THE. OPCRflTeD BY DEAN HOTEL CO. imo K^NS/IS CITY. MO. si^sy Class. Book. i--^'^\A- .H'^rt ^ CopyrightW^ COPVRIGIIT DEPOStn THE BALTIMORE ILLUSTRATED MANAGEMENT THE DEAN HOTEL CO. KANSAS CITY, U. S. A. COPYRIGHTED 1909 BY THE HOTEL FOLDER PUBLISHING CO. COMMRRCE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, U. 8. A. Mr. D. J. Dean Mr. Allen J. Dean Mr. Frank J. Dean Mr. Geo. O. Relf (g/CI,A254252 MAIN CORRIDOR 'st^j: : .■" •ci: THE BALTIMORE MR. LOUIS CURTISS, Architect of the Baltimore MAIN CORRIDOR From 11th to 12th Streets MR. EDWARU J. HOLSLAG The Decorator of thf. Baltimorf: Hotel OFFICE AND LOBBY %\)t Baltimore ^otel FROM a small and comparativ^ely obscure city, only a score of years ago, Kansas City has forged her way to the very front of the cities of America. Her wonder- ful strides in a business way and her importance as a railway and jobbing center have been quite The Landing of Lord Baltimore (Allegorical Painting Over Office) generally heralded for a number of years. But wonderful as has been the growth of her jobbing and wholesale interests, even more noticeable has been the evolution of her fine homes and boulevards and business blocks. Office and business buildings that compare favorably with those of any city in the United States have been erected in the last few years. Commensurate in every way with the growth and development of Kansas City has been the growth of the Baltimore Hotel. For many years a hotel of but little over 300 rooms, the excellence of her service and the general high character of her cuisine and furnishings had caused her to be well and favorably known from coast to coast. As she now stands, more than double her original size, impressive of design, rich and magnificent in appointments, every department numbering all that is modern in equipment, she takes rank among the very best and most beautiful hotels in America. This beautiful structure was erected by Mr. Bernard Corrigan in conjunction with the Corrigan estate, on the accepted plans and largely from the suggestions of Messrs. Dean Brothers and was designed in detail by Mr. Louis Curtiss, an architect of international repute. The building fronts on Eleventh street, Baltimore avenue and Twelfth street, while its remaining side gains light and ventilation from an extremely wide alley which parallels Main street, thus constituting a building an entire block long and one-half city b'lock wide, having splendid light on the four sides. The building comprises eleven stories and basement. The portion of the basement front- ing on Eleventh street and embracing one-half the area is devoted to the Rathskeller, the main buffet and grill while the remaining basement area, equalling one-quarter of an entire city block, is given over to the purposes of the principal kitchen, refrigerating plant, lighting, heating and ventilating systems, together with the vacuum and plenum systems. Here also is located the apparatus for the combustion of refuse, and in fact all other mechanical adjuncts necessary in the scientific construction in modern hotel economics. Lord Calvert Making a Treaty With the Indians (Allegorical Painting Over Office) The main entrance of the hotel is placed beneath a massive and ornate metal canopy on Twelfth street, which develops into the splendid main corridor which is eighteen feet wide and two hundred seventy feet long and which terminates at the rotunda at Eleventh street. This corridor is treated as a continuous portico with colonnades on either side in \'erde Twelfth Strekt Entrance African marble witli gilded capitals and bases in bronze. Between these columns the side walls are treated in \erde Antique metal screens with filling of plate glass, and is further enriched with a wainscot of Pavanazo marble, while the ceiling is enriched with carving and decorated in gold and soft har- monious stone. This magnificent promenade making a veritable vista in its length anil vary- ing perspective is not surpassed by any interior walk-way in America. The whole interior was especially planned not only for the utility and comfort of the guests, but always with a view of artistic excellence throughout. The scheme of decoration and furnishing is elegant in the extreme. The many rooms throughout the building echo the sentiment of the true artist. A distinct feature of the Baltimore is the excellent elevator service, the building being equipped with the latest type of tandem worm gear drum electric elevators, which are especially designed for hotel service. Each of the Baltimore cars is equipped with a patented safety device, the use of which is a positive assurance against accidents from the falling of elevator cars. The plumbing system follows the most advanced practice in sanitary science. The fixtures were especially designed for the build- ing. The kitchen has a complete service of its its own. The Paul \'acuum System is in use and regulated by the latest thermostatic inven- tion. Another special feature is tlie installation of an ice plant supplying approximately 8,000 cubic feet of cold storage space located at various points of the building. This splendid machine has a capacity each twenty-four hours equivalent to melting twenty-five tons of ice_ It is of the ammonia compression type and the principal parts of the system consist of a twenty-five ton horizontal, double acting am- monia compressor, driven by a Corliss engine. The temperature of any refrigerator can be maintained constantly as low as 32° F. or at any higher temperature desired. Nothing so perfectly assures wholesomeness of food product as perfect refrigeration, and this, in the Baltimore Hotel, has been reduced to perfection. It is only in recent years that artistic de- velopment in the I nited States has induced the builders of large public buildings, and especially hotels, to consult with the artist and decorator in producing interior effects that conform to the refined taste of the largely traveled American people of this epoch. We are rapidly gaining the reputation of being <• The Marquise — Ladies' Entrance, Baltimore Avenue THE ITALIAN ROOM THE GRII.L ROOM ELIZABETHAN PARLOR Heidelberg Room true globe trotters, which is a distinction only the English heretofore have possessed. At this time, however, with the immense progress the country has made in wealth and in culture, Americans have seen and do see the very best examples of all that is beautiful in Europe, and they now come back expecting to have their cultivated taste gratified in their own buildings. This demand has enabled the architect, the artist and the decorator to fa- miliarize himself with all that is the very best in interior decoration throughout the world, and has enabled them to readapt to America all that is splendid and thus gratify this growing taste for luxury and culture of surrounding. All of this has been done very successfully in the new Baltimore Hotel. The many handsome rooms which are carried out in period decoration, architecture and design bear witness to this fact. The main dining room, a room noble in its proportions and height, and notable indeed in its richness of marbles, mosaries and decoration which constitute its walls, is a beautiful creation of the Renaissance Period. The scheme here worked out is entirely of white Italian marble and Caen Stone. Rising from the mosaic floor are eight monolythic columns 30 feet high of statuary marble which form the support of a hexagonal dome rising yet 25 feet higher in Caen stone, beautifully enriched by mosiacs and the whole surrounded by a mezzanine floor looking into the main area of the dining room. This mezzanine is surmounted by a massive perforated parapet in statuary marble. A music mezzanine, handsomely executed in Pavanazzo marble projects from the north wall forming a motive at once striking and unique. The illumination of this room is eff^ected by massive bronze cathedral cande- labras in monumental style and in strict harmony with the columns which they ad- join, while the eye of the dome is terminated by a brilliant sunburst in bronze containing six hundred lamps. These lighting features are the acme of regal elegance, exquisite in every detail and represent an expenditure of many thousands of dollars. The principal color scheme of this room is in white, old rose and gold. Across the corridor to the left of the main dining room is the Automobile Room, a very unique and original conception in the way of decoration and arrangement. This room is entirely in green and ivory, while the furniture is of Circassian walnut. Beautiful pendant lamps suspended from the ceiling give an individual effect and character to this room, which is highly artistic. On the frieze is a representation of automobile sports, carried out in poster-like effects; the con- Private Dining Room Pari.or-Giesi C'hamiur, Fn Si UK ceptiiMi of tlic Lirtist in tlepictinu; tlie joys of automobile life is cleverly arranged in these iiiural paintings, ami the conventional art glass windows in this room represent a tree effect, giving one the impression of outdoor life which is so dear to the heart of all lovers of the automobile. Oft" from the main cor- ridor again, as \ou walk along on the right is the P>gyptian Room, it is used as a cafe ami is designed to carr\ the tliner back to the Egyptian period ; the entire ilesign and dec- orative scheme is carried out in the hgyptiaii .style and in a most unique way. Ihere are Egyptian columns, pilasters, vases, all richly carved with the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt. I'he hieroglyphics are in.scribed and cut into the walls with tool instruments and afterwards picked out in color by the artists. The fixtures are purely Egyptian in character, and in fact the w hole room depicts so little of American effect that it carries one liack xo Egypt and creates food for the mind of the diner while he is being ministeretl to the wants of his inner man. Next to this room is the Pompeiian Room, one of the finest examples of Pompeiian archi- tecture in the United States. Truly does it take us back to the time of the Romans, two thousand years ago, and we indeed feel, on entering this room that we are verilv on the threshold of one of tlie noble Roman palaces of which we know so little other than that which is told us b\ the ruins that are left of the R(Mnan \'illas and the fragments of Roman architecture which we hml throughout the museums of Europe. This room is one of the jHirest examples of the Hellenic art as exemplified by the excavated remains from the varied cities. A majestic vase in statuary marble, a replica of a recently discovered frag- ment in Herculaneum stands at the further end of this room. This vase rests on a pedestal rising from a large water basin, the wlude forming a fountain of great purity of design and grace. The furniture is in exact dupli- cation of old Pompeiian pieces and there is no attempt whatever at originality in the treat- ment of this room other than the fact that the artists have confined themseh'es strictly to reproducing the effect of a true Pompeiian room in every detail. The walls are in red w ith elaborate Pompeiian Arabesque ornaments trellising the same. The lower part of the room, or dado, is in \ erde Antique marble. The candelabrum are correct reproductions of the old Pompeiian Standards. The floor is of marble. The splashing of the limpid waters from the handsome Pompeiian fountain per- fects this old time scene. The ceiling is richly gilded, illuminated and picked out in various (.T> ESI Chamber. En Siite BANQUET AND BALL ROOM GlEST CHAMBtR, En SmX Stones of rich color. Pompeiian ornaments in all their gorgeousness practically cover this ceiling, making an effect that is superb over all. Just to the left of the Pompeiian room off the main corridor is the English room. This room is designed and furnished in the English style of the period of Queen Elizabeth. All the furniture, which is elaborately and and richly carved, is furniture in duplicate of rare old English pieces, and is beautifully cov- ered with galoons, tapestry and appliqued gold ornaments. The rugs were especially designed and made in Europe to tit this room, which is primarily used as a rest room, and one cer- tainly has a feeling of repose when reclining in any of the handsome and comfortable pieces of furniture scattered about this palatial retreat. Along to the end of the corridor is the main lobby or office, the entire decorations being in Pavanazzo marble, the ceiling being in gray. Above the main counter .on a line with The parlor floor, are two large lunettes. On these lunettes the decorator and artist has reproduced a theme which relates to the nam- ing of the hotel. One of the lunettes contains Sample Room One of the Private Bath Rooms POMPEIAN ROOM ^^^^pppip ■^^^-~- Partial View ok Bali. Room a beautiful painting of Lord Calvert making a treaty with the Indians for the purchase of the ground for the building of the city of Baltimore after which the Hotel Baltimore is named. The other painting represents the landing of Lord Baltimore on the site of his fair city. These paintings are true works of art, and serve in a measure to represent the high artistic trend of the American mind in the decoration of our modern hotels. On the parlor floor, and extending up to the third floor of the building, is the Grand Banquet Hall, which is considered one of the finest rooms that has ever been designed or executed in any part of the world. This room is carried out strictly in the period of Francis the First. As is generally conceded, the Fran- cis First period embraces the very highest perfection of French architecture and design. This room is approximately twenty-four feet high, and will seat four hundred banqueters at one service. Except the frieze, the room is entirely of wood, being of curly maple stained to a French gray tone. The wainscoting is twelve feet high above this is the magnificent mural painting of a Medieval Procession, extending all around the room. This procession of knights and ladies of the Francois Premier period represents the character and costume.^ of this noble reign — the knights in all the armour and regalia of the field and the ladies in their handsome, elaborate court cos- tumes. The conception of this picture is of Mr. Holslag, who is the artist. It is the rep- resentation of a fete day during the reign of the First Francis. The artist has been emi- nently successful in portraying the glamour and grandeur of this period. The ceiling is a beam effect, with elaborate gold applique orna- ments richly embellished and painted on the beam. The effect on entering this room is one of glittering gorgeousness, which is the same effect in the rooms of similar character in Europe. The Baltimore Hotel has the dis- tinction of possessing the only room of this design and careful execution in America, and it is pleasing to say that it has been a high artistic gratification to every visitor. Next to and connecting with the Grand Banquet Hall, is the Italian room, which represents a pergola or Italian garden, with clusters of grapes and vines interwoven and suspended from the ceiling in a most artistic arrangement. There are many other rooms throughout this splendid hotel that deserve notice and commendation, but the brief space in the booklet precludes their extended description. It has been the intention to so thoroughly illustrate the booklet that a very definite idea of the magnificence of this house may be had by turning the pages of this little work. GuKSr CHAMBtR, En Suite 31. ^^?Tr -^THT 3yi:i3naK?sa:^ K^»'t*a»Tt "^bLJS^ Refrigeratisc Pucrr and Ice Machise Heine Safety Boileks The Dynamos VIEW OF BALTIMORE KITCHENS The Ranges — Baltimore Kitchens. Operated by Nati ral Gas Service Bar— Baltimore Kitchems List of Contractors, Materials, Furnishings, Etc., of . . Kansas Citv, Louis , , ' ' „ Kansas Citv, Roval Auto Livery Company. . Kansas Citv Baker - Lockwood Manutacturing Company '^^"^^ j^^y Koken Barbers' Supply Company R-.n^^ Citv' Mittons-Boxmever Glassware Company V- ' ";" u ' •;< \t;^K;J=n' Nelson - Matter Furniture Company (-rand ^ap.d^ Michigan, Missouri i: Kansas Telephone Company St Lou^' Heine Safety Boiler Company . .Kenosha," Wisconsin,' Simmons Manufacturmg: Company "-'="" Kansas Citv Eadie Building Supply Company ' Tavlor i- Winn Construction Company Robert Keith Furniture and Carpet Company. White i Hannum • United Kansas Portland Cement Company - • ■■ '^^^hicago, Burley i Co ; ■ ' ;, Kansas Citv' McTeman & Halpin Construction t ompany f^^nsas ^u> , Geo. B. Peck Dry Goods Company Chicaeo' The Ford is; Johnson Company rW^cato Garis - Cochrane Manufacturing Company • • • j^^^^^ ^.f^^:^ JlJ^ri^ S;;^" Li^Iachin^ Standard Wire and Iron Works r-,,,,,. ritv Builders' Material Sut.ply Company Kansas >.u> , St. Louis Brass Manufacturing Company C. Y. Roop Kansas City, . Kansas City, . Kansas City, .Kansas City, Eiser Engraving Company . St. Louis, .Kansas City, Kansas City, Curtin ^c Clark Hard«-are Company ;; ' ' • W "• ' ■ ' ^^"^^ 5'"'^' kusse"l I Erwin Manufacturing Company New Britain, Schultz cV Hirsch Company ■ Louis' Columbia Incandescent Lamp Company Chicago' Holslag ^: Co ■.;".".;■.■... Kansas Citv^ |. R Mercer Kansas Citv -Redhetfer Hardware Company ! ! ! ! ! l^n's CU s Badger Lumber Company. . ,,,• ■ Peoria Stone and Marble Works S Js Chv' American Sash and Door Company ^-^"^^ ^ >' W. H. Jennens Manufacturing Company '^^nsas ^u> A. M. Hughes Paint Company K^nSs Citv' Devoe & Ravnolds Company k-,,,„o r;,v' Adele Dieren (with Shields' Studio) ■■••■• ]$--- '^ xhr Nov^^\\ill.ams...^ • Kansas Citv, Midland Asbestos Company ir,,,^,^ ritv W. R. Berrvhill 5c Son h:^"^^'. ^' ^Z Campbell Paint and Glass Company {>,"!,' ri,v' Cunningham Plumbing and Heating Company K't n ' riiV Missouri Drug Company Cincinnati, Ohio, H °R EnniTf Co"" .:.'.:::'.::'.'.:y.'.^y.'.'.'.. Kansas City, Creamerv" pIckage°Manu{acturing' Company •; ■ Chicago, Illinois, Missouri Boiler Works Company t-='"«'^ K " ' J^ ?Uv' Hervey Machine VV orks Kansas Citv, \\estern Roohng Company ^^^^^^ ^. Goodyear Rubber Company ^^^^^^ ^,.^^,^ >°"'P^"- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Companv ' , f^- .; ,.- Kansas Cit\ , Note Companv p. ■ Plumbing and Heating Company^as i-ii\ , Scotford Mayhew Union Bank Cunningham Plumbing and Heating Company ^o ^.^^ iiiggin Manufacturing Company ....•■■■■••;•■;; Newport. Kentucky, ^^- C^- . Kansas City, . Kansas City, Higgir Binner-Wells National Trunk Factory. Smith Premier Tvpewriter Company '^'"' rhlXo-n Ketcham ^c Rothschild I Inc. ) ■ •. : •••■■■ V.^n^nsfn' American Air Cleaning Company Milwaukee W iscons n, Zahner Manufacturing Company ^ansa^ The Baltimore Hotel Architect. Automobiles for Hire. Awnings. Barber Shop Outfit. Bar Supplies. Bedroom Furniture. Bell Telephones. Boilers. Brass Beds. Brick. Builders. Carpets and Curtains. Carpet Cleaning. Cement. China and Glassware. Cr\ished Rock and Stone. Damasks and Linens. Dining Room Chairs. Dishwashing Machines. Electric Wiring, Motors and Switch Board. Elevators. Fire Escapes. Fireproof Floors, Partitions and Ceilings. Fixtures { Electric and Gas). Fuel Oil Burning System. Halftone Engravings. Hardware. Hardware Manufacturers. Hotel Bedding. Incandescent Lamps. Interior Decorators. Jeweler. Kitchen Supplies and Copper Work. Lumber. Marble \Aork. Mill Work and Interior Finish. Ornamental Plastering. Paints. Paints and Varnish. Photo Color Work. Photographic \\'ork. Pipe Covering. Plastering. Plate Glass. Plumbing and Sewerage. Prescription Druggists. Ranges and Kitchen Equipment. Real" Estate. Refrigerating Plant. Repairs, Boilers and Storage Tanks. Repairs, Machinery, etc. Rooting. Rubber CTOods, etc. Rubber-covered .Key Tags. Special Design Furniture. Stationers. Steam Heating. Tailors. Temperature Regulation. The Higgin Metal Frame Fly Screen. Three Color Process Engravings. Trunks and Travelers' Supplies. Typewriters Upholstered Furniture. Vacuum Svstem. Ventilating System, Metal Windows. 1 Purveyors to The Baltimore Anheuser - Busch Brewing Association Kansas cltv F. A. Cauchois i- Co Kansas* Citv ' Meriden Creamery Company Kansas Citv' West Disinfecting Company K,n^l Citv' Kellogg- Phillips Commission Company ^.auMx v, , Guernsey .V Murray Grocer Company ChiS. HHnois', Steele -Wedeles Companv ■ «-iiiv.-6ir, , We use and recommend Mon.arch Food Products. , r. m-ii J <^ Kansas Litv, 1. R. Ml er ^: Co ,. „. r-;.;. ' , „ J Kansas City, E. L. Reeder ir,„-,, Geo. M. Kellogg Flower and Plant Company ^.an^s ^ t> , Evans - Douglass Commission Company K ^s C tv Chas. Kuehne Commission Company i)^^"„: ,-:,'' W. D. Oldham |^^"'^^J K^- ^ ' People's Ice, Storage and Fuel Company ^^fj» ^"> ' f "f f V,",; ^""''"' '''""'""'' •.".•.■.■.".■.".Kan" Citv', Standard Milk Company Kansas Citv, Fidelity Od Company^ j^^^^^ ^.^^. Kevstone Oil Company R-,nsas Citv Wm. F. Helm Commission Company ^ 1 rlj r^ r^ r' r^ansas ^- it\ , C. E. Kern California Produce Company Peet Bros. Manufacturing Company '^''"^ Morrin Powers Mercantile Company Kan^s Citv Glasner ^- Bar/en Kansas City, Kansas City, Budweiser Beer (Draught and Bottled). Coffee. Creamery Butter. Disinfectants. Eggs. Fancy Groceries. Fancy Groceries. Fish and Oysters. Fish and Oysters. Florists. Fruits, etc. Fruit, Celery, etc. (Jroceries. Ice. Laundry Work. Milk and Cream. Oils. Oils. Produce. Produce. Produce, Fruits, Vegetables and Celery. Toilet Soap, etc. Wines and Liquors. Wines and Liquors. I The Southwest Limited to Chicago Offers all of the inviting features of travel and many exclusive advantages, including Longer, Higher and Wider Berths. All cars owned and operated by this railway and cleaned by the vacuum air process. Block, signals all the way. I'nequaled dining car service. Leaves Union Station 3:35 p. m., and Grand Avenue Station 6:07 p. m. Arrives L'nion Passenger Station, Chicago, in the business district, 8:20 a. m. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway TICKETS 907 Main St.. Kansas City G. L. COBB Soulhwestern Passenger Agent The Hardwood Interior Finish used in the construction of the Baltimore Hotel Avas manufactured in this plant ^ff*^ THE KANSAS CITY PLANT We have exceptional facilities for handling large and particular jobs of this character. We manufacture one quality only and that is the best. Our organization is as perfect as brains can make it and we have practically eliminated errors that cause useless delays, disappointments and expense. We do not claim to quote the lowest prices, but we do claim and can prove that the material we manufacture is perfect. WRITE TO US 'J'Ui ndt/uiVu ir^'K ^Lvtuujjlla/M eic. KANSAS CITY and ST. JOSEPH, MO. EGYPTIAN ROOM SHUKERT'S FURS ARE SUPERIOR In equality, btyle ana Ricnness, yet tney cost you LESS because "we are Importers and Manufacturers 1 ou do not nave to pay tne miaaleman s profit. 'SMART STYLE FURRIER' 1113 GRAND AVENUE WM. F. HELM. President O. C. HELM, Vice President E. J. HELM. Secretary and Treasurer Ho.-ne and Bell Telephones 3439 Main CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS #5ll,0(iii.(ili ESTABLISHED NOVEMBER, 189S INCORPORATED JANUARY. 1905 Wm. F. Helm Commission Co. We are the headquarters for all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables from all parts of the globe. 423 WALNUT STREET KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Old Shoes Made New While You Wait. Largest and Best Equipped Shop in the Country. Trade Mark Shoes Called for and Delivered FREE Six Phones, Bell and Home SMITM SHOE REPAIRIINQ COMPAINY 40-4 E. I2th St. 12tlT anU Wyandotte St. I2th and Indiana Ave. 17 E. 8th St. The temperature reg- ulating system in the Baltimore Hotel manufactured and in- stalled by the Johnson Service Company Branches in all Principal Cities MILWAUKEE, WIS. In this beautiful hotel are of Reinforced Concrete and were designed and furnished by us. TTtie Fr*^irei3roof I^a^rtitions and Oeilinss which are made of "Mackolite" and Patent Steel Studs and Herringbone Metal Lath were furnished and erected by us. If we can execute work of this high character why not write or telephone us about that new building of yours? Builders^ Material Supply Co. WM. RYNERSON, Manager Both Phones, Main 2605 Kansas City, Mo. MAIN CAFE AH the Table Linens and Bed Linens Used by the Baltimore Hotel Were Supplied by the Geo> B, Peck Dry Goods Co, We make a specialty of table linens and bed linens for hotels and supply many of the largest hotels in the southwest with practically all that they use. IVe import our table linens and bed linens direct through our Manchester, England, office at No. 66 Faulkner Street, our Paris, France, office at No. 3 Cite Trevise, and our Chemnitz, Germany, office at No. 25 Theater Street. We huy direct from the manu- facturers at their lowest prices and are therefore able to offer remarkably good values. Embossed Table Linens Called Leinewand der Deutschen Haus- frau, that is, a table linen made for the German housewife, a strictly all pure linen which we import par- ticularly for our hotel trade. The patterns stand out in such bold relief that we call them embossed. An extra heavy quality that makes it one of the best wearing damasks that is brought into this country. 72 inches wide and a splendid value at, a yard $1.00 L DEUTSCHEN HAUSPRAU SPECIALLY IMPORTED BV GEttB.PECK DRY GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY U.S.A. The Best Hotel Sheets An extra h e a v y weight, made of selected cotton, made without a seam; in two sizes, 2] X Z\ yards, a dozen, . . $7.00 Z\ X 24 yards, a dozen, . . 7.30 Hotel Towels Excellent quality buck towels, an extra heavy weight, particu- larly suitable for hotel use; each one measures 18x36 inches and is finished with a neat, red border; a splendid value at our special price of, a dozen, . . $1.15 Brown bath towels, an extra heavy quality witli a firm, absorbent nap; they are hemmed ready for use, and are made particularly for hotel use; size, 24x47 inches; another splendid value at, a dozen ........ $1.85 Hotel proprietors are particularly requested to write for quotations on table linens, bed linens, blankets, etc. All letters of inquiry will be answered promptly and intelligently. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI If you want QUALITY there is no better Hotel Furniture than that manufactured bv Nelson Matter Furniture Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. Every piece built honestly. Lasting twice as long as other makes and costs tio more The Baltimore Hotel is furnished throughout with our BED ROOM FURNITURE MAIN CAKE The bed shown above is one of the SIMMONS' BRASS BEDS selected by the Baltimore Hotel through the Duff & Repp Furniture C o. Xiii .S immons M anufacturing H ompany KENOSHA, WISCONSIN Ivansas Citp of Cotiap WHEN the great Architect of the Universe created the l)eautifiil \'al- ley of the Missouri and through it traced tlie cliannel of the river of the same name, it was fore-orthained that somewhere on its fertile l)anks there should he huilded a city which would he the great metropolis of the Middle West, mighty for its financial, commercial and industrial interests and nolewortlu' for the love of its ])eo])le for home, for country and for fellowmen. The fullness of time has witnessed the fruition of the ])lan. as such a city has heen Imilded here at the confluence of the Missotiri and the Kaw. in the ver_\- midst of the garden spot of the Sotithwest. Some of the causes for the material greatness and prosperity of Kansas City are her splendid houlevanls and parks, her ])til)- lic schools and churches, her s])lendid sup- ply of water, her efficient railway facilities, her great output of food products and the manufacture of everything" that enters into the daily consumption of the conmiunit}-. An important factor of the solid foundation upon which her progress as a city is hased, is the development within her limits of a home-huilding", home-owning and home-lov- ing, puhlic s])irited peojjle. The census has disclosed the fact that among all the cities of this nation Kansas City stands among the first in the percent- age of her population who own their own homes. It is the multi])licalion of these homes wherein Kansas City finds lier loyal civic pride and source of strength. POPULATION, AREA, PARKS AND BOULEVARDS. With a ])o])ulation of 415.000 souls. Kan- sas City covers an area of S/^.^ square miles, and has in that territory 279 miles of paved streets, exclusive of houlevards. Kansas City's parks and boulevards are possibly the greatest asset she has. for they are known and admired the world around. It is bevond the ])o\ver of the ordinar_\- indix'idual to de- scribe these parks and driveways so that the\- can be intelligently understood. The park and boulevard system comprises over 2,000 acres of parks, with 70 miles of boule- vards; Swope Park alone contains \,3r<4 acres. The cost of the park and l)oulevard system up to A])ril. 1^0'^ is. in round fig- ures, nine millions of dollars. LOW TAXES. Kansas Cit\- is blessed with low taxes: the rate of taxation is based on fortv per cent of the actual cash value of the propcrtv assessed, and averages about one and one- quarter ])er cent of this valuation i)er an- num. RAILROAD CENTER. From a railroad standpoint. Kansas Citv comes very near lieing the center of the countr}-. with railroad connections and fa- cilities second to but one other citv in the United States, having twentv s\-stems and thirty-two lines radiating to all points of the compass. As transportation has much to do with the commercial supreniac\' of any city, so Kansas City is particularly for- tttnate in this res])ect. While we thus have the best of transportation facilities, we have the further advantage of having our prin- cipal trade territory close at hand. The matter of "a market" is a thing' that a])- ])eals largely to the wholesale dealer and the manufacturer. Draw a line west ex- tending from the northern boundary of Mis- souri across to the Pacific, and you cut the western half of the United States almost exactly in two. The population of this western half of the country is a little over twent}-six millions of people. South of that line lies the "Great Southwest," and is the territory tributary to Kansas City and within which there is no competition from anv other great citw and to which Kansas Citv serves as a distributing" and manufac- turing" base, live twenty of the twenty-six A MODERN RAILWAY SYSTEM OPERATING MODERN TRAINS ON FAST AND CONVENIENT SCHEDULES TICKET OFFICE 900 MAIN STREET millions of people. This is Kansas City's trade territory (the Southwest Market), which is the ^-oungest and most huoyant, stront^est, most liheral, most progressive, and the fastest growing in ]iroportion to an}- t)ther ])art of our common couniry. BANK CLEARINGS. Periiaps the hest ])ossihle mdex of the linaucial condition of any city is its Idear- ing" J louse record, (^ne of the i)eculiar things which have occurred in this connec- tion in recent years has heen th.e claim made hy different cities in regard to the small decrease in their bank clear.ngs. It is fair to claim that Kansas (."ity is the only city in the I'nited States of its size and standing whose bank clearings have not de- creased in the last five years, but have grad- ually increased under the enormous volume of business transacted here froiu year to vear, until she stands sixth in the galaxy of cities. Her bank clearings for the year 1908 were $1,850,000,000. MANUFACTURING. The time is rapidly ;irriving when Kan- sas Citv must be taken into consideration as a manufacturing center. She has made a remarkable stride in this respect in recent years, and during the year just closed the extension of the luanufacturing interests has continued along healthful and substan- tial lines with soiue very important addi- tions. With sulTicient capital the manu- facturing industries will grow by leaps and bonnds. The trade today has expanded with the increased volume of business, and "Kansas lit}- Made ( loods" are i-iow going to the four (juarters of the globe. The ad- vantages for distribution of the manufac- tured products and the nearness to many of the raw materials has drawn the atten- tion of the manufacturers from all over the countrv. In even figures, the capital in- vested in manufacturing industries will i-iow exceed thirtv i-nillion dollars, with over 25,000 employees, who are paid in wages ai-iriuallv an amount exceeding fifteen mil- lion dollars, and producing an output of aboiU sixty million dollars per amium. LIVE STOCK AND MEAT PACKING INDUSTRIES. Kansas Cit}- stands near the top in the meat packing industry and live stock in- terests; only one other city in the world exceeds it in volnme of business. There are now eight modern i)acking establish- ments located here, with a coi-nbined daily cai)acity for the slaughter of If), 000 cattle, 37,000 hogs, and 17,000 sheep, representing an investmei-it of $20,000,000, and an ai-imial output valued at $100,000,000, giving em- l)lo\-nient to 20,000 persons. Kansas City's stock yards have grown rapidly and furnish every facility needed to handle the increasing business. They cover 207 acres and contain the most thorough and modern stock yards equipment in the country. Receipts at the stock yards for 1908 were 142,000 carloads, consisting of 2,500,- 000 cattle, 4,000,000 hogs, 1,500,000 sheep, and 60,000 horses and mules, valued at the enormous sum of $150,000,000. FLOUR MILLING. Karisas City rai-iks second in flour mill- ing- cajjacity, [Minneapolis being in the lead. In 1''08, the Kansas City mills made over two and one-half million barrels of flour, with a daily capacity of abont 14,000 bar- rels. An abundant supply of good quality of wheat, scientificallv n-iilled into flour of uniform (|nalit\-, has placed Kansas Cit}''s Hour into increased favor each year. BUILDING RECORD. \\ henever comparisons are being made with other cities, it seems as if Kansas City almost invariablv falls within the front ranks. In the number and value of build- ing i)ermits, Kansas City is rapidly going to the front. She now stands eighth in the list of cities, and during the fiscal year end- ing julv, 1''08, over 4,000 ])enuits were is- sued, with an estimated co-^t of buildings to be over $12,000,000. These photographs show something of the result achieved in the new Baltimore Hotel by the use of Mayhew Furniture Correspondence is invited from owners and architects who are interested in securing furniture which is worthy to place in structures where beauty is essential and permanent hard usage a condition. This Mark Identifies the Best American Furniture. NEWSPAPERS. Kansas City has the most loyal and at the same time lias tlie strongest jM-ess in the conniry. 'I'he managers oi the news- papers lielieve in their eil\ ami its citizen- ship, and they are always advocating the hest interests of all the people, and have thus luiill up a constituency which is loval to the news])ai)ers, and ihis "tie that hinds" has heen a great factor in the advancement of this section of the cotintrx'. STREET CAR FACILITIES. Kansas City has the 1)est street car fa- cilities for its size of any city in the L'nited States, covering- 240 miles of single track. A single fare with free transfers carries a person the length antl hreatlth of hoth Kan- sas Cities, and every niannfacturing plant, jobbing and retail house, or hotel in the city, can be reached from the I'nion Station on a single fare of five cents. CITY OF LIGHTS. Kansas City is known today as the "City of Ligdits." Some of her streets are bril- liant in the extreme: after a shower of rain in the early evening" the_\' present the beauty and sheen of a silvery lake, watery pavements reflecting every ligdit many times over. (/)ur boulevards surpass everything of the kind in the country, beiiig brilliantly lighted by many natural gas lights which run out in long rows of light as far as the eye can see. EDUCATIONAL. The fame and efticiency of Kansas City's public schools are spreading fitrther each year, until ttiday graduates from our High Schools are accredited to the best L'niversi- ties in the United States without examina- tion. \\'e have three High Schools for whites, one of which is a Manual Training" High School. \\'e also have one High School for colored children; there are 59 Ward Schools. The value of the property owned by the school districts amounts to four and one-half million dollars. Enroll- ment of schools in 1''09 is aboitt 35,000; number of teachers employed, 900. CHURCHES. h'rom a religioits standiioint, Kansas City is one ot the best fortilietl cities in the coimtry. Every I'rotestant denomination, almost wilhiuu excei)tion. lias one, and some of them as many as twelve and foiu"- teen large and finely e(|uip]ied chtirch build- ings, riie Catholic cliurch is ])ro])ortion- atel}' strong, and is represented b\" man\ church buildings and fmeh" e(|ui])]>ed schools. One of the most beneficial and practical religions institutions in the cit\- is the "Institutional l'lnn"cli,"' and an_oiher of a similar kind is known ;is the "Educational lUiiUling" of the L'nited Jewish Charities." A feature of the strong religioits and ]ihil- anthrojiical character of our citizenshi]i was the building of a $300,000 ^". M. C. A. home, which is just about fuiished. Also recentlv there was $250,000 subscribed for the jtur- ]"iose of building" a home for the ^'. W". C. A., so you see the limit has not )et been reached. Kansas Citv uncpiestionablv stands to- day as the best living" example of what can be accomplished throtigh the ]niblic s]iirit of its citizens. \\'e are justly jiroud of our achievements, and should be glad we have devoted the energy, time and money in ex- ploiting" our natural advantages and making" known to the world through the proper publicity the wonderful city we have here. The wisdom, pluck and ]ierseverance of the pioneers of Kansas City laid deep and broad the fotmdations of our present suc- cess. Tt has been well said that the physical conditions that surround a city often deter- mine its greatness. This, in a sense, is true, but Kansas L'ity possesses another advan- tage: that is, the kind of men and women who builded safe and sound while they were building, which is evidenced by our repu- tation for beautv and stabilitv. Furnished by The Ford CBi, Johnson Co. Ford - Jc^hnson hotel furni- ture (jutlastsall other furniture because it is different from ordinary furniture. It is built especially U) meet the se\'ere service hcKel furniture must receive. Ford -Johnson con- struction is considered the standard {ox hotel use because it is backed by an unconditional guarantee that it is as good in its class as it can be made, and their furniture will stand all the hardships it can reasonably be expected to stand. Ford -Johnson ha\e been manufacturing hotel furniture for o\er fifty years and ha\e dexeloped the largest and best equipped factory of its kind in America and ha\"e gained a wide experience in the manu- facture of furniture for hotels and public buildings. It is not uncommon to find Ford-Johnson furniture in hotels after fifteen or twenty years' service and in excellent condition. By reason of their unri\alled facilities, Ford-Johnson are prepared to promptly supply special or stock designs for hotels from the smallest to the largest. THE FORD CS, JOHNSON COMPANY Main Dining Room Hotel Baltimore Chicago New York Atlanta Louisville Christy) English Hats Dunlap Hats Clark the Hatter Ten-Ten Walnut Street YOU CAN H A \' E Absolutely Clean Dishes and have them quick, without being nicked, cracked or broken by using the New Improved Garis - Cochrane DISH WASHING MACHINE Send for Catalogue Telephone Harrison 2981 Garis-Cochrane Mfg. Co. 1403 Auditorium Tower CHICAGO, ILL. CONVENTION HALL pr THE WORKS OF Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company NEW BRITAIN, CONN. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE BUILDERS' HARDWARE Russwin Hardware Is Used Throughout ihe Magnificent New Baltimore Hotel and was Furnished by The Curtin & Clark Hardware Company No». 1316-1318 GRAND AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. Dealers in GENERAL HARDWARE, STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Jobbers and Importers of CUTLERY AgenU for CCCC ALASKA SILVERWARE QUICK MEAL GAS AND GASOLINE STOVES COLD STORAGE REFRIGERATORS Let US estimate RUSSWIN ART HARDWARE for your new builning WE EXECUTED THE CONTRACT FOR THE Plumbino' and Steam Heating I\ THK MAV PALVIMORH HOTEL NATK>NAl PAPeRKW FACTORS DEARINO FIATS IJsa <»i Trvvst HOME OF THE AGED CENTRAL NATIONAL RANK Tttist Olli^ HOME OF THE FEEBLE MINDEP AND EWIEPTIC ■^'.issosirt C-ioay. MirsKttu MvV ■ -" • - - ivts rjija £» i!ny «?« v>» tlw L"«««>i » ■ -' ' ?>rv.ntk-i»ttvv»j, Coaavicti; icjtj as tun- Saniraiw Plumbing Gas Eitrins' Sream and Hot Water Heating ESTIMATES FIRMSHFD Hor.-.- P>,"c 1*>3 M»i« 408 West 12th St. }. p. CUNNIXGHAM Cunnino'ham Plumbino- and Heatino- Co Kan?a> City. >Ii!i!;oLiri THE -HIGGIN" ALL METAL WINDOW SCREEN Protects tke ouests ot tke Baltimore and many otKer of tKe l>e«t hotel* in tne country from tKc annoying presence of flies, mosquitoes. etc. 1 he best and most durable screen on the market. Send for eatiloi:ue. hstimates free Agencies in all principal cities. H. L. JONES. Kansa.. Ct>- Sal« A^«t TiN^M AND BALTIMORE H.-oM P6v»f SSCkt M»f THE HIGGIN MFG. CO. NEWPORT. KY (^Ciiil*r«»ss II \ (li'iiuJ jc- J^cMlr-slnJ (Amir I III. iiJ SI ON I. \|;i H I» I ?»^d in all Urst Clas»» Rarttcr Shop-? V-vfry^hfrf iiff-au^w It Ha^ No I-^iiial KOKKN liAliUKKS* SL'PFL^ CO. MaB«U<-tarer« SAl.'CRAVI..nJ PKINTIMC Io CL Lithographed note heads and envelopes for hotels. C Steel die embossed note paper for private office and ladies' writinn; room. €1. Printed blanks for all office work. C Steel engraved and lithographed menu cards for all occasions. UNION BANK NOTE CO. Our Hork is hDo>«n Everywhere as the Best lOth and Central Streets KANSAS CITY, MO. The Plastering Contract for the Baltimore Hotel was Executed by W. R. Berryhill C^ Son 821 Commerce Building KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Chapel of Nazareth Academy Concordia, Kans. St. Mary's Hospital Kansas City, Mo. Steel and Con- crete Building McGee Street for Dean Bros. Realty Company Office Building for Louis Curtiss Architect Dormitory of St. Mary's Academy St. Marys, Kans. St. Luke's Hospital Addition Kansas City, Mo. United I Brethren Church Contracts exec- uted in any part of United States REFERENCES; The leading Archi- tects of Kansas City View in the Main Dining Room of the Baltimore First National Bank Building Fort Smith, Ark. Goldman Hotel Fort Smith, Ark. Marion Hotel Annex Little Rock, Ark. Harbour Bass Office Building Oklahoma City, Okla. HOME PHONE 7939 MAIN •' - * »<. ji i t i i ,- I EIIE£S!FBF "^i SOME OK KANSAS CITY'S TALL BMLDINC.S BALTIMORE STEAM DYE WORKS GRANT H. BILHIMER, Manager Goods called for and delivered. New process French Dry Cleaning. Fancy Dyeing. Prompt attention given out of town work. All machinery modern and up-to-date. Home Phone 7291 Main N. W. Cor. 19th and Harrison Bell Phone 558 Grand KANSAS CITY, MO. Home I'fl. 45 58 Main Kell, 39011 Main NEVER SLEEP UTOPIAN TURKISH BATHS X'apor, Sulphur, Salt Baths. Masseur and Expert Chiropodists and Attendants. (.Across from the Baltimore) 1024 Baltimore Ave. Ne.xt door to Willis-Wood Theatre. We cater to the Baltimore Guests- Drop in and see us. Hell Phone ') H '^ Grand Home I'hiine Lg I Lm Main All the Carpets of the Baltimore are cleaned by WHITE & HANNUM Carpet Renovators Rii^s, Portiers and Draperies of all kinds cleaned 1420 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Mo. References: Robert Keith Furniture and Carpet Co. AUTOMOBILE ROOM '^ /'ixt/ircs t/iat we install ; please people^ one and all'' ASK THh (iKN I LKMKN OV THK HAI/M.VIOKK MO I I.L, MR LOUIS CURTISS, ARCH7 OR THt MESSRS. (J KAN. 44,000 Square l""cet (A l*'lf;or .Space I)e\oted U) the .Maiiufacrure of GOOD BRASS GOODS Brass Rail, Kickplates, Brass Sij^ns, Cuspidores, Andirons, Stair Nosings, Bronze Grills and Tablets. Li^hrin^ I'ixtures for Residence, Hotel, St(;rc, J heatre and Piihlic Buildings. Suitable, I^fFicient and Practical. We d(j .Mcjclelin;^ and l(;undin;^ and lini.shing t(jo, We make Closest Estimates, Design, too, for you; Submit your designs or we will supply them — We make the best goods, and the best people buy them. FLEXOLIERS rr:\^ Patented For -^1„.»- Tungsten Lio;htins Write for Catalog. Anytliinfy Brass St. Louis Brass Manufacturing Company St. Louis, Mo. 1 ^■^»s«.:• IK: 1 1 1 ;'i — l-i -* TT rTI 1! ■^ ti • ■j- R' 1^ 1 1 -\-\ ■■ ^ -.1 1 ' ; ■ 1 ■- 1 -. ',- ^ Franklin Hudson Publishing Co.. 22nd Street and GillKam Road. Kansas City, Mo. Sunflower Portland Cement was used in constructing the new Baltimore Hotel This K.ansas City building was made \\itn Sunnovver Portland Cement. It will never burn and will grow stronger as the years go by. Sunflower Portland Cement Is a nig'n grade, standardized Portland Cement or great strength and remarkable uniformity. Used by exacting con- tractors and skilled builders on structural work requiring materials tnat stand careful tests. Sunnower Portland Cement always tests above tbe given specifications. United Kansas Portland Cement Company 811 Commerce BIdg. Kansas City, Missouri ifi;sj500 ^ssoo J^-^SOC> STUDEBAKER 1620-1622 Grand Ave. Kansas City, Mo. PORT ARTHUR ROUTE K. C. S. Ry. (KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO.) PORT ARTHUR ROUTE "Straight as the CroTv Flies" Kansas City to the Gulf THE PLAZA The Plaza Hotel Port Arthur, Texas Hiis beaiiriful lu)tel w ill open October 1st, 1909. K\cry modern con\en- ience; eiijhtv o;iiest rooms; cost $150,0()0. Ovcrl(M)ks Lake Sabine. The most beautiful \\ in- ter resort on the (iulf of Mexico. Tarpon fishing, duck shooting, sailing and bathing. The Kihlberg Hotel and Bath House \\"hich has been in successful operation since Mav 1st, 1909, will be open ALL YE.^R Wonderful Springs Beautiful Scenery Altitude 1,200 Feet THE KIHLBERG HOTEL AND BATH HOUSE SULPHUR SPRINGS, ARKANSAS "The Beauty Spot of the Ozarks" E. F. COST Vice President S. G. WARNER General Passenger Agent KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI STANDARD TELEPHONE SERVICE C. I*\^r almost every article in common use, each man recojrnizes as standard, a make or brand of known merit, by which he measures the quality of all other commodities of the same kind. Jt is a note-worthy fact that in tele- phone service there is one universally recognized standard, which is accepted in all localities, frr^n C(jast to coast and from Canada to the Ciulf. WHY BELL TELEPHONE SERVICE IS THE UNIVERSAL STANDARD C. Universality is the first requisite of satisfactory telephone service. The service must, as nearly as is practicable, reach everybody, everywhere. In this respect all other tele- phone companies combined do not even approach the Bell system, with its exclusive development in the most miportant cities and with 4,500,000 subscribers scattered o\er the entire country, yet within talking distance of each other o\er Bell lines. ^Efficiency of Bell service is the result cjf using standard equipment throughout and the employment of uniform and standard methods of construction, maintainance and operation, perfected through years of experience and the expenditure of millions (jf dollars. C.The Baltimore Hotel, like thousands of other hotels is equipped with a ''Bell'^ Private Branch Exchange,' which includes along distance instrument located in each of the 550 rooms; thus affording guests the comfort and prnacy of talking direct from their rf)oms across the county, state or nation. "LINES EVERYWHERE" THE MISSOURI AND KANSAS TELEPHONE COMPANY Comfort on Your Travels Our Pullman Observation Buffet Car is a 11:30 p. m. Convenience A Light Lunch on the Train Before You Retire to Rest and Sleep MISSOURI PACIFIC St. Louis Special Leaves Kansas City I 1 :30 P. M., Arrives St. Louis 7:30 A. M. FIVE OTHER TRAINS EVERY DAY 6:55 a. m.. 7.55 a. m.. 9:40 a. m., 1:15 p. m.. 9:15 p. m. The Scenic Line to Colorado Direct to Old lyTexico The Route to all the Summer and Winter Resorts SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS, ELECTRIC FANS AND BERTH LIGHTS •■OUR OWN" DINING CAR SERVICE, MEALS A LA CARTE Tickets: 901 Main Street and Union Depot Phones: Home, 6327 Main; Bell, 6740 Main R. T. G. MATTHEWS Asst. General Passenger Agent MISSOURr PACIFIC IRON MOUNTAIN Kansas City, Missouri THE MISSOURI BOILER WORKS CO. HARRY DARBY President Boilers, Smokestacks, Breechings, Tanks of all Kinds, Smoke Con- nections, Water Towers, Boiler Fronts, Grate Bars, Castings. All Repair Work Given Special Attention Third St. and Minn. Ave., KANSAS CITY, KANS. SHOP PHONES I Home 1193 West. / Bell 1519 West. Foreman's Residence Phone; Home 530 West. JVetcham &. Ixothschild Manufacturers of High Grade Upholstered Furniture for the Home, Club and Hotel Sales Rooms, 1435 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO Office and Factory, 149-155 Superior Street PRODUCERS OF SILVER ROCK BRANDS ESTABLISHED 1862 Ginger Ale, Cider, Soda Waters, Iron Cola, Mineral Waters, Fountain Soda Waters, Fruit Syrups, Distilled Waters, Rejuveno Splits. Use the Phones: Home Phone. 384 East; Bell Phone. 334 East. P. SETZLER & SONS BOTTLING COMPANY Office and Factory, 3708-14 East 6th St. Kansas City, Mo. BUFFET, "THE BALTIMORE" HOME TELEPHONE. 2476 MAIN BELL, 2466 MAIN E. L. Reeder Wholesale Fish and Oysters 39, 40 and 41 Cily Market Kansas City Mo. BOTH PHONES 4470 Main. References — Produce Exchange Bank; Dun and Bradstreet Mercantile Company. Codes — Revised Economy; Citrus & Baker Evans-Douglas Fruit Co. WHOLESALE FRUIT AND PRODUCE Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Bananas, Pineapples, Grapes, Nuls, Cranberries, Etc. CAR LOT HANDLERS KANSAS CITY, MO. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED WHITE ROCK WATER AND GINGER ALE MORRIN-POWERS MERCANTILE CO. KANSAS CITY, MO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SHAWHAN DISTILLERY WESTON. MO. BUFFALO SPRINGS DISTILLERY STAMPING GROUND, KY. BOTTLED IN BOND Shawhan Bourbon Shawhan Rye Old Stamping Ground, Kentucky Whiskey. Stone River, Kentucky Whiskey. SPECIAL BOTTLING OUR OLD WHISKIES TWENTY YEARS OLD WHITE LABEL BOURBON AND RYE Very Old Buffalo Springs Bourbon King Bourbon and Lord Lismore Rye ^^^ Drink Muehle- bach's Pilsener Beer COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTL^■ FILLED BOTH PHONES 947 Main C. E. KERN Wholesale Fruits and Produce 414 WALNUT ST. (City Market 1 Kansas City Missouri Telephone 1225 M am Standard Nlilk c ompany Wholesale Milk, Cream, and Ice Cream 914-16 Bank St. Kansas City, Mo. VAN'S PATENT WROUGHT STEEL PORTABLE RANGES For Hotels, Restaurants, Public Institutions and Private Families Hotel Broilers, White Enameled Top Carvinjr Tables, Laundry Stoves, Portable Bake Ovens, Coffee and Tea Urns, Copper Ware and all kinds of Hotel Implements for culinary purposes. The Complete Kitchen Outfit for the Baltimore was Furnished by Us MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY THE JOHN VAN RANGE CO. CHICAGO OFFICE. 117 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 5th and BROADWAY CINCINNATI, OHIO ENTRANCE TO ELM RIDGE CLUB SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITERS Have Improved by Development Along Their Own Original Lines New Model No 10. Visible Writing Model 10 is the Original Complete Keyboard Smith Premier Idea Brought to the Highest State of Typewriter Perfection. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO. INC. 714 Delaware St. Kansas City, Mo. NIOMIM, MO.' ■PlIK HOTEL "^ REfUR» UMSEALEU at MAIL ^POSTAGE ,0 Patented '^H SCOTFORD'S RUBBER CUSHION KEY CHECK The latest and most up- to-date key check now in use. Made of brass, covered with rubber, raised letters and border, with nickel ring. Does not mar nor mutilate the doors or furniture. And sound, which is prevalent with other metal checks, is deadened materially. Send for sample and prices. SCOTFORD COMPANY PATENTEES Manufacturers of RUBBER STAMPS. HOTEL CHECKS, DOOR NUMBERS AND ACCESSORIES 723 Wyandotte St. Kansas City, Mo. W. S. KIRKE ■''•li.i. i._a^ C. W. PUETT ^t^TE«^ / Wholesale Fruits and Produce Specialties: Oranges^ Lemons^ Bananas and Celery Sole distributers on this market of the "Volunteer" brand of Oranges and "Whittier" brand of Lemons, both "Sunkist" and used by the Hotel Baltimore. We Cater to the Best Trade. 413 WALNUT STREET KANSAS CITY, MO. N T NOT IN THE TRUST N O T ELECTRIC ELEVATORS I We are manufacturers of all types of I N electric elevators for all kinds of service. N T T H E MARINE ENGINE AND H E T R MACHINE COMPANY T R U s HARRISON (NEWARK), NEW JERSEY U s T Write for Estimates T NOT IN THE TRUST o X M ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS GENERATING PLANTS FOR POWER AND LIGHTING ELECTRIC MOTORS SWITCH BOARDS SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS W. T. OSBORN & CO. BOTH PHONES 628 MAIN 702 Deleware St. KANSAS CITY, MO. WILD ROSE GLYCERINE SOAP Has all the superior qualities of the highest priced soap and is for sale at only TEN CENTS PER BAR Unequaled for the Bath and Toilet Try It as a Shampoo MADE B'i' PEET BROS. MFG. CO. KANSAS CITY, U. S. A. ICE Call Main 555 Both Phones Pure Ice Prompt Service Full Weight People's Ice, Storage and Fuel Co. J^qbcrTKeltK itimitUre S( CdrpctCo; ELEVENTH STREET AND GRAND A VENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. Furniture, Carpets Oriental and Domestic Rugs Curtains, Draperies WE PAY THE FREIGHT We cordially invite you to visit our store during your stay in the city. We are headquarters for Furniture, Carpets and Draperies and have every facility to handle all out of town orders satisfactorily. Kansas City's Only First Class Theatre Situated opposite Bal- timore Hotel. Connected by Tunnel. Playing Only First Class Attractions Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday The Finest Theatre in America Prices; $2 00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. "The Theatre Beautiful" Willis Wood TheatreJ ' O. D. Woodward Mana};er THE LITTLE CRAFT and STATIONERY SHOP AD.A M. KASSIMFR ANNA L. HUNTER Their Place At the Sign of llie Open Book 317 East Tenth Street Out West in Kansas City, Missouri THE UNIQUE SHOP OF THE CITY WHERE BEAUIIFUL HAND MADE THINGS ARE DESIGNED METAL and WOODEN WARES STERLING SILVER JEWELRY PICTURES, MOTTOES and BOOKS THAT WARM THE HEART AND MAKE LIFE SWEET EXCLUSIVE STATIONERY PLACE AND TALLY CARDS ART PRINTING IN FACT CRAFTSWOMEN AND PRINTERS TO THE ELECT I 'Phone Main 4030, Home HIGH CLASS ART PHOTOGRAPHY ^^ m ws "^yp STUDIO EIGHTH AND GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. F. C Moms, Prest. NEVER CLOSED WE FURNISH ALL THE CARS FOR THE "BALTIMORE" Ask Us For Rates, Storage, Repairs and Supplies C. E. Jones, Sec. and Treas. ROYAL AUTO LIVERY CO. (INCORPORATED) 1112 to 18 E. 33rd St. ( Between Troost and Forest ) Finest Livery Service in the City Peoria Stone and Marble Works PEORIA, ILL. Manufacturers of High-Grade Interior Marble Work. The Marble Work in the Baltimore Hotel Was Furnished and Erected by us. CHICAGO OFFICE, 635 MARQUETTE BLDG. ROOFING The Roof on the Baltimore Hotel (40,000 square feet) was put on b}' our firm, and is what is known as a Bar- rett Specification, Felt, Pitch and Gravel Com- position Roof, which is the kind of roofing universally used on all flat roofs in large cities throughout the United States. It is considered by Fire Underwriters to be as near tire proof as is possible to make a roof, and the cheap- est permanent roof made. VV estern rvoofing C^ompany 1 7 West Missouri Avenue, KANSAS CITY, MO. BOTH PHONES 1395 Main W. D. OLDHAM Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries Hotel and Restaurant Trade a Specialty 507-9 Main St. Kansas City, Mo. WARWICK BOULEVARD USED BY BALTIMORE HOTEL CO. A perfect combination of Lead, Zinc and Silica, guaranteed to be whiter, finer and of better covering power than any brand of old Dutch process lead on the market. One hundred pounds of this lead will make two gallons more paint than strictly pure white lead, and will wear twice as long. You have only to try it to be convinced. Put up in 250. 100. 50. 25 and \2h lb. kegs. Manufactured fcy A. M. Hughes Paint and Class Co. Kansas City, Mo. ED. A. IRELAND F. G. BACKSTROM E. EARL IRELAND IRELAND-BACKSTROM COMPANY Tailors Home Phone 2092 Bel! Phone 2080 1 008 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City, Mo. CAKE SOAP SUPERSEDED Why do you use soap? To remove dirt, of course; but the man who used the cake soap before you probably had more dirt than you, and you acquire his dirt in trying to discard your own. The Liquid Soap Dispenser Has estabhshed a new era of cleanliness in giving you the soap that no human hand has touched. The Beau Brummel Liquid Soap Is made from pure vegetable oils, that provide a pleasing, health -giving exhilaration to the most sensitive skin. One soap dispenser and one gallon of soap, S5.00. The Taussig Automatic Disinfector Provides the only scientific and sanitary means of destroying impurities arising from the odors of toilets, etc Needs no attention beyond refilling once a month. The fluids are economical and effective We supply the Baltimore Hotel, Kansas City, the Connor Hotel, Joplin, Mo and all the leading hotels in the country with disinfectants. All our goods are guaranteed and bear the endorsement of many Boards of Health, the medical profession and public institutions. West Disinfecting Co., Inc. Largest Manufacturer of Disinfectants and Disinfecting Appliances in the World. NEW YORK ST. LOUIS IngandescentLampGo fNCANDESCENT'eLECTRIC lAMPS fOHALL SYSTEMS UNEOUALED IN OUAt-ITr ' St LOUIS Mo. Columbia Lamps used exclusively in Baltimore Hotel, also by a large number of other representative hotels, throughout the United States. Columbia Carbon Filament Lamps Columbia Gem Filament Lamps Columbia Tantalum Lamps Columbia Tungsten Lamps Write for bulletins, prices and all other informa- tion. Large stocks, prompt shipments. We Columbia Incandescent Lamp Company Established 1889 Office and Works: St. Louis, Mo. BRANCH OFFICES: New York, Philadelphia, Dallas, Boston, Minneapolis, San Francisco. "GOLD SEAL" RUBBER BOOTS AGENTS FOR SAWYER'S OIL CLOTHING Hose, Belting, Packing, Plumber's Supplies, Raincoats, Druggists' Sundries, Elastic Bands, Tubing, Matting, Balls, Dolls, Gloves, Pump 'Valves, Bath Goods GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. Manufacturers and Jobbers of INDIA RUBBER GOODS Both Telephones, n60 Main 807 Baltimore Avenue 109 West 8th Street KANSAS CITY, MO. ARMOUR BOULEVARD BOTH PHONES MAIN 645 313 GRAND AVENUE Hervey A/iachine Works GEAR CUTTING AND GENERAL REPAIRING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Heine Water Tube Boilers Being admirably adapted to hotel use, furnish all the steam used in the Hotel Baltimore HEINE SAFETY BOILER CO. St. Louis, Mo. WE ARE PROUD TO SAY: THE LUMBER USED FOR THE MAGNIFICENT BALTIMORE HOTEL WAS FURNISHED BY THE OLD RELIABLE BADGER LUMBER COMPANY KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Woolf Brothers' Laundry Cleans all Bed and Table Linen, Curtains, Blankets, etc., for The Baltimore Their own water wells are capable of supplying 25,000,000 gallons each month of the finest water in Kansas City. 1 5 th Street and Prospect Avenue DEALER IN FISH AND OYSTERS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRADE OUR SPECIALTY J. R. Miller & Co. TELEPHONE 2300 42 and 43 CITY MARKET Kansas City, Missouri ESTABLISHED 1842 Steele- Wedeles Co. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF Fine Groceries CHICAGO, ILLS. U. S. A. MICHAEL ALT MAN Manager of Fancy Grocery Department ■V ^ifj-^ *;^ *>•■ ( COLONNADE APARTMENTS McTernan-Halpin Construction Company Dealers in CRUSHED ROCK AND BINDER We furnished all the crushed rock, of which there was 4,000 cubic yards used in the construction of the Baltimore Hotel. Crushed rock and binder delivered to any part of the City. OFFICE AND WORKS 25th AND WALNUT STREETS Telephones: 1321 Grand, Bell; 3649 Main, Home Prairie Rose Creamery Butter Is a delicacy that appeals to those who care for what they eat. This Good Butter is Served at the Baltimore We cater especially to high class hotel and restaurant trade. If your dealer does not handle it, write us. The Meriden Creamery Co. 546-548 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. Exterior Glass for This Entire Building- Furnished by Art Department of CAMPBELL GLASS AND PAINT COMPANY 1228 Main Street Home Phone 2727 Main, 7810 Main „ ^. Bell Phone 6320 Main KanSaS City, MO. TH(;S. E. GROG AN, Manager Both Phones Main 1895 Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HOTEL CHINA, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY AND SILVERWARE Mittong-Boxmeyer GlassAvare Co. Successors to N. McManamy Fitting up of Hotels, Cafes and Restaurants Our Specialty 612 Delaware Street Kansas City, Mo. GLADSTONE BOULEVARD Yes! We Build Ice IMachines The ice machine and refrigerating equipment in the Baltimore Hotel was built and installed by us. We have built to date, upward of 1,500 machines. A goodly number of these are now furnishing refrigeration for high class hotels and restaurants. The rest of the 1,500 are used in cream- eries, dairies, cold storage houses, ice factories, packing houses, meat markets, department stores and other places where mechanical refrigeration is much better and cheaper than natural ice. There's a handsome catalog describing our line that we want to send you, but are awaiting your address. Sole Manufacturers of the Improved Barber Refrigerating and Ice Making Machine The Creamery Package >Ifgf. Co. Ice Machine Department Chicago, Illinois ESTABLISHED 1857 Redheffer Hardware Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Hotel Kitchen Utensils Practical Workers in All Kinds of Sheet Metal Hotel Ranges for Gas or Coal CofiFee Urns, Steam and Carving Tables Installed on Short Notice Agents for John Van Hotel Ranges 1427 Grand Ave. Kansas City E. O. HARRAH R. M. HARRAH Registered Pharmacists Purity of Drugs Accuracy in Compounding Guaranteed The Missouri Drug Co. SPECIAL PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Just Across Street from the Baltimore Callus! Command us! Patronize us! Make Yourselves at Home in Our Store. We Like Friendliness. Theatrical Supplies Fine Candies Perfumes Toilet Specialties Home Phone Main 5849 Bell Phone Main 326 CATERERS TO BALTIMORE GUESTS BOTH PHONES 1539 Main ESTABLISHED 1888 Wholesale Produce Commission Merchants SPECIALTIES Eggs Butter Poultry Potatoes Apples Game Fruits Berries etc. We Make a Specialty of Eggs for Hotels and Restaurants. References — Produce Exchange Bank, The Mercantile Ag^encies. Kansas City Mo. 323 WalDut Street Ornamental Plaster and Composition Ornaments on Hotel Baltimore Done by W. H. Jennens Manufacturing Co. MAIN OFFICES: SUITE 528 SCARRITT BUILDING Phones: Home 41bO Main; Bell 3740 Main. KANS/\S CITY, U. S. A. ELEVENTH STREET FROM MAIN STREET EAST Hotel Bedding Upholstered Box Springs, Mattresses, Feather Pillows. Our Thirty Years Experience is Yours for the Asking. SCHULTZ & HIRSCH COMPANY Hotel Bedding Specialists 1300-1308 FULTON STREET CHICAGO Established 1880 Reference, Hotel Baltimore KANSAS CITY'S LEADING JEWELER J. R. MERCER 10 East 11th Street KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE MANUFACTURER OF DIAMOND AND OTHER JEWELRY EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS A SPECIALTY ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS TRADE MARK Supreme Auto Oil Special Auto Oil Nonfluids Cup Greasers Fidelity Cylinder Oil Fidelity Engine Oil Fidelity Dynamo Oil BOTH PHONES 1155 MAIN For HIGHEST CLASS of Automobile Lubricants Also Cylinder and Engine Oils The Fidelity Oil Company is the Kansas City, U. S. A., Headquarters 600-602 West Fifth St. EVANSTON GOLF CLUB Private Estate Coffee is Served Where Only the Best is Used It is Served Exclusively at the Baltimore Furnished by F. A. Cauchois & Company. The best hotels and cafes use this brand. Have you tried it? If not you ha\ e a real treat in store. Send for our booklet of testimonials. Kansas City Branch W. F. RIORDAN, Manager 1333 McGEE STREET "If you get it here, ifs the best'' ESTABLISHED 1879 Guernsey & Murray GROCERS WINE MERCHANTS Huyler's Candies Delicatessen Goods Fancy Baskets Fresh Fruits Headquarters for Travelers Desiring Luncheon Goods, Fruits, Wines Etc. We Outfit Hunting and Fishing Parties Complete, Including Tents, Cooks, Etc. Just around the corner from the Baltimore 1121 Main Street Both Phones AWNINGS We make a specialty of supplying hotels with Awnings, Drop Curtains, Canopies, Flags and Floor Cloths. Protect your valuable carpets, expensive furniture and decorations. Add beauty to your hotel and cater to the comfort of your patrons by shading your windows with neat and attractive Awnings. Send for our 12S page catalogue — mailed free. Write for prices on anything made of canvas. Baker Ci Lockwood Manufacturing Co. Kansas City, Mo. PHONE HOME, 3425 MAIN STANDARD WIRE AND IRON WORKS GEO. W. GILL. Proprietor Ornamental Iron, Wire and Brass Work. Bank and Office (jrilles and Wickets. Iron and Brass Railings. Ornamental Work of Any Design or F'inish. Elevator Cars and Enclosures. Wire Work of Every Description. We Furnished Fire Escapes for the Baltimore OFFICE AND WORKS 407-U S. W. Blvd. Kansas City, Mo. THE ST. REGIS HOTEL Fifth Avenue, Corner Fifty-Fifth Street, New York City. 267 Feet High. Cost #6,000,000. John Jacob Astor, Owner. R. M. Haan, Lessee. Trowbridge & Livingston, Architects. Varnish Work done by Chas. Grimmer t^' Son This Latest and Most Exclusive Hotel Was Finished Throughout With Devoe Varnish Pale Interior used on all interior wood- work. Vernosite, the long-life spar varnish, used on all exterior woodwork. Devoe & Raynolds Co. NEW YORK CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ELKS' CLUB National Bank of Commerce Capital $2,000,000.00 Surplus $250,000.00 Kansas Citv, Missouri OFFICERS: J. W. PERKY, President CEO. D. FORD, Vice-President J. J. HEIM, Vice-Prest. VV. L. BUECHLE, Vice-Prest. \V. H. SEEGEK, Vice-Prest. CHAS. H. MOORE, Vice-Prest. JAS. T. BRADLEV, Cashier CHAS. M. VINING, Assistant Cashier W H. GLASKIN, Assistant Cashier JAS. F. MEADE, Assistant Cashier OUR DIRECTORATE: J. W. PERRY. President. R. A. LONG. President Long-Bell Lumber Co. J. J. HEIM. Vice-President. GEO. D. FORD. Vice-President. JOHN KELLEY, President Kelley Milling Co. D. J. DEAN. President Baltimore Hotel Co. W. S. DICKEY. President W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Company. WALTER M. JACCARD. President Jaccard Jewelry Co. F. L. LaFORCE, Capitalist. C. H. WHITEHEAD, Vice-President and Treasurer Whitehead Realty Co. W. A. PICKERING. Vice-President and General Manager W. R. Pickering Lumber Co. DAVID T. BEALS. Capitalist. O. C. SNIDER. Vice-President and General Manager Kansas City Home Telephone Co. J. G. PEPPARD, Wholesale Seeds. J. J. SWOFFORD, Pre.sidcnt Swofford Bros.' Dry Goods Co. GEORGE W. JONES. Live Stock Dealer and Capitalist. J. Z. MILLER. Jr.. Banker. Belton. Tex. J. D. GUYTON, President Guyton & Harrington. Mule Co. H. A. GUETTEL. Proprietor Palace Clothing Co. W. H. SEEGER. Vice-President. GEO. E. NICHOLSON. President lola Portland Cement Co. nil" >" ,11 n =n H. R. ENNIS& COMPANY High Class Real Estate Investments Loans, Rentals, Fire Insurance 309-312 Dwight Building Kansas City, Mo. Incorporated 1902 Celery and Fruits Used by the Baltimore Hotel Supplied by Chas. H. Kuehne Commission Co. Fruits, Commission Merchants Specialities : Small Fruits and Early Vegetables. Celery Farm : Santa Ana. Cal. Members of National League of Commission Merchants and Western Fruit Jobbers Association L/ong Oistance Telepnone 1071 No. 520-522 Walnut St. Kansas City, Mo. PLANT LOCATED AT PLEASANT HILL, MISSOUFI ESTABLISHED IS.10 INCORPORATED I90K Both Phones 2765 Main S066/moAY£. /a/vsAS ciry, mo. Wedding Bouquets and GRO WtRS rrholesalers and retailers FLOWERS and PLANTS a Specialty FACE BRICK ALSO COMMON BRICK FOR THE BALTIMORE HOTEL FURNISHED BY THE Eadie Building Supply Co. THOMAS EADIE, Manager M6 SCARRITT BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI NOV 8 1909 ")p^ ST. LOUIS-COLORADO LIMITED A new all steel train to ST. LOUIS Via Travelers to St. Louis are now provided with a newly-built, all-steel train o( the best modern type. Equipment includes Draiving Room Pullman Sleepers, Obser'vation Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cdr, Free Reclining Chair Cars. Leaves Kansas City 9:30 a. m.. Arrives St. Louis, Delmar Ave., 5:34 p. m.. Union Station 5:55 p. m. INCOMPARABLE SERVICE — SHORTEST ROUTE THE MIDNIGHT LIMITED Leaves Kansas City 11:30 p. m.. Arrives St. Louis 7:39 a. m. Buffei Obser