^, .-^^ a 0^ v^^"V .-V xoo,, -^.^ v-^^ -^ '\^' '^^^ '^^'" ' ■■^^' ,^^'' \0 c> "^.s" >'^ V\ ., V ' ' oo^ The Story of the An E History t\ By Sanford H. Cobb New York & London G. P. Putnam's Sons 1897 Bj transfer Pi3 '^ L. '— ''^ Copyright, 1897 BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Entered at Stationers' Hall, London TEbe Itniclierbocher prces, flew fiork TO THE CHILDREN OF THE PALATINES MY OLD PARISHIONERS IN THE HIGH-DUTCH CHURCHES OF SCHOHARIE AND SAUGERTIES PREFATORY NOTE. MANY letters, received since the fact be- came known that the pubhcation of this Story of the Palatines was con- templated, render it proper to state, by way of preface, that the book is purely historical and in no sense genealogical. The sole attempt has been to narrate, in as brief compass as was consistent with the value and interest of the facts, the story of a people. The tracing of the lines of family descent did not come within the scope of such a narrative. To do that for all the Palatines would be work for more than a lifetime ; and were it done, the record thereof would be out of place in a book designed for the general historical student. Nor has any attempt been made to transfer to these pages the name-lists of the several immigrations. The Docjimentary History of vi Prefatory Note New York contains the list of those who came in 1 708 with Kockerthal, and also some names of those settled at the two Camps. The Penn- sylvania Archives contain lists of over thirty thousand names of those who came to Penn- sylvania. These lists have been published by Rupp, who also gives names of Palatines on the Hudson in 1 71 1. Beyond these the author does not know of other lists accessible in this country. Nor is he aware that any lists have been preserved in London of the immigrations to North Carolina and Virginia, and of that to New York in 1710. Of this last company Rupp's list of Palatines on the Hudson is a very incomplete record, as many of the people died on the voyage, and many on Governor's Island, while about three hundred settled in the city of New York. Such lists, however, are not needed for the purpose of this work. The addition of them to the present volume would swell it beyond reasonable limits, and defeat the chief aim of its writing, viz. : the giving to the general stu- dent of American history an account, not now widely known, of one distinct and unique ele- ment in our colonization, which some historians Prefatory Note Vll have entirely ignored and others have treated with undeserved reproach. The short collection of Palatine names, given in Note I. at the end of the volume, is designed only as a specimen list, taken almost at ran- dom, to illustrate the permanency of the Pala- tine stock, and the changes of form which many of the names have suffered. S. H. C. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Introduction II. The Palatinate. III. The Exodus IV. The Experiment V. The Failure VI. The Promised Land VII. The Dispersion . Notes . Index . Maps : I. The Palatine of the Rhine ... 20 II. The Palatine Settlements of the Hud- son, Mohawk, and Schoharie , 148 III, Palatine Settlements in Pennsylvania . 258 20 59 103 148 201 258 305^ 3^3 THE STORY OF THE PALATINES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION THE reasons for writing this Story of the Palatines are several. Chief among them are these three : that it has never been written in its fulness, or with proper regard to its historic importance ; that much of the little which has been written about it abounds in misunderstandings and misstatements ; and that the story truly told is one of such intrinsic interest and bears such relation to colonial history as to make it worthy of regard by every student of American society and institutions. 2 The Palatines That which by most people, who know any- thing about the Palatine Immigration, is sup- posed to be alluded to in any reference to that people, is merely the incoming of the large company which landed in New York in the early summer of 1 7 lo. They made the largest body of emigrants coming at one time to this country in the colonial period. There were nearly three thousand of them, and they were perhaps at once the most miserable and most hopeful set of people ever set down upon our shores. But they were not all. A small band had preceded them to New York ; about the same time as their own coming, a company of seven hundred had gone to North Carolina, and another company to Virginia ; and in later years they were followed by many thousands of their countrymen in the Palatinate, the vast majority of whom found settlement in Penn- sylvania. These various immigrations make in reality one story, having, as they do, one source and bound together by a common im- pulse, constituting a distinct episode in colo- nial history well worthy of study, and quite unique in its interest and character. Introduction 3 Of these immigrations there are many scat- tered notes of mention in Colonial Records, and many incidental and fragmentary allusions in local histories, sketches, and biographies. But of the movement of these people as a whole, with the statement of its causes and the singular experience to which a large por- tion of them came in America, no full or con- nected narrative has yet appeared. Much of the brief mention accorded to it is with the evident assumption that the movement was insignificant and possessed of no features v/orthy of special comment, save the almost unparalleled poverty of the immigration of 1 710. The allusions to these people are apt to lay particular emphasis on that condition. They are most frequently called "the poor Palatines." So to some writers they seem to stand in the history as representative only of pauperism, to be dismissed from discussion so soon as possible with scant measure of cour- tesy or respect. Thus Mrs. Lamb turns them out of court with the following contemptuous paragraph : " These earlier German settlers were mostly hewers of wood and drawers of water, differing materially from 4 The Palatines the class of Germans v/ho have since come among us, and bearing about the same relation to the English, Dutch, and French settlers of their time as the Chinese of to-day bear to the American population on the Pacific coast." With this disparaging comment we may con- trast the words by which Macaulay describes the same people : " Honest, laborious men, who had once been thriving burghers of Manheim and Heidelberg, or who had cultivated the vine on the banks of the Neckar and the Rhine. Their ingenuity and their diligence could not fail to enrich any land which should afford them an asylum." Such contemptuous regard as that of the language first quoted is surprising to one who has made even a slight study of the story of these people, in which are conspicuous other features than their poverty, — some worthy to engage the positive interest of every student of American history, and others fit to compel the hearty respect of all lovers of truth and manliness. It is a story of severe and unde- served suffering worthily borne ; a story of the stubborn and unyielding attitude of men who, Introduction 5 for home and faith, endured an almost un- equalled fight of afflictions, until at last they conquered peace, safety, and freedom. As such, the Story of the Palatines challenges our sympathy, admiration, and reverence, and is as well worth the telling as that of any other co- lonial immigration. We may concede that their influence on the future development of the country and its institutions was not equal to the formative power exerted by some other contingents. Certainly, they have not left so many broad and deep marks upon our history as have the Puritans of New England, and yet their story is not without definite and per- manent monuments of beneficence towards American life and institutions. At least one among the very greatest of the safeguards of American liberty — the Freedom of the Press — is distinctly traceable to the resolute bold- ness of a Palatine. But to create interest in their story it is not necessary to assert a superiority of influence. The historian is like the geographer in that the smaller items, the minor lines and points of description, claim from him fully as accu- rate, though not as extended, presentation as 6 The Palatines those which are more important. The coast- Hne upon the chart is not complete until it in- dicates each bay or cove wherein a skiff can float, and every rock or bar on which a keel may grate. A river map is not finished which fails to trace the course of any affluent, though it be so small that the deer can cross it at a bound. The lover of nature looks with differ- ent, and yet equal, interest on the little brook, tumbling riverward down the rocks and be- neath the forests of the Catskills, and on the broad bay at the river's mouth, on which the navies of the world might ride. Indeed, it is likely that the beauty of the former will en chain his eye more strongly than the grandeui of the latter. Certainly, he would deny that, in order to enlist his regard, the lovely moun- tain stream must put on the majesty of the sea. So history finds its pleasing task in tracing all the streams, both great and small, which have run together in a nation's life ; of which, while some will challenge admiration for their volume and lasting power, others will excite interest by their unique experience, not to be read without more or less of a sympa- thetic thrill. Introduction 7 For such reason — whatever may have been the Palatine influence on our institutions — we may confidently tell the story of that immigra- tion as something quite worthy of regard. We may speak of its character, the causes whicli gave it rise, the stages of its progress, and the exceptional experiences of many of these peo- ple during their first fifteen years in America, as making a story quite singular and unlike any other contained in the history of American colonization. Very emphatic are the words of Judge Benton, in his Histoiy of Herkimer County : " The particulars of the immigration of the Palatines are worthy of extended notice. The events which pro- duced the movement in the heart of an old and polished European nation to seek a refuge and home on the western continent, are quite as legitimate a subject of American history as the oft-repeated relation of the ex- periences of the Pilgrim Fathers." There are some general features of this movement which may be fitly noted here as suggestive of special interest. The volume of it was very remarkable. The doors of the Palatinate seemed to be set open wide, and through them poured for forty years an almost 8 The Palatines continuous stream of emigrants, their faces set steadfastly towards America. There was nothing else like it in the colonial period, for numbers and steadiness of inflow. There were nearly three thousand of these people in the company landed in New York in June and July of 1 710. Though the arrivals in port of the ships bringing them were at intervals through five weeks, stormy seas having sepa- rated the vessels, yet the company was one, and sailed as such from England under one command and with one destination. This was the largest single company of immigrants to this country until long after the Revolution, Their number was indeed inconsiderable when compared with the enormous crowds which come to America in our day. But at the be- ginning of the eighteenth century such an in- flux was notable indeed, giving rise to amaze- ment and imaginings, and occasion for alarm to some timorous minds. The community in city and province was set questioning as to the meaning of so great an immigration — Whence came they? Why in so great number, and in so deep poverty ? What could be the object of the home government in, not only permit- Introduction 9 ting, but encouraging such an influx of for- eigners ? What shall be done with them ? How can they be provided for? The ques- tionings were many. There were grave specu- lations as to the wisdom of introducing so large a foreign element into these English colonies. When in the following years it was seen that this immigration of 1710 was the prelude to a continuous stream of people from the Palatinate and other parts of the German Empire, this cautiousness found voice in earnest public speech, and sought restrictive power in legislative action. It was loudly de- clared in some quarters that the unrestricted incoming of alien people, with their strange language and manners, might be dangerous to colonial government and society. Coming in so great numbers and so frequent accessions, they might in a short time obtain the majority in any community, and "subvert our institu- tions." With the French upon our borders — it was said — always hostile, frequently stirring up the Indians against us, their peace little better than an armed truce, is it wise to admit other aliens to our very firesides ? All this, indeed, did not come to expression lo The Palatines or to thought at once upon the immigration of 1 710, but, most of it, on the continuance of the movement then begun ; which continuance must be borne in mind in any proper under- standing of the Story of the Palatines. As to the immediate effect on the colonial mind of the coming of this first great immigration of the Palatines, it seems to have been mainly one of surprise. In those days travel, by land or sea, was difficult and with many hardships ; the movement of large bodies of people was slow ; the voyage across the Atlantic took from three to five months, and was made in ships devoid of all the comforts which the modern traveller considers necessities. The landing then of this large company was a most notable thing in the history of the Port of New York ; and to every on-looking New Yorker, whether Dutch or English, assumed either the proportions of an invasion or the dignity of an exodus. Well — it was an Exodus. As we study the story of it, we see that the untaught wonder of the average on-looker at the time was correct in its expression. It was an exodus in the full sense in which Bible story has taught us Introduction ii to use that word — a going forth from the house of bondage to a land of promise. It was not the incoming of a rabble of distressed humanity, hurried onward by the mere force of their misery — objects only for compassion. It was not a mere company of people deceived by agents of colonization schemes, and to be looked upon only as " objects of speculation." Nor are this people to be considered as merely moved by that unreasoning unrest which at times takes possession of the popular mind with such collective force as to set in motion migrations and invasions. All of these con- structions of the Palatine immigration have severally been suggested and more or less em- phasized by those who have alluded to it. But it is not difficult to show that such con- ceptions are unworthy and far below the real dignity of the movement. Attentive regard will discover in it motives and reasons far higher than anything which poverty, or unrest, or speculation can originate. It presents the impulse, the spirit, the patience, and the hope which a genuine exodus involves. These men were men of principle, who had suffered much for principle and steadfastness therein. The 12 The Palatines very poverty, which to some critics seems sug- gestive only of opprobrium, had come upon them for such steadfastness. Their story rightly told must tell of statecraft and church polity, of the movements and campaigns of armies. It must speak of sufferings which approach to martyrdom, of the dark crimes possible to kings and priests, of the oppres- sions wrought by unbridled power and the passive resistance offered by a steadfast ad- herence to truth. The Pilgrim Fathers were not the only company who sought in this western world " Freedom to worship God." The fact is that, if ever a body of emigrants came to America from under the hand of the oppressor, such were these Palatines ; and if ever the thought of religious liberty constrained men to leave their native land for hoped-for freedom in America, such hope was powerful with these children of the Palatinate. Hence it is, that the story of their coming hither, with the bitterness and pathos of their an- tecedent suffering and endurance, and the sturdiness of their unconquerable faith and determination to wrest fortune and happiness out of the very talons of despair, is one that Introduction 13 should be better known to the student of American history. In addition to that experience of affliction in the Palatinate which w-as the expelling cause of the migration, there are other ele- ments of the story which give it singular interest and unique place in colonial annals. Perhaps never were a people the objects of such kindly treatment and so lavish gener- osity as the first few thousands of the Palatines experienced at the hands of the English, the Queen and her subjects vying in the effort to provide for their necessities. That chapter is unexampled elsewhere in history. Equally unexampled in the history of our colonial period is the story of the privation, distress, fraud, and cruel disappointment to which were subjected that large immigration to New York in 1 710. Their experience was utterly unlike that of all other bodies of colonists. Those of their countrymen who came in after years, as did emigrants from Enoland or other Euro- pean countries, met no such distresses, and were under the pleasing compulsion only to subdue the wilderness and make for them- selves homes in a new land. But the Palatine 14 The Palatines immigrants of 1710 found, to their bitter sor- row, that they had only made an exchange of masters. For fifteen years they suffered, with a disappointment of their hopes, a continuance of afBiction ; they were cheated and oppressed, and became the helpless victims of vindictive and rapacious men. Much of their affliction in America is set down by some writers to their own ignorance and obstinacy. But it will appear that their ignorance was rather an unwise trust in the promises of those in power, and that without their obstinacy, which in Eu- rope had maintained their faith, they never, in that generation at least, would have found in America security of home and freedom. This, to the average reader, will seem a strange statement as descriptive of any community in the colonial period. Of that period, the most prominent conception is of an era in which the oppressed of the Old World found without failure an unrestrained freedom on American shores. For the most part this con- ception is true ; and it is the unlikeness of this description to the early fate of these Pala- tines in New York which makes their ex- perience during the first decade and a half Introduction 15 so remarkable an episode in the history of the colonies. As to the permanent influence of this Pala- tine immigration, it goes without the saying that it were impossible for such sturdiness of stock, such patient and firm persistence in the right, such capacity for endurance, and such buoyancy of hope, conjoined with such addic- tion to religion, to be absorbed into American life without a deep impress on the character of after generations. Nor does the historian wait long for its testimony. Solely on ac- count of the large influx of this German, and chiefly Palatine, element into Pennsylvania, bringing thither their qualities of industry, thrift, steadiness, and piety, the contemporary historian, Mortimer, declared that " Pennsyl- vania is since become by far the most popu- lous and flourishing colony for its standing of any in British America."* So early did the beneficial efl"ects of this immigration begin to manifest themselves. And to this day we can see with small effort the reproduction in the population of the Key- stone State of that same moral earnestness, * History of England, iii., 233. 1 6 The Palatines soberness of mind, and unflinching persistence which composed the "staying" quaHties of the early Palatines. In like manner a similar monument is left in New York, in many towns in the Hudson and Mohawk valleys, and on the banks of the beautiful Schoharie, wherein are found many names of the early migration, families in direct descent and with the same old High Dutch leaven, delighting in memories of the fathers, steadily ambitious to emulate their virtues, thrifty, industrious, intelligent, and godly. Out of this stock came many who were second to none in the ardor of the Revolution. Far better than most of the people of the colonies they knew what it was to suffer under the hand of the oppressor, and by contrast how desirable were the blessings of liberty. Whole companies of them went to the front, — brave and loyal always, — first against the French and Indians, and afterwards against the Brit- ish. They were largely Palatines whom Herki- mer led to the battle of Oriskany, "of all the battles of the Revolution, the most obstinate and murderous."* It was to the Americans * Fiske's Am, Revolution, i,, 292. Introduction 1 7 a technical defeat, indeed, but one of those defeats which rival victories ; for it shattered the plans of the British campaign, sent St. Leger with his regulars and Indians back to Oswego, and delivered Burgoyne into the hands of Gates. Herkimer, than whom no braver man fought in the War for Independence, was the son of a Palatine immigrant, and lends his glory to their story. Other names might be cited in the same category of Palatine extraction and honorable public service. A stock that pro- duced such virile and widely serviceable char- acters as Weiser, Herkimer, Heister, and the Muhlenbergs, — of which last name no less than four of those who bore it have laid America under tribute for praise and honor, — such a stock should not be considered the least significant or influential among those which have made our country what it is. These then are the reasons for telling this Story of the Palatines. We would res- cue it from undeserved obloquy. The tale will take us far afield. We have not only to look at that miserable company — sick, dis- couraged, sordid in their poverty and deci- i8 The Palatines mated by disease — landing at New York in the summer of 1710. We have to inquire what thrust them into that evil case. We will need to visit the land which they and their followers spurned with migrating foot. We must see them ground between the upper and nether millstones of kingcraft and priestcraft. We will have to follow the tracks of armies, and listen to some of the contentions of royal cabinets. Then across the sea in the new land we shall note their various settlements and dispersion. The sources of information on many points are far from full, leaving many gaps in the narrative which the reader wishes to have filled. Yet comparison of the accessible data makes it possible to construct a tale, which we do not hesitate to publish as the true Story of the Palatines, and which is confidently offered as a thing of interest and value to the student of American history. It is probable that many more items of the story might be found in the papers of the Lords of Trade, preserved in London, and in other archives of the English Government. But the labor and expense of consulting them Introduction 19 do not seem demanded by the task in hand. All the main facts and much of the minute de- tail are accessible in this country. It will be seen from the list of authorities cited, that no small pains have been bestowed to arrive at a true understanding of the facts, and to place this Episode in its deserved position among the records of our colonial times.* * See Note III. CHAPTER II. THE PALATINATE. THE name of the Palatinate, as that of a political division, disappeared from the map of Europe before the opening of the present century, the principality being finally shattered by the Napoleonic wars. From the thirteenth century to the close of the eighteenth it maintained a varying import- ance among the continental powers. Its boundaries were changeable with the shifting fortunes of diplomacy and war. Situated be- tween the greater and rival powers of France and the German princes, its soil was the frequent path of armies and field of battle. Either of the greater combatants, but more frequently the French, was wont to appropriate what towns and castles, what broad acres and treas- ures of the Palatinate he thought himself able koln HEINE-CK PALATINATE or the: RHINE BOUNDARY OF ORd/KTUST CONTKKCTION The Palatinate 21 to retain. In the settlement of treaties, how- ever, when each contestant was wearied by the war, and when, more often than otherwise, the status quo was re-established — proof of the folly of the war — the reigning prince of the Pala- tinate was apt to come to his own again. There were, in fact, two Palatinates — dis- tinguished as the Upper, or Bavarian, Palati- nate, and the Lower, or Palatinate of the Rhine — or the Pfalz. The latter, with which alone this story is concerned, was by far the more important, and so overshadowed the other that, when the name Palatinate was used without qualifying word, the understanding was of the Rhenish province. Its boundaries may be somewhat vaguely stated as the states of Mainz, Treves, Lorraine, Alsace, Baden, and Wurtemberg ; boundaries subject to more or less of expansion and contraction, according as one or other of its little provinces became the spoil of war. Its lands lay on both sides of the Rhine, extending from near Cologne above Mannheim and containing somewhat less than 3500 square miles. Its capital was Heidelberg and its principal cities were May- ence. Spires, Mannheim, and Worms, all of 22 The Palatines which, with still others, have obtained famous place in history. The origin of the name. Palatinate is notable. Derived from the title of its ruler, it means the principality of the Palatine. This title, Pala- tine, is in itself peculiar, and receives its ex- planation from imperial institution. It is supposed by some writers to go so far back as to imperial Rome and to the Palatine Hill, with its palace of the Caesars.* Others date the title from the time of the Merovlnoflan kinsfs of France, with whose court was connected a high judicial officer, called comes palatii. He was Master of the royal household, " and had supreme authority In all causes which came by fiction to the king. When the sovereign wished to confer peculiar favor upon the holder of any fief under him, he granted him the right to exercise the same power in his province as the Comes Palatii exercised in the royal pal- ace. With this function went the title Conies Palatinus, Count Palatine, and from the ruler the province received its name." Butler f gives a somewhat broader explana- * Appleton's Ani. Cyc. \ Revolutions in Germany, Proofs and Illustrations, p. 45. The Palatinate 23 tion of the title, as one conferred by the Em- peror in the Middle Ages upon those who in his name administered justice to the empire. Evidently the original intention of the officer was with the idea of a High Court of Justice. As such the title is even found in English his- tory, conferred by both William I. and Henry H. on nobles in the centre and west of Eng- land. As an English title it soon passed away, but retained its place for centuries upon the Continent. Under the old Hungarian consti- tution it was the title of the royal lieutenant, who at a later period officiated as mediator between the nation and the sovereign, and as President in the upper house of the Diet. Also in Poland the title obtained for the governors of the larger divisions of the kingdom. None of these ever achieved as Count Palatine, any historical prominence. The chief significance of the title is found in the story of the Palati- nate, the ruler of which was a king in everything but name, and frequently exercised large in- fluence on European politics. Now, the curious thing in historical nomen- clature is that, unlike all other princes, the ruler of the Palatinate did not receive his title 24 The Palatines from the land he governed, but from his title gave the name to his dominions. Louis XIV., with all his magnificence, took his title from his realm and was known as King of France. But the Count Palatine was not so named be- cause he ruled the Palatinate, but that country was the Palatinate because its ruler was a Pal- atine. Another curious thing is that the peo- ple of the Palatinate were described by the same name as their prince. They were all Palatines together, a title with him descriptive of place, honor, and authority, but with them only of birth and nationality. Such, indeed, is the fact with respect to all the emigrants from that country, though how widely the name may have obtained in continental usage does not appear. It is somewhat curious that these people should at times be called Palati- nates — a misnomer which is almost grotesque. It is the same sort of absurdity as though one, in speaking of Englishmen, should call them Englands. Palatinate is the name of the coun- try and never properly used for its inhabitants, who are always to be called Palatines, with their princes. As a name for the American immigrants, indeed, it had obtained such vogue, The Palatinate 25 doubtless in consequence of the impression made on the colonial mind by the character and volume of the early immigration of that people, that for many years all Germans com- ing to this country, whether from the Palatin- ate or other provinces of the Fatherland, were called Palatines. At the first the title of Count Palatine sig- nified only a personal office, expiring with the life of its possessor, and to be renewed only on the pleasure of the Emperor in such per- son as his favor should designate. Probably under such conditions, and with such limita- tion of tenure, the title may have been more widely conferred as special and personal mark of imperial regard. In many such cases it must have been a title more of honor than of author- ity. This personal and temporary character certainly obtained with the Palatines of Eng- land, Hungary, and Poland. As early as the twelfth century, however, the title of the Pala- tines of the Rhine became hereditary, and no longer dependent on the favor of the Emperor. Until near the end of the thirteenth century the Palatines of the Rhine were the Dukes of Bavaria, the last of whom to bear both digni- 26 The Palatines ties was Louis, the Severe. He died in 1294, leaving two sons, Louis and Rudolph, between whom he divided his dominions.* Louis, the elder, took the more important and became Duke of Bavaria, while his brother received the Palatinate, and founded what is called the Rudolphine line of the Palatine family. The position of the Palatine was in all respects regal, save in so far as it was limited by those loose bands which bound all the German States, together with Austria, in the Holy Roman Empire. During the tenure of the Rudolphine line, the dignity and power of the Palatine were further increased by the impe- rial gift of the Electorship. By reason of this gift in rank and position, the title of the prince was changed, who thereafter was no longer Count, but the Elector, Palatine. The Rudolphine house became extinct on the death of Otho, the twelfth of the line, who died without issue in the year 1559. On his death the Palatinate passed to Frederick, of the house of Simmeren — or Zimmern — who became the founder of the so-called Middle Line of the Palatines. The accession of Fred- * Butler's Revolutions in Germany, The Palatinate 27 erick, in addition to the change of dynasty, marked an epoch of importance in the history of the Palatinate, in that he associated himself and his house with the Reformed, or Calvin- istic, branch of the Protestant Church. The Zimmern line ended with the death of the childless Charles in 1685, and gave place to the related House of Neuburg in the per- son of Philip William. Philip died in 1690, and was succeeded by his son John William, whose reign as Elector Palatine lasted until 1 716. It was in his reign that the Palatines of our story began their exodus, and it was from his hand that proceeded the last and most immediate, though not the greatest, impulse to that emigration. This impulse, it may be said in passing, was religious, for, while this emigration was not from under a pitiless and destructive persecu- tion for religion's sake, and while it may be doubted whether so lar^e an exodus of this people would have taken place had their re- ligion only have come in question, yet it is be- yond denial that among the strong incentives which led them forth was the desire for religf- ious liberty, free from the vexing and oppress- 28 The Palatines ive Interference of capricious monarchs. The religious history of the Palatinate, so far as concerns the attitude and measures of the government, was indeed capricious. The situ- ation of the country brought the people into early contact with the Reformation and its orreat teachers. Wittenbera was not far to the east, and Geneva no farther on the south, and the people were open-eared to both Luther and Calvin. For some years before the court of the Elector Palatine had pronounced its adhesion to the Protestant faith the principles of the Reformation had taken almost universal possession of the people. Both Lutheran and Reformed doctrine found a friendly and fertile soil in the Palatinate. The numerical strength was with the followers of Geneva, to that ex- tent that for generations the Palatinate was known as a stronghold of the Reformed ; while the Lutheran element, found in large numbers, was accorded by their neighbors of the Reformed faith the charity and tolerance of a common Christian brotherhood. So when the people began to flock across the sea, Lutheran and Reformed came together, bring- ing each his own special thought and desire of The Palatinate 29 worship and doctrine. It is interesting to note in the history of their settlements in America, that almost in every place where they made their permanent homes both forms of the Protestant faith found early foothold and habi- tation. Side by side they erected their humble churches, since grown in many places into noble temples. And to this day, in the val- leys of the Hudson, the Mohawk, the Scho- harie, and the Swatara, the children of those Palatines, still Lutheran and Reformed, wor- ship side by side as their fathers of the sixth generation gone worshipped on the Rhine. But of this unity in difference the rulers of the Palatinate can not be exhibited with their people as examples. They lagged behind the people in breaking the bond of the Roman faith, and it was not until 1546 that Frederick II., the then reigning Elector Palatine, gave in adhesion to the Protestant cause — especially espousing the Lutheran faith. As already noted, Frederick III., the first Palatine of the House of Zimmern, signalized his accession to power by the strenuous advocacy of the Re- formed doctine. During his reign, on his urgency and authority, Olevian and Ursinus, 30 The Palatines professors of divinity in the University of Heidelberg, published that Catechism, which under the name of Heidelberg remains to this day throughout the various branches of the Reformed Church, the dearest among its sym- bolical books ; and is also recognized through- out the Protestant world as the best and choicest of the Creeds to which the Reforma- tion era gave rise ; specially notable, at once, for its freedom from the controversial spirit of the age, and for the high tone of spiritual ex- perience which it depicts. The successors of Frederick HI. did not all adhere to the Reformed doctrine and Church, but with a vacillation, not recorded of other rulers of their century, exhibited a change in the religion of the Palatine and his court on nearly every accession to the throne. A Cal- vinist in the Electorship was pretty certain to be followed by a Lutheran, who in his turn gave place at death to another Calvinist, to be followed by yet another Lutheran. It was a kind of religious seesaw, in which all the power of royal favor and influence of court patronage, and at times the force of decrees and enact- ments, were thrown now at one end of the The Palatinate 31 beam and soon again at the other, to the no small confusion of the people, and in many instances to their very serious discomfiture and loss. For in those days throughout Christen- dom obtained the old motto, " Cttjus regio, ejus religio " — (whose is the country, his is the reli- gion ; — or, the religion of the prince, must be that of his people). This as an axiom had come down from the time of Augustine, who defined the first duty of the State "to buttress the invisible City of God " ; and of all the great minds of the Reformation period the only one to break away from its dictum was the Stadtholder of Holland, William the Silent. Luther and Calvin, Knox and Cranmer, and even the Puritans of New England acknow- ledged as vital the principle that the State could interfere in the religion of the subject. Not only did they assent to the axiom as cor- rect, but they incorporated it in their confes- sions and institutions. It took not only the persecutions of Papal Rome, the Holy Oflfice and the sword of Alva ; but also the innumer- able petty persecutions of Protestant against Protestant, to teach the world the meaning and divine right of religious liberty. Nor could 32 The Palatines the Old World furnish a fitting field for its dem- onstration. There was needed the free soil of the America, to which that band of Palatines came, before this greatest of all human rights could find expression in national life and law. And it may be added, this definition and enact- ment of Religious Liberty is as yet the great gift of America to the world ; which liberty in its purest form — strange as it seems at this end of the nineteenth century — among all the great nations of Christendom exists alone in America to-day. It is not then a matter for surprise that the people of the Palatinate should suffer many dis- tresses under the sway of varying religionists, though all were of the Protestant faith. Each successor in the throne endeavored to change back again, in the interest of either Lutheran- ism or Calvinism, what his immediate prede- cessor had recast to his own mind. The story of the Reformation tells of no other such reli- gious kaleidoscope, turning over and over to the constant unsettlement of the public com- fort. When, in 1690, John William became the Elector Palatine, he brought on the great- est change of all, seeking not to turn his pec- The Palatinate 33 pie from one to other Protestant communion, but to reverse the action of Frederick II., and brinof the Palatinate ao-ain under the Roman See. He was a man of saturnine disposition, devotedly attached to the Roman Church, and needing only the power of Philip II. of Spain to rival his reputation as bigot and persecutor. Under his rule the poor people of the Palati- nate suffered in their religious affections and privileges far more than the variable Protest- antism of his predecessors had inflicted. To him Lutheran and Reformed were alike ob- noxious, and in all ways possible he signified his intention to bring back his dominions to their ancient faith. To the people already suf- fering from the intolerable hardships which the crudest of wars had thrust upon them, this per- secuting spirit of their prince came as the last impulse to break off their attachment to the fatherland and send them to make new homes in distant America. Of the wars which wrought upon the Palatines so piteously and expulsively, it falls in place to make brief note. There were two of them, covering almost the entire period between the years 1684 and 1713, with but 34 The Palatines four years of so-called peace thrust into the midst of it. The first is known as the war of the Grand Alliance, and the other as that of the Spanish Succession. Of the former the conquest of the Palatinate was the exciting cause, while in the latter, though the integrity of the Palatinate was not again at stake, its poor people became again the prey of a brutal soldiery. Both wars were due to the over- weening ambition and rapacity of Louis XI V.^* The possession of the Palatinate had long been the object of his most covetous desire. Like all the princes of France, and almost all Frenchmen from the time of Philip Augustus to our own day, Louis considered that the frontier of France could be properly constructed only by the left bank of the Rhine. For this object many battles have been fought and many thousands of men have died. To the mind of France one of the chief Q-lories of Napoleon was that he gave to her that boundary, and to-day the deep grudge of France against the German is that, twenty- five years ago he wrested from her the Rhenish provinces. So to Louis, the modern * MenzeVs History of Germany^ ii., 498. The Palatinate 35 Ahab, through the first half of his long reign, the fertile meadows and vine-clad hills of the Palatinate, its populous towns and many castles with the smiling river in the midst, made a Naboth's vineyard which of all things he desired to call his own. Thus incited he made miserable the lives of the two Electors Pala- tine, Charles Louis and Charles, by every deceitful art of diplomacy and by many violent raids into their dominions. With the hope of propitiating him Charles Louis, in 1671, gave his daughter Elizabeth Charlotte in marriage to Philip of Orleans, the brother of the French king. But there, as in almost every other instance in history, the bond of kinship proved but as a rope of sand against the demands of an aggressive policy of state. The insolence of Louis hardly received a check. The lights had hardly been extinguished upon the nuptial banquet, when Turenne led an army into the Palatinate to ravage the v/est bank of the Rhine. This was in 1674, and in the follow- ing years the policy of Louis so repeated his harassments and Insults that the proud spirit of the Elector Palatine, Charles Louis, at last gave way, and he died "of a broken 36 The Palatines heart" in 1680. His son Charles, subjected to like treatment by Louis, had but a short reign, dying childless in 1685. With the death of Charles what Louis counted his great opportunity had come. The bonds of family alliance, which were too weak for restraint from insolence and oppression, seemed quite strong enough for the transfer- ence of a principality. He denied the right of Philip William of Neuburg to the succes- sion, and demanded the Palatinate for his brother Philip, in right of his wife, the sister of the dead Palatine. The demand roused all the German princes in opposition. The League of Augsburg was formed against Louis, embracing Bavaria and all the German States, and under its protection Philip William as- sumed the Electorate Palatine. Meanwhile, two other great events provided strength and bitterness for the coming conflict. In the autumn of 1685 Louis, incited thereto by the persuasions of Madame de Maintenon, revoked the Edict of Nantes, by which Henry IV. had given safety to the Huguenots and eighty years of prosperity to France. At once began the flight of the Refugees — "best blood The Palatinate 37 of France " — to seek safety and new homes in other lands. Many of them found a warm welcome with the Palatine and his people, against whom, for this act of harborage, the wrath of Louis " smoked like a furnace." Holland and England had also opened their doors to the fugitives, but the Palatinate especially, for the double reason that it was more accessible and was itself the object of his long desire, became the victim of his anger. In addition to this element of the quarrel another was given by the deposition of James II. from the throne of England in 1688, and the accession of William of Orange. James was received with royal honors at Versailles, established in state at St. Germain, and made a pensioner on the bounty of Louis, who both refused to acknowledge William and aided James in his futile efforts to recover his lost crown. This precipitated the angry action of the English king and parliament. England with Holland joined the League against France, and its name was changed to the Grand Al- liance. The war raged for nine years, and in the 38 The Palatines Palatinate with unparalleled ferocity. Louis, anticipating the action of the allies, sent 50,- 000 men into the Palatinate under General Montclas. History accredits to Madame de Maintenon an insatiable rage against the Pala- tine and his people for the asylum afforded to the Huguenots, and to her intrigues and per- suasions that Louvois urged upon the king, that " the Palatinate should be made a desert." Macaulay dissents from this condemnation of Louis's wife and represents that she expos- tulated with the king against this policy of rapine, and that, having in vain interceded for many cities, she at last secured the saving of Treves. Possibly this view may be correct. The responsibility of de Maintenon for the banishment of the Huguenots is, however, beyond question, but one can take pleasure in thinking of this as the effect of pure religious bigotry unmixed with any love of cruelty. Nor, indeed, is it necessary to consider Louis as overpersuaded to that atrocity by his wife, or any one. The experience of vast and irre- sponsible power had long since made him a stranger to either pity or remorse. Neither his judgment nor his will approved the Revocation The Palatinate 39 of the Edict of Nantes. He was too wise in king-craft not to perceive the great material damage to the kingdom involved therein. To this he was overpersuaded by his wife and her priests. But having yielded to their solicita- tions and committed himself to their policy of extermination, he needed no other incentive than his own vindictiveness. Partly in revenge for the Protestant welcome given to his ban- ished subjects, partly in anger at not securing the Palatinate for himself, and partly to render the country unfit for occupancy by the allies, he gave such orders as must have fully satisfied the utmost passion. Montclas and his lieu- tenant, Melac, were neither unwilling nor slow to execute the orders of Louis with as literal and complete a fulfilment as possible. Melac boasted that " he would fight for his king against all the powers of heaven * and of hell." Says Macaulay f : " The French commander announced to nearly one half-miUion of human beings that he granted them three days of grace, and that within that time they must shift for themselves. Soon the roads and fields which then lay deep in snow were blackened by innumerable men, * Menzel, ii., 499. f History of England, iii., 123. 'K 40 The Palatines women, and children flying from their homes. Many died of cold and hunger, but enough survived to fill the streets of all the cities of Europe with lean and squalid beggars, who had once been thriving farmers and shop- keepers." Every great city on the Rhine, above Cologne, was taken and sacked. Worms, Spires, Ander- nach, Kuckheim, Kreuznach, were laid in ashes. The fortress of Philippsberg was completely destroyed. Villages without number were given to the flames. The Elector Philip, look- ing from the walls of Mannheim counted, in one day, no less than twenty-three towns and villages in flames. Heidelberg suffered to some extent, but its castle escaped for a few years only the violence which in 1692 made it the most picturesque ruin in Europe. Many of the unoffending inhabitants were butchered. Many were carried into France and compelled to recant. In Spires the brutal soldiery, as though to express their contempt for things most sacred, broke open the imperial vaults and scattered the ashes of the emperors. The whole valley of the Rhine, on both its banks, from Drachenfels to Philippsberg, was made the prey of the demon of rapine and destruc- The Palatinate 41 tion. The crumbhng walls, the deserted cas- tles fallen into ruin, the isolated towers, ivy covered, which to-day interest the traveller on the Rhine, giving associations of historic beauty to almost every hill washed by its wa- ters, are the marks, as yet indelible, of the wrath of Louis and the rapacity of his army. These ruins still remain, softened and beau- tified by time, but they tell a tale of fearful atrocity. And, in reality, far worse than aught they witness to, was the unspeakable barbarity suffered by the people. In the midst of the destruction of the towns and villages, such of the poor villagers as endeavored to rescue their goods were slain. " Everywhere in the fields were found the corpses of wretched people frozen to death. The citizens of Mannheim, were compelled to assist in destroying their fortifications, and then driven out, hungry and naked, into the winter cold, while their city was burned. In the neighborhood of Treves, Cologne and Julich the peasants were forced in the following summer to plow down their own standing crops." '^' The French, hav- ing thus wrought in the Palatinate and the * Lewis's History of Germany, p. 462. 42 The Palatines small States in the north, passed on through Wurtemberg and Bavaria, on all roads with fire and sword. At the end of the campaign, " a list of twelve hundred cities and villages, that still remained to be burned, was exhibited by these brigands,""^ In 1689 Louis attempted through Jacobite intrigues the assassination of William III., and this outrage, added to the ferocities of the pre- vious year's campaign in the Palatinate and Bavaria, at last aroused the hitherto indifferent Emperor Leopold, who now made common cause with the petty princes of Germany, who w'jre in danger of being trodden under foot by the despotic monarch of France.f He pro- cured the ''decree of the Diet of Ratisbon (1689) which expelled every French agent from Germany and prohibited the employment of French servants and any intercourse with France ; the Emperor adding these words, 'because France is to be regarded not only as the empire's most inveterate foe, but as that of the whole of Christendom, nay, as even worse than the Turk.'" This added new * Menzel's History of Germany, ii., 500. f Menzel, ii., 501. The Palatinate 43 fury to the war and new suffering to the poor people. In 1692 the French agahi turned attention to the Palatinate, as though to pick up what they had left behind four years before, and seizing Heidelberg, blew up its famous castle, leaving it the ruin that it is to-day. Thence through the valley of the Neckar and the higher Rhine, they resumed the destruc- tive measures of the past. The war with varying fortunes drew out its fearful length to 1697, with the balance of gain and by far the most brilliant victories on the side of Louis. But it was impossible of con- tinuance. The finances of Louis were nearly exhausted, and a new ambition was luring him in view of the near death of the childless King of Spain. Meanwhile, the mutual distrust of the Allies was weakening their strength, and both parties to the contest hastened to conclude the Peace of Ryswick in 1697. This Peace makes a bitter satire on the utter folly of the war. By its terms Louis restored all his conquests to their legitimate possessors and recognized William of Orange as King of England. '' Thus ter- minated," says Labberton '^' "this vast war, in * Labber ton's Historical Atlas, p. 135. 44 The Palatines which the two parties had displayed on land and sea forces incomparably greater than Eu- rope had ever seen before in motion. France, in order to maintain herself against this coali- tion, had nearly doubled her military status since the war with Holland. The result had been a barren honor. Alone against all Eu- rope she had contrived to conquer, but without increasing her power. For the first time, on the contrary, since the accession of Richelieu, she had lost ground." In the midst of the war the Elector Palatine, Philip William died, in 1690. His son and successor, John William, as already noted, was a devoted adherent of the Church of Rome, and at once, while his people were still smarting under the terrible sufferings of the war, set himself to compel their conversion to his own faith. Bishop Burnet describes him ^' as "being bigoted to a high degree." He gives also an interesting sketch of Herr Zeiher, the rep- resentative of the Elector Palatine at the Con- gress of Ryswick, as f "born a Protestant, a subject of the Palatinate, he was employed by the Elector Charles Louis to negotiate affairs * Burnet s History of His Own Times, iii., 223. ^ Ibid.^ iv., 63. The Palatinate 45 at the court of Vienna. He, seeing a pros- pect of rising at that court, changed his rehg- ion and became a creature of the Jesuits. He managed the secret practice with the French in the treaty of Ryswick by which the Protes- tants of the Palatinate suffered so considerable a prejudice." "The Elector Palatine," says Menzel,* " instantly enforced the maxim, Cujus regio ejus religio, throughout his domin- ions, and simulated Louis XIV. in tyranny towards the Protestants, who emigrated in large numbers." The peace instituted by the treaty of Rys- wick had but short life. Scarcely had the sol- dier put off his harness when he was summoned to put it on again. Another and greater war followed quickly on that of the Grand Alliance, once more making all Europe a camp and once more bringing desolation upon the people of the Palatinate. This was the war of the Span- ish Succession, the origin and objects of which may be stated in few words. Charles \\. of Spain, the last of the Haps- burg dynasty, died without issue in 1 700. The decision as to the succession had for years be- * History of Germany, ii., 503. 46 The Palatines fore his death furnished large occupation to the cabinets of Europe. There were three claim- ants : the Dauphin, the Emperor Leopold, and the Electoral Prince of Bavaria, a grandson to the Emperor and as yet a child. Among these claimants the Spanish people indicated no pref- erence, only insisting that the empire should remain undivided. It is not necessary for us to detail the grounds on which the conflicting claims were based. Suffice it to say, that Charles, in his will, declared the young Bava- rian Prince the heir to all his dominions, hop- ing by such devise to forestall and prevent the impending conflict. Had the young Prince lived, it is possible that he might have as- cended the Spanish throne without serious opposition, and the fearful war have been averted. But his sudden death in 1699, while Charles still hovered over the grave, opened the question afresh and made the war inevi- table. The agents of Louis at once beset Charles, to extort from his weak mind an indi- cation of favor towards the French claim. To these efforts was added the powerful influence of the Papal Embassy. Thus they succeeded in obtaining from the moribund monarch an- The Palatinate 47 other will, by which he set aside the renuncia- tions of the two Infantas, mother and wife of Louis, and devised the crown of the entire Spanish Empire to Philip of Anjou, the grand- son of Louis. At once, on the death of Charles, Philip assumed the crown, under the title of Philip v., and all Europe sprang to arms. Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, and the smaller German States formed a coalition against France ; and again, as in the preceding war, Louis added to the number of his enemies by insolence to England. The disposition of William and his parliament was to keep out of the contest ; only stipulating that, though the reigning houses of both France and Spain might be Bourbon, the two crowns must never be united upon the one head. But this pas- sive attitude of England was suddenly changed into fury by an uncalled-for insult from Louis. While the opposing forces of the Continent were as yet only preparing for the conflict, the exiled James died at St. Germain, September, 1 701 ; and Louis acknowledged his son as King of England. It is difficult to account for such action, save on the ground of sheer malicious- ness, for Louis was too astute a statesman to 48 The Palatines suppose that the son of James could ever as- cend the English throne. It was as though, having had William for a foe in almost all his wars of the past, he could not regard the new lists properly drav/n without his old enemy in his front again. If this were his motive, he succeeded to perfection. Not only William, but all England was thoroughly roused, and decided to take part with the coalition. Wil- liam, beyond all comparison the master states- man of Europe, was all powerful in Holland. That sturdy nation, always fighting on Wil- liam's side, whether Stadtholder or King, went with England into the alliance, and again pre- sented the spectacle of France fighting single- handed against all the great Powers. The war lasted twelve years, being terminated in 1713 by the Peace of Utrecht. In this war the great victories were on the side of the allies. Blenheim, Ramillies, and Oudenarde set the names of Marlborough and Eugene among the greatest of the world's generals. It is a curious contrast presented by this war and the preceding with regard to their results. In the former all the great victories were won by the armies of Louis, but he kept nothing of The Palatinate 49 all gained thereby. In the latter Louis was defeated in every great battle, and yet he won what he fought for, — the crown of Spain for his grandson. By the treaty of Utrecht Philip was confirmed in its possession, though the empire was dismembered. The only other power to gain anything of permanent value in the war was England. She, in 1704, obtained possession of Gibraltar, as yet, nearly two hun- dred years after, un wrested from her grasp. The heaviest fighting of the war was in Bava- ria, Northern Italy, and the Netherlands ; but the Palatinate came in for its full share of accustomed desolations. It would seem that Louis could never forgive his failure to steal the principality for himself. His armies, seek- ing their foes in the north and east, made broad swathes of destruction across the Pala- tinate, notwithstanding the favor of the Pala- tine for the French and his religious sympathy with Louis. In every year one or other por- tion of the little State was made to suffer from the brutality of the French ; and in 1 707 the Marshal Villars led into it an army with the intent to repeat the work of desolation wrought by Montclas in 1688, having the same, though 50 The Palatines not so universal, result in burning towns and impoverished people. And then began that exodus which brought so many thousands of the poor people to America. At the first glance it may seem needless to relate, even after so brief fashion, the forego- ing story of the two wars, which made for the subjects of the Palatine such a furnace of affliction. But it is well to see all things in their historical perspective. The cause of the lowliest, the sufferings of the humblest, gain in dignity — and that worthily — from association which groups them with the great events of history. This thought alone were sufficient for setting the emigration of the Palatines in its proper place as related to the councils of princes and the movement of great wars. This would be sufficient in telling any tale of historical interest. But, as hinted in the Introduction, there is special reason for dwelling upon the influences of war and religious oppression as furnishing the moving causes of this migration. For some reason not explained the usual under- standing has been quite different. In England, in the year after the migration of 1710, when The Palatinate 51 the tide of sympathy and charity had ebbed which sent the Palatines on their hopeful way to America, and when the Tories had dis- placed the Whigs from power, a committee of the House of Commons appointed to investi- gate the causes of the Palatine emigration,* reported that it was entirely due to land speculators, who had obtained patents in the colonies and had sent agents into Germany to induce the peasantry to emigrate to America upon the said lands. Stress is laid upon the fact that the Palatines themselves had acknow- ledged the receipt of papers and books con- taining the portrait of Queen Anne, urging their emigration and promising gifts of land. No mention is made In that report of any other influence leading to the emigration, and the inference is made that these poor Palatines were deluded " objects of speculation," whom the arts of the land agents had, for their own purposes, foisted on the British public, to the great disturbance of home and colonial affairs. This report, evidently biased by political feel- ing and by disgust at the continuance of appeals for aid to the emigrants, cites the * Burnet's Own Times, iv., 258. 52 The Palatines Naturalization Act of 1 708 as among the chief of the evil instruments that had precipitated on English shores this great stream of people from the Palatinate. Some modern writers, who have alluded to the subject, seem to have been content to take this report as completely disposing of the question, and quenching the title of these Palatines to historic sympathy. It is remark- able that so scholarly a man as Dr. Homes, formerly Librarian of the State of New York, should have accepted the conclusions of this report as justified by the facts in the case.* He intimates that not much credit should be given to the Palatine claim that this people became exiles because of oppression. One can hardly fail, on full study of the question, to be surprised at such conclusion ; for while it may be true that agents did solicit the migration, this fact is entirely con- sistent with the other fact that, because of sufferings endured through war and religious persecution, this people became promising ob- jects of such solicitation. That is to say — the agents of land companies, if such there were, * Trans. Albany Institute, vii., 106-132. The Palatinate 53 supposedly shrewd and businesslike, saw in the down-trodden and oppressed people of the Palatinate a field of operation, because of their very afiflictions. While with an eye only to business they addressed their propositions to the poor Palatines, the solicitations must have seemed to open " in the valley of Achor a door of hope." It is notable also that, not only in 1708 and 1709 were all these emigrants departing from the Palatinate, and equally oppressed Swabia on its southern border, but also for forty years after, the vast majority of German immigrants to America were from the same quarter. The question is evident: Why should the land agents have confined their efforts to the Palatinate, and the Palatines alone have been desirous of emigration, unless there had been in their con- dition, and in the disposition of the govern- ment under which they lived, causes of such grave moment as predisposed them to leave their country ? The singularity of choice by the agents of the Palatinate alone, and the ready disposition of the people to listen to their offers, as well as the remarkable fact that they alone of the Germans of their day had a 54 The Palatines desire to change their country, certainly de- mand a broader and more significant explana- tion than a speculative fever. But given the condition of destitution resulting from the French invasion and the harassing measures of a Prince filled with proselyting zeal, we see at once the combination that disposed the people to at once accept the opportunity of escape. It is significant also that, while the Palatines in London frankly stated the fact that they had been urged by the agents to their migra- tion, yet in all their formal statements, peti- tions, and addresses to the authorities in England and America they cite the cruelties suffered from the French as the great cause of all. Some of their statements also af^rm the religious oppression in their own country as another powerful influence toward emigration. It is to be noted that Burnet, while record- ing the action of the House of Commons and the report of its committee, does not indicate his own judgment as in accord with its conclu- sions. On the contrary, in the two passages already cited,* he appears to state his own * Burnet's OiCm Times, iii., 223. iv. , 63. The Palatinate 55 opinion that the Protestant people of the Pala- tinate were subjected to no small prejudice and distress by the oppressive measures of John William. Further, Dr. Homes, in the article above noted, objects that the claim of the Palatines that the cruelties of the French had driven them from their country, is not to be credited, because the ruthless campaign by which Louis desolated the Palatinate was in 1688, twenty years before the exodus began. Were this the only campaign in which the French soldiers had ridden rough-shod over the fields and villages of the Palatinate,, the objection cer- tainly would hold good. Twenty years surely were many enough to smooth out the rough- nesses so caused and to reclaim the ravaged land. But, while that campaign was undoubt- edly the severest under which that devoted land suffered, yet others followed. Again and again, through the years of the war of the Grand Alliance, the armies of Louis swept through the country, and, although not staying to wreak deliberate and wide-spread ruin, yet left want and suffering on their trail. A like ill fortune fell upon the principality with the 56 The Palatines opening of the War of the Succession, cul- minating in the deliberate invasion of Villars in 1707 to emulate the rapine of Montclas and Melac. It is strange that Dr. Homes should have overlooked these facts. They import an amount of suffering entailed upon the poor people of the Palatinate not easy of estima- tion, and certainly both great and immediate enough to justify their statement, that they left their country in consequence of the cruel- ties of the French. And it is very significant that the first outward movement was imme- diately subsequent on the invasion of Villars in 1707. That was the last burden which, added to all the loss and suffering of the past, set on foot the emigrating thousands ; first to Holland, then to England, and finally across the sea. Still another item of disproof of the judg- ment that this emigration was solely due to the agents of the American Proprietaries is found in the fact, that they had made no pro- vision for the care and direction of the emi- grants, either in transit or after reaching America. The only apparent exception to this statement is the existence of a committee The Palatinate 57 of assistance at Rotterdam, through whose offices the Palatines were helped en route, and so speedily as possible shipped to England. But there is no evidence that this committee was instituted by agents of the Proprietaries, and it may have had its origin from the au- thorities of Holland, in the same manner as it became a necessity for the English authorities to provide in some way for this great body of straneers. This seems the most reasonable supposition, for had there been anything like a concerted movement of the Proprietaries or Patentees in America to promote emigration to their lands, it seems impossible that they could have failed to provide some measures by which the scheme could be effected. Of this, however, there was absolutely nothing. The agents, if any such there were, disappear at once that the migration, supposed to have been excited by them, is begun. The thou- sands flocking from the Palatinate are thrown naked upon England, to be cared for and di- rected at the expense of the government and of public charity. It was impossible for agents to lay their calculation for such an issue as is found in the unparalleled benevolence of the 58 The Palatines British people towards these poor Palatines. We will have to conclude, that, while sundry- so-called agents may have found access to the Palatinate, they really represented no business enterprise and undertook none such ; and that the people, learning of the avenue of escape from their accumulated wrongs, needed for their emigration no other inducement. I CHAPTER III. THE EXODUS. THE first formal note of the emigration, as already begun, is found in a report of the British Lords of Trade.* No record exists of the starting of the people from their homes upon the Rhine, as of the inception of a great enterprise. Indeed, this were im- possible. With whatever of undertone of con- cert of action the movement was set on foot, its beginnings in the Palatinate had to be in quietness and stealth. The Elector Palatine was of a mind to lose none of his subjects, and made vigorous protests against their emigra- tion. Among other deterrents he published an edict threatening death to all who should attempt to emigrate from his dominions. So, of necessity, the departure of the emigrants, * Dec. Hist, of N. F., iii., 327. 59 6o The Palatines if not "by night," was unheralded. In fact for years there had been a steady though small stream of the afiflicted people seeking quieter countries. Northern Germany and Holland had received thousands of them. And now that the thoug-hts of the refucjees were turned westward, they found countrymen in the cities of Holland to help them on their journey. It is probable that we should cite, as the first contingent from the Palatinate to America, a small band which, after much toil and disaster, found settlement in New Jersey. There is but small record of this company, and how much of their story is due to local tradition can hardly be decided. * The tale is of a company of Luth- erans who, in 1705, fled from persecution at Wolfenbuttel and Halberstadt. They went into Holland, and thence, in 1707, embarked for New York. By stress of storm their ves- sel was driven to the south, and after tedious delays found harbor at Philadelphia. Being still determined to go to New York, the little company set out to reach that city overland, and had nearly accomplished their journey * Penna. Mag. of Hist., x., 376, Story of an Old Farm, by Mel- lick. Introd. \ The Exodus 6i when, attracted by the beauty and fertiHty of the region they were traversing, they resolved to go no farther. They had reached the edge of the Schooley's Mountain range, and look- ing off upon the land, now in the borders of Morris County, they decided that no more de- sirable place of habitation could be found. So there they settled. Happily for them, neither the crown nor the provincial government seems to have been concerned about them. They were left unmolested to build their homes and beget a posterity still visible in many well- known families of that region. The more formal pioneers of the emigrating movement were a company of forty-one who came to London in the spring of 1 708, and applied to the Board of Trade to be sent to America. The Report, alluded to above, has reference to this application, and bears date of April 28, 1708. It takes the form of a Me- morial to the Queen, in which the Lords comment on a Petition from the Rev. Joshua Kockerthal, an Evangelical minister, on behalf of himself and other " poor Lutherans, come hither from the Lower Palatin- ate, praying to be transferred to some of your Majesty's 62 The Palatines plantations in America ; in number 41, viz : 10 men, 10 women, and 21 children ; in the utmost want, being re- duced to this miserable condition by the ravages com- mitted by the French when they lost all they had." The Board notes the testimonials of good character brought by the company, and on the question of their location sets aside the West Indies, on account of the hot climate, and pro- poses " to settle them on Hudson's River, where they can be made useful in the produc- tion of Naval Stores and as a Frontier against the French and Indians." It is further recom- mended that " they be transported in the Man- of-War and Transport ship to go with Lord Lovelace," who had been recently appointed to the governorship of New York ; that they " should be supplied here [London] with nec- essary tools for agriculture, and must be sup- ported for awhile by the Queen's bounty, or by the Province, and before departure should be made Denizens of this Kincrdom." It is further intimated that, if the Queen would confirm the provincial act annulling certain extravagant patents granted by Governor Fletcher, she would be able to grant the usual number of acres to these poor Palatines. The The Exodus 63 suggestions of the Lords of Trade were ap- proved by the Queen in Council, and order was taken on 10 May, 1708, for the naturaH- zation of the Palatines and sending them to New York with Lord Lovelace. Meanwhile, before this company was em- barked, another petition from Kockerthal rep- resents that fourteen others had joined him and his company,''^ three of whom were from Holstein. He describes this company as " in a Deplorable Condition, having suffered under the Calamity which hap'ned last year in the Palatinate by the invasion of the French," and prays that they may receive from the Queen the same kind treatment given to the first company, and be with them sent to America. This petition, which bears date of June, 1708, was granted by the Queen, and the fourteen Palatines were made denizens of the kino;dom. In this petition Kockerthal also asks, in view of his clerical profession, that he be given a " Sallary, inasmuch as he cannot hope for a competent subsistence in America." To this no attention is paid by the authorities, and, on the 7th July, Kockerthal addresses another * Colonial Hist, of N. F., v., 44. 64 The Palatines petition,* again asking for a salary and for^20 towards an outfit. To this the Lords of Trade advise the Queen, that no precedent exists for granting stipends to foreign clergymen in the colonies — only that the French minister in New York receives annually ;^20 or^f 30, " but by what order we do not find." The Board, however, in consideration that Kockerthal is poor, suggests that the sum desired for outfit be granted to him, and as his people are poor, he be given a glebe of 500 acres, with liberty to sell some of it for his immediate mainte- nance after reaching America. These two companies were undoubtedly one in the scheme of emigration ; for some cause becoming separated on the way to England, whence, being reunited, they went together across the sea. It is interesting to note that in the company were thirteen families and two unmarried men. All the names, even of the children — some of which names are still wor- thily represented by their descendants f — are on record. All were Lutherans in religion ; and as to occupations, the majority of the men * Col. Hist., v., 62. Doc. Hist, iii., 328. f See Note I, The Exodus 65 were farmers, one was a clergyman (Kocker- thal), one a weaver, one a stocking-maker, one a blacksmith, one a carpenter, and one a clerk. The composition of the little emigration has the aspect of an enterprise well planned for the settling of a new community in strange scenes. It would seem also that some concert must have existed between this company and their countrymen left behind. They went out as a band of pioneers, or prospectors, to see what might be the promise of other lords and a new land ; and it is altogether probable that their report sent home of the kind treatment re- ceived by them from the English authorities, will go far to account for the large influx of the Palatines to England in the following year. ThiT* probability becomes almost a certainty from the fact — of which only an incidental note is found in the epitaph on Kockerthal's tomb- stone — that, having settled this first company in America, he returned at once to England, and came out again with the large emigration of 1 710, which accompanied Gov. Hunter. Of this larger emigration it will fall to speak pres- ently ; but for the moment it will be more convenient to trace the fortunes of this first 5 66 The Palatines company, which were quite distinct from those of their following countrymen. Kockerthal and his companions sailed with Lord Lovelace in the autumn of 1708, arrived in New York in the following winter, and so soon as possible were settled in the district then known as Quassaick Creek and Thanks- kamir,* This district is part of the territory of the present city of Newburgh, the name of which may be a monument of this settlement by the Palatines, whose prince was of the House of Neuburg. The region round about on the west side of the Hudson had been purchased from the Indians by Gov. Dongan in 1684. In 1694 it had been conveyed by patent to Capt. John Evans by Gov. Fletcher, but four years later this patent, together with others in the province, was annulled by the legislative Council of New York. The lands were after- wards parcelled out in smaller grants, the first of which, after much delay, was given in 1719 to the Palatines, under the name of the Ger- man Patent. This patent covered 2190 acres, which lay along the Quassaick, or Ouassey, now called Chambers Creek, touching the * Ruttenber's Hist^ of Oran^^e Co,^ p. 245. The Exodus 67 Hudson and stretching up the side of the steep hills. Shortly after their arrival, Lord Lovelace, who had been especially charged with their care and oversight, died in New York, and the Palatines very soon began to suffer want. In the fall of 1 709 they represent, by petition to Lt. Gov. Ingoldsby, that the promised suste- nance had not been given to them,* and appeal to the compassion of the Governor and Coun- cil. When this petition came before the Council, it was there stated that nineteen of the Palatines had abandoned their Lutheran faith and had become Pietists ; and the Coun- cil ordered that only the rest should be sup- ported. An inquiring committee, however, soon reported that no such religious troubles existed and that the entire community were entitled to the promised subsistence. Order was there- upon taken to " victuall " all, and to distribute " clothes, tools, and other necessities — such as building materials, iron and steel, books, paper and medicines, horses, cows and pigs." The trouble for the provincial authorities in the matter was, that they had entered into no * Doc, Hist., iii., 329. 68 The Palatines obligations to subsist these people, who were stipendiaries of the home government and the Crown. Nor was the Council willing to saddle their support upon the treasury of the province. At the same time they were unwill- ing that the poor people should perish almost before their very eyes. They intimated their willingness to afford subsistence, if any '* Gen- tlemen can be found " to guarantee repayment by the government. The Palatines — to whom arrears are still in default — report to the Coun- cil, in October, 1 709, that they have found such security in the persons of Col. Nicholas Bayard and Octavius Conradus, and pray for the much needed relief. The lano-uaofe of their petition, which is signed by John Conrad Codweis, is quaint and naive enough to deserve an extract. It presents " most humble prayers to your Honours' Generosity, to let descend Your tender Commiseration towards the pre- carious and miserable circumstances of this poor people, wherein they certainly shall perish this Winter, if not speedily supplied, and thus render all past outlay of the Government useless." This touching plea wins the com- passionate action of the Council, which orders The Exodus 69 the desired aid, only stipulating that the Palatines themselves shall repay the advance, " if England refuses, in a year ! " Within the year Gov. Hunter arrived in New York, with the first and only advance of the British gov- ernment for the subsistence of the Palatines in this country, and it may be taken for granted that the Council, who allowed to escape few opportunities for harassing that long-suffering " Brigadeer," lost no time in presenting their bill. In the year 1713 the Governor directed the Surveyor-General * to lay out for the Palatines the land which, six years after, was constituted the German Patent, specifying that tracts should be allotted " for each of them his quan- tity distinctly." Forty acres were to be re- served for highways and five hundred for a Glebe, and the whole was to be known and called " The Palatine Parish by Quassaick." At this time Kockerthal, who had returned from England with Hunter and the immigra- tion of 1 710, was already established at Quas- saick. He probably brought with him to Quassaick a small number of that large com- * Ruttenber, p. 248. 70 The Palatines pany, though the great majority were settled at the two Camps, fifty miles farther up the river. Over the people in all the Hudson settlements Kockerthal exercised very consid- erable authority, partly on account of his min- isterial office, but more largely because of the native strength of his character. He was evi- dently a shrewd man, far-seeing and careful, able on a wider field, if such had been given to him, to be a noted leader of men. His in- fluence with his countrymen in America was supreme. They looked up to him with no little reverence, and the provincial authorities had often to appeal to his influence in the en- tanglements, which almost immediately began in the settlements of East and West Camp. Probably having his longer residence at Quas- saick, he took the pastoral care, not only of the people in that place, but also of those in the settlements above. Himself a Lutheran, he seems to have maintained the most harmo- nious relations with that portion of the people who were of the Reformed faith, among whom labored a certain John Fred. Hager, one of the emigration, who afterwards carried his missionary efforts into the Mohawk and Scho- The Exodus 71 harie valleys, and to Pennsylvania. Kocker- thal organized a Lutheran church at the Camp on the west bank of the Hudson, and proba- bly had some part in the similar organization on the opposite side of the river. Both churches are still existent and among the dozen oldest ecclesiastical organizations on the con- tinent. Kockerthal died in 1719 at West Camp and was there buried. His grave, un- til recently, was marked by a stone, bearing a quaint inscription in German, of which the following is an English translation : * " Know, wanderer, under this stone rests, beside his Sybilla Charlotte, a right wanderer, the Joshua of the High Dutch in North America, the pure Lutheran preacher of them on the East and West sides of the Hudson River. His first arrival was with Lord Love- lace in 1707-8, the ist January. His second with Col. Hunter, 17 lo, the 14 June. His voyage back to Eng- land was prevented [lit., interrupted] by the voyage of his soul to Heaven on St. John's Day, 17 19. " Do you wish to know more ? Seek in Melancthon's fatherland, who was Kockerthal, who Herschias, who Winchenbach ? " B. Berkenmayer, S. Huestin, L. Brevoort, 1742." The names Herschias and Winchenbach * Mag. of Ajn. History, 1871, p. 15, article by Rev. J. B. Thomp- son, D.D, 72 The Palatines are said by local tradition to be those of Kock- erthal's sons-in-law. The last three names are probably, as Dr. Thompson suggests, those of the men who, twenty-three years after the death of Kockerthal, erected the stone. Within the year just past this stone was removed from the grave and placed as a mural tablet in the in- terior of the church of West Camp. After the death of Kockerthal the story of the Ouassaick Parish presents but few notes of interest, and the most of these have regard to the affairs of the church. From that time the parish had no pastor of its own, but was min- istered to on semi-annual, or annual visits by the Lutheran clergyman of New York, who for some years was to receive the profits of the Glebe. The members at Ouassaick were re- ceived into the New York church, to which church they loaned the bell given to them by Queen Anne, to be returned whenever the people at Quassaick should be able to erect a house of worship. That house was afterwards built, in 1733, and was still standing until within the memory of some of the oldest citi- zens, and known by them as " the Glebe School House." It is pleasant to know that the bell The Exodus 73 was returned, and also to note the hint sug- gested of the long-headedness of Kockerthal, who, before leading his first colony over the sea, sought and obtained from the royal favor this bell, which was to wait more than twenty years for its destined place. What may have been the after fortune of the bell is not recorded, but for the most of the Palatines at Quassaick it soon ceased to utter its Sabbath summons. The majority of the people were not satisfied with their location. They found the stony hillsides more unyield- ing of produce than they had hoped, and lis- tened with envious ears to the tale of more fertile farms to be had in Pennsylvania, whither many of the settlers at the Camps and Schoharie had migrated. A large proportion of them, after not long debate, sold their farms upon the Quassaick, and departed to join their com- patriots in the valleys of the Swatara and Tulpe- hocken. The sale of these farms brought many of them, indeed the most of them, into the possession of others than Palatines, who were called by the original settlers, *' Dutch and English new-comers." With these began the influx of immigrants of other stocks, an in- 74 The Palatines coming promoted by Governor Golden, whose son Alexander had large holdings in the neigh- borhood, with the result that in a short time the few remaining Palatines were very largely outnumbered by the Dutch, Scotch, and Eng- lish. It was but a natural issue that the direc- tion of vicinage and church affairs should soon pass from the hands of the Palatines. Men of Enoflish blood were chosen in Parish Meetino- as Trustees of the Glebe and Church, and steps were at once taken to brino- the Church into connection with the Church of England. This took place in 1743 and thereupon the " Pala- tine Parish by Quassaick " ceased to exist, though it was not until 1751 that the Glebe was finally turned over by Letters-Patent to the Church of England. And this must end our story of the New- burgh Palatines, the majority of whom had sought other and distant homes. But they left behind them a sturdy stock who, though soon absorbed into the general life of the non- Palatine community, have left monuments of their worth. Themselves and their descend- ants — not a few of whom have to-day, in the fair city of Newburgh, names on the roll of The Exodus 75 Kockerthal's companions — were "not a whit behind " the men of other stock in the expres- sion of soHdity of character, intellectual alert- ness, love of freedom, and moral worth, — equal factors in building up the civil and re- ligious institutions of their city and State. We turn now to the far more extensive migration which, in the year after the depart- ure of Kockerthal and his first company from the country of the Rhine, followed them to England. Of this movement, as of its pre- cursor, no records are extant, or accessible, detailing its organization and departure from the Palatinate. Among the influences helping the decision to emigrate at that time, Conrad Weiser — himself one of the emigrants and twelve years of age at the time — in an auto- biography written in his old age instances the severities of the winter of 1708-9. "Birds perished on the wing, beasts in their lairs, and mortals fell dead in the way."''^' The first mention of the exodus as begun is in the recorded presence of the Palatines in London in surprising numbers, to the no small astonishment of the English people and the * Life of Conrad IVeiscr. 76 The Palatines equal perplexity and embarrassment of the authorities. The migration was evidently a concerted one at home, with lines stretching into all parts of the principality. The impres- sion made by it at Rotterdam and London was such as would be caused by the irruption of an entire tribe. Weiser has a fine bit of fervid description. " A migrating epidemic seized on the stricken people, and, as a wave, thirty thousand Germans washed along the shores of England. Israel was not more as- tounded at the armored carcasses of the Egyp- tians lying by the banks of the Red Sea, than were the people of England at this immense slide of humanity." Both for charity's sake and in their own defence, the people of Rotterdam speeded them over the channel into England and to London, where their swarming numbers put to the proof, not only the ingenuity of the gov- ernment to devise their future destination, but also its ability to provide for their pressing and immediate needs.* They began to arrive in London in May of 1709, and by the end of June their numbers amounted to five thousand. * Trans. Alb. Ins., 1871, p. 106. The Exodus "j^ Before August was passed this number was nearly doubled, while thirteen thousand is set as the aggregate by the end of October. In the London of to-day such an influx would be little more than a drop in the bucket ; and yet, even to-day, were a horde of thirteen thousand men, women, and children to suddenly throng its streets, most of them without a penny to pay for food or lodging, many of them in rags and tatters, there might be furnished something of perplexity in finding a solution to the prob- lem of their immediate care. In the London of two hundred years ago the facilities for car- ing for the traveller and the stranger were of the crudest and most limited description. Those who could pay their way must put up with many discomforts in the inns, which were few and of small capacity. The city was en- tirely unprovided with ready means to meet the demands thus suddenly made by the flock- ing Palatines, who, pouring in such crowds upon London, threw themselves upon the gen- erosity of the English government and people. They seemed to say : " Here we are. What are you going to do for us ? What are you going to do with us ? " 78 The Palatines It is difficult to imagine the state of per- plexity which at the first must have filled the official mind. In the past it had not been accustomed to deal with such problems, or to concern itself about the poverty or destruction of the poor. But this problem was so great and the appeal of the Palatines so strident, that a hearing ear and active hand were com- pelled. The impression made upon all the English was profound, and the interest in this great company of refugees was felt, far beyond the limits of the capital, in many parts of the kingdom. Beyond all cavil, whatever may have been the neglect and aversion in a follow- ing year, the immediate response of the Eng- lish court and people to this appeal, was nobly generous, to such extent that nothing else like it can be cited from the history of centuries before our own. No doubt one strong motive with the authorities was found in the absolute necessity of the case. They could not have these Palatines perish by starvation in their streets. Something must be done to keep life in them while in London, and something also to rid London of their burden. But far more than this, which the closest self-interest would The Exodus 79 demand, the appeal seems to have touched the chord of sympathy in the EngHsh heart in both city and country. Queen Anne, who, though lacking in many of the qualities needful, not only for a monarch, but also for a strong character, was of tender heart, became greatly interested and took the poor people under her special care. This care aided them effectively at the first, and would have protected them against some of the oppressions of the near future, had she possessed tenacity of purpose and strength of will to resist squabbling poli- ticians. The immediate needs of the people were met in a way which for that day must be ac- counted magnificent. The Queen allowed ninepence each per day for present subsistence, and lodgings were provided in various parts of London. One thousand tents, taken from the army stores and pitched on the Surrey side of the Thames, sheltered the greater number. Fourteen hundred were lodged for four months in the warehouses of Sir Charles Cox. Many occupied barns until they were needed for the crops. A smaller number found lodgment in empty dwellings, while the So The Palatines few among them with means obtained quarters at the inns. In some instances buildings were put up for them, of which a monument still remains in a hamlet at the west of London, where four buildings, yet called "the Palatine Houses," were erected for these people by the Parish of Newington. Much of this generous provision was due to the kindly interest of the Queen, who not only gave of her own purse, and incited her government to similar action, but issued briefs calling for collections through- out the kincrdom. It is estimated that the sums, expended by the government and contrib- uted by the people of England for the sup- port and final establishment of the Palatines In Ireland and America, aggregated the enor- mous amount of ;^i 35,000.* Of course, the question of the future dispo- sition of these people was as urgent as their Immediate subsistence. Mortimer says that there was no settled plan (among the Palatines) for their settlement anywhere. Burnet seems to agree with him, and represents that the people In the Palatinate were "so ravished" * Trans, Alb, Ins., 1871, p. 107. Burnet, iv., 63. Mortimer, iii., 233. The Exodus 8i by the report of what kindness had been shown to Kockerthal and his companions in London, that these thousands pressed thither to throw themselves in Hke manner on the bounty of the Queen. The intima- tions, however, are numerous in the colonial records that the emigration was with the intention of reaching America at last. To be sent thither was the first request of Kock- erthal, and the first request also of this larger body of emigrants. America evidently was to them the land of promise, where only their exodus could find its object. True, in their destitution of all means towards reach- ing their hope, they had to put themselves on the generous consideration of the English government, — and were compelled also to sub- mit themselves to its discretion and direc- tion. Yet a settlement in America was the constant object of their desire. The long delay of months in London acted upon some of them as a discouragement, and they were quite ready to turn their steps towards other locations. Not a few of the men enlisted in the British army, and perhaps a few hundreds, wandering singly — or in small companies — 82 The Palatines through the rural parts of England, found permanent homes in its scattered towns and villages. Some also remained in London, going into domestic service or finding engage- ments in their special handicrafts. Some were sent by the authorities back to their native country, on account of their religious faith.* It was stated that about one tenth of the emigrants were Roman Catholics, whose presence among their Protestant countrymen can be easily explained by the natural desire for either adventure or improvement of con- dition. The government would not send men of their faith into the colonies, neither was it willing to permit their prolonged residence in England. In consequence of this dispo- sition and the pressure thereby brought to bear upon these Romanists, many of them became Protestants, while those who were tenacious of their faith were returned under government passports to the Palatinate. But, though the reduction in numbers by all these means was considerable, the great mass still remained to tax the ingenuity of the authorities. The emphatic recognition of the * Luttrell's Z'/rt';'/, vi., 473, 4S9. The Exodus 83 grave character of the situation is well ex- pressed by the high rank of those who were at first charged with the care of these people. The receipt and distribution of money for their relief, and the duty of considering and suggesting plans for their disposal, were put into the hands of a committee, appointed by the Queen, on which were persons of so exalted station as the Archbishop of Canter- bury and the Lord High Chancellor. The first suggestion was to settle the peo- ple in various parts of England as, if feasible, attended by the least expense. By parcell- ing them out in small companies among the hundreds of the English counties, the entire volume could easily be absorbed into the com- munity, and in time would add to the national wealth. The nature of the Parish Laws, how- ever, was such as to present so many obstacles to the scheme, that it was decided to be im- practicable. It was also proposed to settle them in a body in the New Forest of Hampshire, where ''' lands could be parcelled out to them by shares or lots from the royal demesnes. This also * Mortimer's ^«^/., office as Governor] protects me from arrest, but, whilst that remains over my head, I can dream of nothing but starving in a gaol and seeing my innocent infants perish for want before my eyes." * These quotations are made almost at ran- dom from the Governor's letters, and describe in sufficiently graphic language the evil case into which he had fallen, and one very effi- cient cause of the failure. In justice to the Lords of Trade it should be stated that their good offices were not lacking to the effort to secure justice for Hunter, but they were met by stubborn resistance at the Treasury and in Parliament. They write, 25th February, 1718. "You will be sure to receive all the assistance * Col. Hist., v., 305, 351, 353, 358, 366, 380, 452. 1 82 The Palatines we can give you. It has not been possible to do anything in that matter, this session of Parliament." Hunter's enemies in England used this op- portunity to his great disadvantage. Not only did they succeed in obstructing the payment of his bills, but also insinuated that he was un- truthful in his representations about the work. That he was mistaken in judgment is clear enough, but there is nothing in the whole transaction to show a lack of integrity on the Governor's part. On one occasion he grows furious over these insinuations and writes to Sec'y Popple : " I have ordered Mr. Sackett and one of the Commis- sioners to go immediately to the woods, fell some of the prepared Trees and bring them down hither — I mean the loggs where the turpentine has settled — and I '11 have them burnt in the sight of the world, or exposed to view, that I may not be imposed upon or be thought to impose upon others." Writing to Lord Stair in October, of 1715, he recites the story of his efforts with the pro- ject, and describes " the recommendation of the Lords of Trade for imploying 3000 Palatines [as] turned into instructions by her Majesty's The Failure 183 letter, under her signet and sign manual," and avers that he had used such economy as to have saved ^1500 a year out of the subsist- ence fund, to pay salaries and other expenses. " There is due to me upwards of ;/^20,ooo. . . Meanwhile I was left to beg my daily bread from a hard hearted Assembly here." Truly the poor Governor had an abundance of trouble, — and the most of it un- deserved. It is reasonably certain that his motives were pure. No attack can be made on his integrity. Weiser, in speaking of the settlement of the people on the Manor, says that Hunter and Livingston delayed the con- summation of the Queen's intention until land should come under their control, and " artfully and wickedly changed the course and destiny of the unsuspecting colony." This, so far as Hunter's purpose was concerned, may be set down to the not unnatural misjudgment to which the difficulties at the Manor would give rise in the mind of a Palatine. Aside from the disastrous failure of the ** great design to make tar for the Royal Navy," the administration of Hunter was with great honor and success. He took the 1 84 The Palatines government in an ill time. The quarrels sub- sequent to the Leisler incident were still rife and bitter. Not only the politics, but the social life of New York, were rent by sharp factional fights. Both parties vied in the effort to win the special favor of the Gov- ernor, and Hunter's predecessors had erred in yielding to such persuasions. He refused to be drawn into the partisan strife, or to show preference for either party. By such prudent course, while "he found the province in a low condition, he left it peaceful and prosperous. Party spirit had been subdued and factions were reconciled. He did more to quiet the people than any, or all of his predecessors."* Notwithstanding this wise management of the Governor, he had a chronic trouble with the provincial Assembly, on the question of support both for himself and his administra- tion. Long before his time the colonies had learned impatience of dictation from England or the royal governors, and quarrels were con- stantly in progress over the matters of taxa- tion, impost and supply. Hunter's letters to London abound with statements of these * Schuyler's Colonial A^ew Yorky ii., 63. The Failure 185 struggles, with here and there a flash of satire on the colonial disposition. He writes : " I acquainted them [the N. Y. Assembly] with your Lordships' representation to her Majesty that the Pala- tines should, upon arrival here, be naturalized without Fee or Reward, but they have declined it, for no reason that I can guess but that it was recommended to them, seeing they themselves were to be the chief gainers by it."* Sec'y Clarke describes this disposition of the Assembly in similar caustic words, " He [Hunter] has met with all the opposition and discouragement which a people devoid of duty and ripe with defection could give." In this letter of Clarke is a reference to " the Tar- work," which, in view of the issue of that enter- prise and of the Governor's annoyances from the Assembly, makes something of a demand upon the reader's sympathy. The language is : " It is almost the only satisfaction his Excellency has in this Province to see this great work goe on with that promising success it does. . . He has the pleasure of serving the best of Queens. That, therefore, and the hopes of bringing this great affair of Pitch and Tarr to perfection he must comfort himself with." * Col. Hist., v., 184, 250. 1 86 The Palatines The Governor himself says, " It is some small comfort to me that I have brought the great undertaking to all the perfection that human power or industry could do in that time." The complete collapse of the scheme, bring- ing the ruin of this only comfort to the Governor, already harassed to distraction by the political turmoil of the province, moves us to a compassionate mood. His experience in America had indeed a sad issue. He strug- gled on through nine years full of disappoint- ment and burdens, to which in 1716 was added the death of his wife, a climax to his afflictions harder to bear than all the rest. In the year 1 719 he obtained leave of absence and went to England, thinking that his personal pres- ence could do much in defence against his enemies at home and in obtaining justice for himself. It does not appear that the govern- ment ever repaid him. He did not return to New York, but resigned his office and retired to private life. His character cannot fail to command respect, for generosity and consci- entiousness. The not unnatural irritation of affairs, and especially the staggering blow of The Failure 187 disappointment in the "great design of Tar," betrayed him into some actions not to be defended ; but for the most part he carried himself with admirable dignity and self-control. There is nothing finer in the Colonial History than his letter to Popple, written three years after the failure.^' He reviews the Palatine ventures and, maintaining that there was no mismanagement on his part, says : "About 13 Sep. 1712, I had certain advice that none of my bills would be paid, and then I stopt short, tho too late, . . All imaginable arts were used to stifle that project, I was sensible that I was struggling against a very rappid stream. But the interest of the Nation was so apparent, the reputation of those worthy Patriots who employed me was so much concerned, that I re- solved to run all hazards, rather than have reason to accuse myself of having omitted any one thing in my power to bring it to perfection," It was a great pity that "those worthy Patriots who employed" him were not equally careful for the reputation of their servant. The extent to which Hunter had involved himself was, especially for that day, enormous. No full accounts are accessible, if extant ; but * Col. Hist., V,, 447. 1 88 The Palatines the bills presented by Livingston for subsist- ence are suggestive that the grand total of expense was very large. The contract of Livingston covered the period from the arrival of the Palatines at the Manor, in Nov., 1710, to the break-down in Sep., 1712. His bills, presented quarterly, amount to ^16,056-18-4 There are, however, three quarters, the bills for which have not been preserved, but which it is impossible to suppose were not pre- sented. It is safe to add to the above amount ;^ 1 0,000 for those three quarters. Besides these large items a smaller one of ;^366-i-ii^ represents his charges for " Salary " and storage of provisions ! Thus the whole sum paid to Livingston must have been over ;/^26,ooo. In addition to this great sum the Governor had other expense for the Palatines, such as subsistence at New York, and trans- portation up the river — all of which he was compelled to meet at private cost, after the small advance from London had been ex- hausted. So it is evident that when he said that "upwards of ;f 20,000 " were due him, the real sum must have been largely in excess of that amount. The Failure 189 This failure to support Hunter and this abandonment of the enterprise by the govern- ment were so remarkable, that the reader is made curious for the reasons of so atrocious bad faith. Fortunately, these reasons are not far to seek. There are two of them : one per- sonal and the other political. Strangely enough the personal reason found its object- ive, not in Governor Hunter, but in Robert Livingston, who had sold the land for the Palatine settlement and had taken the con- tract for the supply of bread and beer. The method, by which a personal dislike of Living- ston was able to reach so far as the ruin of a great enterprise and the bankruptcy of Gov- ernor Hunter, is somewhat curious. When the bills given by Hunter came to London they were promptly presented by the Board of Trade to the Treasury for payment. But the Lords of the Treasury, instead of honestly meeting an expense authorized by the government, delayed payment until fur- ther advisement. This advisement was sought by Lord Dartmouth of the Treasury from the Earl of Clarendon, to whom he sent the state- ments of Hunter, desiring the opinion of the iQo The Palatines Earl on the whole affair.* This resort to Clarendon was doubtless because, in his chrys- alis state of life as Lord Cornbury, he had been Governor of New York. It was sup- posed that he knew enough of the province and its forests to be able to advise. As it happened, he knew Livingston and did not love him, and was in no mood to approve any- thing which could issue to his advantage. Un- fortunately, his dislike punished the wrong victim, for Livingston got his money, and it was the poor Governor who suffered. The Earl replied to Dartmouth : " I think it very unhappy that Col. Hunter, on his first arrival, fell into so ill hands, for this Levinston has been known many years in the Province for a very ill man. He formerly victualled the forces at Albany, in which he was guilty of most notorious frauds. He has a Mill and Brewhouse upon his land, and, if he can get the victualling of the Palatines, he will make a very good addition to his estate." The Earl argues that Livingston's lands are not a good selection : " Hudson's River above Albany, and Mohawks River, Schenectady, are well known to be best." He objects * Col. Hist., v., 195. The Failure 191 that " the Bills drawn are computed on the numbers who landed at New York, of whom many are dead " [forget- ful of the fact that these many had to be subsisted be- fore they died]. " I am of the opinion that if the subsistence proposed be allowed, Levinston and some others will get estates, the Palatines will not be the richer, but will be confirmed in that laziness they are already too prone to, and will persuade themselves that they can obtain two years' more subsistence after the first two are gone." He then goes on to ridicule the employment of the Palatines, and referring to the " Act for encouraging the importation of Naval Stores," says, "There was no fund provided for the payment of that reward, else that Act would have had a better effect than ten times the number of Palatines." So the Earl voided his hatred of Livingston in a letter sufficiently un- principled, willing to sacrifice all other inter- ests for the sake of thwarting that American baron. It had the effect intended in locking- fast the treasury against all the appeals of Hunter and the intercessions of the Board of Trade. The causes of Clarendon's bitterness against Livingston do not appear, nor is it easy at this late day to either justify or disprove his accus- 192 The Palatines ations. Certainly, Livingston was one of the ablest men of his time in the colony, a most shrewd man of affairs and capable of a vast amount of work. To his discredit it must be conceded that all his energies were turned towards his own benefit and aggrandizement, though it is not clearly shown that he was ever guilty of open dishonesty.* Born in 1654 in Ancram, Scotland, the son of a clergyman, he came to America when twenty years of age. He went to Albany, and in the following year was made Town Clerk and Secretary for In- dian Affairs. He held this office for fifty years. In 1683 he married Alida Schuyler, widow of Rev. Nicholas Van Renssalaer, and in 1686 laid the foundation of his enormous estate, by obtaining the Patent to the Manor from Governor Dongan. He was a prominent Jacobite in the Revolution of 1688, and was driven from the province by the Leisler party. On the downfall of Leisler he returned and was restored to his offices, to which were added those of Collector of Excise and Quit Rents, Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas. He became associated with ♦ Doc, Hist,, iii,, 434 note. The Failure 193 Bellomont and Captain Kidd, and thereby- added to his fortunes. In 1 701 the Leisler party returned to power in New York and called on Livingston to account for large sums of money, said to have passed through his hands, and on his failing to comply, he was deprived of his offices, and his estates were confiscated. He fled to England, but on the voyage was captured by the French and '* treated barbar- ously." At last released, he went to London and obtained from the Queen a restoration of his offices. He returned to New York in 1709, became a member of Assembly, and in 171 1 secured a repeal of the act confiscating his es- tates. He secured a seat in the Assembly for his own Manor in 1716, and from 1718 to 1725 served as Speaker of that body. In 1721 he resigned all his offices in Albany in favor of his son Philip, and in 1726 retired from the Assembly. Two years thereafter he died. Evidently he was a man of so unique a per- sonality and force, that these notes of his life are quite in place here. Dr. O'Callaghan sums up his story in these words : "A man of unquestionable shrewdness, perseverance, and large acquisitiveness. His main efforts, whether 13 194 The Palatines in or out of the legislature, seem to have been di- rected principally to securing for himself wealth, office, and special privileges ; and every opportunity was seized by him to get the government and the legislature to rec- ognize his Manor of Livingston." He seems to have been an " ill man " to be as- sociated with. None of the royal governors, save Hunter and Dongan, could get on with him. Those who had dealings with him were apt to find more or less of trouble, and even his friends spoke of him with a covert contempt. Bellomont * writes, in 1701, "I am told that Livingston has on his great grant of sixteen miles long and twenty-four broad, but four or five cottagers, men that live in vassalage under him, and are too poor to be farm.ers, having not wherewithal to buy Cattle to stock a farm." There was plainly something of a sting in the word " vassalage," as Bellomont designed it. At the time of Hunter's arrangement with him about the Palatines it was openly said that " he would cheat the Governor. But there appears no indication of such action in his accounts. They are made with much par- ticularity, such as a straightforward business *Col. Hist., iv., S22. The Failure 195 man \YOuld render, methodically, neatly, accu- rately." * It is clear, however, that he had the best of the bargain and was the only man who received any benefit from the affair, of the Palatines. In 1 71 1, one of the agents at the Manor com- plained to the Governor of Livingston's grasp- ing disposition, saying that he wanted to get into his hands the entire control of supplies, intimating also that he was endeavoring to un- dermine the Governor himself by whispers in high quarters and unfriendly messages sent to England. This aroused Hunter's wrath. Writ- ing to General Nicholson, then in London, he speaks of Livingston's conduct as " base and villainous practice. . . . He is under many obligations to me, but I know him to be the most selfish man alive. If any man has any advantage by the Palatines being here, it is he."'!' By some means Livingston was able to appease the Governor's resentment, for we find them afterwards upon cordial terms. Whether Livingston was worthy, or not, of the condemnation of history, it is clear that the * Schuyler's Col. N. Y.,\., 78. f Doc. Hist., iii., 405. 196 The Palatines personal hatred of Clarendon towards him was a powerful, if not the most powerful, cause of the ruin of the Palatine experiment. The other great cause of the failure obtain- ing in England was political. When Hunter and his Palatines left England the Whig ad- ministration, after a long lease of power, was already tottering, and before the expedition had reached America gave place to the Tories, who had no sympathy with the Palatines. In that age an incoming party did not have so much of conscience, as is supposed to exist to- day, about meeting the obligations incurred by its predecessors. Politcs was a fine game to play, however the country fared and whoever paid the piper. So, when these Tories came in, everything that the outgoing Whigs had done came up for review, criticism and, if pos- sible, reversal. As it happened, the Palatine affairs made one great subject of criticism by the Tories. The Tory mind was, at the out- set, affected against the cause of those refu- gees and opposed to the assisting hand of the government, and the following events very soon committed them strongly against the past sympathy and all future assistance. The Failure 197 Before the Palatines were embarked for the colonies, murmurs of jealous discontent on the part of the poor of London began to be heard. Says Burnet, * " Some things concurred to put the vulgar into ill humor : it was a time of dearth and scarcity, so that the poor were much pinched." The aid given to the Palatines " by the Queen and voluntary charities of good peo- ple filled our own poor with great indignation, who thought that these charities, to which they had a better right, were intercepted by stran- gers." The House of Commons, after the accession of the Tory government, " finding the encouragement given to the Palatines so displeasing to the people, ordered a Commit- tee to examine into the matter." The Report of this Committee has already been noticed. It was marked by much unfair- ness of judgment. The blame for the whole- sale immigration was laid on the Naturaliza- tion Act of 1708, a measure passed by the Whigs after the arrival of Kockerthal with the first company from the Palatinate. There can be no doubt that the act was made be- cause of that arrival, and with the hope of * Hist. Own Time, iv,, 230, 258. igS The Palatines attracting to England still larger numbers of that distressed people. The bill "was debated in both houses with great vehemence. The Whigs argued that it would be an effectual means to encourage industry, improve trade and manufactures, and repair the waste of men occasioned by the war. The Tories objected with many dangerous consequences. Spies and informers would come with the immigrants. The strangers would insinuate themselves into positions of trust, and would contribute to the extinction of the English race. They would greatly increase the number of our poor, already so great a burden." * It is a curious fact that, though this act was undoubtedly passed to encourage the emigra- tion of the Palatines, and though that people came in crowds during the next year, yet it is doubtful whether the act had anything to do with that popular movement. Very few of the Palatines sought to be naturalized in Lon- don, and probably a still smaller number of them were attracted thither by a knowledge of that act. The bait which drew them was in the tidingrs of the kindness shown to Kock- erthal and his companions, and in the pros- pect of being sent to America. However, the coincidence of the act with the immigration * Mortimer's England, iii., 232. The Failure 199 gave the Tories a trenchant weapon for attack upon the Whigs, and the House Com- mittee made the most of it. Every objection- able feature of the matter was emphasized and exaggerated. " It happened," says Burnet, "at a bad season. Bread was at double the ordinary price. The time of sailing to the plantations was at a great distance." The sojourn in London was for eight months, with constant accessions and the depletions made by the Irish and Carolina settlements. Dur- ing all this time the people were subsisted at public cost. ** The poor complained that such charities went to strangers, when they needed much . . . Some [Palatines] were both inactive and mutinous, and this hightened the outcry against them." The Tories made use of all to discredit the Whigs. Smollett {Hist- ory of England, ii., loi, 102) says : " The inhabitants of St. Olaves and other parishes pre- sented a petition, complaining that a great number of Palatines, inhabiting one house, might produce a con- tagious distemper, and in time become a charge to the public, as they were destitute of all visible means of subsistence. This petition had been procured by the tories, that the House of Commons might have another handle for attacking the late ministry." 200 The Palatines They managed to bring the House to a sudden vote that the Palatines were "an extravagant and unreasonable charge to the King- dom, and a scandalous misapplication of public money, tending to the increase and oppression of the poor, and of dangerous consequence to the constitution of Church and State, and whoever advised their being brought over was an enemy to the Queen and Kingdom." The repeal of the Naturalization Act took place in 171 2. The former vote of condem- nation was taken in 1711, while the work on the Manor had just begun, and Hunter was already pressing for payment of his advances. To the official mind in England the entire un- dertaking was thus thoroughly discredited, and all its obligations were repudiated, without regard to the good faith of government or the pitiable plight of the New York Governor. It may be that, after his return to England, Hunter obtained some redress from a later administration ; but no record thereof is found in the colonial documents, nor would it be likely to there obtain statement. CHAPTER VI. THE PROMISED LAND. THE letter from Hunter to Cast, written in September, 171 2, saying that he had " exhausted both substance and credit," gave the finishing stroke to the "great and good design," Nor was the work ever re- sumed. The cost of it was accounted as so much money thrown away. At sundry times, through the remainder of Hunter's government of the province, references to the scheme were made in the correspondence with the Board of Trade. The Governor laments over the fail- ure and never loses his confidence that a noble and most beneficent success would have been achieved, had the effort been properly sup- ported. At one time the Lords of Trade were stirred to languid interest in the subject, and inquired of Hunter as to the condition of the 202 The Palatines trees already prepared, and the prospects of any new engagement in the work. Their let- ter came to Hunter as the breath of hope, and was responded to with some enthusiasm. He replied : " Since your Lordships have hinted an intention to re- sume the project, in this Province there is Pitch Pine trees enough to yield a quantity of stores sufficient for the uses of all the Navigation of England. . . . One of the Commissioners has returned. He has brought along with him some chips cut by him from several of the prepared trees, by which I may reasonably compute that about a third of the Trees will yield well. . , . I can think of no solid way of preventing the total de- cay of trade, and consequently the ruin of the Provinces, but by setting on foot and carrying on vigorously the production of Naval Stores mentioned." The Governor's hope certainly dies hard. In his next letter on the subject, however, he tunes a more dolorous note. Under date of October 2, 1716, he wrote : " I am at a loss for the true cause of the disappointment from the Trees prepared for tar. What I chiefly guess to be the cause of this miscarriage is this, that the Trees, being barked by an unskilful and unruly multitude, were for the most part pierced in the inward rind, by which means they became exhausted by the sun's heat in the succeeding summer. Many of them are good, but not in that quantity that will answer the expence and labor." The Promised Land 203 Then he reiterates his former statements as to the vast capabiHties of the province for this production, and concludes, "but after the dis- appointment I have met with, I cannot advise the renewing of the project until we have per- sons skilled and practiced." This reads like an epitaph and moves one to sympathy with the Governor in this burial of his most cher- ished hope, out of which, he tells us, he had taken more comfort than from auorht else in his government in America. But this is the end, and we read no more of naval stores as the expected product of New York. Meanwhile the Palatines on the Manor re- cognized their freedom, and at once took steps towards making of it the best use possible. There are no records of any general plan of action, but subsequent events would indicate that the disposition of the entire company was outlined in council. Some were to stay on the Manor — a little less than one third of their number — and make for themselves permanent place ; seeking subsistence from the soil and from hirinor themselves to neio-hborinor farmers. Among this number also were those — women and infirm — who did not esteem themselves 204 The Palatines equal to further migration and to new strug- gles with unknown conditions. The rest of the people girded themselves for their journey to "the promised land of Scorie." Of the quota remaining on the Manor not many notes need here to be made. They settled down to farming and such other voca- tions as were needed, and were the fathers of a like permanent and sturdy stock to that which for generations has peopled the lands on the west side of the river. There appears in the Documentary History (iii., 421), under date of 8 Oct. 1 71 5, a petition to the Governor from John F. Hager, on the part of himself and sixty families of the Palatines on the Manor, asking "license to build a church in Kingsbury, 60 feet in length and 40 feet wide, to Perform Divine Service, according to the Liturgy and Rites of the Church of Eng- land as by Law established . . . also liberty to Crave the favour and charity of well- disposed People for aid and assistance." Inas- much as this Hager was himself a clergyman — either Lutheran or Reformed, to which two forms of the Protestant faith all the Palatines adhered — it is probable that the stipulation as The Promised Land 205 to the Church of England was designed and understood as merely a legal fiction. What- ever action was taken by the Governor on this petition, the church contemplated could not have been erected, for in 1 72 1 Governor Burnet, who succeeded Hunter in the province, issued a brief to Robt. Livingston, permitting him "to make collections for preparing or building a church on his Manor, and to call a Pious Re- formed Protestant Minister from Holland." This was the beginning of the still existent Reformed Church of Germantown. Another interesting item, is found in a " Petition of Jacob Sharpe, Christophel Haga- torn and Jacob Shoemaker, in behalf of them- selves and other Palatines on the Livingston Manor," asking for a grant to them and their heirs of the lands purchased by Governor Hun- ter from Livingston. This petition bears date of June 13, 1724, and to it the Council replied by directing the Surveyor-General, Cadwalla- der Colden, to inquire what families, and how many, were on the land and willing to take His Majesty's grant. He presently reported the number of families as sixty-three, " not all having a like quantity in possession," and 2o6 The Palatines recommended that it was " wise to grant the said land " to the petitioners named and other principal men, in trust for the whole company. Inasmuch as this land belonged to Hunter, who paid good money for it out of his own purse, one is moved to wonder if any compen- sation was made to him therefor. The land seems to be regarded as tho, by his departure from the province, it had escheated to the crown. It does not appear, however, that the advice of Colden was followed by the Assem- bly, nor do we here need to inquire farther about it. About thirty families on the Manor moved a few miles southward and settled on lands cov- ered by the patent given to Henry Beekman. It is said — a statement difficult to verify — that their movement was due to Livingston's un- willingness to give them titles to the lands oc- cupied by them. He did not wish to alienate the fee, and would only agree to a lease for three lives. This, of course, must refer to such of the people as had sought a freehold outside of the tract purchased by Hunter, un- less Livingston, after Hunter's departure, had attempted to assert a right over that tract. The Promised Land 20). These thirty families found a more liberal dis- position in Henry Beekman, who sold them lands in fee, in that part of his patent which is covered by the town of Rhinebeck. The name of that town is distinctly Palatine, as in its first syllable a memorial of the much-loved river in the old country. As the last syllable was formerly written, " beek," it has been thought to have been taken from the name of Beekman, in honor of his fair dealings with these people. Whatever may have been the difficulty on the land question, or the origin of the latter lialf of " Rhinebeck," it is certain that that town was founded by these Palatines, many of whose names still obtain in the locality. From Rhinebeck also the descendants of these people found various and scattered homes throuofh- out Dutchess County, and have given to the State and nation many men of prominence and usefulness. Those of the people who went to the Scho- harie valley had for several years an experi- ence of further affliction. Some writers have charged these troubles to their ignorance ; but beyond denial the origin of them is found in 2o8 The Palatines the anger of the Governor and the cupidity of designing men, to whom the Governor, in the first heat of his resentment, surrendered them as victims. The chief man among them, John Conrad Weiser, educated and an ex-magistrate, cannot be reckoned as an ignorant person. However "riotous and rebelHous " he may have been in resisting the Governor and his agents, he was not Hkely to sacrifice the inter- ests of his people through sheer ignorance of common law. As already noted several times in this narra- tive, the thought of the supposed original des- tination of the Palatines had not lost its charm to the minds of very many of them. To all remonstrances and arguments of the Governor and Cast they answered with one word — Scho- harie. They called it, " Schorie." This to them was the land of promise. They talked of Schorie ; they dreamed of Schorie, and to Schorie would they go. In their last winter on the Manor they had planned for ways to reach that country of blessing, and through the following spring and summer waited for fitting opportunity to put their plans in opera- tion. They must proceed with caution, as The Promised Land 209 any general or large migration, while the tar- work was in progress, would be promptly checked by the military kept at the Manor to compel the submission of the people. Even individual deserters were brought back and punished. Thus waiting, they hailed the order to cease the work and for the people to shift for them- selves, as a proclamation of freedom. They at once despatched to Schoharie seven dep- uties — principal men among them — and the " List men," of the villages, of whom Weiser was chief. These men were to visit the valley, examine its land, deal with the Indians in the neighborhood, and find the best route for the people to take thither. The visit of these deputies must have been made in the early fall, and according to their own report they were received by the Indians in the valley with the utmost friendliness. Brown * says — a statement probably drawn from tradition, for he gives no authority — that the first inhabitant of the Schoharie valley was a French Indian, Karigondonte, who had mar- ried a Mohawk squaw, in consequence whereof * Sketch of Schoharie, p. 52. 14 2IO The Palatines he was forced to leave his tribe. He took pos- ession of the Schoharie valley and seems to have established there a sort of Cave Adul- 1am, attracting thither from the surrounding tribes " such as were discontented and such as were in debt." Presently, he had gathered about him " a nation three hundred strong," which took the name of their chief, and was made up of Mohawks, Mohegans, Discororas, and Delawares. That section of the valley occupied by these Indians and given to the Palatines, afterwards described as the Schoharie Flats, " began on the Little Schoharie Creek, in the present town of Middleburg, at the high-water mark of the Scho- harie river, and at an oak stump burned hollow — which stump is said to have served the Mohawk and Stock- bridge Indians as a corn-mill — and ran down the river to the north, on both sides, a distance of ten miles, and containing about twenty thousand acres. By the side of this stump was erected a pile of stones, still standing after 1800. Upon the stump were cut the figures of a turtle and a snake, the sign of the Karighondonte tribe, as a seal of the contract." Sims,* from whose history the above quotation is taken, represents this contract as one made * Hist, of Schoharie Co., p. 47. The Promised Land 211 by the Indians with " an agent of the Queen, to prevent hostiHties between them and the Germans." This, as we know, is a mistake. No agent of the Queen made such a contract. On the contrary, all the Queen's representatives in the province, who had any relation to the matter, did their best to prevent the Palatines going to Schoharie, and, after they had gone thither, to render residence there as uncomfort- able as possible. If there was any such stump and any seal of contract engraved thereon, the "party of the second part" must have been, not the Queen's agent, but the Palatine dep- uties from the Manor. These seven " Chiefs," — as they are termed in some parts of the narrative, — headed by Weiser, proceeded on their mission by way of Albany, and there obtained an Indian guide. He led them over the Helderbergs and down the Fox Creek to its junction with the Schoha- rie, in the very heart of their chosen valley. Entering it in the early fall, they must at once have realized that their dreams had not played them false, for certainly fairer sight their eyes had not beheld since they left their old country on the Rhine. It is a deep valley, where the 212 The Palatines copious dews from April to October make a constant and luxuriant verdure. The hills on either side, here sloping gently upward, and there standing in bold bulk of precipitous rock, seemed to promise bulwarks of defence and protection from further foes. The broad alluvial flats prophesied plenty on the farms that were to be, while the river, like a broad silver ribbon, wound its way among the level meadows, its full and quiet flood an image of contented peace. The Palatine statement tells of most hospi- table treatment of the deputies by the Indians. The deputies " intreated them [the Indians] to give 'em permission to settle on the tract of land called Schorie." This the Indians readily granted, saying that " they had formerly given this land to Queen Anne for them." This last statement provokes a smile, for what- ever may be the truth about that gift to the Queen, it is pretty certain that the company of Karigondonte had nothing to do with it. However, he and his nondescript tribe seem to have had the friendliest disposition. When the deputies returned to the Manor and made report of the welcome extended, "it The Promised Land 213 put the people in heart. All hands fell to work, and in 2 weeks' time cleared a way thro' the woods of 1 5 miles long, with the utmost toyle and labour." The locality of this " way thro' the woods" is somewhat uncertain, tho it is probably to be found near the end of the journey, and not at the beginning, as the narra- tive would imply. The unbroken wilderness, through which the pioneer's axe must make a road, was rather on the Helderbergs than on the bank of the Hudson. The migration of the people was in two companies. The first company was composed of fifty families, which, so soon as possible after the return of the deputies, set out upon the journey. Whether they travelled by boats to Albany or trooped the way on foot the " statement " does not tell. It was doubtless a sorry-looking company and poorly furnished, appealing in the poverty of their resources to the charity of the good people of Albany. And in the immediately subsequent months, their need received much help, not only from the Dutch in Albany, but also from the Consistory of the Dutch Church in the city of New York. Hardly was the toilsome journey over before 214 The Palatines a new and different trouble began, the tale of which beginning may best be told in their own words : " Being arrived and almost settled, they received orders from the Gov.°"' not to goe upon the land, and he who did so should be declared a Rebell. . . This Message sounded like thunder in their ears and surprised them beyond expression ; but having seriously weighed mat- ters amongst themselves, and finding no manner of like- lihood of subsisting else\vhere,but a Certainty of perishing by hunger, cold, etc., if they returned, they found them- selves under the fatall necessity of hazarding the Gov" Re- sentment, that being to all more eligible than Starving.* It does not appear why the Governor should have sent this order, or have had any just objection to the settlement in Schoharie. Certainly, in his message abandoning the " tar- work," he had told the people to shift for themselves, and had only limited their choice of location to the two provinces of New York and New Jersey. He had, indeed, required that those who left the Manor should obtain tickets of leave, and this formality, probably, the people did not observe. Nothing, how- ever, is said about such dereliction, tho it is clear * Doc. Hist., iii., 425. The Promised Land 215 that the people departed without asking the Governor's permission to go to Schoharie. The whole aspect of the movement to his mind was of a refractory body withdrawing from under his immediate eye and authorty, and going behind the barriers of forest into a retired valley, whither the obligations of the contract could not easily follow them. He was ap- prehensive lest, if that precious project should be resumed, he might not be able from that distance to bring his workers. Besides, and fully so powerful, was a sentimental considera- tion : that for two years that " tract of land called Schorie" had been as a bone of conten- tion between him and the Palatines. They, like Israel in Egypt, had been incessantly cry- ing, " Let us go ; " and he as constantly reply- ing, " I will not let you go." And now the Governor saw himself outwitted, more by the hardness of events than by the cunning of the people ; and yet, however brought about, a thing to be resented. There was much in- justice in the Governor's thought, and more in his subsequent conduct, and yet it is quite in- telligible that, with all his soreness of spirit over the great failure, and his irritation at the 2i6 The Palatines self-determined methods of the Palatines, he should resolve that, whatever happened, they should not possess that coveted valley. But for the present he was powerless. The first band of the emigrants had reached the Schoharie, and the winter had closed in upon them. Nor in any case could the Governor drive them out by force. We shall see that he adopted other means, far more worrying. In the meantime the settlers suffered many privations through the winter. The " barbar- ous people showed them no little kindness," and out of their own scanty stores of maize gave freely to them. Young Weiser writes : ** They broke ground enough (in the spring) to plant corn for the use of the next year. But this year our hunger was hardly endura- ble." The Indians showed them where to find many edible roots. " Many of our feasts were of wild potatoes (oehmanada) and ground- beans (otagraquam)." In the opening spring the other company, about one hundred fami- lies, made their way to the valley. The quaint narrative says : " In the same year in March (17 13) did the remainder of the people (tho treated by the Governor as Pharaoh The Promised Land 217 treated the Israelites) proceed on their journey, and by God's Assistance travell'd in [a] fourtnight with sledges thro' the snow, which there covered the ground above 3 foot deep, cold and hunger, Joyn'd their friends and countrymen in the promised land of Schorie." This comparison of Hunter to Pharaoh may allude to some unrecorded actions of the Gov- ernor by which he essayed to detain the people on the Manor. If so, the determined migra- tion served to add to his resentment. He had time to lay his plans while the people made their settlements. They disposed themselves in seven villages — dorps or dorfs — along the Schoharie, naming each from one of their seven chiefs. Of these the more considerable were Weiser's dorp, in the present Middleburgh ; Fuchs's dorp (after- wards anglicized to Fox), at the junction of the Fox Creek with the Schoharie ; and Knis- kern's dorp at the mouth of the Cobleskill. On the site of the present Court House village was an eighth hamlet called Brunnen dorp, from the springs in the hill-side, and from which the hamlet was afterwards called Fountaintown. At Fuchs's dorp was the centre of the settle- ment. On the Fox Creek was built the first 2t8 The Palatines mill which freed the people from carrying their grain to Schenectady. It was at the Fuchs's dorp that the people gathered for Sunday worship ; and on the sightly bluff, which divides the Fox from the Schoharie, was, in 1772, built the Old Stone Church — or Fort — which still stands, one of the most picturesque historic buildings in the State. The people had not long been in Schoharie and were still suffering through the privations incident to their new settlement, when the first of their troubles about their lands was put upon them by the son of the Colonel Nicholas Bay- ard, who, about twenty-five years before this time, had received from Governor Fletcher a patent to a "certain tract of land called Sko- hare, beginning at the mouth of the Skohare river and runs to head of said river." * Inas- much as the Schoharie is about fifty miles long, this Bayard patent may well be rated among the "extravagant grants" given by Fletcher.f Colden describes this governor's " liberal hands, with which he gave away lands. The most ex- traordinary favors of former governors were but petty grants in comparison with his." We * Col. Hist., v., 634, f Doc. Hist., i., 250. The Promised Land 219 are not to understand that these grants by Fletcher were given without "a considera- tion." He was notoriously corrupt. '^ Bello- mont wrote, in 1701, "I believe not less than seven millions of acres were granted in thirteen grants, and all uninhabited except Mr. Rans- lear's." He said also that Fletcher had made a fortune of ;!^3o,ooo by his corrupt practices. The London Board of Trade was alarmed by this extravagance of Fletcher and laid the matter for advice before the Lords Justices of England, v/ho declared such grants improper and that they should be annulled. Bellomont was instructed to obtain from the provincial Assembly an act voiding all the grant patents issued by Fletcher. As already noted, such act was passed in 1698, and Colonel Bayard lost his immense estate. On several occasions ef- forts were made to get this act repealed — and several petitions of Samuel Bayard are pre- served, requesting to be restored to his father's lands. What this Bayard expected to realize among the Palatines is not quite clear, but there can be no doubt that his scheme was not charged * Col. IIist.,iw., 822, 826. 220 The Palatines with beneficence to the new settlers. Sims and others speak of him as " an agent of the Queen." Their account runs that he came to Schoharie and published a notice " to every householder, who would make known the boundaries of land taken by him, that he would give a deed in the name of the Sove- reign." * The statement is absurd. Bayard could not have been an agent of the Queen. He was not in government favor in the pro- vince, and had no relations to the govern- ment in England, while all the properly accredited agents of the Queen and the home government were distinctly unfriendly to the Palatines and in no mood to arrange that their titles to the Schoharie lands should be made clear. The story quoted proceeds to say that the Palatines were enraged at Bayard, supposing that he had come in the interest of their oppressors, and mobbed him, driving him out of the valley ; that he went to Schenectady, and thence sent back a message to Schoharie, "offering to give to such as should appear there with a single ear of corn, acknowledge him as royal agent, and name * Sims, Schohaire Co., p. 60. The Promised Land 221 the bounds of it [their land], a free deed and lasting title." It appears that Bayard's pa- tience and generosity were extensive after such treatment as he had received. But they were not proof against the contemptuous refusal of the Palatines to take any notice of this offer, for the tale concludes that, since nobody from Schoharie appeared to take advantage of his kindness, he went to Albany and sold the lands to Myndert Schuyler, Peter van Brugh, Robert Livingston Jr., John Schuyler, and Henry Wileman. These gentle- men did, indeed, come into possession of titles to Schoharie, but not by means of such pur- chase from Bayard. The reflection upon this story by those who record it for sober history is that the hos- tile action of the Palatines was due to their ignorance, in consequence of which they de- prived themselves of secure titles and brought on all their subsequent troubles. But we may set that aside as quite impossible, for Weiser and the chiefs were intelligent men, and un- doubtedly judged correctly that Bayard's mis- sion was not of a friendly nature, and that any titles taken from him would be of no value. 222 The Palatines It is far more probable that, in place of offering them titles from the Queen, Bayard planned to practise upon their supposed ignorance, and on the ground of his father's annulled patent to induce them to either buy or take leases from himself. Nor can we suppose that the " Gentlemen of Albany," who were afterwards called the " Five Partners," were ignorant enough to buy from Bayard land which had been taken from him by legislative enact- ment. They took their title from under the hand of Gov. Hunter, tho it may be that the suggestions of Bayard had something to do with their application.* Bayard had not long disappeared from the valley, when another claimant to Schoharie lands came on the scene, in the person of Adam Vroman, of Schenectady. The land to which he had title was situated well up the valley, embracing the most of what is now the township of Middleburgh. His patent is still outlined on the county maps, and he has a more enduring monument in * This Bayard was in some way connected with the Leisler Rebel- lion in New York, was tried for high treason and condemned to death, but was pardoned. Cornbury declared that the action against him was very unjust {Col. Hist., iv., 974). The Promised Land 223 the name of one of the mountains at its side, a bold, high, and rocky headland, called Vro- man's Nose, jutting out into the Flat and dominating the valley for miles, both south and north. He is said to have purchased his lands from the Indians in 171 1, but his chief reliance for title rests on the patent given by Gov. Hunter in August, 1714 — a date eighteen months later than the Scho- harie migration of the Palatines. Vroman came to take possession of this land in the year after the issuance of the patent, and had a rather hard time of it, as appears from his complaint to the Governor. We can let him tell his story in his own words, which were written at Schenectady, "9 July 1715. In hast." He writes, "The Palatines threat- ened in a rebellious manner, if I should build or manure the Land at Schore that your Excellency was pleased to grant me a Patent for." He had manured and sowed some of the land, and " they still drove their horses on it at night." He was " building a stone house 23 feet square and so high so I had Layd the Beames of the Chamber, they had a Con- tryvance to tie bells about horses' necks and drive them 224 The Palatines to and fro. In which time they pulled my house Stones and all to the Ground. ... They used such rebel- lious expressions that was never heard of. . . . John Conradus Wiser has been the Ring Leader of all fac- tions. . . . They made the Indians drunk to that degree to go and mark off land with them. ... I am no wayes secure of my life. They went and pulled my son off of the waggon and beat him and said they would kill him or his father or any body else who came their, . . . Wiser and two or three more has made their escape by way of Boston and have said they would go for England, but has left his Son which is their In- terpreter to the Indians and every day tells the Indians many Lyes, whereby much mischief may ensue more than we now think off and is much to be feared . . . I don't find a Great many Concerned with this Wiser and his son in their disobedient, unlawful, and Rebellious proceedings . . . Those that are good subjects among them and will not Joyn with them are afraid the others will Burn their houses down by their threatening words." They must have been hot words Indeed. One can have considerable compassion for Vroman in this evil case, without at the same time condemning very severely the conduct of Weiser and his companions. Their proceed- ings were, of course, irregular and unlawful, but they were the only means left to them for defending what they not unjustly considered The Promised Land 225 their rights. They knew that no complaints of invasion on those rights would be enter- tained by the Governor for a moment. They perceived that the Vroman patent was but one item in a plan to deprive them of all hope of possession in their promised land. So in the absence of any friend at court, without any legal title to the land they had occupied, but which they believed to be morally their own, they adopted the policy of worrying and fright- ening off the intruders. It was a weak policy, but all they could adopt. Nor did it succeed. The Dutch blood of the Vromans had too much staying quality for that. One other measure, indeed, they did attempt — ^a purchase on their own account from the Indians. Their "statement of Grievances" relates that, when some people from Albany endeavored to obtain land "round them so as to close them up," they themselves "bought the rest of the land at Schorie, being woods. Rocks and pasturidg, for 300 pieces of eight." This is the transaction to which the complaint of Vroman alludes, " getting the Indians drunk so as to mark off land with them." The younger Weiser speaks of this purchase for 226 The Palatines three hundred dollars, as tho that sum were paid for the entire valley, and on the visit of the deputies to the Indians. But neither this purchase not the persecu- tion of Vroman aided them. They were evi- dently the victims of the Governor's resentful purpose to leave them not a foot of ground to stand upon in Schoharie. There is no injustice to Hunter in so speaking. However incon- sistent with his general character this conduct of the Governor was, it yet finds plenty of evi- dence. Beyond question the right thing for him to have done under the circumstances was to give to the Palatines land in Schoharie. They had come over under a contract, part of which promised to them land, and the failure of the tar project through no fault of theirs did not absolve the government from its prom- ise to give them forty acres for each family. Besides, whatever may have been the founda- tion in fact for the Palatine dream of Scho- harie, it is certain that others than themselves considered that valley as their destined place. Hunter himself admitted this, but alleged the difficulty of tar-making in that locality as a reason for settling them on the Hudson. The Promised Land 227 When, therefore, that design was abandoned, and a large majority of the Palatines had found their way to Schoharie, the only proper thing for Hunter to do, was to confirm them in possession, if not of the whole valley, at least of so much acreage as would satisfy the conditions of the contract. But the fact was that the Governor did not exercise a judicial mind. He seems to have visited on the poor Palatines all his wrath be- cause of the great failure, for which they were in no wise to blame. He should have visited his anger on the British Treasury ; and on Clarendon, who involved Hunter in his hatred of Livingston ; and perhaps on Livingston, who may have cheated him and certainly did get all the profit there was in the business for any- body. The Palatines he should have acquitted of blame and settled them peacefully and un- disturbed. Instead, he pursued a course alike reprehensible and unworthy of himself. Per- haps it would not be correct to say, that the course of events, by which the Palatines found settlement at Schoharie difficult and more than half of them were driven from the valley, was in consequence of any prearranged 228 The Palatines plan of the Governor. At the same time it is clear enough that he did not hesitate to embrace the opportunity offered by the cupid- ity of land-grabbers to make his spite against that people effective. This situation is well expressed by E. M. Smith — the only writer who seems to have formed a correct judgment of these transactions — in his History of Rhine- beck. He there says : * " There was evidently a purpose, favored by Gov. Hunter, that the land of Schoharie, which they claimed and whither they had gone, should not be owned by these people, but that it should be owned by some non- resident favorites, perhaps for a personal consideration, to whom they should for ever remain mere ' hewers of wood and drawers of water.' " This conclusion is fully justified on careful comparison of dates. Thus the voiding of the Bayard grant took place in 1698, from which time, whether with or without the ground of an Indian gift, the lands were looked upon as belonging to the Queen. Until the entrance of the Palatines in the late fall of 171 2, no white man had attempted possession and no claim of ownership had been asserted, unless * p- 91. The Promised Land 229 we except the possible purchase from the In- dians of a portion of the lands by Vroman in 1 71 1. On any right so acquired, however, it is significant that Vroman himself does not lay stress, but founds his title on the patent given by Hunter in the summer of 1714. This was a year and a half after the Palatines had gone to the valley. * The Vroman patent covered the lands of Weiser's dorp, and also those of Ober- Weiser's dorp, another hamlet soon established at a little distance up the stream. There is not much of detraction from the sinister quality of this grant in the fact that Vroman's petition for the grant was made a year before the patent issued. That also was subsequent to the Palatine occupa- tion, by several months ; and one needs not to draw severely on imagination to suppose, that the Palatine entrance was the means of turning the attention and cupidity of Vroman towards Schoharie. But, however that may be, there is no doubt that Hunter gave to Vroman lands which he knew were already in * For dates of Petitions and Patents for Land, here alluded to, see " Calendar of N. Y. Land Papers," pp., 142-182. The Papers are in vols, v.-x., of " Land Papers" in the office of the Secretary of State. 230 The Palatines possession of the Palatines. To suppose that Vroman paid him for the lands, as the Pala- tines were unable to do, is only to add the charge of corruption to that of cruelty. The only pecuniary condition for a patent allowed by law was the payment of an annual Quit Rent to the crown, whatever may have been done by way of purchase from the Indians. Hunter was an honest man, and we cannot suppose him guilty of those practices which disgraced his predecessor, Fletcher. Undoubt- edly, beyond extinguishing the Indian title, and the clerical fees, Vroman paid nothing for his patent. As to the necessary Quit Rents, the Palatines would have eno-asfed for those as readily as he. There can be no reason, save that of the Governor's pleasure, for the preference of Vroman to the Palatines. Vro- man did not attempt to enter on possession until more than two years after the people had settled on the lands. But this is not all. Whatever may have been the nature of the transactions between Bayard and the " Five Partners," those gen- tlemen did not consider their title secured, save by a patent from under the Gov- The Promised Land 231 ernor's hand. Their petition was presented in May, 1714, and the patent was issued in the following November. " The patent began at the northern limit of Vroman's patent on the west side, and at the Little Schoharie kill on the east side, and ran north on both sides of the river to beyond the Coble's Kill." * This finished the legal expulsion of the Pala- tines begun by the Vroman patent. The two patents together granted away from them the ground upon which they had built their houses and every foot of land which they had broken for seed. The action would seem to justify the language of Weiser, '' as the hawk pounces on the dove cote, these powerful parties fell on the victims." There appears under date of the same November a license to "Samuel Staats and Rip Van Dam to purchase 2000 acres each at a place called Foxes Creek in the county of Albany." Foxes Creek was an affluent of the Schoharie and the "place" is near to Fuchs's dorp at the junction of the two streams. There is no record of a patent having been issued for the described purchase, but we hear * Sims's Schoharie Co. 232 The Palatines of it again in an application to the Governor by Philip Schuyler,* "for himself and the rest of the heirs of Dr. Staats," for a license to purchase lands at Schoharie. This application was made in 1716. In the next year a survey was ordered for Rip van Dam and Philip Schuyler "for himself." What became of *' the rest of the heirs " does not appear. Nor does it appear that these two men ever came into possession of Schoharie lands. The items are noted as suggestive of the kind of discipline the Palatines were being subjected to. A more notable suororestion is found in a rec- ord that in 1716, Feb. 10, John Christ Gerlach petitioned for license to purchase 150 acres of vacant and unappropriated lands at Schoharie. This Gerlach was probably of the family of the head man of Garloch's drop. No action was taken on this petition, and no license granted. It begins to be evident that with the Governor's good-will no Palatine should secure a title in Schoharie. Schuyler writes that there was also a patent for land in Schoharie valley issued to Gover- nor Hunter and called Huntersfield. This ♦Schuyler's Col. N. F.,ii., 433. The Promised Land 233 does not appear among the "Land Papers," but the name Huntersfield obtained for a por- tion of the valley between the present villages of Middleburgh and Schoharie, and was in frequent use until within the memory of men now living. How the name could originate without such patent, or whether the name, arising in some other way, gave currency to the statement that the patent existed, are questions that need not detain us. Not until more than five years after Hunter's return to England does it appear that any Palatine obtained title to land in the valley, save by purchase from the five partners. Then, in 1725, "William York and Lewis York, Palatines," obtained a warrant of survey for 600 acres, south of the Vroman and Schuyler patents. Possibly an exception to this statement exists in the record that God- freid De Wolven, undoubtedly a Palatine, in May, 1722, petitioned for a grant of " 150 acres of the land lying vacant and unappro- priated in this province." Within sixty days he received both a warrant of survey and a certificate for "150 acres in the County of Albany." This entry does not show that De 234 The Palatines Wolven's land was at Schoharie, tho there is nothing to indicate to the contrar)', the valley of Schoharie being at that time part of Albany County. One other land patent remains to be noted. This, after several petitions and warrants, was finally granted to Lewis Morris, Jr., and An- dries Coeymans. These men, from New York, discovered that the lands along Fox Creek were not included in the patent of the five partners, and at once applied for them. The land was the same as that applied for, but not obtained by Van Dam and Philip Schuyler. For some reason, Morris and Coeymans were more suc- cessful. They secured the title in 1726, and at once made common cause with the five " Gentlemen of Albany." The two companies together were thereafter spoken of as the " Seven Partners." We should note, how- ever, that this union of the companies did not occur until the dispute with the Palatines was practically over. A large portion of that people had already retired from the valley, while those who remained had settled their minds to make the best of the situation with- out further contention. The Promised Land 235 A curious item in the Land Papers is a " List of names to be inserted in the Patent for Lawyer's purchase at Schoharie, contain- ing by estimation about 40,000 acres." This bears date of June, 1723. It is impossible to identify such purchase, tho in the next few years purchases by Lawyers — all Palatines — are noted as being allowed by the government. The estimate of acreage is absurdly exagger- ated. But this, and the following records referred to, show the change of disposition towards the Palatines which had come to the gubernatorial mind after Hunter's depart- ure. From the grants given by Hunter, we per- ceive that all that portion of the valley occu- pied by the Palatines was so deeded away from them, that they could retain the meadows they had broken and the homes they had builded only by purchase or lease from a com- pany of land-grabbers. There were involved in this the most unscrupulous greed, and the most inexcusable oppression recorded of col- onial times. Had not Hunter's disappoint- ment and anger so blinded him, he could never have set his hand to instruments of 236 The Palatines such injustice. So doing was altogether un- like his better self. The character of these transactions has rarely been understood. The Palatines have been represented as squatting on lands which did not belong to them, and refusing to pay either purchase-money or rent to the rightful owners. This is true only by a legal fiction. The Palatines should have been the legal owners. The legal title was originated by the Governor's patent, which should have issued to the Palatines. There was no reason, other than the Governor's will to harass that people, for the granting said patents to the five partners. They are also described as "riotous, turbulent, and rebellious," when in fact they were simply contending for the right to live as freemen. For fifteen years from the day of their landing on Nutten Island they were forced to struggle for their rights against tremendous odds. It is true that for the first two years the government subsisted them, but at the same time, while doling out this "charity" with one hand, the authorities were with the other pressing upon them with no little severity. In the end, the people The Promised Land 237 never obtained what they regarded, and we also must regard, as their just due. Those who remained in Schoharie were compelled at last to purchase their titles from the partners, while the majority, wearying of the struggle and too high-spirited to yield to the demands of the usurpers, departed from the land which had broken its promise to their hope. There can be little doubt as to the rise of their trouble. So large a settlement as that at the Manor must have drawn the attention of the entire colony, a regard more interested because of the peculiar relation of the govern- ment to the settlers. When the "desiofn" broke down and this body of Palatines, at least seven hundred strong, passed up the river and through Albany, on their way to "the land of promise," curiosity was at once excited as to the quality of that valley which had exerted such magnetic power. The Palatines were the real openers of the valley and by going thither advertised it to the notice of the " Gentlemen at Albany," who early discovered both the Palatines' lack of title and the Gov- ernor's resentful temper. Thus the former 238 The Palatines became an easy prey and the latter most sup- ple an instrument for their greed. One read- ing the disgraceful tale can but dwell upon the pity of the fact that, while the Governor could justly claim the protection and guidance of the Queen's command in all the business of the tar, he should so completely have forgotten her other command, to have special concern for "the comfort and advantage of the Palatines." In I 718, he made a statement of the situation, which he knew to be false, to the effect that the people " went and took possession of Lands granted to several persons at New York and Albany Against repeated Orders." This was written to the Board of Trade as an offset to the " Statement of Grievances," which Weiser had presented in petition to the king. Hardly any statement could be more disingenuous. Taken as Hunter meant it to be understood, it justified all the afflictions of the Palatines ; while taken as the succession of events re- quired, it condemned every action against them.* In the same letter the Governor says : " In compassion to the Innocent Women and children I prevailed with the proprietors of these lands to make * Doc. Hist., 'in., 422 ; Col. Hist., v., 509. The Promised Land 239 them an offer of the Lands, free from all rent or ac- knowledgment for ten years, and ever after at a very- moderate Quit Rent. The Majority accepted the con- ditions, but durst not, or could not, execute the agree- ment for fear of the rest." The Governor then proposes to move the people again, and settle them " on a great tract of land, very remote on the Frontiers, formerly granted to Dominie Dellius, of fifty miles square, and resumed by Act of Assembly." Of this proposed removal we shall hear again. Meanwhile the " Five Partners " proceeded to assert their rights to the lands which the Palatines had occupied. They informed the poor people, that they had obtained the land from the Governor, and that all living upon it must either buy or lease their holdings, and that such as were unwillinof to do either must leave the valley altogether. The reply of the Palatines was that the lands of Schoharie had been set apart for them by Queen Anne, and that now it was the King's, and they could not "agree with any body about the King's land." This was sufficiently explicit, but not satisfac- tory to the " Gentlemen of Albany," who promptly made their appeal to the courts. 240 The Palatines However inequitable or unjust their claim, yet their legal title was clearly defined, and the court could do no otherwise than to enforce it. In consequence of the orders of court, Sheriff Adams of Albany County, presently appeared in Schoharie, provided with appropriate legal documents, to summons the recusant settlers, to "affix papers on the land," and to arrest the more turbulent of the people. Among his papers was a special warrant, addressed to the Justices of the Counties of Albany and Dutch- ess, for the arrest of "John Conrade Wiser," who is described as " a Covenanted Servant of his Majesty, who has been Guilty of Sev- eral Mutinous, Riotous, and other disobedient and illegal practices, now skulking in your County to avoid punishment." It was unfortunate for the sheriff that he had not provided himself with a posse as well as with papers, for the people showed no respect for his papers, and in the absence of defenders wrought a very rough will upon him. The chief culprit, Weiser, had disappeared, but Adams undertook the arrest of the others. The first attempt, made at Weiser's dorp, brought on a riot in which the women took The Promised Land 241 vigorous and leading part. Led by Magdalena Zeh, the women attacked the sheriff, knocked him down and beat him ; then they dragged him through the nastiest puddles of their barn- yards, and, putting him on a rail, " rode him skimington " through the settlements, a dis- tance of seven miles or more, and finally left him, with two broken ribs, on a bridge well out on the road to Albany. So tradition, as recorded by Sims, enters into detail. Very likely the story is exaggerated, tho so far as the female actors are concerned it may easily find belief. The Palatine women were stal- wart as the famous " women of Marblehead." It was no uncommon thing for them, while as yet for two or three years no mill was built at Schoharie, to carry on their backs their corn to the mill at Schenectady, going thither and returning in one day. When the sheriff returned to Albany and reported to the partners, they were at a loss for further proceedings which might be effect- ive. For a while they pursued a policy of silence and left the people unmolested, refrain- ing from further coercive measures until the Governor should come to Albany. This visit 16 242 The Palatines of Hunter was made in 171 7, for the double purpose of holding a conference with the In- dians and settling this business of the Pala- tines. He sent orders to Schoharie for a deputation of three men from each village to meet him at Albany, and particularly that Captain Weiser should be of the deputation. Inasmuch as the Governor had publicly said that he would hang Weiser, if he got hold of him, very naturally the captain did not present himself with the deputies. The others ap- peared before the Governor and were sharply rated for their refractory conduct. There is a series of three questions and answers very succinctly put in the Palatine Statement, which shows that in the encounter of wits they got the better of the Governor. He asked the deputies : 1. Why they went to Schoharie without his orders ? 2. Why they did not agree with the Gentle- men of Albany ? and 3. Why they concerned themselves so much with the Indians ? To these the deputies replied : I. The Governor had told them to shift for The Promised Land 243 themselves, and they were compelled to go somewhere and do something. 2. The demands of the Albany Gentlemen were extravagant — while the Palatines had re- ceived the lands from the King. If they served anybody, it must be the King, and not private persons. 3. It was necessary for them on that ex- posed frontier, to be in good terms with the Indians as a protection against the French and hostile Indians. Clearly the deputies had the best of the ar- gument, but this availed nothing with the Governor, who finished the hearing by sharply commanding them to either ao;ree with the Albany Gentlemen or leave the valley, and forbidding them to plow and sow the ground until the necessary agreement with the five partners had been made. With this the dep- uties returned to Schoharie and Hunter to New York. In the following winter — no agreement with the partners having been made — the peo- ple sent three men to New York to ask per- mission from the Governor to plow the lands in the coming spring. The "Statement" represents the Governor as replying to this 244 The Palatines request, in a Pilate-like brevity, " What is said, is said." Then in its amusingly pathetic grandiose style, the account goes on : " This was a thunder-clap in the ears of their Wifes and children and the lamentation of all the people in- creased to such a hight, and their necessity grew so great, that they were forced for their own preservation to transgress those orders, and sow some summer corn and fruits or else they must have starved." There is in a letter of Sec'y Clarke to Mr. Walpole, written in November of 1722,* an almost open confession that in these and previous proceedings the Palatines had been treated with injustice. He refers to a form of certificate sent by Hunter, after his return to England, for the signatures of the Palatines. It will be remembered that one reason of Hunter's return home was that he might pros- ecute his claim for reimbursement for ad- vances on the Palatine account. There the Lords of the Treasury demanded as vouchers, not only the receipts of Livingston for the mon- eys paid, but the acknowledgment of the Pala- tines themselves, that they had been subsisted according to contract and the Queen's orders. * Doc. Hist., iii., 429. The Promised Land 245 But such certificate they were, as the Secretary says, "most unwilling to sign, fearing new snares and contracts." He notes that a great many of them had already purchased land in Pennsylvania and were determined to go thither ; and concludes, " Thus the Brigadeer is baulked, and this province deprived of a good frontier of hardy and Laborious people. His claim is Just, his request reasonable, but that threatening manner of proceeding has in- jured him beyond expression." There can be no doubt that, had Hunter pursued a just course towards the Palatines, they would not have denied him the certificate demanded, and himself would have come nearer to just treat- ment by the Treasury. In the spring of 1718, when the people found themselves "forced to sow some sum- mer corn and fruits," they came to the conclu- sion that neither kindness nor justice was to be expected from the Governor or the Gentle- men of Albany, and that appeal must be made to a higher power. To this end they appointed three of their best men to go to London and lay their grievances before the King. Their statement, from which copious quotations have 246 The Palatines already been made, was probably written by the elder Weiser. Tho amusing by its quaint turgidity and also overstrained by the bias of the writer, it gives marked token of intellectual power. No ignorant hand put together that effective document, which is both logical and graphic, and allowing for the exaggeration of style, adheres much more closely to the truth than did Governor Hunter. This appeal to the justice and kindness of King George was carried to London by Weiser, Scheff, and Walrath. These two companions of Weiser find mention only in connection with this mission. Walrath died in London, before the mission was completed. Scheff, after Walrath's death, quarrelled with Weiser and returned to America in 1721, and six months after his arrival died in New York city. The departure of the deputies from Scho- harie had to be by stealth. Probably Weiser had disappeared from the valley several months before, and was joined by his companions at some place on the route to Philadelphia. From that city they set sail for England ; but their ship had hardly issued from between the Capes, i The Promised Land 247 when it was taken by " pirates." These seem to have been milder-mannered men than the average of the sea-rovers. They neither scuttled the ship nor cut a throat, preferring robbery without murder and wreck. They stripped the ship of everything valuable, leav- ing to its crew and passengers only clothing sufficient for their nakedness and food to sub- sist them until they could reach Boston. They took the money of the Palatine deputies, and, not regarding it as enough, triced up Weiser and scourged him to compel a confession of a hidden purse. This discipline was suffered three times, when at last the pirates were in- duced to believe Scheff 's tearful protestations, that the entire money of the company was in the purse taken from himself. When released by the robbers, the ship sailed to Boston and thence, being resupplied, resumed its voyage to England. Weiser and his companions reached London absolutely penniless. They sent home for such remittances as their friends could forward, and meanwhile had to live as best they could on kindness and credit. These did not stead them very long, the hoped-for supply of funds from America was delayed, 248 The Palatines and the poor unfortunates were thrown Into the debtor's prison. There they suffered great misery, in the midst of which, and by force of which, Wahath died. To this also may be attributed the death of Scheff, a few months after his liberation. In their prison the deputies found means of reaching the ears of the authorities on the matters of their mission. Their petition was presented to the government and, apparently, was referred to the Lords of Trade for con- sideration and the advisement of the Kinof. In response the Board of Trade made a com- ment of some length.* They recite that, un- der the terms of settlement, the Palatines were " to be maintained at her Majesty's expense until so settled as to provide for themselves." Then alluding to the failure of the experiment, the protesting of Hunter's bills, and the dis- persion of the Palatines, they state that " they settled themselves in a riotous manner on lands belonging to other persons." Thus the false representations of Hunter had found cre- dence — and most naturally — in the minds of the Lords of Trade, and were final in the non- * Col, Hist., v., 601. i The Promised Land 249 suiting of the Palatines. By the time, also, that their petition came up for hearing, Hunter* himself was in England and, tho he had not influence enough to secure justice for himself, he was able to confirm the injustice of his own treatment of the poor people, whom " the Queen's clemency " had committed to his care, with the strict charge that everything should be done " with a view to the comfort of the poor Palatines." Destitute of all friends at court and without means to procure talents to plead their cause, it was inevitable that the mere statement of the poor debtors, languish- ing in prison, should be light as air in the scales against the assertion of so high a ser- vant of the crown as the Governor of the prov- ince, who, we may readily believe, did not fail to embellish his narrative with a descrip- tion of the riotous and rebellious character of the Palatines. His influence was fatal to the petition. There is some satisfaction to the reader's sense of poetic justice in the reflection, that the very means with which the Governor effected this oppression of the people, proved the knife which cut the throat of his own * Col. Hist., v., 552. 250 The Palatines hopes. The crisis of his own cause turned against him through the lack of their testi- mony. The long-delayed remittances from America at last arriving, the surviving deputies were liberated from prison. Shortly afterwards Scheff parted from Weiser and addressed an independent petition to the Board of Trade.* He recites the same facts as the former state- ment, tho in less ambitious style and with some added items of interest. He says that there are "about 160 families, and about 1000 souls at Schoharie . . . they had built huts, houses, and mills, improved the ground, and had made a road about 24 miles to Albany." He further says that there were about five hundred Palatine families, or three thousand souls, in the province, and asks that "they all be settled above, below, or round about the valley of Schorie." Then he pro- tests against the patents given for the Scho- harie lands as acts of bad faith, in the following words : " And considering that the grant of the valley of Schorie, supposed to be given to some Gentlemen of Al- * Col. Hist., v., 557. The Promised Land 251 bany, having been made some time after the said Germans had seated themselves thereon, at first to one and after- wards to two other persons, was, as they humbly conceive, against the Plantation Laws, for the truth of which they humbly appeal to the proceedings of the Assembly of the Province, and those of the Governor and Council." Here Scheff exposes the real nature of the wrong. He also deprecates removal from Schoharie on account of the unavoidable ex- posure of the women and children to the dan- gers of another transportation. If, however, they are to be removed, he claims that they should receive compensation for the better- ments made by them in the valley. Having lodged this petition, Scheff returned homeward, broken both in spirit and in health. Weiser remained in London two years longer, apparently " hoping against hope " that he might yet in some way secure an influence, b}^ which relief could come for his people and him- self. It was not until 1723, after five years of sojourn in London, in the midst of great suf- fering, that he finally gave up the struggle and returned to America. Meanwhile, during his absence, the people had remained at Schoharie. They "continued 252 The Palatines to improve the land," they plowed and planted and reaped, not much molested by the " Part- ners," who were biding their time, but conscious that their tenure was very slight, destitute of any rights of freehold which the law could sustain. For a lono- time after the maltreat- ment of the sheriff they were very "shy" of Albany. Sims states that the men of the valley would not go to Albany on any business, and sent the women thither for salt and other such necessities, themselves venturing to the city only upon Sundays, when they supposed that process could not be served upon them. After some months, however, during which the partners had made no sign, the people began to think that the trouble had blown over and that the violence to the sheriff was forgotten. So thinking, a party of the men went to Albany on a week-day, and were promptly arrested and thrown into oraol. The chargfes aofainst them were of riot and trespassing. There seems to have been no pretence of a trial, the arrest being simply a means of coercion by the part- ners, to compel the settlers to acknowledge their title. The prisoners, among whom was young Conrad Weiser, were kept in gaol for several The Promised Land 253 days, and finally released on the agreement of most of them to acknowledge the title of the Albany Gentlemen, and to take their holdings at Schoharie, either by purchase or on lease. This scored the first victory of the partners, and in moral effect on the Palatines it was com- plete. It broke the front of opposition by the people, and made the enforcement of the legal claim upon the lands a hundred-fold easier. The spirit of resistance was curbed by this defection, and the poor people realized at last that they must yield to the stronger. There seems to have obtained in some minds a disproportionate idea of the discontent and disorder of the Palatines, which, unless they were guilty of lawless actions not recorded, is quite unjustified. The treatment given to Adams stands alone in violent character. In all the rest of the story — their enemies being recorders — the movements of opposition were simply the refusal of manly spirits to submit to oppressive and unjust demands. The re- fusal was made the more sturdy by a con- sciousness of constant fraud in the action of governmental agents towards them. Dr. Homes comments on their "discontent," as 254 The Palatines though it were blameworthy. But on a faith- ful presentation of the facts there is room for wonder, that their discontent did not receive a more frequent and more violent expression. Certainly, nothing in their conduct, other than the incident of the sheriff's experience, could justify the following language of Hunter : " They might be usefully employed there [Schoharie], but there must be a Fort or two, as well to cover them as to keep thein in order, which I know to be a hard task by dear bought experience, and this will require an augmentation of our Forces."* Near the end of Hunter's term, on the request of the Board of Trade, a census of the Palatines was made, the Governor having applied to the two clergymen, Kockerthal and Hager, to procure the statistics. They re- ported in 1 718 — that the numbers in the Prov- ince of New York were as follows — East side of Hudson River. .126 Families : 499 Persons. West side of the River 68 " 372 " New York city 30 " 150 " "Skohare" 170 " 680 Total, 394 " 1601 ♦ Col. Hist. V. 509. The Promised Land 255 The reverend census-takers state that this enumeration does not include the widows and orphans ! — a somewhat curious fact, which gives room for questioning the correctness of their "hst" in other particulars. We may suppose that Scheff's statement of the num- ber as three thousand is above the truth. But this estimate given to Hunter must have been equally below it. Considering that not less than twenty-five hundred were landed on Nut- ten Island in 1 710, unless there was an unusual and unrecorded m.ortality among the people, the natural increase would have made them at least hold their own in numbers. They were a prolific people, and children were plen- tiful in their homes. An interesting record states that within the first fortnight after reach- ing Schoharie, the houses of Earhart, Lawyer, and Bouck were enriched by births. Of these three names two are still well known in the valley to-day. Certainly, we cannot be far wrong when estimating the Palatine population at Schoharie as above eight hundred. Nearly seven hundred composed the immigration of 1 71 2-13. In six years the children born and the excepted widows and orphans could hardly 256 The Palatines fail of bringing the total to the suggested number. This was a large company to be settled together " on the frontier," and the fancy can paint a glowing picture of what plenty and prosperity, what commercial growth and power might have ensued, had this people been suffered to remain unmolested together, to work out a destiny for themselves and this valley of their promise and delight. But that was not to be. Fully two thirds of the people went forth, making for them a third migration, to seek yet other homes. Those who remained preferred submission to further unsettlement. But this large majority could not be content to buy from the hand of the oppressor what they knew to be morally their own. As we recall the frequent expression of their hope when they set out for America ; the con- stancy, like that of the needle to the pole, with which their thought regarded " the promised land of Schorie " ; and the elation with which they passed within the embrace of its glorious hills, — entering the kingdom through much tribulation, — we can understand something of the tenacity of their ten years' struggle against The Promised Land 257 their foes, and something of the pang with which they turned their backs on "Schorie." Poetry and art have done their best to depict the sorrows of Acadia and its exiled people. And there was, indeed, a tragic quality to their experience, an intrusion of ruthless and brutal force, which are lacking happily from the Story of the Palatines. Thus there was a dignity in the sufferings of the poor Acadians, which also is lacking in the lot of the Palatines. And yet the latter suffered, if not so severely, certainly as wrongfully. Somehow — no one can explain it — to suffer at the bidding of military neces- sity adds honor to the pangs ; while they, who are the helpless victims of spite and greed, seem to be smirched with the baseness of their foes, and to appeal in vain to the sympathies of history. CHAPTER VII. THE DISPERSION. THE beginning of the dispersion and final migrations of these people is found in the instruction of the Board of Trade to Governor Burnett, shortly after his coming to New York. Sec'y Popple's letter, dated 29 Nov. 1720, directed the Governor to "set- tle those among the Palatines, who behave themselves with due submission to His Ma- jesty's authority and are destitute of means of subsistence, upon such convenient lands as are not already disposed of." Possibly the peti- tion of Weiser did so much of good as to con- vince the government that, if they could not right the wrongs of the Palatines, they must at least find them a place of unmolested habi- tation. Burnett's thought,* as he wrote to London, * Col. Hist., v., 634. 253 The Dispersion 259 v/as to settle them " in the middle of our In- dians. But they could not be brought to that. I have granted their request to pur- chase of the Mohocks." This so pleased them that " all who did live in a lawless manner on the Land of Schokerry, which had been granted to other proprietors, have now actually taken leases and attorned Tenants." Evidently, the Governor, in his desire to report the establish- ment of peace, was not conscious of the absurd- ity of this statement. If the recalcitrant people had all taken leases at Schoharie, the need of any purchases among the "Mohocks" could not have been very pressing. Undoubtedly, the mood of Burnett was much more amicable towards the Palatines than was that of Hunter, tho it is clear that the statements of the latter had moulded his opinions as to the character of the people and the situation. Weiser writes : "The new Governor felt like conciliating the disaf- fected, but they were nevertheless obliged to see their best acres abandoned, or retained at enormous prices. Some made a virtue of necessity and fell in with the new order, even at the expense of their manhood. Others would rather scatter here and there over the Province." 26o The Palatines The " Land Papers " show that under this pressure the minds of many of the people were turned towards the Mohawk valley as the only way of escape. In the year 1722 various rec- ords were made of petitions for license to pur- chase land on the Mohawk, of warrants of survey, of Indian deeds, and of drafts of patents given to Palatines. We do not need to particularize in detail. One grant issued to Garlock, whose petition for Schoharie land had failed ; another to Conrad Weiser, Jun. ; and yet another to Hartman Vinedecker, one of the chiefs from whose first name the name of Hartman's dorp was made. Several of these permits recite often the names of the principals, " and other distressed Palatines," which may perhaps suggest some slight com- punctions of the official conscience as to the distresses of that people. One license permits young Weiser to " purchase in the Mohawks country, three miles distant from any part of the Mohawks river," — and this might suggest a desire, on the Governor's part, that so trouble- some a stock as that of Weiser might be put off into the woods and as far as possible from the natural channels of communication. One The Dispersion 261 of the Indian deeds is much more Hberal, ceding to the same Weiser lands stretching " westerly 24 miles on Mohawk's River to Gan- endagaran [Canajoharie ?], on both sides of the river, and [north and south] as far as said Palatin or High Dutchmen, please." To these various warrants and licenses Bur- nett alludes when he writes — November 21, 1722 : "I have given them leave to purchase land from the Indians, between the present English settlements near Fort Hunter and part of Canada [?], on a creek called Canada Creek." He defines this leave as given to " about sixty families, who desired to be in a distinct tract from the rest, and were those who all along had been most hearty for the government." This latter statement is another of Burnett's absurdities, for those who were most submissive and hearty to the government had contented themselves in taking leases in Schoharie. Burnett sees much value in planting the Palatines on the Mohawk, as they will there be "a barrier against sudden incursions of the French, who made this their road when they last attacked and burned the Frontier town 262 The Palatines called Schonectady." In this letter Burnett speaks very disparagingly of the Palatines. " I find very little gratitude for favors done them." Under all the circumstances this is explicable, without reflecting severely on their character. Evidently, the Governor was somewhat vexed. He had gone up to Albany about this and other business, and had expected, as he wrote in this same letter, " to fix the Palatines in their new settlements which I had obtained of the Indians [!] at a very late purchase, but I found them very much divided into Parties. They said that the lands were not enough, the cunningest among them fomenting their Divisions, in order that the greatest number might leave the Province, and then the great Tract of Land lately purchased would make so many considerable estates to the few Families that should remain. . . . This is managed by a few cunning persons who lead the rest as they please, who are for the generality a laborious and honest, but headstrong and ignorant, people." Burnett seems to have possessed an invent- ive mind ; and yet this letter is not consistent with itself. Nor is it consistent with the fact that " the cunningest among them," such as Weiser and Vinedecker, did not go to that ** great Tract" at all. They tarried yet a while The Dispersion 263 in Schoharie and then themselves, not their dupes, left the province altogether and went into Pennsylvania. The origin of that migration to Pennsylvania has some connection with the other business which brought Burnett to Albany in 1722. That was attendance at one of the frequent councils with the Indians. Albany was the point at which the negotiations with the friendly tribes were carried on, the scene of many a long palaver, and the emporium of the Indian trade. Here was the official resi- dence of the provincial Secretary for Indian affairs, and hither came the Governor to meet his " Brothers " of the tribes in solemn con- clave. The Council of this year was of more than usual importance, because of movements and agreements among the Indians, by which the tribes beyond the borders of New York were affected. This larg-er interest and im- portance of the Council drew to its delibera- tions, not only the Governor of New York, but also Sir William Keith, the Governor of Pennsylvania. While at Albany Keith be- came acquainted with the Palatine affairs. Probably Burnett discoursed to him of the 264 The Palatines trouble they had given to Hunter and himself, and some of the leading Palatines told him of their afflictions and unrest. In whatever way Keith may have been informed, he was moved to compassion towards the distressed people, and offered to them an asylum from all perse- cution in his own province. Weiser * says that he, "hearing of the unrest of the Germans, lost no time to inform them of the freedom and justice accorded to their countrymen in Penn- sylvania." This "afforded" alludes to the kindly re- ception already given to immigrants from the Palatinate directly to Pennsylvania. In 1 7 1 7 f five years before the visit of Keith to Albany, and while the Schoharie troubles were at their height, three ship-loads of Palatines were landed at Philadelphia. The captains of the ships reported their arrival, furnished a list of their passengers, and, as though aware that such an influx was unusual for both numbers and nationality, requested from the council permission to land the people. This was at once given, while the names of the immigrants were put on record and are still preserved, *■ Life of IVeiser, p. 28. \Pcnu. Col. Records, iii., 2y. The Dispersion 265 together with the names of over thirty thou- sand of their countrymen from the Palatinate and other parts of Germany, who during the next thirty years came from the old country directly to Pennsylvania. The peculiarity of this record of names consists in the fact, that such was not kept of other immigrants into that province. We may suppose that the un- usual nationality of this first company, or its numbers (363), suggested the propriety of the record ; the continuance of which was regarded as important, because of the volume of the incoming during the next three decades. For whatever reason caused, the Palatines in Penn- sylvania have this distinction, — that they alone among the early settlers of that commonwealth have, name by name, their place in the records of the colony. There can be little doubt that the change of direction on the part of this company of 1 71 7 from New York to Philadelphia, was due to the report of tribulations sent home by the Palatines of the Manor and Schoharie. The treatment they had received, the harsh service, and the unrelenting persistence which denied a foothold, convinced the newcomers that 266 The Palatines New York Vv^ould not afford them hospitable welcome or happy homes. So they bethought them of the invitation sent to the oppressed in Europe, thirty years before, by William Penn, offering a welcome refuge in his new colony in America. They sailed directly to Philadelphia from Rotterdam, touching neither at any English port nor at New York. So doing, they became more successful pioneers for their countrymen than were the settlers on the Hudson and the Schoharie. After their experiences no company of Palatines came of their own accord to New York. To this there is one apparent exception. In 1722* a single ship with a large com- pany of people arrived at New York, having "touched in England" on the way from Hol- land. But its going thither may be set down as compulsory, by reason of general and severe sickness on board. The inspecting physicians reported to the Governor and Council that there was no " Contagious Dis- temper on Board the said Vessell," but sug- gested that the "quantity of Cloaths may have contracted Noisome Smells," because of the * Doc. Hist., iii., 428. The Dispersion 267 large number of the sick and " the Length of the Voyage." So it was ordered by the Gov- ernor and Council that no person from the ship should "come on Shoar on this Island [N. Y.] with any Cloaths, Chests or other furniture till the same have been thoroughly air'd upon Nutton Island during the space of six hours at least." On this ship, it may be noted in passing, were four men of the name of Erghimer, the son of one of whom, to the glory of the New York Palatines, was Nicholas Herkimer, the hero of Oriskany. With this one exception of a ship probably carried out of its intended course, all the Palatine immigrations after 1 710 landed at Philadelphia. And it is well to note that, so large was the Palatine element in these immigrations, all the natives of other German States, coming with them, were called by the same name. Thus, though the Pala- tinate covered but a small portion of the German Empire, yet for forty years in Penn- sylvania nomenclature all Germans were Pala- tines. It should be noted here that, previous to the migration from Schoharie and the consequent 268 The Palatines large influx directly from the old country, sev- eral companies of Germans had come to Penn- sylvania. Most of them were small bands of religionists, whose peculiar views made life a burden to them in the fatherland. So early as 1685 a band of Mennonites settled at German- town, giving the spot its name. About the same time Labadists from Frieseland settled in Newcastle County, Delaware, then a part of Pennsylvania. Ten years after, Kelpius brought a company of Pietists and settled them on the Wissahickon ; and in 1719 a band of Dunkers settled in Germantown by the side of the Mennonites. Other religious sects were added in the next few years, — the Newborn, the Disciples of Ephrata, and the Schwenkfelders, closing the list with the large and beneficent incoming of the Moravians, which began in 1 735.* About 1 705 or 1712, came to Philadel- phia that distinct company of Germans, who passed over into New Jersey, having New York as their objective, but were so charmed by the rolling lands of Morris County that they quietly took possession. f * Mellick's Sto>y of an Old Farm ; Sachse's German Pietists of Pennsylvania ; Rupp's Collection. \ See page 60. The Dispersion 269 It is probable that this last-mentioned com- pany were Palatines. If in 171 2, they may have landed at Philadelphia instead of New York by stress of storm, having in mind to join their countrymen on the Hudson, of whose hard fortunes they had not yet heard. It is not unlikely that the tidings of those afflictions, met on their journey overland, made them all the more ready to yield to the attrac- tions of the Jersey hills. But, except for this and the immigration of 171 7 already noted, it is impossible to connect any of these other com- panies with the Palatines. They came from other parts of Germany and from diverse mo- tives. At the same time it is clear that the immense tide of German immigration, which after 1720 set into Pennsylvania, was domi- nantly Palatine, and was controlled as to its destination by the kindly treatment received by its forerunners at the hands of the Quakers. Governor Keith could truthfully tell the men of Schoharie that their countrymen had been "afforded freedom and justice" in his pro- vince. The bands of religionists had been in no way molested. The immigrants of 171 7 also had been received with the utmost kind- 270 The Palatines ness, and the people had been allowed to choose their places of residence. The most of them settled about sixty miles west of Philadelphia, and were subjected to no other trials than those incident to a new settlement in the forest in the vicinage of capricious Indians. This invitation of Keith found open ears with many of the Palatines at Schoharie, whose formal petition to Governor Keith and the Assembly of Pennsylvania was soon forwarded to Phila- delphia. * The petition was from fifteen (heads of family ?) at Schoharie, who recited in brief their experiences since leaving Europe, stated that they had heard of the generous treatment shown to their countrymen in Pennsylvania, and prayed that lands might be set aside for them on the Tulpehocken, which lands they declared themselves ready and able to pur- chase. This petition was not immediately acted on by the Assembly, but it appears f from a similar petition presented three years after- ward, and after the first company from Scho- harie had already come into Pennsylvania, that the immigration thither was with the full con- sent of the authorities. The fact that the * Rupp's Berks Co., Fa., p. 98. f Penn. Col, Records., iii., 322. The Dispersion 271 presence of the people was on invitation of Keith is noted by the Assembly, and steps are taken towards satisfying the claims of Chief Sassouan, who had protested against the oc- cupancy of the Tulpehocken lands. These various statements show that in 1723 the settlers at Schoharie were divided in three parts. The one resolved to remain in the val- ley at the cost of whatever " agreement " they could make with the usurpers of their lands. The others could not bring themselves to sub- mit to such humiliating conditions, and "girded up their loins " for a third removal — one part of them to the Mohawk, and the rest into Pennsylvania. Of the numbers in these several sections of the people it is impossible to speak with any exactness. Probably about three hundred remained in Schoharie. Their life there was uneventful, so far as any incident is presented for record here. For the most part, having made terms with the patentees, they were suffered to live out their lives in peace. Occasionally roving bands of Indians extended their depredating tours into the valley, but, happily for the set- tlers, its secluded situation, southward from the 272 The Palatines great Indian thoroughfare along the Mohawk and sheltered among the mountains, saved them from the refluent tide of war, which so often for thirty years made the Mohawk and the northern country a bloody ground. In the Revolution, Brandt with his Indians and Eng- lish allies went down the valley. He made a sharp attack on the fort at Middleburgh, and was beaten off, and left as memento of his raid a cannon ball in the freize of the old Stone Church at Fox's dorp, which still can be seen by the visitor of historic taste, held fast in the spot where Brandt placed it. Much romance finds its home in the valley, and many tales of adventure are related of Murphy, the Indian fighter, whom Brown styles the " Benefactor of Schoharie." The Schoharie people were a quiet folk, content to farm their lands and ed- ucate their children, and have left no special marks upon the history of the State, save in the person and life of William C. Bouck, a man of very considerable ability, of direct Palatine descent, who held various public ofifices of trust and honor from the State, and served with dignity as its governor from 1843-45. There was in vogue, some forty years ago, the The Dispersion 273 bye-word, " Ignorant as a Schoharie Dutch- man." How this shghting comparison origi- nated it is hard to tell, but there is no doubt of its injustice, for it can be successfully main- tained that, for general intelligence, sobriety, probity, and industry the villages on the Scho- harie were not a whit behind the average rural community of New York State. We turn now to the Mohawk, whither mi- grated at least a third of the Palatines of Scho- harie, to whose number were added many from- the solitary ship which arrived in New York in 1 722, among them the families of Erghimer. The leader of the men from Schoharie was EHas Garloch, one of the seven chiefs or dep- uties, who came as prospectors from the Manor. He was the head of Garloch's dorp in the val- ley, and, as already noted, had unsuccessfully applied for a patent in Schoharie. While in Schoharie he occupied the position of magis- trate, either by appointment from Albany or by choice of his countrymen. One of the many whose sense of right and manhood would not permit them to make any composition with the unjust patentees, he resolved to give up the long-cherished hope which had made Schoharie 2 74 The Palatines as a land of promise, to abandon the home he had built and the improvements made through twelve years' labor in the valley, and set out again to find still another settlement. Of course, Garloch was not singular in this feeling and resolution. At least two thirds of the eight hundred people in Schoharie were in perfect sympathy and agreed with him therein.- This fact is notable. And this is not to be explained by any supposition of an unreason- able and unruly spirit. Such explanation would be reasonable for the wayward conduct of a mere handful of men. But it will not do for two thirds of a community, to the number of five hundred and more. For eight years the question had been mooted, the patentees had asserted their claim, and offered easy terms of settlement, so that some among the Palatines were seduced into compliance. But to these terms this great majority had returned only a stubborn negative, They refused to either lease or buy the lands which, in all justice, were their own. The lands were cheap enough. They could secure titles to them at less cost than the expense of removing else- where, but in no way would they admit the The Dispersion 275 claim of the patentees. When after these years of quiet struggle, in which occurred but one outbreak, they found that permanent settle- ment in Schoharie was only possible at the loss of self-respect, they set out for other dwelling-places. It was not done "in a pet," nor in disorder, but in the quietness of de- termined resistance to wrong. Such is the only proper understanding of their course. Some have flippantly spoken of it as ignorant and stubborn. Ignorant these people cer- tainly were not, but had clear view both of right and truth. As to stubbornness, theirs was of the same sort as that which emptied the tea chests into the waters of Boston harbor. We have already noted the fact that war- rants of survey and for patents of land in the " Mohawks country " had been issued to Gar- loch, Winedecker, Weiser, and others before 1723. Of these three only the first entered upon the land so granted, the attention of Winedecker and Weiser having been turned towards Pennsylvaina. In the latter part of 1725 a patent was issued for lands on the Mohawk, "twenty-four miles westerly from Little Falls, on both sides of the river," to 276 The Palatines William Burnett and others. This Burnett was undoubtedly the Governor and the "others" were Palatines, ninety-two of whom are named in the instrument. We understand that these ninety-two were mainly heads of families, so that this migration must have in- cluded over three hundred persons. The patent is called the Burnetsfield patent, from the name of the Governor, the inclusion of which in the instrument was for some purpose not mentioned. Certainly, he made no claim of personal title to these lands, to the distress of the Palatines, after the manner of the five partners in Schoharie. His purpose in associat- ing himself with the Palatines in this patent was, probably, with a view of facilitating the partition of the lands among the settlers. The patent recites that " one hundred acres were to be given to each person, man, woman, and child." This amount was a free grant, subject only to the usual quit-rent to the crown. In addition to this, others, like Garloch and Eckaard, had independent patents and were able to purchase lands beyond. To this region the people removed in 1725- 26, and made new homes which, happily, were The Dispersion 277 to be permanent, and gave to various localities the names which to-day testify of their posses- sion. For twenty-five or thirty miles the Mo- hawk is to-day a Palatine, or German, river. A glance at the map will show how true this is, with its names of towns which this people knew in the fatherland, monuments of their early possession and settlement. Thus the two towns of Palatine and Palatine Bridge show clearly the source of their names. Mannheim, Oppenheim, Newkirk, and others are as clearly marked with a German origin. The level meadows, unsurpassed for fertility, stretching along the south side of the Mohawk, are still known as the German Flats, while over against them on the north side was the settlement, which in after-years received the name of Herkimer, from the bluff General, the most celebrated among the Palatines of the Mohawk. And not only on the river, but for long distances on either side remain like tokens of this permanent German possession. For thirty years the people had undisputed occupancy and were unmolested, so that they enjoyed a long period of rest and peace and prosperity, after the toils and afflictions expe- 278 The Palatines rienced in the old country and, as well also, for fifteen years in the new.* "The people were seated on as fertile a spot as any in the State. They had good buildings on their farms and were generally rich." Upon all this prosperity, however, came that ruin which visited and destroyed so many of the frontier towns durinor the French and Indian War. In November, 1757, occurred the raid of M. de Belletre, whose force, composed of 300 Indians and Canadians, came up the Black River valley, and emerging from the mountain forests, fell without warning on all the Pala- tine settlements on the north side of the Mohawk. They made a clean sweep, burning every building — alike the houses of the people and the barns stuffed with the gathered crops, while most of the stock, horses, cattle, sheep, and swine were killed. Some of the people were slain and nearly one hundred carried off as prisoners. The majority of the people saved themselves by flight, crossing the river and seeking refuge in the fort on the south side. The enemy did not pursue, but busying themselves with the work of destruction, retired * Benton's Herkitner Co., p. 58. The Dispersion 279 at nightfall with their booty and their prisoners, satisfied for that occasion. But this satisfaction lasted only until the following spring. In April of 1758, another band of marauders, composed of a small num- ber of French and a much larger body of Indians, attacked the settlements on the south side of the river. This party did not succeed in approaching the settlements with entire surprise. Warning was in some way given, and Captain Herchamer"^ — the future Gene- ral — who was in command of the fort, was able to collect behind its defences the great major- ity of the settlers. The attack on the fort failed, but the invading force killed thirty of the Palatines and rivalled, in the destruction of the unprotected farmsteads, their comrades' work of the preceding autumn. In the following year the fall of Quebec, and the coincident collapse of the French power in America, brought peace to the much- suffering frontiers. The Palatines were able to rebuild their houses and barns. The cap- tives returned, and prosperity came back again * Note the evolution of the name : Erghimer, Herchamer, Her- kimer. 28o The Palatines to stay. In all this period this people were notable for their bravery and devotion. From the settlements stretching from the Flats to Palatine a sturdy body of yeomanry was or- ganized in nine companies by Sir William Johnson, who counted much upon them for his measures of defence during the French War. In the after-struggles of the colonies with England, they were very patriotic, and resolutely refused to be drawn away by Guy Johnson to the cause of the King. They were described as "very hearty in the present strug- gles for American liberty." In all the dis- tricts of Tryon County committees of Public Safety were appointed, and among them, says Benton, the committees of Palatine and Cana- joharie seem to have taken the initiative and the lead. Guy Johnson, recognizing the strength to the royal cause which would come by winning over these people, did his utmost to secure their defection from the popular cause. To all his appeals and arguments the Palatines were deaf, and in a formal letter, delivered by Nicholas Herkimer and Edward Wahl,* " announced their resolution of stand- * Benton's Herkimer Co., p. 68. The Dispersion 281 ing by the country until all grievances were redressed." On receipt of this letter Johnson perceived that all present occupation for him in the Mohawk valley was gone, and retired to Canada. Thence in 1777, he came with St. Leger, only to turn back again after the baf- fling victory of the Oriskany. How bravely and stanchly the Palatines maintained their resolution that battle shows. To them and to their brave Herkimer, whose life was there forfeit to his glory, belongs large credit of making possible the supreme victory of Sara- toga, by which was ended the struggle for the Hudson, and the vital union of the northern colonies secured. It only remains to narrate the fortunes of the migration to Pennsylvania. The MSS. of the younger Weiser state that "the people got news of lands on the Swatara and Tulpe- hocken." In what way such news reached them he does not tell, but it is not at all im- probable that the locality was suggested as ap- propriate by the hospitable Keith. Certainly, the tidings proved attractive, and together with the Governor's invitation opened a way of escape from the toils of Schoharie. To 282 The Palatines many of them it was far more desirable than any new location within the province of New York. The experiences of the people in New York and the disposition of the authorities towards them were of such a character, that at least a third of the Schoharie population read- ily embraced the first opportunity of establish- ment beyond the jurisdiction of the colony in which they had found such troubles. This we may take as accounting for the sudden change of plan on the part of Vinedecker and Weiser, both of whom had obtained licences for land on the Mohawk and were preparing to remove thither. On the opening of this new prospect into the colony of Pennsylvania, they either abandoned or transferred to others their rights under these licences, and began to arrange for a departure to the southward. About sixty families, or about three hundred persons, went from Schoharie to the Tulpehocken region. This migration, however, was not in one body, the first detachment starting in the spring of 1723, not more than eight months after the in- vitation by Governor Keith, and the rest in 1728. The leader of the first company was Hart- The Dispersion 283 man Vinedecker, the head of Hartman's dorp, whom ahiiost his entire village followed into Pennsylvania. The emigrants ascended the Schoharie for a few miles, and then under the conduct of an Indian guide crossed the moun- tains southwestwardly to the upper waters of the Susquehanna. On the bank of this river they constructed canoes for the carriage of the most of their number, with the women and children and furniture. In these canoes, while some of the men drove the horses and cattle on the land, the majority of the party floated down the Susquehanna so far as to the mouth of the Swatara. Turning into this stream they followed its upward course, until in the region of hills and vales and fertile meadow-lands, in which both the Swatara and Tulpehocken have their rise, they found at last the object of their journey and a place of permanent habitation. To their first settlement they gave the name of Heidelberg, and thence sent back word to their friends at Schoharie of the prosperous issue of the journey. Sims has a curious tale — gathered from some unknown source, and hardly capable of proof or credence — that, some months afterwards, twelve of the horses 284 The Palatines of this company found their own way back to the Schoharie valley. The memory of the sweet clover on the " clawver wy " — the flats on the Little Schoharie kill — proved superior to all the attractions of the Tulpehocken meadows ! The other, and probably the far smaller, portion of the Pennsylvania migration tarried yet five years in Schoharie, as tho with linger- ing hope that some happy chance might yet save them from the necessity of removal from the beloved valley. Not until the spring of 1728 did they finally decide to join their coun- trymen in the south. No account is left of the route or method of their journey, but it is probable that they followed the course already described by the former company. Their leader and chief was Conrad Weiser, of whom some things should be written, as of a charac- ter and influence worthy of very high regard. We have noted that he was twelve years old at the time of the emigration of his people from the Palatinate, having had his birth at Herren- berg on November 2, 1696. He was kept at school through boyhood until the departure of the family to England, and in after-life he The Dispersion 285 gave abundant proof of a well-disciplined and thoughtful mind. There are, indeed, many writings from the hands of the two Weisers which furnish evidence of a high degree of intellectual and moral culture, and, for them- selves at least, rebut the imputation of ignor- ance cast at all this people. In the first months of the settlement at Schoharie, a friend- ship was formed by the Weisers with an Indian chief of the Mohawks, named Quagnant, who conceived a special liking for Conrad, then six- teen years of age, and proposed to take the lad into his own country and teach him the Indian langfuaee. The father consented, and young Conrad himself, seeing a prospect of adventure, was nothing loathe. He spent a large part of the winter and following spring in the lodge of Quagnant, and made such pro- gress in his study of the Indian language that, at once on his return, his services as inter- preter were in demand. This service found fre- quent demands, not only at Schoharie, but in Pennsylvania in his later years. He endured great hardships among the Indians, not from any hostility — tho several times in danger of death by the hand of drunken braves — but 286 The Palatines from the manner of life he was compelled to lead. The food was unwholesome and scanty, and his clothing was insufficient ; but the lad showed no little grit in remaining until he had completed his linguistic task.* From this so- journ Conrad retained a constant friendship for the Indians, and at various times made pro- tracted visits among them. It is supposed that much of the time between the departures of the first and second companies to Pennsylvania was so spent by him, as his known position and influence had made him specially obnoxious to the five partners. Out of this intimacy with the Indians came the tale that the wife of Conrad was an In- dian, to which tale the fact that the woman's patronymic is not recorded gives color. Con- rad wrote, "In 1720, while my father was in England, I married my Anna Eve, and was given in marriage by the Rev. John Fr. Hager, a Reformed clergyman, on the 23d of November, in my father's house at Scho- harie." In the families of Weiser and Muhl- enberg there has been no little dispute as to the Indian origin of this Anna Eve. The * Rupp's Berks Co., p. 195 ; Lije of Weiser, The Dispersion 287 arguments in favor are found in the Indian friendship and sojourns of young Weiser, the absence of a surname, and the fact that the marriage took place at the home of the groom, as tho the bride had no Christian home of her own from which to go to her husband. These are foundation enough for a legend, but furnish little by way of proof, and are fully met by the supposition that the young woman may have been a Redemptioner, bound out to service until the amount of her passage-money had been paid. Among the Germans coming to this country, during the early years of the last century, there were very many so indent- ured, whose surnames were lost, and after- wards had no other home or surname than those of their masters. As to Conrad's wife, her son-in-law, Muhlenberg, in the Hallische Nachrichten, declares that she was " a German Christian maiden of Evangelical parentage." This would seem to be with sufficient authority, and to justify the language of Weiser's biog- rapher : " We hesitate not to write her a full- blooded Palatine woman." After Weiser's removal to Pennsylvania and settlement at Womelsdorf, to which place 288 The Palatines he gave beginning and name, he soon acquired position and influence. He was recognized as the chief person in the German settlements, and was frequently employed on important missions by the Governor and Council, espec- ially upon those in which his knowledge of the Indian tongue made him useful. He has left several very interesting treatises on the Indian character, in which his special inquiry is as to the openness of the mind of the red men to the approach of religious teaching. There was evidently much of a missionary spirit in the man, and he is described as of "unbounded benevolence, a man of integrity, and universally respected." In many ways, not only his own community, but the provincial authorities relied greatly on his knowledge, judgment, and efficiency in all affairs committed to him. He was associated with Franklin and other men of importance in various matters of public concernment. Shortly after his settle- ment in Pennsylvania the Governor gave him a commission as colonel ; and both in the fre- quent Indian difficulties and through the dis- turbances of the French War he proved the worthiness of his rank. The only recorded The Dispersion 289 act of Weiser, which seems to reflect discredit, is his signing the petition for the disarming of the Roman CathoHcs, at the time of the French War. The aspect of this petition was, of course, quite contrary to the spirit of Penn, and also to the usual feelings of Weiser him- self. The intent of it — and this needs to be noted — was not for religious ends, but for the protection of the colony. There were many Roman Catholics in the province, about whom public rumor busied itself with the suspicion that they would ally themselves, with their fel- low-religionists from Canada, against the peace of the colony and the rights of King George. The suspicion was utterly baseless, and may be reckoned as one of those unreasonable " scares," which are apt to take possession of the mind in times of public excitement. For the moment this suspicion obtained wide cre- dence ; and a bill in accord with the petition was passed by the Assembly. The law, how- ever, was not generally executed, the second thought of the government having discerned its needlessness. Weiser was of positive religious convic- tions and, save for a short period, a staunch 19 290 The Palatines Lutheran. His friend and pastor, John Peter Miller, a native of the Palatinate and graduate of Heidelberg, led Weiser with himself into the Seventh Day Baptist Association at Ephrata. Miller remained in that commun- ion until his death in 1796, but Weiser soon retired. His house became the home of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, the "Patriarch of Lutheranism " in America, from the time that that apostle came to this country in 1742. Not long thereafter — and this is part of the story of the Palatines no less than of the sketch of Weiser — Muhlenberg married Weiser's daughter and became the father of a celebrated progeny. No less than three of his. sons were alike clergymen, soldiers, and statesmen, serving with distinction in pul- pit, army. Congress, and other civil offices. Frederick was Speaker of the first national House of Representatives. One brother was a foreign minister. Another was distin- guished as a writer and scientist. Of the eldest, Peter, it is told that he was, at the out- break of the Revolution, a pastor in Virginia, and took leave of his church in most dramatic fashion. Urged by Washington, who was a The Dispersion 291 personal friend, to accept a commission as colonel in the Continental army, he consented and at once preached his farewell to his peo- ple. He told them that there was a time for everything — "a time to preach and a time to pray ; but there is also a time to fight, and that time has now come." So saying, he threw off his gown and stood full dressed in his colonel's uniform. Going down from the pulpit and out of the church, he bade the drums to be beat for recruits, when more than three hundred of his congregation enlisted on the spot. A great grandson of the Patriarch Muhlen- berg was the sainted William A. Muhlen- berg, so long known, venerated, and loved in New York, and whose name has to-day so sweet a fragrance in the entire American Church. There have been few families in American annals that have been more illus- trious than that of the Muhlenbergs. The founder of it, tho dead over a hundred years, is still spoken of as " Father Muhlen- berg" throughout Pennsylvania. Many of his descendants have laid their country under debts of gratitude and reverence ; and it will 292 The Palatines be borne in mind, as one reason of their men- tion here, that in those descendants the blood of Weiser had equal share with that of him whose name they bore. And, indeed, without this Weiser infusion, the Muhlenbergs would, of themselves, come within the claims made on our respect and gratitude by the German and Palatine contingents to our American society and state. Of the elder Weiser, John Conrad, but little mention is made after his return from England in 1723. His place as leader had during his absence been taken by his son, who tells in his private journal of a mission to New York : " I was sent," he writes, " in the early part of 1721 to New York, to Gov. Burnett to hand him a petition. He received me kindly, and informed me that he had received instructions from the Lords of Trade, which he had resolved to follow implicitly." This petition doubtless had reference to the Palatine claim to Schoharie, and the instruc- tion must have been that, already alluded to, to settle the Palatines " on such convenient lands as are not already disposed of." John Conrad on his return to Schoharie seems to have been The Dispersion 293 quite willing to yield all leadership to the more active Conrad. It is not at all improb- able that he came back broken in health and spirit. Certainly, he was hampered in domes- tic life. While yet upon the Manor he had married again, and most unfortunately for his own peace and his children's welfare. To them the woman was cruel, and to him an Irritation, destroying both contentment and usefulness. It is probable that he went with his son to Pennsylvania, where, however, he did not re- main. The details of his after-life and the time and place of his death are not recorded. As for the son, Conrad ; after twenty years of useful and beneficent service in Pennsylvania, he died at Womelsdorf in i 760. The number of families p^olno- from Scho- harie to Pennsylvania was about sixty. These established themselves in the region of the Tulpehocken and Swatara. There they found- ed a community, which from the first was prosperous, and soon exerted a magnetic power to draw thither thousands of their coun- trymen from over the sea. The treatment received from the authorities was kindly and generous. Shortly after their settlement, the 294 The Palatines chief, Sassouan, complained to the Council at Philadelphia of their intrusion on the Tulpe- hocken lands. He was grown old, he said, and had never been paid for the lands, and his children now had no place to live in. His claim was satisfied and the Germans confirmed in possession of the lands. To these lands, which afterwards were delimited as Lebanon and Berks counties, came a large proportion of the German immigration, which at once began to flow in with so great a volume. The map of these counties, as that of the Mohawk, shows in the names of its towns, many of which names were brought from the Palatinate, how almost exclusively this Palatine and German element has peopled that country. As already noted, the influx from the old country had begun before the company had gone from Schoharie. The movement was accelerated and increased by the reports sent back to Europe of the kind treatment accorded by the Pennsylvania authorities to the immi- gration of 1 71 7 and to the colony from Schoharie. The poor and oppressed of the Palatinate and neighboring States realized that at last a secure asylum was opened. Into it The Dispersion 295 they flocked in a steady stream. Within twenty years of the settlement at Tulpehocken their number in the province had increased to nearly fifty thousand, of whom a list of over thirty thousand names is preserved in the State archives at Harrisburg. Very many of them were poor and unable to pay for their passage, and on arrival at Philadelphia were put up at public auction to serve for a term of years, and thus became " Redemptioners." "They were usually sold at ;/^io for from three to five years' servitude. Many, after serving their time faithfully, became some of the most wealthy and influential citizens of the state." The unanimity with which these thousands avoided New York is remarkable, and is com- mented on in an interesting way by Peter Kalm, the Swedish traveller and naturalist. Speaking of the colony from Schoharie, he goes on to say : " Not satisfied with being themselves removed from New York, they wrote to their friends and relatives, if ever they intended to come to America, not to go to New York. This advice had such influence that the Ger- * Rupp's Berks Co., p. 92. 296 The Palatines mans, who afterwards went in such numbers to America, constantly avoided New York and went to Pennsylvania. It sometimes happened that they were forced to take ships bound for New York, but they were scarce got on shore when they hastened to Pennsylvania, in sight of all the inhabitants of New York'' * The enormous — for those days — influx of these people into Pennsylvania occasioned at times no small alarm in the minds of some of the authorities and Enorlish inhabitants of the province. James Logan, the Secretary of the Province, wrote in 171 7, when the immigration had just begun, " We have of late great num- bers of Palatines poured in among us, without recommendation or notice, which gives the country some uneasiness, for foreigners do not so well among us as our own English people. "f The alarm did not spread to Jonathan Dick- inson, who, some years later, wrote : " We are daily expecting ships from London, which bring over Palatines, in number about six or seven thousand. We had a parcel who came out about five years ago, and proved quiet and industrious." These six thousand must be the immigration to which Logan refers in another * Penn, Hist. Mag., x., 388. f Rupp's Berks Co., p. 92. The Dispersion 297 letter, in which he expresses a " fear lest the colony be lost to the crown " by reason of these foreigners. The desire for emigration seemed to be en- tirely appeased in the Palatinate from 171 7 to 1 726. Then, and probably on account of let- ters from Tulpehocken, it assumed new and steadier force, which was increased by the im- position of heavier burdens by the Elector. For twenty years and more there was a steady outflow, and the ships, which brought the people to America, "plied between Rotterdam and Philadelphia with almost the regularity of a ferry." In consequence of this large and con- tinuous incoming of foreigners the authorities of the province felt called upon to take action such as no other immigration had compelled. The arrival of each ship, the numbers and names of the Palatines on board, were reported to the Council and put upon record. A special form of oath was devised for subscription by the newcomers, which recited, among other words : '' We Subscribers, Natives and late Inhabitants of the Palatinate upon the Rhine & Places adjacent . . . will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his present Ma- 298 The Palatines JESTY King George the Second, and his Successors, Kings of Great Britain, and will be faithful to the Pro- prietor of this Province : and will demean ourselves peaceably , . . and strictly observe and conform to the Laws of England and of this Province." * This form was devised as a protection to the province, which the Council considered as pos- sibly " endangered by such numbers of stran- gers daily poured in, who being ignorant of our Language & Laws, & settling in a body together, make, as it were a distinct people from his Majesties Subjects." The subscription to this oath was required of all Germans com- ing to Pennsylvania until after 1750. The original lists, giving names of subscribers, the ships in which they were brought, and the dates of arrival, are still preserved at Harrisburg, and have been published in the Pennsylvania Archives, 2d Series, vol. xvii. They have also been published by Rupp. These lists con- tain over thirty thousand names. From the fact that all the subscribers were men, and presumably many of them heads of families, it is safe to conclude that this Palatine immigra- tion brought to the province, by the middle of * Poin. Col. Records, iii., 283. The Dispersion 299 the eighteenth century, over sixty thousand souls. This outward flow from the Palatinate was so great that the committee at Rotterdam became alarmed. Their resources for forwarding the people and for caring for them while awaiting shipment were overtaxed, and they endeavored to discourage the spirit of emigration by the most forbidding tales of sorrowful experiences undergone by the emigrants, of which tales the following is a sample : " We learn from New York that a ship from Rotterdam, going to Philadelphia with one hundred and fifty Pala- tines, wandered twenty-four weeks at sea. When they finally arrived at port they were nearly all dead. The rest were forced to subsist on rats and vermin, and were very sick and weak." * This horrible example, however, did not prove a very powerful deterrent. The stream still kept on. Notwithstanding the alarm at first felt in the province because of so great importation of foreigners, the value of it to the community was not long in coming to official statement. In 1738 Lieutenant-Governor Thomas, making * Penn. Hist. Mag., ii. , 131. 300 The Palatines an address to the Council touching some pro- posed measures of restriction, used the follow- ing most emphatic language : " This Province has been for some years the Asylum of the distressed Protestants of the Palatinate and other parts of Germany, and I believe it may with truth be said, that the present flourishing condition of it is in a great measure owing to the Industry of those People ; and should any discouragement divert them from com- ing hither, it may well be apprehended that the value of your Lands will fall, and your advance to wealth be much slower." * Some years afterwards there were certain out- croppings of disfavor towards the Palatines, which seem to have been of a political charac- ter. In 1755 Samuel Wharton published a pamphlet, in which he expressed great dread of German preponderance, and represented that that people were hostile to the government. " Instead of peaceable, industrious people as before, they have become insolent, sullen, and turbulent." In January of the same year a bill was introduced into the Council to limit the importation of Palatines. The Governor objected that the measure was inhuman. The bill caused great discussion both in the Coun- * Penn. Col. Jieconis, iii., 315. The Dispersion 301 cil and out of it, and was referred to a com- mittee which presently reported it back with amendments, and also said, " But, as the differ- ence in sentiment was very great, and on points which the Assembly were very fond of, it was thought best to keep the Bill for some time, lest the Amendments might add to the Heat, already too great." In the following April — probably because "the Heat" had lessened — the bill was taken up and passed. But it was vetoed by the Governor ; * and that is the last we read of opposition to the Palatines in Penn- sylvania. By their steadiness, industry, frugal- ity, religious habitudes and patriotic devotion to their new country, they not only established their own prosperity, but also won their way to the regard of the province, upon which their coming had brought unmeasured blessing. Of such influence and impression most weighty testimony is borne by no less competent a judge than Benjamin Franklin, f who, in 1766^ testified before a committee of the British House of Commons that of the one hundred and sixty thousand whites in the Province of * f'enn. Col. Records, iv. , 225, 345 et seq. f Penn. Hist. Mag., x,, 391. 302 The Palatines Pennsylvania about one third were Germans, and described them as "a people who brought with them the greatest of all wealth, — industry and integrity, and characters that had been superpoised and developed by years of suffer- ing and persecution." * At a much later day, after a hundred years had shown the fruitage of this Palatine seed, Judge Pennypacker, himself an offshoot of that stock, thus wrote : " No Pennsylvania names are more cherished at home and more deservedly known abroad than those of Wister, Shoemaker, Muhlenberg, Weiser, Heister, Keppile, and Keim, . . . and there are few Pennsylvanians, not com- paratively recent arrivals, who cannot be carried back along some of their ancestral lines to the country of the Rhine. . . . Pennsylvania is deeply indebted to the German settlers, who found a home within her borders, for the rapid advances which she early made towards prosperity. ... It is eminently proper that we of the present day should consider these causes — and the incentives which prompted these [people] from Switzer- land, Alsace, and the Palatinate, whose industry, frugal- ity, and integrity proved so beneficial to the Colony." Had this address of Judge Pennypacker been made in still more recent day, he might have added to his list of Pennsylvania's Pala- * Penn. Hist. Mag., iv., 3. The Dispersion 303 tine worthies the names of Zollicoffer, Heint- zelman, and Siegel — names of honor among the soldiers of the Union in the War of the Rebellion. Worthy to be set also with these is that of Hartranft — borne by one of the most efficient governors of the State, and also by one of the most scholarly divines of the American Church. And to these, others of equal honor might be added. But there is no need. The story of these Palatine folk in Pennsylvania and in New York is in itself a sufficient evidence that, when they came over the sea, they brought with them qualities and virtues which any land might be glad to welcome, and that, like men of other stock, — the Puritan, Dutch, Hugue- not, — they conferred upon their new country blessings which it could not afford to lose. NOTE I. The following list of names, found in the records of the Palatine Immigrations and still common in the places settled by these people, suggests the sturdy and permanent quality of that stock. This list, be it said, is only fragmentary and suggestive, there being no need of complete transcription of those preserved in the rec- ords and archives of New York and Pennsylvania. The most of these names, it will be noted, retain to-day their original form. Any special changes from that form in modern use are noted with their originals : Becker. Kelmer, Kilmer. Wolleben and de Wolleben, Wolven. Man, Mann, Kremer, Kromer. Marterstork, Manterstock. Froelich, Freligh, Fralick, Egner. \/Richart, Rickard. Eckertin, Eckard, Eckert, ^Emrich, Emerick. v 305 Werner, Warner Scheerer, Schearer. Kneiskern, Kniskern. Hart man. Conrad. Christian. Heiser. Herttranftt, Hartranft. Schnell. Schell. Nelles, Nellis. Dachstader, Dochstater. 3o6 The Palatines Meyer, Myer, Myers. Bellinger. Kuntz. Widerwachs, Weatherwax. Dietrich, Dedrick. Hagedorn. Turck. Schaffer, Schaeffer and Mynderse, Schoeffer, Shaver. Dietz. Leyer, Lawyer. Richtmeyer, Rightmyer. Kuhn, Koon, Coon. Seller. Winter. Wirtman, Wortman. Linck, Link. Sype. Schneider, Snyder, Bronner. Bauch, Bouck. Albrecht, Allbright. Kyser, Keiser, Keyser. Lichtner, Lintner. Segendorf. Aappell, Appell. Laux, Loucks. Acker, Fuchs, Fox. Bower. Webber, Weaver. Schurtz. Bernhard, Bernard. Muller. Arendorff, Allendorph. Deichert, Decker. Weygandt, Wygant, and Hoffman. many other forms. Ehle, Ehl, Uhl.* Christler. Jung, Young. Yeager. Nehr, Neahr. Brunner. Reisch, Rish. Hess, Hager. Wagner. Houck. Neff. Bergman. Funk, Weiser. Stickler, Angle, Angell. Gertner. ♦From this stock in Dutchess Co., N, Y,, came Edwin F, Uhl, U. S. Ambassador to Berlin in 1896-7. Notes. 307 / Schiltz, Schultz, Schultis. J Wolfe. Schumacher, Schoemaker. Schoonmaker. Baer. Wannermaker, Wana- maker. Newkirk. Klein, Cline. Planck, Plank. Sieknerin, Siekner, Signer. Bronck, Brink. Wormser. Hayd, Haight, and Hayt. Dill. Gentner. Schenefeldt, Shufelt. Keim. Dillinger, Schoup. Benker, Banker. Sullenger, Sellinger. Swartz, Swart. Michaells. Kiener, Keener. Diebenderf, Devendorf. Simmierman, Zimmerman, Siegler. Zollicoffer. Timmerman. This list might be indefinitely prolonged, but it is already sufficient for the purpose of illustration. SoS The Palatines NOTE II. The original Indentures by which Gov. Hunter ap- prenticed eighty-four of the Palatine children are pre- served in the Library of the State of New York, bound together in one volume. They are all alike, save as to dates, names, and sex. Some of them are signed by the Governor as party of the first part, and in others his name is signed without the signature of the master. None of the children, however, was bound to him. Most of the indentures are witnessed by J. S. Wileman, who occupied the office of Register. A specimen is given below. As the Indenture which bound Zenger to Brad- ford, it has a special interest of its own, " This Indenture, made the Twenty Sixth Day of October, A/ino Domini, 1710, and in the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Queen, De- fender of the Faith, &c. Between Flis Excellency Robert Hunter, Esqr ; Capt. General and Governor in Chief of the Provinces of New York, New Jersey, and Territories depending thereon in America, and Vice- Ad- miral of the same &c., of the one part. And William Bradford of the City of New York Printer, of the other part. Whereas his said Excellency in Council having determined the putting out of the Orphans of the Pala- tines (and some of those other Children whose Parents have too many to look after them and mind their La- bour) for a certain time, upon the Conditions following, {to wit) The Boys till they arrive at the Age of Twenty one years, and the Girls till they arrive at the Age of Nineteen years ; The Persons taking them entring into Notes. 309 Indentures, and Bond with Surety, in the Secretary's Office, to provide them with good and wholesome Meat, Drink, Lodging and Cloathing, and at the Expiration of the time to Surrender them to the Government ; his Excellency and Council engaging they shall respec- tively Serve till they arrive at the Ages aforesaid. Now this Indenture IVitnesse/h, That John Peter Zenger of the Age of Thirteen years, or there-abouts, Son of Han- nah Zenger Widdow, one of the Palatines aforesaid, of his own free and voluntary Will by the Consent of the said Mother, and also By the consent and approbation of his Excellency, hath put himself out to the said Will- iam Bradford, his executors and administrators, with him and them to dwell and serve from the day of the date hereof for and during and unto the full end and term of Eight years from thence next ensuing and fully be Com- pleat and Ended, for all which said Term of Eight years the said John Peter Zenger the said William Bradford his executors, and administrators well and truly shall serve, his and their Commands lawful and honest every- where he shall do : The Goods of his said master his exe- cutors and administrators he shall not waste or destroy, nor from the Service of his said master his executors or administrators day nor night shall absent or prolong himself, but in all things as a good and faithful servant shall bear and behave himself towards his said master his executors & administrators during the said Term aforesaid. And the said William Bradford for himself his Executors and Administrators and every of them doth Covenant, Promise and Grant to and with his said Excellency and his Successors, that the said William Bradford his executors and administrators shall and 3IO The Palatines will during all the said Term of Eight years find and provide for the said John Peter Zenger good, sufficient and wholesome Meat, Drink and Cloathing ; And also shall and will at the end and Expiration of the said Term of Eight years surrender and deliver up the said John Peter Zenger well Cloathed to his said Excellency, or to the Governour or Commander in Chief of the said Province of New York, for the time being. " In Witness whereof his said Excellency and the said William Bradford have hereunto Interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the day and year first above Written. "Will. Bradford, (seal) " Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of [the several interlineations aforesaid of ye words, Executors and Administrators being first Interlined.] " J. S. WiLEMAN.". Tho the form of indenture calls for the signature of the Governor, yet his name is not affixed to the paper under which Zenger was bound. A special and curious clause of the indenture is that which requires the sur- render to the Governor of the apprentices, on the expira- tion of their terms, instead of the usual turning over to their own mastership and guidance. What the Governor proposed to do with the young men and women thus returned to him does not appear, and it is not probable that he was at any time called upon to take further or- der about these boys and girls. By the time that their terms of service had expired his Excellency had quite given over any paternal care of the Palatines. Notes. 3" NOTE III. List of the authorities consulted and cited : Menzel's History of Germany. Lewis' History of Germany. Butler's Revolutions in Germany. Labberton's Historical Atlas. Macaulay's Essay on the War of the Succession. Macaulay's History of England. Mortimer's History of England. Smollett's History of England. Burnet's History of His Own Time. Luttrell's Diary. Learned's History for Ready Reference. Transactions of the Albany Institute, vol. vii. Article by Dr. Homes. Hawks' History of North Carolina. Martin's History of North Carolina. Williamson's History of North Carolina. Rumple's Rowan County, N. C. Virginia Historical Collections. Virginia Historical Society Papers. Campbell's History of Virginia. Cooke's History of Virginia. Magill's History of Virginia. Conway's Barons of the Potomac. Colonial History of the State of New York. Documentary History of the State of NewYork. (Quarto edition.) Lamb's History of the City of New York. Schuyler's Colonial New York. Booth's History of New York. 312 The Palatines Smith's History of New York. Dunlap's History of New York. Calendar of Land Papers of New York. Magazine of American History, 187 1. Holmes' Annals. Addison's Spectator. Ruttenber's History of Orange County, N. Y. Ruttenber's Indian Tribes of Hudson River. Smith's History of Rhinebeck. Mellick's Story of an Old Farm. Sims' History of Schoharie. Brown's Sketch of Schoharie. Hopkins' Historical Mefnoirs of the Housattmnock Indians. Barber and Howe, Historical Collections. Parkman's Half Cenitiry of Conflict. Benton's History of Herkimer County, N. Y. Frothingham's Montgomery County, N. Y. Williamson's History of Maine. Barry's History of Massachusetts. Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts Bay. Pennsylvania Colonial Records. Pennsylvania Historical Magazine. Pennsylvania Magazine of History. Rupp's History of Berks County, Pa. C Z Weiser's Life of Conrad Weiser. H A. Muhlenberg's Life of Gen. Peter Muhlenberg. Miss Ayres' Life of Dr. IV. A. Muhlenberg. Sachse's German Pietists of Provincial Pennsylvania. Rupp's Collection of Thirty Thousand Names of Immi- grants to Pennsylvania. Various Cyclopaedias. INDEX. Acadians, 257 Adams, Samuel, 139 Adams, Sheriff, abused, 240 Addison, Joseph, 106, m Alarm in Pennsylvania, 7, 296- 300 Albany, Charity of Dutch in, 213 Albany, Councils at, 242, 262, 263 Albany," "Gentlemen of, 222, 234. 252 Alexander, James, 136, 137 Alsace, 21 Andernach, 40 Anne, Queen, 51, 79, 83 Annsbury, 142 Apprenticing children, 132 Archives at Harrisburg, 295, 2()8 Arrest of Palatines at All)any, 252 Atrocities of the war, 38 Augsburg, League of, 36 Augustine, 31 Austria, 47 Authorities, 18, Note III Baden, 21 Bad Faith of Home Government, 146, 177, 183, 189 Barnstaple, 84 Bavaria, 25, 36, 47 Bayard, Col. Nicholas, 68, 115, note, 218, 228 Bayard, Samuel, 218-222 Bedford, 84 Beekman, Henry, 206 Bell, Church, 72 Belletre, M. de, 278 Bellomont, Lord, 119, 175, 219 Benton, Judge, 7 Berks County, Pa., 294 Births at Schoharie, 255 Blenheim, Battle of, 48 Block Island, 127 Boston, 224, 247 Bouck, Gov. W. C, 272 Bradford, William, 135 Brandt's raid, 272 Bread and Beer allowance, 166 Bridger, John, 123, 175 Brunnen-dorp, 2x7 Burgoyne, 47 Burnet, Bishop, 54 Burnett, Gov., 205, 25S, 262, 276, 292 Burnetsfield Patent, 275 Byrd, Col. William, loi Calvin 28 Camps, East and West, 70, 142 Canada Creek, 261 Canajoharie, 261 Cape Fear River, 87 313 314 Index Carolina, Settlement in, 86 Casks for tar, 159 Cast, Mr., 150, 159, 168 Certificate refused by Palatines, 244. 245 Chambers Creek, 66 Charles, Elector Palatine, 27, 35 Charles Louis, Elector Pal., 35 Charles II. of Spain, 45 Churches at the Camps, 71, 204, 205 Clarendon, Earl of, 189-191, 227 Clarke, Sec'y, 152, 158, 185, 244 Coble's Kill, The, 217, 231 Codweis, John Conrad, 68 Coeymans, Andries, 234 Colden, Cadwallader, 74, 205, 218 Cologne, 21, 40, 41 Commissioners, English, 83 Commission to England, 245 Complaints at the Manor, 149 Conradus, Octavius, 68 Consistory of N. Y. Dutch Church, 213 Contracts, go, 116, 155 Cornbury, Lord, 190, 222, ttole Cosby, Gov. 135 Court on the Manor, 159 "Cujus regio, ejus religio," 31, 45 Dartmouth, Lord, 189 De Lancey, Ch. Justice, 135 Dellius, Dominie, 239 Departure to Schoharie, 213 Deputies from Schoharie, 245- 251 Desertions from the Manor, 163 Dickinson, Jonathan, 296 Disciples of Ephrata, 268 Discontent, 150, 161, 170, 253, 259, 262, 274 Dispersions in England, 81 Dongan, Gov. 66, 144, 192 Dorps at Schoharie, 217 Drachenfels, 40 Dunkers, 268 Du Pre 123, 140 Dutch Church in N. Y., 213 Elizabeth Charlotte, 35 Elizabeth Town, 142 Ephrata, 268, 290 Erghimer, 267 Eugene, Prince, 48 Evans, Capt. John, 66 Expenses on Palatine account, 79, i83 Failure, Causes of, 171 Farrar, 86 " Five Partners," see Partners Fletcher, Gov. 62, 66, 115, note, 218 Fountaintown, 217 Fox Creek, 211, 217, 231 Franklin, Benjamin, 288, 301 Frederick III. of Zimmern, 26, 29 French and Indian attacks on Mohawk, 278, 279 French War, 152, 289 Fuch's Dorp, 217 Ganendagaren, 261 Garloch's Dorp, 273 Garloch, Elias, 260, 273 Gates, General, 17 Gazette, New York, 136 Genealogy, v Generosity of England, 13, 79, 92 Geneva, 28 Georgetown, 142 Gerlach, John Christ, 232 German Flats, 277 Germanna, 98, 99 German Patent, 66, 69 Germantown, N. Y., 145, 205 Germantown, Pa., 268 Gibraltar, 49 Glebe, 64, 69, 74 Glebe School House, 72 Index 315 Governor's Island, 126 Graffenried, Cristopher de, 86 Giaffenried, Metcalf de, 98 Grand Alliance, 37 Grants, Fraudulent, 62, 66, 218, 239 Grievances," "Statement of, 161, 225, 237, 242, 243, 246 Hagatom, Christophel, 205 Hager, Rev. John Fred., 70, 204, 254, 286 Halberstadt, 60 Hamilton, Andrew, 137 Hartman's Dorp, 260 Hartman Vinedecker, 262 Hartranft, 303 Hay, Lady, iii, 122 Haysbury, 142 Heidelberg, 21,40, 43 Heidelberg Catechism, 30 Heidelberg, Pa., 283 Heintzelman, 303 Helderburg Mts., 211, 213 Henneman, Prof., 102 Herbert Frigate, 127 Herkimer, Nicholas, 17, 267, 277, 279, 280, 281 Herkimer, City of, 277 Herrenberg, 284 Herschias, 71 Historian, Duty of, 5 Holland, 37, 57 Holstein, 63 Homes, Dr. 52, 55, 253 Horses, Return of, 283 House of Commons, Report to, 51, 197-200 Hudson River, 114, 141 Huguenots, 36 Hunter, Gov., 103, 1 11, 156, 170, 178-187, 242, 244 Huntersfield, 232 Hunter's Resentment, 214, 226, 235, 238, 243, 249, 254 Hunterstown, 142 Ignorance, Charge of, 4, 207, 221, 236, 273 Immigration to New Jersey, 60 ; of 1709,63; of 1710, 2, 3, chap. iv. ; of 1717 to Pennsyl- vania, 264 ; of religionists to Penna. , 268 ; character of, 10 ; causes of, chap, ii., 75 ; vol- ume of, 7, 76, 84, 265, 294-298 Indentures of children, 132, Note II Indian Councils at Albany, 242, 262 Indian Embassy to England, 104 Indian Gift of Schoharie, 107, 115, 131, 212, 228 Indians of Carolina, 96 Influence of Palatines, 5, 15, 299, 301 Ingoldsby, Col., 165 Ingoldsby, Lt. Gov., 67 Ireland, Settlement in, 85 Iron mines in Virginia, 100 James II. of England, 37, 47 Johnson, Guy, 280, 281 Johnson, Sir William, 280 John William, Elector Palatine, 27, 44, 55. 59. 297 yoiirnal^New York Weekly, 136 Julich, 41 Justices, Palatine, 129 Kaatsbaan, 143 Kalm, Peter, 295 Karigondonte, 209 Keith, Sir William, 263, 281 Kelpius, 268 Kidd, Captain, 193 Kill, Roeloff Jansen's, 144 " King of the Palatines," 95 Kingsbury, 204 Kingston, Justices of, 163 Kniskern's Dorp, 217 Kockerthal, 61, 65, 70, 130, 254 Kohl, 86 3i6 Index Kreuznach, 40 Kuckheim, 40 Labadists, 268 Land agents in Palatinate, 51, 53. 56 Land Grants, Extravagant, 62, 66, 218, 239; at Schoharie, 228-235 ; on the Mohawk, 239, 260, 261, 275, 282 Land troubles at Schoharie, 218, 239 Lawson, John, 95 Lawyer's Purchase, 235 Lebanon County, Pa., 294 Legend of Palatine Light, 127 Leisler, 184, 192 Leopold, Emperor, 42, 46 List-masters, 160 Livingston Manor, 143, 194,205, 206 Livingston, Robert, 134, 141. 159, 166, 189, 190-196, 205, 227 Livingston, Robert, Jr., 193, 221 Logan, James, 296 London, Palatines in, 76 Long Island, 127 Lorraine, 21 Louis the Severe, 26 Louis XIV., 34 Lovelace, Lord, 62, 69, no, 120 Lutheran Church in N. Y., 144 Lutheranism in the Palatinate, 28 Lyon, Ship, 126 Macaulay, 4, 39 Maintenon, Mad. de, 36, 38 Mainz, 21 Manisees Island, 127 Mannheim, 21, 40, 41 Mannheim, N. Y., 277 Marlborough, 48 Melac, 39 Mennonites in Pennsylvania, 268 Michell, Lewis, 86, 94 Middleburgh, N. Y., 210,222, 217, 272 Middle Line of Palatinate, 26 Migration from Newburgh, 73 Miller, Rev. John Peter, 290 Misunderstandings, i, 50, 236 Mohawk River, 114, 122, 260; Fall of, 140 ; German names on, 277 ; Settlement on, 272, 277-281 Money, Failure of, 164, 169, 170, 177--183, 244 Montclas, 38, 49 Moravians, 268 Morris Jr., Lewis, 234 Mortality at sea, 125 ; in first year, 145 Muhlenberg, Frederick, 290 Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior, 17, 286, 290-292 Muhlenberg, Peter, 291 Muhlenberg, William A., 291 Munster, 86 Murmurs of London poor, 197, 199 Murphy, the Indian fighter, 272 Mutiny on the Manor, 150 Name-Lists, vi., vii., 265, Note 1. Nantes, Edict of, 36, 38 Naturalization Act, 52, 63, 197- 200 Naval Stores, 62, 109, 114, "6, 118, 140, 142, 146, 158, 165, 171-175, 191, 201-203 Neuburg, House of, 27, 66 Neuse River, 87, 93, 95 New Berne, 93 Newborn, 268 Newburgh, 66, 74 New Forest of Hampshire, 83 New Foundland fisheries, 84 Newington, Parish of, 80 New Jersey, Settlement in, 60, 263 Newkirk, 277 Index 317 New Village, J42 New York, Avoidance of, 295 New York, Influence of Palatines on, 16, 74, 146, 207, 271, 277 Nicholson, Col., 104, 155 Number of Palatines in 1718, 250-255 Nutten Island, 126, 129, 131, 267 Oath subscribed by Palatines, 297 Ober-Weiser's Dorp, 229 Old Stone Church at Schoharie, 218, 272 Olevian, 29 Oppenheim, N. Y., 277 Oppression in America, 14, chaps, v., vi. Oriskany, Battle of 16, 281 Otho, Count Palatine, 26 Oudenarde, Battle of, 48 Palatinate, Division of, 26 ; Ori- gin of name, 22 Palatine, Bridge, 277 ; Town of, 277 ; Count, 22 ; Count, in England, 23 ; in Hungary, 23 ; Elector, 26 ; Light and Ship, Legend of, 127 ; Houses, 80 ; Parish by Quassaic, 69, 74 ; Poem of The, 128 Palatines in French and Indian War 277, 278 , in Revolution, 280, 281 Partners," " Five, 222, 239, 241, 252 ; Seven, 234 Patents at Schoharie, 228-235 Pennsylvania, Influence of Pala- tines on, 12, 299-303 Pennsylvania, Migration to, 73, 263, 269-271, 281, 284, 293 Pennypacker, Judge, 302 Pfalz, The, 21 Philadelphia, 60, 266 Philip of Anjou, 47, 49 PhlHp of Orleans, 35 Philip V. of Spain, 47 Philip William, 27, 40, 44 Philippsberg, 40 Philipse, Justice, 135 Pietists, 268 Pine, see Naval Stores Pine, varieties of, 173 Pirates, 247 Pitch, see Naval Stores Political foresight, 139 Politics, Relation to English, 196 Pollock, Thomas, 98 Poor of London, Murmurs of, 197, 199 Popple, Sec'y, 182, 187, 258 Poverty of immigrants, 3, 77, 295 Premium on Naval Stores, 116, 120, 191 Press, Freedom of the, 5, 135- 139 Prussia, 47 Punishments on the Manor, 160 Purchase at Schoharie, 210, 225 Quagnant, Chief, 285 Quassaick, 66 Quebec, 279 Queensbury, 142 Quit-rents, 230 Ramillies, Battle of, 48 Ratisbon, Diet of, 42 Redemptioner, 287, 295 Reformed Church at German- town, N. Y., 205 Religious, liberty, 12, 31 ; sects in Pennsylvania, 268 ; troubles in the Palatinate, 27-33, 55 Restrictive legislation, 9, 59, 297-301 Revolution, Palatines in the, 16, 280, 281 Rhine, The, 21, 34, 41 Rhinebeck, 207 ; History of, 228 Roman Catholics among the emigrants, 82 ; in Pennsyl- I vania, petition to disarm, 289 3i8 Index Rotterdam, Committee at, 57, 76, 266, 299 Rozin, see Naval Stores Rudolf and Rudolphine Line of the Palatinate, 26 Ruins on the Rhine, 41 Rupp, vi., 298 Ryswick, Peace of, 43 Sackett, Richard, 158, 159 "Sallary" for Kockerthal, 63 Sassouan, Chief, 271, 293 Saugerties, 142, 145 Sawyer's Creek, 141 Scheff, 246, 250 Schemes for settlement, 83 Schenectady, 218, 241 Schoharie, 107, 108. 115, 132, 140, 149, 154, 156, 169, 208, 211, 216, 218, 239, 250, 271- 273 Schuyler, John, 221 Schuyler, Myndert, 221 Schuyler, Peter, 104 Schuyler, Philip, 232, 234 Schwenkfelders, 268 "Servants to the Crown," 114, 117, 149, 161 "Seven Partners," 234 Seventh-Day Baptists of Eph- rata, 290 Sharpe, Jacob, 205 Shenandoah Valley, loi Sheriff of Albany, 240 Shoemaker, Jacob, 205 Shute, Governor, 177 Siegel, General, 303 Simmeren, see Zimmem Sims, J. R., 220, 283 Smith, E. M., 228 Smith, Lawrence, 166 Smith, William, 136, 137 Soldiers on the Manor, 160, 165 Soldiers, Palatine, 280 Sources of information, 18 Spanish Succession, 46-50 Spectator^ The, 106 " Speculation, Objects of," 11, 51 Spires, 21, 40, 41 Spotswood, Governor, 99 Staats, Samuel, 231, 232 St. Germain, 37, 47 St. Leger, 17, 28 St. Olaves, 199 Strasburg, Va. , loi Subsistence, Contract for, 166 Sufferings, at Newburgh, 67 ; in Schoharie, 216 ; on the Manor, 149, i6i Suspension of work, 163 Susquehanna River, 283 Swabia, 53 Swatara River, 281, 283, 293 Swiss Colonists, 89 Tar, see Naval stores Tattler, The, 106 Thankskamir, 66 Thomas, Lt. Gov., 297 Treves, 21, 38, 41 Tulpehocken, The, 270, 283, 293 Turenne, 35 Turpentine, see Naval Stores Tuscaroras, 96 Ursinus, 29 Utrecht, Peace of, 48 Van Brugh, Peter, 221 Van Dam, Rip, 231, 232, 234 Van Rensselaer, Rev. Nicholas, 192 Versailles, 37 Villages in Schoharie, 217 ; on the Hudson, 142 Villars, Marshall, 49 Vinedecker, Hartman, 262, 282 Violence at Schoharie, 241, 253 Virginia, Settlement in, 99 Volume of immigration, 7, 76, 84, 265, 294-298 Index 319 Volunteers, Palatine, 145, 153, 157 Vroman, Adam, 222-225 Vroman Patent, 229 Vroman's Nose, 223 Wahl, Edward, 280 Walpole, 244 Walrath, 246 War of the Grand Alliance, 34 ; of Spanish Succession, 45-50 Weiser, Conrad, 17, 75, 76, 124, 224, 225, 252, 259, 262, 282, 284-293 Weiser, John Conrad, 130, 131, 134. 153. 160, 224, 240, 242, 246-251, 292 Weiser's Dorp, 217, 229, 240 Wharton's pamphlet against the Palatines, 300 Whittier, 128 Wileman, Henry, 221 Wileman, J. S., 306 William the Silent, 32 William III. of England, 37, 42, 43, 47 Winchenbach, 71 Wine culture, no Wissahickon, 268 Wittenberg, 28 Wolfenbuttel, 60 Wolven, Godfried De, 233 Womelsdorf, 2S7 Women, Palatine, 241 Woollen manufacture, 115, iiS Worms, 21 Wurtemburg, 21, 42 York, Lewis, 233 York, William, 233 Zeh, Magdalena, 241 Zeiher, Herr, 44 Zenger, John Peter, 135-139, Note II Zimmern Line of the Palatinate, 26, 27 ZoUicoffer, General, 303 'iiiS^'^ tTbe Stori^ of tbe IFlationa Messrs. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS take pleasure in announcing that they have in course of pubhcation, in co-operation with Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, of London, a series of historical studies, intended to present in a graphic manner the stories of the different nations that have attained prominence in history. 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