' '■■; mm ■_ w MMullmWh ■ ' mem 11 MP m HI M. m m I rPj mm* ivufitf uiv I'll New Orleans 600K book BY THE- Womrnauis Parsonage -AND Home Mission Society, OF- Parker J)(\emorial M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. 1898, <^ OFFICERS ^> President MBS. J. W. WILKINSON. Vice-President MRS. L. BIGGS. Secretary MBS. J. W. B1LLINGTON. Treasurer MISS C. MITCHELL. r PURE. RELIABLE. PERFECT. ...DIXIE... Baking Powder, Full Cream of Tartar Powder. Guaranteed not to contain Ammonia, Alum, Phosphate, Lime or any deleterious substances. Endorsed by tbe New Orleans Cooking School. Highest Award for General Excellence — Atlanta Expo- sition, December 1895. Dixie Flavoring Extracts, LEMON and VANILLA. They stand without a peer for Purity, Strength, Delicacy of Flavor. Address the Sole Manufacturers, Gulf Manufacturing Company, F. W. YOUNG, Proprietor, New Orleans, La. f) ^ PREFACE. "Man may live without books. What is knowledge but grieving? He may live without hope. What is hope but deceiving'? He may live without love, What is passion but pining? But where is the man that can live without dining?" The promoters of this modest enterprise hesitate to claim for it that it fills a long- felt want; there are other cook books containing- vastly more information in which the resources and products of the Frigid Zone and the Tropics are drawn on for the purpose of whetting- the human appetite. The sphere of this little book is more limited, but we feel that it will appeal with great force to its limited circle, for it is especially adapted to their wants — the ingredients called for in the recipes given are always to be had in sea- son in our own markets, and many of the appetizing dishes for which New Orleans and Louisiana are noted, are here- in described. It has not been the aim in compiling- these recipes, to tell all we know, or all that our friends know, but out of the g-enerous responses to our requests for "two or three of your very best," we have selected these as the "best of the best." Very few, if any, are original — many have been tried and tested by the mothers and grandmothers of the donors, while others are more modern — thoroughly "up-to-date;" but each recipe carries the enthusiastic re- commendation of her whose name is subscribed thereto, and one has but to read over these names to be convinced that we are not too optimistic in expressing the belief that this collection will please all who make use of it. ESTABLISHED I836 J. C.niLLER Tent and AwningCo. Lt'd (Successors to Gassidy & Miller ;ind late J. C. Miller) 441 Camp St., near Poydras, New Orleans. Agents for Cotton Duck all Widths. Fancy and Plain Awning Stripes, Colored Duck, Flag Bunting, Hammocks. Manufacturers of Awnings, Tents, Tarpaulii-s, Flags, Canvas Hammocks. Galleries and Lawns Enclosed. Canopies Floors Covered, Etc., for Weddings and Parties. ^& Torpid Liver, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Billiousness, General Debility, Jaundice, Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Constipation. An absolute Cure for Bright's Disease, Diabetes and every form of Kidney Trouble. Used by most prominent Physicians in the South. Springs located 3 miles west of Durant, Miss. No Mosquitos. Good Table and Best Hotel Accommodations. <^_40 5 BARONNE STREET. Bread. .-^ - ^ -^ -^ - ^ -^ -^ -^ -^ -^ - ^ -^ -^ . y 9 i^;^^^ "Here is bread, which strengthens men's hearts, and therefore is called "The Staff of Life." Graham Bread. Made with equal parts of Graham and white flour. Bake and treat as you would ordinary white bread. The adding- of white flour to the Graham prevents the bread from drying- up. Miss Cocker. Graham Bread. 3 pints Graham flour, 1 pint white flour, 1 cup yeast, y 2 cup molasses, 1* teaspoonful salt mix with lukewarm water as stiff as you can, stir with a spoon. Let it rise over night and bake in a moderately hot oven. Miss Cocker. Light Rolls. Boil one pint of whey, pour on to a half tablespoonful of flour, let stand until cool, then stir into it the yeast, (either yeast cake or compressed,) add flour sufficient to make a stiff batter, and beat half an hour; allow about four hours to rise, then sift the flour, pour into it this batter, add four tablespoonsful of lard, one teaspoonful of sugar, one eg-g also salt, make out into rolls and when sufficiently raised, bake in hot oven. Mrs. W. W. Carre. 11 4 * IS THE MOST WONDERFUL REMEDY FOR Wounds , Burns, Etc. EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. Prevents Inflammation and Suppuration. Cures Colic in Man or Beast. Pleasant, Harmless and Reliable. Everybody has something good to say about it. Beware of Imitations. The Woods Are Full of 'Em. Only 50 Cents by Druggists. Sherrouse Medicine Co., Manufacturers and Proprietors. NEW ORLEANS, LA. T. J. & Wit BYRNES, Grocers $ f ea Dealers, 3 Big S tores _ ^ mmm ^ Dryades Street, Head of Market. St. Andrew and Annunciation Sts. Dryades and Terpsichore Sts. >s' Phones 841 & 1192. The Celebrated Fox River Creamery Butter Received Daily by Express Bread. « Dropped Corn Bread. One pint of fine white corn meal, thoroughly scalded with boiling- water; when cool, add two eggs well beaten; salt to taste, and thin it with sufficient milk to make it drop from spoon (say about half a cup). Mrs. W. W. Carre. Thomas Bread. One tumbler sweet milk; two eggs, well beaten; two even tablespoonsful sugar; two even tablespoonsful of melted butter; flour until it makes a stiff batter; desertspoonful of Dixie Baking Powder. Mrs. Alma S. Wynn. BISCUIT. One quart of flour, one heaping tablespoonful of lard, one teaspoonful of salt, three teaspoonfuls oi Dixie baking powder and sweet milk enough to make a soft dough. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together three times. (Leave a little of the flour in sifter for the board), sift the flour into the tray or bowl, then put the spoonful of lard in the centre, and mix with the milk, using a large spoon and stirring the dough as little as possible; have the dough as soft as can be bandied or rolled out. Roll thin and cut with biscuit cutter, bake at once in a very hot oven. Mrs. Minnie M. Wilkinson. Beaten Biscuit. One quart of flour, one tablespoonful of lard, one good teaspoonful of salt, and sweet milk sufficient to make a stiff dough. Beat long and well, or better still, roll through a dough kneader until the dough blisters and pops. Mrs. W. H. LaPrade, Shreveport, La. WOMANS' - # Christian Temperance Union Restaurant, 632 Qravier Street, ■ etw Sg£*< ) S5X!SS'. c,mp a //AK Meals served from 7 a m. to 6 p. m. Breakfast 25 Cents. Dinner 85 Cts. Lunch 15 Cents. b Coffee a Specialty, 5 cents a Cup. Fruits, Cakes and Pies L. S. WIDNEY DAVID ZABLE WIDNEY &ZABLE, 4716=4718 flagazine Street, Above Valence. COAL, COAK and VADH WOOD_^> 1 f\t\U 9 HAY, CORN, OATS and FEED of a11 Kin ^ Families Supplied with the Celebrated Snow- Hill Coal at market prices. MAIN OFFICE, ROOM 314 HENNEN BUILDING, TELEPHONES, 82. 331. 1536. Pennsylvania Coal Co., L. S. WIDNEY, Manager. Bread. 9 Graham Bread. One cake compressed yeast; three quarts of Graham flour; one kitchen spoonful of lard; one large cup of brown sugar; one tablespoon of salt; mix well the lard, sugar and salt into the flour before putting in your yeast which should be well dissolved in colci water; if set by eight in the morning, will be ready to make into loaves by three in the afternoon. Mrs. H. J. Mullen. Corn Meal Bread. One pint of corn meal; one teaspoon of salt; two large tablespoons of hot rice; one or two eggs, beat together; pour on just enough boiling water to make a thick mush; form it into a round cake in a pie-plate, being careful to not let it get cold; then bake until there is a good crust bottom and top; don't use fine meal. Corn Meal Cakes. One pound of sugar; half pound butter; one nutmeg; one pound of meal; four eggs; one cupful of flour; after sifting the meal take out a cupful of meal and put into the cupful of flour; beat up with other ingredients, and drop from a spoon on greased pans and cook in quick oven. Miss Mary Wilkinson. W LIMITED. @ Cor. Magazine and Julia, Cor. Washington and Prytania 'Phone 697. Finest Carrages for Hire for Balls, Parties, Weddings, etc. Breakfast and Tea Cakes. 11 I Breakfast and Tea Cakes. f €€€€€€€€€«€€€€€ €€€€€ €€€ € € € €€€ € * JOHNNY CAKES. Two cups of Indian meal in your mixing- dish, add one pint of sour milk or butter-milk, a spoonful of cream or butter; beat well tog-ether and add a cup full ol flour, with a teaspoon of soda sifted throug-h it. Bake in a quick oven and serve hot for breakfast. Miss Mary Werlein. Buckwheat Cakes. Two cups buckwheat flour, one cup wheat flour, four teaspoons Dixie baking- powder, one teaspoon salt, one tablespoon sug-ar, mix altog-ether and add sufficient sweet milk or water to make a soft batter. Bake on griddle at once. Mrs. S. F. G. Graham Gems. Three pints of Graham flour, one small cup of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, two scant teaspoons of Dixie bak- ing- powder, one tablespoon of lard, make dough much softer than for ordinary biscuits, bake in a quick oven. Mrs. H. J. Mullen. Rice Cakes. One cup cold boiled rice, one pint of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, two eg-gs well beaten, milk to make a thick batter. Fry — Mrs. M. Walker. No Charge for Examining Teeth. Lowest Charge for First-Class Work Dr. R. L. Schroeder, Dentist, 1327 BARONNE STREET, Near Thalia. Gromn and Bridge Work a Specialty. Up=to-Date Painless Methods Classical and Commercial Institute H. S. CHENET, Principal. H I526 CarOttdelet St., New Orleans. Spacious, Comfortable Buildings and Grounds. H Next Annual Session Begins. Sept. 2, Breakfast and Tea Cohen . 13 MUFFINS. Two cups of flour, two heaping- teaspoonsful Dixie bak- ing- powder, three heaping- teaspoonsful of sug-ar, one table- spoonful butter. Work the butter well into the mixture with a spoon, add J of a cup of cold water, and one eg-g- well beaten. Fill the moulds and bake in hot oven. Mrs. W. H. Belt. Flannel Oakes. Sift tog-ether 1£ pints of flour, one tablespoonful brown sugar, a little salt, add two beaten eg-g-s, one pint of miik, heat into a smooth thin batter. Bake on hot griddle to a rich brown. Miss M. Keen. French Rolls. One quart flour, two ounces butter, a little salt well rubbed tog-ether, one well beaten eg-g - , \ compressed yeast cake dissolved in luke warm milk, add as much sweet milk as required to make a stiff batter, beat well and set to rise. When lig-ht, roll out thin, cut into g-ems, brush edg-es with butter, fold them over, place a little distance apart in the pan. Let stand a while to rise ag-ain and bake. Mrs. Heck. Light Flour Puffs for Breakfast. Take a tumbler of sifted flour, a tumbler of milk and two eg-g-s. Put a spoonful of Dixie yeast powder in the flour before sifting-, beat eg-g-s (up) separately. Mix to- g-ether and add a teaspoonful of melted butter or lard just before baking- in little fancy pans. Put salt in the flour with the yeast powder and then bake as quickly as you can. Mrs. J. T. Sawyer. A. K. MILLER & CO., Steamship A rrckn+c and Ship f*g &** L*>> 303 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La. : AGENTS : Cuban Steamship Co., London and New Orleans, Glynn Line, La Flecha Line, Serra Line, Joseph Hoult Line for Liver- pool, Havre and Bremen. British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Limited. : GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS : American Line, Red Star Line, Cunard Line, White Star Line, Hamburg- American Line, North- German Lloyd Line, Allen State Line, Netherland-American Line. J.C.florris&Co LIMITED Nos. 324-330 Tchoupitoulas Street. Wholesale Dealers in — Axle Grease, Baskets, Bath Tubs, Baseballs, Cages, Chewing' Gum, Croquet, Dusters, Enameled Steelware, Freezers, Fishing- Tackle, Gal- vanized Cleats, Pulleys, Rowlocks, Harmonicas, Ham- mocks, Ice Chests, Julip Straws, Knives and Forks, Lanterns, Lemon Squeezers, Marbles, Night Tapers, Oars, Oil Tanks, Paper, Pipes, Rope Refrigerators, Scales, Shakers, Soaps, Tacks, Tinware , Traps, Twines Washing- Machines, Wring-ers, Water Coolers, Whips, Etc., Etc. Doughnuts, Cookies, Ginger Bread. 15 I Doughnuts, Gookies, Ginger Bread j DOUGHNUTS, One cup sour milk, \y 2 cups sug-ar, one egg, one table- spoon melted lard, >£ teaspoon baking soda, flavor to taste, flour sufficient to roll out; and fry in hot lard. Mrs. Alice M. Zable. GINGERBREAD. A cupful each of sour cream and nice molasses. A level teaspoonful and a half of soda a teaspoonful each of salt and g-ing-er, add flour to make a little thicker than griddle cakes. Bake in eight in a sheet. Miss Mary Werlein. Soft Cookies. One heaping- cup butter, l 1 /? cups sug-ar, 3 eg-gs beaten separately, 3 tablespoons sour milk, 1 small teaspoon of soda, and as little flour as will make them stiff enoug-h to roll. Sprinkle with sug-ar and grated nutmeg- before cutting-, pass over roller, cut and bake a light brown. COOKIES. Two cups sugar, 1 cup butter, f cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, 5 cups flour, 2 teaspoons Dixie yeast powder. Roll thin and bake quickly. Mrs. S. F. G. I I fe P For Strength. Comfort p Refinement, Beauty. I Turkish Bath 50c, Mi and attain flank's fpp 9,Fir» I I I I p) II i and attendant's fee 25c. Skilful Manicuring. 50c. |lfj Corns removed, Bunions, Ingrowing Toe-nails. If™] etc., corrected, 50c. to $2 per visit. =j|. Sulphur and other Medicated Bath-, $1 to $2. Saline Baths 50c. or, with general rubbing, $1. Massage or Electricity, 50c. to $2. Engagements at residence. 50 per cent extra Ladies, 9 to 5 p. m,; Sundays till 1 p. m. Gentlemen, night and day. Ill BOURBON, Near Canal St., Mr. and firs. OSBORNE, Proprietors. I Ipl Doughnuts , Cookies, Ginger Bread. 17 Graham Crackers. Two cups Graham flour, 1 cnp white flour, \ cup sugar \ cup butter, 1 egg, salt to taste. Roll and bake in a quick Miss Cocker. Soft Ginger Bread. 3 cups flour, £ cup milk, £ cup lard, £ cup New Orleans molasses, 1 teaspoonful soda, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of gin- ger. Beat the yolk of the eggs and the lard together, then add the milk, soda, molasses, ginger and flour, then beat the whites to a stiff froth and add them carefully. Bake in a moderate oven J of an hour. Miss Cocker. Thin Rich Cookies. 1 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 3 eggs, all beaten together to a cream, use just enough flour to mix and roll thin. Mrs. S. F. G. Good Cookies. 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 3 cups of flour, L cup of sour cream or milk, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon of soda. Mix soft, roll thin, sift granulated sugar over them, and gently ro11 lt in " Mrs. P. R. Baldwin, Biloxi, Miss. Dto A Go BOWMAN, Every body says the last place on Earth they want to go to is to a dentist's office, Now while this may be true in general, we have heard it said and we belive it true, that it is possible to derive pleasure from such a source. There is in the Henneu Building, (5th floor) an office recently fitted up in splendid style and presided over by as gentle and courteous a gentle- man as one would care to meet, Dr. A. G. Bowman. Dr. Bowman is a skilled Dentist and if you once try him, you will be satisfied. — i — « e.CHA-RTWELL, &ds and S/ecfric Light Fixture*, dJlcdern Sanitary Plumbing, JHc i l&a fer fie a tit i q . Agent for the Improved Welsbach Light No. 213 Baronne Street, Telephone No. 44. NEW ORLEANS, R. A. FOX, Pres. E. D. ELLIS, Secy & Treas. wiss J|t eam JL> aun( lry C°-> 1010 GRAVIER STREET, ^TELEPHONE 218 To the Ladies: After preparing some of the palatable dishes from receipts in this pamphlet be sure and send your Husbands Shirts, Collars and Cuffs to the Swiss Steam Laundry, they will laundry them in first class style, put on new neck and wrist-bands and all necessary repairs free of charge. w. t. pierce, nDiranisT 5250 MAGAZINE STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA, Soups. 19 S 1 • »*■ m ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -* ■• •*£• * & 1 " i '<* I SOUPS. 1 Cream of Tomato Soup. One pint can of tomatoes, one pint of fresh sweet milk, half teaspoon of soda, one spoon butter, two tablespoons of rolled cracker crumbs. Place over fire the tomatoes and stew till soft, add soda and stir till effervescence ceases. Strain it so no seeds remain, set over the fire ag-ain and add a pint of hot milk, season with salt and pepper and put in the cracker crumbs. Serve very hot. Green Pea Soup. One pint of sweet milk, one spoon of butter, two table- spoons of rolled cracker crumbs. Place over the fire the peas in a little water and stew till soft, add the hot milk and butter with a small spoonful of sugar or condensed milk, season with salt and pepper and put in the cracker crumbs and serve. , T . ~ T>r . Mrs. A. C. King. Vermicelli Soup. One pound vermicelli boiled half hour, salt and pepper to taste, add as much water as needed. Beat the yolk of one eg-g- well, and stir in as the soup is poured up. Mrs. Lucie Menarp. The nearer the Producer and Consumer can be brought together the better for all concerned. THE GREAT Atlantic\iPacificTeaCo. Importers, Coffee Roasters, Manufacturers and Retailers. HEADQUARTERS, 938 CANAL ST., Cor. University Place. 1616 DRYADES STREET. 2033 MAGAZINE STREET, 3104 MAGAZINE STREET, POYDRAS MARKET. NEW ORFEANS, LA.-— COFFEES at all prices, 10, 124, 15, 20, 25, 30. TEAS at all prices, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80. ) TELEPHONE 701. ( "My Joy Dairy and Poultry Farm" Poultry of all kinds, CihFresh Milk and Cream Cheesekiy yf. Always on hand. TK Mr A. F. WALL1S. ProprietorMr DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Insure your Dwelling-house or Furniture and Wearing apparel through the Pescud Agency. Ladies wishing information in regard to cost of Insurance can get it by calling in person or by addressing a Postal Card or Letter to the Agency. Insurance placed at lowest current rates for one, three or five years. PETER F. PESCUD, No. 818 Gravier Street. Soups. .21 Beef Soup. Take a ten cents brisket or soup bone, put it into a pot of water and let boil during- breakfast. When it is time to start dinner, cut or chop up one turnip, one carrot, one onion, a few sprig's of parsley and chillots, and add to soup. Just before serving-, thicken it with tablespoon of flour mixed with water, season to taste with salt and Miss Mary Wilkinson. Oyster Soup. Put the liquor which drains from 3 dozen oysters into a marbleized sauce pan. Let it heat and skim thoroug-hly, then add a teaspoon of finely chopped onions and parsley, a sprig- of thyme, also a heaping- tablespoon of butter, mixed with a teaspoon of flour, salt and pepper to taste, add ]/ 2 dozen cloves and spice. Put in oysters last, let ting- them boil two minutes. Have warm, a pint of fresh milk, which add just before dishing-. Mrs. S. S. Keener. Mock Turtle Soup. 1 larg-e spoon of lard, 1 of flour browned together, add 1 pound of beef chopped small, % can tomatoes, 6 whole alspice, salt and pepper to taste, add 3 quarts water and simmer until beef is tender. Chop 2 hard boiled eg-g-s in the tureen, pour soup on, squeeze in the juice of half a lemon, and slice in the other half. Mr§ q p Wqrk I 4866 HagazineSt., NEW ORLEANS. DEALER IN DRUGS, HEDICINES, CHEHICALS, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, Etc. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. Our Stock of Medicine is complete, and warranted genuine and of the best quality. JOHN A. WOODVILLE, Attorney and Counsellor=at-Law, No. I36 CARONDELET STREET, Between Canal and Common Street, - NEW ORLEANS, LA. o TELEPHONE 1408 o If &RTIJEC J. CUI&, .Dealer in Fancy and Staple. Groceries, TUESDAYS ARE BARGAIN DAYS. Nos. 3201 to 3203 Magazine, and Nos. 1100 to 1114 Harmony St. Telephone 1435. New Orleans, La. n Successors to FKANTZ & OPITZ, Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry Silver- • Ware, Novelties, At Reasonable Prices, 129 Bourbon St NEAR CANAL. Jewelers. Soups. 23 Apple Soup. Peel and core six apples, cut them up and boil them well in 8 cups of water, boil till tender, strain throug-h a colender; return to pot, boil up ag-ain with a little cinna- mon bark, a piece of lemon peeling- and sug-ar to taste, and a tiny bit of salt and serve either hot or cold. Prune Soup. \ pound of prunes, wash them well, add 8 cups of water and boil, add a piece of cinnamon, lemon peeling-, when it beg-ins to boil, 1 tablespoon sag-o and sug-ar to taste, boil altog-ether one hour. Serve either hot or cold. Milk Soup. Add to 4 cups of milk, 2 cups of water, a small piece of cinnamon, a piece of lemon peeling-, a teaspoonf ul of but- ter. When boiling- add a little salt and a tablespoonful of sag-o, boil until clear. Blackberry Soup. Take 2 cups of berries, and boil with 8 cups of water at least half an hour. Strain and return the juice to the fire. When boiling- add a tablespoonful of sag-o, a piece of lemon peeling- and cinnamon and sug-ar to taste. Mrs. J. Cohen. JAMES H. AITKEN ROBERT AITKEN Jas. H. Aitken & Co., PLUMBERS, Steam -«* Gas Fitters, Bath Tubs. Lavatories and Water Closets. Chandeliers, Brackets and Globes 510 CAMP STREET TELEPHONE ©<35 NEW ORLEANS, LA. GEO. M. I^E^AHY, c^c y a p k res B sT D h d Wood Mantels, Mahogany ' flarbleized Slate Hantels, Marble and Tile Wainscoting, Embossed, Enameled and Floor Tiles Bronze, Brass, Nickel and Enameled Grates. Slate Hearths, Fire Bricks — ^ No. 512 CAflP STREET, Telephone 751. New Orleans. o TELEPHONE No 509 o House Bills and Special Orders Sawed and Delivered Promptly. Main Office and Mills, Madisonville, La. W. T. Jay, Lumber. Office and Yards — 2324 Howard Av. Cor. Freret H. C. GAUSE, Agent, New Orleans. ESTABLISHED 1817. A. B. GRISWOLD&CO., No. 728 CANAL STREET, New Orleans, La. Soups. 25 Simple Tomato Soup. Add to 1 pint of tomatoes, 1 pint of water, a bay leaf, % teaspoon of celery seed; rub together 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 of flour, stir in the first mixture and cook for 5 minutes, strain, reheat and serve. Mrs. F. A. Dicks. Oyster Gumbo Fele. Take four dozen oysters and strain off the liquor through a seive. Then take one tablespoonful of lard, one of flour and mince, one small onion very fine. Put the lard in pan and when hot add the flour and onion, and fry very brown, then fry the oysters for two or three minutes. Put your liquor on, and boil and skim, adding- enough water to make the quantity of soup required. Add parsley, red pepper and salt to taste. Then put in the oysters, and when it comes to a boil, mix one heaping teaspoonful of Fel6 in a little cold water. Let it cook two minutes and send to the table. ,, TT Mrs. S. Henderson. Chicken Gumbo. Fry to a light brown a small sized chicken, then add to it a medium sized onion and fry. Add a tablespoon of flour and brown all together, then add a pint of boiling water. Have ready a quart of tender okra that has been cut up in thin cross-wise slices, put in the okra and two large toma- toes that have been peeled, and let all cook for one hour or more. When nearly done add corn cut from two ears. Salt and red pepper to suit the taste. TCHOUPITOULAS MISSION. 26 Soups. GUMBO. Take a piece of veal, fry brown; also small pieces of ham; fry green okra until ropy; mix altogether with a can of tomatoes and put into a four quart sauce pan or pot with two or three pints of water; cook slowly; adding water gradually to get the required consistency. Pick shrimp and put in while cooking - . Season with salt and (liberally) red pepper. Miss R. Caywood. "Remember the Location/' A first-class Prescription Drug Store. Soda Water the very best with Fruit Syrups. "■— t" ..DRUGGIST.. Magazine and Louisiana Ave. Telephone Call 950. Crab Gumbo. 1 can of tomatoes, 1 dozen okra, 1 onion cut fine, 1 tablespoonful of lard. Into the hot lard, sift 2 tablespoons- ful of flour, stir until brown. Then put in the tomatoes, okra and onion; to this add about 1 quart and a half of boiling water; let cook until done. Put 1 dozen crabs in boiling water, then remove the top shell, and clean thor- oughly, put into the gumbo, and let boil 15 or 20 minutes. Mrs. Pierce. Oysters and Crabs. 27 |Oysters and Crabs| Stuffed Oysters. 4 dozen small oysters, 24 soda crackers soaked in the liquor of the oysters. Chop oysters fine and season with onion, thyme, parsley, etc. Have skillet hot, take one larg-e spoon of lard, and put the mixture in skillet. Add 2 well beaten eg-g-s and 1 larg-e spoon of butter. Cook until done. Have ready 1 dozen shells; fill with mixture, sprin- kle with cracker dust. Put in oven and brown. Mrs. C. V. Unsworth. Scollopped Oysters. J cup butter, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 1 dozen oysters, pepper and salt to taste, mix butter and cracker crumbs tog-ether, sprinkle \ of the crumbs in a bowl, then £ of the oysters, seasoned, then add rest of crumbs, then the oys- ters and bake. Mrs. A. F. G. Stuffed Crabs. Boil your hard crabs and take out the meat. Put a lit- tle lard in a frying- pan to which add soaked bread and chopped onions. After cooking- a little take it up and add an eg-g-, butter, salt and pepper. Clean the shells and fill them with the mixture and put some bread crumbs or crackers over the top and brown in a hot oven. Mrs. H. Haag. J. Thomson. G. Thomson. W. B. Thomson. J. THOMSON & BROS., .IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN.... Carriage and Wagon Makers Material, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Light Carriages $ Spring Wagons, ^Telephone No. 203^ 225 to 233 S. RAMPART STREET, Bet. Common and Gravier, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Smith's Bakery 3017 MAGAZINE STREET. Assorted Fancy Cakes of the very best quality and at reasonable rates. Ice Cream of all grades, but our best quality we supply to families and par- ties at $1.25 per gallon. Our Bread is second to none and cheapest on the market. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Oysters and Grabs 29 Fabacher Oyster Patties. First boil the oysters and set to one side. Cut green onions and brown well with butter and # a tablespoonful of flour. When well stirred tog-ether, add a pint of oyster water and the yolks of 3 egg-s, £ lemon. Season to taste with salt and peper. Add oysters and stew all together one-half hour. Then put the tricassee into patties. SHELLS. Roll out a nice puff paste thin; cut out with a g-lass or cookey-cutter, and with a wine glass or smaller cutter, cut out the centre of two out of three; lay the rings thus made on the third and bake at once. If the cutters are dipped in hot water, the edg-es of the patties will rise much higher and smoother when baking-. Mrs. Alma S. Wynn. Fried Hard Shell Crabs. Take six crabs and scald them to kill them. Then clean, break the ends of the claws, salt and pepper. Crush the hard shell a little, roll in corn meal, or in beaten eg-g - , then roll in flour or meal, and fry in hot grease until brown on both sides. _ T Miss Carrie Levy. Oyster Patties. Line a small patty pan with puff paste, and bake a lig-ht brown; when done, fill with oysters already stewed. The patties should be served and eaten as soon as prepared Mrs. Oliver. patent Medicines at Cut-Prices. WILLIAM G. NAPP, PHARMA CIST, Cor. PERRIER and ROBERT STS., One square above Prytania Market, 6th District. Our stock of Drugs and Chemicals are always fresh and pure. Try our Flavoring Extracts. No substitution practiced. Prescriptions com- pounded with care at all hours. WVVe meet honest competition. SPECTACLES, OCULISTS' EYE GLASSES PRESCRIPTIONS • •and.. FILLED. LORGNETTES. G. F. BOWLES, Hen Bu e iidi„ S ;. 209 Caronde/et Street, NEW ORLEANS. Optician, Billington's Lightning Liniment! The Best Ache-Curer! Pain Soother!! Rheumatic Reliever ! ! ! All Druggists, 10 & 25c. Circulars free. Agents wanted everywhere. J. W. BILLINGTON, Magazine and Joseph Sts. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Established 1860 New York Office. 314 Broadway. The H. & D. FOLSOM ARMS CO., Manufacturers and Importers of Guns, Revolvers # Ammunition, BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS, ^113 and 115 DECATUR STREET,^ rsl«^>iv Orleans. L^ei- Oysters and Crabs 31 Oyster Toast. A nice little dish for a luncheon or late supper. Scald a quart of oysters in their own liquor, take them out and pound or chop them to a paste; add a little cream or fresh butter, and some pepper and salt. Get ready some thin slices of toast moistened with boiling- water; and spread with fresh butter; then spread over the butter the oyster paste. Put a thin slice of fresh cut lemon on each piece, and lay parsley on the platter. Serve this hot or it will not be grood. _. _ _ „ Mrs J. T. Sawyer, Oyster Pie. Three dozen oysters, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 tea- spoonful of flour, 1 onion, a little parsley, salt and pepper. Brown the flour, fry the onion and add the oyster liquor, salt, pepper, parsley, and last, the oysters. Cook a few minutes and put into a larg-e baking- pan into which has been put a short pie crust. Put another crust on top and bake, French Cook. Stuffed Crabs. Boil 1 dozen crabs for about twenty minutes, pick the meat from the shells. Take 1 larg-e onion and fry in hot lard until soft. Soak some stale bread and squeeze tight, add a cupful of the bread, 2 eg-gs, pepper and salt, chop parsley; now take from the fire and add the crab-meat, mix well, have the shells washed and dried and fill with the stuffing-. Sprinkle toasted bread crumbs on top of each one, and put them in the oven and bake about ten minutes. Mrs. Briggs- 32 Oysters and Crabs Fried Oysters. A LA BATTLESHIP MAINE. Take large oysters from their own liquor put into a thickly folded napkin to dry them; then make hot an ounce each of butter and lard in a thick bottomed frying- pan. Season the oysters with pepper and salt, then dip each one into egg and cracker crumbs railed fine, until it will take up no more. Place them in the hot grease and fry them a deli- cate brown, turning them on both sides by sliding a broad bladed knife under them. Serve crisp and hot. Mrs. A. C. King. Fish 33 Ufa. jrife Aulk .nflhr .irffci Ac. mlflk .wttr. atk jAc .irfk .irfk jflfc. ..irfflk 4k ^K ftf.r-ii.gir apt sqgpc Jqpnqp V ^pr^r^p v J^'jyr^gr -^ V qg "Master, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea! Why as men do a'land; the great ones eat up the little ones " To test fish when cooking-, pass a knife along- a bone and if it is done, the fish will separate easily. Remove the moment it is done, or it will become insipid. In boiling- a fish always plung-e it into boiling- water and then set where it will simmer g-ently until done. Garnishes tor fish are parsley, sliced beets and lemon. COURTBOUILLION. Take sliced red fish or snapper. Fry each piece brown, make a brown gravy with flour, tomatoes, bay-leaves, a slice of lemon, some spice. Cook the fried fish for half an hour in the gravy and serve. Miss R. Caywood. Baked Red Fish. For one large fish, take 1 cup water and 1 can toma- toes, bay leaves, 1 tablespoon of butter, salt and pepper to suit taste and baste well while baking. Mrs. H. W. Knickerbocker. To Fry Fresh Herring. Remove scales, clean, wash and dry; after salting them put in a dish with beaten eggs, turn in powdered toast and fry in butter till brown. Mrs. J. B. A. Ahrens. 34 Fish. Boiled Fish. Clean thoroughly a large red fish or sheephead. Put into a pot of boiling water, 1 large onion, 1 large head of garlic, 2 large carrots, 1 lemon sliced fine, bay leaves, cel- ery, parsley (stems and leaves) salt and pepper, boil until all the vegetables are soft enough to mash with the potato masher. When the water is well seasoned with the vege- tables, tie the fish in a towel and place in the boiling water and let boil for half an hour. When done set aside (in the water) to cool. Serve cold with a boiled sauce. SAUCE. Boil 2 eggs hard, rub the yolks fine with 2 tablespoons of sweet oil, using drop by drop. Take the white of the eggs, chop fine with parsley, green onions, olives, mix all together with a tablespoon of capers sauce, vinegar, pep- per and salt. Put your fish on a platter, garnish with crisp lettuce leaves, on which are thin slices of lemon and radishes. Pour your gravy over it and serve very cold. Mrs. D. Rosenbaum. Trout a la Veiiitiemie. After well-cleaning your trout, make slashes in the back and insert butter rolled in parsley, lemon, thyme, basil, chives, all minced very fine; pour some salad oil over it, and let it lie for half an hour, cover it with bread crumbs and chopped sweet herbs, boil it over a clear fire which is not too quick, and serve it wUh sauce. Mrs. J. T. Sawyer. Fish. 35 Lemon Sauce for Fish. To half a pint of butter sauce, add the juice of a lemon and another lemon sliced; take out the seeds, and let aU boil tog-ether. This is good with broiled Spanish mackerel or pompano, also with broiled fish. Mrs. J. T, Sawyer. Egg Sauce With Lemon. Boil six eggs; when cold, take off the shells, and slice them into a cup of melted butter; add pepper and salt, and stir constantly while heating. Add the juice of a lemon or vinegar, or catsup, as preferred. This sauce is equally g*ood for broiled fish or poultry. Mrs. J. T. Sawyer. 36 Meats and Folds. [ Meats -Fowls] Boiled Meats should be put into boiling- water at the beginning to preserve its juices. Keep the water boiling constantly or the meat will soak up the water. Remove meat from water as soon as done. Science of Baking or Roasting Beef. Put your beef in a very hot oven at first, keeping the temperature at 300° or more for half an hour, then reduce the heat for the remainer of the time to 200°. Baste the meat every 15 minutes. The great heat at first hardens as well as browns the outer surface, this keeps in the juice. But if the high temperature is kept up the roast will be hard and dry all throug-h instead of rare and juicy as it should be. ■ Mrs. Buchell. How to Flavor a Tenderloin Steak. To assure a delicious steak broil a tenderloin and at the same time small bits of .round steak which contains a great deal of well flavored juice. Cut the round steak into small bits and squeeze in a lemon squeezer over the tenderloin. By this method you get a delicious juicy steak. Mrs. Bucheix. Meats and Fowls. 37 Steak Roll. Beat the steak well, make a dressing" of bread crumbs, pepper, salt, onions, sage and celery, fry it a little, then put it on the steak and roll up and tie, put in oven and Mrs Minnie Wilkinson. Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding. Rub a rib roast with salt and pepper, and if not very fat, put in pieces of beef suet. On top and around in pan place pieces of suet, and with these drippings baste every ten minutes. Add no water at all. For rare beef, allow 15 minutes to the pound; well done, 20 minutes. With- in twenty minutes of serving- remove roast, pour all the drippings into a can for future use except about two table- spoonsful and into this pour the pudding-, made as follows: 3 egg's well beaten together, to this add a pint of sweet milk, 3 rounded tablespoons of flour measured before sift- ing, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until set. Cut in squares and serve around roast. This is the real old En- glish roast-beef, and if basted properly, is very delicious. Mrs. Florence E. Russ. Broiled Beef Steak. Flatten it with the broad side of a hatchet and broil upon a buttered grid-iron over a g-ood strong- fire; lay it upon a hot dish; season with pepper, salt a large spoon of butter and some finely chopped parsley. Serve at once. :J J§ Mrs. Briggs. 38 Meats and Fowls. Cold Daube. 8 pounds good roast, 1 pound fresh fat pork, 4 pigs feet, 4 calves feet, 2 beeves feet. Put in pan over night cover with vinegar and let soak. Cut the pork in thin slices. Next morning, put red pepper in the slices of the pork, cut slits in the pork and slip in the peppers ; cover with water and boil slowly until boiled down and thoroughly cooked. Cook the calves and pigs feet separate- ly, (remove all the bones) all to pieces and stir altogether while warm. Cool rapidly in a pan or dish from which it can be turned out whole. _, _ _ _ Mrs. B. S. Story. Virginia Brunswick Stew. 3 gallons water, to which add two chickens cut small, 1 pound fat bacon cut small. When the chickens are suffi- ciently cooked, remove the meat from the bones and return to the water, then add | gallon Irish potatoes, boiled and mashed, 1£ pints green corn cut fine, 1 pint butter beans, 1 quart tomatoes peeled, add onions if liked, pepper, salt and butter. When nearly done add one small loaf of bread. When it begins to thicken stir constantly until done, if too thick add more water. When properly made no one can detect any of the ingredients. Q i_/. o« r ARKER • Meat Balls. Chop fine whatever cold meat you have, fat and lean together; pepper and salt it. 1 chopped onion, 2 slices of bread which have been soaked in milk, 1 egg, mix all together well. Bake in a form. ._ __ _ Mrs. M. Walker. Meats and Fowls. 39 DAUBE Take four or five pounds of beef (off the round), poke holes in it, push small bits of pork fat and garlic into the gashes. Have the lard boiling- hot, put in the beef and brown on both sides. Take out of the pot and brown flour and onions; add a pint of boiling- water, tomatoes, garlic, spices. Put the beef in the pot and simmer slowly for three hours. ., ^ » Miss R. Caywood. Thorough mastication is important to accomplish this, the teeth should be in good condition. Good Fillings $1.00 up, inserted without pain. Boston Dental Co., St. Charles avenue corner Washington. DRY HASH. Chop either soup meat or cold steak very fine, removing all fat and gristle. Boil and mash 3 or 4 potatoes, mix meat and potatoes. Have ready onion chopped fine and fried in butter, mix with meat and potatoes. Make into small cakes after seasoning with salt and pepper. Fry in hot lard very brown. French Hash. Cold soup-meat chopped fine, with onion, pepper and salt. Then put mashed potatoes about a half an inch in baking pan, then the chopped meat, well buttered, and so on until it is all in; being careful to have the last layer potatoes. Spread butter over the top, and put it in the oven to brown. Mrs. Pierce. 40 Meats and Fowls. Remnants of Soup Meat with Onions. Cut the meat in thin slices, saturate with salt water, add to the butter or lard a few well chopped onions. When they are brown put in the meat, cover the pan. Turn the meat after frying- a while; when both sides are brown re- move. Add to the lard a small quantity of water and flour when a thick sauce, put over the meat and serve while hot. Beefsteak. When the pan is very hot moisten it with butter. Put jn the steak and let fry three or four minutes. Remove to a hot dish add necessary salt and pepper. Saturate both sides with butter, and serve while warm. Mrs. J. B. A. Ahrens. Chile Con Carne. Take a pint of cold meat, any kind, or odds and ends of several kinds can be used, cut it into bits a little longer than the end of your finger, add a chopped onion, x 4 pint of left over gravy, a cupful of tomatoes, stew gently half an hour. About five minutes before taking- off the fire, stir in a saltspoonful of salt and a dessertspoonful of ground Chile pepper. Meats mid Fowls. 41 Fried Chicken with Cream Gravy. 1 young- chicken cut in small pieces; put 1 large kitchen spoon of lard in a frying- pan and let it get very hot, salt and pepper the chicken and roll each piece in flour; fry in the hot lard until brown and tender; dish it. Rub 1 spoon of flour and 1 of butter tog-ether, stir in the gravy with 1 cup sweet milk, stir until thickened, add a little salt and pepper and parsley cut fine, pour over the chicken. Miss Lilly B. Riggs. Fried Chicken. Cut the chicken into small pieces and wash thoroughly. Have 2 eggs beaten, with a little salt, into which dip the chicken and then into rolled cracker crumbs, and fry in Mrs. J. B. A. Ahrens. Fried Chicken. Have your chicken well cleaned and salted. Put some butter to brown in larg-e pot, then put in your chicken and fry till lig-ht brown on both sides, add a little water and cover pot tight. Baste frequently with the gravy and add water as needed. A young- chicken will require at least one hour of cooking- before done. Turkey can be prepared the same way, but it will require three hours cooking. 42 Meats and Fowls. Chicken Fricassee. Cut tender chicken into small pieces. Put in the pot with sufficient water to cover. Boil until tender. Strain the liquor, take a tablespoon of butter and sufficient flour to make a gravy with the liquid. Put the chicken into this, add either parsley or pepper or any seasoning- pre- ferred. Boil a few minutes. .. T ~ Mrs. J- Cohen. Rice Dressing With Oysters. Put 3 cups rice in 2 cups of water over a quick fire, let come to a good boil, then cover closely and cook slow for y A hour. Put a large spoon of lard in a pan, add one small onion cut fine, 1 tablespoon pulverized sage, 1 spoon of salt 1 teaspoon of pepper, add 3 dozen oysters, cook altogether 10 minutes. Turn the rice out in a bowl, beat 2 eggs and 1 spoon of butter into it well, add the oysters and gravy, and enough juice from the oysters to make soft. This is enough to dress a medium sized turkey. The oysters can be omited if desired . , ~ _, Mrs Lilly B. Riggs. Vegetables. 43 Vegetables. ''Oh, better, no doubt is a dinner of herbs When seasoned by love, which no rancor disturbs, And sweetened by all that is sweetest in life. Than turbot, bisque, ortolans, eaten in strife." — Lucile. Corn Oysters. 6 ears of corn grated, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoonful sweet cream, pepper and salt to taste. Fry in butter. A/r . „ 7 Mrs Alma S. Wynn. Baked Rice. Take boiled rice, place a layer in a baking dish, then on that a layer of stewed tomatoes, sprinkle with fried minced onions, and repeat the layers till dish is full. Sprinkle over the top with bread crumbs, dot with bits of butter, bake half an hour covered, then uncover and brown. Mrs. J. H. Magruder. Fried Egg Plant. Peel and cut the plant in slices less than one half inch thick, immerse in salt water over an hour; drain and dip each slice in beaten egg and bread crumbs, and fry brown. Miss V. Thibodeaux. 44 Vegetable*. Stuffed Tomatoes. Take 4 large tomatoes cut top off and use the inside, chopped fine with parsley, onions, salt and pepper. Mix with this, 1 teaspoonful of butter, 3 tablespoonsful of corn, 3 tablespoonsful of bread crumbs. Then replace in tomato skins and bake. _ _ Mrs. Frank A. Daniels. Tomato Aspic. For twelve people 1 can of tomatoes will be required. Steam and put them in a sauce pan with one slice of onion, two bay leaves, a few celery tops, a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of cayenne. Bring- to boiling- point and add three-quarters of a box of g-elatine which has been soaked in one-half cup of cold water for one half hour. Mix until dissolved, add the juice of half a lemon and strain ag-ain. Pour into eg-g- cups or moulds and let stand aside on ice for four or five hours. When ready to use plung-e the cups in hot water for a minute and turn the aspic out on lettuce leaves. Serve with mayonnaise. Mrs. F. A. Dicks. Stuffed Tomatoes, Take 4 or 5 larg-e tomatoes, slice the top off, then cut out the heart of the tomato, without breaking- the skin. Chop the heart with six sweet peppers, a little soaked bread, a teaspoon of butter, salt to taste. Put this back in- to the tomato skin, sprinkle a little bread crumbs with a little butter on top of each tomato. Bake in a moderate oven till brown. Miss L. Dirker. Vegetables, 45 Baked Tomatoes. Take 6 large ripe tomatoes, skin and cut into small pieces, spread a layer in the bottom of a baking- dish, sea- son well, put a layer of coarse bread crumbs over the toma toes with plenty of butter; continue this until the dish is full, having- the bread crumbs on the top. Bake one hour, How to Fry Plantaiis. Slice them and fry. As you take them out of the skil- let sprinkle sug-ar over them. After all are fried, put a tablespoonful of butter in skillet and put all in it. Pour a little warm water over them and sprinkle about a tea- spoonful of cinnamon, then set in oven and bake. another. Slice'and fry them till soft, make a thick syrup and pour over them. MrS- j w Billington. Green Fried Tomatoes. Take full grown tomatoes, wash, cut off part next to the stem, cut in thin slices, salt and pepper, fry in hot fat lard and butter mixed. After rolling- the slices in flour or meal, fry until brown on both sides. Mrs. N. L. Jenkins. Irish Potato Cakes. Take cold Irish potatoes or fresh boiled ones, mash and add gradually hot water. Make a batter with flour, a teaspoon of Dixie baking- powder, pepper and salt. Fry in boiling lard as you do fritters. ., . ^ _ * Mrs. A. F. O. 46 Vegetables. Scolloped Onions, Cauliflower or Asparagus. Boil either vegetable until tender, then put in baking- dish and pour over a sauce made ol 1 tablespoon butter beat into \?i tablespoonful of flour; pour over it 1 pint of hot milk and cook until like custard. Bake one half hour, cut cauliflower or asparagus into small pieces before pouring the sauce over it. Baked Macaroni. Boil a y*• ^- ^ • ^ -^ -^ -^ ^ ^' "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" Royal Diplomatic Pudding. To 1 box gelatine add 1 glass of water. When dis- solved divide into half. To one half add three glasses of granulated sugar, 1 half glass of lemon juice and 1 glass of water. Heat a little to get the sugar to melt, then colour with leaf green. To the other half of gelatine add 2 glasses of sugar and 1 glass of orange juice. Color with red fruit coloring, and when ready to congeal add the whites of 3 eggs beaten to a stiff froth and add to the green. This makes a lovely dessert, looks like water-melon. Mrs. F. A. Lyons. Apricot Pudding. Soak J pint of granulated tapioca overnight in enough water to cover it. In the morning drain the juice from a can of apricots, stir it into the tapioca, add a half cup of sugar and enongh water to make it rather thin. Let this boil until clear. Cover the bottom of a pudding dish with the fruit, sprinkle with sugar, and pour on the tapioca. Bake for half an hour and serve cold with cream. Mrs. F. A. Dicks. 56 Puddings and Sauces. Jeff. Davis Pudding. 1 tea cup of New Orleans molasses, 1 tea cup of beef suet, 1 tea cup of butter milk, 1 tea cup of raisins (seeded) 1 tea cup of currants, 5 cts. worth of citron cut in pieces as for cakes, 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in butter milk or sifted in the flour, three tea cups of flour after it is sifted; mix molasses and suet first, then alternately butter-milk and flour, then mix the fruit together and flour well, and stir in with a grated nutmeg. Grease a mould well and steam 4 hours. Use boiled sauce as follows: 1 pint granulated sugar, 1 heaping tablespoon of butter, with nutmeg or any other flavoring to taste. J. W. W. Simple Plum Pudding. 1 cup of molasses, 1 cup of sweet milk, 1 cup of chopped raisins, 1 cnp of chopped currants, J cup of butter, 3£ cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon each of the spices. Dissolve the soda in a little of the syrup, mix all together and put in a double bag and place in boiling water, keep on a steady boil for 3 hours. Keep the pot full of water and the pudding well covered. Chocolate Pudding. 1 pint milk, 1 pint bread crumbs, £ cup sugar, 3 eggs, 5 tablespoons grated chocolate. Scald the milk, add bread crumbs and chocolate. Take from fire and add sugar, and the beaten yolks of eggs. Put in pudding dish, bake 15 minutes. Beat the whites of eggs with 1 tablespoon of sugar, spread on and brown. Serve cold with liquid sauce. Mrs. A. F. G I biddings and Sauces. 57 Fig Pudding:. 3 cups bread crumbs, 1 cup milk, 1 cup sugar (brown or white) 1 pound of figs, 1 teaspoon soda, i cup suet chopped fine, 2 eggs, spices to taste. Steam 2 hours and serve with hot sauce. Mrs. Alma S. Wynn. Portguese Apple Pudding. Peel, core, and stew to a pulp \ dozen tart apples; press through a colander; add the grated rind of \ of a lemon and sufficient sugar to sweeten. Pare, quarter and core b more apples, put them in a baking dish, sprinkle \ cup of sugar over then and bake slowly until tender. Line a deep pie plate with good paste and bake until well colored. Pour into it the stewed apples, piling them up dome shape. Cover with a meringue made of the whites of eggs and a little sugar, eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Brown in a mod- erate oven and serve cold with a Custard Sauce— yolks of 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mrs. Rosenbaum. Transparent Pudding. 4 eggs beaten separately, 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, beaten together to a cream, add the yolks. Put a layer of citron or acid jelly on the crust, pour on the transperancy, flavor to suit the taste, and bake, then add the whites as a meringue. . Amelia Scott. 58 Pudding* and Sauces. Cocoaimt Pudding. Grate 1 cocoanut, 3 slices of bread soaked in the cocoa- nut milk, 6 eggs beat well with one cup of sugar, 1 pound of raisins, J teaspoon Dixie yeast powder. SAUCE. \ cup of sugar, J cup of butter well beaten with little cream and nutmeg-. _ TT . S. H. Andrews. Banana Pudding. 1 box gelatine, 5 bananas, 1 quart milk, 1 pint cream, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup water. Dissolve gelatine in the water, scald milk, to which the sugar has been added. Strain the gelatine, and stir into the milk. Let simmer 10 minutes, cool, slice bananas after peeling into small pieces, and stir into jelly before it is stiff. Serve with whipped cream - J. w. w. Rice Pudding. 1 cup of cold rice, yolks of 3 eggs beaten, £ cup raisins, enough sugar to sweeten, 2 cups sweet milk, beat all to- gether, add a little butter. When baked spread over to top the whites of eggs beaten with sugar, Flavor with Dixie vanilla extract. A/r ,- TT7 M. M. W. Puddings and Sauces. 59 Do you enjoy your food? A nicely adjusted set of teeth may help you. Boston Dental Co., St. Charles avenue corner Washing-ton. Apple Pudding. Fill a buttered baking dish, with sliced apples and pour over this a batter made of 1 tablespoon of butter, % cup of sugar, 1 egg, \ cup of sweet milk and 1 cup of flour, 1 teaspoon Dixie yeast powder. Bake in a moderate oven till brown. Serve with cream and sugar or liquid sauce. Boiled Pudding. 1 cup suet chopped fine, 1 cup of raisins cut in half, 2 cups flour, 1 cup milk, 1 cup sugar, a little nutmeg and a little salt, 1 teaspoon Dixie yeast powder. Grease and flour a tin bucket, put pudding in and boil hard for 2 hours. Serve with a rich sauce. __ ,. T . Miss M. Keen. Lemon Pudding. 1^ pound of sugar, juice and grated rind of 3 lemons, 8 eggs, \ cup of butter, tablespoon of flour. Beat well together, and bake. , , ~ & Mrs. Oliver. 60 Pies and Pastries. | Pies and Pastry, 1 "No soil upon earth is so dear to our eyes, As the soil we first stirred in terrestrial pies. — O. H. Holmes. Mock Mince Pies. 1 cup bread crumbs dried, and 2 cups seeded and chopped (rolled) raisins, J cup molasses, 1 lemon, juice and grated rind, nutmeg - , cinnamon, and whatever spice is desired. Sugar to taste, little water. Mrs. F. R. H. Cream Pie. Beat thoroughly the yolks of 2 eg-g-s with J cup of sug-ar, add 1 heaping- tablespoon of flour, 1 even tablespoon of corn starch dissolved in milk. Pour into 1 pint of boiling" milk and let cook about 3 minutes. Let cool and flavor to taste. M. B. Pastry for Pies. Sieve 3 cups flour in a pan, salt to taste, add 1 cup lard, mix thoroughly with half the flour. Add £ cup water, mould lig-htly; roll out, and put it in pans, pricking- it over with a knife to prevent blistering-. Pii <8 a n d I ^aetries. 6 1 Lemon Pie. 1 quart of sweet milk, (condensed milk will do as well) the yolks of 5 eg-g-s, 2 heaping- tablespoons of corn starch, about 2 cups of sugar or sweeten to taste, 2 lemons the grated rind and juice, put the milk on to boil, beat the yolk of eg-gs, sug-ar and lemons tog-ether, mix the corn- starch with a little milk, put into the boiling milk, and when it thickens add the eggs, lemon and sugar. Let all cook till it has thickened enough, then stir in a teaspoon of butter, and when cold add Dixie Vanilla Flavoring. Have the pie crust already cooked, put the mixture in and put in the oven to cook a few minutes, then spread over the pies the whites of the eg-gs which have been beaten up with 4 spoons of sug-ar, brown a little in the oven. Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson. Filling for Lemon Pies. Grate the yellow covering- and squeeze out the juice of 2 lemons into a granite pan; add 2 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, the yolks of 4 eg-gs, reserving- the whites in a separate dish, add 4 tablespoonsful flour, 2 cups water added slowly while stirring-. When smooth, cook until thick enough to pour into the crust, which should be already baked. Beat the 4 whites of eg-g-s into a froth, add 1 cup sug-ar, 1 tea- spoonful of Dixie lemon extract. Pour over the pies, return to oven until the white top becomes a light brown. Mrs. N. L. Jenkins. 62 Pies and Pastries. Lemon Fie. 1 large lemon, 1 cup sugar, £ cup of water, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of flour. Grate lemon, using it in the juice, mix juice and eggs together, then stir in sugar, mixing well, mix the u ater, then flour lastly. paste. 1 cup flour, (with a pinch of salt) sifted, rub in 2 tablespoons of lard, then roll out for pie pan. Mrs, Frank A. Daniels. Orange Pie. Slice 3 oranges, peel, take out the pits. Leave them over-night in sugar, next day put the sliced oranges on a well made pie crust in a pie pan. Then take the yolks of 8 eggs, Ik cups of powdered sugar, lemon juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. Put it on the stove and stir constantly till it thickens. Beat the white of the eggs to a froth, and mix all together. Now pour it on your oranges and bake. Mrs. Adler. Transparent Custard. 6 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and Dixie vanilla extract, beat butter and sugar to a cream, then add the yolks beaten to a froth with the cornstarch and extract. Stir all together and bake in nice crust. When done spread the beaten whites of eggs and 6 tablespoons of sugar, over the pie and brown slightly. Mrs. F. E. McLemore, Delhi, La. Pies and Pastri< s. 63 Custard Fruit Fie. Make a good pie crust, rub a little flour on it and lay on your pie plates. Put stewed fruit in it and pour over them a custard made with 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk and a cup of sugar, beaten together. Enough for 2 pies. Mrs- A. F. Godat. Sweet Potato Pies. Boil 5 large sweet Pototoes till soft, mash and season with sugar, butter, 2 eggs, nutmeg and a cup of milk, mix all together and put in the crust enough for 3 pies. Miss Caywood. , Mince Meat. 1 beef tongue, 2 pounds of raisins, 2 pounds of cur- rants, 2 dozen of apples, | pound of beef suet, h pound of citron, 2 tablespoons of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of nutmeg, 2 tablespoons of mace, 1 tablespoon of cloves, 1 tablespoon of allspice, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2\ pounds of brown sugar, 1 quart of cider. Use ground spice. Chop all up finely, put in jar and cover up. v J Mrs. W. W. Sutcliffe. Cakes. 64 'fe CAKES.l Watermelon Cake. \\ cups sugar, whites of 4 eggs, \ cup sweet milk, y 2 cup of butter, 2 cups of flour, 1 full teaspoon Dixie baking powder. Cream butter and sugar well together, then add the milk, afterward stir in a little flour, then a little egg, and so on until all the ingredients are added. Then take 1J cups of pink sugar (any good confectioner can supply it) \ cup sour milk, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoonful Dixie baking powder. Flavor the pink part with anything you prefer, rose water is much used. Seed % pound of good raisins, rub well in flour, to prevent them sinking. After the dough of both kinds are ready, spread the bottom and sides of the pan with the white dough; fill up with the pink, leaving enough of the white to cover over top en- tirely. Bake carefully. Be sure it is well done before re- moving from the pan. This cake is very popular with young people. Mrs. Florence E. Russ. Sponge Cake. 10 eggs, beat separate; L pound of sugar, § pound of flour, 1 tablespoonful of Dixie baking powder. Flavor with lemon, add the whites of the eggs last. Miss Mollje Walker. Cakes. 65 Velvet Sponge (Jake. 2 eggs, beaten light; beat in 1 cupful of granulated or powdered sugar, £ cupful of sifted flour, next £ cupful of flour sifted with 1 teaspoonful of Dixie baking powder, and lastly, J cupful of boiling water very gradually. Have the tin buttered. Fill and bake immediately in a well heated oven. The baUer will seem very thin, but the cake is ex- cellent. By the use of one more egg any layer cake may be made better than with butter. For this save 2 whites out for frosting, using the other egg and 2 yolks for the cake. Bake in layer cake tins. Whip the whites stiff, and stir in sugar. Spread between each layer, and over the top. For cocoanut cake sprinkle cocoanut over the frosting between the layers, and thickly over the top layer. For chocolate, grate i teacupful of Baker's chocolate, and stir in the frosting, and use as before. Sponge Cake. Separate the whites and yolks of 4 eggs. When the whites are stiff enough, beat into them h cup of sugar, beating for 5 minutes. Add to the yolks the juice and grated rind of a lemon. Now beat well together the yolks and whites. Add 1 cup of flour stirring it in as lightly as possible. (Never beat a sponge cake after adding the flour) Bake for 25 minutes in a moderate oven. Just before put- ting in the oven sprinkle on the top through a sifter, about a tablespoonful of granulated sugar. Mrs D. Kosenbaum. 66 Cakes. Molasses Sponge Cake, 1 cup of molasses, 2\ cups of flour, \ cup of shortening-, \ cup of sugar, a little salt, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of ginger. Mix and add 1 teaspoon of soda dis- solved in a cup of boiling water. Mrs. P. R. Baldwin, Biloxi, Miss. Layer Sponge Cake. 1£ cups powdered sugar, 5 eg-gs, 3 tablespoons water, 2 cups flour, 2 level teaspoons Dixie baking powder. COOKED ICING FILLING. 1J cups granulated sugar, 9 tablespoons water, cook until it begins to rope. Pour it into the whites of three eggs, well beaten and beat this until it cools, mix with it pecans or chocolate or any you prefer, and spread between layers of cake. This will make four good layers. Miss Mary Werlein. Buffalo Layer Cake. 1 cup of white sugar, two-thirds cup of sweet milk, 2 cups of flour, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1 teaspoon Dixie baking powder. Bake in 3 jelly tins. cream filling. 1 cup sweet milk, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2 tablespoons sugar. Heat the milk until boiling with the sugar in it, then add the starch wet in a little cold milk, stir until it thickens, put in lastly the egg well beaten. Miss Mary Werlein, Cakes. 67 Fruit Cakt\ One pound each of butter, sugar, flour, raisins, (seeded and chopped) and currants thoroughly cleaned, >4 pound of citron shaved fine, and 1 pound or more of nuts, cut fine. Cream the butter and sugar together, to which add the well beaten yolks of eight eggs, then a part of the flour, then add a part of the whites, beaten to a stiff froth; then the remainder of the flour, (except a little kept out to mix with the fruit, just before putting it in the cake). After adding all the whites, beat well; then put in the fruit, and mix thoroughly. Bake slowly until done. Fruit Cake. 2 pounds of sugar, 2 pounds of flour, 2 pounds of butter, 2 pounds of dried currants, 2 pounds of raisins, 2 pounds of citron, h spoonful of cloves, and i of a nutmeg, 12 eggs, whites beaten to a stiff froth. Mrs. G. V. Pierce, Biloxi, Miss. Cake and Sauce. 2 cups sugar, I cup butter, 1 cup milk, 4 eggs, 3£ cups of flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 teaspoons Dixie bak- ing powder. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add yolks of eggs, milk and flavoring, add flour reserving two table- spoonfuls; add whites of eggs. Put baking powder in the reserved flour and add to cake. SAUCE Whites of 2 eggs, beat light, add 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, yolks of 2 eggs, and 3 tablespoons of milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Prepare immediately before serving. Miss Fannie M. Rayne. 68 Cake*. Cocoanut Pound Cake. Beat J pound of butter to a cream; add gradually a pound of sifted flour, 1 pound of powdered sugar, 2 tea- spoonsful of Dixie baking powder, a pinch of salt, a tea- spoonful ol grated lemon-peel, J of a pound of prepared cocoanut, 4 well-beaten eggs, and a cup of milk; mix thor- oughly; butter the tins, and line them with buttered paper; pour the mixture in to the depth of an inch and a half, and bake in a good oven. When baked, take out, spread icing over them, and return the cake to the oven a moment to dry the icing. Perfection cake. Mrs. Pierce. Citron Pound Cake. 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 2 cups flour, 4 eggs, 1^ tea- spoons Dixie baking powder, 1 teaspoon essence, 5cts.worth of citron. Icing; white of 1 egg, 8 tablespoons pulverized sugar. Mrs. Rosenbaum. If the teeth are sensitive to sweets half the pleasure is lost. This condition should be remedied without delay. Boston Dental Co., St. Charles avenue corner Washington. Cornstarch Cake. >2 cup butter, creamed; \ cup of sugar, ]/ 2 cup of milk, x /t, teaspoon almond extract, \ cup cornstarch, 1£ cups of flour, \ teaspoon of soda, \ teaspoon cream of tartar, whites of 6 eggs. Mix in the order given and bake in a moderate: oven. Mrs. Holmes. ( f akes. 69 White Cup Cake. 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup milk, 3 cups flour, white of 12 eggs, flavoring to suit taste, £ teaspoon of Dixie baking powder. Another White Cup Cake. 4 cups flour, 2 cups butter, 1 cup milk, 3 cups sugar. Whites of 20 eggs, 1 small teaspoon Dixie baking powder* Mrs. F. E. McLemore, Delhi, La. White Cake. Whites of 8 eggs, well whipped; 3 cups pulverized sugar, 1 cup butter, 1 cup milk, 4 cups sifted flour with 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, £ teaspoon soda, dissolved in milk, juice of 1 lemon. Bake 1 hour in a moderate oven . Mrs. Buchell. A Nice White Cake. Beat the whites of 5 eggs, very light; add 1 cup of sugar, | cup of butter, 2 cups of flour, 2 small teaspoonfuls of Dixie baHng powder. Bake in a small loaf. TCHOUPITOULAS MISSION. Sponge Cake. Sift 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon Dixie baking powder together, then break 3 eggs into it, and only beat enough to get a smooth batter. Mrs. Annie Flake. TO Cakes. White Nut Cake. The whites of 7 eg-g-s, 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 teaspoons Dixie baking- powder, 2 cups pulverized sug-ar, 2 cups milk, % cup butter, cream the butter and sug-ar; then add the flour and milk alternately; then add the whites well beaten. Bake this in 4 layers, 1\ pounds pe- cans cut fine (reserving- 30 whole to put on the top). Beat the whites of 5 egg-s and 1 full cup of pulverized sug-ar to- g-ether untihvery stiff; add the cut pecans for the filling-. Ice the top, split the 30 pecans and lay them on the top in the icing-. Amelia Scott. Nut Cake. 2 cups of sugar, two-thirds cup of butter, 4 eg-g-s, two- thirds cup of water or milk, 3 cups of flour, 3 teaspoons Dixie baking- powder, 1 cup of nuts. Bake in shallow bak- ing pans, and cut into squares with icing-. Currants may be substituted for nuts. Miss May Williams. Nut Cake. 1 pound flour, 1 pound sug-ar, J lb. butter, 6 egg-s, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 grated nutmeg-, 1J pounds raisins stoned, 3 pounds hulled pecans, 1 teaspoon Dixie baking- powder. Cream the butter and sug-ar, beat the eg-gs very lig-ht, all tog-ether, and add to butter and sugar, then the milk, flour and baking- powder, then the raisins and nuts. Bake in a slow oven until a straw will come out without anything- sticking to it. Mrs. M. A. Riley. Cakes. 71 Lemon Cake. 4 eg-gs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, }4 teaspoon Dixie baking- powder, 1 tablespoon cold water, £ lemon, juice and rind. Mix the yolks of the egg's and sugar together, then add the water, sift the flour and measure out an even cup- ful. Stir this thoroughly, then the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff dry froth, then the lemon juice and grated rind, and lastly the baking powder. Cook in pie or jelly pans. FILLING One cup of hot water, 1 tablespoon of cornstach, 1 cup of white sug-ar, 1 tablespoon of butter, juice and grated rind of one lemon, 1 egg. Cook a few minutes and spread between each cake like jelly. Miss Mollie Walker. Marble Cake. Whites of 7 eggs, 1 cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, % cup sweet milk, then 3| cups flour, 1 tablespoonful of Dixie baking powder. DARK PART. Yolks of 7 eg-g-s, 1 cup of molasses, 2 cups of brown sugar, y2 cupful of butter, l / 2 cupful of milk, and H cupfuls of flour, unsifted; cream the butter and sug-ar tog-ether, beat the eg-gs lig-ht, and mix well, then add % teaspoonful of Dixie baking- powder, and bake in a moderate oven. This makes a delicious layer cake. Oake Featherweight. 2 tablespoons butter, 6 eg-g-s (reserve 2 whites for icing-) 2 cups sug-ar. 3 cups flour, 2 teaspoons Dixie bak- ing- powder, £ cup milk, \ pound chocolate, vanilla ex- tract to taste, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon. Bake in jelly tins with anything- between layers. Miss Cocker. Lip Kucke (German Fruit Cake;. 6 eg-g-s, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup black molasses, y 2 pound grated chocolate, 1 cup pecans (chopped), h, pound citron, allspice and cinnamon to suit taste, 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoonful Dixie baking- powder. Bake in a moderate oven. Slice and ice. Miss Cocker. Eggless Cake. 1 cup of sug-ar, 1 cup of sour milk, 1 cup of chopped raisins, J cup of butter, 2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of Dixie baking- powder, \ of a teaspoon of each of the spices; cinna- mon, cloves and nutmeg-. Mrs. D. Rosenbaum. 76 Creams and Custards. m Creams and Custards. * ;c®)) (c®)] "But please your honor, quoth the Peasant, This same dessert is very pleasant." — Pope. Floating Island. Put one pint of milk into a double boiler. Separate 3 eggs, beat the whites to a stiff froth, drop them by spoon- fuls over the top of the milk, allow them to remain for just a moment, then lift carefully. Beat the yolks of the eggs with two tablespoons of sugar; add them to the hot milk, cook till the mixture slightly thickens. Be very careful that it does not curdle; take from the fire, add a teaspoon of vanilla and turn into the dish in which it is to be served. Heap the whites of the eggs over the top and serve cold. Mrs. Peirce. Orange or Pineapple Ambrosia. Have the orange or pineapple broken up into tiny pieces. Beat to a stiff froth the whites of 2 eggs with sugar. Place in a glass bowl a layer of the fruit, sprinkle over it a little sugar, then spread on a little of the beaten egg, over that sprinkle grated cocoanut, then another layer of fruit, and so on till the dish is full. Mrs. Minnie Wilkinson. Creams and Custards. 77 Pineapple Sponge. 1 small fresh pineapple, or a can of the fruit. Must be chopped up and put with its juice in a sauce pan with a small cupful of sugar and a cupful of water. If canned pineapple is used add less sugar. Simmer 10 minutes, £ a package of g-elatine should be soaked in J a cupful of water for two hours. When ready add the gelatine, take from the fire at once, and strain into a tin basin. Set the basin in a pan of ice water or in the refrigerator, and when the mixture beg-ins to thicken, stir in the whites of 4 eg-gs, beaten to a stiff froth. Pour into a mould and set away to harden. Serve with cream. Mrs. F. A. Dicks. PEACH FLOAT. • 1 pint canned peaches, cook ten minutes, the whites of three eg-g-s well beaten, add a tablespoonful at a time until thoroug-bly mixed, then beat in sug-ar to taste. A very nice dessert. Mrs. F. A. Lyons. Charlotte Rnsse. 1 quart of thick cream, l / 2 pint of milk, 1 ounce of gel- atine, yolks of 5 egg-s, whites of 7 eg-gs, 12 ounces of sugar. Dissolve the g-elatine in the boiling- milk; take it off the fire and stir in the yolks of eg-gs, then the sugar and Dixie vanilla flavoring. When the custard is cool, before it cong-eals, stir in the cream, whipped to a froth, and then the beaten whites of the eggs. 78 ( 'reams and Custards. Tapioca Cream. Take two tablespoons of tapioca soaked over night, or say three hours, in water enough to cover it. Boil this with one quart of new milk in a double boiler. Add one cup of sugar and a little salt. Beat the yolks of 3 eggs thoroughly, and stir them into the milk when it has boiled ten minutes. Remove from the fire and stir rapidly for 5 minutes. Flavor with one teaspoonful of Dixie Vanilla, pour into a baking dish, beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, pour over the top. Sift sugar over this and brown. Serve cold with cream. Mrs. F. A. Dicks Cocoanut Charlotte Russe. Make a sponge cake in a deep round pan, cut out the centre leaving about an inch of crust. Fill with cocoanut custard, cover the top with whipped cream, put in a cold place till needed. Cocoanut Custard . 6 eggs, white of 5, 1 pint of milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup cocoanut. 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 1 teaspoon Dixie Vanilla flavoring, small cup of cream whipped light with the white ol 1 egg. Mrs. Annie Flake. Ambrosia. Place in a glass bowl alternate layers of sliced oranges and grated cocoanut, sprinkling sugar on each layer of orange. Having top layer cocoanut. Mrs. Oliver. Orecmis and Citstarcfo. 79 Strawberry Float. 1 pint of strawberries, 2 eggs, 2 cups of pulverized sugar, 1 pint of milk, vanilla flavoring. Crush the berries. Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat the former to a stiff dry froth, and add the sugar. „ Put in crushed berries gradually, beating- all the while until the whole is a stiff pile of rosy cream, place in glass dish and set on ice. Beat the yolks of the eggs in half a cupful of the milk, place remainder of milk on the stove in pan set in another containing- boiling- water. When the milk is hot add sugar, eg-gs and vanilla to taste, and set on ice to cool. This sauce is to be poured in serving- about the frothy bernes ' Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson. Lemon Cream. Yolks of 4 eg-gs, 4 tablespoons granulated sugar, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons boiling water. Let simmer till it thickens. When cold, just before serv- ing-, add the whites beaten with 2 tablespoons of sugar, mixing thoroughly. Miss May Williams. 80 Sherbet and Ice Cream. i Sherbet and lee Gream. ?€€^€«^€^€€€€€€«€€€€$€€«€€€!€«€«€€^€ Freeze ice cream in a warm place, the cream freezes more rapidly when the ice melts quick. Vanilla Ice Cream. Put one quart of milk on to boil in double boiler. Beat tog-ether the yolks of 6 eggs, 6 tablespoons of sugar, stir into boiling milk, cook about a minute, stirring constantly. Strain it, allow to cool, add 1 tablespoon of Dixie Vanilla and the beaten whites of eggs and freeze. Mrs. Briggs. Lemon Ice Cream. 6 lemons, 3 quarts milk, \\ pints sugar. Pour milk over the lemon peels and let it stand 1 hour, strain and sweeten, and when nearly frozen, stir in the juice of the lemons. This makes one gallon. Miss Mary Werlein. Bravarian Ice Cream. Sweeten 1 pint of cream to taste, flavor with vanilla or lemon. Churn the cream to a froth; skim the froth as it rises, and put in a glass dish. Dissolve U tablespoons of gelatine in warm water, pour into the froth and stir for 15 minutes. Pack or set in ice, and it will be ready for use in a few hours. Mrs. S. S. Keener. Sherbet and Ice Ci 'earn. 81 Caramel Ice Cream. Melt \\ pounds of brown sugar in the frying* pan until liquid, stirring- all the time. Do not let it scorch or get too dark. Pour the caramel into a pint of boiling milk by de- grees, mixing well. When cold strain into three quarts of cream or milk and freeze. I pint of the cream may be whip- ped and added as directed. Mrs. D. Rosenbaum. Lemon Sherbet. Two-thirds can of condensed milk, 3 lemons, juice and grated rind, sugar to taste. White of 2 eggs, beat and put in when nearly frozen. This is for \ gallon, add water enough to nearly fill the can. Mrs. F. R. H. ''Remember the Maine" But when in need of ART GLASS, STAINED GLASS, BEVELED PLATE GLASS, or when you want your spotted Mirrors Resilvered, then don't forget the La. Glass and Mirror Works, Ltd. :509-319 LAFAYETTE! ST., Telephone 1082. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 82 Sherbet and Ice Cream. Philadelphia Ice Cream. 2 cans condensed milk, 4 cans cows milk, 2 cans sweet cream; whites of 2 eggs, whipped to a stiff froth. Flavor to taste with vanilla or lemon; add whites just before freezing-. Mrs. S. S. Keener. Peach Ice Cream. 1 pint cream, 1 pint milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 quart peach pulp. Rub the peaches through a sieve to produce a pu]p, add a small quantity of the sugar and set aside. Place the cream and milk over the fire to allow them to come exactly to the boiling point, remove and stir in the remainder of the sugar and set aside to cool, then add the peach pulp and freeze. Mrs. G. M. Quarles. Cream Cheese Ice Cream. 5 cream cheese, sweeten and flavor to taste; add 1 quart of sweet milk and freeze. Mrs. Annie Flake. Strawberry Cream Cheese Ice Cream. 3 cream .cheese, separate the cream from the cheese, mash cheese to a paste, add one can of condensed milk, and sugar to taste, add the cream; then \\ pint of sweet milk, 1 glass ice cold water, Dixie Vanilla Flavoring, the beaten whites of 2 eggs, and lastly the mashed and sweet- ened strawberries. Beat all together well and freeze. This makes f gal, delicious cream. Mrs. E- P. Lowe. Sherbet and Ice Cream. 83 Chocolate Cream. 12 eggs, 3 cups sugar, h gallon milk, £ cup chocolate or cocoa, vanilla extract. Beat all the eggs, except the whites of 3 with the sugar and chocolate; add the milk and then boil to a thin custard. When it it beg'ins to freeze, add the whites of the eggs. Mrs. Annie Flake. Coffee Frozen. • Prepare the coffee as for the table; add cream and sugar, making it sweeter than for drinking. Freeze and serve in after dinner coffee cups. Mrs. Oliver. Pineapple Snow. 1 gallon rich milk, 1 can pineapple, 1 pound of sugar; beat all together and freeze. Mrs. H. W. Knickerbocker. Frozen Cream Cheese. One quart of sweet milk to 6 cream cheeses, with the cream, £ teaspoon of soda. Sweeten to taste, flavor with Dixie Vanilla Extract. Mrs. Holmes. Bisque. \ g-allon cream whipped, yolks of 9 eggs, 3 pounds of granulated sugar. Mix the eggs with i gallon of milk which has been boiled with vanilla bean in it, add the sugar to the whipped cream, then mix all ingredients to- gether, beating well. Then freeze. This makes about 24 bisques. Miss Wasson. 84 Candies. ■m^^CandieSo €##« Pecan Candy. Take two large cups of granulated sugar, put into a dry pot and stir constantly till every bit of sugar is dis- solved. Soon as it becomes a syrup pour it over your pre- pared nuts. In a few minutes it will be cold enough to cut into small pieces. P. S. M. Pecan Candy. 1 cup sugar, white of one egg, 1 cup pecans, (picked well) stir and mix well without beating, place thin layer in pie pan, bake light brown in moderately hot oven. Mrs. J. H. Magruder. Caramel Candy. One cake Baker's chocolate (not sweet, J lb.) 3 poifnds brown sugar, % pound butter. 1 tea cup milk. Mix milk and sugar and boil well together, then add the butter, stir- ing until melted, then add the grated chocolate and boil hard until done. Test by dropping on a plate and cooling rapidly. . Mrs. Christian Keener. Cocoanut Pralines. One cup of peeled and grated cocoanut, two cups of sugar, i cup of water. Put sugar and water on to boil, cook it until when dropped in cold water it is brittle, add a piece of butter size of a walnut, put in the grated cocoa- nut, and cook just a few minutes, then drop on buttered plates or tins. For the white use white sugar, for the brown pralines, the best brown sugar, and to color them pink, use fruit coloring. Miss Clara Biixington Pickles and Preserves. pickles and Nsertfss. x In making- pickles the vinegar should be very strong and should only be brought to the boiling point and im- mediately poured on pickles. Cook in porcelain or granite kettle. Never put up pickles in anything that has held grease of any kind. The nicest way to put up pickles is bottling; sealing while hot and keeping in a cool dark place. The brine for pickles should be strong enough to bear an egg; make it in the proportion of a heaping pint of coarse salt to a gallon of water. Sweet Pickles. ■J peck green tomatoes, sliced; 9 cucumbers, 1 head cab- bage, 1 dozen seed onions, 3 pods of green pepper. Place in a jar alternately with salt and let stand over night. 1 ounce each of white and black mustard seed, | ounce turmeric, 1 ounce celery seed, \ box mustard, 1 pound sugar. Mix together with cider vinegar. Let it come to a boil, then put in a jar and seal. Mrs. W. W. Sutcliffe. Sweet Pickle Peaches. 1 quart good vinegar, 2 cups of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Stick 2 or 3 whole cloves in peaches. After peeling, put fruit in with sugar and vinegar; boil till fruit is very tender, and juice thickened. Mrs. Ella Everett, Shubuta, Miss. 86 Pickles and Preserves. Chow-Chow. 1 peck tomatoes, 5 onions, 3 heads cabbage, 1 dozen green peppers. Chop all separately, then mix well, put in salt and let drain all night. Put in a kettle one pound of brown sugar, £ teaspoon grated horseradish, 1 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon ground mustard, 1 table- spoon of celery seed and 1 tablespoon of white mustard seed. Cover with a pint of vinegar, boil and pour over chopped mixture. Mrs. W. W. Sutcliffe. Chow-Chow. 1 dozen onions, 1 peck green tomatoes, 4 heads of cab- bage, 1 dozen cucumbers, (in brine 3 days), 3 oz. white mus- tard seed, 1 oz. celery seed, 4 tablespoons whole pepper, 1 oz. turmeric, small box of mustard, 2J lbs. brown sugar. Chop onions, cabbage and tomatoes day before and sprinkle with salt in proportion, \ pt. to a peck; next day drain out brine. Tablespoon pulverized alum. Put all in kettle cover with weak vinegar, 3 tablespoons of turmeric let it come to a boil then drain off. Then cover with strong vinegar and add all the spice and sugar, simmer slowly \ hour and bottle. Mrs. F. A. Lyons. Spiced Grapes. Small dark grapes are excellent for this. 5 pounds grapes, 4 pounds sugar, 1 quart vinegar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1 tablespoon cloves. Cook for sometime, skim- ming off the seeds as they rise to top, in cooking. Cook down to a sauce. To eat with vegetables. Mrs. Ella Everett, Shubuta, Miss. Pickles and Preserves. 87 Green Tomato Sweet Pickles. Slice 1 gallon green tomatoes and salt well. Let stand until morning-, drain and pour on fresh water, let stand 2 or 3 hours. Slice 12 large onions; put in kettle a layer of tomatoes and a layer of onions, cover with best vinegar and boil until tender; then add 1 tablespoon of mace, 1 table- spoon of spice, 1 tablespoon of nutmeg, 1 tablespoon black pepper, 1 tablespoon mustard, 1 tablespoon cloves, 1 pound brown sugar 1 oz. white mustard seed. Mrs. S. S. Keener. Green Tomato Sauce, or Soy» 2 gallons green tomatoes without peeling, sliced; 12 large onions, 2 quarts best vinegar, 1 quart sugar, 2 table- spoons salt, 2 tablespoons ground mustard, 1 tablespoon black pepper, 1 tablespoon allspice, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, ground; 1 tablespoon cloves. Mix all together, stew until tender, stir often to prevent scorching; put in fruit jars. A fine soy for all kinds of fish and meat. Mrs. Ella Everett. Peach Sweet Pickles. Make a syrup of 1 quart of vinegar, 5 pounds of sugar, 1 tablespoonful each of cloves, allspice and stick cinnamon. Tie the spice in a thin cloth, drop into the syrup, let come to a good boil. If the fruit is peaches, peel them and leave stones in; if pears, peel and core. Take 8 pounds of the fruit and add to syrup (after the fruit has been through the lime water preparation). Let the fruit boil until it is transparent and begins to sink in the syrup, when it is ready for the jars. Mrs. J. B. Walker, Mississippi City. 88 Pickles and Preserves. Preparation for Preserving Ripe Fruit. Have 1 gallon of cold water in an earthern bowl. Put in the water 1 large teacup of unslacked lime, stir well, then put in as much fruit as water will cover. Let stand about 6 minutes, then rinse in clear water (do not let it remain in the water); continue putting- your fruit in lime water and then in clear, until the kettleful is prepared. Let the fruit remain in lime water two minutes longer, every bowl full as the acid weakens the lime. This lime water will prepare a larg-e kettle of fruit. The lime water toug-hens the fruit so it can be boiled, also assists in pre- venting- the preserves from fermenting-. Mrs. J. B. Walker. Spiced Currants. Wash thoroughly 1 pound of currants. Cover with cold water and vineg-ar equal parts, 1 teaspoon of cloves, cina- mon or any spice desired. Tie spice in muslin cloth; boil until currants are soft, add 1 pound of sug-ar, boil half hour. Very appetizing- with cold meats. Mrs. A. J. Crebbin. Spiced Grapes. Eig-ht pounds of grapes, 5 pounds clarified sug-ar, \y 2 pints vineg-ar, cloves, alspice, ground cinamon to taste. Pop the grapes out of the skins, and boil till you can rub throug-h a collander to remove seed. Then put back on fire, with the skins, vineg-ar, sugar and spices, boil two hours. Miss May Williams. Pickles and Preserves. 89 Unfermented Grape Wine. Wash and pick grapes, put in porcelain kettle, let fruit heat until skins burst. Pour into cheese cloth bags and drip, then put juice back on stove; adding not quite J pint white sug-ar to 1 pint juice; boil rapidly 4 or 5 minutes; bottle and cork tig-htly, seal with wax or put into fruit jars. Mrs. Ella Everett, Shubuta, Miss. For Preserving Figs and Pears. To 8 pounds of sug-ar add the strained juice of 2 lem- ons, and a table spoonful of stick cinnamon. Cut the rinds of the lemons, and put in the kettle with the other things; make the syrup with as little water as possible. When the syrup boils, put in 12 pounds of either fig-s or pears which have been through the lime process. Let boil until the fruit looks clear, and begins to sink, when it can be put in the jars. Mrs. J. B. Walker. Sour Orange Peeling Preserves. Grate the yellow off of the orang-e, then peel it in four pieces, soak them two days in water (water must be chang-- ed every day to draw the bitter off); third day scald and drain well, then weig-h them; use one pound of sug-ar to 1 pound of peeling, put the sug-ar in just enough water to cover it well, boil until a g-ood syrup is obtained, then put in the peeling-s and cook until the syrup is quite thick. Mrs. M. C D. Lehde. 90 Miscellaneous Isce Roast Turkey with Oyster Dressing. After cleaning and thoroughly washing- the turkey, pour boiling- water all over it to plump it or make it tender. Rub it well with salt, then prepare dressing-, as follows: about one loaf of stale bread, after it has soaked in hot water until soft, squeeze it dry. Chop one iarg-e onion, a small portion of celery, parsley and thyme. Half pound of sausag-e meat, add salt and pepper to season. Mix .all to- g-ether well. Put in a frying- pan of hot lard and fry until brown, stirring- constantly to prevent burning-. When the dressing- is done, stir in two or three dozen oysters chopped tolerably fine. Stuff the turkey with it and put what is left in the pan. Sift a little flour over the turkey to brown it, also one tablespoon lard. Fill the pan nearly full of hot water and baste the turkey with it, turning- it occasion- ly until thoroug-hly cooked and brown. Mrs. J. W. Billington. Boiled Flour. Tie tig-htly in a close linen cloth one pound of flour. After tying-, moisten with water and dredge well with flour 'till a coating is formed to prevent the water entering the flour. Boil four or five hours and let the flour remain tied in the cloth until it is cold. It will be a hard, solid lump and is a substitute for arrow-root. Prepare by grating. Excellent in diarrhea or other bowel affections. Diet for Infants. Dissolve a piece of gelatine an inch square in half a gill of warm water; when dissolved, add a gill of milk; put on the fire, and when boiling add half a teaspoonful of arrow-root or boiled flour-ball When sufficiently boiled, take off the fire and stir in two tablespoonsful of sweet cream. This may be given to very young infants; and as they grow older the food may be made stronger by using more milk or cream. Mrs. Florence E. Russ Miscellaneous. 91 Cream Puffs. One cup boiling- water, £ cup butter, put these on the stove, when boiling- add one cup of flour, stir five minutes; put this off until nearly cold, then stir in one egg at a time until you g-et in five egg's. Soda size of a pea dissolved in teaspoonful cold water and put into the mixture. Have your tins hot. Bake twenty-five minutes and do not re- move from tins until cold. Have oven very hot. Filling — One pint milk, one cup sugar, £ cup flour, two eg-gs, beat yolks and flour together. Boil the milk and stir in mix- ture slowly, when it thickens take it off and let cool before putting- in cakes. Flavor with Dixie vanilla extract. Miss Clara Billington. Cake Icing. To the white of 1 eg-g - , add 9 heaped teaspoons of pow- dered sugar, 1 even teaspoon of cornstarch, and J teaspoon of cream of tartar. Put all in tog-ether, and beat with a fork till too stiff to flow. The whites of 2 eg-gs and its ac- companying ingredients will ice a g-ood sized cake. Flavor to taste. If put on a hot cake, will not crumble off readilv. ' Mrs. S. S. Bothick. The Way to Make Good Coffee and Tea. For making coffee or tea, never boil the water more than three or four minutes as most of its natural properties escape by evaporation, leaving very insipid liquid when boiled very long, which spoils the coffee or tea. Never use the water left in the tea-kettle over night, but have fresh boiled water always if you want good coffee or tea. For tea, have an earthen or china pot, scald it out well and set on the stove, where it will dry and keep hot, when dry put in two teaspoonfuls of tea, let heat a minute or two and ten minutes before serving, pour in a pint of fresh boiling water. 92 Miscellaneous. Stuffed Peppers. Select £ dozed large green peppers, cut off the small ends and take out the seeds; then scald the peppers and drain them. Take any left-over meat, (veal preferred) and chop very fine, then chop up about two small toma- toes and half of a green pepper; \ cup cold rice, season with salt and a little pepper; mix well and stuff the pep- pers. Set them in a pan half filled with water and a table- spoonfull of butter and a sprig of parsley; put in oven and bake until peppers are tender and brown, basting frequent- ly. Miss L. Klocke. Stuffed Eggs. Boil 8 eggs hard, when cold peal and cut in half. Take out the yolks very carefully so as not to break the whites. Mash the yolks and mix with two teaspoons melted butter, one teaspoon mustard, three or four pieces pickled cucum- bers chopped fine, salt and pepper to taste. Finely chopp- ed ham, or celery seeds may be added. C. Billington. Onion Soup. Fry three medium sized onions in butter, a light brown color. Pour one pint rich, sweet milk into a granite boiler and place upon the stove; when it comes to a boil pour in the onions and season with butter, pepper and salt. Serve with toast. Mrs. C. B. Sholaks. WALTER A^I^I^E^ISL, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Hosiery, Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Mattings and Window Shades.... 1618 and 1620 DRYADES STREET, Bet. Terpsichore and Euterpe, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Household Wniis. 93 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Furniture Polish. 1 pint spirits of turpentine, \ pint ot sweet oil, 3 table- spoonsful of vinegar, 2 teaspoonsful flour. Excellent. To Stiffen Collars. A little gumarabic and common soda added to starch, gives extreme stiffness and gloss to shirt-bosoms and collars. Home Made Yeast Powder. 1 pound of cream of tartar, \ pound of soda, 1 pint of flour. Sift seven or eight times. Cover closely. Excellent. Fat For Frying. 5 pounds pure cottonseed oil, 2 pounds beef suet. Cut the beef into small pieces, put into granite pot on the back of stove. Soon as the fat melts pour it off. Place cotton- seed oil in pot, then the beef suet. Cook together. When it has thoroughly boiled or reached 355° Fahrenheit, strain and put away. To Clean Wall Paper. . To 1 pint of boiling water, add a full quart of flour and 2 tablespoonsful of ammonia, make into a stiff dough and rub down paper once. 94 Things Worth Knowing Dip iron rust spots in tartaric acid and hang- in the sun. A sponge can be cleansed by soaking- it a few hours in buttermilk. Put a few apples into the box with your cake and they will keep it moist. Hot water used in a sponge cake makes it white. Cold water produces a yellow cake. A little borax or soda in the dish water makes the tinware brighter and is better than soap. The juice of half a lemon in a tea cup of strong- black coffee without sug-ar will often cure a sick headache. Leather sachels may be cleaned with a sponge dipped in warm water in which a little oxalic acid has been dissolved. Make a heavy line of tar about the paper on which the sugar bowl stands, if you are troubled with ants and they will never cross the tar line. In making cake if you have the yolks left and do not care to use them right away, cover them with fresh water and they will keep for three days. Turpentine will drive away ants and roaches if sprink- led about shelves and closets. A teaspoonful in a pail of warm water cleans paint excellently. A little in the boiler on washing day whitens the clothes. Nothing- has proved to be so great a preservative of leather as castor oil, at the same time keeping the leather silky and supple. That is because the oil does not soak into the leather, nor permit the water to do so, and pre- serves the natural condition and life of the leather. As a preservative next in value is castor oil and neatfoot, half and half mixed. Weights and Measures. $ The following- table of weights and measures will be useful, and they have the merit of being correct: Butter the size of an egg — 2 ounces. Butter the size of a walnut — 1 ounce. One solid pint of chopped meat — 1 pound. Kig"ht or ten eggs — 1 pound. One coffee cupful of butter, pressed down — h pound. Four teaspoonsful— 1 tablespoonsful liquid. One tablespoonful of soft butter, well rounded — 1 ounce- Four tablespoonsful, or half a g-ill — 1 wine glass. Two coffee cupfuls — 1 pint. Two pints — 1 quart. Four quarts — 1 g-allon. Two tablespoonfuls liquid — 1 ounce. One tablespoonful of salt — 1 ounce. Sixteen ounces — 1 pound, or a pint of liquid. One rounded tablespoonful of flour — M ounce. Three cups of corn meal — 1 pound. Four coffee cupfuls of sifted flour— 1 pound. One quart of unsifted flour — 1 pound. One pint of granulated sug-ar— 1 pound. Two coffee cupfuls of powdered sugar — 1 pound. One pint of brown sugar— thirteen ounces. Two and a half cups of powdered sugar — 1 pound. INDEX. PAGE Biscuit 7 Bisque 83 Breads 5 Breakfast Cakes 11 Cakes 64-75 Candies 84 Chili-con-carni 40 Cookies 15-17 Corn Bread 9 Crabs 27-32 Creams and Custards 76-79 Daube 38-39 Doug-hnuts 15 Eggs ». 54 Fish 33-35 Fowls 41-42 Ginger Bread 15-17 Grape Wine, (unfermented) 89 Grapes, Spiced 88 Hash 39 Household Hints 93 Ice Cream 80-82 Maccaroni 46-48 Measures 95 Meats 36-40 Miscellaneous 90-92 Muffins 13 Oysters 27-32 Pickles 85-87 Pies and Pastry 60 63 Preserves " 87-89 Puddings and Sauces 55-59 Rice 43-47 Rolls 13 Salads 50-53 Sauces, Fish " 35 Sherbets 81 Soups 19-26 Spag-hetti 47 Turkish Bath 16 Things Worth Knowing 91 Vegetables 43-49 Weights ,..,,, 95 Mi & I 1 1 I tf M LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■ 014 480 083 7 £ M'Ewlf/lsiwf w m ■j I