CS 71 .H98 1903 Copy 1 Record of the Family and descendants of Colonel Christian Jacob Hatter of Easton, Penna Record of the Family and Descendants of Colonel Christian Jacob Hutter of Easton, Penn'a 1771-1902 Compiled by Frank Reeder Printed for private distributiou EASTON SENTINEL 1903 as-?! Colonel CHristian Jacob Hutter and Descendants. The Easton Sentinel. The Easton Centinel, the ninth newspaper founded at Easton and the oldest English journal with practically a continuous existence to this day, was first issued July i, 1817, and is therefore over 86 years of a^^e. It was founded by Christian Jacob Hutter, and was for many years issued as the English edition of the NortJianipfon Correspondent (also founded and edited by Mr. Hutter), and consequently promulgated the principles of Jeffersonian Democracy. Its motto was: "Faithful, active, vigilant and steady," and its declaration : "Here shall the press the people's rights proclaim, Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain." Mr. Hutter, on October 19, 1821, transferred the publica- tion of the Centinel to his twin sons, Henry August and Frederick William, because of financial embarrassments brought about by the failure of his patrons to meet their obligations. The Centinel was published under the firm name of Henry & William Hutter until August 23, 1833, though the former died March i, 1824, closely followed by the death of his brother on December 21, 1824. The death of these promising young men was a severe blow to the parents, to whom they were the main hope of their declining years ; friends lost in them esteemed companions, and the community two honored citizens. On August 23. 1833. Frederick William Muller, son-in- law of the elder Hutter. became the publisher of the Centinel. Beginning with the second half year of his editorial connec- tion therewith (February 21, 1834), a new heading was adopted and a change made in the orthography of the title. Ever since its establishment it had been spelled Centiiiel, the then prevailing method : custom, however, had altered it to Sentinel, which was then adopted. In the Spring of 1839, Abraham Henry Senseman pur- chased the Senti7iel from Mr. Hutter, who for several years 4 COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB HUTTER previous had conducted it. Mr. Senseman was a native of the neighboring village of Nazareth and had established there in the summer of 1837, in partnership with Edmund Leisenring (afterwards editor of the Allentown Fmedeii's Bo/hc) the Abeyid Zeihmg (Evening Gazette), which was published about a year and a half — the six months alone by- Mr. Senseman, a gentleman of strong character and intelli- gence. In June, 1841, Mr. Senseman sold the Sentmel\.o James M. Porter, Esq., who engaged Thomas Forsman, who had been a foreman printer on the Setitmel, to edit it. It subsequently passed into the hands of a Mr. Allen, then suspended publication for about six months, when, about 1844. it passed into the hands of James A. Dunlap. On December 19, 1851, Daniel H. Neiman became the owner, and for more than thirty-one years issued it regu- larly, contributing something to it each week, no matter whether at home or at distant points on other business. In the last week of April, 1883, J. P. Correll, now well known in journalistic circles in connection with several of the lead- ing newspapers of the city of Easton, became the owner and editor of the: Se?itinel znd continues as such. Christian Jacob Hutter, Founder. Christian Jacob Hutter, the founder of this newspaper, as well as of three other local journals and a book publishing house, was born on May 17. 1771, at New Deitendorf, in Saxe Gotha, Germany. His father, Johann Ludwig Hutter, born May 5, 1726, at F"rishborn on the Vogelsberg, was a manufacturer of leather, and managed a large tannery for the Moravian brethren. He was married in 1767 to Anna Maria Kuntz, born March 5, 1729. In 1773 he located at Zeist. in the Province of Utrecht in the United Netherlands, with his wife and two sons, the youngest of whom was Christian Jacob. Here he also met with success in his business, and was considered a man of fortune. He died on March 23, 1791, and his wife on September 30, 1805. The elder son, Johann Ludwig, (born January 24, 1769, died September 4, 1820). continued the business of his father. The youngest son. Christian Jacob Hutter, was, on Octo- ber 20, 1789, sent by the Moravians of Zeist to their Ameri- can settlement at Pjethlehem, Pa., where he engaged in business and where, on August 4, 1791, he married his first wife, Maria Magdalene Huber. AND DESCENDANTS. In 1799 we find Mr. Huttcr at Lancaster, wlicre he founded Dcr Lancaster Correspondcut, the first number of which was issued May 25, 1799, and the last on September 3, 1803, whereupon he removed to Easton and founded there, early in t8o6, Der Northamplon Corrts^pondrnty to which journal he transferred the motto of iiis Lancaster venture — "'Frey, Standhaft and Gemaszi<:^t." On Aui^ust 10, 1808, he established the Pennsylvania Herald and Easton IntelUs^encer^ wdiich lived two years, and was followed by The People's Instructor, also probably short-lived. The Centinel was his fourth journalistic ven- ture. Init after his financial reverses in 1821, he gave little personal attention to journalism, his sons and sons-in-law having succeeded him. Mr. Hutter, in addition to his newspaper interests, was engaged in a variety of mercantile pursuits, but chiefly as an apothecary. He also took an active interest in military and political matters. He was actively engaged in the War of 1812 as a Lieutenant-Colonel in command of the North- ampton. Lehigh and Pike Counties' Militia. From 1822 to 1825 he was a member of the State House of Representa- tives, and in 1829 was County Recorder of Deeds. He was one of the founders and the first Worshipful Master of Easton Lodge of Masons. '&" Colonel Christian J. Hutter's Descendants. Colonel Hutter, by his marriage, August 4, 1791, with IVLiria Magdalene Hubcr (born March 30. 1769, died De- cember 7, 1804), had issue as follows: (i) Charles Lewis Hutter, born May 25, 1792, died Septem- ber 22, 1830. Early in the century he published Der Unabhangige Republikaner und Lecha Cou7ity Freiheits Freund at Allentown. July 19, 1812, he married Maria Wilson (born Aug. 12, 1791), and had issue as follows: ^ (A) Edwin W^ilson Hutter, born in Allentown, Pa., September 12, 1813. At the age of seventeen, on the death of his father, he assumed the editorial management of his father's two newspapers. Sub- sequently he removed to Harrisburg. where he was editor of another newspaper. The Keystone. For some time he resided in Lancaster, after wdiich he was Private Secretary to Hon. James Buchanan. He then studied for the ministrv in Baltimore and COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB HUTTER was called to the pastorate of St. Matthew's Evan- gelical Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, where he remained until his death, September 21, 1873. He married Elizabeth Shindel, and had issue as fol- lows : Christian Jacob Hutter, and James Buchanan Hutter. both of whom died without issue. (B) Maria Huber Hutter, born January 20, 1816; mar- ried July 19, 1836, to Robert Emmet Wright (born at Carlisle, Pa., November 30. 1810, died January 10. 1886) ; died September 6, 1901. Robert Emmet Wright entered upon the study of law at Allen- town, Pa., and on September 5, 1838, was admitted to practice. He took rank among the leaders of the Bar, and at his death was recognized as Lehigh County's most prominent and esteemed citizen. He was twice appointed District Attorney by Attorney General J. K. Kane, and was twice ap- pointed to the office of Postmaster at Allentown. He was appointed Reporter of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania by Gov. Wm. F. Packer, in i860, and continued in that honorable ofifice until 1866. He was the author of Wright's Index of Snpreme Court Reports. There was issue born of this mar- riage as follows : (a) Caroline Hutter Wright, born at Allentown, Pa., May 6, 1838. (b) Ida Elizabeth Wright, born at Allentown, Pa., June 10, 1841 ; married, first, to Alfred Ben- jamin Schwartz (born in Lehigh County, Pa., January 31, 1836; served during the Civil War as Captain of Company H, 147th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers ; died at Allentown, Pa., March 14, 1867), and had issue as follows: {a) John Leaming Schwartz, born at Allen- town, Pa., October 4, 1865 ; Attorney-at- Law ; admitted to practice in 1890; was District Attorney of Lehigh County from 1896 to 1899. Married to Ella Maxwell in 1895. Issue: (i) Frances Schwartz, born at Allentown, Pa., Dec, 1898. Married, second, in 1872, to Evan Holben (born in Lehigh County, Pa., November 26, AND DESCENDANTS. J 1837; Attorney-at-Lavv ; member of the Senate of Pennsylvania from 1876 to 1882), and had issue as follows : (a) Estelle Holben, born at AUentown, Pa., March 5, 1873. (d) Elsie Holben. born at AUentown. Pa., January 4, 1876. (c) Maria Wilson Wright, born at AUentown, Pa., September 10, 1843; married at AUentown, Pa.. July 25. 1872, to Dr. Amandus Josiah Laubach (born December 9. 1843, Tarch 12, 1846). Served in the Civil War as Private, Company F, 25th Rcg^iment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and Second Lieutenant. Conijjany E, 76th Regiment. Pennsylvania Volunteers. They had issue as follows: (a) Ida May Hickok, born November 19, 1872. (b) William Orville Hickok. 4th, born Sep- tember 24, 1874. Yale College, Class of 1898. (c) William Orville Hickok, Jr., born at Harris- burg, Pa., February 12, 1849, died October 25, 1881 ; married Louisa Harrison Anderson (born May 2y, 1850,) and had issue as follows : (a) William Orville Hickok, 3d. born August 23, 1874. Yale College Class of 1895. Married at Williamsport. Pa., June 11. 1903, to Avis Cochran, daughter of Hon. J. Henry Cochran, State Senator and Ijanker. (d) Ross Anderson Hickok, born May 25, 1876. Yale College, Class of 1897. M'lr- ried October 10, 1900, at Bellefonte, Pa., to Helen Rankin Hastings (born October 17, 1879, at Bellefonte, Pa.), daughter of Hon. Daniel H. Hastings. ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. Served during War with Spain as ist Lieut. Co. M, 5th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. They had issue as follows : (i) Jane Hastings Hickok. born August August 26, 1901. (c) Louisa Anderson Hickok. born May 12, 1878. (d) Charles Nelson Hickok, born August i, 1880. Yale College, Class of 1900. lO COLONEL CHRISTI AN JACOB HUTTER (d) Caroline Louisa Hickok, born at Harrisbnrg, Pa., March 29, 1852; married at Harrisburg, Pa., May 20, 1875, to Frank Reamer Schell (born 18 — , died February 26, 1886), son of Hon. William P. Schell, Auditor Gene- ral of Pennsylvania, 1878 to 1881, and had issue as follows: (a) William Peter Schell, born April 17, 1878. Williams College Class of 1900. {I}) Orville Hickok Schell, born March 24, 1880. Yale College Class of 1900. (r) Caroline Louisa Schell, born January 20, 1882. (d) Frank Reamer Schell, born October 22, 1884. (D) Margaret Charlotte Hutter, born September 6, 1820; married September 5, 1839, at Harrisburg, Pa., to Simon Miller, of Allentown, Pa., and had issue as follows : (a) Clara Miller. (b) Charles H. Miller. (c) Alice Miller. (d) Howard Miller. (E) Charles James Christian Hutter, born June 5, 1822, died March 29, 1824. (F) William Henry Lafayette Hutter, born August 8, 1824; resided all his life in Easton, Pa., and was for many years editor of the Easton Argus, and during the administration of President Buchanan Postmaster at Easton; he died October 13, 1892; he was Cashier of the Northampton County Na- tional Bank until shortly before his death ; married first, at Lynchburg, Va., July 11, 1854, to Marietta Moorman, who died without issue ; married, sec- ond, at Easton, Pa., to Alice Florence H. Bitters (born August 11, 1854) ; had no issue. (G) Sara Julia Hutter, born October 27, 1826; married, June 8, 1843, to John W. Ryan, and had issue as follows : (a) Sara Ryan. (H) Francis Lewis Hutter, born at Allentown, Pa., August 19. 1828, died April 7, 1879; married, first, April 15, 1852, to Mary M. Fortney (born at Har- risburg, Pa., October 24, 1829, died June 17, 1871). AND DESCENDANTS. Was printer, publisher and book-binder. They liad issue as follows : (a) William H. Ilutter, born at Harrisburp:, Pa.. January i8, 1853: married, January 23, 1888, Helen Alice Fortney (born at Midcllctown, Pa., Dec. 14, 1865.) and had issue as follows: (a) Zoa Ncal Hutter, born at Titusville, Pa., September 27, 1890. (^) William Hastinp:s Hutter. born at Titus- ville, Pa., December 30. 1892. (b) Francis Lewis Hutter. Jr., born at Harrisl)urJ^^ Pa., October 11, 1854; married, October 11, 1876, Marion Fisher (born at Harrisburg. Pa., July 2. 1857,) and had issue as follows : (a) Charles Wilson Hutter, born at Harris- burg, Pa., August. 1877, d'ed July, 1878. {/>) Alary Rae Hutter, born at Harrisburg, Pa., July II. 1879; m^'^rried, October 23, 1902, John Floyd Laurie (born at Harris- burg, Pa., October 9, 1870.) (c) Charles Ely Hutter, born at Harrisburg, Pa., November 13, 1881. (c) John W. Ryan Hutter, twin, born at Harris- burg, Pa., (October 28, 1862 ; married, January 2, 1883. Catherine Elizabeth Poist (born at Harrisburg, Pa., March 7, 1865,) and had issue as follows : (a) Mary Fortney Hutter, born at Harrisburg, Pa., September 30, 1884. {'d) Edna Wilson Hutter. born at Harrisburg, Pa., October 25, 1886. (r) Clara Elizabeth Hutter, born at Harris- burg, Pa., August 25, 1888. (d) Francis Lewis Hutter, 3d, born at Harris- burg, Pa., November 28, 1890. ((?) Catherine May Hutter, born at Harris- burg, Pa., November 5, 1892, died Janu- ary, 1897. (d) Edwin W. Hutter, twin, born at Harrisburg, Pa., October 28. 1862, died at Oil City, Pa., July. 1888. Married, second. May 21, 1873, Mina Cardner (born at Carlisle, Pa., April 14, 1850), and had issue as follows : 12 COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB MUTTER (e) Mary Frances Hutter, born at Harrisburg, Pa., February 22, 1874 ; married, November 23, 1892, W. H. Humer, of Carlisle, Pa., and had issue as follows : (a) Ross William Humer, born at Carlisle, Pa., October 12, 1893. (f) Mina R. Hutter, born at Harrisburg, Pa., Feb- ruary I, 1875. (g) Harry G. Hutter, born at Harrisburg, Pa., August 20, 1876; married, August i, 1896, Ma- zie R. Dutrcy, of Carlisle, Pa., and had issue as follows: (a) Ray E. Hutter, born at Carlisle, Pa., Jan- uary, 1897. (h) Carrie R. Hutter, born at Harrisburg, Pa., July 15, 1878, died October 8, 1878. (2) George Christian Hutter, born November 11, 1793. Served as a Lieutenant of \^olunteers in the War of 1812. After the termination of the War of 1812, he was appointed a Lieutenant in the Regular Army ; served in the Seminole War in Florida, in the Black Hawk War, and later in the Mexican War as Captain in the Sixth L-nited States Infantry. At the close of the Mexican War he was promoted to the rank of Major and Paymaster; he was stationed at Charleston, S. C., from 1857 to 1861, and as Paymaster made the last payment before the bombardment of Fort Sumter, to Major Anderson's command, by permission of the Governor of South Carolina. Resigned his com- mission in April, 1861, refused a commission of high rank in the Confederate Army, and lived in retirement during the war, on his plantation "San- duskey," near Lynchburg, Va., where he died in 1880. He was married July 6, 1830, to Harriet James Risque (born at Fincastle, Va., November 6, 1807), daughter of James B. Risque, a distinguished lawyer of Virginia, who served through the War of 1812 as !\Tajor of a Battalion of Virginia Volunteers, acting as General Andrew Jackson's bodyguard. The marriage took place in St. Louis, Mo., at the home of her uncle, Governor Clark, Captain George C. Hutter being then stationed at Jefferson Barracks. Governor Clark won high distinction for the part taken by him in the famous Lewis and Clark I"lxploring Expedition sent out by AND DESCENDANTS. I3 President Thomas Jefferson. She died on the family plantation in 1898. They had issue as follows: , (A) Ferdinand Charles Hutter, horn May 16, 1831, died Septemher, 1885. He entered the Confederate Army in 1861, as Lieutenant of Artillery, hein^ later promoted to the rank of Captain and assij^MU-d to duty in the War Department of the Confederate Government. He was married, first, to Belle Gog- gin, of Lynchburg, Va., in June, 1859. She died three months after marriage. Married, second, at Richmond, Va., April 7, 1864, to Mary Power Lyons, daughter of Hon. James Lyons, the leader of the Richmond Bar, and then a member of the Confederate Congress. They had issue as follows : (a) James Lyons Hutter, born at "Sanduskey," near Lynchburg, Va., July i, 1865. Unmar- ried. Now a merchant in Memphis, Tenn. (b) William Henry Lyons Hutter, born at Lynch- burg, Va., October 17, 1867. Married to Rosa Kern, of Lexington, Miss; no issue. (c) Harriet Ida Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., September 30, 1869. Married, September 26, 1888, to Hubert Bruce Watts; no issue. (d) Mary Lyons Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., October 18, 1878; married, 1902, to Frank G. Davidson. (B) Edward Sixtus Hutter, born at "Sanduskey," near Lynchburg, Va., September 18, 1839. Graduated at Virginia Military Institute in July, 1859; en- tered University of Virginia in i860; entered Con- federate Army, April 17, 1861, as Captain of a Company of University Students ; served through- out the war, reaching the rank of Major of Artil- lery ; surrendered at Danville, Va., April 2y, 1865. Married at Lynchburg, Va., December 19, 1861, to Nannie Langhorne, of Lynchburg, Va., a descend- ant of two of Virginia's most distinguished fami- lies, the Langhornes and the Dabneys. They had issue as follows : (a) John Langhorne Hutter, born February 18, 1864; died June 22, 1893. No issue. (b) Lizzie Dabney Hutter, born September 16, 1865, at Lynchburg, Va. Married at Lynch- burg, Va., to John Davis Christian, of Lynch- 14 COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB HUTTER burg-, Va., (born July, 1863, died March 2, 1899.) and had issue as follows: (a) Mary Davis Christian, born October, 1889. (h) Edward Hutter Christian, born 1891. (c) Camillus Christian, born 1893. (c) Edward Risque Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., July 31, 1868. Unmarried. (d) Harriet Risque Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., December 10, 1869. Married Heyward Middleton Gibbes, of South Carolina, an At- torney-at-Law. Now resides in Jerome, Ari- zona. They had issue as follows : (a) Heyward Middleton Gibbes, born Sep- tember, 1900. (d) Nancy Langhorne Gibbes, born June, 1902, (e) Nannie Scott Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., March 3, 1873. Married R. E. Craighill, who was a Captain of Volunteers (Second Virginia Regiment) in Spanish-American War. They had issue as follows : (a) Edley Craighill, born 1895. I'd) Dabney Hutter Craighill, born 1898. (f) George Christian Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., October 14, 1873. Unmarried. (g) Lucy Boyd Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., July 21, 1875. Married, April 3, 1902, Thomas Rush Ragland, Resident Manager of the Wil- son Aluminum Company, of Kanawha Falls, West Virginia. (h) Chiswell Dabney Hutter, born April 18, 1877; died September 29, 1898. No issue, (i) Edward Sixtus Hutter, born June 9, 1878; died September 28, 1880. (k) Edna Houston Hutter, born at Lynchburg, Va., February 5, 1884., (1) Kitty Walker Hutter, born March 27, 1885; died December 8, 1885. (m) Harry Langhorne Hutter, born January 29, 1888; died September 17, 1888. (C) James Risque Hutter, born at "Sanduskey," Octo- ber 18, 1841. Graduated at Virginia Military In- stitute, July, i860; entered the Confederate Army, May 16, 1861, as Captain of Company H, nth Vir- AND DESCFNDANTS. 1$ ginia Infantry. Promoted to Major, 1863; Lieu- tenant Colonel, 1864; and Colonel, 1865. Wounded and captured on "Cemetery Hill," Gettysburg, Jidy 3, 1863, in Pickett's famous charge; was exchanged January 27, 1865: recaptured at Five Forks, Va., April I, 1865. and held as prisoner of war until July, 1865. Married Charlotte Stannard Hutter, daughter of Edward Sixtus Mutter (see No. 9), at "Poplar Forest," Va., October 30, 1877, and had issue as follows : (a) Lottie Hutter, born at "Sanduskey," February 2, 1880. Unmarried. (b) James Risque Hutter, born at "Sanduskey," July 20, 1881. Unmarried. (c) Edward Sixtus Hutter, born November 8, 1883. Died 1888. (d) Ferdinand Lee Hutter, born August 18, 1885. (e) Imogen Gordon Hutter, born July 22, 1887. (f) Harold Heyward Hutter, born November 2, 1889. (g) James Logwood Hutter, born May 19, 1892. (h) Earl VanDorn Hutter, born October 22. 1898. (D) Adeline Lawrence Hutter, born at "Sanduskey," November 8, 1846. Married to Leroy William Long, Attorney-at-Law, who served through the Civil War in the Confederate Army with the rank of Major, and on the staffs of Generals Loring and Stevenson. His brother. General Armistead Long, served on the staff of General R. E. Lee. Major L. W. Long died in 1901. They had issue as fol- lows: (a) George Hutter Long, born October 24, 1867. U^nmarried. (b) Lee Long, born December 26. 1868. Married, in 1892, to Lucy Gish, and had issue as follows: (a) Maria Christian Long. (b) Lawrence Tiernay Long. (c) Charlotte Hutter Long. {d) Mildred Nelson Long. (e) John Long. (c) Annie Cralle Long, born September 22. 1872. Married, June 7, 1893, to Samuel Carper John- son, and had issue as follows: (a) Annie Lee Johnson, born March 11, 1894. l6 COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB MUTTER {b) Cora Tyrell Johnson, born September 26, 1896. (V) Gertrude Cromwell Johnson, born No- vember I, 1897. {d) Adelaide Lawrence Johnson, born March 19, 1899. {e) Leroy Ball Johnson, born October 22, 1900. (d) John Lindsay Long, born January 17, 1875. (e) Harriet Risque Long, born May 11, 1878. (3) Henry August Hutter. (4) Frederick William Hutter. The above named twin brothers were born July 25, 1800. Both died unmarried, the former on March i, 1824 ; the latter on December 21, 1824. They were asso- ciated with their father in the editorial and business management of his newspaper publications, and for some time the two brothers were the publishers of the ''Pennsylvayiia Herald,'' the "'People's histnictor," and the " Ce7iti?iel." Both brothers were members of the "Easton Guards." (5) Maria Henrietta Hutter, born at Easton, Pa., August 7, 1802. Married, July 27, 1822, at Easton, Pa., to Alexan- der Wallace (born February 18, 1797,) and had issue as follows : (a) James Christian Wallace, born March 9, 1825. Married April 24, 1845, to Catherine Conger (born October 27, 1825). (b) George Edward Wallace, born February 4, 1827. (c) Charles Alexander Wallace, born Feb. 20, 1831. (d) Henry Augustus Wallace, born Feb. 19, 1833. (e) William Frederick Wallace, born March 8, 1837. (f) Elizabeth Hutter Wallace, born May 8, 1839. (g) Francis Lewis Wallace, born August 26, 1841. Colonel Christian Jacob Hutter married the second time on December 9. 1805, Maria Charlotte Bauer (born April I, 1774, died August 10, 1829,) and had issue as follows: (6) Charlotte Louisa Hutter, born at Easton, Pa., Decem- ber 23, 1806, died at Easton, Pa., March 22, 1865. Mar- ried, December 9, 1823, at Easton, Pa., to Frederick William Muller (born July 5, 1800, died March 24, 1861), a well known journalist of his day; he was cho- AND DESCENDANTS. IJ sen by the people to fill many local and county offices. They had issue as follows : (A) Henry Aui^ustus Aluller, horn at Ivastou, I'a.. March 20, 1830, died November 19, 1846. (B) Charles Ouintus Muller, born at ICaston, I'a., May 18. 1832; served throui^h the Civil War and dird in 1863, of wounds received in battle while servinj^ as Sergeant of the Second United States Artillery. Unmarried. (C) Edwin Sixtus Muller, born at Easton, Pa., April 24, 1836; served through the Civil War in the United States Navy. Died February, 1893. Un- married. (D) Christian Jacob Hutter Muller, born July 4. 1839; served during the Civil War as Sergeant of Com- pany C, Fifth United States Artillery (Seymour's Battery). Died at Erie, Pa., July 19, 1893. Mar- ried, first, at Easton, Pa., in 1859, to Susan Fayctta Leach, and had issue as follows : (a) Charlotte Louisa Muller, born January 6, i860. Married, April 23. 1884, to Frank Tozer Hast- ings (born at Ballston Spa. N. Y., January 5, 1855), and had issue as follows: (a) Edith Mabel Hastings, born at Cohoes, N. Y., October 26, 1886. (d) Frank Muller Hastings, born at Cohoes, N. Y., August 27, 1888. (c) Virginia Florence Hastings, born at Buf- falo, N. Y., February 4, 1892. (d) Arline Hastings, born at Buffalo. N. Y., December 31, 1895. (e) Dorothy Abbott Hastings, born at Albany, N. Y., November 19, 1900. Married, second, at t^aston, Pa., February 19. 1866, to Marietta Lane (born April 15, 1834. no issue. (E) Andrew Reeder Muller, born at Easton, Pa., De- cember 17, 1846; served through the Civil War in Company C, Fifth United States Artillery (Sey- mour's Battery). Married, at Fortress Monroe, Va., in 1864, to Emma Kirk. Died March 24. 1881. Thev had issue as follows : (a) Harry Hutter Muller, born in 1865, died in 1891. (7) Ferdinand Quintus Hutter, born at Easton, Pa., August l8 COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB HUTTER lo, 1808, died January 11, 1832. During his short Hfe he was actively connected with the management of his father's newspaper pubHcations. He died unmarried. (8) Fredericka AmaHa Hutter, born at Easton, Pa., Octo- ber 7, 1810. Educated at Moravian Female Seminary, Bethlehem, Pa. Married, at Easton, Pa., September 13, 1831, to Andrew Horatio Reeder (born at Easton, Pa., July 12, 1807). Andrew Horatio Reeder, after graduating at Lawrenceville Academy, Lawrenceville, N. J., entered upon the study of law at Easton, Pa., in the office of General Peter Ihrie, and was admitted to the bar in 1828. He soon took high rank in his pro- fession, and at the time of his death was recognized as the foremost lawyer of Eastern Pennsylvania. In 1859, Henry Green, Esq., afterward Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, became his law partner, the firm title being Reeder & Green. In 1854 he was appointed, by President Franklin Pierce, entirely without solicitation on his part, the first Governor of the Territory of Kan- sas. He was removed by the President because of his refusal to aid the pro-slavery men of Kansas to make it a slave state. He was elected the first delegate to Congress from Kansas, but was denied his seat upon a technicality. On March 15, 1856, he was elected United States Senator from Kansas, but the Constitu- tion of the State not being ratified, the election was set aside. In May, 1856, he was compelled to make his escape from the Territory in disguise to save his life from the pro-slavery mob which had seized possession of the Territorial Government. He returned to Easton, Pa., and resumed the practice of law. Was Delegate to the Republican National Conventions of i860 and 1864. At the Republican National Convention of i860 he re- ceived the third highest vote for Vice President, as the "running mate" of Abraham Lincoln. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was offered and declined a commis- sion as Brigadier General in the Regular Army. He died at Easton, Pa., July 5, 1864. His wife died at Eas- ton August 16, 1878. They had issue as follows : (A) Ida Titus Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., May 22, 1837. Married at Easton, Pa., May 25, 1858, to William Wallace Marsh, lawyer, of Schooley's Mountain, N. J., (born August 13, 1827; Princeton AND nrSCENDANTS. |y CollcG^e, Class of 1849; died August 30. i8«j2) ; now resides at Easton. Pa. They liad issue as follows: (a) Cora Lavinia Marsh, born at Easton, I 'a., March 21, 1859. Married at Schooley's Moun- tain, N. J., October 9, 1888. to Edwartl J. Eox, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, of Easton, Pa., (born April 3, 1858, Lafayette College, Class of 1876) ; now resides at Easton, Pa. They had issue as follows : {a) Dorotliy Rodman Eox, born at Easton, Pa., December 13, 1889, died July i, 1893. {b ) Louis Rodman Eox, born at Easton, Pa., February 12, 1896. {c) Edward J. Eox, Jr., born at Easton, Pa., April 13. 1899. (b) Jennie Amalia Marsh, born at Easton. Pa., November 5. i860. Married at Easton, Pa., December 14, 1892, to Dudley Marvin Irwin, Merchant, of Oswego, N. Y., (born June 10, i860; Lafayette College, Class of 1881); now resides at Buffalo, N. Y. They had issue as follows : {a) Catharine Townsend Irwin, born at Os- wego, N. Y., November 12, 1893. {b) Theodore Hey ward Irwin, born at Os- wego, N. Y., January 5, 1895. (r) Gwendolyn Reeder Irwin, born at P>uffalo, N. Y., December 22, 1896. {d) Dudley Marvin Irwin, born at Buffalo, N. Y., July 22. 1899. (c) Ray Reeder Marsh, born at Easton, Pa., May 21, 1863: now resides at Buffalo, N. Y. (d) Ethel Penn-Gaskell Marsh, born at Easton, Pa., October 31, 1875. ^larried at Easton. Pa.. November 19, 1902, to Henry Eugene Basker- ville (born at Richmond. Va., March 10, 1867^ Cornell University, 1886) ; resides at Rich- mond, Va. (B) George Marchand Reeder, born at Easton. Pa., October 26, 1839; served during the Civil War as Captain, First Regiment, Kansas Volunteer Infan- try. Married at New York City, December i, 1874, to Mary Veda Niles (born in New York City March 11, 1849). He was Publisher and 20 COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB HUTTER Editor of the Raston Daily Express. He died De- cember 12, 1884. They had issue as follows: (a) Harold Hutter Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., June 2, 1876; Lafayette College, Class of 1897; married at Jersey City, N. J., to Hilah M. Sul- livan, of New York City, on October i, 1896; resides in New York City. They had issue : {a) Hilah Catharine Niles Reeder, born Aug. 16, 1897, at New Canaan, Conn. (b) Donald Marchand Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., October 20, 1877. Married at New York City, June 5, 1900, to Lucy Stuart, of New York City ; resides in New York City. (C) Emma Hutter Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., March 25, 1841. Married at Easton, Pa., May 14, 1861, to J. Charles Ferriday, of Concordia Parish Louisi- ana ; (Lafayette College, Class of 1859). Died May 12, 1865. They had issue as follows : (a) Amalia Reeder Ferriday, born at Easton, Pa., May 23, 1862 ; died January 22, 1864. (b) Andrew Reeder Ferriday, born at Easton, Pa., April 28, 1865. Lafayette College, Class of 1886. Married at Paterson, N. J., October 25, 1893, to Eulalie Quin (born December 10, 1867) ; resides in Harrisburg, Pa. They had issue as follows : {a) Constance Ferriday, born at Harrisburg, Pa., July 30, 1894. (D) Howard James Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., De- cember II, 1843. Educated at Princeton College, Class of 1863, and Harvard Law School. Served in the Civil War as Lieutenant, ist Regiment, United States Infantry, and Captain, 153d Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Wounded at Battle of New Madrid, Mo., March 13, 1862. Mar- ried at Easton, Pa., May 7, 1867, to Helen Burke (born at Easton, Pa., May 26, 1845). Commis- sioner of Fisheries of State of Pennsylvania 1873- 1881. Delegate to Republican National Conven- tions of 1872, 1876, 1880. Judge of Court of Com- mon Pleas, Third Judicial District of Pennsylva- nia, 1881- 1882 and 1 884- 1 894. Judge of Superior Court of Pennsylvania, 1895 to date of death, De- cember 28, 1898. They had issue as follows: AND DESCENDA14TS. 21 (a) Andrew Horatio Rocdcr, born at Easton, Pa., June 3. 1868, (lied July 17, 1869. (b) Leila Ijiirke Rccder, born at Easton, Ta., March 23, 1870. Married at Easton, Pa., No- vember 17, 1897, to James W. Fox, Attorney- at-Law (born at P2aston, Pa., May 12, 1867; Lafayette College, Class of 1888), and bad issue as follows : («) Harold Armitage Fox, born at Easton, Pa, July 19, 1901. (c)Jobn Knight Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., Au- gust 28, 1873. Lafayette College, Class of 1894. Married at Atlantic City, N. J., August 16, 1898, to Margaret Cecilia Galloway (born at Philadelphia, Pa., June 30, 1878) ; resides in Philadelphia, Pa. They had issue as follows: {a) Helen Burke Reeder, born at Philadel- phia, Pa., December 9, 1899. (E) Frank Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., May 22, 1845. Educated at Princeton College (A. B. & A. M., Class of 1863), and Albany Law School (L. L. B.) Served in the Civil War as private. 5th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry; Adjutant. 174th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry; Lieutenant Colonel, 19th Regiment. Pennsylvania Cavalry ; wounded at bat- tle of Nashville, Tenn., December 17, 1864; Brevet Major and Lieutenant Colonel of Volunteers for "conspicuous gallantry" in action ; Brigadier Gen- eral National Guard of Pennsylvania, 1874-1881. Married at Boston, [Mass., Oct. 21, 1868, to Grace E. Thompson (born at Boston, Mass., June 17, 1848). Collector Internal Revenue, Twelfth Dis- trict of Pennsylvania, 1873-1876. Delegate to Re- publican National Conventions of 1888, 1892, 1896. 1900. Was Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1895-1898; Commissioner of Bank- ing. State of Pennsylvania. 1900-1903. Resides at Easton, Pa. They had issue as follows : (a) Andrew Horatio Reeder, born at Easton. Pa., September 9, 1869. Lafayette College, Class of 1890. Married at Easton, Pa., November 19, 1895, to Esther Longstreet Eckard (born at Chefoo, China, August 27, 1872). Recently Superintendent of Virginia Iron, Coke and 22 COLONEL CHRISTIAN JACOB MUTTER Coal Company, at Georgel, Va., now at the head of the Department of Fuel and Mines of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Resides at Nelson, British Columbia. They had issue as follows : {a) Andrew Horatio Reeder, born at Union- town, Pa., August 2, 1896. {b) Elizabeth Bayard Reeder, born at Geor- gel, Va., April 18, 1903. (b) Frank Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., May 4, 1880. Lafayette College, Class of 1901. Now registered as a Student of Law. (c) Douglass Wyman Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., August 25, 1883. Lafayette College, Class of 1905. (F) Andrew Jackson Reeder, born at Easton, Pa., March 15, 1847; died February 17, 1849. (9) Edward Sixtus Hutter, born at Bethlehem, Pa., Sep- tember 6, 1812. Married at "Poplar Forest," Va., Oc- tober 7, 1840, to Emma Williams Cobbs (born at "Glen Alpin," Va., October 25, 1822; she was the only child of William Cobbs, of "Glen Alpin" and "Poplar For- est," Va., and died at "Poplar Forest," Va., November 7, 1875.) Edward Sixtus Hutter was educated at Mt. Airy College, Germantown, Pa. ; was commissioned as Midshipman in the United States Navy, by President Andrew Jackson, on February 24, 1832; was an officer of the United States Steamship Peacock when she was wrecked ofif the coast of Arabia, and he, together with the other officers of the crew of the vessel, was the re- cipient of great kindness at the hands of the Sultan of Muscat, in recognition of which our Government pre- sented to the Sultan a man-of-war with armament, &c., complete. He was commissioned Passed Midshipman, by President Martin VanBuren, on June 23, 1838; re- signed his commission in 1844, to give his entire atten- tion to his large landed interests in Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri. The landed estate of "Poplar Forest," Virginia, was formerly the property of President Thomas Jefferson, and the fine mansion on the place was built by President Jefferson on precisely the same model or design as the house previously built by him and universally known as "Monticcllo." He died at AND DESCENDANTS. 23 "Poplar Forest," Va., November 7. 1S75. They had issue as follows : (A) Marian Amelia I hitter, born at "Poplar Forest," Va., February 15. 1842, died May 12, 1842. (B) William Christian Mutter, born at "Poplar Forest," Va., March 21, 1843: ap])ointed Cadet at the Uni- ted States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.. in 1858; resigned his commission as Midshijiman in the United States Navy in 1861, and entered the Navy of the Confederate States with the rank of Lieutenant ; was killed in the naval battle fou«rht at Hampton Roads, Va., in which the Merrimac and Monitor took part, on March 8, 1862. (C) Imogen Hutter. born at "Poplar Forest," Va., May 21, 1845,