E 475 .56 .U72 Copy 1 REGULATIONS GOVERNMENT Gettysburg National Park GETTYSBURG, PA. .» /• 1904 u,^ REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Gettysburg National Park GETTYSBURG, PA. 1904 Statutes relating to the protection control and use of the Gettysburg National Park and the regulations prescribed therefore BY THE Secretary of War. STATUTES : An act entitled "An act to establish a National Military Park at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." Approved February II, 1895. -' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled : That the Secretary of War is hereby author- ized to receive from the Gettysburg Battlefield Memo- rial Association a corporation chartered by the State of Pennsylvania a deed of conveyance to the United States of all the lands belonging to said association embracing about eight hundred acres more or less and being a con- siderable part of the Battlefield of Gettysburg together with all rights of way over avenues through said lands acquired by said association and all improvements made by it in and upon the same. * * * Section 2. That as soon as the lands aforesaia shall be conveyed to the United States the Secretary of War shall take possession of the same and such other lands on the battlefield as the United States have acquired or shall hereafter acquire by purchase or condemnation proceedings and the lands aforesaid shall be designated and known as the " Gettysburg National Park." Section 3. That the Gettysburg National Park shall subject to the supervision and direction of the Secretary of War be in charge of the commissioners here- tofore appointed by the Secretary of War for the location and acquisition of lands at Gettysburg and their succes- sors. * * ^ Section 6. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to establish and enforce proper regula- tions for the custody preservation and care of the monu- ments now erected or which may be hereafter erected within the limits of the said National Military Park and such rules shall provide for convenient access by visitors to all such monuments within the Park and the ground included therein on such days and within such hours as may be designated by the Secretary of War. Section 7. That if any person shall destroy mutilate deface injure or remove except by permission of the Secretary of War any column statue memorial struc- ture or work of art that shall be erected or placed upon the grounds of the park by lawful authority or shall destroy or remove any fence railing inclosure or other work for the protection or ornament of said park or any portion thereof or shall destroy cut hack bark break down or otherwise injure any tree bush or shrubbery that may be growing upon said park or shall cut down or fell or remove any timber battle relic tree or trees growing or being upon said park or hunt within the limits of the park or shall remove or destroy any breastworks walls or other defences or shelter or any part thereof constructed by the armies formerly engaged in the battles on the land or approaches to the park or shall violate any regulation made and published by the Secretary of War for the gov- ernment of visitors within the limits of said park any person offending or found guilty thereof before any justice of the peace of the county in which the offence may be committed shall for each and every said offence forfeit and pay a fine in the discretion of the justice according to the aggravation of the offence of not less than five nor more than five hundred dollars one half for the use of the park and the other half to the informer to be enforced and recovered before such justice in like manner as debts of like nature are now by law recoverable in the county where the offence may be committed," * * * An act entitled "An act to prevent trespassing upon and providing for the protection of National Military Parks." Approved March 3, 1897. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- tatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled : That every person who wilfully destroys mutilates defaces injures or removes any monument statue marker guide-post or other structure or who wilfully destroys cuts breaks injures or removes any tree shrub or plant within the limits of any National Park shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one thousand dollars for such monument statue marker guide-post or other struc- ture tree shrub or plant destroyed defaced injured cut or removed or by imprisonment for not less than fifteen days and not more than one year or by both fine and impris- onment. Section 2. That every person who shall trespass upon any National Park for the purpose of hunting or shooting or who shall hunt any kind of game thereon with gun or dog or shall set trap or net or other device whatsoever thereon for the purpose of catching game of any kind shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by im- prisonment for not less than thirty days or by both fine and imprisonment. Section 3. That the Superintendent or any guardian of such park is authorized to arrest forthwith any person engaged or who may have been engaged in committing any misdemeanor named in this act and shall bring such person before any United States Commissioner or Judge of any District or Circuit Court of the United States within either of the districts within which the park is situated and in the district within which the misde- meanor has been committed for the purpose of holding him to answer for such misdemeanor and then and there shall make complaint in due form. Section 4. That any person to whom land lying within any National park may have been leased who refuses to give up possession of the same to the United States after the termination of said lease and after pos- session has been demanded for the United States by any Park Commissioner or the Park Superintendent or any person retaining possession lying within the boundary of said Park which he or she may have sold to the United States for Park purposes and have received payment there- fore after the possession of the same has been demanded for the United States by any Park Commissioner or Park Superintendent shall be deemed guilty of trespass and the United States may maintain an action for the recovery of the possession of the premises so withheld in the Courts of the United States according to the statutes or code of practice of the state in which the Park may be situated. Section 5. This act shall apply only to the Military Parks of the United States. REGULATIONS I All avenues within the Park are for the sole purpose of enabling visitors to view the battlefield ; they are in no sense public highways and must not be used for business or transportation purposes, or as a highway for travel. U All driving must be on the right side of the road- bed, but a carriage passing another in the same direction must pass on the left. Fast driving is prohibited. Ill Tires of wheels to carriages having more than two seats must be of the following widths : Two-horse wagon with three seats (for six people) 2 inches ; with four seats (for eight people) 2 inches ; with five seats (for ten people) 2% inches; with six seats (for twelve people) 2% inches; with more than six seats 3/^ inches. I V Camping parties are forbidden without permis- sion of the U. S. Commission and then only upon such part of the lands as they may approve. Such parties will be held responsible for forest fires or other damages caused by them. V The carrying of any gun or trap within the limits of the Park is prohibited. VI No dog is permitted to be at large within the Park. Owners or custodians of any dog trespassing in the Park will be held responsible for such trespass. V 11 Neither cattle, horses nor swine nor any other grazing animal will be permitted to roam at large or graze on the grounds or along the roads. Loose animals will be impounded, and released only on the payment of a suitable fine. VIII No person other than authorized employees, except as hereinafter provided, will be permitted to reside permanently or to engage in any business within the Park, except by authority of the Secretary of War. Employees of the Park are not to engage in any other occupation, such as farming, gardening, merchandise or other private business, except by authority of the U. S. Commission. IX No drinking saloon, bar-room or gambling establishment will be permitted within the limits of the Park and all peddling or selling of anything for profit within the limits of the Park, without the written permit of the Commissioners, is prohibited. X Advertisements or private notices shall not be posted or displayed within the Park or along the approaches thereto over which jurisdiction has been ceded to the United States. j\l All persona are prohibited from displacing or removing, writing on or marking stones, stakes, fences, buildings or other appurtenances. ^SJl Employees of the Commission must be at all times courteous to visitors. Visitors are expected to be orderly. They are invited to report to the Commis- sion in writing any incivility or neglect on the part of guides and employees. yvill Leases of land will be made annually during the month of October for the year beginning the first day of April next thereafter and upon the condition " That tenants will preserve the present buildings and roads, and the present outlines of field and forest, and that they will cut only trees or underbrush under such regulations as the Commission may prescribe, or designate, and that they will assist in caring for and protecting all tablets, monuments or such other artificial works as may be from time to time erected by proper authority." All rentals shall be payable or secured to be paid for the entire year and in advance. Lessees who conduct themselves in a manner obnoxious to the United States authority will be removed and their leases cancelled. PHOTOGRAPHERS. y\.lV To avoid confusion and unseemly controver- sies between photographers on the battlefield, it is ordered that each of the photographers be prohibited from photo- graphing at any locality which under the rule is assigned for the week to another photographer, under the penalty of being excluded from photographing on the field. Ap- proved by the Secretary of War November 25, 1901. MONUMENTS, MARKERS AND TABLETS. ^ V Inscriptions designed to be placed upon mon- uments and tablets erected on the Battlefield of Gettys- burg must in all cases be presented to this Commission, to be submitted to the Honorable Secretary of War for approval before being inscribed thereon. Approved by the Secretary of War July 15, 1895. yvVl Whenever it is proposed to erect any monu- ment, marker or other memorial on this field, application therefor shall first be made to this Commission, stating the intended location, design and specifications of the same, including all inscriptions thereon, and it must have the approval of this Commission and of the Honorable Sec- retary of War; and furthermore, when such proposal relates to troops of any state having a state commission, the application should be made through said commission and must show their approval of the proposed location, design, specifications and inscriptions. X V II The attempt to commemorate by separate and individual monuments, markers or tablets the names and deeds of all the men who fought here and all the various positions of troops when not engaged, would so encumber the Gettysburg National Park as to mar its significance. Therefore, monuments, markers and tablets for the various commands and bodies of troops shall be placed only where needed to indicate their respective positions in battle array ; and other positions are to be stated in the inscriptions thereon, and those erected in honor of individuals shall be limited to officers and soldiers who, for a conspicuous and exceptional act of heroism, may be deemed by the Secretary of War entitled to special commemoration. yC Vlll No monument or marker shall be moved changed, cleaned or repaired except by the National Park Commission or under their special direction in writing. y\X/\. The rate of speed over the avenues for auto- mobiles shall not exceed ten miles per hour. John P. Nicholson, Chairman, WM. M. Robbins, Chas. a. Richardson, Commissioners. War Department, January 22, 1904. Approved : E. Root, Secretary of War. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 702 392 1