limited to those cases in which the actual breaking of the structure must be considered ; but for the actual calculations of working machinery the modu- lus of resistance, or limit of elasticity is of primary importance. Coefficients of Resistance.* The coefficients given in the following table are selected as the mean of many experiments upon the various materials named. Under the title "Wood " is given an average value from ex- periments made with oak, beech, fir and ash. Those materials which show the greatest difference between the modulus of rupture and the limit of elasticity also possess in the highest degree the property of toughness. Experiments upon wrought iron show that a strain beyond the limit of elasticity, if not carried too far, although it will cause a permanent deformation, will not lower the modulus of elasticity, but will raise the modulus of resistance. For example, a rod of wrought iron, subjected to a tensile strain of 28,400 lbs. per square inch, was subsequently found to have its limit of elasticity raised from 21,300 lbs. to 28,400 lbs. (This property is utilized in drawing wire). Tenacity is a particularly desirable property for a material of construction, and it may generally be approximately meas- ured by the ratios K : T and Ki : Tj. If the rod above referred to be subject to compression it will return to its former limit of elasticity. Table of Coefficients.* n Wire Sheet Iron Spring Steel (hardened) Cast Steel (not hardened) Cast Steel (spring temper) Copper (hammered) Copper Wire .... Brass Wire Bell Metal (bronze) . Phosphor Bronze . . Aich Metal Lead Hemp Rope (new) Hemp Rope (old) . Belting Modulu of Elasticit Quartz Brick Limestone Mas onry . . Sandstone Mas onrj' . . nthen ^hout the original w h readers, except in ; all dimensions and quantities are gi ive been transformed into English "u e following table, where both are gb THE CONSTRUCTOR. Resistance to Tension and Compression, A body is said to be uuder tensiou when the action of a force P, tends to extend it in the direction of its length. V/hen the force acts iu the opposite direction the body is said to be under compression ; but when the length is great in proportion to the cross section, a combined action occurs. (See ? i6.) Let q be the cross section of the member : S, the strain due to the action of the force P; then if we neglect the weight of the material we have : P=Sq (I) must be t pounds we A rafter exerts a horizontal thrust of 22,000 pounds, which : by a rod of circular cross section. If we make 5 = 7100 e for the diameter of the rod d. from which d = 1.9S" say 2". The principal action which the application of a force to a member produces is the consequent elongation or compression. A prismatical body subjected to the action of a force P, will have its original length / increased by in amount A, determined by the formula A _^ (2) and this holds good as long as 5 is not greater than the modu- lus of Resistance for tension T. This relation is also true for compression, in which case the limit depends upon the modu- lus of resistance 7i for compression. Example. Suppose the rod, whose diam ceding example, to have a length of 114 ft lion under those conditions would be The preceding formula (2) is a fundamental one, and upon it is constructed the whole systematical study of the strength of materials. Formula (i) is of use when a section is strained beyond the limit of elasticity, as by it we may detertnine the force required to rend or crush a material, using the proper Modulus of Rup- ture. Example. The force necessary to pull the above given rod asunder is P=K q or /'=56,Soo X (2)'^ — = 178,442 lbs. Bodies op Uniform Strength. By bodies of uniform strength are meant those in which the shape is so made that the cross sections at various points are subjected to the same strain S, and consequently a proportion- ally economical distribution of material secured. Such forms are not often employed in practice, although ap- proximate shapes may often be adopted, but they serve in many cases to determine the general style of a structure, and give it the effect of proportional strength without adhering too closely to the exact form. These forms will be found of value to the designer for both reasons : principally as a guide to the style of his work rather than for close determinations of economy. If a designer has become thoroughly familiar with the resist- ing capacity of various shapes, and can keep them so clearly in his mind that he can perceive the general form of the proper curve to be used in any particular case, he will be able to pro- duce, with an artistic freedom, designs which will approach the shapes indicated by mathematical analysis. The following forms are alike suitable for tension and com- pression. As examples of their practical use, the first two are applicable to cast columns, and .the third is suitable for chim- ney's of masonry as well as for high piers of bridges and via- ducts. 7 = V? ^-v/i-£ ^^ 2.718 = Base of natural logarithms. log $■ = log -^ -f o.434^-a^ REMARKS P, is distributed un- iformly throughout the whole length of the figure. Cross sec- tion circular. Profile parabolic. Approxi- mate form, a trun- cated cone with end diameter = — P, is uniformly de- creased from above downward. Cross section circular. Form conical. The body is strain- ed by its own weight, y being the weight of a unit of volume. The cross section in- creases with the in- creasing load in the logarithmic propor- tion given. \ the quantities given in the original i their English equivalents, which will ;s chosen. {Trans.). mples RESISTANCE TO SHEARING. A body is said to be subjected to a shearing strain in any cross section when the distorting force acts in the plane of that cross section. Let q, be the sectional area, and S, the force acting upon it, so that we have as in the case of tensile and compressive strains P=Sq (3) The limit of elasticity will be reached when S=% of the lesser of the two Moduli of Resistance of the material, in the case of wrought iron, where T = Ti = 21,300, S = 17,040 lbs. while for cast iron T Vl 4 /4J /3 r^ ;r3 xn •"-"^a-f+fl "— (:-f + i^) ■'--a-iS) Weakest Section at an in- determinate point be- tween A and B. Weakest Section at B. -fA'-^-'} Weakest Section at 3. Point of reversal at Weakest Section at S. XIV. In the case of a beam supported upon two symmetrically placed supports A and B, and carrying a - iiiiiiormly distributed load P, we have for the bending moment M = [-. X -{ j. The supporting power varies according to the position of the supports, and also with the relation of c to /; [_ U will become a maximum when c = 0.207 / I that is, / ( */ j j THE CONSTRUCTOR. The supporting power will tneii approximate to la or nearly six times as great as in case VIII, showing 'the ad- vantage of this method of support. The weakest sections are at A, B and C. .Z.„ Tabi,e ?7. 3F Sections. The value of^ in equation (4) depends almost entirely upon the shape of the cross section of the beam, and this we shall hereafter call the Section Modulus. The following table shows a large number of sections in use for various purposes, and gives the corresponding values of the following quantities : The equatorial moment of inertia J, for the neutral axis, shown in the figures by the dotted line. The greatest distance a, of the fibres under tension and com- pression, or their separate values a', and c^','when the section is not symmetrical about both axes. The equatorial section modulus Z = — -, for which two values are given, when a' , and a" , are different ; and The sectional area of the figure, which will be found of service in calculating weights. To determine the value of a, experimentally or graphically, a model of the section may be cut out of cardboard, and its centre of gravity found by balancing on knife edges, or else the graphostatic method given in \ 46 may be employed. _ The following example will serve to show the application of the table : /-= — rf* = 0.049J d^ = 0.0491 X 256= 12.5706 By making various combinations of the forms given in the tables other sections may be obtained to which the same formulae will apply. As an example, the Section No. VIII may also be used for a rectangular tube, and No. XI for an E shaped section. It is a matter of some importance for the designer to keep in mind some general conclusions, which may be drawn from the tables as to the influence of various shapes upon the strength. It will be plainly seen that the depth of a section is the dimen- sion which has the greatest influence upon the strength, and also that those portions of the section which are furthest re- moved from the neutral axis are of the most service. It is upon this point that the peculiar strengthening effect of ribs depends, and which makes their use so advantageous in cast iron constructions. These ribs do not act so much by the mere strength of their own cross section as by the fact that they strengthen those portions which are furthest from the neutral axis. This is a feature to be carefully watched, and its importance may be made clear by an example. If we take a section of the form given in No. XV., and make its dimensions as follows : b =^ Z b\ , h = \2 b\ , h\. , ■= \i b^ (Fig. I, ? 9) and then divide it into two rectangular parts by a horizontal section, we have for the modulus of each section : Ii2 X V = 2054 b^ and 8 6' which, together, give 21.5 ^i'. The same material, when taken as a whole, in a single sec- tion (see § 9) would have a modulus ^■=34.861', so that it has more than \}i times the resistance of its separated por- , tions, and as a matter of fact the right angle rib or T head is about ten times the value in that connection than if taken by itself This is also found in a still higher degree in sections of other shapes. SECTION TABLE. No. Section. Moment of Inertia/. Distance a. Section Modulus Z. Area, F. ^ h I ■H hhi h im bh tH II. -t i ■ h h{Jfi-h^^-) h b {Jfi - /»l3) i{h-k{) »* , , III. ■■ ^ '^ b ^3 6- b'i IV. fMk. i.* b ^^^...^b^ 6i V. ^^* = o.54.3^« b y/l. = oM6i I- 3^3.. KU .VI. "■f? y^: ^r i 'i^^ 3^1^ THE CONSTRUCTOR. SECTION TkSVE.— {^Continued). No. Sectioi Moment of Inertia y. Section Modulus Z. Bv B{jfi-h^)j^l,^{j,^z-hi ) bj^—{fi — bi)hl^rhh iB^rJM-^)hlMh-h^ 36(3 + ^1) b {m - h^^) + b-, {h^ - b{h-h{)+i^[h^-h^ b m — [b — b«) hi^ + bi h bh — {b — bi)h-^-^b^hi J, A3 + (7,^ - i) ;,^3 + (/, _ ;,^) ^; bh-^{h^-b)h^-\-{h-h{^h 7J> = ^J^ 12 (3 + 2^1) '' ■" 12 (2 3 + ^i) ^'- |[^(«'=-/=)+^l (/= + «"=)] ,[/, A-(3-3i)/'i] L [3 (<,'3_/3) + 3i (/3 +^) + ^,(«"3__^3)j Lj 1 [3 (a'3 _/3) + 3j (/8 + ^ _ ^-3 _^) + l^ (a"3 _^3)] THE CONSTRUCTOR. SECTION TK&\.Y^{Conthii,ed). * — - 0— ">i iMoment of Inertia/. \ [i/+«^o^""'^-^'' "^ * («''-/=) + ^2 (y^ + «"=>)] 7/^^-/^) + ^ {ci'^-/^) + ^2 (/^ + ?"■) + ' Distan z.a. Sec tion Modulu z. Z'- / Deter mined gr byexper aphk ally or ^"^i (« "3 -.?<')] Determined graphically ( - (<;4_^j4) = 0.049. (or* -^4) ^ [ il" '^' + ^ ^^'' "'^'^ + ^' ^^' ~'^^ Z'-=o.26?- Z' = ± b]fi = o.^i±bIfi 35 2" = -^ b Ifi = 0.076 b Ifi JL (0.589 rf^ + b (A3_rf3) + 33 (/,_^) Z ^2 + 2 ^ (A _^) i ^ (a'3 _/3) + ^j (/3 __j.3 + ^3 _ /3) + ^2 (^'/3 _ ^)^ - [6 (a'3-/3) + 3j (/3-^3) + l„ (^3 _ £3 + /3 _ „3) + ^3(^_/3)+^^(^"3_^.3)^ (.'_/)+£Li^V+«") ^(a'-y)+^iC/-^+A-/) ^b^(k-l) + bi{a-k) THE CONSTRUCTOR. Value of the Quantity S. _ The limit of elasticity iu a deflected beam, both on the ten- sion and compression sides, will be reached when their respec- tive strains 5" become equal to the modulus of resistance. It is therefore of great importance to select such a value for 5', that the modulus of resistance may not be reached on either side. These conditions will be met for sections which are symmet- rical about two axes, by taking the lesser of the two values of ^, as in the case of cast iron, the modulus for tension should be used. In those sections in which a' , differs from a" , the first thing to be determraed is the position of the tension and compres- sion sides. Let a = the greatest distance from the neutral axis on the tension side. a\ = the greatest distance on the compression side, T= the modulus for tension. T\ = the modulus for compression, yJ/= the statical moment of the bending force, m = the coefi&cieut of safety, so that for double, triple, safety, etc., in = 2, or 3, Then we may take : a T T J When— > — then M= a^ n ma a T Tx J When -< — then M= to be taken as - F is the area of the section, and ^ is the When-- = then M = ^/or ^^ / Taking the parabolic section No. XXIV. a=\ h, a^ % h. This gives -^ = §, so that -^ > -^, and for S, w e ha-e ^°and;^=^-^o.xx4M2. With wrought iron, in which T = Ti no investigation isne cessa-y Sections of Uniform Resistance. In order to use the material to the greatest advantage to re- sist bending strains, it is necessarj' to pay especial attention to its distribution, particularlj' in those portions which are furthest from the neutral axis. The best economy is attained in this matter when the section is shaped so that the strains on both tension and compression sides shall reach the elastic limit simultaneously. For this purpose it is necessary to make a, "~ 7; Sections which are thus proportioned are known as Sections of Uniform Resistance. Wrought iron sections which are sym- metrical about two axes fulfi" these conditions, since T-= T^. For cast iron, when the bendmg strain is exerted constantly in one direction, it is best to make a^ ^ 2 a, for T^ -^ 1 T. Taking these conditions into consideration, the following sections (Figs, i, 2, 3) have been drawn, in which b and ^1 may have any desired proportion to each other : For these sections, when b^ = b, we have : / = 278^-* 440(5* 9925* Z = 34-86' 556' 02.46' F = 19b'' 2sb'' 40.86^ ^ = I 0.97 .04 The tension side is nearest to the neutral axis. Since the section modulus is determined from the value of -^, 6"is always proportional economy of material, the cross section of Fig. I being taken as unity. The value of

< J 1 1 I Approximation to Form XI. ^ 27 Weakest section at the base. ^/ For rectangular section Wedge, on semi-cubic parabola. p_S i Jfi l-bhl XIII. H 'y'^^i^::^!^.3 t i Fundamental" shape for archi- 7% Sides on cubic parabola. p_ S b A" ^kl Elastic curve a circular arc. XIV. m^^^^^^^^^"^^^ XV. 7 = r ^ = i- Pyramid. ^_ 5 3 7^2 L bhi 3 Value depends upon the sim- plicity of the form. The preceding are only a few of the simpler forms which may be used, and it would be easy to multiply examples. By altering the breadth, or height, the relations become more or less complicated, as the case may be. For instance, in Case I., which is based on the parabola T-= |/ f;, it may be made the biquadratic parabola, -=^ ^i etc. Combination sections give rise to new forms, and a great number of combinations may be made. Examples will be found in the chapter on axles and shafts. The following discussion of springs will also give some in- stances of special forms, in which the neutral surface is irregular. Resistance to Shearing in the Neutral Pi,ane. Since in a deflected beam there is on the tension side a con- tinual tension, and on the compression side a continual com- pression of the respective fibres, it follows that the neutral plane is subjected to a shearing action, and this must not be neglected in determining the width of the beam. The lower limit permissible is indeed a matter not likely to be reached, but at the same time it should be investigated. Calling the least permissible width Zo, and the mean force on either side of a given section R, then in order that the shearing strain at the neutral plane shall not exceed a value So, we must have : _ >^ U (14) ^"-So 2/ in which So should in no case exceed | of the lesser modulus of resistance of the material under consideration (see § 5). J, as before, is the moment of inertia of the section, i.e., the summation of the products of the elements of the section by the square of their distances from the neutral plane, while U is the statical moment of the section, i.e., the summation of the products of the elements of the section by their distances from the neutral plane. For the rectangular section No. L, Table (? 7), 4 and for the double T section, No. VIII., Equation (14) is not so much used to determine a value for Zo, as to find out in any case whether the breadth of the neu- tral plane has been taken too small. As a matter of fatt, this is a question which very seldom arises in ordinary construc- tions, especially in machine construction. 4 If in (14) we give zo any desired value, and make So = — S we obtain 4 Zo 2/ and substituting this in equation (4) we get : M A ^ —^ is the lever arm of the force R ; this we may call A. U : Zo a contains one of the height dimensions of the section ; hence equation (15) expresses a relation between two dimen- sions of the body under consideration. For a simple rectangu- lar cross section, taking the value of U, given above, in which 0^ b, and a = - i5 A greater value for /' must not be taken if we do not wish the shearing strain to exceed the extension or compression in the tension and compression sides of the beam. These considera- tions are often of importance for the danger section, as, for ex- ample, in No. II., Table (? 6) for the point B. In this case i we make - <- This limit of height, however. is so great that it is very rarely reached in practice. The most important application of this principle is found in the case of notched beams of wood, such as often occur in building construction. In such cases the resistance of the neu- tral plane is often very much reduced by the cutting of the notches, sometimes to one-half what it would be in the solid beam, and making a corresponding reduction in the value of 7- For the double T section we have : R is to be chosen according to the case under consideration, as, for example, in No. II. Table (? 6) for all sections between B and C, it is equal to the reaction — , etc. ^[i-(i-oay] If the brackets in the denominator contain an improper fraction the value of -^ will approach the upper limit, but tor THE CONSTRUCTOR. all ordinary cases this value is very great. The nearest ap- proach to this shearing action probably occurs in T beams where the flange joins the web, but examples are very rare. Beams with a Common Load. When two prismatic beams are united in the middle, and at that point subjected to a force P, the beams being supported at the ends, they will both be deflected, and the sum of their re- actions P', and P", enter into the support of P. The double reactions are found from the formula in Table (2 6j, No. II., column 2, as follows : P' _ J' E' l"^ P" — J"E" l'^ ' and since and P"' ^ 4 S"J" Example. weight, P, a as 3 : 2. In order to obtain equal se( prismatic shape, we hai-e from {16) 7-(fr=(tr-f a = the distance of the farthest elements of the section from the centre of gravity, 6" = the shearing strain in the elements at a distance a, then '^-'-^ (.7) If the body is of a uniform section, then ^ is constant. Now if .^ be the lever arm of the rotating force P, for a moment Jlf, the weakest or danger section will be that for which /,/ is a maximum, and for it we have ^^^a^n^Y (16) If the two beams are of the same material {E^ = E^^), to ob- tain equal securitj', the product^;- ( ^ If the beams are not the same length then a' = a", i.e., the heights must be the same unless the breadths are equal to each Hence the cross section of the short arms must be to that of the long arms as 4 : 9, and if the arms -n-ere of the same section the supporting power of the short arms would be to that of the long arms as 9 : 4. It also follows from the preceding, that rectangular sheet metal plates carrying a uniformly distributed load are stronger parallel to their shorter axis than parallel to the longer axis. For given loads and materials formula (16) may be used to govern the choice of dimensions and the relations of length to breadth. For beams of cast or wrought iron resting upon each other, a suitable proportion may be secured by taking the sum of their several supporting powers as the supporting power of the combination. This is often a matter for consideration in strengthening existing structures. §13. Resistance to Torsion. Resisting Power and Angle of Rotation. A prismatic body which is subjected to the action of a force couple tending to rotate it about its geometric axis, opposes to such action its Resistance to Torsion. Under these conditions the elements in a normal section are subjected to a shearing Strain, and until the elastic limit is reached there exists an equilibrium between the external rotating forces on the one hand and the strain moments of the various elements of the section on the other hand ; both being taken with regard to the polar axis of the centre of gravity of the section, i. e., the axis passing through the centre of gravity of the section and at right angles to it. Resistance to torsion may properly be con- sidered a higher species of resistance to shearing, to which it bears the same relation that resistance to bending holds to ten- sile and compressive strength. Let: M^ the statical moment for any given section of the rotating force, Jp ^=. the polar moment of inertia of the section, /. e., its moment of inertia taken with regard to its polar axis (see ^ 14), in which Am, is that value of A, which gives 3/, a The limit of elasticity is reached, as in the case of shearing action, when S = ~ oi the lesser of the moduli of resistance 5 for tension or compression (see I 5). This is plainly visible by a comparison between the action of bending and twisting. The relative rotation which two sections of a prism at a given distance apart make with each other is called the angle of tor- sion. It is represented by the letter 1? ; and for two sections separated by a distance x, we have in general terms : ? = 7^ (19) dx Jp G in which G is the modulus of torsion for the material used, and is equal to — of the modulus of elasticity E. In the following table will be found the values for : The moment 3/, at a given point x, of the prism. The force P, according to formula (18), and The torsional deflection in terras of angular measure, or in other words, the angle of torsion 1?. These quantities are given for a variety of cases, as shown in the cuts, and from them total moment, PR, of the twisting force may be determined. In case IV., 5" is the point of appli- cation at which the collected forces, with a lever arm R, would act, if concentrated to produce an equivalent result to the sum of the separate efforts, to being the distance of the point ^ from the immovable end of the prism. Questions relating to torsion are of varjdng importance in machine construction, and come especially into consideration in calculations relating to springs. Case IV. illustrates the condi- tions which occur in determination of mill shafting. Cases V> and VI. occur in machine framing. §14. Polar Moment of Inertia and Section Modulus. The polar moment of inertia, Jp, is easily determined, since we have fp=A + A (20) in which _/j and J„ are the equatorial moments of inertia taken with regard to two axes at right angles to each other, and whose values are given for a variety of sections in the table of {I 7). From this may be obtained the polar section modulus — = Zp for use in the preceding cases. An exception must be made for those sections in which we have not yi = Ji, as in cases III., VII., XII., XX., XXV., etc., I 7. For these it will be necessary to make a special correction in the values of y^j and — ■ = Z/, to provide for the warped surface which is assumed by the section under a heavy torsional strain. For a rectangle, which is a section of frequent occurrence in machine design, the corrected value oi Jp and Zp^= — is given in the following table, while for the circle and the square no- corrections are necessary for the values obtained from equa- tion 20. A cylindrical prism of wrought iron is subjected to a torsional '^ '-■- I. of the following table. The force P— 1,000 lbs., ;" ; while the bar is 4" in diameter and 48" long. These quantities give for 5, the strain at the circumference ind to get the angle of tors which corresponds I value in the formula : THE CONSTRUCTOR. If we wish to reduce d, so that 5 shall be equal to one-half the modulus of resistance for torsion, ;'. e., = — ^ • 21,300 = 8,520 lbs., we make = ^Jl.^.= ^'6^ which gives an angle of about 1° 39". SECTION TABLE. No. .„,., Polar Section Modulus, Polar Moment of r Inertia/,,. Z^ = ^ 1 I. * ^' ' ^- No. Section. Polar IMoment of Inertia/^. Polar Section Modulus, II. m '— --Ir— ' 34 6 33 I 33^3 i"- Ifi III. 3 v/ ^= + /'^ Appicximately 3 (0.43 + 0.96A) . THE CONSTRUCTOR. 13 ? 15- Bodies of Uniform Resistance to Torsion. lu order to make a body of uniform resistance to torsion it is necessary to take such sectional areas at various points as shall make in equation (17), S & constant, and also to take // (21) In case I. of the table in ? 13, for all sections M= PR, and hence in this case the bodj' should be prismatic in shape. For cases II. and III. the necessary formulas are given in the follow- ing table. For such bodies the angle of torsion is greater than for those of prismatic shape. The angle for each is given in the table, and is derived from the following : d^ _ M J.G (22) in which _/r is the polar moment of inertia for the section taken at the point x. Form. Applica- Equation and Angle of Torsion. ■• Circular section ^^^^ ^•"' i: ^=^ f^; PR^S— cP; ^^ m 1 Approximate form = a trun- cated cone, with extremity *— i n. Circular section ^ ^ 1 ^^^^■.PR^Sl.,^; Appro.timate form = a trun- cated cone, with extremity 1 does not detract from the value of the latter, since these are only strictly correct for perfectly elastic bodies, but at the same time they will be found practically reliable if the force P is not permitted to exceed a definite proportion of the breaking load. Different materials demand a diiferent factor of safety. For cast iron, % to Ye the breaking load, or less, and for wrought iron the same, and for wood i to y^, or yV, should be the limit. These inequalities often arise from the fact that it is not always easy to determine which of the applications of the table really meets the case in question. In order to determine the actual security from rupture, it is often necessary to make a comparison with other existing strains. From this standpoint the ratios of diameter to length in the following table have been determined in order that the resistance to compres.sion and to buckling may be as nearly alike as possible. In Hodgkinson's experiments it was shown that columns standing upon flat bases were nearly as strong as those which were firmly fixed at one end. In the third section many applications of these formulse will be given. ? 17. Coi = the unbalanced pressure upon the walls of the vessel ; 5" =: the maximum stress for the material used ; E = the modulus of elasticity of the material : r = the radius of the vessel ; 6 = the thickness of the walls. Although only approximate, the formulae for cases I. and II. hold good up to the limit of rupture. Examples: i. Given a wrought i thick, with a stress upon the mater case I., the internal pre '-- -^T^i or about z''^ inches. The deflection^ , . „ , . may be determined, according to Grashof, by the formula for case III. : E~ md for case IV. "= 11,500 X 0.0185 = 212 lbs. 6 6 \ 6 J . f Example 3 preceding;, (24) THE CONSTRUCTOR. RESISTANCE TO PRESSURE. H'/-^-) -, that is All three theories admit that the inner portion of the wall is strained the most, and hence it is for the inner wall that 5" should be chosen. The formulae of Lame, as well as those of Barlow, show that beyond certain limits an increase in the thickness is not attended with any increase of strength. With a given resisting power 5',-this limit will be reached when p = S; the theoretical resistance will be attained when p = the modu- lus of resistance of the material. At this point the internal pressure begins to stretch the inner fibres of the walls, and any increase in strain will cause rupture. The theoretical limit in this case is reached when p = T, which is For Cast Iron = 10,650 lbs. " Wrought Iron = 21,300 " " Cast Steel = 36,000 " Lack of homogeneity in the material may cause the danger pressure to be reached far within these limits, the material breaking without previously stretching. Since stresses exceeding 36,000 pounds are reached in guns of large calibre, it is evident that ordinary bronze is unsuitable for such conditions, and even homogeneous steel is often unequal to the pressure. The erosion of the chamber in the case of ordinary bronze cannon also acts to weaken the inner ring of material, and must be considered as a chemical deteriorating action. Various methods have been devised for strengthening guns by giving the various layers different tensions. Of these methods the principal is that of hooping. The principal result of this construction is to produce a compression in the inner layer. The pressure of the gases of explosion must then first overcome this compression and restore the normal condition before it can produce any extension of the fibres, and as a result a much higher degree of resistance is secured than when the metal is left in its normal condition. The calculations of the resistance of hooped guns offer many difficulties. If we have not only the inner pressure, but also the outer pressure, p', to consider, we may take the following formula, after Lame : i'+^y^ s+p (27) -P+2P' Putting I -| — ^ fi, as before, and solving with regard to ^, ^ = ^^^^+^^',^1 (28) in which 5" will become less with regard to p, the greater/' be- comes. In the case of hooped guns /' is not constant and invari- ble, but depends upon the effect which the internal pres- sure p has through the walls upon the hoops. Referring to Fig. 6, let it first be considered that under normal conditions the inner ring is under no strain, that is, / = <3, and also S\ = S^'2 For the stress S' in an annular ring lying between the radii ^' and r, Lame gives Now vhen the i mer pres- sure/ becomes sensible while the external pressure/'' = o, or at least may be neglected, then the layer at r' will be- come extended, and the ten- sions will be 5/. = 67. The stress S^' in the inner side of the hoop reacts with a pres- THE CONSTRUCTOR. T-7 svLTGp', and substituting this in Lame's formula, making i -\ j- = n', will give Making 5'^ = S^^ = 5/ and substituting this value of/' in (28), gives ^ /i2 + I "^ fi''-{- 1 fi'' + I According to (26), S^ is dependent upon p and S, and by sub- stituting and transforming, we get (30) In this case the stress 6" upon the inner ring is always greater than p, but the ratio approaches much nearer to unity than before, as the following table shows : -Whet We have And also 6 r 6^ r' ^ /"^ i 6- P S' P S' 1 2 I 0.600 1.667 0.667 0.400 I 0.5 2 1-5 0.800 1.250 0.406 0.325 2 ^ 3 2 0.905 1.057 0.143 0.135 It will be seen that the mere hooping of a gun with a ring of the same material as the inner tube adds very materially to its strength. If, however, the ring is forced on in any manner so as to produce an initial strain /' upon the tube, a still greater advantage will be the result. If we insert the value oip' from (29) into formula (28), we have : 4- 2 5,' ,P_ (31) ^ /./^ + I /.^ + : , In this formula 5/ is partially a function of p, and also de- pends partly upon the extent to which the tube reacts. This latter condition exerts a most important influence upon the strength, as we shall see hereafter. If we assume that the hoop is under such an initial strain that, for the maximum value oip, the value of S^ = S (which is doubtless the most desirable condition), we shall then obtain from (31) If (5 = r, this gives 13 79 65 mula (27). If we assume the internal pressure/), to be =0, or at least so small as to be neglected, we get : from which : ^ Si — /"^ " 2 fi'^ ^=-1'' „xi c+^y- The minus sign indicates the change from tension to com- pression. When the internal pressure = c>, the stress in the ex- ternal fibres is : 2 ix' which g'ves : /^^-f I S'=-P'-, .k^^ (34) This value J tain tlie ratio / \3 {- + r)-\ 3 less than the preceding ; for by division we ob- which can only = i, when the greatest stress is always If, for example, (5 = r, and hence /" 7. Hence for external pressure the innermost fibres. then the stress in the inner wall of the tube will be 5= — — p' and S' ^ — ~T^'' ^'^ that S' =-^ S. This is a greater proportion than when the pressure is from within, as under these circumstances according to formula (30) 5 = — p, only. It is not uncommon in machine construction to strengthen hubs and other parts of machinery by forcing on hoops or rings, and the calculations relating to such construction are closely allied to the preceding. The following case will serve to illus- trate. (32) - r' , then we have m = 2, //' = — , and This shows 5" to be less in value than p, or in other words, it is possible to psrmit the internal pressure/) to exceed the mod- ulus of resistance without overstraining the material. It is also evident that by encircling the hoops with additional hoops, this principle may be extended still further, and the ratio between p and 5" still further increased. If the material of the gun be taken as ordinary cast steel, with a modulus of resistance of 36,000 lbs., the pressure of the gases of explosion could not be permitted to exceed 43,000 lbs., without causing a permanent deformation of the bore. Recent experiments, however, have shown somewhat greater figures than the above. Some of the later tests in England have shown pressures of 25.8 tons on the square inch, although this pres- sure is considered by some engineers to be rather too high to be safe. It is quite possible that in this case the modulus of resistance of the material exceeded that given above ; or the interior tube may have been hard- ened, which, if properly done, is de- cidedly advantageous. The compression exerted upon a cylindrical tube by an external pres- sure, as in Fig. 7, may be determined by a In Fig. 8 is a ring B, which is to be forced on to the cylindri- cal shaft A. The following applies either to shrinking, or to cold forcing. Before the operation the radius of the shaft is r^, and the radius of the hole in the ring r.^, while afterwards they both have the same radius r. Under these conditions the shaft B will be subjected to a uni- formly distributed compression S^, while the inner surface of the ring will be under a similar tension S,,. Taking the correspond- ing moduli of elasticity E^, and E^, we have from formula (2) : Adding these together, we get : S, , S, '--E.^^'^'Er' It is most important for the designei for r, and r„. If we call V = FIG. 7. I application of for- e have ; + != to know the best values (36) THE CONSTRUCTOR. S^ and 5'o are dependent upon each other, and their relation is expressed by Lame's formula : ■which may be abbre^•iated by putting 5j = S^ ,> ^1 " S,p (37) The difference between the value of the denominator and ■unity is so slight that in practice it may be neglected, and for a practical and useful formula we have In this formula we have for the following : —- = 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 i.o 1.5 2.0 3.0 p = 0.3S5 0.438 0.4S6 0.528 G.600 0.724 0.800 0.882 We also have from equation (38): S, = z^ and S^ = ==— . ^ , , ^1 I T I -^2 '^ (39) This value of -J' is generally so small that great care is neces- sary, in turning and boring, to secure the correct sizes for i\ Exampl If 6 =' ress. S... This giv : With a wrought iron shaft a r, then p = 0.8 by the table a n the interior of the ring due t es from equation (38) 7200 720c nd a cast iron hub we E, = 14,200,000. bove ; and we may a the forcing should n have Iso assume that the ot exceed 7200 lbs.; r, in othe ■^ 14,200,000 28,4 r words, the increased diamete 00,000 1408 ■" of the shaft over tha of the hole must be ? 20. The CALctXATioN of vSprings. The materials used in machine construction are all more or less elastic and yielding, so that it is only by a judicious dis- • position and proportioning that we are able to avoid an injuri- ous deformation of their parts when subjected to the action of external forces. Indeed, it is the principal aim of the construc- tive engineer to keep the various forms of distortion, such as extension, compression, bending and twisting, within as narrow limits as possible. In the case of springs, however, it is sought to utilize this property of elasticity for a variety of purposes ; such as to modifj' shocks, as in the case of buffers and car springs, or as a source of motive power in clocks and watches ; or in cushions, mattresses, etc. All bodies which will permit great alterations of form within the elastic limit may properly come under the designation of springs. The only substances which are of service for springs under the action of tension and compression are those which are soft and readily compressible, such as rubber ; while the more rigid materials, such as wood and the metals, are used in flexure, or in torsion. In the following table is given a number of forms of the most usual springs, both for bending and torsion, with their respec- tive properties. Next to elasticity, the property of a spring to be considered is the economy of material, both on account of cost and space occupied. In oi'der to make it possible to compare different springs in this respect, the relative volume is given in the last column of the table, for the same load and application in the different cases, the volume of the triangular spring being taken as unit}-. In all the formulae of the table we have = the modulus of elasticity, = the modulus of torsion =^ \ (see I 13). The coefficients for the resistance of the materials used in springs will be found in ^ 2. It must not be forgotten that for materials used in torsion, to obtain the same security as when used in flexure, the permissible stress 5' should be f its usual value (see ? 5). The formulae are intended only to be used when the force i'is applied as shown in the figures. The volume V of any form of spring is according to the formula ; V=C. [P.f)- (40) would be too great for the ring to stand. in which Cis a constant depending upon the form of the spring; while Pf is the product of the load into the deflection, or the so-called work of the spring. This shows the interesting fact that springs of the same general form and same material are alwaj-s of the same weight for the same work, without regard to the actual length or proportion of dimensions. I._ _ ^P Simple Triangula Spring. -=/i THE CONSTRUCTOR. Cases VII. to ■C. are bodies of Approximately wh Springs of the form of VII. and VIII. may also " R 3(0.4^+0.96/0 R G d cimatelywhe. rial whether the breadth of the plate is parallel, " R 3(0,4^+0,96/0 P-s-.-~ R G d The weakest ' R 3(0.43 + 0.96/0 Rrac ual ot h trom H to the enH this be m ade a itorm THE CONSTRUCTOR. The quotient -=5 shows that a small modulus of elasticity, when combined with a high modulus of resistance, indicates the best material for the construction of springs. According to the table in \, 2, we have : Hardened and tempered steel - le branch A C, of S'jch a spring, let us tak*- 1, R, which is the horizontal projection oj A a, a-s 4". ihe load on the spring is one-fourth the load on the car, 22,000 lbs. -f- one-fourth the weight of the car itself, 18,000, and one-half of this is borne by each branch 9f the spring, making the load at the end of the lever R in this case to be 5,000 lbs. In the preceding table, under case VII., column 4, Ordinary steel (not hardened) = Wood (90,000)^ 28,400,000 ■- (35-500)'^ ' 9,230,000 (6,8i6.'2 1,562,000 (2,S4o)'^ = .019S6 = -01936 -..{- / (41) in which ^ is the acceleration of gravity = 32.2 ft. Examples on the theory of springs : i. Given a simple triangular spring, as in II., for a load /'= no lbs., and a deflection/= 0.78". Taking the material as steel, with E = 42,600,000, and making 5, the greatest permissible stress, = 5 lbs., and also taking the length / = 15.75", we then have Substituting this in the formula' - 42,600,000 X c .78 X (0. 24)3 Th me V ^^'^ - ^■ 18 X 0.4 4 X 15.75 ^ . Ex have If we keep the same con iitions, b t make the engthrr.8 , we shall ,, 56,800X1 - = 0.238" ,600,000 ^ 6Xno X (11.8)3 - 42,600,000 X 0.78 X (0 238)3 ^-4= The firm load E.N sprin volume ir "nd*thed ample '3: g such a thisc narks Let 5 No. ase=F=^ = on formula (40) by ly'ralsTmade 'of 238 XI 1.8 thuscon- a helical spring, in showing that the volu nt of the proportional 'cast steel SincI this beappliLT crde to obta nthe ame security wen, ust make S=-^of its precedir g value, or ^-~- . 56,800 = 45,440; and the wire may be taken as We then have from the table The length / is obtained from ci in which G ^ - This would make the ni ^ = 31-3 X 0.7854 X (0.24)2 = I. Example 4: Torsion springs have recently been applied to railway cars in the orm shown in Fig. 9, which is the design of an American, Mr, Dudley. The M haped spring is bent at the ends into two elbows, A B, which are attached hv hn\A o a block which rests on the axle box. A saddle, A, transmits the bad of the car o the spring, while the other end is supported at Cby a hook. If this spring is Biaae of Sheffield steel wh': 24,140,000, then tneDnodulusof toiaion G = - as a modulus ol elasticity .E = = 9>656,ooo. to column 6 in the table, will be about j-Jv, of its gro^ This shows that hardened and tempered steel is theoretically the best material of springs. It is also worthy of note that in all the examples given, the deflection is proportioned to the load. It follows from this fact that the time of vibration which any of these loaded springs possesses, is of the so-called "sim- ple" character, of the same nature as that of a pendulum. Neglecting the weight of the spring itself, we have for the vibra- tion of a loaded spring the same rate as that of a simple mathematical pendulum of a length equal to the deflection of the spring/", which is Fig. 9. A double armed plate spring of the form No. III., to have the same supporting- power would weigh about a hundred pounds, or j^^ its gross load and^'sits net load. As long ago as 1857 I called attention to the superior economy of torsion springs over plate springs for railway use. The principal reason for the tardiness of railway- men in appreciating this fact may have been partly due to the difficulty of securing come in the case of the Dudley Spring. In the little pamphlet on " The Construction and Calculations of Springs," which, I published at that date the comparative weight of the torsion springs VII. and IX , and the trianeular plate spnngs 11 and III is given as -^^ instead of -f^ as in the preceding table, but the latter is snown to De more nearly correct in practice rhVfon Dring may be applied to the The box is guided in the sill A of the wagon and the with the lower end flattened the cap E of the box. The ' imped by the screw bearing of a go( frame X 5, and die journal box C. for about K of „ , „ . upper end screws for about i>^ turns into the cap F, where it is elai . G after the load has been equaUzed, and in this way any desired adjustme ivill probably be the best method of showing the manner ^ gon weighs about 11,000 o pounds load. This gives about 8,250 pounds to be s each spring. We will assume a deflection of i^", with a permissible fi of 68,000 lbs., and take G = 9,656.000, as before. Since it is desirable to use such diameters of spring steel as correspond cial sizes, it is better to select a diameter d for the steel, and deduce a cc radius R for the helix, according to the formula for case IX., col. 4, page 64, culat- THE CONSTRUCTOR. Now for these respective valu ■♦vith a load P= 8,250 lbs., we si We have for n the fact that 271-. tuting this in the formula for_/, c. X d oi the steel is i", ij'j" a number of coils, k, tha e uncoiled spring. Substi Now the least possible -and we must also provide distance bet\reen the cap F and the socket E is nd + J, for a space a between the coils, sav 0.3". This gives the entre of coils of the unloadea spring ««'-l-/+«<7 The tot..l height of the :i^ coils enter into the ca must be added both top a the socket, as i4".weobt Of course this height is in this case it n-ay be tak spring, however, \\ill be greater than ns by 1.5J + d, since p F, and one-half the diamater of the steel in the last coil nd bottom. Adding to this the thickness S of the cap and in the entire height occupied by the spring and its fittings, limited by the space at our disposal between A and C, and en at 14 inches, and in any case it will generally be depen- When tlie elastic limit is reached, the middle section E Fof the ring is double its original area, while the periphery is I the original periphery A B C D. The compressibility within the elastic limit is dependent upon the quality of the rubber, and may be approximately determined by the following empirical formula : in which' : A = the extent to which the spring is compressed by a load /"; /= the original thickness of the spring; ^ = the original cross section in a plane normal to the axis ; and y = the specific gravity of the material. until it intersects at F2. perpendicular from C', when C F= x. i 23. Division by IvInes. Division may readily be accomplished by reversing the methods employed for multiplication. To divide a line a by a line b, we must find a third line x, which must contain the unit equal to b ; then prolong O B until it intersects at C a line drawn from A, parallel to E B. Then O C will equal x, for we have O C : O B = O A : O E, or x : b = a : c, or x = "^-. II. If we wish to find the product , we make. Fig. 30, OA = a, and make the distance O E =^ twice the unit of measure- ment, draw E B =^b perpendicular to O E ; draw a line from A parallel to E B, and prolong O B until it intersects this last line at C. Then A C will be the desired product x, for AC: O A =B E:OE,or x: a = b: 2, or x=:—. These methods, which may be extended much in the same manner as the various methods of multiplication given in § 22, will be found of great service in the graphical calculations of areas, as we shall see. ? 25. Area of Triangi,es. Since the area of a triangle is equal to the half-product of its base and altitude, it is readily calculated by the method given in the preceding section. I. Fig. 31. Selecting the side O B ^ b c( the given triangle <9^ i? as a base, which gives the perpendicular A A' = tls.^ THE CONSTRUCTOR. height h, although this liue need not be drawn, we mark off the distance OE = 2 units (inches, decimeters, etc.), and draw III. Fig. 37. The diagonal A C= b divides the figure ABCO into two triangles, the sum of whose heignts = O O', which is from B a line B C, parallel to an imaginary line A E. This line B (Twill intersect the side O A prolonged at C, and a per- pendicular dropped from (T to OB, will give CG = = the desired area/ (see VII., ^ 22, and II., | 24). ^ II. Fig. 32. From the end of the base line O B draw the perpendicular O E=i tinits, draw the altitude A A' ; also draw from A the line A C parallel to E B. This will cut off on the base line the distance A' C, which is the product / = . (? 22, VIIL, and I 24, II.) ^ III. Fig. 33. Prolong the base line B (Tand the side B A trntil the vertical distance between them O E = 2 units. Join the anti-projection which O B makes on A C. The multiplica- tion of O O' by — may be made according to XI., \ 22, and II., I 24. Draw O' B E parallel to A C, making O E = 2, also draw A D parallel to E O, and C D normal to A D, then C D =/= the area oi A B C O. IV. Fig. 38. The figure ABCO may be converted into a triangle whose altitude = 2, when the base will be equal to the Fig. 35. rif / be separated into triangles, which are measured separately ; or the figure may be reduced to its equivalent triangle. I. Required the area of the parallelogram ABCO, Fig. 35. Taking the side O A Sl.s a base line, lay o'H O E = unity, and erect the perpendicular E E' = h. Prolong O E until it inter- sects a perpendicular from A at D, and the distance A D will be the areaof/=d/i. (^ 22, IV.) II. The quadrilateral figure ABCO, Fig. 36, may readily be replaced by a triangle of equal area by drawing the line O A' parallel to the diagonal O B, for since the triangle O A' B is equal in area \o O B C, we have the area of the triangle O A' A is equal to the area of the figure ABCO. Now, according to IV., \ 25, we make O E =^ 2, and draw A D, the anti-projection of A A' and A D =f, the desired area. product hb From O describe an arc with a radius O E = E to C, and draw from A a line parallel to E C, intersecting the base at Z?, and ^ Z? = — =/. (? 22, IX., and ^ 24, II.) IV. Fig. 34. From the vertex O, with the dividers open a distance equal to 2 units, intersect the base at E, and make the anti-projection of the base A B by drawing B C parallel to OE, and A C normal to B C. Then A (r= the product of the base b, and one-half the altitude O O' = h, and hence is the desired area/ of the triangle. (? 22, X., and ? 24, II.) If the unit is taken as one inch, the value of the area /will be given in square inches, or if a decimeter is taken as the unit, the area will be in square decimeters, etc. If we find/^ \", the area of the triangle is seven-eighths of a square inch ; or if it measures 72 millimeters, the area would be 0.72 square decimeters, or 0.70 x 10,000 = 7200 sq. mm. ? 26. Area of Quadrilaterai, Figures. In determining the area of a quadrilateral figure, it is either obtained directly, as in the case of a parallelogram ; or it may and dfaw a tangent passing through an angle of the figure at .5", opposite the angle O. From the other two angles, A and C, draw lines parallel to the diagonal O B, intersecting the tangent at A' and C . A' C will then be the base of a triangle whose altitude = 2, and whose area is the same as the figure ABCO, and the area/ = A' C . Many similar methods may be deduced from the preceding examples. ?27. Area of Polygons. The area of a polygon is measured by reducing it to its equivalent triangle. This may be done in the following manner : From the angle O of the polygon O A B C D E, Fig. 39, draw a diagc / ext angle but one, and then from the 1 o9 Fig. 40. intermediate angle A draw A B' parallel to O B, prolonging the third side B Cio B' . If we join B' , we have the triangle O B B' = O B A, and hence the figure O B' C D E will have the same area as the original figure, but will have one less side. Then join O C, and draw B' C parallel to O C, and so we may proceed until we have obtained a triangle O C D' of equivalent area to the original figure, and whose area may be determined by any of the preceding methods. Regular polygons, such as the hexagon. Fig. 40, only require half the operation to be performed, and then the area measured as a parallelogram. §28. Graphical Calculation of Powers. A line a, raised to the nt^ power, really means the determina- tion of a line x whose length shall contain the unit of measure- ment rt« times. The following methods are applicable when a is a positive or negative whole number, and the process is really a repeated application of the multiplication of a by a. As in the previous cases, this operation may be performed in various I. (See ? 22, I.) In Fig. 41 make O E ^= unity, erect at E a perpendicular, and intersect it at A^^ with the distance OA^^=a, the original factor. Carrying this distance O A^ down to B-^, and erecting a perpendicular at B-^, we get O A2 = a'^ (see I., § 22). This again carried down to B.„ and a perpendicular erected at B.^, gives OAs= a^ and so O A^ = a*, O A^ = a^, etc. If we lay off O Bm, equal to any power of a, say a'", and erect perpendicular at Bm, the intersection with O ^1 prolonged will give the value of a'" + 1. Again, if we drop a perpendicular from the end point Am + i of any power of a to the axis O E, it will cut off a distance O Bm, which will be the next lesser power of a (see I., \ 23). THE CONSTRUCTOR. The perpendicular A^ E, from A^ upon O E, gives the first power a\ If we now make O Ao= O E, and drop the perpen- we have : C 3 : C i = C 4 : (9 2 ; or, C 3 : a = a* : a^ that is, C 3 = a'. In this way we may prove that each line drawn from O to the upper extremity of the successive perpendiculars on O E, inter- sects the following perpendicular at a distance from O equal to the next less power of a. This provides a method of obtaining the intermediate powers of a by merely drawing radii and per- which = — , which is the reciprocal oi O A^\ in the same manner we get (9 ^ —2 = II. By combining the methods of multiplication I. and III. of § 22, the following method for powers is derived. In Fig. 42, make OE ^ 1, O Ay^a, E A^ perpendicular to O E, and draw also 0E = ,E—x=a- T' etc. 6 5 f , II, 111= sin'' , III, IV = etc. ■ sin* 0, O — / = sin ^ . —1—11 = sin'-* (^' II. Powers of Tangents and Cotangents. Fig. 48. Make E O = 1, and O E A ^ ip. Draw from A the spiral of perpen- diculars as in v., § 28, and we get the following values : O A ^ tan i, but in the following case « < i. II. Fig. 50. Make O E ^j, O A = a, describe a semicircle ou E, erect a perpendicular at A, and join O C, then will O C=x = \/a. III. Fig. 51. Make O E = i, and mark oS on O E prolonged £ A = a, draw on O A a. semicircle, and erect a perpendicular at E, intersecting the circumference at C ; then will E C = X = ^a. The extraction of the fourth root may be performed by re- peating the method for square root. The graphical extraction of the cube root, fifth root, etc., is not so simple. Culmann uses for this purpose the logarithmic spiral, and Schlesiuger con- structs a curve according to the method in l 28, but the advan- tages are not sufficient to warrant a further examination. of the subject at this point. ? si- Addition AND Subtraction of Forces. In all the preceding operations we have only considered the lines -to represent absolute quantities, and paid little or no atten- tion to their direction or position in the plane of the diagram. The principal advantages of the graphical method are those •which are connected with problems relating to the equilibrium of forces, and it is the application of the preceding methods of graphical arithmetic to the calculation of forces which really constitutes the method of graphostatics. When several forces are acting upon the same point, their resultant maj^ be obtained by the addition of the lines repre- senting the forces when projected upon the co-ordinate axes. This addition of the projection of forces is known as graphical addition. This addition is performed by placing the lines repre- senting the forces end to end, forming a polygon, care being taken to avoid repeating any of the lines. If the forces, I, 2, 3,_ 4, 5, 6, Fig. 52, acting at O are in equilibrium, the sum of their projections will equal zero, and the polygon formed by the lines, as shown in Fig. 56, will close. The figure thus con- structed is called a force polygon. It is immaterial as to the order in which the lines are taken, as in Fig. 53 the result is the same whether taken in the order, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or i, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2, although the shape of the polygon will be different. As in arithmetic, the graphical subtraction of forces is the reverse of addition, and practically amounts to a separation of the sides of the force polygon into their respective forces. In graphostatics the forces are all taken in one plane, by projecting upon the plane of the diagram those forces which may be without it. The Fig. 47- Fig. O — I = cot , 0-^2= cot2 ! and A at 5 and C. The centre of gravity of the crane itself is at S, and its weight is equal to G* Both L and G act in a vertical direction, and the force at /'j, if the bearing is smooth and we neglect its friction, acts in a horizontal direction. Combining G and L into one force O = G + i^, the position of whose resultant is T Q, we have the intersection (9 of a vertical through T Q, with a horizontal through F^ as a point in the direction of the line of the force P«. This force must also act through the centre of the pivot C, since this is restrained from lateral motion by its bearing. This gives C O for the direction of the force P„. We can now draw the force polygon, Fig. 60, drawing i + G vertical, G Pi parallel to O P^, and P. Pi parallel to O C. This determines the extent of both Pi Po_, and by further analysis the entire load on the pivot C may be found. Fig. 61. Fig. 62. Example II. A crane constructed as shown in Fig. 61 carries a similar load to the preceding. It is arranged with a cylindrical bearing at B, and at C there is a conical roller bearing upon a conical surface on the base of the column, the axes of both cones intersecting in the middle of the bearing B. We have, as before, the mean load Q = L + G;vf& also have the direction of the pressure Pi, as it must be normal to the surface of the cone at the point of contact. The intersection of />, and Q determines O, and a line from O through the centre of the bearing B gives the direction of P«. The force polygon can now be drawn, as shown in Fig. 62, and by making the verti ' • - • • ., . calcc of the t ;r fore Fig. 56. Fig. 57. Fig. 58. polygon can be used to determine the equilibrium of several independently-acting forces. If equilibrium exists, the polygon closes, and if it does not close, it shows the extent and direction of the force necessary to maintain equilibrium. It is practica- ble in this way to determine two unknown quantities in a force polygon. These may also refer to two forces, and may be either direction or extent, or, as sometimes occurs in practice, the direction of one force and the extent of the other. The following cases will serve to illustrate : I. Both directions given. In Fig. 56 we have the directions of the force lines 4 5' and A 6', and by their intersection at 5, we determine at once their length 4 5 and A 5. If their directions are interchangeable we have two solutions possible, the second giving the directions yi VI\ and 4 V, and hence the forces A F/and4F. II. The extent of both forces given. Fig. 57. With the dis- tances equal to the extent of the two forces, we describe circular arcs from A and 4, and the intersection of these arcs determines the direction of the forces. Since the arcs intersect at two points, two solutions follow, giving the lines ^ 5, 4 5, and A V, i, V. III. The direction of one force and the extent of the other given. In Fig. 58 let the line 4 5 be the given direction of one force. With a radius A 5, equal to the extent of the other force, describe the arc shown by the dotted curve, and the two inter- FiG. 63. Example III. Th. ceding one, except tl the bearing B. If w point O, and construe tion oi the apex of the cone D car above, as in the previous case. It wi B with a collar to oppose the upward lown in Fig. 63 is es of the conical 1 iw C O normal to polygon, Fig. 64. the surface of o provide the bearing * In ordinary wharf cranes the value of G, which mainly depends upon the capa- city and overhang of the crane, may be taken at \ to \ the load, t This defect may be seen in numerous existing examples of crane construction. capacity of thirty tons gave way under a load of only about twenty tons, because the proper provision was not made for the direction of a force upon a bearing. THE CONSTRUCTOR. » act, as shown in Fig. 65, upon ses through the point A. Two oint A, and hold the preceding the latter forces make with the Lay out the forces of 70, 50 and 8 heavy Hues, then describe from Ca lively, and thus obtain the interse and D, complete the force polygon. nitude and direction ; so that when the external forces are known, and also the direction of two of the internal forces, the direction and magnitude of the others can be determined. This assists greatly in the construction of the link polygon, for by selecting one knot and determining the pole O, the sides of the link polygon can be drawn parallel to the respective rays. Fig. 65. Fig. 66. Example V. An obelisk is to be raised upon its base, Fig. 69, by turning it ab the angle A, the lifting force to be applied in a given direction at the apex B. Required the direction to be given to a force P^ of given extent, applied to point A, in order that the base shall only be subjected to vertical pressure. Dra' vertical line through the centre of gravity 5 of the obelisk, intersecting the direct of the force P•^ at O. A line from O through A will then give the direction of resultant of the two forces. This resultant is now to be resolved into a vertical cc ponent A, and a force P3 of given extent but undetermined direction. To del mine the direction we draw, as in Fie;. 68, C ^ and ^ P^, and erect a ijerpendici. „-_ , „ ,. jne giving /'2 tne value Pi D and P3, the direction DC; the other giving P« the value P-^ A and P^, the direction AC. s s . If jPg should ju^t equal the perpendicular distance from Cto /", Pn,, then but one ""' ■ . ^ . .mple given are shown in Fig. 67 at .^ /"j suits for tl: Examples of this character seldom occur in actual practice. BQUiiriBRitrM OF Internal Forces in the Cord Poi,ygon. As already stated, we mean by the internal forces of the cord or link polygon the tension or compression which may exist in the different sides of the figure, as shown at ^j.j, S.^.^, etc., Fig. 69. These forces are of such an extent that they hold each other in equilibrium at the knots K^ A', A'g, etc. Any two of these, for example, 5\.,, Sj.g, may be determined from their resultant /^,, when either their ^® direction, their magnitude, or one direction and one magnitude are given (see § 34). This is done in the following manner : Construct the force polygon, Fig. 70, of the external forces P^, A, P„ which, if equilib- rium exists, will form a closed figure. From the extremities of the sides corresponding to the force P^ draw two lines parallel to the sides 5,. 2, S.,.^, intersecting at O ; then the length of the lines Oy and O., will represent the magnitude of the stresses in the sides .S'1.2, S^z- In a like manner we may draw lines connecting the several cor- ners of the polygon, Fig. 70, with the pole (9, and deter- tnine all the internal forces of the link pol3'gon, both in mag- FiG. 70. Fig. 69. The actual lengths of the sides of the link polygon are deter- mined by the positions of the lines of the external forces, from which the positions of the internal forces are also determined. The cord polygon will var}' in its form according to the choice of a starting-point from which it is drawn. In Fig. 69 two forms are shown in dotted lines within the cross-hatched figure, their sides being parallel to those of the first polygon. Another solution of the same problem (the combination of the external Fig. 74. forces into a link polygon) may be obtained by an application of the double solution of Case I., \ 34- In Fig. 72 we have the directions S^.^ and S^.^ drawn from the CKtremity of the force P^, giving a new cord polygon. Fig. 71, of a very different form from the preceding one, which is also included in Fig. 71 for purposes of comparison. With the ex- ception of the first two sides, we have an entirely difierent Fig. 71. figure, showing the variety of polygons which may be c onstructed from a given set of forces. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 29 The cord or link polygon, when taken in connection with the force polygon, forms what has been termed the graphical plan of forces. In most cases the entire subject can be discussed by the construction of one figure which may then be called the Force-pan, and of which examples are given in \ 48. ?36. Resui^tant of Isoi^axed Forces in One Plane. If we assume two pf the sides of a cord polygon to be divided, and insert at the points of division forces corresponding to the stresses in the divided sides, the equilibrium will remain undis- turbed, as, for instance, in Fig. 73, the sides A'j K^, and K^ K-^, are cut and sustained. It will then be evident that the resultant of the forces, 6"i.g and 54.5, either on the right or the left -will hold the remainder of the forces of the polygon in equilibrium. The position of this resultant force is determined by prolonging the sides until they intersect at M . The direction and extent of this resultant is determined in the force polygon. Fig. 74, by the diagonal 4.6, which is the closing line of the forces S-^.^ =: Cg, and 54,5 = O4, This force is also on the one side the xesultant of the force? ^ and P^, and on the other side, of the forces ^1, Pj, /'a and F^. In general it tnay he staged that the point oj intersection of any two prolonged sides of the polygon is a point of tlie resultant of all the extsy^tal forces beyond these sides, from which the direction and eoctent of said, resultant may be determined. This principle is of great utility, as many examples will here- after illustrate. By reversing the above rule, the cord and forc£ one of the forces should Ije left to be determined in position a the last. I. Let this force be /"g. Fig. 75. Its magnitude is known, and its direction is parallel to the given line Z Z. After construct- ing the force polygon. Fig. 76, choose a pole O, and draw the rays to the angles from I to 6, so that K^ K., is parallel to I O, K^ K^ to 2 O, K^ K^ to 3 C, etc., until K-^ A'g is reached. Then the closing line of the cord polygon must have the direction 6 O, and must also pass through A'j. This determines its posi- tion entirely, and its intersection Kf, with K-^ K^ is a point of the force P^, which is now drawn parallel to 5.6. ^^<^- 76- Fig. 78. If the fiflal fotce is not given either in direction or n ^ it may be determined from the direction and position of the other forces as follows : II. I^. tv ^J^p^ ^ ^ . . •^. ^ a, Fig. 81. Fig. 82. of the cord polygon is now lacking, as 't is the line joining A'j ■with A'j. which latter point has already been determined. We can now (see ? 37, II.) draw the ray O^ parallel to A'j A'^, com- pleting the force polygon and the line A 5, will give the magni- tudes of P^ and P^. The path arouud the force polygon may be taken as A r, 2, 3, 4, 5 A, the sides 4.5 and 5 A being sup- posed to make an infinitely small angle with each other. The previous examples upon the force and cord polygon serve to show how geometrical addition and subtraction may be used to determine the equilibrium of diverging forces iu one plane. Forces acting in intersecting or parallel planes may be examined in the same manner, and in many cases without a great degree of complication, as some following examples will illustrate. It is not intended, however, to undertake a general discussion of the subject here, but rather proceed at once to practical appli- cations of the special case of parallel forces. 2 39- Equii = P^. III. By constructing the force polygon, making A D = Q, and using any pole O, Figs. 91, 92, 93, and drawing the sides of the link polygon, so that A b is parallel to A O, b c parallel to Fig. 91. Fig. 92. Fig. 93. D O, and joining the closing line c A, the parallel to the latter in the force polygon O E will give E A = P^, 3.nA D E = P^. If it is desired to make the closing line fall upon A B C, or lie parallel to it, the cord polygon A b (Tmust be first drawn, and the pole O, determined by the intersection with A B of a. line £> O parallel to b C, D A having first been drawn equal to Q, O E may then be drawu parallel to A b, and we have E A = P^,andE D = P.,. In these cases Q is equal in magnitude to the resultant of P^ and P.,, and opposed to them in direction. If Q is to be deter- mined when A\ and P^ are given, similar methods to the fore- going are to be followed. Returning to the diagram O E A CB, Fig. 94, which we have already used in case P, we construct the triangles C A O and ^r- -° I Fig. 94. Fig. 95. Fig. 96. B A' O', and draw B' C parallel to O A \ O' C and O B' par- allel to A' B, giving B' B = a^, B C = a^, B' O — P.„ O' C = Aj. From this we obtain the following solutions : IV. Transfer one of the forces to the opposite side of A C, Figs. 95, 96, so that A D = P^i.n$i E C= P^, join D to E, and THE CONSTRUCTOR. 31 the line D E will intersect A Csit B, which will be the point ■of application of the resultant Q, whose magnitude = E D^ — /'i + P2, since £> D' is drawn parallel to A C In Fig. 96 P] and P.,_ act in opposite directions, and their alge- braic sum D' E must be taken, and, as shown, the resultant Q acts beyond A C. V. The method shown in Fig. 97 follows from (II) : From the extremity a oi a A ■= P^ draw a line A' a of any length, making it parallel to /i C. In a similar manner draw c C from the extremity oi c C = P.^. Draw A' A and O C, prolonging them until they meet at F, which latter will be a point in the line of the resultant F B, and the value of Q will be /"i + P^, which is also the resultant oi D E = C (Tand EF=A' A. VI. Following the method in (III), we may proceed as fol- lows. Fig. 98 : Make D E = P.,_, E A = P^, choose a pole O, and join the dosing line O E of the force polygon. Draw A c parallel \.o E O, c b parallel to O D, and A b parallel to (or, as in this case, the prolongation of) A O, and the intersection b will be a point in the line of the resultant O, whose magnitude = D A. §40. Resui^tant of SeveraIv Parallel Forces. When we have a number of parallel forces O^, O,, O-^, O^, acting upon a bod)' in given positions in one plane, we can determine their resultant by a combination of the preceding methods, resolving them in pairs until all are combined. "^--,.. 04 ,1' Qi""- y\ /" % Qi Q2 - Q4 Q ll I) #* Fig. 100. II. Fig. 100. Form the force polygon of the given forces O-^ to (7c, by laying off lines successively from A, equal in length to the magnitudes of the several forces A \, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, as shown in the left of the figure. The magnitude of the resultant will then be equal to the length of the closing line 6 A. To determine its position, proceed as follows : Select any point beside the line ^ 5, as a pole C, and join the rays O A, <9 I, <9 2, (9 3, etc. Starting from a point b under C?i, draw b b' parallel to A O, and b c parallel to i O, and continue by drawing Cfl' parallel to 1 O, d e parallel to 3 O, etc., and finally reaching the closing line of the polygon g g' parallel to O 6, intersecting b b' at q, which determines the position of the resultant Q (see I 35)- The method shown in {\ 36) may also easily be applied to the resolution of such forces, as in Fig. 100, the intersection of d c, prolonged to c' , gives the jDosition of the resultant of O^ and Q^, and its magnitude is shown at ^ . 2 in the force polygon, and in a like manner e' is the position of the resultant of 0^ and Q^. ?4i- The methods of resolving forces by means of the cord polj'- gon will also serve for their decomposition. If, for example, in any portion of a cord polygon a q b c d, Fig. loi, it is desired to substitute for a force Q, two forces Q^ and Q^ passing through e and/] we have only to join the points e and /to obtain the form of cord polygon for the new forces, I I J.__ Fig. ioi. Fig. 102. and determine their relative magnitudes by drawing O i parallel to ef'xn the force polygon below. If the required force 0^ and O2 both lie on the same side of Q, Fig. 102, the solution is similar. We now prolong rt ^ to its intersection e with Q^, and join ef. Also mark the intersection of Q^ with q b, and On with q a. In the force pol}-gon below we have 0,=^ A\, O., = 1.2, or y^ i^ = Q.,_ and 1' .2=0,. If we have a beam A G loaded with parallel forces Q^ to Q-^, Fig. 99. In order to combine the forces Q, to O^, intersecting a mon normal A F, Fig. 99, we first combine O, and O2 by transposition, as in Fig. 96, and obtain the resultant, O, ■+- Q-i = bc. This may then be combined with (^g, giving^ of' = Qi ~\~ Q2-\' Qit 3-ii is in the proportion q : p. From any point e' on this Fig. 106. line draw lines to the bearing points of the wheels upon the rails, and any horizontal line will intersect these inclosed lines in points which will give the proportional length of arms ce d for the equalizing lever. The distances of the points c and d from the verticals through C and D give the length of the arms of the springs c^ c.^ and d-^ d^. These springs are made with arms of equal stiffness, since they are to support equal loads at both ends. For any chosen ratio p : q, and given distance be- tween the axles, the actual length of the equalizing lever will not affect the ratio of P^ to the sum P2 -\- P^, as an inspection of the cord polygon b in c d will show. The springs which are attached to the ends of the equalizing lever must, of course, be made of sufficient stiffness to support the load which is thrown upon them, and the length of the sup- ports and their proportions chosen according to the previously detei'mined distribution of the weight. Many similar examples to the preceding might be given, as they are of frequent occurrence in practice. The two springs ■which are attached to the equalizing lever may be replaced by a single spring, as in Fig. 106. In this case the axes C^are con- nected rigidly to the lever bee, and the lever itself rests upon a spring 61 ^1 c^, whose extremities are fastened to the frame The arms b-^ e^ and c^ e^ of the spriag are of unequal lengtn, and have the same relation p : q as that which exists be* ween the arms of the lever bee. If the arms of the lever are not properly proportioned, or if any error has been made in the dis- tribution of the load, it will be made apparent by the iucliaed position which will be assumed by the equalizing lever. ?42. Uniformly Distributbd Parallei, Forces. When a beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load, the force and cord polygons cannot be determined by the preceding methods, since in such cases the cord polygon becomes a figure Fig. 107. Fig. 108. of curved outline. The character of the curve may be deter- mined in the following manner : If we assume the load to be concentrated at a number of equidistant points, as in i, 2, 9, Fig. 107, and construct the cord polygon for these conditions, it will be evident that the sides a M and b c will intersect midway between i a and 2 b, and also midway between a b' , since the forces I and 2 are equal to each other. In the same manner cd and a iJf intersect midway between 3 c and i a, which is also in the line of 2 b, that is, at b' , and likewise d e and a i^ intersect midway between b' and e' . In this way it may be shown that the intersections of the prolonged sides of the polygon from a M to i M are at equal distances from each other. This indi- cates a known property of the parabola whose vertex lies on E RI line E M, and whose abscissa e E =■ . This parabola is the form assumed by the cord polygon when the load is uni- formly distributed, as was previously assumed. If we note that the triangle A M B represents the entire load collected at E, it -will readily be seen how the curve may be drawn in any case. If the chord A E B is inclined, as shown in Fig. 108, the divi- sions of A M and M B will be equal in number, but the divi- sions of A M will be of different size from those of RI B. The point e lies in the middle of E I\T, but is not the vertex of the Link polygons which assume the form of curves may also be used to show the effect of moving loads, and are then the figures which are contained within the successive sides of a regular polygon. Many examples are to be found in the case of railway bridges, traveling cranes, engine guide bars, etc. U3- The investigation of the action of parallel forces, such as Qy to Qi and P^ jP^, Fig. 109, whose direction is normal to a beam, requires a knowledge of the statical moments of the external forces. These can best be obtained by use of the force and cord polygons. After constructing the force polygon A O ^, and cord polygon abcdef, let it be required to find the statical moment for any point .Supon the beam. This moment is the product of the resultant of all the forces upon one side or the other of the line ^ ^i into the lever arm / of this resultant from 6" 5"i. _ The magnitude of this resultant is obtained from the distance A » = 1 , 5 in the force polygon, cut off by the rays i and O 5, THE CONSTRUCTOR. 33 which are parallel io b c and/ a, and its point of application is determined by prolonging these sides until they intersect at g. By drawing the perpendicular g go.^'On^ lever arm / of the re- sultant P^ h i is determined, for the force acting at the point 5, and hence we have IM = P I. This multiplication may also be performed graphically. By drawing the perpendicular O kin the force polygon, we obtain the altitude of the triangle O li i from the base h i, and this tri- angle is similar to the triangle g s So, whose altitude is /. Call in O k=: //"and s So = t, we have This proves that the statical moment at any point in a beam is proportional to the corresponding ordinate of the cord polygon, parallel to the direction o_f the /orces,_ since // is a constant. By making H equal to unity the conditions become similar to Case I., ^ 2 2, in graphical multiplication, and the moment M becomes equal to the ordinate t. It is not necessary to deter- m.ine the position of the point of application g of the resultant, Fig. 109. since it is the relation between the statical moments which is most desirable, whether //be chosen as a unit or not. This property of- the cord polygon for parallel forces is most useful, and an example may be found in the case of axles. For such cases as for many others, it is most useful, since no modification of the diagram is necessary, the moments being found by the same construction which is required for the deter- mination of the forces. It is often, convenient in practice to cover the figure containing the tno^ ent ordinates with section lining or with a light tint of color. ?44. Composition and Decomposition of Staticai. Moments. As shown in the preceding section, statical moments may be shown by means of lines of definite length and position in the same manner as simple forces. When two statical moments act iu the same or in different directions, they may be combined by means of graphical addition in the same manner as has already L -O 'V^ a' / A„.^ ■ / . iPlI! / \„ Fig. iio. been shown in \ 31. \i A B Cand ADC, Fig. no, represent the cord polygons for two sets of parallel forces which act nor- mal to the axis of a revolving body A C, in the directions A^ B' and A' D' v/e have the following method : For a point 5 on the axis of the body we have the triangle T -5" T^, in which the angle 4> = B' A' D' and T T' = S T' = i for the desired moment. The combination of the cord polygons ABC and ADC, which may be called the moment surfaces, will give the resultant moment surface A T U C. The sides A 7 and C U are here straight lines, while T U' is 2, curve, in most cases a hyperbola. In actual practice the straight line joining T^and U may be used with but little error, and its detailed construction is unnecessary. By a reversal of the above construction it is possible to decom- pose any given statical moment t into two others, t^ and 4> if their directions be given. ?45. Twisting Moments and their Graphicai, Combination WITH Bending Moments. Next in importance to bending moments, and often acting in combination with them, are twisting moments. In Fig. in let A B C D be the axis of a rotating body, subjected to bending forces at B C, and supported at A and D ; the force polygon being represented aX A O z and the moment-surface at A b cD, and let the portion between B and Cbe subjected to a twisting moment P. R, and the moment-surface of the latter be required. Fig. According to \ 43, and the method of multiplication given in. Rule I., § 22, we find a line corresponding in value to PT? by laying off in the force polygon A p = P, joining the ray Op, prolonging O A and Op, and drawing q r parallel to A p bX a. distance equal to R, giving a length q r equal to P R upon the same scale used for the polygon A b c D. The moment-surface for the twisting between B and Cwill then be included in the rectangle B Cv k, whose altitude B uz= Cv = qr. In common, practice it is desirable to convert this torsion surface into one representing equivalent bending moment. This may be done by taking a proportional value which shall give the same security as the bending moment. It has been shown in ^ iS latter is equal to -~ the twisting that the them make B ni= Cv-^ = moment. We 1 - B u,\ order to obtain the ment-surface of the bending moment between B and C, which may be measured upon the same scale as, A b c d. If we wish to combine this with the given bending moment we may do so graphically by first using the formula IV. of the table of I 18, p. 60, in which the ideal bending moment for the combined action of a twisting ment 3l6 is : Mi = ^ Mb - t Md and a bending mo- ^ M b" + Md' In this case we make B b^=-\- B b, Cc-,= -^ C c, E e = — E e, etc. , rotate B u^, C v^ and E w^, down upon A D, and add the hypoteneuses b^ u^' , c^ v^\ e^ ze// to the lines b b^, c c^, e e^. The combined length of these lines gives the length for the ordinates atB, Cand D, from which the resulting ideal cord polygon B b b' e' c' c D may be constructed. ?46. Determination of the Centre op Gravity by means OF THE Force Pi,an. The position of the centre of gravity of a plane figure may Fig. 112. often be very conveniently determined by means of the force plan. This may be done by dividing the figure into a number of strips of uniform width, such that their area may be con- sidered as proportional to their middle ordinate, constructing 34 THE CONSTRUCTOR. the force and cord polygons, and taking the line of the resultant as a line of gravity. If the figure is not symmetrical, it will be necessary to divide the figure again in another direction and determine another line of gravity, when the position of the centre of gravity will be found at the intersection of the two lines. For figures of simple form larger determinate sections may be taken instead of strips, their area determined in any convenient manner, and the diagram constructed accordingly. Suppose, for example, that it is required to determine the position of the centre of gravity of the T-shaped section shown in Fig. 112. The figure is S}mimetrical about the axis Y Y, so that the centre of gravity must lie somewhere in that line. We may divide the figure into the rectangular b Y, c, b-^y, c-^ and i>i X g, which we will call respectively the areas i, 2 and 3. We have also given c^ \ .^b.^ and c^ = b.^. This gives the three forces as i . s , -^—, and -^, which are then laid off at ^2*2' 2 ' ^ I 2 3, a pole selected, and -/T/ /i'l drawn parallel to O A, JCi K^ parallel to O i, K^ K.^ parallel to O 2, K^ K/ parallel to O 3, when the intersection of the sides IC-^ A'/ and IC^ I\/ at M f'ves a point on the line of gravity M M' , whose intersection with the axis Y Y is, the centre of gravity of the figure. ?47. Resultant op the Load on a Water Wheel. It is very important in designing a water wheel to be able to determine the position of the resultant of the water acting upon it, and the method of doing so will furnish an excellent illus- tration of the application of the principles of the preceding sections. Fig. 113. In the breast wheel, which is shown in Fig. 113, there are ten buckets in the half section, the third from the top being the first to receive a charge of water, the amount being estimated from a previously determined coefficient. The level of the water in the succeeding buckets may be considered as horizon- tal, and the discharge from the buckets is prevented by the cul- vert K L, so that if we neglect the leakage around the edges of the culvert we may count that all the buckets from No. III. to No. X. contain the same load of water, acting in each case as if its weight were concentrated at the centre of gravity of each of the respective prisms of water. Bucket No. XI. we may con- sider as entirely empty. I. Determination of the culvert arc A' Z. The contents of a bucket section are determined by the cross section contained between two adjoining bucket divisions prolonged, as governed by the coefficient of charge, = 0.04. Now, in bucket I. lay off ^ / = 0.4 of the bucket spacing, and draw / m radial ; then the section k I m n will represent a bucket charge. In bucket II. its figure assumes the shape rp u t, in which the angle t is the beginning of the scoop of the bucket r t, and k tu will be equal to the desired culvert angle K M L, and u t i\I will be equal to the complement N M K. The construction is as follows : In the right angled triangle p q make o p = the middle breadth of the figure k I in n, and also make p q = 2 . 1 rii \ then transform this triangle into one of equal area, rp s (by drawing s parallel to 7'q, and joining rs, see ^25. Join 5 }, and draw r u parallel to it, and join u and t, and if we neglect the curvature of/ u, we may consider the quadrilateral r p 11 t as the form of a filled bucket just at the moment of discharge. This requires the angle K M N= u i 31, but owing to the splashing of the water, the culvert is raised as high as/. II. Determination of the water level in the various buckets. We will begin with bucket IV. Here the figure rp t uis again drawn, and the line i' v, and its parallel w 11', determined ex- perimentally, so that the diagonal w v shall be horizontal, which may readily be done after a few trials. Proceed in the same manner with buckets V., VI. and VII. In bucket III. the figure r p u t is first converted into the quadrilateral with the upper line p x, and this then into the pentagonal figure, with the level upper line jF z. In bucket VIII. we first get the figure with the upper line/i x-^, and then from this the figure with the level upper line j'j z-^. Proceed in the same manner for buckets IX. and X. III. Force plan for the water load. Now determine the cen- tre of gravity for each loaded bucket, and also lay off the force polygon A O '& for these eight forces. From this constant the link polygon db e afg h i, according to the methods previously given, and i, will be a point in the resultant of all the forces. It is to be noticed that the centres C and D fall so nearly in the same line that their forces have been united, so that i d is par- allel Xo A O, d b\.o O 1, and the intermediate parallel to i omitted. Suppose, now, that it is desired to determine completely the position of the centre of gravity P, of all the prisms of water. Draw through A, B, C, etc., horizontal lines, assume the force polygon A OS, to be turned around 90°, and draw a second cord polygon ; or, what is shorter, draw the second polygon with its sides normal to the rays of the force polygon, giving the figure a'b'c'd'e'f ^ - - - i'. A horizontal through i will then intersect the vertical which was previously determined, and so fix the position P, of the centre of gravity of the entire mass of water. By taking the buckets in a different position, a slight difference in the position of i P, may be found ; but in most cases the deviation will be very slight. §48. Force Plans for Framed Structures. Framed structures are of very general application wherever loads are to be supported, and their discussion may be classified as a system by itself, while their use extends from the simple trussed beam to the bridge and roof truss ; also for walking beams and many other uses. The tensile and compressive stresses in these various forms may readily be examined by means of the force plan, which consists of both the force and cord polygons and their modifica- tions. The subsequent examples will serve to illustrate the principal cases. In all of these cases it is assumed that at the knots - i. e., at the points where several members meet, — a joint is supposed to exist ; or at least no account is taken of the re- sistance to bending at the knots. In order to form such a plan for any given construction, it is necessary first to determine the division and direction of the forces, and then, beginning at one of the external forces and laying off its direction and magnitude to the next knot, com- bining it there with the external forces at that point, laying off the resultant to the next bend, etc. Upon such combinations of force triangles or quadrangles the force plan is constructed. If it is desired to determine the directions of the components of a given or determined force, the principles laid down in I 32 must be borne in mind. These may be generally expressed in the following rules : If one force is to be separated into two or more forces, its di- rection is to be reve7'sed and it is to be made the closing line S' in the paths of the other forces. If two or more given forces are to be conbined with two or more other forces, the force polygon will consist of the given forces and their closing line S. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Z^ The first rule is only a special case under the second or -general rule, since the single force may be considered as an uu- iclosed force polygon whose closing line passes backward over the same path to the starting point. Fig. 114. Fig. 115. In the investigation of each member in a frame without error, it is best to assume the member to be cut, and to determine the external forces at each section which oppose the internal forces ; the direction of the forces ma)' then also be determined with precision. ?49- FoRCB Pi^bc-\-cd-\-de^i X 2 P -\- P^=^ 7 P, which gives the length of a e. The forces i and 2 are found by drawingy^a and e /, parallel to A E and A L. Now consider i as combined witli a b = 2 P, and the resultant f b, decomposed into f g and g b, giving the forces 3 and 4 ; again, combine 2 and 3, and then decompose the resultant g e, into 5 and 6, or g h and h e, by drawing these latter parallel to L F and L M. In this manner we continue until we reach 12, or / d, which we then project upon the vertical. Now taking from d m, one-half the load P= d e, we have m e for one-half the stress on the middle rod B C. The remaining half of the force plan is similar. Fig. 128. closing forces to determine, we must also have at least two con- ditions given. In this case, then, we must first find the direc- tion of Q^ and Q.^. The wind pressure produces a horizontal thrust which must be met by the stability of the walls or columns upon which the roof rests. In each case it must be determined whether this horizontal thrust is borne equally or unequall}' by both sup- ports, and in what proportion it is divided. To this end we first find (according to | 39) the proportion of the vertical com- ponent of the force a c, which comes upon each support (as found by the intersection of S T, prolonged with A E>), and then combine these vertical forces with their respective hori- zontal components. It often happens that all the horizontal thrust is borne by one of the supports, which it must of course be prepared to resist. This often occurs in the case of railway stations, and under such circumstances the direction of each force must be determined separatel}'. First prolong the vertical at Z> downward until it intersects .S 7", and join the intersection with A (the lines are only indicated in the figure). This gives the direction of the force at A. We have now both the direc- tion of the reaction at Z? and the direction of that at A. We must also consider the distribution of the forces at the various knots between A and B, and between B and D. We have for the points between A and B the resultants between the propor- tional parts of P and IV, while from B to D we have simply the proportional parts of P This gives at A the force /\ ; at E, F and G, the force P2 ; at the peak, the force jRj ; at H,J and K. P P the force P, = — , and at D, the vertical force P,, =-- . "4 ^8 Returning now to the force plan, we make c d =^ /\, d e ^= ef=fg = P2, gh= P.„ hi = ik = kl= P^, and I a = P^. We now have finally the length b I, for the value of the reaction Q2 at the point D, and a line (not shown) from b to d, gives the rtiagnitude of the force Q-^ acting at A. The determination of the stresses in the various members can now readily be made. The decomposition oi bd hy drawing b m and in d parallel respectively to A E and A L, gives the forces I and 2. We thus proceed until we reach the rod B C, or 3^ THE CONSTRUCTOR. No. 13, for which we get the tension r j = 13, by drawing the vertical r s from /-, until it intersects the line n s, drawn parallel to B D. We then continue to determine the forces from 15 to 25, as already shown. The force plan shows that under these conditions similarly placed struts are subjected to dissimilar stresses. The determination of the stresses might have been made in the reverse order, beginning with the triangle x d I, which should give the same results, and which may be used to prove the accuracy of the work. A proof is also made by the accuracy with which the line w x drawn from w, parallel to K O, intersect. force P, upon each O.Si^ strip between the dotted lines, is equally divided among the rivets, we have for the efficiency of ■03 the first row: 5 \i )^ vi If the stress in the punched plate in the lines I, II, III, IV, etc., Fig. 146 be called S\ S^} S^Y, S'J, etc., we have : P=Sl[!im — d)d = si -5^0 • (52; FIG. 143. And from this when 5^ = -5"^ we have : a ^ m' + I d m And upon the same supposition : __^_ = "' ~ 3 . '^ 2 ^ w-' — 6 _ 51" „r^ - 2 ' 5I ni' — 3 ' ■Si _;„^^-lo that is, the stresses at the lines III, IV, V, are ^ " smaller than S\ = 5". The useful application of this fact may be readily seen. L,et us introduce 'n (50) : -^ = ■^- = 1. 5916, or say 1.6 . . (53) that is, we make the ratio d : & constant and = 1.6. For the modulus of the efficiency of the joint (/>, when the stress in the solid plate is S-^, we have : ^_S, d m^ We also have for the pressure p, on the rivets : ^ m'- & d ^ (54) The following illustrations show examples of this form of riveting, which may be termed Group Riveting, and is espec- ially adapted to lap joints. The dotted lines show the limit of ,- • the area including each group, and the spaces between the Tabulating the results of the applications ot these equati to various groups ■" LIT iri iv: v: vj.vii. (55) s we have : 4'°- 0^0 1 -m- '* 1 o..^5o 060 6 9o 000 60 • ^^1° 'badj'- 4> -^l^ 9 o Q ,Tt 6 5 For jo 4 - -50 (p = 0.80 0.90 0.94 0.96 ing narrow plates the rivets may often be disposed in rivets in each longitudinal row are uniform. If fn be the num- ber of rivets in the m-'ddle row of each group, then the total number of rivets in each group is m"^.* (?>\°^)^ M * This follows because, H-*"]-^ double groups, while for the union of several plates, as in the construction of plate girders, a number of groups may be em- 42 THE CONSTRUCTOR. ployed. lu Fig. 147 a triple row is shown, and in Fig. 148 a quadruple row, the joint in each case being made with a flap. Besides the advantage which results from the disposition of the rivets in groups in such cases, there is also a gain in making the flap somewhat thicker than the plates to be joined. The calculation in this case may be derived from the preceding methods ; also see the latter part of \ 59. ?58. ' Steam Boiler Riveting. For the joints of steam boilers parallel riveting is generally used. In this case the question of the tightness of the joint The following table contains the collected results of the pre- ceding formulae for the more commonly occurring proportions : Fig. 149. Fig. 150. Fig. 151. prevents a wide spacing of the rivets. For the same reason the thinner plates require proportionally larger rivets than the heavier plates, and the lap of the plates, and also of the rivet heads, must be greater. The method of caulking is also to be considered. The older method consisted in driving the caulk- ing chisel into the perpendicular edge of the plate and forcing the lower edge of the groove thus made down upon the lower plate, as shown in Fig. 149. The modern method, shown in Fig. 150, requires the plate to be planed on the edge to an angle, which can then be caulked without grooving. The ^_ angle of bevel should be about i8)4°, or about i in 3. The method of the American, Couuery, consists in the use of a round nosed caulking tool. Fig. 151, which is much less liable to injure the lower plate than the ^^ sharp chisels of the previous methods ; the action ex- 9; tends farther into the plate also. The consideration of the tightness of the joint com- fl pels a modification of the theoretical treatment of the proportions of boiler seams, based upon practical ex- perience. According to Lemaitre the following proportions are suitable for single riveted joints : Tabi^e and Proportionai, Scai,e for Steam Boher Riveting. Round Head. Conical Head. 'i i Modulus of Efficiency. H d J 1 i 1^ |o 1 ^ ¥ *" *2" /s Vi X r^ A H X iX IX 0.66 0.51 0.60 2 t\ iV X H Vi n I iX 2y 66 51 0.60 4X X A^ -h 1. 00 tV iVs iX iX 2X 63 48 0.59 6X t\ % Vi iX X iX iX iX 2X 61 48 0.59 13X ys \l tV iX t'^ 1% 2 iX 2% 60 47 0.59 20 tV i! X iX H ly. 2X 2 3X 60 47 0.59 29 'A if -^ r}i H iX 2X 2X 3X 59 47 0.59 36X J% I Vi 1% 11 2X 2X 3X 58 47 0.59 50X % ItV w 2.00 ^ 2% 3 2X 4X ° 58 ° 47 0.59 66 d = 1.5(5 + 0.1 a = 2d -\- 0.4''' b-= (56) Double riveted joints are also much used for steam boilers, especially for the longitudinal seams, while single riveting is used for the circumferential joints, since the stress upon the longitudinal joints is much greater than upon the circumferential joints. For double riveted joints, that is, for riveting in two parallel rows, we have for the pitch a.^ of the rivets in each row : a, = 3d+o.78'' (57) while the space between the two rows may be taken as equal to the previous value of a, or 2d + 0.4^''. In some cases this value is used for the pitch of both rows (see Fig. 153). We have previously taken the modulus of efficiency , so that the rivets and the perforated plate have not the same degree of security. The values of ", taking S3 for shearing stress = ^ ' , is found from <|>" = ^-^*4— _ °-3 ^d^- r the n aS, whence <^ = 3 (a im we obtain ', from i' = which is greater than t For example, in single riveting Ys" plate and J-|" rivets have (the formula would give about i^") ; fi" plate and fs" 1 ivets have 2%" (the formula would give about 2^% ') ; in double riveting, for with ^" rivets, the pitch would be 3%", while the formula v Three rows of rivets are used in this form of joint, and the outside rows of wide pitch make this method more trouble- some of execution than the group riveting shown in Fig. 144, which has a modulus of o.So. This is a point which should be borne in mind. The joints of gasometers exhibit but little variety in plates or rivets. The rivets are usually about ^4^^' to y./'ii'' diameter and i'^ pitch, with a lap at the joint of about >|", the rivets being closed cold and the joints caulked with red lead. t, Weight op Sheet Metal. Its value lies between 0,75 and 0.59, and is shown in the table "■ . • .. (,^ggg remains within prac- In Fig. 153 is shown double riveting in which the pitch kept equal to 2d -\- o.d," , while in Fig. 154 the pitch is made equal to 2,d -4- 0.78'^ for rivets in the same row, while the diagonal dis- tance between rivets of the two rows is the same as for single riveting. For a flap joint such as is shown in Fig. 155, we have a combination of parallel and group riveting. This method is "Used in Germany for steam boilers, but is little used in America, if at all. The flap is placed on the inside of the boiler shell, and the flap seams have only half as many rivets as the main seam, but of the same diameter. The objection that the inner edge of the main seam is made inaccessible is counterbalanced by the increase in strength. We have _ 0.3 ^ d'^ the lesser of which will be found to exceed the value obtained for ordinary double riveted joints.* Weight in Pounds per Square Foot. Inches. Wro-tlron est Iron. Brass. Copper. Lead. Zinc. tV 2-53 2.34 2.73 2.S9 3.71 2.34 V^ 5-05 4.69 5-47 5.78 7.42 4.69 h 7-58 7.03 8.20 8.67 11.13 7-03 X 10.10 9.38 10.94 11.56 14.83 9.38 A 12.63 11.72 13.67 14.45 18.54 11.72 /s 15.16 14.06 16.41 17.34 22.25 14.06 tV 17. 68 16.41 19.14 20.23 25.96 16.41 y^ 20.21 18.75 21.88 23.13 29.67 18.75 -h 22.73 21.09 24.61 26.02 33.38 21.09 H 25.27 23.44 27.34 28.91 37.08 23.44 \\ 27.79 25.78 3n.o8 3I.S0 40.79 25.78 H 30.31 28.13 32.SI 34.69 44.50 28.13 H 32.84 30.47 35.55 37.58 48.21 30.47 Vs 35-37 32.81 38.28 40.47 51.92 32.81 if 37.90 35.16 41.02 43.36 55.93 35.16 40.42 37.50 43-75 46.25 59.33 37.50 Special Forms oe Riveted Joints. Junction of Several Plates.— \u Fig. 156 is shown the junction of three plates. In this case the corner of sheet No. 2 is bev- eled off and No. i worked down over the lap. t^ i.v"r>ii «,r'i ta-^ijkNii! r'j;'?.(irtsa ^ -ef©--^- -e--0- 1 » . 1? 2 9--0-h€)-i-4- -e--0- •f 1 ■ Fig. 156. Fig. 157. In Fig. 157 the junction of four plates is shown- Here the angles of sheets Nos. 2 and 3 are beveled and Nos. I and 4 are left unaltered. In the construction of steam boilers the shell may be formed either in cylindrical sections, as shown in Fig. 158, or in sections of a conical shape, the taper of all the sec- FiG. 158. Fig. 159. tions bearing the same relation to the direction of the flame as shown in Fig. 159. This latter method requires that a slight curvature should be given to the sheets in order to secure the required taper. The determination of the taper and curvature of the sheets and lines for the rivet holes may be made in the following manner : 44 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Let— D = the diameter of the shell, as in Fig. 159, B = the breadth of the sheet, Fig. 160, on a circumferen- tial seam, /- = the length of the sheet between pitch lines of rivets, /= the versed-sine of the arc B ; we then have : 4-xil (-) I -k i tected from corrosion by being incased in copper. Screw stay- bolts are now often made of soft wrought iron or mild steel, but copper bolts are still preferred by many. Fig. 167. Fig. 16S. Fig. 169. Fig. 170. Co7istruction of Angles (Figs. 167-170). — Angle junctions in riveted work are made either by flanging the plate or by the use of angle iron. In Fig. 167 the flange is turned inward, and in Fig. 168 it is turned outward. In these cases h is made the same as for angle iron of the same thickness. Figs. 169 and 170 show the use of internal and external angle iron. -^ = 0.7854X2 o that / will be a little greater than i>^ ti e length /., we have s the thickness of the plate. In arranging the junction of sheets when the flap joint is em- ployed, care must be taken to avoid complicated intersections. This is best accomplished by making the flaps on the longitud- inal and circumferential seams come on opposite sides of the plates. Where the flaps are both on the same side, they are sometimes let into each other. Reinforcement of Plates. — This may often be done very readily by the use of angle and T iron. In Fig. 161 is shown Fig. 17: Constniction of Solid Angles. — Thebe die the most difiScult forms of riveted work, and may be made in several manners, the most important being shown in the illustrations. In Fig. 3 71 the vertical angle is made as in Fig. 167, and the horizontal angles as in Fig. 169, sheet No. 2 being beveled under the angle iron. In Fig. 172 all three angles are made as in Fig. 169, the Fig. 161. an internal angle iron, and in Fig. 162 an external, and in Fig. 163 a simple T iron. The proportions for angle iron given by Redtenbacher are as follows : A = 4.5 '5+1''- For T iron h^ = the base = 8 tJ + 2", and the height of the xib = }{h^. In practice a great variety of proportions are made to suit all possible cases, examples of which may be found in the illustrated catalogues of the mills where they are rolled. vertical angle iron being cut and bent over the horizontal. In Fig. 173 the angles are all made as in Fig. 169, but the angle irons are welded together at their junction. This makes an ex- cellent piece of work, but is difiScult and expensive, and re- quires firm support for the work, and is only applicable for important constructions. In Fig. 174 the vertical angle is made like Fig. i6g, while the lower joint is made as in Fig. 170, mak- ing simple and substantial corner. Fig. 164. Fig. 165. Fig. 166. The strengthening of parallel plates which are near together is best done by the use of staybolts. In Figs. 164 and 165 is shown a copper staybolt after and before riveting, this form being used in locomotive fire boxes and marine boilers. The central hole affords a warning of the corrosion or weakening of the bolt by the escape of steam. It is best to remove the screw thread from the projecting portions before riveting over the heads. Fig. 166 shows a form of iron staybolt for the same purpose. The short piece of tube between the plates prevents them from being drawn out of shape while riveting, and the opening permits a free circulation of water. The bolt is pro- THE CONSTRUCTOR. 45 CHAPTER II. HOOPING. Hooping by Shrinkage. The use of hoops or bauds is a ver)' efficient method of Tiuit- ing some combinatious of machine elements, and also for strengthening existing combinations. The hoops or bands are arranged so as to encircle the portions to be united, and caused to exert sufficient pressure upon them to create such friction between the surfaces as to prevent any relative motion. It fol- lows that the material in the band is subjected to tension while the parts which are held together are under compression. The bodies to be hooped are nearly always either cylindrical or conical in shape. The pressure required to secure the hoops may be obtained either by shrinkage, a method formerly used very extensively, or b}' cold pressure, a modification being described in the latter part of \ 64. The elongation which is produced by elevating the tempera- ture to a red heat may be taken for steel and wrought iron at about 5^„, while to keep within the limits of elasticity the re- sistance to contraction should be, for Castor wrought iron tww^ Cast steel , . . -^\^ Hence the allowance for shrinkage to be made in boring for a cast iron hub to fit over an unyielding centre should not be greater than xirVo' ^nd is best made from j-igo to xsV^- especi- ally if the centre is very heavy. The ring can then be fitted to its place when at a dull red Heat. For wrought iron or steel rings, such as wheel centres, such precautions are not so essen- tial, since these materials permit of a slight extension without injury (see \.i). If the centre possesses but very slight yield- ing elasticity, there may be danger, however, that the contrac- tion due to excessive cold may overstrain the material. After the last immersion the dimensions were found to be Z? = ^\%" at the upper edge, and at the lower edge = 8,^. A method of connecting two flat bars by shrinking on a hoop is shown in Fig. 177, and has been used at Seraing with good results. The hubs of gear wheels or revolving cylinders are advanta- geously strengthened by bands if they are cast in several parts, as in this way they are firmly united into a compact whole.* Fig. 175- When wrought iron bands are to be used to secure iron jour- nals to wooden shafting, as shown in Fig. 175, the end of the shaft is made slightly conical, so that the bands, being raised pnly to a dull red heat, may be driven on with the hammer. The rings may be forged tapering, but the taper may be also readily produced by Clerk's method by repeated heating and cooling.* The red hot ring is immersed in the cooling tub for .1 Fig. 176. about half its axial height. The rapid contraction of one por- tion of the ring deflects the warmer portion towards the centre, and by repeating the process the taper may be produced to almost any extent which may be required. The following experiments, made in the Royal Technical Academy, will serve to illustrate the process. The ring shown in Fig. 176 had the following original dimensions : n = ^%", & = i/^, D = %%". After the first immersion the contraction was -/^ " second " " /j " third " " /jf " fourth " " J^ fifth " " if " sixth " " i§ Cold Hooping. In the place of shrinking bands to their places, the more re- cent method of forcing them on cold has come into use for bands of moderate size, such as for hubs of wheels, cranks and levers. In this case the ring and its seat are both made truly- cylindrical, with merely a slight bevel for entrance, and then by means of a press forced together.f The difference in diam- eter between the ring and hub is very small, 'and may be calcu- lated as described in ? 19. An investigation of the forc^ required to push a ring on may- be found desirable. The force which is necessary to press a cylindrical pin into a hub by continuous motion may be taken as nearly proportional to rate of progress, since it has to over- come the resistance of sliding friction between the surfaces. The pressure />, per unit of surface, is equal to the initial radial stress ^i, which exists upon the pin. If we make r the r.adius of the pin, I the length of the hole, /the co-efficient of friction, we have for a maximum value of the forcing pressure Q : Q=2r7T/S,/ (62) Taking /=: 0.2, as indicated by experience shown in the fol- lowing cases, we have ^ = ^'=S (^3) For the tangential stress S2, in the metal of the ring, we obtain from formula 37, | 19 : f=^ (64) And taking the thickness of the metal of the ring as '5, we get the value of p : p = (65) This gives for the following ratios of thickness to radius, cor- responding numerical values : S — = 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 p = 0.385 0.415 0.438 0.463 0.486 0.508 s — = 0.80 0.85 0.90 1. 00 1. 10 1.20 p = 0.528 0.548 0.566 0.600 0.630 0.658 ^ = 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 = 0.682 0.704 0.724 0.744 0.759 774 1.90 2.00 .7S7 0.800 The following table shows examples of the practice of many of the leading Continental railways. In the table, 2/- = diam- eter, / = length, 6 = thickness of hub, Q = total forcing pressure ; also, W. I. = wrought iron, C. I. = cast iron, S = steel, C. S. = cast steel, B. S. = Bessemer steel. * For an account of the strengthening of a piston head by shrinking o bands, see the Berliner Verhandluiigen, 1876, Sheet XVI. ingenieur, Vol. t Sometimes these surfaces are made slightly conical, such being the cas in Nos. 15 to 17 of the following examples. 46 THE CONSTRUCTOR. ExAMPi.ES OF Forced Connections. DESCRIPTION. EASTERN RAILWAY OF PRUSSIA. Locomotive Driving aud Coupled Wheels, Locomotive Trailing Wheels, Tender Wheels, Car Wheels, with Spokes, Steel Plate Wheels, for Cars, Steel Plate Wheels, for Locomotives, . . UPPER SILESIAN RAILWAY. Locomotive Driving Wheels, Locomotive Trailing Wheels, Tender Wheels, Steel Plate Car Wheels Wrought Iron Spoked Car Wheels, . . . HANOVERIAN STATE RAILWAY. Locomotive Driving and Coupled Wheels, Locomotive Trailing Wheels, Standard Car Wheel, MAGDEBURG-HALBERSTADT R. R. Car Wheels, Car Wheels Locomotive Wheels, SAARBRUCK RAILWAY. Locomotive Driving and Coupled Wheels, Locomotive Driving and Coupled Wheels, Locomotive Driving and Coupled Wheels, Locomotive Trailing Wheels, Tender Wheels Tender Wheels Tender Wheels Standard Car Wheels, Freight Car Wheels, Coal Car Wheels, Passenger Car Wheels, RIGA-DUNABERG RAILWAY. Driviug and Coupled Wheels (Stephenson), Locomotive Trailing Wheels " Tender Wheels " Driving, Coupled & Trailing Wheels (Borsig), Tender Wheels (Borsig), Passenger Car Wheels (Ashbury), .... Freight Car Wheels (Zypen), Freight Car Wheels (Zypen), BORSIG LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Locomotive Trailing and Tender Wheels, Locomotive Driving and Coupled Wheels, Cran-k Pins, WOHLER LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Locomotive Driving and Coupled Wheels, Locomotive Trailing Wheels, Tender Wheels, NORTHERN RAILWAY OF FRAN^ Locomotive Wheels (Stephenson), Locomotive Wheels (Clapeyron), . Tender Wheels, with strong hubs. Crank Pins, PARIS-LYONS-MEDITERRANEAN R. R. Locomotive Driving Wheels, Locomotive Trailing Wheels, Tender Wheels Car Wheels, . . . Car Wheels, Crank Pins, = Dimensions. Inches. iy% 6^ 2i-3 3t04 2-2^ zYa C. L W.I. W.I. W. I. C. I. W. I. W.I. W.I. C. I. W.I. C. I. W.I. W.I. W, L VV. I. W.I. W. 1. W. I. W.I. W. I. W. I. W. I. W.I. C.S. c.s. C.S. c.s. W.I. W. I. c.s. c.s. W. I. W.I. W. 1. W. I. W. I. W. I. W.l.orS W.l.orS c.s. Q Pounds. 160,600 160,600 118,800 With Key. Data as given. No Key. -^ ■ - ' ' ^ No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key 220,000t0 330,000 165,000 to 220,000 1 10,000 to 132,000 110,000 to 132,000 132,000 to 154,000 165,000 to 176,000 143,000 to 154,000 88,000 to 110,000 1 10,000 to 132,000 110,000 to 132,000 1 76,000 to 198,000 137,940 247,588 247,588 198,000 136,840 168,080 198,000- 1 65,000 to 193,600 165,000 193,600 1 10,000 to 165,000 155,000 to 220,000 220,000 to 330,000 1 10,000 to 165,000 176,000 176,000 176,000 33,000 77,000 to 88, 000 55,000 to 66,000 55,000 to 66,000 39,600 to 48,400 66,000 Data furnished. Data furnished. Data furnished. Data furnished. Data furnished. With Kej^ Measured Dimensions. With Key. Measured Dimensions. No Key. Measured Dimensions. No Key. Measured Dimensions. No Key. Measured Dimensions. With Key. Data furnished. Without Key. Data furnished. Without Key. Data furnished. No Key. Measured Dimensions. No Key. Measured Dimensions. No Key. Measured Dimensions. With Key. With Key. With Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. . Measured Dimensions. Measured Dimensions. Measured Dimensions. Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi With Key. With Key. With Key. With Key. With Key. With Key. No Key. No Key. Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi . Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensi Measured Dimensions. Measured Dimensions. With Key. Measured. With Key. Measured. No Key. With Key. Measured. No Key. Measured. No Key. Measured. Data furnished. Data furnished. Data furnished. Data furnished. With Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. No Key. THE CONSTRUCTOR, Viora. example No. 12 we obtain in formula (63) the value According to (65) p = 0.53, and substituting these values in (64) gives S.^ = 10,679 lbs. From example No. 10 we have : „ _ 5 X 132,000 The actual thickness of the hub was 3-54"- The ring form is not the only form of construction which may be used for joining members by forcing, since other forms may also be used. An example may be found in Erhardt's flange joint. Fig. 178*. In this case clamps of hardened steel = 5,603 lbs. - = 6,970 lbs. ^ 5.125 X 'T X 7-3125 also p = 0.44, and hence ^'2 = 12,734. lbs. From example No. 37 we have : _ 5 X 220,000 ^~ 7-5X-X6.7 also p = 0.526, giving S.^ = 13,250 lbs. From example No. 16, taking 0= 132,000 lbs., we get S^ = 4S67 lbs.; ^=0.77; 6'2=:632o lbs.;and in No. 17, we have Si = 6617 lbs.; p ^ 0.569, and52= 11,629 lbs., neither of which are excessive. The force required to force a hub off an axle upon which it has been pressed, is not materially different from the force with which it was pushed on. The bore of such a hub may also be reduced when necessary by forcing rings upon it. Such rings, when used for car wheel hubs, are usually made of rectangular cross sections, the diameter ranging from 2"%x", X.o\y%"% 1%", etc. An inspection of the table will show that there is a tendency towards increasing pressures. For car wheels, where until quite recently, pressures of 60,000 to go,ooo pounds were used, we now find 80,000 to 110,000 pouuds not infrequently; while for locomotive wheels, over 200,000 pounds is the rule. Midway between the methods of shrinkage, and of cold forc- ing comes the lesser used method of expansion by use of boiling water. This system secures a much more uniform action of the temperature than is practicable with a red heat, and has been used with excellent results upon the Russian railways for fitting tires to plate wheels. The tires are suspended by a crane, in a tank of water which is kept at the boiling temperature by a jet of steam (the allowance for expansion being a little less than jj-^ of an inch to the foot of diameter. An immersion of 10 to 15 minutes is required to obtain the desired expansion. Three workmen can in this manner fit 12 to 14 tires per day of eleven hours. This method may also be found applicable to the fitting of hubs. 65. Dimensions of Rings for Cold Forcing. Since the forms of the various hubs may be taken as cylin- tJrical in nearly every case, the stress may be calculated by the formulae already given. Itis, however, desirable to present these in such form that they may be used to determine the thickness of hub which, when forced on cold, shall resist a determinate force. In (62) instead of the radial stress S-^, substitute the tangential stress ^2, giving Q = 2 it rl fS.^p, which combined with (65) gives: Y 2.'7TrlfS.^ — Q ? r> PR. PR _6__ / 2 ,r X 3-8( 12 + 154,0c Fig. 178. are used to create the pressure. These clamps serve to press the light flanges together, and they may be forced on by use of a screw clamp or other suitable press. Tests of such joints under steam, pneumatic and hydraulic pressure have shown the joint to be tight and serviceable. The system of forced connections has grown into extensive use, and appears to be applicable to many forms of construc- tion, and it is to be hoped that the forcing press, for which the firm of Schaeffer & Budeuberg have made suitable pressure gauges, may be found an indispensable tool in all large workshops; CHAPTER III. ?66. Keyed Connections. The simplest form of keyed connection consists of three parts, viz. : the two parts to be connected, and the key itself. The key is made with a slight amount of bevel on both sides, or a greater angle on one side, according to the manner in .(66) In this, Q\s, the maximum force which the hub can oppose to turning, at the diameter of the fit. If we take the moment of the force tending to rotate the wheel as PR, we must have will then be the factor of resistance against slipping in any such case. This mode of attachment is then only practicable when 2 ■jt r I f S-i'y Q. By choosing different values for S.,_, and Q, various thicknesses for the metal of the hub may be obtained. Example. The following- data are taken from Borsig's Express Locomo- tive at the Vienna Exposition ; Two pairs of coupled driving wheels of 3S.19" radius, without keys ; bore of cylinders 17" ; steam pressure 147 pounds ; crank radius R = 10". If we suppose the entire force upon the piston to act upon a single wheel, we have : PR= ijir- X o 7S54 X 147 X 10 = 33,366 X 10 The bore of the wheel is 7.72" hence r= 3. 86'' while / = 7.87". This gives P R 333,660 ~V ^ 3 86~ ^ ^^'^'•° ''^^■ ' The moment 333,660 is that which the friction of the wheel upon the axle should be able to resist without slipping. Hence it follows that Q must neessarily be greater than 86,440. If we take a value of ^ = 154,000 lbs-, thus giving ample margin against slipping, and also use a wrought iron hub, making S, = 7120 lbs., taking _/= 0.2 as before : Fig. 180. which the connection is made. The trigonometrical tangent of this angle is called the draft of the key. In Figs. 179 and 180 are shown both forms of keys. For the latter form we will assume that both sides have the same angle. Ivet: t a = the angle of draft, P=:the force to be transmitted, Q = the driving force upon the key, normal to P, Q'^ the opposing force, tending to drive out the key, f=tg(^,t\iQ co-ei£cient of friction between the s of the three parts. For keys with draft upon one side, we have : = P2tg(a-\-2) \ Q'=P2tg{2 or say If we make /;j=o.8 d, h.^ = d, 6=-- 0.5 d, we shall have good practical proportions. In Fig. 1S3 we have two wrought iron rods coupled by wrought iron keys. In this case a wrought iron sleeve is used, whose thickness t5 ^ 0.25 d. Fig. 1S4 shows a form similar to Fig. 182, except that the key passes below the boss, instead of going through it, while in Fig. 185 the key is let into the side of the rod. The pressure upon the base surface of the key in the case of Fig. 182 may be taken as : _ P_^ (0.7854 d'^ — bd) 5*3 ^ ~' b d~ bd which gives ^ = 2.14 6], (70) quite a high enough value, especially if we take, in Fig. 183, o^ 0.25 d. The pressure becomes yet higher for the method shown in Fig. 185, for which case the value of So^ should not be taken too great. If the connection is intended to be taken apart frequently, the value of p should not be allowed to be too great. This may be accomplished either by reducing the value of S.,,, or by providing an increased cross section of metal about the mortise for the key, or by extending the surface by means of cotters or gibs, as shown in Fig. 186. The key may then be made smaller than already given above. The forms of keyed connection shown are use3 for example in the rod connections of water wheels, and in similar cases. Fig. 186. Fig. 187. In Fig. 1 87 is shown a method of ke3-ing a foundation bolt. The gibs or cotters are used to increase the strength. Fol- lowing the calculations of ^ 12, the depth of the three pieces may be made alike in the middle. The anchor plate in the foundation masonry should be arranged so as to give access to a nut on the lower end of the bolt, and this can be tightened by hand until the bearing is thrown upon the key, and the driving in of the latter binds all the parts firmly together. ?68. . IfONGITUDINAI, KEYS. Keys of this class are principally used to secure the hubs of wheels to their shafts or axles. For this purpose they may be considered as divided into three classes, as follows : Concave, or hollowed keys. Fig. 188, i ; Flat Surface keys. Fig. 188, 2, 4, 5, and Recessed keys. Fig. 188, 3. The Concave key is only suitable for constructions involving small resistance, and acts merely by the friction due to the pressure which it causes. The flat surface key is capable of Fig 188. resisting much greater force and vibration, and when used in the multiple manner shown in 4 and 5, it makes a secure and efficient fastening. The recessed key, shown in 3, affords a very secure method of fastening hubs to shafts to which they have been closely fitted, and is simply and readily made. Kej^s of this kind are also used as an additional precautionary fasten- ing for hubs which have been forced on. In determining the dimensions of keys it will be found most convenient to use empirical methods, except in cases of great vibration ; the following formulae will be found to cover the usual range of work. The material for the keyis taken as steel, and distinction is also made between cases in which the hub is subjected merely to endlong pressure, and those where torsional stresses exist. The former may be called draft-keys, the latter torsion keys. If we call the diameter of the shaft D, the breadth of the key S, and the middle depth of the key .Sj v D 5. = o..6"+i^ for Draft keys, S= 0.24'' for Torsion keys, .5"= 0.16'' + ; S^ = 0.1 6'' -f - The taper of such keys is made about ■^\-^ (71) THE CONSTRUCTOR. For the more commouly occurring diameters we have the following proportions : D = V' 2" i^ &," 5" 6" 7* 8" 9" 10'' For Draft Keys : V hff 13// For shafts of le \" w n" , ^1= - less diameter than \" , we ma}' make If several keys are to be used, they may be made the same dimensions as single keys. For hubs which have been forced on, and hence would be secure without any key, the dimensions for draft keys may be used. When ihe pressure upon a key acts at right angles to the plane of its height, the difference between the positive and negative direction of the forces is readily distinguishable. Fig. 189. When the pressure acts as in Fig. 189, the combination is inse- cure, since the only binding action of the key is that due to the pressure, and consequent friction between the parts. If the base of the key is rough, and the inclined face smooth, the action of a force in the direction H' , tends to tighten the parts together. An application of this action is shown in the curved key of Kernaul, shown in Fig. 190. When the hub is rotated r f OKj ] i I <^ S i ! k , ■ ' [ |w k oH b Fig. 192. in the direction of the arrow, the action is the same as that of the force H' , in the preceding case, and the shaft is firmly grasped. A. countersunk screw at a, is used to tighten the key, and a similar one at b, to loosen it. This principle will be dis- cussed later, under the subject of couplings. Methods of Keying Screw Propei^lers. In securing the propellers of steamships the greatest care must be observed in the methods employed, and in their appli- cation. In Fig. 191 is shown Rennie's method of securing one of the blades of a Griffith's double bladed propeller. In this case a rectangular key is used, passing through a cylindrical pin which is cast in one piece with the blade and which is in turn held firmly by the four smaller keys shown. These latter keys are held in their places by caps secured firmly by jam nuts. (See ^71.) The blade and hub are both of bronze. Example. In a propeller by Penn & Son, d = 15", h = 7^", i = 2]4". Fig. 192. This shows a method used by Maudslay, Sons and Field, Ravenhill & Hodgson, and others. Two rectangular keys, passing through the hub of the propeller boss, and re- cessed into the metal of the shaft, act at the same time to receive the thrust of the screw and to prevent rotation upon the shaft. In this case the hub is made of bronze. Example. Inthe " Lord Warden," the middlediameter of (f= 19", 7 = 52", /t = &%",d= 3I/8"; in the "Lord Clyde," d=2oys", 1=-^a", /i = io", b = s". Fig. 193. This shows a method of using two longitudinal keys. The hub is bored with a quick taper, and a heavy bronze nut holds the hub upon the cone, while the longitudinal keys resist the action of torsion. The ordinary rectangular keys are also used to secure screw propellers, as well as special forms of fastenings.* UNLOADED Keys. The force P, which under ordinary conditions bears upon a key, may by various methods be supported by other means ; the key in such a case may be said to be unloaded. Such con- structions ofi^er a much greater security, and permit much lighter keys, than the methods previously described. A few examples will serve to illustrate. * See N. P. Burgh, Modern Screw Propulsion, London, iS6g. 50 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Fig. 194. This shows a form of connection used for mine pump rods; the interlocked notches receive the load of tension upon the rod, and the hollow key only serves to bind the parts together without itself supporting any of the weight. Fig. 195 shows Wiedenbruck's rod connection.* The hub is made CHAPTER IV. BOLTS AND SCREWS. ryjn Fig. 197. Fig. 19S. Fig. 199. Fig. 200. Fig. 201. less than this, however, keys are very apt to become loose if they are subjected to much vibration, and to sudden and irregu- lar changes of load. In order to provide against such emer- gencies, and also in order to permit the use of greater taper, various methods of securing keys are employed. The simplest method consists in splitting and spreading the small end of the key, and for some purposes this is sufficient. In order to prevent a key from flying back, or jumping out, the projecting end may be drilled and fitted with a split pin. For the keys used in connecting rod ends various methods are used, examples of which will be found in the following figures. Figs. 197, 198, and 199 use screws under tension. When these are ^^ . used in locomotives or marine en- ^i "'n^ gines, the screw is again secured by 'I - — P the use of a jam-nut. Fig. 200 is used with a set-screw, the point of which bears in a shallow channel in the side of the key, so that if the pressure of the set-screw is unable to hold the key, it will at least keep it from flying out. The channel is also of service in preventing the point of the set-screw from marring the finished surface of the key. Fig. 20I shows a form of screw-clamp. This clamps the key by drawing the two blocks tightly against its sides ; the screw passes through a slot in the key. Fig. 202 shows the method employed in securing the key used in the form of fastening for screw propellers, used by Maudslay, and shown in Fig. 192. A small block is bolted fast to the projecting end of the key, and a bronze cap is screwed down over all. Fig. 202. Fig. 194. Fig. 195. in halves and the reversed conical seats receive the load. In Fig. 196 is shown a connection for two intersecting plates ; by Bayliss.f The method of keying shown in Fig. 192, H, may be made quite secure by relieving the key from the load, and examples of this form are often found. ?72. METHODS OP Securing Keys. In order that a key may not back out under its load, the angle of taper should be less than -j^^, or if it is symmetrical in form, each side should be less than yV> providing the co-effi- cient of friction is equal to y'^. Even when the taper is made Geometrical Construction of, the Screw Thread. Screws are used in machine construction to produce three kinds of eff"ects, viz.: for clamping or joining parts together, for producing pressure, and for the transmission of motion. We shall now only consider the first two classes. Screws may be classified with regard to the shape of the cross-section of their threads into : Triangular or V, Square or Rectangular, and Trapezoidal. All these forms belong practically to the so-called axial screw thread surfaces.* By this is meant the surface which is described by a right line ABC, Fig. 203, when one of its points remains upon a directrix, in this case the axis O D, of the screw, while the generating line itself maintains a constant angle e, with the axis, proportional to the advance which the directing point makes u-jon the axis. The angle a is called the angle of advance, and its complement B, is the base angle of the screw thread. These are either V, or square, according as the angle a Fig. 203. is an acute or right angle. The normal cylinder upon the axis O D, upon which the screw thread is described, is called the pitch cylinder. This cylinder is supposed to pass through the threads of the screw at such a point that two adjoining sections bear the relation of screw and nut. The space passed over by the directing point during one rota- tion around the axis is called the pitch of the screw, and will hereafter be designated by the letter .s ; and the angle which a line tangent to the screw-thread at any point makes with the base of tlie pitch cylinder, is called the pitch angle, called fi. From this it will be seen that threads described upon concentric cylinders may have the same pitch, but different pitch angles. The area of a V screw thread may be taken as equal to the sum of the surfaces the two halves of the thread, opened out to an angle of 180°. For rectangular threads the area is simply that of the corresponding simple surfaces. For trapezoidal threads the area is equal to the sum of the inclined and parallel surfaces (see \ 86). I 74. Dimensions of V Screw Threads. For any given force P, acting parallel to the axis of a screw, the resistance of the metal of the body of the screw may be determined according to Case I., page , but the stress may instead be taken as a simple case of tension if the value of S, be not made too great. If we take for wrought iron, 6'^ 3600, and let d-^ be the diameter at the base of the thread, we have : •(72) 0'l = O.O2 s/ P'\ P=2-jsod\ J The nut is generally hexagonal, but is sometimes made sqiiare ; we will here limit ourselves to the former shape. The thickness of the nut is usually made equal to the outside diameter d, of the screw. This makes it much stronger than the threads of the screw ; f but the depth is desirable, as it distributes the pressure over a greater area of screw thread. For the superficial pres- * German Patent, No. 1507. See also patent No. 510 of H. Rademacher mproved rod connections. + See Pract. Mech. Journal, Vol. Ill, 3d Series. P. 342. e Properties of Screw Threads. Berliner made at the Stevens Institute at Hoboken, show of the thread is reached when the thickness of the nut ;. See Railroad Gazette, 1877, November, p. 483. THE CONSTRUCTOR. SI «nre p, we have for a depth of thread i and n threads iu the nut, .both for V, and square threads : /-f-^4['-3i+(4-y] to. Introducing the pitch 3", and making ns = d, we have : In both equations the third member may be neglected.* The value of p should not be permitted to exceed 1440 lbs. If « = 8, and —7- = 12, we have, taking 5", as above, p = 3600 X I (i — i 4- tI?) or about = 1000 lbs. In the consideration of this subject, the friction of a screw should not be neglected. Let: Q = the force acting at the mean diameter of a screw, normal to the plane of the axis ; 6' = the pitch angle of the thread at the mean diameter, y= tg^, the coefficient of friction ; we then have, in order to overcome the thread friction, due to the force P, for square thread : I —ftg &' = Ptg{<^^&') """' r>-4v'i */>=/77i(^-0«, hence ;> = 5-^^i2:7r«-^^ ^—\ rf2 = _j?__i_, -7- (^')* = ' ^. which, by neglecting (-^)' + (-^)' +, etc., of the Whitworth system into Germany, while others, equally- strong, have been advanced for the metric system. The Whitworth system takes for the form of a section of a screw thread an isosceles triangle whose base is equal to the pitch s, and whose angle at the apex = 55°, from which the height /"o = 0.96 .s. The thread is rounded at top and bottom to an amount equal to \ t^, so that the working depth t=-'^ t^ =: 0.64 s. The values of the pitch s were given by Whitworth in a table which extended to \" ■'■'' The use of this system developed some deficiencies, among others the difficulty of originating the cross-section of thread, and the gradation of diameters. The original table of diameters was not altogether satisfactory to Whitworth himself, and in 1857 he extended the old table by a new one, which, since that time, has been known in England as the standard system for bolts and nuts-t In Germany, how- ever, the whole subject is yet under active discussion. The following table gives the old and new scales, the values of d and .? being in English inches. The values for ■{^" and ^^" are only given approximately. . (75) or for the resistance : while for V threads, we have : in which f = ' jr > In order to overcome the friction on the base of the nut also, the value of Q must be more than twice as great. For tg &' , we may take then tg 6. This value is usually so small that the friction often cannot resist the load, and the value of Q' becomes negative. I 75- Th:^ Whitworth Screw Systism. By a system of screw threads is meant a collection of rules or formulae by which the profile of thread, pitch, diameter, and other details of screws and nuts may be determined. Such a system was first formulated by Whitworth in 1841, and since that time the subject has been more and more studied, until it is now considered one of the greatest importance,! especially in regard to the metric system. Whitworth's Screw Thread Scales. New Scale. Old Scale. J New Scale. Old Scale. J d. d. s. d. d. S. O.IOO 48 1.125 ^y% 7 0.125 Vs 40 1.250 iX 7 0.150 32 1.375 1^8 6 0.175 24 1.500 IK 6 0.200 24 1.625 ^y, 5 0.225 24 1.750 ■ Il< 5 0.2SO }i 1% 4X 0.275 2 AVz 0.300 A 18 2.125 ^y% A% 0.325 IS 2.250 2X A 0350 2.375 2^ 4 0.37s fi 16 ^% 4 0.400 16 2.675 ^% 4 0.425 2.750 2^ 3K 0450 tV 2.875 27/s 3K 0.475 3.000 3 Z% 0.500 % 3250 3^ . 3X 0.525 3-500 yA 3X 0.550 3.750 ?>H 3 0.575 4.000 A 0.600 4.250 4X 2^ 0.625 H 4.500 aA 2^ 0.650 4.750 aH 2^ 0.675 5.000 5 , ^Va 0.700 5.250 5X 2% 0.750 H 5.500 5% 2% 0.800 10 5.750 SH 2y 0.875 Vs 9 6.000 2X 0.900 1. 000 I Whitworth's Pipe Ti IREAl 3 SCAI.E. d=y Ya y% y Ya i iX iX iX 2 « = 28 19 19 14 14 11 II II II II The regularity of the progression might be improved upon. This may be more clearly illustrated in the following diagrams. The greatest irregularity lies between the sizes from ^" to 2Yz" ; and the gradation of diameters is also uneven. The cause for this lies in the system of measurement used. Whit- worth evidently perceived the desirability of introducing a decimal notation, but also wished to retain the fractional divi- sions in halves, quarters, eighths, &c. ; this has partly been secured, neglecting sixteenths, by having the gradation based upon fortieths, and their combinations as shown in Fig. 206. For the pressure p, we have from (74), taking t = 0.64 .f : 4 X 0.64 -1.9- • + 0.4 A united opinion on the subject has not yet been reached. Many weighty reasons have been advanced for the introduction (-)] If we make 5"= 3555 lbs. we have for d.=- o.\", 3'^, and (/', the values of /> = 938 lbs., 1152 lbs. and 1209 lbs. For tg 6, we have, when d = o.x" , 2," , and (>", the values 0.0663, 0-0303, and 0.0212. * Briggs stated the relation of pitch and diameter of the Whitworth system to be approximately : — ^ = 0.1075^-0.0075^2 + 0,024. tSee Eng. atid Arch. Journal, 1857, p. 262 ; 1858, p. 48 ; also Shelly, Work- shop Appliances. Ie such as may be readily made wMk requisite accuracy. In this respect Whitworth's system is deficient, and the profile of the Sellers thread is to be preferred. 2. The pitch should be given, so far as possible, directly by the formula, without requiring any modification of its results. Both Sellers and Whit- worth are deficient in this point, since they both modify the results of their formula.* 3. The gradation of, bolt diameters should be so disposed that fractions of millimeters should not occur in diameters, aiid that their gradation should, conflict as little as possible with the decimal system. All three of these requirements should be attained within the limits of generally used sizes, and should at least extend to bolts of 80 mm. in diameter. The last three systems, viz. : the Pfalz-Saarbriick system and the two of Delisle, are the only ones which appear to have considered these points, and these we shall examine somewhat in detail. ?78. Metrical Screw Thread Systems. Delisle /, pfalz-Saarbruck and Delisle //. The following three diagrams show the gradation of pitch and diameter for the three systems, the ordinates representing the pitch being shown on five times the scale of the bolt diameters, and the values being also given for d and j in the annexed tables. In the first two cases the profile of thread is exactly the same as in Sellers' system, while in the third, the base angle is made 26° 34'. This has been chosen for the purpose of making the theoretical height of the triangle of the thread equal to J. The thread is flattened as in the Sellers system. All three of these systems are marked by simplicity and in- telligibility. These features have been attained by abandoning the idea of representing the relation of .s to a^ by a single equa- tion (such as that of a parabola), and using two or more equa- tions of straight lines. A noticeable irregularity exists in t .• Pfalz-Saarbriick system between the diameters of 26 and 28 mn indicating that a somewhat finer pitch is used in proportion the diameter below 26 mm. The second system of Delisle is rather simpler than the first ; there is also an important difference in the angle of thread, &s will be seen subsequently. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Delisle /. Fig. 208. %^(d-l) i-J « 67S 1012UlClS202a211!G2S 32 3Q 40 Fig. 209. ^= 4 5 j 6 j 7 1 8 JIOJI2JI4 16 18 20 ^ = 0.8 i.o 1.2 1.4 16 1.8 2.0J2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 df ^ 24 28 32 36 40 48 56 64 72 80 ^ =^ ,3.^ 3 6 4.0 4.4 4-8 5-2 5-6 6.0 6.4 6.8 Diameter and pitch both in millimeters. For any interpolated diameter the next lesser So ordinate is to be taken, as for example d = 60. Pfalz-Saarbruck System. Fig. 209. I.OI.2 I.4'l.6l.8 2.o!2.2! 28_ 32_ 36 40 48 156 64 72 80 18 20 22 24 fiU^I-? No interpolation to be made. DelislE //. Fig. 210. For any interpolated meter the next greater ordinate is to be taken, as for example d ^= 60* In all three systems the superficial pressure is quite satisfac- tory. According to formula (74), taking 5 =: 3600 we obtain for "values oip — Delisle I 8600 to 11,500 lbs. Pfalz-Saarbriick . . 8600 to 11,000 " Delisle II ... . 7600 to 10,000 " ?79- New Systems. . A thorough investigation of the proposed systems of the Ger- man Society of Engineers failed to produce any definite results, and the whole subject of a metrical screw thread system is still unsettled. For this reason it has been thought advisable to of- fer a further discussion of the problem.* It might seem a shorter plan lo adopt some one of the three preceding systems, yet they all seem capable of improvement. *This is especially necessary for use in technical instruction, which will aflFord the surest method of introducing a metric screw thread system into practical use. The advocates of the Whitworth system urge the desirability ■of an international standard, in view of the widespread use of the American system, which is indeed already in use to some extent in Ger- many. In this case the conflict between the two systems of measurement "has been met bj' proposing to tak e for any dimension in English units the next higher dimension in millimetres. Such a system would be impractic- able for educational purposes and would lead to many errors in actual practice. It also seems only to be practicable for the old Whitworth scale, and for the new scale, with its close divisions, its application i ' ' ' possible. Ac ■' — '-' "' j----_j-- :" close adheren ^mensions w npariL _ : to the V a the precedin The subject will bear further investigation in two main points one being the gradation of diameters and the other the profile of thread. The actual diameters and their gradation are of more practical importance than the gradation of threads. This is shown by the fact that the Whitworth profile has long been in use with the bolt diameters taken in Prussian inches, and more recently with dimensions in millimetres with Whitworth profile. One of the first requisites of such a series is that the diameters should follow the decimal divisions (see the third condition of | 77). This point is not met by the preceding sys- tems, since they lack the natural divisions 30, 50, 60 and 70. The removal of this objection introduces a new difiiculty, but not an insuperable one. The critical feature of the screw thread system is really the relation which the diameter bears to the profile. A thread should not be said to be coarse or fine, implying the ratio s: d, but rather should the depth of thread be considered, or the rati ot : d. This can best be illustrated by an example : If we select two equal sizes from the systems Delisle I and 1 1, we shall find that for the same pitch the threads are not alike. li d= 60 mm. we shall have (see the dotted lines in Fig. 208 and 210) in both cases .j = 5.6, hence the angle of thread is the same. The working depth /, however, is : inl : t=}{to =o.b5 .^ = 3.64 mm. in II: t=iXto =0.75 ,5 = 4.20 mm. ^ diagra mid result ii :n both his systems Delisl liate diameters, but ti- les to avoid obscurity. 54 THE CONSTRUCTOR. This gives for the diameter of the bolt at the bottom of the thread in I : i5?i= 57.70 — cross section 2182 sq. mm. in II : fl'j = 51.60 — " " 2091 " " which shows a diifereuce in resistance of about 5 per cent, be- tween the two bolts, the second having the coarser thread. We see here that a choice of the relation of s \.o d affects the pro- file of thread, and it is this which led Delisle to suggest two systems. Whether the angle of 53° 8' is preferable to the Sellers angle of 60° is uncertain. Among the preceding systems may be noted two for the latter, five for the former, and three for still smaller angles ;'and if the choice be given, it seems rather better to go below the Whitworth angle of 55° than above it. We prefer the angle as shown in Pig. 211 : ^} (77) For sizes of d from 4 to 40 mm. the pitch may be s^o.^-\- 0.1 d .... and for sizes of d, from 40 to 80 mm. and over* 5= 2 -|- 0.06 d .... with the following series of diameters : 12 14 16 iS 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 . 45 . 50 60 70 80 Formula (78) is the same as in Delisle II, from 6 to 40 mm. Interpolation for intermediate diameters seems unnecessary ; bottom of thread r\ and 1\, are almost identical, as are also working depths, although the profiles differ, as shown by the triangles ABC and D E F. Instead of numbering the sizes arbitrarily, it seems preferable to use the bolt diameter for the number. Screw No. 20 would then stand for if = 20 mm., No. 4forrf=4mm. Any establishment could omit numbers not desired without impairing the system, while for fine work, smaller numbers could readily be added. Nuts, Washers and Bolt Heads. The thickness of metal in a nut bears a close relation both to the depth of thread t, and to the pitch 5. It is desirable that the formula to be used should give the dimensions readily in order to avoid the necessity of approximating. •(78) . (79) Fig. 213. For the diameter Z?, of the inscribed circle of the hexagon we may take for finished nuts : Z?=,.o4-f ar+o.5.j (81) The maximum pressure upon the base of the nut in this case (for (f ^ 3^') = about 2400 lbs. per square inch. Unfinished nuts are made somewhat heavier, and for them we have A = o.i4'^ + ^-f 5^ •t82> Fig. 212. should it be done, however, the formula should not be departed from, since the values in the second and third groups above will give round numbers, and offer no difficulty for their pro- duction on the screw cutting lathe. If it is still desired to use the angle of 60°, and yet retain the other proportions, we may take for , and Cis 4 mm. from £> while the dis- tance between A and G is 0.7 d. The various details may be summed up as Between A and £ = the fivefold pitch, " .£■ and .5" = dia. of finished nut, " £ and C^ dia. of rough nut, " /^ and /? ^ dia. of washer, " A and G = height of bolt head. The tangent of the pitch angle ranges from 0.064 to 0.047, and the pressure per sq. mm. on. the thread, from 0.46 to 0.67 kilogrammes. Weight of Round Iron. ng table are given The weights in the folio's by the Formula G = 2.617 d\ the bars being one foot long and d = diameter in inches.. For cast iron, multiply the values in the taole by 0.93 and for bronze by 1.092. A. hexagonal rod whose inscribed diameter = of is 1. 103 time the weight of a bar of wrought iron of the same diameter. DF Wrought Iron Rods. One Foot Long. d G d ^ d G % .163 ;} 3.68 2% 11.82 h 4.09 7i 12.50 n •368 IT% 4- 50 13.25 tV .500 1^8 4.94 2fV 13-95 V. .654 Vi 5.36 23/s 14.76 i .826 5-89 2A 15-54 1.02 \i 6.39 2/2 16.36 -* 1.23 6.91 2tV 17.14 H 1.47 iH 7-43 ■2.y% 18.03 t 1.72 ''A 8.01 2H 19.11 2.0 iH 8.57 2^4 19.79 H 2.29 1^8 9.20 2061 I 2.61 i|* 9-79 2^ 21.63 ItV 2.94 10.47 2H 22.52 1/8 3.31 2tV 3 23.56 Special Forms of Bolts. Instead of being made with square or hexagon heads, bolts are sometimes fitted with special heads, instances of which are shown in Figs. 21S to 222 ; the last being countersunk. These are all furnished with means to prevent the bolt from turning when the nut is operated. *This table has been kept in the i ic system for obvious reaso 56 THE CONSTRUCTOR. In Fig. 223 is shown an anchor bolt with cast iron plate for brickwork, the bolt being inserted from above and locked by being turned 90°. The area of the anchor plate should in no case be less than 100 d^'' In Fig. 224 is shown a form of anchor bolt for masonry with a cast iron washer, secured by a key. The washer should be not less than 25 d^ in area. Such plates are often made of wrought i) — Fig. 218. Fig. 219. Fig. 220. Fig. 221. Fig. 222. In Figs. 225 and 226 are shown bolts secured by cross keys and side keys. In these two figures the nuts are shown in different positions, the latter being the more convenient to use the pro- portions shown in Figs. 214 to 2x5. Figs. 227 and 228 are forms of stud bolts. Fig. 229 is a cap screw. For small work these cap screws are often made with cylindrical heads with slots for use with a screw-driver. Fig. 225. Fig. 226, Fig. 227. Fig. 228. Fig. 229. ?84. Wrenches. A wrench is a lever adapted to tighten and loosen nuts and bolt heads. The simple wrench, shown in Fig. 230, in two forms, consists of a flat or round handle fitted to the shape of the nut, the dimensions being based upon the unit D, which is the diameter of the nut as given in formula (81). The double wrench. Fig. 231, is arranged to receive nuts of different sizes at the opposite ends of the handle. If the ends are inclined so as to bring the corners of the hexagon at 15° and 45° with the axis of the handle the wrench will be able to operate in con- tracted spaces by j'j revolution of the nut.* ?85. Nut Locks. For bolts made according to the preceding proportions, the angles of pitch are not steep enough to allow the pressure in the direction of the axis of the bolt to overcome the resistance of friction and cause backward rotation. If, however, there is much vibration, lost motion maj^ appear and gradually cause the connection to work loose. This is true of foundation bolts as well as of those in moving parts of machinery and in loco- motive and marine engines. For these and similar cases it is necessary to have some method of securing the bolt or nut from coming loose, and a variety of such nut locks are here shown. Fig. 232. Fig. 233. Fig. 234. One of the oldest and most useful forms is the jam nut. Fig. 232. Both nuts should be truly faced so that they will bear fairly upon each other. The thin nut is frequently placed under the thicker one, but this is immaterial since a nut of a thickness of 0.45 to 0.4^ is as strong as the bolt thread. The security obtained by the use of the jam nut is not very great, and the form with right and left hand thread, as shown in Fig. 244, is to be preferred when greater security is essential. In Fig. 233 is shown a split pin, often used in connection with a jam nut. Fig. 234 shows an arrangement with a key upon the nut, making a very convenient and secure combination. In the three preceding cases the action is such as to tighten the nut upon the thread. The three following methods are made to hold by fastening the nut or bolt, or both, to the parts which they are intended to hold together. Fig. 235 is used in the spring hangers of Borsig's locomotives. Fig. 236 on an oil cup lid, and Fig. 237 on a set screw for a connecting rod end, arranged to lock at any 1-12 part of a turn. In the following methods the nut is held from turning by be- ing locked to one of the stationary pieces, the bolt itself being secured in a similar manner. The form shown in Fig. 238 is used for bearing cap bolts, the support at the middle of the THE CONSTRUCTOR. 57 split pin keeping it from bending. • The method shown in Fig. 239 is used for the bolts in a steam piston, while that in Fig. 240 is for a bearing cap. The latter form is arranged by means of the sever notches, to lock at every jV of a turn, while the other two require j/^ of a turn between successive positions. EiG. 235. Fig. 236. Fig. 237. Fig. 238. Fig. 239. Fig. 240. A method of securing the bolts for locomotive springs, used by Borsig, is shown in Fig. 242. The tension of the spring keeps the bolt from turning, and the cap which secures the nut is fitted to the end of the bolt as shown ; this locks for every 3/^ of a turn. Fig. 243, shows a nut arranged to be locked by a set screw. This method, used by Penn, is a very useful form Fig. 242. A different class of nut locks depends for its action upon the introduction of an elastic resistance between the bolt and the nut.* The elastic washer of Pagel "and similar devices have found many applications. Parsons' bolts belong to this class. f * See I^udewig Nut Locking Devices. Bavi Journal, 1870, pp. 17, 144, 283 ; also Journ Engineers. t Engineer, July, 1867, p. 16; Nov., p. 391 ; Engin Railroad Journal^ 1868, pp. 77, 117. In this form the body of the bolt is fluted, so that the cross section is reduced to about the same area as that of the bolt at the base of the thread. This increases the elasticity of the bolt and enables the nut to be tightened so that it is much less likely to come loose. Fig. 244 shows a modification of this form used by Gerber for bridge connections. The security is still further increased by the use of a left hand jam nut. Instead of being fluted, the body of the bolt may be flattened on four sides, or the reduction of area may be obtained by drilling a hole into the bolt from the head to the beginning of the thread. Fig. 241 shows a device for securing the nuts of stufiing box bolts as applied to locomotive engines. The ratchet wheels are attached to the nuts, and similar notched nuts may be used to advantage in many places. Fig. 244. Fig. 245. One of the most important instances of screw fastenings may be found in the construction of built-up screw propellers, in which the blades of the screw are bolted fast to the hub, a con- nection requiring the greatest strength and security. Fig. 245 shows the base of such a propeller blade, from the same example as shown in Fig. 192. 'The flange of the blade issecur- FiG. 241. for bearings, spring hangers, and othei mits any fraction of a turn to be made. should be a little thicker than usual in cylindrical portion may not be too weak. The diameter Z?i, i in this case taken from formula (82). The small set screw should be made of steel and hardened. This form of nut lock is especially useful on marine engines. r situations, since it per- The nut, in this case, order that the lower ing, 1867, No%'., p. 4 Fig. 246. ed to the hub by sixteen cap-screws. Four set screws serve to provide a small adjustment of the blade within the range of motion of the oval bolt holes. All of the cap screws are secured. Fig. 246 shows the method adopted by Penn. The bolts, which in the case of the Minotaur are 3)4'' diameter, have a common ring washer under the heads. When the bolts have been screwed up as tightly as pos- sible, a ratchet washer with hexagonal hole is slipped over each bolt head. These ratchet washers are prevented from turning by the introduction of small locking pieces which are bolted fast to the large ring washer, being held down by the thin nuts shown. The ratchet washers have 11 teeth, and hence each bolt ma}' be locked at ^^ part of a turn. Fig. 247 shows a method b}- Maudslay. Here each pair of bolts is held by a flat key which permits locking at j\ part of a revolution. THE CONSTRUCTOR. A continuous washer ring is not used with this method, but one washer is put under each pair of bolt heads, to which the lock- ing key is bolted. Another method b}' Maudslay is shown in Fig. 248. A double washer is placed under two adjacent bolt Fig. 248. heads, and each bolt is locked by a small block held against one of the faces of the bolt head by a small bolt. Three bolt holes situated 40° apart are tapped in the washer for each block, thus giving au adjastment of xV of a turn. The method by Penn gives the best opportunity for adjustment. I 86. Spsciai, Forms op Screw Threads. Screw threads of square or trapezoidal section may be used for bolts, but in their use it is desirable to use a deeper nut in order to secure a sufficient number of threads in the nut to keep the pressure per square inch on the thread within the pre- scribed limits. Trapezoidal threads are well suited for bolts, since the relation between s and d permits the use of the same proportions as those given for V threads in Fig. 211. In fact the thread in Fig. 250 may be given the same proportions as that in Fig. 211, for depth t, and pitch 5, making the angles respectively equal to 0° on one side and 45° on the other. These forms of screw-threads are principally used for screw- presses and for similar uses. In order that the nut may not wear or grind out, the working pressure on the threads should not exceed say 700 lbs. per square inch. These conditions will obtain, according to (73), when the number of threads w, in the cast iron or bronze nut is not less than = 0.00035 -S"- 1-3- 40-3i) If t=i — d, we have w = 0.00245 '$'=0.0031; (87) ^1 = 0.0134 v//' = 0.0134 X 234.5 = 3.14^' The depth of thread, from (85) = ^-— = 0.392'', which gives ^ = 3.92^', or about 3— z"''- From (87) we have, making j = 7710 lbs., the mimimum num- ber of threads in the nut « •= 00245 '$"= 17.4 which gives for the height of the nut for square thread h = ns = 17.4 X .785= 13.65''', while for trapezoidal thread /i= 17.4 X. 523 = 9.1''. In many cases the diameter of such screws is made greater than the normal diameter indicated in the preceding discussion Fig. 25 Fig. 252. Fig. 249. Fig. 250. For such screws the diameter d^, at the bottom of thread, is generally determined from formula (72). If, however, it is desired to make the diameter d^ a mimimum, we must consider the pressure to act only on one side of the thread in the nut and then take the pressure per square inch at double the previ- ous allowance, or 1 = 7110 lbs. We then have. for the given load. Such screws may be called enlarged S( as compared with the normal dimensions as previously deter- mined. For such screws the same cross section of thread and the same height of nut may be given as for the normal screw 'of the same load, in which case the wear will practically be the same for both examples. Enlarged screws are frequently used for presses, where the diameter must be made greater than indi- cated "by formula (84) in order to resist bending stresses. I 87. Screw Connections, Flange Joints. In screwed connections a distinction may be made as to whether the force acts parallel to the direction of the axis, or at right angles to it. The latter condition, which produces shearing stresses, is shown in the examples given in Figs. 251, 252 and 253. If we take d, as the diameter of the rod through which the force acts, we may call d\ the bolt diameter, and (84) ^1 = 0.0134 v'^] P= 5S68 dl J The depth of thread, both for square and trapezoidal threads, is, d and for square threads— and for trapezoidal threads — s=^d=- 15 Formula (84) is applicable to screws of locomotive springs, since in this case the conditions are well complied with. Fig. 253. Fig. 254. Fig. 255. then determine their relation for various cases. In Fig. 251, d'=d ; in Fig. 252, d'= lA d ; in Fig. 253, d^=d ; the increased diameter for Fig. 252, being given because it is possible in that case for the load to act so unequally that the greater portion may pass through one of the rods. Fig 254 shows a tumbuckle THE CONSTRUCTOR. 59 ■with right and left hand thread. In this it is desirable to make the nut somewhat deeper than d, as shown. A form of junc- tion piece for a point where four members meet is shown in I^'ig- 255. _ Such examples as the preceding are of frequent oc- '1 bridge and roof construction. ■"■ F'lG. 256. Fig. 257. Fig. 258. made of plate T and angle iron. The diagonal rods and braces to resist the action of the wind are connected to the upper chord by means of a bolt passing entirely through the beams and threaded at both ends. The nut on the left end is in the form of a fork to receive the ends of the braces, while the right hand end is fitted with a thin octagonal nut. The ends of the braces are held by a bolt passing through the fork, with a nut at each end. The pins are carefully turned and closely fitted ;t after years of service they show no signs of looseness.J The proportions are such that stress on the bolts does not exceed * Other good examples of similar work in roof construction may be found in %. Brandt's "Iron Constructions," Berlin, Ernst and Korn, 1871, 2d Edition. t It is well known that variations in tempei ature during- the boring of the holes for the pins in the eye bars may make sufficient difference to mater- ially affect the fit. This has been overcome by the iise of a double boring machine which the author saw at work in the notable bridge works at Phoenixville, whereby both ends are bored simultaneously, the distance being gauged by a wrought iron jig bar, which varied in length to the same extent as the eye-bars themselves. X See H. Fontaine, " I'lndustrie des Etats Unis," Paris, Baudrj', 1878. Rol- ler, Highway Bridge's New York, Wiley, 1878. 15,000. lbs, in most cases not more than 10,000 to 12,000 lbs. The e connection of the posts to the chords (in the illustration the riv- ets are omitted) is both simple and strong. The posts are provided with cast iron ends, which are fitted with square projections en- tering into the tops of the posts ; in these capitals are wrought iron dowel pins which pass through the lower angle iron and lower plates of the top chord. The diameter a', of the main bolts varies from 4 to 5>^ or 6 inches or even heavier, according to the load. Their dimensions are based upon as bearing stress of 8000 lbs., while the diagonal braces and the lower chord are proportioned upon a tensile stress of 10,000 lbs. (a ratio of 0.8, see § 5). The compressive stress in the top chord is about 8,500 lbs., and in the posts, owing to the bending action, only about 5000 lbs. Fig. 258 shows an intersection on the lower chord of the Niagara railway bridge (9 spans over a total width of stream of about 1900 feet). In this case the posts and top chord are made of the ingetiious Phcenix column of quadrant iron. The illustration especially shows the method by which the cross beams are connected to the longitudinal members. In this case the stress in the body of the screw bolts is about 8000 lbs., rather more than given for press screws in \ 86. A cast iron base, through which the large pin bolt passes receives the thrust of the post, and to it the cross beams of I shape are bolted. On these cross beams are wooden stringers to which the roadway is secured. It will be noticed that these examples of bolt work far ex- ceed the limit of size set by the Society of German Fngineers for bolt dimensions, viz., 80 mm. or Zii,"- Should such sizes be necessary the formulae in \ 79 should be reconsidered. Fig 259. Fig 260. Fjg. 261, Bolt connections which bring shearing stresses upon the bolts are of frequent occurrence in bridges built with pin-con- nections, the general method in use in America. These designs exhibit very fully the substitution of bolt or pin-connections for riveting, and the method has been carried to great perfection. Some examples are here given. Figs. 256 and 257 show an in- tersection of several members of the bridge over the Ohio, at Cincinnati. The top chord and the posts are double, and are Fig. 262. ~ Fig 263. " Fig. 264. In uniting the various parts of iron constructions, flange joints are very frequently used. These are made in a great variety of forms for various conditions. The following figures show some examples of corner junctions with flanges. Fig. 259 shows three external flanges, with a dished base. Fig. 260, also three external flanges, with an external plinth on the base. Fig. 261 shows one external flange, and two which are half, external and half internal. Fig. 262 has three half external flanges and a base as in Fig. 260. Fig. 263 has also three half external flanges, and Fig. 264 two external and one half- external flange. The last three examples produce a more pleasing external appearance than the preceding forms. If the form shown in Fig. 262 is used, with the flanges all turned inward, the bolts cannot be unscrewed from without. Proportions for flange joints are shown in Fig. 265, the bolt diameter d, being obtained from the thickness of metal rf. The distance between bolts is usually 2>^ to 3 D, D being the width of the nut across the flat dimension. The width of flange is given in the illustration for metric sizes := 10 mm. -f- 2.8(5 r= y^" + 2.8(5. If the flanges are finished on the planing machine, a ledge is left for finishing, as shown on the left of Fig. 265, in order that a fair bearing may be secured. Flange joints which are to be bolted together without finishing are made as shown in Fig. 266, with a gasket of some form of elastic packing. Such flanges are sometimes made for vessels with very thin walls, and on the left of Fig. 266 is shown the method of assembling a cylindrical vessel, such as a water tank. The base has internal flanges for the bottom pieces, with an external flange for the connection to the body. By turning the flanges of the bottom inward a flat exterior base is obtained, well aciapted to sustain the load of the water. The walls are very light, (5 = only about %" , the bolts are y^" diameter, and their distance from centre to centre, in the base, 13.5 d, and in the vertical joints of the walls 15 d, and in the circumferential joints 20 d. IHE CONSTRUCTOR. Unloaded Bolt Connections. Various methods have been adopted to relieve bolts, in a connection, from the direct stresses due to the load, much in the same manner as has been described in \. 'ji, for ke3ed uectious. In Figs 267 and 26S are shown methods of notching two plates together. The bolts are relieved from the action of tensile or compressive stresses which act normal to the direction of the tongue and groove. Fig. 269 shows a method of constructing a prismatic intersec- tion so as to relieve the bolts from transverse stresses ; while through both plates, the diameter d at the thread being (>%", and in the body sVi" ■ The shoe is tongued into the sole plate Fig. 265. Fig. 270 shows a very convenient and useful form in which the projections on each piece lip over the other, greatly increasing the security of the connection. The bar may be made of wrought iron and the fitting should be made to conform carefully to the position of the bolt holes. If the parts are large they are often both made of cast iron, and in some cases a turned dowel is let into both parts. The Fig. 269. and the latter is supported by the masonry of the pier. The hi ' ' ' ■ ' )r the reception of the bolt by which tl: e braced together. Fig. 266. constructions shown in Figs. 269, 270, are used in the frame- work of large water-wheels, in which case the lower piece is made flat, thickened wherever it may be found necessary. In many cases the lateral stresses are not great, while at the same time it is not desired that the bolts shall be made to fit closely. In such positions dowel pins are frequently used, being made of steel and fitted to reamed holes. An example of bolt connection of large proportions, in which the lateral stresses are relieved, is shown in Fig. 271. This is taken from the bridge over the Mississippi at St. Louis, and shows the bearing of the end of the lower member of one of the arches, which are composed of steel tubes. There are four such bearings at the end of each arch, or 24 bearings in all. The shoe to which the end of the tube is fitted is made of wrought iron, and the sole plate, of cast iron. Three bolts pass Fig. 271. CHAPTER V. tournals. Various Kinds of Journals. 'i 89. Journals are made for the purpose of permitting parts of machinery to rotate about a geometrical axis and hence they are necessarily round, and their use involves some form of bearing or box for a support. A journal may be subjected to pressure upon its side, or rather, normal to its axis ; or the pressure may act lengthwise, in the direction of the axis. This gives us the two divisions ; 1, Lateral journals. 2, End, or thrust journals. In the calculations relating to these, both the questions of strength and of friction must be considered. In machine con- struction many forms of journals are employed, the most important of which will be here considered. THE CONSTRUCTOR. A. LATERAL JOURNALS. Overhung Journals. I 90 A lateral journal which is counected on one side only to the member to which it belongs is said to be overhung. Such jour- nals are usually made cylindrical, as in Fig 272, with a collar at the outer end, the height of the shoulder e above the diame- ter d being — e= yi'' -\- 0.07 d (88) If the lateral pressure = P, the length of the journal = /, ^=^^(t)/T y 16 p 1 po .(90) Yi in which a is a constant, dependent upon material and lubrica- tion. By combining (91) with (89) we get : -f-^T/" occur, but while fair results are obtained with the smaller values, the increased value of a secures greater durability. Good lubrication is of the highest importance, and especially a good distribution of the lubricant over the bearing surfaces. For bronze bearings under favorable conditions when the pressure is constantly in one direction, a may be taken ^ 75, while if the direction of pressure is periodically reversed, a may be taken = 150. The following table will give the general proportions for lateral journals : and the permissible stress at the root of the journal = S, we have for the diameter to resist the pressure The ratio of /:fi^, determines the superficial pressure between journal and bearing. In ordinary circumstances the pressure per /> unit of area on the lower half of the bearing is/ = j-j . When the journal is revolving, this pressure is not the same at all points,, but has at the base line a value = p" = — /, and at any angle {3, from the base line, a value/' = — /cos/?.- Since the relation between/" and/ is constant, we may use the lat- ter value for all purposes of calculation. For any given value of /, we have from the preceding : In order that the wear may not be too great at high rotative velocities, it is advisable to take/, somewhat less than the max- imum value given above, and it may be made proportional to u, the number of revolutions per minute, or : ■(91) These four equations should be applied and the greater values / ^i The maximum value of * = . a For the value of the constant, the following considerations obtain. If the pressure on the journal acts constantly in the same direction it produces a higher superficial pressure on the lubricant than when, for example, the pressure is reversed frequently, as in a steam-engine crank pin. In the latter case there exists a kind of pumping action between the journal and bearing, which constantly draws the oil into the bearing surfaces, keeping them lubricated so that a higher value of / may be taken than when the pressure is acting continuously in one direction. Such bearings, however, are frequently subjected to violent thrusts and shocks, so that a lower value of S should be taken than with journals in which the directions of pressure is constant. For journals which only make a partial revolution, much higher pressure may be permitted, than for revolving journals. The former may be classed as journals at rest, as dis- tinguished from running journals. The constant a in equation (91) must be determined ifrom practical considerations. It will be found that in practice, wide variations in the value of a )PORTIONS DF JOURNALS. brought Iron. ' CoiistaKt Pressure. Cast Iron. Steel. 8500 4260 14,220 8500 4260 14,220 0.5 0.5 0.5 o.oi7v/p 0.0248^/^ o.oi35v/> / tiermittent Pressure. Cast Iron. Steel. 8500 4260 14,220 8500 4260 14,220 0-5 o-S 0.5 o.oi7^P o.o245.^P o.oi35v/p £ o 9vii 360 4260 Wrought Iron. Cast Iron. Steel. p = 1422 700 1422 s = 7000 3500 • 11,840 ^ := 8500 14,220 [All 1 -J- = O.I3v^,T O.lJ^n ' = 0.0244 y ~f^p 0-OI9 y ^v \/i' If « > 150, the ratio of I : d, is first approximated and the value substituted in the last formulas of the table. THE CONSTRUCTOR. For hollow journals the following proportions may be adopted. Let d^ = the external and t/^ the internal diameter of the equivalent solid journal, f = - '- , we have : V' the length of both solid and hollow journals being the ■, the ratio of diameter to length is to be the s; f ■ (95) (93) a diameter of o. We : fro do = I.02 X 0.043 s/ 309,210 = 24-38" and a length /» = 24.38 X 1.5 = 36.57" which gives a pressure of about 350 pounds per square inch of projected area. The actual dimensions of these journals are a'o=i9^'', /q^iS", which gives a stress at the base of the journal of a little over 4000 lbs., but the actual bearingis only isH" long, which gives * Portfeuille de John Cockerill, I. p. 189. a pressure of nearly 1000 lbs. per square inch, which appears to be too great ; and in actual practice these journals are obliged to be kept cool with water. In actual practice there is very little uniformity in the pro- portions of journals. Sometimes the distinction between con- stant and alternate action of load is considered but often it is neglected. In the case of locomotive crank pins, for example, p is frequently as high as 1500 to 3000 pounds per square inch, and on the cross head pin, as high as 4500 pounds. On the other hand quite low values of p are sometimes found on the crank pins of marine engines, f In all cases careful lubrication is of the utmost importance. When the number of revolutions is very great the length of the journal should be made greater than is given above. Table of Journals. from which the following series is obtained. d-^ : df, = Tp ^ 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.8 I : .^ 1 — -^i = i.oi 1.02 1.05 1. 10 1. 14 1. 19 I : V^ I _ ,/,4 = I.OI 1.03 1.06 1. 15 1. 21 1.30 In both cases there exists a smaller superficial pressure for the hollow journal than for the solid one. A common ratio of internal to external diameter is 0.6, and such journals were fre- quentl}' used in cast iron work and are again being used in con- nection with hollow steel shafting and axles. Bronze boxes or their substitutes, such as white metal or other combinations, belong more especially to the subject of bearings (§ 96), and their use permits a higher superficial pres- sure without creating an excessive increase in the coefficient of friction. For moderate speeds, boxes of cast iron give results which are as satisfactory as can be obtained with bronze. This is especially the case with machines which are actuated by hand. For heavier or continuous service cast iron boxes are only suit- able when the pressure is not great, and examples of such bearings will be given in a later chapter. Bearings of wood maj' be operated satisfactorily at a pressure double that which is used with bronze, if the journal runs in water, or is kept wet. For heavy mill shafting making from 60 to 80 revolutions per minute, wooden bearings lubricated with grease are often used. For mill spindles, boxes with bearings of willow wood are sometimes used with good results. In this case the speed some- times exceeds 100 revolutions per minute, but the pressures are light. ? 91- Examples and Tabi^es of Journai,s. In the following tables are collected the results of the for- mulse (93) in which the number of revolutions of the journal is assumed to be not greater than 150. 1. E-Kample. a water wheel weighing 66,000 pounds carries a load of 212 cubic feet of water. The axis of the wheel is of cast iron, and the load is equally distributed between the two journals, giving a load upon each journal of 33,000 + 6605 = 39,605 lbs. The nearest value to this in the table is 40,058 lbs., which would give a diameter of S>^ inches, and a length of J2j^ inches. 2. Example. A wrought iron shaft for a similar load, but subjected to alternating action, should have, according to the table, a diameter of about 5H". and the same length. If in cast steel, with alternate action, diameter should be about 4^4 inches, and length of 4.75 X 1-3 = 6.175". 3. Example.* The centres of the walking beam of the water engine at Blevberg in Belgium each bear a load of 3c "-- *"' - '- '^ - ' " Direc<^io 1 of Load Constant. Direction of Load Varying. Wrt. Iron Castlron Steel Wrt. Iron C'tlron Steel T = "= ~d^^'^ d d ~' ^^'■' 1121 554 1419 1419 724 1833 2523 866 ■ 1247 3193 2217 3193 1629 2188 1698 4346 4346 5163 4485 5677 5677 2896 7009 3465 8871 8871 4526 8481 10734 5476 13861 10093 12774 12774 16495 11845 14992 14992 19359 13738 17.^87 17387 8870 22709 22709 29325 20256 25637 25637 33106 22709 11227 28742 37"5 25303 32025 41353 35484 . 35484 33924 42935 ' 42935 55443 19959 51096 51096 65982 23424 59967 59967 79260 5495 27167 69548 69548 89809 31187 103097 CL^^ lt^% 102520 117301 90838 44909 "49^5 114915 148460 128097 128097 165413 141935 183284 156483 135696 670B7 171741 171741 221773 148313 73324 187709 187709 161489 79838 204386 2043B6 263934 ^. Example. An axle on a railway carriage makes from 2< ns per minute ; n may taken = 270, and from'(93) we have s made from 1 blowers made by 1 length. revolutions'; hen x/i2oo' =4.5, or for steel -— = 0.17 \/i2oo= 5 t, of Boston, have steel shafts, with the j( ? 92. Neck Journals. When a journal is placed between two loaded parts of a as shown in Fig. 274, it is called a Neck Journal. ..i3s/270 s of fan In such cases the diameter (/' is dependent upon other condi- tions than those of mere pressure. In order that the wear t See Marks, " Crank Pins and Journals," Philadelphia, Kildare, where the following values of p are given ; Swatara, 400 ; Saco, 4" ; TS anoag, 725 ; Wabash, 470. The third of these engines had a C5'linde; diameter, and crank pin 16'' dia., 27" long, and the stress in the prec cases was respectively, 4039, 3071, 10,537, and 2745 lbs. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 63 may not be greater than in the case of overhung journals, the conditions of speed, lubrication, bearing metal, being the same, the length should not be made less than the corresponding end journal. If it is practicable to make the length greater, it may be done to advantage, and the weai thereby greatly re- duced * In many cases, however, the lack of space limits the length, as for example, in the case of crank axles for inside connected locomotives. Such journals are properly considered merely as enlarged end journals. For hollow journals of this type formula (94) may be used. I. Example. Borsig's Express Locomotive at the Vienna" Exposition. f The journal of the rear drawing axle of steel was loaded with 13,200 lbs. d' = ^y%", I' = y{'^" According to the table the ^corresponding journal is given asrf= 3^", /= 3-125 X 1.94 = 6.1", and/ = '^'^°° = 692.4 lbs. In this case /' is much greater than /, and for the given values of/', and d' ehave/= _ -=253.3 lbs. and if, as in the beginning of § 90, we put p ngof §90, we put d\Ap yi p. .(96) ■(97) Proceeding as in \ 90 we obtain the following collection of proportions. FormulcE for Fork Journals. Covstant Pressure. WroughtJIron. Cast Iron. Steel. = 8500 4250 14,220 5 = 4250 14,220 iV P 0.0095 v//" Wrought Ir 8500 4250 4250 Steel. 14,220 = O.OI2I\//' 0.0\-]\V P 0.0095 v/P Constant Pressure. Wrought Iron. Cast Iron Steel. = 711 355 711 = 8500 4250 14,220 = 3 3 4 = 0.0212 v//* 0.029 \//' 0.0185 \/p ♦ See I 109. tSee Berliner Verhandlung, 1874, p. 3 Wroi.ght Iron. Steel. 1422 _ o.oiSSv//' 0.026 \//' 0.0158 n//' ire seldom used, and need ; noticed that these Fork 2. Example. In the same locomotive the forward axle carried the crank pin journal upon which the entire force of the piston was exerted. The total pressure on the piston was 32,120 lbs., and the dimensions of the pin -were d' = ^Ys.", V = 4K"- The corresponding values from the table of the preceding section give a^ = 4X'^, '^ = 4,25 X 1.3 = 5>^''/' = about 1400 lbs. The actual value oip, for the sizes used is — ^—- = 17^0 4.125 X 4-5 lbs. In this case I' is less than /, on account of lack of room, which accounts for the increase in superficial pressure. I 93- Fork Journals. A Neck Journal which is held at both ends in a yoke or fork, as shown in Fig. 275, may be called a Fork Journal. Such journals may safely be made of lesser diameter than those which are overhung. If we let /'= the load, /:= length, andrf = diameter, and s, the maximum permissible stress, we have from case VIII. I 6, Fig. 277. Fig. 275. Journals are comparatively small in diameter and of greater length ratio than the preceding forms. Example. A Fork Journal of wrought iron bears a load P= 4400 lbs., act- ing constantly in one direction and revolves at a moderate speed. We have then rf= 0.0212 •\/44oo = 1.4", / =" 1.4" X 3 = 4.2". For an overhung journal under similar conditions we have, from the table of g 91, d = 2", / = 3". The product of the length and diameter is approximately the same in both cases. If the length 4.2" is found inconveniently long, it may be diminished, providing d be proportionally increased. The strength will then be un- necessarily increased and the resistance of friction somewhat greater. These are only examples of the many variations which are to be met among the many conditions of practice. I 94- Multiple Journals. In some cases the resistance of friction becomes so great that a modification of the fork journal is resorted to in order to re- duce it within practical limits. Such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 276, which may be called a multiple journal. If we as- sume the load to be equally distributed among the plates, this n arrangement' may be considered as a series of fork journals. If the number of members on each side be taken =: K, each pair will support a K^ portion of the load P, and d will be/^t LS large as would be required for a simple fork journal. I'iK -- '^n- 0.7 0.57 0.5 0.45 0.41 0.38 0.35 Journals of this kind are generally of the slow-moving class, with a length ratio = i. The total length of journal is the = 2 K d. Journals of this sort will be found is some varieties of chain links, of which examples will be given later. * * Joints of this kind may sometimes be subjected satisfactorily to a greater pressure than the calculation would indicate. Engineer Vollhering has used such a joint in a system of levers to operate a heavy drawbridge. In this case the load was about 95,000 lbs. K = io, the thickness of each plate |", d= i^^, both plates and journal being of steel. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Half Journai,. lu those cases iu which the reduction of the moment of fric- tion is of great importance, the length of a journal may be somewhat increased, if the bearing surface is limited to one- half the circumference, as shown iu Fig. 277, which shows such a bearing, the load acting constantly in one direction and the movement extending only through a small angle. In such cases it is desirable to have a small supplementary journal as shown in the figure, in order to meet unexpected lateral pres- sures. In such half journals, provided the unused side of the material is proportionally increased, d is independent of P, and p only is to be considered. We have for Wrought Iron. Cast Iron. Steel. Po = 8500 4250 14,220 p = 6700 3340 11,160 nple: ?or a pressure P— 220,0c lbs., acting in a constant di upon a slow moving journal of wrought iron, we have from (93) rf = 0.017 ■v/220,000 = 7 .97'^ sa y S", and / = 4"; for a fork journal, according to (98) d = 0.0121 ■v/220,000 = 5.67", and / is the same; for a multiple bearing with eight parts on a side d = 0.35 X i-(>l = 1-98", say 2", and a total length 7^2 X 16 ^ 32". If now we take lor a half journal the same conditions and make d = 2", we get /= 2 X 8= 16". We may, however, make d ■=.!.$", in which case/ = T.\" X 16 = 2128". The journal friction will in this case be J that of the overhung journal, ^fg that of the fork journal, | that of the multiple bearing journal, which latter is nearly 60 per cent, longer. An application of this form of journal will be seen in Fossey's Coupling. Woolf has also used it on the cast iron crosshead of a large pumping engine.* The principle of the half journal may be seen carried to its extreme limit in the knife edge bearings of weighing machine in which the friction is reduced to a minimum. The superficial pressure upon these very small surfaces is correspondingly high, ranging from 15,000 to 150,000 lbs. per square inch. The hardened steel edges and bearings seem to be able to stand these pressures without injury, f Rennie's experiments with cast iron journals in bronze bear ings, with copious lubrications : When p = 3.2 175 315 492 668 739 / = 0.157 0.225 0.215 0.222 0.234 0.234 no account being taken of v, in these experiments. Hirn experimented with cast iron on bronze with full lubri- cation, the value of v being equal to 335 feet per minute : When/ = 3 5.26 7.54 9.71 12 /= 0.0376 0.021 1 0.0226 0.0199 0.0183 and these experiments showed that for small values of/, J diminishes as/ increases. Hirn also found that if/ remained constant, and equal to 12 lbs., that when z; = 92 164 184 275 327 335 367 /"= 0.0086 0.0121 0.0128 0.0165 0.0181 0.0183 0.0191 thus being at all times quite small, but still constantly increas- ing with the increase of velocity. Morin's researches gave with pressures of 14 to 20 pounds per square inch, values of y, from 0.05 to o.ii for journals lubri- cated with oil, and from 0.08 to 0.16 when lubricated with grease. The following results were obtained at the Royal Technical Academy from experiments after Morin, upon Clair's apparatus. The journal was of wrought iron in brass bearings, freely lubri- cated with oil. First Test. Second Test. Bearing Surface . ..... . 12.800 sq. mm. 128 sq. mm Total pressure P 16.5 kilo 1 6. 5 kilo Pressure pr. sq. mm. . . . . . 0.00129 kilo 0.129 " Observed friction 1.25 kilo 2.65 " Coefficient _/ 0.076 0.160 The author's experiments with an apparatus resembling a Prowny brake with surfaces of wrought iron on bronze with good lubrication and vel.ocities of 30 to 35 feet per minute, gave the following results : Friction of Journals. New journals show greater frictional resistance than those which have worn to a good bearing. At first the journal only comes in contact with the metal of the bearing in a limited number of spots until after a moderate amount of wear the superficial pressure is distributed over the projected area of the bearing, giving the value of/, as indicated in I 90.$ For a diameter d, and load P, for a cylindrical journal, whose coefficient of friction =/, we have for the initial force F, which the resistance of friction holds iu equilibrium, for new, unworn journals W /■= 50 122 192 335 484 624 y^ 0.090 0.087 0.095 o. 1x8 0.171 0.184 o.: 711 Here the value of f was doubled, while/ increased 15 times. If/ remained constant and equal to 470 lbs. we have /= 34-64 o 191 0.167 and for smoothly worn journals F^ ±fP The reduction in frictional resistance is equal to ^ ; or about o.Si times less in a smoothly worn bearing than in a new one. The actual value of F is, however, greatly dependent on f. This, however, is not only dependent on the lubrication and condition of surfaces, as according to the theories of Morin and Coulomb, but also upon the superficial pressure/, and speed of rubbing surfaces v. | Additional researches upon this subject are yet greatly to be desired. 11 In this case the coefficient of friction diminishes for an increase in the value of v, contrary to the results in Hirn's observations, the value of/ being above 40 times greater than Hirn used. These latter results appear to be more in accordance with Morin's, in that the friction of rest is greater than the friction of motion, and hence for small velocities the friction should be greater than with higher velocities. This law appears to hold good only between certain limits for v, either side of which / increases for increasing velocit}'. Hirn's researches lay beyond these limits. Those of the author are only preliminary to a fuller series of observations. The following table give some results of the wear on boxes of various kinds in railway service : * See Tredgold, " Cornish Pumping Engines." ires as high as 425,000 lbs. per square inch _ _ . „ an sV wide. The knife edges on the large Werder Testing Machine at the Royal Technical Academy are 360 mm. long, and sustain a maximum pressure of 100,000 kilograms, or 277.8 kg. per mm , or at J mm., in width is equal to 556.6 kilograms per square millimetre, or 810,000 lbs. per square inch, and this pressure has been sustained without apparent injury. J Engineer, Nov., 1873, p. 312, co: upon the action of railway axles i The following abstract gives the res The brasses were all .poured from the same crucible and consisted of a Distance, Km. for Wear on 4 boxes in Kind of Alloy .11 a wear of i kilo- grammes for 1000 gramme from 4 boxes. Kilometres. Kilometres. Grammes. I. Gun Metal 83 Cu. 17 Sn. . . 90,390 11.06 " 82 Cu. 18 Sn. . . 99,900 3 White Metal3Cu.9oSn. 7Sb. 13.83 " 5Cu.85Sn. loSb S8;i45 i Lead Composit'n 84 Pb. 16 Sb 81,280 12.30 Phosphorbronze 2.33 7 Parsons' White Brass . . . 385,'275 2.60 8. Dewrance's Babbit Metal . 637,679 1-57 mixture of 7 parts copper and i part tin. They all worked under the same car and all had the same lubrication; In running 28000 miles the losses were as follows ; Journals. Boxes. ^•^zf./r||' '°Pr^": ^^^=f^ ^<=|;..=^i; - „^,l; ■■ _.\.. Taking the journal load as 11,000 lbs., the value oip in :the three cases is 612, 554 and 427 lbs. % Nos. I to 6 are from the work of Dr. Kunzel on Bronze bearings, Dresden, 1875. The others are from The Engineer, Vol. 41, 1876, pp. 4 and 31, all be- ir g given an metric quantities as readily comparable. THE CONSTRUCTOR. B. THRUST BEARL\GS. §97- Proportions ok Pivots. A thrust bearing which is formed on the eud of a shaft and bears the pressure upon its sectional area, is termed a pivot. For ordinary cases these are made in the form shown in Fig. 178. The pressure p is uniformly distributed over the area of the end of the shaft, and the velocity is proportional to the dis- tance p of auy given element from the centre. A small oil chamber of a radius i\ is formed in the middle of the bearing. If the outer radius is Tq, we have and for the elements on the outside radius A= '^^ In the formulae for a uniformly distributed pressure p, we have taken ^1 = ^ n and the two diametral oil channels are made of a width = -^^ d. We then have for a given load P : F=Si6pd^ (loi) In order that there may not be too much wear for fast run. Example i. A crane in the harbor of Cherbourg carries a load of 33,000 lbs. on an end pivot 6J" diameter. Adding its own weight of 6600 lbs. gives a value J°= 39,600 lbs. This is a slow moving pivot and we have from the table for this load a diameter between 6a" and 7.00". A similar crane of 4000 pounds weight and 20,000 pounds load has ii = 6-f^", while the table would give about 54". E.N;ample 2. A driving shaft making 100 revolutions per minute, with a load of 2200 lbs., should have, by the table, a diameter of about 2|". Example 3. A turbine, making 200 revolutions per minute and 3080 Ibs^ load, should have a step, according to (103), of 0.004 \/p>i = 0.004 v/soSo x 200 The length of journals in the case of such pivots is usually made from i to 1.5 d, its value being suflSciently great to pro- vide for the lateral pressure. :nd have for high . . . .(102) ning bearings (see I 90) we may take ^ speed pivots : F=Si6d'^ Alternating pressures do not occur in these bearings and need not be considered. The value of a may be taken for wrought iron on bronze as = 75. Bearings of lignum vitse running in water may bear loads of 1500 pounds per square inch even at high speeds.* The following formulae and tables will serve for the propor- tions for end pivots : Formui 150 Bronze. 1/^=1422 [«' = o.035v//> \p = joo ]^d = o.05^p [«=75 I d= 0.004 y/pff Fl,A T Pivots. d= 0.035 ^~P 0.05 v/^ 0.07 ^j^ J 816 398 204 1-25 1275 622 319 1.50 1836 895 459 1-75 2500 1219 625 2.00 3265 1592 816 2.25 4132 2016 1033 2.50 5102 2488 1275 2.75 6173 3011 1543 3.00 7347 3494 1836 325 8622 4205 2155 3-50 1 0000 4877 2500 3-75 11479 5599 2869 4.00 13061 6370 3265 4.25 14745 7192 3686 4-50 16530 8063 4132 4-75 18418 8983 4604 5.00 20498 9954 5102 5-25 22140 10974 5535 5-50 24694 12044 6673 5-75 26990 13164 6747 6.00 29388 14334 7344 6.25 31890 15630 7972 6.50 34490 16900 8623 6.75 37190 18220 9298 7.00 41690 19600 lOOOO Fig. 27; There is a general tendency in machine practice to use smaller diameters for pivot bearings,! in order to reduce the resistance of friction. In order to reduce the effect of higher speeds upon pivots bearing heavy pressure a series of disks is often used. If, in Fig. 279, the number of plates between the end of the spindle and the step is i, 2, 3, 4, . . . 2, we have for the proportion of turns between each pair of surfaces }i, }{, ]4> r times n. This device has been used for steps of turbines, mill spindles, etc., by Escher, Wyss & Co., Reiter and others. But few ex- amples now remain of this firm for the thrust bearings of screw propeller shafts ; the disks bound together and were I . . tniT -a-|— , Fig. 279. overheated and injured. So far as experience indicates, such thrust bearings are capable of standing pressures of 1400 pounds per square inch or even more. The important point to be con- sidered is, therefore, the reduction of the superficial pressure p. The use of other materials than iron, wood or bronze, and their substitutes, such as white metal, Babbitt metal, etc. , has often been attempted. The subject of wooden bearings will be considered hereafter. Besides the use of hardened steel, which is of small value for great pressures, such bearings have also been made of stone, glass,| or hard burned clay,^ but none of 1 Madgeburg, a boring mill is made ;ast iron Dearings, with a superficial pressure of more Lfiaii 20,000 pounus, without ill results. t Bearings of glass have been used for more than twelve years at the works of E. Acker & Co., at Graggenan, near Rastatt. These bearings are very- durable and cheap and require but little lubrication. § Shown at the Exposition of 1867, by Leoni, of I^ondon, with good results. 66 THE CONSTRUCTOR. these materials have come into general use. Girard used a pump to keep a film of water between the friction surfaces, and after deducting the power to operate the pump showed a very light resistance* A similar device was shown by Girard at the Exposition of I S67, in which the water jet was 'operated by a blast of air. This apparatus was rather of the nature of a scientific apparatus, than as a practical application. There were also exhibited journals which ran in bearings in which water was inclosed. f The experience of general practice, how- ever, shows that the ordinary forms are sufficient, without re- quiring the use of any of these complicated devices. Friction of Flat Pivot Bearings. If a flat pivot bearing with annular bearing surface, as in Fig 278, has an inner radius r^, aud an outer radius Tq with a load P, we have for the tangential frictional resistance in which / is the coefficient of friction. For rapidly pivots we have F = 2 V ''0 / • (104) what higher velocity . For this reason such bearings are not to be recommended when high values of P must be carried. The resistance of friction may be calculated by the formulae of the preceding section. Multiple Collar Thrust Bearings Thrust bearings are frequently made with a row of collars on the shaft as shown in Figs. 281-283. If the collars are similar the pressure may be taken as distributed uniformly among them, li f be a constant value we have for ;; coUa shut - part of the value is given by (104) for each collar, although the total frictional resistance will be the same, being the sum of the resistances of all the collars. Nevertheless the results of experience, especially with screw propeller shafts, shows the necessity of making m large in order to keep the pressure p as small as possible. This is due to the fact that heavily loaded shafts give, according to (104), so great frictional resistance as to case excessive heating and consequent injury, and experi- mental researches have shown the value in reducing p, and consequently/. The best values of p lie between 40 to 80 pounds per square inch. When bearing of this kind is placed at the end of a shaft it may be reduced in diameter as shown in Fig. 283, and in such cases p may be made somewhat greater, even as high as 350 pounds, but in such a case there is a great tendency to heat. The second value is rather less than the first, since, from the previous proportions r^ = i r^, which gives for running pivots Jr^ l/P, and the ratio of the two values is as 7 to 6, while it rj = O, it 'is as 4 to 3. For values of /see I 96. Example. In thecraneof example i, §97, -P= 39.6°° Itis. ro-a/s". 7^ = 3, /=o.i5. This gives in (104) F= 0.075 - X 39.6°° = 39^° lbs . 1 shaft 39,6( 39^°° The velocity v, at a radius ^0 = 275 ft. This gives in (104) taking/= /"=^ 39600 (1 H — '—\ = 3465 lbs. and4he friction horse power i: P = M^lilfZS _ 2g H p. 33000 n the Rhine atSchaffhausen. /'=3o8oolbs. «=- I 99- Collar Thrust Bearings. The use of collars to receive thrusts on hocizontal bearings 3S similar to such use on vertical shafts, and a form is shown in Fig. 280. In this case the inner diameter 2r^ cannot be less than the diameter/? of the shaft. It is best to make it suffi- ciently greater to permit a small oil channel to be used as shown in the figure, and oil ways should also be cut m the bearing surface. H. P. = — '*— il? = 10.7 H. P. Example 3. Girard Turbine at Geneva P= 33,000 lbs. M = 16, 2 n = -O = 9-8" y ^ 46.7 ft. From (104) we get .F= 2970 and the friction horse-power Is H. P. =?2^— ^^= 4 H. r. 33.000 Example 4. Langdon lays down the rule that for collar thrust bearings of screw propeller engines there should be 5< square inch of surface for every indicated horse-power.? If N — the horse power and c the velocity of the ship **ExImpteT° A^\''rge centri?ugaVmachine by Langen & Sons, ]n Cologne, as a collar step of the following proportions : has a collar step P= 4400 lbs. n ! pressure, '' ' ' If r __ r, is made ttae same as before, good proportions will be obtained, although the rubbing surfaces will move at a some- *See Armengand, " Vignole des Mecaniciens," p. 139- t Exhibited by Jouffray. See Armengand " Progres de 1' tiniverselle," Vol. I, PI. 8. F= 260 and//'. P. = THE CONSTRUCTOR. 67 In all these examples the co-efficient of friction _/ has been iaken z= o.i, and for the moderate pressure of the first three ex- amples a lower value might have been taken. The examples ■will suffice to show the importance of the selection of a suitable value for/>, and other cases will be examined in § 122. The Compound Link as a Thrust Bearing. In the previously examined cases it has been the object of the various plans to reduce the journal friction to a minimum, but there are sometimes occasions in which it is desired to give a journal a definite amount of frictioual resistance, without danger of its sticking fast, so that it ma}' be rotated with a moderate force, and may also be readily clamped in any desired position. This maj- be accomplished, for example, by a thrust journal made in the form of a truncated cone. If the radii of the large and small ends are respectively r,, and i\ and the half angle a, we have for the force F, instead of (104), ./ ^i-:;)- and by varying the angle a, may give any desired value to F.* Very acute pivots sometimes bind in an injurious manner, and hence the increase of /^cannot be carried to an extreme in this way. Clamping of this sort may better be accomplished In Fig. 2S5 is shown a form of attachment in which a cross anchor piece is forged on the shank of the journal, and a slot mortised in the end of the shaft to receive it. After the journal Fig. 285. is in place it is clamped by driving on the previously heated metal bands (see § 62). The angle of taper is ^'j. Fig. 286 is a very good form in which the shank of the journal is keyed in Fig 288 place. In Fig. 2S7 is shown a cast iron journal with two wings, arranged to be driven in, and Fig. 288 shows the proportions of the same when four wings are used. If three wings are desired their thickness may be made equal to ^^ d. Fig. 284. by the use 'of compound bearing surfaces, so arranged as to press on each other, as shown in Fig. 284. Each plate then transmits the axial pressure to the next, li-m is the number of contact surfaces, the friction at the radius r^ of the bearing is found by an analogous equation to (104), Jr (-^) . (106) Example. Let F^P, and let/= ■« = whence, if i\ = yi 1% n Fig. 289. Fig. 289 shows a form in which the four wings are surrounded by a conical shell, which is held in place by bolts and anchor plates. The shell is sometimes made with key ways cast in it to act as a centre for the hub of a gear wheel. This arrangement has been used by the writer with S' many parts of machines where a clamp was desired. Formerly the joints of dividers were made with four plates at the pivot. Attachment of Journals. When a journal cannot be made in one piece with the rest of the shaft, various methods of attachment may be used ; such devices are mainly necessary in fitting iron iournals to wooden shafts, as for water-wheels. the friction of stop-cocks. Fig. 2Q0. Fig. 290 shows a very practical form. The journal is cast on a plate strengthened by heavy cross arms, and a wrought iron ring is shrunk on, while the whole is fastened to the shaft by the four bolts, whose nuts are let into the wood, as shown. THE CONSTRUCTOR. CHAPTER VI. BEARINGS, I 103. Design and Proportion. The mechanical devices bj' which the journals of shafts and axles are carried are called bearings. A complete bearing construction of bearings, and the following example will show its use : * The poles O, O^, 0^, Fig. 294, are used for the journal diam- eter d ; the poles F, F^ and /^j. fo^ those dimensions which de- pend on the modulus i/i= 1.15 fi?-f-o.4^'. This gives di:=0. , the boxes ; 2, the body or be divided into three portions frame ; 3, the connecting parts. The various forms may be divided according to their uses into the two main classes : A. Bearings for Lateral journals or Lateral Bearings. B Bearings for end-long pressure or Thrust Bearings. Under these classes the principal distinction is to be made as to the side on which the bearing is to be supported , Figs, Fig. suppose the journal to be inclosed m a cut 291, 292, we have for lateral bearings A Pillow Block, when the base lies in i, 2, 3, A Wall Bearing, " " " " 1-8 or 2-8, A Front Bearing, " " " " T-6or4-7, A Hanger, " " " " 5-7. For Thrust Bearings we may have Foot Step Bearings, Wall Step Bearings, or Hanging Step Bearings. Especial care is to be taken for the equalization of wear and for efficient lubrication, and these points affect mainly the boxes. The examples which follow have only been selected from the vast number of forms to show typical cases. The dimensions are based upon a proportional scale. As the unit for the thickness of the brasses we have ^=0.07 d -\- Ys'^, d being the bore of the boxes, and volues of e are given in the second column of the table in ? 91. The modulus for the body of the bearings is : ^1 = 1.15^-1-0.4'' (107) ^.—LATERAL BEARINGS I 104. Pii,i^'0=4-i6^ Hence E is also the pole for the oil cup. * The firm of Escher, Wyss & Co , in Zurich, have used the proportional ■ scale very well for. designing bearings, both in determining the geometrical proportions throughout and also by the excellent method of a single pole. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 69 Various Forms op Journal Boxes. It is often found convenient to give the boxes of a pillow- ^lock other forms than those of the preceding illustrations, as for example octagonal, as in Fig. 295, or cylindrical, as in Figs. 296 and 297. The last two forms are suitable for bearings in lathe headstocks, and in such cases the boxes are kept from XJX^XJ Fig. 295. Fig. 2 Fig. 297. slipping out of place by the flanges whose width is le, as shown in Fig. 296, or by projecting pins. Fig. 297, fitting into recesses in the base and cap. Each of these forms has its advantages and objections, and it is hardly possible to decide which form is the most desirable, special conditions being generally present. The modifications in the base and cap to admit the forms shown in Figs. 296 and 297 are readily made without requiring detailed instructions. Boxes in which white metal or similar compositions are used require special construction, since these materials are not strong enough to resist the stresses with the same security as solid bronze boxes ; for such bearings a cast-iron or bronze shell is made, in which a lining of the softer metal can be poured, as in Fig. 298. In such cases the shell should be cleaned with acid and tinned before pouring the lining metal. Boxes of lignum vitse (see W 97-117) must be made of simple shape. A convenient shape is shown in Fig. 299, which the general form of the bearing may be made. In America examples are often found of bearings in which Fig. 299. Fig. 300. the form shown in Fig. 294, ?. 105, so that the base may be re- moved from the base plate when necessary without disturbing the soliJity of the latter. The body of the pillow block is cored out to a greater extent than in the previous form, and when the journal is used for a crank shaft, or is subjected to jarring strains, the cap bolts should be provided with jam nuts, or some of the other forms of security, such as is shown in ^ 85. PiLi^ov/ Bi,ocK with Adjustabi,e Bearing. In many cases it is only necessary to adjust the height of pillow blocks from time to time by inserting liners beneath the the soft metal is run directly into recesses in the base and cap. Fig. 300 shows such a bearing as made for the journals of fan-blowers and shafting, by Sturtevant, of Boston. The base is hollowed out to serve as an oil chamber, and the oil is fed to the journal by a wick. The details are shown in Fig. 301. These journals are made very long (I = 4^), and hence the superficial pressure is small. I 107. Narrow Base Bearings. Large Pii^'^, and there are eight rings on the shaft and in the bearing. The six bolts are arranged so as to act both as cap bolts and fastenings for the bearing. The adjustment for wear is similar to the pre- ceding case. The dimensions are based on the same modulus as already given, viz. : d-^^= 1.15 d-\- o.df'. A most noticeable form of thrust bearing is that of Maudslay, THE CONSTRUCTOR. shown in Figs. 338 to 340, as used on the "Elizabeth." For each collar ou the shaft there is provided a separate ring and support, with means for ample lubrication. The bearing rings are made of horse shoe form, and are of cast iron lined with white metal. The collars on the shaft dip into an oil trough. They are also pro- vided with oil cups above, so that as in the case of the car axle box previously described, lubrication is supplied both above and below. Each ring may be adjusted by its own set screws, or all can be ad- justed together. The propor- tions are all based upon the previous modulus, fl'i^= 1.15 c? -f-0.4", and the shape and dimensions give an excellent appearance. In the " Eliza- ExAMPLES OF Thrust Bearings. The following examples are taken from twelve of the most important vessels of the German navy, the data being furnished to the author with the approval and authority of the Chief of Admiralty. The power and speed of the engines and the velocity of the vessel are all most important data, and are obtained from ofiELcial tests. From these may be obtained, as in \ 100, the maximum pressure upon the thrust bearing sur- faces. It is important to observe that in only two cases out of the tw'elve was a thrust ring used between the stern post and Fig. 338. Fig. 340. propeller hub. The elasticity of the hull of the ship may some- times cause the entire force to be thrown on the thrust bearing, and at other times much may be taken by the thrust ring. The data given in the table will also be found valuable for other purposes. EXAMPLES OF THRUST BEARINGS. No. Name Vessel Engines. =1 1 5 h s •si 11 11 ft °i2 Is u ll i-r 11 ll s Oil No ' Konig Wilhelm. Mandslay Sons & Field, London. 8325 I49I 18" 63.86 6 mony. 8.467 24K" 18" Water. Worked well. Ran warm thrust .ring post. Thrust Armored Frigate Kaiser. JohnPenn & Sons, Greenwich. 7803.3 1457 18" 77.00 8 Bronze. 7.104 23" 18IV' Ditto. before the thrust ring was applied Made with- out thrust ring m 3 Friedrich Karl. (Societe des Forges et ) ^Chantiers de la Mediter- > tranee, Marseilles. J f Stettiner Maschinenbau ) 35°3 1328 X5" 61.82 iI = i8K" 1=20^3" Metal. 8.004 18%" ^iW' Ditto. ring and ran its appHca- tion, works well. Ditto, 4 Preussen. \ AktiengesellschaftVulkan V 4386-7 1408 i654" 64.5 8 Bronze. 5-371 2o/8"j 16'/" Ditto. Worked well Ditto. 5 Leipzig. ■35193 M37 16" 72.4 8 Bronze. 4.816 i9H"| 16" Ditto. Ditto. Greenwich. '359-3 1 120 loK" 67.9 6 Bronze. 1-489 12^8" IO;^8" Ditto. Ditto. 7 Decked Corvette ^schinenbau. und Hiitten ^ 2598.8 IS';? 12K" 82.52 8 Bronze. 2,528 15" 12 M" Ditto. Ditto. tAktiengesellschaft. j Ran warmed first, after- p Decked Corvette Dilfo. 1726.9 1282 iiFs" 80.24 7 Bronze. 3.391 14K" ii^r" Ditto. Ditto. ed well. Decked Corvette Mazeline & Co., hA" 11 K" Worked No Augusta. " 62.09 " mony. 5-177 Ditto. well. thrust ring. Gunboat Moller & Hollberg 11. Nautilus. in Grabow. 504.2 7K" 109.30 mony. 1.159 93^" 1%" Ditto. Ditto with fStettiner Maschineubau "l thrust n Cyklop. < Aktiengesellschaft Vulkan \ (inBredow bei Stettin. J 245-4 .894 5K3" 143-89 4 ^^^ 0.496 7'X" 5^8" Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. .a ArmoredGuuboat Wespe. (Aktiengesellschaft, Weser"! 799-7 1054 kV." 13S.85 i=io%" 8=9^/8" Bronze. 1.728 93/8" 7K" Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. THE CONSTRUCTOR. CHAPTER VII. SUPPORTS FOR BEARINGS. Generai, Considerations. The function of a support for one or more bearings is to hold them iu a firm and definite position with regard to the frame or other parts of a machine. Such supports are nearly always made of cast iron, and iu the following treatment of the subject this material is the only one considered. Simple supports are those which are intended to hold but one bearing, in distinction from those supports which are ar- ranged to receive several. In both cases the following consid- erations should be observed as closely as may be, when, as is Simple Supports. A simple support for a single pillow block is shown in Fig. 341. It is intended lor a bearing such as is shown in \ 107 ; hence the upper portion is made correspondingly narrow. The two legs which form the main portions are reinforced by a cross girth, D E. The position of the points D and E may always be well ])laced by observing the following method: Taking the total lieight A jB as a diameter, draw from the centre E a semi-circle AGB; take the middle point of the arc A G B at C; join BG, and prolong it, making GH=AE; then join H to A, and draw GC parallel to HA, and A Cis the height from the base to the cross girth. The dimensions of the various parts are dependent upon the pressure on the bearing, and must usually be governed by the dimensions of the pillow block and by the judgment of the designer. In order to meet the requirements of Rule 5 of the preceding section, there should be under the pillow block a removable plate, which may be given a thick- ness of 0.3 a'p Fig. 342 is a similar form of support suitable for heavier di- mensions. Fig. 343 is a support for a wall bearing. This is arranged to be built into the wall, and forms an opening through which the shaft can pass, and resembling what a builder calls a bull's eye window. The pressure of the journal is received by the usually the case, the shafts which the bearings carry are fitted with gear wheels which should be near the bearings. 1. The bearings should be as near to the hubs of the gear wheels as practicable. 2. The pressure upon the journal should, in no case, act in the direction of the joint between the boxes. 3. The support for the boxes should be so arranged as to allow the easy removal of shafts and gear wheels. bracket bearing, which is supported on the key beneath, and can be removed without disturbing the shaft. One point which should not be overlooked is the bearing plate in the wall, shown in tangential dotted lines below the cylinder. The di- mensions in the illustration are based on the modulus d^ of the bearing. FIG. 342. 4. The number of bearing surfaces should be made as few as possible, and all finished surfaces should be capable of being finished at one setting on the planing machine. 5. Whenever possible, and especially in situations of difficult access, the bearings should be so disposed that the boxes may be removed and renewed without involving the removal of the shafts from their position. A wall bracket support is shown in Fig. 344. This is intended to carry a pillow block, and the T slot for the bolt heads e bles the distance of the bearing from the wall to be adjusted. This form may be used for bearings of various sizes. A simpler and lighter form of bracket is shown in Fig. 345. This is merely an arm attached to a wall and adapted for a horizontal shaft. Frequently the joint between the base of a bearing support and its foundation is made with cement. When this is done, the base is adjusted to its position, resting upon wedges, 'and the joint being closed with clay, the liquid cement is run in ; this THE CONSTRUCTOR. vrill harden iu a few days so that the wedges may be driven out and the bolts fully tightened. Multiple: Supports for Bearings. ^ Fig. 346 represents a bridge support. The vertical shaft A B comes from below, as for example, from a turbine, and trans- mits its motion to the horizontal shaft CD. The journal pres- sure acts at E, at right angles to the plane of the two shafts, Fig. 346. and at F it acts in an inclined direction downward, both from the pressure of the gear teeth, and also because of the weight of the wheels and shafts. These pressures are best received at E, by a yoke bearing as shown in | 1 13, and at F, by a bracket bearing, 'i 114, supported on an adjusting key. Fig. 347 shows a support for a step-beariug. Here the hori- zontal shaft A B runs in a bracket bearing at C, and transmits motion to a vertical shaft which is supported at D, by a step- step at F'\s used similar to that shown in Fig. 328. The upper part of the frame is made cir- cular in shape, so that a cast- iron cover may be placed over the pinion, as shown in the 1 tted lines. The base plate held down to the stone indation by four bolts ; two f the bolts pass through the lumns, as shown in the illus- tiations, and so bind the two plates firmly together. The plan view shows how the col- ; ums are keyed into the entab- lature. The base of the columns are let into the base plate as shown in Fig. 349, and an iron cement is used. Fig. 349- bearing, \ 119. The latter, as the illustration partially shows, is carried on an adjusting key in such a manner that it can readily be removed from below. The bridge which carries the step-bearing is bolted to the box-shaped base and the nuts for the foundation bolts are placed inside the base. Another form for similar service is shown in Fig. 348. The shaft A C, for the large gear-wheel terminates in the support and is provided with a small bracket bearing at C. On account of the position of the wheel, this is not very accessible. The bearings for the vertical shaft D E F, are intended to be of the form described in \ 1 20, a yoke bearing being fitted into a space cast in the upper part of the frame at E, while an independent THE CONSTRUCTOR. In Fig. 350 is shown a support for two vertical shafts, A and B, the motion being transmitted from one to the other by means of spur gears. The shaft A, for instance, may be that of a turbine wheel, and B, the main driving shaft of the mill.* At A there is a bracket bearing such as shown in Fi^. 314, and at ^ a step bearing, with a removable block beneath it, so that the bearing may be removed or examined without removing ther wheel or shaft. Fig. 351 shows a frame for a vertical shaft A B, which trans- mits its motion to a horizontal shaft D E. At C is a yoke bear- ing and a.t E a. bracket-bearing. The horizontal bevel gear is Fig 351 mclosed in the semi circular frame, so that a cover may easily be adapted, as in the previous case The removal of the vertical shaft IS not quite so con\ enient in this form as in some others, but presents no serious difficulty In some cases the lower part of the frame is entirely closed and the shaft inclosed m a sort of pilaster, to avoid accidents For a shaft running parallel to a wall, as at A B Fig 352, and tranbmittinTj itb motion to one D E, at light angles, the frame shown m the illustration is suitable The bearing for the Fig 352 main shaft at C may be a pillow block, while a bracket beaimg is suitable at F The distance of the pillow block from the wall IS adjustable (as m Fig 344) If the getirs are equal in size tlje form may be as shown in plan in Fig 353 In this case the journal at C ruub in a bracket bearmg If the coubtruction is \ Fig. 353- Fig. 354. intended to fit in the corner of a building, the frame is modi- fied as shown in Fig. 354; the bearings at G and //are then the same. Both these forms are shown in Fig. 355 and 356 in pseudo-perspective. Very often a main overhead driving shaft is required to trans- mit motion both to horizontal and vertical shafts from one point, and tbe combination of Fig. 357 is an example. Here the frame-work is made a portion of one of the columns of the building and is really simple in construction ; at A should be *Such a frame is u-sed in a spinning-mill at Chur used a bracket like Fig. 313 ; at E and F, wall brackets like Fig. 31O, and at C, a step bearing like Fig. 327. Fig 358 shows a wall frame for four bearings. A horizontal shaft A B, IS to transmit motion to the vertical shaft C D, and two horizontal shafts E and F, by means of bevel gears. At B is a bracket, and at C a step bracket, as in Fig. 327, while th* bearings at E and /"are wall-brackets, like Fig. 310. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Bj' a proper choice of journal diameters and clearances the seats for the four bearings may be brought into one plane, and the other conditions of ? 124 readily complied with. An examination of the fundamental principles of construction of supports for bearings will show that all forms may be repre- sented by a rigid piece adapted to hold in fixed relation two or more revolving bodies, in such manner as to permit the applica- tion of the various details of coustructiou such as boxes, caps, bolts, etc. It is often desirable to sketch out in the first place a general scheme of the construction in order that the direction and manner of resistances and arrangement of parts may be examined more readily. The frame shown in Fig-. 350 is simi- lar to the elementary shape of Fig. 359, which resembles a sim- ple connecting rod ; which indeed the base plate really is, the Fig. 359- variations being due to the especial conditions and not to any fundamental difference. The bridge frame, Fig. 346, is in ele- mentary form Fig. 360. The step supports of Fig. 347 and 348 may be shown in principle either in Figs. 360 or 361, since in these elementary schemes a bearing may be shown either by E C Fig. 360. Fig. 361. Fig. 362. the journals or the reverse. The foTir-fold bearing support ju.<^t described may be sketched in Fig. 362. To show how these elementary sketches may serve, the fol- lowing application to one of Lemielle's ventilators will indicate. Fig. 363. Here, Fig. 363, nine bearings are to be supported. Three of these are for the drum, which is fast to the driving crank ; it is carried by the two neck bearings at A and B, and the thrust bearing at C. The six bearings at D, E, F, and G. H, I, are for the rods of the buckets ; the supports for all of these are then the beams A^ A^, the masonry, and the cranked rod £, I, D, C. Cai^culations for Iron Columns. The calculation of the proportions of iron columns often be- comes necessary in machine construction, for besides serving merely as portions of building construction they are often com- bined with machine details, and also enter into the design of framework as supports and similar relations. Their considera- tion in this place is therefore appropriate. Iron columns are generally considered as being subjected to stresses of compression, and, also within certain limits, to bend- ing stresses ; it is therefore important to allow sufficient latitude in the calculations to provide for variations in the manner of application of the load. The various methods of application may be treated as indi- cated in the following illustrations, Fig. 364, which show the three Cases II, III, and IV, of ^ 16. The first shows a column hinged at both ends, the second is hinged at one end, while the third is rigidly held at both « respective forms a n-^J-^ r' ids. The breaking loads of the r' the columns being of prismatic form and of a height // J being the moment of inertia of the cross section and Ji the modulus of elasticity of the material ; I being taken in inches. As al- ready stated in ? 16, experiment has shown that columns whose ends are faced off square and true fall under Case r, even though not held at the ends. If, therefore, a load smaller than that in- dicated for Case «, be chosen for all cases, security will be as- sured, even should both ends of the column be jointed.* We may therefore take for the greatest permissible load in the direction of the axis : = 0.477 . (ic If d is the diameter for a solid circular cross section, we have for cast iron, in which E = 14,200,000. P= 2,750,000—, ^=0.0245 y / J p . .(no) For Wrought Iron, E = 28,400,000. This gives P = 5,500,000 ^, d = 0.0206 \ ^\f I ^{P Example I. For a load P = 33,222. l^^s. high, the diameter = 6397 {d^ — d^^) > and d-^ not greater than d,= do\ 1—0.00015^ in order that satisfactory castings may be produced. Example 3. In a barracks in ] height, bearing loads of 37.1S0 lb According to (115) this should give According to (116) v» The ratio of internal to external diameter ^=ip is conve- aiently made 0.7 to 0.8. We have for : The limits of stress fall within the formula for compression and the above results are close approximations. It is to be ob- served that do should in no case be taken less than : ^n'— 'nfesi;^" dl^ 6.187s y 1 - - 0.OO3I5 37,180 Id give a column le4. Ac has to be of 6% in thickness of s about fi", a ast iron colu: ar a load of =hes. Accord netal of about T((". The nd the actual internal d m of 1S5 inches height a ngto (115)! for direct re empirica ameter v idgMinc de with .,istance t 1 thickness ras 4^8". hes outside an interna) thrust we ^1=9 .. ' from which the approximate thickness b, for Fig. 366. any breadth h, may be obtained. In order to keep within safe limits the cross section should not be less than : bh = '17000 ( (,jj or the load more than . P= jjooob h ) pie 5. To substitute a cruciform column for the The safe load according to (118) would be : P= 17,000X6.228X0.72 = For a direct calculation of b and h ^ ; may use the following : ■ Care should be taken that the load does not exceed the limit given by (118). Example 6' in 1859-60, art m tl X building of the sugar refinery of Waghilusel, built X (14.1875P (78.74)- (116) P=4 According to (118) P= 17,000 X 2 X 14.1875 = 482,300 lbs. which is much more than the actual load. Columns of Angle and T Iron. — These are much used in bridge trusses, especially in America. (See \ 87). The vertical posts may be considered as columns with jointed ends. Case I, Fig. 364, and the upper chord is in compression and may be con- sidered as Case III, Fig. 364. The following figures show many of the forms, in section, which may be used for this purpose. nnHHr[[HH + The first is the column of the Phoenix Bridge Works at Phoenix- ville, Pennsylvania. This is shown made of four segments, but six or more are used. This form may be strengthened by rivet- THE CONSTRUCTOR. ing Hat iron between the joints of the segments. The four fol- lowing sections are from the Ive3'stone Bridge Works. The sectional distribution of material should be chosen so that the (equatorial) moment of inertia on both the principal axes are the same (see \ 7). The fifth section shows a double T iron, in the middle in dotted lines. This is used in bridge chords, where two or more such shapes are sometimes intro- duced. The last form is a combination of four pieces of angle iron recentl}' used for pump rods in mine shafts. The resistance to thrust is here dependent upon the distance between the guides of the rod. Gi'OHpcd Columns. — It is sometimes a question whether, in the support of very important loads, as well as for economy of material, it is not best to use two or three columns instead of one. If we let m be the number used, instead of one, we have, for the supposition that the columns are in compression, the re- lation for similar sections. F' = \/in V . Borsig) is arranged with a short cylinder bolted to the faced sole plate and made so as to give a space in which melted lead may be poured after the column is set in its exact position. A hole is left in the side of the column to admit the melted metal. The portion of the base of the column which shows above the pave- ment is made to conform to the general style of the building. In Fig. 369 a simple moulding is used between the plinth and shaft; in Fig. 370 a bead is added ; and in Fig. 371 a double moulding of more elaborate outline is used. ('20) This shows that grouped columns use v ;« times as much material as a single column. It is also economy of material to use a small number of heavily loaded columns to sustain a given load. Example 7. This subject may also be treated by the aid of the preceding table. If we have a load of 2800 lbs. upon a column 18 feet high, the diam- eter for a solid round column would be 2)^", while for four columns of 2 inches diameter we have 4 X 74° = 2960, or about the same. The cross sec- tions are to each other as 4 X (2)= : : (2.75)2, or as 16 : 756, or -s/V: i- Variations in the heii^ht of columns affect the econoni}' of material, other things being equal, to a marked degree, since the resistance to compression varies directly as the height (/). It is sometimes desirable to make a column in sev- eral portions, when a proportional reduction in . height can thereby be secured. The triple central core of the column shown in Fig. 368, is an ex- ample and is a form often used by architects in connection with columns of brickwork.* This is not as effective as a single column, since the volume ratio is j^ Vw, /. e., }i v'7~= 0.866. In conclusion it must be remarked that the col- umns which are used in machine construction are usually made much heavier than the preceding calculations indicate. This is due to the fact that such columns are often subjected to bending and tensional stresses, as well as to much vibration and the additional material is needed to meet these con- ditions. Columns of cast iron which are subjected to tension, as in the framing of vertical engines, should be made at least double the section given by ( (116), and (118). The security is also made greater i of buildings, as the result in Example 6 shows. ? 128. Forms for Iron CoIvUmns. The columns which are used in machine construction must be held down to the iron base plates of the machines, or if used in connection with building construction are secured to foundations of masonry. Heavily loaded columns are often placed upon foundation stones with only a sheet of lead beneath, and no fasten'ng, but otherwise some form of anchorage must be used. The capitals of such columns are made in many varied forms. Fig- 372 shows, in section and elevation, a capital arranged to carry a beam and also to support the base of the column of the floor above. A recess in the top of the column receives the main beam, and affords a good place for a joint. If iron beams are used, this recess is made proportionately narrower. The base of the upper column is securely bolted down as shown.* Fig. 373. Fig. 374- Fig- 375- The capitals of iron columns afford much opportunity for ef- fective decoration, which in many cases is neglected, although comparatively easy of execution. For the lower columns of heavy buildings the simple cubic capital so often found in Ro- manesque buildings is most suitable, and a good example is- shown in Fig. 373-t Fig. 369. Fig. 37 The illustrations show three forms of fastening. In each case the sole plate is placed beneath the pavement. In the first case a special form of sole plate is held down to the masonry by an anchor bolt ; in the second the flange which is cast on the column is bolted to the keys shown ; the third construction (by A somewhat lighter form is shown in Fig. 374, and for some situations the various Gothic capitals are suitable, Fig. 375. In * other forms will be tc mple, the colum u the vestibule of the theatre at Carlsruhe. THE CONSTRUCTOR. all three examples the pattern making and moulding is not dif- ficult. The form most used in machine construction is shown in Fig. 376, being something between the Roman Doric and the Tuscan orders, and having an echinus beneath the cap plate, and an astragal bead around the column a short distance below. By varying the distance of the latter from the former the effect can be modified for taller or shorter columns. The heavier form of the Grecian Doric is unsuitable for ma- chine construction and is seldom used. More appropriate is the modified Corinthian capital shown in Fig. 3>7. The top is a cornice of overhanging leaves, terminating in an astragal on the shaft. B}' omitting the ornament the same form maybe re- tained, as shown in the right hand half of the illustration, and also in Fig. 348. The fluting of the column is by no means ob- jectionable, at least iu Germany. The fluted capital is readily cast by being made in a core box. Fig. 378 shows a capital of Renaissance form with octagonal abacus, well suited for slender columns. The support of beams, either iron or wooden, is best accom- plished by the introduction of a plate between the column and the beam, and this may be treated simply, yet in harmony with the style of the rest of the work. Fig. 379 shows such a sup- port on the cubic capital already shown, and is adapted for very Fig. 382. Fic. 381 teavy construction. Fig. 380 shows a lighter capital, in which the support for the beam is made of a box form ; Fig. 381 is a still lighter design. This illustration also shows the effect of a high stylobate or base moulding, suitable for tall slender columns. As shown in this example, such bases are usuallj^ made octagonal in section, which approaches the Gothic style, but they are fre- quently made round. As in architecture, the columns are usu- ally made tapering from below upward, the upper diameter be- ing 0.8 to 0.7 that at the base. Fig. 382 shows a more elaborate form of capital and bearer. Columns of cruciform section, alread}^ referred to, are often used in the construction of industrial establishments. Thej^ are sometimes to be preferred to hollow columns, since the latter are often cast of such unequal thickness as to be unreliable. Figs. 383 to 385 show such a column. Fig. 383 is from the Rail- way of St. Germain. Here the flutings extend from top to bot- tom and the column is swelled slightlj' in the middle. The form shown in Fig. 384, from the Tobacco Factory at Strasburg, is more elegant in its appearance. Here a rectangular base is used for the lower floor, but is omitted above. The method of connecting the base and column, as well as the connection between capital, beam, and column above, is shown in Fig. 385 ; in which the solidity and substantial character construction is well shown. of this form of These examples will serve at least to show the variety of forms of columns which may be used, and the manner in which a little ornament may be introduced into machine construction. CHAPTER VIII. AXLES. ?129. Various Kinds op Axi Fig. 386. THE CONSTRUCTOR. The load Q is in this case applied normal to the direction of the axis, midway between the two journals, upon a seat for a hub, as shown in Fig. 3S6. The portion between the hub-seat and journals is called the shank of the axle. The journals are proportioned according to the methods given in Chapter V, taking P= yi O, and the axle then proportioned so as to give approximately the same strength as the journals throughout. Let: d = diameter, / = length of journals, e = height of shoulder or collar, £> = diameter of middle, or hub-seat, ^^=its breadth, /?' = diameter of shank at the junction with 77, e' = Yi {D — D') the shoulder at the latter junction, a = the length of shank, then we have : (121) This will give the axle the same security as the journal, so that the approximate stress will be 5=8500 lbs. for wrought iron, and 4260 lbs. for cast iron. If a higher or lower stress is desired, the journal should be proportioned for the desired stress, and the corresponding dimensions for the axle deduced. Fig. 387. The strongest form for the shank of an axle is that of a cubic parabola (see \ 10, No. VI), and the student will find this a valu- able subject for investigation. In practice it is made a portion of a truncated cone whose larger diameter =/?', and the smaller diameter ^ rf= 2 from which jK can readily be obtained.* (b). The Hub-Seat between the Journals and the Load Over- hung, Fig. 390. — Draw the line A C, parallel to the axis, con- struct a triangle with the points A, B and C on the lines of the directions of the forces, drop a perpendicular from the point D^ where D d=0, make O . i parallel to A C, and equal to C D , make ^.1.3 normal to A (T, also O . 3 parallel to C B, and I . 3 will ^ Q, A 1 = P^, T, . A = P,. The force O is decomposed into two forces at the ends of the hubs, and by dropping the perpendiculars, the points Ci and C, are determined, and Oc drawn parallel to Q G, giving the values c . 3 and I . C for the *If it is desired to determine a series of values of i, beginning from ii, it may readily be done by using a table of cube roots of numbers such as are given at the end of this volume; if the greatest value of^ is the starting- point, the table of cube roots of decimal numbers is useful, the space being divided into ten parts and the outline laid off correspondingly. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 87 forces at C^ and C, respectively. The diagram shows that at a point within the hub-seat the stresses are reversed and the bend- ing moment is zero. from the ends of the hub, join B^ with Bj^ and the surface of moments is A B^ B^ C To find the forces, prolong Q from B until it intersects Cb, join it to the middle of the other journal, make q b= Q, and drop the perpendicular g a, which is equal to Fig. 392. (c). Overhung Axle with Load Outside the Journals, Fig. 391 — Construct the triangle A B C,&s in the preceding case {b), and place D so that Dd=Q, draw A . 3 normal to A C, make O ■ 2= CD, and parallel to A C, and draw O . 3 parallel to CB, and we have again A . 2 ^ B^, 3 . A ^ P.,- Divide O into Q and Q and make Cr parallel to Q C,, giving c . 3 and 2 . c for the forces at Cj and C. The journal at^5 being uniformly loaded, its moment surface is outlined by a parabolic curve (see § 42). Fig. 396. P. Make A i=P, draw i . O parallel to A C, and O . 2 paral- lel to B^ B^, then i . 2 is the force at d^ and 2 . i that at b^- If the hub should overhang, as in the case of a screw propeller, Fig- 396, the diagram takes the form A B Q C,. If Proof Diagrams. lu order to calculate the resistance of a given axle to bending it is necessary to know the section modulus at various points. If all the sections are circular the moduli vary as the third power of the diameter. Hence the various diameters are to be cubed. Fig. 393. Fig. 394- (d). Overhung Axle, with Load betweeti Journals, Fig. 392. — Construct the triangle ^ B C as in case (a\ divide Q into^j and B,, which gives the polygon A C, B^ B., (which is equiva- lent to" the other one A C, B^ B.^. In the force polygon, i . 3 = Q, z . 1 = P^, I . 1 = P.^, and by making C/ parallel to B, B^ we get b . 3 and \ .bior the forces on B^^ B^ and B.^^ B^.* II. The Load Acts Inclined to the Axis, Fig. 393. The construction is similar to L, except that the force and cord polygons are inclined according to the direction of O. The vertical projections a A, and 3 . cgive the journal pressures /\ and P.^ ; the horizontal component of O gives the axial thrust. Another example is given the case of a rod worked from an overhung arm, as in some forms of locomotive feed pumcs, Fig. 395. The directions are here periodically reversed, and the re- lations of the points continually changing. III. The Load Acts Parallel to the Axis, Fig. 394. We here have two couples : one consisting of the two equal journal pressures, and the other of the two pressures at the ends of the hub-seat (see I 38). Draw the lines A B^ and C B.^ par- allel to each other, and intersecting the perpendiculars dropped spindles of the American Ring S light stresse Fig. 397- This may readily be done graphically by the method given in: ^ 28. In order to compare such a diagram with one of the sur- face of moments as just discussed, it is necessary to construct them to the same scale. For this purpose take the origin O of the two axes JVTand Y, and make Oa equal to the diameter (or semi-diameter) of the shank of the axle, and lay off, below the corresponding value Ob oi its ordinate t^, draw on a / a semi- circle a c b, draw a e normal to a c, and taking C ^ as unity we have C(3= (Crt)^. Make O. i=y, C.2=j)/,, &c., and draw the moments to the axes of Xand V, as i, i', I., 2, 2', II., &c., and we have 01, O II, as the desired values of y,^, y^ . . . which correspond to those of the principal diagram. Such proof diagrams are very convenient to show what ap- proximations may be made, and to detect possible errors in cal- culation, and shows at once any deficiency in security, since the relation of the actual stresses to the desired constant stress is that of the ordinates of the proof diagram to those of the theo- retical surface of moments. This numerical series may be plotted in a curve, called the stress curve. By combining the theoreti- cal diagram with the proof diagram on an exaggerated scale, as shown iu the illustration, the unit can be chosen to a greater advantage. §134. Axi,ES Loaded at Two Points. In an axle loaded at two points, as in Fig. 398, the end por- tions are called the shanks and the middle part the shaft. If 6*1 and 0-2 are the loads, s the length of shaft, we have for the journal pressures ■(- + &) . /^<- s^a. \^s+a. If we take the diameters cc ssponding to these pressures a S8 THE CONSTRUCTOR. rfi aud and join d with a. Draw C 3 parallel Xo d a \n the force polygon and we have 2 . 3=7?^, and 2t a = -Pi and abed the surface of moments whose vertical ordinates i may be used to determine their corresponding diameters of the axle as in I, I 132- The intersection e, of ab, and dc prolonged determines the position E e oi the resultant of Q]^ and Q.^. li E e \^ desired at Fig. 401. Fig. 402. once, as in the method given in ? 40, the previous case {\ 132, I) is applicable since the direction of the Hue a d can be chosen at win. If one load acts beyond the bearings. Fig. 400, the reversal point in the elastic line will appear as before ; this occurs when the resultant of 0^ and a, falls between A and D (see I 132, I). The above mentioned shearing stress is given by i . 3. If \.\\. We therefore have P3 =/,/a + e^ e., and P^ = e^ e-^ +/3/. The vertical pressure of the pillar itself is all taken at D, hence we get for its vertical component Q ^=f.^f^ — e^ e.,, which combined with /*4 gives the resultant P^. This is proved by the intersection of P/ and P/ at ^ must fall on the line of the resultant of P^ and Py If we neglect the copipression in the direction of the axis, we may now draw the force polygon c 2 3 O of the forces Pj, P.,, P^, P,, as shown at the left of Fig. 407, and thus obtain the surface of moments abed. Fig. 405. pressure upon any one journal should not exceed '^ O. These figures give a stress of 6.4 to 8.3 kilogrammes per square milli- metre or 9000 to 12000 lbs., and the pressure/ from 0.30 to 0.41 kilo, or 326 to 593 lbs. In Fig. 405 is shown a steel axle for the Royal Eastern Rail- way, with its wheels, all dimensions being in millimetres. In England a standard axle has been adopted as shown in Fig. 4o6,t and the standard American axle is similar.^ The 6' 9' I ; Fig. 406. value of O in this case is about 22000 lbs. In France there has been no general standard adopted, but the various roads have adopted forms — for regular use. The Paris-L3'ons-Mediterranean Railway has eight forms. The form Ko. S has a' = 85 mm. (S^s'^), 1=170 mm. {6^4'^), length between centres of journals = 1925 ^^i^-{7SH"\ diameter of hub-seat =: 125 mm. (4xf"), diameter of the axle in the middle =^ 105 mm. (4^''). r> \ p. ^ P; A -A "---^L \ p. -^^^0 U= ^J-— ' -r^ ^ '^-r- * These dirai nental practic fSeeEngiiK representing Cot A crane with swivel column, to which the jib or boom is rigidly attached, may be examined as shown in Fig. 408. The position oi Q = L -\- G \s taken as before, making q-^ q^ repre- sent O, draw A q^ normal to the axis, join q^ D and draw q. The step bearing at D will be subjected to an inclined thrust, the resultant of O and P^. In a similar manner we obtain the horizontal forces P, and P^ equal and opposite, and acting at B and C, and the.resultant of the force at B with O gives the inclined force due to the rod B E. The four horizontal forces have the same action as the load on the axle in Fig. 394. We may thus obtain the surface of moments abed, which shows a zero point for bending moments between B and D , and also indicates a forward bending above and a backward below. In the force polygon 2a = P.^^a 2^ P^, 2 I = P, and I 2 = /\. Fig. 407. Crane pillars maybe considered as axles subjected to inclined stresses, as the following example will show. The crane shown in Fig. 407 is subject to the load L. and also its own weight G, and the resultant of these is at Q (see examples in § 34). At A and B are bearings, and the pillar is held in a base plate at C B>, the plate being secured at £ P. In order to determine the forces at E and F, construct the cord polygon efg:, and force polygon ^2 I 6>, in which 2 . i = {?, i ■ e=Qi the force at F, , 1S73. The M. C. B. standard v: Fig. 409. I 136. Axles with Three or jiore Be.^rings. The number of bearings for an axle is often as great as four. In such a case the forces and moments may be found as follows : 90 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Starting at a. Fig. 409, mth the given forces i to 5, we form the force polygon ff-, O, and, according to \. 40, the link poly- gon abed efg, and join the closing line g a, parallel to O 6, in the force pol_vgon ; giving 5.6= the force iPj at G,6 . a^=z the force /\ at A. From P^ and iP, the journals o'l and d.^ may be determined, and the ordinates of the cord polygon give the means of obtaining the axle diameter as before. The intersection g, of « 6 &nA.fe, prolonged, is a point of the line of direction G g, of the resultant of the forces I to 4. If it is desired to find the successive resultants of the various forces as they are combined (see § 40), it will be found convenient to choose O, so that a/ will be parallel to A F. The inclined link polygon may also be transferred to a closing line parallel to A F. If the shanks of the axle overhang the journals, as in Fig. 410, the procedure is similar to the preceding. Beginning at the point a, the force polygon a 5 (9 is constructed, and the first side of the cord polygon b a, drawn to the line of the first force, the second to the line C c, of the second force, and so on to the closing line eb. The first and nth line of the cord polygon in- tersect as before on the line H h of the resultant. Variations on these examples may occur, as when the loads act in inclined directions, or opposed to each other, the methods being similar in all cases. Axles with Inci // with G I at the angle u. h k \ b h \ Values of — when — 0.800.750.700.65 x6o 0.55 0.5U 045 0.40 035 0-30 2 i5 0.20 0.05 j 1. 30, 1.40 I 50(i.6i .72 1.84 1.94 2.04 2.15 2.18 2.22 2 26 2.27 0.06 1.30 1.39 I 48' I S8 1.87 i.PS 2.07 2.11 ij 0.07 ;i.29 1.38 I 461 S6 .6S 1.74 I 82 1.89 ;« 1.98 2.00 2 02 2.02 0.08, 1.28 r.36 I 4S I S^i .62 1.70 1.7b 1.83 1.91 'Ai V 0.09:11.27 I. ^Sil 43 I SI ■ SQ 1.66 1-77 1.81 1.84 «7 0.10 i-27ir.34i 42 I 49 : .^6 1.63 1.68 1.72 I.7S 1.78 1.80 So 1.81 O.I I 1.261.331 401 47 M 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.71 1.73 1.74 75 i-VS 1.25 1.32 I ^Qjl 4S .SI 1-57 1.61 1.64 1.67 1.68 i.b9 70 i.70 0.13 1.25 i.3i!i 38! I 43 .49 1-54 i.,S« 1.61 1.63 1.64 1.65 bS 1.65 1.241.30JI ^61 421 .47 LSI i.SS I-.S7 i.,W l.23'i.29li 3sli 40' .4S 1.48 I.S2 I -.54 1.5b ••b7 1.58 58 1.58 341 3«, .43 1.46 t.49 ..52 1-53 1.54 1.55 I bS 1.5b "•■1|--"i"t 33|..37| .41 1-45 '•47 1.49 '■5" 1.51 l.b2 l.b2 1.52 THE CONSTRUCTOR. ■mpU I.— Simple Cruciform Section, is made double the diameter y, of line of the table, first and last colut mple 2 —Suppose a core to be used = 0.6 h, we have, according to line t h at the same place. Compound Axles for Water Wheels. In Fig. 417 is cbown an axle for a water-wheel, made of cast and wrought iron. This was made to replace a broken axle of wrought iron, for a wheel 32. S feet (10 m.) diameter, 19.68 feet (6 m.) in width.* The load is carried at four points, as shown, Fig. 416. giving a total of 82,104 Ibs.f The shaft consists of a drum of sheet iron Y^" thick and 44^^ outside diameter, made in three sections riveted to the central spiders of the wheel. The two journals are fitted to the cast iron heads with a slight taper, the ends being prolonged into the middle of the drum, where they are drawn together by a right and left hand nut. The journals We may make b, constant and determine k, or let k be con- stant and 6 vary. The latter case is shown in Fig. 415. Here the shanks are also cruciform in section, and the hub-seats are made to receive keys, as shown in both sections, and the central one is strengthened by transverse ribs. A small auxiliary jour- nal is shown at the end of the main journal, and is very useful in erection. I 140. Modified Ribbed Axle. For hea-vily loaded axles the form shown in Fig. 416 is suit- able, the ribs being provided with flanges along the edge. Fair- bairn has used such axles for water-wheels, and Rieter & Co., of Winterthur have made them for the same purpose. The pro- portions are determined by taking the diameter y, of an ideal shaft of circular section, and calculating /;, as before. We may then make the flange thickness c=^b, the thickness of the ribs, and then the flange breadth b-^ is obtained from the formula : i6\ hi -(',:)' H^y-"& ■ (128) from which the following table has been calculated : b h Value of -/ , when — b y 1. 10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 0.05 ~^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ 7-94 6.17 4.81 3-64 2-75 0.06 6.99 S.38 413 3-17 2.34 1.07 0.07 — ■ 6.70 5.12 3-91 3-4S 2.24 1.61 I.OI 0.08 6.82 5-16 3-91 3-45 2.24 1.61 1. 17 0.09 6.00 5-45 4.48 4.11 3-37 2-53 2-33 1.89 1-73 1-39 I.OI O.IO O.II S-oS 3-77 2.82 2.11 1-57 i.ii ~ 0.12 6.56 4-34 3-23 2.42 1.80 '•34 0.13 5-73 S.06 3-78 2.81 2.48 1.85 I. .56 1. 15 E ^^ ^ 0.14 3-34 Fig. 417. are lYz" diameter and 1 1 " long. The circumferential joints in the drum are strengthened by pieces of angle iron as shown. The stress in the shell of the drum is only 3100 lbs., and on the riveting about 6400 lbs. I 14-". Construction of Rib Profiles. In drawing the curved outline of ribs such as shown in the preceding designs, the following methods may be employed. In the various diagrams A B is the geometric axis of the piece, 6" the highest point of the curve, and A' the lowest point, these both being already determined. I. Circular Arc. — This can only be used to advantage when on such a small scale that it can be drawn with compasses or trammel. The ratio between b-^ and b is never made greater than 6 to 7, and as it does not fall below unity the table is only given be- tween these limits. The profile is determined for a few points and these are joined by a continuous line. \ s I n m IV V V^r. c- ^ ^H ^^:k A- B Fig. 418. 2. Parabola.— Draw S D and C K parallel to A B, divide 5" D into any number of equal parts, as for example, six parts, and divide Z? A' into the same number. Drop perpendiculars from I, II, III, &c., join the lines ^ i, 5"2, ^3, &c., and the in- tersections of these with the perpendiculars I, II, III, &c., will be points in the parabola. 3. Sinoide.--T)ra.w S D and CA'parallel to A B ,■ with a radius A S draw a circle about A ; divide the arc 5' E, cut off between S D and C K inio six, or any number of parts ; draw from the points of division, lines parallel to A B, and from I, II, III, &c., perpendiculars to A B, and the intersections will give points in the sinoide. wheel belongs to the Societe des Fa . du Genie Civil, 1866 and 1872. tSee diagram in Pig. 409, where the loads ; n this proportion. 92 THE CONSTRUCTOR. 4. Elastic Line. — By bending an elastic rod of uniform pris- matic cross section, keeping it upon the points K^, S, and K.^, the elastic curve may be drawn directly from the rod, using it as a ruler. For large sizes the rod may be }i" to \]/i" thick, and kept under water : for smaller sizes, about %" thick is sufficient. Fig. 419. S. Cardiode- — The following method may be used for drawing the curve directly in the pattern loft. A wooden template S' K E C (Fig. 420) is made, in which E C ^.uA E S' are straight edges, and C S"^CS, and CE^^CK. Guide points are placed at Cand A' and the edge C E kept against the point C, and the edge S' E against the point K. The point S' of the Fig. 420. template will then describe a cardiode curve and by attaching a pencil point at S' it may be drawn directly for pattern makers' The most convenient method in piactice is to obtain a few points by (2) or (3), and then join them by a flexible spline or ruler. \ 143- Wooden Axles. For some water-wheels axles of oak are still used, and these are made polygonal in section. Thej' are made prismatic, the diameter being at all points equal to that necessary at the point of greatest stress, and the methods of attaching journals are shown in ^ 102. The diameter may be obtained by multiplying the diameter for cast iron by 1.55 (the cube root of the ratio of the modulus of cast iron and oak). This must be the full actual diameter, as it is sometimes weakened by mortises cut for the arms of the wheel. Should this give a less diameter than required for the attachment of the journals, the diameter at the latter point must be taken for the whole axle. The choice between iron and wooden axles must be governed entirely by local reasons of cost and convenience. Example.— ^. water-wheel axle with shanks 106.25" long is loaded so that the journals of cast iron require to be 354" diameter and sVi," long. Accord- ing to the formula in g 130 we have > 2.625 For corresponding strength ii wood, the axle should be ai Mi2 X 1.55 = 1S.6". CHAPTER IX. SHAFTIXC. Calculations eor Cylindrical Shafting. In machine construction those axles which are used to trans- mit twisting moments are called shafting. In order to fulfill this purpose two requirements must be met : first, the ultimate strength must be sufficiently great, and se- cond, the torsional spring jnust be kept within proper limits. In actual practice, shafting is subjected, not only to torsional stresses, but also to bending due to the weight and pressure of gears, pulleys, levers, etc, which are carried. These latter in- fluences will not be considered at first, and the calculations made only for round, solid wrought- and cast-iron shafting. Let: P= the force acting to rotate the shaft ; R = the lever arm at which it acts ; TV = the horse power transmitted ; n = the number of revolutions per minute ; d = the diameter of the shaft ; L = the length of shaft in feet ; tJ = the angle of torsion in degrees; 6" = the fibre stress at the circumference; G = the modulus of torsion of the material ^ f of the modu- lus of elasticity. "We then have for strength : ^=y FJ? = 4.7 \J. and for cast iron shafts : d = 0.357 ^^:r = 5.63 yj. N The quotient of effect — is obtained from the relation to the statical moment P J? a.s follows : 33000 X 12 N _ (133) (134) PP = - = 6?. 020 - • (135) From these formulas the following table for round wrought iron shafts has been calculated. An inspection of the table will show that it is quite possible for a shaft to be strong enough to resist permanent deformation and yet be so light as to be liable to spring under its load. For example, a shaft 26 feet long, with a twistiug force of 220 lbs. applied at one end, and acting with a lever arm of 20'', gives a turning moment PP^=440o inch lbs., which would require a shaft only iHnches diameter (see column 2). This, however, would permit far too much torsion, and in order that the angular deflection should not exceed the limit of 0.075° per foot, a corresponding value of P P in column 4, must be found, and against it in column i will be given the diameter, in this case about 2|^''; which, by comparison with column 2, gives about five-fold strength. For short shafts this examination of angular deflection is un- necessary, as for example, in the short lengths between two gear wheels, for here the value of i!^ will be small enough in any With longer shafts, and in all special constructions, it is important to consider the angular deflection and keep it within the given limit. For shafting of cast iron the same table may be used by tak- ing dottble the values for P P, or for — For steel shafts, whose modulus of resistance is f greater than wrought iron, the diameters in both cases may be taken as "v 0.6, that is, 0.84 times that of correspondingly loaded wrought iron shafts. Shafting which is subjected to sudden and violent shocks, as in rolling mills, etc., must be made much stronger than the pre- ceding formulas require, and these must be classed with the special cases which occur in every branch of construction. iS'o^li THE CONSTRUCTOR. 93 diameter of the sh-jft to resist the ' 43,362, which by reiereiice to cohin inches, say zYf. This would requ stress, for wliich see § 150. - mphri.h. •sioti thus brought upon it. Here PR = 2 gives a diameter between 3 and 31^ ; to be somewhat increased for bending )Ught iron shaft, — = 0.807, which, by column 2 in the table, would require about ; iameter. If the deflection is not to exceed 0.075° per foot, we ha mn 4, a value of — = 0.803, which gives a diameter of 4J4", and :r the 1 X 0.075 = h gives 0.65°. Wrought Iron Shafting. FOR STRENGTH. FOR STIFFNESS (Torsional) d Pi? N P7? .V J 1,327 0.021 123 0.0019 0.0048 IX 2,591 0.052 301 IK 4,479 0.071 625 0.0099 I^ 7,112 0.114 1,357 0.0183 10,616 0.168 1,975 0.0313 2X 15,115 0.239 3,164 0.0502 2K 20,730 0.329 4,822 0.0765 2^ 27,600 0.43S 7,061 0.1120 3 35,830 0.568 10,000 0.1587 3/2 56,890 0.902 18,520 0.2941 4 84,930 1-347 31,600 0.5015 4'A 120,900 1.919 50,620 0.8032 5 165,800 2.632 77,160 1.2240 5/2 220,800 3-503 11,000 1.7920 6 286,600 4-548 160,000 2.5390 6y^ 364,400 5-784 220,300 3.4960 7 455,200 7.222 296,400 4.7040 7/2 559,800 8.883 390,600 6. 2000 8 679,400 10.780 505,700 8.0240 S/2 815,000 12.930 644,400 10.2300 9 967,400 15-350 810,000 12.8600 9/2 1,138,000 18.050 982,700 15.6000 10 1,327,000 21.050 1,230,000 19.5900 loK 1,536,000 24.380 1,501,000 23.8100 1,766,000 28.020 1,808,000 28.6800 "iH 2,018,000 32.020 2,159,000 34.2600 12 2,293,000 36-390 2,560,000 40.6200 Line Shafting. In the previous discussion we have assumed that the bending forces upon shafting might be neglected. As a matter of fact, this is rarely the case, only occurring when the turning moments are those due to a simple force couple. Nearly all the shafting used for power transmission is subjected to bending stresses due to belt pull, pressure of gear teeth, weight of gears and pulleys, and to take all of these into consideration would make a very complicated calculation. In most cases ample strength will be given by taking the diameters according to the formulas (133) or (134). As already shown, these give ample strength, so that any ordinary bending Stresses are provided for. These give reduced diameters for the higher speeds, shafting for high speed machinery running at 120, 140 or even 200 revolutions per minute. First movers run a lower speed and are proportionally heavier, and the line shafting generally is gradually reduced in diameter in the successive ascending floors of a building. iBuch line shaft- ing is only occasionally made of cast iron, when moderate power is to be transmitted. The practice in the proportion of shaft diameters is not alto- gether consistent. In many cases very high stresses are per- mitted, as in the case of locomotives, in which stresses of 12,000 to 15,000 lbs. are borne by wrought iron cranked axles; shafts of screw propeller enginesusually carry 7,000 to 8,500 lbs., while in many instances the stresses upon line shafting are very light, when the high rotative speed is taken into consideration. This is particularly the case in England, the shafting running at higher speeds with a proportional reduction in diameter. The greatest difficulty to be encountered lies in the fact that the forces are rarely given with suflScient accuracy, the so-called "nominal" horse power which a shaft is supposed to transmit bearing no definite relation to the actual power. In most cases, however, the use of the formulas above given for stiffness, with a slight increase for very long shafts, will give satisfactory re- sults. A few examples will serve to illustrate the manner in which the methods given may be applied, and the remarks which have been made should be borne in mind in connection with the ap- plication. n by two cylinders, ks of 21.75" radius. :» The shaft is .,f wrought iron, and peller it is 72 feet long, by 15" diameter. ula (131) we have : md consequently This is somewhat less than the previou the deflection will be less than 72 X .075 = 5 Example 2. In the mills at Saltaire there is a cast iron driving shaft mak- ing 92 revolutions per minute, and transmitting 300 horse power, the diame- ter being 10 inches. According to formula (134) the diameter would be : rf = 5.63 4^il°=7.56", ^ 92 so that the actual shaft is % stronger, and the other shafts proportionally heavy. Example 3. In the rolling mill at Rheinfall is a line of wrc ing, 223 feet long, transmitting 120 horse power. The speed 1 n the Ughtl mill are ron shafts volutions, giving the ratio — = 1^^ = 1.263, The diameter for stre ngth. as given 7,397 lbs. in the journals, and 6,541 lbs. in the body of the shaft. Accordin to the formula of Fairbairn, who designed the mills at Saltaire, this sha: would have been made •nowIl m rig. 413, aim us secuon approximates to that of a cylindrical shaft of zyj' diameter. For such conditions the table gives in column 3, taking double the value of — , wegeti/ = 8". The diameter 6%" in the journals gives a fibre stress of about 5,200 lbs. From the length of the shaft it is ad- visable to take the diameter for stiflfness, which we get from the value cor- responding to 2 = 10.8 in column 5, which gives a = 8J^", which is quite close to the actual dim ?I47- Determination of the Angle of Torsion. In a cylindrical shaft of a diameter d, which transmits a stati- cal moment PR, throughout its length L, the modulus of tor- sion of the material being G, we have from No. I, ^ 14, the angle of torsion. ^^_PR L _S_ A G a JpG 2. 2,60 PR . iL 27r2 . rf*. G which for wrought iron, in which G = ' rr G -^- . (136) 6,000 gives For cast iron these values are doubled, giving i9°= 0.00124 — -._ — = 0.0002436 5 -- .... (137) d* d Here L is taken in feet and 5 is the stress at the point of ap- plication on the shaft. It will be noticed that the angle iJ/^take {M,). =0.975 ^/^ + 0.25 M^ . and when M^ > M^ take {M^\. = 0.625 M^ -f 0.6 AI^ . ■ (140) • (HI) An examination will be made, first by the analytical, and then by the graphical method. I. Analytical Method.— "Doi^ axle or shaft ABC, shown in Fig. 421, carries a gear wheel R at C, which acts tangentially to Fig. 42: rotate the shaft with a moment Md ^=Q R, and also acts to bend the shaft with a force whose reactions are parallel to Q, and are /\ = -^-— at A, and P.^ = ^— at B. The greatest stress is a + -s a-\- s at C. for there both bending moments are at their maximum P, P., Mb =- — -^ — -, hence calculation should be made for this point. Example.— \.ft\. Q = 5500 lbs. R = 1 ij^", a = 193^", j = 78%", then /'i=~^i2=o.8i3 = 44oolbs. P«.-- Also 18.50-^ ■5=64,6: Hence Mi, "^M^ and formula (140) is used. We have {Mb)i = 0.975 X 36,900 + 0.25 X 64.625 = 84,727 + 13,656 =98,383" lbs. From this the diameter at Ccan be calculated. If the shaft is of cast iron with cruciform section, we have for the diameter D, have 3/^8,383 X 32~ The journal at A is found in the table of §91, column 4, to be about 2%". For the neck journal at B, we have from the table of g 145, taking the double value for cast iron, d^^ 4%". THE CONSTRUCTOR. 95 Graphical Method. — The same example may be solved graphi- cally. In Fig. 422, with a horizontal closing line, construct the link polygon a b c, for the bending moments, and the force polygon a 10, giving the forces P^ and P.^, and also a c c' , the surface of moments for the shank A C. The moment 3Id is yet to be determined. In the force poly- gon with a distance R from the pole O, draw a vertical ordinate ; this will be Hfd. Lay its value oiT at c'Ti, andiJ/);, and Ys of these values give c' c^ b^ b for the parallelogram of torsion for the shank C^. Fig. 422. The combination of the bending and twisting moments may then be made by formula (139). Make cC2-=y% c c' and join c. b, then at any point of the polygon, as for example aty, the distanceyXj = Viff- Now transfer c' c^ to a b, at c' c^' ; then will the hypotenuse of the triangle c^ c' c^' divided by fj <^o = ^/(l^TcO H^lj^T^T^ and the sum c c, + c, c^'=^ c c.^-\- c, r, the desired moment {Mb)i for the point C. In the same manner we oh\.a\-aff.^-\-f^f^'=ff^-\-f^f^ the moment {3Ib)i for the point J^- The line c^/.^ b^ is a curve (hyperbola) which may be taken approximately with sufficient accuracy as a straight line c^ b^o- The various dimensions maj^ be obtained from the polj'gon a c b ba C3 c' in a similar manner as shown in the discussion of axles. pther discussions of this subject will be given when consid- ering rock shafts and crank axles. CHAPTER X, COUPLINGS. Various Kinds op Couplings. The devices by means of which the different lengths of shaft- ing are connected together so that the motion may be trans- mitted from one piece to the next, are called couplings. They may be classed as follows : 1. Rigid Couplings. 2. Flexible Couplings. 3. Releasing, or Clutch Couplings. The first class includes the various forms of coupling for line fihafting and the like, in which the coupling and the coupled portions have the same geometric axis. Flexible couplings are those which permit more or less change in the relative position of the coupled shafts; while clutch couplings are constructed so as to be thrown in and out of engagement, usually when the parts are in motion. These three classes are all shown in vari- ous forms in the following examples : i 152. /. Rigid Couplings. Rigid couplings may be made either in a single piece, or in several parts. Of the first sort is the so-called Muff Couplings, Fig. 423. The muff is fitted over both pieces of shafting, and a single key binds the parts all firm'.y together. In giving the proportions of the various parts of the following couplings, we may take for a unit or modulus the thickness 6 of the hub, making its value equal to : r + 1 • (142) d being the diameter of the shaft, whether of wrought or cast iron. The dimensions of the key may be taken as given in ^ 68, Formula (71) for torsion keys. More recently, in exposed situations, the projecting end of the key is covered with a cap, in order to avoid accidents. The form of coupling shown in Figs. 189 and 190, ^ 69, looks very practical, but the test of prolonged use will be necessary to demonstrate its merits. Fig. 423. The simplest two-part coupling is the well-known plate coup- ling. Fig. 424, and its form permits the nuts and 2olt-heads to be kept below the projecting flanges, and thus out of the way. The number of bolts in a plate coupling i = 0.8 cf + 2. The diameter d of the bolts should be 0.125 d -\- xV, which gives a strength pioportional to that of a shaft calculated by formula (133), or if d is determined from formula (133) the bolt will be strong enough.* Fig. 424. Plate couplings are extensively used in England and Germany, although the}^ are being superseded by later forms. Their strength has caused them to be used for coupling the lengths of screw propeller shafts, and in this case the plates are forged Fig. 425. on the shafts, thus dispensing with the use of a key. Fig. 425. This form was introduced bj' Langdon in 1852, and is in general use, 4 to 6 bolts being used. Examples : The following cases will sers'e to give the proportion of such plate couplings in executed designs. Jason, James Watt & Co., d = 12", £> = 24", rfi = 3", b = 6", 2 = 4- Warrior, John Penn & Son, ii= 17", D = 37'', di = 4", b = 10, j = 6. Vessel by Ravenhill & Hodgson, d = 12", D = 25, di = 3", b = &', i = 4. Fig. 426 shows a clamp coupling divided into two parts longi- tudinally. This form is provided with two keys, and the man- ner in which it is bolted together. If it is desired to clamp the Fig. 426 shafts together endwise, the small circumferential grooves and lips may be used as shown. Such grooves may be used in depth equal to o.oi d + -^-^" , but may be omitted where endlong clamp- ing' is unnecessary. If lock nuts are used on the bolts the main side of flange, whi 96 THE CONSTRUCTOR. iiuts may be counter-sunk as shown in the iUustration. The number of bolts is =: 2, 4 or 6, rarely more, and of diameter as follows : Example: For a shaft 2g" dial the diameter rfj = 0.77", say Jg", d\ = 0.67, say ^J". This form of coupling has been made with bolts with differ- ential thread passing through both parts and giving increased clamping force.* Fig. 427. The cone coupling shown in Fig. 427 is the design of the author, aud is a modification of the preceding form. The keys are cast in one with the halves of the inner cone, and are planed to fit the keyways in the shafts. The cone is made with a taper of -^-^ on a side, which will hold the parts securely when driven on, without any other fastening. If there is much vibration, however, it is advisable to have a screw thread cut on the inner cones as shown, and the outer shell tightened by a spanner. In most ordinary cases the screw may be omitted, and a small steel countersunk set screw tapped into each side of the shell to clamp the inner cone. If endless motion need not be considered the circumferential grooves may be omitted. With couplings for shafts larger than 2^^^, the bearing sur- faces should be recessed to reduce the amount of finishing. Fig. 428. In America Sellers has introduced a clamp coupling in which two cones are opposed to each other and drawn together by three bolts, the whole being inclosed in a cylindrical shell bored out to fit the cones as shown in Fig. 428. The cones are cut through on one side so that they are compressed by the action In England Butler's cone coupling has been used, and was designed for use with the cold rolled shafting described in \ 148. It is similar in construction to Sellers', the three bolts being re- placed by a single concentric screw thread and nut at each end. The key which Sellers uses is omitted in Butler's coupling, the shafts being held only by the clamping action of the cones. In the United States Cresson's coupling is also much used. Its construction is shown in Fig. 429. The clamping surfaces are cast in one with the outer shell, aud forced upon the shafts by means of the tapering screws. This coupling possesses the same advantage as does Sellers', in being adapted to shafts of slightly unequal diameters. //. Flexible Couplings. Various Kinds of Flexibi^e; Coupi Fig. 440. In many screw vessels a simple form of flexible coupling is used, suited for slight angular variations. In Fig. 440 this is shown, and it will be seen to give slight flexibility similar to the universal joint, and sufficient for many cases. A bearing should be placed back of the coupling on each shaft. ///. Clutch Couplings. I 156. Toothed Clutch Couplings. Couplings of this form may be distinguished by their method of engagement, the clutch surfaces entering in and out of en- gagement axially, radially or inclined. Fig. 441. The oldest form of clutch coupling, and one of the most widely used, is that shown in Fig. 441. Here the engagement is axial. The modulus for the proportions is the same as before, 6 = \ d -\- jV' ; ^"d an approximation to the number of teeth may be given by making z ^ i -\- o.b d. The clutch is thrown in and out of gear by a lever which wox-ks in the groove in the portion of the clutch on B- Examples of suitable lever forks are shown in Fig. 442. * Clemens' Angular Shaft Coupling, V. S. Patent, Nov. 1 Various forms of clutch teeth are used. The forms in general use are given in Fig. 443. The first form is adapted for motion in either direction, but can only be operated when moving slowly. The second form is r"'->'-'^ roo^n,, 4-v.r,^^« ;«4^„ „„4-; — ; readily thrown into action. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 99 but is adapted to transmit motion only in one direction. The driving faces are inclined very slightly, from the normal to the direction of motion, the angle not being enough to cause any tendency to disengagement. In the third form the teeth are Cone couplings are used also, in many forms. In the example shown in Fig. 446 the driven portion A of the coupling carries a gear wheel shown in the dotted lines, to which motion is to be transmitted from the shaft. The two parts are forced into engagement by the screw and hand wheel d. If the pans are so arranged that the motion of the hand wheel d is in the same direction as the rotation of the part B, when the latter is thrown into engagement, it is only necessary to hold the wheel d sta- tionary in order to throw the clutch out of gear. From the mean radius J? of the cone surface, and the angle of taper o, we have for an axial pressure Q, for any circumferential force P : p/' sinf + c J ^ \ (146) in whichy is the coefficient of friction between the cone surfaces, and [PJ?) is the statical moment tending to rotate the shaft. Fig. 442. more blunt in shape at the point, which adds to their strength against breakage when subjected to shock. The last form is a combination of the preceding varieties, and like the first, may be driven backward. In spinning machinery, light couplings with many fine teeth are used and operated at high speeds. In some screw vessels in which there is no provision for raising the Fig. 444. screw, it is desirable to disconnect it when proceeding under sail alone, and some form of clutch coupling is used. A very simple form is the so-called " cheese coupling," used in English vessels. Fig. 444. The hub of the propeller is provided with a hearing on each side, and formed with a T projection fitting into a corresponding recess in the heavy flange (or cheese) on the shaft A. The propeller blades are secured to the hub as already shown (Fig. 191). Friction Clutches. Couplings in which one portion transmits motion to the other portion by means of friction, are often especially applicable, since by the mere removal of the frictional contact the parts are disconnected, and when they are thrown into contact the driven Fig. 446. The angle a should not be taken at less than 10°, in order tiikt . the parts may not become wedged together; for iron on lion,/" may be taken at 0.15. In order to keep both jPand Q as small as possible, 7? should be made large, say between 3 and 6 d. The relative motion of the screw and hand wheel is of course dependent upon the radius of the wheel d, and upon the pitch s of the thread. n shaft of - 2 inches, making 50 rev- the table of g 145-0.0313 X pounds. If the ra- For the transmission of moderate force the cone coupling, or some of its various modifications, has very generally been used.* Fig. 445- portion is put into motion gradually. By making friction coup- lings of large diameter, they may be used to transmit propor- tionally great rotative moments. In Fig. 445 is shown a friction coupling used by Ramsbottom in rolling mill work.* The part A is firmly clamped between the wood-lined surfaces of B ; but the parts may be arranged so as to slip if undue resistance is encountered, thus making it a safety coupling. The modulus as before is (5 = — -I -. 3 16 Fig. 447. Instead of a single pair of external and internal cones, a num- ber of small elements may be employed. This form is shown in Fig. 447. The general calculations are made as above, except that the lever arm J? of the friction must be reduced, and may be taken with sufficient accuracy at a point distant from the outer circumference equal to one-third the width of the grooved frictional surface. The operating lever in this case need make but very little movement, and the arrangement of a fork mounted on an eccentric bearing, as shown in the illustration, may be conveniently adopted. f When a cone coupling is intended to be used for the trans- mission of large forces, the apparatus for pressing the parts to- gether may sometimes be so arranged that it is mounted on * Many such applications will be found in the description of the Suez Ca- nal ; see Armengaud, Publ. Ind., Vol. 17, PI. 9. t See Armengaud, Vignole des Mecaniciens, Plate II. lOO THE CONSTRUCTOR. the shaft, revolving with it, without creating so much pressure against the bearing. The fork and grooved collar shown in Fig. 447 is not suitable for heavy clutches on account of the excessive collar friction, hence the pressure is better applied by means of a screw mounted on one of the shafts, and this may be conve- niently arranged so as to draw both shafts firmly together. Sup- pose the shaft to be 4 inches in diameter, we have from the pre- ceding, R=z^d— 24", and an axial pressure Q^- ( ' -f 24 V 015 0.9S4S J =: 2S1S lbs. This endlong pressure, instead of creating hurtful collar resistance, may be utilized by arranging the parts as shown in Fig. 448, which shows a friction clutch coupling of fore, viz., 5 = - + ^ In Fig. 449 is shown the cylinder friction clutch of Koechlin. In this case the clutch movement takes place radially. The part ^ is a hollow C3'linder in which three internal clamp pieces are ,i.... the axial pressure O, upon the collar £^, can be transmitted so that the screws need not have too quick a pitch. If .y is the pitch, d the length of lever arm, /the coefficient of friction of the clamping pieces, we have for the transmission of a given moment [PJ?), neglecting the friction of the screws, 2S P ^ s PR , , T^-b 7°'^^=ir^ -fR ('47> which gives a very small value for O- If the parts are so arranged that B is the driven part, there will be no collar friction at B\ when the coupling is not iu ac- tion. When the shaft is vertical, a weight may be used instead of a collar and lever, and by gradually lowering it the apparatus may be started with very little shock. The first clutch made by Koechlin was designed for the transmission of 30 H. P.* The . above value corresponds to a minimum value of A'. The modu- s the same as before A very excellent form of this coupling was designed by Bod- mer, independently of Koechlin, f and a similar arrangement' has been adapted to mill gearing with success, j Fig. 448- the author's design. As shown in the section, the part A ex- tends over the part B, and both parts are drawn together by the action of the screw and hand wheel. The only modification in the screw gear is that the screw is made large enough to permit the shaft to be passed through it, the thread being thus cut upon the hub of the part A. This coupling runs very smoothly. The concentric channels should be arranged with clearance at the bottoms of the grooves, as shown in the section, to provide for fitting and wear. The modulus for the parts is the same as be- FiG. 450. Cylinder couplings in which the clamping pieces are operated by toggle joints are also made. An example is shown in Fig. 450, which is a clutch by Fossey, as applied to mint machinery. § This is a very compact design and is arranged with four clamps, which have no bronze shoes. The toggle links are as wide as the clamps and are fitted with half-journals to transmit the pres- sure outwards, while to draw the clamps back, light through bolts are used (see ? 95). If the toggle links make with the axis an angle 90° -)-. a, we have for the axial collar-pressure : = ly^^=L^ ^"-^ (r48> " f R f The angle a may be taken very small, since there is no danger of clamping. The value may be as small as o = 2°, or even 1°. Fig. 449- fitted, each being provided with a bronze shoe. These are thrown in and out of action by means of a sliding collar B', which operates right and left hand screws by means of the lever b. The clamps slide in radial grooves and the details are fully shown in the illustration. The nuts for the right and left hand screws can be closely adjusted and clamped by set screws, so that a radial movement of less than -^-r/' is sufficient. There is no danger of wedging the parts fast in this form of clutch, as may be the case in cone clutches, as the elastic reaction of the cylin- der assists in the direction to release the parts. At the same time the screws prevent the coupling from releasing itself and itt P^^ ^j-7-Y—-- E-^-- — ^ ' Jo ^^^fjkll^ ru^T^ f-- - j^yylyl slg^ For a = 1 3/° we have -^ =- — ^— = — "^ P O.I5 s Another form of cylinder coupling using toggle levers, has * Bulletin von Mulhausen, 1854, p. 138. t See Fairbairn, Mills and Millwork, Vol. II., p. 92. I See Uhland's Prakt. Masch Konstrukteur, 1869, p. 97. I See Armengaud's Pmbl. Industrielle, Vol. XVII, PI. 10. THE CONSTRUCTOR. been designed by Garand.* Jackson uses hydraulic pressure to force the clamps into contact. t Dohmeu-Leblanc uses springs to throw the toggles out of action.l Schurmaun uses, instead of the separate clamps, a ring, which is compressed externally ; § Napier also uses a ring, expanded from within. |j Becker ar- ranges the clamp blocks to be operated by centrifugal force.^ These are only a few of various modifications of the cylinder coupling. A form of axial friction coupling which acts with very slight pressure is the Weston clutch, made by Tangye.** This acts upon the principle of multiple plate friction (see | loi), as is shown in Fig. 4.51. The wooden discs are engaged with the case, and the iron ones with the shaft. In the form shown the plates are pressed to- FiG. 452- fther by the springs, and released by drawing back the collar and releasing the spring pressure. A larger example of Weston's clutch is shown in Fig. 452. .^ is a winding drum, B the shaft driven b}^ the engine. The outer disc C and the inner discs of the coupling are held apart by spiral springs, as shown at a. A light pull on the cord c holds the drum stationary ; a strong pull engages the clutch for winding ; if the cord is left slack the load on the drum runs backward. Automatic Couplings. When power is transmitted to a shaft from two different sources, as from two independent engines, it is desirable to have one or both of them connected by a coupling which will auto- tnatically release or engage with the shaft, according to the dis- tribution of work. If one motor tends to overrun it will then be given more of the work, and so the resistance will be equal- ized. Such a device is the coupling of Pcuyer-Ouertier, gener- ally known as Pouyer's Coiipling. Fig. 453- This is shown in Fig. 453. In this case the parts are so dis- posed that the part A, which is driven by one source of motive power, is loose on the shaft B. This part A may have gear teeth upon its circumference, for example, or may have a gear wheel mounted upoii its hub, as shown by the dotted lines ; the hub being bushed with bronze. Upon the shaft B a ratchet wheel is keyed ; the pawls a, a, being upon A, engage with the teeth when A drives B, but if j5 gains upon A, or A stops while B continues to move, the pawls are thrown out of action. The direction of motion is shown by the arrow. The pawls are re- leased by the action of th- friction bands b-^ and A,, which are carried forward by friction upon B, whenever B gains upon A, the levers b throwing the pawls a out of gear. As soon as the limit of travel of the levers b, b, is reached, the friction bands b^, b.^ slip upon B, being able to move no faster than A. When the speed of A increases and gains upon B, the pawls are again thrown into gear and A is automatically coupled to the shaft. In order that the pawls may not bind upon the ratchet teeth in releasing it is necessary that the angle y, which the pawl makes with the face of the ratchet tooth, must be less than the com- plement of the angle of friction ; in this case 7 = 60°. Pouyer uses only one friction baud and makes both pawls engage at the same time. In the illustration the ratchet wheel is made with an odd number of teeth (13), and the pawls are placed so that a movement of only % the pitch will cause the parts to become engaged. The above proportion of the angle of the teeth is of importance, as otherwise the points of the teeth are apt to be broken. The pawls also should be of hardened steel. \ Fig. 454. In Germany Uhlhom's Coupling is used for similar service, as shown in Fig. 454. Here A is the part connected to the motor, and B is fast to the driven shaft. A is an internal ratchet wheel into which the pawls b enter. The springs a serve to insure the entrance of the pawls into the teeth, which engagement continues so long as a drives B. If the speed of A is retarded, the pawls are retracted as shown in the lower part of the figure. In this case the springs act to keep them out of gear, being the reverse action to that of an ordinary ratchet gear. The pawls are fitted with half-journals (see I 95), and are held in place by a plate ring, as shown. Uhlhorn originally used only two ratchet teeth in A, but increased the number afterv/ards to four, so that the parts would engage in a movement of one- fourth a revolution. It is better to use an odd number, as three, and b}' proper spacing of the pawls the greatest pla}^ will be one- half a space, or one-sixth a revolution with three teeth, as in the case of Pouyer's Couplings. B may be the driving part in- stead of the driven, but in that case the direction of the arrow must be reversed. CHAPTER XI. SIMPLE LEVERS. ?I59- Journals for Levers. In machine design a simple lever, or rocker arm, is a lever arm which is mounted upon an axle or shaft, at the end, about which it moves, and carries a journal upon the other end. For the proportion of the journal see Chapter V. The forms which iZeitschr. d. Vereins d. Ina;., Vol. V, 1861, p. 301. II Engineer, 1868, July, p. 64. f German Patent, 7205. **lu the U. S. by the Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.l Fig. 455- may be given to such journals are shown in Fig. 455, and are single overhung, double, or forked. The manner of securing the pin in the hub or the lever is most important. The pin should not be driven in up to the shoulder on the taper, but sufficient space left to insure that the fit is tight in the taper. This clearance is shown plainly in the figure. The same result THE CONSTRUCTOR. may be attained by counter-sinking the collar into the hub on the lever. In the case of double overhanging pins, care should be taken that the load is equally divided between the two sides, so that the pressure upon each pin shall be equal to yi P. In the fork-ended lever the fit on both ends of the pin should be portions of the same cone. Example i. Vox P = 4400 lbs., we have from the table in §90 for alternating pressure and wrought iron journal, the diameter ^ = 0.0 27 \/ 44°° = i-8", and the length the same. For steel, we have d = 0.024 s/ 44°° =■ i-6", and the length / = 1.3 X 1-6 = 2'OS". For a forked lever, a wrought iron pin with the same load the diameter, according to (9S) would be rt a' = 0.62s a + 0.6 R ( , audifi? Caud we have from (154) ; R' = °-975 X 24 + 0.25 X 15.75 = .mple, let C= Cast iron arms are sometimes made of cruciform section, see Fig. 456, in which case the ribs may be neglected. Lever Arms of Combined Section. The sections shown in Fig. 461 are designed to secure an economy of material. Their dimensions are readil}- determined by first calculating a corresponding arm of rectangular section, and then transforming it into an I section, or double II shape. If ha be the depth and b^ the breadth of the equivalent rectan- gular arm, and h and b the c in Fig. 461, we have 5sponding terms to be found, as «-(f-)[^T-c, Y (15s) and R' ■= 0.62^ R -{- 0.6 c is R^c. R' may be determined readily by the graphical method. Fig. 460. The third case shows the method for inclined arms. Table for Transforming Arm Sections. h Values of r ir c ?-- 3 3-5 4 4-5 5 6 7 8 10 6 0.50 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.14 7 S2 0.4.S 40 3.S 32 29 25 21 19 IS 8 ,S4 0.47 42 37 34 31 23 20 16 9 S5 049 44 39 36 33 24 22 18 10 58 o.,Si 46 41 37 3^ 29 o 26 23 19 S3 48 43 39 36 3' 24 12 62 ,s,s ,SO 44 41 37 32 29 26 21 14 64 ^8 ,S2 47 44 40 28 23 16 by bo ■^S ■SO 47 43 38 34 30 25 IS 69 63 S7 S2 49 46 40 36 33 27 20 71 6,S 60 S,S S2 48 42 38 34 29 22 73 67 b2 ,=^3 ,SO 4S 40 37 31 24 7S 68 64 S9 S6 S2 47 42 ,^8 33 27 76 71 6b 62 ,S8 ,S,S .SO 4,S 41 3S 30 78 1?> b8 b4 bi SI ,=52 47 43 37 33 79 7S 70 bb 6^ bo S4 .so 4,S 39 36 8i 76 72 68 6S bi S6 S2 48 41 40 83 78 74 70 67 64 58 54 50 44 4^ 84 80 76 72 69 bb bl S7 53 47 50 0.85 0.81 0.78 0.74 0.71 o.b8 0.63 0.59 0.56 0.49 a has a length R = 7S.7; e have for a rectangu- tion may be compared. Here v get from the table — — — =^ 0.4^ mpracticable, and hen THE CONSTRUCTOR. breadth B = 0. 44^=1.71 X 0.44 = 0.752, the web th icknes = . = J, = /. = ■^-x. ^5", all of which ire practical d mensioi s. It naj'be found de- sirabl E.xa ,°pU 2. A wrought ir reasonable rat n arm has bee 1 found b, and to reqi c : /; be chosen. I2?s". It is desired to make -'^ = 0.25 and i 1 columi 10 we find 025 opposite h = 16 Hence <5 = 0.57 and^=ioX CHAPTER CRANKS XII. 0" and = !^?i=o.S". the pin diameter d, and ordinate i of the base of the pin, the diameter of the shaft may be obtained according to formula (124). The Crank Arm. — Prolong ^ a to ao, and transfer the cord polygon D a d to the base line B C, that is, make the angle UoB C=^ the angle Dad, and then will B ao C be, with hori- zontal ordinates, the surface of moments for the bending of the Various Kinds of Cranks. Cranks are these forms of simple levers which are so arranged that the}' may, together with their various connections, make entire and repeated revolutions about an axis. These may be divided into the following four classes : 1. Single Overhung Cranks. 2. Return Cranks. 3. Double Cranks, or Cranked Axles. 4. Eccentrics. These will be briefly treated in I 166. SiNGLB Wrought Iron Cranks. These cranks may be proportioned according to the rules given for simple levers and rocker arms [l i^()eiseq). Fig. 462 shows the usual form; the arm tapers to two- thirds its base dimensions both ways, and is made slightly convex on the back. Fig. 462. Fig. 463. The crank-pin is forced or driven in, and secured with a cap bolt. Fig. 463 shows a crank forged in one piece. In this case tne width of the arm at the base is determined by the necessary amount of shoulder on the shaft. The proportions of the pin are obtained from the rules in ^ 159. ? 167. §45), Mi =lMi+i ^Mi^ + Mi (s from which the polygon curve c' d' e' and surface of moments Cd d' e^ E are obtained. From the latter, in combination with crank arm due to the force P. Also make C Co=^ B bo= C C, then will the horizontal ordiuates of the torsion rectangle B b„Co C be the moments with which P acts to twist the crank arm about the axis B C. This moment may again be combined with the bending moment to give an ideal moment as before ; (rt„ rt^ = I «„ C draw B a' , make at any point H, the space H i = % B bo, and make H h = //„ h' + // i) which gives the surface of moments B b' h F C for the crank arm. From this and from the diameter d and ordinate t, we can construct the conoidal form of the arm I K L 7?/, according to formula (124). From this, again, the profile S T U V ol zxi arm of rectangular section ma}' be derived, the width // being assumed for any point and the corresponding thickness b obtained from the value y of the conoid, according to the formula : (156) = -(0 in using which, the second table 01 numbers at the close of this work will be found useful. If the position of the axis B Cdoes not give satisfactory results, the operation must be repeated with a better relation of parts. By proceeding in this manner the dimensions of a crank and axle may be so determined that they will be equal in strength to the pin upon which the power is exerted. In the preceding diagram the crank arm was taken as normal to the axle. A slight inclination may be neglected, but if the The crank is such an important detail of machine construc- tion that it demands a most careful discussion, hence a grapho- static investigation of the stresses in it is here given. The Crank y^jr/^'.— Having calculated d and /, draw the skeleton diagram of the crank, that is, the neutral axis A B CD E, Fig. 464, in which B C represents the axis of the crank arm, which in this case lies normal to the axis of the shaft, and is placed in its proportional distance from the centre of the crank-pin A, and from the bearing D. Then lay off the force /"from a, normal to E a, choose the pole O of the force polygon (this being best placed upon aline passing through the. end of P and parallel to the axis E a), draw the ray a d O, and line d E, also the ray O /", parallel to d E ; then ad E will represent the cord polygon for the bending which /'produces upon the axle a C E, and P P, represents the force upon the journal E, and P-^ a the force upon the journal D. Also make a /^ equal to the crank radius R, draw F G, and this latter will be the twisting moment f? 140) which P exerts upon the axis. This moment 3Td may be combined with the bending moment Mh, to give for each point an ideal bending moment, Fig. 46,5. angle is greater, as shown in Fig. 460, it should be so considered in the diagram. The procedure is then as follows (Fig. 465): The diagram for the crank shape is constructed as before, the portion under a b being used only for the shank A B of the crank-pin, and the portion under CE being combined as before with the torsion moment, to obtain the surface of moments Cc'd'e'E. The crank arm is again subjected to bending and twisting; the lever arm is now B' C, A B' being made normal to the axis THE CONSTRUCTOR. 105 B C oi the crank arm, the bending polygon being a portion of the triangle C B' C, in which the angle at B' is equal to the angle d a D. The twisting force acts with a lever arm A B' ; its moment is obtained by drawing an ordinate at a' normal to B C, B' a' being taken equal to B' A. The combination of moments gives the surface of moments B b" c" C in same manner, and of the same use as in the preceding case. ?i6S. Cast Iron Cranks. The crank-pin is sometimes made spherical instead of cylin- drical ; such a one is shown in Fig. 466 on a cast iron crank. The sphere will be of suitable diameter if described from the middle of a normally proportioned overhung crank-pin without making allowance for shoulder. The crank-pin is secured by cold rivetting the end in place, an excellent method and one often used. The I formed section can be proportioned by the use of the table in \ 164. When h is taken as equal to the hub The line oto i, measured upward, represents the pressure on the return crank-pin ; O is the pole chosen on a horizontal line drawn through o, and the line i to 2 represents the pressure on the main crank-pin, measured downwards. Draw the rays o O, 1 O, 2 O, also draw the line a d' parallel to i (9, until it inter- sects at d' the line dropped from D (the line of direction of the ;! Fig. 466. diameter, the cross section sometimes works out too light to be suitable for casting, and in such cases it must be increased according to judgment. Sometimes cast iron cranks are made simply by laying out the proper hubs for the shaft and crank- pin, and then joining them by an arm of rectangular section. If it is desired to employ the graphostatic method, the dimen- sions may first be determined for a wrought iron crank of rec- tangular section, and then doubling the depth (see \. 162) for cast iron, and obtaining the proportions for I formed section according to \ 164. The Return Crank. A return crank is one which is formed upon the pin of an ordinary overhung crank, returning back toward and having rotation about the same crank shaft as the main crank. Fig. 467 shows a wrought iron return crank otherwise similar in con- struction to the one shown in Fig. 463. Frequently the return arm is on the same line as the main crank, as shown in the illustration, but in many cases it is differently placed. The arm and pin of the return crank are similar in shape and propor- tions to an ordinary overhung crank. The arm of the main crank demands no especial consideration, when, as is usually the case, there is but little pressure on the pin of the return crank. The main crank-pin must be determined separately. It is subjected both to bending and to torsion. For this purpose the formula (154) are to be used, remembering that when the return crank is driven by the main crank the moment of the return crank is greatest in the middle of the main crank-pin. \ 170- Graphostatic Cai/'. For the combined mo- meuts these give the surface CD d k'. Fig. 472. For the same given distances of E from B and H the torsion stresses on the crank arms are greater for arms normal to the axis than for inclined arms, so that in the former case heavier arms are required. The torsion in the crank arms grows less and less the nearer the points C and G approach B and H, which is a point to be considered in the interest of economy of material. It is also to be noted that the total length of crank axle FG H or D CB is less for inclined arms than for right- angled cranks. ny cases a crank axle is so situated that it is subjected n at either one end or the other. In such cases the dia- gram should be constructed for both sets of conditions, and laid upon each other, the greater value in all cases being taken. Of course, care must be taken to use the same pole distance and same scale for mearuring forces in both cases. An example of such a case is found in the paddle engines made by Penn, with oscillating cylinders, the air pump being work^ed from the mid- dle of the crank pin. The conditions in this case are somewhat different from the preceding, and may be examined with the help of the following diagram (Fig. 472) : Here we have the skeleton ABCDEFGH, and not taking into account the force at E, the force couple gives by means of the cord and force polygon the moment values B b = Cc= Gg = Hh, from which the following results are obtained: Axle Shank A B C. — Pure torsion, which, converted into an equivalent bending moment, gives B b' =^C c' =^ | B b (see IV., I 16, when Mb =■ O). Axle Shank G H. — This is the same as the preceding, and Hh'=zGg'=Cc'. Crank Pin D E F. — We have here the saine twisting moment as in the axle shayks Dd = Ff= Bb and Ddf, = F/o = B b'. Crank Ann CD. — We have in this portion a bending moment of the magnitude Cc" ^Dd' = Cc, of which the plane stands normal to the plane of the surface of the crank arm. The sur- face of moments is in this case equal to a rectangle of the height Bb=Cc. Crank Arm FG. — In this case we have both torsion and bending. The conple is decomposed at G into two parts, one acting normal to the axis of the crank arm, and the other in the direction of the arm. The first gives the torsion rectangle G Ff" g", the latter the bending rectangle FGi i', which com- bined give the moment surface F G g"'f"', in which we again have pq = %Gi, pr=%G g", pt^ G g" =^qs-\- qr. Thus far we have proceeded as though there were no force acting at E. When such exists, however, first determine the bending and twisting moments as shown in Fig. 472, add or subtract, according to direction, the twisting moments, taking into account the position of the planes of bending action, and finally combine the bending and twisting moments so found, according to the method of Case IV., g 16. The amount of work which this investigation requires of the drawing-room of any machine-shop is small compared with the importance of a thorough determination of all the stresses which act upon such a piece of work as a crank shaft forging. MuwiPLE Crank Shafts, Locomotivb Axles. One of the most important forms of crank axles made of wrought iron or steel is that used for locomotive engines. As an example of this subject, the crank axle for an inside con- nected locomotive is given in Fig. 473. In drawing the diagram of moments it is necessary to take into account tne diameter of the driving-wheels, as will be shown in Fig. 474. Cj and C^ are centres of the steam cylinders, A^ and A^ are the journals, and B^ Z?i and B.^ D.^ are the hubs of the respective driving-wheels. The cranks at C, and (T, are placed at right angles with each other, taking the position which the axle shows in Fig. 473. An inspection of the figure shows three distinct loads acting upon the axle : i, the pressure in the vertical plane due to the weight of the locomotive and to the lateral action upon the wheel THE CONSTRUCTOR. flanges ; 2, the horizontal pressure of the piston against the crank. Q opposed by a corresponding adhesion at the circumfer- ence of the driving-wheels; 3, the oblique pressure of the con- necting rod acting upon the crank C,. Other small pressures, such as those due to the eccentrics, etc., may be neglected. Fig. 474. Forces and IMoments in the Vertical Plane. — Fig. 474. From the point S^ of the height of the centre of gravity of the loco- motive lay off the force O, to represent that portion of the •weight which is borne b}- the axle under consideration. The oscillations and action of centrifugal force upon curves also produces a horizontal force H, which may be taken as equal to 0.4 O. The resultant R of the two forces Q and H is the load upon the axle- This may be decomposed into the pressures P-^^ and Pj upon the journal at A-^^ and y?,. ai^d into the pressures Q-^ and (?._, upon the wheels at E-^ and E.,, which pressures, with their reactions, produce the stresses on the axle. The forces Qy and Q-i can be decomposed into two others referred to tHe wheel hubs i?i Z?i and B^ D^. This gives six vertical pressures acting to bend the axle, viz. : i, 2, 3 and 4 acting downward at D^, Ay, A2 and D.^, and 5 and 6 acting upward at B.^ and B-^. From these forces, by choosing anj' desired pole distance, the force polygon E, 4, O may be constructed, and also the cord poly- gon or surface of moments d-^ a-^ a^ d.^ b.^ b^, and this surface gives by its ordinates the proportional bending moments in the verti- cal plane for each point in the axle ; this entire surface is desig- nated by the letter F. ! ; \i: 7--^,^ 0/^ ^ ■■ --1 h,l B, r ?Uxx •^J Irt i 1 Fig. 475- Eorces and Moments in the Horizontal Plane. — Fig. 475. As already shown in a preceding paragraph, the pressure P on the crank pin for the position L M oi the crank is somewhat greater than the pressure P^ on the piston ; its moment of rotation about the shaft is — . R cos n, which = P^ R, so that upon the as- sumption that the wheel on the left slips on the rail, the other one must oppose a resistance whose moment equals /J, R and the frictional resistance 3 at £2= Pa — Combining this force 3 at E2 and also the force 4 = /"(,, and the resistances i and 2 at the journals, we are enabled to construct the force polygon A-y 2 O and the corresponding cord pol3'gon H for the horizon- tal forces, as shown in the light sectional portion of the diagram. The forces i and 2 are found bv taking the position of the re- sultant of the two forces 3 and 4, as shown in the figure, and decomposing their sum into the portions which would go re- spectively to y?i and A^, as shown by the construction given in the dotted lines. Forces and Moments in the Inclined Plane of the Connecting Rod. — The force j2 = 5 acts at (Tj, making an anule with the horizontal equal to M K L. As shown in the illustration, this ma)? be decomposed into the two opposing forces 6 and 7 at ^j and A2, and by taking the same pole distance as before to con- struct the force polygon we obtain the cord polygon 6", shown by the dark section lining, and giving the surface of moments for bending in the inclined plane of the connecting rod. Fig. 476. Combination of the Three Preceding Cord Polygons for Bend- ing of the Axle. — Fig. 476. Since the three preceding sets of forces are acting at the same time to produce bending in the axle, it is necessary to combine the diagrams in order to obtain the final result. For this purpose we can treat the respective ordinates in the same manner as if they were forces, as in ^ 44. Taking the successive points upon the axle, we construct the corresponding ordinate polygons, whose closing lines give the resulting moment both in direction and magnitude. One of these ordinate polygons is shown in the upper portion of Fi-g. 474, to the left : it belongs to the point C^. The vertical ordi- nate Fin this case acts upward, the horizontal ordinate //"con- tinues toward the left, and the inclined ordinate .S also continues to the left, thus giving the resultant T as the line joining the origin of V with the termination of 5". We thus obtain for the entire axle the surface of moments D.^ D^ ffj c-^ c, a^ b.,, which gives the proportion of bending stresses of the axle, as distin- guished from those of the crank arms. The Torsional Moments for the Axle. — The position of crank described above and selected for this investigation gives a tor- sional moment only upon the crank to the left, and also one of the magnitude PR upon the axle extending to the point D.^- If both cranks stand at an angle of 45° with the horizontal, there will be produced in both end shanks Cj Z?i and C^D^ moments equal to v/ 2 PR, or about 1.4 PR. Under these circumstances the moments at the ends become Z^iO'/ = Z^.jfl'j', while in the body of the shaft C^ C, we have the moment Q r/ ^ G <:^ = PR, always keeping the scale of forces and the pole distance the same in all of the diagrams. It must be remembered that in this position of the cranks the bending moments are somewhat different from those shown in the preceding diagrams. Combination of Bending and- Twisting hloments. — The bending and twisting moments can now be combined accor- ding to the formula of ?45, and thus the surface of mom^ents D., Dydyb^ . . . . d./' obtained, by the help of which the shanks C-^ D^ and C^ Do and body of the axle G Q can be pro- portioned, after the diameter for any one of the ordinates, as, for example, that at B^ b^, has been determined. The half of the diagram which gives the greatest ordinates should be used for both halves of the axle. Crank Pin at Cy — The two crank pins are treated separately in Figs. 477 and 478, since the moments can be laid out more conveniently in that way. For the pin EG at C^ we have, in addition to the bending moments obtained from Fig. 476, and shown by the surface EG c^, the combiued forces on the left, up to the point E, acting to twist the pin. The resultant of these forces is yet to be found. The vertical forces are those shown at I, 2 and 6 of Fig. 474, their algebraic sum being shown at /, in Fig. 477. The horizontal force acting backwards is //, repre- sented as I, in Fig. 475. The inclined force acting downwards THE CONSTRUCTOR. 109 and backwards, shown at ///, corresponds to the force 6, of Fig- 475- llie closing line (not shown) from /// to Q would give the resultant, and its horizontal component /Facts to twist the crank pin /^ 6", with a lever arm E F^ R. In the force polygon (above, on the left) we take « C to be the pole distance, as before ; lay off IV downward from O, draw alV e, make af= I\ ; then will fe, perpendicular from _/, be the twisting moment Ff\ Combining this with the surface of bending mo- ments F G Cj, we obtain the final surface FG c^' . X. Fro. 477- Crank Arm E F. — The ordinate polygon V^ H^ S-^ T-^ (on the left) is constructed for the point E. The horizontal component h^ of the resultant- T^ acts to twist the arm E F, Fd = hi ; the vertical component z\ acts to produce a bending of the arm in the plane of the diagram, Fb=:v^ ; also the force /F acting at E tends to bend the arm normal to the plane of the diagram, with a moment b b^^ Fd^ at F. The combination of the bend- ing moments gives the surface E Fb' b", which, with the tor- sion rectangle E Fd, gives the final surface E Fb'". Crank Arm G H. — The ordinate polygon V^H.^ S^ T^ is con- structed for the point H. The horizontal component h^ acts to twist the arm G H, H d,^^= h.^ ; the vertical component v.,_ shows the bending in the plane of the diagram, Gb^^=v^\ also, the force /'bends the arm normal to the plane of the diagram with a moment P R ^=fh,oiXh^ force polygon above, on the left, in which Og = P, af^= R. Again, make b.^' 63 =//?. The combi- nation of the bending moments gives the surface G H b^' b.^" , and the combined bending and twisting moments give the final surface G Hb^'". Fig. 478. Crank Pin K L. — Fig. 478. This crank pin is subjected to the bending moments which act between M and_/, and indicated by the surface K L c^, obtained from Fig. 476. The collected forces which act on the left of C^ tend to twist the pin. The resultant of the forces 3, 4 and 5, Fig. 474, shown at J^in Fig. 476, acts downward, the resultant (difference) of the forces 2 and 3, Fig. 475, and shown at VI, acts horizontally backward, and the force 7, of Fig. 475, shown at VII, acts inclined back- wards. The vertical component of the force polygon V, VI, VII, acts to produce twisting at M, remembering that the crauk J K is taken in the horizontal position. The moment of this vertical component has the magnitude kk'. Also we have act- ing to twist the pin the couple shown on the left (as discussed in connection with Fig. 472) with a moment already determined and shown at Qit/ in Fig. 476, and here laid off at K k, from which, since the previously determined twisting moment kk' acts in the opposite direction, we must subtract kk', giving finally for the crank pin K L the twisting moment K k' , which, when combined with the bending moment, gives the surface KLc^'. Crank Arm J K. — This is subjected to twisting by the moment A'(/=the vertical component v.-,_ of the ordinate polygon V^H^S^T^. For bending in the vertical plane we have the moment Kl-=-Kk, as already shown in Fig. 472 ; also in the same manner and direction by the vertical component of the forces V^ VI and VII with the moments b b^sX K (see the dia- gram of these moments in the upper left portion of Fig. 477). It is subject to bending in the horizontal plane by the horizon- tal component h^ of the ordinate polygon, the moment being bb^. The combination of bending moments gives the surface JKbi' b./y and the final combination with the twisting moment Kd gives the surface/ A' 62'^. Crank Ar^n L 31. — The twisting moment is Z ^] = the verti- cal component v^ of the ordinate polygon for the point M. The bending moment Lb.^^= K k, also b/b^ due to the vertical force at 31, and also the bending moment b-^br^ = the horizontal com- ponent //4 of the oi'dinate polygon. The combination of bend- ing moments gives the surface ML b/, and the final combina- tion with the twisting moment gives the surface 31 L b/'. Of the four crank arms, JK is subjected to the greatest stress at the pin, and G H 3.1 the axle. In practice, therefore, the surfaces /AT 6/' and G H b./'' should be drawn upon each other and the greatest ordinate used. The resulting dimensions, with possibly slight modifications, should then be used for all four arms. Although the construction of such a graphostat^c diagram of moments involves some labor, the result is most satisfactory, since by assuming a stress of say 5 the modulus of working stress (about 17,500 lbs. for wrought iron, 25,000 lbs. for steel) the design can be properly proportioned without further care. _ The calculations for locomotive axles with outside cranks is similar to the preceding, although the diagrams are necessarily somewhat different, although laid out in the same general Fig. 479. ?i73. Hand Cranks. The chief peculiarity in a hand crank lies in the adaptation of the crank pin to be operated by hand. In Fig. 479 is shown a crank for two men, and in Fig. 480 for one man. The dimen- sions for the parts indicated by the letters are as follows : /? = 14'^ to I?." I' = 16" to i^" to W The other dimensions figured in the illustrations are in milli- metres. When placed at opposite ends of the same shaft, hand cranks should be set at 1 20° with each other. Eccentrics. An eccentric is nothing more than a ciank in which (if the crank arm is R and the shaft diameter /?) the crank pin diam- eter d' is made so great that it exceeds /? 4- 2 /?, or is greater than the shaft and twice the throw. The simpler forms of eccen- tric construction are shown iu the illustrations. The most prac- THE CONSTRUCTOR. tical of these is that shown in Fig. 483, the flanges on the strap, as shown in the section, serving to retain the oil and insure good lubrication. The breadth of the eccentric (properh' the length of pin /) is the same as that of the equivalent overhung journal subjected to the same pressure ; for the depth of flange a we have « = 1.5^ = 0.07/+ 0.2 (157) from which the other dimensions can be determined as in the illustrations. For some forms of shafts with multiple cranks or other ob- structions the eccentrics cannot be made as shown above, but must be in halves, bolted together. CHAPTER XIII. COMBINED LEJ-ERS. ?I75- Various Kinds of Combined Levers. Two simple levers with the same hub form what is termed a Combined Lever. When both arms have a common centre line they form a Beam, or so-called Walking Beam ; and when they form an angle with each other they are called an Angle Beam, pins combined, fitted on the turned end of the beam and secured by the pinned collar shown. This construction requires careful fitting, and is somewhat expensive. Fig. 4S7 a. This is a fork journal ; the fit is made with a very slight taper, secured by cap bolt and large washer at one end. The pin is kept from turning by a projection under the head, let into the boss on the beam. Wai,king Beams. One of the principal forms of combined levers is the walking beam, for use in some forms of steam engine. These are usually made of cast iron, with journals and pins similar to those given in Fig. 456 ; and other forms of journals are also shown in the following figures. Fig. 486 a shows an ornamented beam-end, with the pin keyed fast Fig. 486 b shows a beam-end with a bored cross-head and Fig. 487 b. This is a spherical bearing with its shank driven into the end of the beam and keyed fast, this form giving great freedom of motion to the connecting rod. The diameters of pins are determined as already given in ^ 90. The load is to be considered as acting continuously or intermit- tently, according as the engine is single or double acting. Fig. 4S8 shows a form of beam which has been extensively used. In order to secure lateral stiffness, the beam centre should not be made too short. A good proportion is that given in the figure, in which the distance between centres of bearings is made equal \.o 6d -\- ^qA. The distance between centres of journals for the ends of the beam is made from 4.60^2 to 5.5 ^2 ; or frequently a Bell Crank. The pressure O, upon the axle of an angle lever A O B, Fig. 485, is determined by the relatio- Q = y/P^- -^ P} — 2 Py P^ cos a if P^ is the force acting at A, and P^ that at B, both acting at right angles to their respective arms \ a being the angle between the arms. This may be shown graphically by making P^^ O B and Pi=OA, when Q will = AB, the third side of the tri- angle. If the forces P^ and P.,_ do not act at right angles to the arms, the triangle must be constructed by drawing lines from O, normal to the directions of the forces. The variety of combined levers is very great, and only a few of the principal forms are here given. = 4^+^ . • (158) in which d is the diameter of the beam centre, and A the half length of the beam. If the two arms are of unequal length their mean should be taken.* The curved outline of such beams is drawn according to the methods given in § 142, starting from the crown of the beam to the hub for the pins at the ends. The ribs in the middle of the beam are given the same thickness, c, as the flange at the edges, and the breadth of flange is shown in the plan at B (see I 163). Another form of beam is shown in Fig. 489. This is made double, and in such case each half is calculated separately. In Fig. 490 is shown a section of such a double beam in which the parts are somewhat widely separated. The two plates are firmly bolted together, the bolts passing through tubular sti ts, as shown, and the parallel motion rods are hung between the two parts of the beam. 'In the United States i ter depth is given to beams of this sort, 1 by the formula. Skeleton beams with bands are also much used. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Abeam of somewhat unusual form is shown in Fig 491, being a portion of the hydraulic riveting machine of INIackay & Mc- George, built by Rigg.* The beam centre is at W, the rivet die at B, the hydraulic pressure is exerted by small and large cylin- ders at D and C respectively. The water pressure is taken from an accumulator and discharged into an outlet pipe placed some- what higher than D. By means of a suitablj- arranged valve bolts. Fig. 494 shows the form used on American locomotives. The example is from a passenger engine, and extends between Fig. 493- Another form of beam is the equalizing lever, used to distrib- ute the weight among the springs (see Figs. 102 and 103, | 41). In Fig. 493 is shown a lever of wrought iron for a heavy engin-^ (the Prussian standard freight engine). The length A B is 1180 mm. = 465^', and the connections at A, 6* and B are made with * Ste Engineering, Slarch, 1875, p. 2^3. Fig. 494. the springs of the driving-wheels, being 7} feet long. At O, A and B are half journals, and the connections at A and B are not rigid. The bearings are not on a straight line, as in the German form, but the variation is trifling. Fig 489. gear the high pressure water is first exerted upon the small cjd- inder, and water from the discharge pipe delivered to the large cylinder, thus closing the die upon the rivet at B- Then the high pressure water is also delivered to the large cylinder, making a still greater pressure upon the rivet, with practically ^3 Fig. 490- no expenditure of water, as that cylinder is already filled. The pressure upon the rivet is 60 tons. The beam is made of a sec- tion of uniform resistance (see I9). Kt E is a short shear for cutting beams, angle iron, etc. The distance B Cis 12 feet. Wrought iron beams are not uncommon, and for moderate Fig. 492. loads and dimensions are conveniently made in the double form, as shown in Fig. 492. The depth /i in the middle may be taken at 0.8 times the value given by formula (15S). For larger beams of wrought iron, the girder form shown in Fig. 491 is to be pre- ferred. Fig. 491. ? '77- Scale Beams. In scale beams the bearings are usually made upon knife edges (see ? 95), generally with an angle of 60°. A special form is here given, Fig. 495, which may sers'e as an example, showing the main supporting beam of a bridge-scale, in triangular form. In the construction a, the main bearings are at O O; the bear- s A A form a double lalogous to Fig. 476 ; at i? i; the end journal, here set in a cast-iron head. In the form shown at d, we have two separate bearings at O O, the parts being held together by a bolt C-" * For .similar examples see E. Brauer's " Konstruktion derWaage" (Scale THE CONSTRUCTOR. Scale beams should show very little deflection under their load. They are therefore made very deep in proportion to their total section, and the stresses taken at 4250, S500 and 14,220 lbs. respectively for cast-iron, wrought-iron and steel. being the same ; ^ = 0.07^+0.118^/ (159) s used or other bearings, d being the diameter -""-1% Fig. 497- Fig- 497 shows two views of the brasses, the dimensions of the other parts being based on the following modulus : d^=^o.026'] \/P-\- 0.2" (i6o) The breadth b may be made equal to 0.8 d^, or if the length of the journal is made equal to its diameter b becomes = d — 2 4 steel, 14,200,000 for cast iron, and 1,562,000 for oak, and hence the following formula for the diameter of rod. Wrought Iron or Steel D = 0.0164 ^^7« y Z, Vp Cast Iron Z? = 0.0195 v/?« sj L Vp \ . . (164) Wood D = 0.034 ^"^ >/^ "^P We have for m = 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10 IS 20 25 30 40 50 60 1.78 1.97 2.II 2.24 2.34 2.51 If we represent th( may write for the above formulse entire co-efficient of /U L ^ P by C vi Vp' = C s/p- and may then determine values for C according to the degree of security required. As already stated, there is a wide variety of values of m to be deduced from practice. For stationary engines of moderate size we find m, very high, often 50 to 60. These however are not to be taken as standards because they are rarely designed for economy of material, but rather for per- fection of action. For medium and large stationary engines we find m from 5 to 25, probably averaging about 20. If the Fig. 517. and the weight of the rod. This action also occurs in a lesser degree in slower running engines, and is greatest at a point between the middle and the crank end of the rod. For this reason it is sometimes thought desirable to make the greatest diameter of rod, not at the middle, but somewhat nearer the crank end, as shown in Fig. 517. _ For moderate piston speeds this point need hardly be con- sidered as it is amply provided for in the co-efficient of security, but for high speeds and heavy ends it should be given due con- sideration. In the high speed type of engines ,such as the Porter Allen, the greatest strength of rod will be found at the crank pin end. At the same time, as will be seen, the value of m, for high speed locomotive engines, is usually made small. For marine engines, m is usually taken quite high, viz.: 30, a,^, In such engines the rod is generally made proportional to the cylinder diameter, being about 0.085 to 0.095 times the bore. It must be remembered that in marine engines the stresses due to flexure of the hull, and general lack of rigidity, demand a higher co-efficient of security than for stationary engines. Fig 518. In Fig. 518 is shown a rod for a screw propeller engine. The body of this rod is truly cylindrical, and the ends are similar to that shown in Fig. 500. Examjile 2.— I^'' used on Borsig's locomotiv< Fig. 519. as before, using the least moment of inertia of the section, J = xV h b^, and thus obtain for wrought iron or steel : for any given value of b : h = 0.0000000425 m — ^ (168) for any given value of // : b = 0.0002 y^/ 111 J " ^ (169) and for any given ratio of /i, to b : h=o.oi^^m ^JJ^' ^TV=P (170) For the last formula we have, when : -^=1.5 16 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 ^ (-±-\ = 1.36 1.42 1.49 1-55 1-62 1.68 1.74 1.80 1.87 1.93 1.99 The most important application of flat connecting rods is upon locomotive engines. In this case the co-efi&cient of security is taken very low, i. e., the rod is made as light as possible, in order that the " stored velocity " may be kept small, and the "whip" action reduced. An examination of practical examples shows values of m, from 2 to 1.5, taken at the middle of the rod. At the cross head end the depth is reduced to 0.8, to 0.7 that at the middle, and the depth at the crank end is that due to the taper thus indicated. An example of such a rod is shown in Fig. 519. a locomotive P— 28,600 lbs. L = have, if jn — 1.5, according to ? 182, \/ jn = i -. 14,300 lbs. The length i '= 3 : — V- = 2.5 as before. Taking « 9 -n/ 100 -y/ 14,300 = 3.73" say 3K"- This s corresponds closelywith the proportions ther examples in practice give values of A rod of mixed section, passing from circular into rect- angular, is shown in Fig. 521, being the very elegant connecting rod of the Porter-Allen engine. In the illustration L ^ s feet. Channelbd and Ribbed Connecting Rods. Cast iron connecting rods are often made of cruciform or ribbed section, much in the same manner as axles. In such ._-— s -j ->»...,.^___^ F B A J>j \ "'"^-^ ' hL! -^-•- - - ■ - C j ^ 1 [ ^-^ H " ~--~^ . — ^-n^ Fig. 522. cases it is best to determine an ideal round rod, according to Fig. 5, from which the desired section can be derived. For any given case, let : 6 = the diameter of the ideal rod, 71, and b, the width, and thickness, respectively, then for any selected value of b, 6 b 4/l6 ]( b\ . h ; . . from which we get the following table 6 h & b <5 b 6 b & b IT h IT IT T- h IT h h h 0.643 0.700 0.14 0.748 0.18 0.816 0.2s 0.901 0.36 0.653 O.II 0,714 0.15 0.758 0.19 0.831 0.27 0.928 0.40 0.673 0.12 0.724 0.16 0.768 020 0.85s 0.30 0.958 0.45 0.690 0.13 0736 0.17 0,789 0.22 0.872 0.33 0.987 0.50 .ST y/ 72 s/ n Fig. 522, let A B C D,h^ the ideal round rod from which ruciform section ; EFG H,\s the width selected for the ribs, being, for example 1.5 We then have —^ = -^ = o . 667, 1 value in column i, of the table gives for , something between 12. This gives * = 0.12 A = o 12 5- r. If /> i? = 1.4/ ?, we have :olui PQ- THE CONSTRUCTOR. For constructive reasons the / section is preferred for loco- motive rods. Such a rod is shown in Fig. 523. This is made with a slight swell in the middle, but the scale of the drawing is too small to allow it to appear. Such rods are either made with straight or rounded profile, of calculation we may, as in \ 163, T-\-, Fig. 524. rectangular section of a height h, and breadth b^, and then have • (172) =N/'+=x[(iy-] from which, when the ratios , and h merical values can be readily deduced. give: , the nu- mgine built by 1 i,q" « = i.a=c". ExampleT.. — A coupling rod of /section, on a loconn _..„ -^ Krauss & Co., has the following dimensions : h =• 3 i49"> b = 0.39", B = 1.85", c = o 6, i = 96.45, and P = 10,890 lbs. To determine the degree of security w/, we substitute these values in (172) and obtain : :^r The completed rod weighed^nly 125 pounds. Forms of Cast and Wrought Iron Rods. In Figures 525 and 526, are shown comparative forms for a round connecting rod of wrought iron, and a cast iron rod of cruciform section. In the case of the cast iron rod, the fluted ^ .■-.-.i.._.^._ ;^B Fig. 527. portion terminates in collars near each end, the lower part at the crank end being made of flat rectangular section, enough longer than the crank arm to insure the necessary clearance. In Fig. 527 are shown some special forms for forked ends. Fig. 527 a, is a very short fork. Fig. 527 b, is for a flat wrought iron rod, and Fig. 527 c, is suitable for a long rod of cast iron. The boxes on these rods may be well secured by strap and key as in Sharp's pattern, Fig. 498. In some cases connecting rods are made in the form of trussed frames, and the form of the ends are governed by the form of cross head used. The latter will be considered in the following chapter. CHAPTER XV. CPOSS HEADS. I 186. Various Kinds of Cross Heads. A cross head is that portion of a machine which makes the connection between the vibrating rod and the piston rod or other piece having a rectilinear motion. Cross heads are made with various kinds of journals, either overhung, forked or double; a b and in this respect are similar to the ends of levers, the differ- ence being that the path is curved in the one case and straight THE CONSTRUCTOR. in the other. The path of a cross head is generally determined either by some form of parallel motion, or by guides, or in some cases only by the piston or other rod to which it may be at- tached. This gives the following classification : 1. Free Cross Heads, 2. Cross Heads for Link Guides, 3. Cross Heads for Sliding Guides ; and this classification will be observed in the followibg discus- l 1S7. Free Cross Heads. In Fig. 528, a and b, are shown two forms suitable for small free cross heads. These are made with double journals of wrought iron. The diameter of the piston rod in t nit apon which the dimensions are based is f/j =r 0.026 \/ P ■\- o.z . ■ ■ ■ (I7S) in which /'is the total load on the cross head. The same mod- ulus serves for the simple proportions of the following cross heads. The load /"g upon the link journals can be determined from the load P^ of the rod journals by the following relations : ^3_ sin a 'P.^ ~cos(3 :i76) in which a is the greatest angle which the connecting rod makes with the axis of the piston rod, and j3 the angle which the link head should not be less than d.,- A modification of this form is shown in Fig. 529. Satisfactory proportions-will be obtained by making the height /t in the middle equal to • (173) s b, which makes with a normal to the axis of the piston rod when a is a. maximum, the latter position being determined most readily from the drawing. Example. If the angle a. at its maximum is 20°, and the corresponding: The curve of the profile -may be made as shown in I 142. When the connect i"thecon rtsdi ik the angle a. is us ni!!? e,butwhe nectin seldom greater tha Another form of w rought 1 OSS head for link Fig. 531. Thisfoira IS espe -lallv convenien: when occasion requires that the piston rod be dis connected readily, and 1 especially adapted for direct- acting ste im engine key 3d from (174) The other di 5 X 1.85" ey = 0.2 E:camph 25", s -= = 1.47", say iH". le figure are: Hub tl .87" = engine of the steamship " La Plata " has ste 103 uiaiucLcr, wiLu a maximum steam pressure of 26 pounds per square inch, giving a total jjressure of about 217,000 pounds on the piston rod. The length A is 68", and in the executed engine the builder, Napier, has made h = 28", b = 7", dn = 10", the length of journal = I's", these latter agreeing closely with those obtained from g 91. The hub length was made = 30", and hub thickness 5", with a bore of^io". According to the above formulae, we get d^ = 8.75", h = 27", b = ^%■'. Cross Heads for Guides. Cross heads for use with guide bars are made in many variedl ^ _ forms for steam engines and pumps. The form is modified to at '; tMckriess" of great extent by the number and arrangement of the guide bars. Fig. 532 shows a much used form of cross head for four guide n cylinder bars. If the engine runs constantly in the saine direction, and the pressure upon the piston acts always in the direction of its tirely confined to c the opposite direction, the pressure will be almost uide surfaces, the r pair Fig. 530. I 188. Cross Heads for Link Connections. _ Cross heads which are intended to be guided by a system of linkages or parallel motions are made with a pair of link jour- nals in addition to the journals for the connecting rod, and the former are generally made as prolongations of the latter. In Fig. 530 is shown a wrought irou cross head for use upon a beam engine in connection with a Watt parallel motion. The only coming into action in the case of extraneous forces. If the pressure acts scmetimes with the direction of motion and sometimes against it, the result will be to cause the pressure on the slides to alternate. In most steam engines the pressure changes not only in direction but in magnitude, especially near the end of the stroke. The slides should be made of a softer material than the guide bars in ordei that the greater wear may- come upon those parts which are most easily replaced. In order to reduce wear it is also desirable that the surface of each slide should not be less than 2.5 P; /"being the total pressure on the piston in kilogrammes, and the area thus obtained being in square millimetres. This is about equivalent to o.ooiS P; P be- ing the total pressure in pounds, and the area given in square inches. Many use double this area, or 0.0036 P, with corre- sponding reduced wear on the parts. The pressure on the sur- I20 THE CONSTRUCTOR. face of the slides, witli the ordinary ratio of connecting rod to crank arm, will then be about 120 pounds per square inch in the first case and about 60 pounds in the second. If we represent the superficial pressure, rubbing velocity and coefficient of friction for slide and crank pin respectively by /i, A. Z'l. '^■i^/vfii we have for the lineal wear per second : U^ = f'lPi ^'\/i ^^^ ^2 "^ /'i/s^s/ji ill which /'j and fi^ are coefficients due to the materials used. Some of these values vary at differ- FiG. 534. nous, p2 becomes only 710, making p^ about 60 pounds. If the ratio of connecting rod to crank arm is unusually small, the pressure Q on the slides at mid-stroke should be calculated, and it may be taken as ^ = r The cross head shown in Fig. 533 is arranged for a fork jour- nal, the latter being also in this case made spherical. The fork, which is keyed to the piston rod, is intended to be made of wrought iron ; should it be made, instead, of cast iron, the thickness of the metal about the hub should be increased to 0.28 a',, and its length to j.JSdy This form permits the slides to be brought closer together than in the preceding design. A very simple form of cross head for four-bar guides is used on many American locomotives, as shown at a and ^, Fig. 534. For constructive reasons, to obtain the necessary clearance, this form is sometimes made as at d, with the middle plane of the guides above the axis of the piston rod. The cross head is of cast iron, with the pin cast in, and finished by special machin- ery. A similar form of cross head to that shown at a is used on the Porter-Allen engine, except that a steel pin is inserted as shown at c. The flattening of the top and bottom of the pin serves to assist in the distribution of the lubricant.* The area of slides in America is about that given by the fore- going rule. Examjyle. A wo measured 79 squar The forms of cross head shown are generally fitted with slides of white metal or bronze, and in some instances bearing surfaces of glass have given good results. There is one form of marine engine which requires a special form of cross head. This is the so-called back-acting engine, in which the crank shaft is placed between the cylinder and the cross head, and there are two piston rods, passing above and ig passenger engine has cj'linder 16" diameter, ,.ing v"= 22,110 lbs. The surface of each slide or about 22,110 X 0.0036 = 79.59 sq. in. Fig. 533- ent portions of the [stroke. If, however, we take them at the same instant, we have the ratio of wear for that point. The point of maximum wear upon guides is near the middle of the stroke, where zk = 7 and z', = 7 1 60 X 12 ' 60 X 12 Taking the values of ji. and U the same in both cases, we ob- tain, by substitution in the preceding equation, A d_ p,- 2R which gives an average ratio of about -^^, and taking />2 at 1420 pounds gives about 120 pounds for/,. If we consider the pres- sure on the pin to be alternating and that on the slides contiu- FiG. 535- below the shaft. There have been many varieties of this type constructed. In Fig. 535 is shown a design by Maudslay. The body of the cross head is formed like an axle, with two project- ing bosses for the attachment of the piston rods. The distance E is governed by the diameter of the crank shaft, and A by the clearance space required for the crank arms. In this design the slides are placed outside of the piston rods ; other builders, as Ravenhill, place them between the rods and the journal d', where, as will be seen, there is sufficient room. The lower por- tion of the slides are made of bronze and fitted with adjusting keys. The dimensions of the body are obtained by considering it as an axle, remembering that the forces act to produce twist- ing with the arm E as well as bending with the arm A. The length i,' is to be taken in connection with the diameter d^ , so as to keep the pressure on the journal within practical limits. English practice in such construction gives pressures ranging from 800 to 1800 pounds per square inch. The diameter 6 of the threaded ends of the rods is the same as given for Fig. 499. Fig. 536. In Fig. 536 is shown vStephenson's cross head. Here the guides are brought so close together that each pair merge into one, and there are but two guide bars. The middle piece, ot wrought iron, is made with two journals, for a forked connect- ing rod. The slides are best made of bronze, the area being as before = 0.0036 P, except in the case of locomotives, where the limited space often causes it to be reduced to 0.0018/'. Another design for double guide bars is that of Borsig, shown in Fig. 537. This contains a fork journal, whose projected area /' X d' should not be made too small. Sometimes this is made so small that the pressure reaches 3000 to 4000 pounds, and hot bearings and cut boxes are apt to follow. Judgment in this re- spect is most important for all bearings. The slides are made of cast iron, with bronze shoes, which are packed out with thin slips of copper or zinc. mtal engine built by B i.ofWintherthur THE CONSTRUCTOR. 121 Fig- 538 shows a noteworthy form of cross head used on thft Western Railway of France. The body is of wrought iron, the slides and piston rod connection are of steel. The manner in white metal. The modulus for the dimensions is the same as in formula (160), and the bolt diameter y the insertion of similar slips between the cross head and slide. The whole construction is applicable to many situations. The middle portion is in this case made of bronze, but maj', be of cast iron, when the bearing is lined with * For a similar cross head, designed by StroudIe5', for locomotive service, Fig 542. filled with white metal. The small shoe on the right, which is secured by screws, can be removed, so that slips of thin copper can be inserted to take up for wear. These last two cross heads, although unusual in appearance, show how a difficult construc- tive problem can be solved completely, and may be regarded as types. ? 190. Guides axd Guide Bars. Guides are made of wrought iron, cast iron or steel. If the entire pressure comes upon one guide, as in the designs just de- scribed, and the guide is supported only at the ends, vshich are THE CONSTRUCTOR. separated by a distance = ^j + Sp it must be calculated to resist beuding. Takiug the crank at right angles to the guide, as the most unfavorable position, and calling the pressure Q, and the distances of the two points of support from the centre of the Fig. 543- cro3S head as Sy and s.^. Fig. 543, we have the bending moment of the bar = Q — ^-5 — , and for the relation between the depth and width of bar : -/^ 5^ d .^1 + .^2 The permissible value of stress 5" for wrought iron or steel should be small, say 7000 pounds, in order that but little deflec- tion shall occur. Any springing is especially hurtful in this case, since it prevents the entire surface of the slides from bear- ing fairly, and thus causes greatly increased pressure upon the Fig. 544. points which are in contact. Deflections of -^/^ or more are sometimes found, with corresponding irregular wear upon the slides. This subject can be thoroughl}' investigated graphically by taking the various positions of the load. In Fig. 544 is shown a form of cast iron guides, intended to receive pressure only upon the lower guide. This is only sub- ject to compression, and hence very little deflection can occur. Fig. 545. The sectional view on the left shows the disposition of the ma- terial, and it will be noticed that the flanges on the cross head are arranged so as to retain the oil. The upper guide is bolted to the lower, and should the motion be reversed, throwing the pressure on the upper guide, the bolts must be made proportion- ally stronger. A form of guides which is coming more and more into use for stationary engines is that shown in Fig. 545. Here the flat "T lilt f- 1 r y ^-fj ^^^c ,.._^^_^ -^ J ^1 "f -a- Jc. i— \M Fig. 546 guide surfaces are replaced by portions of a cylinder. An espe- cial advantage of this construction lies in the possibility of bor- ing the guide surfaces in exact alignment with the cylinder. Any twisting of the cross head is prevented by the connecting rod' and crank pin, or, if necessary, a tongue on the lower slide may fit into a groove in the guide. The cross head for such guides may be similar to Fig. 537, the lower guide being adjusted by a key. The single guide bar has been used in locomotive practice. Fig. 546, which was shown both on American and Belgian en- gines at the Paris Exposition of 1878. The guide is bolted tc> the cylinder at C, and to the yoke at /. The cross head is a simple modification of the form in Fig. 534 iJ. Engineer J.J. Birckel has shown that there is a heavy lateral stress on such a guide bar, due to the necessary end play in the driving axles, and a wide bar is therefore necessary. He makes the widtk d = 2 7^ /;, and makes = Const in which G is the weight of the parts subject to lateral vibra- tion, Q the normal component of the piston pressure, L the length of guide bar, and H the distance from centre of bar to centre of rod. In the case of a cylinder 18'^ diameter at 100 lbs. steam pressure, G = SSoo lbs., L = 51.2 and //" = 7.5''^^ the values obtained are : b ^ 8", A = 3''. Fig. ... „ engine, suitable for a cross head such as is shown in Fig. 540. This is- especially arranged to retain the lubricating oil, and as the cross head moves between the positions i' — i and 2 — 2'', every stroke, it dips in the oil at each end and carries it over the guide. Example. The steam.ship " Arizona " is fitted with sing^le guide bars and automatic lubrication. The pressure on one slide is 64,000 lbs., the area being 47" X 27" = 1269 sq. in., or a pressure of about 50 pounds per inch. .Classification of Whefls. Wheels are used in many varied ways to transmit motion in machine construction. They may be divided into two great classes : 1. Friction wheels, 2. Gear wheels, according as the}' transmit motion by frictional contact, or by the engagement of gear teeth. Each of these classes may again be divided into : (rt) Direct acting, and {b\ Indirect acting wheels, according as the force is transmitted directly from one wheel to another, or indirectly, by means of belt, cord, chain, or similar device. This gives four divisions for consideration, as follows : I. Direct Acting Friction Wheels, or friction gearing, pure and '-■imple. II. Direct Acting Tooth Gearing, otherwise -^alled simply, gearing. III. Indirect Acting Friction Wheels, such as Pulleys, Cora Wheels, &c. IV. Indirect Acting Tooth Gearing, such as Chain Wheels. The first three forms exhibit the greatest variety, and will be given the first consideration. The relative position of the axes has a most important influ- ence upon the form of a pair of wheels. The positions may be grouped as follows : 1. The axes geometrically coincide, 2. They are parallel, 3. They intersect, at an angle, 4- They are at an angle, by pass without intersecting. This gives four groups under each of the preceding main divi- sions. THE CONSTRUCTOR. The Two Applications of Friction Wheels. Direct acting friction wheels may be used to accomplish either one of two different functions and their construction varies ac- cording to the use to which they are put. The first application is that in which the wheels are pressed together with sufficient force to prevent the surfaces from slip- ping upon each other, uuder which circumstances the motion of one wheel will be transmitted to the other. The second application is that in which the so-called rolling friction is so small that the wheels, when interposed between two surfaces which are relatively in motion, act to reduce the otherwise injurious frictional resistance. Hence we see that friction wheels may be used : [a) To transmit motion, and {ti) To reduce resistance. The first application includes what may be called driving friction wheels, or commonly simple friction wheels, and the second application includes all the various forms of friction rollers, roller bearings, ball bearings, and the like. The two kinds have also been termed friction wheels and anti-friction wheels. i 193- Friction Wheels for Parallel Axes. The surfaces of a pair of friction wheels in contact are almost always of circular curvature, and when a pair of such wheels roll freely upon each other the uumber of revolutions will bear an inverse relation to the radii of the respective circles. This Fig. 548. ratio is called the velocity ratio of the wheels. If we call the revolutions per minute of each wheel n for the driver and n-y for the driven wheel ; and the corresponding radii R and i?i, we have for the velocity ratio : _R (178) Friction wheels for parallel axes are made with cylindrical surfaces. Fig. 548. In order that there shall be no slipping be- tween the surfaces we must have a pressure Q, which, to transmit a force P, at the periphery of the wheels, must not be less than Q = J ('79) f being the co-efficient of friction. Ihe value of/ for various materials may be taken as follows : For Iron on Iron to 0.30 " Wood on Iron o.iotoo.6o " Wood on Wood 0.40 to 0.60 Friction driving is often very simple and practically effective It had been almost neglected for general uses, when it was very successfully applied in various forms of saw mill machinery. This was especially the case in the lumber regions of America. •• The best results are obtained in practice from surfaces of wood on iron, the wooden surface being preferably the driver, so that any stoppage on starting shall not wear hollows in the softer material. t The rim is built up in such a manner as to place the grain of the wood as nearly as possible in the direc- tion of the circumference. The best wood for the purpose is maple, but linden, poplar and pine have been used with good results. Great care must be taken to make the wheels truly cylindrical, and they should be kej-ed upon their axles and fin- ished while running in their own proper bearings. Under these conditions a wheel of maple can transmit a circumferential force * See Wicklin, " Frictional Gearing," Sci. Am., vol. 26, p. 227 ; also Apple- ton's "Cyclopxdia of Mechanics," vol. 2, p. 36; also Cooper's " Use of Belt- t Surfaces of compressed paper against iron are now in general use.— of about 28 pounds per inch of face width, or from 15 to 20 pounds for the other woods above mentioned. This gives for maple face : {180) and a width i)^ to 2 times greater for the other woods, HP being the horsepower transmitted, and v the circumferential velocity in feet per minute. Substituting for v its equivalent value, i5 ^'1 we have b = HP .... (181) Such wheels are made in practice up to 6 feet in diffmeter and 30 inches face, transmitting upwards of 60 horse power. According to the experiments of Wicklin, the coefficient of friction is about 0.30 to 0.32, from which the pressure of contact must be {? = y/^ P. The ease with which these wheels can be thrown out of gear is a very convenient feature. velocity of n8o feet per minute give face, and from (iSi) R = --- — —rs — = olutious per minute, the radius of it Example 2. Required to transmil nitted by frictio We get from (180) b = ^ >". If the driven shaft is ru = 30 , R = 13.66". [ H, P., the If pine is used, this should be doubled, giving b = 4^^". The method of construction of these wheels is as follows : For large wheels, 4 to 10 feet in diameter, the rims are made from 6 to 7 inches deep, built up of wooden segments i^in. to 2 in. thick, forming )4 to yV 'he circumference, and so placed that the direction of the fibre shall follow the circumference of Fig. 549- Fig. 550. the wheel as nearly as possible. These segments are firmly- clamped together and secured by bolts or nails. The actual face is made about 2 in. narrower than the working face b. This rim is then securely fastened to the arms, which are very strong and made with feet or pads which are mortised into the rim and both keyed and bolted fast. The number of arms varies from 6 to 8, and for very wide faces two sets are used ; see Fig. 549. An additional ring of wood is then put on each side, bringing the width up to the full value of 6, and these outer segments are deeper than the others, so that the ends of the keys are en- tirely covered ; the completed wheel is then turned and finished in place, as before stated. Smaller wheels are built upon iron drums, the segments being screwed together and clamped between the outer rims, Fig. 550. Projections on the iron rim, let into wood, prevent the latter from turning. The total thickness of rim is about 4 in. Care must be taken that the wood is thoroughly dry. The driven wheel of iron is made similar to a belt pullej', but with a much stronger rim and more and heavier arms ; when a wider face than 16 in. to 18 in., double arms are used. Both wooden and iron wheels shotild be carefully balanced, in order to avoid vibration. An important and ingenious use of friction wheels is in con- nection with a drop hammer, the wheels being used to raise the drop. Merrill's drop hammer, Fig. 551, is operated by twoiron friction wheels A and (T, which together act upon the oak plank B, to which the hammer drop is attached. The roller A is the driven one, and its shaft runs in eccentric bearings on each side, which are operated by levers D and press the parts to- THE CONSTRUCTOR. gether. When the parts are in the position shown, the plank and hammer are raised, and when the lever D is lifted, the wheels separate and the hammer is allowed to drop. In some and the linear velocity high, in order that the driving force may be kept as small as practicable. The most convenient modifi- cation of this form is that in which the angle B of the cone is made i8o°, when we obtain a pair of friction disks, Fig. 555. The velocity ratio, when A is the driver and B the driven, and x\s the distance from the axis of a, is expressed by : , which = — 1 =- _ f sin /3 (182) (183) when /? = 180 ; n being the number of revolutions of B. These are the equations of an equilateral hyperbola; see Fig. 555. When the value of .ar approaches near zero, the driving of .^ by B becomes impracticable.* similar designs both rollers are driven, as in the hammer of Hotchkiss and Stiles,* and also in the so-called " Precision Hammer," of Hasse oi Co., of Berlin.! Friction Wheei^s for Incwnsd Axes. When the axes are inclined to each other, the surfaces of the wheels, unless they are very narrow, become portions of cones, with a common apex at the intersection of the axes. Fig. 552. Each pair of circles in the surfaces then roll together as if cyl- indrical. Wheels of this sort may be constructed in a similar Fig. 554- Fig. 552. manner to those described in the preceding section. In Fig. 553 are shown, at a and b, two sizes of conical wooden friction wheels. The outer disk is placed with the fibres in a radial direction, but the others have the grain of the wood arranged as nearly as possible circumferentially. These disks should be most carefully fitted, glued and bolted together. Especially im- portant is it that conical surfaces should be turned to the cor- In Fig. 556 is shown a form of variable speed gear in which one disk is placed between two others. The disks A-^^ and A.^ revolve with the same velocity in opposite directions,- and the driven disk B is placed between. The velocity ratio can be varied from o to — proportional to jf.f The pressure is applied at the ends of both horizontal shafts. This arrange- FiG. 553- rect angle. The pressure is applied from the end of one of the two shafts in such a manner that the force may be applied or removed at the thrust bearing. The most extensive application of friction driving, both with cylindrical and conical surfaces, is found in locomotive engines. The high pressures necessarily used compel in this case the use of iron or steel tires. The force Q here exceeds 6 tous.J In some cases a combination of one conical wheel and one narrow wheel with rounded edge, as in Fig. 554, may be used for the transmission of small powers. In this case both wheels are made of iron. The pressure is easily applied to the disk wheel B, and the mechanism is so arranged that it can be shifted along it-s axis, so that a variable speed motion is obtained. It must be noted that in this form the surfaces in contact are ne- cessarily very limited, and hence it is desirable, as in the case of frictioD couplings, to have the diameters as large as possible, Fig. 555- Fig. 556. ment has been used for driving centrifugal machines, and more recently for potters' wheels, the control over the speed being especially useful in the latter case, the position of the variable disk being controlled by a treadle. Another arrangement of disk friction wheels to produce a variable speed is that of Rupp, shown in 557. A is the driver, B the driven, and C the intermediate, the latter being ad- justable on its axis. The variation is between the limits R -R according to the relation * See Appleton's "Cyclopaedia of Mechanics," vol. 2, p. 85. t German Patent 2685. In this hammer the lower part of the plank is re- duced, and the whole design very ingeniously worked out. I The surfaces in contact are sensibly flattened. Krauss' experiments showed that with a pressure of 12 000 pounds, a steel tire on an iron rail gave a surface of contact of 0.309 sq. in., and with a pressure of 8250 pounds, a surface of 0.2, sq. in. In the Fontaine locomotive the pressure of contact ■was about 8 tons on each wheel. which gives the equilateral hyperbola shown in Fig. 557, inter- secting the axis of ordinates when x ^ o. Rupp recommends especially that the intermediate wheel be made of a number of inning- machinery. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 125 thin disks, all loose upon the shaft. This does not appear to be advantageous in view of formula (184), since there is a different ratio for each disk, and hence some of them must slip. A similar device is that of Barnhurst, Fig. 558, in which the disk is placed between two cones.* I inder B, the axis of which makes a small angle with that of A. When the disk A is revolved, it rolls a helical path upon the cylinder, and also moves in the direction of its axis. The angle o corresponds to the angle of the screw thread. Robertson has applied this device as a feed motion to a wood lathe. This ar- FiG. 557- By making two of the disks fast on one shaft, and placing the driving wheel between them, with suiEcient clearance to enable either to be brought in contact with the driver, the driven shaft may be operated in either direction or allowed to remain ? 195- Friction Whbei<3 with Incwned Axes not Interskcting. In the case of friction wheels whose axes are rigidly held, and, while inclined, do not intersect each other, there is always more or less lateral slipping. The figures which, under these condi- tions, exert a maximum amount of rolling action and a mini- mum of slipping are a pair of hyperboloids of revolution (see §218). If, however, the axes are so arranged as to permit longitudinal motion, either with the bearings or in them, the wheels will be relieved from slipping. Such an arrangement, by Robertson, is shown in Fig. 560.1 The disk A acts upon a cyl- * See Engineei t See Engineer son are given. Fig. 560. rangement may also be reversed, A being held in its bearings, and B, with its bearings, permitted to travel. The same principle may be used with cones on disks, but these devices appear to possess limited practical application. Friction wheels, the axes of which coincide, are the same as friction couplings. ?i 196. , Wedge- Frictiom Wheei^s. Wedge friction wheels are those in which the cross section of the rim is wedge-shaped. They were designed in Italy by Mi- notto'and in England by Robertson, and hence are known by both names ; in both cases being applied to wheels with parallel axes. Two forms of rim section are given in Fig. 561. In this case the radial pressure Q is much less than with cylindrical wheels, and for any wedge angle d it is equal to - 4- f cos - Q = f (185) A disadvantage of this form is the fact that true rolling action only takes place in one cylindrical section through each rim, and hence there is much hurtful friction from the slippage at other points ; this defect becomes less as the ratio of the wedge depths k, /^i to the radii R, R-^ diminishes.* In order that the k k^ ratio -77 and -5- may be kept as small as possible without re- ducing the surface of contact, the rim is made with multiple grooves, as in the form on the right. The angle Q is generally made = 30°, although Robertson used much smaller angles. Fig. 558. at rest, Fig. 559. A^ A^ are the driven, and B the driver. This is ingeniously applied in Cheret's Press, in which the screw of the press_ is on the axis of B, and is turned in either direction by the friction wheels. Fig. 561. These wheels grow warm and wear rapidly when operated con- tinuously at high speeds. Minotto has also made especial ef- forts to design bevel wedge friction wheels ; he uses only one groove, and adjusts the position so that wedge profile shall al- ways act at the same point. Robertson makes the grooves non- adjustable, as in spur wheels. Wedge friction driving has been proposed for locomotive driving, and models made on this plan have ascended steep grades ; the wear in this case comes mainly upon the track. Wedge friction wheels have been used in America for many years on winding engines ; and they are especially useful in driving ship's windlasses, on account of the ease with which they can be thrown in and out of gear.f More recently wedge friction wheels have been used by Gwynne and also by Weber in Berlin, at high speeds, and apparently with good endurance, * Hansen, in Dingler^s Journal, vol. 137, 1855, p. i, shows that the actual rolling circle is always on that portion of the wedge surface towards the driving-wheel, and changes its position when the driver becomes the driven. See also Ad. Ernst, in Zeitschr. d. V. deutscher Ingenieure, xxvi, p. 243. t H. D. Andrews' steam windlasses are made with wedge gear of from 4 to 12 grooves. The diameters of the friction wheels are as follows: H. P. Slow speed. Fast speed. Drum. Diam. Length. 5 4-30" 8-26" 6" 27" 8 4-30" 8-26" 8" 27" 10 6-36" 12-30" 8" 30" 15 6—36" 12—30" 8" 30" * ^ 126 THE CONSTRUCTOR. driving centrifugal pumps at 700 revolutions per minute. These wheels are with single groove and wedge, the wedge being of curved profile, and hence acting somewhat like the adjustable device of Minotto.* * See Engineering, 1S68, pp. 502, 593, assistant in the Royal Technical High principle of the Weston Clutch f?!';?! t( made of a number of thi a slight axial pressure is much friction. A description will be found in Berl; I. P- 353- Enj and in it act the rollers B^, B.^, and the width of face of the rollers compels a sliding action, forward on the outer edge and backward on the inner. The trough may be stationary and the shaft a, carrying the rollers, revolve. Rollers with inclined axes are also used for grinding, and a similar device has been made for straightening round rods. Fig. 562. Single-groove friction wheels have also been used in America for mill gearing. Sellers has devised an ingenious form of wedge friction gear for changing the rate of feed on engine lathes. This is com- posed, Fig. 562, of two simple disks and a pair of very obtuse cone plates, the latter being pressed together b}' springs. The axis of the cone plates is movable, thus giving change of speeds. The ratio of change is similar to Rupp's gearing, formula (184). Speciai, Applications of Friction Wheels. The previously stated condition of wedge friction wheels, that there is but one line at which rolling action takes place, and that slipping occurs at all other points of contact, is utilized in vari- ous methods in machine design, as for example, in rolling mill machinery. In this case a third piece is driven, compressed and altered in form between two friction rolling members. The rolls and the metal may be considered as a train of friction gearing. In the case of a plate mill, the plate may be considered as a pair of friction wheels of infinitely great radii ; this is also the case in rolling bars. In a tire mill one surface is an internal and one an external wheel, of variable radius. The three-high mill may be similarly compared to a train of friction gears. I19S. Roller Bearings. Roller bearings, sometimes called anti-friction rollers, maybe used in either of two forms : (a), in such manner that the rollers are carried in their own bearings, the latter receiving the load ; [b), or in such a manner that the rollers are placed between two moving surfaces and act with a rolling motion upon both of them. Roller bearings are used in connection with surfaces which are flat, round, or even spiral. Examples of rollers upon cylindri- cal surfaces are given in Fig. 565, in which a and b are forms used on pillar cranes, and b^ is the more general form of b. Roll- ers are also used in axle bearings, and in heavy pulley blocks, where indeed the sheaves themselves are a form of friction roller. Fig. 563. A very interesting application is that referred to in I 148, as in use at the Kirkstall Forge, and shown in Fig. 563. A and B are plane friction disks. The round bar C passes between them, slightly above the centre and partly rolling, partly sliding, re- ceives both an endlong motion and a motion of revolution upon its axis. The disks revolve in the same direction, and of the opposed forces which tend to cause revolution of the bar those which act in the portion of the disks between their axes, i. e., between the vertical dotted lines in the figure, preponderate, and determine the direction in which the round' bar revolves. The horizontal components of the sliding forces at all portions of the disks, act to carry the bar forward, so that it receives a combined spiral motion and is at the same time rolled and straightened. The earlier method of rolling round bars was by means of semicircular grooves, but this does not give either as round or as straight a product. Many similar examples in roll- ing mill machinery will be found, resembling friction driving In the same way, various forms of grinding mills are made upon the principle of friction combinations, as in the case of the Bogardus mills, with flat grinding disks, and also in the case of grinding rollers, Fig. 564. Here the round trough A revolves. Fig. 565. A form of roller bearing which is subject to very heavy loads is that used to carry the ends of bridge beams and trusses, to provide for expansion and contraction. These are made either with round rollers, as at a, Fig. 566, or with double segments, as at b. For round, solid rollers, the load may approximately be in- vestigated as follows : — Let / be the length, r the radius of each roller, and P the load. This load will be carried by a surface of a width b, included in the angle (measured at the centre of the roller) /3 = 2^. We have for the relation of these elements : P = Elr^ and S=^P' 48 16 E being the modulus of elasticity, and 5" the fibre stress upon the material. Also: It will be seen that for any given material the relation — can be so made as to keep the stress within practicable limits. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 127 These may be choseu as follows, both surfaces being of the lame material ; Cast Iron. IVrought Iron. Steel (hardened) E = 14,220,000 28,440,000 42,660,000 Ir 5 = 425 to 500 340 to 400 1 000 to 1400 1,000 to 12,000 11,000 to 13,500 25,000 to 32,000 Example i. The bridge over the Elbe at Hohnstorf has spans of 33° and D^ the lines O D and O D^Q; then will the intersections at C and (Tj with B^ C S C^ be the required centres of curvature for the arcs a B b, and c B^ i. Through Cand C^ draw circles with (^ as a centre, and on these circles the centres for all the teeth will be found, the arc a B b being struck from C, and c B^ i from C,. The radii of curvature p may be calculated from the following onnula : wheel. Make O S = R ^ ~—=—Z [—\ and draw the 2^ 2 \^ ) outer and inner circles, giving the distancesy^ 0.4 t, k = 0.3 t above and below the pitch circle, also make the thickness of the tooth = ^ A 40 Draw the line N S A\ at an angle of 75° with O S, and it will be tangent to the base circle G, the radius of which = r = 0.966 R = 0. 154 Z t, ^ 0.483 Z( — J. If now we unwrap the line 3/ S upon the circle G, from 5' outward to a, and inward to g; the path a So- of the point S will be the required tooth outline, which for wheels of fewer than 55 teeth may be prolonged by a radial line to reach the bottom circle. The line of action is the straight line iVTVj ; and extends from S b to S bi on the other gear, or in the internal gear to 6" c. To determine the duration of contact e the pitch t can be carried to 132 THE CONSTRUCTOR. the base circle b}- drawing radii, and the length measured. For two equal wheels of 14 teeth, e is only a little greater than unity ; it varies between i and 2.5. Rack Teeth. Fig. 5S0. The profile a .S ? is straight and makes an angle of 75° with the pitch line T. The angle 75° can readily be laid off by using the drawing triangles of 45° and 30° to- gether. For low numbered pinions the base circle closely approaches the pitch circle. This sometimes introduces an error into the Fig. 582. Fig. 583. faces to both gears, but wheels made on this system are not in- terchangeable, and are therefore not practical for general ma- chine construction. Such teeth are still much used by watch- makers on account of the ease with which they may be fitted by filing. If the diameter of the rolling circle is made greater than the radius of the pitch circle a form of tooth is obtained which is practicable, but which is comparatively little used. If, in a single pair of wheels, the rolling circle be taken for one wheel equal to the pitch circle, of the other wheel, we obtain for the teeth of the wheel upon which the rolling is done, an outline of cycloidal form, while the teeth of the other wheel be- come mere points. In practice these points are the centres about which pins are described and such gears are called pin- tooth gears. External Pin-tooth Gearing. Fig. 582. The pins are circular in section and in diameter equal to — t ; the tooth profile for 40 the wheel R^ is then a curve parallel to the path 5" a, described by rolling the circle T'on T^ The arc S b = ab, and circles of the diameter of the pin, struck from successive points of the path 6" a, will outline the tooth profile c d, the flank d i being a circular quadrant. The curve of action 5" / is limited by the outer circle A'/ at /, and is in all cases greater than /, generally not less than i.i A This gives the limit of tooth length k/ and also determines /c^. If it is desired to construct the actual line of action, the method of case III, ^ 203, may be employed. Fig- 583 shows a pinion of six pins g(!aring into a wheel of 24 teeth. The diameter of the pins is here made = — The 3 flanks of the 24 tooth wheel are made radial with square cor- ners in order to permit ready filing and finishing. Fig. 581. action. If the portion S B, of the line N N^, which lies be- tween the pitch and base circles. Fig. 581, is shorter than the length of face of the opposing tooth, the point a will interfere •with the flank of the pinion tooth, as shown in the path afg. (See also Fig. 573.) In order to avoid this, the tooth to which the point a belongs must not extend above the line K' K' . This exists for teeth made in the manner given, when Z^zS. Another method of avoiding this difiiculty is to round off the tooth at a, and this is more frequently adopted in practice. An important application of evolute teeth is shown in \ 222. §210. Pin Teeth. Teeth with radial flanks can always be generated by making the inner rolling circle for each wheel equal in diameter to one- half the pitch circle. This will give radial flanks and curved Fig. 584. Fig. 585.. Internal Pin-tooth Gearing. Fig. 584. This is similar to the preceding. The tooth profile c d\.sa. parallel to the curve ^ /, generated by rolling 7" in T^, the arc S b = i b. S lis the line of action and is made equal to, or greater than i.i t. The flank d a is made radial. In Fig. 5S5 the pinion is made with the pin teeth and the spur teeth are on the internal gear. The profile c d is parallel to the curve S a, generated by rolling T^upon T; the arc S b = a b, S I is the line of action, as above, and is made equal to, or greater than i.i t ; the flank d i is made radial. If in Fig. 584 we make the radius A"; infinitely great, we ob- tain a rack, and the tooth profile is a curve parallel to the com- mon cycloid. If we make R, in Fig. 585, infinitely great, we obtain a common form of rack, with pin teeth. Pin teeth have the practical advantage that they may readily be turned in the lathe. They are especially adapted for situa- tions where they are exposed to the weather, as in sluices, swing bridges, wind-mills, etc. In such cases the pins are often made of round bar iron, without being turned. Fig. 586. Double Pin Gearing. Fig. 586. If two gears on this system are run together, one gear may be made with very few teeth, and hence a great difference in velocity ratio obtained, with a minimum distance between centres. In this- case_ both pitch circles become rolling circles. 5 a, the pinion face, is generated by rolling 7^ on 7", the action extending on 5 / for the point 5 on the wheel T. S a^, the gear tooth face, is generated by roll- ing 7"on Ti, the action extending on the line 5//. for the point S, on the wheel Tj. 5 i, the flank profile, is made to conform to the theoretical profile Saig^ (see case IV, § 203), and the other flank is made in a similar manner from the theoretical profile Sag. Such gears are sometimes used in hoisting ma- chinery. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Disc Wheels with Pin Teeth. It is not an essential requirement that the tooth profile shall be in the immediate line of the pitch circles, as it can be placed within or without to a greater or less extent. In such cases a tooth sj^stem is obtained in which the teeth of one wheel pass almost "or entirely around those of the other wheel, and hence there can be no so-called bottom circle to the latter teeth. Such wheels are so constructed that the teeth are placed upon the side or face of a disc, or shield, and are called disc wheels, or "shield gearing." * Such gear wheels have been described more than once,* but are rarely used ; they are well adapted to transmit motion to the hands of large tower clocks. Fig. 587. Fig. 58S. For such wheels pin teeth are well adapted. Fig. 587 shows a pair of such wheels arranged for external action, and Fig. 588 for internal action. One wheel of each pair is fitted with round pin teeth, and the other has, in the first case, a tooth profile parallel to an extended epicycloid, and in the second case par- allel to an extended hypocycloid. A peculiar form of disc gearing is shown in Fig. 589. In this case R = % J?^, Z = 2, Zj = 4. the round pins being on J?. The flanks of J?^ are entirely within the pitch circle, and become straight lines parallel to the straight line hypocycloid 5 /. The arc of action is about 2 i, and the backlash can be reduced al- most to zero, the teeth on J? being made as rollers. Mixed Tooth Outlines. Thumb Teeth. By combining the preceding forms of teeth, practical shapes may often be made for special service. The two following ex- amples will illustrate : Mixed Outline. Fig. 593. For the low numbered pinions sometimes used in hoisting machinery, it is important that the If the distance between centres C Ci of a pair of wheels for internal action remains constant, and the radius is increased, they will overlap entirelj', and the pitch circles will cease to ap- pear as an element in the construction. The wheels will have equal angular velocitj' and revolve in the same direction. ■ Such a pair of disc wheels is shown in Fig. 590." Both wheels are made with pin roller teeth, the sum of the pin radii being equal to the distance O (9,. The pins are shown of equal diam- eters, although they may be unequal, as shown in the dotted lines. Such wheels may be called Parallel Gears, as two radii which are parallel in one position remain parallel at all times.f A second form of parallel gears is shown in Fig. 591. The curve a 6 f is a circular arc, of radius d a, which includes four segments of the lenticular shaped pins for the wheel O^. _ If the pair of parallel gears of Fig. 590 are placed on opposite sides of an axis A A^ normal to two adjoining pins and parallel to O Cj, the action of the wheels will be correct. In Fig. 592 is shown such a pair of right angle wheels. * Called Scudi Dentatixn Zonca's Teatro di Machine, Padua, 1621. t This form of gearing was described and named by the author in Berlin Verhaudlung, 1875, p. 294. Fig. 592. pinion teeth shall not be too undercut, so as to avoid dif- ficulty in making the gears. It is desirable that the flanks on the pinion should be radial. In order to obtain sufiicient dura- tion of action, which for a three tooth pinion should not be less than 1. 15 t, the face curves of the teeth should be prolonged Fig. 593- until they intersect. The curve .5* « is an arc of an evolute formed by unwrapping the pitch line Zi from the circle T; S i is the radial flank, obtained by rolling the circle f^ of radius = Yz R'wi. T ; S a^ gj^ is the theoretical profile for the tooth space for the wheel T. S a acts with the point 5" of the rack tooth over the path S//. S a^is Si cycloidal curve generated by rolling JV on Zi, and acts over the path 6* / with the flank 5 z of the wheel T. 3. 656. wii: THE CONSTRUCTOR. The rack teeth are made straight ou the one side, as already shown for rack teeth on the evolute S3-stetQ. Applications for teeth of this form are given in \ 226. Tooth Friction in Spur Gearing. The friction of spur gear teeth is mainly dependent upon the form of the tooth outline, and may be investigated by consider- ing the form, extent and position of the line of action. In most cases the friction is proportional to the duration of action t. A coefficient, dependent upon the position of the line of action may be determined from f, and may be taken = )/i, when the arc of action is equally divided on both sides of the central po- sition ; as in the case of epicycloidal teeth; and = i, when, as in many cases, such as pin tooth gearing, the arc of action is entirely on one side of the centre ; while for evolute teeth it may be taken = %, that being about midway between the two preceding forms. The tooth friction is also greatly dependent upon the number of teeth in both wheels, being proportional to their harmonic mean, and it diminishes rapidly as the number of teeth is increased. If we make the coefficient of friction =y"and take the num- ber of teeth as Z, and Z^, we have for the percentage of loss/>»- in tooth friction : Fig. 594- Thumb-shaped Teeth. By combining the evolute and epicy- cloid, using the two curves for opposite sides of the same tooth a profile of great strength is obtained. This form is of especial service for heavy driving when the motion is constantly in the same direction.* From the peculiar form these have been called thumb-shaped teeth. The following proportions will be found suitable for cases in ordinary practice. Fig. 594. Spur Gearing with Thumb-shaped Teeth, a S i and Ci 5 /i are profiles formed of epicycloidal curves, according to the description in \ 207, in which r^ = 0.875 ^ or 2.75 a' S' i' and a/ 5/ i-^ are evolute curves developed from base circles with radii r' = 0.8 R, and r/ ^= 0.8 7?j, giving an angle of 53° (more accurately 53° 8'). For wheels of less than fifteen teeth, as in the seven toothed pinion shown in Fig. 594, the flanks must be modified as shown in \ 203, to avoid interference. In Fig. 595 is shown a four-toothed pinion on this system, •working with a rack. S a and 6" ?'i are made as before with r^ = 0.875 t and 5 i and S a^ with r =z ^ R ; the evolute curves being generated as before with an angle of 53°. a, Epicycloidal Teeth, b. Evolute Teeth, c. Pin Teeth. '^ Pr lute Teeth. Teeth. "^ (19O The value of the coefficient of friction y is in no case small, even when the teeth are well lubricated, on account of the usual high pressures ; a usual value may be taken, /^ 0.15, while for new and dry wheels it reaches 0.20 to 0.25 and even higher. The minus sign in the formula is to be used when one of the wheels (ZJ is an internal gear. -3.I4X0.IS X ^x- T-"'=° 0824, r about 814; per . Epkyclo da Teeth. z=z 1 = 40 e = i.44 and we 3.14X0.15 X — X - ii=o. .169, r about 1.7 per c . Epkyclo ■da Teeth Z=7 Zi = - 60 (internal A = 3i4> 0.1 sa-^y ^ = 4.3 percent. . Epkyclo idal Teeth. Z=7 ^1 = «> (rack), e = I tr = 3-1 4=01 (l-fo 1-37 = 4.6 per cent. imple&. Evolute Teeth. Z^Z^^ 2. "We have from (191 b) : ir double that in Examp. 2. ♦This form of mixed outlin revived by Gee in 1876 and us< than here given, viz. 68°. 1851; It will be seen that the tooth friction is least with epicycloidal teeth and greatest for pin gearing ; evolute teeth being midway between. The wear upon gear teeth is affected by other considerations besides that of the coefficient of friction, the pressure of the teeth upon each other, and the relative rubbing movement of various portions of the profile also entering into the problem. The wear is therefore not constant for a constant pressure, and it is an error to assume, as is sometimes done, that the form of evolute teeth is unaltered by wear. These teeth usually show the greatest proportional alteration by wear, since the flank of the tooth below the pitch circle has a very much less rubbing movement than the portion of the opposing tooth which rubs against it and hence the wear is unequal. * Approximately. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 135 The effect of this may frequently be observed in practice, where the smaller of a pair oi evolute gear wheels will be no- ticed to be worn into deep hollows below the pitch circle. The conclusions given above about the percentage of loss may also be determined geometrically in the following manner : Take the two portions of the tooth profiles wh ich work together and divide each by the chord of the corresponding portiofi of the line of action, multiply each result by the ratio of the length of its portion of the line of action to the entire length of the line of action, and then multiply the sum of the two quotients by the coefficient of friction. The result will be the percentage of loss, pr. The chord re- ferred to becomes the line of action itself in the case of evolute teeth. This method serves also for pin teeth, and is very useful for the designer, as the data can all be taken off the drawing ■with the dividers. Generai. Remarks on the Foregoing Methods. Each of the preceding methods possesses its merits and dis- advantages. Epicycloidal Teeth. These possess the great advantage that they will work together in any series with as few as seven teeth, while for evolute teeth the lowest in series is 14 teeth, and in no case fewer than 11. The loss from tooth friction is a mini- mum with this form, and the wear less injurious to the shape of the tooth. The minor objections which have been raised are that the double curve increases the difficulty of construction, and that any variation of the distance between centre causes im- perfect action to follow. Evolute Teeth. The advantages of this form are that the simple shape is readily made and that any variation of the dis- tance between centres does not affect the action. Against these must be set the fact that for low numbered pinions the flanks must be altered to avoid interference, or the tops of the teeth must be taken off. The fact that the distance between centres may vary is rather an objection in many cases, as the arc of action is reduced, and in transmission of heavy power the shocks upon the teeth are liable to be increased. Evolute teeth are well suited for interchangeable gears, if low numbered pinions are not required (30 teeth being the minimum), and where but small power is to be transmitted they are excel- lently adapted. For wheels which run only in pairs, and hence for bevel gears, this form is excellent, since it is so readily made. See I 222. Pin tooth gearing and the mixed outlines are only used for special work, such as in hoisting machinery and the like, and in such cases the wheels are often made of wrought iron or steel. Disc wheels have a very limited application, but in some spe- cial forms of mechanism they are very useful, and will be dis- cussed further. See Chapter XVIII. If bevel gears are required to interchange (see \ ?oo) they must not only be of the same pitch, but must also have the same length of contact line, A S, Fig. 596. Since these conditions are very infrequent, it follows that bevel gears are generally only made to work in pairs. In practice it is found that a vari- ation of less than 5 per cent, in the length of +he contact line may be neglected. Gears of the same pitch and same angle of Fig. 596. axes, but with a small variation of contact line, are called "bastard gears." A pair of right angled bevel gears of 80 and 45 teeth, might be altered in practice, if required, into bastard gears of 80 (i ±0.05), i. e., 84 to 76 teeth, which would work with the other gear of 45 teeth. ? 216. Construction Circles for BeveI/ Gears. The geometrical figures which are formed by one cone rolling upon another, require that both cones should have a common, apex. The surface thus developed is called a spherical cycloid. Of these there are five particular forms, as with the plane cy- cloids, the latter being really those for a cone with an apex: angle of 180°. The spherical cycloid is very similar in form to the plane cycloid, as are also the corresponding evolutes ; the branches of the curves assuming a zig-zag form.* B. CONICAL GEAR WHEELS. Generai, Considerations. In the case of conical gear wheels, or as they are generally termed, Bevel Gears, the working circles of a pair of gears which run together, lie on the surfaces of a pair of cones, the apex of each cone being at the intersection of the axes of rotation. In such case the pitch circles are taken at the^ base circles of the respective cones, as S D, and S E, Fig. 596. The length of the teeth is measured on the supplementary cone, to each base cone, SB being the supplementary cone for S D, and 5"Cthat for S E, B C being at right angles to A S. The length of teeth is laid off on SB and S C, and the width of face on S A ; the tooth thickness being spaced off on the pitch circle and all the teeth converging to the point A . The respective radii S D and S E of the two cones are found by dividing the angle a of the axes, in such a manner that the perpendiculars S £> and SE let fall from S to the axes, bear the same ratio to each other as do the numbers of teeth, or inverse- ly as the number of revolutions ; thus S D : S E =: Z : Z^^ 7ij : n. There are, therefore, two solutions possible, according as the pitch line S A is taken within the angle o, or in its sup- plement ; or what is the same thing, according to which angle is taken as the angle of the axes. The difference between the two consists in the fact that for a constant direction of revolu- tion of the driving shaft the driven gear revolves in one direc- tion for the first solution and in the opposite direction for the second solution. One of the solutions gives an internal gear, when «i : « < cos a. The use of the spherical cycloid for the formation of bevel gear teeth would involve many difficulties. In order to construct such teeth, it is therefore common to use the method (first de- vised by Tredgold) of auxiliary circles, based upon the supple- mentary cones, and enabling the teeth to be laid out in a simi- lar manner to those of spur gears. The auxiliary circles for the bevel gears J? and J?^, Fig. 597, are those of the spur gears hav- ing the same pitch, their radii being respectively r and r-^, the elements B S and CS of the supplementary cones. For any given angle a between the axes, the radius r, and number of teeth 3, for the auxiliary circle can be determined 21, 449, Reuleaux, Development of 136 THE CONSTRUCTOR. from the radii R aud R^, aud tooth numbers Z and Zj, by the following formula : s/R + J? ^4-2 ^7? cos a ^1 + ^ cos a _v'z + ^1 ^ + 2 ZZ, cos a Z Zi + Z COS a If the axes are at right angles, we have r _\/R' + R{' s _\/ZM^' ^KtT Example.— P^ pair of bevel gears have 30 and 50 teeth, and an ar axes a = 60° hence cos a = K, and we have for the auxiliary cit tnnth ~nr • - 70 ^ ^°^ + 50= + 2 . 3° ■ 50 ■ 05 -v/ 49°° gle between cle of the 30 2.3, say 32. ° ■ 50 + 30.0.5 13 For the 50 tooth gear we have also : ^i = 50 '^ — '^^ — - = 64. From these numbers and the given pitch, the auxiliary circles can be laid oflf and the teeth drawn. Low tooth numbers are not available for bevel gears, since the errors which are involved in the method of auxiliary circles be- come disproportionately great. By using not fewer than 24 teeth for the bevel gear, a mininmm of 28 for the auxiliary cir- cle is obtained, and the e volute system can be used to advant- age. This form of tooth is best adapted for this purpose, on account of its simplicity of form, notwithstanding the minor defects which have already been noticed. The loss from tooth friction in bevel gears is approximately equal to that of their corresponding auxiliary gears. The Plane Gear Wheel. Internally toothed bevel gears are not used, on account of the practical difficulties involved in their construction. There is, however, an interesting form of gear wheel which lies interme- diate between the external and internal forms. If the numeri- cal ratio between a pair of bevel gears is ^ cos a, one of the so- lutions for the base cone gives for the latter a plane surface, 6" B, Fig. 598. R^^ R^~ If the from which, if for example a = 60°, we have angular relation of the axes is given it follows that but one ve- locity ratio can be obtained. This is determined from the angle )'2, which is one-half the apex angle of the cone R^, and from the ratio -— ? == sin y^- It is sometimes very convenient to arrange a plane gear so that it may work with both of a pair of bevel wheels. This is shown in Fig. 599, in which the gears R^, R^ have the semi-apex angles y.^, )'■>,, and have their axes at right angles. We then have : -^ = tan 72 = cot 73, from which we obtain the following values : —'= tan 72=1: ^ i I I f 2 3 4 72 = ^1 = 14° i8°3o' 26°4o' 36°5o' 45° 53°io' 63°2o^7i°3o 76° = sin 72 = 0.242 0.317 0.449 0.600 0.707 0.800 0.894 0.9480.970 Either of the wheels i?2, R^, can beused with the plane gear ^1 if the number of teeth have the ratio given by the value of sin 72. Although this limits its application, yet the plane gear is frequently found very useful for angular transmissions.* C. HYPERBOLOIDAL GEAR WHEELS. §218. Base Figures for Hyperboloidae Wheels. Hyperboloidal wheels are used to transmit motion between inclined, non-intersecting axes. The figures upon which they are based are hyperboloids of revolution having a common generatrix. These may be determined in the following manner. Fig. 600. In Fig. 600 is given a projection normal to the line of shortest distance between the two axes. The angle a is divided into two parts ;3 aud /3i, in such a manner that the perpendiculars let fall from any point A, of the line S A, upon the two axes, shall be inversely proportional to the revolutions of the gears. S A \& then the contact line of the hyperboloids ; A B = R' and A C The so called "Universal Gears" of Prof. Beylich, introduced in 1866, )uld be considered as a variety of conical gears in which the angle of the ;s may be conveniently varied. These may be used for axes of angles Fig. 599- The supplementary cone in this case becomes a cylinder, and the radius of the construction circle becomes infinitely great, hence the tooth outlines are similar to those used for rack teeth. If the evolute system is used the teeth are very simple, and the plane ge^r in some cases becomes a very convenient form of construction . As already stated, the ratio is (193) varying from 0° to 180°. As shown in the illustration, these wheels are formed of globoids of the III Class (see §224), the meridians forming the teeth and spaces. They have found but limited application. A model of these gears is in the kinematic cabinet of the Royal Technical High School. THE CONSTRUCTOR. ■= R\, are projections of the radii of the hyperboloids intersect- ing at A. We have _ sin^ _«, sin ft n (194) . The actual radii R and R^ are the radii SD = r, and 5 ^ = : For the latter we have : yet to be determined, £ \ of the gorge circles. _tan_^ tan /37" - + cos a ' (195) that is, r and rj have the same relation to each other as the por- tions A /^and A G oi a. perpendicular to the line of contact. If we call the shortest perpendicular distance between the axes = a, we have : 'v--i^' -(?)' R == VR' ■' (197) R^ = \/R\' + r,' ) R' and^/ being determined as above, when the distance S A = / is given. For the angles /? and ^-^ we have the general ex- pressions ; tan ft = As in the case of bevel gears, two solutions are possible ac- cording as the angle «, or its supplement, is taken in determin- ing the line of contact 6" A, Fig. 601. The choice of solution Fig. 601. governs the direction of rotation of the driven gear, and one of the solutions renders it practicable to make an internal gear ; although this construction has been little used, and has but little practical value. If the angle of the axes a = c)o" we have — ==tan2/3=C^)' (199) 137 (200) tan/?= -\ In the construction of the wheels, corresponding zones are chosen on the two hyperboloids. If the distance between the axes is small, the zones lying in the gorge circles are generally unsuitable, but when the distance is greater they may be used and the figures approximated by truncated cones. . (196) The radii R and R^ are hypotenuses for the triangles whose sides are R' and r, R/ and r^ (see the left of the figure) or : , ^ = M, (see Example : We have ^, = M, Example 2. ^^o-~ .766 - = o. 32393 = tan 13° 5', and = 40° - /3 we have R = 26° 55'. = /sini3 >< 0.452634 i=;i 3Xo. ';fin .26368=1.8 lly V ( + ( 1.256)2 = 2.2' and \/ (3.62)2+( •744)2 = 4.54 - -^ or 9 , ave from ( say the number oft eeth Z = 36 97): Hf)- - = 3 24, and from (200) aX9= 52 -I-q2 = i 75 X io5 5i=c •573", 3.24 1 Fig. 602. According For p, we have tan ;8 = -i- = 1.8, hence ^ = 6( If we make R = 2", we have from (197) : R' = s/ Rr--r-i = v/ 22-0.57 and hence R-^, according to (194) is = f R-^ = i.c R^ = \/ 1.0632 + 0.1772 = The appearance of such a pair of gears is sh to the table in §202 the pitch for the larger gear is : i = = = 0.35", and for the smaller gear /j = ' °^ = 0.339". Example 3. a = 90°, -^ = i, j3 = 45°, »- = n. -^ = R\- In this case the hy. perboloids become similar (see Example 4, I 221.) Example 4. In the special case in which — = cos a., and the position ot the contact Iftie, which is determined by jS, lies in the supplement to a, 'so that -i = cos a, the base figures become, the one a normal cone and the other a plane hyperboloid, see Fig. 603. This construction is similar to the preceding forms of plane and bevel gears, and may be conveniently used to work with a train of common bevel gears, although but few practical appli- cations occur, partially owing to the fact that the prolonged axis of the bevel I3S THE CONSTRUCTOR. gear passes through the plane g* obtain the plane gear. We have n /3 = i v/ 3, 3 = 30°, tail 3i = «> . ^i = 9°°- = ,t, A- -= R', R^ = >/ R\ + a^ = \/^'k^ +a2. s a we obtain an hyperboloidal internal If it is desired to approximate to the hyperboloidal zone by the use of a conical surface, the apex must be determined. In this case the generatrix S A \^ rotated about the axis ^5 until A falls on the pointy of the circumference, when the new pro- jection of the generatrix will pass through the apex M of the The tooth friction of hyperboloidal gears is necessarily great. This will be considered later, in connection with the speed of the rubbing surfaces, which is similar to that of the spiral gears which are tangent at the gorge circles (see ^ 220.) D. SPIRAL GEARS. I 220. CylindricaIv Spirai, Gears. Cylindrical spiral gears may be used in the same m?nner as hyperboloidal gears for the transmission of motion between in- clined axes, and in some cases possess advantages over the lat- ter. There are a number of useful variations of spiral gears. Fig. 603. Rack teeth may also be constructed to work with hyperbo- loidal gears. In this case the teeth of the rack are inclined while the pinion becomes an ordinary cylindrical spur gear, since in order to satisfy equation {195) with r-^= 00, the angle /3 = c, and /3j ^ a, see Fig. 604. Applications of this construc- tion may be found in various machine tools. Teeth for HYPERBOi,oiDAt Gears. The construction of the exact forms for the teeth of hyper- boloidal gears is a very difficult operation, and in practice an approximation is used similar to that employed for bevel gears. The method adopted is to determine the supplementary cone to the hyperboloid used, and as in the case of bevel gears, use the corresponding construction circle. Fig. 606. In Fig. 606 is shown a pair of wheels, A and B, both with left hand spirals and corresponding tooth profiles. The pitch angles y and 7i are so chosen that at the point of contact the pitch cy- linders have a common tangent, so that if a be the angle of in- clination of the axes, /+ j-j + a^ 180°. If we indicate by v and »i the circumferential velocity in the direction of the tan- gent and normal. respectively, we have : _sin}' ,„v,<^tnno "1 .ff sin y Z , i = -_ — ~ = whence - Fig. 605. The apex H (V\g. 605) is determined by drawing A H per- pendicular to the generatrix .5".^, which, as before, is taken parallel to the plane of the drawing. The teeth will be formed with sufficient accuracy if two construction hyperboloids are taken with the same angle of contact as the base hyperboloids, according to the conditions in (198) and (199), and the teeth are formed on the surfaces, which are described by the edges of the construction hyperboloids upon the base hyperboloids.* * See Herrmann's Weisbach's Mechanics, II. ed., Ill, i, p. 418 et seg. The normal pitches, l = t sin y, and Zj ^ if^ sin y^ must be equal to each other, whence — ^- — ?. A sm y As indicated by the components of velocity v' and v-^', there is an end long sliding action of the teeth upon each other, with a velocity : c''= z/-[- z/j' r=c (cot y + cot yj) (202) This sliding consumes power and causes wear, and will be at a minimum when v' and z/j ' aae equally great, that is when with regard to the choice of y and y^ the conditions may be so taken that the position of the coinciding tangents of the two spirals shall be slightly before or slightly after the actual line of contact, but as close as may be possible. This is similar to the position of the line of contact of hyperboloidal gears {\ 218) and may be stated as follows : R -f- cos a cot y cot y^ -4- cos rt sin a (203) (204) THE CONSTRUCTOR. 139 For a = 90° -we have cot y = Such spiral wheels, when the teeth are well made, transmit motion very smoothly, but the surface of working contact is very small. When the axes are at right angles and the wheels the same size, it is often incon- venient to use spiral gears on account of the large size required. In many cases the worm is made a true spiral and the conse- quent wear disregarded, but in more careful work the method [b) is adopted and the worm wheel cut with a hob, which makes the proper modification in the shape of the teeth. The friction between the worm and teeth of the worm wheel is very great, as the thread slides entirely across the teeth. We have for the coefficient of friction _/, for the ratio between the actual force P' and a force P acting at the same lever arm on the screw, but free from frictioual resistance, approximately : = 9 and from (204) !+/• T R For/ = .16 we have practically (205) R It follows that to obtain the minimum of frictional loss, must be made as small as practicable. P' Morin gives the rule R = ^ ^, which makes — ^ 4; Red- P^ tenbacher makes 7? = 1.6 /, whence --- = 2.6. If we mak« objectionable features are of increasing importance and for example, — ^ = 5, and -~ = 10, we get -^ = 25, and 100, and y about 114° and 5§°. The difficulty of cutting the teeth on the lathe also increases, as may readily be R = can well be Approximately Cyi^indricai, Spirai, Gears. If, of the preceding conditions, only those of formulse (201) and (203) are strictly observed, the difficulties of construction are much reduced and at the same time satisfactory wheels ob- tained. Three methods may be employed : (a) a slight modification from the correct spiral form may be given to both wheels, (d) one gear may be made a true spiral, and the variation all thrown made. In this case it will be seen that a higher efficiency than 50 per cent, cannot be obtained, and it is also apparent that the worm must be the driver, since the resistance of friction would just balance the reverse driving action. The ordinary tooth friction and the journal friction must of course be added. r^^.: '-E Fig. 608. into the other gear, or (c) the wear which is at first caused by running the approximate forms together ma}' be disregarded until the parts have worn themselves into smooth action. From these reasons a widely varying practice in the construction of spiral^ gears will be found. One of the most important applica tions is that of the worm and worm wheel, Fig. 608. In this case a = 90° and Z= i, the teeth of the wheel R^ being inclined at an angle y, with the edge of ttie wheel, whence tan y = Fig. 610. Fig. 611. Fig. 612. The tooth outlines for both worm and wheel are the same as for a rack and gear wheel, taken on a longitudinal section through the axis of the worm. The evolute tooth is especially applicable, and Z-^ must not be less than 28 (§ 209). The surface of contact is theoretically only a mathematical point, but in practice there is a small flattened surface of contact, and if a larger surface is desired the wheel must be cut with a hob of the same form as the worm which is to work with it. Wheels which have a contact bearing of a point only, may be called precision-gears, as distinguished from power-transmitting gears. The difference, however, cannot be sharply maintained, for as already shown, worm gearing is used for the transmission of both large and small forces. The possible variations of the pitch angle permit a great va- riety of spiral gear combinations, as the following examples show : Example i. Given -^- = J, the perpendicular distance between axes a = R -{- Ri, and the angle between axes a = 40°. If we make v = 60°, we have frora(§22o)vi = i8o-4o-6o = 8o°(seeFig.6io),andfrom(2oi)^^ = ^'V]^"^ = J. — : — ^g- = ^ --.^ = 0.5686, from which if and j?i may be readily determined. Ifw 27tR = 0.15916 -— . In the arrangement shown in Fig. 609, we have a = 90 — 7 and the teeth on 7?i are made parallel to the axis. The pitch of the screw is here made = — i — for a pitch t^ of the cos y wheel. The velocity ratio of transmission, according to the fundamental formula (i86) is n^ : n ^= Z : Z^, or this case it equals -1.* The circumferential pitch t he sliding velocity c', according to (20 ,.1763) = 0.7537. '.xavtple 2. In order to make <:' a m = r...,r= ^ X TT X r.333 X 0.9397 ^, c (cot 60° -H cot 80°) = lum, we may make v >en have ^ = 4. A = THE CONSTRUCTOR. >,plej._ If instead of a, the normal pitch r is given, as is generally the case with hobbed worm wheels, we choose y and }'j and then have R sin y = '—, whence : sin }' =■ 277 J? Fig. 613. Fig. 614. The following examples illustrate a variety of cases : Example 4. a = 90°, Z = ^i- The sliding to be a minimum, hence = ^ P ~ ^° = 450, The two -wheels are similar, both being left hand o Fig. 613, both right hand. The sliding velocity is c' = 2 col 45° X <: = Example 5. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 614 there is added right angled pair A B.& third wheel C, also right angled, when the wheel; A and Cwill revolve in opposite directions. The middle gear j5 the Example 6. When a = o, the e ■with spiral teeth is obtained, this lorm oemg ca gearing, Fig. 615. y and yi together include 180°, and one gear is left, and the other right hand. In this case the teeth are formed in true spirals. In this case the sliding velocity c' = o. For the wear on this form of gear see J222. When a. = o and y = o the wheels become spur gears. ^mj:. Fig. 616. If 71 = go° and the teeth normal, of the rack correspond to the section of a chine the rack teeth are placed at such an just balances the opposing tooth friction. E rample 8. 7? = 7?, = ». This ^ives tw< Fig. 619. 00. This gives a rack and screw, = 10° and a = 80°, and the teeth jt. In the Sellers planing ma- ingle that the lateral pressure boring machinery for c; cutting ma similar be transmitted from a revolving Ex^ Fig. 6 apparatus in which piece. The velocity Example 10. The worm, or endless screw, as already stated, is a form of spiral gear wheel. These are two special forms of worm gear which although seldom used, are of interest. There are the forms of internal gearing shown in Figs 621 and 6'>2 In the former the \\orm wheel is the internal gear, while the latter shows an internal worm with external or spur worm wheel. R = — — — , ^1 = ^'- (206) 2 iT sin }' 2 TT siu Xi Both J? and r may be given, when )' must be determined, and we have : ^207) § 222. Spirai< Gear Teeth and their Friction. Spiral gears are cut in a similar manner to screws, the tool being carried in the slide rest of an engine lathe, and set at the proper angle. The pitch of the screw thread is : s^=2Tr J? tan y, and the travel of the rest is effected bj' proper change gears, according to the selected values of >• and y^.* The tooth outline to be used is determined according to the radius of curvature of the supplementary spiral, that is, to that at right angles to the spiral to be cut. The radii of curvature r and r^ to be used are : r=-^— r , ^1 = — r— ^ (208) sin ^ y sin y^ These give the radii for the construction circles to be used with the pitch r ; the shape of the tool with which the teeth are cut is then determined. Example i. For the wheels of the first example in the preceding section , If it is preferred to determine ;-, graphically from formula (208) the method given in \. 29 maybe employed. The frictional resistance of spiral gearing is often a matter of much importance. If the frictional resistance is assumed to be zero, we have for the relation of the force P applied to the driv- ing wheel, to the force Q delivered by the driven wheel : sin y sin 7i (209) me forms of The ordinary tooth friction, which is the same as that of the construction gears (see \, 213) to which must be added the fric- tion due to the sliding of the teeth, whenever a is greater than zero. The value of the latter friction is governed by the sliding velocity c' . For the calculation of the loss of useful effect we may use the formula : p;_sm^ ^"JL+il (.:o) P siny sin (7,-0 ^ ^ in which is the angle of friction for the coefficient y", whence tan =■/■ For_/= 0.16 we have = 9°. Example 2. For the wheels in the preceding example we have /" _ sin 80° sin 69° _ 0.9848 X 0.9336 _ 'P " sin 60° sin 71° ■" 0.8660 X 0.9455 ~ ^■^^• To this must be added the ordinary friction of the equivalent spur gears. Another source of loss is that due to the lateral forces K and A'j, acting in the direction of the axes. For these we have ^ears we have /r= P" cot 69° = 0.3839 j"', :h values, in connection with the known esponding resistances can be determined. When a = we obtain a sym- metrical, cylindrical hollow section of a sphere. Fig. 636. The spiral, when a = o, becomes a spherical cycloid. If J = 90° the figure becomes a plane cone, or plane ring, and the curve be- comes a plane cycloid. Globoid Spirai< Gears. If a circle is revolved about an axis A A^ coinciding with one of its diameters, and at the same time a radius C S Vs moved about the centre C, with an angular velocity proportional to that of the circle itself, the circle will generate a sphere and the point of the radius which is at the surface of the sphere will trace a form of spiral curve. This may be called a spherical spiral,* and adjoining lines of the spiral on the same meridian are equidistant. Fig. 631. Fig. 632. If the radius C 6" passes the axis of rotation, the new spiral will intersect the one previously traced, as at A^. Instead of a mere radial line, may be substituted a point which at the same time traces the outline of a tooth space, so that a spherical screw thread is generated with which a spur gear will engage at any point. Fig. 632. If the axes A and B are maintained in their proper positions, the spiral when driven, will operate the gear in the same manner as a worm and worm wheel, | 221. The practical value of this especial form is extended by the fact that the axis of rotation need not coincide with a diameter of the circle. Under these conditions there may occur a num- ber of forms of bodies of revolution bearing an affinity to the sphere, and to which the writer has given the general name of globoids. The corresponding spirals may be called globoid spirals and the resulting gears, globoid spiral gear wheels. Many of these may be made of practical use. (See Fig. 633.) There are numerous forms of globoids according to the posi- tion which the describing circle holds to the principal axis. The axis about which the radius C S turns is called the counter-axis. It stands at right angles to the starting position of the describ- ing circle, and either intersects the principal axis, or is inclined to it without cutting it. We have then r, for the radius of the describing circle ; a the shortest distance between the axes A and C, c the distance of the centre of the describing circle from the plane of the principal axis, & the angle which the principal axis makes with the plane of the describing circle, extending from 0° to 90°. This gives four classes of globoids, as follows : I. a =£7, c-=-o. II. a = o, c chosen at will. III. a chosen at will, c-=o. IV. a and c chosen at will. A right globoid is one in which d = o, and when ^ is an acute angle we get an inclined globoid. The first class is represented by the globoid Fig. 634, giving a symmetrical conical section ; \i 6 = o we obtain the previously- described sphere. Fig. 633. We have the third class when 6 = 0, and a~^r, giving a so- called cylindrical ring, or right globoid ring. Fig. 637 a, and when a < ;-, the apple shaped globoid. Fig. 637 b. If (5 is an acute angle, the globoid is flattened. Fig. 638 ; the globoid of Class I is the limiting case. The spiral curves are globoidal cycloids, which become plane figures when & =^ 90°, and the globoid becomes a plane ring or plane cone. Fig. 634. Fig. 635. Fig. 636. The fourth class gives the highest forms. Fig. 639, in which & ^0, and we may have a'^ r, a = i\ or a < r. The inclined globoids of this class have forms, the limits of which are found in those of the second class. Fig. 635. If c5 =; 90° we have again the plane cone or plane ring.* The practical applications of the globoid spiral gears are va- ried, and are found mainly in right globoids of classes III and * Two right globoid rings may unite to form a pair of machine elements hen the thickness of one is made equal to the hole in the other, as in Fig. The two parts then bear the relation to each other of journal and bear- ig, and are similar to a ballpoint. Each of the two elements describes by le relative motion of any point a corresponding path en the other member. erl}' a spherical cjxloid, 1 :oids is are approximately found in a pair of chain links. Such a e considered as a contracted form of universal joint, ABC, ; relative motion existing between A and C. The same thing actional form in Fig. c, when some method of holding the such as bands, etc., must be used. This latter resembles and socket joints of the human skeleton. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 143 IV. In the valve geai' of Stephenson's locomotives, Fig. 640, is found a globoid worm of class III, using the middle part of the globoid apple, Fig. 637 b, [a <^ r). In this case the reversing lever B is really a part of an internal gear with a radius A\ = the radius r of the describing circle.* In this case the internal gear has but a single tooth, although more might be used. Fig. 637. Fig. 638. * The worm and internal worm-wheel, Fig. t preceding case. f This form is described b3' Smeaton as used ley, see also Willis. Principles of INIechanisra, An interesting modification is that of Hawkins, Fig. 642*, In this case the wheel B is composed of friction rollers of quite large size and the friction is thereby greatly reduced. Instead of there being only four teeth, as would at first appear, there is in reality an ideal number of teeth, a condition refeired to in It will be seen that the globoid forms can be used as internal gears. This is shown in Fig. 641, which represents a worm formed as a globoid screw. Its form is practically the same as that of the hole in the right globoid ring. Fig. 637 a. The sec- tion shown in the figure is of such length that it includes one- fourth of the entire circumference of the worm wheel B, al- though it could be extended so as to include almost one-half. Fig. 641. the fundamental discussion in | 200. If for every revolution of the globoid screw, one tooth of the wheel engages, there must for each space formed between the rollers be 10 teeth to a quarter revolution, so that instead of 4 teeth in B, there are 4 (i -{- 10) = 44 teeth. The most important point to be considered is the formation of the teeth. J?-y is again made equal to r. Since the globoid is used in the internal form, the two tooth profiles, on r and i?i , fall together. The sliding is in the plane of a normal section through B and A A^ and not endlong, and hence the shape of the teeth is absolute. \i / Fig. 640. (Internal gear tooth, with 7? = 7?i ). The teeth can be made of straight profile in the worm wheel as well as in the worm.f The production of the globoid worm iu the lathe is not diffi- cult. This form has been frequeiitl3' used in recent work. The advantages appear to be in the simple form of tooth and in the completeness of the engagement. Fig. 642. The gearing used in Jensen's Winch, Fig. 643, belongs to the globoid class IV, of the form shown in Fig. 639. Usually in this form a = r, although sometimes a < r, as in Fig. 639 c. R-^ is again made = ;', and the internal globoid form used. The ratio is so chosen that a slow motion can be converted into a fast one, as maj' also be done with the form shown in Fig. 641 if the pitch of the worm is made sufficiently great. The use of rollers instead of teeth makes a verj' satisfactory construction.f 144 THE CONSTRUCTOR, If in the first two classes of globoids the supplementar}- axis is removed au indefinite distance, the globoids become plane surfaces, and the globoid screws thereby reach the limit. The limiting case of Class III is the ordinary worm and worm -wheel, and another form is Long's spiral gearing, which also belongs to Class III ; a is chosen at will, c^^o, 6 = 0. The globoid be- comes a plane cone and the globoid screw becomes an Archi- median spiral. If R becomes indefinitely great we obtain a disk with a spiral groove engaging with a rack, the middle sec- tion having full tooth contact from top to bottom.* When this is brought into Class IV, we obtain the Arch-imedian spiral in its most general form, i.e., the evolute of a circle. E. CALCULA riON OF FITCH AND FA CE OF GEARING. Pitch ( f Gear Wheels. Tooth Section. , bt^ (t) (4J (212) bt = 16.8-^ This assumes that the resistance of the teeth is proportional to their cross section, which is also equally true for those which have the same ratio oi b to t to each other, a condition which is often of much service in practice. I 226. Pitch and Face of Hoisting Gears. For a hoisting gear of cast iron let : {PR) = the statical moment of the driving force, Z = the number of teeth, R = its previously determined pitch radius, in inches, i = the pitch, we have for the given dimensions : ,=„..3>/i-^/-L, 0.073 R ^iPR)_ ^ Z ' — = 0.0145 V— ^^ . (214) . (215) /== 0.045 V- the face b being made b^2t (216) These are intended to give a fibre stress 5" of about 4200 pounds. The actual stress is properly somewhat less, because the thickness of the tooth at the base is usually more than ^ t, as assumed in (213). Since the value of — -— is the same as the pressure P, we can use (215) in cases in which /"only is given, as for rack teeth. In discussing the preceding formulae, consideration must be given to the elements which are usually given or selected in practice. Let t' and t be the pitch for two cases respectively, and Zand Z/ the number of teeth. Also let 6* and .S"' be the stress at the base of the teeth, and let the constant, -(I) (4)' in (213) is made equal to 16.8, be called C ox C \ we then have, according to (214) : t=: >J 2^C{PR) (~) i ~ ^ C S'' Z' • • • • and for the radii R and R^ : R^ ^ ^il _ IfC^ Zt C S' (217) . (218) The value of C depends upon the ratio of the teeth, and upon the value of 6" for the material used. If we assume the latter to be the same for both cases, the number of the teeth alone re- mains to be considered. A reduction in the number of teeth increases the pitch, accordi«g to (217) ; and according to (218) reduces the radius. The dimensions of gear wheels must, for the same pressure on the teeth, be increased to meet shock in proportion to the increase in initial velocity. For slow running gears this action can be neglected. We may in this respect, therefore, divide gears into two classes, viz. : Hoisting Gears and Transmission Gears ; and includes under the term hoisting gears all those having a linear velocity at the pitch circle of not more than 100 feet per minute, and under transmission gears all those running at a higher velocity. For a pitch t, face b, length of teeth /, and base thickness of tooth h, we have for a tooth pressure /"corresponding to a stress S, the general formula : 2=11, Z' = 7, hence y = 2/' =1.16 3. -4 = \'S"=>/^ ■ («3) " = ■ Fig. 644. The constant C, for a given series of gears, should be invari- able, and for ordinary spur gears may be taken equal to 16.8, as iu (213). For the so-called " thumb teeth," (^ 212), the constant may be much smaller, and hence permit an important reduction in dimensions. The value of -— for wheels of more than ten teeth is not less than 0.7, and introducing this value we get C = 8.4, that is G.s C; hence "thumb shaped " profiles are capable of sustaining twice as great a load as the ordinary form. If, for a giv( _ _ _ . . _ ary form, wit be reduced in the proporti or about 0.8 times, with a proportional reduction in diameter and face. If, however, the teeth are taken in the above ratio of 11 : 7, we would have for the pitch. and the radius J?' = The influence of the stress .Sis always important, and it should not be increased above the normal value for the given material, which latter is usually cast iron. An increase of one-fourth in the permissible stress would reduce the pitch and diameter only ,which 7 per cent., but on the other hand it must be remembered that too low a value of 5 causes an unnecessary increase in the size and weight, not only of the gears but also of the bearings, frame work and other parts of the machine. The value of .S" used above, viz. : 4200 pounds, has been show in practice to give sat- isfactory results, and there appears to be no good reason for any great variation from it. When the gears are made of wrought iron, as is sometimes the case, S may be made much higher, and may indeed be taken double, say 8400 pounds. This gives a reduction in /' in the proportion of ^'^o.S = 0.79 /, THE CONSTRUCTOR. Example 3. For comp: thumb shaped outline, \v we have : ->/ d^ = o.7^. In Fig. 644 the five cases given iu the last three examples are shown on the same scale, side by side. In order to indicate the fact that the moment {PR) is the same iu all cases, the shaft diameter has been shown. It will be apparent that there is no definite relation between the diameter of the shaft and the ra- dius of a gear. The invariability of the moment, which has been maintained in the preceding examples, does not exist of the tooth pressure Pupon the driven gear is again transmitted through a second so-called compound gear. If the pinion of a radius R, driving a gear R' , compounds by a pinion R., on the same shaft into a rack R2, for example, with a given pressure P, we have from (214) = Const. ■• ]C_ PR^ S' Z {219) This gives ^ R, C S' \ Zl But R^ = Z^t and R,^ = Z./ //, and from formula (215) : Hence we get : V _ ^^" _ _z s'' z; Z' By selecting the number of teeth we may make - and then obtain z. Jc s z/ £th V Z' (220) and for the radii : Z ^ C' 5' ' ■avtple i^. A rack with a tooth pressure .P, gearing with an 11 toothed )n, is driven by a larger gear which again engages with an 11 toothed )n. Fig. 645, the teeth being of the usual shape, and the material cast n, and reducing 2, all teeth being = 0.5 C, y = 2 5, ight iron, thii C 0.3 =0.387/ , and K = educe the dimen a stress of 14,00 sions, steel is used A if = 0.145 ^, or about i J?. This is to be replaced by making all parts of wrough the number of teeth in the rack pinion to 4, as shown in also altered to the thumb-shaped form. We then hav and hence : i' = \/^ =%t, and R' = R fi \/'^ = It will be noticed that in this case the ratio between the larger gear and the pinion on the same shaft is such that in (217) and (218) both are determined for the same moment {PR.) _ Example 5. f = t\/ 0.5: The proportion of the results of the last two examples is shown in Fig. 645. The force P on the teeth of the rack is the same in all three cases. The statical moment on the main shaft is, however, reduced with the reduction in R', as is consequently that of the inter- mediate shaft. The advantages of steel as a material for gear wheels have al- ready been referred to in I 222. Its greater strength enables much lighter wheels to be used for the same service, than with cast iron. For a gear of cast iron and of steel, to act against the same moment, all other things being equal, we have, taking 5' = 14,000, and 5"= 4200 — , and also —^o.t, = about — in favor of the steel. This gives for the ratio of weight (%)', that is 0.3, the same as the ratio of 5 to 5', or say three to one. This advantage also exists for transmission gearing, although not to the same extent. If the velocity ratio in a compound train is comparatively great, it is interesting to note that the most advantageous ratio : 9 and 1 : 10, this giving a mini- Tabi^f; of Cast Iron Hoisting Gfars. i p {PR) PR Z t ^- R {PR^ Z % 127 10 15 107 8.67 % 200 20 20 190 20.56 H 287 35 25 297 40.16 % 391 55 30 428 69.40 I 511 82 35 583 110.20 iX 798 160 40 761 164.50 ^% H50 277 45 963 186.00 ^% 1564 440 50 1020 320.50 2 2044 658 60 1712 555.20 2K 3200 1284 ° 70 2330 881.70 Example i. A force of 100 pounds is exerted on a hand crank of 15 inches radius ; what should be the pitch and face of a 10 toothed pinion for the fur- ther transmission? = 2 / = 214 inches. )uld give a pitch of abc = 150, and the orresponds to ; .'alue in the table jnds on the teeth, n the 4th and 5th and the width of Pitch and Face op Gearing for Transmission. The fibre stress S, which is exert£d upon the teeth by the ac- tion of a given force P, should be taken smaller for transmis- sion gears as the circumferential velocity v increases, since the *If(#> be the total ri between each pair be ind k the number of pairs of gcai ~ we have <#> = x^ . The tc id the ratio of teeth in the train, y = k{Z-\-Z') = kZ\\ + x). Now k -- the number of teeth and the number of pairs givi , and the product of laking the differential coefficient equal to zero we - which equation is satisfied by jc = 9.19 For example , _ _iumber of teeth in smallest pinion = 7. We have the fol- lowing combinations : (a) (^ = 20 30, gives ^ = 7 (2 -f 20 -|- 30) = 364, yk = T2l>. (3) ^ =, gives^ = 7(4-|-4 + 5H-S-t-6) = 168, yk = 672. (c) .#> = 6.10. 10, gives >- = 7 (3 -t- 6 + 10 -I- 10) = 206,/^ = 609. The last solution is the best, for although it requires more teeth than (5> it has one less pair of gears, and for solution {a) the number of teeth, viz.: 210 is inconveniently great. 146 THE CONSTRUCTOR. dynamic action of shock and vibration also i iron we may take : 9,600,000 in which v is the lineal velocity in feet per minute. For steel ^may be taken y/i, times, and for wood {\ times the value thus obtained. For cast iron we obtain, for : 5= - (222) 5= 4240 I 406c I 400 I 600 I 800 I 1000 I 1500 I 2000 I 2500 I 3744 I 3473 I 3238 I 3034 I 2620 | 2302 | 2068 5= 14, 1 12, 13, 520; 1 2, 467 1 1 1, 565 110,782, 10, 103 1 8725 1766516886 And for Wood : 5 = 2544 I 2436 I 2246 I 20S3 I 1943 i 1820 I 1572 I 1381 I 1240 Tlie velocitj' v may be obtained when n and R (the latter in inches) are given, by the following formula : -^ = ———— = °-5236 Rn (223) The selection of a proper value for v will be discussed below. It is also found that the breadth of face /5 should increase with the increase of P. Tredgold states that the pressure per inch P of face, that is -7- should not exceed 400 pounds. This, how- ever, is not to be followed implicitly, since pressures as high as 1400 pounds have been successfully used in practice. It is bet- ter, however, to consider the question of wear from the product P . . of -r- into n, which should not exceed a predetermined maxi- P mum. It is found that if -;- x « exceeds 67,000 the wear be- comes excessive. In a pair of wheels where the teeth of both are made of iron, the greatest wear comes upon the teeth of the smaller wheel. In this case we may make = not more than 28,000 .... (224) and if possible it should be taken at less than this value. For smaller forces this constant, which we may call the co-efficient of wear and designate as A, may readily be made as low as 12,000, and even 6,000, without obtaining inconvenient dimen- sions. When the teeth are of wood and iron the wear upon the iron may be neglected, as the wear comes almost entirely upon the wooden teeth. For wooden teeth the value of ^ should not exceed 28,000, and is better made about 15,000 to 20,000.* It is impossible to give exact values in such constructions, and it must be left to the judgment of the designer as to how far it may be advisable to depart from the values obtained from exist- ing examples. It must be remembered that the different values of A do not appreciably affect the strength, but rather control the rapidity of wear. When sufficient space is available and a low value can be given to the co-efficient of wear, it is advisable to do so ; if this cannot be done, the coefficient which is selected will give an indication of the proportional amount of wear which may be expected. In cases where a number of wheels gear into one other wheel, it is better to take, instead of the number of revolutions of the common wheel, the number of tooth contacts, that is the pro- duct of the revolutions and number of wheels in the group. If 7? is given , as is often the case with water-wheels, fly-wheels, &c.. Pis also known, and since A can be chosen we have, tak- ing iV to be the horse power transmitted : 63,000 iV d^- R hence from (213) for ordinary teeth, 16.8 P _i6.^A_ and for thumb shaped teeth, 8.4 P _ ?,.aA If, however, as occurs in many cases, R is not previously de- termined, the choice of the number of teeth Z is unrestricted. In such cases we have for the width of face b : * = ^r;^- <-) If we give to A the successive values 30,000, 25,000, 20,000, 15,000, 10,000 and 5,000, we get the following numerical rela- tions : Common and Thumb Teeth. Common Teeth. Thumb Teeth. 2.1 ^ = 13.2 -„-,;/ = ' R- '54 11 S 420,000 ^ 210,000 I Z/' 336^00 11 s Pn N ^ N . 6 = - = 4-2 -F5- = 26.4— ; t 15,000 R Zt ' R ■"'■ zr Pn ^N N , 84,00c 42,c For transmission gears the minimum number of teeth should not be fewer than 20, in order that the unavoidable errors of construction shall not cause excessive wear ; for quick-running gears it is desirable to have still more teeth. The gear wheels on high speed turbines seldom have fewer than 40, and often as many as 80 teeth. When wood and iron, teeth are used, the least wear is produced when the wooden teeth are on the driver, because the action begins at the base of the tooth and passes toward the point, while on the driven gear the action is reversed. If desired a number of teeth Z can be calculated which will give a desired ratio b : t. If we combine formulae (225) and (226) we obtain the useful relation : 396^o_^ .l_S^N , ^^^g^ .... ^^y This shows the important influence of A upon Z, and the ef- fect of the number of teeth upon the wear ; also the important relation of the tooth profile, since the constant 16.8 (or for thumb teeth 8.4) appears in the second power. It is also seen that Z\s dependent on the square of w, and the square of S, other things being constant. These points indicate the methods of obtaining the least stress. The value of- s sometimes made a faces and sometimes for narrower, the of two adjoining parts. great as 5 . For wider 1 of the gear is made Example i.— A water wheel of 6. Loving with a velocity at the cin rovided with an internal gear i idius than that of the water wh lake 40 revolutions per minute. horse power, 26 feet, 3 inches in diameter, uraference of 256 feet per minute, is to be 'heel, the pitch circle being 16 inches less on/ = 25^(15^5^^ = ,. ■0 lbs. nearly. We will = 8608 lbs. This gives a permissible strc choose for the smaller wheel —j- = 25,' ^"°'°°° = 2.56". We then have Z= ^~ 348 teeth the wheel may be divided into i: the driven wheel we have -?i = — Z= — Example 2.— A turbine water wheel of 100 horse power has a vertical shaft making q6 revolutions per minute, and it is required to drive a horizontal shaft at 144 revolutions, hence a pair of bevel gears are required. We will select wooden and iron teeth, and let the wooden teeth be on the driver. We will assume v to be between 1200 and 1400 feet per minute, which gives JS io --- = 3. We then have from (228) Z = = 70. We then have ^1 = -- .70 = 47; segments of 29 teeth each. X 348 = 27, whence /fj = ?^— ^ >, and make A = 25,000, 962 X »6oo- X n 16. 82 X 25000^ also I = ^!°'°°° = 2.73" say 25^", b = ■>, t = 81^", v = 1536 feet pei THE CONSTRUCTOR. 147 gears ; 300 horse-power transmitted by each gear, makiug a Pn total of 600 horse-power. The value for — - — must therefore be multiplied by 2 ; see last column of the table. No. 3. This is from the air compressor for the atmospheric railway of St. Gen 2 t, as intended. Example 5.— Let 1 dlet4- = 30, n^ = 50 for a pair common form, ar = 2-- . If we m ake V = ke^ = 5,000. This give sfort he driver g ;ar: Z 39^ ,000 50" X 34 02x40 16.32 X 25,00 5 say 42 teeth, and Zi = |-^ = 7 e choose the thumb-.shaped teeth, and make — = 3-5 ■> ^= o .-f^, ' o • r~. = "^ say: JO, and Z^ = 200. t' = aller teeth, but large 50 X 3400 „ _ _ , „ ir radii than when the common form is When steel is used for gear wheels, special proportions are obtained. It is not too much to say that the value of the co-efficient of wear A should be taken twice as great as for cast iron. The stress i', however, may be taken 354 times that permissible for cast iron. Taking these pointsi-' :j — a (228) we see that A would reduce and 5 would increase it by f \ , that is, about . crease would be laid down as a ru umber of teeth by Yz, times, so that the net in- -g-, if the abo-v e that steel gears vice tnan cast iron gears. The ] large, and in the case of double spi times made as great as 7 or 8. If 1 stead of the usual shape, the value obtained for the pitch is that for the no width of face is the actual width, as b, in Fig. Example 6. — Suppose the wheels given in double spiral teeth of steel. We take A = 56, We then get ; accepted. It may therefore be lould have more teeth for the same ser- io of face to pitch may be made quite I gears (as Fig. 627) the ratio ^ is some- formula for thumb teeth be used, satisfactory -mal pitch t 11 Fig. 6 iults. The ,t the ny, t mple 5 to be made md— =6, also 5=] with 8.42 X 56000 We have t 50- > 12,800! If we take Zi = 84, we get Z = 140 and o = 4}i"- If 5- = 60" we have i = '^ = 2:2± =o8-.i" sin 60 0.866 ■ =* • We may take / fe= 0.875", which gives t = 0.866 X 0.875 = 0.757" and i 4.5 — • = -^^ = 5.93, or nearly 6. We have then finally J?i = 11.6", R = 19.47". 1 (now abandoned.) — - — is evidently too high, as would probably have become apparent had the gears continued in operation. keeps the value of — - — within reasonable limits. Nos. 5 and 6. These are from the great water wheel at Green ock. The pressure at the rim is great, but the teeth have worn well in practice, as might have been predicted from the moderate values of — The value of the latter is almost the same for should be about the same for ?229. Examples and Comments. The following examples taken from actual practice will be of interest : (see Table on following page). No. I. From the driving gear of the main steam engine of Fleming's Spinning and Weaving Mill in Bombay. The toothed fly-wheel is the driver, and the teeth are shrouded, as shown in Fig. 651. The coeificient of wear for the driven gear seems high, and does not indicate long endurance. No. 2. A toothed fly wheel engaging with a pair of equal spur No. 6 as for No. 5, hence the v both gears. No. 7. The teeth in the smaller gear are thinner than those of the large fly-wheel, hence the two values for S. Probably the larger wheel was originally made with wooden teeth. Fn No. 9. Notwithstanding the high pressure the value of - is reasonably small. The stress upon the teeth is quite high, as is also the case with No. 4, and lower stresses are to be recom- mended. No. 10. This is one of the most noteworthy examples of the whole collection, on account of the very slight wear exhibited. The wooden teeth on the large wheel, (the fly-wheel of the steam engiue of the Kelvindale Paper Mill at Glasgow) ran for 26>^ years, for 20 hours per day, with a wear upon the teeth, measured at the pitch circle, of only about % inch. For the first half of this time the engine indicated 84 horse-power, at 38 revolutions. The teeth were lubricated twice a week with talc and graphite. The long endurance is doubtless partially due to the great care which the teeth received, they having been cut upon the wheel in place, but also to the moderate co-efiicient of wear. No. II. The teeth were found too small in practice, as is indi- cated by the stress of 3000 pounds ; from formula (222) we ob- tain 5"= 1734 pounds. No. 12. Two gears with wooden teeth engage with a single pinion on the screw propeller shaft. The teeth are in two sets of 414^ width of face each. No. 13. Very high pressure, which must appear in the wear upon the teeth ; apparently it should be difficult to keep them P in good condition, owing to the high value of -—. No. 15. These teeth appear weak, as has been shown by re- peated breakages. The wear must be rapid, as indicated by the P71 high value of — - — . No. 17. These gears, (designed by Fairbairn) were intended ultimately to transmit double the power at first given, in which case the stress would reach over 4000 pounds, which is admissible P7i but the value of — 7 — would then become rather too high to in- dicate very great endurance. Pn No. 20. The value of — , — seems too high for the wooden. teeth ; it is almost too great also for the iron teeth, and it must be remembered that with wooden and iron teeth, the wear comes almost entirely upon the wooden teeth. No. 22. These gears are from an establishment which has used hyperboloidal gears with much success for power transmission. The angle of the axes is 90°. The use of wooden teeth upon the driver is to be criticised, as tending to increase the liability to k the dimensions of gear wheels. The Rim. The ring of metal upon which the teeth of a gear wheel are placed is called the rim. For cast iron spur gears, the thickness of the rim is given by the formula S=o.i,t -Y 0.12s" (229) 148 THE CONSTRUCTOR. EXAIVIPLES OF TKANSMISSIO^^T GEAKIKG. No. N R Z t b ^ p s p b Pn b ^,390 66,970 REMARKS. 1 lOOO 36.67 1 14.8 38.^ 144 46 5.25 24 2300 14,000 1877 583 Iron and Iron. Steam Engine. 2 300 100 37 230 58 4.00 14 1900 5,100 I6I4 364 2 X9107 36,400 Iron and Iron. 3 4 270 60 .9.6 98 19 95 6.25 20.6 616 14,300 1848 694 41,650 8,330 Iron and Iron. 240 11^ 44 ~iT 208 68 3.125 16 766 10,200 3270 639 8,498 28,110 Iron and Iron. Transmission for No. 8. 5 192 131. 15-14 400 35-25 704 62 3.6 15 280 22,240 7252 1483 1,972 22,450 Iron and Iron. Water Wheel. 6 192 50 106 32 208 63 3-18 15 840 7,425 2275 495 7,494 24,750 Iron and Iron. Transmission for No. 5. 7 140 30 55 58.4 32 _I32_ 72 2.8 8.6 900 5,000 4266 48.35 581 17,440 31,970 Iron and Iron. Steam Engine. 8 140 30 54.5 66.5 35.75 138 76 3 13 1045 4,350 3700 335 10,040 18,230 Iron and Iron. Steam Engine. 9 120 13-3 _29I_ 33 560 80 3.12s 15 240 16,230 5688 1082 1,634 14,390 Iron and Iron. Water Wheel. 10 1 00 45 158.8 84.5 24 176 50 3 10 2CX30 1,635 924 163 7,357 8,175 Wood and IVon. Steam Engine. 11 90 26 80 85.4 27-75 228 74 2-375 S-9 1 163 2,500 3000 424 11,010 33,900 Wood and Iron. Steam Engine. 12 82.5 54 83 55-1 35.8 _ii4_ 74 3.1 2X4-7S 1558 3,440 1848 362 19.540 2x30,040 Wood and Iron. Screw Steamship. ".75 13 50 _4.o_ 7-32 50-4 27.5 96 52 3-25 10.6 104 15,500 7536 1463 5,849 10,700 Iron and Iron. Water Wheel. 14 20 40 85.4 16.5 248 48 2.2 6-3 328 1,980 2420 314 12,570 Iron and Iron. Water Wheel. BEVEL GEARS. 15 300 _93_ 50 24.J7 45-7 _5^ 93 3-1 13 II87 8200 3270 3697 630 58,660 31,540 Iron and Iron, Turbine. 16 300 100 29.7 26.7 _55_ 49 2.7 10 1576 6170 3840 617 61,700 68,980 Iron and Iron. Transmission for No. i. 17 240 44 44 42 75 3-5 18 968 8050 2133 447 19,670 Iron and Iron. Transmission foe No. 3. 18 200 41 80 50 30.1 98 50 3.3 11.8 1260 5157 2000 437 17,920 34,960 Wood and Iron. Turbine. 19 130 _93_ 124 J13, 24.8 80 60 2.4 8 1523 2772 2276 2417 346 32,220 42,970 Wood and Iron. Turbine. 20 .00 _93_ 144.7 23.4 15 _7o_ 4^ 2.1 6.3 1 140 2860 2985 3840 454 42,220 65,690 Wood and Iron. Turbine. 21 50 93 218 2S^ 10.8 _75_ 32 2.1 6.3 1236 I3I3 1564 1848 208 39,380 45,430 Wood and Iron. Turbine. HYPERBOLOIDAL GEARS. 22 16 72 81.6 21.6 i9~ 68 60 1.996 5.9 812 640 924 1250 108 7,810 8,851 Iron and Wood. Transmission. 1-993 THE CONSTRUCTOR, 149 See Fig. 647. The rim is thickened in the middle or at one edge to — i, and also stiffened by a rib, and for gears of fine Fig. 647. pitch the section of the rim is curved, which harmonizes well with arms of oval section. According to (229) a pitch of \" would give a rim thickness 6 = 0.4'^ -[- 0.125'^ = 0.525'''' or a little over yi", and for a pitch of yi." , 6 = 0.325^^. For bevel gears of cast outer edge, and of the S thick at the Fig. 648. For wooden teeth it is necessary to have a deeper and stronger rim, the dimensions being dependent somewhat upon the method of inserting the teeth. The proportions for spur gears ——i—JoCcJ The; Arms of Gear Wheels. The arms of gear wheels are made according to the follow forms, dependent upon the kind of rim used. Fig. 652. Fig. 652. Ribbed sections, which are made sometimes as shown in the dotted lines as may be most convenient in mould- ing, and oval sections, in which the thickness of the arm is generally made one-half the width /^. A good proportion for the arms is obtained when their number A is made as follows : A = 0.S5^Z^t A = o.n/l'{2. From these we obtain the following : A =345678 10 Z \f ^ "= ^° 53 S3 119 162 211 330 Z ^ -L = II 23 36 52 71 93 146 209 Example. — For a gear wheel of 50 teeth and 2" pitch, we have Z \/ I = 50 ■v/a" = 50 X 1-414 = 70 and this lies between 53 and 83; being nearer the latter we give the wheel_five arms.^f the pitch had been %", and the same number of teeth Z \/ i =50 v/o-7S = 5° X 0.866 = 43.3 or between three and four arms, the latter number being used in practice. . The width of arm h, in the plane of the wheel is somewhat a matter of judgment, but may suitably be made according to the ratio /? = 2 to 2.5 t, when the thickness /3 may be obtained from the following formula : (x)' • (231) Should this formula give a thickness either too great o small for 1 casting, nother value for —- must be are shown in Fig. 649, and for bevel gears in Fig. 650. For very wide faces the wooden teeth are made in two pieces and a stay bar cast in the mortise. Small pinions are often cast solid, and when subjected to heavy pressures are strengthened by shrouding, as shown in Fig. 651, and sometimes this shrouding is turned down to the pitch line. taken and the calculation repeated. The following table will assist in this operation. The taper of the arms may be made as follows : the ribs at the rim are made slightly narrower than the breadth of face b^ and at the hub, equal to, or slightly greater than b. For arms of oval section h, may be made equal 2 / at the centre of the wheel, tapering to -/■>, this width at the rim. \ 232. Tabi,e of Gear \Vheei< Arms. Fig. 651. For double spiral gears of steel (see \ 223) shrouding is to be recommended, and is ver}' generally used. The use of shroud- ing especially assists in securing good steel castings, for the great shrinkage of the steel, nearly two per cent., tends to pro- duce warped and twisted castings. Small pinions are sometimes cut from solid wrought iron, in which case the shrouding must be omitted. h 1 Value of 4-> -when Z A=' 9 " 16 25 30 35 40 1.50 0.20 0.28 0.37 0.50 0.62 0.78 0.93 1.08 1.24 1-75 0.16 0.21 0.27 0-37 0.46 0.57 0.69 o.So 1 0.91 2.00 0.12 0.16 0.21 0.28 0-35 0.44 0-53 0.61 1 0.70 2.25 O.IO O.I3 0.17 0.22 0.28 0-35 0.41 0,48 j 0.55 2.50 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.22 0.28 0.34 0.39 0.45 2.75 0.06 0.08 Oil 0.15 0.18 0..3 0.28 0.32 0.37 3.00 0.05 0.07 0.09 O.X2 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 THE CONSTRUCTOR. being 4 inches. gives /3 = lave 6 arms, and 120 teeth of 2 inch pitch, the face lake A = 2 / at the centre of the wheel, we have ;nce we get from the table -^ = 0.35, and ,3 = 4 X sidered too thick, we may make /; = 2.25/, which For gears with wooden teeth, and for the iron wheels gearing with them, the dimensions of the arms may be made 0.8 times that given by the preceding rules. If more accurate dimensions are required, the best plan is to determine the pitch of the equivalent iron teeth, and use this value in the calculations. Gear WheeI/ Hubs. The hub for a gear wheel generally tapers slightly each way from the arms to the end, the length Z, = — b, or somewhat 4 more for wheels of very large diameter, and the thickness of metal about the bore is made iv ^= 0,4 A -|- ^a" , in which h is the same as in the preceding section. In cases of much im- portance reference should be made to formula (66), ^ 65. If the wheel is not to be secured by shrinkage the thickness of metal at the ends of the hub may be made ^ ^i J<^- The key way is cut the entire length of the hub, and for wheels which are subjected to heavy service the metal should be reinforced over the key way. Instead of this, the hub may be strengthened by wrought iron rings, forced on one or both ends. Such rings are usually of rectangular cross section, the thickness being ^ lu, and add greatly to the strength of the hub. See Chapter III. § 161 to the end. \ 234. Weight of Gear Wheels. The approximate weight G of gear wheels proportioned ac- cording to the preceding rules may be obtained from the fol- lowing : G = 0.0357 b f (6.25 Z + 0.04 Z^) . . . . (233) The following table will facilitate the application of the_ formula as it gives the value of for the number of teeth -which maybe given and the \ veight can at once be found by multiplying the value in the table by b f. ' ^ 4 6 8 20 5>o4 560 6.18 677 7.38 30 7.99 8.61 9-24 9.S9 10.52 40 11.09 11.90 12.59 13.30 14.02 50 1474 15-48 16.23 17.00 17.77 60 iS.SS 1935 20.15 20.97 21.80 70 22.65 23.50 24.36 25.24 26.12 80 27.02 27-93 28.85 29.79 30.73 90 31.69 32-66 33-63 34.62 35.63 100 36.63 37.67 38.70 39-75 40.81 120 47.40 48.54 49-69 50.85 52.03 140 59-30 60.56 61.82 63.10 64.27 160 72-35 73-73 7S-IO 76.39 77.90 180 86.54 88.03 89.52 91.02 92.54 200 101.88 103.48 104.98 106.70 108.34 320 118.36 120.08 122.15 123.52 125.27 Example. — For a cast iron gear wheel, proportioned according to the fore- going rules, with 50 teeth, 2'' pitch and 4" face, we have b fi = 16, and by the table the multiplier for 50 teeth is 14.74, and the weight = 16 X 14.74 = 235-84 lbs., say 236 pounds. For a gear of 50 teeth, iV^" pitch and 2)^" face, we have i t- = 3.90625, which multiplied by 14.74 gives 57.62 pounds. For bevel gears or for gears with wooden teeth and lighter arms (as given at the end of ^ 232) the weights will run slightly less than given by the table. CHAPTER .XVIII. RATCHET GEARING. I 235. Classification OF Ratchet Gearing. Ratchet gearing may be considered as a modification or ex- tension of wheel gearing. The object of ratchets is to check the action of certain portions of a machine or train of mechanism and so modify au otherwise continuous motion into some inter- mittent form. Ratchet gearing may be divided into two main divisions according to the nature of ihe checking action. When the movement of the checked member is impeded in only one direction we have what may be called a Running Ratchet ; and when the movement is checked in both directions, a Stationary Ratchet. The distinction will be understood by reference to the accorn- paaying illustrations, in which Fig. 653 shows a ratchet wheel and pawl a b c, the shape of teeth and pawl permitting motion of the wheel in one direction, and hence forming a Running Fig. 653. Fig. 654. Ratchet Gearing, while in Fig. 654 the rectangular notches and pawl for a Stationary Ratchet Gearing. The lifting of the pawl is called the release, and the falling into gear Is called the en- gagement of the ratchet gearing. If the two members b and c are held, a becomes the intermit- tent mover, while if a be held, the parts b and c possess the intermittent action ; as for example, the sustaining pawl and ratchet wheel of a common hoisting winch in the first case, and the reverse lever and quadrant of a locomotive in the second case. Ratchet gearing is a portion of constructive mechanism which will repaj' close investigation. For this purpose the following six groups may be considered : 1. Ratchets pure and simple, such as a ratchet wheel and pawl for the mere prevention of rotation. Examples : the ratchets of a windlass, or of the beam of a loom. 2. Releasing Ratchets ; those which act to release members which are under stress, and which by such release are permitted to perform and determinate work. Examples : the pawls which release the drop of a pile driver, the trigger of a gun, or the trip valve gear of some steam engines. 3. Checking Ratchets ; those which arrest parts which are already in continuous motion. Example ; the safety check ratchets upon elevators, and upon mine hoists. 4. Continuous Ratchets; those in which a combination of pawls acts to drive a member in a given direction with practi- cally a continuous motion. Examples: a ratchet-driven wind- lass ; some forms of counters. 5. Locking Ratchets ; those which act to detain certain mem- bers '.f: a fixed relation against the action of external forces until released. Examples : some forms of car couplings and of releasing shaft couplings, also the mechanism of locks. 6. Escapements ; those forms which permit a member under the action of an impelling force to make a regularly intermit- tent motion in one direction. Example: the various forms of clock and watch escapements. By following this classification, the various principal funda- mental forms may ^e briefly examined. I 236. Toothed Running Ratchet Gears. In running ratchets, the direction of motion which is not checked by the pawl is called the forward motion, and the re- verse, the backward motion. The teeth on the ratchet wheel must therefore be so shaped that when the pawl is in engage- ment the backward motion only must be impeded. It is also important that the form should be so chosen that the first ten- dency toward a backward movement should act to produce an engagement of the pawl with the teeth. In determining the form of teeth. Fig. 655, we observe that the most effective point upon the circumference of the wheel for the action of the pawl is that at which the joining line 1.2 of the centre of the wheel i, with the' point of the pawl 2, is at right angles with the pawl radius 3.2, If we describe a circle upon the diameter 1.3, or the distance between centres of wheel and pawl, the intersections 2 and 2' with the pitch circle of the ratchet wheel will give the two most advantageous points of application. If the point 2 be selected, the attempted reverse movement of the wheel will subject the pawl to compression, while if 2' be chosen the pawl must be of the hook shape shown, and will be subject to tension. If the teeth of the wheel are to be of straight outline, the flanks should be radial. If a point of THE CONSTRUCTOR. 151 action 2j or Sj, in front or behind 2 or 2^, be chosen, the mechanism will be operative, but less advantageously than when constructed as above, for the lever arm of the force-couple act- The same result will be attained by giving this curve to the end of the pawl, and making the point of the tooth the bearing, as at b, or both pawl and tooth may be formed to the curve, as we may call this form of tooth the "dead" ratchet tooth. Other forms of teeth will be considered hereafter. Internally-toothed ratchet wheels may also be made with the pawls adapted to act either in tension or compression, as at 2 and 2', Fig. 657. The axis 3 may be within the wheel. Fig. 658, in which case the above given conditions for the best position of the point of action cannot be fulfilled. If the radius of the ratchet wheel be made infinitely great we have a ratchet rack. Fig. 659, in which « is a pawl acting in compression, and b a form acting in tension. An important application of the ratchet rack is shown in Fig. 660, which is the upper portion of the lifting frame for a screw propeller.* Fig. 655. ing upon the wheel will be less, and hence the pressure greater. The angle of the flank, which will cause the direction of the force upon the pawl to pass through the axis 3, is found by erecting a perpendicular from 2^ or 2^ upon 2i . 3 or 22 . 3. Fig. 656. It is not necessary to bevel the end of the pawl so that it shall bear in but one point of the tooth, as it is not difficult to shape the tooth profile so that the force /"shall pass through the axis 3, when the pawl engages with the tooth. This is accomplished by making the profile of the flank of the tooth a circular arc struck from 3 as a centre, as in Fig. 656 a. Fig. 660. The two ratchet racks a, which support the frame as it is grad- ually lifted, are in the middle plane of the ship, being fast to the walls of the propeller well. In order to insure the engagement of the pawls b b, they are held in gear by the loop springs of rubber. The frame is raised and lowered by a rope tackle, the sheaves of which are shown, the so-called " cheese-cou-pXing" (see I 156), permitting the propeller to be lifted, when its tongue and groove are in the proper vertical position. The pawls are held out of gear by means of lines, during the operation of lowering. The frame and ratchet racks are both made of bronze. The bent lever is another pawl which engages in a notch m a blade of the propeller, and prevents it from revolving during the operation of raising or lowering. There are two wooden struts, the bronze shod ends of which can be seen on each side just above the pawls b, their function being to hold the frame firmly in its lowest position, when the propeller is revolving. Fig. 6S9. at c. Since the force which acts upon the pawl has no tendency to cause it to lift out of gear, when constructed as thus described Ratchet racks are also used extensively in connection with the hoisting machinery in shafts of mines, etc. 152 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Instead of giving the ratchet wheel au infinitely great radius, the arm 2.3 of the pawl may be made infinitely long. This simply means that the motion of the pawl is guided in a straight line, in some form of slide. In Fig. 66i such an arrangement is shown for a ratchet wheel, and in Fig. 662 for a ratchet rack, such forms being not uncommon. I 237. The Thrust upon the Pawi<. The condition that the thrust upon the pawl, in a ratchet gear- ing, shall pass through the axis of the pawl, is not always ful- filled, and in some cases it is impracticable to attain such a relation of the parts. The mutual action of the pawl and ratchet wheel upon each other must therefore always be considered. If the flank of the tooth of a spur ratchet wheel (or a tangent to the flank of the outline is curved) does not form a right angle with the plane 2.3 of the pawl, there may exist, under some cir- cumstances, a tendency to force the pawl into the tooth, or in other cases to throw it out of gear. For the so-called " dead " ratchet tooth a = 90°, case i, hence there is tendency neither to inward or outward movement. The variations above given are, however, more or less used in practice, and the table will be of service in considering the action in such cases. Some examples will be given here, and numerous others may be found in subsequent illustrations. In many cases it is desirable that the pawl should be held in engagement with the tooth by the action of the impelling force, as in Fig. 664, this falling under the fourth or sixth case. This Fig. 663. In Fig. 663 the various cases are examined. If at the point of contact 2 a normal N A\\.o the plane of the tooth flank be drawn, this normal may bear one of three relations to the tri- angle 1.2.3. The "thrust-normal" N N^ may fall without the triangle, or within the triangle, or it may fall upon one of the sides of the triangle. If it falls upon 2 . 3, the thrust is neutral ; if it falls upon 2 . r, the thrust is zero ; that is, there will be no action of the pawl upon the wheel, or I'ice versa,, barring the action of friction. The angle 6 between the line 2. 3 of the pawl and the tangent at 2, which is equal to the angle between the normal to 2 . 3, and the "thrust-normal," is called the angle of thrust. By considering this in connection with the angle of friction vari- ous relations are obtained. On the one part, the force applied will act to alter the posi- tion of the pawl, either to or from the centre of the ratchet wheel : on the other part, it will also act to move the ratchet wheel forward and backward. These relations are classified for various conditions in the fol- lowing table, in which a force which acts to force the point 2 from I is called au " outward" action, and the reyerse, an " in- ward" action. Fig. 664. form of tooth insures the retention of the pawl in place after it has once entered the tooth, and is sometimes used in hoisting machinery when heavy loads are to be sustained ; an applica- tion is also found in Pouyer's Coupling, Fig. 453, in which the secure engagement of the pawls is an important point. Another secure form of pawl is shown in Fig. 655. 1 Fig. 665. In this case the wheel is made with pin-teeth. The pawl has a forked end, the inner flank tending to produce an inward movement, the outer flank, outward movement. In this case, as in the preceding, the wheel must be turned through a small angle before the pawl can be released. ANGLE OF THRUST a = 90°. The Thrust Action is : The Impelling Force : Outward Movement: Inward Movement: i) neutral. is without effect. is without effect. is without effect. ANGLE OF THRUST a < 90° and > 90° — 0. 2) inward. 3) outward. is without effect, is without effect. produces reverse motion, produces forward motion. produces forward motion, produces reverse motion. i ANGLE OF THRUST c<^90° — -p and >f 4) inward. 5) outward. produces inward movement, produces outward movement. produces reverse motion, produced by impelling force. produced by impelling force, produces reverse motion. ANGLE OF THRUST a-, the flanks on b with a radius 1.2. It is to be noted that the two parts a and b are interchange- able in their functions, so that when the extreme notch II»' of a has been reached, a may be reversed in movement and b follow step by step to its former position. Such step-ratchets are seldom used in practice, but many use- ful applications are possible. In Fig. 688 is given a form of step ratchet arranged to give a uniform angle of advance together with uniform drop of the pawl. The pawl a is acted upon by the force indicated by the arrow, and teeth are upon a cam-shaped disc. Fig. 686. If the teeth are set alternately in two concentric rings, the two pawls may be merged into one, as in Fig. 686. This latter form appears to be new. I 243. Stijp Ratchets. A very instructive form of multiple ratchet gearing is obtained by combining more than two pawls into one piece, and arranging two such pawls to work together, and this form is capable of Fig. 687. very extended application. In the ratchet combination a b c, Fig. 687, we have such a combination of two multiple pawls, with " dead " engagement, released by lifting the pawl b. The part a, which is impelled in the direction of the arrow is thus released, but is arrested again by the shoulder 1'. If the flank An arc with radius 1.2 passes through 3, the angles of release on b are 30°, and the successive angles of drop of a are 5°. This form of ratchet is used in the striking mechanism of repeating watches, and is known as a "snail" movement. The arm a in this case is frequently made of the form shown in dotted lines at A. The construction of the snail is interesting. In order to fulfill the given conditions the points 2.2', 2" must lie on an abridged pericycloid ; in the given case, where 1.2 r= 1.3 it is the form known as a homccentric pericycloid.* The points of the re-entering angles lie on a similar curve. The circles rolling together to describe these curves are shown in the figure T a rolling about I, and Tb about 3 ; their radii are inversel}' as the angles of drop and advance. If the parts b and a move con- tinuously, these circles roll on each other ; for the ^ctual move- ments which take place, the drops of the pawl occur as the suc- cessive ringed points coincide. * See Reuleaux's Theoretical 156 THE CONSTRUCTOR. In the preceding step ratchet (Fig. 687) the angle of drop and of release were given the ratio 1:2. In this case the points of the teeth were on cycloids, those on a being on a pericycloid, those on ^ on a hypocycloid. The contact point of the gener- ating circle falls without the figure on 3.1 prolonged. Since the radii of the circles are as i : 2 with internal contact the hypo- cycloid becomes an ellipse. A portion of the curve is given in the figure ; 3 X , and 3 Fare the semi diameters. The sim- plest form for the line of the teeth will be obtained by making 1.2 = 1.3, since for this case the ellipse for one diameter of the base circle on b becomes the straight line 3 X. Fig. 689. If it is desired to combine in the same piece two step pawls, Fig. 689, of which one set shall be in tension and the other in compression, an anchor ratchet may be used. In this case a back and forth motion of the anchor permits an intermittent forward motion of the wheel. The anchor has ten steps and the wheel four teeth. This ma}' be considered the general case of which Figs. 682 to 686 were special examples. Numerous interesting problems may be solved by such de- vices, such as the conversion of continuous rotation of one piece into intermittent rotation of the second. Applications are found in clock and watch-making. The various modifications which may be made in the relative positions of the axes 2.1 and 2.3 permit a very great variety of Step ratchets to be made. Stationary Ratchets. Fig. 690. Fig. 691. A stationary ratchet may be considered as a combination of a pair of running ratchets with the teeth facing in opposite direc- tions. The scheme of such a combination is shown in Fig. 690. From the four possible positions of the parts 2.2', II and IF we may make the following double combinations : 2 with II, 2' with II-*, 2 with II', 1' with II. The first two combinations are practically identical with the stationary ratchet, Fig. 69I. The flanks of the two wheels give a notch for the space, while the teeth assume a dove-tail shape, and this form of stationarj' ratchet may be called a notched ratchet. The wheel will be firmly held by the so-called " dead " tooth, or when (90° — ''') <^'i>,\ 237. Many forms of this kind are used in practice. Fig. 692. 1 592 and 693 show two modifications of the notched The distinction between tension and compression pawls disappears, since the pawl is the same for either action. If the distance between the axes I and 3 is made infinitely great, the pawl becomes a sliding bolt. Such a form is shown in Fig. 694, which is for non-inter- secting axes. The wheel is a crown wheel, and the pawl may have more than one notch.* Another form of notched ratchet with axes i and 3 infi- nitely separated is shown in Fig. 69s, and is in- tended to hold a shaft from longitudinal motion, being used Fjg. 695. in connection with the disengaging gear of hoisting machinery, lathes and other similar machines. In this case the radius a is infinitely great ; the wheel a be- comes a shaft. The combination 2 with II' and 2' with II of Fig. 690, if we make 3.2:= III . II, gives a stationary ratchet of the form shown in Fig. 696. Fig. 696. Fig. 697. The pawl becomes a segment of a cylinder and works always in compression, or in the modification given in Fig. 697, always in tension. This form may be called a cylinder ratchet. The form of Fig. 696 has many applicalions, as, for example, the Thomas' Calculating Machine and similar work. I, the bolt corresponds to juphng b. The shal s the part b, the (i THE CONSTRUCTOR. The cylinder b may be entirely cut through as in Fig. 698, so that the segment shall fall entirely within the surrounding circle. When it is placed op- posite the teeth the wheel may be revolved in either direction as far as desired. If this move- ment is to be limited, as, for example, to a given pitch, it can be accomplished by cut- ting a corresponding space in the cylinder, such as is shown in Fig. 699 a. It is not necessary that the spaces in the wheel a should conform to the circular profile of the cylinder b (see ? 237) ; the thrust is at two points on the right and left of i . 3, and it may be formed as at b, or pin teeth used as at c. This last figure shows the modifi- cation made in the notch of Fig. 698 to reduce the back- a the pitch circle of the pin and the gap in the cylinder is increased propor'iionally. When the wheel is impelled in the direction of the arrow, the pin 2 slips into the space in the lash of the wheel a. gear a passes through the cylinder as soon as the opening is turned towards it far enough, but cannot pass out until the cylinder has turned back the same distance in the opposite direction, thus forming an intermittent pitch movement. This idea is more fully carried out in Fig. 699 e. In this case the inner profile of the space is concentric with the outside of the cylinder, as was also the case with the form shown in Fig. 697. In this case the tension and compression pawls are practi- cally combined in one. When the opening moves into the proper position, the pin 2 moves to the point 2', and completes the remainder of the pitch movement when the cylinder moves to the left again. This form may be made free from backlash by making the outside of the cylinder fill the space between two teeth, as in Fig. 700. If it is required that the intermittent movement should divide the pitch into two equal parts, the arc of the pitch circle of a, which is the measure of the thickness of the teeth, must be equal to the arc cut off by the space in the cylinder. If backlash is permissible, the thickness of tooth may be reduced.* Fig. 700. If we compare the various forms of cylinder ratchets with the notched ratchets, as, for example, in Fig. 692, it will be seen how the one may be derived from the other. If the pawl of Fig. 692 is given a row of teeth similar to the tooth 2, placed in a circle about a centre 3, and a space cut in a of the circular profile indicated, we obtain the same general and important form as is shown in Fig. 698. In a .similar manner the notched ratchet can be derived from the cylinder ratchet, and also inverted by transposing the parts, e compared with Fig. 682, _. t with pawls oi circular here, in Fig. 699, replaced by a gap of small angle ; tl _ at 2, the tension pawl at 2', the arc 2 — 2' is made very si live diameters very different. nilarity will be and all the modified forms obtained. The interchangeability of the two parts gives the midway form shown in Fig. 701, in which both pieces are the same, each being wheel and pawl for the other.* Fig. 701. For the varied positions which may be given to the axes, a wide variety of cylinder ratchets can be made, many of these possessing useful applications. If the axes are at right angles, the cylinder may become a disc, as in Fig. 702 ; this form being used in Thomas' Calculating Machine, in which case the wheel a is made with but a single tooth. Fig. 702. Fig. 703- Fig. 704. The form shown in Fig. 703 is derived from the globoid gear- ing of Class III, \ 224, the ratchet being a cylindrical notched ring. Fig. 704 shows how a pitch ratchet can be made on this principle. An examination of the preceding forms of stationary ratchets, in which the pawl consists of a revolving member with a gap cut in it, will show one common property in all of them. This is the fact that an intermittent motion produced by successive release and engagement may be made either by a continuous rotation of the cylinder or by an oscillating movement. If, therefore, we have a continuously revolving shaft to deal with, or a vibrating member, the desired release or intermittent ac- tion of the part to be acted upon may in either case be ob- tained. Both forms are found successfully applied in actual practice. ?245. Ratchets of Precision. If we imagine the running ratchet of Fig. 682 so modified that upon the release of the pawl 2 that at 2.' shall enter at a point nearer the tooth than the middle of the pitch, as there shown, the principle will not be changed. If this modification .--'" ] '■■•-, is made to such ati extent that the angle & in both cases be- comes zero, i. e., the pawls so made that one enters into e'l- gagemeut at the instant of re- lease of the other, we have the form shown in Fig. 705. In this case the wheel a, be- ing impelled in the direction - of the arrow, can pass the points of both pawls at once. The slightest movement of the member b in either direction, however, will bring either 2 or 2^ into engagement and hold the wheel. This form is called a Ratchet of Precision, the especial one given being a running ratchet. The principle is capable of various applications, and is also suitable for stationary ratchets, two forms of which are shown Fig. 70S- * This form is o the running ratchet of Fig. 671. 158 THE CONSTRUCTOR. in Figs. 706 and 707. lu the latter case the pawl assumes the form of a bolt, showu in the illustratiou with several notches. The practical applications of ratchets of precision i ous, and examples will be given hereafter. I 246. Generai. Form of Toothed Ratchets. We have already seen that several forms of ratchet mechanism which have been described possess numerous points of similar- it)-, and may be reversed and derived from each other, and hence it is not unreasonable to expect that some general foim may exist from which the various special modifications can be derived, and in which the distinction between ratchet wheel and pawl, or checked and checking member, shall not exist, but each shall appear in both. Fig. 708. This general form is actually found in the combination of two disc face wheels (? 211), with their centres carried on the same bar, Fig, 708, in such a manner that the teeth of both shall engage and be engaged by the other. In the illustration is shown such an arrangement made for a stationary notched ratchet. The wheel b engages as a pawl with the wheel a at 2 and 2', and if it revolves a space of one-half a pitch, a is re- leased- If a, however, revolves any given odd number of half- pitch angles only, d will be checked, and a become the pawl. In both cases we have a ratchet of precision of the same type as in Fig. 706. The pitch ratchet with anchor pawl may also be thus derived ; it is true the anchor form cannot so readily be shown as a pair of similar wheels, but it is clearly only another form of the same problem. The zig-zag ratchet, notched ratchet, step ratchet, or th'eir combinations are all reducible to this general form, the only condition being that the direction of the force in the position of engagement of the checking member shall be such that the checked member cannot revolve. The intermedi- ate forms show the "pawl lifting" action, ? 237. It is evident that in some cases the checked member may have a forward movement, and in others a reverse movement. Since here, as in ^ 2?5, we may consider the link t as a checked member when the wheel is held fast, we may, from the combination of these parts, obtain four kinds of ratchets, viz. : 1. c, stationary ; a, checked ; d, checking. 2. c, " b, " a, " 3. a, " c, " b, 4. b, " c, " a, " As a general statement of the fundamental principle we have : A toothed ratchet consists of a combination of a pair of gear wheels, or of portions of gear zuheels, in which the teeth are so made that for certain positions of the wheels the resultant of the pressures on the teeth of one of the ivheels either passes through its axis, or differs from such direction by less than the angle of friction. Dimensions op Parts of Ratchet Gearing. The great variety of ratchet gears in use makes it almost im- practicable to prepare any compact rules for the determination of the dimensions of the various parts. The general proportions can be obtained for the various forms by comparison with simi- lar preceding devices. For spur ratchet wheels similar Jjropor- tions may be used as for spur gears with thumb-shaped teeth. \ 212. The action of the pawl tends to produce shocks and this must not be overlooked in determining the thickness of the teeth. It is generally most convenient to give the pawl a curved profile, in which case the discussion of combined resistance, \. i8, is to be considered. Pawls which are subject to frequent vibra- tion are best made of steel, as are also those in which the super- ficial pressure is high. I 248. Running Friction Ratchets. The mechanical devices which are constructed to modify the relations between two moving bodies by means of friction, may be called by the general term of friction clutches.* Such a de- vice, when so arranged that one member opposes a positive frictional resistance or check to the motion of the other in one direction under the action of an impelling force, constitutes a friction ratchet. Such de- ( vices may be divided, as before, into running and stationary ratchets, ^ 235, and the first form will now be considered. In Fig. 709 is shown a friction ratchet for parallel axes. In this case the fric- tion block b is carried by g^-'" the friction with the wheel \ a, when the latter begins to revolve in the direction \ of the arrow, that the pawl \ link c is crowded against the axis 4. The radial com- \ ' ponent Q, in the direction \ 4 . 3, exerts a pressure upon the brake block b. We also have the tangential component S, which we may consider as composed of two forces S-^ and S.^, act- ing in the same direction, which hold the friction at I and 2 in equilibrium. At 3 we have two opposite forces S^ and S^ which are capable of resisting the friction at 3 and 4 res- pectivel}^ The moment M, of the four friction forces is : M= {S-^ -f ^2 — S^ — 5i) (« + b). If we give the angles the symbols shown in the illustration, and make i . 2=r«, 2 . 3 = (5, 3 . 4 = c, 4 ■ i ="^, and call the radii of the several journals «i, b-^, and c^, we have : a + b' ' a+b' •^t.- Fig. 709. 5"i = Qf JIL'A T^da^dy-) , and Sg = — But we, also have {a + b) sin a From this we get ' {a + b)c This gives for i)/: cos a c cos a {a + d) cos a M = force P which acts at 2, to revolve the wneel in the direc- f the arrow, may be considered as a couple. We then or M= Pa : 'b — 8j\_a^b cos^a Vr(a + *)cosa"^ c y J THE CONSTRUCTOR. 159 This gives : : the angles a and a are small, and become smaller sufficiently close approxima- \c(a^b)^ c J _\ ■ (233) under the action of the pressure, ; tion will be obtained by putting The following conditions must be noted. If an independent force outside of O exerts a normal pressure ^V upon the circum- ference of the wheel, the friction TV/ will diminish the force acting to turn the wheel backward. If this is to enter into the resistance which is produced by O, the magnitude of ff as given by equation (233) must be modified. If iV becomes sufficiently great, Q may become zero ; in such a case we obtain a stationary instead of a running ratchet. The pressure R on the pawl may become very great. We sin . rt, we have the form shown in Fig. 722, which seems quite practical, and when applied to a friction rack we obtain the form in Fig. 724. We shall return to the consideration of these double friction ratchets hereafter. It must be remembered that these forms of friction ratchets are also applicable to other positions of axes and some resulting devices are in practical use. Fig. 721. Running Friction Ratchets. If the force to be transmitted is not very great, the intermed- iate friction block may be dispensed with and the curved con- tact surface be made directly upon the pawl. This reduces the mechanism to three parts ; the wheel a, pawl b, and arm or con- necting bar c, Fig. 724. Fig. 724. This form may be called a clamp ratchet, or since the pawl resembles the thumb-shaped teeth already described, the term "thumb-ratchet " may be used. The determination of the angle (T may readily be determined by what has preceded, and the fol- lowing relations established : -. Pa, or: which journal 5 of the releasing CE _ _ _--juldbe "dead," butthisisuottheca i struck from the centre 3. The bearing; points on pawl a ■e of steel, separately inserted. The force which closes the valve ,i.> Fig. 737. If O is less than the right hand expres- sion, Pwill only be par- tially opposed, there ■will be motion from a toward d, with slip- ping at 2, or in other -words, we have a brake, see § 248. This construction is frequently applied, although it requires a relativeh- large force at 0' , acting through the lever c c' , giving increased pressure on the axle and much wear on the block. Various forms of lever connection are used to modify the ratio 0':0- By clearing the angle which the axes i and 4 make with each other, various con- venient modifications may be made. The general scheme of such constructions is indi- cated in Fig. 738, in which the toggle connection gives a high ratio of Q' X.o Q\ the block being guided in slides. By making a an internal wheel, a very practical arrangement is obtained as shown in Fos- sey's coupling, Fig. 450. Koechlin's coupling. Fig. 449, is also another form of fric- tion ratchet gearing, the pres- sure in this case being applied by the medium of a right and left hand screw. The same is true of other forms of friction coupling, andthe various me- thods of applying the pressure and reducing the wear, given in ? 248, may also be applied Fig. 738. in the design of mechanism for the purpose. l 252. Releasing Ratchets. Following the classification given in \ 235, we have first dis- cussed the various forms of ratchets for the general meaning of the term, and the five special classes remain to be considered, the next being the so-called Releasing Ratchets. Such ratchets must be considered primarily with regard to the question of re- lease. When the release is to be effected by hand, various forms of handles or other connections to the pawls are readily devised. In most cases, however, the release is automatically effected, in which event, some mechanical tripping device is required. The resisting force in such gearing is practically the same as the force required for release. It is applied usually by weights, .springs, steam or air pressure, etc., and is variously intended to cause the released member to act with a predetermined velocity, either slow or rapid, as may be required. Many millions of releas- ing ratchetshave been made for gun locks, and the various forms of releasing valve gears for steam engines, introduced by Corliss, but first invented by Sickles,* are of this class. In designing releasing valve gears, it is important that the valves should be closed quickly 3'et without sudden shock, and hence some form of buffer is essential. It is in the various devices for applying the force, for releasing, and for cushioning the released force that the many gears differ from each other. The original form of Corliss valve gear, and the modified form of Spencer & Inglis, are but little used on the continent, but these are well known, and hence examples will be given of some of the numerous modified trip valve gears which have been put into practical use. Example /.— A'alve gear by Cail & Co., Paris, Fig. 739. a is the driven piece, a sector with one tooth, fast to the valve stem ; b is the pawl ; c the arm, loose on the hub oi a;b' is the pawl spring; d the releasing cam. The t his first patent for a "trip exerted by a spiral spi 3y an air dash pot, s s determined by the gt Example ^.— Valve Ge THE CONSTRUCTOR. ■ 163 closed by steam pressure acting upon small auxiliary steam cylinders on the rods a, the cushion being provided by air buffers as in the preceding exam- ple. There are double pawls ^ (? 237, cases 4 and 5). The movement of the pawl produces a backward movement of the wheel. It should be noted that at 2' and 2" steps are made in ends of the tooth pro- files in order to guide the pawl into the proper path and keep it from reversing. The anchor ratchet of Fig. 682 may be used for a feed motion, as in Fig. 752, in which there is also the reverse action of the wheel, in accordance with the notation of § 237. Here the wheel is at a and the anchor at b' b" . When the latter is moved into the position shown by the dotted lines, the wheel is moved backward Yz pitch, and the return vibration completes the pitch movement In order that the anchor shall enter the teeth pro- perly, the movement should be quick, especially at the entrance of the pawl into the space. This is well obtained by electro- magnetic action. Fig. 756. Fig. 757- Fig. 758. Geneva Stop, used in Swiss watches, in which case one of the tooth sections is filled out ; or after Redtenbacher we may call them single tooth gears, although this is hardly correct, for the general form of Fig. 758 may have several teeth, and a second tooth is dotted in Fig. 756. A great number of variations may be made of these cylinder ratchet motions. An interesting form is the intermittent gear- ing of Brauer, Fig 759 * Continuous Ratchets with Locking Teeth. If it is desired to use ratchets according to the method given Fig. 749, additional parts must be devised to move the pawl Fig 760 The pinion a is the driver, and the wheel b is driven, and between the passage of each tooth of the pinion the driven gear remains stationary for a short space, about \ of the pitch. The points of the teeth of the driven wheel here act as ratchet teeth, in a similar manner to the arc of repose of the single ratchet gearing of Fig. 756. The cylinder ratchet gearing of Fig. 760 is similar to that shown in Fig. 700, and is used in the counting mechanism of English gas meters. In Fig. 761 is a modified spiral ratchet of the same general type as Fig. 702, with only a portion of the path of ($1 in a spiral, and a similar variation of Fig. 704 is shown in Fig. 762. * Royal German Patent, No. 5583, 1S78. THE CONSTRUCTOR. ?2S6. Locking Ratchets. l,ocking ratchets include all the numerous devices by which the parts of a mechanism are firmly held against the action of external forces, and yet readily and definitely released when desired (see ^ 235, No- 5) ; thus the various clutch couplings are inclvided, also car-couplers and similar devices. Locking ratchets occur frequently in the mechanism of fire- arms, especially to prevent the danger of premature discharge, etc. The great refinements which have been introduced in such ■weapons during the last ten years include especially the appli- cation of various forms of ratchets. The following single in- stance will serve to illustrate : The mechanism of the well-known Mauser revolver may be divided into two series ; one to effect the discharge and the other to unload or remove the empty shell from the chamber. The fir&t may be called the discharging mechanism, the second the unloading mechanism. We then have the following details : A. Discharging Mechanism. This includes the revolving chamber, barrel, hammer, spring and accompanying smaller parts, giving as combinations : 1. Hammer, spring-rod and trigger = ratchet rack, as Fig. 659- 2. Spring-rod and trigger, acting as locking ratchet for the above, as Fig. 664. 3. Spring-rod, pawl and revolving chamber = continuous ratchet with crown wheel and bolt pawl, as Fig. 751. 4. Securing pawl and revolving chamber = locking ratchet, as Fig. 677. 5. Revolving chamber and pawl, forming a ratchet gearing with limited travel. 6. Tumbling ratchet and securing pawl = ratchet gearing for three positions. Fig. 669. 7. Catch on the axis of hammer = locking ratchet, as Fig. 69s. 8. Trigger guard and pin = locking ratchet and stationary pawl. 9. Checking-plug and trigger = locking ratchet with sta- tionary pawl. 10. Rifled barrel and bullet = screw and nut. B. Unloading Mechanism. This includes an axial slide which catches under the rim oi the empty cartridge shell to withdraw it, actuated by a toothed sector and revolving clamp and axis called the ring clamp. These include the following combinations : 11. Unloading slide and sector = slide with rack and pi ion, Fig. 381. 12. Axis of revolving chamber, with pawl to prevent end- long motion, = locking ratchet gear, as Fig. 695. 13. Ring clamp, bariel and chamber bearing =^ locking rat- chet gear with stationary pawl, as Fig. 654. 14. Ring clamp axis and axis of securing pawl = locking ratchet, as Fig. 701, forming with (13) a locking ratchet gear of the second order. 15. Ring clamp axis upon the reverse motion of the ring clamp forms, with the axis of the securing pawl, a locking ratchet gear, which combines with (4) to form a similar gear of the second order. 16. Securing pawl acts as a catch for the axis of the ring clamp in the axial direction to form a locking ratchet gear, as Fig. 695, forming also with (4) a similar gear of the second order. 17. Ring clamp hub and axis of securing pawl = locking ratchet, as Fig. 695, and with (4) gives one of the second order. This analysis shows that in the Mauser revolver there are 17 mechanical combinations ; these are composed of 26 pieces. Classified, these are as follows : i releasing ratchet, i continuous ratchet, 2 driving ratchets, 11 locking ratchets, of which four are of the second order, i screw motion and i slide motion. A very important application of locking ratchet mechanism is found in the signal apparatus of Saxby & Farmer for use on railways, and made in Germany by Henning, Busing and others. This includes manj' ratchets of higher orders, reaching to the tenth, twelfth, or even higher. When this is used in combina- tion with the electric systems of Siemens & Halske, as in the block system, we have the further combination of two systems of the higher order with each other. A branch of locking ratchets which exhibits a great variety of applications is found in the different kinds of locks, such as are used for securing doors, gates, chests, etc. These extend from the most primitive forms, made of wood, to the most re- fined productions of exact mechanism, and their study possesses an historic and ethnographic interest in addition to their me- chanical value. A door forms itself a ratchet combination ; the door being the part b, the strike the part c, and the bolt or other piece which keeps it from being opened is the part a ; doors with latch bolts being running ratchets, and doors with dead bolts being stationary ratch- ets. A simple lift latch and door, as the furnace door shown in Fig. 763, is really a section of a crown ratchet wheel with running ratchet gearing. A door with sliding dead bolt, as used on common room doors, is a similar section of rat- chet gear with station- ary ratchet. In key locks, the key is the releasing member of the ratchet train, and also serves to actuate the bolt after it is released. The key and ratchet mechanism are arranged in most ingenious manners, so that numerous permutations can be made to effect the release. Some of the most important systems of lock construction are given as examples : Fig. 763- releasing- and actuating member. Ejcam/ile2.—'t\\e Chubb lock. Fig. 765, which is always made with a dead bolt, forms with the door and door frame a ratchet gearing similar to Fig. 691. The bolt is secured by means of several ratchets of precision, as in Fig. 706, and is moved by a ratchet as Fig. 755- The key, the axis 4, and the vari- ous bittings of the key form a system of pawls. The whole is a ratchet sys- tem of the second order with precision gear. Examples.— The Bramah lock. Fig. 766a and Fig. 766 b, is structed. In tl ico [lo lo -~T ao J ^ r.& ?cL m pt differently con- lis case the dead Dolt IS actuated through the medium of a cylindrical driving ratchet gear, which does not contain the mechanism of se- curity, the latter being in a distinct portion of the lock, Fig. 766 b. This consists of a number of sliding precision pawls, as Fig. 707, the number 5). The member a of Fig. 707 is here made in the form of a ring with internal teeth, se- cured to the escutcheon a by screws. The key is a prismatic adjuster of the slides, and the whole is a locking mechanism of the third order with ratchets 'ides to their Example ^.— The Yale lock, Fig. 767 a and A, is also a system in which the mechanism of security is separated from the bolt mechanism. This is again a system of the third order, with ratchets of precision. The key is a flat prism (corrugated in recent locks) and serves to place precision bolts, or THE CONSTRUCTOR. 167 piu tumblers in proper line, and also operate the bolt. The figi the method of connecting the cam h^ to the plug a. The so called combination locks are locking ratchets with nrecis- operated without a key by being placed successively in release in accordance with a previously selected series of ;he fourth order, i, especially the Escapements — Their Varieties. Escapements may fairly be considered as among the most im- portant mechanical devices, since it is by their means that the elementary forces are used to regulate mechanical work. For this purpose they are used in the greatest variety, all forming ratchet devices in which the driven member is alternately re- leased and checked. The arc, angle or path through which the driven member passes between the interval of release and check is called the "range" of the escapement. During the passage over this range there elapses a definite amount of time, which may be called the "period" of movement of the escapement. This is followed by an amount of time when the driven member is stationary, called the period of rest. The sum of the two forms the "time of oscillation." The range and the period of oscillation may be (a) constant, {b) periodically variable, or (r)' variable at will. We therefore have a, Uniform escapements, b, Periodical " c, Variable " and these will be briefly considered. I 25S. Uniform Escapements. If, in ordinary running ratchet, Fig. 768, we have the wheel a. The most general examples of uniform escapement are found in watches. In these impulses are isochronous, and obtained from the inertia of a vibrating body. The wheel a is called the escape wheel. The vibrating member, or balance wheel, makes its oscillatious in nearly equal times for great or small vibra- tions. If, therefore, in a watch escapement, the time of the fall of the pawl is less than the time of oscillation, the most impor- tant requirement is fulfilled, namely, that for uniform periods of time the same number of teeth of the escape wheel shall pass, and the corresponding angle may then be used as a measure of time. A given amount of work may aiso be abstracted from the motive power and used to produce the impulse. These impor- tant points have been fulfilled in the design of escapements, and it has been made possible to measure time with a great degree of accuracy. When the highest accuracy is demanded the greatest care must be given to the construction and execu- tion, and to the reduction of friction and compensation of the balance. In the case of watches the duty of the impelling force is simply that of overcoming the resistance of the mechanism, the function of the escapement being to provide against any acceleration of the rate motion, and the impulse which is re- quired to operate the escapement may be considered as a por- tion of the resistance of the mechanism. A systematic discrimination between the various kinds of watch escapements will show that they vary as to the checking ratchet device, the impelling device, the release and the accel- erating device. We may have Simple or Compound escape- ments of the lower or higher orders. Some examples are here A. Simple Escapenienls. pelling device is t leasing device is a impelled by the n: I attached tc Fig. 768. impelled by a weight or other force, and suppose the pawl b, lifted and dropped quickly, as by the arm (5„ the wheel will move one space, and an escapement will have occurred. In this case the range will be one pitch. If, after a definite time, this operation is again and again repeated, we shall have a uniforrn escapement. In mechanism the releasing and check- ing action is produced mechanically and not by hand, the im- pulse being obtained from the movement of the wheel. a flat spring 3. The im- I as a pendulum. The re- when it swings to the left, ' e pawl by means of a scconu running raicnet -dt 5. iii c- is a stop for the pawl b. At 5' is the ac- celerator which, for each tooth of the escape wheel a, swings from 5' to 5". As it returns, the pawl b engages with the tooth which hasjust leftthe point 5". The spring b' permits the releasing tooth 5 to pass back during the return oscillation. The balance wheel can swing freely beyond 5" and back without engaging with the escape wheel, hence the name "free" escape- * The ancient and modern Egyptian locks, also those of a: Rome, India and China, contain the principle of runninp- rat pawls, actuated by a key pushed directly into the k with pin precision pawls, is quite similar to the Yale lock it though very different in construction. Ancient Roman locks, louncl in Pompeii, are similar in principle. Wooden locks are still in use in China, Persia, Bulgaria, Russia and Southern Italy, also in the Faroe Islands and Iceland. At the suggestion of the author. Professor Wagner, of Tokio, suc- ceeded m inducing some Japanese lockmakers to make a very complete and intelligible collection of native locks for the kinematic cabinet of the Royal Technical High School at Berlin. THE CONSTRUCTOR. r is at 4, acting upon the impelling pawl 'verge " escapement is sira s longer and curved. The simp with the preceding is due to the fact that th are made in one member It will be noticed that the of the escape wheel into the space, causes a slight re due to the fact that * is really a tumbling ratchet gear, been called duplex by its Knglish inventor, although ' properly a double wheel escapement, although the t\ ornately by the pendulum; for example, the arm 5), being dotted position, lifts the pawl out of gear, and the weight of (sometimes assisted by a spring), giv ' '- ■ ■' a "dead"' pawl action for checking, and ,n for impelling. (See Cases 5 and 7, I 237). im d. The releasing arms 3' . 5' and 3" . 5" * A watch escapement of the third order has recently been designed by A. E. MUUer, of Passau. This is made with a cylindei ratchet, as Fig. 699*, between the arm and the escape wheel. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Example 5.— Graham's Escapement, Fig. 775. The similar to the preceding. The connection 5 between the pendulum d, is different, and the arm 1^3 does not come f and the pallets 2' and 2" slide upon the teeth while th stopped. An earlier form of pallets for this escapement: 6', (called Clement's Anchor, from Clement, 1680 ; but desci in 1666). This form produces a brief revi Example 9.— The form of ratchet of Fig. 684 is used in Lepaute's escape- ment, which was really invented by the watchmaker Caron, afterwards Marquis Beauniarchais. Example /o.— Cylinder Escapement, Fig. 776. This is made from the cylinder ratchet of Fig. 700, the impelling surfaces being divided between the anchor and the teeth of the escape wheel. The cylinder b is attached to the axis of the balance wheel, and the wide spacing of the teeth of the escape vpheel permits a correspondingl3' wide amplitude of oscillation. If we im- agine the pallets of Graham's anchor to be formed betwc Example 12. — Power Escapei At a b\ q and a b-i c-i are ordinary . uim which can be released and engaged by mechanism is either a substitute for or (balance wheel, pendulun, etc ) of a w£ intended to control th '= ^ .^ - - Ci and the desceudir ircles (as, indeed, i ntobr - -'-'■- them), tl :ylinder" ratchets.* The form of the pallets causes a reverse movement, and in the old watches using a balance with its centre of gravity in the axis of oscilla- tion, without any assisting spring action, this reverse movement was a necessity, which accounts for the long and extended use of this form of escapement. Toward the end of the fifteenth century the hair spring was introduced by Hele, in the form of a hog's bristle, and in 1665 Hayghens made the steel hair spring, which made the construction of the modern chronometer possible. The crown escapement is easily modified so as to remove the reverse action, as was done by the author in 1864. We then have s Fig. 699. The modified • • . e practically hyperboloidal in form.t C Power Escapements. In the case of -watch escapements the impelling force is only ■used to overcome the resistance of the -watch mechanism. Escapements can also be used to regulate greater forces, such .as are intended to perform useful -work, and these may be ;nt for a Reciprocating,Movement, :, , ;„„ „f^i,<.f., tiie pawls b^ identical with the legulating devi ,ch escapement. The escapement zinging arm Cbymea '' ratchet system rfi rfn 5 (a; the arm Cj. The action is as follow ), by r IS of t: slide e 11 from 8 by in the o the position 5' (in the if the trigger at 6", th When the parts are in the position show I'heel a to the right moves the arm q by means ot ■- — " *'ips the pawl d« and shifts the engagement small figure to the left). This action, by 11UW3 in the pawl b« and stops the wheel a. At )ut of gear by the connections rfj, 6' and 7', and r, to It again inal p eel The preceding escapement can be readily converted into a double acting one by introducing a second ratchet-wheel toothed in the opposite direction, with proper pawl on q and trigger connections to (/., ; the other portions would remain the same. This escapement appears to be new, and many important appli- cations -will suggest themselves. Periodicai, Escapements. A great variety of periodical escapements are to be found in the striking mechanism of clocks and repeating watches. The entire period is the revolution of the hour hand, and if the half hours are struck the order will be making in all 90 strokes in the twelve hours. A fan regulator is used to cause the strokes to follow each other uniformly. There are two systems of escapement in use for this purpose, . the German and the English, the latter also used for repeaters. An essential piece of the latter, the so-called "snail," has been shown in Fig. 688 ; its function is to control the number of strokes. Further subdivisions cannot be here discussed, but it must be remembered that the striking arm is itself a ratchet mechanism.-^-' Important applications of periodical escapements are found in the self-acting spinning mule, and both these and the clock striking mechanism are examples of power escapements. The mechanism in Piatt's mule is here briefly shown. Fig. 780, a and 6. The shaft i is required to make rapid turns called power escapements. Alarm and striking clocks are of this class, and there are numerous other forms. The following example will serve to illustrate : g been invented by ,jo ; also by Heinrich n -Wyck about 1370, and applied to a pendulum bv Huyghens. The oldest tower clock in Nuremberg, built about 1400, has such an escapement. t In the Kinematic cabinet of the Royal Technical High School there is a schematic series of models of clock and watch escapements. through 90° at intervals of different lengths of time. The wheel a is an escape wheel with teeth in four concentric rings, I, II, III, IV (compare Fig. 686], each ring having one tooth. The other side of the wheel a is shown in Fig. b, where is the rat- chet chain a d e. When a is released, the pressure of d at 5' moves it slightly and brings the running friction wheel e into contact, thus driving a through a quarter revolution, toward the close of which the pawl d again enters into engagement. 1 R^dtenbacher THE CONSTRUCTOR. The recesses in a permit the friction wheel to run free when We have already intimated that the various forms of coup- a is at rest. This is evidently a form of ratchet gearing in it- lings may be considered as varieties of ratchet gearing. The self The order of escapements at 2 is as follows : , ; I II, II III, III IV, IV I. This is controlled by a second escapement, shown in Fig. 781. Fig. 781. The pawl b of Fig. 780 is connected by the rod/" to the beam a, as shown. This mechanism is a step ratchet of four steps. The steps are the pawls b^, b.,, b^, and the stop on the frame c ; giving the positions 21, 211, 21", 2iv. The action takes place in the four following periods : 1. Drawing and spinning — a checked at 21 2. Stretching and twisting " " 211 3. Holding and spun thread " " 2ni 4. Winding and returning " " 2iv The succession of movements is as follows : At the termina- tion of the first period a projection on the carriage strikes the pawl b^ at 5'. The step lever, which is heavier on the right end than on the left, moves from position I to position II, in which it is held by the pawl b.,: this, by means of the rod/, places the pawl b of Fig. 780 in the position 3 II, thus starting the second period. At the close of the second period the pawl b^ is released, the lever falls to the position III, shifting the pawl 6 to 3 III, and is held by the pawl b.^ at 2'^'. The third period, which is very brief, is terminated by the winder striking 5'", releasing the pawl b^, and the lever as- sumes the position IV, and the rod / moves the pawl b into the position 3 IV, and the fourth period begins. During this period the carriage returns, and just before the close of its motion a roller acts upon the portion 5°, bringing the lever back into the first position. This returns the pawl b to its original position 3 I, and the succession is repeated. The entire mechanism forms a periodical escapement of the second order, or, when the connections are included, the third order, and when taken together with the ratchet gearing, of the fifth order; while a sixth ratchet mechanism is used for the primary control. ?. 259- Adjustable Escapements. An escapement can be so arranged that the checked member, after the release, will again be checked by the impulse of its fresh start, thus forming what may be called a self-acting escapement. In a mechanism of this kind, the amplitude of the escapement is dependent upon the amount of displacement which is permitted to the releasing member. This may be made greater or less, and hence such devices ma)- be called adjustable escapements. These devices are likely to play an important part in modern machine design. A simple form of adjustable escapement is shown in Fig. 782. This apparatus, designed by the author, is based upon that of Fig. 674. The ratchet wheel a is stationary, being fastened to the frame a^ ; the pav.l is at b, and the link is in the form of a disc c, driven by a force C, and checked by the escapement. At 3 . 5 is the guide for the pawl. This can be adjusted by the wheel d, by turning the latter more or less in the direction in which c is impelled. If d is turned so far that the pawl b is lifted out of gear, the force at Cwill set the disc c in motion. This latter carries with it the axis 3 of the pawl, which, by the action of the guide 5, draws the pawl into engagement again, entering the space 2 and checking the disc. In order to avoid an uncertain or irregular action, a brake may be u«ed as at a'''. If the wheel d be moved forward regularly through two, three, or four arcs, the disc cwill be released and checked successively in similar manner. It will be evident from the foregoing that the ratchet gearings which form the foundation of the various kinds of adjustable escapements are so varied that the different constructions which may be used are very numerous. Among them may be men- tioned those in which friction ratchets are used, these posses- sing the advantage that the arc of motion of the escapement may be varied from the smallest to the greatest without being dependent upon any especial pitch. Fig. 7: same is true of the present subject. If it is desired to use this adjustable escapement as a disconnecting coupling, the follow- ing arrangement may be adopted : The disc c can be attached to the shaft which is to be set in motion, and the wheel a to the driving shaft, which is supposed to be in continuous revolution and is to be coupled to c. The teeth are then to be so arranged that by the revolution of a the pawl b, disc c and wheel d will be carried around together. When the disconnection is to be made, it is only necessary to hold the wheel d from revolving. The pawl-axis 3 will then move on and cause disengagement of the pawl at 2, and the disc c will come to rest. If the wheel d is then turned a short distance in the direction of rotation the pawl will again be thrown into gear and the parts once more connected. A coup- ling thus formed from an adjustable escapement may be called an adjustable coupling. The suitability of the application of toothed ratchet gearing for this purpose is open to question, and indeed toothed gearing is onl}- to be recommended for the lightest service of this kind. In most cases, if "indeed not all, friction couplings are much better. An adjustable friction coupling is to be seen b}' refer- ence to Fig. 448, in which A is the friction wheel, B is the pawl, disguised in the form of a cone, and b is the adjusting member. If a combination is made of an adjustable friction coupling with some form of transmission to a machine, such as a rope or belt gearing, so that it is thrown into action when any re- verse motion is attempted, we have what may be termed an automatic friction brake.* Fig. 783. *See German Patent, E. Laiigen, No. 2 THE CONSTRUCTOR. 171 Example. — Fig. 783 shows such an ai the pontoou bridge at Cologne. At « is . gearii', driven by the shall and pinion a" in the direction to wind up the cord on the drum c'. The drum is fast to tlie chart c, but the cone a is loose on the shaft. The wheel a is connected firmly to the .shaft c, when the cone g'agement is effected by the'differential screw" rflind hand wheel d' . The use of the differential screw enables the equisite pressure to be obtained, and also causes the, motion of rf' to be in the same direction as c' when lifting. The friction of the cones binds the parts firmly together, so that a is practi- cally secured to the shai't until d' is revolved backwards, when c' follows by pressure being automatically regulated, and the motion at once checked when a' is stopped. Other and most important applications of adjustable escape- ments will be given hereafter. It may, however, be here noted that by means of such mechanism the most powerful combina- tions may be controlled with the exercise of a minimum effort. I 260. Genkral Rem.\rks upon Ratchet Mechanism. Ratchet mechanism, as already discussed, is applicable to a most extensive range of uses ; in this respect far excelling every other form of mechanism. This is plainly due to the fact that ratchets are suited either to produce the effect of relative motion and relative rest. Considered in this light the six preceding classes may be grouped as follows : Common ratchets, checking ratchets, and locking ratchets are those which act to hinder motion, while releasing and continuous ratchets, as well as escapements, act to produce definite motion. The motion pro- duced by ratchets is intermittent while that produced by the forms of mechanism previously considered, such as cranks, friction, or toothed gearing, etc., is continuous. Mechanism for continuous motion may be called "running gearing,"* and practically merges into ratchet gearing. The general province of ratchet gearing has only been partially covered in the pre- ceding pages, where such forms as may strictly be considered machine elements have been included. An exception might be made as to the allied forms of springs, some of which, indeed, were referred to. There is, however, a large number of machine elements of a different kind, which usually involve the continu- ous action of the operative forces in one direction ; these in- clude tension organs, such as ropes, belts, chains, etc., compres- sion organs, fluid connections, and many others, all of which are considered in the following chapters. It will be seen that these may all be so arranged as to be fairly considered ratchet devices also ; as belts or chains may become friction or toothed ratchet gears, and even the valves of fluid connections are really pawls. t The pawl mechanism must also be extended to include these classes of machine elements, and their limits thus greatly widened, especially in the case of pressure organs. Examples of this will be found in the pistons and valves of pumps, both for liquids and gases, which may act as checking or locking ratchets, or in hydraulic motors and steam engines as escape- ments, and in gas engines, as escapements and continuous ratchets combined. Similar comparisons may be made of the ratchet principle in the use of accumulators for hydraulic cranes, presses, riveting machines, and the like, and in the cataract for single acting steam engines we find a complete analogy to the ratchet. In these cases we have ratchet systems of the higher orders. The history of the development of these machines is really that of their pawl membeis. A very interesting example is that of Fig. 779, in which, if we substitute a flow of steam for the ratchet wheel, we have the arrangement of the single acting high pressure steam engine with Farcy's valve gear. The numerous modifications of escape- ment gear, which are included in the steam engine, have occu- pied the activity of designers down to the present time. A number of the more recent valve gears have been shown in ^ 252, and similar devices are used on engines for steam steering gear, called by the French " moteurs asservis," and such gear also plays an important part in themeihanism of some of the so- called "fish " torpedoes. In this manner the applications of pawl ratchets may be ex- tended before our eyes and yet the limitations are not reached, and the further researches are carried the broader and more general does the scope of this division of mechanism become. Not only does it include fluid pressure organs, both liquid and gaseous in a strictly mechanical sense, as in the case of pumps, etc., bwt also when these are considered in a physical sense with regard to their internal stresses. This gives a branch which may be called "physical" ratchet trains, of which the steam boiler is the most important example. In this, when taken in connection with a pipe full of steam, and suitable valves for opening and closing, forming what has been termed a steam column,* we have undoubtedly a physical ratchet train in which the particles of vapor are considered as a physical aggregate, which from the higher temperature, are under higher stress. Another example of a physical ratchet train is the apparatus for operation by liquid carbonic acid which has been recently used. Electrical accumulators are also instances of physical ratchet trains, as well as some applications of galvanic batteries, the action taking place by make and break of electrical contact. The dynamo-electric machine also becomes a physical running ratchet and the electric motor a physical escapement, the whole forming a physical running gear train. Again we may consider a "chemical" ratchet train, such as coal or any fuel, which, during combustion, releases the energy which is stored in it. This may be utilized in numerous 'ways, but for our present considerations, mainly in the production of motion. Chemical action is also included in hot-air engines, and in the operation of telegraph apparatus in a similar sense. We may consider the principal factors in a steam motor plant as portions of a ratchet chain, somewhat as follows : Chemical ratchet = combustion of fuel, Physical " = steam generator, etc., Mechanical escapement = steam cylinder and attachments. Mechanical running gear = crank shaft and wheel, these four uniting to convert the released energy into mechani- cal motion. If we consider a locomotive engine, we have added to this another running gear in the shape of the driving wheels and rails, while the train and wheels and journal bearings unite to form a combination of the sixth order. Another chemical train may be formed by the use of explo- sives, which are released either mechanically, as by percussion or friction, or chemically, by combustion of some auxiliary material. Again, we may have releasing gear of the first, second, or higher orders. In the case of most firearms the release is of the second order, since the mechanism of the lock acts upon a fulminate by per- cussion, and the heat of the latter releases the powder. If we examine and classify all mechanism of transmission in the above manner, it will be apparent that all forms are included in one or the other of the following classes, viz.: mechanical, physical, or chemical ; these also entering into combinations of the higher orders with each other. The steam engine itself, as we have already seen, consists of a driving train of the fourth order. Trains of still higher orders are of frequent occurrence. In the recording telegraph, with relay, we have a physical ratchet train of the second order, releasing a mechanical run- ning train and operating a recording train, both physical trains actuated by chemical trains, the whole forming a combination of the fifth order. The ordinary signal mechanism of a railway station, when mechanically operated, is a system of the fourth The Westinghouse air brake, not considering the boiler, is a train of the fifth order, consisting of an escapement (steam cylinder), driving ratchet (air cylinder), intermittent ratchet (air vessel), escapement (piston and valve connections), friction checking ratchet (brake gear). If we include furnace and boiler, this becomes a train of the seventh order, and may be still further extended. A still more noteworthy example is found in the application of compressed air for the purpose of operating pumping ma- chinery at the bottom of deep mine shafts. In this case we have: 1. Furnace = chemical ratchet train. 2. Boiler = physical " " 3. Steam engine = mechanical escapement train. 4. Shafting and transmission to " running 5. Air compressor, " driving ratchet. 6. Air chamber, " intermittent " 7. Air cylinder in mine, " escapement train. fS. Water cylinder in mine, " driv'g ratchet " The preceding discussion and illustrations of the relationship existing between mechanical, ph}'sical and chemical trains shows the necessity of combining mechanical and technical research, and a complete mechanical training therefore includes these three branches, and also the later science of electro-mechanics. Modern methods of invention require research into all of these lines of science, and the constantly widening field of mechani- cal engineering is thus extending its work, while at the same time gathering into systematic form the many branches of applied mechanical science. * See the author's Thee tion was originally made, t See Theoretical Kinematics, p. 458 et * See Theoretical Kinematics, p. 4<)3. t The system of clocks operated by pne station, designed by Mayrhofer, at Vienna tinct systems. 172 THE CONSTRUCTOR. CHAPTER XIX. TENSION ORGANS CONSIDERED AS MACHINE ELEMENTS. arc of contact. This action, -which here opposes the motion of the cord, is in other instances made of great utility. Cord- Various Kinds of Tension Organs. The various forms of machine elements which have already been discussed, have been those which offered resistance to forces acting in any given direction, forming more or less rigid constructions. We now have a series of elements which are only adapted to resist tension, and which are very yielding under the action of bending, twisting or thrusting forces. These include a great variety of rope, belt wire, chain belt and similar transmission devices, all of which maj' be included under the general term of Tension Organs. Their usefulness is limited by reason of the fact that they have only the single method of resisting force, but at the same time the element of flexibility permits the use of one and the same organ to transmit power in changing directions, and hence gives rise to many useful com- binations. An especially valuable feature of tension organs in practice lies in the fact that many materials are excellently adapted for such use, and can be more economically applied. Fig. 262. Methods of Application. A distinction is to be made between "standing and running" tension organs. The first are those used to suspend weights' support bridges, also in the construction of many machine de tails. Examples of such use are found in suspension bridges- pautoon bridges, hawsers, guy ropes, standing tackle, etc- Running tension organs are used in machine design in connec- tion with other machine elements principally for the transmis- sion of motion. Running tension organs may again be divided into three classes according to their action in connection with other machine elements. According as they are used : 1. For guiding. 2. For winding (hoisting or lowering). 3. For driving, this also being possible by winding and un- Combinations of these applications may be made, either with or without the use of standing tension organs. In order to understand the various applications it is desirable to consider some oi the most important combinations, hence these will be briefly examined. A HI ■II / \ LJiJ :; Fig. 784. I. Guiding. — Fig. 784 shows s.veral combinations, adapted solely for guiding. At a is the so-called stationary pulley, in which a cord, led off at any angle, is used to raise and. lower a load Q. The dotted lines show the position of guides, or in the absence of these the direction of motion is governed by the action of gravity. At b we have the so-called movable pulley, the pulley being combined with the moving piece ; the weight Q is here supported on two parts of rope. Form c is a combina- tion of a and 6, and is the well known tackle block. Form d consists of four sets of form a, and the action of the cords com- pels the piece O to maintain a parallel motion. This is practi- cally applied in Bergner's drawing board. In like manner four pulleys of form b may be combined as in form e. This is the old parallel motion for spinning mules, also used as a squaring device for traveling cranes.* The use of pulleys and bearings is to reduce friction at the point of bending, and roller bearings, as Fig. 566, are also used, but when the bending surface is well rounded the pulleys may be dispensed with. Fig. 785, at a, b, c, shows such arrangements, the action being the same as before, but with greater friction. The arrangement at a' is a six-fold cord, aod in sail making eye- lets are often used in similar manner, as at e. The friction is great in all such devices, because the cord presses hard upon the point of curvature ; its magnitude increases rapidly with the * Form (/is a kinematic inversion of the older form e. friction, which is to be considered as a particular case of sliding friction, plays a very important part in constructions, involving tension organs, and will be more fully considered hereafter. Fig. 786. In Fig. 786 is shown Riggenbach's rope haulage system for ttse on inclined trackways, or so-called "ramps." In this arrangement, the descending car is loaded at the top of the ramp with sufficient water to enable it to draw up the ascending car by the power of its descent. The speed can be controlled by the descending weight, and also a weight acting upon wheels gearing into a rack ^-.f 2. JVijiding-.— The most important forms of winding gear are Fig. 787. shown in Fig. 787. At a is the common windlass, also known as a winding barrel or drum, extensively used in many forms of hoisting machinery ; b isa drum for spiral winding of a flat belt, the belt being wound upon itself, and side discs being provided as guides for the belt ; <: is a spirally grooved drum for winding chain ; d is a conical drum, with spiral groove, used in clocks (there called a fusee), also for hoisting machinery with heavy rope ; and ^ is a rope "snail " used on the self-acting mule, to produce the varied speed of the carriage. Many combinations of winding and guiding devices are made, also of winding de- vices with each other. Fig. 788. Fig. 788 are shown several lowering devices. At a isa ring drum for warehouse use ; the unwinding coil at TV^ lowers the load O, while the cord of the upward moving coun- terweight Q2 is wound on the drum at JK ; a brake can be ap- plied at B, and when necessary, guide pulleys used as at L L. Form b'\s a lowering apparatus for coal trucks, consisting of a combination of two winding coils, with a brake at B. The varying from 25 to 57 per ( THE CONSTRUCTOR. ^71 counterweight Q.^ is iu the form of Poucelet's chain, the action being to vary the rate of descent of the load //'',. Tnis appa- ratus, which is called a "Drop," is much used iu the coal mining districts in England. Form c is Althan's furnace hoist, and consists of two drums with steel bauds. The load of water ^t Qi, by its descent, raises the charge Q.^ to the top of the fur- nace, after which the water is drawn off, and the empty car de- scends and the water vessel is raised to the top again. The speed is controlled by a brake at B, D D in parallel direction and uniform speed, trolley travel is effected, hoisting or lowering by unequal wind motion. In Fig. 792 rt, three drums and one guide sheave are used ; /; is made with four drums and two guide sheaves, a combination used in steering machinery for operating the tiller ; and c con- sists of two drums and two guide sheaves so arrauged that one load is raised as tue other is lowered, this being used in mine hoists. This is also used for iuclines or "ramps." When the load is always to be lowered, the descending load does away with the necessity of auy motive power, and the speed is controlled by a brake. Examples of this form are found in some mines and stone quarries, and in apparatus for loadiug vessels, etc. (See Chap. XXII.) Power-driven cable railways for passenger ser- vice on inclines are sometimes made with two cables, one for driving, and a second for guiding and as an additional security, an example being the old road up the Kahlenberg at' Vienna. When round ropes are used it is desirable to have the drums made with spiral grooves, iu order to reduce the wear on the Fig. 7S9. Wrapping connections have been used from early times in connection with beams and levers, as shown in Fig. 789 a, and the form b is especially applicable to scroll-sawing machines. Form cis a combination made with very fine steel bands, and used in the Emery weighing machine. Combination windlasses are frequently used for lifting weights, some forms being shown in Fig. 790, and other combinations also in complete machines for hoisting, as in Fig. 791. In Fig. 790, a is the so-called Chinese, or Differential Wind- lass, consisting of two windlasses and one sustaining combina- tion ; b is another differential combination used in a traveling crane designed by Brown, of Winterthur, the arrangement being intended to obviate the lateral motion- of the load. Another arrangement for the same purpose is shown at c (de- vised by the author in 1862) ; it consists of two drums united in one. The signal arms and automatic safety gates, now so much used on railways, are operated by a combination of winding and guiding members, chains being used on the winding barrels and wire connections on the straight lines. Winding and guiding members are much used in cranes and hoisting machinerj^, several combinations being given iu Fig. Fig. 792. ing the load ; c is a form of bridge crane, using a trolley in combination with two winches. If both winches are operated Fig. 793- rope. The travel on the drum causes the angle of the rope be- tween W and L to vary, and to prevent this the device shown in Fig. 793 has been used by Riggenbach on the cable incline at Lucerne ; two forms being given. The guide sheaves are trav- ersed by screw motion, the rope being led off in a plane parallel to the axis of the drum, and in the second form two guide sheaves are used for a double cable. 3. Driving. — This application of tension organs is most ex- tensive. The principal forms are given in Fig. 794. The cap- Fig. 794. Stan a consists of a hollowed drum, the surface of which is composed of numerous ribs and the rope is given several turns about it. The axial travel produced by the spiral path causes the rope to climb upon the larger diameter, from which it is easily forced back to the middle from time to time by hand. At 6 is a sprocket wheel with Y-shaped sprockets, much used in many modifications ; c is Fowler's drum, a form of grip drum which grasps the rope automatically, and which is discussed more fully hereafter. At rf is a simple rope pulley, partly en- circled by a tension organ under such load as will produce suf- ficient friction to prevent slippage ; ^ times as much. For convenience of calculation we may assume the cross section to that of the full circle d, if, in- stead of the full stress, we take only | as much, or 1400 lbs., and 2100 lbs. We then have for the force P, for: • (242) loosely twisted rope^^ o.ot, \^ P; and P=^ 1111 d^\ tightly " " d=- 0.024. \/~P; " P=i677d^i The radius R of the pulley should never be less than 3 to 4 fif for loosely twisted rope, and not less than 6 to 8 a' for tightly twisted rope, the diameter being measured to the centre of the rope. For heavy service, as for hoisting machines, R should be not less than 25 d. Flat hemp ropes are made by sewing 4 to 6 round ropes to- gether, each, rope being then proportioned to bear j or ^ the whole load. The running weight G^ per foot is as follows : For loosely twisted rope, G^ = 0.325 d'^ "| For tightly " " Go = 0.467 d- > .... (243) and approximately for both P:= 3400 G^ J The latter assumption is based on the same number of fibres in both cases. The following table gives values for three-strand hemp rope. Loose Twist. Hard Twist. />. Go- P. Go. 276 0.081 397 0.II6 621 0.183 893 2b^ 967 0.284 408 1 105 0.325 1,588 467 1726 0.508 2,481 729 2485 0.731 3,572 I 050 4420 1.300 6,351 I 868 6906 2.031 9.923 2 919 9945 2.925 14,290 4 203 According to (243) a rope L feet in length, hanging vertically. is loaded L of its working strength already by its own weight. If Z =^ 3400, the entire practical load would already THE CONSTRUCTOR. ^79 t)e applied, and this may be considered practical working length of the rope. We have for the available practical work- ing load : P' + — — L P= PorP'=zF (i ^— l) . ^ 3400 V 3400 J A vertically suspended rope will break by its own weight •when its length reaches about 2000 feet, since the modulus of jupture is about 8500 lbs. for loosely twisted rope, and about 14,000 lbs. for tightly twisted rope. The above length (2000 ft.) ■may be called the length of rupture. For a cord suspended in the water, as for deep sea sounding, the length of rupture is •about twice as great. For very heavy stresses three simple ■strands are insufficient, and the strands themselves are each made of smaller strands, as in cable construction. Very heavy cables are also made of more than three strands. Cotton Rope. — Cotton rope has been used of late for purposes ■of transmission, and is usually made with' three strands, very loosely twisted. It opposes a resistance to rupture of about •7500 pounds, reckoning the full sectional area, and is operated tinder stresses ranging from 1000 to 2000 pounds. It is used for driving spindles in spinning frames and mules, and in the snail drum movement, as in Fig. 787,* and is also used for operating traveling cranes on the Ramsbottom system. Driving ropes are usually operated over grooved pulleys, the radius of the semicircular groove being slightly greater than that of the rope. In machine construction the sheaves are usually of cast iron, and in ship's tackle they are made of lignum vitae. The sheaves revolve on cylindrical journals, and recently roller bearings are being used, Fig. 818. t of the rope. The strands of six wires may be combined to make ropes of 48, 54, 60, 66, 72 wires, etc., and other combina- tions are also used. In Fig. 820 is shown at a a section of a rope of 36 wires, and at 6 a different form of 60 wires, both being made with cores of hemp for the strands as well as for the ropes. For the external diameter of the wire ropes of the preceding form, when the wires lie in close contact, we have : I = 36 48 54 60 66 72 ■] -^=8.00 10.25 11.33 12.S0 13.28 14.20 [ • • • ("447 in which / is the number of wires, 6 the diameter of a single wire, ani to I X as much, or an average of i^ times. This gives for the running weighfper foot ither of iron or steel wire, and its .ced within recent years. The fol- lowing data are applicable to the various grades : * Material. Elastic Limi Annealed Iron Wire . . 42,000 Bright Iron Wire . . . 56,000 Steel Wire 64,000 Steel Wire . '. 78,000 Steel Wire . 99,000 Steel Wire 113,000 Steel Wire 142,000 Modulus of Rupture 56,000 80,000 85,000 142,000 170,000 >[3,o( 256,0c It will be evident that no general rule can be given as to material, but that definite figures should be obtained for the material to be used in each case. For high speed rope the wire should be both smooth and strong, with a modulus of rupture of about 170,000 lbs. If we then take a working stress S ^=- 28,000 lbs., and a bending stress s = 28,000 lbs., we have 6" + ■S = 56,000 lbs., which gives about threefold security.! e have R = —~~~ & = 500 &. If R is For ^ 28,000 made less, the security will be reduced ; if greater, it increases. J The durability of the rope for mining servtce is increased by galvanizing the wire. For standing rigging of vessels galvanized annealed iron wire, with a value A'= 56,000 is used, while for running rigging steel wire rope {K =■ 170,000) is being more extensively used, this also being galvanized. The latter rope is also suitable for cables. Hawsers are frequently made from iron wire, with a modulus of rupture K = 56,000 to 70,000. The cables for steam plowing machinery should be made of the strongest steel wire, J^ = 256,000. Wire Cables for power transmission are discussed in Chapter XXI. The cables for suspension bridges are not made from twisted strands, but the wires are laid parallel and held in position by bands of wire every two or three feet. ^ * See the researches of J. W. Cloud on steel wire in connection with the Emery Testing Machine at the Watertown Arsenal. Trans. Am. Soc. Mech Eng'rs, Vol. V. t The Prussian rule requires 5 = — A", which gives about 28,000, and Ji = 375 S, which gives i = 38,000, hence the security is only about 2]4, or less than preservation of tl so small that S + a permanent set. 3 greater than the elastic i 2 3'3 I Fig. i '. the < may produc . _ _ concave side of the wires which, when added to S, may not exceed the elastic limit. If, however, a 3 . 3, there may result a set, as 3' . 3', and too frequent repetition of this reversal may become dan- gerous. This is shown in the case of hoisting drums, such as Fig. 792 c, in which the rope IVr, i^, which is subjected to reverse bend- ing, has been found to last only about % as long as the rope IV^ L^. f; Among important suspension bridges are those built by Roebling ii the East River bridges. America, notably the Niagara, Go = 3-92 - = 3.07 I (247) This is also true for flat ropes, the value of the coefficient for cable ropes being increased as above from 1 's to iX, usually about lye times. For deep mine hoists the weight Go exercises a marked influence upon the section of the rope. If /, /fe is the length in feet of the vertical hanging rope carrying a load P aX. its end we have : P -{- L Go ^ S — / d', whence for ordinary- round wire rope : P=5^/.^(i_3.92f). (248) rope of steel, ^ = which gives & = 0.075. If Z. = O we get S- = 0.0034, and S = 0.058. The above discussion enables us to determine the length Lg of rope which woitld produce by its own weight the stress 5" in the uppermost cross section : Li = 0.255 (249) This may be called the load-length for the stress S. Should the shaft reach a depth equal to the load-length, no weight could be suspended to the rope without exceeding the permissible stress S". If 5 is equal to the modulus of rupture, the rope would be broken by its own weight. This rupture-length may- be designated by Lz, and is \z = 0.25 A" . (250 For very deep shafts it has been found advantageous to make the rope a body of uniform resistance, which would make both load-length and rupture-length unlimited. The formulae for this purpose have been already given in § 4. The taper to the rope may be given in two different ways. Either a constant diameter 6 of wire, and varying number i, may be used ; or a constant number i, and variable diameter 6. If the smaller diameter of wire = 1^0, or the minimum number of wires =; z'ow we have for any depth x : Prschibram has used with best results, 5=23,000, 5 = 27,000; also 5 = 22.7^0. i = 36,000, but finds that a value i 27,000 to 28,000 lbs. is better for the -^■- -'■■• :. (See g 268.) In considering the question of pulley itio to tne diameter S of the wire should be taken, not that ^of the rope. ■ log ■ J2 = 0.4342945 >^ - In this 7 is the coefficient of weight which, for round rope, ve have found to be = 3.92. Substituting this value we get : log J- or log — =r- 1.68 ^ (251) as 28,000, we have for the following e to approximate the intermediate c; mines taper ropes are in practical use. The rope in s follows; />= 3850 lbs., of which 2200 is useful load, e is mad«< in 7 sections of six part strands and eight 777^ CONSTRUCTOR. The great weight of the twistiug rope has led to the use of a double lift, each half of the rope assisting to counterbalance the other half, or another plan is to use a conical drum, to equalize the power* The spiral winding of flat ropes also serves to equalize the leverage of the drum, and by a judicious selection of drum diameter, this may be very successfully done. Flat ropes are little used in France, but are common in Bel- :gium, and their use is increasing in England and America.f Ropes of copper wire are used for lightning conductors, and ■these are also made of iron wire rope with a core of copper. I 268. Stiffness of Ropes. The resistance of stiffness of ropes must be considered both in hoisting and in driving ropes. The measure of this resistance is the force required to move a rope hanging over a very easy running pulley, both ends of the rope bearing the given load Q. It will be observed that the winding-up side of the rope does not hang as closely to the pulley as does the other side, and that the lever arm of the two sides is constantly changing. Eytel- wein's formula gives for the stiffness ,5" of a hemp rope of diam- t&r d: S^^^^Q lomb gives the very inconvenient formula 6" =- ■ • (252) which, when R and d are given in inches, 'J = 0.463. Cou- __Cdll__ ' R + c, a Weisbach gives, from very limited data, for wire rope : 1.078 -|- 0.093 R (253) 5=0.463 — = 101.8 lbs. - for sta}'ed links. three links, J For hoisting chain the elongation should be considered, and the metal should show an elongation before rupture of upwards of 20 per cent. J The permissible working stress per square inch section in Germany \ is : For open link chain = For stay link chain = 9,000 lbs. 13,000 lbs. II From these we get for the proper total load P: • For open links, P= 14,000 d- \ For stay links, /■= 21,000 rf^ J ' * The length of flat links in Fig. 830 a is given as 5 -f 2.8 a, and the projec- tion of the ends as 2 -f 1.4 d. These are in millimetres, and for inches the values o 1875 -i- 2.8 d, and 0.08 -f- 1.4 d should be used. t Excellent pitch chain is made at the Guttehoffnungshiitte at Oberhauseu ; also by Schlieper at Iserlohn, and by Doremieux at St. Arnaud, and Plinchon Havez at Guerigny, and by Hawkes Crawshay at Gateshead on Tyne. \ At the Guerigny Works the required elongation is : For rods I ^" to i" 18 per cent. For rods 1" to 34" 16 per cent. For rods %" 14 per cent. For rods -,V' 12 per cent. For rods 14" 1° P^r cent. \ At the GuteuhoflfnuDghutte. Henry R. Towne, Treatise on Cranes, Stamford, Conn., gives a permissi- (5 = d = 0.0063 (2S5> 3 {i -f 2) The thickness 6 is made the nearest convenient value, and i must be a whole even number. For the latter we may take the nearest whole number to the value given by the relation: 0.26 €' (256) The following table has been calculated from these formuke. The metal for the plates should be especially tough. Neustadt's chains had an ultimate resistance of four to five times the work- ing load. (254) Flat link chains are subjected to the heaviest stress at the por- tion which is in engagement with the toothed chain-wheel. (See Fig. 837.) For this reason there should be not less than five link pins in gear with the wheel at any time. If we assume that the tooth pressure is in arithmetic progression as i : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 the pressure on the body of the last pin will be ]/^ P, and on each journal also '.^ P, they being impelled forward by yi P. If we put as a maximum stress in the bolts of 17,400 pounds,* we have for the thickness of plates (5, pin diameter d, and num- ber of plate i, for a given load P, the following values : Example i. — An open link chain working load P= 14,000 lbs., -b )uld permit a working load /-" = 10 lbs. Example 2. — Required to proportion We have from (256I i = 0.26 -^ P= 0.2 ,_ 0.0x07 ^/ length /= 0.1875 -f 2.8 XJ.04 the length of the body of thi diameter = 1.2 X 104 = 1.25" is o.oS + (0.9 X 1.04) = 1.02 sa; nk chain to carry 22,000 pounds. ^ooo = 7-32> say 8. Then iu i25s> = 0.176" also d = 0.0063 \/ 22000 = 1.04". The pitch. idth of plates = 2. ■ -.67 X 1 - ength of link beyond tl Table of Flat Link Chains. i.gS, say 2", the " -. pin centre Working No. of Thickness Breadth of Dia. of Pitch Load Plates of Plates Plates Pin P. S d. I 000 2 O.I2S 0.625 0.25 0.87s 1,500 4 0.093 0.7S 0.28 0.93 2,000 4 0.109 0.875 0.34 1. 14 3,000 4 O.I2S 1.0625 0.40 4,000 4 0.140 1-1875 0.46 I'45 6,000 6 0.109 i.,4375 0.56 1.625 8,000 6 0.140 1-6875 0.68 2.00 10,000 6 0.156 1-875 0-75 2.3125 12,000. 6 0.93 2-375 16,000 s 0.156 2.375 0.93 2.50 20,000 ' O.I7I 2-625 1. 00 2.8125 I 273- Weight of Chain. The length 5 of rod required to make a chain of a given length L bears the same relation to L as the length 5 for a sin- gle link does to the pitch /. We have for the chains a, b, c of Fig. 830: Open Close Stay Stay Links, Links. Links. Links. including stay. 1-33 2.39 3-25 2.65 From these relations the weight of iron rods required may be determined (see \ 82). The greater the pitch of chain for a given weight of iron, the more economical is the form of con- struction. I" The load length and rupture length for chains (see \ 267) have been extended since that subject has been given practical con- sideration, this being especially the case with anchor chains (see next section). For this we may take the modulus of rupture /if at 37,000 lbs. for open links and 38,000 lbs. for stay links, with a modulus of safety 7"= 20,000 and 24,000 lbs. respectively. We then have : T Li = -— and , y being the weight of a cubic inch of wrought iron H The pitch for stay link chai: 0.27 lb., and hence : a-vy was formerly^ 3 d. 1 84 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Open I,iiiks Close Links Stay Link t = 4672 4377 5458 z = 8672 8127 8567 i 274- Chain Couplings. Chains whicli are used for transmission of motion (so called " endless " chains) require devices for coupling, as do also those constructions with which chains are to be connected, and hence we have a variety of eyes, rings, coupling links, swivels, and the like. Fig. 832. A piece whicli is sometimes used with anchor chains is the so-called "twin" link. Fig. 831. This may be made of cast steel, and because of limited space is formed with circular open- ings. The ordinary coupling link is shown in Fig. 832 a. The link is of wrought iron, the bolt and pin of steel, both galvanized. The pin is shorter than the diameter of the eye, and is secured on both sides by a plug of lead. The next link is made some- what longer than the other links of the chain, so that the coupling link may be more readily introduced. This form is used for joining pieces of chain to form greater lengths. The German Admiralty anchor chain is made with stay links, in seven lengths of 25 metres (82 feet) each, joined with coupling links, two of which are swivels. A bow anchor chain is given two more lengths of chain and made of iron 3mm. (o.iiS^') thicker.* The chains for the system of boat propulsion are fitted with a coupling Hnk with rounded edges, and two are used together, as in Fig. 832 b, which shows the chain used on the Elbe. This coupling might also be suitable for power transmission chain. The swivel is used to permit the chain to have a rotation about its axis of length without twisting the links together. Fig. 833. The form of swivel used in the German Navy is shown in Fig. 833 a, and at Fig. 833 b is shown the English swivel. * The lengths in the English Navy are 12^ fathoms. V- ,. Fig. 834. A single hook is given in Fig. 834 «, and a double hook at Fig. 834 b. The construction of such hooks demands the great- est care, and according to Glynn, more lives have been lost and damage incurred by the breakage of hooks than by any other part of a crane. The case is one of combined resistance and leads to unexpectedly great dimensions. The diameter d^ of the shank of the hook may be obtained from formula (72), so that we have for a load /-": 2V P . ■ (257) This is based upon a stress of 3500 pounds, but an angular pull may increase this five-fold. Taking d^ as the unit, we may obtain the proportions given in the illustrations in the following manner. Let zv be the width of the opening of the hook, and h the width of the body of the hook, the thickness at the same point is made ji /i, and for a stress of 12,800 lbs. upon the metal of the hook we have : ■■3o\'-J + ^ x/p ^v^ 5 The thickness at the point of the hook is made — , and hence a circle of diameter D ^^ 7a -\- 1.5 //. -r = 1-77 1.06 1.27 1.49 1.72 1.95 2.19 2.44 2.70 2.97 3.24 3.72 4.00 4.28 4.59 4.88 5.18 5.48 5.82 6.15 6.48 The most useful ratio ii In wharf cranes a weight is often combined with the hook in order to facilitate the lowering of the empty chain. This is shown in the dotted lines in Fig. 834^. In the case of a double hook each portion is cal- culated for its component P^ of the entire load P. From this a special unit d/ is obtained only for the dimensions w, h, and D. Example— -L,ei the load upon a hook be 4400 lbs. We have from (257) d\ = 0.02 ■«//■= 0.02 s/ 4400 -= 1-326". If v/e take w = h we get from the above A = 1.99 X I 326 = 2.638", and w is the same ; while D = 2.638 -f 3 957 = 6-6". In the case of a double hook the angle between the components i.s 60° ; we D, whence d'l = 0.02 v 2540 = 1.008 - A = 0.866 say 1 If w 1.92 -I- 2. THE CONSTRUCTOR. whence we get, for Chain Drums and Shsaves. Chain drums and sheaves are usually made of a radius R = 10 to 12 d, measured to the middle of the chain. In some case n rim is made on the chain sheave, as in Fig. 835 a. 7 185 1.3066 1.4619 1.618 1.932 2.247 2.563 2.879 3.106 Fig. 835. This form of sheave brings a bending action upon the links as ■shown in Fig. 835 6. Sometimes the flanges are omitted and the •edges of the sheaves bevelled as in the dotted lines, and in other cases the links have a bearing as shown at Fig. 835 c, in which the bending action is somewhat reduced. The bending is en- tirely avoided, however, by the use of a pocketed sheave, as in :Fig- 836. -:D'-- - This form is useful both for~chain transmission, and as a sub- stitute for winding drums in hoisting machinery, as it enables a small pocketed sheave to serve instead of a large drum. When such a sheave is made with only four pockets, they form a ■square with a side I?' = I + d + 2{l—d) .^70.5=; 2.414 I— -0.414^; while the side of the square of the alternate links is D'^ = 1.414 i + 0.414 d. The first gives the minimum, and the second the maximum, (double) lever arm with which the chain .acts upon the sheave. If the pockets, instead of 4 and 4 are : 6 and 6, we have D = 8 and 8, " " /? = : 3.732 /— 0.2640' : 5.026 / — o.igSd. Chain sheaves of this form require accurately made pitch chain. When the load is heavy, the friction causes the chain to cling to the sheave, and a stripper S, Fig. 836, is required to lead the chain off in the proper direction /% while the entrance is pro- perly effected by a guide channel JS. For flat link chain, a toothed chain wheel is used, Fig. 837. ^..d Fig. 837. In this form a guide channel £, and stripper .S", should also be tised. The tooth profile is a circular arc with its centre at the link pin. If z, be the number of teeth, we have for the radius J', of the pitch circle : 7 = / • (259) The minimum number of teeth i Neustadt uses the following : z^ 8for/'= 500 to 6,000 pounds. z= 9 for /'= 6000 to 50,000 pounds, .ar ^^ 10 for /'= over 50,000 pounds. Guide sheaves for either kind of chain are made with 16 to 30 teeth. For chain propelling cables ordinar}' smooth drums with parallel axes are used, with a groove for the chain. In Fig. 838 a is shown a section of the rim 01 the drum on the chain propelling gear on the river Elbe. This is made with steel flanges and channels on a wrought-iron rim. The last channel is made slightly larger ir diameter in order to give a higher velocity to the driving sideoi' the chain. The wear upon the chain is an important item. Fig. 838 b, shows a link of a chain as worn after long service. It must not be overlooked that the winding around the drum pro- duces a twist in the chain, givingasmany half twists in the chain as there are half convolutions about the drums. This twisting is not injurious if the chain is bent as frequently in one direc- tion as in the opposite. In fact, however, the chain is /isually bent into more concave than convex bends. This causes a twist- ing motion to the chain and as it drags upon the boUom and banks of the stream it produces much wear, and causes kinks to be produced at the shallow places. The chain mus', therefore frequently be raised at such points and a link opened and th^ twist taken out. This twisting may be prevented by using the drum arrangement shown in Fig. 839. This c o n s i s. t s of simple drums all lying in one plane driven by gear- ing so that the proper relative motion is com- pelled. Ratchet Tension Orc^^ns. Tension organs may be combined witL pawls, which in the case of cords are friction pawls, (| 248, 249), and for chains are toothed pawls, acting upon the links in the same manner as upon ratchet wheels and ratchet racks. The establishment of Felten & Guilleaume, at Mulheim a. Rhein, have devised a grip pawl for boat-cable driving, in which the rope is clamped to and released from a driving drum by an evolute shaped thumb clamp, the shock being reduced by a spring buifer. Pawls for chains may be found used in connection with the heavy bow anchors of large vessels ; Bernier, of Paris, has also used such devices upon chain hoisting machinery. THE CONSTRUCTOR. CHAPTER XX. BELTING. \ 276. SEI.F- Guiding Belting. Belt pulleys are indirect acting friction wheels (? 191) and the belt itself is a tension organ combining the functions of driving and guiding (? 261). Those belts which act without requiring the use of special guiding devices may be called self-guiding belts. This action is attained by the use of cylindrical pulleys when the edge of the prismatic belt runs in a plane at right . angles to the axis of the pulley ; or in other words, when the middle line of the advancing side of the belt lies in the plane of the middle of its pulleys. When a belt runs upon a conical pulley in a direction normal to its axis, its tendency will be to describe a conical spiral path upon the pulley, as will readily be seen upon the exami cf the development of the surface of the cone, Fig. 840. ; much as 25°, which s is equal to twice the Fig. 840. Fig. S If the pulley is made with a double cone face or a rounded face, Fig. 841, the tendency will be for the belt to run at the middle of the face even when the direction of the belt is not exactly correct. For leather belting, with a height of the crowning or curva- ture of the face 5 = t/jj of the width of face, the belt may devi- ate from the plane of the pulley by 21^° (tan = four per cent ), while for cotton belting, on account of the lesser elasticity of the material, the crowning j should not exceed ji^ of the face, thus reducing very materially the permissible deviation. In ordinary circumstances at least one of a pair of pulleys should be made with rounded force. diameter of the largest pulley. Another rule for the distance between shafts for quarter-twist belts is to make the distance never less than "^ b D. Guide Pui. Open Belts, Fig. 866. In this case we have : l:^{R + R,) — +{R — R,)l3+a cos ft and also a sin ft =: R — R^, which gives : R^~ - — (/? sin ;8 + cos /3) 4- — sin /? I - {P sin /3 + cos /?) — — sin /3 \ ■ • (261) This function is transcendental, but may be graphically repre- sented in the following manner, Fig. 867. In the rectangle ABB' A', with a radius A B ^ a, strike the quadrant B M C about the centre A. Within this arc will fall all the values of axis at /, forming a ' ' dead ' ' ratchet mechanism. The similarity to the ratchet devices of Figs. 754 and 755 will be observed. The movement of the bar is effected by connection at K or K-^. Fig. 867. /? which can occur. For any value oi p ^^ C A M, draw M N perpendicular to MA and make M N ^ the arc M C = a ji. Drop the perpendicular M Pto A C, and draw N O perpendicu- lar to 31 P. NO will then = a j8 sin /?. Through N draw Q AA A' parallel to A B, and we have A Q = P Q ■\- A P= a (/? sin p -\- cos /?). By taking successively all the values of /? between 0° and 90° in this manner, we can determine the path of the point N, which will be the evolute of a circle, C N D B D being equal to the length of the arc B M C — ~ a. If we now draw D E parallel to B A, and take i^s middle point F, we have D F ^ E F^ — , and hence the proportion : D F:D B = T K= ~ QA =- = a : TT, and by similar triangles : 3 sin /3 + cos /3). I This value is dependent upon — . If we prolong B F until it intersects A C prolonged, the resulting length A A' ^= B B' will bear to A' B' the ratio — . By then working B G ^=1, and drawing G H parallel to A' B' , we have G H = ~. This length being transferred to /iif gives I T= (/? sin /? -(- cos /3). We then have only to use = J to solve the Make A R^ — , and we have the perpendicular R S -^ — sin p. By laying this length off above and below 7" on Q K, we obtain the points f/and V, and this finally gives / (7 for the radius R of the larger cone pulley and I V := R^, the radius of the corresponding smaller cone pulley. By solutions for successive values of /?, we obtain the curve D U X V E, which can be used for the determination of the radii of any desired pair of pulleys, each pair of ordinates measured from H I belonging to corresponding pulley on each cone. In practice it is usual to find one of the cone pulleys given and the dimensions of the other required. In this case V U may be taken as the difference R — R^, between the radii, were the steps uniform. By taking this difference R — R^ in the dividers, and finding the equivalent ordinate U V on the curve, and then adding VI^ R^, the axis H I is, found. In order to use the curve conveniently, it may also be laid ofi" left-handed, as shown in the dotted lines D' X E' . The use of the diagram will be rendered still more convenient if we omit the unnecessary value /. This enables us to distort the curve in the direction of the abscissas to any desired extent. igo THE CONSTRUCTOR. off toward C, the corresponding radius X d and prolong the axial line d d' to its intersection d' with B E. Then Ky off the given geometric ratio on C X, considering X rf as i (shown in the diagram by the small circles for the ratios \, \, f, |, |), and draw rays from d' through the points of division, and these rays will intersect the curve at the correspouding points for the pulley radii Ry We then have for the radii : and « I' for the ratio i : 4 b2 e 5 b2' c i' ' dX' ' e 5' ' Cone pulleys may also be made continuous, thus becoming conoids upon which the belt can be shifted to any point by an adjustable guide or shifter. Such conoids are used for driving the rollers in spinning machinery. Such a pair of conoids are Shown in Fig. 869, the proportions having been determined by the graphical scale. The angular velocity varies in an arithmetical ratio as shown. The curve B VA in the scale shows the limit to which the axial line may approach A E ; this dis- tance must not be less than R-\- R]^-=. a, from which V Y=^ \{AB — V U). ?28o. Cross Section and Capacity of Belts. A belt of rectangular cross section of width b, and thickness &, will be subjected to a tension 7"on the tight side (see § 264), which it must be proportioned to sustain. If 5' is the permissible stress for the unit of cross section, we have, therefore. T^ b 6 S. The minimum ratio which T bears to the trans- mitted force /"is dependent upon the stress modulus ; r=7/'(?^ 264). Butr = - 1 which p Fig. 868. This has been done in the proportional diagram for cone pulleys. Fig. 868. The method of using the diagram is as follows : The sides A B and D E oi the rectangle represent the dis- tance a between the centres of the pulleys ; all radii are given in proportional parts of a, for which reason A Bis sub-divided, the size of the diagram being selected so that ^ i? = 18 to 20 inches. If, then, i a and i' a are two given radii for a pair of pulleys on a pair of cones, we take the vertical chord of the curve which ^ I' a — I a, prolong the chord downward until its length ^ 1 a, and draw the axis abed parallel to A E. Then for the other pairs of pulleys on the cones, we have b2 and 62', ^3 and cy, etc., which can be taken directly from the dia- gram with the dividers. If the given pair of radii to which the cones are to be made equal, the chord R — y?i = o, and the axis will pass through X at right angles to C X. If it is desired to construct a pair of cone pulleys to any given speed ratio, this can readily be done. If, for example, the given ratio is i : i, we lay represents the modulus of friction ^A. Hence, if X is the horse power transmitted for a belt speed of v feet per minute, we have : X = = . 33000 33000 r This enables us to determine the cross section of the belt, but in practice the width of the belt is the varia- ble factor, the thickness usually being determined by' commercial considerations, and limited to few defi- nite sizes. If we let g represent the cross section of the belt in square inches, we have : 33000 r This formula is very useful, since it may be used to determine the capacity of a belt from its cross section and velocity. If we X put Xa = — we have : ^0 = 33000 (262) The value depends upon the material and stress modulus, the latter including the arc of contact a, and upon _/, which itself depends upon the material of both belt and pulley ; it may also be considered as dependent upon a, independent of the material, in the same manner as was the subject of specific weight. The author has called this value A^^, the specific capacity o'" a belt. It will be seen that when this specific capacity is determined for any kind of belt, the proper cross section for the transmis- sion of a given horse power X can readily be found, since the velocity v can be chosen, and we have at once 1 = - X (263) For the determination of the specific capacity of any kind of belt it is necessary to find the constants 5 and r. The materials used for belting are : Tanned leather. Cotton, woven and treated with oil, Rubber, interlaid with linen or cotton webbing. In practice the value of 5" to be used must depend much upon THE CONSTRUCTOR. judgment, the value being governed to a great extent by the quality of the material. Customary values are for : Leather ^ = 4000 to 6000 lbs. Cotton 6" = 3000 to 4000 lbs. Rubber .S" = 3500 to 5000 lbs. The thickness & for single leather belts varies from -f^" to ~^^" ; double, triple, quadruple, and even quintuple thicknesses being sometimes used, the thicknesses being secured by cement, and sewed or rivetted together. Cotton belts are usually from ■^.," to \\" thick, while rubber belts are made of any desired thick- ness, a web of canvas being interlaid between the successive thicknesses of rubber. The stress modulus r depends upon a andy^ and the latter co- efficient varies with the age of the belt, being greater with belts which have been used some time than with quite new belts. It is advisable, however, to make all calculations as for new belts, in which case we have for smooth iron pulleys, for : Iveather and cotton, /"= 0.16 to 0.25*, p = 1.6 to 2.1 Rubber, /"= 0.20 to 0.25, /) = i.8to2.i These give as approximate values for . T Leather and cotton, --■ or r = 2.5 to 1.9 1 for 5-, in (262) By using these values together with those giv -we get for the specific capacity for belting : Leather, N^ = 0.0062 to 0.0098 ] Cotton, Na = 0.0036 to o 0068 I (265) Rubber, N^ = 0.0050 to 0.0082 j These are based upon low and moderate speeds ; say up to 3000 feet per minute, and the variations between the Itmits given are those due to the differences in strength of various kinds of leather and canvas used. The resistance to bending or stiffness of a belt must be taken into account, and the ratio of thickness 6 to pulley radius R, must not be too great. Practical experience has shown that 6 I -^ = — - should not be exceeded to obtain best results.* R 50 stress and the thickness of the belt the /, between belt and pulley may be cal- From the kno superficial pressi culated. We have only to substitute in (24r) for the width b' -of '.he surface of contact, the width b of the belt itself, «in e ^ = 3 (J, we get the simple relation : = 343, or a mean of 45* lbs., which in (264) gi = 2.5 lbs. on the large pulley, and/ = 1^ e of Pas above. Ixample 2.—\ ie and 0.25" tl j" thick, at a velocity of 2000 feet per minute ? Taking the speci- fic capacity at 0.006, which has been found satisfactory in practice, we have from (262) 7V=yt/7Vo = 4X 0.25 X 2000 X 0.006 = 12 H. P. Example 3.-— h. rubber belt is required to drive a centrifugal pump (rubber ■being especially adapted for damp locations). A^=2o, the pump vane to make 300 revolutions, and the driving shaft 80 revolutions per minute, and ■the belt speed 2000 feet. Taking the specific capacity at 0.007, we have 20 = •width b = ; )r the driven pulley we have Ri = i2%", and for the drivf lbs., whence p = the small pulley. 47.8 n the large pulley and For extraordinary cases the fundamental formula should always be applied. Foi double-acting belts, as in Fig. 860, in which a = 2 jr instead of tt, the value fa = I, and the modulus of stress is only 06 of the preceding value, hence q is reduced in the same proportion. If the belt velocity v is very high, it is no longer permissible to neglect the influence of centrifugal force. For a speed v = 5000 feet and a stress ^:= 568 pounds (see ^ 264) the exponent in the friction modulus becomes 0.84/" a instead of _/ a, which ior f = 0.16 and a = tt, givesy^ a = 084 X 0.16 TT = 0.42. This gives r := 2.91 or about | of the normal value, which requires one-sixth greater cross section q for the belt. The highest limit of belt speed in ordinary practice appears to be about 6000 feet per miuute.f ? 2S1. Examples op Bei.t Transmission. The table of existing examples of belt transmission on next page will serve to furnish data for comparison with, calculated results. The great variations in the values of k9 and JV^, in the fol- lowing table are not surprising when the differences in the quality of material, and the various conditions are considered. Many leather belts are working under high stresses which are only practicable because of the excellence of the material. Some such belting can be operated under stresses as high as 2000 pounds, which enables much lighter sections to be used. Many belts which appear to have been excessively heavy have simply been calculated to work at a moderate stress. The plausible but erroneous idea that the pressure of the atmosphere influences belt action cannot be admitted. It is contradicted not oul}' by the fact that the same coefficient of friction exists for ropes as for belts, but also by the recent and careful experiment made in a vacuum by Leloutre which confirmed the theory of the modulus of friction. ? 282. Belt Connections. The various methods of connecting the ends of belts generally give a greater stress at the point of connection than in the body of the belt. The attempts to reduce this weakness and also provide for the greatest facility in the making of the joint, has caused a great variety of methods to be proposed ; some of the best of these are here given : P s = ~R • (264) Example /.—Required a of pulleys to be K = 80 hj = leather = 150 revc belt to transmit 100 H lutions. Taking the s P. and a'paatyaf sq. in. cross section. 2 000 If we ust a double belt .4" thick th width should be I'i = 12 inches. For the driving pulley \ re have : 2 TT ^" .and 7? 35 " = 7.-7 .say 72", or 154 inches. For thedrive np illeywe have j^i = Bo i^'-'-*.-. \ For the superficial pressu e p, we hav ,P= 33^2^X^00 = bs. Also r=2.5 i' = 2750, hence 5 _ _275c 0.4 X - = = 573- Wehaveals = 3.5 />= 1650, Fig. 870. In Fig. 870, a is a lap joint sewed with hempen thread ; <5, a lap joint secured with screw rivets ; c is a plate coupling, the plate and prongs being made in one malleable casting and the prongs bent over and clinched after insertion in the belt, several clamps being used for belts more than 4 inches in width. At d is shown belt lacings for use with single or double belts. The upper one has the defect of giving intersections which make the lacing cut itself, and the knot at the edge of the belt reduces the strength of the joint. J These defects are both avoided in the lower form, which is an American belt lacing.^ :r belts from 0.25" to 0.4" are preferable. 1 of the Ariberg tunnel s in which the belt had a velocity of 4700 feet pei for fourteen months. I Leloutre has used the Kpper form of lacing thick with excellent performance and durability, I See Cooper, Use of Belting, p. 189. for a belt of 26" wide, o.65" i92 THE CONSTRUCTOR. EXAMPLES OF BELT TRANSMISSION. *0. //orse " R ^ P b 6 s ^0 REMARKS. 1 624 100 271.8 108 2887 7114 105 0.67 512 .0062 ^^^^}^^> 2 belts side by side. 2 3 200 52 182 39.37 3749 1731 24 0.47 388 .0046 I^eather. 190 J5_ 223 71.8 T2X 2440 2528 2X 0.24 1222 .0147 Leather. 4 175 T2"8' 56.9 30 3561 1573 29 0.35 388 .0046 Leather. 5 153 120 TecT _63_ 47.25 3955 1256 12.6 0.52 483 .0059 Leather. 6 130 36 94 128 T5T 2410 1544 zo- 0.40 981 .o:2x Leather. 7 90 65 182 8^8 ~3^ 2833 1034 12 0.35 612 .0075 Leather. 8 81 55 137-5 39-37 2833 928 9.8 0.52 455 .0056 Leather. , 9 60 100 12 59 1535 631 :2.2 0.47 270 .0033 Leather. 10 54 45 125 35-4 2318 660 17.3 0.24 400 .0092 Leather. 11 42 60 90 70.8 47.25 2224 614 ...8 0.20 654 .0082 Leather. 12 i 40 66 102 49.2 38.9 2066 630 13.8 0.24 483 -0059 Leather. !X3 530 60 262 j[44_ 27 5156 3337 38 0.72 313 .0036 Cotton. 14 15 497 70 H44 99 48 3620 4457 30 0.72 526 .0065 Cotton. 470 _62^ 114 _9L 49-5 3130 4877 32 0.72 540 .0065 Cotton. 16 413 ^8_ 120 "48" 3000 4453 30 0.72 512 -0105 Cotton. i 17 325 125 172.4 60 43-5 3915 2583 22 0.72 412 .0049 Cotton. 18 134 125 133-3 48 45 3130 1390 10 0.72 412 .0049 Cotton. 1 19 60 _7o_ 175 13^ 29.6 2706 722 16.5 0.47 228 .0049 Cotton. 20 35 8i-3 99-3 1! 31 1633 704 5 0.72 498 .0062 Cotton. 21 66 16S 243 55 37.5 4763 451 1 1.8 0.52 185 .0023 8-ply Rubber. THE CONSTRUCTOR. ^93 Fig. 871 a, shows Botter's belt fastening. This is a form of belt hook which has been found very serviceable, reducing the strength of the belt but little, and permitting easy renewal. Another form is Moxon's belt fastening,* shown at b, is a piu a. b, c. d. Fig. 87 1. point, the ends of the pin being riveted over, and from its con- struction should be very strong. At c is a butt joint with a reinforcement piece especially suited for cotton belts. When a belt is made for special service it can be in several layers as at d ; the joints overlapping, but thus giving no opportunity for change of length. The stretching and joining of heavy belts is a matter requir- ing much care in order to secure the desired tension, = ^ (7'+ t).^ Belts which are subjected only to light tensions may be cemented by scarfing the ends and using a cement composed of common glue mixed with fish glue, or of rubber dissolved in bisulphide of carbon, \ 283. The Proportioxs c Pulleys. Pulleys are usually made of cast iron and of single width, i. e., one set of arms. The arms, which formerly were made curved, in order to resist the stresses due to contraction, are now made straight, and for wide face iDulleys two or even three parallel sets of arms are used. Fig. 872. Fig. 872 shows both single and double arms. The dimensions of arms and rim have been determined b}^ experience, based upon practical considerations. For the number A of arms for a single set, we get serviceable values from : <^-f) . (266) which gives, for : The width h of the arm, if prolonged to the middle of the hub, may be obtained from : The width h^ of the arm at the rim is equal to 0.8 h, and the corresponding thicknesses are e ^ % h, and e^ = yi h-^. Pulleys with two or three sets of arms may be considered as *See Chronique industrielle, 1882, Vol. 5, p. 97 ; also Mechanical World, 1882, Vol. 12, p. 56. tLeloutre has used a dynamometric bell-stretcher for tensions of K (r+t) = 8800 pounds. two or three separate pulleys combined in one, except that the proportions of the arms should be 0.8 or 0.7 times that of single arm pulleys, or in the proportion of W/^ and a^'A The thickness of the rim may be made : /^ = I to >( h, this being frequently turned much thinner. The width of face should be from f to J the width of the belt. The thickness of metal in the hub may be made fF= /;, to % h. The length of hub may =: b, for single arm pulleys and 2 b for double arm pulleys. Light pulleys are usually secured to the shaft by means of set screws, as in Fig. 875 and 877 - heavier ones are keyed as in Fig. 191, either with or without set screws.* For man}' purposes pulleys are made in two parts, such being: I ly called "split pulleys. The forms of split pulleys are shown in Figs. 873 to 875. The arrangement of the two halves is clearly shown, that of Fig. 874 with hollow clamp- ing section, being especially good.f The form in Fig. 875 is the design of the Walker Mfg. Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, the clamps being made of malleable iron or steel. In all three cases^ there is no especial method of fastening to the shaft. In England and America pulleys are frequently made with wrought iron rims and cast I iron hubs. This construction Fig. 873 greatly simplifies the casting of the arms, and at the same time gives pulleys 25 to 60 per cent, lighter than those of cast iron, which in large transmissions greatly reduces the friction at the bearings of the shafting. Fig. S76 shows the Medart pulley. The rim is curved in bending rolls, and also given a rounding face, and is countersunk for the rivets at the attach- ment of the arms. The pads on the arms are truly finished, as is also the rim after it is riveted on, thus giv- ing an accurate and useful pulley. J A metal pulley by the Hartford Engin- eering Company %o" diameter and 16" face weighed 320 pounds. A cast iron pulley of the same dimensions ^^ made by the Berlin- An - pj„ g^ halt Works, weighed '^' 700 potmds, and one by Briegleb, Hansen & Co., a little narrower face weighed 52S pounds. * In order to determine the necessary friction to secure a 1 shaft, the force;* on the belt will serve. In ordinary' cases, ass efficient ot friction on the key of one-half that on the belt, the a pressure ;>' on the key of about 4001 times that on the belt, wl ing to § 20 will not give more than 5000 to 7000 lbs. for/'. t-This is the construction of the Berlin-Anhalt Machine Wor I Made in England by George Richards & Co., Manchester. 194 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Fig. 877 shows Good- win's split pulley, with wrought rim, the face of the rim being rounded by turning. These constructions naturally led to the use of wrought iron arms also, I although these are some- what difficult to make ; but for very large diame- ters (say 16 to 25 feet) they possess advantages.* Pulleys made entirely of steel are used by J. B. Sturtevant of Boston, in connection with fan blow- FiG. 876. ers, Fig. 87S. The hub with web, is screwed on the steel shaft of the fan wheel, and the rim, which has a groove turned in it, is expanded by warm- ing, and shrinks into place, the whole being finally turned in position, and care- fully balanced. Sturtevant uses these pulleys up to 10 in. in diameter, and 7 in. face, the thickness of rim being from 0.08 to 0.16, and the velocity at the rim reach- ing 5000 feet per minute. By covering the rim with leather the co-efiicient of fric- tion, f, and can be increased between the belt and pulley, and the modulus of stress r reduced, and the specific capacity of the belt increased. This is sometimes useful be- cause a reduced modulus of «^^ o-- stress r permits a smaller ^^^- ^"7- cross section of belt and lighter pulley. In large transmissions reduction of stress is important since it is accompanied with , ^^^^^^1 ,j reduced journal friction ^^S,..r„.> " irt and higher efficiency. The observation of the author leads him to be- lieve the specific capa- city of a belt is not greater with leather covered pulleys than with uncovered ones, and the cost of covering is an important item. The greater the angu- lar velocity of a pulley the more important it is that its geometric axis should be a so-called "free axis." This re- quires that the center of Fig. 878. gravity of the pulley should be on the axis of rotation and also that the various por- tions of the mass should be so distributed that the axis of inertia should coincide v.'ith the axis of rotation and the centri- fugal moment equal zero.f This can be done empirically by so- called balancing, the unequal distribution of material being equalized by attaching pieces of lead or other metal, or more accurately by balancing when revolving, for which purpose a beautiful apparatus has been made by the Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio. Careful balancing of pulleys is ot great importance at high speeds, the rapidly increasing vibrations will soon limit the speed. This is to be considered in connection with the advantages to be gained by the use of high speed shaft as discussed in I 146. NoTB. — The recent investigations upon paper rim pulleys % are. instructive. This construction gives a very high modulus of friction, the modulus of stress r being only 1.2. This gives T=J.2P as against 2.5 /", for iron pulleys. Hence follows a great increase in the specific capacity of the belt, and increased efficiency with smaller and lighter pulleys. This leads the way to further investigations which prove of material value in the science of belt transmission. Maiuz; in England by Hudswell, Clark & Co., Leeds,' these latter with arms of round bar iron. fSee an article by the writer, " Ueber das Zentrifugal-Moment," in Ber- liner Verhandlungf, 1876, p. 50. I See Am. Machinist, May 23, 1885, p. 7- Ffficiency of Belting. Three causes of loss exist in belt transmissions, viz. : journal friction, "belt stiffness, and belt creeping. For horizontal belt- ing we have, according to formula (99) for the journal friction, expressed at the circumference of the pulley a loss E. when 7 _T^ t 4 ^ \2R ^ 2R,J . (2f in which dandd^ arethe journal diameters, and/the coefficient of journal friction. This loss is doubtless the greatest of the three. For lack of better researches the loss of belt stiffness may be deduced from Eytelwein's formula for ropes. For the coefficient of stiffness s, for force S', which includes both pul- leys ; T + \R^ rJ --(^+0 0.009 — = 0.012. . (269) The loss from creep is due to the fact that the greater stress on the driving pulley over that on the driven requires for a given volume of belt, a longer arc of contact ; for the expendi- ture of force G' for creep on both pulleys, we have for a stress 5"i on the leading side of the belt : • (270) In this E is the modulus of elasticity of the belt, which for leather is 20,000 to 30,000 pounds. The losses from stiffness and creep are small. Example.— h^\. d and rfj = 4" ; j? = 7f = 20", 6 = 0.2, / = 0.08, .S = 0.012, !8,440, Si = 425, % ■HP; also S"- = P (0.048 X 2) .^:±- = 0.0048 />, and G^ = P °-^ ^ ''^^ ■ = O.OOS9 P. 28,440 -f 425 The total loss is therefore : o.oS -\- 0.0048 -(- 0.0059 = 9.1 per cent. CHAPTER XXI. ROPE TRANSMISSION. Various Kinds of Rope Transmission. If in the tension driving gear, shown in Fig. 810, the rope be used only for the transmission of power we have what is called a Rope Transmission. Since the details of construction must vary, according as fibrous or wire rope is used, we may distin- guish between three kinds of rope transmission, viz. : those for Hemp, Cotton or Wire Rope, and these will be considered in this order. The oldest of all these is hemp rope transmission, but this was gradually being superseded by belting until Combes, of Belfast, revived it, about i860, since which time it has been extensively used for heavy transmissions. The char- acter of the material permits a wide variety of applications. The same is true of cotton rope, which is extensively used for driving spinning frames, travelling cranes and many other ma- chines, the softness and flexibility of the material giving it ad- vantages, but within limits. Wire rope transmissions, since its introduction by the brothers Hirn, at Logelbach, in 1850, have developed a high degree of efficiency and utility for long dis- tance transmission. As will be seen hereafter, the applications of rope transmission appear to be capable of still further ex- tension. THE CONSTRUCTOR, A. HEMP ROPE TRANSMISSION'. I 286. Specific Capacity. Cross Section of Rope. It is important first to determine the specific capacity for hemp rope [l 280). This is obtained from the general state- ment according to (262) : 3 '• in which S^ is the stress on the tight side of the rope, and r the modulus of stress. The value for the co-efficient of friction f, depends upon the form of the groove or channel in the sheave over which the rope runs. The cross section of the rim of a pulley for five ropes is shown in Pig. 880. For large steam engines the grooves are sometimes made on the fly wheel, such con- structions sometimes being very large and heavy .f The application of rope transmission in manufacturing estab- lishments simplifies the mechanism very ma- terially, since it enables the jack shaft and gear- FiG. 879. If the groove is semicircular, as at b, Fig. 870, the iriction is but little greater than it is upon an ordinary cylindrical pulley, as at a ; if, however, the groove is made wedge-shaped, as at c (see wedge friction wheels I 196), the driving power is increased although the surface of contact is reduced. In determining the value of r, from formula (239) the influence of the shape of the groove can be included by using a corresponding co-efficient of friction fK According to the recent investigations of Leloutre and others, the value of/^for cylindrical pulleys and new hemp rope is 0.075, for semicircular grooves, 0.088, and for wedge grooves with an angle of 60°,/:= 0.15, which accords well with the action of the wedge, doubling the pressure, see (185). For yi == 0.08S and a contact of a half circumference, we have _/' a = 0.3, and hence r = 3.86 ; with _/' = 0.15, /• o = 0.47, and r = 2.67. The latter value, which is even reduced in actual practice, may be adopted, since wedge grooves in general use. The stress is usually taken while low, and may be put at 5 = Z5^ _ 2.67 0.0039 ; see (262). In practice Nq is found even one-half this value, and we may take as a practical rule in hemp rope trans- mission for the specific capacity, i. e, the horse power trans- mitted per square inch of cross section, for each foot of linear velocity per minute ; No = 0.004 to 0.002. . . ■ .(271) ; that due to the full Example 2. In the jute mills a for 30 ropes, of 2.36" diameter, e being 3000 feet per minute. a the fly wheel of the engine is grooved ■ope transmitting 25 H. P. ; the velocity .s gives a specific capacity of TVq = ■mplei. The Berlin ing to be dispensed which five the cross section being taken as in g 265, outside diameter of the rope. When great power is to be transmitted a number of ropes are used side by side, the pulleys being made with a corresponding number of grooves. For machine shop transmission such ropes are conveniently made about two inches in diameter, although they are used as small as i^, and as thick as 2^ inches. mitted through of the rope 3.14 sq. inches. Hence N^ ■ is taken from an existing installation.* different lines of shafting are driven from one horizontal steam, engine, sixteen hemp ropes being used in all. Sources of Loss in Hemp Rope Transmission. The use of hemp rope transmission reduces many losses which exist in other methods and which materially reduce the efficiency ; the principal ones which need to be considered are the resistances due to journal friction, stiffness of ropes, and creep of ropes. a. Journal Friction. — In rope transmissions from steam en- gines the journal friction is usually great, because the large fly wheel requires journals of large diameter. The usual calcula- tions can only be given by indeterminate results, because the tension of the ropes sometimes acts with the weight of the other parts, and sometimes against it. If we consider the rope tensions T and t by themselves, as acting horizontally, we have from formula (100) the friction F = — / {T-\- /), which reduced to its corresponding resistance to the rope, taking r -, gives a loss due to one shaft - v/('f-f)G^). .lachine Works has design rope transmis" JUS 111 w11n.11 iuiji:aui 1.10 , 1.5/", 1.97" diameter transmit forces, respec- k-ely, of 92.4, 165 and264 pounds. The respective cross sections of the ropes e 1.09, 1.93 and 3.04 square inches. Since = we have .A'o = which gives in each of the three cases A'o = 0.0026. take / :^ 0.09 J and double the, result for both shafts, calling this combined loss Fz we have : £z = — X 0.09 x 4-33 ( — ^ J which reduces to ; ^^ = -'jr- (^7^) Example i. In the first of the preceding examples we have also d = 6.3 inches, and 2R = i^s'A inches, hence — — = 0.046 or a little over 4 pet * See Zeitschrift d. ^ S ft. face, 30 ft. dia.. THE CONSTRUCTOR. b. Stiffness of Ropes. — If we apply Eytelwein's formula (252) we have ^ =z j4 ( T-{- 1) taking both pulleys iuto consideration, and taking 7 = 27^ and introducing T-\- t, gives Q = ^\ P. It must be considered that the ropes are usually quite slack, and that the co-efficient stiffness 5, may be taken somewhat less than Eytelwein's value. If we take % as a fair approxi- mation, the ratio of loss is S 2 ^ d'- I -^ = y X 0.463 — X 4 _ and calling this loss Es , we get : £s - 1.33^^ (273) in which d is the diameter of the rope. „^/>le 2 e preceding e mple, d = 2", J? = 67.75". This give ' 67-75 c. Creep of Ropes. — -The loss through creep is more important in rope transmission than with belting (see ? 284) and should not be neglected, although it cannot be so readily determined, owing to the division of the power among a number of ropes. It is practicall}' impossible to insure a uniform tension upon a number of adjacent ropes, or to have them of exactly the same diameter, besides which the "working " diameters of the vari- ous grooves differ slightly, so that additional slippage must oc- cur.^ The resulting frictional loss is estimated by some at as much as 10 per cent., when the number of ropes is 20 to 30, and it is at all times important enough to be given considera- tion. The losses from stiffness and creep should be investi gated whenever practicable, as the resulting information would be of much technical value. Assuming the loss from creep in the case previously consid- ered to be 5 per cent., we have a total resistance of 4 -f- 7.8 -|- 5 ^ 16.8 per cent.; which, since small values were taken in all cases, is not to be considered higher than the actual loss. This explains the numerous objections which have been raised (as in England) against the use of hemp rope transmission for very large powers (see \ 301). Pressure and We.\r on Hemp Rope. As already seen, the surface of contact of the rope and pulley may be one of three kinds : upon a cylindrical pulley, iu a semicircular groove, or in a wedge-shaped groove (Fig. 879), and to these formula (241) can be applied. In case a, we can approximate b' as equal to ^ the circumference of the rope. This gives for the superficial pressure Even under these unfavorable conditions the superficial pres- sure is not important, on account of the small value of S; which, as already seen, is about 350 pounds. Example. — If .S = 350 pounds, and ■ = we have for a cylindri- cal pulley / = 350 X 2 X r = 28 lbs. for semicircular grooves, p = lb.s and for wedge grooves, when 9 — 50°, ^ = 56 lbs. per square inch. These low pressures cause but little wear upon the rope, hence the great durability of hemp transmission ropes, some- times extending to two or three years of use. B. COTTON ROPE TRANSMISSION. Cotton rope is not so extensively used for purposes of trans- mission as hemp rope, although it possesses the advantages of great strength and flexibility ; the impediment to its use being its higher price. The application of cotton rope for driving spinning mule spindles, referred to ^in I 265, is shown in Fig. 882, iu which Z"i is the driving pulley and Zlj the driven pulley • (275) S 2. R In case c, the radial pressure Q, of the rope is divided into two forces Q' acting normal to the wedge surfaces and equal to .^ ~ in which Q is the angle of the groove, and taking the contact surface on each side as J^ the circumference of the rope, we have which, for Q = 30°, gives approximately : P d ~S =4^ . (274) , on the carriage. This latter pulley is on the axis of a drum 7j from which light cords drive the spindles 7^. At L, L, are guide pulleys. The usual diameter of rope for 7^ T.;,is 0.86'^, and for large machines with many spindles two such ropes are used, the pulleys being made with double grooves, these always being of semicircular section. On the ring spinning frame cotton rope of 0.4^'' diameter is used on cone pulleys of 12 steps, giving changes of speed from 3:1 to 2:3. The proportions of such pulley may be determined as shown iu § 279, the grooves being semicircular. As already shown in | 265 cotton ropes have been used by Ramsbottom for driving traveling cranes. For this purpose ropes of i to t inch diameter are used, running at speeds of 2500 to 3000 feet per minute, a weighted idler pulley keeping the rope taut. In view of the slow movement of the load, viz. : 20 to 40 feet per minute, it is questionable whether cotton rope transmission involving such a great transformation of speed, is advantageous, f ' C. WIRE ROPE TRANSMISSION. ? 290. Specific C.4.pacity. Cross Section of Rope. In considering the transmission of power by means of wire rope the points to be determined are the cross section of the rope, and the deflection of the two portions of rope due to its weight. The cross section will first be considered by determin- ing the specific capacity (See I 2S0). This we get from (262) 33000 r in which S^ is the stress in driving half of the rope, considered either in connection with the driving or the driven pulley. The modulus of friction p is taken somewhat higher than for belting, since the angle of contact a is greater, and also because the co-efficient of friction /, for pulleys fitted with diagonal leather strips (see below) is very high ; early and recent tests giving/= 0.22 to 0.25 and higher. The first value gives r> = (276) 2 (See Fig. 816), and a (See 239). This gives, 3 the stress modulus r = =; 2 n (262) if we neglect centrifugal force : \ S^ S^_ 13000 ' 2 66000 • (277) coloring matter on the ropes a J leather transrai: twisted thongs, these being used for light spindles. THE CONSTRUCTOR. This gives high numerical values, which is also borue out in practice, since large powers are successfully transmitted with wire ropes of small -diameter. It is good practice to take S^ for iron wire as high as 8500 pounds, and for steel wire up to 20,000 ponnds and even higher. This gives for the specific capacity, when : S-^ = 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10,000, 12,000, 14,000, 16,000, 18,000, 20,000. TVo --- 0.03, 0.06, 0.09, 0.121, 0.151, 0.182, 0.212, o 242, 0.273, 0-303 or approximately : For Wrought Iron Wire Nq = 0.03 to 0.121. For Steel Wire . . . . A'^o = 0.03 to 0.303. The cross section q is readily obtained, since N ^ q v N^ hence : Steel Wire. q = 66,000 — — We then have, if / is the number of v (278) 1 the rope, a diam- eter of work : (S = z — tP. The speed v, of the rope may be as 4 high as 6000 feet, but should not exceed this velocity on ac- count of the great stress upon the rim of the cast iron pulleys. ? 291. Influence of Pulley Diameter. The bending of a rope about a pulley of a radius R produces a stress in each wire equal to 8532 ",376 14,220 17,064 19,908 22,752 25,596 28,440 31,284 34,128 36,972 39,816 42,660 45.504 48,348 49,770 286 48,348 294 45,504 313 42,660 334 39,816 357 36,972 385 34,128 417 31,284 455 28,440 500 25,596 551 22,752 19,798 718 17,064 834 14,220 1000 11,376 1250 8532 1667 5688 2500 2844 5000 If a still greater value of - s used for any given value of S-^ than in the above table, the durability of the cable will be in- creased. The minimum pulley radius for any given sum of stresses 5i + -^ is obtained when -— =: 2, which in the tables which, if we take both for iron and steel wire E = 28,400,000, gives : s = 14,200,000 — (279) The driving half of the rope is therefore subject to a tension stress, both at the point of advancing and departing contact equal' to 5, 4" -^ ii each wire. It is this sum which must be considered in determining the stress upon the material, and it must not be permitted to exceed the proper limits (See \ 266J. A practical upper limit for wrought iron wire is 25,000 pounds, while for steel it may be taken much higher ; for hard drawn steel wire of good quality as high as 50,000 or even 60,000 pounds. If we take as upper limits 25,000 lbs. for wrought iron and 50,000 lbs. for steel wire, we have for the given values of S, the following values of 5 and of ~j: gives for —r- = 833 and 417 respectively, as indicated by the full-faced figures. Even in this advantageous proportion the stress due to the bending of the wire around the pulley is double that due to the tension of the driving force. Wrought Iron Wire. R 5 5 T 711 24,885 571 1422 24,174 588 2844 22,752 625 4266 21,330 667 5688 19,908 714 18,486 769 8532 17,064 833 9954 15,642 909 11,376 14,220 1000 12,798 12,798 iiii 14,220 11,376 1250 15,642 9954 1429 17,064 8532 1667 18,486 7110 2000 19,908 5688 2500 21,330 4266 3333 22,752 2844 5000 24,174 1422 10,000 -V^ 1 pulley radius is o feet diameter. In order to obt! equires about 93 revolutions. If we take 5i = i = 12,798 we fin< = 63.3" or appoxiraately =v=? The question here arises, to what extent should the effect of centrifugal force be taken into account? If the velocity V = 100 feet per second, with a stress 5" = 9000 lbs. we have from the first table in g 264 the value i — 2' = 0.87, so that instead of fa we have fa' = 0.87 fa. Ufa = 0.22 we have fa = 0.87 x 0.22 x ^ = o-70, and if y =: 0.22 we have fa = 0.87 X 0.22 X 1^ = 0.60. These give, by reference to the second table, in ^ 264, for the first value, the modulus of friction ^ = — 2.01, and for the second, p = nd a modu- lus of stress ^ which makes the specific capacity = =^ — as great as previously obtained. This may be com- pensated for by making the cross section of the rope i.i times that obtained by the previous calculation. For lesser velocities up to 20C0 to 30CO feet per minute the effect of centrifugal force is much less and may safely be neglected, especially in the case of steel cables, in which much greater stresses are per- missible. Example 2.— How many horse power can wires, each 0.078" diameter ; the velocity be THE CONSTRUCTOR. Example 3.— What would the horse (See §266). 5i = ■ ' " ' " H. P. If we des half, h^, and in the stationary rope ho. This gives for the tan- gential force K at the point of suspension : stead of 34,1: re durability of the cable id til us obtain R = ''*'^°°' °' 9 say only 4c When the resistance P is directly given, which is rarely the case, we have from the relation q S^^^ t P, taking - ^ 2. ?-=2^^ (280) The maximum statical moment which may have to be over- come upon the driven shaft is sometimes given, as in the case of pumping machinery, etc. Dividing the preceding equation by (279) we have and 14,2 since q = ,00564 V-^ \- .PP 0,000 6 S, iJ-', this reduces to : d = o.oos64 \^ \—PP (281) and if we substitute for the moment P P the quotient of effect = 63,020 — we get from formula (13S) P P = . = 0.251 N/I\f^ iV . (282) 355 sljs yj-^z 1 shaft driven by rm of 14.2 inches. ; 880 = 12,496 inch i-e from (2S1) : This gives from the table ./? = 833 X c . 12,496 = o. • (283). -(--•)■■ ■ {285) in which the tangential, vertical, and horizontal forces at a point jrj/ may be designated as pjr, ps and pc, p, being the weig ht for a unit of length, and S = \/ x^ — A For the point of suspension this gives : K= p{h 4- c\ y/=/> \/lf-~- H = pc . .(28 11 rope transmission, the quotient -— e converging. Stopping at the third ir <^) = All dimensions are to be taken in inches. For any cross sec- tion q, we have K ^ q S, and p ^= q

- = 0.28 pounds, is not always constant, but may be taken = |. These values give p = \ xo.28X(7 = 0.3266(7, and calling the coefficient 0.3266 = i/;, we have : eget: . (2S7). Since — = 3.061 we have, taking the e Y(^-53-^)-S. (^89). If we neglect the first member have for a close approximation : Deflection op Wire Ropes. In order that the desired tensions T and I shall be attained in the two parts of a wire rope transmission, the deflections must be of predetermined values. The centre line of the rope will hang in a curve which lies between the catenary and the elastic line and which approximates closely to a parabola.* For the parameter c, of this parabola, we have for a deflection k, in a horizontal rope. Fig. 883, 1 the parenthesis in (287) we • • • •' (290). Example. Let 3f pulley, be 262 l.._, __ ^_ „ . DC 8500 pounds, and on the di ^ take as the distance from centre to centre 3144 inches ; also let 5 in the driving side of the rope ' ' 4250 pounds. We have from (289) --/ (1.53X8500)2- 3- - J (1.53X4250)2-^ in which a is the distance between two points of suspension ; the deflection in the driving half being called /?j, in the driven e formula (290) give 3 pi = 47-45", and The following method may be used to show the deflection h, graphically. The positive and negative signs before the radical sign in (2S8) indicate two values for //, as will be seen in Fig. 884. The greater value is not of practical use, as it gives unstable [labil) equilibrium. Between the two lies a value h = %. — , which is obtained when the quantit}' under the radical sign = O, i.e. when 5' = — --i^. This we will call the "mean " deflec- V2 tion and designate by hm. This deflection is important because with it the absolute minimum stress exists in the rope (see note at the end of this section) ; and this stress, which occurs with the deflection hm, will be designated Sm, and is : je^ = X — ■ Sm and since km= }^ . — ■. V2 = 0.3266, ■ (292). have for the mean deflection THE CONSTRUCTOR. Dividing (288) by (293) we have, after some reductions : h S— \/5^ — 6V;7 Lay off this distance perpendicular to i . 2 at 2 . 4, and on any scale (not too small) lay off from 2 to 5, the stress Sm, deter- mined from (292). From 5 lay off, on the same scale, 5 . 6, equal to the given stress S, and from 6 draw the arc 5 . 7. This gives 2 . Tj^jjj^ 6.2=6.5 — \/Jb~^Y~—(^^\ which is = ^^ — "v S'^ — Sm. If we now draw 4 . 8 parallel to 5 . 7 we have 2-8 2.7 h ,, _ _ = 1—, and hence 2 . 8 = A. 2.4 2.5 hm The value ho of the stationary rope is that of a parabola of a length midway between those for //j and h.^ and is equal to : l±R- = VS 0.67/22 + 0.28/^1 . • (295) It may readily be constructed graphically from the first expres- sion. It is not essential that the driving part of the rope should be the upper portion, as the lower part may drive, as in Fig. 886. The Fig. SS6. ropes will not touch, when stationary, if /;., — h^ < 2R. Owing to the fluctuations due to the action of wind, or of sudden changes of load, the minimum distance should not be too small, and is best kept greater than 20 to 24 inches. Note;.— We have from (287) : dS = i' ydh ^y\o — ^\ dlT^ which g '-[.-(hi;)]. s the parameter, or C?«. In Fig. 8S4 is shown graphically how for each value of//, the parameter c can be found, by constructing the proportion In the figure, 2.5^ = From this we obtain the following geometrical construction of Fig. 885. With a diameter = yia, describe the semi-circle 1.2.3, and join the point 3 of the quadrant 2 . 3 with 2, or I ; ; . 4' = h' ; also 4^ . 6 — , and i>" . 1" perpendicular to d" . 5" gives the parameter 4" ■ 1" = c". To determine the vertex i," of the lower parabola we have : /.^-f^.=/.^^.f. ^^'-'" = ^{}r^-id - which as shown above If, as before, we make. 2.8^ hm, and 2.5' = h' and draw through 8 a normal to 8.5' the normal will intersect 2 . 4^' at \" which is the desired apex. The lines 5 . 6, 5' . 6', j// _ 5// intersect each other at the middle of the half-chord of the parabola at 9. This may be used in the construction by drawing from 9, the line 9 . 6, 9 . 6', 9 . 6", and the correspond- ing normals give the parameter points 7, 7', "1" . _ The directrix of the parabola lies at a point distant yi c from the vertex. For the mean parabola the directrix is Lm, midway between 4 and 7, and the focus Fm is at the middle of hm, and is also the centre of the circle In the figure is also shown another curve which indicates the values of 5". The proportional value of h from formula (287) taken from the line 2.11, shows that h is in inverse proportion to the hyperbolic line 10' . 10 . \o" . The ordinates of the hyper- bola, taken from the axis of abscissas 2 . 7 gives the values oi S for the corresponding values of //. The ordinates 4' . 10' and \" . \o" give the equal stresses S' and S" , and 4 . 10 the mini- mum stress Sm The dotted hyperbola on the upper right, gives the corresponding thrusts in a parabolic arch, and the curve in an arch corresponding to the catenary is the line of thrust. In this also we find the mean height the most economical, the lower ones being stable, and the higher in an unstable equilib- rium, dependent upon the thickness of arch ring and distribu- tion of load for their stability. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 2 feet. According to (279) R= — = 32.45, say 3214 inches, TIGHTENED DRIVING ROPES. The deflection of transmission cables often becomes incon- veniently great. In man}^ cases, however, it is possible to reduce its amount b}' increasing the tension to a greater extent than is necessary to prevent slippage. This requires the cable to be made correspondingly stronger in order to resist the in- creased tension. The modification in the preceding discussion offerees and dimensions is here given, the various terms being given the subscript ? to distinguish them, (7"^, Z^, Ss, &s, instead of T, t, S, 6). The tension T, as shown in g 290, should not be •-l^ 2 R and the driving part of the cable must b& above. iiows that the centre of the pulleys must be more than 85^" above the ground in order to clear. To reduce this fhten the cable. Suppose we made the diameter of the res = 0.04" instead of 0.024". This gi\ ms 4 and 6, line 11, Sis = 0.89, S = 408 (^-2^ =x62", and A. -A, = 163- .67, and from the table, col- , and hence we have Ins — - 50". These values give his - less than 2P, and if this is increased by a given factor 1 have is = Ts — F, and also : Ts = m T=^2mP, is =[2111— I) P, <^ 2R and we may tl interference. The g from (295) we have h, the^dhr---=--°-~ "° In order that the stress 5, in the driving part shall not be changed we have for the stress in the driving part, instead of = S^ . (297). The diameter o" of the wire, if calculated from (280) is modi- fied to 6s = 6\/m (298). or if taken from (281) or (282), we take 5.r ^(S^;77 (299). from which the following table has been calculated. Tightened cables are frequentl}' applicable where moderate powers are to be transmitted. TABLE FOR TIGHTENED CABLES. 2.8 ^.6 3-0 6.0 3-2 b.4 34 6.8 ^b 7.2 ^8 7.6 4.0 8.0 4-2 8.4 44 8.8 4.5 9.2 4.8 9.b 5.0 £xaw*fe— Given, A^= 5 . to cover this distance with a lbs., and i = 11,376 lbs., we have -^ X -^ = 7"^^ X ~^ = 0.044. If z = 36 we have from (282) 6 = 0.251 vf ^ \ °'°t4 = 0.024 inches. We then .get from (290) : h-^ = 0.0408 -°- — - = 144" = 12 feet, A^ = 24 feet, and h^ — Ai = refore place the driving side below without danger of atest deflection occurs when the cable is at rest, and = 149 inches, and the total height for the pulley cen- 3r i6f' 7". This example is shown in Fig. 887, in which I 294. SHORT SPAN CABLE TRANSMISSIONS. When the distance between pulleys is short the deflection must not be too small if good results are to be expected. To this end a small value should be taken for S^^, and hence the de- flection is first to be chosen and the corresponding value deter- mined from (287) which is readily done. For moderate powers wire rope transmission may be used in this way for short spans very successfully. Example. — Let N=s horse power, to be transmitted over a span of 65.6 ft., or 787 4 inches; the number of revolutions to be 150, and the deflection 40 inches. We have from (287) 51=0.3266(40 + -^^-^^ )= 645 lbs. Taking iron \. We have J = 25,600 — 645 = 24,955. If ■ we have from (282) --N^i- ^^- ^=0.083". We then have from (279) e quite practicable. §295. TRANSMISSION WITH INCLINED CABLE. A transmission at which the pulleys are placed at different heights is called an inclined transmission, and the curve in such a case is uns3'mmetrical. For a given distance a, between the verticals through the ends of the curve, and for a difference in height H, we have for tJie deflections h'^x^ and h^' ^Xo, Fig. 888, and for the ordinates ji'i andj)'2 of the two branches of the curve : ^2 ^ ^2 ^ ~ x^ = h' =-g-^ + T ■;?""" ■ (301) 1 which the parameter c is yet unknown.* * Deduced as follow; cxx,yT = i. e. {y., -H THE CONSTRUCTOR. For the parameter c, we have from (286) K=p {h + c) or 'f^e deflection is Sq=^ipq{h -{- c) and if we consider the lower pulley as bearing /, ,^ 3?i6i_ .2,962 8.5 = 67.1", and h„" = hi' + J97=.264.i, whence The stress on the rope, instead of being exactly 8500 and 4250 pounds, will be, according to {304) : 8500 + 0.3266 X 197 = 8564 lbs., and 4250 + 0.3266 X 197 = 4314 lbs. respectively. the lighter load we have : S' = i> {c-\- x^) whence c=— x-^. Substituting the value of x^, from (300) we obtain after reduc- tion. -I.+ -+?- 2 + ---— ^.— (302) 8(i + K-t) The plus sign before the radical indicates that we have chosen the "stabil" parabola (see Fig. 884), and hence obtain the greater of the two values for the parameter. The parameter thus being determined, we have x^ and y^ from (300) and (301). For the upper branch of the curve the stress S" is to be de- termined at the upper pulley. We then have S'' =^ip {c-\- x.^. Subtracting from this S^ ^f {c -\- x^) we have S^^ = S' + f{x, — x,)=S'+fn' (303) and if i/' = 0.3266 we get : S'' Example i —Let a = 32S felt (302) = 5'' 4- 0.3266 //" . . . . 36", S' = 8500 lbs. If ^= O, -n ^5°o , f /■ 8500 ^ 2 ^i^-- --^ ,- 3,43 -.- "1" ^-fi-'i|"" "S^ r^ ■---, ^^_^____^ 1^ 3> - -" Fig. Fig. 889. the VI , and all dime Example 2.— Suppose the distance a = 3936 inches, and 5i = 8500, and Jo 4250, as before, but the vertical distance jV= 1968", or . We then have (a) For the Driving Side : 2+0.52 + T V 2+o5^- J 8(1+0.125) the pulleys, the Driven Side : • (304) -ol^+^^V \/ -0^ + 984, 3936. K^ ^ soim..^ ^^ " J ^^^is^ ^^ !S^ ^ ^-_ 4. \ This value in (300) gives x For the slack half of the : We then have : , 42 5° f /• 4250 X 2 = I50-5". Suppose now that H~ 0.05 a = 197". We then 1 (a) For the Driving^Side : 2 + 0.05 + ▼ V 2 + 0.052 J 8(1+0.00125) tiave also, from (300) h\ = ^^ " = /!i' + 197" = 205.45". distance j'l then becomes : 3936 _ yi= 2 — o 05 (i) For the Di C 26,018 = 667.1. iSide: 2+0.052 ^ ▼ V- 2 + 0.052 y 8(1+0.00125) The general arrangement is sho\ „ , .•„ /., 1_; » — j^ gjj^ jjjg vertical and horizontal si arked than in the previo )unt of the increase in the value of //. We have Si' = 85 ., and ^'2' = 4250 + 0.3266 X 1968 = 4892 lbs. Fig. 891. The upper limit for this form of rope transmission i THE CONSTRUCTOR. which the parts of the rope are vertical, in which case the par- ameter =: 00. In this arrangement the necessary tension must be obtained by the use of weights, spring, or the like. By using guide pulleys, a combination of horizontal and vertical trans- missions may be made, as in Fig. 891, and the tension obtained by the deflection in the horizontal part. ?296. Construction of thk Rope Curve. We have considered the curve as an ordinary parabola. Fig. 893. Fach portion of rope between two pulleys may be called a "stretch" of rope, so that in the above instance we have the driving part in one stretch and the driven part in two stretches. If it is necessary to support both parts it is often practicable to use half as many supporting pulleys for the driving part of the rope as for the driven part as in Fig. 894. -^ h-L 3^ Fig. 894. These pulleys are called guide pulleys to distinguish them from the main transmitting pulleys and their supporting struc- tures are called supporting stations. Another arrangement has been used by Ziegler, as shown in Fig.8-- This consists of a number of shorter transmissions, using double grooved pulleys, or two single grooved pulleys at each station. In this arrangement it is advisable to make the stretches of equal length so that a single reserve cable will answer to replace any one which may give out. It is always desirable to run a transmission in a straight line, and especial care must be taken to have the successive pulleys all in the same vertical plane. If it is impracticable to run the entire distance in a straight line it is necessary to introduce angle stations. These may be constructed as in Fig. 896 a, When the apex C, Fig. 892, has been determined, bisect the two parts B^ Cand Z?i Cof the horizontal tangent B^ D^, at Q and Cp join B C^ and D Q, and these two lines will give the direction of tangents to the curve at the points of suspension B and D. Then divide C Q into equal parts C, i, 2, 3 and Ci B into the same number of equal parts Ci I, II, III , and by joining these points we obtain a number of tan- gents which include the curve. The other^portion C Q D, of the curve is constructed in a similar manner. When the apex of the parabola falls beyond the lower pulley, only one portion of the curve is used. ?297. Arrangement of Pulleys. When the transmission pulleys are far apart, and not high above ground, supporting pulleys must be used for the rope. In some instances this is only necessary for the driven part of the rope, the driving part being left unsupported, as in Fig. 893. using vertical and horizontal guide pulleys, but this requires six pulleys, three for each part of the rope. A simpler arrange- ment is shown at Fig. 896 b, two pulleys and a pair of bevel gears being used. In many cases it is desirable to take off a portion of the power at intermediate stations either by shafting or rope transmission, and this may readily be done by a variety of arrangements of gearing and shafting. It is most important that the pulleys both for supj)orting and transmission should be amply large in diameter. Many rope transmissions have worn out rapidly, simply because the diam- eter of the pulleys has been too small. The intermediate pulleys for the driving side ought to be the same size as the main driv- ing pulley in order that the total stress 5" -|- .? (see I 291) shall not be greater in the former case than in the latter. The sup- porting pulley for the driven side may be smaller because the stress Sj is smaller generally, being }i S-^, or for tightened transmissions (? 2S9) being equal to [2in — 1) 2m S^. The smallest permissible pulleys may be determined from formula (279) and the table of I 291. e of wrought' jve have for the itid for the supporting pulleys £j-a;«//(?2.— Let &= 0.04. Si = wire rope transmission let i'l = 850 on, 6 being = 0.06". From the table IS of pulley, .ff = 833 X 0.06 = 50" or 8" s before, &n&.R^ = I Si = 7080. /? = = 46", a difference which is hardly great enough to be of practical ii The Construction of Rope PuIvLEys. The low value of the coefficient of friction of iron on iron makes it impracticable to run the wire cables directly upon the bare metal rim of the pulley, and hence various attempts were early made to fit the groove of the pulley with some soft material. After early experiments with wooden rims fitted with leather, or rubber, it was practically shown that turned iron rims fitted with leather filling placed edgewise in the bottom of the groove gave the best results. * In Fig. 897, is shown at a, a rim for a single pulley and at 6, for a double one, both being of cast iron. The proportions are given in terms of the diameter d, of the cable, and in the illus- trations the constants in the various proportions are in milli- meters. The sides of the grooves are made at an angle of 30"^ with the plane of the pulley in the case of the single groove THE CONSTRUCTOR. 203 pulley, but this gives an excessively heavy middle rib for the double pulley, and hence the inner angles are made 15° as shown. The smallest diameter of rope for practical use is d = 0.04^^ The superficial pressure/, may be calculated from d (274). If, for example, / = 36, we have from (244) — — 8, and : 1000 and S == 8500, we have : p = 2S : = 136 lbs. per sq. in. ^ IOOO(S ^ Jr M a pressure readily borne by the leather filling. The bottom grooves are made with a dovetail bevel in order to keep the filling from being thrown out by centrifugal force. The filling of leather may be made of pieces of old belting placed on edge and forced by driving into the dovetail groove ; if new leather is used it should be softened by soaking in train oil. Rope sheaves for hoisting machiner}', which are only used for guiding and supporting the rope, were formerly used with- out any filling, the rope resting on the bare metal. It is be- coming more and more the practice to use a filling in the bot- tom of the grooves of such pulleys, vulcanized rubber giving good results. The construction of the rim of Fowler's " Clamp Pulley," re- ferred to in Fig. 794 c, is shown in Fig. 898 a, the clamps being pivoted to blocks by means of bolts with anchor-shaped heads. The pressure upon the rope is the same as in the case of a wedge groove of equal angle, and the pulley as made by Fowler, has one clamp ring mounted upon a screw thread cut upon the pulley, thus enabling adjustment to be made for wear upon the clamps and for the reduction in the diameter of the rope. Fig. 898 b shows an American form of clamp pulley, somewhat sim- pler in construction than Fowler's. The clamps are pivoted on half-journals (see {, 95) and the angle is not so small as in the preceding form. The arms of rope pulleys are usually made of cast iron as well as the rim, although the intermediate supporting pulleys are sometimes made with wrought iron arms, as in Fig. 901. Large pulleys, when of cast iron, are usually made in halves, for con- venience of transportation. The number of arms A, may be obtained from : = 4 + - R Cast iron arms may be either oval or cruciform in cross sec- tion, and the width of arm h, in the plane of the pulley, if pro- longed to the centre is : = 4^H • (306) Fig. S99 a, in order to avoid injurious stresses from shrinkage in casting. The spaces are afterwards filled in with fitted pieces of iron and a ring shrunk on each side to hold all together. The proportions of hubs are the same as in | 283. The distance between journals for the intermediate and sup- porting pulleys varies from | 7? to \ R. The load upon the bearings consists of the sum of the weight of the pulley and the vertical component of the various foixes upon the rope, and this can best be determined graphically as shown in Fig. 900. • (305) FiG. 9-0. The weight G, of the pulley is so dependent upon slight variations in the thickness and section of rim and arms that a general formula of practical value cannot be given. The follow- ing examples from practice are given : Example!.— \u an executed transmission by Rieter &Co., at Oberursel, near Frankfurt a. M., the pulleys are made with twelve straight arms of oval section and are 12 ft. 3.6 in. diameter. The main driving pulleys at the end of the transmission, with single groove, each weigh 2525 lbs. and the intermediate supporting pulleys, with double groove, each weigh 2780 lbs. The rope is made of 36 wires, each being 0.07" diameter. Example 2.— The Berlin-Anhalt Machine Works Company iiakes a line of rope pulleys with wrought iron arms as in Fig. 901, the weights being as follows : R = 20" 24" 28" 32'' 36" 40" so" 60'' 70" G = 176 211 248-30S 281-343 316-387 316-506 528-570 748 968 In these instances the weight upon the bearings is not great. The journals for these pulleys should be made long, in order to reduce the superficial pressure, and swivel bearings with cast iron boxes {\ 116) can be used, which with self-oiling devices will give good service. In many cases the journals are made of hardened steel in order to combine the greatest security with the minimum size. For arms of cruciform section, the thickness of the arms e may be made \ h, and the rib thickness e' = % e. Arms of oval section may be made of the same proportions as for belt pulleys, the thickness being made one-half A at all points and the width at the rim being % //. Arms of cruciform section are usually made straight as at a, Fig. 899, but arms of oval section are frequently made curved as at b. To draw the curved arm make the circle C ^ of a radius = % R and divide it into spaces for the desired number of arms. Make A E =% A B, and draw O (T normal to ^ C and (Twill be the centre for half the arm, and the other centre will be at D, the radius D E being equal to C E. When straight arms are used the hub should be divided as in ■.inple 3.— The intermediate pulleys in Fxample i, give a total pressure, ling to Fig. 900 b, upon the bearings, of 3036 pounds, or 1518 pounds on ournal. II we make / = 1.5 d according to the table in g 91 we get for jiving a greatly reduced superficial pressure and thus insuring the te lubrication. In this case we have the actua 'length/ = 4.7, 5 — 0/; iv.^ *-.«♦- f-« i*« Tf ;« r^-^A^-^ <-^ ise formula (89) . — — OD lub. jjcr sq. 111. 11, 111 oiuer lu = A^andmake5= 8500 as before we have: " si 8500. V'^^' '5""^^" 8". This gives: P = "Y^y- = 95 lbs. per sq. in. 204 THE CONSTRUCTOR. ■which is such a low value that even half boxes, similar 325 could be used. By using hard steel bearings even lesistance could be reduced to 34 the amount due to the The pulleys for rope transmission should be most carefully balanced, as any vibration causes serious oscillation of the rope ? 299. Construction op the Pui, is smaller, because of the increase in velocity and the loss from stiffness will be less. The loss from stoppage and creep should also be considered as not unimportant (see I 287). Fig. 922. If it is desired to use a counter pulley with the rangement in Fig. 922 may be adopted. In this and tightened pulley L\ are both inclined so tha guided for the double grooves in the main driving pxiUey. The arc contact a. is in this case greater than 360°, and the specific capacity will be iJ4 times greater. This will enable the cross section of the rope to be reduced to § the previous value, or ? = §. 307 ^ 0.204 sq in. If we use wires instead of 60, we have for the cross section of each wire - = 0.0056 sq. 1 •r of the r jpe v 11 be fro 3980 o r, I The conditions of this example are hardly such as to demand the introduction of the counter pulley, but when large powers are to be transmitted its use is most advantageous. In some instances the couater pulley may be arranged, as in Fig. 911, ?o as to sustain a part of the weight of the fly wheel of the en- gine, and hence materially reduce the journal friction. In many instances the power in factories may be arranged so as to use the "ring " system of transmission, and dispense with the use of the spur or bevel gearing, and some examples are here given. In Fig. 923 a is shown the usual arrangement of the trans- mission of power in a weaving establishment. ..J ! ,! ^ TTT^^TTr In this instance the two shafts which extend each way from K, drive the line shafting by seven pairs of bevel gears, while in some factories as many as 12 to 18 pairs are used. ^^^^Q^^Qf^^Qq^- Fig. 923 b. Fig- 923 b shows how a ring transmission can beusedto drive the same shafting, there being seven guide pulleys and one tightener L' , the guide pulleys being of the " umbrella " pat- tern, as in Fig. 915. The tension weight for the tightener is equal to 2 T' . Fig. 923 c Another arrangement is shown in Fig. 923 c, this being used when the alternate shafts are to revolve in opposite directions. This permits the rope to be used double acting, as described in g 277 and shown in Fig. 860. Those portions of the rope marked i in Fig. 923 c, are in one plane, and those marked 2 in a second plane, giving clearance to the parts of the rope, and the rope is guided from one plane to the other by the guide pulley Z, and tightener Z'. Five of the seven driven pulleys are double acting, and hence are made double grooved. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Shafts which lie at right angles but in parallel planes, one above the other, are also readily driven by use of a ring trans- mission system. Fig. 924. Fig. 925. In the preceding cases it is desired to obtain a double wrap of the rope about the driving pulley K, the arrangement in Fig. 924 may be adopted. In this case two idler pulleys G^ and = — ■, the modulus of stress T T:= — and the modulus of transmission d (see (309)). u = . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 p = 1-37 1.88 2.S7 3-53 4-8^ 6.61 9.06 12.41 r = 3-69 1.64 1-39 1.26 1.18 1. 12 1.09 0.27 0.47 0.61 0.72 0.79 0,85 0.89 0.92 These values for t> and r are similar to those obtained for ten- sion organs generally, as indicated in the diagram already given in Fig. 816. It will be noted that the transmitting capacity of chain even with a single half-wrap about a smooth sheave is good. Since the specific capacity of a driving tension organ (see (262)) is equal to tVo =— — . — or — — se 33000 T 33000 we have for ordinary open link chains the following values for various stresses S: s ^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 5000 7000 8500 0,042 0.057 0.070 0.071 0.099 O.I2I 0.092 0.129 0.157 0.109 O.IS3 0.185 0.120 0.168 0.203 0.129 0.180 0.230 0.140 0.197 0.237 (311) The specific capacity is in all cases high, and for the generally accepted stresses in the chain cross section it varies from 0.042 to 0.237. 'Various applications permit variations in the value of S, the value being taken lower when it is desired that the wear through friction shall be reduced. The cross sec- tion of chain is determined from the ejuation N = 2 q v 7V_, (see \. 280) in which N is the horse power to be transmitted at a velocity v, and q is the sectional area of the iron of which the chain links are made. We have : ^ N . . '=rv-N: (^^4) The value of v is always low, and hence the influence of cen- trifugal force upon p may be neglected. Example i.— It is required to t making a half wrap about a smooth sheave, the minute and S = 8500 lbs. We then have for the • which corresponds to a diameter of 0.3 ii ., by means of a chain )city jy being 1180 feet per ;s section g of metal ; THE CONSTRUCTOR. q = ^-T~g- • ^^ = 046 sq. in. or a diameter of 0.27 in. ' This gives a lighter chain and at the s friction is materially reduced when ei g303). tering and leaving the s are from executed examples in the chaiu tramway of the Decido iron mines in Spain, built by Briill, of Paris. The dimensions are given in millimetres, and the chain is operated under a stress of about 5000 pounds per sq. in. By using grooved and pocketed sheaves the specific capacity may be greatly increased, the chain being held so securely that ..Jl|.Q7.Q. Fig. 931. as many as eight half-wraps may be used, arrangements for such sheaves are shown ir Two very practical illustrations, which Fig. 932. The sheave shown in Fig. 931 is for a 25 mm. {\" nearly) chain, and is made with inserted teeth of steel, and the form of Fig. 932 is similar, and is for an 18 mm. (0.7 in.) chain. In both cases the teeth are radial, and formed to receive the chain links, being secured by jam nuts in the second case, and by nuts fitted with the Belleville elastic washers, which latter have worked well in practice. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 213 In Pig. 933 is given an arrangement of chain sheave gearing, including a solid massive form of bearing, as used in many English collieries.* Here the sheave is made with eight semi- circular ridges or ribs, similar to the old form of capstan shown already in Fig. 794 a ; and both parts of the chain are carried on supporting pulleys. In many instances this arrangement is used, by widening the face of the sheave, to receive several wraps of chain, as shown in the upper right corner of Fig. 933. If we may safely assume that the ridges increase the coefficient of friction at least three times, in the preceding formulas tS'i) and (312), we have for the corresponding modulus of friction p' : In this case the pitch length / of the links is taken = 3.5 d, and making r = 5 /, we get Fx= {T -\- i) o.o36/j, and if we put for the loss at both sheaves : which gives for = 2.5« , (315) u 'A ' ^ 3 4 p' = 1.58 2.50 6.25 15.63 39.06 2.72 1.67 1. 19 1.07 1.03 0.37 0.60 0.84 0.94 0.97 from which the security against slippage and also the specific transmitting capacity may be determined for any given case. Within moderate limits chain transmission may be used as a " ring" system, as for instance in driving; the rollers of carding machines, also in wood pulp grinding mills a ring chain trans- 1 is used for driving the feed rolls. ?303- Efficiency of Chain Transmission. The loss of efficiency in a chain transmission is due to jour- nal friction, dependent upon the chain tensions T^and/; and upon the friction of the links in entering and leaving the sheaves. The journal friction is determined as already shown in \ 300, and for high values of Q, it is not great. The loss from chain friction is due to the rotation of each link about its adjoining link as an axis through an angle /3. This gives, with a coefficient of friction y"i, a circumferential resisting force F-^, due to chain friction (see formula 100) ^-■(-o(v)e/)- Ek — o 072 /j - . (3 '6) * The illustration is from Newi efficient of friction 7^2 = ', as in the preceding sect £. = 0.07. Xo.x5(^)= 0.0.5 or only 2}^ per cent. Example 3.— By using carefully made pocketed teeth and making u = 8, £* = o.o7.Xo..5(;-f;^)=o.ox=6 or only ij^ per cent., this reduction beingdue to the reduction in the tension on the chain, showing the importance of considering the question of chain tension iu this connection. In the preceding examples the friction of the links upon each other has been considered, but not that of the links upon the sheave. This latter is a very variable quantity, being unimpor- tant with a smooth sheave, as Fig. 930 a, and sometimes becoming excessive, as shown already in Fig. 8386, \ 275. In every case all possible care should be taken to produce as little rubbing contact as possible. I 304. INTFRMEDIATK STATIONS FOR CHAIN TRANSMISSION. The most important applications of chain transmission are in mining work, both above and below ground ; and especially in coal mines. In this branch of work England takes the lead, followed by America, where, however, wire rope is more exten- sively applied, while in Germany the most applications are found in the Saarbruck district. A very interesting application of endless long distance chain transmission is shown in Fig. 934, which gives two views of the «- -ii8iru..«. llSni— J T'. % ::-^^::^3:-.::'|| f^lFf ! \ 132m 1 ,i_ i - i Fig. 934- (Dimensions in Metres.) 214 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Gannow mine at Burnley in Lancashire. The driving pulley is at T, and guide pulleys at L, while at L' \s, a tightener pullej' hung between two idlers, a construction which is frequently used. The rotation is modified in various ways in the English mines, stations similar to those of rope transmission systems being used. formulas (239) and (240) or from the graphical diagram of Fig-. 816. Such strap brakes are frequently made with straps of iron or steel. It is generally desirable to so arrange the parts that the motion of the pulley acts to draw the strap into closer engagement, which may be done in various ways. Fig. 937 shows several such arrangements. The various parts are indicated as follows : i is the axis of the pulley ; 2, the point of application of the brake ; 3, the attach- ment of the tight side of the strap ; 4, the attachment for the slack side ; 5, the axis for the brake lever. In Fig. 937 rt, 3 and 5 are separate ; in Fig. 937 b they are combined in one, and in F'g- 937 <^ both 3 and 5 are separate, but 3 and 5 are made mova- ble, and 3 and 5 are so nearly in line with 3" that a very slight effect is produced on the lever by T. In Fig. 938 rt 3 and 4 are combined, and at the same time 3 and 5 are nearly in line with T. Fig. 9386 is the so-called Fig. 935. In Fig. 935 is shown an intermediate station at 7\ T.^, and also on angle station at L. In many instances combinations of bevel glaring and shafting are found in connection with chain transmission, but the examples here given are confined to the use of chain alone. Fig. 936. In Fig. 936 an intermediate station is shown at T^ 7^, and a change station at Zj, T^. At T'j, Fig. 936, the chain makes an entire wrap around the sheave, the latter being made with a ■wide groove, and interference of the two parts of the chain pre- vented by guide sheaves. The simple supporting stations are made with small horizontal guide sheaves, with wide grooves. The velocity of the chain varies from 200 to 500 feet per minute. Strap Brakes. If a driven pulley is embraced by a tension organ, either belt, rope, strap or chain, the ends of which are subjected to tensions 7" and /, and also held from moving, the pulley is hindered from moving toward t, so long as the fbrce acting to rotate it does tiot exceed /*=■ T — t. The tension organ then forms, with the pulley and stationary frame work, a friction ratchet system in which the tension organ forms the pawl. If the tension 7 be reduced until T — i /(?.— Required a brake for a shaft driven hva force of 2200 pounds at a lever arm of 7.875 inches. The form chosen is that of Fig. 938 a- the arc of contacted of the strap being- 0.7 of the circumference. The coefficient of friction/= 0.1, the strap being lubricated. -W'ethen haveycx = o.t x 14 ■"■. = 0.14 TT = 0.43. -We then have from the second table of § 264, the tension ;arly, and the friction modulus .5 (see o the diagram. Fig. 816). This gives — = % . -^- = J^ X 2,88 = 1.92. make the brake pune5' with a radius of 15.75 in., the braking force at t cumference of the pulley must be . 2200 = iioo lbs., and t — 1.92 15-75 !.88 X -IIOO = 3168 poi 1 a force of 44 pounds — = 48. The strap is und^ permissible stress of 5 = ii (a) Clamping Brakes. — When a strap brake is to be used to act as a complete clamping brake, to check motion entirely, the tensions 7" and must be determined. These are obtained from is quite practicable. THE CONSTRUCTOR. The question of the pressure be According to formula (241) -~ = - ;n the braking surfaces is we have for the tight t t the slack end, s - 48 lbs., both of which such small v; the wear must be very slight. This example shows how, in a properly arranged construction, a great ratio of force to resistance can be obtained. In large winding engines the brake pulley can readily be cast in one with the rim of the drum gear. The method of securing the ends a b of the metal strap is shown in Fig. 940. The form at a, is secured by countersunk rivets, and that at d, by an anchor head and a single small rivet to prevent lateral slip- page. (d) Sliduig Brakes. — In using clamp brakes operated by hand for lowering heavy loads in hoisting machinery, great care must be taken, since the throwing out of the checking pawls puts the entire resistance on the brake. With this arrangement there is always more or less insecurit}^, the safety depending upon the handling of the lever, and serious accidents have frequently occurred. This danger can be avoided by the use of automatic sliding brakes, the following form being designed by the author, and shown in two forms in Fig. 941. The brake pulley a, is loose on the shaft, but engages with it by means of a ratchet system a' b' c' . The brake is subjected to a tension equal to Fig. 940. Fig. 941. the greatest braking force desired ; i. e. so that the weight K must be raised in order to permit the load to run down. If the lever is let go, for any reason, the descent is checked. In form a, the pawls are attached to the piilley, and the ratchet wheel a' keyed to the shaft ; in b, the pawl is on a disk c' . When the load is raised the combination forms an ordinary ratchet train. A silent ratchet, Figs. 673, 674 may be used for this device. At c, is shown a pendulum counterweight, which can be adjusted so as to vary the braking power to suit various loads. Another form of sliding brake, also designed by the author, is shown in Fig. 942. In this design the strap b, is given such Fig. 942. tension t, by means of the screw e 7, and lever c, as to hold the load from descending ; a rubber spring being introduced at 7. If the load is to be lowered, the clamp e, is loosened, but is again tightened on ceasing. When hoisting, the tension t at 2" is readily overcome. This is in reality a form of running ratchet gear, and as shown it is made with a strap of wedge section, the angle being 45°. The wedge portion is made of wood on iron at least 0.20') increased by -^ which when used to multi- ? 306- Chain Brakes. orga cause of the use of the wooden block, arc of contact is less than 180°, we have hi-akp construc- tion, in which case it is generallj' lined with blocks of wood, as in Fig. 943. The tensions T and t, to be given to the two parts of the cha:u. are readily oi^ tained from for- mula (312). The ratio of chain pitch length /, to the pulley radius r, is increased be- Whan / = >< r and the ^C-f)- • (316) For wood on iron we may take f = 0.3 (see section 193)- This gives : p=--- = I . i9= 2.3s ; also and- = 0.74, < 0.74 P. These proportions should not be strictly followed for heavy brakes such as in Fig. 939, as such should be determined for each case. I 307. iNTERNAi, Strap Brakes. Strap brakes may be used in internal pulleys, in a manner similar to the internal ratchet gear of Fig. 711, for example. The outside of the strap then acts upon the inner surface of the pulley, the strap being subjected to compression instead of ten- sion,* thus becoming a pressure organ, a subject treated more fully in the following chapter. Fig. 944- The pressure of the internal strap brake is of the same mag- nitude as with the external brake, but in the opposite direction, so that the previously determined value of p from the forces T and t, may be used. Fig. 944 shows three forms of such brakes, these being used for friction couplings, and not in hoisting machinery (see Fig. 449). Fig. 944 «, is Schurman's friction coupling, t The brake lever c, acts by means of a wedge 4, upon one end of the strap. The other end of the strap is. held by a pin 3, to the member d, which is to be coupled to a by means of the strap b. The lever c, is also pivoted to the mem- ber d. For the forces T and /, we may use formula (239), and since a is nearly ^ 2 -, or say = 6, we have for/ = o. i the value/ o = 0.6, which from the table of \ 264 gives p ^^^^ 1.82, and r = 2.22, whence t -^^ 1.22 P. The strap must be released by the action of a spring. Fig. 944 b, is Adyman's coupling.^ which is made with a heavy cast iron ring. The ring h, is made in halves, b' and b", fitted with projections 4' and 4'' which engage with an interme- diate sheave keyed on the shaft. * See Theoretical I tZeitschrift des V« X Made by Bagshav matics, p. 167 ; p. 548. s Deutscher Ingenuiere, Vol. V. p. 301, 3ons, Batley, Yorkshire. 2l6 THE CONSTRUCTOR. The levers c' and c" have a common axis at 5, and when separated by a wedge at 6, the}' press upon the ends of the ring at z' aud 3". A piu at 7, keeps the levers from sliding in the direction 7 . i, as well as the ring b' b" . The coupling shown in Fig. 944 r, acts both ways, as an inter- nal and external strap brake, and is used on a shaping machine by Prentiss. * The steel strap b, is covered with leather. When ihe arms c' c" are drawn together it acts as an external strap on the pulley a" , and when they are forced apart it becomes an internal strap in the pulley a' . The arms c' c" are carried on sleeves and are rotated to or from each other by a screw action. CHAPTER XXIII. PRESSURE ORGANS CONSIDERED AS MACHINE ELEMENTS. force" of the pressure organ serving to retain it -within the desired limits. Canals are merely conduits of larger dimen- Various Kinds of Pressure Organs. In distinction from the various kinds of tension organs which have been considered in the four preceding chapters, there exists another group of machine elements of which the sole or principal characteristic is that they are capable only of resist- ing forces acting in compression. This group includes fluids, both liquid and gaseous, whether limpid or viscous, such as : Water, oil, air, steam, all pasty substances, clay, molten metals; also granular materials, all kinds ^f grain, meal, gravel, etc. In all these materials the principal feature lies in the fact that the particles are subdivided to such an extent that they can be separated from each other by a very small force, while on the other hand they are capable of opposing more or less resistance to compression, this resistance in many instances, as, for exam- ple, in the case of water, almost equalling that of metals. These materials may be used as machine elements in a great variety of ways, and in the following discussion they will be included under the general title of Pressure Organs. Like their coun- terparts the tension organs already discussed, they are used largely for the transmission of motion in various manners, but are of still greater importance on account of the great variety of physical conditions in which they appear. I 309- Methods of Using Pressure Organs. The distinction which has been made between tension and pressure organs enables various points of contrast and compari- son to be made as regards the methods of uiilizing them, and pressure organs may be divided in the same manner as tension organs (see \. 262) iuto standing and running organs. These divisions have but little practical application in this instance, but the three following subdivisions in \. 262, viz. : Guiding, Supporting (i.e , raising or lowering), and Driving are here applicable also. We may therefore distinguish pressure organs, when considered as machine elements, into the following classes : 1. For Guiding. 2. For Supporting (including raising and lowering). 3. For Driviug. These various methods of action may be used either separately or in combination, and are found in most varied forms in many machine constructions. The great variety of possible combina- tions makes it desirable for a general view of the entire subject to be taken before discussing details. ?3io. Guiding by Pressure Organs. In order to use a pressure organ for guiding, /. e., to compel a more or less determinate succession of motions, it is necessary to use also two other machine elements formed of rigid mate- rials. These latter are for the purpose : a, Of resisting the internal forces of the pressure organ and keeping it within the desired limits. b, Of connecting the pressure organ with the external forces to be received and opposed. Tubes, Conduits, Canals.— Th& tube a, Fig. 945, limits the boundary of the particles of the pressure organ, and retains it in the desired form and controls its direction. A bend in a tube corresponds to a pulley around which the pressure organ is bent, and thus has its direction changed. Even when no change of direction is made, the tube is necessary to oppose re- sistance to the particle of the pressure organ, and hence at every section it must offer resistance to tension as well as com- pression. Conduits, or channels, as at b, are tubes with one side left open, the force of gravity or the so-called "living Fig. 945- sions, as at e, and natural streams of water often serve the pur- pose. Driving Organs, Pistons and Cylinders. — The bodies by means of which the pressure organ is connected with the exter- nal forces and resistances with which it is intended to act mechanically may be called generically. Driving Organs, and are very varied in character. Among these are movable recep- tacles, also moving surfaces or moving conduits (as in turbines), and also moving pistons in tubes or cylinders. A piston serves to oppose the stress in the pressure organ in the direction of its motion, while the walls of the tube oppose their resistance at right angles to the direction of motion. The inclosure in which a piston acts is called, in general terms, the cylinder, and details of construction will be given hereafter. The principal types will here be considered briefly. A complete working contact between piston and cylinder can only be obtained when both surfaces are alike, and this is only geometrically possible with three forms of bodies ; i. e., prisma- tic bodies, bodies of rotation, and spirally formed bodies. Of these the prismatics are most useful, and among the prismatic bodies the form most extensively used is the cylinder. The fit of a piston in its cylinder, entirely free from leakage,- is very difficult of attainment, and is rarely attempted in practice. In steam indicators the piston is very accurately fitted directly into the cylinder, but in most cases a practically satisfactory result is obtained by the use of some intermediate packing device. ^B Fig. 946. In many cases a soft packing of hemp or leather is used, Fig. 946. At a is shown a piston with external packing, at d an internal packing. In these cases one entire end of the cylinder is open, the piston filling the entire cylinder and acting upon the inclosed pressure organ on one side, this constituting a single-acting position. At c and d are similar double acting pistons. Pistons of the fornrs shown in a and b are sometimes called plungers, and the shorter inclosed pistons, as c or d, are also called piston-heads. At 1? is a double-acting piston used in connection with a rod and stuffing box, the rod being connected with external mechanism, and the stuffing box made either with external or internal packing, as indicated at i and i'. In many instances pistons are made with openings which are fitted with valves, and hence may be called "valved" pistons, while those here shown are termed closed or solid pistons. The tightness of the packing is usually produced by the appli- cation of some external force, but in the so-called forms of self- acting packing the necessary pressure is supplied by the con- fined fluid. This is shown in the following illustrations. *See Mechani Feb., 1884, p. J Fig. 497- Fig. 947 a and b, Cup packing for piston or stuffing box ; metal THE CONSTRUCTOR. 217 packing, usually for pistons, but also used in stuffing boxes. The fluid in all three cases enters behind the packing rings and tightens the joint in proportion to the increased pressure. In the class of self-acting packing may also be included the various forms of liquid packing, some of which are given in Fig. 948. The forms at a and b are practically plungers, while in many cases an ordinary packing has its tightness increased by a layer of water or oil upon the piston, as shown at c. Another variety occurs when the connection between cylinder and piston is made by means of a membrane or diaphragm, as in Fig. 949. Fig. 949. These are among the oldest forms of transmission organs, but are practically true pistons in principle and action. At a is a single diaphragm, known as the monk's pump : i^ is the so- called ' • bellows ' ' form ; ^ is a series of flexible metal diaphragms, usually of steel, brass or copper, used for pressure gauges or other similar purposes involviug but little movement. At d is the so-called "bag" pump, in which the liquid does not come in contact with either cylinder or piston, but is confined within a flexible bag. ?3"- Guide Mechanism for Pressure Organs. The combination of a pressure organ and its accompanying guide mechanism forms a pressure transmission system. EJx- FiG. 951. amples of such systems are given in outline in Fig. 951. At a is an arrangement for raising the load Q vertically. The plungers b and d are of the same diameter ; the pressure on b must be the same as Q, neglecting friction. The column of water is the same diameter as the plungers, and the direction is changed an angle of 120°. It is desirable that distinguishing names should be given to the various arrangements. If we compare these with the corresponding parts in tension organs, Fig. 784 and Fig. 785 a, we may properly call such an angle transmission a hydraulic pulley, or water pulley, but a still bet- ter name is the "hydraulic-lever" or "water-lever," which will be hereafter adopted. At b is shown a free water-lever. The plungers b and d are equal in diameter, the load O is supported on two columns of water, hence, if friction is neglected, the force on each plunger will be Yz Q, the angle of change of direction is 180°. At ^ is a combination of case a with case b. The plungers ^1, b^, b-i, are of the same diameter, and the load Q is supported on these columns. These three cases correspond in principle with the similar cases a b coi Fig. 784. Since the three plungers bi, b.2, bg, of case c all exert the same force, they may also be made to give the same result when made as shown at d, or if the three plungers are combined in one, form e is obtained. The latter form is well known in practice as the hydraulic press. The principle involved in all these devices is the same as appears in the various pulley systems of tension organs. A comparison of Fig. 95 i a with e shows that the same prin- ciple exists in both and case a may be considered as a water- lever of equal arms and case ^ as a lever of unequal arms. Fig. 950. Another class of pistons is that in which a tight packing is not attempted, these usually being used only for air. Fig. 950 a shows a deep piston with grooves formed in it, the fluid endea- voring to pass the piston in the opposite direction to the motion of the latter, becomes entrapped in the grooves, and before it can pass,^ the direction of motion is changed and this action reversed.* At 6 is a piston with a brush packing, used for a blowing cylinder at Sydenham. In this class of pistons we ma}^ also include floats which rise and fall with the motion of the liquid. Such floats are shown at .; and d, the former being open and the latter closed. A solid block may also be used for this purpose, if its weight is nearly counterbalanced by another weight. Details of piston and cylinder construction will be given in Chapter XXVI. The corresponding machine elements to pis- tons in tension organs will be found for ropes in Figs. S25-826, and for chains in Figs. 831 to 834. The change of direction from compression to tension dispenses with the necessity for a cylinder. * See Weisbach, Vol. III., Part 2, I 410. The water-lever has been used in more or less complete de- vices for balancing the weight of pump rods in deep mine shafts. Fig. 952 shows Oeking's water counterbalance. f The THE CONSTRUCTOR. pump rod is carried on the two plungers d^ d.,. and its weight counterbalanced b}' the weighted plunger and cylinder a~b. In the Emery scales and testing machines water-levers of unequal arms are used iu connection with metallic diaphragms. Fig. 953. Fig- 953 shows a combination of two hydraulic levers, each of the form of Fig. 951 -' gh the solid rock, lization of plici , Pari: n des ci , Mer ,r les c Lult de ] Tigati n de I'ltalie Buffon, Cours d'agriculture Hydraulique agricoie, ap- ntrionale. Paris. 1861-1862 ; ■ -^ • e de Baird-Smyth, Irrigation in Southern India, Londou, --^-,_„, la conduite et de la distr. des eaux, Paris, 1865 ; Scott-Moncrieff, Irrigation in Southern Europe, London, 1868; Linant de Bellefonds Bey, Memoire sur les principau.>c travaux d'utilite publique en Eg\-pte etc., Paris, 1873; Krantz, Etude sur les raurs de reservoirs, Paris, 1870 ; F. Kahn, TJeber die Thalsperre der Gileppe bet Verviers, Civil ingenieur, 1870, p. i ; also an article by Charles Grad in "la Nature," 1876, p. 55 ; also a brief article by the author " Ueber das Wasser," Berlin, 1876. II See Glaser's Anualen, 18S5, Vol. XVII., p. 234. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 219 The opposite extreme to a high pressure accumulator is found in those pools or receptacles of water far below the natural sea level, such as are found in mines, and in the polders or drainage pools of Holland, Lombardy, and parts of Northern German}-. Reservoirs are not confined to use with liquids. Examples of Other fluids are found in the gasometers of gas works, in the receivers for compressed air, so extensivelj' used in mining ami tunneling, and in making the so-called pnetimalic foundations. Smaller reservoirs are found in the air-chambers on pumping machinery, and the like. The sewage S3'Stem of Berlin, designed by vou Hobrect, con- sists often drainage pits, with the water level below the natural level, arranged on the so-called radial system. The sewage i-^ pumped from these pits and delivered by means of pipes to sewage farms at a distance from the city. Negative receivers, so-called, may be used for air, as in the case of the coining presses of the English mint, where a vacuum chamber is used to receive the air already used for driving the machines, and kept pumped out by steam power. The venti- lating apparatus for mines also often contains such negative reservoirs for air. Reservoirs are also used for granular materials, such being extensively used in connection with grain handling machiner}-. A steam boiler may be considered as a physically supplied reservoir, as well as a ph3'sical ratchet system (see | 260). A combined physical and chemical reservoir is found in the elec- trical accumulator, which may properly be called a current- reservoir. A combined physically and mechanically operated negative reservoir is found in the various forms of refrigerating A modern application of pressure organs, and one which is rapidly extending in use, is that of the distribution of power in cities. Following the impulse given by the introduction of the high pressure water system of Armstrong, the use of gas in motive power engines by Otto followed, and many other methods of meeting the problem have been applied. In long distance transmissions of this sort, special reservoirs are often used, in which force may be stored, so to speak, and from thence distributed in a manner similar to the ring trans- mission system for rope (see \ 301). In this method the pres- sure organ after use is returned to the reservoir to be compressed and used again, or it may be used as in the line transmission and allowed to escape at the end of the line.* The following cases are given as applications of pressure organs in long distance transmission : 1. The London Hydraulic Power Company distributes 300 H. P. by means of water at a pressure of 46 atmospheres (675 pounds). A similar and earlier installation is in use at Hull. 2. The General Compressed Air Company distributes power by means of air at a pressure of 3 atmospheres (45 pounds) in Leeds and Birmingham. The system is an open line, and 1000 H. P. are used in Leeds, and 6000 H. P. in Birmingham.t In Paris the Compagnie Parisienne de I'air comprime, procedes Victor Popp, distributes power from three stations in quantities varying from a few foot pounds up to 70 or 80 H. P., a total of some 3000 H. P. The use of compressed air appears to be destined to a widely extended use for this purpose. 3. The distribution of power in New York by means of steam mains is extensive and well known. 4. The vacuum system is used also in Paris by the Societe anonyme de distribution de force a domicile. This is an open line transmission, operating in 1S85, about 200 H. P. 5. Transmission bj' highly superheated water has been used in Washington, by the National Superheated Water Co., dis- tributing heated water at pressures from 26 to 33 atmospheres (400 to 600 pounds), the water being converted into steam at the point of utilization. 6. The distribution of power by means of gas holders has already been referred to, and the distribution by electric cur- rents is rapidly being developed. ? 313- Motors for Pressure Organs. The methods of applying pressure organs to the development of motive power are even more varied as in the case of tension organs. For this reason a general view of the subject will be taken in order to obtain a classification which will simplify the discussion. The main distinctions are those of the character of the motion of the mechanism, and of the method of applying the pressure organ to the motor. The great difference in the character of the motion of the mechanism lies in the fact that it may be either continuous or intermittent, so that the motor may be either : A running mechanism, or A ratchet mechanism (compare \ 260). The ratchet pawls for pressure organs are the various forms of valves (see Chapter XXVI). The various forms may also be classified according to the fol- lowing important distinctions based on the method of driving. The pressure organ may drive, or It may be driven, or The impelling mechanism may itself be propelled. There is also a third distinction to be made, namely, whether the pressure organ acts merely by its weight, or whether it acts by its living force of impact. This last distinction cannot be sharply observed in practice, but is especially to be considered in discussing the theory of action of the various machines. In the following pages the various applications will be shown in a manner similar to that employed in I 262 for tension organs, following the system of classification outlined above, and be- ginning with running mechanism as the simpler of the two great divisions. A. RUNNIXG MECHANISM FOR PRESSURE ORGANS. \. 314- Running Mechanism in which the Pressure Organ Drives by its Weight. With a few unimportant exceptions the motors of this class are operated by liquids, which at moderate velocities practically follow the laws of gravity. In Fig. 957, a is an undershot -water-wheel, and 6 is a half- FiG 957 breast water The water is guided m a carved channel and the buckets are radial, or nearly so. The wheel is so placed that the buckets pass with the least practicable amount of clearance over the curved channel. At <: is shown a high -breast wheel, and at d an overshot wheel (compare § 47)- In these latter wheels the buckets are so shaped that they retain the water in the circular path, being closed at the sides also, while on account of the moderate pressure they are left open above. At e is shown the side-fed wheel of Zuppinger. Fig. 958, a is an endless ^ ,_ chain of buckets, and b a similar arrangement, using disks running with slight clearance in a vertical tube. In the wheels shown in Fig- 957 the water acts on the wheel much in the same manner as a rack acts when driving a pinion, and in this sense a water wheel may be considered as a gear wheel. When the water acts only by gravity these construc- tions are only practical when the wheel can be made larger in diameter than the fall of water, and w'here small diameters must be used the arrangements of Fig. 958 are available. Very small wheels acting under high pressures may be employed by making use of the so-called " chamber wheel work," X of which some examples are here given. ^^t * See a paper by the author in Glaser's Annalen . 1005, v 01. ^ t See Luptoii and Sturgeon, Compressed Air 7/s. Hydraulic P 1886: Sturgeon, Compressed Air Power Schemes, London, Birmingham Compressed Air Company, Birmingham, 1886. XVII., p. : ^-V Fig. 959 « is the Pappenheim chamber wheel train. In this the tooth contact is continuous, the teeth being so formed that the continuous contact of the teeth at the pitch circle prevents 220 THE CONSTRUCTOR. the water from passing, while the points and sides of the teeth make a close contact with the walls of the chamber. The downward pressure of the water enters into the spaces between the teeth and drives both wheels. The axes of the wheels are also coupled by a pair of spur gear wheels outside the case, thus insuring the smooth running of the inner wheels. This is the oldest form of chamber train mechanism known, and can also be used as a pump, operating equally well in either direc- tion. Fig. 959 b is Payton's Water Meter, with evolute teeth. The flow is intermittent, but one contact begins before the action of the previous one ceases. Fio- 959 ^ is Eve's chamber gear train. The ratio of teeth is I to 3, and the flow is also intermittent. The theoretical volume of delivery for all forms of chamber gear trains, whether con- tinuous or intermittent in deliver}-, is practically equal to the volume described by the cross section of a tooth of one of the two wheels for each revolution. Fig. 959 fl? is Behren's chamber train. In this case each wheel has but one tooth, as is also the case with Repsold's train (de- scribed herea:fter), and the gears belong to the class of disc wheels or so-called " shield gears " (see ^211). This arrange- ment possesses the great advantage of offering an extended sur- face of contact at the place between the two wheels where, in the previous forms, there is but a line contact. This permits a sufficient degree of tightness to be obtained without requiring the parts to press against each other. Behren's chamber gear makes an excellent water motor if the impurities of the water are not sufficient to injure the working parts. The flow of water through chamber gear trains is not uni- form, and the inequality of delivery increases as the number of teeth in the wheels is diminished, hence they should be driven only at moderate velocities when used as motors, in order to avoid the shocks due to the impact of the water. Fig. 960. Fig. 960 a is a current wheel, or common paddle wheel. The paddles are straight, and either radial, or slightly inclined toward the current, as in the illustration. The working contact in this case is of a very low order. Fig. 960 b is Poncelet's wheel. The buckets run in a grooved channel, and are so curved that the water drives upwards and then falls downwards, thus giving a much higher order of con- tact. At c is shown an externally driven tangent wheel. The buckets are similar to the Poncelet wheel, but with a sharper curve inward. The discharge of the water is inwards, its living force being expended. At d is an internally driven tangent wheel, similar to the preceding, but with outward discharge. The form shown at e is the so-called Hurdy-Gurdy wheel. The water is delivered through curved spouts, and this form is prac- tically an externally driven tangent wheel of larger diameter and smaller number of buckets. This wheel, from a crude makeshift, has become one of the most efficient of motors * Wheels with inclined delivery as made in the forms shown in Fig. 961. Fig. 961. At a is shown a crude form, used 01 1 rapid mountain * This is the Pelton Water Wheel, built in sizes as gr Mining and Scientific Press, 1884, p. 246, and 1885, p. 21. in Zurich, by Escher, Wyss & Co., with a casing, a eat as 300 H, p. See This wheel is built nd used for driving streams as a simple expedient, but of low efficiency ; b is the Borda turbine, consisting of a series of spiral buckets in a bar- rel shaped vessel ; c is tne so-called Danaide, the spiral buckets being in a conical vessel, this form being mostly used in France.f In the wheels which have been shown in the preceding illus- trations from Fig. 958, the living force of the water acts by direct impact through a single delivery pipe. The following forms differ from the preceding, in that the water acts simultaneously through a number of passages around the entire circumference of the wheel. This form gives the so- called hydraulic reaction in each of the inclosed channels, and hence wheels of this class are commonly called reaction wheels, or reaction turbines.| Fig. 962. Fig. 962 a: is Segner's wheel, the water entering the vertical axis and discharging through the curved arms ; b is the screw- turbine, entirely filled with water ; c is Girard's current turbine, with horizontal axis, and only partially submerged ; fi^is Cadiat's turbine, with central delivery, and e is Thomson's turbine with circumferential delivery and horizontal axis, the discharge being about axis at both sides. In all five of these examples the column of water is received as a whole, and enters the wheel undivided until it enters the wheel ; in the following forms the flow is divided into a number of separate streams. In driving running mechanism by impact, fluid pressure organs, both liquid and gaseous, may be used, as will be seen from the following examples. Fig. 963. Ifig- 963 « is the Fourneyron turbine, acting with central delivery ; the guide vanes are fixed and the discharge of the water is at the circumference of the wheel ; ^ is a modification of the Fourneyron turbine, the water being delivered upwards from below, and sometimes called Nagel's turbine ; c is the Jonval or Henschel turbine, the guide vanes c being above the wheel, which is entirely filled by the water column ; af is Fran- cis' turbine, with circumferential delivery through the guide vanes c* \ e is the Schiele turbine, a double wheel with circum- ferential delivery and axially directed discharge. In the latter three forms a draft tube may be used below the wheel, to utilize that portion of the fall, as indicated in forms c and d. Fig. 964. For gaseous pressure organs, of which wind is the principal example, some forms are here given. Fig. 964 a is the German windmill, with screw-shaped vanes ; b is the Greek and Anato- lian windmill, with cup-shaped vanes. Both forms are similar in action to the above described pressure wheels. At c is shown the so-called Polish windmill, with stationary guide vanes ; || rf is Halladay's windmill, made with many small vanes, which place themselves more and more nearly parallel with the axis as the force of the wind increases, the rudder c^ keeping the wheel to the direction of the wind. The extreme position of the vanes is shown at e- Anemometers and steam turbines are examples of wheels in which other pressure organs than wind are used. tSee eisbach-Hei 1, Mechanics leering, Part II., Section 4, s use of the term reaction is hardlv desirable for this construction, the proposed name of "action turbine," and the name "pressure ?s " is to be preferred. s form is well made by J. M. Voith, of Heidenheim, WUrtemberg. ;ueil des Machines avantageuses, Vol. I., No. 31, 1699, also from thence in Henning's Sammlungvon Machinen und Instrumenten, Niirn- THE CONSTRUCTOR. Running Mechanism in which the Pressure Organ is Driven against the Action of Gravity. Running mechanism for the purpose of elevating liquids, and especially for lifting water, are of very early origin, and the various machines for this purpose form the very oldest of machine inventions. there is no necessity for distinguishing in classification between them as pumps for liquids or for gaseous fluids. Fig. 967 c is -—r-^ —-l Fig. 965- Fig. 965 a is a bucket wheel, the vessels on the circumference lifting the water ; this is driven by the power of men or animals, or in many instances by a current wheel (as in Fig. 960 «).* At b is the Tympanon of Archimedes, used down to modern times, the sections deliver the water through openings into the axis; c is a paddle wheel, only adapted to raise the water a small height, much used in the polders of Germany, Holland and Italy. The paddles are made either straight, or curved, or sometimes slightly crooked at the end.f At d is the Archime- dian screw, which, when placed at an angle as shown, is well adapted to elevate water. The Archiniedian screw is exten- sively used in all positions for the granular and pulverized materials, in which cases the outer cylinder is omitted and a stationary channel substituted, as shown at c, in Fig. 965 e, and if the transportation of material is in a vertical direction the screw is entirely surrounded by a stationary tube. A still later form is made with a wire spiral, by Kreiss of Hamburg. * Large wheels of this sort have 1 ■es its water supply fror J A rccenc installation ot such p£ the Mahraudieh Canal, in Egypt. driven by a separate steam engine canal. The Engineer, i8»7, p. 57. J Such pumps, made by Klein, Schanzlin & Becker, at Frankenthal, deli- ver water from 2 to 30 feet, the revolutions being from 15 to 22 per minute, and diameters from ao to 70 inches. ffl^ rf^ ■"^::^ Fig. Fabry's ventilating machine for mine ventilation, consisting of a double-toothed combination chamber train, with unequal duration of contact. Root has also used the form shown at d, which has unequal contact duration, and which has since been made by Greindl as a pump.^ Fig 966 Fig. 966 a is the spiral pump, in which the screw of Archi- medes is replaced by a channel formed in a plane spiral. In this form the inclosed air becomes compressed by the speed of revolution of the mass, and the water can be forced quite a con- siderable height.! Fig. 966 6 is a conical spiral pump called after its inventor, Cagniard Latour, a Cagniardelle. The Cag- niardelle is usually placed entirely in a trough, but the illustra- tion shows how the end of the spiral may be modified so as to require no enlargement of the delivery channel. The diameter of the cone is adapted to the height to which the water is to be lifted. The Cagniardelle may also be used as a blower, the in- closed water driving the entrapped air before it. The chain and bucket devices already shown in Fig. 958 as motors are also well adapted to drive the pressure organ, and are in practical use in numerous modifications. Fig. 958 a is extensively used in dredging machinery, grain elevators and the like, and Fig. 958 b is much used for lifting water. The various forms of chamber gear trains already described, give by inversion corresponding forms of driving mechanism, some examples of which are here given. Fig. 967 a is Repsold's pump ; each wheel has one tooth, the profiles being formed as described in \ 207 ; b is Root's blower, the wheels having two teeth each, and the action being the same as the Pappenheini machine. Fig. 959 «. This device has been very extensively used as a blowing machine. Since the action of these machines in drawing air against pressure is simi- lar to that of lifting water agaiqst the resistance of gravity, The town of Hamath, of 40,000 inhabi- Idle wheels has been made at Atfeh, on Eight wheels 32,8 feet diameter, each fting water from the Nile 8>^ feet to the 15,000,000 cubic feet in 24 hours. See Fig. 968. Greindl also makes the form shown in Fig. 968 a, with gears of one and two teeth, and rightly claims it to possess the advan- tage of a greater freedom from leakage. The form shown at b has been used by Evrard as a blower, but it does not differ in principle from a. Baker's blower, shown at c, is a triple cham- ber train, also used by Noel as a pump. It has already been stated that Behren's pump. Fig. 959 d, has also been used as a steam engine. As long ago as 1867 a steam fire engine has been constructed by putting two of these machines on the same axis, one being driven by steam, the other forcing the water. Chamber gear trains may also be used to be worked in con- nection Fig 969 shows an arrangement in which the chamber Fig. 969. train A delivers water to a distant one B, driving the latter and receiving the discharge water from B through a return pipe to be used again. The combination forms a transmission system of the second order (see ^ 26), and is similar to a belt or chain transmission. The loss in efficiency in this device is not an un- important consideration. An important class of machines consists of those made with tension organs for transporting grantdar materials. For this purpose belts, chains, etc., are used, and when the transmission is horizontal, or nearly so, grain is successfully transported on wide belts.ll Another application is that of Marolles, using an iron belt, 40 in. wide, 0.06 in. thick, for transporting mud. Twelve such machines were used on the Panama Canal work, the distance being 200 feet, and the speed of the band 12 to 40 feet, according to the nature of the material. Similar apparatus at the Suez Canal handled material at a cost of 7.6 cents per cubic yard. Running Mechanism in which the Pressure Organ is Driven by Transfer of Living Force.- The tuethod of driving pressure organs by a transfer of living force is one which admits of numerous applications, as the fol- lowing examples show. Fig. 970 fl is a centrifugal pump for moving liquids. The driving mechanism consists of the curved blades, which in g The firm of Klei: inzlin & Becker, at Frankenthal, make a line of ' cubic feet per minute, .lo 10 ii.o uis. uiaraeter. These are driven 1, acids, paper pulp, syrup, etc., as well as II An excellent transmission is in use at Cologne. See also Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Vol. VI., 1884-S5, p. 400. At the Duluth elevator a rubber belt 50 inches wide, running 600 to 800 feet per minute, carries grain from 600 to 900 feet horizontally. A ^6" belt has carried 14,000 bushels per hour. THE CONSTRUCTOR. many instances are made in one piece -with the wheel itself, this adding to the efficieuc}-. These pumps have been most suc- cessfull}' made by Gwyune, Schiele, Neut and Duniont among Fig 970 others.* Centrifugal pumps have been successfully used as dredging machines for lifting wet sand, gravel and mud, in- stances among others being the North Sea Canal at Amsterdam, and the harbor at Oakland, California. Fig. 970 1^ is the well known fan blower used everywhere for producing a blast of air, and acting by centrifugal force. When used and that the two actions alternate with each other. The operation of the valves is such that the four spaces /to IV are connected alternately in the order /-// and III-IV, and /-/// and II-IV. From this it will be seen that if sliding valves are used they may all be con- nected together, or united in the same construction. This may be done as shown in Fig. 987 a, which represents the so-called ' ' four-way ' ' cock. As here shown, all four of the passages are closed, this position correspoudiug to the end of the piston stroke. When the plug is turned 45°, as shown by the dotted lines, /and /// are connected, and also //and IV \ and if it is turned the same amount in the other direction, /and //aud /// and IVaie Fig. 986. Fig. 987. connected. The portions b^ and bi may be omitted, as in Fig 9S7 b, and the passages //, IV and ///brought closer together, as shown at c. From this form it will readily be seen how the passage /can be converted into a mere delivery pipe, and the radius of curvature of the bearing surfaces, made of infinite length, giving the well-known slide valve. Fig. 987 b. In like manner other forms may be developed. It must not be forgot- ten that this device really consists of four valves combined in one, and in fact recent forms of steam engines contain the four valves made separately, these often again being lift valves. A noteworthy peculiarity in the forms shown in Fig. 987 a and d must be considered. In both instances the valve overlaps the port on both sides, this being technically known as "lap."' It is also apparent that the lap on the two sides of one port may diff"er, and that diff'ereut laps may be used for diff"erent ports. By use of this expedient the opening and closing of'the ports need not be simultaneous, but may occur successively. From the preceding considerations the following propositions may be laid down ; the latter applying to all, and the former to nearly all, lift valves : The application of slide valves in all fluid ratchet trains de- pends upon two principles: 1. The combination of several valves into one piece. 2. The control of the time of action of these valves by means of the lap. * See Fink. " Konstruction der Kolben-und Zentrifugalpuinpen," Berlin, 1872; also Bach, "Konstruction der Feuerspritzen." t This name is spelled as given above iu the earliest records, and not " Guericke," as is often given. Fig. 988. The application of a slide valve to a pump is shown in Fig. 988 a. In this case /is the discharge outlet, aud IV the suction connection. In such pumps it is necessary to provide some mechanism to operate the valve, and such mechanism is termed the " valve gear." This valve gear may be arranged in a great variety of ways. A simple form of gear is that shown in the figure, 988 a, in which an arm 6, attached tn the piston rod, moves the valve by striking against tappets 5' and 5^'' on the valve stem. This THE CONSTRUCTOR. -arrangement is similar to the locking ratchet of ]'"ig. 753. It has the defect, however, of requiring the piston to move rapidly, or else the valve will not be carried past the middle position, and the pun:p will stop. This defect can be met by using a trip gearing device such as shown in Figs. 742 and 743, to continue the condition of the valve when started by the impulse of the piston rod. A somewhat simpler method is that in which the reciprocating motion of the pump rod is used to revolve a shaft by means of a crank, Fig. 988 b, from which the valve may be operated by means of a return crank or eccentric. This arrangement is •often used, especially for blowing engines, etc.* It will be apparent that a four- way cock device, Fig. 987, ma}' be arranged so as to be operated by continuous revolution, instead of a reciprocating motion, and hence the eccentric may be omitted and a rotary valve device substituted. In Fig. 988 b the crank and crank shaft are used merely for the purpose of actuating the valve gear. It is practicable, Tiowever, when a crank is once admitted, to use it still further as one of the parts of the pump, such as in chamber trains. Many such devices haae been proposed, f although but few of these have been put to practical use. The three following de- vices will illustrate. Fig. 989. rig. 989^ is Pattison's pump, a form of chamber-crank train. The crank a here assumes the form of an eccentric, the rod b Lecomes a flat piston, the edges of which form a tight joint -with the ends of the cylindrical chamber d. In the position shown in the illustration the spaces //and /and I/I and IV are in communication. In the dotted positions /// is connected with /, followed again by // and / and /// and IV. This trans fer of communication is produced by the action of the crank, and hence no other valves are necessary. The form shown at Fig. 989 b is made with an oscillating •cylinder. The piece c, which plays an inconspicuous part in Fig. 989^, is now used for the chamber, and its oscillating motion with regard to b supplies the necessary valve action. Oscillating pumps are used in a variety of forms. Fig. 9891: is Beale's gas exhauster, made with a so-called "sliding crank" c, which acts at the same time as crank and piston. Without the use of special valves, the spaces // and ///interchange with /and IVhy the revolution of d. Beale's exhauster is in successful and extensive operation in various ^as works. In the examples cited and in the numerous modilications of them, it will be noticed that the checking or ratchet action of the liquid is invariably performed by slide valves. One of the objections to the use of slide valves for ordinary -water pumps is the wear upon the surfaces due to impurities in the water. When the water is free from such objectionable impurities, it is to be considered whether slide valves might not. be much more generally employed than has hitherto been the ■case. If this form of valve were given the benefit of practical study and experience, it ought to be possible to avoid the shocks due to concussion existing in pumps made with lift valves when operated at high speeds.; A great number of valve forms have been designed, ? using combinations of single valves on the principle of the multiple ratchet (see \ 242), the action of the valves being assisted by weights, springs, etc, but these have not completely attained the desired end. !| , p. 929; ) Herrmann' *See Zeitschrift Deut AVeisbach's Mechanics, ■' _ . t See the author's "Theoretical Mechanics," in which over 90 chamber •crank trains are described and analyzed. \ Poillon refers to the fact that the automatic action of mechanically oper- ated slide valves enables high speeds to be obtained -with less noise than when lift valves are used, but also notes the -wear of the slide valves as an " n to their When the pump is used for pure water, as for drinking supply, the question of wear upon slide valves is not so important as with pressure pumps. A fair comparison can hardly be made, however, between pumps with slide valves and those with lift valves, as the former have been but little used and also not practically designed. It is a matter of surprise that when occasional applications of slide valves aie made in pumping machinery, that such devices should be considered as something new The difference be- tween the action of water and air is well known, and yet even with the slight weight of an air column the shock in blowing machines is most apparent. It can hardly be supposed that the other form would remain uninvestigated. The pumps shown in Fig. 989 a and c are commonly known as rotary pumps, which title is manifestly incorrect, since in form a there is an oscillating piston which does not rotate, while in form c, notwithstanding the rotary motion the action is similar to form a. Other so-called rotary pumps have been devised with curved piston action, some of these being as early as the 17th century. In some designs a radial slide acts in the pump case as a ratchet, and is drawn in and out by a cam of appropriaely curved profile. A large number of rotary pumps have been made on this principle, many of which will be found in Poillon's treatise. These pumps are usually made with metallic packing only, and are used in Italy and France for pumping wine and olive oil ; they are also adapted for brewery pumps. The undeniable predilection in favor of rotary pumps on the ratchet train principle is worthy of consideration. It is claimed that they have a higher efficiency, but this remains to be estab- lished ; also the rotary motion gives a continuous uniform motion to the wat:r column, but this is equally accomplished by the forms shown in Figs. 982 and 989. This uniform flow can only be approximately attained, as must be the case from the nature of the mechanism. The principle is that of a ratchet train which is intermittent in principle, and hence differs from a continuous running movement. The idea that such pumps give a continu- ous and uniform discharge is due to the fact that the column of water is operated directly from the part which is driven con- tinuously, but this by no means follows. This combination of a continuous running motion, with an intermittent ratchet action which is not apparent to the eye, will be shown in other cases hereafter. §321- Escapements for Pressure Organs. Ratchet trains found with pressure organs also include escapements as completely as is the case with the precedin§f forms of rigid ratchet mechanism. The ratchet of ^ 258, shown again in Fig. 990 may be considered as an escapement if we assume the checking of a by 6 to be uniformly opened and closed. If now, in Fig. 991, the checked member a is made a pressure organ, such as water, in communication at H with a pressure reservoir, or with a negative reservoir at T, or both, the regular lifting and closing of the valve b produces an escape- FiG. 990. Fig. 991. objection to their use. f See Riedler, Zeitschrift d. Deutscher Ingenieure, 1885, p. 5c II See Bach, " Konstruktion der Feuerspritzen," also in Deutscher lug., 1886, p. 421. Zeits tjeq. ■ift d. ment acting in a similar manner to Fig. 990. By means of such a device the pressure organ a can be constrained in per- forming mechanical work. The range of such an escapement is not determined by the teeth of a wheel, but on the contrary, is similar to a friction ratchet, and can be varied at will. The applications of escapements wi:h fluids are in principle the same as those formed of rigid bodies, but in practice their nature is very different. We have already distinguished between watch escapements and power escapements, and in the present instance the power escapements are by far the most important. For this reason the latter will be considered first. Unperiodical escapements are shown in the simple form of Fig. 991, in which the time of releasing and checking is regulated by hand ; a form very seldom found in rigid escapements. Periodical forms, similar to watch escapements, are used with pressure organs for measurement, but not for measurement of time, but THE CONSTRUCTOR. of volume. To these we may add the adjustable escapements on the principle of those described in ^ 259, and we have the following classification ; a. Unperiodical Power escapements. b. Periodical Power escapements. c. Adjustable Power escapements. d. Escapements for measurements of volume. §322. Fluid Escapements for Transportation. One of the simplest practical applications of the principle of Fig. 991 is Felbiuger's Postal Tube, shown in diagram in Fig. 992. The line tube d is connected with a reservoir of compressed reversal of 180°. This may be accomplished either by the use of tension organs or pressure organs. ^ Fig. 992. air at H, and at 7" with a similar negative reservoir. At 6 is a sliding pawl, here shown open ; the piston, or carrier c, in the form of a leather box containing letters, telegrams, etc., being driven through the tube. A valve b' enables the end of the tube to be thrown info communication with a second negative reservoir, and this mechanism can be arranged at both ends of the line so that the tube can be used for transmission in either direction. Such postal pneumatic tubes are well known and widely used.* An atmospheric escapement operated by a negative reservoir is found in the so-called "atmospheric railway," invented by Pinkus in 1834, and put into practical operation somewhat later in England by Clegg and Samuda. This was operated on the Kingston-Dalby road with a vacuum of 54 atmosphere in the exhausted receiver, but it is no longer in operation. When an escapement is intended to control the back and forth movement of a piston in the same path, the single valve shown in Fig. 991 is not sufficient, but at least a second. must be used, as is already indicated in Fig. 992. One of the most prac- tical of all fluid escapements is found in the lock used on canals and shown in diagram in Fig. 993. \«j^m>>^~»^% > Fig. 993. The canal is open on the upper side (see Fig. 945 b and c) ; the valves b-^ and b.^ are of the running ratchet form, and are in reality double gates. Smaller by-pass valves 6/ and b./ are used in order to enable the inlet and outlet of the water to be started gradually. The boat c forms the piston, and when the motion is upward, b-^ is the escapement valve, and when downward, ^^ is used. The above canal lock device, while extremely useful, pos- sesses a very low efficiency, since it not only uses a volume of water equal to the displacement of the boat plus the necessary clearance, but also discharges the whole lock chamber of water each time it is used. Later devices have been made for the same purpose, involving a less waste of water. If it is arranged for the service to be doubled by making two lifts adjacent to each other, it is eviderit that the descending boat can counter- balance an ascending one of the same weight, the only require- ment being that there must be some connecting mechanism in- volving the overcoming an additional resistance, and capable of a Fig. 994- Fig. 994 shows a double canal lift constructed by Green ieac the Grand Western Canal in England in 1840, the connecting mechanism being tension organs in the form of chains. The boats are carried in tanks c^ c,, the ends of which are closed by valves or gates b-^ and b.^, and similar gates 6/ and b./ also close the ends of the canal sections. A small addition to the weight on the descending side is sufiScieut to raise the other tank t Fig. 995. The substitution of a pressure organ for the chain was first made by Mr. Edwin Clark on the Mersey Canal in 1875, in the form of a hydraulic lever, as shown in Fig. 995. This shows clearly the equivalence of the cord or chain and pulley and the water lever, already referred to in I 311. The tanks c^ and c^ are carried on plungers 3 feet in diameter, and are 75 feet long and 15>^ feet wide. A head of (>" of water is sufficient to over- come the resistance of motion, and a lift of 50 feet is effected in three miuutes.J Smaller installations have been made by Clark and by Stanfield, and other large ones at the La Louviere Canal in Belgium, and the Neufosse Canal at Les Fontinettes, in France. The lifts are 43 ft. and 50 ft. respectively, and the plunger diameters 6>^ feet. The loss of water with these lifts is only about tj^ of the quantity used by common locks of the same capacity. ^ The preceding escapement devices are made for open canals, but escapements may also be constructed with closed tube con- nections. This latter type includes numerous hydraulic eleva- tors for lifting burdens of all kinds. An example of a direct-acting hydraulic elevator is given in Fig. 996, The two valves ax-e combined in one cock. The water under pressure enters at H, and the discharge against the atmospheric pressure is at A. The weight of the plunger is counterbalanced by two counterweights G with chains and t See Weisbach-Hermann, Vol. III., Part 2, p. 6 ISeeDuerTr.--- ^--' " " ^"-^ ^^-^ Spon., i88i, p. 1; g'see Colyer; j: 7 the length of the postal pneumatic tubes ii ; Robinson, p. 69 : 1 ,. „_, ., Schiffshebung in Frankreich ; a .. and Hafenwerkzeuge in Frankreich und England, Wien, Ceroid, 18S2, also Ernst, Hebezeuge, Berlin, Springer, 1883, p. 630. In Green's lif loaded boats descended and the empty ones ascended, hence an exce water was raised, which was permitted to overflow. These lifts enable 1 greater differences of level to be overcome than do the ordinar3' locks make it practical to use long stretches of canal and make an entire 1 one operation. It may be here noted that pneumatic lifts for canals designed in 1863 by the Swiss engineer. Seyler. THE CONSTRUCTOR. pulleys, aud the plunger operates the valve automatically by meaus of the rod b' , wheu the highest position is attained. This form of lift has been much used, sometimes of very large dimensions. The great passenger elevator of the Hamilton St. Station of the Mersey Tunnel has a plunger i%" in diameter, with a lift of 87;j feet, the car holding 50 A practical objection to direct-acting lifts of this form lies in the heavy counter- weights required, and also in the depth to which the cylinder must be sunk. A different form has therefore been designed in which a piston travel of moderate length is multiplied by use of a tension organ system, such devices being extensively used for passenger elevators, notably by the Otis Elevator Company. Hydraulic cranes are also forms of high pressure escapements, first designed by Armstrong, and since used by many others, especially in connection with Bessemer Steel plant, in which hydraulic cranes have proved most valuable. Fig. 997 shows the mechanism of a hydraulic crane by Armstrong. The piston is double acting, and there are four valves b^, b^, b-i, bi, of the type shown in Fig. 986, the external connections also being neces- sary in order to complete the escapement. The high pressure water enters at //, and passes through the pipe /, and is discharged to the atmosphere at /K The rod c^ is made of half the area of the piston ifj ■bi Ijtsli Fig. 996. Fio. 997. (compare Fig. 946 e). When b^ and b^^ are open, as in the illus- tration, the forward stroke is made with one-half the full force ; when b^ and b^ are open, the forward stroke is made with full force. By opening b., and b^, the return stroke is made by the pull of the load upon the chain. At b^ is a safety valve which comes into action should the load descend too rapidly, by the opening of b^ alone.* i 323- Hydraulic Tools. Hydraulic escapements, similar to those used for lifting loads are also applicable to machine tools. Among these may be noted the devices of Tweddell, for riveting, punching, bending, etc. (see ? 54). Figs. 998 and 999 show the arrangement of Tweddell's rivet- ing machine ; d is the piston, bi, b.^ the valves, one of which connects with the pressure reservoir at //, and the other with the atmosphere at A. When b^ is opened by the lever e, the hydraulic pressure enters above the piston d, aud the stroke is made. The return stroke is effected by means of the auxiliary piston dy, which is fast to d, and under which the water pres- sure is acting at all time.?. Cidving b^, and opening 62, enables this to act and lift the main piston. This gives practically a hydraulic lever of unequal arms, the shorter arm always being loaded with //, and the load on the longer arm varying between H and A. The lever mechanism d^, d" , d'", controls the length of stroke of the die, by means of the tappets d" and d"' , which are connected with the lever e. This is also used on the lift of Fig. 996, and shows the complete escapement. The arrangement of valves is shown in detail in Fig. 999.! * See Robinson. t See Weisbach-Herrnian, III., 2, p. -i/^o ; Colj'er, p. 11 ; Robinson, p. 52. t For fuller de.scriptions of Tweddell's machine see : Proc. Inst. C. E). LXXIU., 1883, p. 64 ; Kngiueer, July, 1885, p. 88 ; August, p. iii ; Revue Indus- trielle, 1884, p. 5: 1S85, p. 493; Mechanics, 1885, p. 272; also Rohinson, as above, and Zeitschr. Dtutschsr Ing., 1886, p. 452. Fig. 998. Fig. 999. The preceding apparatus resembles the hydraulic press. It is in fact quite different, being a genuine ratchet train, capable of all the modifications of such mechanisms as to speed, distance, and arrangement. On account of these points theapplications of pres- sure organ escapements are becoming rapidly more important. ?324. Pressure Escapements for Moving IvIquids. The use of unperiodic pressure escapements . for moving liquids in machine construction has been practiced from an early period, and at the present time improved de- vices for this purpose are much used. An almost forgotten device of this kind is Brindley's boiler feeding ap- paratus, Fig. 1000, this being based upon the principles already given in Fig. 991. The necessary opening of the valve b is made by the float c, and the closing by the counterweight Cj (compare Fig. 950). This apparatus was first applied to Watt's boilers, the feeding of the boilers of Newcomen's engines being effected by a cock operated by the attendant. Fig. lool is Kirchweger's steam trap for the removal of water of condensa- tion. The escape valve b is opened by the float c, which, in this instance, is open at the top, so that the water flows over the rim until it sinks, and thus opens the valve,- This valve motion is in itself a ratchet train, checked and released by the action of the float. When the valve is opened the water in the float is forced out by the pressure of the steam. ^ The slow moving float device, as in Fig. 1000, has also been advantageously used for operating steam traps, by Tulpin, of Rouen ; Handrick, of Buckau ; Piischel, of Dresden; Dehne, of Halle, and others. Similar escapements have been designed to separate air from steam, or air from water, as in the devices of Andral, Kuhl- mann, Klein and others. || Other examples of escape- ments of this kind are found iu the so-called Montejus, used for" elevating syrup in sugar refiner- ies, in the return traps of steam heating systems, aud in various other f'orms of boiler feeders, such as those of Cohnfeld. Rit- ter & Mayhew, and others, f Fig. : Fig. iooi. g This form of trap is mac Losenhausen, of Dusseldorf. England, and a feed pump on German Patent No. 3^, yyi. \ For illustrations of these devices .5ee Sclioll's FUhrer des Maschinisten, 10 ^it., p. 49J. V See Scholl, p. 235. many varieties, the one shown being by imilar one by MacDougal is much used in principle is made by Korting in Hanover ; THE CONSTRUCTOR. 229 B. PERIODICAL PRESSURE ESCAPEMENTS. Pumping Machinery. Periodical fluid escapement trains have a wider application than unperiodical trains, since it is practicable, as already shown, to use a fluid ratchet train to operate the valves in a simple manner. This makes it possible to produce the opening and closing of the valves in a periodical succession mechanically, instead of by the fluid column. In this construction the fluid column may therefore drive the piston, instead of being driven by it. This idea seems ver)^ simple, and yet pumps had been known for two thousand years, and had occupied the inventive energy of the preceding centuries before the simplest forms of the modern steam engine were devised. It is therefore all the more important in the study of machine design to investigate the fundamental principles involved. It is impossible, in the limited space which can here be given, to go into this subject in its entirety ; the arrangement of the valve gear of the Newcomen engine with tumbling bob gear, is an instructive example. In Pig. 1002 is shown Belidor's single acting water pressure engine.* in communication with the discharge, and since ^j is larger than ^1, the pressure between them moves them into the position (5/ b./. This puts the main cylinder in communication with the discharge, and the piston sinks by the weight of the load upon it. At the close of the stroke the tappet 6 moves the arm c^' into the position Cj again, and places the auxiliary valve in the first position and a new stroke is made. J This machine constitutes an escapement of the second order, since the small and large escapements alternately release each other ; the lever device S-6-c^ forms a third mechanism, so that the machine, as a whole, is of the third order. Fig. 1002. In the cylinder a' is a piston ; a^ is the entrance of the water, a.2 the discharge outlet. The valves d^ and d., are united in a three-way cock (see Fig. 987). This valve is operated from the piston rod c by a tumbling-bob gear (see Fig. 742). The tum- bling lever £ e^ e.,, weighted at £, is connected with the piston rod at ^1, and moves about its axis independently of the lever/". When the end of the piston stroke is nearly reached, the lever £ passes the middle point, and tips over, when the arm/"! strikes the levery and carries it to the position /'', moving the lever of the three-way cock from d to 6\ The arm c, is behind £. The return stroke of the piston moves the arm e.2 of the tumbling gear towards the right, and as the end of the stroke is reached, the tumbling bob is again tripped, and the three-way cock moved again into the position d. A cord secured at the ends to the points •-'-- = '- -^-- =' iels, 1877, No, 2 :879, No. 85;Z. D. Ingen- The above method of considering the influence of the ratio — is very simple. It is easy to substitute any desired ratio — ' , but the variation is slight. It must be noted that the distance I . 3 must be laid out to the actual scale of construction. I The application of Zeuner's diagram to the same case is made in the following man- ner. Fig. 1025. The circle I Co represents as before, the eccentric circle and the crank pin path. The angle Q . I . 2 = C^ . I . 2 ^ 90 — (5. With I as r. centre, describe circles with radii crank pin bv means of a pair of curved cams which act against increasing externalres'istance, aTid opposed by a spiral spring lor diminishing resis- tance. Tliis device does not give complet- --'=--- '-- ..-- ^--^ >-...: thee s of the 1 shall omplished by e' outward the s • P/-"! ' locity of a ward. This can be approximatel> of parts, but only approximately. is a tendency for the pin to mc - - creases, instead of moving promptly inward as should attempt to correct for this error, reverses it. 2. The an.s motor is not a function of the impelling force, z. f.. the .,.„,.. ,...^ .^,. fast or slow as the case may be, this fact also appearing in practice. This is a common error into which inventors of " dvuamonietnc governors" have fallen, even Poncelet, himself, having done so in his dynamometric regulator. II See Rigg. Obscure Influences of Recipro Trans. Soc C. E., 1886; also Engineer, June 4. >-°°^- •■ "•^>c <: on the compressed air systems of Birmingham and Leeds. If See Oppermanii, Portfeuille econ., Feb. i8f' ** See Genie ind. 1S64, also Schweiz. polyt. 2 ^igh Speed Engin tung, 1864, 1 THE CONSTRUCTOR. 237 Their action consists of the two following operations : i. By the adjustment of one part the release of another part to the action of an impelling force is accomplished ; 2. By the attain- ing of motion of the checked member, the checking is again produced either directly or indirectly. These principles also obtain for escapements for pressure organs, and include a great number of important applications. pressure being supplied from an accumulator. The valve b is operated by the plunger b' against the pressure of the springs b'" , and again reversed by the pistons Cj C^ and connection 5. The piece at 6 is not a lever but is a cross head connected with Fig. 1035. The general scheme of such an adjustable gear for a steam pump cylinder is shown in Fig. 10353. The valve chest fl?, is made separate from the cylinder d, and is capable of movement parallel to it, the connections a^ a.^ being made flexible. The slide valve b is operated from above by the lever b\ When the lever b' is lifted the pressure is admitted under the piston c through the port ///, while the space above the piston is in communication with the exhaust IV. This causes the piston to move upwards and hence the lever c' moves the steam chest d-^ also upwards, thus closing the valve ports and checking the movement of the piston. If the lever b' is again lifted this action will again take place, and so on until the upper limit is reached. A reverse motion of the valve lever produces a cor- responding reverse motion of the piston.* The same action may be obtained by using the arrangement shown in Fig. 1035 b. In this case the valve chest is fast to the steam cylinder, while the valve is so arranged as to be moved bolh by the hand lever b' and by the piston rod c. When the valve is moved by b' , the •piston also moves and closes the valve by the lever c' , thus iDringing itself to rest again. The piston c follows the motion of the lever b' in either direction ; starting when the lever is started, and stopping when it is stopped. Any resistance not exceeding the force of the pressure at «,, can thus be overcome while the resistance to the operator is only that due to the frac- ture of the valve and connections. The practical value of this device in many directions will be evident, and the examination of the above simple forms will explain the action of the various modifications. ' Two constructions, designed by the author in 1866 for regula- tors will be found described in the Civil Ingenieur.^ The lever is connected with the valve by means of a double parallel motion which is moved by the piston motion back into a posi- tion parallel with the base line. The operation was satisfactory but the apparatus was cum- brous. In 1S68 Farcot constructed a similar device, using an approximate parallel motion, but the apparatus was too com- plicated to be practically satisfactory. J A somewhat simpler construction was aftervv^ards made by Farcot, but this was also too complicated for practical use.? Other designs have been made by Farcot. Some recent constructions are here given. Fig. 1036 shows the hydraulic steering gear of Bernier-Fon- taine & Widmann,|| which is similar in principle to Fig. 1035 b. In this case the controlling gear b' , consists of a small hy- draulic piston. The water pressure is admitted to it through the pipe a', and is opposed b}' the spring a". The two plun- gers C\ and C,, act as a double acting piston, the hydraulic Fig. 1036, the valve. The admission and release of water pressure through a' forms a long distance transmission involving the use of an- other escapement ; the whole thus forming a.gear of the second order. Fig. 1037, is a neat regulator for steam engines by Guhrauer & Wagner. If In this, as in , _ Fig. 1035 a, the valve seat is capable of movement in a direction parallel to the pis- ton c, and is made concen- tric with the piston rod, the valve b, being a piston valve or rod moved by the gover- nor. The piston c is subjec- ted to full steam pressure from flj on both sides through the ports II and III, but as ^ soon as the valve b is moved -^ r dow , the holes b^ : * The escapements shown in § 259 are only single-acting, and do not admit fCiv Ingenieur, 1879-1880, Prof. Rittershaus, Ueber Kraflvermittler. Also the models at the Royal Technical High School in Berlin. tSee Civ. Ingenieur, 1879, 1880, Rittershaus, Ueber Kraflvermittler. (Intermediate Povper Mechanism.) A model of the design of 1866 is in the cabinet of the Royal Technical High School at Berlin Qo — A 1_. industiielles 1873, p. 518 ; also Oppern lieve the pressure on one side or the other, the equi- librium is disturbed and the wiredrawing of the steam through the small ports II or III prevents sudden action and the piston moves until the holes are closed. As might be expected, this de- vice is very satisfactory in Devices of this type are well adapted for steering gears as well as for regula- tors and a very delicate ap- plication of the principle is found in the Whitehead tor- pedo, in which the steering FiG. 1037. gear which determines the depth of the torpedo beneath the water is thus controlled by a barometric device. Adjustable Gbars for Rotative; Motors. The principles of the gears described in the preceding section, are also applicable to rotative motors although' the arrangement is not so simple as with direct reciprocating cylinders, since the motion of the valve gear has also to be controlled. At the same time it must be noted that the application of adjustable gears to direct acting reciprocating motors is the more recent of the two. The earliest rotative gear of this sort, so far as the author has been able to ascertain, is that designed by F. F- Sickles, of Providence, R. L, in i860 (See also |. 252}.** H Built by Ganz & Co , of Budapesth, -wWa Meyer's and with Rider's valve 'tse^ 1, Portfeuille econ. phia Revue IndustrieUe, if 86, p. 373; 18S7, p, i 238 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Sickles' machine was made with two oscillating cylinders. Both eccentrics were fastened together and were loose on the crank shaft and operated by a hand wheel and spindle. The steam chests oscillate with the cylinders. The crank shaft re- volved in the same direction as the hand wheel is turned, but as soon as the motion of the latter was stopped, the valve seat moved under the valve and the ports were closed. The more recent forms of adjustable valve gears for rotative engines are made after two distinct and important principles. The first form is that in which a double engine, without a fly wheel and with ordinary slide valve gear without angular advance is used, in order to permit rotation in either direction. The ports I and IV are then made so as to be interchangeable so that I can be connected either with the admission a^ or ex- haust ffj ; and IV with the exhaust rtj or admission fl-j, at will. This change of connection is effected by means of an auxiliary valve sometimes known as a "hunting valve." This hunting Fig. 1038. valve can readily be controlled by hand for a steering en- gine, for which it is well adapted, since the angular motion of the rudder pin is limited, seldom exceeding 90°. The adjust- ing valve can then be arranged according to either of the prin- ciples of Fig. 1035 rt or b. The following designs will illustrate the construction. Fig. 1038 shows the steering gear of Dunning & Bossiere.* The adjusting valve b rides upon a moveable valve seat bo. The lower port A is always in communication with chests of the two engine cylinders, while the upper port J is in communica- tion with the central port under the valves. The lever b' is connected with the spindle b" by an internal gear. This spindle Fig. 1039. Fig. 1040. has a screw thread of steep pitch, and is connected to the ad- justing valve b. The moveable valve seat bo is connected to a spindle bo", which has on it a much slower screw thread, and is also geared by bevel wheels to the axis c' of the drum of the tiller chains. Whenever the engines are started by moving the lever b' , the chain drum revolves and shifts the moveable seal bo until the ports are again closed. The parts are so propor- tioned that the angle through which the rudder is moved is equal to the angle through which the lever b' has also been moved. This enables the position of the rudder to be deter- mined at once by noticing the position of the adjusting lever. The moveable valve seat bo will be recognized as the same in principle as the moveable steam chest of Fig. 1035^. The spindle ^/ can be prolonged to operate an indicator on the bridge for the inspection of the ofiScer in charge of the ship.| • See Revue Industrielle, i? Fig. 1041. Fig. 1039 shows Britton's steeling gear.J The adjustment is effected by a hand wheel and screw b' operating the lever b" at 6, and thus moving the valve b. At 7 this same lever is con- nected to a nut on a screw thread cut on the axis c' of the chain drum, so that the motion of the latter closes the valve after it has been opened by b' . This corresponds in principle to Fig. 103S b. Fig. 1040 shows the steering 1 gear of Douglas & Coulson.| ,''''^'~~^^ This is another application of the /' ! ^\ same principle as the preceding device. When the adjusting screw b' moves the nut, lever and rod b out of the mid-position, the re- volving axis c of the chain drum turns the nut b^' by means of the spur gearing until the dead posi- tion is again reached. F~ig. 1041 is a steering gear de- signed b}' Davis & Co.|| This is a simple application of the principle of IJrown Water Meter in ! p. 81 ; also Payton's Water Meter. X The older form (1857, Z. D. Ing., p. 1(54) was on the principle of Segner's wheel, Fig. 962 a ; the more recent design is made like the turbine of Fig .963 d. At the end of 1886 Siemens & Halske had made 88,500 meters, and the English house of Siemens Bros., 130,000 of the old and new patterns. g Running devices mav also be used to n and in fact the oldest con.structions for this purpose, the clepsydra, the sand glass, etc., belong to this class. Escapement clocks were introduced only in the middle ages. There have been numerous recent attempts to make running time-pieces. (See Redtenbacher, Bewegungs-mechanismen, Heidelberg, 1S61, p. 34, pi. 79; also Riihlmann, Allgemeine Maschinenlehre I., Braunschweig, 1862, p. 62 ) The problem is a difficult one, since it in- volves the construction of a running device which shall operate both with a uniform and a determinate velocity. Examples are found in the driving mechanism of astronomical instruments, in which the motion is transmit- ted by friction, controlled by revolving fly-wheel devices. With these may be included the fan regulators for the .striking mechanism of clocks, and similar applications. II See Revne Industrielle. 188 r, p. 205. if See Z. D. Ing., 1S57, p. 164; Maschinenbauer, Vol. XVI., 1881, p. 324; Technologiste, 1S82, Vol. 42, p. 95. 240 THE CONSTRUCTOR. order. There are two parallel horizontal double-acting cylin- ders, each operating the valve of the other. Fig. 1044 shows a section of Schmid's water meter. This is made with two single-acting pistons, each also being the valve of the other, and the whole forming with the crank connection an escapement of the third order. Fig. 1044. Escapement meters are also used for gaseous fluids. A very extensively used form is the so-called "dry" meter used for measuring illuminating gas. These have, in many cases, super- seded the "wet" meter, since the use of the liquid seal is avoided. In order to prevent friction, these meters are con- structed with flexiWe diaphragms instead of pistons, much like the diaphragm pumps shown in g 317. A good example is Glover's dry meter, which is an escapement of the second order connected to a crank shaft which operates the counting mechanism. The diaphragms are made of linen, made imper- vious to gas by a gelatine sizing. These meters do not show a higher degree of accuracy than the wet forms. I 333- Technologicai. Applications of Pressure Organs. The applications of pressure organs for technological uses are not so numerous or important as those in which they act in connection with the help of various machines. These appli- cations are not dissimilar from those of tension organs, which have already been discussed in ^ 263. A general survey will be of value for the better understanding of the whole sub- ject. The use of a pressure organ from a technological standpoint consists in so using it that the result is a modification in form or shape either of another body directly by the action of the pressure organ or of the pressure organ itself by the other body. This "forming" action adds a fourth manner of action for pressure organs to those already classified in ^ 309, so that we now have : 1. Guiding, 2. Supporting, 3. Driving, 4. Forming, as the four methods of action or application. Of these the first three belong to all classes of machine elements used in construction ; the fourth falls within the domain of tech- nology. In order to speak comprehensive!}' of the action of pressure organs, we will arrange them in five groups, according to the method of action, viz.: by FilHnir, Discharging, Internal Flow, Jet Action and Inclosing or Covering. a. Filling. I. The ease with which pressure organs can be led into de- sired channels on account of their fluidity is applied in the operations of casting. Metals which it is desired to make into given forms are rendered fluid by heat, and thus converted into pressure organs which can readily be run into moulds. In similar manner wax, stearine, parafiin, etc, are cast, in making candles and the like, the formed material resuming its solid state on cooling. Plaster, cement, magnesia or similar materials may also be made fluid by mixing with water, and then cast into forms which afterwards become hard by com- bination with water and carbonic acid. Other and similar methods are adopted for other materials. 2. Glass, in a plastic state, is formed by pressure in moulds or by passage between rollers. 3. In cases where complete fluidity is unnecessary, the mate- rial may be softened by heat, and then shaped in suitable presses, the slight fluidity of the material being overcome by the mechanical piessure of the machines. 4. Lead is suSiciently soft to be readily formed by the action of a plunger press, and is thus formed into bullets in arsenals, and also made into pipe. 5. The forming of a pressure organ by cooling is shown in the action of an ice machine, by means of which water may be given the form of sheets, rods, blocks, etc. 6. Copper, tin, zinc, etc., and also gold and silver are formed under the drop press in dies. Steel and wrought iron are heated for this purpose ; but sheet steel is stamped cold. 7. Wire, already considered as a tension organ, may also be treated as a pressure organ, having great similarity to a flowing stream with its curves. Examples are found in the ingenious machines for making hooks and eyes, and also wire chains, made by William Prym, of vStolberg. Another illustration is the machine of Hoff' & Vogt for rolling spiral springs. 8. Hydraulic or lever presses are used to press clay in a plastic condition into various dies to make bricks. Bricks are also forms of compressed turf, culm, etc Chocolate and cocoa are also compressed in moulds. 9. The so-called art work in pressed wood is composed mix- ture of sawdust formed into a solid mass by great pressure in suitable moulds. 10. Papier mache is formed into shape from paper pulp re- duced to a doughy consistency, and then subjected to heavy pressure. ir. In the use of moulding machines the pattern is first pressed into the moist sand, this being a granular pressure organ, this being followed by the casting of the liquid metal in the mould thus formed. This gives two applications of form- ing, — the first in moulding, the second in casting. 12. Compresses, such as are used for packing merchandise of powdered or fibrous nature, are also examples in point. These are used for baling hay, cotton, wool and similar materials under very great pressure. b. Discliarging ; Formation of Jets. When a pressure organ is contained in a guiding inclosure, and by properly directed pressure is forced out through a suit- able mouthpiece, the jet which is emitted is formed with a cross section corresponding to that of the mouthpiece used. Jets may be formed in this way not only from materials which flow readily, but also from those which are of a tough or doughy consistency, so that even moderately dense substances may be thus formed: 1. The clay presses made by Schlyckersen and others are used to form tiles, drain pipes, etc., by this jet method of form- ing, the issuing stream being cut off' at regular intervals by a wire cutter. The clay in such machines is effectively forced through the discharge opening by an arrangement of screw- propelling blades. 2. In the model press the dough is forced by a piston up through a die plate in which various shaped holes (such as stars, circles and the like) are made, and the issuing streams are sliced off by a wire cutter and dried. 3. The so-called artificial silk of De Chardonne is a jet forma- tion of nitro-cellulose. This is made into a semi-fluid mass with iron or tin chloride and alcohol, and forced through a tube of glass or platinum of about a sixteenth of an inch bore drawn to a fine aperture, whence it issues in a hair-like thread. It is then toughened by passing through acidulated water, after which it is wound on a reel. 4. In the manufacture of paper the liquid pulp is discharged in a broad, flat sheet by its own pressure and the superfluous water first removed by absorption, after which the paper is dried and made into sheets. 5. Lead pipe is made by a process of jet formation in a pipe press. The mass, which is only moderately heated, is forced lay piston pressure through the die in a continuous stream. 6. The insulating covering of gutta percha is formed upon wires used for electrical conductors by a jet action. 7. The common punching press, used for punching rivet holes in plates, really works with a jet action, as has been shown by the celebrated researches of Tresca upon the flow of metals. 8. The drawing press for forming various cups, pans and other household articles, also cartridge shells, from sheet metal, operates by a kind of jet action, one part of the mouthpiece being forced against the other. The powerful presses built by Erdmann Kircheis at Aue, and by the Oberhagener Machine Works, operate by mcan^ of cranky and cams, while those of THE CONSTRUCTOR. 241 Lorenz, of Carlsruhe, work by hydraulic pressure. Drawing presses are much used in the United States.* 9. The drawing bench for the manufacture of wire as well as rods is an example of jet action. The wire acts both as a ten- sion and a pressure organ, since it is pulled through the die in which it is formed. Drawn brass tubing is found in a similar manner and of various shaped sections. 10. The manufacture of shot is a variety of jet action, the melted alloy of lead and arsenic being poured through a sieve and permitted to fall in streams from the top of a shot tower, the drops assuming a spherical shape during the fall. 11. In gas lighting, the shape of the flame is formed by the jet tip on the burner, the flat flame in one form being made by two round inclined jets impinging against each other. c. Internal Flow. There are a number of pressure organs which are not homo- geneous, being composed of granular and fluid materials, or of fluid materials of different density. It is a frequent problem in technology to separate such substances so as to divide the liquid from the solid, the large from the small, the light from the heavy, etc. In general, this can only be done by some application of the method of internal flow in the mass of the pressure organ. The methods include the use of artificially produced high pressures, the natural gravity of the material, or in some instances by vibratory or other motion, i. e., by the action of the living force of the material, or rather by the un- equal action of the various portions. The following examples will illustrate the various methods : 1. Presses used for the extraction of liquids (such as wine presses), presses for seed oil, olive oil, also for oil cake, stear- ine, beet root, yeast, etc., all act to separate the liquid from the solid portion by the action of internal flow. 2. Filter presses act to separate the fluid from the more slug- gish portion of the mass, the liquid passing through the minute openings of the filter under the action of the high pressure, while the slimy mass remains behind. Filter presses are used for separation of colors, stearine, yeast, starch, sugar, potters' clay, etc. 3. The purification of water under natural pressure is effected by conducting it through settling and filtering tanks ; also by special devices (as that of G. Niemax, of Cologne, German patent No. 30,032), by which the water is rendered harder or softer, as may be required.! 4. In mining and machine shop operations, the separation of mingled pressure organs by difference of internal flow is effected in various ways, showing very effective applications of the laws of hydraulics. t 5. Various applications of sieves are used to separate granular materials of different sizes, as are also different devices which act by shaking or jigging the material, the separation thus being effected by differences of living force. 6. Centrifugal machines are used for drying yarn, wet clothes, etc., although the action in this case might be more properly termed external, rather than internal flow. 7. Another application of the centrifugal machine is for the separation of materials by their difference in specific gravity, as in the case of the machines for separating cream from milk. 8. In the Bessemer process the molten fluid mass of iron is penetrated by a gaseous pressure organ, i. = 72 pounds, we have from the ; When/> is small, we may use instead of (321) for a sufficient approximation (compare Case I., ? 19) Example 2. — Applying these iormute to the data of the preceding exam- ples, we have 5 = 0.5^ = o.s^^-^^^ = 710 lbs., as an approximate value. h a single , 1 10 inches Example 3 —A pipe 4 inches diameter s. It is required that the str — = 2.13, which from the is subjected to a ess .5- shall not ex water pressure ceed 3200 pound This gives above table give i^ = 0.60. Fro this we ha ve /)„ = ^ = ^ = 6.66 n. In some insta nces the pressu may reach 3200 X 1.5 = lbs. has an as high as 2250 pounds, in 49CX) lbs. A 4 in. pipe at the outside diameter of 6.4 ins. which case Frankfurt the stress would reac Railway Station at 15c Example 4 -The Helfenberger AVat er Pressure Engi ne at Hersbrug r Rheineck, of 40 H. P., has a cast iron feed pipe under a head of 1312 leet giving a pressure of 569 pounds. The pipe is 14,760 feet long, and 4.£ ins. diameter, and the thickness in the lower third of its length is 0.43 ins. This gives D^ = 5-46 ins., D = 4.6, and from (333) : ' 5.46^- = 3357 lbs. ■e for the follo\ 3176 The above values of .S are taken as acting upon the longitu- dinal section of the cylinder, which is the case when a pipe is open at both ends. When the ends are closed, there is also to be considered the stress on a section at right angles to the axis, which is equal to )4 S. This, combined with the previous value, gives for the inclined resultant, \^S''-\- (0.5 S)' = 1.12 5" as the minimum. These conditions exist in the case of a cylinder for a hydraulic press. These are usually made of cast iron, and the increased thickness . ! , adds greatly to the weight. It is r ^ "■ therefore important to use mate- rial capable of withstanding a high stress, and to take great care in construction and in the disposition of the material. Repeated melt- ings of the iron give more homo- geneous castings. Good results are also obtained by adding wrought iron in the cupola. By thus im- proving the quality of the metal, the permissible stress may be in- creased. A stress as high as 10,000 lbs. may be permitted when the casting is assuredly sound. Simi- lar conditions obtain when bronze is used. With good bronze, if no alteration of form is to occur, the stress should not be greater than 5000 lbs. If it is desired to go higher, some harder composition, such as manganese bronze, must be used. A few practical examples will be given : I Fig. 1045. eter of ram, A'= 18 inches; bore of cylin- der, Z> = 20 inches ; thickness, S = S^/, in. The load was 650 tons = 1,456,000 pounds. The pressure in the cylinder being 5900 lbs. per square inch, we get from (323) the stress 5 = 10,500 lbs. The cylinder is shown in Fig. 1045. Example 7.— In the construction of the Britannia Tubular Bridge several forms of hydraulic presses were used. One of these was a double press with cylinders of the same dimensions " as in the preceding example. The load on each ram was only 460.5 tons, and the cylinder pressure 4190 lbs., giving a stress on the metal 5= 7460 pounds. Example 8. — The press which sustained the heaviest load on this great •work was one which lifted 1144 tons, or 5,562,590 pounds. This was made gle cylinder with a ram 20 inches diameter, cylinder 22 in. bore, :hes thick. The water pressure was 8400, and the stress in the metal, according to (323), was 14,500 lbs. ! When the tube of the bridge had been raised 24 feet, the cylinder gave way, and the load dropped upon the safety suppoits, but was seriously damaged. The fracture was not longitu- dinal, but in the cross section near the bottom of the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 1046. The fracture was doubtless due to the sharp angle at the bottom. A new cylinder was made and successfully used, the bottom being altered in shape as indicated by the dotted lines. The first cylinder which was cast for this press was moulded with the bottom up, but was rejected as being porous; the second was cast bottom down, and gave way in use, as above described ; the third, for which the iron was melted twice, was suc- cessfully used to the end, while a fourth, which was maue as a reserve, was Example g. — A press designed for making compressed emery wheels has the following dimensions: V = 28.35 in., Vq = 40.94 in. K = 27.56 in. P= 2,640,000 lbs., from which p = 4425 pounds. We have ii = — ^ = 0.69, whence 5 = 12,134 pounds, which must be considered a high stress. More recently the cylinders for hydraulic presses have been cast of steel, permitting stresses as high as 20,000 to 28,000 pounds. Modifications in the method of construction may also be made to enable cast iron to stand higher pressures. The danger due to casting the bottom in one with the cylinder may be avoided. The method used by Hummel, of Berlin, is to make the cylinder as a ring, and the bottom as a separate plate (Fig. 1047). IvOrenz, of Carlsruhe, makes the bottom separately and screws it in, as shown in Fig. 1048. By increasing the diameter of the ram to exert a given force, the pressure of the water re- \ j /'' quired will be reduced, and the \ j stress 5" will be less. This is not '• — ]..-> attended with a proportional in- j crease in the amount of metal required, but on the contrary with a reduction. If the cross Fig. 1046. section of the cylinder be F, we have F ^ TT (^D -\- i) 6. Substituting the value of 6 from (321), , ■1TD-2P we get.F=X - md introducing K, '<§)' which, for any chosen value of .S, diminishes as p is reduced. Exaviple 10. — In a hydraulic by Hummel, for making rollers o< compressed paper, there are two cylinders of the form shown in Fig. 1047, placed side by side. The diameter A' of the ram is 23 inches, and the cylin- der diameter n 24 inches, the thickness S being 8"^ inches. The load E on the ram is 2,200,000 pounds. The water pressure is 5174 pounds, and the stress on the material about 10,000 pounds. If we increase K to 26 inches, we have, since this is i the preceding value, the value oi p reduced to {§)2 = 0.79 of the previous amount, or 4087 lbs. ■"■--- '-- '^- — '--^^ — <-- n the ir_ ave the : ide a: r the Xo79 = quite practicable. By leaving the relation — unchanged, -n sections of the 1 the relation between 79 to 1. Hence this alteration I in the cylinder also causes a >unt of material. ^cylinders • eduction of about 20 per c Wrought Iron and Steel Pipes. Wrought iron pipe is in very extensive use for conveying gas, water, air, petroleum, as well as steam. These pipes are made either by the process of welding during passage between rollers or are riveted while cold. The former method produces either a butt- or lap-welded joint, the seam being parallel to the axis of the pipe, and more recently pipe has been made in America with a spiral lap-welded seam.f After welding the outside of wrought pipe is generally made smooth by passing between another set of rolls after re-heating, whence it is sometimes called "drawn" pipe. Pipe is also made of mild steel in the same manner as if wrought iron. The Mannes- mann system is also used for rolling tubing from the solid rod of steel, copper, delta metal, etc., the product being without Welded tubing possesses a great resistance to external pres- sure and to tension, but a less resistance to internal pressure. Butt welded pipe should not be subjected to a greater stress than 6" = J 500 lbs. ; but for lap-welded pipe S may reach 8000 * See Clark, The r Bridges. London, li jrual, April 7 and 14, i 244 THE CONSTRUCTOR. to 1 2,000 pounds. Spiral lap-welded tubing has been tested to pressures corresponding to stresses from 30,000 to 40,000 pounds, according to the quality of the material used ; but in practical service lower values are used. The Mannesmann tubes have been used without deformation almost to the elastic limit of the material, which, with cast steel and with Siemeu's open-hearth steel, reaches 25,000 to 50,000 pounds, and there- fore possess a utility to which welded tubes have not attained. - = 9600 lbs. From (323) -v e accurately 5 = 1000 Example 3.— If a M the high pressure wa the moderate limit of II tube of Siemens steel had been used for ; of Example 3, g 356, and the stress put at ids, we get from (324) D = 4",/ = 1500 lbs., ind from (323) we get n: As an example of the efficiency of this construction, Mr. Hamilton Smyth cites an installation over two miles long and under a head of 550 ft., the pipe lying on the surface of the" ground and only protected from changes of temperature by a roof of roughly nailed boards, and in which the total loss by leakage was only 3 to 4 cubic feet per minute. As a consequence of the successful use of these pipes for mining purposes, they were next used for more permanent service as for water supply of cities, and with excellent results. Two such pipes were put in for the supply of drinking water for San I'rancisco, and a third pipe, many miles long, was sub- sequently added. For large diameters in permanent installa- tions the sections should be riveted together, while for smaller diameters the joint maybe made with lead, as hereafter de- scribed. The following table will illustrate some important constructions of this kind. Name. 1 g s 11 s Description of Pipe. Ckerokee . . . Virginia City | Texas Brook . 1870 1872 :ii ft. M94 3° 26 ft. 887 1722 '781 lb. 17,500 i7!ooo Sheet Iron, double riveted. Lap welded, screw connections. Sheet Iron, double riveted. ~h" sheet iron, single riveted. Also may be noted the Kimberley water works in England, 14 inches diameter, X in. thick and eighteen miles long. The superior economy of wrought pipe over that of cast iron is worthy of greater attention. In order to illustrate the arrangement more fully of an in- stallation of such pipe the inverted siphon in the valley of the Texas Brook, constructed by Mr. Hamilton Smyth, is given, Fig. 1049. The difference in the level is 303.6 feet, and the total length 4438.7 ft. The pipe is in lengths of 20 feet and the figures in the diagram indicate the gauge thickness of the sheet iron in the various portions. The average diameter of the pipe is 17 inches and the highest value of the stres >S was calculated as equal to 16,500 pounds ; some of the plates were too thin and the stress in such places reached 18,000 pounds. The inlet is so shapted that the coeflScient of contraction reaches 0.92. The pipe is bedded in gravel 12 to 18 inches deep, and passes entirely under the bed h^- — - 1j [ '"^ ^ ^0„ r '^■^^^ •^^^v.^. -^^" .. "-< ^5^5-_- _ r;:;: - ..... ^^ : ''"■^^^^f'^r""" , — ^^. ^*-' ; "^■■^^ .^- .r:::;;::' — — - j^TTii::"""-: -- :::: ~::~:^^' 10 r'- "**'*^^^^^^^s;^l5^ ^ --:::;i:-;--- ;;;::::3 ct^*' 1 ^ „ '^^^^^sfe-. 1 . -^""-- h-^^^^^^^^iife^' Riveted pipe of wrought iron have been successfully used in America for conducting over long distances, and valuable in- formation has been furnished by Mr. Hamilton Smyth, Jr., upon this subject.* Wrought iron riveted pipes were first used in California, made steel metal jV ^^- thick, to take the place of the canvas hose then extensively used in the operations of h3'draulic min- ing. The pipes were made of ordinary sheet iron, there being a single row of rivets, driven cold, and the joints made simply by inserting the end of one section into the next, as in the case of stove pipes. These first attempts succeeded beyond all ex- pectations and were followed by numerous installations, in sizes reaching as high as 22'' to 30'^ diameter and sections 18 to 25 feet long. A satisfactory protection against rust was obtained by immersing the finished pipes for a few minutes in a boiling mixture of asphaltum and tar. If the fit of the ends was too loose to make a good joint the smaller pipe was wrapped with tarred cord, leaky places being stopped w'th wedges of wood and the small leaks being checked by sawdust admitted with the water. of the stream. During a large part of the year the siphon is not full of water and hence entraps much air. In order to per- mit this to escape, air valves of the construction shown in Fig. 1050, are attached at suitable points, fourteen in all being used^ These are simply heavy cast iron flap valves with rubber ring packing. When the chamber is filled with air the valve falls open by its weight but is closed by the action of the water THE CONSTRUCTOR. 245 ^hen the air has escaped. In case of a rupture in the lower portion of the pipe, the air valves in the upper portion prevent the collapse of the pipe from atmospheric pressure. ?• 338. Steam Pipes. When steam is to be conducted to considerable distances, the condensation which is due to loss of heat through the walls of the pipes becomes so great that it is necessary to surround the pipes with a non-conducting covering. Materials for covering steam pipes play quite an important part in the science of steam economy and their manufacture constitutes an extensive industry. The importance of this subject has long been appre- ciated, having been considered, among others by the Industrial Society of Mulhouse more than sixty years ago. In these in- vestigations the measure of effect is the amount of water con- densed by a unit of surface, as one square metre per second. The following table will indicate some of the results obtained.* Material of Covaring. Grammes condensed persq Tec'o^ng^"' material of Covering. condensed per sq. Uncovered Pipe . . Pimont's Mass. . . . Straw 2.S4 gr. 1.56 " 0.9S " Clay Pipe Cotton Waste . . . Felt . . 1-35 " Air Space Carded Cotton .... Feathers Wool Calcined Magnesia . . Cork Charcoal, coarse . Calcined Magnesia . . Wool Lampblack Carbonate of Magnesia Fossil Meal Wool Asbestos Zinc, White Fossil Meal Pine Charcoal Carbonate of Magnesia Hair Felt Lampblack .... - . Chalk Graphite Calcined Magnesia . . Zinc, White ... . . . Pumice Stone 301 335 466 426 376 416 1156 1 164 845 Material. Per Cent. Solid Material. Kilo-Cent. Heat Units. 36.8 48.0 50.6 51.4 52.9 839 1983 Coarse Sand 1684 The so-called Pimont's Mass, consists of loam and cows' hair, 60 mm. (2'/% in.) thick. The straw was first laid on longitudi- nally 14 mm. (j\ in.) thick, and then wrapped with straw 15 mm. (j^ in.) thick. The cotton waste was 25 mm. (i in.) thick covered with canvas. The felt was saturated with rubber. Straw shows the best results, the condensation being only one- third that given by the uncovered pipe. These experiments have not great present value, partly be- cause the comparison by condensation of water is not altogether i-eliable, and partly because new material for covering pipes have since come into use. The Society of German Engineers ( Verein Deutsche)- Ijigeiiieure) has undertaken a series of ex- periments from which results of value are to be auticipa'ted. In the United States, Prof Ordway, of Boston, has made some very beautiful investigations, the results being in two series, the first by the method of measuring the condensed water, the second by the calorimetric method.f The unsatisfactory char- acter of the method of condensation is apparent, as it was found, for example, that a portion of pipe 2 feet long condensed 328 grammes of water per square foot per hour, while 30 feet of pipe gave only 140 grammes per square foot per hour. It is also to be noted that Prof Ordway's first researches showed much less condensation for the uncovered pipe than appeared in the Mulhouse experiments, so that no definite conclusions could be deduced. The calorimetric method appears to be much more reliable, as the results appear to be more consistent. From the great number of experiments the two following tables have been selected. Table I. Temperature of steam 155° C. All coverings i inch thick = 25.4 mm. This table gives noteworthy, and in many cases unexpected results. It is important to note that in all cases the trans- mission of heat bears a definite relation to the percentage of solid matter. For instance, calcined magnesia gives off 335 to 1 1 56 hesft units when the percentage of solid matter ranges from 2.3 to 28.5. Asbestos makes an unfavorable showing, and lampblack gives good results but is inconvenient to use ; wool, is excellent. In practice the cost is of course an important consideration. Table II. Temperature of steam 155° C. Material. Glazed Cotton Wadding . Wool Wadding Calcined Magnesia, loose . . . " •" crowded . . " " compressed Carbonate of Magnesia, loose . " " crowded " " compressed Fossil Meal, loose " " crowded .... X Cork ill Strips I Silicated Cork Chips .... Paste of Fossil Meal and Hair Carded Cotton ........ Rice Chaff, straw board . . . Thickness. Per Cent. Milli- Solid Matter. 50 I-Oj 40 1-3 30 1.7 2.5 15 3-4 10 51 25 5.6 25 2.3 25 4.9 25 28.S 25 6.0 25 9-4 25 15 25 6.0 25 II. 2 15 ? 30 9 I.O 50 ? 12 ? 129.1 193-4 205.5 326.4 424.2 502.4 219.8 335-2 340. 1 "55-9 370.9 386.7 416.5 393-4 425.8 87.1 59-2 69.4 157-7 71.9 This table gives a comparison of fibrous and granular ma- terials. In the first cases the same material was successfully compressed, reducing the thickness and increasing the density, showing and increasing loss of heat. Ordway recommends cork as the best material, especially in the form of cemented chips, which may be formed into semi-cylindrical sections, as has already been done in Germany. I| Ordway does not advise air space under the covering, but rather recommends the filling such space with a light powder. Of all the materials tried he recommends in the order given : Hair Felt, Cork, Fossil Meal, Magnesia, Charcoal and Rice ChaflF.][ Prof. Ordway remarks that " it is useless to make the testing apparatus of cumbrous dimensions, for as in chemical analysis we use a gramme or less of the sample, instead of kilo- grammes, so in physical experiments increase of size does not necessarily enhance the accuracy of the results." In long stretches of steam pipe the expansion from the heat demands the use of some compensatory device or expansion ioint.** Some of the forms in general use are shown in Fig. 105 1. «, is a packed expansion joint; b, is a bent copper pipe; l drum with flexible steel diaphragms. * This table has been kept in the metric system, as it is onlv a- comparison .— TVa/u. t See Trans. Am Soc. Mechanical Engineers, Vol V. p. 73 ; Vol I The cork was put on like barrel stave § The cork was chopped into small ct weight of water glass at 30° Beaume. II See Z. D. Ingenieure, 1886, p. 38. If A new, and efficient as well as cheap material made of ^- paste and saw dust, is described in the Revue Industrielle, Sept. ** This ' ' compensation ' ' does not neutralize the expai lum, but only renders it harmless. 24^ THE CONSTRUCTOR. Fig. 1052 shows a U joint with packed connections. The forms given in Fig. 1051 generally require one position of the pipe to be held fast ; that in Fig. 1052 permits both lengths of pipe to remain free. mouth of the discharge pipe being h, v Weisbach : : have, according to .(. + C.+ C4)|.. . ....(326) in which / is the length and d the diameter of the tube in feet, and V the velocity in feet per second. The volume of flow will be : Frictional Resistance. — When a flow of water takes place in a vessel with flat walls, through a cylindrical tube, Fig. 1053, the difference of level between the surface of the water and the * Investigations made after the explosions on the Elbe and the Lahn ti be found in Engineering for August, 1888, pp. 113, 116, 125. These gave : the modulus of rupture A' for tension; for hard brazed pipes A'= 33,4( for seamless electrically deposited pipes, A'= 50,000. The reduction !ngth due to heat is given according to the old but reliable expenme -(Pv . ■ (327) Fig. 1052. In calculations the actual amount of expansion due to any given temperature we may put the expansion, if t, be the dif- ference of temperature in degrees for : Materia!. Centigrade. Fahrenheit. t t ^^^^^-^^^ -9^:7^ T6v"85 Wrought Iron -g-^- --- t t Copper — -5 -r- ^^ 58,200 104,760 t t Brass 53,500 92,300 Example. A cast iron pipe 98.4 ft. long, (= iiSi.i inches). At a tempera- ture of 50° F. is filled with steam at 63 pounds pressure, =310° F. The ex- pansion will then be I 339. Pipes of Copper and other Metai,. Brazed pipes of copper when used as conductors of steam, should not be subjected to higher stresses than 1500 to 2000 pounds, since the brazed joint is not reliable and reduces the strength of the cross section of the metal about one-third. The heat due to the temperature of steam at pressures from 60 to 100 pounds also reduces the strength of the copper from 10 to 12 per cent.* Seamless pipes made from the solid metal, or rolled by the Mannesmanu process, can stand stresses from 8,000 to 10,000 pounds, and when made by forcing in the hydraulic press (see ? 333. b. 5) only a stress of about 700 to 800 pounds. Wooden pipes for water conductors, made water-tight with cement, have been made by Herzog of Logelbach with excel- lent results ; the most recent being 71 in. diameter, and 5900 feet long. Pipes made of paper coated with asphalt have been used to a limited extent, but do not stand the heat of the sun. \ 340. Resistance to Flow in Pipes. The resistances which oppose the motion of a liquid in a pipe are due either to changes in the direction of motion, to changes in the rate of motion, or to the resistance of friction. We can only here consider a few cases, and those will be limited to the flow through pipes. per second. In (326) fg is the coefiicient of friction for the orifice of influx, and f the coefficient of friction for the rest of the tube. The coefficient Co, when the entrance is a sharp angle, be- comes considerable, having a mean value of 0.505, but when the entrance is carefully rounded it may fall as low as 0.08. In the latter case, for long tubes, Cq may be neglected. f I-'or the coefficient of friction C in the pipe various deductions have been made. The conditions which affect the flow of water in pipes are numerous and variable. In cylindrical pipes the particles arrange themselves in such a manner that those in the axis move with the greatest velocity, and each successive annu- lar sheet moving slower, while the particles in contact with the walls of the tube remain practically at rest, so that the velocity of each annular film, from the wall to the axis is a function a the distance from the wall to the centre, increasing from zei to the maximum. In the case of gases the velocity of adjacent rings appro*, mates much more closely than with liquids. In both instances the resistance is the sum of the friction of the successive annu- lar layers upon each other. In practice, the variation of the section of the pipe from the circular form must be taken into account, and also the rough- ness of the walls. The mathematical expression of these rela- tions cannot be a simple one. In practice also many disturbing influences exist, such, for instance, as ice, weeds, etc. In all comparisons with calculated resistances it is therefore essential that the walls of the pipe should be ascertained to be smooth and clean. The Society of German Architects and Engineers has in progress modern investigations conducted by several of its members with a view of determining the most useful formula for finding the value of C for water. The value which such a formula would possess is undoubted, but before it can be satis- factorily determined the fundamental principles of the subject must be determined.! We are at present obliged to use for- mulas previously determined. Among these the formulas of Weisbach and of Darcy are most available. If we express the loss of head in the height h by friction h^, in feet, we have for water, according to Weisbach : • (32S) all dimensions being expressed in feet, and g being the accelera- tion of gravity. § We have for : v= 0.6 C = 0.0365 According to Darcy we have for water : d 2g V ■°' of the Franklin ititute. t If the tube starts from anotl-er tube instead of from the side of a reser- voir, the coefficient of resistance becomes.rauch greater and much care must be given to the shape of the entrance. See Hertel, Zeitschr. D. Ingenieure. 1885, p. 660, also W. Roux, Jenaische Zeitschr. fur Naturwissenschaffen, Vol. XII., 1878. t See a Memoir of the D. Arch- u Ing.-Vereine, edited by Otto Iben, pub- lished by Meissner, Hamburg, 1880. This must be used with caution on account of numerous typog;raphical errors. g This and the two following formulas may also be used when in addition to the height /i, a second height hi' is to be added due to the contraction oJ discharge. This is only of importance in the case of high pressure water f^..«.-«,i.-^i^« ""d exoeriraental researches are to be def'*ed. , 1857. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 247 If we insert tion /zi = C ->s- ti equation (327) the value for v from the equa- — we get : = 0,0843 ft. ; i>= 5.S97ft. The friction head as determined by observation for / = 328 ft., was f 2.89 ft. According to Darcy, the friction head would be 76.57, which is quite close to the experimental results. In other instances, however, Darcy's formula has not agreed so well with experiment. When air is used instead of water, Weisbach gives for the height of a column of water equal to the frictional resistance : K = ?i d 2g = 0.025 -7- • --— 2^£ • (333) in which e is the ratio of the density of the air in the pipe to that of the external atmosphere. Since is e always greater than unity when the air in the pipe is under pressure, h^ is smaller than is the case for water, especially when the pressure of the air is great. Valuable experiments upon the transmission of compressed air have been made by Engineer Stockalper at the St. Gothard tunnel. f These showed that Darcy's formula (329) served well for air when the results are multiplied by the ratio of the density of the air to water. Professor Uuwin has given some valuable researches upon the friction of air, in which he shows the important influence which D exerts upon C-t Example 4.— At the n being tr ruction of the Hoosac Tunnel it was observed t^ 1 air fell from 821 pounds per square inch to i :d a distance of about 118,000 feet. Resistance in Angles and Bends. — The resistance due to an angle, such as Fig. 1054 a is important, and is dependent upon what Weisbach calls the semi-angle of deviation, /3, according to the following formula : /%, = C, ■ ^ (0.9457 sirJ^ (3 4- 2.047 sin* /5) ^ • (334) *See Dupuit, Trail tribution des eaux. t Stockalper, Expe: theoretique iris, Dunod, : :nces, fates a e. Geneve, 1879. coefficient of friction of air flowing pratique de t ed. 1854; 211 runnel de Sa: conduite e ed. 1865. Gothard, s long pipes. Proc. )r only a1 It I the r« e of a sharp bend with any curvature. Resistances due to Stidden Changes of Cross-Section. — When water which is moving at a velocity v-^ suddenly changes to another velocity v, see Fig. 1055 a, it experiences a loss of pressure which, according to Weisbach, is equivalent to a height : /; — ^ ~if — C^ _ i^ 'Z ''' ~ ^g ~ V^i V 2^ = ^3- (336) F and F^ being the respective cross sections ; also Fv= F^v^. Doubling the cross section causes a loss of head equal to — . For gate valves. Fig. 1055 b, or cocks. Fig. 1055 c, there is a loss due to the amount of contraction. " have from Weisbach : C3 = 97.8 and for cocks : Angle = 10° F, -p- =°-^5o c C = 0.29 0.466 5-52 2.06 •56 30° 40° 50° 0.535 0-385 0.250 S-47 For gate valves -v Y, Y. y, 0.740 0.856 0.948 0.81 0.26 0.07 60° 6:,° %2yi° 0.091 o .137 52.6 206 486 00 From the above tables it will be seen how important an in- fluence is exerted by valve chests, mud traps and the like upon the flow of water. In all such cases it is important to modify the suddenness of the change of velocity by rounding and curv- ing all angles in the passages, and in this way a large part of the loss may be obviated. For gaseous fluids the resistance is less, but is at the same time sufficiently important to be care- fully considered. For a fuller discussion of the resistances offered to water in canals and streams the reader must be re- ferred to special treatises on the subject. 24« THE CONSTRUCTOR. «34i. Methods op Connecting Cast Iron Pipes. One of the most frequently used methods of connecting cast pipes is by means of the common flange joint, Fig. 1056. Example. — A steam cylinder 40 inches in diameter, of 60 pounds, would have according to (320) a thickne ij% in. This gives from Fig. 1056 for the bolts, d = %; and these values in (338) give for the number of bolts ;of6 = >-787 -f . 1.58, say I, •(5)" (Compare close of Chapter XXVI). D ^ 1 ^V. "'•\ 2% 3>^ ^ 1 4>^ 5 s'A 6 A \ 1 3K 2% '^ 1 'il 5?'l % 6H 1 Fig. 1059 a shows a cast iron bend with flange. The bend should not be too sharp, in order to avoid excessive resistance to the flow of the water. (See Example 6, § 340.) Bends of this sort require a separate pattern to be made for every different angle. Brown's joint is more convenient in this respect, Fig. 1059 b. The bolt holes in this form should be drilled in only one of the flanges first, and the other flange marked off in Fig. 1056. The proportions are given in the illustration. Formerly it was customary to raise a small bearing surface inside the bolt circle, but this is generally omitted now, and the entire surface of the flanges finished, making a much better joint, although a trifle more expensive. In many instances a ring of copper wire, let into a groove, is used to make the joint. For pipes which are not subjected to very high pressures the number of bolts A, is determined from the following : A =2 + ^ (337) in which D is the diameter of the pipe inches. This would give for a pipe 4 inches in diameter four bolts, and for one 3 inches diameter 6 bolts. According to (337) an air pump cylinder 60 inches in diameter would have 2 -(- -%"- ^ 32 bolts. When the pressure is known to be great, or for cylinder lids, etc., the following formula is to be preferred : ^-~^QP) <^''' in which d is the diameter of the bolts, D the diameter of the cylinder, and a the pressure in pounds per square inch. This assumes the diameter of the bolt at the bottom of the thread to be 0.8 d, and the stress in the bolts to be 3500 lbs. as in for- mula (72). bjected to a pressure Fig. 1057. Flanges with ears, as shown in Fig. 1057, are frequently used, the thickness being made 2 to 2.5 6, instead of 1.6 6, on account of the smaller flanges. On the Prussian State railways flange joints are made with a lenticular shaped ring inserted in the joint, as shown in Fig. 1058. This permits a certain amount of motion and gives good re- sults in practice. The following table of dimensions is based on one used on the Prussian railways : place. For any flange angle ca the pipes may be connected for any angle between 2 a and 180°. In the illustration o< =^ 40°, which answers for most practical purposes. Fig. 1059. Bell or socket connections are much used for gas and water pipe. The joint is caulked with lead, which may conveniently be made in half rings and driven in, or run in in place, a pack- ing of oakum being flrst driven in. Fig. 1060. The large end of the pipe is called the bell, the other the spigot. The dimensions of the various parts in Fig. 1060 may be taken as follows, the thickness 6 being determined from for- mula (318), i.e., 6 = 0.31S -f ~. Thickness of bell, (5, — 0.375'^ -f 0.0135 D. Thickness of bead, k = o.-]" -\- 0.0025 D. Inside length of bell, /j = 2.625'' -f o.n D. Length of bell reinforcement, 4 = ^'' + 0.09/?. Outside length of bell. Space for packing, Depth of lead ring Length of bead on spigot. Thickness of bead, = 4.625'' 4- 0.20 Z>. b =0.1875" + 0.007 Z?. h = 1. 1 25" -f 0.07 Z?. a = 1.2 6. c =. 6 -{- b — 0.0625". Some makers put a bead around the inside edge of the bell to assist in retaining the lead packing, but others consider this but little use, owing to the softness of the metal. More recently the bead has been altogether omitted from the spigot end, a shoulder being cast on the inside of the bell instead. In Belgium a joint is used in which a gum ring of globoid form (see Fig. 637 a) is used instead of the lead packing, the ring rolling in as the spigot is pushed into the bell. Fig. 1061 is Petit's pipe joint. A gum ring is inserted in the short bell, and one clamp being connected the pipe is used as a lever to compress the gum ring, the second clamp can be secured. This coupling, which was used in the extensive water system of the camp at Chalons, is cheap and can be rapidly THE CONSTRUCTOR. connected, and possesses a certain flexibility -which permits it to be used in running a line of pipe over uneven ground Fig. 1063. Fig. 1063 shows Normandy's pipe joint. The packing con- sists of two rubber rings. This very simple joint is very useful under certain circumstances, where the proper packing is avail- able. It possesses the flexibility of Petit's joint and is easily connected and disconnected. A similar form of joint has been made for water pipes, using packing rings of lead. The sleeve may be considered as a double bell and the pipes are perfectly straight without any bead at either end. The distance from the centre of one joint to that of the next constitutes a "length." With cast iron pipe this is made a minimum of about 4 to 7 feet, being made as long as practicable for extensive lines of pipe. For gas and water pipe with bell and spigot connections the following pro- portions occur in practice : Z? = 4 inches, I ^ 7 to 10 ft. D=\2 " /= 10 to 12 ft. /P = 24 " and over, I =z\iiX. A form of joint used by Riedler for high pressure water connections is shown in Fig. 1064. t The flanges are faced in the lathe and bolted together without any packing in the joint. A leather ring is placed in a channel turned ir. the pipe and held in place by a spring ring in two parts, or this latter ma}' sometimes be made in one piece. Joints with spherical contact surfaces have been used by Hoppe for cast iron high pressure pipes when they are to be laid in yielding ground, j Three forms of construction are shown in Fig. 1065. At rt is a single ball joint. Fig. 1064. The bearing ring is held in position by a ring of bronze divided at right angles to the axis ; this form permits a deflection of 5°. At b is shown a double joint constructed in a similar manner A form of screw connection for cast iron pipe is shown in Fig 1062 The screw thread is cast on the pipe and a leaden Fig. 1062. gasket is placed so as to pack the joint outside of the screw connection.* This may be considered as a flange joint with a single central bolt, which latter is made large enough to permit the pipe opening to pass through it (see I 86). Since the pipe must be revolved in making the connection, it is necessary to provide wrenches of suitable size for the purpose. and permitting a deflection of 10°. The third form, which ia the most recent, has no packing ring, and the bolts are made with spherical heads to facilitate motion. ? 342. Connections for Pipes of Wrought Iron and Steel. Riveted pipes are often connected by means of wrought or cast iron flanges, as shown in Fig. io6b a and b. When no Fig. 1066. other data are at hand, the diameter and number of bolts may be determined by assuming the pipe to be of cast iron, and using the proportions given in the illustration. The actual thickness 6 of the pipe may then be determined independently according to the material, pressure, and other conditions. Exa>nple.—A wrought iron pipe 3 ft. 4 in. in di to a turbine, is to be fitted with flanges "*" —— of this diameter would have a thicknes « = 0.315" + -^ whence from Fig. 1056 d=^y. o.8is = according to (337), will be 2 + ^s" ight: er, for deliverii D°(3i8) Fig. 1067. For thin pipes a very practical form is that shown in Fig. 1067 a. The ends of the pipes are flanged over, and the turned- over ends countersunk into the cast flange rings, the bolt heads also being countersunk. A similar form with wrought iron flange rings is shown at b.^ For the thin pipes described in I 337, when subjected to a high internal pressure, the joint shown in Fig. 1067 c is adapted. In this form a short sleeve is riveted into one of the pipe ends and a loose ring slipped over the outside of the joint, forming a space into which lead is run and afterwards caulked. This also serves as a sort of expan- sion joint (compare | 338). Many important constructions are made with wrought iron pipe. The connections are usually made by screwing the parts together, and for this purpose many special pieces are made, known by the generic term of "pipe fittings." For straight connections the ordinary "socket" is used, while for angles the so-called ' ' elbows " and " tees " are made. * This joint is used by the Lauchhai :r Works for pipe up to 2% inches 250 THE CONSTRUCTOR. The American practice of making the thread tapering is much to be recommended, since by means of a little cementing mate- rial a tight joint may be made. The American Mechanical En- gineers have given careful attention to the proportions of pipe fittings, and since 1887 the forms proposed by the late Mr. Robert Briggs have been generally adopted.* The system is as follows : The thread is of triangular section with the angle 2 /5 = 60°, as in Sellers' system. The top and bottom of the thread are flattened ^\ of the theoretical depth /o, so that the actual depth / = 0.8^^, and hence equal to 0.69 of the pitch s, Fig. 1068 a. a 13 Diameter of Pipe. Screwed Ends. Thickness of Metal. Nominal Inside. Actual Inside. D. Outside. Do- Threads Per Inch. .en^th. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inch. No. Inch. y% 0.270 0.405 0.068 27 0.19 X 0.364 0.540 0.088 18 0.29 3/. 0.494 0.675 0.091 18 0.30 v.. 0.623 0.840 0.109 14 0.39 Yat 0.824 1.050 • 0.113 14 0.40 I 1.048 1-315 0.134 11;^ 0.51 iX 1380 1.660 0.140 IlK 0.54 I.610 1.900 0.145 11;^ 0.55 2 2.067 2.375 0.154 II>^ 0.58 2^ 2.468 . 2.875 0.204 8 0.89 3 3.067 3500 0.217 8 0.95 lYz 3-548 4.000 0.226 8 4 4.026 4.500 0.237 8 1-05 ^Yz 4.508 5.000 0.246 8 1. 10 5.045 5-563 0.259 6 6.065 6.625 0280 8 1.26 7 7023 ■ 7625 0.301 8 1.36 8 8.082 8.625 0.322 8 1.46 9 9.000 9.688 0-344 8 1-57 10 10.019 10.750 0.366 1.68 Taper of conical portion of tube i in 32 to axis of tube. It will be observed in the table that the thickness 6 agrees very well with the formula cS = o.i 1 1 ^/D^. This gives for the diameters 0.405, 1.050, 4.000 and 10.750, the thicknesses 0.071, 0.114, 0.222, 0.364, which agree quite closely with the actual values. The shape of the sockets is shown in Fig. 1069, the thread being given a somewhat greater taper than 3V, so that the greatest stress will come on the strongest part of the socket. The increasing use of such pipe in Germany makes it most desirable that a standard of dimensions should be adopted. The American system is manifestly unsuited for use with the metric system. The general arrangement of the American system may, however, be followed with some approximations to adapt it to the metric measurements. The angle of thread may be the same as in the American system : 2 /? = 60°. The depth of thread may also be abbre- viated jV top and bottom, making i ^= 0.81^ = o.6Ss, and the ind 414 ; also Vol. taper can also be made ^\ on a side. The length T of the tapered portion may be made T = (5 + ^\ D^] s, which is about the metrical equivalent of the former expression, the nearest even value being taken. The lengths Ti = 2s and T^ ^ 4s may be retained. For the thicknessof pipe the American formula transformed gives (5 = 0.555 ^£>o in millimetres. Finally for the pitch we may take s ^ I 1.4 1.8 2.2 3.2 mm. (0.94) (1.41) (1.81) (2.21) (3.17) in. the values in parentheses being the corresponding equivalents of the American pitches. The following table gives the values from 10 to 325 mm. This system has been submitted by the author to the manufacturers of the Mannesmann tubes in Remschied, Saarbriick and Komotau, and by them adopted. Metric Pipe Thread System. The end of the pipe is given a taper of 3V on each side, the length of the tapered part being T= (4.8 -f o.8£>)s, D being the outside diameter of the pipe and .s the pitch. Beyond the taper portion comes a length 1\ = 25, which threads are full at the root but imperfect at the top, beyond which there is a length 7^2 = 4 .y, consisting of imperfect threads blending into the full outside diameter. The thickness & of the pipe is such that the thickness of metal below the thread at the end of the pipe is = 0.0175 D ■\- 0.025''. The pitch s is finer than for bolts of the same diameter, there being only five different pitches used, and the various dimensions are given in the following table : Tabi,e op Standard Pipe Threads. Outside Diameter Thickness Inside Pitch Length of Thread Length Length Do- D. T. 7-1-2.. 7-2-4.S-. 10 1-75 6.5 I.O 5-5 2.0 4 15 2.00 1-4 7.5 2.8 5-6 . 20 2.50 15-0 1-4 8 2.8 5.6 25 2.75 19-5 1.8 II 3-6 7.2 30 3.00 24. 1.8 12 3-6 7.2 35 3-25 28.5 2.2 14 4-4 8.8 40 3-50 33-0 2.2 15 4-4 8.8 50 4.CO 42.0 2.2 15 4-4 8.8 60 4.25 5'-5 2.2 16 4-4 8.8 70 4 75 60.5 25 6-4 12.8 80 5-00 70.0 3-2 26 6.4 12-8 90 5-25 79-5 3-2 28 6.4 12.8 100 5-50 89.0 3-2 29 6.4 12.8 no 5-75 98.5 3-2 30 6.4 12.8 120 6.00 108.0 3-2 31 6.4 12.8 130 6.25 117-5 3-2 Zl 6.4 12.8 140 6.50 1270 3-2 34 6.4 12.8 150 6-75 136-5 3-2 36 6.4 12.8 •75 7-25 160.5 3-2 38 64 12.8 200 7-75 184.5 3-2 42 6.4 12.8 225 8.25 208.5 3-2 45 6.4 12.8 250 8.75 232.5 3-2 48 6.4 12.8 27s 9-25 256.5 3-2 5i 64 12.8 300 9-50 3-2 54 6.4 12.8 325 10.00 305- 3-2 58 6.4 12.8 In the preceding table the pipe is classified according to its outside diameter D^, but it is a question whether it would not be better to follow the custom of designating the sizes by the internal diameter D. The former, however, has an important influence upon the dimensions of the fittings, which it is most desirable to reduce to a standard system. It will be seen by reference to the table of American pipe dimensions that the actual internal diameter differs frequently from the nominal size, the latter really being only a convenient name. By adopt- ing a strict gradation for the sucessive sizes of D^ it would be practicable to make the thickness & somewhat less than given in the table, but in some cases it would be greater. When D^ is greater than 325 mm., & may in ordinary cases be made = lo mm. The production of the screw threads both in pipe and fittings must be carefully considered in order to insure the interchange- ability which is necessary. Powerful and accurate machines have been devised for cutting the threads, as well as devices for producing the taps and dies, and also gauges to insure mainte- nance of standards. This branch of the art has been carried to a high degree of perfection in America. Fittings for Wrought Pipe. The simplest pipe fitting is the socket used for connecting two pipes of equal diameter D^, and is made of wrought iron Fig. io6g. or of steel. It is made of sufficient length to give a thread in each end of length equal to T, as given in the preceding tables, together with a slight clearance between the ends of the pipes. Fig. 1069 a;. In many cases the socket must be made with right THE CONSTRUCTOR. 251 and left hand threads, as in Fig. 106915, this being necessary to connect two pipes which cannot be turned axially. For other connections a variety of fittings are made, examples of which are shown in Fig. 1070. Fic. 1070. In Fig. 1070, « is a right angle ; b an elbow (abbreviated in practice to " ell ") ; ^ is a T ; rf a cross ; and e a reducing socket. These fittings are used as connections for all sorts of gaseous pressure organs. They may also be used for liquids, as water, brine, oil, etc., when the velocity of flow is not great. For im- portant installations it is becoming more and more the practice to design the fittings in such forms as to produce a minimum of resistance. By making the fittings of cast iron, as is done iu England and America, where pipe constructions are very ex- tensively used, it is possible to adhere to accurately designed standard forms. The most important fitting is the elbow, for the right angle bend. occasions far too much resistance to be used iu important cases. In Fig. 107 1 three forms are shown, all of which are Fig. 1071 designed to be used with the thread already described. Of these, form b is the most popular, although form a is frequently used because of the smoothness and neatness of external ap- pearance. Form c is here proposed as an additional design. A comparison between the three forms will show a difference in resistance which may be calculated as follows : The resistance may be divided into two portions ; one due to the curvature, the radius of curvature being made equal to D^ ; and one due to the enlargement and consequent contraction of the passage. Example 2.— In the three forms shown in Fig. J071 let the radius of curva- ture Dq = 1 inch, and let the velocity v be taken at 6.56 feet per second. „,_ ,, _ _ ,__ , from (335) for the — '~^ "'" '" •"" ' 6.562 ■ 64.4 = 0.334 ?2, and for fj i .the sforn -e from (336) for the loss due to enlargement a hence !i« + A3 = 4 79 It will thus be seen that form i for which the coefficient of loss 6 occasions quite a perceptible loss. Form because it offers: the least resistance, and a portion of metal in the curved portion of thi be recommended, except for steam i.s much to be preferred, both o because it is lighter, the pro- .hree forms being as 36 : 30 : 25. The only dimension which is important in connection with a standard system of fittings is the distance D^ + T, which should be taken from the preceding table. The thickness Sy is mainly dependent upon matters of casting, and is here made := (5 + 0.04^' ((5+1 mm.) the thickness of the collar being = 2(5i. An indispensable condition for any standard system of fittings is the constant length from end to centre for each size of elbow, cross, or T, so that at any time one fitting may be substituted for another without affecting the length of the pipes. This principle can also be observed when the fittings are used to connect pipes of different diameters. f Such fittings are always known by the name of the largest opening, whether T, elbow, or cross, this dimension governing the proportions. Fig. 1072 a shows a T, which is proportioned to permit one- half the flow of water to pass off the side opening. This is based on the form b, of the preceding illustration, and, as is usual, the direct discharge opening is made the same size as the entrance. D' is made equal to 0.7 Z>, thus giving one-half the area, and making the velocity the same as in the entrance pipe ; if the side opening had been kept full the velocity would have been reduced one-half. The side outlet is shaped like an elbow, with a sharp internal partition to direct the flow. According to Roux, these partitions are of much importance, acting as wedges ' to split the flow of the water. At b is shown another form, in which both discharge openings are reduced, and every precau- tion taken to give a smooth flow to the water. At ^ is a reduc- ing fitting which will double the velocity of flow, the reduction in diameter being made by gradual curves. Fig. 1073. Fig. 1073 a shows a T with equal outlets, formed on the plan of the elbow shown in Fig. 1071 b. This is made with a divid- ing wedge, which is much better than the straight form shown by the dotted lines. The latter form causes material loss by the sudden reduction of velocity to one-half. The form shown at b is intended still further to reduce this loss. At c is shown a cioss with three equal outlets designed on the same principle. The previously described fittings have been given on the as- sumption that the velocity of flow is to be kept uniform from the point of division both as regards the fittings and in the pipes. In extensive installations, whether in residences, public buildings or manufacturing establishments, this is not often the case. Very often it is found that one portion of a system is possessed of but little velocity of discharge, while a neighbor- ing pipe has a flow of high velocity in it. The resistances in such systems become quite material, but may be somewhat re- duced by giving care to the shape of the fittings. In adopting standard dimensions for pipe fittings, which may be based either upon form b or r, especial precautions must be taken to insure interchaugeability, this being the principal ad- vantage to be obtained. This involves accurate tapping of the threads both in the sockets and in the right-angle fittings, which is accomplished by special devices which enable all these operations to be performed without releasing the fitting, the accuracy of angles and sizes then being readily controlled by the machine. The sizes of the fittings are cast upon them in distinct figures, so that they may readily be determined. ?343. CONNEC/IONS FOR PIPES OF LEAD AND OTHER METAI,S. Lead pipes may be connected by means of separate flanges of wrought iron which draw the expanded ends of the pipes together. 11 clearance for the screw thread n 1. Soc. Mech. Engrs., IV, p. 273. 252 THE CONSTRUCTOR- A good flange connection for lead pipe is shown in Fig. 1074;* the pipes are expanded and a double cone socket of brass inserted and drawn together by bolts. Fig. 1075 shows ' i' ' '1 m ._jiyL . . 71 III! IK i 71:1! ^1";, J ' Fig. 1074. Fig. 1075. another design, by Louch ; the pipes are drawn together by means of screw flanges and a collar, the three pieces all being made of cast iron. ,.a'^f Fig. 1076. tightness. This idea may be still further carried out by making the material which makes the pipe tight, also in the spiral form. This is shown in the flexible metallic tubing of Ivcvasseur, of Paris, shown in Fig. 1077 5. f This is composed of a spiral of copper or similar metal, the section resembling somewhat the figure 5. The spiral is wound upon a mandrel in a special machine, a layer of rubber packing being wound in at the same time, as shown in the illustration. This pipe has been found to answer well for gas, water, steam, air, etc., and is adapted to high internal or external pressures, being tested to 180 pounds Flanges and other fittings are screwed on to the spiral and soldered carefull}'. This pipe is used, among other purposes, for connections for air and vacuum brakes. Pistons. Next to the various kinds of pipes, as already discussed in I 310, the most important members in pressure organ mechan- ism are the various forms of pistons, and with these the differ- ent methods of packing will be considered. Pistons, properly so called, are fitted with packing which presses outward against the walls of the cylinder, while in the case of plungers the packing presses inward. Both forms will be given considera- tion. The most important forms of pistons are those used in steam engines. Some of the low-pressure engine pistons are yet made with hemp packing ; but for higher pressures, metallic packing is used, this consisting of metal rings pressed against the walls of the cylinder by springs and by the steam pressure. In some instances a combination packing is used, the metal rings having a backing of hemp instead of springs. The unit upon which the dimensions of the following pistons are based is determined from the formula : Fig. 1076 rt shows a connection for joining lead to cast iron pipe, and Fig. 1076 b is for lead to wrought iron pipe ; the loose collars in both forms are made hexagonal or octagonal exter- nally, so as to be operated by wrenches. I 344- Fi,ExiBivE Pipes. For many purposes it is desirable to have a pipe which shall be yielding or flexible, so that, for example, it may follow the inequalities of the ground, or may accommodate itself to yield- ing supports. In such cases the flange connections may be constructed to permit motion by means of ball and socket bearings, as shown in Fig. 1065, such joints being especially adapted for pipes to be laid under water. An example of such construction is found in the water main built by G. Schmidt, of Carouge, for the water supply of Geneva, laid on the bed of the Lake of Geneva. The pipe is 47^ inches (1.2 metre) diameter, and is made in lengths of 29^ feet of riveted wrought iron, 0.197 in. thick (5 mm.). The connections are ball and socket flanges, riveted to the pipes. Instead of making the pipe rigid and the joints flexible, the joints may be made rigid and the pipe flexible. Familiar ex- amples of flexible pipe are various kinds of hose, made of leather, canvas or rubber. Special forms of couplings are made for fire hose. If the hose is to be subjected to heavy pressure, either internally or externally, special methods of increasing its strength are used. This may be done by means of a spiral of wire, or better by two separate spirals, one to resist internal pressure and one to resist external pressure, as shown in Fig. 1077 a. The wire spirals furnish the strength and the hose the 5 S^D- 004 — o.irS • (339) in which D is the piston diameter in inches. The following table will aid by giving a series of values for J and D : s D ^ D i ' D 0.4 4 0.65 20 0.90 58 0.45 5-7 0.7 24 0-9S 1° 0-5 8 0.75 30 1. 00 85 0.55 0.8 40 1.05 100 0.6 14 0.S5 48 1. 10 120 1^ Ullf'iri" \ !.. , 1^'^ ' ' ^M< - — - — &.0.9 Fig. I Fig. 1078 shows a hemp packed piston by Pen?^, This is made of a cored casting with a ring follower secured by bolts, screwing into bronze nuts recessed into the piston. For pistons of large diameter an increased depth is given at the centre ; this increase may be made by making the depth in the middle equal to 65 -}- yV A the depth at the edge being 7.Ss, and the piston being made flat — when the latter value exceeds the former. Example.— 'Lei Z* = 24 inches— for a hemp packed piston, as Fig. 1078, we then have i = 0.7. This gives for the thickness of the packing 0.7 X 1.8 = 1.26, say iV in. ; the depth of packing = 0.7 X 6 = 4.2 In. ; the depth of piston at the edge = o 7 X 7.8 = 5.36 = say 55/3 in. The depth in the middle will be equal to 6 X 0.7 X ii = 6.6, say 6=4 ins. Fig. 1079 shows a good form of piston with metallic packing, by Krauss. The packing consists of two steel rings, each cut at an angle, a ring of white metal being cast on each steel ring. If it is desired to make the cut in each ring tight, some one of THE CONSTRUCTOR. the methods shown in Fig. loSo may be used. In the first one the overlap makes a tight joint, while in the others the inserted piece is fitted steam tight. By filling the packing rings with white metal the wear comes mainly upon the softer material instead of on the cylinder, a most desirable feature, since the rings are easily and cheaply renewed. For the same reason A piston for a single acting engine, with combination pack- ing, is shown in Fig. 1083. The metallic packing rings are backed with hemp, this combination presenting the advantage Fig. 1079. bronze rings are used, while iron or steel are not to be mended, with the exception of soft cast iron, which works well, the cylinder being made quite hard. In Fig. 1081 is shown the so-called "Swedish" piston, as used in a large blowing engine by Egestorff. This piston is Fig. 1080. made with increased depth in the centre, similar to that in Fig. 1078, and the holes shown in the sectional plan view are for the purpose of removing the core from the casting. The packing rings are made of cast iron, with the joint made as Fig. 1082. of elasticity together with durability. This style of packing is well suited also for marine engines, as its elasticity renders it less likely to be injured by the pitching and rolling of the vessel than an entire metallic packing. Pistons for pump cylinders may be packed with leather so long as the temperature of the liquid to be pumped does not exceed 88° F. (30° C). Fig. 1 08 1. shown in Fig. loSoa. The rings are kept in their proper posi- tion by small pins. The method of securing the piston to the rod is worthy of notice. The large key is secured and tightened by a smaller key, the latter being held by a bolt, thus forming a fastening of the third order. Fig. 1082 shows a metallic piston in which the packing rings are pressed out by an inner spring ring of steel.* The double cone shape of the inner ring enables the piston to be closely fitted to the cylinder by tightening the bolts when the engine is built. The nuts for the bolts are made of bronze, as in Penn's piston, the thread in this case being carried entirely through the nut and the hole closed by a plug. , Westphalia. This firm < r & * Fig. 1084. A form of packing for this purpose is shown in Fig. 1084, the principle being the same as the forms shown in the following section. The units for the dimensions are the same as already given. l 346. Pi,UNGERS AND Stuffing Boxfs. As already observed, the packing for plungers and rods acts from the circumference inward, and such packings, in connec- tion with the necessary parts, are known as stufiing boxes. Two stuffing boxes for leather cup packing, especially ai' for hydraulic presses and for pumps, are shown in Figs, i-^^ and 1086, the former being for small and the latter for large plungers. The double cup in Fig. 1085 is made with a spring ring of iron between the cups to hold them in position before the water pressure is applied. When the form shown in Fig. 1086 is used in the horizontal position, a ring of bronze made in several parts is introduced below the packing, as shown in dotted lines. This is intended to support the plunger and pre- vent it from rubbing against the cast iron cylinder. The propor- tions given in the illustrations are all based on the unit s, given by formula (339). 254 THE CONSTRUCTOR. The friction existing between a plunger or piston rod in the ordiuar}- stuffing box in which the packing is tightened by screws, cannot well be calculated, as it depends upon the pres- sure which is put upon the packing. In those forms of stuffing box in which the pressure in the cylinder tightens the packing the friction may be calculated. According to the very elaborate Fig. 1086. researches of Hick,* the friction of a well-lubricated cup leather packing is independent of the depth of the packing, and is directly proportioned to the water pressure and to the diameter of the plunger. If P is the total pressure, D the diameter of plunger, and Fthe fractional resistance, we have : -p=-D- ^^40) For a new leather packing the friction is about i}4 times greater. If instead of the total pressure P we use the pressure p, in pounds per scLuare inch we have : - = 0.0393 — n Example.— For a piston rod 0.4 in. diameter, according to (340) the loss by friction would be y'^, or 10 per cent., while for a plunger 24 in. diameter it would be 0.0016, or '/i of i per cent. If, for example, the pressure is 4000 pounds per square inch, the' friction according to (341) would be F= 4000 X 0.0393 X 0.7854 X 24 = 2963 pounds. The total pressure on the plunger would be P= 4000 X 0.7854 X 24- = 1,810,000 pounds. Stuffing boxes for the piston rods of steam engines must be capable of resisting the action of heat. Hemp packing is still much used for this purpose. The following illustrations show two excellent forms of stuffing boxes to be used with hempen packing. ' I i ik£: % ^ '.67151 1 PJIJ. , 1 1(1 Fig. 1087. Fig. 1087 is intended to be used on the top of a cylinder; Fig. 1088 is for an inverted cylinder. Both gland and box are fitted with bronze rings, in order to reduce the wear upon the rod. The wedge-shaped edge which is given to these rings was introduced by Farcot, and is an improvement on the older style of beveling the edge in one direction only, the latter method often drawing the packing away from the sides of the box and permitting leakage. In some designs the edge is left square, as in Fig. 1090, or slightly rounded, as in Fig. 1089. Fig. 1090. Fig. 1089 shows a form especially adapted to inverted cylin- ders. The construction will be apparent on examination, and it will be seen that the ordinary arrangement is reversed, and the gland is cast upon the cylinder and the box containing the packing is made separate. This prevents water from the cylin- der from readily getting into the box. In order to prevent the gland from binding on the rod it is important that care should be taken to tighten both nuts equally. In large marine engines, for example, the nuts are made with worm wheels upon a common shaft. For small stuffing boxes this is accomplished by having the screw thread cut upon the outside of the box, as shown in Fig. 1090. This box is intended to be made entirely of bronze. The nut is made with six or eight notches in its circumference, to enable it to be turned by a spanner wrench. The dimensions of all the preceding figures are based upon the unit .J given by the empirical formula (339). Example. — For a rod 3 ins. diameter, according to (339) we get j = 0.36. The thickness of packing will then be 0.36 X 1.8 = 0.648, say Yt. in. The height of box lor Fig. 1087 will be 0.36 X 12 = 4.32 ins., and for Fig. 1088 0.36 X 21 = 7 56 ins., and so for the other dimensions. In horizontal stuffing boxes the length of the bronze collars should be made not less than 8 to 12 .s, in order to reduce the wear. The dimensions given in the illustrations may some- times be modified in order to conform to the thickness of ad- joining parts, so as to avoid difficulties in casting and shrinkage. In some instances the stuffing boxes for valve rods for steam engines are made in two parts, divided in a plane passing through the axis of the rod. The flange of the steam chest is then made in the same plane, so that with this construction the chest can be opened and valve and rod very conveniently re- moved and replaced. The large plungers for mine pumps are packed with hemp, the stuffing boxes having 4 to 8 bolts. More recently metallic packing has been introduced for stuffing boxes of steam engines. An excellent example is shown iu Fig. 1091, which is made by Howaldt Brothers, of Kiel.f The rings are made of white metal, in double cone * See Verhandl. des Vcreins K. Gewerbfleiss, 1866, p. 159. THE CONSTRUCTOR. ^55 pairs as shown, thus causing the pressure to be exerted alter- nately against the rod and the walls of the stuffing box. An elastic washer is placed between the gland and the iirst ring to equalize the pressure. Fig. 1092 shows the standard metallic packing introduced on the Prussian State Railways by Super- intendent Neumann. This uses a single ring of white metal made in two parts. The pressure is obtained from a steel spiral spring placed in the bottom of the stuffing box, and acting against a bronze pressure ring. The whole is enclosed in a steel cylinder which, together with its contents, can be drawn out by inserting a hook into a T-shaped recess. The form shown in the illustration is intended for a valve rod, but a similar pattern is used for the piston rod. ?347. Pistons with Valves. Pistons with valves are used in lift pumps and in steam en- gine air pumps. An example of such a pistou, with leather packing, intended for a mine pump, is shown in Fig. 1093. Fig. 1093. The packing is composed of conical rings of leather and canvas, each three adjoining layers being sewed together. The pressure of the water acts to tighten the packing. The acid mine water often acts injuriously upon the leather packing of the pump pistons, and in such cases metallic packing, with rings of soft cast iron, is used. At Fahlun, in Sweden, after many experiments the best material for packing was decided to be birch wood. The proportions for Fig. 1093 are based upon the unit s. A valved piston for steam engine air pump is shown in Fig. 984. I 348. Piston Rods. Piston rods for steam engines are usually made of wrought iron or steel, and recently compound rods of wrought iron sur- rounded with hard steel have been used. The rod i.: either sub- jected to tension only, as in single acting engines, or is alter- nately subjected to tension and compression, in which case the length and resistance to buckling must be taken into account. For short rods the same results are obtained for both condi- tions, but in no case should a rod subjected to alternate tension and compression be made lighter than a rod under tension only. a. Dimensions of Piston Rods, Tension only. D = diameter of cylinder in inches. j> = pressure in pounds per square inch. The total pressure P on the piston will he P= — p D"^. In order that the stress on the rod should not exceed 8500 pounds we have for the diameter d of the piston rod when made of wrought iron, and is subjected to tension only : ^ = o.oios ^y (342) or for a close approximation : Steel rods subjected to tension only may be made 0.8 times the diameter of wrought iron rods. If a piston rod is weakened by having a keyway cut through it, or by a screw thread, the reduction in cross section should be provided for by a proper increase in diameter. For this reason the diameter of the rod is sometimes increased in the cross head, an example of which will be seen in the locomotive cross head, Fig. 539. This construction involves the necessity of making the stuffing box gland in halves, as it could not be slipped over the enlarged end of the rod. b. Dimensions of Piston Rods for Buckling Stresses. Using the preceding nomenclature and indicating the length of stroke by Z,, we 1 ^/^sf^ from which th« following table has been calculated : L '■^r" = .0 = 80 = 90 "°l '" = 140 ! = 160 ..80 1.5 2-5 1 0.0967 O.IOO o.lii 0.116 0.135 0.108 0.128 1 0.114 j 0119 0.132 0.138 0.143 o-m8 0.161 1 0.166 0.153 These values will serve both for wrought iron and for steel (compare \ 182, and table in \ 2). Example. — For a steam cylinder 16 in. bore, 4 in. stroke, with a pressure of 60 pounds, we have -_ = 25, and d = 0.130 X 16 = 2.08, say 2 inches dia- meter, either for steel or wrought iron. The dimensions of steel keys to secure the piston to the rod are so taken as to give shearing stresses from 5600 to 7500 pounds in the key. Care should be taken that the key be not made too narrow, and the consequent superficial pressure be- come too great. Pressures of 6000 to 7000 pounds per square inch are found in stationary engines, and ^0,000 to 15,00(7 pounds in locomotive engines. ? 349- Specific Capacity of Pressure Transmission Systems. Having discussed the subject of conductors for pressure organs, we return to the consideration of the various mechani- cal devices which maybe operated by pressure organs, although these have already been described in Chapter XXIII. We are now prepared to consider these in connection v/ith the subject of long-distance transmission of power, in a manner similar to that in which tension organs are used in Chapter XXI. For this purpose we may use to advantage the conception of specific capacity. This method is especially desirable because its sim- plicity and general character enables comparison to be made between widely ditfering systems. The conception of specific capacity can be extended without difficulty to motors operated by water, air, steam, etc, since for all these we may put the general equation : qv deduced in \ 280. In this equation q represents the cross sec- tion of the pipe or other conductor in square inches ; the mean velocity in feet per viimite =^ z', and TV being the horse power. . If, for example, in a water pressure engine, h is the available head of W'ater. Q the weight of water delivered per minute, and /;' the head equivalent to the resistance against which the water leaves the engine, we have for the work delivered : 33000 r.ut O =0.0361 X 12 ^2^ = 0.434 qv, the coefficient 0.0361 being the weight of a cubic inch of water, and the pressure p with which the water acts = 0.434 /i, whence h -— 2.3/. Substituting these values we get : 2.3 (P-P') , JV^ JV = -qvip-p^) Example. — If / = 60 pounds we have from (342), — ^ = 00836, and hence for a 20 inch cylinder (i = 20 X 0.0836 = 1.67 in. The approximate formula {343) gives ^^ "t ^° = 0.087, which for D = ia gives rf = 1.74 in. 33000 33000 ' and the specific capacity becomes : ° qv 33000 ^^ ^ ' ^^^^' a value of the same form as that previous^' deduced in I 280 [see formula (:62)]. 2j6 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Example.— li the effective pre pacity will be N^, = 0.0097. If the a velocity of 236 feet per miaute, This is only the capacity of the pipe. The effective capacity will be considered later. , Formula (345) can also be used for air pressure or for vacuum, for steam or gas, by expressing the effective pressure in terms of an equivalent head of water. For steam and air it may be considered as an expression of the following form : iron and steel, especially in the Maanesmann rolled tubes, per- mit the use of high stresses; for wrought iron ►S := 17,000 lbs. and for steel 35,000 to 40,000 lbs., or even higher, if necessary, may be used. JBy neglecting the value oi p in formula (347) we have for : Cast Iron, 5— 6,500, tVq = 0.197 Wrought Iron .S = 17,000, N^ = 0.515 Steel 5=35,000, iVo = 1.060 This gives an indication of the efficiency of the pipe system of power transmission and enables comparisons to be made with other systems. ^V„^ 33000 [P -P') ^ • (346) The coefficient n is very comprehensive ; it increases with p and with the rate of expansion f, and can be calculated from these data, and also confirmed by observation. For £ = 2, it ranges from xyi to 1%, and increases to 3 to 4 for £ ^ 20 to 30, results which conform to the higher pressures and greater effi- ciency of compound engines in which such high expansion ratios are used. With some transformations the equation for specific capacit)* may also be used to solve another important problem, that is the question of the best material to be used for the conducting pipe. If we assume the diameter of the pipe, the horse-power TV will be : AIL The Ring System of Power Distribution with Pipe Conductors. Before proceeding with the further discussion of the preced- ing equations it is advisable to investigate further the subject of power transmission by means of pipe conductors, as already in- dicated in I 312. It was there remarked that pressure organs might be used in connection with pipe conductors so as to form "ring" transmission systems in a manner similar to those already described for rope. Taking into consideration first, hydraulic systems, especially high pressure hydraulic systems, we find two distinct kinds of "ring" systems which may be used. ». + « = ., f|±f And since 2 6 -\- D \s the external diameter D^, we have for the cross section q^ of the pipe. Substituting the value of — D' from its equation in the above 4 expression for N, we have Fig. 1094. In the first method, Fig. 1094, the flow of water under pres- sure starts from the power station T^, with a pressure />o, and proceeds to the first station T^, where it operates a water pres- sure engine, and passes on with a reduced pressure py It has therefore operated at the station 7j with a pressure p^ — p^ With the pressure />! it passes on to the eecond, third, fourth — — nth station Tn, each time losing pressure until it returns to the power station with a final pressure p n, where it is again raised to the initial pressure of p^. This is practically a coun- ter part of the rope transmission system of Fig. 917. It is apparent that the water pressure engines (escapements) at T^, T., 7^3, T,i, should all be of equal size in order to uti- lize the entire flow without excessive resistance. Automatic regulation, such as Helfenberger's, described in ? 328, is also desirable.* a form similar to the preceding expressions for N^. This expression is very instructive. It is applicable to all forms of conducting pipes for power transmission. It shows clearly the importance and value of a high value of .S". A high value of 5 reduces the proportional influence of p, to a degree which practically makes N^ dependent mainly upon 5. It fol- lows that we may consider that the specific capacity of the pipe in a pipe transmission system, is practically independent of the pressure of the fluid used in it. In other words, the capacity of a given pipe in horse-power is the same, whether the medium be liquid or gaseous, high or low pressure, provided the stress in the material of the cross section of the pipe is constant. It is therefore desirable to use pipes of small diameter and fluids at moderately high pressures. The friction in the pipe need not prevent this, as care in avoiding sharp bends and angles can be taken ; and as already shown in ^ 340 the friction is independent of the pressure of the medium, at least so it appears from such experiments as have yet been made. The value of the stress in the material of the pipe cannot be taken very high ; S = 7000 lbs. being about the upper limit, jind S = 6500 lbs. appears to be quite high enough. Wrought Fig. 1095 • The second system is shown in diagram in Fig. 1095. It will be seen that at each station there is a branch or shunt tube, leading through the motor (or escapement) T^, and then re- uniting with the main pipe. The main pipe A, forks at the station into the two branches B and C, of which the first diverts any required fraction of the power of the main flow, as ^, i |, as the case may be. At the fork is a swing valve O, operated by a speed governor 7?, driven by the motor. This governor requires the assistance of some form of power reinforcement, such, for example, as shown in Fig. 1037. The discharge pipe D of the motor unites with the by-pass C, to form again the main conductor E. At the entrance in the main pipe A, we have the pressure /i of the original flow ; the motor 'J\_ is now supposed to be stationary, the stop valve at B' having been closed by hand. The flap valve C which has been disconnected THE CONSTRUCTOR. ^S7 from the regulator before stopping the motor, is also closed. The flow of water then passes through C to ^ with the pres- sure/,- When the motor T^ is to be started, the valve B' is opened and the flap valve C gradually opened uutil the motor begins to move, when it is connected to the governor, which regulates it thereafter so as to keep the motor at its normal speed. When a heavy load is thrown on, the valve is opened so that the pres- sure /^ ii -^. becomes a greater fraction of p^, and when the work is less it is reduced. The pressure of discharge p^ acts as a back pressure so that the motor works with an effective pres- sure fi.2 — p3. The flow of water in the by-pass pipe C, also passes the valve C^ with a pressure ^3, and unites with the dis- charge at £ to be further utilized at subsequent stations until it returns to the power station, where if it has reached the min- imum pressure, it is permitted to flow into a tank, from which it is again drawn by the pressure pumps. If the return water is delivered under pressure it may be allowed to enter the suction pipe of the pressure pumps direct and so form a closed ring system to start anew on the circuit. This system has not yet to the Author's knowledge been put into practical operation.* The ring system of hydraulic power transmission is to be recommended when the various stations are distributed over a wide area and are readily connected by a continuous line of pipe. The pipe can be kept from freezing in winter by occa sional gas flames, as has already been demonstrated by exper- ience with Armstrong's hydraulic cranes. The ring system should be carefully distinguished from those forms in which the flow of water passes through the motor and is allowed to flow off at lowest pressure of discharge. A corresponding dis- tinction is to be made with other forms of power transmission. The author distinguishes as " line " transmissions, those forms in which the transmitting medium does not return to itself in a complete circuit, in contradistinction with the "ring" systems. The older form of rope transmission (§ 297) is therefore a " line" system, while the system devised by the author and discussed in ^ 30t is a "ring" system. A hydraulic system in which there is a free discharge of water from the motors is in like manner a hydraulic "line"' transmission system. There is, however, an intermediate form possible, namely, that in which water after passing through a series of motors as in a ring system, is discharged freely from the last motor Tn. A similar arrangement is possible with other systems of trans- mission. We may therefore extend the definition of a "ring " system to include those forms in which the medium of trans- mission returns to the place of starting. The distinction can then be made between "open" and "closed" ring systems, the latter being shown in diagram in Fig. 917. High pressure hydraulic systems are well adapted for large railway stations where numerous elevators as well as winding hoists and other rotative machines are to be operated. For such installations a combination of '"ring" and "line" systems is best suited. The hydraulic elevators are more conveniently arranged on a line system than in a ring circuit. An apparent objection to the use of high pressure water to direct acting ele- vators lies in the fact that the diameter of the plunger becomes so small as to be hardly stiff enough to support the load on the platform without buckling. This diflBculty is readily overcome by use of the hydraulic lever, as shown in Fig. 956 a, the con- struction of which offers no diflBculties, and it is unnecessary to go into details. Up to the present time air has only been used upon line sys- tems, either with direct pressure or with vaacum. Gas engines can only be operated on a line system since the gas is burned in the engine. Steam has been used in a ring system in New York for some time, on a long distance transmission, and short ring systems exist in most cases of compound or triple expan- sion steam engines as used in marine and stationary practice. Fig. 1096. Steam at a high initial pressure is expanded successively in one cylinder after anether, and between the last cylinder or station Tn and the first, or boiler T^, is placed the surface condenser 7 m, where the medium reaches the minimum pressure and is converted into water to be returned to the boiler and start anew on the circuit. In order that the velocity of flow shall be uni- form the successive passages for the expanding steam should be made with continually increasing cross section as shown in diagram in Fig. 1096. If a jet condenser is used instead of a surface condenser the circuit becomes an open ring. The high economy which has been attained by the application of the " ring " system with steam in the form of multiple expansion engines, points to the possibility of a similar economy in the application of the ring system to wire rope transmission. Lehmann's hot air engine, which is a true closed circuit, is an example of the ring system confined within the limits of a single machine. Specific Capacity of Transmission by Shafting. The subject of the specific capacity of shafting was not con" sidered in Chapter IX, and it is introduced in this place in order to obtain a basis for comparison with the other systems of transmission. If we have the moment PJ? and shaft diameter d, we have, if 5* is the fibre stress at the circumference PJ?=:S^ d^ 1. J? ^ n d, -we have /* = the force at the circumference of the shaft and hence P^ S-^ d^. Takin V = the velocity at the circumference of the shaft and JV the number of horse-power transmitted, we have : - d^ ^q, the cross sectional area of the shaft, whence S q V 33000 . (348) ,nd hence the specific capacity of the shaft is : qv 2 33,000 (349) This expression, which is of the same form as those already ob- tained, does not give values numerically great, because S must be taken low enough to avoid excessive torsion of the shaft. If we require, as in § 144, that the torsion shall not exceed 0.075° per foot of length we must have S ^ 630 d which gives for shafting from 2 to 6 inches diameter 6" = about 1200 to 3700 pounds and the specific capacity No= 0.018 to 0.056 . • (35o> In other words, such a shaft will transmit, at one foot per min- ute circumferential velocity, 0.018 to 0.056 horse-power for each square inch cross section. In the application of shafting to long distance transmission the friction of the journal bearings is a very important consid- eration. The influence of friction may be determined in the form of a general expression in a similar manner to that of the friction of water in a pipe (§ 340). According to formula (100) we have for the force P', exerted at the circumference to over- come the journal friction i^= — y times the weight of the v/(tO 2 Z X 0.28 in which L is the length of the shaft in feet, and 0.28 is the weight of a cubic inch of wrought iron. It follows that the horse power A'i re- quired to overcome the friction will be : iVi = - X ? X 12 Z X < 33000 33000 and if we take the coefllicient of friction/ = 0.08 we have S;S8 N, = ~ ? X 4 X 0.28 X 12 L y V THE CONSTRUCTOR L q V 96,422 • (351) and if we wish the specific frictional resistance, we have: \^' ^Jo q V 96,422 U5^; ratio "'- = i/'- Making i/j = 0.9 as is usual in practice with such This resistance is bv no means inconsiderable. Expressed as a tubing, the diameter for resistance to torsion, (compare formula • (352) SO that in both instances it is less than one-fourth the resistance of the corresponding solid shafts, as given in (354). Hollow shaft- ing thus greatly extends the capacity of shafting for long dis- tance transmission and also permits an important economy in material. The subject of shafting made of steel tubing was not consid- ered in Chapttr IX, and a brief discussion will therefore be Let fl'o be the outside diameter, d^ the inside diameter, let the . d percentage it will be : 1,133) ) will be: 96,422 ■ N 96,442 ' A'o • ■ (353) = 0.39^ ^^ = 6.18^^ The value *,-, it will be seen, is inversely proportional to the This requires that the number of revolutions be known assumed. If instead of n, th( given, we have for the same shaft ferential velocity v, be o = 7.25ill be (s)'(— )= The loss from friction will be THE CONSTRUCTOR. 259 Spfcific Vai = 0.434 h, h being taken in feet, and we have for the thickness g, when D is the inside diameter according to (324) : & I p 0.434 h h ^ ^ . which is such a moderate value that the tank is half-way between the top and bottom of the tank the pressure would be but half that at the bottom and the bolts may be spaced proportionately wider, say about 2 inches apart. The total contents of the tank will be = 742 cubic feet = 5550 gallons. In using cast iron tanks of this sort care must be taken tc^ avoid filling them with liquids which have an injurious action upon the rubber packing of the joints. Reservoirs form a most important feature in connection with the use of pressure organs, and are divided into tanks, receivers, chambers of various kinds, in which the pressure organs may be stored in greater or less quantity and drawn upon for use as may be required. Such reservoirs may be used either for posi- tive or negative pressure according to the system with which they are used. Both kinds are shown in Fig. 993, in the case of a canal lock. As already indicated in \ 312, the various forms of reservoirs are very numerous. From the nature of the subject we can only here discuss that branch of the subject which relates to machine construction, including reservoirs of cast and wrought iron, copper and steel. These are applicable both to gaseous and liquid organs and in most cases are of spscial' construction to meet the circumstances of use. A reservoir wheu considered in connection with the appar- atus for filling and emptying, as well as for controlling the pressure, whether positive or negative, forms a storage system which may properly be considered as a ratchet train (see Chap. XVIII). For the present, however, it is here only the intention to discuss the constructive features of the reservoir itself consid- ered as a machine element. ?354. Cast Iron Tanks. Cast iron tanks with flat sides are used only for very small reservoirs and need not be discussed here ; for larger sizes the walls are made cylindrical in order better to resist the internal pressure. Cylindrical cast iron tanks can be advantageously I 355. Riveted Tanks. ^ When tanks of large capacity are required, wrought iron or steel must be used in their construction and these involve the use of riveted joints. With tanks of large diameter construc- tive difficulties arise in connection with the flat bottoms. In the United States, oil tanks are made with flat bottoms, carefully bedded in cement, and similar tanks are used in Ger- many for water. It is, however, found that greater facility of construction, as well as economy of material, is obtained by making the bottom convex, as will be shown. A very frequent and useful form is that in which the bottom ;Fig. 1098.; is made in the shape of a spherical segment, Fig. 1098 a, the tank being supported on a flanged ring riveted to its circumfer- ence and the ring standing on a support of masonry. The construction of the supporting ring is shown in Fig. 1098 b, from the design of Prof. Intze. The tension in the inclined direction of the bottom of the tank is carried by the lower half of the supporting ring, while the upper portion is subjected to the pressure of the tank at right angles to the vertical. This latter force is well resisted by a ring of angle iron running entirely around the tank. The calculation of the bottom of spherical segment shape is as follows : If R is the radius of the sphere of which the segment is a part, we have from \ 19, Case II. : used for water up to looo cubic feet capacity. A good construc- tion has already been shown in Chapter IV, as made by Lauch- hammer's Iron Works, of Groditz, and used in many places. in which (Jj is the thickness and S^ the stress therein due to the pressure p. The pressure is the greatest at the lowest point of the bottom where the height in feet of the column of liquid is THE CONSTRUCTOR. equal to h, so that if a, is the weight of a cubic inch of the liquid p = \2 h a. We then have : R ~ 2S^ which for water gives, a = 0.0361 • (368) At each higher point of the bottom the pressure is less, until at the edge of the bottom the height k, is diminished by the depth/", of the bottom. For simplicity, however, it is custom- ary to make the entire bottom of the same thickness 6, which is required for the lowest point. For the thickness of the cylindrical walls of the tank at the bottom we have the pressure/ = 0.036 [k — /) both h andy, being in inches, and from (367) m(k- ■ this gives S in feet, hence we have for 3 -n 1 inches : J = 12 X 0.217 Z? ii_^ = 2.604/?^^^ .(369) In order to obtain good proportions it should be considered 6 that as h diminishes, the ratio of — becomes smaller, while as D increases the size and thickness of the bottom increases. An approximate formula by which the minimum amount of material will be required is : Z? = of the material i (370) cubic feet to be in which Q is the voh contained in the tank. For the height // of the wetted portion of _the surface have : H - f f _ ■ (371) if we assume, as we may with sufficiently close approximation, the segment of the sphere to be practically that of a paraboloid. The same remark about the most economical ratio of depth to diameter applies here as in the note to \ 354. Example /.—For Q = 47,000 cubic feet we have from (370); D = 1.366 -^ 42,000 = 47.36. ,lated tank at Halle, of this capacity (1200 cu. metres) was If = 65,601 I. ft. we have D = 1.3 y at Essen is 58 feet i •;r at Neustassfurt t! J' 70,000 = 56.3 ft., while a^tankof a capacity Q = 21,160 cu. ft., and is ''21,160 = 37,79 ft. For the depth j^ of the radius i?, the expression bottom, 1 2Rf-p = \D\ i have for any given from which we get It is found convenient, but not essential, to choose .such a value for R, that 6^ = (J, when S = S^. To accomplish this re- sult, the conditions which obtain for the equations both for 6^ and 6 must be fulfilled. These are : / The following table gives a series of numerical values for these relations : D ^ 0.55 0.60 0.625 0.65 o.,o 0.75 0.80 ... 0.90 0.93 X.O . f D 05 0.32 0.25 0.33 0..: 0.19 0..8 0.16 o-:5 0.14 0.134 h D X.O 0.71 0.68 0.67 0.66 0,70 0.76 0.88 1.07 1.52 2.84 » h-o.sf D 0.75 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.56 0.59 0.67 0.79 0.99 1-45 2.77 03 T-(^)" = 0.. 0.07 0.0s 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.0. ,^ 0.0. 0.0. 0.0: O.OX These relations are also shown graphically in Fig. 1099, and the results are interesting. It will be seen that in order to have (5j = d when ^'j = ^S we must always make R <:. D. It also appears that the best ratio of depth to diameter occurs when ~ is about equal to 0.60, for then h — 0.5 /"nearly approaches 0.5 D ; this, however, is only approximate. It thus appears that the two conditions of greatest economy of material and equality of value 6^ and d, cannot be attained at the same time Fig. 1099. exactly. The most useful ratio in practice will be obtained by selecting a value for /?, according to (370). The value R = 0.5 D, which corresponds to a hemispherical bottom, is useful to the extent that when the supporting ring is placed at its upper edge there is no lateral pressure produced tending to compress the ring, as there is iu all of the other cases. The hemispherical bottom, however, offers too many constructive difiBculties to be much used. Example s.— Let Q = s, D = i.336^"1J:55^= 50-: 25.14 ft., and combining these again we get : Q ia.i.'io cu. ft., which is a little under the required C( s of the proportions. Doo cubic feet. We have from (370) : ; feet and according to (371), h — -.3/= 0.5^ = i.7854 (50.28)2 = THE CONSTRUCTOR. If we now make /= 021/5 = o 21 X 50.28 = 10.56 v table, J? = 0.7/? = 0.7 X 50-28 = 35.2 ft. We have ,,, , 0.5/= 0.605 D = 30.42 It. The height of the wetted perimeter win oe .« = h —/= (0.605 — 0.2X) D = 0.395 D = 19.86 ft. Taking for the stress in the metal at the lowest part of the walls of the tank we have from (369) ; IT- 5 = .604/; _^.- = .604 X 0.395 -^ = 0.372 in For the bottom w e have fl2.6 ..4=- X 2.604 X 0.605 ^ = 0.4 in and -|- I.07 ; tha is, the thickne ss of the bottom is 7 per cent greater than that of the lowest Ifwe make the the thicknesses : row of plates i tank with six r 1 the walls of the tank, ings of 3 ft. width and one of ft. we get for ■xcess over the theoretical thickness, but the and for constructive reasons. The thickness .Iculated is 0.4 in., but in practice would prob- riveting;ai ingle rivet The latter figures show an e.xcess is needed for stiffne: of the bottom, as already ably be made iV'. The riveting may be made the the table in § 59, we find for 5 -■ modulus of efficiency is 0.47. Th which seems rather too high. For this reason the two lower should be made with double riveting : which gives a stress of = 11,800 0-59 pounds. The seams of the bottom should always be made double riveted. V proportion 7COO pounds, ; at least thei ufs i-^l et Q again be taken £ «i = a, and take D = ^ifr lbs. We will nc rder that 5i shall at least equal 5,wew ill take D ° 62 D = = 12.5 ft. We then have h = 0.67 ^ = 33. ft., and h -0.1 25)^ = 0.545 D = 27.25 ft. We therefore have £? = .7854 X 27.25 > < (50)2 . = 53,500 u.ft. e/ Tphich agrees quite closely enough with the original assumed capacity, //will be = to h — /=(o.67 — 0.25) D = 0.42 /? = 21 ft. We therefore have for the lowest cylindrical portion of the tank : 0.625 X 0.67 rr- _ thus giving practically & = Si. The tank will be heavier than the be expected, but the excess weight w ? 356. Tanks with Concave Bottoms. The question of the action of the forces upon the bottom of a tank as discussed in the preceding sectioi:, -was first thoroughly investigated by Prof. Intze, whose valuable re- searches have practically revolutionized the construction of riveted tanks.* The following discussion is based on Intze's, but the calculations are simplified and abridged. Fig. 1 100 shows two forms in which the spherical segment may be used, a, with convex or hanging bottom, as already dis- cussed, and d, with concave or reversed bottom. In both forms the pressure of water on the bottom produces a stress at the base of the cylindrical portion of the tank in the direction of the tangent to the curve of the bottom, the stress acting in- wards in case a, and outward in case d. It is desirable to make the construction such that this force is received by the base ring and not by the shell of the tank. In every case, however, an increase is required in the thickness of the bottom of the tank. There is also a force (, acting at right angles to the tangent or normal to the curve of the bottom of the tank, and the deter- mination of both of these forces is a matter of importance. If G be the weight of the liquid, and a the angle which the tangents make with the axis we have for case a, for the two * See the article by Dr. Forchheimer : " On the Construction of Iron Tanks, for Water, Oil and Gas, according to the Calculations and System of Prof Intze, of -Aachen." Schilling's Journal iiir Gas-beleuchtung, 1884, p. lateral forces which act, each on one half the circumfe the base ring of the tank : 1 . /^f\ if -D--V * .Li_ L--<^ ■•-./< y < >■ w / / 2 cos a producing a load Si per running foot : 2 Substituting for G, its value y [f ^^ (/' -/) + if (I n^ +/')] in which y is the weight of a cubic foot of the liquid, we get : 4[/^ ^/ C^)'] In this A is the distance from the level of the surface of the liquid to the crown of the curve of the bottom, and for the case d, we have : The last member in the brackets is always very small in value as will be seen by reference to the table in the preceding sec- tion. It can therefore generally be neglected, when we have for both cases : . = 4(, -^) ■ (374) The detailed determination of the forces i^ and /21 need not be gone into here, we have for both cases : i = y7?ik^/)-s = y^ik^±/) . . . (375) There is also a third force 7/, acting upon the rim of the spherical bottom in the direction of a great circle at right angles to the pl^ne of the drawing, for which we have per run- ning foot : and finally for the crown of the curve, where the force ?Co great circle is : "o = y~/i (377) These formulse will be somewhat simplified if we take the height //, of the wetted portion of the cylinder, whence h = H±f. This gives: • (378) THE CONSTRUCTOR. 265 These are the necessary formiite for the calculations of spherical bottoms. The following points are to be noted : I. For the convex bottom (Form, a) u^ has the greatest value, that is, the stress must be calculated for the deepest point if 6-^, is to remain constant; 2. For the concave bottom (Form. 3) t has the greatest value, and must be used to determine S^ ; 3. The supporting rim should be capable of sustaining s, if the shell is to be free from any stress due to the bottom of the tank. The determination of (5j is the same as before. If we divide the values for u^ and t, by 12, we get the stress per running inch, and by using the weight ),.x.-...XM>- IS of this SOI .. 87, 24,951 an. L.. Neumann, at \achen. . [y X 0.5 D) 0.8572 X 0.323 (48- 11,., =, (V X 0.5 D) 0.2769 X 36.8 = 10.19 (V X 0.5 D). For the second member we have from formula (378) : s" sin a' ^ sin a" y 0.5 J!" {H - 0.5/") in which both R" z.t\A a" are unknown, hence we introduce /3" and have: .r" sin a" = y cos p" R" (3 - 0.25 R" (i _ cos 3") ). Introducing these into the equation of condition, we get : 10.19 X 0.5 ^v- cos ^" R" (3 - 0.25 R" (I - cos |3") ) Y = o But '^R" We may obtain a first approximation for 3" by neglecting the second member of the numerator. This gives tan (3" = ~^— = 0.2954 = tan 16° 25'. —a tangent = I ft. and ic 5.2930 -(3- ..0404) = This idea may be carried out in many ways, as by combining forms d andy; Fig. 1103 a, or forms e and b, Fig. 1103 (5. or using all three forms as in Fig. 1103 c, the inner vertical walls being, in these combination forms omitted.* The forms shown in the illustration also have the advantage of reducing the diameter of the supporting ring and hence re- quiring less extensive foundation walls. In order that the supporting ring may be free from radial stresses, the condition : s' sin a' — s" s\y\a" ^= O (387) early. Numerically this gives ; r, since the weight of a cubic foot of wa idial force upon the ring is 62.4 x 0.058 = 3 i so small as to be unimportant. The question may properly be asked, as to the stresses upon the suooort- „ --„ n the tank is not full, that .„, ...,,...,, .<...^= .^^ buswc truethatthepressure on the ring necessarily changes. Suppose A^ We then have for the first member of the equation : '^his gives a pressure of = 3ft. °V--l55- ^ ^°-* "" '^^■1'' ^"^l- P^'' '■"""'"? foot acting from without inwards, which IS large enough to be worth considering. ]t is therefore important to base the calculation upon a depth of water which will be usually main- tained m the tank. The proportions may also be so made that the forces tvill be in equilibrium when the tank is half full, when a greater depth will ward pressure. n outward pressure and a lesser depth a: Tanks constructed on the combination are well adapted for use with gasholders, the level of the water remaining so nearly uniform that the supporting ring may be kept free from any lateral pressure. § 358. High Pressure Reservoirs or Accumui^ators. The forms of tanks already described are intended to be placed at such elevation either in buildings, or towers or on natural elevations that the liquid is delivered through pipes at the desired pressure. In this way a w^ater tank with a pump and the necessary pip- ing forms a storage system, an overflow being provided as a security against flooding the tank. Systems of oil storage are constructed also in this manner ; and on a small scale the water tank stations for railway service come under the same classifi- cation. These water stations are usually provided with steam pumps, although windmills are often used, especially in the United States. It is a question whether the required pressure might not be obtained by the use of compressed air, the tank being closed at the top and the confined air exerting by its elasticity sufficient pressure to obviate the necessity of elevating the tank upon a tower to obtain the necessary pressure. For high pressure water systems for operating hydraulic machinery the use of weighted devices, as suggested long since by Armstrong, has superseded the open water column, such devices being generally known as Accumulators. The volume of such accumulators is generally quite small, but the pumping mechanism is so efficiently devised as to ena- ble them to possess a very extensive capacity. The pressure is obtained by means of a weighted plunger, the overflow being replaced by a safety valve. Fig. 1105 shows an accumulator built by C. Hoppe, Berlin.* This is weighted to a pressure of 20 atmospheres, or nearly 300 pounds per square inch. The plunger is 1"]% in. diameter (450 mm.) weighted with shot which is enclosed in a cylinder. The plunger is shown in the highest position. When it reaches the position the lever and connections M M' act to shut off the steam from the duplex pump, and at the same time the rod s * All dimensions in the illustration are in millimetres. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 265 relieves the safety valve. When the use of the water causes the the efforts to attain compactness, having led to a vast number plunger to sink, the steam is turned on and the pump starts. If the pressure should be suddenly released by the bursting of Fig. I ids. a pipe, the sudden drop is received by heavy beams, and at the same time the stop P' strikes the lever Paud checks the water flow in time to moderate the shock. An accumulator for very high pressures is shown in Fig. 1 106.* This is designed by Tweddell for use for operating riv- eting machines, punches and similar tools. The plunger c, is stationary ; the cylinder d, sliding upon it, weighted with rings a'l of cast iron. In the lowest position the cylinder rests upon vertical biiffers of oak. The water is delivered under high pres- sure at H, while the water is taken off for use through suitable valve gear at ^ / the safety valve is aXb'. The plunger is of the differential variety similar to those shown in Fig. 977^, and Fig. 9S1 b. The difference in diameter between the two por- tions of the plunger is the space to be filled by the entering water, the small annular area bearing the total weight, thus giving a very high pressure per square inch. The pressure at- tained when the cylinder is stationary is about 100 atmospheres (1420 pounds), but experimental investigation has shown that when the weighted cylinder is permitted to descend rapidly the pressure reaches as high as 193 atmospheres, (2740 pounds), so that it is worthy of note that the attainable water pressure in such devices may reach double the statical pressure. Ste;am Boii:< cubic meter) capacity, these together with sectional boilers being permitted for small private indus- tries. « 360. Boiler Details Subjected to Internal Pressure. The walls of steam boilers are subjected to varied and some- times complicated stresses greatly dependent upon the method of construction. It will only be practicable here to discuss the ordinary forms, first taking the parts which have to resist the internal pressure. a. Cylindrical Details. The Prussian ordinance relating to steam boilers, used the formula of Brix, for cylinder boilers subjected to internal pres- ^ / X, • (388) in which 6 and D are in inches and e is the logarithmic base =: 2.71828, a being the pressure in atmospheres. This is closely approximated by the simpler formula : The French formuL greater thickness : <5 == 0.03I7 a Z) + o. ich the same but gives a slightly • (390) only Yi of this value being used in locomotive practice. On account of the large constant added to provide for deterioration all three formulae must be considered as empirical. At present there are nearly everywhere government enactments which prescribe the method of determining the thickness of steam boilers and regulate by law the limits of construction. In most cases the boilers must be subjected to a test pressure which may reach double the working pressure. The stress existing in the longitudinal seams of a cylindrical THE CONSTRUCTOR. boiler shell may be obtained with sufificient accuracy from either by furuace heat or by water-gas burners, or aS more (324), cently by electric welding by the Bernados' method. p being the pressure in pounds per square inch, and D and & being in inches. If we calculate J from (3S9) and determine >S" from (391) we have the following results a = 4 = 60 lbs. 7 = 105 lbs. 10= 150 lbs. 13 =175 lbs. D 8 ^ & 5- rJ s ' 5 24 0.24 3000 0.35 3600 0.48 3750 0.58 3700 36 0.31 3500 0.48 3900 0.64 4000 0.80 4000 42 0.3s 3600 0.54 4000 0.73 4300 0.92 4000 72 043 5000 0.8s 4400 I.18 4600 1-50 4200 Lo?igiludinal Seams. For all large steam boilers the longitudinal seams are double riveted. For plates -f^'^ thick and over a modulus a./ = 0.76 to 0.73 is obtained which corresponds to a ratio of S'.^ : 5* of 1.32 to 1.37. It is more and more made a point of importance that these joints shall not be exposed to the direct action of the iire. A construction especially intended to meet this point is shown in Fig. 11 15 in which the entire shell is made of two sheets, the lower sheet comprising obout | of the entire cir- cumference.* Another method which bids fair to become very important, is to weld the longitudinal seams, this being more and more and more used for large boilers. The welding is accomplished * Boilers of this sort have been made at the Erie City Iron Works, Erie, Pa. See Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. Vol. VI., 1884-5, p. no. Scheffler, A New Method of Constructing Horizontal Tubular Boilers. The first boiler was 16 ft. by 60 in.. Ye thick, of mild steel, 60,000 lbs. ultimate strength, 30,000 lbs. proof strength. This table shows that the formula gives for large diameters and heavy pressures, thicknesses which are excessive, and with quite moderate stresses. The stress at the riveted seam will be greater, and from I 59 we have for the stress in the perforated plate : s] for single riveting S' ^= — - \ '^ 'c (392) for double riveting S'.2 = -7- <> -1 J in which, if d, is the diameter of rivets and a, the pitch, a — d , , a, — d Even with this increase the stresses fall below the values which good boiler plate should properly bear. lu practice, smaller values are often used for 6 than are given by (389) especially since mild steel came into use for boiler plate. The stress which comes upon the rivets, according to § 59, is greater than that upon the perforated portion of the plate. This, however, should be considered in connection with the fact that rivets are generally made of a still better grade of iron than the plates. At the present time the disposition is apparent to break loose from set rules for the thickness of boiler shells. Careful designers aim more and more to investigate each case for itself and endeavor to adapt both design and material so as to obtain at the same time the greatest strength and economy. The more recently designed ocean steamers are fitted with boilers as large as 16 feet in diameter, operated at pressure from 160 to 250 pounds pressure. The older formulae cannot be used for such e-ttreme values, and every resource of the art must be used to reinforce the strength of the plates and the riveting. The method of group riveting, (^ 57) is here found of value and is already used to some extent. Fig. 1115. In Fig. 1 116 is shown the cross section of a marine boiler, constructed by H. C. Stulkeu, of Hamburg, the two longitudi- nal seams being welded.* Both seams are reinforced by double riveted flaps the strength of the plates being reduced by the rivet holes. The joint, however, is preferable to a lap joint and needs no strengthening. The pressure in this boiler is 180 pounds. The strength may be calculated as follows ; the diameter being 76.5 ins. and the plates % in. thick. From (391) we have : .S" = i_8o_Xj6^? = -. "2 X 0.87s '' flaps the pitch a S pounds. For the double riveting i md rivet diameter d = This -o.S75_ gives for the modulus of efficiency ^ p ^ S-^^^ D 6, in which S.^ = .1 J that is half as great as the stress 5', in the longitudinal seams. For this reason it is deemed necessary to use only single riveting for the circumferential seams. It will also be shown hereafter, that the cross section of the shell can be re- lieved of this load. Openings in the Shell. The openings for the steam dome and manholes weaken the boiler, and in some instances explosions have been caused by cracks radiating from such openings. All such openings should be carefully reinforced by riveting on rings of wrought iron or preferably steel, as shown hereafter in Fig. iii8. The size of a manhole opening should be about 12 by 18 inches, and when practicable the short axis of the oval should be placed length- wise of the boilers. b. Spherical Details. A sphere of the diameter D-^ with an internal pressure/, will be subjected to a force — ■ D^ p, which is the same as already found for the cross section of a cylinder, and one-half that on the longitudinal seams. The thickness, therefore, need be only half so great as that of a cylindrical shell of the same diameter, i, e., D = D.^ If, however, both vessels arc to have the same content we must have D-^ > D. If the cylindrical shell is made (^). with flat heads its content will be — D'^ L - 4 and the spherical vessel will have a content = — D^ ; hence ©• we must have Z>'i = For the thickness of metal we have : — Dp —D,P and for the respective surfaces : 7^ = TT Z> Z + — Z>', and >Fi = TT ZiV Assuming the heads of the cylindrical vessel to be made the same strength as the shell, we have for the material required for each case : a + i)^ ' ' 4 " ^1 ■ Making 5"=^ 5'i and putting for Z)'i its value — D'^ \~n 1 get: F& 4 L • (393) for the ratio between the amount of material required for Spherical and cylindrical vessels. We have for : showing that the spherical vessel is in all cases the lighter form. The earliest boilers were made in the spherical form, but soon abandoned on account of the demand for increased heat" ing surface and small content. The spherical form is, however, well adapted for units for sectional boilers.* For Spherical ends of cylinder boilers, as in Fig. 1 107, and for the heads of domes, and auxiliary drums, we have for the thick- ness, i?i being the radius of the sphere : . ^1 P • (394) which gives, when Si = 5" the same value for the thickness (5, as in the shell when J?^ = D. This latter condition cannot always be fulfilled since the curvature of the boiler head is usually controlled by the dies with which the press is provided. The head is usually joined to the shell by being flanged or turned over around the edge in the flanging press, thus enab- ling a joint to be made as at a, Fig. 1117 ; or it may be made with a ring of angle irou, as at d. Here the circumferential force, as considered in ^ 355, may be taken into consideration, especially the radial component .r sin a, since this acts to draw the shell inward. It is, however, hardly necessary to take this into account as the flauge of the head reinforces the shell amply at this point. c. Flat Surfaces. Unstayed flat surfaces can only be used in boilers of small dimensions, as already shown in ^ 19, and should only be used for beads of steam domes, auxiliarj' heaters, and the like. Where extended flat surfaces are used, it is necessary to adopt some method of staying ; or in other words to subdivide the ex- tended surface into supported portions small enough to be of ample strength and at the same time of moderate thickness. A number of methods of staying flat surfaces are in practical use, those most generally employed being shown in Fig. 11 18. Stay bolts, such as shown in Fig. 11 18 a, (see also \ 61) are used for parallel surfaces which are near to each other. Those shown at a are made with nuts instead of riveting the heads as is sometimes done. Flat surfaces which are farther apart are secured by anchor bolts, as shown at b ; these are practi- THE CONSTRUCTOR. 269 cally long stay bolts. These are shown reinforced by large riveted washers under the nuts. Stay bars, as shown at c, are used for staying crown sheets of fire boxes in marine and locomotive boilers. Stay tubes, such as shown at d, are used to strengthen tube sheets. These are heating tubes about %. to x\ in. thick reinforced at the ends and screwed into the tube sheets. Gusset plates e, Fig. 6, are used to stay flat heads to the shell, and are used both in land and marine boilers.* Boiler Flues Subjected to External Pressure. The stresses which appear in the case of a boiler flue subject- ed to external pressure are similar to buckling stresses upon columns, rods, etc., since beyond a certain increase in pressure when a slight departure from the true cylindrical form occurs a sudden collapse follows. The smaller sizes of flues used in the ordinary tubular boiler possess ample strength against col- lapsing, but for larger flues such as are used in Cornish and Lancashire boilers the question of strength to resist collapsing must be considered. The experiments of Fairbairn have demon- strated that the length of the flue has an important influence upon the resistance to collapsing, practically being inversely as the length of the flue, or rather as the distance between the points at which the flue is reinforced against external pressure. stituting these in the formula it will be found if the flue is safe against collapsing. Example.— Va a Cornish boiler intended to work a the dimensions are / = 25 ft., X> = 23 ins., & = 0.25 in; with lap joints. From (397) we have : '-r^-^.- which pressi ckness of th n might readily follow. :xplo- A method of increasing the safety without using a greater thickness of metal in the walls of the flue, is to reinforce it by stiff'ening rings, thus practically reducing the length /, as noted by Fairbairn. Two forms of stiffening rings are shown i: 's and b, Hick's. The first form i; Fairbairn deduced from his experiments for the collapsing pressure of such flues : // = 8 Ud • (395) in which p' is the pressure in pounds per square inch, D and 6 are in inches, and / is the length of the flue in feet. If the dimensions are given in millimetres and p' is the pres- sure in kilogrammes per square millimetres, this becomes : ID Fairbairn's experiments have been discussed more recently, with a view of deducing a formula which should be more con- venient to use-t The results of Dr. Wehage in connection with later experiments, f give the following formula : ( 368,000 1 1 490,000 j D ^ ID ■ (397) in which the upper coefiicient is to be used for flues made with lap joints, riveted ; and the lower coefficient for flues in which the joints are made with flap plates riveted on. This formula gives results approximating very closely to Fairbairn's most important experiments. It is best used by selecting the desired dimensions for D, I and as shown in Fig. 1x7.2 a. Fig. 1122. In many establishments, as for example, the Esslingen loco- motive works, the tubes are fitted with hard copper ferules which stand the expanding and riveting better than tubes of steel or iron. The form of tube shown in Fig. 1122 b, is rein- forced at the ends, and one end made conical, thus enabling old tubes to be more readily removed and replaced. This con- struction is used by Pauksch & Freund, of Landsberg, in Ger- many, and by various French builders since 1867. § 362. Future Possibilities in Steam Boiler Construction. The discussion of the preceding sections has necessarily been limited to a few constructive details, since a complete treatment of such an extensive subject requires a special treatise. It is proposed here to give only a broad general view of the subject of boiler construction in its present and prospective condition. The descriptions in the preceding sections and in the previous chapter on riveting show that the art of boiler construction has made little or no advance during the past twenty or thirt}^ years, although there is reason to believe that there is ample room for improvement, especially in the matter of greater economy of fuel. In the author's opinion there are four points in construc- tion which deserve the closest attention and to which efforts at improvement should be directed, while in other directions also serious wastes of force appear. 1. Expenditure of Material. — As already shown in \ 359, the expenditure of material is considerably greater in the present forms of steam boilers than if the spherical form were more generally used. It is questionable to what extent the spherical form may be made practicable, but the possibilities in this direc- tion have not been exhausted, at least for certain purposes, for example, for boilers used solely for heating purposes. The spherical vacuum pans only serve as reminders that this oldest form of boiler (i. e., that used with Newcomen's engine), is no longer used ; but it may be only a question of the increase in the capacity of the flanging press ; or, in other words, of the increased command over the working of iron and steel, when the spherical form shall again be used. Another point in the question of material, is the subject of riveting. One of the greatest sources of weakness in steam boilers is the reduction in strength due to the presence of riveted seams. Even if the very best material obtainable is used for the rivets, the reduction in strength for single riveting is about 40 per cent., and for double riveting, 25 per cent.* This weaken- ing is unimportant so far as the circumferential seams of cylin- drical shells are considered, but is well worthy of consideration in connection with the longitudinal seams, especially since it concerns the largest and heaviest part of the boiler, i. e., the main shell. It is for this reason that attempts have been made to weld the longitudinal seams. The meagre results which have been obtained for welded shells subjected to internal pressure, as compared with welded flues for external pressure, may be seen from the case shown in Fig. II 16. The welded seam is there reinforced by a riveted flap, thus reducing the strength practically to that of an unwelded seam. Experimental results with welded joints in the testing machine, justify this distrust of welded seams, and do not war- rant the idea that the weld is equal to the full strength of the plate. This leads to the remark that the coming boiler shell mxast be without longitudinal seams of any kind, either riveted or welded. Heating flues for external pressure are already made seamless, and the Mannesmann process pi-oduces seamless tubes adapted for internal pressure, and of a grade of material far superior to that heretofore used, as experimental researches have demon- strated. If this process can be .so extended as to be made avail- able for boiler shells, an economy of at least one-third of the material can be obtained. 2. Combustion. — The subject of economy of combustion of the fuel is even more important than that of material. In the ♦When the rivets are made of no better material than the plates, the re- duction for single riveting is about 53 per cent., and for double riveting about 41 per cent. Triple riveting, as shown in Fig. 155, is too expensive to general description given in the preceding sections it will be seen that the present methods of firing are all based upon the principle of exposing portions of the boiler to the direct action of the fire and of conducting the products of combustion into contact with various portions of the boiler, arranged to act as heating surface. This means that in nearly all cases boilers are independently fired. For a long time the advantages of this system have been doubted. It is manifestly impossible for a complete combustion of the gases to be efi"ected when they are almost immediately brought into contact with surfaces which have a temperature of 1200 to 1 800 degrees lower than the flame. The production of smoke and soot, that is, of unconsumed fuel, is the necessary result of these conditions, and hence a great re- duction in efliciency. This subject has been actively worked over, and an almost endless variety of furnaces and systems has been proposed. The true method of solving the problem appears to have been first discovered by Frederick Siemens (Dresden), and for a number of years he has been engaged in developing the practical applications of his researches.! The previous methods of firing were based upon the idea of bringing the flame into direct contact with the surface to be heated, but since about 1879 the method of construction, espe- cially in glass furnaces, open hearth steel furnaces, smelting furnaces, etc^, has been to utilize the radiant heat from the arched roof of the furnace, and to economize the heat of the escaping gases in the regenerator. An economy in the use of the heat of as much as 80 to 90 per cent, has resulted. This has been followed by a still more marked separation between the two principal periods of combustion, and by the application to steam generators where such a high economy cannot be expected, although a saving of about 25 per cent, has been shown in actual practice, t It is therefore strongly recommended to use such furnace con- structions as shall not bring the direct flame of the fire in con- tact with the heating surface of the boiler, but to use radiating surfaces and also to conduct the highly heated but fully burned gases through the flues, both of which can be accomplished in various ^a.ys.1 _ The application of the principle to stationary boilers is not difficult, and experiments have shown that it may also be suc- cessfully applied both to marine and locomotive boilers. In all cases it has been demonstrated that the fuel should be burned in a combustion chamber lined with refractory material, and the discharge of the heated gases retarded by a fire brick bridge or screen before coming in contact with the boiler. It will be seen from the preceding, that by using the Siemens' method instead of the older method of burning the fuel directly in the boiler, an economy of about 25 per cent, can be obtained, and this fact should always be kept in mind in future designs. 3. Heating Surface. — The third point concerns not so much a variation in construction, as it does the lack of knowledge of the fundamental principles, this subject having been much less fully investigated than other portions. Recent investigations show conclusively that the axiom that the heating surface is a magnitude proportional to the desired efficiency of the boiler, cannot be sustained. It is evident that there must be a very considerable difference in the heating value of portions of the surface which are at greatly different distances from the fire. A very high temperature of the gases at the beginning, and a comparatively low temperature near the end, must mean a rapid formation of steam near the fire and a weak production over fThe following list will serve for those who aesire to refer to the original and fundamental publications upon this subject : — Friedrich Siemens, Heiz- ver fohren mit freier Flamment faltung, Berlin, Springer, 1882; Siemens' Regenerativofen, Dresden, Ramming, 1854 ; Vortrag von Friedrich Siemens liber Ofenbetrieb mit ausschliesslicher Benutzung der strahlenden Warme der Flamnie, Gesundheitsingenieur, 1884 ; Vortrag von demselben uber ein neues Verbrennungs-und Heiz-system, Busch, Journ. f. Gasbeleuchtung, etc., 1885; Vortrag von demselben in der Ges. Isis in Dresden iiber die Dis- ition der Verbrennungsprodukte, Dresden, Blochmann, 1886; Vortrag demselben im Sachs. Ing. u. Archit Verein iiber die Verhutung des irnsteinrauches. Civ. Ing. Bd., 32, Heft 5, j886; Vortrag vom demselben im Bez Ver. D. Ing. in Leipzig am 8 Dez. 1886 uber den Verbrennungsprozess, 2 Aufl , Berlin, Springer, 1887; Vortrag von demselben, gehalten in Ham- burg im Ver. D. Gas-und Wasser fachmanner uber Regenerativ— Gasbrenner, etc., Dresden, Ramming, 1887; Ueber die Vortheile der Anwendung hocher- hitzter Luft fur die Verbrennung, etc. 2 Aufl., Berlin, Springer, 1887. I For example, a test by K. H. Kiihne & Co., of Dresden Lobtau on Feb. 16, 1884, showed a gain of 26 per cent, due to the substitution of a Siemens furnace for one of the usual kind ; the conditions of draft and cleanness of flues being alike in both cases. § Two methods have been described by Dr. Siemens, both of which have been applied by him to flue boilers. In the first, the combustion of the fuel takes place upon a grate in a combustion chamber which is directly over the grate, A bridge wall of fire brick is placed about half the length of the grate further back, and bej-ond this are two ring shaped screens of fire brick, which are so placed as to direct the products of combustion toward the axis of the boiler flue ; after passing through the flue the gases return about the outside of the shell and are then suflScieutly cooled to be permitted to pass over the portions of the shell unprotected by water on the way to the chim- ney. In the second method the fuel is burned to gas in a gas producer separately constructed from the boiler, and the gas mixed with heated air and thus delivered to the boiler flue, where it follows the same course as in the first case. THE CONSTRUCTOR. distant portions of the surface. It has been shown that in some instances the heating surface of oneaud the same boiler may be reduced one-half without causing any reduction in the steam production. The usual method of proportioning the heating surface in all kinds of boilers appears to be based upon previous results with similar forms, and hence is often one-sided and unsuited for systematic investigation. A new departure in the discussion of this important subject has been made by the chief director and engineer of the Swedish railways, Mr. F. Almgren. He has made the subject of the proportioning of heating sur- face the object of a series of experiments extending over a number of years, and has placed the matter upon a much higher plane of investigation than heretofore. The practical results are of much importance, and in advance of the publication of the whole the following general discussion has kindly been placed in the author's hands by Mr. Almgren, and is here given in his own words.* "According to the investigations of Geoffroy, as given by Couche,t the amount of steam produced by tubular heating sur- face depends upon the volume of heated gases passing through the tubes per hour. The heating surface under experiment con- sisted of portions 0.9 metre long of tubes, the total length of which was 3.6 metres long each. " I have found that the volume of gases may be considered as a function of the length / of the tubes, the latter being con- sidered as a variable, according to the following general expres- sion ; in which i is the number of tubes, and L the number of heat units given off by each tube per second. ' ' In this formula a and b are constants which depend upon the mean temperature Te of the gases, upon the temperature (5 of the water, and upon the weight i G of the gases passing through the tubes per second. ' ' As the result of a series of experiments I have found these constants as follows : (399) in which G is the mean weight of gases or products of combus- tion for one tube. For the number of heat units L given off by a single tube of a set, the following expression is given : ^=a_357^_(7^-i) ,,^, "In order to show the utility of these formula, a table is here given of the results of twenty-one experiments upon a locomotive boiler, the walls of the fire box having been made non-conducting by means of brick-work. A second table is also given to show the great advantages resulting from these experi- ments. The quantities given in the table are as follows : i ^=-~ the number of tubes. G = the weight in kilogrammes of the pi-oducts of com- bustion passing through each tube per second. TV — /D . (402) the smaller valve will have a sharper bevel than the larger one. In designing the valve chamber, it is important to proportion the space over the valves so that the return flow of water shall be high enough over the valves to insure their closing, as it is possible for the return flow to get under the valves and hold them up from closing.f The valves here shown are made with- out any packing material. At Fig. 11316 is shown a ball valve. In this the width 5 of the seat, and also its projection 5, are the same as in the pre- ceding. The diameter of the ball is found by drawing lines at right angles to the bevel of the seat from the middle of its width, the intersection of the lines giving the centre of the ball. J The high position of the outlet opening is necessary in order to maintain a proper lift to the valve and keep the seat in good condition. In order that the opening through the valve shall be equal to that of the pipe the lift, /i, of the valve must equal X ^- (S^^ ? 369). Fig. 1 130. • An excellent installation is seen at the sluice gates at Geneva (Passerelle de la machine), where forty such gates are used to dam the right arm of the Rhone. The gates are rolled up by the chains shown, these being connected to suitable windlasses. When a whole section is to be thrown entirely open the support- ing posts are also tipped back into the horizontal position, these being jointed at the bottom as shown, and this operation being eflfected by another chain gearing. Each gate is 3 ft. 8 inches wide ; the sets of connecting links are 2yj4 inches apart, the number of strips is 39, each being about 3 inches wide, the uppermost being 2^ inches thick, and bottom one 3}4 inches. The weir system at Geneva, of which the above forms only a small portion of the entire work, was completed in 1889, as an intercantonal system to control the level of the lake of Geneva and maintain it between the limits of 1.30 and 1.90 metres (4 ft. 3^ in. and 6 ft. 2}{ in.) of that of the Rhone. During the year 1888, when the system was not entirely completed, the differ- ence fell to 1.95 metres (6 ft. 43j/ in.) in the drought of June of that year. Between October and May the entire series of gates was kept closed. ?367. Round Self acting Valves. Lift valves for small openings are frequently made of con- ical or spherical form, and in Fig. 1131 two forms are shown which are intended for feed pumps. Disk valves are often made with soft packing upon the seat, two examples being given in Fig. 113 2. That shown at a is a valve for a mine pump, packed with leather. The ribs are shaped so as to form a cylindrical guide for the valve, this con- struction being also frequently adopted for conical valves. At (5 is a disk valve with rubber packing, similar valves being used on many of the Gaskill pumping engines; all the metallic parts are made of bronze.? In many instances disk valves are made in the form of a ring, the seat being in two positions, the bear- ing being on both the inner and the outer edge of the ring. Fig- ^'^33^ shows the valve for the air pump of a Corliss engine at Creuzot. In this ease the valve is made of a hard material instead of a soft one. The seat is made as usual, and the valve is a ring of phosphor bronze, held down to the seat by a strong flat helical spring. The form shown at d is another style of ring valve much used in the air pumps of English marine engines. ;f Engineer of " Fonts ei Chaussees," of France. The subject of ind movable dams has been very skillfully worked out by French tSee Zeitschr. Deutscher Ingenieure, 1886, p. 97. i See Uhland, Prakt. Maschinen Konstrukteur, 1870, p, 83. I See Engineering and Mining Journal, April, 1886, p. 285. 276 THE CONSTRUCTOR. Fig. 1 1 34 is a so-called "bell" valve, used in mine pumps. Here the two seats for the ring of the valve are in different planes. The seats are packed with oak with the end grain up. The outlet in this form is around both the inner and outer bearings, in which respect it differs from Fig. 11336. The lift p, which is required to give an area of — D^ 4 is somewhat less than before, being equal to J D^ 4 D^-V D^ The necessity for lim- iting the lift of valves in . Fig. 1134. pumping machinery has led to the use of a large number of small valves in the same valve chamber in order to obtain the required area with small lift. A distinction may be made between two methods of arrang- ing such valves. The first method consists in arranging a number of similar round disk valves each over its own opening in a plate. An example of this is seen in Fig. 1016, in which rubber valves similar to Fig. 113 26 are arranged in rows. The phosphor bronze valve, Fig. ii33«, is also used in this manner, 38 being placed on the suction side, and 27 on the discharge side of the air pump. In a round valve chamber the arrangement of the valves is more difficult, both as to the placing of the valves and to pro- vide guides to control their lifting and seating. Fig. 1 135. Fig. 1135a shows a set of 19 valves as used in the Heidt shaft at Hermsdorf, and Fig. 11356 a set of 21 ball valves in the Joseph's shaft at Frohnsdorf- These are both shown inde- pendently of the casing. This system has shown itself so advantageous that it has been extended until sets of several hundreds of ball valves, acting as a single valve, have been put into use. Fig. 11356 shows one feature which must always be taken into account, namely, the relation which the size of the valves and valve casing bear to the water pipe. In this instance the diameters of the casing and pipe are 19)^ in. and 7X in-i and the areas as 7.4 to i. The second method of arranging a number of valves is sug- gested by the bell shaped valve of Fig. 1134. In this case the stream which flows toward the centre is above the one which flows outward, thus providing sufficient room for the flow of the upper stream. This idea is also used in the arrangement *See Riedler, Indikator versuche, etc., p. 27, and plate 11. shown in Fig. Ii35<5, the inner circle of balls being placed higher than the outer circle. By extending this idea of super- posing the discharge openings of a number of valves we obtain a construction consisting of a number of ring valves, forming what may be called a set or cone of valves, f of which three dif- ferent forms are shown in Fig. 11^6. The form shown at a is used in the large pumping engine of the Scharley-Tiefban mine, t the pumps being i metre diameter (39.37 in.). This consists of a number of ring shaped valves of constantly dimin- ishing diameter, constructed on the bell principle, the seat of each valve being on the one next below. Fig. 1136. The form at b is the design of Thometzek,§ and is very prac- tical. The ring valves are all alike in size and form, each hav- ing its own seat, these being built up as high as maybe required aud held in place by a screw bolt through the lid of the valve casing. The design c is that of the Humboldt Machine Work at Kalk. II The ring shaped valves of bronze are slipped over the succession of seats which form a cone of stepped shape, also of bronze. These seats, as in the system of Thometzek, are sep- arate, and are held together by a screw bolt on top, with the difference, however, that each valve in lifting strikes against the next, the amount of lift increasing in an arithmetical ratio from above downward, the uppermost valve being held down by a spring. In this last construction the ratio to D is some- what smaller than in form b. All of these designs are intended erman " Siufenveniii;' French " Etagenventile." :e Riedler, Indikator versuche, p. 21. ) the best of the author's knowledge Director Thometzek, of Bonn, inged^ in steps (1875), and his desig:ns mpen und Geblase," THE CONSTRUCTOR. for water pumps, br': an excellent form is designed by the Humboldt Machine Works for blowing engines also, the suc- tion and discharge valves being concentrically arranged* Unbalanced Pressure on Lift Vai^ves. If we assume the joint of contact of a lift valve to be entireiy tight and represent the projected area subjected to the pressure of the discharge column by F^, the area exposed on the under- side being called F, we have at the instant of equilibrium of the two columns as the valve is about to lift, p F = p^ F^, in which fi and p^ are the pressures per unit of area on each side, and the weight of the valve is neglected or counterbalanced. From this we have Pi F,—F P'=Pi + -, .nd p" =- p,+ ~f^~f7 • (404) entile." I In the a jl See Trans. Am. Soc. M. E , Vol. IV, 1 .0 of weight • (403) or of the ratio -^ is put == a : p_-p^ Pi The pressure/ — p^ is the unbalanced pressure on the valve, 'P-Pi Upon this question of unbalanced pressure much depends, and many calculations have been made for various sorts of valves, the pressure tending to close the valve being much reduced in bell shaped valves, such as shown in Fig. 1134. Experimental researches, made upon pumps of various sizes, however, have shown that only a small excess of pressure is actually required, f At the same time the preceding formula shows that the question of the unbalanced pressure is by no means a subject to be neglected, j As an instance of the effect of unbalanced pressure may be cited a bell shaped valve, i metre clear opening, in the shaft of the Bleyberg mine, of which the seats could not be kept down by their own weight, but would adhere to the valve, rising and falling with it until secured by some other means. Riedler has observed the fact that in arranging valves in a series in a cone as in Fig. 1136a, the uppermost valve which is subjected to the greatest excess of pressure according to (403J, lifts first, and is followed by the others, the lowest rising last. It appears that a thin film of water is retained between the bearing faces of valve and seat, which responds rapidly to the pressure of the lower column />^ ,and thus tends to reduce the value given by the above equation. If we first make the assumption that such a film exists and acts in the manner indi- cated, we have for two successive ring valves, arranged for example as in Fig. 113612, the following stresses in the liquid. The weight of the valves, beginning from the top, is indicated by Gi and G",, and their projected areas by F^^ and F.^. The experimental valve, shown in Fig. 1137, had an annular seat of 6 in. outside and 2)^ inside diameter, and was subjected to a steam pressure py above, and to the atmospheric pres- i< .-O- >i sure/ below. In the follow- j ^ ■ " „ | ing table p' indicates the ■ \ ~^ i Jj j pressure per square inch which would give the equiv- alent of the actual pressure P required to lift the valve, while a is the area and d the diameter of a circle for which a (/>, -^ p) = P. This circle Robinson calls the circle of equilibrium, and it is always smaller than the upper pro- jection of the valve. The valves under a and d are taken approximately at the nearest values. The un- balanced pressure can readily be determined from the table. p\—p P' ^ d d' Pounds per Square Square Inch. Square Inch. Inches. Inches. 5 8 ^i 26 2.53 17 5-8 2.85 15 26 6.0 2.8 2.92 20 36 6.2 2.8 3.02 25 46 6.4 2.9 309 30 57 2.9 3.14 35 69 6.8 2.9 319 40 81 7.0 30 3.22 45 95 3-0 325 50 112 7-8 3.1 3-27 55 129 8.2 3-2 3-29 60 150 8.7 3-3 3-31 65 172 9-2 3-4 3-33 70 19S 9.8 3-5 3-34 75 230 10.5 3-7 3-35 If /i — / = 45 lbs. we have, since <^ = 3 in. == ^ 6 in. for the excess pressure, one-fourth p^ — p ; for p^ — / = 75 lbs. it is equal to 0.38 (p^ — p). The law of reduction of pressure between the surfaces from p^ to p is not simple. The corres- ponding curve is convex towards the axis of abscissas, as shown in Fig. 1137. If it is desired to determine the mean pressure pm we have from the table for p^ — / =: 5 the value 4-43 75 it is/,„ = 'l~P^ 2.36 • For a rough Now it appears by examination of the weights and areas that under the circumstances '■' is greater than -=;5 which is then F.^ ° F^ also true for the entire second member of the value of p" §, so that/' is the resistance which is overcome first. In the case of the Bleyberg mine F^ is very much greater than F^, and p" becomes less than /' which explains tne action of the valve The actual behavior of the film of liquid between the surfaces of contact may not be so definite as indicated above, but it ap- proaches to it as an approximation. This is shown by the very valuable researches made by Prof Robinson upon a valve acting under steam pressure. || In two extensive series of ex- periments he investigated the actual weight required to lift a valve under pressure. The results showed that the unbalanced pressure was much less than p^ — /. * German Patent, No. 33,103, t Reference is especia'iy made to the numerous and valuable investiga- tions of Prof. Ried'er. X See the comprehensive papers of Prof. C. Bach, in Zeitschr. D. Ing. for -""' " Versuche zur Klarstellung der Bewegung Selbstthatiger Pumpen- approximation we may put/™ = ^ (/^ — /). Prof Robinson has deduced a theory from these experiments. He assumes that between the surfaces there exists between the pressure p^ at the outer circumference to the pressure /, at the inner cir- cumference, a gradual increase of pressure from/ to/j. Under the assumption that the fluid under consideration is incom- pressible he obtained by pure analysis the following equation for the value of d : --v^-K- R • (405) in which R and r are the inner and outer radii of the ring of the seat. The values of d' as obtained from this equation are given in the fifth column of the table. They increase nearly as the experimental determinations of d, but with Robinson's assumption of an entirely elastic fluid they are 10 to 15 per cent, too great. Probably steam should be considered as mid- way between an elastic and a non-elastic fluid. The deductions from Robinson's experiments are hardly ap- plicable to pump valves because the lifting of the valve by the action of the lower column is effected by a varying pressure, while in the experiments / was uniform. If we accept Robin- son's theory we arrive in fact to what has been already stated, namely, that when the value of/ increases between the surfaces until it reaches /j, the pressure p., will be balanced, since in equation (405) for p — pi the value oi d' = 2 r, that is, the unbalanced pressure becomes zero. This also agrees with Riedler's indicator tests, since experiments with the indicator failed to show appreciable unbalanced pressure. 278 THE CONSTRUCTOR. These experiments appear to indicate that practically the unbalanced pressure cannot be great, and in most cases for self- acting valves it may be neglected. Prof. Robinson's experi- ments and theory may serve to determine with considerable accuracy the pressures at which a safety valve begins to lift. ? 369- Closing Pressure of Self-acting Valves. As already shown, a self-acting valve opens whenever the pressure in the under column exceeds that above the valve. As soon as the direction of pressure is reversed the valve should close quickly. This is especially important, as Riedler has shown in the case of suction valves, since when the closing is delayed appreciably after the reversal of the pump piston, the moving column of water is checked with a sudden shock. For this reason the suction valves are given especial attention, as shown in the example already cited from Creuzot, in which there are 38 suction valves and only 27 discharge valves. In order that the lift shall not be too great and to insure prompt closing, the valve may be loaded with a definite pressure, K, obtained either from the weight of the valve, or by means of a spring, or by both. This ques- tion will here be exam- ined. Referring to Fig. 1138, we have for the lifting pressure due to the under column : (406) in which/) — p\^ q the closing pressure per unit of area. For a height h, and putting u = the circumference of the cylindri- cal space inclosing the valve, we have : 2£/i being the velocity of flow at the outer edge of the valve, and V the velocity of flow in the under column, h being in feet. Now if w is the velocity at the inner edge of the valve we have w But we also have ■w= ^' = aJ 2g- X 2.2q (since the pressure per square inch is equal to — ) and hence : in which v is at its maximum value when it equals the velocity of the pump piston. For purposes of numerical calculation we still require the value of a. Taking the width of bearing s, and projection in the case of conical valves s^ from (401) and (402) we have : Dia. D = .in. 4 in. 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 16 in. Width of seat ^ = Projection Ji= . . Cone valve o = . Flat Valve a = . . i.'65 0.56 0.40 1.36 0.56 '•31 1-39 1-35 0.84 1.30 o.iJ 1.25 Substituting, we get : Now it is desirable that ay and Wi should not be too great ; that is, the ratio of k ji to /^should be equal to, or less than, unity. If we put h u — /3 F, we have : and, putting for^ its value = 32.2, we get : ^ = -li-iT^°'-=^y=-J--l5V- • • from this formula we get for : ^=1 A i_ 424 g = .006667 a v^ .01185 a "ip- .02666 a v^ .1066 a v Example i. — For a conical valve whose smallest diameter iJ = 4 inches, and the greatest velocity v of the lower column is 6J^ feet per second the area of inlet of valve hu = F^ and ^ = 1, we have a pressure of 7 = .006667 X 1.44 X (6.5)2 = 0.4 lbs. per sq, in. For the total pressure we have A'= -^ (4 -t- 2 X 0.40)2 X 0.4 = 7.=4 lbs. Example 2. — For a flat valve of the sam The method of calculation is similar for ring shaped valves and can readily be applied. The formula (407) can only be considered as an approximation as the variations in the jet of water aflfect the pressure. It is evident, however, that K is- often quite large. In the preceding calculation the momentum of the water column has not been taken into account. In some cases this is sufficient to hold the valve open until the piston has made a great portion of its return stroke. This is well shown in the case of the pump at the Bleyberg mine (? 319, note) which ap- parently showed a discharge of 104 per cent. If this action can be made to exist during the entire stroke by giving the water a sufficient velocity by contracting the tube that the discharge valve does not close at all, this valve may be entirely omitted. This is the case with the single valved pump of Edmond Henry,* which has only a suction valve and no discharge valve. An analogy to this form of fluid ratchet is found in Langen's fly wheel ratchet train. Fig. 730 and 731. In this case the momentum of the fly wheel is sufficiently great for it to suflfer no perceptible loss of velocity during the return stroke of the pawl. §370. Mechanically Actuated Pump Valves. The numerous investigations of recent years have show, ' that by proper loading of the valves, combined with a reduc- tion of lift, the shock of the water in a pump can be very ma- terially reduced and kept within practical limits, even for high piston speeds. The reduction of lift involves a great multipli- cation in the number of the valves and a great increase in dimensions. For this reason another solution of the problem has been attempted, namely, that of abandoning the self-acting feature, and actuating the valves by mechanical means. The best arrangement seems to be that in which the valves are opened by the action of the water, but closed by a positive gear in advance of the shock. The application of this method enables the size of the valves to be reduced, and as it is princi- pally used for large pumping engines the valves can be oper- ated by connection to the fly wheel shaft. Professor Riedler has recently made very valuable investigations upon this system.f Fig. 1 139 shows the valve gear for the Riedler pumping engine at the Wartinberg mine. The revolving cam d, closes * See Revue Industrielle, p. 342, Septen theory of this form of pump is given. t See Riedler, Mine Pumps with Positive ir, Zeitschr. D. Ingen- THE CONSTRUCTOR. 279 the valve b, just as the plunger is at the end of the stroke, and permits it to open by the action of the water. The valve is held to its seat by " operate very smooth- ly. Further details of this construction are given in the arti- cles already cited. For blowing engines, and — especially for air com- pressors, positively actuated valve gears are much used. A very simple action for the inlet valves is shown in Fig. 1140. The piston rod c moves the valve 6, by means of the fric- tion of the rod in the stuffing box, the ac- tion taking place just at the reversal of the stroke. Examples of this construction are to be found in the air pumps for use in physical laboratories. Vai^vbs with Spiral Movement. It is not so convenient to construct a valve so that its ; shall be both rotary and rectilinear axially, and this construction is mainly limited to valves which are operated by hand. This is the counterpart of the throttle ratchet shown in \ 250, and valves of this sort have been much used with throttling- governors for steam engines. The closing of such valves is im- perfect, as the edge must be rounded near the hub of the valve, thus giving only a line of contact.* If it is desired to use throttle valves for regulation of water pressure, as the case of turbines, etc. , it must not be forgotten that the resistance of the valve will materially affect the effi- ciency. For self-acting valves a variety of throttle valve may be used, in which the area of one wing is only about ^ to ^ that of the other wing, thus partially balancing the valve. This form, which is old, appears to be again coming into use. f Lift valves which are situated in vessels which are not closed at the top may be balanced in a simple manner by making the valve with a tubular continuation which extends above the sur- FiG. 1 141. Fig. 1141a shows a conical valve with spiral motion, as used on the Giffard injector. This arrangement enables a very iine adjustment of the opening to be obtained ; a similar form is also used in the so-called " cataract " for steam engines. The sharp point of the cone has caused valves of this sort to be called "needle" valves, and similar forms, without the spiral action, are found in gas regulators. Stop valves for steam and for water are frequently made with spiral motion. An example is shown in Fig. 1141A. When the valve is not in contact with its seat it has both a vertical and a rotary motion. In the parti- cular form shown the valve has a disk of asbestos which forms the surface of contact with the seat. This general form is known as a "globe " valve on account of the form of the body, and such valves are very extensively used for steam and water. Balanced Valves. Valves which are to be operated by other means than by the action of the fluid, are advantageously made so as to be relieved from fluid pressure, and thus offer less resistance to operation. Valves of the wing or flap construction are conveniently bal- anced by combining two valves moving in opposite directions into one valve of the form commonly called ' ' throttle ' ' valve. Fig. 1 142. face of the water. A balanced valve upon this principle, as used for an outlet valve in a canal lock, as at b^' and b^' , recommended in Revue Industrielle, p. 205, May ter balance, but from Robinson's experiments, )uld offer too much resistance to opening. ; Hydraulique, Paris, 1739, Vol. II. These •e of brass with metallic packing. 28o THE CONSTRUCTOR. ^"ig- 993. is shown in Fig. 1143. This valve, designed by Constructor Cramer, is made with a cylindrical shell of sheet iron extending to the surface of the water. The diameter of this shell is the same as that of the valve, and the weight of the valve, which is b}' no means small, is partially counter- balanced, leaving only sufficient to insure proper closing and seating. * If it is desired to apply Cramer's construction to valves which are subjected to high pressure, this may be done by using two stuffing boxes, one external and one internal, as shown in Fig. 1144, which, however, adds to the complica- tion. For lift valves which are to act under high pressure a better construction is the so-called ' ' double-beat ' ' valve, which, like the throttle valve, consists of two similar valves in which the pressures oppose and neutralize each other. Three forms are shown in the accompanying illustrations. Fig. 1 145a 4 Fig. 1145a. being a double disk valve, and Fig. 11455 a tubular valve. Both of these were invented by Horublower in the latter part of the last century. Fig. 1145^ is a bell or Cornish valve. These Fig. 1145^- valves each consist of a pair of conical lift valves, the varia- tions appearing in the details of the connections and passages. When the projection of one seat falls within that of the other, as in forms b and c, the unbalanced pressure is that due to the projections of both seats. If so desired, however, these may be made as Fig. ii45«, with one seat directly over the other, in which case the pressure^, — p need only be calculated for one seat. For the preceding double seated valves we may make : for the width of seat s = yi ( 0.2 aJ D + 0.137 ) andfortheprojection.yi = ^ f 0.2 z^^' ) In form a the mean diameter D' of the valve is = 0.8 times the diameter D of the pipe, while in forms b and c the diame- ters of valve and pipe are the same. For the force required to lift the valve, taking the projection s^ into account and assum- ing the pressure between the surfaces to be as in § 368, equal to y^ {pi—p), we have, ueglecting the weight of the valve : p^ = iT.D's,^y,{p,-p) (409) while for a single conical valve of the same diameter D it would be: ^Ct D^-+- HD^s, )](A- ■p). . . (410) P is proportionally verj- great, while F' is not always unim- portant. Exatnple.—VoT D' = 12, we have for form a, 5i' = H (0 = \/^ ) = 0-346". If now p^ — f = 60 pounds per square inch we have : P' = -^ X 12 X 0.346 X % X 60 = 521 pounds. For a single valve the diameter would be i> = — 5- = 15 inches, and from [402) ji = 0.2 -v/ 15 = 0.77, whence />= \-^ J52 + ^ X 0.77 TT ( 15 -t- 0.77) J 60 = 12,126 lbs. so that P is nearly 24 times P'. It is very desirable for double seated valves which are to be used for steam, that both valve and seat be made of the same material, in order to avoid unequal expansion. Double seated valves are also used for water, shows such a valve arranged for a sluice. THE CONSTRUCTOR. This valve is made with flat seats, the lower seat being faced with rubber, and the upper one packed with leather secured to the housing which is shown over the valve. The valve red runs through this housing and through a tube above the surface of the water. The diameter D is 1400 mm. = 4 ft. 7 in. This is practically a tubular valve, similar to Fig. 1 1451?', except that the direction of flow is reversed ; this arrangement has also been used by Hornblower. The leather packing at 1" is made flexible, since the projections of the valve seats lie one within the other so as to make a slight tendency for the valve to lift, without entirely overcoming the weight of the valve. Balanced valves of the kind described above are also adapted to large steam engines. In some instances a small balanced valve is arranged so that it is lifted first and admits steam under the main valve before the latter is lifted. Another device is that shown in Fig. 1 147, known as Ait- ken's automatic steam stop. The main valve b, is closed by being screwed up against its seat by the spindle and hand wheel. Before opening, it is balanced by admitting steam through the b3'-pass valve b' . The valve itself is loose on the spindle, and if through any breakage in the pipe beyond the valve a sudden or rapid flow of steam should take place, it will be automatically closed by the force of the current. plug and one for the spindle. The i and jam nut enables a fine adjustment to t Fig. 1 147. Lift valves may also be balanced by making a balance piston connected with the valve, the pressure of the steam acting upon the piston in the opposite direction to the action on the valve. This construction has also been applied to reducing valves in the place of weighted levers or springs in various ways, but space cannot here be given to the subject. B.— SLIDING VALVES. Fig. 1 149 shows two forms with hollow plugs, these being much used for injection cocks for jet steam condensers. Fig. 149- When the angle of the apex of the cone becomes 180° the plug becomes a flat disk, and this form is often found in the throttle valves of locomotives, and less frequently in the valve gear of engines. True cylindrical plugs, i. e., those in which the angle of taper is equal to zero, are rarely used, although recommended by some. This form is better made in a portion of a cylinder, and operated by an oscillating motion, as in the Corliss and similar valves. A starting valve of this type, used as the steam admission valve for a triple expansion engine is shown in Fig. 1150. Rotary Valvbs and Cocks. For rotary valves the bearing surfaces are conveniently made conical, so that a simple endlong pressure on the valve will hold it firmly to its seat. Valves of this construction are known as cocks. Fig. 1 1 48 shows two forms of such cocks which are in general use. The opening through the plug of the cock increased in height in order to obtain a full area without requiring the diameter of the plug to be too great ; the area of the opening through the plug being made equal to the area of the pipe, /. e., = — D\ 4 According to the experiments of Edwards, a good taper for the plug is \ on each side. For the thickness & of the metal in the body of the cock formula (319) may be used when the material is of cast iron , which gives & = o. 472^^ -| ; for bronze the thickness may be made one-half to two-thirds this value. The design shown in Fig. 1 1486 has the plug entirely inclosed in the body, and is made with two stufiing boxes, one for the Fig. 1 150. At « is a longitudinal section, b a cross section, and at c is shown the seat looked at. from above. In the one seat three passages are controlled at /', I" and I'". All three are closed when the valve is in the position shown at b, but open at the same time when the valve is moved to the left. The trapezoidal opening in /' admits a small amount of steam to the high pres- sure cylinder at the same time that a little live steam is admit- ted through I" and I" to the intermediate and low pressure cylinders, so that the engine is sure to start. The valve is then thrown all the way over, closing I" and I'" and throwing I' wide open.f THE CONSTRUCTOR. Gate Valves for Open and Closed Conductors. A great variety- of valves has been devised for open water con- ductors in the form of gates bj- which the flow can be regulated. Such gates have been preferably made of wood with the excep- tion of the operating mechanism. At the present time iron is be- ginning also to be used for the gates, and as in the case of other branches of work, wood is likely to be less and less used, being limited to a few special cases. For very broad streams the con- struction of such gates is now sometimes made upon the princi- ple of subdivision. In such cases the breadth of the stream is subdivided into a number of smaller streams, each with a sep- arate gate, thus keeping the gates small enough to be movable b}- hand. A weir which is placed in a stream is both in principle and in construction a valve. When the water in the stream is low the flow is entirely checked ; for the mean flow the stream passes through the reduced opening with a velocity due to the reduc- tion in section, while for high water the entire width of the dam is overflowed. Movable weirs are plainly examples of regulating valves. French engineers have given much atten- tion to moveable dams with excellent results. A new design for a moveable dam by Schmick is shown in Fig. 1151.*. This dam consists of a number of pontoons, each three of which are ings of the valves the pontoons can be caused to regulate the diff'erence of water level above and below the pontoons, while if all three valves are closed the pontoons will rise and fall with the variations in the level of the stream. Gate valves are much used for water mains, and an example of the many varieties used for the purpose is shown in Fig. 1152a. The gate or disk of the valve is made of bronze, and is wedge shaped, in order that it may be firmly pressed against its seat when the screw is tightened (this forms a pressure of the second order) while the pressure is immediately relieved at the commencement of opening. The screw is in this case made of ' ' sterro-metal ' ' to avoid rusting. Fig. 1 15 1. secured together by a j'oke and anchored \>y a chain to a point up the stream. All three pontoons of each set are arranged with variable water ballast in two or more compartments, a/ and a^' . An adjustable valve b-^ enables communication to be made with the upper water level, and the compartment a/, and a similar valve b^ connecting the compartment a/ with the lower level, while a third valve b.^^ enables communication to be made between the two compartments. By varying the open- Gate valves are also used for gas mains, and a valve for this service is shown in Fig. 11526. In this instance the valve is operated by means of a rack and pinion. The motion is made in the horizontal direction so that the valve will remain in any position, the only resistance being that of friction. I 375- Slide Valves. Slide valves are mainly used for the purpose of effecting the distribution of steam in steam engines. This is such an im- portant subject that all the forms in general use will here be noticed. If, ,an-— >i<-lj-«-a >1 and it is more frequently made y%" to Y^" . Approximately, for we have, after assuming t as just given, ao -|- ^ — (■? -j- « + — a, in which e is taken as a mean between e^ and e^. We then have : whence ;- = a -f ^ + ■? \ ^^'U and /=4a4-3/-f-z + 2.f4-0 The valve face must have an inner width of bearing to Fig. b at least equal to /, whence for the total width of the valve face we have the value The thickness of metal in the valve itself, when made of cast , Zeitschrift fur Bankunde, iron should be about = D 4- 0.4'^, which is about half the THE CONSTRUCTOR. 283 thickness of the metal of the steam cylinder as given by formula (3^0). If the valve is faced with white metal the body of the valve should be of bronze, the white metal itself not being strong enough. i.«^a-«iA-'-s+uatF-*t< 2. Double D valve, Fig. ■ ' ' ' ' ^ 1 1 54. In this form the four valves which in the plain D valve are united in one piece, are separated into two portions, connected by a rod. This construc- tion is adopted to shorten I the steam passages / and -»i y^y^ ^^^ width of each valve is = 3 a -\- 2e -\- 2 s ■\- t -\- to or oi both to- -f 4 ^ + 2 / + 2 /^. This form is also intended to re- id ///, which is often an im- !*1ro-^!>-a-*.l-*-a-*- 'bi- FiG. 1 154. gether = / = 6 a + 4 3. Pipe Valve, Fig. ii^_ duce the length of the ports // portant consideration in engines of long stroke. The total length of valve bearing surface is/= 6 a +5 e -{- j, s ■\- i -\- 2 to. Example i.— If a = %", ^ = J^, ; = \l'\ s = %", t= 1^ = i^ we have for a plain D valve the width / = 4 X 0.75 + 3 X 0.75 + 0.6875 + 2 x 0.375 + 0.1875 - 6.875". For the double D valve we have / = 6 X 0.75 + 4 X 0.75 + 4 X 0.375 + 4 X 0.1875 = 8.75" and for a pipe slide valve as Fig. 1155, /= 6 X 0.75 + 5 X 0-75 + 3 X 0.375 + 0.6875 + 2 X 0.1S75 = 10.4375". The work of friction in moving the valves is directly in proportion to the above widths, since the travel is the same in all three cases, being : 2r = 2e + 2rt + 2.r = 2X 0.75 + 2 X 0.75 + 2 X 0.375 = 3-75"- In order to reduce the work of friction in slide valves the multiplication of valves has been resorted to, much as has already been shown in the case of lift valves. A division of the valve system into two parts has also been made for marine engines with oscillating cylinders, the object being to place one portion on each side of the cylinder and thus keep the entire mass symmetrical with regard to the axis of oscillation. In this arrangement the two slide valves correspond to eight sepa- rate valves. In these as also in engines, with stationary cylin- ders, the valves may be combined into one. This may be ac- complished by using two or more sets of steam passages which unite at one point and by making corresponding divisions in valve and valve seat. The combination of several valves so as to act as one is not limited to lift valves, as many useful forms of slide valves are made on this principle, some of the best forms being here shown. 4. Penn's Gridiron Valve, Fig. 1156. In this the steam port a is divided into two ports, each having a width = — . To de- termine the total width of valve as in the previous cases, we have : / = 5-5 « + 3-5 ^ + 3 ^ + ^^ + 2 io -{- yi i, and for the travel : 2 r-:= a -\- e -\- s, that is half as much as before. It is evident that the laps — and — must bear the same relation to ^2 2 — as the diagram gives for a: e: i, in the preceding forms. we have/= 5.5 X 0. 75 + 3-5 X 0.75 + X 0.375 -1-0.31 25 = 875" r = 0.75 -t- =•75 +0.37 = 1.875. e uivilln es for the ^ t plain slide va k ve of frict on of such a valve 6.S75 ^5~X X 375 1.875 57- which is an important gain. 5. Borsig's Gridiron Valve, Fig. 1157. This is the same in principle as the preceding, and differs only in construction, the ;• Li. -^ a^p or c 1 ^11" ^ ^^_^ i^ T ^' ^ « i exhaust passages being carried on each side of the valve instead of above, as in Penn's construction. 6. Hick's Double compound engines with parallel cylinders (Hornblower and Woolf), the ports IF and Iir are for the high pressure cylinder, and /I" and III" for the low pressure cj'lin- der. The width / of the valve is : / = 5«-f 3al+6^ + 4 ^ -I- ^1 4- ^1 X to. Usually fl, is made equal to a, which reduces the value of / somewhat. 7. Allan's Double Valve, Fig. 1159, is a valve for compound .a-f2i, ,.a-I-_2i-_ bj ' a ' bo ■ ao ' bo ' Fig. 1159. engines with tandem cylinders. The value of I is l=ioa-{--j e-\- ei+6s-\-i-\- i^-\-2,io. This construction not only economizes the work required to operate the valve, but also gives a very simple arrangement of steam passages. 8. The E Valve, Fig. II 60, is used to advantage in place of the plain Z? valve-when the use of a valve gear actuated directly from '■ the piston rod requires that the valve shall move in the same di- rection as the piston. (See Fig. 1006 and 1008). This valve con- sists of two D valves cast together, and the over travel beyond the valve seat gives the admission. We have as before : r = a -\- e -\- s, and b = i-\-r=a + e + i-[-s^ l, = e+ r=a+ 2e+ s \ (413) 284 THE CO INSTRUCTOR. This gives for the width of the valve .- l=i:ia-{-2b-\-2bi,-\-2tor: 1=-] a -^ee + i-\- AS -\- 2 t which is considerably greater than for i valve. (414) . ordinary D slide •.mph ; mple: en have / = 13 X 0.75 + 0.6875 - 6.875" for the plain D slide valve, available for small port widths a will also be seen in Figs. : lies in the use of the outer edge of the valve s which principle also has a valuable applicatiot 4 X 0.375 + 2 X It will be evident id small laps, a _cipal value of this valve t as the edge of opening, Q the following valve. 9. Trick's Valve, Fig. 1 161.* This is a double valve and con- sists of one D valve over another, with a steam passage be- tween. As before, we have r -= a -\- e -\- s, and also make bo-—2e — t, i. e. , the inner edge of the Fig. 1161. outer valve when the valve is in mid-posi- tion, is at a distance -= is a fluid valve (inverted siphon) which checks a gas a^_ from mingling with a gas ^i so long as ^1 — //j is less than twice the height jr of the branches of the siphon. If the pressure from above upon a increases the over- . flow runs off through a.^. This latter pipe must not be too small, however, or ' a siphon action will oc- cur, and all the water will be drawn off. This • device is much used in gas works, chemical works, laboratories, etc. Fig. 1 1763 shows the same arrangement used as a barometer, mano- meter, vacuum gauge, etc., the difference of level indicating differ- Fig. 1176. ences of pressure h.^^ — h^ for valves below 2 s. Applications of this principle are very numerous, from the largest forms to the most delicate physical instruments. Fig. 1177a is an open stand-pipe, used on certain forms of low pressure boilers. This is practically an inverted siphon, of which the boiler shell forms one branch. The fluid valve checks the steam aj against the atmosphere a^. If the pressure becomes so great that h.^ > h^ + A' the fluid valve will be thrown out at the top of the pipe, the arrangement thus form- ing a safety valve against an excess of pressure in a.^. This device was for a long time in use for low pressure boilers, Brindley's feeding device. Fig. 1000, being constructed on this principle. Natural stand-pipes with periodical discharge exist as geysers. Fig. 1 1775 is a closed stand pipe for steam boilers. The pipe which has first been filled with steam gradually fills with water as the steam condenses. If the water level in a sinks below the end of the pipe the water runs out and live steam fills the pipe again. This action is utilized in safety devices by Black and Warner, and by Schwartzkopf In the blast furnace the fluid iron with the slag floating upon it forms an inverted siphon which checks the blast. In the Bessemer converter the air pressure is so great that the iron is kept in agitation by the air bubbling through it. of the: m. Soc. Mech. Engrs , Vol. IV, p. 2 C. C. Collins, I s statement is included such fluids as do not mingle by simple In this sense steam and water will not mingle, and it they are not lie temperature the warmer will be transferred to the other. Air ana water will not mingle because the waterlias become saturated with air. According to the researches of Colladon & .Sturm (Memoire sur la compres- sion des liquides, 1827, reprinted by Schuchart, Geneva, 1S87), the saturation of water with air appears to partake of the nature of an internal, chemical combination. As m'ght be expected, water which is saturated with air shows a smaller compressibility in the Piezometer than water which is free from air, being 48.65 railhonths to 49.65 millionths. The combination of air ....■4.1 » — ceases upon heating to the boiling n^-'-' inverted siphor" - '"- '- '-- -^ \ Natural ii iseof vith branches of varying levels exist ii THE CONSTRUCTOR. In gas holders the water in the tank forming the seal is a fluid valve of tlie inverted siphon type (compare Fig. 948^^), and a similar device is used with sand instead of water in Hoff- man's furnace, Fig. 1178, in which a^ is air, and a^ smoke, the the bell-shaped lid being sealed with an annular valve of sand. Fig. 1 1 79. Hero's Fountain, Fig. 1180, consists of two inverted siphon valves, in which a-^ and «., have air at the atmospheric pressure, a^ is air under pressure, and a is water (often Cologne water). The action continues until the column h\ ^ h^. urnal of Soc. of Chem- A practical application of the principle of Hero's fountain is the water trap of Morrison, Ingram & Co., Fig. iiSi.f In this device there is a periodical action of fluid valves as follows : a stream of water flows into the tank F aX E, gradually filling it, Fig. iiSia. The inner tube C, and fixed bell D, form an in- verted siphon, the shorter branch of which is the space between Fjg. I Cand D. As soon as the level of the water in the tank i^ rises above the top of C an overflow begins, filling the cup B, at the foot of the pipe C, and forming there a second siphon and making a seal between a^ and a^. Fig. iiSid. The two siphons now form a Hero's fountain, in which the continuing flow at E Fig. 1 179 is Wilson's water gas furnace.* In this a mixture of waste-slack and water forms a fluid valve. The mixture is propelled by an endless screw and discharged at the end. The atmosphere is at a-^ and the gas at a.,, the latter being kept under pres?;ure by a steam jet. Fig. 118: causes au outflow into the discharge pipe A. As the level con- tinues to rise in F, the air in rt, becomes more and more com- pressed, until finally the pressure column h becomes greater than the diff'erence in level of the lower siphon, causing its dis- charge and consequent opening of the fluid valve into flj. This relieves the pressure on the air in a.,, thus permitting the upper siphon to act, and causing au immediate and rapid discharge of the contents of F. By adjusting the rate of flow at E this action can be regulated so as to take place periodically at any desired intervals of time. Richard's manometer. Fig. 11S2, consists of alternate direct and inverted siphons ; a is quicksilver, a, steam, a^ water and rtj atmospheric air. The spiral pump and the Cagniardelle shown in Fig. 966a and b contain successive fluid valves in the same pipe, alter- nately direct and inverted. Langen's device for discharging bone furnaces of the hot granular burnt bone, is a ratchet system involving valves con- + See Revue Industrielle, Jui 3, p. 226. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 289 sisting of a granular pressure organ, Fig. 1183. The discharge pipe d of the furnace is closed at the bottom by the sliding plate c which is given a reciprocating movement (in this in- stance operated by a small hydraulic motor). This plate c is made with a step as shown in the figure at c, which receives a layer of the material, and on the return stroke, as shown at b, this layer is discharged on the plate. This layer forms a suc- tion valve when acting as at a, and a discharge valve, as at b, while the plate c corresponds to a single acting piston, con- sidering the whole as a pump. If the plate c is made with a middle rib, as shown in Fig. 1190^, it works both ways and a. b. c. becomes a double-acting pump. This is an illustration of the fluid valve in its most general form as applied to a pump. In many instances fluid valves are as good and sometimes even better than valves composed of rigid materials. Especially is this the case when they act continuously in one direction in in a free, open pipe, for which purpose they excel all other forms of valves, as in jet pumps and the like (see Fig. 972). ?378. Stationary Valves. We have thus far considered valves as ratchets for pressure organs, when they operate so as to check the motion of the fluid at the intervals of time (see § 365). If we consider this definition in its most general sense we may take it to include certain kinds of fasteniugs for closing apertures, and call these also valves. These we may distinguish from ordinary valves by the fact that they are not operated by the motion of the machine, and hence to them may be given the name of " stationary valves." Stationary lift valves are found in the lids of steam cylinders, these belonging to the class of disk valves. These are required to resist internal pressure, and must therefore be securely bolted in place, the pressure being generally great, and resisted by the bolts. Steam chest covers are generally rectangular, flat, stationary valves, and an example of a stationary flap valve is seen in the valve chest door shown in Fig. 1128, this also being secured by means of bolts. Furnace doors, such as shown in Fig. 763, also belong to this class. The more readily such a valve is opened and closed the more nearly it approaches in construction to the movable valves, and packing is sometimes omitted in order to facilitate opening and closing. The valve chest lids, shown in Fig. 1131, are readily recognized, these being readily slipped into place and held by a yoke, or so- called "gallows screw." Numerous forms of stationary valves are also found in various kinds of bottle stoppers, these being effective substitutes for the older cork stoppers which often were held in place only by friction. Stationary fluid valves are also occasionally still found in use for bottle stoppers in parts of Italy and Greece. Fig. II 84. In all the cases thus far mentioned the fastening by which the stationary valve is held in place must be at least slightly I stronger than the pressure beneath the valve. As a stationary valve in which this is not the case, we have t ordinary manhole plate as used in steam boilers. Fig. 11 84. this the pressure acts to hold the ' plate to its seat. Other examples are found in the spring valves used in the so-called siphons of soda water, and the particular form of bottle stopper which con- sists of a small ball valve held up to the mouth of the bottle by the pressure within. Stationary slide valves are less frequently used than lift valves, as the con- ditions are less favorable for proper packing, but examples are to be found. It will be seen by the instances already given how far reaching into all blanches of machine design the use of ratchets for pressure organs extends. I 379- Stationary Machine Elements in General. It is not a peculiarity of valves alone to be used conveniently in the " stationary " form in the sense discussed in the preced- ing section. Here, as we have arrived at the close of the book, it is desirable to review the preceding pages in this respect. In the first four chapters of Section III the subjects considered are nearlj' always used as stationary elements. Rivets do not differ in form from cylindrical journals, but they are generally stationary because of two conditions ; be- cause of the firm bindingof the surrounding metal, and because there are generally two or more rivets placed side by side. If only single rivet is used and no impediment to movement in- troduced, the binding of the metal would soon give way to any forces tending to cause rotation. Forced connections resemble journals and their bearings in form. The force by which the external piece grasps the inter- nal one effectively resists all forces acting to produce rotation. Keyed connections are especially adapted for stationary service. The particular examples shown in Figs. 618 and 619 are in fact stationary keys in form, although really special cases of spiral gear wheels. Screws, in by far the greater number of cases, are used as stationary elements, probably in a greater variety of applications, broadly considered, than any other machine ele- ment. In ^ 86 a glance is given at the use of the screw as an active machine element. Journals are frequently conveniently used as stationary ele- ments, as in the examples illustrated in Figs. 251, 252, 253, 256, 257 and 258. In I 90 we have already distinguished between "journals at rest" and "running journals," the former corres- ponding to the definition of stationary elements. Roller bear- ings for bridge truss supports, I 198, are also stationary ele- ments. Crank connections are found in the bottle stoppers already mentioned, and in numerous other applications such connec- tions are properly considered as stationary elements, Here wheels are rarely used as stationary elements, but such applica- tions are frequently found of ratchet wheels. Longitudinal keys used to secure hubs upon their axles are almost invariably stationary elements, practically corresponding to "stationary ratchets," as a comparison between Figs. 188 and 654 will show. Ratchets also find numerous applications in stationary mechan- ism for securing bolts, keys and the like. An examination of Figs. 237 to 243 and 246 to 248 will illustrate this point. In the couplings shown in Figs. 423 to 430 we also have a number of stationary ratchets (see also Fig. 678). In ^ 309 I have referred to the possibility of using pressure organs as standing or "stationary " elements, buttheseare as yet unimportant. The pipes used as conductors for pressure organs, however, furnish numerous instances of pressure organs. The above distinctions are by no means merely theoretical, but are of a highly practical nature. Every means which will enable us to obtain a clearer and better comprehension of the use of machine elements should be most welcome. In the preceding arrangement the stationary elements have therefore been grouped together for this end. It follows that those forms which as "stationary " or "passive " e'ements are extensively used io building and civil works, as well as in ma- chine design, forming the connecting links between the works of the civil and the mechanical engineer. THE CONSTRUCTOR. SECTION IV. MATHEMATICAL TABLES. ?38o. Tabi ^ ^ a ?^ 11 + It Oj CO II H- It LA_ri II i+r" X 1-^1 ~> ^ ^h Q II <1 THE CONSTRUCTOR. ^ "^ ^ I ^ 1 5 Q 8 :: w S 8 -^ •2 .2 >. S' ^ ^ 15 -^ „ -S g II 15 2 "; s 2 I ilj III I 7h ■•^ — ^ k 1"!=^ 1 i+k +k 1 1 1^ I h^ slft^l =^l !c=;l c-l ^|s^ v|Q^ I ll' I I 1^ |,«^ I I .0 _o .0 S 9 g + I 2^i;r it i + i THE CONSTRUCTOR. Sector. XIV. Semicircle. XV. Circle. XVI. Portion of Ring. XVII. Segment. XVIII. Paranoia. XIX. Ellipse. XX. Triangle. F={r,'—r.,^)—=^br(i\ Centre of Gravity. /H''{-"-^-)=i>--f-] Moment oe Inertia. For polar axis through C : For Pole gravity 5 : through centre of For polar axis through C : For polar axis through 6" : For the equatorial axes XX, Y V : T - / - ii'-l = -^- ;■* Jx —Jy — , o ' • For Pole axis through C : '■2 2 For Equator axis XX: /^ = — r^ = — ;-* For polar axis through C : L": i,.(.+;^)! = f(''.'-'-.')=|(4«^+-*') For polar axis through C : r '"'/^ If H , g , rs^cosp- J=~— \si^cos^i3-\ ~ I -"^ 4 4 ^- 12 - j = — f/S — 2 sin ft cos^ ft — ? cos ft sin^ ft\ ■ eauatorial axes XX and Y Y : For Equator axis XX:J ^ =— a b^ For Pole axis C : Ji" b K» /■!' A//3 Jx = " 6" ~^ ~l2" = -^-='"r8- 36 /;2 ^ /;3 6/;' /! 36 12 lb 772^^ CONSTRUCTOR. Triaugnlar Prism. RectaMiilar Prism. XXIII. RliomDic Prism. HeiaiODal Prism. Cylimler. Hollow Cylinder. XXVII. ParaUolic Prism. Sides : F, = 2l{a-[-b-^c) One end : F« = MLiiiia. IS& L, Hq Sides: ^,=4/ {f> + /i) One end : F.^=i b h Sides:/^,=8/V/2'+- Oneend: F.,= b h Sides: F^ = i2 Ir One end: F,= ^-r'^2,-- = 2.598 r' Vertical surface : 7^, = 4-/r One end: F^^TTr" = 5.196/^^ For Equator axis O Q : /y - - |_y + - S J — 3-+ -87" For Pole axis/'P: Centre of Figure. Moment ok Inertia. W-Vv^-\-b-'--^ For Equator axis O O : For Pole axis P P : Centre of Figure. For Equato; J PP: For Pole axis P P: For Equator Centre of Figure. For Pole axis P Z' : (y-i'-O Centre of Figure. For Equator axis O Q : For Pole axis P P : Vertical surface : I [ F,^^-.l[,r,^-r.^==%^l,\y^^^l^^■^_ ^., , ^^^^^^ ^^ One end: ' ^4-'*^ ! F^S-- \--^^{y;'-r.n^2^rb I For Equator axis O O : For Pole axis P P : For Equator axis O O : For Pole axis PP L 5 35 "* J THE CONSTRUCTOR. Centre OF Gravity, Moment of Inertia. XXVIII SlOllOKl RlM. Rectangular Pyramid. XXX. RiiM Cone. Centre of Figure. For Equator axis Q Q : For Pole axis P P : 4 + d '^h'+-- 4 Bottom : F^^ab. For Equator axis Q Q : For Pole axis P P : XXXI. Trnncated Cone. XXXII. Sphere. XXXIII. Sector of SDkre. Inclined surface : Bottom : F.^-rr r'' For the surface only For Equator axis Q Q : For Pole axis P P : Sides : Ends: F/=r,''TT, F/' = r^^n Jp-\o' .-^^[.^+...+.^].=^(^t^^) For Pole axis PP: SDlere. XXXV. SDlieroid. ParatioloU ol Revolntion. Conical surface : F,= airr—rr rv^s rh — Ji^ F=: TT r^ k Centre of Figure. For Equator axis Q Q : '-K'-r) For Pole axis/'/': Curs'ed surface : /^j=r2rrr-% = 7r(a2 4-^2) Bottom : ^ 2 h For the surface only Bottom : /^, = 7ry For Pole axis P P : 2o J3'' — Centre of Figure. For Equator axis Q Q, coincident with a : Ja = -r^^" + '^") For Equator axis Q Q -^^ V 6 ^ i8 y For Pole axis PP: THE CONSTRUCTOR. Trigonometrical Table. The following table contains, in convenient form, the sines, cosines, tangents and cotangents for angles from o° to 90° lor every ten minutes, and also the corresponding arcs to a radius of unity. At the foot of the table arcs are also given for small angles and also for some of the more frequently used angles greater than 90°. ANGLE. arc. sine. cosine. tan. cot. arc. ANGLE. ANGLE. arc. sine. cosine. tan. cot. arc. ANGLE. deg.min. deg. min. deg. min. deg. min. ~~ 0.0000 0.0000 i.oooo 0.0000 O) 1.5708 90 10 ~7 0.1745 0.1736 0.9848 0.1763 5-6713 1-3963 80 ~ i ID 0.0029 0.0029 0.0029 343-77 1-5679 50 10 0.1774 0.1765 9843 0.1793 5-5764 1-3934 50 20 0.0058 0.0058 1. 0000 0.0058 171.89 1-5650 40 20 0.1804 0.1794 9838 0.1823 5-4845 1-3904 40 30 0.0087 0.0087 I.oooo 0.0087 114-59 I-5621 30 30 0.1833 0.1822 9833 0.1853 5-3955 1-3875 30 40 0.0116 0.0116 0.9999 0.0116 85.940 1-5592 40 0.1862 0.1851 9827 0.1883 5-3093 1-3846 20 50 0.0145 0.0145 0.9999 0.0145 68.750 1-5563 10 50 0.1891 0.1880 9822 0.1914 5-2257 1-3817 10 I 0.0175 0.0175 0.9998 0.0175 57-290 1-5533 89 II 0.1920 0.1908 9816 0.1944 5-1446 1-3788 79 ID 0.0204 : 0.0204 0.9998 0.0204 49- 104 1-5504 50 10 0-1949 0.1937 981 1 0.1974 5-0658 1-3759 50 20 00233 0.0233 0.9997 0.0233 42.964 1-5475 40 20 0.1978 0.1965 9805 0.2004 4-9894 1-3730 40 30 0.0262 0.9997 0.0262 38.188 1.5446 30 30 0.2007 0.1994 9799 0.2035 4-9152 1-3701 30 40 0.0291 0.0291 0.9996 0.0291 34-368 1-5417 20 40 0.2036 0.2022 9793 0.2065 4-8430 1-3672 50 0.0320 0.0320 0.9995 0.0320 31.242 1-5388 10 50 0.2065 0.2051 9787 0.2095 4.7729 1-3643 10 2 0.0349 0.0349 0.9994 0.0349 28.636 1-5359 88 12 0.2094 0.2079 i 9781 0.2126 4.7046 1-3614 78 ID 0.0378 0.0378 0.9993 0.0378 26.432 1-5330 50 10 0.2123 0.2108 1 9775 0.2156 4.6382 1-3584 50 20 0.0407 0.0407 0.9992 0.0407 24-542 I -5301 40 20 0.2153 0.2136 9769 0.2186 4-5736 1-3555 40 30 0.0436 0.0436 0.9990 0.0437 22.904 1.5271 30 30 0.2182 0.2164 9763 0.2217 4-5 107 1.3526 30 40 0.0465 0.0465 0.9989 0.0466 21.470 1-5243 40 0.2211 0.2193 9757 0.2247 4.4494 1.3497 20 50 0.0495 0.0494 0.9988 0.0495 20.206 1-5213 10 50 0.2240 9750 0.2278 4-3897 1.3468 10 3 0.0524 0.0523 0.9986 0.0524 19.081 1. 5 184 87 13 0.2269 0.2250 9744 0.2309 4-3315 1.3439 77 10 0.0553 0.0552 0.9985 0.0553 18.075 1-5155 50 10 0.2298 9737 0.2339 4-2747 1.3410 50 20 0.0582 0.0581 0.9983 0.0582 17.169 1.5126 40 2D 0.2327 0.2306 9730 0.2370 4-2193 1.3381 40 30 0.0611 0.0610 0.9981 0.0612 16.350 1-5097 30 30 0.2356 0.2334 9724 0.2401 4.1653 I -3352 30 40 0.0640 0.0640 0.9980 0.0641 15-605 1.5068 20 40 0.2385 0.2363 9717 0.2432 4-1126 1.3323 50 0.0669 0.0669 0.9978 0.0670 14.924 1-5039 10 50 0.2414 0.2391 ° 9710 0.2462 4.061 1 1.3294 10 4 0.0698 0.0698 0.9976 0.0699 14.301 1.5010 86 14 0.2443 0.2419 9703 , 0.2493 4.0108 1.3264 76 0.0727 ! 0.0727 0.9974 0.0729 13.727 1. 498 1 50 0.2473 0.2447 0.2524 3-9617 1.3235 50 20 0.0756 i 0.0756 0.9971 0.0758 13-197 I -495 1 40 20 0.2502 0.2476 9689 0.2S55 3-9136 1.3206 40 30 0.0785 0.0785 0.9969 0.0787 12.706 1-4923 30 30 0.2531 0.2504 9681 0.2586 3-8667 1.3177 30 40 0.0814 0.0814 0.9967 0.0816 12.251 40 0.2560 0.2532 9674 0.2617 3.8208 1.3148 20 50 0.0844 0.0843 0.9964 0.0846 11.826 1.4864 10 50 0.2589 0.2560 9667 0.2648 3-7760 1.3119 10 5 0.0873 0.0872 0.9962 0.0875 11.430 1-4835 85 15 0.2618 0.2588 9659 0.2679 3-7321 1.3090 75 0.0902 0.0901 0-9959 0.0904 11.059 1.4806 50 0.2647 0.2616 9652 0.2711 3.6891 1. 3061 50 20 0.0931 0.0929 0.9957 0.0934 10.712 1-4777 40 20 0.2667 0.2644 9644 0.2742 3-6470 1.3032 40 33 0.0960 0.0958 0.9954 0.0963 10.385 1.4748 30 30 0.2705 0.2672 9636 0.2773 3-6059 1.3003 30 40 0.0989 0.0987 0.9951 0.0992 10.078 1. 4719 20 40 0-2734 0.2700 9628 0.2805 3-5656 1.2974 20 50 0.1018 0.1016 0.9948 0.1022 9.7882 1.4690 10 50 0.2763 0.2728 9621 0.2836 3-5261 1.2945 10 6 0.1047 0.1045 0.9945 0.1051 9-5144 I. 4661 84 16 0.2793 0.2756 9613 0.2867 3-4874 1.29IS 74 10 0.1076 0.1074 0.9942 0.1080 9.2553 1.4632 50 10 0.2822 0.2784 9605 0.2899 3-4495 1.2886 50 20 0.1 105 0.1103 0.9939 1.4603 40 20 0.2851 10.2812 9596 0.2931 3-4124 1.2857 4.1 30 0.1134 0.1132 0.9936 0.1139 8.7769 1-4573 30 30 0.2880 ' 0.2840 9588 0.2962 3-3759 1.2828 30 40 0.1 164 0.1161 0.9932 0.1169 8.5555 1-4544 20 40 0.2909 0.2868 9580 0.2994 3-3402 1.2799 50 0.1193 0.1190 0.9929 0.1198 8.3450 I -45 15 10 50 0.2938 0.2896 9572 0.3026 3-3052 1.2770 10 7 0.1222 0.1219 0.9925 0.1228 8.1443 1.4486 83 17 0.2967 0.2924 9563 0.3057 3.2709 I. 2741 73 0.1251 0.1248 0.9922 0.1257 7-9530 1-4457 50 10 0.2996 0.2952 9555 0.3089 3.2371 1.2712 50 20 0.1280 0.1276 0.9918 0,1287 7-7704 1.4428 40 20 0.3025 0.2979 9546 '0.3121 3.2041 1.2683 40 30 0.1309 0.1305 0.9914 0.1317 7-5958 1.4399 30 30 0.3054 0.3007 9537 0.3153 3.1716 1.2654 30 40 0.1334 0.991 1 0.1346 7.4287 1-4370 40 0.3083 0.3035 9528 0.3185 3-1397 1.2625 50 0.1367 0.1363 0.9907 0.1376 7.2687 1. 4341 10 50 0.3113 0.3062 9520 0.3217 3.1084 1.2595 10 8 0.1396 0.1392 0.9903 0.1405 7-1154 1. 4312 82 18 0.3142 0.3090 95'i 0.3249 3-0777 1.2566 72 Q 10 0.1425 0.1421 0.9899 0.1435 1.4283 50 10 0.3171 0.3118 9502 0.3281 3-0475 1.2537 50 20 0.1454 0.1449 0.9894 0.1465 6.'8269 1-4254 40 20 0.3200 0.3145 9492 0.3314 3.0178 1.2508 40 30 0.1484 0.1478 0.9890 0-1495 6.6912 1.4224 30 30 0.3229 0.3173 9483 0.3346 2.9887 1.2479 30 4-3 0.1526 0.1507 0.1524 6.5606 1-4195 40 0.3258 0.3201 9474 0.3378 2.9600 1.2450 20 53 0.1542 0-1536 0:9881 0.1554 6.4348 1. 4166 |5o 0.3228 9465 0.3411 2.9319 1.2421 9 0.1571 0.1564 0.9877 0.1584 6.3138 1.4137 81 19 0.3316 0.3256 9455 0.3443 2.9042 1.2392 71 0.1600 0.1593 0.9872 6.1970 1. 4108 50 0.3345 0.3283 9446 0.3476 2.8770 1.2363 50 20 0.1629 0.1622 C.9868 0.1644 6.0844 1.4079 40 20 0.3374 0-3311 9436 0.3508 2.8502 1-2334 40 33 0.1658 0.1650 0.9863 0.1673 5-9758 1 .4050 30 ;: 30 0.3403 0-3338 9426 0.3541 2.8239 1.2305 30 40 0.1687 0.1679 0.9858 0.1703 5.8708 1. 402 1 20 !■ 40 0.3432 0-3365 9417 0.3574 2.7980 1.2275 50 0.1716 0.1708 0.9853 0.1733 5-7694 1.3992 10 j: 50 0.3462 0-3393 9407 0.3607 2.772s 1.2246 i '° Angle. arc. cosine. sine. cot. tan. arc. Angle. Angle. arc. cosine. sine. cot. tan. arc. Angle. THE CONSTRUCTOR. Angle. ANGLE. ANGLE. ANGLE. sine, cosine. tan. cot. arc. arc. sine. cosine. tan. cot. a„. deg. ■nin deg. min. des. 5 min. :o 0.349' 0.3420 0.9397 0.3640 2.7475 1.2217 70 3' 0.5411 0.5150 0.8572 0.6009 1.6643 1.0297 59 10 3520 0.3448 9387 3673 2.7228 1.2188 SO 10 0.5440 0.5175 0.8557 0.6048 1-6534 1.0268 50 20 3549 0.347S 9377 3706 2.6985 1.2159 40 20 0.5469 0.5200 0.8542 0.6088 1.6426 1.0239 40 30 357S 0.3502 9367 3739 2.6746 I-2130 30 30 0.5498 0.5225 0.8526 '0.6128 1.6319 I. 0210 30 40 3607 0.3529 93S6 3772 2.6511 1.2101 40 0.5527 0.5250 0.8511 0.616S 1.6212 I.OI8I 20 50 3636 0.3SS7 9346 3805 2.6279 1.2072 10 SO 0.5556 0.5275 0.8496 0.6208 1.6107 1.0152 10 21 3665 0.3584 9336 3839 2.6051 1 .2043 69 32 0.5585 0.5299 0.8480 0.6249 1.6003 I.OI23 58 10 3694 0.3611 9325 3872 2.5826 1.2014 50 10 0.5614 0.5324 0.8465 0.6289 1.5900 I .0094 SO 20 3723 0.3638 9315 3906 2.5605 1. 1985 40 20 0.5643 0.5348 0.8450 0.6330 1.5798 1 .0065 40 30 3752 0.3665 9304 3939 2.5386 I.I9S5 30 30 0.5672 O.S373 0.8434 0.6371 1.5697 I .0036 30 40 3782 0.3692 9293 3973 2.5172 1.1926 40 0.5701 0.5398 0.8418 0.6412 1-5597 1.0007 50 ° 381 1 0.3719 9283 4006 2.4960 1.1897 10 SO 0.5730 0.5422 0.8403 0.6453 1-5497 0.9977 10 22 3840 0.3746 9272 4040 2.4751 1.1868 68 Z7> 0.5760 0.5446 0.8387 0.6494 1.5399 0.9948 57 10 3869 0.3773 9261 4074 2.4545 1.1839 50 10 0.5787 0.5471 0.8371 0.6536 1.5301 0.9919 50 20 3S98 0.3800 9250 4108 2.4342 1.1810 40 20 0.5818 O.S495 0.8355 0.6577 1.5204 0.9890 40 30 3927 0.3827 9239 4142 2.4142 1. 1781 30 30 0.5847 0.5519 0.8339 0.6619 1.5108 0.9861 30 40 3956 0.3854 9228 4176 2.3945 1.1752 40 0.5876 0.5S44 0.8323 0.6661 1-S013 0.9832 20 50 ° 398S 0.3881 ° 9216 ° 4210 2.3750 1.1723 10 SO 0.5905 0.5568 0.8307 0.6703 1.4919 0.9803 10 23 4014 0.3907 9205 4245 2-3559 1.1694 67 34 O.S934 0.5592 ' 0.8290 0.674s 1.4826 0.9774 56 10 4043 0.3934 9194 4279 2.3369 1. 1664 50 10 0.5963 0.5616 0.8274 0.6787 1.4733 0.9745 SO 20 4072 0.3961 9182 4314 2.3183 1. 1636 40 20 0.5992 0.5640 0.S258 0.6830 1.4641 0.9716 40 30 4102 0.3987 9171 4348 2.2998 1.1606 30 30 O.602I 0.5664 0.8241 0.6873 1.4550 0.9687 30 40 4131 0.4014 9159 4383 2.2817 i.'S77 40 0.6050 0.5688 0.8225 0.6916 1.4460 0.9657 20 SO 4160 0.4041 9147 4417 2.2637 1.1548 10 50 0.6080 0.5712 0.8208 0.6959 1.4370 0.9628 10 24 4189 0.4067 9135 4452 2.2460 1.1519 66 35 0.6109 0.5736 0.8192 0.7002 1.4281 0.9599 55 10 4218 0.4094 9124 4487 2.2286 1.1490 SO 10 0.6138 0.5760 0.8175 0. 7046 1-4173 0.9570 50 20 4247 0.4120 9112 4522 2.2113 1.1461 40 20 00167 0.5783 0.8158 0.7089 1.4106 0.9541 40 30 4^76 0.4147 9100 4557 2.1943 1-1432 30 30 0.6 96 0.5807 0.8141 0.7133 1. 4019 0.9512 30 40 4305 0.4173 9088 4592 2.1775 1.1^03 40 0.0225 0.5831 0.8124 0.7177 1-3934 0.9483 20 SO 4334 0.4200 ° 9075 "-' 4628 2.1609 1. 1374 10 50 0.6254 0.5854 0.8107 0.7221 1.3848 0.945 5 10 25 4363 0.4226 9063 4663 2.1445 1.1345 65 36 0.6283 0.5878 0.8090 0.7265 1-3764 0.9425 54 10 4392 0.4253 9051 4699 2.1283 1. 1310 50 10 0.6312 0.5901 0.S073 0.7310 1.3680 0.9306 SO 20 4421 0.4279 9038 4734 2.1123 1.1280 40 20 0.6341 0.5925 0.8056 0.7355 '-3597 0.9367 40 30 44SI 0.4305 9026 4770 2.0965 1. 1257 30 30 0.6370 0.5948 0.8039 0.7400 1-3514 0.9338 30 40 4480 0.4331 9013 4806 2.0809 1. 1228 40 0.6400 0.5972 0.8021 0.7445 1.3432 0.9308 SO 4509 0-4358 9001 4841 2.0655 1.1199 10 SO 0.6429 O.S995 0.8004 0.7490 I-3351 0.9279 10 26 4538 0.4384 8988 4877 2.0503 1.1170 64 37 0.6458 0.6018 0.7086 0.7536 1.3270 0.9250 53 10 4567 0.4410 8975 4913 2.0353 1.1141 50 10 0.6487 0.6041 0.7069 0.7581 1.3190 0.9221 SO 20 4596 0.4436 8962 4950 2.0204 40 20 0.6516 0.6065 0.7951 0.7627 1.3111 0.9192 40 30 4625 0.4462 8949 4986 2.0057 i;io82 30 30 0.6545 0.6088 0.7934 0.7673 1.3032 0.9163 30 40 465^ 0.4488 8936 5022 1.9912 1.1054 20 40 0.6574 0.6111 0.7916 0.7720 1-2954 0.9134 SO 4683 0.4514 8923 5059 1.9768 I. 1025 10 50 0.6603 0.6134 0.7898 0.7766 1.2876 0.9105 10 27 4712 0.4540 S9.0 5095 1.9626 1.0996 63 38 0.6632 0.6157 0.7880 0.7813 1.2799 0.9076 52 10 4741 0.4566 8897 5132 1.9486 1.0966 50 0.6661 0.6180 0.7862 0.7860 1.2723 0.9947 So 20 4771 0.4592 8884 5169 1-9347 1.0937 40 20 0.6690 0.6202 0.7844 0.7907 1.2647 "•foo 40 30 4800 0.4617 8870 5206 1.9210 1.0908 30 30 0.6720 0.'6225 0.7826 0.79S4 1.2572 0.8988 30 40 4829 0.4643 8857 5243 1.9074 1.0879 20 40 0.6749 0.6248 0.7S08 0.8002 1.2497 0.8959 SO 4858 0.4669 8843 5280 1.8940 1.0850 10 SO 0.6778 0.6271 0.7790 0.8050 1.2423 0.8930 10 28 4887 0.4695 S820 5317 1.8807 1.0821 62 39 0.6807 0.6293 0.7771 0.8098 1-2349 0.8901 51 10 4916 0.4720 8816 S3S4 1.8676 1.0792 50 10 0.6836 0.6316 0.7753 0.8146 1.2276 0.8872 so 20 4945 0.4746 8802 5392 1.8546 1.0763 40 20 0.6865 0.6338 0.7735 0.8195 1.2203 0.8843 40 30 4974 0.4772 8788 5430 1. 8418 1.0734 30 30 0.6894 0.6361 0.7716 0.8243 1.2131 0.8814 30 40 5003 0.4797 8774 5467 1.8291 1.0705 20 40 0.6923 0.6383 0.7698 0.8292 1.2059 0.8785 20 50 5032 0.4823 8760 5505 1.8165 1.0676 10 50 0.6952 0.6406 0.7679 0.8342 1.1988 0.8756 10 29 5061 0.4848 8746 5543 1 .8040 1 .0647 61 40 0.6981 0.6428 0.7660 0.8391 1. 1918 0.8727 SO 10 5091 0.4874 8732 5581 1. 7917 1.0617 SO 10 0.7010 o.h45o 0.7642 0.8441 1.1847 0.8698 50 20 5120 0.4899 8718 I 5619 1.7796 1.0588 40 0.7039 0.6472 0.7623 0.8491 1-1778 0.8668 40 30 S149 0.4924 8704 5658 I -767s 1.0559 30 30 0.7069 0.6494 0.7604 0.8541 1.1708 0.8639 30 40 5178 0.4950 8689 6696 1.7556 1.0530 40 0.7098 0.6517 0.758s 0.8591 1.1640 0.8610 20 SO 5207 0.4975 8675 5735 1.7437 1. 0501 10 SO 0.7127 0.6539 0.7566 0.8642 1.1571 0.8581 10 30 5236 0.5000' 8660 5774 I-732I 1.0472 60 41 0.7156 0.6561 0.7S47 0.8693 1.1504 0.8552 49 10 S265 0.5025 8646 . 5812 1.7205 1.0443 SO 0.7185 0.6583 0.7528 0.8744 1.1436 0.8523 SO 20 S294 0.5050 i 8631 io 585' 1.7090 1.0414 40 20 0.7214 0.6604 0.7509 0.8796 1. 1 369 0.8494 40 30 S3?3 0.5075 8616 5890 1.6977 1.0385 30 30 0.7243 0.6626 0.7490 0.8847 1. 1303 0.8465 30 40 5352 0.5100 8601 5930 1.6864 1.0356 20 40 0.7272 0.6648 0.7470 0.8899 1.1237 0.8436 20 SO 5381 0.5 '25 85S7 5969 1-6753 1.0326 10 SO 0.7301 0.6670 0.7451 0.8952 1. 1171 0.8407 10 Angle. arc. cosine. sine. cot. tan. arc. Angle. Angle. arc. cosine. sine. cot. tan. arc. Angle. THE CONSTRUCTOR. 299 ANGtE. ANGtE. ANGI,E. I ANGI^E. "'■■ ...e. co.,.e. tan. cot. arc. arc. sine, cosine.! tan. cot. arc. deg min deg. min. deg. min deg. min. 42 0.7330 0.6691 0.7431 0.9004 1. 1 106 0.8378 48 44 0.7679 0.6947 0.7193 0.9657 1. 035 5 0.8029 46 10 0.73S9 b7n 7412 9057 I.I04I «34« 50 ID 7709 0.6967 0.7173 0.9713 1.0295 7999 50 20 0.7389 67^4 7392 9110 1.0977 8319 40 20 7738 0.6988 0.7153 0.9770 1.0235 7970 40 10 0.7418 6756 7373 9it)3 1. 0913 8290 30 30 7757 0.7009 0.7133 0.9827 1. 0176 7941 30 40 0.7447 6777 7353 9217 1.0850 40 7795 0.7030 0.7112 0.9884 1.0117 7912 20 SO 0.7476 6799 ° 7333 ° 9271 1.0786 ° 8232 lO 50 ° 7824 0.7050 0.7092 0.9942 1.0058 7883 10 4^ 0.7505 6820 7314 932s 1.0724 8203 47 45 0.7854 0.7071 0.7071 1. 0000 1. 0000 0.7854 10 0.7S34 6841 7294 9380 8174 50 20 0.7563 6862 7274 9435 1.0599 8145 40 Angle. arc. cosine. sme. cot. tan. arc. Angle. 30 40 0.7592 0.7621 6884 6qoS 7254 7234 9490 954S 1.0538 1.0477 8116 8087 30 20 SO 0.7650 6926 0.7214 0.9601 1. 0416 08058 10 ang.^o° \' o°5' 135° 180° 3.1416 225° 3.9270 270° 4.7124 315° 360° Angle. arc. cosine. Sine. cot. tan. arc. Angle. arc. = 0. 3003 0.0015 2.35^ 2 5 4978 6.2 S32 TRIGONOMETRICAL FORMULA. sin (a ± /?) = sin a cos /3 d= cos a sin (S cos (a ± /3) ^ cos a cos ;3 =F sin a sin /? sin 2 a = 2 sin a cos a sin 3 a = 3 sin a — 4. sin a^ = sin a (4 cos a^ — l) cos 2 a = cos a^ — sin a' = 2 cos a'^ — i = 1 — 2 sin cos 3 a = 4 COS a^ — 3 COS a = COS a (l — 4 sin a^) sin a — sin /3 = 2 cos - cos a -\- cos /? ^ 2 cos - cos a — cos (3 = 2 sin - cos - a + P Sin a^ = y^{l- COS 2 a) cos a^ ^ )4 {1 + COS 2 a) sin a^ = % (3 sin a — sin 3 a) COS a? = X (3 COS a ^ COST, «) tang (a ± /?) = ^^-- ----- 16. cotang (n =h /5) ^ 2 in 17. tang 2 a- 18. cotang 2 ( 19. tang a = 20. cotang a ■■ cotang a cotang /3 =F i =: cota7ig a -\- cotang ,3 : — tang n? cotang a^ - 2 cotang a ^l — cos 2 a -\- COS 2 a 1+2 COS a I — (ang )4 ^ I + cos 2 a sin 2 a cotang )4 a'' — - cos 2 a 2 cotafig } cota7tg a dr cotang fi cos a COS p _(/5 ± a) sin a 4- sin (3 tafig )4 (« + /5) THE CONSTRUCTOR. TABL'E OF NTJMBERS.-I. ] « V ., «3 ^n s/n ^^ ^n ^r -^n 0.30 0-375 0.60 0.625 0.70 3-333 2.667 1.667 1.600 1.429 0.090 0.I4I 0.360 0.391 0.490 0.027 0-053 0.244 0.343 lit 0.775 0^837 1.826 1.633 1.291 1.265 1.195 0.669 0.721 0.843 1.495 1.387 1.186 1. 170 1.126 0.740 0.880 0.889 0.915 1.351 1.278 1.136 1.125 1.093 0.7S 0.875 0.90 1. 10 1.333 1.143 si 0.766 0.810 1.210 1.440 0.422 0.670 0.729 I.33I 1.728 0.866 0.93s 0.949 1.049 1.095 1.155 1.069 1.054 0.953 0.913 0.909 0.956 0.965 1.046 1.036 0.969 0.941 0.931 0.974 0.987 1.024 1.047 1.075 1.024 1.013 0.976 0.955 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.25 0.800 0.667 0.571 0.500 0.444 1.563 2.250 3.063 4.0 5.063 1.953 3.375 1.1" 11.391 1.118 1.225 1.323 1.414 1.500 0.894 0.816 0.756 0.707 0.667 1.077. I.I45 1.205 1.260 1.310 o'.874 0.830 0.794 0.763 1.057 1.107 1.150 1.189 I.22S 0.946 0.904 0.869 0.841 0.816 2.50 2.75 3-25 3.50 0.400 0.364 0.286 6.250 7.563 9.0 10.563 12.250 15.625 20.797 27.0 34.328 42.875 1.581 1.658 1.732 1.803 1.871 0.632 0.603 0.577 0.5S5 0.535 1-357 1.401 1.442 1.481 1.518 0.737 0.714 0.693 0.675 0.659 1:1 1.318 1.342 1.368 0.795 0.777 0.759 0.745 0.731 3-75 4.0 4-5 5-0 5.5 0.267 0.250 0.222 o!i82 14.063 16.0 25^0 30.250 52.734 64.0 91.125 125.0 166.37s 1-936 2.121 2.236 2.345 0.516 0.500 0.471 0.447 0.426 I.SS4 1.587 1.651 1.710 1.765 0,644 0.630 0.606 0.585 0.567 1.392 1.414 1.457 1.495 1.531 0.719 0.707 0.687 0.669 0.653 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 0.167 0.154 0.143 0-I33 0.1 25 36.0 42.25 49.0 56.250 64.0 216.0 274.625 243.0 421.875 512.0 2.449 2.550 2.646 2.739 2.828 0.408 0.392 0.378 0.365 0.354 1.817 1.866 1.913 1.957 0.550 0.536 0.523 0.510 0.500 1.565 1.597 1.627 nil 0.639 0.626 0.61S 0.604 059s 8.5 9.0 9-5 0.118 0.1 1 1 0.105 0.091 72.250 90.250 1 00.0 121.0 614.125 729.0 857.375 1000.0 I33I.O 2.915 3.000 3.082 3.162 3.317 0.343 0.333 0.324 0.316 0302 2.041 2.080 2.118 2.154 2.224 0.490 0.481 0.472 0.464 0.450 1.707 1.732 1.756 1.778 1.821 0.586 0.577 0.570 0.562 0.549 13 14 0.083 0.077 0.071 0.067 0.063 144 169 196 225 256 1728 2197 2744 3375 4096 3.464 3.606 3.742 3.873 4.000 0.289 0.277 0.267 0.258 0.250 2.289 2.351 2.410 2.466 2.520 0.431 0.425 0.415 0.405 0.397 1.861 1.899 1.934 1.968 0.537 0.527 0.517 0.508 0.500 17 18 19 20 SO 0.059 0.056 0.053 0.050 0.020 289 324 361 400 2500 4913 5832 6859 8000 125000 4.123 4.243 4.359 4.472 7.071 0.243 0.236 0.229 0.224 0.141 2.571 2.621 2.668 2.714 3.684 0.389 0.381 a368 0.271 IZ 2.088 2.115 2.659 0.492 0.485 0.479 0-473 0-376 1000 n = 3.142 2 77 = 6.283 O.OIO 0.00 1 0.318 0.159 10000 1000000 9.870 39478 I 000000000 31.006 248.050 lO.O 31.623 1.772 2.507 0.10 0.032 0.564 0.399 4.642 10.0 1.465 1845 0.215 o.ioo 0.683 0.542 3.162 5.623 1.331 1.583 0.316 0.178 0.751 0.632 ^=1.571 0.637 2.467 3.878 1.253 0.798 1.162 0.860 1.120 0-893 ^=1.047 0.95s 1.097 1. 148 1.023 0.977 i 1.016 0.985 1.012 0.989 l.=4.S9 0.239 17.546 73.496 2.047 0.489 1.612 0.622 1. 43 1 0.699 1=0.785 1.274 ; 0.617 0.484 0.886 1. 128 0.923 1.084 0.941 1.062 ^ = 0.524 1.910 0.274 0.144 0.724 1.382 0.806 1.241 0.851 1.176 .■^ = 9.870 O.IOI 97.409 961.390 3.142 0.318 2.145 0.466 1.772 0.564 ;r' = 31.006 0.032 961.390 29809.910 5.568 1.796 3.142 0.318 2.360 0.424 ^= 0-098 10.186 0.0095 O.OOI 0.313 3.192 0.461 2.168 0.560 1.782 r6= °-5«9 1.698 0.347 0.204 0.768 1.303 0.838 1. 194 0.876 1.142 g ■■= 32-2 2g = 64.4 0.031 0.015 1036.84 I 4147.36 33386.24 267090 5.674 8.025 0.176 0.125 3.181 4.007 0.314 0.249 2.381 2.833 0.419 0.337 THE CONSTRUCTOR. TABLE OF NUMBERS. -I I. • ).23 O.^ X24 Oy ).25 o- 7321 20000 22361 0.2449s 0.26458 0.28284 0.30000 0.31623 0.33166 0.34641 0.36056 0.37417 0-38730 0.40000 0.41231 0.42426 0.43589 0.44721 0.45826 0.46904 0.47958 0.48990 0.50000 ^Ti n 0.21544 0.26 0.27144 0.27 0.31072 0.28 0.34200 0.29 0.36840 0.30 0.39149 0.31 0.41213 0.32 0.43089 0.33 0.44814 0.34 0.46416 0.35 0.47914 0.36 0.49324 0.37 0.50658 0.38 0.51925 0.39 o.53'33 0.40 0.54288 0.41 0.55397 0.42 0.56462 0.43 0.57489 0.44 0.58480 0.45 0.59439 0.46 0.60368 0.47 0.61269 0.48 0.62145 0.49 0.62996 0.50 0.50990 0.51962 0.52915 0.53852 0.54772 0.55678 0.56569 0.57446 0.58310 0.59I6I 0.60000 0.60828 0.61644 0.62450 0.63246 0.64031 0.64807 0.65574 0.66332 0.67082 0.67823 0.68557 ^^ M 0.63825 0.51 0.64633 0.52 0.65421 0.53 0.6619 1 0.54 0.66943 0.55 0.67679 0.56 0.68399 0.57 0.69104 0.58 0.69795 0.59 0.70473 0.60 0.71138 0.61 0.7I79I 0.62 0.72432 0.63 0.73061 0.64 0.73681 0.65 0.74290 0.66 0.74889 0.67 0.75478 0.68 0.76059 0.69 0.76631 0.70 0.77194 0.71 0.77750 0.72 0.78297 0.73 0.78837 0.74 0.79370 0.7S ^'n ^m ,72801 73485 .74162 0.74833 0.75498 0.76158 0.7681 1 0.77460 ,78102 .78740 79373 ,80000 ,80623 .81240 .81854 79896 ,80415 .80927 81433 81932 0.82426 0.82913 0.83396 0.83872 0.84343 0.84809 0.85270 0.85726 0.86177 0.86624 0.87066 0.87503 0.87937 « s/Tt 0.76 0.87178 0.77 0.87750 0.78 0.88318 0.79 0.88882 0.80 0.89443 0.8 1 0.90000 0.82 0.90554 0.83 0.91 104 0.84 0.91652 0.85 0.92195 0.86 0.92736 0.87 0.93274 0.88 0.93808 0.89 0.94340 0.90 0.94868 0.91 0.9S394 0.92 0.95917 0.93 0.96437 0.94 0.97954 0.95 0.97468 0.96 0.97980 0.97 0.98489 0.98 0.98995 0.99 0.99499 1. 00 1. 00000 0.9125? 0.91657 0.92052 0.92443 0.92832 0.93217 0.93599 0.93978 0.94354 0.94727 0.95097 0.95464 0.95S28 0.96190 0.96549 0.96905 0.97259 0.97610 0.97959 0.98305 0.98990 sin 75' cos 75' = cos 60° ^ % ; = cos 15° = 0.9659; = shi 15° = 0.2588 ; = 0.4971499- cos 30° = sin 60° = ^ %/ 3 ^ 0.8660. tan 30° = cot 60° = % ^y^= 0.5774 ; cota7i 30° = tan 60° = n/ 3 = 1.7321.' log g= 1.507856. ^LF^H^BETIC^L IISTDEX. ACCUMULATORS 264 Hoppe's 264 Hydraulic 218 " Tweddells' . ■ . • 265 Action of Gear Teeth 129 Adamson's Stiffening Ring 269 Addition and Subtraction of Forces 26 Addition, Graphical 26 Adjustable Escapements 170 Gears for Rotative Mot- ors 237 ' ' Hangers 74 Power Escapements ... 236 " Pump Gears 236 Admiralty Chain 182 Adyman's Coupling 215 Agudio's Cable Locomotive 176 Air Compressors, Riedler's 279 Air Pump, Bunsen's 222 " Von Gerike's 225 " Watt's 225 Air, Reservoir for Compressed 272 Allan's Link Motion 235 Almgren's Researches on Steam Boilers 271 Althaus' Furnace Hoist 173 Althaus' Pump 223 Americaa Standard Car Bearing. ... 75 Amos & Smyth's Pump 224 Anchor Escapement, Free 168 Bolts 56 Ratchet.. i55 Anemometers 239 Angle and T Iron Columns 83 Angle of Torsion, Determination of 93 Angle of Rotation in Torsion 11 Angstrom's Valve Gear 233 Anti-Friction Wheels 123 Anti-parallel 22 Anti-projection 23 Application of Tension Organs 172 Archimedes, Tympanon of 221 Archimedian Screw 221 Area of Polygons 23 " Quadrilaterals 24 Triangles 23 Arithmography 22 Arm Sections, Table for Transform- ing 103 Arms of Gear Wheels 149 Armstrong Hydraulic Crane 228 Artificial Draft 272 Atmospheric Railway 227 Attachment of Journals 67 Audemar's Pump 224 Automatic Coupling loi " Friction Brake 170 Steam Stop . 2S1 Axis, Neutral 3 Axle, American Railway Standard . . 89 " Prussian Railway Standard. . . 89 " Simnle Crank 106 Axles.....". 85 " for Water Wheels 91 " Graphical Calculation of 86 " Loaded at Two Points 87 ' - Axles 107 " Non-Symmetrical 86 " Proof Diagrams of 87 " Proportions of 86 " Railway 88 " Symmetrical 85 " with Circular Section 85 " with Cruciform Section 90 " with Inclined Loads 90 Axles with Three or more Bearings. 89 ' ' Wooden 92 BAG PUMP 217 Baker's Blower 221 Balanced Valves 279 Balance Wheel 167 Balancing of Pulleys 194 Balanced Slide Valves 285 Balanced Valve, Cramer's 280 Ball Bearings 127 Ball Joints for Pipes 249 Band Saws 177 Base Figures for Hyperboloidal Wheels 136 Bastard Gears i35 Beale's Gas Exhauster 226 Beams 3 ' ' Double Trussed 35 " Sections, Table of 5-7 Force Plans for Framed 38 '■ Multiple Trussed 35 Scale Ill Simple Trussed 35 " Triple Trussed 35 Walking 110 " with Common Load 11 Bearings, Ball 127 Design and Proportion of 68 " Independent Step 75 Lateral 68 Metaline 179 Multiple Collar 77 Multiple Supports for 80 Pedestal 71 Roller 126 Roller for Bridges 126 " Simple Supports for 79 Standard American Car. . . 75 Standard Prussian Car. ... 75 " Special Forms of 74 Step 75 Bearing Supports, General Principles 82 Bearings, Thrust 65, 68, 75 Thrust with Wooden Sur- face 76 Supports for 79 Wall 68, 71 Wall Step 75 with Three-part Boxes 70 Yoke 72 Becker's Clutch loi Behren's Chamber Gear Train 220 Belidor's Water Pressure Engine . 229 Bell Crank no Bellegarde, Rope Transmission at . . 205 Belleville Elastic Washers 212 Bellows Pump 217 Bell Pipe Connections 24S Bell Valve 276 Belt Connections 191 " Fastening, Better's 193 " Fastening, Moxon's 193 Belting 186 Cement for 193 " Efficiency of 194 Specific Capacity of igo Stress on 191 " Various Examples of 1S7 Table of Examples 192 Belt Lacing 191 Belts, Capacity of 190 " Creep of 194 " Cross Section of 190 " Path of 186 Belts, Polishing 177 Quarter Twist 186 Belt Shifters 188 Belt Shifter, Zimmerman's 189 Belts, Stiffness of 194 Belt Transmission, Examples of.... 191 Belts, Transporting 221 Bending, Bodies of Uniform Resist- ance to 8 " Load 3 Moment 3 Resistance to 2 Bergner's Drawing Board 172 Berlin, Sewerage System of 219 Bevel Friction Wheels 124 " Friction Wheels, Minotto's... 125 " Gears 135 " " Construction Circles for. 135 " " Spiral 141 '■ " Stepped 141 Beylich's Universal Gears 136 Biquadratic Parabola 10 Blake's Steam Pump 230 Bleichert's Cable Tramway System . . 175. Blower, Baker's 221 Blower. Root's 221 Blowers, Fan 222 Bloxam's Gravity Escapement 168 Boat, Sail 223 Boat, Chain Propulsion of 183 Bodies of Uniform Strength 2 Bogardus Mill 126 Boiler Construction, Economy in Combustion. 270 " " Economy of Material in 270 " Improvements in Heating Surface . . . 270 Boiler Details 266 Feeder, Brindley's 228 Feeders 228 " Flues 269 Flues, Corrugated 269 Riveting 42 Boilers, Almgren's Researches on.. 271 Circumferential Seams of . . 268 ' ' Classified 265-266 Flat Surf aces of 268 for Swedish State Railway. 272 Longitudinal Seams of 267 ' ' Thickness of 266 Spherical Details 268 Steam 265 Boiler Tubes 270 Boiling Water, used for Shrinking . . 47 Bolt Connections, Unloaded 60 " Dead 166 " Gerber's 57 " Heads 54 " Latch 166 Bolts, Anchor 56 " and Nuts, Metric 55 " and Screws 50 Maudslay's Method of Secur- J^S-- 58 " Parsons 57 Penn's Method of Securing.. 57 " Special Forms of 55 Borda Turbine . 220 Bored Guides 122 Better's Belt Fastening 193 Boxes, Various Forms of Journal ... 6g Brace, Weston's Ratchet 154 Bracket Support for Bearings 7q 304 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Brackets, Wall 72 Brake, Automatic Friction 170 Brake, Napier's Differential 214 Brakes, Chain 215 Clamping 214 " Internal Strap 215 Sliding 215 " Strap 211-214 Brake, Toggle Friction 162 Bramah Lock 166 Brasses for Connecting Rod 112 Brauer's Intermittent Gearing 165 Breaking Load i Bridge Bolts 59 " Flying 222 Roller Bearings 126 St. Louis 60 Briggs' System of Pipe Threads. . . . 250 Brindley's Boiler Feeder 228 Britton's Steering Gear 238 Brown's Valve Gear 235 Brown's Windlass 173 Buckling, Resistance to 13 Buckling Strains, Table of 14 Baffier Couplings 181 Built up Screw Propellers 57 Bnnsen's Air Pump 222 Butler's Coup ling '■ • . 96 CABLE, Arrangement of Pulleys for 202 Drum, Fowler 's 173 " Ferry Sy.-;tetn, Hartwich's. 175 Grip Pawl 185 " Haalaj3 Sy.stjms 174 " Incline at Lucerne 173 " Locomotivj, Agudio's 176 " R-iilways ' 173 Rhenish Railway 174 " Road, Kahlenberg 173 Cables, Table for Tightened 200 Cable System for Canals, Schmick's. 175 " System, Riggenbach's 174 " Tramway, Chicago ■ 175 " Tra-nway, Overhead 175 " Tramways, San Francisco. ... 174 " Transmission, Ring System 208-211 Transmissions, Short Span... 200 " Transmission with Inclined. . . 200 Cadiat Turbine 220 Cagaiardelle 221 Call & Co., Valve Gear 162 Calculating Machine, Thomas'. . .153, 156 Calculation of Springs 18 Calculations for Chains 183 Cambon's Roller Bearing 127 Cam Valve gears 236 Canal Cable System, Schmick's 175 Lift at Les Fontinettes 227 •' " Green's 227 " La Louviere 227 " Mersey 227 Locks 227 Cannon, Thickness of 15 Capacity of Belts 190 Capstan, David's I73 Car Bearing, American Standard... 75 Car Bearings, Prussian Standard... 75 Cardan's Coupling 97 Cardioide 92 Casting 240 Cast Iron Cranks 105 Central Curve of Valve Gear 235 Centre of Gravity Graphically De- termined 33 Centrifugal Force 177 " Force of Wire Rope.... 197 " Pumps 222 Chain, Admiralty 182 " Brakes 215 " Couplings 184 Drums 185 Flat Link 183 " Gemorsch » 182 " Madgeburg-Bodenbacher. . . . 183 Open Link 182 Pawls for 185 " Pitch 183 Chain Propeller, Heuberger's 176 Propelling Gear 187 " Proportions of iga Propulsion of Boats 183 Chains, Calculations for 183 Chain Sheaves 185, 211 Chain, Specific Capacity of ' 211 Chains, Running 182 Stationary 182 Tests for 183 Chain Strippers 185 Swivels 184 Transmission 211 Transmission, Efficiency of... 213 in Mines 213 " " Decide Mines. 212 " Weight of 183 Chamber Gear Train, Behren's 220 " Eve's 220 " " " Repsold's. . . . 220 Wheel Trains 219 Channeled Connecting Rods 117 Checking Ratchets 150, 163 Check Valves 274 Cheese Coupling 99, 151 Chemical Ratchet. Trains 171 Cheret's Press, Friction Gear of . . . . 125 Chicago Cable Tramway 175 Chronometer Escapement r67 Chubb Lock 166 Circular Plate, Deflection of 15 Circumference Scale 128 Clamp Coupling 95 Clamping Brakes 214 Clamp Pulley, Fowler's 203 Clamp Ratchet i 160 Clark's Canal Lift. .., 227 Clerk, Method of Shrinking Rings. 45 Clocks, Striking Mechanism for ... . 169 Close Link Chain 182 Clutch, Becker's loi Cone 99 " Couplings 95, 98 Coupling, Fossey's 100 Dohmen-Leblanc's loi Forks 99 Clutches, Friction 99 Clutch, Garand's loi ' ' Jackson's loi Koechlin's Friction 100 ' ' Napier's loi Reuleaux's Friction 100 Schurmann's loi Toothed 98 Weston's Friction loi Coating Operations 241 Cock, Four Way 225 Cocks 281 Coefficients of Resistance i Coefficients of Safety i Cold Forcing 17 " Forcing, Dimensions for 47 ' ' Hooping 45 Collar Thrust Bearings 66 Columns, Calculations for Iron 82 Fluted 83 Forms for Iron 84 Grouped 84 Hollow 83 " of Angle and T Iron 83 of Uniform Resistance. ... 13 Strength of Cast Iron 83 Stresses in 82 Combined Levers no Compound Escapements 168 Link as Thrust Bearing. 67 Strains, Table of 15 " Stresses 13 Compressed Air for Power Distribu- tion 219 Compression, Resistance to 2 Condenser, Watt's 230 Conditions of Equilibrium 29 Conductors for Pressure Organs 242 Conduits for Pressure Organs 216 Cone Clutch Coupling 99 Cone Coupling, Reuleaux's 96 " Pulleys 189 Diagram fqr 190 " " for Crossed Belts 189 for Open Belts 189 Conical Gear Wheels 135 Connecting Rod Brasses. 112 " End, Cast Iron.... 113 '■ " Krauss' 113 " " Penn's 113 " " Polonceau's. . 114 " Porter-Allen 117 Rods 112 " Channeled 117 " Forms of 118 " Locomotive 116 " Rectangular Section 117 Rod, Solid End for 113 Rod, Solid End for Lo- motive 113 Rods, Ribbed 117 Rods, Round 116 Red, Strap End for 112 Rod, Whip Action of 116 Connections for Belting igi " Cast Iron Pipes 248 " Crank Axles 115 " Lead Pipe 251 ■' Neck Journals 114 " Wrought Iron Pipes 249 Construction Circles for Bevel Gears 135 Construction of Machine Elem'nts. 39-289 Pulley Stations 204 Rope Curve 202 Rope Pulleys 202 Screw Thread 50 Continuous Ratchets 150 Ratchets with Locking Teeth 165 Running Ratchets 164 Copper Pipes 246 Cord Friction 177 Cord Polygon 26 Corliss Valve 236 Corliss Valve Gear 162 Cornish Valve 280 Cornish Valve Gear 153, 163 Corrugated Boiler Flues 269 Corrugated Fire Box 269^ Cotton Rope 179 Cotton Rope Transmission 196 Counterbalance, Oeking's 217 Countershaft Hanger, Sellers' 74 Counting Gear for Gas Meter 165 Couples, Force 29 Coupling, Adyman's 215 ' ' Butler's 96 ' ' Cardan's 97 " Cheese 99, 151 " Clamp 95 " Cresson's 96 " Drag Link 97 ' ' Hooke's 97 " . Muff 95 " Oldham's 96 Plate... . 95 " Pouyer's loi ' ' Prentiss 216 " Ramsbottom's Friction... 99 " Reuleaux's Cone 96 Couplings 95 Automatic loi Buffer 181 " Schurman's Friction 215 Clutch 98 Coupling, Sellers' 96 Couplings, Flexible 96 for Chain 184 " for Propeller Shafts 95 " Sharp's 96 " Link 98 Coupling, Uhlhorn's loi Cramer's Balanced Valve 280 Crane Hook, Proportions for 184 " Pillars 89 ' ' Ramsbottom's 176. Cranes, Cotton Rope Driven 196 Graphical Calculation 27 Hydraulic 228 Squaring Device for 172 Varieties of 173 Crane, Tangye's 176 Crane, Towne's 176 Crank Axle, Graphostatic Calcula- tion of 106 " Axles, Connections for 115 Axle, Simple 106 Graphostatic Calculation for Return 105 Graphostatic Calculation for Single 104 Pin, Tangential Pressure on . 233 " Pins 61 Pins, Connections for 112 Return 105 Cranks, Cast Iron 105 Cranks, Classified 104 Crank Shaft, Graphostatic Calcula- tion of 107 Cranks, Hand 109 Crank, Sliding 226 Cranks, Single Wrought Iron 104 Creep of Ropes 196 Creep of Belts i94 Cresson's Coupling 96 Crossed Belts, Cone Pulleys for 189 Cross Heads 118 " " for Guides 119 " for Link Connections. . . 119 " " for Locomotives 121 " " for Marine Engines 120 " Head, SUpper 121 " Head, Superficial Pressure on . 120 '• Keyed Connections 48 " Section of Belts 190 " " Hemp Rope 195 " " Wire Rope 196 Crown of Pulleys 186 Ratchet i54 Wheel Escapement 169 Cup Packing 253 Current Motor 223 Curve, Elastic 3 Curves, Velocity 233 Cycloidal Curves 130 Curves, Generation of 130 Sinoide 13 Cycloid, Spherical i35 Cylinder Espapement 169 Ratchet 156 Ratchet Gearing 165 Cylinders 216 Cylinders for Hydraulic Presses 243 Cylindrical Spiral Gears 138 Cylindrical Vessels 15 DAN AIDE Darcy, Formula for Friction Water David's Capstan Davis & Co., Steering Gear Dead Bolt Dead Ratchet Tooth e's Steam Pump Decido Mines, Chain Transmission of Decomposition into Parallel Forces . Deflection in Bodies of Uniform Re- sistance of Circular Plate of Shafting of Shafting, Torsional. . . . of Wire Ropes Delisle's Screw Thread Systems ... Dennison's Escapement Design and Proportion of Bearings . Diagram for Cone Pulleys Diametral Pitch Diaphragm Pump Differential Brake, Napier's " Hydraulic Lever Pulley Block, Weston's. ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. Differential Windlass 173 Dimensions of Gear Wheels 147 Disk Friction Wheels .... 124 " Valves, Flat 275 " Wheels with Pin Teeth 133 Distribution of Weight 3 Division by Lines 23 Division of Gear Wheels, Circumfer- ential 128 Dobo's Ratchet. 160 Dohmen-Leblanc's Clutch 101 Donnadieu's Pump. 223 Door Locks 166 Double Acting Pumps 224 Arm Pulleys 193 " Beat Valve 280 " Friction Ratchets 160 " Spiral Gears 141 Douglas & Coulson's Steering Gear . 238 Downton's Pump 224 Draft, Artificial 272 Draft Keys 48 Drag Link Coupling 97 Drawing Board, Bergner's 172 Driving by Tension Organs 173 Drop Hammer, Friction 176 Drop Hammer, Merrill's 123 Drums for Chain 185 Dry Gas Meter 240 Ducommun & Dubied's Planing Ma- chine 176 Dunning & Boissiere's Steering Gear 238 Duplex Escapement 167 Pump, Mazelline's 231 Pump, Worthington's 231 ECCENTRICS 109 Eccentric Straps 115 Edge Keys 49 Efficiency of Belting 194 of Chain Transmission... . 213 " of Rope Transmission... 205 Equalizing Levers 32, iii Equalizer Worthington's 232 Equation of Elastic Curve 3 Equatorial Section Modulus 5 Equilibrium, Conditions of 29 of External Forces. ... 27 of Forces 22 of Internal Forces. ... 28 of Three Parallel For- ces 30 Elastic Curve 3 Elastic Curve, Equation of 3 Elasticity and Strength of Flexure . 2 Elasticity, Modulus of i, 13 Elastic Limit i, 3 ' ' Limit in Beams 8 Line 92 Washers, Belleville 212 Elbe, Chain Propelling Gear on. . . . 185 Elbow Fittings 251 Elbow Fittings, Friction in 251 Electric Signals, Siemens & Halske. 166 Elements of Graphostatics 22 38 Elevator, Hydraulic, 227 Elevator Safety Devices 164 Emery Weighing Machine 173 Enderlein's Escapement 168 Engine, Porter-Allen 236 Engines, Rotative Pressure 233 Engines, Valve Gear for Rotative. . . 234 Enlarged Screws 58 Epicycloidal and Evolute Teeth Compared 135 Erhardt's Flange Joint 47 Escapement, Bloxam's Gravity 168 Chronometer 467 Crownwheel 169 Cylinder 169 Dennison's 168 Duplex 167 Enderlein's 168 " Free Anchor 168 Hipp 168 " Graham's 169 3o5 Escapement, Lamb's 168 Lepaute's 169 Mudge's 168 Reuleaux's i68 Escapements 150, 167 Adjustable 170 Compound 168 for Measurements of Fluids 239 for Measurements of Volume 239 " for Moving Liquids, Pressure 228 for Pressure Organs. . 226 " Isochronous 167 " Periodical. 169 Periodical Pressure. . . 229 Period of 167 Power 169 " Power Adjustable 237 Range of 167 Simple 167 Time of Oscillation.... 167 " Uniform 167 Escapement, Tiede's 168 Eve's Chamber Gear Train 220 Evolute Rack Teeth 132 Evolute Teeth for Interchangeable Gears 131 Examples of Belting, Table 192 of Belt Transmission 191 of Gearing 147 of Journals 62 Thrust Bearings 78 Expansion Gear, Farcot's 236 " '■ Gonzenbach's 236 " Meyer's 236 Joints 245 Valves 236 External Forces, Equilibrium of - . . 27 Extraction of Roots 26 Eytelwein's Formula for Stiffness of Ropes 181, 196 FABRY'S VENTILATOR 221 Factor of Safety : i Fairbairn, Experiments on Boiler Flues 269 Fan Blowers 222 Farcot's Stuffing Box 254 Farcot's Valve Gear 236 Fast and Loose Pulleys 188 Felbinger's Postal Tube 227 Ferules for Boiler Tubes 270 Fink's Link Motion 235 Fire Box, Corrugated 269 Fire Box, Kaselowsky's 269 Fish Torpedo 171 Flange Connections for Lead Pipe. 252 Joints 58 Joint, Erhardt's 47 Joints for Pipes 248 Flanges for Riveted Pipes 249 Flap Riveted Joints 40 Flap Valves 274 Flat Hemp Rope 178 " Link Chain, Neustadt's 183 " Link Chain, Table of 183 ' ' Pivot Bearings 66 " Ropes 181 Flexible Couplings 95, 96 Pipes 252 Rod Connection 114 Flexure, Elasticity and Strength of. 2 Flexure, Strains of 3 Flow of Metals 240 Fluid Escapements for Transporta- tion 227 " Running Ratchet Trains 223 " Valves 287 Fluted Columns 83 Flying Bridge 222 Fly Wheel, Oscillating '. . . 233 Fly Wheels 233 Force, Centrifugal 177 Force Couples 29 3o6 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Forced Connections, Examjilcs of. . . 46 Forced Draft 272 Force Plans for Framed Structures . 34 Plans for Roof Trusses 36 " Polyg;on 26 Forcing Fit 17 Forces, Addition and Subtraction of 26 Equilibrium of 22 Resultant of Several 26 F'orcing 45 Forks, Clutch 99 Fork Journals 63 Fork Journal, Stub End for 114 Forms for Iron Columns 84 Fossey's Coupling 100 Foundation Bolts, Keying for 48 Fourneyron Turbine 220 Four Way Cock 225 Fowler's Cable Drum I73 Fowler's Clamp Pulley 203 Friction Brake, Automatic 170 Brake, Toggle 162 Clutches 99 Clutch, Koechlin's 100 Ramsbottom's 99 " Reuleaux's 100 Westons 101 Cord 177 Coupling, Schurman's 215 Drop Hammer 176 Feed, Sellers' 126 Gear of Cheret's Press 125 Gear, Robertson's 125 in Elbow Fittings 251 in Spur Gearing 134 in Stuffing Box 254 of Chain Transmission 213 of Journals 64 of Pivot Bearings 66 of Screw Thread 50 of Spiral Gear Teeth 140 of Water in Pipes 246 Friedmann's Jet Pump 222 Friction Pawls i59 Pawl, Saladin's 161 " Pawls, Release of 161 Ratchets 158 " " Double 160 Rod 163 " " Running 160 " '■ Stationary 161 " Rollers, Mechwart's 127 " Trains, Special 126 Wheels 122 " Bevel 124 " " Construction of 123 " Disk 124 " " for Inclined Axes. . . 124 " " for Parallel Axes... 123 " " Material for 123 " " Minotto's 125 " " Robertson's 125 " " Sellers' 126 " " Two Applications of 123 " " Wedge 125, i6a^ Francis' Turbine 220 Framed Beams, Force Plans for. ... 38 Framed Structures, P'orce Plans for 34 Frankfurt on Main, Water Supply of 218 Free Anchor Escapement 168 Free Cross Heads 119 Freiburg, Rope Transmission at. . . . 205 French Lock 166 Front Bearings 68 Furnace Hoist, Althaus' 173 Furnace, Wilson's Water Gas 288 Future Possibilities of Boiler Con- struction 270 GANNOW MINE 214 Garand's Clutch 101 Gases, Reservoirs for 219 Gas Exhauster, Beale's 226 " Holders 272 " Meter, Counting Gear for 165 Dry 240 Sanderson's •■• 239 Gas Meter, Wet Gate Valves Gearing, Brauer's Intermittent . .'. . Calculation of Pitch and Face Cylinder Ratchet Double Pin Examples of Friction in Spur Tooth. . . . Fundamental Formula for. Globoid Worm Hawkin's Worm: Jensen's Worm Ratchet Shield Gearing, Step Toothed Worm Gears, Bastard " Bevel. Bevel Spiral Beylich's Universal Cylindrical Spiral '■ Double Spiral, Examples of Spiral Globoid Spiral " Hoisting " Parallel " Precision " Single Tooth " Spiral " Stepped Bevel '• Table of Cast Iron " Teeth for Hyperboloidal " Transmission Gear Teeth, Action of Construction of Spur . . Epicycloidal and Evo- lute Compared Evolute Interchange- able. Friction of Spiral i Interchangeable i Internal i Line of Action of i Loss in Determined Geometrically i of Circular Arcs i Pin I Pressure on 1 Section of i Stress in 1 Thumb Shaped i Wear on •. . a " Tooth Outlines, General Solu- tion ] ' ' Wheel Arms, Table of i " Hubs 3 " Plane n ' ' Wheels, Arms of \ Circumferential Divis- ion of 1 Classified i " Conical i " Dimensions of i " Diametral Pitch of... i " Hyper'ooloidal i " Interchangeable 1 Pitch of I Pitch Radius of ] " " Rim of ] " " Weight of ] Gemorsch Chain j General Form of Toothed Ratchets. J General Remarks upon Ratchet Me- chanism ] Generation of Cycloidal Curves.... ] Geneva, Sluice Gates at ; Geneva Stop i Gerber's Bolt Geyser Pump, Siemens' : Gidding's Slide Valve Experiments . ; Giffard's Injector : Girard Turbine ; Githen's Rock Drill , ; Globe Valve : Globoids , . . . . Globoid Spiral Gears 142 Globoid Worm Gearing 143 Gooch's Link Motion 235 Goodwin's Split Pulley 194 Gonzenbach's Expansion Gear 236 Graham's Escapement 169 Graphical Addition 26 Calculation of Axle 86 " of Powers ... 24 " " of Shafting. . . 95 of Crank Axle 106 of M\iltiple Crank Shaft 107 " " Return Crank 105 Single Crank. 104 Graphostatics, Elements of 22-38 Green's Canal Lift 227 Greindl's Pump 221 Gresham's Injector 222 Grip Pawl for Cables 185 Grooves for Rope Transmission .... 195 Grooved Fly Wheels 195 Grouped Columns 84 Group Riveting ., 41 Guide Mechanism for Pressure Or- gans 217 Guide Pulleys for Belting 186 Guides and Guide Bars 121 " Bored 122 for Marine Engines ... 122 Guide Sheaves 185 Guides, Locomotive 122 Guiding by Pressure Organs 216 Guiding, Tension Organs for 172 Gun Lock Mechanism 166 Gun Locks 163 Guns, Hooping of 16 HAIR SPRING 169 Hair Trigger 168 Half Journals 64 Hammer, Merrill's Drop 123 Hand Cranks 109 Hanger Boxes, Sturtevant's 74 Hangers 68 Hangers, Adjustable 74 Hanger, Sellers' 74 Hanger, Sellers' Countershaft 74 Hangers for Rope 181 Post 73 Proportion of 73 Ribbed 73 Harlow's Valve Gear 231 Hartwich's Cable Ferry System 175 Hastie's Steering Gear 238 Hauling System, Riggenbach's 172 Haulage Systems, Pennsylvania. ... 174 Hawkin's Worm Gearing .... 143 Helfenberger's Regulator 236 Hemp Rope 17S " Transmission, Specific Capacity of 195 " Wear on 196 " Weight of 178 Hero's Fountain 2S8 Heusinger's Link Motion 235 Heuberger's Chain Propeller 176 Hick, Experiments on Stuffing Box Friction 254 Hick's Stiffening Ring 269 High Duty Pumping Engine, Wortli- ington 232 Hipp Escapement 168 Hirn's Experiments on Journals. ... 64 Hodgkinson's Experiments 13 Hofmann's Valve Gear 163 Hoist, Althaus' 173 Hoisting Devices 172 Hoisting Gears .- 144 Hollow Columns 83 Hollow Journals 62 Hooke's Coupling 97 Hooks 184 Hooping 45 "" by Shrinkage .45 " of Guns 16 Hoppe's Accumulator. 264 ALPHABETICAL /XDEX. 307 Hose i 252 Ho waldt's Metallic Packing 254 Hubs for Rock Arms 102 Hubs of Gear Wheels 150 Hunting Valve 238 Hurdy Gurdy Wheel 220 Hydraulic Accumulators 218, 264 Cranes 228 " Elevator 227 " Lever 217 Lever, Differential 218 " Parallel Motion 2r8 " Power Distribution 219 " Power Distribution, Ring System •■ • 256 " Presses, Cylinders for .. . 243 " Press, Thickness of Cyl- inder 16 " Hydraulic Ram, Montgol- fier's 232 " Riveting Machine, Twed- dell's 228 " Steering Gear 237 Tools 228 '• Transformer 218 Hjqierboloidal Gear Wheels 136 Gears, Teeth for 138 " Wheels, Base Figures for 136 IDEAL BENDING MOMENT. ... 13 Ideal Twisting Moment 13 Impact Water Wheels 220 Inclined Cable, Transmission with.. 200 Independent Step Bearings 76 Inertia, Moment of 5-7 Influence of Pulley Diameter on Wire Rope i97 Influence of Weight of Wire Rope. 180 Injector, Giffard's 222 Injector, Gresham's 222 Interchangeable Gear Teeth 130 Interchangeabe Gear Wheels 128 Intermittent Gearing, Brauer's 165 Internal Flow 240 " Forces, Equilibrium of 28 Gear Teeth 131 Ratchet Wheels 151 Strap Brakes 215 Intze's Discussion of Tanks 261 Inverted Siphon 244 Iron Columns, Calculations for 82 Iron, Weight of Round 55 Isochronous Escapements 167 Isolated Forces in One Plane 26 Isolated Forces, Resultant of 29 JACKSON'S CLUTCH loi Jacquard Loom 163 James Watt & Co., Thrust Bearing 77 jam Nut 56 Jaw Clutch 98 Jensen's Worm Gearing 143 Jet Action 241 ' ' Mechanism 240 " Propeller 223 " Pump, Friedmann's 222 Joints, Expansion 245 Flange - 58 Strength of Riveted - 40 Joint, Universal 97 Jopling's Water Meter 239 Journal Boxes, Various forms 69 " Friction in Rope Transmis- sion 195, 205 "of Chain Transmis- sion 213 Journals, Attachments of 67 " Dimensions •. 61 Examples of 62 Fork 63 " for Levers loi for Shafting 94 " Friction of 64 Half 64 Hollpw , 62 Journals, Lateral 61 Lubrication of 61 Multiple 63 Neck 62 Overhung 61 " Pressure on 61 " Proportions of 61 Stress on 61 — Various Kinds 60 KAHLENBERG CABLE ROAD . . 173 Kaselowsky's Fire Box 269 Kennedy's Water Meter 239 Kernaul's Key 49 Keyed Connections 47 Keying 47 " Foundation Bolts 48 Peters' Method 102 ' ' Screw Propellers 49 Key, Kernaul's 49 Keys, Concave 48 " Draft 48 " Edge 49 " Flat 48 for Rock Arms 102 Longitudinal 48 " Methods of Securing - 50 " Recessed 48 " Stresses on 48 ' ' Taper of 47 " Unloaded ■ - 49 Kirchweger's Steam Trap 228 Kirkstall Forge Rolling Mill 126 Kirkstall Forge, The 94 Kley's Pumping Engine 233 King's Valve Gear 235 "Knot " in Cord Polygon _. 27 Koechlin's Friction Clutch ". 100 Krauss' Connecting Rod End 113 Krauss' Piston 252 Kriiger, Investigation of Rivets ... 39 LACING, BELT 191 Lagarousse Ratchet 164 La Louviere Canal Lift 227 Lamb's Escapement 168 Langen Gas Engine 161 Lap Joints, Riveted 40 Lap of Slide Valve 225 Latch Bolt 166 Lateral Bearings 68 Lateral Journals 61 Lead Pipe' Connections 251 Lemielle's Ventilator 82 Lepaute's Escapement. . . _ 169 Levasseur's Metallic Tubing 252 Lever Arms, Calculation of . . . . .... 103 Arms of Combined Section. . . 103 Differential Hydraulic 218 " Hydraulic 217 Levers, Combined no Equalizing ... 32 Journals for loi Simple 101 Lifting Frame for Screw Propeller. 151 Lift Valves 223, 273 Liquids, Pressure Escapement for Moving 228 Limit of Elasticity i Limit of Elasticity in Beams 8 Line of Action of Gear Teeth 129 Line Shafting 93 Link Couplings 98 " Motion, Allan's 235 " " Fink's 235 " " Gooch's 235 " " Heusinger's 235 " " Stephenson's.... 234 Load, Breaking i Load Length of Wire Rope 180 Lock, Bramah 166 " Chubb 166 French 166 Locking Ratchets 150 Locomotive Axles 107 " Connecting Rods 116 Locomotive Connecting Rod, Solid End for 113 " Cross Heads 120 Guides 122 Springs, Screws for. .. . 58 Locks, Canal 227 Door 166 Gun 162 Lock, Yale 166 Logarithmic Spiral 26 Long Distance Fluid Transmission . 233 Long Distance Power Transmission 259 Longitudinal Keys 48 Loom, Jacquard 163 Loss in Gear Teeth Determined Geometrically 135 Loss in Hemp Rope Transmission. . 195 Lubrication of Journals ; 61 Lucerne, Cable Incline at 173 MACHINE ELEMENTS, CON- struction of 39-2 89 Machine Riveting 39 Mackay & McGeorge, Riveting Ma- chine Ill Magdeburg-Bodenbacher Chain.... 183 Maltese Cross Gear 165 Manholes 289 Mannesmann Tubing 243 Marine Cross Heads 121 " Engine Guides 122 Propulsion 222 Marshall's Valve Gear 235 Materials — Strength of 1-2 1 Mathematical Tables 291 . Maudslay, Method of Securing Bolts 58 Maudslay, Thrust Bearing by 77 Mauser's Revolver 165 Mazelline's Duplex Pump 231 Measurement of Fluids, Escape- ments for 239 Measuring Devices, Running 239 Mech wart's Friction Rollers 127 Medart Pulley 193 Merrill's Drop Hammer 123 Metaline Bearings 179 Metallic Piston Packing 253 Metallic Tubing 252 Metals, Weight of Sheet 43 Meter for Alcohol, Siemen's 239 Methods of Securing Bolts 57 Methods of Securing Pawls 153 Metrical Screw Systems 52 Metric Bolts and Nuts 55 Metric Pipe Thread System 250 Meyer's Valve Gear 236 Mill, Bogardus. 126 Minotto's Bevel Friction Wheels... 125 Mixed Tooth Outlines 133 Mines, Chain Transmission in 213 Modulus of Elasticity 1,13 ' ' Resistance i Rupture i, 2 Transmission 208 Molinos & Pronnier, Speed of Rivet- ing 39 Moment of Inertia 3, 5, 7 Moment of Inertia, Polar 11 Mont Cenis Air Compressors 232 Montejus 228 Montgolfier's Hydraulic Ram 232 Morin's Experiments on Journals. . . 64 Motors for Pressure Organs 219 Moulding 240 Moxon's Belt Fastening 193 Mudge's Escapement 168 Muff Coupling 95 Mule Post 188 Mule, Spinning 169 Multiple Collar Bearings 77 Collar Thrust Bearings. .. . 66 ' ' Crank Shafts 107 Journals . 63 Ratchets 154 Supports for Bearings 80 Trussed Beams 35 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. M\iltiple Valves 276 Multiplication and Division Com- bined 23 Multiplication by Lines 22 Murdock's Slide Valve 234 Muschenbroeck's Pump 223 NAGEL TURBINE 220 Napier's Clutch loi Napier's Differential Brake 214 Natural Reservoirs 218 Neck Journals 62 Neck Journals, Connections for 114 Negative Reservoirs 219 Neutral Axis 3 Neutral Plane ......■■ 10 Neustadt's Chain 183 Newcomen Engine 163 Normandy's Pipe Joint 249 Norton's Pump 225 Nut, Jam 59 Nut Locks 56 Nuts, Washers and Bolt Heads 54 OBELISK, FORCES IN RAISING 28 Oberursel, Rope Transmission at. 203,205 Oeking's Water Counter-balance... 217 Oil Tanks 218 Oldham's Coupling 96 Open Belts, Cone Pulleys for 189 Open Link Chain 182 Ordway, Experiments on Pipe Cov- ering 245 Oscillating Fly Wheel 233 Oscillating Pumps 226 Oscillation of Escapements, Time of 167 Osterkamp's Rope Hanger. ... 181 Otis Elevator 228 Overhead Cable Tramway 175 Overhung Journ als 61 PACKING FOR HYDRAULIC Press 253 " for Pump Pistons 255 " Howaldt's Metallic 254 *' Piston 216 " Standard Prussian Rail- way . . - 255 Pagel's Elastic Washer 57 Pallets 168 Pappenheira Chamber Wheel Train. 219 Parabola, Biquadratic 10 Parallel Forces — Equilibrium of. .30, 31 Gears 133 " Motion, Hydraulic 218 " Rods for Locomotive En- gines 117 Parson's Bolts 57 Pattison's Pump 226 Pawl, Cable Grip 185 Pawl, Saladin's Friction 161 Pawls for Chains 185 Friction 159 Methods of Securing 153 Pawl, Spring 153 Pawls, Release of Friction 161 Pawl, Thrust upon 152 Pawl, Thumb Shaped 160 Pay ton's Water Meter 220 Pedestal Bearings 71 Penn's Connecting Rod End 113 Method of Securing Bolts. . 57 Piston 252 Pennsylvania Haulage Systems. . . . 174 Periodical Escapements 169 Periodical Pressure Escapements... 229 Peters' Method of Keying 102 Petit's Pipe Joint 248 Pfalz-Saarbruck Screw Thread Sys- tem 53 Phoenix Column 59. 83 Physical Ratchet Tram 171 Pickering's Steam Pump 230 Pillow Blocks 68 Blocks, Adjustable 69, 70 " Block, Sellers' 70 Pillow Blocks, Large 6g Blocks, Proportional Scale for 68 Block, Sturtevant's 70 Pin Gearing, Double 132 " Gear Teeth 132 ■' Ratchet Wheel 152 Pins, Crank. 61 Pin, Split 56 Pipe Connections, Socket 248 ' ' Coverings 243 ' ' Fittings 249 " Joint, Normandy's 249 " Petit's 248 Riedler's 249 ' ' Riveted 244 Pipes, Ball Joints for 249 Pipes, Connections for Cast Iron . . . 248 Connections for Wrought Iron 249 Copper 246 Flange Joints for 248 Flexible 252 for High Pressures 242 Resistance of Bends in 247 Resistance to Flow in 246 Pipe Sockets 250 Pipes, Steam 245 Pipe, Steel 243 Pipes, Thickness of Cast Iron 242 Pipe Threads, Briggs' System 250 J" Thread System, Metric 250 ' ' Weight of Cast Iron 242 ' ' Wrought Iron 243 Piston, Krauss' 252 " Packing .216, 253 " Packing, Metallic 253 " Penn's 252 Pumps 223 Rods 255 Pistons 216, 252 Piston, Swedish 253 Pistons with Valves 286 Piston Valves 286 Pitch and Face of Gearmg, Calcula- tion of 144 Hoisting Gears. . 144 Transmission Gears 144 Chain 183 " Circles, Table of 128 of Gear Wheels 144 Radius of Gear Wheels 128 Pivot Bearings, Flat 66 Pivots, Formula for 65 Pressure on 65 Proportions of 65 Plain Slide Valve 282 Plain Slide Valve Gear 234 Plane Gear Wheel 136 Planing Machine, Ducommun & Du- bied's 176 Sellers 176 " Shanks' 163 Plate Coupling 95 Plungers 216, 253 Plunger Pumps 223 Pneumatic Power Distribution 257 Pneumatic Tube 227 Polar Moment of Inertia n Polishing Belts 177 Polonceau's Connecting Rod End.. 114 Polygons, Area of 24 Poncelet's Chain 173 Poncelet's Water Wheel 220 Porter- Allen Connecting Rod 117 Porter- Allen Engine 236 Post Hangers 73 Pouyer's Coupling loi, 152, 153 Powel Valve Gear 163 Power Distribution, Compressed Air 219 " Hydraulic 219 " " Hydraulic Ring System 256 " " Pneumatic 257 " " Steam 219 " " Systems. ■ 219 " " Vacuum 219 Power Escapements 169 Powers, (iraphical Calculation of . . . 24 Powers of Trigonometrical Func- tions 25 Power Transmission by Superheated Water 219 Practical Resistance. i Precision Gears 139 Precision Ratchets 157 Prentiss' Coupling 216 Pressure Escapements for Moving Liquids 228 on Gear Teeth 146 " Journals 61 '■ Lift Valves 277 Pivots 65 Screw Threads 58 ^^ Organs 216 Conductors for 242 " Conduits for 216 " Escapements for... 226 " Guiding by 216 " Guide Mechanism for 217 " Motors for 219 " Ratchet Mechanism for 223 " Reservoirs for. .218, 260 ■' Running Mechanism for 219 ' ■ Technological Appli- cations of 250 Superficial i Transmission, Specific Ca- pacity of 255 Proof Diagrams of Axles 87 Propeller Bearing, Raven hill & Hodgson's 74 Jet.. 223 Lifting Frame for 151 ' ' Screw 223 " Shafts, Couplings for 95 Propelling Chain ; 185 Proportions of Axles 85 Chain. 183 " Flange Joints 59 Hooks 184 " Journals 61 Pivots 65 Pulleys 193 Propulsion, Marine 222 Prussian Standard Car Bearing 75 Pulley Block, Weston's Differential. 174 " by Walker Mfg. Co 193 Diameter, Influence on Wire Rope 197 ' ' Fowler's Clamp 203 Medart 193 Pulleys, Balancing of 194 " Cone. 189 " Construction of Rope 202 Crown of Face 186 " Double Arm 193 Guide 186 " Fast and Loose 188 for Cable, Arrangement of . 202 Proportions of 193 " Split 193 Pulley Stations, Construction of . . 204 Pulleys, Tightening 186 Pulley, Sturtevant's 194 Pulleys, Umbrella 207 Pulleys, Vertical Supporting 188 Pulsometer 232 Pump, Althaus' 223 Amos & Smyth's 224 " Bag 217 Bellows 217 Diaphragm 217 Donnadieu's 223 Downton's 224 Friedmann's Jet 222 Gears, Adjustable 236 Greindl's 221 Engine, Kley's . . , 223 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. 309 Ptimping Engine, Worthington's High Duty 232 Pumping Machinery 229 Pump, Mazelline's Duplex 231 Muschenbroeck's 233 Norton's 225 " Pattison's 226 " Pistons 253 Pistons, Packing for 255 Regulator, Helfenberger's . 236 Repsold's 221 Rittinger's 223 Pumps, Centrifugal 222 Considered as Ratchet Trains 223 Double Acting ... . 224 Pump, Siemen's Geyser. 222 Pumps, Oscillating 226 Pump, Spiral 221 Pumps, Piston 223 Plunger 223 Rotary 226 Stolz's 224 Pump, Stone's 224 " Valve Gear 225 Valves, Riedler's 278 Vose's 224 Worthington's Duplex 231 QUADRANTS i53 Quadrilateral Figures, Area of 25 Quarter Twist Belts 186 Quarter Twist Belt, Shifter for 189 RACK, RATCHET . 151 Rack Teeth, Evolute. . . 132 Railway Axles 88 Ramsbottom's Crane 176 Ramsbottom's Friction Clutch, 99 Ratchet, Anchor ■ i55 Brace, Weston's i54 Clamp 160 " Crown 154 Cylinder 156 Dobo's 160 Gearing 150 Cylinder 156 " " Dimensions of Parts of 158 Gears, Toothed Running. . 150 " Lagarousse 164 " Mechanism for Pressure Organs. ..... 223 " " General Re- marks upon 171 Kinematically Discussed.. 171 Rack 151 Rod Friction 163 Ratchets, Checking 150 Continuous 150 " Continuous Running 164 " Double Friction 160 Friction 158 General Form of Toothed 158 " Locking 150, 166 Multiple 154 " of Precision 157 Releasing 150, 162 " Running 150 " Running Friction 158 Silent 153 Spring 153 " Stationary i 50, 156 Stationary Friction 161 Step 155 Step Anchor 157 Throttle 161 " with Locking Teeth, Con- tinuous 165 Teeth, Flanks of 153 " Teeth, Form of 150 •' Tension Organs 185 Tooth, Dead 152 Train, Physical 171 Ratchets, Trains, Chemical 171 Wheels, Internal 151 Wheels, Special Forms... 154 Wilber's 153 Ravenhill & Hodgson, Propeller Bearing 74 Ravenhill & Hodgson, Thrust Bear- ing by 77 Reciprocating Valve Gears 234 Regulator, Guhrauer & Wagner's.. 237 Regulator, Rigg's 236 Reichenbach's Water Pressure En- gine 229 Releasing Ratchets 150, 162 Releasing Valve Gears 162 Release of Friction Pawls 161 Rennie, Experiments on Journals. . . 64 Repeating Watches 169 Repsold's Chamber Gear Train 220 Repsold's Pump 221 Reservoirs for Air and Gas 272 for Gases 219 for Pressure Organs. 218, 260 Natural 218 " Negative 219 Resistance, Coefficients of i ' ' Modulus of I of Bends in Pipes 247 " of Valves in Pipes 247 " Practical i Theoretical i " to Bending 2 " Buckling 13 Flow in Pipes 246 Shearing 2 Torsion 11 Resultant of Isolated Forces 29 Load on Water Wheel determ'd Graphically. 34 Several Forces 26 Return Crank 105 Return Crank, Graphostatic Calcu- lation for 105 Reuleaux's Coupling 96 Escapement 168 Friction Clutch 100 System of Rope 'Trans- mission 206 " Valve Diagram 234 " Winding Drum 173 Reversing Gear, Globoid 143 Revolver, Mauser 1 65, 166 Rhenish Railway Cable 174 Ribbed Axles 91 Rib Profiles, Construction of gi Richard's Manometer 288 Rider's Valve Gear. 236 Riedler's Air Compressors 279 Pipe Joint 249 Valve Gear 278 Riggenbach's Cable System 174 Riggenbach's Hauling System 172 Rigg's Regulator 236 Rigid Couplings 95 Rim of Gear Wheel 149 Ring System of Cable Transmis- sion 208-211 Rittinger's Pump 223 Riveted Joints, Construction of An- gles 44 " Junction of Plates . . 43 " Proportional Scale for 41 Reinforcement of Plates 44 Special Forms 43 " Strength of 40 Table of 40 Pipe 244 " Pipes, Flanges for 249 Rivet Heads, Proportions of 39 Riveting 39 Boiler 42 Group 41 Machine 39 Mackay & McGeorge iii Riveting Machine, Tweddell's Hy- draulic Riveting, Speed of Rivets Robinson's Experiments on L Valves. Robertson's Friction Wheels Rock Arms Rock Drill, Githen's Rod Connection, Wiedenbruck's. . Rod, Friction Ratchet Rods, Connecting Rolled Shafting Roller Bearing, Cambon's " Bearings for Sheaves Roof Trusses, Force Plans for " Truss, Polygonal " with Simple Principals " with Trussed Principals Root's Blower Roots, Extraction of Rope, Centrifugal Force of Wire Connections " Cotton Cross Section of Wire Curve, Construction of Hanger, Osterkamp's ' ' Hangers Hemp Influence of Pulley Diameter Ropes of Organic Fibres Rope Pulleys, Construction of Ropes, Creep of " Deflection of Wire " Flat ....178, Loss from StifEness Rope, Specific Capacity of Wire .... Rope Splice.... Ropes, Stiffness of.' Tightened Driving Ziegler's Experiments on. . . Rope Transmission at Bellegarde. . . . " at Freiburg " at St. Petersburg at Schaffhausen. at Zurich Cotton " " Cross Section for Hemp " " Efficiency of.... " " Loss in Hemp. . . Reuleaux's Sys- 1 of.. " Specific Capacity of Hemp '. ] Wire ] Weight of Hemp : " Wire ] Rotary Pumps : Valves. 2 Valve, Wilson's ; Rotative Motors, Adjustable Gears for.. Pressure Engines j ' ' Valve Gears 2 Round Connecting Rods i Round Valves 2 Roux's Water Pressure Engine 2 Rubber Springs Rubber Springs, Werder's Experi- ments Running Chains i Friction Ratchets 158,1 *' Mechanism for Lifting Water 2 " Mechanism for Pressure Organs 2 Ratchet Gears, Toothed. . i Ratchets i Ratchet Trains, Fluid 2 Tension Organs i Rupp's Variable Speed Gear \ Rupture, Modulus of 31C ALPHABETICAL INDEX. SAFETY, COEFFICIENT OF.. .. i Safety Devices lor Elevators 164 Safety, Factor of i Sail Boat 223 St. Petersburg, Rope Transmission at 205 St. Louis Bridge 60 Saint Venant, Friction of Water.... 247 Saladin's Friction Pawl 161 Sanderson's Gas Meter 239 San Francisco Cable Tramways. ... 174 Saxby & Farmer, Signal Apparatus. 166 Saw, Zervas" Wire 177 Saws, Band ■ i77 Scale Beams 1 1 1 Schaffhausen, Rope Transmission at 204 Schiele Turbine 220 Schmick's Canal Cable System 175 Schmid's Water Meter 240 Schmid's Water Pressure Engine. . 236 Schurman's Clutch loi Schurman's Friction Coupling 215 Screw, Archimedian 221 Connections 58 " Propeller 223 " Propeller, Lifting Frame for 151 Propellers, Built up 57 ". Propellers, Method of Keying 49 Screws, Enlarged 58 Screw Thread, Construction of . . ... 50 " " Dimensions of V 50 Friction of 51 " Pressure on 58 " Threads, Special Forms of . .. 57 " Threads, Trapezoidal 58 Section of Gear Teeth 144 Section Modulus 5. 7. n Sections of Uniform Resistance. ... 8 Secured Bolts 57 Securing Keys, Methods of 50 Segner s Water Wheel 220 Self Guiding Belting 186 Seller's Coupling 96 " Friction Feed 126 ' ' Hanger 74 " Pillow Block 70 Planing Machine 176 Screw Thread System 52 " AVall Bearing 71 Sewage System of Berlin • 219 Sewing Machine Check 151 Shafting 92 Deflection of 94 " Dimensions of 92 Examples of Torsion in 94 " Graphical Calculation of . . . 94 Journals for 94 " Line 93 Rolled 94 Specific Capacity of 257 " Torsional Deflection of 92 Wooden. 94 Wrought Iron 93 Shank's Planing Machine 163 Sharp's Coupling 96 Sharp's Strap End 112 Shearing, Resistance to 2, 10 Shearing Strain 2 Sheaves, Chain 1S5, 211 Sheaves, Roller Bearings for 179 Shield Gearing 133 Shifter for Quarter Twist Belt 189 Shifters, Belt.... 188 Shifting Eccentrics 235 Short Spaa Cable Transmissions. . . . 200 Shrinkage, Hooping by 45 Shrinking Fit 17 Fits, made with Boiling Water 47 Rings, Clerk's Method. . . 45 " Temperatures 45 Sickles' Adjustable Valve Gear 237 Sickles' Valve Gear 162 Side Wheel Steam Boat 223 Siemens & Halske, Electric Signals. 166 Siemens' Alcohol Meter 239 Siemens' Geyser Pump 222 Signal Apparatus, Saxby & Farmer. 166 Silent Ratchets 153 Simple Crank Axle 106 Simple Escapements 167 Single Acting Steam Engine 229 Single Tooth Gears 165 Sinoide gi Sinoide, Cycloidal 13 Siphon, Direct 2S7 Siphon, Inverted ... .244, 2S7 Slide Valve, Common 225 Gear, Plain 234 Lap of 225 " Murdock's 234 " Valves 223,273,281,282 Valves, Balanced 285 Sliding Brakes 215 Sliding Crank 226 Slipper Cross Head 121 Sluice Gates at Geneva 275 Sluice Valve 281 Snail 169 Solid End for Connecting Rod . 113 Special Forms of Bearings 74 of Bolts . 55 " of Ratchet Wheels. . . 154 of Screw Threads. . . 58 Specific Cajjacity of Belting 190 " of Driving Chains. 211 " " of Hemp Rope Transmission.. . 195 " " of Pressure Trans- missions 255 of Shafting 257 " " of Wire Rope 196 Speed Gear, Variable 124 Spencer & Inglis Valve Gear 262 Spherical Cycloid 135 " Journal, Connection for . . 115 " Spiral 142 Valves 275 Spiral Bevel Gears 141 Gears 138 " " Double, 141 " Examples of 140 " Teeth, Friction of 140 Gears, Globoid 142 " Pump _ 221 Spherical ". 142 Winding Drums 181 Wire Pipe 252 Spinning Mule 369, 196 Splice for Ropes 181 Split Pin _ 56 " Pulley, Goodwin's 194 " Pulleys 193 Spring, Dudley's 20 Pawl 153 " Ratchets 153 Springs, Best Material for 20 " Calculation of 18 Table of ... .18-19 Vulcanized Rubber 21 Spur Gear Teeth, Construction of . . 128 Squaring Device for Cranes 172 Square Thread 40 Standing Tension Organs 172 Stand Pipes 287 Statical Moment 3 Statical Moment, Graphically Con- sidered 33 Starting Valve 281 Star Pin 153 Stationary Chains 182 " Friction Ratchets 161 Machine Elements 289 Ratchets 150, 156 Valves 289 vSteam Boat, Side Wheel 223 Boilers 265 Distribution of Power 257 Engine, Single Acting Steam 229 Pipes 245 " Power Distribution 219 Pump, Blakes 240. " Deane's 230 Steam Pump, Pickering's 230 Tangye's 230 Steering Gear 238 " Trap, Kirchweger's 228 Steel Pipe 243 Steering Gear 171 " Britton's. 238 " Davis & Co.'s 238 " Douglas & Coulson's. 238 " Dunning & Bossiere's 238 " Hastie's 23S " " Hydraulic 237 " Steam 238 Steib's Ventilator. 222 Step Anchor Ratchet 156 ' ' Bearings 75 " Bearing, Support for 80 " Bearings, Wall 75 " Gearing 141 Stephenson's Link Motion 235 Stepped Bevel Gears ; 141 Step Ratchets ' 155 Step Valves 276 Stovart, Experiments on Springs. . . 21 Stiffness of Belts 194 of Ropes iSi " " Eytelwein's For- mula 181 " " Loss from 196 Weisbach's For- mula 181 " Wire Rope 206 Stolz"s Pump 224 Stone's Pump 224 Stop, Geneva 165 Storage Reservoirs, General 273 Strain, Shearing 2 Strains of Flexure 3 vStrap Brakes '211, 215 Brakes, Internal 215 End for Connecting Rod 112 " End, Sharp's 112 Straps, Eccentric 115 Strength of Cast Iron Columns 83 of Materials 1-21 of Wire Rope 179 Tensile i Stress Curve 87 Stresses, Compound 13 " in Columns 82 ' ' on Keys 48 Stress on Belting 191 on Gear Teeth 145 " on Journals 61 " S, Value of 8 Striking Mechanism for Clocks 169 Stub End, for Fork Journal 114 Stuffing Boxes 253 Box, Farcot's 254 Box, Friction in 254 Sturtevant's Hanger Boxes 74 Pillow Block 70 Pulley 194 Superficial Pressure i Superheated Water Transmission ... 219 Supporting Pulleys, Vertical 188 Supports for Bearings 79 General Prin- ciples 82 " Simple 79 Supporting Power of Beams 5 Swedish Piston 253 Swedish Railway, Boilers for 272 Sweet's Valve Gear 235 Swivels. 182 Swivels for Chain 184 Symmetrical Simple Axles 83 TABLE OF BEAM SECTIONS. 5, 6, 7 Tables of Curves, Areas and Vol- umes 291-296 Table of Numbers 300-301 Tackle Block 172 Tangential Pressure on Crank Pin . . 233 Tangye's Crane 176 Tangye's Steam Pump 230 Tanks, Cast Iron 260 Combination Forms for 264 " Intze's Discussion of 260-264 " Oil 218 With Concave Bottoms 262 " Wrought Iron 260 Taper of Keys 47 Technological Applications of Pres- sure Organs 240 Technological Applications of Ten- sion Organs i77 Tenacity. ■ i Tensile Strength i Tension Organs 172 for Driving 173 for Guiding 172 " " for Winding 172 " Ratchet 185 " " Running 172 Technological Appli- cations of 177 ' ' Resistance to 2 Tests for Chain 183 T Fittings 251 Theoretical Resistance i Thickness of Cast Iron Pipes 242 Thick Vessels, Walls of 16 Thomas' Calculating Machine. .153, 146 Thometzek's Valve 276 Thomson's Turbine 220 Three-part Bearings 70 Throttle Valves 161 Throttle Vaves 279 Thrust Bearing by James Watt & Co. 77 " by Maudslay 77 " " by Penn 77 " " by Ravenhill & Hodgspn 77 " Compound Link as 67 " Bearings 65, 68, 75 Collar 66 Examples of 78 " Multiple Collar 66 with Wooden Sur- face 76 upon the Pawl 152 Thumb Shaped Pawl 160 Thumb Shaped Teeth 134 Tiede's Escapement 168 Tightened Cables, Table for 200 Tightened Driving Ropes 200 Tightening Pulleys 186 Tightening Pulley, Weaver's . . .... 186 Toggle Friction Brake . 162 Tools, Hydraulic 218 Toothed Gearing 127 Tooth Friction in Spur Gearing. . . . 134 " Outlines, General Solution of 129 Mixed . 133 of Circular Arcs. . . 131 Torpedo, Fish 171 Torsional Deflection of Shafting. . . 92 Torsion, Determination of Angle of 93 Resistance to 11 Table 12 Uniform Resistance to. .. . 13 Towne Crane 176 Transformer, Hydraulic 218 Tranforming Arm Sections, Table for 103 Transmission at Long Distance, Fluid 233 " Chain 211 Gears 144 Long Distance Power. 259 Modulus of 208 Rope 194 With Inclined Cable. . . 200 Transportation, Fluid Escapement ment for 227 Transporting Belts 221 Trapezoidal Screw Threads 51, 58 Trap, Water 287 Triangles, Area of 23 Trick's Valve 284 Trigger, Hair 153 Trigonometrical Forraulee 299 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Trgionometrical Functions, Powers of 25 Table ... .297-299 Trussed Beams, Double 35 Simple 35 Triple 35 Tubing, Levasseur's Metallic 252 Tumbling Gears 163 Turbine, Borda's 220 Cadiat 220 Fourneyron . 220 Francis 220 Girard 220 Nagel 220 Schiele . . 220 Thomson's 220 Tweddell's Accumulator 265 Tweddell's Hydraulic Riveter 228 Twin Link 184 Twisting Moments, Graphically Con- sidered 33 Tympanon of Archimedes 221 UHLHORN'S COUPLING. . . .101, 153 Umbrella Pulley 207 Uniform Escapements 167 Uniformly Distributed Forces 32 Uniform Resistance, Columns of . .. 13 Sections of . . . . 8 to Bending. .. . 8 to Torsion. ... 13 Strength, Bodies of 2 Universal Gears, Beylich's. 136 Universal Joint 97 Unloaded Bolt Connections 60 Unloaded Keys 49 Unperiodic Power Escapements for Pressure organs 227 VALVE, ALLAN'S DOUBLE.... 283 Armstrong's Supported. . 286 Bell ■ .. 276 Boulton & Watt's Bal- anced 285 Brandau's Double Seated. 286 Cave's Balanced 285 Corliss 236' Cornish 280 Cramer's Balanced . Cuvelier's Underpi Double Beat 280 " D 283 Flap 274 Diagram, Reuleaux's. ... . 234 Zeuner's. 234 Gear, Angstrom's 235 Brown's. ... 235 " Call & Co 162 Cam 236 Corliss. ... 162 Cornish 163 " " for Pumps 225 " Harlow's 231 Hofmann's. 163 " King's 235 Marshall's. 235 Plain Slide 234 " " Powel 163 Rider's 236 " Gears for Rotative En- gines 234 " " Reciprocating 234 Releasing 162 Rotative 234 Gear, Sweet's 235 Gear, Wannich 162 Globe 279 Gridiron 283 Hick's Double 283 Injector 279 Kirchweger's Balanced .. . 285 Lindner's Balanced 285 Plain Slide 225, 282 Porter-Allen 2S7 Rubber Disk 274 Valves 279 3ii Valves, Balanced 279 Valves, Balanced Slide 285 Valve, Schaltenbrand's Double Seat- ed 286 Valves, Check 274 Closing Pressure of 278 Conical 275 " Considered as Pawls. . . .223, 273 Flap 274 Flat Disk 275 Fluid 287 Gate 282 Gidding's Experiments on . . 285 Lift 223, 273 Mechanically Actuated 278 Multiple 276 Piston 286 " Resistance of 247 Robinson's Experiments on. 277 Rotary 281 Round 275 Slide 225, 273, 281 " Spherical 275 Valve, Starting 282 Valves, Stationary 289 Step 276 Throttle 279 Unbalanced Pressure on Lift 277 Valve, Sweet's Balanced 287 Valves, Width of Seat 274 Valve, Thometzek's 276 " Trick's ■ 274 " Wilson's Balanced 287 Wilson's Rotary 286 Value of Stress S 8 Vacuum Power Distribution 219 Variable Speed Gear 124 Variable Speed Gear, Rupp's 124 Velocity Curves 233 Ventilator, Fabry's 221 ' Lemielle's 82 Steib's .... 222 Verge Escapement 168 Volume, Escapements for Measure- ment of 239 Von Gerike's Air Pump 225 Vose's Pump 224 V Screw Thread 50 WALKER MFG. CO., PULLEY by •••■■ 194 Walking Beams no Wall Bearings 68, 71 " Bearing, Support for 79 ' ' Bearing, Sellers' 71 ' ' Brackets 72 Walls of Vessels, Resistance of 15 Wall Step Bearings 75 Wannich Valve Gear 162 Washers 54 Watches, Repeating 169 Water Counterbalance, Oeking's. .. 217 " Meter, Jopling's 239 Kennedy's 239 " " Payton's 220 Schmid's 240 Pressure Engine, Belidor's.. 229 Reichen- bach's. . 229 Roux's. . . . 229 Schmid's.. 236 Reservoir, of Frankfurt on Main 218 Rod Connection 233 Running Mechanism for Lift- ing 222 " Trap 287 Trap, Morrison, Ingram & Co. 288 " Wheel, Poncelet's 220 Wheel, Resultant of Load on 34 Wheels, Axles for 91 Wheel, Segner's 220 Wheels, Gravity 219 " Wheels, Impact. 220 Watt's Condenser 230 Wear on Gear Teeth 134 312 A LP HA BE TIC A L INDEX. Wear on Hemp Rope ig6 Weaver's Tightening Pulley iS6 Wedge Friction Wheels. 125, 160 Weighing Machine, Emery's 173 Weight of Cast Iron Pipe 242 of Chain 1S3 of Gear Wheels 150 of Hemp Rope 17S of Round Iron 55 Sheet Metal 43 of Wire Rope iSo Weir, Camere's 275 Weisbach, Formula for Friction of Water 246 Weisbach's Formula for Stiffness of Ropes iSi Werder, Experiments on Springs. . . 21 Weston's Differential Pulley Block. 173 Friction Clutch loi Ratchet Brace 154 Wet Gas Meter 239 Wheels, Classification of 122 Whip Action of Connecting Rod. . . 116 Whitehead Torpedo 237 Whitworth's Screw System Whitworth's Pipe Thread Scale Wiedenbruck's Rod Connection Wilber's Ratchet Wilson's Rotary Valve Wilson's Water Gas Furnace Winding Drum, Reuleaux's Drums, Spiral Tension Organs for Windlass Brown's Differential Windmills Wind Stresses, Graphically Deter- mined Wire Rope " Influence of Weight. . . . " Load Length of " Strength of " Transmission " Weight of " Saw, Zervas' Wooden Axles, Proportions of Wooden Shafting Worm and Worm Wheel j-g Gearing, Globoid i^j Hawkins j,, Jensen's j ,, Worthington High Duty Pumping Engine ^ Worthmgton's Duplex Pump 231 Worthington's Equalizer 232 Wrapping Connections 173 Wrenches 50 Wrought Iron Cranks, Single .' .' .... 104 Pipe 243 " " Shafting 93 Walking Beams u i YALE LOCK 167 Yoke Bearings 72 ZERVAS' WIRE SAW 177 Zeuner's Valve Diagram 234 Zimmermann's Belt Shifter 189 Zuppinger's Water Wheel 219 Zurich, Rope Transmission at 205 ^^^r'2l