Class J^ Book y'^/y^ CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND 3931 HIS DESCENDANTS A SHORT HISTORICAL NARRATIVE OF NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS, WITH GENEALOGICAL TABLES SHOWING THE PROPER PLACE IN THE FAMILY OF EVERY MEMBER OF IT WHOSE NAME COULD BE LEARNED, JO i JJ)0, ^' 3 ' > i » 1 •» 1 J O > «'c' ecr^eo ^J,^' BY NEWTON GHAJMBERS STEELE, M. D. THE MaCGOVTAN & COOKE CO. Chattaxooga, Tens.-. 1901 . r 11 ^.^ "?\ > x^ N, d PREFACE. Several years ago, while doing some other genealogical work, I made many inquiries regarding my maternal ancestry. The information thus gained I laid away until recently, when I began to think seriously of putting it into book form for the benefit of others. I sent out a circular letter stating my thoughts on the subject, and in a short time enough subscriptions were secured to justify me in going on with the work. I have made great efforts to get exact and detailed data, that this book might be complete and correct, and I felicitate myself that my efforts have been remarkably successful. I did my best to induce subscribers to furnish pictures of themselves and families for the book, and I am sorry so few have entered the family picture gallery. There will be many regrets that no more pictures were put in. There is not much of the book, but it contains the net results of my investigations along our ancestral and family lines. Those who read it will never realize the amount of time and labor required to collect and arrange for publication the material found in this little book. I hope it has not all been in vain, but that the little volume may be a source of interest, pleasure and profit for generations to come. Fraternally, Newton Chambers Steele. Chattanooga, Tenn,, 1st Dec, 1901. Introductory Remarks* We American people have been very careless about genealogical, matters until the last thirty to fifty years. People of all new countries are so occupied with the work of establishing government, commerce and ag;riculture that they do not have time to give much attention to history, especially genealogical history. Then there is the sense of independence coupled with a restive and anxious, yet hopeful, looking forward to the future, that tends to make the settlers and builders of a new country ignore, and almost scorn, the past. In recent years there has developed in America great interest and activity in genealogy. People are asking, Who am I? and whence came I? All over our country individuals and families are engaged in tracing their ancestral lines back as far as possible. Several years ago I began to hunt up the genealogy of my own family, which up to that time had been almost wholly neglected. I am what may be called a double Steele, both ray father and mother having been Steeles. As to the name, some Steele families omit the final " e." The most of them use it. Sometimes the final "e" has been omitted for generations and then restored. The name is the same with or without it. It is said that the name Steele is of Scotch origin, and hence that all Steeles have Scotch blood in them. Of this I am not certain, but it is probably true. Scotland and Ireland are so close together that for perhaps three thousand years there has been more or le.^s intimacy between their people. There has been constant migrating from one country to the other. Inter-marriages have been numerous, and this has produced the po called Scotch-Irish people of which we hear so much. However, this term is probably most usually applied to the mixing of the Scotch and Irish in the last three or four hundred years. Some apply the term to pure Scotch, who first came from Scotland and settled in Ireland, and later came to America without inter-marrying with the Irish at all. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries consid- erable numbers of people emigrated from Scotland to Ireland 5 6 CAPTAIN SINIAN STRKLK AND 111.-' J>r.-M i.MiA.Mc. lu - -ipe oppression of various kinds, mostly religious persecution. Tliese settled largely in the Eastern and Northern parts of Ireland. Many cjf tiieni inter-married with the best element of the native Irish people, Hecause of exhorbitant taxation and religiouspcrsecution and oppressions in Ireland many thousand of the Scotch-Irisli Presbyterians finally left Ireland and canw to the American colonies seeking more freed<»m and ndigions toleration. At lirst they settled largely in Tonnsylvania and N'irginia, iMit later many families migrateil to North and South Cartdina. Most of the Steeles of America are Scotch-Irish, and most of these, as distinct families, came directly fr(tm Ireland. Some came from England and other European countries. l)ut 1 think the most of them claim Scotland as their ancestral li(»me. During my genealogical researches I have corresponded with persons in about twenty states and in Ireland. I think I have collecteil about all of the historical data concerning my Steele ancestors that can be discovered. A f«'W years ago much valuable material now lost might have been secured. The gathering of the historical and genealogical material contained in this book has been an arduous task, but I have been greatly interested in the work and count it a " labor of love." It is not my aim or expectation to make one dollar by the sale of this book. It is a contribution to systematic genealogy. Many friends have very kindly assisted me in gathering data, to all of whom I hereby return thank-. 1 would like to mention >^nmi' of tlioni. but I do not wish to seem i>arlial. EXPLANATION AND INFORA1 \T10N. In a book containing the genealogy of a laiL'e family connection, the great majority of the persons can lie men- tioned by name only. It would reijuire a large and costly volume to do otherwise. Hooks of this kind necessarily have a very limitod sale, and a large book would cost several ilollars each. Each picture and special pen sketch in this book has been jiiiid for by some ojie, and have? not added to the price of the book to tho.^e who simply buy the book. .Ml jtictures are of persons mentioned in tin* book. As a rule 1 have used the full legal f»)rm of a name instead of the family pet or abbreviated name. I'or instance. I liavt written ".Martha'' infltead of ".Mat" or " .Mat tie," ".Margaret" instead of CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. "Peggy," or "Maggie," "Susan" instead of"8ue" or " Susie," "Mary " instead of " Polly " or " Mollie," "Eudora " instead of " Dora," " Sarah " instead of " Sallie," " Elizabetli " instead of " Bessie," " Bettie." or " Lizzie." In this book a name in parenthesis usually means a woman's maiden surname. For instance: If John Jones married Miss Mary Steele, their names after marriage would probably be written John and Mary (Steele) Jones, or John Jones and Mary (Steele) Jones. In the genealogical tables " b " stands for " born," " m '' for "married," and "d" for "died." Every name in the war chapter can be found in its proper place in the body of the book in the "family" mentioned after the name in the war chapter. "Tradition," which is often used, means handed down orally, that is, from mouth to ear and not by written record. Of course there sometimes has been a record made of oral tradition. In a work like this, it is practically impossible to avoid all errors. Be charitable about them. I used the names, dates and other information furnished me by others. Of course there will be errors in names and dates, and it may be your name or the date of your birth or marriage that I have gotten wrong. It may all be my fault, but it is possible that it is yours. I discovered and corrected many errors in the names and dates that were sent me. I believe the genealogy is the most complete one of its size ever published. I have given an exact account of every descendant of Captain Ninian Steele except, possibly, the immediate family of one man (See Family 39.) HOW TO FIND YOUR NAME OR TRACE YOUR FAMILY. Examine the Index first; that may help you. If you don't find your name there look for the name of some prominent person closely related to you. Find that person and you can find your own name easily. If you know through which of the children of Ninian Steele, the First, you have descended turn to Family No. 1 and trace out your line. The words " see family" after any name points forward to that person's own tamily. The words ''see family" after the regular family number at the beginning of each family point back to the origin of that new family. A few moment's study will make it all plain to you. HISTORICAL SKETCH CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. In a previous book, "Archibald Steele and His Descend- ants," I gave the genealogy of my paternal family " lines." In this volume I shall deal mostly with my maternal ancestry. It so happens that this, too, is a " Steele line," but the two lines do not spring from the same ancestor, so far as I have been able to ascertain. Ninian Steele, my mother's grandfather, was born 24th December, 1738. I am not sure where he was born, but I think it was in Ireland. It is certain that he or his father came from Ireland to America. My opinion, after hearing all available evidence, is that, when quite small, he came from Ireland with his father and settled in Chester county. Pa. One old record says he was a native of that county. He grew to manhood there and removed to Iredell county, N. C, before the Revolutionary war, in which he was a patriot soldier. (See War chapter.) On the 15th March, 1770, he married Miss Elizabeth Chambers, who was born 6th March, 1748. She was a daughter of Henry and Jane (Futhy) Chambers, of Lancaster (possibly Chester) county, Pa. Henry Chambers was born 13th July, 1708, and his wife in 1715. They were married 14th Novem- » ber, 1735. Henry Chambers and family moved to Iredell county, N. C, about 1754, where he died 26th October, 1783, and she 25th June, 1781. Miss Anna Steele, who is eighty years old, now living at Hico, Texas, and who is a great-granddaughter of Henry Chambers, says that the latter's wife's maiden name was Jane Futhy. Ninian Steele probably first met his future wife in Iredell county, N.C., where he and the Chambers family settled after moving from Pennsylvania. It is not certainly known what Ninian Steele's father's 9 10 CAPTAIN NINIAN 8TKKLK AND IIIS HKSCKNDAXTS. priven name was, hut I think from the slijrht evidenoe I have fouud that it was Saniiu'l. and that ho had two brothers in North Carolina named SaniUfl ami Robert, respectively. " Ninian " is an old Scotch name, datinj; back to or beyond the sixth century. It was the name of a celebrated Christian missionary to the Picts and Scots of Scotland. It was often pronounced Ni'nian, and now it is sometimes spelled as thus pronounced. Ninian Steele's mother was a Fnthy. and Miss Anna Steele abov*- mentioned says that she was a sister of the wife of Henry Clianibers. thus makin«: Ninian Stcfde and his wife first cousins. It is possible that she iuis confiiscil lliMiry Chambers with his son, Henry Chambers. Jr. Ninian Steele was a man of more than ordinary inlluence and enterprise in his community. It is positively claimed by his descendants in Iredell county, N. C, that he built and operated the tirst cotton j;in ever known in that state. He built it after readiiiL' in a letter a description of the Whitney {iin invented in ll'Xi. It was situated on a fork of Fifth Creek near his home, ten miles from Statesville, and was run l»y water power. I'arts of that lirst gin still e.xist. Ninian Steele was known in his county as a "peace- maker." Tradition has it that he sometimes actually paid the amount of money in dispute between neighbors in order to stop a neighborhood broil. While he did not hesitate, as we l>elieve, to act the soldier in war, he was emphatically a man of peace in times of peace. This was certainly an excellent trait of character — a noljle heritage to leave his children. It is much to l»e regretted that we know so little about him of wh(»se character we have these few glimpses. lie died on 30lli Deceiiilter. Is]!:}; his wile having died 2, .Mary (Jracy. she It. 17th Julv, 1797. d. 23d Jan., lS7t;. Four children. FA.MILY AND l)l:SCI:.M)ANTS OF JANH, THK ELDEST CHILD or- CAP!. MNIAN STEELE. FAA\ILV 2— See Family i. Children of Jane Steele and Hu^h Robison, both of w horn lived and died in Iredell County, N. C. 12(1) Elizabeth (Betsy), b. 27th An, ir., 1791, d. Htii Nov., \>^itl ; m. Joseph Woods. No ciiililren. 13 (2)Ann, b. 11th Jnly, 17'.i5. d. 1st April. 1M(); never married. 14 (3) Cieorge Stvele (See Family 3), h. I8th June, 1797, d. 1st Sept., 1875; m. twice. First to Nancy Cowan, she b. 1793,(1. IGth Feb., 1S32. Three children. Second to Klizabeth Cowan, she b. iMh J m., Ih0!>, d. 2d March, 1874. No children. 15(1) Hni:li, Jr (See Family 11), I.. Kllh April, ISdl, , she b. loth .May, 181«;. Two chihlren. lAMII.Y 3 See lamlly 2. Children ol (ieorjje Steele Robison and Nancy Cowan Robison. 16(1) Jane, died yonn^. 17 1-2) William (Jowan (See Family I i, b. iCth May. 1829; CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 13 d. 10th Dec, 1864; m. Matilda Rickart 7th Oct. 1852; she b. 21st May, 1830, d. 7th Sept., 1876. Six children. 18 (3) Niniaii Alexander (See Family 9), b. 14th Feb., 1832, d. 17th Sept., 1873 ; m. 25th Feb., 1858, Catherine Malinda White, in Iredell county, N. C. ; she b. 25th Aug. 1840. Three children. FAMILY 4— See Family 3, Children of William Cowan Robison and Matilda (Rickart) Rob = ison, both of whom lived and died in Iredell Co., N. C. 19 (1) Roxanna Elizabeth (See Family 5), b. 4th July, 1854, d. 27th May, 1887 : m. George Wilson McNeely, 6th Jan., 1876 ; he b. 23d May, 1850. Five children. 20(2) Lillie Kiturah, b. 26th Aug., 1855. Unmarried. 2 I (3) Julia Octavia (See Family 6), b. 16th Jan., 1857, m. James A. Bass, 13th Oct., 1881 ; he b. 9th May, 1858. Six children. 22 (4) Allison Crawford (See Family 7), b. 15th Aug., 1858, m. Julia Ann Moore, 5th May, 1892, she b. 1st Jan., 1865, d. 24th June, 1899. Three children. 23 (5) Margaret Emma (See Family 8), b. 27th Jan., 1860, m. Hiram Thomas Williams, 13th Nov. 1894. One child. 24 (6) Mary Isabella, b. 11th June, 1861. Unmarried. FAMILY 5— See Family 4. Chilbren of Roxanna Elizabeth Robison and George Wilson McNeely. (Amity, N. C.) 25 (1) William Alexander, b. 3rd Feb., 1877. 26 (2) Chalmers Theodore, b. 3rd Nov., 1878. 27 (3) Lillie May, b. 10th May, 1880. 28(4) Thomas Dwight, b. 30th Jan., 1883. 29 (5) John Wilson, b. 9th May, 1884. FAMILY 6— See Family 4. Children of Julia Octavia Robison and James A. Bass. (Fancy Hill, N. C.) 30 (1) William Clyde, b. 10th Nov., 1882 ; d. 9th June, 1886. 14 CAPTAIN M.NIAN STKKLE AM) 1118 liESrENDANTS. 31 (J) Kussie Lee, b. 2iul May. 1SS4. 32 (3) Ethel May. I.. 2»;tli Ai-ril, 1886. 33 I I) Ivalph Erskiii. I.. 11th Oct., 1887. 34 (5) Marie, b. i.'4th Oct.. 1802. 35 (ti) Clifton Alexaniler, b. 5th Sept., 1M>7. FAnil.N' 7 -See Family 4. Children ol Allisun Crawford kobison and Julia Ann Hoore) kobison. ( Ainily, .\. ( '.) 36 ( I) Ava Lula, b. r,tli Feb., IKV.i. 37 (li) M a rijaret (MajTfiie) Irene, b. 20th Sept., 1894. 38 C'i) Lillie Blanche, b. 5th Jan., 1S9T ; d. 1st June, 1898. FAMILY 8 See Family j. Children (»f Margaret Fmrna kobison and Hiram Thomas Williams. 39(1) Cyrus Troy, b. 2mi1 ( )c(., 1805. FAMILY 9 See Family 3. Cliildren of Ninian Alexander kobison and Catherine Halinda White kobison. They moved from North Carolina to Ilillsboro, ill., in 18<;(), where he died. She lives in St. Louis, Mo. 40 (1) Jay Alexander (See Family 10). b. 10 May, 18.50; m. liattie Leucretia Black 151 h .June, 1881 ; she b. 2.Srd Oct., 1800. Four childr(Mi. 41 (2j Sarah .laiio Fh.r.-ii.-,.. b 'jL>n.I April, 1>(;1 ; d. iith Oct., 1870. 42 (:i) Mabid Illinois, b. !»tli .\..v., IsTl. FA.MII.N 10 See laniily o. Children <»l Jay Alexander kobison and flattie Leucretia I Black kobison. (Oentralia, 111.) 43 (1) Charles Alexander, b. 12th Au^;., 1883. 44 C-') Frank Houston, b. !;;ili Feb.. 1S86. 45 (■'{) Knb.Mf L;!;!, d. 14th May, 1893. Two children. Captain Ninian Futhy Steele was accidentally UilK-d by a friend and nei^ihbor, who mistook him for a turkey in th*' early ilawn of the inornintr. I'-otliwiTc InmfiiiL' unknown to each other, ami eai h thoujiht the other was a turkey calliti^ its mate. (H«»nry Steele and both his wives lived and died near Statesville, Irerlell county, N. C.) CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 17 FAMILY 15— See Family 14. Children of Elizabeth Chambers Steele and Lazarus Holman. They moved from North Carolina to Cannon county, ienn., in 1832, and to Hissouri in 1837. 65 (1) David Steele (See Family 16) b. 13th Nov., 1824, d. 6th Dec, 1890; m. Mary Sophronia James 14th Dec, 1856; she b. 6th March, 1838. Eight children. 66 (2) Henry Wilson, b. 14th Nov., 1825, d. 18th Sept., 1847. 67 (3) Mary Susannah (See Family 18) b. 9th June, 1828, d. 26th Nov., 1886 ; m. Thomas Jones Lovelace 20th Nov., 1851 ; he b. 16th Dec, 1824, d. 4th Nov., 1897. Eleven children. 68 (4) Rachel Louisa (See Family 25) b. 11th April, 1830; d. 23rd Feb., 1872; m. 20th Feb., 1850, Moses Alexander McKnight, he b. 10th April, 1825. Six children. 69 (5) Isaac Newton (See Family 31) b. 19th July, 1831; ra. twice: First 2nd June, 1859, to Mary Minerva Wilson, '-he b. 11th Dec, 1840, d. 2nd May, 1866. Three children. Second to Caroline Virginia Moore, 2nd Oct., 1868, she b. 9th Oct., 1841. Three children. 70 (6) Margaret Jane (See Family 34) b. 8th July, 1833; m. George See Wilson 17th April, 1860, he b. 8th Feb., 1811, d. 22nd Jan., 1892. Three children. 7 I (7) John James Andrews Holman (See Family 37) b. 28Lh June, 1835, d. 4th Dec, 1862 ; m. Julia Allen Turk 28th November, 1860, she b. 22nd Dec, 1841. One child. FAHILY i6— See Family 15. Children of David Steele Holman and riary Sophronia (James) iiolman. (Springfield, Mo.) 72 (1) Wm. Mortimore, died in early infancy. 73 (2) Charles Walter, died in early infancy. 74 (3) Rosa Elizabeth, living. 75 (4) Lillie Sudie, living. 76 (5) Edward Benily, died in early infancy. 77 (6) Mary E., died in early infancy. 78 (7) David Elwood, b. 14th April, 1868. 18 CAPTAIN NINIAN STKELK AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 79 (8) Ivy Sophronia (See Family 17) h. 31fit Dec, 1872, m Georpe Albert Mi-CoHuuk Iu- I., titli April, 1868. One child. FAA\ILY 17 See Family 16. Children of Ivy Si)phronia Holman and Q. A AlcCollum. (Springfield, Mo.) 80 (1) Katherine. 1). 22(1 June. 1896. FAMILY i8^See F-amily 15. Children of .>\ary Susannah Holman and Thomas Jones Lovelace. 81 ( 1 ) Davi.l Newton, I). 3rd Oct., 1852, d. Utli April, 186.5. 82 (2) Sarah Elizabeth, b. 4th April, 1854; m. Kichard Hector Steen 11th Dec, 1873, he b. 6th Sept., 1834. No children. 83 (3) Louisa Virginia (See Family 19) b. 11th Jan.. 1856, d. 25th July, 1896; m. Fenton Scott Moman 14th Nov., 1872. Two children. 84 (4) James Adolphns (twin of No. 3) (See Family 20) b. 14th Jan., 1856, m. Ida Leora May Pinnell 3rd June, 1884, she b. 19th May, 1861. Six children. 85 (5) Rebecca Alice, b. 7th June, 1858, d. 4th Nov. 1870. 86 (6) John Lazarus (See Family 21) b. 3rd Feb., 1860, m. Edna Blinder Walker 17th Aug., 1879, she h. 2Sth Sept., 1863. Six children. 87 (7) Drucilla Olcmentine (See Family 22) b. 19th Aug., 1861, m. John \V. Isb.dl 6th Dec, ls77; he b. .30th Oct.. 1852. Four children. 88 (8) Mary Susan, b. 2Mh iJec, 1^14, d. iM h Aug., 1865. 89 (9) .Martha Altia (Sec Family 23) h. loth .Inly, 1S67, m. Lewis D.ivi^ Brim 1th S.-pt., 1890; he b. 15th Nov., 1R66. Four children. 90 (1<>; Elizabeth ("Bessie") Jane (Sec Family 24) b. ;;r.l Fel>., Ih69, n). 22nd June, 1S89, to Johnson WolTcud ; he b. 1st Feb., 1867. 'i'hree children. 91 (W) William Emmot, b. 27lh June, 1872, d. 27lh June, 1872. CAPTAESr NINIAN STEELE ANT) HIS DESCENDANTS. 19 FAMILY 19— See Family 18. Children of Louisa Virginia Lovelace and Fenton Scott Moman. (Saint Olair, Mo.) 92 (1) William Edward, b. 19th May, 1875. 93 (2) James Oliver, b. 22d Sept. 1882. FAMILY 20— See Family i8. Children of James Adolphus Lovelace and Ida Leora May (Pinnell) Lovelace. (Oakland, Ark.) 94 (1) Mary, b. 20th Oct., 1885. 95(2) Myrtle, b. 26th May, 1889. 96 (3) Bertha, b. 21st June, 1893. 97(4) James Bernard, b. 19th July, 1894. 98(5) Marvin Emory, b. 4th August, 1896. 99 (6) A daughter, b. and d. 18th Sept. 1898. FAniLY 21— See Family i8. Children of John Lazarus Lovelace and Edna Blinder (Walker) Lovelace. (Saint James, Mo.) I 00 (1) Edgar Blaine, b. 1st August, 1881. 101 (2) William Randolph, b. 27th July, 1883. 102 (3) Walter Newton, b. 28th Sept., 1985, d. 22d June, 1887. 103 (4) Ida Mabel, b. 23d, Sept. 1887. I 04 (5) Minnie Lora, b. 12th Sept., 1889. 105 (6) Mary Emily, b. 15th Jan., 1893, d. 17th April, 1893. FAMILY 22— See Family i8. Children of Drucilla Clementine Lovelace and John W. Isbell. (Chehalis, Wash.) I 06 (1) James Vernon, b. 17th Sept., 1878. 107 (2) Ernest, b. 25th Feb., 1881. I 08 (3) Nora Estelle, b. 31st May, 1883. I 09 (4) Guy Raymond, b. 20th Nov. 1884. 20 CAPTAIN NINIAN STKKLK AND 1118 DHSOKXHAXTS. FAAMLY 23 -See Family 18. Children of Martha Altla Lovelace and Lewis Davis Brim. (Everett, Wash.) 110 ( 1 ) M:iry Kliziibetli (Lizzie), h. 6tli Ai)riK 1S92. I I I CJI KlizuWeth (Bessie) Edith. »>. 30th Jan., 18;>4. 112 Cn John ThoniJis, h. 30th Dec, 1896. 113 (4) .lames, h. VMh .Ian., 1897. d. 2n(l Feb., 1897. FAHILY a^— See Family i8. Children of Flizabeth "Bessie" Jane Lovelace and Johnson Wofford. (Lindell. Mo.) 114 ( 1 ) Octavius, b. 10th Sept., 1800. I I 5 (2) .Tessa Dee. h. I7th Aiii:., 1892, d. 19th Feb., 1896. 116 i'h Mary Julia, b. 9th Aus;, 1805. FAMILY 35— See Family 15. Children of Rachel Louisa Holman and Hoses Alexander AlcKnight. (Los Angeles, Cal.) 117 (1) ll.'iiry Moiites(iue, b. 1.5th March, 18r)l ; m. twice: First, Ella Teresa Tuck. 17th June, 1875; she b. 10th Jan.. 1852, d. 17th Feb.. 1808. No chiltlren. Second, to Mercie Anj^eline Tuck, Uth July. 1809; she b. 23rd April, 1859. No children. I 18 (2) Eri.xene Elizabeth (See Family 26) b. 2nd Aug., 1S.52; m. CMiarle'^ Thaddeus Pettit 10th Dec, 1868; he b. 1th .Nov., 1840. Ill Kalamazoo, Mich. Nine children. 119 (.*'> Louisa Alice (See Family 28) b. 28th Dec. 1854; m. Jam.-w Wilson Ila^trard 26th (~)ct., 1873; he b. 4th March, 1854. Four children. 120 4) Laura Kate (See Family 29) b. 21st Dec, 1856; m. 2lKt June, 1877. IL-nry Nelson Wild; he b. Ith Sept., T«.M. Three « hi hire n. 12 1 (5; Mary Eliza, b. 26ih Dec, 1858, .1. ."-{"th Dec. 1870. 122 (<;) Charlotte (Se.; Family .30) b Kith Aril, 1862 ; III. .McXHuder ('lav Stemmons 28th Dec, 18^7; be b. 27th Due, ibJii One child. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 21 FAMILY 26— See Family 25. Children of ii^rixiiae iiiizabeth ilcKnigiit and Charles Thaddeus Pettit. (Olney, Texas.) 123 (1) Permelia A., b. 27th Sept., 1872, d. lOth Oct., 1874. 124 (2) Ruth Ella (See Family 27) b. 15th July, 1874; m. Prof. Joel Hamilton Horton 4th Jau., 1893 ; he b. 31st March, 1866. Four children. 125 (3) William Adams, b. 2nd July, 1877. 126 (4) Charles Thaddeus, Jr., b. 15th Dec, 1879. I 27 (5) Elizabeth ("Lizzie") Louisa, b. 27th Feb., 1883. 128 (6) John Henry, b. 5th Oct., 1885. I 29 (7) Lula Belle, b. 20th Feb., 1888, d. 5th Oct, 1895. 130 (8) Charlotte ("^Lottie") Edith, b. 15th Sept., 1890. i 3 i (9) Karl Morgan, b. 6th March, 1897. FAMILY 27— See Family 26. Children of Ruth Ella Pettit and Prof. Joel Hamilton Horton. (Kanger, Texas.) I 32 (1) Orman Briggs, b. 2ud Jan., 1894. I 33 (2) Lucile Pettit, b. 31st Dec, 1895. I 34 (3) Joel Russell, b. 17th Sopt., 1898, d.lOth Feb., 18,99. I 35 (4) Flora Gladys, b. 3rd Jan., 1900. FAMILY 28— See Family 25. Children of Louisa Alice HcKnight and James Wilson Haggard. (Sarcoxie, Mo.) 136 (1) Laura Louella, b, 5th Dec, 1874 ; m. 1st June, 1892, to Richard Prigmore ; he b. 24th , 1868. I 37 (2) Jesse Ernest, b. 9th May, 1879. I 38 (3) Edgar Henry, b. 7th Dec, 1881, d. 8th May, 1883. 139 (4) Frederick Charles, b. 16th April, 1888. FAMILY 29— See Family 25. Children of Laura Kate McKnight and Henry Nelson Wild. (Sarcoxie, Mo.) I 40 (1 ) Charles Montesque, b. 22nd Oct., 1879. 141 (2) Myrtle, b. nth Oct., 1882 142 (3) Arthur Otto, b. 22nd Jan., 1887. 22 CAin'AlN SIMA-N STEELE AND Ulty DESCENDANTS. FAMILY 30— Sec f-amlly ^5- Children ot Charlotte Jane McKnislit and Alexander Clay Stem- nions. (A villa, Mo.) 143 (1) Kttoii C, b. 23ra Jun., lbs;>, . FAAllLV 31 See F-nmily 15. Children of Isaac Newton Holman and his wife, Alary HinerNa Wilson Holman. I 44 ( 1 ) Andrew Feiiton (See F;iiiiily 32; b. lOtli xMarcli, 1860; 111. Kith .Ian., 1888, Mary Elizabeth Uodfie ; she b. 17th Feb., lb()8. Nine Cliiklren. 145 (!') A daujihter b. 2Sth April, 180G, d. 29th April, 1866. 146 l->) A ilaujihter, twin of laf^t above, b. 28tli April, 1866, d. 4th May, 1866. Children of Isaac Newton Holman and his second wife, Caroline Vifijinia .Moore; Holman. (Labaddie, Mo.) 147 (1) Mary Elizabeth (See Family 33) b. 25th Anii., 1^69; in. Sterling Kains Harvey, 27th April, 1898. One child. I 48 ( •-' ) Walter Emmet, b. 19th Oct., 1871, d. 1st April, 1884. I 49 (.ij Norman Lee, b. 26th Oct., 1874. FAMILY 32 -See Family 31. Children of Andrew Fenton Holman and A\ary lilizabeth Dodge j Holman. (Labaddie, Mo.) 150 (1) Alma (ireen, b. 24th Nov., 1888. 151 (L'j Irederick, b. 21lii .June, 1890. I 52 (3) CharleH Harvey, b. 3()tli .Ian.. 1S{>2. I 53 ( 1 , |»,ll. I.. ITtli Feb., IMM, d. 2tth Feb., KS94. 154 i'>) l-.i.»» .Niwliin, b. ITlli Feb., Ib'Ji). I 55 (6) (iail, b. Itli .Inly. Is96. I 56 (7; Cland Fentdii. b 2nd Sept.. Is:t7. 157 (K) Alb.Ti .Mod-.., b. I.Mh March, I'.HiO. I 58 ('.«) A M.n b. ITth .lune. 19(tl. d. 7lh .Inly, I'.HH. CAPTAIN NESriAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 23 FAMILY 33— See Family 31. Children of Mary Elizabeth Holman and Sterling Rains Harvey. (Labaddie, Mo.) 159 (1) Elizabeth Holman, b. 15tli Feb., 1899. FAMILY 34— See Family 15. Children of Margaret Jane Holman and George See Wilson. 160 (1) Charles Lee (See Family 35) b. 1st May, 1862 ; m. Jennie E. Boyd 7th June, 1896 ; she b. 31st March, 1873. Three children. 161 (2) Georgia May (See Family 36) b. 8th Sept., 1863 ; m. 26th Feb., 1891, to John Henry Sabert ; he b. 16th June, 1865. Four children. I 62 (3) Sarah ("Sallie") May, b. 13th Feb., 1866, d. 23rd Oct., 1866. FAMILY 35— See Family 34. Children of Charles Lee Wilson and Jennie E. (Boyd) Wilson. (Sarcoxie, Mo.) I 63 (1) Lela May, b. 2nd March, 1897. I 64 (2) George Boyd, b. 13th July, 1898, d. 11th Dec, 1899. I 65 (3) Maud Lee, b. 12th Nov., 1900. FAMILY 36— See Family 34. Children of Georgia May Wilson and John Henry 5abert. (Sarcoxie, Mo.) I 66 (1) Ralph Wilson, b. 25th April, 1892, d. 12th Oct., 1895. 167 (2) Edison Reed, b. 12th Dec, 1893. I 68 (3) Blanche Lillian, b. 6th Nov., 1895, d. 19th Jan., 1899. I 69 (4) Bernice Louise, b. 22ud Feb., 1900, d. 27th March, 1901. FAMILY 37— See Family 15. Children of John James Andrews Holman and Julia Allen (Turk) Holman. 170 (1) William Henry (See Family 38) b. 16th Sept., 1861; m. 4th Oct., 1986, Octavia Lillian Paris. Four children. •J4 CAPTAIN KIXIAN STKKLK AND IIIS HKSOKNOANTS. KA.MII.N ^'' Sec Family 37. Chililrcn of \N illiaiii llciu> tiolman and Octavia Lillian Parts) Molmnn. ( Miami, Iml. 1".) 17 1 III Aha Julia. 1.. 4tli .Iniie, 18S8. 172 cJ) W imiie M.. I.. ITili June, 1891. 173 (3) Jenuie, b. 3rd Juno, 1893. I 74 (4) Jessie, b. 30tli Au<:, 1895. 175 •'') John Karl, I). 25ih March. 1S9S. FAMILY 30— See Family 14. Children of James Andrews Steele and Alinty Waters (William- son Steele. 176 ( 1 I W iiliani ilenry, b. lOtli o.i., IS^J.J. Said to be mar- riLHl and livinji in Texas, lie i- the-only one of Captain Ninian Steele's desct ndants who cannot be located. 177 (i'> Miles Chambers (See Family 40) b. 5th Oct., 1835 ; 111. twice: First time, Mnry L. Daugherty, 8th Jan., 1862; she b. , , d. 8th April, 1869. Four children. Second wife, Mary Jane John^^ton, 3rd Oct., 1871; she b. 4th No.., 1847, d. 9th April, 1899. Five ciiildren. FAHILY 40— See Family 3Q. Children of .Miles Chambers Steele and his first wife, Alary L, Daugherty. 178 (I ) i.aura Lee, b. llih Jan., 1864, d. lind June, 1806. 179 (-2) Martha Howell (See Family 41 ) 1). 17th Nov., 1S65; ni. William Walter Wolf 21st May, 1884; he b. 14ili July, 1858. One child. 180 ('-'>} Margaret Ann, died young. 181 (4; Unnamed, died in early infaiicy. ChiiJrcn <. loth < ».t.. Is7l'. 183 (2) S.irah ("Sallie") A) Miles Allen, b. ii9lh 0»t., 1876. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 25 185 (5) Jackson Lamar, b. 19th Feb., 1879. 186 (6) Jerusha Estelle, b. 22nd March, 1881. FAHILY 41— See Family 40. Children of flartha ("Mattie") Howel! Steeie and William Walter Wolf. (Jefferson City, Mo.) 187 (1) Gladys Adell, b. 14th Sept., 1900. FAMILY 42 — See Family 14. Children of Capt. John Mitchell Steeie and Elizabeth Darinda (Bell) Steele. They lived and died near Statesville, N. C. 188 (1) Dr. Henry Frunkiiu (See Family 43), b. 31st Jan., 1833, d. 10th Sept , 1901 ; m. Elizabeth Esther Dunlap, 20th Nov., 1873. Two children. 189 (2) James Columbus (See Family 45), b. 10th July, 1839, m. Dora Valinda Montgomery, 19th Oct., 1871; she b. 29th May, 1853. Five children. 190 (3) Sinclair Preston, b. 16th Mar,, 1847, d. 8th Feb., 1883. Never married. FAHILY 43— See Family 42. Children of Dr. Hetury Franklin Steele and Elizabeth Esther (Dunlap) Steele. (DeView, Ark.) 191 (1) John William, b. 28th Dec, 1874, d. 5th Sept., 1895. Never married. I 92 (2) Katie Belle (See Family 44), b. 17th Sept., 1877, m. Albert Sidney Thompson, 2d Feb., 1898; he b. 1st Nov., 1871. One child. FAMILY 44 — See Family 43. Children of Katie Belle Steele and Albert Sidney Thompson. (DeView, Ark.) I 93 (1) Mary Esther, b. 24th Sept., 1899. FAMILY 45 — See Family 42. Children of James Columbus Steele and Eudora Valinda (Mont- gomery) Steele. He is an extensive manufacturer and a prominent man in his church and city. (Statesville, N. C.) I 94 (1) Clarence Montgomery (See Family 46), b. 31st July, 1872; m. Miss Mary Dorcas Wilson, 4th Oct., 1898; she was b. 3d August. 1876. One child. 20 CAPTAIN NINIAN STKKLK AND HIB DKSOKNDANTS. 195 (1') IIlmuv Uscar, b. 28ih Oct., 1874. I 96 (3) AlexJR Treston, b. 27th Dec, 1876. 197 ( t) Flake Futhy, b. 2lM July. 1880. I 98 (6) Mary Elizabeth, b. 12th Sept., 1885. FAHILY 46-See Family 45. Children of Clarence A\ontKomery Steele and Mary Dorcas (, Wil- son; Steele. (Statesville, N. C.) 1 99 (1) Virginia, b. 23d Jan.. litOO. FAMILY 47-See Family 14. Children of Susana Caroline Steele and James Hill, both of whom lived and died in Iredell Co., N. C. 2 00 (1) Isabella Almeda, b. Itith Feb., 1846, d. 20th Oct., 1850. 201 (2) Margaret Adams (See Family 48), b. 20th June, 1848; m. Faley Wilson Swann, 30th Sept., 1869; he b. 28th August, 1843. Six children. FAMILY 48— See Family 47. Children of Margaret Adams Hill and Pale> \\ ilson Swann. (Cool Spring, N. C.) 2 02 (1) Lou Estelle, b. 2d August, 1872. 2 03 (2) Margaret Almeda, b. 6th August, 1872. 204 (3) Nannie Alma, b. 5th of March, 1875. 2 05 (i) Elia Hill, b. 15th April, L^TS. 2 06 (0; IJerschell Lindley, b. 22d Oct., 1880. 2 07 ((\) Enea= l,nt..M. b. 24tli Dl-c 1887. I A.MILY 4^>— See Family 14. Children of Capt. Mnian Puth> Steele and hi.s first wife, Alary A. Knox Steele. 208 '1) William liarnett, lj.3ril .Ian., 1845, d. 24th Dec, 1856. 209 (2) Julia Angeline (See Family 50) b. Kith .lune, 1846; m. 2lst Jan., 1S69, to liicliard Danitd llix, who was b. 2Und Fi'b., 1843, d. !*th Juni«, IMil. I'lti children. 2 10 ('-') Marshall Knox (S.'.* Family 52) b. 2!«th Sept.. l>4.s; [II. Kmily Elhi Tnrni-r I'.Mh Jan., I.s74; she b. 25th May, 1853. Eight children. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 27 2 M (4) Minor Luico (See Family 54) b. 19th Jan., 1851 ; m. 6th Oct., 1880, Cora Anna Stevens; she b. 16th Nov., 1859, in Wisconsin. Two children. Children of Capt. Ninian Futhy Steele and his second wife, Mary Cecelia (Holman) Steele. 212 (1) Florence Jauette, b. 6th Nov., 1853, d. 4th Jan., 1854. 213 (2) Catherine ("Kate") Luola (See Family 55) b. 4th Dec, 1854 ; m. 24th Sept., 1879, George Henry Rollins, who was b. 21st Feb., 1848, in Corinth, Maine. Three children. 214 (3) Jeptha Newton, b. 5th Nov., 1856, d. 16th April, 1866. 215 (4) Ninian Wilson (See Family 56) b. 18th Nov., 1858; m. 9th June, 1883, Rebecca Anne Hutchinson, who was b. 13th Jan., 1861, in St. Charles, Kane county, HI. Five children. Mrs. Mary Cecelia Steele, with her two children then living, and her youngest stepson, moved from North Carolina to Iowa in 1869. FAfllLY 50— See Family 49. Children of Juila Angeline Steele and Richard Daniel Mix. (Turnersburg, N. C.) 216 (1) Mary Effie (See Family 51) b. 15th Nov., 1869; m. Robert L. Kender 15th Nov., 1888. Three children. 2 17 (2) Dora Marshall, b. 16th Sept., 1871. 218 (3) Henry Percy, b. 9th July, 1874, d. 17th Feb., 1896. 219 (4) James Stanton, b. 25th May, 1876, d. 11th Jan., 1899. 220 (5) Claud Steele, b. 28th May, 1878. 221 (6) Nola Angeline, b. 6th June, 1881. 2 22 (7) Jethro Allen, b. 14th Sept., 1883. 223 (8) Bruce R., b. 23rd March, 1886. 224 (9) Ray, b. 27th March, 1888. 225 (10) Richard Minor, b. 27th Oct., 1889. 2^ CAPTAIN NISIAN 8TKELK AND HIS DKSCKNDANTH. FAMILY SI See Family 50. Children uf Hary Fffie Hix and Robert L. Kendcr. ( Turnersburg, N. C) 2 26 (1) Arthur L, I.. Ttli Oct., 1889. 2 27 (2) Robert C'oyte, b. 1st Sept., 1896. 228 C-i) Cecil Hix, b. 2Sth June, 1900. FAMIl-V 52 See Family ^g. children of .Marshall Knox Steele and limily Hlla (Turner) Steele (Turiu'rsbur^, N. V. i Mr. Steele is u cotton-yarn nianulacturer of tliat town, ami au inlluential citizen of his county. 229 (1) Doucan Olivia (See Fainily 5o), b. 27th May, 1876; 111. Natley D. Tonilin, 25th Nov., 1896. One child. 2 30 (2) Norris F., b. 13th May, 1878. 23 1 (3) Carroll Turner, b. oth July, 1880, d. 25tli June, 1900. 2 32 '4) LeKoy Clark, b. 13th Feb., 1882. 2 33 (0) Fleete Shelton, b. 17th Dec, 1883. 2 34 (6) Swannanoah Grace, b. 28th Dec, 1886. 2 35 (7) Aiidie Dorcas, b. 28th August, 1889. 2 36 (S) Julia Lois, b. 19th Sept., 1893. FAiMILY 53— See Family 52. Children of Dou^an Oli\ ia Steele and ^atley I). Tomlin. (Turnersburg, N. C.) 237 (1) Margaret, b. 12tli June, 1899. FAMIl.N 54- See i-amily 40. Ciiildrcn of Alinor l.uico Steele and Cora Anna t.Stevens>j Steele (Jelierson, Iowa.) .Mr. Steele is a well to do citi/.»'n ol his county. 2 38 (1; Kllie Franci-s, b. l>l June, lss2. 2 39 (2j FlnrciMM' Wn/.c], b. Nov., Is'.tM. I AiMll.N 55 See I amlly ^y. Children <>f Catherine Kate l.uola .Steele and (ieor^e Henry Rollins. { Jcllt isoii, Iowa. ) 240 ( 1 ; Klhcl May, b. 25th July, 1>M. CAPTAIN NINIAN STKELK AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 29 241 (2) Guy Willard, b. 29th April, 1883. 242 (3) Blanche Mildred, b. 13th May, 1893. FAniLY 56— See Family 49- Children of Ninian Wilson Steele and Rebecca Anne (Hutchin- son) Steele. He is a prosperous merchant of (Jolley, Iowa.) 243 (1) Ray R., b. 28th May, 1884. 244 (2) Mabel May, b. 7th July, 1885. 245 (3) Alvin Cecil, b. 25th August, 1888. 246 (4) Grace Viola, b. 9th May, 1892, 247 (5) Harold Hobart, b. 20th Oct., 1896. FAMILY AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH, FOURTH CHILD OF CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE. FAMILY 57-See Family ?. Children of Joseph Steele and his first wife, Elizabeth (Harbison) Steele. 248 (1) Ninian (See Family 58) b. 11th Nov., 1803, d. 1st Dec, 1849 ; m. Hannah Harvey , 1826 ; she b. 6th Nov., 1809, d. 12th Sept., 1861. Ten children. 249 (2) Milas, b. 13th May, 1805, d. in Arkansas. Never married. 250 (3) Maxwell Chambers, b. 4th Jan., 1807, d. young. ^^ 251 (4) Elizabeth ("Eliza") Adeline (See Family H) b, 23rd March, 1808, d. 12th Nov., 1863; m. Edmond Kirk- land 1st Feb., 1825 ; he b. 19th Aug., 1798, d. 11th April, 1854. Eleven children. ^ q y 252 (5) Nancy Savina (See Family 1*4.^ b. 29th April, 1810, d. 4th March, 1835; m. Rev. Joseph Pinkney Morrison 23rd Feb., 1832 ; he b. 7th May, 1801, d. 28th Sept., 1887. One child. / / j<-~ 253 (6) Jane Matilda (See Family 1^ b. 16th Oct., 1812, d. 9th Aug., 1886 ; m. William Hargraves 22nd Oct., 1839 ; he b. 5th March, 1802, d. 9th Sept., 1880. Three children. 254 (7) Annie Clarissa, b. 17th Dec, 1814, d. young. 30 CAPTAIN NIMAN STKKI.K AND HIS DKSCENDANTS. Children of Joseph Steele and his second wife, Sarnh Urguhart 5tcclc. (Tht'V hotli tli«»tl and arc Imried near Moridianvillo, Mftilison county, Ala.) j 2 "^ 255 (1) Mary Ann (See Family h*sg b. 28th Sept., 1818, d. 11th April, 1890; in. Maj.Jolin .\ewton Steele 18th Feb., 1840; he b. ITth Dec, 1810. d. 2sth July, 1877. Seven I liildrtMi. /J y 256 (2) Joseph (Mjamb.M-^ (See Familv \iH^ h. 2r)th Feb., 1820, il. 21th O.-t., 189i>; ni. throe times: First wife, Aimeline Cornelia MeWilliains. 7th Oct., 1841 ; she b. 6fh Jan., 1820, d. 8th March, 1854. Six children. Second wife, Martha Starr Steele, 8th Nov., 1854; ?he i.. lOth Nov., 1828, d. 1st April, 1858. Two children. Third wife, Mrs. Margaret Jones nee Moore; ni. lltli Jan., 185'J; she b. 28th Dec, 1820. No children. FAMILY 58— See Family 57. Children of Ninian Steele and Hannah 1 Hervey i Steele. 257 (1) Elizabeth Jane (See Family 5!>) b. i3th Nov., 1827 ; m. Francis Harrison Davis Uth May, 1842; he b. 11 Ih Feb., 1814, d. 13th Dec, 1869. Four children. 258 (2) Muj. Mihi- William (See Family (i8) b. 28rd Sept., 1829, d. 18th July, 1886; ni. twice: First, Frances Florida Wills 6tli Feb., 1856; she b. , , d. June, 1864. Three cliildren. Second wife, Mrs. Martha Matilda Kodgers nee Wills, May, 1866. Four children. yj 259 (■■•) Harriet Matilda (See Family 7<^ b. 10th Nov., 1832, d. 21st Feb., 1856 ; m. Henjainin Norris 27th Aug., 1851 ; he b. 12fh .May, 1806, d. I'.Mh June. ISS'.i. Three cliiMren. 260 4) John Thomas, b. 15th Jan., ls;U, d. 2i»th Jan., 1871. 26 1 (5) Jackson (See Family >is) li. 22iid Sej)!., IS.'UJ; m, 17th Dec, 1868, to Margaret Jane Humphreys; she b. 22nd Jan.. 1843. Nine children. 262 (*■- ) K--V. Coliimbu-- Oney (S-o Family 80) b. 10th Nov., ih3b ; m. twice; l-'ir^t to Virginia .\nn N'nwidl ; she b. 27th July, 1K40. d. Illli Au-., IS71. Four ehildren. Secon«l to .Mrs. Sarah ("Sallie") Klizabeth Wolf nee Carruth : she b. 3lHt Dec, 1839. Five children. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE ANT) HIS DESCENDANTS. 31 263 (7) Martha Ann (See Family 9^ b. 25th June, 1841 ; m. Andrew Jackson Hogan 14th Dec, 1858 ; he b. , . Five children. i-^ 264 (8) Juds:e .lopeph Chambers (See Family^ b. 10th July, 1843 ; m. twice : First to Mary Davis ; she b. , 1845, d. 28th Dec, 1869. One child. Second to Frances Elizabeth Norton 3rd Aug., 1873; she b. 28th Aug., 1848. Five children. 265 (9) Emily, b. 15th Aug., 1845; m. Capt. Robert S. Hill ; he b. 16th Sept., 1833, d. 4th Sept., 1901. No children. She lives in Plumerville, Ark. 266 (10) Mary Eliza Ninian, b. 1850 and d. same year. FAHILY 59— See Family 58. Children of Elizabeth Jane Steele and Francis Harrison Davis. 267 (1) Rev. Robert Ninian (See Family 60) b. 8th Feb., 1844, in Marshall county, Miss.; m. tvi^ice : First, 11th Jan., 1865, to Wadie Jane Davis (not related.) One child. Second marriage, 37th Nov., 1873, to Sarah T. Smith, who died 3rd May, 1897. Three children. 268 (2) Joseph Marcus Delaware, b. 15th May, 1845, d. Oct., 1845. 269 (3) Miles Watkins (See Family 63) b. 6th Sept., 1846, d. 15th March, 1884; m. Mary Jane Jones Sept., 1872; she b. 12th Dec, 1852, d. June, 1883. Five children. 270 (4) Harriet Alice (See Family 65) b. 31st Dec, 1849 ; m. twice : First, on 14th May, 1876, to Toliver Lewis Henderson, who died 12th April, 1876. Three children. Second marriage, on 23rd Dec, 1877, to Tilman Wofford ; he b. 12th Aug., 1852. Three children. FAMILY 60— See Family 59. Children of Rev. Robert Ninian Davis and his first wife, Wadie Jane (Davis) Davis. 27 I (1) Kathrena Alice (See Family 61) b. 24th June, 1866 ; m. Charles Duvall Hendrix 5th Oct., 1882 ; he b. 3rd July, 1845. Eight children. 32 CAPTAIN NINIAX PTKKLE AND HIS DKBOKN'DAKTS. ChllJren of Rc\ . Rolxrrt Ninian Davis and his second wife, Sarah T. Smith D.inI.s. ( 1) irduijoUi". Ark.) 272 (1) All)orta Elizabeth (See Funilv <52) I). i:Mi Miy 187«;; m. Jimee L^wis Tilley I'Mli D.m , ls;t!»; he b. 21st Nov., 1873. O-M'rhil.l. 273 lU) Klia^ Watkii.-. b. 17tl. Aul'. 1871), <1. 28tlj .June, 1880. 274 (M) Nir-iiiia (iood. '11,1). Gth April. 1881. .1. 8Hi Aui£., 1895. PAHILV 6i— .See Family oo. Children of Kathrene .Alice Davis and Charles Duvall Hendrix. ((\irr<.lt()M. Ark.) 27 5 ( 1 ) Bertie Elizabetli. 1). 10th Aii<:., 18S3. 276 (2) Claud Duvall, b. 25th O.-t., 1885. 277 (3) Frederic Earl, b. 11th Jan., 1887. 278 1) Mary Myrll'. b. 4th Feb., 1891, d. 1st Aug;., 1892. 279 ( :») William Grover, b. 30th Oet., 1892. 280 (♦!) Cora Mead, b. 16th Nov., 1894. 281 ( T) Enuice Edna, b. 25th Dec, 1896. 282 (S) Otto Re.-.l, b. 20th Nov., 1808. 283 (!♦) Sadie Ninian, b. 19th April, I'.kiI. FAAIILY 62— See Family 6o. Children of Alberta HIizabcth Davis and .lames Lewis Tilley. (Dardanelle, Ark.) 284 ( I) .James Ninian. b. lOtli Mar.-h, 1901. FA.MILY 63-See Family 59. Children of Allies Watkins Davis and Alary Jane (Jones) Davis. 285 ( 1 I Robert Hiirtou (See Family t)4), b. 22d August, 1873, m. Martha .lane Aldridiie. she b. 29th Nov., 1870. One ehild. 2 86 (2) Thomas. 287 1:^) William. 288 '1; Delaware. 289 (■'.) .Mary Elizabeth Alice. FA.MIl.Y 64 5ee l-amily f>j. Ctiildrcn of Uobcrt hurtoii l)a\i^ niut .M.-irth.T Jane Aldridjte) Dnvis. ( Prim, Ark.) 290 I I ) .lameB Nathan, b. 21sl .Jan., l8iMi. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 33 FAMILY 65.— See Family 59. Children of Harriet Alice Davis and her first husband, Toliver Lewis Henderson. 29 I (1) Frances, b. 26th July, 1872, d. 21st Aug., 1875. 292 (2) Levi (twin of the last) b. 26th July, 1872, d. 21st Sept., 1872. 293 (3) Belvideria Ninian (See Family 66) b. Uth May, 1875 ; m. twice : First, to Kobert Wear, 11th Jan., 1892. One child. Second, to George Washington Fillers, 15th Dec, 1856. Two children. Children of Harriet Alice Davis and her second husband, Tilman Wofford. (Alma, Ark.) 294 (1) Emmet, b. 3rd Oct., 1878. 295 (2) Edgar Tilman, twin of the last, (See Family 67) b. 3rd Oct., 1878 ; m. Dora Belle Maple, 12th Aug., 1898. 296 (3) Montorny Watkins, b. 28th Dec, 1880. FAMILY 66.— See Family 65. Children of Belvideria Ninian Henderson and her first husband, Robert Wear. 297 (1) Lura Alice, b. 3rd Dec, 1892. Children of Belvideria Ninian Henderson and her second hus- band, Qeo. Washington Fillers. 298 (1) Melvin Allen, b. 3rd Oct., 1897. 299 (2) Ivy Pearl, b. 8th Feb., 1899. FAMILY 67— See Family 65. Children of Edgar Tilman Wofford and Dora Belle Maple. (Alma, Ark.) 300 (1) Robert Otto, b. 30th Oct., 1899. FAMILY 68— See Family 58. Children of Maj. Milas William Steele and his first wife, Frances Florinda (Wills) Steele. 301 (1) Benjamin Milas (See Family 69), b. 19th July, 1857, d. 10th March, 1883 ; m. Annie M. Gordon Sept., 34 CAPTAIN MNIAX 8TKKLK AND UlS DEM KMiANTS, 1^7l♦; Aw h. liTtli l-cb., 1850, d. 2iul .lulv. 1SS9. One ohild. 302 CJ) ("liarlos Wesley, I.. Se|.t., 1859, d An::., 1802. 303 (3) Eilward C\Uil\vell, h. May, 1802, d. Fel)., 1865. Children of A\aJ. Milas William Steele and hLs second wife, firs. Martha .Matilda Rodders nee Wills ) Steele. 304 (1) William Thomap, b. Htli .Mir., l^ti7. d. 18th Dec, 1>7T. 305 (2) James Oiiey (See Family 71), h. 19th Marrh, 1870; m. 9th Aui;., 1896, to Mari;aret Ann Beaty ; she h. Aiiii., 1872, d. 25th June, 1898. One child. 306 (") Theodore Ernest, b. 21st April, 1874, d. 14th Feb., 1898. 307 (4) Emma May (See Family 72), b. 12lh March, 1877; m. ClilFord Vance Ezell 17th Nov., 1897; he I*. 9th Jan., 1874. Two children. FAMILY 69— See Family 68. Children of Benjamin Milas Steele and Annie A\. ( Gordon Steele. 308 1) Juanita Eloise (See Family 70), b. 3rd Juno, 1880; m. Clyde Leon Mcllveigh 27th Dec, 1897 ; he b. 7th Nov., 1874. One child. FAMILY 70 See Family 69. Children of Juanita Eloise Steele and Clyde Leon Mcllveigh. 309 (1; Anna Lncile, b. 21st March, 19U0. FAHILY 71-See Family 68. Children of James Oney Steele and Margaret Ann t Beaty ) Steele. (Morrillton, Ark.) 3 10 (1) ('lifl'ord Oliver, b. Nt June, 1.S98, d. 30th Anir., 1898. lAMII.N 72 .^ee Inmily OS. Children of fiinma Alay Steele and Clifford N aiKc I:/.ell. (Maylield, Ky.) 3 11 (1) liiz.n Clarice, b. l.Mli May, 1S99. 3 12 (li) KlHe, b 28th July. 190(). CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 35 FAMILY 73— See Family 58. Children of Harriet Matilda Steele and Benjamin Norris. 313 (1) William Henry (See Family 74), b. 8th Nov., 1852; m. 12th May, 1875, Miss Emma Hortonse Bowling, of Molton, Ala ; she b. 14th Aug., 1856. Six children. 314 (2) Hannah Jane (See Family 76), b. 24th May, 1854; m. 13th March, 1877, to Dr. John Walker Morton ; he b. 31st May, 1850. Ten children. 315 (3) Benjamin Richard, b. 12th Feb., 1856, d. 8th Nov., 1880. FAMILY 74— See Family 73. Children of William Henry Norris and Emma Hortense Bowling. (Russellville, Ala.) 316 (1) Lucy Harriet (See Family 75), b. 22nd Oct., 1877; m. Foster Garvin 22nd Oct., 1895. Three children. 317 (2) Carrie Bowling, b. 25th Feb., 1880. 318 (3) Jennie Clark, b. 25th Occ ; 1882. 319 (4) William Benjamin, b. 26th Oct., 1884. 320 (5) Bertha Hall, b. 15th Dec, 1886, d. 14th Aug., 1888. 32 1 (6) George Bowling, b. 11th Feb., 1895. FAMILY 75— See Family 74. Children of Lucy Harriet Norris and Foster Garvin. (Jasper, Ala.) 322 (1) Elois, b. 4th Aug., 1896. 323 (2) Marie, b. 16th Aug., 1898. 324 (3) Etoile, b. 30th April, 1901. FAMILY 76— See Family 73. Children of Hannah Jane Norris and Dr. John Walker florton. (Fort Smith, Ark.) 325 (1) Benjamin Alexander, b. 12th Jan., 1878. 326 (2) Paul Eve, b. 17th Oct., 1879. 327 (3) John Kerr, b. 10th Oct., 1882, d. 8th Sept., 1883, 328 (4) Norris, b. 5th July, 1884. 329 (5) Ida, b. 9th Feb., 1887, d. 9th Oct., 1889. 36 CAPTAIN NINIAN STKKhK AND HIS DKSCKNDANTH. 330 i«>) riionuis, I). l*>th Sept., 1S85>. 33 1 ( 7 I -liMiiiio, 1). 2!>ih Feb., 1892. 332 (>) .lohii Walker, I). ITtli Ai)riK 18!»5. 333 ('.'I Kiitli (twill of last), b. 17th April, 18'J5. 334 ( 10) (Mark, b. 12th March, 1897. FAiMILY 77- See Family s«. Children of Jackson Steele and Harjiaret Jane < Humphreys) Steele. (^\'ooster, Ark.) 335 ( 1 ) Infaiii b. 29th Nov., 1869, d. next day. 336 (2) Margaret Hannah (See Family 78), b. 2Stlj Nov., 1870 ; m. twice : First, 21st Dec, 1890. to Daniel Kelley Langston ; he b. 22nd Nov., 1864, d. 16th Sept., 189«!. One child. Second, 21st May, 1899, to John Fisher Gately ; he b. 2nd June, 1855. Two children. 337 (.*3) Laura Augusta (See Family 79), b. 13th Sept., 1872; m. 22nd Feb., 1891, to Jolui Edward Langston; he b. 22nd Jan., 1870. Four children. 338 (4) Emmet, b. 26th Jan., 1875, d. 28th July, 1885. 339 C'} William Walker, b. 30th Dec, 1876. 340 f.) Lula Lee, b. 14th Feb., 1879, d. 25th Nov., 1884. 341 (7) Henry Albert, b. 13th Nov., 1882, d. 6th Nov., 18!>1. 342 (^) Infant, twin of the last, b. and d. 13th Nov., 1882. 343 ('.'j Oscar Earl, b. 30th March, 1886. FAAIILY 7«-See Family 77. Children uf .Margaret Hannah Steele and Daniel Kelley Lan^^iton, ( WOo-t.r. Ark.) 344 ( 1 ) K/.ra < )n'stus. b. I Ith Jan., 18!»4. Children of .^\ar>caret Hannah Steele and her .second hushand, John l-isher (lately. ( Wooster, Ark.) 345 ( 1 ) (.rrtriKi.-. b. jsth Feb., 1!H>0. 346 rJ} Lena, b. liltii April, 1!hi|. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 37 FAillLY 79— See Family 77. Children of Laura Augusta Steele and John Edward Langston. (Wooster, Ark.) 347 (1) Berta Viola, b. 8th Dec, 1891. 348 (2) Madison Ernest, b. 16th Oct., 1893. 349 (3) Emmet Alby, b. 4th May, 1896. 350 (4) Anna Pearl, b. 19th March, 1899. 35 I (5) A daughter, b. 23rd Julj^ 1901. FAMILY 8o— See Family 58. Children of Rev. Columbus Oney Steele and his first wife, Vir- ginia Ann (Vowell) Steele. 352 (1) Mary Augusta (See Family 81), b. 23rd Oct., 186] ; m. Fred Gray 22nd May, 1884 ; he b. 7th Aug, 1861. 353 (2) Eliza Oney, b. 16th July, 1864, d. 2nd Oct., 1865. 354 (3) Columbus Edwin, b. 5th Aug., 1866, d. 14th Sept., 1869. 355 (4) Katie, b. 19th Nov., 1868, d. 4th Aug., 1871. Children of Rev. Columbus Oney Steele and his second wife, Sarah ("Sallie") Elizabeth (Wolf nee Carruth) Steele. (Lonoke, Ark.) 356 (1) Connie Hervey, b. 30th Jan., 1872, d. 24th May, 1875. 357 (2) Hugh Montgomery, b. 30th Jan., 1875. 358 (3) Kufus Milas, b. 3rd March, 1877. 359 (4) Eugenia Carruth, b. 17th Aug., 1879. 360 (5) Columbus Oney, Jr., b. 30th Oct., 1881. FAMILY 81— See Family 80. Children of flary Augusta ("Qussie") Steele and Fred Gray. (Hot Springs, Ark.) 36 I (1) Orlando Steele, b. 10th April, 1885. 362 (2) C. O., b. 22nd Sept., 1887. 363 (3) Elizabeth ("Bettie"), b. 14th May, 1890, d. 1st May, 1892. 364 (4) Hilda, b. 15th March, 1893. 365 (5) Fred Parker, b. 22nd Nov., 1897. OS t'APTAlN M.MA.N 8TKKLK AND niS DESCENDANTS. 366 (ti) Ilu^h Kiifus, b. ;Ust Aii«r., lOOO. FAAULY 82— See Family 58. children uf Alartha Ann Steele and Andrew Jackson Hugan. (riunicrvilk'^ Ark.) 367 (1) C'()liiinl)U> Fountain (Sec Family 83), I.. ITili Oct., Ib5i); ni. Mi>. .Mic' !»afo. ,n , I'li.'lpK. "I'Md .Jan., 1890- Two fliiUlren. 368 {'!) Maiy Klizabclh, 1). 25th Jan., 18G1, d. 4tli .July, 18G7. 369 {'^) .los(>ph Edward (See Family 84), b. lOtli Sept., 18G9; m. 6th Auir.. 1891, to Annie Roberts; she b. 22nd March, 1871. Four children. 37 ( 1 ) Uenjamin, b. 13th June. 1873, d. 5th July, 1878. 37 I (5) Annie Laurie (See Family 85), b. 27th Aujj., 1877; m. 19th Sept., 1897, to Wm. Virgil Jones ; he b. 9th Aug., 1874. Two children. FAHILY 83— See Family 83. Children of Columbus Fountain Hogan and Hrs. Alice (Pate nee Phelps Mogan. (riumerville. Ark.) 372 (1) Leatha, b. 21st xNov., 1^96. 373 {■!) James, b. 14th Oct., 1898. FAMILY 84 See Family 82. Children of Joseph lidward HoKan and Annie Roberts. (Belleville, Ark.) 374 ( 1 ) (;ary Belle, b. 6th Aug., 1892. 375 (2) Annie Ilinda, b. 8th Oct., 1894, d. 5th May, 1897. 37 6 {'.'>) William \iu\. b. Jth Jan., 1897. 377 (I) Charles Jackson. I.. It ti < )ct ., 1900. FA.MILY 85— See Family «2. Children of Annie l.nurie Ho^an and NN'illinm N'Irgll Jones. (Belleville. Aik.) 378 f I) William Fred, b. iL'lli June, 1898. 379 (l-'j Inlant, b. Sth Oct., Ih'.t9, d. 25th Oct., ISIM). CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 39 FAHILY 86— See Family 58. Children of Judge Joseph Chambers Steele and his first wife, nary (Davis) Steele. (Morrilton, Ark.) 380 (1) Eva, b. 28th Nov., 1866, d. 15th April, 1870. Children of Judge Joseph Chambers Steele and his second wife, Frances Elizabeth (Norton) SteeSe. 38 I (1) Cora Lee, b. 19th May, 1874, d. 19th July, 1874. 382 (2) Hannah Brenty, b. 22nd Oct., 1875, d. 11th Aug., 1876. 383 (3) Emma Elizabeth, b. 11th Dec, 1878. 384 (4) Etta Irene (See Family 87), b. 6th Sept, 1880, m. 30th Jan., 1898, to Robert Lee Denton. Two children. 385 (5) Martha ("Mattie") Eron, b. 27th Dec, 1882, m. 15th Oct., 1900, to Mark Roberts, he b. 27th Oct., 1877. FAHILY 861^— See Family 86. Children of Etta Irene Steele and Robert Lee Denton. (Flummersville, Ark.) 386 (1) Ury Eugene, b. 1st Dec, 1898. 387 (2) Irene, b. 10th Dec, 1899. FAMILY 87— See Family 57. Children of Elizabeth ("Eliza") Adeline Steele and Edmond Kirkland. 388 (1) Susan Elizabeth, b. 19th Dec, 1825, d. 1st Nov., 1826. 383 (2) Martha Ann, b. 21st Sept., 1827, d. 9th July, 1873. 390 (3) Virginia Smith (See Family 88), b. 6th Aug., 1829, d. 2nd July, 1897; m. twice. First, 6th Jan., 1858, John Jefferson Cooper, he b. 12th Aug., 1826, d. 18lh Mar., 1873. One child. Second, 7th Jan., 1882, to Rev. John Finis McCutcheon, he b. 22nd Aug., 1805, d. 21st Dec, 1895. No children. 391 (4) John William (See Family 90), b. 15th Oct., 1830, d. 12th Oct., 1868, m. 4th Jan., 1855, to Sarah Ann Jones, she b. 9th Nov., 1835, d. 22nd Dec, 1866. Four children. 392 (5) Joseph Benjamin (See Family 95), b. 28th Oct., 1832, d. 27th Dec, 1893, ra. Mary Jane Blalock 13th Jan., 1858, she b. 26th Jan., 1836. Six children. 40 CAPTAIN NDCIAN 6TKKLK AND HIS DKSCKNDANTS. 393 (•!) Kic-hard IlL-nry (See Family ():»), b. !)th Feb., 1835, in. L*ml Jan., iMlT, to Mariali Jane Neely, she b. 5th June, l!S41. Three children. 394 (7) Frances Matilila (See Family 100), b. 15th Aug., ISiS, (1. 21.Ht May. lbJS2, m. William Edward Jones, he b. 22nd Sept., 1JS33. Seven children. 395 (>) .Mary Savina (See Family 105), b. 2(»th June, 1M2, Ui. Joseph Alexander Bhu-k 2'.ith April, ls75, he b. 20th Feb., 1838. Four children 396 (*.•) I'rudence Elizabeth Rebecca, b. 13lh Dec, 1844, d. 28th Sept , 1848. 397 ( 10) Irene Clay, b. IGth Jan., 1847, d. 7th Jan., 1853. 398 (11) Edmund Wood (See Family 100), b. 4th Sept., 1851 ; m. twice. First, 2r)th Jan., 1887, to Mary Owen Lucas, she be — April, 185;>, d. 27th Feb., 1888. One child. Second, 12th Oct., 1892, to Rosa Lee Blalock, she b. 23rd Feb., 1872. Four children. FAMILY 88— See Family 87. Children of \ irginJa Smith.Kirkland and John Jefferson Cooper. 399 ( I ) Mary Florence (See Family 89), b. 20th March, 1S59 ; m. twice. First, tw Edward I'iiilpott Blalock, 15th Nov., 1874, who was b. 2nd Dec, 1837, d. 7th Jan., 1894. Five children. Second husband. William Patrick Felts, lltli Dec, 1895, he b. isth March, 1n;4. One child. FAMILY 89— See Family 88. Children of Mary F-lorence Cooper and her first husband, Ed- ward Philpot Blalock. 400 (I) Jennie iielle, b. 7th Oct., 1877, m. James 15. Foot, \ary lloreucc Cooper mid licr Kccond iiu.shniid, \N ni. Patrick I cit.s. (Whiteville, 'reun.) 405 ( U Willard Arnold, b. 22n.l Feb., l,s:>7. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDaITTS. 41 FAMILY 90— See Family 87. Children of John William Kirkland and Sarah Ann (Jones) Kirk- land. 406 (1) Emma Walker (See Family 91), b. 4tli Oct., 1855, m. William Hercules Hayes Brown, 10th Oct., 1878, he b. 14th Dec, 1854. Five children. 407 (2) Prudence Elizabeth, b. 26th Feb., 1857, d. 11th Sept., 1857. 408 (3) Martha (^'Mattie") Willie (See Family 92), b. 25th March, 1859, m. Robert Mecklin White 5th July, 1882, he b. 15th Sept., 1854. Five children. 409 (4) Ida (See Family 93), b. 20th Aug., 1861, d. 27th Jan., 1894, m. William Augustine Gaither 19th Nov., 1884, he b. 1st Sept., 1855. Four children. 410 (5) James Edward (See Family 94), b. 1st Aug., 1864, m. Nettie V. Brooks 20th Nov., 1889, she b. 20th April, 1871. Four children. FAMILY 91— See Family 90. Children of Emma Walker Kirkland and Wm. Hercules Hayes Brown. (Decatur, Wise Co., Texas.) 4 If (1) William Edward, b. 12th Aug., 1879. 412 (2) Zilpah, b. 8th April, 1882. 413 (3) Martha Elizabeth, b. 18th Feb., 1885. 414 (4) Robert Benjamin, b. 23rd Oct., 1891, d. 1st April, 1897. 415 (5) Joseph Kirkland, b. 6th Jan., 1894. FAMILY 92— See Family 90. Children of Martha ("Mattie") Willie Kirkland and Robert Mecklin White. (Orvilla, Texas.) 416 (1) Mary, b. 20th June, 1883. 417 (2) James Neill, b. 21st May, 1885. 418 (3) Robert Sanders, b. 14th June, 1888. 419 (4) Henry Dunn, b. 12th July, 1891, d. 21st Aug., 1892. 420 (5) Martha Louise, b. 26th Oct., 1895. 42 CAPTAIN NINIAX 6TEKLK AND UIS DESCENDANTS. FAMILY 93— See Family yo. Children of Idn Kirkland and N\ illiani Augustine (laither. ( Waxahachie, Texas.) 42 1 ( 1 ) Lillif Belle, b. 21st Oct., 1885. 422 (J) Martha ("Mattie") Louise, b. otii Oct., 1887, d. Ist March, Istll. 423 ("i) William Augustine, .Jr., b. 29tli Dec, 1889. 424 ( 1) I«la Kirkland, b. 8th .Ian., 1894, d. 8th Oct., 1898. FAA\ILY 94— Sec Family 90. Children of James Edward Kirkland and Nettle V. (Brooks) Kirkland. (Sterrett, Texas.) 425 (1; Mat tie Wiloma, b. 13th Oct., 1890. 426 {2} Eva Sue, b. 20th Feb., 1893. 42 7 (3) Johnnie Brookp, b. 24th May, 1895. 428 (4) Annie Laura, b. 31st July, 1899. FAAIILY 95— See Family 87. Children of Joseph Benjamin Kirkland and Nancy Jane 1 Blalock; Kirkland. (Whiteville, Tenn.) 429 ( 1; Mary Kliza, \>. 1st Nov., 1858, d. 5th Dec, 1860. 430 2) Sarah (''Sallie") Belle (See Family 96), b. 29th iNov., 1.S61, d. 2nd Jan., 1901 ; m. Jame- Benjamin Footc 23rd Nov., 1880. Six children. 431 (3) Feddie Lee (See Family 97), 1). 23r.l Sept., iSdC; m. Thomas Benjamin Wilkes 28th July, 1886. Six thii- 3r(l Nov., IHVI, Eight chililren. 455 (2) Martha ("Mattie"), b. 1859. 456 (3) Mary ("Mollie"), b. , .1. . 457 (4) Minnie Lee (See Family 102). b. Is->ii(l Nov.. 1897. Six rliildren. 485 (2) Nancy Isabilla (See Family 110), b. 2oth March, 185(5; ni. Rov. Thomas Howard Sweariiiiren 20th March, 1879; 1k' b. 9th March, 1852. Eijiht children. 486 (3) IVrnecy Adelaide (iSee Family 111), b. Ibtii Dec, 1857; m. Kev. John Taylor Winstcad 1th Oct., 1882; he b. 18th Sept., 1855. Six children. 487 (i) Lt^roy Templt'inau (See Family 112), b. 5tli .Ian., 18G0; m. Virj^inia Eliza Mowder 2Uth Sept., 1883; she b. 25th J nne, 1802. One child. 488 (■') .loseph Finkney (See Family 113), b. 10th P'eb., 1862; m. Tillie Ixjuisa Meinke 20th March, 1890; she b. 21st Ant:.. 1800. One child. 489 (0) Robert Donnell (See Family 114), b. IGth Feb., 1804; m. Adelaide Lonisa Colliver 17th April, 1889; she b. 20th Aug., 1800. Six children. 490 (7) Thomas Bismark, b. 4th Feb., 1867, P. O. Fresno, Cal. 491 (8) Mary Louisa, b. 18th Feb., 1869, P. O. P.rookfield, Mo. 492 (9) Charles Byrd, b. 7th July, 1871. P. O. Brookfield, Mo. FAMILY 109— See Family 108. Children of William Columbus Bryan and Scottie Bell ( Austin; Bryan. (Brookfield, Mo.) 493 ( 1) liarry llobert, b. 19th Jan., 1884. 494 (2; Clarence, b. 9th Oct., 1880. 495 (3) Everett, b. 4th S.-pt., 1S88. 496 ( 1j Saddie Louisa, b. 4th Sept., 18!>;1 497 (■■') William (•<)lninl)us Jr.. b. 17tli April, Isii.',. FAHIi-N 110 Sec I nniily loS. Children of Nancy l.^abclla Bryan and kc\ . IhumaA Muward SwcarinKcn. (Fayette, Mo.j 498 (I j John .Marvin, b. Isth Nov., JSHt. 499 (2) O^car Enpene, b. 5fh Dec, 1883. 500 (•;) Dudley Vincil. b. llth June, |ss7. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 47 50 I (4) Linney Ray, b. 27th March, 1889. 502 (5) Enoch, b. 27th Dec, 1890, d. 7th Jan., 1891. 503 (6) Angell (twin of last), b. 27th Dec, 1890, d. 9th Jan., 1891. 504 (7) LoaeJla Belle, b. 25th June, 1894. 505 (8; Milia Bryan, b. 27th Aug., 1897. FAMILY MI— See Family io8. Children of Pernecy Adelaide Bryan and Rev. John Taylor Win= stead. (Norborne, Mo.) 506 (1) William Thomas, b. 7th Aug., 1884. 507 (2) Mathew, b. 14th July, 1886, d. same day. 508 (3) Paul Jones, b. 11th Dec, 1887, d. 19th Dec, 1889. 509 (4) Moses O'Bryan, b. 5th April, 1890. 510 (5) Palmore Taylor, b. 28th Sept., 1894. 511 (6) George Charles Bolen, b. 8th Oct., 1896. FAMILY 112— See Family io8. Children of Leroy Templeman Bryan and Virginia Eliza (Mowder) Bryan. S (Toas, N. Mi) 512 (1) Maude Leona, b. 17th Aug., 1884. FAMILY 113— See Family io8. Children of Joseph Pinkney Bryan and Tillie Louisa Heinke. ( Armourdale, Mo.) 513 (1) Raymond Meinke, b. 5th July, 1897. FAMILY 114— See Family io8. Children of Robert Donnell Bryan and Adelaide Louisa Colliver. (Ludlow, Mo.) 514 (1) Opal, b. 23rd March, 1890. 515 (2) Ora Belle, b. 21st Jan., 1892. 516 (3) James Andrew, b. 3rd Aug., 1893. 517 (4) Robert Donnell., Jr., b. 10th Sept., 1895. 5 I 8 (5) William Jennings, b. 22nd Dec, 1897. . 519 (6) Alexander Dockery, b. 20th May, 1900. 4S CA1»TAIN NINIAN 8TKKLK AND 1118 DKSCKNDANTS. FAMI! N 115 5fe Family 57. ChilJrcn (if Jane .^^atilJa Steele and N\ illiam MarRraves. They llNed and died neur Kussuth, Miss. 520 (1) Joseph Kirlmril, b. IGth Nov., 1840, d. 27tli May, lh()2, II prisoner of war in Ciiinp Douglas, C'hic-ufio. 521 (li) .Iiilia Klizabeth (See Family 1H5). h. 8th Marcli, iNli); in. John William McAnulty 18th March, 1808; he b. 12th Oct., 1840 Seven children. 522 (3) Nancy .lane (See Family 118), b. 14th Aug., 184U; m. H;th .l;ui., 1866, Robert Marion Martin ; he b. 24th March, 1838. Four children. FA.MILY ii6 See Family 115. Children of Julia lilizabeth Margraves and John William Mc* Annuity. (Kossuth, Miss.) 523 (1) Jo'^eph Steele (See Family 117), b. 8th June, 1869; m. Hattie Lee Noble, of Dallas, Texas, 20th Dec, 1898. < )ne child. 524 ( -J) Mittie Lee (See Family 118). h. 7th April. 1871 ; m. Ku^ene Habb l!?tli Dec, 1894; he b. 4th July, 1809. Two children. 525 (3) Martha Isabella, b. Ist Feb., 1873, d. llUh Sept., 1874. 526 (1) M;iry William, b. 17th Aug., 1875. 527 (')) John William. .Jr.. b. 1 Itli Oct., 1879. 528 Ci) .Martha liu-li, ).. L'^th .Ian.. IS82. FAMILY 117— Sec Family 116. Children of Joseph Steele McAnulty and Hattie Lee Noble) McAnultN . ( Dallas Texas.) 529 ' 1 ) Mary Noble, b. Slst May, I:»01. (.Mr. .1. S. McAnulty is a popular and prosj)erous f rav- eling salesman.) l-A.niLN lis See Family iiO. Children of >\ittie Lee McAnulty and Lugene Babb. (Kendrick, Miss.) 530 ( 1 ) David William, b. 25th Sept., 1S95. 531 (2) Mary Julia, b. 12th N..v., 1H98. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELR AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 40 FAMILY 119— See Family 115. Children of Nancy Jane Margraves and Robert Marion Martin. (Kossuth, Miss.) 532 (1) Ada Porter, (See Family 120) b. 12th Dec, 1866; m. James Martin Slaughter 18th Sept., 1888; he b. 8th Dec, 1865. One child. 533 (2) Willie Buena, (See Family 121) b. 11th Jan., 1870; m. James Lee McOlamroch 22nd Nov., 1892 ; he born 2nd April 1867. Two children. 534 (3) Joseph Hargraves, b. 25th Jan., 1872. 535 (4) Guy Herbert, b. 26th Oct., 1883. FAMILY 120— See Family up. Children of Ada Porter Martin and James ilartin Slaughter. (Meridian, Miss.) 536 (1) James Martin, b. 13th Feb., 1900. FAMILY 121— See Family up. Children of Willie Buena Martin and James Lee McCIamroch. (Greenville, Texas.) 537 (1) Rema Kathlene, b. 4th Dec, 1893; d. 7th Sept., 1897. 538 (2) Ada Dee, b. 28th Aug., 1895. 539 (3) Ruby Lee, b. 20th Aug., 1899. FAillLY 122— See Family 57. Children of Mary Ann Steele and Maj. John Newton Steele. She is buried in Corinth, and he near Kossuth, Alcorn County, niss. 540 (1) Judge Joseph Robert Steele, b. 19th Nov., 1841, d. 17th Feb., 1900, in Birmingham, Ala. For fourteen years was Probate Judge of Sumter County, Florida. 641 (2) Miles Jackson, b. 23rd Jan., 1844. Mortally wounded in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., 30th Nov., 1864, and d. there 10th Dec, 1864. 542 (3) Rev. William Harvey, b. 19th July, 1847, and d. 19th March, 1885, at Franklin, Tenn. 543 (4) Dr. Newton Chambers (See Family 123), b. 20th Sept., 1849, m. 23rd Feb., 1875, Frances Ellen Jones, near Kossuth, Miss. Three children. 50 OAITAIN* NINIAN STKKI.K AM» HIS DESOKNOANTS. 544 (T)) Kev Isaar nmim'll (See Family 125), h. 2«;th Oct., 1852. 111. Alitia Horali. ll'lli Dec, 188;i, in Kieiizi, Miss. Two ohildreii. 545 (•• Mary .lane (See Family 120), b. 3(Jth June, 1855, d. 2Mii March, 1S!>0; ni. lOth Dec. 187'.», William 'lliomas Md'eters, of Alcorn Co., .Mi>^<. Four cliiMreii. 546 (7) Sarah Ann, b. 1st Nov., Ib5'.«. d. 1st Oct., 1885; ni. Hen D. Sory, 2inh Jan., 1885. They had 547 ( 1 ) < 'ne child that died in enrly infancy. FAniLV 123— See Family 122. Children of Dr. Newton Chambers Steele and Francis Bllen (Jones) Steele. (Chattanoop;a, Tenn.) 548 (1) Mary Irene (See Family 124). b. 2()th May, ls77, in Kossuth, Mis- ; m. 2<;tli Aiiril, ls:»s. William Diipree Carswell, a lawyer and a native of Georj2;ia ; he 1). 8th Oct., 1865. One child. 549 (2) .lone-, borii and died 13tli Jan., 1882. 550 (■; William Ilujro, b. lltli Dec, 1884, in Corinth. .\1. (,111 Co., Miss. FAfllLY 124— See Family 123. Children of Hary Irene Steele and NN'illiam Duprec Carswcll. (Chattanoojia, lenn.) 551 (I ) Edward Steele, b. 2n.l .Ian., 1899. FAniLY 125— See Family 122. Children uf >^cv. Isaac Donnell Steele and Anna ( Borah i Steele. ( Hirmin^ihani, i\la.) 552 ( 1 ) Doniudl Horali, b. 4th .Nov., Ih84, d. 1th .Inly. lsS5. 553 (li; John llorah. b. 7tli An-., 1890. d. i;;ili Drc. IMH. I-AMII.V 120 See f amil\ 122. Children ol N\nr> Jnnc Steele and \N itlinin rhonia.«i yMcl'etem. Me i.< Circuit Court Clerk of Alcorn Co., A\iss. (Corinth, Mi'^s.) 554 ( I) 1 nnanifd, born and ilied .\ui:ust, J.S80. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 51 555 (2) Margaret ("Maggie") Steele, b. 5tli Sept., 1882. 556 (3) Robert Newton, b. 22n(l July, 1884, d. 6th Aug., 1884. 557 (4) Henry, b. 10th August, 1887, d. 18th July, 1888. FAMILY 127— See Family 57. Children of Joseph Chambers Steele and his first wife, Angeline Cornelia ricWiliiams. 558 (1) Andrew Franklin, (See Family 128) b. 7th Feb., 1843 ; m. Mary Rebecca Redus ; she b. 30th Sept., 1845. Nine children. 559 (2) Milas Jackson, b. 31st Oct., 1844, and was killed in the battle of Gaines Mill, Va., 27th June 1862. A Con- federate soldier. 560 (3) Sarah Elizabeth, (See Family 132) b. 21st Oct., 1846 ; d. 19th Nov. 1888 ; m. Le Roy Wesley McCravey ; he b. 15th 1835. Two children. 561 (4) William Chambers, b. 7th Feb., 1849; d. 15th April, 1853. 562 (5) Mary Cornelia, b. 25th June, 1851, d. 4th May, 1854. 563 (6) Eleanor M., b. 31st Oct., 1853; d. Feb., 1854. " Children of Joseph Chambers Steele and his second wife, Martha Starr (Steele) Steele. 564 (1) John Newton, b. 1st April, 1856; d. 10th Aug., 1858. 565 (2) Joseph Robert, b. 21st March, 1858. FAfllLY 128— See Family 127. Children of Andrew Franklin Steele and Mary Rebecca (Redus) Steele. (Lawhon, Ala.) 568 (1) Emma Jackson, (See Family 129) b. 8th Feb., 1864; m. Oscar Adolphus Thompson ; he b. 21st Dec, 1856. Eight children. 567 (2) William Thomas, b. 2nd April, 1865; d. 10th July, 1882. 568 (3) Joseph Chambers, b. 2nd Jan., 1867; d. 2nd July, 1867. 569 (4) Alfred Redus, (See Family'130) b. 1st March, 1869; m. 20th June, 1894 to Gertrude Pearson ; she b. 28th April, 1870. Two children. 52 CAPTAIN MNIAN 8TKKLK AND II IS DKSCKNDANTS. 570 (TO Miiru'ari-t Elizaheth, (See Family 131) 1.. l^tli Oct., 1870; 111. 31st .Ijiii.. I8i»3 to Kirby Cartwri^lit , he I). iTth Sept., 18(5(;. One clnM. 57 1 «») Sarah Elizabeth, b. Otii .Iiine, 1873; m. 22n(l Dec, 18f»7 to William Isaac Thompson ; he b. Ifit Oct., 1865. 572 (7) NinJMii Le Koy, b. IMth Oct., 1874. 573 (^ Andrew Franklin, b. 10th Jan., 1877; tl. 3rtl March, IS77. 574 (".') Charles Leon. b. Gth Jan. 1889. FAMILY 129— See Family 12H. Children i>f Emma Jackson Steele and Oscar Adotplius Thomp- son. (Lawhon, Ala.) 575 (1) Samuel Steele, b. 27th July, 1884. 576 (2) Frank Lawrence, b. 1st Sept., 1885. 57 7 (3) Ossie Allene, b. 27th Feb., 1888. 578 (4) Kedus Gordon, b. 5th Sept., 1890. 579 (5) Joseph Leroy, b. 24th March, 1892. 580 (6) lone Estelle, b. 28th March, 1805. 581 (7) Paul Jackson, b. 31st March, 1897. 582 (8) Oscar Adolphus, Jr., b. 8th July, T.too. FAAlll.N 130— See Family 128. Children uf Alfred Redus Steele and Gertrude ( Pearson 1 Steele. (iluntsville, Ala.) 583 (1) Katherine Mai, b 23r(l April, 1890. 584 (2) Mildred Louise, b. 2nd August, 1900. FAMILY 131 See Family I2«. Children <>f MnrKnrct l;li/.abeth Steele and Kirby CartwriRht. ( EIUnioMt, .Ma.) 585 ( 1) Martruerite Oclia, b. 5th .hily, is;*'). Mr. ( 'artwri;_'lit i'^ a prosperous merchant. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 53 FAHILY 132— See Family 127. Children of Sarah ("Sallie") Elizabeth Steele and Leroy Wesley McCravey. (Huntsville, Ala.) 586 (1) Benjamin Leroy (See Family ]33), b. 24th Nov., 1874, d. 19th July, 1896 ; m. Mary Alice Nolen, 30th Dec, 1893, she b. 18th June, 1875. Two children. 587 (2) Cornelia Steele (See Family 134), b. 4th April, 1878, m. John Wesley Davis, 6th Nov., 1895; he b. ISthDec ' 1871. One child. *' FAMILY i33_See Family 133. Children of Benjamin Leroy McCravey and Mary Alice (Nolen) McCravey. (Huntsville, Ala.) 588 (1) Nellie Wright, b. 7th Oct., 1894. 589 (2) Louis Steele, b. 14th Nov., 1895. FAHILY 134— See Family 132. Children of Cornelia Steele McCravey and John Wesley Davis. (Fort Worth, Texas.) 590 (1) Carroll Shelman, b. 6th Dec, 1896. Mr. Davis is an affable and successful commercial traveler. FAMILY AND DESCENDANTS OF JAMES STEELE, NINTH CHILD OF CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE. FAMILY i35_See Family i. Children of James Steele and Jane (Campbell) Steele. They moved from North Carolina to Western Tennessee, and from there to White Co., Ark. 59 I (1) Levinia (See Family 136), b. 12th May, 1812, d. 12th Dec, 1860 ; m. Job Siddall, , 1839 ; he b. , 1802, d. 21st June, 1884. Six children. 54 I'APTArS SISIAN STKKLK AND IllS DEBOKNDANTS. 592 (2) Ruth (8eo Family 151), b. 27tli .hino. 1813, d. 21st July, 1M»1, in. Thomas Hamilton Ith Di-c, 1828; he I). , 17;<4, il. Uth .June, lh77. Thirteen children. 593 (3) Klizaheth (See Family 163), b. 15th Nov., 1815, d. 21th August, 1880; m. Uriah Ilerrington. No children. FAMILY 136— See Family 135. Cfiildren of Levinia Steele and Job Siddalt. They liNcd cliiefly in Arkansas. 600 (1) Elizabeth Jane (See Family 137), b. I8th March, lb42; d. 2Gth May, 1886; m. Kuben Harrison Goad, 22nd July, 1858; he b. 5th Oct., 1839; d. 23rd Feb., 1887. Five children. 601 (2) James (See Family 141), b. 3rd Oct., 1843; m. three times. First, Martha Ann Kelley, (Jih De^-., 18()(i; she d. 18th Feb., 1877. Five children. Second, Mrs. Fli/;i Woodson net' Ilaynie, 12th July, 1877; she b. 23rd May, 1S55; d. 25th Jan., 181J!>. Fight children. Third, Mrs. Tarley Aileline O'Neal //»< Knight, Si-pt., 1 !•(»(>: she b. 18.56. 602 (3) John .Miles, b. 30th .March. 1S4«;: d. 1864. 603 ( h Sarah .\nn (See Family 112 j. L. lUli Aug., I8l7; III. Kev. David Dickerson Hanks, 11th Oct., 1866. Twelve children. 604 (•'•) Job S. 8id) Robert Boston, b. 12th Feb., 1877. Children of James SiddaJI and his second wife, Mrs. HIi/a I Woodson, net' Haynie Siddall. (Waxahachie, Texap.) 631 ( 1 ) .losepli Zacluiriah, b. 17th Dec, 1881, d. 5th July, 1S93. 632 (2) Albert Arthur, b. 13th July, ISM. 633 {'■') iCuben Luther, b. 1st June, lSt<7. 634 (4) Gladys Eura. b. sth June, 1889. 635 (5) Millie Dee, b. 13th F.-b., IS'.U. 636 (*>) Zord Esther, b. 13th Feb.. l,s!»;{. 637 (7) Suda Bell, b. 20th Sept., 1S95. F-AMILV 143 See f-amily 136. Children of Sarah Ann 5iddnll and Re\ . David Dkkerson flanks. (Alto, TfXHK.) 638 (I) Sarah Elizabeth, b. 2n7 ; d. 8thn,-t., IS(;7. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 57 639 (2) Frances Maria Levinia (See Family 143), b. 1st Oct., 1868; m. 18th Oct., 1888 to Wm. Jefferson Hudson; he b. 14th June, 1862. Six children. 640 (3) John Henry, b. 29th June, 1870. 641 (4) Lenora Ann (See Family 144), b. 24th Feb., 1874; m. 23rd June, 1892 to Leonard Osborn Tomlinson. Three children. 642 (5) David Franklin, b. 29th Nov., 1875; d. 31st Dec' 1875. 643 (6) Lula, b. 2nd Nov., 1876. 644 (7) Gover, b. 19th Oct., 1878. 645 (8) Cora. b. 20th Sept., 1880. 646 (9) Katie Gertrude, b. 14th Dec, 1882. 647 (10) Ada Irene, b. 12th Sept., 1884. 648 (11) Robert Kavenaugh, b. 4th Nov., 1886; d. 8th Dec, 1886. 649 (12) Thomas Waters, b. 24th June, 1888. FAMILY 143— See Family 142. Children of Frances Maria Levinia Banks and Wm. Jefferson Hudson. (Rusk, Texas.) 650 (1) Lillie May, b. 19th May, 1890. 65 I (2) David Orestes, b. 27th Oct., 1891. 652 (3) Jesse B., b. and d. 23rd Sept., 1894. 653 (4) William Milburn, b. 9th Nov., 1895. 654 (5) Elmer Job, b. 17th Nov., 1896. 655 (6) Connor Hubert, b. 21st Aug., 1898. 656 (7) Edna Leila, b. 17th May, 1900. FAMILY 144 -See Family 142. Children of Lenora Ann Banks and Leonard Osborn Tomlinson. (Priddy, Texas.) 657 (1) John Franklin, b. 16th Aug., 1896. 658 (2) William Roy, b. 26th Dec, 1897. 659 (3) Elizabeth ("Lizzie") Lucy, b. 18th Oct., 1899. 58 CAPTAIN MMAN 8TKKLK ANU lllS UKSCKNDANTS. lAMIl.N 145 See Family IJ6. Children uf Jub 3. SiJdall and Susan A\ei\ ina Kelley , Siddall. (CarltT, Oklalioinii.) 660 (1) AmiU' Laurii-. h. 27th Nov., lMi!»,(i. 1 nil Man-li, KsTo. 661 (2) Marie Delia, b. 14tli July, 1871, d. l.Mli Jan.. 1S72. 662 (.'^) (Jcoriria Uora. 1.. 7tli Fel.., Is73, d. 14tli Jan.. Is7r). 663 > 4) Joe Ella (See Family 14»;). h. 17tli Jan., Ls75 ; m. NN'illiaiii II. Dickson, 27tli Jan., iMto. Two cliildren. 664 (i)) Mantl Zella (See Family 147), h. iUh Se|.t.. Ks77 ; m. C'harle.s Frank Morrow, 5th April. 1895; he i). 24tli Nov., 1873. One child. 665 '0) Sidney Wesley, b. KJtii Oct., 1S75. 666 (7) IJuluh Frances, b. 21st Dec, 1882. 667 (b) Lula Nancy, b. 30th May, 1885. FAAIILN m6— See Family 145. Children of Joe Hlla Siddall and William H. Dickson. (Waxahachie, Texas.) 6 68 (1) Everett Elma, b. 10th July, 1897. 669 (2) Emsley Vernon, b. 16th July, 1900. F.AMILY 147 See Family 145. Children of Maud Zella Siddall and Charles Frank florrow. (Carter, Oklahoma.) 67 (1) Sidney Lee. b. — Sij.t.. 1899. FAMILY 148 See Family 136. Children of Ira Alexander Siddall and Sarah A\cKay Barber) Siddall. (Ozro, I'exas.) 67 1 (1) Olli.' Vada (Seu Family 14!>), b. ISth .March. 1S75; in. Ilufih Fawson White, 7th July. 1895; Iw b. 24th May, ls72. One <-hiId. 672 (_') William .Maniud (See Family l.'.n). b. 2>tli .Inly, lh77; 111. Oiiiah Lf.- \onnir. l-'Uh .May. liMKi; -h.- b. 2r)th < )ct.. iss;{. < Ml.' ciiiM, 67 3 (3) Calvin Krwiii. b. 2.'.th .May, 188(). 674 (1) Koy Alexander, b. sth Dec, 1S94. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 59 FAMILY 149— See Family 138. Children of OIlie Vada Siddall and Hugh Lawson White. (Mountain Teak, Texas.) 675 (1) Andrew Buchanan, b. 20th July, 1897. FAMILY 150— See Family 148. Children of William Manuel Siddall and Omah Lee (Young) Siddall. (Ozro, Texas.) 676 (1) Charles, b. 10th April, 1901. FAMILY 151— See Family 135. Children of Ruth Steele and Thomas Hamilton. He was a sol- dier in the war of 1812. 677 (1) Jane Penelope, b. 24th Nov., 1829, d. 3rd April, 1899. 678 (2) Martha Ann (See Family 152), b. Uth May, 1832, d. 6th Sept., 1863; m. John Wesley Morton, July 15th, 1856, he b. 11th Feb., 1837. Three children. 679 (3) Elizabeth Caroline, b. 15th Jan., 1834, d. 14th Au- gust, 1877. 680 (4) Margaret Levinia, b. 22nd Oct., 1836,d. 23rd March, 1842. 681 (5) James Brown (See Family 154), b. 24th Feb., 1838, in Marion Co., Ala. ; m. Jeanette Isabella Brown, 22nd March, 1866 ; she b. 22nd March, 1842. Three children. 682 (6) Elzira, b. 5th Feb., 1840. 683 (7) Mary Emily, b. 20th Jan., 1842; m. William Asbury Miller, 11th May, 1879; he b. 16th March, 1841, d. 9th March, 1898. No children. 684 (8) William Dunbar (See Family 157), b. 24th Feb., 1844 ; m. Martha Jane Brown, 20th Feb., 1867 ; she b. 18th June, 1844. Six children. 685 (9) Louisa Catherine, b. 22nd Jan.. 1846. 686 (10) Hiram Steele (See Family 160), b. 27th Feb., 1848; m. 11th March, 1875, Mary Beatrice Chamberlain ; she b. 17th June, 1855. Ten children. 687 (11) Thomas Henry (See Family 161), b. 18th March, 1850 ; m. 10th Feb., 1892, Minerva Idella Morton ; she b. , 1859 ; d. 5th Feb., 1895. One child. 60 CAPTAIN NINIAS 8TEKLK AM' Ills DKSOKNDANTS, 688 (IJi Minerva K) Maggie Lee, b. 23rd, Dec, 1892. 699 (»j) James Arthur, b. 7th April, 1S'.»G. 7 00 (7) JeliMiiie Ruth Steele. 1). 2()th April, 1899. FAHILY 154— See Family 151. Children of James Brown Hamilton and Jcrnett Isabella 1 Brown) Hamilton. ( Anson, Texas.) 701 fl) Anna Tulula (See Kaniily 155), I). 25lli .Nov.. 1S(;7; III. James D«vid (Jordon, 12tli Feb., Is'.t4, lu- b. b. 2Ist August, 18G0. 'i'wo childrt-M. 7 02 (2) Charles Ix'c, b. 81 h Jan.. !s72. 703 (•'.)•':»'""•" l'"'l"T (Scr F.iiiuiy l.'>»;), b. ItJi Feb.. is7r.; in. 2SthJun(', ls95, .Mary Klla Nail, she b. l.iili .Xpril, Ihbl. Two children. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 61 FAMILY 155— See Family 154. Children of Anna Tulula Hamilton and James David Gordon. (Truby, Texas.) 704 (1) Isam David Rurick, b. 12th Nov., 1894, d. 14th Feb., 1895. 705 (2) James Lee, b. 2nd Feb., 1896. FAMILY 156— See Family 154. Children of James Luther Hamilton and Mary (<'Mollie") Ella (Nail) Hamilton. (Matador, Texas.) 706 (1) Annie Belle, b. 21st Oct., 1898. 707 (2) Lula May, b. 22ud May, 1900. FAMILY 157— See Family 151. Children of William Dunbar Hamilton and Martha Jane (Brown) Hamilton. (Palmetto, Miss.) 708 (1) Anna Viola (See Family 158), b. 12th May, 1868; m. Robert Russell Guthrie, 28th Jan., 1885, he b. 23rd Dec, 1861. Four children. 709 (2) Samantha Jane, b. 9th Feb., 1870, d. , 1877. 710 (3) James Thomas (See Family 159), b. 10th Feb., 1872 ; m. Nobie Wardlaw, 28th Sept., 1893, she b. 25th Sept , 1875. Three children. 711 (4) Florence Ada, b. 17th Jan., 1875. 712 (5) William Hollie, b. 17th Dec, 1877. 713 (5) Ruth Candice, b. 2nd April, 1882. FAMILY 158— See Family 157. Children of Anna Viola Hamilton and Robert Russell Quthrie. (LaFayette Springs, Miss.) 714 (1) Virginia Adelena, b. 28th March, 1887. 715 (2) Emma Lillian, b. 8th, August, 1889. 716 (3) William Harman, b. 9th Oct., 1893. 717 (4) Roy Clarence, b. 7th Oct., 1895. 6*2 CAPTAIN NIXIAN STKKLK AND HIS DESCENDANTS. FAniLN See Family 157. Children ot James I'homas tiamiltun and Nobie NN'ardlaw Mam- iltun. 718 ( 1 ) l.uthiT Siuntcr, h. 21st August, 1895. 7 19 (2) Ethel Inez, Ij. 2»;th Autrust. 18!t7. 7 20 (3) Aiulrio Myrtle, b. 31st March, 18;>6. IAA\ILY 160 -See Family 151. Children (if MIram Steele Hamilton and Mary Beatrice i Cliam- berlain Hamilton. (Helton. Hell C^o., Texas.) 72 1 (1) Otho Graiiani, 1). 18th Dec, 1875, tl. 7th Jan., ls77. 722 (2) Lee Ella. 1). 27th Oct., 1877, d. 17th Jan.. 1892. 7 23 (3) Erma Sarah (''Sallie") b. 15th Dec, 1879, d. 24th Sept., 1888. 724 ( I) Zehla liuth Heatrice, b. 4th Feb., lsS2. 725 (:"■») Thomas Oliver, b. loth Dec, 1883. 726 (•;) Almeda, b. Uth April, 1886. 727 (7) Kufus lliram, b. 24th Oct., 1888. 728 (S) Ilallie Grace, b. 22nr>. FAMILY lOi 5ee Family 151. Children of Thomas Henry Hamilton and Minerva Idella > Mor- ton Hamilton. (Verona, Miss.) 73 1 Ml Unfile St.'cli'. b. 2Slh I ).•<•.. is:»ii. FAiTILN i(>2 See I amil\ 151. Children ot .\\iiier\a Kemper Hamilton and Ihomp.son Reed .Morton. ( Verona, Miss.) 7 32 (1) .I'.liu ThomaK, b. 12th O. I., Is!»r., .1. sanir .jay. 'I'hey have an adoplfd dan^^hter naiurd .Myitlr iMiuna, b. lf)th April, 189(5. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 63 FAMILY 163 — See Family 135. Children of Elizabeth Steele and Thomas I. Lackey. 733 (1) Nancy Elizabeth (See Family 164), b. 21st Nov., 1842 ; m. William Lawson Jackson, Feb. 7th, 1877 ; he b. 25th Dec, 1843. Two children. 734 (2) Thomas Ohamber^s, b. , d. . Never married. FAMILY 164— See Family 163. Children of Nancy Elizabeth Lackey and Wm. Lawson Jackson. (Mariana, Ark.) 735 (1) Mem, b. ,1879. 736 (2) Wm. Thomas, b. 21st June, 1880. FAMILY 165— See Family 135. Children of Ninian Futhy Steele and Phebe Arixamath Wilson. 737 (1) Martha Ann (See Family 166), b. 11th Oct., 1847; m. Bradford Henderson Altman, 24th Jan., 1866, he b. 12th Sept., 1838, d. 27th Dec, 1898. Thirteen children. 738 (2) Frances Elizabeth Jane (See Family 170) b. 9th Oct., 1849, d. 10th July, 1898 ; m. Houston Steward Bar- nett, 1st March, 1866, he b. 10th Oct., 1843. Eleven children. FAMILY 166— See Family 165. Children of Martha Ann Steele and Bradford Henderson Altman. (Hico, Texas ) 739 (1) Sidney Wilson (See Family 167), b. 23rd Dec, 1866; m. Lula Azalee Haynie, 27th Dec, 1896. Three children. 740 (2) A daughter, b. 23rd Dec, 1868, d. 24th Dec, 1868. 741 (3) A daughter, b. 15th Jan., 1870, d. 15th Jan., 1870. 742 (4) Annie Margaret Jane (See Family 168) b. 25th April, 1871; m. Charles M. Thompson, 6th Jan., 1886, he b. 28th Feb., 1862. Seven children. 743 (5) Wiley Futhy (See Family 169), b. 2nd August, 1872; m. Martha ('^Mattie") Ann Knowles, 20th Nov., 1897. Two children. 744 (6) Alice Houston, b. 1st Feb., 1874, d. 20th Feb., 1874. • 11 CAPTAIN MNIAN STKKLK AND HIS DF.SrKNDANTS. 745 (7) Minnie KlizaLeth, b. Htli May, 1875, d. 2il Sept., 1875. 746 ^) (Jeoriiia Kranoes, b. 2il Sept., 1876. <1. 'JOtli July, 1877. 747 (•.< A M»M. I.. \'2\h Sept.. 1878, d. V2\\\ Sej.t.. 1878. 748 ( 10) Ada Dora, b. 23rd .Jiuk-, 1879; in. Ira Jasper Pierce 10th Dec, 1899, he b. 28th Feb., 1875. 749 11) Delia Skillern, b. 20th Sept., 1880, d. 3rd Mar., 1881. 750 ( 12) John Bradford, b. 20th May, 1883, d. 24th Jan., 1884. 751 { (3) A dau-hter, b. 2nd Feb., 1886, d. 2nd Feb., 1886. FA.MILY ift7 -See Family i66. Children of Sidney Wilson Altman and Lula Azalec Haynle) .\ltman. (11 ice, Texas.) 7 52 (1) Agnes Odessa, b. llth Ot-t., 1897, d. 14th Jan., 1899. 753 <2) Wanda Elvira, b. 14th Jan., 1899. 754 (3) Truman Wheeler, b. 24th Dec, 1900. FAMILY i68— See Family i06. Children of Annie Margaret Jane Altman and Charles M. Thomp- 5on. (Hico, Texas.) 755 ( 1) Minnie Loula, b. 1st April, 1887. 756 (2) Margaret ("Maggie'') Ann, b. 7th August 1889, d. 4th Oct., 1889. 757 (3) Wiley Hra) Arthur Sidney, b. 15th .hily, 1895. 7 60 (6) Charles Collins, b. 3r(l July, 1898. 76 1 (7) Martha ("Mattie") Matilda, b. 3rd Jan., I'JUl. I'Anil.N Kn) Sec Family if»6. Childrcrj ol \S ik> I utliy Altman nnd .Martha ".Mattle"; Ann (KnowIcA Altman. ( liir-n, Texas.) 762 ( I ) liliu.y. b. M I).'.., ls!»8. 763 '2) Klvi-^ WiUdii, b. I3tli Mar.h, r.iol. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 65 FAHILY 170— See Family 165. Children of Frances Elizabeth Jane Steele and Houston Stewart Barnett. (Carlton, Texas.) 764 (1) Robert Granville, b. 11th Feb., 1867, d. 9th Feb., 1868. 765 (2) John Futhy, b. 7th Sept., 1868, d. 25th Sept., 1868. 766 (3) Eura Savannah (See Family 171) b. 11th Sept., 1869; m. Thomas Jefferson Hall, 25th Sept., 1889, he b. 26th Oct., 1869. Two children. 767 (4) Jennie Emeline, b. 24th Sept., 1872, d. 18th April, 1875. 768 (5) Martha (^'Mattie") Carrie, b. 9th Sept., 1874. 769 (6) James Edgar, b. 20th Feb., 1877. 770 (7) Zimriah Moore, b. 22nd August, 1879, d. 20th May, 1880. 771 (8) Wilson Steele, b. 9th May, 1881. 772 (9) Cecil Glen, b. 1st Nov., 1883. 773 (10) Bradford Houston, b. 15th July, 1886. 774 (11) Erley Elizabeth, b. 10th Jan., 1889. FAMILY 171— See Family 170. Children of Eura Savannah Barnett and Thomas Jefferson Hall. (Altman, Texas.) 775 (1) Gracie Erlean, b. 15th August, 1890. 776 (2) Martha ("Mattie") Luella, b. 17th March, 1893. FAMILY 172— See Family 135. Children of Miles Campbell Steele and Martha Arnold. 777 Laura Vasty Jane (See Family 173)', b. 19th Aug., 1854 ; m. Daniel Cass Burns, 22nd June, 1871, he b. 8th Sept., 1848. Five children. FAMILY 173— See Family 172. Children of Laura Vasty Jane Steele and Daniel Cass Burns. (Searcy, Ark.) 778 (1) William Sinclair, b. 17th April, 1872. 779 (2) Ola Elizabeth, b. 15th August, 1875 ; m. 28th August, 1900, to James Norvell Singleton, he b. 15th April, 1866, 66 CAPTAIN NIMAX STKKLK AND HIS DESCKSDANTR. 7 80 (3) Suilie Penclopo. b. 29th Jan., 1878. 781 ( J ) Martlui Zilpah. h. 21st .laii.. 1881, d. 12tli Mar.. 1896. 782 (:>) Miles Daniel, b. 9th Feb., 1891, d. 13th August, 1895. FA.MIL'* AM) DIISCHNDAMS OF SAMURL H'THN 5TKELK. TENTH CHILD OF CAPTAIN NINIAN STbELE. FAMII.N 17.S See Family 1. Children of Samuel Futhy Steele, and his first wife, Nancy Me- lissa Carson Steele. 7 83 (1) A 'lauirhter, b. andd. 27th Dec. 1815. 7 84 (2) Marjiaret, b. 8th March, 1817, d. 2;ird July. 1817. Children of Samuel F-uthy Steele, and his second wife, Alary (iracey Steele. They moved from Iredell County, N. C, to Hardeman Co., Tennessee, in 1824, where hoth died. 7 85 (1 ' Niuian Sinclair (See Family 176), b. 3rd Dec, 1820; in. Mary Elizabeth Smith. 22iul Jan., 1852, she b. , d. 27lh July, 1886. Three children. 786 (2) Nancy Melissa, b. 5th May, 1822. d. 8th Sept., 1834. 787 (3) I'rudence Elizabeth (See Family 178), i). 4th March, 1820; m. Kobert W. S. Games, 17th Nov.. 1842, he b. 4th June, 1820, d. 20th Oct., Is59. Ei^ht chil.iren. FAMIIA 17O See f-amily 175. Children HIS DKSCESDANTS. lAMIlN i.So. See family 178. Children t>f Janus Alexander Carnes and Tlinnie Virninia Ad- ams t Carnes. ( Kichniond, Texas.) 805 \ 1 ) Klizal)oth ("Lizzie") Virginia, I). 12th June, 18S8. 806 <2) Kliziibeth (''Hettie'') Mae, b. 30tli Jan.. Is92. C07 I -I William AriioKl Adams, b. 12tli Jan., 1895. I-AA\ILN kSi See F-amlly 178. Children of David Brown Carnes and Cornelia Haralson Leon- ard Carnes. ( Abiliiie, Texas.) 808 (1) James Leonard, b. 20th August, 1883. 809 (2) Mary Elizabeth, 1). 26th July, 1888. 810 ( '5) Mary Scott, twin of last, died day of birth. 8 11 (4) Annie Mary, b. 16th Feb., 1890. 812 I :.) Pauline, b. Jtli July, 1S!>4. FAMILY 182— See Family 178. Children of (£li2abeth Steele Carnes and Oeorge Winston Booker. (Independence, Texas.) 813 ( 1 ) Frederic Carnes, b. 15th Oct., 1880. 814 (2) (iracey Johns, b. 25th June, 1883. 8 I 5 (3) Mary Scott, b. 8th Sept., 1886, d. 25th Oct., 1887. 816 < J ( Winston Bryan, b. 30th June, 1889. i'his ends the Genealofjical Department. IhiTe is one fractional Family (86^), and one omission (17t), thin leavinji 182 as the full nunil)er af families. There is one ;:iven name in thi;- ( ii-ia'tlouN that occurs often, and is spelh-d several ways by those usin^ it. It is Miles, Milas, Milu'^ or Mily. I suppose Miles is the ori<:inal and correct way of sptdlin;: it, ;iiid I have usually so spelh'd it, but Milus and Mily are more euphonious. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 69 MILITARY CHAPTER. THE STEELES IN WAR. I will here briefly record the military history of Niniaii Steele and his descendants in the Revolutionary War, and tl.e great Civil War of 1861-5, and the Spanish-American War of 1898. The Steeles have always been quiet, peaceable cit- izens — the most of them leading the plain retired life of the farmer. They had no taste or training for war. ROLL OF HONOR. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. CAPT. NINIAN STEELE. So far as I have been able to find there are no official records that prove that Ninian Steele the First was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, but I hardly have a doubt that he was. Military records in the Carolinas were very imperfect during that war. Absence of official records of such matters is not positive proof that they are not history. Ninian Steele was thirty-seven years old when the v-ar began. He was a good citizen and an Irish Presbyterian, and thus it seems there was every reason to suppose that he would take an active part in the struggle for liberty. FAMILY TRADITION. 1 have a letter from a lady now eighty years old whose mother was an orphan girl reared in the family of Ninian Steele. This lady says that she has heard her mother say that Ninian Steele was a soldier in that war, and she used to hear her tell how afraid the wife and children of Ninian Steele sometimes were, while he was gone to the war, and the Brit- ish and Tory troops were reported to be in the community. There was no man at home to protect them, and the terror of those terrible days and the nights of suspense deeply im- pressed their minds with the facts and the reasons for them. Hence I think we may rightly claim that our paternal ancestor was a soldier in the Revolutionarv War. 70 CAPTAIN MNIAN 8TKKLK AM) HIS UKSCKSDANTS. He was afterward ealled captain, but I have no evidence that he was a captain in that war. Perhaps he was, or he may have been a captain of a conij)any of State militia after the war. The custom, so common now, of calling almost every man by some title did not prevail in those days. Hence, when a man was called captain or colonel then he usually was entitled to it in a military sense. THOJIAH 11 A. Ml Li UN. Thomas Hamilton (See Family 151) was in the war of ibl'2, uniler (i»*neral .lackson, and received a knife wound in the arm in a tifiht with the Indians. Nothing more known of his military history. He was born in North Carolina, and I suppose volunteered as a soldier from that State. He after- ward lived in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi, dying in the latter State. THE CIVIL WAR OF 1861-65. During the great Civil War between the Southern and Northern States, 1861-65, twenty-four descendants of Ninian Steele were soldiers in the Confederate army, and so far as 1 know, not one in the army of the North. All of them lived in the South. There were fourteen Confederate soldiers who before or since that war, were directly connected with the Steele tamily by marriage. They are mentioned at the end of this chapter. I shall mention each one of both classes and give his company, regiment, and tell what oflice he held, if any, and whether he was captured, wounded, killed or died of disease while in the military service. Only brief mention will be made of most of them, because my information about tluMu is limited. No effort was made to gather data concerning them until thirty-three years after the war closed, by which time many (d the important actorswho survived the war were dead. While a people of peace and having n. Wa- never wounded nor 1)) Steele, Maj. Milas (See Family 58). At first he was captain of a company, and wIhmi a liattalioii was tormecl. (if wiiich his company became a part, he was elected Major of the battalion, which was known as Williamson's Arkansas Bat- talion. At Corinth, Miss., in May, 1862, his iiealtli laileu so completely that he had to leave the army entirely. In 1864 he rejoineci the army in Arkansas, under (ien. Sterling Price, and started with him on his last raiil into Missouri, but a^ain he was comptdled, on account of sickness, to return iiome. He enlisted from Conway County, Arl;. Nnw dead. (The la-t three were brotiiers). (21) Steele, Joseph Kobert (See Family 122), entered the army as a private in Company D, Twenty-third Mississij)i)i Infantry, and was mustered into the Confederate service li'tli September, 1861, at luka, Miss. Was in the siejie and all the battles of Fort Donebon in February, 1862, and was cajjtured there on the Ititli <>l that month and in prison at Camp Doujilass, Chicago, 111., lor seven months, and ex- chanjied in Septemljer, 1862. In the reorganization he was ele«'ted First Lieutenant of Company D. Was in the battle of Baker's Creek, Miss., on 16th May, 1862, and on account of severe illness he was taken prisoner next day on the retreat of the army from that position That time he was a prisoner on Johnston'- island, l^ake Erie for twenty-one months. Was paroled in March, 1865, but the war closed before he could be exchanged. After the war he became a C/iimberland l^resbyterian minister. Asthma and bronchitis reiulering him unable t' MIkmi 'i'ishomiiiL'O) County, Miss. (22 r Steele, Milus JackKui (See Family I22i, went as one of the sixty-day troops to liowling Creen, Ky., Decemljer, lh6l At till- end of that time, February, ls()2. he enlisted in (,'onipany I). Thirty-second Mississipj»i Infantry. Enlisted before he was 18 years old. He was Second S«Mgeant and was CAPTAIN JSTINIAN STEELK AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 77 in the battles of Perryville. Ky., Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Kidge, Ringgold, Resaca, New Hope, Atlanta, and several smaller ones on the Sherman-Johnston Dalton- to-Atlanta campaign. He was slightly wounded at Perry- ville, 8th October, 1862, severely wounded at New Hope^ Ga. ,27th May, 1864, and mortally wounded at Franklin, Tenn., 30th November, 1865, while in the act of scaling the last breastworks of the enemy. He received three more wounds after he fell and he died of his wounds 10th December following, and is buried at Franklin. His comrades in arms give him high praise as a noble man and excellent soldier. Enlisted from Alcorn County, Miss. (23) Steele, William Harvey (See Family 122), enlisted in Company H, Second Mississippi Cavalry, State troops, near close of war, when quite young. He became seriously ill after entering camp and was not able for service any more during the war. Infact, he never really recovered from that illness. After the war he became a minister in the ^^ / Cumberland Presbyterian church. Died 19th ^^^Ji'-embf-iH- (/y\J^Mr^ 1885, at Franklin, Tenn., on the hill where his brother (the preceding number) was mortally wounded twenty years before. Enlisted from what is now Alcorn County, Miss. (The last three were brothers, and also brothers of the writer of this history.) (24) Steele, Sinclair Ninian (See Family 175), enlisted as one of a Company of boys and men then organizing in his County. Because of the fact that very few men then remained at home, nearly all having already gone to the war, the County officials persuaded the members of this forming Company to remain at home for the protection o! the women and children. There was a large number of negroes in that County, and it was thought best for some <;f the white men to stav at home. Mr. Steele afterwards served the Confederate t,' Government by making gunpowder for it free of charge. He lives in Hale county, Ala. The following fourteen soldiers of the war of 1861-'65 were not decendants of Capt. Ninian Steele, but married into the family, and doubtless their connection generally, and their 78 CAPTAIN MMAN STKKLK AND MIS DKSrKNDANTS. desceiulant!5 espeoiully. will be jilad to have their war records preserved in this family book : (1) Altinai), Hradforil Henderson (8ee Family 10(>). First a private, then Sergeant, and finally Second Lieutenant. Knlisted in C'apt. .1. N. C'ypert's Company, which became a part of V. W. Desha's Battalion and later, as Company K, was a part of the Eight Kegiment, Arkansas Infantry, Cols. John H. Kelley and (i. H. Bancum commanding the Regiment m ^ui-cession. lie fought in many battles, some of which were: Shihth. Perryville, Murfreesboro and Chicka- mauga. He took an active part in the skirmishes and battles in the Sherman-Johnston campaign from Dalton to Atlanta, (la., in 18G4. Was seriously wounded in the battle of Peach- tree Creek, near Atlanta, 22nd July 18(>4. Was captured later at Jonesboro, Ga., but exchanged in time to go with Hood in his ill-starred campaign into Tennessee. In the battle of Franklin he was very near his Division General, the brave anth May. Ih6r>, at Stdma, Ala. Enlisted from Hardeman ('ounty, Terui. Now dead. (4) Dean, William lli-ury (Sci- lamily 17.'>), iMitered Bervicc of ('niifedcracy 17th June, 1861, at Aslunille, Ala., in CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 70 Cmpany A (Capt. John H. Caldwell), Tenth Alabama Infan- try (Col. John H. Forney.) Was in the Army of Northern Virginia. Fought in the following battles: First Battle of Drainsville, Williamsburg, Seven Pines, seven day's fighting around Richmond, Second Battle of Manassas, Sharpsburg and Salem Church. Wounded at Second Manassas and at Sharpsburg. Captured on retreat from Gettysburg and kept in prison at Fort Delaware till March 1865. Enlisted from St. Clair County, Ala. Now living in Jacksonville, that State- (5) Hendrix, Charles Duvall (See Family 61), private in Company I (Capt. Wood), Eleventh Georgia Regiment of Infantry (Col. Little), Longstreet's Division, Army of North- ern Virginia. Was in the following battles : Second Manas- sas, Fredericksburg, Seven Pines, Seven Days' fighting near Richmond, Chickamauga and Siege of Petersburg. Surren- dered at Appomattox 9th April, 1865. Was a soldier three and one-half years. Enlisted from Walker County, Ga. Now living near Carrollton, Ark. (6) Hix, Richard Daniel (See Family 50), joined the army in 1862. Was in Company B, Forty-eighth North Caro- lina Infantry, Cook's Brigade, Heath's Corps, Army of North- ern Virginia. Was in the following battles, and probably more: The Wilderness, Fredericksburg and Petersburg- Wounded at Fredericksburg. Served till the close of the war. Now dead. Hogan, Andrew Jackson (See Family 82). In Company B (Capt. L. Sleeper). First Regiment Arkansas Cavalry (Col A. Gordon), Samuel W. L. Cabel's Brigade. Volunteered in May, 1962, and served until the Spring of 1865. He was in the following battles : Cove Creek, Pine Bluff, Poison Spring and Mark's Mill, Ark.; Pilot Knob, Franklin, Jefferson City? Big Blue Bottle, Nentonia and Neoshe, Mo. Never wounded nor captured. Enlisted from Conway County, Ark, Now- living at Bellville, that County and State. (8) Martin. Robert Marion (See Family 119). Fifth Sergeant in Company D, Twenty-third Mississippi Regiment of Infantry, (Col. Joe M. Wells.) Mustered into service at luka. Miss., 19th September, 1861. Was in the battles and seige at Fort Donelson, where he was captured, 16th Febru- 80 CAPTAIN NINIAN STKKLK AND 1118 DESCKNDANTS. ary, 1862, and for seven months kept a prisoner in Camp Douglass, C'hirago, Illinois. Exrhanged at Virksbur^, 17th September, \S(V2. Was in the l)attles of ColVeeville, Baker's Treek ami Jarkson, Miss., and later was in all the l)attles of the .lohnston Sherman eampaijjn, from Dalton to Atlanta. Then with Hood at Franklin and Nashville, in 1864, and with Johnston in North Carolina, in March, 1865. Surrendered witii Johnston, 2f)th April, IS65, at Greensboro, N. 0. Enlist- eii from Tishomingo (now Alcorn) County, Miss. Lives near Kossuth, that ('ounty and State. (9) McAnulty, J(din William (See Family 11«)). Sec- ond Sergeant in Company D, Twenty-third Mississippi In- fantry, (Colonel, Joe M. Wells.) Was mustered into the Con- federate States' service 19th Septeml)er, 1861, and paroled 3rd of May, 1865. Was in the battles and seige of Fort Donelson and was captured there 16th February, 1862, and kept a pris- oner at Camp Douglass, Chicago, III, for seven months, when he was exchamied ITth September, that year. On account of illness he became separated from his command in xMay 1862, in Mississippi, and to escape capture there he was compelled to enter Vicksburg. Consequently he was in the seige of Vicksburg, and surrendered with the army. 4th July. 1863. Exchanged in October, 1864, and was in the battles of Frank- lin, and Nashville, Tenn., 1864, and Kingston, and Benton- ville, N. C, March, 1865. Surrendered with Johnston, 26th April, 1865, and formally paroled 3rd May following. Enlist- ed from Alcorn (then Ti^hominirn) County, Miss. Lives near Kossuth, that County and State. (10) McC'ravey, Leroy Wesley (See Family 132). In August, 1861, he joine(l Company F, of Kelley's Troopers, Forrest's Battalion, and afterwards Forrest's Regiment. Was with Forrest on his Kentucky raiil, and in the battles and Beige of Fort Donelson, escaping with Forrest from that place. Later he was First Lieutenant in Company F, (Capt. O. B. (iaston's comi)any) Fourth Alaliama Calvary Regiment (Col. .\. A. Russell |. Was with Forrest in his famous West Ten- nensee raid. Being on detached iluty in Madison County, Al- abama, in the fall of isr)3, he was captured there and kept a jiri'-oncr the remainder of the war. in Camp Chase and on John-fon's Ifiland Never wounded. Kidisted from Madison CAPTAm NINIAN STEKLE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 81 County, Alabama. Now living in Huntsville, that county and State. (11) McCutcheon, Rev. John F. (See Family 87), Cap- tain of the first Company raised at Manchester, Tenn., Twen- ty-fourth Tennessee Infanty Regiment, Later he was Chap- lain of that regiment until the close of the war. Enlisted from Coffee county, Tenn. Before and after the war he was a Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Now dead. (12) McKnight, Moses Alexander (See Family 26), joined Company A, First Missouri Cavalry, State troops? June, 1861, and was in the battle of Wilson's Creek. Later he was in Company A, Eleventh Missouri Infantry, and was discharged 4th June, 1865, at Shreveport, La. Never was captured nor wounded. Enlisted from Mo. Now living in Los Angeles. (13) Miller, William Asbury (See Family 161). In Company K (Capt. Powers and later Capt. Bankhead) Six- teenth Alabama Regiment Infantry (Col. W. B. Wood), Brig- ade commanded by Gen. S. A. M. Wood and later by Gen. Mark P. Lowry, Hardee's Corps. Was in nearly all the battles fought by the Army of Tennessee. Was never wounded nor cap- tured. Enlisted from Marion county, Ala. Now dead. (14) Swann, Paley Wilson (See Family 48). In Com- pany C, Fourth North Carolina Infantry, Jackson Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Was in two battles ; Chan- cellorsville and First Fredericksburg. Was wounded 3rd May, 1863, in the battle of Chancellorsville and after that served on light duty at Henderson, N. C, till the end of the war. Enlisted from Iredell County, N. C. Now living at Cool Spring, that State. SPANISH=AMERICAN WAR OF 1898. In our war with Spain in 1898 there was no necessity for many soldiers from each State, and there were no real " de- fend the flag" or "fight for your firesides" arguments to stir the people to war. So far as I know only two of our large family were soldiers in that war. I name them below : (1) Morton, Benjamin Alexander (See Family 76). In Company D, First Arkansas Infantry. Enlisted 23rd April, K2 I'APTAIN NINIAN STKKLK AND HIS DKSOKNDANTS, 1898, later transferred to (/'ompany 0. Was mustered out as First 8erj;eaiit 25tli ( )ctol)er, 1898. Ko-eiilisted 18th January, 189'J, in (\)nii>auy M, Sixth KojiinuMit, II. S. Infantry, and went to the war in the Philippine Ishinds. Wounded 17th Aujiust, 18M".) in Uattle <»n Ishmd of Nejiros, in the liand which had to be anii)Utated. llonoralily disrhari:;ed as Sergeant, Sth October, same year, at Bacolod, Thilippine Ishmds, because loss of liand. (2) SteeK', Ilugli Montgomery (See Family 80). Private in Battery K, Third Regiment of Artillery. Enlisted in San Francisco 25th June, 1898, to serve three years. Was in camp at Fort Point, Fort Mason, the Presidio and Alchitraz, all near San Francisco, Cal. Was never called into active service. After the war was over he was at his own request honorably discharged from tlie service. CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE ANT) HTt^ DESCENDANTS. 83 NEWTON CHAMBERS STEELE. (autobiography.) Laying aside editorial formality and " false modesty," I will write in the first person singular number. I am the fourth son of Mary Ann Steele and John Newton Steele (See Family 122) and was born on Thursday, 20th September, 1849, in Limestone County, Ala., two and a half miles south- east of what is now Elkmont, and seven miles north of Athens. Both of these towns are on the Louisville & Nashville Rail- road, from Nashville, Tenn., to Decatur, Ala. This road was built in 1858, and Elkmont came with the opening of this road, which was after we moved to Mississippi. I was born in the house my grandfather, Robert Steele, built in August, 1818, and which is still standing. I remember a few incidents only of my life in Alabama- One is that it was in one of the small perennial streams of Limestone County that I had my first experience in fishing with a real fish-book. I did not catch any fish, but I lost my hook. A large boy named Smith took it from me by superior "muscle." We called the stream I fished in the "Tanyard Branch" because it ran through father's tan-yard and supplied it with water. Father had taken me with him to the tan-yard that day and I suppose he gave me the hook to amuse myself with and incidentally to keep me out of his way while he worked. Another Incident. — One day I went with "Elic," a colored boy who belonged to father and who was several years older than myself, to pick cotton near an old orchard. Some neighbor boys who came to get apples asked Elic my name, and he said it was " Pewter." The boys laughed and I felt cheap. Why he called me " Pewter " I do not know. Per- haps he thought I was too " soft " to be called Steel(e). Again. — I was a very awkward boy and I tumbled out of wagons and off of horses every chance I got, and that was often. One day I fell out of a standing wagon and hurt ray left arm badly. A day or two after my hurt and while my arm was still in a sling. Brother William and I went to a field where some men were plowing. I saw a black dog quite a 84 rAPTAl.N N'IMAN STKKLK AND IIIS DKSCKNDANTS. distance awsiy ami he began Itarkiiifr at ub vigorously. This Rcareil nio hailly, and in oitler to get out of dog danger we hail to rlinil) over a high rail fenoe. William got over (juickly, but the top rail turned with me and I fell oil' backward — on the wrong side, of <'ourse. 1 was then worse scared than ever, but 1 got over that fence in short order. You see, that dog was still barking and I just had to get over the fence, and what a fellow han to do he usually does ! When safely (»n the other side of the fence I took time to look back through my tears and a crack of the fence, and saw the dog standing just where I first saw him. 1 don't suppose that he ever had the slightest intention of molesting us. It is often so in life; we get scared by mere noise when there is but little, if any danger. Not long after that I had another scare by a dog. I came suddenly upon a stray dog asleep in the orchard, and the way 1 made tracks down the narrow path through the tall weeds may be imagined. It was ludicrous then no doubt, and it may seem funny now, but at that particular time it was a serious alfair with me. In my head-long run to escape the strange dog I fell full length in the path. I did not iiave to be told to get up, but I got up, and that in a hurry. I suppose the innocent dog slept on, perhaps dreaming of happy hunt- ing days to come. I was not more than four or five years old at that time and had not become as well accjuainted with dogs as I did a few years later; had not made them my " bosom friends," so to speak. Well, 1 U'ur liiai all ul this seems rather silly to many of you, especially if you are so old that you have forgotten your •'dog-days" — but 1 expect some "small boys'' will reail this book, and I know that boys like dog-tales, even poor ones like these. These sts was then in our community. I am sorry to say. My lirst school teacher at our new homi> was , lames L. McLean, who is now living' in that neifihborhood. The next vear the war came on, and mv teacher ami niv elder brothers, Joseph liohcrt aiul Milus Jackson, joined the Confederate army. Then for four years we experienced the suspense, horrors and uncertainties of war. First came the excitement of organizing, equipping and drilling the companies raised in our neighborhood, with all tiie confusion and interruptions to social, educational and business life involved. Next the massing of the Confederate army at Corinth early in 1862, and the great battle of Shiloli on the otii and 6th of April, that year, which we heard dis- tinctly. After that battle until the army left Corinth, the last of May, there was a vast amount of sickness among the Confederate soldiers, and almost every farm and village home for twelve miles west and south of Corinth, was a pri- vate hospital for sick soldiers. Our house was full of them for weeks. We boys enjoyed all that very much. When the Confederate army left Corinth the Feileral army of course became masters of that region. Father took his negroes and nearly all of his horses and mules to South Alabama, where he kept them until near the close of the war. The Federal army took everything that was in sight, and much that was not in sight. 1 distinctly remember the battle of Corinth on the 3d and 4th of October, 1862, when Van J)orn and Trice tried by di- rect assault to retake the town, wiiich was tiioronghly fortilied and garrisoned. Although eight miles from our home the terrible cannonading shook our house like an eartlnjuake. ( )ne door was shaken open and the windows rattled as if the glass would be shaken out. There were Federal pickets in our orchard that day, and iii\ mother, although very fct'lde, was forced to cook dinner lor thcni. tin- scddiers riding through the gate right up to the door to make their demands. I had to take tliiMu their dinner. They \\ere vers mrvmis as the CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 89 cannon at Corinth boomed and roared and I thoroughly enjoyed their trepidation. They were unnecessarily alarmed however for the Confederates were repulsed, and for us times were darker than ever. How our mother and her five children lived through that dark period it would be hard to tell. We had some bacon hid away in the attic and we made meal by rubbing ears of corn on a coarse grater which was made of an old piece of tin by punching holes through it with a nail. As I now remem- ber we boys were not much troubled in mind or body. Cares sit lightly on the shoulders of youth. During the war I went to school at different times to two lady teachers. Right here I will give in chronological order as best I can remember the names of all the teachers to whom I went to school ; Mr. Buchanan, Rev. F. M. Moses, Lemuel Murdaugh, William H. Cogsdell, Hartwell Briggs, Mrs. Smith, James L. McEean, Miss Marietta Hill, Miss Mary Porter, Elijah T. Nicholson and Mr. Johnston. I had my full share of innocent school-boy fun, and I fear that I loved to play marbles, fox-and-hounds, "bull-pen" and town-ball, better than to study. I was just an ordinary rough-and-tumble school-boy with a good many angularities of body and disposition, but somehow I never gave my teach- ers much trouble and never got a straight-out whipping at school in my life. I don't remember that any of my teachers ever complimented me but once and that was when one of them told my father that he always dreaded to see me coming to him with a problem in arithmetic, for he knew by experi- ence that it probably would be a difficult one that I would bring him to solve. When finally the black, desolating cloud of war rolled away we found ourselves all alive and at home again — all except one. My second brother, Milus Jackson, the favorite of the family, had fallen mortally wounded on the battlefield of Franklin, Tenn., 30th Nov., 1864, while in the act of leap- ing over the parapet of the enemy's last line of works. We missed him long and sorely. With the vivid imagination and strong hope of youth I could not for years rid myself of the thought that he would come home some day, although I knew that was impossible. Today my eyes fill with tears as' I write of those dark times and terrible experiences thirty-five years 90 CAPTAIN NIXIAX STKKLK AM> HIS DKSl'KXDANTS. ago, and especially of his sad fate. Coming; back to the farm ajrain, we went to work with renewed energy to repair our "broken fortunes," and to try to bi> and do sonuthini: in the world. We rebuilt the burnt and neirh-i'teil fiMu-es, reopened the old tlitches and dui: new ones, and soon had the old farm in pretty jjood condition again. I made a full hand on the farm from the time 1 was six years old until 1 was twenty-one, and 1 never missed but one full summer's work in all that time After the war, just as before it. I went to school during the winter, and sometimes after crops were "laid by,'' and one year I went all summer, which was something unusual on our farm. 1 never attended a literary college. Father otiered to give me a comjilete col- lege course, but as my health at that time was much im- paired, I thought it best not to go away from home to school. lie managed to send all of his other children to college. 1 now think that I made a mistake in declining to go, even under the circumstances. 1 have tried to make amends for this lack of college training by " picking up " all the educa- tion I could along the wayside of a busy life. When, as a boy eight years old, I "ran up against" the multiplication table, I thought it was the greatest problem that 1 would meet in life. Hut I soon mastered that. I re- member distinctly that when I had mastered the multiplica- tion table a new problem more serious than it at once con- fronted me, and that was the problem of personal religion. 1 made more or less serious attempts all along through my y()Uth to be religious, and to "get religion," as expressed in those days. At a great '' revival '' of religion, comlucted by a Methodist circuit rider, Kev. .las. W. Ilonnoll, at old I'leasant Valley (.'hurch, 1 made a jiublic profession of ridigiou. That wa*^ on the niirht of the 24th of September, lh(»7, and on the 13th urMig the winter ol l>7i L', 1 allemled llie iiieilical de- CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 91 partment of the University of Louisville, at Louisville, Ky. The next summer (1872) I continued my studies with Dr. Taylor, and that winter I attended "lectures" at the medical department of the University of Nashville, at Nashville, Tenn., from which school I graduated the 26th of February, 1873. I may be pardoned for saying that I had the good for- tune of winning more prizes than any other member of my class, and stood the highest in my class on surgery. The next month, March, I opened an office in my father's house on the old farm, and at once began to get a good share of the neigh- borhood practice. I rather wanted to go to Memphis, Tenn., but father and mother were then alone. All the other children were away fjom home, some of them being at school, and they very much desired me to remain at home with them. I concluded to do so, at least to remain near them for a time. On the 15th of July, 1873, I moved my office to Kossuth, our little postoffice town. There I boarded with old Mr. William C. Simmons. I had a good patronage and was fairly successful. I concluded that if I must remain there indefinitely and practice medicine, it would not be well to live alone, so on the 23rd Feb., 1875, I married Miss Frances Ellen Jones, a daughter of John and Mary Ann (Dilworth) Jones who lived just two miles south of Kossuth. She was just twenty years old, and was a beautiful, lovely and popular young lady. An experience of twenty-five years has proven that I was fortunate in choosing a wife, for, increasingly as the years have gone by, she has by her kindly spirit, patience and un- selfishness, and by her untiring, loving interest in our home- life, proven her sterling worth as woman, wife and mother. We were married by her pastor, Rev. Daniel W. Babb, a minister of the M. E. Church, South. I did well enough at Kossuth but I wanted to do better, which is always praiseworthy. Seeking to carry out this pur- pose I, on the 13th of May, 1880, moved to Corinth, same county, and very soon entered on a good practice, having for- tunately stepped into the professional shoes of a physician and friend who gave up his practice there on account of his health. Up to this time my wife had remained a member of the 9*2 CAPTAIN NINIAX 8TKKLK AND HIS DESOKNDANTS. Metho(li?t church, but at Corinth wo hoth joined the C. 1*. oliurch iinil I was at once elected ruling ehler in that congre- gation, ami t'litcreil actively into clnirch and Sunday school work. 1 had always been a total abstainer from intoxicants and a It'iniierance advocate, and for years I iiad Iteen a prohibi- tionist. At Corinth, circumstances and my natural inclina- tion soon pushed me willin{;ly forward as a leader in a red- hot anti-Baloon Wiaht, which resulted, iu 1881, in i)nttins; every saloon out of the town never hi return. At least, (Corinth has never had a saloon since and it is one of the most prosperous towns in that State. Prohibition did not kill Corinth. 1 had an excellent and pleasant practice at Corinth and a larj;e circle of devoted friends, but 1 was never (juite satis- lied with the gjeneral practice of medicine. For years i had had a likinp: for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work. In April lbS6, 1 wont to Ix)ndon, Enj^Iand. to study these specialties, starting April 12th and reaching Lon- don the 2Gth of that month. I studied in the lioyal Ophthal- mic Hospital and in the (lolden Square Throat Hospital. On returning home I decided to abandon the general practice, and also that it would suit me better to practice my special- ties in a larger place than Corinth. On the 27th of October, that year, (1880), 1 removed to Chattanooga, Tenn., where I have lived ever since. In Chattanooga I have enjoyed an I'X- ctdlent and increasing patronage. 1 am a member of the ('hattanooga Medical Socit'ty, the Tinnessee St:it<* Medical Society, and the Anierii'an Meilical Association. In 1SM« 1 was (dcftcd to a chair in the C-hattanooga Med- ical College, and now am I'rofessor of Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat in that school, and am also ()phthal- mologist to the Baroness Erlanger Hospital of this city. In 1886, soon after reaching Chattanooga, my wife, myself ami daughter, joined by letter, the Cumberland I'resljyterian church in this city, of which I waselectiMl a ruling elder about the time I became a member. I have had the honor of l)eing the Superintendent of its Sumlay school several years at dif- ferent tinii's, and for four years the I'resident of the Chatta- niHiga Voung Men's (.'hristian Association. My reirret is that CAPTAIN NINIAN STEELE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 93 1 have not been a more progressive physician, useful citizen, and active Christian. We have one daughter, Mary Irene, who is the wife of William Dupree Carswell, a lawyer of this city. They have one child, Edward Steele, born 2nd January, 1899. Our only son is Willard Hugo, born 11th December, 1884. He is named Willard for Miss Frances E. Willard, the great- est temperance and general reform leader of the nineteenth century. I have written this little sketch partly through personal vanity, partly for the benefit of the readers of this book who may wish to know more of me, and partly for the pleasure it may give to my posterity in the years to come. Loveman Building, Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 20th, 1900. (The foregoing autobiography is copied from a book pub- lished last year, and the date of it was my fiftieth birth-day. It is re-published here for the reasons given in the last para- graph, and also because the printer thought it was needed to relieve the " thinness " of this volume. The preceding and the following personal sketches are paid for by those directly interested, hence the other subscribers are not taxed with the cost.) 94 CAPTAIN XINIAN STKKLK \NI» HIS nKSlKSDANTS. RII\ . ISAAC DONNELL STEELE. Ki'V. Isiiao Duiiiu'll Steele is the liftli ami yoinij;ost son of Mary Ann Steele, ami Maj. .lohn Newton Steele. (See Family 122) He was horn 2<)th Oct., 1852, near Elkmont, Limestone county, Alabama. When two years old he went with his father's family to Alcorn county, Mississippi. He grew upon the farm as ilid his brothers, and with them shared the arduous labors of real old-time farm-life. lie {jot as much wholesome fun and healthful enjoyment out of his life on the farm as any of us and perhaps a little more. He was a natural mimic and had full scope on the farm for the exercise of that talent. When just a stripling of a boy he showed unusual talent as a public speaker. He and I used to attend the old fashioned debating societies held in the old log school houses in our community, and I remember distinctly that some of our neighbors were surprised that "Donnell Steele could speak so well." Other speakers may have shown more logic, history, or philosophy in their speeches than he, but what he said was told with such earnestness, contldence and torrential elo- quence for a boy that it had great elfect on his hearers. He atten:y of his descend- ants, lie was my paternal i;reat-Krand-father. Archibald Steele was born in Scot bind or England about 1728. He went to Ireland and there married a woman of Scotch ancestry wiiose name was probably Agnes Edwards. She was born in Dublin Ireland 1720. Tiiey came to Ameri(;a in 17»U», settling lirst in Lancaster county, Pa., and finally (1772) on Fishing Creek, York county, South Carolina. They had five children, all sons, whose names were .John, Joseph, William. James, and Koljert. Four of them were soldiers under General Francis Marion in the Revolutionary War, Joseph being the captain of a company, Robert was refused enlistment as a soldier, ami sent home, on account of his youth, i;eing then only fourteen years old. 1 will men- tion each separately. (1) John, b. about 17r)S. in Ireland; d. 1808, in York County, S. C. His seven children were: Archibald, Robert, William, John, Hugh, James, and Jane. (2) Captain Joseph, b. about 1760, in Ireland ; d. 28th August, 1795, in York County, S. 0. ; married Rebecca An- derson. Their six children were: John, William, Archibald, Samuel, Jane, and Alexander. (H) William, b. about 1702, in Ireland ; d. 20th Nov., 1800, in York County, S. C. He married Margaret Johnston, and their two children were Josei)h, and Samuel Johnston. (4) .lames, b. about 1865, i)rol»ably in Ireland, but pos- sibly in America; d. r)2, and is buried in the old New (iarden Church Cemetery, near Elkmont, that County. In York C'ounty, S. C, he married, 1790, Miss Mar- tha Starr, who wa-^ born Ofh March, 177.'!, an.^ in this book. They were the piirentJi of the writer of this book. (Set» Family 122). 4 INDEX. 97 INDEX. (Every name in this book is not in this index. The object of the Index is simply to aid you in quickly finding your name in the Genealog- ical Chapter. I have not aimed to ignore or neglect anyone. Nearly all heads of families are indexed. If your name is not in the Index, you can find that of your father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister, father-in- law or mother-in-law, and near one of these your name will be found in in its proper place in the Genealogy. PAGE Altman, Bradford Henderson 63 Altman, Sidney Wilson 63 Altman, Wiley Futhy 63 Babb, Eugene 48 Banks, Rev. David Dickerson 56 Banks, Miss Lula 56 Bamett, Houston Stewart 65 Bass, James Stewart 13 Black, Joseph Alexander 45 Black, Mrs. Mary Savina 40 Blalock, Edward Philpot 40 Booker, George Winston 67 Brown, Wm. Hercules Hayes 41 Bryan, Mrs. Martha C. E. 45 Bryan, Andrev/ Jackson 45 Bryan, William Columbus 45 Bryan, Leroy Templeman 46 Bryan, Joseph Pinkely 46 Bryan, Robert Donnell 46 Bryan, Thomas Bismark 46 Bryan, Charles Byrd 46 Burns, Daniel Cass 65 Burns, William Sinclair 65 Brim, Lewis D. 20 Carnes, David Brown 67 Carnes, Elizabeth Prudence 66 Carnes, James Alexander 67 Carnes, William Minor 67 Carswell, Edward Steele 50 Carswell, William Dupree 50 Cartwright, Kirby 52 Cooper, John Jefferson 40 Crov/der, James Crockett 60 Davis, Francis Harrison 31 Davis, John Wesley 53 Davis, Milas Watkins 31 Davis, Rev. Robert Ninian 31 Dean, William Henry 66 Denton, Robert Lee 39 Doyle, James Henry 43 Ezell, Clifford Vance 34 Felts, William Patrick 40 Foot, James Benjamin 43 French, Robert Ephraim 55 Gaither, William Augustine 42 98 INKKX. Garvin, Foster „ 35 CJatoly, John Fisher « 86 Cioaii,' Jaiuos Harrison .^_ - ^ 65 Ciuad, John Milos „ „ _ „. 55 Lioaii, Kul)on Harrison „ ^ 55 Uurvion, JamcH David 61 ciray, Fntl „ 37 Guthrie, Hubert Russell „ 61 Ha^rjr«irii, James Wilson 21 Hainilion, ThomiLS 59 HiuniUon, James Hrown 59 Hiuinlion, Hiram Steele 59 Hamilton, James Thomas 61 Hamilton, William Dunbar 59 Hiunilton, Moses Lock 60 Hamilton, Charles Lee 60 Hamilton, Jajnes Luther 60 Hamilton, ThomiLs Henry 59 Hamilton, Miss Elzira 59 Hamilton, Miss Louisa Catherine 59 Harjfraves, Josenh Richard ■\H Harjjrraves, Willliam 5H Harvey, Sterlinpr liiins 23 Henderson, James Holland 55 Hendrix, Charles Duvall 32 Hill, Capt. Robert S 31 Hill, Mrs. Emily 31 Hill, James 26 Hix, Richard Daniel 27 Ho^fan, Andrew Ja<'kson 38 Hojran, Columbus Fountain 38 Hof?an, Joseph Edward ^ 38 Holman, Lazarus _ 17 Holman, Andrew Fenton 22 Holman, David Steele 17 Holman, Isiuio Newton IT Holman, .John James Andrews 17 Holman, William Henry --l Hudson, William Jefferson r)7 Horton, Prof. Joel Hamilton -1 Isbell, John W i;» Jackson, Mem OJi Jjwkson, Mrs. Nannie Elizabeth „ GS Jackson, William Thomas C'i Jones, John William 11 Jones, William Vir^ril -^^ Kirkland, Edmond -'W Kirklaiid, Edmond Wood 10 I' ' 1, .lames Edwanl 12 i .1, John William .._ . .'«> I ' ; h iW-njamin -{I* i. ., J, :ird H'-iirv 10 Kender, Rolx-rt L. 2H Ix)velace, Thomiw Jones IH Lovelace, John Lazarus tS Ix»velat;e, James Adolphus 18 LanKhton, John '^T Livutj^Hton, .lames Wesley 1-t INDEX. 99 McAnulty, John William 48 McAnulty, Joseph Steele 48 Martin, Robert Marion 49 McClannock, James Lee 49 MeCutcheon, Rev. John Finis 39 McCravey, Benjamin Leroy 53 McCravey, Leroy Wesley 53 McNeely, George Wilson 13 Miller, Mrs. Mary Emily 59 Morton, Benjamin Alexander 35 Morton, Dr. John Walker 35 Morton, Thompson Reed 62 McPeters, William Thomas 50 MeCollum, George Albert 18 Moman, Fenton Scott 19 McKnight, Moses Alexander 20 McKnight, Rev. Henry Montesque 20 Norris, Benjamin 35 Norris, William Henry 35 Pettit, Charles Thaddeus 21 Pettit, Charles Thaddeus, Jr 21 Pettit, William Adams 21 Fillers, George Washington 33 Prigmore, Richard 21 Robison, Allison Crawford 13 Robison, Hugh, Sr 12 Robison, Hugh, Jr 15 Robison, George Steele 12 Robison, Jay Alexander 14 Robison, James Franklin 15 Robison, John Franklin 15 Robison, Ninian Alexander 14 Robison, William Cowan 13 Roberts, Mark 39 Rollins, George Henry 28 Sabert, John Henry 23 Siddall, Ira Alexander 55 Siddall, James 55 Siddall, Job 55 Siddall, Job S 55 Slaughter, James Martin 49 Spencer, William Micajah 66 Steele, Andrew Franklin 51 Steele, Alexis Preston 26 Steele, Alfred Redus 51 Steele, Clarance Montgomery 25 Steele, Charles Leon 25 Steele, Rev. Columbus Oney 37 Steele, Flake Futhy 26 Steele, Henry, Son of Capt. Ninian 15 Steele, Dr. Henry Franklin 26 Steele, Henry Oscar 26 Steele, Hugh Montgomery 37 Steele, Rev. Isaac Donnell 50 Steele, Jackson Allen 36 Steele, Jackson 12 Steele, James, son of Capt. Ninian the First 16 Steele, James Andrews 25 Steele, James Columbus 34 L.ofC. 100 INDEX. Steele, James Oney «44- Stot'le, Joseph, win of Capt. Ninian the First „ .'W Steele, Joseph Chambers, son of Joseph 'M Steele, Judjje Joseph Chainln^rs, son of Ninian lU Steele, Capt. John Mitchell Ki Steele, Maj. John Newton 49 Steele, Judije Joseph Robert 49 Steele, Mary F.lizabcth 26 Steele, Marshall Knux _ 28 Steele, Maj. Milas William 30 Steele, Miles Charabors 24 Steele, Miles Allen 24 Steele, Milas Jackson, son of J. C 51 Steele, Milas Jackson, son of J.N 49 Steele, Minor Luico 27 Steele, Dr. Newton Chambers 49 Steele, Capt. Ninian, the First 9-11 Steele, Capt. Ninian Futhy, son of Henry 26 Steele, Ninian Futhy, son of James 54 Steele, Ninian, son of Joseph 30 Steele, Ninian Sinclair 66 Steele, Ninian Wilson 27 Steele, Ninian Loroy 56 Steele, Samuel Futhy 62 Steele, Ninian Sinclair 66 Steele, Sinclair Preston 25 Steele, Rev. William Han'cy 49 Steele, Willard Hugo 50 Steen, Richard Rector 18 Stemmons, Alexander Clay 22 Sorv, Benjamin D 50 Swann, Piiley Wilson 26 Swearingen, Rev. Thomas Howard 46 Tilley, James Lewis 32 Thompson, AU:)ert Sidney „ 25 Thompson, Charles M „ 64 Thompson, Mrs. Kmma Jackson 51 Thompson, Oscar Adolphus 52 Thompson, William Isiiac 52 Tripp, William W i:{ Tomiinson, Leonard Osbom 57 Turk, Dr. William Luther 66 White, Robert Mecklin 41 Wilson, Charles Lee 23 WilMjii, (Jeorge See 23 Wil.l, H.cry Nelson 21 \\'V\: . TtioiiiiLs HY K. STKKLK, (CL-nter al)()ve ), ( No. l>4;i. i MAHKL MAY STEKLH, (ri^fhti, (No. 241.) ALVIN CFCCIL STEELE, (left), (No. 24,')) riRACK VIOLA STEELE, (No. 24«). > haw(jli) hobakt steele, (N<.. 217.) MARY WHITE, (above), (No. 416.) MARTHA LOUISA WHITE, (No. 420.) MKS. MAKTHA K. C. Ml^VAN (center), (No. 4K1.) CIIAKLKS MYKD liKYAN, >N... I1>U.) MAKY LOriSA mn'AN, (N... HM.) r- o'/b "ir. njf^m: JOSEPH PINKNEY BRYAN, AND WIFE, (No. 488.) RAYMOND MEINKE BRYAN, (No. 513.) THOMAS HISMAfiK HKYAN, (No. 4!»(i. JOSEPH STEELE McANULTY, AND WIFE, (No. 523.) MARY NOBLE McANULTY, (No. 529) MA.J. J(,nx XEWTOX STEELE, (No. 255. RESIDENCE OF DR. N. C. STEELE, On top of Missionary Ridge, near Chattanooga, Tenn. It stands on the Confederate line of battle of Missionary Ridge, fought 25th Nov., 1863. The persons in the yard are Dr. Steele and his little grand-son, Edward Steele Carswell. \)\<. N. C. STKKLK, (No. 5«.) MRS. N. C. STEELE, (No. 543.) *ntt> ^J^^^ M Wll.LAKIi lir(;() STKKLK, (No. .V)^.) Son of Dr. N. C. Steele. MRS. WM. DUPREE CARSWELL, (No. 548.) EDWARD STEELE CARSWELL, (No. 55L) HEV. 1. I). STKKLfc:, (No. 511.; MRS. I. D. STEELE, (No. 544.) KlliMY CAICI\Vl;i(;lir and wife, (Xo. &7U.J .MAK'<;rKl;iTK CAirrWK'KlUT, (Xu. .Wi. ) JOHN WESLEY DAVIS AND WIFE, (No. 587.) CARROLL SHELMAN DAVIS, (No. 590.) #?>:^V>t^^ A \ MKS. RUTH (STKKLK) HAMILT(JN, ( left iibovc), (No. 5912.; M