VIRGINIA iirir % OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER 1720 to 1760. OLD STAFFORD COUNTY BY WM. F. BOOGHER. WASHINGTON, D. C. THE SAXTON PRINTING CO. 1899. /r> •rW0C0P,^S«SC«lVE0 •WN 20 1900 '" tJAH 2(11900 Sntered according to Act of Congkk;ss in thk Yeak 1899. Bv Wm. F. Booghek. FIRf^T CCPY, CONTENTS. Historical Sketch of the County of Stafford, AND The Parish of Overwharton. Views of Aquia Church, etc. 1856-1899. -p i^ei^.a^ce:. STAFFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA. ^^HE Count}- of Stafford and Parish of Overwhar- ^"^ ton deri\'e their names from the corresponding ones in England. The County of Stafford was erected in 16t)6 out of Westmoreland, extending to the Blue ' Ridge Moiuitains, being the frontier county, and was about twenty-four miles in width south and west of the Potomac River. It was first represented in the House of Burgesses b)- Col. Henr)- Mees, June, 1 666. (Henings Statutes, Vol. 2, p. 250,) he being allowed 1 30 lbs. of tobacco and a cask per day ; traveling ex- penses at the rate of four days each way for his attend- ance as a member of the Assembly. If traveling b}' water, only 120 lbs. of tobacco per day. (Mercer's VI Abridgment, p. 39.) The county first appears among the proceedings of the Assembly as a county in June, 1675, when with Rappahannock, Westmoreland and Northumberland, Stafford was exempted from erecting looms and weaves, in consideration of the newness of the soil and the consequent inability to maintain them ; this being more conducive proof of its establishment as a county than the mere circumstance of its being represented in the Assembly, as by the law then ex- isting, any county which would lay out 100 acres of land and people it with 100 tithable persons should be entitled to a representative in the Assembly, notwith- standing the Act limiting the number to two repre- sentatives for a county. (Hening, Vol. 2, pp. 238-9.) This law was changed October, 1705, requiring 800 tithable persons necessary to erect a new County on the frontier. Stafford Court House was first built at Marl- boro, on the Potomac, afterwards moved about 100 yards from the site of the present Comt House, which was built in 1783 — material, brick covered with stucco of mortar; main building 20x40, with a T wing 20x30; two acres of land for Court House and Prison deeded in 1783 by William Gerrard and William Fitzhugh. The number of voters in the County in 1899 was 1725; 1 400 white and 325 colored. Population of the village of Stafford Court House is 25, all white. There are but few records of old vStafford Countv to be found in the vault of this ancient Court House until about 1699. Very- many of those from 1699 to 1862 were either destroyed or stolen during the civil war. Those that remain are indexed so that examiners have no trouble in searching. For the names of the Justices of the Count}- from 1666 to 1860, see Vol. 2, p. 206, ^'Old Churches and Families," by Bishop Meade; from 1860 to 1899, we find, Edward Waller, 1 860 to 1 862 ; period of the war, '62 to '65 ; N. W. Ford, 1865 to 1869; Charles Tankerly and John R. Evans, 1869; B. H. Hewitt, 1870. J. B. Jett, Judge of County Court, 1870 to 1874; J. B T. Suttle, 1874 to 1880; E. C. S. Hunter, 1880 to 1886; Charles H. Ash ton, 1886 to 1898; R. H. L Chichester, 1898 to \Sm. —Supplied by Mr. C. A Bryan, Clerk of the Court. OVERWHARTON PARISH. ^T^HIS Parish was co-extensive with Stafford County, ^'^ covering- a part of what was once Washington Parish, extending about eighty miles along the Po- tomac, in breadth about four and twenty miles, em- bracing within its territory what is now Prince William, Loudoun, Fairfax, Alexandria Counties and a part of Fauquier until 1730, when Prince William County was taken from Stafford, and Hamilton Parish was erected, succeeding Overwharton as the frontier parish. Of the earh' histor}- of Overwharton Parish and its rectors, but little is known. In 1724, there were 650 families and about 100 connnunicants. One church, Potomac (situated about nine miles. south of the present Aquia Church), the brick walls of w^hich were standing until torn down bv the Federal arni\- during the Civil War. It is, how- ever, evident, from the number of white occupants of the soil within an area of ten miles, that there nuist have been frontier chapels of ease in the immediate localitv of Potomac Church about 1675, if not a church. The Cxlebe Lands were wdthin two miles of Potomac ^ Church. The Rev. Dr. Scott was rector as early as 1710, and so continued until he died, April 1, 1738, aged 52 }-ears, 9 months, and 20 days; he was suc- ceeded by Rev. John Moncure, a Scotch gentleman, but of Huguenot descent, who acted as assistant or curator to the Rev. Mr. Scott for a short time previous to his death ; Rev. Mr. Moncure continued as rector of the Parish until his death, in 1 764. Of the old Poto. mac Church, there are no vestry records known to ex- ist. The earliest records of members of the vestry of Overwharton Parish are those of Aquia Church, begin, ning in 1757. This church was first built in 1751, thirteen years after the death of Mr. Scott, and was destroyed by fire in 1754, and rebuilt in 1757 upon the original foundation, as charred remains are yet to be found under the church, and about the foundation. x\n inscription over the door states as follows : "Built 1751 ; destroyed by fire 1754*; rebuilt 1757." And upon a panel on the galler}' appears the following : "John Moncure, Minister, 1757. vestrymen : Peter Hedgman, Benjamin Strother, John Mercer, Thos. Fitzhugh, John Lee, Peter Uaniee, Wardot, Mat Doniphan, Travers Cook, Warden, Henry Tyler, John Fitzhugh, William Mountjoy, John Peyton." *Meade says burned in 1751 ; in this he is in error as Mr. Pow hatan Moncure gives the record from the church door. As to the successor of Mr. Moncure in this parish, it is probable that the Rev. Mr. Green took his place in 1764. In the years 1774 and 1776, the Rev. Clem- ent Brooke was minister. After the Revolution, in the Convention of 1785, called for organizing the diocese and considering the question of a general confederation of Episcopalians throughout the Union, we find the Rev. Robert Buchan the minister of Overwharton parish, and the Rev. Mr. Thornton, of Brunswick parish, which had been taken from King George and given to Stafford when St. Paul's was taken from Stafford and given to King George. The lay delegates at that Convention were Mr. Charles Carter, representing Overwharton parish, and Mr. Wil- liam Fitzhugh, of Chatham, representing Brunswick parish, and Mr. William Fitzhugli, of Chatham, repre- senting Brunswick parish, which lay on the Rappa- hannock, and extended to Hanover parish in King George. In the year 1786, Mr. Fitzhugh again repre- sented Brunswick parish ; and this is the last notice we have of the Church in Stafford until some years after the revival of conventions. In the year 1819, the Rev. Thomas Allen took charge of this parish, preaching alternateh^ at Dumfries and Aquia churches.* At a subsequent period the Rev. Mr. Prestman, gave all his energies to the work of its revival. The labors *Mr. Allen took charge 1814 ; continued until 1823. — Pub. of both were of some avail to pi'eser\'e it from utter extinction, but not to raise it to anything like pros- perity. The Rev. Mr. Johnson also made some inef- ectual efforts in its behalf as a missionary. Old Aquia Church stands upon a high eminence, not ver}' far from the main road from Alexandria to Fredericksburg. In 1838 it was a melancholy sight to behold the vacant space around the house, which in other days had been filled with horses and carriages and footmen, now overgrown with trees and bushes, the limbs of the green cedars not onh- casting their shadows but resting their arms on the dingy walls and thrusting them through the broken windows, thus giving an air of pensiveness and gloom to the whole scene. The very pathway up the commanding emi- nence on which it stood was filled with young trees, while the arms of the older ones so embraced each other over it that it was difficult to ascend. The church has a noble exterior, being a high two-stor\' house, of the figure of the cross. On its top was an observatory, which was reached by a flight of stairs leading from the gallery, and from which the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers, which are not far distant from each other, and much of the surrounding country, might be seen. After a visit made to the same church, about 1856, Bishop Meade says : " I should not ha\'e recognized the place or building. The trees, brushwood and rubbish had been cleared away. The light of heaven had been let in upon the once gloomy sanctuary. At the expense of eighteen hundred dollars (almost all of it contributed b)- the descendants of Mr. Monciire), the house had been repaired within, without and above. The dingy walls were painted white and looked new and fresh, and to me it appeared one of the best and most imposing temples in our land. The congregation was a good one. The descendants of Mr. Moncure, still bearing his name, formed a large portion." The following is the view of the church subsequent to the late Civil War, supplied by Messrs. Lippincott & Co., being from the same plate as the one used in "Old Churches and Families of Virginia," by Bishop Meade, \'ol. 2, pp. 197-206, to which publication I am indebted for a portion of this historical sketch. About 1840 the church had fallen into decay and remained so, as stated by Bishop Meade, until about 1850, when the Rev. Henry Wall took charge as min- ister. He was succeeded aboitt 1858 by the Rev. Mr. Mackenheimer, who serve until the Civil War, during which time the church w^as temporarily occupied by the Federal troops and, as a result was desecrated and defaced, for which a claim is now pending before Con- ofress. Shortly after the war the church was again repaired, largely by the assistance of Rev. J. M. Meredith and Hon. Wni. S. Scott, of Pennsylvania, a descendant of Rev. Alexander Scott. Rev. Mr. Meredith then became rector, and in 1 875 was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Apple- ton; in 1877 by Mr. Pruden; in 1878 Rev. Geo. M. Funsten ; in 1 884 by Rev. Thos. Carter Page, who re- mained until 1889. It was then vacant for two years, when Rev. John H. Birckhead became rector and re- mained until 1896. He was succeeded by the present incumbent, Rev. J. Howard Gibbons. The above dates are claimed to be nearly exact. Vestr>-men before the war, not known, but the first vestry after was as follows: Gen. FiTZHUGH LEE Geo. V. Moncure, Wm. E. MoNGURE, Jrardc'ii. Hugh Adie, R. C. L. Moncure, Harden. N. W. Ford, Powhatan Moncure, E. A. W. Hore, Col. Thomas Waller, Benjamin A. Bell. The present vestry is as follows, viz : Jas. Ashbv, Walter Bozzell, Powhatan Moncure, Scc'y and Trcas Hugh Adie, E. D. Moncure, Geo. V. Moncure, Jr., Frank Blackburn, R. C. L. Moncure, Sr., R. Minor Moncure, J. M. AsHBY, Wm. p. Patterson. R. A. Moncure, Number of families represented, not known. Pres- ent number of communicants, 80. Wm. F. Boogher. To the courtesy of Mr. P. Moncure I am indebted for the following illustrations of the Exterior and Interior Views of this old historical Church, as it is at present. f:xterior view aouia church. is'»<). INTERIOR VIEW AOUIA CHURCH. 1S')'». Ijumuharton :jim^\\ ^yt^inkw 1720 to 1750. Aldrige, John, Alarried Annie Hamilton, June 11, 1738 Abrani, Mary. Married Walter Morgan Lewis, August 27, 1738 Allen, William. Departed this life January 13, 1741 Asbee, Elizabeth. Daughter of Jean and John, born July 9, 1742 Asbee, Stephen. Son of Robert and Mar\-, born October 19, 1742 Atchison, Adam. [Married Elizabeth B}-ram, October 20, 1 742 Allentrop, Jacob. Son of John and Annie, baptized December 24, 1742 Allen, William. Married Bridget Withers, Februar}- 15, 1743 Allen, John. Son of Archibald and Abigail, born August 12, 1743 2 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Allen, Margaret. Departed this life September 1 , 1 743 Allen, James. Son of William and Bridget, born January 2, 1744 Atchison, Mar\'. Daughter of Adam and Bett}', born April 11, 1744 Asbee, Stephen. Son of Robert and Mar\-, died September 5, 1744 Asbee, Ann. Daughter of Robert and Mar}-, born January 10, 1745 Ashby, Elias. Married Winifred Million, September 4, 1745 Asberry, John. ^larried Jean Boalin, P'ebruary 25, 1745 Adams, George. Died the first day of March, 1 745 Angell, Samuel. Married Ann Hornbuckle, August 14, 1745 Atchison, John. Son of Adam and Elizabeth, born January 9, 1746 Asbee, William. Son of Elias and Winifred, born . April 22, 1746 Allen, Elizabeth. Daughter of Bridget and William, born April 26, 1/ o,:6 Allenthrop, Benjamin. Married Elizabeth Fletcher, August 19, 1746 Angel, Jannett. Born at William Black's, December 29, 1746 OVER WHARTON PARISH RECHSTER, 3 Asbee, Sarah. Daughter of Robert and Mary, born January 17, 1747 Asburv, Ann. Daughter of Hannah and George, born October 6, 1747 Asbnn', Ann. Daughter of Hannah and Oeorge, died Februarys, 1748 Atchison, Lucy. Daughter of Adam and Elizabeth, born December 26, 1747 Allenthrop, Sarah. Married William Price, August 5, 1748 Asberry, Ann. Married John Wilson, August 1 6, 1 748 Asbury, William. Married Jean Aukerum, January 13, 1749 Aukerum, Jean. Married William Asbury, January 13, 1749 Ashbv, Fransisina. Daughter of Winifred and Elias, born March 15, 1749 Ashby, Thomas. Son of Robert and Mary, born March 5, 1 749 Anglis, William. Son of Christopher, born March 9, 1 749 Adie, IMartha. Wife of Hugh, died October 1 9, 1 749 Anbury, Henry. Son of George and Hannah, born February 10, 1750 Atchison, Rosinah. Daughter of Adam and Elizabeth, born IVIay 6, 1 750 4 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Angel, Margaret. Daughter of Samuel and Ann, bom May 29, 1750 Ashby, Jess. Son of Margaret, born May 20, 1750 Angell, John. Married Milley Harvey, October 5, 1 750 Adams, John. Married Honora Carty, September 23, 1750 Asbury, Thomas. Married Martha Jennings, December 1, 1751 Asbur}% Mary, Daughter of John and Jean, born September 20, 1 750 Adams, William. Son of John and Honora, born April 17, 1751 Ashb)-, Elisha. Son of Elias and Winifred, born December 26, 1751 Ashby, Thomas. Married Mary Maccullough, November 14, 1751 Ashby, Millie. Daughter of Robert and Mary, born September 11, 1751 Atchison, Jean. Daughter of Adam and Elizabeth, born April 13, 1752 Angel, Ann, Daughter of Samuel and Ann, born April 2, 1 752 Asbee, Mary Ann. Daughter of Thomas, born July 30, 1752 Anderson, John. Married Sarah Carne)-, November 28, 1752 OVER WHARTON PAA'ISH REC^ISTER. •=> Angel, George. Son of John and Mildred, born October 20, 1752 Asbnry, k.\\\\ Harris. Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah, born April 21, 1753 Asbmy, Benjamin. Son of John and Jean, born July 20, 1 753 Anderson, Baily. Son of John and Sarah, born November 13, 1753 Ashby, Wilmoth. Daughter of Robert, Jr., born October 28, 1753 Allenthrop, Margaret. Married John Read, March 5, 1 754 Angel, Franky. Daughter of Samuel and Ann, born February 7, 1754 Asbrook, Nancy. Daughter of Jane, born June 11,1 754 Angel, Frances. Daughter of John and Mildred, born August 18, 1754 Adie, William. MaiTied Elizabeth Parinder, July 25, 1754 Asbnry, Nell v. Daughter of George and Hannah, born June 13, 1754 Asbee, Elizabeth. Wife of Robert, died October 15, 1754 Allen, George. Departed this life December 3, 1754 Asbee, Elizabeth. Daughter of Mary and Thomas, born November 3, 1754 6 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Abbot, John. Son of John, was born January 6, 1755 Asbur>', William Boling. Son of John and Jane, born January 20, 1755 Asbur}-, Frances. Wife of Benjamin, died May 8, 1755 Asbury, Maiy. Daughter of George, died July 5, 1755 Ashb)-, John. Married Sarah Maccullough, February 26, 1756 Atchison, Nathanel. Son of Adam and Elizabeth, born February 1, 1756 Ashby, Catharine. Married Isaac Murph), January 1, 1756 Ashby, John. Son of John, was born June 6, 1756 Ashby, William. Son of Robert, baptized July 25, 1756 Anderson, Scarlet. Son of John and Sarah, born June 20, 1756 Abbot, Rachel. Married Peter Knight, December 19, 1756 Asbury, Eliza. Daughter of Benjamin, born December 23, 1 756 Adie, Ann Fisher. Daughter of William and Elizabeth, born November 29, 1756 Abbot, George. Son of John, was born May 11,1 757 Ashb\-, Hanknsson. Son of Thomas and Mary, born February 6, 1757 O I '£A' II 77. -J A' TO X PA RISII RE(;iS TER. 7 Asbuiy, Jeremiah. Son of (xeorge and Hannah, born June 21, 1757 Amely, Bridget. Married Thomas Riddle, February 5, 1758 Abbott, Ann. Married Ephrine Knight, February 12, 1758 Abbot, John. Married Margaret Lyon, January 15, 1758 Abbot, John. Son of John, was baptized January 6, 1758 Anderson, Lela. Was baptized April 9, 1758 Ashby, Bailey. Son of John and Sarah, born November 22, 1858 Bussel, Thomas. Son of James and Martha, born January 21^ 1727 Brent, Innis. Son of Charles and Hannah, born July 24, 1727 Brent, Mary. Daughter of Charles and Hannah, born May 25, 1732 l>rent, Charles. Son of Charles and Hannah, born June 11, 1735 Baker,' Anne. Daughter of Edward, born April 1, 1737 Brent, Jean. Daughter of George and Catharine, born April 10, 173S 8 Ol'ERWHARrON PARISH REGISTER. Baker, Eleanor. Daughter of Edward, born March 6, 1739 Brent, Susannah. Daughter of Benjamin and Mary, born November 29, 1739 Brent, Hugh. Son of Charles and Hannah, born November 3, 1739 Bethel, William. Married Jean Hurst, December 26, 1739 Ball, William. Son of Edward and Sarah, born January 14, 1740 Bethel, James. Son -of Edward and Mary, born January 27, 1 740 Bethel, John. Son of Elizabeth, born January' 24, 1 740 Bridwell, Isaai. Married x\bigail Green, January 20, 1 740 Baliwoel, Martha. Departed this life April 13, 1740 Bridwell, Elizabeth. Married Arron Garrison, May 10, 1740 Barret, Ellen. Married Rev. Daniel McDonold, July 26, 1740 Bridwell, Elizabeth. Daughter of John, died October 1, 1740 Bridwell, William. Son of John and Lucy, born October 19, 1740 Brent, George. Son of George and Catharine, born October 23, 1740 OVERIVH.IA'7'ON PARISH REGISTER. '> Byroiii, Sarah. Daughter of Cuthbert and Sarah, born November 14, 1740 Baker, Jean. Daug-hter of Edward, l^orn December 29, 1740, and died January 21, 1741 Bethel, James. Son of Edward, died January, 1741 Butler, Thomas. Married Mar>^ Mason, April 7, 1741 Ball, Caleb. Son of John, died June 21, 1741 Bell, Thomas. Man'ied Mary Latham, June 25, 1741 Brown, P'rances. Daughter of Dr. (lustavus Brown, of Charles Count)', Maryland. ]\Iarried the Rev. John Moncure, Rector of this Parish, June 18, 1741 Brooks, Matthew. Married Mary Box, August 23, 1741 Box, Mary. Married Matthew Brooks, August 23, 1741 Burton, Lettie. Married Alexander Jefferies, September 30, 1741 Burchel, Nanny. Daughter of Charles and Margaret, born October 12, 1741. Botts, Elizabeth. Daughter of Seth and Lib, born October 3, 1741 Bethel, Pegg\-. Daughter of William and Jean, born November 30, 1741 Botts, Thomas. Died at Robert Ashby's, March 9, 1 742 10 OVERWHARrON PARISH REGISTER. Brent, William. Son of Charles and Hannah, born May 19, 1742 Bannester, John. Son of William, died March 20, 1 742 Baker, Edward. Son of Edward and Ann, born January 4, 1742 Barber, James. Son of John and Elizabeth, born August 16, 1742 Brent, Captain William. Died at Aquia, August 17, 1742 Byram, Elizabeth. INIarried Adam Atchison, October 20, 1 742 Beriy, Lawrence. Son of Sarah, born December 22, 1 742 Bazell, William. Son of Hannah, born January 1 3, 1 743 Bridwell, Sarah. Daughter of John, born January 13, 1743 Byram, John. Son of Cuthbert and Sarah, born January 19, 1743 Baylis, John. Son of Mulrain and Winifred, born February 19, 1743 ^ Brooks, Matthew. Married Jean Jack, February, 1743 Bridwell, William. Son of Abraham, died April 5, 1743 Bvram, John. Son of Cuthbert and Sarah, died March 20, 1743 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 11 Bridwell, Sarah. Daughter of Abigail, born May 23, 1743 Boling, Edward. Married Mary Suddeth, May 4, 1744 Bridwell, Isaac. Son of Abraham and Mary, born June 17, 1743 Bell, John. Son of Thomas and Mary, born July 2, 1743 Bay lis, John. Son of Mulrain, died July 16, 1743 Byram, Liu}-. Married William Gough, October 19, 1743 Butler, Thomas. Departed this life December 3, 1743 Barby, Joseph. Son of Thomas, baptized March 18, 1744 Brent, Mary. . Daughter of Benjamin and Mary, born March 13, 1744 Botts, William. Son of Seth and Lib, born April 16, 1744 Brent, George. Son of Charles and Hannah, born June 7, 1744 Burchell, Charles. Son of Charles, born July 10, 1744 Bethel, John. Son of Edward and Mary, born ' June 23, 1744 Byram, Winifred. Daughter of Cuthbert and Sarah, born September 26, 1744 1 2 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Berry, Sarah. Married John Ellis, September 30, 1 744 Briand, Mary. Married John Fling, December 31, 1744 Burris, William. Son of Thomas and Mary, born Decembej 19, 1744 Bridwell, John. Son of Isaac and Abigail, born December 7, 1 744 Bell, John. Son of Thomas and Mary, died October 27, 1744 Bell, George. Married Ann Hanson, April 15, 1745 Burchell, Charles. Died at his home, March 25, 1745 Bntler, Joseph. Married Ann Carter, November 28, 1745 Butler, Margaret. Married Alexander Nelson, February 21, 1745 Barbee, Mary. Married William Cotne)-, February 24, 1 745 Boalin, Jean. Married John Asberry, February 25, 1745 Bridwell, Robert. Married Elizabeth Jones. January 13, 1745 Baylis, Pegg>'. Daughter of ^Nlulrain, born February 2, 1 745 Broderick, Sarah. Married John Camon, July 8, 1 745 Broderick, Christopher. ^Married Sarah Hammet, December 19, 1744 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 13 Bridwell, IMary. Daughter of John and Lucy, born June 19, 1745 Bassiet, Isaac. Married Mary Rhodes, May 18, 1745 Bell, Charit}-. Daughter of Thomas, born October 20, 1745 Black, William. ?^Iarried Ann Dent, October 17, 1745 Bethel, IMary. T^larried Joseph Lee, November 14, 1745 Broderick, Tvlar>-. Daughter of Christopher and Sarah, born October 20, 1745 Bell, Mar>'. Daughter of Ann, born January 7, 1746 Bridwell, Thomas. Son of Jacob and Elizabeth, born January 21, 1746 Balls, John. Married Margaret Williams, January 2, 1746 Burton, Priscilla. Daughter of William, born January 17, 1746 Bridwell, Mar}-. Daughter of John and Lucy, died Februan- 22, 1746 Bannister, Henry. Son of Susannah, born April 29, 1746 Bridwell, Mildred. Daughter of Sanniel and Mary, died March 23, 1746 Botts, Aaron. Son of Seth, born July 30, 1 746 Boan, Elizabeth. Married Jacob Begoley, August 4, 1746 14 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Begoley, Jacob. Married Elizabeth Boan, August 4, 1746 Burcbell, Margaret. Married George Hiusou, December 29, 1746 Byram, Milley. Daughter of Elizabeth, born December 10, 1746 Baylis, John. Died at his home, December 8, 1746 Bell, Elizabeth. Daughter of Andrew and Mary, October 26, 1746 Begoley, William Larien. Son of Jacob and Elizabeth, baptized November 1, 1746 Boiling, John. Son of Edmund and Mary, born September 14, 1746 Blackman, Hannah. Married Joseph Noble, September 7, 1 746 Bridwell, William. vSon of Isaac and Abigal, born February 10, 1747 Bryan, Luc\-, Daughter of Cuthbert, born January 29, 1747 Battoo, James. Married Winney Holiday, Februan- 12, 1747 Battoo, Mary. Daughter of James and Winifred, born April 29, 1747 Bussel, James. Son of Winifred, born May 20, 1747 Bethel, Mary. Daughter of Edward and Mary, born July 2:s, 1747 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 15 Bridwell, Sarah. Daughter of Abraham, bom July 25, 1747 Baker, John. Married Rebecca Lunsford, June 8, 1747 Baley, Siiuson. IMaixied Elizabeth MacCartv, December 24, 1 747 Baylis, Winn}-. Daughter of John and Mary, born November 1, 1747 Baylis, Mar}'. Married John Baylis, October 8, 1747 Baylis, John. Married Marv' Baylis, October 8, 1747 Bell, Elizabeth. Daughter of George and Ann, born Januar}' 31, 1748 Bussel, Hannah. Married John Honey, Februar}' 2, 1 748 Bettson, Thomas. Married Jane Merringham, April 14, 1748 Byram, Millie. Daughter of William and Sarah, born March 28, 1748 Bridwell, Margaret. Daughter of Jacob, born Januar}' 12, 1748 Balls, John. Son of John and Margaret, born March 20, 1748 Rerry, Benjamin. Son of Richard and Sarah, boru June 10, 1748 Botts, Joseph. Son of Seth, born June 2?)., 1 748 Bush, George. Son of George, born August 10, 1748 16 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Bettson, Thomas. Son of Thomas and Jane, born July 23, 1748 Berry, Benjamin. Was baptized August 1, 1748 Bussel, Winifred. Married Phillip Payton, September 15, 1748 Bell, James William. Son of Andrew and Mar)-, born October 14, 1748 Burn, James. Married Catharine Champ, October 14, 1748 Balls, Ann. Married Samuel Hawes, Februar}- 1 6, 1 749 Balls, Edward. Married Sarah Crosby, November 24, 1749 Berry, Bridoet. Married Samuel Mitchel, ♦ January 30, 1749 Basnet, Abrahm. Died February 8, 1 749 Bethel, Joseph. Died September 15, 1748 Bethel, Samuel. Son of W^illiam, born February 9, 1 749 Bethel, Elizabeth. Daughter of Edward and Mary, born May 26, 1 749 Burn, Elizabeth. Was baptized .Vpril 16, 1749 Boling, Nancy. Daughter of Edmund and Ann, born April 26, 1 749 Bradley, Nancy. Daughter of David and Margaret, born April 2, 1749 Bethel, Sith. Married Robert Hamniet, February 7, 1749 OVERWHARTON PARISH RKCISTER. 17 Bennet, Nickolas. Married Elizabeth Knight, June 12, 1749 Barry, Thomas. Married Catharine Jones, August 5, 1 749 Bridwell, John. Son of John and Luc)', born August 10, 1749 Bridwell, Mealy. Son of Samuel, born August, 1749 Basnett, Ann. Daughter of Isaac and Mar}', born September 3, 1749 Balls, Lydia Beek. Daughter of John and Margaret, born October 21, 1749 Barbee, Catharine. Was born November 1, 1749 Barbee, Jud}-. Daughter of Thomas and Margaret, born October 21, 1749 Bland, Moses. Married Jane Wiggonton, January 14, 1750 Bridwell, Mealy. Son of Samuel, died November 8, 1 749 BeiTv, Mar\-. Daughter of Richard and Sarah, born January- 19, 1749 Baker, John. Son of John, born January- 4, 1750 Bromley, Betty. Daughter of William and Judith, born Januar}^ 3, 1 750 Barbee, Betty. Married William Smith, Januar}' 1, 175C Bethel, William. Died Februar>- 19, 1750 18 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Bridwell, George. Son of Isaac and Abigal, born January' 26, 1750 Bragg, Pegg}'. Daughter of Joseph, born April 9, 1 750 Balls, Caleb. Son of Edward and Sarah, born April 14, 1750 Boling, Joannah. Married William Fuell, February 17, 1750 Byrani, Lizzie. Daughter of William and Sarah, March 12, 1750 Byram, Cuthbert. Son of Cuthbert, born January 6, 1750 Bridwell, Isaac. Son of Abraham, died May 2, 1750 Bailis, Winifred, Married Henr}' Robinson, August 1 , 1 750 Bowman, John. Married Elizabeth Elliot, December 23, 1750 Bridwell, Margaret. Married Henry Wiggonton, November 12, 1750 Bridwell, Betty. Married Richard Simms, October 15, 1750 Brent, Catharine. Wife of George, died Januar}- 21, 1751 Bett}', William. Son of Simpson, born Februar}' 3, 1750 Bell, Jonathan. Son of George and Ann, born Januaiy 7, 1751 WERWHAKTOS PAKTSH REGISTER. 19 Barby, Ann. Married Garner Burges, February 19, 1751 Burges, Garner. ^.larried Ann Barby, February 19, 1751 Barbee, William. Son of Thomas, born April 3, 1 751 Botts, Elizabeth. Died April 17, 1751 Bailly, Thomas. IMarried Ann Waller, July i(J, 1751 Burges, Peggy. Daughter of Garner and Ann, born July 27, 1751 Botts, Joshua. Son of Seth, born July 24, 1751 Balls, Sarah. Wife of Edward, died July 24, 1751 Burn, Judith. Daughter of James, born May 24, 1 75 1 Bayles, Betty. Daughter of John and Mar)^ born ( jctober 20, 1 75 1 Balls, George.. Son of John, Jr., and Margaret, born October 9, 1 75 1 Bethel, Sith. Daughter of Edward and Mar»-, born March 10, 1751 Belsher, Merriam. Married Alexander Manatear, December 24, 1 75 1 Bush, John. vSon of George and Mary, born December 20, 1 75 1 . /Balls, Mollie. Daughter of Henry and Isabel, born December 13, 1751 Baxter, Alexander. Married Mar\' Byram, November 28, 1 75 1 20 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Byram, Mar\'. Married Alexander Baxter, November 28, 1 75 1 Bouchard, William. Married Mar\- Stringfellow, November 12, 1751 Brown, John. Married Hannah Cook, November 28, 1751 Bridwell, Benjamin. Son of John, born April 15, 1752 Bragg, Phoebe. Daughter of Joseph, born March 25, 1 752 Boling, William. Son of Edmund and Maiy, born March 8, 1752 Brooks, Sarah. Married John Wilson, February 7, 1 752 Batto, Lithy. Daughter of James and W^inifred, born February 17, 1752 Bailis, Mary. Daughter of John and Mary, baptized January 19, 1752 Berr}-, Sarah. Daughter of Richard and Sarah, born January 13, 1752 Bannister, Nathan. Married Xnn Eaves, May 24, 1 752 Barbee, Thomas. Son of Thomas, born October 18, 1752 Beach, James. Died at William Wright's, December 17, 1752 Bett}', Ann. Daughter of Simpson and Elizabeth, born February 9, 1753 O TEA' U 'N.I A' 7().y IWRISII RECISTl'lR. 21 Bruiiig, William. Mamed Keziali Siniinons, Februan' 4, 1753 Brent, Catharine. Married James Wren, March 27, 1753 Bradley, Margaret. Wife of David, died January 3, 1753 Burchel, William. Departed this life at George Hin- son's, April 14, 1753 Byron, Sarah. Daughter of William and Sarah, born May 28, 1753 Brown, Rauleigh Travers. Son of John and Hannah, born July 13, 1753 Benson, Catharine. Daughter of Charles and Judith, born August 29, 1753 Bell, George. , Son of George and Ann, born August 12, 1753 Burn, Catharine. Daughter of James and Catharine, born August 3, 1753 Balls, Hezhzeba. Son of John, baptized July 1, 1753 Beach, George. Married Susanna Duke, December 23, 1753 Bridwell, Elizabeth. Daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth, born December 26, 1 753 Bridw^ell, Isaac. vSon of Isaac and Abigal, born December 9, 1753 22 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Byraiii, Winifred. Married William Routt, November 27, 1753 Burton, William. ^Married Rachel Porch, October 7, 1753 Brent, Mar>-. Married William Wright, October 18, 1753 Bell, George. Son of George and Ann, baptized October 1, 1753 Bridwell, Sanniel. Drowned in Ouantico Run, November 27, 1753 Burges, Mollie. Daughter of Garner, baptized December 9, 1753 Berry, William. Son of Richard and Sarah, born January 12, 1754 Bussel, George. Married Catharine Randel, Januar\- 8, 1754 Bailis, Jesse. Son of John and Mar>% born February 4, 1754 Berry, William. Married Ann Porch, February, 26, 1754 Bussel, James. Married Martha Hill, Februar>' 24, 1754 Bethel, Edward. Son of Edward, born April 30, 1754 Battoo, John HoUida)-. Son of James, baptized May 1.9, 1754 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 23 Beach, Susannah. Daughter of George and Susannah, baptized August 18, 1754 Bell, John. Son of Thomas and Mar\', born July 26, 1754 Brown, Joshua. Married Alice Lunsford, July 21, 1754 Brent, James. Son of Charles, died September 6, 1754 Brent, Catharine. Married James Douglass, October 1, 1754 Bridwell, George. Son of John and Lucy, born December 10, 1754 Bussel, Thomas. Son of James and Martha, born November 15, 1754 Barbee, John. Son of Thomas, was born November 12, 1754 Balls, William. Son of Henry and Isabel, born December 14, 1754 Botts, John. Son of Sith and Lib, born October 25, 1754 Balls, Nathanel William. Son of John, Jr., baptized January- 26, 1754 Bridwell, George. Son of John and Lucy, baptized January 26, 1755 Burges, William. Married Bathsueba Courtney, January 19, 1755 24 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Bradley, David. Married Elizabeth Siminons, April 17, 1755 Brown, John. Married Jean Noland, Angust 24, 1 755 Burk, John. Married Elizabeth Farlow, August 31, 1755 Bethany, Thomas. Married Mary Ann Criswell, December 21, 1755 Bell, George. Son of Cieorge and Ann, born September 3, 1755 Bell, Elizabeth. Was baptized Septemi)er 28, 1755 Bussell, Agath}-. Daughter of William, baptized October 26, 1755 Byram, Nancy. Daughter of John, baptized November 2, 1755 Burton, Samuel. Son of William and Rachel, born April 20, 1 755 Betty, Lottie. Daughter of Simpson and Elizabeth, born April 11,1 755 Bridwell, Samuel. Son of Jacob and Elizabeth, born March 5, 1755 Botts, Sarah. Married James Wiggonton, February 9, 1755 Benson, Enoch. Married Mary Doial, February 15, 1755 Barb)', Sarah, Daughter of Thomas and Margaret, born January 28, 1755 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 25 Brown, Cicy. Was baptized January 18, 1756 Brent, Charles. Departed this life Januar>' 13, 1756 Brent, Mary. Married Zackrias Lewis, August 24, 1756 Bethel, Mary. Daughter of Edward, born • August 10, 1756 Bell, Thomas. Son of Thomas, born December 24, 1756 Boiling, Elizabeth. Married Robert Mays, December 21, 1 756 Balls, Heptizitah. Son of John, Jr., died December 17, 1756 Blueford, Jemimma. Married Robert English, November 22, 1756 Brown, William. Married Sarah Ellen Grogg, December 11,1 756 Brent, Susanna. Married Dr. John Southland, September 15, 1756 Baylis, Christopher. Son of Jean, born September 9, 1756 Bell, William. Son of James, was born January 11, 1757 Baylis, William. Married Ann Gough, January 19, 1757 Brooke, Hannah. Married Alexander Taylor, Februar^' 24, 1757 26 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Brent, Jane. Married Richard Graham, February 10, 1757 Biissell, Anna. Daughter of James and Martha, born April 11, 1757 Barbee, Betty. Daughter of Thomas, born March 23, 1757 Brown, Pearson. Was baptized March 6, 1757 Bridwell, Simon. Son of John and Lucy, born August 11, 1757 Botts, Jenny. Daughter of Seth and Lib, born Januar\' 8, 1757 Bussel, Betty. Daughter of Hannah, born Februar}- 7, 1756 Blackburn, Edward. Married Margaret Harrison May 26, 1 757 Bruing, Ann. Married vSaxfield Noxal, August 8, 1757 Boling, Elizabeth. Daughter of Edmund and Mary, born October 30, 1757 Butcher, James. Son of William and Mary, born vSeptember 10, 1757 Balls, Charles. Son of John and Margaret, born Februar\^ 13, 1758 Bussel, . Married Sarah Day, February 5, 1758 Byram, Peter. Married Martha Horton, March 26, 1758 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 27 Bradley, William. Married Margaret Fortick, March 28, 1758 Bridwell, . Married Lucy Lea, April 9, 1758 Barbee, Joseph. Son of Thomas and Margaret, baptized June 28, 1 758 Bush, Elizabeth. Daughter of George and Mary, born February 20, 1758 C Carter, John. Son of James and Mar)-, born May 7, 1727 Carter, James. Son of James and Mary, born March 31, 1729 Carter, William. Son of James and Mary, born Januar}' 11, 1731 Carter, George.. Son of James and Mary, born March 25, 1733 Carter, Catharine. Daughter of James and Mar}-, born April 1, 1735 Carpenter, Stephen. Son of John and Mary, born June 24, 1737 Crosb)-, Uriel. Son of George and Sarah, born August 19, 1738 Courtne)-, Anne. Married Henr}- Fole\-, December 24, 1 738 Cornish, Charles. Married Elizabeth Smith, December 17, 1738 28 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Chapman, Jane. Daughter of Taylor and Margaret, born January 25, 1739 Chimp, William. Married Catharine Taylor, January 31, 1739 Colson, Charles. Married Elizabeth Norton. February- 1, 1739 Carpenter, John. Son of John and Mary, born May 15, 1739 Chapman, Taylor. Married Margaret Markham, September 13, 1739 Chapman, Jane. Daughter of Taylor and Margaret, born January 25, 1741 Chambers, Sarah. Married William McDuell, December 26, 1739 Cosby, James. Son of Peter and Susannah, born Februar>- 21, 1740 Cooper, Joseph. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth, born July 22, 1 740 Chin, Lettie. Daughter of Rawleigh and Elizabeth, born October 17, 1740 Clutterbuck, Mary. Daughter of William and Mary, born October 25, 1 740 Carter, Hugh. Son of James and Mary, born November 8, 1740 Combs, William. Son of Mason and Sarah, born November 28, 1740 OVER WHARTON PARISH RECHSTER. 2'* Carbern-, James. Son of Edward and Mar\-, born November 17, 1740 Chapman, Jane. Danghter of Taylor, died December 12, 1740 Carberry, Edward. Departed this life February 24, 1741 Clark, Catherine. Died at James Suddith's, May 7, 1 74 1 Cave, James. Son of William and Anne, born April 24, 1741 Combs, Jean. Mamed John Ashby, May 11, 1741 Campbell, James. Married Elizabeth Milliner, September 27, 1741 Crosby, Ann. Daughter of George and Sarah, born October 1, 1741 Chapman, William. Son of Taylor and Margaret, born September 12, 1741 Carney, Thomas. Son of John and Mary, born December 18, 1741 Cockley, Robert. Married Sarah Sinclair, September 21, 1740 Coff>^ Frances. Daughter of Peter, died January 5, 1741 Coffee, James. Son of Peter and Susannah, born February 27, 1741 Coffee, L}'dia. Daughter of Peter and Susannah, born January- 25, 1 742 30 OVERWHARTON PARISH RFArlSTER. Cook, Jane. Married William Pritchet, January 26, 1742 Cassity, Catherine. Married Philip Mathews, January 4, 1742 Cooper, Juhonias. vSon of Joseph and Betty, born February 20, 1742 Cammel, William. Married Mary Smith, July 25, 1 742 Cave, William. Died at his house, August 14, 1742 Cole, Catharine. Married Philip Prichet, June 24, 1 742 Craven, Francesana. Married Sanuiel Makanes, November 14, 1742 Cave, James. vSon of W'illiam and Anne, died January- b, 1743 Cotton, Jolm. Married Susannah Smith, February 17, 1743 Combs, Anne. Daughter of Mason and Sarah, born March 28, 1 743 Champ, Jolm. Son of William and Catharine, born March 10, 1743 Corbin, W^illiam. Married Sarah Jenkins, January 1, 1743 Champ, John. Sou of William, died August 6, 1743 Carter, Charles. Son of James, born October 10, 1743 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 31 Carter, James. An honest, good man, died October 24, 1 743 Coffee, Benjamin. Son of Peter and Susannah, born October 9, 1 743 Cooper, John. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth, born December 4, 1743 Carne}', Traverse. Son of John and Mary, born January 17, 1744 Carney, Daniel. Son of John and Mary, died January 28, 1744 Crosby, George. Married Mary Huges, Januar}' 6, 1744 Crosby, Sally. Daughter of George and Sarah, born March 3, 1744 Cunningham, William. Son of Morris, born March 21, 1744 Carpenter, Thomas. Son of John and Mar}-, born August 7, 1 744 Carter, Dale. Son of Charles and Lucy, born August 9, 1 744 Corbin, William. Married Sarah Want, August 2, 1744 Champ, Lansdell. Daughter of William and Catharine, born December 1, 1744 Coffey, Mar}\ Married James Kendal, February 25, 1 745 32 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Carney, Absolom. Son of John and Mary, born January 27, 1745 Combs, Sarah. Daughter of Mason and Sarah, born February 25, 1745 Cotney, William. Married Mary Barbee, Februar)- 24, 1745 Cooper, Enos. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth, born April 26, 1745 Carter, John. Married Mary Butler, Februar>- 4, 1745 Carpenter, William. Son of John and Mary, born May 5, 1742 Clarnes, Ann. Married Andrew Kenney, November 30, 1744 Carter, Ann. Married Joseph Butler, November 28, 1 745 Cooper, John. Married Elizabeth Pownall, March 30, 1745 Cannon, John. Married Sarah Broderick, July 8, 1745 Carr, Easter. Married Peter Reynolds, June 2, 1745 Crosby, Anne. Daughter of George and Mary, born May 30, 1745 Crosby, George. Departed this life, December 5, 1 745 Chinn, Lizzie. Daughter of Betty, born October 18, 1745 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 33 Cooke, Elizabeth. Departed this life, October 20, 1745 Cavenaugh, Edward. Died at Rawleigh Chinn's, January 11,1 742 Crosby, Anne. Daughter of George, died October 31, 1745 Crosby, Sally. Daughter of George and Mary, died October 28, 1745 Cotney, John. Son of William, born November 10, 1745 Corbin, Peter. Son of William and Sarah, born April 2?>, 1745 Camp, Hannah. Daughter of Mary, born March 26, 1746 Cash, Peter. Son of Peter and Charit>', born July 17, 1746 Carter, Joseph. Mari'ied Margaret INlason, November 21, 1746 Champe, Pvosomond. Daughter of William and Catharine, born November 18, 1746 Castello, Ann. Married Richard Sayer, September 30, 1 746 Carpenter, Benjamin. Son of John and Mary, born October 5, 1746 Combs, Mason. Son of Mason and Sarah, born Februarv 21, 1747 ^Vi 34 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Carter, Judith. Daughter of Charles and Luc\', born March 17, 1747 ^^^^ ' Cannaday, William. Married Margaret Linee, ^^' January, 16, 1747 Crosby, George. Son of George and Mar>% born September 1, 1747 Carne)', Mary. Daughter of John and Mary, born October 16, 1747 Cave, Elizabeth. Married Keene Withers, December 21, 1747 Cave, Ann. Married Thomas Dent, December 3, 1747 Connally, Dorothy. Married Robert Read, November IC, 1747 Champ, William. Departed this life, November 13, 1747 Carter, Mary Ann. Daughter of Joseph and Margaret, born December 7, 1747 Corbin, John. Son of William and Sarah, born November 22, 1747 Cannon, Ellis. Son of John and Sarah, born January 3, 1748 Courtney, Elizabeth. Daughter of William, born January 1, 1748 Carter, Robert. Son of Robert and Winifred, born Februarv 14, 1748 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 35 Chinn, Betty. Married Solomon Waugh, April 13, 1748 Cooper, Thomas Simmons. Son of Joseph, born May 29, 1748 Chinn, Rawleigh. Married Sarah Lacy, September 2, 1 748 Carpenter, Ann. Daughter of John and Mary, born October 16, 1748 Champ, Catharine. Married to James Burns, October 14, 1748 Clarke, Lucy. Married Stephen Pilcher, December 7, 1748 Crosby, Sarah. Married Edward Balls, November 24, 1748 Carpenter, Nanny. Daughter of John, baptized November 21, 1 748 Carty, Peter Murphy. Son of Honour, died December 1, 1748 Cowper, Thomas Sinnnons. Son of Joseph, died February 2, 1749 Crump, Benjamin. Married Hannah James, February 2, 1749 Corbin, Mary. Daughter of William and Sarah, baptized April 9, 1749 Chinn, Margaret. Daughter of Rawleigh and Sarah, born May 14, 1749 36 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Combs, Winny. Daughter of Mason and Sarah, born May 14, 1749 Congers, Sarah Pattison. Married Thomas Hampton, Jmie 1, 1749 Cash, Elizabeth. Married Calvert Porter, September 21, 1749 Cooper, Spencer. Son of Joseph, born October 22, 1 749 Corbin, John. Married PYances P^ant, December 7, 1749 Cooke, Margaret. Married William Horton, December 21, 1749 Carney, Jane, Daughter of John and Mary, born December 21, 1749 Corbin, William, Was born November 10, 1749 Cartee, Honour. Delivered of a male child, which died soon after, November 20, 1 749 Chapman, Ta}lor. Departed this life November 10, 1749 Cannon, John. Son of John, born February 1 , 1 749 Conyers, Ann Holland. Married Edward Payne, February 21, 1750 Carter, Lucy. Daughter of Charles and Lucy, born February 16, 1750 Cornell, John. Son of Margaret, born March 31, 1750 Crap, James. Married Joyie Hinson, June 3, 1750 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 37 Cooper, Bridget. Married John Sylva, July 1 , 1 750 Cabbage, John. Married May Jenkins, July 10, 1750 Carter, Mary, Daughter of Robert and Winifred, born May 21, 1750 Cash, Elizabeth. Was baptized June 24, 1750 Chinn, Hannah. Married John Risen, October 20, 1750 Carty, Honora. Married John Adams, September 23, 1750 Carter, Judith. Daughter of Charles and Lucy, died December 18, 1750 Corbin, William. Son of John and Francis, born Februaiy 7, 1751 Collie, James. Married Ann Cornwall, February 21, 1751 Cornwall, Ann. Married James Collie, Februar>' 21, 1751 Cash, Elizabeth. Departed this life, March 9, 1751 Cash, Jean. Married William Waters, April 6, 1751 Chinn, . Married Mathew Gregg, August 15, 1751 Carter, Eiicy. Daughter of Charles and Lucy, died August 22, 1751 Cartee, Thomas. Died at Stephen Pilcher's, June 18, 1751 38 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Carter, Solomon. Married Mary Marony, May 26, 1751 Cannaday, Franky. Daughter of John and Rose, born May 29, 1751 Cabbige, Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Mary, born April 7, 1751 Cook, Hannah. Married John Brown, November 28, 1751 Cooper, Vinient. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth, born October 10, 1751 Combs, Wilmot. Daughter of Mason, born October 5, 1751 Corbin, Margaret. Daughter of William and Sarah, born January 17, 1752 Cannon, Henr}\ Son of John and Sarah, born April 10, 1752 Cooper, Vinient. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth, died March 15, 1752 Condring, Jane. Daughter of Richard, born January 11,1 752 Conwell, Barnet. Son of Margaret, born April 17, 1752 Caiter, James. Son of John, Jr., baptized August 30, 1752 Caiter, Jedisiah. Son of Robert, was born July 29, 1752 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. 39 Carter, James. Son of John and Leana, born Jnly 17, 1752 Cocklen, Margaret. Married William Todd, October 23, 1752 Carney, Sarah. Married John Anderson, November 28, 1752 Carter, Margaret. Wife of Joseph, died Marcli 12, 1752 Carter, Margaret. Danghter of Joseph, born March 11, 1752 Cooper, Jess. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth, born April 14, 1753 Cubbige, Mary. Daughter of. John, born April 15, 1753 Carpenter, George. Son of Jolm and Mary, born March 24, 1753 Cannaday, Sethe. Married Edward Gill, February 4, 1753 Cannada}', Ann. Daughter of John and Rosanna, born March 2, 1753 Carter, Catharine. Daughter of Jeremiah, born January 28, 1753 Carter, Elizabeth. Daughter of Solomon, baptized January 15, 1753 Coleman, John. Son of John and Isabel, born August 6, 1753 40 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Chinn, Ann. Daughter of Rawleigh, Jr., born December 15, 1754 Crap, John. Son of James, Jr., was born October 7, 1753 Carter, Catharine. Daughter of Charles, born October 15, 1753 Cash, James. Son of Peter and Charity, born October 26, 1753 Colburn, John. Son of John, died February 3, 1754 Carter, William. Died at Mary Edward's, September 3, 1753 Chinn, Joseph. Departed this life, January 28, 1 754 Cooke, Travers. Married Mary Doniphan, February 26, 1754 Carter, Catharine. Daughter of James, born April 21, 1754 Carter, John. Son of John and Leanna, born June 1, 1754 Can-ow, Frances. Daughter of Mar}-, born at Richard Fistoe's, June 29, 1754 Cannon, William. Son of John and Sarah, born July 4, 1754 Cuiberford, James. Married Elizabeth Holdbroke, September 15, 1754 Carter, Margaret. Daughter of Joseph, died October 11, 1754 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 41 Cooke, John. Died at Robert Fristoe's, September 21, 1755 Carney, Oxesby. Son of John and Mary, l^orn Jannary 2, 1755 Conrtney, Bathsheba. Married William Bnrges, January 19, 1755 Cooke, John. Son of Travers and Mary, born February 5, 1755 Carter, Joseph. Married Lettie Linton, February 5, 1755 Coleman, L,izzie Ann. Daughter of John and Isabel, born February 12, 1755 Carter, Milly. Daughter of Robert, born March 22, 1755 Croscuel, Ruth. Married Peter Stacey, May 25, 1755 Cooke, Ann. Married Thomas Roach, December 28, 1755 Carter, Anthony. Son of Joseph, born December 14, 1755 Carter, William. Son of John and Leanna, born November 22, 1755 Carter, Catharine. Married William Davis, November 27, 1755 Congers, Thcodosia. Married James O'Daneal, October 19, 1755 42 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. Cubbige, William, Son of John and Maty, born September 29, 1755 Carter, Henr)-. Son of Jeremiah, born September 1, 1755 Criswell, Mary Ann. Married Thomas Bethan}', December 21, 1755 Collie, Charles. Son of James and Ann, born Januaty 25, 1756 Carpenter, Charles. Son of John and Mary, born September 6, 1756 Cooper, Thomas. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth, born September 20, 1756 Corbin, James. Son of John and Frances, born November 8, 1756 Corney, Anthony. Son of Ann and John, born October 13, 1756 Corne}', Henry. Son of John, baptized November 25, 1756 Cummings, John. Married Lettice Phillips, February 21, 1757 Cooke, Mott. Son of Travers and Maty, born March 17, 1757 Cannon, Sarah. Daughter of John, born June 9, 1757 Carter, Tabitha. Daughter of Jeremiah, born December 11, 1757 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 43 Crosby, Mary. Daughter of George and Mary, born November 14, 1757 Coleman, Jesse. Son of John and Isabel, born September 3, 1757 Cooper, William. Married Elizabeth Pliford, January 5, 1758 Carter, Andrew. Son of Joseph, born June 16, 1758 D. Daniel, Peter. Married Sarah Travers, July 15, 1736 Daniel, Hannah. Daughter of Peter and Sarah, born September 9, 1737 Dillon, Anne. Married William Hacker, May 21, 1738 Davison, Andrew. Married Sarah Mclnteer, November 5, 1738 Dows, Annie. Married William Miller, March 5, 1738 Davison, James. Son of Andrew and Sarah, born November 22, 1739 Dunaway, Mary. Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth, born January 6, 1740 Dunaway, Mary. Married James Stuart, Februar>' 12, 1740 Doniphon, Alexander. Married Mar>' Waugh, June 17, 1740 Dawist, Samuel. Son of Arthur, died September 1, 1740 44 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Duffy, Stela. Daughter of Margaret, b5rn November 28, and died December 4, 1 740 Daniel, Travers. Son of Travers and Francis, born August 4, and baptized privately, August 5, 1768 Daniel, Travers. Son of Peter and Sarah, born May 26, 1741 Daniel, Travers, and Frances Moncure, Jr., were mar- ried at "Claremont" October 7, 1762, by the Rev. Mr. James Scott. Dal ton, James. Son of James and Rachel, born July 10, 1741 Davison, Andrew. Son of Andrew and Sarah, born January 9, 1742 Dunaway, Sarah. Married James Marten, January 22, \7A\ Dent, Arthur. Married Elizabeth Manuel, December II, 1 742 Doniphan, William. Son of Alexander and Mary, born March 20, 1742 Duwest, Elizabeth. Married Morton Holiday, July 28, 1742 Da}', Francis. vSon of Francis and Mar)^, born September 29, 1742 Dillon, James. Married Margaret Warner, November 16, 1742 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 45 Doniphon, Anne. Married George White, August 4, 1743 Dent, Mary. Daughter of Arthur and Elizabeth, born November 8, 1743 Dunaway, Laton. Son of Daniel, died January 31, 1744 Dunaway, Daniel. Married Jean Judd, March 1, 1744 Doniphon, Elizabeth, Daughter of Alexander and Mary, born April 18, 1744 Dawson, Jean. Married George Knight, December 25, 1744 Dobie, Anne. Daughter of Anne, born October 25, 1744 Davison, William. Son of Andrew and Sarah, born October 25, 1745 Day, John. Son of Francis and Mar>', born Februarys, 1745 Dickinson, Mary. Daughter of Ann and Edward born February 15, 1745 Dunaway, Charity. Daughter of Joseph, born March 7, 1745 Dunaway, Gothe. Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth, born May 22^ Daniel, Elizabeth Travers. Daughter of Peter and Sarah, born May 16, 1745 46 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Dalton, Anne. Daughter of John, baptized September 29, 1 745 Dent, Anne. Married William Black, October 17, 1745 Duncomb, Rosamond. Married Anthony Horten, October 21, 1 745 Dent, James. Son of Arthur, born December 21, 1745 Dinwiddle, Elizabeth. Married Gerrard Fowke, November 26, 1 745 Davids, Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Ann, born March 2, 1745 Deckon, Margaret. Married James Reynold, August 19, 1746 Dillon, James. Married Ann Suddeth, July 24, 1746 Doniphon, Anne. Daughter of Alexander and Mar}', born February 28, 1747 Davis, Thomas. Son of John, born August 8, 1747 Day, Mary Ann. Daughter of Frances, born September 28, 1747 Dent, Thomas. Married Ann Cave, December 3, 1 747 Donaldson, John. Married Ann McMurr}-, December 31, 1747 Dunaway, Jean. Daughter of Joseph, born January 2, 1 748 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 47 Devane, Mary. Manied John Herrod, August 21, 1748 Davis, John. Son of John, was born November 11, 1748 Dunaway, Eton. Son of Daniel, born April 12, 1749 Dunaway, Eton. Son of Daniel, died September 9, 1 749 Dunawoy, Ezekiel. Was baptized July 23, 1749 .' ' Dawson, Christopher. Married Jane George, February 16, 1750 Doniphan, Alexander. Son of Alexander and Mary, born March 12, 1750 Davis, Nanu)-. Daughter of John, born March 28, 1750 Dunaway, Jane. Wife of Daniel, died October 28, 1750 Dunaway, Isaac. Son of Daniel, born September 20, 1750 Dooling, Nanc)-. Daughter of Robert, born October 31, 1750 Day, Margaret. Daughter of Francis, born January 2, 1751 Daffin, Keziah. Daughter of Judith and Henry, born March 30, 1751 Dooling, Margaret. Daughter of John, born December 25, 1751 48 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Dunaway, Daniel. Departed this life, December 12, 1751 Dunaway, Elizabeth. Married Benjamin Lokon, February 25, 1752 Doyson, John. Son of Christopher and Jean, boan July 28, 1751 Dooling, Mary Ann. Daughter of Robert, born April 5, 1753 Donophon, Mott. Son of Alexander and Mary, born June 10, 1752 Davis, Susannah. Married Richard Smith, November 17, 1752 Dial, Mitchel. Manied Mar}- Smith, November 19, 1752 Davis, Isaac. Son of John, born February 7, 1753 Dick, Moses. Son of Jane, born January 22^ 1753 Duwest, Elizabeth. Daughter of Mary, born January 6, 1753 Duke, Susanna. Married George Beach, December 22, 1753 Dawson, Sarah. Daughter of Jean and Christopher, born September 15, 1753 Doniphon, Mary. Married Travers Cooke, Februar>^ 26, 1 754 Dowling, Nicholas. Married Elizabeth Dunaway, June 30, 1754 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. 49 Dunaway, Elizabeth. Married Nicholas Dowling, June 30, 1 754 Dunaway, Isaac. Married Mary Ann Tolson, May 25, 1754 Dawson, Henry Married Betty Turner, December 15, 1754 Dooling, James. Son of Robert, born May 9, 1 755 Douglass, James. Married Catharine Brent, October 1, 1754 Dabney, George. Married Mary Waller, September 11, 1754 Dawson, William and Henry. Sons of Jean and Christopher, born May 21 ^ 1755 Diskin, John. Married Frances MacCarty, June 19, 1755 Dawson, Sarah. Daughter of Christopher, died July 15, 1755 Dawson, William and Henry. Died June 1 5, 1 755 Davis, William. Married Catharine Carter, November 27, 1755 ^ Duwest, Elizabeth. Married George Mason, October 21, 1755 Doial, Mar\-. Man-ied Enoch Benson, February 15, 1756 Dawson, Henry. Son of Christopher, born June 21, 1 75e 50 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Driscol, Derby. Married Jean Noble, October 4, 1756 Douglass, George. Son of James and Catharine, born December 2, 1756 Dooling, Nancy. Daughter of Nicholas, died October 24, 1756 Douglass, George. Departed this life, December 17, 1756 Daniel, Hannah. Married George Hedgman, November 21, 1 756 Day, Robert. Married Mary Gunn, Januar\- 16, 1757 Day, Winny. Daughter of Roberson and Mary, born October 15, 1758 Dunaway, Benjamin. Son of Isaac and Mars', born November, 27, 1757 Da}', Sarah. Married Bussel, Februar)- 5, 1758 Darlow, Thomas. Married Margaret Lynne, April 9, 1758 Dawson, Jane. Daughter of Christopher and Jane, born March 14, 1758 E. Edwards, Elizabeth. Married William King, May 21, 1738 Eaves, William. Son of Thomas and Catharine, born November 9, 1 739 Elkin, David. Son of William and Martha, born Februar^• 14, 1742 O J 'ER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. o 1 Edwards, Jess. Son of Ignatius and Mar}', born Februar}' 14, 1742 Elliot, Samuel. Married Easter Flood, August 9, 1 742 Eaves, Thomas. Son of Thomas and Catharine, born August 15, 1742 Eaves, Anne. The wife of Thomas, died February 6, 1742 Edrington, Thomas. Son of William, born August 17, 1743 Edwards, John. Son of Ignatius, died February 24, 1744 Edwards, James. Son of Meredith and Mary, born February 22, 1744 Eaton, Mar\-. Daughter of William, born May 22, 1 744 Ellis, Sith. Daughter of John and Sarah, born July 22, 1745 Edwards, Ignatius. Had a daughter Anne, by Mary, July 17, 1745 Edwards, James. Departed this life October 11,1 745 Edwards, Elizabeth. Daughter of Meredith and Mary, born December 22, 1746 Eaves, Winifred. Married Peter Wigginton, October 13, 1747 Elliot, Samuel. Married Elizabeth Wiggerson, Mav 20, 1 747 52 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Eaton, Sarah. Daughter of William, baptized September 20, 1747 Edwards, John. Son of Robert and Sarah, born March 20, 1748 Edwards, Meredith. Son of Meredith and Mary, born September 12, 1749 Edwards, Sarah. Daughter of Ignatius and IMar)-, born June 28, 1 748 Elkins, Margaret. Daughter of William, born August 7, 1747 Elliot, Ann. Daughter of Sanniel and Elizabeth, born July 10, 1748 Elliot, Samuel. Departed this life, November 30, 1748 Edrington, Christopher. Son of William, born April 16, 1749 Edwards, Meredith. Departed this life October 16, 1749 Edwards, Matthews. Son of Robert and Sarah, born August 21, 1749 Ellis, Millis. Was baptized September 30, 1 750 Edwards, Ignatius. Departed this life, October 15, 1750 Elliot, Elizabeth. Married John Bowman, December 23, 1 750 Edrington, Ann. Daughter of William, born March 19, 1751 \ OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. ^3 Edwards, Andrew. Married Betty Waucrh, May 7, 1751 Eaves, Thomas. Departed this life March 10, 1752 Edwards, Betty. Daughter of Andrew and Betty, born February 7, 1752 Edwards, Betty. Daughter of Andrew and Be tt>-, died August 23, 1753 Edwards, Billy. Son of Andrew and Betty, born October 1, 1753 Eaves, Ann. Married Nathan Bannister, May 24, 1752 Edrington, John. Son of William, born November 14, 1 753 Ellis, Jezreel. Son of Sarah, born August 28, 1753 Edghill, Jean. Daughter of Thomas, born March 18, 1754 Edwards, Jean. Daughter of Robert and Sarah, born September 29, 1754 Edzar, James. Married Eleanor Grianan, November 22, 1754 Earle, Therdosian Scott. Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth, born November 14, 1754 Edwards, Bridget. Married Jeremiah Spilman, January 16, 1758^ Edgar, Esdras. Son of James and Eleanor, born February 25, 1758 54 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Edwards, William. Married Eleanor Wheeler, February 12, 1750 Edrington, James. Son of William and Betty, born February 24, 1 755 Edwards, Robert. Son of Robert and Sarah, born February 6, 1756 Edwards, Nancy. Daughter of Andrew and Betty, born March 6, 175b Eaves, Hannah. Married John Stark, May 29, 175b English, Rose. Daughter of John and Mary, born May 30, 1756 Earle, Betty. Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth, born September 6, 1756 English, Robert. Married Jemima Blueford, November 22., 1756 English, Sarah. Daughter of Robert and Jemima, born January 22>^ 1757 Edwards, Isaker. Married Sarah Stacey, May 16, 1757 Edwards, Andrew. Married Elizabeth Withers, January 19, 1758 Fowke, William Chandler. Son of Chandler and Mary, born September 4, 1 720 Fowke, John. Son of Chandler and Mary, born Januar)- 17, 1725 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 55 Fowke, Klizabeth. Daughter of Chandler and Mary, born April 27, \727 Fowke, Chandler. The young son of Chandler and Mary, born September 3, 1732 Fowke, Ann. Younger daughter of Chandler and Mary, born September 4, 1737 Fowke, Sarah. Daughter of Chandler and Mary, born August 10, 1734 Fowke, Ann. Daughter of Chandler and Mary, died December 8, 1732 Fowke, Sarah. Daughter of Chandler and Mary, died October 14, 1739 Fowke, Susannah. . Daughter of Chandler and Mary, born October 24, 1 739 Frogg, John. Married Elizabeth Strother, November 9, 1738 Foley, Henr)'. Married Anne Courtne)', December 24, 1 738 Fristoe, Daniel. vSon of Richard, Jr. and Grace, born December 7, 1739 Fowke, John. vSou of Chandler and Mary, died April 16, 1740 French, Bett}'. !\Iarried James Waugh, August 22, 1740 Fristoe, John. vSon of Richard and (zrace, born June 6, 1741 56 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Fowke, Richard. Son of Chandler and Mary, born December 11, 1741 Foley, Hannah. Danghter of John and Rosina, born April 20, 1742 Fristoe, William. vSon of Richard, died May 12, 1742 Fristoe, Richard. Son of Richard and Grace, born Jnly 9, 1742 Flood, Easter. Married Samuel Elliot, August 9, 1 742 Fowke, William. Departed this life, October 24, 1742 Fletcher, George. Married Sarah Grigsby, Januar}' 1, 1743 Fowke, William. vSon of Chandler and Mary, born May 31, 1743 Fletcher, Sarah. Daughter of Charles, born May 31, 1743 Foley, Mar\'. Married Benjamin Stringfellow, June 15, 1743 Fant, Catharine. Married Alexander Simpson, July 17, 1743 Fowke, William. Son of Chandler and Mary, died December 2, 1743 Fristoe, George. Son of Richard and Grace, born April 10, 1744 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 57 Foley, John. Married Sarah Poole, December 11,1 744 Fling, John. Married Mary Briand, December 31, 1744 French, Margaret. Married Peter Hansbrongh, February 26, 1745 Fowke, Captain Chandler, of Gunston Hall, in Stafford County. Died February 10, 1745 Fant, George. Son of William and Catharine, born June 5, 1745 Fristoe, Jean. Daughter of Richard and Grace, born September 8, 1 745 Fowke, Gerrard. Married Elizabeth Dinwiddle, November 26, 1745 Fletcher, Sarah. Daughter of Charles, baptized May 31, 1746 Fletcher, Elizabeth. Married Benjamin Allenthrop, August 19, 1746 Foster, George. Married Margaret Grigsby, December 22, 1746 Fletcher, Abraham. Married Priscilla Grigsby, November 28, 1 746 Fowke, Robert Dinwiddie. Son of Gerrard and Elizabeth, born September 20, 1746 Fristoe, Williani. Son of Richard and Grace, born March 29, 1747 58 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Fitzliugh, Catharine. The wife of Thomas, died February 26, 1748 Fristoe, George. Son of Richard, died INIay 12, 1748 Fant, Margaret. Married Thomas Barbee, September 29, 1748 Fristoe, Richard. Married Mary Hayes, November 24, 1748 F>rnsly, James. Married Sarah Robinson, December 3, 1748 Foregast, James. Died at William Wright's, December 15, 1748 Fristoe, George. vSon of Richard and Grace, born January 8, 1749 Fant, Nathaniel. Son of William and Catliarine, born January 15, 1749 Foley, Barrett. Son of John and Rosanna, born February 14, 1749 Ford, Mar\'. Daughter of David and Mary, born February 9, 1 749 Fletcher, George. Departed this life March 1 6, 1 749 Foster William. ^Married Nanny Jordan, June 15, 1749 Fant, Frances. Married John Corbin, December 7, 1740 Fuell, William. Married Johannah Boling, February 12, 1750 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 5^) Fristoe, George. Son of Richard and Grace, died December 7, 1750 Foxworthy, Sarah. Married Daniel Green, October 16, 1750 Fnell, Eleanor. Daughter of William and Hannah, born October 9, 1750 P'oster, Elizabeth. Daughter of William and Ann, born February 26, 1751 Ford, David. Son of David, born April 1 , 1751 Fristoe, Robert. Son of Richard and Grace, born April 5, 1751 Fristoe, Mary. Departed this life March 26, 1751 Fristoe, Martha. Married Josuah King, December 12, 1751 Foxworthy, Thomas. Married Sarah Nubal, December 25, 1751 Fritter, Moses. Married Elizabeth Horton, December 1, 1751 Foxworthy, John. Married Sarah Northcut, September 29, 1751 Fitzpatrick, Thomas. Son of John and Mary, born February- 26, 1752 Foxworth)-, Nicholas. Married Mary Jordon, January 26, 1752 Fristoe, Robert. Married Ann Rhodes, February 23, 1 752 50 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Fitzpatrick, John. Married Mary Waters, February 12, 1752 Floyd, Betty Ann. Daughter of James, born June 1, 1752 Fritter, John. Son of Moses and Elizabeth, born December 18, 1752 Foxworthv, J^hn. vSon of Mar>' and Thomas, born February 2, 1753 Fernsby, Sarah. Daughter of James and Sarah, born February 10, 1753 Foster, Isabelle. Daughter of William and Ann, born February 16, 1753 Fox\vorth\-, Catharine. Daughter of Nicholas and Mary, born March 23, 1753 Foxworthy, William. Son of John and Sarah, born April 1, 1753 Farrow, Alexander. Married Ann (3banion, October 5, 1753 Frazer, William. Son of Mary, born at Mary Suddeth's, November 8, 1 754 Fritter, Hugh Horton. Son of Moses and Elizabeth, born January 6, 1 754 ^ Furguson, Elizabeth. Daughter of john, baptized May 19, 1754 Flitter, John. Married Bridget Riggins, March 16, 1755 Ol-ERUHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 61 French, Rachel. Daughter of Hugh, died January 16, 1755 Farlow, Elizabeth. Married John Burcli, August 31, 1755 Flitter, Moses. Son of Moses and Elizabeth, born October 1, 1756 Fitzhugh, John. Was baptized February 29, 1756 Fitzhugh, Susanna. Daughter of John, was baptized February, 25, 1756 Foxworthy, Saky. Daughter of John and Sarah, born February 1, 1756 Frazer, Mary. Daughter of Isabella, born June 12, 1756 ^ Furguson, Kate. Daughter of John, baptized October 17, 1756 Fristoe, Richard. Married Virginia Waters, February 28, 1757 Fletcher, Moses. Married Sarah Martin, July 10, 1757 Flitter, William. Son of Moses and Elizabeth, born October 30, 1757 Fortick, Margaret. Married William Bradley, March 26, 1758 Foxworthy, Thomas. Son of John, born Mav 12, 1758 b2 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. G. Grant, Peter. Son of John and Margaret, born November 18, 1739 Green, Abigail. Married Isaac Bridwell, January 20, 1740 Gallahan, Eleanor. Daughter of John and Penelope, born April 1, 1740 George, Elizabeth. Daughter of William and Eleanor, born May 10, 1740 Garrison, John. Son of John and Nancy, born May 17, 1740 Garrison, Arron. Married Elizabeth Bridwell, May 10, 1740 Gregg, James. Son of Matthew and Catharine, born May 18, 1740 Gregg, Elizabeth. Daughter of William, died at William Bethel's, May 15, 1740 Garrison, Mary Anne. Daughter of Arron and Elizabeth, born September 22, 1741 George, Elmore. Son of William, died November 25, 1740 George, Nicholas. Married Margaret Whitson, December 25, 1 740 Green, Martha. Daughter of John and Abigail, born April 15, 1741 Ol'ERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 53 Gallahaii, Thomas. Son of John and Eleanor, born March 21, 1741 Golenian, Sarah. Danghter of Francis and Winifred, born September 20, 1741 Griffin, Elizabeth. IMarried James Philips, September 21, 1741 Gallahan, Elizabeth. Danghter of Solomon and Mildred, born October 9, 1741 "7 George, Nickolas. Son of Nickolas and Margaret, born November 21, 1741 Grant, William. Son of John and Lydia, born March 9, 1742 Garner, Parish. Married Margaret Stnrdy, Jannary 2, 1742 Garret, Betty. Danghter of Robert and Mary Anne, born May 29, 1742 Garrison, Snsannah. Daughter of John and Anne, born May 21, 1742 yGeorge, Elmore. Son of William and Eleanor, born May 14, 1742 (roodwin, Jean. ^larried Henr)' Nelson, October 18, 1742 Cxarrison, George. Son of An'on, born November 14, 1742 ( xarner, James. Son of Parish and Margaret, born November 25, 1742 64 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Gallahaii, William. Son of Solomon, born April 26, 1743 Grigsby, Sarah. Married George Fletcher, January 1, 1743 Gough, Glady E. Child of Thomas and Sarah, born February 4, 1743 George, Sith. Daughter of Benjamin and Mar>% born June 30, 1743 Gallahan, John. Son of John and Eleanor, July 9, 1743 Green, William. Married Ann Robinson, December 18, 1743 Gough, William. Married Liny Byram, October 19, 1743 Gough, Joshua. Son of William and Lncy, born March 31, 1744 Grigsby, Alice. Married Benjamin Bush, April 1, 1744 Garner, Thomas. Son of Parish, born August 25, 1 744 Green, Sarah. Daughter of Anne and William, born September 24, 1744 Grigsby, William. vSon of John and Ann, born October 30, 1744 Grady, William. Son of William and Anne, born November 11, 1744 O I ER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 65 (rreen, George. Married Elizabeth Whitson, December 22, 1 744 Garrison, William. Son of Mary, born December 11, 1 744 George, Nann}-. Daughter of Nicholas and Margaret, born December 3, 1744 Gregg, John. Son of Matthew and Catharine, born December 19, 1744 Garrison, John. Son of Aaron, born Januar>^ 1, 1745 Garret, Constance. Daughter of Robert and Mar}^, April 3, 1745 Gowing, Isabel. Wife of Peter, died March 11, 1745 Gallahan, Malerson. Daughter of Solomon, born May 2, 1 745 Gowing, Peter and Mary Sullivant. Married May 28, 1745 Grimes, Mar\-. Daughter of Richard and Elizabeth, August 26, 1 745 Griffin, Thomas. Married Sarah Suddeth, July 18, 1745 Garret, Daniel. Married Mary Holliday, September 4, 1745 George, William. Married Mary Whitson, November 1, 1745 Garrison, Mary. Married John Kelly, November 1, 1745 66 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. \ Green, Thomas. Son of George and Elizabeth, born November 21, 1 745 Grant, Jane. Married John Glendering, Jannar>^ 30, 1746 Glendering, John. Married Jane Grant, January 30, 1746 Green, Patty. Married William Harding, Jnauary 20, 1746 Gallahan, Solomon. Son of Mary and Solomon, born March 26, 1747 Green, Elizabeth. Married Richard Young, December 27, 1 746 Grigsby, Priscilla. Married Abraham Fletcher, November 28, 1 746 Grigsby, Margaret. Married George Foster, December 22, 1746 Green, Dorcas. Daughter of William and Anne, born December 30, 1 746 Garrison, William. Son of k\\\\, born October 23, 1746 Griffith, Daniel. Son of Thomas and Sarah, born September 2, 1746 Godfrey, William. Married Rebecca Robinson, October 26, 1 746 George, John. Son of William and Mary, born March 1, 1747 0]'ERWHARTOX PARISH REGISTER. . 67 Grant, Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Lydia, born Jnly 28, 1747 Gough, Sarah. Alarried William Bryan, May 14, 1747 Green, James. :\Iarried Lncy Martin, October 4, 1 748 Grigsby, Snsannah. Daughter of John and Ann, born October 10, 1747 Garret, Bryan. Son of Robert and Mary, born November 28, 1747 Grigsby, I.ettie. ^Married Joshua Owens, November 10, 1747 George, Elizabeth. Daughter of Nicholas and Margaret, born December 1, 1747 Green, James. Son of John, Jr., born January 22, 1 748 Green, George. Son of Grcorge and Elizabeth, boru Februar>- 22, 1 748 Garrison, Suke\-. Daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth, born March 26, 1748 Groves, Edward. Married Mar\- Hearne, September 15, 1748 Garret, Br\-an. Son of Robert, died December 18, 1748 Gallahan, Alice. Daughter of John, born December 15, 1748 Gill, Spencer. Son of Elizabeth, died November 3, 1 748 68 O VER WHAR TON PA RISH REGIS TER. Gill, Elizabeth. Married Joseph White, January 31, 1749 Grace, KHender. Daughter of ]\Iar>', born February 7, 1749 Groves, William. Married Barbara Webster, February 2, 1749 7 Green, Annas. Daughter of William and Ann, born March 18, 1749 y George, Lydia. Daughter of William and Mary, born April 4, 1749 Gough, Sarah. Daughter of William, born August 15, 1749 7 Green, Lizzie, the wife of James, died October 29, 1749 ■ Green, George. Son of Lizzie and James, born October 21, 1749 Garrison, Aaron. Son of Aaron, born October 1 , 1 749 Gallahan, Mary. Daughter of Solomon and Mar\-, born January 1 , 1 750 Glass, Elizabeth. Married John Lindcey. January 15, 1750 "/'Green, Sarah. Daughter of John, born Januar)- 20, 1 750 -f George, Jane. Married Christopher Dawson, February 16, 1750 Grant, Ann. Daughter of John and Lydia, born April 8, 1750 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 69 Godfrey, Jane. Daughter of William, and Rebecca, born February 5, 1750 Grigsby, Rachel. Daughter of John and Ann, born August 17, 1750 /- Green, Sarah. Daughter of John, died August 1 7, 1 750 -7Green, Daniel. Married Sarah Foxworthy, October 16, 1750 Grinstead, Lydia. Daughter of Peter, born January 20, 1751 Grace, Sarah. Daughter Mary, born January 8, 1 75 1 Grey, William. Son of Ann, born Januaiy 26, 1751 Garrison, Winny. Daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth, born April 28, 1751 Garret, Sarah. Daughter of Robert and Mar}- Ann, born March 4, 1751 /George, Willmoutli. Daughter of Nickolas and Margaret, born March 4, 1751 Ciorman, Mary. Married James Stanard, June 20, 1 75 1 / Green, Jess. Son of John, Jr., and Jean, born August 20, 1751 7 Green, Mar\'. Daughter of William, born July 21, 1751 Grey, Richard. Son of John and Margaret, born May 15, 1751 Gregg, Mathew. Married Chinn, August 15, 1751 70 0]'ERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. (rain, hizvA^. Married James Matheny, December 12, 1751 -7 Green, Mary. Married William More, November 28, 1751 7 George, Franky. Daughter of William and Mar}^, born November 7, 1751 Giant, Jane. Daughter of John and Lydia, born April 17, 1752 Gough, Nanny. Daughter of William, born January 29, 1752 Grant, Mary. Wife of Jasper, died, and her child also, February 27, 1752 Godfrey, James. Son of William, born July 26, 1752 Gallahan, Charles. Son of Solomon, born May 20, 1 752 (ii'egg, Mathew. Son of Mathew, was baptized September 17, 1752 Garrison, Sarah. Daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth, born April 24, 1 753 Garret, Winifred. Daughter of Robert and Mar>', born March 21, 1753 Cxill, Edward. Married Lethe Canada}' Februar>- 4, 1753 Grigsby, Moses. Married Mar)- Mathene)-, August 26, 1753 Grigsby, Sarah. Married William Rose, June 5, 1753 o VERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 71 Green, Nanny. Daughter of John, born July 19, 1753 Going, Peter. Died at Priscilla Hayes', May 22, 1753 Gunn, John. Married Martha Shamlin, September 30, 1753 , Green, Jacl. Daughter of William, born November 12, 1753 Grace, John. Son of Mary, born November 4, 1753 Gaines, Frances. Daughter of Humphry and Sarah, born November 14, 1753 -, George, Sarah Ann. Daughter of William, born April 1, 1754 Green, Lizzie. Daughter of Daniel and Sarah, born .\pril 1, 1754 Gill, John. Married Elizabeth Williams, March 3, 1754 Gerrard, Mary Ann. Daughter of William, baptized February 17, 1754 Gerrard, Gerard. Son of Mar>-, born at John Waters', March 14, 1755 Gashings, Isaac. Son of Sarah, born July 29, 1 754 Grant, Mary. Daughter of John and Lydia, born September 15, 1754 7 George, Sarah. Daughter of Nicholas and Margaret, born October 11, 1754 t2 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Godfrey, Elizabeth. Daughter of William and Rebecca, born October 28, 1754 Gallahan, Margaret. Daughter of Solomon, born October 8, 1754 Grianan, Eleanor. Married James Edzar, November 22, 1754 Gough, William." Son of William, born February 17, 1755 7 Green, John. Son of John, Jr., was born April 4, 1 755 - • Garrison, Moses. Son of Aaron and Elizabeth, born March 9, 1755 Gaines, Henr}-. Son of Humphry and Sarah, born April 11, 1755 Goolding, Susanna. A bastard child, born March 4, 1755 Gallahan, John. Had a daughter named Mary, born February 4, 1755 Gill, Els}'. Daughter of John and Elizabeth, born January 28, 1755 "/ Gwinn, James. Married Elizabeth Maccaboy, October 5, 1755 ■ Green, Willliam. vSon of William and Ann, born April 28, 1756 Griffin, Phillis. Died at James Hardwicks', April 9, 1756 OVEKWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 73 Graves, Sarah. Married George Jeffries, February 8, 175(3 Goldsmith, John. Married Martha Powell, January 19, 1756 Cxrigsby, John. Son of Moses, born January 18, 1756 Green, Mary. Daughter of Daniel and Sarah, born August 25, 1756 Green, John. Married Phillis Smith, December 19, 1756 7 Grogg, Sarah. Married William Brown, December 11, 1756 Green, Robert. Married Helen Lowry, November 23, 1756 Green, Sarah. Married Snowdall Laytham, • November 25, 1756 >Garner, John. Son of Samuel and Isabel, born November 13, 1756 George, William. Son of William, born December 1, 1756 Gerrard, Anthony. Son of Jacob, baptized October 12, 1756 Grant, John. Son of John and Lydia, born March 11, 1756 Graham, Richard. ^larried Jane Brent, Februarv 10, 1757 74 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Gallahan, Nelly. Daughter of John, born February 19, 1757 Gunn, Mary. Married Robert Day, January 1 6, 1 757 Green, William. Son of John, born January 18, 1757 Goughj Ann. Married William Baylis, January 19, 1757 Gough, Peggy. Was baptized December 23, 1757 Gerrard, Sarah. Daughter of Mary, born January 15, 1757 Gaines, Sarah. Daughter of Humphrey, born February 25, 1757 George, Lydia. Daughter of Nickolas and Margaret, born May 29, 1757 Grigsby, Jane. Married William Rose, March 14, 1758 Garrison, Milly. Daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth, born June 27, 1 758 Greenless, Bethsheba. Married , Ma)- 7, 1 758 George, William. Son of William, died June 3, 1758 Green, William. Married Judith Harrel, January 21, 1742 M. Hyden, Lucy. Daughter of William and Mary, born December 28, 1731 Hedgman, William. Son of Peter and Margaret, born July 1, 1732 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 75 Hyden, Samuel. Son of William and IMary, born June 19, 1733 Hedgman, George. Son of Peter and Margaret, born December 11, 1734 Hyden, Henry. Son of William and Mary, born December 2, 1735 Hyden, Charit)-. Daughter of William and Mary, born June 19, 1737 Harding, William. vSon of Charles and Rachel, born March 12, 1738 Hacker, William. Married Anne Dillon, May 21, 1738 Hamilton, Anne. Married John Alridge, June 11, 1738 Harvie, Anne. Married Richard Wine, July 23, 1738 Humphrie}'s, John, Jr. Married Margaret Young, September 23, 1738 Hays, Catharine. Married Thomas Waters, September 28, 1738 Hammet, Margaret. Daughter of William and Maty, born February 10, 1739 Hyden, Richard. Son of William and Mar>', born March 8, 1739 Helms, Mar>-. Married Cxabriel Muffet, July 25, 1739 Higgerson, Hannah. Married James Whealy, July 8, 1739 76 O VER WHAR TON PA RISH REGIS TER. Howard, John. Son of James and Margaret, born September 2, 1 739 Hacker, William. Son of William, born December 9, 1739 Hurst Jean. Married William Bethel, December 26, 1739 Harding, Anne. Daughter of Charles and Rachel, born February' 3, 1740 Horton, Townshend. Son of Snowdal and Sarah, born April 21, 1740 Heffernon. Jane. Married Alexander Payton, May 20, 1 740 Heffernut, Sarah. Married William Wilkison, August 21, 1740 Hyden, William. Son of William and Mary, born September 1, 1740 Hankins, Diana. Daughter of Daniel and Hannah, born December 8, 1 740 y Hurst, James. Son of Thomas and Mary, born November 13, 1740 Harper, Sarah. Daughter of Mary and Michael, born April 24, 1741 Hornbuckel, Franklin. Son of Richard, born April 11, 1741 Harding Wilmouth. Daughter of Henry and Wilmouth, born April 14, 1741 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 11 ^T' Hurst, Landen. Son of Mar>', born July 25, 1741 Heaflon, Simon. Son of William, born October 1, 1741 Heffernon, William. Married Sarah Martin, September 29, 1741 Hedgman, John. vSon of Peter and Margaret, born October 13, 1741 Heffernon, John. Son of James, born November 23, 1741 Hammet, Charles. Son of William and Elizabeth, born February 4, 1742 Harrel, Judith. Married William Green, January 21, 1742 Higgins, John Bayham. Son of Jane, born May 28, 1742 Holiday, Whorton. Married Elizabeth Dunest, July 28, 1 742 Harding, Jane. Daughter of Charles and Rachel, born November 9, 1742 Hinson, Edmund. Died November 18, 1742 Hacker, John. Son of William and Anne, born January 2, 1743 Hankins, Margaret. Daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth, born February 6, 1743 Hickerson, John. Departed this life Februarv 2, 1743 78 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Hardiiig, Frank)'. Daughter of (xcorge and Jinny, born March 7, 1743 Hyter, William. Married Anne Hewis, April 3, 1743 Hewis, Anne. Married William Hyter, April 3, 1743 Hio-erson, Sarah Elwood. Daughter of Thomas and Sarah, born March 27, 1743 Heath, Milian. Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, born January 10, 1743 HefFerton, Mary Byford. Daughter of William, born , 1743 Hyden, Daniel. Son of William and Mar>', born April 6, 1743 Hill, John. Departed this life March 19, 1743 Horton, Hoasin. Daughter of Snowdal and Sarah, born May 10, 1743 Higgerson, Elizabeth. Married John Waters, June 5, 1 743 Harding, Nickolas. vSon of Henr\- and Wilmouth, born July 6, 1 743 Hinston, Isabel. Married James Felton, November 13, 1743 Homes, Henry. Died at Anthony Murray's, November 16, 1743 Huges, Marv. ?^Iarried (icorge}-, January 6, 1744 OVERWHARTON PARfSH REGISTER. 79 Hayter, James. Son of William and Anne, born January 32, 1744 Hammet, Mary. Daughter of William and Elizabeth, born February 4, 1744 Hansbrough, Peter. Son of James and Lettie, born June 12, 1744 Hyden, Daniel. Son of William, died June 5, 1744 Hughs, James. Married Agnes MacCartee, May 6, 1744 Hurst, Nathaniel. Son of Mary, born June 6, 1744 Holdbrook, William. Married Elizabeth King, December 8, 1 744 Hammet, Sarah. Married Christopher Roderich, December 19, 1744 Harper, Thomas. Son of Michael and Mary, born December 31, 1744 Hogg, John. Married Eleanor Savage, December 19, 1744 Head, Mary. Departed this life, May 21, 1745 Hanson, Ann. Married George Bell, April 15, 1745 Hayter, Anne. Wife of William, died March 26, 1745 Harding, Charles. Son of Charles and Rachel, born April 6, 1745 Hose, Catharine. Married Thomas Monroe, April 16, 1745 80 O I ER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. Hansbrougli, Peter. Married Margaret French, February 26, 1745 Hughs, William. Son of Agnes and James, born February 14, 1745 Hyden, Jacob. Son of William and Mary, born August 18, 1745 Hornbuckle, Ann. Married Samuel Angell, August 14, 1745 y Hurst, Priscilla. Daughter of Thomas and Mary, born June 21, 1745 Harding, William. Married Patty Green, January 28, 1746 Horton, \^enus. Daughter of Snowdel and Sarah, born July 14, 1745 / Hill, William. Married Catharine Stacey, September 17, 1745 Head, Charles. Son of Mar>-, was born May 13, 1745 Holliday, Mary. Married Daniel (jarret, vSeptember 4, 1 745 Hvden, William. Son of William and Mar>-, died October 21, 1745 Harvey, Elizabeth. Married Thomas Johnson, October 19, 1745 Horton, Anthon\'. Married Rosamond Duncomb, October 27, 1 745 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 8 1 Harrison, Captain William. Departed this life, December 1, 1745 Hart, John. Married Rachel Oran, March 23, 1746 Holliday, Marv. Danghter of Wharton, born April 29, 1746 Hawkins, Sarah. Daughter of Daniel, born January 13, 1746 Hinson, George. Married Margaret Burchell, December 29, 1 746 Hansbrough, James. Son of James, born November 11,1 746 Hansbrough, James. Son of James and Lettie, died December 14, 1746 Harding, Winny. Daughter of George and Jean, born December 1, 1746 7 Hunter, Elizabeth. Married John Kenny, October 12, 1746 Harding, Hall. Son of William and Patty, born October 25, 1 746 Holliday, Winny. Married James Battoo, February- 12, 1747 Head, Joseph. Son of Robert and Dorothy, born October 27, 1 746 Horton, Reuben. Son of Anthony and Rosamond born April 27, 174" 82 OVERWHARTON PARISH RFAUSTER. Harper, Mary. Daughter of Michael and Mar)-, born Februar>^ 9, 1747 Hinson, Mary. Died at John Honey's, March 16, 1747 Hughs, iVgnes. Departed this life, March 4, 1747 Higgerson, Elizabeth. Married Samuel Elliot, May 20, 1747 Hornbuckle, Richard. Departed this life, July 29, 1747 Horton, Francis. Daughter of Elizabeth, born June 21, 1747 Harrison, Thomas. Married Ann Pe\'ton, July 2, 1747 Harding, John Scott. Son of Charles and Rachel, born August 3, 1 747 Hansbrough, William. Son of Peter, born August 4, 1747 / Hurst, John. Died the sixth day of December, 1 747 Hornbuckle, Elizabeth. Married John Smith, December 31, 1747 Hollida)-, John. Son of Wharton and Elizabeth, born January 11, 1747 Horton, George. A bastard of Mar)- Horton, born January 26, 1748 Hone)-, John. Married Hannah Bussel, Fcbruarx- 2, 1748 O VER WHA R TON PARISH RRGrSTER. 83 Husk, Haniiy. Daughter of Thomas and Mary, born Januar}^ 24, 1748 Hansbroiigh, Elizabeth Magdalene. Daughter of Lillie and James, born February 22, 1748 Herrod, John. Married Mary Devane, August 21, 1748 Hearne, Mar>-. Married Edward Groves, September 15, 1748 -yHayes, Mary. Married Richard Fristoe, December 24, 1 748 Hinson, Mary. Married Henr>- Threlkeld, November 2, 1748 y Hurst, Mar)-. jNIarried Owen Wingfield, November 26, 1 748 Hammet, Robert. Married Eythe Bethel, February 7, 1749 Hawes, Samuel. Married Mary Ann Bails, February 16, 1749 Harding, Ann. Daughter of Oeorge and Jane, born May 29, 1749 Horton, Aden. Son of Anthony and Rosamond, born June 4, 1 749 Hampton, Thomas. Married Sarah Pattison alais Congers, January 1 , 1 749 Harding, Thomas. vSon of Charles and Rachel, born August 11,1 749 84 O I 'ER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. Hortoii, William. Married Margaret Cooke, December 21, 1749 Herrod, William. Son of John, born December 13, 1749 Hore, Elias. Son of Elias and Mary, born December 31, 1749 Holliday, Keziali. Married Robert Million, December 14, 1749 Hyden, Nathaniel. Was born December 1, 1749 Horton, John. Son of Sarah and John, born December 23, 1749 Harper, Margaret. Was baptized December 3, 1749 Hafifermon, James. Son of James, born September 20, 1 749 Hammet, William. Son of Robert and Sith, born November 14, 1749 y Hnnter, John. Died at Captain Wm. Monntjoy's, September 29, 1749 Hornbuckle, George. Died at John vSmith's September 10, 1749 7 Hnrst, Henr>-. Married Ann P\ke, March 20, 1750 Hinson, Charles. Departed this life, Febrnar>- 22, 1750 Hinson, Jo)'ie. Married James Crap, June 3, 1750 Hinson, Lettie. Daughter of George, born Mav 21, 1750 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 85 Harod, Margaret. Daughter of Mary, Surnamed Deveene, February 6, 1750 '/Hurst, Absolum. Son of Thomas, born May 15, 1750 Horton, Benjamin. Son of Martha, born August 26, 1750 Hansbrough, Milly. Daughter of James, born May 5, 1750 Harrison, Susannah. Married Robert Slaughter, December 11, 1 750 / Hardwick, Haswel. Married Mary Northcut, December 8, 1750 Harvey, Milly. Mairied John Angell, October 5, 1750 Horton, Thomas. Son of Mary, born January 4, 1750 —f Hurst, James. Married Rosannah Jones, April 21, 1751 Hurst, Nancy. Daughter of Henr}-, born April 20, 1751 Horton, Mary. Daughter of William, born March 22, 1751 Howard, Grace. Departed this life, February 7, 1751 Hope, Samuel. Died at Alexander Nelson's, April 24, 1751 Howard, William. Manied Elizabeth Stacey, May 29, 1751 86 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Horton, Elizabeth. Married Moses Fritter, December 1, 1751 Hall, Mary. Married Charles Wawal, November 16, 1751 Hose, Rett}-. Daughter of Elias and Mary, born October 6, 1751 V Hill, John. Son of William and Catharine, born October 11, 1751 Hyden, Mar)'. Married John Nicholson, April 23, 1 752 Horton, Anthony. Died at the house of Hugh Horton's, September 21, 1751 Harper, Phobe. Daughter of Michael and Mary, born March 13, 1752 Harding, Moses. Son of Charles and Rachel, born March 19, 1752 Hazel, Fanny. Daughter of P. Hazel, born January 18, 1752 Hurst, Elizabeth. Daughter of James and Rosamond, born January 10, 1752 ;> Howard, Elizabeth. Daughter of William and Elizabeth, born August 14, 1752 Hone)', William. Son of John, baptized July 19, 1752 Holliday, Mar)'. Daughter of Wharton, born June Q, 1 752 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 8< Hansbrough, Peter. Married Lydia Smith, May 27, 1752 Hinson, Margaret. Wife of George, died November 22, 1 752 Hinson, Mar\'. Danghter of George and Margaret, born October 28, 1752 Hansbrough, Gabriel. Son of James, born November 17, 1752 Horton, Phobe. Daughter of John and Sarah,born March 14, 1752 Hinson, Elizabeth. Daughter of Sarah, born May 31, 1753 Hyden, Daniel. Born at his home, March 17, 1753 JIardwick, Ann. Daughter of Hasel and Mary, born January, 4, 1752 Horton, Dunnel. Son of William and Margaret, born January 4, 1753 Hinson, George. Married Sarah Sullivan, February 4, 1753 Harding, Henry. vSon of ( xeorge and Jane, born August 29, 1753 ^ Hill, William. Son of William, born August 4, 1753 I/' Hill, Martha. Daughter of James and Lydia, born May 5, 1753 Hansbrough, Smith. Son of Peter and Lydia, born June 30, 1753 88 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Hughes, Elizabeth. Daughter of Ralph, born June 30, 1753 Hurst, Henry. Son of James and Rosanna, born December 3, 1753 Hardwick, William. Son of Hasel and Mary, born September 5, 1753 Hughes, Doffus. Died at Mary Suddeth's, September 14, 1753 ^ Hill, Martha. Married James Bussel, Februar>' 24, 1 754 Hedgman, Margaret. Wife of Peter, died Januar}' 16, 1754 Holdbrook, Elizabeth. Married Samuel Earle, January 13, 1754 Horton, Winifred. Daughter of Martha, born July 28, 1754 Harding, George. Son of Charles and Rachel, born July 31, 1754 Hinson, Elizah. Son of George and Sarah, born May 27, 1754 Horton, Orpan. Daughter of John and Sarah, born February 14, 1754 Hamilton, Henry. Was baptized February 24, 1754 Ha} nie, Winifred. Daughter of Charles and Elizabeth, born February 12, 1754 Holdbrook, Elizabeth. Married James Cinberford, September 15, 1754 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 89 Harding, Ann. Departed this life, September 13, 1754 Hntt, Aggy. Married William Ticer, December 15, 1754 HoUiday, Jannie. Daughter of Wharton, born September 22, 1754 t^ Hill, George. Son of William and Catharine, born Februaiy 19, 1755 Heath, Susanna Thomson. Married John Richards, March 6, 1755 Humphreys, Franky. Daughter of William and Sarah, born March 8, 1755 Horton, Snowdal. Departed this life, January 19, 1755 Higgison, Thomas. Died at John Water's February 21, 1755 Heckeney, Dianah. Departed this life, January 25, 1755 Hammet, William. Married Rosamond Smith, May 6, 1 755 Horton, Phobe. Daughter of John, died July 17, 1755 Horton, Orplia. Daughter of John and Sarah, died August 8, 1755 Howard, Eli/.abeth. Wife of William, died July 12, 1755 90 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Honey, John. Son of John and Hannah, born Jnly 31, 1755 Hainsford, Stephen. Married Margaret MacCarthy, October 14, 1755 Hainsbrough, James. Son of James, born October 30, 1 755 Hardwic^,^-Elizabeth Danghter of Hasel and Mary, '^ born September 8, 1755 Hayes, Priscilla. Daughter of Thomas, baptized November 28, 1755 Hinson, Sarah. Daughter of Lazarus and Sarah, born November 21, 1755 Hay, Priscilla. Daughter of Thomas and Frances, born November 8, 1755 Hore, Nathaniel Brown. Son of Elias, born December 18, 1755 Hyden, William. Was born January 28, 1 756 Hamilton, Leanna. Daughter of Henry, born February 2, 1756 Howard, William. Married Martha Wheeler, April 25, 1 756 Hansbrough, Sarah. Daughter of Lydia and Peter, born March 13, 1756 Harding, Ann. Married Mark Waters, July 20, 1756 / Hunt, Milly. Daughter of James and Rosanna, born ' V^' '•' August 26, 1756 OVEI^IVH.IRTOX J\ IRISH REGISTER. 91 Hughes, John. Son of Ralph, boni December 24, 1756 Harrison, Sarah. Man'ied John Monroe, September 2?>, 1756 Hore, Samuel Brown. Son of Elias, baptized February 8, 1756 Hedgman, George. Married Hannah Daniel, November 27, 1756 Horton, Beverly. Son of William and Margaret, born April 8, 1757 Hall, Lettie. Daughter of John, born March 2, 1757 Harrison, Margaret. Married Edward Blackburn, May 26, 1757 Holliday, Bett)-. Daughter of Wharton, born June 27, \757 Hay, Catharine. Daughter of Thomas and Frances, born October 12, 1757 Horton, Clara. Daughter of John and Sarah, born December 5, 1757 -; Hurst, James. Son of Thomas and Mary, born March 19, 1757 Harding, vSarah. Daughter of Jean and George, born March 26, 1758 Horton, Martha. Married Peter Byram, March 23, 1758 Hord, Mar^•. Alarried , 1758 92 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Helms, Sarah. Daughter of Samuel, boru May 25, 1758 Halley, William. Married Catharine Jeffries, February 9, 1758 Hausbrough, Anna Violet. Daughter of James, born April 24, 1758 Hurst, Elijah. Son of John, born February 16, 1758 Hammond, Charles. Son of John and Elizabeth, born April 20, 1758 Higgerson, John. Married Jean Jackson, January 20, 1741-2 Isaac, Margaret. Married Alexander Suitor, July 21, 1754 Innis, James. vSon of John and Mary, born March 11, 1752 Innis, James. Was baptized April 12, 1752 Innis, William. Son of John and Mary, born July 9, 1757 J. Johnston, Renoin. Son of William and Frances, born February 4, 1740 Judd, Mary. The daughter of , died Mav 23, 1 740 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 93 Johnston, Silent. Married John Simpson, August 17, 1740 ^ Jackson, Sarah. Daughter of John and Sarah, born November 2, 1 740 Jackson, Jean. Married John Higgerson, January 20, 1741-2 Jones, (yeorge. Son of John and Mary, born March 3, 1741 Jeffries, Alexander. Married Lettie Burton, September 30, 1741 Jackson, Henry. Son of William and Grace, born October 8, 1741 Jones, Elizabeth Warner. Daughter of Briviton and Lettie, born October 7, 1741 Johnston, Wilmouth. Daughter of William and Frances, born May 17, 1742 Jeffries, Alexander. Had a child named , born September 6, 1742 Jones, John. Son of John and Mary, born October 10, 1742 James, Margaret. Daughter of George, l^aptized November 21, 1742 Jenkins, Sarah. Married William Corbin, January 1, 1743 Jack, Jean. Married Matthew Brooks, Februar^• — , 1 743 94 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Jeffries, Silent. Married Rose Suthard, Janiiar}- 19, 1744 Jones, Sarah. Married William Matheney, March 22, 1 743-4 hidd, Jean. Married Daniel Dnnaway, March 1 , 1 744 Jackson, Sith. Was born March 23, 1744 /^ Jones, Robert. Son of Breveton and Lettie, born / " June 29, 1754 Jeffries, James. Son of Alexander, born November 25, 1744 Jones, Elizabeth. Married Robert Bridwell, Jannary 13, 1745 \ Johnson, Thomas. Married Elizabeth Harvey, October 19, 1745 Jones, Thomas. Married Frances Leftridge, (Leftwich,) December 16, 1746 Jeffries, James. Married Sarah Matthews, December 23, 1746 James, Joseph. Son of C.eorg-e and Mary, born December 8, 1 746 Jones, James. Married Frances Mason, Jannary 8, 1747 Jeffries, Snsannah. Daughter of James and Elizabeth, born April 8, 1747 Jeffries, Bett>-. Daughter of James and Sarah, born August 11,1 747 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 95 Jeffries, Betty. Departed this life, August 17, 1747 Jones, Eliza. Son of Thomas and Frances, born September 22, 1 747 Jones, Rose. Married John Robertson, October 15, 1747 Jordan, Willoughby. Son of William and Sarah, born -" May 8, 1748 Jeffries, Catharine. Daughter of James, born October 25, 1747 James, Daniel. Son of George, born December 6, 1748 James, Margaret. Daughter of George, died October 30, 1748 James, William. Departed this life November 2, 1748 James, Hannah. Married Benjamin Crump, February 2, 1 749 Jackson, William. Departed this life, March 16, 1749 Jackson, Dianna. Daughter of William and Jane, born May 9, 1 749 Jordon, Nanny. Married William Foster, June 15, 1749 ^ Jones, Catharine. Married Thomas Barr)-, August 5, 1 749 Jackson, John. Son of Grace, born April — , 1750 Jenkins, Mary. Married Johii Cubbage, Jul)- 10, 1750 Johnston, Archibald. Was baptized October 21, 1750 96 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Jones. Rosannah. Married James Hurst, April 21, 1751 Jones, Charles. Married Elizabeth Sinclair, x\pril 21, 1751 Jennings, Martha. Married Thomas Asbury, December 1, 1751 Jeffries, Elizabeth. Married Nelson Kelly, November 4, 1751, by Mr. Macdonal Johnston, William. Died at John Prim's December 25, 1 75 1 Jordan, Mary. Married Nicholas Foxworthy, January 26, 1752 v Jones, John. Married Margaret Jenkins, November 26, 1752 Jenkins, Margaret. Married John Jones, November 26, 1 752 Johnson, Elizabeth. Departed this life, November 13, 1752 Jones, Phillis. Married William Sturdy, December 17, 1752 Johnson, Rachel. Was born October 2'^, 1 752 Jackson, John. Son of Grace, died March 15, 1753 Jeffries, Lydia. Daughter of James and Sarah, born September 17, 1754 Jackson, Grace. Died at John Peyton's, September 17, 1754 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. ^'7 Jeffries, Joseph. Married Margaret Smith, October 24, 1 754 Johns, Jane. Daughter of Elizabeth, born March 16, 1755 Jack, Mary. Married Simon Robinson, August 3, 1755 Jeffries, Sarah. Daughter of Joseph and Margaret, born i\ugust 22, 1755 Jones, Mar}'. Daughter of John, born October 4, 1755 Johnson, Eleanor. Daughter of William and Tabitha, born December 8, 1755 Jeffries, George. Married Sarah Graves, February 8, 1756 Jeffi-ies, Sarah. Daughter of James, baptized April 25, 1756 Jeffries, Catharine. Married William Halley, February 9, 1 758 K. King, William. Married Elizabeth Edward, May 21, 1738 King, John. Son of William and Elizabeth, born December 1, 1740 Kenton, Mary, Daughter of Mark and Mary, born Aumist 9, 174C 98 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Kendal, Jesse. Son of William, Jr., born November 4, 1740 Kirke, Jolin. Married Sarah Robinson, June 23, 1741 Kirke, Winifred. Daughter of John and Sarah, born April 21, 1742 Kinny, Richard. Son of James, born April 9, 1 742 Kendal, Thomas. Son of W^illiam and Jemima, born March 21, \742 Kemp, John. Son of James and Elizabeth, born August 28, 1 742 Kirke, John Hardy. Son of Sarah, born March 30, 1743 Kirke, Sarah, The wife of William, died December 28, 1 743 Knight, Nelly. Daughter of Leaned and Nelly, born August 7, 1743 Kenny, William. Son of James and Ann, born December 22, 1 743 Kendal, George. Son of William and Jemima, born. '^ January 13, 1744 Knight, Mary Ann. Daughter of Christopher, born June 14, 1744 King, Elizabeth. Married William Holdbrook, December 8, 1 744 Kenu}-, Andrew. Married Ann Clarnes, November 30, 1744 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 99 Knight, John. ]\Iarried Charity Latiniore, October 23, 1750 Kendal, Jesse. Departed this life, November 18, 1740 Kirke, Randale. Son of the said John and Sarah, born April 21, 1742 Kirk, William. Son of Sarah, born Jnne 6, 1742 Kirke, Winifred. The danghter of John and Sarah, born April 21, 1742 Knight, George. IMarried Jean Dawson, December 25, 1744 Kirke, John. Son of John and Sarah, born Januan- 20, 1745 King, William. Son of William and Elizabeth, born Febrnary 22, 1745 Kendal, James. Married Alar}' Coffe}', Febrnary 25, 1 745 Kenny, Nancy. Danghter of Andrew and Anne, born October 15, 1745 Kendal, Anne. Danghter of William and Jemima, born December 6, 1745 Kenny, Thomas. Son of James and x^nne, born Angnst 2, 1745 Kell}', John. AlaiTied Mary Garrison, November 1, 1745 Knight, Elizabeth. Danghter of George and Jean, born March 4, 1745-6 100 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Knight, William. Son of Elizabeth, born February 28, 1745-6 Kenn}-, John. Married Elizabeth Hunter, October 12, 1746 King, Weathers. Son of William, died August 20, 1747 Kirke, Elijah. Son of John and Sarah, born July 2, 1747 Kendal, Jesse. Son of James and Mar}-, born June 19, 1747 Kenny, Calib. Son of John and Mary, born May 21, 1747 Kell)', Honour. Died at William Wright's, August 13, 1747 Knight, John. Son of George, born October 22, 1 747 Knight, William. Departed this life November 27, 1 747 Kirke, Elijah. Son of John, died November 25, 1747 Kitchen, Richard. vSon of James and Mary, born January 18, 1748 Kendal, John. Sou of William and Jemima, born March 21, 1748 Kendall, William. Married Jemimah Kirk, May 10, 1748 Kirk, Jemimah. Married William Kendall, May 10, 1748 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 101 Kendal, George. Married Margaret Kelly, June 5, 1 748 Kelly, Margaret. Married George Kendal, June 5, 1748 Kendal, Joshua. Married Catharine Smith, April 4, 1749 Kendall, John. Son of James and Mary, born February 26, 1 749 Knight, Elizabeth. Married Nicholas Bennet, June 12, 1749 Kenny, Sarah. Daughter of James and Ann, born April 15, 1749 Kenny, Elizabeth. Daughter of Andrew and Ann, born August 30, 1 749 Kendal, William and Samuel. Sons of William and Jemimah, born August 30, 1749 Kendall, Jess. vSon of James, died April 17, 1750 Kendall, Henry. Was baptized March 4, 1750 Kitchen, Merryman. Son of James, born March 2e, 1750 King, Nimrod. Son of William, born November 29, 1 750 Kelly, Sarah. Married William Sebastian, June 11, 1751 Kirke, Laricha. Daughter of John and Sarah, born May 8, 1751 102 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Kendal, Jess. Son of Joshua, born August 21, 1751 Knight, Samuel. Son of John and Charit)', born August 15, 1751 King, Josiah. Married Martha Fristoe, December 12, 1751 Kelly, Nelson. Married Elizabeth Jeffries, November 14, 1751 Kenny, Reuben. Son of James and Ann, born October 12, 1751 Kendal, John. Married Catharine Kees, January 9, 1752 Kees, Catharine. Married John Kendal, January 9, 1 752 King, Martha. Married Joseph MacCollough, Februar)' 9, 1752 Kendrick, James. Son of Patrick and Jane, born January 10, 1752 Kitchen, Elizabeth. Daughter of James and Mary, born January 15, 1748 Kendal, Mar}- Ann. Daughter of William and Jemima, born April 9, 1752 Kendon, Edward. Married Mary Waller, April 15, 1753 Kirke, William. Departed this life March 21, 1753 Kendal, Samuel. Son of John and Catharine, born January 1, 1753 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 103 Kendal, Joshua. Son of Joshua and Catharine, born May 27, 1 753 Kirke, Sarah. Daughter of John and Sarah, born September 5, 1753 Knight, Sarah Ann. Daughter of George and Jean, born October 2, 1753 Kendal, Lizzie. Daughter of William and Jemima, born April 1, 1754 Knight, Ephraim. Son of Isaac, born February 3, 1754 Kite, John. Son of John, was baptized, July 14, 1754 Kendal, Charles. Son of John and Catharine, born September 7, 1754 Kendrick, Isabel. Daughter of Patrick and Jane, born October 13, 1754 Kenny, Mary Ann. Was born January 9, 1755 Kirke, Elizabeth. Daughter of John, born November 24, 1755 Kendal, Bailey. Son of James and Mary, born Octobers, 1755 King, Elizabeth. Daughter of William, baptized vSeptember 7, 1755 Kendal, Nancy. Daughter of Joshua and Catharine, born December 19, 1755 Kennedy, Jane. Daughter of Milly, born March 29, 175e 104 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Kennedy, Isabel. Married William Patten, December 19, 1756 Kirk, Henry. Married Sarah Lunsford, May 23, 1756 Knight, Peter. Married Rachel Abbot, December 19, 1756 Kirk, Suky. Daughter of Henry and Sarah, born April 25, 1757 King, John Edwards. Son of William, born December 21, 1757 Knight, Christopher. Son of Peter and Rachel, born November 7, 1757 Knight, Ephram. Married Ann Abbot, born Febrnar}' 12, 1758 Kendal, Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Catharine, born Februar\' 11,1 758 Kendal, Bett}'. Daughter of Joshua and Catharine, born Februars' 22, 1758 Kendal, Jeremiah. Son of William and Jemima, born F'ebruarv 6, 1758 Lewis, Walter Morgan. Married Mar\- Abram, August 27, 1738 Limbrick, Susannah. Daughter of William, born October 12, 1739 O VER WHA R TON PA RISH REGIS TER. 1 U5 Lamb, Mary. Married Edward Malphus, December 25, 1 740 Linton, Mar}'. Married John Rem)-, April 6, 1740 Lowry-, Jnditli. Daughter of William and Tabitha, born February 1 3, 1 742 "^ Lunsford, Sarah. Daughter of William and Mar>', born March 7, 1744 Luns, Letty. Daughter of Bebina, born June 21, 1744 Latimore, Mar}'. Married Lewis Pritchet, March 4, 1744 Lunsford, Hannah. Daughter of William and Dinah, born June 5, 1 744 Limbrick, James. Son of W^illiam and Catharine, born May 10, 1744 Lawless, Thomas. Son of Mary, born January 28, 1744 Lawless, Thomas. Son of Man^, died September 10, 1744 Lowr}', George. Son of William and Tabitha, born November 24, 1744 Latham, Mary. Married Henry Suddeth, June 25, 1745 Lee, Joseph. Married Mar}' Bethel, November 14, 1745 Latham, Jane, Died at Mary Richard's, January 7, 1745-6 106 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Leftridge, Frances. Married Thomas Jones, December 16, 1746 Lunsford, Charlotte. Daughter of William and Dinah, born December 26, 1 746 Latham, Frances. Departed this life, October 2, 1 746 Latham, John. Departed this life, October 1 , 1 746 Lunsford, Mary. Daughter of William, born September 7, 1746 Lowry, Tabitha. Married Jeremiah Stark, January 29, 1747 "^ Lunsford, Rebecca. Married John Baker, June 8, 1747 Linee, Margaret. Married William Cannaday, January 16, 1747 Lemmon, John. Married Eleanor McCarty, April 10, 1748 Lymm, Joseph. vSon of Rose, born March 24, 1 748 Limon, James. Son of John, born August 15, 1748 Limbrich, Rachel. Married Thomas Porch, July 22, 1748 Lacy, Sarah. Married Rawleigh Chinn, September 2, 1 748 Lunsford, Benjamin. Son of William, born February 10, 1749 Limbrick, Vinson. Son of William, died April 28, 1749 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 107 lyiiicey, John. Married Elizabeth Glass-, January 15, 1750 Lunsford, Judith. Married John Petter, February 27, 1 750 Lymm, Frank. Son of Rose, was born April 21, 1751 Latimore, Charity. Married John Kni^yht, October 23, 1750 Lunsford, Hannah. Daughter of William, born October ir3, 1751 Latham, Sarah. Married William ]\Ia)'S, February 9, 1752 Lemaster, Elizabeth. Daughter of Thomas and Lettie, born January 14, 1753 Lunsford, Rowley. Married Joanna Sturdy, June 16, 1754 Lunsford, Alice. Married Joshua Brown, July 21, 1754 L>'nah, Margaret. Daughter of Rose, born at Peter Rout's, July 23, 1 754 Linton, Lettie. IMarried Joseph Carter, February 5, 1755 Lunsford, Jane. Daughter of Moses and Rachel, born April 24, 1 756 Lunsford Lettie. Married William Simpson, January 18, 1756 108 O VER WHA R TON PA RISH REGIS TER. Lunsford, John. Married Margaret Martyn, January' 6, 1756 Lunsford, Sarah. Married Henry Kirk, May 23, 1756 Lewis, Zackias. Married Mary Brent, August 24, 1756 Lowry, Helen. Married Robert Green, November 23, 1756 ^ Laytham, Snowdall. Married Sarah Green, November 28, 1756 Laytham, Jemima. Daughter of Snowdall and Sarah, born November 7, 1758 Lea, Lucy. Married Bridwell, April 9, 1758 Lunsford, Susanna. Married John Peyton, March 28, 1758 Lane, James. Married Mary Smith, January 12, 1758 Lunsford, Enoch. Son of John, born born Februar}' 28, 1758 Lane, James Hardage. Married Mary Smith, January 12, 1758 Lyon, Margaret. Married John x\bbot, January 15, 1758 Lynns, Margaret. Married Thomas Darlow, April 9, 1758 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 109 IVI. Mercer, Mason. Son of John and Catharine, born Jnly 2 and died July 2\ 1720 Mercer, John. Son of John and Catharine, born December 17, 1727 Murra}-, John. Son of John and Mary, born March 1, 1729 Mercer, Elizabeth Mason. Daughter of John and Catharine, born February 16, 1730 Mercer, Elizabeth Mason. Daughter of John and Catharine, died x-lugust 31, 1732 Mercer, John. Son of John and Catharine, died September 12, 1730 Mercer, George. Son of John and Catharine, born July 2, 1733 Mercer, John Fenton. Son of John and Catharine^ born August 31, 1735 Mercer, James. Son of John and Catharine, born February 26, 1736-7 Mountjoy, Edward. Son of William and Phillis, his wife, born January 1, 1736 Mountjo}-, William. Son of William and Phillis, born Sepember 28, 1737 Mercer, Sarah Ann Mason. Daughter of John and Catharine, born June 21, 1738 1 1 U O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. Mcinteer, Sarah. Married Andrew Davison, November 5, 1738 Murray, Sarah. Daughter of Anthony, born February 24, 1739 Miller, William. Married Anne Dono, March 5, 1738-9 Mathews, Elizabeth. Married Timothy Oneal, April 22, 1739 Muffet, Gabriel. Married Mary Helms, July 25, 1739 Markham, Margaret. Married Taylor Chapman, September 13, 1739 McDuell, William. Married Sarah Chambers, December 26, 1739 Miller, Anne. Daughter of William and x\nn, born December 2?^, 1 739 Manzey, John. Son of Peter and Elizabeth, born December 17, 1739 Matheny, Mar)'. Married Edward Ponton, November 20, 1739 McDaniel, Mary. Daughter of James and Martha, born January 6, 1 740 Mcinteer, Joyie. Married William Patten, Januan' 2", 1740 Manzey, Jemima. Daughter of Jolin and Hester, born March 26, 1 740 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 1 1 1 Masters, Mary. Daughter of Jared and Anne, born • May 4, 1740 Moyon, Rosamond. Married Stephen Phips, June 1, 1740 IVIercer, Mary. Daughter of John and Catharine, born August 23, 1740 ]VIcDonald, Rev. Daniel. Married Ellen Barret, July 28, 1740 McDuell, John. Son of William and Sarah, born June 22, 1740 Mousley, James. Died at Major Peter Hedgman's June 8, 1740 -7 Mason, Anne. Daughter of Willam and Mary, died August 20, 1740 Miller, Simon. Married Isabella Miller, October 2, 1740 Miller, Isabella. IVIarried Simon Miller, October 2, 1740 Murray, James. Son of Anthony and Mary, died September 26, 1 740 Murphy, John. Son of Gabriel and Mar}', born September 6, 1740 Murray, Anthony. Son of Anthony and Mary, died October 4, 1740 Malphus, Edward. Married Mary Lamb, December 28, 1 740 112 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Million, William. Son of Robert, died December 5, 1740 More, Elizabeth. Daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth, born December 20, 1740 Murray, Sarah. Daughter of Anthony and Mary, died November 17, 1740 Morris, Anne. Daughter of Anne and John, born November 14, 1740 Million, Elizabeth. Daughter of Robert, died December 7, 1740 Monk, Robert. Departed this life, January 31, 1741 Merriman. Mary. Daughter of Adrian or Adam and Elizabeth, born January 19, 1741 Martin, Francis. Son of Francis and Betty, born February, 25, 1741 Montjoy, Jonathan. vSon of Thomas and Elizabeth, born February 28, 1741 Morris, Margaret. Daughter of Griflfen and Elizabeth, born February 10, 1741 Moncure. The Rev. Mr. John Moncure of this Parish was married to Miss Frances Brown, oldest daughter of Dr. Gustavus Brown, of Charles County, Maryland, June 18, 174/ /YH/ Mason, Mary. Married Thomas Butler, April 7, 1741 Mallaken, Mary. Married Joseph Williams, Februar>' 9, 1741 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. \\^ Million, Anne. Danghter of Robert and Grace, died April 8, 1741 McCarty, John. Son of William and Agnes, born- March 21, 1741 McCarty, James. Son of John, born April 1, 1741 Milliner, Elizabeth. Married James Campbell, September 21, 1741 Marten, Sarah. Married William Heffermon, September 29, 1741 Monntjoy, Thomas. Son of William and Phillis, born October 24, 1740 ^ Mason, Lewis. Son of William, born October 28, 1741 Murray, John. Son of Anthony, born October 9, 1741 Monntjoy, John. Son of William and Phillis, born October 25, 1741 Murphy, Mary. Died at Edward Malphus', October 1, 1741 McGuirk, John. Married Rachel Wade, December 22, 1741 Matthews, Philip Married Catharine Cossit)-, January 4, 1742 Murray, Anthony. Departed this life, October 4, 174C Mercer, Thomson Mason. Son of John and Catharine born April 9, 1 740 114 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Mathews, Catharine. Daughter of Samuel and Anne, born March 5, 1742 Murph}-, Matthew. Son of John and Elizabeth, born August 17, 1742 Montgonier\', Sarah. Wife of John, died August 30, 1742 Marten, James. Married Sarah Dunaway, January 22, 1741 Minor, Nicholas. Son of James, was born June 4, 1742 Martin, Jean. Daughter of Thomas and Sarah, born June 6, 1 742 McDuell, Mar\'. Daughter of William and Sarah, born May 4, 1742 Monk, Priscilla. Daughter of Elizabeth, born May 7, 1 742 Makanes, Samuel. Married Fransisme Cravens, November 14, 1742 Manuel, Elizabeth. Married Arthur Dent, December 11, 1742 McColin, Maiy. Daughter of John, born December 30, 1742 Minor, Allender. Daughter of John and Margaret, born January 1 0, 1 742 McDonald, William. Son of Maitha and James, born January 25, 1742 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 1 1 5 Morris, John. Son of Griffen and Elizabeth, born January 22, 1742 Malphus, Mary. Departed this life a few days after her hnsband on the 19th of October, Malphus, Edward. Departed this life, September 15, 1743 Mitchel, Elizabeth. Daughter of Jedidiah, born September 18, 1743 Murray, Nancy. Daughter of Anthony, born October 8, 1743 Manzey, Priscilla. Married William Rassan, October 27, 1743 Mountjoy, Mar)-. Daughter of William and Phillis born November 6, 1743 McCart}-, William. Departed this life, September 15, 1743 More, Nathaniel. Married Elee Nicholas, December 31, 1743 Montgomer)-, John. Married Mary Smith, January 16, 1744 Molton, George. Married Margaret Strother, April 6, 1744 Martin, Charles. Son of Francis and Elizabeth, born April 22, 1744 MacFarlane, Priscilla. Daughter of Daniel, born April 10, 1744 lib OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Matlieii}', William. Married Sarah Jones, March 22, 1 744 More, John. Son of Nathaniel, born August 1, 1744 Monk, Elizabeth. Married William Walker, May 23, 1 744 Moncure, Frances. The wife of the Rev. John Moncnre, was delivered of a son abont 20 minutes after ten at night, and was privately bap- tized by the Rev, James Scott about two hours after by the name of John, and departed this life next morning about six of the clock, in the year 1744, and the month July 1 3 Moncure, Frances. The wife of the Rev. John Mon- cure, was delivered of a daughter about 35 minutes after 4 o'clock in the afternoon the 1 7th day of October, 1 748, and baptized December 2d by the Rev. James Scott, who, with George Mason, Esq., were God Fathers ; Miss Mary Mason and Elizabeth Brown, her God Mothers, and called Ann (see July, 1741) MacCartee, Agnes. Married James Hughs, May 6, 1744 Moncure, Frances, Wife of the Rev. John Moncure, O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 1 1 < was delivered of a son about half an hour after four in the morning, Januar\' 7, 1746-7, and baptized John, March 3, 1747, by the Rev. Mr. John Phipps ; John Mercer and George Macon, Esq., his God Fathers, and Elizabeth Brown, his Aunt, his God Mother Moncure, Frances. The wife of the Rev. John Mon- cure, was delivered of a daughter about fifty minutes past ten in the forenoon, September 20, 1745, and baptized Frances by the Rev. James Scott, September 28, 1745. He and George Mason (Gents.), her God Fathers; Mrs. Anne Carter, the wife of Charles Carter, Esq., and Mrs. Sarah Scott, her God Mothers Mathews, John. Son of William, Jr., aged six years, died November 11, 1744 Manzey, Henry. Married Ann Withers, November 11,1 744 MacCoy, Elizabeth. Daughter of Murdy and Ann, born September 29, 1 744 More, Mary. An orphan, died at John Water's, November 10, 1744 Monroe, Thomas. Married Catharine Hore, April 16, 1745 118 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. Morris, William. Son of Griffin and Elizabeth, born June 20, 1 745 Masse}-, Thomas. Married Eleanor Perender, June 26, 1 745 Moore, Nathaniel. Married Sarah Page, September 11, 1 745 Million, Winifred. Married Elias Ashby, September 4, 1 745 / Mason, Lewis. Son of William, died October 29, 1745 Morris, Mary. Married John Smith, December 26, 1745 Manzey, Elizabeth. Daughter of Peter, born December 20, 1 745 Murray, Lettie. Daughter of Anthony and Mary, born December 23, 1745 Moore, Sarah. Daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah, born November 6, 1745 Matthis, Richard. Married Mary Plummer, October 5, 1745 Million, Charky. Daughter of Robert, baptized December 15, 1745 Matheny, Daniel, had two of his family to die, November 4 and 24, 1 745 Moussby, Anne. Died at William Mason's, November 3, 1745 O VER WHA R TON PARISH REGIS TER. 119 Montjoy, Alvin. Son of William and Phillis, was baptized February 9, 1746 INIitchel, John. Son of Jedidiali and Lydia, was baptized April 6, 1746 Moss, Prisby. Son of Sylvester and Elizabeth, born May 24, 1 746 Montgomen-, Jane. Daughter of John, born August 20, 1 746 Mathews, Sarah. Married James Jeffries, December 23, 1746 ^ Mason, Margaret. Married Joseph Carter, November 27^ 1746 -7 Mason, Elizabeth. Departed this life, November 5, 1 746 -7 Alason, Frances. ^Married James Jones, January 8, 1747 Monroe, George Hore. Son of Thomas and Catharine, born September 3, 1747 ^^INIason, John. INIarried Mary Nelson, * November 27, 1 747 McConchie, William. Married Bridget Whitecotton, November 10, 1747 Million, William Bennet. Son of Robert and Grace, born December 23, 1747 MacMurry, Ann. Married John Donaldson, December 31, 1747 120 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. MacCarthy, Elizabeth. Married Simson Bailey, December 24, 1747 MacMaclion, B}roii. Married Jane Moore, December 30, 1747 Moore, Jane. Married Byron MacMachon, December 30, 1 747 Macaboy, Mortbrough, Married Elizabeth Pumphrey, December 21, 1 747 More, Mary. Daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah, born Jnanary 31, 1748 Million, William Bennet. Baptized September 22, 1748 Merringham, Jane. Married Thomas Bettson, April 14, 1748 ]\IcCarty, Eleanor. Married John Snmmon, April 10, 1748 Mitchell, Barnaby Le Gosh. Son of Jedidiah and Lydia, born March 10, 1748 Murray, Pliobe. Daughter ol Anthony, born April 1, 1748 Manzy, Peter. Son of Peter and Elizabeth, born May 19, 1738 McConchie, Richard. Son of William, born July 10, 1748 Minor, Susannah. Daughter of William, born August 22, 1748 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 121 Moncure, k.\\\\. Daughter of Rev. John Moncure and Frances, his wife, born October 17, 1748 Moring, James. Died at Capt. William Mountjoy's, September 23, 1748 Mountjoy, George. Son of William and Phillis, born September 9, 1 748 Martin, Lacy. Married James Green, October 4, 1 748 ^ '/'Mason, William. Son of John and Mary, born November 30, 1748 Murphy, Peter. Was baptized November 8, 1748 '^^ Monroe, Thomas. Was baptized November 2, 1748 Mitchel, Samuel. Married Bridget Berry, January 30, 1749 Montgomery, John. Son of John, born April 3, 1749 Minor, iVmelia. Daughter of John, born July 7, 1749 Morris, James. Died at John Smith's, August 28, 1 749 Million, Robert. Married Heziah Holliday, December 14, 1749 McCoy, Alexander. Son of Mundy and John, born October 20, 1749 Million, John. Son of Robert, died October 1 , 1 749 Montgomery, John. Son of John, died October 22, 1749 Macaboy, Murthough. Died January- 1 , 1 750 122 Ol'ERWHARrON PARISH REGISTER. Macaboy, Murthough. Son of Miirtliough and Elizabeth, born January 19, 1750 Moss, Meredith. Son of Silvester and Elizabeth, born Januar>' 4, 1750 Mitchell, William. Son of Sanniel and Bridget, born January 21, 1750 Matheny, Man-. Departed this life, Januar\- 1 2, 1 750 More, Sarah. Daughter of Sarah and Nathaniel, born April 26, 1750 More, Sarah, Died at William George's plantation, March 5, 1750 Matheny, Job. Son of William and Ann, born Februar}- 6, 1750 Millian, Benjamin, Son of Robert, born July 5, 1 750 / Macconchie, Bridget. Married Stephen Pilcher, December 1, 1750 Montgomers', Robert. Son of John and IMarv, born November 13, 1750 Murray, Margaret. Married John Ogiboy, October 7, 1750 Murray, Anthony. Departed this life at his own home, October 5, 1750 Mings, James. Married Susannah Pattison, September 7, 1750 Mathews, George. Married Chinn, August 15, 1750 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 123 Murdock, John. Married Margaret Strother, October 26, 1750 Million, Jemima. Daughter of Robert, born November 13, 1750 Mobley, Elizabeth. Died at Henr}' Robinson's, September 4, 1750 Minor, John, Sr. Died at his home, January 12, 1750-1 Mason, John. Son of John and Mar>', born February 18, 1750 Morris, Young. Son of Griffin, born March 25, 1751 Mason, Mary Thomas. Married Samuel Selden, April 11, 1751 Mathews, Mary. Married John Waller, July 4, 1 75 1 Marony, Mar}-. Married Solomon Carter, May 26, 1751 Montjoy, Elizabeth. Daughter of William and Phillis, born May 26, 1751 Matheny, James. Married Lizzie Gain, December 12, 1751 MacCollough, Benjamin. Married Elizabeth Whitson, December 19, 1751 ■^ MacCothough, Hannah. Married Benjamin Tolson, December 31, 1751 Manatear, Alexander. Married Merriam Belsher, December 24, 1 75 1 124 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Maccullough, Marv*. Married Thomas Ashby, November 14, 1751 More, William. Married Mary Green, / November 28, 1751 Monroe, Isabel. Daughter of Thomas and Catharine, born November 12, 1751 Monslow, John, Died at the house of John Water's, October 3, 1751 McDaniel, Margaret. Daughter of Jane and James, born January 8, 1752 Mitchel, Elizabeth. Daughter of Samuel and Bridget, born January 19, 1752 Mays, James, Son of Joseph, was born February 1, 1752 MacDaniel, Margaret, ^Tarried John Powell, Februar>' 10, 1752 Manzy, Elizabeth. Married Peter Murphy, February 9, 1752 Murphy, Peter. Married Elizabeth Manzy, February 9, 1 752 I MacCollough, Joseph, Married Martha King, February 9, 1752 Mays, William. ^Married Sarah Laythium, February 9, 1 752 Montgomer}', Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Mary, born April 20, 1 752 O VER WHA R TON PA RISH REGIS TER. 1 2 5 Mathews, Jean. Daughter of John, born June 23, 1752 Moss, Triplet. Son of S)'lvester and Elizabeth, born August 9, 1752 Mills, Elizabeth. Married Edward West, October 6, 1752 McCoy, William. Son of Mudy and Ann, born October 15, 1752 More, John. Son of Nathaniel and Sarah, born September 20, 1752 Murphy, Eleanor. Daughter of Peter and Elizabeth, baptized October 29, 1752 Macinteer, William. Son of Alexander, born November 7, 1752 Mays, George. Son of William and Sarah, born February 7, 1753 •Mason, Daniel. Married Elizabeth Nelson, January 30, 1753 Matheny, Mary. Daughter of James and Elizabeth, born January 16, 1753 Moore, Isaac. Son of William and Mary, born March 25, 1753 Matheny, Mary. Daughter of William and iVnn, born April 2, 1753 Matheu}', Mary. Married Moses Grisby, August 26, 1753 126 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Moncure, Jean. Daughter of the Rev. John IMoncure, born May 22, 1753 Matheny, William. Son of Thomas and Hannah, born July 26, 1753 vMason, Nelson. Son of John and Mary, born August 6, 1753 Million, vSithy. Daughter of Robert of Keziah, born April 2, 1753 Montjoy, Margaret. Daughter of William and Phillis, born April 2, 1753 Mills, Margaret. Married James Sconkraft, October 14, 1753 Mays, George. Son of William, died November 14, 1753 Mays, L>'dia. Daughter of Joseph and Sarah, born February 25, 1754 Montgomery, John. Son of John and Mary, bom January 26, 1754 Manzeys, Cieorge. Departed this life at John Manzey's, January 10, 1754 Macculough, William. Son of Benjamin and Elizabeth, born May 19, 1754 Macinteer, Gabriel. Son of Alexander, born May 24, 1754 More, Ann. Daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah, born June 8, 1754 OFERIVHARIVX P.-IA'/SN A^ECISrER. 127 Mays, Jeaii)'. Daughter of William and Sarah, born October 15, 1754 Alore, William. Son of William and Mary, born December 30, 1 754 Murphy, Ann. Daughter of Peter and Elizabeth, born February 14, 1755 Montjoy, Margaret. Daugliter of Capt. William " Montjoy, died March 1, 1755 Matheny, Ann. Daughter of Ann and William, born March 18, 1755 Morris, Anthon\-. Son of Oriffin and Elizabeth, born January 25, 1755 ]\IcCarty, Ignatius. Departed this life at his home, February 18, 1755 IMcCart}-, Frances. Alarried John Diskin, June 19, 1755 Macquatt)-, David. Married Mary Skaines, May 6, 1755 Macquatt}-, Nanc)-. Daughter of David and Mar>', born July 10, 1755 IVIacco)-, Elizabeth. Daughter of Murdy, died June 5, 1755 Mason, Sarah. Daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth, born December 15, 1755 MacDaniel, Reuben. Son of James and Jean, born November 22, 1755 128 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Maccaboy, Elizabeth. Married James Givin, October 5, 1755 MacCart}', Margaret. Married Stephen Hansford, October 14, 1755 Mason, George. Married Elizabeth Durrest, October 21, 1755 Maccullough, Sarah. Married John Ashby, Februar}' 26, 1756 Murphy, Isaac. Married Catharine i\shby, January 1, 1756 Million, Sarah Ann. Daughter of Robert and Keziah, born February 1 3, 1 756 Mays, Joseph. Son of Joseph and Sarah, born April 18, 1756 Manuel, . Died at James Phillips, September 10, 1753 Martyor, Margaret. Married John Lunsford, June 6, 1756 More, Jane. Daughter of Nathaniel, born June 17, 1756 Mananteer, Elijah. Son of Alexander, born June 14, 1756 Montjoy, George. Son of William and Phillis, died June 1, 1756 Mays, Robert. ^larried Elizabeth Boiling, December 27, 1756 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 12') Moore, Elizabeth. Daughter of William, born December 23, 1 756 Murphy, Lydia. Daughter of Isaac and Catharine, born November 15, 1756 i. Monroe, John. Married Sarah Harrison, September 23, 1756 Matheny, James. Son of James and Elizabeth, born September 9, 1 756 Maccullough, James. Son of Benjamin and Elizabeth, born November 29, i 756 ^Mason, Lewis. Son of John, born February 5, 1757 7 Mason, Frances. Daughter of George, born January 16, 1757 Mathews, Mary. INIarried James Turner, March 3, 1757 Martin, Sarah. Man'ied Moses Fletcher, July 10, 1757 McCoy, Feanly. Married Jane Thomas, July 18, 1757 McCoy, Daniel. Son of Feanly, born October 10, 1757 Mays, Benjamin. Son of William and Elizabeth, born September 10, 1757 Mountjoy, George. Son of William and Phillis, born September 1, 1757 Alays, George. Son of Joseph and Sarah, born January 1, 1758 130 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Macinteer, Rodah. Was baptized April 9, 1758 Millian, Jean}-. Daughter of Robert and Keziah, born April 19, 1758 Moncure, Frances, Jr. Married Travers, Daniel, at "Claremont," October 7, 1762, by the Rev. Mr. James Scott Moncure, William. Son of John and Ann, born vSeptember 21, 1774 Matheny, William. Married x\nn Sims, September 10, 1747 Moses, Mar\'. Married Andrew Watson, September 26, 1 742 Monslow, John. Married Jean Waters, October 26, 1 748 IM. Norton, Elizabeth. ^^larried Charles Colson, February 1, 1739 Nelson, Margaret. Daughter of Alexander and Margaret, born January- 1 4, 1 739 Nelson, Lettie. Daughter of Henr}- and Sarah, born March 10, 1740 Nelson, Lettie. Daughter of Alexander, died September 28, 1 740 Nelson, Hannah, Daughter of John and Mar}-, born October 19, 1740 OVER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 1 3 1 Normand, James. Son of Thomas, born September 13, 1740 Nelson, John. Married Mary Toby, February 10, 1740 Normand, William. Son of Thomas and Martha, born November 11, 1741 Nelson, Henry. Married Jean Goodwin, October 18, 1742 Normand, George. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth, born June 25, 1743 Nubal, Priscilla. Daughter of Samuel and Hannah, born June 21, 1743 Nelson, William. Son of Henry and Jean, born August 14, 1743 Nelson, Susannah. Daughter of Henry and Sarah, born October 25, 1 743 Nicholas, Elee. Married Nathaniel More, December 31, 1743 Northcutt, Elizabeth. Married Anthony Philips, December 26, 1743 Northcutt, Martha. Daughter of William and Margery, born August 10, 1744 Nelson, Alexander. Man'ied Margaret Butler, February 21, 1745 Nelson, Henry. Son of Henry and Jean, born August 2, 1 745 132 Ol'ERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Nelson, John. Married Sarah Whitson, December 7, 1745 Newbold, William. Son of Samnel and Joannah, born December 12, 1745 Nelson, Alexander. Departed this life, October 19, 1745 Nelson, William. Son of Alexander, born Febrnary 2, 1745 Normand, Thomas. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth, born Augnst 10, 1746 Nelson, Lydia. Danghter of John and Sarah, born September 24, 1746 Noble, Joshna. Married Hannah Blackman, September 7, 1746 Nelson, Frances. Daughter of Henry and Sai'ah, born January 15, 1747 Nelson, Jemima. Daughter of Henry and Jane, born January, 28, 1747 Nelson, John. Was born July 10, 1747 Nelson, Mary. Married John Mason, November 21, 1 747 Nowland, Richard. Married Jane Wright, December 20, 1747 Nelson, Elizabeth, Was born October 9, 1 747 Nelson, Margaret. Married John Powwell, September 4, 1 748 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 133 Nelson, John. Died at John Powwall's, October 14, 1748 Nelson, Nanny. Daughter of John and Sarah, born January 11,1 74^^ Nelson, Alexander. Son of Alexander and Mar}-, born March 30, 1749 Nelson, Henr}-. Departed this life, February 29, 1749 Norniand, Ann. Daughter of Thomas, born February 14, 1750 Northcutt, Mary. Married Haswel Hardwick, December 25, 1750 Nunn, Thomas. Son of John, born January 1, 1750-1 Nelson, Mar}-. Daughter of John and Sarah, born March 2, 1751 Nelson, John. Son of Alexander, born March 5, 1751 Nelson, John. Son of Henry and Jane, born May 21, 1751 Northcutt, Sarah. Married John Foxworthy, December 25, 1751 Nubal, Sarah. Married Thomas Foxworthy, September 29, 1751 Nicolas, John. Married Man- Hyden, April 23, 1752 Nicholas, John. vSon of John, born November 7, 1 752 Nelson, Elizabeth. Married Daniel Mason, Januar}- 30, 1753 134 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER, Nelson, Margaret. Daughter of Alexander and Margaret, born January 10, 1753 Nickson, Patty. Daughter of John and Rachel, born October 2, 1754 ■^ Nowland, Jean. Married John Brown, August 24, 1755 Nelson, George. Son of Alexander and Margaret, born December 4, 1755 Nelson, Jesse. Son of John and Sarah, horn January 22^ 1756 Noble, Joshua. Son of Joshua and Hannah, born August 17, 1756 Noble, Jean. Married Derby Driscal, October 4, 1756 Noxal, Saxfield. Married Ann Boning, August 1, 1757 Nelson, Jean. Daughter of John, born January 24, 1758 Nelson, Alexander. Departed this life, Jime 20, 1758 Onsb>', Elizabeth. Married Cart\' Wells, September 10, 1738 O'Cane, John. The son of Derby and Susanna, born March 20, 1739 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 135 O'Neal, Timothy. Married Elizabeth Mathews, April 22, 1739 O'Cane, Derby. Married Susannah Smith, December 16, 1739 O'Cane, Thomas. Son of Derby, born May 4, 1740 V O'Daneal, Priscilla. Daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth, born April 1, 1743 O'Cane, Mary. Daughter of Susannah and Derby, born May 9, 1745 Oram, Rachel. Married John Hart, March 23, 1746 O'Daneal, Elizabeth. Man'ied William Thornberry, July 10, 1746 O'Cain, James. Son of Derb}- and Susannah, born October 4, 1747 Ogilo}-, John. Married Margaret Murray, October 7, 1750 Ogiloy, Ann. Daughter of John, born April 27, 1 750 O'Cain, Daniel. Son of Derby and Susannah, born April 1, 1750 Osbon, Judith. Daughter of William, born February 2, 1751 O'Cain, Derby. Son of Derby, born March 4, 1753 Ogiloy, Winifred. Daughter of John, born July 18, 1751 Ogiloy, ^Margaret. Daughter of Margaret and John, born April 3, 1754 130 01 ERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. ^ O'Banioii, Ann. Married Alexander Farrow, October 5, 1753 Uwendownne)', John. Died at Priscilla Hays', Jannary 22, 1754 Oliver, Keziali. Daughter of John and Mar}-, born April 5, 1754 O'Cain, Henr)-. Son of Derby and Susannah, born August 4, 1755 O'Daneal, James. Married Theodsian Congers, October 19, 1755 "' O'Daneal, William Scott. Son of James and Theodsian, born August 10, 1756 Powel, John. Son of Charles and Elizabeth, born September 20, 1731 Powel, Peter. Son of Charles and Elizabeth, born February 17, 1733 Powell, Elizabeth, Daughter of Charles and Elizabeth, born April 26, 1 735 Powel, Martha. Daughter of Charles and Elizabeth born vSeptember 26, 1 736 Pettigrew, James. Son of John and Mar}', born April 2, 1737 Pepper, Mary. Married James Suddeth, May 13, 1738 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 137 Z' Parker, Martha. Married Peter Bailen, August 6, 1 738 Pritchet, Philip's wife, Elizabeth, died January 29, 1739 Peddicoat, Jaimet. Married Moses Rowley, May 16, 1739 Prim, John. Married Margaret Welch, September 9, 1 739 Peddicoat, John. Son of John and Mary, born December 28, 1 739 Powton, Edward. Married Mar)- Matheney, November 20, 1739 Pattin, William. Married Joyie Mcinteer, Januan- 27, 1 740 Porter, Thomas. Departed this life, February 26, 1 740 Payton, Catharine. Married William Scrogging, February 18, 1740 Powel, Charles. Son of Cliarles and Elizabeth, born May 26, 1 740 Prim, William. Son of John and Margaret, born July 28, 1740 Payton, Alexander. Married Jane Heffernio», May 20, 1740 Phips, Stephen. Married Rosamond Ma}ow, June 1, 1740 138 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Paddeth, Thomas. Son of Jaiiies and Elizabeth, died February 8, 1741 Patten, Margaret. Daughter of William and Joyie, born March 10, 1741 Pevton, Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Eleanor, born July 1, 1741 Perr)-, Mary. Daughter of Prudence, born July 21, 1741 Philips, James. Married Elizabeth Griffin, September 27, MAX Philips, Lettie. Daughter of James and Elizabeth, born November 22, 1741 Punton, Edward. Departed this life, January 22, 1741 Payton, William. Son of John, born July 25, 1742 Pritchet, William. Married Jane Cook, January 26, 1 742 Pritchet, Philip. Married Catharine Cole, Januar}' 24, 1 742 Pritchet, Anne. Daughter of Philip and Catharine, born September 4, 1742 Pattin, Jean. Daughter of William and Jean, born December 23, 1742 Peyton, Henry. Son of John and Eleanor, born March 9, 1743 Pike, Margary. Died at IMichael Pike's, February 27, 1744 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. 1 39 I'aytoii, Rachel Daughter of John and Worth, born August 22, 1743 Philips, Anthony. Married Elizabeth Northcutt, December 26, 1743 Pritchet, Catharine. Daughter of Philip, born December 28, 1 743 Powel, Pegg}-. Daughter of Charles and Betty, born April 8, 1744 Powel, Charles, Departed this life, April 30, 1 744 Pritchet, Lewis. Married Mary Littimore, March 31, 1744 Poole, Sarah. Married John Foley, December 1 1, 1744 Philips, William. Son of James and Elizabeth, born November 1, 1744 Pritchet, Philip, Sr. Departed this life, November 14, 1744 Pownall, Elizabeth. Married John Cooper, March 30, 1745 Powtone, Isabel. Daughter of Mary, born February 9, 1745 Philips, Dorcas. Daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth, born March 10, 1745 Philips, William. Son of John and Mary, born February 2, 1745 Perender, Eleanor. Married Thomas Massey, June 26, 1 745 140 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Parson, Sarah. Daughter of Anne and William, born May 26, 1745 Powell, Elizabeth. Married Duke Whalbone, December 3, 1745 ^ Plummer, Mary. Married Richard Matthis, October 5, 1 745 Philips, Mary. Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth, died October 16, 1745 Page, Sarah. Married Nathaniel More, September 11,1 745 Porter, Howsen. Married John Stark, January 1, 1746 ^ Powel, Richard. Son of Mar}\ born Februar)- 14, 1746 Prim, Anne. Daughter of John and Margaret, born September 15, 1746 Payton, Charles. Son of John and Werth, born November I, 1746 Proctor, Edward. Married Anny Weeks, F'ebruary 15, 1747 Porch, Robert. Departed this life April 5, 1 747 Peyton, Anne. Married Thomas Harrison, July 2, 1747 Peyton, Eleanor. Wife of John, died October 5, 1747 Pumphrey, Elizabeth. MaiTied Morthough McCaboy, December 27, 1 747 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. 1 4 1 Patten, Ann. Daughter of William, born December 23, 1 747 Phillips, Mary. Daughter of James Philips, born January 15, 1748 Patten, Ann. Daughter of William, died January 11, 1748 Pritchett, Lewis. Son of Lewis and Mary, born February 17, 1748 Powell, Renn. Son of Mar}', born February 2, 1748 Pane, Francis. Son of Francis, born March 18, 1748 Pane, Francis. Son of Francis, died April 15, 1748 Patterson, John. Was born May 8, 1 748 Peyton, Elizabeth. Daughter of John, died May 11, 1748 Pull)-, Robert. Married Mary Thomson, August 28, 1 748 Price, William. Married Sarah Allenthrop, August 8, 1 748 Petter, John. Married Judith Lmisford, February 27, 1748 Pearson, Hannah. Departed this life, November 12, 1748 Porch, Thomas. Married Rachel Limbrick, July 22, 1 748 Punell, Emmeal. Son of Richard and Mary, July 20, 1748 142 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Peyton, Philip. Married Winifred Bussel, September 15, 1748 Pownall, John. Married Margaret Nelson, September 4, 1 748 Pilcher, Stephen. Married Liicy Clarke, November 7, 1748 Parsons, Ann. Departed this life, November 26, 1748 Pownall, Margaret. Daughter of John, born November 10, 1748 Peyton, Valentine. Son of Philip and Winifred, born March 19, 1749 Pattison, Sarah, alias Congers. Married Thomas Hampton, January 1, 1749 Pannel, Mary. Died at William Patton's, October 25, 1749 Porter, Calvert. Married Elizabeth Cash, Sepember 21, 1749 Porter, Joseph. Son of Calvert and Elizabeth, born October 21, 1749 Patton, Sarah. Daughter of William, born November 24, 1749 Pilcher, vSamuel. Son of Stephen and Elizabeth, born January 5, 1750 Pilcher, Elizabeth. Departed this life, January 22, 1750 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 143 Pilcher, James. Son of Stephen, born February 17, 1750 Payne, Edward. Married Ann Holland Congers, February 21, 1750 Paterson, Behethelan. Daughter of Mary, born April 17, 1750 Pyke, Ann. Married Henr}- Hurst, March 20, 1750 Peyton, Jeremiah. Son of John and Werth, born January 29, 1750 Prim, John. Son of John and Margaret, born May 17, 1750 Pilcher, Stephen. Married Bridget MacConchie, December 1, 1750 Powell, Mary. Died at William Hendale's, November 21, 1750 Pattison, Susannah. Married James Mings, September 7, 1750 Phillips, Dianah. Daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth, born February 22, 1 75 1 Pattison, Lydia Alvin. Daughter of Elizabeth, born May 4, 1751 Payton, Nancy. Daughter of John and Werth, born November 13, 1751 Peyton, John. Married Elizabeth Waller, November 17, 1751 144 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Prim, Thomas. Son of John and Margaret, born December 13, 1751 Porter, Calvert. vSon of Calvert and Elizabeth, born March 1, 1752 Powel, John. Married Margaret MacDaniel, Febrnary 10, 1752 Phillips, Dianah. Departed this life, February 20, 1752 Porch, Rachel. Married William Burton, October 7, 1753 Powel, Jemima. Daughter of John and Margaret, born November 9, 1753 Petter, Jane. Daughter of John and Judith, born December 11, 1753 Porch, Ann. Married William Berry, February 26, 1 754 Porter, Thomas. vSon of Calvert and Elizabeth, born January 11, 1754 Peirson, Nanny. Daughter of William and Sarah, born January 18, 1754 Pilcher, Mar>-. Died at Alexander Alacanteer's, Januar>- 25, 1754 Porter, John. Departed this life, July 14, 1754 Parinder, Elizabeth. Married William Adie, July 25, 1 754 Peyton, John Ronsey. Son of John, baptized November 17, 1754 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 145 Peyton, Dr. Valentine. Departed this life, November 28, 1754 Patten, John and William. Sons of William and Joyie, born December 28, 1754 Powell, Patty. Daughter of John and Margaret, born November 17, 1755 Patterson, Rnth. Daughter of Mary, born September 19, 1755 Porter, Frances. Daughter of Calvert and Elizabeth, born January 12, 1756 Porter, Thomas. Was baptized Februar)- 2'i., 1 756 Powell, Martha. Married John Goldsmith, January 19, 1756 Porter, Joseph. Married Jemima Smith, February 24, 1756 Patten, William. Married Isabella Kennedy, December 19, 1756 Philips, Lettie. Married John Cummings, Februar>' 21, 1757 Porter Charity. Daughter of Calvert and Elizabeth, born Septenber 9, 1757 Pilford, Elizabeth. Married William Cooper, January 5, 1758 Peyton, John. Married Susannnah Lunsford, March 28, 1758 146 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Q- Qiiidley, Stephen. Son of William, died February 8, 1745 R. Robison, Philip. Married Margaret Spoldin, November 26, 1 738 Ross, Rebecca. Daughter of William and Margaret, born Februar}' 28, 1 739 Rowley, Moses. Married Jannet Peddicoat, May 16, 1739 Rout, Hannah. Daughter of Peter and Martha, born January- 31, 1740 Renny, John, Married ]\Iary Linton, April 6, 1 740 Richards, John. Married Mary Latham, January 24, 1740 Renny, Jeremiah. Son of John and Mary, born November 15, 1740 7 Robinson, John. Son of Benjamin and Catharine, born December 22^ 1740 Reddish, Jean. Daughter of Robert, born January 8, 1741 Robinson, Mary, Daughter of Christopher and Eleanor, born January 1, 1741 ' Robinson, Sarah. Married John Kirke, June 23, 1741 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 147 Richards, Francis. Son of John and Mary, born May 25, 1741 Renny, Jacob. Son of William and Barbara, born August 21, 1741 Raper, Susanna. Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth, born September 30, 1741 Rogers, William. Son of Rachel, born June 1, 1742 Rogers, William. Son of Richard and Mary, born October 13, 1741 Ross, John. vSon of William and Margaret, born June 4, 1 742 Routt, John. Son of Peter and Martha, born December 1 3, 1 742 Renny, Prisly. Son of John and Mary, born December 28, 1742 Rassan, William. Married Priscilla Manzey, October 27, 1743 -Robinson, Nanny. Daughter of Benjamin and Catharine, born April 23, 1743 Reaves, George. Married Anne Webster, April 3, 1743 Robinson, Ann. Married William Green, December 18, 1743 Robinson, Christopher. Son of Christopher and Eleanor, born February 25, 1744 148 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Rush, Benjamin. Married Alice Grigsby, April 1, 1744 Ross, John. Son of William and Margaret, died September 4, 1 744 Rice, Lydia. Daughter of John and Ann, born November 9, 1 744 Raper, Elizabeth. Daughter of Frances, died October 12, 1744 Richards, Francis. Son of John, died November 8, 1 744 Renu}-, Tabitha. Daughter of John and Mar)-, born March 8, 1 745 Routt, James. Son of Peter and Martha, born July 29, 1745 Ryley, Thomas. Son of John and Elizabeth, born July 12, 1745 'J Re)'nolds, Peter. Married Easter Carr, June 2, 1 745 Rhodes, Mary. Married Isaac Basriet, May 18, 1745 Ryan, William. Son of Michael and Winefred, died December 4, 1745 7 Robinson, Christopher, Jr. Died December 8, 1745 Ransdell, Elizabeth. Daughter of WHiarton and Margaret, born April 6, 1746 Regnold, James. Married Margaret Deckon, August 19, 1745 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 149 Rhodes, Sanford. Son of John and Martha, born December 13, 174(-) 7 Robinson, William. Son of Christopher and Eleanor, born November 3, 1746 Rosser, Sarah. Married Hayward Todd, September 7, 1 746 Robinson, Rebecca. Married William Godfrey, October 26, 1746 RadclifFe, Eleanor. Married Thomas Tnrner, September 1 3, 1 746 Rayle, Hngh. Son of John, born Febrnary 24, 1 747 Richetts, Sarah Ann. Danghter of Thomas, born September 21, 1747 Raper, John. Son of Elizabeth, born Jnne 26, 1747 Renny, Calab. Son of John and Mary, born May 20, 1747 Rvan, Daniel. Son of Michael and Winifred, born September 2, 1 747 Robertson, John. Married Rose Jones, October 15, 1747 Robe, Isabel. Married Thomas Weddell, Jannary 3, 1748 Read, Mary. Daughter of Robert and Dorothy, born Jannary 5, 1748 Rhodes, Martha. The wife of John, died April 7, 1748 150 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Ryan, Daniel. Son of Michael and Winifred, died March 7, 1748 Read, Mary. Was baptized March 1 3, 1 748 Robinson, Mary. The wife of Henry, died March 26, 1748 Ramsdell, Edward. Son of Wharton, born June 19, 1748 Read, John. Married Ann Sebastian, July 21, 1748 Rhodes, John. Departed this life, November 12, 1748 Robinson, Elizabeth. Married John Rabbing, December 29, 1 748 Rabbing, John. Married Elizabeth Robinson, December 29, 1748 Robinson, Sarah. Married James Fernsley, November 3, 1748 Robinson, Josham. Married John Sprayburr}-, November 9, 1748 Robinson, James. Son of Christopher and Eleanor, born April 1 6, 1 749 Ryley, John. Son of John and Elizabeth, born March 4, 1749 Rabbing, John. Died at William Kinz's, February 4, 1749 Routt, Betty. Daughter of Peter, died June 27, 1 749 Renny, Lydia. Daughter of John and Mary, born July 30, 1749 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 151 Rice, John. Departed this life, September 2, 1 749 Reiliegh, Ann. Departed this life, September 24, 1 749 Robinson, Benjamin. Married Sarah Stacy, Jannary 2, 1750 Redman, Ann. Daughter of Patrick, born December 7, 1749 Robinson, Nathaniel. Son of Benjamin and Sarah, born April 22, 1750 Ransdell, Wharton. Son of Wharton and Margaret, born January 1 2, 1 750 Robinson, Henry. Married Winifred Bailis, August 1, 1750 Ross, William. Son of William and Margaret, born September 11, 1750 Risen, John. Married Hannah Chinn, October 20, 1 750 R}ley, Charles. Son of John and Elizabeth, born October 11, 1750 Reeds, Elizabeth. Married William Spilman, February, 25, 1751 Runnils, Frank. Died March IC, 1751 Renny, Butler. Son of John and Mary, born April 18, 1751 Redman, Sarah. Daughter of Patrick, born April 16, 1752 152 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Riley, Nanny. Danghter of Nickolas, born April 17, 1752 Rhodes, Ann. Married Robert Fristoe, February 23, 1752 / Robinson, Carty. Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah, born January 8, 1 752 Rankins, Ann. Daughter of George and Sarah, born January 14, 1752 Rounde, David. Married Mary Turner, January 28, 1753 Ryley, George. Son of John and Elizabeth, born February 28, 1753 Rose, •William. Married Sarah Grigsby, June 5, 1753 Renny, John. Son of John and Mary, born November 8, 1753 Raleigh, Henrj-. Son of Nickolas and Winifred, born November 21, 1753 Ryley, George. Son of John and Elizabeth, died October 5, 1753 Routt, William. Married Winifred Byram, November 27, 1753 Riding, Thomas. Son of James and Mary, born April 27, 1753 Read, John. Married Margaret Allenthrop, March 5, 1754 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 153 Randal, Catharine. Married George Bussel, January 8, 1754 Robinson, George. Son of Sarah and Benjamin, born February 7, 1754 Redman, John. Son of Patrick and Elizabeth, born July 18, 1754 Routt, Peter. Son of William and Winifred, born October 22, 1754 Richards, John. Married Susannah Thomas Heath, March e, 1754 Richetts, Sarah Ann. Daughter of Thomas and Sarah, baptized Januar}^ 26, 1 755 Riggins, Bridget. Married John Flitter, March 16, 1755 Robinson, Simon. Married Mary Jack, August 3, 1755 Robinson, Benjamin. Married Elizabeth Stacey, May 25, 1755 Roach, Thomas. Married Ann Cooke, December 28, 1 755 Richards, Elizabeth. Was baptized January 26, 1756 Rvley, James. Son of Nicholas and Winifred, born January 21, 1756 Robinson, Lishea. Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah, born February- 25, 1756 154 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Routt, William. Son of William and Winifred, born May 29, 1756 Rigg, Lewis. Son of John and Betty, born March 17, 1757 Rowels, Jesse. Son of Henry and Isabell, born January 28, 1757 Renny, Sennot. Son of John and Mary, born February 25, 1757 Ryley, Betty. Daughter of Nicholas and Winifred, born March 20, 1757 Reiley, Mary. Daughter of John and Elizabeth, born March 20, 1 757 Raper, Elizabeth. •Married Alexander Sutor, May 8, 1757 Ryan, Michael. Departed this life, October 10, 1757 Ross, William. Departed this life, December 26, 1 757 Rose, William. Married Jane Grigsby, March 14, 1758 Robinson, Benjamin. Son of Benjamin and Sarah, born June 21, 1758 Riddle, Thomas. Married Bridget Amely, February 5, 1758 Roath, Patrick. Man'ied Elizabeth Wise, October 9, 1 742 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 155 Stark, Sarah. Daughter of James and Elizabeth, born August 23, 1731 Stark, Jean. Daughter of James and Elizabeth, born February' 1, 1733 Stark, Anne. Daughter of James and Elizabeth, born February 9, 1736 Stark, Benjamin. Son of James and Elizabeth, born September 27, 1738 Suddeth, James. Married Mary Pepper. May 1 3, 1 738 Strother, Elizabeth. Married John Frogg, November 9, 1 738 Spoldin, Margaret. Married Philip Robinson, November 26, 1738 Smith, Elizabeth. Married Charles Cornish, December 17, 1738 Simpson, Mary. Departed this life, January 15, 1739 Scott, Helen. Daughter of James and Sarah, born June 7, 1739 Smith, Susannah. Married Derb)- O'Cain, December 16, 1739 -: Stuart, William. Son of James and Mary, born January 1, 1740 Scogging, William. Married Catharine Payton, February 18, 1740 156 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Stuart, James. Married Mary Diinaway, February 12, 1740 Simpson, Million. Daughter oi William and Diana, born May 5, 1740 Strong-, John. Son of Nathaniel and Mary, born June 22, 1740 Smith, Withers and George. Sons of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, born June 1 3, 1 740 Sinclair, George. Son of George and Winifred, born November 7, 1 740 Scott, Alexander. Son of James and Sarah, born July 10, 1740 Simpson, John. Married Silent Johnston, August 17, 1740 Smith, William. Son of Henry and Sarah, died September 17, 1740 Sinclair, George. Departed this life, January 12, 1741 Sinclair, Margaret. Married Francis Tennel, November 9, 1740 Scott, Sarah. Daughter of Rev. James Scott, born January 22, 1741 Smith, Henry. Son of Henry and Sarah, born February 3, 1741 Stacey, Simon. Married Judith Tolson, August 22, 1741 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 157 Stanh-, ]SIarjor\-. Married Edniond Webster, November 20, 1741 Short, Jean. The wife of John, died December 9, 1741 Sturdy, Margaret. Married Parish Gamer, Jamiar>- 21, 1741 vScott, James. Son of Rew James and Sarah, born January 8, 1742 Smith, Mary. Married William Cammel, July 25, 1742 Stacey, Sarah. Daughter of Judith and Simon, born August 20, 1742 7 Stuart, James. Son of Mary and James, born October 26, 1 742 Sinclair, Winifred. Daughter of George and Winifred, born October 3, 1742 7 Stuart, William. Died at Mr. Scott's, October 22, 1 742 Sinclair, Winifred. Wife of George, died October 22, \742 Spinks, Enoch. Son of John and Rosamond, born November 10, 1742 Smith, William. vSon of Henry and Sarah, born October 28, 1742 vSturdy, Elizabeth. Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth died November 20, 1742 158 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Smith, Temple. Son of Nathaniel, died Januar>- 24, 1 743 Smith, Susannah. Married John Cotton, February 17, 1743 Simmonds, Jemima. Daughter of George and Elizabeth, born March 17, 1743 Stacey, Katharine. Daughter of Elizabeth, born March 17, 1743 Smith, iVnne. Daughter of Robert and Phillis, born May 21, 1743 Simpson, Alexander. Married Catharine Fant, July 17, 1743 Sinclair, Clementina. Daughter of George, died July 21, 1743 Stungfellow, Benjamin. Married Mary Foley, June 15, 1743 Shaw, John. Married Mary Waters, June 12, 1743 Simpson, Elizabeth. Alarried John Whitcomb, November 24, 1743 Spoldin, Francis. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth, born January 7, 1 743 Smith, Mary. Married John Montgomery, January 16, 1744 Strother, Margaret. IMarried George Molton, April 6, 1744 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 159 Stacey, Benjamin. Son of Simon and Judith, born April 7, 1744 Suthard, Rose. Married Silent Jeffreys, January 19, 1744 Suddeth, Mar>-. Married Edward Boling, May 4, 1 744 Shorter, Anne. Married Francis Tyler, May 17, 1744 Sinclair, Patience. Married William Young, July 23, 1744 Stark, Daniel. Son of James and Elizabeth, born May 30, 1744 Simpson, Priscilla. Daughter of George and Margaret, born September 26, 1744 Savage, Eleanor. Married John Hogg, December 19, 1744 Smith, Temple. Son of Nathaniel, born April 26, 1745 Suddeth, Lawrence. Married Dorothy West, April 18, 1745 Scott, Christian. Daughter of James and Sarah, born March 4, 1745 Smith, Susannah. Daughter of Robert and Phillis, born April 16, 1745 Suddeth, Henr}-. Married Mary Latham, June 25, 1745 Suddeth, Sarah. Married Thomas Griffin, July 18, 1745 160 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Suddeth, Ann. Daughter of Benjamin and Silent, born July 17, 1745 Suitor, Alexander. Married Margaret Issac, July 21, 1745 Sullivant, Mary. Married Peter Gowing, May 28, 1 745 Stacey, Catharine. Married William Hill, September 17, 1745 Smith, George. Son of Henry and Sarah, born October 19, 1745 Suddeth, Elizabeth. Daughter of Lawrence and Dorothy, born November 3, 1745 Simson, Elizabeth. Daughter of Alexander and Catharine, born January 4, 1 746 Spoore, Ann. Departed this life, January 29, 1746 Stark, John. Mai'ried Howson Porter, Februar>- 1, 1746 Stark, Jeremiah. Married Tabitha Lowiy, January 29, 1747 Sayas, William. Son of Richard and Ann, born March 10, 1747 Stone, Josias. Son of Josias and Mary, born June 17, 1747 Sanderson, William. Son of John and Jean, born June 7, 1747 Sims, Ann. Married William Matheny, September 10, 1747 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 161 Smith, Martha. Daughter of Robert, born November 3, 1747 Smith, Christian. Daughter of John and Catharine, born December 2, 1747 vStark, James. Son of James and Catharine, born V December 21, 1747 Simpson, Mary. Daughter of Alexander, born December 10, 1747 Smith, John. Married Elizabeth Hornbuckle, December 3, 1747 Simson, Susannah. Daughter of George and Margaret, born January 1 8, 1 748> Suddeth, Margaret. Daughter of Benjamin and Silent, born January 12, 1748 Stark, Lydia. Daughter of James, born June 31, 1748 Sebastian, Ann. Married John Read, July 21, 1748 Smith, Daniel and Sarah. Children ol Henry, baptized October 24, 1 748 Smith, Sarah. Daughter of Henry, died October 29, 1748 Sprayburry, John. Married Joshan Robinson, November 9, 1748 vStark, John. vSon of Jeremima and Tabitha, born November 6, 1 748 Stacey, Silvia. Daughter of Jolm, Jr., born December 6, 1 748 162 Ol'ERU-HARTON PARISH REGISTER. Smith, Catharine. Married Joshua Kendal, April 4, 1749 Stone, Betty. Daughter of Josias and Mary, born April 14, 1749 Stacey, Mary. Daughter of Judy and Simon, born February 15, 1749 Sprayburry, James. Son of John and Joshan, born June 14, 1749 Sanderson, John. Son of John and Jean, born August 2, 1 749 Somacks, Richard. Died at John Peyton's, Aquia, August 28, 1 749 Stark, Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Howson, born August 16, 1749 Suddeth, Grace. Daughter of Lawrence and Dorothy, born September 23, 1 749 Sturd)-, Robert. Departed this life, November 3, 1749 Stark, Sarah Ann. Daughter of James and Catharine, born November 25, 1 749 Stephens, Mary. Died at Edward Balls, Januar>- 18, 1750 Stacey, Sarah. Married Benjamin Robinson, January 2, 1750 Smith, Sith. Daughter of Robert and Phillis, born January 10, 1750 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 163 Suddeth, Catharine. Daughter of Benjamin, born March 27, 1750 Suddeth, Catharine. Departed this life, April 11, 1750 Spolding, Sarah. Daughter of Thomas and Sarah, born March 4, 1750 Simpson, Jane. Daughter of John and Elizabeth, born January 21 , 1 750 Smith, William. Married Betty Barbee, January 1, 1750 Sylva, John. Married Bridget Cooper, July 1, 1750 Smith, Enoch. Son of Henry and Sarah, born June 21, 1750 Simms, Richard. Married Bett>- Bridwell, October 15, 1750 Strother, Margaret. Married John Murdoch, October 26, 1 750 Sylvy, Nancy Daughter of John, born October 22, 1 750 Stace>', Peggy. Daughter of John and Elizabeth, born September 14, 1750 Simpson, Sarah. Daughter of Alexander, born December 13, 1750 Slaughter, Robert. Married Susanna Harrison, December 11, 175C 164 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Sinclair, George. Died at Hannah Bailis\ January 12, 1751 Spilman, William, Married Elizabeth Reeds, - February 25, 1751 Selden, Samuel. Married ]\Iary Thompson ]\Iason, April 11, 1751 Sinclair, Elizabeth. Married Charles Jones, April 21, 1751 Suddeth, William. Son of Benjamin and Silent, born March 7, 1751 Stone, Valentine. Son of Josiah, baptized April 30, 1751 Stacey, Doroth\'. Wife of John, Sr., died Februar\- 5, 1751 vSebastian, William. Married Sarah Kelly, June 11, 1 75 1 Stanard, Elizabeth. Married William Howard, May 29, 1751 Sanderson, Thomas. Son of John, born May 2, 1751 vStringfellow, Mary. Married William Bouchard, May 12, 1751 vSpilman, Thomas. Son of William and Elizabeth, born November 29, 1751 Selden, Miles Carey. Son of Samuel and Mary, born November 28, 1751 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 165 Stark, Sarah. Daughter of Howson and John, born Janiiar}' 29, 1 752 Smith, Sarah. Daughter of Henr}- and Sarah, born January 20, 1 752 Suddeth, Lawence. Son of James and Hannah, born February 21, 1752 Smith, Nathaniel. Son of Robert and Phillis, born • March 19, 1752 Shadborn, Frances Ann. Daughter of Jane, born April 23, 1752 Stark, Jeremiah. Son of James, born June 11, 1752 / Smith, Elizabeth. Wife of Nathaniel, died April 25, 1752 Smith, Lydia. ^Married Peter Hansbrough, May 27, 1 752 Spoldin, Elizabeth. Daughter of Thomas, born ]\Iay 22, 1752 Smith, Richard. ^Married Susanna Davis, November 17, 1752 Smith, Mary. Married Michael Dial, November 19, 1752 Sturdy, William, blamed Phillis Jones, December 17, 1752 Simmons, Keziah. Married W^illiam Boning, February- 4, 175j 166 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Sullivan, Sarah, Married George Hinsoii, February 4, 1753 Sanderson, Sarah. Daughter of John, born February 21, 1753 Stone, Mary. Daughter of Josias and Mary, born April 28, 1753 Sims, James. Son of Richard, born April 16, 1753 Selden, Samuel. Son of Samuel and Mar\-, born March 20, 1753 Selden, Samuel. Departed this life, April 19, 1753 Suddeth, Susannah. Daughter of Benjamin and Mary, born, April 25, 1 753 Suddeth, Moses. The son of Joseph and Jemima, born July 28, 1753 Smith, Ann. Wife of Thomas, died July 20, 1753, aged 108 years Stark, Marw Daughter of Tabitha and Jeremiah, born May 19, 1753 Shamlin, Martha. Married John Gunn, September 30, 1 758 Scoulcraft, James. Married Margaret Mills, October 14, 1753 Smith, John. Departed this life, September 23, 1753 Selinan, William. Son of Benjamin and Ann, born November 19, 1753 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 167 Slioemake, Spencer. Son of William and Ann, born November 26, 1 753 Syloy, Sulky. Daughter of John and Bridget, born February 20, 1754 Scoulcraft, Mary. Daughter of James and Margaret, born March 11, 1754 Smith, Sarah. Daughter of Parker and Catharine, born February 28, 1754 Stark, James. Departed this life, April 12, 1754 ^ Sturdy, Joanna. Married Rowley Lunsford, June 16, 1754 Stacey, Suky. Daughter of John and Elizabeth, born July 10, 1754 Smith, Thomas. Son of Henry and Sarah, born October 4, 1754 Smith, Margaret. Married Joseph Jeffries, October 24, 1754 Sanderson, Jenny. Daughter of John and Jean, born December 10, 1754 Selden, Mary Mason. Daughter of Samuel and Mar>-, born October 1 , 1 754 Stark, William. Son of John and Howson, born December 14, 1754 Simson, Elizabeth. Married David Bradly, Apr. 1 7, 1 755 Spilman, Jeremiah. Married Bridget Edwards, January 16, 1755 168 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Smith, Susanna. Daughter of Richard and Elizabeth, born January 20, 1 75 5 Stark, Howson. Wife of John, died April 11, 1 755 Sprayburr>-, John. Son of John and Joshan, baptized April 20, 1755 Smith, Rosamond. Married William Hammet, May 6, 1 755 Skaines, Mar)-. Married David Macquatt}-, May 6, 1755 Stacey, Elizabeth. Married Benjamin Robinson, Jr., May 25, 1755 Stacey, Peter. Married Ruth Croscuel, May 25, 1755 Smith, Banister and Susannah Banister Smith. Were baptized July 6, 1755 ^Summers, Elizabeth. Married John Taylor, November 8, 1755 Simpson, Franky. Daughter of Alexander and Catharine, born November 13, 1755 vStone, Philadelphia. Daughter of Mary and Josias, born September 22^ 1 755 Smith, Thomas. Married Mary iVnn Williams, February 21, 1756 Smith, Jemima. Married Joseph Porter, February 26, 1756 Selden, Samuel. Son of Sanmel and Mary, born April 30, 1756 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 169 Simpson, William. Married Lettie Lunsford, January 18, 1756 Silv>', Phobe. Daughter of John and Bridget, born March 21, 1756 Sodarth, Sarah. Daughter of Joseph, baptized April 13, 1756 Stacey, Shadrick. Son of John and Elizabeth, born August 20, 1 756 Shumate, William. Son of Ann and William, born August 11, 1756 -- Stark, John. Married Hannah Eaves, May 29, 1756 / Suddeth, Jane. Daughter of James and Hannah, born May 18, 1756 Smith, Joseph. Son of Henry and Sarah, born June 6, 1756 Sutherland, Dr. John. Man'ied Susannah Brent, September 15, 1756 Strother, Alice. Married Robert Washington, December 16, 1756 Smith, Phillis. Married John Green, /' December 19, 1756 Stark, James. Son of John and Hannah, born February 7, 1757 Stace}', Sarah. Married Isaker Edwards, Ma>' 1 6, 1 757 Sutor, Alexander. Married Elizabeth Raper, May 8, 1757 170 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Smith, John. Married Elizabeth Welit, December 7, 1757 Sumate, Lettie. Daughter of William and Ann, born February 5, 1757 Suddeth, Priscilla. Was baptized October 23, 1757 Smith, Sarah. Daughter of John, born January 24, 1758 Smith, Mar}\ Married James Hardage Lane, January 12, 1758 Selden, Mary, Wife of Samuel, Departed this life, January 5, 1758 Smith, William. Son of Thomas and Mary Ann, born January 24, 1 758 Simpson, Sarah. Daughter of William and Lettie, born June 25, 1758 T. Turner, Margaret. Daughter of Henry and Mar}-, born June 1 , 1 7'i2 Turner, Betty. Daughter of Henry and Mary, born May 28, 1736 Traverse, Peter Daniel. Married Traverse, Sarah. Married Peter Daniel, July 15, 1736 Tyler, Margaret. Married William Waugh, September 10, 1738 Taylor, Catharine. Married William Chimp, January 31, 1739 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGISTER. 1 7 1 Taylor, Elizabeth. Daughter of Henry, born July 25, 1740 Trewick, Eleanor. Daughter of Robert, died May 19, 1740, aged 8 years Tunnel, Francis. Married Margaret Sinclair, November 9, 1740 Trewick, Elizabeth. Daughter of Robert and Marjory, born December 24, 1 740 ,Toby, Mary. Married John Nelson, February 10, 1740 - Tolson, Judith. Mamed Simon Stacey, August 22, \7A\ Turner, Alexander. Son of Edward and Jean, born July 25, 1741 Tunnel, Joseph. vSon of Francis and Margaret, born February 18, 1742 Thompson, Robert. Married Catharine Tomlinson, September 1, 1742 .J Tomlinson, Catharine. Married Robert Thompson, September 1, 1742 Turner, Hannah. Daughter of Henry and Mary, born October 30, 1 742 Trewick, Eleanor. Daughter of Robert and Marjory, born January 24, 1 743 Tyler, John. Son of Henry and Else, born April 17, 1743 172 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Tomison, Richard and William. Sons of Simon and Barbara, born August 21, 1743 Tyler Frances. Married Anne Strother, May 1 7, 1 744 Taylor, John. Son of John and Eleanor, born December 1, 1745 Turner, Sarah. Departed this life, December 25, 1744 Tomison, Jane. Daughter of Simon and Barbara, born November 17, 1745 Thornberry, William. Married Elizabeth O'Daneal, July 10, 1746 Todd, Hayward. Married Sarah Rosser, September 7, 174b Turner, Thomas. Married Eleanor Radclifife, September 13, 1746 Thornberr)-, Ann. Daughter of William and Elizabeth, born April 9, 1747 Tolson, Mar)-. The wife of Benjamin, died June 24, 1748 '' Thomson, I\Iar\-. Married Robert Fully, August 28, 1 748 Tomison, James. vSon of Simon and Barbara, born July 8, 1 748 Tomison, P^liza1)eth. Daughter of Simon, died September 8, 1748 Tomison, Jean. Departed this life, September 14, 1748 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 173 Tlirelkeld, Henry. Married Mary Hiiison, November 2, 1 748 Tyler, Anne. Daughter of Henr}- and Else, baptized January 30, 1749 Turnhani, John. Son of Thomas and Eleanor, born May 3, 1 749 Traverse, Rawleigh. Departed this life, October 15, 1749 Towngate, Hannah. Was born in Prince William County, January 9, 1 750 Tifer, Jannet. Died at Morris Lynaugh's, May 9, 1750 Toby, Thomas. Son of John and Elizabeth, born January 20, 1751 Tongate, Jeremiah. Married Elizabeth Wans, March 3, 1751 T\-ler, Mary. Daughter of Henr}- and Alice, baptized ^ March 20, 1751 Tomison, Barbara. Wife of Simon, died August 19, 1751 Tolson, Benjamin, Jr. ^^larried Hannah Maccothough, December 31, 1751 Todd, Nann}-. Daughter of William and Margaret, born October 13, 1752 Todd, William. Married Margaret Cocklen, October 2\ 1 752 174 O VER WHA R TON PA RISH REGIS TER. Tolson, Man-. Daughter of Benjamin and Hannah, born February 19, 1753 Thomson, John Clement. Son of Jean, born February 13, 1753 Toby, John. Son of John, born July 3, 1753 Toby, John. Son of John, died, Februar}- 3, 1754 Tolson, Ann. Married Isaac Dunnaway, May 25, 1754 Turner, Betty. Married Henry Dawson, December 15, 1754 Ticer, William. Married Aggy Hutt, December 15, 1754 Toby, Mary. Daughter of John and Elizabeth, born July 28, 1 755 Tolson, Peggy. Was baptized vSeptember 2, 1755 Taylor, John. ?^Iarried Elizabeth Summers, November 8, 1755 Taylor, Alexander. Married Hannah Brooke, February 24, 1757 Taylor, Philadelphia. Daughter of John, born February 2, 1757 Turner, James. INIarried Mar\' Matthews, March 3, 1757 Thomas, Jane. Married Feanly McCoy, July 18, 1757 Tolson, Nanu)-. Daughter of Benjamin and Hannah, born December 4, 1757 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 175 U. V. Vouclieart, John. Son of William, born October 21, 1752 Vonclieart, John. Was baptized December 10, 1752 Vant, Frank}-. Danghter of James and Margaret, born May 15, 1758 \A/. Williams, Nathaniel. Son of George and Jean, born October 5, 1730 Williams, Margaret. Danghter of George and Jean, born April 17, 1732 Williams, Benjamin. Son of George and Jean, born June 14, 1734 Wright, John. Son of William and Rosamond, born August 3, 1735 Williams, George. Son of George and Jean, born August 21, 1736 Wright, Betty. Daughter of William and Rosamond, born September 10, 1737 Wine, Richard. Married Anne Harvie, Jul}- 23, 1 738 176 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Wangh, William. Married Margaret Tyler, September 10, 1738 Wells, Carty. IMarried Elizabeth Onsby, September 28, 1738 Waters, Thomas. Married Catharine Hays, September 28, 1738 Waters, Margaret. Daughter of Edward and Catharine, January 25, 1 739 Waugh, Tyler. vSon of William and Margaret, born February 29, 1739 Waters, Philmen. Son of Thomas, born March 22, 1739 Williams, John Pope. Son of George and Jean, born July 27, 1739 Whealy, James. Married Hannah Higgerson, July 8, 1739 Whitecotton, Mary. Daughter of George and Bridget, born January 20, 1739 Whitson, Margaret. Married Nicholas George, December 25, 1740 Whitson, William. Son of William and Margaret, born March 11, 1741 Wright, Constance. Daughter of William and Rosamond, September 7, 1739 Welch, Margaret. Married John Prim, September 9, 1739 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 177 Wells, Sarah. Daughter of Carty and Elizabeth, born October 10, 1739 Waters, James. Son of Thomas and Mary, born October 25, 1739 Waller, Hannah. Daughter of George and Elizabeth, born October 12, 1739 Wells, Charles. Son of Charles and Mary, born January 10, 1740 Waugh, Elizabeth. Daughter of Joseph and Millon, born March 31, 1740 Waugh. Mary. Married Alexander Doniphon, June 17, 1740 Williams, Mary. Died at Charles Turner's, June 20, 1740 Waugh, James. Man-ied Betty French, August 22, 1 740 Wilkinson, William. Married Sarah Heffermot, August 21, 1740 Wine, Mar)'. Daughter of Richard and Anne, born October 1, 1740 Waller, William. Son of Edward and Anne, born November 26, 1 740 Wiot, Edmond. Son of Daniel and Susannah, born October 1, 174C Williams, Joseph. Married Mary Mallaken, February 9, 1741 178 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Withers, Elizabeth. Daughter of John and Hannah, born February 8, 1741 ^ Wood, Archibald. Son of John and Tabitha, born April 15, 1741 Wells, Sarah. Daughter of Carty, died April 13, 1741 Wilkinson, John. Son of William, born July 6, 1741 Waugh, John. Son of James and Betty, born October 20, 1741 Wells, Isabel. Daughter of Carty and Elizabeth, born October 31, 1741 Waugh, Priscilla. Daughter of William and Margaret, born October 22, 1741 Waller, Margaret. Daughter of Charles and Elizabeth, born November 21, 1741 Whitecotton, Lettie and Jean. Daughters of Sarah, born November 14, 1741 Wiot, William. Son of Edmund and , born November 20, 1741 Williams, Jesse. vSon of George and Jean, born December 21, 1741 Wade, Rachel. Married John McGuirk, December 25, 1741 Webster, Edmund. Married Margery Stanle}-, November 20, 1741 Whitson, William. Son of Samuel and Nan, born January 29, 1742 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 179 Williams, George. Son of Joseph, born Jannary 19, 1742 Waller, John. Son of Edward and Anne, born April 7, 1742 Whitson, Charles. Son of William and Margaret, born March 5, 1742 Watson, Andrew. Married Mar>' Aloses, September 26, 1742 Wright, Windfield. Son of William and Rose, born March 22, 1742 Waters, Anne. Danghter of Edward and Catharine, born January 1, 1742 Wells, John. Son of Charles and Mary, born July 3, 1742 W>st, James. Son of John, born September 26, 1742 Wine, Benjamin. Son of Richard and Anne, born December 19, 1742 - Warner, Margaret. Married James Dillon, November 6, 1742 Wise, John. Son of John and Mary, born October 6, 1742 Wise, Elizabeth. Married Patrick Roath, October 9, 1742 Waugh, John. Departed this life, November 17, 1742 Waugh, Traverse. Son of Joseph William, bom '* January 24, 174G 180 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Withers, Bridget. Married William x\llen, February 15, 1743 Withers, Margaret. Daughter of John and Hannah, born February 8, 1743 Webster, Anne. Married George Rea\'es, April 3, 1 743 West, Carty. Daughter of Thomas and Catharine, born March 12, 1743 Watson, John. Son of Elizabeth, born January 27, 1743 Wat(irs, Mary. Married John Shaw, June 12, 1743 Waters, John. Married Elizabeth Higgerson, June 3, 1743 White, George. Married Anne Doniphan, August 4, 1743 Wells, George. Son of Carty and Elizabeth, born November 18, 1743 Whitcomb, John. Married Elizabeth Simpson, November 24, 1743 WhiLson, James. vSon of William and Margaret, born February 10, 1744 Whitson, Mar\'. Daughter of Samuel and Ann, born April 19, 1744 Whitecotton, George. Departed this life, IVIarch 23, 1 744 Want, Sarah. Married William Corbin, August 2, 1744 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. 1 8 1 Wliitcoinb, Man-. Daughter of John, born August 29, 1744 Withers, Wihnouth. Died at William Mathews, August 21, 1744 Waller, Margaret. Daughter of George, born Jul)- 21, 1 744 Waugh, Sarah. Daughter of Betty and James, baptized June 20, 1 744 Walker, William. Married Elizabeth Monk, May 2\ 1744 Wells, Peyton. Son of Charles, born Sepember 9, 1 744 Withers, Ann. Married Henn Manzey, November 11,1 744 Whitson, Elizabeth. Married (ieorge Green, December 2^, 1 744 Whitson, Mary. Departed this life, January 25, 1 745 Withers, Mary. Daughter of Jolm and Hannah, born January 22, 1 745 Waters, Edward. Departed this life, February 2, 1745 West, Doroth)-. Married Lawrence Suddetli, April 18, 1745 Wine, Richard. Son of Richard and Ann, born Februar}- 14, 1745 Wilkerson, John. Son of William, died March 10, 1745 182 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Williams, Charles. Son of George and Jane, born May 1, 1745 Whitson, Sarah. Married John Nelson, December 7, 1745 Whalebone, Dnke. Married Elizabeth Powell, December 3, 1745 Whitson, Mary Married William George, November 1, 1745 Y Wood, Ann. Daughter of Thomas and Margaret, born September 18, 1745 Waller, Charles. Son of Edward and Ann, born January 27^ 1746 Williams, Margaret. Married John Ball, January 2, 1746 Waugh, James. Son of James and Elizabeth, born February 4, 1746 West, James. Son of Thomas and Catharine, born Februaiy 10, 1746 Whitcomb, Richard. Departed this life, February 7, 1746 Withers, James. Departed this life in the 66th year of his age, June 3, 1 746 Whitson, Ann. Daughter of Ann, born June 17, 1746 Wheeler, John. Departed this life, August 5, 1 746 Waller, Jean>-. Daughter of Cxeorge and Elizabeth, born July 28, 1746 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 183 Wise, Samuel. Son of John, born July 15, 1746 Waller, Elizabeth. Was baptized September 7, 1746 Waugh, James. Son of James and Bett>', died September 3, 1746 Whalebone, Thomas. Son of Duke and Elizabeth, born September 4, 1746 Wiggonton, Peter. Married Winefred Eaves, October 13, 1746 Weeks, x\nny. Married Edward Proctor, February 15, 1747 Wells, Eleanor. Daughter of Charles, born April 19, 1747 Walker, Elizabeth. Daughter of William and Elizabeth, born April 3, 1747 Withers, William. Son of John and Hannah, born March 21, 1747 Wiggonton, Anne. Died at home, November 22, 1 747 Waugh, Betty. Daughter of James and Betty, born September 4, 1747 Waugh, Betty. Departed this life, September 14, 1747 Waters, Diana. Daughter of Thomas and Mary, born November 5, 1747 Whitecotton, Bridget. " Married William McConchie, November 10, 1747 184 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. White, Mary. Daughter of George and Ann, born September 9, 1747 White, Rosamond. Departed this life, February 19, 1748 Wright, Jane. Married Richard Nowland, December 26, 1 747 Withers, Keene. Married Elizabeth Cave, December 21, 1747 Waugh, Joseph. Died September 4, 1 747 Wine, Richard. Had two children born September 2, 1 747, one of them died September 28, 1 748 Weddall, Thomas. Married Isabel Robe, January, 3, 1748 White, Rosamond, Departed this life, Februar>- 19, 1748 Waller, Ann. Wife of Edward, died February 29, 1 748 Waller, Edward. Son of Edward, born February 27, 1 748 Weathers, Susannah. Daughter of John and Jud}-, born Februar)' 1, 1748 Whitecotton, Axton. Son of Husband Foot, born February 3, 1748 v^ Wood, Lizzie. Daughter of Thomas and Margaret, born March 18, 1748 Waugh, Solomon. Married Betty Chinn, April 13, 1748 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 185 Waters, Diana, Daughter of Thomas, died May 27, 1748 Waller, John. vSon of Edward, died June 6, 1748 Waller, Susannah. Departed this life, October 18, 1748 Wilson, John. Married x^nn Asberry, August 16, 1748 Weathers, Susannah. Daughter of Jud\^, died October 9, 1 748 Waters, Jean. Married John Monslow, October 26, 1748 Withers, Ann. Daughter of Cain and Betty, baptized December 4, 1748 Wingfield, Owen. Married Mary Hurst, , November 26, 1 748 Wood, Lizzie. Daughter of Thomas and Margaret, died November 13, 1748 Waugh, Mieajiah. Son of Solomon and Elizabeth, born January 9, 1 749 Withers, Thomas. Son of John and Hannah, born January 15, 1749 Williams, William. Son of Jean, born Januar>- 26, 1 749 White, Joseph. MaiTied Elizabeth Gill, Januar}- 31, 1749 Webster, Barbara. Married William Groves, Februar^■ 2, 1 749 186 O VER U HAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Wiggonton, William. Son of Peter and Winefred, born May 29, 1 749 Whitcomb, Margaret. Daughter of John and Elizabeth, born August 16, 1749 Weathers, Nancy. Daughter of John and Judith, born July 1, 1749 Whitcomb, Mar}'. Died at Richard Wine's, April 23, 1751 Whalebone, Nann>'. Daughter of Duke and Elizabeth, born October 5, 1 749 White, x\lice. Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth, born December 18, 1749 Weathers, Ann. Daughter of Ann and Thomas, born December 10, 1749 Wine, Peggy. Daughter of Richard and Ann, born December 2, 1 749 Waller, Charles. Died at John Waugh's, December 4, 1749 Walker, Mar\ . Daughter of William and Elizabeth, born January 9, 1 750 Wilson, Ann. Died at John Dayton's, December 31, 1749 Wiggonton, Jane. Married Moses Bland, January 14, 1750 Wells, Eleanor. Daughter of Carty, born February 21, 1750 OVRRWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 187 Williams, George. Departed this life, February 12, 1750 Wilson, Mary, Died at William Lunsford's, March 9, 1750 Wood, Thomas. Departed this life, February 8, 1750 Whitson, Jess. Son of William and Margaret, born May 8, 1 750 /^ Wood, Elizabeth. Daughter of Thomas and Margaret, born April 29, 1750 Waugh, Captain James. Departed this life. May 9, 1 750 Weathers, Samuel. Departed this life, June 30, 1 750 Wawal, Charles. Married Mary Hall, November 16, 1751 Weathers, Elizabeth Blufard. Mother of Thomas, died August 1 3, 1 750 Wilson, Spencer. Son of John and Ann, born August 30, 1 750 White, Alexander. Son of George and Ann, born August 11, 1750 Waters, William. Married Jean Cash, April 6, 1751 Wiggonton, Hein-\-. Married Margaret Bridwell, November 12, 1750 Wans, Elizabeth. Married Jeremiah Lungate, March 3, 1751 Waller, Jolni. Married Mary Mathews, July 4, 1 75 1 188 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Waller, Ann. Married Thomas Bailly, July 10, 1751 Waugh, Betty. Married Andrew Edwards, May 7, 1751 Wells, Benjamin. Son of Charles and Mary, born August 22, 1751 Whitson, Elizabeth. Married Benjamin MacCollough, December 17, 1751 Waller, William. Son of John and Mary, born December 24, 1751 Waller, Elizabeth. Married John Peyton, November 17, 1751 Winlock, Elizabeth. Daughter of Joseph and Alargaret, born April 12, 1752 Whitcomb, Eliza. Daughter of John, born February 26, 1 752 Wilson, Nanny. Daughter of John, born February 25, 1752 Wilson, John. Married vSarah Brooks, February 7, 1752 Weathers, John. vSou of John and Judith, born Alarch 14, 1752 Waters, Mar\'. Married Jolm Fitzpatrick, February 12, 1752 Washington, William. vSon of Baily and Catharine, born February 28, 1 752 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 189 Weathers, Joel. Son of Thomas and Ann, born Februar>' 7, 1752 Walker, Margaret. Daughter of William and Elizabeth, baptized May 1, 1752 Withers, James. Son of Keene, born May 9, 1752 Wiggonton, Peter. Son of Peter and Winney, born September 17, 1752 West, Edward. Married Elizabeth Mills, October 6, 1752 Waller, IVIar}-. Married Edward Kendon, April 15, 1753 Wren, James. Married Catharine Brent, March 27, 1753 Wright, Rosamond. Wife of William, died March 16, 1753 Waugh, David. Died at Priscilla Hayes', March 22, 1753 Withers, George. Son of John and Hannah, born February 2, 1753 White, Thomas. Was baptized May 3, 1753 Waller, Theodosia. Daughter of (George, baptized April 1, 1753 Waters, Jean. Daughter of Charles and Hannah, born Jime 28, 1753 Wilson, Hannah. Daughter of John, born June 16, 1753 190 O VER WHAR TON PARISH REGIS TER. Waller, Sarah. Daughter of John and Mary, born June 12, 1753 Waller, Edward. Departed this life suddenly, November 20, 1753 Washington, Bailey. Son af Bailey, born December 12, 1753 Wright, William. Married Mary Brent, October 18, 1753 White, Ann. Daughter of Ann and George, born January 14, 1754 Withers, William. Son of Keene and Elizabeth, February 20, 1754 Williams, Elizabeth. Married John Gill, March 3, 1754 Waters, James. Son of William and Jane, born May 26, 1754 White, Alice. Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth, died August 13, 1754 W^aller, Mar>-. Married George Dabney, September 1 1, 1754 Withers, Hannah. Daughter of John and Hannah, born September 8, 1754 Waller, Milh-. Daughter of Charles, died January 7, 1755 Winlock, Sarah. Daughter of Joseph and Margaret, born February 10, 1755 OVERWHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 191 West, William Mills. Son of Edward and Elizabeth, born March 29, 1755 Wilson, John. Son of John and Ann, born March 25, 1755 Woodward, Jennj-. Daughter of William and Hannah, born Auoust 10, 1755 Wilson, Else. Daughter of John and Ann, born May 16, 1757 Wren, James. Son of Catharine, baptized December 21, 1758'" Waller, Edward. Son of John and Mary, born December 10, 1755 Wiggonton, James. Son of Peter and Winefred, died February 10, 1755 Withers, John. Son of Cain, born February 23, 1756 Williams, Mary Ann. Married Thomas Smith, February 21, 1756 Wheeler, Eleanor. Married William Edwards, February 12, 1756 Wiggonton, James. Married Sarah Botts, February 9, 1 756 Wheeler, Martha. Married William Howard, April 25, 1756 " Withers, Mary Ann. Daughter of Thomas and Ann, born, April 19, 1756 192 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Washington, John. Son of Bailey and Catharine, born May 5, 1756 Wiggonton, Nancy. Daughter of James and Sarah, born November 8, 1756 Waters, Mark. Married Ann Harding, July 20, 1756 Washington, Robert. Married Alice Strother, December 16, 1756 Willamson, James. Married Susannah Weyton, November 4, 1756 Withers, Ann. Daughter of John and Hannah, born November 9, 1756 Weyton, Susannah. Married James Williamson, November 4, 1756 Wall, Margaret. A poor parisioner, died April 7, 1757 Waters, Virginia. Married Richard Fristoe, February 28, 1757 Wiggonton, James. Son of Peter and Winney, born Februaiy 24, 1757 Weathers, Eleanor. Daughter of John and Judith, born January 15, 1757 Wilson, Else. Was baptized August 25, 1 757 Withers, James. Married Sukey Waller, December 7, 1757 Waller, Sukey. Married James Withers, December 7, 1757 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 19o Welit, Elizabeth. Married John Smith, December 7, 1757 White, Ann. Died at Edward Templeman's, December 13, 1757 Weathers, Ann. Wife of Thomas, died October 13, 1757 Weathers, Jean and Ann. Daughters of Thomas and Ann, born October 13, 1757 Winlock, Joseph. Son of Joseph and Margaret, born May 11, 1758 Washington, Elizabeth. Daughter of Catharine and Bailey, born March 16, 1758 Withers, Elizabeth. Married Andrew Edwards, January 19, 1758 Waller, John. Son of John and Mary, born December 27, 1758 Young, Margaret. Married John Humphreys, Jr., September 23, 1738 Young, William. Married Patience Sinclair, July 23, 1744 194 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. Young, Robert. Son of William and Patience, born May 30, 1745 Young, Robert. Son of William, died October 1, 1745 Yelton James. Married Isabell Hinson, November 13, 1743 Yelton, Charles. Son of James and Isabell, born November 1, 1746 Young, Richard. Married Elizabeth Green, / December 27, 1 746 Young, Sarah. Daughter of William and Patience, born April 1, 1747 Yelton, James. Son of James and Isabell, born July 15, 1749 Young, John. Departed this life at William Kirke's March 11, 1752 Yelton, Mary. Daughter of James and Isabell, born April 18, 1752 Yelton, Ann. Daughter of James and Isabell, born July 26, 1 755 Yates, Elizabeth. Married , P'ebruary 4, 1 758 OVER WHARTON PARISH REGISTER. 195 This Register was brought to William Moiicure's residence in the >'ear 1825 by his son, William R. Moncure, who was a great grandson of the Rev. John Moncure, Minister of Overwharton Parish, and was recently found among the papers of Judge R. C. L. Moncure, by his executor, Powhatan Moncure, Stafford County, Virginia, and by me copied for Mr. Wm. F. Boogher, of Washington, D. C, and I hereby certify that from pages 1 to 194, inclusive, of this book con- tains a true copy, (including spelling,) of the Register of Overwharton Parish, Stafford County, Virginia, from 1 720 to 1 758 omitting only such items as refers to negroes. POWHATAN MONCURE, Custodian of Old Records of said Parish. October 10, 1899. '<:^a:>^