THE NEW Helping * Hanb A COLLECTION OF FAffilLzY RECEIPTS. THE NEW Helping * Hanb A COLLECTION OF Family Receipts. ^ To be good, be useful. To be useful, Always be making something good." \ .APR 23 1881 SMITH &. PORTER, PRINTERS. BOSTON. A* PREFACE. Q$?HESE receipts have been contributed by housekeepers qfeg who have used and proved them. The book is not intended to take the place of a scientific cook book. It aims only to do what its title indicates — help those who are accus- tomed to cooking, and who know just how and when to use judgment. Cooking is made much easier in these days, by the convenient cooking utensils which can be bought for a small amount, and which, once having, one would never be without. Among these conveniences are the tin "cup meas- ure," — there should be two in your closet, one divided into thirds, the other into quarters. One or two double boilers, either of granite ware or porcelain; a soup kettle; two tin sheets, nearly the size of the oven, for baking cookies ; a frying basket; at least three wire broilers, one for steak, a fine one for oysters or fish, the - third for toasting bread. A dozen earthen cups make a little change from the ordinary gem pan, for baking breakfast cakes, and ^are very nice for steaming fruit or suet puddings. A few receipts have been added in this edition for the benefit of invalids, and it is hoped they may be found inviting and useful. COPYRIGHT, BY MRS. ELIZABETH STONE, 1* BREAKFAST and TEA CAKES CORN CAKE— No. 1. One pint Indian meal, two tablespoonfuls flour, one teaspoon- ful salt, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, one teaspoonful soda, one egg, one pint milk, one tablespoonful melted butter. Bake in two shallow pans. CORN CAKE-No. 2. One and one-half cups Indian meal, one cup flour, one and one-half cups milk, one egg, one cup molasses, one teaspoonful soda, a little salt. Bake in one sheet. CORN CAKE-No. 3. Two cups Indian meal, two cups flour, two cups sour milk, one and one-half cups molasses, one teaspoonful soda, half teaspoon- ful salt. Bake in one sheet. BREAD CRUMB MUFFINS (Miss Parloa.) One cup rolled and sifted bread crumbs. Three-quarters cup flour, one-half tablespoonful melted butter, one cup milk, one egg, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful salt; soak the bread crumbs over night in the milk ; beat white of egg stiff and put in last. Bake in gem pans half an hour. GRAHAM GEMS. One pint sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful salt, two parts Graham meal, one part flour sufficient to make a stiff batter. Beat well together and pour into hot roll pans and bake in a quick oven. INDIAN MEAL GEMS (Mrs. R. G. Brown.) One and one-third cups Indian meal, two-thirds cup flour, one- half cup sugar, one cup milk, one egg y two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, one teaspoonful soda. Bake in gem pan in a quick oven. RYE GEMS. Four tablespoonfuls each of rye and wheat flour, one pint of milk, two eggs, a little salt. Bake in gem pans in a quick oven. BROWN BREAD. One cup rye meal, one cup flour, two cups Indian meal, one cup molasses, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful salt ; mix with a pint of sweet milk and steam four hours. FLOUR MUFFINS. One pint milk, two tablespoonfuls butter, one cup yeast, a little salt, and flour sufficient to make a stiff batter. Rise over night ; in the morning add one teaspoonful soda. Bake in muffin rings. MRS. W.'S BREAKFAST ROLLS. Two cups water, two cups scalded milk, seven full cups flour, one-half cup yeast, one tablespoonful sugar, one teaspoonful salt. Rise over night. In the morning, add one-half teaspoonful soda. Bake in roll pans well heated. RUSK. Two eggs, one cup sugar, six cups flour, two cups milk, two tablespoonfuls butter, four teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, two teaspoonfuls soda. Beat the eggs, add the sugar and one cup of milk. Dissolve the soda in the other, and stir in with half the flour having the cream of tartar well mixed in it; then add the rest of the flour; melt the butter and add last. Bake in two pans. Nice for tea. LUNCH CAKE. One cup butter, two cups sugar, three eggs, four cups flour, one cup milk, one scant teaspoonful soda, two heaping teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, a little nutmeg. Beat together the butter, eggs and sugar; dissolve the soda in a little of the milk, adding the re- mainder and the cream of tartar, stirring briskly until it foams; then add to the butter eggs and sugar, stirring the flour lightly in last. Bake in one loaf. Serve hot. BERRY CAKE-for Breakfast. One-half cup sugar, one large spoonful butter melted and mixed with the sugar, two small teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, one small teaspoonful soda, two-thirds cup milk, two cups flour, two cups berries, a little salt. Bake in one sheet. BERRY CAKE. Three eggs, two cups sugar, one cup molasses, one and one- half cup milk, two-thirds cup butter, one teaspoonful soda, six cups flour, one quart berries, a little nutmeg and cinnamon. Bake in one large loaf, if to be used cold, or in two shallow pans and serve hot. Good either way. PANCAKES. One pint sour milk, one small teaspoonful soda, two eggs, a saltspoonful salt, the same of cinnamon. Add flour sufficient to make a batter which will drop easily from a spoon. Fry in hot lard. A good breakfast dish. DOUGHNUTS. Two eggs, one cup sugar, one cup milk, one tablespoonful butter, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, one teaspoonful soda, a pinch of salt, a little nutmeg, and sufficient flour to roll out and cut into shape. Fry in hot lard. BREAD CRUMB GRIDDLE CAKES (Miss Parloa.) Three-quarters cup rolled or pouuded bread crumbs, one and one-quarter cups milk, a pinch of salt, one teaspoonful butter, one teaspoonful baking powder, one egg. Soak the bread crumbs over night in the milk if they are to be cooked for breakfast. Beat the white of the egg and stir in last. A little flour must be added to the mixture to make a thin batter. SALLY LUNN. One pint flour, one pint milk, two eggs, scant half teacup sugar, same quantity butter, one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoon- fuls cream of tartar. Bake in shallow pan, in a quick oven, about twenty minutes. Serve hot. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. Rub a piece of butter, size of an egg, into two quarts flour; add a pinch of salt, one tablespoonful white sugar, one pint of milk scalded and added while warm, half a cup of yeast or one small yeast cake. When the sponge is light, mould for fifteen minutes, let rise again, roll out and cut into round cakes. When light, flatten with the hand; place a bit of butter on top of each and fold each over itself; let them stand a few minutes, then bake in a quick oven. SMITHFIELD CAKES. Pour over one pint of sifted Indian meal sufficient boiling water to scald it; then add one scant tablespoonful sugar, two eggs w r ell beaten, eight tablespoonfuls milk, and flour sufficient to make a batter to drop easily from the spoon into hot lard, and fry. This is a good winter breakfast dish and is also very good with TYI P it" S QUEEN FRITTERS— Glen House. Boil one pint of milk, and stir in sufficient flour to make a stiff" batter; let it cool, and then beat into the mixture five eggs, one at a time, a little salt, and fry in hot lard. SQUASH GRIDDLE CAKES. One and one-half cups squash, boiled and strained, one pint milk, one egg, one-half teaspoonful soda, same of salt, flour suffi- cient to make batter. Bake on hot griddle. BERRY GRIDDLE CAKES. Three tablespoonfuls of scalded Indian meal, one egg, one cup of sugar, four cups of flour, two cups of milk, one teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, one pint of berries, a little salt. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE To two quarts of flour add half a pound of butter, well rubbed in, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, wet with milk to dissolve it; knead quite stiff and divide into four parts, roll about one inch thick and bake on round tins in a quick oven. Have ready two quarts of strawberries (or more), mashed and sweetened, and a half pint of cream ; stir well together. Split the cake when baked, put on a plate, and butter, then spread thick with the mixture, put on the other half, crust down, and do likewise. This will make a dessert for eight persons. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE-No. 2. Make a crust like cream of tartar biscuit. One quart flour, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar well rubbed in, one tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful soda in one cup of milk, or enough to make a stiff dough. Roll out and bake on round tins ; when baked, split open and butter each half, and fill with strawberries well sweetened and mashed; spread the top with butter and sprinkle over white sugar. OMELET. Six eggs, one cup of milk, one tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful of flour, a little salt. Melt the butter in half the milk, wet the flour smoothly with the other half; beat the yolks of the eggs, and add to the milk, then stir it lightly, the whites "beaten to a stiff froth. Cook, on a hot spider, well buttered, one- third of the mixture at a time, turning one half over the other just as it is ready to take up. Serve on a hot platter. BAKED OMELET (Good.) Heat one dessert spoonful butter in three gills milk ; beat well four eggs; smooth a tablespoonful flour in a little cold milk, add a teaspoonful salt; mix the eggs with the flour and cold milk, add the hot milk, stirring briskly. Pour into a heated earthen dish and bake in a quick oven from fifteen to twenty minutes. TEA. Have the water freshly boiled, never use that which has stood boiling for hours on the stove. Scald the teapot, place in it the tea, allowing one teaspoonful for each person — reducing the quan- tity somewhat if there are more than five persons; pour over the tea in the pot sufficient hot water to rinse the tea thoroughly; pour off this water — if the pot is not provided with a strainer use common tea strainer — then pour over the grounds, the boiling water, one and a half cups for each spoonful of tea, and let the pot stand where it will keep hot, but not boil, for a few minutes. COFFEE. One cup ground coffee, one quart water, one egg. Beat up the egg^ shell and all, with the coffee, and add one-half cup cold water; let it stand four or five minutes; scald the coffee pot, put in the mixture and add one quart boiling water; let boil from eight to ten minutes; stir down once with a spoon. This quantity will serve five persons. 9 MEMORANDA. 10 MEMORANDA. 11 CAKE FRUIT CAKE. One cup butter, two cups sugar, four eggs, one cup sour milk, one-half cup molasses, five cups flour, one-half teaspoonful soda, one pound fruit, raisins, currants, citron; clove, nutmeg and cin- namon, one-half teaspoonful each, one-half glass wine or brandy if liked. THE BEST (Miss Maynard). One and one-quarter pounds brown sugar, one pound butter, eight eggs beaten light ; mix with the hand, adding one cup of any kind of jelly or fruit syrup, one teaspoonful soda dissolved in a little water, one teaspoonful cream of tartar stirred into one pound sifted flour, one grated nutmeg, one tablespoonful cinnamon, one tablespoonful clove, juice and grated rind of two lemons, two pounds raisins stoned and cut, one pound currants, three-quarters pound citron cut into thin strips. Roll the fruit in a little of the flour and add last. This quantity will make three loaves. Bake three hours in a moderate oven, or steam two hours and then bake one hour. WEDDING CAKE. Three pounds each, flour, sugar, butter; six pounds stoned and cut raisins, six pounds currants, one pound citron; the grated rind and the juice of two lemons ; one ounce cinnamon and nutmeg each, one-half ounce clove, one scant tablespoonful soda, one-half gill brandy and rosewater each, thirty eggs. Rub butter and sugar 12 to a cream, add the eggs well beaten, then the flour, taking out a little of the flour to sprinkle over the fruit ; smooth the spices in the brandy and add, then the fruit, and last, the soda dissolved in the rosewater or a little hot water. This will make four loaves. Bake slowly three hours. UNION CAKE. Four eggs, one cup butter, two cups sugar, four cups flour, one and one-half teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, one teaspoonf ul soda dissolved together in one-half cup milk; flavor with nutmeg. This will make two sheets, and may be varied by slicing a little citron into one sheet, and frosting the other. POUND CAKE (old-fashioned). Five eggs, the weight of five eggs in flour, the weight of five eggs in sugar, the weight of four eggs in butter, one-third tea- spoonful nutmeg. Stir the butter and sugar to a cream, add the yolks of the eggs, well beaten, and a part of the flour; add the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, stirring quickly, then add the rest of the flour. Bake in a loaf or in hearts and rounds. CUP CAKE. Five eggs, one cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, four cups flour, one scant teaspoonful soda, a little nutmeg. This makes two sheets. CORN STARCH CAKE. The whites of six eggs, well beaten, one and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup milk, one-half cup corn starch, one and one-half cups flour (mixed), one-half cup butter, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful soda; flavor with one-half teaspoonful almond. 13 CHOCOLATE CAKE. Take the yolks of six eggs, and one egg^ one and one-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of milk, one-half cup of corn starch, one and one-half cups of flour, one-half cup of butter, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda, nutmeg. Whites of three eggs well beaten, one and one-half cups of sugar; spread one-third of it on the cake, and to the remainder add six heaping tablespoonfuls of chocolate, and put all on the cake while hot. WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKE. Take receipt for "Bride Cake" and bake in three parts as for Washington Pie. Prepare a filling as follows: Boil two and one- half cups sugar and one-half cup (boiling) water, very slowly, until it becomes a thick syrup. Try it, by dropping a little into cold water (as for molasses candy) ; do not stir constantly while cook- ing. When it is cooked take from the stove and stir into it the well-beaten whites of three eggs, and stir occasionally while cool- ing. While it is still warm, spread it over each sheet of cake, sprinkling grated cocoanut over each ; then pile the cakes one over the other, covering the top with the mixture and cocoanut. FEATHER CAKE. Four eggs, two cups sugar, one cup milk, three cups flour, piece of butter size of an egg (melted), two teaspoonfuls cream tartar, one teaspoonful soda, a little nutmeg. This is a good cake for Charlotte Russe. ORANGE CAKE. Two cups of sugar, two cups of flour, one-half cup of water, the yolks of five eggs and the whites of three eggs, one teaspoon- 14 rind of one orange. Bake as for cream pie, split when cool, and fill with the whites of two eggs, one cup of sugar, grated rind and juice of one orange beaten to a stiff froth. ANNA'S SPONGE CAKE. Five eggs, one cup of line sugar, one cup of flour. Beat the yolks and whites separately, beat the sugar with the yolks thor- oughly, add the whites, and then stir in very slowly and in small quantities the flour — abput a teaspoonful at a time. Bake in one ( loa^Jn a jiegg pan. ^ XltYi the *™ s ' su - ar and " our > },dd the juice BERWICK SPONGE CAKE. Beat six eggs two minutes; add three cups of sugar, beat six minutes ; two cups of flour, with two small teaspoonfuls of cream tartar, beat one minute; one cup of cold water, with a small tea- spoonful of soda, beat one minute ; half the rind and juice of one lemon, two more cups of flour, a bit of salt. Bake twenty minutes. BRIDE CAKE. Two cups fine sugar, whites of four eggs beaten light, then added to the sugar; one tablespoonful of melted butter, two cups of flour, one quarter of a teaspoonful of cream tartar, one-eighth of a teaspoonful of soda, one cup of milk ; season with almond. GOLD CAKE. Take the yolks of the four eggs used for the bride cake, add one egg^ one-half cup of butter, one and one-half cups of sugar, one-half cup of milk, one-half teaspoonful of soda, three cups of flour; flavor with lemon or orange. 15 NUT CAKE. One and one-half cups of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one and one-half cups of flour, with one teaspoonful of cream tartar, one-half cup of milk, one more cup of flour with one-half teaspoon- ful of soda in it, three eggs, one cupful of any kind of finely broken nut meats ; one-half cup raisins, stoned and chopped. Bake in one loaf. SOFT GINGERBREAD. One cup of sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of milk, piece of butter size of an egg^ two teaspoonfuls of soda, one tablespoon- f ul of ginger, flour sufficient to pour like stiff batter. Bake in sheet or loaf. SOFT MOLASSES COOKIES (for children.) Two cups best molasses, one cup butter, one cup cold water, two teaspoonfuls soda, a little yellow ginger if liked, three full cups flour. Stir the soda into the molasses until it is thoroughly mixed and foamy, add a part of the flour, then the water and re- mainder of flour, and flavor; melt the butter and stir in last. Drop on to a well buttered tin sheet from the spoon enough to make a cake the size of a common cracker, leaving spaces between ; bake in a quick oven. When baked lay them flat on a large piece of brown paper to cool ; do not pile them over each other. This quantity will make thirty cookies. ROSA'S COOKIES. One egg^ two cups sugar, one cup cold water, one cup butter, one teaspoonful soda, the juice of half a small lemon, a little nut- meg; mix, and add sufficient flour to roll out very thin. Cut into long or square pieces and bake in a quick oven. These are very nice, and if packed carefully in cracker boxes will keep a long time. 16 HARD SUGAR GINGERBREAD. Three eggs, one quart flour, two cups sugar, one and one-half cups butter, one teaspoonful soda, one-half tablespoonful yellow ginger. Roll out thin and bake in rounds and squares in a quick oven. GINGER SNAPS. Boil together, for two minutes, one pint molasses, one cup shortening, one teaspoonful soda, one tablespoonful ginger; add sufficient flour to roll out easily in thin strips or round cakes. Bake quickly. AUNT MARIA'S COOKIES. Six cups flour, one cup butter, two cups sugar, three eggs, a little nutmeg. Roll out very thin and bake quickly. COUSIN MARY'S CRULLERS. Four eggs, six tablespoonfuls sugar, four tablespoonfuls melted butter, four tablespoonfuls milk, one scant teaspoonful soda, a little nutmeg. Roll out thin and cut in fingers shape and fry in hot lard like doughnuts. 17 MEMORANDA, 18 MEMORANDA, Ill PIES AND PUDDINGS. MRS. TIRRELL'S LEMON PIE. The juice and grated rind of one lemon, the beaten yolks of three eggs, one cup sugar, two tablespoonfuls of corn starch made smooth in a little cold water ; then pour over it one-half cup boil- ing water ; let it cool ; add a saltspoonful salt. Line a deep pie plate with pastry, and pour in the mixture and bake. Beat up lightly the whites of the three eggs with three tablespoonfuls fine sugar, and when the pie is baked cover with the puffing and brown lightly in the oven. MARLBORO' PIES. One quart stewed and strained apples, eight eggs, one-half pound butter, one pint cream, one lemon (juice and rind). Bake the pies without upper crust. This quantity will make three large pies. GREEN APPLE PIE (without apples). Six soda biscuits soaked in two cups cold water, juice of two lemons, three cups sugar. Stir all well together and bake in a pie without upper crust. MINCE PIE MEAT. Two pounds of beef and suet, each boiled and chopped ; four pounds of chopped apples, two pounds of raisins, two pounds of currants, two pounds sugar, one-half tablespoonful cinnamon, two nutmegs, one teaspoonful ground cloves, a little mace and salt, one cup of molasses, one pound citron, one pint of good wine, one pint of brandy, one quart of cider. 20 MARIETTE'S CREAM PIE. One cup fine sugar, one heaping cup sifted flour, one table- spoonful butter, one-fourth cup of milk ; one-half teaspoonful cream of tartar, one-fourth teaspoonful soda, two eggs beaten well, a little salt ; when cold split the cake and pour in a filling, made with one-half cup of sugar, one-fourth cup of flour, one egg^ stirred into one-half pint of boiling milk. Let it boil, and when cool flavor with lemon or vanilla. Very good. FILLING FOR LEMON TARTS. Two eggs, one cup sugar, two tablespoonfuls flour, two table- spoonfuls butter, one-half cup water, grated rind and juice of one lemon. Boil all together until it thickens ; let it cool before filling the tarts. PEACH PUDDING. One pint peaches, fresh or canned, sweeten to taste. Boil one pint milk, stir into it the beaten yolks of three eggs and one table- spoonful corn starch; let all cook five minutes in the double boiler. Pour this custard over the peaches ; beat up the whites of the three eggs with half a cup fine sugar, and pile over the top. Any other fruit may be used. ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING. One-half pint milk, four eggs, one cup sugar, one-half pound suet chopped, one nutmeg, one loaf baker's bread grated, one- half pound currants, one-half pound stoned raisins, one teaspoon- ful salt, cinnamon and soda, each; one-half glass wine or brandy if you like; steam four hours and serve with pudding sance, No. 1. BAKED PLUM PUDDING (Mrs. Keith). Six eggs, one pint milk, one-quarter loaf baker's stale bread, one cup raisins, one cup sugar, one teaspoonful cinnamon, half a nutmeg; grate the bread and pour over it the milk boiling hot; 21 beat the eggs and stir in, add the other ingredients, and bake in an earthen pan two hours in a slow oven, placing bits of butter over the top before baking. BAKED INDIAN PUDDING. One tablespoonful flour, two tablespoonfuls Indian meal, four tablespoonfuls molasses, a little salt, one-half teaspoonful ginger. Stir these well together and pour over, stirring briskly, two quarts scalding milk. Bake in a moderately hot oven two and a half hours. BOILED SUET PUDDING. One pint flndian meal, one cup flour, one-half cup molasses, one-half pound suet chopped, one scant teaspoonful soda, a little salt and ginger; mix with one pint sour milk, and boil or steam three hours. This is a good dish to serve with roast beef. TAPIOCA PUDDING. Cleanse one-half cup tapioca, and place in a double boiler with one pint of milk; let it soak and cook slowly until thick, then add five beaten eggs, leaving out the whites of three, a piece of butter size of an egg, one-half cup sugar, one pint cold milk; flavor with nutmeg, and add a pinch of salt. Bake three-quar- ters of an hour, then spread over the top the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, with one cup fine sugar, and brown slightly in the oven. COTTAGE PUDDING. One egg, one cup sugar, one cup milk, two cups flour, two tablespoonfuls melted butter, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, one- half teaspoonful soda. Bake in quick oven half an hour. Serve hot with sauce. 22 LEMON PUDDING. Six eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, then mix and add eight tablespoonfuls line sugar, two tablespoonfuls powdered cracker, the grated rind and juice of two lemons, one cup of milk. Line an earthen dish with nice pastry, pour in the mixture and bake like custard. SPONGE PUDDING. Four eggs, two and one-half cups sugar, one cup milk, one- half cup butter, three and one-half cups sifted flour, two teaspoon- fuls cream of tartar, one teaspoonful soda. Serve hot with cream, or pudding sauce. BATTER PUDDING. Beat lightly three eggs ; add three cups of milk, three cups of flour, three tablespoonfuls melted butter, a little salt. Bake three- quarters of an hour. Wine sauce. TAMER'S PUDDING (cheap and good). One cup of water, one cup of molasses, one cup of chopped suet, two cups of flour, one cup of chopped raisins, one teaspoon- ful of soda, a little salt and spice to suit the taste. Boil two hours. Serve with sauce. COCOANUT PUDDING. Three eggs, one and one-half cups of sugar, three and one-half cups of milk, one grated cocoanut, piece of butter size of an egg, a little salt. Line a deep dish with pastry, pour the mixture in and bake. To be eaten cold. GREEN CORN PUDDING. One dozen ears of sweet corn, split each row of kernels with a sharp knife and cut from the ear, scraping out with the back of the knife as much of the milk as possible ; then pound or chop 23 the corn flue, add two pounded crackers, one pint of milk, two eggs, two tablespoonfuls sugar and a little salt. Bake two hours in a moderate oven. If the corn is young ami very milky, reduce the quantity of milk; if old and dry, do not use so much cracker. This is a nice tea dish. Eaten with butter and pepper. SNOW, ICE AND THAW. Soak one-half package of gelatine in one cup cold water; then add a pint of boiling water ; when dissolved, add the juice of two lemons and a scant pint of sugar; when cold, add the whites of two eggs well beaten; beat all thoroughly for half an hour, to a stiff froth ; put into moulds and let it stand until the next day. Make a soft custard of the yolks of three eggs and one egg, with one cup of sugar and a pint of milk. Beat up the whites of three eggs with fine sugar. Turn the gelatine into a glass dish; pour over it the soft custard, and pile the beaten whites over the whole. The custard may be flavored Avith lemon or vanilla. THE QUEEN OF PUDDINGS. One pint of nice bread crumbs, one quart of milk, one cup of sugar, the yolks of four eggs, the grated rind of one lemon, a piece of butter size of an egg. Bake like a custard. When baked, spread over the top slices of jelly of any kind, and cover the whole with the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, with one cup of sugar, and the juice of the lemon. Brown lightly in the oven. RICE PUDDING. One cup of rice boiled in water until very soft, one quart of milk, the yolks of three eggs, one cup of sugar, grated rind of one lemon ; baked a light brown. Beat the whites of the eggs and one cup of white sugar together, add the juice of the lemon, spread over the pudding and brown it. This is a nice summer dessert. To be eaten cold. 24 GERMAN TOAST. Beat up lightly two eggs, add one pint milk, cut into slices a. loaf of bakers 1 bread, and soak five minutes in the milk and egg y adding a pinch of salt ; then fry in hot lard and butter, equal parts, until the bread is of a light brown on both sides, turning once. This dish is easily prepared for a breakfast dish, or may be served with a nice pudding sauce for dessert. CRANBERRY PUDDING. One cup sugar, yolks of two eggs, one and one-half cups flour, two tablespoonfuls butter, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, three- fourths teaspoonful soda, two cujds uncooked cranberries. Mix and bake three-quarters of an hour. SAUCE FOR CRANBERRY PUDDING. Whites of the two eggs beaten to a froth, one cup sugar, one tablespoonful flour; wet the flour with a little cold water and stir it into one-half cup boiling water; when cold, add the other ingredients. Flavor with vanilla, nutmeg, or orange. PUDDING SAUCES. HARD SAUCE. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter beaten to a cream ; add the yolk and white of one egg beaten separately ; stir all w T ell together ; flavor with lemon, vanilla, or orange. Set in a cool place. Sauce No. 2. Beat together two cups sugar, one cup butter, two eggs, and pour over the mixture, just before serving, one and one-half cups boiling water. Flavor with nutmeg or wine, if liked. 25 Sauce No. 3. One and one-half cups sugar, one egg, beaten together. Six tablespoonfuls boiling milk, added just before serving. Flavor with vanilla or rose-water. LEMON SAUCE (Mrs. Lincoln). Two cups hot water, one cup sugar, grated rind and juice of one lemon, one tablespoonful butter, three heaping teaspoon- fuls corn-starch. Boil the water and sugar five minutes; add the corn-starch wet in a little cold water; cook ten minutes; add the lemon rind and juice and butter. If too thick, add hot water. FANCY DISHES GELATINE CHARLOTTE RUSSE. One pint cream, one-half ounce gelatine dissolved in one gill of milk, whites of two eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one small tea- cup powdered sugar; flavor with bitter almond or vanilla. Set the cream on ice for an hour or more, and then beat it up with an egg-beater. Mix the beaten cream, eggs and sugar, flavor, and beat in the gelatine and milk last, which should be quite cold before it is added. Line a buttered mould with any light cake, sponge, or lady-fingers; fill with the mixture and set away to cool. LEMON CREAMS. One and one-half cups water, the grated rind and juice of one lemon, one cup sugar, yolks of three eggs, two tablespoonfuls corn- starch wet in a little of the water. Cook all together in the double 26 boiler until it is of the thickness of boiled custard. When the cream is cool, pour it into glass or china cups, filling about two- thirds full. Beat up the whites of the three eggs with one table- spoonful sugar, and pile over the creams. This quantity will fill half a dozen cups. ORANGE JELLY. One quart orange juice, one package gelatine, one pint water, juice of one lemon, two pounds sugar. Soak the gelatine in half a pint cold w T ater until soft, then pour over it one-half pint boiling water, stirring until the gelatine is dissolved ; add the sugar, lemon and orange juice, then strain into moulds ; or, it may be cooled on large platters. When cool, cut in small dice or break up with a fork and pile in cups or glasses. It must be kept cool. WINE JELLY. This jelly is made like orange jelly, substituting wine (sherry or Madeira) for orange juice. GELATINE ICE CREAM. Dissolve one-half package gelatine in a little cold water, just enough to cover it ; add one quart boiled milk, and sweeten to taste; when cooled, add one quart cream and flavor with vanilla, lemon or orange, and freeze. DISH OF SNOW. To a quart of whipped cream add the whites of three eggs well beaten, four tablespoonfuls sweet wine, one teaspoonful lemon, and sugar to suit the taste; whip the whole to a froth and pour into a glass dish. Serve at once. FLOATING ISLAND (Mrs. Warren). Beat the yolks of six eggs with the juice of four lemons, sweeten to taste and stir it in a quart of boiling milk until it thickens, then pour it into a dish ; whip the whites of the six eggs stiff and pile over the custard after it has cooled. 27 MEMORANDA. 28 MEMORANDA. 29 APPLE SNOW. Wash six large apples and put them into a stew-pan (without paring), covet with cold water and stew slowly. When they are soft, strain them thiough a sieve. Beat the whites of six eggs to a froth, add one cup line sugar, mix with the apple, and beat until white as snow. Then make a boiled custard of the yolks of the eggs, two whole eggs, one quart milk, sweeten and flavor to taste, and serve with the apple. A delicious dessert or lunch dish. PINEAPPLE SHERBET. One quart can preserved pineapple, strained; add a cup cold water to the fruit and squeeze out all the juice; add the juice of one lemon, and one tablespoonful gelatine wet in cold water and dissolved. The preserved fruit is usually sweet enough, but more sugar can be added to suit the taste. Mix and freeze. This is a pretty summer dessert; it looks so like snow. It is very little work to prepare a sherbet of almost any of the canned fruits which one may have in the house: currants, straw- berries, peaches, pineapple. Strain out the syrup, flavor with lemon and freeze. Oranges and lemons make very good water ices made in the same way. GELATINE CUSTARD (Mrs. Rutter). Into three pints boiling milk stir five well beaten eggs and two cups sugar. The moment it thickens, remove and strain into a cold bowl, adding, while it is hot, one-quarter ounce gelatine dissolved in a gill of rose water. While it is boiling, a custard must not be left for one second. Vigilance is the price for a successful boiled custard. SALAD DRESSING. One small bottle of sweet oil, the yolks of three hard boiled eggs cold, and rubbed very smoothly with the yolks of three raw eggs ; take two teaspoonf uls of mustard mixed with a very little 30 water, and a little salt, mix this slowly with the eggs and then mix thoroughly with the oil; then stir in very slowly one-third of a cup of vinegar, a very little sugar, a bit of red pepper, and a little cream. COOKED SALAD DRESSING. Stir together and place in a double boiler, three eggs, one table- spoonful sugar, one tablespoonful sweet oil, one-half tablespoonful mustard, and one scant tablespoonful salt, one cup rich milk (or cream), one cup vinegar; stir constantly, and as soon as it thickens, remove and strain it into a cold dish. Place in a Mason jar and it will keep several days in a cool place. Nice for salads, cold meats, fish and cold slaw. POTATO SOUP. Pare and boil four medium size potatoes. Place in the double boiler one quart new milk with a small onion. When the potatoes are cooked, mash, and pour over them the boiling milk, removing the onion. Return the soup to the double boiler and add one- half teaspoonful salt, a dash of white pepper, a tablespoonful flour, and a tablespoonful butter rubbed smoothly together; let it all boil for six or eight minutes and then strain into a hot dish and serve at once. A little more salt and pepper may be added if desired. MOCK TURTLE SOUP. Boil a calf's head until tender, strain out the liquor and set it away until the next day, then skim off the fat; cut up the meats with the lights, put it into the liquor, stew slowly for half an hour, season with pepper, cloves and mace; onions if you like; just be- fore taking it up add a half a pint of white wine. For the balls, chop lean veal fine, with a little salt pork, add the brains, and season with salt, pepper, mace and cloves; make up into balls about the size of half an egg^ boil part of them in the soup and fry the remainder; and serve on a separate dish. 31 TOMATO SOUP (Parker House). Five pints of beef stock, two onions, one carrot, one turnip, one beet ; pare the vegetables and cut into small pieces : boil forty- five minutes, and strain through a sieve, being careful not to pass through any of the vegetables. Put over the fire, and add a two- quart can of tomatoes; boil twenty minutes and strain it. Put a quarter of a pound of butter (or less if the liquor is rich) into the spider to brown, stir in three tablespoonfuls of flour until it makes a paste; pour this into the boiling soup, and boil ten minutes, add a teaspoonful sugar and the same quantity of salt. Serve hot. SCOTCH SOUP. Two pounds lean mutton, three quarts water, one small onion, one carrot, a little turnip, one-half cup barlej' or rice, one tea- spoonful salt. Cut the meat into small pieces, and trim off the fat. Boil the bones in a part of the water, while the meat is cook- ing in a kettle by itself. Skim all carefully; cut the vegetables into small pieces ; if barley is used it should soak several hours in cold water. When the scum ceases to rise, add the barley and vegetables, and let all simmer gently until the meat is thoroughly cooked, (two hours) then add a piece of butter size of an egg- smoothed with one tablespoonf ul flour ; strain, and add the water in which the bones have been cooked, let all boil together for a few minutes, season with pepper, and serve without straining. FRIED OYSTERS. Select the largest, remove all bits of shell and straw, and drain them on a coarse towel; dip each oyster in well beaten egg^ then in cracker crumbs, seasoned with salt and pepper; fry in hot lard until they are evenly browned; then lay them on a napkin over a hot dish, to allow the fat to drain off, and serve hot ; garnish with parsley. 32 BROILED OYSTERS. Cleanse carefully large oysters, dip each one in melted butter, then roll in cracker crumbs, finely powdered. Place on a fine wire broiler and cook over clear coals until brown on both sides Serve hot. CREAMED OYSTERS (Mrs. Lincoln). One pint hot cream, one tablespoonful butter, two heaping tablespoonfuls flour, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-half saltspoonful pepper. Melt the butter, being careful not to brown it, and add the dry flour, stirring quickly until it is well mixed ; pour in half the hot cream (or rich milk) and cook until it thickens; smooth all lumps, then add the rest of the cream. Cleanse one pint oysters and parboil until plump, skim carefully, then drain and add them to the sauce. Serve on toast, hot. POTATOES. It is a good plan to have on hand a few boiled potatoes. There are many ways in which they can be prepared quickly, and which make an inviting dish for breakfast. WARMED OVER POTATOES- No. 1. Place in the spider a generous slice of salt pork and let the fat fry out, acid a small piece of butter; chop four or five cold po- tatoes, not too fine, and brown them in the hot fat, stirring in a little salt and pepper. Remove the pork and turn the potato into a hot dish. TOASTED POTATOES. Slice the largest cold potatoes, place on the wire broiler and toast over a good fire until they are light brown on both sides; put them on a hot plate and season with a little melted butter, salt and pepper. 33 CREAMED POTATO. Place in the spider one cup of milk, a tablespoonful butter, and when it is hot, thicken with a teaspoonful flour wet in a little cold milk. Chop four or five cold potatoes and put into the spider with the milk; add a little salt, pepper if liked, and let it simmer until hot, being careful not to burn. VEAL LOAF. Chop three and one-half pounds (uncooked) veal, one-quarter pound fat salt pork together; add six common crackers Trolled or pounded), two beaten eggs, one-half cup butter, one tablespoonful pepper, a little clove, or mixed herbs to suit the taste. Mix all well together and form into a loaf; bake in a shallow pan, with bits of butter spread over the top, and a little water in the pan. Dredge with flour and bake slowly two hours, basting frequently. To be used cold cut in thin slices. This is a good lunch dish, or relish for tea. Keep in a cool place. RICE CROQUETTES. Wash thoroughly one-half pound rice; put over the fire in sufficient water to cover it; when it begins to boil, add one-half pint milk, and cook until soft ; add the beaten yolks of two eggs ; a little salt; when cool, roll into long round shape with the hand; dip them in powdered cracker and fry brown in hot lard. SWEET PICKLE. To seven pounds of fruit — peaches, pears, plums, citron, ripe cucumbers, etc. — allow one quart vinegar, one pint water, three pounds sugar (white or browh), two ounces whole mixed spices. Cook the fruit in the vinegar, water and sugar until it is soft ; then take it out. Put into the liquor the spices and boil for half an hour. Strain hot over the fruit. Place in small jars and cover. 34 SPICED CURRANTS. To live quarts of currants, free from the stems, allow three pounds sugar, one pint vinegar, one teaspoonful cloves, one tea- spoonful cinnamon. Cook the fruit in the liquor until it is soft; skim out, and boil the liquor an hour; then pour it oyer the fruit. Place in cups or glass jars ; cover closely. CHOPPED PICKLE (Mrs. M. H. Young). One peck green tomatoes, one large cabbage, fifteen white onions, ten large cucumbers (remove seeds). Chop all, and pack in layers with a generous sprinkling of salt between; let stand twenty-four hours; drain thoroughly, throwing the water away. Boil together three quarts cider vinegar, one-half cup tumeric, three pounds brown sugar, one-half cup ground black pepper, one ounce celery seed, three-quarters pound white mustard seed, three red peppers chopped fine; pour this over the chopped vegetables hot, and repeat the operation three successive days. Then make a dressing of one-quarter pound mustard, one cup salad oil, one tea- spoonful curry powder, one quart vinegar; mix, and stir well through the pickle after it has cooled from the third scalding. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE. One peck tomatoes, cut into thin slices, sprinkle generously with salt, and let them stand two days, then drain off the water. Slice ten onions, mix half of a small box of mustard, one-half ounce of white mustard, one ounce of white cloves, a little celery seed. Put into the preserving kettle a layer of tomatoes, onions and spice ; cover with cider vinegar, and let them cook very slowly until the tomatoes are clear. This pickle will keep much better put into small jars covered close. 35 TOMATO KETCHUP. Eight quarts strained tomato, six tablespoonfuls black pepper, six tablespoonfuls salt, four tablespoonfuls mustard, one table- spoonful ground cloves, one tablespoonful yellow ginger, one quart vinegar, one-half cup brown sugar, one tumbler of brandy. Boil very slowly until the quantity is reduced nearly one-half. Put into bottles. SUE'S SWEET TOMATO PICKLE. Slice one peck green tomatoes; put them in layers, sprinkle each layer with salt; let them stand over night, and in the morn- ing wash them from the salt. To one gallon of good cider vinegar add two tablespoonfuls white ginger, two cinnamon, one table- spoonful celery seed, three pounds of sugar, one ounce of cloves, and a little sliced onion. Let this boil together a little while, then put in the tomatoes and boil all until it is clear. Put up in small jars. MARY'S CHILI SAUCE. One dozen large ripe tomatoes, six small green peppers, six small onions, one and one-half cups vinegar, one cup sugar, one- third cup salt. Chop the peppers and onions, and boil all together twenty minutes. CURRANT JELLY. This should be made as soon as the fruit is ripe, about the 10th of July, before it becomes watery. Wash, and put into the kettle without taking off the stems. Do not add water. When the fruit is soft, strain out the juice, and for every bowl full, allow the same quantity of sugar. Put the juice into a kettle and boil gently for twenty minutes ; at the same time place the sugar in the oven to heat ; do not let it melt or brown : stir frequently. Then add the sugar to the juice, and boil together from three to live minutes. Take out a little in a spoon and as soon as it jellies 36 remove it from the fire. If boiled too long with the sugar it loses its bright color and becomes dark and tough. When a little cooled pour into jelly glasses and cover close with paper wet in brandy. Keep in a dry cool place. This is a good rule for making grape, quince and apple jelly, adding a little water. Bar- berry and crabapple require a little more sugar. CANNED FRUITS. Select fair, not over ripe, fruit. Remove skin and seeds from apples, quinces; the stones from cherries. Allow one-quarter pound sugar to the pound of sweet fruits; half a pound for peaches, and three-quarters for quinces and pineapple. If the fruit is hard, it should be cooked until tender in clear water, then placed in the jars and covered with the boiling syrup. Make the syrup in a preserving kettle, allowing a cup of water to two of sugar; skim carefully, then drop in the fruit, a little at a time, keeping it in shape. Take out when tender and place in hot jars; let them stand in a pan of boiling water, until the syrup is ready to be added ; then fill up the jars overflowing, and seal tightly. FRUIT PRESERVE. Two pounds Malaga raisins (stoned), one pint raspberry juice, five pounds sugar. Three oranges cut into small squares, with the peel left on them. Mix all together and boil twenty minutes. Put up in small jars or glasses. STEWED BLACKBERRY (Nantucket). One quart ripe blackberries; place in a stew pan without any water, let the fruit cook slowly a few minutes, then add one table- spoonful flour wet in a little cold water to smooth it, two table- spoonfuls sugar; let all cook together five minutes, then pour into moulds and cool. This is a good summer dessert. Serve with cream and sugar. MOLASSES CANDY. One pint molasses, one-half cup sugar, a pinch of salt. Boil all together until it is hard enough to handle; try it by dropping a little in a cup of cold water; then pour it on to a smooth tin baking sheet; when cool, divide in two parts and pull each until it is white and brittle, pulling straight, without twisting; make into flat sticks or squares. Keep in a cool place. MARY'S TAFFY. Two cups brown sugar, one-third cup butter, two-thirds cup water, the grated rind of half a lemon ; boil all together ; try it in a little cold water; when done, add the juice of half a lemon and a little vanilla. Pour into pans and cut in squares. SUE'S CHOCOLATE CARAMELS, One cup molasses, one and one-half cups sugar, one-quarter pound chocolate, one-half cup milk, piece of butter (egg size). Boil all together, trying it as you would molasses candy; stir all the time; when it is done, pour into shallow pans and cut in small squares. GRACE'S MOLASSES CARAMELS. One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup molasses, two table- spoonfuls water. Boil all together until it is hard; test in cold water; pour into shallow pans and cut or break as you please. EMMA'S CREAM BEER. Two ounces tartaric acid, two pounds of white sugar, the juice of half a lemon, three pints of water; boil all together Ave minutes; when nearly cold, add the whites of three eggs well beaten, with one-half cup of flour,* and one-half ounce of sassafras; let this all come to a boil ; when cool, put in bottles and keep in a cool place. When wanted for use, take two tablespoonfuls in two-thirds of a glass of cold water, and stir in quickly nearly a quarter of a teaspoonful of cooking soda. This is a delicious summer beverage. 38 MEMORANDA. 39 RECEIPTS FOR INVALIDS CORN STARCH or RICE FLOUR GRUEL. (Gruels should be cooked in a double boiler). One cup boiling water, one saltspoonful salt, two teaspoonfuls rice flour or cornstarch, wet and smoothed in a little cold water; then stir into the boiling water and cook eight minutes. Have ready a hot cup with a teaspoonful of cream, and sugar if desired, and turn into it the gruel. Serve at once. INDIAN MEAL GRUEL. Wet one-half cup Indian meal with a little cold water, and pour it into three pints boiling water; add half a teaspoonful salt, and let it simmer two hours; strain into a hot cup with a little sugar and cream, if liked. BOILED RICE. Cleanse one cup rice, soak half an hour in cold water; then put into rapidly boiling water (salted) and boil until the grains are tender; do not let them mass together; drain in a cullender and pour over the rice and through the cullender sufficient cold water to separate the kernels. Set in the oven and let it heat up, stirring with a fork. If this is done carefully, you will have a dish of boiled rice thoroughly cooked, and all the grains separate. OATMEAL GRUEL (Mrs. Lincoln). Crush with a rolling-pin or pestle two-thirds tumbler oatmeal; put back in the tumbler and fill it up with cold water, stirring as it begins to settle ; pour off the water into a bowl ; add water again and pour off; do this three times; you will then have a tumbler of oatmeal water ; boil this twenty minutes, slowly ; then strain it into a hot cup having in it a pinch of salt and a little cream. 40 ARROWROOT GRUEL. One teaspoonful Bermuda arrowroot, one cup boiling water, saltspoonful salt, one tablespoonful cream; wet the arrowroot with a little cold water, smooth to a paste, and add to the boiling water ; cook five minutes ; have ready a hot cup, with the cream and a lump of sugar; or, omit the cream and flavor with lemon juice; or, if ordered by the physician, two teaspoonfuls of brandy may be added. BEEF TEA. One pound round of beef ; trim off the fat, cut into small pieces and place in a Mason jar, covering the meat with cold water. Place the jar in a kettle of cold water with a trivet or two sticks in the bottom to prevent cracking the jar; let the whole heat slowly, and be kept hot until the juice is extracted from the meat (which will then be colorless and tasteless), then pour off and cool; remove all fat, and keep the tea in a cool place, using a little at a time as needed. This tea may be served hot or cold; flavor with salt and pepper, or lemon juice, or cream ; or add a well-beaten egg to one cup of the tea. BEEF JUICE. Broil a piece of steak quickly (three minutes), then press out all the juice and serve on a slice of hot toast. CHICKEN BROTH and JELLY. Clean and cut into small pieces, one chicken, breaking the bones. Put all together in a kettle and cover with cold water; let it heat slowly and simmer for two hours, skim carefully, add one tea- spoonful salt. Strain into a dish and cool; remove all fat. This may be put into cups and served cold, as jelly ; or it may be heated and flavored with lemon; or you may add one cup rich milk, the beaten yolks of two eggs, let it come to a boil like custard, and serve cold in cups. 41 BOUILLON (Mrs. Lincoln). Four pounds round of beef, two pounds bone, two quarts cold water, one tablespoonful salt, four pepper-corns, four cloves, one tablespoonful mixed herbs. Wipe and cut the meat and break the bones into small pieces ; add the water, heat slowly, add the season- ing, and simmer five hours; reduce to three pints; then strain, remove the fat, season with salt and pepper. MUTTON and RICE BROTH. Two pounds lean mutton, one pound cracked mutton bones, one cup boiled rice, two eggs, one-half cup milk, one quart water. Chop the meat fine and place with the bones in the soup kettle. Cover with water and cook slowly until the bones are clean, and the meat white and tasteless; strain, add the rice, a pinch of salt, simmer together, then add the milk and beaten eggs. Cook five minutes and serve. BROILED MUTTON CHOPS. Place the chop in a piece of white paper, well buttered. Turn the edges in all around like a turnover. Broil over a clear fire from six to eight minutes, being careful not to let the paper catch fire. Remove from the paper to a hot plate, sprinkle with salt and pepper. BROILED BEEFSTEAK. Cut the steak one inch thick, at least. Grease the gridiron, and place the steak upon it over a clear fire, being careful not to scorch. Cook from three to five or six minutes. Count three slowly, turn and count until the steak is done. Season with butter, salt and pepper. Serve hot. BROILED QUAIL and other birds. Cut off the wings close to the body. Cut off the feet at joints, to prevent shrinking; cleanse shot wounds; draw, cleanse and wipe thoroughly. Cut down the back and open out ; spread 42 with soft butter, sprinkle salt and pepper, dredge lightly with flour. Place in a well buttered piece of writing paper, fold in the edges so as to cover well, and broil over a clear fire from eight to ten minutes, turning whenever the paper smokes. Serve on buttered toast and garnish with parsley. TOASTED BREAD. Cut the bread evenly in slices a quarter of an inch thick; place in a wire toaster and hold over a clear fire, turning fre- quently until the bread is a golden brown color on both sides. Do not leave it for one second. Never take to an invalid a slice which has been scorched; the "burned" flavor cannot be scraped oft TOASTED CRACKERS May be served in this way : Toast on both sides without a scorch, and pour over them a little scalded cream ; add a sprinkle of salt; place on the dish a nicely baked apple with sugar sprinkled over it; or a little apple or quince jelly. This makes a very relishing lunch for an invalid. BOILED CUSTARD. Place one quart rich milk in double boiler; when it is scald- ing hot stir in to it five well beaten eggs, one cup sugar, and cook according to directions for "gelatine custard." BAKED CUSTARD. Beat lightly, four eggs, add one quart rich milk; allow one tablespoonful sugar for each egg. a saltspoonful salt; flavor with nutmeg, vanilla, orange or rose water. Pour into cups or a deep dish; place in a pan with a little water in it, and bake in a moderately hot oven. Test it by inserting the handle of a tea- spoon, if the spoon comes out clear and dry, the custard is done. 43 WINE WHEY. Boil one-half pint new milk; while it is boiling stir in one enp wine, Sherry or Madeira; turn all into a bowl, let it stand ten minutes, then strain and sweeten to suit the taste. Serve cold. MULLED WINE. Boil together one pint wine, one pint water; beat the yolks of four eggs with one large spoonful sugar, adding a saltspoon- ful clove or cinnamon, and stir into the boiling wine; turn into a pitcher or dish, beat up the whites of the eggs and place on the top. Serve with hot toasted cracker. IRISH MOSS LEMONADE. Clean thoroughly one cup Irish moss; place in a kettle and pour over it one quart boiling water; let it steep (not boil) two hours; mix the juice of four lemons and one large cup loaf sugar ; strain the moss water over it and cool. This is excellent for colds ; may be taken hot or cold. JELLY and ICE. Any sour jelly, currant, barberry, plum, mixed with half a tumbler of chopped ice makes a refreshing drink. LEMONADE. Allow for each lemon, one tablespoonful sugar, one tumbler water. Boil the sugar and water together; mix, strain and cool. COLD WATER. Boil drinking water one-half hour, strain into clean glass bottles, and after it is cool set the bottles in the ice-box. It will be sufficiently cold for invalids or for table use. EGG NOG. Beat together the yolk of one egg and one tablespoonful sugar; add two tablespoonfuls wine, or one of brandy or old Jamaica rum, one-half cup milk. Beat the white of egg to a froth and stir in last. The wine, brandy and rum should be given only under instruction of physician. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Breakfast and Tea PAGE. Cake, Best, Miss Maynard 11 Cakes. " Bride 14 " Chocolate 13 PAGE. " Corn Starch 12 Breakfast Rolls 4 " Cup 12 Brown Bread 4 " Feather 13 Cake, Berry 5 " Fruit 11 ' Berry, Griddle 7 " Gold 14 ' Corn, No. 1 3 " Nut 15 ' Corn, No. 2 3 " Orange 13 1 Corn, No. 3 3 " Pound 12 ' Griddle 6 " Wedding 11 ' Lunch 5 " White Mountain 13 < Smithfield 6 " Union 12 " Squash Griddle 7 Cookies, Aunt Maria's 16 Coffee 8 " Molasses 15 Doughnuts 5 " Rosa's 15 Fritters, Queen G Crullers 16 Gems, Graham 3 Ginger Snaps 16 " Indian Meal 4 Gingerbread, Soft 15 " Rye 4 " Sugar 16 Muffins, Flour 4 " Miss Parloa Omelet " Bread 3 7 8 Pies and Puddings. German Toast 24 Pancakes 5 Lemon Filling 20 Parker House Rolls 6 Mince Pie Meat 19 Rusk 4 Pie, Cream, Mariette's 20 Sally Lunn 6 " Green Apple 19 Short Cake, Strawberry 7 " Lemon, Mrs. Tirrell's 19 Tea 8 " Marlboro 19 Pudding, Batter 22 Cake. " Cocoanut 22 " Cottage 21 Cake, Anna's Sponge 14 " Cranberry 24 1 ' Berwick Sponge 14 English Plum 20 Pudding, Green Corn 22 Pickle, Chopped '« Indian 21 " Green Tomato •« Lemon 22 •• Sweet «< Peach 20 " Sweet Tomato " Plum, Mrs. Keith's 20 Rice Croquettes «• Queen of 23 Salad Dressing " Rice 23 " " Cooked " Sponge 22 Sherbet, Pineapple •« Suet 21 Snow, Apple " Tamer's 22 " Dish of » Tapioca 21 Soup, Mock Turtle Pudding Sauce, No. 2 24 " Potato •' No. 3 25 " Scotch " " Hard 24 Tomato " " Lemon 25 Taffy, Mary's Sauce for Cranberry Pudding 24 Tomato Ketchup Snow, Ice and Thaw 23 Veal Loaf Fancy Dishes. PAGE 34 34 33 35 33 29 30 29 Receipts for Invalids. Peer, Emma's Cream 37 Beef Juice 40 Blackberry, Stewed 36 " Tea 40 Canned Fruits 36 Beefsteak 41 Caramels, Chocolate 37 Bouillon 41 " Molasses 37 Chicken Broth 40 Charlotte Russe, Gelatine 25 Cold Water 43 Chili Sauce, Mary's 35 Custard, Baked 42 Currants, Spiced 34 Boiled 42 Custard, Gelatine 29 Egg Nog 43 Floating Island 26 Gruel, Arrowroot 40 Fruit Preserve 36 " Corn Starch 39 Ice Cream, Gelatine 26 " Indian Meal 39 Jelly, Currant 35 " Oatmeal 39 " Orange 26 Irish Moss Lemonade 43 " Wine 26 Jelly and Ice 43 Lemon Creams 25 Lemonade 43 Molasses Candy 37 Mutton Broth 41 Oysters, Broiled 32 Mutton Chops, Broiled 41 " Creamed 32 Quail, Broiled 41 Fried 31 Rice, Boiled 39 Potatoes, Creamed 33 Toasted Bread 42 Toasted 32 Wine, Mulled 43 " Warmed over 32 " Whey 43